0J6 ^72 THE ,0-FOU MOUNTAINS An Excursion BY F. S. A. BOURNE H. B. M. VICE CONSUL CANTON Hongkong Pbinted by KELLY & WAL.SH, LlMiTEO A>fD AT SHANGHAI, SINGAPORE & YOKOHAMA 18 9 3 T H E LO-FOIJ MOUNTAINS ^TWC/.i-ny llul^un SKETCH MAP OF THE LO-FOU MOUNTAINS. J^,. C. \ .Xsu. ^ Vq V , THE LOFOU MOUNTAINS An Excursion BY F. S. A. BOURNE H. B. M. VICE CONSUL CANTON Hongkong Trinted by KELLY & WALSH, Li.mitkd AXD AT SHAXOHAI, SIXGAPOHE & YOKOIIA.MA 18 9 5 Heijistercil in iiccurdauce wiili I ho provisions of Orilin:iticc Nu. 10 of 188.S. ;it tlu' t)ttice of thr lifijixt I'd r (I'ini riiL Suprcnir Cmtri Jli>uxi\ lloinjhi'Hij. CONTENTS. I. Canton to thI': Top 1 II. Put-wan Tzk to Su-liu Kqn 18 III. SU-LIU KUN BY WAY <»F Ch'uNG-HIT KuN TO Canton 31 IV. Second Tuir — by way of Tsang- SlilNG 38 Appendix A. — Itiiierury and Map A2 „ R. — Altitudes 4o „ C. — Latitudes and Longitudes 44 D.— Plants collected 45 —J 2000499 THE LO-rOTJ MOTJITTAIIS. I. — Caxtox to the Tor. Ill 1892, late in August, wlieu lieat and dulness have brought European life in Canton to an irreducible ebb, and when the White Man can only curse the fate that transplanted him in a site so hot and crowded as tlie delta of the Canton River, a restless Irishman was wandering about an office in Shamien. jerking out: "'too many sherries last night, my iriend ; " feel as if I were a compound of ice-cream " pate and alcohol ; we must get awa}' from " this pkice ; ever heard of the Lo-fou Moun- " tains ; 4,000 feet high, they say, monastery '' on the top, tigers, monkeys ; let's go there " and get out of the heat." This happy inspiration led five Britons to make the excursion of which this j)aper i& an account. The Lo-fou Mountains lie about 60 miles East of Canton and 70 miles as the crow flies North of Hongkong on the confines of three Districts (^), the South-Eastern part of the range belonging to Pok-lo* ( f § f8 )? ^li^ Northern part to Tsang shing ( ^ ^ ) and the South- Western to part Tung-kun (!^ ^). ** Names of places are transliterated from the local (Cantonese) pronunciation. 2 At 10 a.m. on the 17tli September 1892, or.r launch towing ;i small house-boat left the Bund ; we steamed past Whampoa and turned into the East River at 1.30 p.m. The afternoon was very liot — indeed on our return we found that we had passed on the roof of a small launch, protected only by a thin awning, the hottest day of 1