.5MHINIVERS/A urno-fi^ TVO -.- "saiaoNY sen -T'- .-- I O v, .. ^ ; .v A" -- ^>5 A TREATISE PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY. SonHon: C. J. CLAY AND SONS, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, AVE MARIA LANE. : DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO. ILnpjtcj : F. A. BROCKHAUS. A TREATISE ON THE PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY M. M. PATTISON MUIR, M.A., F.R.S.E. FELLOW, AND PIUELECTOk I:T CHEMISTRY, OF GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. SECOND EDITION. "In nature everything is distinct, yet nothing defined into absolute independent singleness." WORDSWORTH. CAMBRIDGE: AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1889 [All Rights reserved. ] Cambridge : PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AND SONS, AT THE UNIVERSITY P^Go. 4S-3 If in this book I have shewn any just appreciation of the scientific study of nature, I owe it to the teaching of PROFESSOR SIR WILLIAM THOMSON. To him, therefore, I dedicate my work. PREFACE. THIS book is intended to give a fairly complete account of the present state of knowledge regarding the principles and general laws of chemistry. It is addressed to students of this science who have already a considerable acquaintance with descriptive che- mistry, but it is hoped that by such students the book will be found complete in itself; so that while it certainly deals with chemical principles and theories on the supposition that its readers have some knowledge of chemical facts, yet the book may fairly claim to rank as a systematic treatise on chemical philosophy. While I have tried to supply full information regarding those points which appear to me of most importance, I have also sought to avoid great detail, and to present a sketch of the principles of chemistry the parts of which shall hang together as being mutually dependent. To know what to omit has been one of the most difficult parts of my undertaking. The chemical student is too often subjected to a shower-bath of facts; he is made to feel that viii PREFACE. 'to sit as a passive bucket and be pumped into... can in the long-run be exhilarating to no creature.' An attempt is made in this book to treat the principal theories of modern chemistry to some extent from an his- torical point of view, and to trace the connexions between the older theories and those which now prevail in the science. It is hoped that the student may thus gain a firmer grasp of those theories than he is able to do when they are put before him as entirely creations of recent times. I have tried to deal with chemical facts and generalisa- tions so as to shew their reality. This can best be done, I believe, by following in the very foot-prints of the great discoverers, by watching them as they make their footing sure, and as they feel their way up the heights. That the student may be able to verify the accounts I have given of the more important investigations, and more especially that he may fill in the details which I have necessarily omitted, I have given copious references to original memoirs and papers; these references will, I believe, be found correct, at least I have spared no pains to make them so. I have also endeavoured to make the index full and complete. So far as I am aware, no sufficiently comprehensive guide to the study of the principles of chemistry exists, in an English form, although we have many excellent works dealing with descriptive chemistry, with the materials, that is to say, from which chemical science is being constructed. Professor Lothar Meyer's Die modernen Theorien der C/iemie, to a considerable extent meets the wants of the German student. I have made free use of that book in preparing my own ; but I venture to think I have incorporated in my general plan many important facts and principles which do not find a PREFACE. IX place in that admirable treatise. I have also regarded the whole subject from a stand-point somewhat different from that occupied by the German Professor 1 . To name all the books and journals from which I have derived assistance would be tedious and absurd; they are sufficiently indicated in the notes and references 2 . I have tried to rest every important statement on first- hand authority. When chemistry is regarded from the point of view of the great workers therein, it wears an aspect very different from that with which it confronts the mere text-book-taster. The book is divided into two parts. The first part is occupied with the statement and discussion of the atomic and molecular theory, and the applications thereof to such sub- jects as allotropy, isomerism, and the classification of elements and compounds. Somewhat full accounts are also given, in this part, of thermal, optical, and other departments of physi- cal, chemistry, in so far as the results and methods of these branches of the science are applicable to the questions re- garding the composition of chemical systems which are connoted by the term Chemical Statics. The second part of the book is devoted to the subjects of dissociation, chemical change and equilibrium, chemical affinity, and the relations between chemical action and the distribution of the energy of the changing system. These, and cognate questions, I have ventured to summarise in the expression Chemical Kinetics. 1 An English edition of Modern Theories is now published. 2 The full titles of the various journals referred to are given on pp. xxii, x> X PREFACE. I have been much aided in my task by my friends Mr C. Slater 1 , B.A., of St John's College, and Mr R. Threlfall 2 , B.A., Scholar of Gonville and Caius College. The former has read considerable portions of the proofs and has made many valuable suggestions ; the latter has read all, except the first chapter of Book I, and by his criticisms and remarks has helped me to make many important points much clearer and more accurate than they would otherwise have been. M. M. PATTISON MUIR. CAMBRIDGE, October 1884. 1 Now Lecturer in Bacteriology at St George's Hospital. - 2 Now Professor of Physics in the University of Sydney. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. THE aim and scope of the book have not been changed. The whole has been thoroughly revised, and Book II has been entirely rewritten. The revision will, I hope, make clearer than before the mutual dependence of the parts. Since the first edition was published, much important work has been done on subjects treated in Book I ; the results of this work have been noticed in the present edition ; at the same time some chapters have been shortened, especially that dealing with valency and isomerism ; the arrangement of these, and some other, chapters has been altered. The chapters on physical methods have been rewritten. When the first edition was published, the study of chemical affinity was entering on a new phase ; since 1884 progress has been very rapid, and to-day we are much nearer the goal than we were five years ago. The great importance of recent work on affinity has compelled me entirely to rewrite Book II. In doing this I have largely followed Ostwald's Lehrbuch der allgemeinen CJtemie ; without that admirable treatise, the part of my book dealing with affinity could not have been written. I am anxious to express, as strongly and warmly xii PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. as I can, my indebtedness to Prof. Ostwald. I also thank my friend Mr Douglas Carnegie, M.A. for help given in revising the proofs of Book II. ' As this edition has been some time passing through the press, and as the progress of chemistry has been very rapid during that time, the lists of errata and addenda are fuller than is usual in a book of this character. The student is requested to pay attention to these lists, and to incorporate the corrections and additions in the text. M. M. P. M. April 1889. TABLE OF CONTENTS. BOOK I. CHEMICAL STATICS. CHAPTER I. ATOMS AND MOLECULES. Paragraph Page If TRODUCTORY I Beginnings of atomic theory i 7 Daltonian conception of atoms 2, 3 8 Volumetric combination of elementary gases ) Law of Gay-Lussac \ 4 I2 Dalton's criticism of this law 5 12 Avogadro's generalisation ........ 6 13 Wollaston's equivalents 7 14 Berzelius' work on atomic synthesis 8 16 The Berzelian double atom 9 19 Dumas' attempts to determine molecular and atomic weights . 10 20 Notation, and system, of Laurent and Gerhardt .... 1 1 22 The atom, the molecule, and the equivalent differentiated . 12 24 The molecular theory of the constitution of matter ... 13 25 Application of Avogadro's law to determine relative weights of elementary molecules ........ 14 29 Table of molecular weights of elements 15 32 Precautions to be observed in determining molecular weights . 16 34 Correction of values obtained ....... 17 35 Deduction, from application of Avogadro's law, of definition of atomic weight 18 37 Table of data for finding maximum atomic weights of elements . 19 38 Atomicity of elementary molecules 20 45 Formulae of liquid and solid compounds 21 46 Table of maximum atomic weights of elements .... 22 48 Law of Dulong and Petit 23 48 Application of this law, in modified form, to compounds . . 24 50 Data concerning atomic heats of elements 25 51 Indirect determination of atomic heats 26 54 Discussion of law of Dulong and Petit 27 59 M. C. b xiv TABLE OF CONTENTS. Paragraph Page Specific heat of beryllium 28 61 boron, silicon, and carbon 29 63 Limitations to application of law of Dulong and Petit ... 30 66 Comparison of law of Avogadro with that of Dulong and Petit as aids in finding values of atomic weights .... 31 67 Mitscherlich's law of isomorphism 32 69 Groups of isomorphous elements 33 72 Application of this law to determine values of atomic weights . 34 74 Raoult's method of determining molecular weights ... 35 76 Chemical methods for finding molecular and atomic weights . 36 78 Comparison of chemical with physical methods for determining these constants 37-85 Table of atomic weights, with summary of data (and references to original memoirs) 38 85 CHAPTER II. ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. SECTION I. NASCENT ACTIONS. Examples of actions called nascent 39 96 Explanation of these actions in terms of the molecular theory . 40 97 Nascent state of compounds 41 99 Special cases: action of acids on metals 42 100 Experimental evidence of difference between actions of atsms and molecules 43 106 All reacting bodies in a chemical change influence that change . 44 107 Should the expression 'nascent action' be retained in chemical nomenclature? 45 109 SECTION II. THE DUALISTIC AND UNITARY HYPOTHESES. Electro-chemical investigations of Davy 46 1 1 1 ,, ,, Berzelius 47 113 The Berzelian dualistic hypothesis 48 115 Dualistic conception of acid and salt 49 116 Faraday's electrolytic laws . . . . . . . 50 117 Reaction against dualism led by Dumas, Laurent, and Gerhardt . 51 117 Conception of compound radicle retained by the new school . 52 119 Classification by use of typical substances 53 120 SECTION III. EQUIVALENCY OF ATOMS. Conception of definite substituting value applied to atoms . . 54 122 Fundamental data for determining precise meaning of terms monovalent, divalent, &c 55 124 Application of these terms to classification of atoms of elements . 56 125 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XV Paragraph Page Further explanation of expression valency of an atom . . 57 59 129 132 Consideration of possible meanings of expressions 'bonds' or 'units of affinity ' as applied to atoms 60 62 132 137 General considerations regarding valencies of atoms, especially as these are supposed to be deduced from study of non-gasifiable compounds .......... 63 137 SECTION IV. ALLOTROPY AND ISOMERISM. The molecule considered as a structure 64 138 Differences of atomic arrangements are connected with differences in energies of molecules 65 139 Two kinds of variations in atomic arrangement possible . . 66 139 Allotropy 67 141 Polymerism 68 142 Isomeric and metameric molecules 69 1 43 Formula for finding maximum number of monovalent atoms in a molecule ; saturated and unsaturated molecules ... 70 144 Possible isomerides of same empirical formula . . . . 71 145 Formulae of molecules which cannot exhibit isomerism . . 72 146 Illustrations of determinations of structural formulae . . . 73 146 Atomic groups characteristic of classes of carbon compounds . 74 151 Recapitulation of paragraphs concerning applications of hypo- thesis of valency 75 154 Generalisations used as guides in finding structural formulae . 76 156 Illustrations of use of these generalisations 77 156 Further application of hypothesis of valency to conception of the molecule as a structure 78 162 Functions of parts of a molecule are dependent on nature and struc- ture of the whole molecule ....... 79 162 Illustrations of dependence of functions of parts of a molecule on the nature and arrangement, relatively to given parts, of other atoms in the molecule 80 163 Illustrations of influence exerted on the function of one atom, or group of atoms, by the arrangement of all the atoms in the molecule 81 165 Chemical stability of a molecule is the result of balance between functions of various parts of the molecule . . . . 82 171 Many physical properties of compounds are also correlated with such molecular balance 83, 84 172 Thermal data connected with isomerism .... 85 89 174 179 General considerations regarding relations illustrated in pars. 85 to 89 . . 90 179 Application of these considerations to prevalent views on valency 91 180 Limitations usually placed on atomic explanation of isomerism . 92 181 Geometrical isomerism 93 182 b2 xvi TABLE OF CONTENTS. Paragraph Page Examples of use of hypothesis of geometrical isomerism . . 94,95 185 Summary of section iv 96 191 Appendix to section IV Lossen's criticism of the various meanings assigned to term valency .......... 193 ' Are the carbon bonds of 'equal value?' 198 SECTION V. MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS. Hypothesis of valency not strictly applicable to phenomena sug- gested by terms molecular compounds and atomic compounds 97 199 Definition of molecular compounds impossible .... 98 200 Illustrations of phenomena exhibited by bodies classed as mo- lecular compounds 99 201 Probable existence of particles more complex and less stable than the molecule 100 207 Work of Lehmann and others on physical isomerism . . . 101 208 No fixed boundary between molecular and atomic compounds . 102 218 The physical and the chemical conception of the molecule . . 103 219 CHAPTER III. THE PERIODIC LAW. Earlier investigations into connexions between atomic weights and properties of elements 104 222 Statement of the periodic law ....... 105 223 Illustrations of periodic connexion between atomic weights and properties of elements . . . . . . . . 106 224 Relations between atomic weights and atomic volumes . . 107 224 ,, and fusibilities of elements . 108 228 ,, ,, ,, and various physical constants of elements .......... 109 229 Illustrations of applications of periodic law : (1) to predict properties of unknown elements . . . no 230 (2) to guide the study of properties of similar elements . in 232 ' Odd series' , 'even series', ' long periods' 1 , and ' typical elemeitts' . 112 235 Connexions between general formulae of classes of compounds and atomic weights of elements in these compounds . . . 113 239 Valency considered as a periodic function of atomic weights of the elements . 114 241 General remarks on the periodic law applied to classification . 115 243 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. APPLICATIONS OF PHYSICAL METHODS TO QUESTIONS OF CHEMICAL STATICS. Paragraph Page Introductory 116 246 SECTION I. THERMAL METHODS. Introductory 117 247 Notation used in thermal chemistry 118 248 Endothermic and exothermic reactions . . . . . 119 252 Calculation of thermal values of chemical changes . . . 120 254 Illustrations of connexion between chemical changes and changes of energy 121 259 A chemical change consists of at least two parts . . . . 122 262 Attempts to determine thermal values of molecular decompositions 123 263 Thermal results applied : (1) to reactions between metals and acids . . . . 124 264 (2) to allotropy . . . .".... . . . 125 266 (3) to classification of elements 126 266 (4) to classification of compounds 127 267 (5) to neutralisation of acids by bases, and of bases by acids . 128 269 Connexions between thermal and material changes occurring in same chemical system 129 274 Influence of temperature on thermal value of a chemical change . 130 275 Influence of masses of reacting bodies on thermal value of a chemi- cal change 131 276 Thermal value of a chemical reaction is the sum of several partial values 132 277 The law of maximum work . . . . . . . . 133 278 Illustrations of application of thermal methods to determine struc- tural formulae 134 282 Connexions between boiling points and composition of hydro- carbons 135 286 Concluding remarks to this section 136 289 SECTION II. OPTICAL METHODS. Statement of methods to be considered in this section . . . 137 289 Formulae for calculating the refraction-equivalent of a carbon compound . . . . . . . . . . 138 289 Is the value to be assigned to the refraction-equivalent of an ele- ment constant in all liquid compounds of that element? . 139 291 Method of calculating atomic refraction from determinations of molecular refractions of compounds 140 291 xviii TABLE OF CONTENTS. Paragraph Page Connexions between molecular refraction and isomerism . . 141 292 Applications of connexions examined in preceding paragraph 142, 143 295 Specific rotatory powers of substances 144 299 Rotatory power depends on atomic composition of molecules, but is also modified by reactions between optically active and in- active molecules 145 303 van't HofFs hypothesis regarding connexions between molecular structure and specific rotatory power 146 304 Illustrations of modifying influence exerted by optically inactive substances on rotatory power of optically active compounds . 147 309 Magnetic rotatory powers of liquid compounds . . . . 148 311 Connexions between absorption-spectra and structure of molecules of carbon compounds 149 314 SECTION III. METHODS BASED ON DETERMINATIONS OF THE MOLECULAR VOLUMES OF COMPOUNDS. Explanation of constant considered in this section . . . 1 50 317 Data to illustrate connexions between molecular volumes and composition of compounds 151 319 Data to illustrate connexions between molecular volumes and actual valencies of atoms in given molecules . . . . 152 320 Data to illustrate connexions between molecular volumes and distribution of interatomic actions . ..... 153 4 321 Molecular volumes of solid compounds 155 325 Discussion of meaning of molecular volume . . . . 156 32 J SECTION IV. METHOD BASED ON 'ETHERIFICATION-VALUES'. Statement of method, and illustrations of application of this method 157 331 SECTION V. MISCELLANEOUS METHODS. Capillarity-constants 158 335 Transpiration-rates 159 336 Electrolysis 1 60 336 Concluding Remark* to Book 1 161 338 BOOK II. CHEMICAL KINETICS. CHAPTER I. THE LAW OF MASS-ACTION. Paragraph Page Introductory remarks on subject of this Book .... 162 339 Early history of term affinity ....... 163 340 Bergmann's tables of affinity 164 340 Berthollet's Essai de Statique Chimique 165 341 Bergmann's and Berthollet's views on affinity contrasted . . 166 345 Experiments on influence of mass 167 346 Guldberg and Waage's law of mass-action 168 347 Equation of equilibrium arrived at without using notion of chemical force 169 3^p Experimental verifications of equation of equilibrium . . . 170,171 351 CHAPTER II. CHEMICAL DYNAMICS. Methods of measuring chemical forces 172 355 SECTION I. VELOCITY OF CHEMICAL CHANGE. Equation for representing reaction-velocity 173, 174 356 Amount of change proportional to mass of changing body . . 175 357 Cases where several bodies undergo change simultaneously . . 176 359 Principle of coexistence of reactions 177 361 Case of a solid reacting with a liquid 1 78 362 SECTION II. CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. General sketch of methods 179 363 System of two changing bodies 180 363 System of four changing bodies 181,182 367 Thomsen's experiments on partition of a base between two acids . 183 368 Ostwald's experiments on the same subject 184 372 Etherification of alcohols 185 374 XX TABLE OF CONTENTS. Paragraph Page Equilibrium of physically heterogeneous systems . . . . 186 374 Summary of law of mass-action and principle of coexistence of reactions 187 378 SECTION III. THERMODYNAMICAL METHODS APPLIED TO CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. Horstmann's condition of equilibrium 188 379 Gibbs' ...... 189 380 von Helmholtz's_/9-w and bound energy ..... 190 382 Berthelot's law of maximum work 191 383 SECTION IV. MOLECULAR METHODS APPLIED TO CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. Williamson's hypothesis 192 385 Guldberg and Waage's treatment of the subject .... 193 386 Application of vortex-atom theory by J. J. Thomson . . . 194 387 SECTION V. DISSOCIATION. Instances of dissociation 195 389 So called abnormal vapour-densities 196 391 Equilibrium-pressure in dissociation-processes .... 197 392 Dissociation of ammonium chloride compared with that of hydrogen iodide 198 392 Dissociation of a solid into a solid and a gas . . . . 199 394 Dissociation when several compounds may exist together . . 200, 201 394 Absorption of gases by solids contrasted with combination of gases with solids 202 398 Application to dissociation of equations of equilibrium . . 203 398 Thermodynamical aspects of dissociation 204 401 Molecular ,, ,, 205, 206 402 Dissociation may be due to molecular collisions or to action of external agencies 207 405 Summary of Chapters I. and II. of this Book .... 208 405 CHAPTER III. CHEMICAL AFFINITY. Retrospect 209 407 Coefficients of affinity arrived at by using Guldberg and Waage's equation of equilibrium 210 408 SECTION I. SPECIFIC AFFINITY-COEFFICIENTS OF ACIDS AND BASES. Statement of equation of equilibrium in suitable form . . . 211 409 Thomsen's method of finding affinities of acids .... 212 410 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxi Paragraph Page Ostwald's examination of the constancy of the affinity of an acid or base . . . . . . . . . . 213 412 The same subject continued 214-220415-422 There is a definite connexion between electrical conductivities of acids in solution and the velocity-constants of the changes brought about by these acids . . . . . .221 422 Molecular conductivity of an acid defined 222 424 Law of dilution for monobasic acids 223 424 Affinities of monobasic acids connected with relative conductivities stated in terms of maximum conductivities .... 224 427 The law of Kohlrausch 225 428 Method for finding maximum conductivity of a monobasic acid . 226 431 Conductivities of polybasic acids 227 432 Conductivities of bases 228 435 Determination of affinity of a monobasic acid from measurements of conductivity of its aqueous solution 229 436 SECTION II. CONNEXIONS BETWEEN THE AFFINITY-COEFFICIENTS AND THE CONSTITUTION OF ACIDS. Statement of method for finding affinity-coefficients . . . 230 439 Examples . . . - 231 440 Dibasic acids .......... 232 443 General remarks on results obtained ...... 233 446 SECTION III. CHEMICAL CHANGE. Recapitulation of former paragraphs bearing on this subject . . 234 450 van't Hoff's law of osmotic pressure 235 450 Planck's work in the same direction 236 454 Arrhenius' development of the law of van't Hoff .... 237 454 Additive and cumulative properties 238 456 Ostwald's examination of the hypothesis of electrolytic dissociation 239 457 Summary of preceding paragraphs ...... 240 460 Hypothesis of chemical change occurring between electrolytes . 241 460 Limitations applied to this hypothesis 242 464 Action of the solvent on the dissolved electrolyte .... 243 465 Instances of chemical changes which occur only in presence of water ........... 244 466 Constitutive properties ........ 245 468 Affinity and valency 246 469 Affinity and energy-changes . ....... 247 471 Energy-changes and electromotive force 248 473 Concluding remarks 249 475 TITLES OF JOURNALS CONTAINING MEMOIRS TO WHICH REFERENCES ARE MADE. ABBREVIATED TITLES. Phil. Trans. Proc. R. S. Proc. R. S. E. C. S. Journal. C. S. Proc. Phil. Mag. Chem. News. Nature. Brit. Ass. Reports. Proc. R. I. Amer. Chem. Journal. I Amer. Journ. of Set. a or 1 Arts Amer. Journal. lAmet J Af (Sill. Proc. Amer. Acad. of Arts andSci. Gilberfs Ann. Pogg. Ann. Wied. Ann. Pogg. Beibldtter. FULL TITLES. Philosophical Transactions. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Journal of the Chemical Society. [Memoirs and Proceedings, 3 vols. (1841-1847). Journal, series 1, 15 vols. (1848-1862). ,, series 2, 15 vols. (1863-1877). ,, Transactions and Abstracts paged separately, from 1878 to present time. The volumes of this Journal are sometimes referred to by numbers beginning with volume i of series i, and running on consecutively to the present time.] Proceedings of the Chemical Society. [Beginning 1884.] Philosophical Afagazine. [Series 1 to 5.] The Chemical News. [Beginning from 1860.] Nature. [1879, an( ^ onwards.] Reports of the British Association for the Advance- ment of Science. [1831, and onwards.] Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. [1851, and onwards.] American Chemical Journal. [1879, and onwards.] American Journal of Science and Arts; since 1880 the title is American Journal of Science. [Con- ducted by Sillimann, and subsequently by Silli- mann and Dana. Series 1 to 3.] Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts ana Sciences. [Series 1 and 2.] Gilbert's Annalen der Physik und Chemie. [i 799- 1824.] Poggendorjfs Annalen der Physik und Chemie. [1824-1876.] Wiedemann's Annalen der Physik und Chemie. [Continuation of Pogg. Ann. from 1877; fre- quently quoted in memoirs, &c., as Ann. Phys. Chem. Series 2.] Beibldtter zu den Annalen der Physik und Chemie. [1877, onwards.] TITLES OF JOURNALS OF REFERENCE. XXlll ABBREVIATED TITLES. Annalen. J.fiir prakt. Chemie. Ber. (Fresenius's Zeitschr. \ \Zeitschr. anal. Chemie} Zeitschr. fiir Chemie. Zeitschr. fiir physikal. Chemie. Zeitschr. fiir Krystallog. Schweigger 's Journal. Sitzber. der K. Akad. zu Wien. Sitzber. der Wiss. Akad. zu Berlin. Jahresberichte. Compt. rend. Mem. de FAcad. Ann. -Chim. Phys. Bull. Soc. Chim. Mem. de la Soc. d^Arcueil. Mem. couronn. de fAcad. Brux. Ann. Min. Gas. FULL TITLES. Liebig's Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. [Continued since Liebig's death under same title.] Journal fiir praktische Chemie. [Series 1 and 2.] Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft. [Abstracts of papers published elsewhere are paged consecutively with the transactions until 1883; from 1884 and onwards the abstracts, Referate, are paged separately.] Zeitschrift fiir analytische Chemie, herausgegeben von Dr C. R. Fresenius. [1862, onwards.] Zeitschrift fiir Chemie. [Conducted by Beilstein and Fittig. Series 1 and 2. 1858 to 1871. Publication discontinued.] Zeitschrift fiir Physikalische Chemie, Stochiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre ; herausgegeben von W. Ostwald und J. H. van't Hoff. [1887, on- wards.] Zeitschrift fiir Krystallographie und Mineralogic. [1877, onwards.] Journal fiir Chemie und Physik. [Conducted by J. S. C. Schweigger. 1811-1833.] Sitzungsberichte der Matfiematisch-naturwisscn- schaftliche Classe der Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften (Wien). [Each volume contains i or 3 parts (Abtheilungen) ; each part is bound and paged as a separate volume ; the arrange- ment is perplexing.] Sitztingsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. [1854, and onwards.] Jahresberichte iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie, &c. [Staedel edited a very useful Jahresber. iiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Reinen Chemie 1873-1881.] Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Stances de P Academic des Sciences. [1835, onwards.] Memoir es de FAcademie Roy ale des Sciences de Flnstitut de France. [ 1 8 1 6, onwards. ] Annales de Chimie et de Physique. [Series 1 to 6.] Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de Paris. [1864, onwards.] Memoires de Physique et de Chimie de la Societe cTArcueil. [3 vols. 1807-1817.] Memoires couronnts par FAcademie royale des Sciences et Belles- Lettres de Bruxelles. [1827, onwards.] Annales des Mines. [Series 1 to 8.] Gazetla chimica italiana. ERRATA. The Student is advised to insert the following corrections in their proper places in the text. 28. Note i; for 'Chap. III.' read 'Chap. II. sections 4 and 5'. 33. Dele nos. 1 1 and 1 2 in table. Note i; for '1888' read '14. 410'. 34. Note i; for '1888' read '14. 410'. ,, Notes n and 12; dele, and substitute 'Biltz (Zeitschr. fur physikal. Ckemie, 2. 920) shews that the molecular weight of sulphur gas is represented only by the formula S 2 '. 38. Fourth line from top ; for 'the weight of of hydrogen' read 'twice the specific gravity of a gas referred to hydrogen as unity'. 42. Fourth line from bottom; for '257*0' (in fourth column) read '254-84', and/or '193' (in fifth column) read '191'. 43. Line 5 from bottom; in place of data for ferric chloride insert '5' 15 | i48'68 | i62'oi | 55'9 iron+io6'ii chlorine'. 44. Note 5; for '1887' read '14. 410'. Note 6; dele and insert 'Biltz and Meyer, Zeitschr. fur physikal. Chemie, 2. 184'. Note 12; dele and insert 'Griinewald and V. Meyer, Ber. 21. 687'. 45. Table; dele last column. 48. Table; for '[Iron ni'8]' read 'Iron 55'9', and for '[Gallium 138]' read 'Gallium 69-9'. ,, Table; for 'Osmium i93(?)' read 'Osmium 191'. ,, Note i; dele. Note i;for 'elements' read 'element'. 53. Bottom line ; for 'in' read 'on'. 60. Second line from top ; for ' omitting the three elements which are placed in brackets in the former table, of the 43 elements' read 'omitting the element which is placed in brackets in the former table, of the 45 elements'. ,, Fourteenth line from top; for 'there are three elements viz. iron, copper, and gallium' read 'there is one element viz. copper'; and make the necessary corrections in other parts of this page. 71. Sixth line from bottom ; for 'form' read 'forms'. 88. Third line from top of table, second column ; for ' Fe 2 Cl 6 ' read 'FeCl 3 '. \ See Addenda. ,, fifth column; dele '[see p. 60]'. ERRATA. XXV PAGE 91. Second line from bottom of table; for '193' read 'igi';for '48-25' read '4775'; a f ier 'Osmium tetroxide' add 'Potassium-osmium chloride'; dele note in column VIH. referring to osmium; transpose data regarding osmium so as to come above data for iridium. See Addenda. 99. Note carried on from p. 98 ; dele last two lines of this note. in. Note; dele this note. 126. Note; dele 'determinations of the spec, gravity this question' and insert 'According to Thorpe and Hambly (C. S. Journal, B5. 163) there is no evidence for the separate existence of a definite gaseous molecule of hydrogen fluoride other than HF'. 128. Line 12 from bottom ; for '37' read '39' l Line it from bottom ; for 'six' read 'nine' j k 130. Line 1 8 from bottom; for 'six' read 'nine', and for '37' read '39'. 131. Line 12 from bottom; for '37' read '39'. 141. Line 13 from top; for 'six' read 'five', and dele 'sulphur'. ,, Line 18 from top; dele from 'the molecule of sulphur' to '2 atoms'. ,, Line 6 from bottom; dele from 'of the hexatomic' to 'of sulphur'. 143. Line 13 from bottom; dele from 'another instance' to 'SnCl 2 '. 1 86. Line 2 from bottom; for 'carbonation' read 'carbon atom'. 210. Line 10 from bottom ; for '195' read '195'. 225. Table, Group fn ; for 'Ga = 69' read 'Ga = 7o'. ,, ,, vni ; for ( Os=i93(?)' read '05=191', and transpose Os and Ir, putting Os before Ir. 229. Line 15 from top; for '585' read '585'. 230. Line 1 4 from bottom ; for '69' read '70'. 231. Line 2 from top ; for '69' read '69'9'. 236. Table, Group ill; for 'Ga=69' read 'Ga=7o'. ,, ,, vni ; for '05=193' read ' 05=191', and place Os before Ir. 292. Line 8 from bottom; paragraphing wrong, for '41' raz x)= j (P' + x)'. 355. Line 8 from bottom ; for 'constant' read 'coefficient'. 359. Line 3 from top; for 'cases where more than one body undergoes' read 'cases where limited quantities of more than one body undergo'. 361. Line 5 from top; for 'if A = FeSO 4 and B = KC1O 3 ' read 'if A = the quantity of potassium chlorate and B = the quantity of ferrous sulphate'. 364. Line 1 1 from top ; for ' obtained ' read ' attained '. ,, Line 14 from bottom; dele 'and as these masses are independent of the original values of/ and/". 365. Line 1 6 from bottom; dele 'constancy of the'. 367. Line 13 from top; after 'and therefore' insert 'by the same reasoning'. 371. Line 5 from top; dele 'and '. 372. Lines 9 and 10 from bottom; for 'increase' read 'decrease'. 373. Line 17 from bottom ; for 'greater' read 'smaller'. ,, Line 15 from bottom ; for 'increase' read 'decrease'. 376. Line 15 from top; for 'a constant temperature' read 'constant temper- atures'. ADDENDA. The Student is advised to insert the following additions in their proper places in the text. PAGE 34. Line 3 from top; add 'Biltz and Meyer (Ber. 22. 725) have vaporised arsenic, antimony, bismuth, phosphorus, and thallium, at about 1700; the vapour densities point to the molecular formulae As,, Sb,, Bi, ?P 2 , T1 2 . These results are not regarded as final by Biltz and Meyer'. 39 43. Insert in table ; ' 3b Tellurium diethide 6-47 i86'8 182*88 125 tellurium + 47-88 carbon + 10 hydrogen'. <3c Bismuth triethide 9*1 262-2 252-91 208 bismuth +35-91 carbon + 9 hydrogen '. 1 12 F err ous chloride 4-31 124-43 127-64 55-9 iron +71-74 chlorine'. 44. Note i ; add 'See also Thorpe and Hambly C. S. Journal, 55. 163'. Insert Note; '3 b and 3. Marquardt, Ber. 21. 2035'. Note ii ; in loth line of note insert 'see also Roux and Louise, Compt. rend. 106. 73; also Quincke, Zeit. fiir physikal. Chemie, 3. 164. For a col- lection of data bearing on vapour densities of the chlorides of Al and allied metals, see Young, Nature, 39. 198'. Insert note; ' 12". Nilson and Pettersson, C. S. Journal, 53. 827'. Note 13; at end of note add 'See also Nilson and Pettersson, C. S. Journal, 53. 822'. 76. Note; add ' For practical methods of applying Raoult's law see (among others) Hentschel Zeitschr. fur physikal. Chemie, 2. 306; Beckmann, ibid. 2. 638, Eykman, ibid. 2. 964 '. 83. Note ; add ' The example given in the text is not a good one, as the existence of any definite gaseous molecules of ferric and ferrous chloride except FeCl 3 and FeCl 2 is very doubtful; see p. 44'. 88. First line of table, second column; See p. 49 . 8 See pp. 6976. s Berzelius formulated the law of isomorphism in its bearing on the problem of determining atomic weights thus ; (Lehrbuch, 3rd ed., vol. I. p. 98) when one body is isomorphous with another the number of atoms in which is known, then the number of atoms in the other is known also, because isomorphism is a mechanical consequence of identity of atomic structure. 4 Jahresberichte, 1828. 73. 2 2 -:20 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I to accept Avogadro's hypothesis while admitting Gay Lussac's "generalisation, led him to a very curious result. Two volumes of hydrogen, weighing 2, combine with one volume of oxygen, weighing 16, to form two volumes of water-gas. Therefore, said Berzelius, two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form one atom of water- gas. But water contains less oxygen, relatively to hydrogen, than any other known oxide of hydrogen, therefore it is better to regard it as a compound of one atom of oxygen with one double atom, or with one atom itself composed of two equivalents, of hydrogen. Again, in the formation of the lowest oxide of nitrogen two volumes of nitrogen combine with one of oxygen ; but it is better to regard the nitrogen as composed of double atoms each occupying twice the volume of the atom of oxygen. Once more; hydrogen and chlorine combine in equal volumes, and the volume of the product hydrochloric acid is equal to the sum of the volumes of its constituents ; but as the hydrogen atom was regarded by Berzelius as double, he wrote the atomic syn- thesis of hydrochloric acid as H 2 + C1 2 = H 2 CI 2 . 2 vols. 2 vols. 4 vols. These results are evidently to be traced to the failure of Berzelius clearly to distinguish atom from equivalent, and to his refusal fully to accept the distinction between atom and molecule enunciated by Avogadro 1 . To the great French chemists, Dumas, Gerhardt and Laurent, is chiefly due the introduction into general use of a system of notation and classification founded on Avogadro's distinction between atoms and molecules. 10 Dumas early accepted Avogadro's hypothesis ; from the specific gravities of gases he deduced the relative weights of the molecules of these gases : in order to gain more informa- tion regarding molecular weights he introduced a new method for finding the specific gravities of gases. By this method he 1 For a more detailed account of the work of Berzelius on atomic weights see Ladenburg's Entwickelnngsgeschiihtc d?r Chetnic, pp. 89 100. CIIAI'. I. 10] WORK OF GERHARDT AND LAURENT. 21 determined the molecular weight of sulphur to be 96, and that of phosphorus to be 1 24 ; but from the analogy of sulphur compounds with those of oxygen, from various chemical considerations regarding phosphorus compounds, and, I think we must add, from not keeping Avogadro's statement quite distinct from that of Gay Lussac, Dumas convinced himself that these results were incorrect. The molecular weight of mercury also seemed to be abnormal. Dumas knew of exceptions to the law of Dulong and Petit. Mitscherlich's law of isomorphism remained ; but Mitscherlich had himself shewn that the same compound might assume more than one crystalline form ; how then could trustworthy conclusions regarding atomic structure be deduced from so vague a law ? Dumas, and indeed chemists generally, began to despair of the whole theory of atoms ; they tried to find relief in equivalents, so called, and in spite of the many difficulties they gradually tended towards an equivalent notation, a notation which nevertheless they could not make thoroughly self-consistent, but which seemed to involve fewer hypotheses than that founded on the theory of atoms 1 . L. Gmelin even regarded the law of fixity of composition as only true under special conditions. When the affinity between two bodies is small, they may be united, said Gmelin, in almost any proportions, when the affinity is large they tend to combine in fixed proportions. A number may be given to each element representing the relative amount of that element which combines with other elements to form stable and well-marked compounds; this 'combining weight' may be called ' atomic weight,' but it is only a number. Gmelin adopted 8 as the combining weight of oxygen, 6 as that of carbon &c.: the formula of water on his system again became HO. The notation used by Gmelin was at best a compromise, and unsatisfactory, but it was very generally adopted for many years. Inorganic chemistry had failed to introduce an accurate 1 For a general account of Dumas' influence on chemical theories see his Lt'.'0>is stir la Philosophic Chiiniqiie, republished in 1878. 22 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. and satisfactory theory of chemical structure; it was now the turn of organic chemistry to attempt the task. 11 Among the most ardent followers of the new chemistry introduced by Dumas, were two men whose names are ever to be associated as those of a brilliant pair of students of nature who died all too early for the work which seemed given them to do. Gerhardt and Laurent occupy a prominent place among the modern reformers of chemistry; they introduced order into chemical notation, and system, where system had been conspicuous by its absence 1 . In criticising the system of so-called equivalent weights Gerhardt adopted the only true method; he studied actually occurring chemical reactions. In a number of reactions between compounds of carbon in which carbon dioxide, water, and ammonia were produced, Gerhardt 2 found that when so-called equivalent weights of the reacting bodies were employed, the smallest quantities of these three compounds produced were always those repre- sented by the formulae C 2 O 4 , H 2 O 2 , and NH 3 , respectively (C = 6, N = 14, O = 8). He therefore concluded that these formulae, rather than the commonly accepted formulae, CO 2 , HO (and NH 8 ), must represent equivalent weights of the compounds in question. Similarly he concluded that the equivalent formulae of sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide must be S 2 O 4 and C 2 O 2 respectively (S=i6, O = 8, C = 6): and arguing from these conclusions he thought himself justified in saying that the true equivalents of carbon, sulphur, and oxygen, are 12, 32, and 16, and not 6, 16, and 8, as generally adopted. Gerhardt likewise applied his acute reasoning powers to an examination of the arguments which determined Berzelius and others to adopt formulae represent- ing weights of four volumes of many carbon compounds ; these arguments he proved to be fallacious. Laurent examined the groundwork on which the systems 1 Laurent's Chemical Method (Cavendish Society Publications) gives a general account of the more important work of these chemists. 2 J- fur prakt. Chemie, 27. 439; and Ann. Chim. Phys. [3] 7. 129: and 8. CHAP. i. 1 1] LAURENT'S NOTATION. 23 of equivalent and atomic notation were based. His methods of reasoning were founded on experimentally determined facts, hence their irresistible force. If formulae are to re- present equivalent masses of substances, then said Laurent, a standard must be adopted. But it had been frequently shewn that the quantities represented by so-called combin- ing weights were not always mutually equivalent. Power of neutralising unit mass of standard substance might be adopted as the reaction on which to base the system, but this method could be applied only to a limited number of substances. The idea of equivalency is associated with function. What is a given substance capable of doing?: this question must be answered before the equivalent of the substance can be determined. But in one action certain weights of two bodies may be equivalent, while altogether different weights of the same bodies are equivalent in another reaction. Laurent affirmed that it was possible to found a systematic notation on equivalent weights assigned to the elements. Thus, in ferrous oxide 28 parts by weight of iron are combined with 8 parts by weight of oxygen; let Fe = 28, then ferrous sulphate is represented by the formula Fe 2 SO 4 : but in ferric oxide there are 2.^ (i.e. i8'6) parts by weight of iron for every 8 parts by weight of oxygen ; let fe = 1 8'6, then the formula for ferric sulphate is fe 2 SO 4 . The formulae Fe 2 SO 4 and fe 2 SO 4 represent strictly equivalent quantities of the two sulphates of iron. So also if the composition of potassium- hydrogen sulphate is expressed by the formula KHSO 4 , then, in a system of notation founded on equivalent weights, the composition of the double sulphate of potassium and alu- minium is represented by the formula K^A1|SO 4 (Al = 27'3). But such a notation is inconvenient, and it frequently conceals most important facts: e.g. in a strictly equivalent notation the differences between monobasic and polybasic acids dis- appear ; thus, the compositions of the masses of monobasic hydrochloric acid, dibasic sulphuric acid, and tribasic phos- phoric acid, which severally neutralise equal masses of potash, are expressed by the formulae HC1, HS^O,, and HP^^. re- spectively (Cl = 35-5, S = 32, O = 16, P = 31). 24. ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. Laurent returned to the generalisation of Avogadro and made that the basis of his system; he clearly distinguished between molecules and atoms, and he applied the law of equal volumes and equal numbers to molecules only. He admitted that apparent exceptions to the Avogadrean law existed, e.g. the molecules of sulphuric acid and salammoniac vapour appeared to occupy twice the volume occupied by the mole- cule of hydrogen; but he said that this hypothesis gene- ralised the facts better than any other which had been pro- posed. Laurent founded his system on an atomic basis, and a fundamental point was the distinction between atom and molecule. He adopted formulae representing two volumes: the facts of 'nascent' action he sought to explain by the con- ception of atoms as distinct from molecules. A molecule he defined to be "the amount of a gaseous substance which occupies twice the volume occupied by an atom of hydro- gen," or, "the smallest amount of a substance capable of taking part in a chemical reaction." An atom he defined as "the smallest amount of an element which enters into the composition of a compound." Here we have the application of the term molecule to elements and compounds alike, while atom is used of elements only. Equivalents are the amounts of bodies which are of equal value in performing a stated action. Gerhardt and Laurent adopted the laws of atomic heat and isomorphism as aids in determinations of atomic weights. 12 Chemical evidence in favour of the division of elementary molecules during chemical changes was accumulated by Brodie, Wurtz, Williamson and others; but the work of these chemists will be referred to in more detail when we come to speak of the chemical methods for determining molecular weights (see pp. 7985). Thus, at last, we have arrived at a clear separation between the meanings of the terms atom, molecule, equivalent. The system now adopted in chemistry is essentially that of Gerhardt and Laurent; it is founded on the conception of atoms and molecules. Dalton's fundamental idea has been CHAP. I. 12-13] MOLECULAR THEORY OF MATTER. 2$ amply confirmed by modern research. We have maintained the idea of equivalency, but we no longer speak, as Wollaston did, of the equivalent of an element ; we compare the elementary atoms among themselves and arrange them in groups, all the members of each of which are equivalent in respect of a certain definite action they are capable of per- forming. A true and fundamental conception once gained in science is never lost; it may be largely modified, it may even appear at times to be abandoned, but it develops slowly and bears much fruit at last. The vicissitudes in the fortunes of a truly scientific idea are aptly illustrated by the history of the atomic theory. After a period of dormancy of more than 2000 years, the atomic theory was revived and rendered definite by Dalton; was firmly established on an experimental basis by Berzelius; was almost abandoned by the school founded by the same chemist; was rehabilitated and again nearly despaired of by Dumas; was largely advanced by Avogadro; was subdivided and its parts clearly distinguished by Gerhardt and Laurent, and is now the foundation-stone of a great and ever-increasing edifice. 13 Thus far I have dealt with the development of the atomic and molecular theory regarded almost entirely from the chemical point of view. So great however is the importance of clearly perceiving the position which this theory occupies in modern chemistry, and of realising the nature of the physical evidence on which, in its more recent development, the theory so largely rests, that I must endeavour very briefly to give a sketch of that evidence, remembering always that it is as chemists, not as physicists, that we are interested in this subject. There are two general theories of the structure of material substances: one assumes that apparently homogeneous bodies are really homogeneous throughout ; a theory which is in- capable of explaining the observed properties of matter ; and the other asserts that apparently homogeneous bodies are possessed of a grained structure. 26 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. Viewed from a distance, a brick wall, or a body of soldiers, appears to be one reddish-coloured homogeneous mass, but a nearer observer sees that the wall is made up of distinct parts, that the company is composed of individual men. The molecular theory supposes that were our senses sufficiently acute, we should see the grains or particles of which an apparently homogeneous mass of matter is com- posed. The theory begins by assuming that any material body "is made up of parts (each of which is capable of motion), and that these parts act on each other in a manner consistent with the principle of the conservation of energy." 1 These parts are called molecules. The dynamical conception of a gaseous molecule is " That minute portion of a substance which moves about as a whole, so that its parts, if it has any, do not part company during the motion of agitation of the gas?* This conception is entirely independent of chemical facts. All the molecules of one element are of the same mass, else differences would be observed in the properties of different parts of an elementary gas, e.g. hydrogen ;' such differences arising from the separation of the gas into portions each more or less unlike the others. The relations between the motions and the space occupied by these little parts, assuming their existence and mutual independence, may be dynamically deduced by the aid of a theorem of Clausius, and, with a justifiable assumption as to the dynamical meaning of temperature, the equation thus arrived at expresses with considerable accuracy the relations actually existing between temperature and pressure, and volume, in the case of rarefied gases ; the equation, that is to say, expresses the laws of Charles and Boyle. When the gas is more condensed the equation ceases to express the relations existing between temperature and pressure, and volume : hence the theory asserts the existence in such a gas of mutual attractions or repulsions between the little parts, or mole- 1 Clerk Maxwell, Article 'Atom' In Encycl, firilannica. (Qth Ed.) IbiJ. CHAP. I. 13] MOLECULAR THEORY OF MATTER. 2/ cules ; it asserts that these parts are no longer mutually independent. "The hypothesis that a gas consists of molecules in motion, which act on each other only when they come together during an encounter, but which during the intervals between their encounters which con- stitute the greater part of their existence are describing free paths, and ;ire not acted on by any molecular forces," 1 having been justified by dynamical reasoning, the next step is made by investigating mathematically the properties of such a system of molecules. And one deduction thus made is " If equal volumes of two gases are at equal temperatures and pressures, tlie number of molecules in each is the same, and therefore the masses of the two kinds of molecules are in the same ratio as the densities of the gases to wJiich they belong."* This statement is of paramount importance to the chemist, inasmuch as on it is based his system of molecular weights. It is very necessary to bear in mind that this proposition is deduced by dynamical reasoning from a simple hypothesis as to the structure of matter, itself justified by many facts. By analogous reasoning, various deductions are made from the theory, which express generalisations of experi- mentally determined facts concerning gaseous phenomena 3 . Passing to more complex occurrences, the molecular theory gives a simple explanation of the diffusion of matter, diffusion of motion, and diffusion of heat in gases ; these phenomena being regarded by the theory as dependent on the frequency of the molecular encounters, and on the nature of the actions between the encountering molecules. The molecular theory has also been successfully applied to explain, broadly, many of the phenomena of evaporation, condensation, electrolysis, and spectroscopy. To explain spectroscopic phenomena it is apparently necessary to assume molecules to be elastic substances, but elasticity is just the property of matter to explain which the 1 Clerk Maxwell, Article 'Atom' in Encycl. Brit. - Ibid. Strictly speaking this statement applies only to perfett gases, i.e. gases the molecules of which are without action on each other. 3 For some of the most important of these see Clerk Maxwell's Theory of Heat, pp. 307 322 (6th edition). 28 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. molecular hypothesis was first assumed. The theory of ' vortex atoms/ developed by Sir William Thomson from the original conception of Helmholtz, explains spectroscopic facts and generally those facts which must be explained by a successful molecular theory better than any other which has yet been suggested. A short account of this theory will be found in the article 'Atom' in the last edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, where we read " The success of this theory in explaining phenomena does not depend on the ingenuity with which its contrivers 'save appearances' by intro- ducing first one hypothetical force and then another. When the vortex atom is once set in motion all its properties are absolutely fixed, and determined by the laws of motion of the primitive fluid which are fully expressed in the fundamental equation." 1 Attempts have been made to determine the absolute size of molecules 2 , and although the results must be regarded as but rough estimates, nevertheless they shew that to measure molecules is a legitimate object of scientific investigation. The smallest portion of matter visible by the help of a good microscope may be taken to be a cube each side of which measures 4^-^th of a millimetre in length ; such a cube will contain, according to the rough measurements hitherto made, from 60 to 100 millions of molecules 3 . The foundations of a truly mathematical theory of the structure of matter have been laid by Helmholtz and Thom- son in their theory of vortex atoms ; but, apart from this, the fact that the proposition commonly known as Avogadro's law may be deduced by dynamical reasoning from a simple hypothesis which admits, although as yet only to a limited extent, of the application of mathematical methods, and which is justified by a large number of physical facts, suffices to make that law of extreme importance. Attempts have recently been made to apply to certain- chemical phenomena a more strictly dynamical method of 1 For a few more details regarding the application of this theory to chemical occurrences see Book II. Chap. in. 2 See especially Sir W. Thomson, Nature 1. p. 551, and also 28. pp. 203, 1 so, 274. 3 Clerk Maxwell, Ice. cit. CUAP.I. 13-14] PARTS OF MOLECULES. 29 reasoning than is employed in the molecular theory, the methods of which are essentially statistical ; these will be referred to under the second main division of this book. An atomic theory has been elaborated by the chemist ; a molecular theory of matter has been propounded by the physicist, and has been advanced so far as to allow of wide conclusions being deduced therefrom by dynamical reasoning ; no theory asserting the continuity of matter has been found capable of explaining the observed phenomena of matter ; hence to accept the molecular theory, as, at present, the only feasible working hypothesis, is simply to obey the dictates of the scientific method. 14 Let us then turn to the applications of this theory to che- mical facts. It is well to repeat the terms in which Clerk Maxwell has expressed the physical conception of the mole- cule : " A gaseous molecule is that minute portion of a sub- stance which moves about as a w]iole, so that its parts, if it has any, do not part company during the motion of agitation of the gas." One of the deductions from this conception is that equal volumes, of so-called perfect gases, measured at the same temperature and pressure, contain equal numbers of molecules. This statement must now be applied to chemical interac- tions between gases. Consider, for instance, the combination of hydrogen with chlorine and that of nitrogen with hydrogen. Hydrogen combines with chlorine to form hydrochloric acid. 2 vols. combine with 2 vols. 4 vols. But since equal volumes of gases contain equal numbers of molecules, and since each molecule of hydrochloric acid is composed of both hydrogen and chlorine, it is evident that each molecule of hydrogen by combination with one molecule of chlorine produces not one but two molecules of hydrochloric acid. So again, Nitrogen combines with hydrogen to form ammonia. 2 vols. combine with 6 vols. 4 vols. Here again each nitrogen molecule has given rise to two 30 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. molecules of ammonia. Hence it is evident that although the parts of a molecule of hydrogen, nitrogen, or chlorine " do not part company during the motion of agitation of the gas " to which the molecule belongs, these parts nevertheless do part company in those chemical reactions which are stated above. When various reactions between gaseous substances are studied this conclusion is found to hold good throughout a large range of chemical phenomena. Hence the chemist is obliged to recognise a portion of matter smaller than the molecule ; this smaller portion of matter, this part of a molecule, is the atom 1 . In the above and in other reactions it is shewn that the molecules of hydrogen, nitrogen, and chlorine split into at least two parts when these molecules act chemically on each other or on other molecules ; hence, if the symbols H, Cl, and N, are used to denote an atom of hydrogen, chlorine, and nitrogen, respectively, the molecules of these three elements may be represented by the symbols H 2 , C1 2 , and N 2 . These symbols represent the masses of equal volumes of the three elements ; if one of these masses be taken as the unit, the others are evidently the masses of the molecules of the gases in question referred to this unit ; because equal volumes contain equal numbers of molecules, and therefore ' the masses of the two kinds of molecules are in the same ratio as the densities of the gases to which they belong.' Hydrogen is the universally adopted standard of reference for molecular and atomic weights : the atomic weight of hydrogen is taken as unity, and therefore, according to the reasoning sketched above, the molecular weight of this element is not less than two. But it might be urged that when molecules of hydrogen and chlorine interact, each molecule separates into more than two parts, into 3, 4, 5, &c. parts. Granting ' Avogadro's law,' the data given on p. 29 shew that the number of molecules of 1 It is well to note that the molecular theory of matter as applied to chemical phenomena does not assert or deny the finite divisibility of matter. In C. S. Journal [2], 13. 501, there is a most interesting paper by Clerk Maxwell on ' The dynamical evidence of the molecular constitution of bodies.' CHAP. I. 14] PARTS OF MOLECULES. 31 hydrochloric acid produced is twice the number of molecules of hydrogen or chlorine which have interacted to produce them ; therefore, if each molecule of hydrogen and each of chlorine has separated into, say, four parts, each molecule of hydrochloric acid must be composed of two of those parts of hydrogen and two of chlorine. But if this is so, it ought to be possible to remove the hydrogen, or the chlorine, from a molecule of hydrochloric acid in two separate portions ; in other words, interactions ought to occur between hydrochloric acid and other bodies, not themselves compounds of hydrogen or chlorine, resulting in the evolution of hydrogen, or chlorine, and the production of a new compound, or new compounds, of chlorine, hydrogen, and the interacting body or constituents of this body. But no such interactions occur ; therefore hydro- gen, or chlorine, cannot be removed in parts from a molecule of hydrochloric acid ; if the molecule is decomposed and hydrogen, or chlorine, is removed, the whole of the hydrogen, or chlorine, is removed. Therefore it is extremely improbable that a molecule of hydrochloric acid is built up of more than one small chemically indivisible part, or atom, of each of the elements which compose it ; and therefore it is extremely im- probable that when molecules of hydrogen and chlorine interact to produce molecules of hydrochloric acid, each mole- cule of hydrogen, or chlorine, separates into more than two parts or atoms. Therefore, as we have agreed to regard the weight of an atom of hydrogen as unity, we say that the molecular weight of hydrogen is two. The modern molecular theory of matter is not identical with the atomic theory of Dalton ; it is based on evidence of a different kind ; it is essentially a physical and dynamical theory, although strengthened by chemical arguments. The atomic theory of modern chemistry may be regarded as grow- ing out of the application of reasoning founded on chemical facts to the molecular theory of matter. Assuming 'Avogadro's law,' and remembering that the molecule of hydrogen, which is the standard body in terms of which all other molecular weights are stated, divides into at least two, and probably into only two, parts in many chemical 32 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. changes, we arrive at the practical definition of molecular weight. The molecular weight of a gas is the weight of that volume thereof which is equal to the volume occupied at the same tem- perature and pressure by two parts by weight of hydrogen^. In determining the specific gravity of a gas it is easier, and less liable to error, to find the weight of the vessel filled with air than with hydrogen ; the result is therefore stated as specific gravity referred to air as unity. Now the specific gravity of hydrogen is -06926 [air= i]; the molecular weight required is equal to twice the specific gravity of the gas referred to hydrogen ; hence if M= molecular weight, and d specific gravity referred to air as unity, M=^ ^=28*87 d. Hence the practical rule for determining the molecular weight of a gas : Find tJie specific gravity, i.e. the ratio between the weights of equal volumes of the gas and air under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, and multiply this by 28-87. 15 The following table presents the results hitherto obtained regarding the molecular weights of elementary gases. 1 The volume occupied by two parts by weight of hydrogen, or twice the volume occupied by unit mass of hydrogen, is often called two volumes. CHAP. I. 15] MOLECULAR WEIGHTS OF ELEMENTS. 33 [The numbers in column v are not always exactly equal to the products obtained in column IV ; for an explanation see par. 17.] Molecular weights of elementary Gases. I Name of element II Spec, gravity (air=i) III Temp, of observation IV Sp. gr. X28-8; V Molecular weight 1 Hydrogen 06926 ,, 2 2 Sodium 8 7 1200 1500 25-5 23 3 Nitrogen 0-9713 28-04 28-02 4 Oxygen rio6 1-10563 about 1400 31-94 \ 31-92 J 31-92 _ (ozone) 1-658 47-86 . 47-88 7 Potassium i'3 1200 1500 377 39^4 8 Sulphur 2-23 860 64-4 ) J) 2-24 1040 64-6 63-96 10 2-17 about 1400 62-6 ) 11 2-93 665 84-6 p 12 6-62 524 191-1 191-88 13 Zinc 2-38 about 1400 68-7 64-9 14 Chlorine 2-45 200 7073 ) 15 2'6l about 1000 75*35 7074 10 2-44 about 1200 7072 j 17 Cadmium 3-94 about 1000 113-7 112*1 18 Phosphorus 1!) 4-35 4-50 about 1000 125-6 ) 129-9 J I23-84 20 3-03 1430 87-5 p 6 1*92] 21 Arsenic 22 IO"2 IO-65 860 644-- 668 294-5 \ 307-4 } 299-6 23 6-53 1430 188-5 [? 149-8] 24 Bromine 5'54 100 1 59-9 / 25 100 I55'3 i r 59"5 26 4'43 about 1500 117-9 ? 27 Selenion 5-68 about 1400 161*1 157-6 28 6-37 about 1000 183-9 p 29 7-67 860 221-4 236-4 30 Mercury 6-96 about 1000 200-93 j 31 32 I 6-98 7-03 446" 424 201-5 I 203-0 [ 199-8 33 67 882 I93-4 J 34 Iodine 8-8 250 450 254-0 S 35 872 185 2517 37 8-70 8-72 447 about 1000 251-2 251-7 253-07 38 39 5) 8-84 8-55 250 665 255-2 246-8 j 40 5-87 about 1 1 00 169-4 ? 41 42 Tellurium 476 9-08 about 1500 about 1400 262*1 [? 126-53] 255 1 REGNAULT, Compt. rend. 20. 975. 2 SCOTT, Proc. R. S. E. 1888. 3 REGNAULT, loc. cit. 4 V. MEYER, Ber. 12. 1426. 5 REGNAULT, loc. cit. M. C. 3 34 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [P.OOK I. Mensching and Meyer (Annalen, 240. 317) have obtained values for the specific gravity of antimony gas which shew that at 1400 1500 the molecular weight of this element is less than Sb 4 . 16 So many determinations of molecular weights of com- pound gases have been made that an enumeration of all the results would be perplexing, and of no special value. The method is applicable to elements and compounds alike. The following numbers are given here as they illustrate a point of general importance. Specific gravities of certain compound gases. fSp. gr. 5-08 4'QQ 4'3 3'6o 3-66 Phosphorus pcntachlonde...-L F \Temp. 180 190 230 290 335 fSp. err. 2'8 2-4 2-03 1-83 i - 5 N,,rogen,e,rox,dc ............ Nitric oxide ..................... &. gr. ,'039 ,-039 [Temp. -70 1 6 fSp. gr. 13-8 1378 Arsemous oxide ............... I-.-- [Temp. 570 1400 From these numbers, and from those of the previous table, it is apparent that the specific gravities of certain elementary and compound gases decrease as the temperature increases, 6 SORET, Compt. rend. 61. 941 ; and 64. 904. 7 SCOTT, Proc. R. S. E. 1888. s and 9 DEVILLE and TROOST, Compt. rend. 56. 891. 10 V. MEYER, Ber. 12. r 1 12. n TROOST, Compt. rend. 95. 30. 12 DUMAS, Ann. Chim. Phys. (2) 50. 170. 13 MENSCHING and MEYER, Ber. 19. 3295. 14 LUD- WIG, Ber. 1. 232. 15 V. MEYER, Ber. 13. 400. 16 Id. do. 15. 2773 (mean of 5 experiments). 17 DEVILLE and TROOST, Compt. rend. 49. 239. is nd w /,/_ fa 56> 891. 20 MENSCHING and MEYER, Annalen, 240. 317. 21 D. and T. loc. cit. ** MITSCHERLICH, Annalen, 12. 159. 23 MEN- SCHING and MEYER, Annalen, 240. 317. 24 MITSCHERLICH, loc. cit. 25 V. MEYER, Ber. 13. 406. 26 CRAFTS, Compt. rend. 90. 183. - 1 - " 8and w DE- VILLE and TROOST, loc. cit. 30 V. MEYER, Ber. 13. 1107 and mo (mean of 6 experiments). 31 DUMAS, Ann. Chim. Phys. (2) 33. 337. 32 MIT- SCHERLICH, loc. cit. 33 BINEAU, Compt. rend. 49. 799. 34 V. MEYER, and MEIER and CRAFTS, Ber. 13. 868 (mean of 7 experiments). 35 DUMAS, loc. cit. 36nd37 DEVILLE and TROOST, loc. cit. 38 V. MEYER, Ber. 13. 396. 39 TROOST, Compt. rend. 95. 30. 40 V. MEYER, Ber. 13. 1115. 41 Id. do. 13. to 10. 42 DEVILLE and TROOST, loc. cit. Note to preceding table. The expression ' specific gravity of a gas ' will be employed to denote the specific gravity referred to air as unity : the expression ' vapour density of a body ' to denote the specific gravity of a body in the gaseous state referred to hydrogen as unity. CHAP. I. l6-I7] SPECIFIC GRAVITIES OF VAPOURS. 35 while in the case of other gases the density is practically independent of the temperature ; a limiting value is however generally found for the specific gravity of a gas. It would therefore appear that a chemical substance may have more than one molecular weight; but if the molecule is the smallest part of a substance which exhibits the characteristic properties of that substance, this is equivalent to saying that certain substances when heated may pass through a succession of changes, each phase being marked by the existence of a distinct kind of matter. More accurate experiment has shewn that the vapours of phosphorus pentachloride and nitrogen tetroxide, at high temperatures, are mixtures of phosphorus pentachloride and trichloride, and chlorine, and of nitrogen tetroxide and nitrogen dioxide (N 2 O 4 and NOJ, respectively, so that at these temperatures we have to deal not with homogeneous vapours, but with mixtures of different gases varying in composition at different moments. The con- nexion existing between temperature and the densities of gaseous elements and compounds will be examined in more detail in a future chapter 1 (see Book II.). The practical outcome of these considerations is that in determining a molecular weight the gas must be proved to be really a homogeneous substance, and not a mixture pro- duced by the decomposing action of heat on the original sub- stance ; and, further, that the value obtained for the specific gravity must be constant throughout a considerable range of temperature. [7 In determining the specific gravity of a gas, especially if at a somewhat high temperature, many sources of error are present ; the result cannot therefore be more than mode- rately accurate 2 . But experimental errors are more easily 1 Avogadro's law may he deduced from the molecular theory of matter, but inasmuch as this theory is based upon more or less inexact hypotheses, and is as yet but in an early stage of development, inasmuch also as the deductions made from it concerning gaseous laws are strictly applicable only to ' perfect gases," it follows that Avogadro's law cannot be regarded, at present, as absolutely true. The laws of Boyle and of Charles, which are also deducible from the molecular theory, do not give a complete account of the relations of gases to temperature and pressure. - Dumas' method for determining vapour densities is described in Ann. Chim. 32 36 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. avoided in the determination of the mass of an element which combines with one part by weight of hydrogen, 7-98 parts by weight of oxygen, or 3 5 '37 parts by weight of chlorine. Now, if this mass is called the combining iveight of an element, it is evident that the molecular weight of an element must be equal to, or a multiple of, its combining weight, and the molecular weight of a compound must be equal to the sum, or to a multiple of the sum, of the combining weights of its constituent elements. Hence if the combining weight, and the specific gravity in the gaseous state, of an element are carefully determined, we have the necessary data for an accurate determination of the molecular weight of that element; the combining weight being an accurately determined num- ber, and the specific gravity deciding what multiple of that number represents the molecular weight. So also the data required for an accurate determination of the molecular weight of a compound are; the combining weights of the constituent elements, and the specific gravity of the com- pound in the state of gas. Thus Regnault found for the Phys. [2] 33. 337; Gay Lussac's in Biot's Traitt de Phys. 1. 291; Hofmann's in Ber. 1. 198; and Victor Meyer's in Ber. 11. 1868 and 2253. For criticisms on, and modifications of, Meyer's method see Ber. 12. 609 and 1112: 13. 401, 851, 991, 1079, 1185, and 2019: 14. 1727: and 15. 137, 1161 and 2775: (in the last paper by V. Meyer [Ber. 15. 2775] will be found an interesting and valuable criticism of the various methods for finding the Sp. Grs. of gases). See also Ber. 16. 1051; 19. 1 86 1 ; also C. S. Journal Trans, for 1880. 491. Modifications of Dumas' method are described by Bunsen, see Gasometrische Methoden, 2nd ed. (1877), p. 172: also by Petterson and Ekstrand, Ber. 13. 1191 : and especially by Pawlewski, Ber. 16. 1293. Thorpe [C. S. Jotirnal Trans, for 1880. 147150] has described a very complete method based on Hofmann's process. V. Meyer [Ber. 9. 1260: and 10. 2068] has described a method based on the displacement of mercury. In Wied. ' Ann. 22. 465 and 493, von Klobukow describes two processes for determining vapour densities with great accuracy ; one is adapted for bodies with low boiling points, the other for bodies which boil at high temperatures. La Coste (Ber. 18. 2122) describes a modification of V. Meyer's apparatus whereby the vapour densities of easily decomposable compounds may be determined at low tempera- tures and under very small pressures. A modification of V. Meyer's apparatus, by which a vapour density and the exact temperature of observation can be simul- taneously determined, is described by Nilson and Pettersson in J. fiir prakt. Chem. [2] 33. r. See also Schall, Ber. 20. 1433. Malfatti and Schoop (Zeitschr. f. physikal. Chemie, 1. 159) describe an apparatus for determining vapour densities under small pressures. CHAP. I. I7-I8] ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 37 specific gravity of chlorine the number 2*44 ; this multiplied into 28*87 gives 70*44. The combining weight of chlorine as most carefully determined by Stas is 35'37: now 35'37 x 2 = 7074, which is very nearly equal to the molecular weight calculated from Regnault's numbers ; hence 7074 is taken to be the molecular weight of chlorine. Again, Thomson found the specific gravity of marsh gas to be O'557, which multiplied into 28*87 gives 16*1 as approximately the molecular weight of this compound : the combining weight of carbon is 2*99 (H = i), and in marsh gas carbon and hydrogen are united in the proportion of 2*99 to I ; hence the molecular weight of this gas is 3*99 or a multiple thereof. But 3*99 x 4= 15*96 ; therefore the molecular weight of marsh gas is taken to be 15-96. The numbers in column V of the table on p. 33 represent the molecular weights of the various elements found by the method of specific gravity aided by determinations of the combining weights of the elements in question. L8 Facts have already been mentioned which on the as- sumption of the truth of Avogadro's law oblige us to conclude that in certain chemical reactions the molecules of the reacting elementary bodies undergo subdivision ; indeed we are forced to the conclusion that the greater number of the molecules of those elements which have been gasified are not homogeneous but are built up of smaller parts 1 . These parts of molecules, or atoms, are the ultimate portions of matter with which we have at present to deal in chemistry. Now it is evident that the molecule of an element must be composed of at least two atoms, unless indeed the atom and molecule should be identical; and that the molecule of a compound must be composed of at least one atom of each of its constituent elements. Therefore if we determine the smallest mass of an element in the molecule of any compound thereof, we shall have determined the maximum atomic weight of the element in question. Hence we arrive at the following definition. 1 Reactions are known in which it is not necessary to assume that subdivision of elementary molecules occurs, e.g. Hg + Cl s = HgCl,, Volumes 2 2 form 2. 38 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. The maximum atomic weight of an element is the smallest mass, in terms of hydrogen as unity, of that element which combines with other elements to form a gaseous molecule. Molecular weight has been already defined as the weight of two volumes of any gas referred to the weight of two volumes of hydrogen ; hence the data which must be obtained before the maximum atomic weight of an element can be determined are, (i) the specific gravities of several gaseous compounds of the element in question, and (2) careful analyses of these compounds. Suppose it is required to determine the maximum atomic weight of oxygen, such data as are indicated in the following table are obtained. Data for determining maximum atomic weiglit of oxygen. Weight of 2 volumes, as Name of compound gas, referred to Analysis of these 2 volumes hydrogen, i. e. molecular weight Water 17-99 1 5 '96 oxygen + 2 hydrogen Carbonous oxide 27-96 !5'9 6 ,, + ii '97 carbon Carbonic dioxide 44' 1 5 31-92 + 11-97 Nitrous oxide 43'9 J 5'96 n + 28*02 nitrogen Methylic alcohol 32'3 (15-96 + 1 1-97 carbon | + 4 hydrogen Methyl nitrate Nitric oxide 76-2 30-0 } 47'88 +11 -97 carbon ' +3hydrogen+ 14-01 nitrogen 15-96 oxygen + 14-01 Sulphurous oxide 64-9 31-92 + 31-98 sulphur Sulphuric oxide 86-9 47-88 + 31-98 Phosphorus oxychloride 155*9 '5 '96 + 30-96 phosphorus + 106-11 chlorine Osmium tetroxide 257 63-84 +198*6 osmium If the smallest mass of hydrogen found in a molecule of any compound of that element is called one part by weight, then in no molecule of any of the compounds in this table is there less than 15 '96 parts by weight of oxygen; this number is therefore adopted as the maximum atomic weight of oxygen. 19 The following table (taken for the most part from Lothar Meyer's Die modernen Theorien der Chemic) contains the most important data hitherto accumulated for determining the maximum atomic weights of the elements by the application of Avogadro's law. CHAP. I. 19] MOLECULAR AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 39 40 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK i. bjo 6Jo 8 S T3T3 > >> >, ^ ,G vO SO > * 5>-fl ill ' + bsvb ^b K .5 g .9 o 5 fe -g S . ~ co S ~ J? N * M IL< |S-c ON ON fO ON ^ O yo p O tv. ON O fO N OO tv. u-i ri OO *- ro, O C< ON ON JH B *i ^j- *- >-o\o to r^.oo o co co tx.\ M unvO ) O^ O t^ ON >-O -< cnVoo "- b ~ o Jz 2 a S o .T: .i; . .~ i i s Si u c i o " "* ' A SJL< a -'i3 c c c "J _ l.|l|lll||||||Il| II oj aJ CHAP. I. Ip] MOLECULAR AND ATOMIC WKHHITS. c c 4' .53 c 22- |: ^=3 2 Is! oS"2 + O 0> I T^- vO (SVO^ vb ' O\ ON ON "MD 8 w + OJ C C s -i'g^ ,198 I--Q ^-\O ' o r^ r^ rp>R8^ + + + O\ O\ pN ON pv ON O\ p^ ON p^ C> p^ p^ ON p\'5i I - II j 'iil ,8-1 8 51 P-- * r^ tv-^o .ti .S co co oo co " (^ r>. ro c^ PO p> O ro unco O ^ <^^O Pio'^-'^'^OPl-^-:^ 1 ^- rOThu^r r^ PI co PI N jo pv tn "I >p p^ - j^ M2 ij-> p\ vp cp c PI p> ^J- p -S w oj'C OO Vj- ^oo oo 1- r^- o tnO M O O i O f> T^OO ^O O p O O O ON O O M <*"> -* ON "1OO O t^ \O t^ r>. vr r* O\ 50 ^t 7*- ."> .* N ^p w ON P< \p p N j^ N ON poo _ r) ON*p ro to ON OO ON O K O fO M OO ON b\ C) \b '-^- ro ^- ON 'd-cio O^OO ONN\boO ^uiloin i! i . Ill^Siiiili 1 1 llllll.a s llll 1 - 1 CJ CHAP. I. 19] MOLECULAR AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 43 _L a i N O i^> ' N fO O ^O t^^O O -* ON r>. t^ n P) m ro ro c< ri ci O O O O O O O O O ' ' LT> O O oo vp rh t^ b '- ^ r< r^oo O -* |. lfll3&S-fr8g,8-fil iiios 44 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. Notes to the preceding Table. I The density of hydrofluoric acid was determined indirectly by Gore (Phil. Trans, for 1869. 173) at 100. Mallet (Amer. Chem. Journal 3. 189) by directly weighing i litre of the gas at 30 found the specific gravity to be 1-42, which gives a molecular weight of 41-02. The molecular weight of this gas therefore decreases as temperature increases. 2nd3 indirectly determined by Bineau (Ann. Chim. Phys. [2] 68. 424); two volumes of each hydride when decomposed by metal yielded 2 vols. of hydrogen, 78 parts by weight of selenion in one case, and 128 parts by weight of tellurium in the other case, being produced. 34 Michaelis, Ber. 20. 1780, and 2488. Temp. abt. 450. 4 Potassium iodide was vaporised at about 1300 by means of a new apparatus described by Mensching and Meyer (s. Zeitschr.f. physikal. Chemie, 1. 157). 5 Determined at 1200 1500 by Scott; Proc. R. S. E. 1887. 6 At a temperature slightly above its boiling point the specific gravity of gaseous stannous chloride points to the molecular weight 377; but at 200 higher the specific gravity is as given in the table ; this gas therefore, like hydrofluoric acid, has two molecular weights: see Meyer and Ziiblin (Ber. 13. 811). 7 GeCl 4 , GeI 4 , and GeS have been gasified by Nilson and Pettersson (Zeit.f. physikal. Chemie, 1. 27). 8 Kriiss and Nilson, Ber. 20. 1671. Temp. abt. 1200. 9 See Nilson and Pettersson, Ber. 17. 987; also J.fiir prakt. Chem. [2] 33. i; and Humpidge, Proc. R. S. 38. 188. 10 There is some doubt whether the vapour of mercurous chloride does or does not contain mercury and mercuric chloride: the number in the table is from a paper by Fileti, who states that by vaporising a mixture of the two chlorides of mercury, the protochloride remains undissociated (see abstract of Fileti's paper in C. S. Journal Abstracts for 1882. 466). II Nilson and Pettersson (Zeitschr.f. physikal. Chemie, 1. 459) have found that the sp. gr. of gaseous aluminium chloride at 800 1200 agrees with the formula A1C1 3 ; at 400 or so it agrees with the formula A1 2 C1 6 . Odling (Phil. Mag. [4] 29. 316) gave the specific gravity of aluminium trimethide at temperatures above 200 as 2 '5, and at 1 30 as 5 'o ; but it is undecided whether the gas at 200 was homogeneous or a mixture of the products of decomposition by heat of molecules existing at lower temperatures (see Wanklyn loc. cit. 313, and Williamson do. 395). If the gas at 200 was really homogeneous, we should have 2-5 x 28-87 = 72-5 as the molecular weight of aluminium trimethide ; and this quantity of the gas con- tains 27-02 aluminium + 35-91 carbon + 9 hydrogen (=71-93). Chromium hexa- Jluoride (CrF 6 ) is frequently mentioned in text-books as a gaseous compound of chromium ; the evidence in favour of the existence of a definite fluoride of chromium is meagre ; and no determinations of its density (if it exists) have been made: see Unverdorben (Pogg. Ann. 1. 311). According to Oliveri (Gaz. 16, 218) the supposed hexafluoride is really an oxyfluoride, of chromium, and has the com- position CrO 2 F 2 . 12 V. Meyer (Ber. 17. 1335) has obtained results which seem to shew that gaseous ferrous chloride at moderate temperatures consists chiefly of molecules having the composition Fe 2 Cl 4 , and at higher temperatures chiefly of molecules of FeCl 2 . 13 At 450 the sp. gr. of the vapour of gallic chloride is 7-8, and at the same CHAP. I. 2O] MOLECULAR AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 45 temperature in presence of an indifferent gas acting as diluent, it is 6*6 : the gas dissociates under these conditions. (See Lecoq de Boisbaudran, Comft. rend. 93. 294, 329 and 815.) The maximum atomic weights deduced from these data may in many cases be regarded with a large degree of proba- bility as the true atomic weights of the elements. The greater the number of gaseous compounds of an element analysed, the greater is the probability that the number which represents the smallest mass of that element in two volumes, i.e. in a gaseous molecule, of any of these compounds is the true atomic weight of the element. 20 When the atomic and molecular weights of an element are known, the atomicity of the molecule, i.e. the number of atoms in the molecule, is known. In the following table the molecules of the elements, so far as the relative weights of these have been determined by the method founded on Avogadro's law, are classified in accordance with their atomicity. Atomicity of Elementary Molecules 1 . Monatomic Diatomic Triatomic Tetratomic Hexatomic Sodium Potassium Hydrogen Chlorine Oxygen (ozone) Selenion Phosphorus Arsenic Sulphur (450 to Zinc Bromine Cadmium Iodine (700 to 800) (to near a white heat) about 550, Mercury ' (200 to about Iodine 1000) (at about 1 500) Oxygen (? Bromine at ' Sulphur about 1800) (at 800 and upwards) Selenion (at 1200 and upwards) Tellurium Nitrogen Phos- ) (at phorus>white Arsenic) heat) 1 This table shews that many elementary gases have complex structures ; hence arise difficulties in forming accurate physical conceptions of actions and reactions among the parts of these structures. This will be again referred to when dealing with atomic heats (see p. 67). 46 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. The molecules of several elements in this table are diatomic, but inasmuch as the molecular and atomic weights of only 1 6 elements have been determined it is impossible to say whether a majority of all the elementary molecules are composed each of two atoms. Six, of the sixteen, elements in the table have more than one molecular weight; of the remaining ten, five are monatomic and five are diatomic. The table contains five well-defined metals, sodium, potas- sium, zinc, cadmium, and mercury ; the molecules of these elements are monatomic, and hence are of a simpler structure than the molecules of the distinctly nonmetallic elements. 21 Chemical formulae for the most part profess to repre- sent not only the elementary composition, but also the rela- tive weights of the molecules, of the bodies formulated : but unless some method for determining molecular weights other than that founded on Avogadro's law is adopted, it is evident from the data in the table on pp. 39 43 that the majority of the formulae employed in mineral chemistry cannot certainly be regarded as molecular formulae. Thus analysis shews that 17-96 parts by weight of water are composed of 15 '96 parts of oxygen and 2. parts of hydrogen ; analysis also shews that 58*37 parts by weight of sodium chloride are composed of 23 parts of sodium and 35'3/ parts of chlorine. The specific gravity of water vapour shews that the molecular weight of this compound is about 18, hence assuming the atomic weight of oxygen to be 1 5^96 the molecular formula is written H 2 O ( 1 7-96). But no determination of the specific gravity of sodium chloride vapour has yet been made ; hence the mole- cular weight may be about 59, or it may be a multiple of this number (assuming the atomic weights of sodium and chlorine to be known), and hence the formula NaCl (58'37) is not necessarily molecular, and is therefore not strictly comparable with the formula H 2 O. Even if a formula does express the relative weight of the molecule of the body formulated it is well to remember that it is the weight of the gaseous molecule which is thus ex- pressed ; the formula does not necessarily also represent the CHAP. I. 2l] FORMULA OF GASES AND SOLIDS. 47 relative weight of the molecule of the same body when solid : indeed the definition of molecule (p. 26) is applicable to gases only. As a general rule, the melting and boiling points of bodies with large molecular weights are high : thus in any homologous series of hydrocarbons the boiling and melting points increase with increase of molecular weight 1 ; the same connexion between these constants is noticed in many series of oxides, e.g. the oxides of nitrogen 2 . It would therefore appear pro- bable that the molecular weight of a solid, using the term molecular weight in a wide sense, is greater than that of the same substance when in the state of gas. So also, as a rule, the action of heat is to produce molecules of less, from those of greater, weight : thus N a O 4 exists at low temperatures, but becomes NO a when heated (see numbers on p. 34); so S 6 exists at 500, but S 2 at 1000 ; at temperatures above 300 the molecule O 3 decomposes into O 2 . Reactions are known in which heat appears to favour the production of particles of greater weight and complexity than those previously existing; but these more complex particles generally mark intermediate stages towards the formation of less complex and compara- tively lighter particles. Thus the action of heat on sodium- hydrogen sulphate is generally formulated in two stages, (i) 2NaHS0 4 =Na 2 S 2 7 +H 2 0; (2) Na 2 S 2 O 7 = Na 8 SO 4 + SO 3 : so also when mercuric cyanide is decomposed by heat, molecules of cyanogen are produced having the formula wCN where 11 > 2, but at 800 900 these are separated into the lighter molecules C 2 N 2 : again, lead monoxide, wPbO, when heated forms the heavier oxide Pb 3 O 4 : &c. In many of these cases however we are not certain that the formulae employed represent the relative weights of true molecules. The physical phenomena presented by liquids and solids cannot be expressed by such comparatively simple generali- sations as those which express the properties of gases; the 1 Thus, C 4 H 10 , C 5 H 12 , C 6 H 14 , C 7 H, 6 , C 8 H 18 , C 9 H W , C^H^ &c. B. P.= i 38 70 99 124 148 167 &c. 2 Thus, NO N 2 O N 2 O 3 N. 2 O 4 N 2 O 5 gaseous at - 110, B.P. = -88, about -20, 42. M.P. = 3O. 4 8 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK i. molecular phenomena of the former classes of bodies are evidently more complex than those of the latter class. Great caution must therefore be used in applying deductions made from the study of the molecular phenomena of gases to solid or liquid bodies 1 . 22 The following table gathers together the results of obser- vations recorded in the table on pp. 39 43, so far as regards the maximum atomic weights of elements determined by the application of Avogadro's law. Maximum atomic weights of elements. (AVOGADRO'S law.) Name Maximum atomic weight Name Maximum atomic weight Name Maximum atomic weight Hydrogen I Manganese 55 Antimony 120 Beryllium 9'I Zinc 64-9 Tellurium 125 Boron IQ'95 Germanium 72'3 Iodine I26'53 Carbon II'97 Arsenic 74'9 [Copper I26-8] 2 Nitrogen I4-OI Selenion 78-8 Caesium 132-7 Oxygen 15-96 Bromine 7975 [Gallium 138]* Fluorine I9-I Rubidium 85-2 Tantalum 182 Aluminium 27-02 Zirconium 90 Tungsten j 183-6 Silicon 28 Niobium 94 Osmium 193 (?) Phosphorus Sulphur 30-96 31-98 Molybdenum Silver 95-8 107-66 Mercury !99'8 Thallium 203-6 Chlorine 35'37 [Iron in-8] 2 Lead 206-4 Potassium 39'O4 Cadmium 112 Bismuth 208 Titanium 48 Indium II3-4 Thorium 231-87 Vanadium 51-2 Tin II7-8 Uranium 240 Chromium 52-4 About two-thirds of the known elements are found in this table. Some method other than that based on the determination of the specific gravities of gaseous compounds must if possible be discovered for finding the atomic weights of the elements. 23 In his New System of Chemical Philosophy* (pp. 70 75), Dalton discusses hypotheses regarding the quantities of 1 The comparison of the molecular phenomena of gases with those of solids and liquids will be considered more fully in a future chapter. See Book ii. Chap. iv. 2 Especial reference will be made to the elements in brackets in a later paragraph : see p. 60. 3 Published in 1 808. CHAP. I. 22-23] ATOMIC HEATS. 49 heat contained In various elastic fluids, and decides in favour of that which asserts that, " The quantity of heat belonging to the ultimate particles of all elastic fluids must be the same under the same pressure and temperature." From this Dalton deduced the corollary, "The specific heats of equal weights of any two elastic fluids are inversely as the weights of their atoms or molecules." The values of very few specific heats had been determined when Dalton wrote, and therefore he did not possess data sufficient to test the justness of his general principle. Dalton calculated the theoretical specific heats of various gases by the aid of the above corollary, employing atomic weights de- termined by himself. Regarding the table of numbers thus obtained he remarks, " Upon the whole there is not any established fact in regard to the specific heat of bodies, whether elastic or fluid, that is repugnant to the above table so far as I know ; and it is to be hoped that some principle analogous to the one here adopted may soon be extended to solid and liquid bodies in general." In 1819 a paper by Petit and Dulong appeared in the Annales de Chimie et de Physique [10. 395], containing the re- sults of determinations of the specific heats of thirteen solid elements; viz. copper, gold, iron, lead, nickel, platinum, sulphur, tin, zinc, bismuth, cobalt, silver, and tellurium. A nearly constant product was obtained by multiplying the specific heats of the nine elements from copper to zinc, in this list, by the then generally accepted atomic weights of these elements, and the specific heat of bismuth, cobalt, silver, and tellurium, by a sub-multiple of the accepted atomic weight of each of these elements. Generalising from these results the French physicists -concluded that "the atoms of all the simple bodies have exactly the same capacity for heat" The introduction of more accurate methods for determin- ing specific heats has necessitated considerable alterations in many of the numbers to be found in the original paper of Petit and Dulong, nevertheless their general conclusion re- mains, although it cannot now be stated in terms quite so absolute as those used by its promulgators. M. C. 4 50 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. 24 In 1831 F. Neumann 1 published determinations of the specific heats of various solid compounds, chiefly of natur- ally occurring minerals, and deduced the general statement: " The amounts of cJtemically similar compounds expressed by their formulce possess equal specific heats." A few years later (1833 4) Avogadro 2 detailed measure- ments of the specific heat of carbon, and of various com- pound substances, and drew certain general conclusions there- from ; he spoke of those atomic weights which were deduced from measurements of specific heats as the weights of thermal atoms (atomes thermiques]. R. Hermann 3 made a number of determinations of specific heats, and from these deduced the combining weights of several elements. The weights thus obtained were in some cases different from the Berzelian weights then in general use. Hermann supposed that the specific heat of certain elements, e.g. sulphur and oxygen, varies according as the element is in the free state or in combination with other elements. Regnault 4 , in a series of classical memoirs, added much to our knowledge of specific heats, and gave a general confirma- tion to the laws of Dulong and Petit, and Neumann. He arranged a table of so-called thermo-atomic weights, as follows : Regnaulfs Thermo-atomic weights. [See KOPP 5 .] Al =137 Sb = 61 As =37-5 Ba =68-5 Bi =105 B =10-9 Br =40 Cd=s6 Ca=2o C = 12 Cl =1775 1 PSS- Ann. 23. i. Neumann measured the specific heats of 8 carbonates, 4 sulphates, 4 sulphides, 5 oxides of the type MO, and 3 of the type M 2 O 3 . 2 Published in condensed form in Ann. Chim. Phys. [2] 55. 80: and 57. 113. 3 Noweaux Mt 'moires de la Socittt Imptriale des Naturalistes de Moscou (1834). 3. 137. 4 Ann. Chim. Phys. [2] 63. 5. [3] 1. 129: 9. 322: 26. 261 and 268: 38. 129: 46. 257: 63. 5. 5 Annakn, Supplbd. 3. i and 289. Cr =26-1 Mn = 27'5 Se =397 Co =29-4 Hg = ioo Ag=54 Cu =317 Mo = 48 Na = ii'5 F =9'5 Ni =29-4 Sr =43-8 Au =98-5 N =7 S =16 I =63-5 Os =99-6 Te=64 Ir =99 Pd= 53 -3 Tl =102 Fe =28 P =15-5 Sn= S9 Li =3-5 Pt =987 Ti =25 Pb= 103-5 K =19-5 W =92 Mg=I2 Rh=52-2 Zn =32-6 CH. I. 24-25] GARNIER-CANNIZZARO GENERALISATION. 5 I Gamier 6 (in 1852) further generalised the relations between the formulae and the specific heats of solid compounds ; and Cannizzaro 7 somewhat advanced the generalisation of Gamier. The Garnier-Cannizzaro generalisation may be stated thus : A C = constant (about 6-4) ; where A = the formula-weight of a compound, C = the specific heat of the same compound, and n = the number of elementary atoms in the formula of the compound. 15 Kopp 8 has gathered together most of the trustworthy results of specific heat determinations, and added many of his own, besides discussing the whole subject in detail. Table of Specific Heats of the Elements 9 . Name s & Temp. Atomic weight Sp. ht. X at wt. Observer Lithium 0-941 7-01 6-6 Rg. 1 Beryllium 2 Boron 0-62 ?o- 5 450 to 500 about iooo? I0'9 5-6 5'5 He. Wb. 3 Carbon 0-463 980 11-97 5'5 Wb. Sodium 0-293 -34 to +7 23 6-7 Rg- Magnesium 0-245 24 5'9 Kp. M 0-25 6-0 Rg. Aluminium 0-202 27-02 5-5 Kp. 99 0-214 >9 I' 8 Rg. >? 0-225 H 6-r Mt. 4 Silicon 0-203 232 28-3 5-8 Wb. Phosphorus (cryst.) 0-174 -78 to + 10 30-96 5'4 Rg. " 0-189 O'2O2 9) 99 Rg- Kp. " (red) 0-I70 5 '3 Rg. Sulphur 0-188 31*98 6'o D.P. rhombic 0-163 M 5-2 Kp. n >9 O-I7I n 5 "5 Bn. J9 99 0-178 57 Rg- 6 Potassium 0-166 -78 to +10 39 ! 4 6'5 Rg. Calcium 0-I70 39'9 6-8 Bn. Titanium 0-1485 o to 300 48 7'i N.P. 6 CompL rend, 35. 278: 37. 130. 7 // Nuovo Cimento 7. 321 ; Abstract in Bull. Soc. Chitn. for 1863. 171. 8 Annalen, Supplbd. 3. i and 289. 9 When no temperature is given the determinations were made somewhere between the limits o and 100: the numbers may in these cases be regarded as approximately the mean specific heats for the temperature-interval 40 60. 42 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK i. Name Spec, heat Temp. Atomic weight Sp. ht. x at. wt. Observer 6 Chromium O'lO 52-4 5*2 Kp. 7 Manganese O*I22 55 67 Iron 0*112 55 '9 6*3 Kp. J} 0*114 j? 6-4 Rg. 5j O'HO 6-1 DP. Nickel 0-108 58*6 6-3 Rg. Cobalt 0-107 59 6'3 Rg. Copper 0-093 63-4 6-0 Kp. 0-095 6-1 Rg. 55 0-095 6-1 D.P. Zinc 0-0932 64-9 6-1 Kp. M 0-0935 6-1 Bn. 0-0955 6*2 Rg. 5) 0-093 ?> 6-0 D.P. 8 Gallium 0-079 12 tO 23 69 5 '4 Bt. Germanium 0-077 tO 200 5-64 N.P. Arsenic amorphous 0-076$ 74'9 B.W. crystalline 0-083*): 6"2 B.W. J5 55 0-0814 w 7*1 Rg. 55 55 0-0822 jj 6*2 N. 9 Selenion amorphous 0-0746 -27 to +8 78*8 5'9 Rg. crystalline 0-0745 -18 to + 7 B 5'9 Rg. 55 5 0-0762 9 6*0 Rg. 55 55 0-086 1 B 6*8 N: 55 55 0-084$ }) 6-7 B.W. Bromine solid 10 Zirconium 0-0843 0-0666 -78* tO -20 7975 90*0 67 6-0 Rg- M.D. 11 Molybdenum 0-0722 95-8 6-9 Rg. Rhodium 0-058 104 6*0 Rg. Ruthenium 0-06 1 1 104-5 6-4 Bn. Palladium 0-0593 IO6'2 6-3 Rg. Silver 0-056 107-66 6-0 Kp. 0-0559 55 6-0 Bn. 95 0-057 6-1 Rg. Cadmium 0-0542 112 6-0 4. 0-0548 55 6-1 Bn. Indium 0-0567 0-057 55 6*5 Rg. Bn. Tin 0-0548 II7-8 6-5 Kp. 55 0-0559 55 6*6 Bn. >5 0-0562 6-6 Rg. )5 0-0514 6-0 D.P. Antimony 0-0523 I20'0 6-2 Kp. 0-0495 5 '9 Bn. 55 0-0508 6-0 Rg. 55 0-0507 6-0 D.P. Tellurium 0-0475 125 5'94 Kp. Iodine Lanthanum 0-0474 0-0541 0-0449 126*53 138*5 5'94 6-8 6-2 Rg. Rg. Hd. Cerium 0-0448 141 6*3 Hd, CHAP. I. 25] SPECIFIC HEATS OF ELEMENTS. 53 Name Spec, heat Temp. Atomic weight Sp. ht. X at. WL Observer Didymium 0-0456 144 6-5 Hd. Tungsten 0-0334 183-6 6-0 Rg. Osmium 0-03II 193 6-0 Rg- Iridium 0-0326 194 6-2 Rg- Platinum 0-0325 195 6-4 Kp. 0-0324 6'3 Rg. 0-0314 6'3 D.P. 12 Gold 0-0324 197 6-3 Rg. 13 Mercury solid 0-0319 - 78 to - 40 199-8 6-4 Rg. 14 Thallium 0-0335 203-6 6-8 Rg. Lead 0-0307 206'4 6-3 Rg. ' yj 0-0315 6-5 Kp. 0-0314 6-5 Rg. Bismuth 0-0305 208 6-3 Kp. )) 0*0308 6'3 Rg. Thorium 0-0276 232-4 6-4 Nn Uranium 0-028 240 6-6 Zn. Notes to preceding Table. I The number for beryllium is that calculated by Humpidge from a series of determinations at temperatures varying from 100 to 450 made with a specimen of beryllium containing 99*2 per cent, of the metal: for fuller discussion of specific heat of beryllium see par. 28, pp. 62, 63. 2 - 3 - 4 Spec, heats of boron, carbon, and silicon are discussed on pp. 63 65, par. 29. 5 The higher temperature (+ 10) is not given in Regnault's paper, but judging from the context it appears to be approximately correct. 6 This number for chromium is probably too low ; see Kopp, Annalen, Supplbd. 3. 77 (note). 7 The specimen of manganese employed contained a little silicon. 8 Spec, heat of molten gallium between 109 and 119= "0802. (Berthelot, Bull. Soc. Ckim. 31. 229.) 9 Spec, heat of amorphous selenion determined at high temperatures is ab- normal, because of the large quantity of heat absorbed before fusion. 10 Spec, heat of zirconium calculated by Mixter and Dana from determinations made with a sample containing known quantities of aluminium. II The specimen of molybdenum employed contained carbon. 12 Spec, heat of gold is nearly constant from o to 600 ; at 900 sp. ht. = '0345 ; and at 1000= "0352. [Violle, Compt. rend. 89. 702.] 13 Spec, heat of liquid mercury at 55= '033 (Regnault). 14 The specimen of thallium employed contained a little oxide. The numbers marked with J are probably too large; see Weber's papers referred to in next page. 54 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. The names of the various observers are abbreviated in the table : {Ann. Chitn. Phys. [2] 73. 5 : [3] 1. 129: 9. 322: 26. 261 : 38. 129: 46. 257: 63. 5 : and 67. 427. KP. ,, ,, KOPP, ,, Annalen 126. 362 : and Supplbd. 3. i and 289. N. NEUMANN, ,, Fogg. Ann. 126. 123. BN. ,, ,, BUNSEN, ,, ,, Pogg- Ann. 141. i. WB. WEBER, Pogg. Ann. 154. 367 [trans- lation in Phil. Mag. (4) 49. 161 and 276.] D. P. Du LONG and PETIT, Ann. Chitn. Phys. 10. 395. BT. ,, ,, BERTHELOT, ,, Compt. rend. 86. 786. HD. ,, ,, HILLEBRAND, ,, Pogg. Ann. 163. 71 [trans- lation in Phil. Mag. (5) 3. 109]. B. W. BETTENDORF and WULLNER Pogg. Ann. 133. 293. M. D. MIXTER and DANA, Annalen, 169. 388. NN. ,, NILSON, ,, Ber. 15. 2519. HE. HUMPIDGE Proc. R. S. 35. 137: 38. 1 88: 39. i. MT. ,, MALLET, ,, ,, ,, ,, Chem. News, 46. 178. ZN. ZIMMERMANN Ber. 15. 849. N. P. NILSON and PETTERSSON Zeit. f. Physlkal. Chetnie. 1. 27. 26 The preceding table contains the names of 5 1 elements, the specific heats of which have been directly determined. For eleven of the remaining elements values have been obtained which are regarded by some chemists as representing the specific heats of these elements : the method employed is based on the assumption that the molecular heat 1 of a solid compound is equal to the sum of the atomic heats of its constituent elements. (See Kopp, Annalen, Supplh. 3. 321 339.) Thus Kopp found the mean molecular heat 1 of metallic sulphides of the form RS to be equal to 12: the atomic heat of sulphur is 57; but 12-57 = 6-3; therefore 6'3 is regarded as the value of the atomic heat of any one of the metals R. The mean value of the atomic heats of these metals found by direct experiment is 6'4. 1 By molecular heat is to be understood the product obtained by multiplying the specific heat of a compound into the mass expressed by the generally accepted formula of that compound; the expressions formula-weight and reacting weight will be employed to signify this mass of any compound. CHAP. I. 26] ATOMIC HEATS INDIRECTLY DETERMINED. 55 Kopp has applied this indirect method to calculate the atomic heats of various elements with which direct experi- ments could not be made 1 . Chlorine: Molecular heats of metallic haloid salts : RC1 =12-8 RBr=i3'9 RI=i3'4 RCl 2 =i8'5 ..................... RI 2 =i9'4. Now as (i) the atomic heat of each of the metals R is about 6-4 ; (2) the atomic heat of solid bromine and that of iodine is about 6'6; (3) the chlorides, bromides, and iodides examined are chemically analogous; and (4) the molecular heats of the analogous salts are nearly the same ; Kopp con- cludes that the atomic heat of solid chlorine is about 6-4. RC1 (i2-8)-R (6-4) = 6-4 : RC1 2 (i8'5)-R (6-4) = 12-1, and ^ = 6-05. A further argument in favour of this conclusion is afforded by these data: Molecular heat of KC1O 3 = 24'8 hence the atomic heats of arsenic and chlorine are probably nearly the same ; but the atomic heat of arsenic is 6'i ; there- fore the atomic heat of solid chlorine is probably about 6'i. Fhwrine : Molecular heat of CaF 2 = 16*4 atomic heat of Ca= 6'8, 16-4-6-8 hence atomic heat of fluorine = - =4'o. Nitrogen : Molecular heats of various more or less analogous compounds: RAsO 3 =25'3 RSiO 3 =2o'5 RPO 3 =22'i RNO 3 = 23'o. Hence, it is argued, the atomic heat of solid nitrogen is probably rather less than that of chlorine or arsenic (about 6), somewhat greater than that of carbon or silicon (about 5'2), and nearly equal to that of phosphorus (about 5 '8); therefore the value of the atomic heat of solid nitrogen probably lies between 5-5 and 5 '8. 1 For detailed data see Kopp, Annalen, Supplb. 3. 329. 56 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. Oxygen : the molecular heats of metallic oxides are, as a rule, rather less than those of corresponding haloid salts ; therefore, it is said, the atomic heat of solid oxygen is pro- bably less than 6 ; thus, RO =iri RC1 =i2'8 RBr=i3'9 RI =I3'4, RO 2 =i37 RCl 2 =i8'6 RI 2 =i9'4. Further data for finding the value sought for are these : Molecular heats R 2 O 3 = 2/-2 ; KAsO 3 =25'3 : KC1O 4 = 26'3; KMnO 4 =28'3. The values deduced for the atomic heat of solid oxygen are as follows : from RO ...4*6, from KAsO 3 ...4'2 RO 2 ...37, KC1O 4 ...3'5 [assuming Cl = 6] R 2 3 ...4'8, KMn0 4 ...3'8, hence the mean value is 4-1. Hydrogen : the principal data are these : (i) Molecular heat of ice (H 2 O) = 9 : molecular heat of Cu 2 O = 15*6. Hence, it is argued, the atomic heat of solid hydrogen is probably less than that of copper by the amount = 3'3 : but atomic heat of copper = 6*4 ; therefore the atomic heat of solid hydrogen = 3-1. fbut atomic heat 1 of N is about 5'6) (n) Molecular heat of NH 4 C1 = 20: \ , . , . . _. ? \, [and atomic heat 1 of Cl 6'4j ' o Now 20 12 = 8, and - = 2 ; therefore the atomic heat of 4 hydrogen is about 2. (iii) Molecular heat of NH 4 NO 3 = 3 oxides R 2 O 3 = 27-2 Hence 36*4 - 27*2 = 9-2, and = 2*3. 4 The mean of these three results is 2-4, a number which may perhaps be provisionally accepted as the atomic heat of solid hydrogen : the method of calculation however involves many assumptions and the use of numbers themselves ob- tained by indirect means. From experiments with palladium 1 Indirectly determined, see p. 55. CHAP. I. 26] ATOMIC HEATS INDIRECTLY DETERMINED. 57 charged with hydrogen, Beketoff deduced the number 5 '9 as representing the atomic heat of solid hydrogen '. The molecular heats of the oxides, chlorides, carbonates, nitrates, and sulphates, of calcium, barium, and strontium are nearly the same as the molecular heats of the corresponding salts of metals the atomic heats of which have been directly determined and found to be represented by the mean number 6*4 ; hence the atomic heats of calcium, barium, and strontium are probably represented by a number approximately equal to 6-4. The agreement noticed between the values of the molecular heats of the chloride and carbonate of rubidium, of the oxides and chlorides of chromium and titanium, and of the oxides of vanadium and zirconium, and the molecular heats of corre- sponding salts of other metals which themselves exhibit the mean atomic heat 6*4, shews that the atomic heat of rubidium, that of titanium, of zirconium, of chromium, and of vanadium, is probably 2 about 6-4. (See notes 6 and 10 to table of speci- fic heats of elements, p. 53.) The following numbers representing the molecular heats of salts of some of the rarer elements are given by Nilson; (Ber. 13. 1459 et se 4-}- '{feat C Temperature. "! Scandium salts (80 = 44-03) Sc 2 O 3 'I53 o 100 2O'8i Sc. 2 3SO 4 0-1639 62-42 Erbium salts (E,r=\66) Er 2 O 3 0-065 2 47 Er 2 3SO 4 0-104 64-5 Yttrium salts ( = 89-5) Y 2 O 3 0-1026 23-3 Y 23 S0 4 0-1319 6r6 Ytterbium sails (Yb=i73) Yb 2 O 3 0-0646 25-5 Yb 23 S0 4 0-104 ' 65-8 Gallium oxide Ga^j 0-1062 19-5 Indium oxide In 2 O 3 0-0807 22*2 If we assume that the atomic heat of oxygen is 4-1 (see p. 56), and regard only the oxides in the above table, then 1 See abstract of BeketofFs paper (original is in Russian) in Ber. 12. 687. s For a full collection of specific heat data see F. W. Clarke's Constants of Nature, part n: or, Landolt and Bernstein's Physikalisch-chemische Tabcllen. In connexion with this subject of molecular heats see also Kopp, Ber. 19. Si i. 58 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. the following values are found for the atomic heats of the metals in these oxides : Sc=4'2 Er = 6-i Y=5'5 Yb = 6'6 : Ga=3'6 In = 5'o. If a similar process is applied to the sulphates (atomic heat of S = 6), then the atomic heats of the metals are all repre- sented by negative numbers; hence either (i) the value of the atomic heat of oxygen in compounds is not constant, or (2) that of sulphur varies, or (3) that of the metals Sc, Er, Y, Yb, Ga, In, is negative in their sulphates, and, for some of these metals, is abnormal in their oxides. The last hypothesis can scarcely be adopted. Indeed if the atomic heats of gallium and indium as determined by direct experiment are placed beside the numbers obtained by calculation from the molecular heats of the oxides (assuming O = 4'i) we have this result : Directly Calculated from determined. oxides. Atomic heat of Gallium 5*4 3 '6 Indium 6*5 5'o We can scarcely hesitate which numbers to prefer. It seems then that the value to be assigned to the atomic heat of oxygen in oxides 1 (and probably also the value of the atomic heat of sulphur in sulphates) is not a constant number, but varies according to the metal with which the oxygen is combined 2 : but if this is so, much doubt must necessarily be thrown on the accuracy of the conclusions regarding the atomic heats of chlorine, nitrogen, and other elements, deduced from the molecular heats of compounds of these elements. It appears then that the Garnier-Cannizzaro generalisation (see ante, p. 51) cannot always be applied 3 . 1 Such phrases as 'atomic heat of oxygen in oxides,' 'atomic heat of sulphur in sulphates' are perhaps rather misleading; they seem to assume that an elementary atom has different capacities for heat according to the nature (and number) of other atoms with which it is combined, and that measurements of these various capacities are obtainable; this assumption is not, I think, fully justified by facts. 8 See Kopp, Ber. 19. 813; also post, chapter in. par. in. 3 Measurements of the ratio of specific heat at constant volume to that at constant pressure for various gases composed of diatomic molecules have shewn that the value of this ratio is considerably smaller in some cases than in others ; CHAP. I. 26] ATOMIC HEATS INDIRECTLY DETERMINED. 59 Although a knowledge of the molecular heats (so-called) of solid compounds may give considerable help towards fixing the formulae of these compounds, and so, indirectly, deciding what multiple of the combining number of an element is to be adopted as the atomic weight of that element, yet, it appears to me, that so far as concerns the direct determination of atomic weights, only those values for specific heats which have been obtained by experiments on the solid elements themselves are of much value. It is certain that in some cases erroneous conclusions regarding the value of an atomic weight may be deduced from measurements of the specific heats of solid compounds. Thus it was for some time doubtful whether the value 120 or 240 should be assigned to the atomic weight of uranium. In 1878 Donath found the specific heat of uranoso-uranic oxide to be -0798 (Ber. 12. 742); assuming the specific heat of solid oxygen to be 0*25 (i.e. ^J , the specific heat of uranium was calculated to be -0497; now '0497 x 120=5*96; therefore it was concluded by Donath that the atomic weight of uranium is 120. But in 1880 I pure uranium was pre- pared by Zimmermann (for details see Ber. 14. 440 and 779 : 15. 849), and the specific heat of this metal was found by him to be -028; but -028 x 120 = 3-3: hence, to bring the atomic heat of uranium into agreement with that of the majority of the elements it is necessary to assign to the atomic weight of this metal the value 240. 27 If the table of maximum atomic weights (p. 48) is com- hence a complete theory of specific heat, even when applied to gases, must take account not only of the number but also of the nature of the atoms in a molecule (compare Ostwald, Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Chetnie, 1. 230). When the 'molecular heat' of a compound is smaller than the calculated value it may be that the molecule of the compound is built up of groups of atoms each of which group counts as a single atom. If the atoms forming a molecule are symmetrically arranged (i.e. if the distance between one pair of atoms is much the same as that between any other pair) then the total kinetic energy of the molecules is very probably proportional to the number of atoms ; but if some of the atoms are arranged in groups or systems, the total kinetic energy will be proportional to the number of systems, and not to the number of atoms (see 'Aggregation, States of in the new Ed. of Watts's Dictionary of Chemistry). 60 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. pared with that which gives the specific heats of elements (pp. 51 53), it will be found that omitting the three ele- ments which are placed in brackets in the former table of the 43 elements (omitting those in brackets) whose atomic weights have been determined by the application of Avoga- dro's law, 34 have also had values assigned to their specific heats by direct experiments. Comparing the products ob- tained by multiplying the atomic weight into the specific heat in each of these 34 cases, it is found that 5 of these products fall below 5 '8 (varying from 57 to 5'2), and that 29 vary from 6'8 to 6, giving a mean value of 6*4, round which number most of the values are grouped. The conclusion to be drawn is that the atomic heat of the 29 elements in question is repre- sented by the number 6'4. There are three elements in brackets in the table on p. 48, viz. iron, copper, and gallium : if the maximum atomic weight of each, as deduced by Avo- gadro's law, is multiplied into the specific heat of the element the product is found to be about 12, but if the true atomic weights are assumed to be half as large as the numbers in the table, then the atomic heat of each of these elements is repre- sented by the mean number 6'4- Now there are no valid reasons against adopting half the maximum values obtained by Avogadro's law as the true values of the atomic weights of the three elements in question, indeed there are strong chemical reasons in favour of this course. Hence we have a very considerable mass of facts in favour of the generalisation : T/te atomic heat of all solid elements is nearly a con- stant, the mean value of which is 6'4> If this be granted, we deduce the statement for finding an approximate value for the atomic weight of an element : Atomic weight is approximately equal to j ; provided always it is remembered that the specific heat is assumed to be determined with the element in the solid form, and for a considerable range of temperature throughout which the value remains nearly constant. This method for determining the atomic weights of ele- CHAP. I. 27] ATOMIC HEATS. 6 1 merits has been applied in about 14 cases, besides* those cases where the method of specific gravities has also been employed ; the numbers obtained are usually regarded as the true atomic weights of the elements in question. It is evident that in determinations of the specific heats of solid elements we have a most valuable means for deciding which multiple of the combining number of an element is to be accepted as most probably expressing the value of the atomic weight of that element. When the element cannot be obtained, or cannot be obtained in sufficient quan- tity, in the solid form, then measurements of the specific heats of a series of its solid compounds will afford more or less valuable guidance in attempts to find the atomic weight of the element in question. The following statements fairly sum up the results of atomic heat determinations. I. Solid elements, forty-five in number, whose specific Jieats have been directly determined, and zvhose atomic heats are all nearly equal to 6^4. Li Na Mg Al P S K Ca Ti Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn As Se Br Zr Mo Rh Ru Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I La Ce Di W Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Th U (Cr) II. Solid elements, six in number, wlwse specific heats Jtave been directly determined, and whose atomic heats appear to be about 5*5. Ga [? inaccurately determined] Be B C Si Ge. III. Solid elements, five in number, whose specific heats have been indirectly determined, and whose atomic heats are probably nearly equal to 6'4. V Rb Sr Cs Ba. IV. Gaseous elements ; atomic heats very doubtful, appa- rently variable. H (F) N O Cl. Of the elements whose atomic heats are decidedly less than 6-4, all, except gallium beryllium and germanium, are non-metallic and have atomic weights smaller than 33: indeed if the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic weight, it is found that, with the exception of lithium, all having an atomic weight less than 23 have also an atomic 62 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. heat less than 6, and that these elements, except beryllium, are non-metallic. 28 The data concerning the specific heats of beryllium, boron, carbon, and silicon, must be examined in some detail. Beryllium. R. E. Reynolds (Phil. Mag. (5) 3. 38) deter- mined the specific heat of this metal at 100 to be '642 : the metal used was however impure. Nilson and Pettersson (Ber. 11.351) determined the specific heat of a mixture of metallic beryllium with known quantities of beryllium oxide, ferric oxide, and silica ; they also deter- mined the specific heat of pure beryllium oxide, and, the specific heats of ferric oxide and silica being known, they calculated the specific heat of the metal beryllium to be '4079, for the temperature interval o 100. The same chemists (Ber. 13. 1456: see also Chem. News, 42. 297) made a second series of determinations with a sample of the metal containing only about 5 per cent, of beryllium and ferric oxides. The following table gives their more important results : Specific heat of Beryllium. (NlLSON and PETTERSSON.) Temperature interval. Specific heat. Sp.hLx 13-65. o 46 -5 0'3973 5 '4 100 0-4246 5-8 o 214 0*475 6-4 o 300 0-5055 6-9. Hence these chemists concluded that the atomic weight of beryllium ought to be taken as I3'65, and not 9-1, the value usually assigned to this constant The results tabulated above shew that the value of the specific heat of beryllium for the interval o 300 is 27 per cent, greater than the value for the interval o 50 ; is 7 o 200 ; and is 19 o 100. Using the data of Nilson and Pettersson, L. Meyer (Ber. 13. 1780) calculated the values of the specific heat of beryllium at various temperatures, with the following results : CHAP. I. 28-29] ATOMIC HEAT OF BERYLLIUM. 63 True specific heat of Beryllium at various temperatures, (MEYER.) 7 = true specific heat at temperature /. Ay = increase in value of y per iC. t. y- Ay. ^=9-1 ^=13-65 20'2 73'2 0-3973 0-4481'" O'OOIOI 0-00085 3-62 4-08 5'43 6-12 157 0-5193'" 0*00063 473 7-10 256-8 0-5819 5-29 8-94. Hence, Meyer concluded that the specific heat of beryllium increases rapidly as temperature increases, but that the rate of this increase diminishes ; and that the specific heat pro- bably attains a constant value, equal to about O"6, at 300 or so 1 . Humpidge 2 , working with a specimen of beryllium con- taining 99-2 per cent, metal and 7 per cent, beryllium oxide, obtained the following numbers : Specific heat of Beryllium. (HUMPIDGE.) Temp. Specific heat. 100 '4702 200 -540 400 '6172 500 '6206. The value approximates to a constant (= about '62) some- where between 400 and 500. Boron, Carbon, and Silicon. Very varying values have been obtained for the specific heats of these three ele- ments. The following table summarises the principal data previous to the publication of Weber's papers [see Phil. Mag. (4) 49. 161 & 276]. Specific heats of Boron, Carbon, Silicon. (Weber's numbers not included.) (Temperature may be taken as about 35 55.) Boron amorphous crystalline Sp. ht. Sp. ht.Xat. wt, Observer. 0-254 2-8 Kp. 1864 0-230 2-6 0-252 2-8 M.D. 1873 0*262 2-9 Rg. 1869 0'225 2-5 Rg. 1869 0-257 2-8 0-235 2-6 graphitic 1 For a discussion of the value to be assigned to the atomic weight of beryllium see chapter in. par. 1 1 1. 2 Proc. R. S.3B. 137: 38. 1 88 : and specially 39. I, S P . ht. Sp. ht. X at. wt. Observer. 0-143 17 B.W. 1868 0-147 r8 Rg- 1841 0-165 2"O Kp. 1864 0-186 2'2 B.W. 1868 0-197 2'4 Rg. 1841 0-174 2'I Kp. 1864 0-188 2'3 B.W. 1868 O'2OI 2'4 Rg- 1866 0-138 3'9 Kp. 1864 0-166 4-6 Rg. 1861 0*165 4-6 Kp. 1864 0'I7I 4-8 M.D. 1873 0-173 4'8 Rg. 1861. 64 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. 1 Carbon diamond j> gas-carbon >i . i> graphite > > Silicon fused ii crystalline Weber (loc. at.} found that the specific heats of carbon, boron, and silicon, increase rapidly as the temperature is raised, but that at high temperatures the rate of the increase becomes much smaller. The following table gives a synopsis of Weber's results : Specific heats of Boron, Carbon, and Silicon. (WEBER.) Temp. Spec. heat. Spec. ht. x at. wt. Boron crystallised 40 0-1915 2-11 > +77 0-2737 3-01 ; 177 0-3378 372 ii 2 33 0-3663 4-03. These numbers shew that the specific heat of boron in- creases with increase of temperature, and that the value of this increase, for a given interval, is considerably less at high than at low temperatures. The variations in the rate of this increase are almost identical with the variations noticed in the case of carbon ; hence at temperatures above 233 this identity will probably remain. Calculated on this as- sumption, the specific heat of boron at about 1000 is 0*50. It must however be observed that Weber did not prove the purity of the specimen of crystalline boron with which he worked. The crystals were prepared by reducing boric oxide 1 Dewar (Phil. Mag. [4] 44. 461) found for the specific heat of gas-carbon between 20 and 1040 the number 0-32, for diamond the number o'366; and, between 20 and a temperature estimated to be 2000, for 'carbon' the number 0-42. CHAP. I. 29] ATOMIC HEAT OF CARBON. 65 by aluminium ; according to Hampe (Annalen, 183. 75) the substance thus obtained is a definite boride of aluminium, A1 12 B. Specific heats of Boron, Carbon, and Silicon. (WEBER) continued. Temp. Spec. heat. Sp. ht. x at. wt. Carbon diamond -50 0-0635 0-76 +10 0-1128 1-35 85 0-1765 2'12 250 0-3026 3-63 606 0-4408 5-29 985 0-4589 5-50 graphite - 50 0-1138 1*37 +10 0-1604 1-93 61 0-1990 2-39 201 0-2966 3-56 250 0-325 3-88 641 0-4454 5'35 978 0-467 5-60 Porous wood carbon o 23 0-1653 1*95 o 99 0-1935 2-07 o 223 0-2385 2-84. These numbers shew that the specific heat of carbon increases from 50 upwards, the value found at 600 being about seven times as great as that found at 50 ; but that the rate of this increase is very small at high temperatures ; from a red heat upwards the rate is about one-seventeenth of that from o to 100. The specific heats of diamond and graphite differ at tem- peratures below about 600, but from this point upwards they are practically identical ; the numbers given for porous wood carbon are almost the same as those for graphite for the same temperature-intervals ; hence it may be said that at high temperatures (above 600) the various modifications of carbon have probably all the same specific heat. Table continued. p. Temp. Spec. heat. Sp. ht. x at. wt. Silicon crystallised -40 0*136 3-81 +57 ' Q'i833 5'i3 128 0-196 5-50 184 0-20 1 I 5-63 232 0-2029 5-68 M.C. 5 66 ATOMS AND 'MOLECULES. [HOOK I. The specific heat of silicon attains an almost constant value at about 200. 30 It is evident that the specific heat of an elementary body is not a constant number, but varies with the tem- perature, and that the relation between the variation of specific heat and that of temperature differs for each element. The following formulae calculated from experimentally deter- mined numbers, express the relation in question for some of the elements : 1 Carbon diamond sp. ht. = 0-4408 + 0-0000405 /, where / varies from 6oo 800 = 0-4408 + 0-000056 1 1 8oo 1000 graphite = 0*4454 + 0*0000472 / 600 800 =0-4454 + 0-0000840 / 8oo 1000 2 Copper = 0-0910 + 0*000023 1 o 250 2 Zinc =0-0865 + 0*000044 1 2 Lead =0-0286 + 0-000019 1 3 Platinum = 0*03 1 7 + o'ooooo6 / o 1200 The specific heat of any substance also varies with varia- tions in the physical state of that substance, thus : Sp. heat. Bromine solid ... ... 0-0843 liquid ... ... OTIIO Soft copper 0-0948 Hard copper ... ... 0*0934 Iron sulphide as strahlite 0-1332 Sp. heat. Iron sulphide as pyrites ... 0-1279 Chlorine solid ... ... o'i8o 4 gaseous ... 0*093 Mercury solid ... ... 0*032 4 gaseous ... 0-015 The specific heats of the elementary bodies have gener- ally been determined at temperatures situated at very varying intervals from the melting points of these elements ; the physical aggregation of the specimens examined has also varied much ; hence the values found for the specific heats of the elements cannot be regarded as strictly comparable. There appears to be a certain interval of temperature within which the value of the specific heat of a solid element becomes nearly constant, and for this interval only can the element be said approximately to obey the law of Dulong 1 Weber (loc. fit.). 2 Bede, Mem. Couronn. de FAcad. Brux. 27. 3 (1855). 3 Violle, Compt. rend. 85. 543. 4 Calculated for constant volume. CHAP. I. 30-31] ATOMIC HEATS. 67 and Petit, as stated on p. 60. This temperature-interval varies for each element, especially for the nonmetallic ele- ments with small atomic weights ; for many elements it may be roughly taken as from o to 100 ; but for several it is only attained at high temperatures. Kopp (loc. tit.} has supposed that the atoms of certain elements more especially of boron, carbon, and silicon are built up of simpler parts, have themselves a grained structure, and that at high temperatures the atoms of these elements are composed of a smaller number of those little parts than at lower temperatures. Heat added at low temperatures is supposed, on this hypothesis, to be used in separating the atomic groups. With regard to Kopp's hypothesis it may be observed, that the facts of spectroscopy seem to point to the existence of a more complex structure in the nonmetallic than in the metallic molecules ; that allotropy occurs distinctly only among the non-metals ; that the molecules of the five metallic elements whose vapour-densities have been deter- mined are monatomic ; that the atomic heat of tellurium, a metal-like non-metal belonging to the oxygen group, is 6 - o, of the less metal-like selenion about 5'8, of the decidedly non- metallic sulphur about 5'5, and of the typical non-metal oxygen probably not more than 4; and finally that the molecular structures of oxygen, sulphur, and selenion, vapours are more complex than that of tellurium vapour. Now as carbon, boron, and silicon are distinctly non-metallic elements, these facts lend support to the view that a part of the heat added to carbon, boron, or silicon, at low temperatures is spent in separating complex molecular groups into their constituent parts, rather than in separating the hypothetically complex atoms of these elements into smaller atoms. 31 A consideration of the data summarised in the preceding paragraphs shews, I think, that the application of Avogadro's law is of more value to the chemist as a means of determining the atomic weights of elements than the law of Dulong and Petit. From a general consideration of the molecular theory of matter it is also apparent that a deduction which does not necessitate an exact hypothesis as to the internal structure of 52 68 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. molecules is more trustworthy and more appropriate, in the present state of knowledge, than another which does necessi- tate some such hypothesis. The molecular explanation of the gaseous laws expressing relations between volume, pressure, and temperature, and of Avogadro's law, may be considered as fairly complete ; but in order to give a molecular explanation of the law of specific heats more knowledge of the internal structure of molecules than we now possess is necessary 1 . For the specific heat of a substance depends on the rate at which the whole energy of the molecule increases with increase of temperature : but this energy is made up of two parts, (i) the energy of agitation, that is, the energy the molecule would possess if it moved as a whole with the motion of its centre of mass, or in other words without rotation ; and (2) the energy of rotation, that is, the energy the molecule would possess if its centre of mass were reduced to rest, in other words the energy due to the motion of the parts relatively to the centre of mass of the molecule 2 . If it is assumed that the energy due to the rotational motions of the parts of the molecule tends towards a value having a constant ratio to the energy of agitation of the molecule, then a simple expression is found for the whole energy ; but this expression contains a factor which varies in different gases, and the value of which has been determined only in a few cases 3 . And moreover it is probable that when the energy due to the rotational motions of the parts of a molecule becomes greater than a certain quantity, the molecule separates into parts ; hence when heat is imparted to a mass of mole- cules work is probably in many cases done in destroying some of the molecules as such 4 . Hence the molecular expla- nation of specific heat is not at present in so advanced a state as that of the relations between the volumes, pressures, and temperatures, of gases 5 . If this be true concerning gases, still 1 Clerk Maxwell, C. S. Journal [2] 13. 507. 3 Clerk Maxwell, lot. cit. p. 502. 8 See Clerk Maxwell's Heat, pp. 317319 (6th ed.). 4 See Hicks, Phil. Mag. (5). 4. 80, and 174. 'On some effects of Dissocia- tion on the Physical Properties of Gases. ' 5 See in connexion with this subject Strecker, Wied. Ann. 13. 20; and Bolt;;- CHAP. I. 31-32] ISOMORPHISM. 69 more is it true concerning solid bodies. Our knowledge of the molecular phenomena of solids is very small ; but the law of Dulong and Petit is applicable to solid elements only. Finally, when heat is added to a solid only a portion of it is used in raising the temperature; another part is spent in increasing the volume of the solid, and a third part is em- ployed in doing work against the external pressure on the solid. 32 The so-called ' law of isomorphism ' affords a basis on which is founded another method for determining the atomic weights of elementary bodies. The views of Abbe Haiiy were dominant in crystallo- graphy in the early days of this century ; he admitted a close connexion between crystalline form and chemical composition, but he thought that each chemically dis- tinct body must be characterised by a definite and peculiar form. In 1816 Gay-Lussac noticed that the growth of crystals of potash alum was not affected by placing them in a solution of ammonia alum. Various observations of this kind were made from time to time 1 until 1819, when E. Mitscherlich propounded the law of isomorphism, which, modified and developed, was stated by him in 1821 in the following terms: " Equal numbers of atoms similarly combined exhibit tJie same crystalline form ; identity of crystalline form is independent of t/te chemical nature of the atoms, and is conditioned only by the number and configura- tion of the atoms." Since this date various observers have advanced the know- ledge of the relations between crystalline form and chemical composition 2 . The more important generalisations are as follows. mann, Jo. 13. 544: and 18. 309: also art. Aggregation, States of, in the new edition of Watts' s Dictionary. 1 For a full historical account of the development of the conception of Iso- morphism, with copious references, see the article 'Isomorphie' in the Neues Handivortcrbuch der Chemie, Bd. ill. p. 844 el seq. * See especially ffandworterbuch, loc. at. and Kopp's Lchrbuch der physikal- ischcti und thcorctischcn Chcinic (2nd Ed.), Bd. II. pp. 136155. 70 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. Similar chemical constitution 1 is not necessarily accom- panied by identical crystalline form ; e.g. PbCrO 4 monoclinic, and PbMoO 4 quadratic ; AgCl and AgBr regular, and Agl hexagonal ; KNO 3 and (NH 4 )NO 3 rhombic but not identical, CsNO 3 and RbNO 3 hexagonal. Unlike chemical constitution may be accompanied by similar or identical crystalline form : thus Marignac 2 shewed that the following salts crystallise in identical forms ; K 2 TiF 6 . H 2 O, K 2 NbOF 5 . H 2 O, K 2 WO 2 F 4 . H 2 O, are isomorphous ; andCuTiF 6 .4H 2 O, CuNbOF 5 .4H 2 O, CuWO 2 F 4 . 4 H 2 O, are isomorphous. Klein 3 has shewn that the complex compounds 9WO 3 . B 2 O 3 . 24H 2 O and I2WO 3 . SiO 2 .33H 2 O, and 9\VO 3 . B 2 O 3 . Na 2 O . 23H 2 O, are isomorphous. Klein has modified the statement of the law of isomor- phism thus : " Isomorphous bodies have either a similar chemical constitution or exhibit only slight differences in percentage composition ; there is always a group of elements which is either common to all the isomorphous bodies, or exhibits identical chemical functions in these bodies, and which constitutes by far the greater part of each of the isomorphous bodies." It would appear that all the constituents of a compound exert an influence on the form of that substance. Isomorphism may not be exhibited in comparatively simple analogous compounds of two elements, but may appear in more complex compounds of the same elements ; e.g. many of the simpler compounds of cadmium are not isomorphous with the analo- gous compounds of the metals of the magnesium group (Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Cu, Ca), but comparatively complex cadmium salts such as CdSO 4 . K 2 SO 4 .6H 2 O are generally isomorphous with the corresponding compounds of the mag- nesian metals. Again, many simple salts of sodium and potassium are not isomorphous although their composition is similar, but the alums are isomorphous. 1 This phrase must not be interpreted too strictly. Closely allied compounds the formula; of which contain the same number of elementary atoms, or groups of atoms, may be said, for the purposes of the present argument, to exhibit a ' similar chemical constitution.' 2 Ann. Chim. Phys. 60. 257. 3 Compt. rend. 95. 781. CIIAIM.32] ISOMORPHISM. 71 One may suppose that the presence of a large number of isomorphous atoms exerts a dominating influence over a smaller number of non-isomorphous atoms. The constituents of isomorphous compounds are not them- selves always isomorphous. Thus, the sulphates of nickel, magnesium, and zinc, crystallise in rhombic forms, but the oxides of the same elements are not isomorphous. In other cases the constituents of isomorphous bodies are themselves isomorphous ; e.g. the compound 3Ag 2 S . Sb 2 S 3 has the same crystalline form as the compound 3Ag 8 S . As 2 S 3 , Sb 2 S 3 and As 2 S 3 are isomorphous in rhombic forms, and arsenic and antimony form almost identical rhombic crystals. Hence we must distinguish strict isomorphism as applied to bodies which, with similar composition, exhibit the same or nearly the same crystalline form ; and isomorphism as more loosely applied to bodies which, although not themselves crystallising in the same form, nevertheless combine with other bodies to produce strictly isomorphous compounds into which they enter as corresponding groups 1 . A certain latitude is generally allowed in the application of the term ' isomorphous crystals.' This latitude has gradually been more and more advanced until it has become difficult to give an exact meaning to the expression. Absolute identity of the angles of two bodies occurs only when the bodies crystallise in the regular system. Chemically analogous com- pounds sometimes crystallise in forms closely resembling one another, yet belonging to different systems; e.g. potassium dichromate crystallises in monoclinic forms, where a : b : c = roii6 : i : rSi45, and ammonium dichromate crystal- lises in triclinic form the relations of the axes of which are nearly the same as those of the monoclinic crystals, viz. a\b:c = 1-0271 : i : 17665. Salts with identical crystalline form sometimes exhibit optical differences 2 . Are all such salts to be called truly isomorphous ? Kopp 3 proposes that only those salts any one of which is capable of growing in unmodified 1 Lehrbuch der physikalischen und theoretischeii Chemie, 2. 139. 2 See Baker, C. S. Journal Trans, for 1879. 760. 3 Ber. 12. goo et seq. 72 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. form when immersed in a solution of any other should be regarded as strictly isomorphous 1 . 33 As we know the crystalline form of comparatively few elements 2 , the statement that such or such elements form an isomorphous group, generally means only that the analogous compounds of these elements are for the most part isomorphous. The more important groups of isomorphous elements, as thus understood, are as follows 3 : GROUP I. Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, [Cyanogen]; in all compounds : partially Manganese; in compounds of the type RMnO 4 . GROUP II. Sulphur, Selenion; in all compounds and as elements in monosymmetric forms : partially Tellurium; in compounds of the type RTe : Chromium, Manganese, Tellurium; in salts of their acids belonging to the type H 2 RO 4 : Arsenic, Antimony; in compounds of the type RS 2 . GROUP III. Arsenic, Antimony, Bismuth, Tellurium; as elements, and the three first-named in all corresponding compounds : partially Phosphorus and Vanadium; in salts of their acids : Nitrogen with phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony ; in organic bases. GROUP IV. Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Cizsium, \Arn- moniutti\ ; in most compounds : partially Thallium; in some compounds : ,, Silver, in some compounds (especially with sodium}. GROUP V. Calcium, Strontium, Barium, Lead; Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, Iron; e.g. in carbonates : partially Nickel, Cobalt, Copper; with iron in some compounds, e.g. sulphates : 1 Lehmann, Zeitschr. f. Physikal. Chemie, 1. 15, 49, has recorded a few cases of non-isomorphous compounds crystallising together, e.g. CuCl 2 .2H 2 O and NH 4 C1. Many precautions must be taken in the practical application of this criterion of isomorphism (s. ' Isomorphie ' in Ladenburg's Handuwrterbuch der Chemie, 5. 385). 2 See, for the crystalline forms of elements in the free state, Watts's Dictionary [ist Ed.], vol. in. p. 429. 3 From article ' Isomorphie ' in Neues Handivorterbuch, loc. cit. For a much fuller account of the isomorphism of elements, see Ladenburg's Hand-war terbuch dcr Chenric, 5. 394. CHAT. I. 33] ISOMORPHOUS ELEMENTS. 73 partially Lanthanum, Cerium, Didymium, Yttrium, Erbium; with calcium, in compounds of type RO: Copper, Mercury; with lead, in oxy-compounds : Beryllium, Cadmium, Indium; with zinc, in some com- pounds: Thallium; with lead, in some compounds. GROUP VI. Aluminium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron; in the sesqui- oxides [R 2 O 3 ] and salts derived therefrom : partially Cerium, Uranium; in their sesquioxides. GROUP VII. Copper, Silver; in compounds of the type R 2 O : partially Gold; with silver, GROUP VIII. Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium, Iridiiim, Platinum, Osmium; in most compounds : partially Iron, Nickel, Gold: Tin \? Tellurium~\. GROUP IX. Carbon, Silicon, Titanium, Zirconium, Tin, Thorium; partially in compounds of the type RO 2 , and salts derived from the type H 2 RO 3 : carbon with silicon in many correspond- ing so-called organic compounds. Iron; with titanium. GROUP X. Niobium, Tantalum; in all their compounds. GROUP XI. Molybdenum, Tungsten; in all their compounds: partially Chromium; in salts of acids of the type H 2 RO 4 . The terms dimorphous, trimorphous, polymorphous were used by Mitscherlich. Many examples of the phenomena to which these names are applied are now known : thus calcium carbonate crystallises in hexagonal forms as calcspar, and in rhombic forms as arragonite; titanium oxide assumes two distinct quadratic forms, one being known as rutile the other as anatasc, and it also crystallises as brookite in rhombic prisms ; arsenious oxide crystallises in octahedral, antimonious oxide in rhombic, forms, but if amorphous arsenious oxide is heated in a sealed tube so that one part of the tube is at 400 and the rest below this temperature, the oxide deposited in the middle part of the tube is found to be isomorphous with rhombic antimonious oxide; the latter oxide is also known in octahedral forms, so that the isodimorpJiism of these two oxides is complete 1 . 1 s. Lehmann, Zeitsch r. f. physikal. Chetttie, 1. 15. 74 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. 34 If it is assumed that, as a general rule, those masses of two substances which are crystallographically equivalent have similar chemical constitutions 1 ; and if we suppose that the atomic weights are known of the elements which compose one of two compounds exhibiting identical or nearly identical crystalline form, it is evident in what way deter- minations of crystalline form may aid in fixing atomic weights. To take an example : from determinations of the specific gravities of gaseous compounds and analyses of these com- pounds, the value 52*4 is assigned to the atomic weight of chromium ; this number is verified by measurements of the specific heat of the same metal. The green oxide of chromium exhibits the same crystalline form as ferric oxide, hence these oxides should probably be represented by similar for- mulae. On comparing the compositions of crystallographically equivalent quantities of the two oxides, it is found that one is composed of 52^4 x 2 parts by weight of chromium and 1 5 '96 x 3 parts of oxygen, and the other of the same mass of oxygen combined with SS'9 x 2 parts by weight of iron. Now the atomic weight of chromium has been determined to be 52-4, and the atomic weight of oxygen is known to be I5'96; hence the simplest formula that can be given to the green oxide of chromium is Cr 2 O 3 ; and hence the probable formula of ferric oxide is Fe 2 O s . But if the latter formula is correct it follows that 2 atoms of chromium are replaced from one reacting weight of the oxide Cr 2 O 3 by 2 atoms of iron. If this conclusion is granted, the atomic weight of iron is 55-9. As the specific heat of iron multiplied into 55*9 gives the product 6'4, 5 5 '9 is almost certainly the true atomic weight of iron. Again, the formulae of potassium perchlorate and permanga- nate were at one time written KO . C1O 7 and KO . Mn 2 O 7 . Berzelius proposed the formulae KO.C1O 7 and KO.MnO 7 , which on the system of notation now adopted become KC1O 4 and KMnO 4 respectively; these formulae represent crystallo- graphically equivalent quantities of the two salts; if it is assumed that Cl (35'37) represents the weight of the atom of 1 See note i. p. 70. CHAP. I. 34] APPLICATION OF ISOMORPHISM. 75 chlorine, then Mn (55) probably represents the weight of the atom of manganese. Observations of crystalline form have sometimes led the way to correct determinations of atomic weights, or to changes in the received values of such weights. Thus H. Rose 1 gave the name of hyponiobium to a supposed allotropic form of the metal niobium; but Marignac 2 shewed that compounds of the hypothetical metal were identical in crystalline form with certain compounds of tin and titanium, and concluded that Rose's hyponiobium was itself isomorphous with the atomic groups SnF and TiF, and was therefore probably a compound. Further experiments shewed that the hypo- niobium of Rose was really composed of niobium and oxygen in the proportions expressed by the formula NbO (Nb = 94) ; now if it was admitted that the groups of atoms NbO, SnF, and TiF, were crystallographically equivalent, it followed, from the analyses of the various compounds, that one atom of tin or titanium (117*8 or 48 parts by weight respectively) was replaced by 94 parts by weight of niobium, and that this number therefore represented the weight of the atom of niobium 8 . Again, the isomorphism of the double compound of gal- lium and ammonium sulphates with ordinary ammonia-alum shewed that the former salt was a true alum ; hence the formula X 2 3SO 4 . (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 .24H 2 O was applicable to the salt in question. But in the case of common alum X 2 = A1 2 = 2. x 27'O2; and in the case of gallium alum X 2 = 138 : hence, as two atoms of aluminium were replaced by 138 parts by weight of gallium, it followed that the atomic weight of gallium was J-|p = 69. This number was confirmed by the analysis of gaseous gallium chloride. 1 PSg' Ann. 108. 273. 8 Ann. Chim. Phys. 60. 257. 3 Marignac's conclusions were afterwards confirmed by determinations, by Deville and Troost, of the specific gravity of gaseous chloride and oxychloride of niobium: see Compt. rend. 69. 1221. Roscoe's researches on the atomic weight of vanadium afford a very in- structive example of the employment of the results of crystallographic measure- ments in fixing atomic weights. Phil. Trans, for 1868, I. et seq. 76 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. The facts of which an outline has been given shew that until more extended and precise knowledge of the connexions between crystalline form and chemical constitution is ob- tained, that method for determining the atomic weights of elements which is founded on these connexions can be applied only tentatively and in a limited number of cases. The method may however now be of considerable service in suggesting lines of research bearing on the problems con- nected with atomic weight determinations. It appears probable that the crystalline form of a sub- stance is connected at once with the internal structure of the molecules of the substance and with the configuration of the molecules themselves. No attempt has been made, nor can in the present state of knowledge hopefully be made in any but the broadest manner, to apply to the facts of crystallo- graphy the theory of the molecular structure of matter. 35 Many attempts have been made to determine molecular weights by other physical methods than the three already described. Of these attempts, that made by Raoult has led to important results 1 . This chemist has determined the amount of lowering of the freezing point of water, and various other solvents, produced by dissolving quantities of various compounds proportional to the formula-weights, or reacting weights, of these compounds ; he has found that chemically similar compounds generally produce equal lowerings of the freezing points of water and some other solvents. Let P grams of a compound be dissolved in 100 grams of water, or other solvent, and let the observed lowering of the freezing point be C\ then -p = coefficient of lowering of freezing point for the compound in question. If M= molecular weight, or better, formula-weight, of a specified compound, then the product -p M is called by Raoult the molecular lowering of freezing point. M -pis constant for all the members of the same class of compounds ; thus Raoult finds the following values, water being the solvent : 1 s. especially Ann. Chim. Phys. [6] 8. 317. CHAP. I. 35] DETERMINATION OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 77 19 for organic compounds, except oxalic acid and compound ammoniums ; 35 for all salts of monovalent metals with monobasic acids, e.g. NaCl, NaC 2 H 8 O 2) NaNO 3 ; 40 for all normal salts of monovalent metals with dibasic acids, e.g. (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 , K 2 C0 3) K 2 CrO 4 ; etc. etc. etc. When benzene was the solvent, Raoult found the values: 49 for all organic compounds except acids, alcohols, and phenols ; 25 for the lower members of homologous series of alcohols. Raoult found other constant values when other solvents, e.g. acetic acid, were employed. If the value of M -= for a group of compounds is known, it is possible to find the formula-weight of a member of the group from observations of the coefficient of lowering of freezing point of that compound. Thus to take the case of ether. (i) 4'47 grams of ether were dissolved in 100 grams of water, and the freezing point of the water was lowered by - ' 4'47 ganic compounds dissolved in water is 19; therefore in the present case M -^ = 82. (ii) 2721 grams of ether dissolved in 100 grams of benzene lowered the freezing point by i'826 ; therefore the coefficient of lowering was - = '671. Now as M -p = 49 for the class of compounds of which ether is a member, it follows that M= -^- = 73. (iii) The coefficient of lowering of freezing point of acetic acid for ether was determined to be '529. i'O5 ; hence -75= - = '23. But the value of M -~ for or- r ' 78 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. Experiments had shewn that M p = 39 for all organic and many inorganic compounds ; hence in the present case The mean of the three results gives the value 76-6 for the formula-weight of ether ; the correct value is 74. This method is of wide application for determining the reacting (or formula) weights of compounds, and is especially useful as it is applicable to bodies which cannot be gasified without decomposition. 36 I have endeavoured to shew that the most trustworthy method for determining molecular and atomic weights is founded on Avogadro's law, which is itself an outcome of the application of dynamical reasoning to a physical theory. Formerly it was supposed that strictly chemical evidence must be of paramount importance in determining these quan- tities. Although the superior importance of Avogadro's law is now admitted, this law can only be applied to a limited number of substances, hence we are frequently obliged to have recourse to purely chemical evidence in support of this or that molecular weight. The nature of such chemical evidence, and the modifications in the physical conception of molecular weight to which it leads, must now be shortly illustrated. In 1850 Brodie 1 endeavoured to shew that there is no difference of kind between those reactions wherein elementary bodies are produced, or react, and those in which compound bodies are alone concerned. He supposed that the small particles of elementary substances set free during reactions, or taking part in reactions, are composed of smaller parts which exhibit certain mutual polar relations. Silver chloride is not decomposed by oxygen, but it readily interacts with potassium oxide with production of silver oxide and potassium chloride ; hydriodic and iodic acids decompose one another with production of free iodine ; silver oxide decomposes hydrogen peroxide to form silver, water, and free 1 Phil. Trans, for 1850, 759, and also C. S. Journal, 4. 194. CHAP. I. 36] DETERMINATION OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 79 oxygen, half of the oxygen coming from the silver oxide and half from the peroxide ; iodine decomposes barium peroxide with production of barium iodide and oxygen. These re- actions were thus written by Brodie (translating into the new notation): (i) AgAgClCl + KKO = AgAgO + KKClCl (+nd (2) (3) (4) That part of Brodie's hypothesis which supposed a polar condition of atoms in molecules was not generally adopted by other chemists, but it was admitted that his researches established a general similarity of function and composition between elementary and compound molecules. In the same year Williamson 1 distinguished between the atom of zinc in combination, and the free metal zinc (that is to say, he recognised that the atom of an element is not possessed of the same properties as the molecule of that element) : he said it is not quite accurate to speak of ' zinc ' as existing in zinc sulphate. Recognising then that chemical reactions took place be- tween molecules, chemists defined the molecule as the smallest part of a substance capable of taking part in a chemical change, or as the acting chemical unit. Supposing the atomic weights of the elements forming a compound to be known, the best method of determining the molecular weight of the compound appeared to be to find that formula which should express the atomic composition in the simplest manner. Thus ammonia is formed by the combination of hydrogen and nitrogen in the proportion of 3 parts by weight of the former to 14 of the latter ; assuming the atomic weights of these elements to be I and 14 respectively, the atomic com- position of ammonia may be represented by the formula NH,. As the reactions in which this substance takes part might all be represented as involving 17, or a whole multiple of 17, 1 C. S. Journal, 4. 355. 80 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. parts by weight of this compound, and moreover as hydrogen could be removed from 17 parts by weight of ammonia in three separate and equal parts by chemical reactions, 17 was taken to be the molecular weight of ammonia. An instructive illustration of this method of fixing a minimum molecular weight is furnished by Williamson's famous researches on ethers '. The formulae generally adopted for common alcohol and ether, previous to Williamson's work, were C 4 H fi O 2 and C 4 H 5 O respectively (C = 6 ; O = 8). William- son allowed ethylic iodide to react on potassium alcoholate, expecting that ethylated alcohol would be produced thus C 4 H 5 KO 2 + C 4 H 5 I should give C 4 H 5 (C 4 H 5 )O 2 + KI but the product was ordinary ether. If the generally accepted formula for ether were doubled the reaction would be explained, and ether would be regarded as an oxide of ethyl (C 4 H 5 ) 2 O 2 . Again, Williamson found that when sulphuric acid acts on ethylic alcohol, and methylic alcohol is added to the mixture, a single substance having the properties of an ether, and the formula C 3 H 4 O or a whole multiple of this formula, distils over. If the formula of ether is C 4 H 5 O, then that of methylic ether is C 2 H 3 O, and a mixture of these ought to be obtained in the reaction just mentioned ; but if ether is (C 4 H 5 ) 2 O 2 , then the single ether obtained is probably methyl-ethyl oxide 2 , i.e. C 4 H 5 (C 2 H S )O 2 (=2C 3 H 4 O). Thus was shewn, on purely chemical grounds, the necessity of doubling the generally accepted molecular formula for ether. No purely chemical method capable of general application has been found for determining molecular weights ; each com- pound must be considered as a separate problem. The more important methods may however be roughly classified. There is the method of analogies, which is well illustrated by the example of ether already considered. The smallest amount of sulphuretted hydrogen which takes part in chemi- cal changes is represented by the formula H 2 S (assuming S = 32), the hydrogen in this compound is replaceable in two 1 See C. S. Journal, 4. 106, and 229. 2 Translated into modern notation, these formulae become (C 2 H 5 ),O and C 2 H 5 (CH 3 )0 respectively. CHAP. I. 36] ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 8 1 parts with production of KHS and KKS hence the mole- cular formula is not less than H 2 S. But compounds of selenion and tellurium with hydrogen, analogous in general properties to sulphuretted hydrogen, are known ; from the marked similarity between these two elements and sulphur it is very probable that the molecular formulae of the two compounds in question are H 2 Se and H 2 Te respectively: as these formulae satisfy the analytical numbers, they may be adopted. The simplest formula that can be given to acetic acid con- sistently with the values H = i, C = 12, and O = 16 is CH 2 O. But if this acid is neutralised by soda and the sodium salt thus produced is analysed, it is found that this salt contains one atom of sodium (the atomic weight of sodium is assumed to be known, = 23) in combination with three-fourths of the quantity of hydrogen present in the original acid, the quan- tities of carbon and oxygen being unchanged. Hence, it is argued, one-fourth of the total hydrogen of the acid has been replaced by sodium ; but not less than one atom of hydrogen (or another element) can be removed from a molecule ; hence, as one atom of hydrogen out of four atoms has been replaced by sodium, it follows that the molecule of acetic acid contains at least four atoms of hydrogen. But, in order to express this conclusion, the formula of the acid must be written C 2 H 4 O 2 ; and therefore the minimum molecular weight of acetic acid is 60. This conclusion is confirmed by the pre- paration of thiacetic acid, which is composed of 16 parts by weight of oxygen (i.e. one atom) less than enters into the composition of acetic acid, the quantities of carbon and hydrogen remaining the same, and 32 parts by weight of sulphur. Now if the atomic weight of sulphur is known to be 32, it follows that the minimum molecular weight of acetic acid is expressed by the formula C 2 H 4 O 2 , and that of thiacetic acid by the formula C 2 H 4 OS. The formula for water was once written HO. If potas- sium is thrown on to water hydrogen is evolved, and the solid product of the reaction is a white salt whose compo- sition may be expressed by the formula HO.KO(O = 8). But this substance is undecomposed by heat, and it exhibits none of the reactions which a compound of water with a M. C. 6 82 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. metallic oxide might be expected to possess, nevertheless it is composed of hydrogen, oxygen, and potassium ; when it is fused with potassium, hydrogen is evolved and potassium oxide remains. The oxygen of this compound cannot be removed in parts. If the molecular formula of water is written H 2 O(O=i6) these facts are explained; the white solid then becomes KOH, and this formula as the minimum molecular formula of the compound is confirmed by the close analogies which exist between the properties of this body and those of alcohol, the molecular formula of which has been determined to be (C 2 H 5 ) OH. If steam reacts with chlorine or bromine oxygen is evolved, and a compound of hydrogen and chlorine (or bromine) is produced, the simplest formula for which is HC1 (or HBr); no compound of oxygen, hydrogen, and chlorine (or bromine) is formed and oxygen at the same time evolved. Hence, it is argued, the hydrogen in the molecule of water is divisible in chemical changes into two parts, but the oxygen is not divisible, and hence, the simplest molecular formula for water is H 2 O ; but if this is so, the atomic weight of oxygen cannot be less than 16. The following generalisation is quoted from Horstmann 1 . " When we know that - of a constituent of a molecule can be replaced ft by another constituent, the composition of the molecule remaining in other respects unchanged, it follows that the given molecule must contain at least n atoms of the first-named constituent, inasmuch as parts of an atom cannot be removed from a molecule.... If the atomic weight of the replacing constituent is known the minimum molecular weight of the original substance can be found, because it is easy to calculate from the empirical composition of the substance how much of the other constituents must be present in combination with n atoms of the replacing body." Assuming the atomic weights of iron and oxygen to be (in round numbers) 56 and 16 respectively, the formula Fe 2 O 3 is deduced from analyses of ferric oxide as representing the smallest quantity of this compound which neutralises one or more reacting weights of various acids, forms double com- pounds with other oxides &c. the reacting weights of which 1 Lehrbuch der physikalischen und theoretischen Chemie. Zweite Abtheilung; Theoretische Chemie (eimchliesslich der Thermochemie) von Dr A. Horstmann (1885), p. 86. CHAP. I. 36] ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 83 are known, interacts with chlorine to form Fe 8 Cl 6 , &c. ; hence this formula represents the minimum molecular weight of ferric oxide. But similar reasoning leads to As 2 O 8 as the minimum molecular formula of arsenious oxide; now we know that the gaseous oxide has a molecular weight ex- pressed by the formula As 4 O 6 . Hence the method of ana- logies does not always lead to the adoption of the true molecular weight of a compound. It should be noted here however that by ' the true mole- cular weight' is meant the relative weight of the gaseous molecule ; but the chemical methods for rinding molecular weights only profess to determine the relative weights of the chemically reacting units of bodies. Sometimes the method of analogies becomes very indirect. Thus, ferric chloride has been gasified and the molecular for- mula of this compound is known to be Fe 2 Cl 6 : the simplest formula that can be given to ferrous chloride is Fed 2 ; is this, or a multiple of this, to be adopted as the molecular formula of ferrous chloride ? Ferric chloride is produced by the action of chlorine on ferrous chloride ; now the general action of chlorine is either to add itself on to other molecules, or to decompose molecules and then substitute itself for some one or more of the atoms formerly constituting these mole- cules. If ferrous chloride is FeCl 2 , the action of chlorine on this molecule is represented by the equation 2FeCl 2 + Cl 2 = Fe 2 Cl 6 ; but such a reaction as this does not often occur. If ferrous chloride is Fe 2 Cl 4 , the action of chlorine is represented by the equation Fe 2 Q 4 + C1 2 = Fe 2 Cl fi , and this reaction is ana- logous to other actions of chlorine ; hence the molecular for- mula of ferrous chloride 1 is probably not smaller than Fe 2 Cl 4 . The chemical method of determining minimum molecular weights, as applied to acids and bases, generally resolves itself into determining the basicity of the acid, or the acidity of the base. Thus, the results of analyses of sulphuric acid are satisfied by the formula H^S^O^ ; the fact that this acid is 1 V. Meyer has obtained results regarding the vapour density of ferrous chloride which seem to him to point to the conclusion that, like stannous chloride, this compound possesses two molecular weights expressed respectively by the formulae FeCl. 2 and Fe 2 Cl 4 ; Ber. 14. 1455; 17. 1335. 62 84 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. dibasic leads with a fair degree of certainty to the con- clusion that x=\, and that the molecular formula 1 of the compound is therefore H 2 SO 4 . The simplest formula which can be given to citric acid consistently with analytical results, and with the atomic weights C = 12, O = 16, H = I, is C 6 H 8 O 7 ; that the molecular formula 1 is probably not greater than this is shewn by the tribasic character of the acid. Reasons have been already given for adopting NH 3 as the true mole- cular formula of ammonia ; analysis shews that the alkaloid quinine cannot have a smaller molecular weight than that represented by the formula C 10 H 12 NO (C = 12, H = i, N = 14, O = 1 6) ; but the quantity of this alkaloid which neutralises that amount of hydrochloric acid which is neutralised by NH 3 , is 2C, H 12 NO ; therefore the molecular formula 1 of quinine is probably not less than C 20 H 24 N.,O 2 . This method may also be applied to determine the formulse of salts. Thus if sulphuric acid has the molecular formula 1 H 2 SO 4 , the molecule of sodium sulphate is probably repre- sented by the formula Na 2 SO 4 , because the atom of sodium being very probably monovalent 2 , the amount of sodium 'equivalent' to 2H is represented by 2Na. So, although ortho- boric acid is non-volatile, its ethyl salt has been vaporised and found to have the formula (C 2 H 5 ) 3 BO 3 , hence, knowing that ortho-boric acid is tribasic, we deduce for it the probable molecular formula 1 H 3 BO 3 . The so-called 'law of even numbers' enunciated by Ger- hardt led to the revision of many molecular formulae : Gerhardt stated that the sum of certain elementary atoms (hydrogen, chlorine and its analogues, nitrogen and its ana- logues) contained in any molecule is always an even number 3 . Thus, analysis leads to the formula C 2 H 3 O 3 for tartaric acid, and as the acid is dibasic this formula is apparently mole- cular; but the hydrogen atoms must be expressed by an even number according to Gerhardt's law, therefore the 1 That is, the formula expressing the smallest mass of the body capable of taking part in a chemical change. 2 That is, capable of combining directly with not more than one atom of hydrogen, chlorine, bromine, iodine, or fluorine, to form a compound molecule. See chap. II., pars. 56, 57. 3 See Laurent, Chemical Method, p. 46 et seq. CHAP. I. 3638] ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 85 formula was doubled. Similar reasoning applied to the formula of nitric oxide would require this to be written N 2 O 2 ; but we know that the moleculaj formula of this compound is NO ; hence Gerhardt's 'law' must be applied with care 1 . 37 The chemical methods for determining reacting weights and atomic weights differ in two main particulars from the physical method for determining molecular and atomic weights which is based on the molecular theory. The chemical methods as a class do not attempt to distinguish between solids, liquids, and gases ; so far as the application of these methods is concerned the reacting weight of a solid, liquid, or gaseous, substance is the smallest mass of that substance which takes part in a chemical re- action : the physical method for finding molecular weights is strictly applicable only to gases ; but the terms in which the physical definition of molecule is stated are much more precise than those which describe the chemical conception of reacting weight. The chemical methods sometimes attempt to determine the atomic weights of the elements which form a specified compound, and from these and other data to deduce the re- acting weight of the compound ; sometimes the reacting weight of the compound is first determined, and then de- ductions are drawn regarding the atomic weights of the constituent elements. The physical method, on the other hand, begins by defining molecule, and then, applying this definition to chemical reactions, arrives at a definition of atom, both definitions being so stated as to indicate the data which are required before the relative weights of either atoms or molecules can be determined. 38 In the following table I have sought to summarise many facts concerning the atomic weights of the elements: it is well that the student should have placed before him a synopsis of the evidence on which these all-important numbers are based. 1 For further examples of the application of chemical methods to determina- tions of molecular and atomic weights see Watts's Diet, (ist Ed.) vol. I. pp. 45? 8 and 4601 ; also Williamson 'On the Atomic Theory,' C. S. Journal,^. 328. See also Chapter III. of this Book, The Periodic Law. 86 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. Atomic Weights of the Elements. [BOOK T. I I II III IV Principal compounds, Element vapour densities of which have been Specific heat : horu determined Isomorphism : compounds compared determined [See note A, p. 92. HYDROGEN HF, HC1, HBr, HI, H 2 S, H 2 Se, H 2 Te, H 3 N, H 3 P, H 4 C, &c. ndirectly [from sp. heat of H 2 O, NH 4 C1, NH 4 NO 3 ] [atomic heat abnormal?] LITHIUM none directly Li compounds with analogous compounds of alkali metals BERYLLIUM BeBr 2 , BeCl 2 directly : sp. heat varies much a few Be compounds with analo- with temperature gous compounds of Cd and Zn BORON BF 3 , BC1 3 , BBr 3 , directly: sp. heat varies much B(CH 3 )., with temperature CARBON CH 4 , CH 3 F, CH 3 C1, CH 3 Br, CH 3 I, CHCI 3 , CO,CO 2 ,COC1 2 ,COS, directlv : sp. heat varies much with temperature CN compounds with those of F, Cl, Br and I NITROGEN CS 2 , CHN, C 2 H 6 O, C 4 H, 0, &c. NH 3 , NO, NO 2 , NOC1, N 2 O, N 2 O 4) &c. indirectly: very undecided [from sp. ht. of various com- NH 4 compounds with those of alkali metals pounds] OXYGEN OH 2 , ON,, OC, OC1 3 P, 2 C, 2 S, 3 S, 4 0s, indirectly: very undecided [from sp. ht. of various .com- &c. pounds] FLUORINE SODIUM FH, F(CH 3 ), F 3 B, F 4 Si, F 5 P, &c. indirectly : very undecided [from sp. ht. of CaF 2 , &c.] directly metallic fluorides with analogous compounds of Cl, Br and I Na compounds with those of other alkali metals MAGNESIUM none directly Mg compounds generally with' those of Zn, Mn, and Fe (in fer- ALUMINIUM A1C1 3 , Al 2 Br 6 , Al.,I e directly rous salts) with Cr, Mn, and Fe in R 2 O 3 and. derivatives SILICON PHOSPHORUS SiF 4 , SiCl 4 , SiI 4 , Si(CH 3 ) 4 , SiH 3 Cl, Si 2 OCI 6 , SijOCCoH,),, PH 3 . PCI* PI,, PF.. POC1 3 . PSCI 3) P 2 I 4 , directly : sp. ht. varies much with temperature directly with C, Zr, Sn, and Ti in com-> pounds of type RO 2 phosphates with vanadates andi arsenates, organic compounds! SULPHUR P 2 H 4 , P 3 N 3 Cl e , &c. SH 2 , SO.,, S0 3 , SOU,, S 2 C, S 2 U 2 , &c. directly of P with those of N, As, and Sbl with Se compounds, with Te* compounds of type RTe. Saltst of H 2 S0 4 with those of H ,Se0 4 l and H.,TeO 4 CHLORINE C1H, C1(CH 3 ), C1T1, indirectly: doubtful Chlorides, with analogous conl- CloZn, CI 2 Hg. C1 3 HC, Cl 3 Bi, Cl 3 Sb, C1 4 C, Cl 4 Si, Cl 4 Ti, Cl/la, [from comparison of specific heats of various haloid compounds] pounds of Br and I CI 5 Mo, C1 6 W, &c. POTASSIUM KI directly K compounds with those of other alkali metals CALCIUM none directly Ca compounds with those of Sr,i Ba, and in some cases Pb SCANDIUM none sp. heats of some compounds de- [? Sc compounds with those of termined other earth metals] TITANIUM TiCl 4 directly TiO 2 and some derivatives withi analogous compounds of C, Si, Zr, Sn, and Th VANADIUM VC1 4 , VOCI 3 sp. heats of one or two com- Vanadates with phosphates aad pounds determined arsenates CHAP. I. 38] COMBINING AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS. Atomic Weights of the Elements. V VI VII VIII Atomic weight (0 (2) ty vapotn density method by sp. heat method Compounds analysed, &c. in order to find combining Combining weight of the elemettt , weight Remarks or more details concern- 1 Tables, pp. 39 44 and [See note B, p. 92.] [See note C, p. 92. PP- 5I-53-] ^ 7 -QI Lithium chloride 7-01 9-08 9-08 2 Beryllium sulphate 4'54 io'95 io'9s 3 Borax, boron chloride 3-65 11-97 11-97 ! 4 Diamond burnt to CO 2 2'99 5 Ammonium chloride, silver 4-67 nitrate '5-96 6 Synthesis of water 7-98 19*1 1 1 Sodium fluoride, potassium I 9' 1 fluoride, calcium fluoride 23 8 Sodium chloride 23 24 9 Magnesium sulphate, do. chloride, synthesis of macr- 12 nesium sulphate 27'O2 27'O2 10 Ammonia alum aluminium 9 '007 bromide, solution of alumin- ium in soda 2 8'3 28*3 " Silicon chloride; decomposition of silicon bromide by water 7'o8 30-96 i 30-96 12 Phosphorus chloride, synthesis of phosphorus pentoxide '' 3 ' : 31-98 31*98 i I3 Synthesis of silver sulphide, 10-66 reduction of silver .sulphate by hydrogen 35'37 14 Potassium chlorate, synthesis of silver chloride 35'37 39 04 394 l5 Potassium chloride, do. bro- 39 '4 mide 39'9 le Calcium chloride, calcium car- '9'95 bonate 17 Synthesis of scandium sul- 14-68 Sc. The atomic weight of this metal 48 48 phate 18 Titanium chloride, bromide 12 is most probably I4'68X3 = 44'04: if this is so, the oxide is Sc s O 3 , and is and oxide analogous with the oxides of the earth metals. 51 '2 19 Vanadium pentoxide, do. oxy- chloride . 12-8 88 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. Atomic Weights of the Elements. [BOOK I. I 11 III IV Element Principal compounds, vapour densities of which have been determined Specific heat : how determined Isomorphism : compounds compared [See note A, p. 92.] CHROMIUM CrO 2 Cl 2 , CrCl 3 directly [? too low] Salts of H 2 CrO 4 with those of H 2 Mn0 4 and H 2 TeO 4 , Cr 2 O 3 with A1,O 3 Mn 2 O 3 and Fe 2 O 3 MANGANESE MnCl 2 directly [? too high] VIn 2 O 3 with AUO 3 Cr 2 O 3 and Fe 2 3> R,MnO" 4 with R 2 CrO 4 and R 2 Te0 4 , RMnO 4 with RC1O 4 IRON Fe 2 Cl 6 directly Fe 2 O, and derivatives with Al 2 Oj Cr,6 3 Mn 2 O 3 and derivatives, some Fe salts with those of Ni Co and Cu NICKEL none directly Ni with Co compounds, some Ni compounds with those of Fe (ferrous salts) COBALT none directly Co with Ni compounds, some Co compounds with those of Fe< (ferrous salts) COPPER Cu 2 Cl 2 directly most Cu compounds with those of Ni and Co, some with Fe (fer- rous) compounds, Cu with Ag , ZINC ZnCl,, H Zn(CH 3 ) 2) directly compounds of type R 2 O Zn compounds with those of Mgi and Mn GALLIUM Ga 2 Cl e directly [? too low] Ga alum with other alums GERMANIUM GeCl 4) GeI 4 , GeS directly: sp. heat becomes con- ARSENIC AsH 3 , AsCl 3 , AsI 3 , As(CH 3 ) 2 Cl, As 4 O 6 , &c. stant only at high temperature directly As compounds with those of $> and Bi, organic compounds of As with those of N P and Sb, arsenates with phosphates and vanadates SELENION SeH,, SeO 2 directly Se with S compounds BROMINE BrH. Br(CH 3 ), Br 2 Cd, directly Bromides with analogous com- Br 3 B, Br 4 Sn, Br 4 U, &c. pounds of Cl and I RUBIDIUM RbCl, Rbl indirectly : doubtful [from comparison of specific heats Rb compounds with those of other alkali metals of some compounds with those of other alkali metals] STRONTIUM none indirectly: doubtful Sr compounds with those of Ca [comparison of specific heats ol and Ba, and with some Pb salts compounds of Sr, Ca, and Ba] YTTRIUM none sp. heats of a few compounds de- Yt compounds with those of other termined earth metals ZIRCONIUM ZrCl 4 directly [? too low] ZrO 2 with TiO 2 ThO 2 SnO 2 and SiO 2 NIOBIUM NbCIj. NbOClj Nb with Ta compounds, Nb flu- orides and oxyfluorides with Mo do. do. MOLYBDENUM MoCl e directly [? too high] Mo with W compounds, some salts of H 2 MoO 4 with those of HXrO,. Mo with Xb fluorides and oxyfluorides CHAP. I. 38] COMBINING AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS. Atomic Weights of the Elements. V VI VII VIII Atomic weight (i) (2) >y vapour density method by sp. heat Compounds analysed &~c. * r ,, , in order to find combining weight of the element Combining weight Remarks or more details concern- ing these numbers see [See note C, p. 92.] Tables, pp. 3944 and [See note B, p. 92.] PP- 5I53-] 52-4 52-4 j 20 Chromium chloride, silver 26-2 chromate, potassium dichro- j mate 55 55 21 Manganese chloride, mangan- 27-5 ous-manganic oxide, man- ganous oxalate, silver per- manganate, &c. 55'9 55-9 22 Synthesis of ferric oxide, 27-95 [see p. 60] reduction of ferric oxide. j analysis of ferrous and ferric J chlorides 58-6 23 Nickel chloride, nickelous ox- 29*3 ide, strychnine-nickel cyanide brucine-nickel cyanide, &c. 59 21 Ammonium -cobalt cyanide, 2 9'5 phenyl-ammonium cobalt cy- anide, strychnine and bru- cine-cobalt cyanides 63-4 63-4 25 Reduction of copper oxide, 3i '7 [see p. 60] electrolysis of copper sul- phate, &c. 65-48 65-48 26 Synthesis of zinc oxide, analy- sis of potassium-zinc chloride, 32-74 solution of zinc in acid 69 69 27 Oxidation of the metal, analy- 2 3 [see p. 60] sis of gallium-ammonia alum 72-3 72'3 "a Germanium chloride 18-08 74'9 74'9 28 Arsenic bromide, do. chloride, 24-97 do. oxide 78-8 78-8 29 Reduction of selenion dioxide. 39 '4 reduction of silver selenite 79'75 79-75 30 Synthesis of silver bromide, 70/75 analysis of potassium bromide 85-2 31 Rubidium chloride 85-2 32 Strontium chloride Sr. The atomic weight of strontium must be taken as 43-65X2 = 87-3 if the formulas of its salts are to be- come analogous to those of the Ba and Ca salts. 33 Synthesis of yttrium sulphate 29-87 ; Yt. Atomic weight probably =20/?7 ; x 3 = 80-6 because of analogy orYt salts with those of the earth metals. 90 90 34 Zirconium chloride, potassium 45 zh-conium fluoride 94 3S Niobium chloride, potassium- 31 '32 niobium oxyfluoride 95'8 95'8 3B Molybdenum dichloride, tetra 19-16 chloride, and pentachloride ATOMS AND MOLECULES. Atomic Weights of the Elements. [BOOK i. I II III IV Principal compounds, Element vapour densities of which have been Specific heat : Isomorphism : how determined compounds compared determined [See note A, p. yt.] RHODIUM none directly most Rh compounds with those c- Ru, Pd, Ir, Pt, and Os RUTHENIUM none directly most Ru compounds with those o Rh, Pd, Ir. Pt. and Os PALLADIUM none directly most Pd compounds with those 01 Ru, Rh, Ir, Pt, and Os SILVER AgCl directly ' some Ag compounds with those o Na and other alkali metals. A* with Cu compounds of tvp<> R 2 O, a few Ag and Au com pounds CADMIUM CdBr 8 directly some Cd compounds with those o Be and Zn INDIUM InCI 3 directly some In compounds with those O* Cd and He TIN SnClj, SnCl 4 , Sn 2 Cl 4 directly SnO 2 with TiO 2 ZrO 2 and ThO t , ANTIMONY SbCl 3 , SbI 3> SbBr 3 , Sb(CH 3 )3, Sb 4 0, directly Sb compounds with those of A* and Bi TELLURIUM TeH 2 , TeCl 4 , TeCl 2 directly most Te compounds with those* ofSandSe IODINE IH, Id, KCHj), \^t, directly Iodides with analogous conw pounds of Cl and Br CAESIUM CsCl, 2 CsI C ' indirectly: doubtful [comparison of specific heats of Cs compounds with those of others metals of alkalis compounds with those of other alkali metals] BARIUM none indirectly : doubtful Ba compounds with those of QU [comparison of specific heats of andSr LANTHANUM none compounds of Ca, Sr, and Ba] directly ^j CERIUM none directly most La compounds with those DIDYMIUM none directly Ce, Di, Kr and Yt, some coift- pounds of these metals with Ca ERBIUM none sp. heats of a few compounds compounds determined YTTERBIUM none sp. heats of a few compounds determined [? a few Yb compounds with those*, of other earth metals] TANTALUM Tads Ta with Nb compounds TUNGSTEN IRIDIUM WOCI 4> WClj, WC1 6 none directly directly ^ W with Mo compounds, some salts of H 2 WO 4 with those of' H 2 CrO 4 and H 2 TeO 4 OSMIUM OsO 4 directly t Os, Ir, and Pt, compounds withf those of Ru, Rh, and Pd PLATINUM none directly ) CHAP. I. 38] COMBINING AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS. Atomic Weights of the Elements. V VI VII VIII Atomic weight (i) (2) y vapour density method by sp. heat method Compounds analysed, &>c. in order to find combining weight of the element Combining weight Remarks or more details concern- ing these numbers see [See note C. p. 92.] Tables, pp. 3944 and [See note B, p. 92.] PP- 5I53-] f 104 37 Potassium-rhodium chloride 26 (103) (37 a Purpureo-rhodium chloro-and (25-75) bromo-compounds) I0 4'5 106-2 39 Palladium chloride 26-55 107-66 107 '66 40 Silver chlorate, bromate, iodate, 107-66 synthesis of silver bromide and iodide 112 112 41 Cadmium bromide 56 "3 '4 "3'4 42 Synthesis of indium oxide 37-8 117-8 II 7 -8 43 Synthesis of stannic oxide 58-9 120 120 44 Antimony bromide, reduction 4O of antimony oxide, also analy sis of antimony sulphide 125 125 45 Oxidation of tellurium, analy- 62-5 sis of potassium- tellurium bromide, synthesis of basic 126-53 126-53 tellurium sulphate and of cop- per telluride "Silver iodate, silver iodide, 126-53 synthesis of do. I32-7 47 Caesium chloride 3--7 48 Barium chloride 68-43 Ba. Atomic weight probably 68-43 X2= 136-86 because of analogies be- tween salts of Ba, Sr, and Ca. I38-5 49 Lanthanum sulphate, do. ox- 46-17 ide, do. oxalale 1 39 '9 50 Cerium oxalate, do. chloride, 46-66 do. sulphate 144 51 Didymium oxide and sulphate 48 (142) (47-6) 52 Erbium sulphate 55^3 Er. This metal belongs to the earth group, hence the atomic weight is taken as 55 -33X3 = 166. 53 Ytterbium sulphate 57-69 Yb. For similar reasons to those which apply in cases of Sc, Yt, and 182 54 Potassium -tantalum fluoride. 60-67 Er, the atomic weight of Ytterbium is regarded as 3 times its combining 183-6 ; 183-6 55 Reduction of tungstic oxide. 30-6 weight (=173). analysis of tungsten hexachlor- ide HP'S 56 Potassium-iridium chloride 48-13 *93 T 93 57 Osmium tetroxide 48-25 Os. The number given is calculated from 2 determinations of vapour I94-3 58 Potassium -platinum chloride, 48-57 platinum tetrachloride and ' density of OsO 4 by Deville and Debray, other experimenters have bromide, &c. ! found numbers for the atomic weight of this metal varying from 195 to 199. 9 2 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. Atomic Weights of the Elements. [BOOK I. I II III IV Element Principal compounds, vapour densities of which have been Specific heat: how determined Isomorphism : compounds compared '. determined [See note A, p. 92.] GOLD ! none directly some Au compounds with those o Ag, a few Au compounds witV those of Ni and Fe MERCURY |[HgC,] H Hga 2( HgI 2 , directly Hg and Cu compounds of typ THALLIUM T1C1 directly Tl compounds with those of PI of type RC1 2 , Tl compounds type T1C1 with those of alkal metals LEAD PbCl 2 , Pb(CH 3 ) 4 directly some Ph with Tl compounds, man* Pb with Cu and Hg compouS BISMUTH BiCl 3 directly Bi compounds with those of andSb THORIUM ThCl 4 directly ThO a with SiO 2 TiO 2 SnO, M URANIUM UC1 4 , UBr 4 directly some compounds of type Ufl with those of Al, Cr, Mn, all Fe Notes to Table of Atomic Weights. A. As the method based on isomorphism of compounds is chiefly used as a means of verifying values assigned to atomic weights by other methods, no numbers are given in column IV., but merely an indication of the various com- pounds which have been compared crystallographically, and on which arguments for or against a given value for the atomic weights in column V. have been, or may be, based. B. This column (vi.) is not to be regarded as containing anything like a complete summary of the processes employed for determining the combining numbers of the elements ; only the more important processes are indicated ; references are given to the original papers. References to the papers on the spec, heats of the elements will be found on pp. 5354. A complete account of all researches on this subject will be found in A Re- calculation of the Atomic Weights, by F. W. Clarke [Part V. of the Constants of Nature published by the Smithsonian Institution], and also in Die Atomgewichte der Elemente, by L. Meyer and K. Seubert [Leipzig, 1883]. C. When the atomic weight given in column v. section (2) is a multiple of the combining number in column vn., no number being given in section (i) of column v., it is to be inferred that, besides the argument drawn from the value of the specific heat of the element in question, there are other chemical reasons for adopting the special multiple which appears in V. (2). These reasons may be broadly described as based on analogies between salts of the given element and salts of other elements the atomic weights of which have been established by the two leading physical methods. CHAP. I. 38] COMBINING AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS. Atomic Weights of the Elements. 93 V VI VII VIII Atomic weight (i) (=) ; /Sy 7 by sp. heat Compotinds analysed, &^c. in order to find combining weight of the element Combining weight Remarks >r more details concern- ing these numbers see [See note C, p. 92.] Tables, pp. 39 44 and [See note B, p. 92.] PP- 5i 53-1 f 199-8 203-64 199-8 203-64 59 Gold chloride, potassium-gold 65-66 chloride, potassium-gold bro mide 60 Mercuric chloride, do. oxide ! 99*9 Synthesis of thallium nitrate 203-64 206-4 208 231-87 240 62 Synthesis of lead nitrate, do. | 103-2 do. sulphate 63 Synthesis of bismuthous oxide, 69-33 &c., analysis of bismuthous chloride 64 Thorium sulphate 65 Uranium acetate, do. oxalate 57'97 60 References to Table of Atomic Weights. 1 Li. J. W. MALLET, Sill. Amer. Journal (2) 22. 349. STAS, Nouvelles Recherches, pp. 268 and 274. 2 Be. NILSON and PETTERSSON, Ber. 13. 1451. 3 B. BERZELIUS, Pogg. Ann. 2. 129. DEVILLE, Ann. Chim.Phys. (3)55. 180. 4 C. DUMAS and STAS, Ann. Chim. Phys. (3) 1. 5. ERDMANN and MARCHAND, J. fur prakt. Chemie. 23. 159. ROSCOE, Compt. rend. 94. 1180. 5 N. STAS, Rapports, pp. 50, 87, 92; and Nouvelles Recherches, pp. 57, 281. 6 0. ERDMANN and MARCHAND, J. fiir prakt. Chemie, 26. 468. DUMAS, Ann. Chim. Phys. (3) 8. 189. KEISER, Ber. 20. 2323. COOKE and RICHARDS, Proc. Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sci. 23. 149. 7 F. LOUYET, Ann. Chim. Phys. (3) 25. 291. DUMAS, do. (3) 55. 170. DE LUCA, Compt. rend. 51. 299. 8 Na. PELOUZE, Compt. rend. 20. 1050. DUMAS, Ann. Chim. Phys. (3) 55. 182. STAS, Rapports, p. 78; and Nouvelles Recherches, p. 248. 9 Mg. JACQUELAIN, Ann. Chim. Phys. (3) 32. 202. BAHR, J. fiir prakt. Chemie, 56. 310. DUMAS, Ann. Chim. Phys. (3) 55. 187. MARIGNAC, Archiv. Scien. Phys. nat. (3) 10. 5, 193. 10 Al. J. W. MALLET, Phil. Trans, for 1880. 1003 et seq. 11 Si. PELOUZE, Compt. rend. 20. 1052. DUMAS, Ann. Chim. Phys. (3) 55. 183. J. SCHIEL, Annalen, 120. 94. THORPE and YOUNG, C. S. Journal, 51. 576. 12 P. PELOUZE, Compt. rend. 20. 1053. SCHROTTER, Ann. Chim. Phys. (3) 38. 131. DUMAS, Ann. Chim. Phys. (3) 55. 172. 13 S. STAS, Rapports, p. 53. 94 ATOMS AND MOLECULES. [BOOK I. 14 Cl. STAS, Rapports, pp. 38, 42, 44, 118; and Nouvelles Recherches, p. 208. 15 K. STAS, Rapports, pp. 69, 91, 118; and Nouvelles Recherches, p. 244. 16 . MARIGNAC, Fresenius's Zeitschr. 5. 480. 36 Mo. P. LIECHTI and B. KEMPE, Annalen, 169. 344. 37 Rh. BERZELIUS, Pogg. Ann. 13. 437. 37 Rh. JORGENSEN, J '. fiir prakt. Chemie (2) 27. 433. 38 Ru. CLAUS, Pogg. Ann. 65. 218. 39 Pd. BERZELIUS, Pogg. Ann. 13. 442. 40 Ag. STAS, Rapports, pp. 38, 42, 44; and Nouvelles Recherches, pp. 109, 158, 171, 189, 193, 208. CHAP. I. 38] COMBINING AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 95 41 Cd. O. W. HUNTINGTON, Proc. Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sd. 17. 28 \_Chcm. News, 44. 268]. 42 /;/. C. WINKLER, J.fiir prakt. Chemie, 94. 8: 102. 282. BUNSEN, Pogg. Ann. 141. 28. 43 Sn. DUMAS, Ann. Chim. Phys. (3) 55. 154. 44 Sb. R. SCHNEIDER, Uber das Atomgewicht des Antimons (Berlin), 1880. J. P. COOKE, Proc. Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sci. 13. i : 17. 13. J. BONGARTZ, Ber. 16. 1942. 45 Te. W. L. WILLS, C. S. Journal, Trans, for 1879. 704. BRAUNER, Ber. 16. 3055. 46 /. STAS, Nouvelles Recherches, pp. 135, 152, 189, 193. 47 Cs. BUNSEN, Pogg. Ann. 119. i. JOHNSON and ALLEN, Sill. Amer. Journal, (2) 35. 94. R. GoDEFFROY, Annalen, 181. 185. 48 Ba. MARIGNAC, Annalen, 68. 215. DUMAS, Ann. Chim. Phys. (3) 55. 137. 49 La. MARIGNAC, Ann. Chim. Phys. (4) 30. 67. CLEVE, Bull. Soc. Chim. 50. 212: (2) 39. 151, 289. BRAUNER, C. S. Journal, Trans, for 1882. 75. 50 Ce. MARIGNAC, Annalen, 68. 212. H. BUHRIG, J.fiir prakt. Chemie (2) 12. 222. ROBINSON, Proc. R. S. 37. 150. BRAUNER, C. S. Journal, Trans. for 1885. 879. 51 Di. B. BRAUNER, C. S. Journal, Trans, for 1882. 68. 51a Di. P. T. CLEVE, Bull. Soc. Chim. (2) 39. 289. 52 Er. P. T. CLEVE, Compt. rend. 91. 381. NILSON, Ber. 13. 1459. 5:J Yb. NILSON, Ber. 12. 550: 13. 1430. 54 Ta. MARIGNAC, Annalen, Supplbd. 4. 351. 55 IV. ROSCOE, Chem. Neivs, 25. 61, 73. 56 Ir. K. SEUBERT, Ber. 11. 1767. 57 Os. DEVILLE and DEBRAY, Ann. Chim. Phys. (3) 56. 403. 58 Pt. K. SEUBERT, Ber. 14. 865. [Annalen, 207. 29.] W. HALBERSTADT, Ber. 17. 2962. 59 Au. BERZELIUS, Lehrbruch, (5th ed.) 3. 1212. JAVAL, Ann. Chim. Phys. 17. 337. LEVOL, Ann. Chim. Phys. (3) 30. 355. THORPE and LAURIE, C. S. Journal, 51. 565. 60 fig. ERDMANN and MARCHAND, J. fur prakt. Chemie, 31. 392. SVAN- BERG, J.fiir prakt. Chemie, 45. 468. MILLON, Ann. Chim. Phys. (3) 18. 345. C1 77. W. CROOKES, Phil. Trans, for 1873. 277. K - Pb. STAS, Rapports, pp. 101 and 106. 63 Bi. SCHNEIDER, Pogg. Ann. 82. 303. DUMAS, Ann. Chim. Phys. (3) 55. 176. MARIGNAC, Archiv. Scien. Phys. nat. (3) 10. 5, 193. Id. Ann. Chim. Phys. (6). i, 289. LOWE, Zeitschr. anal. Chemie, 22. 498. SCHNEIDER, J.fiir prakt. Chemie, (2) 30. 237. 64 Th. NILSON, Ber. 15. 2527. KRUSS and NILSON, Ber. 20. 1665. 65 U. PELIGOT, Ann. Chim. Phys. (3) 20. 329. Note. The full titles of Stas's treatises which are referred to in this table are : ( i ) Recherches sur les rapports redproques des poids atomiques, par J. S. Stas, Bruxelle;, 1860. (2) Nouvelles recherches sur les lots des proportions chimiques, sur les poids atomiques et leurs rapports mutuels, par J. S. Stas, Bruxelles, 1865. A translation into German of both treatises was published in 1867 under the title Untersuchungen liber (fie Gcsetze der chemischen Proportionen, uber die Atomge- li'ichte and ihre gegenscitigen Verhdltnisse. [BOOK i. CHAPTER II. ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. SECTION I. Nascent Actions. 39 WE have now gained the conception of chemical change as consisting in the interaction of molecules, or atomic aggregates. The molecules are sometimes shattered into parts which rearrange themselves to form new molecules, or aggregates of atoms ; sometimes new and more complex molecules are formed by the coalescence or combination of less complex molecules. We have then to examine the properties which the atoms of elements, and the molecules, or the atomic aggregates, of elements and compounds, exhibit in their mutual actions and reactions. Can a distinction be based on chemical facts between the atoms and the molecules of elements ? What are the chemical properties of the atoms, as dis- tinguished from the molecules, of elements ? When answers have been found to these questions, it will then be necessary to examine the relations between the properties of molecules and the properties of the atoms which compose them. Brodie applied his hypothesis regarding the structure of elementary molecules (see ante, p. 78, par. 36) to explain a number of phenomena generally grouped together under the CHAP. II. 39,40] NASCENT ACTIONS. 97 name nascent actions. That explanation, somewhat simplified and also developed by subsequent research, is usually regarded as the most satisfactory that can be given in the present state of knowledge, when regard is paid to the configurations of the systems exhibiting the phenomena in question. When hydrogen is passed into water containing silver chloride in suspension no chemical change occurs ; when hydrogen is generated in the vessel which contains the silver chloride decomposition of this salt proceeds rapidly with pro- duction of silver and hydrochloric acid. Nitrobenzene is con- verted into aniline by the action of hydrogen produced in contact with it, but not by hydrogen produced in another vessel and conducted into that containing the nitrobenzene. Carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen do not combine directly; but if electric sparks are passed through a mixture of benzene vapour and nitrogen, hydrocyanic acid is produced. Sulphur dioxide and water when heated with oxygen are only very partially changed into sulphuric acid ; but if the oxygen is produced in contact with the moist dioxide (e.g. by decompo- sition of nitrogen trioxide) the change into sulphuric acid is rapidly completed. Sulphur is not oxidised to sulphuric acid by bromine in presence of water ; but if the sulphur is pro- duced from a compound in presence of bromine water, it is then oxidised, e.g. sulphuretted hydrogen passed into bromine water gives hydrobromic acid and sulphur, and also sul- phuric acid. Metallic chlorides (e.g. aluminium chloride) produced by the action of metals with chlorine only at very high temperatures, and in small quantities for a given time of action, are sometimes much more easily prepared by the action of chlorine on a mixture of the metallic oxide and carbon. The general reaction of metals with dilute cold sul- phuric acid is to produce a sulphate and evolve hydrogen, but with nitric acid to produce a nitrate and evolve oxides of nitrogen, nitrogen, or ammonia ; many metals when heated with concentrated sulphuric acid evolve sulphur dioxide, either alone, or in some cases mixed with hydrogen and sulphuretted hydrogen. 40 These phenomena, and many others of the same class, M. C. 7 98 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. find a partial explanation in terms of the molecular theory, that explanation being based on the distinction, already in- sisted on, between molecules and atoms. Any mass of a gaseous element under ordinary conditions is built up of molecules, but if we assume that when a compound molecule undergoes decomposition a short but appreciable time elapses before the greater number of the elementary atoms which composed it have rearranged themselves to form new mole- cules, we have the materials for a fairly satisfactory explana- tion, from one point of view, of the phenomena of nascent actions. This explanation does not necessitate, as some of its opponents say it does, the assumption of strange and in- explicable properties as belonging to the elementary atoms. Indeed the occurrence of the phenomena of ' nascent action ' seems to follow as a necessary deduction from the molecular theory applied to chemical phenomena. When a chemical reaction occurs between two molecules, the first step in that process must in very many cases consist in a breaking up of the molecular structures, and the second, in a rearrangement of the parts of the molecules, i.e. of the atoms, to form a con- figuration stable under the conditions of the experiment : and although these changes occur almost simultaneously, neverthe- less, if, by the presentation of molecules of a third chemical substance, there is rendered possible the adoption by the various atoms of another configuration, more stable than that just supposed to be assumed, this, the most stable con- figuration, will be adopted. But if the earlier stable con- figuration has been assumed by the atoms, it does not follow that the introduction of the third class of molecules will now cause this configuration to become unstable \ 1 It may be urged that the energy or part of the energy which is set free during the mutual actions of the molecules of the reacting bodies, instead of being run down to the form of heat and so lost to the system, becomes available for performing chemical work ; and that the only difference between e.g. ordinary and 'nascent' hydrogen is to be found in the greater chemical energy of the latter. The importance of this point of view is of course admitted by the up- holders of the atomic explanation of nascent actions, but they would supplement this by the statement that the configuration with which the greater quantity of energy is associated is atomic, and they contrast this with a molecular and com- paratively inactive configuration. CHAP. II. 41] NASCENT ACTIONS. 99 41 Following out this line of argument, it would appear probable that compounds should present phenomena some- what analogous to those exhibited by elements when in the nascent, i.e. on the hypothesis now adopted the atomic, state. Let it be supposed that no chemical change occurred when the compound molecules a and b were brought into contact, nevertheless if the atoms constituting these molecules were allowed to react a chemical change might occur. In a reaction wherein any given compound is produced there must be a moment of time when this compound can only be said to exist potentially, when the atoms which constitute its molecules have not settled down into stable configurations; at this moment the compound may be said to exist in the nascent state. If the atomic vibrations and interactions are allowed to run what may be called their normal course, the compound molecules are certainly produced, but if these interactions are interfered with, a new set of molecules may be formed, which molecules bear a more or less simple genetic relation to those produced in the normal process of the chemical change '. The following among other cases of chemical change find a partial explanation in terms of this hypothesis. Nitrous acid has no action on the primary mononitroparaffins (C n H 2n+1 . NCX), but these compounds are converted into nitrolic acids (C B H 2n . N 2 O 3 ) by the action of potassium nitrite and sulphuric acid, i.e. by the action of reagents which by their mutual decomposition produce nitrous acid. Nitric The experiments of Victor Meyer on iodine give direct evidence of the separation of elementary molecules into atoms by the addition of energy in the form of heat. (See ante, p. 33 par. 15.) In Book II. chapter II. par. 189, will be found some facts regarding dis- sociation which bear on the subject of nascent actions. 1 In all such considerations we can deal with molecular phenomena only by a statistical method, we can reason only as to the average condition of the mass of molecules constituting a substance at any moment of time. It seems not improbable that there may sometimes be nearly as great differences between the properties of a number of elementary atoms all of one kind and the elementary molecules which are produced by the union of these atoms, as between the properties of a number of atoms of different kinds and the compound molecules produced by the union of these atoms. 72 IOO ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. acid does not act on napthol to produce dinitronapthol, but if napthol be produced in contact with nitric acid e.g. by boiling diazonapthalene hydrochloride in presence of nitric acid dinitronapthol is formed. Carbon monoxide and ethylene do not react to form acrolei'n even under the influence of electric sparks, but if ethylene is exploded with a quantity of oxygen less than sufficient for complete oxidation, carbon monoxide is produced and simultaneously acrolei'n is formed, i.e. the chemical change proceeds partly in its normal way and at the same time the 'nascent' carbon oxide interacts with the ethylene with production of acrolei'n. When para- iodophenol is fused with potash at 163 hydroquinone is pro- duced, but at higher temperatures only resorcin is formed : now as fusing potash does not act on hydroquinone it seems necessary to conclude, that in the fusion of paraiodophenol at high temperatures hydroquinone is produced, but is imme- diately changed into resorcin. 42 Whether the course of a chemical action is or is not to be regarded as an example of the particular application of the molecular theory now under consideration, must be decided by the nature of the change in question. Some of the changes which occur when metals and acids interact probably belong to this class of chemical actions. The products of the mutual actions of metals and sul- phuric and nitric acid, respectively, have already been broadly stated. That no hydrogen is evolved in the case of nitric acid is generally said to be due to the oxidation, by the nitric acid, of the atoms of hydrogen, assumed to be pro- duced by the interaction of the metal and acid, with a corre- sponding reduction of the acid to oxides of nitrogen, nitrogen, and sometimes ammonia. Direct proof in favour of this hypothesis, in the case of the interaction of nitric acid and magnesium, has been given by Gladstone and Tribe 1 , who have shewn that when a small piece of magnesium is placed in a large excess of nitric acid (strengths I : I and I : 2. acid to water were employed) the gas at first evolved consists of nearly pure hydrogen, but 1 C. S. Journal Tram, for 1879. 178. CHAP. II. 42] REACTIONS OF ACIDS WITH METALS. IOI that oxides of nitrogen are very quickly produced. The same chemists 1 have established a close relation between the reac- tion with sulphuric and nitric acids of the hydrogen produced by electrolysis of these acids, and the hydrogen occluded by platinum or palladium ; they have also shewn that hydrogen evolved by the action of the copper zinc couple is very analogous in general reducing actions to hydrogen occluded by platinum or palladium. When concentrated nitric acid is subjected to electrolysis no hydrogen is evolved, but the acid is reduced; when more dilute acid is used hydrogen is evolved, reduction of the acid also occurs, and the more rapid the electrolysis the greater is the quantity of hydrogen evolved. Concentrated nitric acid rapidly acts on hydrogen occluded by platinum or palladium, with oxidation of the hydrogen and reduction of the acid. In the electrolysis of concentrated sulphuric acid sulphur is produced, and also sulphur dioxide with traces of sulphuretted hydrogen, a portion of the hydrogen formed is oxidised and a portion escapes, and the stronger the battery power the greater is the quantity of hydrogen evolved. When the electrolysis is extremely slow, no hydrogen is evolved, and sulphur dioxide is produced in small quantity unmixed with free sulphur. Hydrogen occluded by palladium or platinum also reduces sulphuric acid, with production of sulphur dioxide and escape of a portion of the hydrogen. Gladstone and Tribe regard the metal (platinum or palla- dium) present in their experiments as instrumental in the chemical change. They think that the hydrogen produced is occluded by the metal and again given off to the. acid, and that if the gas is produced more quickly than it can be occluded the excess escapes oxidation by the acid : it is probable that occluded hydrogen forms a compound with the occluding metal, and that therefore hydrogen coming from this source is for the most part in the nascent, i.e. on the present hypothesis the atomic, state. Their experiments cer- tainly establish the fact that maximum reduction of either acid is obtained when hydrogen is evolved therein near an 1 C. S. Journal Trans, for 1878. 139 and 306. 102 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. electro-negative metal ; but a comparison of the results with occluded and electrolytically evolved hydrogen shews that the reducing action of the latter on sulphuric acid is more complete than that of the former. There are two hypotheses regarding the mechanism of the changes which occur when metals and aqueous solutions of nitric acid interact. One hypothesis asserts that these changes generally proceed in two stages, taking place simul- taneously ; in the first stage the metal and acid react to pro- duce a nitrate and hydrogen ; in the second stage the hydro- gen, or a portion of it, interacts with another portion of the acid..to produce oxides of nitrogen, ammonia, or nitrogen, and water. The other hypothesis regards the various gaseous products as direct results of the deoxidation of the acid by the reaction with the metal, and denies that hydrogen is pro- duced at any stage of the process. The facts, taken as a whole, seem to me to be more in keeping with the first than with the second of these hypotheses. Indeed to formulate the reaction of zinc and nitric acid on the latter hypothesis requires that nitric acid should be regarded as a variable compound of nitrogen pentoxide and water, and necessitates considerable skill in the manipulation of formulae 1 . The interaction of copper and concentrated sulphuric acid has been studied by Pickering' 2 . The ease with which this acid undergoes deoxidation is shewn by the slow production of cuprous sulphide even at 20; the equation which represents the change as consisting in deoxidation of part of the acid, and does not involve, nor according to Pickering's experiments allow, an intermediate stage wherein hydrogen reacts with the acid, is nearly realized at this tem- perature. At higher temperatures sulphur dioxide is evolved, until at about 270 the action consists entirely of a change which may be formulated as 1 Deville, Compt. rend. 70, 20 and 550; or in abstract, Watt's Diet. Suppl. 2, 304. See also Acworth and Armstrong, C. S. Journal, vol. 2. for 1877, 54 et seq. 2 C. S. Journal TOM. for 1878. U2. CHAP. II. 42] REACTIONS OF ACIDS WITH METALS. 103 and which is most readily explained as consisting of two parts proceeding simultaneously f(i) Cu + H 2 SO 4 = CuSO 4 +H 2 \ \(') H 2 +H 2 S0 4 = 2H 2 + S0 2 J ' Tin and lead are dissolved by hot concentrated sulphuric acid, with production of sulphates and evolution of hydrogen and sulphur dioxide, sometimes accompanied by sulphuretted hydrogen, and with separation of sulphur. With more dilute acid tin evolves hydrogen, and as temperature is increased, sulphuretted hydrogen also. The reaction of zinc with sul- phuric acid is broadly analogous to that of tin: with pure zinc and very concentrated hot acid, the products are hydregen and sulphur dioxide; with less pure zinc, sulphuretted hydro- gen and sulphur are also formed, the sulphur compounds (SO 2 and SH 2 ) appearing even when the acid is very dilute and is kept cold ; with moderately dilute pure acid and pure zinc hydrogen is the only gaseous product (s. Pattison Muir and Adie, C. S. Journal, Trans. 1888, 47). Quantitative analyses of the products of reduction of nitric acid by magnesium, zinc, and cadmium, respectively shew that reduction is carried furthest by magnesium, and further by zinc than by cadmium. Now the 'heats of for- mation ' (see Chap. IV.) of the oxides of these metals are, for Mg 147,132, for Zn 88,244, and for Cd 30,364 thermal gram-units; hence in these cases that reaction in which the greatest amount of heat is produced is accompanied by the greatest reduction of the acid. The following numbers representing quantities of heat produced in the chemical changes formulated were obtained by Thomson*: [H 2 , S, O 4 , Aq] = 2 10,760 gram-units +. [H, N,0\Aq] = 34,270 +. [Zn, H 2 SO 4 Aq]= 106,090 +. [Zn, 2 HNO 3 Aq]= 1 36,340 +. 1 These equations tell that e.g. when 2 grams of hydrogen, 32 grams of sulphur, and 64 grams of oxygen interact in presence of a large quantity of water to form a dilute aqueous solution of 98 grams of sulphuric acid, 210,760 gram- units of heat are produced. (For fuller explanations s. Chap. IV.) IO4 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. Berthelot gives the thermal value 21,500 gram-units to the chemical change HNO 3 Aq (dilute) + 8H = NH,Aq (dilute) + 3H 2 O. From these numbers we should expect sulphuric acid to be more stable, towards heat, than nitric acid, and we should expect the reaction of zinc with these acids to result in a more complete deoxidation of nitric than of sulphuric acid. In the interaction of a metal with nitric acid in aqueous solution at ordinary temperatures, we have then, an unstable acid, a considerable quantity of heat produced, and the formation of hydrogen in contact with the acid ; we have conditions eminently favourable to deoxidation. In the interaction of a metal with dilute sulphuric acid, on the other hand, we have a more stable acid and a smaller quantity of heat produced ; the hydrogen escapes unchanged ; but when the acid is so concentrated that addition of heat from with- out is required to start the reaction, and when the acid is therefore in a condition more comparable with that of nitric acid at ordinary temperatures, a portion of the hydrogen then evolved undergoes oxidation at the expense of the oxygen of the acid. If however hydrogen is evolved, as in the experiments of Gladstone and Tribe, in contact with the concentrated acid at ordinary temperatures, a part of this hydrogen is always oxidised ' ; this shews that all the reacting substances, and also the conditions of the reaction, must be considered, and that attention must not be confined to the hydrogen only. The facts, that hot sulphuric acid is deoxidised by carbon, and apparently by phosphorus also 2 , and that .it is possible by heat alone to decompose this acid into sulphur dioxide, oxygen, and water, have caused some chemists to regard the reactions of metals with this acid as simply cases of direct deoxidation: but it seems to me that the facts enumerated both chemical and physical, with regard to the interactions of 1 When however vapour of sulphuric acid mixed ivith hydrogen is through a hot tube, sulphuretted hydrogen is produced. 2 Cross, C. S. Journal Trans, for 1879. 253. CHAP. II. 42] NASCENT ACTIONS. 105 metals with this acid and with nitric acid are more in keeping with that hypothesis according to which hydro- gen plays an essential part in the series of changes, than with any other hitherto advanced. There may be, indeed there undoubtedly is, more than one process of chemical change resulting in the deoxidation of sulphuric acid ; in some cases direct deoxidation preponderates, in others hydrogen plays the more important part. Experiments conducted by Thorpe 1 on the reducing action of zinc, magnesium, and tin, on acidulated solutions of ferric sulphate, shewed that whatever condition tends to give greater chances of contact between the hydrogen pro- duced in the liquid and the ferric sulphate in solution, increases the rate of reduction; that increase of the rate at which hydrogen is evolved, other conditions remaining constant, is accompanied by decrease of the amount of re- duction in unit of time; and that the presence of certain salts, e.g. zinc sulphate, causes a decrease in the rate of reduction. Thorpe's results also established a distinct connexion between the nature of the metal used and the influence on the rate of reduction of the varying conditions under which the experiments were conducted. These experiments, and indeed all experiments oh the interactions of metals and acids, emphasise the necessity that exists for considering all the reacting substances which take part in a process of reduction by hydrogen, and not confining attention to the hydrogen alone. The results of experiments by Tommasi 2 also shew this need: Tommasi found that po- tassium chlorate was not deoxidised by hydrogen evolved by the action of sodium-amalgam, but was reduced by hydrogen evolved by the action of zinc on diluted sulphuric acid, but that the latter agents failed to remove oxygen from potassium perchlorate. Experiments conducted in my la- boratory have shewn that an aqueous solution of potassium chlorate is reduced by the action of magnesium or sodium, and by that of the copper-zinc couple; and that an aqueous 1 C. S. Journal Trans, for 1882. 289. 2 See especially Pogg. BeiWitter, 2. 205. 106 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. solution of potassium perchlorate is very slightly reduced (to chloride) by the action of sodium, and by the prolonged action of magnesium, but is not reduced by the action of the copper- zinc couple, by that of zinc dust and potash, or by electrolysis. 43 The conception which underlies such expressions as nascent actions, action of nascent hydrogen, &c., is that implied in the distinction drawn between atom and molecule. That this distinction is not one merely of terminology but is based on actual reactions, is rendered apparent by the results of ex- periments by Traube 1 on the electrolysis of water, using electrodes of different materials. For instance, he found that when palladium is charged with hydrogen and made the positive pole of the battery no hydrogen peroxide is produced, but the oxygen which is being evolved is absorbed by the palladium and is combined with the occluded hydrogen to form water. When however the hydrogenised palladium is made the negative pole a little hydrogen peroxide is pro- duced; and the quantity of this compound may be con- siderably increased by causing bubbles of air to rise through the liquid near the negative pole. If however no air is passed through the water, and at the same time the transference of oxygen from the positive pole (where it is being liberated) through the liquid to the negative pole is mechanically pre- vented, no hydrogen peroxide, or only a trace of this com- pound, is produced. Further, if hydrogenised palladium is made the positive pole, and bubbles of air are at the same time caused to rise through the liquid around the pole, a little, but only a little, hydrogen peroxide is produced. Finally if the electrodes are made of palladium uncharged with hydrogen the maximum yield of hydrogen peroxide is obtained (entirely at the negative pole) by arranging the rate of electrolysis so that the whole of the hydrogen produced is occluded by the palladium; the more rapid the evolution of hydrogen from the liquid the smaller is the quantity of hydrogen peroxide produced 2 . Now it is generally supposed 1 er,15. 659, 2421, 2434: 16. 1201. 2 These results are confirmatory of those obtained by Gladstone and Tribe in their electrolytic experiments on the reduction of acids. See ante, p. 100. CHAP. II. 43, 44] NASCENT ACTIONS. IO/ that the greater part of the oxygen or hydrogen liberated during the electrolysis of water is at the moment of its pro- duction in the state of atoms, and that the greater part of the oxygen in ordinary air is composed of molecules ; if this be granted, it follows that Traube's experiments establish a marked difference between the reactions of oxygen atoms and oxygen molecules : by their reaction with hydrogen occluded by palladium, the former produce water, the latter produce hydrogen peroxide; if a few atoms and many molecules of oxygen are present much peroxide and little water are the products, while if many atoms and few molecules of oxygen are brought into contact with the hydrogen, much water and little peroxide is the result. 44 But the experiments of Traube also shew that the direction and final goal of the chemical change depends not only on the structure of the particles of oxygen, but also on the source and conditions of supply of the hydrogen. If the hydrogen is produced by rapid electrolysis little peroxide is formed; indeed if the hydrogen is produced, rapidly or slowly, by electrolysis with carbon poles no peroxide is obtained. The chemical nature and the mass of each of the members of the changing system influence the final configuration. The im- portance of considering the conditions under which hydrogen is produced when we are attempting to explain any of the phenomena classed together as nascent, is emphasised by the fact that the metals which decompose water in absence of oxy- gen do not give rise to the production of hydrogen peroxide by their action on water in presence of oxygen; for instance, hydrogen peroxide is never produced by the action of sodium on water. It is not enough then that oxygen molecules should be present in contact with atoms of hydrogen as these are liberated from water. The peroxide results from the mutual interactions of the three substances, metal, water, and oxygen; if the water is decomposed by the metal alone, hydrogen is evolved rapidly and escapes the pursuit of the oxygen molecules; the peroxide appears to be a product of the joint action of the metal and oxygen on the molecules of water. IO8 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. The conception of a joint action of metal and oxygen with water may be used to explain some of the phenomena ex- hibited when metals and acids interact. Traube seeks to explain many of these reactions in this way. Copper does not remove oxygen from an aqueous solution of potassium nitrate as zinc does: but if copper is brought into contact with dilute sulphuric acid in presence of oxygen, hydrogen peroxide is produced. The joint action of copper and potassium nitrate is not sufficient to decompose water- molecules ; but copper and oxygen aided by a little sulphuric acid suffice to complete this change. The reaction in question is represented thus by Traube : rOH \H] ..... 7o H-0 (a) Cu + \ I \+\ | = Cu(OH) 2 + | (OH j HJ lO H-0 (b) (when a certain amount of H 2 O 2 is produced) Cu + H 2 2 =Cu(OH) 2 (0 Cu(OH) 2 + H 2 S0 4 =CuSO 4 + 2H 2 0. If some compound which is readily acted on by hydrogen is substituted for oxygen in this series of changes, then copper and dilute sulphuric acid form a reducing agent; ferric sulphate e.g. is reduced under these conditions to ferrous sulphate: OH fti" ...... Cu + Similarly the interaction of copper with dilute nitric acid would be represented thus : (OH ; H) ] U 3 (0 i NO,H (OH i HJ i [but 3 NO 2 H rapidly decomposes to give HNO 3 + 2NO + H 2 O]. As thus regarded, these reactions of metals with acids are complex changes; at one stage or other of the complete change hydrogen plays an important part, and it does this in virtue of being itself a product of another part of the whole CHAP. II. 44, 45] NASCENT ACTIONS. IOQ reaction. Hydrogen imported from without the system fails to accomplish actions which are brought about by hydrogen generated within the system, provided this hydrogen be pro- duced at the proper rate and under conditions generally favourable to the action it is to perform. The investigation of Divers 1 'On the production of hy- droxylamine from nitric acid' is an interesting and instructive example of the need of considering all the members of a changing system in attempting to find an explanation of the change. Hydroxylamine is produced in very small quantities during the reaction of tin, zinc, and some other metals, with nitric acid; but if hydrochloric or sulphuric acid is added to the zinc and nitric acid a marked increase in the yield of hy- droxylamine is noticed. When a mixture of nitric and sul- phuric acids reacts with zinc it is probable, from the experiments made by Divers, that the ammonia which is produced in con- siderable quantities is a product of the direct mutual action of the zinc and nitric acid, and that the hydroxylamine is a product of the reduction of the nitric acid by the combined interaction with that acid of zinc and sulphuric acid. Zinc and sulphuric acid in presence of nitric acid, according to Divers, form an hydrogenising mixture; the chief products of this action are hydrogen and hydroxylamine, besides sulphate and nitrate of zinc. Zinc and aqueous nitric acid alone also form an hydrogenising mixture; but the chief product of this action, other than zinc nitrate, is ammonia. Hydroxylamine is not therefore an invariable product of the reaction of hy- drogen with nitric acid even when that hydrogen is evolved in contact with the acid ; it is rather to be regarded as a product of the combined interaction of nitric acid and sulphuric acid with zinc, this reaction being such that the nitric acid is sup- plied with hydrogen whereby it is reduced to hydroxylamine. 45 The expression 'nascent action' has probably been at once helpful and harmful to the progress of chemistry. By classing under a common name many phenomena that might other- wise have been lost in the vast mass of facts with which the 1 C. S. Journal, Trans, for 1883. 443 : also Divers and Shimidzu, C. S. Journal, Trans, for 1886. 597. 110 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [HOOK I. science has to deal, the expression has, I think, done good service; but in so far as its use has tended to prevent in- vestigation for it is always easier to say of any unusual reactions, 'these are cases of nascent action,' than to examine carefully into their course and conditions and also in so far as it has favoured the impression that 'nascent' hydro- gen or 'nascent' oxygen, &c. is ordinary hydrogen or oxygen, &c. with certain indefinite properties which always belong to the hydrogen, or other element, when in this peculiar con- dition the use of the expression has, I think, been unfavour- able to the best interests of chemical science. A study of the reactions in which nascent substances play important parts appears to me to keep before the student that all-important distinction between the atom and the molecule which is so vital in chemical considerations, and also to draw attention in a marked way to the complexity of all chemical changes. We find, or think we find, that when atoms of hydrogen are presented to another substance in a given chemical reaction, certain definite products result; and we are apt to conclude that the interaction of hydrogen atoms with this substance will always give this result; but investi- gation discovers that not only the course of the reaction, but also the final configuration of the changing system, is de- pendent on the whole previous history of the reacting bodies. Hydrogen as it is produced by the action of sodium-amalgam appears to possess properties different from those which characterise hydrogen produced by the reaction of zinc with dilute sulphuric acid. Attempts to explain these apparent differences lead to fresh researches; the results of these re- searches shew the danger of using such an expression as tJie properties of Jiydrogen produced by the action of sodium-amalgam, and contrasting these with the properties of hydrogen produced by the reaction of zinc with dilute sulphuric acid; they teach that every chemical change is composed of parts, and that the occurrence of one part is dependent on the occurrence of the other parts, that we cannot, except occasionally, alter one part of the complete change and expect the other parts to proceed as before, The change of hydrogen and potassium chlorate CHAP. II. 45,46] USE OF TERM 'NASCENT.' Ill in aqueous solution to potassium chloride and water, for instance, is dependent not only on the interaction of the chlorate and hydrogen but also on the interaction whereby the hydrogen is itself produced. It is not that hydrogen produced in one way has certain properties and hydrogen produced in another way has other properties, but rather that the members of the system composed of potassium chlorate, water, and sodium-amalgam, interact to produce potassium chlorate, soda, water, mercury, and hydrogen, whereas the members of the system composed of potassium chlorate, water, zinc, and sulphuric acid, interact to produce potassium chloride, water, zinc sulphate, and hydrogen. We thus be- come impressed with the conviction that chemistry is not the study of this element or that, regarded as a kind of matter with certain fixed physical properties, but that processes of change are the subject-matter of the science, and that to explain any one of these we must take into account each and all of the reacting bodies, and each and all of the conditions under which the total change is proceeding. If the expression 'nascent action' does in any way help to emphasise such considerations as these, I think it ought to be retained in chemical nomenclature 1 . SECTION II. The Dualist ic and Unitary Hypotheses. We must now examine the relations between the chemical properties of atoms and of the molecules, or atomic aggregates, which are formed by the union of these atoms. We must in- quire whether the properties of the molecule are the sum of the properties of its constituent atoms ; or whether the latter properties are modified by the mutual interactions of the atoms. We must endeavour to learn something regarding the structure of molecules. 46 Partly from his definition of element, partly from his study of the products of combustion in oxygen, of phosphorus, carbon, sulphur, &c., Lavoisier was led to regard every salt 1 See also Book II. chapter n. 112 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. as formed by the union of an acid with a radicle, the latter being itself either simple or compound. Davy began his electro-chemical researches in the early years of the present century. In the Philosophical Transactions for 1807*, and in his Elements of Chemical Philosophy*, he regards chemical combination as accompanied by an ex- change of quantities of electricity of opposite sign between the combining bodies. He found that when sulphur and copper are rubbed together the sulphur is negatively, the copper positively, electrified; and that when the sulphur is heated the electrical activities become more apparent, until the sulphur melts, when chemical combination occurs, and the product, copper sulphide, exhibits neither positive nor negative electricity. If the quantity of electricity lost in the act of chemical union is restored, e.g. by the passage of a current through the compound formed, chemical decom- position occurs and the original components are again ob- tained. Davy regarded the primary cause of chemical and electrical effects as possibly the same force; when this force is exerted between masses of matter, electrical phenomena, he said, result; when it is exerted between the smallest particles of bodies chemical phenomena result. Thus in his Elements of Chemical Philosophy* Davy says, "Electrical effects are exhibited by the same bodies when acting as masses, which produce chemical phenomena when acting by their par- ticles ; it is not therefore improbable that the primary cause of both may be the same, and that the same arrangements of matter, or the same attracting powers, which place bodies in the relations of positive and negative, i.e. which render them attractive of each other electrically, and capable of communicating attractive powers to other matter, may likewise render their particles attractive, and enable them to combine, when they have full freedom of motion." " That the decomposition of the chemical agents is connected with the energies of the pile, is evident from all the experiments that have been made; as yet no sound objection has been urged against the theory that the contact of the metals destroys the electrical equilibrium, and that the chemical changes restore it; and, in 1 'On some chemical agencies of electricity,' p. i. 3 Collected Works, vol. iv. (see also Ladenburg's Entwickelungsgeschichte der Chemie, pp. 7581). 3 Pp. 119 1 20, and p. 125. CHAP. II. 47] BERZELIUS' ELECTRO-CHEMICAL WORK. I 13 consequence, that the action exists as long as the decompositions con- tinue." 1 17 At once a brilliant theoriser and a thorough-going experi- menter, Davy did not attempt to found a general scheme of chemical classification on his electro-chemical work. This was however done by Berzelius, who developed a consistent and definite, although narrow, theory which for a time seemed to explain all chemical phenomena. All chemical actions were regarded by Berzelius as brought about by electrical force 2 . "Die Elektricitat...scJieint die erste Thatigkeits- Ursache in der ganzen, uns umgebenden Natur zu sem." Electrical actions, according to Berzelius, were not to be described as consequences of contact, or of mutual action, between heterogeneous bodies. Each elementary atom, he held, is endowed with two kinds of electricity, it has two electric poles ; but these poles differ in strength, so that each atom considered as a whole is positively or negatively electrified ; in some elementary atoms positive electricity predominates and gives a positive character to the whole atom; in others negative electricity overpowers the positive. When a positively electrified atom attracts a negatively elec- trified atom, opposite electricities neutralise one another, but the electricities formerly masked in the separate atoms now come into play, and so the new group of atoms, as a whole, exhibits positive or negative electricity, in virtue of which it is capable of chemically combining with other atoms or groups of atoms. But as the stronger poles are first neutralised, it follows that the more complex a compound is, the less polarity does it exhibit, and hence the less readily does it combine with other substances. Berzelius moreover regarded the quan- tity of electricity on either pole as to some extent variable with variations of temperature. By the Berzelian theory 1 It is interesting to observe how similar this view, stated by Davy in the beginning of the present century, is to the latest views regarding the connexion of chemical and electrical forces. Compare especially Helmholtz's ' Faraday Lecture.' (C. S. jfournal, Trans, for 1881, 277 et seq.: see particularly pp. 300 302.) [See /to/, Book II.] 2 Lehrbuch (ist Ed.), in. part I. p. 77. M.C. 8 114 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. atoms are regarded as essentially unipolar ; one polarity so predominates over the other that each atom acts as a posi- tively or negatively electrified whole. The electro-chemical properties of oxidised compounds, Berzelius taught, depend chiefly on the unipolarity of the electro-positive radicles they contain. Of two oxides, that which contains the more electro-negative radicle is generally itself electro-negative; thus sulphuric acid (regarded as SO 3 ) is electro-negative to all metallic oxides, because sulphur is itself electro-negative to all metals: on the other hand the oxides of potassium and sodium are electro-positive to all other oxides (excepting those of caesium and rubidium) be- cause potassium and sodium are themselves electro-positive to all other elements 1 (except caesium and rubidium). Polarity and chemical affinity are closely connected in the system of Berzelius: the 'specific unipolarity' 2 however does not alone determine the greater or less affinity of one atom for another. Some atoms have a more intense polarity than others and therefore exhibit a greater striving (Bestreben] to neutralise the electricity divided between their poles, in other words, have a greater affinity for a given substance than other atoms. Chemical affinity appears to have been regarded by Ber- zelius as nearly synonymous with intensity of atomic polarity 3 . Thus, oxygen combines with sulphur rather than with lead, although oxygen and sulphur have the same unipolarity (viz. negative); but, the Berzelian view asserts, the positive pole of the sulphur atom neutralises more negative electricity on the oxygen atom than can be neutralised by the positive pole of the lead atom. 1 An important deduction made from these considerations is, that as oxygen occurs both in markedly electro-positive and electro-negative compounds, and as acids are as a group electro-negative, oxygen cannot be the acidifying element, as Lavoisier said it was. 2 Specifische Unipolaritat. Berzelius, loc. cit. p. 73. 3 This might perhaps be regarded as equivalent to the modern conception of higher and lower potential ; as if one atom might have a smaller electrical charge but at a higher potential than another, and would therefore exhibit greater chemical affinity than the other. CH. II. 48] THE DUALISTIC THEORY. 115 Double decompositions were readily explained in terms of this theory: "Every chemical action," says Berzelius 1 , "is an electrical pheno- menon depending on the electrical polarity of the particles ; everything that appears to be due to the action of affinity is caused by the possession by some bodies of an electrical polarity stronger than that of others. If the compound AB is decomposed by the substance C which has a greater affinity for A than B has, then C must possess a more intense electrical polarity than B ; on this account there results more complete neutralisa- tion between A and C than between A and B.... If two bodies, AB and CD, so react as to produce two new bodies, AD and BC, it follows that the electrical polarities are better neutralised in the latter pair of bodies than in the former." 48 On the basis of this conception Berzelius raised the struc- ture of the dualistic chemistry, which asserted that every compound, whether simple or complex, must be constituted of two parts, of which one is positively, and the other negatively, electrified. The doctrine of dualism is thus introduced by Berzelius 2 : " If these electro-chemical conceptions are just, it follows that every chemical compound is dependent on two opposing forces, positive and negative electricity, and on these alone ; and that every compound must be composed of two parts held together by their mutual electro-chemical reactions. Therefore it follows that every compound body, whatever be the number of its constituents, can be separated into two parts, whereof one is positively and the other negatively electrified. Thus, for example, sodium sulphate is put together, not from sulphur, oxygen, and sodium, but from sulphuric acid and soda, which again can themselves be separated into positive and negative constituents. So also alum cannot be regarded as immediately built up from its elements, but must rather be looked on as the product of a reaction between sulphate of alumina and sulphate of potash, the former acting as a negative, the latter as a positive element." 3 In support of his theory Berzelius appealed to the facts of electrolysis. A solution of sodium sulphate containing a little blue vegetable colouring matter is electrolysed ; the colouring matter is reddened around the positive electrode and rendered 1 Lehrbuch (ist Ed.), III. part I. p. 77. 8 Ibid. p. 79. 3 See also Berzelius, Theorie des proportions chimiques, et de ^influence chimiqtie de V electricity dans la nature inorganique ; 3rd Ed. Paris, 1835. Also, for a condensed account of the electro-chemical theory of Berzelius, see Laden- burg, Enhvickelutigsgcschichtc dcr Chemie, pp. 89 93. 82 Il6 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. more distinctly blue around the negative. What can this experiment teach but that the salt is separated by the electric current into alkali and acid ? And can the inference be avoided that the salt is composed of, or contains in itself, these two compound radicles, soda (Na 2 O), and sulphuric acid (SO 3 )? All salts were to be regarded as dualistic struc- tures. Given the composition of a salt, a dualistic formula, or rather a series of formulae, was at once devised for it. The following formulae were employed by various dualistic chemists to express the structure of acetic acid : (i) C 4 H 6 3 . H 2 (2) C 4 H 6 4 . H 2 (3) C 4 H 6 O . O 2 . H 2 O (4) (C 2 H 6 )C 2 3 .H 2 (5) (C 2 H 6 )C 2 4 .H 2 (6) (C 3 H 6 O)CO 2 . H 2 O (7) C 4 H 8 . 4 (8) C 2 H 4 . 2 (9) C 4 H 6 O 2 . H 2 O 2 (10) C 4 H 2 .0 4 H 6 To choose the proper formula from such a chaos, was a task possible only for one whose foible was omniscience. That formula which had the weight of authority on its side was accepted as correct. 49 Lavoisier had regarded oxygen as the ' acidifying prin- ciple.' Hydrochloric acid was undoubtedly an acid sub- stance ; therefore, in accordance with the dictum of Lavoisier, it contained oxygen. Davy's study of this compound, and of its analogue hydriodic acid, nevertheless established the fact that an acid can exist which contains no oxygen. The further fact, that so many of the oxides then called acids exhibited acidic properties only in presence of water, led Davy to the belief that very many acids are compounds of hydrogen. Shaking off the trammels of that older philosophy which re- garded the introduction of undefined 'principles' as affording explanations of natural phenomena, Davy said that acids are not characterised by the invariable presence of any one ele- ment, but that certain compounds of very diverse elements belong to this group 1 . Dulong 2 in 1815 further advanced Davy's conception of acids by recognising no essential difference between those 1 For an account of the important work of Davy on the non-oxygenised acids, and the arguments of his opponents, see Ladenburg, loc. cit. pp. 81 87. 2 Mtm. de FAcad. 1813 15, p. 198: and Schweigger's Journal, 17. 229. CHAP. II. 49 51] THE DUALISTIC THEORY. 117 acids which contain oxygen and those which do not. Lavoisier's hypothesis was not however generally abandoned until many years later. In 1837 38 Liebig 1 , following up Graham's work on phosphoric acid 2 , distinctly recognised the existence of 're- placeable hydrogen' in acids, whether oxy-acids or acids containing no oxygen, and defined salts to be compounds be- longing to the same class as acids, and formed by putting a metal in the place of an equivalent quantity of hydrogen in acids 3 . This view of the structure of salts was altogether opposed to the dualistic theory of Berzelius. 50 Another severe blow was inflicted on the prevailing theory by Faraday's researches on electrolytic decompositions. Faraday shewed that the quantities of various elements set free from different electrolytes, by the same electric current, were chemically equivalent to one another : thus for each two parts by weight of hydrogen set free from water, there were obtained 16 parts of oxygen, 78*2 parts of potassium, 63-5 parts of copper from persalts and 127 parts of copper from protosalts. But the affinities of the atoms of the various electrolytes were undoubtedly different in each combination. According to Berzelius, the quantity of electricity collected on any group of atoms is greater, the greater the mutual affinity of these atoms ; but Faraday's experiments shewed, that in so far as this electricity was measurable by electrolytic decomposition, (and that at least comparative measurements should be thus obtained followed from the terms of the dualistic theory itself), the quantity of it was in no way dependent on the affinities of the com- bining atoms 4 . 51 A bold and partially successful attempt, such an attempt 1 Compt. rend. 5. 863 (with Dumas): and Annalen, 26. 113, see especially p. 181. 2 Phil. Trans, for 1833. 253. 3 See, in connexion with acid generally, Laurent, Chemical Method, pp. 3945- 4 See Helmholtz, 'The Faraday Lecture.' C. S. Journal, Trans, for 1881. pp. 2846. Il8 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. as could be made only by a man of preeminent power, had been made by Berzelius to found chemical classification on the study of composition alone, almost wholly divorced from the study of function or power of doing. As his au- thority became greater Berzelius led chemistry further from the only true path by which she could advance, that namely wherein experiment, and reasoning on experimental data, go hand in hand. And yet no single chemist has enriched the science by the addition of so great a mass of laboriously and accurately determined experimental data as he. The intense concentration of his great intellectual powers upon one view of chemical phenomena led Berzelius to disparage the reason- ing of those who sought to view these phenomena from stand- points other than his own. Among those who recalled chemistry to the true scientific method, Dumas, Laurent, and Gerhardt stand preeminent. In I839 1 Dumas described trichloracetic acid, obtained by the action of chlorine on acetic acid. The new compound, although containing chlorine in place of hydrogen, was a monobasic acid and resembled acetic acid in its general reactions. Dumas said there are certain types in organic chemistry which are maintained even when a volume of chlorine, bromine, or iodine, is put in the place of an equal volume of hydrogen in the parent substance 2 . Berzelius, and the defenders of the dualistic chemistry, violently opposed the idea that the electrically negative chlorine could be substituted for the positive hydrogen, and the identity of type yet be maintained. In Dumas' succeed- ing papers 3 the conception of types was more fully developed. All compounds composed of the same number of equivalents of simple substances, combined in a similar manner, and ex- hibiting broad analogies of properties, were regarded as be- longing to the same type. Such compounds were also, as a 1 Compt. rend. 8. 609: and Annalen, 32. 101. 2 Compt. rend. 8. 621. 3 Annalen, 33. 259: 35. 129 (with Stas), and 289 (with Peligot) : or Compt. rend. 9. 813, and 10. 149. CHAP. II. 52] THE UNITARY THEORY. 119 rule, simply related to one another by reactions of formation and decomposition : thus acetic and chloracetic acids ; chlo- roform, bromoform, and iodoform ; ethylene and its chloro- derivatives, &c.; belonged to the same types, or as Dumas said to the same 'natural families'. Dumas regarded car- bonyl chloride as derived from carbonic anhydride by substi- tuting one oxygen by two chlorine atoms ; thus COO gives COC1 2 : this was utterly opposed to the dualistic view, ac- cording to which the formula of carbonyl chloride was written CO . CC1 4 because every compound must be com- posed of two parts, one of which is electrically positive and the other negative. 52 The new school of chemists naturally opposed the con- ception of compound radicles, a conception too closely asso- ciated with those dualistic theories they were leaving behind to find favour in their sight. But these chemists found that, unless substitution of simple atoms by groups of atoms were regarded as possible, identity of type could not be maintained through groups of compounds undoubtedly belonging to the same natural family. Inasmuch as the new chemistry based its claims to re- cognition on an appeal to actual reactions, it was impossible that it should long refuse to recognise the conception of compound, as well as simple, radicles, without proving false to its own method. Liebig and Wohler, in their researches on oil of bitter almonds, explained the observed reactions of the bodies they obtained by assuming the existence of the compound radicle benzoyl (= C U H 10 O 2 ) in these bodies (see Annalen, 3. 249). But -what are these compound radicles which the chemists who upheld the unitary system were obliged to recognise, equally with their opponents who supported a dualistic theory? Are they definite groups of atoms always existing as such in compound molecules, or are they only convenient methods of expressing and generalising reactions ? As chemistry advanced, compound radicles came to be generally recognised as certain groups of atoms, in com- pound molecules, which remain undecomposed throughout 120 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK 1 a series of reactions undergone by those molecules 1 . Thus we find Kekule in 1857 citing the case of sulphuric acid, H 2 SO 4 , which when acted on by zinc gives ZnSO 4 , and may therefore be said to contain the radicle SO 4 ; but when acted on by phosphorus pentachloride, the compound SO 2 C1 2 is produced, hence the acid may be said to contain the radicle SO.,. 53 The conception of types was destined to bear much fruit. Let us briefly trace its development. Liebig and Dumas had regarded salts as substituted metallic derivatives of acids ; they had spoken of a quantity of metal as taking the place of an equivalent quantity of hydrogen : Dumas had even ventured to regard the negative chlorine as capable of replacing an equivalent amount of the positive hydrogen. In doing this, these chemists had returned to the old conception too much forgotten by the Berzelian school of equivalents as quantities to be determined by the study of reactions ; but they had given this conception fresh life by engrafting on to it the notion of natural families or types. In writing the formulae of sulphates, selenates, and chro- mates, as MO . SO 3 ; MO . SeO 3 ; and MO . CrO s ; Berzelius had undoubtedly recognised the principle of types ; but so long as this principle was dominated by the necessities of the dual- istic system it was unfruitful. The idea of the chemically reacting unit as one whole, one structure with parts capable of replacement by other parts without the necessary de- struction of the building, gave meaning to what was before but a form of words. From its earliest beginnings to its present form the theory of types has been interwoven with the atomic theory ; with- out the latter, the former had never had being. If the value of a scientific idea is to be measured by its fruitfulness, then is Dalton's New System of Chemical Philosophy the most im- portant work yet produced by any chemist. 1 See especially Laurent's Chemical Method, pp. 276 300 Also Ladenburg, loc. cit. 9th and roth Lectures. The modern development of the conception of compound radicle will be better understood by considering pars. 7074 in Section 4 of this chapter. CHAP. ii. 53] TYPES. 121 Now if the reacting unit of any substance is possessed of a definite atomic structure, only those bodies can be said to belong to the same type, or natural family, whose re- acting units are built on a similar atomic plan : but our only method of discovering similarity of structure is by study- ing reactions ; hence only those bodies which are charac- terised by similarity of chemical function ought to be classified under the same type 1 . And as modification of structure has been recognised as not necessarily implying destruction of type, it follows that those quantities of radi- cles, simple or compound, are equivalent, which can perform similar functions in similarly constituted compounds. At last a method of chemical classification has been found by Dumas, Liebig, Gerhardt, and Laurent, which when more fully developed will reconcile those who regard composition as all important, with those for whom function is supreme ; which will preserve the fundamental conception of equiva- lent, but interpret it in terms of the wider theory of atoms ; and which will recognise the connexion, while yet empha- sising the importance of the difference, between the atom of Dalton and the molecule of Avogadro. But in its development the theory of types must neces- sarily be largely modified. Classification by types cannot be final in a science which has advanced so far towards be- coming an abstract science as chemistry. " By the classification of any series of objects is meant the actual, or ideal, arrangement together of those which are like and the separation of those which are unlike ; the purpose of this arrangement being, primarily, to disclose the correlations or laws of union of properties or circumstances, and, secondarily, to facilitate the operations of the mind in clearly con- ceiving and retaining in the memory the 'character of the objects in question'." 2 Those ' properties or circumstances ' which are correlated must be such as are really characteristic of the objects clas- sified, they must be essential properties of these objects, not mere surface appearances ; they must be capable of accurate 1 See especially Laurent's Chemical Method, pp. 298 300. 2 W. Stanley Jevons (modifying the words of Huxley), Principles of Science, 2. p. 348. 122 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. definition, and at the same time of fairly easy recognition ; and that property, or properties, chosen as the mark of a class must belong to all the members of that class. But the properties of a type are necessarily somewhat vague: properties regarded by one observer as essentially belonging to the type may by another be regarded as acci- dental ; a given substance may possess so many of the properties of the type as at one time suffices to ensure its admission into the class, but at a future time new proper- ties may be discovered which necessitate the removal of the substance to a class whose type shews considerable diver- gence from that under which the substance was originally placed. The very elasticity, and even vagueness, of the theory of types ensured it an important place in the development of chemical science. SECTION III. Equivalency of atoms, 54 Dualism had reigned supreme, but only because it was despotic; when the rebellion, headed by Dumas, once got a footing the fate of the older theory was sealed. The new system succeeded because it was not too systematic. In attempting to preserve unity of type through large series of compounds, the builders of modern chemistry were obliged to make free use of the conception of compound radicles as substituting simple radicles ; they thus became familiarised with the general notion of each radicle pos- sessing a definite substituting power. In 1852 Frankland 1 extended this conception to the atoms of the elementary bodies; in 1855 Odling 2 introduced the use of dashes placed over the atomic symbols to express what he called ' the replaceable, or representative, or substitu- 1 Phil. Trans. 142. 417, see especially p. 440. 2 C. S. Journal, 1. i . (The recognition of two ' replaceable values ' for the iron atom, and other atoms, shews the close connexion between the theory then coming into existence and the older theory of equivalents.) CHAP. II. 54] EQUIVALENCY OF ATOMS. 12$ tion value ' of these atoms, he also recognised that an ele- mentary atom may have more than one 'replaceable value'. Odling applied this fruitful conception to the formulae of many salts, especially the phosphates, and succeeded in shewing analogies until then overlooked. The inherent fascination of the idea of the compound radicle may be realised, by considering that in less than twenty years after Dumas' discovery of the chloracetic acids, a discovery which marks the beginning of the revolt against the compound radicles of dualism, Kekule 1 , and inde- pendently of him Couper 2 , (in papers of the greatest im- portance) found it necessary to recall chemists to the con- sideration of elementary atoms as being the true units by the combinations of which all compound molecules are built up, and by whose properties those of the compounds are deter- mined. Couper criticised Gerhardt's development of types, objecting to the vagueness of the idea as a basis for classifi- cation ; and especially opposing Gerhardt's opinion that the molecular constitution of bodies can never be ascertained by chemists. " Would it not be rational," says Couper, " in ac- cepting this veto to renounce chemical research altogether?" This dictum of Gerhardt is to be traced, in Couper's opinion, to the overdue employment of compound radicles, to for- getting that these can have no properties which are not "a direct consequence of the properties of the individual elements of which they are made up," and hence to endow- ing these radicles with some " unknown and ultimate power which it is impossible to explain." Returning then to a study of the elements, Couper finds chemical affinity as a pro- perty inherent in, and common to, them all ; he distinguishes ' affinity of kind ' and ' affinity of degree ;' applying the latter to carbon, he cites the oxides CO and CO 2 (in his notation C 2 O 2 and C 2 OJ, the former expressing the first, the latter the second and last, degree: CO 2 is "the ultimate affinity, or combining unit, for carbon." Kekule in 1857, an d more especially in a paper published 1 Annalen (1857), 104. 129. 2 Phil. Mag. (1858) [4], 16. 104. 124 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. in March 1858*, a paper the importance of which can hardly be overrated, distinguishes more clearly than Couper 'affi- nity of kind' from 'affinity of degree'; or rather he distin- guishes chemical affinity from what he calls the 'basicity of atoms'; both conceptions being needed, he says, for the explanation of chemical combinations. Kekule clearly dis- tinguishes, and this distinction has been too much forgotten in recent developments of chemical theory, between equi- valent weights of elements, and equivalency (or basicity) of elementary atoms; he shews that the new theory deals with definite entities, called atoms, having defined properties, and not with 'unit weights,' and that it is these atoms which he proposes to compare as to their substituting power for the .hydrogen atom. Having shewn that one atom of carbon, so far as our knowledge goes, is never combined with more than four atoms of hydrogen in a compound molecule, Kekule also shews that two atoms of carbon do not bind to them- selves more than six atoms of hydrogen, three atoms of carbon not more than eight atoms of hydrogen, and so on. The tetravalency of the carbon atom, and the power which two, or more, atoms of carbon possess of binding them- selves together in a molecule, are enunciated by Kekule in this paper, which forms the foundation stone of the modern hypothesis of 'atom-linking.' 2 Kekule and Couper insisted, that if a definite conception of the connexions between the properties and the structure of compounds is to be obtained, it must be based on the study of the combining powers of the elementary atoms: 'The whole is simply a derivative of its parts,' said Couper. 55 An hypothesis which shall attempt to explain the atomic structure of compound molecules, must, in the present state of knowledge, be based on the consideration of gaseous bodies. We do not know how to determine the relative 1 Annalen, 106. 129. 2 In comparing Couper's paper with Kekule's it may be well to notice how Couper attempts to trace a close connexion between the basicity of atoms and chemical affinity; his statements are here much vaguer than Kekule's, yet this dynamical method of regarding 'valency' at the very outset of the theory is important. CHAP. II. 55, 56] VALENCY OF ATOMS. 125 weights of the molecules of solid or liquid substances ; indeed the term molecule is used with a strictly definite meaning only when applied to gases. We have reason to believe that the ultimate structure of a mass of a solid or liquid is much more complex than that of a mass of a gaseous substance; no generalisations have yet been made regarding the mo- lecular phenomena of solids or liquids comparable with those which under the names of the laws of Boyle, Charles, and Avogadro have been made regarding the molecular phe- nomena of gases. We must recognise the limits within which an hypothesis regarding atomic structure can assist advance; if it be pushed too far it will become, with some a dogma, with others a thing to be scorned. Consider these four molecular formulae HC1, H 2 O, H 3 N, H 4 Si. It is seen that one atom of chlorine is combined with one atom of hydrogen in the molecule HC1, that one atom of oxygen is combined with two atoms of hydrogen in the mole- cule H 2 O, that one atom of nitrogen is combined with three atoms of hydrogen in the molecule H 3 N, and that one atom of silicon is combined with four atoms of hydrogen in the molecule H 4 Si. Considering the molecular formulae C1H, Cl 2 Hg, Cl 3 Bi, and Cl 4 Sn, it is seen that one atom of hydrogen is comb'ned with one atom of chlorine, one atom of mercury with two atoms of chlorine, one atom of bismuth with three atoms of chlorine, and one atom of tin with four atoms of chlorine, in these compound molecules. These facts may be expressed by saying that the atoms of oxygen and mercury are divalent, the atoms of nitrogen and bismuth are trivalent, and the atoms of silicon and tin are tetravalent; i.e. so far as the data at present before us are con- cerned, the atom of oxygen, and that of mercury, combines with two atoms of hydrogen or of chlorine ; the atom of nitrogen, and that of bismuth, combines with three atoms of hydrogen or of chlorine; the atom of silicon, and that of tin, combines with four atoms of hydrogen or of chlorine, to form compound molecules. 56 But these terms monovalent, divalent, &c., atoms must be more strictly defined. 126 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. Let us begin by attempting to define the expression, a monovalent atom. Let those atoms which combine each with one, and not more than one, atom of hydrogen to form gaseous molecules, be placed together and called monovalent atoms. Then the atoms of hydrogen, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and probably fluorine, are monovalent ; the evidence is the existence of the gaseous molecules HH, HC1, HBr, HI, and HF 1 , and the non-existence of any gaseous molecules com- posed of a single atom of hydrogen, chlorine, bromine, iodine (or ? fluorine), and more than one atom of hydrogen. The term monovalent strictly implies that all the atoms to which it is applied are equivalent, or of equal value in exchange. It is important to observe that as regards combination with one atom of hydrogen to produce gaseous molecules, the atoms of chlorine, bromine, iodine, and probably fluorine, are equivalent ; but that it is quite possible that these atoms may not be equivalent, or of equal value in exchange, in other respects. If it is assumed that an atom which combines with not more than two atoms of chlorine, bromine, iodine, or fluorine, is equivalent to another atom which combines with not more than two atoms of hydrogen, then we arrive at the definition of a divalent atom as an atom which combines with not more than two monovalent atoms (i.e. atoms of hydrogen, chlorine, bromine, iodine or fluorine) to form gaseous molecules. Simi- larly, definitions of trivalent, 'tetravaleut, &c. atoms are found. Applying these definitions to the data contained in the table on pp. 39 43 we arrive at the following classification of atoms. 1 Mallet [Amer. Chem. Journal 3. 189] has shewn that at low temperatures the molecule of hydrofluoric acid must be represented by the formula H 2 F 2 ; at higher temperatures however the formula HF represents the molecule of this gas. It is possible that hydrofluoric acid is a 'molecular compound' at low temperatures (see Section 5 of the present chapter) : determinations of the spec, gravity of this gas for a considerable range of temperature and pressure would throw light on this question. CHAP. II. 56] VALENCY OF ATOMS. 127 STANDARD MONOVALENT ATOMS; H, F, Cl, Br, I. I. Monovalent atoms ; i.e. atoms which combine with one standard monovalent atom to form gaseous molecules ... K, Rb, Ag, Cs, Hg, Tl. II. Di i SH 2 , MnCl 2 , SeH s , TeH 2 , TeCl 2 , CdBr 2 , ZnCl 2 , HgCl 2 , HgBr 2 , HgI 2 , SnCl 2 , PbCl 2 ; BF 3 , BC1 3 , BBr 3 , NH 3 , A1C1 3 , PH 3 , PC1 3 , CrCl 3 , AsH 3 , AsCl 3 , AsI 3 , SbCl 3 , SbI 3 , BiCl 3 , InCl 3 ; CH 4 , CC1 4 , SiF 4 , SiCl 4 , SiI 4 , GeCl 4 , GeI 4 , TiCl 4 , ZrCl 4 , VC1 4 , SnCl 4 , SnBr 4 , TeCl 4 , ThCl 4 , UBr 4 , UC1 4 ; PF 5 , NbCl 5 , TaCl 5 , MoCl 8 , WC1 6 ; WC1 8 . When it is said that one atom is combined with a certain number of standard monovalent atoms, direct interaction between these atoms in the molecule is assumed. Thus the statement that one atom of bismuth is combined with three 128 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. monovalent atoms of chlorine in the gaseous molecule BiCl 3 implies, that in this molecule there is direct action and reaction of some kind between the atom of bismuth and each of the atoms of chlorine. It might be that the atom of bismuth interacts directly with one, or two, atoms of chlorine and only indirectly with the other atoms ; but con- sidering that one atom of chlorine is never found combined with more than a single atom of hydrogen, bromine, or iodine, in gaseous molecules composed of any two of these elements, considering, that is to say, that the atom of chlorine is by definition monovalent, the simplest hypothesis is that the atom of bismuth interacts directly with each of the chlorine atoms in the gaseous molecule BiCl s , in other words, that the atom of bismuth is trivalent in this molecule. The groups of atoms, methyl CH 8 , and ethyl C 2 H 5 , may be regarded as monovalent, inasmuch as each combines with one and not more than one of the standard monovalent atoms to form gaseous molecules 1 . If the formulae of those gaseous molecules which are composed of a single atom of an element combined with one of the groups of atoms methyl or ethyl are tabulated, we find that the atom of lead is tetra- valent as well as divalent 2 . The table on p. 127 contains 37 elements (besides the five standard monovalent elements); the atoms of six of these are found each in two classes. The atom of mercury is monovalent and divalent, the atoms of tellurium, tin, and lead are divalent and tetravalent, the atom of phosphorus is trivalent and pentavalent, and the atom of tungsten is pentavalent and hexavalent. This variation in the valency of certain atoms is not surprising when we recall the fact that an element has frequently more than one equivalent weight, and we consider that the object of the classification of atoms in accordance with their valencies is to place together those atoms which are equivalent, that is of equal value in exchange. 1 These molecules are (CH 3 )H, (CH^F, (CH 3 )C1, (CH 3 )Br, (CH 3 )I, (C 2 H 8 )H, (C 2 H 6 )C1, (C 2 H 6 )Br, (C 2 H 5 )L 2 The molecules in question are these; Hg(CH 3 ) 2 , Hg(C 2 H 5 ) 2 , Zn(CH 3 ) 2 , B(CH :) ) 3 , Sh(C 2 H 5 ) 3 , Si(C 2 H 5 ) 4 , Sn(C 2 H 5 ) 4 , Pb(CH 3 ) 4 . CHAP. II. 5 7] VALENCY OF ATOMS. 1 29 57 We have now gained definitions of the terms monovalent, divalent, trivalent, &c. as applied to atoms. The atoms of hydrogen, chlorine, bromine, iodine, (and fluorine) are equi- valent in this respect that each combines with one and only one atom of hydrogen to form gaseous molecules ; these atoms are therefore taken as the standard mono- valent atoms. The valency of any other atom is determined by finding the number of standard monovalent atoms with which it combines to form gaseous molecules, the maximum valency being measured by the maximum number of these standard monovalent atoms. It is certain that some atoms com- bine now with one number, and now with another number, of standard monovalent atoms, to form gaseous mole- cules. The valency of the atom of an element cannot be accu- rately determined except at least one gasifiable compound has been obtained composed of a single atom of the element in question combined with standard monovalent atoms, and with such atoms only. Thus the valencies of the atoms of aluminium, iron, copper, and gallium cannot be defi- nitely determined from considering the compositions of the following gaseous molecules ; Al 2 Br d , A1 2 I 6 , Fe 2 Cl 6 , Cu 8 Cl 2 , Ga 2 Cl, We might now define the valency of an atom to be the maximum number of atoms of hydrogen, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine, with which the specified atom combines to form gaseous molecules ; but when we apply this definition we find it too limited. An examination of the composi- tions of the gaseous molecules tabulated on p. 127 leads to the notion of a limit to the number of atoms between which direct interaction occurs in gaseous molecules. This con- ception may be put into a definite form of words, thus ; each atom in a gaseous molecule can directly interact with a limited number of other atoms. From this conception the definition of valency easily follows : the valency of an atom is a number which expresses the maximum mimber of oilier atoms between which and the specified atom tiiere is direct inter- M. c. 9 130 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. action in any gaseous molecule. This definition furnishes an excellent working hypothesis in all attempts to learn anything of the arrangement of the parts of molecules. But while the definition of valency of an atom is widened, we must, I think, always determine the valency of any specified atom by considering the compositions of gaseous molecules composed only of that atom and the standard monovalent atoms, hydrogen, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine. If a specified atom combines with not more than n standard monovalent atoms, then we conclude that this atom will not directly interact in any gaseous molecule with more than n atoms of any element. The greater the number of gaseous molecules composed of the specified atom and atoms of hydrogen, fluorine, &c. which have been ex- amined, the greater is the probability that the value of ;/ expresses the true maximum valency of the atom in question. Thus, suppose that the gaseous molecules SnCl 4 and SnBr 4 were unknown, the existence of the molecule SnCl 2 would lead us to place the atom of tin in the class of divalent atoms. As only six of the 37 atoms whose valencies have been accurately determined (excluding the standard monovalent atoms) shew variations of valency, we may provisionally re- gard the value found for the valency of an atom from the composition of even a single molecule composed of that atom and any of the standard monovalent atoms as the true valency of the specified atom. At any rate we must make use of this value in all discussions regarding the arrangement of the parts of molecules into which this atom enters so long as no direct proof is forthcoming that the value is erroneous; and the only direct proof is the forma- tion and analysis of gaseous molecules composed of the specified atom and a number of standard monovalent atoms different from the number present in the gaseous molecule on the composition of which the value originally adopted for the valency of the atom in question was based. If we allow ourselves to vary the valencies of atoms without cogent proof endless confusion arises, and the applications CHAP. II. 57 59] VALENCY OF ATOMS. 131 of the hypothesis of valency become merely amusing exer- cises of fancy. When therefore it is said in this book that the atom of a certain element is n valent, the statement is to be un- derstood as asserting, (i) that one or more gaseous molecules are known composed of a single atom of the specified element combined with n atoms of hydrogen, fluorine, chlorine, bro- mine, or iodine ; (2) that no gaseous molecule is known composed of a single atom of the specified element and more than n atoms of hydrogen, fluorine, &c. ; and (3) that in discussions regarding the arrangement of the parts of molecules of which the specified atom forms a constituent, we shall assume that direct interaction occurs between the specified atom and not more than n other atoms of any kind. 58 Such a statement as ' the atom of phosphorus is trivalent in the molecule PC1 3 ,' or ' the atom of carbon is trivalent in the molecule C 2 H 4 ,' asserts that the atom named directly interacts in the specified molecule with three other atoms; such statements do not assert that the maximum valency of the specified atom is defined by its actual valency in the particular molecule referred to. Such a statement as ' the atom of arsenic is trivalent' implies that the maximum valency of this atom is three. 9 The atoms of hydrogen, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine were placed in one class and said to be equivalent, because each combines with a single atom of hydrogen to form gaseous molecules. The atoms of 37 other elements were then arranged in classes, and the members of each class were said to be equivalent because they all combine with the same number of atoms of hydrogen, or fluorine, or chlorine, or bromine, or iodine, to form gaseous molecules. The conception of equivalency has evidently been widened ; an atom of hydrogen is regarded as equivalent to an atom of chlorine not only as regards the combination of each with hydrogen atoms, but also as regards the combination of each with certain other atoms. Then the notion of equiva- lency was yet further widened, and it was said that all atoms which are equivalent in respect that they combine with 92 132 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. atoms of hydrogen, fluorine &c. are also equivalent in respect that they directly interact with n atoms of any kind in gaseous molecules. The words equivalent to have been used with an ever widening meaning. It might be, and it has very often been, urged that to say that an atom is divalent is the same thing as to say that the atom is equivalent to two monovalent atoms. Thus, to say that the atom of oxygen is divalent, it may be argued, is an assertion that one atom of oxygen is equivalent to two atoms of hydrogen, fluorine, &c. If we are careful to recall the exact meaning of the words equivalent to in this statement, then, it seems to me, that no valid objection can be brought against the statement. Now the words equivalent to here mean, combines with the same number of standard monovalent atoms as; no other kind of equivalency between one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen, &c. is asserted. But the limitation of the meaning of the term equivalent in connexion with the valencies of atoms has been too much forgotten. Thus, it has been argued that because an atom of oxygen is divalent, and because the gaseous molecules CO and CO 2 exist, there- fore the atom of carbon is divalent in the molecule CO and tetravalent in the molecule CO 2 . To say this appears to me to be using a phrase which has no accurate meaning. 60 As there has been much discussion regarding such phrases as this, it behoves us to consider some of them more closely. The valency of an atom is generally expressed by a Roman numeral placed over the symbol of the element, thus C IV , P 111 ; or by lines proceeding from the symbol, thus C-, P . i i It required but a short time from the introduction of this notation for chemists to forget that these lines are only a form of language. From speaking of the valency of an atom, they soon came to speak of each line as a valency, or a unit of affinity, and to assert that such or such an atom has four (or three or two &c.) units of affinity or valencies. Then they went a step farther, and asserted that in the molecule CO two of the four valencies or units of affinity of the tetravalent carbon atom are satisfied by the two valencies CHAP. ii. 60,61] USE OF 'BONDS' OR 'LINKS.' 133 of the divalent oxygen atom, and that in the molecule CO 2 all the affinities of the carbon atom are satisfied by the four valencies of the two oxygen atoms. These assertions were embodied in the symbols C = O and O = C = O. Similarly, the^ symbols H 2 = C = C = H 2 and H C = C H were used to represent the distributions of the units of affinity, or the valencies, of the atoms of carbon and hydrogen in the mole- cules C 2 H 4 and C 2 H 2 . Then such phrases as '-carbon atoms linked by double and treble bonds ' and ' doubly and singly linked carbon atoms ' were employed. 61 What definite meanings can be given to such expressions and such symbols ? (1) The statement 1 that an atom of carbon has four valencies or four units of affinity cannot mean that the force of affinity of a carbon atom is divided into four parts within that atom, for 'force' has no meaning apart from two or more reacting bodies : force is a name given by one of the parties to a transaction, but a transaction involves at least two transacting parties. The force between a carbon atom and another atom must vary with external conditions, prob- ably with the distance, the mass, and the chemical nature, (a vague term but perhaps as good as can be given at present) of both atoms. (2) The carbon atom has four equivalencies, or four units of affinity. This cannot mean that four parts of the carbon atom are chemically active, and the other parts inactive : such a hypothesis leads at present to contradictions (see appendix to Section 4); moreover in the present state of knowledge it is inadvisable to hazard hypotheses as to the inner structure of atoms in order to explain chemical phenomena. Atoms may not be homogeneous, but at present they are the ulti- mate particles to be considered in chemical changes. (3) The expression under consideration cannot mean that the chemical energy of a carbon atom is divided, or js 1 A paper of the greatest importance entitled ' Ueber die Vertheilung der Atome in der Molekel,' by W. Lessen, appeared in Annalen, 204. 265. I have made free use of this paper in the present chapter. (See also Claus, Ber. 14. 432 ; and Lessen, ibid. 760.) 134 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. always divisible, into four parts. What is to be the unit of chemical work ? the mass of matter fixed by a given atom ? where then is the equivalency between one atom of oxygen with the mass 1 6 and two atoms of chlorine with the mass 7 1 ? Let a carbon atom combine with four hydrogen atoms, the total chemical energy of the atoms disappears ; let a carbon atom combine with two atoms of oxygen, the total chemical energy of the atoms again disappears : but if the carbon atom possesses four ' units of affinity,' the oxygen atom two ' units of affinity.' and the hydrogen atom one ' unit of affinity,' the heats of formation of the two compound molecules ought to be equal; assuming, of course, that the heat produced when the molecules CH 4 and CO 2 are formed from atoms of carbon and hydrogen, and carbon and oxygen, respectively, measures the total loss of chemical energy which occurs in these processes. But the differences between the heats of formation of carbon compounds shew that the expression ' the carbon atom has four units of affinity' cannot mean that the chemical energy of the carbon atom is divisible into four parts, unless indeed the unit of affinity is variable, and is varied for each com- bination of carbon with other atoms 1 . (4) The carbon atom has four equivalencies. Can this mean that the atom exerts force in four directions ? A so- called 'valency' is then a direction. But there is no force exerted till the mutual atomic transaction begins; the carbon atom considered alone has therefore no ' valencies.' Take the molecule CO; force is exerted by the carbon on the oxygen atom; the remaining 'valencies' are sometimes said to be ' mutually satisfied,' i.e. on the present hypothesis, the carbon atom in the molecule CO exerts force in two directions on itself; but here again we have the hypothesis of the non- homogeneity of the carbon atom, and the existence of active and inactive parts in that atom. (5) In the vibration of a carbon atom there are four points, at each of which mutual action can occur between this atom and another atom. On this supposition, a 'double 1 For a view analogous to this see appendix to Section 4 of the present chapter, par. 98. CHAP. 1 1. 6 1, 62] ATOMIC 'BONDS.' 135 link' would mean that mutual action occurs between the two atoms thus linked at two of these positions; e.g. the formula O = C = O would mean that in performing a vibration the carbon atom acts twice on, and is twice acted on by, each oxygen atom. But if so, surely a 'double link' would imply molecular stability, whereas it frequently means the reverse 1 . 62 But although we cannot form a clear physical conception of the meaning of the phrase 'the carbon atom has four bonds,' and although such formulae as C = O, O = C = O, H 2 C = CH 2 , and HC = CH, which spring from the notion of atomic bonds, fail to call up in the mind clear images of the things they are meant to represent, nevertheless it may be urged that inasmuch as the properties of such molecules as CO, CO 8 , C a H 4 , and C 2 H 2 , shew that the chemical functions of the atoms of carbon vary in different molecules all of which are composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms only or of carbon and oxygen atoms only, it is convenient to express such variations of function in our nomenclature and notation, and that the expressions ' singly, doubly, and trebly, linked carbon atoms,' and the symbols C C, C = C, and C = C, are convenient for this purpose. The importance of expressing undoubted chemical facts in simple terms and of representing these facts in consistent 1 A view different from any of the preceding has been suggested by Pickering (C. S. Proc. 1885. 122), and also by Armstrong (Proc. . S. 1886. 268; Nature, 35. 570) ; but the view appears to me to involve the use of the term valency as synonymous with affinity of atoms, and therefore to call for discussion rather in the chapter on affinity than in the present place. In his Ansichten iiber die organische Chemie (part I., pp. 2 5), van't Hoff regards the chemical interactions of atoms as a consequence of gravitation. He shews that if the form of an atom is not spherical the intensity of the attraction of that atom for other atoms must be marked by a definite number of maximum points on the surface of the atom, which maxima depend on the form of the atom, and may have different values. The number of these maxima is regarded by van't Hoff as expressing the valency of the atom. As the atom vibrates its form will undergo change; hence the valency of an atom may vary with variations in the state of motion of the atom, and these variations will be conditioned by temperature, nearness to other atoms, &c. On this view, a combina- tion of atoms, that is a molecule, must possess a certain valency, which is conditioned by the special arrangement of its parts, but is not necessarily the same as the valency of any of these parts. On the subject of 'double bonds ' see also appendix to Section 4 of this chapter. 136 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. formulae is admitted by all chemists. Those chemists who oppose the use of formulae and terms based on the hypothesis of atomic bonds assert, and I think rightly assert, that the facts supposed to be expressed by single, double, and treble .linkings are more simply and as forcibly expressed by for- mulae arising out of the three fundamental notions of atomic valency; which are (i) that each atom in a molecule directly interacts with a limited number of other atoms ; (2) that the maximum number of atoms with which any specified atom directly interacts is measured by the maximum number of atoms of hydrogen, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine, with which the atom in question combines to form a gaseous molecule; and (3) that an atom may, and frequently does, directly interact with a smaller number of other atoms than is expressed by its maximum valency. Instead of saying, 'the two carbon atoms in the molecule of ethane (C 2 H 6 ) are singly linked, the two carbon atoms in the molecule of ethylene (C 2 H 4 ) are doubly linked, and in the molecule of acetylene (C 2 H 2 ) the two carbon atoms are trebly linked,' these chemists say, ' the molecule of ethane contains a pair of tetravalent carbon atoms, the molecule of ethylene contains a pair of trivalent carbon atoms, and the molecule of acetylene contains a pair of divalent carbon atoms'; and instead of the symbols H 2 C = CH 2 and HC = CH, they use the symbols H 2 C - CH 2 and HC - CH. All that is expressed or suggested by the first pair of formulae is expressed and suggested by the second, and the latter have the great advantage of being based on a definite and self-consistent hypothesis of atomic valency, whereas the former rest to a great extent only on words and phrases. The expressions ' single, double, and treble linkings,' ' mutual satisfaction of units of affinity,' and the like, imply the possession of knowledge which at present we do not possess. The notion of units of affinity, or valencies 1 , or bonds, has been carried too far. It appears at first sight to give 1 It is important to distinguish between the expression 'valency' and 'a valency.' CHAP. II. 62, 63] EQUIVALENCY OF ATOMS. 137 a dynamical explanation of the structure of molecules, but it has forgotten the two-sidedness of atomic transactions; it apparently affords a means of measuring atomic forces, but it has used a unit, undefined except as a quantity changeable at pleasure; it appears to simplify chemical formulae, but it has really made them harder to understand by grafting on to the definite conception of atom the vague and unnecessary notion of 'bond.' 63 The valencies of the atoms of about three-fifths of the elements can be regarded as fairly well established. The data required for determining the valency of an elementary atom are, the analysis, and determination of the molecular weight, of more than one gasifiable compound, the molecule of each of which compounds is composed of a single atom of the specified element combined with monovalent atoms only, that is combined with atoms of hydrogen, chlorine, bromine, iodine, or fluorine, only. Many non-gasifiable compounds containing monovalent atoms combined with atoms of a single other element are known (e.g. many metallic haloid compounds): if the reacting weights of these solid compounds, as deduced by the aid of considerations such as those sketched on pp. 78 85, are assumed to be the true relative weights of the molecules of these compounds ; and if those generalisations which have been made concerning the arrangement of atoms in gaseous molecules are assumed to hold good for the reacting weights of solids also ; then the valency of many elementary atoms not included in the table on p. 127 can be determined. Thus, if we assume that the general formula MX represents the atomic structure of the molecules of the solid haloid salts of the alkali metals, (M = K, Na, Li, &c. and X = F, Cl, Br, or I) then the atoms of these metals are most probably monovalent. Most of the generally accepted for- mulae for salts of alkali metals may be written with the atoms of these metals represented as each in direct com- bination with only one other atom ; but whenever this arrangement has become somewhat unsatifactory chemists have not hesitated to assume that the atoms of the alkali 138 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. metals may be tri- penta- or even heptavalent, i.e. may each act on, and be acted on by, 3, 5, or 7 other atoms. So with other elements ; from a consideration of solid or liquid com- pounds only no trustworthy conclusions as to the valencies of the atoms in the molecules of these compounds can be deduced. It is so easy, after making the two fundamental assumptions stated above, to make an indefinite number of further assump- tions; it becomes so pleasant to manipulate formulae on paper, that it is certainly better, in the present state of knowledge, to determine the valencies of atoms altogether from the study of gaseous molecules. It is very probable that the valency of the elementary atoms varies periodically with variations in the relative weights of these atoms : if this general statement is thoroughly established, the exact nature of the periodic function is determined, and the true atomic weights of all the elements are fixed, we shall have in the Periodic Law a most important method for determining atomic valencies. But a great deal of work must be done before this ' law ' can be applied otherwise than generally and tentatively to questions of valency (see chap. III. par. 1 14). SECTION IV. Allotropy and Isomerism. 64 Having gained the conception of a molecule as composed of atoms each directly interacting with a definite number of other atoms, we at once regard the molecule as a structure ; we recognise what Frankland in 1852 happily called 'limited molecular mobility.' A structure involves arrangement of parts and subordination of less to more important parts ; it supposes the existence of definite actions for fulfilling which the structure is adapted ; in a word, structure means cor- relation of properties with material configuration 1 . 1 When 'arrangement of atoms in the molecule' is spoken of, or when a similar phrase is used, it is to be taken as implying only a rough approximation to a knowledge of atomic arrangements. Structural formulas sum up facts of formation and decomposition, and, assuming the fundamental positions of the molecular and atomic theory, and also the hypothesis of valency, these formulae exhibit, in a rough and general way, connexions between these facts and the directions of the mutual interactions of the atoms in the molecules of the compounds CHAP. II. 64 66] MOLECULAR STRUCTURE. 139 And when we consider the properties of individual mole- cules the justness of thus regarding each as a definite atomic structure becomes more apparent. We find many compound molecules composed of the same number of the same atoms and yet exhibiting markedly different chemical and physical properties, i.e. we find the phenomenon of Isomerism: how can we account for this except by assuming (i) that each mole- cule has a definite atomic structure, and (2) that the same atoms may be differently arranged in different molecules? 65 A knowledge of the atomic configurations of series of molecules, supposing this to be gained, must be supplemented by a knowledge of the way in which the energy of each molecule varies with variations in the configuration and motion of its constituent atoms, before a complete knowledge of the dynamical properties of these molecules is possible. But chemistry is yet far from this goal ; she is obliged to be content with a very partial and sometimes very vague know- ledge concerning the atomic configurations of a few mole- cules ; she has hardly entered on the second part of her task. 66 Granting then that variations in the properties (chemical and physical) of molecules accompany variations in the con- figurations of the atoms which build up these molecules, it is conceivable that the latter variations may consist in (i) variations in the relative positions of the atoms, or (2) variations in the distances between the atoms, their relative positions being constant. To illustrate this point let us take the molecule C a H 6 O. More than one compound exists the molecules of which have the atomic composition expressed by this formula. On the first assumption, viz. that variation of properties is to be correlated with variations in the relative positions of the atoms in the molecule, the atoms being represented as arranged all in the same plane, we find that there are two possible arrangements of two carbon, six hydrogen, and one oxygen, formulated, the atoms being represented in the formulae as situated all in the same plane. No attempt is made in these formulae to express quantitative measure- ments of atomic interactions. 140 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. atoms (assuming the valency of the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atom to be 4, i, and 2 respectively), viz. ; (a) H H (b] H H . II II H C C O H, H C O-C H. II I I H H H H Hence, on the first assumption, two compounds each having the composition expressed by the empirical formula C 2 H 6 O may exist. But if we make the second assumption, viz. that variation of properties is to be correlated with variations in the dis- tances between the atoms in the molecule, the relative posi- tions of these atoms remaining unchanged, we may have an apparently unlimited number of compounds of the for- mula C 2 H 6 O ; such compounds might perhaps be repre- sented in this way : (a) H H () H H II II H C C O H, H C C O H, II II H H H H (c) H H H C C O H, I H H and so on. Now as only two compounds having the composition C 2 H 6 O are known to exist, we have a presumption in favour of the first supposition : much stress cannot however be laid on this argument. Moreover if the second of the two suppo- sitions is correct, then any molecule composed of two atoms should be capable of existing in more than one modification ; in other words, every diatomic molecule should be capable of shewing isomerism. But there is no certainly-established instance of isomerism exhibited by a molecule composed of less than three atoms ; therefore, as the assumption that variations of properties exhibited by compounds having the CHAP. II. 66, 67] ALLOTROPY AND POLYMERISM. 141 same composition and the same molecular weight are con- nected with variations in the relative positions of the atoms composing the molecules of these compounds suffices to explain the vast majority of well-authenticated cases of iso- merism among gaseous molecules, we conclude that it is better, at any rate at present, to build the general theory of isomerism on this hypothesis 1 . 67 But before more fully considering this subject, it will be well to glance at the allied phenomena of allotropy and polymerism. The table on p. 45 shews that of the sixteen elements whose molecular weights have been determined by the help of Avogadro's law, six, viz. oxygen, sulphur, selenion, iodine, phosphorus, and arsenic (probably bromine also), possess a smaller molecular weight at high than at lower tempera- tures : the number of atoms in the molecule of oxygen at temperatures below about 300 and under special con- ditions is 3, at temperatures above 300 it is 2 ; the molecule of sulphur at temperatures not much higher than the boiling point of that element is composed of 6 atoms, and at some- what higher temperatures of 2 atoms; the number of atoms in the molecule of selenion varies from 3 to 2, in the molecule of iodine (and probably also in that of bromine) from 2 to I, and in the molecules of phosphorus and arsenic from 4 to 2, according to temperature. We know that the properties of the triatomic molecule O 3 differ much from those which cha- racterise the diatomic molecule O 2 ; no experiments have been made to compare the properties of the hexatomic with those of the diatomic molecules of sulphur, of the triatomic with the diatomic molecules of selenion, of the diatomic with the monatomic molecules of iodine, or of the tetratomic with the diatomic molecules of phosphorus or arsenic. Of the 15 or 16 nonmetallic elements, phosphorus and 1 The supposition that isomerism may be due to variations in the distances between atoms the relative positions of which remain unchanged, appears to be opposed to the results of physical experiments which are in agreement with deductions made from the kinetic theory of gases. See Lessen, Annalen, 204, p. 269. 142 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. arsenic, boron, carbon and silicon besides sulphur and sele- nion exhibit marked variations in physical and chemical properties when in the solid state. We are not justified in unconditionally asserting that these variations of pro- perties accompany differences in the atomic configurations of the molecules, or differences in the numbers of atoms in the molecules, of red and yellow phosphorus, or of octahe- dral and prismatic sulphur, &c. When the differences in properties are chiefly physical (e.g. differences in crystalline form, in specific gravity, in melting points, &c.), they very probably may be correlated with differences in the molecular, rather than in the atomic, configurations of the various modi- fications of the element in question \ Be this however as it may, the differences experimentally shewn to exist between the properties of the molecules of gaseous oxygen and ozone are explicable in terms of the molecular theory only by admitting that the properties of a molecule are dependent not only on the nature but also on the number of the atoms which compose it 2 . 68 The names allotropy and polymerism are applied to ana- logous phenomena exhibited by elements and compounds respectively 3 . In the preceding paragraph we have had 1 See Section 5 of present chapter. - It ought to be noted that change from one allotropic form to another is accompanied by production or disappearance of heat; se&post, chap. IV., par. 125. There are some interesting observations bearing on the subject of allotropy by W. Spring in the Berichte [see especially 16. 1002 3]. Spring finds that when an element which exhibits allotropy is subjected to great pressure, that modification which has the greatest specific gravity is produced. Yellow phosphorus is changed into red by compression : red phosphorus and sulphur do not combine until heated to 260, i.e. to the temperature at which red is changed to yellow phosphorus; red phosphorus does not combine with sulphur when the two are subjected to a pressure of 6500 atmospheres, at which pressure many metallic sulphides are produced. Hence Spring concludes that red phosphorus is less chemically ener- getic than yellow; and generally that the more a solid substance is rendered dense the more is its chemical activity decreased. Red phosphorus he regards as a polymeride of yellow phosphorus. 3 The term allotropy is sometimes applied to compounds as well as to elements, to express the existence of two or more forms of the same solid compound ; thus arsenious oxide crystallises in two distinct forms, and the change from one of these to the other is sometimes said to be an allotropic change. Allotropy as thus applied to compounds is synonymous with physical isomerism (s. post, par. 101). The CHAP. II. 68, 69] POLYMERISM. 1 43 examples of allotropy, let us now consider a few examples of polymerism. If two molecules exist consisting of the same elementary atoms but one heavier than the other, the heavier molecule is said, in certain cases, to be a ' polymeric modification' or a ' polymeride ' of the other : thus C^H^ is a polymeride of C 8 H 10 , C ]5 H 24 is a polymeride of C 10 H, a , H 3 C 3 N 3 O 3 is a poly- meride of HCNO, C 6 H ]2 O 3 is a polymeride of C 2 H 4 O. Glu- cose, .rC 6 H 12 O 6 , is not however regarded as a polymeride of acetic acid, C 2 H 4 O a : the name is restricted to those mole- cules whose mass is a multiple of that of other molecules, and which are obtained by simple reactions from these other molecules. Thus ethaldehyde, C a H 4 O, is easily polymerised (e.g. by the action of a very little hydrochloric or sulphuric acid) with formation of parethaldehyde, C 6 H 12 O 8 : but the latter body is not directly obtainable from ethylene oxide, although the molecule of this compound, like that of ethalde- hyde, is composed of 2 atoms of carbon, 4 of hydrogen, and I of oxygen ; therefore parethaldehyde is not called a poly- meride of ethylene oxide. But few examples of undoubted polymerism are fur- nished by compounds of the elements other than carbon : one of the most marked cases is the molecule N 2 O 4 which is a polymeride of NO 2 ; another instance is furnished by the molecules Sn 2 Cl 4 and SnCly 69 Let us now turn to the subject of isomerism. This term is applied to the existence of molecules characterised by different properties but composed of the same number of the same atoms. Isomeric compounds are generally said to be metameric when they belong to different chemical types. This state- ment does not of course furnish a definition of metameric compounds; but it is sufficient. Various hydrocarbons, all possessed of the general properties of paraffins but each differing in some properties, chemical and physical, from the others, are represented by the formula C 6 H 14 : various hydro- art. Allotropy in ihe new edition of Waltz's Dictionary should be read by the student. 144 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. carbons, all benzenes, but each characterised by its own special properties, are represented by the formula C 8 H 10 : the different paraffins (C 6 H 14 ) or the different benzenes (C 8 H 10 ) are said to be isomerides one of the other. But although two molecules are represented by the formula C 2 H 6 O yet these belong to very different types or groups of compounds, one is a pri- mary alcohol, the other is an ether ; so again allylic alcohol and dimethyl ketone have both the formula C 3 HgO, but these bodies are altogether distinct in their chemical properties: such compounds are said to be metameric. Metamerides are thus seen to be a sub-class included in the larger class of isomeric compounds. A few inorganic compounds exhibit phenomena which may be explained by supposing the existence of isomeric molecules, but it is only when we study the compounds of carbon that we are obliged to admit that molecules may be composed of the same numbers of the same atoms but differ in chemical and physical properties. 70 The hypothesis of atomic valency having led to the re- cognition of the molecule as a structure may be carried further ; it may guide us in determining the probable relative structures of isomeric molecules (see note to p. 138). If it be granted that isomerism is correlated with different relative positions of atoms, but not with different distances between atoms in the same relative positions in the molecule, (see p. 139) it follows that a molecule composed of not more than two atoms cannot exhibit isomerism 1 . The maximum number of monovalent atoms which can be combined with polyvalent atoms in a molecule is found by the formula 2 n \ H 3 + 2W 4 + 3 ;/ 5 + 4 W 6 + 2 > where t , 3 , 4 , &c. represent the numbers of monovalent, trivalent, tetravalent, &c. atoms in the molecule. In any mole- cule in which the value of , agrees with that deduced by this formula each polyvalent atom must necessarily directly 1 Such formulae as O = N - and = N - O - are really at present the same. 2 See Lothar Meyer, Die Modernen Theorien der Chemie (4th Ed.), p. 218 et sef., or English Edition [Modern Theories of Chemistry}, p. 198 et seq., of which pages free use has been made in these paragraphs. CHAP. II. 70, 71] ISOMERISM. 145. interact with the maximum number of monovalent atoms. Such molecules are said to be saturated; they cannot directly combine with monovalent atoms. Examples of saturated molecules are furnished by C 2 H 6 , C 8 H 8 , C 2 H 5 C1, C 3 H 6 C1 2 , &c. But in the molecules C 2 H 4 , C 2 H 2 , C 6 H 6 , and in many other molecules, the number of monovalent atoms is less than that expressed by the formula just given. In these molecules each polyvalent atom directly interacts with less than the maximum number of monovalent atoms. Such molecules are said to be unsaturated. Unsaturated molecules are generally able to combine directly with monovalent atoms. The language in which the facts of isomerism are generally expressed speaks of some of the polyvalent atoms in unsatu- rated molecules as being ' linked by double or treble bonds ' ; the language which springs from the view of valency adopted in this book (the view is essentially that of Lessen) speaks of some of the polyvalent atoms in unsaturated molecules as exhibiting in these molecules less than their maximum valency. Thus to take the unsaturated molecules C 2 H 4 and C 2 H 2 : the expression in common use is 'the carbon atoms in the molecule C 2 H 4 are joined by a double bond, and in the mole- cule C 2 H 2 by a treble bond'; and this expression is embodied in the formulae H 2 C = CH 2 and HC = CH: the expression used by the upholders of Lossen's conception of atomic valency is ' the carbon atoms in the molecule C 2 H 4 are tri- valent, and in the molecule C 2 H 2 the carbon atoms are di- valent ' ; and this expression is embodied in the formulae H 2 C CH 2 and HC CH. The expressions 'a pair of doubly linked carbon atoms ' and ' a pair of trebly linked carbon atoms ' are respectively synonymous with the expressions ' a pair of trivalent carbon atoms ' and ' a pair of divalent carbon atoms ' : each term used in the latter expressions has an accurate meaning defined once for all ; the meanings given to the terms ' doubly linked ' and ' trebly linked ' atoms depend upon the views of the chemist who employs them. 71 The number of ways in which the atoms comprising a complex molecule may be arranged, in accordance with the M. c. 10 146 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. limitations imposed by the hypothesis of atomic valency, is evidently very great ; to determine the maximum number of possible isomerides of a given formula is a purely mathe- matical problem 1 . At present we seem justified in con- cluding that many atomic configurations which are mathe- matically possible are physically impossible; this is equivalent to saying that the stability of molecules does not depend solely on the valencies of their constituent atoms. To deter- mine which of the possible configurations of a given number of atoms are stable ; to generalise the connexions undoubtedly existing between molecular structure and stability, and also between this structure and the functions of the molecule or of parts thereof; this is the task that chemists are now elaborating. 72 The molecular formula of a compound sometimes of itself gives us a considerable amount of information regarding the structure of the molecule of that compound. Thus we appear justified, at present, in making the following assertions : (i) molecules composed of monovalent atoms only cannot exhibit isomerism ; (2} molecules composed of a single poly- valent atom united with monovalent atoms only cannot ex- hibit isomerism ; (3) isomerism cannot be exhibited by mole- cules composed of two polyvalent atoms united with mono- valent atoms, provided the latter are all atoms of the same element, or all but one atoms of the same element, when the two polyvalent atoms are themselves atoms of the same element. 73 Any molecule composed of more than two atoms and not belonging to one of the classes above defined may exhibit isomerism. The possible variations of structure even in mole- cules composed of a small number of atoms may be large. Thus N 2 O may have any of the structures (i) N N, or (2) N N O, or (3) N O N ; 1 Prof. Cayley, Brit. Ass. Reports for 1875. 257, examined the relations between the number of carbon atoms in the molecules of paraffins and the number of isomeric modifications of each molecule allowed by the hypothesis of valency ; thus number of carbon atoms in molecule of paraffin, i. 4. 7. 10. 12. 13. number of possible isomerides ...... i. 2. 9. 75. 357. 799. CHAP. IT. 72, 73] STRUCTURAL FORMULAE. 147 neither the nitrogen nor the oxygen atom can directly inter- act with more than two atoms, i.e. neither can be more than divalent 1 . NO can be regarded only as N O. NO 2 may be (i) O N O, or (2) O N O, or (3) N O O. N 2 O 4 may have many structures ; e.g. (i) O N N O, or ( 2 ) O N N O, I I ^Q' x o x o o or ( 3 )O N O O N O, or (4) O N O O N O, or (5) N O O O O N, or (6) N N O O O O, &c. The compounds of carbon present the best field for the study of isomerism 2 . It has been already stated that a molecule composed of two carbon (tetravalent) atoms united with five monovalent atoms of one element and one monovalent atom of another element, (i.e. a molecule of the form C^X 6 X) cannot exhibit isomerism. If however there are four monad atoms of one kind, and two of another kind, in the molecule (if the form of the molecule is represented by the symbol C 2 X 4 JQ isomerism becomes possible ; thus C 2 H 4 C1 2 may have the structure H H H H II II Cl C C Cl, or H C-C Cl II II H H H Cl (or more shortly, C1H 2 C - CH 2 C1 and H 8 C - CHC1 2 ). But when three carbon atoms combine with monovalent atoms, the existence in the molecule thus produced of a single monad atom different in kind from the other monad atoms renders isomerism possible ; thus C S H 7 C1 (which belongs to the general form C S X 7 X) may have the structure H 2 H Cl II \/ H 3 C C CH 2 C1 or H 3 C C CH 3 . 1 Lossen's nomenclature and notation are used here and generally throughout the rest of this book. 2 The subject of the constitution of compounds is considered very fully and clearly in the 3rd edition of Remsen's Theoretical Chemistry. 10 2 148 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. So also four molecules C 3 H 6 C1 2 , five molecules C 3 H 6 C1 8 , six C 8 H 4 C1 4 1 , five C 3 H 3 C1 S , &c. may exist. Molecules composed of four, or more than four, atoms of carbon combined with monovalent atoms may exhibit isomerism even when all the monad atoms are of one kind, (i.e. molecules of the general form C 4 X 10 ) ; thus C 4 H 10 may have the structure H 2 H 2 H CH 3 II II I / H 3 C-C C-CH 3 or H 3 C C X CH 3 Molecules composed of five carbon atoms combined with other atoms may have the carbon atoms arranged in three ways, as represented by the formulae C C C C C C, C C C C, and C C C. I I C C When six carbon atoms are present in the molecule these atoms may be arranged in five ways, viz. C C C C C C, C C C C C, C C C C C, I I C C C I C C C C, C C C C. I I I C C C When eight carbon atoms are present, they may be arranged in 1 8 different ways, &c. The maximum number of mono- valent atoms which can be combined with any of these arrangements of carbon atoms is found by the formula j = 2 4 + 2 where n 4 = number of carbon atoms 2 . But all the carbon atoms in a molecule are not necessarily tetrava- lent in that molecule (in the ordinary nomenclature some of 1 Viz. CH 2 C1 CHC1 2 CC1 3 CHC1 2 CC1 3 CH 3 CC1 2 CH 2 CHC1 CHC1 CH 2 CC1 2 CH a Cl CHC1 2 CH 3 CH 2 C1 CH 2 C1 CHC1,. 2 See Lothar Meyer, loc. cit. pp. 240 242. CHAP. II. 73] STRUCTURAL FORMULA. 149 the carbon atoms may be doubly or trebly linked to one another, or there may exist ' free affinities '). Now the gene- ral formula given on p. 144, viz. shews that the maximum number of monad atoms in such a molecule is dependent only on the number of trivalent and tetravalent, and is independent of the number of diva- lent, carbon atoms in the molecule. But in applying this formula it is assumed that the number of carbon atoms which are actually trivalent, and of those which are actually tetravalent, in any given molecule, can be determined. It is better to represent the molecule of a carbon compound, if possible, as containing only tetravalent carbon atoms: in many cases however this cannot be done ; in any case the reactions of the compound must be studied before a formula is given to it. Let us suppose we are required to assign formulae to compound molecules containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. When the equation t = 2# 4 + 2 is satisfied, the struc- tural formula assigned to the molecule must evidently con- tain only tetravalent carbon atoms ; several such formulae may however be possible ; thus for the molecule C 3 H 8 O two structural formulas fulfil the conditions required : Hg ri2 Hg Ho Ho Ho III II II III II III C C C O H and C C O C. In accordance with generalisations which have been made correlating structure and properties the first of these for- mulae belongs to a primary alcohol, the second belongs to a mixed ether : two and only two compounds having the composition C 3 H 8 O are known ; one exhibits the properties of a primary alcohol, the other those of a mixed ether. When however n^ < 2U 4 + 2, and divalent atoms are also present in the molecule, the formula may contain only tetravalent carbon atoms, or it may contain tetravalent, and also di- or trivalent, carbon atoms. Thus in C 3 H a O t = 2 4 ; ISO ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. two structural formulae are possible for this molecule wherein each carbon atom is tetravalent, viz. (i) H 2 C CH 2 CH 2 and (2) H 3 C CH CH 2 . V Each of these is the formula of an ether ; in propylene oxide we have an ether the properties of which shew that it is probably described by the first of these formulae. Six structural formulae are possible for the molecule C 3 H 8 O, provided some of the carbon atoms may be tri- or divalent. Three compounds having this formula (besides propylene oxide) are known ; of these, one is a ketone, i.e. belongs to a class of compounds the molecules of which are generally regarded as containing a carbon and an oxygen atom in direct union ; another is an aldehyde, i.e. belongs to a class of compounds the molecules of which are regarded as containing a carbon atom in direct combination with one oxygen and one hydrogen atom ; and the third is an alcohol, probably a primary alcohol. The six possible formulae are (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) CH 3 CH, CH 2 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 1 1 1 1 1 c o CH S CH CH 2 C CH 1 1 | 1 | 1 CH 3 H- -C O CH 2 C O H CH 2 CH 1 1 1 O H O H O H The first and second formulae contain each one trivalent carbon atom and the oxygen atom is monovalent in both, the fourth and fifth contain each one divalent carbon atom, and the third and sixth each two trivalent carbon atoms. Formulae (i) and (2) are appropriated by dimethyl ketone and pro- paldehyde respectively ; of the remaining four, (3) and (5) represent allylic alcohol as a primary, (6) as a secondary, and (4) as a tertiary, alcohol. Judging from the general reactions of allylic alcohol this compound is probably a primary alcohol. Formula (3) is preferable to (5), because the latter would lead us to expect acetic acid (H 3 C - CO 2 H) as one of the products of oxidation of allylic alcohol ; inasmuch as CHAP. II. 73, 74] STRUCTURAL FORMULAE. 151 acetic acid is not produced in this oxidation, formula (3) more probably expresses the structure of the molecule of allylic alcohol than any other possible formula. 74 In these examples of the method adopted for determining the structural formula of a compound several generalisations concerning the connexion of structure with properties have been assumed. For instance, it has been assumed that if a given compound exhibits aldehydic properties the structural formula of the molecule is to be written as containing the atomic group CHO ; but it has also been assumed that two structures are possible for this group, one in which the carbon atom interacts directly with the oxygen and the hydrogen atoms (H C O), and the other in which the carbon atom directly interacts with the oxygen atom only (C O H) ; further, the first of these structures is assumed to be corre- lated with the group of properties connoted by the word 'aldehydic,' and the second with the properties connoted by the expression ' tertiary alcoholic.' When therefore a new carbon compound is discovered, it is necessary to de- termine, as far as possible, to what group of compounds it belongs ; the existence of a certain atomic group (or groups) in the molecule of the compound may then generally be predicated, and the number of possible structural formulae may thus be considerably diminished. But the classification of the carbon compounds is certainly not yet complete ; hence arise two difficulties ; (i) a new compound may belong to a class no other member of which has been previously examined, in which case no class-group can be assigned to the formula of the new compound ; or (2) a compound may be prepared whose properties indicate that it belongs to one of the known classes, and yet the atomic group which generally marks this class may not be present in the molecule of this particular compound. The following cases may be taken as illustrations of these difficulties. (i) It was known that the interaction of nitrous acid with carbon compounds the molecules of which contained the group NH 2 (amido-derivatives) resulted in the production of compounds differing from the original by containing OH 152 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. in place of NH 2 ; but when nitrous acid acted on certain amido-derivatives of benzene, compound molecules containing one nitrogen atom more and two hydrogen atoms less than the original molecule were obtained. The reaction ap- peared to be abnormal. Several of the new compounds were prepared, their properties were studied, and the existence of a new class of carbon compounds was recognised, the relations of which to other classes could be summarised in formulae containing the characteristic group N 2 . (2) As the result of long and varied experience the generalisation has been made that the molecules of very many carbon acids contain the characteristic group H O C O ; but from time to time compounds have been prepared exhibiting acidic properties, but possessed of a molecular structure from which the characteristic group is absent. Thus C 3 H 8 yields C 3 H 7 NO 2 , and from this compound two isomerides C 8 H 6 BrNO 2 are obtained, one of which is a monobasic acid, while the other does not shew acidic properties ; the possible formulae for these isomerides are NO 2 H 2 H i I I (i) H 3 C C CH 3 , and (2} H 3 C C C NO 2 . Br Br From a consideration of the general properties of the two isomerides and their relations to other compounds the second formula is assigned to the acid. Hence we are obliged to conclude that although most known carbon acids are charac- terised by the atomic group H - O - C - O, yet a carbon compound in the molecule of which this group is not present may nevertheless be a true acid. A very instructive example of the difficulties to be over- come before a general structural formula can be assigned to a group of carbon compounds, is afforded by the investigations which have been and are being made into the constitution of the quinones; and also into the constitution of the compounds allied to indigo 1 . 1 See Armstrong and Groves, Organic Chemistry, pp. 812, 813. Also art. "Indigogruppe" in Ladenburg's Handivorterbuch der Chemie, Bd. 5, p. 248. CHAP. II. 74] STRUCTURAL FORMULAE. 153 These examples (and others might easily be added) shew how undesirable it is to regard the present system of classifi- cation of carbon compounds as final. As facts are accumu- lated the atomic grouping which was regarded as a class- group sometimes becomes the group of a larger class, sub-classes being formed each characterised by its special group and yet each containing the class-group. Thus, from the analogy between metallic hydroxides and alcohols, and for other reasons, the group O H was assigned to alcohols (e.g. C 2 H 5 .OH, C 3 H 7 .OH, &c., &c.); but it became evident that a sub-division of this great class was required ; facts were amassed and formulae devised to generalise these facts, until most chemists are now agreed that the molecules of those alcohols called ' primary ' (which yield certain defi- nite products when oxidised, &c.) contain the atomic group H O CH 2 , the molecules of those called 'secondary' (and which yield other but also definite products when oxidised) contain the group H - O C - H, and the molecules of those called ' tertiary' (which yield a third distinct set of products when oxidised) contain the group C O H. Each of these 'alcoholic groups' itself contains the group O H; but the 'acid group' H O-C O also contains this group ; now we know that the function performed by hydrogen in an alcoholic molecule is not the same as that performed by hydrogen in an acid molecule ; e.g. all, or some, of the hydrogen in the latter, but none of that in the former, is replaceable by metal when the compound is acted on by a metallic carbonate ; hence we infer that the function discharged by a given atom in a molecule depends not only on the nature of that atom, but also on the nature of the atoms with which it is directly, and indirectly, connected in the molecule. In all the alcoholic groups (viz. H 2 C - OH, HC - OH, and C OH) an atom of hydrogen is directly connected with an oxygen atom which is again directly connected with an atom of carbon, which directly interacts with either hydrogen atoms and atoms belonging to the other part of the molecule always either carbon or hydrogen atoms or 154 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. only the latter. In the acid group (O C OH) the carbon atom with which the hydrogen atom is indirectly connected (through an atom of oxygen) is itself directly connected with an oxygen atom, as well as with an atom, or atoms, belonging to the other part of the molecule. Now oxygen is a markedly electro-negative element ; from the facts enume- rated and from other similar facts, the generalisation has been made, that when an atom of hydrogen is in direct connexion with an atom of carbon which also directly binds negative atoms, or negative groups of atoms, that hydrogen is, as a rule, 'replaceable by metal' &c. ; i.e. that hydrogen fulfils the function of 'acidic hydrogen.' 1 75 In thus trying to use the hypothesis of valency as a guide towards determining the structures of isomeric molecules, we have found it on the whole advantageous to limit the appli- cation of this hypothesis in various ways. I. The hypothesis is applied in strictness only to the molecules of bodies in the gaseous state. II. The valency of an atom of any specified element is defined as a number which expresses the maximum number of other atoms between which and the given atom there is direct action and reaction in a molecule ; this number is determined by the study of certain defined classes of mole- cules, viz. molecules composed of a single atom of the specified element combined with atoms of hydrogen, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine. III. Isomerism is regarded as correlated with varying 1 I am aware that such expressions as are used in these paragraphs, ' a carbon atom is directly connected with, or directly binds to itself, an atom of hydrogen,' &c., are very easily misunderstood; they appear, at first sight, to convey much more precise information than they really do convey. I have more than once insisted on the importance of clearly remembering that these and similar ex- pressions are attempts to summarise facts concerning the reactions of compounds in the language of a special theory of the structure of compounds. Nor should it be forgotten that, granting the fundamental hypotheses of the molecular and atomic theory, and also granting that each' atom can directly interact with a limited number of other atoms in a molecule, we are obliged to regard the atoms which form any molecule as performing constant but regulated movements, and not, as might be supposed by a careless or superficial reader of the atomic explanation of isomerism, as in absolutely fixed positions within the molecule. CHAP. II. 75] STRUCTURAL FORMULA. 155 relative positions of the atoms, not with variations in the distances between identically arranged atoms, forming a molecule. IV. The atoms which form a molecule are regarded as arranged in the same plane; no attempt is made to con- nect the facts of isomerism with the arrangement of the atoms in different dimensions in space. Applying the hypothesis as thus limited, and for the most part to compounds of carbon, we found that the structural formulae of classes of carbon compounds can be general- ised so far as to admit of the assertion that the molecules of the members of any one class are characterised by the presence of a special atomic group which may be called the class-group : and hence that the first step in assigning a structural formula to a new compound is to determine the class to which it belongs by comparing the reactions of this compound with those of known substances belonging to various classes; having done this, we then eliminate from the possible structural formulae those which do not contain the characteristic group of the class in which our compound is placed. Finally, we choose from the remaining formulae that one which best summarises the reactions of the compound molecule under consideration and its relations to other molecules. We found that a wide knowledge of the characters of classes of compounds is required on the part of him who would employ this method with success, and also that the chemist has constantly to be on his guard against drawing too rigid conclusions. A new compound may represent a new class, hence a new class-group has to be determined by comparing the reactions of the new compound with those of others the classification of which is fairly settled, and also by seeking to obtain other representatives of the new class. The discovery and study of new compounds apparently belonging to a known class may lead to a revision of the general formula assigned to the class, and perhaps to a division of the class into sub-classes each characterised by its own group. 156 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. 76 The application of the hypothesis of valency to determine the most probable of many possible formulae is evidently a matter of no little difficulty. Certain generalisations are usually adopted as guides in interpreting the results of the study of the chemical properties of molecules. The principal generalisations are these. (1) Those atoms which are obtained as an undecom- posed group in reactions resulting in the splitting up of a compound are present in the molecule of that compound as a group of directly combined atoms. (2) When a group of atoms passes from one com- pound molecule to another, the relative arrangement of these atoms, as a rule, is not altered. (3) When an atom, or group of atoms, replaces another atom or group of atoms of equal valency with itself, the re- placing atom, or group, occupies (as a rule) the same position relatively to the other atoms in the molecule as was occupied by the atom, or group of atoms, which it has replaced ' ; or it may be better to say, the relations of the replacing atom, or group, to the rest of the molecule are generally the same as those of the atom, or group of atoms, which it has replaced. 77 Many of the reactions given on pp. 149 154, as illus- trative of methods for assigning structural formulae to given compounds also serve as illustrations of the use of these generalisations ; one or two further illustrations will be given here. Two isomerides each having the composition C 2 H 6 O are theoretically possible; viz. (i) H 3 C C O H and (2) H 3 C O CH 3 . Two compounds having this formula are known. One of these (alcohol) interacts with potassium or sodium thus, (a) C 2 H 6 O + K = C 2 H 5 KO + H; potassium (or sodium) does not react with the substance thus 1 L. Meyer, loc. cit. pp. 252 et seq, (English Ed. pp. 230 31) slightly modified. CHAP. II. 76, 77] STRUCTURAL FORMULA. 1 5 7 formed : alcohol interacts with phosphorus pentachloride thus, (b) C 2 H 6 O'+ PC1 5 = C 2 H 5 C1 + POC1 3 + HCL The second isomeride (methyl ether) does not interact with potassium or sodium but reacts with phosphorus penta- chloride thus, C 2 H 6 O + PC1 6 =2CH 3 C1 + POC1 3 . The first formula generalises the reactions of alcohol, the second generalises the reactions of methyl ether : thus (a) H 3 C-CH 2 -OH + K = H 3 C-CH 2 -OK + H; one, and only one, hydrogen atom is represented in the formula as indirectly bound (through an oxygen atom) to a carbon atom ; (ff) H 3 C-CH 2 -OH + PC1 5 =H 3 C-CH 2 -C1 + POC1 3 +HC1; the group OH is replaced by the atom Cl, which being of equal valency is regarded as occupying the place in the molecule relatively to the other atoms formerly occupied by the group OH. The second formula H 3 C O CH 3 assigned to methyl ether represents all the hydrogen atoms as directly reacting with atoms of carbon, it represents them as having all the same function ; hence either none, or all, will be replaced by the action of potassium. But the second formula represents the atom of oxygen as in direct union with atoms of carbon only ; if the oxygen atom should be replaced by two mono- valent atoms, e.g. by two atoms of chlorine, the molecule could no longer hold together but would separate into two molecules, each having the structure Cl CH 3 ; this is what happens when methyl ether is acted on by phosphorus penta- chloride. When the molecule HO-CH 2 -CH S is oxidised it loses two atoms of hydrogen, producing C 2 H 4 O, which is then changed, by taking up one atom of oxygen, into the mono- basic acid C 2 H 4 O 2 . Probably the simplest way in which these changes can be represented in structural formulae is 158 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. ([) CH 3 CH 3 (2) CH 3 CH 3 CH 2 - H., = C C + O = C O. I I I I OH OH OH OH Now are the properties of the acid molecule C 2 H 4 O 2 such as we should expect if we assumed it to have the formula H 3 C CO OH ? Two important reactions of the compound in question are these : (1) By reacting with phosphorus pentachloride it yields C 2 H 3 OC1, and this does not interact with the same reagent ; (2) When the sodium salt of this acid is heated with caustic soda it is decomposed thus, C 2 H 3 NaO 2 + NaHO=Na 2 CO 3 + CH 4 . These reactions are expressed by the formula O C CH 3 I OH which is therefore adopted as the structural formula for acetic acid 1 . Now let us turn to the compound C 2 H 4 O, intermediate between alcohol and acetic acid. Is this molecule well repre- sented by the formula H 3 C C OH provisionally assigned to it? When the compound in question interacts with phos- phorus pentachloride it yields C 2 H 4 C1 2 , and not C 2 H 3 C1 as might be expected if the formula H 3 C C OH were correct. From synthetical and analytical reactions, C 2 H 4 C1 2 may be shewn to be best represented by the structural formula C1 2 = CH CH 3 ; assuming this formula, and remembering that the reaction to be explained, viz. formation of C 2 H 4 C1 2 from C 2 H 4 O, consists in the replacement of one divalent oxygen atom by two monovalent chlorine atoms, we apply generalisation (3) par. 76, and conclude that the structure of i Thus, (i) CH 3 CH 3 (2) CH 3 CH 3 C + PC1 6 = C + &c. C 04-Na-OH = H + Na 2 CO 3 . OH Cl ONa One of the carbon atoms in the original molecule remains associated with 3 atoms of hydrogen throughout both processes of change, hence we conclude that the molecule of acetic acid contains the group CH 3 . CHAP. II. 77] STRUCTURAL FORMULA. 159 the molecule C 2 H 4 O is best represented by the formula 0-CH-CH 8 . The oxidation of alcohol is then best represented thus in structural formulae : (i) CH 3 CH 3 (2) CH 3 CH 3 ! i I I CH 2 - H 2 = C H C-H + O = C OH. O H O O O Another and somewhat more complex illustration, taken from the so-called ' aromatic ' (or better ' benzenoid ') carbon compounds, will serve to shew that the generalisations stated in par. 76, although widely applicable, must yet be used with great caution. Assuming the generally adopted structural formula for the molecule of benzene 1 (C 6 H 6 ), viz. 2 H I ' H the existence of three, and only three, isomeric dichloro- or dibromo- &c. benzenes, becomes possible, viz. (0 (2) (3) C-C1 C Cl C Cl /\ / \ /\ H C C Cl H C C H H C C H H C C H H C C Cl H C C H \ / \/ \/ C C C I I I H H Cl 1 See Armstrong and Groves, Organic Chemistry, pp. 260 63; also pp. 270 74. See also post, par. 81. 2 The fact that this formula is generally used rather than the more complex formula originally proposed byKekule with alternate 'doubly' and 'singly-linked' carbon atoms, and that most chemists are content meanwhile to overlook the contradiction involved in employing such a formula and yet using the language of ' bonds,' is indicative of the unsatisfactory nature of this language when rigidly applied. l6o ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. In (i) both chlorine atoms are in direct connexion with carbon atoms which are directly bound to one another ; in (2) one carbon atom intervenes, and in (3) two carbon atoms intervene, between the atoms of carbon which directly interact with the chlorine atoms. These three isomeric compounds 1 are usually distinguished as i : 2, i : 3, and i : 4, dichlorobenzene ; it is evident that 1:6=1 : 2, and i : 5 = i : 3. Each of these dichloroben- zenes when acted on by chlorine yields one or more isomeric trichlorobenzenes (C 6 H 3 C1 3 ). Korner has formulated a simple method of proving that I : 2 dichlorobenzene can yield two, i : 3 can yield three, and i : 4 can yield only one, trichloro- benzene 2 . Now if the generalisations we are considering are applic- able to the benzenoid hydrocarbons, it follows that any di-derivative of benzene C 6 H 4 JT 2 where X is a monovalent atom or group of atoms which, by a simple series of reac- tions can be obtained from, or can be converted into, i : 2 dichloro- (or dibromo- or dinitro-) benzene, must be itself a i : 2 derivative; i.e. the two X groups or atoms must be in direct interaction with carbon atoms between which there is direct mutual action within the molecule. A similar conclu- sion is drawn regarding the structure of those compounds of the formula C 8 H 4 JT 2 which can be obtained from or reduced to i : 3, or i : 4, dichloro dibromo or dinitro-benzene. Thus i : 3 dinitrobenzene, by the action of zinc and hydrochloric acid, yields nitramidobenzene C 6 H 4 NO 2 NH 2 ; by the further action of nascent hydrogen this yields diamidobenzene C 6 H 4 (NH 2 ) 2 ; and diamidobenzene, by the 1 The carbon atoms in the hexagon are numbered thus : /c\ 6 C C 2 l (ch 4 2 i : 2 yields 1:2:3, an ^ I : a : 4, ( i : 2 : 3 = i : 2 : 6, and i : 2 : 5 = i : 2 :4) i : 3 yields 1:2:3, and 1:3:4 (which= i : 3 : 6), and 1:3:5. 1:4 yields i 2:4 { which = 1:3:4=1:4:5 = 1:4:6). See Armstrong and Groves, loc. cil. pp. 4678. CHAP. II. 77] FORMULAE OF BENZENE COMPOUNDS. l6l ' diazo reaction' 1 (or 'Griess' reaction'), yields bromohydroxy- benzene C e H 4 Br. OH; this bromohydroxybenzene is therefore assumed to be a I : 3 derivative of benzene. Now when this body is fused with caustic potash it yields one of the three isomeric dihydroxybenzenes C 6 H 4 (OH) 2 ; in accordance with generalisation (3) par 76 this dihydroxybenzene ought to be regarded as a I : 3 derivative. But I : 4 bromohydroxy- benzene obtained by a method similar to that sketched above from i : 4 dinitrobenzene yields, by fusion with potash, the same dihydroxybenzene as just mentioned ; hence this dihydroxybenzene is now shewn to be probably a I : 4 derivative of benzene. Again, this same dihydroxybenzene is the sole product of the fusion with potash at a high tem- perature of i : 4 iodohydroxybenzene C 6 H 4 I . OH; but when this iodohydroxybenzene is fused with potash at 165 none of the dihydroxybenzene already mentioned is obtained but only one of the dihydroxybenzenes isomeric with it 2 . Another example, shewing how necessary it is to apply such generalisations as those under consideration only in a tentative manner, is furnished by some reactions of i : 4 nitrobromobenzene C 6 H 4 NO 2 Br. By the action of alcoholic ammonia on this compound nitramidobenzene C 6 H 4 NO 2 NH 2 is produced ; that this nitramidobenzene is, as we should expect, a i : 4 derivative of benzene, can be proved by trust- worthy evidence. But if the same i : 4 C 6 H 4 NO 2 Br is acted on by potassium cyanide, and the product of this action, C 6 H 4 CNBr, is boiled with dilute acid, bromobenzoic acid, C 8 H 4 Br(CO 2 H), is obtained, and the reactions of this acid prove beyond doubt that it is a i : 3, and not as we should expect a 1:4, derivative of benzene. Similarly the product of the action of potassium cyanide followed by that of dilute acid on i : 3 C 6 H 4 NO 2 Br is i : 2 bromobenzoic acid, C 6 H 4 Br (CO 2 H), and not, as a strict application of the state- ment in par. 76 would lead us to expect, the i : 3 derivative. 1 For an account of these ' diazo-reactions,' which are much used in the synthesis of benzene derivatives, see Armstrong and Groves, loc. cit. pp. 298-9. * See, for more details, Armstrong and Groves, loc. cit. pp. 5212. M. C. II 162 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. And finally, when I : 2 C 6 H 4 NO 2 Br is subjected to the action of potassium cyanide 1 no replacement of NO 2 by CN occurs 2 . 78 The application of the hypothesis of valency to the phe- nomena of isomerism has rendered more definite that general conception of the molecule as a structure which arose so soon as it was recognised that each atom in a molecule could di- rectly interact with a limited number of other atoms. Analy- ses of reactions, and comparisons of classes of reactions, have led to the adoption of certain rules which, when applied with caution, have proved of very considerable service in researches on molecular structure. These researches have served to emphasise the fundamental connexion which exists between composition and properties, between function and quality of material : but chemistry is not now contented with connecting the reactions of compounds with their elementary composi- tions, or even with the atomic compositions of their molecules, she attempts, and is gradually succeeding in the attempt, to connect certain definite arrangements of atoms in molecules with certain definite properties and actions of these molecules. 79 In his remarkable paper published in 1858, Kekule recog- nised that the function performed by an atom in any molecule depends on the nature of the other atoms, as well as on the nature of the given atom, and also on the arrangement of all the atoms. Since 1858 the nature of the dependence in question has been more fully elucidated ; and although it cannot be said that we have at present much knowledge, capable of being generalised in statements at once accurate and wide, of the connexions between the functions of parts of molecules and the atomic compositions and structures of these molecules, yet we are certainly gathering facts which will doubtless prove the basis for far-reaching generalisations. 1 In Armstrong and Groves, loc. cit. pp. 334 6, will be found an account of the action of potassium cyanide on benzene derivatives ; this action, although abnormal, may be expressed by a tolerably simple generalisation. 8 Further examples of the point under discussion will be found in the change of normal propyl to isopropyl, by (i) the action of Al 2 Br 6 [see Kekule, Ber. 12. 2279], or (2) the action of zinc dust [see Jacobsen, Ber. 12. 1512]: also in the change of C n H 2n+ iCN to C n H 2n+1 NC by the action of heat : and also in the action of reducing agents on phenanthraquinone (see Japp, C. S. Journal, Trans, for 1883. 13, note]. CHAP. II. 78-80] FUNCTIONS OF ATOMS IN MOLECULES. 163 Numerous illustrations have already been given of the existence of a connexion of some kind between the functions of parts of a molecule and the composition, using this term in its widest sense, of the whole molecule. But the existence of such a connexion is so important that I shall devote a paragraph to its illustration. The relation to be illustrated is that between the function performed by an atom, or atomic group, in a molecule, and I. the nature, and arrangement relatively to the given atom (or group), of the other atoms ; otner atoms ; II. the general relative arrangement of all the parts ; of the mole- cule. 80 I. That the function performed by an atom of hydrogen in a molecule varies according to the nature and arrangement relatively to the hydrogen of the other atoms, has already been shewn (see par. 74, pp. 151 154). Hydrogen which is associated with negative atoms or groups is as a rule 'replace- able by metals,' in other words, performs acidic functions in the molecule. Thus of the two compounds, potassium-nitro- propane and bromonitropropane, the latter is much more decidedly acidic than the former : if the formulae are com- pared, K Br H 5 C 2 C NO 2 with H 6 C 2 C NO 2 , I I H H it is seen that, in the markedly acidic compound the carbon atom with which the sixth atom of hydrogen is represented as directly connected is itself directly bound to the negative group NO 2 and to the negative atom Br ; but that in the less acidic compound this carbon atom is represented as directly bound to the negative group NO 2 and to the positive atom K. Again C1 3 C - H is not an acid, but (NO 2 ) 3 C - H is ; the influence of the very negative NO 2 group seems to be im- pressed through the carbon atom on the hydrogen atom of the molecule. 1 64 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. In these cases the atom of ' acidic hydrogen ' is represent- ed as directly bound to a carbon atom within the binding- sphere of which come negative atoms or groups. But the case of the nitrolic acids, assuming the usually accepted for- mula (C n H 2n+1 ) C - NO 2 to be correct, shews that I N-OH an atom of hydrogen which is indirectly bound to carbon itself binding negative groups may react as acidic hydrogen. Glyoxaline and tribromoglyoxaline also furnish examples in point; each of these molecules contains one atom of acidic hydrogen 1 . A portion of the hydrogen in monohydric alcohols is re- placeable by metal, but only by the very positive metals ; e.g. C 2 H 5 .OH + K = C 2 H 5 OK+H; but by the introduction of an atom of sulphur into the molecule in place of oxygen a thio-alcohol is obtained which readily exchanges hydrogen even for comparatively negative metals 2 , e.g. 2C 2 H 5 SH + HgO = (C 2 H s S) 2 Hg + H 2 O. Again, the experiments of R. Meyer appear to prove that an atom of hydrogen in the molecule of a carbon compound can be replaced by the group OH, by the action of oxidising agents, only when the carbon atom with which the hydrogen is directly connected does not directly bind any other hydrogen atoms; thus isobutyric acid is oxidised by potassium permanganate to isohydroxybutyric acid, but normal butyric acid yields acetic, oxalic, carbonic, and other acids, under the same conditions. O [In structural formulae ; H 3 C CH 2 CH 2 C^ does not yield OH O^ ^CH 3 O^ X CH 3 a hydroxy-acid ; but C CH yields C COH .] HO^ X CH 3 ' HO/ X CH 3 1 The most probable formulae are, CH CH CH NH CBr CBr CBr NH \N/ \N/ (see Armstrong and Groves, loc. cit, p. 769). Some reactions of water are con- sistent with the statement that one of the hydrogen atoms performs the functions of acidic hydrogen ; e.g. HOH + CH 3 ONa = CH 3 OH + NaOH. 2 For details concerning these reactions see Armstrong and Groves, loc. cit., pp. 660 i. CHAP. II. 8 1] FUNCTIONS OF ATOMS IN MOLECULES. 165 81 II. A good illustration of the influence exerted by the arrangement of all the atoms in a molecule on the functions of one, or some, of these atoms, is afforded by a comparative study of the two groups of carbon compounds, more especially the hydrocarbons, generally known as 'fatty' (or 'paraffinoid') and 'aromatic' (or 'benzenoid') respectively 1 : a few, but only a few, of the more important points will be briefly stated. Comparing the interaction between concentrated nitric or sulphuric acid and a paraffin, e.g. C 2 H 6 , with the inter- action of the same acid with a benzene, e.g. C 6 H 6 , it is noticed that while one or more hydrogen atoms in the molecule of the latter are readily replaced by the groups NO 2 or SO 8 H, the acids are without action on the former hydro- carbon. When the homologues of benzene are oxidised, they generally yield quinones, the molecule of any one of which contains the same number of carbon atoms as the parent hydrocarbon but has two atoms of oxygen in place of two atoms of hydrogen in the original molecule. When the paraffinoid hydrocarbons on the other hand are oxidised they do not yield derivatives analogous to the quinones, but rather afford mixtures of acids the molecule of each of which contains fewer carbon atoms than were present in the original hydrocarbon molecule. When chlorine reacts with the molecule of a paraffinoid hydrocarbon containing only tetravalent 8 carbon atoms it produces chloro-substitution derivatives containing tetravalent carbon atoms, the whole of the hydrogen in the hydrocarbon being eventually replaced by chlorine ; the further action of chlorine then frequently results in a separation of the mole- cule into two or more molecules, each containing a smaller number of carbon atoms than the original molecule. When however chlorine reacts with the molecule of a paraffinoid hydrocarbon containing two or more trivalent 3 carbon atoms it generally combines with it and so produces a molecule containing tetravalent carbon atoms, which then reacts with 1 See Armstrong and Groves, loc. cit. pp. 391 402. 2 In ordinary nomenclature it would be said ' singly-linked carbon atoms." 3 In ordinary nomenclature it would be said ' doubly-linked carbon atoms.' 1 66 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. chlorine as hydrocarbons with tetravalent carbon atoms usually do. Thus when propane, H 3 C CH 2 CH 3 , reacts with chlorine, chloro - derivatives H 3 C - CH 2 - CH 2 C1, H 3 C CH 2 CHC1 2 , &c. and finally octochloropropane C1 3 C CC1 2 CC1 3 , are produced ; and when this octo- chloropropane is caused to interact with iodine chloride, two compounds, viz. C1 3 C CC1 3 and CC1 4 , are formed. On the other hand when propylene, H 2 C CH 2 CH 2 , the molecule of which contains two trivalent atoms of carbon, reacts with chlorine propylene chloride, C1H 2 C-CH 8 -CH 2 C1, is produced ; and this compound, which contains only te- travalent carbon atoms in its molecule, is decomposed by the action of iodine chloride, first into C 3 C1 8 , and then into C 2 C1 6 and CC1 4 . The interaction of chlorine with the hydrocarbon benzene, C 6 H 6 , finally results in the formation of hexachloro-benzene C 6 C1 6 , in which, it may be safely asserted from the formula and from a study of the properties of the compound, the carbon atoms directly interact with the same number of atoms as in the original C 6 H 6 molecule. So far then benzene behaves like a paraffin: but IC1 has no action on C 6 C1 6 ; the molecule refuses to separate into parts ; the six atoms of carbon are apparently more firmly joined together, and form a more stable group, than the carbon atoms in the molecule of a paraffin. The functions both of the hydrogen and the carbon atoms in the molecules of a benzene and of a paraffin say in C 6 H 6 and in C 6 H U evidently depend to some extent on the general arrangement of all the atoms in these molecules. The arrangement of carbon atoms supposed to characterise the molecule of a fatty hydrocarbon, e.g. a paraffin, is usually spoken of as an arrangement in 'an open chain? while that supposed to characterise the molecule of an aromatic hydro- carbon, e.g. a benzene, is called 'a closed ring.' 1 If the inter- 1 Ring-formed molecules resemble . unsaturated molecules in that they can directly combine with monovalent atoms without loss of any of their constituent atoms, e.g. benzene forms C 6 H 6 C1 6 ; but they resemble saturated molecules in that the assumption of monovalent atoms is possible only when preceded by CHAP.'II.8l] FUNCTIONS OF ATOMS IN MOLECULES. l6/ action between atom and atom be supposed to begin at one of the carbon atoms, then in a closed ring molecule it returns to that atom ; in other words each carbon atom acts on, and is acted on by, at least two other carbon atoms in the molecule : but in an open chain molecule the action does not return to the carbon atom at which it started ; in other words, there are two carbon atoms in the molecule, each of which acts on, and is acted on by, only one other carbon atom. The ring-formed molecule containing six carbon atoms may be represented thus : C / \ C C C or thus C C II I I C C C C C v/ C and the open chain molecule thus : C C C C-C C. As the six carbon atoms in the molecule of benzene ap- pear to form a very stable group, they are sometimes spoken of as the ' six-carbon-nucleus' of the molecule. Now if the monochloro-derivative of xylene, C 8 H 10 , produced by the reaction of chlorine with that hydrocarbon when cold is compared with the monochloro-derivative produced by the reaction of chlorine with the same hydrocarbon when hot, it is found that the latter readily exchanges its chlorine atom for the group OH with production of an alcohol, C 8 H 9 (OH), but that the chlorine atom in the former can scarcely be replaced by other radicles. If we assume the ordinarily accepted structural formulae for the two isomeric mono- chloroxylenes we at once see how profoundly the functions a redistribution of the mutual actions between some of the polyvalent atoms. (Lossen.) The number of molecules produced in any reaction wherein only saturated molecules take part is equal to or greater than the number of molecules taking part in the reaction : when the number produced in any reaction is smaller than the number of molecules originally taking part in the reaction, at least one of the reacting molecules must be either unsaturated or ring-formed. (Lossen.) It is evident that a ring-formed molecule must contain at least three polyvalent atoms, and that for such molecules j < 3 + 2 4 + &c.... + 2. 168 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. of the chlorine atoms depend on the relative arrangement of all the atoms in the molecule. The formulae in question are (a) monochloroxylene from hot xylene H H 2 / c \ II HC C C CH 2 C1, I I HC CH ^C^ H (b] monochloroxylene from cold xylene HC H 2 / \ II HC C C CH 3 . HC C Cl \ / CH The chlorine atom in (a) is said to be in ' the side chainl and in (b) in the ''central nucleus! In the hydrocarbon C 8 H 10 we have the properties both of a paraffin and a benzene ; part of the molecule, the six-carbon-nucleus, behaves as a ben- zenoid group ; the other part, the side chain C 2 H 5 , as a paraffi- noid group. A comparison of some of the reactions of metallic hy- droxides, alcohols, and phenols, will serve to illustrate the dependence of the functions of part of a molecule at once on the nature, and arrangement relatively to this part, of the other atoms, and also on the general arrangement of all the atoms, in the molecule. The interactions of acids with metallic hydroxides and alcohols result in the formation of salts : Zn(OH) 2 +2HCl = Zn But phenols do not yield analogous products by their reactions with acids. Alcohols and some metallic hydroxides, e.g. Zn(OH) a and Al 2 (OH) a , yield unstable metallic derivatives by reacting with markedly positive metals or their hydroxides ; phenols however yield much more stable metallic derivatives by reacting with the same metals, or their hydroxides. The hydrogen atom (or atoms) which is indirectly connected, CHAP. II. 8l] FUNCTIONS OF ATOMS IN MOLECULES. 169 through oxygen, with the metal or hydrocarbon-radicle of the molecules of alcohols, certain metallic hydroxides, and phenols evidently fulfils more or less acidic or basic functions according to the nature of the other part of the molecule. When that other part is a strongly positive metallic atom (or atoms) the hydrogen is basic; when the metallic atom (or atoms) is not markedly positive the hydrogen as a rule is at once basic and acidic in function ; when the nonhydroxylic part of the molecule is composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms arranged in an ' open chain ' the hydrogen appears to be more or less analogous to the hydrogen of metallic hy- droxides; and when the carbon and hydrogen of the nonhy- droxylic part of the molecule are arranged in a ' closed ring ' the hydrogen appears to be more distinctly acidic in function 1 . The following facts and generalisations concerning the action of reagents on various benzene derivatives afford further examples of the influence exerted by the relative position, and nature of the parts, of a molecule, and the general ar- rangement of all the atoms in a molecule, on reactions wherein atoms, or atomic groups, in the molecule are substituted by other atoms or groups. In the production of certain di-substituted derivatives of benzene C 6 H 4 JTJr', from mono- substituted derivatives C 6 H 5 ^f, it is found that whether the di-derivative shall belong to the i : 2, I : 3, or i : 4 series 2 , depends on the nature of the atom or atomic group X in C 6 H 6 Jf, and also on the nature of the atom or group X' in C 6 H 4 XX'. When X = Cl, Br, I, OH, CH 3 , CH.C1, CHC1 2 , CC1 3 , or NH 2 , and X' = C\, Br, I, NO 2 , or SO 3 H, the di-derivative C e H t XX' generally belongs to the i :4 series: when ^=NO 2 ,SO 3 H, CN, CHO, COCH 3 , or CO 2 H, and X 1 =Cl, Br, I, NO 2 , or SO 3 H, then C 6 H H, C 2 H, O CH. Heat of combustion. 390,000 gram-units. 395,000 gram-units. If the structural formulae given are correct, then in each of these molecules we have two tetra- and one trivalent carbon atoms, and one mono- and one divalent oxygen atoms; but the trivalent carbon atom in ethyl formate inter- acts directly with two oxygen and one hydrogen atoms, and in methyl acetate with two oxygen and one carbon atoms : in- spection of the formulas will disclose other differences in the distribution of the atomic interactions. Alcohol and methylic oxide afford another example of the relation we are discussing : I. Empirical formula C 3 H CHAP. II. 88, 89] THERMAL WORK ON ISOMERISM. 177 Heat of combustion. (i) alcohol, 330,000 gram- units. Empirical formula H 3 C CH 2 OH C H O 2 6 (2) methylic oxide 344,ooo gram-units. H 3 C-0-CH 3 We have here two molecules each containing a pair of tetra- valent carbon atoms, one divalent oxygen atom, and six monovalent hydrogen atoms, but in one of the molecules each carbon atom directly interacts with three hydrogen and one oxygen atoms, while in the other the arrangement of the atomic interactions is less symmetrical. Other examples are afforded by the following groups of compounds : Heat of combustion. (1) allyl alcohol 443,000 gram-units. CH 2 .CH.CH 2 OH (2) propaldehyde 426,000 CH,.CH 2 .CHO (3) acetone 424,000 CH 3 .CO.CH 3 f(i) methyl formate 252,000 H . COOCH 3 , . C H O. (2) acetic acid 210,000 ( CH 3 .COOH /( i ) ethyl acetate 554,ooo IH. CH 3 .CO.OCH 2 .CH 3 Empirical formula ] C 4 H,O 2 (2) butyric acid 497,ooo ( CH(CH 3 ) 2 .COOH 1(1) i : 4 hydroxybenzoic acid, C H 4 (OH)C0 2 H 752,000 -r--- --,(2) ! : 3 754,000 1(3) i =2 759,ooo 89 The data are not sufficient to warrant any precise state- ment as to the relations between greater or smaller quantities of energy and molecular structure. It is possible that the case of benzene and dipropargyl is typical, and that of two M. C. 12 178 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. isomeric molecules one of which belongs to the class of ring-formed and the other to that of open-chain molecules, the former always contains relatively less energy than the latter. It is also possible that of two isomeric carbon com- pounds the molecules of which belong to the open-chain class, and in which n l < 2 4 + ... 2, that containing the greater number of tetravalent carbon atoms contains the smaller quantity of energy, provided that the distribution of the atomic interactions is the same, or nearly the same, in the two molecules. Or again it may be that when the actual valencies of the atoms in two or more isomeric molecules are the same, that molecule in which the atomic interactions are distributed so as to produce the greatest degree of sym- metry is marked by the smallest amount of energy 1 . But we have as yet no accurate knowledge which may enable us to test the applicability of these suggestions. Even if it could be asserted (as seems possible in a few cases) that this isomeride contains relatively less energy than that, and is therefore more stable, the question would arise, what do we mean by stability ? For although of two mole- cules one may be the more stable as stability is measured by thermal changes, it may nevertheless be impossible to say that this molecule is possessed of greater chemical stability than the other. But a discussion of the meaning and appli- cation of the expression chemical stability, requiring as it does a knowledge of the facts and theories of chemical affinity, will find a fitter place in that part of this book which deals with chemical kinetics 2 . Inasmuch as variations in the physical properties of ma- terial systems accompany variations in the energies of these systems, it follows, if the two very general assumptions made on p. 175 concerning the connexion between the energy and the structure of isomeric molecules are granted, that physical phenomena, other than thermal, may be expected to exhibit variations in isomeric molecules. 1 This view is put forward tentatively by Carnelley, Phil. Mag. [5] 13. 180. The data given on p. 177 for alcohol and methylic oxide are not in keeping with this suggestion. 2 See Book n. CHAP. II. 89,90] PHYSICAL WORK ON ISOMERISM. 1/9 An attempt will be made in a future chapter to summarise the more important physical phenomena between which and molecular structure in general there is an established con- nexion (Chapter IV.). Here I would only remark that the researches of various chemists on the ' specific volumes ' of liquid compounds seem to shew that the influence of any atom on the 'specific volume' of a compound molecule is dependent, not only on the nature and the actual valency of that atom, but also on the nature of the other atom, or atoms, between which and the given atom there is direct interaction. It is also probable that while the influence exerted by a polyvalent atom on the ' molecular refraction ' of isomeric carbon-containing molecules is to a large extent dependent on the actual valency of that atom, nevertheless this influence is also sometimes connected with the nature of the other atoms between which and the given atom there is direct interaction in the molecule (j. Chapter IV. Sect. 2). i Much is to be expected from researches into the phe- nomena which occupy the border-land between chemistry and physics. If the knowledge chemists already have of the structure of molecules, meagre though that knowledge be, can be supplemented by definite dynamical conceptions, obtain- able in part by the methods of thermal chemistry, then we may hope that chemistry will enter on a new stage of advance as a branch of the science of matter and motion. It seems to me that a most important step will be made by abandoning the vague conception of atomic valency which finds ex- pression in such phrases as 'single and double bonds,' ' satis- faction of one, two, or more valencies/ and the like; with this will go all those quasi-dynamical expressions, the offspring of loose and slipshod ways of thinking, which have gathered round that strange anomaly, a ' unit of affinity,' employed as a variable standard for measuring nothing. If it is decided that the valency of an atom expresses the maximum number of other atoms between which and the given atom there is direct interaction in any molecule, and if it is agreed to measure this valency by the maximum number of monovalent atoms (i.e. atoms of hydrogen, fluorine, 122 180 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. chlorine, bromine, or iodine) which combine with the specified atom to form a molecule, then we are put in possession of a definite conception which may be applied to actually occurring phenomena, and the application of which will gradually lead to more precise knowledge regarding the distribution of the atomic interactions in various molecules. But at the same time that we are classifying molecules in accordance with the valencies of their constituent atoms and the distribution of the interactions of these atoms, i.e. in accordance with their structure, we are also becoming more impressed with the inadequacy of this classification ; we see a vast field opening for investigation, we see that measure- ments of losses or gains of energy are required, and that determinations of many physical constants are called for. We begin, I think, to perceive that this knowledge, when gained, will supplement and not supplant that which is already possessed by us, and that it will do this by leading to an exact knowledge of the way in which the variations in the energies of molecules are connected with changes in the configurations and motions of the atoms which constitute these molecules. 91 Granting that the definition of valency given by Lessen furnishes a better working hypothesis than any other, we must nevertheless admit that several compounds present phenomena which seem to find no explanation in terms of the hypothesis of isomerism which arises out of the notion of valency, if that hypothesis is limited as was done in par. 75. If the best studied examples of these exceptional compounds are classified 1 it will, I think, be apparent ; that structural formulae in keeping with reactions may be assigned to some of the isomeric compounds mentioned provided we cease to regard the conventional method of expressing valency by one or more straight lines, as affording any quantitative measure- ments, even relative measurements, of atomic interactions ; that some cases of unexplained isomerism 2 are probably 1 See especially the article Isomerism in Watts's Dictionary [ist Ed.], Suppl. m. (1881). 2 That optical properties are not always dependent on the structure of the CHAP. II. 91,92] GEOMETRICAL ISOMERISM. l8l illustrations of modifications in properties being correlated with variations in mutual actions between groups of molecules rather than between the atoms constituting each molecule; and that the remaining cases are true residual phenomena, at present inexplicable in terms of the generally accepted hypothesis but not therefore of necessity destructive of this hypothesis. 92 One of the limitations almost universally placed on the application of the molecular and atomic theory to explain the facts of isomerism consists in simplifying the phenomena to be explained by assuming that the atoms which form a molecule are arranged in one plane. Chemists have always recognised that a complete me- chanical conception of the atomic structure of a molecule was impossible unless the conception included the spatial arrange- ment of the atoms which form the molecule. Attempts have been made from time to time to formulate such a conception, van't Hoff 1 , following Le Bel 2 , in 1875 tried to gain a definite notion of the spatial arrangement of the atoms forming the molecules of certain carbon compounds. Considering the molecule CRRRR, where each R represents a different mono- valent atom or atomic group, van't Hoff supposed the carbon atom to be placed at the centre of a regular tetrahedron and each monovalent radicle to be placed at one of the summits ; two different tetrahedra would thus result, bearing to each other the relation of an object to its reflected image, and incapable of being superposed in whatever position they may be placed. The more immediate object of this conception was to connect the power of rotating the plane of polarisation of a ray of light possessed by certain compounds of carbon with the atomic structure of the molecules of these compounds (for more details s. Chap. iv. par. 416). Wislicenus has molecule is shewn by the ease with which optically active amylic alcohol and valeric acid are converted into the inactive alcohol, and acid, without change of chemical properties. See Armstrong and Groves, Organic Chemistry, p. 449. 1 La Chitnie dans I ' 'space. - Bull. Soc. Chim. 22. 337 ; 23. 395. 1 82 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK 1- recently extended the notions of van't Hoff and Le Bel regarding the spatial arrangement of atoms ; he has en- deavoured to shew that the greater number, if not all, of the well-established facts of isomerism which lie outside of the ordinary hypothesis find an explanation in terms of the geo- metrical conception of the molecule suggested by van't Hoff 1 . 93 Although atomic valencies can be accurately determined only by the examination of a certain class of gaseous mole- cules, yet we may carry over the general conception of limited direct atomic interactions from gaseous molecules and apply it to the reacting atomic aggregates of solid and liquid compounds. This is done by Wislicenus. Most of the phe- nomena to be explained are exhibited by compounds of carbon which cannot be gasified without decomposition. Wislicenus assumes that in the molecules or atomic aggregates of these compounds no carbon atom can directly interact with more than four other atoms. The geometrical conception which Wislicenus forms of the molecule of a carbon compound is that each carbon atom is situated at the centre of a regular tetrahedron, and that each can directly interact with four other atoms or radicles situated relatively to the carbon atom as the four summits of a regular tetrahedron are situated relatively to the centre. A molecule containing a pair of tetravalent ('singly linked') carbon atoms of the general form C^g, where = amonovalent atom or radicle, is represented by two tetrahedra with one pair of common summits; a molecule containing a pair of trivalent ('doubly linked ') carbon atoms C^ 4 is represented by two tetrahedra with two pairs of common summits ; and a molecule con- taining a pair of divalent (' trebly linked ') carbon atoms C^ 2 is represented by two tetrahedra with three pairs of common summits. Figures I, 2, and 3 represent these geo- metrical conceptions. In a molecule of the composition C^&j, where a^ repre- 1 ttber die raumliclie Anordnung der Atome In organischen Molekulen und ilire Bestimmung in geometrischen-isomeren ungesattigten Verbindungen. Konigl. Siichsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (inath-physische Classe) Bd. l-l. i. CHAP. 1 1. 93] GEOMETRICAL ISOMERISM. sents two identical monovalent atoms or radicles, and # 2 repre- sents two monovalent atoms different from a, chemical iso- merism may arise because of different arrangements of the atoms ; thus we may have b a a a (0 C C c c but the second of these isomerides may exist in two forms which are geometrically different although structurally the same, and either of these geometrical isomerides will bear to the other the relation of an object to its image. The three forms of C^/2 are represented in figs. 4, 5, and 6. Fig. 4 . Fig. 5. Fig. 6. 1* Similarly a molecule of the composition C 2 chemical isomerism ; b a a C C and \ C C : ' \ may shew 184 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. but the second isomeride may also exhibit geometrical iso- merism. A molecule of the form C^abcd may exist in three isomeric modifications, each of which may exist in two geo- metrically different forms. Figs. 7 to 15 represent these isomerides. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Fig. 13- Fig. 14. Fig. 15- The terms axially symmetric and plane-symmetric are used to distinguish geometrical isomerides of the composition Cotfj^. A molecule the configuration of which is shewn in fig. 1 6 is called by Wislicenus axially symmetric, because the atoms a and b are represented as arranged symmetrically about an axis passing between the two pairs of common CHAP. II. 93, 94] GEOMETRICAL ISOMERISM. 185 summits ; the geometrically isomeric molecule shewn in fig. 17 is called plane-symmetric because the atoms a and b are Fig. 16. Fig. 17. it represented as arranged symmetrically about a plane passing through the two pairs of common summits. 94 Wislicenus developes these conceptions chiefly for mole- cules containing two carbon atoms. When the molecule contains a pair of divalent ('trebly linked') carbon atoms geometrical isomerism cannot occur; when the molecule contains a pair of trivalent ('doubly linked') carbon atoms geo- metrical isomerism may occur in the manner illustrated in the preceding paragraph ; when the molecule contains a pair of tetravalent (' singly linked ') carbon atoms geometrical iso- merism may occur by the rotation of one part of the molecule relatively to the other. This last kind of isomerism is illus- trated by figs. 1 8 and 19. The cause of this rotation of one part Fig. 1 8. Fig. 19. of a molecule containing a pair of tetravalent carbon atoms is supposed by Wislicenus to be the affinities 1 of the atoms 1 The term affinity is here used to express the unknown property of atoms by reason of which they chemically interact. 186 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK 1. other than carbon ; the configuration of the molecule tends to become that in which the atoms with the largest affinities are situated nearest to each other. But besides the affinities of the atoms, heat will probably produce rotation of the parts of a molecule containing only tetravalent carbon atoms. The most stable atomic configura- tion will be that caused by the mutual atomic affinities ; but besides this, some configurations will probably exist, and will likely increase in number as temperature rises, which con- figurations are caused by the action of heat ; at high tem- peratures therefore a given compound will probably be composed for the greater part of molecules the atomic con- figuration of which is determined by the atomic affinities, but other and less stable configurations will also be present. If a molecule containing a pair of divalent ('trebly linked') carbon atoms combines with two monovalent atoms of the same kind, or of different kinds, only one geometrical isomer- ide can be produced. If a molecule containing a pair of trivalent ('doubly linked ') carbon atoms, one or both of which atoms is in direct union with two monovalent atoms of the same kind, combines with two new atoms two geometrical isomerides may be produced ; in some cases the isomerides so produced will contain an asymmetric carbon atom, i.e. an atom in direct union with four different atoms or groups. Thus if the original molecule is of the form a a \ / C C / \ a b and the new molecule is of the form a a \ / a C C b, / \ c c the italicised C represents an asymmetric carbonation. In such a case the compound thus produced should exhibit optical 1 See Chap. iv. par. 146. CHAT. II. 94- 95] GEOMETRICAL ISOMEKISM. 18; activity, if the hypothesis of van t Hoff is adopted (s. Chap. IV.) But such reactions are sometimes known to produce com- pounds which do not shew optical activity. Wislicenus sup- poses that in these cases the two geometrical isomerides are produced in equal quantities, and that as one is dextrorota- tory and the other laevorotatory the compound as a whole is optically inactive. The foregoing statements are rendered clearer by examining figs. 20 to 27. Fig. 20. Fig. 21. Fig. 23- Fig. 24. Fig. 25. Fig. 26. Fig. 27. 95 Wislicenus developes these conceptions and applies them to many cases of isomerism which do not find an explanation in terms of the hypothesis of valency when it is limited by the condition that the atoms which form a molecule must be represented as arranged in a single plane. Thus to take the cases of fumaric and maleic acids, C 2 H 2 (CO 2 H) 2 . Fumaric acid is probably the axially sym- metric, and maleic acid the plane-symmetric, isomeride ; figs. 28 and 29 represent these compounds. When malic acid C 2 H 3 (OH)(CO 8 H) a is heated to about 150 water is separated and fumaric acid is formed; this change is represented in 1 88 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. figs. 30 and 31. But at 170 180 malic acid is partly changed to maleic anhydride ; if we suppose that rise of Fig. 29. COOJl Fig. 30. Fig. 31- temperature causes rotation of the parts of the molecule of malic acid with the production of a geometrical form less stable than the original form, and that water is then separated from this less stable form, we can explain the production of maleic anhydride along with fumaric acid by heating malic acid. Figs. 32 and 33 (taken with fig. 30) represent this process. Fig. 32. Fig. 33. Maleic acid is changed almost wholly to fumaric acid by interacting with hydrochloric or hydrobromic acid. Wis- CHAP. II. 95] GEOMETRICAL ISOMERISM. I8 9 licenus supposes that an additive compound is produced, that rotation of the parts of this molecule then occurs caused by the affinities of the atoms H and Br and the group COOH, and that HBr is then split off; the mechanism of the change as thus imagined is shewn in figs. 34 to 37. Fig- 34- Fig. 35. COOH Fig- 36- Fumaric acid combines with bromine forming dibromo- succinic acid, which when boiled with water yields hydro- bromic and bromomaleic acids. Maleic acid combines with bromine forming isodibromosuccinic acid, and this when boiled with water yields hydrobromic and bromofumaric acids. These changes are easily explained in terms of Wisli- cenus' conception, by supposing that in each case an additive compound is formed, that the atomic affinities then cause rotation of the parts of the molecules, and that hydrobromic acid is then split off. Figs. 38 to 45 represent the changes. Other reactions of fumaric and maleic acid are considered and explained by Wislicenus. The only reaction of these acids which is inexplicable in terms of the geometrical hypo- thesis of isomerism is that of bromine with acetylene di- 1 9 o ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. carboxylic acid, C 2 (CO 2 H) 2 , whereby dibromofumaric acid is said to be produced. The geometrical hypothesis requires Fig. 38- Fig. 40. the production of dibromomaleic acid. But Wislicenus' ex- periments have proved that hydrobromic acid is always pro- duced in this reaction, and that if care is taken to limit the yield of this acid as much as possible, some dibromomaleic acid is produced. The production of dibromofumaric acid is easily explained by the interaction of the hydrobromic and bromomaleic acids produced in the principle reaction. CHAP. II. 95, 96] RECAPITULATION. 191 There can be no doubt as to the ingenuity of the ex- tension of van't HofFs geometrical conception made by Wis- licenus. One point which appears to me to be gained by this hypothesis is the possibility of keeping separate the two conceptions of atomic valency and atomic affinity, and of using both in explaining the configurations and chemical properties of molecules. E)6 We have thus found that to trace the connexions between the compositions and the properties of changing material systems has always been regarded as the fundamental problem of chemistry. Attention has sometimes been almost confined to the composition of substances forming such systems, at other times the properties of the systems and their components have been regarded as chiefly important. We found that as chemistry advanced it became necessary to know more than the mere elementary composition of bodies ; having gained the atom and the molecule, chemists were soon convinced 'that the arrangement of the same atoms might vary, and that properties might therefore be correlated not only with atomic composition but also with atomic configuration. We traced this conception through the dualism of Berzelius and the unitary system of Dumas, Laurent, Gerhardt and others, through the hypothesis of compound radicles and that of types, to the time when Frankland and Kekul6 gave it greater precision by arranging the elementary atoms in groups according to the maximum number of other atoms with which each was found to combine. But we saw that the expression equivalency, or valency, of atoms gradually came to be used in a loose and inexact manner. We found that the comparison of monovalent with divalent, &c. atoms, when unchecked by accurate dynamical knowledge, led to the belief that the terms in question ex- pressed in some vague way quantitative measurements of interatomic forces, and to the conclusion that, inasmuch as one divalent atom could directly bind to itself two other atoms, while one monovalent atom could directly interact with only a single other atom, in a molecule, therefore the divalent atom was capable of exerting twice as much force 192 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. as the monovalent atom. The latter part of the foregoing sentence may I think be taken as fairly representative of the loose and slipshod way in which dynamical language has too often been used in chemistry. We found that attempts were made to build a general conception of atomic valency on a shifting quasi-dynamical foundation ; but the account given in this section of Lossen's criticisms of the expressions 'a bond,' 'a valency,' 'a unity of affinity,' &c. has I think been sufficient to shew how inexact, while apparently precise, and how narrow, while apparently far-reaching, the conception in question really is. The objections raised against the atomic theory in recent years by some chemists, who nevertheless made free use of the essentially atomic conceptions of modern chemistry, led, it seems to me, to a looseness of thinking about atoms, mole- cules, and equivalents, which has done no little harm. Parts by weight were spoken of as if the expression were synony- mous with atom; equivalents were regarded as acting and reacting with one another ; there appeared to be a possibility of chemistry retracing her steps to the time when no precise meaning was attached to any of the terms atom, molecule, combining weight, equivalent, but each was used as nearly synonymous with the others. From the possibility of such retrogression we have been saved by the general advance of physical science. As the molecular theory of matter became more precise and its applications more far-reaching, it was impossible for chemists to employ conceptions essentially molecular and atomic and at the same time to express chemical changes in a notation based on the notions of a pre-molecular era. It became necessary to choose definitely between the atom and the equivalent, and the great body of chemists has certainly chosen the former. But as soon as attempts to found a conception of chemical actions on the basis of equivalents were abandoned, it was seen that the conception of equivalency might be retained and applied to the elementary atoms. To keep distinct the conceptions implied in the terms equivalent and atom, and at the same time to arrange the atoms in equivalent groups, is CHAP. II 96] RECAPITULATION. 193 one of the problems of modern chemistry. On this distinction and on this resemblance is based the molecular explanation of isomerism. We have found that the study of isomerism has done much to render precise the conception of the mole- cule as a structure with properties dependent on the nature, the number, and the arrangement, of the constituent atoms. We endeavoured to subdivide the conception expressed in the words ' arrangement of atoms in a molecule ' into parts, and to demonstrate by illustrations the existence of a con- nexion between each of these parts and the properties of the molecule. These illustrations led to clearer notions concern- ing the valencies of atoms, and the meaning of structural formulae: these formulae we regarded as expressing the actual valencies of the atoms in the molecule, i.e. the number of atoms directly acting on and acted on by each atom, and as ex- pressing also the distribution of the atomic interactions, i.e. the nature of the atoms in direct mutual connexion ; but we tried not to attach any quantitative meaning to the symbols used for expressing atomic valencies and the distributions of atomic interactions. We also glanced at the geometrical con- ception by which van't Hoff and Wislicenus have sought to picture the connexion between the properties of isomeric molecules and the configurations of the atoms which form these molecules. The hypothesis of valency as thus used leads to dynamical conceptions but regards these as outside its sphere : it points the way along which progress will be made. Attempts must be made to apply thermal, optical, and other physical, methods of research to the investigation of chemical problems ; thus we may hope to gain clear and precise knowledge regarding the connexion between the structure and the stability of mole- cules, in so far as the latter is measured by variations in the quantities of energy associated with different molecules. APPENDIX TO SECTION IV. To have given a detailed account of Lossen's criticisms of the generally accepted views regarding 'valencies' or 'units of affinity' in the text of the section on isomerism, would have involved too great an interruption of the main argument of that section. But as Lossen's M.C. 13 194 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. criticisms seem to me of great importance I propose to give some account of them here. The many and varied hypotheses concerning valency set forth by chemists of acknowledged authority may be divided, says Lessen, into three groups : I. Those hypotheses which regard 'an affinity' as a definite quantity of matter, or as an action of some kind proceeding from a definite quantity of matter. II. Those which regard 'an affinity' as a part of an atom, or at least as something connected with a part of an atom. III. Those which regard the 'affinities' of an atom as definite forms of motion of the atom. I. Erlenmeyer 1 has developed the conception of ' Affinivalencies? He states, as a rule without exceptions, that "in all chemical combi- nations a constant quantity of one element always attracts a constant quantity of another." These constant quantities are the ' affinivalencies ' of the elements: one affinivalency of element a always binds to itself one affinivalency of element b. The affinivalency of carbon = 3, of oxygen = 8. Now in CO 2 we have 3 parts by weight of carbon com- bined with 8 of oxygen, but in CO the same amount of carbon with only 4 parts by weight of oxygen ; Erlenmeyer's general law does not therefore always hold good. If it be said that a constant quantity of one element attracts (not combines with) a constant quantity of another, then, as in CO 2 6 parts by weight of carbon attract 16 of oxygen, we must suppose that in CO 16 parts by weight of oxygen are attracted by 6 of carbon, and that the remaining 6 of carbon have no attractive action on the oxygen. Atoms and relative quantities of matter are compared by Erlenmeyer ; but relative quantities do not attract each other. In the molecule CO there is one atom of carbon and one atom of oxygen, and these atoms attract one another; half an atom cannot attract because it has no existence. The hypothesis that an atom is non-homogeneous, although indivisible, might be made, but is not made, by Erlenmeyer. If an equivalent is regarded as a constant quantity, this quantity attracts sometimes one, sometimes two (or more) equivalents of other elements. The molecule CH 4 is composed of one atom of carbon and four atoms of hydrogen, we may say that 3 parts by weight of carbon here attract i part by weight of hydrogen ; so in CC1 4 it may be said that 3 parts of carbon attract 35-5 parts of chlorine. But in CH 3 C1 12 parts of carbon attract 3 parts of hydrogen and 35-5 parts of chlorine ; in place of 12 parts of carbon we may, if we choose, say 9 + 3 parts, just as we might say that 7 + 5 = 12, or Vi44=i2; but we cannot say that 9 parts 1 For references to the work of the various chemists mentioned, see Lessen, Annalen, 204. 265 et seq. CHAP, ii.] LOSSEN'S CRITICISM OF ' BOND' HYPOTHESIS. 195 of carbon attract 3 parts of hydrogen and the remaining 3 parts of carbon attract the 35-5 parts of chlorine. If we suppose the carbon atom to be perfectly homogeneous, then the whole atom interacts with the chlorine atom and with each of the hydrogen atoms ; if we suppose that the atom of carbon is possessed of a structure, it remains to explain in what respect one part of the atom differs from the other parts : but a part of an atom is not the same thing as a fraction of the relative weight of an atom. Hofmann speaks of 'an affinity' as a force proceeding from a con- stant mass of an element, which mass he regards as the equivalent and defines as 'the minimum atom-binding quantity' of the element. He nevertheless uses an equivalent as a varying quantity. By an arbitrary choice of certain values for the equivalents of the elements it is possible that the number obtained by dividing the atomic weight by the equiva- lent weight of any element should be the same as the number expressing the maximum number of hydrogen atoms which can be bound by one atom of the given element. L. Meyer also speaks of the action of quantities by weight of one element on atoms of another element. In one place he defines equiva- lent quantities of elements as those quantities which are able to bind to themselves, directly and without the intervention of a third substance, equal quantities of other substances. We should expect 16 parts by weight of oxygen to be equivalent to 12 parts by weight of carbon, and to 14 parts by weight of nitrogen, because 16 parts of oxygen directly bind 16 of oxygen in O 2 , 14 of nitrogen in NO, and 12 of carbon in CO ; but Meyer supposes two free affinities in the last named molecule, i.e. he supposes that * parts of carbon bind 16 parts of oxygen, although the molecule CO contains one indivisible atom of carbon and one in- divisible atom of oxygen. Those hypotheses in which 'affinities' are regarded as constant weights of matter, or as actions proceeding from constant weights, arise, according to Lessen, from not sufficiently marking the distinction be- tween the equivalent and the atom. Equivalent, or combining, weights are relative weights of divisible masses ; atomic weights are relative weights of indivisible masses. If the atomic hypothesis is adopted we must regard atomic weights as relative weights of mutually reacting bodies ; but equivalent weights, in so far as they differ from atomic weights, are relative weights of imagined sums, or fractions, of these bodies. Bodies whose relative weights are equal to these equivalent weights do not mutually react in molecules. To find equivalents, parts by weight should be compared with parts by weight, or atoms with atoms. II. Besides the hypothesis of 'affinivalencies' already referred to, Erlenmeyer also speaks of mutual actions between atoms as occurring at certain points of these atoms. This may mean either that contact 132 196 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. (not of course absolute contact) between the reacting atoms is made at these points, or that mutual atomic action occurs only when these attracting points coincide. The attracting points must be considered as qualitatively different from the rest of the atoms. The form of poly- valent atoms must be such that several points of one can touch the same number of points of another: the positions of the points must be such that when some of these points are in contact it is not necessary that all should be in contact. To fulfil these conditions without sup- posing the form of the atoms, or at any rate the positions of the points, changeable, is exceedingly difficult. This hypothesis of Erlenmeyer tends to foster the notion of an attractive force proceeding from different parts of elementary atoms ; Kekule"'s graphic formulae do not, probably, imply this conception, but these formulas may be, and have been, used as if this conception were true. A qualitative difference between parts of an atom can only mean that some parts are chemically active while others are chemically inactive. If the inactive parts are composed of imponderable matter then each -valent atom must be made up of n atoms; we thus arrive at atomic weights different from those on which the science of chemistry at present rests. If the inactive parts consist of ponderable matter, then in the case of action between different atoms we have action through the ether, but in the case of action between parts of the same atom we have action through ponderable chemically inactive matter. In either case it appears that the notion of atom must be very different from that at present adopted, and, it would seem, necessarily adopted if facts are to be explained. But it may be supposed that the active parts of the atom are in a different electrical condition from the inactive parts. If electricity be a form of motion, then some parts of an indivisible atom must be supposed in motion while others are not ; if electricity be a fluid, then we have a material difference, arising from the partial fixation of this fluid, between the active and inactive parts of the atom. Both of these hypotheses are opposed to the fundamental conception of atom 1 . Michaelis has supposed that the attractive force of an atom is exerted in certain fixed directions only. On this hypothesis a straight line joining two atoms which are directly bound together may be regarded as expressing the direction of the mutually exerted force; an -valent atom has n such directions. If this atom is directly bound to fewer than n atoms, say to n - x atoms, then the mutual action is exerted in n x directions. Lessen expresses his general agreement with this interpretation of the hypothesis of Michaelis. But if that chemist sup- 1 This criticism is rather weak : we know too little as to what electricity is to hazard such criticism as this ; besides, Helmholtz has shewn that there is probably a close and definite connexion between the valency of an atom and the electrical charges on that atom ; see Book n. CHAP. IL] LOSSEN'S CRITICISM OF * BOND' HYPOTHESIS. 197 poses that to every atom, regarded as a point, there are always attached a fixed number of such 'lines of force,' then it is asked 'on what does the atom act when it is bound to less than its maximum number of other atoms?' The objection urged to van't Hoff's form of the hypothesis now being discussed, is, that by this chemist the 'affinities' of an atom are imagined as arranged in a definite form in space ; but as we cannot define an 'affinity,' much less can we assign geometrical figures to the arrange- ment of these 'affinities' 1 . III. L. Meyer supposes that there is one position at which a mono- valent atom during its vibration can combine with another atom to form a stable compound, that there are two positions at which a divalent atom can combine with another atom, and so on. In the molecule NH 3 we have one trivalent and three monovalent atoms; the nitrogen atom swings through three positions at each of which it can take up one hydrogen atom. In the molecule OH 2 the divalent oxygen atom swings through two such positions. In the molecule NO it appears as if the three positions of possible combination passed through by the triad nitrogen atom must also be touched by the path of the diad oxygen atom, but if so the oxygen atom may, in some circumstances, be trivalent. The results of O. E. Meyer's physical and dynamical investigation of the forms of molecules are not in harmony with this view of L. Meyer. The form of a molecule would appear to be dependent more on the number of the constituent atoms than on the valencies of these atoms ; but on L. Meyer's hypothesis the nature of the path of the atoms swinging in the molecule must condition the form of the molecule, and the nature of this path is itself conditioned by the valencies of the atoms. Kekule' has advanced hypotheses as to the motion of atoms within molecules, but these hypotheses are not sufficiently definite to admit of detailed criticism. Lessen however objects to applying to the motion of atoms within molecules the conceptions which arise from a study of the motion of molecules in a confining vessel. If the atoms composing a mass of hydrogen molecules undergo mutual collisions, why, when they have separated a certain distance from one another, is the direction of their motion changed until a second collision occurs? There is no confining molecular wall answering to the sides of a containing vessel. If it be supposed that the atoms in molecule a enter into collision with the atoms in molecule b or c, then this is equivalent to asserting that a mass of hydrogen is composed not of diatomic, but of monatomic molecules 2 . 1 Van't Hoffs hypothesis as recently developed by Wislicenus is discussed in pars. 92 to 95. 2 Here again, I think Lessen carries his criticism too far. The methods of molecular enquiry are necessarily statistical; a mass of hydrogen may contain 198 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. Among the various developments of the bond-hypothesis of valency not mentioned in the text, is that which concerns itself with the question whether all the bonds of a polyvalent atom are of equal value, or whether one maybe 'stronger' than another. If the criticism applied to the subject of bonds generally is just, it follows, I think, that the question alluded to is meaningless; but as it has been hotly disputed about it may be well briefly to consider it here. It is assumed in the bond-hypothesis that the so-called affinities of atoms attract or satisfy one another, and hence those affinities of one atom which are not satisfied by affinities of another must be satisfied by other affinities of the atom itself. No molecule, it is sometimes said, can contain an odd number of atoms of uneven valency. This outcome 1 of Gerhardt's 'law of even numbers' (see ante, chap. I. p. 84) is how- ever contradicted by the existence of the molecules I, NO, NO 2 , C1O 2 , WC1 5 , VC1 4 or VOC1 3 , and cannot therefore be accepted as a statement of facts, unless indeed the valency of an atom is a number susceptible of arbitrary variation. That the maximum valency of each atom is fixed is generally admitted. One school however holds that (e.g.) a tetrad atom is always tetrad ; another school asserts that a tetrad may function as a diad atom. The followers of the first school maintain that in the molecule CO, for instance, the carbon atom is tetravalent, but two of its affinities are mutually satisfied; the opponents of this view say that in CO the carbon atom is divalent, and that the other pair of bonds is latent. The dispute has been wholly a battle about words. Whether the two bonds are latent, or are mutually satisfied, as Lessen remarks, 'zwei und zwei geben dock immer vier.' But if always existent, are the bonds always of equal value ? Are the two pairs of bonds which hold the two oxygen atoms to the carbon atom in the molecule CO 2 equal in value to twice the pair of bonds by which one oxygen atom is held to a carbon atom in the molecule CO? Now if we wish to compare things we must have a standard; but I think sufficient facts have been enumerated to shew that no standard exists in terms of which the expression 'value of a bond' may be stated. Even if the valency of an atom is regarded as expressing the total number of parts into which the chemical energy of that atom is divisible, this must mean that the energy is divisible when there is mutual action between the given atom and other atoms in a molecule. Thus, assume for a moment that the chemical energy of an atom of carbon is divisible into four parts, it does not follow that each part represents a fourth of the whole energy, or always represents the same portion of many free atoms (or monatomic molecules) and yet for all practical purposes behave as if composed entirely of diatomic molecules. 1 The statement is sometimes put in this form ; ' the sum of the valencies, or affinities, of the atoms in any molecule is always an even number.' CHAP. II. 97] MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS. 199 that energy. To take an illustration; in the stable molecule CO we must suppose, on this hypothesis, that the whole of the chemical energy of the carbon atom is employed in the transaction symbolised by the formula C O ; again, in the molecule O C S the whole of the energy of the carbon atom is employed, but the energy represented by O - C is probably different from that represented by C S, and the sum of these is probably different from that represented by the expression O C O. The results of thermal measurements made by Thomson (see par. 84, also post, par. 134) render it fairly certain that the quantity of energy which changes form during the process symbolically expressed as 'linking a pair of carbon atoms by a double bond' bears no simple relation to the quantity of energy which changes form when 'a pair of carbon atoms is linked by a single bond.' The number of possible ways in which the energy is distributed is, on this hypothesis, measured by the valency of the atom ; the amount of the energy employed in any atomic transaction depends on the nature of the atom or atoms between which and the given atom there is mutual intramolecular action 1 . Even if we adopt this, the most dynamical, view of valency that can be adopted with any safety, the controversy concerning equal and un- equal bonds is seen to be a mere logomachy 2 . SECTION V. Molecular Compounds. 97 In the preceding sections we have learned that some com- pounds can be gasified without decomposition while others are separated by heat into two or more constituent parts. The conception expressed in the term molecule can be applied in strictness to the former compounds only, and the fundamental notions regarding the structure of molecules must be gained by the study of such gasifiable compounds. 1 For a fuller working out of this way of regarding valency see Claus, Ber. 14. 432. 2 It is sometimes said that the hydrogen atoms in the molecule of benzene are of equal value, but when one of these atoms is replaced by a radicle the remaining five are of different values relatively to the radicle introduced into the molecule. To make such a statement as this, it seems to me, is to employ the term value in too loose and vague a way. All the hydrogen atoms in a molecule of a mono- derivative of benzene are monovalent, and therefore of equal value so far as 'proportion in exchange' for chlorine, bromine &c. goes. What appears to be' meant by the statement in question is, that more than one mono-derivative (chloro- bromo- or generally X - derivative) can be obtained from the mole- cule CgHjA'; but this is simply a special illustration of the general proposition that the properties of compounds are not wholly dependent on the valencies of their constituent atoms. 2OO ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. But, it may be asked, is there a distinction of kind, or only one of degree, between those compounds which can be gasified, and those which separate into parts when they are heated ? This question has been provocative of much dis- cussion. Kekule 1 and others have employed the term atomic compounds to express those compounds which can be vaporised without decomposition, and they have contrasted these with molecular compounds, meaning thereby those compounds which separate into two or more parts when heated. This division of compounds has played an important part in the development of the hypothesis of valency. Kekule has always insisted that facts regarding atomic compounds can alone be employed as data for rinding the valencies of elementary atoms ; his opponents have retorted by de- manding a definition of molecular as opposed to atomic compounds, and by shewing that every proposed definition fails when applied to actual phenomena. But it is not so much as it concerns the hypothesis of valency that the distinction implied in the words atomic and molecular compounds ought, I think, to be insisted on ; if the arguments put forward in the preceding section are of any value, we must agree to confine what may be called the non- geometrical hypothesis of valency to gaseous compounds. There are however many and varied phenomena, all more or less belonging to the borderland between chemistry and physics, which may conveniently be considered under the heading of molecular compounds. i And I would begin by admitting that no strict definition of molecular, as opposed to atomic, compounds, can be given, which shall enable us to assign every disputed case to its proper class. A substance may yield a vapour which is chemically homogeneous below a certain temperature but heterogeneous above this temperature ; we cannot fix a limit- ing temperature for each group of compounds and say, that those which yield vapours homogeneous above this tempera- ture are atomic, while those in the vapour of which dissocia- tion begins below the temperature-limit are molecular. 1 See his Lehrbuch, Vol. I. pp. 142, 145, 443, c. : also Compt. rend. 58. 510. CHAP. II. 98, 99] MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS. 2OI I would again urge the importance of remembering that when we say that' a gas consists of molecules of this or that composition, we refer and can refer only to the average com- position of the gas ; many molecules may be dissociated into two or more chemically different kinds of matter, other molecules may be aggregated into complex groups. Even in an elementary gas at moderate temperatures some atoms and many groups of molecules may be present at any moment : the values obtained for the specific gravities of gaseous bro- mine and iodine, and for gaseous nitrogen dioxide, stannous chloride, and acetic acid well illustrate the gradual nature of the passage from one average molecular state to another 1 . 99 Some chemists would recognise the existence of molecular compounds in mixtures of two or more liquids, and in solu- tions of salts, and of gases (e.g. CO 2 ), in water. In such cases the proportions in which the substances are supposed to be combined are very variable. It cannot be correct to speak of a molecule of the mixture of alcohol and water, or of a molecule of the solution of salt in water, although it may be permissible to regard these liquids as containing groups of molecules of alcohol and water, or of salt and water. As examples of bodies which seem to hold a place between definite chemical compounds and mere mixtures may be noted the products of the fusion together of sulphur and selenion. Rathke 2 fused together sulphur and selenion, dissolved the fused mass in carbon disulphide, and fractionally precipitated by gradual evaporation ; he then redissolved the various pre- cipitates, and again fractionated. The precipitates all con- sisted of monoclinic crystals composed of sulphur and selenion (neither element exhibiting the properties which characterise it in the free state) but varying in quantitative composition between the limits expressed by the formula:; SeS 4 and Se 4 S. Rathke thinks it possible that elements which are chemically very analogous may combine in varying proportions to pro- duce isomorphous bodies. There are other actions wherein small changes in physical 1 See par. 99, pp. 203, 1067. s Ber. 18. 1534. See also Lehmann, Zeitschr.f, physikal. Chcmie, 1. 15. 202 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. conditions suffice to cause changes in the relative quantities of substances combined in definite proportions ; for instance, when the substance containing water and sodium phosphate in the proportion Na 2 HPO 4 : I2H 2 O is heated, it very readily loses water and becomes Na 2 HPO 4 . 7H 2 O. If by molecular compound is meant, a loose combination in definite pro- portions of two or more chemically different kinds of matter so as to produce another kind of matter characterised by fairly definite properties but readily undergoing change, then we may certainly say that Na 2 HPO 4 . i2H 2 O is a molecular compound. Once more, compounds exist which are characterised by very definite properties, but which, when heated, undergo gradual change into two or more substances, the original compound being gradually re-formed as the vapours cool. Thus the formula PC1 5 expresses the elementary composi- tion of an undoubted chemical compound ; when this solid substance is heated it vaporises, but the vapour can be proved by experiment to contain molecules of PC1 3 and C1 2 , along with undecomposed PC1 5 . The following numbers shew the gradual progress of the change which occurs : Calculated sp. gr. of gaseous PC1 5 =7'2 IF * 1 gas consisting of PC1 3 + C1 2 = 3-6) La Number of molecules Temperature. Sp. gr. of vapour. decomposed * per too molecules of PClj. 182 5'08 417 IQO 4-99 44-3 200 4-85 48-5 230 4-30 67-4 250 4-00 80-0 ' 274 3-84 87-5 288 3-67 96-2 300 3-65 97-3 1 Calculated by means of the formula p= = where /= number of molecules decomposed, D= observed sp. grav. of gas, d= theoretical sp. grav. of vapour supposing no dissociation to occur. This formula assumes that each molecule separates into two parts: if each molecule separates into a parts, the formula is/=-r-_ . See Naumann, Lehr- und Handbuch der Tliermochemie, pp. 114, 115. CHAP. II. 99] GASEOUS MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS. 203 The following numbers 1 representing the specific gravities of gaseous nitrogen tetroxide at various temperatures exhibit the gradual dissociation of molecules of N 2 O 4 into molecules ofNO 2 : Texture. Sp. *, of vapou, ^^^^ 267 2-65 19-96 6'5 35-4 2-53 25-68 8-1 39*8 2-46 29-23 iro 49"6 2-27 40*04 1 2- 1 60-2 2-08 52-84 13-0 70-0 1-92 65-57 10-4 80-6 r86 76-61 8-8 96-0 172 84-83 1-8 135*0 r6o 98-69 As N 2 O 4 is dark-red and nearly opaque, and NO 2 is trans- parent and nearly colourless, the change from one compound to the other can be traced by observing the colour of the heated gas. A study of the specific gravity of the vapour obtained by heating acetic acid, at different temperatures and pressures, shews that the specific gravity decreases as temperature rises whether pressure be small or great, and that the specific gravity also decreases as pressure falls whether the tempe- rature be high or low; in other words, the vapour of acetic acid becomes specifically heavier by increasing pressure, temperature being constant, or by decreasing temperature, pressure being constant 2 . The most probable molecular ex- planation of these facts is to suppose that the vapour of acetic acid at low temperatures contains molecules, or molecular groups, the parts of which hold together throughout small temperature-intervals, and that these molecules, or groups, 1 Naumann, loc cit. p. 117. - See Ramsay and Young, C. S. Journal, Trans, for 1886. 790 (s. also Book II.). Comparing the variations in the specific gravities of the vapours of acetic acid, alcohol, and ether, Ramsay and Young (Phil, Mag. (5) 23. 129) found that the specific gravities of alcohol vapour and ether vapour increase as temperature falls until a certain point is reached beneath which the specific gravities are unchanged. They conclude that the increase in the specific densities of the vapours of alcohol and ether are probably due to the cohesion of the molecules, and not to the formation of groups of molecules. 204 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. are heavier than those which compose the vapour of the same acid at temperatures considerably above the boiling point of the compound. If we define a molecular compound to be one the mole- cules of which may exist in the gaseous state at low tempe- ratures but are gradually decomposed into less dense mole- cules of the same kind of matter as temperature rises, then we must regard acetic acid at temperatures not far above its boiling point as a molecular compound. But if this is so, we evidently have a series of substances, beginning with solutions of salts or gases in water, and proceeding through crystallised solid salts to acetic acid vapour at low temperatures, which connects mechanical mix- tures on the one hand with stable gaseous compounds on the other. It might be urged that we ought not to distinguish be- tween the particles which compose acetic acid vapour at low temperatures and those which form the vapour of the same acid at high temperatures ; that if a molecule is ' that small part of a gas the parts of which do not part company during the motion of agitation of the gas,' then the reasoning which compels us to say that the molecule of acetic acid vapour at 220 is represented by the formula C 2 H 4 O 2 , likewise compels us to say that at 120 the molecule of this gas is represented by the formula C 3 H 6 O 3 (pressure in each case being 760 mm.). The statement that acetic acid at low temperatures is a mole- cular compound does not appear to me to go against this reasoning ; for this statement only implies that at low tempe- ratures the vapour of this acid is composed of particles, of varying masses which may be called molecules or mole- cular groups but that as temperature rises these all tend to separate into particles whose composition is represented by the formula C 2 H 4 O 2 . The particle having the composition C 2 H 4 O 2 is stable throughout so large a range of temperature that we may apply to it and to it only the knowledge we have gained regarding the structure of molecules. It is better not to apply the term molecule to the heavier particles, (i) because they so readily separate into lighter, and comparatively stable, CHAP. II. 99] GASEOUS MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS. 2O5 particles ; (2) because what we know of molecular structure has been gained from, and can only be strictly applied to, the study of molecules which are stable throughout a con- siderable range of temperature; and (3) because by re- cognising the possibility of the existence in certain vapours of groups of molecules, which are not mere mixtures but on the other hand are not to be classed as true molecules, we have the means of explaining, in a general way, many phe- nomena which at present cannot be explained by any other equally simple hypothesis which is in keeping with the funda- mental conceptions of the molecular theory of matter. That the existence of molecular groups in a gas at low tem- peratures is in keeping with this theory can readily be shewn. When two gases are at equal temperatures the mean kinetic energy of agitation of the molecules must be the same in both ; but although the mean kinetic energy is constant for a given temperature, yet the kinetic energy (and hence the temperature) of many molecules may differ from this mean value. If the temperature of the gas is increased, there is an increase not only of the energy of agitation of the molecules as a whole, but also of the energy due to the internal motions of the parts of each molecule ; as the latter energy increases, a point is reached at which the molecule decomposes into its constituent parts, but these may again unite in some other portion of the mass of gas. As temperature continues to rise a point will come at which molecular decompositions and re- compositions are equal in unit of time ; the temperature at which this state of matters is reached has been called (by Naumann and others) the decomposition-temperature; from this point onwards, as temperature rises, the molecular de- compositions will exceed the recompositions, until finally there are no recompositions, or these are so few in number that the average state of the gas is fitly described as that of complete decomposition. Now if we suppose that the vapours coming from certain liquids, especially from dissociable compounds, at, or near to, their boiling points consist to a great extent of molecular aggregations, we may trace the gradual decomposition of 2O6 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. these aggregates into true gaseous molecules, just as we have traced the decomposition of molecules of one kind of matter into those of another kind of matter. Many spectroscopic facts almost necessitate the assumption that groups of mole- cules may exist, and behave for certain small changes in physical conditions as definite wholes 1 . But it might be asked, why should not all molecules decompose when heated ? It is extremely probable that all molecules are capable of being decomposed by heat. The results of Meyer's experiments on iodine vapour shew that the diatomic molecules of this gas are separated into atoms at high temperatures. The following table exhibits the process of change from I 2 to I. Dissociation of Iodine molecules^. Temp. 448 680 Sp. gr. of vapour. 874 Percentage Rise of Increase in decomposition. temp. d e?omSkfon. Mean increase in decomposition for ioo 3 . 764 8-28 855 940 8-07 7-60 8-6 H'SJ 85 . IO3 .. 10*5 6-9 IO'2 1043 ( I2 75 (approxi-l mately) US 7'01 5-82 5-06 25-0 ' 5O* ^ ' 66-2J ' 73-ri ' J 232 78 25-5 .... 157 .... .. 6-9 .... iro 137 8-8 Somewhat similar results have been obtained with bromine. A fact of much interest is disclosed by studying the specific gravities of gaseous bromine and chlorine at low and at high temperatures ; some of the results of such a study are given in the following table 3 . 1 In connexion with this subject see especially the article 'Constitution of bodies,' by Clerk Maxwell, in the Encyclopedia Briiannica. (pth Ed.) See also 'Report of the B. A. Committee on Spectrum Analysis.' Brit, Ass. Reports for 1880, 2581 et seq. See especially pp. 284298. Also the article 'Aggregation, States of in the new edition of Watts' Dictionary of Chemistry. 8 Naumann, Ber. 13. 1050, using the numbers of Crafts and Meier, do. do. 868. 3 Jahns, Ber. 15. 1238. CHAP. II. 99> 1 00] GASEOUS MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS. 2O/ Specific gravities of gaseous Bromine and Chlorine. Temp, measured in degrees above Snerifir irravi'tv Deviation of sp. gr. from normal, boiling point of in per centages of latter. IROMINE. CHLORINE. BROMINE. CHLORINE. BROMINE. CHLORINI 40 4 57HS 2-4844 3-38I I '397 60 60 5-6809 2*4810 2-872 1*261 80 80 5-6503 2-4776 2-223 ri22 IOO IOO 5-6197 2-4742 1719 0-984 120 120 5 -58 9 I 2-4708 1*650 0-845 160 160 5-5279 2-4641 0-058 0*571 2OO 2-4572 0-290 240 2-4504 O'OOO We have here a phenomenon very analogous to that pre- sented by acetic acid ; and if an analogous explanation is to be given, we must suppose that bromine vapour at tem- peratures from 40 to 140 degrees above the boiling point of this substance contains molecular groups which are slowly decomposed as temperature increases ; and that the same holds good of chlorine vapour, only that in this case the molecular groups are relatively lighter, but more stable as regards heat, than those of bromine. A study of the specific gravities of the gases obtained by heating various liquid compounds shews that in very many cases the specific gravity decreases as the temperature rises, and that a constant value is not obtained until the gas has been heated many degrees above the boiling point of the liquid. Facts have now been recounted sufficient I think to warrant the adoption of the hypothesis that gaseous mole- cules may hold together in groups, the members of which do not part company throughout more or less extended ranges of temperature and pressure ; and if this is so in gases, much more should we expect to find the existence of mole- cular groups in liquids and solids. 100 The hypothesis, by the application of which we hope to find many groups of facts falling into some kind of order, may be broadly stated as consisting in the recognition of a third order of particles more complex, but less stable, than ; ts the molecule, as the molecule is more complex, but less --table, than the atom. This hypothesis affords no definition 2O8 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. of the third order of particles, nor does it always enable us to refer a special case to this, or that, order of particles. It is a general guide and as such only must it be employed. 101 Many salts when in solution undergo changes not so marked as those usually called chemical, and yet too definite to be altogether classed as physical. Thus an aqueous so- lution of ferric chloride undergoes partial separation into hydrochloric acid and a colloidal form of ferric hydrate ; aqueous solutions of various alums are partially separated into their constituents when heated. The direction of many of these changes may be partially reversed by altering the conditions of temperature 1 . Again hydrated cobalt chloride crystallises in a rose-red form (CO 2 C1 4 . I2H 2 O), while the colour of the dehydrated crystals (CO 2 C1 4 ) is blue ; if an aqueous solution of the red salt is warmed, the colour slowly becomes darker and finally changes to blue, but the rose red colour gradually reappears as the liquid cools. The temperature at which the change from hydrated to dehydrated salt occurs is the lower, the less the amount of water present relatively to that of salt. A crystal of cobalt chloride grow- ing in a blue-coloured solution is seen under the microscope to be surrounded by a film of pink liquid, which indicates the existence round the crystal of a zone of liquid containing relatively less of the salt than the rest of the solution 2 . From the results of Lehmann's microscopic studies 3 on the formation of crystals of hydrated ferrous chloride, cobaltous chloride, and cupric chloride, it appears certain that an aqueous solution of one of these salts from which crystals, now of a more hydrated and now of a less hydrated salt, separate, as temperature varies, does not contain at a fixed temperature only the one hydrate and at another temperature only the other hydrate. As temperature slowly rises the molecular groups tend to fall to pieces and so the liquid becomes poorer in particles of the relatively most hydrated salt ; on cooling, 1 The expresssion ' dissociation of salts in solution ' is sometimes applied to these processes. See Book II. 2 See Lehmann, Zeitschr.fiir Krystallog. 1. 99. : see also Potilitzin, Ber. 17. 276. 3 Zeitschr. fiir Krystallog. 1. 100 103. CHA1MI. 101] MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS. 2OQ the conditions are reversed, and the liquid becomes poorer in particles of the least hydrated salt. Lehman n considers the three cases ; (i) the liquid is equally saturated for the hydrate rich in water and for that poorer in water; (2) the liquid con- tains rather more of one hydrate than of the other; (3) the liquid is concentrated as regards one hydrate, but dilute as regards the other. He shews that, as temperature slowly increases, in the first case crystals of both hydrates grow simultaneously and at the same rate until the spheres 1 of the crystals touch, when growth is almost entirely stopped ; in the second case both kinds of crystals grow, but for a time one kind grows more quickly than the other, then both grow at the same rate, and then the second kind of crystals grow more rapidly than the first ; in the third case those crystals which are present in the liquid in greater quantity grow rapidly, and the others dissolve rapidly, so that the dissolving crystals appear to pass directly into crystals of the other hydrate. The definite form, solubility, temperature of formation, &c. of each kind of crystal formed in these experiments conducted by Lehmann prevent us from regarding the various crystalline solids as mere mixtures of ice and salt ; on the other hand, the extremely small variations in temperature, or in the re- lative quantities of water and salt, required to cause change from one crystal to another, equally prevent us from attempt- ing to explain the properties of each hydrate as wholly, or almost wholly, conditioned by the mutual interactions of atoms forming the molecule: we seem forced to adopt the hypothesis of molecular compounds. Several compounds exist each in more than one modifi- cation, one form being generally more stable towards heat than the other. A typical case of this kind is presented by antimonious iodide, SbI 3 ; this compound crystallises in red hexagonal forms which are suddenly changed at 1 14 to an aggregation of yellow orthorhombic crystals, the original external form of the mass being preserved 2 . 1 Lehmann's term is 'der Hof des Krystalles:'' each crystal, he says, can be seen under the microscope to be surrounded by a liquid film, from which it draws Us supplies of solid matter; this is the Ifofor sphere of the crystal. 2 J. P. Cooke, Proe. Anu-r. Acad. of AHs and Sci. [2]. 5. 72. M. C. 14 2IO ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. Several carbon compounds (apparently all belonging to the class of benzenoid compounds) exist in more than one form, each modification being characterised by a definite melting point and generally also by a special crystalline form. Thus chlorodinitrobenzene, C ( ,H 3 C1(NO 2 ) 2 [i : 2 .'4], is said to form monoclinic crystals which melt at 36, and also rhombic crystals which melt at 39. Anthracene, C 14 H 10 , crystallises in monoclinic plates melting at 213 which are easily oxidised by the action of nitric acid to anthraquinone (C 14 H 8 O 2 ) ; when a solution, in benzene, of anthracene is exposed to sunlight small prismatic crystals separate, melting at 244, having the composition C 14 H :o , but not acted on by nitric acid, and not oxidised to anthraquinone by chromic acid 1 . A very re- markable instance of the phenomenon under consideration is presented by the derivative of diphenyl to which the formula (C 6 H 3 BrNHCOC 6 H 5 ) 2 is assigned. This compound melts at 195 ; if the melted substance is cooled quickly and again heated its melting point is now 99 ; but if heating is con- tinued the liquid again solidifies at 125 130, and the solid thus obtained melts once more at 195. Finally if the solid which melts at 195 is raised to that temperature and then slowly cooled, the product possesses the normal melting point 2 , viz. 195. When a substance crystallises in more than one system, one crystalline form frequently approaches as nearly as possible to the other ; one form may be said to imitate the other both crystallographically and optically 3 ; thus arsenious oxide crystallises in regular octahedra and also in rhombic prisms, the latter exhibiting an angle identical with the angle of the regular octahedron. O. Lehmann 4 has collected and discussed many instances of the exhibition of different physical properties by com- pounds possessing the same elementary composition 5 . The 1 See Armstrong and Groves, foe. cit. p. 199. 2 See E. Lellmann, Ber. 15. 2835. 3 Pasteur, Ann. Chim. Phys. [3] 23. 267. 4 Zeitschr. fur Krystallog. 1. 97. See also, in connexion with the subject generally, the article 'Isomerie, physikalische ' in Neues Haudivorterbtuh der Chemie, Bd. in. pp. 836843. 8 On this subject see also Laubenheimer, Ber. 9. 760. CHAP. II.IOl] PHYSICAL ISOMERISM. 211 phenomenon, which may be called physical isomerisin 1 , pre- sents analogies with allotropy (see ante, par. 67); in both, temperature is the most important condition affecting the change from one form to another, and this change is accom- panied in both classes of phenomena by disappearance or production of heat. Lehmann divides physically isomeric bodies into two classes: (i) those in which change from one form to another occurs at a definite temperature, the direction of the change being dependent on very small differences of temperature; (2) those which exhibit two forms, one more stable than the other, and in which change from one form to the other does not occur at a definite temperature, and is not reversible by heat alone. Ammonium nitrate is an example of a substance belong- ing to the first class ; the rhombic crystals of this salt, which separate at ordinary temperatures from an aqueous solution, melt at (about) 168; as the molten mass cools crystals be- longing to the regular system are formed, but at (about) 125 these change to rhombohedral forms ; at (about) 87 the rhombohedral forms are converted into rhombic needles, from which, at 36 or so, the original rhombic crystals are produced. If the rhombic crystals are again slowly heated the rhombic needle-shaped crystals form at (about) 36 ; the rhombohedral forms appear at (about) 87; the regular crystals at (about) 125; and finally the solid melts at 198. Again, if a little sulphur is melted on a microscopic slide, under a cover, and the slide is arranged so that temperature can be easily regulated 2 monoclinic crystals are produced, but as temperature falls these change into rhombic forms ; it is possible to regulate the temperature so that definite amounts of each form exist simultaneously, but on the slightest change of temperature the rhombic crystals grow at the expense of the monoclinic, or vice versa. The behaviour of dibromopropionic acid when heated 1 The term physical isomerism seems to have been first used by L. Carius, Annalen, 126. 214 (see also do. 130. 237). s Lehmann describes an apparatus for this purpose (loc. cit. pp. 102 3). 142 212 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. illustrates the nature of the changes which characterise sub- stances belonging to Lehmann's second class of physical isomerides. This substance crystallises in rhombic forms which melt at (about) 64; if the molten mass is heated a few degrees above this point the same rhombic crystals are again produced on cooling; but if the molten substance is heated many degrees above 64 and is then allowed to cool, small flat nearly right-angled tables are obtained which melt at (about) 51. If the less stable form melting at 51 is slowly heated growth of the other and more stable crystals is noticed under the microscope ; the growth at first is rapid, then slower, but before the change has gone far the melting point of the less stable crystals is reached and the whole mass becomes liquid. If the more stable form is melted, heated some degrees above 64, and is then brought into contact with crystals of both forms, growth of each modification proceeds until the crystals touch, after which the more stable (higher melting) crystals grow into the others until the latter are completely changed into the stabler forms. Another instance of Lehmann's second class is furnished by paranitrophenol. This compound crystallises from hot aqueous solutions in monoclinic crystals, and from cold aqueous (or alcoholic) solutions in crystals belonging to the same system but differing in form and melting point from the others. By fusing either form and allowing the molten mass to cool, only the less stable (lower melting) crystals are produced; but if a little of the substance is melted on a microscopic slide; and a crystal of the second (stabler) form is placed in contact with the edge of the solidified mass, and heating is then again commenced, crystals of the stabler form begin to grow at the expense of the other crystals, at first rapidly and then more slowly, until both forms melt, the less stable at a lower temperature than the more stable. Substances of which ammonium nitrate is the type ap- pear to be less profoundly modified by the action of heat than substances belonging to the class represented by dibromo- propionic acid. Substances belonging to the first of these classes shew analogies with many of the molecular com- CHAP. II. 101] PHYSICAL ISOMERISM. 213 pounds discussed in the present section ; compare e. g. the action of heat on hydrated cobalt salts, with the action of the same agent on dibromopropionic acid or on paranitro- phenol. Moreover the course of the change brought about by the action of heat on these bodies shews some analogies with the processes of gaseous dissociation. For these rea- sons Lehmann has summarised the phenomena characteristic of bodies of this class under the term physical polymerism, and the phenomena characteristic of bodies of the other class under the term physical metamerism. The former term im- plies that the physically different forms exhibited by a sub- stance belonging to this class are to be regarded as associ- ated with the existence of physical molecules, each formed by the grouping together of a different number of chemical molecules (as defined in Chap. I. par. 13, p. 26). The term physical metamerism on the other hand implies that the physical molecule of each different form of a substance belonging to this class is composed of the same number of chemical molecules, but that the arrangement of these is different in each case. Lehmann's classification is certainly based on no fanciful analogies. Pclymerism and metamerism are well marked phenomena among gaseous molecules ; and the hypothesis of the existence of groups of molecules characterised by definite properties, but each of which groups is readily decomposed by heat, appears to be as simple as any other molecular and atomic hypothesis that can be proposed to explain the observed facts. But the analogy between the reactions of gaseous molecules and the changes undergone by solid and liquid substances may be pushed too far; we ought to recog- nise how small and inexact our knowledge is of the mole- cular actions of the latter classes of bodies. Qualification of the terms molecule, polymerism, and metamerism, by the adjective physical, widens the meanings of these terms by making them applicable to a larger class of phenomena, but at the same time it makes the application less precise 1 . 1 Lehmann considers in considerable detail the phenomena attending the change of one form of a substance into another; he divides the changes into 214 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. The researches of Graham on colloidal and crystalloidal substances are of the utmost importance as regards the hypothesis we are considering ; to understand the import- ance of Graham's work it is necessary carefully to study the whole series of papers on liquid diffusion which he communi- cated to the Royal Society 1 . Graham 2 found that certain substances when in solution pass very quickly through wet groups, according as both forms are solid, or one solid and one liquid, c. As the subject is important I give a brief resume of some of Lehmann's results in this note, but the original paper ought to be studied by all who are interested in the subject. A. Change of one, more complex, solid form of isomeride to another, less complex, solid form, attended with disappearance of heat; physical mole- cules of both kinds are present simultaneously, but at a certain tempera- ture change will occur. If one modification is heated alone, the normal temperature of change may be largely exceeded without a complete change to the second modification, but at such a high temperature contact with the second modification may determine sudden and complete change. B. Change of solid form to liquid form, occurring with disappearance of heat at a definite temperature dependent on the pressure ; the change will not be complete, as molecules of both kinds will exist together. If the specific gravity of the solid form is greater than that of the liquid form, then on heating past the melting point there will be rapid expansion as the physical molecules of the solid form are separated into those of the liquid; this will be followed by a slower regular expansion. If the specific gravity of the solid is less than that of the liquid, expansion will be small, or even negative, until a point of maximum density is reached, after which expan- sion will proceed at the normal rate. In some cases a solid form is changed, by the action of heat, into a liquid form, which, at a higher temperature, is again changed into a second solid form; e.g. when selenion is heated till it becomes viscous and is kept at this temperature for some time it changes into a crystalline form. So in the change of yellow to red phosphorus by the action of heat ; in this case it is probable that the molecules which form the liquid phosphorus are kept apart for some time, by the energy added as heat acting against cohesion, and so are allowed to re-arrange themselves in loose groups. C. Change of liquid to solid, modification is complex ; a few crystals form and determine the crystallisation of the whole mass; in some cases the liquid, especially if viscous, may be cooled below the temperature at which crystallisation normally begins, and may then pass into an amorphous solid form. 1 Happily Graham's papers have been collected and published by the late Drs Angus Smith and James Young. - Phil. Tram, for 1861. 185. CHAP. II.IOl] MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS. 215 animal or vegetable membranes, while others are scarcely, if at all, diffusible through the same septa. The more diffu- sible bodies Graham called crystalloids, the less diffusible he called colloids. Colloidal substances e. g. albumen, hydrated alumina or stannic oxide, &c. are very inert chemically consi- dered, but at the same time they are affected by the smallest changes in their environment, e.g. slight alterations of tem- perature cause marked changes in their properties ; they are easily permeated by diffusible crystalloidal substances, to which, says Graham, they give up water, 'molecule by mole- cule'; "their existence is a continual metastasis." Ice, which under ordinary conditions of formation is crystalloidal, when formed in contact with water at o possesses those properties which characterise colloids : " Can any facts," says Graham, " more strikingly illustrate the maxim that in nature there are no abrupt transitions, and that distinctions of class are never absolute ?" The marked differences between the properties of colloids and crystalloids are associated, in the opinion of Graham, with differences of molecular structure. He regarded the reacting unit of a colloid as probably formed by the coales- cence of a large number of molecules ; hence the marked instability, and at the same time the chemical inertness, which characterise the class of colloidal substances. Hittorf 1 has shewn that when a concentrated aqueous solution of cadmium iodide is electrolysed, more iodine is separated at the positive pole than could be the case were the composition of the body undergoing electrolysis repre- sented by the formula CdI 2 . Hittorf suggests that the solu- tion in question contains molecular groups of the composi- tion Cd 3 I e , and that these are separated by the electric cur- rent into Cd and Cd 2 I 6 . Some interesting observations have been made by van Bemmelen 2 on the absorption of acids and salts by hydrated oxides. When the hydrated dioxide of tin, silicon, or man- ganese, is shaken with an aqueous solution of a mineral acid, 1 Pogg. Ann. 106. 337, 513. 2 7- fiirprakt. CAerniefr] 23. 324; see also 26. 227. 2l6 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. or of a salt such as potassium sulphate or sodium chloride, a definite quantity of the acid or salt is absorbed by the oxide; the amount absorbed is dependent on the nature of the hydrated oxide and that of the acid or salt, on the relative masses of oxide, acid, or salt, and on the amount of water present. The substances which exhibit this absorptive action are characterised by the readiness with which the change from hydrated to dehydrated oxide and vice versa occurs; thus the hydrates SnO 2 .;rH 2 O, SiO 2 .^H 2 O, and MnO 2 .^'H 2 O, part with water when placed over sulphuric acid, and the oxides absorb water when placed in a moist atmosphere. The amount of water absorbed by any one of the dehydrated oxides depends in part on its physical state ; if the oxide is strongly heated it absorbs less water than if dried over sulphuric acid in vactto 1 ; the 'looser' the aggrega- tion of the particles, the greater the quantity of water ab- sorbed by the oxide. In some cases, e.g. the hydrate SiO 2< 4H 2 O, the amount of acid or salt withdrawn from an aqueous solution was found to be equivalent to the amount of water removed from the hydrated oxide by drying it over sulphuric acid in vacua. In other cases, e.g. SnO 2 .3H 2 O, 3SnO 2 . 7H 2 O, 2SnO 2 .3H 2 O, 2MnO 2 .5H 2 O, MnO 2 .2H a O, the amount of acid or salt withdrawn by the hydrate from solution was greater than the quantity equivalent to the loosely-held water of the hydrate. As the amount of water which some of these oxides absorb from a moist atmosphere was found to vary with the physical aggregation of the oxide, so the amount of salt or acid absorbed by these hydrated oxides was found to shew analogous variations : this is specially worked out in detail by van Bemmelen for the action of metastannic acid on aqueous solutions of HC1, H 2 SO 4 , KC1, K 2 SO 4 , and KNO 3 . If these actions are to be classed as purely physical, we 1 Graham [Brit, Ass. Reports for 1834. 579] called attention to the difference between strongly heated calcium sulphate and the same substance 'in a state for setting:' but, says Graham, "this is a department of corpuscular philosophy which stands much in want of further development." CHAP.II. IOI] MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS. 2I/ should not expect to find a definite limit to the amount of salt or acid absorbed by each hydrated oxide : but van Bem- melen's researches shew that the process tends to the esta- blishment of an equilibrium between acid (or salt), water, and hydrated oxide ; that this condition is attained slowly ; and that it is affected by the relative masses of the reacting sub- stances in the original system. Thus less acid (or salt) is absorbed from a very dilute than from a more concentrated solution, but the amount of acid or salt absorbed increases much more slowly than the increase in the concentration of the solution of acid or salt. The final equilibrium is not disturbed by the addition of a solution of acid or salt of the same degree of concentration as that surrounding the hy- drated dioxide, but if the added solution is relatively richer in acid or salt than the liquid surrounding the dioxide, then the equilibrium is overthrown and the absorption of acid or salt begins again and proceeds till a second condition of equilibrium is established. Some hydrated oxides not only absorb, but also par- tially decompose, salts ; for instance, when the hydrate 2MnO 2 .5H 2 O is shaken with an aqueous solution of K 2 SO 4 , it absorbs a definite amount of the latter and at the same time separates part of it into KOH and H 2 SO 4 . Again, one salt is sometimes absorbed in preference to another; thus if MnO 2 .;rH 2 O is shaken in contact with H 2 SO 4 , washed, and again shaken in contact with an aqueous solution of K 2 SO 4 , a portion of the H 2 SO 4 which had been absorbed by the hydrated oxide is replaced by K 2 SO 4 ; again, if SiO 2 . 4H 2 O is allowed to absorb A1 2 C1 , is then washed till the washings no longer contain chlorine, and is finally shaken with an aqueous solution of KC1, it is found that some of the KC1 has been absorbed and some of the Al a Cl 6 has passed into the surrounding liquid. These substances investigated by van Bemmelen, whether they be called compounds or loose combinations of salt (or acid) and hydrated oxide, can scarcely be regarded as com- posed of molecules each built up of atoms of metal, oxygen, hydrogen, and the elements of acid or salt, but rather as 2l8 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. composed of molecular groups each constituted by the co- alescence of molecules of acid (or salt), water, and metallic oxide, the number of such molecules in each group or re- acting weight being variable within certain limits. The pro- perties of many of the salts of the weaker acids e.g. car- bonic, boric, and sulphurous are regarded by van Bemmelen as explicable in terms of the general hypothesis of molecular compounds ; he would regard the reacting weights of these salts as molecular groups, more stable than those which com- pose the peculiar class of bodies just described, but less stable than the true chemical molecule. 102 I n ms second paper (loc. cit.} van Bemmelen has more particularly studied hydrated beryllium oxide BeO . ^'H 2 O. He shews that two varieties of this oxide exist, viz. a gela- tinous and a granular form ; that the former alone exhibits the property of absorbing acids and salts from aqueous solu- tions ; and also that the action of heat on the two hydrates is different. After heating to 220 the granular hydrate had lost 0*5 H 2 O, and was now much altered in properties. This fact and others analogous to this are known seems to shew that by the application of energy from without the system the parts of a loose molecular group may be caused to react so as to bring about a marked change in the properties of the body composed of such groups. In other words, the com- parative readiness with which definite chemical changes may be started among the constituents of a molecular group appears to shew that although these constituents are held together but loosely, nevertheless they are not merely mixed. Thus, As(CH 3 ) 2 Cl combines with C1 2 to form As(CH 3 ) 2 Cl 3 ; when this compound is heated it yields As(CH 3 )Cl 2 + CH 3 C1 ; then As(CH 3 )Cl 2 readily takes up C1 2 to form As(CH 3 )Cl 4 , which on being heated separates into AsCl 3 + CH 3 Cl. Now on account of their properties some of these compounds must be classed as molecular, yet under the influence of heat the parts of the molecular groups mutually act and react in a way analogous to, if not identical with, that characteristic of chemical change. But such phenomena as these are exactly what might be expected from the hypothesis of molecular CH.II.IO2,IO3] ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS. 219 compounds ; if these bodies are formed of groups of mole- cules we should expect that reactions between these groups would, in many cases, easily occur and result in the produc- tion of new, less complex, groups, or, it may be, new mole- cules. That a substance is found to behave in a definite manner under the influence of this or that reagent cannot be regarded as sufficient evidence for classing it among atomic rather than molecular compounds. Thus the observation re- corded by R. W. Atkinson 1 regarding the identity of the salts produced by mixing (i) SbCl 3 and 3KBr, and (2) SbBr 3 and 3KC1, cannot be regarded as proving that the product of these actions is built up of molecules represented by the for- mula AfSbCl 3 Br 3 K 3 , the properties of which are conditioned only by the mutual interactions of the atoms Sb, Cl, Br, and K. Regarded however as a contribution towards solving the questions suggested by the term molecular compounds, the observations made by Atkinson are of interest, as shewing how possible it is to obtain substances which behave in some respects as molecular, and in other respects as atomic, com- pounds. It cannot be too strongly insisted on that no hypothesis has been proposed regarding molecular compounds which furnishes us with a definition of the class 'molecular', or puts into our hands an instrument for determining whether a given compound belongs to this class or to the class of atomic compounds. What the hypothesis does is to negative the notion that the properties of all compounds are to be explained by the conception of actions and reactions between atoms which together constitute a molecule, and to open a path for future research by insisting on the complexity of chemical phenomena, and the folly of attempting to ex- plain all in terms of a favourite theory. 103 But the consideration of molecular compounds leads to the discussion of questions which properly belong to chemical kinetics : we cannot separate these bodies from their environ- ment ; they are members of a system which is continually undergoing change and the comparative stability of which is 1 C. S. Jon mat, Trans, for 1883. 289. 22O ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR SYSTEMS. [BOOK I. the result of never ceasing action and reaction between its parts. Chemistry is not a collection of facts regarding the crystalline forms, melting points, boiling points, specific gravities, &c., &c., of elements or compounds ; it is rather the orderly and regulated study of the changes which these kinds of matter undergo and which result in more or less profound modifications in the properties of the changing bodies. A great advance has certainly been made by replacing the notion of a molecule as an undefined quantity of matter constructed of groups of atoms more or less loosely and vaguely arranged, by that conception which regards the mole- cule as a definite and definable quantity of matter, built up of atoms arranged in an orderly manner, and exhibiting functions dependent on the nature, arrangement, and mutual interactions, of these atoms. Among the functions of the mole- cule we must, I think, place the power of combining, under proper conditions, with other molecules to form more or less complex groups, less stable than the molecules of a gas, and not so sharply defined from other groups as the molecule of one compound is from that of another. Although the ex- planation of the properties of molecular compounds is not to be brought wholly within the scope of the hypothesis of valency, nevertheless if we regard the formation (or non- formation), and the relative stabilities, of such compounds, as functions of all the molecules concerned in their synthesis, we can see that the valencies of the elementary atoms must be important factors in determining the production of mole- cular compounds 1 . Although we can put our conception of the molecule into definite terms, yet the advance of knowledge regarding the properties of molecules warns us against attempting to define the molecule too rigidly. The molecular and atomic theory 1 In connexion with this subject compare the presidential address to Section B of the British Association at Aberdeen [1885]. In this address Armstrong suggests that the "formation of so-called molecular compounds is mainly due to peculiarities inherent more especially in the negative elements i.e. the non- metals and metalloids, and not in the positive elements the metals." (See Nature, 32. 470.) CHAP. II. IO3] ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS. 221 presents the chemist with the conception of the gaseous mole- cule ; by applying this to chemical facts he arrives at the conception of the atom, a conception much more definite than that of the molecule ; he then rebuilds the molecule by putting together the atoms of which it is composed ; but he does not always find the molecule thus re-constructed to be the same as the molecule he received from the physicist. The physical definition of the molecule applies in strictness only to perfect gases ; but the chemist has to deal with im- perfect gases, and also with liquids and solids. Notwithstanding these difficulties fair progress has been made in the chemical investigation of the molecule. We have endeavoured to trace this progress, as it appears in the methods for finding the relative weights of atoms and mole- cules ; in the distinction between the properties of atoms and the properties of molecules formed by the union of atoms ; in the chemical conception of the molecule as a structure of atoms or groups of atoms, the functions of which structure are dependent on the nature, number, and arrangement, of its parts; in the development of this conception in the hypo- theses of valency and isomerism ; and in the recognition, forced on the chemist by the study of liquid and solid compounds, that although the properties of the molecule are conditioned by the properties of its parts, it has also an individual existence and is capable of interacting as a whole with other molecules. [BOOK i. CHAPTER III. THE PERIODIC LAW. IN the preceding Chapter we have endeavoured to trace the development of the conceptions of the atom and the molecule. The properties of compounds are regarded in chemistry as the properties of the molecules of these com- pounds, and these again as conditioned by the properties of the atoms which compose the molecules. Can we then trace a definite connexion between the properties of the atoms of the elements and the properties of the compounds formed by the union of these elements? A measurable pro- perty of the atoms is their relative masses. Is there any definite and definable relation between the atomic weights and the properties of the elements, and between the atomic weights of the elements and the properties of their com- pounds ? 104 Attempts have been made from time to time throughout the preceding 50 or 60 years to trace connexions between the atomic weights and the general properties of groups of elements. Soon after the appearance of Dalton's New System of Chemical Philosophy, an hypothesis was promulgated by Prout to the effect that the atomic weights of the elements are whole multiples of that of hydrogen ; but the researches of Berzelius, Marignac, and Stas, shewed that this hypothesis was untenable. A modification of Prout's hypothesis was made by Dumas which appears to have a fair probability in its favour. CH.III.I04,I05] ARRANGEMENT OF THE ELEMENTS. 223 Gmelin, Dumas, Gladstone, Cooke, Kremers, Pettenkofer, Odling, and especially Newlands 1 , who was among the earliest workers in this field, have drawn attention to points of connexion between the properties and the atomic weights of elements. In 1864 Newlands arranged a number of elements in order of their atomic weights, and shewed that these elements were divisible into groups of seven, and that the properties of one group were to some extent repeated in the next group. " The eighth element," said Newlands, " starting from a given element is a kind of repetition of the first, like the eighth note of an octave in music." In subsequent papers Newlands insisted on the general applicability of what he called the ' law of octaves.' It is however especially to Mendelejeff 2 that we owe the systematic correlation of the atomic weights with the chemical and physical properties of the elements, and the properties of their compounds. Lothar Meyer 8 has also made important contributions to the same subject, and in his Modernen Theorien he has gathered together the more important facts which have been established concerning the relation in question. 105 We may confidently say that a large probability has been established in favour of the hypothesis that the properties of the elements, and of the compounds of each element, are periodic functions of the atomic weights of the elements. Lothar Meyer puts the general statement of the "Periodic Law" in this form 4 : "If the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic weights, the properties of these elements I'ary from member to member of the series, but return more or less nearly to the same values at certain fixed points in tlie scries" Let the elements be arranged in the order of their atomic weights ; let this list of elements be (broadly) divided into 3 Chem. News,1. 70; and 10. 59, 94; 12. 83, 94; 13. 113, &c. Newlands' contributions to this subject have been gathered together and published in a' small volume entitled 'On the Discovery of the Periodic Law' [Spon, 1884]. 2 Annalen, Suppl. Bd. 8. 133. See also Chem. News, Vols. 40 and 41. 3 Anna/en, Suppl. Bd. 5. 129, and 7. 354 &c. 4 Die modernen Theorien, 4th Ed. p. 136; English Ed. p. 117. 224 THE PERIODIC LAW. [BOOK I. series of sevens; let the members of the second series be placed under those of the first, those of the third under those of the second, and so on : then the elements contained in a vertical column are said to form a group, while those in a horizontal column form a scries. In this arrangement of the elements each group cor- responds, for the most part, with a natural family. This is more clearly shewn, and the relations between the atomic weights and the properties of the elements are more distinctly developed, if certain gaps are supposed to exist in the list of elements. The table 1 on p. 225 exhibits the arrangement of the elements in groups and series. 106 Before giving a detailed explanation of this table let us meanwhile gather together some of the best established generalisations concerning the periodic connexion of pro- perties and atomic weights of the elements. A phenomenon is said to be periodic when, if the con- ditioning circumstances vary continuously, it repeats itself at definite intervals. The variable under consideration is the atomic weight, the phenomenon to be examined is the nature of each chemical element and its compounds. Although it is not as yet possible to state quantitatively the nature of the periodic function which connects the atomic weights with the general properties of the elements, it may nevertheless be established that the function in question is periodic. For this purpose it will be necessary to break up the phenomenon 'nature of the chemical element and its compounds' and to endeavour to shew that the malleability, ductility, atomic volume, power of forming oxides (or chlorides) of definite composition, position in electrical series, &c , of the elements do vary periodically with variations in the atomic weights of these elements 2 . 107 Atomic volume. The quotient obtained by dividing the 1 Taken from a paper by B. Brauner in C. S. Journal Trans, for 1882. 78: atomic weights are stated in round numbers. 2 For greater details on this point see L. Meyer, Die modernm Thcoricn, 4th Ed. pp. 139 173 (English Ed. pp. 117 150), of which this and the few following pages must be regarded as an abstract. CHAP. III. lO/] ARRANGEMENT OF THE ELEMENTS. 225 oo en -n\o II II " I II bo cj \o So M. C. 226 THE PERIODIC LAW. [BOOK I. atomic weight of an element by its specific gravity in the solid form is called the atomic volume of that element. This quotient expresses the volume, in cubic centimetres, occupied by an amount of the solid element, in grams, proportional to the atomic weight of that element. Arranging the elements in order of increasing atomic weights it is found that the value for atomic volume reaches its first maximum at lithium, that it then diminishes through beryllium, boron, &c. and again increases through carbon, &c. reaching a second maximum at sodium ; the other maxima occur at potassium, rubidium, and caesium. The periodic nature of the connexion between atomic volumes and atomic weights becomes very apparent when the magnitudes of those quantities are graphically represented as is done on the plate facing this page 1 . The maximum points on the curve are seen to be occupied by metals of low specific gravity, while the minimum points are occupied by heavy metals. The position of an element on the curve, with reference to the preceding and succeeding elements, appears to be inti- mately connected with the properties of the element in question. Thus phosphorus and magnesium on the one hand, and calcium and chlorine on the other, have nearly equal atomic volumes ; phosphorus and chlorine are followed by elements the atomic volumes of which are larger than their own (i.e. are situated on ascending portions of the curve), whereas magnesium and calcium are followed by elements having atomic volumes smaller than their own (i.e. are situated on descending portions of the curve). The ductile metals are placed at or near to maximum and minimum points on the curve ; those of low specific gravity occurring at, and immediately after, maximum points, and those of high specific gravity at, and immediately after, minimum points. The brittle heavy metals occur in sections 4, 5, and 7 immediately before the minimum points 2 . 1 Only those elements the specific gravities of which in the solid state have been directly determined are included in the curve ; want of data is indicated by a broken line. 2 A section of the curve means the part situated between two maxima; section THE PERIODIC LAW. 710 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90 100 III 120 130 WO ISO IM 170 ISO 190 200 210 220 230 240 Thick line curve shews atomic ntumes. Thin , melting Dointt Dotted lints indicate that data, are wanf/np 'THIS POINT SHOULD flf PLACED 66 DIVISIONS HICHfP IS 2 228 THE PERIODIC LAW. [BOOK I. The elements on the descending parts of sections 2 and 3 of the atomic volume curve are electropositive and form basic hydroxides; those on the ascending portions of the same sec- tions are electronegative and form acid hydroxides. Each of sections 4 and 5 contains four groups of elements arranged in accordance with their negative or positive character. Electro- positive elements occur on the first portions of the descending curve in each of these sections (K, Ca ; Rb, Sr) ; these are followed by a group of comparatively negative elements (V, Cr, Mn ; Zr, Nb, Mo, Rh, Ru) ; these again by positive elements (Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, Ga ; Pd, Ag, Cd, In) ; and after these comes a group of negative and acid-forming elements situated on the ascending part of the curve in each section (As, Se, Br; [Sn], Sb, Te, I). Sections 6 and 7 are too incomplete to allow of definite conclusions being drawn regarding the positive or negative character of the elements situated thereon. 108 Fusibility. The melting points of several elements have been determined by various observers 1 ; of late especially by Carnelley 2 , who has shewn that the fusibility of the elements varies periodically with their atomic weights. The thin line 3 curve on the plate on p. 227 graphically exhibits this con- nexion. A connexion may be traced between the positions of an element on the curve of atomic volumes and on that of i includes hydrogen only, section 2 extends from lithium to sodium, section 3 from sodium to potassium, and so on. There are probably several unknown elements with atomic weights greater than that of didymium and smaller than that of tantalum ; the curve, if complete, would probably be marked by a sixth maximum point between csesium and thorium, this part of the curve is therefore said to comprise two sections (6 and 7). 1 See Constants of Nature, Part I. and Supplement to do. Also L. Meyer, loc. cit. pp. 145, 6. (English Ed. pp. 129, 130.) 2 Phil. Mag. [5] 8. 315 et seq.: this paper contains a good resume of the periodic law. All well established data concerning melting points are collected in Carnelley's Tables of melting and boiling points (1885 87). 3 The values of the melting points used in preparing this curve are taken for the most part from Carnelley's paper. The data are meagre, hence many gaps occur in the curve (indicated by the broken lines) ; many of the numbers, especially those for elements at and near to maximum points, must be regarded as only rough approximations to the true values. CH. III. 108, 109] EXPLANATION OF PERIODIC LAW. 22Q fusibility ; as a rule, only those elements which are situated on ascending portions of the former curve, are easily fusible. Generalisations have also been made concerning the con- nexions between the atomic weights of groups of elements and the melting points of these elements and some of their analogous compounds 1 . Thus the melting points of the haloid salts of the metals in Group li. (see table on p. 225) are considerably higher than those of the corresponding salts of the metals of Group III.: e.g. MgCl 2 MgBr 2 ; CaCl 2 CaBr 2 CaI 2 ; SrCl 2 SrBr 2 SrI 2 ; M.P. 708 695 ; 719 676 631 ; 825 630 507 ; but A1 2 C1 6 Al 2 Br 6 A1 2 I 8 . M.P. very low 90 185. Carnelley 2 found the melting point of beryllium chloride to lie between 585 and 617, hence he concluded that beryl- lium belongs to Group n. and that the formula of its chloride is BeCl 2 (Be = 9'i), and not BeCl 8 or Be 2 Cl 6 (Be= I3'i5) 3 . The data, so far as obtained, concerning the boiling points, crystalline forms, and expansion by heat, of the elements, indicate that the connexion between these constants and the atomic weights of the elements is of a periodic character 4 . Hartley 5 has shewn that the ultra-violet spectra of elements 109 of the same group shew fairly marked analogies as regards general character ; the spectra hitherto obtained do not permit him to affirm, or deny, the existence of numerical relations between the different groups of lines, sufficient to establish a definite periodic connexion between the atomic weights of the elements and the wave-lengths of the lines in the elementary spectra. That there exists a well-marked connexion, of periodic character, between the atomic weights, and the heats of com- bination of the elements with chlorine, bromine, and iodine, See Williams and Carnelley, C. S. Journal Trans, for 1879. 563: 1880. 125. Proc. R. S. 29. 190. See also Ibid. Ber. 17. 1357. See forward, par. in. For details see L. Meyer, loc. cit. pp. 150152. (English Ed. pp. 130152.) C. . Journal Trans, for 1882. 84 : permanent photographs of the ultra-violet spectra of various elements are given in this paper. See also ibid. Trans, for 1883. 390 : and Proc. R. S. 36. 462. 230 THE PERIODIC LAW. [BOOK 1. appears to have been first pointed out by Carnelley 1 . A little later Laurie 2 independently drew attention to this subject and exhibited the relation in question by means of a curve. 110 Having thus established the existence of a connexion, distinctly of a periodic character, between the atomic weights and the general nature of the elements, we may proceed to consider the more important applications of the periodic law. This consideration will also serve more fully to elucidate the meaning of the law. The law has been applied to predict the properties of unknown elements. In the nomenclature of unknown ele- ments Mendelejeff employs as prefixes the Sanskrit numerals eka, dui, tri, &c. Thus if no elements were known with atomic weights equal to about 48 and 90, two gaps would occur in Group IV. (see table, p. 225); from a general in- spection of the table it would be seen that these gaps ought to be filled by elements bearing a more or less close analogy to carbon ; the hypothetical elements would be called eka-carbon and dui-carbon respectively. At the time of MendelejefFs earliest publication there was no element known which could be placed opposite the atomic weight 69 in Group ill., nor any which could be placed opposite the atomic weight 44 in the same group. The former of these hypothetical elements Mendelejeff named eka-aluminium, the latter he called eka- boron. The properties of eka-aluminium were predicted by Mendelejeff from considering the position of the element in the same group as, and interposed between, aluminium and indium, and in the same series as, and following after, zinc. In 1875 a new metal was discovered by L. de Boisbaudran. The following table contains, in parallel columns, the leading properties of this metal, and those enumerated by Mendelejeff as characteristic of eka-aluminium : the hypothetical metal of Mendelejeff and the gallium of de Boisbaudran are one and the same element. 1 Proc. R. S. 29. 190. 2 Phil. Mag. (5) 15. 42. For data shewing that some of the physical properties of compounds, e.g. melting and boiling points, vary periodically with variations in the atomic weights of the constituent elements, see Camelley, Phil. Mag. [5] 8. 36870. CH. III.IIO] PREDICTION OF ELEMENTS. 231 Eka-aluininium. Atomic weight about 69. Readily obtained by reduction. Melting point low. Sp. gr. = 5'9. Not acted on by air. Will decompose water at a red heat. Slowly attacked by acids or alkalis. Will form a potassium alum more soluble, but less easily crystallis- able, than the corresponding aluminium salt. Oxide = E1 2 O 3 . Chloride = E1 2 C1 < ,. Gallium. Atomic weight = 69. Readily obtained by electrolysing alkaline solutions. Non-volatile, and but superficially oxidised in air at bright red heat. Decomposes water at high temper- atures. Soluble in hot hydro- chloric acid, scarcely attacked by cold nitric acid ; soluble in caustic potash. Forms a well-defined alum. I Oxide = Ga 2 O 3 . Chloride = Ga2Cl 6 . Eka-boron belongs to Group ill. the members of which group combine with oxygen to produce well-marked oxides having the composition R 2 O 3 . In its properties eka-boron ought to be related to aluminium as calcium is to mag- nesium, and as titanium is to silicon. The atomic weight of eka-boron must be about 43 46, inasmuch as it follows K (39) and Ca (40), and is followed by Ti (48) and V (51). Reason- ing from these data, Mendelejeff 1 predicted certain properties as characteristic of eka-boron and its salts. Some of these are placed in parallel columns with a description of the properties of the metal scandium*, discovered in 1879 by Nilson : Eka-boron. Atomic weight about 44. Oxide Eb 2 O 3 soluble in acids ; sp. gr. about 3-5; analogous to but more basic than A1 2 O 3 ; less basic than MgO ; insoluble in alkalis. Salts of Eb colourless, and yield gelatinous precipitates with KOH, K 2 CO 3 , Na 2 HPO 4 , &c. Sulphate, Eb 2 .3SO 4 , will form a double salt with K 2 SO 4 , probably not isomorphous with the alums. Chloride EbCl 3 or Eb 2 Cl 6 , sp. gr. about 2, less volatile than Al 2 Clg. 1 See translation of MendelejefTs paper in Chem. News, 41. pp. 71 72. 8 Ber. 14. 1439. See also Cleve, Ber. 12. 2264: and Compt. rend. 89. 419 (abstract of latter paper in C. S. Journal for 1880. 8, is useful). Scandium. Atomic weight = 44. Oxide Sc 2 O 3 ; sp. gr. = 3*8 ; soluble in strong acids ; analogous with but more decidedly basic than A1 2 O 3 ; insoluble in alkalis. Solutions of Sc salts, colourless and yield gelatinous precipitates with KOH, K 2 CO 3 , and Na 2 HPO 4 . Sulphate, Sc 2 .3SO 4 , forms a double salt, not an alum, Sc 23 S0 4 . 3 K 2 S0 4 . 232 THE PERIODIC LAW. [BOOK I. There was a gap in Group IV. Series 5. Eka-silicon comes in the group which comprises Si, Sn, and Pb, and in the series including Ga and As. This hypothetical element ought also to shew analogies with other elements ; thus, Es : Ti : : Zn : Ca : : As : V. From the position of eka-silicon^ Mendelejeff concluded that it would be a grey metal, obtained by reducing the oxide by sodium, fusible with difficulty; it would decompose steam very slowly, would be scarcely acted on by acids, but easily by alkalis. The oxide, EsO 2 , (sp. gr. about 47) would be obtainable by burning the metal in air, it would resemble TiO 2 , but would be less basic than this oxide, although more basic than SiO 2 ; the hydroxide would be soluble in acids, but the solution would be easily decomposed yielding an in- soluble metahydroxide. The oxide would yield a series of double fluorides M 2 EsF 6 (M = alkali metal) isomorphous with the corresponding salts of Si, Ti, Zn, and Sn. The fluoride EsF 4 would not be gaseous ; the chloride EsCl 4 would be a volatile liquid boiling at about 100. Eka-silicon would form volatile organo-compounds. The discovery and study of germanium, by Winkler 2 have entirely confirmed Mendelejeff's prediction : eka-silicon and germanium are one and the same element. Ill The periodic law has also been successfully used as a guide in the comparative study of the properties of elements already known. To which group of elements does beryllium belong ? Is the formula of the oxide BeO or Be 2 O 3 , and of the chloride BeCl 2 or BeCl s ? Is the atomic weight of beryllium 9 or 13-5 ? The arrangement of the elements in accordance with the periodic law seems to necessitate the placing of beryllium in Group II. ; but Nilson and Pettersson, and also Humpidge, who had made a special study of this metal, were for some time strongly of opinion that beryllium should be classed with the 1 See Chem. News, 41. 83. 2 Ber. 19. 210; J.fiir prakt. Chemie [a], 34. 177: s. also Kriiss and Nilson, Ber. 20. 1296: L. de Boisbaudran, Compt. rend. 102. 1291; 103. 452: Kobb, Wied. Ann. 29. 670: also L. Meyer, Ber. 20. 497. CH.III.IIl] CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS. 233 elements which form oxides of the composition R 8 O 8 . The atomic weight of beryllium = # . QT : the data regarding the specific heat of this metal have been presented in Chapter I. par. 28, and it has there been shewn that, so far as specific heat data are concerned, the value of n is most probably I. Carnelley's determination of the melting-point of beryl- lium chloride (see ante, par. 108) points to the beginning of Group II. as the proper position for beryllium, and hence to the number 9-1 as the atomic weight of this metal. The general chemical characters of beryllium salts are summed up in the three statements 1 (Be = 9'i); (1) Li : Be=Be : B (2) Li : Na = Be : Mg = B : Al (3) Li : Mg = Be : Al =B : Si. From these considerations we may conclude that there is a large probability in favour of the value 9*1 for the atomic weight of beryllium. This conclusion is supported by Hartley's observations on the spectrum of beryllium and his comparison of that spectrum with those of metals in Groups II. and III.* Nilson and Pettersson 3 have succeeded in gasifying beryl- lium chloride; and Humpidge 4 has gasified beryllium chloride and bromide. The determinations of the vapour densities of these compounds shew that the formulae BeCl 2 and BeBr s (Be = 9'i) really represent their molecular weights. There can be no doubt that the atomic weight of beryllium is 9' i, and that this metal is to be placed in the same group as magnesium, calcium, zinc, strontium &c., all of which form oxides having the composition RO and chlorides having the composition RC1 8 . In the table on p. 225 tellurium and iodine are placed in Series 7. The atomic weight of iodine was for many years supposed to be less than that of tellurium ; nor was this result contradicted by the work of Wills 8 . Nevertheless the See Brauner, Ber. 14. 53. C. S. Journal Trans, for 1883. 316, 390: also Proc. R. S. 36. 461. Ber. 17. 987. Proc. R. S. 38. 188. C. S. Journal Trans, for 1879. 704. 234 THE PERIODIC LAW. [BOOK I. analogies between sulphur, selenion, and tellurium, on the one hand, and chlorine, bromine, and iodine, on the other, are so marked that it would be absurd to place tellurium in the same class as chlorine and bromine, and to classify iodine with sulphur and selenion. But if the grouping indicated by the periodic law is to be adhered to the atomic weight of tellurium must be less than that of iodine. Brauner 1 in 1883 made an experimental criticism of the method by which the atomic weight of tellurium had been determined by Berzelius and also by Wills ; he shewed that this method almost neces- sarily gives results which are too high. By converting tel- lurium into the very stable basic sulphate Te 2 O 4 SO 3 , and also by syntheses of copper telluride Cu 2 Te, Brauner obtained a series of values for the atomic weight of tellurium varying from 124*94 to I25'4 with a mean value of 125. We are there- fore justified in placing tellurium in Group VI. and iodine in Group VII. Uranium is another element the comparative study of the properties of which has been much advanced by the appli- cation of the periodic law. The atomic weight of this element has been established as = n. 120. If n = i, the three oxides of uranium must be formulated UO, U 2 O 8 , and U 3 O 4 ; but there is no place for an element with this atomic weight and forming these oxides in the periodic arrangement If how- ever n = 2, then (U = 240) the oxides become UO 2 , UO 3 , and U 3 O 8 , and uranium finds a place in VI 12. The preceding members of Group VI. which belong to even series, viz. Cr, Mo, and W, yield oxides of the form RO 3 which are acid- forming. But a comparative study of the relations between the properties of oxides and the atomic weights of the elements in these oxides shews, that as the atomic weight of the elements in a group increases the acidic character of the higher oxides formed by these elements becomes less marked (e.g. CrO 3 is more markedly an acidic oxide than MoO 3 or WO 8 ). Now the highest oxide of uranium is an acid-forming oxide, but its acidic functions are less marked than those of CrO 3 , MoO 3 , and WO 3 ; salts corresponding to 1 See abstract in Ber. 16. 3055 (original is in Russian). CH. III. III, 112] LONG AND SHORT PERIODS. 235 K 2 CrO 4 and K 2 Cr 2 O 7 in which Cr is replaced by U are known. Uranic chloride, UC1 4 if 11 = 240, resembles MoCl 4 in being volatile and decomposable by water. /. atomic weight\ The atomic volume i.e. - of the four V spec, gravity / metals, Cr, Mo, W, U, increases as atomic weight increases, the values being Cr = 7'6; Mo= n ; W= 11 ; U= 12*5. Hence the comparative study of compounds of uranium, which is suggested by the periodic law, justifies the adoption of the number 240 as the atomic weight of this metal. Determinations of the densities of gaseous uranium bromide and chloride, and of the specific heat of pure uranium, have fully confirmed this value. (See ante, Chap. I. pars. 19 and 25 ; also p. 59.) The facts enumerated in the preceding pages undoubtedly 11 establish the periodic law on a firm basis, and justify the em- ployment of this law as one of the main guides in a general scheme of chemical classification 1 . The following arrangement of the elements (the table is taken, with a few alterations, from a paper by Mendelejeff in Ber. 13. 1804) is in the opinion of Mendelejeff himself the best for clearly setting forth the general teaching of the periodic law. (See next page.) Each group except Group vill. contains members be- longing to odd and to even series ; or it may be said that each vertical column, or large series, is subdivided into two parts having seven elements in each. The entire column, comprising an odd and an even series, forms a ' long period ' ; the seven members in the even or in the odd series form a 'short period.' The members of Group vill. form 'transition 'periods' from series 4 to 5, 6 to 7, (probably 8 to 9), and 10 to u. Including the 'transition periods,' each complete ' long period ' should contain 17 elements. Because of its peculiar properties, and also because of the 1 The system of classification of elements and compounds adopted in Ele- mentary Chemistry (Pattison Muir and Slater) is based entirely on the periodic law. It is very unfortunate that Mendelejeffs Treatise on Chemistry should not have been translated into one of the languages of Western Europe. 236 THE PERIODIC LAW. [BOOK I. N O 2 1 H f ' I I I I | 3 e * i ro N <* H t-x O rj- fx OO S | ii | ii if 2^ 7 1 1 I - l IS H &a < S p 11 R P; ?5 5- 3 1 & oo II II II II II | | || I I II I u 3 ,3 <3 3 1 w w LA t>G\O'^" v O II II o > i ri ri ri CO g x CO f f f H IT F i ^< H ii ii ii H H ii t~ ^Q "- 1 4-* .^ .Q O ^*.vo bfl T) C C ^ 2 H CO do ro ^cjcoH^Og^^UNOO^copq H II II 0) eq II II if li* II li* li" II II II II II II II eo 3 j A D O' *! jg^^co^^O S1U3UI313 JBOldXj. I rH II l-l ffi |s>>>^ s ^5^ > >> CH. III. 112] ODD AND EVEN SERIES. 237 anomalous relations between the values of its atomic weight and those of succeeding elements, hydrogen is regarded as the sole representative of Series I, Group I. Comparing series, we find closer analogies between corre- sponding members of odd or of even series, than between those of odd and even series : thus, comparing Series 4 and 6, and 4 and 7, potassium and rubidium are seen to be more closely related than potassium and silver; calcium and strontium, than calcium and cadmium ; vanadium and nio- bium, than vanadium and antimony. Again, comparing Series 5 and 7, and also 5 and 6, it is seen that the relations between zinc and cadmium, or between arsenic and antimony, are closer than those between zinc and strontium, or arsenic and niobium. Omitting the 'typical' elements (see p. 238) it may be said that, as a rule, the most markedly nonmetallic elements are placed in odd series. Also, that the passage from an even to an odd series is accompanied by a gradual change, but that from an odd to an even series by a more sudden change, in the properties of the elements ; thus chromium and manganese resemble copper and zinc much more than selenion and bromine resemble rubidium and strontium, or than tellurium and iodine resemble caesium and barium. It may also be laid down as a general proposition that volatile organo-metallic compounds are formed only by metals which occur in odd series ; should such compounds be hereafter formed containing metals which belong to even series, the properties of the compounds in question will probably differ much from those of the volatile organo-metallic compounds at present known. (Mendelejeff.) The elements which form the 'transition periods' (Group VIII.) possess many characteristic properties. They are very infusible, have small atomic volumes, and occlude oxygen and other gases ; oxides of the form RO 4 are met with in this group only ; the highest oxides are basic or only slightly acidic ; these metals form stable alkaline double cyanides K 4 RCy 6 . K 3 RCy 6 , or K 2 RCy 4 , and also stable ammoniacal compounds 1 . 1 See Mendelejeff, Chem, News, 40. 267. 238 THE PERIODIC LAW. [BOOK I. The elements in Series 2 (from lithium to fluorine), and perhaps the first member of Series 3, viz. sodium 1 , are grouped together by Mendelejeff as ' typical ' elements. There is no ' transition period ' coming between the even Series 2 and the odd Series 3 as there is between Series 4 and 5, 6 and 7, and 10 and II. The mean difference between the atomic weights of two elements in successive even series and in the same group (e.g. between potassium and rubidium, or between rubidium and caesium) is 45 ; but the mean difference between the atomic weight of an element in Series 4 and the corre- sponding element (i.e. the element in the same group) in Series 2 is 35 ; hence we should expect to find the relations of Series 2 to other series different from the general mutual relations exhibited by these other series. As the lower mem- bers of an homologous series of carbon compounds are some- times characterised by the possession of properties which do not belong to the higher members, so the elements with atomic weights ranging from I to 19 (? 23) are characterised by special properties which to some extent mark them off from the other elements. As the atomic weight increases in each group, the basic character of the higher oxides formed by the members of the group becomes more marked, and at the same time these oxides become more easily reduced. It is also to be noted that the composition of the more stable haloid and oxyhaloid salts (and in some cases of the more stable salts as a whole) tends, as atomic weight increases, to correspond in form with an oxide containing less oxygen than the highest oxide. These statements hold good more especially for those members of a group which occupy the odd series. Group V. presents a good example. Sb 2 O g is more basic than P 2 O S , and Bi 2 O 6 is marked by an almost complete absence of acidic pro- perties. The highest oxides of this group belong to the form RX 5 (see p. 240) ; the stable haloid and oxyhaloid salts of phosphorus, vanadium, niobium (PF 5 , VOC1 3 , NbCl 5 ), belong to the same form, but the bismuth haloid and oxyhaloid salts 1 Some chemists class all the members of Series i and 3 (Li to Cl inclusive) as 'typical' elements, CH. III. 112,113] FORMS OF SALTS. 239 are BiCl s , BiBr s , BiOCl, BiOBr, &c., which belong to the form RX 3 corresponding to that of the lower oxide Bi 2 O 3 . The first and last members of a series, and more especially of a ' long period,' present marked differences in their general chemical behaviour ; thus lithium, potassium, and rubidium, the first members of the long periods i, 2, and 3, are strongly positive, whereas the last members of the same periods, viz. chlorine, bromine, and iodine, are typically negative elements. Each group may be divided into two sub-groups, one comprising the elements belonging to even series, the other those belonging to odd series. Calling these sub-groups families, we may say that the family-character is more marked than the group-character in Groups I. and VII., but that in Groups III., IV., and V. the group-character prepon- derates, and that both the general group-character and the special family-character are well seen in Groups II. and VI. The compositions of the highest oxides, and of some of 113 the other salts, appear to be periodic functions of the atomic weights of the elements. In dealing with this question it will be well to use the term ' formula weight ' rather than molecular weight, as the molecular weights of very few oxides have been determined. If R be used to represent the mass of an element ex- pressed by its atomic weight ; and if X represent the masses of F, Cl, Br, I, expressed by the respective atomic weights of these elements, or the masses of the groups (OH), (NO 8 ), (C1O 3 ), &c., expressed by these formulae, or the masses of the elements or groups of elements expressed by halves of the formulae, O, S, (SOJ, (CrOJ, &c. ; then we may say that the oxides R 2 0, RO, R 2 3 , R0 2 , R 2 S , belong respectively to the forms RX, RX 2 , RX S , RX 4 , RX 5 : also that the salts R 9 S0 4 ; R.2NO 3 ; R-3NO 8 , ROC1, R 2> 3SO 4 , RO.NO S ; ROC1 8 , belong respectively to the forms RX; RX t ; RX 8 , RX 8 , RX,, RX 8 ; RX 6 . 240 THE PERIODIC LAW. [BOOK I. In this way it becomes possible to give general expressions for the forms of the highest stable oxides characteristic of each group ; thus, Group i ii in iv v vi vii vin R 2 R 2 2 R 2 3 R 2 4 R 2 5 R 2 O 6 (R 2 O 7 ) (R 2 O 8 ) or RX RX 2 RX 3 RX 4 RX 5 RX 6 (RX r ) (RX 8 ) This statement may be put thus ; the number of oxygen atoms in the general expression for the composition of the highest stable oxide characteristic of each member of a series increases as the atomic weights of the members of the series increase. Most of the stable salts (haloid salts, oxyhaloid salts, nitrates, sulphates, chromates, phosphates, &c.) characteristic of the members of each group belong to the same general form (RX, RX 2 , &c.) as the oxides. But in every group well-marked salts are known which belong to higher forms than the oxide form : thus, some of the members of Group I. form peroxides (K 2 O 2 , K 2 O 4 , &c.) ; some of the elements in Group ii. form salts (such as K 2 BeF 4 , K 2 ZnCl 4 , &c.) of the form RX 6 ; salts, such as BOC1 3 , KBF 4 , KAlBr 4 , &c., be- longing to the form RX 5 , are found in Group III. The forms of the highest salts belonging to each group, and also the oxide forms, are given by Brauner 1 ; thus, Group i ii in iv v vi vn vin Salt forms RX T RX 6 RX 5 RX 4 RX 3 RX 2 RX /R 2 X \ Oxide forms R 2 O R 2 O 2 R 2 O 3 R 2 O 4 R 2 O 5 R 2 O 6 (R 2 O 7 ) \R Z O J or thus, Salt forms RX 7 RX 6 RX 5 RX 4 RX 3 RX 2 RX /R 2 X \ Oxide forms RX RX 2 RX 3 RX 4 RX 5 RX 6 (RX r ) \RXj The statements generalised in these expressions can be accepted only as rough approximations to general truths. Oxides of the forms given in the table are sometimes less stable than oxides of other forms; e.g. Cu 2 O is less stable than CuO, PbO 8 than PbO, &c. : the form chosen for the highest oxides is sometimes represented by very few if any actually occurring compounds ; thus the form R 2 O 7 , charac- teristic of Group VII., finds its only representative in I 2 O 7 , 1 Sitzberichte der K. Akad. zu Wien, (math-naturwiss, classe) 84. 116-;. CH. III. H3,H4] VALENCY. 24! and the existence of this oxide cannot be regarded as proved. Again, salts belonging to the general expressions given as representing the highest forms are sometimes fairly character- istic of the group, in other cases it is only by a dexterous manipulation of formulae that the existence of such salts can be discovered ; thus a great many well-marked salts of the members of Group V. undoubtedly belong to the form RX 3 , but it is only by having recourse to such a substance as NaOH . 3H 2 O [Na(OH)(OH) 3 H s ] that a salt of the form RX 7 can be found belonging to Group I. Relations can be traced between the general forms of hydrogen and hydroxyl compounds, especially in Groups IV., v., vi., and vu. ; thus, Group Hydrogen compounds e.g. IV RH 4 SiH 4 V RH 3 PH 3 VI RH 2 SH 2 VII RH C1H Hydroxyl compounds e.g. RH 4 O 4 Si(OH) 4 RH 3 4 PO(OH) 3 RH 2 O 4 S0 2 (OH) 2 RHO 4 C1O,(OH) Dalton, and after him Berzelius, sought to elucidate the laws of atomic synthesis ; they strove to find forms capable of expressing the maximum number of atoms of this or that element which could combine to form salts. But much had to be done before these limiting forms could be found : a firm standing ground appears to be now gained in the periodic law ; to build a structure worthy of the foundation must be the work of the future. 14 The valency of the elementary atoms probably varies periodically with the relative weights of these atoms. Thus taking Series 2, and assuming that the atom of lithium is monovalent, it is seen that in this series the valency of the elementary atoms increases from one to four, and again di- minishes from four to one : Li Be B C N O F Valency I 234321. If the evidence were sufficient to warrant the assumption that the valency varies in every series in the same way as in Series 2, we should have in the periodic law a most important aid towards determining the valencies of all the elementary M.C. 1 6 242 THE PERIODIC LAW. [BOOK I. atoms. But the evidence at present available concerning valency does not permit us to make this assumption. A pro- bable value for the valency of an elementary atom may be deduced from the position of the element in the periodic arrangement, but this value must not be considered as final. It has indeed been sought to fix the valencies of elementary atoms from considerations drawn from the positions of these elements in the periodic classification ; but this has been done only by attaching to the term 'valency' a much looser meaning than that which I have attempted to shew must be given if an accurate working hypothesis is to be developed. In applying the periodic law to determine the valencies of elementary atoms, the formulae of oxides and of solid salts generally have been employed as data from which con- clusions might be drawn. But if we define the valency of an atom as the maximum number of other atoms with which the given atom can directly interact in any molecule, then, to deduce valencies from a study of solid salts, we must assume, (i) that the formula of a solid salt certainly represents at least the proportion between the numbers of atoms of each element in the molecule ; (2) that the atom, the valency ot which is to be determined, acts on, and is acted on by, certain other atoms in the molecule in some cases it may be action is assumed between all the atoms, in other cases only between some of the atoms, in the molecule ; and (3) we must assume a value for the valency of each atom, other than the given atom, in the molecule. Thus to take an extreme case, hydrated chloroplatinic acid H PtCl 6 . 6H..O has been re- presented in this way VIII III IV H 2 Pt(-Cl = O = H 2 ) fi ; and the conclusion has been drawn that the platinum atom is octovalent. I have already 1 discussed assumptions (2) and (3^1, and have, I hope, shewn how unsatisfactory any conception of valency must be which in the present state of knowledge is based on the study of other than gaseous compounds. A solid 1 See chapter n, section 3, par. 63. CH. III. I 14, I 1 5] VALENCY. 243 compound is prepared with definite properties; analysis serves to fix the composition ; the atomic weights of the elements in the compound being known, a formula is found : but to assume that this formula necessarily represents the ratio between the numbers of different elementary atoms in the molecule of this compound, is I think more than a fair in- ference from the facts. For is not this to assume that the ' chemical unit ' of the solid compound is a molecule, whereas it may very probably be a group of molecules ? The defini- tion of ' molecule ' is a physical definition, and is strictly applicable only to gaseous bodies. The properties of a solid may be the properties of a number of little definite parts, each of which decomposes into two or more simpler groups (molecules) when the solid is gasified ; the ratio between the numbers of atoms in the true molecules may be different from the ratio between the numbers of atoms in those groups of molecules, which form the building-stones of the solid compound 1 . But it may be urged that a much wider meaning ought to be given to the term valency. Better, I would reply, employ another term or other terms. Let us make as much use of valency as we can ; so far as it goes it is definite, with- out it the chemistry of carbon compounds especially could not have made the advances which it has made. But it is not all. A suggestion, which seems fairly probable, has been made to the effect that the maximum valencies of the atoms increase from the members of Group I. to those of Group VII., but that the valency actually exhibited in the majority of gaseous compounds varies from a minimum in Group I. to a maximum in Group IV., and then decreases to a minimum in Group VII. .15 In applying the periodic law to the case of an individual element, it is necessary in the first place to consider the properties both of the group and the series to which the element belongs ; then the position of the element in the group and series must be considered ; the relations of other 1 The experiments of Hittorf on the electrolysis of aqueous solutions of cadmium iodide are very suggestive (see ante, p. 215). 1 6 2 244 THE PERIODIC LAW. [BOOK I. elements, situated similarly to the specified element, to the other members of their groups and series must also be con- sidered, and these relations must be compared with those of the special element under consideration ; and finally the re- lations of group to group and of series to series in the entire scheme must be looked to. The method is strictly com- parative. It is necessary to study classes of elements and compounds, and to compare class with class and individual with individual, before just conclusions can be drawn 1 . The periodic law emphasises the existence of typical forms for the compounds of elements ; it points to limiting values for the numbers of atoms which can be associated together in groups. It teaches the importance, in the chemistry of solid and liquid compounds, of the law of multiple proportions. It reminds us that at present we must study the properties of groups of compounds, that we must sum up these properties in the simplest possible formulae, and that the whole chemical history of each compound must determine the form to be given to the symbol by which we express that history. It tells us that although we do not know whether such formulae do or do not represent the relative weights of the molecules of the bodies formulated, nevertheless these formulae can be classified under a few types ; and that thus a certain amount of order can be introduced into the classification of solid and liquid compounds, general conclusions can be drawn, and pre- dictions can be made which may be submitted to the test of experiment. And while doing this, the periodic law keeps before us the necessity of from time to time modifying our scheme of classification ; it reminds us that a typical classifi- cation is of necessity temporary, but that just by reason of its elasticity it is suited to the present needs of the chemistry of solid and liquid substances 2 . 1 The student should work out some cases in detail ; say lead in Group iv., antimony in Group v., and cadmium in Group n. 2 It is interesting to observe in the applications of the periodic law the survival, in modified and more precise form, of the old conception of the element as an essence or principle, capable of impressing on all substances into which it entered properties sufficiently definite to mark off these substances from all others which did not contain this principle. CHAP. III. 115] SUMMARY. 245 An interesting paper on the periodic law, especially as applied to the clas- sification cf elements and compounds, by T. Bayley, will be found in Phil. Mag. (5) 13. 26. Other important papers on the same subject, by Carnelley, are published in Phil. Mag. (5). 18. i et seq.\ do. do. (5). 20. 259. In these papers the periodic law is illustrated by considering the melting and boiling points, and to some extent also the heats of formation, of the halogen compounds of the elements, and also the compounds of elements with organic radicles, and also the occurrence in nature of the elements, and the relations between the colours of compounds and the atomic weights of their constituent elements; and the facts thus obtained are applied to determine the values to be assigned to the atomic weights of various elements, and also the positions of these elements in the general scheme of classification based on the law in question. [BOOK i. CHAPTER IV. APPLICATIONS OF PHYSICAL METHODS TO QUESTIONS OF CHEMICAL STATICS. 116 CHEMISTRY being a more concrete science than physics must of necessity derive help in solving its problems from the use of physical methods of investigation ; but while using such methods the chemist ought not to forget that his aim is to find answers to chemical, not to physical, questions. Minute descriptions of physical processes and details of physical experiments are not demanded in a treatise on physical chemistry; much less is there required elaborate enunciations of the methods of calculation employed in physical researches. Such things give, it is true, an appear- ance of great accuracy and profound knowledge ; but the ap- parently accurate knowledge and full discussion of physical details too frequently serves as an excuse for loose state- ments and superficial generalisations regarding those vital chemical questions for answering which so vast a collection of 'precautionary and vehiculatory gear' has been provided. In attempting to give an outline of the more important appli- cations of physical methods to chemistry one is also liable to err in the other direction : vague statements to the effect that the boiling points of homologous hydrocarbons exhibit constant differences, or that the chemical constitution of carbon compounds is intimately connected with their optical activity, or that chemical actions which involve a degradation of energy in the reacting systems frequently occur, state- ments such as these are utterly inadequate. CH. IV. 1 1 6, 1 1/] APPLICATIONS OF PHYSICAL METHODS. 247 I cannot hope to avoid both dangers : but I may venture to believe that the contents of the present chapter will be of some assistance to those who attempt to gain clear con- ceptions of some of the important phenomena forming the subject-matter of physical chemistry. Some of the physical methods employed by the chemist as aids in attempts to solve the questions of chemical statics have been considered in the foregoing chapters of this book ; in addition to these I shall consider the following; (i) ther- mal methods, (2) optical methods, (3) methods which in- volve measurements of the volumes of reacting substances, (4) methods based on determinations of 'etherification-values', and (5) a few miscellaneous methods. SECTION I. T formal Methods*. 117 The principle of the conservation of energy lies at the root of all thermo-chemical investigation. When two or more chemical substances react so as to produce a new system, or new systems, of substances, mechanical work may be done by expansion, electrical currents may be produced, heat may be generated, and energy may be lost to the system in the forms of sound or radiant heat. The sum of these various kinds of energy, together with the energy re- maining in the final system, must be equal to the energy which was present in the original system. A very large part of the energy set free during chemical changes generally leaves the changing systems in the form of heat; hence, measurements of the quantities of heat produced during definite chemical processes afford valuable information with 1 The principal text-books on the subject are NAUMANN'S Lehr- und Hand- bitch tier Thermochemie (1882). THOMSEN'S l^hermochemische Untersuchungen, containing in a systematic form the work of many years which has hitherto been scattered through various memoirs, 4 vols. (1882-86). BERTHELOT'S Essai de Mi'caniqne Chimiqite fondcc snr la Thennochiinit:, i vols. (1879) with supple- ment. JAHN'S Die Grundsdtze der Thermochemie (1882). PATTISON MUIR'S The Elements of Thermal Chemistry (1885). The first book of the second volume of OSTWALD'S Lehrbuch der Allgentfiiun Choiric is devoted to thermal chemistry (1887). 248 THERMAL METHODS. [BOOK I. respect to the differences between the amounts of energy possessed by the systems in their original and final states. To measure such differences of energy is the primary aim of thermal chemistry. We are accustomed to conceive of most chemical changes as divisible broadly into two parts, (i) separation of molecules into atoms, (2) re-arrangement of atoms to form new mole- cules. We picture to ourselves the final arrangement of the atoms as 'dependent on the nature of these atoms, and on their relative positions in the molecules which composed the original system, that is to say, we picture the progress of mutual actions and reactions among the separated atoms. We know little, or nothing, of the causes of this re-arrange- ment ; but we are accustomed to say that the atoms interact because of their mutual affinities. A consideration of the circumstances under which chemical changes proceed and of the connexions between these and the thermal changes which accompany them will, I think, make it evident that measurements of the quantities of heat pro- duced during chemical occurrences do not represent measure- ments of the 'chemical affinities !1 of the reacting atoms ; but these measurements do enable us to draw conclusions as to the constitution of chemical substances, and the general laws of chemical change. The bearing of thermochemical measurements on the subjects of affinity and chemical equilibrium in general will be considered in the second book : in the present section I pro- pose to give a very brief sketch of the methods of thermal chemistry, and an outline of the more important results ob- tained relating to allotropy, isomerism, nascent state, and other phenomena of chemical statics, referring the student for more detailed information and discussion to my Elements of Thermal Chemistry. 118 The notation of thermal chemistry used by Thomsen is very simple: the formulae of the reacting substances are enclosed in a square bracket, and each formula is separated from the other by a comma. The formulae are always taken 1 See post, Book n. CHAP. IV. 1 1 8] NOTATION OF THERMAL CHEMISTRY. 249 to represent so many grams of the substances. The unit of heat adopted is that quantity which raises the temperature of i gram of water at about 18 C. through i C. The signs + and are used to express quantities of heat produced or which disappear. Thomsen writes the figure expressing the number of atoms of each element above the symbol of that element 1 . Thus, the formula [H 2 , Cl 2 ] =44,000 + , means that a quantity of heat, sufficient to raise the temperature of 4/1,000 grams of water at about 18 through i, is produced during the chemical process represented in ordinary notation by H 2 +C1 2 =2HC1, the quantities of hydrogen and chlorine being taken in grams. The symbol Aq, separated by a comma from another symbol, means that a large excess of water is present and that its effect in the total thermal change is taken into account; thus, [HC1, Aq] = 17,320 + , means that 17,320 gram-units of heat are produced during the solution of 36*5 grams of hydrochloric acid in a quantity of water so large that addition of more water would not affect the thermal value of the reaction. [H 2 , Cl 2 , Aq] = 61,320+, means that the combination of 2 grams of hydrogen with 71 grams of chlorine in the presence of an unlimited amount of water is attended with the production of 61,320 gram-units of heat. [HClAq, KOHAq]= 13,750 + , means that when 36*5 grams of HC1 dissolved in a large excess of water react with 56 grams of KOH, also dissolved in a large excess of water, 13,750 gram-units of heat are produced. The symbol H 2 O is used as in ordinary notation to repre- sent 1 8 grams of water ; thus (1) [Mn, O 2 , SO 2 , 4H 2 O] = 190,810+; (2) [MnSO 4 4H 2 O, Aq]= 1770+; mean, (i) that in the formation of the amount, in grams, of crystallised manganous sulphate expressed by the formula MnSO 4 4H 2 O, from the amounts, in grams, of manganese, 1 Thomsen appears to be the only chemist who systematically writes the indices above the symbols of elements in the formulas of thermal chemistry. Thomsen also sometimes uses the colon in place of the comma to express chemical reaction between the substances whose formulae are separated by this symbol. 250 THERMAL METHODS. [BOOK I. oxygen, sulphur dioxide, and water, expressed by the respec- tive formulae Mn, O 2 , SO 2 , and 4H 2 O, 190,810 gram-units of heat are produced: (2) that 1770 gram-units of heat are produced in the solution of the foregoing number of grams of crystallised manganous sulphate in an unlimited quantity of water. Generally then 1 , let r=the thermal value of a chemical change : let the change be the formation of a definite amount of a compound 2 viz. (X a Y 6 Z c ), consisting of a parts by weight of the element X, b parts by weight of the element Y, and c parts by weight of the element Z; then r=[X", Y", Z'-} (i). Let the compound X a Y b Z c be produced as before, but in presence of a large excess of water which holds it in solution ; then r=[X*, Y", Z<, Aq] (2). Let the substance X a Y b Z c already existing be dissolved in an unlimited amount of water; then r=[*-I"Z<, Aq] (3). Let the compound XYbe decomposed by the element Z with formation of XZ and Y ; we get the expression r=[XY,Z] = [X,Z]-[X, Y] (4), that is, the total thermal change consists of two parts, (a) the heat used in separating XY into X + Y, and (b) the heat produced in the union of X and Z to form XZ. Finally let the compound XY react with the compound VZ to produce XZ and VY; the value of r is found by the formula r=[X,Z} + [V, Y]-[X, Y]-[V,Z] (5). Equations (i) to (3) have already been illustrated. As an example of the use of (4) we may take the reaction of zinc with hydrochloric acid whereby zinc chloride and hydrogen are produced ; [Zn, 2HClAq] = [Zn, CPAq]-2[H, ClAq]; 1 Thomsen, Thermochemische Untersuc/iungen, 1. 5 et seq. 2 In many cases we may use the term ' molecule ' in place of ' definite amount ', and 'atom' in place of 'parts by weight': but as we shall frequently deal with solids and liquids it is better at present not to speak of atoms and molecules. CH. IV. I 1 8] NOTATION OF THERMAL CHEMISTRY. 25 I or that of iron with a solution of copper sulphate to produce ferrous sulphate and copper ; [CuSO 4 Aq, Fe] = [Fe, SO 4 Aq]-[Cu, SO 4 Aq]. As an illustration of (5) the decomposition of PbO by H 2 S resulting in the production of PbS and H 2 O, may be used ; [PbO, H^S] = [Pb, S] + [H 2 , O]-[Pb, O]-[H 2 , S]. Ostwald (Lehrbuch) uses a system of notation which expresses more facts about each reaction than that em- ployed by Thomsen. The latter does not indicate the pro- ducts of the chemical change the thermal value of which is stated. Ostwald employs the ordinary notation, but sup- plements each equation by a statement of the quantity of heat which is produced or disappears in the reaction : he also uses three kinds of type to express the state of aggregation of the various bodies. A symbol printed in thick type indicates a solid, ordinary type indicates a liquid, and italics shew a gas. The following examples illustrate Ostwald's system. (1) H 2 +Cl.i=2JfCl+ 44,000. (2) 2fftS+ 2l 2 = 4 //7+ 28 - 34,000. (3) 2H 2 SAq + 2l2Aq = 4HIAq + 2S + 34,ooo. These equations tell (i) that the sum of the internal energies of 2 grams of gaseous hydrogen and 71 grams of gaseous chlorine exceeds the internal energy of 73 grams of gaseous hydrochloric acid by a quantity equal to 44,000 gram-units of heat, and (2) and (3) that the sum of the internal energies of 68 grams of gaseous sulphuretted hydrogen and 508 grams of solid iodine is equal to that of 512 grams of gaseous hydriodic acid and 64 grams of solid sulphur diminished by 34,400 gram-units of heat, but that the sum of the energies of the same masses of hydrogen sulphide and iodine in dilute aqueous solution exceeds the sum of the energies of the same mass as before of hydriodic acid in dilute aqueous solution and the same mass as before of solid sulphur by 34,400 gram-units of heat. If it is required to indicate a particular temperature at which one or other of the reacting bodies is caused to take part in 2$2 THERMAL METHODS. [BOOK I. the reaction, this is done by Ostwald by putting the number indicating the temperature in small figures in a bracket below the symbol of the body; thus S (2 o) means 3 2 grams of solid sulphur at 20; 2S (m) means 64 grams of gaseous sulphur at 600. The value of the thermal change accompanying a change of state, or a change of the same body from one temperature to another, may be very easily indicated by using Ostwald's system of notation. Thus H 2 O (0) = H 2 + 1440, or wnat is tne same thing H 2 O (0) H 2 0(o) = 1 44> tells that the change from 1 8 grams of liquid water at o to the same mass of solid water at the same temperature is accompanied by the pro- duction of 1440 gram-units of heat. Again Cu a oo) = Cu (U ) + 600 tells that 6y5 grams of solid copper at 100 contain energy equal to 600 gram-units of heat more than 63-5 grams of solid copper at o. Both Thomsen's and Ostwald's system of notation will be used in this book ; the latter especially when it is desired to indicate, shortly and clearly, differences in the states of aggregation of the reacting bodies. 119 A distinction has been drawn between so-called exothermic and endothennic changes ; the former are accompanied by production, the latter by disappearance, of heat. Let (P a Q b ] represent the energy in a compound formed of a parts of element P and b parts of element Q: let (/**) and (<2*) represent the energy in a parts of P, and in b parts of Q, respectively; then, inasmuch as the energy in any system resulting from a definite chemical change is equal to the difference between the energy in the original system from which it was produced and that lost to the system during the process, it follows that assuming that the heat produced in the formation of P a Q" measures the total loss of energy ; and therefore (P") + (Q*) > (/>*). This equation represents an exothermic change. But in some cases a chemical change occurs only when heat is added to the changing system from without ; in such a case CHAP. IV. IIQ] EXOTHERMIC AND ENDOTHERMIC. 253 and therefore (P a ] + (Q*) < (P"Q?}- This equation represents an endothermic change. In some cases, a chemical reaction which seems to be accompanied by disappearance of heat is found, on more careful study, to form one member of a series of changes the thermal sum of which is represented by a positive quantity. Indeed any chemical reaction is a most complex phenome- non when regarded from the thermal point of view; physical changes (expansion or contraction, passage from solid to liquid or gas, or vice versa, &c., &c.) form part of the total change the thermal value of which is set down in a lump sum. The purely chemical part of the change may be ac- companied by disappearance of heat, while the complete occurrence may involve the production of heat. The following example will serve to illustrate the use of the terms endothermic and exothermic. Naumann l shewed that no action occurs when dry sul- phuretted hydrogen is passed into a solution of iodine in dry carbon disulphide, but that as soon as water is added, hy- driodic acid and sulphur are produced. The reaction 2H 2 S + 2l 2 = 4HI + S 2 (gaseous) (solid) (gaseous) (solid) would be thermally represented as [2ff*S, 2l 2 ] = 4 \ff, /] - 2 [H\ 8] = 24800 - 9200 = - 34,000. When water is present, the reaction 2H 2 S + 2l 2 = 4HI + S 2 (in solution) (in solution) (in solution) (solid) would be thermally represented as 2 [2H*SAq, 2l 2 Aq] = 4 \H, I, Aq] - 2 [// 2 , S, Aq] = 52,800- 18400 = 34,400 + . The reaction of dry sulphuretted hydrogen with dry iodine would be markedly endothermic ; but when this change is made 1 Her. 2. 177; and Annalen 181. 145. - No notice is taken in these thermal expressions of the change, if any, which accompanies the decomposition of 2!, and the production of S 2 . See post, pars. 122, 132. 254 THERMAL METHODS. [BOOK I. one of a series the thermal value of which, taken as a whole, is positive, then the complete cycle of change proceeds rapidly. But the more concentrated an aqueous solution of hydri- odic acid becomes the less heat is there produced on each addition of the acid, until the specific gravity of the liquid is i'56, after which no more heat is produced 1 ; the liquid is saturated. If therefore the hydriodic acid formed in the foregoing reaction is allowed to accumulate in the liquid, no more water being added, a point will be reached at which the sum of the thermal changes is equal to zero ; at this point the chemical change stops, but proceeds again on the addi- tion of a little water. It is possible to obtain an aqueous solution of hydriodic acid of specific gravity r6/ ; if sulphur is shaken with this liquid a little sulphuretted hydrogen and iodine are produced, i.e. the change S 2 + 4HI = 2H 2 S + I 2 (solid) (concentrated) (solution) (solution) proceeds until the hydriodic acid becomes reduced to specific gravity 1-56, when equilibrium is again established. Portions of this cycle of change are exothermic, other portions are endothermic. Variation of the mass of one of the members of the changing system determines whether the thermal value of the complete change shall be positive or negative, and also determines the direction in which the change shall proceed. This reaction may be taken as typical of most if not all chemical processes. Such processes consist of portions having positive thermal values and portions having negative values ; small variations in the conditions may determine whether the process as a whole shall belong to the class of exothermic or to that of endothermic changes. Too much stress has been laid by one school of chemists on the differences between exothermic and endothermic changes. 120 Direct measurements of the thermal changes which ac- company chemical changes can only be made in a few simple cases ; it is generally necessary to have recourse to indirect methods. 1 This liquid contains about 25 per cent, of HI. CHAP. IV. 120] CALCULATIONS. 255 All the calculations rest on the following deduction from the theory of energy. The total change of energy which accompanies the passage of a chemical system from a definite initial to a definite final state is independent of the intermediate states. The total change of energy is of course measured by the heat which is produced or disappears, and the work done by, or on, the system in its passage from one state to the other. But for our purpose the energy given out in forms other than that of heat may be overlooked, and we may put the statement in this form ; the total thermal change during a chemical process is dependent only on the initial and final states of the chemical system 1 . In applying this statement, it is necessary to arrange series of reactions each beginning with the same materials in the same conditions and ending with the same products under the same conditions ; all the processes which form one of the cycles of change must be capable of calorimetrical measure- ment, and all the processes in the other cycle, except that one the thermal value of which is to be determined, must also be capable of measurement by the calorimeter : if this be done, it follows from the principle just stated that the difference between the total thermal values of the two cycles of changes represents the thermal value of that special portion of one of the cycles which it is wished to determine. Each cycle may however consist of various parts, so that it is sometimes a little difficult to unravel all the changes, and to find that portion of one cycle the thermal value of which has to be determined by calculation. I shall now give some examples to shew how the thermal values of various chemical changes are deduced from the results of experiments. A. It is required to determine the thermal value of the synthesis of CH 2 O 2 from C, H a , and O 2 . We start with 12 grams of carbon, 2 of hydrogen, and 48 of oxygen; these combine to form 18 grams of water, 1 The truth of this generalisation was first proved experimentally by Hess in \%V>(Pogg. 50. 38 si). 256 THERMAL METHODS. [BOOK I. and 44 grams of carbon dioxide (C + H 2 + O 3 = CO 2 + H 2 O). But the same quantities of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen might be (theoretically) combined to form 46 grams of formic acid and 16 grams of oxygen, and the formic acid could then be oxidised, by the oxygen, to form 18 grams of water and 44 grams of carbon dioxide. Stated in formulae these changes are (i) C + H 2 + 2 =CH 2 O 2 ; (2) CH 2 O 2 + O = CO 2 + H 2 0. The following are the thermal values of the different portions of these changes : [C, 02] = 96,960+ : [H*, 0] = 68,360+ : [CH 2 O 2 , 0]= 65,900 + but [0, 2 ] + [// 2 , 0] = [0, H\ 2 ] + [CH 2 2 , 0]= 165,320+ .-. [0, H*, 02]=[C, 2 ] + [// 2 , 0]-[CH 2 2 , 0]= 99,420 + . B. A rather more complicated example is furnished by the determination of the thermal values of the actions (i) [H, Br], (2) [H, I] ; i.e. of the reactions whereby HBr and HI are conceived to be formed from their elements. (i) [H, Br]. The data are [If, C/, Aq] = 39,300; [HBr, Aq]= 19,900*: therefore assuming that [If, Br, Aq] = [//, C/, Aq] it follows that [H, Br] = 39,300- 19,900=19,400. But is the formation of an aqueous solution of HBr from H, Br, and water, attended with the same thermal change as accompanies the formation of an aqueous solution of HC1 from H, Cl, and water? Or, if this assumption is not justified by facts, what is the difference between the thermal values of the two changes ? Now, in the first place, the thermal values of the formation of KC1 and KBr in aqueous solution are equal, i.e. [KOHAq, HClAq] = [KOHAq, HBrAq]. 1 When no + or sign is given it is to be understood that heat is evolved. CH. IV. 120] CALCULATIONS. 257 But the replacement of Br by Cl is attended with production of a considerable quantity of heat ; the data here are [KBrAq, Cf]= 11,500. Now if we analyse this change we find that the thermal expression when expanded becomes [K, Cl, Aq] + [5r, Aq] - [K, Br, Aq]= 1 1,500 : but [Br, Aq] = 50o: .'. [K, Cl, Aq] - [K, Br, Aq]= 1 1,500 - 500= 1 1,000. That is to say, the replacement of Br by Cl in aqueous solu- tion is represented by the thermal value 1 1 ,000 units, and as the heat of neutralisation, in aqueous solution, of KOH by HC1 is equal to that of KOH by HBr, it follows that [H, Br, Aq] = [#, Cl, Aq]- 11,000=28,300 : and as {HBr, Aq] = 19,900, it follows that [H, Br] = 8,400. (2) [H, I]. The data are [H, Cl, Aq] = 39,300 ; [HI, Aq]= 19,200. Now [KOHAq, HIAq] = [KOHAq, HClAqj-yo: also [KIAq, C/] = 26,2oo (iodine separating as solid): .'. replacement of I by Cl is accompanied by production of 26,200 70 = 26,130 units : .'. [H, I, Aq] = [H, Cl, Aq] - 26,130= 13,170 : and as [HI, Aq] = 1 9,200 it follows that [H, I]= 13,170- 19,200 = - 6030. The calculations of the tieats of formation of compounds are all based on the principle we are now discussing. C. Thus, required the heat of formation of methane (CH 4 ). We start with the two systems (i) C + 4#, (2) // 4 . Each is completely oxidised to the same final products, viz. CV9 8 + 2H S O; the difference between the quantities of heat produced in these two changes is called the heat of formation of CH 4 . Thus, [0, 2 ] = 96,900 : 2 [H 2 , 0} = 1 36,800 : sum = 233,700 but [CH*, Q 4 ] = 213,500 /. [0, H*]= 20,200. M.C. 17 258 THERMAL METHODS. [BOOK I. As it is important that a definite meaning should be attached to the expression 'heat of formation,' a few more examples are given. D. Required the thermal value of the reaction \H, C, N\ that is, of the reaction whereby HCN may be conceived to be formed from its elements. Data; [C, <9 2 ] = 96,900: $[f? 2 , 0] = 34,200: sum= 131,100 (N is incombustible] but [CNH, |O]= 159,500 .-. [G,N,HY=- 28,400. E. Required the thermal value of the reaction [TV 2 , O\. Data ; the reaction G + 2N Z O=2N Z + CO 2 when expanded thermally is [0, 2N*0]=[C, 0*\-2[N\ 0]= 1 33,900: but G + 2Nz+O 2 =COz+'2N. t i.e. [0, iN\ O 2 ]=[C, O 2 .-. 2[N*, O]=- 37,000 F. Required the thermal value of the reaction [N, O~\. Data; CN+2NO=CO 2 + ^N, or in thermal notation [CN, 2NO] = [C, O 2 ] - [C, N]-2 [N, O] = 1 74,600 : but CN+O 2 =CO 2 + N, or in thermal notation [CN, 0*] = [C, 0*]-[C, ^=130,900 .-. 2[N, O]=- 43,7oo: .-. [IV, 0]= -21,850. The heat of formation of a substance will of course vary according as the substance is formed in the gaseous, liquid, or solid, state, and also according to the temperature of formation. The following examples will illustrate this. G. Required the thermal value of the formation of aldehyde from its elements, i.e. of the reaction [C 2 , //*, O], when the aldehyde is (a) liquid, (b] gaseous. (a) Liquid: data, but 2[C, C> 2 ] + 2[/^ 2 , O] =330,600 = 55,100 1 The transference of N from the molecule N 2 to the molecule HCN is assumed to be accompanied by no thermal change. See post par. 132. 3 The CO 2 produced is gaseous; the heat of formation of liquid CO 2 is un- known, CH. IV. I2O, I2l] CALCULATIONS. 259 (b) Gaseous: data, [C 2 tf*O, 6> 5 ] = 266,000; and 2 [H-, O}= 117,400: .-. [C a + # 4 + = C 2 /f 4 0] = 45,200. H. If the products of a reaction are gaseous and are maintained at a high temperature, it becomes necessary to introduce corrections for the specific heats, and heats of vaporisation, of these products, into the calculation of the thermal value of the reaction. Thus, required the thermal value of the reaction [C* 2 // 2 , O 6 ] at 150. Data, C 2 //2 + at ordinary temperatures (20) \C*H\ O 5 ]=2[C, but thermal capacity of 2 gram-molecules of CO 2 for tem- perature-interval 20 150 = 2482 units. /() imol.liquidH 2 O20 ioo=i8x8o= 1440 thermal capacity of (b) heat of vaporisation of do. at 100 i gram-molecule -< = 18x536-5 = 9657 of H 2 O \(c) thermal capacity of i mol. steam \ 100 150 = i8x 50x0-4805 = 432 total= 1401 1 units. 260 THERMAL METHODS. [BOOK I. !X= Cl = 30,000 units. X=Br= 4,800 . X=I =-18,000 . The reverse action in the case of iodine, viz. C 2 H 3 I O 2 + HI= C 2 H 4 O 2 + 1 2 is represented thermally thus, [C 2 H 3 IO 2 , /T/] = i8,ooo. This action occurs provided a concentrated aqueous solu- tion of hydriodic acid is employed. Now 2# = 12,400. But [2///, Aq] = 38,000 : hence it follows that in the decomposition of 2//7 into H^+ 1 2 in dilute solution 38,000 12,400 = 25,600 units of heat would disappear. These thermal numbers shew that the process which is accompanied by a large loss of energy occurs, whereas that which would involve gain of energy to the system does not occur. But why does a concentrated aqueous solution of hydriodic acid act as an energetic reducing agent ? We have already learned (p. 254) that little or no heat is produced during the absorption and solution of gaseous hydriodic acid by a solution of that gas containing about 20 25 per cent, of HI ; hence a concentrated solution of this compound contains a considerable quantity of HI, as distinguished from HIAq. But the numbers given above shew that HI contains much more energy than HIAq ; hence a concentrated aqueous solution of hydriodic acid is much more energetic than a dilute solution of the same compound 1 . The following tables 2 contain thermal data for discussing the action of sulphuretted hydrogen as a reagent for precipi- tating certain metals from acid solutions, and other metals only from neutral or alkaline solutions. 1 See Naumann, Thermochemie, 495 and 501. 2 See Naumann, loc. cit. 505 510. CH. IV. I2l] CLASSIFICATION. 261 TABLE I. Base Reaction CdO PbO CuO HgO T1 2 O Cu 2 O Ag 2 O [Base 2HClAq, ) , H 2 SAq] J (l) 27 ' 3 29)2 3I ' 7 45 ' 3 38}5 38 ' 5 58 ' 5 ^ 2 ' 3 I5 ' 4 IS ' 3 I9 ' 27)5 I4>7 42 ' 6 (i)-(2)= + 7,000 13,800 16,400 26,300 11,000 23,800 15,900 TABLE II. Base Reaction Cdo" PbO CuO HgO T1 2 O Cu 2 O Ag,6 [Base, tf 2 S] (1)32,100 34,000 36,500 50,000 43,300 43,300 63,300 [Base, zHCl\ (2) 55,000 50,000 50,000 53,500 62,200 49,300 77,200 (i)- (2)= -22,900 16,000 13,500 3,500 18,900 6,000 13,900 TABLE III. Base Reaction MnO.H 2 O FeO.H 2 O NiO.H 2 O CoO.H 2 O ZnO.H 2 O a2 t 1 ) 10 >7 I ^ 6o l8 ' 6o I 74QO 18,600 [Base Aq, ) . 2HClAq] J (2) 23 ' 00 2I ' 4 22 ' 6 (l) - (2)= - 12,300 6,800 4,000 3,700 1,700 To illustrate the application of these data, take the case of cadmium. (1) [CdO2HClAq, H 2 SAq] = 27,300: i.e. the thermal change which occurs when aqueous H S S reacts on a dilute solution of CdO in HC1 is represented by the production of 27,300 units. (2) [CdO Aq, 2HClAq] = 20,300: i.e. the thermal change which would occur if CdO in aqueous solution were neutralised by a dilute solution of HC1 would be represented by the production of 20,300 units. The former number exceeds the latter by 7,000, .'. the action of H 2 S, in solution, on CdO, in dilute HC1 solution, is accompanied by the production of 7,000 units of heat; this action readily occurs. But [CdO, H*S] = 32,100 ; and [CdO, 2/TC7] = 55,000: i.e. the formation of CdS, by the action of gaseous H 2 S on solid CdO, is accompanied by the production of 22,900 units of 262 THERMAL METHODS. [BOOK I. heat less than attends the action of gaseous HC1 on CdO ; now solid CdS is decomposed by gaseous HC1 with formation of CdCl 2 . Moreover the numbers [2HCt, Aq] = 34,600; whereas [H 2 S, Aq] = 4,800 shew, that gaseous hydrochloric acid possesses an excess of energy measured by about 34,000 thermal units above what it possesses when in dilute solution, whereas the excess of energy of an equivalent mass of gaseous H 2 S above that possessed by H 2 SAq is measured by about 5000 thermal units. But the more concentrated an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid, the less is the quantity of heat produced by adding hydrochloric acid gas to that solution ; in other words, a concentrated aqueous solution of this acid is nearly as energetic a reagent, provided it is used in sufficient quantity, as gaseous hydrochloric acid. Hence we should conclude, and our conclusion is verified by experiment, that cadmium sulphide will be decomposed by concentrated aqueous hydrochloric acid. The case of antimony is especially interesting. Antimony sulphide is decomposed by aqueous hydrochlo- ric acid of greater concentration than HC1.6H 2 O; but if more water than this is present, antimony chloride is decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen. Hence the two reactions may occur until a state of equilibrium is established, which is conditioned by the relative energies of the components, and this again is conditioned by the relative masses of these components, temperature being constant throughout. 122 We have been accustomed to regard most processes of chemical change as consisting of two parts, (i) decomposition of the molecules forming the initial system, (2) rearrangement of the atoms thus produced to form the new molecules which compose the final system. The first part of a change, as thus regarded, must be accompanied by gain of energy to the entire system, and the latter part by loss of energy. The gain may exceed the loss, or vice versa ; the process as a CH. IV. 122, 123] ATOMS AND MOLECULES. 263 whole may be endothermic or exothermic. In the preceding paragraphs of this section no attempt has been made to separate the thermal values of these two parts of any change ; the numbers given in these paragraphs represent the algebraic sums of two or more quantities. In some cases the chemical changes are represented in formulae which are undoubtedly molecular, but in most cases we have dealt with solid or liquid substances, and the thermal values assigned to the various changes must therefore generally be regarded as only measuring the quantities of heat produced or used during the reactions, as defined in the equations, between those masses of the various chemical substances which are ex- pressed by their formulae when read in grams. But if relative measurements of the gains of energy which accompany the formation of atomic, from molecular, systems, could be obtained, much light would certainly be thrown on many questions which have been discussed or alluded to in preceding chapters. 123 Thomsen 1 has attempted to calculate the quantity of heat required to separate the molecule of carbon, assumed to be di- atomic, into atoms ; his results and methods cannot be accepted as conclusive 2 . The 'heat of dissociation ' of a carbon atom is supposed by Thomsen to be equal to about 37,000 gram-units. E. Wiedemann 3 has measured the heat required to change the 'band spectrum' of hydrogen into the 'line spectrum'; and, on the assumption that the ' line spectrum ' is associated with vibrations of atoms and the ' band spectrum ' with vibrations of molecules, he has calculated that about 128,000 gram-units of heat are required in order to separate I gram- molecule of hydrogen into its constituent atoms ; and that a greater quantity of heat than this is required in the case of the molecule of nitrogen. Thomsen and Wiedemann have shewn that more energy is almost certainly associated with a mass of hydrogen, 1 Ber. 13. 1321 and 1388. Do. 15. 328. See also Thermochemische Untersuch- ungen, 2. 101 et seq. 2 See The Elements of Thermal Chemistry > pars. 73 75: see also post par. 134. 3 Wied. Ann. C. 500, and do. 18. 509. 264 THERMAL METHODS. [BOOK I. nitrogen, or gaseous carbon, when the greater part of the matter is in the state of atoms than when in the state of molecules ; in other words, their investigations furnish physi- cal evidence in favour of the generally adopted explanation of nascent actions. 124 Some of the reactions of metals with acids were considered in Chap. II. pars. 42 to 44. Thermal measurements help to elucidate these actions. If the heats of formation in aqueous solution of the sul- phates of silver, thallium, copper, cadmium, mercury, nickel, cobalt, iron, manganese, and zinc, are compared with the heat of formation of sulphuric acid in aqueous solution, it is found that the former values are greater than the latter except in the cases of copper and silver : i.e. for the heavy metals [M(or M 2 ), 0\ S0\ Aq] > \H\ O\ SO 2 , Aq], except when M = Cu or M 2 = Ag 2 ; hence we might expect the heavy metals, except copper and silver, to decompose dilute sulphuric acid with evolution of hydrogen. When M 2 = T1 2 .the positive value of the difference in question is not large (1,900 units); the action between this metal and dilute sulphuric acid does not proceed rapidly. But when the acid is concentrated action is more energetic ; now inasmuch as the heat of solution of H 2 SO 4 is large [H 2 SO 4 , Aq]=i7,ooo it follows that a given mass of concentrated sulphuric acid contains considerably more energy than the same mass of dilute acid, and hence the concentrated acid will probably be less chemically stable than the dilute. The reaction of thallium with the concentrated acid results in the production of some sulphur dioxide. Now the change H 8 SO 4 + H 2 = SO 2 +2H 2 O (assuming that this expresses the origin of the sulphur dioxide) is accompanied by the pro- duction of 14,900 units of heat. This change is represented thermally thus, [H 2 S0 4 , ^ = [ If the temperature is raised the acid becomes more con- centrated, and at a certain stage sulphuretted hydrogen is CH. IV. 1 24] ACTION OF ACIDS ON METALS. 265 evolved. This action is thermally probable, because H 2 S0 4 +H 2 = i when expanded thermally, is = 23,700 units. A similar treatment of the action of copper on sulphuric acid shews that this metal would probably not decompose the acid when dilute, but that the metal might be expected to react slowly with concentrated acid, provided one of the products were sulphur dioxide ; because when expanded thermally, is [Cu, 2H 2 S0 4 ]=[Cu, S0\ 0*} + 2[ff*, O\-2\H\ O\ SO 2 ] = 4,500 units. The quantity of heat set free in this action will in reality considerably exceed 5000 units, because heat will be produced by the action between the sulphuric acid and the water formed in the change ; the amount of heat thus liberated may amount to as much as 8,000 or 9,000 units per gram-molecule of water. The fact that the mutual action of sulphuric acid and water is accompanied by the production of much heat compli- cates such calculations as those given above. The relations between the masses of H 2 SO 4 and H 8 O employed will cer- tainly condition the direction and progress of the change. Starting with the system H s SO 4 + cH 2 O + #H 2 , for a certain concentration of acid the final configuration will be SO 2 and H 2 O, for another concentration of acid it will rather be H 2 S and H 2 O, or SO 2 , H 2 S, and H 2 O. The action will also of course be conditioned by temperature. If the foregoing considerations are correct, it follows that any metal which reacts with dilute sulphuric acid with evolu- tion of hydrogen, might fairly be expected to react with the same acid to produce sulphuretted hydrogen or sulphur dioxide under certain conditions of temperature and con- centration ; zinc and tin certainly do produce both of these gases by their action on hot concentrated sulphuric acid 1 . 1 See p. 103. The subject of the reactions of metals with acids is treated from the thermal standpoint in pars. 120 122 of The Elements of Thermal Chemistry. 266 THERMAL METHODS. [BOOK I. 125 From what we have learned regarding atomic and mole- cular systems, and from a consideration of the preceding paragraphs of this section, it follows almost necessarily that the change from one allotropic modification of an element to another must be attended by production or disappearance of heat. A few thermal measurements are given here to shew that this conclusion is fully justified by facts. A. [P 2 , <9 5 ] = 369,ioo units when P 2 is 62 grams of ordinary phosphorus (P a ); [P 2 , 0*] = 326,800 units when P 2 is 62 grams of amorphous phosphorus (P/s); /, the change of P a to P^ = 21,150 units of heat. In the oxidation of 31 grams P a to H 3 PO 4 in aqueous solution by hypo- chlorous acid, 209,500 thermal units are produced ; in the oxidation of 31 grams PB to H 3 PO 4 in aqueous solution by hypo- chlorous acid, 181,200 thermal units are produced ; /. the change of P a to P^ = 28,300 units of heat. Hence mean value of this change = 24,725 gram-units. B. [2(?^=36> 2 ] = 59,20o units of heat; that is to say the separation of 2 gram-molecules of ozone (O 3 ) into 3 gram-molecules of oxygen (O 2 ) is attended by the production of 59,200 units of heat. The comparative thermal instability of the molecule O 8 helps us to understand why ozone is so much more active as an oxidising agent than ordinary oxygen 1 . 126 Too little has as yet been done to allow of the application of thermal measurements to the classification of the elements in any but a very general way. The relations existing between the members of a group of elements are sometimes summarised in the thermal values of comparable reactions undergone by these elements. Thus, (see table p. 225) taking MendelejefFs Group II. we have, Series. 468 3 5 7 9 ii Ca Sr Ba Mg Zn Cd - Hg atomic weights 40 87 137 24 65 112 200 1 According to van der Meulen (Ber. 16. 1853) the thermal value of the change in question, 2O 3 =3O 2 , is about 68,000 units. CH.IV. 125 127] CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS. 267 The heats of formation in aqueous solution of the haloid salts of these metals are arranged in the following table (data from Naumann's book) : [M, Cl\ Aq] [M, Br\ Aq] [M, F, Aq] Ca 187,600 165,800 I353o Sr i95)7oo 173,800 H3.4OO Ba 196,300 174,400 144,000 Mg 186,900 165,000 134,600 Zn 112,800 90,900 60,500 Cd 9 6 ,3oo 74,400 44,000 Hg Hence we conclude that in each case the value for Ba > Sr > Ca > Mg, and for Mg > Zn > Cd > Hg. In other words, the thermal value of the change [M, X *, Aq] increases as the atomic weight of M increases, when M is a member of an even series belonging to Group II. but decreases as the atomic weight of M increases, when M is a member of an odd series of the same group. The difference between the values of [M, X*, Aq] for each pair of elements is nearly constant. Thus X=Cl X=Br X=I Ba - Sr = 600 600 600 Sr -Ca= 8,100 8,000 8,100 Ca - Mg = 700 800 700 Mg-Zn =74,100 74,ioo 74,ioo Zn -Cd = 16,500 16,500 16,500 Cd-Hg= 36,400 ? ? The close relationship of magnesium to calcium, and also its relations to barium and strontium, and the comparatively feebly marked relations existing between magnesium, zinc, cadmium, and mercury, are brought into forcible relief by these numbers 1 . 127 The comparative study of classes of compounds, no less than that of classes of elements, has already been considerably 1 Attention has already been drawn to the fact that there exists a well-marked connexion of a periodic character between the atomic weights of the elements and their heats of combination with chlorine, bromine, and iodine. (See ante, par. 109.) 268 THERMAL METHODS. [BOOK I. advanced by the application of thermal methods. Thus, a study of some of the thermal relations of the hydracids and oxyacids of the halogens helps towards a classification of the latter group of acids. The close thermal analogy between the hydracids in question is exhibited by these, among other, numbers ; \HX, Aq] [HXAq, NaOHAq] X=Cl = 17,400 X = 0=13,700 X= 7=19,900 X = Br= 13,700 X=I =19,200 X=I =13,700. When we compare the heats of formation of these acids in aqueous solution, we find that the value of this constant for each acid decreases as the atomic weight of the halogen increases : thus [H, X, Aq] X=Cl= 39,300 X= r= 28,400 X=I =13,200. The three oxyacids which correspond in composition to the three hydracids are HC1O 3 , HBrO 8 , and HIO 3 . The following numbers shew that, in some respects at any rate, the thermal relations between HC1O 3 and HBrO s are analogous to those between HC1 and HBr : [H, X, O 3 , Aq] x= a = 2 3)9 oo X=ffr= 12,400 hence the difference, [H, Cl, Aq] - [H, Br, Aq] is approxi- mately equal to the difference [H, Cl, s , Aq] -[H, Br, O\ Aq,] We might provisionally conclude from these data that the difference between the heats of formation, in aqueous solu- tions, of chloric and iodic acids, would probably be nearly the same as the difference between the heats of formation, under the same conditions, of hydrochloric and hydriodic acids. The value of the second difference is 26,100; hence, on this supposition, the first difference should be about 26,000. Now, [//, CY, 03, Aq] = 2 3 , 9 oo; .-.[#,!, s , Aq]=- 2,100. But experiment shews that [If, I, O 3 ,Aq]= + 55,700. CH. IV. 127, 128] CLASSIFICATION OF ACIDS. 269 Hence it is evident that iodic acid differs in the most marked manner from bromic and chloric acids. This difference is accentuated in the numbers expressing the heats of forma- tion of these three acids from the three hydracids : thus, [HXAq, 0*} X = C1= -15,400. X = Br= -15,900. X=I =+42,600. But it is to be remembered that gaseous chlorine and bromine and solid iodine are employed in the calculations 1 . 128 A comparison of the mutual thermal actions of acids and bases throws considerable light on the classification of the substances which are included under these terms. The first volume of Thomsen's Untersuchungen is devoted to a con- sideration of this subject. ' Heat of neutralisation of an acid by a base ' is defined as, the quantity of heat produced on mixing equivalent quantities, in grams, of the acid and base, in dilute aqueous solutions, the products of the action being also soluble in water. Thomsen employs a solution of 2NaOH in about 200 H 2 O (grams), and adds the acid solution diluted to a similar degree, temperature being 18 19; in other words he determines the thermal value of the change [2NaOHAq, 2 HXAq] in the case of a monobasic acid, [2NaOHAq, H 2 XAq] dibasic [2NaOHAq, |H 3 XAq] tribasic [2NaOHAq, H 4 XAq] tetrabasic (X = acid radicle) Most of the general conclusions drawn by Thomsen, and others, belong more to chemical kinetics than to statics, but some of the generalisations may fitly be introduced here 2 . The commoner acids may be broadly divided into four groups according to the values of their heats of neutralisation, as thus defined. 1 The application of thermal data to the classification of elements and com- pounds is considered more fully in section 4 of Chap. in. of The Elements of Thermal Chemistry. 2 See especially for more details Thomsen, he. dt. 1. 293 309, and 422 449. 2/O THERMAL METHODS. [BOOK I. I. Those acids which have a heat of neutralisation approximately equal to 20,000 gram-units : HN0 2 , HC10, H 2 B 2 4 , H 2 CO 3 &c. II. Those acids which have a heat of neutralisation approximately equal to 25,000 gram-units : H 2 CrO 4 , C 2 H 4 (C0 2 H) 2 , CH,CHOH(CO 2 H) 2 &c. III. Acids the heat of neutralisation of which is equal to about 27,000 gram-units : HC1, HBr, HI, HC1O 3 , HBrO 3 , HIO 3 , HNO 3 , H 2 S 2 O 3 , H 2 SiF 6 , H.C0 2 H, CH 3 .CO 2 H &c. Most of the acids belong to this class. IV. Acids having a heat of neutralisation greater than 27,000 units, and varying from 28,000 to 32,500 units ; CH 2 C1.CO 2 H, CHC1 2 .CO 2 H, CC1 3 .CO 2 H, H 2 C 2 O 4 , H 3 PO 3 , H 2 SO 3 , H 2 SO 4 , H 2 Se0 4 , HF, HPO 3 &c. A few acids have heats of neutralisation less than 20,000 units. The basicity of an acid may be determined by thermal methods. One gram-molecule of the acid in dilute aqueous solution is mixed with \, , |, I, 2, &c. gram-molecules of caustic soda also in dilute solution, and the heat produced in the reactions is measured. (The ordinary formulae NaOH, H 2 SO 4 , &c. are here assumed, for the sake of convenience of nomenclature, to be molecular.) Comparing in this way HC1, H 2 SO 4 , and C B H 8 O 7 (citric acid), we have this result ; [HClAq, NaOHAq] = about 6,000 [H 2 SO 4 Aq, NaOHAq] = about 7,000 [HClAq, NaOHAq]= 13,500 [H 2 SO 4 Aq, NaOHAq]= 14,500 [HClAq, 2NaOHAq] = 13,500 [H 2 SO 4 Aq, 2NaOHAq]=: 31,000 [H 2 S0 4 Aq, 3NaOHAq] = 31,000 [C 6 H 8 O 7 Aq, NaOHAq]= 12,400 [C 6 H 8 O 7 Aq, 2NaOHAq] = 24,800 [C 6 H 8 O 7 Aq, 3NaOHAq] = 38,000 [C 6 H 8 O 7 Aq, 4NaOHAq] = 38,000. Hence we conclude that HC1 is a monobasic, H 2 SO 4 a dibasic, and C 6 H 8 O 7 a tribasic, acid. The polybasic acids may also be classified in accordance with the thermal value of the action of each gram-molecule CH. IV. 128] CLASSIFICATION OF ACIDS. 2/1 of soda with one gram-molecule of acid. Thus, comparing oxalic with sulphurous acid, we find the difference between the quantities of heat produced during the action of the first and second molecules of soda, in the case of oxalic acid to be 600, and in that of sulphurous acid to be 2750: the data are, Difference. [H 2 C 2 4 Aq, NaOHAq]=i 3 ,840\ /[H 2 SO 3 Aq, NaOHAq]= 15,850 [HNaC 2 4 Aq, NaOHAq]= 14,440^ ' \[HNaSO 3 Aq, NaOHAq]= 13,100. Thomsen 1 divides the dibasic acids which he has examined into three groups: I. Those in the neutralisation of which each molecule of soda has the same thermal value: this group is at present represented by H 2 SiF 6> and H 2 PtCl 6 2 . II. Those in the neutralisation of which the first mole- cule of soda has a smaller thermal value than the second, the difference between the two values varying from 450 to 1900 units : this group contains the acids H 2 SO 4 , H 2 SeO 4 , H 2 C 2 4 , and H r C 4 H 4 O r III. Those in the neutralisation of which the first mole- cule of soda has a larger thermal value than the second, the difference between the two values varying from 1850 to 2750 units: the acids in this group are H 2 SO 3 , H 2 SeO 8 , H 2 CO 3 , and H 2 B 2 O 4 ; H 2 CrO 4 , H 2 PHO 3 , and C 2 H 4 (CO 2 H) 2 also probably belong to this group, although the differences between the thermal values of the first and second molecule of soda are smaller in the case of these acids than of those already mentioned. Thomsen suggests (I. pp. 304-5) that the foregoing classi- fication of dibasic and tribasic acids may be summarised in these typical formulae: Dibasic Acids. Acid of Group I. Typical formula RH 2 e.g. SiF 6 . H 2 ; II. R(OH) 2 e.g. S0 2 (OH) 2 ; III. R(OH)H e.g. SO 2 (OH)H. 1 loc. cit. 1. 302 306. 2 But it seems doubtful whether the numbers obtained by Thomsen really represent the neutralisation of this acid. See Thermochtmische Untersuchnngen, I. 229. 2/2 THERMAL METHODS. [BOOK I. Tribasic Acids. Acid of Group II. Typical formula R(OH) 3 e.g. C 4 H 5 O 4 (OH) 3 ; III. HR(OH)H e.g. HPO 3 (OH)H. The ' heat of neutralisation of a base ' is defined by Thomsen 1 to be the thermal value of the change which occurs when equivalent quantities of base and acid react in dilute aqueous solution, the products of the action being also soluble in water. A dilute solution of one gram-molecule of sulphuric acid (i.e. the amount of acid, in grams, expressed by the formula H 2 SO 4 ) is employed; temperature being 18 19. In other words, Thomsen measures the thermal values of the following reactions: [H 2 SO 4 Aq, 2MOHAq or 2NX 3 Aq] in the case of a mono-acid base, [H 2 SO 4 Aq, M(OH) 2 Aq or N 2 X 6 Aq] di-acid [H 2 SO 4 Aq, f M(OH) 3 Aq or N 3 X 9 Aq] tri-acid [H 2 SO 4 Aq, JM(OH) 4 Aq or iN*X 12 Aq] tetracid (X = H, or a radicle C M H 2n+1 ) The bases which are soluble in water may be divided into two thermal groups : I. The group of the hydrates or hydroxides, represented by NaOH and KOH. II. The group of the anhydrous bases, represented by NH 3 . The first group comprises LiOH, NaOH, KOH, and T1OH; Ca(OH) 2 , Sr(OH) 2 , and Ba(OH) 2 ; N(CH 3 ) 4 OH, (C 2 H 5 ) 3 S.OH, and Pt (NH 8 ) 4 (OH) 2 : the mean value of the change [H 2 SO 4 Aq, 2MOHAq (or M(OH) 2 Aq)] is equal to 31,350 units, when M(OH) or M(OH) 2 is one of the bases of this group. The second group comprises NH 3 and the amines of the form NH 2 (C B H 2n+1 ) and NH(C n H 2n+] ) 2 : the mean value of the change [H 2 SO 4 Aq, 2NX 3 Aq] is equal to 28,200, when NX 3 is one of the bases of this group. Substitution of negative radicles for H in NH 3 causes a con- siderable decrease in the heat of neutralisation of the base ; thus, [2NH 2 (C 6 H 6 )Aq, H 2 SO 4 Aq]=i5,5oo, [2NH 2 (C 7 H 7 )Aq, H 2 SO 4 Aq]= 15,200 ; [2NH 2 OHAq, H 2 SO 4 Aq] =21,600. 1 See especially loc, cit. 1. 422 449. CH.IV. 128] CLASSIFICATION OF BASES. 273 When CO is substituted for H 2 in 2NH 8 , the heat of neutralisation of the product [(NH 2 ) 2 CO] is almost nil. Measurements of the quantities of heat produced during the reactions of acids with those bases which are insoluble in water shew great irregularities. The true heats of neutrali- sation of these bases cannot be determined. But from the analogies between the hydrates of barium, strontium, and calcium, and those of magnesium, zinc, and manganese 1 , Thomsen concludes that the heats of neutralisation of the bases of the magnesian class are equal to those of the bases of the akaline earth metals; but as the heats of neutralisation of the latter and of the alkalis are equal, Thomsen argues that the mean value of the heat of neutralisation of M(OH) 2 , when M = Mg, Mn, Ni, Co, Fe, Cd, Zn, or Cu, is 31,350 units. From what has been said regarding the classification of acids in accordance with their heats of neutralisation 2 , it will be apparent that if 2HClAq is substituted for H 2 SO 4 Aq in the preceding reactions, the mean heats of neutralisation of the two groups of bases will be represented by numbers smaller than 31,350 and 28,200 respectively. The identity of the numbers expressing the heats of neutralisation of bases of such different composition as KOH and Pt(NH 3 ) 4 (OH) 2 points to the possibility of connecting similar changes of energy with similarity of chemical type, maintained through series of more or less unlike individuals. The heats of neutralisation of the bases MX 3 also point to the existence of a relation between change of energy and composition ; but the influence of the structure of the indi- vidual substance is shewn in the small values obtained for NH 2 (C 6 H 5 ) and NH 2 (C 7 H 7 ), in which, although the chemical type is maintained, the typical thermal value is widely de- parted from. The quantity of heat produced in the reaction [2MOHAq, HXAq] when M = K, Na, &c. is nearly constant, whether X = C1, Br, or I; but the value of the reaction [PbO.H 2 O, HXAq], or [T1 2 O.H 8 O, HXAq] &c. differs very considerably 1 See Thomsen, loc. cit. 1. 435 440. 2 See ante, p. 270. M.C. 1 8 2/4 THERMAL METHODS. [BOOK I. according as X = Cl, Br, or I. In the reaction with PbO.H 2 O, the thermal value is greatest for HIAq, and least for HClAq. Now in the reactions just mentioned, haloid salts are produced which are only slightly soluble : if the heats of solution of these salts are added to the values of the apparent heats of neutralisation of the bases, it is found that the true heats of neutralisation of PbO.H 2 O, T1 2 O.H 2 O &c. are represented by the same number, whether HClAq, HBrAq, or HIAq is the acid employed. If it is granted that the true heats of neutralisation of these acids are the same for other bases which form insoluble haloid salts, it becomes possible to calculate the heats of solution of these salts. Thomsen has done this for PbCl 2 , PbBr^, PbI 2 , AgCl, &c., and, carrying out the same method, he has even given a value for the heat of solution of barium sulphate. Thomsen's investigation of the heats of neutralisation of acids and bases serves to shew the complexity of many of the reactions to which thermal values are assigned, and also the necessity of making all the conditions of the changes we wish to study as exactly comparable as possible. At the same time it illustrates one of the dangers which beset the employment of thermal methods in chemistry, the danger namely of theorising regarding chemical changes which do not occur, and of speculating about chemical compounds which have no existence 1 . 129 The primary aim of thermal chemistry was stated in par. 117 to be the measurement of the differences between the quantities of energy possessed by chemical systems when in certain definite initial and final states; the basis of these measurements being the deduction from the general theory of energy which states, that the total loss of energy during the passage of a chemical system from a definite initial to a definite final state is independent of the intermediate states. The application of this generalisation was illustrated in par. 1 20; but we may now examine a little more closely the 1 Section 2, of Chap. III. of The Elements of Thermal Chemistry is devoted to the consideration of neutralisation-phenomena. CH. IV. 129, 130] THERMAL AND CHEMICAL CHANGES. 2/5 connexion between thermal and material changes occurring in the same chemical system. 30 When heat is imparted to a gaseous system of chemical substances, a portion may be employed in increasing the kinetic energy of the molecules, i.e. in raising the temperature of the system ; another portion may be employed in doing work against external forces, e.g. in causing expansion of the system ; and another portion may do work against molecular and atomic forces, and so produce a rearrangement of mole- cules, or atoms, i.e. may cause chemical changes to proceed within the system. The exact manner of the distribution of the energy imparted in the form of heat will vary in each case. If the purely chemical part were separated from the other parts of the complete change, it is evident that the thermal value of this part would be a constant quantity only under constant physical conditions. Thus the difference between the energy of the system 2H 2 + O 2 and that of the system 2H 2 O (both in grams) at ordinary temperatures, say at 15, is measured by 136,800 thermal units; but if the initial system is at 200 and the final system is at 15 the difference will be only 116,500 units 1 ; assuming that the total loss of energy to the system during the change is measured in each case by the quantity of heat produced. Indeed in some cases change of temperature may reverse a process both chemically and thermally without altering the nature or the masses of the reacting substances; thus at ordinary temperatures 2H 2 O + 2C1 2 = 4HC1 + O 2 (0 but at about 200 4HC1 + O 2 = 2H 2 O + 2C1 2 (2) ; if reaction (i) is expanded thermally it becomes [2H 2 OAq, 2CPAq] = 4|y/, Cl, Aq] - 2 [H\ Q, Aq] = 20,400 units : if reaction (2) is treated in the same way we have foffCt, 2 ] = 2[# 2 , 0]-4[ff t C/] = 28,500 units (at 200). If the reaction occurs between bodies in solution, the quantity of heat which is produced or disappears will be dependent on the temperature, and in determining the thermal value of the chemical change it will be necessary to determine 1 For the method of calculation, see The Elements of Thermal Chemistry, par. 57. 1 8 2 2/6 THERMAL METHODS. [BOOK I. the specific heat of a solution of each of the reacting bodies and of each of the products of the reaction 1 . Heat may also be produced or disappear in changes of volume, or changes in the states of aggregation, of the reacting bodies; thus any comparisons or contrasts instituted between hydrochloric, hydrobromic, and hydriodic, acid from a consideration of these numbers, [//, C7] = 22,000; [//, Br]= 8,440; [//, I]= -6,050 must be accepted with great reserve, because at ordinary tem- peratures chlorine is a gas, bromine a liquid, and iodine a solid ; the reactions formulated are not, therefore, strictly comparable. 131 There is another point to be noticed in analysing the thermal changes which accompany chemical processes, viz., that the ordinary notation usually represents a chemical change as a much simpler phenomenon than it really is. Most chemical reactions are accomplished only by employing 'an excess,' sometimes a large excess, of one or more of the react- ing substances: thus the equation AgCl + HI (grams) = AgI + HCl would more nearly express the distribution of the masses of the reacting bodies if it were written Potilitzin has investigated this subject of the relations be- tween the thermal value of a change and the masses of the changing substances 2 . The heat of formation of a metallic chlo- ride is greater as a rule than that of the corresponding bromide, [MBr, C/] = [M, C/] - [M, Sr] >o. Again it is generally true that [MBr, HCl] = [M, Cl} + [H, Br\ - [M, Br\ - [H, Cl~\- (3). Hence the work required to isolate all the atoms com- posing the molecule C a H 2i is (2a-b)v + 2br (4). Let/ be the heat of combustion of an isolated gaseous carbon atom, and let fh z be the heat of combustion of two isolated gaseous hydrogen atoms, then the heat of combustion of the isolated atoms obtained by tearing asunder the mole- cule C a U nb will be afc+bfh, (5). And the difference between (4) and (5) will express the heat of combustion at constant volume of the gaseous mole- cule C a H w ; The heat of combustion of the gaseous molecule C H W at constant pressure is found by taking into account the thermal change accompanying the change of volume from C,,H M to CO 2 + H 2 O; the expression is f. C a H 2 j (const, press.) = a (fc 2v) + b (fh% 2r+v + 290) + 580. . . (7). As this equation holds good for all paraffins, and as the expressions in brackets are the same for all, fc 2v may be put as=;r, and fh^ 2r + v + 290 as=j; thus we get the simpler form /.QjHjA (const, press. ) = the general result has been to confirm the statement of Gladstone and Dale, and at the same time to trace a more precise connexion between the refraction-equivalent of a compound and the manner in which the elements of that com- pound are combined. One of the fullest and most important memoirs is that published in 1887 by BriihP. As this investigation includes many of the results formerly obtained I propose to confine myself in the main to giving an account of this work. Investigations have been confined hitherto chiefly to liquid compounds of carbon. 140 Let us follow Bruhl in calling the product of the specific refractive energy and the molecular weight of a compound the molecular refraction (R), and the product of the specific refractive energy and the atomic weight of an element 1 See Phil. Trans. 160. 9. 2 Annaltii, 235. i ; or Ber. 19. 2746; or Zeitschr. fiir physikal. Chemie, 1. 307. I 9 2 2Q2 OPTICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. the atomic refraction (r). And, as Briihl does, let us use the following formulae for determining these constants : - A M y - \ A where M= molecular weight, and A = atomic weight 1 . Assuming that the molecular refraction of a compound is the sum of the atomic refractions of its constituent elements, and that the refraction of each atom has a constant value in all its compounds, we may express the molecular refraction (R) of a compound of carbon hydrogen and oxygen, C B H 2m O p , as where (r)C, (r)H, and (r)O represent the atomic refractions of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, respectively. By determining the differences between the molecular refractions of members of an homologous series of carbon compounds, values are obtained for what may be called the molecular refraction of the group CH 2 ; by determining the differences between the molecular refractions of a series of compounds, differing by 2H, values are obtained for the atomic refraction of hydrogen ; and by deducting the value for 2H from that for CH 2 , a number is obtained which is taken as the atomic refraction of carbon. By similar methods a value can be found for the atomic refraction of oxygen. The molecular refraction of any compound of carbon hydrogen and oxygen can then be calculated, on the assumption that the value is equal to the sum of the atomic refractions of the constituent elements, and compared with the observed value. 141 The calculated values for (R) do not agree in every case with the observed values. Hence the molecular refraction of a compound is probably connected with the arrangement, as well as with the nature and number, of the atoms which compose the molecule of the compound. What then is the nature of the connexion between the arrangement of the atoms forming a molecule and the refraction of that molecule ? Bruhl thinks that the present data warrant general con- 1 Briihl uses light with the wave-length of the ray C ; many observers determine /a for the red hydrogen line H. CH. IV. 141] MOLECULAR REFRACTION. 2Q3 elusions only regarding compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The paragraphs devoted to isomerism (par. 69 et seg.} con- tain data which shew that isomerism may be connected either with changes in the actual valencies of the atoms forming a molecule, or with changes in the distribution of the interatomic reactions. Thus, the formula C 3 H 8 O expresses the composition of (i) propylic aldehyde, (2) acetone, and (3) allylic alcohol; assuming the correctness of the structural formulae of these three compounds, viz. mur PH r/ (2) H 3 C-C-CH 3 , (3) H 2 C-CH-CH 2 OH, (I) ttgLx - C tt 2 l-N^TT o (i) and (2) contain each a trivalent carbon atom and a monovalent oxygen atom in direct union, and also a pair of tetravalent carbon atoms, and (3) contains two trivalent carbon atoms neither of which is in direct union with oxygen, and also a tetravalent carbon atom in direct union with an atom of oxygen which is divalent. The actual valencies of the atoms are the same in (i) as in (2), but are not the same in (3) as in (i) or (2); the distribution of some of the inter- atomic reactions varies in (i), (2) and (3). In none of these cases is the molecule saturated, i.e. in no case does each polyvalent atom directly interact with its maximum number of monovalent atoms (see ante, par. 70). These examples shew that isomerism occurring in unsaturated molecules may be connected either with changes in the actual valencies of some of the atoms or with changes in the distribution of the interatomic reactions. But when isomerism occurs in saturated molecules it must be connected with changes in the distri- bution of the interatomic reactions and not with changes in the actual valencies of the atoms, because saturated mole- cules are, by definition, those in which each polyvalent atom directly interacts with its maximum number of monovalent atoms. The following structural formulae for different propylic alcohols (C 4 H B OH) illustrate this kind of isomerism: X CH 3 /CH 3 H 3 C-CH s -CH 2 -CHoOH, CH-CH a OH, HO-C-CH 3 . \CH 3 \CH 3 294 OPTICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. That kind of isomerism which is exhibited only by unsaturated molecules and is connected with changes in the actual valencies of the atoms is called by Briihl saturation- isomerism, while that kind of isomerism which is exhibited both by saturated and unsaturated molecules and is connected with changes in the distribution of the interatomic reactions unaccompanied by changes of valencies is called by Briihl position-isomerism. Briihl's data shew that different saturation-isomerides of the general form C^H^O^ have different molecular refractions, but that the molecular refraction of a series of position- isomerides of the general form C x H y Oz is nearly a constant quantity. In order to find the exact influence on the molecular refraction of a compound C x H y O z of changes in the valencies of the carbon and oxygen atoms, Briihl first finds values for the atomic refraction of the tetravalent carbon atom and the divalent oxygen atom in saturated molecules. The difference between (R) for each pair in the homologous series CH 2>(+2 gives a value for (R) CH 2 ; as the formula C M H 2K+2 can be expressed as #CH 2 +H 2 , the same data allow a value for (R)H 2 to be found; the difference between (R)CH 2 and (R)H 2 gives (r)C. By similar methods (r) O is found. Taking C IV and O" to represent a tetravalent atom of carbon and a divalent atom of oxygen, respectively, then Briihl's data lead to the values * (r) C IV = 2-48 ; (r) O" = I -58 ; (r) H = i "04. Values of (R) are then calculated for unsaturated com- pounds containing a pair of directly interacting trivalent carbon atoms, using the above values for (r) C &c., and the calculated values are compared with those obtained by experiment. The influence on (R) of the change from a pair of directly interacting tetravalent carbon atoms to a pair of directly inter- acting trivalent carbon atoms is then determined ; Briihl's data, given for about 20 compounds of the general form C^H^, C^H^O,, 1 The formula ( -^ j . -r is used, and /u is determined for the line C. CM. IV. 141, 142] MOLECULAR REFRACTION. 295 and Q-HyCl^XX, shew that this change is accompanied by an increase in (R) amounting to about 1 1*85. Determinations of (R) for seven compounds 2 each containing two pairs of directly interacting trivalent carbon atoms, shew a mean increase in (R) of 2 x 175. Bruhl states these results by saying that the mean partial value of an etJiylene grouping of a pair of carbon atoms in the molecular refraction of a compound of the form C. tr H > O r is 175. The phrase ethylene grouping of two carbon atoms is used because ethylene, H 2 C CH 2 , is the simplest compound containing a pair of directly interacting trivalent carbon atoms. Bruhl then determines (R) for various ketones, aldehydes, and other compounds CH 2W O containing a monovalent oxygen atom in direct union with an atom of carbon, or it may be said containing a carbonyl group, C O, and by subtracting (R) CH 2M (= #CH 2 ), he obtains the mean partial value of a carbonyl grouping of an oxygen and a carbon atom in the molecular refraction of a compound C^H^O, ; this value is found to be 76. These conclusions may be stated thus : /C C^, and 76 added for each carbonyl grouping, (R) C x H y 2 =^ (r) C+y (r) H + z (r) O, where (r) C = 2*48, (r)O=rs8, and (r) H = 1-04, with 175 added for each pair of carbon atoms grouped as in ethylene, \ probably contains one ethylene grouping, and each of its isomerides diisoprene and limonene probably contains a pair of ethylene groupings. Assuming these statements to be correct, and comparing the observed with the calculated values of (R) for these five hydrocarbons, we have these results : C1I. IV. 142] MOLECULAR REFRACTION. 297 (R) calcd. observd. diff. f pentene, two ethylene groupings 24*22 24-60 +-38 6 8 1 isoprene, two 24*22 24-62 +-40 fpinene, one 43'i9 43'66 +-47 Ci H ](i < diisoprene, two 44'94 45'4 +'io (limonene, two 44'94 45'o6 +-12 The structural formulae of the different hydrocarbons C 6 H 10 , C^H^, C 5 H 8 , and C 10 H 16 , are not yet fully ascertained, but it is very probable that the statements made by Bru'hl con- cerning the number of ethylene groupings in each are correct ; some of these hydrocarbons belong to the class of open chain compounds and others to the closed ring group ; hence, if we may judge from these data, the closing of a chain of carbon atoms, or the opening of a ring of the same atoms, does not affect the molecular refraction provided there is no change in the saturation-isomerism of the molecules. In confirmation of the conclusion that molecular refraction is not directly connected with the existence of closed rings, Briihl tabulates the molecular refractions of 24 benzene compounds, belonging to many different classes but each containing a single benzene nucleus, and shews that the mean difference between the ob- served and the calculated values of (R) is +3 x r8i (max. diff. = 3 x 2-17, min. diff. = 3 x 1-58), the calculated values being arrived at by using (r)C = 2-48, (r)O = 1*58, (r)H = 1-04. Hence it appears that the six-carbon benzene nucleus con- tains three ethylene groupings 1 . A considerable amount of evidence is certainly brought forward by BrUhl in support of the statement that " position- isomerides have nearly identical molecular refractions, but saturation-isomerides have different molecular refractions... the increase in molecular refraction being nearly propor- tional to the number of ethylene, acetylene 4 , and carbonyl, groupings, and this proportionality being more exact the smaller is the dispersion of the compounds." 1 For an example of the application of Briihl's method to the terpenes, see Ber. 21. 145. - A pair of directly interacting divalent carbon atoms is called by Briihl an acetylene grouping of two carbon atoms ; acetylene (IIC-CH) being the simplest compound in which such a grouping occurs. 298 OPTICAL METHODS. [llOOK I. Briihl then formulates the fundamental refraction-law as follows : "The atomic refraction of carbon and oxygen is not in- variable, but depends upon the [actual valencies of those atoms in different molecules] 1 . The atomic refraction of these elements is however nearly constant provided saturation is unchanged, and in such cases is only very slightly dependent on the configurations of the atoms. The monovalent elements exhibit nearly invariable atomic refractions." In support of the last part of this statement Bruhl shews that the atomic refractions of hydrogen and chlorine calculated from direct observations very closely agree with the values calculated from observations made on compounds of these elements; that (R) HC1 gas = (r) H + (r) Cl (from direct ob- servations of (r) H and (r) Cl); and lastly that (r) H and (r) Cl deduced from observations on liquid carbon compounds are the same as (r) H and (r) Cl deduced from observations on gaseous carbon compounds. Nasini 2 has made determinations of (R) for various carbon compounds containing sulphur, and has deduced two values for the atomic refraction of sulphur according as the atom directly interacts with two other atoms or with only one. Wiedemann 3 has arrived at similar results. The atomic re- fraction of sulphur appears to vary largely in compounds containing both oxygen and sulphur. 143 It should be noticed that the conclusions arrived at by Briihl can be applied at present only to such compounds of the forms C, H, and C x H, O, as do not exhibit large dis- persion. Nasini's observations 4 on naphthalene derivatives and other compounds with large dispersive power, and some of the experiments of Gladstone 5 on compounds containing relatively very much carbon, shew that the nature of the connexion between the refractive powers and the compositions of compounds has not yet been fully elucidated 6 . 1 Briihl uses the expression 'satisfaction of the affinity' (Befriedigung der Affinitdt). 2 Ber, 15. 2878. 3 Wied. Ann. 17. 577. 4 Gaz. 14. 150; 15. 59; 17. 72. 5 C. S. Journal Trans, for 1884, 241. 6 Kanonnikow (original paper in Russian; see abstract in Ber. 16. 3047) has CH. IV. 143, 144] POLARISATION. 299 144 If a ray of plane polarised light is passed through a plate of quartz cut at right angles to its optical axis, the position of the plane of polarisation of the emergent ray does not coincide with that of the incident ray ; the plane has been rotated through a certain angle, called the angle of rotation. If the rotation takes place in the same direction as that in which the hands of a watch appear to move as we look at the face, the quartz is said to exhibit dextrorotatory power ; this is expressed by prefixing -f to the value of the angle of rotation. If the rotation takes place in the direction opposite to that in which the hands of a watch appear to move as we look at the face, the quartz is said to exhibit laevorotatory power ; this is expressed by prefixing to the value of the angle of rotation. Optically active transparent media are those which rotate the plane of polarisation of a ray of light passed through them; they are divided into dextrorotatory substances, e.g. some specimens of quartz, sugar in aqueous solution, &c., and laevorotatory substances, e.g. other specimens of quartz, tur- pentine, quinine in alcoholic solution 1 , &c. To determine the amount of rotation caused by any sub- stance, it is necessary to have an instrument wherein a ray of light may be polarised, and the position of the plane deter- found the molecular refractions of a number of solid carbon compounds, by dissolving them in chemically inactive solvents and measuring the refractive indices of the solutions, the values of the indices of the solvent being known. Kanonnikow concludes that neither the degree of concentration of the solution, nor the physical condition of the solid, exerts any marked effect on the refractive power of the dissolved substance. Conclusions are drawn as to the structural formulae of various carbon compounds ; Bruhl's generalisations, on the whole, are confirmed. The same chemist (see abstract in er. 17. ref. 157; the abstracts, referate, in the Berichte beginning with vol. 1 7 are paged separately from the original papers) has attempted to determine (r) for various metals, by finding (R) for various salts of carbon acids and deducting (R) for the acids. His numbers point to the conclusion that in a 'group' of metals (as 'group' is used in the classification based on the periodic law) (r) increases as the atomic weights of the metals increase. Kanonnikow also tries to deduce values for (R) for the groups NO 3 , SO 4 , &c. , and so to find the distribution of the interatomic actions in sulphates, nitrates, &c. (See also Bull. Soc. Chim. 41. 548.) 1 For details concerning polarised light, and circular polarisation considered from the physical stand-point, see Glazebrook's Physical Optics, chaps, xi. and xiv. 300 OPTICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. mined ; the polarised ray may be passed through a known quantity of the medium under examination ; and finally the position of the plane of the emergent ray may be deter- mined. Such instruments, known as polarimeters or polaristro- bometers, are described in detail in various text-books 1 . Let us consider a liquid carbon compound, say C 10 H 16 . The angle of rotation, a, depends on (i) the thickness of the layer of liquid through which the light passes, (2) the wave- length of the ray of light employed, and in most cases (3) the temperature at which the observation is made. The first of these conditions will be determined if we know the length of the column of liquid employed, and the second is rendered definite by making use of monochromatic light. Let /= length of column of liquid in decimetres, ^=spec. grav. of liquid referred to water at 4, and a = angle of rotation of plane of polarisation of light of given wave-length 2 ; then [a]= specific rotatory power of the liquid, for the given ray,= j j. That is to say, the specific rotatory power of an optically active substance is the angle through which the plane of polarisation of a given ray is rotated by passing through a column i decimetre long of a liquid containing I gram of the substance in I cubic centimetre. For chemical purposes it is sometimes better to adopt the definition of molecular rotatory power \iri\ suggested by Krecke 3 , viz. m a 100' l.d* where m = molecular weight: m is divided by 100 to obviate the use of inconveniently large numbers. We have then r n m a and M= -7^. 1 See especially Armstrong and Groves, Organic Chemistry, 569 et scq. ; and also Watts's Dictionary, 3rd Supplt. 11981207. 2 It is customary to indicate the light employed by placing a letter below the bracket ; thus [a] D means spec, rotatory power for light of wave-length D. 3 J.fiir prakt. Chemie (2). .5. 12. CH. IV. 144] SPECIFIC ROTATORY POWER. 3O1 If the substance to be examined is a solid, it must be dissolved in an optically inactive menstruum. In such a case, /= length in decimetres of column of solution employed, p = grams of optically active substance in 100 grams of solution (i.e. gram-percentage composition), and f=spec. grav. of solution referred to water at 4; then/. d=c = concentration, i.e. grams of active substance in 100 c.c. of solution; and, assuming that the solvent has no influence on the rotatory power of the dissolved substance, As the value of [2] generally rises as temperature rises 1 , thermometric observations must be made. The value of [3] also varies with variations in (i) the nature, and (2) the quantity, of the inactive solvent employed ; the preceding formula therefore gives only the apparent specific rotatory power of the solid substance. That [a] varies according to the nature of the solvent is shewn by Hesse's observations on turpentine oil 2 ; pure turpentine oil+alcohol oil + benzene oil + acetic acid (C IO H, e ) (amount of solvent varied in each case from 10 per cent, to 90 per cent.) [a] B 37'oi ; 37'035 to 38'486 ; 37'i94 to 39'449 > 37'i48 to 4o'222. The following numbers 3 illustrate the dependence of [x] on the amount of solvent employed; Value of [a] Aqueous solution of maximum. minimum. Difference. Tartaric acid + I4'i8 + 3'2o io -98 Codeine - 1 3775 -iii 0> 5o 26'25 Quinine - i6g-2$ -ii6-o 53'25 Landolt (loc. cit.} has shewn that the true value of [a] for a solid or liquid may be found in many cases from a num- ber of observations made with solutions of varying concen- tration; the more concentrated the solution the more nearly 1 For numbers illustrative of this in the case of aqueous solutions of tartaric acid see Diet. 3rd Supplt. 1 209. 2 Hesse, Annalen 176. 89 and 189 : see also Landolt's Handbook of the Polari- scope (English translation), 54 94. This book presents a view of the whole subject of circular polarisation, chemically considered. See also Landolt, Ber. 21. 191. 8 Landolt, loc. cit, 3O2 OPTICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. does the value found for [a] approach the true value, i.e. the more nearly does the observed, agree with the true, specific rotatory power. It is better to use several solvents and make a series of observations with each; the value deduced for [a] is generally the same for each solvent. The nature and extent of the variations in [a] caused by varying the quantity of solvent appear to differ for each optically active solid substance 1 ; in some cases the relation is very complicated, in others it may be expressed by a com- paratively simple formula 2 . That the observed and calculated values of [a] agree closely, provided a sufficient number of observations is made, is evident from these results (Landolt) : [a]/> calculated from observations on mixtures with Active substance. [ a ]o observ ed (i) (2) (3) (4) (5) max.diff. C 2 H 5 OH CH 3 OH H 2 C 6 H 6 CH 3 CO 2 H Dextrorotatory "1 ethyl tartrate J 8-27 8'42 8 -09 - - -'22 Dextrorotatory } 0- 1 4 -87 + 72 turpentine J Lsevorotatory | turpentine J 3 6- 9 7 - 36'97 36-89 -'12 Laevorotatory ) , _.--_.:__ f l61 '55 i6o-8 3 i6i-2 9 -72 nicotine The true specific rotatory powers of camphor, cane sugar, Active substance. Solvent. [a] D for pure substance. [a] for dilution. Difference. Isevorotatory turpentine alcohol 36"97 3879 + I'82 dextrorotatory ,, PJ I 4' I 7 i5'35 + i'i8 lae vorotatory nicotine falcohol (water i6o-8 3 74'i3 -22'2 4 -87-i6 [alcohol 8-2 7 io-i9 + I'92 (water 8'O9 28-i2 +2o-o 3 2 Thus, for solutions of turpentine in alcohol, Landolt gets the formula [a] D =36 '974 + -004816417 + ooo [331^ where q percentage of inactive solvent. (For more details see Landolt, loc. c it, 81 94.) For dry inverted sugar Grubbe (Ber. 18. 2207) finds the following formula when f varies from o to 30; [>]= ~ 2 3'35 + '30406 (/- 20) + -001654 (/ - 2o) 2 . For a fuller treatment of the methods employed for finding the true value of [a] from observations on solutions, see Diet. 3rd Supplt. 1 2 1 2 1213; also Landolt , Per. 21. 191. CH. IV. 144, 145] SPECIFIC ROTATORY POWER. 303 and dextroglucose, have been determined by Landolt, Tollens, and Schmitz 1 . But I think it should be noted that the obser- vations on which is based the method for determining [a] were necessarily made with solutions of liquid compounds in inactive solvents, whereas in the cases of camphor and sugar we have to deal with solutions of solid substances ; it is possible that the value of [a] for liquid camphor may be diffe- rent from that for solid camphor 2 . It should also be observed that any deductions concerning the relations between specific rotatory power and molecular structure, drawn from a study of liquid compounds, could not be applied in a precise manner to solid compounds, assuming the true value of [a] for these compounds to be known. 145 In attempting to trace relations between the specific rota- tory power and the composition of compounds, we must dis- tinguish relationships between [a] and the composition of molecules whose empirical formulae at least are known, from those between the same constant and such mixtures of mole- cules in varying proportions as are presented by solutions of varying concentration. For although in the latter cases no precise conclusions can be drawn regarding the relative arrangements of the atoms in the molecules, yet the study of specific rotatory power may help to throw light on such general questions as the action of solvents, the distinction between chemical and physical change, and so forth. Pribram 3 has determined [a] for aqueous solutions of cane sugar, tartaric acid, and nicotine, with the result that [a] does not become constant even in very dilute solutions 4 . Pribram thinks that this result is more in keeping with the hypothesis 1 See Landolt, loc. cit. 8492: Tollens, and Schmitz in Ber. 9. 1531: 10. 1403 : and do. 1414. 2 Biot states that fused liquid tartaric acid is markedly dextrorotatory, but the solidified acid is feebly Isevorotary (Diet. 3rd Supplt. 1209). Landolt's value of [a] for solid camphor is 55'6 (see Diet., loc. V. -374): while Gernez obtained the value 7O'33 for fused camphor (do. do. p. 1209). 3 Ber. 20. 1840. 4 The most dilute solutions used were, '222 p.ct. for cane sugar, '3471 p.ct. for tartaric acid, and '8826 p.ct. for nicotine. 304 OPTICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. that the solvent brings about some gradual change in the configuration of the atoms forming the molecule of the dis- solved compound, than with either of the other hypotheses 1 that have been suggested, one of which asserts that the mole- cules of the solid consist of aggregates of true molecules, and that these are separated by the solvent, and the other supposes that the solvent forms a series of compounds with the dissolved substance, which compounds are of different rotatory powers and vary in quantity with variations in the relative amounts of the solvent and the dissolved substance. 146 All known compounds which possess the power of ro- tating the plane of polarisation of a ray of light when in the liquid state or in solution are compounds of carbon : van't Hoff 2 , following in the steps of Le Bel 3 , has endeavoured to trace a precise connexion between the molecular structure of these compounds and their rotatory power. The hypo- thesis of Le Bel and van't Hoff connects optical activity with the presence of one or more asymmetric carbon atoms in the molecule of the optically active body. The definition of an asymmetric carbon atom implies the conception of the arrangement of atoms in three dimensions in space. An atom of carbon is supposed to be situated at the centre of a regular tetrahedron, and to be in direct union with four atoms or radicles situated at the four summits of the tetra- hedron ; when these four atoms or radicles are all different, two geometrically different forms of the configuration may Fig. 46. Fig. 47. 1 References to memoirs in which these hypotheses are discussed will be found in Pribram's paper. 2 La Chimie dans FEspace; and more particularly in a pamphlet published in 1887, entitled Dix Annees dans fhistoire d'une Theorie. ' Bull. Soc. Chim. 22. 337; 23. 295. CH. IV. 146] ASYMMETRIC CARBON ATOMS. 305 exist. These two forms bear to each other the relation of an object to its image ; neither is superposable on the other (s. figs. 46 and 47). An atom of carbon related in this way to four different radicles is said to be asymmetric, because there is no symmetry in the configuration, while at the same time a plane of symmetry arises so soon as two of the four radicles are the same. Any compound containing an asymmetric carbon atom may exhibit geometrical isomerism : each isomeride will differ from the other in rotatory power, and if the isomerides are crystallisable they will assume enantiomorphous (non-super- posable) forms. Ammonium malate, for instance, crystallises in two enantiomorphous forms, as represented in figs. 48 and 49; these crystals differ exactly in the same way as the Fig. 48. Fig. 49- molecules of the two isomerides are supposed to differ. Many other optically active compounds shew differences in rotatory power accompanied by the power of crystallising in enantio- morphous forms 1 . We should expect then to find all those compounds opti- cally active the molecules of which contain one or more asymmetric carbon atoms, and also to find that all optically active compounds contain asymmetric carbon atoms. So far as investigation has gone, the molecule of every compound which exhibits rotatory power contains at least one carbon atom in direct union with four different radicles 2 . The following formulae, in which the asymmetric carbon 1 Van't Hoffs Dix Anntes... p. 30. 2 For details of individual compounds s. van't Hoff, /. c. pp. 31 48. M. C, 20 306 OPTICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. atoms are indicated by italics, shew the composition of some commonly occurring optically active compounds ; OH OH I I Tartaricacid CO 2 H C C CO 2 H ; i i H H H I Lactic acid CH 3 C CO 2 H; I OH H I Secondary amylic iodide CH 3 C C 3 H 7 . I Investigation has also shewn that those derivatives of optically active compounds which do not themselves contain asymmetric carbon atoms do not possess rotatory power; in other words, a change of structure resulting in the removal of the asymmetric atoms is always accompanied by loss of optical activity. But compounds do exist which certainly contain asymmetric carbon atoms and yet do not rotate the plane of polarisation of a ray of light. Some of these may be resolved into two isomerides of equal and opposite rotatory powers, e.g. racemic acid ; others cannot be resolved into active isomerides, e.g. mesotartaric acid. Consider the formulae (RaRaRO C . C(R 1 R 2 R 3 ) and (R 6 R 5 R 4 ) C . C(R 1 R 2 R 3 ), where R^ &c. represent different radicles ; the first formula shews each of the two asymmetric carbon atoms in direct combination with the same radicles [R^R^R,,, and (CR^R,,)], the second formula shews one asymmetric carbon atom di- rectly combined with the radicles R I} R 2 , R 3 , and (CR 4 R 5 R 6 ), and the other asymmetric carbon atom in direct union with the radicles R 4 , R 6 , R 6 and (CR^RJ. The first formula represents a symmetrical molecule, the second an tmsymme- trical molecule. Let us now advance a step farther and compare the structures represented by the formulae (R 3 R 2 R 1 )C.C(R 1 R 2 R 3 ) and (R 2 R 3 R t ) C. CC CH. IV. 146] HYPOTHESIS OF VAN'T HOFF. 307 Both formulae are symmetrical, but the structure repre- sented by one is the reflection or image of that represented by the other. The isomeride represented by one of these formulae ought to rotate the plane of polarisation to the right, and the other isomeride ought to rotate the plane an equal amount to the left. A mixture or compound of these isome- rides in equal molecular proportions would be optically in- active, because every dextrorotatory molecule would be opposed by a laevorotatory molecule. But such a mixture or compound would be resolvable into a dextrorotatory and a laevorotatory isomeride. Unsymmetrical compounds containing asymmetric carbon atoms must be active, or if inactive they must be resolvable each into two isomerides of opposite rotatory powers. Inactive compounds which are resolvable into two isome- rides of equal and opposite activities are said in the language of van't Hoff's hypothesis to be inactive by external compensation. Now let the structure represented by the formula be considered 1 . Each half of this molecule is the complement or reflected image of the other ; one half will neutralise the optical activity of the other half; the whole will be inactive by internal compensation. A compound which is inactive by internal compensation must contain at least two asymmetric carbon atoms, and the formula must be symmetrical. The hypothesis asserts the existence of such inactive compounds, and declares that they cannot be resolved into active isomerides because their in- activity is the result of the atomic configuration of their molecules, and is not produced by the opposition of molecules of dextrorotatory power to an equal number of isomeric molecules of laevorotatory power. The hypothesis of van't Hoff divides compounds containing asymmetric carbon atoms into three classes : (i) Those which are optically active: such compounds are produced in pairs consisting of a dextrorotatory 1 Models of the different structures made in pasteboard are helpful. 2O 2 308 OPTICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. and a laevorotatory isomeride ; they are either sym- metrical or unsymmetrical. (2) Those which are inactive but may be resolved into two isomerides of equal and opposite rotatory powers ; they are inactive by external compensation. (3) Those which are inactive and non-resolvable; they are inactive by internal compensation. Van't Hoff (I.e. pp. 54 55) shews that an unsymmetrical compound containing n asymmetric carbon atoms may exist in 2" optically different modifications, and that a symmetrical compound containing 11 asymmetric carbon atoms may have |2* active isomerides, and |2 2 inactive non-resolvable isome- rides 1 . There are three general methods for separating inactive resolvable bodies into their dextrorotatory and laevorotatory isomerides. In the first method advantage is taken of the differences between the actions of some minute organisms on the two active isomerides. For instance, when penicillium is allowed to act on a dilute solution of ammonium racemate, Isevorota- tory tartrate of ammonium is found in the liquid after a time, the isomeric dextrorotatory tartrate being destroyed by the action of the organism. The second method proceeds by treating the inactive com- pound with an active body with which one of the isomeric constituents of the inactive compound combines more readily than the other. For instance, crystals of laevorotatory tartrate of cinchonine, and a solution of dextrorotatory tartaric acid, may be obtained by adding the proper quantity of active cinchonine to a solution of racemic acid, and crystallising. The third method consists in separating the inactive body into two active isomerides by crystallisation at a definite temperature. For instance, when a solution of racemic acid is neutralised by soda and another equal quantity by ammonia, and the solutions are mixed and evaporated at a temperature a little below 28, crystals both of dextrorotatory and laevoro- 1 Many applications are given in pp. 55 62 of van't Hoff's Dix Annces, &c. CH. IV. 146, 147] HYPOTHESIS OF VAN'T HOFF. 309 tatory sodium-ammonium tartrate are obtained 1 . Van't Hoff 2 has shewn that the change from sodium-ammonium racemate to the two tartrates is accomplished by heating the dry salt with water in the ratio NaNH 4 . H 4 C 4 O 6 . H 2 O: sH 2 O to a little under 27; and that the change from the two tartrates to the racemate (and water) is effected by heating the dry mixture to a little above 27. The changes may be repre- sented thus (the racemate crystallises with H 2 O and the tar- trates with 4H 2 O) : 2(NaNH 4 .H 4 C 4 O 6 .4H 2 O)^2(NaNH 4 .H 4 C 4 O 6 .H 2 O) + 6H 2 O. Slight variations of temperature above or below 27 deter- mine the direction in which the change occurs. Some other racemates appear to undergo change to tartrates at a definite temperature 2 . The change of inactive racemates to the active tartrates and vice versa is closely analogous to some changes which occur among inorganic compounds ; for instance, when a mixture of the sulphates of magnesium and sodium in mole- cular proportion is heated a little above 21 it is changed to a double sulphate and water, and at a little under 21 the double sulphate is resolved into the two single sulphates : MgS0 4 . 7H 2 O + Na 8 SO 4 . ioH 2 O ^ MgNa 2 (SO 4 ) 2 . 4H 2 O + I3H 2 O. The process of resolution by heat of the inactive racemate is also very analogous to the physical process of fusion ; and as one speaks of the fusion-point, so van't Hoff uses the expression transition-point to indicate the temperature at which the chemico-physical change in question occurs 8 . 47 The hypothesis of van't Hoff and Le Bel connects the power of rotating the plane of polarisation of a ray of light primarily with the configuration of the parts of molecules, but it points to the formation of molecular aggregates without change of molecular structure as a cause of the removal, or rather disappearance, of optical activity. Optical activity appears to be independent of the nature and number of the 1 For examples of the application of the three methods, see van't Hoff, /. c. pp. 64-69. 3 See van't Hoff, /. c. p. 69. 3 For details, see van't Hoff, Journal fiir physikal. Chemie, 1. 165, 227. 3IO OPTICAL METHODS. [BOOK atoms which form the molecule of a carbon compound, and to be connected only with the configuration of these atoms. We cannot assign a definite part of the total rotatory power of a compound molecule to each of the atoms or even groups of atoms which form the molecule ; nor can we connect the rotatory power with changes of valency or with changes in the distribution of the atomic interactions, except in so far as these are concerned in changes from a configuration contain- ing asymmetric carbon atoms to another configuration which does not contain such atoms. The specific rotatory powers of many compounds readily undergo change when small changes occur in certain physical conditions. Some active bodies become inactive by heating, and at another temperature the change is sometimes reversed. The value of [a] of a solution of an active body in an inactive solvent is dependent on the nature and the quantity of the solvent. The addition of one inactive solvent to the solu- tion of an active body in another solvent is sometimes accompanied by a great change in the rotatory power of the liquid ; thus about one half of the alcohol in an alcoholic solution of cinchonine may be replaced by chloroform without much change of rotatory power, but if as much as ^th f the chloroform in a solution of the same alkaloid in this solvent is replaced by alcohol a marked change in rotatory power occurs 1 . Again, the rotatory power of a body in solu- tion sometimes changes on keeping until a constant value is attained; thus the value of [a] for a freshly prepared aqueous solution of milk sugar or certain glucoses decreases on keep- ing, and the final value is more quickly attained by boiling the liquid 2 . This readiness to change shewn by the rotatory powers of carbon compounds finds some explanation in van't Hoff's hypothesis, especially in the development of it made by Wislicenus. For Wislicenus shews 3 that besides those con- figurations which are conditioned by the affinities of the 1 Watts's Diet. 3rd Supplt. 1210. 2 Land oil's Handbook of the Polariscope, p. 62. 3 See ante, par. 94. CH. IV. 147, 148] MAGNETIC ROTATORY POWER. 3!! atoms of a molecule containing asymmetric carbon atoms, other configurations will probably exist which will be relatively unstable, and that the existence and number of these will be conditioned by the action of heat and by collisions with mole- cules of other kinds ; as these unstable forms are only geome- trically different from the stable configurations they will be optically active, but their rotatory power will not probably be the same as that of the stable form. Krecke 1 has endeavoured to generalise the relations be- tween the molecular rotatory powers* [m] of certain compounds and of their active derivatives ; but the data are insufficient. 148 A large number of measurements of the rotatory power of compounds when under magnetic influence has been made by Perkin 3 . The liquid compound to be examined was placed in a glass tube the ends of which were let into the poles of a large electromagnet; the tube formed part of a polariscope. Sodium light was employed. A great many compounds exhibit optical activity under these conditions. Perkin measures the rotations of liquid compounds and refers the results to lengths of liquids related to each other in the same proportion as the molecular weights of the gases obtained by vapourising these liquids. The molecular rotation of water is taken as unity. Let r = observed rotation of a specified compound and r = rotation of water; let Mw = molecular weight of the compound and Mw = molecular weight of water; and let a?=spec. grav. of the compound and ^' = spec. grav. of water [= i]; then mole- _, . r . Mw r . Mw cular rotatory power (Mol. R) = r' . Mw' .d' 1 J- JUr prakt. Chemie, (2). 5. 6. See also Flavitsky, Ber. 15. 5 ; Th. Thomsen, Ber. 13. 2168, 2264, 2269; 14. 29, 134, 203, 807, 1647; and against him, Landolt, Ber. 14. 296, 1048. 2 See ante, p. 300. 3 C. S. Journal, Trans. 1884. 421 ; 1886. 777; 1887. 808. 312 OPTICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. About 150 compounds were examined, the observation of r being repeated five to ten times for each compound, and the spec. grav. of each being carefully determined. In strictly homologous normal carbon compounds each increment of CH 2 produces a constant increment (i'O23) in molecular rotatory power. But when the addition of CH 2 is accompanied by a change in the distribution of the atomic interactions the change of Mol. R. is not constant ; for in- stance, the change from a normal paraffin CH s .?zCH 2 . CH 3 to the next higher isoparaffin CH(CH 3 ) 2 . CH 2 . CH 3 produces an increase in Mol. R. equal to 1-023 + '105; in the change from a normal acid to the next higher iso-acid of the same series, CH. 2 has a different value; and so on. When chlorine is substituted for hydrogen in a hydrocarbon the molecular rotatory power is increased, but each chlorine atom has a different value from the others. These results indicate that the molecular rotatory power of a compound is not the sum of certain constant values assignable to each atom or atomic group, but that it depends on the arrangement of the atoms which form the molecule. This result is confirmed by the outcome of attempts to assign values to the atomic rotatory powers of oxygen and carbon. The atomic rotatory power of hydrogen may be deduced thus: (1) Mol. R. of C H 2n + 2 =Mol. R. but Mol. R. of #CH 2 = 1-023. The value thus deduced for At. R. of H is -254. (2) Mol. R. of QH^ = Mol< R Qf CmH2m + i . then 'Mol. R. of C n H 2n + 2 - Mol. R. of C m H ta + 1 = At. R. of H, if n = m; [e g Mol. R. ofC 6 H 14 _ 3 - 323=Mol R of C3H7 . but Mol. R. of C 3 H 8 = 3-577, .'. At. R. of H = "254]. The value thus deduced for At. R. of H is "254. The difference between -508 (At. R. of H = -254) and 1-023 (Mol. R for CH a in normal homologous series) gives the num- CH. IV. 148] MAGNETIC ROTATORY POWER. 313 her '515 as the atomic rotatory power of carbon in normal homologous series. Similar methods are applied to the data for oxygen compounds, and the results are these; Oxygen in alcoholic OH At. R. = 'i94, Oxygen in carboxylic OH =-137, Oxygen in carboxylic CO ='261. When these values are applied to calculate Mol. R. for series different from those which furnished the data, numbers are obtained which do not agree with the observed numbers. Nor can a constant value be found for the atomic rotatory power of chlorine; the value varies according to the series of compounds considered, according as one or two hydrogen atoms are replaced by one or two chlorine atoms, according as the hydrogen replaced is in one part of the molecule or in another part, and so on. The general conclusion is that change of molecular rota- tory power of carbon compounds under magnetic influence is intimately connected with changes in molecular structure, so that any cause which alters this structure also alters the rotatory power. Perkin attempts to use determinations of Mol. R. for various compounds formed by the action of water on other compounds for throwing light on the question whether these compounds are hydrates, i.e. compounds of water, or compounds of oxygen and hydrogen with other elements. In all measurements of Mol. R. the molecular rotatory power of water under the magnetic influence is taken as unity; if therefore a compound is formed by addition of water to another, Mol. R. for the new compound might be expected to be equal to that for the original compound plus one for each molecule of water added ; if the observed Mol. R. is less than Mol. R. thus calculated, the difference may be explained by supposing that the formation of the new compound has involved a rearrangement of the atoms of the reacting mole- cules. Here are a few examples of the application of this method : 314 OPTICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. HCO 2 H . H 2 O Mol. R. observed = 2 '666 Mol. R. HCO 2 H + i " =2-671 CH 3 C0 2 H.H 2 3-554 CH 3 C0 2 H + i CH 3 CH 2 CO 2 H . H 2 O 4-512 CH 3 CH 2 CO 2 H + 1=4-462. H 2 S0 4 2-315 H 2 S0 4 . H 2 O 3-188 = Mol. R. H 2 SO 4 + -873 H 2 SO 4 .2H 2 4-113= H 2 SO 4 .H,0 + 925 H 2 SO 4 .3H 2 O 5-064= H 2 SO 4 .2H 2 O + 951- Perkin considers that the bodies formed by adding water to formic acetic and propionic acids are either hydrates of these acids, or only mixtures; but that a compound of sul- phur oxygen and hydrogen [perhaps SO(OH)J, and not a hydrate of sulphuric acid, is produced when sulphuric acid and water react in the ratio H 2 SO 4 : H 2 O. The difference between Mol. R. for some organic anhydrides and Mol. R. for the corresponding acids averages about 74; in other words, the combination of a molecule of water with an anhydride to form an acid raises Mol. R. by about 74; hence, Perkin argues, when H 2 O is added to H 2 SO 4 the change which occurs is so far analogous to that of the conversion of an anhydride into an acid that it cannot be regarded as a simple hydration of sulphuric acid. The following data lead to the conclusion that chloral hydrate is not a compound of chloral and water, but that the reaction between these compounds involves a rearrangement of some of the atoms of the reacting bodies: Mol. R. of CC1 3 . CHO liquid = 6'59i Mean Mol. R. of liquid CC1 3 . CHO . H 2 O = 7-037 Increase in Mol. R. for combination of H 2 O = '446. 149 Researches on the relations between the composition and the absorption-spectra of carbon compounds have been con- ducted by Hartley 1 . From the results thus obtained, Hartley concludes, that the normal alcohols C n H 2n+1 . OH are remark - 1 Phil. Trans. 170. 257. See also C. S. Journal's., for 1881. 153 et seq. See also report of the B.A. committee ^gn Spectrum Analysis; Brit. Ass. Reports for 1880. 258 et seq. CH. IV. 149] ABSORPTION-SPECTRA. 315 ably transparent to the ultra-violet rays methylic alcohol transmits all rays up to wave-length 2000, but octylic alcohol transmits nothing beyond 3464; that a normal acid of the C n H 2im CO 2 H series always exhibits a greater absorption of the more refrangible rays of the ultra-violet spectrum than the normal alcohol with the same number of carbon atoms; and that in both alcohols and acids addition of CH 2 is accom- panied by increased absorption. From an examination of the absorption-spectra of very many carbon compounds, Hartley concludes, that absorption- bands are never present in the ultra-violet part of the spec- trum obtained by passing light through a compound in the molecule of which the carbon atoms are arranged in an 'open chain', but that such bands are present in the absorption- spectra of all benzene derivatives. Inasmuch, however, as benzene hexachloride C 6 H 6 C1 6 is very transparent, and exhi- bits no bands, it would appear that the mere closing of the chain of carbon atoms is not the sole condition necessary for the production of absorption-bands. Hartley thinks that each carbon atom must be in direct union with at least three other carbon atoms. This supposition is in accordance with the observation that solutions of naphthalene, anthracene, and phenanthrene, in transparent media, shew absorption-bands, similar to, but lower in refrangibility than, the benzene bands ; and that these solutions likewise exhibit much more intense absorption than benzene. Terpenes (C 10 H 16 ) and camphor (C ]0 H J6 O) exhibit more intense absorption than compounds of the paraffinoid group, but no bands appear in the spectra of the light transmitted by these compounds ; hence their molecular structure appears to be related on the one hand to the paraffinoid and on the other hand to the benzenoid group of compounds. By taking advantage of the differences in the character of the absorption exhibited by different compounds e.g. the character of the absorption-spectrum of cymene is very dif- ferent from that of the terpenes it is possible to detect minute quantities of certain compounds in presence of large 316 OPTICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. quantities of others, and also broadly to classify carbon compounds into groups. Further, by taking advantage of the differences in the positions of the bands in the spectra of the light transmitted by isomeric compounds, it will be possible, when sufficient data have been obtained, to de- termine the class to which this or that isomeride belongs. Moreover, the gathering together of this data will doubtless be the means of gaining much precise knowledge regarding the relations between the molecular structure and the actinic properties of compounds 1 . For the experiments of Hartley * tend to the conclusion that although greater or less absorp- tion is connected with molecular vibrations, yet the special selective absorption characteristic of benzenoid compounds is rather to be connected with atomic vibrations. These ex- periments also shew that the mean rate of vibration of the rays absorbed by molecules of naphthalene and anthracene is less than that of the rays absorbed by benzene molecules, and hence, remembering the similarity of the character of the absorptions in these three cases, it is concluded that the amplitudes of the vibrations of the naphthalene and anthra- cene molecules are greater, and the rates of vibration are slower, than those of the benzene molecules. Hence it would follow that the atomic vibrations which probably give rise to the observed selective absorption are closely dependent on the vibrations of the molecules as wholes. Now if a connexion between the vibrations of molecules and the vibrations of parts of these molecules is established, and if this connexion is elucidated by precise data, we shall certainly have made an important advance in solving the fun- damental problem of chemistry, which is to trace the relations between the composition and the properties of bodies. A further step in this direction has been made by Abney and Festing 3 , who have mapped the absorption which occurs in the infra-red region of the spectrum, and have thus been 1 For the application of his general conclusions to essential oils, quinoline, hydrocyanic and cyanuric acids, &c., see Hartley, C. S. Journal Trans, for 1880. 676 ; do. for 1882. 45 ; and Chem. News, 40. 269. 5 C. S. Journal Trans, for 1881. 165167. 3 Proc. R. S. 31. 416, and Phil. Trans, for 1881. 887. CH.IV. 149, 150] MOLECULAR VOLUMES. 317 able to shew that there is a definite connexion between the nature of the atomic groups in the molecules of many carbon- compounds, and the vibrations of the rays stopped by these compounds 1 . SECTION III. Methods based on determinations of the molecular volumes of compounds' 2 . 150 The quotient obtained by dividing the formula-weight by the specific gravity of a compound (referred to water at 4) is generally called the specific volume of that compound. The term specific volume, however, evidently expresses the relative volume of unit weight of the substance. The quotient in question is sometimes called the molecular volume of the com- pound formulated. This expression strictly interpreted im- plies that the formula-weight is identical with the molecular weight, and that the specific gravity and formula-weight are 1 Kriiss and Oeconomides (Ber. 16. 2051), and Kriiss (Ber. 18. 1426, 2586), have traced some connexion between the shifting of absorption towards or away from the less refrangible part of the spectrum and the substitution of hydrogen in benzenoid compounds by CH 3 , Br, NH 2 , NO 2 , &c. Reference may here be made to a paper by G. Kriiss [Ber. 15. 1243, and 16. 2051] on an optical method for determining whether or not chemical action has occurred between two substances in solution, all the possible products of the reaction being also soluble under the experimental conditions. The method consists, essentially, in comparing the sums of the absorption-spectra of the original liquids with the absorption-spectrum of a mixture of these liquids. 2 It may be well to gather together here references to the most important articles and papers on the subject of this section: KOPP, Annalen 96. 153, 303; 100. 19, &c. BUFF, Annalen Supplbd. 4. 129, and Ber. 4. 647. THORPE, C. S. Journal, Trans, for 1880. 141, 327. L. MEYER, Annalen Supplbd. 5. 129; also Die modernen Theorien (4th Ed.), 284 292 ; English Ed. pp. 259-267. ELSASSER, Annalen 218 302. STAEDEL, Ber. 15. 2559. WEGER, Annalen 221. 61. RAMSAY, C. S. Journal, Trans, for 1879. 463 ; do. for 1881. 49. 66. LOSSEN, Annalen 214. 81. Compare also SCHIFF, Ber. 14. 2761; 15. 1270; 19. 560; Annalen 220. 71, 278; 223. 247. SCHALFEJEW, Ber. 15. 2209; 16. 1853. ZANDER, Annalen, 224. 56. LOSSEN and ZANDER, Annalen, 225. rog. LOSSEN, Annalen, 243. 64. GARTENMEISTER, Annalen, 233. 249. HORSTMANN, Ber. 19.* 1591; 20. 766. ISCHERMAK, Annalen, 112. 129; 114. 25. SCHRODER, Wied. Ann. 11. 997; 14. 656; KRAFFT, Ber. 15. 1687. VOLLMAR, Ber. 15. 2560. WILSON, Proc. R. S. 32. 457. NEUBECK, Zeitschr.fiir physikal. Chemie, 1. 649. See also O. E. Meyer's Die Kinetische Theorie der Case, 216 221 : and WATTS' Diet.; 1. 440 el seq. and (more especially) 3rd Supplt. 2117 et seq. 3l8 PHYSICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. expressed in terms of the same standard. The value of formula-weight . . r^ is equal to the product of specific volume spec, gravity multiplied into molecular weight, assuming the latter to be the same as the formula-weight; or we may say that, if the weight expressed by the formula is taken in grams, the quo- formula-weight ,, r ,. tient - jS represents the number of cubic centi- spec. gravity metres occupied by an amount of the substance in grams proportional to its molecular weight. Now we can deter- mine the molecular weights of gaseous compounds only : if the specific gravities of compounds are referred to hydro- molecular weight gen as unity, then, - r~ = const. = 2. Never- spec. gravity r 1 ^- i. formula-weight . . . . ... theless, if the quotient ^ is obtained for a spec, gravity number of liquid compounds, we shall have a series of com- parable values, which if formula-weight of liquid is a simple multiple of molecular weight of gas represent the volumes occupied by quantities of various liquid compounds pro- portional to the molecular weights of the same compounds in the state of gases. The meaning to be attached to the expression 'volume occupied by a quantity proportional to molecular weight ' will be discussed in paragraph 156. The name atomic volume is generally applied to the quo- atomic weight tient r- ? ~n = (water = i). spec, gravity of solid element The determinations of the specific gravities of liquids necessary for finding values for the quotient we are discussing, should be made under comparable conditions ; this is roughly fulfilled by determining the specific gravities at the boiling points of the liquids 1 . 1 It would be advisable to compare those volumes of liquids for which temperature and pressure are equal fractions of their critical values. (See Ostwald's Lehrbttch, 1. 336.) Full details regarding the methods used for de- termining the spec. grav. of liquids at their boiling points will be found in Thorpe's paper, loc, cit.; see also Ramsay (loc. cit.) ; Schiff (loc. cit.); and Neubeck (loc. cit.). CH. IV. 150, 151] MOLECULAR VOLUMES. 319 Let the molecular volume, i.e. the quotient formula-weight of liquid compound spec, gravity referred to water be expressed by the symbol ( V}. Then the value of ( F) for a compound is in some cases equal to the sum of the values of ( V) for the elementary atoms which form the molecule of that compound. But is (F) always the sum of the atomic volumes of the constituent elements, and has each elementary atom a constant value ? For many carbon compounds Kopp has shewn that But in some cases the observed value of ( V) does not agree with that calculated by this formula; thus Aldehyde C 2 H 4 O : calculated (V) = (2 . ii) + (4- observed (V) =S^'5- +47 Acetic acid C 2 H 4 O 2 : calculated (F) = ( 2 !!) + (4- 5'5) + ( 2 -7'8) = 59'6 observed (F) =63-5. +3-9 The value of ( V] for a compound C x H v O t is conditioned, according to Kopp, by the value of ( F) for the oxygen atom, or atoms, in the molecule. Kopp gives the following two values, according as the oxygen atom acts as a monovalent or divalent atom in the given molecule 1 ; Applying these values to the case of aldehyde, we have ( 2 .ii) + (4. 5-5)+ 12-2-56-2; a result which agrees very closely with the observed value, viz. 56-5. For acetic acid we have I2'2 = 64'o: observed = 63-5. ^OH 1 Kopp used the expression 'oxygen within the radicle' as synonymous with what is now called divalent (singly-linked) oxygen atoms; and 'oxygen without the radicle' as synonymous with monovalent (doubly-linked) oxygen atoms. 32O PHYSICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. Or again, for ethylic acetate, O O C 2 H 5 observed == 107*8. Or, once more, for acetone and its isomeride allylic alcohol, (i) (F)H 3 C C -CH, = (3.n) + (6. 5-5)+ 12-2 = 78-2: observed = 78-0; I O (2) H H 2 Instead of assigning two values to the oxygen atoms in compounds of the form Q-H^O.,, it would probably be better to employ the value ( V] = 23-2 (i.e. 11 + 12-2), which attri- butes the influence on the total value of ( F) due to the presence of the group CO to both the atoms which com- prise this group. Schiff (loc. cit.} concludes that the value of (F) O" varies according to the nature and arrangement of all the con- stituents of the molecule ; and also, that the value of ( F) X - C - O is always greater than that of ( F) C - O - X, where X represents a radicle. Kopp 1 deduced two values for (F)S; thus (F)S I = 28'6, (F)S n = 22'6: but only one value for ( F)C, and one for (F)H and (F)C1. Many and very varying values have been found by different observers for ( F)N : thus Kopp assigns the value 2-3 to ( F)N when N occurs in amines, and 17 when N occurs in CN and in some nitro-compounds; Ramsay gives (F)N = 3'6 in amines, = 9-0 in pyridine, lutidine, &c., and = 7 in aniline, toluidine, and dimethylaniline. 152 If the influence exerted by the oxygen in a carbon com- pound on the value of ( V) for that compound varies accord- ing to the actual valencies of the oxygen atoms in the mole- cule, it appears probable that the total value of ( V] will also depend on the actual valencies of the carbon atoms in the molecule. Buff 2 thought that his determinations shewed that the value of ( F) for compounds containing trivalent (doubly- 1 See also Ramsay, C. S. Journal Trans, for 1879. 471 i. 2 Annalen, Supplbd. 4. 143 et seq. CH.1V. 152, 153] MOLECULAR VOLUMES. 321 linked) carbon atoms is greater than the value calculated on the assumption that ( V}C ni = ( F)C IV = 1 1. Thus, (1) DichlorethyleneCUzzC 1 " C UI -H 2 , (^ = 79-9: (F) calculated = 78-6; diff.= + i'3. (2) Carbon dichloride CL C" 1 C" 1 C1 2 , ( V) = 1 1 5-4 : (V) calculated=H3'2; diff.= + 2'2. H 3 C IV (3) Amylene ^ >C ni C'" - C IV H 3 , ( F) = 1 1 2 : H 3 C IV H " ( V) calculated = 1 10 ; diff.= +2*0. (4) Valerylene H 3 C C IU C" C m C IV H, , ( V) = 104-0 : H H (V) calculated = 99; diff. 322 PHYSICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. also vary, apparently, in accordance with the distribution of the interatomic reactions in molecules wherein all the carbon atoms are tetravalent, and all the oxygen atoms are divalent. Thorpe (loc. cit.} has given some examples of such variations; but Zander 1 has extended the number of examples con- siderably. Thus a comparison of ( V) for propyl and isopropyl compounds shews that the normal compounds always exhibit a smaller value than the iso-compounds : C 3 H 7 OH C 3 H 7 I C 3 H 7 Br C 3 H 7 C1 highest value of ( V) obtained for normal \ /H.C C C X\ \ 81-4 108-2 97-5 917 compound^ 3 H 2 H 2 ) ) lowest value of ( F) obtained for iso- compound X-CH 3 ] f 82> 3 ^S 99'o But the molecules of both classes of compounds contain only tetravalent carbon atoms 2 . Lossen 3 has collected the most trustworthy data bearing on the question as to whether or not a constant value can be assigned to (F)CH 2 . Kopp gave 22 as the mean value for this group. Lossen shews that the differences between the values of (F) for successive homologues of the acid series C n H 2n+1 CO 2 H nearly agree with the differences calculated on the basis of (F)CH 2 =22; but that in the series of alcohols C n H wl CH 2 OH the value of (F)CH 2 varies from 187 to 21, assuming that the other atoms exert a constant influence on the total value of ( V). Apparently then a variable value must be assigned to (F)C IV , or to ( F)H, or to both of these quantities. Some light is thrown on this point by Zander's comparison (loc. cit^) of ( F) for propyl, isopropyl, and allyl, compounds, which leads to the conclusion that the difference between ( F) for a normal propyl and the corresponding allyl compound, i.e. between two compounds differing in composition by H 8 , varies from 57 to 8'9 (having a mean value of 7'i): hence, if 1 Annalen 'OA. 138: 224. 56. 2 See also Brown Proc. R. S. 26. 238. Also Elsasser, Annalen 218. 302. 8 Annalen 214. 8r et seq. CH. IV. 153] MOLECULAR VOLUMES. 323 we assume that the difference in question is wholly due to the difference in empirical composition, we appear forced to con- clude that the value of the influence exerted on ( V) by the monovalent atom H is variable 1 . Thorpe (loc. cit.} got these results for compounds containing only tetravalent carbon atoms in their molecules: H 2 CC1 2 (F)= 65-12; hence (F)Cl = 2i-6; (assuming (F)C=u, HCC1 3 (F)= 84-53; CC1 4 (^) = 103-68; Taking the mean value for(F)Cl, viz. 22-5, and applying this to calculate the values of ( V] for each of the preceding com- pounds, we have (F)H 2 CClo= 67-0 observed= 65-12 diff.= -r88 (F)HCCl^ 84-0 = 84-53 =+ -53 (V) CCl 4 =ioro =103-68 =+2-68 Hence the value of ( F)C1 appears to be variable. This is more strikingly illustrated by Staedel's comparison 2 of the differences in the values of ( F), and also the differences in the boiling points, at various pressures, of chlorine compounds derived from C 2 H 4 . The differences in (F), and also in B.P., between the following pairs of compounds, viz. C1H 2 C CH 2 C1 and H 3 C-CH 2 C1, C1H 2 C CHC1 2 and H 3 C CHC1 2 , C1H 2 C CC1 8 and H 3 C CC1 3 , 1 Besides the empirical difference of H 2 , there is a difference in the actual valencies of some of the carbon atoms in propyl and allyl compounds ; thus, normal propylic alcohol is H 3 C C C OH, and allylic alcohol is H 2 H 2 H 2 C ni C 1 " C OH. See also Weger, Annalen 221. 61, who gets different H H 2 values for ( V) CH 2 in different series of compounds. See Ber. 16. 2458, where Kopp reminds us that this number was given by him as a mean value, and nothing more. Schiff (Annalen 220. 286, and 291) concludes that (F)C almost certainly varies according to the nature and the arrangement of the constituents of the molecule in which C occurs. Horstmann (Ber. 20. 766) collects many data which lead him to the conclusion that ' unsaturated compounds with closed chain formulae have considerably smaller molecular volumes than those with open chain formulae and multiple linkings of atoms '. Neubeck (Zeitschr. fur physikal. Chemit, 1. 649) shews that (V] for benzene derivatives is modified according to the position [ortho, meta, or para] of the replacing groups. 2 Ber. 15. 2559. 21 2 324 PHYSICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. express differences corresponding with change of CH 3 into CH 2 C1, i.e. with the introduction of the first chlorine atom in place of an atom of hydrogen into the hydrocarbon residue CH, The differences in the values of the same quantities be- tween the following pairs of compounds, viz. CLjHC CH, and H 2 C1C CH 3 , C1 2 HC CH 2 C1 and H 2 C1C-CH 2 C1, C1 2 HC CHC1 2 and H 2 C1C CHC1 2 , C1 2 HC CC1 3 and H 2 C1C CC1 3 , express differences corresponding with the introduction of the second chlorine atom (in place of an atom of hydrogen) into the residue CH 8 . And lastly, by comparing ( V) and B.P. for the following pairs of compounds, viz.: C1 3 C CH 3 and C1 2 HC-CH 3 , C1 3 C CH 2 C1 and C1 2 HC-CH 2 C1, C1 3 C CHC1 2 and C1 2 HC CHC1 2 , C1 3 C CC1 3 and C1 2 HC CC1 3 , the differences corresponding with the introduction of the third chlorine atom into the group CH 8 are determined. Now the differences in question are: for the first chlorine atom (V}= 14-20: B.P. second (F)= 16-37: B.P. = 3i'3o; third ( V}=-- 19-16: B.P. = i6-o4. Hence each chlorine atom has a different 'volume-value' and a different 'boiling-point-value'. If we choose to at- tribute the observed differences to the carbonaceous parts of the molecules, i.e. to C 2 H 4 in C 2 H 4 G1 2 , to C 2 H 3 in C 2 H 3 C1 3> &c., we seem still obliged to admit that carbon and hydrogen atoms have varying 'volume-values', and varying 'boiling- point-values ', in the molecules formulated. 154 The remark made in paragraph 1 5 1 that the value of ( F) for a compound is equal to the sum of the values of ( V] for each of the elementary atoms in the molecule of that com- pound, must evidently be supplemented by the statement, that in the case of carbon compounds, at any rate, the value of ( V} is not constant for C or O, and probably not for H or CH.IV. 154, 155] MOLECULAR VOLUMES. 325 Cl, but varies in accordance with (i) the actual valencies of the atoms of carbon and oxygen, and (2) the distribution of all the atomic interactions in the molecule. The precise character of the connexion between the values of ( V) for C, O, H, and Cl, and the valencies on the one hand, and the nature of the atoms (or atomic groups) in direct union within any molecule on the other hand, cannot be ascertained until much more experimental data has been accumulated 1 . The known data regarding the values of ( V) cannot therefore be applied in other than a very tentative way to the selection of one from among several possible structural formulae 2 . 55 The values of ( V) for many solid compounds have been compared, and attempts have been made to generalise the relations between these values; but, as might be expected from considering how little comparable are the conditions under which the relative densities of solids have been deter- mined, the conclusions are either vague and difficult of precise application, or represent only interesting relations between certain numbers, without much, if any, connexion with chemical facts. By considering the difference between (F)MO and ( F)M, a fairly constant value for ( F)O in the oxides is sometimes obtained: thus for PbO and Fe 2 O 8 , the difference in question is about 5-5. But in other oxides the value of ( F)O appears to be very variable ; thus, (F)CuO-(F)Cu = 5'i; but (F) CuoO-(F) Cu 2 = 10-5. Brauner and Watts 3 have drawn the following conclusions 1 It is pointed out by Lossen (loc. cit.) that careful determination of ( V) for many series of carbon compounds and for many individuals in each series, are now required. 2 An illustration of the difficulties which are 'met with, and of the uncertain nature of the results obtained, is furnished by the contradictory conclusions of Thorpe (see Watts's Diet, 3rd Supplt. 2117 18) and of Masson and Ramsay (see C. S. Journal Trans, for 1881, 51 et sey.) regarding the structural formula of POC1 :) . Thorpe concludes that the formula ought to be written C1 2 =P O Cl, Masson and Ramsay think that C1 3 ~ P O more nearly represents the facts. In connexion with the formula of this compound see the experiments of Michaelis and La Coste (Ber. 18. 2118). 3 Phil. Mag. [5] 11. 60. 326 PHYSICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. from comparisons of (F)MO and (F)M for different series of oxides. (1) In strongly basic oxides the value of ( F)O is nega- tive ; the more basic the oxide, and the greater the value of ( F)M in the oxide, the more negative is the value of ( F)O. (2) In oxides of heavy metals and non-metals the value of ( F)O is positive. (3) In oxides of the earth metals the value of (V)O is nil. The values of ( F) for isomorphous compounds generally vary little; thus, (F)MgO.Al 2 O 3 = 4i'4 (V) ZnO .Fe 2 O 3 = 47'o ( V} ZnO . Al 2 O 3 = 4o-2 (F) MnO . Cr 2 O 3 =46'4. The greater the agreement between the angles of crystals belonging to the same class, the less do the values of ( V} differ, e.g. ( (V\ ptc3=4r2 } Crystals are alm St identical (V) BaCO 3 =45'S crystals exhibit differences 1 from those of SrCO 3 and PbC0 3 . Kopp 2 has concluded that if D, the difference between what he calls the ' molecular volumes ' of two isomorphous (V} (V} compounds, is represented as D = YJTJ/\ J7\~\ then the " value of D may attain a maximum, equal to 0*328, without isomorphism being impossible. Determinations of ( V} for anhydrous and hydrated salts promise to throw some light on various questions implied in the commonly used expressions 'water of crystallisation' and ' water of constitution '. Graham distinguished ' saline ' water from ' basic ' water in salts and acids ; the replacement of the former by another salt, or by an oxide, produced a double salt, or in the case of acids 1 For more details see Naumann's Handbuch der Allgeineinen und Physikal- ischen Chetnie, 360 362. 2 Annalen 36. r. Fogg. Ann. 52. 262; 53. 446; 56. 371. See also article " Isomorphie ", in the News Handworterbiuh der Chetnie. CH.IV. 155] MOLECULAR VOLUMES. 327 a normal salt; the replacement of the 'basic' water in an acid produced a basic salt. Thus, MgSO 4 H 2 O 6H 2 O gave MgSO 4 K 2 SO 4 6H 2 O; saline basic N 2 O 5 H 2 O 3H 2 O gave f N 2 O 5 CuO 3H 2 O normal nitrate of copper. CuO 3CuO bas j c 3H 2 O gave f N 2 basic j j Graham further distinguished basic water from water of constitu tion ; e.g . H 2 SO 4 .H 2 O, from C 2 O 3 .H 2 O. basic constitutional Thorpe and Watts 1 have determined (F) for the salts MSO 4 , when M = Mg, Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, Co ; and for the hy- drated salts MSO^H 2 O when M = Mg, Zn, &c. and x varies from i to 7. The value of ( F)MSO 4 was found to be independent of the nature of M for the dehydrated salts. The difference ( F)MSO 4 .;trH 2 O-( F)MSO 4 gave the increase in ( V] for;trH 2 O added to the salts. The following results were obtained. Mean difference between values of and (F)S.H 2 O =107 (F)S.H 2 (F)S.2H 2 0=i3' 3 (F)S.2H 2 (J/)S. 3 H 2 0=i 4 -5 (F)S. 3 H 2 (F)S.6H 2 O Hence the value of (F)MSO 4 .^H 2 O is changed to a different amount by each of the molecules of water which combines with the salt; or, it may be said, that the water molecules contribute in unequal degrees towards the total value of ( F). Clarke 2 has compared the differences between (F) for hydrated and ( V} for dehydrated salts, belonging to two classes of compounds. In the first class, when M = Ca, Sr, Ba, Mg, Cu, Fe, or Co, and x varies from 2 to 6, the mean value of 1 C, S. Journal Trans, for 1880. 102. * Amer, Journal of Sci. and Arts, (3). 8. 428. 328 PHYSICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. was found to be= 1376 (with a maximum value of 15-0, and a minimum of 12-5). The second class comprised various hydrated oxides and hydroxides, viz. B 2 O 3 3H 2 O, I 2 O 6 H 2 O, K 2 OH 2 O, CuOH 2 O, SrOH 2 O, BaOH 2 O, A1 2 3 H 2 O, Mn 2 3 H 2 O, Fe 2 O 3 H 2 O. In this class the value of the difference ( V) oxide *H 2 O - ( V) oxide x varied from 7*4 to IQ'4. If S represent one of the chlorides belonging to the first class, or one of the oxides belonging to the second class, then, for class I, the formula (F)S ^H 2 O = ( F)S + (x . 1376) gives numbers which agree fairly well with the observed results; but no such simple relation between ( F)S ^H 2 O and ( F)S can be traced among the results obtained for compounds belonging to class II. But the hydrates of class I belong to the group of com- pounds containing 'water of crystallisation', whereas those of class II, or most of them at any rate, belong to the group containing 'water of constitution'; hence, although the results obtained by Thorpe and Watts (loc. cit.} lead to the conclusion that the value of (F)H 2 O in the salts MC1^H 2 O is probably different for each addition of H 2 O, nevertheless Clarke's num- bers, taken as a whole, emphasise the difference between 'water of crystallisation' and 'water of constitution', and shew that the chemical difference implied in these expressions is connected with the relative magnitudes of the spaces occupied by chemically comparable quantities of the hydrated salts belonging to each class of compounds. formula-weight , , 156 The quotient r^ ., has been treated as an empi- specmc gravity rically determined quantity; incidentally it has been regarded as expressing the volume occupied by a quantity of the com- pound formulated proportional to the mass of the molecules which form the vapour of that compound. The question is often propounded in papers on 'Specific volumes', whether the CH. IV. 156] MOLECULAR VOLUMES. 329 volume of an element in the free state is, or is not, identical with the volume of the same element in combination. This question, it seems to me, may be better put in another form. What is the connexion between the value of ( V) for a given compound, and the nature and arrangement of the atoms which constitute the molecule of that compound ? It has been shewn (pars. 152, 153) that the partial value to be assigned to each atom is not a constant quantity; in other words tha.t(V) varies with variations in the arrangement, no less than in the nature, of the atoms which form the molecule of the com- pound for which ( V) has been determined. But is there any connexion between the variations of ( V), the valencies of the atoms on the one hand, and the distribution of the interatomic reactions on the other ? From the data concerning isomeric carbon compounds, firstly, containing only saturated poly- valent atoms, and secondly, containing also unsaturated poly- valent atoms, we may conclude, I think, that both connexions exist. It seems probable that a decrease in the actual valency of an atom, other things remaining the same, is attended by an increase in the value of ( V). But Staedel's investigation (par. 153) shew r s that the latter value is also modified by the nature of all the atoms in the molecule. If these connexions can be made precise, and their nature ascertained by careful investigation, it may become possible to trace relations be- tween the volumes occupied by molecules of defined structure and the energy-differences of these molecules, and perhaps to connect with these the differences in the values of the refrac- tive, and the rotatory, powers^of the same molecules 1 . If the value of (V) for a compound is regarded from the point of view of the molecular theory, a connexion may be traced between this value and the partial value of ( V] for each atom in the molecule of the compound. For it has been shewn 1 We should thus gain clearer conceptions of the properties of atoms as these are exhibited in atomic interactions, and also be able to connect these interactions, in a more precise manner than is yet possible, with the properties of the systems thereby formed. If this view is accepted it is evident that the results obtained by the various physical methods discussed in this and the preceding section must have kinetical as well as statical aspects (see Book H.). 330 PHYSICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. by L. Meyer 1 , and by Loschmidt 2 , that the spaces occupied by gaseous molecules (calculated from data based on the transpiration-coefficients of the substances) are connected with the atomic structure of these molecules, in the same general way as has been shewn by Kopp and others to hold in the case of liquid compounds 3 . The Clausian sphere-of-action (ivirkungsspliare) of a molecule is the smallest space which the molecule can occupy under given conditions. Changes in these conditions (e.g. change of temperature), changes in the form of the molecule, or changes in the arrangement of the atoms in the molecule, will be accompanied by changes in the space occupied by the molecule. The relations between the values of these smallest spaces (spheres-of-action) occupied by the molecules of two gases can be calculated, by means of a formula deduced from the general principles of the molecular theory, from observations of the transpiration-coefficients of the gases. Putting the experimentally determined value of ( F) as the value of the molecular sphere-of-action of one of the gases, the values of the molecular spheres-of-action of other gases can be found, and compared with those calculated from T ;r > T./T i , T i i r atomic weight Kopp s, Meyer s. and Loschmidt s, values for ^ ^ specific gravity of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen 4 , &c., and from the partial values assigned, by different chemists, to various atoms in determining the total value of ( V) for molecules containing these atoms. This is done by O. E. Meyer (loc. cit. pp. 219 221). The observed and calculated values of (V) agree as closely as could be expected, considering that regard has been paid in the calculations solely to volume, whereas the molecular spheres- of-action must be conditioned by the form, the diameter, and the length, of the molecular systems. Hence there is a well- established probability in favour of the conclusion that the partial values assigned to the different atoms, in determining 1 Annalen, Supplbd. 5. 129. 2 Sitzberichte der K. Akad. zu Wien (mat/i.-naturwiss. dasse). 52. (2nd part) 395. 8 See O. E. Meyer's Die Kinetische Theorie der Case, 216 221. 4 For a description of the determination of this constant for oxygen and other gases from measurements of the transpiration-coefficients of these gases, see L. Meyer, Annalen, Supplbd. 5. 129. CH. IV. 156, 157] ETHERIFICATION. 33! the total value of ( V} for a liquid compound, are proportional to the volumes occupied by these atoms in the gaseous state. But this is just the conclusion drawn from an empirical study of the values of ( V) determined for series of liquid compounds. Much work must however be done before precise connexions can be traced between the total value of ( V} and the partial values assigned to the various atoms in any molecule. It has generally been assumed that the volumes of differ- ent liquids are under comparable conditions at the boiling points of the liquids; but van der Waal's investigations 1 have shewn that those volumes of liquids are comparable for which temperature and pressure are equal fractions of their critical values. In order therefore to compare molecular volumes i.e. to compare values of ( V] it would be advantageous to determine by experiment the critical temperature and pres- sure of the liquid compounds examined. This has been done in very few cases; but until it is done, considerable doubt must be thrown on the value of the elaborate deductions which have been drawn from the data regarding molecular volumes 8 . SECTION IV. Method based on the determination of ' Etherification-values!* 157 The rate of formation of ethereal salts by the mutual actions of alcohols and carbon-containing acids has been 1 Die Continuitiit des gasformigen und fliissigm Zustandes. (Leipzig, 1881). Comp. Ostwald's Lehrbuch, 1. 336 339. 2 Neubeck's results (Zeitschr. fur physikal. Chemie, 1. 649) shew that the relations which exist between the molecular volumes of various benzene deriva- tives at ordinary pressures also hold good at pressures of 450 and 200 mm. 3 The papers by Menschutkin, of which this section is a very condensed summary, will be found in J. fiir prakt. Chemie, (2) 24. 49: do. 25. 193, and 203 (abstracts in C. S. Journal for 1881. 1117; 1882. 384, 485, and 595). Abstracts will also be found in Ber. 14. 2630, 2819: 15. 162, 248, and 721. A paper con- taining a summary of Menschutkin's results will be found in Ann. Chitn. Phys. (5). 30. 81. (Abstract in C. S. Journal for 1884. 726.) See also Zeitschr. fiir physikal. Chemie, 1. 611. 332 PHYSICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. studied by Menschutkin : many of his results have a more direct bearing on the questions of chemical kinetics, some of them however may find a place here. The standard reac- tions in terms of which determinations are stated are these : (i) HCH 2 OH + CH 3 C0 2 H = CH 3 CO 2 (CH 3 ) + HOH ; CH (2) HC X3 By varying the alcohol in (i) and the acid in (2), comparable series of values are obtained for (i) alcohol-acetic system, and (2) acid-isobutylic system. The number of molecules of HCH 2 OH decomposed in reaction (i), and the number of molecules of HCO 2 H decomposed in reaction (2), when equilibrium is established, are taken as 100, and the results with other alcohols and acetic acid, or with other acids and iso- butylic alcohol, are stated in terms of this unit. The expression 'etherification-velocity' is used to denote the amount of action during one hour; the expression 'etheri- fication-limit' is used to denote the amount of action when equilibrium is established. Thus the statement ' the etherifica- tion-velocity of CH 8 CH 2 OH is 67'3, and the etherification- limit is 95'6' means, that when equal numbers of molecules of CH 8 CH 2 OH and CH 8 CO 2 H react, 67-3 molecules of CH 8 CH 2 OH are decomposed during the first hour, and 95^6 when the action ceases, the number of molecules of HCH 2 OH decomposed under similar conditions (at the close of the reaction) being taken as loo 1 . The following, among many other numbers, were obtained by Menschutkin. Alcohol-acetic system. Formula of Alcohol. Velocity. Limit. HCH 2 OH 80-0 100-0 CH 3 .CH 2 OH 67-3 95-6 C 2 H 5 .GH 2 OH 66-9 96-0 1 The process is conducted at 153 154; the residual acid is determined by titration. Two to five grams of alcohol are sufficient, and the process is always applicable except the ethereal salt produced should be unstable at the temperature of experiment. CH. IV. 157] ETHERIFICATION. 333 Hence, the substitution of CH 3 for H in the primary alcohol H.CH^OH appears to be accompanied by a decrease in the etherification-velocity of about I2'5, and in the limit of about 4'5- The following conclusions are drawn by Menschutkin from his determinations of the reaction-values of the system R.CH 2 OH + CH 3 CO 2 H. (1) The reaction-values (i.e. velocity and limit) of the normal group C n H 2n41 in the alcohols C n H g , m CH 9 OH are practically the same. (2) Isomerism in the C B H 2n+1 radicles of primary alcohols influences only the velocity-value, not the limiting value. (3) Unsaturated alcohols (R . CH 2 OH) exhibit lower re- action-values than saturated alcohols ; e.g. the values for C 2 H 8 -CH 8 OH are smaller than those for C 2 H S -CH 2 OH. From his study of the etherification of secondary alcohols R 2 CHOH, the same chemist concludes that these alcohols exhibit lower values than primary alcohols ; and that the same radicle has smaller values in a secondary than in a primary alcohol. The limiting value for tertiary alcohols cannot be determined on account of the occurrence of secondary changes; the velocities shew great irregularities. Further results obtained by Menschutkin shew that definite connexions, the precise nature of which cannot yet be traced, exist between the actual valencies of the atoms, and also the distributions of the interatomic reactions, in the molecules of alcohols, and the etherification-values of these alcohols 1 . By multiplying the limiting value of each compound by the molecular weight of that compound (and dividing by 100), numbers are obtained which exhibit the influence, on the etherification-limit, of the molecular weights of the members of the system studied. Menschutkin gives the following numbers as representing molecular limits. In a later paper he calls these numbers simply weight-limits, in distinction to the per- centage limits already explained. 1 For a more precise statement of Menschutkin's conclusions on this point see abstract in Ber. 14. ?8i8. 334 PHYSICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. Acid-isobi4tylic system. Molecular Difference for Acid. limit. each CH 2 . CH 3 CO 2 H 40-42 v C 2 H 5 C0 2 H 5o'83\ 10*41 (C 3 H 7 )C0 2 H 6i-i7 x I0< 34 I9 . 8l (C 6 H U )C0 2 H 80-98 / 9'9= ~^ (C 7 H 15 )C0 2 H 102-05^ 21-07 Tr^'C'3 Mean difference for each increment of CH 2 = 10-29. The value of the molecular, or weight, limit for any mem- ber of this series of acids (the alcohol being isobutylic) may be found by the formula, molecular limit = 40-42 + (n- 2) 10-29; when n = number of carbon atoms in the molecule of the acid. Thus, in the acid (C 3 H 7 ") CO 2 H 72 = 4, hence molecular limit = 40-42 + (2 . io'29) = 6ro; observed value = 6i'i7. Menschutkin gives the expression a + (n 2}d for finding the molecular etherification-limit for an acid in any system of alcohol arid acids, when a = molecular limit for the first acid of the series, and d- mean increase, for each increment of CH 2 , in the molecular limit of the acids of the series. The rule is, to the value of the limit for the given alcohol with the first acid of the series, add (n 2) d, that is, add (;/ - 2) times the mean homologous difference (i.e. the mean differ- ence for each increment of CH 2 ) between the weight-limits of the given acid and the first acid of the series, when n = num- ber of carbon atoms in the molecule of the given acid. Thus, required the weight-limit for the caproic-butylic system. For the acetic-butylic system a = 40*52, and d= io - 29 ; caproic acid is C 8 H n .CO 2 H; therefore the weight-limit re- quired is 40-52 + (4. 10-29) = 8r68. It is evident that the percentage limit can easily be found when the values of a and d are given. In the case in question we have, percentage limit = ' IOO = 70-41. [C 6 H U . CO,H = n6]. CH. IV. 157, 158] CAPILLARY-CONSTANTS. 335 Menschutkin gives the following values for a and d in various systems of alcohols and acids of the acetic series : acid-ethylic system acid-propylic acid-butylic acid-amylic acid-hexylic acid-heptylic acid-caproic a = 39-94 a = 40-23 a= 40*42 = 40-55 = 40-64 0=4071 a =40-77 = 10-29. It is also possible to vary the alcohol, the acid remaining constant, and from the data obtained to calculate the weight- limit for any given system 1 . From a comparison of the etherification-values for primary secondary and tertiary acids, and also of the same values for hydroxy- and chloro-acids &c., Menschutkin draws certain conclusions regarding the connexions between the variations in these values and the molecular structures of the various acids. For instance, the velocity of etherification of the primary acids is much greater than that of the secondary acids, but the limiting values are nearly identical in both series. A study of these conclusions shews that much is to be hoped for from the application of Menschutkin's method, but that more data must be obtained before we have precise knowledge concerning the connexions between the rate of formation of ethereal salts and the chemical constitutions of the interacting alcohols and acids 2 . SECTION V. Miscellaneous methods. 158 That the ' capillarity '-constants' of liquid carbon compounds are connected with the chemical constitutions of these compounds is apparent from researches by Mendelejeff 3 , 1 See details in C. S. Journal, Abstracts for 1882. 387. 2 See some of Menschutkin's generalisations in C. S. Journal, Abstracts for 1882. 485, 598: and an application to the formula of maleic and fumaric acids in do. do. 1882. 383. 8 Compt. rend. 80. 52; 51. 97. 336 PHYSICAL METHODS. [BOOK I. Wilhelmy 1 , and especially Schiff 2 . The capillarity-constants are calculated from experimental data by methods which need not be discussed here (see abstracts of Scruffs papers in C. S. Journal, or see Ostwald's Lehrbuch, I. 479). SchifFs results lead to capillarity-equivalents for certain atoms, e.g. C = 2H, O = 3H, Cl = 7H, &c., that is, they tend to shew that n atoms of one element have the same partial value in the capillarity- constant of a series of compounds as m atoms of another element. The capillarity-equivalent of the same elementary atom seems to vary with variations in the actual valency of that atom, and also with variations in the chemical type of the compounds examined. 159 The rates of flow through capillary tubes of liquid com- pounds have been measured by several observers, especially by Graham 3 and by Pribram and Handl 4 . The results obtained are sufficient to establish the fact of a connexion between the transpiration-rates and the chemical constitution of liquid carbon compounds. But they do not elucidate the exact nature of this connexion. Ostwald 5 suggests that measure- ments should be made at the boiling points of various liquids, as some of the results obtained by Pribram and Handl sug- gest that the transpiration-rates of equal weights of analo- gous compounds under these conditions would be found to be nearly proportional to the molecular weights of the com- pounds. 160 The facts of electrolysis have been used as arguments in discussing the constitution of chemical compounds ; but the questions on which electrolytic data throw light rather belong to the domain of chemical kinetics than to that of statics 6 . . l Pogg. Ann. 121. 55. a Aririalen,Z2Z. 47 ; Gazetta, 14. 368 (abstracts in C- S. Journal, Abstracts for 1884. 808, and 1885. 717.) 3 Phil. Trans. 1861. 373. 4 Sitzungsberichte der K. K, Acad. zu Wien, 1878 (June part); 1879 (June part). 6 Lehrbuch, 1. 507. 8 See Book n. chap. in. CH. IV. 159, 1 60] ELECTROLYSIS. 337 Faraday's laws of electrolysis, translated into modern chemical language, assert that the parts or ions into which a compound is separated by electrolysis are chemically equi- valent and carry with them equal quantities of electricity. Electrolytes belong to the type of salts, using the term in its widest meaning. Metallic salts are generally good con- ductors when molten, and they readily undergo electrolysis. But most, if not all, single liquid compounds, e.g. water, alcohol, ether, are nearly dielectrics. Aqueous solutions of most salts are electrolytes ; and the nature of the electrolytic decomposition is clearly connected with the quantity of the solvent. Hence it is probable that a chemical action of some kind occurs between the salt and the water; and the true electrolyte may be a molecular aggregate, or aggregates, formed by the union of the two kinds of molecules. This view is confirmed, on the whole, by the electrolytic behaviour of many double salts, some of which are decomposed by the current in the same way as a mixture of their constituents, while others give distinctive products. The behaviour of con- centrated aqueous solutions of cadmium iodide and chloride points to the existence and electrolytic decomposition of aggregates, probably Cd 3 X 6 , in these solutions, while the be- haviour of dilute solutions of the same salts is explained by supposing that the body undergoing electrolysis is the ordi- nary molecule CdX 2 . Whatever be the exact nature of the connexion between the passage of the current through a solution of a salt and the electrolysis of the salt, there can be little doubt that the process is intimately conditioned by the nature and amount of the solvent; and the most probable explanation of this conditioning effect is that which assumes the formation of more or less unstable compounds of the solvent with the dissolved body. But considerations such as these are evidently better dis- cussed when we are treating the subject of chemical change, than when we are dealing with chemical composition 1 . 1 See Book 11. chap. III. The student would do well to read the chapter on Electrolysis in Ostwald's Lehrbuch 1. 533 568. M. C. 22 338 PHYSICAL METHODS. Concluding Remarks on Part I. 161 The general aim of the first part of this book has been to give a fairly complete account of the present state of know- ledge regarding the questions of chemical statics, indicating where such knowledge requires to be chiefly supplemented, or rendered more precise, by new experimental researches. I have regarded those questions which are concerned with substances, or systems of substances, in equilibrium as broadly belonging to chemical statics ; but I have been obliged to pay more or less attention to the kinetical aspects presented by all such questions. It may be said that the fundamental conception of atom and molecule, stated and illustrated in chapter I., has been regarded in its applications to explain resemblances and differences between physical and chemical phenomena, nascent actions, allotropy, isomerism, and the classification of elements and compounds; and that the principal methods, both purely chemical and chemico-physical, which are employed in ex- amining these problems, have been sketched, and their appli- cations illustrated. A way has thus been cleared by which we may hope to approach the more difficult problems of chemical kinetics. BK.II. CH.I. 162] BOOK II. CHEMICAL KINETICS. CHAPTER I. THE LAW OF MASS-ACTION. 34O THE LAW OF MASS-ACTION. [BOOK II. regarded now from the statical and now from the kinetical point of view. A complete account of any chemical change must include the statement of the relations between the reacting bodies, and also of the relations between the forces concerned in the change. 163 The question of chemical kinetics is : what is the cause of chemical change ? The answer to this question has always been the same : the cause of chemical change is chemical affinity 1 . To trace the history of the term cliemical affinity, and to find a definite and quantitative meaning for this term, is to give a complete account of chemical kinetics. The word affinity suggests the notion of kinship or relationship ; it embodies the conception of the earliest chemists that those bodies which are ready to enter into union are akin to one another. In the sixteenth and seven- teenth centuries the notion of kinship was so far modified that chemical processes were regarded as caused by the mutual attractions of bodies. After Newton had demon- strated the law of gravitation, the conception of one body attracting another with a force varying according to the masses of the bodies and their distances apart was adopted in chemistry, and was developed until it culminated in the tables of affinity drawn up by Bergmann in the latter part of the eighteenth century. 164 Bergmann thought that the cause of chemical combina- tion was identical with the cause of gravitative attraction ; but he said that the results differed according as the at- traction was manifested between masses or between minute particles of bodies. In the latter cases the attraction was the greater the nearer were the particles ; hence, said Bergmann, chemical action occurs more readily between liquids or gases than between solids. 1 I have closely followed Ostwald (Lehrbuch der Allgemeinen Chemie] in dealing with the subject of chemical affinity. The second volume of Ostwald's Lehrbuch is devoted to this subject. Without the help of this book I could not have given a clear account of affinity. CH. i. 163, 164] BERGMANN'S TABLES OF AFFINITIES. 341 Bergmann taught that the result of the chemical at- traction, or affinity, between two bodies is to cause a change wholly in the direction of the stronger attraction, unless this should be reversed by the more powerful attractive force of heat. Thus, suppose that two bodies, A and BC, are brought into conditions such that chemical action is possible; if the attraction, or affinity, of A for B is greater than that of B for C, then BC will be decomposed and the only products of the change will be the new bodies AB and C ; but if the at- traction, or affinity, of B for C is greater than that of B for A, no chemical change will occur. By applying this conception experimentally Bergmann was able to determine the order of the affinities of series of bodies. Thus, it was required to determine the order of the affinities of three bodies, A, B and C, towards the body D. A compound AD was formed and this was caused to interact with B and C, respectively ; if AD was decomposed by B forming BD and A, then the affinity of B for D was said to be greater than that of A for D ; if AD was decomposed by C forming CD and A, and if BD was also decomposed by C forming CD and B, then C was said to have a greater affinity for D than either A or B. These results were then tabulated in a table of affinity as follows : Order of affinities towards D. C B A. But it was frequently found that a body which had no action on another when the two were mixed in solution at the ordinary temperature would decompose that other when the two were fused together at a high temperature. Hence Bergmann found it necessary to perform a vast number of experiments, and to draw up at. least two tables of affinity for each substance, one shewing its affinities at ordinary tem- peratures in solution, and the other shewing its affinities at high temperatures when fused with other substances. Bergman n's table for potash, for instance, was constructed thus : 342 THE LAW OF MASS-ACTION. [BOOK II. ORDER OF AFFINITIES FOR POTASH. Wet way (ord. temp.). Dry way (high temp.). Sulphuric acid Phosphoric acid. Nitric Boric Hydrochloric Arsenic Phosphoric Sulphui'ic Arsenic Nitric Acetic Hydrochloric &c. &c. &c. This table conveyed the information that a solution of a compound of potash with any acid in the left-hand column would be decomposed by a solution of any acid placed in the same column above the acid which was com- bined with potash ; and that a solid composed of potash with any acid in the right-hand column would be decomposed by heating with any acid placed in the same column above the acid which was combined with potash. In Bergmann's view, affinity acted in one direction only. 165 The publication by Berthollet in 1803 of the Essai de Statique Chitnique marked the next great step in advance in the study of affinity. Berthollet, like Bergmann, regarded chemical action as the result of attractions between the small particles of bodies. When conditions are favourable, this attraction results, ac- cording to Berthollet, first in cohesion and then in combina- tion. But other forces may come into play which are opposed to the attraction called affinity; heat may cause the ex- pansion of substances which would otherwise combine ; solution may weaken, or destroy, the cohesion of the . particles of a solid. Whether combination occur or not, and if it occur, whether the products remain unchanged or not, depends, on Berthollet's view, upon the relative magnitudes of the opposing forces. If the attraction between the particles of different kinds of matter is greater than the action of the forces which tend to separate these particles, then a new compound or compounds will be formed. Should these compounds be solids under the experimental conditions, the cohesion of their particles will act in the same direction as the attraction of affinity which is the immediate agent in CH. i. 165] BERTHOLLET'S WORK ON AFFINITY. 343 their production. The final arrangement of the particles of two kinds of matter depends, according to Berthollet, not only on the relative magnitudes of the different attractions between them, but also on the relative masses of the re- acting bodies ; thus, a relatively small attraction may be made to overcome a greater, by largely increasing the mass of one of the two kinds of matter. Berthollet regarded a liquid holding a solid in solution as a system in a state of more or less unstable equilibrium ; by removing some of the liquid by evaporation, or by lowering the temperature, or in other ways, this equilibrium might be overthrown, and crystals might separate containing particles both of the solid previously in solution and also of water changed from the liquid to the solid state. Such a system, said Berthollet, will present two extreme cases ; in one case all the solid is held in solution by the liquid, and in the other all the liquid is changed to the state of solid. Between these extremes there may be many states each marked by a certain definite relation between the amounts of solid and liquid compounds ; for Berthollet regarded the solution, no less than the crystals which separated, as a compound, or a series of compounds, of water and salt. Combination and solution were looked on by Berthollet as analogous actions. He said " In solution, one pays attention chiefly to the liquidity acquired by the solid by combining [with the solvent], and especially to the uniformity of the parts of the liquid compound.... In a combination one principally considers the other properties of the compound which is produced, comparing therewith the properties of the substances which produced it. In most cases solution is due to a combination so feeble that the properties of the dissolved substance do not disappear". 1 Again ; " Chemical action is reciprocal ; its effect is the result of a mutual tendency to combination. One ought not, strictly speaking, to say that a liquid acts upon a solid, rather than that the solid acts upon the liquid ; it is more convenient however to ascribe the whole of the action to one of the substances, when one wishes to examine the products of the action, rather than the action itself." * 1 Essai, 1. 5960. a Essai, 1. 3637. 344 THE LAW OF MASS-ACTION. [BOOK II. When lime is placed in water, mutual action, said Berthollet, begins at once, but the cohesion of the particles of the solid is so great that the dissolving action of the water does not produce any marked effect for some time ; but water is being absorbed by the lime, and thus the effect of the cohesion of the particles of the lime is slowly overcome by that of the solvent action of the water, until finally the lime dissolves. During this process two combinations of lime and water are formed, one solid, the other liquid ; the effect of one force, cohesion, is to increase the amount of the former ; the effect of another force, solution, is to increase the amount of the latter combination. A state of equilibrium is established, and continues so long as the conditions are unchanged ; but alteration of temperature, or changes in the relative masses of water and lime, suffice to overthrow this equilibrium and to establish another 1 . Berthollet not only formed a clear mental image of a system as held in equilibrium by the actions and reactions of its various constituents, but he had also what I think must be regarded as a very clear conception of the chief forces con- cerned in maintaining this equilibrium. In the summary to Part I. of the Essai, he says : "The chemical qualities of different substances depend (i) on their tendencies to combine, whereby they mutually saturate each other, and which tendencies remain more or less dominant in the compounds produced ; (2) on their relations to heat, which modify their combining powers, by causing variations in the quantities of the substances coming within the spheres of mutual action, and also by opposing elasticity (elasticite'*'} to condensation, the latter of which is one of the effects of combination ; (3) on the mutual actions of their small particles (molecules*), acting in the same direction as the affinity which has produced com- bination, but opposed to actions and reactions between these particles and those of other substances ; (4) on their relations to other substances, which combine with them, but not so as to produce a mutual saturation 1 Essai, 1. 37. 3 Elasticity Berthollet uses this word as meaning nearly the same as dilata- tion, or perhaps we might now say disgregation. 3 Molecules. This word as employed by Berthollet means only a small particle ; I have thought it better not to use the term molecule, as this is now employed with a more definite meaning than small particle. CH. I.l66] BERTHOLLET AND BERGMANN. 345 (saturation^}, but rather a division and varying distribution of properties, and chiefly of those properties which depend on the constitution (con- stitution}?* L66 Berthollet's conception of affinity as an attractive force acting between the minute particles of bodies, and modified in its results by the action of other forces, led him to pay great attention to the influence of the masses of the bodies taking part in any chemical change. Just as the cohesion, and elasticity, &c., of the members of a system of bodies are dependent, among other conditions, on the masses of the bodies, so, in Berthollet's view, is affinity dependent on mass : " Every substance," said Berthollet, " which enters into combination reacts by its affinity and its mass." 3 The conception which the great French chemist formed of a chemical reaction was radically opposed to that upheld by his illustrious Swedish predecessor. Let two acids interact with a base in aqueous solution. Bergmann asserted that the acid with the stronger affinity combined with the whole of the base, and the other acid remained uncombined. Berthollet declared that both acids interacted with the base, and that the mass of the base which remained combined with either acid when equilibrium was established depended partly on the intensity of the attraction between the particles of the base and of the acids, and partly on the relative masses of the three bodies present in the reacting system. Bergmann taught that a chemical change proceeds in one direction only, and that the direction is entirely dependent on the relative affinities of the interacting bodies; but he was obliged to acknowledge that the affinities of some bodies for 1 Saturation. By saturation of properties Berthollet means that merging of the properties of the constituents in those of the new compound which is so characteristic of chemical change. 2 Constitution. The constitution of a substance is conditioned according to Berthollet by its condensation and dilatation : ' the properties which depend on the constitution' of a substance may be taken as meaning, broadly, the physical properties of the substance. 3 ssai, 1. 2. 346 THE LAW OF MASS-ACTION. [BOOK II. another are sometimes so nearly balanced that a compound of all the reacting bodies is produced ; and he was also forced to admit that the order of the affinities of a series of bodies for one and the same body may be changed or even reversed by changing the physical conditions under which the chemical reaction proceeds. Berthollet, on the other hand, taught that a chemical change may, and often does, proceed in two directions ; that is to say, that certain bodies may react to produce others which may then by their interactions reproduce the original bodies ; that the equilibrium which is finally attained by a system of interacting bodies is the result of the action and reaction of all the members of the system; and that the conditions which chiefly affect this equilibrium are the affinity and the mass of each body, and also the physical conditions under which the change proceeds and the physical properties of the different possible products of the change. Berthollet's researches established three points of funda- mental importance : chemical action is conditioned not only by the intensities of the affinities, but also by the relative masses, of the reacting bodies ; a chemical change is gene- rally more or less reversible by changing the masses of the reacting bodies, it is only, in extreme cases that a chemical change proceeds wholly in one direction ; the forces which come into play in chemical occurrences are of the same kind as those which we call physical. 167 The period of sixty years following the publication of Berthollet's Essai is not marked by any great advance in the study of chemical affinity ; nevertheless various important researches were conducted in this period the results of which served to emphasize the importance of Berthollet's funda- mental conception of the influence of the relative masses of chemically reacting bodies on the course of a chemical change and on the equilibrium finally attained by the system. In 1853 Bunsen 1 examined the change which occurs when a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen is exploded with a quantity of oxygen less than sufficient for the com- 1 Annalen, 85. 131 ; see also Horstmann, Amialen, 190. 238. CH. I. 167, 1 68] WORK OF GULDBERG AND WAAGE. 347 plete combustion of both gases. Bunsen shewed that some of the oxygen enters into combination with the carbon mo- noxide and some with the hydrogen, and that the quantity of each of these gases burnt depends on the relative masses of the combustible gas and the oxygen. In 1855, Gladstone 1 , by studying the amount of change which occurs when potassium sulphocyanide and ferric chloride react in aqueous solution, exhibited very clearly the influence of mass on chemical change. Gladstone shewed that when ferric chloride and potassium sulphocyanide react, only a portion of each salt is changed unless the mass of one is made 600 or 700 times as great as that of the other ; he also shewed that the quantity of ferric sulphocyanide formed increases continuously with an increase in the quantity of potassium sulphocyanide used. It is important to note that Gladstone used determina- tions of physical properties, such as depth of colour, as in- dications and measurements of the chemical change which occurred. Berthollet and P. de Saint Gilles 2 in 186263 made a large number of measurements of the amount of change which occurs when an alcohol and an acid react to form an ethereal salt and water, and established the influence of the masses of the reacting bodies on the change in question. 168 The year 1867 is marked in the history of chemistry by the publication of a most important memoir on affinity by Guldberg and Waage entitled Etudes sur les Affinitts Chimi- Guldberg and Waage restate Berthollet^ law of mass- action in a form in which it is capable of quantitative ap- plication ; they assert that 1 Phil. Trans. 1855. 179; and C. S. Journal, 9. 54. 2 Ann. Chim. Phys. (3). 65. 385; 66. 5; 68. 225. Among other memoirs on the influence of mass may be mentioned Margueritte Compt. rend. 38. 304 ; Tissier, Cotnpt. rend. 41. 312; Dulong, Ann. Chim. Phys. 82. 275; Rose, Pogg. Ann. 94. 481; 95. 96, 284, 426; Malaguti, Ann. Chim. Phys. (3). 37. 198; Chic- zynski, Annalen, Supplbd. 4. 226; Morris, Annalen, 213. 253. 3 Published by the University of Christiania ; continuation in J. fiir praki. Chemie (2). 19. 69. 34$ THE LAW OF MASS-ACTION. [BOOK II. Chemical action is proportional to the active mass of each of the bodies taking part in the reaction. The active mass of a specified body taking part in a reaction is the mass of that body stated in equivalent weights, present in unit volume of the chemical system. Thus if solutions of hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, and caustic soda are mixed in the ratio 2HC1: H 2 SO 4 : 2NaOH, the active masses of the hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, and soda are I, I, and I, respectively, H 2 SO 4 being taken as one equivalent of sulphuric acid. Guldberg and Waage's law of mass-action states that the action of each substance in a system of interacting bodies is proportional to the active mass of that substance, and that the total action is proportional to the product of all the active masses. But the amount of chemical change which occurs when two or more substances react is not dependent solely on the active masses of the substances, it is also conditioned by the chemical nature, and the state of aggregation, of the sub- stances, the temperature, and other variables. Guldberg and Waage group together these variables and express them by a coefficient called by them the coefficient of affinity, and represented by the symbol k. Let two substances P and Q react, and let the active masses of these be represented by the symbols / and q ; further let the coefficient of affinity for the reaction between P and Q be represented by k ; then the amount of chemical change which occurs will be proportional to the product k. p. q. Let the products of the interaction of P and Q be two new bodies P' and Q, and let the active masses of these bodies be represented by the symbols /' and q, and the coefficient of affinity for the reaction between P' and Q' be represented by k', then the amount of chemical change which occurs between P' and Q' will be proportional to the product k'. /'. q'. Now when P and Q interact certain quantities of P' and Q' will be formed, and these will at once interact to re-form P and Q ; this will proceed until equilibrium is established, after which no further change will occur in the CH. I.l68] WORK OF GULDBERG AND WAAGE. 349 active masses of the various bodies nor in the values of the coefficients of affinity of either the direct or the reverse change. When equilibrium is attained the product k. p. q, will be equal to the product k'.p'. q . Hence the conditions of equilibrium are expressed by the equation k.p.q. = k'.p'.q. But as the reaction between P and Q proceeds the active masses of these bodies will be decreased, and the active masses of the products of the change, P and Q', will be in- creased. Let P, Q, P', and Q represent the masses of the four bodies present in the chemical system at the beginning of the change, these masses being stated in equivalent weights ; when equilibrium is established x equivalents of P and x of Q will disappear and x equivalents of P and x equivalents of Q' will simultaneously be formed ; let /, q, /', and q' represent the active masses of the four bodies present when equilibrium results, then the values of these active masses will be as follows : P-x Q-x , P + x , Q'+x p = , q = , P > Q v V f V v where v = the total volume of the system, taken as unity. By substituting the values for/, q,p', and q' in the equation of equilibrium we have (P-x}(Q-x}=^ (P* + *)?+*). This equation holds good for all values of P, Q, P', and Q. k' The ratio -r can be calculated from a determination of x for k one special case, and from the value of this ratio values can be found for x, and therefore for the distribution of the four reacting bodies when equilibrium results, starting with any specified quantities of P, Q, P / , and Q'. Guldberg and Waage thus put Berthollet's conception of the influence of mass into an exact form. They consider the masses of the several bodies comprising a chemical system present at the moment when equilibrium is established. The 350 THE LAW OF MASS- ACTION. [BOOK II. attempts made to formulate the influence of mass on chemical change previous to the work of the Norwegian naturalists had been implicitly based on measurements of the masses of the reacting bodies present when the reaction began. 169 In their first memoir (Etudes &c.) Guldberg and Waage regard the occurrence of a chemical change as caused by ' chemical force ' ; they say that when equilibrium results in a system of four bodies, P, Q, P', and Q', the force bringing about the formation of P' and Q' is held in equilibrium by the force which causes the re-formation of P and Q. They also attempt to take into account the possibility of secondary changes among the reacting bodies and to express these in equations. But the formulae thus arrived at are too com- plicated for practical application ; and moreover the con- ception of chemical force is vague and unsatisfactory. In their second memoir 1 Guldberg and Waage follow the example of van't Hoff 8 , and, abandoning the notion of chemical force, attempt to find formulas which may be applied in practice by starting with the clear conception of chemical equilibrium being dependent on the equality of the rates of the direct and reverse chemical changes ; i. e. they consider that equilibrium results in a chemical system when the quantity of substance changed in one direction is equal to that formed in the other direction in a given time. Many measurements had been made of the rates of chemical actions, but Guldberg and Waage were the first to establish clearly the connexion between the velocity of a chemical change and the attainment of equilibrium by the system. This was done in their memoir of 1867, but the formulae given in that memoir are complicated and scarcely suited for accurate application. The equation arrived at in the second memoir as representing the connexion between reaction-velocity and equilibrium is identical with that we have already considered ; viz. k.p.q = k'.p '. q'. Let there then be a chemical system of four bodies, P, Q, P", and Q'; let P and Q react to produce P and Q', and P' and Q' react to re-produce P and Q ; equilibrium results 1 J.furprakt. Chemie, (2). 19. 69. 2 Ber. 10. 669. CH. I. 169, I/O] WORK OF GULDBERG AND WAAGE. 351 when the velocity of the direct change (i.e. the production of F and Q'} is equal to that of the reverse change (i.e. the production of P and Q). The conditions of equilibrium are expressed by the equation k.p.q. = k'.p'.q', or, as before, k' It is important to note here that the ratio -r is not analysed ; it is simply the ratio of the affinity of P and Q to that of the affinity of F and Q ; and the term affinity is used as a short expression for the unknown cause of the chemical reaction between the reacting bodies. 170 Guldberg and Waage tested their equation of equilibrium both by using the results obtained by other chemists and also by experiments which they themselves conducted. Thus the results of Berthollet and P. de Saint Gilles 1 on the etherification of alcohols by reacting with organic acids were used by Guldberg and Waage. The members of the reacting system are alcohol, acid, ethereal salt, and water ; the direct change results in the production of ethereal salt and water, and the reverse change produces alcohol and acid. The following numbers shew the close agreement between the observed and calculated values of x t i.e. the number of equivalents of acid or alcohol transformed into ethereal salt and water when equilibrium is established. SERIES I. Q Observed. Calculated. One equivalent acid + i 665 668 Q equivalents alcohol. i '5 779 772 2 828 827 2-8 856 870 3 882 878 12 932 930 500 I'OOO I '000 SERIES II. P One equivalent alcohol + I 665 668 P equivalents acid. 2 858 856 5 966 972 1 Ann. Chim. Phys. (3). 68. 385. 352 THE LAW OF MASS-ACTION. [BOOK II. SERIES III. P Observed. Calculated. One equiv. acid + o '665 '668 one equiv. alcohol + 0*13 '626 '648 P equivs. ethyl acetate. 0-85 '563 '550 i'6 -521 -487 SERIES IV. Q One equiv. acid+ o '882 '871 three equivs. alcohol + i '809 '803 Q equivs. water. 2 739 744 8 -468 -512 Guldberg and Waage themselves examined the reaction which occurs between barium sulphate and potassium carbo- nate in presence of water. In this case two of the four members of the system are insoluble, viz. barium sulphate and barium carbonate. Guldberg and Waage shewed that if the absolute masses of the insoluble members of a reacting system are fairly large, and the volume of the liquid is kept constant, the changes in the absolute masses of the insoluble bodies do not appreciably affect the active masses of these bodies 1 ; and this result was fully confirmed by Ostwald 2 . In the reaction between potassium carbonate (P} and barium sulphate (Q) producing potassium sulphate (P'} and barium carbonate (Q'), let the active mass of the potassium carbonate be /, that of the barium sulphate q, that of the potassium sulphate p\ and that of the barium carbonate q ', then, as q and q' are constant, the equation of equilibrium becomes The following numbers shew how closely the values of x calculated for the condition that equilibrium is attained agree with the observed values : SERIES I. Q Observed. Calculated. I equiv. barium sulphate+ 3'5 719 715 500 equivs. water (at 1 00) + 2^5 "500 '500 Q equivs. potassium carbonate 2 "395 '391 i -176 -178 1 J.fiir prakt. Chemie, (2). 19. 469. '* J.fiir prakt. Chemie, (2). 22. 256. CH. I. 170,171] WORK OF GULDBERG AND WAAGE. 353 SERIES II. Q Q Observed. Calculated. i equiv. barium sulphate 4- 2 '25 -20 -198 500 equivs. water (at ioo)+ 3 "25 '408 '409 <2 equivs. potassium carbonate + 2 -50 trace -coo Q equivs. potassium sulphate. 171 Experimental evidence in favour of Guldberg and Waage's law of mass-action has been obtained by various observers using different methods. One of the great difficulties consists in finding suitable methods for measuring the distribution of the members of a reacting system all of which remain in solution when equilibrium is established. Very many of the methods which have been found to give trustworthy results are based on the same principle, which is that the amount of chemical change in a homogeneous system is deducible from measurements of some definite physical property of the system and determinations of the changes in the value of this property. Thomsen 1 , in 1869 and subsequent years, shewed that when two acids and a base react in aqueous solution, the distribution of the base between the acids can be determined by thermo-chemical methods. Let the heat of neutralisation of the acid A by the given base be x gram-units, and let the heat of neutralisation of the other acid B by the same base be y gram-units ; then if both acids simultaneously react with the base the quantity of heat produced may be x units, in which case the whole of the base has combined with the acid A, or y units, in which case the whole of the base has combined with the acid B, or a number between x and y t in which case the base has divided itself between the two acids ; in the last case the proportion of base which has combined with each acid may be calculated from the observed thermal value of the reaction 2 . In 1876 Ostwald 3 shewed that the distribution of a base between two acids can be determined from measurements of the specific volume of a solution of each acid, of the base, of the liquid formed by mixing each acid separately with the base, and of the liquid formed by mixing both acids simul- 1 Pogg. Ann. 138. 65. 2 See post par. 183. 3 PSS- Ann. Ergzbd. 8. 154. M. C. 23 354 THE LAW OF MASS-ACTION. [BOOK II. taneously with the base 1 . The results 'obtained by Thomsen and by Ostwald have fully confirmed the law of mass-action enunciated by Guldberg and Waage ; and this law has also been upheld by other series of experiments conducted by various chemists 2 . The law of mass-action may then be regarded as well- established ; this law asserts that the amount of chemical change which occurs when a system of interacting bodies attains equilibrium is proportional to the product of the active masses of all the bodies taking part in the change and the coefficient of affinity of the change. 1 See post par. 184. 2 These experiments will be described in some detail later; see pars. 185, 186. CHAPTER II. CHEMICAL DYNAMICS. 72 A DETAILED examination of the applications of the law of mass-action, which was stated and briefly illustrated in Chap. I., leads to the consideration of the forces which come into play in chemical changes 1 . As forces are measured in dynamics either by measuring the velocity produced in a specified mass in unit of time, or by opposing the unknown force by another of known amount until equilibrium is attained, so may measurements of chemical forces be obtained by determining the amount of change which occurs in unit of time, or by opposing the direct change by another in the opposite direction and determining the conditions of equilibrium. It is important to notice that when we speak of chemical force the term force is used with a meaning different from that in which it is employed in dynamics : by chemical force we mean the product of the active masses of the various bodies comprising the changing system and the constant of velocity of the change. And by velocity we mean, not the ratio of space traversed to time used as in dynamics, but the ratio of material chemically changed to time used in the change. Using the term chemical force with this meaning, we shall find that a chemical change is conditioned by changes in the chemical force in much the same way as an electric current is conditioned by changes of potential. 1 In this Chapter I have again closely followed Ostwald's Lehrbuch der Allgemeinen Chemie, Bd. II. The present chapter is a condensed account of the greater part of the second book of Ostwald's Verwandtschaftslehre. 232 356 VELOCITY OF CHEMICAL CHANGE. [BOOK II. Those methods of measuring what we have called chemical forces which are based on determinations of the velocities of chemical changes may be called kinetical methods, while the term statical methods may be applied to those which are founded on determinations of the conditions of equilibrium. The methods whereby measurements have been made of the velocities of chemical changes, with the view of de- termining the intensities of the chemical forces, have usually been chemical ; whereas both physical and chemical methods have been used for determining the conditions of equilibrium of chemical systems. I shall begin by considering some of the kinetical methods. SECTION I. Velocity of Chemical CJiange. 173 Wenzel 1 , in 17/7, measured the times required by different acids to dissolve equal quantities of the same metal, and he attempted to draw inferences from the results as to the relative affinities of the acids. Thus, he says : " If an acid dissolves one drachma of copper or zinc in an hour, then an acid of half the strength requires two hours to dissolve the same amount of copper or zinc, the surfaces exposed and the temperature being constant." Berthollet 2 made observations somewhat similar to those of Wenzel. He said that the velocity of a chemical change is greater the greater is the chemical force ; but he noticed that the velocity diminishes as the change approaches com- pletion, and that reactions which begin rapidly often finish very slowly. 174 Wilhelmy 8 , in 1850, gave a mathematical form for the fundamental connexion between the quantity of material changed and the time required in a chemical reaction. Wilhelmy examined the inversion of cane sugar in aqueous solution in the presence of acids; C lz H^O n + H 2 O = 2C 6 H 12 O 6 . The amount of change at any moment can be determined by measuring the specific rotatory power of the liquid. 1 Lehrevon der Verwandshaft [Dresden, 1777], 28. a Essai, 1. 409. 3 Pogg. Ann. 81. 413, 499. CH. II. 173-175] SIMPLEST CASES. 357 The assumption made by Wilhelmy was that the mass of sugar changed in unit-time is proportional to the mass of sugar remaining unchanged in the reacting system. Let A = mass of sugar originally present; let x= mass ot sugar changed in time 6 ; then the ratio of the amount changed, dx, to the time, dO, is given by the equation where Axh the amount of unchanged sugar and c is a constant. The ratio - expresses the velocity of the chemical change, or, in shorter words, the reaction-velocity. Ostwald 1 integrates the above equation to get it into a form in which it may be applied ; he counts the time from the moment when the sugar solution is brought into contact with the acid, i.e. when = o and x = o. The final form in which the value of the constant appears is i A The numbers shew that ^ log -= - is nearly constant for u A x values of varying from 15 to 630 minutes. Later experiments conducted by Ostwald 2 on the in- version of cane sugar have confirmed the result of Wilhelmy, that the reaction-velocity at each moment is proportional to the mass of sugar capable of undergoing change. 75 Experiments conducted by different chemists with dif- ferent changing systems have shewn that the result obtained by Wilhelmy holds good in very many and very different cases. This result may be stated in these words : TJie amount of chemical change at any moment is pro- portional to the mass of the changing body in the system. Among the more important researches which have es- tablished the accuracy of this statement may be mentioned, Harcourt and Esson's examination of the reaction between 1 Lehrbuch, 2. 617? 2 J.fiirprakt. Chemie (2). 29. 385. 358 VELOCITY OF CHEMICAL CHANGE. [BOOK II. potassium permanganate and a large excess of oxalic acid l , and the reaction between peroxide of hydrogen and hydriodic acid 2 ; Ostwald's examination of the catalytic change of methylic acetate to methylic alcohol and acetic acid in presence of different acids 8 ; van't Hoff's examination of the change of dibromosuccinic acid (from fumaric acid) to bromo- malei'c acid and hydrobromic acid by boiling with water, and of monochloracetic acid to glycollic acid and hydrochloric acid in presence of water 4 . T A In all these cases the value of the expression ^ log is v jci X nearly constant 8 . The fact, that the velocity of the early stages of a chemical change is often different from the velocity when the change has proceeded for a little time, introduces a possible source of error into the observations on which the statement concerning the proportionality between the rate of change and the mass of the changing body is based. But this error may be obviated by counting the time from the moment when the velocity of the change becomes regular, or by determining the reaction-velocity for definite intervals while the change proceeds 6 . The outcome of these experiments then is to establish a simple relation between the quantity of a body undergoing chemical change and the time occupied in accomplishing the change. In all cases only one body was undergoing change, or if more than one actually underwent change then the masses of all except one were made so large that changes in these masses could practically be neglected. It is also to be noted that all the changing systems examined were homogeneous; no separation of gases or solids occurred during the various processes. With these limitations, it appears that chemical change obeys the same law as gravi- 1 Phil. Trans, for 1866. 193. 2 Phil. Trans, for 1867. 117. 3 J-furprakt. Chemie (2). 28. 449. 4 Etudes de dynamique chitnique [Amsterdam, 1884], 14. 5 For details of the methods used for measuring the velocities of these changes, and for tables shewing the actual and observed values of the constant, see Ostwald's Lehrbuch, 2. 616624. 6 See Ostwald, loc. cit. 624. CH. II. 175, 176] MORE COMPLEX CASES. 359 tative, electrostatic, electrodynamic, electromagnetic, and other physical changes. .76 But we must now proceed to cases where more than one body undergoes chemical change at the same time. If we assume that the amount of 'change which each member of the system undergoes is proportional to the active mass of that body, then the product of the active masses of all the changing bodies gives the function which expresses the velocity of the complete reaction. In order to find whether this assumption is justified by facts, Ostwald 1 begins by finding an expression for the reaction-velocity when two bodies only are concerned. Let A and B represent the masses of the bodies originally present, and let x = the portion of each changed in the time 0, these masses being measured in equivalents; then the reaction-velocity is ~ Q =(A-x}(B-x}c, where c is a constant. If equal numbers of equivalents of the two bodies are concerned in the change then A = B, and dx . . -^(A-^c. By integration, taking x and 6 simultaneously equal to zero, the equation - A x is obtained. If the fundamental assumption is correct, the product Ac must remain constant when x varies : Ac= -*. . - . (J /i X The experiments made by Hood 2 on the change of potassium chlorate and ferrous sulphate in acid solution to potassium chloride and ferric sulphate, are used to test the accuracy of the equation. In these experiments 9 varied from 20 to 520 minutes, and Ac was almost constant, ranging from '00737 to -00760; when 6 became 628 and 639 mins. 1 Lehrbuch, 2. 626634. ! PkU. Mag, (5). 6. 371. 360 VELOCITY OF CHEMICAL CHANGE. [BOOK II. Ac became -00726 and -00725, but in these cases A x was so small that the calculation of Ac is uncertain. Among other determinations whereby values are found for the function ^.-j -- are (i) Warder's measurements of tj A. x the rate of saponification of ethylic acetate by caustic soda 1 ; (2) Ostwald's determination of the rate of change of acetamide in presence of an acid into acetic acid and the ammonium salt of the acid used 2 ; and (3) van't Hoff's experiments on the velocity of the reaction wherein sodium monochloracetate and soda are changed to sodium glycollate and sodium chloride 3 . In the first set of experiments the rate of change was determined by titrating from time to time with a standard acid ; in Ostwald's experiments the rate of change was determined by decomposing the unchanged acetamide by sodium hypochlorite and measuring the nitrogen evolved ; and in the third case van't Hoff measured the amount of change in specified times by titrating the residual soda by means of a standard acid. In each set of experiments Ac has a nearly constant value; the value varies from "106 to "113 in Warder's ex- periments where 6 varies from 5 to 120 minutes ; in Ostwald's experiments Ac varies from -0087 to -0092, 6 varying from 15 to 240 minutes; and in van't Hoff's experiments, where 6 varies from 9 to 374 minutes, Ac varies from '00551 to -00633. The expression already given for the reaction-velocity when the two bodies undergoing change are present in equal numbers of equivalents is applicable with some modification when an excess of one of the reacting bodies is employed 4 . In this case A is not equal to B and on integrating the equation - = (A x} (B x) c, we obtain the expression Hood 5 determined the rate of the change occurring 1 Amer. C. Journal for 1882. No. 5. 2 J. fur prakt. Chemie (2). 27. i. 3 Etudes de dynamique chimique, 20. 4 See Ostwald, loc. cit. 631. 6 Phil. Mag. (5). 6. 378. CH. II. 176,177] CO-EXISTENCE OF REACTIONS. 361 between ferrous sulphate and potassium chlorate when an excess of one of the salts was used: In one case there was twice as much chlorate employed as was required for the reaction ; and in the other case four times as much ferrous sulphate as was required. If A FeSO 4 and =KC\O 3 , then in the first case A = 2B, and A- X - and in the second case B = ^A, and A-*- The actual value found for Ac in the first set of experi- ments varied from '001965 to '00202, varying from 30*5 to 360 minutes ; and the actual value found for Ac in the second case varied from -00411 to '00431, varying from 24 to 231 minutes. There is then ample experimental evidence in support of the assertion that when more than one body is simultaneously undergoing chemical change the rate of the change is pro- portional to the product of the active masses of all the bodies in the changing system 1 . 177 The foregoing treatment of the relation between the rate of a chemical change and the amount of the changing bodies implies, that if more than one substance is undergoing change, each obeys the law of mass-action, and each change proceeds as if it were independent of the others. The truth of this proposition is rendered apparent by the close agreement between the observed rates of many different chemical reactions and the values calculated on the assumption that the amount of change at any moment of any one member of the system is proportional to the active mass of this body, and the total change at any moment is proportional to the product of the active masses of all the changing bodies. 1 Ostwald, loc. cit. 632 634, develops the necessary equations for more complex reactions than those we have considered, but these equations cannot yet be applied for lack of experimental data. 362 VELOCITY OF CHEMICAL CHANGE. [BOOK II. This proposition is called by Ostwald the principle of the co-existence of reactions. Many of the reactions considered in the previous para- graphs have been regarded as more simple than they really are ; small secondary changes have been overlooked. For instance, when methylic acetate reacts with water in the presence of an acid to produce acetic acid and methylic alcohol, the rate of change is influenced by the acetic acid produced. If these secondary changes are taken into account in the calculation of the theoretical constant of each reaction, the total change being treated as made up of the primary change and one or more small secondary changes, the values obtained for the constant shew smaller variations than if the small secondary changes are overlooked. But this is exactly what ought to be if the principle of the co-existence of re- actions is true 1 . 178 When a solid and a liquid interact we have a heterogeneous system. The amount of change in a given time is here also proportional to the product of the active masses of the changing bodies. But the active mass of the solid is proportional to the surface exposed, and not to the total mass of the solid. The equation by which the reaction-velocity can be calculated must therefore be modified. If w = the surface of the solid the equation becomes - = (A-x\cw and by integration log =cwd. & A x It is difficult to apply this equation ; the results of ex- periments shew a certain amount of variation in the value of what ought to be a constant. But it is almost impossible to get a constant surface of a solid ; the solution of the solid in the liquid causes the action to slacken ; gases are some- times formed on the surface and the surface is diminished, and so on 2 . 1 Ostwald, loc. cit. 2. 636, puts the principle of the co-existence of reactions into a mathematical form. 2 See Ostwald, loc. cit. 2. 638640. CH. II. 178-180] METHODS FOR MEASURING CHANGE. 363 SECTION II. Chemical Equilibrium. 179 We must now glance at the statical methods whereby it has been attempted to measure chemical forces. In these methods a chemical system is brought into equilibrium by opposing a change in one direction by a change in the opposite direction, and the distribution of the various members of the system is determined when equilibrium results. The methods which are applicable here are either chemical or physical. Chemical methods may be used in cases where the system is heterogeneous and one or more of the members of the system can be measured by some ordinary analytical process without disturbing the equilibrium which the system has attained ; for instance, an acid reacts with an insoluble salt of another acid forming a soluble salt and a new acid e.g. calcium oxalate and hydrochloric acid produce calcium chloride and oxalic acid the soluble acid or salt may be determined in a portion of the system when equilibrium has been reached. Physical methods may be used in cases where the system is homogeneous and where the removal of any portion of a member of the system would disturb the equi- librium of the system : in these methods either a physical change which accompanies and forms the measure of the chemical change is measured ; or a physical property is measured the value of which is dependent on the distribution of the chemically reacting bodies \ 180 If a body A is changed to A', and if A' is changed to A, the system will attain equilibrium when the velocity of the primary change is equal to that of the reverse. Let / be the active mass of A, and/' the active mass of- A'', let x be the number of equivalents of A changed to A', and let x be the number of equivalents of A' changed to A, at any moment; 1 Steinheil (Annalen, 48. 153 [1843]) was tne fi fst to &i ve a general statement of the theory shewing the dependence of physical properties of a chemical system on changes in the arrangement of the members of the system. The theory is given in detail in Ostwald's Lehrbuch, 2. 753 759. 364 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. then the velocity of the direct change f J is and the velocity of the reverse change \jn \ 1S -H 2 SO 4 Aq, Na 2 SO 4 Aq] = - -^ 3300 gram-units. If therefore I + n equivalents of sulphuric acid react with an equivalent of soda the thermal value of the change may be expressed thus [i + ;*H 2 S0 4 Aq, Na f OAq] = 31,380-^3,300. Nitric acid and soda were then mixed in dilute solution (N 2 O e + 2OoH 2 O and Na 2 O + 2OoH 2 O); the quantity of heat produced was 27,230 gram-units. The quantity of heat which disappeared when nitric acid was added to sodium nitrate in dilute solution was 80 gram-units ; this is so small that it may be neglected, and the reaction between equiva- lent quantities of nitric acid and soda may be expressed thermally as [H'N 2 6 Aq, Na'OAq] = 27,230. Equivalent quantities of nitric acid and sodium sulphate in dilute solution were then mixed ; the quantity of heat which disappeared was 3,500 units. Now if the sole products of the reaction between equivalent quantities of nitric acid and sodium sulphate in dilute solution were sulphuric acid and sodium nitrate, the quantity of heat which would dis- appear in this reaction would be equal to the difference between the heat of neutralisation of nitric acid and that of sulphuric acid by soda l ; this quantity is 27,230-31,380- -4,150. But the quantity of heat which was actually used was 3,500 ; therefore the whole of the sodium sulphate had not' been changed to sodium nitrate, and therefore the system when in equilibrium contained sodium nitrate and sulphate and also nitric acid and sulphuric acid. And moreover, if the 1 [Na 2 S0 4 Aq, N 2 O 5 Aq] = [Na 2 OAq, N 2 O 5 Aq]-[Na 2 OAq, SO 3 Aq]. M. C. 24 3/0 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. only reaction which occurred between sodium sulphate and nitric acid were formation of sodium nitrate and sulphuric acid, we might conclude that (= '84) parts of the sulphate had been changed. But we know that the sulphuric acid produced in the change would react with the unchanged sodium sulphate with disappearance of heat ; this must be taken into account in the calculation. Let | be the number of equivalents of sodium sulphate which have been decomposed by the nitric acid, then will also be the number of equivalents of sodium nitrate formed, and also the number of equivalents of sulphuric acid formed, and I will be the number of equivalents of sodium sulphate remaining; the total thermal change will therefore consist of three parts; (1) decomposition of Na 2 SO 4 = -3i,38o, (2) formation of Na 2 N 2 O 6 = + f 27,230, (3) reaction between H 2 SO 4 and i -Na 2 SO 4 . The thermal value of (3) will be found by using the equation already given ; this equation will now assume the form 3>300. As the observed thermal value of the complete reaction was 3,500 we have the equation [Na 2 SO 4 Aq, H 2 N 2 O 6 Aq] = -3,500 = (27230- 31380)- (i -)--- 3,300. rV 8 Thomsen found that if is taken as f, the calculated value of the equation is 3550, which is almost identical with the observed value. Applying the equation of equilibrium given in par. 182 to the reaction between sodium sulphate and nitric acid, the CH. II. 183] THERMAL METHODS. 371 value of is found to be f ; hence, as c ( % it follows that -, 4 ; i.e. the ratio of the velocity-constants of the direct and reverse changes is 4. By substituting these values for -, and in the equation of equilibrium given in par. 181, viz. equations are obtained which can be applied to find the thermal values of the change occurring between different quantities of nitric acid and sodium sulphate in presence of varying masses of sulphuric acid or sodium nitrate. Thus, to take one case, let p, q, p', and q' represent the masses (in equivalents) of nitric acid, sodium sulphate, sulphuric acid, and sodium nitrate, respectively; let qi^p' = q' = o, and let p be variable ; we have Thomsen measured the thermal change when / varied ; the following table presents the observed and calculated values : Gram-units of heat disappeared. p . Calculated. Observed. \ '121 920 900 \ -232 l66o 1620 \ -423 2660 2580 1 "667 3550 3500 2 '849 3950 4050 3 -903 4040 4100 The differences are within the limits of the experimental errors. Other series of experiments were conducted, (i) in which / = 2, g=i, q' = o, and ff varied from o to 3 ; (2) in which q = q I, /' = o, and / varied from \ to I ; and (3) in which p = q = o, q = i , and p' varied from I to 2 ; in all these ex- 242 372 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. periments the observed values agreed well with the calculated values. Thomsen also conducted experiments with sodium sulphate and hydrochloric acid ; here also it was found that f of the sodium sulphate was decomposed, and therefore in this reaction also = 4. The proportions of the reacting bodies were then varied and numbers were obtained which agreed well with those calculated by the use of the equation of equilibrium. Thomsen's thermochemical investigation of the partition of a base between two acids fully confirms the accuracy of the equation 184 Ostwald's experiments are based on measurements of the specific gravities of solutions of equivalent quantities of acids and bases and of the salts obtained by the reactions of these acids and bases, and also of the liquids formed when two of the acids are mixed with an equivalent quantity of one of the bases. The following example illustrates Ostwald's method : (i) Sp. gr. of solution of caustic soda (approx. normal) [i vol.] (ii) Sp. gr. of an equivalent solution of sulphuric acid [i vol.] (iii) Sp. gr. of solution of sodium sulphate [2 vols.] (i) 1-04051 1-04051 (ii) 1*02970 Nitric acid [i vol.] 1-03083 Sum 2-07021 Sum 2-07134 (iii) 2-05918 Sodium nitrate [2 vols.] 2-05266 Diff. -0-01103 Diff. -0-01868 The increase in spec. grav. accompanying the neutralisation of soda by nitric acid is greater by '00765 than the increase which accompanies the neutralisation by sulphuric acid. Now if sodium sulphate and nitric acid do not react when mixed, the spec, gravity of the mixed solution would be Sodium sulphate [2 vols.] 2*05918 Nitric acid [i vol.] 1*03083 Sum 3*09001 But the observed spec. grav. was [3 vols.] 3*08343 Diff. -0-0065 8 CH.II.l84] VOLUMETRIC METHODS. 373 If the nitric acid and sodium sulphate had been completely changed to sodium nitrate and sulphuric acid, the change in spec, gravity would have been -0076$ ; thus Sodium nitrate [2 vols.] 2-05266 Sulphuric acid [r vol.] 1*02970 Sum 3*08236 Sod. sulphate [2 vols.] + nitric acid [i vol.] 3-09001 Diff. - 0*00765 Therefore when sodium sulphate and nitric acid react in equivalent quantities the greater part, but not the whole, of the soda goes into combination with the nitric acid. Before the exact distribution of the soda between the two acids can be determined, it is necessary to measure the changes in spec, gravity which may accompany secondary reactions. Ostwald's measurements shewed that the observed spec. gravity agreed with the calculated, within the limits of ex- perimental error, (i) when solutions of nitric and sulphuric acids were mixed, (2) when sodium nitrate was mixed with sodium sulphate, (3) when sodium nitrate was mixed with nitric acid. But when sodium sulphate was mixed with sulphuric acid the observed spec, gravity was greater than that calculated on the assumption that no chemical change occurred; the increase in spec, gravity was found to agree very closely with that calculated by the interpolation-for- Ostwald then applied this correction, and arrived at the result that when sodium nitrate and sulphuric acid interact in equivalent quantities in dilute aqueous solution, two-thirds of the soda remains combined with the nitric acid, and one- third enters into combination with the sulphuric acid. This result is identical with that obtained by Thomsen. A similar examination of the reaction between sodium chloride and sulphuric acid gave a result the same as that which Thomsen obtained. Hence Ostwald's volumetrical investigation of the partition of a base between two acids fully confirm the accuracy of the equation (/-)(?-*)* = (/ + ) (tf + c '- 374 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. 185 Van't Hoff 1 , in 1877, use ^ tne results of the experiments of Berthelot and P. de Saint Gilles on the etherification of alcohols, in order to test the accuracy of the equation of equilibrium which he had deduced independently of Guldberg and Waage. The experiments shewed that equilibrium was established in a mixture of equivalent quantities of alcohol and acetic acid when two-thirds of the alcohol and the acid were transformed into ethereal salt and water ; therefore here also -7 = 4; and the equation for calculating when/ varies is where/ = active mass of alcohol, q = active mass of acetic acid, /' = active mass of ethereal salt, q = active mass of water ; initial conditions being q = I and />' = q = o. The following table gives some of the results : P __ j ___ Calculated. Observed. 05 -049 -05 08 -078 -078 18 '171 '171 28 -232 '226 '33 "3" >2 93 50 -423 -414 67 -528 -519 ro -667 -673 1-5 -785 -816 2 -845 -87 2-80 -895 -892 3 -902 -90 945 -97 In another set of experiments p = q=\,p' = o > and q' was variable; the calculated values of agreed well with the observed values. By these experiments the equation of equilibrium is again verified. 186 The equation of equilibrium Ber. 10. 669. CH. !!.! 85, 1 86] VARIOUS CASES. 375 may be applied to heterogeneous systems. For dealing with systems composed of solids and liquids or gases, we must distinguish cases in which one, two, or three, of the inter- acting bodies are solids \ When one of the four bodies is a solid, the equation becomes where h = active mass of the solid. If the initial conditions are such that/ = ^= I and /' we have the equation by means of which the ratio of the reaction-velocities can be calculated from observations of h, or h can be calculated if - is known. c The simplest case is that in which one body reacts with the solid, the other two bodies being absent at the beginning of the reaction ; we have/ = ^ = o, and - F This last case is considered by Ostwald (he. cit.} in detail, the reacting bodies being hydrochloric acid and solid calcium oxalate ; the values obtained for - h are not constant. This c reaction therefore shews divergences from the results which ought to follow if the law of mass-action held good. But it is possible to reconcile the results to some extent with deductions from this law ; at any rate the experiments of Ostwald do not require us to reject the law of mass-action, but they rather open a path which will probably lead to fresh dis- coveries concerning chemical equilibrium. (See Ostwald, he. cit.} When two of the interacting bodies in a system of four bodies are solids, the other two being liquids or gases, the active masses of the solids may be put as h and //, re- 1 Ostwald, Lehrbuch, 2. 658670. 37" CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. spectively, and the equation of equilibrium then assumes the following form ; and therefore j- = -, 1 = constant; or in words, equilibrium is attained when the active masses of the two liquid or gaseous constituents of the system are in a fixed ratio which is independent of the absolute or relative masses of the two solid constituents. In 1871, Deville conducted a series of experiments on the reaction between iron, iron oxide, water-gas, and hydrogen \ In these experiments water was heated in a retort connected with a tube containing iron, the other end of the tube being in connexion with a mercury-pump and a manometer. A vacuum having been obtained, the contents of the retort, as also those of the tube, were raised to a constant temperature, and the pressure was measured by the manometer ; the pressure was composed of the partial pressures of the water- gas and the hydrogen formed by the reaction between the iron and the steam. As the reaction consisted of a direct change of steam + iron to hydrogen + iron oxide, and a reverse change of hydrogen + iron oxide to steam + iron, equilibrium ought to have been attained when the active masses of the steam and hydrogen bore a constant ratio to each other at a specified temperature. As the active mass of a gaseous constituent of a system is conditioned by the pressure, it follows that if p v = the partial pressure of the hydrogen and p z = the partial pressure of the water-gas, the ratio y ought to have been constant at each temperature. The temperature of the water in the retort was kept at o in one series of experiments, and at 10 in the other series ; the temperature of the tube varied from 200 to 1600. Small errors might readily be made in the measurements of the pressures, especially at the higher temperatures, and at these temperatures small errors would considerably affect the 1 Compt. rend. 70. 1105; 71. 30. CH. ii. 1 86] VARIOUS CASES. 377 values of . The following table shews that Deville's results confirm the equation of equilibrium. / A A a A A A A A 200 4 6 9'59 048 '97 i9'53 os 265 46 6-42 072 i'57 23 '5 1 067 360 46 4-04 114 95 7-63 124 440 46 2-58 178 I -01 579 174 860 4 6 1-28 3 6 1-30 2-39 54 1040 46 92 50 1-27 1-91 66 1600 4 6 'Si 90 1-63 1-17 1-40 The experiments of Guldberg and Waage on the reaction between a solution of potassium carbonate and solid barium sulphate (referred to in par. 170) present the conditions of equilibrium of a system composed of two solid and two liquid constituents. Expressing the active masses of the soluble bodies, potassium carbonate and sulphate, by p and p', the equation of equilibrium asserts that the ratio , -.. should remain constant independently of the masses of the barium carbonate and sulphate. The following numbers exhibit the values actually obtained for this ratio ; f 200 o 39*5 4*06 250 o 50-0 4-0 350 o 71-9 3-87 250 25 30-0 4-0 300 25 40-8 3-94 200 50 '5 3'95 There are as yet but few data by which may be tested the correctness of the deduction from the equation of equi- librium, that when three of the four bodies constituting a re- acting system are solids, the equilibrium must be conditioned by the active mass of the liquid or gaseous constituent and must be independent of the masses of the three solid bodies. Isambert 1 has examined the equilibrium of the system obtained by heating together solid ammonium chloride and 1 Cornet, rend. 102. 1313. 378 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. lead oxide; his results shew that when equilibrium is attained for a specified temperature, the pressure of the ammonia gas produced in the reaction is constant and is independent of the masses of the solid ammonium chloride, lead oxide, and lead chloride (or oxychloride). 187 We have now passed in review a large amount of varied experimental evidence which establishes on a firm basis the law of mass-action, and the principle of the co-existence of reactions. These two generalisations assert that the amount of change undergone by a chemically reacting system is pro- portional to the product of the active masses of the constituents of the system and the coefficient of affinity of the change, and that when several changes take place simultaneously the total change is equal to the sum of the particular changes. We have found that in place of the phrase coefficient of affinity we may use the expression reaction-velocity ; but we have not attempted as yet to analyse the conception underlying these expressions. The law of mass-action and its applications to different cases of chemical change have been treated so far in a purely empirical manner. The law was gained by determining the distribution of the reacting bodies in certain systems which had attained equilibrium, and it was applied to determine the conditions of equilibrium in other systems and the velocities of the reactions which occurred before equilibrium was at- tained. Besides the particular methods considered in the preceding paragraphs of this chapter, there are two general methods which may be used in attempts to solve the problems of chemical dynamics ; one of these is thermodynamical, and the other is molecular. CH. II. 187, 1 88] THERMODYNAMICAL METHODS. 379 SECTION III. Thermodynamical methods applied to chemical equilibrium*. 188 Horstmann 2 , in 1873, propounded a thermodynamical theory of dissociation which is also generally applicable to other cases of chemical equilibrium, inasmuch as the processes which occur in a system before it attains chemical equilibrium are generally reversible processes. Horstmann's method consisted in applying the second law of thermo- dynamics to the phenomena of dissociation; he concluded that these processes, like all other reversible processes, tend to bring the system to that condition wherein the entropy of the system has attained its maximum value under the given conditions. To determine the conditions under which the entropy of a specified system undergoing a reversible change becomes a maximum is therefore to determine the conditions of equilibrium of that system. Let Q = quantity of heat added to a body at constant temperature T, then ^.= gain of entropy to the body; let Q l = quantity of heat lost by a body at constant temperature T v then -^ = loss of entropy to the body. All chemical and physical changes occurring spontaneously are accom- panied by an increase in the entropy of the system. This statement holds good for non-reversible changes; but as no actually occurring change is completely reversible the statement holds for all changes. Suppose that one of two bodies is hotter than another and loses heat to the colder ; the hotter body at temperature 7^ loses heat Q, therefore its entropy is decreased by -^ ; the colder body at temperature T 9 gains heat Q, therefore its 1 In this section I have again followed Ostwald ; but the methods discussed in this section are so largely physico-mathematical that I have attempted only the briefest outline, referring the student to Ostwald's Lehrbuch, 2. 702 728, and to the original memoirs. ' Annalen, 170. 192. 380 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. entropy is increased by -^ ; but as 7\ > T y it follows that 1 2 ^ < ; in other words the entropy of the system is in- *l -* 2 creased by the passage of heat from the hotter to the colder body. Changes of state involving changes of pressure and volume are also accompanied by changes of entropy; if the tempera- ture is constant the entropy-change is easily found ; if volume and temperature change simultaneously with pressure the total change may be regarded as partly adiabatic until the final temperature is reached, and then isothermal until the system attains equilibrium ; the latter part of the change is alone accompanied by a change of entropy. As it is possible to pass from any given state of a system to any other by a path which is partly adiabatic and partly isothermal, it is possible to lay down the principles on which the entropy- change accompanying any material change may be de- termined. 189 The application of thermodynamical methods to the study of chemical equilibrium has been much developed by Willard Gibbs 1 . Gibbs shews that the criterion of the equilibrium of a system is contained in the following statement ; For the equilibrium of any isolated system it is necessary and sufficient that in all possible variations of the state of the system which do not alter its entropy, the variation of its energy shall either vanish or be positive ; or, in other words, in all possible variations of the state of the system which do not alter its energy, the variation of its entropy shall either vanish or be negative. As the masses of the constituents of a system undergoing chemical change do not remain constant, an equation which is to express the conditions of equilibrium of such a system must take into account the changes of energy produced by changes 1 Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, (3). 16. 441 ; 18, 277. See also Clerk Maxwell, South Kensington Science Conferences [1876]. CH. II. 189] THERMODYNAMICAL METHODS. 3$I in the masses of the constituents. This is done by Gibbs by introducing into his equations a term which represents the potential of each constituent. If an infinitesimal mass of a body is introduced into a homogeneous system without disturbance of the homogeneity and without change in the entropy and volume of the system, then the increase in the energy of the system divided by the infinitesimal mass of the substance added is the potential of that substance in the system. The energy of the entire system is a function of the entropy and the volume of the system, and the masses of its constituents ; if the energy is known in terms of these variables, then the absolute temperature and the pressure of -the system, and the potentials of its constituents, can be calculated in terms of the same variables. In this way all the independent relations between the seven variables, energy, entropy, volume, masses of constituents, temperature, pressure, and potentials of constituents, can be found ; and on these relations depend most of the properties of the system, in- cluding its chemical properties. A single equation from which all these relations are deducible is called by Gibbs a fundamental equation. Gibbs shews how such fundamental equations are found. He then applies these equations to ideal gases, and then to ideal gas-mixtures, i.e. mixtures of ideal gases which obey the law of Dalton 1 , and so he deduces the conditions of equilibrium of such mixtures of gases. Assuming that the laws of ideal gas-mixtures apply to cases in which chemical change occurs in the mixtures themselves, at certain tem- peratures, resulting in the formation of one kind of com- ponents from another kind, Gibbs deduces a formula for find- ing the specific gravity of a gas-mixture from its temperature and pressure 2 . He applies this formula to the gas-mixtures obtained by heating nitrogen peroxide (N 2 OJ, phosphorus 1 For convenience' sake, Gibbs states this law in these terms; " The pressure in a mixture of different gases is equal to the sum of the pressures of the different gases as existing each by itself at the same temperature and with the same value of its potential." 2 See/tarf, par. 205. 382 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. pentachloride, formic acid, and acetic acid, and finds that the calculated results agree on the whole very well with the observed values for the specific gravities of these gases. Hence it is probable that the fundamental equations obtained by purely thermodynamical reasoning are applicable to all cases of gaseous dissociation. But dissociation-processes are in- stances of chemical equilibrium ; hence it is to be expected that each of the classes into which the problems of chemical equilibrium may be divided has its appropriate fundamental equation by the use of which a full thermodynamical expla- nation can be given of this class of cases of equilibrium. 190 One of the forms in which the criterion of stability is stated by Gibbs involves the use of a certain function, i|r, which is defined by the equation t = e-fy, where e = energy of the system, tj = entropy of the system, and t absolute temperature; then equilibrium results when in all possible variations of the state of the system which do not alter its temperature, the variation of ^ either vanishes or is positive. This form of stating the criterion of stability is in many cases more convenient than that given in par. 189 for deducing the conditions of equilibrium of any system. The meaning of the function -\Jr has been developed by von Helmholtz * on lines different from those adopted by Gibbs. Helmholtz divides the internal energy of a system into two parts ; the free energy which can be completely changed into other forms of energy, and the bound energy which is that portion of the total energy required for establishing the state of the system conditioned by the entropy of the system ; as every stable state corresponds to a maximum entropy, the bound energy cannot be changed to other forms within the system, nor without external action on the system. The bound energy is measured by the difference between the total and the free energy. Helmholtz's free energy is identical with Gibbs' function i/r, 1 'Die Thermodynamik Chemischer Vorgange,' Sitaber. der Wiss. Akod zu Berlin, 1882, also Helmholtz's Wissenschoftliche Abhandlungen, 2. 958. CH. II. IQO, 191] THERMODYNAMICAL METHODS. 383 All the properties of a system may be represented in equations as functions of the free energy of the system. Such equations have been deduced for some of the chemical properties of a system in equilibrium, e.g. for dissociation- processes of different orders of complexity, and for reciprocal actions when some members of the system are gases and some solids. These equations lead to results identical with those already obtained by the use of the empirical method of Guldberg and Waage x . The transformability of the chemical energy of a system into other forms of energy is measured by the free energy, and not by the total energy, of the system. For instance, the energy obtained from a chemical reaction in the form of heat does not measure the electrical energy obtainable from the same system ; for the latter is obtained by the transforma- tion of the free energy only and not of the total energy. So also in a chemical change, the direction of the change is determined by the free energy of the changing system, and this is not measured by finding the quantity of the heat produced in the change. II One of the consequences of the general criterion of stability deduced from the second law of thermodynamics is, that Berthelot's so-called ' law of maximum work ' is inaccurate. Berthelot's law asserts that 'every chemical change accom- plished without the addition of energy from without tends to the formation of that body or system of bodies the production of which is accompanied by the development of the maximum quantity of heat.' 2 Now a system is in equilibrium when its entropy has attained the maximum value possible under the conditions. But inasmuch as entropy is measured by a quantity of heat divided by a temperature, it is only at the absolute zero of temperature that dS = dQ (S = entropy, Q = quantity of heat); hence it is only at the absolute zero that thermal 1 See Ostwald, Lekrbuch, 2. 716 724; also P. Duhem, ' Le potentiel thermo- dynamique' [Paris, 1886 7]. 2 See ante, Book I., par. 133 for a discussion of the practical applications of this statement. 384 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. changes directly measure changes of entropy. When a chemical change is accompanied by the production of much heat, and the change occurs at a low temperature, the thermal change will roughly measure the entropy-change ; therefore if such a change be possible it will occur. But if the quantity of heat produced in a chemical process is small, the entropy- change which the system undergoes may be largely con- ditioned by changes other than the thermal change. Indeed in some cases heat may be lost to the system, and yet the total change in the entropy may be positive ; in such cases chemical change will occur with the disappearance of heat, because the decrease in the entropy of the system caused by the loss of heat will be more than balanced by the increase in the entropy caused by the changes of state which the system undergoes. Such chemical changes are analogous to the physical change of water in vacua into water-gas ; in this case the water loses heat, but the loss of entropy thus suffered is more than balanced by the gain of entropy accompanying the change from liquid to gaseous water. So far as the law of entropy has been applied to chemical processes, it has led to the same conclusions regarding the equilibrium of chemical systems as have been gained by the application of the law of mass-action. The general con- ception of chemical change which is given by both methods of investigation is that of a system attaining equilibrium as the result of processes occurring in opposite directions. Ac- cording to van't Hoff 1 , the directions of chemical processes which result in equilibrium vary with variations of tempera- ture in such a way that the lower the temperature the more is equilibrium established with the production of heat, but the change can occur in one direction only at the absolute zero. Berthelot's ' law ' would then hold good for the limiting case that the change should occur at 273. As the temperature at which most chemical changes occur is not very high very many changes are accompanied by production of heat. Berthelot's ' law of maximum work ' is the modern form 1 Dynanrique chimique, 153. CH. II. 191,192] MOLECULAR METHODS. 385 assumed by the old Bergmannic view of affinity. Berthelot, like Bergmann, regards chemical affinity as acting in one direction only. But the outcome of all recent investigation is to negative this view, and to confirm the conception of affinity which was first clearly introduced into chemistry by the great French naturalist Berthollet. SECTION IV. Molecular methods applied to chem ical equilibrium. 192 In 185 1 Williamson 1 suggested that the amount of chemical change which occurs between two interacting bodies is de- pendent on the velocities of the atomic interchanges which take place between the molecules of the bodies. He extended this conception to molecules all of the same kind, and con- cluded that " in an aggregate of molecules of any compound there is an exchange continually going on between the elements which are contained in it." He supposed, for instance, that in a vessel filled with hydrochloric acid the molecules HC1 are continually exchanging hydrogen and chlorine atoms ; if then a solution of copper sulphate is added to hydrochloric acid " the hydrogen does not merely move from one atom of chlorine to another, but in its turn also replaces one atom of copper, forming chloride of copper and sulphuric acid." When one product of a chemical change is insoluble it is removed, and so almost the whole of one of the original substances is decomposed ; but if all the products remain in solution, the atomic interchanges proceed in both directions and equilibrium is thus established. In 1857 Clausius 2 developed a conception similar to that put forward by Williamson, and applied it especially to explain the phenomena of electrolysis. He supposed that the movements of the molecules of a liquid result in the production of such a condition of some of the molecules as makes these molecules ready to exchange their constituent parts. As increasing temperature is equivalent to increasing 1 C. S. Journal, 4. no; 229. Also Phil. Mag. (3). 37. 350. 2 Pogg- Ann. 101. 338. M.C. 25 386 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. the kinetic energy of the molecules, increase of temperature will bring about further separation of molecules into parts, and will therefore increase the chances of the exchange of parts of molecules. Clausius' hypothesis postulates differences in the conditions of the molecules forming a liquid compound at any specified temperature, and asserts that some of the molecules will be more ready to exchange parts than others 1 . Pfaundler 2 , in 1867 and 1874, developed the hypothesis of Clausius and Williamson and applied it to many chemical reactions, and more particularly to explain the phenomena of dissociation 8 . Pfaundler considers the motion of agitation of the molecules of a gas, and also the motion of parts of the molecules ; ac- cording to the kinetic theory of gases, the sum of the kinetic energies due to these two motions is constant at a constant temperature, and the sum of each is constant, but the two motions may be very differently distributed among the indi- vidual molecules. The results of collision between two molecules will depend on the ratio between the energy of agitation, and the energy of rotation of the parts, of the molecules ; the limiting cases are when both energies are at a maximum, or both are at a minimum, or either is at a maximum compared with the other at a minimum. 193 Guldberg and Waage 4 , in 1879, brought the hypothesis of chemical action being due to differences in the states of the molecules of a gas or liquid into a form in which it could be quantitatively applied. Let the molecules of two substances which react chemically with one another be represented by A and B; let these molecules be composed of the atoms (or atomic groups) aa, and bb y respectively, performing certain vibrations within the molecules A and B. At certain points in these vibrations the atoms aa on the one hand, and the 1 For some account of the applications of the hypothesis of Clausius, see post, par. 204. 2 Fogg. Ann. 131. 55 et seq. (especially, pp. 6671); do. Jubelbd. 182. 3 See Section v. of the present Chapter. 4 Journal fur prakt. CAenu'e, (2). 19. 75. CH. II. 193, 194] MOLECULAR METHODS. 387 atoms bb on the other hand, will be so far separated from one another that the attraction between them will be very small ; a molecule the atoms of which are in this condition will be ready to undergo chemical change. Suppose that a molecule A comes near to a molecule B at the moment when each is ready to undergo change, chemical action will occur with the production of two new molecules, C, each composed of the atoms ab. If the number of molecules of A which are in this condition of readiness to undergo change be a, the total number of molecules of A in unit volume of the system being p, and if the number of molecules of B ready to undergo change be b, the total number of molecules of B being g, then the frequency of collision of the molecules which are ready to change will be represented by the product (apbq\ and the velocity of formation of the new molecules, C, will be represented by $apbq, where is a velocity-coefficient which depends on the temperature and the chemical nature of the substances A and B. The nature of this dependence must be experimentally determined. An expression, similar to that given, can be found for the velocity of re-formation of A and B; and hence the amounts of A, B, and C, which are present when equilibrium is attained can be calculated for any initial state of the system. The equation of equilibrium thus found is $apbq = tfa'b'p'q'. If k is put as = $ab and k' as = fy'a'b', the equation becomes kpq = k'p'q'. This equation is essentially the same as that which Guldberg and Waage arrived at by the use of methods which did not involve any theory of the structure of matter. We have already traced the development and applications of this equation of equilibrium \ 194 J- J- Thomson 2 has given a general conception of chemical equilibrium in terms of the vortex-atom theory of the structure of matter. 1 Ante, pars. 172 186. 2 On the motion of vortex rings. The Adams Prize Essay for 1882. (See also Phil. Mag. (5). 15. 427; 17. 233; 18. 233.) 252 388 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. A compound molecule of a gas is regarded by this theory as consisting of two, or more, vortex rings. This united vortex ring will separate into its parts when subjected to a disturbing influence, such as the action due to other vortex rings in the neighbourhood. The theory thus leads to a conception of chemical combination closely resembling that enunciated by Williamson, Clausius, and Pfaundler. But for a compound gas to be more than a mere mixture of elementary gases it is necessary that 'the mean time during which an atom is paired with another of a different kind, which we shall call the paired time, should be large, compared with the time during which it is alone and free from other atoms, which we shall call the free time' (loc. cit. p. 115). The ratio of paired to free time will be diminished by any disturbance to which the gas is subjected; when the diminu- tion is carried past a certain amount, the gas is decomposed. Now 'the pairing of two atoms is attended by a large increase in the translatory energy;' but as these atoms are only paired for a time, ' the whole increase in the translatory energy of a large number of molecules will depend on the ratio of the paired to the free times' of the vortex atoms which form the molecules of the substance (loc. cit. p. 1 1 6). The value of this ratio in the case of an elementary gas will to a great extent condition the chemical properties of that gas ; it will also determine whether chemical combination shall or shall not occur between two gases, and if it occurs, it will fix the proportions between the amounts of the various compounds produced. An elementary gas will readily enter into chemical combination, only when the ratio of free to paired time is larger for the molecule of the element, than for that of the compound produced. The value of the ratio in question may therefore afford a measure of the relative affinities for each other of the atoms of various compound molecules. This conception of chemical change is applied by Thomson chiefly to processes of dissociation ; the results obtained will be briefly considered in the next section. CH. II. 194, 195] DISSOCIATION. 389 SECTION V. Dissociation. 195 Certain changes brought about by heat and resulting in the formation of systems in equilibrium are classed together under the common term dissociation. By this term is meant a change from one chemical system to another simpler system which change is caused by heat and is reversible. The composition of the constituents of the simpler system is less complex than that of the bodies which form the original system. At least one member of the simpler system is gaseous under the conditions of the experiment. The resolution of the compound N 2 O 4 into 2NO 2 , or of C 6 H n Br into C 5 H 10 and HBr, or of CaCO 3 into CO 2 and CaO, and the subsequent re-formation of the original compound on cooling the products of each action, are examples of dissociation. In the change of N 2 O 4 into 2NO 2 , both the original body and that formed by heating the original are gases ; hence the change in question must be accompanied by a decrease in the spec. grav. of the gas. If it has been proved that the only change which occurs when N 2 O 4 is heated is the gradual dis- appearance of the N 2 O 4 with the simultaneous production of 2NO 2 , then the amount of this change which occurs at any specified temperature and pressure can be calculated from observations of the spec. grav. of the gas at that temperature and pressure. There are cases where a gas becomes specifically lighter as temperature increases, without our being able to demon- strate by conclusive experiments that the decrease in spec, grav. is accompanied by dissociation of the gas into simpler components. For instance, the spec. grav. of the gas ob- tained by heating ammonium chloride is considerably less than the value calculated on the assumption that this gas consists of the compound NH 4 C1; and the spec. grav. decreases as temperature rises, until at about 350 it is very nearly identical with that calculated for a mixture of equal volumes of NH 3 and HC1 (calcd. = -93; observed = ro). We seem justified in considering the gas obtained by heating NH 4 C1 to 350 to be a mixture of equal volumes of NH 3 390 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. and HC1, with perhaps a little unchanged NH 4 C1, although there is no absolutely conclusive experimental demonstration that this is so. In support of this conclusion may be men- tioned Pebal's 1 proof that if the vapour obtained by heating ammonium chloride is diffused through a porous septum the diffusate contains considerable quantities of free ammonia. Another instance of this kind is presented by acetic acid vapour. Ramsay and Young 2 have shewn that this vapour becomes specifically heavier by increasing pressure at any temperature or by decreasing temperature at any pressure. They contrast this behaviour with that of the vapour of alcohol and ether, which are almost certainly non-dissociable bodies; the spec, gravities of these vapours increase as tempera- ture is decreased, at a fixed pressure, until a certain value is reached after which decrease of temperature does not change the spec, gravities. The conclusion to be drawn from these observations is that acetic acid vapour at low temperatures is probably composed for the most part of molecules which are more complex and heavier than those which chiefly compose this vapour at high temperatures, and that the former are dissociated into the latter as temperature rises. When the spec. grav. of the gas obtained by heating a definite compound decreases as temperature increases, and reverts to its original value when the temperature falls to its initial value, and when the change of spec. grav. quanti- tatively corresponds with a change of composition which can be presented in a definite manner,, and which is perfectly justifiable on other grounds, and is the only change of composition which will explain the observed variations of spec, grav., we are justified in regarding the variations of spec. grav. as indications and measures of the change of composition. For if we do not thus regard these variations of spec, grav., then we must regard the gases in question as having abnormal coefficients of expansion 3 , and coefficients so abnormal as to demand a complete revision of our con- 1 Annalen. 126. 193. 2 C. S. Journal, Trans, for 1886. 790; Phil. Mag. (5). 23. 129. 3 Deville and Troost, Compt. rend. 64. 237; 91. 54; Berthelot, do. 91. 77. CH. II. 195, 196] DISSOCIATION. 39! ceptions regarding the relations between the volumes of gases and changes of temperature. For instance, we should have to admit that the coefficients of expansion of such gases as ammonium chloride, phosphorus pentachloride, &c., which gases are generally regarded as undergoing dissociation on heating, increase as temperature rises, but increase rapidly until a maximum is reached and then increase slowly. But there is no conclusive proof that the coefficients of expansion of any gases change in this way ; and moreover it has been experimentally shewn that the coefficients of expansion of the following elementary and compound gases are practically unchanged for a very large range of temperature ; hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, tellurium, mercury, carbon di- oxide, hydrogen chloride, arsenious oxide l . 196 The so-called abnormal vapour-densities of various gases are at once explained if we suppose that the gases in question are dissociated on heating, and that therefore the observed vapour-densities are the spec, gravities of mixtures and not of single gases. For instance the composition of sulphuric acid is undoubtedly expressed by the formula H 2 SO 4 ; if this com- pound were gasified the spec. grav. of the gas must be 49 times that of hydrogen (H 2 SO 4 = 98); but the spec. grav. of the gas obtained by vaporising sulphuric acid is con- siderably less than 49, and the spec. grav. decreases as temperature rises until at about 400 the value obtained is 24-5. These results are at once explained by supposing that the compound H 2 SO 4 is dissociated into a mixture of equal volumes of the two gaseous compounds SO 3 and H 2 O, as the spec. grav. of such a mixture would be 24-5 times that of hydrogen. As the variations in the spec. grav. of the vapour obtained by heating sulphuric acid as temperature increases and decreases are exactly similar to the variations observed in the spec, gravities of gases which undoubtedly undergo dissociation, we are justified in saying that the expression abnormal vapour-density of sulphuric acid should not be used, because the vapour is not sulphuric acid but is a mixture of two, and probably three, gases in variable proportions. The 1 V. Meyer, Ber. 13. 2022; see also Langer and Meyer, Ber. 18. Ref. 133. 392 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. other cases of so-called abnormal vapour densities cease to be abnormal when we are prepared to admit the occurrence of dissociation. 197 The amount of dissociation which any body undergoes depends upon the temperature, and also on the pressure. As the body is heated, temperature rises, and the rate of dissociation increases until a maximum is reached, after which the rate of dissociation decreases until the change is completed; on cooling the products of dissociation in contact with each other, this process is reversed. If pressure and temperature are kept constant, the system composed of the original body and the products of dissociation settles down into equilibrium, which is disturbed either by changing the temperature or the pressure, although in some cases change of pressure does not affect the equilibrium nearly so much as it does in other cases 1 . The pressure at which equilibrium is attained for any specified temperature is usually called the equilibrium-pressure for that temperature 2 . 198 Consider the effect of heat on a quantity of ammonium chloride enclosed in a vacuous vessel connected with an air-pump and a manometer. As the solid is heated, vapour is produced, and this vapour consists of equal volumes of ammonia and hydrogen chloride possibly mixed with small quantities of ammonium chloride gas. This change proceeds, with constant rise of temperature, and increase of pressure in the interior of the vessel. Now let the temperature be kept constant, say at 350, dissociation proceeds until the pressure of the gases in the vessel attains a certain amount when the process of dissociation stops, and equilibrium is established between the three bodies, ammonium chloride, ammonia, and hydrogen chloride. Now let temperature be raised through a definite interval, say to 400; dissociation proceeds, more ammonia and hydrogen chloride are produced, and pressure increases until it reaches a limit whereat the system again attains equilibrium. Now let a portion of the gases be 1 See next page. 2 The terms equilibrium-tension, and tension of dissociation are also used. CH. II. 197, 198] DISSOCIATION. 393 pumped out of the vessel, temperature being maintained at 400; pressure falls, dissociation begins and proceeds until the former pressure is reached. Now let temperature be decreased, say to 350 ; combination of ammonia and hydrogen chloride begins and pressure falls, and this pro- ceeds until a new state of equilibrium is attained. This is a typical and simple case of dissociation ; one definite body is resolved into two others and these again recombine to form the original body. In this instance the amount of dissociation is increased either by increasing the temperature at a constant pressure, or by lowering the pressure at a constant temperature. Now consider the effect of heat on a mixture of the two gases hydrogen and iodine 1 . Let a mixture of equal volumes of these gases be maintained at 440, and let the pressure be kept at about six atmos. ; combination occurs between the gases with production of hydrogen iodide, and this proceeds until (after about an hour) the system attains a state of equilibrium whereat 24 per cent, of the hydrogen originally present remains uncombined with iodine. Now let the pressure be decreased to 2 atmos., then to I atmo., and then to 380 mm., temperature remaining at 440 ; the state of equi- librium is practically unchanged, the amount of uncombined hydrogen varying only very slightly from 24 per cent, of the amount originally present. Now let the temperature be de- creased to 350, the pressure remaining constant, a new state of equilibrium is attained, but more slowly than at the higher temperature, and this is practically unchanged if the pressure is varied from 4 atmos. to 760 mm. But although the final state of equilibrium of a mixture of equal volumes of hydrogen and iodine at 350 or 440 is almost independent of pressure, yet the rate at which that equilibrium is attained at these temperatures varies almost directly as the pressure. In this instance we have probably a more complex oc- currence than the change of ammonium chloride into ammonia and hydrogen chloride. 1 Lemoine, Ami. Cliiin. Phys. (5). 12. 145; 26. 289, especially pp. 304 344. 394 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. 199 Now consider a case wherein a solid is dissociated into another solid and a gas. Let calcium carbonate be heated in a vacuous vessel connected with an air-pump and a manometer. The change which occurs may be represented thus i -;rCaCO. Let the temperature be kept constant ; carbon dioxide accumulates until the pressure becomes constant, and the system remains in equilibrium. At 860 the equilibrium- pressure is 8 1 mm. and at 1000 it is 520 mm. Now let pressure be diminished by removing some of the carbon dioxide ; the direct change proceeds until the former pressure is restored when the equilibrium again results. If the tempe- rature is now decreased, carbon dioxide is absorbed, the reverse change occurs, and the pressure falls until a fresh equilibrium is attained. The whole process follows the same course as that observed in such a case as ammonium chloride. Equi- librium is conditioned by temperature and pressure and is independent of the masses of the solid members of the system, viz. lime and calcium carbonate. 200 Let us now consider a case wherein a solid and a gas react to produce more than one compound which compounds are dissociated by heat into their solid and gaseous con- stituents. Silver chloride and ammonia combine to form two compounds, 2AgC1.3NH 3 and AgC1.3NH 3 . If silver chloride is brought into contact with ammonia in an apparatus wherein temperature and pressure can be regulated, the system which is formed may be composed of the gas NH 3 and any or all of the three solids AgCl, 2AgC1.3NH 3 , and AgC1.3NH 8 . If temperature is kept constant at about 15, ammonia is absorbed with decrease of pressure and the compound 2AgCl . 3NH 3 is produced ; if sufficient ammonia is supplied the system attains equilibrium at a constant pressure, and the only components of this system are 2AgC1.3NH 3 and am- monia. By raising temperature equilibrium is upset, and pressure increases because of the production of more ammonia; but at a definite temperature equilibrium is again attained ; this equilibrium is independent of the ratio between the CH. II. 199, 200] DISSOCIATION. 395 masses of the two solid members of the system, viz. AgCl and 2AgCl . 3NH 3 , and is conditioned only by the temperature and the pressure. Suppose equilibrium has been attained at say 20, and that the system consists of 2AgCl. 3NH 3 and ammonia; let ammonia be pumped into the vessel so that the pressure is con- siderably increased; formation of the compound AgCl^NH, begins, and pressure falls until equilibrium is attained in the system consisting of ;r(2AgC1.3NH 3 ), y (AgC1.3NH 3 ), and ^rNH 3 . If the temperature is now lowered, more ammonia is absorbed, more AgC1.3NH 8 is formed, and pressure con- tinues to fall until a new state of equilibrium is attained. For every temperature there is a certain pressure whereat equilibrium is established ; this equilibrium is independent of the ratio between the masses of the solid members of the system, viz. 2AgCl-3NH 3 and AgC1.3NH 3 . In this case then two processes occur ; dissociation of the compound 2AgC1.3NH 3 into silver chloride and ammonia, and dissociation of the compound AgC1.3NH 3 into 2AgC1.3NH 3 and ammonia. The compositions of the two systems may be represented as (i) (2) In each case equilibrium is independent of the ratio of x to y. At any specified temperature each system attains equilibrium at a definite pressure ; the differences between the equilibrium-pressures of the two systems, at the same tempe- rature, are so great that it is easy to study the relations between temperature and pressure on the one hand and the composition of each system on the other hand. The equi- librium-pressures for the two systems at temperatures varying from 6 to 20 are given in the following table 1 : 1 Horstmann, Ber. 9. 749. Isambert, Comp. rend. 66. 1259; 70. 456. 396 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. Temp. Equilibrium-pressure in mm. 2 AgCl. 3 NH 3 AgCl. 3 NH 3 6 22 7 23-4 8 24-9 432 9 26-5 446 10 28-2 465 12 31-9 520 16 40-9 653 18 46-6 723 20 52-6 793 201 If a solid were changed by heat into a series of other solids and a gas, and if the equilibrium-pressures of the dif- ferent systems thus produced were nearly the same at any specified temperature, it would be impossible to disentangle the various processes of dissociation occurring when such a solid was heated, and to establish the connexions which certainly exist between temperature and pressure and the composition of the various members of the complete system. Such a case occurs when certain hydrated salts are heated. For instance copper sulphate forms a series of hydrates CuSO 4 .^H 2 O; if a crystal of the ordinary hy- drate CuSO 4 .5H 2 O is heated in a closed vessel of such a size that the water of the crystal is more than sufficient to saturate the air in the vessel, water-gas is evolved, and the pressure increases ; after a time the process stops. If the temperature is now allowed to fall, water is re-absorbed, and the pressure decreases. But the change of pressure is irre- gular and a long time must elapse before equilibrium is attained. At a moderate temperature the crystal is slowly dehydrated, but at the same time small quantities of water are re-absorbed by parts- of the crystal which had before given off water. Irregularities in the form or surface of the crystal largely affect the processes of dehydration and rehydration, and cause fluc- tuations in one direction or the other. As these fluctuations are accompanied by changes of pressure, it is almost im- possible to establish equilibrium, at a specified temperature, in the system consisting of ^CuSO 4 +/CuSO 4 .5H 2 CH.II.2Ol] DISSOCIATION. 397 varying quantities of other hydrates of CuSO 4 . Several pro- cesses of dissociation are proceeding simultaneously, and the equilibrium-pressure for any one of the dissociating systems at a constant temperature is so nearly the same as that for the other systems that the establishment of an equilibrium- pressure for the whole system is not attained *. If hydrated sodium phosphate, Na 2 HPO 4 . 12H 2 O, is heated in a closed vessel, water-gas is given off, and the pressure increases. For any temperature there is an equilibrium- pressure established which is independent of the relative amounts of the dehydrated salt and the various hydrates present. This equilibrium-pressure is the same whether the salt Na 2 HPO 4 . I2H 2 O or a less hydrated salt than this is used, provided the quantity of water in the salt is more than that required by the formula Na 2 HPO 4 . ;H 2 O. If the salt Na 2 HPO 4 -7H 2 O is heated, a series of equilibrium-pressures is obtained different from those pressures which characterise the process when a salt is used with any quantity of water more than that required by the formula Na 2 HPO 4 . 7H 2 O but not exceeding that contained in the salt Na 2 HPO 4 . I2H 2 O. The following numbers represent the results obtained by Debray*. Temp. Equilibrium-pressures Salt with 7 to 12 HO. Salt with less than 7 H 2 O. I2'3 7-4 mm. 4-8 mm. 16-3 8-9 6-9 207 14-1 9-4 24 -9 i8'2 12-9 3i '5 30'2 21-3 36 -4 salt melted 39-5 30-5 40 - o 50*0 41*2 This process presents an example of dissociation of a solid body into solid and gaseous constituents intermediate in complexity between that exhibited by CuSO 4 . 5H 2 O on the one hand, and the pair of salts, 2AgC1.3NH 3 and AgC1.3NH 3 , on the other hand. 1 For further details see Naumann, Ber, 7. 1537; or Ibid. Thermochctiiie, 1 45 6. See also Lescoeur, Compt, rend. 102. 1 466. 2 Conip. rend. 66. 195. 398 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. 202 The relations between volume, temperature, and pressure, which accompany the merely mechanical absorption of a gas by a solid are different from those which mark the formation of a dissociable compound of a gas and a solid. The absorption of ammonia by charcoal may be con- trasted with the combination of ammonia with silver chloride. In the latter case ammonia is absorbed at 12 when the pressure is equal to about 3i'9 mm., and absorption continues at this temperature and pressure until the silver chloride is changed into the compound 2AgC1.3NH 3 ; the process then stops, and the pressure must be raised to about 520 mm. before absorption of ammonia again takes place ; the result of the second process is the formation of the compound AgC1.3NH 3 . Charcoal on the other hand absorbs ammonia at all pressures, temperature being constant, and the quantity of the gas absorbed increases regularly with increase of pressure. Palladium absorbs large quantities of hydrogen. When temperature is kept constant, the volume of hydrogen ab- sorbed is constant although the pressure is caused to increase considerably; but after the quantity of hydrogen absorbed corresponds approximately to that required on the assumption that the compound Pd 2 H has been formed, the volume of hydrogen then absorbed increases largely as the pressure increases. In this case two processes very probably occur ; the first results in the formation of the dissociable compound Pd 2 H, and this follows the ordinary course of such changes ; the second consists in the mechanical absorption of hydrogen by the compound previously formed, and this in turn follows the ordinary course of such occurrences. These instances shew how observations of the relations between temperature and pressure and the process of ab- absorption of a gas by a solid, or the evolution of a gas from a solid, enable conclusions to be drawn regarding the formation or non-formation of a compound, or compounds, of the gas with the solid. 203 Processes of dissociation lead to the production of chemical systems in equilibrium. The generalisations which have been CH. II. 202, 203] DISSOCIATION. 399 made regarding chemical equilibrium hold good in cases of dissociation. Let us consider a few classes of dissociation- processes with the view of stating the law which expresses the conditions of dissociation in each class \ The cases presented by heterogeneous systems composed of solid and gaseous constituents admit of more simple treatment than those presented by homogeneous systems all the members of which are gases. The simplest case is that which presents itself when a solid dissociates into another solid and a gas, e.g. when calcium carbonate dissociates into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. Assuming the law of mass-action, it follows that equi- librium must result when the active masses of the members of the system bear a certain constant ratio to each other. But the active masses of the solids are constant 2 ; therefore equilibrium will be conditioned by the active mass of the gas ; now the active mass of the gas varies with variations of pressure and temperature ; hence equilibrium will be attained at any specified temperature when the pressure exerted by the gas acquires a certain fixed value, and this pressure will be independent of the masses of the solids. The equation of equilibrium assumes the form cu = CMM'. and therefore - u ot c 1 u l where c and c^ are the velocity-constants of the direct and reverse changes, respectively, u active mass of one solid, t =active mass of the other solid, and 8 = active mass of the gas. This result is in keeping with what we have already learnt regarding this class of dissociation-processes. When a solid dissociates into equal volumes of two gases, e.g. NH 4 C1 to NH 3 +HC1, the equation of equilibrium is as before cu where u = active mass of original solid, and u l and ?/ 2 represent 1 Here again I merely give a condensed outline of Ostwald's treatment of this subject in his LehHnich, 2. 670701. 2 Ante, par. 170. 4OO CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. the active masses of the two gases when equilibrium results ; hence cu -=>* tt is constant, as it represents the active mass of a solid present in excess. Hence when a solid dissociates into equal volumes of two gases the product of the active masses of the gases is equal to a constant when equilibrium results, and is independent of the mass of the solid body. If the space in which the dissociation proceeds is vacuous, or contains an indifferent gas, then w t = ;/ 2 , and But if the space already contains one of the gaseous products of dissociation, then u l has not the same value as u 2 ; the greater t the smaller is # 2 , and vice versa; hence the amount of dissociation may be very much lessened by increasing u^ or u z ; but it cannot be wholly stopped, because to make u^ = o, u z must be made = oo . As an example of the dissociation of a solid into two gases in presence of an excess of one of these gases, may be taken the results obtained by Isambert on the dissociation of ammonium hydrosulphide (NH 4 HS) into ammonia and sulphuretted hydrogen in presence of excess first of sulphur- etted hydrogen and then of ammonia 1 . When equilibrium results, the product of the active masses of the two gases must be the same in each series of experi- ments at the same temperature. Hence if p l and / a are the partial pressures of the two gases when neither is in excess, and p[ and /,' are the partial pressures when sulphuretted hydrogen is in excess, and //' and p." are the partial pressures when ammonia is in excess, the equation AA=A'A'=A"A;', must be realised. Isambert's results shew a fair agreement 1 Comp. rend. 92. 919 ; 94. 958. CH. II. 203, 204] DISSOCIATION. 4OI between the values which ought to be constant 1 . Ostwald indicates a source of error overlooked by Isambert. Con- sidering this, and also considering the difficulties in making accurate measurements of the partial pressures, the observed results must be regarded as agreeing very well with the calculated results. If a solid dissociates into equal volumes of three gases, or into two volumes of one gas and one volume of another gas, the equation of equilibrium becomes CU = C^UfaUi, provided some quantity of one or other of the gaseous products of dissociation is present in the space in which dissociation occurs; but if the space is vacuous -or contains only an indifferent gas, then cu = Cjttf, for in this case u 1 = u z u s . Experiments on the dissociation of ammonium carbamate by Naumann 2 shewed that the equilibrium-pressure is inde- pendent of the mass of the solid present : CO.ONH 4 .NH 2 ^CO 2 + 2NH S . Horstmann's experiments, wherein excess of ammonia was sometimes present and sometimes excess of carbon dioxide 3 , and more particularly similar experiments by Isambert 4 , have shewn that the product of the partial pressures of the two gases is constant at a constant temperature. Cases of homogeneous dissociating systems are considered by Ostwald (loc. cit. 693 698), and the various forms are found for the equation of equilibrium, and are applied particularly to the dissociation of nitrogen tetroxide. A convenient form for the equation is that in which it gives a method of cal- culating the spec. grav. of a dissociating gas from observations of pressure and temperature. 304 As processes of dissociation are caused by heat and are attended with changes of energy to the dissociating systems, 1 For actual numbers see Ostwald, loc. cit. 685. 2 Amialen, 187. 48. 3 Ber. 4. 779. 4 Compt. rend. 93. 731 ; 97. 1212. M. C. 26 402 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. it is necessary to examine briefly the thermodynamical aspects of these occurrences. It will also be incumbent on us to glance at the explanation of dissociation which is afforded by the molecular and atomic theory. The general conception of a dissociable gas at a specified temperature which is presented by the kinetic theory of gases is that of a system of molecules the kinetic energy of some of .which is different from that of the mean value of the kinetic energy of the whole number, and in which system the distribution of the energy of rotation of parts of molecules also varies. When heat is expended upon this system the energy of rotation of the parts of the molecules is increased, and the kinetic energy of the molecules is also increased. The result is that some of the molecules are separated into parts ; as temperature rises more molecules are separated ; but as the number of undissociated molecules becomes smaller the chances of any molecules undergoing dissociation also become smaller ; hence the velocity of dissociation increases, as temperature rises, to a maximum, and then diminishes to a minimum when all the molecules have been separated into parts. Now suppose the temperature to be kept constant at a certain point in the process of dissociation ; some mole- cules are being separated into parts, and this separation is accompanied by disappearance of heat ; but at the same time the translatory energy of some of the portions of molecules has become such that re-combination occurs, and this process is attended with production of heat. If then no heat is allowed to enter or leave the system, the system will settle down into equilibrium when the number of molecules which dissociate in unit of time is equal to the number which is re-formed in the same time. 205 In par. 189 was given a brief statement of Willard Gibbs' thermodynamical treatment of chemical equilibrium. A dissociable gaseous system is one some of the con- stituents of which can be produced from the other con- stituents ; such a system will be in stable equilibrium when its energy has attained the minimum value possible for the entropy and volume of the system. An equation can be CH. II. 204206] DISSOCIATION. 403 found for such a system connecting the spec. grav. with the temperature, pressure, and volume. To find whether this equation holds good for actual dissociable gaseous systems, notwithstanding the occurrence of chemical action, Gibbs compares the spec, gravities of the gases obtained by heating nitrogen tetroxide (N 2 O 4 ), formic acid, acetic acid, and phosphorus pentachloride, at different pressures and temperatures, with the spec, gravities calculated by means of the equation deduced for an ' ideal gas-mixture with con- vertible components.' The equation in question is where Z> = spec. grav. of the gaseous mixture, Z^spec. grav. of the less dense component of the mixture, t = temperature, / = pressure, and A, B, and C are constants to be determined experimentally for each dissociable system. The observed results agree very closely with the calculated numbers in most cases ; but some discrepancies are observed, especially in the case of phosphorus pentachloride. Gibbs concludes his paper with these words ; " The constants of these equations are of course subject to correction by future experiments, which must also decide the more general question, in what cases, and within what limits, and with what degree of approxi- mation, the actual relations can be expressed by equations of such form." 106 A very brief sketch was given in par. 194 of the appli- cations to chemical equilibrium of the vortex-atom theory of matter by J. J. Thomson. The mean time during which an atom is paired with another of a different kind is called the paired time ; and the mean time during which the vortex-ring atom vibrates alone and unpaired is called the free-time. The conditions which determine the ratio of paired to free time in a dissociable gas will determine the amount of dissociation in that gas. The theory gives a means of investigating the effect of a dis- turbing influence, such as the action of heat, light, or electricity, or of other vortex-rings in the neighbourhood, on two vortex- 262 404 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. atoms. Whether the effect shall be to separate the atoms, or to make the connexion between them stronger, depends on the direction in which the vortex-rings are moving. If they are moving in the same direction with different velocities the effect of the disturbance will be to make them hold more firmly together ; but if they are moving in opposite directions with different velocities the effect of the disturbance will be to separate the rings. Thomson then considers the conditions under which the ratio of paired to free time is so reduced that the gas separates into its constituents. He considers cases of various degrees of complexity, beginning with that of an elementary gas the molecules of which are diatomic. He shews how an equation is arrived at for such a gas whereby the ratio of the number of free atoms to the number of molecules at any time may be determined. This equation may be expressed as an equation giving the vapour-density of the dissociated gas; and the results calculated by it can then be compared with the ex- perimentally determined results. Further, this form of the equation varies according as it is assumed that the dissoci- ation is produced by collisions between the molecules, or by some external agency such as heat, light, or electricity. In the simple case of iodine vapour " if the dissociation were due to the collisions of the particles, then the paired time would vary inversely as the number of collisions, and... dissociation would be the same at all pressures." But the dissociation- of iodine vapour is dependent on the pressure, hence the dis- sociation is probably not due to collisions between the mole- cules, but rather to the action of some external agency. In considering the change of gaseous hydriodic acid into iodine and hydrogen it is shewn that the amount of the change, at a given temperature, should be much less de- pendent on pressure than in the case of iodine vapour. This conclusion follows whether the change is regarded as the effect of collisions between the molecules, or as the effect of an external agency. The experimental results obtained by Lemoine 1 confirm Thomson's theoretical deduction. Other 1 See The Elements of Thermal Chemistry, par. 160. CH. II. 2O6 2O8] DISSOCIATION. 405 cases are considered in the paper referred to, and equations are deduced whereby the conditions which determine the ratio of paired to free time, and therefore determine the amount of dissociation, may be obtained. 07 Dissociation-processes come under the laws which express the conditions of chemical equilibrium. In a chemical de- composition we have doubtless collisions occurring between different kinds of molecules resulting in the shattering of these molecules and the formation of molecules of other kinds. The theoretically simplest case of dissociation occurs when the molecules of one kind of matter are separated into parts by the action of heat without the occurrence of reactions between the parts of the molecules; such a separation probably occurs in the dissociation of the molecule I 2 into the atoms I + I. In the dissociation of molecules of the composition HI into the molecules H 2 and I 2 , it is probable that two actions occur, one being represented by the equation and the other by the equation 406 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. [BOOK II. Chemical change then follows the same laws as other classes of physical occurrences; the differences between chemical and physical occurrences are differences of degree and not of kind. It is important to notice that although the thermody- namical treatment of chemical equilibrium provides for the consideration of the influence of temperature, nevertheless there has not as yet been any thorough examination of the effect of variations of temperature on the velocities of chemical changes. Some chemical occurrences seem to be independent of temperature, while others are largely conditioned by changes in this variable. Various formulse have been given for shew- ing the connexion between temperature and rate of change, but none is altogether satisfactory 1 . In the earlier statement of the equation of equilibrium the constants k and k' were called the coefficients of affinity of the direct and reverse parts of the complete process ; as we proceeded it was found possible to substitute the more exact expression reaction-velocity for the vaguer term used at first. But no attempt has yet been made to analyse these coefficients, or to trace connexions between their values and the composi- tion and other chemical properties of the bodies which take part in the various changes. It is necessary now to proceed to this part of our subject. 1 See Ostwald, Lehrbuch, 2. 728740. CHAPTER III. CHEMICAL AFFINITY. 209 IN Chapter I. of this Book I have placed before the student a sketch of the views concerning chemical affinity which prevailed before the publication of Berthollet's Essai de Statique Chimique; I have tried to shew the importance of Berthollet's assertion that every chemical change is con- ditioned not only by the affinities but also by the masses of the interacting bodies ; I have passed in review the work of Guldberg and Waage, which led to an accurate statement of the law of mass-action, by incorporating the conception of equivalency with that of mass, and by considering the distribution of the members of a changing system when equilibrium is established ; I have given a short account of those researches by Ostwald and others, which, while con- firming the ideas of Guldberg and Waage by applying them to different classes of chemical changes and rinding the ex- pression of the fundamental law appropriate to each class, have also amplified these ideas by adding to the law of mass-action the principle of the coexistence of reactions; I have tried to help the student to form a conception of a changing chemical system as swinging in two directions until equilibrium is attained, and to regard the direct and reverse changes as conditioned by the active mass and the coefficient of affinity of each member of the system ; I have sought to give proofs of the assertion that those reactions 408 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK II. which seem to proceed only in one direction are really limiting cases of equilibrium ; and finally I have glanced at the thermodynamical and the molecular methods whereby the law of mass-action and the principle of the coexistence of reactions have met with a general confirmation. . 210 The fundamental equation of equilibrium, kpq k'p'q', assumes a more workable form when written In these equations P, Q, P ', and Q' = number of equivalents of each reacting body in a system of four bodies ; p, q, /, and q = active mass of each body present in the system when equilibrium is established ; x = number of equivalents of P and Q decomposed, and number of equivalents of P' and Q' formed, when equilibrium results ; and k and k' = coefficients of affinity of the direct and reverse change, respectively. (v. par. 169.) In applying this equation it is necessary to determine x for some special initial values of P, Q, P', and Q', hence to find the value of the ratio y-, to use this value in order to calculate x for various values of P, Q, P', and Q', and to compare the observed values of x with those thus calculated. (For examples, v. par. 170.) The coefficients k and k' may be regarded as represent- ing the chemical forces which respectively cause the formation of P and Q', and the re-formation of P and Q. But the notion of chemical force is at present vague and inexact : we found it better to follow van't Hoff, Guldberg and Waage, and others, in regarding k and k' as the velocity-constants of the direct and reverse change, respectively. As thus inter- preted, the equation establishes a quantitative connexion between the equilibrium of a chemical system and the velocities of the two parts into which the complete change may be divided. CH. III. 2092 1 I ] AFFINITY-COEFFICIENTS. 409 But although it is advantageous, at present, to regard -p as the ratio of the velocity-constants of the two parts of the complete change, yet we cannot be satisfied with this inter- pretation. For -r represents the value of the ratio of the affinity of the two bodies P and Q to the affinity of the bodies P and Q' produced by the interaction of P and Q ; and- the elucidation of chemical affinity is the ultimate object of our inquiry. Let us then examine the results which have been obtained by applying the equation of equilibrium. SECTION I. Specific affinity -coefficients of acids and bases. Ill In par. 181 the application of the equation of equilibrium to a system of four bodies was considered. The bodies A and B are changed to A' and B' ; the active masses of the four bodies at the beginning of the process are P, Q, P', Q', respectively; x represents the number of equivalents of .A and B changed to A' and B at any moment, and x represents the number of equivalents of A and B' changed to A and B at the same moment ; c is the velocity-constant of the direct change, and c is the velocity-constant of the reverse change ; then the velocity of the direct change is (/>-*) (<2-*)*; the velocity of the reverse change is (P'-x-](Q-x}c; and the velocity of the total change is When equilibrium results the velocity of the total change must = o ; if then = value attained by x when equilibrium results, we have the conditions of equilibrium expressed in terms of the velocities of the two parts of the total change by the equation 4IO CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK II. If the initial conditions are made such that one equivalent of A and one of B are present and A' and B' are absent, we have P = Q = i, and F = Q = o ; the equation then becomes and hence As can be determined by experiment, the ratio of the velocity-constants, -, , can be calculated. 212 This form of the equation of equilibrium has been applied by Thomsen to the case of the interaction between an acid and the neutral salt of another acid in dilute aqueous solution. When equivalent masses of hydrochloric acid and sodium sulphate interact, Thomsen found that f = f ; the same value was found when nitric acid was substituted for hydrochloric ; these results were on the whole confirmed by Ostwald, who employed a different experimental method. (For details, v. pars. 183, 184.) By repeated experiments with a neutral salt and different acids it is obvious that values can be found for in each case ; and from these, values are at once deduced for the ratio of the velocity-constants, -; . This ratio, -j . is the same as the c ' c " / fc \2 ratio f _ J , so that to express the ratio in question we may employ either form, -, or ( J ; the ratio ~- -.. is identical with that formerly expressed by the symbols j-, , and called the ratio of the affinities of the reacting bodies. Hence investigations conducted on the lines just indicated will lead to measurements of the relative affinities of different acids for the same base. Such investigations have been conducted by Thomsen, Ostwald, and others. Suppose that equivalent masses of Na 2 SO 4 and HC1 inter- act in dilute aqueous solution ; the direct change which occurs will result in production of NaCl and H 2 SO 4 , but these will CH. III. 2 1 I, 212] AFFINITY-COEFFICIENTS. 4!! react to reproduce Na 2 SO 4 and HC1 ; if measurements of are made i.e. if the number of equivalents of each body present when equilibrium is attained is determined we have values for the ratio which is the same as \/ -. or T,- I V c K We thus determine the ratio of the affinities of the two acids, sulphuric and hydrochloric, towards the base soda. If another series of measurements of f is made when equivalent masses of Na 2 SO 4 and HNO 3 react in dilute aqueous solution, we shall determine the ratio of the affinities of the two acids sulphuric and nitric towards the base soda. We can thus obtain a series of ratios k : k' , k : k", k : k"', &c. which express the relative affinities of various acids towards a specified base in terms of some one acid chosen as a standard. There is another way of looking at the meaning of the ratio we are considering. When an acid interacts with an equivalent mass of the neutral salt of another acid until equi- librium is attained, the number of equivalents of the salt remaining unchanged is i (giving the same meaning to as before), and the number of equivalents of the salt decom- posed is ; but as each equivalent of salt decomposed pro- duces one equivalent of base and one of acid, f is also the number of equivalents of the base which has combined with the added acid, and I - expresses the number of equi- valents of the base which has remained in combination with the first acid. The ratio ,, then expresses the distribution of the base between the acids. Thus in the case of Na 2 SO 4 reacting with H 2 N 2 O 6 , Thomsen found = f ; that is, f of the base (Na 2 O) had entered into combination with nitric acid, and ^ of the base remained combined with sulphuric acid, when equilibrium was attained. Hence, if the affinity of an acid is measured by the quantity of a base with which it com- bines when competing for the base with another acid in dilute aqueous solution, the three compounds being present in equi- valent quantities, it follows that the affinity of nitric acid for soda is twice that of sulphuric acid for the same base. 412 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK II. Thomsen uses the term avidity of an acid for a base, but it seems better not to introduce a new term when we have already employed the word affinity to express the same con- ception. The following numbers are taken from Thomsen's Unter- suchungen (i. 308) : Relative affinity. Nitric acid ro Hydrochloric acid i'o Hydrobromic acid 0*89 Sulphuric acid 0*49 Dichloracetic acid 0*36 Oxalic acid 0*24 Monochloracetic acid 0*09 Acetic acid 0*03 Take the numbers for sulphuric and monochloracetic acids, '49 and '09 ; these numbers tell that when one equi- valent of sulphuric acid reacts with one equivalent of sodium monochloracetate in dilute solution until equilibrium is estab- lished, the base divides itself between the acids in the ratio I '40 49 : "09; or .. = ~ ; hence ='155; in other words, 15*5 p. c. of the total soda remains combined with the monochloracetic acid and 84^5 p. c. enters into combination with the sulphuric acid. 113 The thermal methods employed by Thomsen, and the volumetric methods used by Ostwald, for determining the distribution of a base between two acids, when the three bodies react in equivalent quantities in dilute solutions, have already been described (pars. 183, 184). Ostwald conducted a series of experiments with the special purpose of determin- ing whether the relative affinity of an acid varies with varia- tions in the base 1 . The acids compared were nitric and sul- phuric, hydrochloric and sulphuric, and hydrochloric and nitric ; the bases were potash, soda, ammonia, magnesia, zinc oxide, and cupric oxide. The following table shews the ratio in which an equivalent of each base divided itself between an equivalent of each acid: 1 See Lehrbuch, 2. 784; or J.ftir prakt. Cliemie, (2). 16. 385. CH. III. 212, 213] AFFINITY-COEFFICIENTS. 413 Rase. Potash Soda Ammonia Magnesia Zinc oxide Copper oxide RELATIVE AFFINITIES. H 2 N 2 6 H 2 SO 4 ' ^=2-00 o-333 0-333 0-652 0-638 0-617 ?383 = r6i 0-409 0-97 The ratio of the affinities of hydrochloric and nitric acids is evidently independent of the nature of the base, whereas in the case of sulphuric and hydrochloric, or sulphuric and nitric, acids, the ratio varies in accordance with the nature of the base. The reason for this apparent difference is to be sought for in the numbers which express the volume-changes attending the action of sulphuric acid on normal sulphates. Ostwald shews that when sulphuric acid and normal sulphates react in equivalent quantities, only a portion of the sulphate is changed into the acid salt, and that the amount of this change depends on the base present in the normal sulphate. Hence, Ostwald concludes, that "sulphuric acid... does not exert affinity on a base with its whole mass but only with that part which is not combined to form acid sulphate. The greater this part, the greater will the affinity of sulphuric acid appear to be." It is probable that the true relative affinity of sulphuric acid, like that of hydrochloric and nitric acids, is independent of the nature of the base with which the acid combines. The influence of temperature on the relative affinities of the three pairs of acids is then examined by Ostwald in the same way as has been employed for examining the influence of the nature of the base. 4H CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [ROOK II. The results are contained in the following table. RELATIVE AFFINITIES (for Soda). Temp. H 2 N 2 O 6 H 2 C1 2 H Cl H 2 S0 4 ' ' H 2 S0 4 " IIL H^07 ^55=i-90 0*659 1^=1-02 0-345 0-341 93 1-90 0-667 - = 2'OO 0-333 0*657 =1-92 0*343 1-92 , ^-=0-96 2'00 V 0-669 0-666 I<99 0-Q8 o-33i - " o-334 '" 2-02 9 40 w JJ 1 0-703 0-703 60 -J 2-^- ->*>, Here again the relative affinities of hydrochloric and nitric acids remain constant, while that of sulphuric acid varies with variations of temperature. The variation in the value of the relative affinity of sulphuric acid is shewn to be inversely as the amount of acid which has combined with the normal sulphate; this confirms the provisional conclusion that the true relative affinity of sulphuric acid is in all respects comparable with the relative affinities of hydrochloric and nitric acids. The final result of these experiments is, that the relative affinities of the acids are expressed by constant numbers. In another paper 1 , Ostwald extends the volumetric method to a number of acids, both monobasic and dibasic, including several carbon-acids. He has also determined the refractive indices of many of the solutions of acids, bases, and salts, already employed, and from these he has arrived at measure- ments of the amounts of change ; so that most of the data on which his calculations are based have been gained by two independent methods. The results agree very well ; Ostwald, however, thinks that the volumetric method gives more trust- worthy results than the optical method. The following table presents the results of the volumetric experiments. 1 J.fiirprakt. Chemie, (2). 18. 328; Lehrbuch, 2. 785. CH. III. 2 1 3,214.] AFFINITY-COEFFICIENTS. 415 PROPORTIONS IN WHICH BASES ARE SHARED AMONG MONOBASIC ACIDS. ACIDS. Potash. Soda. Ammonia. Mean. 1 Dichloracetic : nitric 77 77 75 76 2 Dichloracetic : hydrochloric 74 75 73 74 3 Dichloracetic : trichloracetic 70,73 71,71 70,72 71 4 Dichloracetic : lactic 8 9 n g 5 Monochloracetic : trichloracetic 92 92 92 92 6 Formic : trichloracetic 97 96 97 97 7 Formic : lactic 43 46 48 46 8 Formic : acetic 25 23 23 24 9 Formic : butyric 21 21 19 20 10 Formic : isobutyric 19 19 18 19 11 Butyric : acetic 54 52 53 53 12 Isobutyric : acetic 56 51 53 53 13 Propionic : formic 78 80 79 79 14 Glycollic : formic 43 44 45 44 One equivalent of the neutral salt (of potassium, sodium, or ammonium) of the acid placed first in column i reacted with one equivalent of the acid placed after it in the same column ; the numbers in the columns of bases represent the percentage amounts of base withdrawn from the first acid by the action of the second. These results confirm the conclusion that the relative affinities of the acids are expressed by constant numbers. 214 This question of the constancy of the numbers expressing the relative affinities of acids is very important. Having shewn by experiment that the question, Are these numbers independent of the nature of the base? must be answered in the affirmative, Ostwald 1 proceeds to examine the subject somewhat as follows. The absolute affinity of an acid A for a base B is a func- tion of both ; let it be represented by f(A, B}; then by putting A and A' as two acids and B and B' as two bases, the state- ment that the relative affinities of the acids are independent of the nature of the bases, may be put in the form, f(A,B] f(A',B) f(A',B'Y Lehrbwh, 2. 787; J. filr prakt. Chemic, (2). 16. 442. 416 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK II. And by changing the means we get f(A, B) _f(A', B} But the second equation means that the relative affinities of the bases are independent of the nature of the acids. Hence the affinity between an acid and a base is the product of two specific affinity-coefficients, one of which belongs to the acid and the other to the base. This conclusion is of very great importance; it rests on the experimental evidence already sketched, but it is also confirmed by a large amount of indirect evidence. An exam- ination of this evidence leads us not only to place greater trust in the accuracy of the conclusion already stated, but it also shews how values have been found for the affinities of many acids by methods other than the thermal method used by Thomsen and the volumetric method employed by Ostwald. 215 When acetamide is brought into contact with water and an acid, it is changed to acetic acid, and ammonia, which combines with the acid. The change may be formulated thus, CH 3 .CO.NH 2 + H S O = CH 3 .CO.OH + NH 3 . The rate of this change varies with the nature of the acid used. If each acid possesses a specific affinity-coefficient, we might expect that the reaction under consideration would be quantitatively conditioned by the value of the coefficient for each acid used. Now we have already seen that the ratio of the affinities of two acids may be expressed in the form ^, and that this ratio is equal to the square root of the ratio of the velocity-constants of the reaction - - = L/- f ; hence if the velocities of the change of acetamide to acetic acid and ammonia are. measured, using different acids, we shall be able CH. III. 214 2 1 6] AFFINITY COEFFICIENTS. 417 to find the affinity-constants of the acids ; and the values thus obtained may be expected to be the same as those deduced for the same acids by the thermal or volumetric study of the reactions which occur when these acids react with bases 1 . The course of the change was observed by decomposing the ammonium salt formed by sodium hypobromite, and measuring the nitrogen evolved. The reaction is not free from secondary changes; the ammonium salt formed causes the velocity-constant of the stronger acids to be greater, and the constant for weak acids to be smaller, than would be the case were the ammonium salt not formed. The time was determined in each case at which one-half of the total aceta- mide had been changed ; the reciprocals of these times are the velocity-constants ; and the square-root of the ratio of these is the ratio of the affinities of the acids. The occurrence of se- condary reactions makes the numbers obtained rather doubtful ; nevertheless the order of the affinities of the acids examined is the same as the order of the affinities determined by the more accurate volumetric method, and in the cases of the stronger acids the individual numbers agree very fairly, Ostwald also determined the velocity-constants when the reaction had pro- ceeded for a short time only; under these conditions but little ammonium salt was formed, and the secondary changes were eliminated to a considerable extent. When the values thus obtained are compared with those formerly arrived at, the influence of the secondary reaction caused by the ammonium salts is very marked, especially with the weaker acids 2 . J16 When methylic or ethylic acetate in aqueous solu- tion is kept at a moderate temperature the acetate is very slowly changed to alcohol and acid, but if an acid is added the change proceeds more rapidly ; CH S . COOCH 3 + H 2 O = CH 3 . COOH + CH 3 . OH. 1 See Ostwald, J. fur prakt. Chetnie, (2). 28. 449; or Lehrbuch, 2. 798. It has already been shewn (par. 1 76) that the reactions in question follow the law of mass-action and the principle of the coexistence of reactions. - The numbers are given in the table on p. 421. M. C. 27 41 8 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK II. This reaction has been used by Ostwald 1 for determining the affinities of many acids ; the velocity of the change was measured by titrating with a standardised baryta solution, as the change proceeded the amount of acid in the liquid increased. As only a limited quantity of one body is undergoing change, the velocity-constant of the reaction should be found by the formula deduced for such cases from the law of mass- T A action 2 , viz. c = ^log-, - where A = number of equivalents v si X of methylic acetate originally present, and x number of equivalents changed in time 6. The velocity-constants of about 30 acids have been determined by Ostwald, and from these the affinity-constants have been calculated in terms of hydrochloric acid as unity ; the results agree very fairly well with those previously obtained ; in the cases of weak acids the values found by the methyl acetate method are con- siderably larger than those deduced from the observations with acetamide. 217 The inversion of cane-sugar by means of acids in dilute solution has been used by Ostwald as a third process whereby values may be found for the affinities of various acids 3 ; The velocity of the change was determined by measuring the amount of inverted sugar by means of Fehling's solution. The same formula was employed as was used for calculating the velocity-constants of the change of methylic acetate to alcohol and acid. The results are in keeping with those formerly obtained ; but as the inversion-process is more free from secondary reactions than either the acetamide-process or the methyl acetate process, the values found for the affinities of the acids by the first-named method are to be preferred to those obtained by the other methods. 1 y.fur prakt. Chemie, (2). 28. 449; or Lehrlutch, 2. 803. 2 See par. 174. 3 Lehrbuch, 2. 810. CH. III. 2 1 6 219] AFFINITY COEFFICIENTS. 419 218 Some other reactions in which acids take part have been examined by Ostvvald with the view of determining whether the reactions are quantitatively conditioned by the affinities of the acids. Ammonia solution reacts with bromine to form nitrogen and hydrobromic acid ; if an acid is present, an ammonium salt is produced and the change proceeds more slowly. Ostwald 1 has shewn that the stronger acids retard this change more than the weaker acids, and that the times re- quired for a definite amount of the change to be accomplished vary approximately inversely as the affinities of the acids. In another memoir*, Ostwald has examined various cases of oxidation and reduction occurring in presence of free acids and has shewn that these are retarded to an amount propor- tional to the affinities of the acids. The reactions examined were, firstly, that occurring between bromic and hydriodic acids, HBrO 8 Aq + 6HIAq = HBrAq + 3H 8 O + 6IAq the re- tarding effects of about a dozen acids being measured and, secondly, that occurring between chromic acid and iodine, 2CrO 3 Aq + 6HIAq = 2CrO 3 H 3 + 61 Aq. The change which occurs when solid calcium oxalate reacts with various acids to produce a soluble calcium salt and oxalic acid has also been examined by Ostwald 3 . The amount of change which has occurred when equilibrium is established depends on the affinities of the acids employed*. 219 A few determinations have been made of the velocity- constants of reactions brought about by bases. Warder measured the velocity of the saponification of ethylic acetate 1 Zeits.fiirphysikal. Chemie,1. 124. 2 Ibid. 2. 127 ; see also Burchard, Zeils. fiir physikal. Chemie, 2. 796. 8 Lehrbuch, 2. 793. 4 Other processes have been employed for determining the distribution of the members of a system when equilibrium results, or when a certain amount of change has been accomplished; among the more important of these are the colorimetric method, e.g. measurements of amount of FeCl 3 changed to Fe(SCy) 8 by reacting with KSCyAq (Gladstone, Phil. Mag. (4). 9. 535); and optical methods, especially that founded on measurements of rotatory power (v. especially Jellet, Trans. Royal Irish Acad. 25. 391). 272 42O CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK II. by soda 1 . Reicher extended the method to potash, lime, and a few other bases 2 . Ostwald has applied the same process to ammonia, substituted ammonias, and substituted ammoniums 3 . The results can be regarded only as a starting-point for further investigations. But we shall see that the electrical method of observation is to be preferred to that based on the saponifica- tion of ethereal salts. 220 There is then a large amount of evidence in favour of the statement that many different reactions of acids are quantitatively conditioned by certain coefficients which depend only on the constitution of the acids, and the de- gree of dilution, and are independent of the nature of the chemical reaction. These coefficients, or affinity-constants, can be determined by different methods. Of the methods which we have considered, the most trustworthy are (i) that based on the inversion of cane-sugar, (2) that wherein the change of methylic acetate into alcohol and acid is measured, (3) that which rests on determinations of the change of aceta- mide into acetic acid and ammonia, (4) that which determines the division of a base between two acids either by measuring the thermal change or the volume-change which accompanies the chemical change. The following table presents the numbers deduced by Ostwald for the affinities of various acids by the different methods. 1 Amer. Chem. Journal, 1882. No. 5. 2 Annalen, 228. 257. 3 Lehrlmch, 2. 819. CH. III. 219, 22O] AFFINITY COEFFICIENTS. RELATIVE AFFINITIES OF ACIDS. (OSTWALD.) 421 ACID I sugar inversion II methyl acetate in acetamide IV division of base between two acids Hydrochloric 100 IOO IOO 98 Hydrobromic I0 5'5 99'I 9 8 Hydriodic 9 8-I Nitric 100 957 9 8 IOO Chloric ior8 97-2 Sulphuric 73-2 73 % 93 1 [io 4 - 5 6] 65-4 66 Methane sulphonic 100-37 Ethane sulphonic 100 99-33 Propane sulphonic 98-98 Isobutane sulphonic 98-53 . Pentane sulphonic 97-82 Hexane sulphonic 95-4 9894 Isethionic 95 '9 98-87 Benzene sulphonic IO2'2 99-54 Formic 12-4 11-49 5 3'9 Acetic 6-32 5-87 2 '34 1-23 Propionic 5-5i 1-04 Butyric 5'47 0-98 Isobutyric 579 5-18 0*92 Monochloracetic 22 20'8 ! 3 7 Dichloracetic 52-1 48 40-8 33 Trichloracetic 86-8 82-6 80 80 Glycollic 1 1'4 Diglycollic 16-3 Lactic 10-3 9-49 5 3'3 Methoxyacetic 13-5 Ethoxyacetic 117 Methoxypropionic 11-8 Hydroxyisobutyric 10-3 9-60 Trichlorolactic 26-3 Pyruvic 25-5 25-9 Oxalic 43 43 22-6 Malonic 17-5 16*9 Glyceric 13-1 Succinic 7-38 7-04 2'5 i "45 Malic 11 '3 10-86 4'7 2-82 Tartaric 15-15 7'5 5 '2 Pyrotartaric 10-3 Racemic 15-15 Citric 13-1 1279 4 Phosphoric 24-9 Arsenic 21-9 1 The affinity of sulphuric acid appears less than that of its derivatives obtained by replacing hydrogen by indifferent, or even basic, radicles. But it is to be noted that H 2 SO 4 is compared with SO 2 . OH . OCH 8 &c. If molecular quantities are to be compared, the observed numbers for sulphuric acid reactions must be doubled; if this is done the affinity of sulphuric acid is 104-56. 422 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK II. None of these numbers can be accepted as final. Some of the reactions used for finding the affinity-constants are more free from secondary changes than others. It has already been pointed out that the presence of normal salts tends to make the stronger acids appear stronger, and the weaker acids appear weaker, than they really are. This influence exerted by normal salts also depends on the dilution of the acids and on the temperature; the subject has been examined experimentally in a series of memoirs by Spohr 1 . The ex- planation which Spohr gives of the phenomena is based on the molecular conception of chemical action which was shortly discussed in par. 193. 221 Besides the methods described in the preceding para- graphs, there is another method for determining the relative affinities of acids and bases, which is more widely applicable, more easily applied, and more accurate, than any. This method rests on the connexion which exists between the affinities of acids and the electrical conductivities of their aqueous solutions. The following numbers 2 shew the existence of a definite connexion between the electrical conductivities of various acids in aqueous solutions and the velocity-constants of chemical reactions conditioned by the same acids ; the numbers are all referred to hydrochloric acid = 100. 1 J- fur prakt. Chemie, (2). 32. 32; 33. 265; Zeitschr. fur physikal. Chemie, 2. 194 (especially the last paper), v. also par. 237. 2 Ostwald, Lehrbuch, 2. 823. For a description of Ostwald's methrds and apparatus for measuring the conductivities of electrolytes see Zeils. fiir physikal, Chemie, 2. 561. CH. III. 220,221] ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITIES OF ACIDS. 423 ACID. Conductivities. Hydrochloric 100 Hydrobromic ion Nitric 99-6 Ethane sulphonic 79-9 Isethionic 77-8 Benzene sulphonic 74-8 Sulphuric 65-1 Formic 1-68 Acetic 1-424 Monochloracetic 4'9 Dichloracetic 25-3 Trichloracetic 62-3 Glycollic i-34 Methyl glycollic 176 Ethyl glycollic 1-30 Diglycollic 2-58 Propionic 0-325 Lactic 1-04 Oxypropionic 0-606 Glyceric 1-57 Pyruvic 5-60 Butyric 0-316 Isobutyric 0-311 Oxyisobutyric 1-24 Oxalic 197 Malonic 3'i Succinic 0-581 Malic i '34 Tartaric 2-28 Racemic 2-63 Pyrotartaric i -08 Citric 1-66 Phosphoric 7-27 Arsenic 5-38 Velocity-constants. Methylic acetate Inversion of reaction. sugar. 100 100 98 in 92 100 98 99 73'9 0-345 4'3 23-0 68-2 0-304 o'9 6-70 0-3 0-268 0*92 17-6 2-87 1-18 2-30 2-30 1-63 92 104 i'53 0-4 4-84 27-1 75-4 1-31 1-82 i-37 2-67 1-07 0-8 172 6-49 0-335 i -06 18-6 3-08 1-27 1-07 173 6-21 4-81 The agreement between the values in the three columns for these acids shews that there is a close parallelism between the electrical conductivities and the affinities of the acids. The three sets of values were not all determined for equal dilutions of the acids used ; hence the first question to be considered in inquiring more closely into the connexion 424 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK II. between the electrical conductivities and the affinities of acids is ; how are the conductivities modified by dilution ? 222 In dealing with this subject, Ostwald determines the mole- cular conductivities of the acids examined. Let that number of grams of an acid which is equal to the molecular weight of the acid be dissolved in water, and let this solution be placed in a vessel the parallel sides of which are formed of infinite electrodes placed I centim. apart ; then the electrical conductivity of this system, expressed in Ohms or in mercury units, is defined to be the molecular conductivity of the electrolyte. The molecular conductivity expresses the quantity of electricity which is conveyed across the electro- lyte in I second when the difference of potential between the electrodes is I volt ; inasmuch as each ion carries the same quantity of electricity with it, the quantity carried across the electrolyte measures the number of molecules which suffer electrolysis in the process. If p molecular conductivity, and X = electrical conductivity as ordinarily defined (in mercury units) then p,= io 7 X, where n = number of litres to which the molecular weight of the acid taken in grams is diluted 1 . 223 The molecular conductivities of solutions of acids vary greatly with dilution. This statement rests on the expe- riments of Arrhenius, Kohlrausch, and others. Considering first, the monobasic acids, Ostwald has arrived at the law of dilution for monobasic acid*. This law states that the dilu- tions at which the molecular conductivities of monobasic acids exhibit equal -values bear a constant relation to each other. For instance the molecular conductivity of monochloracetic acid at any dilution is equal to that of formic acid when the latter is 16 times more dilute than the former, and is equal to that of butyric acid when the latter is 256 times more dilute than the monochloracetic acid. The following table exhibits some of the data on which this statement rests. Dilution is stated in litres ; it is ex- pressed by means of the exponent /, which is defined by the 1 Ostwald, Lehrbuch, 2. 824. 2 Lehrbuch, 2. 825838; or Phil. Mag. Aug. 1886. 104. ON r to p p ; ^,00 oo o? ON ON.OO >H w M .-H qO to O N fi 7^ yn N 4 tn M b i^ c< vb CO -^- "i\O SO t>. tx - M CO ^ u^vO t^OO 1-1 H CS CS fO -^ LO N ro Tf un^O t>-oo OA O .-* * P r ^P P ^ P HI n CO rf u-v\O t^OO ON O ^ntC'o ^-> rj- uvo f>>OO ON O 426 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK II. relation, dilution = 2 P . The conductivities are here expressed in terms of an arbitrary unit which is 4-248 times greater than the mercury unit. The measurements have been ex- tended to nearly 100 monobasic acids; all -obey the law. The conductivities of the stronger monobasic acids HC1, HBr, HI, HNO S , HC1O 8 , &c. nearly reach their maxima in moderately dilute solutions; hence the conductivities of these acids vary but little with dilution. The conductivities of the weaker monobasic acids, on the other hand, increase largely as dilution increases ; the rate of this increase varies ; the weaker the acid, and therefore the smaller the conductivity, the greater, as a rule, is the increase for a given dilution. The molecular conductivities of the stronger monobasic acids reach a maximum equal to about 400 in mercury units, at a moderate dilution; the conductivities of the weaker acids also reach a maximum in very dilute solutions, but this maximum is not quite the same for all monobasic acids 1 . This fact opens a new inquiry; if there is a close parallelism between the chemical reaction-velocities, and therefore the affinities, of acids and the electrical conductivities of these acids, does this parallelism hold between the affinities and the maximum con- ductivities, or between the affinities and the conductivities at varying dilutions stated with reference to the maximum values? For instance : the maximum conductivities of hydrochloric, hydrobromic, and hydriodic, acid are practically identical, viz. 400 (in mercury units); the maximum conductivities of ethane sulphonic and methane sulphonic acids are identical, viz. 368 ; the maximum conductivities of isobutane sul- phonic and benzene sulphonic acids are identical, viz. 356; moreover the rate at which the conductivities increase as dilution increases, stated in terms of the maximum conduc- tivities, is practically identical in these three groups of acids. Now if the reaction-velocities of all the acids in any one of the groups are the same, but if this number is different from the value for any other of the three groups, we must conclude that the parallelism between conductivity and affinity holds 1 Ostwald, Zeitschr. fur physikal. Chemie, 1. 74 and 97. CH. III. 223, 224] ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITIES OF ACIDS. 427 good between maximum conductivity and affinity; on the other hand if the reaction-velocities of all the acids in the different groups are the same, we must conclude that the parallelism holds good between affinity and the relative con- ductivities at varying dilutions stated with reference to the maximum conductivities. Should it appear that affinity is closely connected with maximum conductivity, it will only be necessary to determine the conductivity of an acid in a dilute solution in order to find its affinity; but should it appear that affinity and rate of increase of conductivity, relatively to maximum conductivity, are closely connected, it will be necessary to determine the conductivity of an acid at varying dilutions until the maximum conductivity is reached, before an approximate value is found for its affinity. The following numbers shew that affinity is closely connected with relative conductivity and not only with maxi- mum conductivity 1 : ^ Reaction-velocity. ACID. Methylic acetate. Sugar-inversion. Conductivity. Hydrochloric 24-12 21*87 4 O1 Hydrobromic 23-7 24-38 403 Hydriodic 23-33 401 Methane sulphonic 24-30 368 Ethane sulphonic 23-80 23-44 367 Isobutane sulphonic 23-41 355 , Benzene sulphonic 23-94 22*82 358 The acids have practically identical reaction- velocities ; the rate at which their conductivities increase as dilution increases is practically the same, but their maximum conductivities are different. In order to arrive at exact determinations of the affinities of monobasic acids by the electrical method, it is therefore necessary to measure the conductivities of these acids in solutions of increasing dilution until the maximum value is obtained. But it is extremely difficult to do this ; indeed the maximum conductivity of a weak acid cannot be directly 1 Ostwald, Zeitschr. fur physikal. Chemie, 1. 78. 428 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK II. determined, because at great dilutions the impurities in the water affect the result more than the minute trace of acid present. Ostwald 1 has examined the conductivities of weak mono- basic acids in dilute solutions. The starting-point is the generalisation made by Kohlrausch 2 , to the effect that the electrical conductivity of a salt of a strong monobasic acid is the sum of two constants, one of which depends entirely on the nature of the acid, and the other entirely on the nature of the base. Ostwald's researches shew that the difference between the conductivity of a strong monobasic acid and that of its sodium salt is approximately a constant, and that this value becomes more nearly constant as the maxi- mum conductivity is more nearly approached. Hence, he concludes, that the difference in question has a constant value when maximum conductivity is reached. Similarly the dif- ference between the conductivity of a strong monobasic acid and its potassium salt is expressed by a constant, while another constant expresses the difference when a lithium salt is used. Further, if the conductivities of solutions of a series of sodium salts of strong monobasic acids are compared with those of a series of potassium salts, there is found to be a constant difference ; e.g. the conductivity of the lithium salt is always approximately 97 units less than that of the sodium salt, and that of the potassium salt is always approximately 2i' i units less than that of the sodium salt. The conduc- tivity of an alkali salt of a strong monobasic acid is therefore the sum of two constants, one of which belongs to the acid and the other to the base ; Kohlrausch's generalisation is fully confirmed for the alkali salts of strong monobasic acids. The constant expressing the influence of the base may be found by subtracting the maximum conductivity of the strong acid from that of its normal salt with the base in question. > In a more recent paper 3 , Ostwald develops the application 1 Zeitschr.fur physikal. Chemie, 1. 78, and 97. 2 Wied. Ann. 6. 167. 3 Ostwald, loc. cit. 2. 840. CH.III. 224,225] ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITIES OF ACIDS. 429 of the law of Kohlrausch. Kohlrausch's law may be put in this form ; p = k (u + v) where /j, = conductivity, u = velocity of transference of one ion, v = velocity of transference of the other ion, and k fraction of the total mass of electrolyte that is dissociated in the solution undergoing electrolysis. This way of stating the law rests partly upon the hypothesis which Arrhenius has developed from van't Hoff's law of osmotic pressure, viz. that some of the molecules of an electrolyte in solution are disso- ciated into their ions, and that the greater the number of dissociated molecules the greater is the conductivity of the electrolyte (v. post, par. 235). Electrolytic conductivity, then, seems to depend upon (i) the amount of dissociation, and (2) the velocities of motion of the ions into which the molecules of the electrolyte are dissociated. The conductivity of a binary electrolyte at infinite dilution may be stated as p = u + v. Kohlrausch 1 has shewn that the conductivities of solutions of sodium chloride, potassium iodide, and similar salts, prac- tically reach their limiting values at a dilution of about 5000 litres; knowing then the maximum conductivity of one of these salts in solution, the velocity of transference of each ion can be found, provided we know the ratio of the velocities of the two ions (for the maximum conductivity is equal to the sum of the two velocities). The ratio in question can be determined from observations of the variations of concentra- tion of the solution during electrolysis. In the case of potas- sium chloride the mean value of the ratio - is -94; the maxi- mum molecular conductivity of the salt at 25 is 140-3 in mercury units 2 . Hence the velocities of the ions, stated in corresponding values, are K = 67-9; = 72-4. Similarly, values are obtained for the velocities of the ions 1 Wied. Ann. 26. 198. - Kohlrausch, Pogg. Ann. 103. 35. 430 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK II. of potassium nitrate, sodium chloride, and sodium nitrate; the mean values are as follows: As a mean value for the velocity of hydrogen as an ion, Ostwald takes the number 320*5 at 25; this value may require to be somewhat altered. The foregoing treatment of the law of Kohlrausch furnishes Ostwald with a means for finding the maximum conductivity of a monobasic acid. Let M= maximum conductivity of the acid; let /A = maximum conductivity of the sodium salt of the acid; then /* = 44'5 + m, where m is the velocity of transference of the negative ion, 44*5 being the velocity of the positive ion, viz. sodium. Then as the positive ion of the acid is hydrogen, and as the velocity of this ion is 320*5, we have M= 320*5 + m ; and therefore M = fj, + 276. In other words; to find the maximum conductivity of a monobasic acid, in mercury units at 25, add 276 to the maximum conductivity of the sodium salt of the acid. But it must be remembered that dilution affects the con- ductivities of the normal salts of weak and strong mono- basic acids in the same way, e.g. dilution from 32 to 1024 litres raises the conductivity of the sodium salts of all mono- basic acids about 10 units. This fact, established by Ostwald 1 , gives a means for finding the maximum conductivity of the sodium salt of a monobasic acid from the observed conduc- tivity at stated dilution, without introducing a serious error. It is only necessary to add a certain number to the observed conductivity; the value of this number is independent of the nature of the acid. The following table 2 gives the data for sodium chloride: Maximum conductivity at 25 (Kohlrausch} = 119-9. V M d a v M d a 32 1 07 '6 12-3 288-3 250 113-9 6-0 282-0 64 109-9 IOO 286-0 512 115-8 4'i 280-1 128 1 1 2X> 7-9 283-9 1024 II7-S 2-4 278-4 oo 119-9 276-0 1 Zeitschr.fiirphysikal. Chemie, 1. 97. 2 Ostwald, Ibid. 2. 843. CH. III.225, 226] ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITIES OF ACIDS. 43 1 In this table v = dilution in litres, JJL = conductivity in mer- cury units at 25, d= difference between observed and maxi- mum conductivity, and a = 276 + d y in other words a = number to be added to conductivity of sodium salt at stated dilution to obtain the maximum conductivity of the acid. In using this table it is assumed that the acid is mono- basic. This assumption can be tested by finding whether the increase in molecular conductivity is approximately 10 units, when dilution is increased from 32 to 1024 litres; if the acid is //-basic, the increase will be approximately n . 10 units. The results embodied in the preceding table may be used to determine the velocity of transference of the negative ions of monobasic acids. The method consists in determining the conductivity of the sodium salt of the given acid for a stated dilution; then adding the number required to give the maxi- mum conductivity of the salt (d in the table); and finally deducting 44*5 (the velocity of sodium as an ion) from the result. The following table gives Ostwald's results in more convenient form: v = dilution in litres, and b = numbers to be deducted from molecular conductivity of sodium salt at dilu- tion v, in order to get the velocity of transference of the negative ion: v b 32 32-2 64 34'5 128 36-6 v b 256 38-5 512 40-4 1024 42' i co 44-5 226 The research, of which a condensed account is given in the preceding paragraph, furnishes a method for finding the maximum molecular conductivity of a monobasic acid from observations of the conductivity of its sodium salt at stated dilutions. The further development of the method of Ostwald (loc. '/.) makes it probable that the maximum conductivity of some acids may be calculated from a knowledge of their composition alone. Ostwald 1 calculates the velocities of the negative ions of 44 monobasic acids of very different com- position; from the results so obtained he draws conclusions 1 Loc. at. 847. 432 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK II. regarding the connexions between the composition and the velocities of transference of these ions. These conclusions are: (1) isomeric ions travel with equal, or almost equal, velocities; (2) as the number of atoms forming the negative ions increases the velocity of transference of the ions decreases; (3) the substitution of one atom by another influences the velocity with which the ion travels, e.g. the velocity is decreased by substituting chlorine, or hydroxyl, for hydrogen, but this effect is marked only in the comparatively simple ions; (4) when the number of atoms forming the negative ions is more than about 12, the velocities of these ions seem to depend almost entirely on the number, and not at all, or hardly at all, on the nature, of the atoms. If the number of atoms in various negative ions is taken as abscissae, and the velocity of transference as ordinates, an asymptotic curve is obtained running convex to the abscissae-axis, from which the velocity of ions formed of more than about 12 atoms can be calculated, from the com- position of these ions, to within + i to 2 units, without any measurements of conductivity. Hence it becomes possible to find the maximum conductivity of a monobasic acid the negative ion of which is composed of not less than about 12 atoms, from the composition of the acid alone. 227 The relations between the electrical conductivities and the dilution of polybasic acids differ from those established for the monobasic acids. The polybasic acids conduct as if they were first of all separated into hydrogen and a radicle con- taining replaceable hydrogen, then, as dilution increases, into hydrogen and a radicle containing less replaceable hydrogen, and finally into hydrogen and the acidic radicle containing no replaceable hydrogen 1 . In other words: a dibasic acid con- ducts at first as if the ions were H and HR, but on further dilution the ions become H z and R\ so the stages which can be distinguished in the conduction of a solution of a tribasic acid as dilution increases are three, the ions being (i) //and H,R, (2) H t and HR, and (3) H 3 and R. When polybasic acids form unstable and easily decom- 1 Ostwald, Lehrbuch, 2. 831 et set/., (or Phil, Mag. August, 1886). CH. III. 226,227] ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITIES OF ACIDS. 433 posed normal salts, e.g. selenious acid or phosphoric acid, the molecular conductivities of these acids follow nearly the same course, as dilution increases, as the monobasic acids. In the following table the molecular conductivities of selenious and monochloracetic acids are placed side by side ; dilution is stated in litres. Dil. H 2 SeO 3 CH 2 C1.CO 2 H Dil. H 2 SeO 3 CH 2 C1.CO 2 H 2 32-5 2T2 256 igi l6l 4 41-4 297 512 231 199 8 53-5 40-5 1024 267 236 6 70-3 54-6 2048 295 270 32 92-3 73-4 4096 312 64 120 97'4 128 154 126 The relations between the dilution and the molecular con- ductivities of the polybasic acids which form stable normal salts with neutral reaction are different from those just de- scribed. The molecular conductivities of the stronger dibasic acids of this class increase until a value is reached about the same as that for the stronger monobasic acids; at about this point the second replaceable hydrogen atom appears to take part in the conduction, the ions are now probably H z and R and conductivity increases as dilution increases, until it reaches a maximum. The following numbers give the mole- cular conductivities of oxalic acid, sulphuric acid, and methane disulphonic acid. Dilution is stated in litres. Dil. H 2 C 2 4 H 2 S0 4 CH 2 (S0 3 H) 2 . 2 120 394 569 4 152 410 622 8 187 428 651 1 6 224 456 674 32 261 494 694 64 293 541 7ii 128 319 592 727 256 339 640 740 512 355 68 4 75i 1024 371 7^9 756 2048 391 74i /6o 4096 420 753 757 M. C. 28 434 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK II. Oxalic acid reaches the maximum of the strong monobasic acids at about the dilution of 512 litres, sulphuric acid has reached this maximum at 2 litres, while the molecular con- ductivity of methane sulphonic acid, which is a very strong acid, is much greater even at 2 litres than the maximum value for the strong monobasic acids. Of the three acids here considered, the weakest is oxalic, and the strongest is methane sulphonic; the changes in the conductivity of oxalic acid as dilution increases follows a course somewhat similar to that noticed in the case of a fairly strong monobasic acid, say dichloracetic acid, until a dilution of 512 litres or so is reached, after which the second replaceable atom of hydrogen probably begins to be separated and the electrolysis proceeds according to the scheme H 2 + R. The molecular conductivities of dichloracetic acid are given in order that they may be com- pared with those of oxalic acid : Dil. CHC1 2 .CO 2 H Dil. CHC1 2 .CO 2 H Dil. CHC1 2 .CO 2 H 2 109 32 2 S 6 512 339 4 146 6 4 286 1024 342 8 i83 128 308 2048 343 16 222 2 S 6 324 The changes in the molecular conductivity of sulphuric acid as dilution increases cannot be compared strictly with the changes of conductivity of a monobasic acid ; some of the second replaceable hydrogen atoms are probably sepa- rated even in solutions so concentrated as 4 litres, and con- ductivity continues to increase until a maximum is reached which is approximately double that of the stronger mono- basic acids; but the influence of either replaceable atom of hydrogen cannot be wholly separated from the influence of the other. If the equivalent conductivities of sulphuric acid obtained by dividing the molecular conductivities by two, are compared with those of a monobasic acid there is still a marked difference in the relations between conductivity and dilution in the two cases. Methane sulphonic acid is a decidedly stronger acid than sulphuric; in this case dilution influences the equivalent con- ductivity (i.e. molecular conductivity divided by two) in CH . III. 227,228] ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITIES OF ACIDS. 43$ much the same way as it affects the conductivity of a strong monobasic acid. The numbers for nitric acid are given, and beside them are placed the equivalent conductivities of methane sulphonic acid: 3 2 3 2 J-Slt* \ 2 2 331 285 32 367 347 512 377 376 4 342 3" 64 371 356 1024 378 378 8 352 326 128 375 364 2048 375 380 i6 36i 337 256 376 370 4096 378 The behaviour of tribasic acids resembles that of dibasic acids. Phosphoric acid, for instance, resembles dichloracetic acid; dilution increases the molecular conductivity from 131 at 2 litres, to 293 at 64 litres, and 345 at 2048 litres. The maximum of a fairly strong monobasic acid is reached but not surpassed; the third atom of replaceable hydrogen probably takes very little part in the electrolysis. Strong tribasic acids would probably reach a maximum conductivity approximately equal to three times the maximum of the strong monobasic acids, and the equivalent conductivities of these acids would probably be very similar to the molecular conductivities, which in this case are also the equivalent con- ductivities, of the strong monobasic acids. But very few tribasic acids have yet been examined. (See also par. 232.) The researches of Kohlrausch and Ostwald 1 have esta- blished a connexion between the molecular conductivities of bases and the dilution of solutions of these bases similar to that which exists between the conductivities and the dilution of acids. 228 The molecular conductivities of the strong bases, soda, potash, lithia, and thallia, increase as dilution increases in much the same way as the conductivities of the strong mono- basic acids increase ; the maxima for the bases seem to be about | of those for the acids. The following numbers 8 shew that there is a close paral- 1 See Ostwald's Lehrbuck, 2. 839 and 886. 3 Ostwald, Lehrbuch, 2. 839. 282 436 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK II. lelism between the electrical conductivities and the reaction- velocities of bases ; the reaction-velocities were determined by observing the rate of saponification of ethylic acetate by the different bases; the numbers are stated in empirical units for convenience sake. Saponification- Electrical BASE. velocities. conductivities. Soda 162 161 Potash 161 149 Lithia 165 142 Thallia 158 156 Ammonia '3 4-8 Methylamine 19 2O'2 Ethylamine 19 20-5 Propylamine 18-6 1 8'4 Isobutylamine 14-4 I5-2 Amylamine 18-5 1 8'6 Allylamine 4 6-9 Dimethylamine 22 23-5 Diethylamine 26 28-3 Trimethylamine 7'3 97 Triethylamine 22 20'2 Piperidine 27 2? Tetra-ethylammonium 131 128 229 It has been shewn in pars. 223 and 224 that the affinities of acids are closely connected with the relative conductivities of these acids stated in terms of their maxi- mum conductivities ; and that it is necessary to determine the conductivities of acids at varying dilutions, until the maximum is reached, in order to arrive at exact measure- ments of the affinities of these acids by the electrical method. Pars. 224 and 225 contain an account of Ostwald's method for finding the relative and maximum conductivities of mono- basic acids. Let us now see how the results thus obtained are applied to find the affinities of the monobasic acids. Ostwald's treatment of this subject 1 is based on the extension by Arrhenius to electrolytic phenomena of van't HofFs law of 1 Zeitschr. fur physikal. Chemie, 2. 270. CII.III.228,229] ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITIES OF ACIDS. 437 osmotic pressure (v. post pars. 235, 237). The hypothesis of Arrhenius states that the molecular conductivity of an electro- lyte in solution depends on the number of molecules of the electrolyte which are dissociated into their ions, and on the velocity of transference of these ions. The differences be- tween the conductivities of different acids depend, on this hypothesis, chiefly on differences in the degrees of dissocia- tion of the molecules of these acids. At infinite dilution, all the molecules of the electrolyte are supposed to be dis- sociated into their ions. As the hypothesis rests on the identity of the laws ex- pressing gaseous dissociation and dissociation in solution, it follows that deductions may be drawn from gaseous dissocia- tion-phenomena and applied to dissociations in solution. Now if a gaseous body is dissociated into two gases, temperature being constant, the pressure of the undissociated portion, /, bears a constant relation to the square of the pressure of the dis- sociated portion, /,, so that , = c. At a stated temperature, the pressure of a gas is proportional to its mass, #, and in- versely proportional to the volume, v. But van't Hoff's law of osmotic pressure states that the osmotic pressure of an undissociated compound in solution is equal to the pressure which the same mass of that substance would exert did it exist as a gas occupying the same volume as is occupied by the solution ; hence in the solution, this pressure, /, may be put as proportional to - ; and therefore from the above *U uv equation ^ = C . Now let fji x = molecular conductivity of a binary electro- lyte at infinite dilution, and let /* = molecular conductivity of volume v (i.e. conductivity of v litres containing one molecular weight in grams of the electrolyte) ; then (by the hypothesis) the fraction -"- expresses the portion of the elec- A^oo trolyte which is dissociated in terms of the total mass of the electrolyte taken as unity. Putting this fraction as 438 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK II. and the undissociated portion of the electrolyte as u, we have Then substituting these values in the equation , = C, we u \ have This equation may be put in the more convenient form i m _ where m= , i.e. the molecular conductivity at any stated dilution referred to the maximum molecular conductivity. This equation states that ^ v must have the same value m* for all dilutions of any one binary electrolyte. Ostwald has proved that the value of ^- v is constant for each of a great many monobasic acids 1 ; in these cases m varied from "j to 76, and the value of C varied for different acids from '129 to 15 '3. Now the affinity of an acid is a number which quanti- tatively conditions the chemical reactions of the acid, and this number is nearly proportional to the electrical conductivity of the acid in aqueous solution. The value of the affinity- coefficient of an acid, according to the hypothesis of van't Hoff and Arrhenius, depends chiefly upon the degree of dis- sociation of that acid, for the greater the amount of dissocia- tion into hydrogen and a negative ion the more readily will these ions enter into chemical reactions; and inasmuch as the amount of dissociation is independent of the nature of 1 Ostwald (loc. cit.} shews how the application of corrections for the changes in molecular volumes and in viscosity which accompany the concentration of solutions of binary electrolytes, brings the observed values of C yet more near to absolute constancy. CH. III. 229, 230] AFFINITY AND CONSTITUTION. 439 the reactions brought about by the acid, it follows that the affinity of an acid is independent of the nature of the re- actions in which the acid takes part. The constant obtained by applying the equation i - m v = C m to a monobasic acid, represents then the affinity of the acid in question. SECTION II. Connexions between tJie affinity -coefficients and tJte constitution of acids, 230 Ostwald has shewn that the affinity-coefficients of many monobasic acids are very nearly proportional to their mole- cular electrical conductivities in solution stated as fractions of the maximum conductivities. This statement asserts that a number can be found for each acid which measures its readiness to conduct electricity in solution, and also its readiness to take part in chemical reactions, and that this number depends only on the nature of the acid, and is in- dependent of the degree of dilution. Put into the form of an equation by which the number in question can be deter- mined, the statement is i m ~ * v=C; m* where m = ; Moo fj, v being the conductivity of a solution of one molecular weight in grams in v litres of water, and /i^ being the maxi- mum molecular conductivity at infinite dilution. In applying this equation to the measurement of affinities of acids, Ostwald 1 prefers to put it in the following form : ( i in) v where & = -> The reason for this form is, that C has small 1 Konigl. Sachsischen Geselhchaft der Wissenschaften (rnath.-physische Classe), Bd. 26 [1889]. (Also in Zeitschr.fiirphysikal. Chemie, 3. 170.) 440 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK II. values for strong acids and large values for weak acids. To avoid small fractions, Ostwald multiplies m by 100, and also k by 100; he gives values for look at dilutions varying from 8 to 1024 litres, and finally he expresses the most probable value for look as K. 231 Ostwald has determined K for more than 100 mono- basic acids. The following are selections from his results for various series of acids. ACETIC ACIDS, CnH^ + ^COOH AND THEIR DERIVATIVES. ACID. K. Formic H.COOH 0214 Acetic CH 3 .COOH 0018 Propionic C 2 H 5 .COOH 00134 Butyric C 3 H-.COOH 00149 Isobutyric CH(CH 3 ) 2 .COOH 00144 Valeric C 4 H 9 .COOH 00161 Caproic C 6 H n .COOH 00145 Monochloracetic CH 2 C1.COOH 155 Dichloracetic CHCLj.COOH 5'H Trichloracetic Cdg.COOH 121* Monobromacetic CH 2 Br.COOH 138 Cyanacetic CH 2 Cy.COOH '37 Sulphocyanacetic CH 2 SCy.COOH 265 I sosulphocyanacetic 1 C 3 H 3 2 SN 000024 Carbaminthioglycollic 2 CH 2 (SCONH 2 ).COOH '0246 Thio-acetic CH 3 .COSH 0469 Thioglycollic CH 2 SH.COOH 0225 * Approximate only. OXYACETIC ACIDS, C n H 2B OH . COOH, AND THEIR DERIVATIVES. ACID. K. Glycollic CH 2 OH.COOH -0152 Methoxy-acetic CH 2 (OCH 3 ). COOH -0335 Ethoxy-acetic CH 2 (OC 2 H 6 ). COOH -0234 Phenoxy-acetic CH 2 (OC 6 H 5 ). COOH -0756 0-Nitrophenoxy-acetic CH 2 (OC 6 H 4 . NO 2 ). COOH -158 P- '153 1 By action of chloracetic acid on sulphocarbamide (Volhard, J. fur prakt. Chemie, 1874. 6; Claesson, Ber. 10. 1352). 2 Claesson, Ber. 10. 1350. CH. III. 230, 231] AFFINITY AND CONSTITUTION. 441 ACIDS DERIVED FROM AMIDOACETIC, CH 2 . NH 2 . COOH. ACID. K. Amidophenyl-acettc CH 2 (C 6 H 4 N H 2 ) . COO H -0039 Hippuric CH 2 (C 6 H 5 . NH . CO). COOH -0222 Aceturic CH 2 (NH . C,H 3 O). COOH '023 ACIDS DERIVED FROM PROPIONIC, CH 3 . CH,. COOH. ACID. K. Lactic CH 3 .CHOH.COOH -0138 Oxypropionic CH 2 OH . CH 2 . COOH '00311 ' Glyceric CH 2 OH . CHOH . COOH -0228 Laevulic CH 2 . C 2 H 3 O. CH 2 . COOH -00255 lodopropionic CH 2 I . CH 2 'COOH '009 Trichlorolactic CC1 3 . CHOH .COOH -465 DERIVATIVES OF HIGHER ACETIC ACIDS. ACID. K. Trichlorobutyric C 3 H 4 C1 3 .COOH io'o Oxyisobutyric (CH 3 ) 2 . CHOH . COOH -0106 Nitrocaproic C 6 H 10 . NO,. COOH -0123 Dinitrocaproic C ft H 9 . (NO 2 ) 2 . COOH -0694 BENZOIC ACID AND ITS OXY-DERIVATIVES. ACID. K. Benzole C 6 H 5 .COOH '006 i : 2 Oxybenzoic C 8 H 4 OH.COOH -102 I : 3 '00867 1:4,, -00286 Oxysalicylic COOH : OH : OH=i 12:3 -114 Oxysalicylic 1:2:5 * IQ 8 1:2:4 -0515 ,,1:2:6 5-0 Dioxybenzoic COOH : OH : OH = i : 3 : 4 -0033 Dioxybenzoic I : 3 5 '0091 HALOGEN DERIVATIVES OF BENZOIC ACID. ACID. K. o- Chlorobenzoic C 6 H 4 C1.COOH -132 m- ' OI 55 P- -0093 0-Bromobenzoic C 6 H 4 Br.COOH '145 '- ' OI 37 w-Fluobenzoic C 6 H 4 F.COOH -0136 w-Cyanobenzoic C 8 H 4 . CN . COOH -0199 442 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. NlTROBENZOIC ACIDS. [BOOK ii. ACID. o- Nitrobenzoic m- P- C 6 H 4 .N0 2 .COOH K. 616 0345 0396 AMIDOBENZOIC ACIDS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES. The values of K for the three isomeric amidobenzoic acids vary ; the acids are all very weak ; the meta acid is the strongest of the three. ACID. K. o- Acetamidobenzoic C 6 H 4 . NHC 2 H 3 O . COOH '0236 m- '0085 P- 00517 ACID. o- Acetoxybenzoic DERIVATIVES OF OXYBENZOIC ACID. C 6 H 4 (OC 2 H 3 0)COOH m- o- Methoxybenzoic P- K. 333 -00422 -00986 C 6 H 4 (OCH a )COOH -00815 n '00302 HOMOLOGUES OF BENZOIC ACID. C 6 H 4 .CH 3 .COOH -012 00514 ACID. 0-Toluic Phenylacetic C 6 H 5 . CH 2 . COOH -00556 UNSATURATED ACIDS. ACID. K. Acrylic C 2 H 3 .COOH 0056 Crotonic C 3 H 2 .COOH 00204 Isocrotonic J5 0036 Tiglic C 4 H 7 .COOH 0009 Angelic 00501 Hydrosorbic C 5 H 9 .COOH 00241 Sorbic C 6 H r .COOH 00173 Parasorbic C 6 H r .COOH 00173 Methylacrylic C 5 H 9 .COOH ooin CH. III. 23 I, 232] AFFINITY AND CONSTITUTION. 443 ClNNAMIC ACID AND DERIVATIVES. ACID. K. Cinnamic CH (C 6 H 5 ) . CH . COOH -00355 a- Bromo-cinnamic CH (C 6 H 5 ). CBr. COOH 1-44 0- CBr (C 6 H fi ).CH. COOH "093 Phenylpropiolic C 6 H 5 .C 2 .COOH -59 0-Nitrophenylpropiolic C 6 H 4 NO 2 . C 2 . COOH ro6 DERIVATIVES OF THE BENZENOID SULPHONIC ACIDS. The benzenoid sulphonic acids are so strong that their affinity-constants cannot accurately be determined by the electrical method ; at moderate dilutions as much as 90 per cent, of an acid of this group seems to be dissociated. When the amido-group (NH 2 ) is introduced in place of hydrogen, the affinity of a sulphonic acid is decreased, and measure- ments can be made by the electrical method. ACID. K. o- Amidobenzene sulphonic C 6 H 4 . NH 2 . SO 3 H '33 m- '0185 P- -0581 Diamidobenzene sulphonic SO 3 H : NH 2 : NH,= i = 2:3 -005 Bromamidobenzene sulphonic SO 3 H : NH 2 : Br=i 12:5 1-67 Bromamidobenzene sulphonic 1:3:6 '072 Dibromamidobenzene sulphonic 1:2:4:5 7-9 1:2:3:5 very strong ; K shews irregularities. 1:3:4:6 2-5 Toluidine sulphonic SO 3 H : NH 2 : CH 3 =i : 3 : 4 '0236 1:4=2 -0357 J It has already been mentioned (par. 227) that many dibasic acids conduct as if they were separated by the current into hydrogen and a negative ion HR, and on further dilution into hydrogen and the negative radicle R. Electrolysis probably takes place in accordance with the two schemes (i) H 2 R = H + HR, (2) HR=H+R; both of these occur more or less together, but until the conductivity, and hence, by hypothesis, the electrolytic dissociation, reaches about half its maximum value, the first scheme fairly accu- rately represents the course of the electrolysis. Dissociation- 444 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK IT. constants can be determined for dibasic acids by the method already described, provided only those values of the con- ductivity are used for which m is less than -5. If the con- ductivities are greater than half the maximum values for monobasic acids, the dissociation-constants cannot be accu- rately determined ; yet even in these cases comparison of the dilutions at which the relative conductivities of the different acids are equal, or nearly equal, gives data for com- paring the dissociation-constants of the acids; the constants are inversely as the corresponding dilutions '. Ostwald has determined the conductivities of many di- basic acids, and, by using the numbers representing relative conductivities at varying dilutions approximately up to that dilution whereat the second phase of the electrolysis begins, he has found values for K which enable the affinities of these acids to be compared. The following numbers are selected from his results. OXALIC ACIDS AND DERIVATIVES. The constant for oxalic acid itself could not be accurately determined ; even at a dilution of 32 litres, the acid is much more than half dissociated. From his observations, Ostwald concludes that K for oxalic acid may be taken in round numbers as about 10. ACID. K. Malonic CH 2 (COOH) 2 158 Succinic C 2 H 4 (COOH) 2 00665 Glutaric C 3 H 6 (COOH) 2 00475 Adipic C 4 H 8 (COOH) 2 00371 Pimelic C 5 H 10 (COOH) 2 00359 Methylmalonic CH (CH 3 ) . (COOH) 2 087 Ethylmalonic CH (C 2 H 5 ) . (COOH) 2 127 Dimethylmalonic C (CH 3 ) 2 . (COOH) 2 077 Methylsuccinic C 2 H 3 (CH 3 ) . (COOH) 2 0086 Oxamic CONH 2 .COOH 80 Oxaluric CONH (CONH 2 ). COOH 4'5 Oxanilic CONH (C 6 H 5 ) . COOH I '21 o- Chloroxanilic CONH (C 6 H 4 C1) . COOH 2-03 P- 1'4 Ostwald, I.e. CH. III. 232] AFFINITY AND CONSTITUTION. 445 Malic C 2 H 3 (OH).(COOH) 2 '0395 Inactive malic ,, '0399 Dextro-tartaric C 2 H 2 (OH) 2 (COOH) 2 -097 Laevo-tartaric '097 Racemic -097 BENZENE DICARBOXYLIC ACIDS. ACID. K. 0-Phthalic C 6 H 4 (COOH) 2 -121 m- '0287 Oxyterephthalic C 6 H 3 (OH). (COOH) 2 -25 ' Nitrophthalic C 6 H 3 (NO 2 ). (COOHU COOH : NO 2 : COOH = i : 2 : 5} I : 3 : 5 -60 ACIDS DERIVED FROM PYRIDINE 1 . ACID. K. Picolinic C 5 H 4 N.COOH -0003 Nicotinic C 5 H 4 N.COOH '00137 Isonicotinic -00109 Lutidinic C 6 H 3 N (COOH) 2 (a y ) -60 Cincomeronic (/Sy) '21 Isocincomeronic (a#) -43 Quinolinic (a/3) '30 Pyridine dicarboxylic ($3') "15 a- Methyl pyridine dicarboxylic C 6 H 2 . CH 3 . N (COOH) 2 '20 aa- Dimethyl pyridine dicarboxylic C 5 H (CH 3 ) 2 N (COOH) 2 -34 y- '55 The following results exhibit the influence of geometrical isomerism (v. pars. 93 95, Book I.). The formulae are written in accordance with the notation of Wislicenus. ACID. K, H\_ ^/COOH Crotonic TI ^C C\ '00204 ^"3 TT -v Isocrotonic _ u J>C C\ ^ '0036 (approximate). L.ti 3 ^ The values of K for isocrotonic acid vary from '0028 to 1 The positions of the carboxyl groups in the dicarboxyl derivatives of pyridine are indicated by the scheme :M: 446 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK II. '00347 ; this is because of the impossibility of completely separating the acid from admixed crotonic acid. The axially symmetric isocrotonic acid is certainly stronger than the plane symmetric crotonic acid. The values of K for tiglic and angelic acids, C 6 H 8 O 2 , are ; tiglic acid ='000957, angelic acid = '00501. It is therefore probable that angelic acid is analogous to isocrotonic acid, and has the constitution r r CH 3 ^ while tiglic acid is probably CH 3 \ H/ \CH 3 In the cases of maleic and fumaric acids, C 2 H 2 (COOH) 2 , the values are; maleic acid = ri 7, fumaric acid '093. In maleic acid, which is about twelve times stronger than fumaric acid, the carboxyl groups are probably nearer one another than in fumaric acid ; the structure is indicated by the formulae ^ r _ H^- COOH and COOK/- >H (maleic) (fumaric) If the formulae of Wislicenus for citraconic and mesaconic acids are adopted, viz. COOH . ,/-CH 3 VL^ \COOH H-^ "\COOH- (citraconic) (mesaconic) we should expect citraconic to be the stronger of the two acids. The values obtained for K are, for citraconic '34, and for mesaconic '079. The third isomeride, itaconic acid is very weak; ^ = '012. The constitution of this acid is probably C CH!> C - C \COOH- 233 The results obtained by Ostwald, some of which are recorded in the preceding paragraphs, enable conclusions to be drawn regarding connexions between the constitutions and the affinities of acids. In the acetic series, for example, CH. III. 232,233] AFFINITY AND CONSTITUTION. 447 affinity decreases from formic to propionic acid and then remains nearly constant until caproic acid is reached. The substitution of chlorine for hydrogen in an acetic acid is attended with an increase of affinity ; the value of K is in- creased to a smaller extent when bromine replaces hydrogen ; on the other hand the group CN increases the affinity more than chlorine does, so does the group SCN, but SCN is less energetic in this way than CN. In the benzoic acids, substi- tution of hydrogen by CN increases K a little more, but only a little more, than is effected by putting chlorine for hydrogen, the position of the CN group in one case being the same as that of the Cl atom in the other case. Substitu- tion of sulphur for oxygen in the group COOH in acetic acid, raises K from '0018 to '0469; but if the group SH is substituted for hydrogen in the same acid, K is raised from -0018 to -0225 only. The change from an acetic acid to the corresponding oxyacid, i.e. the substitution of OH for H, raises the affinity, but the increase is much less than when Cl is put in place of H. The group OCH S is more acidic than OH. The acidic character of the group OC tf H 8 is very marked. When OC 6 H 4 NO 2 is substituted for H, in an acetic acid, the increase of K is approximately equal to that which occurs when Cl is substituted for H. On the other hand, the basic character of ammonia derivatives is seen by comparing K for CH 2 (OC 6 H 6 ) COOH [# = -0756], with K for CH 2 (C 6 H 4 NH 8 ) COOH [K = -0039] : with this decrease may be contrasted the increase due to putting in the acidic group CO [K for CH 2 (C 6 H 8 . NH . CO) COOH = -0222], or the acidic group C 2 H 3 O [K for CH 2 (NH . C 2 H 3 O) COOH = -023]. The influence of the relative positions of the different groups is apparent when we compare the affinities of pro- pionic, oxypropionic, lactic, and glyceric acids ; 448 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. [BOOK II. CH 3 .CH 2 .COOH K= -00134 CH 2 OH.CH 2 .COOH ^='00311 CH 3 .CHOH.COOH ^='0138 CH 2 OH.CHOH.COOH ^='0228 The influence of relative position is well shewn in the values of K for the three oxybenzoic acids; the affinity of the ortho-acid is nearly twelve times greater than that of the meta-acid, and the affinity of the meta-acid is about three times greater than that of the para-acid. Substitution of a second OH group in benzoic acid raises the affinity a little if the second OH group is placed in the position next to the first, but if the second OH group is placed in the position next to the COOH group, the increase in the value of K is very great ; C 6 H 4 .COOH.OH 1:2 K= -102 C 6 H 3 .COOH.OH.OH 1:2:3 K= "114 C 6 H 3 .COOH.OH.OH 1:2:6 K=$-o A comparison of the affinities of the isomeric chloro- and bromo-benzoic acids shews the influence of the arrange- ment of the substituting groups ; the nearer the acidic groups are placed the greater is the affinity of the acid. Again the effect of replacing H by Cl, and by NO 2 , exhibits at once the more acidic character of the NO 2 group, and also the influence of position : Cl substituted for H in C 6 H 5 .COOH in the meta-position raises K from '006 to '0155. NO 2 substituted for H in C 6 H 8 .COOH in the meta-position raises K from '006 to '0345. Cl substituted for H in C 6 H 5 .COOH in the ortho-position raises .AT from -006 to '132. NO 2 substituted for H in C 6 H 6 .COOH in the ortho position raises K from -006 to '616. The effect of the character and position of the replacing groups is also shewn in the change of affinity brought about by passing from benzoic acid to ortho- and para-acetoxy- benzoic acids, and from benzoic acid to ortho- and para- methoxy-benzoic acids ; both groups raise the affinity when they are placed in the ortho-position, and both lower the CH. III. 233] AFFINITY AND CONSTITUTION. 449 affinity when they are placed in the para-position; the change of position in the case of the group O . C 2 H 8 O from ortho to para decreases the affinity to about ^ of its value, the corresponding change of position in the case of the group O . CH S decreases the affinity to about ^ of its value : O.C 2 H 3 O substituted for H in C H 5 .COOH in the ortho-position raises K from -006 to '0333. O.CH-, substituted for H in C 6 H fi .COOH in the ortho-position raises K from '006 to '00815. O . C 2 H 3 O substituted for H in C 6 H 5 . COOH in the para-position lowers K from '006 to -00422. O . CH 3 substituted for H in C 6 H 5 .COOH in the para-position lowers K from '006 to '00302. That the affinity of an acid is dependent not only on the character of the radicles, but also on their relative positions, is shewn in a very marked way by comparing the values of K for the two bromo-cinnamic acids : CH(C 6 H 5 ).CH.COOH K= '00355 CH(C 6 H 5 ).CBr.COOH ^=1-44 CBr(C 6 H 5 ).CH.COOH K= '093 Substitution of Br for H in one case increases the affinity about 400 times, and in the other case only about 26 times. The affinities of the pyridine dicarboxylic acids also ex- hibit the influence of position ; what one may perhaps call the strongest position for the COOH group is that nearest the nitrogen atom, and the position para to the nitrogen atom is stronger than that which is meta to the nitrogen atom. These results, regarded as a whole, point to a close con- nexion between the affinities of acids and the space-arrange- ments of the atoms which form the molecules of the acids. This is confirmed by the measurements of the affinities of crotonic and isocrotonic, maleic and fumaric, and citraconic, mesaconic, and itaconic, acids 1 . 1 For further data, and discussion of the data, Oswald's memoir must be consulted. M. C. 29 45 CHEMICAL CHANGE. [BOOK II. SECTION III. Chemical change. 234 In considering Guldberg and Waage's general equation of equilibrium the quantities k and ^'were treated as the 'coefficients of affinity' of the direct and reverse changes, respectively; in a later con- sideration of the subject k and k' were regarded as represent- ing the velocity-coefficients of the two parts of the complete change. In pars. 214 220 it is shewn that to each acid may be assigned a certain number which is the affinity-coefficient of that acid, and that the value of this coefficient quantita- tively conditions the different reactions in which the acid takes part. Pars. 221 229 are devoted to a sketch of the electrical methods whereby values are obtained for the affinities of the acids. The explanation of these electrical methods rests on a development of the molecular dissociation-hypothesis of Williamson which was first applied to electrolysis by Clausius (v. par. 192). The further development of the Clausian hypothesis is due in great measure to the labours of van't Hoff, Arrhenius, and Ostwald. An account has been given in the preceding sections of this chapter of the results of some of Ostwald's work in this direction, and reference has been made, from time to time, to the 'law of osmotic pressure' as stated by van't Hoff. It now remains to glance at the investigations whereby this law has been gained and at the extensions of the law to explain the phenomena of chemical change occurring among substances in solution. As the subject is not yet fully elucidated, and as the principles involved are rather physical than chemical, although the chemical applications are of paramount import- ance, a brief account of the fundamental researches will suffice. 235 In 1887 van't Hoff published an important memoir 1 , in which he sought to establish similarities, and, under certain conditions, identities, between substances in dilute solution and in the gaseous state. If an aqueous solution of a sub- 1 Zeitschr. fur physikal. Chemie, 1. 481 (Translation in Phil. Mag., August, 1888). CH. III. 234,235] OSMOTIC PRESSURE. 451 stance is contained in a vessel the walls of which are perme- able by water molecules but not by the molecules of the dissolved substance, and the vessel is immersed in water, water will enter the vessel, and the pressure on the walls will increase until equilibrium results, after which no more water will enter. The pressure on the walls of the vessel is called osmotic pressure. If the vessel had been furnished with a movable piston, the same condition of equilibrium might have been obtained, without the entry of water, by compressing the solution with a pressure equal to the osmotic pressure. With such an arrangement the concentration of the liquid could be altered by increasing or decreasing pressure by means of the piston ; as the process would be reversible, the second law of thermodynamics may be applied. Experiments on osmotic pressure have been conducted by de Vries 1 , Pfeffer 2 , and others; the results shew that the osmotic pressures of dilute solutions are proportional to the concentrations of the solutions. Now the statement that the alteration of concentration of a dilute solution is proportional to the pressure exerted by the solution, is equivalent to saying that Boyle's law holds good for dilute solutions. Moreover the proportionality of concentration to osmotic pressure may be theoretically deduced. If we assume, as seems justifiable, that osmotic pressure is due to the impact of the molecules of the dissolved substance, then the number of impacts in unit time must be proportional to the number of molecules in unit volume. But this is the molecular conception of the pressure of a gas ; and as in gases volume is inversely as pressure, the same proportionality should hold good in dilute solutions, in other words, Boyle's law should apply to these solutions. van't Hofif then proceeds to deduce, by thermodyna-mical reasoning, that osmotic pressure is proportional to absolute temperature, provided concentration remains constant; this conclusion is equivalent to the law of Charles for gases, inas- much as concentration in one case corresponds with volume in the other. 1 See especially Zeitschr. fitr physikcd. Chemie, 2. 415. 8 Osmotische (Jntersiichungen [Leipzig, 1887]. 2 9 2 45 2 CHEMICAL CHANGE. [BOOK II. The experimental results obtained by Pfeffer, and also by Soret l , are, on the whole, in keeping with the statement that the laws of Boyle and Charles hold good in dilute solu- tions. Further thermodynamical reasoning applied to isotonic solutions, i. e. solutions exerting equal osmotic pressures, leads to the conclusion that the osmotic pressure of a stated mass of a gasifiable substance in dilute solution is equal to the pressure exerted by the same mass of the same sub- stance existing as a gas at the same temperature. If then osmotic pressure may be substituted for gaseous pressure, Avogadro's law may be extended to substances in dilute solu- tion. This extension of Avogadro's law is thus stated by van't Hoff, " Equal volumes of different solutions, at the same temperature and osmotic pressure, contain equal numbers of molecules, which numbers are the same as would be contained in equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pres- sure? This is van't Hoffs law of osmotic pressure. The first experimental proof of the accuracy of this law is obtained from the results of Pfeffer's experiments on the osmotic pressure of sugar solutions at different temperatures, ,by comparing these with the pressures exerted at the same temperatures by a volume of hydrogen containing the same number of molecules as the sugar-solution. The second proof of the accuracy of the law is obtained by proving thermo- dynamically that the vapour-pressures of solutions containing equal numbers of molecules of different substances are equal ; but this statement has already been established experi- mentally by Raoult (Compt. rend. 44. 1431; 87. 167). The third proof of the accuracy of the law also rests on thermo- dynamical reasoning ; van't Hoff shews that solutions in the same solvent having the same freezing point are isotonic, i.e. exert equal osmotic pressures, at their freezing points ; and from this he deduces the conclusion that solutions which contain equal numbers of molecules in equal volumes, and Ann. Chim. Phys. (5) 22. -293. CH. III. 235] OSMOTIC PRESSURE. 453 which are therefore isotonic by the law of osmotic pressure, have the same freezing point. But this statement is identical with Raoult's law of molecular lowering of freezing point which was gained by laborious experimental investigation (v. Book I. par. 35). This third proof of the law furnishes a convenient method for finding osmotic pressures from deter- minations of the lowering of freezing points of dilute solutions. But there are many exceptions to Raoult's law of mole- cular lowering of freezing point. These exceptions are ex- plained, if we assume, with Arrhenius, that compounds whose behaviour is not expressed by this law are partially disso- ciated in solution. Here again there is a marked analogy between gases and dilute solutions ; as the pressure of ammo- nium chloride vapour is greater than that calculated by applying Avogadro's law on the assumption that the vapour consists of molecules of NH 4 C1, but as the observed pressure agrees with the calculated pressure when it is assumed that the vapour consists of equal numbers of molecules of NH 8 and HC1, so the apparently abnormal osmotic pressures of many solutions may be reconciled with the law of osmotic pressure by assuming that the compounds in these solutions are more or less dissociated into simpler molecules. The osmotic pressures of certain solutions agree with those calculated by van't Hoff s law from observations of the lowering of the freezing points of the solutions ; these solu- tions are generally, if not always, non-electrolytes. The exceptions to the law of van't Hoff occur chiefly, if not wholly, among electrolytes. The hypothesis of Arrhenius (par. 237) regards such electrolytes as more or less dissociated into their ions when they are dissolved in water. Dealing with exceptions to the law of osmotic pressures, van't Hoff calculates the ratio of the observed pressures to the pressures which would be exerted did the law fully express the behaviour of the compounds in question. This ratio he designates by the symbol i\ values are obtained for i from Raoult's freezing-point determinations 1 . The law of mass- 1 For more recent and more trustworthy determinations of i for 40 compounds v. Raoult, Zeitschr.fur physikul. Chcmie, 2. 488; and Arrhenius, ibid. 2. 491. 454 CHEMICAL CHANGE. [BOOK II. action of Guldberg and Waage is then considered by van't Hoff, formulae being used in which the ratio i occurs ; the results agree very fairly with the calculated numbers. The law of osmotic pressure has been placed on a fairly firm basis by van't Hoff, who has also shewn that the hypo- thesis that many compounds, and especially electrolytes, are partially dissociated in dilute solutions, serves to explain many if not all the apparent exceptions to the law. 236 Planck, in memoirs 1 published independently of van't Hoff, by purely thermodynamical reasoning, arrived at the con- clusion that, in the case of compounds which do not obey Raoult's law of lowering of freezing point, van't Hoff's co- efficient i expresses the ratio of the number of molecules actually present in solution to the number which would have been present had no dissociation occurred. In other words, Planck concludes that the observed phenomena re- garding the freezing points of dilute solutions can be brought into accordance with thermodynamical laws only by assuming that, in many cases, dissociation of the molecules of the dis- solved body has occurred, and that the ratio of the observed to the calculated osmotic pressure of substances which do not obey the law of freezing points is also the ratio of the number of molecules actually present to the total number which would have been present if dissociation had not occurred. 237 Arrhenius 2 has developed the Clausian hypothesis of elec- trolytic dissociation, and in doing this he has made use of van't Hoff's law of osmotic pressure. Arrhenius applies the term 'active' to the molecules of an electrolyte which are supposed to be dissociated in solu- tion; the undissociated molecules he calls 'inactive'. The ratio between the number of active molecules and the sum of all the molecules, whether active or inactive, is called by Arrhenius the 'activity-coefficient' of the solution (this is the same as the 'dissociation-ratio' of Lodge 3 ), and is represented by the symbol a. At infinite dilution all the molecules of an 1 Wied. Ann. 32. 462; 34. 139; Zeitschr. fiir physikal. Ckemie, 1. 577. 2 Especially Zeitschr. fur physikal. Chemie, 1. 631; 2. 284, 491. 3 Brit. Ass. Reports, 1886. 756. CH. III. 235 2 37] ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION. 455 electrolyte are supposed to be active, and therefore the activity-coefficient is equal to unity; in less dilute solutions, but still so dilute that the effects of internal friction, &c. may be overlooked, the activity-coefficient may be taken as the ratio between the observed molecular conductivity and the limiting value at infinite dilution. (For Ostwald's method of rinding this ratio v. ante, pars. 225, 226.) The value of van't Hoff's coefficient i can be calculated if a is known 1 . Putting m as the number of inactive molecules, ri as the number of active molecules, and k as the number of ions into which each active molecule is separable (e.g. KC1 is separable into 2 ions, K + Cl, and K a SO 4 into 3 ions, K + K + SOJ, we have . _ m + k.n t m + n ' n but a = - ; m + n hence i = i + (k i) a. Arrhenius then calculates i from observations of a for a great many compounds ; he also calculates i for the same bodies from determinations of the lowering of the freezing points of solutions of these bodies 2 . The two series of values for i agree very well on the whole. For non-conducting liquids such as methylic alcohol, ethylic acetate, &c., i is approximately equal to unity ; for bases, acids, and salts, i varies from i to about 2-5. We have already seen (pars. 225, 226) that Ostwald's measurements of the molecular conductivities of monobasic acids have led to results in keeping with those deduced from the hypothesis of electrolytic dissociation. In two memoirs 8 , Arrhenius uses the same hypothesis to explain the conduc- tivities of solutions of mixtures of different electrolytes ; the 1 See also van't Hoff and Reicher, Zeitschr.fiir physikal. Chemie, 3. 198. 2 Let lowering of freezing point of water produced by dissolving i gram- molecule of given body in i litre water = /; then i = -^ ; v. van't Hoff, Phil. Mag., August, 1888, p. 100. 3 Zeitschr. fur physikal. Chemie, 1. 631 ; 2. 284. 456 CHEMICAL CHANGE. [BOOK II. results obtained agree very closely with the calculated re- sults. To follow the reasoning here would lead us too far afield. One point however must be noted ; Arrhenius shews that the hypothesis enables the retarding influence of am- monium salts on the saponification of ethylic acetate by ammonia to be quantitatively determined, and that the numbers theoretically calculated agree well with those actually observed. Arrhenius also extends the hypothesis to the case of any number of electrolytes in solution together ; the equation arrived at 1 expresses the conditions of chemical equilibrium for a mixture of electrolytes, and the quantitative applications of this equation give good results. The work of van't Hoff and Arrhenius establishes a large probability in favour of the statement that the properties of dilute solutions can be deduced from two principles, viz. the principle of the close analogy, and in some respects even the agreement, between the gaseous state and the state of dilute solution, and the principle of electrolytic dissociation 2 . 238 Arrhenius 3 points out that many physico-chemical proper- ties of salts in solution can be represented as approximately the sums of the properties of parts of the solution ; such pro- perties are the heats of neutralisation of acids by bases in dilute solution, the specific volumes and specific gravities, the specific refractive powers, and the conductivities, of dilute solutions of salts. The fact that such properties as these are additive, as distinguished from cumulative properties, is entirely in keeping with the hypothesis of electrolytic disso- ciation, inasmuch as this hypothesis regards a dilute solution of an electrolyte as composed, for the most part, of the ions of the electrolyte, each ion having its own characteristic properties which are generally independent of the properties of the other 1 Zeilschr. fur physikal. Chemie,Z. 294. 2 The agreements between the observed and calculated numbers do not, of course, finally establish the accuracy of these two principles. The law of van't Hoff gives a means for determining the molecular weights of. salts in solution ; but the work of Arrhenius points to the existence in many salt solutions of molecules of different degrees of complexity, and suggests that in many cases we cannot speak (A the molecular formula of a salt in solution. 3 Ibid. 1. 6 4 o. CH. III. 237 239] ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION. 457 ion. The solutions of salts which have been used for measure- ments of specific gravity, refractive power, lowering of freezing points, &c., have not, as a rule, been so dilute as to ensure complete dissociation of the dissolved bodies ; hence the pro- perties mentioned appear as approximately the sums of certain constants, each of which belongs to one part of the solution. When we deal with fairly dilute solutions of the salts of strong acids with strong bases, or with dilute solutions of the strong acids and bases themselves, no large errors are introduced by generally assuming that such properties as those named are the sums of the properties of the ions. The weak acids and bases, and several salts e.g. ammonia and the amines, phos- phoric, boric, hydrocyanic, and sulphhydric, acids, and many salts of mercury, cadmium, and zinc do not appear to be largely dissociated in solution ; the properties of such com- pounds in solution are not so distinctly additive as are the properties of the strong acids and bases and the salts formed by the interactions of these. It is then necessary to distin- guish between different classes of compounds ; some are almost wholly dissociated in dilute solutions into their ions, others are partially dissociated, and others are dissociated only to a small extent 1 . 239 In par. 229 was given a short account of Ostwald's applica- tion of the law of osmotic pressure, and the hypothesis of electrolytic dissociation, to find the affinities of monobasic acids. The equation given by Ostwald ought to express completely the electrical conductivity of binary electrolytes, if the hypothesis of electrolytic disso- ciation is well founded. Ostwald 2 notes six generalisations regarding aqueous solutions of binary electrolytes which have been established empirically. These are : 1 The degree of dissociation is determined from measurements of the coeffi- cients i and a : v. pars. 235, 237. 2 Zeitschr, fiir physikal. CAewie, 2. 275. 45^ CHEMICAL CHANGE. [BOOK II. 1. The molecular conductivities of solutions of electrolytes increase with increasing dilution, and asymptotically approach maximum values. 2. The maximum values for equivalent quantities of acids, bases, and salts, are of the same order but they are not identical. 3. The maxima may be expressed as sums of two quan- tities, one of which depends only on the positive ion, and the other only on the negative ion. 4. The last statement does not hold good for somewhat concentrated solutions, nor for solutions of weak acids or bases. 5. The molecular conductivities of bad conductors, such as weak acids and bases, increase rapidly as dilution increases; the conductivities of monobasic acids and mono-acid bases are proportional to the square root of the dilution. 6. Increase of molecular conductivity follows the same course in solutions of all monobasic acids and mono-acid bases ; the dilutions at which the conductivities of these acids and bases are equal fractions of their maximum conductivities bear a constant proportion to one another. Ostwald then proceeds to shew that the equation already given contains these six generalisations. The equation is 1*9 where /^= molecular conductivity for volume v, //,, = maximum conductivity for infinite dilution, v = volume of solution. i. If v increases without limit, the expression must approach zero. As both p v and //, have finite values, /itoo /JL V must become smaller, i.e. /^will increase continuously until it reaches the limiting value fj, x . 2 and 3. As //,*, expresses the molecular conductivity of the completely dissociated electrolyte, and as the ions move in this solution independently of one another, the value of //.^ CH. III. 239] ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION. 459 can be regarded as the sum of two quantities, which are measured by the velocities of the ions, quite apart from the nature of the compound which was formed by the union of these ions. If compounds are compared which have one common ion, and the other ions of which do not shew great differences in their velocities of transference, then the sums of the two velocities must be of the same order of magni- tude. 4. The conductivities of fairly concentrated solutions are conditioned by the degree of dissociation of the solutions, and as this varies in different solutions, especially in weak acids and bases, the conductivities of these solutions cannot be expressed as the sums of two quantities one of which depends only on each ion. Salts, however, of similar composition are nearly equally dissociated in solutions of equal dilution ; the molecular conductivities of such salts are equal fractions of their maximum values, and they can be expressed as the sums of two quantities which are the velocities of the ions multiplied into the degree of dissociation. 5. In the cases of weak acids and bases /* is small com- pared with /ia,, and p x p v is nearly constant, and the equa- tion gives nJ v const. In other words, when conductivity is small, it increases proportionately to the square root of the dilution. 6. In the equation, the constant c depends on the nature of the electrolyte ; if the dilutions at which the relative con- ductivities of various electrolytes are equal are put as v t v a ... then the values of /*. are equal, and v l : v^\ v a . . . = c t : c a : C 3 . . . ; i.e. the dilution at which the conductivities of different electro- lytes are equal bear a constant relation to one another, and this relation depends only on the nature of the electrolytes. In these six points then, there is complete agreement between the empirically determined data and the deductions from the equation which expresses the conductivity of binary electrolytes. But this equation is itself deduced from the 460 CHEMICAL CHANGE. [BOOK II. principles of electrolytic dissociation and of agreement be- tween the gaseous state and the state of bodies in dilute solution. We have already seen (par. 229) how Ostwald has modified the equation expressing the behaviour of binary electrolytes so as to obtain measurements of the constant which is dependent on the nature of the electrolyte. In the case of acids, this constant expresses the affinity of the elec- trolyte ; the agreement between the affinities of acids thus determined and the affinities determined by other physical and chemical methods, is a further proof of the trust- worthiness of the principles on which the electrical method is based. 240 The hypothesis of the dissociation of electrolytes in solu- tion is connected with van't Hoff's extension to solutions of the law of Avogadro, in much the same way as the hypothesis of gaseous dissociation is connected with Avogadro's law in its original form. Planck's thermodynamical investigations give independent support to the hypothesis. The hypothesis gives a fairly complete account of the conductivities not only of electrolytes in solution, but also of mixtures of electrolytes. The results of determinations of the molecular lowering of the freezing points of solutions strikingly confirm the hypothesis, and afford a convenient method for determining the ratio of the number of molecules actually present to the number which would have been present had no dissociation occurred. The hypothesis gives an explanation of the retarding influence -of neutral salts on the rates of chemical actions brought about by weak acids. From the hypothesis of electrolytic dissociation, taken along with van't Hoff's law of osmotic pressure, an equation is deduced which enables measurements to be made of the affinities of acids, and these affinities are in keeping with the values obtained by wholly different methods, both physical and chemical 1 . 241 If we accept the law of van't Hoff, and the principle of electrolytic dissociation, we must regard the chemical re- actions of acids and bases in solution, as, at any rate very 1 For a brief statement of the present position of the electrolytic dissociation- hypothesis, v. Arrhenius, Zeitschr.fiirphysikal. Cheinie, 2. 504 (July, 1888). CH. III. 239 241] ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION. 461 largely, dependent on the extent to which these compounds are dissociated into their ions, and on the velocities of trans- ference of these ions. Inasmuch as hydrogen moves so much more rapidly than any of the negative ions of acids, the chemical reactions of acids in solution will chiefly depend on the degree of dissociation. The exact form in which this conception is applied in order to find the affinities of acids has been given in par. 229 ; it is m 2 m* where ;;/ = molecular conductivity at any stated dilution, referred to the maximum molecular conductivity, and c = a constant = affinity of the acid. In comparing gaseous dissociation with dissociation in solution, it is important to note that just as all gases are not dissociated by heat, so all salts, acids, and bases, are not dissociated in solution ; nevertheless, if the hypothesis of dissociation is adopted, and the law of van't Hoff is taken to be true, the data shew that dissociation is a much more frequent occurrence among compounds in solution than among gases. The compounds which most readily and most completely undergo dissociation in solution are electrolytes ; the greater the conductivity the more complete is the dis- sociation. Now if a compound is a good electrolytic con- ductor it is also ready to take part in chemical reactions. The strong acids and bases e.g. HC1, HNO 8 , KOH, NaOH are chemically very energetic, and their conductivities are very large. Hence, if we adopt the hypothesis of electrolytic dissociation, we must regard the readiness shewn by the strong acids and bases in solution to exchange hydrogen and hydroxyl in chemical reactions, as due to the large extent to which they are dissociated in solutions, into hydrogen and negative ions on the one hand, and hydroxyl and positive ions on the other hand. At the first glance it is difficult to accept the conception of such compounds as hydrochloric and nitric acids, or soda and potash, as existing in solution dissociated into their ions. But some of the difficulty arises, 462 CHEMICAL CHANGE. [BOOK II. as Ostwald points out 1 , partly from confounding the affinities which hold together the elements of a compound with the affinity which this compound exhibits towards other bodies, and partly from forgetting that the ions of an electrolyte which is dissociated in solution are not comparable with the same bodies in the free state, because the ions carry with them enormous electrical charges 2 . Because potassium hydr- oxide is chemically extremely energetic, it does not follow that ' the elements are held together in this compound ' as is sometimes said ' by the strongest affinities.' The reverse of this rather is true : it is in compounds which do not readily enter into chemical reactions, such as the paraffins and their derivatives, that the elements are firmly held by strong affinities. To meet the objection that we cannot suppose a solution of potash to contain the ion potassium, because we know that potassium and water at once react to form hydrogen and potash, Ostwald brings forward the following considera- tions 3 . Let two glass vessels contain potassium chloride solution ; let the vessels be brought into communication by a glass tube filled with the same solution ; now let a nega- tively electrified body be brought near one of the vessels, the contents of this vessel become positively electrified and those of the other vessel become negatively electrified ; let the connecting tube be now removed, and then let the nega- tively electrified body be removed; the contents of the vessels remain electrified, one positively and the other negatively. Now, according to Faraday's law, electricity must travel in an electrolyte with the ions ; therefore the vessel which remains positively electrified must have positively electrified potassium atoms accumulated in it, while negatively electrified atoms of chlorine must have accumulated in the other vessel. If a platinum wire, in connexion with the earth, is now 1 Zeitschr.furphysikal. Chemie. 2. 270. 2 It is to be remembered that the statement, that the ions of an electrolyte are endowed with electrical charges and are thus different from the products of dissociation of a gas, does not explain the difference in question, because we are as yet ignorant what an electrical charge is. 3 Loc. cit. pp. 271273. CII. III. 241] ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION. 463 brought into the positively electrified vessel, potash and hydrogen are produced; and this is because the atoms of potassium give up their electric charges and then at once interact with the water. From this experiment, Ostwald draws the conclusion that the electrolyte must have been dissociated in the solution before the electrified body was brought near. The measure- ments of Kohlrausch shew that the rates at which ions travel may be stated in not very many millimetres per second ; but electrolytes take up electrostatic charges practically instan- taneously ; hence, in the experiment described, the chlorine atoms which accumulate in one vessel could not have been originally in combination with the potassium atoms which appear in the other vessel. A similar conclusion is drawn 1 from the results of the common experiment of placing amal- gamated zinc and a platinum wire, at a considerable distance apart, in dilute sulphuric acid, and then connecting the zinc and platinum. Hydrogen instantly appears on the platinum ; but this hydrogen cannot have been in combination with the negative ion, SO 4 , which at the same moment combines with the zinc, because the rates at which the ions hydrogen and SO 4 travel during electrolysis are not rapid enough to have enabled the hydrogen to pass to the platinum and the SO 4 to pass to the zinc 8 . The affinity-coefficients of the acids and bases in solution are then, on this hypothesis, measures of the dissociation of these compounds ; and as the amount of dissociation of an acid or base is generally independent of the body with which the acid or base chemically reacts, these affinity-coefficients have constant values which depend only on the nature of the acid or base. If however another body should be present which modifies the dissociation of the acid or base, the pre- sence of this body will also modify the affinity of the acid or base. This explains the fact that the affinities of the acids are modified by the presence of the normal salts of these acids 8 . 1 Zeitschr. fitr physikal. Chetnie, 2. pp. 271 273. 5 See also Ostwald and Nernst, Zeitschr. fur physikal. Chemie, 3. 1 10. 3 Arrhenius has worked out in detail the modifying influence of normal salts, 464 CHEMICAL CHANGE. [BOOK II. As the molecular conductivities of the acids depend on the degree of dissociation of the acids, and also on the velocities of transference of their ions, but chiefly on the former because the positive ion hydrogen travels more than five times more rapidly than the quickest travelling negative ion, so the affinities of acids depend on the degree of dissociation of these acids and on the velocities of transference of their ions. But the affinities are dependent on the velocities of the ions to a greater extent than the conductivities. In some reactions, e.g. the solution of zinc in acids, the velocity of the negative ion plays an important part ; in such cases the action of acids which are all equally dissociated will vary in accord- ance with the velocities of their negative ions. In other reactions the negative ion will be of little importance ; in these cases the actions of different acids which are equally dissociated will be equal. Generally speaking, the readiness with which acids react chemically will be chiefly dependent on the degree of dissociation of the acids, because the positive ion hydrogen travels so much more rapidly than the negative ions, and the nature of the negative ion will be of secondary importance 1 . 242 The hypothesis sketched in the preceding paragraphs, whether accepted or not, presents a general conception of those chemical changes which take place between electrolysable bodies in solution. All compounds which in solution react chemically with electrolytes are regarded by the hypothesis as themselves electrolytes. It is necessary to observe that the hypothesis, in its pre- sent form at any rate, is applicable only to substances in solution. If we regard the hydrogen chloride in a dilute aqueous solution of this compound as dissociated to the ex- tent of about 90 per cent, and if we assign the chemical activity of the compound in this solution to the large prepon- derance of 'active' over 'inactive' molecules (i.e. by hypo- thesis, the preponderance of dissociated over undissociated and has shewn that the amount of modification can be correctly deduced from the hypothesis of electrolytic dissociation; v. Zeitschr. fiir physikal. Chemie, 2. 284. 1 Ostwald, Zeitschr. fiir physikal. Chemie, 2. 273275. CH. III. 241 243] ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION. 465 molecules), it does not follow either that liquid hydrogen chloride should be chemically active, or that gaseous hy- drogen chloride should be easily dissociated by heat. The hypothesis does not afford means for comparing the chemical activity, or the stability, of gaseous or liquid compounds with the activity of the same compounds when in solution. It should also be remembered that the hypothesis does not assert the occurrence of dissociation in solutions of all compounds ; it distinguishes between non-electrolytes, solu- tions of which it regards as not dissociated, and electrolytes, which it looks on as more or less dissociated in solution ; and it allows a gradation from one class to the other. :3 The action of the solvent on the electrolyte dissolved in it is not yet fully explained by the hypothesis of electrolytic dissociation. The law of van't Hoff assumes that the volume of the solvent is occupied by the molecules of the dissolved body in the gaseous state. The molecules of those compounds which are apparent exceptions to this law are supposed to be dissociated ; in these cases, the volume of the solvent there- fore contains more molecules than if dissociation had not occurred, and, as a consequence, the osmotic pressure exceeds that calculated from the law. This explanation regards the solvent as in some way bringing about dissociation vithout itself being changed. If the solvent acts merely as a medium in which the dissolved electrolyte is dissociated, one would expect the amount of dissociation of an electrolyte to be independent of the composition of the solvent. But experi- ments shew that the conductivities of certain salts dissolved in alcohol are considerably less than those of the same salts dissolved in water 1 ; Arrhenius says 2 that this decrease in conductivity is probably due to the friction which the ions must overcome being increased by the substitution of alcohol for water. Armstrong 3 seems to think that a non-conductor, say 1 Fitzpatrick, B. A. Reports, 1886. 333. 2 See B. A. Reports, 1888; " On Electrolysis in its Physical and Chemical Bearings." 8 See the Reports of the B. A. Committee on Electrolysis, 188689. M. C. 30 466 CHEMICAL CHANGE. [BOOK II. liquid hydrogen chloride, is composed of complex molecular aggregates, which are broken down by the action of the solvent into simple molecules; that these molecules flow past one another, and that although their parts ' strain at one another,' yet the molecules are not separated into their ions until elec- tromotive force is applied. The objection to this view lies in the fact that, so far as accurate experiment has gone, electro- lytes obey Ohm's law, in other words, that electrolytes cannot resist the smallest electromotive force directly applied to them. This fact seems to require the presence of some ions in the solution of an electrolyte before the current passes. How then are these ions produced ? Energy must be obtained somewhere to effect the separation of the molecules of the electrolyte into ions. It may be that the water used as a solvent is chiefly composed of aggregates of molecules, but . that some molecules, H 2 O, are also present, and that the combination of these with molecules of the electrolyte is the source of the energy whereby some of the electrolytic mole- cules are separated into their ions 1 . Molecular aggregates are probably formed before electro- lytic dissociation begins ; in our present ignorance of inter- atomic forces, it seems enough to say that the production of molecular aggregates brings the atoms into intra-molecular relations which result in new arrangements of these atoms 2 . Or, it may be said that 'the molecular aggregates in solution' have ' an aptitude for directed decomposition,' and that when the current is applied, electrolysis results (Lodge). 244 There can be no doubt of the existence of a marked parallelism between the electrical conductivities and the chemical activities of many compounds in solution. If the former is connected with dissociation, however effected, the latter is probably due to the same cause. As pure liquid hydrogen chloride is an extremely bad conductor, if not indeed non-conductive, so is this compound very inactive chemically; the addition of water is accompanied by the 1 Cf. Pickering, C. S. Journal, Trans. 1889. 23. 2 Some such view as this seems to be favoured both by Lodge and Armstrong. See B. A. Electrolysis Committee Reports. CH. III. 243, 244] ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION. 467 manifestation of conductivity and chemical activity. We cannot yet fully explain why the presence of water so largely changes the properties of the hydrogen chloride ; but we know other cases wherein the presence of a third body is required before chemical action takes place between two bodies. Perfectly dry chlorine and hydrogen do not combine in sunlight; the presence of a very small quantity of water suffices to start the combination 1 . A mixture of perfectly dry carbon monoxide and oxygen is not exploded by an electric spark which at once produces explosion if the gases are slightly moist 2 . Dry hydrogen chloride is unchanged when mixed with dry oxygen and exposed to sunlight, but in the presence of a little liquid water chlorine is produced ; if the water present is all gaseous, chemical action does not occur 3 . A mixture of dry hydrogen iodide and oxygen is, however, said to be changed in sunlight 3 . Whether the water in these reactions acts by directly decomposing one of the gases, e.g. (i) (2) or whether a compound of the water with the reacting bodies is first formed, e.g. OH 2 OCO OH 2 OCO W O H 2 OCO () OH 2 OCO' cannot yet be decided 4 . The presence of water is required in order to render the molecules of the other bodies active. Whether we accept the hypothesis of electrolytic disso- ciation or not, we must admit that the conductivities and chemical activities of many compounds are much increased by solution in water. If we say that many of the molecules of the dissolved body acquire 'an aptitude for directed decom- 1 Pringsheim, Wied. Ann. 32. 384. 2 Dixon, Phil. Trans. 1884. 617; and C. S. Journal, 49. 94. 3 Richardson, C. S. Journal, 51. 80 1. 4 Cf. Dixon, l.c. with Armstrong, C. S. Journal, 49. 112. 302 468 CHEMICAL CHANGE. [BOOK II position', and if we agree to call these molecules 'active', then the ratio of active to inactive molecules is the chief condition which quantitatively affects the electrical conductivity and the chemical activity of the compound in solution. Ostvvald has shewn us how to put this conception of chemical change between electrolytes in solution into a form which enables constant values to be found for the affinities of these electro- lytes (par. 229). 245 There are definite connexions between the affinities, and the composition, of acids (pars. 231-233). To trace definite connexions between composition and properties has always been the aim of chemistry. The study of composition has ad- vanced further than the study of properties. The connexions between composition and properties have been quantitatively investigated only in a few cases. Great difficulties attend the elucidation of the connexions between the composition and the properties of bodies: some properties, such as weight, are purely additive; the weight of a body is the sum of the weights of its parts; other properties are purely cumulative, they are dependent on the mode of combination of the parts and are wholly independent of the nature and number of these parts ; the volume occupied by gaseous molecules under standard conditions belongs to this category, the volume is independent of the nature and number of the atoms provided these are all chemically combined ; but many properties, including most chemical properties, are constitutive, i.e. they depend not only on the number of the parts but also on their nature and relative arrangement; such properties as boiling point, crystal- line form, and specific rotatory power, belong to the category of constitutive properties 1 . The affinities of acids and bases are dependent on the constitutions of these compounds. Each acid, and each base, has its own affinity-coefficient. If the change of constitution in the passage from one of two acids to the other were identical with the change of constitution in the passage from one of a second pair of acids to the other, the difference between the affinities of the first pair of acids 1 Ostwald, v. especially KonigL Scichsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (math. phys. Classe) Bd. 26. [1889] 237. CH. III. 244 246] AFFINITY AND VALENCY. 469 would, almost certainly, be identical with the difference be- tween the affinities of the second pair of acids ; but such a case probably never occurs. The chemists who have studied the subject of affinity have belonged either to the school of Bergmann or to that of Berthollet. To Ostwald, more than to any other chemist, belongs the signal honour of finding the middle course, which, neglecting the work of neither of these great naturalists, leads to a well-founded and consistent method of measuring affinities, and points the way to the elucidation of the funda- mental problem of chemistry. Bergmann taught that every body has a definite affinity, and in this he was doubtless right ; he also taught that the contest of affinities always leads to the occurrence of chemical change in one direction only, in this he was certainly wrong. Berthollet was right in asserting that chemical change is quantitatively conditioned by the relative masses of the reacting bodies ; but his view that the affinities between acids and bases are inversely proportional to the equivalent weights of these bodies is not in keeping with recent research. (Ostwald.) 246 But we have not yet gained a complete theory of chemical change. Such a theory must shew us what chemical con- stitution means, and it must quantitatively generalise the relations of constitution to properties. In doing this, the theory must bring into one point of view the scattered partial hypotheses which at present are so numerous in chemistry. The theory must, for instance, connect the valencies of atoms with the other properties of atoms, and with the properties of molecules. To do this requires a conception of valency more exact and at the same time wider than we have at present, and a more thorough elucidation of the way in which the stabilities of molecules are connected with the valencies of their atoms. While holding that it is better at present to limit discus- sions about atomic valencies to data obtained from the com- positions and reactions of gaseous molecules, I am of opinion that much progress will not be made in our knowledge of the constitution of compounds, and the connexions between 470 CHEMICAL CHANGE. [BOOK II. constitution and properties, unless the chemical properties of bodies in solution, and of solid bodies, are carefully and exhaustively examined. The study of valency, and the study of affinity, overlap ; yet I do not think that the study of either will be materially advanced by confusing one with the other 1 . The composition of the molecules of a certain gaseous compound is known, and the valency of each atom in the gaseous molecule is also known ; but when the compound is dissolved in water, or when it is solidified, the interatomic relations may be, and in many cases most probably are, modified, so that the molecules are able to take part in chemical changes which could not be brought about by the gaseous molecules. The cause of the chemical reactions of the molecules, in both cases, we call affinity ; the number of atoms with which any specified atom is directly associated in one of the gaseous molecules is called in this book the valency of that atom in that molecule. It may be that the electrical charges of the atoms are not fully neutralised in the gaseous molecules (whatever this may mean), but that the residual charges do not suffice to hold together a greater number of atoms than that constituting these molecules, and that on solution, or solidification, these residual charges are able loosely to bind together complex molecular aggregates the atoms in which are brought into such intra-molecular relations that new atomic arrangements result, and so new compounds are formed 2 . If something of this kind occurs, we should expect to find series of bodies ranging from mixtures to definite and stable compounds. Let two mole- cules, one composed of atoms ab, and the other of atoms cd y be brought together; the (hypothetical) residual electric charges may just suffice to form an aggregate ab . cd, wherein the properties of the constituent molecules, or radicles, ab and cd, are recognisable, although they are to some extent merged 1 There is an interesting paper on The thermal phenomena of neutralisation, by Pickering in C- S. Journal, 51. 593 ; the reasoning seems to me sometimes to be marred by confusing together valency and affinity. 2 This view, or a view resembling this, seems to be favoured by Armstrong (see Proc. R. S. 1886. 268; also Pickering). CH. III. 246, 247] AFFINITY AND ENERGY. 4/1 in those of the new body; or the residual charges may suffice to cause a rearrangement of the atoms with production of the new molecule abed; or lastly an exchange of atoms may occur resulting in the formation of two new molecules ac and bd. In the' first case two different substances would be obtained, according as we started with ab and cd, or with ac and bd\ but in the second case the same body would be produced whether ab reacted with cd or ac with bd: which reaction should occur would depend on the affinities of the reacting bodies rather than on the valencies of the atoms 1 . 247 A complete theory of chemical change must elucidate and accurately set forth the connexions between changes of pro- perties, changes of constitution, and changes of energy. In Book I. we learned that the primary object of thermal chemistry is to measure the changes of energy which accom- pany definite changes of composition. We found that de- finite quantities of energy change form in the passage from one isomeride to another (pars. 85 89). No discussion was attempted in these paragraphs of the relations between thermal changes and affinity, or between thermal changes and chemical equilibrium. A word or two must now be said on this subject. The heats of neutralisation of most acids in aqueous solution are independent of the nature of the base used, and the heats of neutralisation of very many bases are inde- pendent of the nature of the acid used ; hence it follows that the heats of formation, in solution, of two similar salts of different metals differ by a constant quantity which is in- dependent of the nature of the acidic radicles of the salts * ; or it may be said that the heat of formation of a salt, in aqueous solution, is the sum of two constants, one of which belongs to the basic, and the other to the acidic, radicle. Arguing on these lines, Lothar Meyer 3 arrives at the con- 1 See Atkinson's experiments (C. S. Journal, 1885. 12 2), described in par. 102. 3 This is a development of the statement of the thermoneutrality of salts first laid down by Hess in 1842; Pogg. Ann. 52. 79. Among more recent papers on the subject, see Pickering, C. S. Journal, 51. 593. 3 Zeitschr. fiir physikal. Ckemie, 1. 134 (Translation in Phil. Mag., June, 1887). 4/2 CHEMICAL CHANGE. [BOOK II. elusion, that the heat produced in the formation of a salt is a consequence of the change of state which the substances undergo, and that it is not conditioned by the mutual actions of the constituents, i.e. in ordinary chemical language, by the affinity of one constituent for the other. Although each acid and each base has a definite thermal constant which quanti- tatively conditions the thermal phenomena accompanying the formation of salts by that acid or base, and although each acid and base has also a definite affinity-constant which quantitatively conditions its salt-forming reactions, never- theless, according to Meyer's view, the thermal constant does not measure the affinity-constant. Meyer regards each substance as having a definite quantity of available energy which is increased or diminished by every change of state ; one of those changes in which the available energy is dimi- nished takes place when an acid and a base react to produce a salt ; but the degradation of energy which accompanies this change of composition is not the cause, but rather the con- sequence, of the mutual action of the acid and the base ; the cause of the change we call affinity; it is dependent on the relations of the reacting bodies ; but the degradation of the energy of each body is dependent only on the nature of that body and on the change of state which it undergoes, and is independent of the nature of the other body by the presence of which the change of state is rendered possible. The conclusions drawn by Meyer may be too sweeping. The heats of formation of salts, even in aqueous solution, are the algebraical sums of many thermal changes which as yet we cannot disentangle. But, granting this, we have a large probability in favour of the statement that the heats of for- mation of many salts, when the physical conditions are kept as constant as possible, can be represented as the sum of two constants, one of which belongs to the basic radicle and one to the acidic radicle, of the salts. This statement enables us, I think, to say distinctly that the affinities of acids and bases are not measured by the quantities of heat produced in their reactions, unless indeed we use the term affinity as synony- mous with potential energy of a body, and we assume that CH. III. 247, 248] AFFINITY AND ENERGY. 473 the heat produced in a reaction of this body with another measures the total change of potential energy into kinetic energy. If we adopt the general conception of chemical change between electrolytes in solution afforded by the hypothesis of electrolytic dissociation, we should picture to ourselves the ions of two electrolytes as giving up their electric charges and so combining to form a new compound ; supposing, for simplicity, each ion to be an elementary atom, we should regard the valencies of the ions as determining the number of atoms which combine to form the molecule of the new com- pound ; we should say that the cause of the union is to be found in the affinities of the ions, but what this affinity is we do not know ; and we should look on the quantity of heat produced as to some extent measuring the energy degraded in the process. On this view, affinity is not identical with potential energy 1 . The stability of the new compound is de- termined by the condition that the entropy of the system shall be a maximum ; but the measurement of the heat pro- duced is not a complete determination of the change of entropy, for entropy is a quantity of heat divided by a temperature, and changes of entropy may be conditioned by changes other than thermal. (See par. 191.) If we assert that the quantity of heat produced in a re- action measures the affinities of the interacting bodies, and the affinities quantitatively condition the direction, and the amount, of the chemical change, we must turn our backs on the results gained by Guldberg and Waage, Ostwald, and many other chemists, regarding the distribution of the inter- acting bodies in the changes which occur when acids and bases are mixed in equivalent quantities. 248 But surely there must be some connexion between the quantity of heat produced in a chemical change and the electromotive force of the arrangement. 1 The kinetic theory of gases obliges us to regard the atoms of a molecule as in continual motion; the affinity of atoms cannot be looked on as altogether potential energy. (There is an interesting paper by Pringsheim in Ztitschr. fur pkysikal. Chcmie, 3. 145.) 474 CHEMICAL CHANGE. [BOOK II. In the course of his applications of the conception of the conservation of energy, Joule undertook a series of researches on the ' energetics ' of the electric current 1 . The case of the passage of a current through a wire was considered, and the quantity of heat produced was found to be expressed by the equation H=CE, where H is the quantity of heat developed per second, and C and E are the current and the electromotive force re- spectively. Since Joule had himself shewn that heat is changeable into work, the equation took the form W=JH=CE, where J = the mechanical equivalent of heat. The phenomena attending the production of heat during the passage of a current through an electrolyte were then examined by Joule, and it was shewn that the total quantity of heat could be separated into two parts. One part was expressible as the result of overcoming ordinary resistance, in accordance with his previous law, and the other part was due to chemical changes in the cell. He then determined the quantity of heat produced, during a given time, in a process of electrolysis by a current of given strength ; then, by ap- plying Ohm's law, and the law stated connecting heat with resistance and current, he found the heat which would have been produced had a wire with resistance equal to that of the electrolyte been substituted for the electrolyte. The difference between these two quantities of heat is, Joule said, ' equivalent to the heat which is due to the reverse chemical combination by combustion or other means ' (loc. cit. (2) 3. 494)- The problem was further considered by Sir W. Thomson *. His reasoning was somewhat as follows. 1 Phil. Mag. 20. 98; 22. 204; and do. (2) 3. 481. See also the article ' Electricity' in Encycl. Brit. Vol. 8. (gth Ed.) pp. 88-92. 2 Phil. Mag. for December, 1851; see Mathematical and Physical Papers, 1. 472. CH. III. 248, 249] ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE AND ENERGY. 475 Let unit 'quantity of electricity pass through a cell of infinitely small resistance; then, by Joule's law, the work done by the current is equal to E, the electromotive force. But e gram of one of the elements of the electrolyte has been electrolysed, in accordance with Faraday's law. Let 6 be the quantity of heat developed by the combination of one gram of this element to reproduce the electrolyte, then, ac- cording to Thomson, since no work is expended in any other part of the circuit, E = JeO, and therefore = -^ . To realise this equation in practice a great many corrections have to be applied. This formula presents us with an electrical method for determining the heats of combination of various elements, or, we may say, the energy-changes attending the formation of various compounds. In Joule's papers, the values of the quantity 6 were regarded as affording measures of 'the in- tensities of affinity ' of different substances (loc. cit. 20. 99) ; but we have seen that this cannot now be held, except the term ' affinity ' is used in a very vague sense. Many investigations have been made into the accuracy of Thomson's law ; but I cannot attempt to trace these here. Some results shew great discrepancies between the observed E. M. F.'s of cells and those calculated from thermal measure- ments of the chemical changes which are supposed to occur in the cells ; but unless the exact chemical changes which occur are completely known, the discrepancies may be more fanciful than real 1 . Concluding Remarks. 249 We have thus tried to gain some answers to the questions with which we started, What is the composition of compounds? 1 Among the more important researches may be mentioned ; Braun, Wied. Ann. 16, 561 ; 17. 593; Wright, Phil. Mag. (5) 9. 237, 331 ; 11. 169, 261, 348; 13. 265 ; 14. 1 88; 16. 25 ; a general account of his work to the end of 1880 is given by Wright in Chem. Naus, 42. 249 ; see also Proc. of the Physical Society. In connexion with Wright's work, see Laurie's criticism, Phil. Mag., August, 1886. See also B. A. 'Reports of the Electrolysis Committee? 1886-88. 4/6 CONCLUDING REMARKS. [BOOK II. What actions are compounds capable of performing ? A complete answer to either question will be an answer to both, and that answer will include the whole of chemistry. The atom of the chemical element has been the unit with which we have had to deal ; the properties of compounds have been regarded as conditioned on the one hand by the nature, the number, and the arrangement, of the elementary atoms which together form the compound molecules, and on the other hand, by the greater or smaller quantities of available energy associated with these molecules. To determine the relations between the properties of various molecules, and the nature, number, and arrangement, of their constituent atoms was the first part of our task ; to attempt an outline of a dynamical explanation of chemical operations between molecules was the object of the second part of the undertaking. But inasmuch as the properties which chiefly concern us as chemists are the properties, not of individual substances, but rather of these considered as members of changing systems, it has been impossible to consider the questions arising in the first part without to a great extent making use of methods and conceptions more strictly belonging to the second part of our subject. The facts connoted by the expression chemical statics were to some extent classified by the help of the hypothesis of valency, itself an outcome of the application of the molecular and atomic theory to chemical phenomena, and by the hypo- thesis regarding the relations between the atomic weights of the elements and the properties of these elements and their compounds which is known as the periodic law. The deter- mination of physical constants, and more particularly the quantities of heat which are produced or disappear during chemical changes, the refraction-equivalents, the specific rota- tory powers, and the relative volumes, of typical compounds and classes of compounds, helped somewhat towards a defi- nite knowledge of the composition of these compounds. The study of chemical kinetics, we found, was much advanced by the dynamical hypothesis of Guldberg and Waage, concerning mass-action and chemical affinity, which CH. III. 249] CONCLUDING REMARKS. 477 in its primary form is nearly independent of any molecular theory of the structure of matter, but in its development and application by Ostwald forms a bridge connecting the in- vestigation of the chemical properties of molecules with that of the actions of the forces which come into play during chemical operations. In the later outcome of the work on affinity, we found a general theory of chemical change be- tween electrolytes in solution. Whether we accept this theory or not, we must admit that it has been prolific in work of first-class importance. It has advanced our conception of chemical change : it has given us definite measurements of the affinities of very many acids, and in these numbers it has presented us with quantitative connexions between the con- stitutions, and the reactions, of those acids. We are getting nearer the goal towards which chemists have ever striven ; we are learning to recognise and formulate definite connexions between properties and composition. I have tried always to exhibit the hypotheses of chemistry as at once arising from facts, and serving as guides in the quest for facts It is especially necessary to do this, I think, in dealing with the questions concerning structural formulae. If these formulae are dissociated from the chemical facts which they symbolise they become intellectual tyrants; if each formula is considered simply as a summary of facts regarding the compound formulated, they are to be classed with the other ' brute beasts of the intellectual domain,' and cease to have much interest for one who believes that chemistry is a branch of science. One great difficulty in using chemical hypotheses consists in determining the limits of the class of phenomena to which each hypothesis may be applied. Berzelius carried the hypo- thesis of dualism too far, and it was destroyed by the more elastic hypothesis of substitution ; in our own day the hypo- thesis of valency has frequently been applied to phenomena with which it has little or nothing to do. But each failure to explain all in terms of one hypothesis makes us more hopeful for the future, and convinces us that 4/8 CONCLUDING REMARKS. [BOOK II. we have to deal with a living and growing part of the study of nature. And nature is finer than our finest analysis. Much work has yet to be done before a general theory of chemical change can be hoped for; a theory which shall represent every process of change as a function of the atomic weights of the elements, and the affinities of the reacting substances concerned in the operation. When such a theory is attained, will chemistry be complete ? I hope not ; for 'What's come to perfection perishes.' INDEX. The numbers refer to pages. ABNORMAL VAPOUR densities, so call- ed, 391 Absorption-spectra and molecular structure, connexion between, 314 Acetic acid, density of vapour of, 203, 390 Acids, action of metals on, 100, 264 ,, affinities, relative, of, 413, 421, 436, 439 ,, classification of, by help of ther- mal data, 269 ,, Davy's and Dulong's views re- garding, 116 ,, electrolysis of, 422, 436, 443 ,, Lavoisier's views regarding, 116 ,, Liebig's views regarding, 117 Additive, cumulative, constitutive, mean- ing of terms, 456, 468 Affinity, a unit of, use of expression in hypothesis of valency, 132,134 ,, and valency ought not to be confused, 470 ,, Berthollet's work on, 342 ,, Berzelius' conception of, 1 1 3 ,, coefficients of, 348, 378, 409 et seq., 439 et seq., 463 ,, connexions between, and con- stitution, 439 et seq. ,, connexions between, and chan- ges of energy, 279, 471 ,, general meaning of term, 340 ,, not to be identified with po- tential energy, 473 ,, of acids, connexions between and conductivities of same acids, 422 et seq., 434, 443 ,, Ostwald's work on, 408 et seq., 4&etuf. tables of, 341, 440445 ,, 'the carbon atom has four units of,' 133 ,, thermally considered, 368, 410, 4?i ,, Thomsen's thermal work on, 368, 410 ,, use of term by older chemists, 340 Affinities, relative, of acids, 413, 421, 436, 439 ,, ,, tables of, 421, 423, 440 et seq. Alchemy, the conceptions underlying, 2 Allotropy, 142 ,, experiments by Spring bear- ing on, 142, note ,, thermally considered, 266 Ammonium carbamate, dissociation of, 401 ,, hydrosulphide, 400 ARMSTRONG, his views regarding elec- trolysis, 465 ARRHENIUS, his work on electrolytic dissociation, 454 et seq. Asymmetric atoms of carbon, 304 ATKINSON, R. W., his experiments bearing on molecular compounds, 219 Atom, Daltonian definition of, 9 ,, definition of, obtained by apply- ing Avogadro's law, 38 ,, each, has a definite replacing value, 122 ,, function of given, dependent on structureof molecule, i6^etsey. ,, molecule, and equivalent, the terms contrasted, 24, 192 , , of phosphorus is trivalent, mean- ing of this expression, 131 Atoms and molecules, distinction be- tween, based on reactions, 106 ,, arrangement of, in molecules, 138 note, 154 note ,, classification of, by their valen- cies, 127 , , double, use of by Berzelius, 20 ,, equivalency of (see also valency), 121 et seq. ,, formula for finding maximum number of monovalent, in a molecule, 144 ,, valency of (see also valency), "5. "9 480 INDEX. Atoms, valency of, in non-gasifiable compounds, 137, 242 Atomic heat of elements, 49, 60 ,, refractions of elements, 292 ,, ,, of carbon and oxy- gen, 298 ,, synthesis, Berzelian rules of, 18 ,, ,, Daltonian ,, 9 ,, theory, shortcomings of the Daltonian, 1 1 ,, volumes of elements, curve shewing, 227 ,, weight of an element, defini- tion of, 38 weights, Berzelius' table of, 19 ,, data required before can be determined,38 ,, ,, determined by appli- cation of Avogadro's law, and of law of Dulongand Petit, 65 ,, ,, determined by appli- cation of Mitscher- lich's law of isomor- phism, 74 determined by chemi- cal methods, 78 ,, of beryllium, tellu- rium, and uranium, determined by ap- plication of periodic law, 232 ,, of elements, connexion between, and heats of formation of ha- loid salts, 229 ,, of elements, data for, tables, 39, 86 ,, of elements, periodic connexion between, and properties of elements, 223 et seq. ,, ,, of elements, table of, 48 Atomicity of molecules, explanation of term, 45 ,, ,, table shewing, Avidity, meaning of term as used by Thomsen, 412 AVOGADRO, application of his law to determine atomic weights, compared with applica- tion of law of Dulong and Petit, 65 his distinction between atom and molecule, 1 3 ,, his law, 13, 27 accepted by Du- mas, 20 AVOGADRO, his law applied to chem- ical reactions, 29 ,, leads to definition of atomic weight, made basis of sys- tem of Gerhardt and Laurent, 24 ,, not accepted by Berzelius, 7 Axially symmetric molecules, use of term, 184 BASE, division of a, between two acids, 368, 37^ Bases, classification of, by help of ther- mal data, 272 BEMMELEN, VAN, his experiments bear- ing on molecular compounds, 215 BERGMANN, his tables of affinity, 341 ,, his work in connexion with the atomic theory, 7 BERTHELOT, his law of maximum work, 279' 3 8 3 his three principles of ther- mal chemistry, 278 BERTHOLLET, his study of affinity, 342 ,, his views regarding chemical change, 345 ,, his views regarding solu- tion, 343 Beryllium, atomic weight of, 232 ,, fusibility of salts of, 227 ,, specific heat of, 62 BERZELIUS, his acceptance but limita- tion of Gay-Lussac's law, 17 ,, his electro-chemical investi- gations, 113 his rules with regard to atomic synthesis, 18 ,, his table of atomic weights, I 9 his use of double atoms, 20 ,, ,, the term pola- rity, 114 ,, his work on atomic synthe- sis, 17 , , refuses to accept Avogadro's law, 17 ,, the dualistic theory of, 115 Boiling points of carbon compounds, connexions between, and structure, 286- Bonds, free and satisfied, 132 relative strength of, 198 single, double, and treble, 133, 145 saturation of, 132 INDEX. 481 Bonds, Thomsen's thermal researches connected with, 282 use of term in hypothesis of valency, 133 et seq. Boron, carbon, and silicon, Kopp's hy- pothesis regarding atoms of, 67 ,, specific heat of, 63 et seq. BRAUNER, his investigations connected with the periodic law, 234 BRAUNER and WATTS, their work on- specific volumes, 325 BRODIE, his work bearing on structure of small particles of elements, 78 Bromine, relative density of gaseous, 203 BRUHL, his work on the refraction- equivalents of carbon compounds, 291 et seq. BUNSEN, his work on mass-action, 346 Calcium carbonate, dissociation of, 394 CANNIZZARO, his generalisations re- garding specific heats of compounds, 5* Capillarity-constants, 336 Carbon, boron, and silicon, Kopp's hypothesis regarding atoms of, 67 ,, specific heat of, 63 Carbonyl grouping of carbon and oxy- gen atoms, meaning of expression, 295 CARNELLEY, his determinations of fusi- bility of elements, 228 ,, his papers on the periodic la\v, 230 note, 244 note CAYLEY, his mathematical examination of isomerism, 146 note Central nucleus, use of term, 168 Chain, closed, open, side, meanings of terms, 166 Chemical and electrical forces, relations between, 474 Chemical change, and changes of energy, Berthollet's views regarding, 345 ,, Berzelius's views re- garding, 114 considered thermo- dynamically, 379 ,, electrolytic hypothesis of, 460 ,, general considerations regarding, 369 influence of mass on, 339 Chemical changes are accompanied by degradation of ener- gy, 27 M.C. Chemical changes consist of two parts, 269, 296, 300 ,, involving degradation of energy usually oc- cur, 259, 384 Chemical classification, i, 121 equilibrium, hypotheses re- garding, 363 et seq. force, use of term, 350, 355 ,, methods for determining atomic weights, examples of, 78 ,, methods for investigating affi- nities of the acids, 409 et seq. ,, problems, need of considering both reacting bodies and forces in, 5 ,, Statics and Kinetics, use of these terms explained and illustrated, 6, 339, 476 Chemistry, methods by which, brought under domain of dynamics, 5 thermal, 247 et seq. the fundamental problem of, 4 IJI 373, 477 ,, the general scope of, i ,, the sphere of, contrasted with spheres of dynamics and physics, 4 ,, the two lines of advance in, i. 121,475 Chlorine, relative density of, 203 specific heat of, 55 CLARKE, F. W., his investigations on hydrated and dehydrated salts, 327 Classification, chemical, based on theory of types, 121 ,, of acids and bases by help of thermal data, 269 et seq. ,, of elements and com- pounds by help of ther- mal data, 266 ,, of elements in accordance with their atomic heats, 61 of elements in accordance with the periodic law, 235 the two schemes of, adopt- ed in chemistry, r, 121 CLAUSIUS, his molecular hypothesis of electrolysis, 385 Closed chain, meaning of term, 166 Coefficients of affinity, 409 et seq., 436 ,, of velocity, 355, 378 Colloids and crystalloids, 215 31 482 INDEX. Combining weights of elements, defini- tion of, 36 weights of elements do not always represent equiva- lent weights, 16, 23 Compound radicles, 116, 119, 151 ,, possess a definite replacing power, 122 Compounds, atomic, 200 classification of, by help of thermal data, 267 etseq, ,, formulae of gaseous and solid, 46, 137 ,, isomorphism of, 69 molecular, 199 et seq. specific heats of, 50, 54 Conductivities of acids, connexions be- ,, tween, and affinities, 422 et seq., 439 etseq. of bases, 435 Conductivity, molecular, 424 Constitution, water of, 326 Constitutive properties, 468 COOKE, J. P., his experiments in con- nexion with physical isomerism, 209 Copper sulphate, dissociation of, 396 COUPER, his work bearing on valency of atoms, 123 Crystalline form, determination of, as aid in fixing atomic weights, 69 Crystallisation, water of, 326 Ciimulative properties, 468 DALE (see GLADSTONE) DALTON, development of the atomic theory of, 8 ,, his New System of Chemical Philosophy, 9 ,, his reasons for giving to water the formula HO, 1 1 ,, his refusal to accept Gay- Lussac's law, 12 ,, his remarks on specific heats of solids, liquids and gases, 48 ,, his rules respecting atomic synthesis, 10 ,, shortcomings of his atomic theory, 1 1 DAVY, his electro-chemical investiga- tions, 112 ,, his views regarding acids, 116 Dilution, influence of, on conductivities of acids, 424 et seq. Dimorphism, 73 Dissociation, cases of, considered, 389 ,, electrolytic, 454 ,, meaning of term, 389 ,, of acetic acid vapour, 39 Dissociation, of ammonium carbamate, 401 ,, of ammonium hydrosul- phide, 400 ,, of calcium carbonate, 394 ,, of compounds of silver chloride with ammonia, 394 of copper sulphate, 396 of hydrogen iodide, 393 of iodine, 206 of saltsin solution, 453,461 of sodium phosphate, 397 regarded as special case of chemical equilibrium, 399. 45 ,, regarded from molecular theory point of view, 402 ,, thermodynamically re- garded, 403 ,, treatment of by Gibbs, 402 Divalent atoms, meaning of expression, 126 et seq. Divalent, the atom of tin is, in given molecule, but is tetravalent in another molecule, 128 DIVERS, his experiments on the action of tin, &c., on nitric acid, 109 DONATH, his determination of the spe- cific heat of uranium oxide, 59 Dualism, opposed by Dumas, 118 ,, opposed to Faraday's electro- lytic laws, 117 ,, system of, introduced by Ber- zelius, 115 DULONG and PETIT, their law regard- ing specific heats of solid elements, 49, 60 DUMAS, his early acceptance of Avo- gadro's law, 20 ,, his system of notation partly atomic, partly equivalent, 21 ,, introduces the conception of types, 1 20 et seq. opposes the dualistic system of Berzelius, 118 Eka-aluminium, eka-boron, and eka- silicon, 230 Electro-chemical investigations of Arrhenius, 454 Berzelius, 113 Davy, 112 Faraday, 117, 451 Ostwald, 422 &c. Joule, 474 Thomson, 475 Electrolysis of acids, 422 et seq. Electrolysis, Faraday's laws of, 337 Electrolytes, action of solvents on, 4 6 5 Electrolytic dissociation, hypothesis of, Electrolytic hypothesis of chemical change, 460 Element, the old conception of, i, 244 note Elements, atomic heats of, 49, 60 ,, atomic volumes, curve of, 227 ,, atomic weights of, data for finding, tables, 39 et seq., 86 et seq. ,, atomic weights of, table, 48 ,, atoms of, have definite re- placing values, 122 , , atoms of, valency of (see also valency of atoms), 126 et seq. classification of, by help of thermal data, 266 ,, classification of, in accord- ance with their atomic heats, 6 1 ,, classification of, in accord- ance with the periodic law, 223 etseq. ,, fusibility of, 228 ,, isomorphism of, 72 ,, periodic connexion between atomic weights and pro- perties of, 223 et seq. ,, specific heats of, law of Du- long and Petit regarding, 49, 60 ,, specific heats of some, deter- mined indirectly, 54 et seq, ,, specific heats of, table, 51 ,, study of properties of, by help of the periodic law, 232 ,, unknown, properties of, pre- dicted by the periodic law, 230 Elementary gases, table of molecular weights of, 33 Endothermic and exothermic changes, meaning and application of terms, 252 Energy-changes accompanying chemical changes, 176, 259, 279, 384, 471 ,, connected with affinity- changes, 471 ,, measurements of, by electrical methods, 475 ,, measurements of, by thermal methods, 250, 257, 288 INDEX. 483 Energy, degradation of, accompanying chemical changes, 259, 384, 471 ,, free and bound, use of terms by Helmholtz, 382 Entropy, 379 Equilibrium, chemical, 363 et seq. ,, ,, equation of, 349, 374. ,, ,, equation of, a- dapted to dif- ferent cases, 363.. 374 ,, equation of, ap- plied to study of affinity, 408 et seq. of systems of four bodies, 367 ,, molecular me- thods applied to, 385 ,, thermal methods applied to, 368 ,, thermodynami- cal methods ap- plied to, 379 Equilibrium-pressure, use of term in connexion with dissociation, 392 Equivalency of atoms (see also -valency), \ 26 et seq. Equivalent, atom, molecule, the terms contrasted, 24, 192 ,, connected with function, J 5 23 difficulty of determining the true, of an element, 14 ,, notation, inconveniences of, ,, term introduced by Wol- laston, 14 ,, weights of elements deter- mined by Laurent, 23 Equivalents, work of Dumas, Laurent, and Gerhardt on, 22 Etherefication-values, connexion be- tween, and molecu- lar structure of al- cohols, 331 meaning of term, 332 et seq. Ethylene grouping of two carbon atoms, meaning of expression, 295 FARADAY, his electro-chemical investi- gations, 117, 337 FISCHER, his work in connexion with the atomic theory, 7 Fluorine, specific heat of, 55 4 8 4 INDEX. Forms of oxides and salts as determined by application of the periodic law, 239 Formulae, chemical, of gases compared *" with those of solids, 46 chemical, structural, examples of methods of obtaining, 146 et seq. chemical, structural, general- isations usually made in obtaining, 156 et seq. FRANKLAND recognises a substituting value for each elementary atom, 122 Fusibility of elements, connexion be- tween, and atomic weights, 228 Gallium, identical with eka-alitminium, 230 GARNIER and CANNIZZARO, their gene- ralisation regarding specific heats of compounds, 51 58 Gases, formulae of, compared with those of solids, 46 GAY-LUSSAC, Berzelius modifies the law of, 17 ,, Dalton refuses to accept the law of, 12 ,, his law regarding volu- metric combinations of gases, 12 Geometrical isomerism, 182, 304, 445 GERHARDT, his law of even numbers, 84, 198 ,, his reasons for changing the equivalents of carbon, &c., 22 Germanium, identical with eka-silicon, 232 GIBBS, his investigation of the equili- brium of heterogeneous systems, 380, 402 GLADSTONE,hisinvestigalions on chemi- cal change, 347 GLADSTONE and DALE, their investiga- tions on refraction-equivalents of carbon-compounds, 291 GLADSTONE and TRIBE, their investiga- tions in connexion with the electro- lysis of acids, 100 GMELIN, his system of notation, 21 GOLDSTEIN, his investigations on the connexion between boiling points and molecular structure, 286 GRAHAM, his work on colloidal and crystalloidal matter, 214 ,, his work on water of crystal- lisation, 326 GROTH, his investigations regarding morfhotropic relations, 173 Group, use of term in nomenclature of the periodic law, 224 GULDBERG and WAAGE, their equation of chemical equili- brium, 349, 374 their equation of chemical equili- brium applied to study of chemical affinity, 408 et seq. their law of mass-action, 347 et seq. their molecular hypothesis.of chemical equilibrium, 386 Halogens, hydracids and oxyacids of, considered thermally, 268 HARTLEY, his investigation of relations of molecular structure to absorption- spectra, 314 Heat, connexion between quantities of, produced in chemical changes, and structure of molecules of changing substances, 174 et seq. ,, of formation of compounds, mean- ing of term, 257 et seq. ,, of neutralisation of an acid by a base, and vice versa, 269, 368 ,, produced in chemical changes, study of, 247 et seq. ,, produced in reactions of isome- rides, 174, 282 ,, specific, of solid elements, 49,60 (See also thermal chemistry, and thermal data. ) HELMHOLTZ, his electro-chemical in- vestigations, 382 ,, his use of the terms free and bound energy, 382 ,, on chemical equilibrium, 383 HERMANN, R., his work in connexion with specific heats, 50 HOFF, J. H. VAN'T, his gravitational hypothesis regarding atomic valency, 135, note. his hypothesis regarding optically active com- pounds, 304 et seq. his law of osmotic pres- sure, 452, 465 ,, his work on chemical equilibrium, 374, 384 ,, his work on velocity of chemical change, 360 HOOD, his experiments on the velocity of chemical change, 360 HORSTMANN, his treatment of dissocia- tion-phenomena, 379 HUMPIDGE, on spec, heat of beryllium, 63 INDEX. 485 Hydrofluoric acid, density of vapour of, 126 note (s. Addenda). Hydrogen iodide, dissociation of, 393 Hydrogen, replaceable, illustrations of, 163 &c. ,, specific heat of, 56 latro-chemists, 2 Iodine, atomic weight of, fixed by help of periodic law, 233 ,, relative density of vapour of, 206 Ions, free, in solutions, 461 ISAMBERT, his work on dissociation of ammonium hyclrosulphide, 400 Isomerides, formula for finding maxi- mum number of monad atoms in molecules of, 144 ,, heat produced or used in reactions of, 174,282 Isomerism, detailed consideration of, 143**?. ,, exceptions to, generally adopted explanation of, 180 geometrical, 182, 304, 445 ,, hypothesis by which ex- plained, [39, 181 . ,, mathematical examination of, by Cay ley, 146 note eaning of term, g o term, 139 ,, thermally considered, 174^ seq. ,, physical, 211 ,, ,, Lehmann's work on, 210 et seq, ,, position, and saturation, 294 ,, study of, by optical methods, 292 et seq, 304, 311 ,, . study of, by thermal me- thods, 174 et seq. Isomorphism of compounds, 69 ,, of elements, 72 ,, Mitscherlich's law of, 69 Isomorphous crystals, meaning to be given to this expression, 71 Isotonic solutions, 452 JOULE, his electro-chemical investiga- tions, 474 KANONNIKOW, his work on refraction- equivalents, 298 note KEKULE, his use of the terms atomic and molecular compounds, 200 KEKULE, his work on valency of atoms, 123 Kinetics, chemical, general remarks re- garding, 339 Kinetics, chemical, use of term explain- ed, 6 KOHLRAUSCH, his law of electrolytic conductivity, 428 KOPP, his hypothesis regarding the atoms of carbon, boron, and silicon, 67 ,, his investigations regarding spe- cificheatsof elements, $ietseq. ,, his investigations regarding spe- cific volumes, 319 et seq. LANDOLT, his work on optical activity of carbon compounds, 301 et seq. LAURENT, his definition of molecule and atom, 24 ,, his system based on Avo- gadro's law, 24 his work on equivalents, 23 LAVOISIER, his views regarding acids, 116 Law, Berthelot's, of maximum work, 279. 383 ,, of Avogadro (see also AvOGAD- RO), 13, 27 ,, of dilution, as regards conduc- tivity, 424 et seq. ,, of Dulong and Petit, 49, 60 ,, of Gay-Lussac (see also GAY- LUSSAC), 12 ,, of Kohlrausch regarding electro- lytic conductivity, 428 ' ,, of mass-action, 348 of molecular lowering of freezing point, 76, 452 ,, of osmotic pressure, 452 ,, periodic (see also periodic law), 222 et seq. LflHM ANN, his work on molecular com- pounds, 210 his work on physical isomer- ism, 210 et seq. LEMOINE, his studies on dissociation, 393 LIEBIG, his views regarding acids, 117 Links, or bonds, use of term, in hy- pothesis of valency (see also bonds), X 33 Long and short periods, 235 LOSSEN, his criticism of hypothesis of bonds, 133, 193 et seq. ,, his investigations in connexion with specific volume of the group CH 2 , 322 ,, illustrations of his views re- garding valency, 145 Magnetic rotatory power, 311 486 INDEX. MALLET, his determination of the va- pour density of hydrofluoric acid, 126 note MARIGNAC, his work on the supposed element hyponiobium, 75 Mass-action, law of, 348 et seq. Maximum work, Berthelot's law of, 279. 383 MENDELEJEFF, his researches in con- nexion with theperiodiclaw, ii^etseq. MENSCHUTKIN'S investigation of etheri- fication-values of alcohols and acids, 331 et seq. Metals, action of acids on, 100 ,, action of acids on, considered thermally, 264 Metamerism, 143 ,, physical, 213 MEYER, L., his calculation of the spe- cific heat of beryllium, 63 his remarks on affinity, 471 ,, his work in connexion with specific volumes, 330 ,, his work in connexion with the periodic law, 223 et seq. MITSCHERLICH, his law of isomor- phism, 69 Molecular compounds, general remarks on, 200, 207, 219 ,, ,, Lehmann's work on, 208 ,, no definition of, possible, 200 ,, conductivity, 424 , , groups, existence of, in gases, 203 ,, heats of solid compounds help to determine atomic weights of elements, 54 ,, heat of solid compounds, meaning of expression, 54 note ,, lowering of freezing point, law of, 76, 452 ,, phenomena dealt with by statistical methods, 99 note ,, structure, 138, 154 note ,, structure, connexion be- tween, and absorption- spectra, 314 ,, structure, connexion be- tween, and affinity, 439 ,, structure, connexion between, and arrangement of atoms in space, 182 ,, structure, connexion between, and etherification-values, 331 Molecular structure, connexions be- tween, and magnetic ro- tatory power, 3 1 1 et seq. , , structure, connexion between, and optical activity, 303 et seq. ,, structure, connexionbetween, and thermal changes, 174 et seq., 282 ,, structure, examples of de- pendence of function of part of a molecule on arrangement of all the parts, 163 et seq. ,, structure, examples of pre- sence of certain atomic groups in molecules, 151 et seq. ,, theory, general sketch of, 25 et seq. volumes, 317 et seq. weight of a gas, definition of, 32 ,, weight of a gas, examples shewing how determined, 35 ,, weight, same substance may have more than one, 35 ,, weights of elementary gases, table of, 33 ,, weights of substances in so- lution determined, 76, 456 note Molecule, atom, equivalent, the terms contrasted, 24, 192 ,, dynamical conception of, 26 ,, physical, compared with che- mical, conception of, 220 Molecules and atoms, distinction be- tween, based on reac- tions, 1 06 ,, atomicity of elementary, table, 45 ,, attempts to measure ther- mal changes accompany- ing separation of, into atoms, 263 ,, in which isomerism may occur, 146 ,, of hydrogen, &c., separate into parts during chemical changes, 29 ,, saturated and unsaturated, use of terms, 145 ,, size of, 28 Monovalent atoms, formula for finding maximum number of, in a molecule, M4 Monovalent, meaning of term, 126 INDEX. 487 Morphotropic relations, use of expres- sion by Groth, 173 Nascent actions, examples of, 97 ,, explanation of, given by the molecular theory, 98 ,, ,, general remarks on use of the expres- sion, 109 ,, ,, Traube's experiments on, 106 ,, state of compounds, 99 NASINI, his work on refraction-equi- valents, 298 NEUMANN, his extension of the law of Dulong and Petit, 50 NEWLANDS, his work in connexion . with the periodic law, 223 NILSON and PETTERSSON, their deter- mination of the specific heat of beryl- lium, 62 NILSON and PETTERSSON, their work in connexion with the periodic law, 233 Nitrogen, specific heat of, 55 . ,, tetroxide, relative density of, 203 Nucleus, central, meaning of term, 168 Odd and even series, 237 ODLING introduces notation shewing valencies of elementary atoms, 122 Open chain, meaning of term, 166 Optically active compounds, meaning of expression, 299 Optically active compounds, van't Hoff's hypothesis concerning, 304 et seq. Optical activity, influence of inactive solvents on, 301, 310 ,, ,, of solid compounds, 302 Optical methods applied to questions of chemical statics, 289 et seq. Osmotic pressures, 451 OSTWALD, his application of law of mass-action to dissoci- ation, 399 ,, his notation used in ther- mal chemistry, 251 ,, his work on affinity-co- efficients of acids and bases, 409 et seq. his work on conductivities and affinities of acids, 422 et seq., 460 ,, his work on connexions between affinities and constitution of acids, 439 OSTWALD, his work on distribution of a base between two acids, 353> 372 Oxygen, atomic weight of, data for determining, 38 ,, in oxides, specific heat of, 58 ,, specific heat of, 56 Periodic law, applied to predict proper- ties of unknown ele- ments, 230 applied to study of forms of oxides and salts, 239 ,, applied to study of pro- perties of beryllium, 232 ,, applied to study of pro- perties of known ele- ments, 232 et seq. applied to study of pro- perties of uranium, 234 ,, applied to study of valen- cies of elementary atoms, 241 general remarks on, 244 illustrations of, 2 24 et seq. nomenclature employed, 224, 230, 237 statement of, 223 tables shewing arrange- ment of elements in accordance with, 225, 236 Periods, long, short, and transition, use of terms in nomenclature of the periodic law, 235 PERKIN, on the connexions between molecular structure and magnetic ro- tation, 3 1 1 il seq. PETIT and DULONG, their law regard- ing specific heats of solid elements, 49, 60 PETTERSSON (see NILSON) PFAUNDLER, his hypothesis regarding chemical equilibrium, 386 Phosphorus, change from yellow to red, a case of chemical equi- librium, 366 , , pentachloride, relative den- sity of vapour of, 202 Physical methods applied to questions of chemical statics, 246 et seq. PICKERING, his examination of the ac- tion of sulphuric acid on copper, 94 Plane-symmetric molecules, use of term , 184 Polarity, use of term by Berzelius, 114 INDEX. Polymerism, 141 ,, physical, 213 Polymorphism, 73 POTILITZIN, his experiments on in- fluence of mass in chemical changes, 276 Radicles, compound, 116, 119, 151 ,, ,, possess a definite replacing power, 122 RAMSAY, his experiments in connexion with specific volumes, 320 RAMSAY and YOUNG, their experi- ments on vapour density of acetic acid, 390 RAOULT, his law of molecular lowering of freezing-points, 76, 452 RATHKE, on molecular compounds, 201 Refraction-equivalent of a compound, is it equal to sum of equivalents of elementary constituents? 292 et seq. Refraction-equivalent, meaning of term, Refraction-equivalents, connexion be- tween and structure of carbon com- pounds, 291 et seq, Refraction-equivalents, formulae for de- termining, 290 ,, of elementary atoms, 295 ,, of solid com- pounds, 298 note REGNAULT, his researches on specific heat, 50 REYNOLDS, R. E., his determination of the specific heat of beryllium, 62 RICHTER, his work in connexion with the atomic theory, 7 ROSE, H. , his supposed discovery of an allotropic form of niobium, 75 Rotatory power, specific, determination of, 300 specific, meaning of ex- pression, 300 Saturated and unsaturated molecules, use of terms, 145 Scandium, identical with eka-boron, 231 SCHIFF, his work in connexion with specific volumes, 320 Series, use of term in nomenclature of the periodic law, 237 Side chain, meaning of term, 166 Silicon, carbon, and boron, Kopp's hy- pothesis regarding atoms of, 67 ,, specific heat of, 63 Silver chloride, compounds of with ammonia, dissociation of, 394 Sodium phosphate, dissociation of, 397 Solution, Berthollet's views regarding, 37 Specific heat of beryllium, 62 ,, ,, boron, carbon, and silicon, 63 ,, ,, oxygen in oxides, 58 Specific heats of compounds, generalisa- tion of Gamier and Cannizzaro regard- ing. 5i ,, ,, of compounds, generalisa- tion of Neumann re- garding, 50 ,, ,, of elements, law of Du- long and Petit re- garding, 49, 60 ,, ,, of elements, table, 51 etseq. ,, ,, of some elements determin- ed indirectly, Betsey. Specific refractive energy, meaning of expression, 290 ,, rotatory power, determination of, 300 ,, rotatory power, meaning of expression, 300 ,, unipolarity, use of expression by Berzelius, 114 , , volume of a compound proba- bly equal to sum of volumes of elementary constituents, 3^9' 3^8 ,, volume of carbon and of oxy- gen varies according to the valency of the atom of each element, 319 et seq. ,, volume, meaning of expres- sion, 317 ,, volumes of atoms in molecules vary according to distribu- tion of interatomic reac- tions, 322 ,, volumes of hydrated and de- hydrated salts, 327 ,, volumes of solid compounds, 325 SPRING, his experiments in connexion with allotropy, 142 note. Stability, vagueness of theterm, 178, 465 ST^DEL, his experiments on specific volumes of carbon compounds, 323 Statics, chemical, questions of, studied by physical methods, 246 ,, chemical, use of expression, ex- plained and illustrated, 6, 329 Tables of affinity, 341, 440 445 Table, atomic weights of elements, 48 ,, atomic weights of elements, data, 39, 86 INDEX. 489 Table, atomicity of elementary mole- cules, 45 ,, data for finding maximum atomic weight of oxygen, 36 ,, illustrating electrical conduc- tivities and velocity-constants of acids, 423 illustrating law of dilution as regards conductivities of acids, 425 ,, illustrating saponification - ve- locities and electrical con- ductivities of bases, 436 ,, molecular weights of element- ary gases, 33 ,, periodic arrangement of ele- ments, 225, 236 ,, relative affinities of the acids, 440445 ,, relative densities of halogens, nitrogen tetroxide, and phos- phorus pentachloride, 202, 203, 206, 207 ,, specific heats of elements, 51 ,, thermo-atomic weights (Reg- nault), 50 Tellurium, atomic weight of, fixed by application of the periodic law, 233 Thermal chemistry, attempts made in, to distinguish between the two parts of a chemical change, 248, 262, 275 chemistry, Berthelot's three principles of, 278 ,, chemistry, illustrations of me- thods of calculation used in, 255 et seq. ,, chemistry, need of considering action of excess of reacting substances in, 276 chemistry, need of considering physical conditions of chang- ing systems in, 275, 277 ,, chemistry, notation used in, 248, 251 chemistry, principles on which based, 247 ,, chemistry, the law of maxi- mum work in, 279, 383 data, applied to action of acids on metals, 264 et seq. data, applied to action of con- centrated and dilute hydri- odic acid, 253, 260 ,, data, applied to action of sul- phuretted hydrogen on me- tallic salts, 260 et seq. data, applied to allotropy, 266 ,, data, applied to classification of acids and bases, 269 et seq. M. C. Thermal data, applied to classification of compounds, 268 et seq. data, applied to classification of elements, 266 ,, data, applied to study of affi- nity, 368, 410, 471 data, applied to study of iso- merism, 1 74 et seq. ,, data, examples of attempts to analyse, 277 data, influence of temperature on, 275 ,, methods used in chemistry, 247 Thermodynamical methods applied to chemical equilibrium, 379 THOMSEN, J., his attempt to measure the thermal value of each bond of the car- bon atom, 282 , , his classification of acids and bases, based on thermal data, 269 et seq. ,, his experiments on the connexions between thermal changes and molecular structure, 174 et seq., 282 ,, his thermal study of the affinities of acids, 368, 410 his statement of the law of maximum work, 280 ,, his use of the term avi- dity, 412 his work on division of a base between two acids, 368 THOMSON, J. J., his conception of equilibrium from the stand-point of the theory of vortex-atoms, 387, 403 THOMSON, Sir W., his electro-chemical investigations, 475 THORPE, his experiments on relative density of hydrofluoric acid gas, 126 note (s. Addenda) ,, his investigations in connex- ion with specific volumes, 3 2 3 ,, his investigations of the re- ducing action of metals on ferric sulphate, 105 ,, andWATTS, their experiments in connexion with water of crystallisation, 327 TOMMASI, his work in connexion with nascent actions, 105 Transition-periods, use of expression in nomenclature of the periodic law, 235 Transpiration-rates, 336 32 490 INDEX. TRAUBE, his experiments in connexion with nascent actions, 106 TRIBE (see GLADSTONE) Trimorphism, 73 TROOST and HAUTEFEUILLE, their ex- amination of change of yellow to red phosphorus, 366 Types, classification based on, 120 conception of, introduced by Dumas, 118 et seq. Typical elements, use of expression in nomenclature of the periodic law, 237 Uranium, atomic weight of, fixed by application of the periodic law, 234 ,, specific heat of, 59 Valency, a, use of expression, 132, 136 note Valency of atoms, conception of, applied to explain molecular structure, 154 et seq. ,, conception of, applied to finding best struc- tural formula for a given compound, 144 et seq. ,, data for determining, 127 ,, definition of, 129 ,, discussion of notation adopted in hypothe- sis of, 132 et seq. ,, geometrical notion re- garding, 182 ,, gravitational notion of van't Hoft, 135 note ,, in non-gasifiable com- pounds, 137, 241 ,, limitations made in applying the concep- tion of, 154 ,, Lossen's views regard- ing, 145, 193 et seq. , , meaning of expression, I 3 l ,, ought not to be con- founded with affinity, 470 ,, probably varies period- ically with relative weights of the atoms, 241 Vapour densities, bearings of dissocia- tion on determina- tions of, 391 Vapour densities, definition of expres- sion, 34 note ,, methods of determin- ing. 35 note ,, must be supplemented by analyses before molecular weights of compounds can be found by means of, 35 Velocities of chemical actions, con- nexion between, and affinities of re- acting substances, 356 et seq. Volume, atomic, of elements, curve of, 227 ,, specific, meaning of expres- sion, 317 Volumetric methods of studying chemi- cal operations adopted by Ost wald, 372 Vortex atoms, bearing of theory of, on chemical equilibrium, 387, 403 WAAGE (see GULDBERG) WARDER, his experiments on the af- finities of bases, 360 Water, basic and saline, 326 ,, effect of traces of, in chemical changes, 467 of constitution, 327 ,, of crystallisation, 328 WATTS (see BRAUNER, also THORPE WEBER, his determinations of the spc cific heats of boron, carbon, and sil con, 63 WIEDEMANN, E., his attempt to mec sure heat used in separating mol< cule of hydrogen into atoms, 263 WILLIAMSON, his hypothesis regardin chemical equilibriun . 385 ,, his researches on thv ethers, 80 WITT, his experiments on the connex- ion between molecular structure and tinctorial properties, 172 WOLLASTON, introduces the use of the term equivalent, 14 ,, objections to his method of determining equiva- lents, ty YOUNG (see RAMSAY). ZANDER, his experiments on specific volumes of carbon compounds, 322 ZIMMERMANN, his determination of the specific heat of uranium, 59 CAMBRIDGE: PRINI ERSITY PRESS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. BTDUHMt (WAY 2J986 ft APR 6 j e 5 - ' I 5 *. I 3= 9 i I % ^ I I r* to i 3 I I z <: ^\\EUNIVER% ^UDNYSOV^