THE LIBRARY OF THE OF LOS UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA ANGELES oor OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. A STORY FOR CHILDREN. STELLA AUSTIN, AUTHOR OF "STUMPS," "SOMEBODY," "RAGS AND TATTERS, " PAT," ETC. LONDON : J. MASTERS AND CO., 78, NEW BOND STREET. MDCCCLXXXI. LONDON : J. MASTEKS AND CO , PRINTERS, ALBION BUILDINGS. BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE, B.C. TZ.7 prbuattb TO THE VERY DEAR GRANNIE OF EIGHTY-THREE, MRS. EDWARD MAINWARING, WITH A GREAT DEAL OF LOVE, AND AN EARNEST HOPE THAT SHE MAY LIVE FOR MANY YEARS YET TO BE A SOURCE OF HAPPINESS TO US WHO LOVE HER, AND TO SHOW TO ALL WHO COME NEAR HER, HOW SWEET AND GOOD AND LOVELY OLD AGE CAN BE. CONTENTS. I. WHO TOLD THE STORY I II. THE COUNTRY AND A Cow 5 III. WAITING FOR THE NEIGHBOUR . . . .23 IV. FROM THE TOP OF THE WALL .... 44 V. A COUPLE OK CHATTERING MAGPIES . . .60 VI. LOOKING IN 7 2 VII. IT is ALL A'TWEEN us \8; VIII. UNDER THREE UMBRELLAS 107 IX. GRANNIE REFUSES TO BE NEIGHBOURLY . . .116 X. FROM THE HOLE IN THE HEDGE .... 134 XI. MOLLY, SIBYL, AND PRINCE CHARMING . . .144 XII. THE ROOM WITHOUT A DOOR . . . 157 XIII. GRANNIE'S VERY OLD FRIEND 178 XIV. GETTING BACK 193 XV. JACOB'S LITTLE GIRLS 207 to CHAPTER I. WHO TOLD THE STORY. '"THHIS is a story the fairies told me. Just as they told it to me do I tell it to you word for word. It is very nice to be a favourite of the fairies, and to have stories told you. In the first place, it is pleasant to hear the stories ; and in the second place, if people find fault with them, say they are too long or too short, too improbable or very dull, then you can shrug your shoulders and say, " I B OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. have nothing to do with that, the fairies told it to me" If you want to hear the fairies' stories you must feel well, I don't quite know how to express it, but I think the only word that means what I want to say is a pretty Scotch word eerie. And the eerie feeling, so far as I can describe it, is just this. First, you must feel a tiny bit sad, I was going to say, but perhaps pensive would be better. Then you must sit down in a very large, comfortable, softly-cushioned chair, and you must not think about anything. You must try not even to think whether you are thinking. Then open your ears wide, and shut your eyes tight, and after awhile you will hear a distant booming sound, much the same noise the insects make when they chatter together in the lime trees in the early summer days ; just a lazy, muffled, humming noise. This is the fairies bringing the story to you. Then when they get quite close to you, you hear nothing but the story which they pour into your WHO TOLD THE STORY. ears. They are such tiny people, and they have such tiny voices, that it takes hundreds of them, speaking all together, before the story can reach your ears. But they never get out of tune or time, and all their voices though they speak so many at once, are only like the chiming of a lovely silver bell, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Dong. And so the story goes on. This is a useful thing to know, is it not ? For if you are dull or low-spirited, or want amusing, all you have to do is to lie back in an easy chair and coax the eerie feeling to come to you. When once you feel eerie the story will soon begin. And if you do not succeed the first time, do not give it up. Perhaps the fairies have been unusually busy, have used up all their stories, and are making fresh ones. Remember the useful little rhyme, OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. " 'Tis a lesson you should heed, Try, try, try again ; If at first you don't succeed, Try, try, try again." I feel the eerieness creeping over me and a far- off humming in my ears. Now the patter of tiny feet and the faint sweet chiming of their voices, the Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Dong, like a silver bell. The story is coming, coming, coming ; fast, faster, faster. Do you want to hear it ? Hush ! You must be very quiet, not talk even in whispers, or you will drive the fairies away. Listen ! CHAPTER II. THE COUNTRY AND A COW. " /^ERISETTE," says a sad little voice. * ' " Yes, Master Arthur, here I am, dear. Do you want me ?" " It is very hot to-day, isn't it ? and my head aches," says the sad voice, with a sigh at the end of it. " What shall I do for you, my dear one ?" says Cerisette, a nice-looking French maid, sitting down upon a low chair by Arthur's side, and arranging the cushions of his couch more comfortably. " There, that is better, is it not ? And now I will dip this soft handkerchief in eau-de-Cologne and OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. water, and lay it across your poor aching fore- head, and fan you with this large Chinese fan. What a beautiful air it makes this warm day. Is it not doing your head good already, Master Arthur ?" " Yes, thank you, Cerisette, it does feel as if it was getting better," says Arthur, gratefully ; then he shuts his eyes, and Cerisette, thinking he may be dropping off to sleep, fans him softly, and is silent. The place is a big room in a big house in the big town of London, and the time is about four o'clock in the afternoon. The sun, who has tra- velled a great many miles to-day, has turned his bright face round, and is looking straight in at the windows. That is, he would be looking straight in if it were not for the red and white sun-blinds which are drawn closely down, and which he finds rather in his way. It is not every one who can bear the sun to look them in the face in summer, when he is so very hot and bright, and little Arthur THE COUNTRY AND A COW. with his headache and his tiredness, must have the room kept as dark as possible. The minutes pass. There is no sound heard but the roll of a carriage now and then, and the silvery chiming of the clock upon the mantlepiece. It has just chimed half-past four when Arthur opens his eyes. " My headache is much better, Cerisette," he says. " I need not have the handkerchief again. And please do not fan me any more, or it will make your hand ache." " Nothing ever tires me that I can do for you, Master Arthur," answers Cerisette. " But I wish you could grow stronger and better, my poor little one. It makes my heart ache and ache to watch you as you lie, so white and tired. But there ! I must not talk like this. If the good GOD pleases, I hope I shall soon see the day when you have a fine colour in your pale cheeks, and can run about and shout and dance with other children." Arthur does not answer, except by a sad smile, OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. which makes the tears start into Cerisette's black eyes. She brushes them away hastily with the back of her hand before Arthur has time to notice them, and then she says cheerfully, " But you do not know the news, my little one : the news your papa told me this morning. There is a gentleman visitor coming to see you this after- noon." " Do you mean a doctor ?" asks Arthur. " Yes." " So many doctors have come," says Arthur dolefully, "and they always look at me and say, ' Poor little fellow.' Then they thump me on the back and front with a trumpet, and then they give me some nasty medicine to take. But they never make me feel any better. I wish this one was not coming, Cerisette. I am so tired of being looked at. If I begged Father very much indeed not to let him come, do you think Father would mind ?" " Yes, I am sure Mr. Adair would mind a great deal," says Cerisette decidedly. " For this morning THE COUNTRY AND A COW. when he told me of it his face brightened all over, and he said, ' I have great faith in this gentleman, Cerisette, and I really think he will do my boy good, perhaps make him quite well and strong.' Those are your papa's very words, dear Master Arthur. I kept them in my memory that I might repeat them to you word for word as he said them." Arthur sighs. " I wonder what he will be like," he says. " Who can tell ?" answers Cerisette cheerfully. " But if we are patient we shall soon see. The clock has just chimed the quarter to five. After it has chimed again he will be here." " I wonder," says Arthur dreamily, " if he will be short and wear spectacles like the doctor who came last I don't like spectacles, it is just as if four eyes were looking at you instead of two." " No, no," says Cerisette. " Not another doctor with spectacles, oh, no. One of those is quite enough." OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. " But perhaps he will have a big voice and talk very loud, the same as the doctor who came upon my birthday," says Arthur plaintively. " Do you remember, Cerisette?" " Do I not ?" says Cerisette fondly. " Is there anything that happens to my poor dear lamb that I do not remember ? It gave you a headache and spoilt your birthday. But this gentleman will be different, we will hope. Ah ! There is a carriage stopping at the door. These gentlemen doctors are so punctual, for it is only just upon the stroke of five. Now listen, Master Arthur, and soon you will hear their footsteps coming up the stairs." There is no need to bid Arthur to listen, for a light of pleasure steals over his face, and his lips curve into a happy smile as, with one finger pressed upon them, he turns his face round. This is the hour to which Arthur's thoughts turn from the time that his father leaves home in the morning, for this is the hour which Mr. Adair never fails, however he may be engaged, to devote to his little THE COUNTRY AND A COW. 11 son. The footsteps come nearer, the door is thrown open, and Arthur, with a smothered cry of joy, twines his arms closely round his father's neck and draws down the dear face that he may cover it with kisses. Then, with a sigh of great content, he lays his curly yellow head upon his father's broad shoulder, and caresses his cheek with a small white hand. " Arthur," says Mr. Adair, after a moment's pause, " I have brought a gentleman, a friend of mine, to see you." Arthur has entirely forgotten there is any one else in the room save his father ; but now that he remembers, he raises himself, and holds out his hand to be shaken. Then as he falls back among his cushions, he looks at the stranger earnestly and gravely. He need have no fear of the spectacles, for the eyes that meet his are as brown and bright as his own ; and the voice that reaches his ear is as gentle, and quiet, and kind as a woman's should be. OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. " It is curious, is it not," says the new doctor, " that you and I should have the same Christian name ?" "Are they the same?" says Arthur, roused to interest. " Yes. You are Arthur Adair, and I am Arthur Courtney." " How funny !" says Arthur ; " and I was not named after Father, you know. I was called Arthur after a good King who lived a great many years ago ; and Father is very fond of the poetry some one has written about him. Have you read it?" "Yes," answers the doctor absently. Then he straightens himself, for he has been bending over Arthur, and his eyes sweep for one instant round the room. He sees what a beautiful room it is, and how everything has been thought of that could give pleasure to Arthur. The walls are covered with lovely paintings, the windows are filled with sweet, THE COUNTRY AND A COW. 13 growing flowers, the chairs and sofas are cushioned with soft cushions which invite you, by their very look, to sit down and rest upon them. In one corner stands a rocking-horse as large as a small Shetland pony, and from the bookcases story- books in gay bindings show their faces. A large table is covered by a Fort with hundreds of soldiers in different uniforms, and tiny cannons that go off almost as well as real ones, better perhaps, be- cause though they give a splendid bang, and smoke real smoke, they do not kill or hurt anybody. Upon the floor lies a Noah's Ark, and the animals carved out of ivory are in a heap beside it. And the doctor's eyes from roving round the room come back to the little man upon the sofa, whose curly yellow head rests so quiet, and whose brown eyes are so pathetically asking for some- thing that will do him good, and make him like other children. Then, for a few minutes, the doc- tor stands quite still and looks at him. But in these few minutes he is learning a great 14 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. deal about Arthur. Nobody speaks, Arthur and his father are both silent, but there is a wonderful fairy, whose name you must guess, and she whis- pers to the doctor the story of Arthur's life. She tells him that Arthur has lived for seven years in that big house with no other playfellow than Cerisette, for his mother died when he was quite a baby. His father loves him dearly, but he is a grave, busy man, and he can only spare a few hours out of the whole long day, to be with his little son. Arthur has every toy he wishes for and that money can buy, but he has no one to share them with him, no brother, sister, or friends to help him make merry over his games, and he soon grew tired of inventing games with only him- self to play them. It is such dreary work playing by oneself, just to amuse oneself, there is no fun to be got out of it. So, after his hour's lessons with his father in the morning are over, Arthur has fallen into the habit of doing nothing but lie upon the sofa and look forward to his father's return at THE COUNTRY AND A COW. 15 five o'clock in the afternoon. When it is fine he rides, or drives, or walks, but he only goes out because Father wishes it, and he always does what Father tells him. And he is very glad to get home again, to nestle down among his cushions and wonder if it is nearly time for Father to be back. Not any of the gay people in the parks, not the pretty flowers that grow there, nor the shops full of things they pass on their road to and fro, ever win a smile or a look from Arthur. He is a little snail curled snugly round in his own shell, and not even putting out a horn to see if anybody is near him or not. GOD never meant people to think about themselves all day long, to live altogether for themselves as if there was no one else in the world. First, we should think of GOD, how to love Him and please Him. Next, we should think of other people, what we can do that will be kind to them and help them. Last of all, if there is any time left, we can think of ourselves. It is very 16 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. hard this, hard even for grown-up people, but the more you try to follow this plan while you are children, the easier it will be for you by-and-by as the years roll on, and you find yourselves grow- ing old. But it is not quite Arthur's fault that he has curled himself round in his shell. He tries very hard to be a good little boy, and do everything his father tells him ; and GOD, Who has been thinking a great deal about him, is going to show him the way to get out of his shell, and to be of use to other people. And every minute the doctor has been thinking these thoughts Arthur has been watching him very closely watching to see his hand go into his pocket, and bring out the trumpet which he knows so well, and has seen so often. This doctor, however, does nothing of the kind. When he has been silent a while he sits down by Arthur's side, and takes his thin white hand into the grasp of his firm, strong fingers. THE COUNTRY AND A COW. 17 " Now, little man," he says cheerfully, " I hope we shall have you bonny and well in a few weeks. But I am going to give you a funny kind of medi- cine." " Will it be very nasty ?" asks Arthur dolefully ; " I have had so much nasty medicine." " That just depends upon yourself whether you call it nasty or not. / should like it." " What is it ?" asks Arthur. " That you must find out for yourself. It is a riddle. I am going to order you into the country. Not to any part of the country, for that would do you no good, but to a particular part of the country where I know of a nice house to be let. There is a pretty garden and an orchard with an Alderney cow grazing in it. The cow can be had with the house, and I want you to run about in the garden and drink plenty of new milk and cream. There are two C's for you. Country and cow. You will remember those ?" " Oh, yes," says Arthur. " But is that the medi- C i8 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. cine ? You said it was a riddle, and that is so easy Country and Cow !" " You will not find the medicine until you get there," says the doctor. " It is a particular kind of medicine, and can only be got where I am sending you." " Does it grow in the garden ?" inquires Arthur, with great interest. " It does not grow in any garden, though it is not very far off," says the doctor. " But that is all I shall tell you now, the rest you will find out when you are there." " And you really think it will do him good ?" asks Mr. Adair. " I am as sure of it as we can be of anything in this world," says the doctor decidedly. " I will talk it over with you by-and-by. The place of which I am thinking is not far from Town an hour by rail, not more. That will suit you, will it not ?" " Perfectly," answers Mr. Adair, " for I shall be able to run down from Saturday to Monday. Arthur THE COUNTRY AND A COW. 19 must go down alone with Cerisette at first, for it will be some few weeks before I can join him alto- gether." But Arthur's eyes fill with a sudden rush of tears as he finds he is to be separated from his father, and he holds out his arms in a perfect wail of grief. " Oh, Father, Father," he sobs, " do not send me away from you, please do not. I would rather stay here and be ill, than go away and be well if you are not with me." " Hush, Arthur !" says Mr. Adair soothingly, yet gravely. " It vexes me very much indeed, more than I can say, to see you so pale, and thin, and tired unlike other children in fact. If it does you good, and if I wish it very much, it will be right for you to go away from me for a little while." " Do you wish it very much, Father ?" asks Ar- thur earnestly. " Very much indeed, my boy," is the answer. 20 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. " Then I will go," says Arthur, choking back his tears and smiling a wintry little smile. " That is my brave boy," says Mr. Adair, pat- ting the head covered with yellow curls. " I shall be able to run down every Saturday until the Mon- day. And when my holidays come we shall have a nice time of it together." " But it will be very dull until then, Father," says Arthur, a wee bit dolefully. " Wait until you get there," says the doctor. " After you have tried my medicine you may not find it so dull as you seem to expect." " I wonder what your medicine is," says Arthur, smiling in spite of himself. " Ah ! it is indeed a puzzle. I do not think you will guess. I shall tell your father, but I shall ask him to keep it a secret." " I shall try and guess," says Arthur. " Now say good-bye, and go and tell Cerisette the news," says Mr. Adair. Arthur not only shakes hands with the doctor, THE COUNTRY AND A COW. but lifts up his face to be kissed, and then goes along the corridor to another room, where Cerisette is preparing his tea. "We are going into the country, Cerisette," he says eagerly. " And I am to drink plenty of milk. There is an Alderney cow in the orchard where we are going. I wonder if one of the cows in my Noah's ark is an Alderney, Cerisette." " I should think it is," answers Cerisette. " And did he order you any medicine, this new gentleman doctor ?" " That is the funny part," says Arthur. " It is a real riddle, Cerisette. He will not tell me what the medicine is, but I am to wait until I get there. It does not grow in the garden, but it is near the garden. I am so anxious to taste it. The doctor says he should like it very much indeed. What can it be ?" " Ah ! what can it be ?" says Cerisette, de- lighted at finding the boy so much brighter. " It must be very wonderful medicine, Master Arthur." OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. " Very," says Arthur. " You can only get it down in that country, Cerisette. I like the new doctor very much indeed." " I am very happy," says Cerisette. " Did not I say that perhaps you would, Master Arthur ?" " He does not wear spectacles, and he has a kind voice, and he did not thump me with a trumpet. I wish he would come again. I am hungry, and I want my tea badly. Is it nearly ready, Cerisette ?" " Quite ready," says Cerisette, beaming upon him, for it is very seldom Arthur ever feels hungry or wants to eat. He generally eats as a duty. But I think the snail is beginning to put one of its horns a little way out of its shell. What do you say about it ? CHAPTER III. WAITING FOR THE NEIGHBOUR. T N a pretty village not far from London stand three houses side by side. They are not all the same size, indeed there is so much difference in them that they have been called in fun, " The big bear, the middle-sized bear, and the little bear." The big bear is a large red house, built very square, and with a paved courtyard around it. Not much of it can be seen from the roadside, for it is shut in by trees, but peeping over the hedge is a black board with white letters, which tells every one who passes to and fro that " this house is to be let." 24 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. The middle-sized bear is oddly built. At one time it must have been a small house with just a door, a window on each side of it, and three win- dows above. Then people lived in it who did not find it large enough, so they added another story. Then others who came after them added an arm shooting out in one direction, and then a leg, and so on. This makes it much more comfortable inside no doubt, but it gives it, to look at, an un- tidy appearance. The garden is an old-fashioned one, with gravel walks and straight flower borders. At the back of the house is an orchard, and upon the right side a smooth closely-shaven lawn slopes down to a tiny river, which on fine sunshiny days looks like a silver ribbon winding in and out of the fresh green grass. And squeezed in between these two large houses is a long low cottage, with a verandah running all round it. This is the little bear. But though small, it is not to be despised, for it is prettier than either of its grander neighbours. There is a path WAITING FOR THE NEIGHBOUR. 25 leading up to it, and over this a trellis work has been raised, and roses of every colour and shade have been coaxed to twine themselves round about it, and form a beautiful covered archway, which in summer time is perfectly lovely. It is just as though somebody was being married every day to walk up this path and have the roses showering their blossoms upon you, dark red satiny leaves, shining creamy ones, pale pink, bright pink, flam- ing crimson, rich yellow, and some as white and soft as drifting flakes of snow you crush them under your feet as you go along. Then the garden is so full of flowers that it is difficult to know which to pick, and which to leave. You come upon such pretty surprises too, for there are little wooden and wicker chairs so cunningly arranged under drooping branches of trees, that you do not see them until you find yourself nearly sitting down in them. Jacob, the old gardener, is very proud of this garden. He says it is " like a picter what has a good many sides to it." 26 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. Though these three houses are sometimes called for fun "The Three Bears," yet they have three real names belonging to them. The big bear is The Red House. The middle-sized bear is Riverside. The little bear is Shadic Cottage. And now to go on with the story. It is one of the longest days in the year, and the sun has made up his mind to have a very good time, and not to go to sleep until he is obliged. He is shining now, though it is past seven o'clock, almost as gaily as he did in the middle of the day. The birds are singing so loud, the roses smelling so sweet, it seems very hard to have to go in-doors such a lovely evening as this. That is just what two little girls think who are sitting in one of those cosy seats at Shadie Cot- tage. When the clock strikes half-past seven they ought to be preparing for bed, and it is not far off half-past seven now. The eldest of these two little sisters is seven WAITING FOR THE NEIGHBOUR. 27 years old. She is short for her age, and very plump. Her face is round and rosy, a pair of large, roguish, dark blue eyes shining out of it, and fair hair waving lightly over her forehead and nearly falling into her eyes. Sibyl, more than two years younger than Molly, is taller for her age and much slighter. Her face is thinner, and her eyes instead of being blue are a shadowy green. Her hair is several shades darker than her sister's, and curls in natural curls over her neck and shoulders. They are both dressed alike in brown-hollands with broad crimson sashes, and their heads and necks are well covered by two large sun-bon- nets, which protect them from the sun. They are out so much all day long that these are quite necessary. For some time these two sisters have been sit- ting hand-in-hand, both their faces turned towards Riverside. The chimneys and the upper windows are all they can see of it from where they sit, for a 28 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. grey stone wall divides their garden from their neighbour's. " It is just one, two, three, four, five," says Molly, counting upon four fingers and a thumb of a very plump hand. " It just one two three four, is it four or is it five days, Sibyl, since the man took away the board with 'This house to be let' written upon it?" " It is five days," answers Sibyl, " one, two, three, four, five." " I think it is only four," says Molly. " Let us go back and count them. There was the day the man fetched away the board, that is one : then there was the day that old Mrs. Grey's dog broke his leg, that is two : then there was the day that little Tim fell into the water when he was getting watercress for tea, that is three : then there was the day that Uncle Edward's letter came to say he was coming himself, that is four : then there is to-day, and that makes five. But Sibyl, are you quite sure Jacob said that the people were coming to-day ?" WAITING FOR THE NEIGHBOUR. 29 " Quite sure, sister," says Sibyl. " Why didn't you ask him what time they were coming, and who they were, and what they were like, and all about them ?" says Molly. " 'Cause he said he couldn't answer any more kestons," says Sibyl, with a pout. " He was dreadfully c'oss." " He is often cross," says Molly quietly. " Gran- nie says it's his complaint that makes him cross. I never can remember the name of Jacob's complaint. It is something that begins with a donkey." " I don't 'member the name," says Sibyl. " But do you think it is his complaint what coughs so quare, sister ?" " Grannie says so," answers Molly. " I hear wheels !" exclaims Sibyl, holding up a thin, sunburnt hand. " The next door neighbours are coming, sister, let us go and meet them." They are off their seats in a second and hurry- ing down the rose path, treading the sweet leaves 30 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. under their feet as they bound along, while a fresh shower are shaken upon their sun-bonnets and pitter-patter down upon them like great drops of rain. Molly and Sibyl are breathless when they reach the gate. They fling it wide open and rush out just in time to see a farmer's gig coming along at a slow trot. " Oh ! It's Farmer Morton's night," says Molly. ' Why, I quite forgot !" " So did I," says Sibyl. " Wouldn't he be sorry, sister, if he knew we had quite forgotten him ?" "We were thinking so much about our next door neighbours," says Molly. " Good evening, little ladies," and Farmer Mor- ton pulls up his horse. " And how are you this lovely evening ?" " Quite well, thank you. Are you quite well ?" they chime in both together. " Very hearty indeed, thank you, little ladies," answers Farmer Morton. Then giving a mysterious PAGE 31. WAITING FOR THE NEIGHBOUR. 31 nod, he says in a whisper, " Do you know what day it is to-day ?" " Midsummer Eve," shout the sisters with one voice. " The day when the fairies are very busy," says the farmer. " Is it only to-day they are busy ?" interrupts Sibyl. " They are more or less busy all the year round," answers Farmer Morton. " Only to-night they wisit at each others' houses and give a grand party, and have a great deal of fun," says Sibyl. " Well, they are very fond of making presents on Midsummer Eve to people they like," says the farmer. " And as I was passing by they gave me these presents to give to you," and Farmer Morton pulls out of his pocket four parcels, two of which he hands to Molly and two to Sibyl. " It is so kind of the fairies," says Sibyl, dancing in a high state of glee, while Molly adds, " We 32 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. ought to say ' thank you very much' to them. Shall you see them on your way home, Farmer Morton ?" " Well, they might be somewhere about," answers the farmer. " Then please thank them very much," says Molly. " And wery much from me," says Sibyl. " Molly would write them a nice letter and I would draw them a pretty picture if we knew where they lived. How should we direct it, Farmer Morton ? and which of the fairies sent these lovely presents ?" " Oh they don't like to be thanked," says Farmer Morton, flourishing his whip as if he were in a hurry. " Nothing offends the fairies so much as thanking them. It doesn't matter which of them it was what gave them, Miss Sibyl. It's all the same as if all the fairies had sent the presents. It's only a trifle." " Oh, then they showed it you," says Sibyl. " You know what it is. How tight the fairies tie WAITING FOR THE NEIGHBOUR. 33 their parcels," and her little fingers tug at the string. " Yes, they are uncommon good at tying up par- cels," says Farmer Morton. " Now, good evening, little ladies. Take care of the dew when it falls, and don't get your feet wet," and he drives away quickly, for he is later than usual to-night, and he has a mother watching for him. " The dew is not falling yet," says Molly, holding the dry sole of her shoe so that Sibyl can see. " The sun won't go to sleep for a long time. They have not even begun to get his bed ready, and it takes them a long while to make it properly." " There is a bit of red blanket and a corner of a gold sheet," says Sibyl, waving her hand towards the west, where tiny streaks of crimson and amber show themselves. " The fairies have sent us such nice presents," says Molly. " Mine is a packet of gingerbread and a workbox. Oh, what a dear little thimble, sister !" D 34 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. " Mine is just the same as yours," says Sibyl, who has managed to pull off the string, " oh, what 'licious gingerbread. I wonder how the fairies knew we liked gingerbread. I wonder do you think Farmer Morton told them, Molly ?" " Perhaps he did," says Molly, who is too busy to think much about it. " What nice needles," said Sibyl. " They have gold eyes to them. Look, sister." " I hope that as they are fairy needles they will do my work better, and not prick my finger so much," answers Molly gravely. " Just see, this finger is all red and the skin torn," and she holds out a fat forefinger. " Mine is nearly as bad," says Sibyl, as she com- pares her finger with Molly's. " It is a good thing the fairies sent us these needles, or we should have worn our fingers to the bone in time," says Molly. " That would be drefful" gasps Sibyl ; " why we should be like the man Uncle Edward told us WAITING FOR THE NEIGHBOUR. 35 about, who took off his flesh and sat in his bones, only in his bones. Think of that, Molly." " But you don't believe that story, do you ?" says Molly. " Why it was only one of Uncle Edward's make-believes, and not a real story. Don't cry, Sibyl. I am a great deal older than you, and I tell you it is not true. These needles are lovely, sister, the fairies sent them on purpose, because they knew the others were nasty and wouldn't work and pricked our fingers. Listen ! there is Maria calling us ! Oh, Sibyl, you run the quickest. Please run in and ask her to let us sit up a wee bit longer. It isn't Midsummer Eve every day." " But suppose our next door neighbours come while I am away," says Sibyl lingering, and turn- ing a pair of wistful eyes towards the chimneys of Riverside, from whence the smoke is curling gaily upwards. " They won't, if you are very quick," says Molly, " and if they do I'll call rery loud." Sibyl lingers for a moment, and then runs off. 36 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. Molly goes back to their two little chairs, where Sibyl soon joins her, red, panting, breathless, but in triumph. " Twenty more minutes Maria says we may sit up, but no longer, Molly." " That will do nicely," says Molly, settling herself comfortably. " They must come in twenty minutes. And I have thought of such a nice game to play, Sibyl. We will guess what our next door neigh- bours will be like, and we will see who will be most right." " I guess they will be a nice old lady and gentle- man, just the same as Mr. and Mrs. Bertram who had us in to tea so often, and loved us so much," cries Sibyl eagerly. " What beautiful cakes they gave us," says Molly. " And such 'licious strawberries and cream," says Sibyl. " Those were such happy days," says Molly, shaking her head mournfully, " and such a long time ago. Two whole weeks, Sibyl ! And the man WAITING FOR THE NEIGHBOUR. 37 was so unkind he would lock the gates, and we couldn't even get in to stroke the dear cow and tell her we were so sorry that her master and mistress were gone." " I hope the new master and mistress will be wery kind to the dear cow," says Sibyl. " Now, Molly, I have had my guess, and it is your turn." " I guess they will be a tall lady and gentleman with twenty little boys, some of them littler than we are, some of them bigger, and some of them the same size," says Molly boldly. " Twenty !" says Sibyl. " Oh, Molly, what made you think of such a great many, and why didn't you make some of them girls ?" " Because that is what I guess," answers Molly. " But we shall soon see, for they will have to come soon." But " they" do not. The birds, except the night- ingales, hush their songs, the sun moves nearer to the lovely bed preparing for him, the dews begin to fall so thick and fast that Maria comes to hurry 38 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR, them in. She turns a deaf ear to all entreaties for "just five minutes more," and tells them to go at once to their grandmamma and then up stairs to her. Grannie is the dearest old lady in a story book or out of it. She is sitting in a large arm-chair, which is quite her own, and which no one else ever thinks of sitting in. It is drawn near the window, and she has a fleecy snow-white shawl thrown over her shoulders and her snow-white hair tucked away under a snow-white cap. She has such a soft, round, kissable face, I am sure you would want to kiss her if you were to know her. She has another cap on now, a cap the sisters call " Grannie's think- ing cap." The room where Grannie is sitting is always a dark room, with odd nooks and corners, and lighted only by two small windows. To-night it is darker than usual, for the blinds are halfway down most likely Maria has forgotten to pull them up when the sun left the room. Perhaps it is the dusky WAITING FOR THE NEIGHBOUR. 39 light, or perhaps Grannie with her still white face and figure looks a tiny bit like some one from ano- ther world, perhaps it is both these things toge- ther, but certainly the sisters do not talk so boldly of the fairies now as they did an hour ago in the broad sunshine. They show Grannie the presents, and tell her the story about them in very low voices and with mysterious little nods and waving of the hands. Grannie suggests boldly that Farmer Morton had more to do with the presents than the fairies, but they are both so indignant at the mere idea that she leans back in her chair, and says, " Well, my dears, have it all your own way. If you choose to think the fairies sent them, pray do. And if it pleases you both, 7 am quite satis- fied." " But, Grannie," argues Molly, " the needles show they are fairy needles. They have gold eyes. And they are sent to do our hemming nicely and not prick our fingers." 40 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. " If they do your hemming better, I shall not be the one to grumble, my dear !" says Grannie. " For I must say the half-side of the handkerchief you hemmed to-day was disgraceful? 1 " That was the fault of those horrid, common needles, Grannie," speaks up Sibyl. " We tried to make them work, and they wouldn't. They broke six of themselves, Grannie, trying to do the piece of hemming you set me." " Six ! Dear me," says Grannie, " that is very wasteful. Six needles a day for you alone ! Why just think what a number that would be at the end of the year !" "It was wery stupid of them to break," says Sibyl. " I told them so, but they wouldn't 'tend to me. But these fairy needles ! You will see how beautiful they will work to-morrow, Grannie." " Indeed I hope so, my dear," says Grannie. " Now say me your Psalm, and then run off to bed. You are later than usual to-night." With folded hands they stand before Grannie, WAITING FOR THE NEIGHBOUR. 41 and say verse by verse the 23rd Psalm. Then they kiss her, and race up stairs to bed, Sibyl winning the race by a whole length of the passage. There is a proverb which declares that " a watched pot never boils." It means that if you are watch- ing for something, it very often does not come until you have grown tired and have given up looking for it. And so it happens to-night, for the sisters have just begun to undress, when the fly, for which they waited so long and so patiently, drives up to Riverside. If they had heard the wheels, I am sure they would have scampered down stairs, with only half their clothes upon them to have a peep at " our next door neighbours." But luckily they hear nothing. They have won a hard-fought battle and are jumping about in high glee. They wake very early in the morning, somewhere about four o'clock in the summer-time, but Grannie has given strict orders that they are not to wake Maria to dress them before half-past six. Now they have coaxed Maria to ask Grannie if they may not get 42 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. up at six o'clock to-morrow for a great treat. Grannie says ' yes,' but that they are to understand it is to be only to-morrow and not any other morning. " It is lucky people don't take houses every day in the week," says Maria, " for you are a couple of wild Indians to-night. Now Miss Sibyl, come and have your night-dress on at once" " The sooner we go to bed and to sleep the sooner the morning will be here," says Molly, sobering down. " Oh, Maria, why won't you let us get up with the sun ? He gets up beautiful and early." " The sun has his work to do and you have yours," says Maria. " And your work is to be good and obedient children, and to do as your grandmamma tells you." " Grandmamma is such a long name," says Sibyl " I like Grannie best." " Shut your eyes tight, Sibyl, and go to sleep," says Molly, as she nestles down in one little white WAITING FOR THE NEIGHBOUR. 43 bed, and Sibyl does the same in another. " It will soon be morning." Sibyl, who is sucking her thumb to send her to sleep, murmurs, as she opens her eyes a tiny bit, " And then when morning comes, then we shall see our next door neighbours." CHAPTER IV. FROM THE TOP OF THE WALL. OUCH a great deal of work the sun has got ^"^ through this morning before many people were awake. He has swept the fresh sweet dew off the grass, and dried the scented hay that is lying about. He has fallen upon the grey sea and broken it up into thousands of silver ripples. He has kissed the buds into full-grown flowers, and warmed the earth, and ripened the fruit. Oh, there is no end to the beautiful work the sun has been doing this morning, and now he is staring very hard at Molly and Sibyl as they stand talk- ing together. FROM THE TOP OF THE WALL. 45 They are too busy to think about him at all, only as he comes in their eyes, in spite of their large sun-bonnets, they go blinking, blinking, blink- ing, like a couple of dear little white fluffy owls just brought into the sunshine. " I know where Jacob has left the short ladder," Molly is saying, " but one short ladder is not much use. You would like to see as soon as me, wouldn't you, sister ?" " Oh, yes," answers Sibyl eagerly ; " of course I should. You won't go up without me, Molly ? Couldn't we both go up the same ladder ?" " I am afraid we should push each other off," answers Molly. " But oh, Sibyl, there is the hall chair what turns into steps, you know." " Oh, yes, let us fetch it at once," says Sibyl dancing along. The maids are at breakfast in the kitchen, so the children have the front of the house to themselves. The chair is oak, and very heavy, and it takes them some time to push it to where they want it 46 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. to go against the stone wall which separates their garden from that of Riverside. Then they fetch the short ladder from its hiding place, and put it side by side with the chair ladder, and seat them- selves down for a few minutes' rest. They are red and hot, and not nearly so clean and nice as when they left their bedroom nearly two hours ago. " I wonder if Uncle Edward came last night," says Sibyl. " Oh, yes," answers Molly ; " he is sure to have come. He always comes when he says he will. Now, if you are rested, Sibyl, let us go up the ladder, and we shall soon see our next door neigh- bours, they are sure to be in the garden now." Step by step the two sisters mount the ladders, until they can see into the next garden. Then they cuddle their white chins upon the dusty wall, and look eagerly around them. The smoke is curling out of the chimneys as it did last night ; upon every side stretch the straight old-fashioned flower borders, while before them FROM THE TOP OF THE WALL. 47 gleams the cool green turf with its silver edge that narrow river running so silently along. Many a time have the sisters paddled in it, dragging out the water-cress in great handfuls, and then leaving it to bake in the sun. The old lady and gentleman who lived at Riverside for some months loved the two children dearly, and they were as much at home there as in Shadie Cottage, running all over the place like a couple of white cats. But Mr. and Mrs. Bertram have gone to live near a married son, and Molly and Sibyl are looking out for new next door neighbours. Everything is very still and quiet this summer morning. There is no sound of any kind to be heard. No chattering voices, no pitter-patter of feet, no people big or little taking a walk in the garden. The pair of blue eyes and the pair of green eyes search every nook and corner eagerly, quickly, brightly. Then Sibyl's face lengthens, Molly's grows very blank, and they squeeze their chins closer against the top of the dirty wall. 48 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. " Perhaps we are too early," says Molly in a dis- appointed voice. " They must be wery lazy," says Sibyl with con- tempt ; " we have been up a great while." " Let us sit down and wait," suggests Molly. It is difficult for two small people with very short legs to turn about on the top of a ladder and sit down upon a wall. They are quite careful, but once Sibyl nearly turns a somersault into our next door neighbour's garden. Luckily for her Molly seizes hold of her dress just in time to save her. " The sun is shining wery hot this morning," says Sibyl fretfully ; " I wish he would turn his face another way. He's looking round the cor- ner of my sun-bonnet, and burning my cheeks dreffuL" At this instant the front door they are both so anxiously watching, opens, then shuts again, and Arthur, fresh from the hands of Cerisette, steps out upon the gravel path. FROM THE TOP OF THE WALL. 49 He awoke early this morning : so early that he heard the lowing of the "dear cow" as they milked her for his breakfast. He was so anxious to look for his new medicine, that he gave Cerisette no peace until she dressed him to let him go out. He is dressed in a sailor suit of some soft white stuff, and a broad-brimmed sailor hat is set far back upon his yellow head. He walks slowly along, his eyes glancing right and left, as if in search of something. Molly and Sibyl hold their breath, then Sibyl whispers gently, " Our next door neighbour, Molly !" " And such a nice next door neighbour," Molly whispers in an admiring voice. " Grannie says we is to love our neighbours," says Sibyl, still in a whisper. " And I think Grannie would like us to love our next door neighbour a wery great deal." Arthur is just passing under the wall. E $0 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. " We will speak to him," says Molly. " Good morning, next door neighbour. Are you very well ?" Arthur jumps at the sound of the voice. Then looks about to see from whence it comes looks everywhere but up at the garden wall. " Here we are," cries Sibyl, " up here : upon the top of the garden wall. We have been watching for you such a long time." " Were you not very late in getting up ?" says Molly, with gentle reproach. " We have been up hours, and we were so anxious to see you." " I was up much earlier than usual this morning," says Arthur, looking in perplexity at his strange visitors, seated at their ease upon the top of the wall. The two sun-bonnets are bent eagerly to- wards him, the pair of roguish, dark blue eyes, and the pair of serious green ones are taking him in from head to foot. Arthur blushes rosy-red from his slender white throat to the roots of his yellow curls. FROM THE 7 OP OF THE WALL. 51 " Are you all by yourself?" asks Sibyl. " Cerisette came with me yesterday," says Ar- thur, " and the servants came the day before." " Who is Cerisette ?" inquires Molly. " Is she your mamma ?" " Oh, no," replies Arthur. " She is a French nurse. But she has been with me ever since I was born, and she speaks English almost as well as French." "Then we shan't have to talk French to her, shall we ?" says Sibyl, in a tone of relief. " 'Cause we don't know it. Grannie is going to get some one to teach us wery soon." " Shall you stay here a long time ?" says Molly. " We do not know yet," says Arthur. " If it does me good, perhaps we shall. The doctor ordered me to come into the country and drink plenty of milk from the cow." He is about to tell them of the curious, mysteri- ous medicine, hoping they may help him to find it, when Sibyl interrupts eagerly, 52 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. " Ah, the dear cow. We know her wery well." " Did she belong to you once ?" asks Arthur. " No," answers Molly. " But we often went in to tea at your house when Mr. and Mrs. Bertram lived there a great while ago before you came. And we had strawberries and cream." " It was 'licious," says Sibyl. " The dear cow's cream is wery nice, and so is the strawberries too." " Won't you come into our cottage and see our grannie ?" asks Molly. " She would like to see you, for we have been telling her ever so many days that our next door neighbour would be com- ing soon." " She isn't our grannie, but our great-grannie," Sibyl explains, " and that is two grannies in one. So that it is much nicer than one grannie. But great-grannie is so long to say, and we call her grannie for short." " It is a pity you can't get over the wall," says Molly, " but there is no ladder your side. If you FROM THE TOP OF THE WALL. S3 run down to the big gates, we will meet you and show you the way." " I had better tell Cerisette where I am going, if you can wait," says Arthur. " We can't wait," says Molly, " and we will bring you back quite safe. Make haste and run fast" Arthur stands uncertain for an instant, but the bonnets have disappeared below the wall, so he follows Molly's directions, runs across the lawn and out at the iron gate. He meets the sisters in the lane, and they take him between them, each holding a clean fair hand of his in one of their grubby brown ones. Up the rose walk they go, and the full-blown roses of yes- terday merrily shake their dainty, many-coloured leaves upon the three children as they pass under- neath them. " How pretty it is, and how sweet the roses smell," says Arthur. " Yes, arn't they 'licious ?" says Sibyl, sniffing. " You must come into the drawing-room first, 54 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. 'cause we have something to show you. You did not know, did you, that the fairies are our friends ?" " No" says Arthur, in a very astonished voice. " Yes," replies Sibyl, dancing gaily on before him, " and they sent us a present, two lovely pre- sents each. Sit in that chair and we will show them to you." The workboxes are much admired, and a corner of the packets opened that the brown, crackling gingerbread may be seen. " But we must not eat it until Grannie says we may," and Sibyl puts it quickly out of sight, " and we had better not give you any until Grannie says you may have it, 'tickerlarly if you have been ill," and Sibyl, who is fond of using hard words, repeats with great pride, "'tickerlarly if you have been ill." " Uncle Edward has come," says Molly, who has slipped out of the room while Sibyl was showing the presents. " I tried his door, and it was locked, FROM THE TOP OF THE WALL. 55 but I heard him splashing about in his bath. Such a beautiful bath he must be having, sister, for he is making such a great noise." "Poor Uncle Edward," said Sibyl, shaking her head. " That is 'cause he can't wash himself when he is in London. Maria says water is wery scarce in London, and when he comes here I s'pose he has to wash himself wery much to get himself clean." " Oh," says Arthur eagerly and earnestly, " but that is not true about not getting water in London. We live in London, and I have just as much water for my bath there as I had for my bath here this morning quite as much." " Do you live in London ?" says Sibyl. " Then of course you know our Uncle Edward. How glad he will be to see you again." " He only lives in London part of the year," explains Molly. " He is down here staying with Grannie and Sibyl and me very often. Whenever he can spare time he runs down." 56 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. " Perhaps Father knows him," says Arthur, " but I don't think I do." " Oh, you will 'member him when you see him," says Sibyl. " Now you had better come up and let us show you to Grannie." " He can look at this picture-book first," says Molly. Then they prepare to take their visitor up stairs. " You go first, Sibyl, to show the way," says Molly, " and I will come after you with Arthur." They reach the landings where the bedrooms are. Sibyl's fingers are closing upon the handle of a door when Molly turns to Arthur. " You won't be frightened at seeing Grannie in a night-cap, will you ?" she says. " Grannie al- ways wears a night-cap when she is in bed, you know." " Oh," says Arthur, drawing back, and speak- ing in a surprised voice. " But I would rather not go in until until your grannie is dressed. FROM THE TOP OF THE WALL. 57 She would not like it, I am sure she would not like it" "Oh, Grannie does not mind," says Sibyl, open- ing her eyes wide. " She lets us run in and out." " Are you afraid of the night-cap ?" says Molly reproachfully. " I didn't think you would be." " No, I am not," says Arthur in a distressed voice. He is too shy to explain, but he is a true little gentleman, and he feels that a stranger going in to Grannie suddenly is quite different to Molly and Sibyl running in and out. He says no more, however, and Molly seizes his hand to drag him along. Sibyl is about to fling open the door with a flourish when a handle close by is turned and a gentleman stands in the midst of them. " Good morning, my nieces, and what is all this noise about ?" he says. " Whom have you here, Molly ? I hear the fairies have been at work in these parts. Perhaps this is a fairy Prince. Little Prince Charming, eh ?" 58 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. " He is our next door neighbour, Uncle," says Molly, " and we are just going to take him in and show him to Grannie." " I am sure Grannie will be very glad to see him later on when she is dressed and downstairs," says Uncle Edward. " But now it is time for breakfast. Will Prince Charming stay and have some with us ?" " Oh, I forgot Cerisette !" says Arthur quickly and timidly. " She does not know where I am, and I ought to have told her. I must not stay any longer, thank you." " We will send in and tell her you are here," says Uncle Edward. " I am sure you want some break- fast to bring colour into those white cheeks. You should divide your roses, Molly, and give him half." " I would if I could," says Molly, rubbing her cheek. " There must be something done to you both before you are fit to have breakfast with me," says Uncle Edward, looking at his nieces in disgust. FROM THE TOP OF THE WALL. 59 " What has happened to you ? You might be two little pigs instead of two little girls." This is true, for their knees are grimy, their hands black, their clean frocks soiled and crumpled, their sashes under their arms and their faces smeared by being rubbed upon the dirt at the top of the stone wall. Such a contrast they are to Arthur in his fresh white suit and with his clean fair hands and face, and smooth yellow curls. " But we have been up so long that we have had time to get dirty," says Molly cheerfully. " Yes, and you have only just washed, so it's no wonder you are clean, Uncle Edward," says Sibyl in triumph. " I heard you splashing about, and making such a great noise in your bath," says Molly. " It seems that even the walls have ears in this house," murmurs Uncle Edward. " But come to breakfast clean and respectable, if you can. I shall take Prince Charming with me, and then you will be down all the sooner." CHAPTER V. A COUPLE OF CHATTERING MAGPIES. REAKFAST is laid in the verandah, out of reach of the sun, but where a gentle wind blows soft kisses to them across from the roses. " That is better," says Uncle Edward, as Molly and Sibyl appear with clean faces and hands, well washed legs, and fresh dresses and sashes. " But I wonder how long you will remain so ?" " That 'pends upon what we do after breakfast," remarks Sibyl wisely. " Yes," says her uncle ; " I fancy if I meet you in an hour, you will be like two chimney- sweeps." A COUPLE OF CHATTERING MAGPIES. 61 " Don't you love chimney-sweeps, Uncle Ed- ward ?" asks Sibyl wistfully. " They are very useful in their way. What made you ask such an odd question, Sibyl ?" " 'Cause Jacob doesn't," says Sibyl. " He says he lived next door to one once, and he was that grimy he couldn't abide him. But you would love a chimney-sweep if he was your neighbour, wouldn't you, Uncle ? 'Cause Grannie says we ought to love our neighbours." " One might have worse neighbours than a chimney-sweep," replies Uncle Edward. " Do you think you should love him well enough to kiss him, even if he was wery sooty ?" asks Sibyl earnestly. " I really have never thought about it," says Uncle Edward, " and it is a subject which requires a great deal of thought, Sibyl. Now, tell me Prince Charming's name when he is not Prince Charming, for I have heard you call him nothing but ' our next door neighbour.' " 62 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. "My name is Arthur Adair," answers Prince Charming for himself. " And are you alone with your French nurse ?" asks Uncle Edward. " Father will come very soon," says Arthur ; " but he cannot get away yet, because Parliament is sitting." " How many eggs is she sitting upon ?" asks Molly briskly. " Because we have a hen called Draggle- tail, and she is sitting upon eleven eggs." " Parliament is not a hen," says Uncle Edward, " but a great many men who meet together in two large houses called the House of Lords and the House of Commons. They make laws, and talk about them." " Ah," says Sibyl, " I thought it was a quare name for a hen." " And oh, Uncle Edward," cries Molly, laying a sticky hand upon his heather-mixture coat. " We want to ask you a question." " Ask as many as you please," he replies, gently moving the plump hand from his coat sleeve. A COUPLE OF CHATTERING MAGPIES. 63 " I forgot. You don't like stickiness," says Molly, " and my hands are rather sticky. But it's no use going to wash them, because I mean to have some more jam." "If you please," corrects her uncle. " If you please," says Molly meekly. "And now what wonderful question is it you want to ask me ?" " I know," cries Sibyl suddenly. " Let me 'splain about it, Molly." " No ! no !" says Molly. " I began, and I must r-plain. You are too young to ex-plain, Sibyl. You can't say your words p'operly. You should say &r-plain, not 'splain" They are very fond of each other these two sisters, but they do sometimes have a tiny quarrel. Molly is rather fond of laying down the law, and Sibyl, who has a will of her own, often resents this. She likes to imagine she can say long words quite correctly, and she is very touchy upon the subject. The tears start to her eyes now, but she 64 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. turns to her plate, and pretends to be eating as if nothing is the matter. Tender-hearted Molly is not often unkind, and she is sorry for what she has said as soon as the words have left her lips. " I will tell half, Sibyl, and you shall tell half," she says, with a repentant look at her sister. But Sibyl does not speak. " Come and sit on my knee, and have a big strawberry," says Uncle Edward. She is soon herself again, and then Uncle Ed- ward says, " Now, Molly, go on with your story, and Sibyl shall help you with it." " Arthur lives in London and you live in London, and you do not know each other," says Molly, " and we think it so funny that you both live in the same place and don't know each other." " There are a great many people in London," replies her uncle, " and it is impossible in a large place like that to know everybody" A COUPLE OF CHATTERING MAGPIES. 65 " How quare," says Sibyl. " Why this is a big place, and we know everybody in it. Don't we, Molly ?" " I have no doubt you do, and not only every person, but every dog, and cat, and hen, and duck, and chicken," says Uncle Edward. " Only this year's ducks and chickens," says Molly earnestly. " Last year's ducks and chickens always grow up like the ducks and chickens of the year before that, and we never can tell them apart, can we, Sibyl ?" "No," says Sibyl thoughtfully. "But it is so quare, Uncle Edward, not knowing all the people in London." " Not at all ' quare,' " replies Uncle Edward, " for if you remember I have told you often and shall tell you again that you are the two greatest little gossips that ever lived. No one can equal you." " But Grannie says we are to love our neigh- bour," says Molly, " and she says she does not F 66 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. mean only our next door neighbour, but all the people around," and Molly spreads out her fat hands and waves them about. " Yes, and now we wisit at all the houses and loves them all wery much," says Sibyl. " But we mean to love our next door neighbour the best. I am so glad he is not a chimney-sweep and sooty. Let me go back to my place by his side, please, Uncle." " And leave me," says Uncle Edward, pretend- ing to cry. " Oh, you changeable little woman. Another time I shall be the one to desert you." " I don't believe you," says Sibyl, shaking her curls at him, " You will always let me come and sit on your knee when I like, / know." " When you are clean," adds Uncle Edward. " But Uncle," says Molly, too earnest about the subject to let it drop, " you can't love people if you don't know them, can you? And if you don't know your neighbours in London you can't love them ?" A COUPLE OF CHATTERING MAGPIES. 67 " But I do know a few people in London, and I believe I love them some of them at any rate," replies Uncle Edward. " You have no idea what a large place London is, Molly. There are hundreds of streets, with big houses and little houses filling them up. Ask Prince Charming and he will tell you." " Oh, yes," says Arthur. " London is a very large place indeed, and it takes a long, long time, even in a carriage, to go from one end of it to another. This is only a tiny, tiny place by the side of it." "It is quite big enough," says Sibyl, quickly. " It takes us a long while to wisit at all the houses." " Yes, I suppose so," says Arthur, meekly. " I have not asked after my old friend Jacob yet," says Uncle Edward. " When I was here last his asthma was bad " " That is the word I wanted to remember," says Molly. " I was sure it began with a donkey." "Jacob is very c'oss," says Sibyl, shaking her head gravely. " Molly wouldn't speak to him all 68 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. day yesterday. He knew who was coming to be our next door neighbour, and I went all by myself to ask him. Molly wouldn't come with me." "Oh, Molly, Molly," says Uncle Edward, seri- ously. " That does not seem much like ' loving your neighbour,' does it ?" Molly blushes redder, and hangs her head until her gold-brown curls hide her scarlet cheeks. " He was so very rude, Uncle," she says with dignity. " He called Molly and me bad names," says Sibyl, eagerly. " What did he call you ?" asks her uncle. " A couple of chattering magpies," answers Molly. " And why did he call you that ?" says Uncle Edward. " The day before yesterday it rained fast," replies Molly, " and the weeds grow up after the rain. And we thought we were doing good by pulling them up, and then A COUPLE OF CHATTERING MAGPIES. 69 " Then Jacob came," puts in Sibyl, " and he was d'eadfully c'oss. He said we had pulled up the seed and left the weeds. But we thought they was weeds." " And he said," continues Molly, " that we were quite old enough to know nasty weeds from good seed, and that we were always talk- ing so much, and that was why we wouldn't learn which were the seeds and which were the weeds." " And then he called us ' a pair of chattering magpies,' " says Sibyl, " now wasn't he c'oss, Uncle Edward ?" " I think it was ' a couple,' not ' a pair,' " says Molly. " I think it was ' a pair/ " says Sibyl. " I am almost sure it was ' a couple,' " says Molly, earnestly. " I am quite sure it was ' a pair,' " says Sibyl, positively. " Poor Jacob," says Uncle Edward, pityingly. 70 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. " What between you and his asthma he has rather a bad time of it I am afraid." " Grannie says it is his donkey complaint what makes him c'oss," says Sibyl. " Don't you think you may have something to do with it ?" begins their Uncle Edward, but Sibyl interrupts him hastily with " Here is the French nurse. Now are you quite sure, Arthur, we shan't have to talk French to her ?" Cerisette, in her anxiety about Arthur, has ap- peared to carry him off. She says he must go in doors and rest. Later on he can come in again, if the little ladies are so kind as to want him. The " little ladies" can hardly be coaxed to give him up. They meant to have kept him all day. But Cerisette is firm. Mr. Adair is not here, and she is responsible. But she promises Arthur shall have tea with them, and that she will bring him in about four o'clock in the afternoon. The sisters each take one of his hands and A COUPLE OF CHATTERING MAGPIES. 71 insist upon walking with him to his own gate. To the very last they have a hope in their hearts that Cerisette will invite them in to be with him. But she does not. Perhaps it does not occur to her. So Molly and Sibyl are left behind, their two wist- ful faces squeezed against the bars of the gate, watching Arthur so far as they can see him. CHAPTER VI. LOOKING IN. r I ^HE sisters coax Grannie for a whole holiday, ^ because they do not feel they can settle down to anything to-day. And their tongues never cease to talk about " our next door neighbour." Dear Grannie in her arm-chair near the window has knitted on with a patient smile, while she listens to the description they give of little Prince Charming. Sibyl takes great pains to impress upon Grannie that his eyes are the same colour as those of Mr. Strong's collie dog, and Molly says his nose is kyline. This puzzles Grannie until she finds out that Molly means aquiline. LOOKING IN. 73 They have done everything they can think of to give Prince Charming pleasure. They have ga- thered a large bouquet for him running off with some of Jacob's choicest blossoms when that poor old man's back is turned. They have asked cook to make some of their favourite cakes, they have picked the fruit, and chosen the prettiest spot in the garden where they will have tea. And now they are dressed in clean white frocks with blue sashes, their hair tied with blue ribbons, and they are thinking that four o'clock will never come. A quarter to four, and Molly and Sibyl stand in the middle of the drawing-room hand in hand. Their eyes are fixed upon the clock, and they are worrying Grannie with " Now, isn't it four o'clock, Grannie ? Are you quite sure it isn't ? You said it was fifteen minutes to four, a long, long while ago." " Twelve minutes to four," says Grannie in a re- signed voice. " I cannot make it go quicker, my 74 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. dears, and I believe my watch is true time. At least so your uncle says." " But you are not quite sure," says Sibyl. " As sure as I need to be," says Grannie. " It is only a minute or two wrong, if any. Now, my dears, be patient for a short time." For three minutes they are like mice, then Sibyl says, " Now it must be time, Grannie." " It's sure to be four now," says Molly. " Nine minutes to four," says Grannie. " But, my dears, as you are so anxious for your little neighbour to come, why don't you go and meet him ?" Nothing could give them greater pleasure, and with an air of relief they run away. They quite expect to meet him in the lane, hurrying towards them. But there is no sign of him there, nor in the drive when they peep through the gate. They do not squeeze their faces against the bars LOOKING IN. 75 as they did this morning, but walk boldly up to the house to call for him. The hall door is shut and the bell is beyond Molly's reach even when she stands upon the ex- treme tips of her square toes. " I can't reach it," she says panting, and with a rosy face, " I shall have to lift you up, Sibyl, and you must give a loud pull. They will know it is us." Sibyl brings two strong, willing little hands to bear upon the bell, and it rings such a peal that it sounds as if a band of soldiers were insisting upon being admitted. " They will hear that," says Molly, shaking her- self to set herself to rights. " I pulled it nice and loud, didn't I ?" says Sibyl. In their eagerness to be let in, they press so close against the door that when it is opened sud- denly they fall flat upon their faces in the hall. They are helped up at once, and a voice hopes that they have not hurt themselves. 76 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. An old man stands before them dressed in black, and with a kind, grave face. " We came to fetch " begins Molly, then stops. " Prince Charming," is on the tip of her tongue, but perhaps the old man would not know who is meant. She has forgotten Arthur's surname, and so has Sibyl. Their faces look very blank for an instant, then they brighten as the same thought crosses the mind of each, and they say boldly, the two voices sounding like one, " We came to fetch our next door neighbour." The grave butler puts his hand before his mouth to hide a grave smile that creeps over it. But no doubt he has heard about Molly and Sibyl, for he crosses the hall, and leads the way to the drawing- room at once. " It is just the same furniture as it was when Mr. and Mrs. Bertram lived here," says Sibyl when they are alone. " It is a furnished house, and that means it is let with the furniture and all," says Molly. LOOKING IN. 77 " This is the big arm-chair what dear Mr. Ber- tram used to sit in," says Sibyl, wriggling herself back into it. " Come and sit by the side of me, sister. It is quite comfy for two." As they sit side by side, their arms twined lov- ingly round each other's necks, you can see that though alike in some ways, in others they are very different. Molly's face is so much plumper, and her hair fairer. It waves in fluffy bits of down over a broad white brow, while Sibyl's face is smaller and thinner, and her hair is done up in front in one large curl upon the top of her head, and kept in its place with a hair-pin. " Do you know, Sibyl," says Molly suddenly, " I've been thinking, and I am sure Grannie never pays visits without a bonnet on, we ought to have had on our best bonnets, just as we do when we pay visits with Grannie." Molly's solemn voice overawes Sibyl. She puts her hand to the top of her head, and pats it dolefully. 78 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. " Do you think Arthur will mind ?" she says. " Perhaps he won't," says Molly ; " but there is the man who opened the door." "We didn't mean to pay a real, regular wisit," says Sibyl ; " we only came to meet Arthur." " Yes," replies Molly slowly ; " but the man didn't know that" " He must have thought it wery quare," says Sibyl. " Hadn't you better 'splain about the bon- nets, sister ?" "He must have thought we didn't know how to behave," says Molly gravely. " What shall we say to him, Sibyl ?" But Sibyl shakes her head hopelessly, and falls to work to suck her thumb. She does this if she is worried, or sad, or perplexed, and she seems to find great comfort from it. " Tell him we only looked in," she says. But Molly takes no notice of this idea. " I tell you what, Sibyl," she says at last in a LOOKING IN. 79 bright voice, " we will ask Prince Charming to ex- plain to the man." Sibyl takes her thumb out of her mouth with an air of relief, and looks admiringly at Molly. "That is beautiful. You always do think such lovely things, Molly ; you are so clever." Molly kisses her. " I am glad I thought of it," she says. " And do you know, I have thought another thought since we have been sitting here ?" "Have you ?" " Yes ; I am sure we ought not to be both sitting in one chair. I have been to pay visits with Grannie " " So have I," says Sibyl hastily ; " don't leave me out." " I won't," says Molly ; " only I've been the oftenest, because I am so much older than you. But, Sibyl, when you paid visits, you never saw Grannie and another person sitting in one chair, did you ?" 8o OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. " I don't 'member," replies Sibyl slowly. " You went only two days ago, don't you 'member for certain, Molly ?" "I'm trying," says Molly thoughtfully. "We went to visit Mr. and Mrs. Strong, and we sat in the sitting-room where the glass thing with the flowers is." " A 'serva-story," says Sibyl. Molly nods. " Grannie did not sit in the same chair with Mrs. Strong, and she didn't sit in the same chair with Mr. Strong, and she didn't sit in the same chair with me, so she must have sat in a chair all by herself." " Then we will sit in chairs all by ourselves," says Sibyl springing up. " Come 'long, sister, which shall we choose ?" A few seconds later, when Prince Charming enters, instead of the two little girls cuddled cosily back in one arm-chair, he finds them, a great way apart from each other, sitting upon the tallest and LOOKING IN. 81 straightest chairs the room contains, their toes stuck stiffly out before them, their backs very erect, and their faces trying hard to look as if their best bonnets were not in the wardrobe at home, but where they want them to be upon the top of their bright little heads. As Arthur appears, the sisters give a cry of mingled delight and admiration, their stiffness vanishes in an instant ; they jump down from their high seats and run forward to greet him. He has thrown aside his morning suit, and is dressed in an old-fashioned, quaint costume of dark sapphire blue velvet, silk stockings to match, and shoes with sparkling buckles. The dark blue is set off by a falling collar and ruffles of old lace yellow with age, and in his hand he holds a cap to match the velvet, with a buckle to match his shoes set upon one side of it. His cheeks are flushed, his brown eyes bright with excitement, and his lips curve into a happy smile as he sees his two little visitors. G 82 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. Molly and Sibyl are lost in admiration. What they would like to do would be to throw their four warm arms round his neck and draw him down for a good hug. But he is so much more a Prince Charming now than even he was this morning, and for once shyness steps in and they content themselves with standing still and looking at him. " We want to explain something," says Molly, taking his hand and speaking earnestly. "We thought we should meet you in the lane, and we didn't put on our bonnets 'cause we were in a hurry. And we want you to tell the man that this is not a real, regular visit, but we only just looked in to fetch you because you were so late." " And tell him," puts in Sibyl hastily, " that we really and truly do know how to behave ourselves, for Grannie always takes Molly or me when she goes to pay wisits." " I am sorry I was so late," says Arthur, " and LOOKING IN. 83 that you had all the trouble of coming to fetch me." " Oh, it was not any trouble. We liked it," says Molly, " and perhaps you were not very late, only we were rather early. The clocks wouldn't go after we got ready." " Don't forget to tell the man," says Sibyl. " Had I better tell him now ?" asks Arthur. " I think it would be safest," says Molly. " Be- cause you might be sleepy, and forget this even- ing." The butler is holding the door open for them. Arthur steps up to him and says a few words in a low voice. Molly and Sibyl stand gravely hand-in-hand, watching the butler's face. He does not even smile, and their dignity is satis- fied. A little while later the drawing-room door at Shadie Cottage is thrown widely open, and Grannie is waked up so suddenly from a nap, that she rubs her eyes and blinks them, wondering 84 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. if she is dreaming still, for coming towards her is a slender figure with a head covered with yellow curls and earnest brown eyes looking out of it. He is dressed in dark blue and creamy white ; and as he advances, two voices cry from the background, " Grannie, here is Prince Charming." " Ah ! yes ! Just for the moment I forgot," says Grannie, sitting upright, and putting on her spec- tacles to have a better view of her visitor. " I ought to have remembered you were coming, my dear, for Molly and Sibyl have been talking about you the whole day. But old ladies like a nap now and then. And when you came in I was waked up so suddenly that for the moment I could not remember who you were." " I flung the door open," says Sibyl penitently. " I am so sorry, Grannie." " Never mind," says Grannie. " And how are you, my dear ?" turning to Arthur. " I hear you came down here because you are so delicate." LOOKING IN. 85 " Cerisette thinks I am better already, thank you," says Arthur. " You are very thin, my dear," says Grannie. " I hope you will grow fatter before you go away." " But he has only just come, Grannie," says Sibyl quickly. " And I want him to live here all his life long." " And if he lives to be as old as I am that will be a very long time," says Grannie. " Our Grannie is everybody's Grannie," says Sibyl, " and she is to be yours too, Arthur. You must call her Grannie just as we do, and you will never have another Grannie who will be half as nice." " Here is Maria with my tea. You don't have yours until by-and-by," says Grannie, " but you can stay and see me eat mine if you like." " But may we not take him out and show him the garden ?" asks Sibyl coaxingly. " Do as you please, my dears, so that you do not tire Arthur. He is not so strong as you are, 86 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. and you must have some mercy upon his poor legs." " I'll take care of him, Grannie," says Molly in a motherly voice, and with Prince Charming between them they pass out into the garden. CHAPTER VII. IT is ALL A'TWEEN us. A FTER tea the two sisters take Arthur to show ^ him their play-room. It is a fair-sized, uncarpeted room, with a cup- board built into the wall, a strongly made table, a few chairs, and a large wide sofa, covered with old-fashioned, well-worn chintz. The floor, table, chairs, and sofa are crowded with toys, or rather pieces of toys. You may search the whole room from one end to the other, and I do not believe you will find a single toy that is whole and sound. There are many animals, but not one animal with its own four legs upon its own proper body. Lying 88 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. down by the sofa is a cow that seems quite itself, but if you take it in your hand and examine it, you will find that Sibyl, in her hurry to mend it when Jacob's glue-pot was nice and handy, has put a horse's head upon it instead of its own. There is an odd-looking creature staring down at you from the table. There is a familiar air about it, yet you cannot think what animal it is meant to be. It is the body of a donkey with the head of a water-spaniel glued on to it. Sibyl took up the first head that happened to be near her, and as it fitted she put it on. She is very proud of her work, and has great affection for that animal. Sometimes she calls it " my dear dog," sometimes " my dear donkey." One name does as well as the other. " Nothing belongs to nobody in this room," says Sibyl in a lordly voice, and waving her hands about as she stands by Arthur's side. " Nothing belongs to nobody here. It is all a'tween us." Such a wistful look comes into Arthur's brown IT IS ALL A'TWEEN US. 89 eyes and curves the corners of his mouth. This is just what he has missed all his life long. Every- thing has always been his very own. Nothing has ever been " a'tween us." Think what it would be to live alone in the world, and have no one to share things with us. We cannot enjoy anything alone. If it is only a book we read or a thought we think, how naturally we turn to talk it over with a friend we love, or of whose sympathy we are sure. And as our pleasures are double if we share them, so our sorrows are only half sorrows if we can tell them and be comforted. A great deal of mischief is done every day by the bad habit of brooding over things when we are alone. Perhaps some one is a little unkind to us, and we sit down and brood over it. We wrap it up and keep it to ourselves, and bit by bit it grows, until at last, like the cloud which was at first no bigger than a man's hand, it fills the whole of our world and is the means of separating us from some one who is very dear to us. And just in the same way Arthur had brooded 90 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. about his father, and thought, when he was absent, only of the time when he would come again, so that he had become the sad and spiritless little boy he was when we saw him in his London home. There is no sadder person than the Miller of the Dee if he ever lived and he, you know, is proud of saying, " I care for nobody, no, not I, And nobody cares for me. " And I am not sure but that loving one person, only one person, with a very exclusive love, is not quite as bad as the Miller of the Dee, who cared " for nobody." It is no wonder, is it, that if he cares for nobody, nobody cares for him ? And a great longing is stirred in Arthur's heart as his wistful brown eyes glance over the broken toys and rest upon the happy pair of sisters. He does not clearly understand where the difference lies, but he only knows that he is yearning to share his treasures with them, not only his toys, but some of the love that the good GOD has given to all of us, IT IS ALL ATWEEN US. 91 and which has waked up in Arthur at that tiny speech of Sibyl's, " it is all a'tween us." So the little fellow, who is usually so sober and quiet, stretches out his arms as if he would em- brace the whole room full of broken toys, and cries with quivering lips and big tears springing into his brown eyes, " Oh, please may I bring my toys here, and may they be all between us ? Please, please let me bring them." " Oh, yes," answers Molly in a matter-of-fact surprised voice ; " you can bring as many of your toys as you like. There is plenty of room." "Oh, plenty of room. Bring them all, every one of them," says Sibyl gleefully. " I 'spect they are great beauties. When will you bring them, Arthur ?" "To-morrow," says Arthur, sobering down into his quiet self once more. " That will be wery nice," says Sibyl in a satis- fied voice. " But what makes your face so wery 92 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. red, Prince Charming ? Is the room too hot ? but I am 'fraid there isn't another window we can open." Half-an-hour later, when Uncle Edward looks in, he finds the party of three quite at home. Prince Charming is sitting upon the ground, his velvet suit and silk stockings soiled and dusty, while Molly upon one side of him, and Sibyl upon the other, each with an arm twined lovingly round his neck, are kissing and hugging him to their hearts' content. " You are choking your visitor," is Uncle Ed- ward's greeting, as the sisters pounce upon him. " No, oh no," says Sibyl in a shocked voice ; " we have given him a good tea, and now we are amoosing him. Come and help amoose him, Uncle Edward." " Sit down upon the sofa," says Molly, upsetting the toys to make way for him. " It's old, but it's wery comfy," says Sibyl, doing the honours of their furniture. IT IS ALL ATWEEN US. 93 " You need not introduce me to this sofa," says Uncle Edward, sitting upon it and leaning back ; " I knew it when I was a baby, this sofa and I have been friends for nearly forty years." " Oh, Uncle," cries Sibyl, " why how is it your hair isn't white ?" " I had no idea you were so old," says Molly putting her head upon one side and regarding him with fresh interest. " Then perhaps you will listen to me with greater respect," says Uncle Edward, " for I have a com- plaint to make. Prepare yourselves for a trial, and let me see if you are innocent or guilty." The two sisters stand very upright before Uncle Edward ; they clasp their hands behind their backs, their faces trying to keep grave, but little dimples peep out and play hide-and-seek every now and then. " We are going to be tried," explains Sibyl to Arthur ; " but don't cry, 'cause it's only make- believe." 94 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. " Uncle Edward is the judge, and we are the prisoners," says Molly. " I wish you were a little more sorry," says Uncle Edward. " Do you know what you have done ?" " No," says Molly. " No," says Sibyl. " Then are you innocent, or guilty ?" " Innocent," cry the two voices. " When I came home this evening," says Uncle Edward, " I went to my room to dress for din- ner ; I took off my coat, and walked to the wash-hand stand to plunge my face into a basin of water " . "That was wery bad for you if you was hot," interrupts Sibyl, shaking her head. " Maria says so, it will make your face spotty" " The water was not cold but lukewarm, which makes all the difference," says Uncle Edward. " Before I dipped my face I stretched out my hand for a sponge, there was no sponge. That was IT IS ALL A 1 T WE EN US.. 95 'quare,' as Sibyl would say, but it was 'quarer' still when I found that nail-brushes, tooth-brush, in fact every one of my things had vanished as if a conjuror had whisked them away." The sisters' faces dimple with delight. Molly claps her hands, and says gleefully, " Of course you couldn't find them, because we have been tidying up for you. Grannie likes us to tidy up." " Yes, and your room was in such a litter," says Sibyl reprovingly. " It wanted tidying up dread- ful, and we had nothing else to do. It looked lovely when we left it." " After a long hunt I found my nail-brushes, tooth-brush, and sponges where I least expected to find them in the drawer with my clean shirts. One of my hair-brushes was upon the top shelf in the wardrobe " " We threw it up," says Sibyl. " It tumbled down a great many times, the stupid thing, but it stayed up at last." 96 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. " The other brush I found inside one of my best boots" " It fitted in so nicely," says Molly, " and there was no room for it anywhere else." " The boots themselves I found in the wardrobe underneath my dress coat, and my slippers lay upon the top of my collars and cuffs. My nail- scissors I found in the box where I keep my dia- mond studs " " They was lovely," says Sibyl, delightedly. " They shined like stars. Molly and me tried them on, and we wondered why you never wear them when you are here." "Now, you must listen and be serious," says Uncle Edward, putting one hand on the shoulder of each of them and drawing them to him. " I cannot allow you to go into my room at all if you do not promise me that you will not tidy up as you call it again. You can tidy up your own rooms as much as you please. I am sure this room, for instance, wants tidying up if ever a IT IS ALL ATWEEN US. 97 room did, and you can begin upon it to-morrow morning." " Oh, but that would never do," cries Molly, with a blank face. " We can never find anything when it is tidy. Can we, sister ?" " No, never !" cries Sibyl. " Oh, we don't like the room tidy at all, Uncle Edward." " Ah ! That is just the case with me. I can never find anything when my room is tidy, so I hope you will remember the golden rule, and ' do unto others as you would they should do unto you !' Now what are you going to say ?" and Uncle Edward releases them from his grasp. "We are very sorry," says Molly, her roguish blue eyes looking her uncle straight in the face. " We will never do so no more," says Sibyl, rolling her pinafore in her hands and poking one of her shoulders nearly up to her ears. " We hope you will forgive us," says Molly. " And we give you a thousand kisses," says Sibyl, springing upon him, and Molly follows her H OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. example ; their four arms clasped tightly round his neck while kisses rain down upon his cheeks, fore- head, nose, moustaches, hair, and some of them even fall upon the back of his coat. " And how have they been ' amoosing* you, Prince Charming ?" asks Uncle Edward, when he has breath enough to speak. " They have shown me the garden and their play-room, and I have been very happy, thank you," says Arthur, shyly. " And Molly says I may bring my toys here, and we can have them all between us. Will not that be nice ?" and his brown eyes brighten as he looks to Uncle Edward for sympathy. " Very nice indeed if you don't mind having them broken," says Uncle Edward, shrugging his shoulders and sweeping a glance around him. " Where is that china tea-set I brought you from London, Molly, about ten days -ago ? Not a piece of it left to tell the tale, I suppose." " Oh, yes," replies Molly with pride, " we have IT IS ALL ATWEEN US. 99 been very careful over it, and have only had it out now and then. There is only the sugar-basin broken, and the lid of the tea-pot, and a few cups, and saucers, and plates. Grannie is going to join them together with some stuff that mends china beautiful. She will mend your china and make it as good as new, Uncle Edward." " Thank you," says Uncle Edward. " But as I have no little nieces living up in London with me, my china does not want joining. And how about the doll I brought you, Sibyl, the same time I brought Molly the tea-set." " She is as good as new," says Sibyl cheerfully. " She broke her two legs and her two arms, but Molly put her on two fresh legs and two fresh arms, and then her head fell off and I put her on Lady Mildred's head, because Lady Mildred had lost her body, and now she is quite as good as new. Would you like to see her, Uncle Edward ?" " No, thank you," says her uncle drily. " By- the-bye, children, I had a letter by the morning's ioo OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. post which I did not read until after breakfast, and then I found in it a great piece all about Prince Charming." " Oh," cries Sibyl, dropping an armful of toys with a loud clatter upon the floor. "Do let us hear it. Do tell us about it ;" while Molly just as eager presses close against her uncle's knees, and peeps over his shoulder. " You cannot read it, little woman," he says, " but when I have found the place I will read it to you. Here it is. Dr. Courtney writes : ' I have sent down to be your next door neighbour a delicate little fellow called Arthur Adair. I was his father's fag when we were at school together, and even now I remember how easy my fagging was when com- pared with that of the other fellows. We did not meet, after we left school, until a few weeks ago, when we came across each other's path, and found out we had been old schoolfellows. He told me about his only son, how many doctors had seen him, and how little better he seemed to get, and IT IS ALL 'A TWEEN US. 101 he asked me to look in upon him one day. I did so, and luckily thought of the empty house next door I saw when I was staying with you. It is not country air he wants so much as bright com- panions to cheer him and interest him, and those two little nieces of yours will be the very best medi- cine for him.' " " Oh," cries Arthur eagerly. " Then that was what the doctor meant," and he explains to the three the mystery about the strange medicine he was to find at Riverside. " How quare," says Sibyl thoughtfully, " for Molly and me to be two bottles of medicine. But we are wery nice medicine, arn't we, Prince Charm- ing?" " Very nice indeed," says Arthur. " Now I will finish about it," says Uncle Edward, reading from the letter. " ' Will you ask your mother if she will be so kind as to call and let him see as much of Molly and Sibyl as she thinks fit ? I know her kind heart, and I do not hesitate to OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. ask her this. Molly and Sibyl will work wonders, and under their care, I expect to find my little patient in a few weeks quite bonny and bright. I have only seen him once, but he struck me as being a very sweet little fellow, and your nieces ' " " There," says Uncle Edward, as he folds up the letter rather hastily. " That is all I need read. The rest does not concern you much." " But it was about us," says Molly suspiciously. " You did not finish about us. We want to know what more Dr. Courtney said about us." " It is sure to be something wery nice," says Sibyl, " for he was a wery nice man. Do read it, please, Uncle Edward," (very coaxingly.) " Not a word more," replies their uncle, putting the letter into his pocket-book. " Dr. Courtney little thinks you made your next door neighbour's ac- quaintance so soon." " Why of course" says Molly serenely, " Grannie says it is only neighbourly to call upon your next door neighbour." IT IS ALL 'ATWEEN US. 103 " But you did not wait for Grannie," says Uncle Edward. " And I must say you have what Sibyl calls a c quare' way of managing your affairs down here. When we want to know our neighbours in London we do not climb up ladders and sit upon the top of a wall to see them come out of their house." " The wall was too high for us to peep over, and we were obliged to climb up the ladders," says Molly. But the faces of the sisters grow very red as they call to mind their visit this afternoon without their bonnets. What would their uncle say to that ? He would be quite sure that people in London would never pay visits with bare heads and without being properly dressed. " But it wasn't a real, regular wisit," says Sibyl in a comforting whisper, as they gaze into each other's startled eyes. " It was only looking in" " That was all," Molly whispers softly back. Uncle Edward is talking to Prince Charming, 104 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. and does not hear the whisper. Arthur's eyes shone, while he listened to the letter, and now they are lighting up with a new interest as he forgets his shyness, and puts his hand upon Uncle Ed- ward's coat-sleeve. " I am so glad that the nice doctor knew Father when he was a boy like me," he says softly. " Do you think I shall ever see him again to ask him what Father did and all about him ?" " I am sure you will," answers Uncle Edward, " for I fancy from what Dr. Courtney says that he and your father are getting firm friends. And if you stay here long enough you will see him, for he often runs down for a couple of days' rest. He is a great friend of mine." " Only stays long enough," quotes Sibyl bristling. " Why, Prince Charming is not going away never no more. Grannie is his Grannie, and you are his Uncle Edward, and Molly and me are his sisters, and these toys " waving her hand " are all to be a'tween him as well as a'tween Molly and me." IT IS ALL 'ATWEEN US. 105 " As for the toys, I don't think much of that part of the bargain," says Uncle Edward. " What do you say, Prince Charming ?" Arthur colours brightly. " It is so nice," he says, " because they are to be between us. I have had my toys to myself, and I do not care for them a bit. But you are so kind to me," and to the children's great surprise he lays his head down upon Uncle Edward's shoulder and sobs. " Why he must have hurt himself," says Sibyl. " I'll run and ask Grannie for some sticking-plaster. Don't cry, dear Arthur." " Kiss the place and make it well," says Molly soothingly. " Let him alone," says Uncle Edward, who un- derstands all about it now. " He will be quite him- self soon. Let him cry in peace." " I am crying because I am so happy," says Arthur between his sobs. " Now how wery quare of you, Prince Charming," 106 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. says Sibyl. " Molly and me only cry when we arn't happy or when we have hurt ourselves." " Never mind," says Molly. " He will be him- self soon, Uncle Edward says so. Don't cry, Prince Charming no, do cry, I mean, if it does you good," and she pats his yellow curls with quite a motherly touch. " We love him very much indeed, don't we, sister ?" " Wery, wery much," replies Sibyl, and they each of them press a grave kiss upon the back of his neck and stand quietly hand-in-hand beside him until his tears have stopped. CHAPTER VIII. UNDER THREE UMBRELLAS. 'TT^HE beautiful summer days pass like a dream to the three happy children, Molly, Sibyl, and Arthur. They are always together, either Arthur is with them at Shadie Cottage, or they are with him at Riverside. Cerisette has grown used to the sisters and their odd ways. At first she was really afraid they would lead Arthur into danger break his neck, or something. But by degrees she learnt to trust them, and now she has become quite fond of the " English little ladies," as she calls them. Arthur is not rosy or plump, I do not suppose io8 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. he will ever be either of those things, even if he lives to be a big man, but he is quite different to what he was when first he came to Riverside. There is a touch of healthy colour in his cheeks, his eyes are bright, he runs about and plays, and laughs, and does not get sleepy until the evening ; and then, as all children know, the dustman goes round and throws dust into their eyes, and they are obliged to feel sleepy whether they wish it or no. Arthur's toys have been carried into the play- room at Shadie Cottage, and it need hardly be said, there is not a whole one left. The carved ivory animals from the large Noah's ark are only fit for the doctor. The rein-deer lies upon the floor, a front leg missing and a slender horn broken off ; the elephant's trunk is in two pieces ; a cow has lost a tail ; a horse's head is in a corner, its body somewhere else ; a squirrel is looking in vain for the nut he was cracking ; and a splendid New- foundland dog has only one ear. But then, as UNDER THREE UMBRELLAS. 109 Sibyl carefully explains to Arthur, "You cannot find out how to join things together unless they are broken," and Arthur is so happy that the de- struction of his toys does not trouble him, though he is, by nature, a most careful little man, and his things are just as whole and nice when he has finished with them as when they first came into his possession. " Arthur," says Sibyl one day, turning suddenly to him, " why is it that when your papa goes away, you run to your bedroom, and shut your door tight, and won't come to play with Molly and me for a wery long time ?" " I am always so sorry when Father goes away," says Arthur ; " but I know it vexes him to see me cry, so I wait until he has gone, and then I shut myself in my room and have a good cry. But Father is coming next week to stay here for his holiday, and that will be nice." " It is wery quare about your crying," says Sibyl, looking at him with a puzzled expression. " Molly 110 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. and me could cry sometimes when somebody wery nice goes away, but we couldn't cry after they had gone. We shouldn't have time." " Should not you ?" says Arthur meekly. " But then I have plenty of time, I have not so much to do as you and Molly." " That is wery true," says Sibyl. " Now, this afternoon you must come with us, Prince Charming. We are going to see whether Mrs. Grey's chickens are hatched, and if Nannie Straw is better, and oh ! a great many other things. Molly u has written them down upon a piece of paper, as long as that, in small writing. Molly's small writing is wery clever, nobody else can read it 'cept herself. You can't, can you, Arthur ?" " No," answers Arthur ; " I tried the other day, and found I could not." " Here she is," says Sibyl, as Molly comes to- wards them, a piece of paper in one hand, a pencil in the other, and with altogether an air of business about her. UNDER THREE UMBRELLAS. in " I was wondering where you both were," she says. " We shall have to start directly after din- ner, and we shall not be home until tea-time. You must put on your biggest hat, Arthur, and please bring an umbrella, because it is so hot." " Oh, I don't want an umbrella," pleads Arthur, " I really don't." " Oh yes, you do," says Molly briskly. " We are all going to take umbrellas to-day, Sibyl is to have Grannie's, I shall have Uncle Edward's, and you can have one of your papa's. Parasols are no use with a hot sun, Grannie said so to Maria the other day, when Maria wanted her to take the little parasol with the lace round. Grannie said, ' That is only for show, Maria ; I want something that will be of use to-day. Bring me my umbrella, please.' " And Arthur says nothing, but meekly submits. Molly always has her own way with him. Early in the afternoon they start, and they take up the whole width of the lane from hedge to 112 OUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR. hedge, as they walk along. Grannie's umbrella nearly covers Sibyl from head to foot, as she leans it upon her shoulders ; you can only see a pair of little black socks and boots pattering underneath it. Uncle Edward's umbrella is larger still, and Molly is borne down by the weight of it. No socks are seen in her case, only a pair of boots. Arthur's slender figure staggers under the weight of his an old one of his father's but he is taller than Molly, so that a good piece of white sailor trousers is showing as he trudges on. They walk slowly for some distance, but their arms ache, and they feel unusually tired. The umbrellas are woefully heavy, but neither of them likes to be the first to complain. By-and-by Sibyl's umbrella shuts with a loud snap, and she fr"s down, her head and shoulders folded up c. ohe screams with fright, and Molly and Arthur rush at once to pick her up and get the umbrella away from her. It takes some time to comfort her, but her tears are dried at last ; UNDER THREE UMBRELLAS. 113 then they make another start, but she insists upon changing umbrellas with Molly first Their spirits are better after the rest they have had, and as Sibyl sees a tomtit sitting in the hedge, she makes a dart at it. But she forgets her um- brella, which is so heavy that it tilts her forward. She catches hold of Molly to save herself, but Molly has no hands to spare, and both the sisters roll over into the ditch, their big umbrellas floating upon the top of them. Arthur has to be comforter alone this time, and sets to his work like a man. The two sisters are scratched and bruised. Sibyl howls bitterly but Molly manages, by winking very hard, not to shed a tear. They can only find two handkerchiefs between the three, and these have to be used to dry Sibyl's tears and to wipe the