^1 1^1 y om Of ^z -z? .■; ?Aavaai J l lj J; 1 jQJAIrllrJrv* C/>\ y 0Aavaain* N A^IO RARY0,f tR% Lfj> ■ RARY& 1 -l \ > zl 1 V 2 %)3AINflWV > DNVSOV^ \W ^sm It IllMWCDC/ 1 ir" ^ £ *foim ""JfljA %l« tilJtAV l ava8iH N o i ' ^iUDi- -S WtfUNIVER ^•LIBRARYQc - — .'>- -n l— > ^ "^3AIN(l 3^ I /% — ■■ \ ,■> ]^ \iivaan#- V)l l^ . Vais'eshika e. Karmamlmamsa f. Vedanta : 1.-3. Sutra and commentaries . 4. Sankaracarya . 5. Advaita and general Vedanta (i. Rslmanuja's Vis'isht advaita 7. Madhvacarya's Dvaitavidyil 8. Nimbaditya 9. Doctrine of Faith (Bhakti) . g. Kasmlr Saivism (Spanda and Pratyabhijfia) VIII. Mysticism (Tantra) .... 595 598 603 661 680 718 731 711 7:M 797 802 807 832 84 i ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Page 603a, 1. 17, for a. read 1. „ 604a, 1. 16, read tfr^TRT ; 1. 18, read wwrfr$iP*rjf> (s)f^^fRnr: (Comm. : tfwrftiT ^ wrt: wmi ^ h oirl7T?T»T?W#frTf*tTT^tn: I; 1. 3, /rao' ^prvhlfH ° „ 605?;, 1. 30, for b. read 2. „ 607a, 1. 12, add: Bliandarkar, Rep. 1882-83, p. 26 and p. 213. ,, 6076, 1. 38, read «TRsrci. „ 609 a, 1. 12, for c. read 3. „ 6106, 1. 20, read =KT^°. „ 6146, 1. 21, for 2B, read 3269. „ 617a, 1. 33, for 4B, read 3271. „ 622a, at bottom, add : Bliandarkar, Rep. 1883-84, p. 82, calls the author Mahddeva Puntdmkara, i.e. Mahddeva, native of Puntambem iu the Ahmadnagar district." „ 6246, 1. 27, read &)W[ ; I. 34, read °liT°. „ 6256, 1. 34, read °vtq*n°. ,, 630a, 1. 2, read "tmma^H . „ 6316, 1. 23, read °tvq£x]. ,, 632a, 1. 4 : perhaps cS^Rft un^ rfimnfHJ^srrnTt (Prof. Aufrecht). „ 634a, 1. 12, add : The ed. of the Tattvaointdmani in the Bibl. Ind. con- tains extracts from the Mathm/rl in vol. i. (the last piece is the Sarmikarshavada, ends p. 639). 637a, 1. 26, read °W*JW\»^°. 6416, 1. 17, read oRffHTffte'Tiff . 6546, 1. 16, read 5I3TW. 6626, 1. 2, read °3Tu(t): II 669«. The Saptujiaddrthl was published, with a Latin translation. In Augustus Winter, Lipsiae 1893, and, wii/i Mddhava Qarasvai 's MitabluisliiijJ (see no. 2088), by Ramaidstri Tailanga, I! aarea 6 X ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 1893, in the Vizianagram Sanskrit Series. The printed text of the Mitabhdshinl gives Saurashtradesa as the name of the country, but in an additional third sloka the author is spoken of as «tm!ll- Page 676b, 1. 10, read fsn^ra^T:. „ 677a, 1. 10, read * *?TWtw^:(?) ; 1. 18, read iri *r 3IT^fH3TTTo53PR^r? . mentions a commentary by Vi&vandthatirtha. Even the sense of "extract" or ' summary," however, seems hardly applica here. — J. E. 7976, 1. 1, read ', in.; 13-16 Hues in a page ; large modern writing. KdjpilasdmJchyapravacanasdstrasya Bhdshy am a second eop\ el I .■ , ,hm lr,h\ a ' commentary, in two parts: the firsl contains the five last adhyayas, the second, the firs) adhyaya. The writer has ..in it ted sutras 4-10 of th. third adhyaya on Eol. 12a, [. 5, bul he has rep ured his mistake on fol. 17a, 1. 1. Again, fol. 44, 1. 3, he has dropped text and i | ',-a.v 86-116 n( the fifth adhyaya. 1812. 1256a. Poll. 29 ; size 81 in. by 4 in.; 11-13 lines in a page ; writ ing indiffi i Sdmkhydbhdshya, a commentary on Tsvara- krishna's Sdmlchyakdrikds, bj Oaurapdda. See Hull's Index, p. ■'.. no. xiv. f 596 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. The Sdmkhyabluishya was published by H. H.Wilson, Oxford 1837 (The Sdnkhya Kdrikd, transl. by H. T. Colebrooke, the Bdshya transl. by H. H. Wilson). The last three couplets of the edition (?trrof^ °) are wanting in this copy. [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 1813. 517. Foil. 41 ; size 9J in.; 10-12 lines in a page ; writing fair. Tattvakaumudt, a commentary on the Sdm- khyakdrikds, by Vdcaspati Misra. See Hall's Index, p. 5, no. xv.; Oxford Catalogue, p. 237, no. 570 ; Berlin Catalogue, p. 185, no. 637. The Tattvakaumudt- was published at Cal- cutta in the Samvat year 1905. I have seen the first fascicle of a second edition (Calcutta 1 868, printed and published by Bdbu Bhuvana Chandra Vasdka). Professor Garbe mentions a Calcutta edition with a commentary by Tdrandtha Tarkavdcaspati, 1871, and a Benares edition by Dharmddikdri Dhundirdja Panta- sharman, 1873, in his German translation of The Sdmkhyatattvakawmudi (Miinchen, 1892, in the " Abhandluugen der K. Bayer. Akademie der Wiss."); see also his paper "Sdmkhya- tattvakawmudi, §4-7 in deutscher Uebersetzung, uebst einer Einleitung," in " Berichte der K. Sachsisehen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften/' 21 Juli, 1888. 1814. 1521d. Foil. 30; size 10 in. by 6i in.; 13-15 lines in a page; writing fair. Sdmkhyatattvakawmudi, a second copy of Vdcaspati's commentary, dated : w^ <*t$o wtw\ [H. T. Colebrooke.] 1815. 1128a. Foil. 43; size 11 in. by 4 in.; 7-10 lines in a page; well written. Tattvakaumudi, a third copy. [H. T. Colebrookh.] 1816. 760a. Foil. 48; size 9| in. by 4 in.; ten lines in a page ; fair modern writing. Tattvakaumudi , a fourth copy, dated : f^fJTif T5ffan»W5mnfrT(!) ^fwr ^KTstf h [H. T. Colebrooke.] 1817. 2005. Foil. 70; size 8| in. by 4| in.; 7-9 lines in a page ; fair modern writing. Sdmkhyatattvakawmudi, a fifth copy. [J. Taylor.] 1818. 3032. Foil. 28; size 13 in. by 7 in.; 10-16 lines in a page ; writing indifferent. Tattvdmritaprakdsmi, a commentary on Vdcaspati Misra's Sdmkhyatattvakaumudi, by Rdghavdnanda Sarasvati, disciple of Advaya, who was the disciple of Yisvesvara. See Hall's Index, p. 6, no. xvii. It begins : T?T»pTfT oFfTJc5W *lr*T =RT>fa K^^f t>oRT3RTJT || [J. R. BALLArfTYNE.] 1819. 2640. Foil. 27; size 10 in. by lj in.: eleven lines in a page; writing fair. PHILOSOPHY. 59; Sdmkhyacandrikd, a commentary on tin' Kdrikds, by Ndrdyana Tvrtha, disciple of Rdmagovinda T/rtha. See Hall's Index, p. 7, no. xxi.; Oxford Catalogue, p. 2-)7, no. 569. Date of the copy: KTTiT qb^C HT^31^ tjlift- vrr {sic !) Tf^n?JT 1820. 1371. Foil. 45; size 91 in. by 54 in.; 8 bo 9 lines in a page; large modern writing. Sdmkhyacandrikd, a second copy. Colophon : f^mrf jTWTVR ^IflfTTTT WTrT St43 ^m^ *?TH ^TWT T2J Tltr^TR eft WITftpPTTff 11 The following curious lines, containing a spell, have been added by the same hand : HfTT^ f^&tWH HIZWTH *T^B?T»T I ift ^ WJlfrT ^%fw«r*»HRnh^qfC II S II ?uvr: it? tt^^t *nr TUTT fan^TO: II * II r?w?rt ^htth^hcim 11 11. T. < "M BEOO L823. 1597c. Foil. 19; size 9| in. by 55 in.; eleven lines in a page; well writu □ Sdmkhyasdra, the essence of the Sdmkliya philosophy, by Vijndna Bhikshu. See Hull's Index, p. 7, no. xxii. The Sdmkhyasdra was printed in the Bibli- otheca Indica, by F. E. Ball, L862. Date of tbe copy: 4^H stto *mq ^t^T wf> so 1 .11. T. I ■ L824. 1250b. Foil. 21; size 9 in. by 4 eleven lines in a page; well written. Sdntkhyasdra, a second copy; either bi copies have been transcribed from the same original, or the second is a transcript of the first. [II. T. COLEBROOKE. 1 825. 1038a. Foil. 35; size S.\ in. by 4 in.; nine line.- in a page; large modem writing. Sadasatkhydtivicdra, by Oovinda Bhaffa, son of Visvandtha Bhat(a. This work is oot mentioned in Aufrecht's Cat. Cat. •1 1 'J. 598 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCEIPTS. It begins : TT^TKfW^Tf^fFT sTPft >JH: TT3T ^if^ TUTTfafiT rSTTTq *q ^fiT W^f sij ^ ^fff TTf frTW^flT TJ^tT. It ends : ffH Win »mrf%(read ° ^rO^ft H^TTT (sic !) tiit? 3^1; *mr HinrfifWrr. ts^h i ^■TjTO ^ *r f<*f-MriwT^'^Tw sfcbm 11 [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] B. Yoga. 1826. 2122a. Foil. 65; size 10 in. by 5i in.; nine lines in a page ; well written. A few leaves are wormeaten on the right side. Pdtanjalam Yogasastram Sdmkhyapra vacanam, the bhdshya on the Yogasutra, ascribed to Vedavydsa. See Hall's Index, p. 9, no. ii.; Berlin Catalogue, p. 186, no. 639. For an edition, together with Vdcaspati Misra's Vydkhyd, see the next number. It begins: ^wrm ^wia u>TTf(T wi0\ s^^rvTOr^m TlitslMM»rf(WiT , TTf<:<*T: ttf fR *W ftt The first, or samddhi-pdda, ends fol. 156; the second, or sddhananirdeso ndma, fol. 356 ; the third, or vibhuti-pdda, fol. 556; the fourth, or kaivalya-pdda, fol. 65a. [Gaikawak.] 1827. 1448b. Foil. 113 (90-202); size 12 in. by 6 in.; 10-15 lines in a page; writing indif- ferent. Patau jalabhdshyavydkhyd, a commentary on Vydsa's Pdtanjalabhdshya, by Vdcaspati Misra, with the text of the Bhdshya standing in the middle of every page. See Hall's Index, p. 9, no. iii. Published, under the title Pdtaf/jala-darsanam, by Jlvd- nanda Vidydsdgara, Calcutta 1874. It begins : jfrf^unre^vfr urn ^n^ir fV**rarff n - f tj^rq irep^rirafriTf {sic ! ) vftwu wm^nr^mf^^m- The first pdda ends fol. 1226 ; the second, fol. 154a; the third, fol. 185a. Date of the copy : *faw SfcMM I [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 1828. 2347. Foil. 143; size 10 in. by 5 i in; nine lines in a page. The writing is the same as in the Bhdshya in no. 1826 (MS. 2122a). Pdtanjalabhdshyavydkhyd, a second copy of Vdcaspati Misra's commentary, without the text of the Bhdshya. The copy has many small omissions; foil. 35 and 36 are misplaced, fol. 21a is blank, but nothing is wanting there. Date of the copy : *faff °i%%% ^ ^IWTB ^raitisr od modern writing. SutrdrthacandriJcd, a very succinct com- mentary on the Pdtaiijalasutra, by Ananta. The text of the sutras is in the middle of each page. See Hall's Index, p. 11, no. xii.j Raj Mil Not. VI., no. 2127. It begins: 'SH-tH^Hlrtw JU^H^cfawiT M 1 II .qinnmir tr tttt ii s ii **^qfrinr*prnTq f^r=rwj ■jjt ^n: ii * ii The firs! pdda ends fol. P- ; the second, fol. lb; the third, fol. 1 lb. [J. K Ballamti is:}."). 559d. Foil. 26 (foil. 134-159 of the volume); size 1-". in. bj I. ' in.; written by two different hands; foil. 1-'.' eleven lines in a page, foil. LO-26 fourteen to seventeen lines in a page; end of I he I 8th century. Yogamaniprabhd, a 8ami icana, a vrtti on Patanjali's sutras, following I' i CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. Bhdshya, by Bdmdnamda Sarasvati, pupil of Govindananda. See Hall's Index, p. 12, no. xiv. (the name of the author is not given there). It begins : ^Wrt^" 'W ^rftu^nj ~w. ^rt- TJcfWT ^tflTJT 11$ VtTnjt JjtT^TfVtf || 1 II Iff jff^ Tl^if TITU'RT c ■$$ W MiN t ^fi ^fg: iiEjT^tU^wt snwufrfMisi The samddhipdda ends fol. 11a, the sddhana- pdda ends fol. 156, the vibhutipdda ends fol. 206. The end of the whole work is : Tfinrfa*nnH3T ^THmTHfw>rfqrt m^t trtwt^jt ii i ii jfmTTWTOT<*i(?) ^NT3cH>»il(?) ' ttt ^m«nRnrtHw ^ tw?thi?h n * ii ■J v -J ff f\? fa^ri^r 'q^qT wfrfTR ^rafpnrr: ii 3 11 ■S^TlTfiPHHTTpS: WTOTnffTfsnr: I jj^«fn;-a7ft tft»n^ ^fara ^fir =irnTK 11 d 11 n^;# ^ fgr^i ^ fsra?* ^ ntt inn 1 ^R^frt «m%fH*mf#^T i T>3>?rf *fr sf*TJTRTf(T n vrrft ffffenHH*? II and the last of which is : TWIrlUUHrflTWl TTPTW ft?3TfiT II are the same as sloh. 79-98 in the third chapter of the first and {sloh. 79-97) of the second copy. At the corresponding place in this copy there is die note (fol. 496, 1. 7, in tin; text): ^TTitT Tati^r U-JilMT fefJTfTHtfTT ^TTJTMim Kl^iT ^^TVT- UUlllinHHJJtfTTTTUT: II H. P. Coi.EBEOOKE.] 1830. 777a. Foil. ',\ ; size I", in. by -\[ in.; nine lines m a page; clumsy, but clear writi of the 18th century. A continuous scries of Yoga tracts, all wri by the same hand. They liavo the chara of the Tantra literature. An author's name is only mentioned for the last of thi Authorities quoted: Lalitdsvachanda, fol. 37a, 1.9; Pratyabhijnd, fol. 876, 1.2; Vamake&vara- temtra, ibid. 1.5; Balculaka, fol. 38a, 1. 1: Sivananddcdrya, fol. 38a, 1. :> ; Tattvasami fol. 89a, 1. 8; Samkardcdrya, Eol. 396, 1. 3; ^rerrigrTn: ^agrf^rrT remnrr? twt: fol. 48a,1.6. There is a note by Colebrooke on I h page : Avadhuta yogi lacshana by G lultha. Other forms observed by Avadhuta Yoij/s." Bui this only holds good fur the Ias1 chapter of I he lasl i' A first piece, which treats .TiTvrfj ^ TTf^ETU^TTrfTofri" 1 1 >TTJT>TfimfljTqt WTTOTcRrnreTJ I J^lH fSITT^H U^PT ^T'JTJTJ II A S( COnd piece, fol. I " ' It begins : f^TTrtflUTFToBTT ^THtT?r IPTT^T H %jaT?ra 1 It ends: "ST-^j-q *Su?T WTtwr II 602 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. Follows, in the same line, a short third piece called tfan^Hf^fv: fol. 16a- 17 a. The beginning is : '^TRj ^JrfaraiT'-i^HWPl *rt?^T?rt The next two pieces (the fourth and fifth) bear a pauranic character, they form part of an AmanasJcahalpakhanda, foil. l7a-2Qb. The first of these two pieces is called Layayoga. It begins : TTOWT ftTTKI ^r cTirtwfcrcminT I ^nviTrfV^ ^rara *wrf?^ ^Tf^ i TITinTf?Tj ^itf^ XJTH^ ?T fiTSTf II The end is fol. 21a : ^tpr^irai^ra? ^T^m- The second piece is called Saivasiddhdnta. It begins : It ends, fol. 26/- : ^IST^Tft ^ftl^TIfft STT^inT U^T^I^W II ^ftr ^Jrhsj^fw^tfl ii (sic !) The last piece, foil. 26fe-51n, is a larger work: Siddhasiddhdntapaddhati, by Goraksha- ndtha (also Samkarandtha, see the last coujilots), in six upadesas. It begins : flTTfq cft^iJrt?I*t Wia$ WFTWFJinT: II fttefr^TT: fqsniifer: fqrnm:: ffeii^mwrR: ffrw- ^^=j tt tit sTSI WTRT fwSIff TT^T II ^TOfff ii ^iT^rf? ftrs *raf*RTf?; fa*j?f ftr^- f?TjrtnTiftit H«raT»rrcv*f3MHi ^fiT if^nWT fa^fis: etc. ^ 5lf^(T^ fvrsn TJTT1TT TOJT ^^^^(si'c!) T^VT I Fol. 306 ^ ilHffc5(?)ftJftrqfw:, on the gradual development of the embryo : TnTTTfr- *nmi -gtHoKT^ Tjfrrg^TitTifi iff?: u^Hf^^ or^t >T^flT TtTJTrTrftJff^ Wf^TWrt W^fK ^|»T^fK Tra^ f^irf wzfn kw^ jrrftr ^T^TrR'Tf?;'* n^fn ^ir^" »rrfH ^^: i ^Tf?7nf?T- cfTTWAdJi-i H^fir tHH sift? ire^rt «qfff w »nftr H^frT ?^TH TTftl lflfH«W)5tljftKn«rtfH qfatf I It ends with a long series of slokas, of which these are the last : *tqr ^i3iTvii*H ftrsrftrjrtnqirfif i %fefHt q: q^ h^sh * qTfiT q^JTt nfit II WTT^Ht ^>TOqiqf»TV *^: II ii ysft ii sfrT »ft^^n^ranft f^rgf^rgrtw^iriT^ '^qvH- qtfi^pjr TR Hq q^tq^T: II [H. T. CoLEBEOOKE.] C. Nyaya. a. The Sutras and Commentaries. 1840. 161c. Foil. 8; size 12 in. by 4A in. ; 11 or 12 lines in a page. Gautamapranltdni Nydyadarsanasutrdni, the text of the Nydyasutras. [H. T. Colebeooke.] 1841. 3040. Foil. 121 ; size 12 in. by 4A in.; ten lines in a page ; fine writing. Nydyabhdshya, Vdtsydyana's commentary on the Nydyasutra, in four parts. See Hall's Index, p. 20 no. ii. (a) The first and second adhyaya, foil. 53 ; the last two leaves are in another hand- writing. (b) The third adhyaya, foil. 32 (54-85); the first two leaves are in a more modern handwriting. (c) The fourth adhyaya, foil. 22 (86-107). (d) The fifth adhyaya, foil. 14 (108-121). Date of this copy : tfq^ sfa qw?5> qw: inn qf^ qrWc5 Ttt 2f«T ^rfirfunifT irt xmwfdTiRHR irjrr vwpttt *nm• commentary . . and subsequent to (lornr- dhana's . . " (Colebrooko on the title-page). The TarlcdbhdshdprakdSa is quoted • ;/. on the first page. The brief marginal notes marking the topics, as they are treated in the text, are in Colebrooko's handwriting. Fol. 1246, he points out a quotation of Balabhadra (fol. 116 llal'ihlitiilra). Cp. Burnell's Tanj. .MSS., II., p. 118. It begins : ^urnnm ^r: h ^ht^w ^t*»: ii ^t^t^r ^th: ii ^n^^r;jiT«rt w. u zft: i fW rfi i Hw^KTraniVif^irrii i cJlcJI*H!)UT»nK3Pn:T1 Tj*fr s^t hw jPt^tbttu ii =i ii «£Fmfcr ViTro nfa^wraH tt^Ttt ii ? n *rr?ramei/ a.-section. The final couplets are nearly the 6ame as in the Tarkal rl : ^ ^rhrreT^KTOTiTt ^ ^farrrvrtTTrrr i ^TREpnC'^TR ) TfiKHrtn w^f?^ ^f?t i m«R$fWl upfKstc) ^rrmv: fw Hfiefv: ll 3 ll 608 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. jttrp5 T?r*ft f^nn cR^^gjT^rt >^fan»rfq i ht^jto Tif^MTfir %%v err sift? uk> ^ w^rre h^t fafcrf^firfwi" •gmt «?rt4 w. 11311 fwzfitnrt ^Tcrnrt f^i-nmrrrf»r^ t»iwjm i See Hall's Index, p. 23, no. xiii.; Burnell's Tanj. MSS., II., p. 118. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 1862. 471. Foil. 81 (195-275); size 9^ in. by 4 in.; generally thirteen lines in a page. Tarkabhdshdsdramaiijari, also called Tarka- prakdsa, a commentary on the Tarkabhdshd, " by Mddhava Deva, of Kail, son of Lakshmana Deva, and grandson of Mddhava Deva, of Dhara- sura, a town on the banks of the Goda. He is the author of the Nydyasdra " (Colebrooke, on the title-page ; see the final couplets of the Nydyasdra). It begins : if wh-<^ 3*P»nrfVi5T f^^ngr: m^i vRM?n wf^rf wtrfa *nnf fwhrfafscini n ? u q?^f, the pra- mei/a-section fol. 77a. The final couplets are nearly the same as in the Bhdvdrthadlpikd : j v^TTO^fm^RT ^ cR=r«gTT»rtosn i 5nw*f: *# ?TT«it ftprzi HcRjrfarn: u i u h\im'^ »?'?wt f%*mi (sk \) db$n*n[ten\ ^faTRfm f^W fai3%ftrcTf5PrK?) i [ " * " 115ft • • • • (corrupt)* *U<^lfq Hf^qfff II efrraftn flji ri HIJi wN TVom^'l+4^: H^T H^£IT4 >jfa TT5Tff ^fffiTtf 7T%HcRT5T: «^t [n 1< i w1rf^Tn *?IW<*^T ^ITR II 3 II TrcaiiTiiJi^nnqTrtoTiini fsm^TOun^rrimi ^ *mf%K- 3iTT3ufTitrfg 3n^cFTi^gi^'gi^a'T(st'- !) ^rtaroifciMiq: jj^nqsR nfinri^fiff n wsm w>i ° The second pariccheda begins, fol. 11a : SnrfarWPt ^HJ^fiT II The third pariccheda begins, fol. 346 : wnrfir ii Colophon : fsnq: ttI ^ n f« $ wfrrfi^'nTHif'ir^crrairrh > Cs ftlFT^T f^^flt <*q|iH4ti: tm^^ihqT f*T. *ll<* II HtfHwt »R:?ftU *f?Tfq B<*r$lHT>T* II ? II This commentary is not mentioned in Hall's Index. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 1867. 2412. Foil. 127 (3-129); size 7A-8i in. by 3 1~3 1 in.; ten lines in a page; written in the Jaina character. Nydyatdtparyadipikd, a second copy. In the beginning one or two leaves (about 16-20 lines) are wanting, foil. 1 and 68 are heavily injured. The copy begins : . . -nH<*H ^rTWTfH ^ H-nH+i^ ° (see the first copy, fol. 2a, 1. 2). Date and subscription of the writer : cjriTJ- imwu , BJ3*r^f?T tttt: ii jj'vjijj 3034 11 *fcnr s «mM<> ^q ^ohqMouft: *JH 'J'Tff II [Gaikawar.] 1868. 205. Foil. 181; size 10i in. by 3A in.; somewhat old Bengali handwriting ; ten lines in a page. Nydyatattvdloka , a treatise in two chapters, by Vdcaspati Misra. It begins : STHTrrN'inJ taicr^ ffsrfcTfft f*rk 1 ^fW^wk^TTR stust: Twnf«? ?r^rt»p 11 * The second copy has nrer% . . e&qTqT^: ^tn fVsrtyjT ^Vt, and in the second couplet JTSfiTS^nTW . I'llTLOSOPHY. 611 Ch. II. begins, fol. 926 : *ni jturtuitu v^Z- (^ a c4 til *u tpfttnfa $ i «iT fsnuictilajiriiwr urtsrnrfKarfl' i It ends : ffaTJJHtmi: u On fol. la the treatise is wrongly called ^l^ri-?JN^cB I [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 4. Tattvacintamani and Commentaries. a. The mula. 1869. 2774. Foil. 407; size llf in. by 4 in.; 10-12 lines in a page. Tattvacintamani, a renowned logical treatise, by Gangesa or Garigesvara, a complete copy. See Hall's Index, p. 28, no. xxxii. The last colophon is : ^fiT H^IHj/lqiHrrc- The copy is written in three parts, the Anumdna- and Upamdna-lchanda forming one together, a) The PratyaJcshalihanda. Foil. 93. jprnrbrt strfrjrf^pmf -q « ^q «j thuw cFTrrTrrpnT: uwrfirr^rft^mcrt e J iS3iHHw fwhi T^in ^(T^rr^THfi'm 11 3 11 utt) *njr: ufi« rwrcHfaiTT mnremr *rjfc?«?T^Tfjjr 1 See Aut'rrrlii 's Catalogue, p. 240fr, no. 58 I ; Rajendralala Mitra's Notices of Skr. MSS., vol. iii., p. 166, no. 1193 ; Burnell's Tan j MSS., II., p. 113. b) The Ammdnakhanfa. Poll. 182(94-22 See Aufrecht's Catalogue, p. 240&, nos. 585 and 586. It begins: B?reftllTl'4«Ri9rflfl«JHn(t *§^Tfif- «witn^T5i'n(^nT Tmra>nM f^s^re 1 w^ anfi»- f^rfjrpw^irr'si m *f 4 sT^prprftT: 1 The Anumdnalihanda is divided into two parts, the first of which, treating of «, mana in general, was printed at Calcutta, ihnr 1905.* The second part is a nn physical treatise on God and Soul; it begins (fol. 168i): ;»^r*ttJt f>refqff irwrr- ^mf^nK^refon (**''•!) fwfg: 1 It ends: fcrf^^r^frf I For this second part, see al Rajendralala Mitra's Notices of Skr. MSS., vol. vi., p. 195, no. 2129. r) The Upamdnahhanda. Poll. 225 237 It bogins : ^r^ftajrnf fn^iqrf 1 tt? wt^tj- Um •* <-UIHMH I Hfafff cfiMrHT^JU ^ tR^NTB Edited by ,fil>. Vidydsdgara, Calcutta, L872. Colophon of the cop\ VS^Kiflm-'HfrTf'J OTT3 USHT ?N %f*nt HUT^ I ri'Hi^fuRT ufoTr«rR^4 cfHTJ 1 YQTrG^ c^T5R«T II * The edition of 1871' a.d. could uot be used. 4 L G12 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. d) The Sabdakhanda. Foil. 170 (238-407). It begins : ^r*r ^T^t f^fe^rt THftTSTTWHr*}- Date of the copy : ih\ ^og ^tf ^n% qdfyt W'HSr^f? 13 5l^t . . • The Tattvacintdmani is now being printed in the Bibliotheca Indica. [Coll. of Fort William.] 1870. 424. Foil. 274; size llf in. by 4| in.; 9-12 lines in a page. Tattvacintdmani, a second copy, written in four parts. ") The Pratyakshakhanda. Foil. 79. b) The Anumdnakhanda. Foil. 87 (80-166). There are some leaves wanting between foil. 84 and 85 (4 and 9 of the original numbering). The first portion ends fol. 1276. Date of the copy : tf^K <\W%. c) JJpamdnakhanda. Foil. 9 (9« is blank). Date : f^h <\\m% fafff unssfnrr^ iprfaT ytf d) Sabdakhanda. Foil. 99 (176-274). There are omissions between foil. 253 and 254 (78 and 81 in the original number- ing), and between 265 and 266 (92 and 99 in the original numbering). Date : sTST «um$, sm >mra^t niui^rtat mmcM^ MMT^fil • • (see p. 65, 1. 1, of the printed text.) The second fragment begins (fol. 64a) : ^i»j- fTfrTcS^oRcRTTfr^r^rTOnwr ° and ends : fagUIH- vprdY'tTtf^n^T <»tOTfaWT^: 11 ^fa Win* ° 11 See the same section on pp. 87-94 of the printed text. [J. Taylok.] 1883. 2922. Foil. 20 ; size 5£ in. by 3 in. ; 6-8 lines in a page ; an old manuscript, in the Bengali character. Aniomdnamanidldhiti, incomplete, without the beginning and the end. The original numbering of the leaves is i^, $, <»o-qJ^T'li^ ajrqr^H (see the printed text, p. 118), and ending with : 7Tr^vf«T^ ^TRW^RftT^^cB . . . (aee the edition, p. 122, 1. 1). [J. Taylok.] 1885. 2B. Foil. 303; size 14 in. by 5i in.; nine lines in a page. {Pratyakshakhanda)gddddharl, a commentary on the Pratyakshakhanda of the Dldhiti, by Gadddhara. See Hall's Index, p. 31, no. xli.; Rajendralala Mitra's Notices of Skr. MSS., vol. iii., p. 29, no. 1053; vol. vii., p. 241, no. 2486. The full name of this commentary seems to be Tattvacintdmani-dldhiti-tippanl or -prakdsihl. It begins : ^^R^3^n!T^TftTTT(?)^ih:T5n^im fnt:* 1 * R. M.'s first copy has HJ|icilf*Jrf °, the second copy ° ma h 1 ntnrc5^n^iftf^igT fnt 1 rniLOSOPiiY. l^n? kjjfpt ^fcffn f'KeWfff [A. C. Burnell.] 1886. 294. Foil. 289; size 10 in. by 3i in.; foil. 1-21 and 48-289 nino lines, foil. 22-47 ten to twelve lines in a page. (Pratyakshakhandagddddharl), a second copy. Date : H^ St*T<3WP5i . 8) Foil. 1-41; 16 to 17 lines in a page. The Avayavatippanl (see the printed Anu- mdnadidhiti, pp. 119-127). It begins : ^PWPf ffT^T ^TRrT^l^rfa^TO . 9) Foil. 342-384 (1-83); 16-18 lines in a page. The commentary on pp. 127-136 of the printed Anumdnadidhiti, without colophon. It begins: ^FgfWTCffTCTHij • 10) Foil. 416-472 (l-w); 16 to 17 lines in a page. The last part of the commentary on the Anumdnadidhiti, comprising pp. 140-163 of the edition. The commentary on pp. 136-140 of the edition is wanting. The beginning of this large fragment is . . JTPTSfcft^nftrsrrq:. The Asddhdranagrantha ends fol. 4216 ; the Anupa- samhdrig ra ntha begins Tff Hfa V5tr#, ends fol. 43 1 a ; the Virodhafippani begins *n«lTHT3^ *n«lf^- fv?^ °, ends fol. 4346; the Satpraiipaksha- grantha begins *1HM=l<4i*JT^n?l^raR- 11) Foil. 203-251 (<*-to); 16 to 17 lines in a page. The same part as no. 10, beginning with the same words. [J. Taylor.] 1890. 597. Foil. 301 ; size 9^ in. by 4 in. (Anumdnakhandadldhititippani), three sec- tions of Gadddhara's commentary on the Dldhiti. a) Foil. 123 ; ten lines in a page. The Vyadhikaranadharmdvachinndbhdvavdda. It is the commentary on pp. 8-15 of the printed Anumdnadidhiti. It begins : ^fa^H^Jn^T*tlU4=iHWm<*hnft: tfTWH^lHpT ■•JMril iftfir^ti^tuft < * <* I ifo (? the second copy : c) Foil. 114 (fyl-wt); 11 to 12 lines in a page. The Pardmarsatlkd and the Vyatirekitippanl. They treat on pp. 94-118 of the printed Anu- mdnadidhiti. The Pardmarsatlkd begins : MKlrfl fn^m f%- f^lB MUHSri^rFTf'rfiT^TTrrT sIM^cfcKtrrffT ^Tf^Nfa- cRftufrTOfli fowl TFcrroBTTTTJ ^nrWTmffT iTO tfnfff The Vyatirekitippani begins (fol. ^ia) : ^T- ■5fTTTT!IiTTTlij gr?Wt ^T^^T^fq^TWH^T^ Hlfr. f^f- ^rcwurqsj sfq %^c5T^f^?rrw3iriifrt:??^: 1 [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] rniLOSOPIIY. 617 1891. 1198. Poll. 122; size 12| in. by 41 in.; 12— 1G linos in a page (Gddddhar/), three parts of Gadddhara's commentary on the Anumdnadidhiti : The Vyadhikaranndharmdvachinndbhdvahhan- dana, ends fol. 79a. The Vydptipurvapalesha, ends fol. 10;!.'. The Siddhdntavydptivdda, incomplete. It begins: Hfipftfi I ri N ^«frRf33E^, see fol. 1266, 1. 7, in no. 1887 (the first nine lines of this chapter in no. 1887 are wanting hero). It ends ^ KlfingtfH^:, see fol. 160a, 1. 2, in no. 1887. [H. T. CoLEBEOOKE.] 1892. 1806. Foil. 95; size 12f in. by 4| in.; foil. 1-10 twelve to seventeen lines, foil. 11-54 ten lines, foil. 55-95 twelve lines in a page. (Gddddhari), a fragment, being the com- mentary on p. 10, 1. 19 - p. 23, 1. 17 of the printed Anumdnadtdhiti. Between foil. 54 and 55 some leaves are lost (with the commentary on pp. 14-16 of the Dldhiti). The volume begins qfSpilTfV^T I infCHTfacF- fRfw, and ends tf*fPT*?T»?rsi . . . The last cue is fVuiWI^ftfil. Colophons, on fol. Ibb : \fn fSTfta^Ttf wmw i *t*i T^ftH ^rsFrrnTt»r: ; on fol. 39 : ^fir fTOcrBFTRT} Wtlti ; on fol. 476 : cRfT?*rhyrnTT *ram (fol. 356), Jm^raratf wnn (fol. 86a, the lacuna), ferrW'TOcS'sn't wntf (M. Ua, the end of the tfitlyamiiralakshana la nol marked), <*<:njoTiTQ5Knit fWTH (fol. 52a), TiWfvfrra^rfjrarnrt ^T^Tv^Hfr^raf^Tf^wTut ^ rifocSKH UT wmn(fol.76&). [A. C. BuENELL.] 1894. 1675b. Foil. 101; size 9i in. by 4 in.; 9 to 10 lines in a page. (Gddddhari), the Avayavatippanz, treating on pp. 119-127 of the edition. In the begin- ning, and at the end, there are explained passages from the Ginti in.. foil. 1-19 six to nine lines, foil. 20-41 eleven to nine lines, foil. 12 217 ten lines in a page. Anumdnadtdhiti{ippani, Gad com- mentary on the lasl pari ofthi Anumdnadidhiti (pp. 127-103 of the edition). See the ninth and tenth at in no. 1889 I l The volume begins: Fr^THTOfHuw HM^+^iPq The subscription is: jfn Tj'W^^wrtTTizrra- tfW[ U . 11. T. CO! LDKOOKE.] 618 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 1896-1898. 1010. Foil. 312; size 10* in. by 44 in.; 10 or 11 lines in a page. 1126. Foil. 337; size 11| in. by 4\ in.; 10-12 lines in a page. 331. Foil. 444; size 12 in. by 4>i in.; ten to twelve lines, foil. 42-71 twelve to four- teen lines in a page. Anumdnakhandagddddharlvivriti, or Kdsikd (see the introductory couplets), a commentary on the Anumdnakhanda of the Gddddharl, by Krishna Bhatta, a nearly complete copy in eleven fragments, bound together without any order. Hall, in the Index, p. 31, no. xlii., gives the surname Arde to the author ; the colo- phons call him *a RilTUSjTdi U!IH£ . He was the son of Rangandtha (not Baghundtha, as Auf- recht has it in the Cat. Cat., p. 118), younger brother of Ndrdyana, and pupil of Sri Krishna. 1) Vol. I., foil. 73-142 (<\-sO. The first part of the whole commentary, having the subscription Anumiti Aradopdhva- Krishna-bhattlyam. See this first part in the Gddddharl of no. 1889 (1885). Krishna Bhatta begins : lazuli jj£*.h«{ ^wt ^KiiJirH^: i 7T^nj*snrr«n^t cjrrfijrert tpjw «Tn»^ ii <\ h tripnfV: ^Tiirr5itrT (sic!) tftfrm: ^wi^y: i 2) Vol. II., foil. 1-131 (i-Trq ^fawrl ^irNwRcirHTaf ^ C C C JJ TjTwnnftftcin^HT^Jnrt *$*: ii <\ u 8) Vol. I., foil. 1-72. The Kevaldnvayigrantha, foil. 1-36 and 58- 70a. The Vyatirelcigrantha, foil. 70a-72. Both parts together contain the annotations on the Gddddhari on pp. 112-118 of the Anumdna- iJlilhiti. See this part of the Gddddhari in no. 1889, fragment 7. Tho Kevaldnvayigrantha begins: fjqtftfa' *r<3**l I « m I fUirf^ °, the Vyatvrehi- grant ha begins: Wl ^XfWSlH^I . Foil. 37-57 contain a large piece of a Savyabhicdragrantha (fol. 39a. ends the Savya- bhicdrapHrvapaTcsha ; the next part begins: ^•artf?r UoivH^f^nrcRTT °) ; I have not made out whether this fragment forms part of this commentary of Krishna Bha({a, or not. Fur jrantha as title of a special chapti r in ilic Gddddhari, see Burnell's Tanj. MSS p. 116. The second pago of fol. 36 is left blank ; the last word on fol. 36a is wrrVTTTnj , the first on fol. 37a, JWtq. 0) Vol. III., foil. L82 305 (s-m). The Avayavagranthavivriti, the annotations on the Gddddhari on pp. 119—127 of the A mdnad/dhiti. See this part of the Gad. in no. 180 1. (16756) ami in no. L889, fragment 8. The annotations begin : ^htr ft[h u^fa fr^Tf- •umsf ° 10) Vol. II., foil. 158-337 (s-ito). The Sdmdnyaniruktitippani, the commentary on the Gddddhari on p. 127 sqq. of the Anu- mdnadidhiti. See the Gad. in no. 1889, frag- ment 9. It begins : ifi^^7lfa^lT^°li^Tf?fiT Rj? ° 11) Vol. L, foil. 213-312. The Asddhdranaijruii/h'i , incomplete at the beginning (. . 7n«*s7., p, II:!); fill. 316a, the Vyatirekitippani {Anum. Di., p. 118); Eol. 8496, the Ar,u/ur,i,/i- dhiti {Ann in. in., p. 1 1!7): Cv The copy ceases in the commentary on p. 158 of the Anumdnadidhiti (Calc. ed.), thus omitting only the last four or five pages. Fol. 31, which has verbally the same texf as fol. 30, probably belonged to the original of this copy. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 1901. 953. Foil. 43G; size 10i in. by 41 in.; 11-15 lines in a page. Anuradnadidhitivydkhyd, a commentary on the Anumanalihundii of the Didhiti, by Bhavd- nanda Siddhdntavdgistz. See Hall's Index, p. 33, no. 50; Weber's Catalogue (Berlin 1853), p. 109, no. 662 ; Aufrecht's Oxford Catalogue, p. 242a, no. 597; Burnell's Tanj. MSS., II., p. 116. It begins : ^frroTftmini «W ^^T^^W W I c o c- ^ft>» -I I A ^fo^TTRFff 7TH n=FT3W II S II The AnumitipraTcdsa ends fol. 35a (see the printed text of tho Didhiti, p. 7, 1. 10); .... the Upddhivddarahasya begins Eol. '-I'M, and ends fol. 297a; .... the Avayavadidhitivydhhya begins fol. 350a, and ends fol. 380/;. The next and last part of the commentary, which is wanting in the nexi copy, begins: . . . «*n The original pagination runs on from s to x>* and then begins again from 51 , bul there is nothing wrong in the text. Foil. ^4, <^i, fol. S9 (after Eol. 60), Eoll. mo, hi, m=> (after Eol. 02), are lost. Poll. L60 and 16 1 are mi Date of the COpj : W^TJ^TfjJfrfarT (<*SMS) m t^ik: ui; u [H. T. I oke.] L902, L903. 336, 337. Foil. 439; size I I ■; u b \\ in.; foil. 1-02 thirteen to fifteen lines, foil. 63 I-'.'.' nine lines in a page. Foil. 1—62 are in am handwriting than the main bulk of this < SiromanivydJchyd Bhavdnand] I hhanda" a second copy, incomplete, ending with the Avayavanirupana. Vol. I., foil. 1-218. Pol. L37 ends the 6 dhdntarahasya. Poll, l^i, ^9, 1S9, qst , qsd, ito are lost. Vol. If., foil. 219-439. Pol. 2536 ends the Sdmdnyalakshand (sic !); foL 313a, the / dhivddarahasya. Foil. 3<^, 3<1? are lost. III. T. Colebrooke.] 1904. 2597. Poll. 244; size I II in. by 5 in.; 12-18 lines in a page (Blidrdnandi), a third enjty of Bhavehianda Siddhdntavagisa' s commentary on the Anu- manadidhiti, with the texf of the Cintdmani and of tho Didhiti in the middle of the page, incomplete at the end, and with many "mis- sions. The volume is bound with an utter negl of the proper order of the Lea Poll. I and 132-135 =Di. pp. L-2, 1. 9 (of the edition); Eoll. 240-242 Di. p. 2, 1. 26 p. 3, 1.12; foil. 136-239 = Di. p. 8, 1. 9-p.34, 4 m 2 622 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 1. 14; foil. 2-67 = Bl. p. 34, 1. 15 - p. 61, 1. 23; foil. 120-129 = Bl. p. 61, 1. 23 -p. 64, 1. 17 ; foil. 68-84 = Bl. p. 64, 1. 18 -p. 69, 1. 22; foil. 85-91 = Bl. p. 71, 1.9 -p. 74, 1. 14; foil. 92-108 = Bl. p. 79, 1. 2 -p. 85, 1. 11; fol. 109a =Dl. p. 87, 11. 17, 18; foil. 1096- 119 = Bl. p. 87, 1. 19 - p. 91, 1. 10 ; fol. 244a = Bl, p. 91, 11. 10, 11, 12; fol. 2436 = Bl. p. 131, 1. 17 -p. 131, 1. 24; fol. 243a = Di. p. 131, 1. 26 - p. 132, 1. 5 ; foil. 130, 131 = Bl. p. 136, 1. 1-p. 136, 1. 20. [Mack. Coll.] 1905. 2080d. Foil. 6 (paged 9-14); size 9 in. by 3i in.; nine lines in a page. (Bhdvdnandl), a small fragment from the beginning of the Anumdnakhanda with the special title: Sri-Bhavananda-BKattdcdrya- viracitam Samgatilakshanam. The first leaf, originally the ninth, begins . . *Plcif ^VH: W\fn: II The manuscript ends : ^?tt: ^twt?P3?!3 -a^Hi-ifa- fafir HTO (=fol. 106, 1. 10 in no. 1901). [Gaikawak.] 1906-1910. 1655-1659. Size 9i in. by 4 in. (1658 is a little smaller). Bhavdnand'iprakdsa, a commentary on the Anumdnakhanda of the BhavdnandM, by MaJid- deva Pandita, a Benares Pandit, surnanied Punyastambhakara (see the last colophon), or Punatdmakara (see the colophon in vol. 5, fol. 7576), son of Mukunda Pandit, and pupil of Sitikantha (see the introductory couplets), or Srlkantha Blkshita (see the same author's Sarvopakdrinl and Nydyakaustubha) . See Hall's Index, p. 33, no. li.; Weber's Catalogue (Berlin, 1853), p. 199, nos. 664-666. The copy is incomplete, ending with the UpddMvddarahasya. Vol. I., foil. 244; 10-12 lines in a page. It begins : tfir^fr ("<*(«* muuI iHc*f^rri«rinuu^tUJi*rwt i TTFl ^f^lfiT^i?!3^ftprnT>. xn^Tf^f «^w II * i» ir^rnf ^ fwq ^n ^iwihh sjuwrnft^wii^ u WH*0lJeM$ft S-q TT^g g^37Tt II d II ?r«nfq Mtui-ai *i ii * sn^i fijnr: ii m ii xr? %tfq j^^rrat farm ^r ^tfirfa: i ^RT^hai rHdi'H^mlsNU'^l ^f% yft(v tnT^)*T^I^TTf4> ^Tt^TtHRl- II b II TfJlfl ^ ^f(T*TFT HfVjupiiN 'qftlTin: II So II Fol. 72a ends the Samgatiprakdsa ; the next part begins : * I take these dksharas, which I could not read in the MS., from Weber's Catalogue. PHILOSOPHY. Pol. 2386 ends the Ammanasvarupamiru- pariaprateSa, fol. 244a the Anumdnaprdmayya- vddaprakdSa. Vol. II. Foil. 215 (1^-215); foil. 1-111. eleven lines, foil. 115-215 ten lines in a page. It begins : ^TWRff ^nftl^TqJl^ II q II Fol. 30a ends the Pancalakslianlprakasa, fol. 526 the Simhavydghralaksha^aprakdSa, fol. 1346 the Cakravarttilakshana. Vol. III. Foil. 229 (216-130); ton lines in a page. Fol. 3056 ends the Vyadhikaranadharmdva- chinnabhavaprakdsa, fol. 3566 the Vydptlpurva- pakshaprakdsa. The next part begins: frg*TTTfHmnsrRiT>nfm»: h «. h H^IM^ ^^T^Tt anftrf^sTT^T ^TTH II * II Vol. IV. Foil. 210 (445-654); 10-12 lines in a page. Fol. 4596 ends the SiddhdntalaJcshanapra- kdsa, fol. 532 the AvachedakalahshanapraMSa with the following couplet : jTin htj «??: ftppn flffn: ftra: n =i u w$A Tmvi^f *j^t *nrftT zrcirT^ ii * ii The next part begins : ^shTfH TsfiflT.G"') snWR'rf'l wtfJrT I TjfBr^-^IcKWTTT^nHHHVT^cA SH^« II <* II Fol. 547 ends the SdmdnydbhdvaprakdSa, fol. 6126 the VydptvuddaprakMa with the couplet : <^ir>HI< J ,»HH'<0 J < !* wjtt ii q ii Fol. 7996 ends the Upddhipurvap)aTcsha} hdSa, on the last page the Upddhivddarahasya with the couplets: 2Trr.i}TfVHT?w ttt ^rr^iT Tf^nrr *rm i totwh it^t *pffr fa?ttft frr^mn?: II S || H^ITH'^'lUcdTil sfVn«Mf!|'H*1 nrftRff I fwflmrvTr!fwi u°frf*TnrtfVm: i an^ura fqnsTsn *t?t^t hw;i: n 3 n •nrftf'WrtfHf^TiHJrrftj'SRTTR-m ^r7rn^7pra;Tt^i *w$ ftinifjiajrn f^Wf^cR^it TTftnTR^ I ^HJ^ii*(fiT I Fol. 96 ends the Samgatigrantha. fol. 39a. the Anumdnalakshana, ibid, the Anamdnasvaru- panirupana, fol. 40a the Anumdnaprdmdnya- nirupana, fol. 45a the Pancalakshafii, fol. 506 the Simhavydgltnilttkxltana, fol. 95a the Vyadhi- karanadharmdvach i ii ndbhdraci/dkhyd, fol. 106a the Purvapakshagrantha, fol. 1256 the Sid- dhantalakshanavyd1chyd,{ol. 1406 the Vydptivdda, fol. 206a the Sdvidnyalakshandgrantha(sic\). Vol. II. Foil. 356, by the same hand as foil. 1-20 in Vol. I.; eleven lines in a page. Fol. 62a ends the Upddhigrantharydkhyd, fol. 966 the Pakshatdgrantha, fol. 168a the VyatireTeigranthavydhhyd, fol. 285a the Savya- bMcdragranthavydkhyd, fol. 293a the Sddhd- rana.grantha, fol. 2986 the Asddhdranagraittlui, fol. 306a the Anupasamhdrigranthavydkhyd, fol. 3266 the Satpratipakshagrantha, fol. 3526 the Asiddhigrantha. The final couplets are : Hm^R^t^narT tosh: vmnn i [>ppr II ? II ^lOlifta?) *ffW^ WTO^T yfa** » 3 " HT^R^hr*Tr§lQ|llJT«$T Vm f%STH I WTWm^FHir mrrinj ^fiTHT u m ii f^^rT^T W^TTJ-reif^(? perhaps J^TTTJTTSlf^) fqw: ^Wcy^fwT ^T f^T(read 1 f? ^f^fff cFWfrcFTfqTs'lT^ftH^iT nTrrsfc5TcFT^TTT: cfTTTHn II S> II csqm«K ^ttt(?) Ttsjirhn ^fir** ii b ii ^f3ti?iim#rfcir^ *f T^t ^ht^th; ii c ii Date : ^Tff oKf^cfNHTfiT mir (sic!) iflftfTORni ^ w. ftnrni ii <\ ii e Subscriptions : fob 27" ^fm"wtiftz^3rfvcir^nv«T^ra^Tm^f»? - TUcSETOfjxqirrNimrH tivifoi ; fol. 1836 tfzvfzii ??«T?TT II \ The last words are ^R^psnfTm SHTinRraT^T- ^mgiffi'SFr^Tf^frr (without colophon). [H. T. COLEBKOOE , 1915, 1916. 328 & 857. Poll. 208 and 278 resp.; size 12 in. by 4' in.; written by different hands. Anwmdnamanidldhititippanl, a commeni on the Anumdnalchanda of the Vldhiti, by JagadiSa Tuvkdlamhlra I limit called Jdgactisi (in the marginal notee . Hall's Index, p. ;>■>, no. 1 \ i i. ; A.ufrechi I logue, p. 2 12, nos. 593 596; Weber's I logue, p. 198, no. 654 ; Rajendralala Mitra's Notices of Skr. .MSS., vol. ii., p. 335, no. ! vol. iv., p. 124, no. 15 12. 328. Vol.1. Poll. 208 (paged 1-209); 9 13 lines in a page. The J'urrnLlmijf/a. This MS. begins to explain the Didhiti from fche Vydpti chapter (see p. 8 of the printed text), the Awumdna- prdmdnya chapter is wanting. The first words are: mrrcimni wrrtai ^HHnqiHiuvgr^CTTiT TTrSTT- ^mtrf»w^I: I See the same beginning in the second copy. Colophons of single chapters are : ^w^ir?- cs^jjrrftBTOt Hqffjnnnrt fol. 1146; \fn *rrer- ^THrefi^TTftnftonrt imfrfrr: [sie\) fol. 124a; TarTfsnrnr: ^RTftumTff fol. I486; fol. 170 the colophon is wanting (^fw TTcfrTT?: HRTS:, fol. 160 of the second copy); ^fff ^mm^T?: fol. 17o'e: f^Tf^?rr^>n^'rfrT'r : tfvf(TnT^raTcJW' TT TZ : laiin : t [sic !) WrrSTT II 857. Vol. II. Foil. 278 (paged 210-185); 10-12 Lines in a page. The I'ltn riihlm inhi. The first words are: Subscriptions of single chapters: ^f«T ^^Utt- ?fawlST^rc^T^S|faTfwRRT7|*^?ff\mTTTnr?T? - fi uu'.ft ^HTnn fol. 2">!/> of the original paging; sfff T5rbm|ofil JTfaKfclfsicM | ^*nfl*s>itfrn!it <*ifsr«*i »rf3i<* 1(31*1 n s 11 ?ft: fain ^ft»rbn ^fajfin ^ft: *f^ i ?ft^i icirw'4 irrarer nrfir r 11 * 11 PHILOSOPHY. G27 Vol. II. begins famnnuT f^mfq^q^ sfinmfjs- T^fw $m:. Tho last cue ^n-ar^rf^fff oocura on fol. 51/-, 1. 2, of no. 1017. The colophon There are some verses on the last page tho beginning of which is ffTift HT^srenn ° [J. Taylor.] 1924. 1303c. Foil. 38; size 12f in. by 4f in.; 10 or 11 lines in a page. " Nyayalirofld/iiitriil-hanfia 2 " (sic on the first leaf), two different sets of notes on difficult passages in the JdgadUl. They may be identical with two of the Krodas in Hall's Index, p. 35, nos. lix.-lxx., but as they are without any special title, identification is impossible. That they belong to the JagadiSi, is evident from the numerous passages of the Jdgadihi which they quote and explain. 1) Foil. 1-10. This Krpda begins : vfmv. TisjVHrnnifjr??;* fa^nni: i ^ ^ Hr^jrinn;f*i 2) Foil. 11-19. A second copy of the same Kroda, in the same handwriting. 3) Foil. 20-38. A second Krodapatrakhanda, different from the first. It begins : ^ FTWT(si'c!) "?trr«tTH(.s (c!) i rra^raTWT^raftrfsT- [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 192."). 2368a. Foil. 10; size lOf in. by 2| in.; ten lines in a page. Slokavydkhyd Anumdnadidhitiparikshdydh , by Vj Icaspati, son of Vidydnivdsa : it is a commentary on a certain explanation of the introductory couplets of tho Didhiti, this ex- planation forming part of a commentary on the whole Didhiti called Aimmunadldhitipa~ rlkshd. Perhaps it is tho same work as no. hi. iu Hall's Index, p. 34. For Nydyavdcaspati, seo Aufrecht's Cat. Cat., p. 528 {Rudra Nyd~ yavdeaspati Bhattdcdrya, son of Vidydnivdsa Bhattdcdrya of Bengal, grandson of Bl nanda). It begins : ^rf w ^mf^Jt^^jwmm^irr^m^- ^fHifffqrrm-m ^v^i i n^ ira h«i i ftsETefr fi=r^T?5- It ends : Date of the copy: H7W =ii9M ^R •^F^f? fjirHn ^TO MTnt ^ II [Gaikawai;.] 1926. 1072. Poll. 173 (paged I and H _' 1 2 ; size 13^ in. by 2; in.; six lines in a page ; written in the Bengali character. Anumdnamanididhiti Prasdrini, a commen- tary on the Anumanakhanda of the Didhiti, by Mahdmahopddhydya Krishy,addsa Sdrvdbhauma Bhattdcdrya, defeel Lve. Probably it is the same commentary as th< Tattvacintdmanivydkhyd in Hall's [ndex, p. 30, no. xxxix. It begins : f*£«ifrT ^T ^ fap*H: jftftnfaim: * ^r=RTJR *H ^TCTtfrT cRwfrfff 11^ Poll. 2-40 (orig. pag.) are lost. Date of this excellenl copj : TjT"=Trr^rr: qiftg. [H. T. COLEBROOKK.] 4 N 628 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. c. The Aloha, by Jayadeva. 1927. 687. Foil. 227; size 10f in. by U in.; eight, sometimes nine lines in a page ; written by two different hands, a new band setting in on fob 203. Anumdndloha, a commentary on tbe A)tu- nuJna-section of tbo Tatteaciutdma-ni, by the Mahdmahopddhydya Jayadeva Misra, who was instructed by his uncle Sari Misra. Another name of the author is Pahshadhara, in the first copy of the Sabddloha (no. 1930). See Hall's Index, p. 38, no. lxxvii. In Rajendralala Mitra's Notices of Skr. MSS., vol. iii., p. 164, no. 1190, the Aloha is erroneously ascribed to Gadddhara. The commentary begins : ^TTfrre: Tremjira II * II TjTT^n^^;:*r^r^^ff^r^rH( ^5itiT the second copy) ww^tit m -h *»"H h M <*> aj uf fgroir ^mr? i ^r^iftr I This copy leaves a good deal of the Amur mdnahhanda unexplained, ceasing with the sentence WTVofiTTr^ fir ^jri«M* ° (see the Anu- mdnahh. of the Cintdmani in no. 1870, fob 1566, 1. 3). The commentary ends : W ^ JTKNMHTCt Colophon : \fft VrT^urfTtnurTTHTf •« u^r«t- The last words are : ^cfiTH^f^'Ttm^i'sST^^TircRT wt^ f^?lmr^i<^vjnoniri1n«jmc»,ojri («<>!) JTrsrrf^fir n They belong to the commentary on a passage of the Gintdmani beginning with tfiosWtfiT (see this word fol. 1986, 1. 6), which occurs fol. 320a, 1.4, of the first copy of the Gintdmani (no. 1869). This fragment of the Sabddlolca is about the first half of the whole. [H. T. Coi-ebrooke.] 1931. 1675a. Foil. 95; size 9i in. by 4 in.; foil. 1-37 twelve or thirteen lines, foil. 38-95 nine or ten lines in a page. Sahddloka, a second, not complete copy. The colophon is: ^ftr vf\n ? in ^mHrnral h *TR ^fW^TTOmfiifi: Fol. 22 does not belong to this copy. [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 1934. 737. Foil. 123; size 12f in. by 4^ in.; twelve lines, sometimes thirteen lines in a page; written in the Bengali character. Pratyakshdlokarahasya, a commentary on the Pratyakshakhanda of the Aloha, two separate fragments. The name of the author does not occur in the manuscript itself, but according to an inscription on the first page (TnT^JT^toFIT 1 ^^ ° ^TT°), its author is Mathurd- ndtha. The manuscript begins : faflji HTftfaiTTPT- STrfsnmnrm (?° cRTtrut see no. 1937) *fti ^fw^%cs fifTT (TTrshTT or ■qfiT?) ^q *CJ?$ f^-ntf^r^Tq ^iff frpTWTfiT ^aiT^fiT ° The same beginning of Ma- tliurdudtha's Pratyaksh-dlokarahasya in Rajen- dralala Mitra's Notices of Skr. MSS., vol. iii., p. Ill, nos. 1159 and 1191. Fol. 206 ends the Mail galavddarahasya ; this is the only subscription in the first portion of this volume, which ends fol. 36a (fq^TTfqq'J ^frf) . The second portion has its own original pagi- nation from s to bs. On the first leaf ends Prathamavipratipattirahasya ; fol. 446, Dviti- yavipratipattirahasya ; fol. 926, Pramdpurva- ■paksharahasya; fol. 97a, Prdmdnyavddarahasye pramdlakshanarahasyam ; fol. 113a., Pratya- hsJidlakarahasye anyathdkhydtipurvapaksJiara- hasyam; fol. 123a, Pratyakshdlokarahasye anija- thdkhydtirahasyam. [H. T. Colebeooke.] 1935, 1936. 3051, 3052. Foil. 73 and 155 resp.; size 11 h in. by 4 in.; ten lines in a page. Anumdna-Palcshadhara-Mdthurdndthl, a com- mentary on the Anumdndloka, by Mathv/rdndtha, incomplete. The title is only given on the second page of the first leaf (Pahshadharama- thurdndthi) and in the marginal notes ^T° 1° M° or ^r° tjo z°. See Weber's Catalogue (Berlin, 1853), p. 201, no. 671. Vol. I. The Upddhivdda, begins : '^f^rrf^flT ^nmnfir5ir sfq tt^^t^^: II fTf§HJnftf*«!nT^TOTfaojrTH^P!T ejfff HT^fffCi * llaj. Mitra has o ^ftflfn: , which suits the metre. PHILOSOPHY. 68] Fol. 836 ends tlio Prdmaq.yavddarahasya, fol. 856 the Akdnkshdpurvapakshdlokarahasya, fol. 1016 the Akdnkshdgrantharahasya, fol. 1036 the Yogyatdpurvapaksharahasya, fol. L116 tlio Yogyatdgrantharahasytt, fol. 120a the Adhyd- luh-ajiiirriijialisli irahasya, fol. 123<; the Asatti- graniharahasya, fol. 140a the Tdtparyagrantha- rahasya, fol. 157a. the Sabddnityatdrahasya, fol. 1676 the /'/.<riirli<( nna vddarahasya, fol. 218a the Vidhivddardhasya, fol. 23S« tlio Apurvavddapurvapaksharahasya (almost ille- gible). Date of the copy : *fai^ qto^Csie!). [H. T. COLEBKOOKE.] 1938. 292. Foil. 227; size 10| in. by 3i in.; 10-12 lines in a page. Anv/mdndlokadarpana, a commentary on the Anumdndloka, by Thakkura Mahesa*, a son of Candrnj'iiti ami DMrd, and younger brother of Mahddeva, BhagJratha and Ddmodara, com- plete. This commentary, which is not mentioned in Hall's Index, covers also the second meta- physical part of the Cintdmani and of the Anumdndloka. The Awwmdndloleadarpaiia begins : "s^lTf^frT (see uddesdt in the second copy of the Awu- mdndloka) ^r4tfTlfiTcinm*T UWSTOT?R r Trfa?T'3r ° Fol. 8a ends the Anumitilakshaiia, fol. 61a the Upddhinirupana, fol. 666 the Pakshatdniru- pana, fol. 108a the Vyatirekivdda, fol. 122a the Avayartiiiiru/Hi na, fol. 1 67a the J/< tvdbhdsdh, fol. 1726 the Asddhnkatd Hhupana, and the Satpratipaksha, fol. 191a the ISvaravdda, fol. 2176 the Kdriiijiildniru/'niia. Fol. 2186 is the * In the colophon of a copy of the Pratyakthu- khanda, in Raj. Mitra's Notices, vol. iv., p. 128, no. 1548, the author is called Sri Mahesa Tliakkura. colophon: THJuTt mWTTTj: || %VHHHTr*"toRSmaTT TUmnil A last part, which has the colophon "Moksha- nenta on the t< si of the I wii itself. 1 1 begins : f^*7$ fpq wt favTO .... i ^tr: it *) f^fvrf^'iTTaf'^nfHfiT^ . (?) i jrrrtrra Tm w^rt ^f'jw'rt sf^tom ii ? ii Trarf^^TT^TijT fTsr^m- ^fim fiKfaif i ql f^nnfirret^rrirt ^ftTiten;- ^jTf^mrn^ ^mfjmrTJr^ ii wim\ *rr*n^N(sic!)w:j 5*^<^q fcrftjnrfa^ g^f* rt^§ n [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] e. Eucidatta. 1940. 605. Foil. 275 (originally numbered 1-44 and 52-282); size 9| in. by 2 J in.; foil. 1-6 ten lines, foil. 7-11 eight to six lines, foil. 12-44 five lines, foil. 45-275 six lines in a page. TattvacintdmaiiiprakdSa, a commentary on the Tattvacintamani, by Eucidatta, son of Dcvadatta and Eenuha, brother of Saktidatta and Matidatta (see the final couplets of the Sabdapariccheda in no. 1947), pupil of Jayadeva, of Sodarapura. — Hall's Index, p. 30, no.xxxviii. The Pfatyahshapariccheda. The subscrip- tion is : ffn ^^^T^TrtuffH^IH^tmuim^f^wftrT- f«ra iT^f^Jfrmftmcin^f JT*renft^: wm»: ii See Rajendralala Mitra's Notices of Skr. MSS., vol. iv., p. 126, no. 1545. * The reading of this couplet, especially in the third and fourth pada, is very doubtful. The first fifty-one leaves of the beautiful original copy are lost, they have been replaced by forty-four leaves in a more recent handwriting. The commentary begins f '• 3TFte^\ wt? ^m ^PRtftfg fsra fti^rnn: ii s ii Date of the ancient part : ??Tff ^9*. ^rrfi- cirsrf^ <\o ytfrrnVZ II [H. T. Colebeooke.] 1941. 889. Foil. 158; size lOf in. by 3 1 in.; foil. 1-10 and 21-33 eight lines, foil. 11-20 and 34-158 ten or eleven lines in a page; written on yellow coloured paper. Tattuacintdmanipralcdsa, the Pratyahsha- pariccheda, a second copy. Evidently foil. 1-1 la., 1. 6, and foil. 21-33 were not written by the same writer who wrote the main bulk of this volume. [H. T. Colebeooke.] 1942. 2535. Foil. 156; size lOf in. by 4f in.; foil. 1-109 ten lines, foil. 110-156 eleven lines in a page. Tattvaeintd'manipralidsa, the Pratyaksha- paricchcda, a third copy. Foil. 16-83 are much injured by insects. Date of the copy : rtTff siSb ^tr m^rt^rm igiiTrsj R^wrt fWt n^fi^ f$ft?nf ii [Gaikawae.] t The faults iu this copy have been corrected by the help of the other copies. PHILOSOPHY. 638 1943. 1244. Foil. 205; size 10 in. by 3 in.; foil. 1-137 ami 11)3-205 eight lines, foil. 138-192 nine lines in a page. Tattvacintamanipralid&a, the Pratydksha- pariccheda, a fourth copy. [n. T. I iOKE.] 1944. 282. Foil. 95; size 10i in. by 3 in.; eight lines in a page. (TattvacintdmaniprahdSa), about the first half of the Anumana-section. The beginning 1 is wanting,* for the first four leaves contain the beginning of the Anumdndlolca. The Pra- lcdsa begins fol. 5, in quito the same writing and on quite the same yellow coloured paper. The first words are : ^ ■qTflT^Tft^srnr H r H^ l ff tttw TjffR'^?fi'itTTmT'jf'ir: i That it is tho PrakdSa and not any other commentary, follows only from the inscription on tho title-page : f^HTSfrr^ cfT^f^f^ ^JTR^Tq anfsrTPTri?TiT(si'c !) . The first four leaves bear tho marginal note : ^° n°, all the other leaves : fg° w° H°. The last quotation from the Cintdmani is: ^ctTRtfcll and the last words of the commentary are : ^ ITO HT^TT^HirrfTTTt TTCT>rPTanr?TTi;TTfq -q ^ . . . [H. T. CoLEBEOOKE.] 1945. 108. Poll. 232 (paged 115-346); size 9^ in. by 3 in.; six lines in a page. TattvaeintdmaniprahdSa, the Anumdna-paric- cheda, incomplete. To all appearance a first volume, paged 1—114 and containing tho first half of tho Anumdna-pariccheda, is lost. The * See the introductory couplets in Rajendralala Mitni's Notices, vol. iv., p. 127, no. 15A0. writing is the same as in the ancienl part of tho preceding manuscript. It begins : . . vnnfff ^tt i ^t ira n rTfsfnrrrj- [n. T. COLEDROOKE.] 1946, 1947. 534 & 535. Poll. 318; size '.» : ; in. by 2| in.; 7 or 8 lines in a pa TattvacmtdmanipraJcdSa, the Sabda-pariccl i \a This section begins : ^qurHTH Trf^xrr?^^ "^rsrfiT i It ends : tf>rre»mnnwr: =fi*rjtTm?Ttr: i UHRJ7TT TpT "£3TT nfr^rtew ti <\ II c wr Stj ^^TT ^f^T^yiTt JTcKOm II 5 II Date of the copy: w^TT sioots (sic !) *nzj ^mirf^f? p^nTUT^ yairtrjlj wrNr*?i; j$ xproir f<$feni The Tattvaprahdia in Rajendralala Bfitra's Notices, vol. viii., p. 27, ao. 2575, which is ascribed to Uncidatta in Anfrecht's Cat. C p. 217, is a different work (perhaps the Maipydloka or Ointdmaniprahdia of Jayadeva, mentioned by Rajendralala Mitra, Nbti vol. iv., p. 126, no. 1545). [H. T. CoLEBKOOKE.] /. Mathurdndtha T ia. 1948. 1340a. Poll. 218 ; size 12 in. bj \\ in.; 1()-12 Lines in a page. 634 CATALOGUE OP SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. Anitmdnatattvacintdmanitippan l, a commen- tary on the Anumdnakhanda of Gangesa's Cintdmaiti, by Mathwdndtha Tarlcavdglsa, and hence called Mdthuri (see the second copy). Some of the colophons give as the special title : An>tmdno}>ariccheda-(oT lihanda)rahasya. See Hall's Index, p. 29, no. xxxiii.; Au- freeht's Oxford Catalogue, p. 241, nos. 590-592; Rajendralala Mitra's Notices of Skr. MSS., vol. i., p. 285, no. 495, vol. iii., p. 108, no. 1153. The introduction is not quite the same in the different copies. The Up ddhi- section is wanting. in this copy. The commentary begins : mnfM H rtrftfqT?! V^T foTrSHWITCRmiT^KPT II 3 II crreicir ^•?TTT^'fflNTfc5w*WHTCTq=B( n?Tfaciy?) ^nrr f^T^H^srnt ffrewhwu: fsrarevHro Tifn^T^ff The following subdivisions are marked in this copy: Prdmdnyavdda/rahasya (ends fol. 116), A n wmdnakhandarahasye Vydptivddarahasyam (begins ^t'JUTHTrffl'nj'i f^^"l, ends fol. 63a), Vyd- ptigrahopdyarahasya (begins ^nfsngigii f^^il m;n?if^TTT'3BTJit , ends fol. 856), Bdmdnyalaksha- ndrahasya (begins JHTgTfrlWT *n*TRl , ends fol. 102a) *, Pakshatdpurvapaksharahasya (begins * Here is the omission of the Upudhirahasya, it begins Jre^lfrimT T). Tho last words of this volume are ^clt ^nfturam^nUHnrt f^fijrv • ■ • , Hiey belong to the Pa/rdmarSagrantharahasya, which begins fol. 116a. After fol. 47 three leaves are lost (48-50 of the paging). Marginal notes, as ■^TTTqrt (i.e. Upddhi-jwrnipaksha-Mathwri) etc., point out the single subdivisions. [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 1950-1952. 1034b, 1040, 969a. Foil. 61, 47, and 117 resp.; size 17— 17£ in. by 3—34 in- (the leaves are folded); written in the Bengali character, eight lines in a page. (Anvmdnakhandarahasya), a third copy, nearly complete. The right order of the single parts is entirely confused ; we give them as they ought to be placed. Foil. 9-27 of the first volume belong to a copy of Jagadisa's commentary on the Didhiti. Fol. 76a, 1. 6-875 of the third volume belong to a copy of JagadUa's commentary on the Cintdmani. 1) Vol. I., foil. 1-8 (orig. 1-9, fol. 7 is lost). The Prdmdnyavddarahasya, the first section of the Anumdnarahasya. 2) Vol. II., foil. 1-47 (orig. 10-50). The VydptipwrvapaTt&ha/rahasya and nearly the whole second part of the Vydptivdda. 3) Vol. I., foil. 41-46 (orig. 57-63). The last five lines of tho Vyd/dirddnriiliaifi/a, the whole Vy&ptigrahopdyap&rra/iuksha and three lines of the Vydptigrahopdyasiddkdnta. 4) Vol. III., foil. I 9 (orig. 64-72). The last part of the Vydptigrahopdyavdda, without the beginning (see the preceding fragment) and the end (see the following fragment). 5) Vol. I., foil. 17 57 (orig. 73-82). The last lino of the I iliopdyavdda and the two Sdmdnya parts. The S&° laksh purva- I'aksha ends fol. •>'urvapalcsha ends fol. 1106. Fol. 1116, there is a note to the last but one line: W^ faRTrf'tT TJTrfti Trfkrnfrf. The last 4 o 636 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. word before the omission is ^fw^rRoR^fil (see fol. 211&, 1. 2 in no. 1948), the first words after the omission are ^TfjrtfTT ^mfsnrer*l*ii^ °, it is the beginning of the Asiddhigrantharahasya (see fol. 2186, 1. 9 in no. 1948). Foil. 112 and 113 are mere fragments, but foil. 114-117a bring in nearly the whole omis- sion ; fol. 114 begins ?Tr!rf(TqBrf^^TT: , fol. 117a ends Hf iT^I =R rTRTJ? =l -ej on the margin), the Vydptirahasya, incomplete. The Vydptipurvapahsharahasya ends fol. 25a. The last words are ^jf"TPJ^inT I rfi sftt ^rr^^'gf^: 11 q 11 ajmiyfv^wg iff ^fkr»mftrcn}irih i WTit faw^prhf ff^T^cBRHT^ ^ l ^rf l II * II ^WnrwftfspJiI V^T f?t:3Tl;HUnT^Tffrra: n^wrar=nT tirt^ h^thm: u Note of the possessor : f^Trntiif «TT^nT- HJNI^r). [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 1959. 868e. Foil. 3; size 111 in. by 41 in.; 15-17 lines in a page. Pancalakshanikroda, notes on thi /'■ ala- lesham, a chapter in tho In n\' the Anumdnakha%da <>f the Cintdmani, perhaps identical with no. xlv. in Hall's Index, ]>. 32. It begins : TO1TO tJ^^ETTnit =Ttwm I WUfHT- f$T7TO I ill- T. <'"! KBEOOKE.] 1960. 969b. Foil. 76a-876 (originally 150-1'. I . 4 o 2 638 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. but corrected into 154-165); size 17i in. by 3j in.; eight lines in a page ; written in the Bengali character. (Anumdna-Mayulcha) , the Avayavamulatip- panl, a commentary on the Av ay av a- section of the Cintdmani (pp. 54-59 in the printed text) , by Jagadlsa Tarkalamkdra. The com- mentary begins: Jmjfl^T? H^fff fff^P?wni«T>?nf . See Hall's Index, p. 38, no. lxxiv. [H. T. COLEBKOOKE.] 5. Nydyasiddhantamanjari. 1961. 1038b. Foil. 46; size 9 in. by 4 in.; foil. 1-3 and 10-46 ten lines, foil. 4-9 eight lines in a page. Nydyasiddhantamanjari, an elementary trea- tise on the pramdnas, in four piaricchedas, by Jdnaklndtha Sarman, in the colophons always called Bhattdedrya Guddmani. It begins : famff ^fcH*lf*H^PTf*U!l'ri*i - j y^mf?nrf;nT^i=K - Between foil. 95 and 90 (i^ and ii in the original paging), and 96 and 97 (ii and gq tho original paging) some leaves are wanting. Colophon : ^fiT ^ztf "fasT •«<* imfw^TOf^^trnrT- ^rre fH dl H H ^rfcrtftrernrt mwi?j: *mw: Tsfbrgrfr- Date : W^IK 1^9 II a) The Anumdna-khanda. Foil. 53 (1~5:'>) ; ten lines in a pag It begins: JIWTfa*qWMMTWtrirhjfttw"|.icfHT^- Date : *hpr it^s n fafiT xpr *prt ? Tix ^iHT^ ii 640 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. c) The Sabda-khanda. Foil. 151 (111-261); foil. 111-213 ten lines, foil. 214-261 nine lines in a page. See Rajendralala Mitra's Notices of Skr. MSS., vol. v., p. 176, no. 1863. It begins : ^Tpr^T3rta=fi*TretfnT^VTHfq:s'TUH .i-nt w^. It ends : WW ^tsiriBS^frfii^: grfffTTtTHirt w^l ii ? n WW II V^\ ikd (in the last subscription), a commentary on the Nydyasiddhdntamafijarl, by Krishna NydyavdgUa Bhattdcdrya, son of Govinda Nyd- ydlamkdra Bhattdcdrya. See Hall's Index, p. 25, no. xx.; Weber's Catalogue (Berlin, 1853), p. 207, no. 699; Rajendralala Mitra's Notices of Skr. MSS., vol. vi., p. 284, no. 2220, also vol. iv., p. 31, no. 1408. This MS. was copied by one Bdlakrishna, in four parts : a) The Pratyakshakhanda. Foil. 50 ; 8-10 lines in a page. It begins : [•^rsii ii <\ ii JHD*T f^'lfc XCT^ ^TfaWT <*U!l3llirrT I •fa^PfD^wrNlT^iTT ftSTlff HT^^WqcRT II * II ^iff" frsfHTfrT II ITO^Wlf^ I b) The Anumdnakhanda. Foil. 15 (51-65); 9-11 lines in a page. It begins : ■farrqwfcPTrsTTiT =)r«crJni irHTf^T i . ^T^^sftTTT^TIT'q TTO^rm ^»ft ^7: II <1 II fnrfcFT^f ^t^t ^?rr *ft4 ffH ft^ i imiii.osopiiy. 641 HTftmn^j^ra'^T^ ^T^sn^^qTrwrfif H^n^^Mf^rc- c) The Upamdnakhantfa. Foil. 5 (66-70); 11-13 lines in a page. It begins : f^rat n% TOT tUTrTT ^ft *T5ST7fto I y TTc^^rt f^Tf °KT^TT wjnrfif ^TT^rfTrf«jj|fTjri »lTniTT^i|m»iT?^WHTTt(?) far^TTf II ^ o c c *W$ fsr^iKjiq ^r^rpfr fi^rarfiT n ttoj^ht i xjtut- WT^f nifWT ITT^^HIWSI^WT ^THlfHdlflH^vt ftRqw The .1 (fol. 20a): TTOErfa^flTTTOTH^^^TVfTTsil^l ('■) Wnfit H- WTf^TT I The Upamdnapariccht'da begins (fol. 35a): The Sabda/pctA •< begins (fol. 38a): ^^TR^i^ftreriiir^TToiiTnfhi^T^ri^^n^rt wnf [II. T. COLEBROOKE.] 1977. 1038c. Foil. 2 J ; size y. : | in. by 3i in.; 10 or 11 linos in a page. Siddhdi TTpi jgiftJ^T^t^i^^iT^p^ i T*TvrR^trcffir£ -ihihj? oRTTr^»r?frfa: n i n Tnf< fm h « -*i rvrftTrenTfiTcRTJT^nn ^njrhgt.i»i**Tc ZP*RT* ^ f^THTftT II HUIR<^in? I The Anumdnaparicdieda begins : ^vjmhr f^^TtiTT i m*rEff'TC , TOT?T 7 in:»MtK«Jiit*t *ra ii i ii ''JljNJWMIdHf^ftlf ^ftmTTO II ^ II jm^tnrta=K;gi rHitreifq^mriirwTJTTTf fn ^mj fri n (Sd. I. 1, 5). The ylm«M«H.a-section ends fol. 136: ysrtnni *RTRirr tt^ wjft^TftrtT: n The following part, the Upamdnapariccheda, begins : ^IT ^?: BR^Ttf"^ R*R- HR^ {Su. I. 1, 6). It ends fol. 136 : <*J>TT^i?TTr^r«J, on the first leaf "A fragment, Anumdna vdddrtha" (in Colebrooke's handwriting). As the style of this treatise is very much the sumo as that of the Pratyakshapariccheda of the Nydyaha/u- stubha in the first part of this volume, and as both parts of this volumo wero evidi written by the same hand, it is highly probable that this is tho An action of the Nydya- haustu It begins : fa^^ foR^fq cfiTT^TrPfrfa 11 q n [II. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 1981. 1866. Foil. 198; size L2J in. bj I in.; nine lines (foil. 167-173 tin lines) in a page. Nydyakaustubha, the Sabdapariccheda. Rajendralala Mitra's Notices of Skr. M vol. v., p. 171, no. 1861. It begins : *TCT«TOftPl^q ^tnjUt 3R UT^i 3TT II 1 II HMfnwqTirT^r«Tt sreftT^ijftfTT ct?ti ^f^r (cf. the beginning of tho Sabdahhanda in the • siddhdntamafija vldip ikd) I It ends : ^T%HT*(v0^r?n*q?T7^fm^rt »?* I wi ^fm ww ^5 ^rrs^ wtrmVt: h 1 u *TOTO fcTmW Wim TTOJ^T rill"5io*il: II ' n nwn?F^ f? *mv^ipT 11 5 n 4 p 644 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. •gwf^t'nHt Tf^Trt fJrrsr. n 8 n Authorities mentioned in the Nydyakau- stubha are: the Cintdmani, Bhdshya, Didliiti- hdrdnuydyino navydh (no. 1979, fol. 79&), Klian- danakdra, Saundalopddhydydh (Saundaloj) ?), Maiihildh, Prabhdkardh, Pakshadharamisrdh , Alamkdrikadhurandhardh, Hari, Prdncah, Prd- cJndh, Navydh, Navmdh, Bhdttdh, Mimdmsakdh (aprdclnabhdttdnuydyino Mimdmsakdh , no. 1981 fol. 54a, prdcindnuydyino Naiydyikdh fol. 126a). Pol. 166 is blank, but there is no omission in the text. Colophon : ^fir ^tHfq^^n wm i O4Mfl3 l( ^rft!! e Raj. M.)- ^H^«hr^qfij3 r fTr«TfMTTr7n'?oRTt'T?IT'l<**<^I^'Tfi!3lrf^T - Date of the copy : 3T«ir HS&*. TPn^fbTR H^WT [J. Taylor.] 1982. 693. Foil. 183; size 91 in. by 4 in.; 10-12 lines in a page. Nydyakaustubha, the Sabdapariccheda,a second complete copy. [H. T. Colebeooke.] 8. Nydyasamkshepa. 1983. 2608a. FolL 72; size 10 in. by 3£ in.; nine lines in a page. Nydyasamkshepa, by Govinda Sarman, son of Nydyavdcaspati Bhattdcdrya, a commentary on the Kurikds, apparently a short compendium of the Nydya philosophy, by the same author. The contents are the same as in the first adhyaya of the Nydyasutra. The single topics are pointed out by marginal notes in Cole- brooke's handwriting. It quotes the Cintd- mani and the Kddambarl. It begins: Cv Cs Cv ^rOTfa ^rf^=sr^ n^q «ajrjj *nmr: n ^ _ The blanks on foil. 50 sqq. are probably due to the illegibility of the original manu- script. [H. T. Colebeooke.] 9. Siddhdntarahasya. 1984. 660. Foil. 345 (orig. paged ^-^m); size 13| in. by 4^ in.; six lines in a page; well written in the Bengali character. Siddhdntarahasya, a large Nydya treatise, incomplete at the beginning and at the end. The name of the author does not occur. In Anfrecht's Catalogus Catalogorum, p. 720, there are registered several Nydya works which have this title. This work is divided into many small sections, more than sixty of which are contained in this copy. The first is called Sadyaccaya(?)vydvrittasamsayatva- lakshana (ends fol. 7a), the second Niscaya- sdmagrydh samsayapratibaddhakatvakhandana (ends fol. 86), the last Vydpyaviseshyakapard- marshasya kdranatvdkdranatvavicdra. The title "Siddhdntarahasya" is inscribed on every leaf. I'HILOSOniY. Tho volume begins : ?pt fcjr^rn wrrmft nfs ^ f?^T tf*5TTrr^ |ll. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 1985. 1633. Poll. 88; size 19 in. by 8J in.; the leaves arc folded together; soven lim a page; well written in the Bengali character. Siddhdntarahasya, a second, incomplete copy, containing only as much as foil. 1-131 a of the first copy, but with one section more at the beginning (Smritisamshdrarahasya fol. l-5t>). The volume begins : sTRT^ft *rfatnr=fiig imE|ftr~rihr [n. T. Colebrooke.] 1 0. PratyaTtshadushanoddhara. 1986. 786b. Foil. 71 (122-192); size 10 in. by 2| in.; eight lines in a page. Pratyakshadushanoddhdra, by Mahdmahopd- dhydya Narahari, son of Mahdmahopddhydya Yajnapafi, incomplete. It seems to be a refutation of the opinions advanced by somo objector to the Prati/akxhatattvacintdmtuii. According to the inscription on the first page, "Pratyakshadushanoddhdra uttarakhanda- samhhyd 3000," this copy would contain only the second half of the whole. On the margin it has the mark W ° ?*l °, but once (fol. 1296) It begins : Hr^M(wfi?TrtfH: *rri*i* s(?)kt f^fUtf^d ff *: II i II flflT fl - ^ sfq ^rf^rtJHlvW^hTTr^ I Cp. no. 1986 and 1989. The Pratyaksha- section ends fol. 50a, the Anumana- section fol. 78a, the Z7paraTRn^ftTOR: I f^-m -sfm^s ^"tarr: ftt^trnmnq-nuRT n s 11 ° ww nUtjHiw fnrt (>: fro) irftir v#fc 11 in R^rw <\\H9 mjwm yantt^j firzfr starrer; 11 For another copy of this treatise see Raj. Mitra, Notices, v., p. 201, no. 1885. Gokula- ndtha refutes the view of Siromani. [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 2015. 1191b. Foil. 18; size 12| in. by 4£ in.; small modern Bengali handwriting ; seven lines in a page. PHILOSOPHY. • ij.1 MukiAovoecanddi, essays on final emancipation, the nature of the deity, etc. It beirins : aj* ?3 *ftSj: 7*.*nrnnf ^ ?ftHJ^ 5frT HfeifW^f fol- 10 (cf. Muktivdda, Hall's Index, p. 49); ^fir ^HTT^: fol. 13; ^fir ^phn^: I ^rq diiHiwPM-MK: fol. 14. It ends: ^f?r in5H!I^f^rTTT?wi II This, though perhaps only the title of the last chapter, is given several times, on the last page, in Bengali and Devanagari, as the title of the whole treatise. A Brahman atvavicdra, by Gokulanatha, is mentioned in Aufrecht's Cat. Cat., from Oudh XV., 100. [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] b. Anonymous. 2016. 394b. Foil. 23 (33-55); size 12i in. by 4i in.; 12 or 13 lines in a page. Prdmdnyavdda, a treatise on the nature of proof (a topic from the first chapter of the Cintdmani). There is no colophon at tho end, the title being only given on the first page. Perhaps this treatise is identical with no. exxxvii. in Hall's Index, p. 50. It begins : [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2017. 765a. Foil. 15; size 101 in- by 3A in.; 8-10 lines in a page. Jndnadvayavdda, a logical treatise the object of which is set forth in the beginning : The colophon is wanting, 1 ho title having been inferred from the marginal note iTF ?°. [H. T. 1 1KB.] 2018. 1675c. Foil. 10 (107-212); sizo 9 in. by 4 in.; 12-15 linos in a page. (Anvmitikhandcma?), probably a fragment of some larger logical work. The title been added by a later hand. The following colophons givo an idea of tho contents : ^finiT(?^fiaO^Tv^^^frfwf^rn:: (fol. 1996), ^TT*r|hHffm>:'5inWTOHT$ nsjwturift: TnsrnHnjrrV ^tt: (fol. 202a), ^nrpmnrcRrwT^wi tjTT^ftFPj- ftftrarOTTTT^^^T^^^r^f^^Tr. (fol. 205/»), '^*?fircpffr=ff ^Tfa^r^f^vurif (fol. 2116), ^*- ^T^^^'TW^^^'^rf' 7 ^™ ( fo1 - 2126). The manuscript begins : ^rrfeO [H. T. CoLEBKOOKE.] 2019. 1044. Foil. 28 (folded together); size lGi iu. by 3 in.; seven lines in a page; well written, on brown paper, in the Bengali cha- racter. Pa/rdmarsdwumUyoh haryakdrapabhdvenricara- rahasya (see tho colophon, fol. 276), a chapter from some larger work. Fol. 266 has the colo- phon : Anumitipardmarsaijoh kdryakdranabl rahasyam sawj-uniaiii. The topic is very much the same as in the preceding fragment. The manuscript begins : ^1 -J fa Or mj* si 11: 4 Q 652 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. At the end there are a few lines from a second chapter; it begins: ^TO ^l I m fa Win fTC- [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2020. 2608b. Foil. 41; size 10 in. by 3i in.; 12 or 13 lines in a page; written in the Bengali character. Samsaydnumitivdddrtha, a logical treatise on Doubt. The colophon is wanting at the end; the title given to the treatise having been taken from the reverse of the last leaf. It is the same work as the RatnahoshahdriJcdvicdra in the Oxford Catalogue, p. 245, no. 613. It begins : HTlHjsllH fa^nWcRH^ftT fti^lii: *W\ sgttfK ° [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2021. 47f. Foil. 14 (79-92); size H in. by 4 in.; twelve lines in a page. Samsaydnumitirahasya, a logical treatise on Doubt; the name of the author is not men- tioned. See Hall's Index, p. 51, no. cxliv. It begins : Date of the copy : *fa7T s qt^ HTO Tlfa f$I>i in. by -1 in.; eight lines in a pa VegcmdSyah n-ahasya, a con- troversial treatise on the origin and deer of Velocity, confronting the tenets of the Nydya and the Vaiieshika on this subject. It begins : «T«T f«S TTTTiT ^TPHUHTSU^PIKI ^T(7T=irfaf'rT ^\ II ^Ht If^lfTcRT: II ^UUTiUHtft'l ^ HT^RTrcU ^TT3I=K: II In the last line the Vegakhantfama of the Dldhitikrit is quoted. See Hall's Index, p. G2, no. ccii. [H. T. CoiiKBBOOKE.] 2030. 2100a. Foil. 17; size 10 in. by 4 in.; written by several modern bands ; 8-14 lines in a page. Fragments of different philosophical trea- tises and commentaries. The MS. begins : ^1 ^TTOTHH-^Tfei^qarT- f « l < ^fa igu*nftptf I Foil. 2 seqq. are numbered 6 seqq. Foil. 7-15 (numbered 11-19) are marked ^TT ° ^ ° ; fol. 30 «Kt °. Foil. 32, 33 (numbered 1, 2) are marked N» H°; beginning W^^ I ^lf»T^TWRf^t?«(?)^ W^^TTfiH mrfH'JI^ojr I foil. 886 and the great* r part of 34 and 35 are blank. Pol. 36 is marked ^n° IT ; but 366 and are left almost wholly blank ; and so is fol. 46«. 4 o. 2 654 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. Fol. la has the pencil mark : — ' Vishaya- viveka. A metaphysical treatise according to the Nydyasutra.' [Gaikawae.] 14. Grammatical treatises. 2031. 161e. Foil. 37; size 1 If in. by 4£ in.; ten lines in a page. Saktivicdra, a treatise on the names of things and meanings of words, by Gadddhara Bhattdcdrya. See Hall's Index, p. 56, no. clxvi. It begins : »nff *fte*t jfn ^5m%irc*rr *|fa: i This treatise is different from the " Sakti- vdda alias' Saktivicdra," which Raj. Mitra, Notices of Sansk. MSS., iv., p. 122, no. 1537, attributes to Gadddhara. [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2032. 1038e. Foil. 4 j size 9 in. by 4 in.; thirteen lines in a page. Saktivdda, a short treatise on the same subject. It begins : [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2033. 972. Foil. 102; size 15Hn. by 54 in.; fairly good, modern Bengali handwriting ; eight lines in a page. Sabdasaktiprakdsikd, a treatise on the same subject, by JagadUa Tarkdlaiikdra. It begins : •J O Yin ■'fftsm^N ^srfaHobirgi'^T u The work was published at Calcutta, in 1847. See Hall's Index, p. 55. [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2034. 804. Foil. 178; size 15| in. by 5k in.; fair, modern Bengali handwriting ; eight lines in a page. Sabdasaktiprakdsikdtippam, a commentary on the above work, composed by Krishnakdnta Vidydvdgisa Bhattdcdrya, in Saka 1723 (a.d. 1802). It begins : *ft*r yiWfit fat ftprfrc *rw Y^^ ^p* *ftTrr?i f«Njriifa^(sicO^*TO^Tnifir'twraffi It ends : ^ftr ^ft^W«irRrf^aMIJfl!MHgl i «ll*ifaT- [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2035. 161g. Foil. 113 (numbered 216-328); size 1 If in. by 4i in.; eleven lines in a page. Padavdkyaratndkara, a philosophico-gram- matical treatise, by Gokulandtha Sarman ; a very incorrect copy. See Hall's Index, p. 56, no. clxx.; Aufrecht's Oxford Catalogue, p. 246, no. 619. PHILOSOPHY. 055 It begins : fWt: ^Vr wh(?) ^TtTTWRTf^f^nm^ ^h*r The subdivisions are not sufficiently marked: fol. 234 ends the padavrittigraliavivarana, fob 243a the abhr7jr^f7rf^Ti?rf^trfqmTrf^: i ^«^: irrfiprf^rSf ^c^ ?fh£ Trerr^wfr tizisT •fltfW'r. ('•. ° $r:) i The Bvitlyavyutpattivdda begins (fol. 86): m^rMiqvr ^EVTTnffri ftnhra f^vfar* ^n fgirtirH}: i H^ ggnf^mSJcfcRfafirWt^I A fe^f'R'Wtiirrf^fTO- *mfq mHIW^HH^ff ° LH. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2037. 963c. Foil. 165 ( 1 L6-280); size 9i in. by 3£in.; foil 116-170 eleven lineB, foil. 17] 280 7e Lines in a page. Vy Ida, a second copy. The Pra- tkamakhatyda ends Eol, L81a. II. T. COLEBBOI l 2038. 3268. Foil. 141 ; size 10i in. by I ,' in 11 or 12 lines in a paj Vyutpattivdda, a third copy, incomplete at the end. The Prathamahhantfa ends G I. The second leaf is want Lng; fob 6 was originally the eighth leaf of another copy, and is here superfluous. [A. C. BuBNBLL. 1 2039. 1172A. Foil. 34; size 13} in. by 44 in.; fairly good, modern Bengali writing; eight lines in a page. Arthamulctdvali, a treatise on the syntax oi cases, apparently the first chapter of a work of that name. It begins : fasTT^amfinf HsrfrStrt smnifjr tt?^ =irrt* *rerrfrui}: i ^iHlfrnanfk I 7T3T fUWUIri cRR<*r»eHf>T ' ctiH.cfc^BJW HMll fSTt^i: cFflHT W^TiT ^^T^T faW31rSrTfff?7r- r^rf?f(T ^n4 I WRTO^EJ nX *prr^: *?m?i: n [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2041. 2428. Foil. 46; size 8f in. by 4 in.; fairly good Devanagari writing of 1782 a.d. ; eight lines in a page. SidmrthatattvdloJca, or Kdrakacakra, a logical treatise on the function of the cases, by Visva- ndthq Faiicdnana, son of Yidydnicdsa. It begins : 3TOF ^ravr> h cRK'SF'^'a * ^ror. ii ^m w^ff ftr^Tff i tnr irwirrfaii jtr: «tr:(viz. f^vrgm:) oirT^jrrfHVTfq^: 1 3nrrft?ift s^ncm,ni^:ii [J. R. Ballantym:.] 2044. 2100f. Foil. 6; size 9f in. by 3 in.; 8-10 lines in a page. Akhydtavdda, a second copy. [Gaikawar.] 2045. 2368d. Foil. 9; (paged 4-12); size 11 in. by 3 in.; seven lines in a page. Akhydtavdda, a third copy. The author's name is not mentioned. It is preceded by a copy of the Nanarthavivriti, written by the same hand (foil. 1-3). Date : *fafl <\%%b ^f iRIWlOJrra ^f^HSf ^R^fi fir$ c^ftff » [Gaikawar.] 2046. 2157b. Foil. 35; size 10| in. by 4i in.; ten lines in a page. Akhydtavddatippani, a commentary on Bi/ro- mani's Akhydtavdda, by Raghudeva Bhattdcarya. See Hall's Index, p. 59, no. clxxxiv. It begins : OJ 7T TJZ ^ITSPII^IU^ ^? Date of the copy: *fa^ ^w7 ^tvc»ngffl?rr?rii irsrereifff i *rznfq ^T»nf^=R: H^v: *^iri ^r^tf f%W: *r«wresrhra «jnwf^ ouPm^ *nf ?t ii ttst: ii 5i^j^3T=twHxjTrr.ii^'wii , ^ir^^afW*wwnnmn:ii im f? ii witt f? *r$t • ^Hisi^r inmw ^tbnR^r ^ *h4k ii ?^tw ftpHt u4iTff fwt ^ ^uia tw^ Fol. 4 : cj|+JMr;l^o(,iK<*iy^M^K Hcr!><*K: THIT - Cs, WtTTITf>T»rRIl'f>TO3'^( r . ° H) f =1 =1 W STjpj | o Fol. 6b (where the Vdkyapadlya is again quoted) ends : TTUT ^ Slfa'WTf =1 $T 1 1 NT^ ify $1*71 Hi ^rrva(T)ufwftfrr ^ i 'snr ^Tn f^<* i y|Jm«H^4=*l'3r3IiT IT TTTV'^R»rR^ PW^r^^iF^r: I TnrjWjqTTWpT ^I^T^^l H=dl!)l=»iT: II ° (Ydlujap. I. 151-154, in the last of which this MS. has ^TW^T: instead of ?HT3T^;:) ^fiT I Fol. 8/; ends (in the middle of the page): ^ wwFRTJ!TT#rv: i 7ffltVrtrt(!) ^nw^T^ i Trwrr^- inqR-R^n^ ii Fol. 9a (smaller writing) contains a passage from the Malulhlidshya, beginning : (?n)wift ^TTRlt *T5^l ^ft ^ftt ^fffiT H s*m ?c5TfT ^c5"t snr op^iT: ^Tqw^r: i ° ending : ° V^ Trff I «T S7fflJTT5iTfK >rt VVS WJTiTfa^ cClfrT ^TTTSI^: I (ed. Kielhorn, i., p. 2, 1. 2 to last line but one). [H. T. COEEBROOKE.] 15. Laukikanydya. 2053. 582. Foil. 429; size 10g in. by 6i in.; in European fashion; good Devanagarl writing of 1808 a.d.; twenty-five lines in a page. From fol. 93, the leaves were wrongly numbered 89 seqq.; but the numbers have been altered by another hand. La/ukikanydyaratndkara, a collection and explanation of proverbial phrases used as illustrations in philosophical discussion, by Ragkwndthava/rmcm, son of Ouldb-rdya of the Binduruya family, pupil of Rdmadaydlu, of the Uddslna sect of the Nanak ShdMs. It begins : ■JTFUTwnf ffrf%o*>pi«f rrraiff ^t >rnf 4 Hftf «5FT«Tt> Fvt=fif?r^TT 4 ^tTrnrrhfin MUTT TWT ^1 KTfiT W^irfq HT kTTTJT^I TTSTW^ I wtr xrnj T HTiTfR fam;? R: n^fiRTTTt nfin ^TTTp* KR? TJWnjTRJr?* WW fjTC fl^q II > ll *fr ^rr^T ^ f^nuh i ^ w^t >u;TtTTTrh*j7r ^TrJTT xf| fV[fac5PT wtfag^t Tim S^DT^ ^T pfTf^cfrsrr^TrRr^TRT'SBTWn'Tff »W II S» II ^nTrrq f^Tti ^iTPTT^ W^uT^TTf^- xi^7nf?ra 7T5Tf^f^f^ , ErTi:^i 7r^qT^n?^fiftr ^^i ^frr cvrfcBcii^N l), ends fol. 316 j then different examples; < .>j. 4z-4\h^^t:- ^n?: i ^T^Yofi^T «q^f^7iq: * t> -^zmi sfq f^w?r: a^nm ^ h^ht i wrutq^smlr^n snrr: w% bts ^nr^Jr R W TOTTT 3TTTfirft^!I HKl UlfsirfiRT PTH- Wf^fiT II * II i3ai(?(-''-^) ^V f^W f^HVJ U^rf ■a^f^fK I ^a TrsRTO I ^% ?fiJ ITT S^T^R^T^: I f^TT^^jnaTTRT^TtT II ^ II *TM4iair«UM <*mTsT: ^htt- f^^TT5TfiT ^TTTf^'i^'nJri'rfiT TtftlS c5T^ II i II Hffi 4 K 6G0 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ^rrgr nejwH^ Tq: i ^hh f? ircstw ^f^ro fw|spre^ vr^»r^ qw^nrtf h^hmt «fT^Tgq?*nTTTrT ^W^H^TW^^ftr cRT^WtgT^^fri TOI ^?(!) w fwfsfi4w 11 so 11 ° Fol. 187a: 2f*7T ° BWOTIlt ^f T*m 11 ^r«r TR1T ^^N ^ utfjR finur^l" inVbTiTTfiNraiPnfisrw HcRcyqTRWT^n^^ ftir^ fasrw im fa^rotircfafir *mfa *5«^t§ttt- *r*fte f jrut cKH»TT^rM n «*n: ^i^Tiv: ^rrfarcH 1 tt^t ^ ^R^^lTTit ^Tfrr(?r.«^fii) i *rznf: i 'pn *pn?i: fw^: fgTfRf^^flf^friraTcS^irat Ttf^Rt «TWJ ^fl«i I ° It ends with nine slokas, the last of which runs thus : ttot Jn?rfH^rarTr^r=s^ nm: *^iT*Rre: n CnnJ ^ ^J Uti^TcRTT^lt U^STTlf *TOT* II ?hTTf SbiM itfirt ^n*rT3T?5fr 10 TTXnn?R Hf%$ *WH II [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2054. 1031. Foil. 89 ; size large 8vo, lOi in. by 1*1 in.; fairly written in Devanagarl ; twenty- six lines in a page. Laulrikanyayasamgraha, an abridgment of Raghunatha' s LauMkanydyaratndkara, by the same author. It begins : wrfirii^nrr tptiw^Ht *mmi*rrt: unfa TteT^fain mrtfrrr^T ah vrjin stW i Tl^TH^TJT^ff ?t»^5> jfr^T^T «1TW^T II =) II farca ^hiw-h ^if*c(i^riw7i?: u ? 11 cStfoFch^llRiWHTRToin; TTi^f^if I im «^1 5^ ^TR>VTq ^^ff 11 3 11 It ends : ^T*ro^MT3K^1f*cFJir«nftRr: I fsnnn: frtim sq ^tjT^ firitics w TfJ-fc^n ^ 11 ° ^ 11 K ^t 7TUtla ftl^fflTfl>t ^i^^^TTTpi^ II 8 II t^t^h f^f^nh 35Tf5F<*^in*itf?: ?r»nH: ^«t?5 For other MSS. of this work see Biihler's Report, p. cxlvi.; Raj. Mitra, Notices, ix., nos. 3139, 3140. Both give the author's family name as Binduriiya, whilst our MSS. give it as Vindaraya wherever it occurs. [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2055. 700. Foil. ISO; size 9i in. by 3f in.; fair, modern Devanagarl writing ; eight lines in a page. The same work. [H. T. COLEBEOOKE ] philosophy. D. Vaiseshika. 1. The Sutras and Commentaries. 2056. 3023. Foil. 7; size 14 in. by 5A in.; nine lines in a page. Kanddasutra, the sutras of the VaiSeshika Philosophy, ascribed to Kandda. It is divided into ten adhydyas, and each adhydya into two dhnikas. See Hall's Index, p. 64, no. 1. Editions: in the Bibliothcca Indica together with Sankara Misra's VaiSeshikasutropaskdra ; the first dhnika in The Aphorisms of the \'u isr, fth !ka, Sanskrit and English," by -I. K. !'•., Mirzapore, 1851 ; The Vaiseshika DarSanam with the commentaries of Mahdmahopddhydya Chandrakant Tarkalankar, Calcutta, 1887 ; The Aphorisms of the Vaiseshika Philosophy by Kandda, in the Benares Sanskrit Series (Fasc.I. contains the text of the sutras, see no. 2059). A German translation by Dr. E. Roer, in Zeitschrift der Deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, xxi. p. 309-420, xxii. p. 383-4 12 ; an English translation by A. E. Gough, Be- nares and London, 1873 (from The Pandit, nos. 32-69, published 1869-1872). [J. R. Ballanttne.] 2057. 1698d. Foil. 79 (176-254); size 9f in. by 4 in.; 13 or 14 lines in a page; neat writing of about a.d. 1750. Vai&e&hikasutropaskdra, a commentary on the Vaiseshikasutra, by Sankara Mikra, son of Bhavandtha Mi&ra. See Hall's Index, p. 68, no. xviii. [H. T. CoLEBKOOKE.] 20. Vs. 232b. Foil. 81 (92 172); bum l-i in. by 3J in. ; ten lines in a page. 1 aiseshikasutropashdra, a second copy, with many marginal notes in Colebrooke's band- writing. Date : thnr nfw: qtnrtr i f^m: wrmi tt mft'jwqiw? 11 ? 11 ^r*TRt nfMN^rni *T'irf , iH'riw?:.}TTTni THnrrTwwiwtFni ?*rt ftsmnrt irlini Cn ^fwf%r«w*nt HRqrfrfq^'bf It ends : nilLOSOPIIV. GG3 ^iQn<*T3j: n Foil, ^-qo are lost. Date of the copy: *hrH =)$,<> o f^m-nrraiT The KvrandvaU is now being published iii tlie Benares Sanskrit Series, together with the Praiastapddabhdshya, see no. 2059. [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 2062. 3103. Foil. 103; size 81 in. by 3^-31 in.; 8-11 lines in a page. KirandvaU, a second copy of the Dravya- paddrtha. It has the colophon : ^ ^^ nTTVT ^snirN- TTltW^'l^lMr'Tr f$5f%rf ii Foil. 3-10 are in a good old handwriting, the rest is in a very irregular handwriting. 2063. 161a. Foil. 74; size 11| in. by 4i in.; 11 or 12 lines in a page; writing clear but ugly- KirandvaU, a third copy of the Dravya- paddrtha, dated Samvat 1857. [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 2064. 1646. Foil. 99; size 9i in. by 3| in.; foil. 1-41 ton to twelve lines, foil. 42-99 (in another handwriting) ten lines in a page : writing indifferent. OunahirandvaU, Udayana's commentary on the second part (Gwnapaddrtha) of Praiasta- pdda's Shatpaddrthascmgraha ; incompl ending with the buddhinvrupana. Foil, c and «io are lost. It begins : It ends : *r>rr?m ii [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 206.1. 1190. Foil. Ilii ; size L2J in. by -1 J in.; eight lines in a page; written on brown paper, in (lie Bengali character. DravyaMrandvaUprahdia, a commentary on the first section of Udayana's Kirand\ by Mahdmahopddhydya Vwrdhamdna, son id Gange&vara,. See Hall's Index, p. 65, no. vi.; Rajendra- lala Mitra's Notices, v., p. 284, no. 1963 ; Pandit Vindhy. Prasdda Dube's vijndpanam t<> the Benares edition of the t likadar&anam, p. *. The commentary begins : fac* -m ti i f <* h 1-»?=rbTTflt flff Tjrfeq: i f^HJ'jT'ii^rn^Tt %vrf irt »F(7t ~^n: n ^s^arf%irr>TiT7Tcir Tf^nr^jfirt fHrwrfiT i frirfti i It ends : ^Ik ^fcT ^T^n II TT*qTW?ft sfff7T?lTt fynrrRotf TTt Hi«*i3i7ii^fim? ^pnifHr^: n ^frT jrrr^TqTujm'-nT'ijfsgjirw^HfiiHtrmiwTq^- II T, < lOL] BBOl 664 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 2066. 1697b. Foil. 80 (s-fcO; size 9| in. by 3| in.; 9-14 lines in a page. (Dravj/ajl-iranarallpralidsn, a second copy of the first part of Vardhamdna's commentary on the Kiraiidvall. Foil. Tr7T^Tc?rTT jj^mrHirq . . inf^fsTCtafirra-irr nrrtf^frr: *mrsn n [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2068. 297. Foil. 98; size 10i in. by 4 in.; eleven lines in a page. Gunasiromaniprahdsa, a commentary on Siromani's Gunavivriti, by Rdmakrishna Bhattd- cdrya Cakravartin. See Hall's Index, p. 66, no. x.; Pandit Vindhy. Prasdda Dube's vijnapanam to the Benares edition of the Vaiseshikadarsanam, p. H. It begins : sTK f3TTtaf%*TT>fi;^ TIH*H!i: II * II Cv ^ & It ends: ^r^TK(^?)wTf^ (see no. 2069) TTSTRVfal wfat "f^t f^HT^ ^fcl fWsf . . ■5TR d^: ^fw JTcFTSTWrcRfT*^ c5^: I Trf^wTf^ ^Tw^^VrfaT>ftrfH7rfwmini'5i> **rn^ ■gi^T iftrw <* mi si^fW^rt jrafjiTtafrm^rnn: wtsiii i ^ jj _ [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2069. 3062. Foil. 138; size lOi in. by 4 in.; fairly written in Devanagarl ; eight lines in a page ; modern. The same commentary, here called Guna- cintdmani/Jlcd. It ends : ^HH I Mr ^TrT W? 5TW ^Tlf^ I ^fTT XRf II Tfil TTH chUJI H7T^Tq^gi^fwf=J < '.-■ vijiifipanam to the Benares edition of the VaiSeshilcadarsanam, P . v It begins : nrrr-rfrfVifimsTsn fawrnr *rc^iirfa ii It ends : ^^rrft fii^fir: awr^r tf^TO^Ptr^rnra: 11 [H. T. CoLEBKOOKE.] 2071. 1077. Foil. 5S; size 13| in. by 2{ in.; six lines in a page ; brownish paper ; small old writing (of the 17th century?) in the Bengali character. Another commentary on Siromani's Guna- vivriti, incomplete at the end, without any title. It begins : f^mtffir ^n sf^i^hr u»ni(mn tiTHa 1 inserted on the upper margin) ffT^fqnTfW Xfff\- hth: wfa^ironrN etc. [H. T. COLEBKOOKE.] 2072. 109. Foil. 103; size 91 in. by 3 in.; eight lines (foil. 2-6 seven lines) in a page. Vardhamdnailha Pakshadharl, the Dravyar paddrtha, a commentary on the first section of Viirdlmnithni'x Kirandvull iinikdim , by (Jui/n- deva) Pakshadhara- * ° fipTT is doubtful, as there is a hole in the MS. 1 1 begins : 'P^f^fa^iinTf^cfrTfWfGiI^ (Kumar asambhava I., 29) I It ends ! ^Ifa \fn wm \f* ii 'fir zilqi^T^cBTTt xjCTvJn There are many blanks in this copy, appa- rently owing to the illegibility original. [H. T. COLEBROOKB.] 2073. 3058. Foil. 65; si/.,. 11 in. by 3 1 in.; 13-17 Hues in a page; good writing. Vardhamdnendu, a commentary on Vardha- mdna's Dravyakirandvatiprakd&a, by Padm h/m, son of Balabhadra and Vijaya&rl, youi brother of VUvandtha. Hall mentions a work of the same title and by the same anthor as a commentary on Vardhamdna's Nydyanibandhaprakd&a (in the Index, p. 21, no. vi.). This seems to be a mistake. The Vardhamdm ndu begins : ^>T5^Trp»ftvFv(ri>;id ^)*?Tfpn n^qTH^T 7PTW II 1 ll qR5H$<*rfT z\^\ nf^<*|H'l--H«|W I tHrHITf^rfrirpi H?WT sq fwr^nrPT II 3 ll fa^f?T> Trt fayfcrP*ntf es^t h*(:) ^m \ f<$ TjrfgTft nfs fftnnf i The writing on the las! page is partlj obliterated ; jible pari of the final verses is ; •^ r^riRf'jfn: 666 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. The last verse is nearly illegible. The last line, containing the date of the copy, has been cut off' by the book-binder. [J. R. Ballantyne.] 2074. 1697a. Foil. 103; size 9| in. by 3i in.; ten lines in a page ; small writing, in the Bengali character. Gunavivritiviveka or Tdtparyasamdarbha, a commentary on Vardhamdna' s Gunakirandvall- prakdsa and Siromani's G-unaprakdsavivriti, by Gundnanda Vidydvdgisa Bhattdcdrya. It begins : HW'ST'^^Tre WVfnTn:('nj)TfftnT n Tf=Rr5T Trfwqf^frr ° (nativat is the first word of Yardhamdna's Gunaprokdsa, see Raj. Mitra's Notices, iii., p. 50, no. 1080). See fol. 2«, 1. 7, the beginning of Siromani's commentary (fqqfft Colophon : ^fw ^Tfl^TJTWlTq'Srl'faOTqTTft^WJT- The MS. was written in the Saka year 1534 [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 2. Pramdnamanjarl njc 2075. 1953. Foil. 31 ; size 10 in. by 4i in. ; thirteen lines in a page. Pramdnamaiijaritlkd, a commentary on Sarvadeva Suri's exposition of the Yaiscshika philosophy called Pramdnamanjarl, by Bala- bhadra Misra, son of Yishnuddsa and Mddhvl. Biihler registers a MS. of the Pramdnamaiijarl dated " Saptarshi, 32," Report, p. xxvi. See the beginning of the Pramdnamaiijarl in Peterson's Report, Bomb. MSS., 1884-86, p. 265. The Pramdnamaiijarl acknowledges seven paddrthas. The t/kd begins : f^mifrf i unsrcnr i Fol. 10& ends the Dravyapaddrtha, fol. 26a the Gunapaddrtha, fol. 27a the Karmapaddrtha, fol. 29a the Sdmdnyapaddrtha, fol. 29& the Viieshapaddrtha, fol. 30a the Samavdyapa- ddrtha, lastly the Abhdvapaddrtha. It ends : 7i^tv4rT •sfw. mrwtxfa^wc. II ^sfor^wr^Trr uhtow'^j^cft *m?n ii v w\ *wt ii [J. Taylor.] Lakshandvall. 2076. 1714b. Foil. 39; size 9 in. by 2f in.; fairly good Devanagarl writing of about 1680 a.d.; 7-9 lines in a page. NydyamuMdvaU, a commentary on TJdaya- ndedrya's Lakshandvall, by Sesha Sdrngadhara. The Lakshandvall acknowledges seven pa- ddrthas. PHILOSOPHY. 667 It begins : f^T^rrRfflTT^i^^iTT'SB f^^fqrnrarjrr^fr.?rirrfsT- ■jrfir Brrmrfir It ends : ^tppRTT^rrRHT^rsi: frtr: 11 [H. T. CoLEBEOOKE.] 4. NyayaUldvati. 2077. 161b. Foil. 62 (75-136); size 1]J in. by 41 in.; ten lines in a page. NyayaUldvati, an exposition of the Vai&e- shika philosophy, by Nydydcdrya Vallabha. See Hall's Index, p. 71, no. xxxi.; Weber's Berlin Catalogue, p. 205, no. 686; Raj. Mitra's Notices, iii., p. 47, no. 1075 ; Burnell's Tanj. MSS., ii., p. 122. It begins : iftWT HTT: BTRfR^fffRT^VTflT I ?w hr: UjJ^thsqR^I- ^ajfVH^TPnr u^^rth u <\ u ■5^4 Hi<*QiHT^c4) 'jw^Rr: oSHTfvos wnm infTrftsfawrffT ^ ^ x th: 'WTsqT tV3tr1Wft *niTTf%f»w ti^tct wcnWi 3BTHt«JIHB^n?H=irR*3lci! ^RTI^cJ^'nnT^II^II Pol. ! ):> "' enda the dravyapaddrtha, fol. I gunapaddrthopavarnana ,fol. I 196 harmapaddrtha, fill. 121a sdmdnyapaddrtha, fol. L21i !• tjtt =)H jnnrrr ii The NyayaUldvati le qui ti I in the Tattva- rintjiwni,' (see Aufrecht's Cat. Cat., p. 554). [H. T. COLBBEOOKl . 207 S. 1191a. Foil. 85; size 12| in. by 1-1 in.; seven lines in a page; written on brown paper, iu the Bengali character. NyayaUldvati, a second copy. [H. T. Coli i 2079, 2080. 394a & 1213c. Foil. 32 and 38 (159-196) resp.; size of vol. i. 12' in. by 4| in., of vol. ii. lid in. by t !• in.; 11 or 12 lines in a paj Lildvatiprahdsa, a commentary on Vallabha'a Lildvati, by Mahdmahopddhydya Va/rdhamdna, son of Oangesvara. Si le Hall's Index, p. 72. no. xxxii.; Weber's Berlin Catalogue, p. 205, nos. 687, 688; Raj. Mitra's Notices, iii., p. 17:'.. no. 1200; Burnell's Tanj. MSS., p. 128. The first fragment of this incomplete copy contains the first part of the first chapter, the i i aul fragment the three other chapters and the end of the first (see fol. L60a, 1. 12, tin- beginning of the second, fol. 171/', 1. 18, the beginning of the third chapter). The PrahdSa begins : ?wi T55Rxrr? f^m^O' f^npTTpO c fa:fTl^ifo w^ifa ii 663 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. Both fragments were written by the same hand as the Eirandvall in no. 2063 (Samvat 1857). [H. T. Colebeooke.] 2081. 579. Foil. 129 j size 11 in. by 3 in.; eight lines in a page. LUdvatlviveka, a commentary on the Llld- vatlprakdsa, by Pakshadhara, an old complete copy. There is no subdivision throughout the whole commentary. It begins : TS*rfefiT Tnt: *Hf *re «W fVpfic^frT II 1 II gf^w: (i) ^ sfi TTOTrcrffir i *rafq T^nfu ^V Colophon : ^flT TSffa^Mr^lft g le-SHtr H^PT^: ^•to: ii [h. t. colebeooke.] 2082. 62b. Foil. 145 (45-189); size 10£ in. by 4 in.; ten lines in a page. LUdvatlviveka, a second copy. Date : *faff <\tM^ . [H. T. Colebeooke.] 2083. 62a. Foil. 44; size 10i in. by 4 in.; eleven lines in a page. LUdvatitippani, notes on the Llldvatl and the Llldvatlprakdsa, by (Eaghundtha) Siromaiii. The complete title is NydyaUldvatipralcdSa- didhiti. See Hall's Index, p. 72, no. xxxiv.; Raj. Mitra's Notices, iii., p. 47, no. 1076, and vi., p. 16, no. 1997. It begins : ^rt in: nf wwrfa fnm nftfrrew i *WJSM» f%«- Colophon : ^fif fsrctojrf: ^rr crtcSTsrH^wfr «irei ii [H. T. Colebeooke.] 2084. 1213b. Foil. 40 (119-158); size 11| in. by 4| in.; ten lines in a page. Llldvatlvritti, a second copy of Siromani's notes. Colophon : ^fff »^l*^mHlTwte£6MlSf$rrfa- ftrf^rcfwr ^^Pnrtefir: *mm ii [H. T. Colebeooke.] 2085. 1670a. Foil. 58; size 9i in. by 41 in.; 11 or 12 lines in a page; from the end of the 18 th century. (LlluvatJsiromanitlkd), a bad copy of a com- mentary on Siromani's notes. The name of the author does not appear, as the copy is without any colophon. The margin is signed TTc5 I fTmrWread °nif^{)^tt ^T^fsf^ftt ^*wr: II (r. °HT?)iTi^5i^in^T(*-. ° ^ttt) cprrfii tri^f* i m^n- ^rf^Trf^q^T ^r^qfnr^: i ^VTmrirw etc. [H. T. Colebeooke.] PHILOSOPHY. 669 5. SaptapaddrtM. 2086. 2662a. Foil. 7; size 9\ in. by 3j in.; ten lines in a page. SaptapadarthJ, an exposition of the seven Vaiieshika categories, by Sivdditya (Sivddi in tliis copy). See Hall's Index, p. 74, no. xlii.; Oxford Catalogue, p. 353, no. 839; Raj. Mitra's Notices, ii., p. 281, no. 875 (a copy dated Samvat 1485). It begins : Date of the copy : tf^^Mii ^" TST^pTWTm^ The writing on the first page does not belong to the Sa/pta/paddrtM, though it forms part of a'discussion on the dravyapaddrtha. [Gaikawae.] 2087. 1038d. Foil. 7; size 8| in. by 35 in.; 9-12 lines in a page. Saptapaddrtte, a second copy. [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2088. 2100d. Foil. 39 (2-40); size 9 i in. by 4 in.; thirteen lines in a page. Mitabhashim, a commentary on the Sapta- padarthJ, by Mddhava Sarasvatzmastaha ) r r tp5'g?TqtrH I'- ^l^^^c^flVf'TsirfrT^lHl'iH *TTf^JT I tofrt: ^"f^ ftcsfai ^fpt (fi^r: utw ^t: in ii ^Trt^nSTt ^nrrarfasfiera: n * n *?>?>*iSTt »i?T»n:^H?rfcT( K: ?) ii 5 11 * Bhandarkar's copy has jftrr? , Raj. Mitra's copy has wtTXH. Bhandarkar, I.e. p. 6, calls tin- author "a native of the country of Gorashtra in the south, in which is situated Gokarna Mahabalesa. The country referred to is thus a port inn of North Kanara." Hall and Raj. Mitra call the author a native of Su- rashtra. t Bhandarkar gives Wlfnrbs , which seems to lx wrong. 4 S 2 670 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. The commentary ends : ^fapirr ^nmn 11 Date of the copy : ?faTT N ^Mfc Hl£q<{HI« '"giwg WH^T^t TnrufiTzff TT^TT*T ^TUT^m TfT^f *W!rK}- H^TWilfaSirtlTlIT fefisTHfa^ qtta°KT*rtlfa3 yiriM<5Hm'll [Gaikawak.] 2090. 2080a. Foil. 37(1-38); size 8| in. by 4 in.; 12-14 lines in a page. Paddrthacandrikd, a second copy. In this and the following copies the second and third of the introductory verses are con- tracted into one verse. Fol. $M is lost. Colophon : ^frT ^ta^trf%?niK J M'lrf^?l*irpiT- ■cfwn wron u [Gaikawak.] 2091. 1731a. Foil. 20; size 9 in. by 3i in.; seventeen lines in a page. Paddrthacandrikd, a third copy. [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2092. 1635c. Foil. 42; size 9i in. by 3| in.; indifferent Devanagari writing of the 17th century; 11-13 lines in a page. Paddrthacandrikd, a fourth copy. [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 6. Paddrthakhandana. 2093. 2662c. Foil. 8; size 9i in. by 3$ in.; 7 or 8 lines in a page. Paddrthakhandana, or Paddrthatattva, a critique of the Vaiseshika categories, by Siro- mani Bhattdcdrya. See Hall's Index, p. 80, no. lxiii.; Raj. Mitra's Notices, iii., p. 10, no. 1023 ; p. 46, no. 1073. It begins : ^r*i tm^rTfsJ fa^"ra also tho Tarkabhdshdsdramafijarl, hi> commen- tary on the Tarkabhdshd). Lakshmana Deva lived at Dharasurapura, on the banks of (Jodfi, MchlhavaJcru al Benares. See Ball's liiiliw, ]i. 77, no. liv. This copy contains only tho last portion of the whole, the section treating on sabda. ■ 4 T G76 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. It begins : Jfl^TTHftfiT II ill Prl 441 0^ offt «|l Pri Tm ^l^t I It ends : srfqvim^ *nN *ic! 1Q1: n ^fii vHifHfJrerfac$aHm^T- Jni*Tftift HT^t TT^t <« . [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2120. 1369k. Foil. 19; size 10 in. by 3| in.; ten lines in a page. (Nydyasdra), the Anumdn a- section. The inscription on the first page WTTRTTfT'n'TSn ° is "a misnomer " (Colebrooke). The likeness of paper and writing in this manuscript and the preceding one, the like marginal note T ° *4T°, and the likeness of the style (compare the definitions in the beginning), make it evident that this is the copy of the Anumdna- section which belongs to the copy of the iStaMa-section of the Nydyasdra described in the preceding number. It begins : ^vjHRT^f fTC^ff ll ^Rfafrf <* 4.41H?- [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 10. Tarhamrita. 2121. 3091. Foil. 20; size 9f-9I in. by 3i in.; 8-10 lines in a page. Tarhamrita, a short exposition of the Vaise- shiha doctrine, by Jagadisa Bhattdcdrya. See Hall's Index, p. 76, no. xlvi.; Raj. Mitra's Notices, iv., p. 103, no. 1510. It begins : d^iai frrfiacj i P5 h i f4ft< si «i{l^i: b^th^^t: ^isimhsihui ir^ *w&\ ^jwI: *T»rc*rr ^v: i f iq'H frfavrtf irf^mi rr#mf ra u <\ u ^r*r ^fw: wra flirwi ttc £h°m: ^far^ Htt^l fVrf^«nfHii^i ffn ii ^^Twr^: n gn^T ~wrm ^*r: 11 mt: sjirM^hf ^^mnrfafir ttr-^ 11 ^TfW^fr«n^: cp ^WTf II ^ft7T^4" ^(Ttf^ II TT^HNwir S.M SZ'SfflWraft HTfrT II srffcnjN *T?}fir I^PT TJ^irfalTf^^ll KVT ^ II ir^n ^ht: *nr ^ nwr^i ^^fq^w ^^h: 11 wrranr: ^r«n ffcfav: 11 Hrrt sht^3 11 hr: *iffv: 11 ■j^to- [J. R. Ballantyne.] 2122. 3092. Foil. 15 (orig. i-<\t); size 8| in. by 4 in.; eight lines in a page. Tarhamrita, a second, quite modern copy, incomplete, the first three leaves being lost. [J. R. Ballantyne.] 2123. 3059. Foil. Ill ; size lOf in. by 4i in.; 9-17 lines in a page. Tarhdmritacashaha, a copious commentary on the Tarhamrita, by Gangdrdma Jadin, son rillLOSOPHY. 677 of Ndrdyana, and pupil of Nilakantha. See Hall's Index, p. 70, no. xlviii.; Raj. Mitra's Notices, iv., p. 55, no. 1451. Qangdrdma used the MuktdvaUprakdSa, the author of which (Mahddeva Bhatta Dimakara) was also a pupil of Nilakantha, see no. 2116. The Cashaka begins: ^TiTqTS3«RTfVl?ff$ ^^^TOT ^ft ^R: II °i II JnwH'iTrnrm ^wrur mr?nroT(T?ni:(<\Ktf?T ?)i cjrfqffl^ if cR^rf writ ^KTinjf ^ n ^ 11 nTrrtTmrr >rm tw»t w^r*nt wftrq: n 3 u It ends : j e. \ W?l-^lri x II jfil ^Jiij UHTH=*J| *Rr*rfWTf^nf W^TTtHMc*: TTW'T II The text of the Tarkamrita occupies the middle of each page. [J. R. Ballantyne.] 2124. 1549d. Foil. 17; size 10i in. by 4f in.; generally fifteen lines in a page. Tarkdmritatarai/ghu, a very brief commen- tary on the Tarkamrita, by Mukunda Bhatta Suri Gddtnjiltt, son of the Memdmsaka Ananta Bhatta. See Hall's Index, p. 76, no. xlix.; Raj. Mitra's Notices, i., p. 88, no. 16 1. It begins : c5^rnre 4 *£ f^ ti ■qnmvftT;' 1 !!^ i ^mvHj jfintamrtn TrrrfHi'nii u T?5t'JHIHof»J<*'«iKplfTf7- rfqwr ir*rflKin:f^irHTfn TrirTTT^rnan wuwt n [II. T. COLBBBOOKB.] 212.5. 3031. Foil. 4; sizo L3| in. by 51 in.; 14—16 lines in a page. TarMmritatarangini, the beginning of a second copy. The ir\i of tho Tif*nrT 11 s n [U. T. CoI.KBROOKE.] 2127. 1687a. Foil. 34 (l-8o); size 91 in. by 31 in.; generally nino lines in 8 | 1 T 2 G78 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. Paddrthadlpikd, a second copy, dated ^Tff °iS^, with occasional notes in Colebrooke's handwriting. In this copy the author's name is spelt Kunda Bhatta. Foil. ^TT qo<*o(x . 4. Foil. 233 ; size 13| in. by 5j in. ; 9 or 10 lines in a page ; modem handwriting. Adhy ay a X.— XII. a) Foil. 136. Adhy. X. Date : ?hm Wod tftfft ■Mg.ri ' g li 6) Foil. 58. 4<%. XL c) Foil. 39. 4^2/. XII. Colophon: fijyffctf HH I 'JTH I cr L 2139, 2140. 1808, 1809. Foil. 408 and 429 resp.; size 12 in. by 4 in.; European paper; excel- lent Devanagari writing of 1829 a.d.; nine lines in a page. Mimdmsd-bhdshya, by Bha/ta Sabarasvdmin. The leaves of different sections are numbered separately. [J. Taylor.] 2141. 1019. Foil. 164, of different size, and written by different hands. Parts of a third copy of the Mimdmsd- bhdshya. a) Fol. 1 ; size 1 1 in. by 4 in. ; nine lines in a page. This leaf does not belong to Sahara Svdrnrim's commentary. It begins : tt^ ^rifq fwta* "art wtpit^ ^r?n it Trff >j n ^fir- crajTfroiynSf ArWWUl^Ttf^Adhy. V., pad. 1, su. I) ll HTfrlWR^Tnr HTptfiT I It srems to boloi; a commentary on Pdrthasdrathi'a adstra the first word of the fifth adhydya being there TRf^^TTO, sec no. 2169 (8047). 6) Poll. 8; size 10J in. by 41 in.; 10-12 lines in a page. The fourth pdda of the first adhydya of Sahara's Mimdmtdbh Ishya. The firsi two leaves aro wanting. The first words sffxrjr. W*: ~^° belong to the commentary on su. ■'>. Colophon : ^JT^I^DI'^^^lffR: cfrHT H^«rt7n»TTWT v ■^mv^'^T^r: *nnw: *totti: jtjjut swro: » c) Foil. 12; size 10 in. by 4£ in.; eleven lines in a page. The first pdda of the second d) Foil. 23; size 11| in. by 4} in.; nine lines in a page. The third pdda (foil. 15) and tho fourth pdda (foil. 8) of the second adhydya. Colophon of the third pdda : H^HoRiriirfo'rr HXTTf^if JFftfVrf ^ ^^T^TT^ II WTX SitS 'OTTTS^lsr- iHwji ^itfvTf it ^rhra smtupift '?m: Colophon of tho fourth pdda : ?TT?fOT7 KTrfTTt Trfffvrf ^ ii w^r* qit9 m^rrfr xH*at n ^"hjioKT;- «p*ft ?W ll See no. 2144 (870). e) Foil. 68; size 111 in. by 4 in.; 12 or 13 lines in a page. Tho eight pddas or caranas of the third adhydya. The first eight leaves are lost ; fol. q begins ^cRrgr^rt^KT ^fTO^TTiT (iii. 1,13). Also foil. 83 and gg are lost ; fol. to'' ends wq xmnrDTf jpnumn . . . (iii. 4, 11), fol. m, t be- gins . . . *TTTpT fcrftnf w=r h /) Foil. 52; size 11 in. l>v 1', in.; generally twelve lines in a page ; negligently written. 682 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. The seventh adhydya and the ninth adhydya, both incomplete. There is a gap between fol. ?M and fol. ^^ ; the former ends f^R^^f ■fafSTCWTrcwTTT^T . . . (vii. 4, 20), the latter begins . . . fV*TT 1ft ff^f5fm\fw (ix. 2, 25). [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2142. 3072. Parts of a fourth copy of Sahara Svdmin's Mlmdmsdbhdshya. a) Foil. 18 ; size 9i in. by 4\ in.; 12 or 13 lines in a page. The first pdda of the first adhydya. Date : ^t^H^WrtK =RTffr5F ^tn^ nfiref^ SR^^TTCIT f^^ITSRinS^T f^fkiTfiT? II 6) Foil. 13; size lOi in. by 3 in.; eight lines in a page. The second pdda of the first adhydya. c) Foil. 19; size 10 in. by 4? in.; twelve lines in a page. The fourth pdda of the first adhydya and nearly the whole first pdda of the second adhydya. The last words are : cffigTBTTRflTl ^f^i^^mTJft tt ffrrfTr f? sraft d) Foil. 37 ; size 10 in. by 4 in.; 10 or 11 lines in a page. The first two leaves contain the beginning of the first pdda of the eighth adhydya, fol. 2b ending with the text of the eighth sutra : The next seventeen leaves contain an in- complete copy of the first pdda of the third adhydya. Fol. 3a begins : JMUtitdiKj* ^T^ft: ^I^r# qvT \Ttf (iii- 1, 6). Fol. 5, with the beginning of the commen- tary on su. 12, is wanting. The last eighteen leaves (foil. 21-38) con- tain a nearly complete copy of the second pdda of the third adhydya, fol. 38& ceasing in the middle of the commentary on the last sutra. The last words are : ^ TXtq sftj v&\ i ^Tr^T *reft mj . . . e) Foil. 26; size 10 in. by 4 in.; 10 or 11 lines in a page. The four pddas of the eighth adhydya. f) Foil. 5; size 10i in. by 4i in.; 14-16 lines in a page. A fragment of some other commentary on the Mlmdmsdsutras, treating of su. 1-5 of the fourth pdda of the first adhydya. It begins -. ... Urrtih i ^nznrOTrwwrTre i It ends : ^wf^WJ f? TP5TT I 3*nft fTTOT^i i^RHHtjIi^MHT . . . Before the last leaf one leaf is wanting. [J. R. Ballantyne.] 2143. 868a. Foil. 11 (*-<*); size 10A in. by 4| in.; ten lines in a page ; large old writing, the same as in nos. 2161, 2162 (1030, 2195). (Sdbarabhdshya), a fragment from the first adhydya, containing su. 2-34 of the third pdda. [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2144. 15211i. Foil. 7; size 10 in. by 4 in.; 11 or 12 lines in a page. The fourth pdda of the second adhydya of Sabara Svdmin's Mlmdmsdbhdshya. 2145. 870. Foil. 104; size lit in. by 3f in.; ten lines in a page. The eight pddas of the third adhydya of Sabara Svdmin's Mlmdmsdbhdshya. PHILOSOPHY. Colophon of the first pdda : »rNt*ro?r?fT?fn'TT Colopliou of the second padii : »ifatHoir ° crr^ II icz\ <^bb %3TnTT ^?m- zrfi 5Rtnf5rer*rg5JW ^q- qTqT^n~q qrqqq rnqqifq i qwsqqfq vwi qTqfqfqqFq- ^ftq^IW q ei*Mrt-inT ■'IIWIilH I q ^ 7T5ft sfq isng- 3*qqqTqwrft ^jfairf: i isfsR^Trfv^rTTT qjq ^qinr- r*l\ I qqtf?§ u^w i wqnqTqrqTqq*i?Trrq i w$ ^ qq^^Tq^qfqfltq; rrrq qqiftrr Ttftqrq i ^fq ^ i qfqqrnTrr q> sups: qi - : UfOwyqq;: i ^tqtfsqqqT q"r sfq qq ^KJIO'M^: ii ^qnrfqsTfq f? qTfq ^qrteqiqq>qqfq q q^m- urrqfqqqFnttqri^TTqtfqc I qwqSTFqqq svtnq qq H7T- ^h^ftgr^q qqq^ I qq I JWUij<3KH!T HiqWT?qT^WiriT7jq»T I fq^qif^H^qftnaTrfH: qiqniqqq 'q fwqr n Wq«H f? qqq: qT5?^^Ic5ajqq u The handwriting is the same as in no. 2153 (1 r,u). 4 u 2 686 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 2155. 1451c. Foil. 46; size 10 in. by 4 in.; eight lines in a page. Mlmdmsdvdrttika. The third pdda of the second adhyaya. It begins : ■3 -J \3 \ ft ^ The 25th and the 26th leaf are in the same handwriting as no. 2151 (1450a) ; they fill up an omission in this copy, which, therefore, must have been written some time before Samvat 1664. [H. T. Colebeooke.] 2156. 1453b. Foil. 19; size 10 in. by 4 in.; eight lines in a page. Tantrat'tM. The fourth pdda of the second adhyaya, in the same handwriting as no. 2155 (145 Id It begins : [H. T. CoLEBKOOKE.] 2157. 1449a. Foil. 36; size 10 in. by 4 in.; foil. 1-14 eight lines, foil. 15-19 ten lines, foil. 20-36 nine lines in a page. (Mimdmsdtantravdrttika) , the first twelve sutras of the first pdda of the third adhyaya; the text of the twelfth sutra is on fol. 2%. The copy begins : c g^ft tott** ^mf^ ^T^frsf^ »rbtf ftirrai TTwf sN- 2158. 1452. Foil. 181; size 10 in. by 4 in.; nine lines in a page. The third adhyaya of Bhatta Kumdrila Svdmin's Vdrttika, in four separate parts, but throughout in the same handwriting. a) Foil. 25. Mlmdmsdvdrttika. The latter half of the first pdda of the third adhyaya, the continuation to no. 2157 (1449a), in the same handwriting but with a new pagination. It begins : s* , HT3frT:firr«R5r?»rR^[fiT i The fifth leaf is wanting. b) Foil. 27. Mlmdmsdbhdshyavdrttika. The second pdda of the third adhyaya. It begins : ^runi *w *^t Wt^ ^ crqfaw Ticmin^rtfTT i c) Foil. 57. Tantravdrttika. The third carana of the third adhyaya. It begins : WWTir. rim wjw i The writing on the second page of the last leaf does not belong to the Tantravdrttika. d) Foil. 72. Tantratikd. The fourth pdda of the third adhyaya. In the colophon Kumdrila is called Bhatta- pdda Misra. philosophy. 687 It begins : fVpfliT HHHTKilTfar'r^ VW1 H^f=tT I The writing on the first page of the first leaf seems to contain a quotation from the Siromani. Also the last page is covered with writing, where the t>irwvi\<\ \fn nil ^Rf^ffT nit sfrr^jr: i t^ws-tc ^ zfn fr^TT: i 688 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. The seventh adhyaya ends fol. 576 (the first pdda fol. 546; the second pdda is wanting, for ^ fgvmfHVRJT fol. 55a is the first sutra of the third pdda; the third pdda ends fol. 565). It begins : to n ^fmi'nwt^Ts^TOt h^t«^ wftraiTi *rnn ^rn^ii ■q% ^f^nn f=K «=JidTltTfTfsF^rw^(r.Ogft^?) <^} ■3-tr >r^frT Nf^nf r^fflr (s/c) ^nptfiWTsq' *mi\fa The eighth adhyaya ends fol. 606 (the first and second pdda fol. 60a, the third fol. 606, It begins : The ninth adhyaya ends fol. 86a (the first pdda fol. 726, the second fol. 79a, the third fol. 81a). It begins : ^ ^smT^tT^H^fg^rf^K Tpns:(r.*ns:?) i Tq^rrtrfff^i w?: 5TT?aTfii?^T '$?T>Tr?: ^tt tra? TrnrT^mrRTf^- c c The tenth adhyaya begins : ■fay: UcRWRK sfK^iTtT *f ^m ven\ ii wnbrrfir- «mii ° The first pdda ends fol. 896, the second fol. 94a, the third fol. 986, the fourth fol. 104a, the fragment of the fifth pdda terminates in the comment on the 29th sutra tftTf5T^ ^TTi3 7HT ^TfTST^Tff (fol. 1046, 1. 9). [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2161. 2355. Foil. 73 (numbered 90-158, nos. 98, 107, 120, 121 occurring twice); size 104 in. by 4| in.; fair Devanagarl writing; nine lines in a page. Smrticaranavdrttika, the third pdda of the first adhyaya of Kumdrila's Mimdmsdvdrttilia, but only the uttardrdha, which comprises sutras 24-35; see before, no. 2151 (1450a). The leaves are marked qr° W° "J . The first leaf is partly broken away at the corners. It begins : (u^WnqriiW^i^JT^^g t ^^wr wnni s^n*rt- *i*TOT(^iiTfl?rt- ^TRT fcSf^if H The same scribe copied also the Nydyasudhd in nos. 2162, 2163. At the end two odd leaves are appended, the first of which contains the beginning of the Sabarabhdshya on Mimdmsdsutral.,pdda3, n%m yi #:H<$r4 \ i to Jesfinwfn HTRj (p. 64 of the edition, 1. 6 from bottom), whilst the second contains a fragment of Kumdrila's Vdrttiha to I., 3, sutra 10, corresponding to foil. 556 and 56a of no. 2151 (1450a). [Gaikawar.] 3. Commentaries on the Vdrttiha. 2162, 2163. 1030, 2195. Foil. 196 and 158 resp.; size 10f in. by 5 in.; 9 or 10 lines in a page. The first volume is much worm-eaten. Nydyasudhd, also called Sarvopakdrinl and PHILOSOPHY. .-,-:» Kanaka, a commentary on Kumdrila'a Tontra- vdrttika, by Bhatta Somehara, son of Bhatta Madhava. See Hall's Index, p. 170, no. iv. (Biinako), These volumes contain only the third pdda of the first adhydya, called Sntriticarana, and divided into two. halves. Vol. I. The Purvdrdha (t[° m° n° on the margin), sit. 1-23. It begins : V*XU 3T^H^rn^(l(^*n!)TM XqTffCl. 3, 1) I *nr Colophon : (^H0f^cRni3*fi»rtHT^TOfiTiraPfmt- cKT^n ^^"fqoirrftTnrt ^n^WVT^TT'IT JrciTUmnTKTTH^TfH- O 6 6 ^XTJUlfrlf wmm II Foil. M and ^ are lost. Fol. 139 (i^fc 2 ) is superfluous, being a repetition of foil. 137 and 138. Foil. 136, 137, 138 (^s, 3. *. s) ought to be in the inverted succession. Foil, s^o is misplaced after fol. 133. Vol. II. The Uitardrdha (xt ° w° "? °), su. 24-35. It begins : ^X^XT^'R'SCXlTrTO^XJIHr: I ^nrftr ^rn^?TR .... ««pr:(?) 11 q 11 The colophon is nearly the same as before. Date : *Tff 144* W 'BrWlf? =IM trfS&HTCTt finfT tttjTW^T^T %ft^7f 11 The same scribe copied also no. 2161. The last leaf is very much damaged. [Gaikawar.] 2164. 277. Foil. 138; size Hi in. by 4 in.; 12-14 lines in a page; good old writing. Nydyasudhd, the second pdda of the second adhydya. It begins : «W ^lum-TlTtl II vft PoKTlirq W. II 3PCT1TX svrt 1 3i^wrrf-TfnH?t c5Kf*!ii«if sfauhjir h^ spe^i Colophon : ^fiT TjfNf?r^iTCT3»rtat*TTmii H JlfiH Wif- 5iR^rrftTH^»n>JqTT*nTK^«Tit^r^7f> rfHVlfNiZ^cKCnjt w)^TRT«n5Tfnnrt ^njwviwnrt fnrtjmnwmwi f?rai (^qWTff ) ^ofiXTJW T WSpfTff wjftui sifrr^T s-g=T5 * ww i^m ^ «f*r*Tff I ^r ?rfc»nr w^ fsFcS ■^t^h?: nirirrt T*r: 11 The words put in parenthesis are want! the left side of the last leaf being somewhat damaged; they have been added from the manuscript no. 2169 (30 17, adstradipihd), where the last verse occurs again. 11. T. CoLEBKOOKE.] 690 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 2165. 1223. Foil. 60; size 11 in. by 5 in.; ten lines in a page ; fair writing. Two fragments of a commentary on the Nydyasudhai?.). a. Foil. 1-52. A commentary referring to the first four sutras of the fourth pdda of the first adhydya, incomplete. The Tantravdrttika is quoted on every page, the Sudhdkdra fol. 2a, 1. 7, fol. 10b, 1. 3, etc. It begins : ■33 «nreni?*TO Hwrsrlr a^f i?n* (I. 4, 1) *nj The commentary on the fourth sutra begins fol. 48a, 1. 1. b. Foil. 53-60. RdnakaprdyaScittaprakarana (thus the title in the colophon), incomplete in the beginning. The first words are : oRmrf&T [H. T. COLEBKOOKE.] 2166. 1569. Foil. 47 (and a leaf inserted after fol. 38); size 10i in. by 3| in.; fairly written, in Devanagarl, about 1600 a.d.; eight lines in a page. Tautdtitamatatilaka, a gloss on Rumania's Tantravdrttika, by Bhatta Bhavadeva, surnamed Bdlavalabluhhujaiiga. See Hall's Index, p. 170. Adhydya ii. pdda 1. It begins : >fixm(!) n mw surra HHUliejUR i ^w I ° (Sabara- bhdshya, Bibl. Ind., p. 108 to 1. 3 infra) s* wfcx ^fff i ^ wrarayrcrrr tjvtr surra iwnnrnraT- ^TTCl HJ^H^^q WiCt TftTrrfrr(w)*HfiTc5cK f? TfV M\ 1\H ■JRf^f^? flfVf^ri TPra f^:WirfiT#lTfW Sp*qi7nt> »T^T7T II The leaf inserted between foil. 38 and 39, being itself marked 39, contains the end of adhy. i. pdda 4 ; its colophon being : ^frf ^rt- ^Tc5^c5^° ifbiTfinmtrffrcF* Trzuwrmnren ^w^^^rr: *T»TTW: II 5TT ?{\il as above. The leaves are marked >^ «T° Fol. 1 has the title -fTYirTfimtTfH^R ° Tautdtita is a name for the followers of Kumdrila, see Aufrecht's Oxford Catalogue, p. 247. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2167. 1547A. Foil. 20; size 10 in. by 4^ in.; nine lines in a page. Tantravdrttikatikd, a commentary on the fourth pdda of the second adhydya of Bhatta Kumdrila Svdmin's Tantravdrttika, by Kamald- kara Bhatta, son of Rdmakrishna Bhatta, who was the son of Ndrdyana Bhatta Suri. The pdda begins : jnTsrtftnrr swim: ° (II. 4, 1) n «rnj ^^f^fwi- h fprffi i ^ramif^ ^fsrf^fff i TTr£- wfn^jTT*raran>f5' i« »w *. i h *1 m urprara^T =ft**5 *a\h\ Tr*raTf#^N;rat tTfrtnw {sic\) ^1: mft surras with: ii PHILOSOPHY. 691 |_11. T. CoLl BROOKE.] 4. Sdlikandtha's commentary on flu Mimdmsd- bhdshya. 21GS. 422. Foil. 192; size 111 in. by -i\ in.; foil. 1-79 and 154-192 twelve to fourteen Hues, foil. 80-153 eleven or twelve lines in a page; written, perhaps, by two different hands, but both of the 16 th century. Rijwoimald Pancikd, a commentary on Sa- bara Svdmin's Mimdmsdbhdshya, by Sdlikandtha Miira. The first adhydya, incomplete. In binding this MS. the first pa/la has been cut up into two halves, the first ending fol. 796 (b^ of the original numbering), and the second beginning fol. 154c (ti of the original num- bering); the last sutra of the first half is the sixth, TW* THT i/ I'Jrthatarathi Misra. 2109. 3047. Eleven different manuscripts ("-/), all well written and of considerable age. Sdstradipikd, a commentary on the JL/'- mdmsdsutras, by Pdrthasdrathi Mi&ra, si c Yajndtman (see the second copy). See Hall's Index, p. 173, n v^ ^nw^ft f^rrftff: i The first pdda ends fol. 176, the second fol. 415, the third fol. 526. The fourth pdda ends : «^: fgwTOTfflftr *TfVtfr shhjt: trt wf^nitTTfwr i d) Foil. 67; size 10f in. by 4 in.; ten lines in a page. The third adhydya. The commentary begins: J*i ft^r H^ ^TtrJrfV r^fa^'Prf f^TTff I The first pdda ends fol. 156, the second fol. 25a, the third fol. 386, the fourth fol. 496, the fifth fol. 556, the sixth fol. 646, the seventh fol. 716. The eighth pdda ends : ts: ^r^ft ^w*irerfff?nftn m^f ^ra^f^rrv ht»tpw i tnr?nii*iirswT*Tf% firhft »rriniN sri^?- e) Foil. 26; size 104 in. by 3f in.; 10 or 11 lines in a page. The fourth adhydya. The commentary begins : STfdN ^ ^W Tl^faiftfff ^TTWT II ^m^Tf^TRT'il'Slii^THT^ 13 Vj | fa ^fqirr *HT TTTTiT 3T1TT[rt miW*: ^fn 5rq^^iirTJi pof*a^jrr Trfa ^rwfir inr: tTC!HTT*h: I The first pdda ends fol. 86, the second fol. 13a, the third fol. 216. The fourth pdda ends : uffc^q *rfw *ftwJnr ^tsj^rfarrfijq ilw tht i 7nr: « *Hr? ^T^nbr uvR*ra * tt^w >m: u The manuscript ends with this verse : $I=RN ^ Wl«I<*TfOT ^m fsTPI ^»TTft^TW?r n /) Foil. 26; size lOi in. by 3f in.; 6 or 7 lines in a page ; yellow coloured paper. The fifth adhydya. The commentary begins : inftumfar: hwwtt: tit fa^«w i The first pdda ends fol. 11a, the second fol. 176, the third fol. 236. The fourth pdda ends : J?i falsfiiTT "*&?% MJHMHUMi 'STferftr: II g) Foil. 39 ; size lOi in. by 3i in.; 10 or 11 lines in a page. The sixth adhydya. The commentary begins : The first pdda ends fol. 76, the second fol. 13a, the third fol. 186, the fourth fol. 246, the fifth fol. 31a, the sixth fol. 336, the seventh fol. 366. The eighth pdda ends : ■^rfV'sf^^ fiBsCT ^smu^^aTf^roHf^iuriii ^TfVnpni *rf%t?H ^T^ft sTT^rt -m i Prior i fHyfinj wa wt iTHri^uH^-: n The writer begs : -=Rt^>immTV ^jprffJiT *TmT: II PHILOSOPHY. 693 A) Foil. 34; size 10J in. by t ', in.; ben lines in a page.. The ninth adhydya. The commentary begins : fair snri^n s^pjTfir- ^TTWT^TlWofi "3T?ft3T«Iff I The first pdda ends fol. 16a, the second fol. 256. Foil. 30-30 (of the original numbering, four leaves) comprising the end of the third and the beginning of the fourth jiada are wanting. The last sutra before the gap is : ihnifHr4 ^ifa^tT . . . (fol. 29, last line), the first sutra after it is : TOwr- *nfmrRT ii The fourth pdda ends : TjT^wT^fflWTan&rttTn *Rrennfa'ni ^ tiTfft (°ff ed.) I jT^r?rNiVir^ f^rfcnrr m^f^tf^iT: <*fcnjrf ii Foil. 68 ; size 11 in. by 4j in.; ten lines in a page. The tenth adhydya. The commentary begins : '5? fns sfUf^FRt m'HT«"^rf^^r'm i ^ren ^jir s-^T^rt facirfTri^rfHvW i The first pdda ends fol. 8a, the second fol. 17a, the third fol. 24a, the fourth fol. 34a, the fifth fol. 45a, the sixth fol. 51a, the seventh fol. 58i. The eighth pdda ends : ipA cJTirti xnrfq-^ fWfirs ftrarfirw k) Foil. 22; size 11 in. by 5 in.; 11-16 lines in a page. The eleventh adhydya. The commentary begins : jj^pr siqrq =rr«rr«l- wsnTftf^^n^iiw: wnr. i tfH7^3TTfir?3TJUVHi!'R TuftnTfwro uforroiro^T^ * \ ?if *3T*j un^hr ^nillW^ li /) Poll. 17 i Bize I I ill. by 5 in.; 1 2 15 lines in a page. The twelfth adhydya. The commentary bedda ends fol. 156, the second fol. 256, the third fol. 396, the fourth fol. 51a, the fifth fol. 576, the sixth fol. 67a, the seventh fol. 746. In the last colophon Pdrthasdrathi is called Yajt'idtmasunu: jfn ^ffatf si I * H^nrq«TTf«rfn , !rf%T- f*nrrqt ■?rtar^*rtatwTiT'?fHJr=RmvriTT*jt sn^rflftpjmrt Date : Tfcn^ It 1 ^ •tfftmtf^C^ ) . 349, the third p. 350); the ninth adhydya ends p. 38 I- (the first pdda p. 36 l, the second p. 872, the third p. 377); the tentli adhydya ends p. 449 (the first pdda p. 391, the second p. 400, the third p. 406, the fourth p. 416, the fifth p. 127, the sixth p. 43 t, the seventh p. 440); the eleventh adhydya ends p. 471 (the first pdda p. 45 t, the second p. 460, the third p. 465); the twelfth adhydya ends p. 489 (tho first pdda p. 478, the second p. 483, the third p. 486). The introductory couplets are not quite the same as in no. 2169 (3047), the second being: SH^lfarf Tfr^T «£T'«rrnm ^faf*f l [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 2173-217:>. 1272 & 1273. Two large volumes of equal size, in European book form ; size 9j in. by 13A in.; written in the Bengali character, on yellow paper, in the beginning of the 19th century. 1272a. Foil. 69 (paged s~^s); 27-30 lines in a page. Yuktisnehaprapurani Siddhdntacandrikd, the oldest commentary on the Sdstradipikd, by Rdmahrishna Bhatta, son of Mddhava and Prabhdvatl. They descended from Mdlava brahmans who belonged to the gotra of Pard- sara. Mddhava left his native country for Benares. Rdmdkrishna became a famous pandit of Benares; he received the title of Bhatta from Rdjardja Gopindtha, and the sur- name Panditasiromani Erom Balabhadra, who was the guru of Pratdparudra Gajapati, in consequence of his composing the Pratdpa- mdrttanda. All this and other genealogical dates appear in the inl roductory yi i According to a statement in Sail's Index, p. 173, no. \iv., tins work was composed " in the \ in I mm (if \'il;rniiiiJrl;ii." This MS. contains only the first pdda of t he firsl adhydya. 1 1 begins : 'WT^rsnf^irT^^ K^j ttj^h ?uTJjgqt: i jrfKTQymTTjrfinf *r^ fmcjnfrfa^ji h h ii c wf^rrT;mf?wfff'5frT(r. mr^°)frm^- TT^T?lfV7'R'5FTTTmH^:(c.<'H : hai:) || a || wrfe^c.'Sfn ) *ra ^Tn^(r.^sTn^ 'r)iiT(T'^rr: i ^#f^hJF5W*rf#rrRt II M II fsrfNifH?) H^r^prl ?^wt *t ^rfn- n i n fji^TWTfmicr? ^31 utttjtt:^ i ^:mww^?r: *?r«rrcud h$k(>-. sh-sht ) n s h TH( ^faT3l^(r.TmVrV!ft f»nr )fffip?> f»T3: wmrf snrjfTnrjr^: i ^n^rrf3i^:('-.°f3TF:) tffthft sat yfa^nt ii tu JiTn|^T4TT>tTfr(c. Tp i n?1iri : e^TrirriTT5ptf=r: u c n 696 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ^fw^T^n W: sri^T^O-. ° *nw x ) n <\o n ^Rirt Hrn^uKinn Hall) f^fifi f^r ^(r.*?) ^rm : ^f^irfcr?r|TV. n fv[:] ^Wt^T^3^>WHTH (r.°m*) I f^^WTl7T|^3 "HTW «£T<* fRIT II ^ || TrftiTtTf^i^^ftfrftfw iiHTW#*!rfa»&TOTini w 11 fafawm^Ttm ^n^TTTn T^pr^: ii °,t u tt sn^WjcRutcRT -mm wHrfq ^ftiin i The end of this MS. is : ^tit: TjTf«n»l^H^T^ ^? HiNittjamf SHTw ■# w m< Tf^TTRnpTTnf cnrr^^Ta' wtr fair s ft» ^^TTnmjn frrw^ni^ijur t>iirlNT^»r*rr- «f^sfi^f^7Tl "HT1 «Iff^Irf fc5%if HIT II Colophon : ^fff ^HrRTCT^Tfr^HcRc^rra^f^TTT^- gfsR^lTTOPrt ftTETRHrf^; <*I Wit irsraTUTT'TO TT*m- ir^: i mhij ^ TT^^Trrr: 11 1272b & 1273. Mayuhhaindlikd, a commen- tary on the Sdstradlpihd, by Somandtha, son of Swra Bhatta, and younger brother of Venha- tddri Yajvan, who was also his teacher, ' Andhra Brdhmans of the Nittala family," see Hall's Index, p. 176, no. xvii. This commentary begins with the second pdda of the first adhydya. 1272b. Foil. 251 (71-321); foil. 188-219 and 264-321 (the best parts of the whole MS.) twenty-eight lines,foll. 71-128 generally twenty- eight or twenty-seven lines, foil. 130-158 thirty to thirty-seven lines, foil. 158-187 and 220-263 twenty-nine to thirty-three lines in a page. This part begins with the second pdda of the first adhydya, and ends in the beginning of the first pdda of the sixth adhydya. The introductory verses are : ^tt rr»rni ?r»?: 11 *if<*wiOrf fagvtfir^^rNt m^* w crt sfq it ^w««rtm»T: 1 ^ffr sfu Ti7crfi:(iTrTrr)rnnt fanff grgTcSiTt ft>y^'=T>f^m^fire : fa 11 q 11 ^STfwi cRQ5TJTf^5TT^«^ri^CTf^1if>T !). PHILOSOPHY. 697 ^hnn Y5T WWTt fT^H 1tH> sfa^rT TT II ^ II Tlftf^*: f; the t. nth adh ends Eol. t96a (tin 1 firsl , la fol. I '. '•■<. the 1 fol. I t86, the third fol. 451a, the fourth fol. It'. la, the fifth fol. 171./, the sixth fol. 177./, the seventh fol. 4815); the eleventh adhyaya ends fol. 521a (the first pdda fol. 501a, the second fol. .Mis/,, the third fol. 515a); the twelfth adhyaya ends fol. 5416 (the first pdda fol. 529a, the second I I. 534a, the third fol. 538a). [H. T. Colebkookk.] 2176-2179. 1011, 1374, 1375, 1376. MayuMamdlikd, a second copy, not quite complete. In the colophons the father of Soman itha is very often called Sunt instead of Sura. 1011. Foil. 203; size 11| in. by G in; eight, sometimes nine lines in a page. The three pddas of the first adhyaya, in a modern hand. The second pdda ends fol. 36a, the third fol. 106a. 1374. Foil. 183; size 10A in. by \h in.; twelve lines in a page. Tin' second and third adhydyas (incomplete), in two parts, but lmth in the same handwriting. a) The second adhyaya. Foil. 69, The first pdda ends fol. 22,/. the Becond fol. the third fol. 676. Date : *^ Sftt fairt ^T*R ^T> W «l*?cR f?TOT 5) The third adhyaya. Foil. 114. The first pdda ends fol. 20a, the second fol. 698 CATALOGUE OP SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. the third fol. 576, the fourth fol. 726, the fifth fol. 826, the sixth fol. 976, the seventh fol. 1076. The eighth pdda is not complete, breaking off in the explanation of the thirty- third sutra (^TtvpWT^3P?l fasnTRHTftnTiT). Towards the end there are many omissions in this copy, caused, as it seems, by the illegibility of the original manuscript. 1375. Foil. 259 ; size 1(H in. by 4i in. The fourth, fifth, sixth (incomplete), seventh and ninth adhyayas, in four parts, but all in nearly the same handwriting. a) The fourth and fifth adhyayas. Foil. 95 ; foil. 1-3G fourteen lines, foil. 37-95 nine to twelve lines in a page. The fourth adhydya ends fol. 536 (the first pada fol. 19a, the second fol. 28a, the third fol. 416); the fifth adhydya ends fol. 956 (the first pada fol. 61a, the second fol. 706, the third fol. 90a). 6) The sixth adhydya, incomplete. Foil. 49; generally eleven lines in a page. The first pada ends fol. 7a, the second fol. 176, the third fol. 24a, the fourth fol. 33a, the fifth fol. 45a, the sixth fol. 486. The seventh pdda breaks off in the explanation of the first sTrfra. c) The seventh and eighth adhyayas. Foil. 45 ; eleven lines in a page. The seventh adhydya ends fol. 29a (the first •pada fol. 96, the second fol. 106, the third fol. 246); the eighth adhydya ends fol. 456 (the first pdda fol. 386, the second fol. 41a, the third fol. 436). In the last colophon Somandtha's father is called Sun. d) The ninth adhydya. Foil. 70; foil. 1-14 and 29-70 eleven lines, foil. 15-28 ten lines in a page. The first pdda ends fol. 32a, the second fol. 49a, the third fol. 59a. Date : ri^ff qttto $zm$ g. 1376. Foil. 199; size 10i in. by U. in. The tenth, eleventh and twelfth adhyayas, in three parts. The handwriting is the same as in no. 2178 (1375). a) The tenth adhydya. Foil. 124; foil. 1-83 eleven lines, foil. 84-124 ten lines in a page. The first pdda ends fol. 126, the second fol. 286, the third fol. 396, the fourth fol. 55a, the fifth fol. 746, the sixth fol. 856, the seventh fol. 1026. Date : WTff <\tH S3 etc. Apparently these words are an explana- tion of slokas 4-6. In the first half of the work the single sections are not numbered. A first section ends (fol. 256): The new section begins : m ^h: *HPHmiMifa?iK*j ^h: mwrn UTiraT- n»TTOF^ ^x^w^Hri etc. It ends (fol. 346) : The new section begins : frfvij^r fw^z ^mt ^Tf^^ff *nr: i «b: ^t4 frfV. i ^fg^T?: inrrotwTTTT>n:> f^rr- ftnftSTHT?»rf^ VTCTrfsPlVft f-tfVftfrT etc. It ends (fol. 49a) : xjr^HKfqfjf^ ^flft yq f^fvfvTO^: II The new section begins : It ends (fol. 646) : ^JTimtfiT f^ffHT ftp???: WURTO'SR %fx II The new section begins : tr ^TfieR'^rrT^^Tqm^: J^w ii It ends (fol. 906): zmm ^rrmg Trf?Hirfai: n^fsiir: n The last section of the first half begins : ^tot cBciil * ^ <^ ainr: nfrnnuff ii «i n W5*c*inlHH^RTf^fiI H'HJrT I etc. It ends (fol. 966): tJTWTfw ^J=qf^r5Tir <*|«jfH.<|Tft: I The copy described by Rajendralala Mitra, Notices, v., p. 203, no. 1887, comprises only this first half of the whole work. The second half begins : *ijpR ^rfjjcs w^Pff tfsjikrr=r ^*iff ii It is divided into five paricchedas. The first pariccheda ends (fol. 1036): ^frf ^ftarrotP?- wTc5nrw*ifVraq ttto ^fvi^i n The second pariccheda begins : ^r^ k q^RTrnwwfaqf^if TJTT II The third pariccheda begins (fol. 117a): V^W- The fourth pariccheda begins (fol. 141a): T?i ^^nr^»TTff^f5icdTTO#vfavT: tt^iwttiit -JWT^iTifiniraT wfatffrjw I The fifth pariccheda begins (fol. 164a): ^4^51 TT TPTtTTfWTlf if^l=imdl<* 1 HM II * In the line ^55, but supra scriptum •gfiT. BTfVfCF7T*H Tfiewi irm?Tl3ltHtl *3>>^(°Pt?)^fflrfijIT:- wufvrfarrt ^TF^^nrt ^*mifrr 11 ^sn^ftrfir 11 Noti the Eorm Pdrtharathasdrathi in the fourth couplet. Fol. 416 ends a first section : ^fw ^rN'JT'n- fff$«RaiT?JTTH sms 11 Fol. 51a a second section: ^fjf ^HUTRi?To?T- Fol. 76a a third section : jfiT tJT«Wrn'«lf i TT;- ^IT^TT'rf WHTS II Fol. 98a a fourth section : ^frr tttRjTT^T^- Fol. UGa the last section: 3fJT T|«HHI-«n tt - f%Tf%7T ^rRTHJn^T^TT^niT ^HlsRTR fHiHokiHi^cK- ^ITWPf *flTW II This is exactly the first half of the whole work, as will appear from a comparison with the preceding complete copy of the Nydya- ratnamdld. The Oxford Ndyakaratna, in Aufrecht's Cat. Bodl., no. 527, contains the second halt'; the first word of the second half of the Nydya- ratnamdld being 'fl'iy'^l; see also Rajendralals '. Notices, iv., no. 1557. Perhaps the Oxford volume and the present MS. aro diffcrein parts of one old complete copy. The erroneous title " Nydyakaranda" given to Rdmdnuja Acdrya's commentary by Hall, Index, p. 172, no. xii., was corrected by Auf- rocht, Cat. Cat., p. 307. [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 7. Other commentaries on the Mimdmsdsutras. 2184. 1320. Foil. 322; size 12| in. by Z\ in. 4 y 2 702 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. Mimdmsanayaviveka, Bhavandtha Misra's commentary on the Jaiminisutra, an incomplete copy, comprising only eight books out of twelve. All the single parts are well written and of considerable age. See Hall's Index, p. 179, no. xxvi.; Burnell's Tanj. MSS., p. 84. According to the introductory verse Bhava- ndtha Misra's work is an abridgment of the more ample work of his guru. a) The second to fourth pdda of the first adhydya. Foil. 46 (3-48), foil. 3-13 nine lines, foil. 14-48 eight lines in a page. Foil. 3-36 are in a very old handwriting, the last twelve leaves are of a little later date. The right half of the last leaf is torn off. Some leaves are left blank on one side. The second pdda ends fol. 12a, the third fol. 365. It begins : fstmatT^^i ■qw ^ nrt: ^nr: i font wtit cfifj »ro tffep 3 ' ^fir ii 6) The second adhydya. Foil. 46 (49-94); generally eight lines in a page. The first pdda ends fol. 70a, the second fol. 86a, the third fol. 93a. It begins : f^H^T feirftH ffrr^PT f^nrura i Note of the scribe: f^ftinf ^n^rn?T«: <*w"Hifw n c) The third adhydya. Foil. 80 (95-174); foil. 95-157a eight lines, foil. 1576-1585 nine lines, foil. 159a-1746 ten lines in a page. After fol. 106 and fol. 116 two leaves are wanting. Thus the end of the first pdda has been lost (see su. 1, 23 on fol. 116a, and su. 2, 3 on fol. 1176); the second pdda ends fol. 125a, the third pdda fol. 136a, the fourth pdda fol. 1456, the fifth pdda fol. 154a, the sixth pdda fol. 1636, the seventh pdda fol. 1696. It begins : Trf%=FT?g tt^ri §*hfr?f¥fWf?nj i Tf TfWt *nRtn ^rem 5T1^^^ II d) Foil. 66 (175-240); eight lines in a page. The fourth and the fifth adhydya. The first pdda of the fourth adhydya, ends fol. 196a, the second fol. 203a, the third fol. 213a, the fourth fol. 2166. The first pdda of the fifth adhydya ends fol. 2266, the second fol. 2306, the third fol. 236a. The fourth adhydya begins : H? TTT^Wt ptf 3?Rr3T j« T q I fV^tTT^^: II The fifth adhydya begins : tT^TJTTTTnJT I The next three parts are in the same hand- writing. e) Foil. 51 (241-291); ten lines in a page. The sixth adhydya. The first pdda ends fol. 2566, the second fol. 263a, the third fol. 2716, the fourth fol. 2756, the fifth fol. 2826, the sixth fol. 2856, the seventh fol. 2896. It begins : ^^Trot cfTHnxftn nrrrF^nfainpw: u wi «t^ q^w ^ TTtftii ITS n$Tfwm*T? ftr^t ^TTigTHRTf^fiT I /) Foil. 18 (292-310a); ten lines in a page. The seventh adhydya. The first pdda ends fol. 3016, the second fol. 3026, the third fol. 3086. It begins : g) Foil. 13 (3106-322a); ten lines in a page. The eighth adhydya. The first pdda ends fol. 3 176, the second fol. 319a, the third fol. 321 a. rniLOSornY. 703 It Logins : Name of the scribe : r^plT^T f^ferf: ^n^ TJir?J ^ II [H. T. COLKBEOOKE.] 2185. 1447. Foil. 54; size 11 in. by 3| in.; nine lines in a page. Mvmdmsanayaviveka, a second old copy of the third and fourth }>dda of the first adhydya. It begins with fol. 13, the first twelve leaves not belonging to MiSra Bhavcmdtha's commen- tary. The beginning of the third pdda (about one page) is wanting; the first words on fol. 13a. are : ... gf%f?pftn ^fil ?TW{ I ^T^rfK'-JTfaiTT *PtTO *Tfum (see in no. 2184 fol. 126, 1. 4). The third pdda ends fol. 39a. The first twelve leaves contain a small fragment of a commentary on the Sdbarabhd- shya. It begins : ^iWRlfq wrjppWFf^F rq jfd^rMK 'qfiT WT JT^-JR iftTR^rWlftT HT^TH II This quotation belongs to Sahara's explanation of Ml. su. I. 1, 5 (see p. 10, 1. 16 of the edition in the Bibl. Ind.). It then proceeds : Wftjni •(TTrtram: i 3WT*fi ^ tirtspirtaite ^w^^^^rr^i- fnw^^rfVfTiTFrnn wfa^ri? s^f s^t ^fsHri.^rfa' *nr- Wld^^r^ften ^read °f3I?:) * ^ffT° The fragment breaks off with : TT*ftiR1'tU*H? I jrfrTfiTfvftfiT i [H. T. CoLEBROOK£.] 2186, 2187. 1458b & 1458c. Mlmdimdsutradldhiti or NydydvaUdldhiti, a commentary on the Jai- minisutra, by Bdrjliaudnanda Sarasvatl, disciple of Advaya, who was the disciple of Visvesvara Bhagamatjpdda. See Hall's Index, p. 182, no. xxxvi.; Etajendralala M Ltra's Notices, vi., p. 11, no. 1991. 1458b. Foil. 29; size 94 in. by 4 in. j ten lines in a page. Mlmdmsdsutradidhiti. The first adhydya. It begins : ^gjT JJ^tlt ^ TjfK^THTffl (Tlfin?T ° R.M.) nmi!i«(r^Tiir?n^f^^HfrsraT: n ^.fvrarrr sfwiji^ wtht^ fdifrnr: i ^t ^T*l<3 K^ ^C THTg^ftpn: fRRTTT II f!=Tur*}Tnn??ffRT»*vT} TT^Tf^K: fawifiT ^ffl^H II Cs < x frs C\ O Tw^flT ii h^t: v>$ tf^ftur^tfaTra: v* jprt^TO si * c HrT^H I fatpft f^winr (cp. no. 2209) Ti^tT^ref^W.i s3 °* wTrfa^rfw TTsfr^ sin^ sfvcRtni wwftftT (n) tt* fatnft fsmg^trt'T ir?at ^fis iniTf^vT-iT^5. *m??t ^Tat(^T^nsi ?) ■jj-tHf^PtT ^TTTmff: fwsptr: n ^fin i 3ire? svqrq nun 3rnt? i wrq ^rw ^ 4nfH: 3n^rinfii:(i) H^Twu-mrTrfrf: 704 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ■ah* f^mt: i "3ift nrws ic^t ^ itKf ^fir i trr^wTifw: n trr^ xn^ ^^ih i iTsrzrr i fw^^^irf[T»wrRt ttc- wrnfrnpi: ir«RTuirii i ^ f§r?ftaTumnf^ ^nrfl^rrtrrn ^ttot: w^Tftrr i Htit Ttz Hmm ^Tsjqf2T 5 rni?r^r?T;- ^Tfrtnrm^'tcfrroTr^i^T inr tht wi nroft Tr^arr S?3«f sHlPIRirT'rriT TTH«jm^flTTfV=BTi;f?r^5t: ^TMffiaft ^iTf^r. ^rmnzrt su?h^ ^fa *q?7T^Jim*r€qf%fa'!re- Trrf^upnT^ ^TiqT^ ^TTfsfT m^W ^TV^WTW ^Tfl; fro^tm ^T^mflrttf ^msn;«iH ^f^nn f%trWTH- ^Tja^nirpiralNiTTm ^»nf^w^ u^f h ^mqnft swum . . ■qtmfer n rff T? ^T^ftJoF^ HAT II 1 II TTtbtrpnimfr inr Tm^irrrTH w st n * 11 nr^rfaw tnt mi urafjprt *ht ii 3 n ^fsTW f^WW *T* ^f^WRTfmcRT HWIIj II raifH^fsreri p^t tfnfa^imf^fa: II M II fspfrt TJwfiTftt^Tg'ftlTTf xntw II if II The first pdda (ashtddhikarandtmaka) ends fol. 86, the second (eaturadhikarana) fol. 176, the third (dasddhikarana) fol. 25a. Colophon : ^f?T ^f^^WnTtm-rfijron^TWre- TTsmrun^f^^iKifv <* <.*li *g h 5 : it^: wm: *WT?pg pwr surra: ii 1458c. Foil. 101; size 9| in. by 4 in.; ten lines in a page. Hlmdmsdsutradldhiti. The second and third adhydyas, both in the same handwriting as the first. The second adhydya begins : H^rfrlTfa 'SliHTftr ^3 H^t fVpUTTff II ^ f? ^TtqMHi^TT^ ^f^irafiwm^ (sic!) imr The first pdda (ashtddasddhikarandtmaka) ends fol. 10a, the second (trayodasddhikaranaka) fol. 176, the third (caturdasddhikarana) fol. 24a, the fourth fol. 29a. The third adhydya begins : mn?Tf TfjjfWqtft >T^W* fa^Tf II rTTrrq ^rrwrifViirsTTO" nfstrraTT: i wr: ^htmit mfct u^^Tifr cr«n ^tt: ii k^x ^*r»rrojr*i sfinTRrff n wrnr: sr*isrer* n h TmfrH^xft: =HiwV fwr t^t i ^rtrfrr- The second pdda begins (fol. 7a): f-^rf II The third pdda begins (fol. 9a): ^HmTRI^^IUll^Hll^WTTTnFgrH f^BTqfRlf (T oh r°J i <;q- f 3*rpf3TiT^wTw^j*i*-w i h a\ htttwt -mn^^trcrfr^R- TJtnW%cFTTr# qTi«WKl '^Tn^fVcirrc^ || The fourth pdda begins (fol. 11a): ^ff ?>*a ° II H?q ftti sfKiJ^l ^ft^HJ TTW,qcfi^ cjjj ^ft^taSt^Plf fviTOIW II ?») The ninth adhyaya, incomplete. Foil. 57 (13-69), in the same handwriting. The last leaf ceases abruptly, but only four or five lines are wanting. The first pdda begins : tjsTcrj? ° n k^ ft»s sfn^si Tr3nfirTH7[§famj •atffi^wff i f^f^^tf^ fa^>ra i »ren?: «>rt?: fl^irf?^ ii 'I'll'' sec .ml i ,}J,i Iiegins (fol. :)7/'): WTTrftr ° i TVffTT^jT-^Rt «T»nf>3Ts?rrHt ^ Tnfit- Tfmv.jm wtstt ii The i hinl pddi i begins (fol. 5 1") : The fourth pdda begins (fol. <'<-")■ qfprfrf ll 7T=TT PH PfpTfrRK? ^^IWTC^j^Wt- c) The first Eonr pddat of the tenth adhyaya. Foil. 7S (70-117). The first pdda begins : f%v: ° ii b^w? fas s\pnfafrFRt q?r«rR-RrRm- The second junta begins (fol. 85a): ^«!ic53 ° ii yan^^TT mw. ^■an ^f?r f-iiiiqiR i ohmi^Mlfhl irf^TiPTt ^ ^^7iIHtii»n: rrtotttt: i T o ii m^W=KPqTrt^?q*nT> RTRTHT » K^T^ =FH=irTc5 Jllllfff I 4 /. 708 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. The seventh pacta begins (fol. 1726): The eighth pdda begins (fol. 182a) : TifiT^v: ° ii Tr^^^^mrU^itiMi^ «rwt fVreftni: i ufmihrrf^'TR^ f*re«ra i On the first page (70a) there are these verses : *H*THt 4rW5TWT JHT «^«T ^IT^Tftl II 1 II e) The eleventh adhydya. Foil. 29 (199- 227). The 207th leaf brings in a piece omitted on fol. 206a, 1. 10 (^cfiTnrjf*:). The first pdda begins : Tlie second pdda begins (fol. 205a): troB^5i:° n ^? f « d m qVifaf^nr^tam ^ iTWtwfw- fVfVH^ W «^ sfW J ^ffiJ^ ^l^!JTHTW f^fH^Ttn- The third pdda begins (fol. 2136): ^Tftqt ° II flftMl UVTWTflt ^cnnftTfTfvqftTT?^- The fourth pdda begins (fol. 2206) : ^t^TfoFrWTW ° II *f W=d ^HIVWrHTflWoinit cJT*Nrt Vk$ /) The twelfth adhydya. Foil. 31 (228-258). The first pdda begins : Hfo ° II TT^H^«Rtlt HVTWT7nW?l«»TOf-4 $TV W s^tt- The second pdda begins (fol. 241a) : f%?Tft ° II ^T?^hlTq (?) ^IH<*^3IW>TJRt wfav [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 2190, 2191. 1017 & 1018. Bhdttadlpikd, a second copy, incomplete. 1017. Foil. 275, in eight parts; size 11- lli in. by 4-4| in. a) The second, third and fourth pddas of the first adhydya. Foil. 21; 11-13 lines in a page. 6) The first pdda and a part of the second pdda of the second adhydya. Foil. 14 (22-35); 13-15 lines in a page. The last leaf termi- nates in the middle of the commentary on the twenty-seventh sutra of the second pdda (*rmt»°). See no. 2194 (15626). o c) The first two pddas of the third adhydya. Foil. 20 (36-55); twelve lines in a page. The last leaf ceases in the beginning of the third pdda. (?) The last six pddas of the third adhydya. Foil. 89 (56-154); foil. 56-66 nine to twelve lines, foil. 67-154 nine lines in a page. On fol. 67a another large handwriting sets in. rniLOSornv. 709 e) The fourth adhy&ya. Foil. 31 (155-185); ten linos in a page. /) The fifth adhyaya. Foil. 26 (186-211); 13-15 linos in a page. g) The sixth adhyaya. Foil. 47 (212-258), in tho same handwriting as part/; 11-13 lines in a page. h) The seventh adhyaya. Foil. 1G (260- 275); twelve lines in a page. 1018. Foil. 239 (276-514), in five parts ; size 11 in. by 4}-4§ in. a) The eighth adhyaya. Foil. 15 (276-290); twelve lines in a page. For the date, see part e. b) The ninth adhyaya. Foil. 83 (291-373); 10 or 11 lines in a page. c) The first four pad as of the tenth adhyaya. Foil. 76 (374-449); foil. 374-387 twelve to fourteen lines, foil. 388-449 (in a new hand- writing) ten to twelve lines in a page. d) The eleventh adhyaya. Foil. 37 (450- 486), in the same handwriting as part a; 11 or 12 lines in a page. For the date, see part e. c) The twelfth adhyaya. Foil. 28 (487-514), in the same handwriting as parts a aud d ; 1 1 or 12 lines in a page. Date: *hn^ SSb? 3lt(?) ^f^OTm ^JnntJEJ sHT aunrsT («ie!). [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2192, 2193. 1612 & 1370. Bhattadipika, the first three adhydyas, incomplete. 1612. Foil. 156, in two parts; size 9| in. by 3| in. a) The first and tho Becond adhydyas. Poll. 116 j 6 or 7 lines in a page. h) The first two pddan, and the beginning of the third pdda of the third adhyaya. Foil. 40; 6-8 lines in a page. 1370. Poll. 169 (41-209); size 9i in. bj • > 1 in. ; 6-8 lines in a paj The remaining part of tho third adhya incomplete at the end, ceasing in tho middle of the eighth pdda. The Lasi Leaf contains only this colophon : ^fn 'eftwH-f-.JotiifT HT^T^ftl- Nearly all leaves of these two volumes ar. coloured yellow. [H. T. Colebeooke.] 2194. 1562b. Foil. 16; size 11} in. by 4 J in.; 13-15 linos in a page. Bhattadipika, the second, third and fourth pdda of tho first adhyaya. The handwriting is the same as in no. 21906 (10176). [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2195. 1562c. Foil. 17; size 11} in. by 4J in.; foil. 1-6 eleven or twelve lines, foil. 7-17 ten lines in a page. ■ Bhattadipika, the seventh adhyaya. The handwriting of the first six leaves is the same as in nos. 2196 (1562d) and 21916 (10186). [II. T. Colebeooke.] 2196. 1562d. Foil. 14; size 11} in. by 4} in.; twelve linos in a page. Bhattadipika, the eighth adhyaya, in the same handwriting as no. 2191?) (10186) and the first six leaves of no. 2195 (1562'-). [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 4 ■10 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 8. Other Miniums a works. 2197. 3039. Foil. 107; size 12j in. by 4£ in-; eleven lines in a page. Mimdnisdsdrasamgraha, a commentary on Bhatta Saiikara's Edrikds, by Ahitdgnikesava, son of Bhatta Visvandtha. An incomplete copy, comprising only the first four adhydyas, but without the first pdda of the first. The commentary explains not only the Kdrikds, but also the Jaiminisutras. The text of the Edrikds is given at the end of each adhydya. Those of the first adhydya are (fol. 18b): vrnnv^ftrs^^^^: II V»Tf S^^^^TTTwft( r . °«Tt) ^T TP^W^qO^ril mil h Attic* hi uftf^TO ^THHTTnw^^H^ I ^fi'^r^T^^f'TTicg^^MHH mr. II ? II 'MHHRqft-g^: ^n^HTHTU*IM<5"T« v II 3 II HTHTTnraqm^Rinqqnra'!? ^uh« v i Wmnftf^iTm^TlT Wfit^T^f^TTfgi^T II $ II ^q ?wf%fv%Tfta' *n3TOt ^ imnrrrn i WiCtt ^ TPTTCTrEf 1 TT^firfVrWiT: II b II f^rncRiq uira;^ fjrFrqraiqrafTT u <£ n fq=R^Tf^f^«ir!I cF=r(r. °^l)H^T«ri^ril I wttwt ^ lirfq jffarter sr^trre 3if*P*nrr n it, n wumT(f(?) lifairq w^r *TWTf^jfNr7n i c c The second adhydya begins with the second quarter of the eighteenth sloka, and ends with the thirtieth (fol. 40b); the third adhydya ends with the first quarter of the seventy-second sloka (fol. 88a); and the fourth adhydya with the third quarter of the eighty-ninth sloka (fol. 107a). The commentary begins : ■4H«ii^i farcr*i;gT3'T?r«h!?*nr^lTTTt riWi^fwatraiHii J^# qif ^ft^Tnrir I ffr|ldt every wlicrc the same, foil. 196-31« and t'dl. |ii In ing apparently not as old as the main body of this manuscript. [J. 1!. lUi.r.A.vn 2199. 3098. Foil. GO; size 9] in. by 4} in.; generally 11 or 12 lines in a page. NydyaprahdSa, a socond copy of Apadeva' s work. Full. 21 25 and fol. :>.S are in a modern handwriting, but the main body of this manu- script may belong to the end of the 17th century. There tire some lines in a small handwriting on the outer side of th.' firsl hat', which seem to belong to somo other Mlmdmsd work. [J. R. Ballantynk.] 2200. 3033. Foil. 32; size I2 : ; in. by 6i in.; 15-21 lines in a page. Mimdmsdnydyaprakdsa, a third copy, with marginal notes in a small handwriting. The following lines are on the first page : u^ u^p^t H^qii:) u^ ng^wn: i ?rcn»r: W^rt "fror *nr* f*T "l(:) v^m: ii 3qr=K: yrg^ mvr vrfft ^?nY sm(:) v^*: ii [J. R. Ballanti • 2201. 1458a. Foil. 59; size 9J in. by 4 in.; ton linos in a page. MtmdmsdnydyaprakdSa, a Fourth copy. II T Con 712 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 2202. 3272. Foil. 44; size 14f in. by 1\ in.; 12-14 lines in a page. Mimdmsdnydyaprakdsa, a fifth copy. The scribe has added: f^rf^Tt ixm *!iiV^nre*«i sJTI3TrrWW*n(?) • • • t A " C - BURNELL.] 2203. 1321. Foil. 203 ; size 12i in. by 4i in.; foil. 1-136 thirteen lines, foil. 137-203 twelve or eleven lines in a page. Jaiminiyanydyamdldvistara, the maxims of Jaimini's philosophy, or religious institution, in easy verses, with a commentary in prose " (Colebrooke, on fol. la), by Mddhava Acdrya (in the second half of the fourteenth century). See Hall's Index, p. 168, no. li. Copied, in ten parts, by one and the same scribe, Samvat 1847 and 1848: a) The first adhydya, foil. 20 ; 6) the second adhydya, foil. 16 ; c) the third adhydya, foil. 32 ; d) the fourth adhydya, foil. 12 ; e) the fifth adhydya, foil. 1 1 ; f) the sixth and seventh adhydyas, foil. 23; g) the eighth and ninth adhydyas, foil. 22 ; h) the tenth adhydya, foil. 46 ; i) the eleventh adhydya, foil. 12; h) the twelfth adhydya, foil. 9. The numbers of the verses, and other mar- ginal notes, are in Colebrooke's handwriting. An edition of the Jaiminiyanydyarndldvistara was begun by Th. Groldstiicker (Sanskrit Text Society, London, 1865-1869), and finished by E. B. Cowell (1878). Another edition in the Ananddsrama Skr. Series. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2204. 1841. Foil. 345 (and four additional leaves, after foil. 34, 93, 204 and before fol. 217, which supply omissions); size 11 J in. by h\ in.; eleven lines in a page; modern hand- writing. Jaimininydyamdldvistara, a second complete copy. The first adhydya ends fol. 37a, the second fol. 646, the third fol. 120a, the fourth fol. 144a, the fifth fol. 164a, the sixth fol. 195a, the seventh fol. 2036, the eighth fol. 213a, the ninth fol. 244a, the tenth fol. 3116, the eleventh fol. 3306, the twelfth fol. 3456. [J. Taylob.] 2205. 204. Foil. 332; size 9 f in. by 4i in.; eight lines in a page. Jaiminiyanydyamdldvistara, a third, but in- complete copy, in five parts, all in the same handwriting, except the last twenty-two leaves. a) The first adhydya, foil. 47 ; 6) the second adhydya, foil. 39 ; c) the third adhydya, foil. 75 ; d) the fourth (ends fol. 336), fifth (ends fol. 61a) and sixth adhydya, foil. 101 ; e) the seventh (ends fol. 126), eighth (ends fol. 25a) and ninth adhydya, foil. 70. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2206. 285b. Foil. 65; size 10i in. by 3f in.; legibly written, in Devanagari, in the early part of the last century ; ten lines in a page ; except the last eight leaves (originally paged separately), which have been supplied by a more recent hand, nine lines in a page. The original pagination of the two portions (6-62, 1-8) has been obliterated, and changed to 89-153, so as to make them appear as the continuation of MS. 285a (the Ndrdyanlya vritti on the Jsvaldyana-Grihyasutra). PIIILOSOrilY. '13 A fragment of a Mimamsd treatise, in tlie iragdhard metre, with a commentary. The first leaf (tho sixth of the original MS.) begins in the middle of the comment nu the first slolca : mfiwfl: ^pT.^W °£Ntq<*IT!S7>rm- The second sloka runs as follows (fol. 926, orig. 96): c [?twte: ii W ii *ra^nfS nfc?W TmnHTTomTiT nn? ° The third sluhi (fol. 936, orig. 106): ^iftH^^sfq \pj ^TfqTJH7f( ?) 7T^ ofTT Ulf iTTrfT I [*f%: ii 5 ii f=ir=F: ° The last Sloka (.fol. 145a, orig. 62a): m =rferin(?) ^rtfi*: fisn* \fn »nf Tratrn?T(rm!it [ii i$ II inl fqrr£- [H. T. C'OLEBEOOKK.] 2208. 1303b. Foil. 58; size 13| in. by 4g in.; six lines in a page; written in the Bengali character, on coloured paper. Tattvasiddhdnta, a short treatise on tin principles of the Mimdmsd, by VidyanidM?. It begins : fsfa *ft4 wmrruj ^jfi*rpr faim>fv: *>rh i x j ire Jf^rtTrrm: wwi *r? -^1^ vrmr>smrfiT ^ e. fol. 276 ; ^T«I =Kfq^55TfkJ«Fnj fol. 28a ; ^rq 7TET- H^iftioR'niT and ^TjmwrfarRrrc: fol. 286; ^qrssti UvrR=BTc!r^m5T^t fol. 29a; ^ wf TqT^WnCTfVfiT fmn: and ^^7^oFT%ElTcir5tnn fol. 296 : ^T^ TltlWT- fVcFntf and ^m xji!rN\jt mrrfVirRrHH^: fol. 30a ; ^?*t Tlf^TgJTf^oRTTn' fol. 306 ; ^PtJ frf^nfUcRtTfr fol. 31a; ^m TjTgfvcBTTci fol. 32a; ^m tf?HTf?nriwcir: fol. 326 ; ^q m$^i&temi: and *rq ufntmrfvcFTTj fol. 33a ; ^^T?fa^fT3frmftIoFT*Tf fol. 336 ; *m VraT»mTTfv=RT*!i and 'srifteTfMornrf fol. 34a ; HT3TT- fVWOT fol. 35a; ^T*I ^TTcSsfT^f JcRITJ fol. 356; ^^ ?W^rfgnHarmwRlHiin =ifTT:^n«n fVrtm;q*r3R it v^Mi ffniHMfVHwjujuoi ^fcf *?q ~%vt§: wtt" sfq fafvwifqfvfcfJT *rt sfi See Flail's Index, p. 194, no. lxxxi. ; Burnell's Tanj. MSS., p. 86. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2211. 1642. Foil. 48; size 9§ in. by 3 in.; fairly good, small Devanagarl writing ; 9-1 L lines in a page. TJpakrama-pardlirama, a treatise on " the relative importance attaching to right initia- tion and the proper completion of ceremonies " (Hall's Index, p. 192, no. lxxv.), by Appayya D/hshita, son of Rat\gardja. It begins : qqtif?nro : ^ n H^j?t«c?rrerfq?^< I 'iq'i?TtqTfTOv jmjq^iRm m?^ mtmq»rr|: 1 ^^Rjrfq ■sj-^rn ^i§&tth fTfni: grrntt 1 ft ^ Tjfff-mfnf^ ^ sn^iT 1 ° It ends : ^qnj( '• .^npq)?'* rein ^fir nfgne w: ( r . h^ht:) m ^ * Cm, << qf^?qT7ff^fgf7 , °]irq 1 •?qwg(T7^nmq"3i'?tiTT'3w 11 5 A 716 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. cn j e c- *faff St?3 '^HcJ^lHMtHrHT ° f^f^Kf*T> have a painted margin. Sdrlraka ml md msdbhdshya, a second copy of Sai/kara's commentary on the Veddntasutras. Each volume contains ono adhydya. Poll. If^-^d in vol. ii. arc misplaced after fol. it. [R. Johnson. ] 2228. 1922b. Foil. 500(10-499); size 10-10J in. by 4f in.; 10-13 lines in a page; very good writing. Sdrlrakamlmdmsdbhdshya, a third copy of Sankara's commentary, in five parts : Foil. 10-49. The first pdda of the first adhydya. Foil. 50-144. The remaining three pddas of the first adhydya. Foil. 145-261. The second adhydya. Foil. 262-351. The third adhydya. Foil. 352-500. Another complete copy of the third adhydya (ends fol. 457a) and the fourth adhydya. [J. Taylor.] 2229, 2230. 928, 853. Foil. 149 and 90 resp.; size 12? in. by 4| and 4| in. resp.; generally twelve lines, but in vol. ii., foil. 63-90, ten lines in a page ; fair, modern writing. Sdrlrakamhndmsdbhdshya,, a fourth copy. Vol. I. Foil. 1-32, the first pdda of the first adhydya (ends fol. 32a), and tho begin- ning of the second pdda. Foil. 33-84, the second, third and fourth pddas of the first adhydya. Foil. 85-149, the second adhydya. Vol. II. Foil. I 62, the third adhy Foil. 62 '.hi, the fourth adhy | II. T. COLKBBOOK) 2231. 2570. Foil. 117; si/.,', folio L54 in. by 9\ in.; European paper (watermark 1804); Telagu character; 42—48 lines in a p bound in hairy deerskin. SdnniL nsdbhdshya, by Sankaracdrya. Adhy. L ends fol. 185; II., fol. 726; III.. fol. 1026; IV., fol. 1176. [Mack. Coll. 2232. 2799b. Foil. Ill (38-151); size 9| in. by 3| in.; foil. 38-60 eight to thirteen lines, foil. 61-151 ten lines in a page; fair writing. Sdr/rukamlmdmsdbhdshya, the first pdda of the first adhydya (ends fol. 606), and the three last pddas of the second adhydya. [Coll. ov Fort William.] 2233, 2234. 1188, 1100. Foil. 137 and 207 resp.; size 13 in. by 3 in.; vol. i. 8 or 9 lines, vol. ii. 7 or 8 lines in a page ; fair writing. BhdmatJ, or Sankarabha dddbhdshya- vibhdga, a commentary on Sankara's Bhdshya, by Vdcaspati MUra, pupil of Mdrttandatilaka Svdmin. See Hall's Index, p. 87, no. iii.; Weber's Berlin Catalogue, p. 177, no. 608; Burnell's Tanj. MSS., p. 86. Vdcaspati Misra lived under a king Nriga, and composed this commentarj after the Nydyakanikd, the Tattvasamikshd, tin Tattvabindu, and other philosophical works (see the verses at tho end of the edition). The Bkdmati was published in the Bibliotheca In- dica, Benares 18S0, by Bala Sdstri, 720 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. This is a defective old copy, the deficiencies of which were made up by a later scribe. Vol. I. The first adhydya, throughout in the old handwriting. It begins : W?5Tf 3nPftfHfTWSsTT^^Tm II 1 II ftr(:)*gftnnrci? i^T TtfBnrarro i^ mtf* i ftRHHTTWJ ^TO^TH**? ^ *S ^erTH^'q: II ? II sTRSTSq^HTTTtJ 1*t *m^nft ?^: II M II TWt^=frfa3 irg : TimT?tiT 1 !J:('JT(i: the other [copies) xrfV^rrfir II 9 II trv *i5#f^npnpft>PT ^ ^ ffWBiT^rafcffqwTTft^rr: ^nn pt im ^i ^ifiT amraifa^TSsfw i The second pdda begins fol. 726, the third fol. 826, the fourth fol. 119a. Vol. II. Foil. 1-91, -the second adhydya, in a more recent handwriting. It begins : The second pdda begins fol. 236, the third fol. 66a, the fourth fol. 83a. Foil. 92-175, the third adhydya, in the old handwriting, except the first three leaves. It begins : inprorfinm ° (sw. 1) i f^H^K^qroTnijflfWfW- sumr jfft i The second pdda begins fol. 1016, the third fol. 1186, the fourth fol. 165a. Fol. 176, which is nearly illegible, is the first leaf of this adhydya in the old handwriting. Foil. 177-207 the fourth adhydya, in the old handwriting. It begins : ■^tT: ?iT5HP:fwH^ cir5wwinR«i^ffT i xr^r^«TfTTfj?^fqf^ fffHTrai i jpn i ^ure^s ^T^T^nr^f%H>rn: ^Jf sni^ fa(:)w?T: n ^TjTiTTTm wr^mrenp^nw (.■>«. l) i wtv^t^t- ■guwt? Tnrt*i surra ^fn i [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2235. 442. Foil. 418; size 7 in. by 10| in.; 22 or 23 lines in a page ; beautiful writing, with painted margin. Bhdmatl, a second copy, in two parts : foil. 1-275 the first (ends fol. 175a) and the second adhydyasj foil. 277-418 the third (ends fol. 380) and the fourth adhydya. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2236. 1338b. Foil. 267; size 11* in. by 4|-4J in.; 10-15 lines in a page ; fair writing ; with many coloured leaves. Bhdmatl, a third copy. Foil. 20-202 (rpl * g 5m«i ^wt wn^rrcn; ii PHILOSOPHY. 72] Fol. 203a contains quotations from various Upanishads, beginning: 5f Wt f»r^: n s n *r? Foil. 204-261 (without original numbers). Tko third adhyaya. Foil. 262-286 (<\-*h). The fourth adhyaya. [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 2237. 289. Foil. 198 ; size 10J in. by 4| in. ; ten lines in a page ; writing large and beautiful. Bhdmati, the first adhyaya (the first pdda ends fol. 1036, the second fol. 121a, tho third fol. 171/j). [H. T. COLEBKOOKE.] 2238. 2084. Foil. 173; size 9f in. by 4? in.; seven lines in a page; writing large and clear. Bhdmati, the third adhyaya (the first pdda ends fol. 20a, the second fol. 54a, the third fol. 146a). The colophon is : ^fw^ta(f)w^i?fii^TVt*ra : faf^T3JT :n ^t twrca - nftTT?rW ; tr?I : trf%^fcr^T I ^»nt> >n^Tnt m^avtvt* 11 * 11 ■nvntQ R trenretreTfhi n^ «t*: 11 t n f^aiu'qMriuHi: ^iHPi^T *rrRHfuwjMH: i«t flWIril H^ftT *T?WT cKTFTTfiKINJI'nT I c53J Tjtq?Tni'jrR»r ; ni ^WtH^fttll II ft II jj^ny.'iyftrm: mzftft *^Wl 1W'!? «' iir ^i ^rrcjf^infq IT? jft?fiTfaf c?T=RWl tfjlimfir I 7ftf»r^BT TmH^frnjnrfjR k sftft f*«iMifcH nqou %f^^wr*t ^T^wrnrifq roj^> wmrrf ^ 1 722 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ■^ft^rr IHUftT ^fN^TUT* Vol. I. Foil. 1-75, the first pdda of the first adhydya. Foil. 76-130, the three other pddas of the first adhydya, dated : ^fofaiT StS^ 3IT5T HS^.9 II Foil. 131-189, the second adhydya. Vol. II. Foil. 1-121, the third adhydya, dated: ^rhfalT <*b$TUT: =sfinim h q ^ if^njfVi v: n a 11 *»fi*ftT Tlie first adhydya ends fol. 255a (the first pdda fol. 148a, the second fol. 16m, the third fol. 22Gb). The second adhydya ends fol. 330/) (the first pdda fol. 2756, the second fol. 3076, the third fol. 3226). The third adhydya ends fol. 4616 (the first j>dda fol. 345a, the second fol. 3566, the third fol. 4236). The fourth adhydya ends fol. 4956 (the first pdila fol. 477a, the second fol. 4866, the third fol. 4916). Colophon : ^fff VlHsTTTnns^iI^rfVoFWH^- ftffSTTTOT oSTTT ^T ! tf«li<^Jrf*>'qfO)3r -<*dV||VH|lim ^jp): th7: ii [H. T. Culebkooke.] 2245, 2240. 265, 266. Foil. 239 and 212 resp. ; size 12' in. by 4i in.; 10-12 lines in a page; middling writing. Kalpataruparimala, a second copy of Appayya Diksh ita's commentary. Vol. I. Foil. 1-135 the first pdda. Foil. 136-154 the second pdda, dated : *faff <1ti». Poll. 155-214 the third pdda. foil. 215-239 the fourth pdda of the first adhydya. Vol. II. Foil. 1-61 the second adhydya. Foil. 62-181 the third adhydya. Foil. 182-212 the fourth adhydya, dated: (Samvat) Sfct^ [H. T. Colkhkookk.] 2247, 2248. 1594, 863. Foil. 252 and 258 resp.; size II in. by I,' in.; ton linos in a page; Ifl writing. Veddntakalpataruparimala, a third copy, incomplete. Vol. 1. The lirst pdda (ends fol. 194a), the second pdda (ends fol. 221«), and part of the third pdda of the firs) adhydya. Vol. II. Poll. 160 (253 II 1) the resl of the first adhydya (ends fol. 326a) and the second adhydya. Foil. 98 (413 510, fol. 127 is a " trufipatra") the first, second and third pddas of the third adhydya, the latter incomplete (the second pdda ends fol. 443a). II. T. Colebrooke. 2249. 373. Foil. 1 13 ; si/.e 10 in. bj 43 in.; fourteen lines in a page ; fair writing. Veddntakalpatarumanjari, a commentary on tlie Veddntakalpataru, being an abridgment of Appayya Dikshita's Veddntakalpataruparimala, by Bh at fa Valdyandihu. son of Bdmacandra Tatsat. Vaidyandtha composed liis Sa&tradipikd- prabhd in Samvat 1767 (Hall- Index, p. 17 1. no. xv.). The Kalpatarumanjarl begins : t3rfVnTcRfl?5T*i'?m^Ttt«ktt»i i Hft^WTWpjt sS^T^T^T^' K^TH: II ' II 3TT^trf^xnTToT jtsYh^ m"sra^f>*^ **-%&m*rrfn TftfH The firsi adhydya ends fol. 67a (the firsl carana fol. 13a, the second fol. 166, the third fol. 506), the second adhydya fol. 84a (the firsl pdda fol. 716, the second fol. 796, the third 5 b 724 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. fol. 826), the third adhyaya fol. 122a (the first pdda fol. 876, the second fol. 906, the third fol. 1106), the fourth adhyaya fol. 1436 (the first pdda fol. 1316, the second fol. 1366, the third fol. 140a). Colophon: ^TK T5rtawrTPfTOT(V.Jl °)*T!l!rrf'TsT- Date of the copy : tf^W %9S>t wn* im ^*»T- Jtw j*an fart jrfaim \\Sarasvatt) fair tf cfc5*rrfa ^frrT^s-rwr^sfrurjiij u a » Foil. 137—158 the second juuhi. Foil. 159-216 the third ,<„",/«. Foil. 217-248 the fourth paaa. Vol. II. Foil. 1—43 the first and second pddas of the second adhydya. The first /<(7d ; ^f 5 B J 726 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. surnr(:) wnw: ii fol. 33cr ; jfn ^vjfm&mfm&i- fasrr fsifhmijnrcq TnrHr: mrmT ^wff rqi* itc?h>j«H(?i: ifawr vt^fj ^j^i wft- 7Tfif«J-iqq!(5fgjTq?rrTHTt - •HhP-hi fWrftfl f=)M«.f^R*THHHf%J4f?l^f w. II 3 II ■sfiCtitHiaH^fiT (ef. Raj. Mitra, Notices, v., p. 131, no. 1823). The following sections are marked in the margin : \fit fq?niTnrh» iramriN with h fol. 75// ; ^fn ffirW ^N fol. 886; jfx inrW ^N fol. 108?;; Tlipi ?wi-$ fol. 1196; VVA W^f fol. 1276; T^TO- *,j*T w*m ?rohf(!) fol. 1326. It ends : ^cETftFoRTrWJrqnfiiq^: HTTOfa* JHTB- *Tri srnTT?fqfs: w5nrr>i^T«Hi«>r5i;nUT fiTf*m »H?T I C C VJ J w^" swrrc: ii [H. T. Colebuooke.] 3104. Foil. 188; size 8| in. by 4 in.; fair, modern Devanagari writing ; 8 or 9 lines in a page. Brahmasutrapadayojand, or BraJimdmrita- v/irxhini, a concise commentary on the Brahma- sutraSy by Baddkivdnanda Sarasvati, pupil of ,S 'vn i/amp rii kdkdnand " Suruscati. It begins : HTTftr 'JTflrwTjf n^fti nfnzracO.nrlim:) i C\ ^ C c o c tpt: ii fol. 43a. tjtt. ii fol. 71a. mrnTH ^npj: trr?: n fol. 90k. III. ^ffr tt\o Tjftnurumreu ^t: ti^t?-^^: ttstr i tj sfgnfJrmiT'nT •Era^iaR HTjnKTqTHTnf^n i Hirt h ^fn"r7f3UWTf?'3iW3>if»rvrraoir7i^Tfrrw^: i irwir? nfircl wTrefV. 3iT^wnifH?friT^rqt ii sfiT ^J??£n:»?#jnjfrarTicRT^Tq^ : l5irH'Jn^;T3n^flT- Then follow several pages of ilohas, appa- rently intended as an appendix to tin- « beginning nam i ^nw^T^jfTrnR-^an Tftiiii iis^r *I?t it ° ii ^fUcfiTTTTK^tftll *ff3F: ^'nwff II ^T^?tiT5T5TT^T3IT *7f F3 WIT ?wfq II ° [Dr. J. R. Ballantyne.] 2269. 1147. Foil. 277 ; size 9 in. by 4| in.; eleven lines in a page; large writing, on B leaves blotted. Nirmalakrishnabhdshya, a commentary oi the Veddntasutra, by Nirmalakrishna. It begins : ^F5T H^WVTIJ W^HT^i HHTT>T II S II is-nrn: wlfsrw^f f-^^R'^'i jPittjt: ii ? u ■asj=R^ra=F: unsTT itk^Vt it^t: ii 3 11 fVm: fl^Tnrt: wtktI nrcpt ^f^ni=s: 11 j n era^^rr^ftv^i ^rs^(r.^o'f) brthtt: ii m ii The first adhydya ends fol. 105t. th( 730 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. fol. 175a, the third fol. 2486; the fourth adhydya ends : HSR TT^fWr^f a»PT^t STHIT nf? I 1€railT[ ffTT^ ^ftwurff *tfViT II 9 II rigf? ^«?»t wm: cGW&tf'WiHW- ii fc ii c c c ^?fc: «tnt fran: flirenn s?th«: n t ii 'sfiHj: m»r: ^fff ii [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2270. 1428. Foil. 132 (s-«TO)j size 124 in. by :!' in.; seven lines in a page; writing of the 18th century. VeddntasHtravydkhydcandrikd, a new blidshya on the Veddntasutras, by the Mahdmahopd- dhydya San-miSra Srl-Bhavadeva, son of San- iit Lira Srl-Krishnadeva of Mithila, and pupil of the Mahdmahopddhydya Satthahhura Sri- Bhavadeva, According to the final verses, the author lived under the reign of Shah Jahdn, and composed his commentary at Patana, in the Saka year 1571. It begins : JjvnHJi^mm^fnt *JWT , l<«5f»re'n!f ■ WrHTJVflT=ST • TJT • * fcff 4n$ f«j ^i ypj TJ^fflTHTf^^'n fiTsTTWT HWReif TJ^THci TTH ^»^1^ Ti^% ^q^TTT?- fafrT jTR • The first adhydya ends fol. ^fcfc, the second fol. Sin, the third fol. wty. The colophons vary, the fullest is at the end of the first pdda of the second adhydya, fol. mo6: j^fir ^R?TH?hqTmrmiiarw^H^finrf3i- «mT^TWT ii * This MS. uses a dot in the middle of the line for some kind of punctuation. The end is : \?H U^TH^HTWimss SCW^r^^- •MtJVjqi-i^lW II *mTHT %4 ^W^PflWaiTCT II ^RT- *g«qnan -kfn fwk u ^rfC?) tt«i m?: ii 3TT«K cr^H^(^?)TTCr^l!rff(r.JlffTpn^ffa^T5T fwK i UWW f^'?VIHHrt< J ,r*nifir ^nrfa *nr- LT^nwn: u ^jT?aTr:T^ri^>(3i)Tnffr ^r n^tfit i *ir«H^iT3T^«Rt afro: ^sprg II [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2271. 284. Foil. 139 ; size 10f in. by 4 in. ; 12-16 lines in a page ; excellent writing, in the Bengali character ; perhaps as old as the 16th century. Veddntavydsoktasutravritti, a short commen- tary on the Veddntasutras, the author of which is not mentioned. It is a good copy. The corrections show that it was used for study. Towards the end there are maiginal notes in Colebrooke's hand. I am not quite sure about the reading of some passages in the introduc- tory couplets, which follow here : iw wit^t f^tfW >rpnmf*r$ *rrfw ■»n*n?*T3T^ wsrren 'srfij'TPfrr ^w* ?^ f%>diNq mm "mm i v^tv^i f^ qisif^'nrfiT w«ft v^ i^t<*nf»r^: t It ought to be °?TP1^ , hut this would not suit. the metre. For °nfl!T(f and »Tf7 f^tf^TOfif || ^SRTtJ^RT^JTT ^-TTiimT Tit ni II ^-=TiainaTT7n?reM s=r Trqrsrrcsr vnm* i 'Snft fatHTrmTRt t>RRTITt TJ^WW II The first adhydya ends fol. 446: ^fcT Tsrhre- hr^itwv: h^trt siqm: n The second adhydya (^fWRTRT) ends fol. 81, the third (wPHTraHl) fol. 1236. The end of the whole is : ^ ^tVfinrT ffc* ^ w - * "STR^itf HTJraTR^TJlW ^ ^ - * gtqRTft: II ^ra^TO: ii Hflm^frt ^Trgf swim: ii [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 4. Works of Sankardcdrya, and commentaries on them. 2272. 2222b. Foil. 87 (369-455); size 9 in. by 4 in.; seven lines in a page; large, good writing. Sakalavt dopanishatsdropad< Sasahasri, in two parts, one in prose, the other in verse, by Sankardcdrya. See Hall's Index, p. 99, no. Ii. The prose part begins : RTWf«ir^rw«hn wf<$ r'tsirtvr frc^f ° It has three prakaranas: iishyapratibodha- * The right margin of the last leaves is injured. navidhi (cud- Fol. 3816), avagati (ends fol. 3 lasambandha (ends Eol. 397a). Cp. Bur- aell's Tanj. .MSS., p. 90, do. The second prakarana lias the form of a dialogue, it begins : wtjrtr^r -arsm trerfRi? csfsg^i^irt TpRRrrrrc?- ■SIITITTRTITrrfwf^Wt HRElftfvra'T'Hrw: VW3 HRfa)R ^tmi RRm^rrurxq i The metrical part begins : ^Trsr r^r r?t RfR;m?rcmH i RrR^fsTHZITirbf nw R^fa? RR: ll q || »jiTxrni fam: r§t ^TtPT^nvTRtif^cFT: i ^Tfiir 5?-qrm^ ^?mn ftrmfmi i v$ wiTTff Hjft xini sr^r tth: hsri: II 3 II The names (if the nineteen chapters arc: upodghdtaprakarana (26 verses), dtmajndnot- I attividhi(pra)ka/rana (4 v.), Isvardtmaprak. (8 v.), ahampratyayaprak. ('< v.), buddhya\ dhaprak. (5 v.), viseshdpohaprak. (i> v.), dhydrudhaprak. (6 v.), citiprak. (ti v.), suksh- matdprak. (9 v.), drisisvarupaprak. (1 I- v.), Ikshitriprak. (1G v.), / < '/■'• (19 v.), acakshushfvaprak. (27 v.), svapnasmriiiprak. (50 v.), ndnyadanyatpralc.(,5 I v.), pdrthi{va)prak. (74 v.), siinii/ii/iiiiiilijirnL-. (89 v.), tattvaprak. (about 230 v.), jvarandSaprak. (28 v.). Cp. Weber's Cat. (1853), p. 178, ..... 61 I. Colophon: ^^FnrNrfafi ^wrt^ cjf(3rtr(.s/V!)ii Tn^TTfafTi R r ^tr: ^;thwtr(.^V !)tov ■siRR^'fR rr: ii *hnr 1S33, ^if cKtficfi ^ ^ t^t" crfi^ff h [Gaikawae.] 2273. 256b. Foil. 49; size 11—111 in. by :J in.: 9-11 lines in a page; writing middling. Salcalo • ishatsdra-Upadcsiixtllittsit, a second copy, beginning with the metrical part, and ending with the three prose chapti 5 c 732 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. Colophon : [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2274. 101a. Foil. 39; size 9| in. by 4| in.; 10 or 11 lines in a page; writing middling. UpadeSasahasri, a third copy, but only the metrical part. [H. T. Colebkooee.] 2275, 2276. 2221, 2222a. Foil. 230 and 138 (231-368); size 9 in. by 3| in.; seven lines in a page: large good writing. Upadesasahasrt and Tfuhujojunihl, a com- mentary on the UpadeSasahasri by Rdmatirtha, pupil of Krishnatwtha : the metrical part. See Hall's Index, p. 99, no. lii.; Raj. Mitra's Notices, iv., p. 74, no. 1475 (no. 1474 contains It'll iiHitirtha's commentary on the prose part). The commentary begins : TiffRjiTfiT n ^iprfafk ii ^it^ «^n *M ° It ends : ^^smRmwi^it x^^mrfwr "^(Ti ii <\ ii =f^j tt m^nrfMsr. srr^nfq *u5n?fR?Tfw [te?: ii ? ii ^-qTcBTEff^f^K^ faagt^H JpJligffc^T'friTWTII 3 II ^fTwsrHm f^nqraO-. ^?)*'^ I to cirTftitni fast rf -^Jrrfa u ijrnr. wkwt a^hn ^ wwt ^•ij H^f srnrfaw hkt^t- sjffiJSI if ^TfsiTT^t ^llfH II Hrnrarft^ifBnnn^I^Cmetre!) n ? II csfari sftafft ni^T^^wTHRnKs/V!) n The third couplet gives as date of the original of this copy, Sam-vat 1736. [Gaikawar.] 2277. 666. Foil. 136; size 11| in. by 4^ in.; 9-16 lines in a page ; middling writing. UpadeSasahasri, the metrical part (in the middle of every page) and Prayojanihd, another copy of the second part. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2-278. 151. Foil. 161; size 13i in. by 5 in.; 7-13 lines in a page; fair writing. UpadeSasahasri, the metrical part (in the middle of every page) and Padayojanikd, a third copy, dated tf^ IbSo inmfi* II This copy has only the first two of the final couplets of the first copy, omitting the couplet containing the date (**ITTR ). [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2279. 2554. Foil. 74; size 13i in. by 5 in.; 12 or 13 lines in a page; large fair writing. philosophy. 78 ; Upadeiasahasrivivriti, a commentary on S kara's Upadesasahasri, by Inandagiri. This name is given to the author cm the firsl page ("jq^sWinsrtaiiT^^iT ^n«TTIT^q^UT?ftfTqWq?T^sn^fqTfqTTT ^ftarFfft- ■qsrmnT^T Hmsr n [H. T. Colebrookk.] 2281. 1245b. Poll. 15 (the sixth of which is wanting); size 101 in. by I -i in.; indifferent, in Devanagari writing; 11-13 lines in a Tattvacandrikd, a con mentary, by an un- known author (pupil of 8rlkrishjf,atirtha and Jaganndthdsrama), on Inandagiri's exposition (vivarana) of San / lcarai}.a. See Hill's [ndex, p. 139, no. ccxxv. It begins : ^T»nruT|JH5j-.i«irfrnn- TTRTfkVTquvTff wfq 7T=JJnfa II S II JR1TT *TT qqT!TH»nftq T*q ^•FOn-iT'Hn^T?'^ TW\\H II » II sptotopsrtsit t? jr^t *{ 4qi(*w: i o e s BT7T? f^fvj^g^T cK^t HW^fjofrt II 3 II flfiTHfaiTIHTToFT'^liTI?rii^THfrTf^H?;H-y(T: HcR^facfrlj- TT^fn^T^rtt: ^rf^olftfqiiwi fqimftnUTTIi? fqftjr?- qTfW^ni II Cp. Raj. Mitra's Notices, iv., p. 80, no. 1483; Weber's Cat. (1853), p. 182, no. 626. This copy was written in the Saka year 1539, on the banks of the Surasindhu (Ganga), as will ajjpear from the following colophon : ^nrrfnr^TO^wrr sierra [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2283. 2532a. Foil. 24; size 10 in. by 4i in.; eleven lines in a page ; well written. Siddhantabindu, a second copy. [Gaikawae.] 2284. 603a. Foil. 22; size 91 in. by 4| in.; nine lines in a page ; fair writing. Siddhantabindu, a third copy, dated tfTJT ^Sfcc **<+U!l 13 3Ht 7F*fr si qrrf srirf 11 [H. T. CoLEBEOOKE.] 2285. 2782a. Foil. 20; size 10| in. by 4f in.; 11-13 lines in a page; indifferent writing. Siddhantabindu, a fourth copy, dated ^Icjr lisd O -J ^ ni fu »A \ -1 rH WT^Tfqw^^gTTHgF^Tr ^f rftq^T*raH TTR- ni^r nif^>^Tri} ftr^tnf*i II [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2289. 3037. Foil. 32; size 12A in. by ih in.; 8-11 lines in a page; large writing. Siddhantabindu, an eighth copy. Dated tf^rn; °>ts>°i fafff Jnnsrtffaf^ 5 =rwt f$im »ftmc5- [J. R. Ballanttne.] 2290. 327b. Foil. M-7; size 12 in. by -lh in.; eleven lines in a page ; writing fair. NydyaratndvaU, a commentary 011 the Sid- dhdntdbindu, by Brahmdnanda Sarasvati, pupil of Ndrdyana Tlrtha and of Paramdnanda Sarasvati, based on Madhusudana's Advaita- siddhi and Brahmdnanda' s own commentary on it. See Hall's Index, p. 109, no. xov.; Raj. Mitra's Notices, vi., p. 275, no. 2209. The NydyaratndvaM begins: ^|Hfwirs^TTn?tT:rNTiiT?j *7r?rff 1 f%f^r^T ■grrfafsn^^ v^lf 11 * 11 SfT^ftfaflVTJHTVJtinTTTfltl^TTTT: I ^^nt wnzfxit ~xmrcnmr&tfk% 11 5 n Fol. i, is missing. The copy is dated : ri^nr jnf^9r f^f^ff ii [Gaikawae.] 2293. 1368d. Foil. 26; size 9| in. by 4i in.; twelve lines in a page ; well written. DvddaSa/inahdvdkyavivarana, a third copy. It begins : WHfa^mwmf^TJhK: K ^H^«: ° [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2294. 1597b. Foil. 13; size 9| in. by 31 in.; generally 12 or 13 lines in a page; clear writing, of about a.d. 1700. Atmabodhaprakarana, a compendium of the Veddnta in 66 slokas, by Sankardcdrya, with an anonymous lllcd. The text occupies the middle of each page, the commentary being written above and beneath it. The tlkd begins : 3iwwqfinTqT;j gnnrspnnft smiiWi-grrt i fq=fiftifr5Tc5^H B^iiT'SfTin«sHm^ x\A u rTTfrmfrfiT i The end is: 5fiT 7fam*?mifTiaT»raiTO are want- ing); size 9 in. by I in.; indifferenl Devam writing ; SI 3 lines in a pagi Tracts, bj cardcdi a, on Veddnta sub- jects. A similar colled ion in W i terlin Cat. (1853), p. L80, no. 618. I. Bdlahodhinl, begins : unjq tpwmrj: *Tjrtyfnf«rcnf l Trirer^sIN f^m ^Tcrfrfa^rr ii i ii *Tfq- TRTWmW TTt47f K^rPi: I [|| 3 || Tt w^TfHnj mfa yxm wmtfT&i (,-.°vv\ ^sj':) ^PJTTUHIUTT cfTT^: I *T£q | nfftTOTT^q I t>^q I *T^=jtU^q I 'mvfij^q I 5p?IWT^q I ° Fol. 4a: sfiT ^f?g^rTf:TJw('-.°g*nTT:n°, see no. 2297)?rr55«ftfV'it tpw*^t: ii Fol. (3/- : ^fa ^t=FTT^Tqf^rf^ifT ^To5Tlfu^ WHIST II See Weber, p. 180, no. 2 ; Raj. Mitra's Notices, i., p. 93, no. 1 75. II. Tripuri, in three sections (jmra), begins l ol. 66: ji^wrji^uTwitVT^T f^mux: i ° It ends fol. '- 1 /, : %fn faurt wtrrar ii See Weber, p. I t. III. Dyuvdlmjavritti, in "' : '> couplets, con- taining a dialogue between a guru and his pupil on jlva, paramdtman, taitvamasi. It begins: f^ii^st f^t>Trnr^HHrRfff i . ^sn^w* fa^^TUV^ ^HTfa II s II 738 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. It ends fol. lib : sfiT V^vmfn: **ttst n This small work is commonly called Vakya- vritti (no. 2302), see HalFs Index, p. 106, no. lxxxi.; Weber, p. 180, no. 1. It has been printed in the Brihatstotraratnakara, p. 321. IV. Svarupanirupanam, begins fol. 11Z>: mfaSTT rTr^lrrr ^V^T^T^fl *t^ ^^ II itisT'm ^FRTfwtffsnnfinrf irrtHJmrrr *PpHVc5SH!f tffajtq UfffHT^frf «t"oh5l5( oR^Ttfff \\ *T|fwfH ° The end of the MS. is: TPR^ifni ^%^Nttt tffcnn urn i TJHT* ^(n ZJT7TT WAT* ^^SF ll(?) ^fw ^TqT*?Wqfrm^T^Tq^S^cm'RT^Tf^rin ^T^T^f^: wmTTII ^H r^THf TTqfrm »T <=h "^d I ^P^t TT^- f^*TOT^f*rnartT fW^TTI ^TW|f3: *»n*T II ^ir»u^*T tfanjft rrsirz ^t bti^: ii A later scribe has added : ftTTTcTTsrqtrnrRt ^i^ srriw *ffr: i *?^TH^'qfc^TTrn%(r.ofg)-gnjtf»?? ^T^ff II 55 II sra *?nj »PTfwT^n(i-.ftTOT) wteft srfre ?tttjt: i ^n f*p?pi rre(:) n f%^Ntt faftTTfe^EWHrUniT ( c. sjrfaww fai^frev^f -qj?[fq ii h ii C( ilophon : \fx ^^?TO>jfi»mHIlTsNJSn«T^Tfe- ■nsfiTf5I=fTT *WflT II PHILOSOPHY. For another MS., beginning with a differenl in t rcnluctiM-v sloku (^fiTWfHgTTITT^t °), see Raj. Mitra, Notices, viii., p. 287, no. 2847. [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 23015. 1256d. Poll. 22 ; si/.,' s : ; i„. bj I in.; Eair Devanagari writing, of A.D. 1788 j nine linos in a page. Ydkyasvdhd-(,prakarana), a treatise, in I 1 couplets, by Sankardcdrya, on the Veddnta doctrine (h^r); with a commentary. The commentary begins : ^irt tlRTl <^TT «f%^Tfi^RrR I ° Edited by Windischmann, in 1833 ; see also Aufrecht's Oxford Cat., p. 225, no. 551 ; Ra- jendralala Mitra's Notices, iii., p. 22(i, no. 1247. [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2304. 1250c. Foil. 13; size 8| in. by 3| in.; nine lines in a page; fair writing. Harimtdebhdshya, an anonymous commentary on Sankara's Harim-ide-stotra. See Hall's Index, p. 135, no. ccvii. In this MS. the hymn has not quite 50 couplets. It is printed in the Brihatstotraratnd- leara, p. 1 73. The commentary begins : ^ft f%xnnr i ?forteT(>\ °ir)*iftewT Huar(r.°Tj|)- sraf%?n «uTf?fw r^jrrt ht^fwtotcktt: wlHpTFrre^ wfK^arr^'Jr ft^rnf^: nfirsTT^TfiT n i c In the title this commentary is ascribed to Sanleara. [H. T. Colebrooke. 230.K 968a. Poll. 21 ; sizi in. bj I i in.; fail I >evanagari writ ing ; ben lines in a pa [fdnasolldsa, a paraphrase, in 354 vei by SureSvardcdrya (ViSvarupdcdrya) — of Dakshindtnurtistotra, ascribed to Sailka/rdcdi and intended to snpplj I ! of the nta doctrine. It is divided into ten chapters (ulldsa), according to the ten verses of the original text, which is printed in the B kara, p. 64 (beg. f^yj ^w^w^r^Rrhr^j ftnn- cT^tt °.) See Weber's Cat. (1853), do. 616. The present MS. dnes not mention the author of the paraphrase. It begins : R^cJ feST* R R?Tgft RTT^ f^rg r * ^ a O ii X film: I ° the next few nanus are eR^qnifi i cRWJTnt!T3n%^ i oKcqun^^f^irr i *TT*m l the last wnar^T ii Colophon : ^fir ^fTrqt»T??iqfr3TH=FT^rq^»^- ft^wnTrqi^qT^ftrni^jrs^THTRfqT^ffrqt fasnrtHi- J?T%l=Btf3I=irnu" 7T7T^q^3^fT^'^§fllHI^H^iT^nt q^rsra WHTTT ii '^TTrqn'SFTfincKT SmTST II Fol. la has the title ^rfff%unrtWTq I [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2311. 441. Foil. 167; size 10£ in. by 5£ in.; clear, modern Devanagari writing ; nine lines in a page. PHILOSOPHY. 711 Samlcishcpa-Sai'iL-arajiu/ii (also called Safi- karadigvijaya), a ]iootical life of Sankardcdrya, by Mddhavdc&rya. Complete in sixteen sargas. For an ana- lysis cf the work, see A nfreelit 's Oxf. Cat., p. 252. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2312. 1960a. Poll. 150; size 9 in. by 31 in.; fair Devanagari character of the lasl century ; nine lines in a page. The same work. [Dr. .1. Taylor.] 2313. 724. Foil. 61 ; size 12J in. by 4| in.: indifferent Devanagari writing. Sargas i.-vii. of the same work. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2314. 734. Foil. 2G2; size 13 in. by 6 in.; legibly written in Devanagari; 8-16 lines in a page. Samkshepa-Sdnkarajaya, with a, commentary, entitled Sankardcdryadindima, by Dhanapaii, son of Rdmakumdra. Text and commentary wire printed at Bombay in 1864. Cf. Aufrecht's Oxford Cat., p. 2li0. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2315. 1398b. Foil. 36; size 12i in. by Gin.; Devanagari character; eleven lines in a page. Sarga viii. of the same work, with Dhana- pati's commentary. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2316. 1960b. Foil. Ki2 : size 9 in. by 3f in.; fairly good Devanagari writing; nine lines in a page. Saiikaravijaya, a fanciful life of Satikara, iu the form of a dialogue between hi- disciples Oidvildsa Tatlndra and Vijndnakanda Tapodha- iii ,,,/ru ; in thirl \ llti/iii/iis. It begins : •J c -» ^ ^T*T ^7 Slt^f Tf: HJ^PflTTiqWH^il II T ^f5P fS»TTSIT'Wtf H^Tjft^ TT fart? oRT fWifl I «T suTWtfTCT'fr'Er^^PlT ^T'fl'art WW II » II ^?£7TT?»3THt TlTT^t ?V7Tf >T* I ofiTq=fitf(ifiTTTt TnwY ^rrfira tWt: *T*t n 3 no nsTT^oF?: ii ^nWrt ^fin^r? nfratFTr>?jTnH i sJsSW I «! l(?)^3g mftrf^SHHT^! II i H ° Colophon : SifrT ^t»TrqT-^H^fCtTnT^r?iq^JT^- ^THrr^fqi^^Tf^JT^^f3^raTW^'^sIT^=F?HtfTO^7- ti^t^ ^iHrcrtsujm: [Dr. .). Tayi 5. Advaita school, general I eddnta. 2317. 1103c. Foil. 16 (foil, to 60 of the volume); size 13 in. by 5 in. j foil. I 6 nineteen fco twenty-two lines in a page, the writing like no. 2?>97(110o/0: foil. 7 IG fifteen to seventeen lines in a page, then lit in g I ike UO. 2 159 ( I L03a). Naishkarmyasiddhi, called Sambandhokti, by Suresvara ledrya, pupil of Sankara, in four adhydyas, prose and verse. See Ball's Index, p. 159. It was published in the Bombay Sanskrit Series, no. wxviii.: ''The Naishkarmyasiddhi of Sure&vardchdrya with the Chandrikd of J Hdnottama." E lited . . . by Colonel r~t raka. Rdmatirtha made use of the Siddhdntadipa, another commentary on the Samkshepasdriraha, by Visvaveda, pupil of Anandaveda. The first volume contains the first adhydya (W^infw.), with 563 couplets. The mula begins : c VlMVi TTOTOT^faF^tfa II I II The first ten slukas were printed by Rajen- dralala Mitra, I.e. PHILOSOPHY. 743 The tll;<~t begins : wtxm ^Hflt h^Tt ih ^?rkKj TTsmtrerTrqqT'ttfiTfrriTHq- w^TfaTiqftsmfsu^n^fjreT^Rqfiw^qi^ ftfjT- Colophon of the first adhydya, mulct : ffsr ^H , sgT:tT : 3iiT5f5i'ar^Htsnr»T»i?m^: snft sttt^tt?- ctrnrmsjusnriTcp Trqsftsuni: 11 tiled : jfff ^^ttn- cFifsioFT^t ^q^^if«v: u*pft surra:: wis: The second volume contains adhydyas 2-4. The tiled of the second adhydya begins : ti^ ^R^u^^iTmirf fV$tq ^rraift fvr^fmi Tirjra ^srfg ^fiTnfnqqT^^Tirt *W ^tin ^ftrtiRrair sj3rrrRf?i xrsTurrfjTffT ^rmtfi fafTftw TT^rrfq immf^Ji- nTCTtcTTf^"hi nfffWT?r*rR ^ w^^frr nm^ *m^?q «f^qmf«7qfrr ^ *ms^ ^fiT I Tlie first verse of the mula is : •J TTTnTtwriTT ufcqlfjTT VI ITTrfr *T?n^T3T7r°K7TT S3Tfa=ju^ II 1 II The second adhydya of the mwZa (^rfTOVTfw:) contains 248 couplets. The filed of the third adhydya begins: 7T<^ ^HRfq^TTT^T fDHqH*J*RrTKqf?r II TTr^fqmfJifrT II The li rs< a in plel of tl a is : ^T^T sfqfivraqq^wpqxffro- tT5JTrR7TT»jfinTJ TpjTTiprrq I ^TrR-fTTqicSfjTTTqWcf UTTFT c TFHniH TT^facJ nfiTfqTJTUPT: II q II The third adhydya of the mula (wvmfw.) conta ins 36 I couplets. The tiled of the fourth adhydya begins: "7%i: *wr: Tmnr: «fti3-^m»rrc«i Jr?TqTqqYr'qsrR*a; cr^jt} ^csfi^rfirftfir fimq: q-3fH tswivj^ht ii The first verse of the mula is: The fourth adhydya of the maZa (4icj5cjnn!r) contains 63 couplets. The last couplets are : ^fsTinfJTTTfoFirr Jrfaqt: «^jxr3in:^tcp i ^ HW^Rf^V^lf'tf TTJT^3q ?Tq wifnniTnnTfn^ fq-fc7i»rinjufa'?r i 5T8j*rf o (sic !) ^ff^ffsvura: *»rr?m u The second half of the 62nd couplet is thus explained in the tiled : cF?T ^sfi ^JtremiTUT? I i:m^^3^ sfw i 'Eifi^ 3w§f: i ^ Tm^iffr -m^?t sni Hm ffTefsifiT ^^fiT ^^rftrT(«/c ! read: ^rfa^T- j^-q: r^«ff 'qtT^ifg Hq «^f srmfK «nr nqsnwfnTt- fopnft ^f^qr: Tt^q7iTT ; lT=F w% sn^-n: ii The ///,-J ends : fa3T?I^q ■q^tTt f^VTq ^?f7Tn'itft?Tlf^S I 744 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ■^pfjST^ WOT ITHTC ^aHTUfffrl^ *TrT I mrtswfwfflt S^^T ^T^T 5cjtn' T^fT^ li H^f suni: Bins: n The Samkshepasdrlraka with Madhusudana's commentary was printed in The Pandit, New Series, voll. iv.-x. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2321. 2594. Full. 110; size Hi in. by 4| in.; eleven lines in a page ; fair writing, of the 18th century. Laghunydyasudhd, a tikd on a work called SataSloki and Laghwodrttika, by Uttamasloka- tlrtha, " kimkara" of Svddhdnanda, See Hall's Index, p. 97, no. xli. The mula is an epitome of Bddaraydna's Veddntasutras, treating sepa- rately on each single adhikarana. Each pdda is divided into a certain number of sections according to the number of adhikaranas which it contains in the Veda ntadargana. Of the sutras, always the first of each adhikarana is quoted in this MS. In the final couplets the author says that his work was founded on both tantras, on the tantra of Jaimini and on the tantra of Bddardyana. The present volume is pure Veddnta. Hence we may conclude thai it represents only the second part of a larger work, the first part of which will be an epitome of J hi mini' s Purvamlmdmsd. This explains also the designation uttaratantre " in some of the colophons, see the end of the first adhydya (it occurs also at the end of the third pdda of the third adhydya, and at the end of the third pdda of the fourth adhydya). This volume begins : iraf=ji*ri wrrtw ^jtr^TJnTH um\ t rfVnri at jnrataf ^niarn*i ftmi^ u * ii S3 W^TT^t sTaftTstTFT II 3,rta'Ri nwiTfaf^^Twi fa^ir ^rrrnrm i The fourth adhydya has 11 leaves, begin- ; ^n3f=rT**■» -J ^SH s ^» ^ff»T )ffrift «?TfloK^mif»|iTt I T3*rtft=FTiH> irsftw jjf^m wsj n 3 11 [Mack. Coll.] 2322. 2516. Foil. 275; size Hi in. by 5k in.; 8-12 lines in a page; large good handwriting. Paf/cadasJ, an exposition of the Veddnta philosophy in fifteen prakaranas, divided into three adhydyas, by Bhdratitirtha Vidydranya ; and Padadipikd, a commentary on the Paiica- da$i, by Rdmakrishna. See Hall's Index, p. 98, nos. xlv. and xlvi.; Oxford Catalogue, p. 222, no. 541, p. 223, nos. 5 tl and 542; Berlin Catalogue, p. 182, no. 625, pp. 183 and 181, nos. 629, 630, 031. The text and commentary were published at Bombay in the Saka year 1785. There is also a Calcutta and a Poona edition. An English translation with the text of the Pan- cadasl appeared in The Pandit, New Series, voll. v.-viii., not complete (on the authorship of this work, lb. vol. viii., p. 603). [Gaikawak.] 2323. 2310. Foil. 203; si/,e 13| iu. by 6| in.; 9—14 lines in a page; large good handwriting; (irnamented margin. On the last page there is a picture representing Rdma, Sitd, Hanumat, and five other figures. Fancadasi and Padadipikd, a second copy. Foil. 1, $<\, 9*., f?rf§iTT I ftTsrRTmf^icinHir^f^^iTWIl^TfSToFT II «l II TsflfcTf^m^HTq ^j^tf-w *cri: n * 11 ■gsi ftrr fl-rt fart famaf%n«3T3i»T 11 3 11 Colophon •. ^fff ^nrtn:H??mfcwTintrr^T§^ : lTi- ITTtT^T^cSWoRT TTJTHIT II Date of the copy : ^tf^w Sb33 cjrTf#-cR ^Tp M [Coll. of Fokt William.] >ttt^t«t; 11 CO 2334. 860. Foil. 79; size 11 in. by 5j in.; 8-16 lines in a page ; fair writing. SiddkdntamuktdvaUtikd, text and commen- tary, a second copy, incomplete, containing only as much as foil. 1-00 in the first copy. [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] PIIILOSOPIIY. 747 2335. 1348c. Foil. 28 fo-*d); size lli in. by 5£ in.: 18-21 lines in a page; good writing, on brown paper. Siddhdntamuktdvali/Jkd, text and commen- tary, incomplete, but beginning at the very point where the second copy breaks oft". [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 2336. 2317. Foil. G7; size 13 in. by 5£ in.; 1-1-18 lines in a page; large modern writing. VeddntasiddhdntamuktdvaUtikd, the commen- tary without the text, an incomplete copy. From fol. 40 to the end the original numbering' is wrong and all leaves are misplaced. The right order would be : foil. 40 (orig. 8o), 42 (8=0, 44 to), 40 to,), 49 (88), 64 to), 51 (8S,), 54-50 to -80, 4-1 (*o), 43 to), 45 to), 47, 48 (8?, 88), 50 (8m), 52 (8S,), 53 (to), 06 (8t), 57- 63 to -mm), 05 (m*,), 07. The continuous text of this copy ends fol. 65a, 1. 8 ( toWn f5«rt ^rn^sic), see fol. 746, 1. of the first copy). The next nine lines con- tinue the text, but they are full of omissions ; with the fourth line of the verso of the same leaf begins the end of the whole commentary (TPri ^H° see fol. 1006, 1. 5 of the first copy). [R. Johnson.] 2337. 1763. Foil. 04 ; size 7| in. by 4| in. ; indifferent Devanagari writing of c. 1750 a.d. ; 12-14 lines in a page. Vivekasind.hu, a treatise on the Veddnta tenets (by Mulcunda Muni, or Mukundardja?). It begins : ^m-jj *f%^T^ fl^rRT Vr* ^*ra I niT J??fjR: sif^PTnwr wfaiw h ii '. n ^lf»T^^j tjnrr^fft Tjf^TWHT Hf»1i!pt ^imfTO ■J fsnq^fai •Aw-jHifn^cirw Hrfr *p i I 11 3 » ° b n fr^RfiiH TT^r^j -H^wnr?^ ^rr: hq.ii ° i II M II cms: ii The author's name is not given in this MS.; cf. Weber's Cat., p. 375, no. 1365, and Raj. Mitra's Notices, iii., p. 343, no. 1846 (apparently a larger work); Hall's Index, p. 100, no. liii. [H. T. CoLEBROOKK.] 2338. 3067. Foil. 39; size 9| in. by 3? in.; ten lines in a page; fair writing. Veddntaparibhdshd, an exposition of the Veddnta philosophy, in eight ■paricchedas, by I)h arm ardja Dilcsh ita. See Hall's Index, p. 100, no. liv. Tho Veddntaparibhdshd was printed at Cal- cutta in tho Saka years 1769 and 1777 I Haas' Cat., p. 31). There are also Kdii edi- tions. The pratyakshapariccheda ends fol. 116, the anumdnqparicclieda fol. 136, the vpamdnaparic' 5 E 748 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. cheda fol. 14a, the dgamapariccheda fol. 196, the arthdpattipariccheda fol. 21a, the anupa- la.bdhipariccheda fol. 25a, the vishayapariccheda fol. 346, the prayojanapariccheda, fol. 396. Dharmardja lived about the middle of the 17th century, in Tanjore, see Burnell's Tanj. MSS., p. 90. The same was also the author of the Tarkacuddmani, see no. 2343 (568). [J. R. Ballantyne.] 2339. 2726. Foil. 94; size 7| in. by 4f in.; seven lines in a page ; well written. Veddntaparibhdshd, a second copy. See Wilson's Catalogue of the Mackenzie Collec- tion. [Mack. Coll.] 2340. 2225. Foil. 44; size 9k in. by 4i in.; 11 or 12 lines in a page ; fair modern writing. Veddntaparibhdshd, a third copy. [R. Johnson.] 2341. 884b. Foil. 31; size 10i in. by 4 in.; ten lines in a page ; fair writing. Veddntaparibhdshd, a fourth copy, dated W^W^bSb HT^ratpm fftfSJPrhn: I With marginal notes in Colebrooke's handwriting. [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2342. 1608b. Foil. 23 (folded together); size 18| in. by 3? in.; eight lines in a page; fair writing in the Bengali character. Veddntaparibhdshd, a fifth copy. [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2343. 568. Foil. 88; size 12| in. by 5 in.; fourteen lines in a page ; well written. Veddntasikhdmani, a commentary on the Veddntaparibhdshd, by Rdmakrishna Adhvarin, son of Dharmardja Adhvarlndra, the author of the Veddntaparibhdshd and the Tarkacuddmani. See Hall's Index, p. 100, no. lv.; Raj. Mitra's Notices, iii., p. 98, no. 1141 ; Burnell's Tanj. MSS., p. 90. The commentary begins : ire^r «p^nm: ujwtfnifa tutt^r^ u q n [TO ?) TPrarunT^R || 3 || ^rrarrfa y^ ^^WfTr^^iTf^igrw ii s ii «^ciM i -»ifc t f^rntfsrsrni y^jrf) f^raTfir ^f%gfH h Colophon : ^fir 7ftv§TT3TTS90 ^ 1 rH il^TTJnpinT- [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 2344. 444a. Foil. 13; size 10 in. by 4| in.; 10 or 11 lines in a page; well written. Veddntasdra, a well-known Veddnta tract, by Saddnanda Yoglndra, pupil of Advaydnanda. See Hall's Index, p. 101, no. lvii. For editions and translations see Haas' Cat., p. 124; Burnell's Tanj. MSS., p. 90, etc. An English translation also in Major G. A. Jacob's Manual of Hindu Pantheism, London, 1881. [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] IMIILOSOPIIY. 749 2345. 2018. Foil. 18; size 93 in. by 4| in.; ten lines in a page ; well written. Vedantasara, a second copy. [J. Taylor.] 2346. 2371. Foil. 16; size Hi in. by 4J in.; 9 or 10 lines in a page; large good writing. Vedantasara, a third copy. [Gaikawar.] 2347. 2773a. Foil. 15; size 12 in. by 4| in.; nine lines in a page ; well written. Vedantasara, a fourth copy, dated ?faw StMfc [Coll. of Fort William.] 2348. 2833a. Foil. 23; size 7 in. by 9 in.; 13-15 lines in a page; large modern writing. Vedantasara, a fifth copy, with pencil notes on the margin. [Sir Charles Wilkins.] 2349. 1338a. Foil. 19; size Hi in. by 4f in.; eight lines in a page ; large modern writing. Vedantasara, a sixth copy. [H. T. C'OLEBROOKE.] 2350. 2459. Foil. 86; size Hi in. by 5| in.; 8-10 lines in a page ; large beautiful writing. Vedantasara, the text, and Subodhini, a commentary on it, by Nrisimha Sarasvati, pupil of Krishinlnanda. In the final couplets the author is called Narasimha and Narahari. See Hall's Index, p. 101, no. lviii. The Subodhini was published at Calcutta in the Saka year 1771, by dnandacandra- veddntavdgUa, in Beng. char., also in the Saka year 178-2 (sec Haas' Cat., p. 125). It begins : ^ ^RTWTtm ?W ^TtfT WTfWfa H H I! That the Subodhini was composed at Be- nares in the Saka year 1510, appears Erom the following final couplets: ntaiHurirmT fqr*f=REJ=i uf^ ^rfjrrm'fl i [UTWlil II [Gaikawak. 2351. 2082a. Foil. 41 ; size 8 J in. bj 3| in.; 11-15 lines in a page; small fair writing, on some pages nearly obliterated. Veddntasdratika, a second copy of Nrisimi commentary, dated H^TT 1953 tfiTrmtTTfe 9 *llf k£jSuj(?) tunrnt^r ^*wrref tt *r?qt f$5iwr "i *rrlefi^tH*rrc: m >r^ ii [Gaikawar.] 2352. 1645. Foil. 71; size 9| in. by 3| in.; eight lines in a page ; large good handwriting. Veddntasdratika, a third copy. [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 2353. 884c. Foil. 56; size 10| in. by 1 in.; nine lines in a page; well written. Veddntasdratika, a fourth copy of Xrisimlci's commentary, dated B^Tff ^tS ^f?mf?T>rmmTiT*rn:«it jTHTTO^ ^PWcI ^H XPST»tfsjiT W^JT II jf% -^^r I UrpTcS^nfwWf »"" wsu^Tfrfy: II H II ■fllrHprfaff^flKT tf|t|3iQJl^.; ao"- vaitapr. fol. 8ft ; kartritvabholctritvddinirupanavi ib.; svaprakd&anirupanam fol. 9« ; nddapr. fol. 9ft; manolayapr. ib.; bodhapr. fol. 10a; pra- ftoc/Ae dvedhdbhakHpr. fol. 116; dhydnavidhipr. fol. 12a; sagunanirgunayor aikyawirupanam fol. 13ft; anugrahapr. fol. 14a. It ends : ?^T3ITHfcqT-^ *TT*fts5Jm Wt?«?i(/-. OjfftSTJ ?) [n 5=) ii In Hall's Index, p. 103, no. lxvi., and in a MS. in Raj. Mitra's Notices, viii., p. 286, the treatise is ascribed to Saiikardcdrya ; whilst in Biihler, Cat. of MSS. in Gujarat, etc., iv., 70, the author is called Dinahara (i.e. Surya). The final sloha of Raj. Mitra's MS. occurs at the end of the 19th, or last but one, chapter of the present MS. [Dr. J. Taylor.] 2360. 1689. Foil. 286; size 9| in. by 3| in.; indifferent, modern Devanagari writing ; 9 or 10 lines in a page. Svdrdjya-siddhi, a versified summary of the Veddnta doctrine, by Gangddhara Sarasi-at/, pupil of Bdmacandra Sarasvati, with a com- mentary, called Kaivalyakalpadruma, by the same author, composed in 1692 a.d. The treatise begins : JTnTTTOr^nTjTTre5T*frrf5»rhrR 'snfcj'tirt^cSiJ^it wfwrf q^KjuTiii: i »rt?£rirf ?rrPlfiT *?*PTTgR»?;RTi:*r?mrr:(r. °^tt^:) I ^rre^Trnnrawrt ^cKwrfr n 5 11 ° m h ^rfs n\fif «^t *»rcf*wniO. °*nni|) W h=f- «ft?jgtflf^m=RTTmiiTiT: ^1*3^ *^niii sn *^UT|f^J!PiTf :(r. ° f":) *n^t *n oir?TT5j: HcfiftrfJUjilff srafw tito 11 t 11 WtTR- ITCRrfa TTrR^Iir-m TTfaff sfFR jfr?nH II [o. II ° 1? II ftpR 11 According to Hull, Index, p. 103, no. lxix., the treatise consists of 183 verses. In the present MS. Chap. I. (adhyaropaprako,ranam, ending fol. 129a) consists of 54 verses; II. (apavadapr altar anam, fol. 240a) 58 verses ; III. Qcaivalyapraka/ranam) 45 verses. The last verses with their comment run thus : 3rtWTf^ai»rfiCT>ftn!!Rf?7rRi ^tHTrftf\l*pJrcWc5Tc5Wrf[t I s* O ^ O Comm. : ° ^TTT J*^ ^nj^Toir?! 7f Tt»ff 8? <* ^1 -■) ^T*l JWWfiT ^T^fiT II M ^TTT^RTTflfs: II ^TTrftirhsTr tnsr ^totstoO') mnO-. *) sfq ^t i f^TW f?3l *«■* fcrqT»u»T7tfwr«mT -J c f^Txirfflvw%^frtiT?rnc5:(/-. AfrnT ) i ^ c ^PTRT RT'qf^H^JT'smfH'J^MiWl I H^nfumO-. fvin) T?^;f?rrw Tint frrern u c S3 The above Saka date is correcl for Vikrama 1748 (expired), the date, according to Pro! Kielhorn, corresponding t<> Thursday, 11th January, l()i'2 a.d. [II. T. Colebroo 23G1. 1099. Foil. 77; size L3 in. by 41 in.; legibly written, in Devanagarl, in 17^2 A.D., by two or three different hands; 7-13 1 i ru- in a page; foil. 50-77 are numbered separately . The same treatise, here called Ai/masdmrd- jyasiddhi, or simply Sdmrdjy asiddhi (in margin), with the commentary. Section I. (54 verses). Colophon : ^fff ^iHrMTH^UftsIMcMtfiirjrfrrc- Tur^HT^gTT^mqqr^fji^ir nnTVTWT^rerr?arf>m*TtT <5 [II. T. C'ol.KBROOKK.] 23<;-2. 924. Foil. 302; size 12} in. by 6 in.; fair modern Devanagarl writing; 13-15 lines in a page. 751 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. Atmapurdna or Upanishadratna, a versified summary of the contents of the Upanishads, in eighteen chapters, by Sankardnan&a, disciple of Anandatvian, See Hall's Index, p. 116, no. cxxii.; Raj. Mitra's Not., i., p. 98, no. 182. It begins : fWrtei Tn\f^m\ ^fg-T^rTrsmmfrrEj*: n <\ n 7TiuTH'fa3iT7?m»rfH'5KWT ?Rrg»?r^ II d II srRflfTHPngTTC failff «TV^t frUfif II M II ° I. AitareyasdrdrthaprakdSa, fol. 216; II. Kau- shitakisdrdrthaprahdSe indrata/rdandhhydnam, fol. 84a; III. KavshUakisdrdrthapralcdse gdrgyd- jdtasatrusamvdda , fol. 42a; IV. Brihaddranyaha- madhukdndasdrdrthaprakdsakarishyasvisamvdda, fol. 66«; V. Bfihaddranyakeydjna/oalkyakdndasd- rdrthapralcdsa rishiydj)lavalkj/asamvdda,io\. 836; VI. Brihaddranyakc ydjnavalkyakdnd-asdrdrtha- prakdSa-ydjnavalkyajanakasamvdda, fol. 1326 ; VII. Brihaddranyaka-ydjn a vallcya m a it reyisam- vdda, fol. 1476; VIII. Svctdsvataropanishat- sdrdrthaprakdse svetdsvatarasamdsasamvdda, fol. 173a; IX. Kdthakopanishatsdrdrthaprakdse ya- manacihetasamvdda, fol. 1946; X. Twittiriya- gdrdrthaprakdsa, fol. 2166; XL Garbhddyupani- sliatsdrdrthaprakdsa, fol. 247a ; XII. Chdndo- gyasdrdrthaprakd&a, fol. 2566; XIII. Ohdndo- gyasdrdrthaprakdse sanatkumdrandradasamvdda, fol. 162a ; XIV. Chdndogyas. prajdpatmdravi- rocana, fol. 2716 ; XV. Talavakdropanishatsd- rdrthaprakdsa, fol. 2766; XVI. Afutiditkasdrdr- thaprakdse 'iigirahsamiakasamvdda, fol. 2826 ; XVII. Prasnasdrdrthaprakdse pippalddisukesa- samvdda, fol. 2866 ; XVIII. (? atharvasirasi proktam brahmd vabodhanam) ends : •*\WF{ ^f N fy^T^ waft ^WcfiTTif II SVJTH: II [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2363. 3069. Foil. 14; size 10^ in. by 6 in.; 11 or 12 lines in a page; large good hand- writing. Avadhutanubhuti, a metrical exposition of the Veddnta doctrine, in twenty-one prakaranas (containing 301 slokas, cp. p. 755, 1. 1). In the Adhydtmapradipikd (see no. 2365) this treatise is ascribed to Muni Ashidvakra, and hence called Ashtdvakra-prakarana or -sukta. See Hall's Index, p. 125, no. clx.; Oxford Catalogue, p. 227, no. 558 ; Burnell's Tanj. MSS., p. 96. For editions (Calcutta, 1855; Bombay, 1864; Firenze, 1868) see Haas' Cat., pp. 8 and 9. This copy begins : ^Hi^--i<^nftw4 TNtresiT ii The last chapter is a metrical index of contents : H^=K rmT5«^r ^•svnft"^ ^npj^w (r. ?Tm)ii ?n TTOUm was ^ W 5 ^ *QT=3 WB^^(r.°FTR ) it^w^ ftsra 1 ^m ^ yw£ H^hr II x II i^^ifai'rf'wrH zr^^if^nf: *w x ii h ii philosophy. ^VHraw^ ^ftoFT: *iarrawT ^*ft 11 i n The different copies vary very much, espe- cially in the beginning. Date <>f the copy : riTff Sttfc 11 ^U HTjqf^- ^TTjfi ii [J. R. Ballantyne.] 2364. 1617b. Poll. 24; size 7| in. by 5| in.; 8-13 lines in a page. Avadhutdnubhuti, a second copy. It begins : oFrft S^JT^TU cstt: uuttt: srr^r ■JiMTfn ii^!Trctrr(r.°jn*n)- The copy is dated : 3T=* <\^ fVai»RTs» ^37^ [H. T. CoLEBKOOKE.] 2365. 2202. Foil. 88; size 11 in. by 5 in.; 6-10 lines in a page ; beautifully written. Adhydtmapradipikd, a commentary on the Avadhutdnubhuti (in this copy called Ashtdvakra or Ashtdvakraprakarana), by Vi&veSvara. See Hall's Index, p. 125, no. clxi.; Baj. Mitra's Notices, vii., p. 240, no. 2493. The mula, which occupies the middle of every page, begins Jjfafa^afiH ° The commentary begins : ?? TTT^?TT*n^^TH«^TTTT^(:)trfi:TI^Tff5FKT^=!rfTJI^- Date of the copy : ri^w isoq nv mnftlT^;-?!? 3TTTJTfc5(!)^VT: TUTiqT^: II GrAIKAV 2366. 1250a. full. 85; si/.e 8 J in. bj 8 | in.; nine Lines in a page; Eair writing. Ad\ piled, fcexl of the Ashtdvakra- prakarana and Viivesvara's commentary, a second copy. The beginning is diffen m Erom thai of the firs! copy: 1^strfnTiPlT5TT(i ufesn^Tf^faH I rf tjrt «f%^r^ w% siqirMUdWr^nr II 9 ^rtr^nR tf^n; 5qrTfe ^"jt tf^Tfl*; nff^ ^mfqw: II For this copy see Wilson's Cat the Mackei zie Collectii n. i.. p. 1 !, no. ii. [Mai i I 5 i' 756 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 2368. 100b. Foil. 50 (13-62); size 9| in. by ■ I' in.; 6-11 lines in a page; well written. Ashtdvakrasulctadipikd, text and commen- tary, another copy. The text begins : *Tf?Rfar3;fa ° Tlie commentary begins : -rrarei^RTpfisi ^f^cRT jr^rn tjtt ii s ii [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2369. 884a. Foil. 110; size 10| in. by 4 in.; eight lines in a page ; fair writing. Jivanmuhti-prakaranaipT viveka), a treatise on liberation in life, in five prakaranas, by Vidydranya Svdmin (Sayana). The name of author is not mentioned in this copy. See Hall's Index, p. 133, no. exevii., and p. 205; Weber's Catalogue (1853), p. 195, no. 645; Raj. Mitra's Notices, iv., p. 82, no. 1 I- i, also i., p. 32, no. 573. it 1 icgins : *rer f*T(:)Taf'GrTf $^r »ttt*it *fr sf^j spt^ i f^HH Tffl? ^ •fasTrfrNm^TTT n q n ?w f^ggro *rhpwi?ra n't ■gs*rrr^ u ? ii UsT^fk ^frSH^^'H ^tRTlT: II 3 II * The whole remark is meant as an explanation of the preceding' sluLn. faTT%f# f%VT ifteiT TfTsTT TT^WlTTfiT ^ I SHTR^J H K^^TTT ^msftlft cFTT^ II $ II 3TJKT ^7^ TrTsnTTRT ?Ftfffrw I virzr. tfm ?h ^TEjTf^sn'TfliirH ii m ii 2flT UT *fPTO ^rflf: ST %XWqm TrTpTTTT II 5 II \Hf Tf'T^KTc^ ^IP*^ ^n*ft 7f "3FT sftl t> || t n ¥3 WTsTTn: 'WSr^T'SF'itKjf^H'^'ii: I 7I#off TT^fasiJT cft<* sftRajr^Scff: || qo II ^HfiJITTt MlWR the second copy) SrHifHT- fwmf T^tW HT?m fVVT «TrT: I TJT?§T^T*T f>1sll«T^TH ^TiTtf^faiT: II 1^ || mmvi w trr ^^r n^t>3¥*i n °i3 ii cfrrt t> fef%v: ° The first or jivawmuktiprcumdnaprakarana ends fol. 227;, the second or vdsa/ndleshayaniru- Pol. 53a, the third or jwanmuMisddhana- manondsaprdkarana fol. 81fr; the fourth chapter begins : ofni irNwjfVi: f«s ^rr 7r^ Btmit f=S mWw?l W#ITOFfmi;f5T?T^ : T»rf»TVT'Tff, it ends iVil. 94a : 5TW ^^wf^Ucjr^r ^^qURTO^I- tr^ff^-spf^f^^ftrKI If5RTT!t(!); the hist chapter begins : ^T«I iT^lcKTfoii fV^W^TTH f^^TTT'?: I This treatise leans strongly to the Yoga. Amongst the numerous quotations from the upanishads, smritis and the philosophical sutras (especially from the Pdtcmjala), there are also some from the Bhagavadgltd (f.i. fol. 87a). PHILOSOPHY 737 The Jivanmukii Viveka has been printed in the .iiiantlilsrtiriiitsGiit.tlriitiijrantlhlvali, Saka I SI 1 (Poona, 1890). [H. T. Colebbooke.] 2370. 1905. Foil. 115 j size 11 in. by 5 in.; nine lines in a page; large Eair writing. JivanmuktiviveTca, a second copy. It begins: *n*T f^O^fHK ^(!) *ft i^wft sfjj^j im^ I [J. TaYLOE. 2371. 1103e. Foil. 10 (foil. 74-83 of the volume); size 12| in. by 4f in.; eleven lines in a page; large writing, end of the 18th century. Nydyadlpdvali, a logical treatise, by Anan- dabodha. See Hall, Index, p. 20(5. In the final couplet this treatise is called Sarasvati' candrikd, which shows that the expression nydya iu Nydya-dipdvali has -a more general sense and does not point to the philosophical system of that name. It begins : n%?Tf*^H?ni ^m: stIitr f%un$ n «i ii It ends : [H. T. Colebeooke.] 2372. 1931. Foil. 120; size 101 in. by 31 in.; good, modern Devanagari writing; seven lines in a page. arandafo i ), or \ . • I, ia mah ' i ) ati. Hall's Index, p. 155, no. cclxxx. Hal] iell (Tanj. M SS., p. '.'I. ima- harandah) call (his r i efutation ol the a, bul the chief objeci seems to be srfa- sf^TrftT^^nftniT^H (Raj. Mitra, Not. iv., p L682). The firsl leaf lia rent hand. It begins : *13T*tt faft^ faniffr f^nuft xfr * *?4nfrf;ret *n?iTiriHR( ts^mfrr^Tri-rtosiHTn^Tni: i to *r3*r(>iT)fVTrh?7g4 sraspft f^mi 11 s n fvHMyiT^T?5rfa wctqsi^t Tn?H7T: i « ^nitRoRt7Rt tfre: fgitiff *iTrr ii ? h ^? *=fcg cRtVcufffBH £i^*g ?g: 11311 wnw: ii Ie. John T 237::. ' 1241. Foil. L02 (s-lo8, foil. MM and Mi lost); size ! 1 i in. by 31 in.; 9-11 lines in a ; a; e; >od old writing. Nydyamdkar ', a commentary on dnandabodha Bha by Citsulcha Muni, pupil "l ./ Hall's Index, p. 155, no. cclxxxi. ; Kajendralala Mitra's Notices of Skr. MSS., vol. iv., p. 2 no. 16 5 r -2 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. The tlha begins : UTftf'^iWT ifaOTfajR ufcHHTfsJT^tmi^cfiTJT: fjTPT^T^fCTn-sriTqT ^wfiR^rn^H^iTTHT^TTfsi^T^ TJSTHHirf^T W\ifa I The two leaves lost between foil. 54 and 55 cover fol. 75Z>, 1. 5 to fol. 78a, 1. 7 in the second copy (no. 1938). The verso of fol. 42 is partly left free, but nothing of the text is wanting ; compare fol. 59a, 1. 1 of the second copy. It ends : ^JK WT ^iff tfc5I3i^m1^faTT N II 3 II [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2376. 1506. Foil. 302 (numbered 2-133, 9-178); size 11| in. by 21 in. ; good Devanagari writing of 14S9 a.d.; eight lines in a page. PHILOSOPHY. 7:.'.' Wayanamodim, or Tattvapradipikd-tlkd, a commentary on the preceding work, by Pra- tyaJcsvariipa, disciple of Tiuiti/iikjo-iiL-.lsti. See Raj. Mitra's Notices, iii., p. 86, no. 1134, and Aufrecht's Oxford Cat., p. 245, no. 61 5, where this commentary is called Mdnasanayanapra- sddim-tihd. The first leaf being lost, a line added at the commencement of £ol. 2 supplies the fol- lowing beginning: (Tjrftftmsn ttzjrt H^n^fqoirT- prn^mrrHT f^HrTqqfr»mTfHqfT.qfaTftFqtTOf>Rn;- At the foot of fol. 1336 a different hand has supplied the colophon ^ftr ° H*W ufcgij: II Ch. ii. is incomplete at the beginning; it ends fol. 139i> of the second section ; ch. iii. ends fol. 150&. Between this and fol. 151 ten leaves (marked 13-19, 22, 32, 33), appa- rently belonging to some other work, have been inserted. It ends : fqnc5*fc^HTlTflT^m^^Kfl?TTT^TfVT;'R^I^TT- wt^t qf3innii?Hic$fa ii [H. T. Colebeooke.] 2377. 106. Foil. 204(55, 21, 51, 77); size 10 in. by 4j in.; 13-16 lines in a page ; clear writing, of the 18th century. Advaitadlpikd, a work on the non-dualistic : ita docl i hi' . \>\ \ I i iml Israma, pupil of ndthd&rama, also of G n nendra Saras- vail, in four paricchedas, a complete copy. The volume ends with the third pariccheda, bhe fourth pariccheda being wrongly placed after the first pariccheda. See Hall's In p. 157, ii". cczci. ; Rajendralala Mitra's Noti vol. v., p. 292, nos. 1970 1972, where he gi extracts from the second, third and fourth paricchedas. The first pariccheda begins : fq^ urtf^RFTrfrrTf j?ttt: i qFETTsrTq^(/-.^)Trt^ft5^T>qH zisrrnT^VcFTfum ■St^ TjftaTftifrJTO?qirt ?.t TJrnmKcK II ' II c fqi?im?f7Hq nKHRKtsfw ii 3 ii Tl'TlTO^T^mT^fTTrf 3TTJJ >T^ II 8 II ^f K^TsfmiH^fq^t H^m?^' II 4 U ^r^q'hqd)^^^^^: i TTTRTrTir HTff!tfqqoFHT?T H^mr? so^wrhqw^fa it? rjq?rlf ^fj^HHi^fa- ^t *^m int ??q^rqHTT*rnt ^fiP'rrin«rm?*ppT ; PTN- TJHT'PS TTrmftl'iTqT n^TR: etc. 760 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. The first pariccheda ends fol. 55& : TTFTT^?- ?inTH irosr II ^T?f»rf!I ^PTTTTfv: *hrcT(j*n)w*fN' sR^RfHf^QSTHiff^WHWTn II cRTiq'Rqr^srRTqtnT^ etc. It ends : TrOTT^sn^^TTfrflWcj? f^^rm^ra^ 3ra i^m ^fff fz£ ii $?frt =Kf¥fTO4 ?ftfT^nf^f3lf^TT I Kg^n fa«3 <»t H^rergft ?^?t ?t:(?\ ft:) n The fourth pariccheda THT^^ftjcjn^T, foil. 56-76 fa-^), begins : qfw^5f?m«?flt'?Tf?R^nT?'t1T^RqTf7J ^"faTHfa TjKlft=Rtrc; TJ 1 ?!- H^T^cFTrT II II ^fw ^fJTmiJTtHqfrgT'iToST^T^^I^- ■5^: I *5?Tf5I»T(nr0Tq VW. II II ^n^RqiH ^fiTTM TTTJR^ W, || f^fl^rftsij ^"i?: yor^^ II fc) Foil. 55 and 36. Tattvavivekadipana, a commentary on the Tattvaviveka, written by the same author in Samvat 1605, ono year after the mula, al Isvarapura. See Ball's Index, p. 156, no. cclxxxiv.; Weber's Catalogue (1853), p. I It begins : Tji>4 TT^nTt^ rf 3? H?tfc 1^ II =1 II U^7^^Tqn"*rfWwfc fl^qiH f?rP4ii*»nnr=RTJr?f-iiT ^tf *VT$ fsjvrfwZiVi ffRMTfiT II fTOPTfrT II The second /mrirrh/ilii begins: V^j Trf^frt- JrmT^TPZJrJt|?T^f sftlofrTfc^^tUTT-m Tfsm fUsTTmrft ffTTsfttir: I ^TTf Kiq^T%T^T , 5rfVr€Ut[rm ufdj^frlT- The final couplets of the mula are explained in this way : fugrfarf^fflfrr • ^HTTTT RW^tf^R- oRf ajaT fT*rnr=Rni?iHTr^T^f ^fsirr: i UstrTrarv fTrwfwg 4hrai- ^^T ^^uo!«nii- 7ji*if?^T T3^m sffufH UtrfcHpft srfa: TJOTT3 It ends : nF^TJiraoFTW ^ $(r. °^TTfl3if ?) fan?? K^ ^num^firjwcst ^it^tcrt^t^iw nCf.no. 2380. ^5iir: *nro: ii [H. T. Colebeooke.] 2384. 1311b. Foil. 65; size and writing as last MS. BhedadhikTcdrasathriyd, a commentary on NrisimhdSrama's work, by his pupil Ndrd- yatydsrama. It begins : TTrRTwmr ! pif?'rfW *raf% TK ftft^^l : i^I3lf : 5^5I'HTfH^T7T?rfH^T PHILOSOPHY. 768 HJKW^EJ tffftf ft it ^f¥? H^ >T^ II =? II JwfawrenTW differenl hand, and do not commence :>t the beginning. According bo Burnell, Tanjore MSS.j p. 9 I , the work begins : *^TTTrt7^wf?rr»r*r»nrr o Tin' present MS. begins: thtt i?^ wprm^rn- It ends: fl^f %tfrorpfe^3TC qTTnapfrrqfrt ftttll ^fii 'a?iTviT?HJrq^rTT?: u fT^ftT?iTfii^ : lfnTT^TKffi:^rH^Tfq? : lra-(r3(ifiTTr'T'HT!i , 3- 1* *jifi ■fe'faffT II i II. T. COLEBROOKE.] ^:;ss. 519b. Foil. 37; size 9J in. by 4 in.; 9-12 lines in a page; indifferent writing. Tattvdnusandhdna, a disquisition on exis- tence and liberation from it, introduced by an elucidation of the ddivdkya "tut tvam <<-'." I». Mahddeva (or Mahddevdnanda) Sarasvatl, pupil of SvayamprahdSdnanda (or Svayamprakdia) Sarasvatl. See Hall's Index, p. 139, no. ccxxii. It begins : srsrr? Trercn?^ *fq f^ u=irf%nPT i 7rt»Trurqncirr3iTiai TroTf* inert >p^ n <* n i *ftfpqfii3Tj- cSTTW^ TfJ^QTHIlt Hrft ^TT *fttfi\ WHtfa UTTR *R 764 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. irmfa *rt?fa TWFmfwvrsifta sfit W*: inn* ^ s> O wrf? ^w: ii The first pariccheda ends fol. <\Ha, the second fol. **.b, the third fol. ?t&. Colophon : ^fif 1 !t' : N?TT^«lft'aTlT«FT' ! Tr^ , !l : Nl- Mahddeva wrote his t'tkd on the Vishnusa- hasrandma in the Sam vat year 1750; see A. Venis, Veddnta SiddhdntarnuMdvali, p. vi. [H. T. COLEBKOOKE.] 2389. 796a. Foil. 45; size 10| in. by 4| in.; eight lines in a page ; large writing. Tattvdnusandha ad , a second copy. [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2390. 1448a. Foil. 89; size 12 in. by 6 in.; eighteen lines in a page ; indifferent writing. Advaitacintdkaustubha, a commentary on the Tattvdnusandhdna, by the same Mahddevdnanda Sarasvatl, pupil of SvayamprakdSdnanda 8a- rasvatl. It begins : v. T*rnm JTnrwfT ufV^si *nr. ^pj» i 7T oRXIIT IW II rHH ^ vftq^HWI^W II °i II ^VWHTJi JT^TRlft sf*R II ^ II HWlT^nft slwf^SfTTcR^JHin^W II 3 n The second pariccheda begins (fol. 286): tH ^iTtfirg *re?rrfiT 7^ inj -5f4 ^f%: f^ tt tt^ The third pariccheda begins (fol. 57a): iMIflfiH^m (° ^f^virm: the second copy) B*mn The fourth pariccheda begins (fol. 76a): Colophon : ^fw ^ftiTrWf WlftanisRT^Tii^rN- ^rraHjw ^nHh nfris^: ii [H. T. Colebrooke ] 2391. 523. Foil. 171; size 9 A in. by 4| in.; twelve lines in a page ; fair writing. Advaitacintdkaustubha, a second copy. For the missing second chapter, see the next number. Foil. 1-74 the first paricch da ; foil. 70-124 faHte.) the third pariccheda; foil. 125-171 the fourth pariccheda. Date: *fcm H7TiTt fHWTt ruiLOSoriiY. 765 Date : Tfftni^ vTfcrvrR'TW^irhTWRTw %: ^w- *>H*mi«i(J«K'*! (.sir] see the preceding manuscript). [H. T. Coi.kiii; «fi.ii: hiii ^?THf%t?7n fv: TUTq frsniff fanfasnn f>nhn: i c Hfnrt «T^foTt «f%tinfi? ii a it tfnsj 3n?p(fq^rq TfaKTfinrwTK i Hiflfafsftquw TO ?TO II i II ^mmrpr^ifai -jhht^ ^ yinm*NVHi<.MH|P'Ri*<.mm ^rfwurtmifW: n m^ ii The firsl pariccheda ends fol. 118/*, the last number of sections in this MS. is 54: «^tfq«fttmfW: i The end . t the first pariccheda is: c ^tow fmti faf*^fan*unu ?tt4 ii s ii mi ^fitTiinf^itT •fT^?Rf< J i "^"nff ?fc: II ? II ^fff ^fl?q*H?tfqfcm^^T^TO^fq7!T8T*ra;^ftf ! !rl- The second jpariccheda begins: ^TtsTR H^ST^TTCfiWU^t^lil li 1 ll wtf^ HrtnrmfHs xfrs-q f?nrRjrq: uto^ ^awiqfffl: uk^ %?mf% t^T^mf^ etc. The first section of the second pariccheda ends fol. 12<»// : ?Tnf irfH^T^T^TKnnTUqf^: ll Tin- last section cuds fol. 199k : ^fiT ^TrRjfTs^rSr- 4n: n 3$ n 5 i; 2 766 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. xit i^fiwrftiT ^Hwfatf qfa*Tf*nn ^Ffat TT3ft7TTHcF% ^W^T ^ famr. II rimrf: ii The third pariccheda begins : H^q%wriPT ^*- *mi2]fa?7Tini hsjr fq^w wmAfn xwun^t tm*n3n4 Ufqgj^VMTrl etc. The last section ends fol. 208a : jfn jfp^ieTirtBftqTiffr: n «. h ftTWTHH^tfSTTTT f^Ttqu-q^TfTi: tjtt I ??7t: w*?inft tj*ih«wtp5«j 5^wt ■qft-g^: ii The fourth pariccheda begins : ^ ^f^^ni^- ■^t i ?nsi: ^Turami: i fm^sftj faF *nfi f^an qi i etc. It ends fol. 214a, with the sixth section: Sfli JT=fi> 7TTT:iT3^4n: II The final couplets of the whole work : c ^jftarvnurT^rmt *rtfrr ^fs^rt wtt: i qrt Tilt TOT^T TTT^T^f qfcfafVrrT: II * II crqjrfq Sift TT5TT *??TW*IT faTfrfariTT j?jt eifftTftii f?^T . 157, no. cexe; Rajendralala Miim, Notices, vol. iv., p. 94, no. 1500. This MS. contains only the first pariccheda. It begins: •^»r> 7nr«r^Tim^iT?(/-.R?)oRTf»?K^f?H i cR»?^T=RTR?ft^m(y)oF7Tr=BT5'5Fnf?^ II o BfgTR^PjcKrqH faWW ^HfjcRT II wt$sf\ fgTPTflfgj hts ^rw^r? ^fe^rbfr^t ^fff etc. The last but one section of the first paric- cheda ends fol. 312//: *Rrcj TfolTTRfatrftT: u The first pariccheda ends : n: 'mi^K^l^mmrn^v\ ^ra^htf f>vj*ft W , srfan»?ra:(:' r^si^^r:*) trsjoFoirrniiTT- W^T ^qTTcifTin *T^rT «sf,ffrt JUfeoRT . Hf4- [grror. ii '3SrTTt?«t??!T>f5rrf^lT?5'q^f5=liT^Il|Hf«f|f?^'3irTqt'H'SIH (changed into ^irk !)ifr3?t i e mfWn^T?riri ^ismwTT q^xrn^m: ii ^q^t^m^VvWqT>f»i;qsfq ^ ?>q: H^m-wivj^ftvt- tJ^r^T^^T^n-qCtUlT^ VfT^fR? etc. The last (imitations from the inula are jm^rawrefiT fol. 136a, 1. I, Tnn^frr 1. 3, ^BSHirfiT fol. 130//, 1. 2; see the text of the Advaita- siddhi in the MS. uo. 2393, fol. 1986,1. 7, !. -. and fol. 199a, 1. 1. End of the volume : ttii (.•>•/(.-! r. ztit) tEritWTnr ^tttrthtwhi »7j^ M Hw^^wsiun^^f &TSR wfar .ft ?fc: u ■soft ^m ^ra%" wrc^nrwr^nrh n ?ffT ^«?rqTH?Hqft:frTTr^T(^T)^^-^TTTTniT7T : |i|tir^- c qifiR nin?r!jT'i xr"^: u [H. T. I 2397. 1103b. Foil. 27 (foil. l8-44of thevolumi size I2| in. by 4| in.; 20-23 lines in a [kilt : written, in a small hand, aboul the end oi the 1 S r 1 1 century , . [dvaitaratnarakshana, by Hadh usudana Sarasniti, pupil of I isr. srnrii Sarasvatl. Ii begins : -frrrmf^t fa^fawH^rrrr^TrhV. , see A-ufrecht's Cat. Modi., p. 22tj, no. 555. 11. T. COLEBROOKE.] 768 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 2398. 1364a. Foil. 38; size 10 h in. by 4f in.; twenty lines in a page ; small Bengali character, from the second half of the 18th century. Advaitaratnarakshana, a second copy. [H. T. G'OLEBROOKE.] 2399. 539a. Foil. 40 (numbered q-fc, ^-83); size 0\ in. by of in.; nine lines in a page; fair writing, of the 17th century. Veddntakalpalatikd, a treatise on moksha, by Madhusudana Sarasvati, wherein the author refutes the views of Jaimini, Kapila, Kandda, Akshapdda, and others, and follows those of Vydsa, Sankara and Suresvara. See Hall's Index, p. 132,no.cxcii. This MS. contains only the first stabaka, just as the MSS. described by Weber, Berl. Cat. (1853), p. 182, no. 627, and by Rajendralala Mitra, Notices, vol. iv., p. 3-1, no. 1414. It begins : iTCR <{Ht ^iTWHSgH^i^rPDI II S II f\ MWti 3T*ft lTfcR«frRT *l?lfq HUT I TWrfm ftnfiKs??) 1 w*t*ft ft^tsfs *rfar7T jnr^gurfaciif;: Tumm^n- [11 * 11 fvreTtfi^ ^fCt TJTHt fq*f(f I ^tTT^^^fHrag'JT*PrhTT n 3 11 =KTl!n^=fiTfq^fwf^WTfa ^t • ^Tifsjj- fr^ faffHTfaa^ 11 a 11 HT^ WW* ^f*H TTT^fcTTTOiT: II M II ^W^ft^T^TTfirryiT^. 458, where he gives a list of the works ascribed to Mukii uilu M The subjeel of tliis treatise is indicated in tlic second verse. It begins : ^itth *mT3TTn Fr^JTR^s-fmr 1 ff*u(!) i?f$ "srsm: Mftt^ri wv vzku^ud) izinypsi *ra >mH: cRTTTnfafrT ^ ^fw 1 *jO.*t)to- Hiasn 7rkT^«prter:(!) srsrrrf?^: 11 8 n(!) Trff fc* ^r: ^STTTti htitsrc? ^ra etc. It ends : ^t?nrfiTtjraTn^l?*i( T?tf': ; ) sTfRnf>Hl*Jidfr: nf3^r?ifvofiTfrjTn ^?: 1 3r«i v'k'nftFf xffrfJ?rt-3Ml f^csm: tit: 11 fijjTErcpirq FfT?nr?Jifv es^rmm^jn^RT w * tTtttt inf f^rsnfqTi: Tt^7^riTfjiT:»n snn^PT v^tt't ^ra: '^f5Tf?Hr«t('')H'5FFifi^'q: ^i^^n g- [Tfy n 11 Tirhrte^TPj w. 11 1i?T!TTt^>JF T^^JTH^rAct I [ II ^ftT*T II WWf WRHT ?T> TIT?^ t|T»?T5^(/-. ft) II [Gaikawar.] * A superfluous akshara. 770 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 2402. 559c. Foil. 26 (foil. 108-133 of the volume); size 12xtt in. by 4| in.; fourteen lines in a page ; writing the same as in no. 559a, which is dated Samvat 1852, see no. 226 of this Catalogue. Veddntalcatalca, a critical exposition of the Veddnta doctrines, by Nllakantha. See Hall's Index, p. 154, no. cclxxvii. Some of the dates given there do not appear in this copy, which is apparently incomplete (extent of the work in Hall's Index " Sloleas 3200," in this MS. tf-qmaTT bj i?^t htm: ^ito: i *t ^ TJ^RfftfiT TPSmJsTrHTff I On the first pages a review of the notions which the various schools entertain on the nature of soul : ^r^T- ^usjt:, Trfacn:, *mirf*TofrT: , 'srrtirr:, Isifi^rT:, m- fsHfi:, inHTcfrTT:, htjt:, *twr:, nren;:, ^rfraf^T- ^rct, ^ureoST:, cRrfntjr:, turner:, etc. As there are no divisions in this MS., it is difficult to give a more detailed description of its contents. The last words are : HHtTfl'tf T*mnr: TTfrnTRfaif ■srafiTsTrafK n The colophon is incomplete and, as it seems, corrupt: ^fiT ^tflc?f71c|j ^55cF7T^T^^IT(r.°^Tl)- nn «TJoFT3ITPRT ^IWITWf^mvrfafv: I c ^ nVfax^Ti^T fgi^m^T ^srt(TfkH?»ff 11 *> sqfHTTT .... ii c&T^?m*ff fV=pi h^ n^ II OTrcfarH7STf^^Tw*Tf5iir^TR»r^T«rt fjreT^TTTj- f^m^-nT ^sfrnni fa'g'm^ hit^t*i ^Ttfir i ^r? PHILOSOPHY. 771 The first section, called 3T^f*3^:, ends fol. 876 (^ft of the original numbering). [H. T. C'OLEBROOKE.] 2404. 2637. Foil. 307 (two of which, 20 and 289 were wanting when the vol. was bound); fairly written, in Devanagarl, about 1750 a.d., by two different hands; 11 and 12 lines in a page; the first five leaves are slightly injured in the middle. The second section of a commentary on some Yedunta work, marked Atmabodhuni (? i.e. Atmabodhinl) on the outer page of the first leaf. It begins : isftcT JTummfvgrrfavjt *r£ it mat fffOTsTpFR W*T faTOTVWr VTSI^lW H5* ^tiNfa*iHwi«i*ifisH«*ii*i'*TTqt«l9llM TTfaRPI I Tf^TTVcrrft H^rrtiq tjtuj Tn^^fv=FTfc fqmn»Tijn«^hrFinTH^vwFi w*- xjT^iii 5iT?3Tt« wfrnra i ^mrr wsrfjTsrrafw u ^s^rrii: ii etc. It ends : ^|TrRiTHT»OJTq(r. °VV,) Jpi^TT ^SP^TUirlfJTTT '- *anfl^T?rf*?V ^T~trt° fwf?rncjrTTrr^no. 304; ^fk ^^ttt si tf° wtq*- oFTjjjj ^rf%° *V -jqgiHUcR^o no. 305; ^urrcftrefaw tt° ^° ~SJ° tf° snc^RTCrs j?>° f^traircFW mfjT° ■asnrsHr no. 306 ; ^fk ^»t?rt f^fiwTicRTin TTV° no. 309. At the end of the single sargas often simply jftjjhra or jftsfftmig. 302a. Foil. 107. Yairdgyaprakarana, in 33 sargas with about 1130 couplets. This first chapter of the Yogavdsislitha has been printed with the commentary, and with a Bengali translation, by Venimddhava Be Ddsah, Calcutta, 1869. List of the sargas : 1. sutrapdtanikah ends fol. 106; 2. sutrapdtanikah, fol. 15a; 3. tirtha- ydtrdkaranam, fol. 19a; 4. divasavyavahdra nirupanam, fol. 20a; 5. kdrSyanivedanam, fol. PHILOSOPHY. 778 216 • 6. Sri-Vis'vdmitrdbhydgatam, fol, 256; 7. Visvdmitracdkyam, fol. 28a ; 8. Daiarathavd- kyam, fol. 81a j 9. Vasishfhasamdsvdsanam, fol. 33a ; 10. Rdghavavishddah, fol. 87a j II. RdghavasamdSvdsanamj 12. prathamaparitdpah , fol. 44a ; 13. Lakshmlnirdkaranam, Eol. 456; 14. jivitagarhd, fol. 47a; 15. ahamkdrajugupsd, fol. 89a; 16. cittadaurdtmyam, fol. 516; 17. trishndbhangah , fol. 556; 18. kdyajugupsd, fol. i'n),f; 19. bdlyajugupsd, fol. 026; 20. yauvana- garhd, fol. 66a; 21. strljugupsd, fol. 696; 22. jardjugupsd, fol. 726; 23. kdldpavddah, fol. 776; 24. kdlavildsah, fol. 79a; 25. kritdntavilasitam, fol. 82a; 26. daivadurvildsavarnanam, fol. 86a; 27. anityatdpraWpddanam, fol. 92a; 28. avira- taviparydsapratipddanam, fol. 95a ; 29. sakala- paddrthdndsthdpratipddanam, fol. 97a ; 30. prayojauasargah , fol. 996; 31. RdghavapraSnah, fol. 1016 ; 32. nabhascarasddhuvddah , fol. 1036; 33. nabhascaramaJilcarasammelanam, fol. 107a. 302b. Foil. 66 (108-173). Mumukshuvyavahdraprakaranam, in 20 sargas with about 800 couplets. List of the sargas : 1. Sukanirydnam ends fol. 66 ; 2. Visvdmitravdkyam, fol. 10a ; 3. bhuyobhuyah sargdnucarnanam, fol. 136; 4. paurushaprakaranam, fol. 16a; 5. paurusha- sthdpanam, fol. 186; 6. daivanirdkaranam, fol. 226; 7. {paurushapratipddanam), fol. 25a; 8. daivani(rd)karanam, fol. 27a ; 9. karma vied rah, fol. 306; 10. jndndvataranam ; 11. vaktripri- cluikalakshaiiam, fol. 37a; 12. tattvajnamdhdt- myavarnanam, fol. 406; 13. samnnirr/paijam, fol. 456 ; 14. mumukshuvica 'ra n i rupanam, fol. 50a; 15. samtoshanirupanam, fol. 516; 16. saddcdranirupanam, fol. 53a; 17. (nirvacanam), fol. 566; 18. drishldntanirUpanam, fol. 61k; 19. pramdiianirupanam, fol. 6 16 ; 20. saddcdra- nirupanam, fol. 66a. 303. Poll. 336. Utpattiprakaranam, in 122 sargas with nearly 6000 couplets. List of the sargas : I. bandhahetuvarnanam ends fol. 96; 2. ddyasrishtikartrivanjauam, Eol. 186; 3. bandhahetuvarnanam, fol. L6a; 4. prakarandrthakalpanam, Eol. 21/' ; 5. mulakd- ranadevasvarupavarnanam, fol. 24a ; 6. m«- mukshuprayatnopadeiah, fol. 256 ; 7. jagadddi- (Irisydsnttdjiriifij/id, fol. 296; 8. sarehdstraniru- panam, fol. 306; 9. paramakdranavarna na m , t'ul. 35a; 10. mahdkalpdntdvaSishtaparamabhd- vavarnanam, fol. 396; 11. paramdrthantriianam, fol. 42c; 12. jagadutpattivarnanam, fol. 45a; 13. svayamhliul putliro ma mi in, fol. 49a; 14. brahmapratipddanam, fol. 546; 15. Mantfapo- pdkhydne rdjavarnanam, fol. 576; hi. Handa- pdkhydne rdjnvparivedanam, fol. 606; 17. 7w7<;- pdkhydne samdehardshtravarnanam, fol. 616; 18. Lllopdkhydne sakalajagadbhrdntipratipdda- nam, fol. 676; 19. Lilopdkhydne brdhmanama- ranam, fol. 696 ; 20. Lllopdkhydne paramdrtha- pratipddanam, fol. 72« ; 21. viirdntyupadeSah, fol. 776; 22. vijndndbhydsavariiaiunit, fol. 80a; 23. Lllopdkhydne Lildprajnddevyor jndnad kdsagamanarn, fol. 81a; 24. Lilopdkhydne gaganavanjanam, fol. 856 ; 25. Lilopdkhydw bhutalokavarnanam, fol. 876; 26. Lilopdkhydne siddhadarsanahetukathanam, Eol. 916; 27. jan- itiihtlaravanjaiiaiu, i'ol. 956; 28. girigrdmavar- nanam, fol. 100a; 29. paramdkd6avarnanam, fol. 1046; 30., fol. 108a; 31. gaganavarayud- dhaprekshikdstitdvaravarnanam, fol. 1 !<•/■; 32. dhavdrambhanam, fol. 1116; 83. senayoh pra- thamapdtavarnanam, fol. 1 15a; 84. ranaprek- shakajanoktivarnanam, fol. 1186; 35. raijacar- nanam, fol. 1206; 86. jomapadavarnanam, fol. 1236 ; 37. Lllopdkhydne janapadavarnanam, fol. 127a; 38. Lllopdkhydne dhavavarnanam, fol. 130;. 39. ni&dcarakulardtrirandnganavar- 5 ii 2 774 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. nanam, fol. 1326; 40. Lilopdkkydne samarasa- iniinam (no. 2442a has samarasamanantasmri- tyanubhavah) , fol. 1376; 41. Lllopdkhyane bhrdntivicdravar nanam, fol. 1416; 42. Lllopd- khyane svapnapurushasatyatvanirupanam, fol. 1446; 43. Lilopdlehydne agniddhavarnanam, fol. 149a; 44. Lilopdlehydne agniddhardtriyuddhe uigadbrahmavarnanam, fol. 153a ; 45. Lllopd- khyane satyakdntasatyasamkalpdstitd, fol. 1546; 46. Lllopdkhyane Vidurathanirydna(m), fol. 156a; 47. Lllopdkhyane Vidurathasindhusamdgamah, fol. 1586 ; 48. Lllopdkhyane dyudhavar nanam, fol. 163a; 49. Lilopdkhydne tritlydstrayuddham, fol. 165a ; 50. Lllopdkhyane Vidurathamarana- rarnanam, fol. 168a; 51. Sindhurdshlravar- nanam,£ol. 1696; 52. maranasamanantaradeha- pratibhdvar nanam, fol. 173a; 53. samsritavi- ditavedyd, fol. 1756; 54. Idlopdhhydne marana- vicdrah, fol. 181a; 55. samsdramarandvasthd- varnanam, fol. 187a; 56. maranasayandnanta- ram, fol. 190a; 57. Lllopdkhyane svapndrthasya vicdrah, fol. 1936; 58. (P ad ma jlvanam), fol. 196a; 59. Padmanirvdnam, Lilopdkhydnam samdptam, fol. 197a; 60. prayojanavarnanam, fol. 2016; 61. jagatsvarupavarnanam, fol. 2n Ob; 62. daivasabddrthavicdrah , fol. 207a ; 63. cittd- vilcdrah, fol. 2076 ; 64. bJjd i/kuranirnayah , fol. 210a; 65. jivavicdrah, fol. 2106; 66. samsriti- paramayogah, fol. 212a; 67. satyopadesah, fol. 218a; 68. rdkshaswarnanam, fol. 219a; 69. S&cyupdkhydne vishudhdmantrahathanam, fol. 2206; 70. Suclvyavahdravarnanam, fol. 226a; 71. Sucikdparidevanam, fol. 228a; 72. SucJta- jui.l)prabhdva(varnanam), fol. 2296 ; 73. Sucita- povarnanam, fol. 2326 ; 74. Sucitapahparipdka- varnanam, fol. 231a ; 75. Sucyupdkliydne SucJ- toriraldbhah , fol. 235a; 76. vddhikdnydyahX?), fol. 236a; 77. rdkshasivicdrah, fol. 2376; 78. rdkshaswarnanam, fol. 2396; 79. rdkshaslpra- snah, fol. 2416; 80. fra&iaMea'anaTO, fol. 2456; 81. paramarthapindlkaranam, fol. 2516; 82. rdkshasJsauhdrdam, fol. 254a ; 83. Suajupd- khydne Kandardpujanam, Sucyupdkhydnam sampurnam, fol. 2546 ; 84. mano'nkurotpattlka- thanam, fol. 257 'a; 85. brahmddityasamdgamah, fol. 259a; 86. aindavasamddhdnam, fol. 261a; 87. jagaddasavarnanam, fol. 2616 ; 88. ainda- vanirupanam, fol. 2626; 89. Kritrimendravdkyam, fol. 2646; 90. Kritrimendrdhalydnurdgah, fol. 265a; 91. jlvdvataranakramopadesah , fol. 268a; 92. manomdhdtmyavarnanam, fol. 270a; 93. (utpattidarsanah , MS. no. 2442a, fol. 1716), fol. 271a; 94. brahmanah sarvam samutpadyata iti kathanam, fol. 273a; 95. karmapuruxhayor aikdtmyapratipddaham, fol. 276a; 96. manah- samjndvicdrah, fol. 2806; 97. viddsamdhdtmyam, fol. 282a; 98. cittopdkhydnam, fol. 2836; 99. cittopdkhydnam sampurnam, fol. 2856 ; 100. cittacikU nd purvakam cittotpattivarn a n a in, fol. 288a; 101. Bdlakdkhydyikd, fol. 2896 ; 102. upadesakaranam, fol. 2916; 103. cittamdlultmyam, fol. 293a; 104. aindrajdlopdkhydne nripavyd- mohah, fol. 295a; 105. mdrajdlopdhhydne rdjd- vabodhah, fol. 296a; 106. indrajdlopdkhydne cdnddlivivdhah , fol. 299a; 107. mrfr. dpadvar- nanam, fol. 301a; 108. mar. akdndavar nanam, fol. 3026; 109. canddlopdkhydne eanddlatvavya- pagama/i, fol. 3036; 110. cittavarnanam, fol. 3066; 111. cittacikitsd, fol. 809a; 112. mukha- ravenopadeSdmlsakathanam, fol. 310a; 113. avidydvar nanam, fol. 313a; 114. yathdkathita- doshaparihilropadesah,io\. 3166; 115. sukhaduh- khablioktritvopadcmh, fol. 318a; 116. sddhaka- j annul raid rah, fol. 3206; 117. ajiidnabhumikd- varnanam, fol. 322a; 118. j?idnabhumikopadesah , fol. 324a; 119. hemormyupadesah, fol. 326a; 120. caiiddllsoi'anain, fol. 3286; 121. cittdbhdva- pratipddanam, fol. 3316; 122. svarupanirupanam, fol. 335a. Compare Weber's Cat., p. 187, no. 642. ririLosoriiY. 304. Poll. 1G0. Sthitiprakaranam, in (32 sargas with aboul 2400 couplets. List of the sargas: 1. janyanirdkaranam ends fol. 4a; 2. bijopanydsah, fol. 66; 3. jagadanantavarnanam, fol. 8a; 4. sthityahkura- kalanam, fol. 86; 5. Bhdrgavopdkhydne Blidrga- vasa(m)valanam, fol. 9/) ; 6. Bhdrgavamanord- jyam, fol. 10& ; 7., fol. 116; 8. Bhdrgavopd- khydne (,vi)vidhajanmdnubhavah } fol. 126; 9. Bhdrgarahah ■raramirijanatn, fol. 136; 10. Bhdr- gavopdkhydne Kdlavacanam, fol. 176; 11. Bhdrg. samsdrapravrittidarsanam, fol. 216; 12. Bhdrg. samsdrotpattivistdravarnanam, fol. 226 ; 13. Bhrigusamdsvdsanam, fol. 236; 14. Bhdrga- vajanmdntarasmaranam, fol. 256 ; 15. Bhdrga- riqiaridcvanaprasai'igopademin-akaranam, fol. 286; 16. Suktasya punaijivanam, fol. 30a ; 17. manordjijasammelanam, fol. 326; 18. jivana- hhanddvatdrah, fol. 376; 19. jjdgratsvapnasitr ptaturyasvarupavicdrah, fol. 40a; 20. manoru- pavarnanam, fol. 406; 21. vijndnavddah, fol. 446 ; 22. anuttamapadavisrdntivarnanam, fol. 466 ; 23. Sariranagaravibhutiyogah, fol. 50a ; 24. manasyasattdpraUpddanam, fol. 51a; 25. Ddmavydlakatotpattih, fol. 54a; 26. Ddmavyd- lakata, fol. 57a; 27. pitdmahavdhyam, fol. 586; 28. Ddmavydlakatapun aryuddh avarnanam, fol. 616; 29. Ddmavydlakatopdhhydne asurapari- hhramsah, fol. 636; 30. Ddmavydlakatdntara- eitr avarnanam, fol. 646; 31. sadasannirdkara- nam, fol. 68a; 32. Ddmavydlakatopdhhydne saddcdranirupan am, fol. 72a ; 33. Ddmavydla- katopdhhydne 'hamkdravicdrah, fol. 79a ; '■) I . Ddmauydlalcatopdlchydnam samdptam, fol. 816; 35. upasamavarnanam, fol. 876; 36. eiddditya- svarupavarnanam, fol. 90a ; 37. upasamasvaru- pavarnanam, fol. 92a ; 38. upasamavarnanam, fol. 96a; 39. sarvaihatvapratipddunam, fol. 10 la; 40. brahmaivedam sarvam jagad iti pratipddanam, fol. I'M-/; II. avidydhatha fol. 1066 ; 42. jlvdvataranam, Eol. 1096; I :. j va nicayasthd nopadi salt, fol. 1116; 41. sam- sdrdvataranapratipddanopades'ah, fol. 1116; IV yathdbhutdrthayogopadeSah, fol. L18a; 46., fol. I 196 ; 47. jagadvdsananirnayayogopadeiah, fol. 12 1-6; 48. Dd&uropdhhydin DdSuravarapradd- navarnanam, fol. 127^; 19. Ddiurakadamba- varnanam, fol. 1296; 50. Ddsuradigavalokanam, fol. 130a; 5L. Ddiurasutdnubodhanam, fol. 1316; 52. vililiiiniriiriiaiiiim, fol. L33a ; 53. «am*ara- nagaravikalpayogavicdrah, fol. L36aj 54. D«*S- ropdkhydne samkalpacildtsd, fol. 138a; 55. /' - sunt in- la a a in t fol. 141a; 56. (hartritva)vicdra- yogopadeSaharanam, fol. 1446; 57. purnaiaya- svarupavarnanam, fol. 149a; 58. kacagdthd, fol. 150a; 59. Srikamalajavyavahdravarnanam, fol. 154a; 60. vicdrapurushanirnayaprasango- padeiajivdvatdrah, fol. 156a; 61. jananamara- nasaimthitih, fol. 158a; 62., fol. 159. The scribe has added : tjfi? <^ifaTTtm=m:0 atfiwrer«T cprsSrTJiqTTV SJ^TRf tT *TtT: II S II Trrpf 305. Foil. 261. UpaSamaprakaranam, in 93 sargas with about 4270 couplets. List of the sargas: 1. prathamam dhnika- varna nam ends fol. 36; 2. upad, ■sdituriiriiiiunm, fol. 6a; 3. sabhdsamsthdnam, fol. 8a; 4. Rdghavaprainah , fol. LOa ; 5. praiamopadeiah, fol. 136; 6. prathama upadeiah, fol. l-">" ; 7. dkdSaphala ajjndnasamprdptihramasuca nam* fol. 156; 8. siddhagltd, Eol. I'. 1 " ; '■•. * No. 220o has aka&apl taoanujnur. 776 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. janakavitarkah, fol. 24a.; 10. niscayah, fol. 256 ; 11. cittdnusdsanam, fol. 266; 12. prajiid- ludhdfinyam, fol. 29a; 13. manonivdranam, fol. 376 ; 14. svacittanirupanam, fol. 426 ; 15. trishndvarnanam, fol. 446 ; 16. trishndcikitsd, fol. 46a; 17. trishndvicchedopadesah, fol. 486; 18. jJvanmuktavarnanam, fol. 53a; 19. pdvana- bodhanam, fol. 55a; 20. pdvanavijndnaprdptih , fol. 576; 21. trishndcikitsdyogotpattih, fol. 60a; 22. Virocanasmaranam, fol. 636; 23. Firocawa- vacanwm, fol. 65a; 24. cittavicikitsdyogopadesah, fol. 70a; 25. Balicintdsiddlidntayogah, fol. 716; 26. Balyupadesayogah , fol. 726; 27. Balivi- srdntih, fol. 75a ; 28. Balisamddhdnavarnanam, fol. 766; 29. Baler vijndnaprdptih , fol. 80a; 30. TYa// rdihipiirivisrdntau Hiranyakasipuvadh ah, fol. 82a; 31. Prahrddanirvdne Ndrdyanakara- ikiiii, fol. 856; 32. Vibudhavdkyam, fol. 87a; 33. Ndrdya.nagamanam, fol. 89a; 34. Prahrd- ddtmayogah , fol. 96a; 35. bra{h)matdtmaldbha- rintd, fol. 102a; 36. prdtma(r. dtma)stavanam, fol. 1076 ; 37. asuramandalavydkulabhavah , fol. 1086; 38. paramesvaravitarkah, fol. 1106; 39. S fol. 306; 12. jlvanrrmktasamsayaniruparfam, fol. 32a; 13. jndnayogopadesah, fol. 83a; It. Bhiihindopdklbydn e Merusikhara varn a nam, fol. 346; 15. Bhusundadarsanam, fol. 306; 10. Bhusundasamdyogah, fol. 376; 17. BhuSunda- svarupavarnanam, fol. 38a; 18. mdtrivyavahd- ravarnanam, fol. 406; 19. dlayaldbhah, fol. 426; 20. Bhusunijnsvnrupanam{\), fol. 446; 21. cirajJ- vitavrittdntakathanam, fol. 476; 22. cirajwita- 1'iriianam, fol. 50a; 23. Bhusundopdkhydne samddltdnasainhdpanirdkaraiiam, fol. 52a; 24. prdnavicdranam, fol. 546; 25. samddhivarnanam, fol. 58a; 26. Bhuhuidopdkhydne cirajJvitahctu- kathanam, fol. 596; 27. Bhusundopdkhydnam, fol. 606; 28. paramdrthayogopadeSah , fol. 646; 29. jagatah paramdtmamayatvavarnanam, fol. 716; 30. mokshopdkhydne ee(r.cai)tyonmukha- rittavicdrah, fol. 77a ; 31. manahprdnaikyaprati- pddanam,io\. 806; 32. dehapdtavicdrah, fol. 836; 33. dvaitaikyapratipddanam, fol. 87a; 34. .st7- parameivaropadeSah, fol. 896; 35. decaldmayah, fol. 916; 36. paramefoaravarnanam, fol. 926; 37. niyatinrityam, fol. 95a; 38. bdhyapujanam, fol. 97a; 39. devdrnniavldhih, fol. 1006; 40. devatdtattvavicdrah, fol. 101a; 41. jaganmi- thydtvapratipddanavi, fol. 105a; 42. paramdt- mdbhidhdnam, fol. 107a; 43. vtbhrdntivarijanam, fol. 109a; 44. cittasattdsucanam, fol. Ill"; 15. mahdcitivikalpopdkhydnam, fol. 113a; 16. Sildkoinimdrsith, fol. 115a; 47. rldghanopadusah, fol. 1176; 48. brahmaikdtmapratipddanam, fol. 1186; 49. samsritivicdrayogah, fol. 1206; 50. aksharasarnvedavicdrayogopades'ah, fol. 1246 ; 51. indriydrthopcdambliiri-.hiili, fol. I3i»6 ; 52. Ndrdyandvatarah , fol. 1326; 53. Arjimeydkhydne Arjunopadeiah, fol. 1371; 54. Arjunopdkhydne dtmajndnopadeSah, fol. L40a ; 55. Arjunopd- khydne jlvatattvaniryayah, fol. 1 12a ; 56., fol. 1456; 57. . \rjinnirisr,i:'lir, i,-„, ,,,, , m , fol. L46& ; 58. Arjjimopdkhydnam samdptam, fol. 1476; 59. pratyagdtmdvabodhah, Eol. 1506; 60. vibhutiyo- gopadesah, fol. 1516; 61. jagatsvapnakathan fol. 1536; 62. svapnasatarudriyi bhikshusamsd- roddharanam, fol. 1556; 63. svapnaiatarudriyo- pdkhydnam, fol. 1596; 64. ganatvaprdptih, svapnarudriyam samdptam, fol. 1616; 65. vidyottaravismayavarnanam, fol. L626; 66. bhikshusamsritikathanam, fol. 164a; 67., fol. 100a; 68. mahdmaunayatnopadeSah, fol. 1676; 69. prdnamanahsamyogavivaranam, fol. 171a; 70. Vetdlaprasnah, fol. 172a; 71. mantfapavar- nanam, fol. 1726; 72. Vetdlaprasnabhedah , fol. 1736; 73. Vetdlopdkhydne, fol. 171a; 71. BhagJrathopadcsidi , fol. 176a; 75. IViagh-nthn- virrdijam, fol. 1766; 76. Gargdvataranam, fol. 1776; 77. Sikhidhvajavildsakathanam, fol. 1796; 78. Ouddldprdbodhd, fol. 1816; 79. Gu4dldtma- Idbhah, fol. 1826; 80. pancakavildsah, fol. 1876; 81. agnishomavidhdranam, fol. L94a; 82. a«t- mddildbhayogopade§ah, fol. 1956; 83., fol. 1966; 84. Sikhidhvajapravrajyd, fol. 1986; 85. sukha- vicdrayogopadesah , fol. 2046; 86. I\n inhhii'uni- makathanam, fol. 206a; 87. Sikhidhvajdvabo- dhanam, fol. 1086; 88. Sikhidhvajopdkh cintdmanyupakhydninii, fol. 2<>96; 89. gajcndrn- pdkhydnam, fol. 211a; 90. cintdmanisddhaka- vrittdntavivaranam, fol. 213a; 91. vdranavrit- tdntanirupanam, fol. 214a; 92. sarvatydgah, fol. 2166; 93. Sikhidhvajdvabodhanam, fol. 220a; 94. Sikhidhvajdvabodhiniam, fol. 225a; '.'5. Sikhidhvajavisrdntih, fol. 227a; 96. Sikhidi jdvabodhanam, fol. 2:106; 97. Sikhidhvajapra- bodhanam, fol. 2326; 98. Sikhidhvajdvabodhai 778 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. fol. 2346 j 99., fol. 236a; 100. Sikhidhvaja- paramavibodlianam, fol. 2376; 101. Sikhidhva- jabodhanam, fol. 241ratipddanam t fol. 37a ; 15. vidyddharanirvdnam, fol. 386 ; 16. v i< J yd dli aropdkhydne vidyddharanirvdn am, fol. 396; 17. ahamtvdsattdyogopadesah , fol. 41a; 18. jagajjdlakosasddharmyayogopadesah, fol. 456 ; 19. virdddtmavarnanani, fol. 496 ; 20. jlvanir- nayayogopadesah, fol. 51a; 21. jfidnarijiidnavi- rdrah, fol. 53a; 22. sukhayogopadesah , fol. 586; 23. Mankinirvdnam, fol. 62a ; 24. Mankivaird- gyavarnanam, fol. 64a ; 25. Afailkibodhanam, fol. 666; 26. Mahklnirvdnasamdptih, fol. 696; 27., fol. 71a; 28. taltvasiddhantapratipddanam, fol. 736 ; 29. bhdvandpratipddanam, fol. 80a ; 30. paramdrthopanydsayogah, fol. 826 ; 31. nircdiiayuktyupadesavarnanam, fol. 85; 32. satydvabodhanopadesah, fol. 88a; 33. satydrtho- panydsayogah , fol. 91a; 34., fol. 94a; 35. parabrahmasvarupavarnanam, fol. 97a; 36. samsdrabijakathanam, fol. 100a; 37. drisyd- drisyopayogah, fol. 1066; 38. nirvdnavarnanam, fol. 110a; 39. VasishtltagJtdsu svabhdvavisrdrdi- yogopadesah, fol. 113; 40. VasishthagUdsu dtmavisrd)it!kiitli(u)(ii)i, fol. 1146; 41. svarupa- visrdntyartham upadesakaranam, fol. 115a; 42. nirvdnopadesah , fol. 120a; 43. brahmaikatdnato- padesah{!), fol. 1246; 44. manovipadvarnanam, fol. 1286; 45. Harinakopdkhydne, fol. 1336; 46. sdmydvabodhana(m) , fol. 135a ; 47. mumu- Lxliuprathamopakramah , fol. 139a; 48. viveka- mdhdtmyam, fol. 142a; 49. sarvdpasdntih, fol. 1466; 50. jivasatyakaprakdravaruanam, fol. 1486; 51. visrdntiyogopadesah, fol. 152a; 52. brahmasvarupavarnanam, fol. 1566; 53. nirvd- navarnanam, fol. 158a; 54. advaitaikyaprati- pddanam, fol. 161a; 55. jagatah paramdrtha- mayavarnanam, fol. 1626 ; 56. dkdsamandira- vasishthasamddhdnavarnanam, fol. 165a; 57. viditavedydhamkdravicdrah, fol. 167« ; 58. sargabrahmatvapratipddanam, fol. 169a; 59. jagajjdlavarnanam, fol. 1736; 60. jagajjdlavar- nanam, fol. 179a ; 61. jagaddkdsaikabodltalt, fol. 183a; 62. cidaikyavdkyam, fol. 1866; 63. PHILOSOPHY. 77'.' jagattattvaikyapraUpddana/m, fol. 190a j 64. pdshdnopdkhydne vidyddharlvyasanavarnanam , fol. 194Z) ; 65. vidyddharijanincivi/uviilnirarnr- tianam, fol. 197a; 66. Sildntaravarnanam, fol. 199a; 67. abhydsaprasamvdndmar , fol. 2l>2tirran.>- padeSah, fol. 3296; 102. maranddyabhdx desah, fol. 3336; 103. sakalabhdvdbhdvopade- simi paramdrthaikatdpratipadanam, fol. 3426; 104. jiigadasaiOtdprtitijiddanam, fol. 3436; 105. jdgratsvapnai(kyam), fol. 3476; 106. kdryalMraiiaiiirdsitrnriKiniim, fol. 352k; 107. avidydbhdvapratipddanam, fol. 353a ; 108. avidyopdkhydne avidydkshepanepdrthivasamram- bhava/rncmam, fol. 3566 ; 109. agnipravesdd de- haldbhah, fol. 3586; 110. samgrdmavarnanam, fol. 3616; 111. caturdiggatabaladravanam, fol. 3646; 112. 6 alaparibhramsah, fol. 367a; 113. samudravarnanam,io\. 3696; 114. digdarSanam, fill. 3726; 115 . vipascidan ur nni(k r if apmi 'drfli n) r° , fol. 379a; 116. Svakdkakokilavarnanam, fol. 391a ; 117. }iiiarawiaW/i.o/jaa'esa7i, fol. 569a ; 174. brahmagitdsu nirvdnopadesah, fol. 5716; 175. paramdrthagitdsv advaitayuktih, fol. 577 a ; 176. brahmagitdsu bralimdndopdhliydnam, fol. 579a ; 177. brahmagitdsu satyavarnanam, fol. 583a 178. brahmagltdsv aindavopdlihydnam, fol. 5876 179. brahmamayatvapratipddanam, fol. 589a 180. brahmagitdsu tdpasopdlchydnam, fol. 5916 181. brahmagitdsu Gaurydsramavarnanam, fol. 594a ; 182. brahmagitdsu saptadvlpesvaropd- hhydnam, fol. 5966; 183. dvlpasaptakdshtaka- varnanam, fol. 601a; 184. Kundadantopadesah, fol. 604a; 185. Kundadajitaprabodhah, fol. 6056; 186. brahmagitdsu sarvam Tthalv idam brahmeti pratipddanam, fol. 612a; 187. jivatvasamsriti- pratipddanam, fol. 617a; 188. jivarupavarna- nam, fol. 619a; 189. brahmaiJcatdpratipddanam, fol. 6206; 190. Rdmavisrdntih, fol. 6286; 191. mahdvddabodhanam, fol. 630a; 192. visrdntyu- pagamavarnanam, fol. 6316; 193. visrantiha- thanam, fol. 633a; 194. Rdmavisrdntyupagamah, fol. 6366; 195. bodhaprakdsiJtaranayogopadesah, fol. 6416 ; 196. vaivadhikopdkhydne cintdmani- Idbhah, fol. 643a ; 197. sdstramdhdtmyam, fol. 6456 ; 198. samadrishtiprasamsd, fol. 6486 ; 199. muldapurushasthdnavarnanam, fol. 6516; 200. sddhuvdda(sa)paryddivarnanam, fol. 6556 : 201. visrdntiprahatlTcaranayogopadesah, fol. 6576; 202. dtmavisrdmdiigtlxaranam, fol. 6586; 203. nirvdnavarnanam, fol. 661a; 204. ciddkdsai- Ttatdpratipddanam, fol. 663a; 205. sarvahdra- nanirdsah, fol. 6656 ; 206. mahdprasnah, fol. 6686; 207.(wia7i(7)/>rasra(o^aram),fol. 671a; 208. mahd- prasnamokshanam, fol. 6736; 209. sarvdstit- vdnubhutidarsanam, fol. 6766; 210. dvaitaihjo- palambhanirdsah, fol. 6796; 211. paramdrtho- padesah, fol. 6816; 212. paramdrthanirupanam ; 213. prdManardmasishyatvopdichydnam, fol. 6876; 214. mahotsavavarnanam, fol. 692a; 215. Fa- sishthabrahmadarsanam, fol. 694; 216., fol. 6966. Date : *Hn^ ibMS I f^ftTrf mzm *Krtik), but incomplete and without the commentary. The last leaf but one ends with the 31st verse of the 108th sarga; the last leaf con- tains the first twenty-one verses of the Mok- shopdyasdra, see no. 2424. [Gaikawar.] 2422. 2766. Foil. 144; size 12| in. by 81 in.j 26-40 lines in a page; fairly written in the Bengali character. Nirvdnaprakaranasya uttardrddham, a frag- ment, which contains the same part of this chapter of the Yogavdsishthardmdyana as no. 2413 (308) : both copies begin and end with the same words and have the same blunders. [Coll. of Fort William.] 242:!. 2442b. Foil. 30; size II in. by 6f in.; 10 or 11 lines in a page; good old writing. Ndndprabidtmakdh Khild Mokshopdydh, a supplement to the Nirvdnapraharana, in I I sargas of about 550 couplets. List of the sargas s I. mahdpralayavicdrah ends fol. 46; 2. ativdhikdtibha/utikaikydvabo- dhanapurvakam bandhdbhdvapratipddanam, fol. 7a; 3. bvahmatdpratipddanam, fol. 9k ; 4. prd- 5 i 2 782 CATALOGUE OP SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. hritamaranavicdrah, fol. 12a; 5. maranajivi- taiki/abodhanam, fol. 13a ; 6. jlvasvabhdveshu paramdrthavacanam, fol. 16a; 7. jlvasvabhd- veshu paramapaddvabodhanam, fol. 18a ; 8. jiva nmuktasvabhdvavarnanain, fol. 206; 9. sa- dehddchamuktavarnanam, fol. 226 ; 10. loka- dvai/dmtbhavayuktyupadesah, fol. 24a; 11. sar- gdddv iijiihlJtiiikdrananirdkaranam, fol. 25a; 12. prdlcritajanmapitrikdryavarnanam, fol. 26a; 13., fol. 286; 14., fol. 296.. The MS. begins : fqfTTTIT^T^Trr^T^fRTHlcFTTjrTFlt I irta^Hm: WTFrt *j>HffqT^n: fa^T ^* ii ff The last two pages contain a list of the updhhydnas of the whole work. At the end this part is called «lMlH^jlrH<*i: f%c?T >fts|tann:. [Gaikawae.] 2424. 2120. Foil. 237; size 9| in. by 5A in.; generally 9 or 10 lines in a page ; large writing. Mokshopdyasdra, or Laghuyogavdsishtha, an abridgment of the voluminous Yogavdsishtha, by Pandit Abhinanda, a native of Bengal. See Hall's Index, p. 121, no. cxliv. (Yoga- vdsishthasdra) ; Berlin Catalogue, p. 191, no. (i to. It has forty-eight sargas, the first twenty-eight of which were printed at Calcutta in 1851 (the Yoga- Vdsishtha-Bdmdy ana with a Bengali translation executed by Srvpati Bhattd- rarya, under the patronage of Baboo Satya Chum Ghoshal Bahadoor). A complete edition of the Laghuyogavdsishtha was printed in the Nirnayasdgara Press, Bombay, Samvat 1944, the first three prakaranas with Atma- sukha's Vdsishthacandrikd, the last three with Mummadideva's Samsdratarani. It begins : f?f% >r*ft rmrarrer ^f^ro * fw i ift fww^Hrewr jw *tnw^ -rh: ii <\ it ^?? w^t f%*rs: wftrfir *n*rrfta ftrgn: i ^TWnTHsft ?ft (Tsi:('-.'iTTg:) *ft sftHr$||?3 sfti- [*HWH II ? II The same verses occur at the beglnninsr of the second chapter in the Vairdgyaprakarana of the Yogavdsishtha, see also the beginning of the Yogavdsishlhasdra, verse 2. Colophon of the last chapter : ^fif ^JThr'SR'- cKni3»frEiiY:iTwn: fV^TCmcRTtf mnw n The leaves of this copy belong to three different ages, the last leaf with the date belongs to the second age : tf^ff n w^ u grf 3n<* ii T|riH Him ^TcSfw^flT^* I K^i ^Wfo"&rfii TTOTCff? * H>ft || Date of the copy : *faH Wo** <4U=mi^j! 13 *fbr f^fawfa^ g*T^B II [Gaikawar.] 2433. 1464b. Foil. 68; size 8f in. by 3£ in.; fair Devanagari writing of about 1650 a.d.; 8-13 lines in a page. Hokshalakshmlvildsa, an exposition of Ve- ddnta doctrines in the form of a commentary on the Jdbdlopanishad ; by Vallabhendra Sara- svatl, pupil of Vdsudevendra Sarasvatl. It begins : TjtffBJuf=HIET3 K^T HjmUT- ssm<+K«: II [H. T. COLKBKOOKE.] 2434. 790b. Foil. 27; size 9| in. by 4 in.; legibly written in Devanagarl, in the latter part of last century ; ten lines in a page. Ydjnavalkyagitd, a (Paurdnik) treatise on Yoga, in the form of a dialogue between Yajfiaoallcya and Gdrgl Maitreyl. In twelve adkydyas. It begins : 4lsMqT«^Hrqt II 3 II ° M II nwt ^ t^thptt mm" ^ *T3rf^3TT 11 S, 11 *WIHl<4'lrfl i^TlluiMyriHttl I t ^ H<1I«J <};!<* jj*ft JTFifHs! WH d^ffa II 9 II m'nh ^srrcrsf *r^>Tirf?ff tit i mmr^ m? wf? wtmqM famrnr: 11 t 11 ^vMldft-N ^T*rt m^THlTiTHTlir II % II Tftnftfe? >*TR=irT?raTn:: fijm'ST^'mfW: 1 ^WJTTJflS^Tt ysickr«l T?r«rfit 11 3 II ff TJ^fjfT R^TTOTTpj^ra: 4f3ITT3?TT: i tfm*KU*rnm*i ma cia inir^ 11 g 11 n: mt: *^rm ^^r^nrt rm^ ^ n m u f«dlflTRt ^ «Wii7fa Tr?T(Bi jTimsrfamcTm 11 1 n ° ^0 11 ^rTW ^3T K T^f R^lm «lt>?TT?fnTt I itot i.M^iR'hTrt ^ ?Tf^jiniTTiit irqsr ^ 11 si h ■aunTTm f?irmra Tfmnf^l ?r: 1 wfax3HJ»nn: ttw f^frrnr »r?rTifii: 11 *^ 11 786 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ^nrt tfirewrfq •qwrt strjr't ii *3 n ^fw ifm%r. °fh)wrew jrwtsmrc (45 £ slolias) fol. 4. (161 0.) fol. 126. jfit ntfrmmn«& ^5f*f*raj*reTirhit «zjr: (31 SI.) fol. 14. 2T> *f>f>TWr^t »TTiR'Tt>^NT FTH ^TTiJlf SVqR: (93 si.) fol. 19. ^fir ^itfiTOTsR^i^ w^rimRR^N: xp^rt s\qr: (30 sZ.) fol. 21. jfn ^TT^iTsr^r^r trer shir: (on ^r 131 si.) fol. 276. ^fw ^JViTwres *-.«wn*RR?T FJ^TfTTT I 1RRT *n^TT f ^ gf^RT FH^f^TTTT II 3 II 'antoTT^n 5 jthrit 3»TfK: ftitnwn i ^rj*t 4r trwutt: TrraRRW ^ f? ii 8 ii ■^ttFTRW sTRWT 'STRfRRJ*! ^ft Mi: II M II f^TRsnfr'nt ^ %rstr f^irnf i TRR - gfjRT TJTTfilO-. 0^) fVuTOt T>rR!TWRT II i II n ^r%: i ^terwfjsq^tqr4 'WTOfil TOR II =1 II %t%X ■^rrg II it sTR*? ^f^F *R K^ TRiHfR 1 *R Rt%STff FfRr5rrqT5ITf^^*R II * II "SiviHifrni ^im wtRrf^Ti Trrfsu i UnnTt^n «»rtT;tl xtf *=$ F fiCBftf II 3 II ° t4 II ^fir T;rt : *F?Rfi «F5roir tri"ift ftt uwt sutr: n fol. 66. m*^ "?TT^ II HTR^I ?$^I TJTTR^T I f^RT^RRT &x: n^vin: *fsmv. \\<\n° w* u ^Rrf^ftsn^R Tjrnrf ft s^ tjt -era ^ttwhw [ii ^i^ II ^fn Tsrr^roifai: w4^iv: »r$: ii f^rf^tt f^^n^R I^^t^T^J ^Wcp I ^l'tTT»ni ! riR "3i?f TT»Tt TZpf *lt «?T II [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2437. 1245a. Foil. 86 (the first of which is wanting); size 10 J in. by 4i in.; well written, in Devanagari, about 1650 a.d.; eight lines in a page. Vishmi-na i a J y<7 in rita, a Veddnta treatise in paurdnik form, in two chapters (prakarana), by Santoshdnanda, disciple of Hari_pdddnanda(?). The MS. begins in the sixth sloka: ^Hrfwffl ^Tt IRTJpTcJ^T F: II «, II Ch. I. consists of 372, II. of 403 verses. PHILOSOPHY. 787 Ch. II. (paged separately) begins: ITT* fa^TTgT^fj^Tfi flJTW sfq ^ | W^fTT ^cffflftrEf ^F iTTHTfH off^T^ II 3 II c *J IT#cRq5^^^ UToKTTt s4 f^ITTiTff II S II ^V^^T^ II w^^rcrtat *T3I f^TT«TF TC ^ II M II Colophon : \fx ^^T^nSfEron^simflfwH [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2438. 2667b. Foil. 26; size 11 in. by 5| in.; 12 or 13 lines in a page; large writing, from the end of the 17th century. Advaitdmrita, a metrical treatise on asceticism and the knowledge of dtman according to the Veddnta, in five sections called havala, by Jaganndtha Sarasvati, pupil of Harihara Sara- svatl. This tract represents the views of the Karmandin, a certain sect of bhikshus {Pdnini, iv.j 3, iii.). It has a legendary introduction, the teaching is put into the mouth of a hhihshu who has the significant name Vivekdirama. See Hall's Index, p. 141, no. cexxxi. It begins : « spreTTn^ircTrr^WtoreTi^ra: * n <\ ii cpj?f?g?3TcJ=?rrt «rt ^Tmfcv: i r^nwRcJ ^rIhthk 'sn* 11 ? 11 * This MS. has OjFI^q^sat: which spoils the metre. *nrmT^r q?7t ^f^^ingmnTn: 11 3 n « Tqtf^Tt »*5 c5>i gfcnrrfci PpTOI^ I HTCm Tf «??n ^ ■UTrCT^I JHThnVr II S II H3tcfrt-sFf3R^?f=m»TrijarT t f^pftfoRm: i *7T*r^ »rnmfwRT^ mi «m§T pfw'T?T>ii c (^ w?^t *i?Tf 11 it 11 t The number meant by this curious compound is t3Q-Wi of the original numbering is lost) ; size 8 in. by3f in. ; 8 or 9 lines in a page ; good old writing. Advaitdmrita, a second copy. Colophon -. ^fff ^xrw?* q^m: gr^s: *nmi: II ?fH ^tHTHTTIPRTtf tfw II ^ t c- ^mm^r i * The second copy has °^T^fqiT»r>^^^rqT rn h ■& st reet ir&- fWfffJigT^f^f^^lJff m ^ f*fV*n ^Tfjfi^^T ^T^TT ^ I Colophon : jfn ^ff^tf^s^f *$ * | n H M ' ffa#H- RTfJT ii [Gaikawae.] 2441. 578. Foil. 86; size 10| in. by 4 in. ; fair Devanagari writing of 1793 a.d., by three different hands ; ten lines in a page. SarvadarSanasamgraha, by Mddhavdcdrya. See Hall's Index, p. 161, no. ccciv. It was published in the Bibl. Indica, 1859, and trans- lated into English by Cowell and Gough in the Pandit. It begins : T*^ STTff sJSnf^ fl^t «^r|cs(r.H=RrfcK) II [H. T. Colebeooke.] PHILOSOPHY. 789 244 2. 2678a. Foil. 14; 8vo. size, S in. by G in. ; good small, modern Telugu writing ; 26-32 lines in a page. Sa rvasiddhdntasamgraha, an elements ry review of the philosophical systems (wrongly) ascribed to Sankardcdrya. It begins : ^•ra^a * ^THcK^wmwi n s ii wtflm£iq3 I II g II trjI^ ^w^nr^T^TffifvT: n m n fjrsirr fijiHj^fif «j# ^"^TTTrcjsjTJ i ^tfgi(r.'gfai) ^HIoKOli nrn tfTVimT^c^pj n ^ II wrnrisiT^ s^wz wr^s ^cR=*wJirt ii s » IS*} ^KHTPlTTTOt di^JW^ H^8Jri(!) I JT^TBTTTOt tfisJJlrW ^rf?rf%ftrf««nn II t II ° 25 slokas of introduction. Then follows the account of the several systems, viz. — 1. Lokdyatikapaksha : ^r|?Trf>fa' ! 3Tm wt^h f?3^lH ii ° 1 5 Slohas. 2. Arhatapaksha : ^m^iTfsjTjw 1 ? ttftzj spro"T s-^rr ii [16 slokas. 3. Mddhyamikapaksha, L7 ilokas ; I. 1 cdryapaksha, 9 ilokas ; Sautrdntikamatam, 7 ilokas ; 5. i /<«, 37 ilokas; 6. Vaiieshikapaksha, 40 ilokas ; 7. Nayydyika- palcsha (r. Vfaiydy ), 44 ilokas; 8. Prdbhdkara- paksha, L8 ilokas ; 9. Bhdttapaksha, 40 ilokas ; 10. Kapilavdsudevapaksha, 40 ilokas; II. Pata&jaUpaksha, 58 slokas ; 12. Vedavydsokta- bhdratapaksha, 6 t slokas ; 13. Veddntapaksha, 104 slokas. It ends : t=st srtfimfpa cjTTiTi H^ i j-j ttht i ^rm^irast w Tjirtrf -^^ f> w: n fl^sTHfnsrraT^ ^"pfrr^TfTrRT^wni i ^nr ^T^Tr^TTrfTTtVH- TtfwditiH J J? ^raTEr ^tr ^fOT^iHrr: Tjf7rf??rT: i stfnspfrw?: w*mr: ii [Mack. Coll.] 2443. 1341. Foil. 114; size 12 in. by 14 in. ; foil. 1-84 eleven lines, foil. 85-114 twelve lines in a page ; fair modern writing. Khandanakhandahhddya, a critical treatise on the different philosophical systems, in four paricchedas, by Sriharsha. See Hall's Index, p. 160, no. ccciii. ; Aufrecht's Oxford Cat., p. 246, no. 620. Ii begins : wfacfiwftrmi T?ofi: ° The first chapter, or pramdnataddbhdsa- hlmiii/inium, ends f"l. 7:!''-. tin- .- nigrahdni/nikti, fol. 80a; the third, nr sarvand- mdrthdnirukti, Eol. 81&. Colophon at the end : Tfk ^?5cnnfnf^H^- 7ra%*g- wji^wra (•-■'''■!) jfafts&Trfrra?: with: ii The Khandanakhandakhddya bas been printed at Calcutta in Sanivat 1905, with Sankara Miira's vydkhyd, and an upavritti by .1/ /...A/ at K si in Samval 1944, = 1888 a.i>. (from the Pandit, X.S., vol. vi.-xiii.). [II. T. Cot.KIiEOOKE.] 5 K 2 790 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 2444, 2445. 60. Foil. 301 ; size 10i in. by 4£ in. ; eight lines in a page. Large fair writing. 61. Foil. 299 (paged ^o^-^m); size lOf in. by 4i in. Foil. 1-250 eight lines (in the same writing as vol. i.), foil. 251-299 ten lines in a page. This last portion is in a modern handwriting. EJianda/nakhandakhddyatikd, a commentary on the Khandanakhandakhddya, incomplete and without any title. All leaves bear the marginal mark 3° r\°, in the last modern portion *3° Z^o. It is neither Sankara Mlsra's nor Vardhamd na's commentary. It begins : *rt fwt ^rTT^raKO-.-faTErarn; ) ^nucsfawj^ OrfitTTn^mrrTwrt ^r: Tft3;re»THmf3T;f?inre ^ *\ » $ rp rer: [(r. ° ^ftnrrar. ?) i TTTsft sTT^^RS: WT^TtTWc5Tr[^«fTT!fT^(?) [WRT II =1 II After seven more couplets in this style the commentary begins : There are several leaves wanting after fol. G2 in vol. ii. [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2446. 957c. Foil. 28 ; size 10^ in. by 4 in. ; good clear Devanagari writing of 1750 A.D., nine lines in a page. Vidvanmodatarangini, a metrical review of philosophical and religious systems, in eight tarangas, by Edmadi va Qiramjiva, son of lli'njhavendra, and grandson of Kd&ndtha. Beg. w'fpmfT^Tf^^ wcjr^cirr^JT^fiPrt o Printed at Calcutta in 1872. Cf. Weber's Berl. Cat., no. 543; Aufrecht's Cat. Bodl., no. G29. [H. T. Colebeooke.] 2447. 56c. Foil. 31 ; size 10i in. by 51 in. ; legibly written, in Devanagari, about 1700 A.D., ten lines in a page. The same work, tarai/gas i.-vii. [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2448. 2374. Foil. 97; size 10^ in. by 4| in. good clear Devanagari writing ; ten lines in a page. Sdstrasiddhdntalesasamgraha, a dissertation, in four chapters, on the tenets of the different schools of the Vcddnta, by Appayya Dlkshita, son of Raf/garuja Dlkshita. See Hall's Index, p. 153, no. cclxxiii. ; Weber's Berlin Cat., p. 184, no. 632; Raj. Mitra's Notices, vol. iv., p. 91, no. 149G, and p. 147, no. 1573. It begins: 'SrfUTTTTfa^njtl •Milled tf?HVT •srrfiT HWftrr^ , ?rtawT?i^fVmTrT *ppT?1wf wf^tsfT^oKTrrr'TOT II 1 II ^frtjqT?ir^1 %^THTHfirfwt II 3 II It ends : rniLosoriiY. 791 ^nJ3n^=RtTJIc5oRcyTfT3l^=FTTTf5T I fBgtiT^T(R. M.fa^ a>T?g3)?ftrerf>KqcyTq1fiT || The title of the work also appears in the iiS. as Sdstrasiddhdntalavasamgraha. [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2449. 1438. Foil. 134; size 12 in. by Gin.; fairly good modern Devanagari writing ; 19-2(1 lines in a page. The same work, with a commentary called Krish^dlamhara, by Acyutakrishndnanda T'irtha, disciple of Svayamprahdsdnanda Sarasuat?, disciple of Advaitdnanda Sarasvatl (or Van J). See Hall's Index, p. 153, no. eclxxiv. ; Raj. Mitra's Notices, vol. i., p. 35; v., p. 145. The commentary begins : *?»Wim ^jqrfirlTOfasft tfiTTfa ff II g II irsrTfsrraraiH^ TT^mrnjnfcjTf i W^^ftq^Tt JPrfflT*nfR3T ^ II M li ° * ^TTiT/ni also in the Berlin copy, but ^?nrni Raj. Mitra, no. 1573 ; see also nos. 2211 and 2179 of this Catalogue. wq fjrmrfjr^Ta^THJ} *?tn?f i?t i W%*q nfrRfq ^jttt't *mq WTT II 9 II ^^Tn^^n^iiajst q? ji^nfrfv n t ii ° ^IT^f 3TTIn|f«^lrirt3l« J -l! ! 'ifrfif II °io II Tt WrW ^H ^mrt Trr?J?^ Tl^fW: II W II Col. iphon •. ^nr ^mmfrfH^fnTnicfir^T^^jri^- K^ttriT7rerrH«i ^frfr 3TT^f«3l rt^siri^r^iT^irrat 7ft- ^TTwHfa tf*frgT*!T (the other MSS. omil fi i ^T^Tf^^ ) ^^: Tjfc«5if$i f?wtw ftt g lri^qt ftldlitr^ 'SFTftcSTfaf^^R II The commentary begins : TTTTTvn*raic5TH*firf*l 'I rf i ^T^l?3^f^r?: ^7fltoSfW7r|^iTt^rTHfFff famfa'i 3STc5XR f3rrrlT(fVifiTirc the second copy)^t^n^^tir- Tn*raTraTc5*rRTJ^rRnN *tf«irfrrcf;csrRcST^rRt Tnu^^HijRTTO "Win arsrfflgwf ^iijprr cr^(o oj^4 the second copy)^twT^?V^ HTfirr^Tir^l^f^fsifw etc. The first paricheda ends fol. 6a, the second fol. 96, the third fol. 12a. The text ends : TI2H TT^iTO«TrgTT tsTHPrfa^T^pir^ II 34 || f*^tiT*f=K5nirt smsT ii The commentary ends : "mil 1ST II ?M II ^frT ^HrRT^W^^T^T^mpsft- f%iT ^^t Wftc^t (T « IWi ii Tt JTcRT^r ^nr«f: nfoi^: Tmrsr. II Date of the MS.: fwfefaf^t * *fN ^9 31^ ftrf^i TjTrNntt f%tf«? tjz ^ttmwWt fsrsrnnnT- «»JSM ^flH 1 4)Hc?fifc5^TT II [H. T. COLEBKOOKE.] 2454. 1597a. Foil. 35 ; size 9i in. by 3f in. ; 8-11 lines in a page ; small, clear writing, of the middle of the 18th century. Veddntasiddhdntasuktimanjari, with its ex- planation, both by Gai'tgddharendra Sarasvatl Bhikshu ; a second copy, incomplete. The first paricheda ends fol. 24, which is fol. 33 of the original numbering. The next leaf contains slokas 8-11 of the second paricheda, the beginning and the end of this chapter are wanting. The leaves which contain the third and the fourth parichedas were numbered q-^H, but foil, q, ^, fc, t, «li it wfw TssnirTimT i Sctf era ii ^Tiwnff ^rhrarf u srnRT^t jrerfir- 1K1T II i Wirt 1TT1T II 3^ TJ^lt -BfTT-BfTT II ° Fol. Ab : -=(TJ ^iilT mrRcSi^nRi: ii Fol. 7 a : liim trTSTOrejf^jrfciisjjji: ii Fol. 9« : trg 51*t Tfii^srf-^fsrreftT: u Fol. 96 : ig Tj^irfrr: v^riin*mrajiW7Si: n Fob 11a: »rg fisn *t- W!mT§rj7iiTiW3;i: ii Fob 116: n -^r5 31 1 ^( 1 1% ^ftrsrrc^renrnR? firercm? wuchusiif^ ^c*i3ii+^--^ u Fob 12a: 1? 7t#T: ^NV3lf*M*»rbriWT1lr1^c3«iWJ- i^TnTTwr: ii Fob 20a : tti ^rsgrfrr ifiaiifrirr- IT^Iim^T^ITWJRtfB II ~H1 IIITO $c$ I '-H * «J <* - f?ti'H^^?rfr^f^^>TTO'^5»n55>r5rr5TTr'?Tf^ii etc. It ends : 1^fiT?Tf>(TrffT $7TTt> fiirz^nf* II trawf?in^IlTTftl SoUfgjra^rffT || ^imifq fl*3TT ii^t II S iiirdma's commentary begins: fWnriif fTJrvfcwfPT in in *7iRiTt> v^ i lifi ^nmririimnTpg witw v ?it mnt fi- s^rni^rrsTcR^nMT cRTSTtcwr h^ttt ii ^rr«r: irnrunnvT i^r^^hr lirqfew^TRTKTfiiinT- •^TszrrumTrrwr^TfiicJm n-inTFfrriniiT ^un^wni- 7fTJ?U?rsr TJfKTIWK Wit fVHT^f TfnTIR I "mj FIT sfq Kit ^rrfrmiit i»i ^nr) i^mfw kstt^tt^ «jrra«: i 7T? 7TT1K TT3gyf^HmftroffT1^^«rrflTm>TrTK1T 7r^T3JT1 ^HI^^TlTH^iTT fSTtlfST^ryRT^t f^rr^VK^- flTtPCWr^^fllVIKTlfwifiT^rftOlM ^TRltflcRTPST- ?TR?T*T lim^RTHVISTI^ II [11. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2458, 2459. 343, 344. Foil. 1-414 and 415-832 resp.; size 4to., Hi in. by 9 in.; large modern Devanagarl writing; 12-18 lines in a page. Vidydratndlcara, a cyclopaedia of Sanskrit Literature and Science, in • ighteen chapters ; compiled for Colebrooke, by Dim v7n, son of Rama, Kumura Dattn. It begins : traTfa?iKTi?i?riT?*?rrF? ' HT?fsH*rR;?=iuf i?i wiran n s n «tr: ^^hn^mncnrt^R ^nwnrR wjfa i fureiN iwnrto ifV?rt*? fiimrpT ii ? n wrofwif^cSThiTftrr wf tfitifa^i i flJRTff I^TTsfTH fa?ITTi»TTelift hit II ^ II KjTf^n^WWT1(Trf?=fri1TTVTTTfVcRTT17: I W^T^TT^^flT: cKTTt iqifrnhi fH^ >T5TT II * II ^Rrrft ^i ij^tt -3-1171: i linf^r 1F3T ^itntfVi 794 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. s ^ jfcrsrrercrTrireR: i ^pr»j:«T»rrof tffr: Tji^fffsrenn- ^^T^TfTTt qir: tfsTO ^T»R 5HTC fVajranB^qftT^TO Chapter i., which concludes with an account of the divisions and recensions of the Ric, ends fol. 4; ii. treating of the Yajus,f ol. 6; iii. of the Sdman, fol. 7 ; iv. of the Atharvan, fol. 8 ; v.-vii. Ayurveda, Kdmasdstram, Dhanurveda, Gdndharvam, Kdvyam, AlaAkdra, Ndtyam, Prdkritavydkaranam, Svardh, fol. 154 ; viii. Arthasdstram, fol. 1806; ix. Sikshd, fol. 1886; x. Kalpa, fol. 189; xi. Yydkaranam, fol. 238; xii. NiruMam, fol. 1526; xiii. Ch andah, fol. 3006; xiv. Jyotisham, fol. 3186; xv. Pu- rdndni, fol. 4386 ; Bhdratam, 4556 ; Rdmd- yanam, 458 ; Yoga-Vdsishtham, fol. 4026 ; xvi. Nydya, fol. 505; Vaisesltika, fol. 5206; xvii. Purva-, 5706; Uttara-Mlmdmsd, Sankard- cdryamatam, fol. 644; Rdmdnujamatam, 6556 ; Madhvdcdrya, fol. 6626; Vallabhdcdrya, 671; Bauddhamatam, Bigambara, Cdrvdka, fol. 688; xviii. Bharma&dstram, 7286; Tantra- matam, fol. 740 ; Sdktamatam, Mahesvara- matam, Pdhtpatamatam, fol. 752 ; Vaishnava, Scvura, Gdnesa, etc., Bevdrcanavidhi, fol. 758 ; Vaisvadevam, 764; PdtraSuddhi, 768; Bhah- shydbhakshyavidhi, 7706; Sayanavidhi, etc., dhnikavidhi, 7716; Tithinirnaya, fol. 7856; Kapilamatam, Nirlsvarasdnhhyam, fol. 8016; fife&ua >•«- Yogasdstram. The work is of little use. It ends (fol. 8306): ^fff ^WrqTH?wqfTsrHPsrT- Then follows an anuhramanikd. [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 6. Rdmdnuja's Yisishtdduaita. 2460. 567. Foil. 248; size 12f in. by 4 A in.; eleven lines in a page ; writing middling. Sdrlralcanwmdmsdbhdshya or Srlbhdshya, a commentary on the Veddntasutra, by Rdmd- nuja, who followed the Brahmasutravritti of Bodlidyana. See Hall's Index, p. 92, no. xxiii. It was printed, together with Sudarsana Acdrya's commentary, at Madras in 1 868 (4°. Telugu char.) ; and is being published again in the Bibl. Ind. Another edition, by Rama Misra Sdstrl, was begun in vol. vii., New Series, of the Pandit ; a reprint from the Pandit, containing the first pdda of the first adhydya, appeared in 1889 (vol. i.). For a legendary Rdmdnuja- caritra see Raj. Mitra, Notices, v., p. 9, no. 1731. The chief date of his life is the erection of an image of Ndrdyana on the Yddava Hill in the Saka year 1012. For an account of his system see Bhandarkar, Report, 1883-84, pp. 68-74; Viennal.O.C, Ar. S., p. 100. Rdmdnuja's Bhdshya begins: f^rflfTf'T««fl'3nTTij=fi'f^ i 'srPrhrt h TVTrrrejtw»^*it «tm(:) ftR^sr?* n £ Cv t c N» ^* C\ The first adhydya ends fol. 126b, the second fol. 186a, the third fol. 232b. rillLOSOPHY. Fol. 219 is a loaf from another copy. The copy was transcribed in tfTff Sb^ft. [H. T. CoLEBKOOKE.] 2461, 2462. 3262, 3263. Foil. 215 and 183; size 11 J in. by 5^ in. ; good modern Devanagari writing ; ten lines in a page. Sil ri rahamlmdrnsdbhdshya, or Sribhdshya, by Rdmdnujdcdrya. Vol. i. contains pdda 1 ; vol. ii. pddas 2-4 (of foil. 82, 70 and 31 reap.)- 2463. 7. Foil. 396 ; size 13J in. by 4£ in. ; seven lines in a page ; beautifully written. Mlmdmsdbhdshya, an incomplete copy of Rdmdnuja's commentary, the fourth adhydya being wanting. The first adhydya ends fol. 225b, the second fol. 317a, the third fol. 3966. [J. R. Ballantyne.] 2464. 3274. Foil. 81; size 10£ in. by hi in.; 19 or 20 lines in a page ; good modern writing. Sdrirakamimdmsdbhdshya, an incomplete copy of Rdmdnuja's commentary, containing the second (ends fol. 35), third (ends fol. 67) and fourth adhyuyas. [A. C. Burnell.] 2465. 2797. Foil. 16 (the leaves are put in the wrong way ; one page of each leaf is left blank, every two leaves, as the original num- bering shows, being intended to be pasted together ; there is a double numbering in Sanskrit figures, one running from 5 to *$, the other, probably the original one, from as to 8b); sizo 11 in. by I', in.; 11-14 lines in a page; good old writing, of the sixteenth century. Sribhdshyavivritij a fragment of a short commentary on the Sribhdshya. The begin- ning is lost. The second page, being 27a of the original numbering, contains culm 2 I d*ftfiT3T ) of the first pdda of the first adhydya. This first pdda ends fol. 31a of the original numbering : ?fiT ^mijf^RTfT trw. Vtf;: ii The second pdda begins : *?^N H swrra: n Date : ^fcl* ifcMo hh^T«? cRTfirai I ^ ^ 3TT- tort. etc. [H. T. COLEBEOOKK.] 2467. 1779. Foil. 28; size 12| in. by 4 in. ; excellent, modern Devanagari writing ; Euro- pean paper (water-mark 1859) ; five lines in a page. Veddntatattvasdra, by Rdmdnuja. It begins : TlW rwpprni W*: II *^T ■xtrifam spirr^NffTC •sfrg mpm sttstimk: i rn'm^NinTJifir JTT^TTfiT ^H Wsnr^T <*VWjj-"Unfcf I ^Tp(7 ^ Jjfrfi- It ends : *pnjft f^nirt f^nnf rjprHrt ?rcft *Jtt: i S> O Nj t h^ ^ttthto: ht ^Tnfifafrn wfff: «iki«u'jh*r tw^ The first few pages contain interlineary renderings by Ballantyne's hand. This work is different from the Veddntasdra described by Raj. Mitra, Notices, ix., p. 222, no. 3142. [J- R- Ballantyne.] 2468. 3264. Foil. 16; size llf in. by 5f in.; good modern Devanagari writing ; eleven lines in a page. Veddntatattvasdra, by Rdmdnujdcdrya ; a second copy. 2469. 2011b. Foil. 10; size 8£ in. by 4f in.; 12-14 lines in a page ; indifferent writing. TattvamuMdvali itdydvddasatadushanl, a refutation of the advaita theory, in a hundred and twenty verses, by Gauda Purndnanda Kavicalcravartin. See Hall's Index, p. 160, no. ccci. The TattvamuMdvali is quoted in the Rdmdnuja- darsana of the SarvadarSanasamgraha, p. 51 (Bibl. Ind.), cp. Aufrecht's Oxford Cat., p. 247a. It begins : ^(n)ffimjitf: 5RT*njTcnncr?T sr^fcswfVsTTcs: frt^rf^iHic*: * surf* vttht^: g^jf-sffterfHrncs: n i h Trnf: gtrer vzfa h^ih*^ i TuTtfrr *rai: irfirprpnV C Cs ^^l^ffTrq^f-Hr^F^in: II * II srHirHHlt^^ri f%?m *1$ <*3RhiH *t?vt w^frfff n 3 ii ^Tf^^fUT 3^ 'JMHRTJ ?tr: ii 8 II The copy is dated : ^HS 1S^^ WTI^ j^afHrfT- VTCfi VfT^t g H l fHHJ IffiT I [J. TAYLOR.] PHILOSOPHY. 7. Madhva r dry a' s Dvaitavidyd. 2470. 539b. Foil. 18; size 9£ in. by 3i in.; seven lines in a page. Krishndmritamaharnava } a poem of 235 si okas in praise of Krishna, by Anandatlrtha, disciple of Suddhdnanda. Anandatlrtha is also called Anandaijiri, Anandajndna (for other variations of this name see Aufrecht's Cat. Cat., p. 40), and Madhva. His name before initiation was Yiisudevdcdrya. He died in the Saka year 1119. Other particulars, a sketch of his system, and the Succession list of the High- priests of the Madhva Sect, will be found in Bhandarkar's Report, 1882-83, pp. 16-19, and 202-208. Commentaries by Anandagiri, on works of Safikara, have been already noticed in nos. 2279, 2301. It begins : , sf%iT: Ttwift wrnr: cififHct: cnftiH(:) wh: i ^Wlfa 5lt?R KRJ ^?TI!TnTTm?TW^ II ^ II ^t c^an ?r^fm RTf%> ^t ^puf^: ii 3 11 The end is (cp. no. 2478) : ttm ^jmf^Tnfrr ^^^r ^tnfirr f^i-ucji Hsrt tiw FHtim7T?^-m v^: t*k: ifci? 11 *33 11 WW ff (? r. iffrnfi) *» e 5 L ! 11 a 11 J98 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. qr*rt fT^fir^snj tfiwrw . . . . n $ u urroF^qftsroniHTsr*} ^ Tumnqf(rTrrf?r^5 »rtf3ffg ^n^i q < jt «<- Tin: *m*tif*-fir%\ii(*n)w\sA f^fHw: i H-^^TniiT- tf'*$n?^ftarreqc r ra7T ' W ^ T wni5f5n«rr: gfrrrrf^- n*z: i w ^ ^"farr ^frfg^n^q f^T-nnfifaTT vmr^j w<*OTtw fVnrfsrrrr: i^i^? ^rr^rtecS'FpiiPiTTnft^- ^TTq^TT^gftt^t HHINlf^f^ngiTR* I f^rq gfi*7p^i3Tirtiftsftr»rr*ra n wtfTirftmTfiT W^TnJ^TTfcVfr f » w^TfnirtqTr?PT: w^fi^g>rrait: t » T?fc: i=RcJHihcf: ( ! ) vnvfn fz *nf*i^Rqr^ i ■jmcrpmr^ in^A f^mr n [sic ! ) q^rfw^r^ ^ t » fq'nftriisiiHrf'ii'JtimJi^^rirt « jTTwfTH^Fq: *?H«irisf- '<5EfJTIHf«Tf?if I H ^ H'lrHiHinHTTT^I H?renr wnqfir i wrfa ^ ^^frrnitjTfiTsziTfgTJHTO- WTHT«ril^rMldHT fVjfm'ran ^f«T TT^faif TFSfiT.T!J- *uot H^Nni^rrq: i ^ -sfrs} ^prertmnhr f%^r fVpfo: i *rm i ff-srrfq srr^TO^^jHfvsTTirsRtTm ^ sfq ^^itf ri faisr^T^mt'TOfViiTw OTfTf«aiTqfnroTTsn- f?mjto»f fofiflfq H'lc4l^tT!T TfcRTOTfT <*WIW3|f^if^^TPRHT I fVrffaTfwc? <* -v M'i '\m & Tmofrf n ■£3TTT ?WVpT tp 7 ** T ^irWTfTHfit TTaqfiT I HH i^HTwrff sfq "pir^Tfrnr TrewfijH ^ K^frr i° — i TrqfwfarfiWt frt TWrrHISrH TJFmfT I ^fff ^H?Tvf?^«rnrr^T7T^rTTf^?riiir^mitn^T- HTPT*TTHfTTO!T iTJffWKT^f=fT:f%7f WHTW II For the text of tho original treatise seo Burn«ll, Tanjore MSS., p. 105a. [H. T. CoLEBEOOKK.] 2474. 1932. Foil. 44; size Oh in. by 4 in.; careless, modern Devanagari writing ; 9 or 10 lines in a page. Dvaitasiddhi, or Dvaitavidyd, :i on the dualistic doctrine of the Veddnta, by Nirmaldcdrya, pnpil of Srlnivdsa. It begins : fa^Hri^t tt§ srfisifmrrrcKt i ■Can iraH^fat Tft^ij ^fc >r^ n q ii %in§ nwk Mryn sn^T Hf^T to: i& i ttcrh^h %Hni?n s§-iffHsrtiTcB7nrt u ? n ^Hi?5# I fgfqM f? ^Ttff^T^ I ?^f TT^T^fTO I ffffcmTf^ h^ i?rqm»?qt «i+v n ww n^mwhUTf? i ^T»rm^T^r>ff i srafV?mtnr tjtt>- H'RfiTsnFRl wmn?m^ni^'iftf3iFpq^ H7»ninnfvrqT- ^fj ° It ends : Nwirt ^"hiff: TCT?q*i?5 in»r?rtqiTt ii 800 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ftrfe: *htwt 11 [Dr. John Taylor.] 2475. 1669. Foil. 81 ; size 9 in. by 31 in. ; indifferent modern Devanagari writing; nine lines in a page. Paratattva-prakdsikd, an exposition of the Vedanta system according to the views of Jnandatlrtha, by Vijaylndra, pupil of Surendra. See Hall's Index, p. 113, no. cxiii. It begins : ^nfte^ratfrra: fsifsrfcSrffW'iQJ^K^i^K^iO [vrrt ii s ii ^ft g t ypQ wgi Vjft ^TFH fit HI II % II ePW HWfa^tolT UTTT^H <* I PsicRT II S II It ends : *TO*OT*PInn§jf«?: it *afts4 U sft i i saq fl N- fo T^: (r. ° tfi: ?) w- *fir ^iRKwrarfw w*t ii C ^ lf?m " * " [H. T. COLEBKOOKE. 2476. 2022. Foil. 93 ; size 9i in. by 3f in. ; indifferent, modern Devanagari writing ; ten lines in a page. Tarhatdndava, a treatise on the dnalistic Vedanta theory, by Vydsayati, pupil of Brah- manyatirtha, the Anumdnapariecheda. Vydsa- yati died in 1339, see Aufrecht, Cat. Cat., p. 619. It begins : THt H'5*p«i slM$l=<*ftft:ffT ^5HTO^ 5<TJi: fol. 16a ; •nH1STrfWvtlr?1T^Tf?rtI^ 133 - i^irwmnmn: fol. 186; irt^qKi^Biuiwi: fol. 21a; TdJJHia^ftnfVoiajUl*^: fol. 26a; «tw^]q|- fvc5^7>rn: fol. 306; HTf=s^wRfl'iH>pr. fol. 34a ; TUH I dk C\-*$ M s! *4ijTr34*T: fol. 376 ; htfj- i*Tn: fol. 73a ; ^TfVoFT^TTftl^ ^ttrann: fol. 75a ; if)rf*fl*£- inmjnN^T: fol. 79a ; nTfpiiRTHTw «<*<*jrr: fol. 866; *rftrrcprn: fol. 906; ^I^t^w- ^fT^THTWWffuMn: fol. 92a; HTwfstbjrirprtHTS- *trjifTOi>j7T: fol. 926. It ends : Sri<=JlfVnj3ft^ !WT*llc4«J^ I ^faf^T- ^rrffrftfrT ?gf%rfti jfk ii qi nra re itrairnwrwfi- HWi: II || ^fir ^r^T(M»lKnr. 3rbr=FT?i: i JTK WiR?T>rPT ^ ^"t ^?Wt ^Tt I an*HHI r* ^ ITTWTfH tT^K: II wrawt 'ftnfpr^rt ^rft^r: *n;: grr^ i 5rfdK*l XTI'JTIWIsjaT wf£ TUTPTTW 11 3 II c \ ^ WRTf^vrnn rit^fi inrm% ^^ w: 11 8 11 fVi£iu<*i< «irsrq Rm«m^Tt 3 *Hhn: 11 m n kwW ^w ^ w: WW ^Wl^t ^4 II Sj II ^5^: ofrsTTRTw ^nwfsrnft f% wfffir 1 WW: tmsrsffafaffr frcmfR^fiT °irfrflfin(!) 11 * 11 FTXiUfreniTfrirn^ it ^ im iratfim 11 t 11 ^ f^^ M UlH - H ^fCT*rrfeT^T II «. II ^fiowinqR g^f^r irrlfiirr 1 iniTirNTT wnr«i m Jtwrsr hthtr 11 so 11 ^fWitflwu fwtsn^ TTfrT =* 1 c* =1 ^ 1 : wttt: i ^trt ^rfsN «tr 5 w^^mj'i 11 w 11 It ends : UIHUdiK: «Rp!nT: H-firHArfrilUti: 1 ^rwff cKfqiif wf Hams' H^fk^T n Mo 11 ^ cr^Paj it WTUt PTtfr HTfwwt #ifT5ftR'K , !i : hi^%"iT'5ii^n ot«k thrush There are forty-one stanza s, the commentary on which ends fol. 27a: jfn v0nr*U*^>fi{^'^!- Then follow thirteen more couplets on Vishnu, with a commentary ; the first couplet being (cp. p. 797a): tru ^rhntf^Trrfsr $^pt mi i flu f^Mci ^TTr^f^TItl^SIJ^C?) f%f?W ^W HJTf T?TT I [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2479. 1103a. Foil. 17; size 12| in. by 4| in.; sixteen lines in a page ; writing indifferent, about the end of the 18th century. Madhvavidhvamsana, a commentary on the Madhvamulchabhanga,, by Appayya Dikshita, son of Baiigardja Adhvarivara, who also wrote the text. See Hall's Index, p. 114, no. cxv. Appayya Blkshita's work is a refutation of Madhva's wrong interpretation of the Veddnta. It seems to be divided into five sections, the first of which is wanting here. The MS. begins with a discussion of the second sutra of the Veddnta system (ip'naw *nr ^fir) ; the first words beins: : spmfr'H'i Tn:«!ifafa?»?fwti!f T^# The words of the text are marked with red colour : the first piece of this kind, on the first page, begins ira; sHaw^I ^3fT, but it bears some number between 30 and 40. Fol. 4b ends the second adhilcarana (see the marginal note in Colebrooke's handwriting), and begins the discussion of the third sutra of the Veddnta system ( S(| I TTO « faflH II =1 II C Cs ^J ^T^TT?f raxi yrtm ^n^5i nf^^ ll 3 II The first adhydya ends fol. 38a, tlie second fol. 666, the third fol. 93ft. Date of the copy : HTtl s <*fc*«. ^'ar^li^Rt ^^ ^TBT I [H. T. CoLEBEOOKE.] 2481. 3273. Foil. 112; size 13 in. by 6h in. ; fourteen lines in a page ; good modern writing. SdrZraka/mimdmsdbhdshya, a second copy of Bhdshara's commentary. It begins jf-Hq'^i , omitting the preceding couplet. The colophon is : zrfafinr^'ai^THftin ^ft ^sft fij^R^THut f^f^wfi ^mmwm ^ ^rag-re: TjKtftuH- [A. 0. BuENELL.] 2482. 1638a. Foil. 27 ; size 1 TJ'TH- CMO ffiT tfcRlN II H. T. C OKE.] 2483. 3043. Foil. 57; size 1 1 i in. by ">1 in.; thirteen lines in a page : written in the middle of the 18th century. Veddntaratnamanjushd, a commentary on Niyamdnanda' s DaSailoM, by Purushott Aadrya. See Hall's Index, p. Ill, nos. cxvi. and cxvii. Some of the dates given bj Hall, and by Bhandarkar, Report, 1882-83, p. 20, appear in the introduction of the mentary. Niyamananda (or Nimbdrlca, V ditya) was a Tailinga Brahman. He wrote also a work called Veddnta He was the guru of Srinivdsa, who again the guru of Purushottama. Niyamananda is represented as an at of Vishnu's 1 and Srinivdsa as an avatara of Fi'sftnw's S The work begins : ofij n^q ^*|fH cRTWHRfj'T^'Vl if rf %* I rH «A 5 u 804 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. "^PITf fTfiTBJTSRTf c|T «H I rr^Tf^'m^^T^i sl^TrrsM^^rr h^&itttj-i i thi ^ faf>mntirw^i- *T?mtira^lflHl1ii^T ^HTRgTTrqf^^^THtSJTnft- 3r^^3^f#TmqTTrfim^7Tfw3iTi^jn-5Fcr«i ^ntn-^t ^"Tirtafq fan* i wit ^ TnhfN! igi*i wirvTHif ?ro*T ^st- 3i^rrfrtvireTf?^n'5RT fiTsfTST wiTit tfiT<^rfrrfiT it^pr hit ^ tits? ^T«rrn>s\flffsi: (i) *?ij^Trfv7ripwfar«n'fa: ^nf^-q trsfnv (i) ii? e^furt ^"rir: Ei/tiff ^n^m gwfinfr ^rtoR: tfNw (i) nfrOT cSTirR ckhNttpt Ttmft fH^mvit^ ^tot^tt: irTfJT (i) >p i^t i?im- ^irbt (0 i?t 151: i$iff ^sti§ cfiiuiftsi i^i 33njTHT' (l) 1^1 i*1 in Hf^lT ^f TfIT ntT^ WWII ■afiftiiTT ^■InC:) tthtct* j??tt*t«t: (i) rprmi:) i3it> Ttwsn=F: VTg(:)TjnT^Twrf?m?T»rn*nT:(i) ijtii itjh tW c5«j: (i) *?i i-j-t iP^TRitfiT (i) if ;gf'rfvT l i: i 7f TSTTfiTITH TTtTli iia II 2frT Tf^lT^ ftrnsjt: cRT?^rr?1T7*nBT 1?t7f*.rHtiirmiW>n jiva (ful. '2b) : The commentary ends : 37ST *?j »T'lr«W fl?t >*;T*rfq cJTH I firoraY HJRTfisrfg: *mTrf?f?r n^fl (? /•. °7T?^ WTff Fftan^m^RTHlTH I ■jqTw^xrr ^^rnr^m: 11 [J. R. Ballaktynb.] 2486. 556a. Foil. 78; size 12-i in. by 5i in.; fair Devanagarl writing of a.d. 1770; twelve lines in a page. Svadharmddhvabodha, an exposition of the tenets and religious practices of the Vaishnava sect of Nlmdvats. Incomplete. The work seems to consist of two parts (pancaka), the first of which was composed by the founder of the sect, Nimbdditya or Nvmbdrhaj and tin- second by Rdmacandra. The MS. contains only the. fourth chapter of the first, and the fourth, fifth and sixth chapters of the second, pancaha. It begins : •sts ^'tafsNTfcw: TrNtrq^Tcs ?*:(!) 1 ^sftfiHTO ^wtH fsnf f.^ t*i> s«nftrr 11 » 11 cfratTtrrcr TrfrfoSH ir^WTfrwf^ 11 s 11 ° swnw: 11 fol. 76. 5 m 2 -or. CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. The next chapter (? II. 4) begins : ■wii u*n ^fVirT^nn:(? 3ffT:) i if m?wn tjtw uia u ° Chapter II. 5 begins fol. 15a : This chapter, which might be expected to have concluded the work, ends with three slokas : vH^fa: * II IHf f? f^T^ ^nf^iw ° II fq^Tf^nfr ° ii s^qiTi: II Lb. II. 6 begins fol. 36a : T3 : teTfv^Tya!tq^TTf4?'gT«^4 fwr? una i ■zrt'nTtft **m*t nvi? imm vvftfx vxr^m ii It ends : For a complete MS. of the first pancaka, Raj. Mitra, Notices, iii., p. 183. [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] * Neither the three slokas that follow, nor the pre- ceding one, are found in the MS. of the Audumhari Samhita. 2487. 556b. Foil. 89 ; same size ; fair Devana- gari writing of the earlier part of last century ; ten lines in a page. Audumhari Samhita (Vratapaiicakaniriiaya), another Vaishnava treatise, of the same sect, by Audumhara Rishi, disciple of Nimhdrlia. It begins : ^TT ^TClH^T^ *ff?in f^^TTT II ftnn^iw fw$i«\ in.; Ea modern Devanagarl writing; seventeen I in a page. dilya-sutra, without the commentary. [J. 11. Hallantynk.] 2490. 2116b. Fol. 1 ; size 9j in. by 4 in.; in- different Devanagarl writing of about a.d. 1650 . 21 lines in all. Piishtivravdhamarydddgrantha (or -bheda), a treatise, in twenty-five couplets, on the three- fold path to faith (bhahti), indicated in the title; by Vallabha D.lhshita, the founder el' the Vaishnava sect of the GoMastha-Gosvamins (GosJins) or Rydra-sampraddyins. It begins : Yf?T^T? j n)T?TfV?R' I T VTT* TFZZF I *rt^?fjTOW?: n^T^liT Tfi^r mT: °f^itt »rtqw hit: ii [GaIKAW '1, 808 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 2491. 2126b. Foil. 27; size 9i in. by 4i in.; indifferent Devanagari handwriting; 8-11 lines in a page. Pushtipravdhamarydddvivarana, a commen- tary on the preceding treatise, by Pttdmbara, son of Sri Yadupati, and pupil of VallabJia's son. It begins : ^f?iR[?»^T^'rerT7Tfii *r sfrfwrn: ii <=i ii fWc[> SH*. ^ifHH Stun *Tt* VT I im^: ; a ; hnrenT^wnni'5K f%>rt n ? u *>tfr?rojnfs: ^trtf^^T^i =K*ttfa<^rm^: ^KitfstftmH- sit^t^ f^f^ ffi^pT Tn^i^f^T^'nTf irftniT^ff it *rfaTf fsvr hw: i ^oRftrg TJTOW IfifcFT ^tmw ir«n ii 1 ii i f^TP^r^ ■sfTTsiY cfroiitf^f=*rsn H ^ n * n w^mff ^rtr^: ^^ft wi^i gif%H ii s n ° It ends : [partly in prose. ■q h4 w^ rnm »TT?i^'RTffi4 nfjr: ii r^^j^ f ? ( f?fV^g(?fTf?° comm.)^rf5Tri> ^rft f^^im f^rs^: ^fm 'Hrai k f? wsnnT^^T: ii See Hall's Index, p. 160. Vattribhacdrya was born in 1478, and died in 1530; see Aufrecht's Cat. Cat., p. 555. [Gaikawar.] 2493. 2080c. Foil. 13; size 8| in. by 4 in.; eight lines in a page ; large Devanagari writing. Brahmavdddrtha, a commentary on Krishna- vallabha's [i.e.YaUabhdcdrya's) Pattrdvalambana, by Tdplsa, his pupil. It begins : TT?T^c5«H^lT^Tt HT^I^ff F^JW II S ll PHILOSOPHY. ^m^mnTrt^N trtt fmrzft >^t ii ? ii It ends : fnfi fe*m Tf^tr: w: ffajprt ftra: i ?nrol: n*ff#T Hf^K^ji •q h wftt: u For some devotional tracts by Vallabha and his son Vit (hales vara, see nos. 2515-19. [Gaikawar.] 2494. 2543d. Foil. 7 ; size 9i in. by 4 in. ; legibly written, in Devanagarl, c. 1750 a.d. ; nine lines in a page. Yitlhalesasvatantroparilekha, annotations, by Gopesvara, on a treatise by Vitthalesa (son of Vallabha), in which Krishna is identified with the Brahman of the Vedantists. It begins : *?izt ^ffarH^OTr: *fic*TJ=FWN ^FT^T^TIR rim^jr: UcirarTuiTir^ fcirerfifH: ^fccrrfaffspprfir n It ends : ifa Tl^TlWHTTrf^f^qurHI ^TT^fwunT' ^q^*TW>l(^)7fifg^3rrfjriTPRT I Tftq^giTS foTf^lTHTHTHHW? TH(lt II «) II C'f. Hall's Index, p. 151 (Svatantralehhana). [Gaikawar.] 2495. 2366b. Foil. 12; size 9 in. by 4j in.; fairly written, in Devanagarl; fol. 1 by a dif- ferent hand from the rest (apparently the same as that of the last MS.); nine lines in a page. Vddalcathd, a treatise advocating Vallabha's doctrines, by Coju^i-in-ii , son of KalydQardya. It begins : C TTT^TftJTHtftfflwrqT trTfaf^Tfr*: n Hf'^MI'ff WHTT cjf^H c^^T^fTToFTWinmilH mfrrnr^ifv^R fnfpKF5?Tf< : ■< nagari writing of about A.D. 1700; I welve lines in a page. Nijdcdrya-cintanaprakdra, a tract; in twenty- two SlohaSj inculcating reverential medital on Krishna and on Valldbhacarya, by D nuddsa. 810 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. It begins : sfq fq^mqqTfqq-.^rsi'qT n ^ u ■RinnirnfrT ^wrhqifsTT 'srfq ^q f? i ^fwT^i fqfqwq °tm qq fqmqqi^ u 3 n MRTWTH IT? TTTqm^flTHT fqfqqqq I «TcEK q?t ff of^q^Tq^i qranqfrtqw II 8 II *qw: qifaqT^ftTfafa Jrfrnq^q^rq i jjHcqrqqqT^t f? *qqt qrw^qm II M II ° °i$ II qqT HqqTii qiqq fqqrtntq qq: i H^T 7I5TTOqTqT«n^TqTirrt q^ sijlf II ^fiTq^iq!jr: 11 *i u *fq;mnqq?7q: ^frra?j?;f[?qr: i ^fH ^q^T?TR^T^fqtfqKf5T^T , qTqfqiTr| H <* I V. ^qT*: II [Gaikawar.] 2497. 1368a. Foil. 26; size 9| in. by 4f in.; fair Devanagari writing of the latter part of last century ; ten lines in a page. Avatdravdadvali, a series of polemical essays in defence of incarnation, and the doctrine of non-duality, by Purushottavia Ddsa, son of 1'iliimbara, and disciple of Yiljhalesa (son of Vallahhdcdrya). Chapters viii., x. and si. VIII. Pratibimbavdda, begins : ^qifWHT^ft^ q^qmjfi^ q^T sfrfq I ?rfa imt fqqftq q-rrfirfqq ^rqrlqiqt n ^viiT^q=fi I qfirfqqq^T'q^qTmqTW I o It ends : ^^q^SIKjqqT TT^I ^qqqiTTn r; I qfrrfqq fqftjuqtCTfra: q^qTWn : ll X. Brdhmanatvajdtilchandanavdda, begins fol. 8a: q*3T*Rrq*rnkr err?r>!r;qTf^qqT: i ^ fKFfff ^tqiTq ft ^ft qqnq^T ^qt infBr^qqqriT i o It ends : q^ftwqsrcnT Tsft qTiTtqw rqT I ^fij^I^itf *jq (TratTrq fq^lftrt II XL Jwavydpakatvakhandanavdda, begins fol. 13a: q^Tqrq;: ^i^rsq q qf% i m iftwT ?qTsnqq^q fq ti ^ffaqti Hf^B^;: qqa ii ■q^T ^q-qf sqqTTqt: I ^TWqiqqTmqTtT ° It ends : l?q Ws"Vfq^^iT5l^Tl?lTrRqTfq? I tfqifOTt ^nqqirq qfq;fV: siq^yrf ii qTaH^q^qt^Tffnq qmTqT^iq^iH cM^^rT ^q^rqq>- iq^qqpr. tfw: II For a MS. of chapter i. (Prahastavdda, beg. ^wq^frnrrcj fol. 325) see Raj. Mitra, Notices, ix. p. 120, no. 3019 ; for ch. xiii. {Sribhdgavata- svariipavishayalcaSanhdnirdsavdda), Aufrecht, Cat. Bodl.j no. 94. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2498. 1459c. Foil. 11 ; size Si in. by 44 in. ; Devanagari writing of 1722 a.d. ; 11-16 lines in a page. Chapter xi. of the same work. [H. T. Colebrooke] 2499. 1395a. Foil. 25 ; size 13i in. by 4| in. ; S lines in a page ; on yellow paper, written in the Bengali character, in the 18th century. PHILOSOPHY. Ml Tattvasamgraha, an exposition of the Ye- ddnta theory, by Rddhdmohana Gosvdmin Bhattdcarya, of the family of Advaitdcdrya (Advaittinanda), the coadjutor of Caitumja. Apparently only the first part of the work, without subdivisions. For a complete copy, see Raj. Mitra's Notices, ii. p. 104, no. 688. It begins : TSflH^gW^JR TTVTjftTJrspiftrn I rosin TrfvcfTofTRf f^Trfr thejktt?: II "aitfir m;jrrwfTT H'nifnffi stsuh ii ^n^(r.^^q) *nrirW5T?H?rarPinftfh i srnf *jni- raw qm^ ^finn^ni wxr?: h m ii Tft ^rt^TfainrHrTPj»hici? u i ii vf -prat H?tf^ttiT: iTr^fT^r^ft h mr 11 * 11 Trrmrfi^mq: ^ ^rpfff^Tfirr ^ 1 Sirtt: n m n Am k qf^(/-. ^ft) 3? imq f? ii b ii h^i TTf fir: ifcsi ri^ftrfs: ^*%fc5: 1 mff^sr qt 3T5I fsraretrfiqnf^F 11 adcsa, fol. 4ft ; 6. prdbodhavdhya, fol. 5ft; 7. paramdrthanirnal/a (?) ; 8. jivan- muMalahshana, fol. 7ft; 9. n.iApcM?w(?)-aiftya- n>ru)>a>ju, fol. 9; 10. yaj&dgnihotram, fol. 10; 11. prdnahamsasabda, fol. 11; 12. brahmasutni, fol. 12ft; 13. kaivalya, fol. 13ft; 14. yogdshtdnga- siddhi, fol. 15ft; 15. iraAmaixirnawi/efta, fol. 21 ; 16. diramatrayaviveha, fol. 25 ; 17. use-' sarnnydsa, fol. 28ft. It ends : J?fil ^ ^4 'mffT TTf^JT^iJR^qt II S II jrf?7n m«?ar^t ■mfr^t wf^oTRnJ n m ii ^re ^fHflTTJTO^q «m?j n w^riT is^i ^m" HTwnxtfjrr 1 A i>rnli'si 1 rusamuccaya, by Purndnanda, is given in Aufrccht's Cat. Cat. [Gaikaw 5 N 812 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 2501. 820. Foil. 117; size 15| in. by 5 in.; fair, modern Bengali writing, by two different hands ; eight lines in a page. Bhaktirasdmritasindhu, or BhagavadbhaMi- rasdmritasindhu, an elaborate treatise on the nature of Krishna- Caitanya, and devotional belief in his all-pervading power; composed in 1541 A.D. Having thus been composed only some fifteen years after Caitanya's death, it must have been the work of one of the immediate followers of the Vaisltnava reformer. The introductory verses seem, indeed, to ascribe its composition to Sandtana ; though some scholars (perhaps finding an allusion to the author's name in the second introductory, and the final verses) rather make it the work of Tiupa Gosvdmin* The work consists of four sections (vibhdga) denominated after the four points of the com- pass, each section consisting again of a number of subdivisions (laharl). It begins : ^ nm Ttwm ■n^flift s^ mu i '^HH^-ft H'qnit *^T ?HliHrt»J»NfH II 1. vibhdvalahari, fol. 356; 2. anuhhavalahari, fol. 37a; 3. sdttvikalaharl, fol. 416; 4. vya- bhicdralahari, fol. 556 ; 5. sthdyibhdvalahari, fol. 616. III. Mukhyabhaktirasapaiicakanirupano ndma pascimavibhdgah, begins : VHWnnSIim^ HTlT^7TTfqiTq«ra»n I CO CO Cn O o - o 1. sdntaihaktirasalaharl, fol. 64a; 2. prlta- bhaktirasalahari, fol. 746 ; 3. preyobhaktirasa- lahari, fol. 82a; 4. vatsalabhaktirasalaharl, fol. 87a ; 5. madhurdkhyabhaktirasalahari, fol. 89a. rniLOSOPHY. 81; IV. Gawnabhaktirasddinirupano ndmottaravi- bhdgah, begins : H^TFt BHIrHlrHI >T»Tqr*Tfq «f ?T flf? II 1. hdsyabhaktirasalaharJ, fol. 90/;; 2. adbhuta- bhaktirasalahart, fol. 916; 3. virabhaktirasala- hari, fol. 946; 4. harurf.dbJiahtirasalahwn, fol. 956; 5. raudra(bhakti)rasalahar7, fol. 97a; 6. bhaydnakabhaktirasahtharj, fol. 92a; 7. luhlmt- sabhaktirasalaharJ, fol. 986; 8. rasdndm mai- tnvairasthitilahari, fol. 103a; 9. rasdbhdsala- hari, ends fol. 105a : *itqr^^wt>rt ^v^fn iwnwfwit'l i ^irqY f^mJT. ii wrurt s4 Hfewmwfa^rftf .t h TTJll^ST^i'iSi^Tiftrff 3IT3F ifT^^fvf^HTJJ I Regarding the date (? rdmdn gasakra), see Bhandarkar, Report 1883-4, p. 76. Poll. 106-116 contain a copious list of con- tents in five parallel columns; while fol. 11 7a gives an (incomplete) list of the titles of works quoted by the author. Of the authorities actually met with in twice going over the work, the following may be mentioned (omit- ting a number of Purdnas, etc.): Agastyasanilutd, foil. 9b, 11a; Aparddha- bhanjana, fol. 656 ( + m!<1wl oirfff ^T cjrfiTVT TTrfcSTTT jrf^JTT HT7TT Wilt 1 »?fq cF^nTH^qntl3ITfnT: I »rt ffR^TW^TW II not in Haeberlin's text, and different metre); Uddhavasandesa, fol. 90a w^rt fWf^r mfsr^ i ^Trum ?arfg rujHfVrgrq urst Bupa-gosvdmin'i Uddhavasandesa, MS. 570, v. T ' "» , but quite different in nvoml hull'); Kunidmrita, fol. 17a ( , >^R^T»?fHiT«^^r>KT»?'KI^q^TUa, 716; Kdtydyana- samhitd, fol. 7/- (qt ?rf'^Tn$lM^MMarTmrfiT: i ^ Wtfcf^f) i fa*u*R^??rr*nj7ra u); Gitagoviitda, foil. 276, 876, 886; Govindavildsa, fol. 57a (fsmm.fw^Trr ^nrRTlfwt: oRlsfi i fa>mqrfw- TI'5T"5*TT Ufli^CRW^t ^nrfH ii) ; Ddnahelikaum fol. 556 (iw^suiTjT^ ?Tf»m»nTfT sfq f?nm>T?TJ)t T^T-ft ^V^fq ?TTTWT?Hf^-Ti JuiNifj? h ii), 46a (rrvr ^rn JTT^ajil^^f^^l H^rpicS faJTVrrt ?fufr3njT% I "); Bilvamafigalastava, fol. 64a (^^n^WhrfV^- ^TCrtefTOT W^i^vf^T^i ii): Brahmaydmala (?refe- rence not found); Brahmasamhitdydrn ddi nisluiriiliasyn, foil. 27a, 30a (see no. 2511); Bhaktiviveka, fol. 1 \a (fsRTt cirqi^ t^nq frai^H? vht q^rt: i rrsrnN^ ^ ^? fqr^??n rHj^Twn) : Bharata, fol. 606 {vtt ^«Tr^ n 3rferr% f^vn^T.: cffTfq wvriTa^ csrft i TnrnrT Tf^^^r w tut Trfwtraa n) ; 5 k 2 S14 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. Bhavarthadipihl, fol. 3a (r*r=WTcnTT*fftlt' (V^itft njyz?,'- I ^ff-W cfrfir^: ^frggf ff Whrt li); Brah- maydmala{?) ; Mdghakdvya, foil. 236, 246 ; Muhmdamdld, fol. 57a (frffe ^T wfa ^T HTPg ^T«> ° ^wf ff ?mrr sfq f^nnfj? II Hfeberlin, p. 516); Muhundashtaka, fol. 336 (cFH«frffCWsrs>tV HTfV^jfiiT fan?! TH^ft ^T^T^ ^f»Tr«i ^JT^: I ftrefa^ fc&ij ^' tpto* firmm: iron* w ^T*rte- xtfn Rcir^: u); Ydmunacaryastotra, fol. 11a C^tj- TTf?TI *ft sfq ofTf sfq ^t JTCTtrft ssrfa *TOT TTqTPTV: I ri^jj fr^t tmftj?rftT?»?a^ *nu wri^n: n), 236 (r*m *J?W*p* (TT-pft ^nmw TTWTT ^fw ^^T^^ ^?TCJ yO»t I •^^rniT: 11), 27a (q^ mKM lTfNt ^r°); Rasa- sudhdhara, fol. 43a (^k^^w^t rrRnrRrr =fw?t TTFtTT^^'dfTin *t i m$m rR: tihts: ii TTHT^jfiT 5ITf^T?^ftT *HWIW^n fTsfimf^WWTfq 2*r§: n frawTf^wHi ^M^rraf^q ^aisi TrfrrfatT ■$?<< ira ii f^Tfftr ■Jjff ?r: ws^qm Trf3ifn4 i Tntt ?>^MRj(TTJ?itn? sfq T^nfirgm *n:?nfi ^j<* 7^5??^ ^q ^^q 'qrirfiT Tm^tT«T^ WfitTwt TRTffH^ II ft*rr: 11 sfjr ^HnTHifl^rfacirTTT ^faron*^ Hfs^wr^cT- f«=wrh?rT wtiTm n Two additional leaves contain an index of chapters, and a list of 26 works quoted in the commentary. Of the latter may be mentioned: Kuruksluiraydtrd, Gopdlastava, Dhrruvacarita, Sdhityadarpana. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2504. 1489b. Foil. 85 (numbered 67-151); size 15J in. by 4i in.; Bengali handwriting of 1806 a.d.; seven lines in a page. Durgamasaiiijaiiui hi. This (rather carel copy omits the lasi colophon and the Last Ian one of tlie linal sluhits of the preceding MS.; and it also differs considerably as t" the rest ; viz. : ^H*ff f^«m: II mt^lfrT (!) 3TTfeqr?^T^rHT'|l'I^qi f^^HTf^sTTq *nfq m st7it 1 ^rgwi (!) Tm'rcfiniftrgr °-- ^Hf fl^im^qTT sfq ^pjt vm 75f"q (?) ^q RVq ■q^fn *K*?rlHqT?: 11 TFrfq ^ '^rfirfq'TTr ° tthjt- »rwr*>fw: n ^j?r»q ^l-an Trmirq irtoq w [>?1^tt The MS. is preceded by six leaves, marked ■afts" (l^), and numbered 1-6 in the lt-f t . and 61-66 in the right margin. This passage, which apparently belongs to the present work, begins : ^re jtfTifT^TfaHTTT^JNlftTl: ( fHKlfH£IW n>q: ^^tqT m ht^ 7xi: n ^fl'jTHTJTTTIJWfynflEqTfflfH^^T^TT: I HTRT^q -qfi#f^?3iiT^ ftiqgif I VJJ'H^ W ^iqrq iTsTvfttmH^: I %un^: =?mn«T^( n»u»n^qfni^: n K^ HfSc5T!rPrfrii?T^ I lfl$nrt n^T° p. 8126 n ^fff ^51: tf »T^Tt} o in the comment on this the author remarks : W3 The Burgamasamgamanl is quoted at fol. 86. The work consists of ten chapters (ulldsa), viz.: 1. fol. 106; 2. addhyabhaMinirupanam, fol. 156 ; 3. bhaktirasanirupanam, fol. 25a; 4. vibhdvddinir., fol. 39a ; 5. sdntabhakttrasanir., fol. 44a; 6. prltabhaktlrasavivaranam, fol. 486; 7. sakhyabhaktirasanir., fol. 506 ; 8. vatsala- bhaldirasanir., fol. 51a; 9. ujjvalabhaktirasa,7iir., fol. 546 ; 10. (maitrivairavivecanam) ends fol. 606 : ^Timf^TTaiTJi I T^THTOT ^RTf^WTl^fHin ^flT I *g»ranp!j ^fw ■spf^gnti-nRT^nnT;: u ^srta^fiPJsi^- wmft sjj tj^j; H Cp. Raj. Mitra, Notices, iii., no. 1192. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2506. 2486. Foil. 249 (five of which, 124-128, are wanting), and two huddhapattras (after 62 and 82 resp.); size 11^ in. by A\ in.; fairly written, in Devanagarl, about 1550 a.d. (fol. 61 supplied by a later hand); 8-11 lines in a page. Vishnubhakticandrodaya, another work on the same subject, in sixteen chapters (Judo), by Nrisimhdranya Muni. It begins : Tsrftm^tTit (!) ^f^nn^rrft ("wi-Oft^u 1W(fTO R. M.) ^ffTcRcS^TW^W I^rrafesiT^ R. Mj^ojrraiTH: into i STftr^mTTtTj H-A I d WlWT (^ITtJTT R. M.) w^t ttokt ^t *p£ ^f^qr^fjir^sTi u n^WTir: f^nu: fiSTv: *# fire^rc i f$TWEPTTf?T 1° No authorities, except Purdnas, Bhagavad- gltd, Vishnurahasya, Vaishnavatantra (fol. 936), and such-like works have been met with. For the contents of the work, cp. Raj. Mitra, Notices, viii., p. 279. The MS. is not quite complete, the 16th kald beginning on fol. 1466 ; and the last leaf breaking off at n '9PT iRTrTVf Jrtftl ^ITfemft: ~ [Gaikawar.] 2507. 735. Foil. 158; size 13 in. by 4£ in.; clear, modern Bengali handwriting ; eight lines in a page. Vishnubhahtidarpana, or Vishnud arpana, another compendium of devotional worship, in fifteen chapters, by TJpendrdcdrya. I. Tmipnf^oirr Hiff^rR it* ^ i hr otowj ^rfrf%xnr xm^f m.*ir*H: i nnw fwwivfa ^ttwh Jrnirtf*ro: t um^rrt vtottt ^ «ii^ *wfvr^ ^ ii ^rf^wTsn urn: vm: stNtsit fnvn ittt: ii PHILOSOPHY. 817 ?ff tr»rr: flf;m*rr 7H^tT5?i win: i ^Wt fim vya f? %w^f^ ii fol. 106. III. H^rrrsTO iwrfu vrm^\^ &ws i H*^£i musifg ^r firowira ffmat 11 206. IV. ; sr«j ^TTVH^T^q m?iw f&&jir sv?rr i ^TT ?# TTOTH 'T^T jT^RTW* II 306. V. *ro bthw? fiT^rsr ftrvnf *n# nfer4 i VI. tffa^m* firVT*H TH* f^lj WTrUW I ^TfvsnwTgTPTti^r jTjrrTTcWTn n 566. VII. VCH fasTR^T^ *!SI ^TRT 1?igt I TjiTPit k^i *Rrrot ncjnsTra^ o^ir u u^rt httti^ ^ *f : «^faTt f%«: i >ri5TTt ^rwftrsrti 'snrqfii^rhrff ii 68a. VIII. *rw frr^T^it TrspTTa^i nft >?^ff i rf firarrH^rt Tift mrrwr Tr^^^t 11 ^mTrofinig'p*'' "•'HF 7 * '?h:(!) " 786. IX. "ZTH OTD**T f^t HS^IJR^Jif I firvrH to tnrrar ^H fc^ra *v^t ii 896. X. ^T*! H^M'f^HM WSJ ^T H?THt I XI. Tnff * ^i ^rwtntf^> »n?rreft *i-ptt?v: i »H » l <3 1T3?Ti *TV3t *T3TRt *ITP^l: II 1066. * The guttural nasal here may possibly be intended for the nasal sound which occurs in many of the formulas in this and several other chapters, e.ij. % XII. *?TJ wfRIH^^Tt finrnr m^»rfV?Tctr I TZJfHfrT f(^flTBJ[f TSTTJlf^i TR^rnrfir ^TairrR «sw5t Wra^Tf Hbrirri i ^rqirnf^i ^fg^n^^iif vwia ii The other colophons run : sfa frwf^f^vm (tt«IH:) qft^: (corrected everywhere for ori- ginal vz&:). [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2508. 823e. Foil. 38; size 12| in. by 4,\ in.; fair, modern Bengali handwriting; six lines in a page. KaribhaMikalpalatihd, a treatise, by Kfiahna SarasvatI, on the nature of ' bhakti' and the various grades of it through which the votaries of Krishna have to pass before attaining per- fection of faith. It begins : ^tTrHHHJII^tofrfijirf: tf^fat 3TTW <*ii5*t ^3it7^xrfiT*r?rsf^?rfiTjH: i •HHPP^ ^ H^if^inQfT^^f?!*? II ^ li 818 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ^mWjrfq tfTTTT TSflK TtWiTt ^TOH I innn*>rtfa>*Tr fVqfY^ ww^^m . c^ The work is divided into fourteen stavakas, viz. : I. (verses 46) on the nature of the god ; II. (vv. 78) on the kinds of worshippers ; III. (vv. 17) on the nine grades of bhakti, to each of which is devoted one of the succeeding chapters; IV. (vv. 21) on sravana, the recital of Uari's actions and sayings ; V. (vv. 60) on klrtana, invocation of his names and eulogizing of his qualities; VI. (vv. 34) on smarana, or conception of Krishna as the aggregate of all that delights the human heart ; VII. (vv. 27) on pddasevana, or paying tribute of admiration by meditating on his acts and offering magni- ficent presents ; VIII. (vv. 48) on arcana, or worshipping him by sixteen different kinds of offerings, such as tulasi, etc.; IX. (vv. 12) on vandana, or prostration before the deity; X. (vv. 19) on dasya, or complete absorption of soul and mind in the divine being; XI. (vv. 5) on sakhya, or love for the deity ; XII. (vv. 10) on dtmanivedana, or annihilation of one's in- dividuality and becoming one with Krishna ; XIII. (vv. 13) on knowledge of the divine ; XIV. (vv. 19) on the atonement for trans- gressions and relapses of the soul. Occasionally explanatory remarks are in- serted between the verses, in which the author speaks of himself in the third person, as to what the succeeding verses are intended to show. It ends : ^ m ww fq^wftr >rrRg^ fn^wTT: i c t OT^rsT^'RHfi H^TK fV^fcT f*wr: 1^ II VS. II ^fff ^?ft >Tf=fi =ti *M tffrTSFPrt "IH^IW^: II *\Z II [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2509. 827b. Foil. 18; size 121 in- by 5 in.; good, modern Bengali handwriting ; seven lines in a page. Bhaktilahari, apparently a work of a similar nature, by Manirdma. This MS. contains only the fourth chapter (visvasamuddesa-tara/iga), explaining the evolution of the universe, with the heaven of Vishnu as the crowning of the edifice. It begins : jjfurewir f^m *m|bn" n^rmTa n <\ u ^*Twri »if5Hton ^nq f^rt f^jft 751 1 f%T^ *^€1*!T fn^lZ AT falSnr 11 3 11 ^pqTfWTsnj°FfrITTSn ^ftfVVTftptf II M II ftr^TTWtratTTWT n^T:(?i-.yrrT^) b^ t^fth: i tl^WK'R^f^qTfJ!! WWfi'RTW>T^?: II ^ II ^^sn^rfararfW sremrf tto;tt ^ht: (!) ii s ii It ends : Sifa^'raraj nti£vx) n^mvnfw. 1*: ii ?33 11 n^Nr: **f%v: *nq$fcs: HcrlftH: 1 ^cftoKTsT^^TSfiTiti xj^T^Tf^tfrifriTTt 11 *3d 11 %fn f^agi^r: TrejqTrafwt wn 1 fq^rirr *?htwt ^ H^r ^pft n^nr 11 ^m ii [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] PHILOSOPHY. 819 2510. 939b. Foil. 10; size 125 in. by 4J in.; fair, modern Bengali handwriting; eight lines in a page. G 'auraganoddcsad/pil-d , or Qaur&ngaganod- desadipika, an account of the chief disciples of Caitanya (Gaura, Gaurdiiga), and the reformer's own mythic succession; composed, in 1544 A.D., by Paramihiandaddsa, usually called Kavikar- napura, son of Sivdnanda Sena; and pupil of Srindtha. It begins : ^^rt^^Tjiq W*J: II V. ^i - T^?T>Tf% TJTT wflPTrq^rtfT^ nTTTW- ** inifiT « 'TTrhw^'n^: n i ii ^HTSTT ^ Sltf wT^wTrenTfa w*: II * II cfPJn^Tij ^3TC TiTTfH w jT^t: liTfH T»nr II f II ^ St VTM1 HW UTR^TTg »??TTm>: II 8 II ftrirT^^ttiT^^ w^rofq urtawt ii OT*: TJcBZTTt iT^ifrT: U^iTTfaTlTW II wfk# TW^TO Tnrfag f-7m*qfT( wt Tub.) i *nr: wr3i;$r3Tnn(*]*raTn 31^7 T.) t*xm*rr;j- Tinfw^rrq^nt K^rar? jrotHr 11 H^iTTint WXJ&i Hmfa *T^57lf^oB II ^*q faSrlit^Hi: W TtfEpil f^f^aifir I >T3i^?njfq7n^r^ w ii TT=ift n?m»j5f£t: sfHbraft ;?jn*=rfu: 1 u* ft vftvnr fW*n^n§-rfT nzm4T 11 TJ^WWrH^T Pff ^f^TT*^ iftrT*: II J»=F> *??TU«5lVl ?T TIK W»TrTT Writ I v?ft ^rq?^T ^ ^?nr: Trft=FtffTKT: 1 ffWT^mcTT: wl" iftmcn-^tcFiiicRT: 11 f^cynfnT w w srrr iftorrr f? »r?w»n: 1 h^t^ ^ tt wthtw f? ?Tr »t?^tt: II rrhrarc: ^prfrftTg^m^q &*H«i' T *tm: *irw vm wn: 11 wtr: gr^ft nfq^ftr ^^tt: tfusTf'R: i k^ srrsrttfu^m: Hsn^rrcftf^^Tff i ^r^i^m^Em«f«a«ft tTsn sprrifn: 11 iriq fjfmft -HK?t **;*_ ^ra^rwrn f$*nrt i wm fspm: Trfsum^ «r?=ft ww^ fknn: i ttrrHTW3T=Rw?tBj> nsn^rraY Ttrrmfn: u wrar f^i-sfr 3r?if*r^T^i f^ixift jr^rfafv: 11 faarfafawsq f^m\ rm^TRj i?q^f: i wwmff TfirerHi fji^ft sn? TTTTRwnf; » K=q f?m> »mi$^ft iipii" s4 irrfffri: i ■5ir^^^Hngriirt sjinrRfa msw: 11 k«? fsraft sn^faprtarnarqrl *rfir: n ?TfaT?T Tj^rtfff *n7fW5q TrW»nfeJH: I immqrf *fh: Ttrtarq TfN$ ii ^rfafiq TTfUcRT KT^oFT^ xrf *?!TT^q: I ^ ^vnT^^Tfw?^ S^^ VT*fH II ° It ends : ^"hqwt Tn;Trq^^(f^H^^»?fFr n 3TTc* tHTt^fiTff »h^ ^ ^H^I^r^fCrTT^TTHTTrfgi: jfftut: ^moF%wifi"<'mincii ?»q: h ^fn ^t=fifr3iJTfqT;fa*:fg7TT ^'hfnTT'nTi^T^tfq^iT ^httth '^^W?:^^??^!^ fc5fl3frq II For another MS. see Roth, Tubingen MSS., p. 9. [H. T. Coi.ebrooke.] 2511. 199. Foil. 29; size 11 in. by 5 in.; in- different Devanagari writing of about 1750 a.d.; 10-14 lines in a page. Brahmasamlnta (or Bhagavatsiddhdntasam- graha), Adhydya Y., consisting of a (Paurdnik) account of the origin and divinity of Krishna, followed by a hymn to the same deity ; with a commentary, entitled Digdarsani, by Rfi]<«, younger brother of Sanatana, and elder bro- ther of Vallabha. PHILOSOPHY. 821 The entire work is stated to consist of a hundred adhydyas. A. The text contained in tbe present MS. runs as follows : %vzv, vjm: yon: *f%?PT*riw?: i ^MlfyutylTDl^: *5^rtir!oFTTT[f II S II TTi^ifiiNiK ITgm fl^^ptTtjIKH^ II ? II tJTf ^iTtwR u<*mT g^tkr ^ ii 3 ii »*fttfi^H!I *R^TT ofiW^SPT TfriTT II 9 II (Tfk'g^ TTOIMl TT?tI=tTftrr faqTAfiU I ^ITTff BrUftw: ^[iT^IT^fHSit II M II wTfafHfVfag^iJmfa: fHfsrfWwn i Tg^trtg ^ifwflcfqT^: vfittft ^tf n s n sftfaiT ^fafaeTfaT^HT'fa: WPtTr?: II t II ^TTTRTTIfl^I HWTfw H^OT ^T JWTH: II T: wTTir?r: i ^mr^T^H^fsrnn ?fKnrrr^nr Trfrmffl n st n ^nfirfl^jni tt*h oK^TTrr^rnrrnr I i ^?c&mwcF fa^g iTWT?r?snrraft b ie 11 ^ t%fqvtirc!T'c5TggTrT: fcKc* I ^VrfVrjT vmnft shi vftx? wm n »o 11 TIWTc? ^'?'Hfc5't trawr cTToJw^it II 'S ll H^gTf^ Tjlvqrfirr oRTTunf^T Trfqt I *P*m*TrT H^m^ f^f*?^Tf?T J T^fi T^I^ || »? || N c t c ^■JTlp^HIin SfTt ^TTfH^TH'5F=lIxnT II ?^ II ^Wq^rsi wtk^ ufTsrffr ^4 n?t i *r?t nf^p nfwM jI^ttfrt unmwm u ?* n O \* s3 ^ *Hf(rH«=p*i ?|T»qt n?i ?t?:»T7T II ^M II V »nn> Hn^^^qT TTrBTcJ f=Sc5 ^Tf?TT: II ?4, II fJTirETTTjt Tfif ^ qf #Pfirni*3riTt i c c e ^T$i ~ssn& tai^i '^T^fiifflfq ^fir: 11 *$ 11 rTT R rTq I»^ wq fRfo&fVorfff II ?<» II ^pq wq ^t wf^t n^rr^nf^v iH ^ 'i 1 TgffTfqqfff yun m^^w iTTrtrt n 30 11 JTsmm 7TJTT7rfTjimT irfqiurT trtTjrfflH I WFff^HT^ oRifjfo»rg^itf?rT II ^^ II § iHi^t ^ ^■nr^q: 1 c. II amflwnw 1 5 o 2 822 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. c vntfbf f^Rv< W^ft^ WHTfPT II 3* II f^^TftT^nniYrt ^: ^tsrTfHgrT ii 33 II [;Mwq: ii 3$ ii irniTf TiTTiHSTWT^ftiTm *^i»pt: i w^flTgrf^n^TiiT fiiTrn»?nR^^T u 34 ii ^art jc^£\ sq fafaff^nHH^aTirc: i wm ^<^«TO!i sn^wrirsr c&sHt ii 3*< ii Tftf^^Trf^^^ 7W? HUTfa II ^ II jftfT^mf^VWi TTJTf HITrfa II * II Jf^TH N>Tf Q5f(?Tt ffRTTB^TT^i jfJfsp^mf^g^'i mi mrrfa ii 3 11 TTJ^fiW mf^ =F^qfTf fat »inOjT I ^r?Kf^*TqHHT5f55f^^?Tq jftrr^TTf^gF 1 * ff^i uTTfa 11 8 11 ifrfV^mf^q^J «TR-^ >T^Tfa II 4 II t The text makes this last sloka consist of three hemistichs, the number of the verses, 7-35, being removed back to the end of the preceding hemistich. In the commentary this is different, though there too the numbering is irregular, several slokas being some- times treated together under the same number, and the two sections being numbered consecutively. qnftt*rrfq TJT^ft Jjffpjf TRt I Tfr f^H l f^ q^t Unf >T3TTfR II % II ifrfV^»rrf^5^J imi vhttTh ii $ ii iftfa^rfi^ii imi mnfa 11 t » jftefta *& f5Tq«wftfcETW»JTft lftfq^*tTf?g^TT iTH? *?»nfa II f?- cfi>fif^((-.'E^)^Tqcr7TVTf^fq>TfrTfHt I Tftt fHMiQi*Hff*mWfT jftf^»TTfr u <\t u J Thus corr.m., o ii|TjfY text. PHILOSOPIIY. yi:\ ?^fl^5T?ftvm^ nq h*j 1 *itt>^nfirg^ti wi? *JiTfa 11 «*m u •gnt^ vm wq^rfa fqntw rmfa n ?3 11 s> c Wif^mfaq^q hh? «infa 11 =<$ 11 y«injoR^TnT»Tnj>roT5[ -h^: 1 itTf^«rcfTlTTfR II 3M II 3ft;g^viq»r!Tq'?r , '?T(?) *q^- JTTfq^mfVq^q 7TH? WTTTf»T II =>L II •q urrv°frR*rrit nrrr-qf^r HTfir- ftni:t ^rptn: 'srra: xn??^^: cK-qHrsft •jTHT wf*?f!!3r»rTRf.nTiTTim^ Htim?r 1 w*n mj -HTjij n*RHfa trft fu^m^ f^M^ WTFrT: TjrHf^ W?T^T?IRfq ^ 11 ^t 11 fq^ffw TRr: fRjnrfqr^^Trr: Tf^&n^iwic5^nrrT n 3s 11 ^rlv^mTm^rrwTTt ^f^^wit ^ n 3' it nmv. irwFfit RTm tn?T f^f^Tr^qiir 1 *n OTininr *-m? *m 11 ^5 » v«T?prp^rfnq-ST ^wq kit ft^w^ 1 824 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ^ f? faTg^r ^tt^tw »nn f^tf wtI 3^ f%nftr T>V f%vf? W*?l jTTrfJtT II ^M II Iu tlie Bhaldirasdmritasindhii the verses ii. 12 Owt H^WT ) and ii. 20 (*l^N?f?r.Tgftra °) are quoted as occurring ' Brahmasamhitdydm Adipurusharahasye." B. Bupa's commentary, which, for the most part, is illustrative rather than explanatory, begins : "hW f^r^TH HTRff tth: ii ^!fr- e jpnspnf'i g^TOT *fT^ro^^fff:(?wf , 5rTT- [ffTOT^fir: R - M ) i .- * [nfn:) ^rurro: H^'wn^n: ^ttrnrt mr. 11 •fl^rnr itTHi? infi ?tht w i w^fa ^ **r«T ^sjcn ^rwrfWwrt nfam: 11 ?PTTiPT'¥t»ft iwr ^mT^ ^HM tt?tttr: I VN^vft shit: *rt sflt ^f^qt *rt3*n?f?T: n sfir ^amffirnit hc**huph^i q^irr«rpir*j f^Tfr^rr [HT^r BUppl.] TtsfiT HHTTIT II ^W ftfm^TI HTT^W h't: ii For another MS. of both text and commen- tary (not metrical, as is there stated errone- ously), see Raj. Mitra, Notices, ii., p. 106. [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2512. 2461. Foil. 203, one of which (fol. 93) is wanting; whilst 118-125 are misplaced after 193; size 11 in. by 4| in.; fairly written, in Devanagari, about the beginning of the 17th century ; nine lines in a page. Yishiiudharmamimdmsd, a dissertation on the worship of Vishnu, by Nrisimha Bhatta, son of Soma Bhatta. The MS. has suffered to some extent from damp. PHILOSOPHY. 825 It begins : *t ^frl HfiT ^fofilf 'Scnft ^fa I WW ^rt S^T ?t*l f51^T!JTrR II <\ II «rtai«T franvHTJrt fgw* m»m^HT n 3 11 f nrr^=R7T>iTJj crt vni «f nrofafs: 1 t*wrou»RT>n:ft?=R: ifNi T ^s^ff sn^wf? f^w jrarfa ^tt: *h»re HSTjaRT: 11 m 11 mnrm q^rr^m u^h wj<^xiw 11 t, 11 ?TTig7rTmTnHvijq^T;TTt^iq>iTwfw^»n5iu:Tf^'?rT nrrtif WfrfMWHWnT I ° c \ There are no divisions, and a rapid perusal has only yielded quotations from Purdnas, the epics, the Ndradajmncardtra, Brahmayamala (fol. 1046), Ratnasdgara (fol. 102a Tumrqrfa^T Hum sirfa? fira 1 *^ =fJBT»pj ^f ?in^f bi ti w^aranr u ^^T»n R^qfTf^ cirfvTsrf^'gwrr g 1 ri^uiOnft ?f% HUTR^PWraoK II °); Pardsara, Scu'tkardcdrya. It ends : ^ ^ HfatfaHT franvHT: "srlni^TJPTwrn 1 Vtt w? H^m *l£7TS IH^l hti 11 ° 11 vrmjw^r fvmuFra^rwmcST 1 fnnnifofattn *rtht 11 [Gaikawab.] 2513. 2635b. Foil. 20 (the firs< live of which are wanting); size 10« in. by 4 in.; legibly written in Devanagari; It or 15 lines in ;i page. SivddvaitapraJedsikd, a treatise, in tl chapters {ulldna), on the unity of the deity it- represented by Siva, and on the practici devotion due to that deity, by Kasindtha Bhada, son of Jayardma Bhatla and Vdrdnasl. The treatise is composed in Sloltaa (chiefly compiled from Purdiius) interspersed with ex- planatory remarks. Oh. II. beg. (fol. 8a) : *5P!fwf;j TPTOTTfa ThsTTfST^TTTrr: I faTTrrr. WTprrtgfiT ftlft SW HHTWq: II fVjnTn: «=*rk-y: wnnr: *cRc7: w?t: i trf^nt^H^w'^TfTjTJraTnT 11 ^TWf'JTnnfr ^^ q^^wf^TTrarfq II *nftein: T3f^?n H?^r: w?nji^ ?ffT 1 ^firm: 11 *TTTrT?ff fmv. fsiTt fnqw. wnirT-ig inr. 1 fqnJ!lS^qnr? I iT-^f^^H: *5r3Tt f«^ 1 firm: h^htt: ttct: w^TH'ft f^TT*?^: 1 f^oRTTi:f?cr: mstnftjnrt gn: *nrtrrH ^fir 11 Ch. III. beg. (fol. Ion): li^rrw I It ends (from the citrokhanda) : «^T^?mt KWlrWl^t TTWm^T^ ll 826 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. \fn ^sfta^ftaw^thus in all three colophons) *TiT =tbMt sHf ^5*3 ^fff-HTim^w^ I^it^^ji ^mnrtH) SO 6 ?^nrr oFTsTit e^iT9*nrfwiTT^TTt=BTT^nrft>i: ^r^ftq^n- fWTw^i *rw»teftwipT t^jmrf^T tjiptot* ° ^ w^ ^tiTnqm^T ^hi f^f^H i ami ^foprwft- Of non-purdnic authorities may be men- tioned : Purushdrthaprabodha, foil. 12b, 16a, b; Paippaladopanishad, fol. 126; Vidyesvarasam- hitd (?of some purdna), fol. 17a; Sdradd, fol. 15a. [Mack. Coll.] 2514. 1547C. Foil. 20; size 10 in. by 44 in.; clear, modern Devanagarl writing ; five lines in a page. Catushtayasampraddyikd-paddhati(?) and Sitd- rdmapaddhati, two short manuals of prayers, with directions for their use (?by Rdmdnuja or one of his followers). Partly in bhdshd. I. (in four sections) begins : ^affaw TRT^JiTnT nfti ?gruT wr cfcm ^fa r f^tm^T wr i ^ffl ^n*PT»hr. II ^rf usi wfi ^Rt *jrrafff ra >d a kshindmantra, apardddha- kshamdmantra, namaskdramantra, dhydnaman- tra, caranasevanamantra, jalagdyatrl, kara- nydsa, prayogasamkalpa. It ends : ^TTcF'qq ^TJJolfHUT ^m=Ftl^j ••!{«<+ prfvft ^H^iTTrnnT^fH II t\Z$ ~**WX\ II The leaves are marked VZ<$ or 557. For a Srlrdmapaddhati, by Rdmdnuja, see Aufreclit, Cat. Bodl., no. 733 ; for a Rdma- patala by the same Author, Burnell, Tanjore MSS., p. 2026. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2515. 1068. Foil. 149 ; size, oblong, 6$ in. by 5 in.; large, clear Devanagarl writing of about 1750 a.d.; 10 or 11 lines in a page. A collection of hymns, and theological or devotional tracts, by Vallabhdcdrya (A), his son Vitthalesvara (B) and others ; with extracts from Purdrtas, etc. PHILOSOPHY. 827 1. VallabhdshtaJca (B), ^n^fannrrnwm; ° ending with eight stanzas, ^fJH?T^=jTlcFfj7n:- ftnfif ends fol. 86; 2. Siddhdntarahasya (A), 9 VV., 'm^WHn^ qsr ?cFT?3*lt fl?Tf?if3i I o fol, |/,. 3. SaptaMoki (P>), TOTi^TirrTjHTJnTTfWTTiT ° Eol. 56; 4. SiddhdntamuktdvaM (A), 21 re, t^t ?fr H^- ''ITT TTTT tl fol, 76 ; 8. A iiln/i 1,'ti ra iia/inihodha (A), II /v., ^iTioifTTrr *TfT^° fol. 86; 9. Sevdphalam (A), 8 re, *rrprt ^^t tit^t fol. 9a; 10. Yi- vekadhairydSraya (A), 17 vv., fa^ivxf winf t.et- iirrq Tf^^n?: I ° fol. 106; 11. Nirodhalakshanam (A), 20 vv., ire ?:r* *ttft ?rUT° fol. 126; 12. Extracts from the tenth book of the lllioijavnta (and from the Brakmdnda) Purdna, Eol. 33a ; 13. Sevdnantaram prdrthand (B), 12 re, 7j5?t «f>iTnt?r^n^T^ fol. 33a; 14. Madhurdshtakam (A), S up., met Mvt ^<^T ivt H*R ° fol. 34a ; 15. Mangalastotram (A), 3 vv., tin^ HHr$ ° fol. 346; 1(3. Prdtahstavak (A), 10 to., 7fr?r3Tt ° fol. 35/< ; 17. Krishnastavardja (by?), 8 vv., ^I'HTf- oS^5° fol. 36fr; 18. Shodasastotram (by?), uwl}- ^cp?rTT° fol. 376; 19. Vrinddshfakam (A), csf^j- ftSfTTlT: ° fol. 39a; 20. Gopijanavallabha-cara- naikatdnam (PS), T?rq ^frnrnfcrcSfrRH fol. 40a ; 21. Svdminydh stotram (B), 12 vv., *l1pl ^ttv T?fa fflcSfiT f^t ° fol, 42a; 22. Yamwndshtakam (B), ^»rrfa TT«nTm^ ° fol. 136; 23. Yamundshta- padJ (B), rdmakalirdgena glyate, ~^\ T : H^- HRlfTmnT fol. 143a; 49. Extracts from /'»- rdnas. 11. T. I ike.] •J.") 1(5. 2611a. Poll. 45 (foil. 15-19 of which are wanting); size 9h in. by 4j in.; legibly written in Oevanagarl, about 1750 a.d.j eleven lines in a page. Sarvottamastotra-vivriti, a commentary on the Sarvottamastotra, in praise of Krishna, by Vall-abhdca It begins : hrt fqTTq?t^Rf?c5TT»rpJT'sirr^t i TTtrft^T^T^^T'nffT f^^rff^ ^!!rnrfiT n i n i?rannni p^t? 7rmnf^ift ^Tf: i 5 i' 828 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ^Tifm £3 3TC3J W «5lQfadq II 3 II fqWHT'qTqnilT ^q rirUl^daf^ g ^ q^m^Wnr^fTTT- jfn^i crrfk i •qTcSTni^RraqfirfiT i The stntra here consists of 36 stanzas (whilst Hall, Index, p. 151, makes it 25). The commentary ends : *jqflT^rrW>*Tfa fqqurfW q^^ts i t fTrTqMl^ioKXmT ^q^TVHift W II I II c c q?R qfsTrqii fq^rfN^cm wH i f^rfiT(!) cSJ«fq *T=fi-tnU iTqTq II fqqfir: n [Gaikawar.] 2517. 2611b. Foil. 22; size 10£ in. by 4f in.; good Devaniigarl writing of about 1750 a.d. ; eleven lines in a page. Tracts connected with the sects of Valla- bhdcdrya and Rdmdnuja. I. Vivekadhmrydsrayaniritpana, by Valla- bhdcdrya ; 17 ilokas, beg.: fq^cRw ?fw!nr^«aTK: ^rft^rfir ii This is followed . by a commentary (tikd) thereon, beg.: ^TsAqTW^TTn^Hf^n^qr^m^q ii °i ii II. [Ananya-]Bhaktiviveka (?by Laksmand- ffirya). It begins, fol. 4« : Tram-iT'sfi.JTq.rHJ^Tt' TTS'pp^ST'nrPJwnT^ I ^Tqrr>«qT?qif H^T^H^T fq^=FH^ || <\ || "» Cs Cs ^tTinqrgTq^r'qT^r^TqC:) I ^? *? S7TSM3.W ^TSTifiT *rqTU^T II ^Tn*T^pnrff(?^)^Tc^wr^q>Tfe'f>qcF: ottw: n III. Siihlhihititrivriti, or rather a gloss thereon; by Vallabha. It begins, fol. 76: ^■epN *rrerftn(:) gw '■s^rrtenrT: i W offr sfq fqHqr^T^Tq(i-.^)WH^ TT^r'^H II ^ ^qHTOfrfTT i ° It ends : TfhiWT fUdiriMafq^frT: ^HT II IV. Yamuiidshtapadlvivarana, by Raghundtha (? pupil, or son, of Vit/hala). It begins, fol. 10a: *ri fnrf^qywi fenft H^ftTsj-qT i BTlTFH^HW'j 7f q^ qW«TWif || <\ II tit csfc5?rq^ 'qTF ^ffni tfrnn wfq i ^TWff*=KHT^T'q ofTTf^'T* TTOUnffl TTT II ? II *I?q«fljflffH ^jqt TTTmqj «Ttff TT?T TR^qffT I 7rn"r ?fq ^flpr ^ftT ° II , Colophon : %fn zft'VgWH At H^WI =R^?!TT^Tq- ofttt *PrHT?q^^WH^^wr5r?rH^?- [Gaikaw \l\ 2518. 2611c. Foil. 20 (and a suddhapattra to 10); size 8i in. by 3| in.; indifferent, modern Devanagari writing ; eiglit linos in a page. Vallabhashtakavivritiprdkdia, a gloss on a commentary on Vitthale§vara's Vallabhdshtalca, by Pwrushottama, son of Pitdmbara. It begins : It ends : [Gaikawak.] 2519. 2611d. Foil. 5 ; size 8i in. by 4 in.; fairly written, in Devanagari, about 1700 a.d.; 10 or 11 lines in a page. Bhaktivardhimvwarana, a versified exposi- tion of Vallabhdcdrya's Bhaktivardhinl ; by H arid els a. It begins : f^irTqff HfefaTznn^fa^wtf , «rf;i : TCf*jrfT s^timi c ■iTH: ^Rq^T^T^^tfV^sniTC?) II 3 II It ends : ^HrHHTq HT^W TftlUfJT TRR7T: II t$( II ^mTHftT f^in^T^^TTnT'nmilRfq II tS II n*?^ «?i ?m jrft^rjr *3*jm u tfc n zYsfiT nf^iTR^rH') TzrteftTWsrh^rg ii [Gaikawae.] 2520. 2663b. Foil. 8 ; size 9 in. by 4 in.; fair, modern Devanagari writing; nine lines in a page. A fragment, consisting of thirteen verses in praise of Vishnu. Rather incorrect. It begins (somewhat corrected): TPTT TTSTH TT5Tf»WTqTftT(?) I C =Frt^ «t nt: «?rt ?ti h ii <\ n C5H3' xj? w fa>ft 3ltffl1I;R I ttot ^rrft^rfN . ; ten lines in a page. Bhalctteata, consisting of 101 verses in praisi of Krishna, by Anantadt va. It begi ns : ^rqTTT^TTTi?nT:f^F!TTTT| TPpT ^: II °t II 5 p 2 830 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. It ends : fTjflt ^T3qwrf ^ WT«*fff I -SRfaHnra^ff f^tHTftl wfT || <\o<\ II [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2522. 823b. Foil. 24; size 12f in. by 4i in.; good, modern Bengali handwriting; eight lines in a page. SusiddhdntwpushpdvaU, a eulogium of bhakti as the highest form of Vishnu worship, by Bhdgavatdnanda Gosvdmin. It begins : TTrc^cR^^TlT ^ft^qi^itf fTB^^TTRflll^T W[ ^mVffVfo. TW^ftT qfrTTn^t ^ Tint TTOT^nT I c It ends : Wn*T it [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2523. 2599. Foil. 11; size 12 in. by 5 in.; clear, modern Devanagari writing ; nine lines in a page. Kdslmrltimohsliavinirnaya, or Kdshnolsha- nirnaya, a treatise on the efficacy of dying at KasI as insuring final emancipation to a devout Hindu ; by Suresvardedrya. It begins : ^rtfaTSRTTra W. (see Aufr., Cat. Cat., cFT^fa"tejfVp!hi:) II Amvt m^w^^s^rsv^xm^ n h ii ^n^V hrcf us ^5*ki ^*nfafV: ii * u H^ST^ W^t HT^TiPT "qi TTWftft^(?) I gn^lrt'O^ ^rotf fiTrer fcp^r u 8 ii THc5i^t f^rafs: wr^fRfrargffl'niH i ■3TJTCT: xjtCiR^ marg.)^xi3T^n:flHl^f^rff: II Mil ^rc*?t ^ famt H^w^i^i iCt^m ii i ii TTfTt f^^^^cii H^ififfT ^f^f^fK II S II : 5ra^^i^ fa^trt %f^7T3ft fq^sj^r: n fe u fcRir? trtiit i ^^w ff i Ksnn tftrcFT^R^" iftTf u?tiff i wrf ^ ??t^(!) n io n *f 3ftW* sfn f^sri^: to '^"ff: h? ii =11 ii fain *njP3;rt jjsrt ^^:"ifrtj?Tni^ i ^ffqiTTTmirn ftaT *>S^T ^frT H wfff: II «R || ^wnr^rtfqwT *jt ^ntf vfsrcR: our?: ii 13 u ^twt ^nft *v^ «^m^ firafffcq: i 5H *nj ^ fflsfff w=? cstort: oFTn^n: n °ii u f=* irq: foR- F7? ?r?t cjft y§: o^tit ri^: i ^>: *tt: ^sj fairf^ c?f> qJt^: awht i?rw ii «m h ^rt ^n ^j u^ra vrt: =ft ^iv^ ^ i ?r^: ^: f^ ^ ft^ ^ f =F Tfi^ ii^rr^ h ii ii ii H^ f=S ^i^ VVITS *&. cR> TI7T IT^tT: II 19 II I. (si. 17) wpodghdta; II. («/. GO) gudhdrtha- pra§nottaranirupana ; III. (,s7. 146) nitimdrga- nirupana; IV. (.>•■/. 55) karmavipdhcunirupana, on sins and punishments; V. (.s7. 73) (feva- svarujiiniir/ljiiujii, on God (Visluni); VI. (>7. 1 15) vdsudevap&jdnirupana, on the modes of wor- shipping 17.s7//^; VII. (,s7. 105) bhdgavata- illi'irmtinirupana, on the duties of a Vaishnava, and the reward accruing therefrom ; \'I1J. (SI. Ji)7) ahor,'iliiil;riiijanirupana, on reliyi rites generally. The verses seem to be partly the author's own, and partly culled from various sources. The }ilitil{li-v\v\\w\\\ , though not too ob- tru-ive, is by no means absent. While a devout adherent of Viskiyu, the author is qoI bigoted, and allows to Siva a certain share 832 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS We extract a few of religious sentiment, passages : CcA ^ s^n: to) ^rrwhft tMtsnr: i s^ren:: *S*TBfr t?tt «fnw*ra: n *f ^n^ f?rain ^ Htn^rt ^^f^rt i mniTt fa^tir: ns: crwt uTrTtcrsirT n^: h c •STTOt HTftRt 5ITWT HTKnTTOmraTCt I s«mffrtt'3 ^to nvf t: fmre'r ^tt: ii fol. 20&. T^W^TSTOrJ ^T r^>» *TTTt *iT II ^v ^ ?t *?fr^fff Tifj^TqfK vwr&i i ^ft •qf? Wft^fK wftljfrT HTTlH II *T^T IT JTTIfT vW ^mWl^ HTFT II *ra?rt>w: ttiik vtrnisf^ ?ft *rt n ° fol. 22b. 5TTc57ITflriirc5TfW ^fr?*[TT>'^T5T«f I tfWff Tjfsnt miff cirrfffH ^ ^P^Stf II e cs c iT? ^njT*rer>pPTTfVl ^H%5T II f^re^n* -$fa ntaf^q ssfafig ?^h: ii ^rai^jrq ^H f^t fiji^nj ws i ^ncS^Tflf^i^i^rt f? n^sfCT^ ii fol. 26b. 3TTc57n>rf5T<5TTra J t J TT1T ^T1I^§^T I jcypira ft 5i mii ^ w»rtr: TnnqfiT: u jTc$wfw»p»Trfa ?i^t pi <* 51 =) fw m i c&3reT*i f%f>^Tfa(? nTrfq) ^T^ 577*^ >T^ II JH? «UT^ Wcntf JT^TTJTirt fftfTI^t I TT^flr^T Wofitrf iTT^ufr H^: II fol. 296. c^ t e •SJT-sf tit iT^m ^tlT^t ^riI-!T TT^T I ^TstfiT rJ^TStfiT cp^- ^cr'tw ^i^ ii fol. 34a. It ends : Hg^T tl7rm^ra"T « f^rr5*Tf^WTTr^T7f II ?3M II ^TT^TfaH mH lTrilffl Vf SIR || ^T^T^Tfa^>UTiT^HT^flT^^4^qkY »JtfiTMFrn»?msr^f^wTflf(T5TTiTw : hiT *re#: ii f«s i^ff m f^nrfoirH: ^rfrnjq h^ it? wffmn jr*rta;q ttjitit4 f>T;f%irt r^mirurrcr^ i [^trN ii wf to fti^Ti sfsrm ii ^t [Karifca] uwnwrqf;Rtn«rt wru: v^h^nf I [Vritti] W^ ^^TRW fjI^TrRBirTq tfctitUHI^JTT UrtfqfsirrTFq TOSSTC^TTDT UfiWaH II [Vivriti] if 3i=Rt iwm cRrtrt *ro mjiwrj?: i if cb i xjKiVwrirf^irm^t 3TfenHT;n?5-qT«rt jTHift fr^Ri n<$"qty*ff fr^rjrTiTjm^T i ^nr u^Jfrapq ^T faifanrfafiT jrRTTqrjrqTTrit ■^'a *m?: i w p^ fq>rq i^q urn v^t. i ° t (fol. 1/.) ^fWH«*U DUM^M «T^ 7f> *»*: WT?TT51- f^rfV^i^ SUrTCTfaiN ^l^?TT: I KFTJPPT^rq SJ*j»mu- 5RtHn*nr: 3i^niTTf>ruMWT tht*?t3tht vrht fctrf^g?5- ^T'537^'TCi^ KFTJT^rHTf>vrllTK | fqirq^THj fq^ijrjT- *fatf^n^f^(!)uT*^TTir^femWTfr^^*T^^*T - ^T??Y^frrc»^T?cRr4*^?ivorrrpjTiTrrj: OT^q-^arhnT- STWJ^tlTJTnr^ TTT^rrqfrTT?^rWTfriqfavRT>TrqrTn*- nw: ii =i ii We subjoin the text of the remaining hdrikds, slightly emended with the help of the commentaries and a careful collation kindly supplied by Professor Bhandarkar (I!): WPqT^TYW^q^rsr f^TTVT sfsr ^f^lT II * II 5 c(. >rni?Tf^fq«? snq Kttt> sfq irrmf TTTJn^ir: u h ii 86. w?T^TTni ^-giHT n^fsfwrfiTJT^: n S, n 9a. ^nr: ^TT^in imi flHqs 11 fol. 23?;. \fn° ^fafr^^mft^fsffiiWi fipip^:ii fol .25a. ttw^tcto m^TiPrJifijTiffnT: 11 ?t 11 fol. 256. wh si^m fq^rnr ^ fTH^i 1 1: f$ra: t vrt#;^ vftuiHRR ^t BfN tftwii: n ?T : r?T^T^irniTqnifH'3i»Tnf x 1 f?nq WKrTt H^ fpqTns^yq TPTT^I^'iT II 3 $ II 29a. 'spi^t k ^?p?fT «pmfi?^n^«RPPT: i flHTT ^tfcB«K^ jINJW«q^q II ^M II fol. 306. ?m w^f st^tt -^r: wppirir sfq ^Kft? i >Tq: WJTKTT «TfcT ^^cfTa^nHTf^w: II ^1, II Tpj(r./.ir«n B.) ^rq^m^i TpfO-.^r) *nr tti [fwirf« x I KW5T ^^TfliTq ^TNtTWU^W II ?S II fol. 31a. sfq H^T'giWT ^if: 'Jrrtf uq^w i ^T«3TtT^«^Tt ^ (TO -q> sfir^«fgJ7T:il3bll 32a. TPqr ^TrR^qfv^T^mwq^q Hfqrqfii u ^<» u 33a. HTffrfqcJfTHTO-.OcFTt) ^? tn^T^TsfT^pT: ^fiT: I TPT^qfq^?i ^ifn: w"iT^() , .'m ^p()?jcst ii do u - -i_ [fol. 336. ^oFf^tnTjWjfiwi iff: wt^tonq^- mf^ tf'SR ii t ^^^ ft^f7^«T vprro^Tn^T^fai -&^ ^T i PHILOSOPHY. 83J irea^ sf^N ^t«cKi^ ^ff^r: n 8* u 846. 1H*T fcR ^?^liiiH ^^T^«>SIH( liniffr./. P.) [n $3 n fol. 356. ■5Fc5Tfg^f^H^ft *iin «^ tjsi: fKTw:(c.TRH:) u [Sm ii fol. 3Gk. K7[Tsin?nTTHfit h 'g K*?r3jffaT: II $% II P.*] ^^xrr^T^r •srrc'i sj^ra: «7Tiftfr^nn: i *m: st^tr^vh ^T fa^T nwifte^: n as n 40a. sj-^vrfinrt ^Rinwr wni ffrsnraf^oFnidti^la. «p*n^nj£ikr *r?ft s^rfiriftrsrKr.^tfNT) i nir?cff^ tf^T5Tim fT3T^nwHT?r^T(r. °<*tt:) i wwftrnc^WlTRJ otTT^f ri^SR? II Ho II fob 44a. TPP: ^T3 «^£*3^T HWl c57Jtgf>(°^lT.?. P.) I f^q^ft-jpRfrT WH'^'giTgrt *r^nr n <^ ii 456. f^FT^: ii fol. 47a. [Vritti .-] '*mrvt srofast sqfi: n ^TJ-^TThsf^igtlfttHIWWcRrfT II [Vivriti .-] * Prof. Bhandarkar's MS. of the Vivarana likewise omits the text of this verse, supplied by him from a copy of the Spandakarika in the Huradd character (Rep. of 1875-76, no. 508). 7TT R 5 w h i* -- qsjmr^H?gT^Tii^i mxirf ^mt sttth ii gft-^srt i ^imvrqTsru^ fasmuu^i ° ending with four bene- dictory stanzas, the last of which runs thus: 3lf3T?mfiniT'njmawr3T^T 3T«rnnj oinmn: *hsH fair?TT fifrrcT tHTT- Tr^roTTTHxtrfa firm n ° Quotations aro met witli in the commentary from Jihlnttijiirbliiisttifni, fol. 416; Tattvagar- hha(sfotru), foil. 37«, 38a Oi^t sTnnrPHr fain mnsTFT wt i tt?! mut T3*qfa ^tTTH l^rai: II ) ; the Pdramcsvara, fol. 'Mi (nf^a STfefflf'^ tnrrll- ^uh^h I 3T^nt st^i uttf*^ STf^Rt^g vi'QX ?firi); PratyabMjna, foil. 38a, 40?/ (an. sink, is); Bhar- trihari, fol. 306 (nf^H^TTTH^TWTH p£ t m^T^rq- fr^vnr i fl^t: ?tf urfs: ^ >ft^T u^aK u) ; Md- limvijaya, fol. 42?* (hvjt ^ ^HTT55^fT>rn : t n m *TT STf^TgTTj: cfiNin «H^rfiT^ I ^^T R HFq WT ^fq ftnmt: Tlfirqua ll)j whilst other schools of Yoga philosophy are referred to at fol. 13a : On the tenets and principal works of the Kasmlr Saivas, see esp. Hall, Index, pp. 19G seq.; Biihler, Detailed Report, pp. 77 seq.; Bhandarkar, Report 1883-4, pp. 76 seq. Bhafta Kallata, the disciple of Vasugupta, lived nnder king Avamtivwrman, who reigned about 854 a.d.j wliilst Rdjdnaka Rama calls himself a dependent (or pupil) of Rdjdnaka Utpaladeva, who, if identical with the author of the Pruft/nhliij/ld, is assigned by Prof, lluhh r to the first half of the tenth century. At the end of his commentary on the Bhagavad Rdjdnaka Rama (also called Rdmakanfha) 5 cj 836 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. speaks of himself as a younger brother of MvMdJcana (?the same as the poet of that name in the time of Avantivarman), and a descendant of Ndrdyana of Kanyakubja*; whilst in the colophon of a MS. of his Nares- varapanhshdprakdsa (Raj. Mitra, Notices, iii., no. 1140) the author is called Ndrayaqakantha- sunu-Rdmahantha. Rdmakantha is referred to in the Sarva- darsanasamgralia (Cowell and Gough, transl., p. 125) in the chapter on the Saivadarsana, in connection with the interpretation of the term pwryashtaka in the 49th hirihi (or rather the corresponding spcmdasutra) , where the present commentary gives the following in- terpretation (fol. 44?>): trtrt *?^T3jrtt TPTRthnir Nd rdyandkanfha is likewise referred to in the same work (ib. p. 129), apparently as the author of the Mrigendravritti. Fol. la contains the following note, in Colebrooke's hand, ' Syanda : a demonstration of the Identity of Siva and his active power or Saldi-' [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2526. 1573a. Foil. 78; size 10 in. by 4J in.; fair Devanagari writing of about 1750 a.d.; nine lines in a page. Trim&ikdtattvavivarana (or PardtrimHkdtat- tvavivarana), an exposition, by RdjdnaJca Abhi- navagupta (son of Gukhala, and disciple of JJtpala), of the Trimsihl (or Pardtrim&iltd), a versified treatise of Kaimlr Saiva philosophy. Very correct. It begins : ^TWIrKIHrf*^ RH [wJTq^tTTtT II 1 II ^raTHrwmrTmTf t>wft" i Tft ^ ^T ^TTTOTfqfimoRf II * II ■TOTfrfifijreTmcS finF ff*it TIT t>f«TVni UTTPTrN Tm»nfa tTOH^Tl ffTTTHTHt TjfiTHr^RrgfiT II 3 II flTTTf^H^TWTr ^ STJ fstrff JPTT3T II M II ^rr[?]^W^ ii tlTH^T;: Tigt>tr5K?THT: *T7TrmTT7J?JTSn tn^qUT 5T3»TT ^TTTfitlTT ^WHt SfCT?Tr»Tq I ?T f? srt>fi: f^l^ JmTfff I 5FTT ^ Slflfi^fsn^^fwSTJnrT U^JHlf: TITTH3I- nqTt34m R^fti^»ni!iT7rtt3jf3i5iinfqfHwr -mmi qt*r- ^7Jr?JrsTTfl^7raTcSoFf?5rtTqt tffqf^ f^TSST" Tn^T^TJi^s- fqTTjf^TTSjfwfqHTJT^q qffH §q ^f *t«Fc5JlHTflJrfa^3'- R^qWoBTTTrrfTpi'nmTfVti srftm^JtfiTTW fqJTTrffT II ° The succeeding verses are as follows : *jrnn$ T^mai imn^ w nrnf n fol. 14a. <£TOT5W=I< II [ H?q HTtloRT^q VTTiffat f^it W. I WflTTJilfxfcfiTcfiTt iwvt»?(?) ri->^rfii ^Tj*TtrrnrrwT * m *nrrt f=rni: i ^WT^T FWqfal^tflTTfavfqaT II *?T*ITSTr?^ fiflfa ^TTnnn kss: nwnrm srinr: i q: w§- ^^g nl^st: i ^h^ «Q^t 7n^ finm ^ nr«»Tfw: n ■J c t ^?;TrHf^ fraffrr: ii f^^Tar?^mri w^itwjk Tmh twtw ii Then Eollows a prdhrit passage : tjt*?^- ?TTIT «raS^i^!r ftn: , 5TTW|! r fl> ^^H^i?Tfr^ HT*T^H ° fol. 566. ^qqfw ii ^fj^i^K «^ ftT^rtjTtfnrflf^rf i Hw'fq vm ^ I ^n ^^W S?ft TTtTTfqflTWrj II ^Wrt^TTT cJTrf r^^jri ii »??rf wits qw .^■sff?nf*jJif?K: i w ^anT> h?t fltj (Nq^pntf ttt: ii '5??T^iTRTnHT^ , qi^Trt sat cpiq- niHTcFV F'JTlf^f^: I TT?r5-qn-RW ^?TRWlt -Hum fRT^T II ffl^T ^J7r»7nf5s^rm: ii ^rrnw w»?-q ?t!3T «wi JiwiTnTPfTvqfrf ii ^^rm^cjf s^H i: osf^im a^nr: i nfnftrwu«^f?rit ?i mTl' w ^ ^"rtw: ii fol. 59a. °q?# ^^Tiq^rt f%^fflfiT H^TJrg^i?? flfsprq- 5 q 2 838 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. w??h3q5> stiH v. g>fWf% h^h: i [fol. 686. ^rJfcr srrH*?nrtrr sfrnw wfsrfWwr: i fol. 69a. $rrf=R7rfac5WT»n*ft «^sft>T f%?nfq f? i 'srfVfwt fwRsft *mi7r ^nr^t wra n cRTc5TfrfnTTfH crrj^^ra^^-sRT^fViTT^* sp* 11 <\ 11 KiTt tfift s-^ *f\pft ■* vxr^wr. ct: ii * 11 W^Tf^^ - TT^^ff ^fft^^'H II 3 II *nnwsr«}T3ra=R^'?rrfvw- WtPT7W^"cJ i^ht^^w^: 11 8 11 TirtaT^g* ^?5^T^!nT^: m^ >t^t f3»r: t TsfhriTfr: f^pp'5rf3^T^r«rR=RTS?TcBT: 11 m ii Tftf^stirrTf^icRrgc^ iwt «r> ^k?t 11 4, 11 vq'Prrlitiftf^iT^ofi^ftTcR: croTftruivft fsm 1 1> ^T^ STqq 7^^ sfq f^t^THflR f^?TH * Prof. Buhler's Report has cffT3»ftfrj*Tfsr^^- PUILOSOniY. HTiTT RRR f3T73TI«H<6G!-«*rlT: h*r: RiTiRfR rr^rrrtrt I r: sm^H^ufWcJ nf^^^cfim: ptr Rt f?TRR^ rrr<*rtr n b n fan 311*3 RiifRRr: TTTTr^mTnnf^nr i TTn^mfHVT^^ RfRHraRrr'RR?: n <> n ^nr^mfaRRTfRVTR: * WTBftwfiS RTfR3TrRTHM«m I sft RrreRfat*j^sTRRKfR : - r^tHr: RTfaretRtwRTRTR x n w n rtrtshitr R?f R ROJff TJRR RTR'R'qfRg rrr ref?7ft rSt Tuaurr^T: 11 jHqfH R^fRR^m jfrrRis *ii ^ITR^ RTrRRirrTfRRTRRTTrft RfT ^j RRR: I •^r4 R^HTCRT^fRRR RTRTRRTrIT^r' , T- WTRriRRfRRiffRTR Rf? s?rr afRHW^TOToirR-sf. i K^frfiT RJTT3uO\RR,)flfq TRRT RRt R RHTJl II fRRRiRtJR?* || it II H^^^R^fwrfrTfqHTfrr^q *?R RfapfRR I ^mRTR>»ni unro^R Rm fRRsrfR? u sc n ??T fTg^TTlrf^T^ReSRf^TJRVtrJTrT- c ?*RT: R?qTJI5Rtf2TlfqTJTRR7aTRTR77>£^VTn: I ^^WRRHr>RcTRRHRnRfR R"T?ftJW*:: inn Kt f^jfurr irer^WM °]j Trika- hridaya,MAa[ftt fzMTWTx: ^rerat^ft f^j:i°], fol. 416; Triratnakula, fol. 516 [^?re=Rfw^T uTtrsRrm fa^fqrf 1 h^ ^^ 3 fa ^nsfsrf ipt- f^fiT II *nW=RTsTRH^ fgSTTlft f?Hrf«TlfflinT ll] ; Ndrd- yana Bhatta or Bh. N., fol. 18a [f^fm sunr xrr *n^rerrfa: ^f^ftsiw 1 * f¥ s-q awTfi n^nrT irmT wivisrcitsr'i: i f^fftl =iPctfa ^^Rfwfsq^irRTtwr nVr. ii X? fsrqrs'Tjrrcrfr ^?Tf^nHrwTmJT^^3fr-?rreH^rji=fiT- snrra'n^srsnfc^ff **rafr3tT?^r5}H?jqTwt Trq*nrerrqrqT- •crc utw n^n^nfi^ fafq? q^*n n^re i The last sloka of the text runs thus : 'smrrsrff^ wfe* wfsrsi sTTjgwunfrprgJT i The commentary ends : ^"fan: ^ m.wfl (ifrnTTiTWT Oxf.) wijlrrainiT- *TSJTiqwTH?37Tq HFqtflTtffRT Tm II [fqTfl: I ^V-qir^T0\ fqiren^rhrrer fqr?^ nqfRnn i faqfiTOURTtfq TJJrfTS'qR^ ^TflT II ^fw ^Tq5Cfln?TTrsrrn>nflc)rqTnTnTfq ^fa: irrer«i- ^TTRXT?fTqfwft4 tfqjrfT II t c^ The author would seem to have been a pupil of Ahh pta, as well as of the latter's pupil Kshema/rdja. For the same works, see Aufrecht, Cat. Bodl., no. 575, where a list of the works quoted by the commentator is given. [R. Johnson.] 2528. 1256c. Foil. 23 ; size 8$ in. by 4 in. ; fairly written, in Devanagari, towards the end of last century ; nine lines in a page. tharapratyabhijiidhridaya, a string of twen aphorisms, embod\ big the essence of the doctrine of ' n <■- "_ n 1 1 ion ' ; with a commentary, by (Rdjdnaka) Kshemardja (pupil of Abhinava- gupta). It begins : •W fjlTPJ WfTTT «H<*wfqVTfqiT | f^re^R^TmqTHT^«Tt>nT ii ^c?;mf^qpfnT'qiqT'Wstre?t?v: i ■satire use mi TreTTfqtrcTtfrT;re n ^? q WcKRTTJt7lTiT SYmr^tTtTf^^n^qK^tiT: 3Tf=R- ^TWq^tf^TfqiTqtfl^ITflHTqTITfH^TfqJn: cRfirf^^fSHrJI- ^niH'T^THTqf«raTqT3nT^ »reNj^T-qri i tt? *rrffi- ?q fl?K I TO Slfs^HT fqfffTq I HTTTH^t •T3Cfq»nrt f3I^«JTTcjnfH?TT ?TT: "SfrrTTrf ii *?fqt f? Treq'iqt jprrfomfl ^qfireff ^ fFtTrtrerrct ^ f^rfn- ^(t'Tffl Tq'RKTTnr flral ll >TaTTq a flTqTW5TiqT^f^flT'5fa- 3rf»m«irncRTJir^jTfl?n^f i q ^t gf^iw^ i m*rrjr*?rer* k TTSFrji^TiHrrff TTofrTJi^ir fq?q ?tt: i ^t ?q?tr ctrf^T i ^3TrT ^q ^cST^T5RTTT tTiTPRPT ITiT^jmftrritT^ HlTr^^q 842 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ^pj ^Tn^fu f^-rfr f*^ ^ ftsf^ i ^i^ ^ ^rq fust Tj=Fmir i ^if^TRT'quwT^i^ ^T iwnij wsw'j- WTTRilsTit-aifT^Tfgig^ ^ 1J3H ^f«^t ^T rT'ni I lirfq TTT^F f^JriTit fa^ ^qrciH*rc^fag»rfq fw^rfa- The last two aphorisms run thus : tt?t noBrer^^»R»iiTi}^^TWoirTj^T?inwo]n The following authorities are quoted : Ut- paladeva, fol. 146; Kahshyastotram, fol. 176; Bhatta Kalla/a, fol. 176; Jndnagarbha, fol. 18a; Trikasi'ira, fol. 26; PratyabhijM, foil. 136, 17a; Pratyabhijndtjlcd, fol. 86; Vijndnabhattdrakam, fill. 26, 18a; Vijndnabhairavam, fol. 186 ; Sar- vavlrahhattdrakam, fol. 116; Spcmdasdstram, fol. 5a. It ends : J^iiTOjpTf^fH: Trfifoirc? tf^wnft *ra: m&nfr'SHTfa'tf ^ f*Rw *n?^rf ^t f^ftt i q: ^W^lrf^ oRfqcTTWT^TW *»^T: f^R: II W ^s: stI^t: jif=mmft Tnn»inHT3 : fgTnY^i K i^ft T TT: i Stun stik ^•sgnrrcfWsn* ■3^i^T»rq w^^: ii ^wnTft^Tg^TmfHsTT^^; n •^f ff: sft*rshrcnT- wfw f^nm II Cf. Raj. Mitra, Notices, viii., p. 43. [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 2529. 196. Foil. 367 (numbered 1-366, two leaves marked 27); size 10f in. by 5 in.; legibly written, in Devanagari, about the middle of last century ; thirteen lines in a page. Svacchandoddyota, a commentary, by Kshe- mardja, on the Svacchandanaya, a treatise on Saiva faith and conduct, by the commentator's teacher Abhinavahodhciditya (? i.e. Abhinava- guptdcdrya). The treatise, the text of which is likewise given, is divided into fifteen chapters. It begins (with the numbers supplied): f^fcfr^tif^TgTwf^'sgJimf^ofrTtxrrH i tpoicRnjnnpi *rpr. ^^ht^ ii s ii •n*T*3f=fi3iipft^ — ?ft^Q5*I i *lhtqf7ivipni §T^tn"hni w- n * » ■q^f^f^ *TTfrT g^wfa-t '5I 7 TrT v II 3 II n^TffRtWRRTt?) H*1rf 'SPl^k II 8 II TTW^Tf^Hc4<^*H^IHT^5l"T: II 1* II * The MS. only gives the numbers from I. v. 10 to II. v. 53. philosophy. 843 ^^7I?cfit ?f THTTKTffff^-?rT31^ II 3 II flf^ff(?/-.wo) ^ ^yi ^ft q^raTbr i fT^fV-TPf *?T ^ WTWcPirqTJ^n'af^Tfrr^f'TKITTI^ TPJifq sffiTRPi: f$n»NJT^nf^fW: *Tt»rrc: *w*tt- 7T^?rt nfir: srcft f>f5RV.i*n:*j w^s f^wt^fkfrtd) r*: w sfc: *rkq: i hh> inn: ° n n^mf jrert tt*t*tH f^nrTTTq JTOTTTHT HTVc&PTt q^f«^fqimTn^Wffff%- HT3nt i ^*nr ?f £ri;q wfeirO-.JT ) q-«fr^?q^q ?Tt ^^^T'q II ^5^3 t?ttH ^rfa^vic^q»T ii m ii "sr^rnim s-^f^wrg ^sT^r^m :ji°FT n % ii iT^i tftf? HfJJ ^?I3IT?3T^fq«ITTT v I Mf^rfSOTTTTTTT =F^PJ^ B*T?iT: II 5» II jgrr^rs^ ° ii *nrrHHii■■ vfortt sfW)^rsTfa ! iTn»TnT i^fr- L?h i ^HTWIrHJ^il jfMrW.vfe^rfafVtT (?° 1 ^filij:) II ^wnf^fq^ ^?^tk^ (!) fqq^ w^ff ii qn Trf^q optiawTfuintn^OriiT i ■fr^THTTtcFTrWUHi: .... TJ^ftq^fq .... tT?nq-H% i II. T. COLEBROOEE.] 5 B S44 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. VIII. Mysticism (Tantra). 2530. 147. Foil. 741 (numbered 753 ; nos. 389- 398, 439, 534 and 733 having been passed over, and 731 being double); size 13i in. by 4j in.; fair Devanagari writing of 1740 a.d. ; seven lines in a page. P 'aram'i : gamacuddmani, of the Ndradajpanca- rdtra ; in 95 patalas. It begins : ^ff tT>ft H^tf*R*!rt>TRii ftaW^- IEJ?RsSHrR TiirrRt IrR ^~N*^R II jr Trnfv^^'in fgjrR wtffx «xitfw ^: i iwftrt faw^Tg s Rw^^rfcrfa^ »r imi srariTTT*n^5RR *Rifl tNtpi hwhr RWirfRwrcisreRHf^t: iftr?$w- iTg ^: 11 ? 11 ^ ^?T?»RiTgf=fi'T*rR? «i *tf ttc^: 11 i 11 ^faFpirRiR'R^R jft^» 5n?3 gfa: 11 m 11 •g^oirKjHJn RTf 3 ^^ *rf%RF=KT nn: 1 strr^tI isrRw^R ^ftm^TR ttk: 11 % 11 ■^rt f?rm*nnTnrPT>Tf^rt ^RTf^fsaw: 1 [11 9 II *T?TiHR TT^rf^ rff^ WWTJR 7RHJ «f -ajifq f^rrtif^ni fro ^R vW? 11 t 11 cfT^T HTRHR^TWTrViT. fwirtTRTrRctf: I e ■rrqi If^oFTfwHRHiRTfcgTfvcinrT^ ^m^ rr stt?»rt iRR^f^f ?wfr fwn *s 11 «. 11 WHRTR Hn^ctf WHfR 7RRTT3ITR ^ I HTTR^JR Tjrtq^T^ «^f^r n ^wtt: II <\0 II wnf^Twi *mfa i fsFcs iftfra^fij fY^T 1 «XJ=irf^WTW Kl^ f%>T> f^^fciRT 1 !! flR II W II ^t^j ^n^f^^f??f gffR^:: ^"RT^^t sf^nro^ 1 nNI^RjR-srR^Wrft H'^Tfrf'THY^TrcF II S^ II TTTTT3I^ K^ITfH»?RTf?W ^r^T ^?: HlrfiT ^TTpTcTOcJcRT n^fn nnv^ ^WT ^W^ HlfsTW: [ll ^ II cRTITT <*0!l*VJR=ilHTR=iriTR RJU^T^TTJ I ^^R^irnnTJrr'Rrf ufm rnpra vritti - nirnaya ; 12. (si. 125) bhaMivwrnane rinatrayd- pakaranaprasaiige paiicayaj ii anir-ujiandd i rir Itra- varnane bhaktiyuMltadtltrnyanirupanam; 13. (si. 192) paucjyatananirupane brahmajndndvdptinir- naya; 14. (si. 131) ° mahdlayasrishtikartritvapra- sanga-; 15. (SI. 1 58)karmdkarmavikarmaprastdve <>nip~tdhilulrasthiiivarnanam ; 16. (si. 125) yogdn- tardyanirdkarananirupane karanapurusJiavarqa- ne ndmamahimd ; 17. (si. 125) p■/. 1">3) puraScaranavidhiSudra- uarnddhikdravarnanom ; 31. (.7. 146) katiddnamahotsava- vijayotsava ; 30. 07. 202) r/. 62; 71. s7. 62; 72. s7. 51 ; 73. si. 39; 74. si. 65 ; 75. & 50 ; 76. sZ. 46 ; 77. il. 36 ; 78. si. 62 ; 79. si. 60 ; 80. si. 48; 81. .<7. 54; 82. SI 67; 83. >7. 83; 8 1. .s7. 63 ; 85. si. 63 ; 86. SI. 55 ; 87. si. 54 ; 88. &. 66; 89. «. 55; 90. SI. 72; 91. & 63 ; 92. SI. 62; 93. s7. 72; 94. sZ. 102; 95. SI. 52 Foil. 693-703 have been inserted in inverse order between foil. 70 t and 705. 5 e 2 846 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. It ends : ^fasrrofc?R*!T fairer ^rtwrffO) i ^srTCTmJfrt ^T^I> sT3rnisrR>Tr«T^T II n<\ II TV*TT*i ^TRTTT II ° HTff <\9<19 3Tc& <\^%* TmT^T»?Thn*tT V*j <\$<\*H II According to Prof. Bhandarkar, Rep. 1883- 84, p. 8, the Ndradapancarutra includes the following six works: 1. LakshmlsamhUd ; 2. J n dndmritasdrasamhitd (ed. by K. M. Banerjea, in Bibl. Ind.); 3. Paramdgamacuddmanisamhitd ; 4. Paushkarasamhitd ; 5. Pddmasamhitd ; 6. Vriddha-Brahmasamhitd ; whilst quotations are also met with (ib. p. 72) from 7. Sdtvatasam- hitd, and 8. Paramasamhitd (perhaps identical with 3). [H. T. Colebeooke.] 2531. 1193a. Foil. 200; size 12* in. by 6 in.; careless, modern Devanagari writing ; thirteen lines in a page. Paushkarasainhitd, of the Ndradapancardtra, consisting of 43 adhydyas in which Paushkara is instructed by Bhagavat in matters chiefly connected with sacrificial rites. Rather incorrect; with lacunaa in places. It begins : HHsr^ wq wffajita'fTtff'ii n q ii ^q TffcsBtHf^wTnrt^: ii cf^t ^nn'wfs^ *>utst oiragftgqr: n *) » q^TsntnnJ ^ »ra; j^r v^t iff: n * ii Tmftq=FTTrrrsi H H^T 3rtffT*Ht«+nfrr I *TOTc53i W TTrTOT? HT^ fqf^ra 111 3 II exrt cs^ npnm fan"rcu hitct$ ii a ii H^fUf^T fqVT^T ITfl^T iR: 1* I fc5fe?^T ^ aWTSftT STf^T ifzSBTf^: II % II Hffr tn^T^TcFTafl^TmqTiT irwh: I t (!) I qfjTrf ^q?T*tl tf 7f fafe ^nrffv II 9 II ^m q^niaf ff Tt^H^iftqcsf^ff i w^: cFcjfiRS(!) tt fnrhi qfccffifSrf u t ii ■$■&! Hfft STJJ^cK^ * ^-^nsiT^R^: II <£ II fH^ ^wfaVR ff $T$ cT?«^pR I ■^Tff ifffffHrq TIiqTT^fr crf^ff^ ^ II SS II jftsft TR ^^TWm *T^T^rt ^^TT ^ I j^ipfiTr ^rr^^r f ?^fs^ t hwth ii s^ ii W1^W«^5^ q^^F 'qTTTOr H II <\3 II 1. Ul 53) ^fw ^^t^jHtr^tk Tjh^iTBf?TTn?t sishyaparihshtilakshanam ; 2. (si. 44) ^fiT ^'HTT- ^4^fTT^ (thus always subsequently) trh^rnaffrimit bhumiparikshd ; 3. (iZ. 117) diksiddhilakshanam ; 4. (si. 206) mandapalakslianam; 5 (?)-6. (s/. 404) nalahshanam; 7. (si. 171) vyuhalakshanam ; 8. (si. 224, ? wanting 183-200) cakralaksha nam ; 9. (si. 164) misralakshanam ; 10. (Pwanting); 11. (yi. 104) vrittabimbalakshanam ; 12. (.s7. 28) pancapadmacakrabimbalakshanam ; 13. (si. 13) suryabimbalakshanam; 14. (s7. 15) candrabimba- lakshanam j 15. (ii. 33) trikonabirnbalakshanam ; 16. (,vi. IS) kunnabimbalakshanam j 17. (si. 47) t.wti; \. satilchabimbalakshanam ; 18. (SI. 58) tim-nniUm- lakshanam ; 19. (>7. 140) natdbhyarcanam ; 20. (.s : /. 12o) vishvahsendrcanam ; 21. (iZ. 22) pari- vdralalcshanam ; 22. (SI. 77) ddhdrdsanalal nam ; '2'6. (si. 69) dsanadt vatdnydsa ; 24. (SI. 58) ddhdrdsanadrrtttdhil-s-hnnniii ; 25. (.s7. 40) /■/•///- w'cara; 26. (si. 59); 27. (sZ. 728) srdddhdhhyd- nam; 28. (si. ol) hutdSanayonivibhdga ; 29. (sZ. 161); 30. (sZ. 224) pavitrdrohanam ; 31. C-7. 307) lokadharma ; 32. (sZ. 158) drddhanalopavicdra ; 33. (.s7. 175) tattvasamddhi ; 34. (sZ. 89.) cZA-w- paghantdlakshanam ; 35. (*7. t37) dhupddhdra- lakshanam ; 36. (s/. 455) antaravicdra(J) ; 37. C-7. 66) atanuvicdra ; 38. (sZ. 318) adhihdraniru- panam ; 39. (iZ.38) agamauirnnya ; 40. (sZ. 108) bhadrapithalaleshanam ; 41. (sZ. 224) ndnddhar- mapratishthdpanam ; 42. (a7. 187) pddapratish- thd; 43. (*/. 194) cuds : Cn C. §U!Pf ^ ufrTBTH ^5T^ir fq>nR ^T II S 3ir?3ifiTT ^ vmrt u * ii ■SffTTIit fl^fq f5ra: ^TrTaj ^T^T ^ifit: II | II =RTFT "3^n^ II vwin *?rq: *r^f iwt ^ »tot 'h* i ■jqHJTWJ wqSHfqHf^rfJrrrqT; li d ll WTljmWHTre ^TTTrf>?7TEr ft I *j7Rflt ft «r?iffart tf^S: nqfVrTTq u n n ?fT5 $ TiJ jprfa ^H ii ntns ^3%^iR^5irf 11 s«s. n ricj i kj ^Tr^T^rr: ^rfq# gfJTjnq: n ^o n ° In this way this mahat sdstram ' is repre- sented as being successively communicated by Kcsava to Brahma, by Brahma to Kapila, by Kapila to Padmanaga (or Padma, whence its name), and by Padma to Samvartaha, who finally transmitted it to Kanva. tfgtoR "3^r^ ii Zll^'T^T^m^ II nTwrcf^jTfiT ^^ rk tmini n at u PTfira'fcTTfW ^TT^Tftrr ^nwfa J^tiT^ II 8» | tj^TTTrftrr ^itwrftr TTvWJr n^mfq u $<* n ^TTTTmnf q^W ^T ^TT^^ II W II t^h^t q^^TR f^qrcBT ii $$ ii ° tNrat ^N *rfit q^T ^rriTqw: ^4 i cF7F T^T^ II grfff h^to iHTTrrt mqvttTfW grrfsTfqw i ^TTftrsift fqa^ it whr^ f? h n ^(!) n «.m ii qm^bi ^Ti^tf ?rsft ■jfqni ^crtt^tj ii <$,!, 11 f%upHfa cr ^t «tRprt'gwf?fn 11 w 11 ^q-j 'ftT^^i ?T^ qTOT«3t II ^t II •^tiq *t<;. 11 miM-HM 'ft'Ki'W vtvm 3it^7t^tj 1 ?rqT§4 'JTTH?: 7 ^ qTJ^ ^TTTT*<«IIrHoK 11 <»oo II inTTJTq ^ iTiqT^ «STf«ItrfWlf^ mil rT7 (thus generally) Hr^fT^ sdstrdvatdrah ; 2. (si. 49) °'m?TH? murtyufpatl ikailianam ; 3. (s7. 27) brahmddisrishtikathanam ; 4. (s7. 44) puru- shavivehah ; 5. (iZ. 40) brahmalakshaiiaprdptyu- pdyakathanam ; 6. (s7. 52) brahmanah sarvatah- pdnipddatvavarnanam ; 7. (s7. 69) jndnotpatti- kdranakathanam ; 8. (sZ. 47) muktibhedatattva- nirnayah ; 9. (s7. 65) bhugolavarnanam ; 10. (s'Z. 25) bhulokalakshanwm ; 11. (called 12; s/. 92) bhuvarlokddivistdrah. II. Yogapdda (concentration of mind) of 5 adhydyas : 1. (*7. 22) dsanabhedavidhih ; 2. (s7. 40) nddisvarupakathanam ; 3. (s7. 36) prdnayd- malakshanam; 4. (s7. 23) pancabhutasthdnabht da- nir iiaya.fi ; 5. (sZ. 31) yogalakshanam. III. Kriydpdda (on the ceremonies connected with the construction of houses, villages, temples, idols, altars, etc.), in 32 adhydyas : 1. (.s/. 55) bhuparikshdpi'aves'abali ; 2. (.s7. 66) grd mtlJivhiydsa ; 3. (.s7. 48) karshanddividhi ; 4. (JZ. 43) bdldlayakalpanam ; 5. (.•7. 77) eaturvimsaty-ashtarnurtilakshanam ; 17. (>7. 1 I I) da&dvatdralakshana/m ; 18. (x7. 67) ■miirl'ibli',l,i- kathanam ; 19. (£Z. (It) shadveranirnaya ; 20. (.7. 92) dikshdvidhi ; 3. (iZ. 185) nityaydgavidhi ; 4. (iZ. 70) agnikdryavidhi ; 5. (iZ. 82) nityotsava- samdrddhanakdlavidhdiiaiii ; 6. (,s/. 79) nrisukto- IHtrdnnurdjtuiacidfri; 7. (.7. 91) pushpa- havi'm'dhdnum ; 13. (.7. 91) jammaT - - janddiphaladi vadravyavydpahdradoshaklrtanam 17. (iZ. 59) jirtf.oddhdrasamprokshanavidhi; 18. (,s7. 152) prdyascittavidhi ; 19. (iZ. 166) utsava- prdyaScitta-ndrdyanabali j 20. (.?: i Tm it h'spitittst to xreprc;Vr^: n 3o$, n ^msr h3h> sfq Hjjtt g^inwi ii ^os ii W?RT1I^tniTtSTT> TfT*T ^raffsreft smith: 55 II [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 2533. 1193b. Foil. 120; size 124 in. by 6 in.; fairly good, modern Devanagarl writing ; 13 1 ines in a page. Lakshmitantra, or Ndradapancardtrasdra, a work in fifty adhydyas, devoted to the praise and worship of Laksliml , as the female soldi of Ndrdyana-Vishnu, and the ultimate cause of the world ; and representing itself as having been revealed by the goddess herself, under i lir name of Sri, to Sakra-Indra. It begins : ^oEcj^'H^TfT^wrtei^Tnffl? ii ? ii ^5ir?tn7f?jsi *%T*af?n?TTTmtf cfTTTOtcT^ II S II •fasift ?r|vHsrT fartf ifiTJRsrwT 11 t n TOf^H^H^ ?TTWT(? - in5fT) f¥%>r*iTOf?irr I irf%T: w^tt: s^HTTq: u ic u ff^ U'^I^'F^ c5^TT?7(Brg^H II 30 II TANTRA. 851 c t Fin: m: fsfiTHi ht^t tr nHTTfnT:^ u ^ n ^V^f? HT gS fr^ai -Rq^TTr^T fat ^4 I «tv ihrtfuift smrsr *ppr. tffsnnnTT: 11 33 11 *t*rr ft ^3Tff grrt ^reirnTrmut: 11 ?a 11 ° TfaTT=mi ^FTHI HtTT f^?T TRTiHTT I t Sin vnrroirrr ^ femr ftttttotw^t » gq \\ The titles of the chapters are as follows : 1. (SI. 57) TjrfcnT/^hrm H?rqfVRf<* cre»rftf=i laksJimisakrasamvddah ; 2. (si. 58) ^fil TJrfaTT^- tj^Tr^rrc; c?WTiN (thus always subsequently) TnrfaffuiT'J: ; 3. (SI. 38) laTcshim-indrasamvdda ; 4. G>7. 68) salliciinjiutam ; 5. (s'Z. 80) tattvavar- ini limit; 6. (sZ. 46) shathosaprahlsa ; 7. (sZ. 45) indralalcshmisamvdda ; 8. (sZ. 43) lakshmyavatd- raprakdSa ; 9. (sZ. 58) devimahimdvarnanam ; 10. (sZ. 44) paravyuhddipraJcdSa ; 11. (sZ. 54) vaibhavaprahdsa ; 12. (sZ. 57) tirobhdvddisaldi- pralcdsa ; 13. (s?. 40) vicchUtisvarupavarnanam; 14. (s/. 59) svarupaprakdSa ; 15. (s?. 36) wpdya- prakdraprakdsa ; 16. (sZ. 44) updyaprakdravi- varanam ; 17. (sZ. 106) rahasyopdyaprasanga ; 18. (»'/. 51) mantraprabhdvavarniuiam ; 19. (.s7. 44); 20. (s/. 52) mdtrikdprakdsa ; 21. (»7. II) gurusishyalakshcmam ; 22. (sZ. 40) mawtrapra- bhdvavarnanam ; 23. (sZ. 37) mdtrikdprakdSa ; 24. (.s7. 77) tdraprahdSa ; 25. (s/. 53) tdr7. 122) avgopdiigudimavtraprukdSa ; 34. (.s7. L39) sndnavidhiprakdSa ; 35. (sZ. 80) hhHtaSuddhipra- kdSaj 36. (.sZ. 149) antarydgaprakdSa j 37. (.s7. 76) bahyaydgaprakdSa ; 38. (.s : /. 92) ZmZitri prakdSa ; 39. (iZ. t8) bahyaydgaprakdSa j 40. (R 120) vidhipraMSa j 41. («. 78) dlhshdvidhi- jirakdsii ; 42. (.. (SI. 125) murtiprahdSa ; 46. (iZ. 41) siddhij ,- 47. (iZ. 35) klrtimantra- siddhipralcdsa ; 48. (^Z. 38) murtinirnaya ; 49. (.v/. 146) mdydsiddhiprakdSapratishthdvidhi ; 50. (.s7. 235) ends: »hrrat xtcj} »i^ ^fj?t HrHHimtn i e ^ ^Tw^iT>T5ni ^ ^Tm^nw *rni n ^*I7frR3I : lc5T'!I TrnTiTR 7nrff?R I FT«r Ti^nyftinTTT: mo ii ^TTojEirtTH fhth ii Whether this work is identical with the Lakshmisamhitd referred to at p. 846a above is doubtful, though not improbable. [H. T. COLEBROOKK.] 2534. 968b. Foil. 18; size 8| in. by 3.? in.; small, indifferent Devanagarl writing of about 1750 A.P.; fourteen lines in a page. Tantrddhiledrinirnaya, by Bhattojibha((a ; being a ploa in favour of the Tmitric riles of tho rdiicardtras or PdficardtrasiddhdrUins, a Viiishriava, sect who profess the varndSrcmdcdra as their law, derived from tho Veda. It begins : ft^Si wf%?TJR ^ sf xft sft^j >T*R I ^T^cRfff ^»lf^ fl^^f^ cS^HT II =1 II 5 s 852 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. [ipfh ii ? ii qfaq *iHTr*T?TfVjcfrTrt fircTqli u 3 n utarreTiftat suffrm wqfqqnftfqjrsfqTn q^* i W^T 3 T I 7TZTT f? cfiTH £=KT^FinqTq I «FTqi^ qt'qTTq ^ Vm^ qramfrf I ^faMTfa ^T^TTf^ JTI^^Tfq TTTffT H II q <*3inqwq II 1 II faTSrtffftr^tinTfire'rq^irrTiT: u HgTfir>Tg: ^ctqTfWq Thi qvinnrh ii * n ^q^>^Hj^q*;fa^qTfqqrrfYfqi!rq: w*rrs: n [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 2535. 3245 i. Foil. 30-39 of vol.; size 151 in. by 9| in., folio ; European paper ; minute, neat Telugu handwriting ; 42-44 lines in a page. Bha/radvdjasamhitd (or Bhdradvdjasamhitd), in four adhydyas, and a supplement of other four chapters. The first leaf (or leaves) of the original MS. from which this MS. was transcribed seems to have been worm-eaten, blanks being left in several places. The same work is described in Raj. Mitra's Notices, viii., p. 262, from which the lacunae are supplied in the following extracts. It begins : HTTl'TlTHfTiTT II nq Jjq gfVmffffl^^fqq: u ^it^ OqqfW? *q sfq Ting: i m*g:] mint ftrf# ^ $mO.*tt)iwtrsi;-am: u Hqf Hl^ ^FSTT >K^TtI> qfTqrn: I «?rtt; qw nsj q/raL^wqH] u ° ^frT HTOfqcRIT: fol. 2rt ; q^qfaeRK: ib.; ^jq- qrqqsmqTfqqrrT: fol. 26 j ^wfy<*i<: fol. 3a K^jTfqqrrc;: ib.; *?wq;TTfviqiTT: fol. 36; SETfqqrTT fol. 4a ; ■^Ffq^rrf>J=RTT: ib. ; Hfqrfq^irTfqqin:: ib crE^fq^rrfvqru: fol. 46 ; «wjqTfq^rifqqfTT: ib «^jfvcK7r. fol. 5a ; ^fw 'qnftq^r 'qjrqnqrq: ib. ^fcT HTT?T?BfgrfTqt qftf$T? qqq>iqrq: fol. 66; °f£TftqW*J: fol. 76; 6 inrhftunq: fol. 9. It ends : ^ fcftcfMrMrff arrararnft Trqi^nTr^q: i ^3T qi^q: H^«TW(!) ^trqgff fq?TT II T ANTRA. 8o3 TTrt mm v§: Tfl=fi: ft*m 5^: jtf: 11 ?fn HTg-nnifirKTit tjfcfjTH ^npffarpr: II [Mack. Coll.] 2530. 2931. Foil. 40 ; size 12 in. by 6 in.; large, thick, modern Devanagarl writing; five lines in a page. Gopdlasahasrandma, professing to form part of the Sammohanatantra. It begins : ■5&c5TRf3T*rc T*q nYrl ipsfiT 3T<*t I srateTf^^Tm? 5 ' *fVtf?TT£tafin>TWTTf^fH: 1 f?m irfa ^^51 =frw vfH ^i^t 11 ? 11 ffrimrrcjT n^niTsr ktto fsjfv ui^sT 11 5 11 WNfi^ t?t? 11 x^mif'nx^ ^ TTrT^fH irR-ir 11 8 11 jfrnrH jfttwW m^R^ h^tit: 11 n n ^ t?«T ^^ gFTHJH^H? II i II vHTivfni'Ttfin^TiTtiraninf'T^ 1 ?7Tfii stout;*? »T?T'ftw r J ;T Tq'5K n s 11 wi sf tfn?2*nfq *TJTt?Tqf>wT ftni 1 ift s^fr fHtrpft ^ftrr^i^Tft -5t?t|?: 11 t 11 ^TTTrnirtirhif-aFTJTrni ^rtrt w?t i ■srMnr^^'kr ?^ft?4 ^mr fB^fn 11 o. 11 It ends : IS? T5WT=S if^T iftTfl IT? frTfffrT I ? *rrrt ? 1 ffwsj ^q^nni at?? 11 sii 11 flthf^WfProrsrr ?s4f? it? wtpt: 1 nfaiHfV!T»r5TTTmirt f»r?jTHT?ft mrt ?ix?TiT?i!Jt 1 ihf ?mfa ?rPn T t?f r f?5r 11 s 11 wT^rf^Tifrim-Rlfafrfijiim^TTffn?? 11 ' 11 ^Tjfi 1 ??!^??; fqjTJTTFcfrafTrf 1 St^TC^K ^? mWHTcSTf?? II 3 II HiMni'-'jtnrratTf tj?htt?? ?>j 1 ?p*t w;?t ssm-m 5# ??TOi?^r 11 ft 11 ?T???T? f^TW^3^TH4^: 1 ?T?T*TT?rf?? ?? ^wfq-srffr tthjh 11 m u HTtftini ? ?%srt ?? £ ?^*rrT?iT 1 ??"r y? w? f^ror s? ^ttrt?> s?^ ^ M ^ M rrf^srt ^ n^qTf»? f?^ &v£* ?#h n 9 11 ^rt ii: f^irt ?i ^ ^q im cfrpaf^w 1 [^rsn n b 11 •n?f%frftnrr fq?n h^t(!) 1 ^rt?f 1 H^jT^^fisrr ^ TrrftfrnsTm^if<.cF^ 11 o. n ^oFsrrsfiTfasrf ^ rrr trtn"7nT?cRT: 1 TJ?infmT ^ IT fq?IT •RftmTHtjftTrTT II 10 II WT^? f^-m SltTH^i ^^ IT Wf^m II IS II h>^t =?rqirr ^Tfn f^irm 117^ inn 1 j?mrf »jtrir^in?iTTT!T 1 ^rtt^t n s» 11 5 s 2 854 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. f^STT ^T^af^ f^OT IsrfWT ^ 1 HTSW II ^ II •q?rm ht^ f%sn *ri^n*FT»rfif ufsr 11 ^ u mftn ^rM^Tt T^TOV^^ ^ II s^ II ^fWT Tfe^U^ ftSTT ^fcTOcS^Tftptf II =1* II ° P. 1. mantramdhdtmya ; 2. dlkshd ; 3. ablu- sh eka ; 4. brahmdstrayantram ; 5. ekdksharJma- hdmantravaibhavam ; 6. ekdksharimahamantra- prayoga; 7. vagaldydh shattrimsadaksharlvidya ; 8. vagaldmantrardjasya prayogah ; 9. yantrasd- dhanam; 10. yantralepanam ; 11. yantratarpana- vidhi; 12. mantroddhdra (gdyatrl vagaldkhyd); 13. vagald{devl)pntjd ; 14. vagaldrcdvidhi ; 15. paficdstravidyd ; 16. vrdamukhydlavidyd (pan- cdstraprayoga) ; 17. bagaldydh satdksharhnahd- m ant rah ; 18. bagaldydh prayogah ; 19. ditto; 20. vagaldydh paravidydbhedanam ; 21. para- viydbhakshanam ; 22. vagaldstr am ; 23. vagald- stramdhdmantraprayoga ; 24. vagalamdlikdlak- shanam; 25. vagaldydh caturaksharamdhdtmyam; 20. caturakshariprayoga ; 27. bagaldhomapra- yoga ; 28. stambhinividydprayoga ; 29. bagald- hridaya-mantraprayoga ; 30. bagaldshtdkshara- mantravidhi ; 31. pancdstraphalam (trailokya- vijaya); 32. vijabheda ; 33. sarvakarmandsanam (kavacaprayoga) ; 34. rahasyasydtirahasyam. It ends : [?TTVprhi Jfrq^] r^?nfwT;?w^ II 3$ II ^ffl 3^^: ifta rfrwfspnrfr^T i wiftnTjftitfiTT:: cFH^: fttfsrf^'suT n ^n n The colophons also have the spellings ^it- Cf. Raj. Mitra, Notices, vii., p. 15; and Aufrecht, Cat. Cat. under the entries Sdnkhyd- yanatantra, Shaq'vidydgama, and Shadvidydga- masdu khydyanatantra. [H. T. COLEBKOOKE.] 2538. 2786a. Foil. 99; size 12 in. by 5| in.; fairly good Devanagari writing, by several hands; 14-16 lines in a page. Kddimata(tantra), a work treating of the Shodasanitydtantrdni, or mystic doctrines of the sixteen constant (forms of SaJcti). It is divided into 36 chapters (patala) of 100 slokas each. It begins : mraft^ *>mrf*ra[:] ^ft ft^nra: n <) u wwtw f^Tq^j * tH wthI ^ uvfr ii 3 it cRififssT^ffi sreft «t: jn TT3^TTr»rqT n ^ u iJT wwf tf^nrrt rami ff^ffffs^ m i n jf^f «?^i >fT5T q^^TVftcR^I-JTff II S II The subjects treated of in the several chapters, according to the commentary, are as follows (cf. Raj. Mitra, Notices, iii., p. 71, where, how- ever, some of the names are given wrongly) : 1. tantrdvatdraprakdianam ; 2. navandtha- taxti: \. 855 vaibhavapujd ; 3. shodasanitydvidydsvarupa ; 4. (prathamd-) LcMtdnitya-nityasaparydhra/ma ; 5. I ,TuffT f^^ttrSTt ^itfw^: I VP^U: ■5RT5FHJ TITT^HnT- r3TiT I ^JTsf^T^l: ^Tc5rm^TF^Tf3^r?TiT I cKTcS ^fff filmin g wt»t i f^Tfa^: tVJTOTT fqnF^TTSF ^ft ^ i j?h?# «^f> i m*pf>: =fiT(T^qt fa^rnrsF: w^fsjei W'tfff ° II TT^ W^hi^lfVr f^»ITiftT3l(/-. f3i)^>T^'-ri*f><;i(?^T)Tjic5gifi^Tfir 1 ir* faf\rn^ faunrfa- (?fa°) I^T ^ ^T^H II «rH II ^ftf ^T^lfRWTrf%5 ^cfTTf?J?iTT^H?I ift'TO^t rfcn*l mNqH.fitePT 11 3 « ^h^th ?r»rej«i Trfi^faripssm ^qr ii 8 ii ^^ flsnrsi^T af^ir^^ ^tfffTr: n m ii ^1^ TTt^T W^Vt ^Tfq ?Ir&T> I j^ire m?TH 3in> ^t^t: «b> sfq ^^^: ii i ii st^Tfn ^tt^t K^tn^j *j?^t i isfveiirrTH^t ^nr H^ fcjJIW ^^iT II 9 II T ANTRA. 857 cBT^C STV3 II i^ ?fa nwra Kiit -cfi-^nnm w n TIT ?fH Wif I TWt I *T **£?(?) c^T^ H^frfftT II rrnr=irR'lf: n soi ii 5!T=C nf^lWlriHrfij: P7ffT fin? I JTHSr^ *TOWq TH3^3Tfq ^fcfiT II SOS II *??rw ^w ^iTPnfci fWsRisrwj p: ^ri n sot n ^r^lM^fTK^r^T TT?: ^r^ft II Soft II w *rm f>7P?: in=K: f«s *pi: ^WsratfH u sso n q?c5: II ^-r?tH tfqiff II According to a note, in the liand of Mr. C. P. Brown, this work ' is exceedingly popular in die South of India "; though it seems to be unknown in Northern India. [C. P. Browx.] 2542. 1508a. Foil. I '■ I i m'l an addition il 83); size Il| in. by M in.; indifferent, mo Devanagari writing, by three different hands ; ten lines in a page. Sdraddtilalca, in 25 chapters (pafala); by Lakshmana Dehikendra, son of Sri-Krishna, and grandson of Vijaydcdrya Panijita. For an analysis of the work (for which tlio present MS. was collated) see Aufrecht, Cat. Bodl.j no. 160. For the author's genealogical account at tho end of the work, which is very corrupt in this and the Oxford MSS., see Raj. Mitra, Notices, ii., p. 146. [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2513. 2945. Foil. 166 ; size 11| in. by 5£ in.; modern Nepalese writing; nine lines in a page. Sdraddtilaka, with marginal glosses, and diagrams illustrating the text. A more correct MS. than the preceding one. The last leaf, however, is wanting. [B. II. Hodgson.] 2544. 1617c. Foil. 6; size 7 in. by h\ in.; very careless, modern Devanagari writing; twi lines in a page. Sdraddtilaka, chapter 2 1, here called Dhiima- vatiyantrapatala. [II. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2545. 518. Foil. 64 j size 91 in. by 4 in.; in- different Devanagari writing ; eight lines in a page. 8dradd(tilaka)tikd, or Gutfhdrthaprakdsikd, annotations on the Sdraddtilaka, by a writer 858 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. who signs himself Kdmarupapati-pandita, and Jagadguru Bhattdcdrya Siddhdntavdglsa. Pa- talas 15-25. The MS. consists of three different portions, viz. : — a) Foil. 33-63 (written in a sprawling hand with a thick continuous top-line after the fashion of cursive vernacular writing), con- taining the commentary on patalas 15-20, but without beginning and end : p. 15 ending fol. 336; 16, fol. 42a; 17, fol. 46a; 18, fol. 53a; 19, fol. 59a. 6) Foil. 2-32, and 64, written in a fairly good hand, and containing patalas 21 (without beginning) -25 : p. 21 ending fol. 76; 22, fol. 116; 23, fol. 186; 24, fol. 26a; 25, fol. 306. c) Fol. 1, supplied by a third hand, does not seem to belong to the work, but to have been inserted merely to supply some sort of beginning to the MS. It begins : ^T^ft^ sifinifzTraT^ Fat. 25 ends: o&fi^fa* *ivfa ^IT 5T»MgftI n^iw^: I w^Tfafii uti^fq ii \fn tHftTjifir: vz$: n This is followed (on fol. 306) by a short section (occupying about three pages, viz. foil. 31 and 64a) beginning : ^WWm*mpi f*T- irmir °, containing extracts from Purdnas, etc. It ends : *t3iT*sPK^Tfasn(? o scircfopnftfv)- * The last verse of the Sdraddtilaka runs thus : ^ T g ^TT SPH^Tfl '5F%(TTV^ qW ■srnvi ^pgwirfiT *r??rtamfq fnt i ^f?T ^H?TJTrttiniiraiT»T^«S'rqTq^ftjirtHmTT'hT- yffT 3TTT^T?W J72TqTI=frTf3I^T WHTST II **Tff °lt*[_°i] TRW *f\nn II The author frequently quotes two previous commentators, under the designation of Thak- kurdh and Parivrdjakdh resp. ; as also several times perhaps a third under that of Acdrydh. Of other authorities may be mentioned : Can- drikd, fol. 13a (TrnjlfaTSH xjf^irt Slfawfr WTSTifl aflH«nT",«iIlT n); fol. 14a; fol. 146 (wrrf'^- V'ffit 5lf3i^^iT *ntffqfa: I °); Ndradapancardtra fol. 36a ; Pujdpradlpa, fol. 52a ("3iEM"-nH^*iT 7T fjpimT ^fspn^T^nr f*ff Kt vcm 3(fff) ; 55a (prose) ; Prapaiicasdratikd (once Prapaiicatikd), by Padma/pdddcdrya, foil. 13a, 49n, 556; Sydmd- rahasya, by Purndnanda, fol. 316. [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 2546. - 528. Foil. 61 + 107 ; size 9f in. by 4f in. ; clear Devanagari writing of 1804 a.d.; eleven lines in a page. Devlrahasya, or Parddevlrahasya, a treatise on tantric rites (hdadharma), purporting to form part of the Eudraydmalatantra. It begins : TfiwTiq ^n^ H *r=r(r.Tnr) *?*] 7^3 *n»?^Tff^ ii d n tH Aitw* nzi ^^* H ^ rT ^^ ' TUT^TtT^TSi? ^Nxtpi *f^ *J II M II taxti; \. 859 f^T TTl^ II i*Tk?*qjtfTJTTfa TUT pj H^q^oFH I The work consists of sixty chapters (/m/ulu) in two parts (jutrvardlta and uttardrdha), the first of which treats of the general practices of safcfo' worship ; whilst the second is ci u- cernod with the worship of particular deities : I. 1. (il. 88) jfa ysft^juwiis tii ^Tkm (thus mostly) diJcshdvidhih ; 2. (si. 75) ^frr ° tUT^^T?^ &dktamantroddhdravidhih ; 3. (iZ. 34) HvamantroddhdravidM ; 4. (x7. 13) vaislutaru- mantravidhi ; 5. (s/. 45 + 21) mantrotkUanavidki j 6. (*'/. 58) samjivanavldlri ; 7. (si. 61) Sdpahd- rintvidyoddhdravidhi ; 8. (s7. 31) japavidhi ; 9. (x7. 5G) samputavidhi ; 10. (x7. 36) purascaryd- ridlii ; 11. (s/. 42) purascaranahomamdhi ; 12. (x/. 81) yantroddhdra/oidhi ; 13. (sZ. 3G) yautrn- dhdranavidhi ; 14. (sZ. 20) rishicchandonirnaj/a- vidhi ; 15. (*/. 14) smasandrcanavidhi ; 10. (x7. 75) ditto; 17. (ft 13); 18. (si 10 and prose) Sonapaddhativarnandkhydnam ; 19. (iZ. 35) s«- rotpattividhi ; 20. (x7. 14 and prose) pdtravan- danavidhi ; 21. (x7. 10 and prose) sdntistotra- viravandandTchydnam ; 22. (x7. 156) surdsodha- navidhi ; 23. (iZ. 65) saktisodltanavidhi ; 24. (*Z. 69) iudldsodhanavidhi ; 25. (sZ. 43) ends: II. beg.: 7ft*?T^ "S^fsf (c^rb^prg) II ^R^5i Tfrrrfa^rfa 7tewreninT*r=K u i ii TiTRTCTV ^9Tfa Xfrq fT3PnfW>i II * II 7. 137) malidganapatzmantram isralcdlchydv vm ; 30. (x7. 21) ?f?T »r?T?^T?jq *•=? niafeagra?apofe'- stotrdhhydnam n ^f?r ^n^Ttr?^ ;fa*Hnr^r.i* >J"i TJTTqTT:?HJ *l* I'H'nifil^T^immT^tn jt^ II ; 31. (x/. 92) suryapa(aWchydnam j 32. (rales and formulas) suryapujdpaddhativarnanam ; .".:'.. (iZ. 50) vajrapanjarahavacdlchydna/m ; 34. (>•/. 190) suryandmasahasrdkhydnam ; 35. (x/. 23) /'n-n- mdrthastotrdkhydnam Sribh agavaisurya ga m; 36. (IZ. 85) lakshminor italdkhyd- nam ; 37. (rules and formulas) Zafcs/i l/ananityapujdpaddhativarnanam ; 38. (iZ. I-!) lakshmindrdyanakavaedkhydnam ; 39. (.v/. 171) lakshmindrdyanasahasrandmakdkhydnam ; t0. (sZ. 25) lakshmzndrdyanastavdkhydnam, sam tarn ca Jakshmlndrdijanajianraliijam ; 41. (,s7. 65) irvmrityunjaya ; 12. (rules and formulas) srlmrUyunjayapaddhativarnanam ; 43. ($Z. 27) srimrityunjayakavaca ; 41. (n/. 124) malidmri- tyuTtjit i/asahasrandmastofrdkliya nn m ; 45. (iZ.28) mahdmrityunjayastotrdhhydnam Hrlmahdmrityun,- jayapancdngam ; 46. (iZ. 53) dwrgdrahasyavidhi ; 47. (rules and formulas) nityapujdvidhi ; 18. (.s/. 43) durgdkavaedkhydnam ; 19. (. ^^7i ^fgf": u 33 11 z;?Tq ^fr ?nrm TfttR'rt wrf^TTT 11 3« 11 si 860 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ^fti ^ fl^$q rag hi %*ftx%m if?H*i: i?^: wnti: ii With tlie endings of chapters cp. the entries under Rudraydmala, Aufrecht, Cat. Cat. [H. T. CoLEBEOOKE.] 2547. 581c. Foil. 53 and 96 ; size 12i in. by 44 in.; fairly good Devanagari writing, of 1800 a.d.; nine lines in a page. The same work. [H. T. COLEEEOOKE.] 2548. 1573b. Foil. 18; size 10J in. by 4£ in.; fairly good, modern Devanagari writing; 13 lines in a page. Kalpdvall{?) of the Rudraydmala ; a treatise of tantric medicine or pharmacopy, describing, in separate paragraphs (Jcalpa), the preparation of a number of nostrums and elixirs, the principal ingredient of which is water drawn from certain mountain-rivers, in different parts of India, connected by legend with the sweat dropping from Vishnu, when, in the form of a boar, he carried the earth on his back. It begins : HITS TJT1T hwt 1T#ifi vxiwt II irf wire ii §tqt: "?^rr^ it TWPf it f>*ai ?rRTitf$^«& HIT I wn ^fa it h^ ifai pth firo u flUTRT liT^TO fcrUTsRT'HT W 5^ (!) I H<*T ^^TW*TgH: U^^T «ft TRff \\ P53? ithh *wt ^rt>t<{t s«^twfqw *jilcR1 I ■sfttt^imt i*fi jtjzihth wt: to i -TftRPWif %fa f^lt'TTITCnl II nil ii\hr wshfaj wfiftTT: *# ;*^ht: i il^R ^ra f^TTH ^tT^T[ft]spTT3RJT II HH W HIT 1T^ I^TKTTTf ffpfll H I ith ^ hit *jh offftrf i nrNcR^ u 5fimf3i»THt J*f% H1W% HtTflTT 1 I ^tit r^nr "3fi^t mr??: *rnTtHH i ^H?ff TpTETI ^HifJTST *T5[T%1: II ?f?r ?tif?it*5j ^r^jm^r (!) *thtst ii The colophon seems to have been added by a different hand, the treatise itself being ap- parently incomplete. Below the colophon another hand has written the title t? ja7icd/iga{?), of the Rudraydmala Tantra. TAN'TEA. 8G1 I. begins : ^ ^CTTfCofrwn^Tfiq^n fcT^Tff I ^ejH*HH ^T ?m t>OT SHTW mi II wfaawr S^ *TJc5t^rPtTTra*n i W5T1S1T wft SPS^m ^^TCT II ^TTITR c5^tnT^f TSTT^ST&qrfa K II 5JH W?T UTtfrT 5TTfC3Fnjm ^ fsm^jwt^if^ ftrfs?iT«iTftwTw: n *raTforfirn^ »fcr: ^frmv^n- i ITSJT^^fiT >Nt STJWWmTrr WPT I JT^rS^^T^ HK tfirhprr'pT: II tth: ftrfsr^: fast tjtotujt «Tfff v^t n ii *n?T JT?«I i^fjT TTHT^TST^fr SWI?H I froreTrrwr *rar cjfmfqHTfl?: n *^mi fnfij^ifa: ^Tjprita fin^niTqw: n f^T?"* 3f?3frlf»te^rjt ^nffl^3iTHTrer?»rpiT*? i c?tf^t HIT ^flfa 3nfl"5fi3T^N II ^fir ^TK^trrR^ iHi ^T3Tnr=KTtrc?j: *wh: fol, ta. ^r sirst n?fr TR^rn^rTrqnT cjrT^rnT Tmr^ fHHUM TTJ^f^TJll f?Rf3TTftl ^H^mTV7HJ7W?H?c5cF- «^c?rf§=Ftfr^ir^'»i7?5fH?TF^Tiftqjfr f^rnt *r3i : m ■^JliToJcifTTHftrit stFn^f^T>TTHTHW wf^?T^?f^Xr? ff- VJTlTt ^KHlf frnTW^TW=?RTTHTIl*R gratn ^TH?^VtT- cfiH5rm r^^^^THTTrr-iTT *?rfinpn 7w«-^^Tf?rfnif *%- rrsjicrem "i w: ??T: ^ : r»r55 : f?m^rT^^n , a^ 1 TT?cRt ^^ ° \fn ^TjnfcsRTirjrfiT: n fol. 246. ^rinTT if? wnt> 3nfr=ifTc?rT# T>m i f F5T^Tfn?7f TTT H^^»?4 T"T li W^mWTTJlf f?aj *%fai%H? cFq5T ii ° fol. 27a. ^r«i ^T3nfT=BT^?irsrT'? f?narw u ° ^^t^j t^i^ i oR'qmfH Trrt f^ert w?Hn3nf*T>n fjm i fti^T-m: TnfrsfnPTT^n: mt ^^j^Fftjin'm n TTh ° ^tjITH^T^Tflfl^H ritnfa II fol. ~ C\ ^ ^Tkt^ ^-^^ i 5 t 2 862 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. «mi fai ^vrcF^Tf#^f>spTnriftf i »Tt J?iqi »iTjf(i *wm ht^rW »>? fgt ^fn° ^sif^sn^w ^'bnft^TwwTT^T: wto: ii ° ^msffl? VtoTTfcBF-RTrerrhi'gtn'T n fol. 35a. j^fcT ° ifTQ5WJrNnH tf mi?^ ii fol. 37a. srqfVfa: fol. 376. ^RmfiTm:raf nFnrH^f f^rNrw: i ^fn TTTrmfiTHTjMv: fol. 39a ; 3[f(T whrofani: fol. 396; spn cFSrfarcnrcRiifafVj: fol. 406; ^fir HfT^jTlfafv: fol. 416; after whicli some lines of formulas, ending : W. i n^iTfinwT^rrq^-sgfc II jfa *K^firbprfaVT?f *ws ii [R. Johnson.] 2550. 452a. Foil. 76; size 9i in. by 5 in.; clear Devanagari writing; ten lines in a page. Dhdtulcalpa, lessons of alchymy, in form of a dialogue between Mahddeva and Pdrvatl ; professing to form part of the Rudraijdmala. Ratter incorrect. It beg-ins : ^ftmtuRTC H ^j^frt IHbr *if? vm^g tf^jfrf i Tm f%frT^nrlra *7vij vnm»?frf u s ii ^R?T^ T^* II *r?sr **t*cTh^N '^nrw fro**?: ii ^ u tnm rrwl ffcflremra nvmi irw i awfaT^ruTT *?? wft *t*mm" ii 3 u mfi^^T^ II ^TTtff *T^TTT VTift: cRTOcJ^t^rf^'Tn II $ II ftTTcrteJTWTnfiT^t fl*lt cRHB^nR II 4 II ° 9 II *\Ttf? TTT^ II frrefH ^fq^nH vtit^t fTNvTw=?n: i fsRTJrST^ ^ ftnrfl VTKTT ^ JTTftf^fTT: II b II w$ i ^RiitiiTRjg ^ w^rtimfafsT ii e. ii Hfl^^ ^TT^ II nmcTETirra'g^T: f^t^i]^ f^s"tv ht: ii w h ° ^fff TTm W*T ^H fol. 36 ; "mi cTtlHTTR fol. 4a ; ^fiT ^lt?!i fol. 46 ; W^ wrHT? fol. 66 ; ^fil ^JT?- fTUR fol. 28a; ^fff jTI^ (thus repeatedly; ^mf^fti: fol. 366; ^fjr tttc? fol. 416; ^fir inH- f^VTH fol. 72a ; ^fff T^TrTf^TTT I [^^ ?TZc(ftfaroT] fol. 746. There appears little of the mystic element of the Tantras in the treatise, but a good deal of experimental knowledge gained by the older pursuits of medicine and cognate arts. The MS. marks every 100 ilohas, counting altogether 1811 couplets; but the numbering in some parts may not be quite accurate. It ends : ^=FT 7WHT VTrfC H^rR^ni^: ( ! ) I cfinjfflflJ^TT f(T^T W=KHT\3IT^T II tfmn UTT^ f^ jJifFf «?M H^T I *ftrfa?f 3 wt^u flnrtf msreicftf^if (!) n Hmif ^rr*m iff;* mq tH«R *^t(!) i ^(f ^W^^T iNtil cFf«lfT fl^T II srrof xirc^ m^ ^r^r ^(!) *|q f^ i *TTfcr^ ^TH f^ ^I'irc ^R^trR II [>]t00 li WHJTCT'^rfrft f? ^T^^T H^T (fa)*JU?fiT I ^H? 7TTc5^ •SF^q ^1*%^ ?^(T:(!) II cB^I q^^T ^N Tjft^Wf^^TTTC!) II S7?t fVnran ^ cura ^^fftir»?:(!) ii ° (G s/.) TTTST ^ ITT? off^ T*f fflfVoIRT^ i? II HfiUnffT T?T^S?rt' HIVX ^THT W^IU: II tS=l II HUTU} II *NrT "Hfcil TmU^THoFTftsR * r?oFT^T TTfa"? JPlcjS^TTJT II [H. T. COLEBKOOKE.] 2551. 2793. Foil. 59; size 9^ in. by 4>k in.; fairly written in Devanagarl ; nine lines in a page. * Whether these references refer to special treatises (see Aufrecht, Cat. Cat., s.v. Pdradakaljpa, Aushadha- Jcalpa) or to certain portions of the present treatise, does not appear. T.WTIIA. Three Tantric i real ises. Rather inc. in-, ct. I. Bhvtcufdmara Mahdtantrardja, in til chapters. 1 t begins (somev bal corrected) : sfiTVTfvej ^fl^q tq*if?*n=ii flTtrTofi I C ^^^HJI^I^T^ II ^rq wfEmG''flu)^T'TT: fop^T: ptsttpi: i Ti^i? ^r fats n^'ntf ^TtnTTi: n ^ pi: tnq^iTr faajRrf^: sftemtnrr: i c5*J7r ftrgn: *h HreH^i: *r»rt: ii ^H^rm^Tr: ^TU'raj^T'i'rHTfrcF n pT fpuTi(? iim fxnft) ^3^ wtfaEr^TTTT[^] «tTU7insi=irTnfti^iTH i L " ^T^TTW ofTTHltT *Tn?Tfc£nT Af^pS II g^IaHr^ ^^T^ II sRTVTfyq -mH^m ^^mfrf wtftt^ I nv$ ?If?T flH^N «pfit «7T7TRt II c c HfT^Ri^rr^cfif fRng-sfffH^JTrHair n 864 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. tjkj irni fg^T Btfti ^TrNrt fazn/r nqw i For another MS. of this work, consisting of fifteen chapters, see Raj. Mitra, Notices of Skr. MSS., iv., p. 165. In the present copy the fifteenth patala ends fol. 386 : ■swnwg: tit? h^tt" faf£Tirf?f i Tfa^TTOT; f^^I rtS sfWR VTTRTHT II Cs. ^ C After this the MS. proceeds : ^f£ ^nSTTfffli ^TTOJ^ Ef^^^THfTf^a I f%gr\JT f? ^SlfaF^^THtHoFR^'^^'^Tf? II »T5T?mf^iqsn^ T^frfVlTfW^^iSTn^ ^TtfhjWt^Tft;* h?w wa*M -^m ti^tr t^RT ^itora Tnftn^%?T^f ttZW^^ig »?t^rsn^ TT^T WR ° etc.; — ending, five lines farther on : tr: ii ^^TirrTTj tr: u II. Bhutabhairava : sRHSIT TmfqWf 7f? ^ft^Tf^f^?T^t II ofiTcJ^T fir^nrr [>] »»?Trr5-T h^ck^t n ° f4?Tft*!rt cjmf^rt "ais&Bb-iJTWT^rt i >TT»?TEfT STfcfPTT ^JT Tnfoff^ ^tYsfrfiT ^ II Then follow names of Bhairava, and incan- tations. Fol. 48 : ^TTT ^qT*?H^fc*TlT^riUJ^r5rffTTn^- ^TlH^TTft^'T^fi'WT^TH^fqTNit WTWT3 7JTH »T?TtN TJcRTfsnf II III. NdyiJcdsddhana{?) : ^ ST/Trrftjcjrnrt m^fqnjflrnsRwuT>i i urst usiT^^Tfe^fk wf> h^tt^fk: ii ttsht tf^ct urn ff rrhrr ^ jr^tt/t;^ i cfr^oR^iTT ■FTTrrm ofrR^ct tt7t. mrn ii c c s* ^?n: «tr: *mi=RT^t *f =rRiB^Tq?T: u The exposition of these eight forms of in- cantation are followed (fol. 516) by formulas, and another series of salrti- sddhandni ; viz : — I. vicitrdsddhanam ; 2. vibhramdsddhanam ; 3. visdldsddhanam ; 4. sulocandsddhana ; 5. ma- dcmavidydsddhanam ; 6. mdninisddhanam ; 7. hamsinlsddltanam ; 8. satapatrikdsddhanam ; 9. mehhaldsddhcmam ; 10. vikaldsddhanam ; II. lakshmisddhanam; 12. maJtdbhaydvidydsddha- nam ; 13. mahendrikdsddhanam ; 14. smasdni- vidydsddhanam ; 15. vatayakshinlsddhanam ; 16. kapdlmisddhanam ; 17. candrihdsddhanam ; 18. ghatandndmavidydsddhanam ; 19. bhishanl- ranjikdvildsinindm sddhanam. It ends : ^TTHT^rt flT?'TR^f^nTTc5Tf?'fH: *^T I 5^ Tf*R H 1 ^ TTRT ^1 ^ TOT*: I The leaves of the volume are throughout marked *r. TT. [Coll. op Foet Willum.] 2552. 791a. Foil. 71 (the first of which has been lost and replaced by two leaves in a more modern hand); size 9f in. by 3| in.; well written, in Devanagari, about a.d. 1750; 9-11 lines in a page. Jndndrnava, a tantra in 23 patalas [A]. It begins : ^TT^api-f II ^^^^^^^(WT^T B)TTft^TftTT I wiv sRcrprr^i fcp ?wr ipiTTf ^r^T ii rfTl(TT II 9 11° P. i. ends fol. 3a; ii. bdldnydsavidhi, Eol. 7c; iii. balddhyanakaihana, fol. 86; iv. bdldpujdvidhi, fol. 126 ; v. SrUripurdbdldyajanavidhi, fol. I'm/ ; vi. purvasimhdsanavidhi, fol. Id// ; vii. dvitiya- simhasane rudrabhairavividhi, fol. 176; viii. pancasimhdsanavidhi, fol. 18" ; ix. pancasimhd- sanavidhi, fol. 21a; x. tripurasundarhlvinhisari- vnrana. fol. 27a; xi. shoda&ivivarana, fol. 296 ; xii. grlridydnydsumudruvii'iinujii, fol. 38a ; xiii. srlvidydyajanavidhi, fol. 456 ; xiv. prayogavidhi, fol. 506; xv. ratnapushpavidhi, fol. 516; xvi. bijasddhanavidhi, fol. 536; xvii. tripurdjapa- liomavidhi, fol. 596; xviii. jndnahomavivarana, fol. Gla; xix. dutiyftgavidhi, fol. 636; xx. jndna- duUyajana, fol. 65a; xxi. dikshdvidlri, fol. 686 ; xxii. damanaropana, fol. 70a; xxiii. ends: jftf'nrfaiff'TTO^ sTrairrTfarfavTH juttt^ i c ^ [H. T. Colebrooki;.] 2553. 425. Foil. 54; size 12 in. by 6 in.; well written, in Devanagarl, about a.d. 1700; twelve lines in a page. The same work. [B.] The colophon runs : %Tk iftsrRH'N fTOTiH [H. T. C'OLEBKOOKE.] 2554. 973. Foil. L85 (wrongly numbered 126, in coiisoquencr of Beveral blunders); size I I in. Iiv 2| in. ; well written, in the Bi ngali cha- racter ; five Lines in a pagi . Fol. 1 has i supj)lied by a different, I ; ible, hand. Oautanuya-tantra, a sj b1 lily popular, manual of Vishnv Krishna worship, based on the ritual forms of Sdkta mysticism'. It begins : ^f w. '^n^ u m ^t. uw^rirt N ffU^nqmfqTHT nfeflT^tim*? ii w^firwicjsi ^fHfrrTi^TTJTTf^ i R^T^furauT^^mnfH£rP«rTT?EifT!T n v^r^oFTn'^'TTr^T htt? nfimr^ ^ i HrnrTT cftwtt tc?t: 3T^R"t*rbrrr-*r7T: i fafasni^TW H H^ra ^R?j?t rht: 11° According to this MS., the work consists of 33 adhydyas, the hist three of which wi however, numbered 30-32 in the od.phons, the numbers being afterwards corrected parently by bhe same hand) in the margin. See also Raj. Mitra, Notices, iii., p. 99, wl the work is stated to consisl of 31 chapters, the contents of which are givi a. The MS. en. Is (fol. 1316): qir? faatf v^ f$5f!T!t ttki $s*ifa i sfiH^Tfa faTO »*l ^WH *T? ffrefff II ^5HTc5^^l?rini cpiTTTWT TtU^fiT II srrftfan ssqru: ii° i5i=*iv.i: ^ist Then Eollows another full page, apparently a suddhipattra. [H. T. Coj i 866 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 2555. 2405. Foil. 137; size 16 in. by 4 in., the leaves being folded to half their length ; good modern Bengali handwriting ; 7 or 8 lines in a page. Yoginl-tantra. Two sections, viz.: — I. Foil. 1-47. Apparently the first part of the Tantra, in 19 pat alas : Tjn^f fnfrsrrarrei nttt k ^wani ii ufVff *ftf>PrT7f*J 7TW TC *PlsTTT II ^TTTO^qt "^iTR^q ^1^5 H^'U^J II ^ft^rc t^i^ ii c ^ ~ *» ■qT^ VX* V* jftsjeRiR^T'l'Sli 11° It ends : ^fff ^ftfrprTH^ JprN^fNT^ ^Tf^lfrraT?^ 0*njf%frf^: 11 =13 11 ^Ttr^t 7 ! T3T^ II suf^rs'. tp?k?t m^: grf%T. im$ ^ 11 **rt '5raTf»TWT f^?lr«o»,| n <\$ 11 [(tho letters) ° st 11 ^nh WT3HT ^?t: «tm: H^THm: 11 ^0 n c 'jnpufijcfr^T f^?n fmn ^^T^^iTfq ^ 11 *<\ 11 ^t faw-Bjr >n?i|r?iri: tjwfuvt. 11 '.? 11 ^Tnr^^a^xrt g^tr. s *itr f^in: 11 53 11 ^tR hk^ iffm h fqTT^i»npTf^»j: 11 ?d 11 H 1T1 U TJ i(fJT ^ITH: Hf^t4*<*KJ!J I H HAW: mn-ltti: ^ttwt whihh: 11 si n e llama is not introduced till the hitter part of the third chapter : ktwm ^r^r*nr^rm5tf>nr: 1 vflxw 3fiT cft^f sfwH v ?irnft ^mrfirf^w: n t^ 11 5 a 8G8 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ns TT Bj U oh^ fHfi^tiT^^ftmt n ti it Trarrfaftra.: *f?irr mnfa^s^Tf^fa: i ^tfti^Tf^sr^ffiirt afavrefn qrcrc*: ii tM it ^nnira ^■^r xrara wtVrtr: 11 ts 11 flTTWjrfaif ^^^^ttimT^Tir^ II tt II gfjfiTsr T?«3'r^raiTr^TH=rfrjf!T: i *m nrsrw*mT?T$ ^firozr? n be 11 t^THfq TJTt^ HfrranTtmn^ II CO II tN ^TsrwtamfH^ ttw?t? fsr»rhr»rr: i Hn^^H^^TRHTlfa^ *JH II Q.1 II ^T^nhP»?Tt»ftwrfi , sni ^-Rr«n ffJTT: II C^ II ° 111 the fourth chapter the gods, Lohapdlas and Rishis, repair to Ayodhya, to render homage to Rama : ^jt^ ^ sujtf Ttf ^nrN^ta^ n « ii T?T^I1»nq;S I^WF^l iTTrirfit II ^3 II hxj: ts%hrwt=r snrjp*nff h f%*f> i ii^T ^tfq ^ ^tiin^TR^ srerefqrit 11 *m ii *?rft WT^t ffT^fff STqTlTO»R«T W? II ?$, II ° Solicited by Siva, he then instructs them in the brahmavidi/J : TfTq^fq ^tHWKMHr^HXr? II SS II c. irfc h Tit sra ^q ^nrrmsTfav 11 sm u Wift sf«? f^w tTfcTO^rm: i mtft sfw f^?i >r^q h%": ii 8i 11 ° M3 ii fni *TT*rffT cft^ sffR^ro Htm <£mw 11 Md n ^frRl^n^f^«HT ?ltm JHTrfvrt II MM II srr»raT^fta*r5r fwf^^ ^ n mS, ii ° In chapter 5, king Janaka is introduced as a pious reverer of his dedrya Gautama, special reverence being shown by him to the holy man's shoes {pdduhd). The king's piety eventually gains for him the pratyakshadarsa- nam of Ndrdyana, who then divulges to him the mystic science as now proclaimed by Rama; viz.: ch. 6-8. srautdedra ; 9. dattil- treya-mahdtmyam ; 10, 11. brahmavidydmdhdt- myam. In this way the exposition of the Tantric science is assigned partly to Rama and partly to Ndrdyana. The first part ends : rhr <{i$kvj"1j4UcIj wv: *w<0(\«: u ^3 n "Tu^rfq fswTfit sat T?mTir=*nf5rfa: 1 nuftfii hth vr e#4 t^ttfq 11 scd 11 This volume is dated Samvat 1857. II. The uttardrdha (also called Saubhdgya- ridyodaya), consisting of 45 adhydyas, begins: ^j*ni "ar^: i ■^ftH^T^TTfTW ^W atJU^^cR n s II q-reT THgtufr f: ir^frf «iyiTnn*m ^ftrn: 11 ^ 11 r3T?n wTmiq^^^: "^f^m ■s&fvnrr R'n 1 HRT HTf TWHfScJ ^ ^ : "Sii^lTTF^TV II ? II TAXT1IA. 8G0 wWran ^rniTt vnft sfatn ?t w^rTfsnrr i »?rfTiPn?ftr^ 5fi>ft ^frarm wpwi^ 11 b 11 Ti-g snTTwtfl sftRVHT^TW W-5fflf^«t II ft II g^T^iT^in^t tN ^rrfa w^t ii =10 ii * This chapter subsequently treats of the three kinds of initiation {pasupati, vaishnavl, and traipurl dikshd). Ch. 2-27 deal with the arcana of the science, as revealed by Dahshind- murtl to his consort Devi. At the beginning of ch. 2 the usual 64 Tantras are enumerated by Devi, though not in as correct a form as one might wish. The section from ch. 28 to the end is also called Rdjardja[oT RdjardjeSva/ri) -vidydmdhdt- mya, consisting first (ch. 28-33) of conversa- tions between Sumati Jada and his father, on Yaishnava and Tantric rites, and subsequently of a further course of instruction on the part of Ndrayana. It ends : ^cfrofq grunnH^siH'jr^T » 3' ii xrea: •njinnsrftj f^ns: tiT'TTTfjTf*: t H."5rTFRT^t it '35? TlA HTTTipiT fa*} II | sftfr *t Trfk ^fjr pt?: grr ?^n ^Tafsn-rc: ?r: i NtnrniTxt *nrm f*'f^5T^%TWw: n * ii ^w^i(?cf)fj7n »rift TC*fi vxTjfa finn i * l1 qMKrii4 ?=j rirM«*l!}4 ^j *PTT II 3 II 1 II T ANTRA. ,-71 Jftfort ^^c?«nrnrfas**wTt «f? h TCHT^n: u m ii t^ cfwni fc^Tf?r(!) H^rfq ^[tVj^fa ii t n ^tj%: ^ it^t ^sar f?'. ^fT$far=FT *rtrR i t^t^^'^hmit: ^rf^w tfmajij n =io h *f?T jfro £ttw?tt: ftrf^nrar: i infrjrhn^^rt wsttttpt mbh: ii <\<\ u inTRTTTV^TJn?T ^TT ^^5T^ HR: II *!i: ii io » ^t^r^it fV^T 7}^ Tret?fir gr^T^j 11 n 11 ?^t ?cs fnrrTTfiT ^f*k cr^^ tt^ttt 11 i* 11 ■3Tre anjcK t?# ^rnn? nfqvjnrjn(? «s or fa^T) 1 ftTO ^t^r^: ^ iTnoTqs^r 11 83 11 ° ii 11 H^sT^inft ftmnr: *f=rN -mf? riirfk 1 w^tqf^rgrtirr wnrrvq *r3rT 11 8m ii ■^n ■v^J^^^ so} f^pj ^n*r ^r tfijni: ii ^rin^TTrN (thus also in pa(. 4.) JT<=I*PI?c5: 11 Patala II. iPTTRT'qTTfqsTT^^t'SRT ^T^^fqni II <^ II ?^ f?nm?TPm fe*j *TRW ^l^fecR II <* HI* II II ** II H^rfauHQSffr^^r i micJ i (TOTfl tfteSTT^T^tl H^t -qT|fiT [ff] $T1T: II *fc II 5Ri^T^Tf^cfiTSo5 ^htithitr ' SiSiT-RT^imnw g^^rt f^4n:: u ? i ifrifrnjiJniTT: wfirft nun hh ii ? n Tmi'HgimTfwm ^vt m[fu]^ ^ i ■^THm: fts inn^t K|rfi ^ t»w»j< n ^ ii ^s "3^t^t i Tnn^ mfmr: fcR> ^r^t 'g ^ tt^ttt: ii g u ij-fft f? mf«mt ^ ^mfufffwr f^iTr i ^fiji? 7m^ i [tstk II M II nm mftw ■ffwin ^twt *mi=jrcr?rj|: 11 i 11 TT? wtr^wt $^ =BfjK(? °^) ^ HH^fw II S II ° ft II Cs ^T?!^ STJofrsn ^ HIT ift'JIcJoR^IcRT II <\o II ^rq^T ^flTTKW -fa^nrt ^WWtftfHt II "HS II : *T7rhr5fiT»rt(? ° ^rsjtun) ^MjmwraT^^ ^nftr=Kt i ^^^" ^NWt^im ftr^rt ^^irftj^' n <« ii ^f^ESt »J3>=R3Vf HK^iaTftm^Qy II <\$ II ir^ifs bktt«i Tnrftwr T3T=r i ■^T^R: M^Pilrcll ^"H ^!3T KW. J^: II "HM II jtvtb^t^w: ^r: ?^«t ^t^tt: it 11 ^ 11 ° s«i 11 qUI ^ T^ ftrm tl 1TI 11T ^ «TV#: I ^^1^ crr»nu vtw nmfgil h^^t:: h ^ » Then a story is told of Sukra Bhdrgava having once uttered a curse against Devi Varuni, the removal of which could only be effected by the Sautrdmani and the huldedra. TAXTIi \. 873 tfNTHJnrt <*q5TWTC VX\ tffclT W^T?: II 3* II ffT?*TT TITO^T^T ?Ttc5l^ H?^* II 3,3, II ■nm? ^ tpr: itfrST TprnwfK!) w flW* ll 3.S II ^F57f^f ^rST^TT HR^t -jfNWV^nt (? °^t) I 3rtfrTp*uflr(f WT TTrtW^ WTJlirW II 3.M II »ra$>cF ^ j?fa wni ww w tym ii 3,5f ii fr=N ^TTTTOT?TtfrT W •qHf TTIff *rfa I tften ^ TT'Jlfl^TI^fltjI^ oSHff iH II 3.9 II ° 3,fc II tftaT «>JTT»ftlTf'WT Htsf^fl^rf. TTt II 3,0. II f^t^Tt jTTPHJVI fmw. wfRTWSR: It do II ° 8 sfq ^ ^ j^ff 11 dt II j-^ onfjinwwq TjinfqpiTwiw i *mnf jf^rw ^Nr jftixprrffjnTTff n do n P. IV. Buddha, having given directions to Vasishtha regarding vessels and appliances required for worship, eulogizes the occult science, e.g. ^ntrnrRW |r4 fi^fsrcrm'^fl n 33 11 fH^THTRTH cfiT^ ^t^nqTrlt W ff II 3,3. II P. V. sets fortb the eightfold rule of con- duct (samaydshfaha)', and relates how Brahman, being puzzled at seeing the Munis, in the Ddruvana, practising the enormities of the Jculdcdra, betakes himself to Vaikun(ha to consult Vishnu, who then commends the Bagi doings as conducive to eternal bliss. P. VI. teaches the rahasyam, consisting in the pancataitva, viz. : *ra tW TT^ Mm JJ^T ij'srJR^r ^f ; the last of which is then further enlarged upon. P. VII. The Antra Vala defeats the gods, and the Munis with Indra appeal for help to Vishyj.il, who refers them to Siva. The latter then teaches Sakra how to prepare the Trai- lokyavijayd, tho elixir of victory. He first enumerates its 21 names, or rather descriptive epithets such as siddhimulikd, jndnasamvid, yogadd, yogamdrgapradars'int, brahmasambhutd, vijayapradd. Then the recipe : ^r HT^i^ircBTiit^q^ i vt tjf-5 vt: i ^(TT^rt srraxirt ^ "Qf^cu t^Rqfa=&T n 3d 11 ^Tf W T3nnttnwt f%iTT-^tTn"rU1RtT: II 3.M ll C C facfi? f^IScST W»rt ^T?T VTSTToffflHTr II 3i II ^^TTW^'W^tTiF^Tmq ^(!) || 3,9 II T^^igT ^Rtl^ WT>W H 7TT?n? II 3b II C Cv *» Cs ii f#w v 11 d^ 11 fl'f^ sT3TH«ff c^Rf? W^MTt I 874 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. It ends : Jtm^fTO^aJO) ^ITf^li W «f^Tljf3 ll 99 II zw*:* nm y£i ftr>m^'ntl:(. ;j f% orfq&n )i Soffit nfilf^H H1T7?rfe(=Mci *?%zm rf^ htt »h tit t£ 3^0) rrnfq fafu^T Hfspfiinrt ira n to ii See Raj. Mitra, Notices, i., p. 268, where an Acdrasdratantra in 7 pa/alas is described, the MS. being, however, defective at the beginning, and concluding with a manddkrdntd verse (TPT ^ttt T?nrr=R^rr ^ftj^ ^T^ttt3 °) not contained in the present MS. [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2564. 323. Foil. 79 ; size 12 in. by 4 in.; modern Bengali writing, by three different hands ; seven lines in a page. DurgdbhalditaratiginJ, or Durgotsa/oapaddhati, a manual of the worship of Dwrgti, composed, by Vidydpati, under the auspices of Bhairava- simha, brother(?) of Ylrasimha, king of Mithila. It begins (with the numbers supplied): *f -Pnrfai* ttw »roTftnrini to n <\ ii jn it i m u r rwrtvmtt.m (? r. fann^ni) *r»tf - [xr^> trrg ^t: ii ^ ii 'am^iM<.] ^T^lf SlfifqfiraTTfa (r. \rfc) - [f«?: ^ittt i ^nwfS'iTTf^'Ji^ ^rfcliTq Tf^ITST ^rTTTTni II TtT^TffVrfV: ^ - w w w - Tf^mTT^T^rfVi: *r«i ^TfcwjTjHvjiJiiHT rrafji «tfjrf^^ir s According to the genealogical indications given by the author himself, in several of his works, as well as to the records of the Ma it lulu genealogists — cf. J. Beames, Ind. Ant., iv., p. 299 seq. ; G. A. Grierson, Maithili Chres- toniathy (extra number to Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1882); and in Ind. Ant., xiv., p. 182 seq.— Vidydpati, the popular poet of Mithila or Northern Behar, flourished in the 15th century. The whole line of Mithila kings and queens (during the reigns of several of whom the poet composed his works), is given by the native records as follows : [I. Raja Pandita Kdmeivara Thdkur-his son II. Bhogesvara Thdhur—hia brother] III. Bhava Simha (Bhavesvara) succeeded in 1348 A.D.;-bis son IV. Diva Simha, succ. 1385;-his son V. Siva Simha {RUpa Ndrdyana) , succ. 1410; -his queen VI. Lakhimd Devi, succ. 1449;- VII. Vtivdsa Ben, bucc. I 158;- VIII. Nara Simha (Darpa Ndrdyana), succ. 1 170 ;- his son IX. DhJra Simha (Hridaya Ndrdyana), succ. 1171 ;-his brother (?) X. Bhairava Simha {ILu-i Ndrdyana), sure. 1506 ; - his son XI. Rama Bhadra (7?i7y<« Ndrdyana), succ. 1520; -his son XII. Earns a Ndrdyana {Lalcshmlndtha) , succ. 1532. Under Siva Simha (v.) the author wrote his Purushaparihshd, in the final verses of which (Raj. Mitra, v., p. 245) he states bhai the king's father, Deva Simha, had a lake made at Sankuri, and that his grandfather, Bhava Simha, was burnt on the VdgvaU along with two wives. Under VisvdsaDevl the author composed his GangavahydvaM (Oxf., no. 708; R. M., iii., p. 235), and his Saivasarvasvasdra (R. M., vi., p. 2). From the introduction to the latter work it clearly appears that I'iscdsa Devi was the wife of Padma Simha, younger brother oi Siva Simha, whilst the Maithila records (if rightly read) would seem to make her the first of the six wives of Siva Simha. We may then assume that Siva Simha, having died without issue, was succeeded by his queen Lakhimd Devi, and the latter by ViSvdsa Devi, the wife of the king's (deceased) brother. This branch of the line having becomo extinct with Siva Simha (and Padma Simha), the tlir an now fell to their cousin (v hi.) \'ar< i Simlia Ndrdyana) , eldest son of Hari Simha (or //■• Simha), younger brother of (iv.) Deva Simha. Under Nara Simha (or Darpa Ndrdyana, as he is only called in the introductory verses), Vidydpati wrote his Vibhdgasdra (1?. 11., vi., 5 x 876 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. p. 67), whilst for his queen, DMramati (also called DhJrd or H'trd, Oxf. Cat., no. 718), he composed the Ddnavdkydvali (R. M., v., p. 137 ; Bhandarkar, Rep., p. 352). This king was succeeded by his eldest son (is.) Dhira Simha {Hridaya Ndrd.ya.na), and he by his brother (x.) Bhairava Simha (Hari Ndrdyana) , for whom (possibly still in the reign of the elder brother) Vidyapati composed the work now under notice. In the last of the final verses the author also mentions a younger brother of the two kings, called Candra Simha, whom, together with a fourth brother, the genealogical chart published by Mr. Grrierson (Ind. Ant., xiv., p. 196) makes the son of Nara Simha by a second wife. This Candra Simha would seem to be the Maithila prince under the auspices of whose wife, La- hhimd Devi, Misarumisra' s Vivddacandra (Oxf. Cat., no. 718) was composed. This king's grandfather Harasimha, accordingly was entirely different from the Harasimha (or Hari Simha) Deva who, residing at Simraon (Samaragratna), was conquered, in 1322, by Tughlah Shah, and, in 1324, founded a new dynasty in Nepal (S. Cat., no. 1390). The jurist Vdcaspatimisra wrote his Cintd- mani under the patronage of Har ind ray an a of Mithila, and his Dvaitanirnaya under the auspices of Jayd,* queen of Bhairava (cp. Prof. Jolly, Zeitsch. d. D. M. G., xlvi., p. 274), and his Srdddhakalpa (Cat. no. 1700) under Rdviabhadra Bupandrdyana. As Bhairavasimha Harindrdyana did not come to the throne till 1506 a.d., Vdcaspatimisra' s date has to be put * She is styled (Oxf. Cat., no. 618) the mother of Purusliottama. As the identification of the kings themselves can hardly be doubted, Purusliottama would seem to have been another name which liuma- bhadra (or his brother Garuda Ndrdyana) had in his younger days. more than a hundred years later than has hitherto been assumed. Whether the author of the present work and those mentioned above is really identical with the popular poet Vidyapati (or Bidydpati) seems to me far from certain. Mr. Grierson (I. A., xiv., p. 190) has published the text and translation of a copper-plate grant, dated Samv. 1455, Saka 1321, Lakshm.-Samv. 283 (a.d. 1399), said to be in the possession of the poet's descendants, by which ' the great Bandit Srl-Vidydpati Thahlmra, glorious as a new Jayadeva," is presented by king Siva Si/ylta with the village of Bisapi (the modern Bishpi). But, even supposing that Siva Simha might have been appointed yuvardja by his father more than 46 years before his father's death, it seems strange that there should be no Sanskrit works of the poet prior to the Purushapartkshdj and Mr. Beames's suggestion, that there were probably two different writers of the name, seems to me to deserve serious attention. - It is also desirable that the grant referred to should be carefully examined. Whilst the author of the present and the other works nowhere gives any indication re- garding his own ancestry, the poet Vidyapati is stated to have been the son of Ganapati, son of Jayadatta, son of Dhlresvara, son of Dcvdditya, son of Karmdditya, son of Hardditya, son of Vishnusarman, who is said to have lived at Bisapi. [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2565. 1259c. Foil. 42; size 8i in. by 5 in.; fairly good, clear Devanagarl writing; 12-14 lines in a page. Yogasdrasamuccaya, also called (or forming part of the) Ahddgama-mahdt antra, in ten T ANTRA. 877 chapters [patala), consisting of conversations between Siva and Pdrvati on the subjecl of Toga and tho duties of those who practise it. [A.] Amongst the principal duties of the ) bgins which can be performed by all classes and castes, the study of the Vedanta figures as one; so that under Yoga in this connection we have to understand contemplation of the inner self and meditation on metaphysical problems generally, rather than a particular school of philosophy. It begins : wr^f *?*r jgiu mn uttwgzriwvn i '3T?f7T3TT?pR'RT u WTTiT (-S^T HB) cfTTSI ^ fcS TWT: TTt^ff [*Tt (uB)i [•p^fT II ^ II ['SRc&STT^^f^TTT B) I STt^ut WnffT^Tf^ tfsrt "sf^tt uh\ II 8 II •^rw ^ m*fta iwrna: ^^Trr:(^T«w° B) i ?pn^t Hi*! *f# (nfl B) ^t *pnnf (a^B) [flf^r: ii m ii Tjfar^ w^t^ frag: ^%" I tt ^N wnrf (^TRrf B) i HTTHTO ■J^TT^ (B has this before next half-*/.) I F*trr f? Tft^Tra^fVff *ra^ B) r?Ptj 'T^m^H i [cRVJU|H^r || 9 || ^^^TTwnHf^in: (°3n¥P** "4 * B) ^pr^tt: [f^mf^in: ii t ii g^n '3i^: ii [f^Trftni i wstj^ 3T>^rr ifns f^ -^re? t^ti^t n ] ftplO-.T.) tjtjpsr (>-.r:) Lii ^ ii fttspt fTOoRTT fitf^ q jgjl fa*Ttf (! A. B.) I tjfnjii in: sra wf«?H cs'Ht s?^*: n q* 11 TTffRH (Bf^f B) cRT^S H?THHrt STtHT* 7T? [^TTHT I Ttmfvw ?t -%ji wfn ^ ^ (f^ B) xrnbrt ii r=fi> sft f?vT f>^t yar^uiifijirr^fH: u S9 11 Kfl>^ti ^RW«i(>wsis^B)fafnTTni -^n\ ^J?:intn JJ^T ^f7?IPT ffTcTT: TTTTpifiT Xjt T^ II qc II ° \<\ II [^jffsrfirn^ff g^i: ^f^'sifH: i om. A] K^ 15) ii 3* ii o iR ii MjTrrt^Tfir: Tn?r: (°-jmirf^w: B) sjwt ^tttt [liTgr: n m^* ii t?t?^ ^ht^w mm wvi ^rt yir: II 48 II * In MS. A the numbers are shifted on by one hemi- stich (see v, 7 above). 5x2 878 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ^TT*initri vxiw «^rsj ^niT ?t (f^n B) t * JlfwHTfatTT ffTtT f=S ^W W?T ^?*l?OlW<.l«lt B) I TTWTr^q *t? cfiTtTrj ^IT*^: II M% II *qfat ^N SIT^TOt >T^: fsg ^nrmTTT I re^f ^f^t^g famsT T^ftt twit: 11 ms ii ■sRfl^tT cjwjff jft^j: fcR Tftir: *nnN ^ i *tt»tci (INr: B) ^^tm'j Tn^* (°^ tji^ttt B) [fojm^oRVT n Mb n tjttw ^ ^imftf =f>Tf?r «nf«r TiqtftTvOnfrvnTB) i cRTi^r h^t^ jpbh^ t^tt: n mTt II IV. (SI. Gl) : ^pr? ii in: tr-^ traTfa TTsw^frr tr: tr: i ■Jo* t s> \S ^WapgTR'^reT f«TW ^T^ipi ^ H UHT II V. (sZ. 16): t^t -3^T^ ll 'htur: ufirRr^TR oF^iftsr fafr*rrR ^r ii VI. («. 28): S^TC WT II sI3TTqT!T sT?l TrfasNlTRT/ 3rei7TlT ^?f I »ilN tr JiK^ sra «r**wtt\rt ii VII. (SI. 80) : ^prr"* ii ^^ ^tott TawTm^inv* i VIII. («. 35): fm W* ii 3^ *T% STT ^t sTRRUnWoR lit I ^rfjTrcitoiff >m fsi^WT^T »? ii IX. (SI. 229): i*apn^ ii ^?pjw wft ^rfw Tjw*ft -^^ff m ii It ends : ^q *tt»t: ^f^n^ tV*rRfaT5 ^tt^r i JT^TRT^Tr?mTai T^q ^c-5FTH II **Q. II X. (SI. 75): ^rrsjqn: ?^n ii ^s^^rrr tr*(!) fq«TK w*mft j^ttt i W fq*JTaTTrRHUJ * l"TTT«rnT ^ qT#fTtw- W^ II [H. T. COLEBKOOEE.] 2566. 1248b. Foil. 43; size 9k in. by 3| in.; goodj clear Devanagaii writing (?of 1678 a.d.); eight lines in a page. Tbe same work ; patalas i.-is. This MS. begins : ^^J^^fc5H *R TTO ^TT^ W. II 1 II ^=RijiT?3 I 'Tm::• (judging from the extent) probably contain the same work as the present one. [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2567. 1048. Foil. 70; size 16$ in. by 3i in.; neat, modern Bengali handwriting; seven lines in a page. Kularnava-maharahasya, a Tantra in seven- teen chapters (ulldsa). For a full account of the work see Anfrecht, Bodl. Cat., no. 147. This MS. differs considerably from the next, which, on the whole, agrees with the Oxford MS. It begins : xnr^sfi «ri*k *ntift vm^t u °i n wlsf Hfaw^s* smrmnnn^ ii * n *nft* TJtrt^n: Tr^iJt'H'l^TO II 3 11° It ends : ^fff ff oRf^if fcKfesJ^TTnf^TTRT I KRTH^T ^T^3ITf^ *ft iTT^TfiT « UtT^: II ^rcNfa<* sma gf^yrefiiht ii [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 2568. 839. Foil. G2; size 12* in. by 4* in.; legibly written in Devanagarl ; 10 or 11 lines in a page ; modern. The same work; chapters i.-xvi. It begins : Tram frftirt &&ft ^rorf ^ fatfrTq II etc., as in bhe Bodleian MS. It ends : stj n° «t^ sbi«) inwrn •nzuii ^nmn n^Tfnx; vW\ *»mrr ii 3. T. Cou bbooi 2569. 1265. Foil. 72; size 7 in. by 4 in.; fairly written in Devanagarl j 11 or 12 lines in a page. Kulapradipa, a treatise, in verse, in com- mendation and exposition of Tantric doctrines, in seven chapters [prakdsa), by Sii carya. It begins : ttk iwi WW flirt y? TTOTfVq ^fitJT^flt ^ I R? JT^T^IT fl "5S"5Ft fc5"5FT Tft f^^V^oS ^^mfH THJ II «l II fint ^ flit vx* ^rxi ii * ii o t c^ '5fifl1flTTlt , 3 *??T'IIFT?: I t^ Aw. w^sntaitvw HWT^ «f^ *J3T1fl1STT II ^ II 2 flrjffl RHT^R^ct T?R}' I w fft^3RT •qTfq >rtffl c5T=rt: ii 8 ll vrtm: n*r*ft fWfttRnt ■^f^^ ffj-rfHTHT ^?TtVT !TO i fl fmx ^ ^w(-") ii m n ° t n 8H0 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ^fn ^vjHTni^n i ^fir ttoth^t^i: ii fol. la; ^fw ■^%oRTmar fol. 12a ; 2f> ^fc7T>mi3i?n fol. 136 ; SJff 3iF5l^: TTWT^ft tft ftHHU^ i m : n 3fiT ^fsi^T^^fTTf^ff ^u^ft mm: Jremn: tfiftr: n The authorities quoted are : TJttaratauira (fol. 51a), Kidacuddmani (fol. 506), Kulatantra, Kulapancdmrita (fol. 406), Kuldmrita, Kular- nava, Tantracuddmani (fol. 55a),- Deviydmala, Pancaydmala (fol. 546) , Brahmaydmala, Bhdva- cuddmani (fol. 436), Ydmalatantra, Rudraydmala, Lalitdiiildsa, Lingdgama, Sivdgama, Samayd- cdratantra. [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 2570. 1579. Foil. 345; size 18J in. by 4| in.; good, clear Devanagarl writing of the latter part of last century; 8, in the latter part 10 or 11, lines in a page. The peculiar nature of the paper, as well as the character of the writing in the latter part of the MS. (from fol. 284), point to Nepalese origin. Merutantra, so called because it is supposed to overtop all the other Tantras, of which Siva says he composed 108 in all (foil. 2a, 86). In the form of conversations between Siva and Pdrvatl it puts forth its teachings and precepts before an assembly of gods and munis who have taken refuge on mount Meru from the persecutions of Jalandhara, and who hope to obtain safety by a knowledge of " Mahdkdla" and " Mahdmdyd." It is of the mixed order of Tantras, professing to give laws to the Vdmamdrgins as well as to the Dakshinamdrgvns. It begins (with the numbers added): *Hirawf<^T»TTf(T ^ ^ *TTfrT ofi^Tftl WX I TrfrTH stT^Pl WI HTfiT TT^ ifW ^ »W II 1 II THwr^qtrr w *c%" ^i^^r^TTw wr: u ? 11 inf^WT ^Tf%TT KSJ ^T^fBJJ'T'nfTtfH: II 3 II ^¥T H^ sftviIHT TOT if ^SlftTsTTJiT I «rrtfw fafv^hsrragt t# wrfa ^ g^r: h 8 h ^rmTrfT fcf w4 w^ * wrr ^ n h n sfw ^t ^wmi : f*TOT f^N^iT^: i TRTOt iTTjf ^ t i~nv: wtrr. snf ^m: i H<^ IN^'fat f^TT^ TT^Tif II 5> II ^*m\ TJ^i TT^T >fpf ^rfoS^T^J iTff I VHTVHTVWTO VHTOt if JRTTTiT: II fc II ^Himrifm^ g wr: =irpmnK: 11 bn: flTT^ftntr: n ^S n ^wi v*mi it^Tint f^4 qt n *<< u Sqrit JT^TTt XfTrf HWi HF*Tf$nT II ^ II 1WS IT? ^l^JTR >R> f^T rprsa Trip* I Some idea of the contents of tlie work may be formed from the colophons of the different chapters (prakdsa): 1. (fol. 5a.) vyavasthdpra- kdsaj 2. (fol. 13Z>) samskdra ; 3. (fol. 34a) dll; slid ; 4. (fol. 39a) homavidhi ; 5. (fol. 72a) dhnika (i.e.dmiidydndm rahasyam); 6. (fol. 9 I") jniniscaryd ; 7. (fol. 102") siddhisthirikarana ; 8. (fol. 1076) mmlnl/nkshana; 9. (fol. 11 17/) pdrthwapujdvidhi ; 10. (fol. 148(f) pura4caryd- kaulilcdcdra ; II. (fol. 177a) Tccdisamsthitam .•hi riil It i inaiil rakathanam ; 12. (fol. 193a) vcda- mantra; 13. (fol. 202a) navagrahakathana ; 14. (fol. 208/-) pratyaitijirdmantrnkatKana ; 15. (fol. 217/') vaidikaycmtrdkathana ; 16. (fol. 2J to) dakshinai 'anapatimantra j 17. (fol. 2 I >a) urdhvdmndyaganapatimantra ; 18. (fol. 2506) pun-da indyaga^iapatvnn intra ; 19. (fol. 268a) paicimdmndyagaTf.apatimantra ; 20. (fol. 272") uttardmndyaganapatimantra ; 21. (f<>l. 275a) suryamantra ; 22. (fol. 279o ) nwagrahamantra ; 23. (fol. 31 I") brdhmyddyashtasahtimcmtra ; 24. (fol. 319//) daGadigUamantra ; 25. (fol. 321a) dipavidhi. The 26th prakaia is left unfinished, breaking off after v. 993. A MS. described in the Cat. of Skr. MSS. in the N.-W. Prov.j pt. vi., p. 56, is stated to consist of 35 chapters. [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2571. 721d. Foil. 27 (besides a htddhwpattram to fol. 8); size 16 in. by 5 in.; clear, some- what small, modern Bengali writing; thirteen lines in a page. I. Foil. l-8a. Bijwvydkarana-mahdtantra, a Tantric tract, in six chapters, consisting of speculations on the mystic value of the letters of the alphabet, a mystery the knowledge of which is represented as containing the germ of the whole visible and invisible universe. The revelation is, as usual, made by Maluuh va to his inquisitive consort. It begins : tM qt>rr§cp v^ fare ^r? ^mr^ u ^ h iftmt^w ii TJTH^5 f^5Tt( ^ Btflt ^^TtT=S f^HT II 3 11 «r?«j wtp?hji ntr^iT? qufifaif 1 ^thh f^TTi ^nf^ ^ntf ^^ ^r 11 s 11 882 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. f^HH?TmTr*m ^TWsTTTT ^?*fVif I Htaf%g*H ^ ^ 3TZJ fat^o|f II \ II ° <)«l II -«f* ^h praFRftw j?i qraifa *ra ^fcFt II ^ II ° 55 II Mahddeva at first refuses to reveal to her this mystery of mysteries, but is at last obliged to yield. *m ?*f% j^rfa ^f^t sfTOrqt ?rat « Hrrr y* q^rf*j st fag** qi ; qwF»i 11 ^ 11 ° Swa constantly uses the form dihi (f^f? f, fnq f ^rasf^rinrr'SFT: n ° u wfrr z^ort *m v^w vzsi m^oHT: *t?t ii FfeSTT qVTTt fvTrtf TI^TW W^fwtftl I Hit f^^TTgR?jT> ^Tfrffqsnfqq^^: I ^err^^ firift w^ft uq ^rg^iT^jf i ^fiT FJ -qftHmai >TTqff W ^qT qf<^ II ^r^mq^ «f# ?f^ ^5 Tjjft sw ff i nm h v^ofTT»?re»i>^T: wqiftr fs^wt II 3«i q^n ttr nf^tw sn^^ii^ u [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] yq ^firf ^1 qt^ sf: I ■* q>nft sTf)i?r sfifO comm. t tGrmxnmm w f^wrrrfk ?r h zjt»?: =K^ti ^fr fqqq ^fir ^r? o ttN*?w ° \ w* m j^ft ttt*t qii- flW»»?t^rr \fn f%TT?: i ° Hxit ^irtHt >iiq ^t: m> sq ^hren»? (!) ^fiT ^tir^i ^fw ^^t »?t wfir I ff ^Tf^WT ^fw oRBW^f^V: I ° comm. TANTi; \. 888 2572. 721e. Foil. 28 ; size 16 in. by 5 in.; clear, modern Bengali writing ; foil. 13-21 by tlic same hand as the preceding MS.; the rest by a different hand; 13-15 lines in a page. A commentary Qippam), entitled Bhedikd, on Bdmdnanda's Bhdvdrthadipilcd, by his pupil luhnatanu Barman. It begins : TbronRiri qw f%g cST^rnj *#* i ^qiTftf^w *TT?rrf? TnmrrfW^ff ii H*tlTVT*piT1TTOTfc5?rT =FT*r3^fm!rT(?) I fqiT*Iff fl^T fcSf^f^KT^q n^tJT^cRt II ^TT-ff fcTf^TT I •JWT^f 'T^T IT JTJTXHT ^t> cfiTEJ ^?Tf(T f fir ^ 1 ^w *?q ^htt? ^ww=fm^^^ wtv^tti? ^wfn- Tnrra TTO^im ?r*r ^t> fa^Tif: 11 ° The title is given in full on fol. 2\h: ^fn ^niTf^iRjnT ^^frn^rnrriwurmH ftrt>m shran^s- T*rT^xrem^Tirrtcirrfrrr«i«i»nirra *mt 11 a 11 ^FfhErl Tf^lTKTaTl H^I ^ ^F7T^75T II M II TrKfiT^ ^WT^T fq*$T ^VTlftroRT I f%qT^i'5T7'T 5*TT -ql ^T^TT °FP5tf?rfr II i 11 ^ STSRriTTTi ^ qfiSfif^rrHHq II s II With the verses which follow, compare Prof. Bhandarkar's extracts from the Vdmake§vara- tautra, Rep. 1883-84, pp. 87, 375; and Auf- recht, Cat. Bodl., no. 169. 'qirmfi/'^ tt9tt% TnnmH^mfTT ^ 1 1?T»TPTTTjnrt ^ q'lf'T^'tlTT^^^ II t II [Hfcqpn:] =f ■rth 5^tTT/cR^^ ^ 1 ^^ITT/cP FTH 1TT?crrrr5RHq(r.TiTR0) ^ 11 «i 11 7f^IstT7f(^?frTHBb., A.) ^T^foF ^ »T?TOjfr?7f [h^t I »r?nji^ (^"t^^jt Bh.) w?rik? ?t*$ ^r c5m"3t L(«Pfiwt Bh.) 11 n:Hq ^ 11 1^ 11 5 Y 884 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. tH f?pgTTRcF(«fftR>wt ^ Bh., A.) i*fa [^Tfq^lTf (»I^TfT5I*tif Bh.) TTTT II <\$ II ^■facRreoF ^f% ^fqoFTHim^ ^ II it i^ n tf?cfTI5qTnt«H'?R¥^f?RTftl^T II W II rt^TTtrt WTWit ^ tf^TR UfPUff II It II ?TT5I^R II ^fafa: **T7T^ft ^TfWcTt W^ ^ ^ I cKfq^'gmiT^ T?B Fjpnf^: II mTTH^TIcimJ I ^ HKR1M fol. 2156 ; tfn STtfcf- Sfri (1 1 vv.) -^ffT ^^^ri'i ^Tfl^W TTTTTF^ fol. 2356; ^fir f$pr$THR tttttct^: (17 vv.) fol. 2376; ^=i?T^TT=i?g^?Tn7Hq: (27 w.) fol. 239a; \fn ^^TT'srrafW'snn wrnq^RfjcRT (31 vv.) fol. 2416; ^TT *frfVRW TfTTT^R^i (28 vv.) fol. 243a. ; ^fa (39 vv.) fol. 2456 ; ^fk Wlt^HffHfrt ?fte*t^trfi- =jpH (60 vv.) fol. 249a. ; \fn ^^vftn^m^ vft- Tnvrm: f^^f^^m ?aH (189 vv.) fol. 2596; ^fw i^t^thrt: fol. 2606 ; 3f> ^Ttfmn i ^ fann- 5Wf fol. 2656. It ends : ^RK§irm^rRJ ?T «TT^fq W^it II ^rtrc^ fw^T f«f£ wjflfn faftgrf i jfif Tt*3iwf II ■ Apparently incomplete. The leaves are marked *° ^t° or jf° T gft, or Tf° X° cRT; and on fol. la Colebrooke calls the work Tantradvpika. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2574. 1582. Foil. 294; size 18f in. by 5^ in.; good Bengali handwriting of 1790 a.d.; 8 or 9 lines in a page. Tantrasdra, a summary of Tantric cult, compiled by Krishna natal a Yaijtsa Bhattdcdrya. It begins : JT^ ^ sTT^TfTTt <*U!1M?t»H *ft»?TTT II AH 3* J ^lcirg'l"WMMIvi Tlfinra ^ I ?0<*5l5f ^ ?T^xjTiT TH3WTT: BTPTH II For an analysis of the work see Aufrecht, Cat. Bodl., no. 149 (cf. Raj. Mitra, Notices, ii., p. 326 ; Weber, Berl. Cat., no. 1335). It is variously described as consisting of three (Raj. M.), four (Aufr.) or five (Weber) sections (paricckeda). The colophons of those marked by Aufrecht are found here: I., fol. 316; II., TAXTKA. fol. 1996 ^f7T<> ipfa:(!) nftwr: (but ffcirhi: MS. B., fol. 1576); III., fol. 2526 %fa wmvm- The MS. is preceded by a leaf of diagrams, and three leaves containing a list of contents. It ends (cf. Notices, ii., p. 32G): tut: ^tto tht witr *nw n *ttt: wms: ii HRT TRTrnf^fsTlrtTTf^H s? "rt ftT^ «T>i$ ?TT jT^T5T?IHTfn fqfcSftnTT Ti»nf^i gfttTcPT II q^ fsrfaHT •gwt wi f?r^ w i ^nrt fq^rct nm jT-HcBTgifg f%^re: n snsr^T: ^re>f*PT ■^fffa^Tjqr;: ^r. [n 3 ii fR>rraiire*R ^ffffl?Fi ^r^rn i ^T^jft ^f%ff tRhirfTiT: ^f^TT^f^ » ^srcT?TW'W30\ ^wns?:) ftrnTPii ftm^N: i *jN: *pw^T:(? iTsn^r:) *t»ircPiT«T*rt: n ■gi^nfr^n=RTTrcif: ^prnaT^: ^tut^ii: n ^WTf^c5^§^ n*>: wnrfwrffrf>i:(!) i w?^t=f gxni^fnrr sarrni^HTf^n: i ^RwaftmfcHrpft Tint ^ n^jT^ft: u fH^ift (■»-. ^ °) ffrf^nT^i^'nii^i: (? ° tmre;:) ^prr f^f^iiHT^rTcRTT^i: os^ut^j: ii ^nf^5^T§§^: fsfr«r»- ^^jTfv^rtKT^ < n^irt f^T^ijn mfq -iMvifri frf?r^i: ii ^fff fN^^'nrBrt ii ^i *hrg f^TtrfrreTnff n ° WQ TT^Tf^H^: fol. 36 ; 'Zfvj ^TSJ^Tl=FTT: fob k; ; ^^ ^^3mnf fol. 56 ; — ii. ^T'«T ^t^nicjJTC: fol. 66 ; iii. ^q serifs fol. lift; iv. WT ^rNlS TJWSfa ■mfjTOT i *htj q-nrw^nnqf: rten i fol. 23a ; v. ?m H*nrr^rT: fol. 31a; vi. *t?t rlnfrfv: fob 336 ; vii. ^TO »T^TOt ^7T Wf+Ki: t fol. 406 ; viii. iffm- wf?f^!jf(rj4[ftt]^rf''jvHT^^ir«=s(!) i ^w »hrf%v ^fl^raiTWif (?) K HH: f$T^ n ° sets of devotional verses with explanations, fol. 45a ; ix. WJ g'JT fol. 62a ; x. c7 II 1 II ^"hr^^n^ 11 •■3 =pqt ■sir^ *-?rk^ groins?*?* 1 f=sw sizmt [w»] mjrfirarfa h^sth: ii 3 11 T}^ffl?T*nf K^i ^rq =s^ic5'trrw=F n a 11 888 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. ^tj^*fi waiJrRT W^T '5BT»T?^T ^TT II i II f^fis: wIhwtj^^ th» irartff kx: ii s ii ° 1. ekdksharalakshrmpujdvidhi ; 2. mahalak- shmvpuja ; 3. trisaJctimahdlakshmiyajanavidhi ; 4. sdmrdjyavidydyajanavidhi ; 5. atmashtaksha- raparajyotirvidydrddhcmam ; 6. pranavavidyd- paranishkalabhedasamdrddhanam ; 7. ajapdnd- mavidhdnam ; 8. mdtrihdpujdsddhanavidhi ; 9. tripuresvarlsamdrddlianavidhi ; 10. kdmes- varipujdvidhi, etc. It ends : 'sr^nf nf ^Th ^lr: *rf]r: ^rnf^it n Ucj n: ^w f%37^ ^jnrTrtmrrari i *roxw: ii [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2584. 1230a. Foil. 17; size 11 in. by 4 J in.; fairly good, modern Devanagari writing ; nine lines in a page. Kamakhydtcmtra, a treatise on the worship of Sakti, in the form of Kdmdkhyd, here con- sisting of 7 patalas. It begins : ^fiij^pr^ i wt?nfa<|r3iT^ fNnr ir?3ire fiipjurcrr ii ^fri Trfteumwnii vn§ir\vjittiii% (thus always) wm Tree?: ii [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2585. 1442b. Foil. 13; size 12£ in. by 4 in.; very careless, modern Devanagari writing ; ten lines in a page. Kdmdlihydtantra. The treatise is here di- vided into 9 2 } a(alas, the first two of which correspond to pat. 1, and 3 and 4 to pat. 2, of the preceding MS. [H. T. Colebrooke.] 2586. 3187. Foil. 29; size 7| in. by 6 in.; well written, in Devanagari, on European paper (water-mark 1867); ten lines in a page. Kalpasutra, a manual of certain Tantric rites, ascribed to Paraiurdma. It begins : ^sfsrrfa oT^*rr Tn^^rwrow: wro * f%*nm htt^wt >K^n ^TWT f>renrr w: Ti^rfW«*i: ^^reTTr^R»mw- ^TTT^nH irftnir nuni fustn: ^Pj^H i fri f^vj sit^c TANTRA. 889 ^nrR^ ° (.?%«. viii. 38, 13) i Tgfi^T (ib. x. 152, 2) i ^ft vwrft ll ° ?IHrcni fi»?: ii ° t{h\ *rnqir ^*niTq n ° trerhsTftrrq «w ii TpfitgnrrTi to ii ^ffl^ptm ri: ii <*n^ajJiirq "*: ii fro^qTi to ii ^H?Tf^Ti!T^ to ii jfn •^f^m^m Tw^fz^fqiirl qf^^ Hiri^ qrftrifrffJrreSTOtlS- c^ ^* ^ ^^Tqwrw^T^tqrwrrii^TTr^TRf^Rfgfl tfr&t*^ wqiffii This seems to be a different treatise from the same author's Vidyakcdpasutra, described by Raj. Mitra, Notices, iv., p. 69. ' This copy was made from an undated Devanagarl MS. belonging to Lahshman Trim- bahjl Gadijil of Belgaum, consisting of 39 leaves, about 8" by3f"; and presented to the India Office Library, 23rd Aug. 1878.' [J. F. Fleet.] 2587. 452b. Foil. 11; Bize 9J in. by 5 in.; fair Devanagarl writing of the latter part of the last century; 12-15 lines iii a page. Mtthartinih/innirliUti, also called KT?j7it ifniii *%T^nr5f;Tsnii *^srr: wf^*t:(!) i **: -3K^t w% ^ p*it n% *wtqfr(!) u * n Wr. ^ ° n oR^T%=RTc5TTN ^ ^KTc5^TT*?^rt f^"5(rT I cfrrf$5cRT oBT^rrf^ S cn<*^ismW u 3 u The numbering of the slolcas is discontinued from fol. 6 (after ttoka 127). ^fH (n^n: o) ^nrtj: tjj^: fol. 46 ; ?fir oKT^R^ti- •^T^ff fr^^J^'bjft^T Wft&T fol. 5a ; ?fa o ?vtj!WZ$: fol. 66 ; ^ftf 3ftr~u^«ir««i: ° ^fff »ra?- ?t^!Bj: fol. 7« ; ^f.; nine lines in a page. 890 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. Maritraratiwkara, by Vijaya/rdmdcdrya, pupil of Caturhhvjdcdrya. The 13th chapter (of the section) entitled Kdrtavlryamantranirupana, containing charms and spells, in the form of prayers addressed to KdrtavJrya-Arjuna, king of the Haihaya country, with the view of averting ill-luck of every kind. It begins : tjt3t> *rr^t^3i fa^jfinn ^t^r^^tt i ■5mTtfn>bft tw> f^w: ircnnf^: it 3 11 It ends : fof ^niftf H^B UTTfffw WTVoT^H: II $<& II 3fH 7? : NraHWjn^r^T7!T^ThTfTnrftjii(nTt)^'gT : tgrr - ^Tfijtlf^'JToFt^'H^'rff iPlTTm^ll 5 fat fa ri jJ^TTvTTcR^ ■SKTK^^^R^H^ ^^t^ISTtTl: II [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2589. 1717. Foil. 81, 83 and 67; size 94 in. by 4j in.; careless Devanagari writing of .1768 a.d.; ten lines in a page. Saktisamgama-tantrardja, a spicilegium of abstruse speculations on the transcendent mysteries of Tantric belief, in four Jchandas, only three of which — viz. I., III. (or II.), and IV., consisting of 20, 20, and 11 jwtalas resp. — are, however, contained in the present MS. It begins (with the numbers supplied) : vft- ^*nn^ i fstt»ra fw=KTT fflWT-H? ^TOTcRT: I JTOTitfiT TJT^Tffl^fTirtiT *|TTr*|t II * II ^TUfa ?I%ihlTfrl crHT^^plTTftT ^ II ^ II rNTTii: iJIift ?^ fTRTHTT'g fl^lHT: II * II xmtrt ^w ^r ftruft f%fw: ^m: » 5lf^Wn»R7flr5t TfaTTjftawtePT II H II -v ^*s rH cRTni ^$^i wu?ni'gi»?'mif 11 $ u ««m Tf^trjf-^rrq^jTfint (?) jpft i sr^i (!) fafsrwf tt"^ ^tto rh wl n t n f^l? T^re I iNTra: *r%3i: ^Tr^cKTmrgcj: i TjfTVJTwrrvC) ^ wivTwrf^TT: u <> n •^Tfr § W%(i. e. 4)j3TTfa fT^Rfq ^rxw II <\o n Tlffr^i H^ITfH ftw?}? ^ t?75IW I jTOTflni ^jtr^crt: n?f%7f Tre^rfa ^* u <\<\ n f^ajHrNrft ^ n^rrcr(?) wf^roifiT » r§h r^i^tti (t>Frftim?nm jftilC.) f%^- 3TTmr i [CJinf^ff ii •J ^» ^> ^ [(hc?^ C.) ii fflf^^rqrTcirTsiiH ^fiir^^ri: n ^•r^tt/cp^ rj Tnsnni'HoirvTfa ^ ii ftrcriyra ^tpn jtstr^strtht^O) i RTcSTW^ ^ T=KTT RTnn»^tTfR?T*trf II ^fff^SlftllcJ^^HT: (!) wlT f^VTf^TTT I ^pf( W3T^T jTTrTt TT^f^ n^TTrH>fr II ^in w TjT«n sif^H %/rNT wrt i uht ^rf^^TRTiT f¥sg ^n^j ^r^fHriiT ii RTft-filllT R ^MTT W TT5JT R5f THTrtff I v^ k^it(?) fTT^^TOTTt: ojrsj Tim u n?ffl?iH^aT ^rt mfi'sfiT: ^ n=rrfrtTTT: i ITr^T^f^fK^T ^=RT RT XJT^T ^ II 892 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. Ht ?r»?^fi*r ^?rrfa f%Tnromt jth^t^' ii ^oirTTrr *m srfin: ^frrN^jftf?^ n vTnrrrsnrtfaun?: xn^Tt nr*P3cf 11 frTRWmrnWT K %B!lTt H Tl=irtfSTTT II ° %fn ^wm^trera: [11 s nC] fol. 26; ^fn tnrm^ f^TgT^8TirrT?[ni: [11 ? u C] fol. 36 ; ^nr Ttf^fw?ro^(lfig«n^ff^fiTJhtf ii 3 uC.)fol. 4a ; ^fir to^ TjjTroni ^Tf<^ra*: OaRT^raw ii 8 ii C.) fol. 46 ; jftf TJHrl53 ^^HT^iWiym: ("SiJ^TgT^f^- TJT^tf II M II C.) fol. 66; ^fiT ^^TfTT^ftTrftT f^K?^ eF^WTJ»l*T WiPa (qTTrP^^W C.) I'l^JfimFfgoRTTTt ^T^rniWT^ n % ii ib.; ^frr Trta^reftHfa f^i cFTTltTrm TITTK^ (TJTTiPsnRH C.) JST£T^3mT?facRrJlt cRT^tuwfqJlNini fol. 11a; ?ftT ^^KrT^fftrftt % ° cRT^TTnn qrnra (*rcnreraw C.) ht^h^N: 13a. It ends : a ^ ?mrei: m: fHfdsiRTS nrnvf i ^RtfRTlf *V fflflfHnfi H^S"^ II ^fff ^HT^Hfa (jfiT ^itsftilfic C.) fSfl^^t On the back of the last leaf the treatise is called Karaviratantralnilttkti nun . The Cambridge Library possesses another MS. of this work (Add. 1477 ; 39 leaves, the second of which is, however, wanting) from which Profs. Anfrecht and Cowell have kindly supplied the various readings noted above. [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 2591. 1192c. Foil. 41 ; size 12$ in. by 4A in.; indifferent Devanagari writing of 1804 a.d.; eleven lines in a page. Rahasydrnava, a manual of Tantric worship, in 15 chapters (jpatala), compiled, under orders of Jayacandra Navendra of Trigarta (Lahore), by Vanamdlin, pupil of Hridaydnanda. The MSS. (esp. the second) are rather incorrect. It begins (somewhat corrected): ^ rtm,^rf rt[ ^T*ft ^J?: II ^TfasTos^TnHt f%H3nr?prf «th: ii i ii ^mfa snsnrt ^" ^rrgs^rf^inrif i sr^lf^ug^fRHt fapiftrfeiMTPrlf n * ii f^qt ^TM=ffnrt ^ Tftwq ^RJnf^VTT II $ u fafSH?: *<»t w*tt xr5T^rt ^r f^m?:(!) i c ^T?^n#Tt zf^w^ff ^T'fft urn ii m ii HT^^TT'rfBi srTRTT W=?^3TRfj!i 7T^\ II i. II oJicT^rmftii ^?r strto^J ^ wT i =Kq5TiH ^TH^ ^RTJT'gTTJTWJf II 9 II 7Tl*jf HWt*^ ^ ^c5H^ kk: xit I itoktW ?rmc5^ I'moti ^ «^ 11 t n ^T^Ht ^ J?H ftl^T *mi=RTHt f?nni ^ I 'T^'SiRfTimf ^ *TTV3 f^f^vwsn II TfiTVT^!i ^^ T3Hmm>fVJrT' , !n II 1^ II ifm^ Trqrarr4 ^ sfwa^nr >?ht 1 ^ fwra th h;§: cir^flf mv^ ^t ii 13 11 TANTRA. -:i.; TTcTT n^W ^ qTZTR^qf 3T: II <\$ || c 1. Gurunirnaya, fol. 46; 2. bhdvcmirtfwya, fol. 8a; 3. kumdrikdlcalpa, fol. 96 ; 4. samayd- c&ra, fol. 10a; 5. pithapujd, fol. 106; 6. im- sitha/pujdpaddhati, fol. 11k ; 7- pdndavamahd- pujdpaddhati, fol. 22a ; 8. dra/wpadisamsJcriti, fol. 23Z> ; 9. chinnddipatala, fol. 286 ; 10. pura- §ca rydhra ma, fol. 35a ; 11. baliddnavit Hi i,fol. 366 ; 12. villi f/tiJItih-aijavldlti, fol. 376; 13. antaryd- qnridlii, fol. 39a; 14. yogavaranam, fol. 396; 15. rah c ^rrfijpft 4 «in 1 hi ai w?^'5fP=*nrR N u ^TTrtiirin:: 5if : «#?t tt^w fmn 11 innfn fcsfqiwrfa van sjth urn h*tt 11 ^TiRSwhnH w%i ^i^si^t 11 RWfaT|«nTTUi fT^Iilltn^Hl^T II f^q^r ftrrroRTt fan^s f^mfvep 11 TfWwfaimT'm? irerf^t*RrfiHTf%tf II ^pirqjiJT5Tn*rfwf'(m?TT=FTTTTr i smr^mttrRi^^^Tf^niH 11 ^TmnfRipf wr^r(/-.fr)mniTftr[Tf 11 MW cFHlvi«li«R TTftTTUT *rt II Col.: \fn° 'Sfm^TfTW ^TT5I^Tlftrm?f%fv«ir!R ° fol. 29a. TANTRA. VI. beg.: intw^T^ i sn^nrtfir niuJiKJT: ^^h*^;? n Col.: ^ftT° ftl^ifTT^m^ oFT3rfaPTTtt i ninqmtfflr* ^Hfa: farow ^t i fNs m aircnm:: m^ thji ofitfTsi: ii Col. : sflT ° oFHt^TirTW ^TlH^rf^TH^rqH « fol. 636. XI. beg.: fm ^ni I wfqT'mqcfit ffT?W=S ^THTTt II (?ends fol. G96). XII. col.: ^fn° cffT3rtHT?T(HJ fsmntrtri^T? ?T?^n surra: fol. 99a. (At fol. 81a Vishnu is intro- duced worshipping Siva). Xlii. beg.: "^tra aw: i c. HT sTTJT K*HH PJlTTOwi iraRTT: II ^4 whn: *rW sra ^rtim^T^^'^TT: i H^rNnnsr: ^?r?;gqTf»TTTT cFTrfav ii Colophon of XIII. and XTV. wanting; XV. ends fol. 109a. XVI. beg. : xn^r^T^ i §THl4 VW KITTO foR*T=Fi tJ3J7T[T fw> I HH^ ^THri Wit ^vq^TRUTT II XVII. (beg.?) cuds fol. 13 1/.. XVIII. beg.: f$PT T^W I TiiT ^fqr efrqTJTsrmfiTJTnWrniTT i Tmwrzrmvr; ^t»? wf^ft syn^: ii XXV. beg. fol. 189ft : ^tf^ sir* \ xqn TTt ^WR'RitC!) W*TT!lt 5ft>HT Hit: I The MS. ends (in the middle of the page) : ^% irs^: wai ^rsre: *Rt n^\ i Sift ^T1THT« « - On the different sections of the complete work see Burnell, Tanjore MSS., p. 206. [H. T. COLEBKOOKE.] 2595. 2798b. Foil. 2G ; size 10i in. by 6f in. (European fashion); careless, modern Deva- nagari writing ; 26-28 lines in a page. Frayogaratnakara, or BhaMavrdtasantosha- l;u(?), a treatise on Tantric worship, by Prema- nidhi, son of Umdpati. Apparently incom- plete. Very incorrect. It begins (somewhat corrected): ^rtcffTff^- Tira^m '5W li ^ ii% i^ ■srmvtwvi 3 cR^tnfti 11 ^ 11 wf ir3TRT=Rrrw5Twwrr.°7n) irtfnTwm^TrNT[>- w ?HsftaT] • PTftmwTi»TT'5Bt ^rr? tV* ? r. *r=»rarm ^*mq f=R»rfw 11 * 11 TCTToFt HIT WrJTJJTR^i ^H ftcawt w ^rf^qfa unions ^ 11 3 11 ^TWTtT TpftTTFTT'SirnTT $rpf W *T*q# II gll ° %. II c- c ■fTrSJrr^T ^fejpr f? **: II S II TjTf*nm^T»nj?t^ft^TTv ^rtrmj ^TiiHRvjorr- t^' f^lTH ^Tt^T ° c c The MS. contains the following 9 chapters (ratna): — I. Nitya/prdtahTcrityaratma, fol. 4ft; II. nityatantrasndnaratna, fol. 5ft ; III. nityasan- dhydratna, fol. 7ft ; IV. nityapunudarpana, fol. 8ft; V. samstliavedirutna,, fol. lift; VI. mtyapurnabhutasvddhyddiratna, fol. 13a; VII. nitya/purnamdtrikdnydsaratna, fol. 19ft; VIII. nityapurnamantrari 11 1/1'isii ridna, fol. 21ft ; IX. it ii i/<7 nl a rijthjaratna. It ends : ^JFTif ^ ^hjl wfjTVT' «^ cRUR I »T?TO »TR*ff TiTt ^T^fCHTf%7Tt II ♦T^ffTTnTF^ir^ sffRf^}j*j?n»T'm:PT(!) fw II Then follow four more lines, apparently the beginning of a new chapter : ffirg 3^3Tf^ TTf3Trt <}3li3RfWlrMci!>: I f ?rcrf ^ H?Tf?r?it * Thrift ifc*c*jlii^ i aimmngT^T *#^$**t h^tt h ° See Raj. Mitra, Notices, ii., p. 43. [B. H. Hodgson.] * ihr>H»T?Tfirat B. 2598. 67. Foil. 183 ; size L0| in. by I , in.; well written, in Devanagarl; nine 1 i 1 1 < ■ - in a page. Sydmdrahasya. In this (not very correct) r"|i\ | II| lli.' iiilriMluctory cnupli'ts are preceded by a stotra "f eighl stanzas, commencing : ^"itrhrii isTws-qf f^H^^it =ST^f grT^wnf^^^t cjt^iitj?: n »t$Nt^ nn^TR^igt ii 3 ii giH n ! M fcwnfim *i W'RTfa?T^nR'3ir5IJHrffrT fWw ^fHf^ofi <*rmi ^w ^fnyg*i#?f ii m ii 5iw ?fij jnreijTfa ^rhf oRraTg^*nf i W^H^HnrPft ( r. °-fa) cRWSlt (r . °f3l) ThTH^H I ^h^t h^t fasT: cs^Trrfa f^Trr: n »rr^f fsre^Tsr fqrtf K jfi^r^ i ^fiTT^It^TJ g ^JgRT f%pai srhrfafiT Jn^nr i cRcRTT^^rnrifTHiq srf3it*K5T- <$ gift in T^-ci--)sit 1 ^wr 53 f%sniT irsKTr^rTrr" f??^r sotrtw^ F^rtTsrcfrTctfrn ^Ttrm'jT t>sn 1 ir^, 1 f?^r «t*t fjmgraT cst^r^t jraTftrflfH 11 ° The work is divided into five chapters (ullasa): — I. dikshdvidhi (initiation), fol. 8a ; II. upodghdta (introduction), fol. 117) ; III. nydsddikhanda (marking the body with mystic signs), fol. 30a ; IV. nityapujdvidhi (ordinary rites), fol. 486; V. Miscellaneous rites, fol. 56a. Of casual quotations from other sources the following may be noted : Kramottama, by Ni- jdtmdnanda Ndtha (fol. 38a*); Dak shin drnurti- samhitd (fol. 38a, 2 infra); Mantramalwdadhi (fol. 396, 2 infra); Lalitdrcanacandrikd (fol. 336, 1, 386, 5). It ends : ^^ fotffgfwfaiT T«JT K^ ^^JTSTrsm^^H I *nft t> j?Q5rqf^^nf«niT t>T3i *fk: Trfon- ^r*N 11 s 11 TIHTTTT'Tf> , n?II^1%HT5Iiq^5RT< W57 unt W'iiTq^'TR^Tfci H^TtH^qTUt II ^ II 7ir^iwiwn*iq>njTcfr: ^Riwift T^rH^^Tq^i^f^ft: srofqTr: 11 ^ 11 3T*?.MJ^T I tlti XT$ n^Tl'TW HlfrT flHTTTTToBT: II & II ?frf ^rt»TrqtH ^ q r< .dHc< i T ^ I ^ ' it : lrr»rr??TTT^(TTq- C\ ^^T^fjroijf cjrrnf?HT^?T ^iTw^THirt?^ tH»? "3WTT: 11 ^HTS^ni ^^t^Nr?!^: 11 [H. T. Colebeooke.] 2600. 1150. Foil. 56 (four of which are wanting); size 9 in. by 4j in.; good, clear Devanagarl writing of about 1750 A.D.; 11 or 12 lines in a page. MahdtripurasimdaripddukdrctMiakramottama, a description of Tantric rites in connection with the worship of TripurasundarJ ; by Ni- jdtmaprakdsdnanda. * The passage quoted occurs in MS. 1150, fol. 526, 1. TANTRA. vul Foil. 1-6 of the original MS. aro wanting, and have been replaced (by a different hand) by the same number of leaves containing a description of some other Tantric rites, appa- rently not belonging to the treatise; and beginning : wi T?fiTJmf3?»?\nwi»rrlq i »^"fan^i ^ra q^in^s i y^i^fa^^T^TcrPrefqn?^ ?rnrN- *JcR^FTmZc5>fXJc5TST^W»lWYf>"c5'!'ff ?^° fi ^^ ,:af '- ^Tc^cFoST^J^-qq^TrcrefflcT^HTllTcJ ll ^^flSTR TflTF^T 1° Fol. 19 has likewise been supplied by the same more recent hand ; the first page con- taining a repetition of fol. 15a, 11. 1-7, whilst the second contains matter unconnected with what follows. Foil. 41-44 are missing ; and between foil. 45 and 46 two leaves, marked 45 and 46, and written by a third hand, have been inserted, though evidently belonging to some other Tantric work (navacakranyasa, cakresvarinyiisa, etc.). ^*j Titm-Tirs*: fol. 86 ; sfir qriqirrai*: fol. 106; ^fw f3TTCRq7ftfHH I cirBTin^tiHwrw 5^fnAx^f^K n s ii f ~3f^jf^m^W^ Rq^rf iPTsT^ II ? II f^«ffT>Tinj i^T ^cT=RJ f%c5T^ II 3 H ^rqTcmftnvt ^TWiTJT^T: I fV^^F^ft »??Tqq>?m??f ll S II feq^qfcvrn *]^*qrfc'5fnifg>T i *r?HTf^m°Frsi fnft>n^tn>jm!i II M II iranr fsrcw ^rq =rttdt fT^Jtfqrri i Yfrt^f^qfr wpct ut? f finf^^Tf^: ii i, ii cRTficpq WT^ I ?*q^T *T?V$? WrVfRWrToirRofi I r irfiT: tf^gnrt ?i ^rfw: *^f?qt ii s n f* nfa: *§sfi=»rRt ^faRt ^ F3»re ^ i jgH^T jFl<7TOTT*rq tT^T fa^cRTniT II t II F^q ^^q-^ft sf« 3ipq> RTfScT H nfir: I c feff TTcfi foSR^f R%?^(T II Q. II foFHcF VT^ ifV fetf c5>cF^?n»fa!p* I fTTT <^T^ Hq«T fa^T ffWfTRT *m: II lo ll fTTT c5*H UCT^T Oil ftrfjr»nmiqTfT I ctfwnrfqsiff *rffc: =Kfarg Tj^jft ht;t ii qq n *tvj htv ^^n qp n^ qrlfkHTR i 6 A 2 ft fwffl: ^TW^tt II ifn«f»rfvT- c ° UHoti^ II [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2604. 2154. Foil. 69+2; size 1 1 in. by 4.1 in.; fairly written, in Devanagari, about a.d. 1650; 9-13 lines in a page. The same work. [B.] Incomplete. The MS. breaks off before the completion of the twelfth chapter. At the beginning two leaves (apparently Guddhapattras) have been inserted, marked I and 2. [Gaikawar.] 904 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 2605. 1230b. Foil. 118; size II in. by 4^ in.; good, clear Devanagari writing of 1804 a. d. ; eight lines in a page. Bhuvanesvarlrahasija (or Bhuvanesvarisar- vasva ?), a treatise, in 26 pat alas, claiming in the colophon to form part of the Rudraya- malatantra. It begins : ^ ^tq iftfnftr: nftfvt i w&fi Mmn sf%gf«ra(?) ii rwt^rtinnrc5 ^tw^^k ii 8 u TT8JtT^I^rRT%tw'?^^^ftT'i II 4 II c c tufwqr^ i xnrrm^w nirtrui^ ^w^gr T^rc n s n - ^mqqfH f^ti & ^?TFif»nf una i ^TT'qt IFSTR ^rf «%' «qw^TW II t II fsrq ^re i W^^HTO wf ^f Wrpjif H* ftpi II 10 II The book consists largely of mystic charms and formulas of invocation. It ends : ml t R^ "JT^ I ^npnrrafsFmTir ?wr ^^ h^f*^ u ^ t?pj ttt4 *rw ire *nfrf^if i *t%^ ^^T^T iflmtij ^»TtfaftT?Tq ^w^iS ^T«r^rf%fvHT* qf ?3i: vz$: ii ° *nr* qtl,«) ii ° [H. T. COLEBEOOKE.] 2606. 3013. Foil. 385; small folio, size Hi in. by 7 in.; coarse, thin Indian paper; fairly written (on one page of each leaf), in Deva- nagari ; sixteen lines in a page ; modern. [PausJikardgamri], a system of Tantric wor- ship, in connection with the Siva cult (? from tho Saivdgama). Incomplete. The MS., which has evidently been copied from one in some S. Indian alphabet, is rather incorrect. It begins (somewhat corrected) : ^qq '5^: n c 5^t?^3 flSTf^f Tvfrqt n^n i fjRTn^rii" imK^ inmRTfa: ^ to i tStt TrRm=Rff»?tTqOTTcfr^'5gr i T ANTRA. iiOr %W. II H^ sTRT^fflg^ «nnf ^fSI^TW^t 11° A. The Judnapdda consists of 8 chapters (patala): 1. pratvpadd rthanirnc vya , fol. 21 ; 2. hindu- patala, fol. 25; 3. mdydpatala, Eol. 29; 4. pahipaddrtha, fol. 51; 5. kdhldipaficaka, fol. 63; 6. pumstattva, fol. 109; 7. /inimtlnadhikdra, fol. 120; 8. tantrotpatti, fol. 125 : ^fT^l(?fsre$)3imiTra ^ I ITT^ ^ TrcrraiTC "RTff ^m^ tfNfl II ^tk: Tit Jpremfa n>nHcFTfcirJT??T w i 3m^8 1 wtvis iTrsnr: n*i vmm i ° II. Kriydpdda, beg. : »mqr5TfV*im f? sftgf*«aTfa ttf*(T: i infpj ^ k^it ?ret ■ar'i^^ ^i^* ii svdtmasdkshatkdraprakarana, fol. 132 ; vimalJ- karana, fol. 141 ; sthulavarnamantrodghdtapra- karana, fol. 156; prdsddamantroddharaprakarana, fol. 159; param'ikaranaprakaraiia, fol. 167; paiicagavyddidlkshaiigaprakarana, fol. 230 ; aiii- yeshtiprakarana, fol. 239 ; jirnoddhdrapra kara n a, fol. 275; pratimddiprakarana, fol. 278; ««?•«- ii asndnaprakarana, fol. 290 ; bhasmasndnapra- karana, fol. 293; ends fol. 294: ^ftr *5siT?ftin^: *»ror: 11 Cf. Burnell, Index of Tanjore MSS., p. Ill, Sarvajildnottaravritti. C. Hataiigapdramesvare mahdtantre vidyd- pdda, 11 pat alas, and part of a 12th. This is perhaps a separate work from the above. It begins : ^rfa(r.wq) HHTmT^^t f^Tff II *Trir?RT1H?H TI?5?f»rfFfi:f^(r.TlW?fflf»?Tfw)l *tqn:cfr^irTgT7rtf I TTT'53i »rc: 11 ■^T^tT^nnftqif fjT^t ^F tVWqS II ftrvi^^Rsrf ^nr *nr HTOtR*^: i TT^RTlsrfqFJrT^rt TllfK&^fiT c^^IT* II fT3TH »?fJTJn^?5WtKn3i7HfflHT^ II irRTfxH^rsir^Tit ?rwtH: TtTT%WTTwm^ i fjI^lUMcRf^^TcWT WHTVT^TfRTiTPqvt: (!) II ° Tun: v nn^T ^tto: xn^urr *f?Ht ?r: i ^r ^nj^tnTm* »?ifirq TrqfpR n T^n Km wsrtm flairn h^twit i T?tT!tT^l^fwi7Tajiq»TTJTO?RQ5>TrT: I wept ^fan^tit ^trerthii *w ii ^H^m^fflif 3TT?3flTinil[fl]^'rTTW3F 1° In the second chapter the four pddas art- enumerated (fol. 299), viz.: vidydpdda, kriyd- pdda, yogapdda, and carydpdda. 1. dayodghdta(?), fol. 298; (2-1 wanting, or not marked); 5. hakiipatala, fol. 311 : 6. pum- pradhdne&varasddhanap., fol. 337; 7. vidy tola, fol. 347 ; 8. mdydtattva, fol. 362 ; 9. fca/a- tutfva, fol. 368; 10. vidydtattva, fol. 374 ; 11. rdgapafala, fol. 379. Cf. Burnell, Index of Tanjore MSS., p. 205a (no. xiii.). [C. P. Brown. J 2607. 270. Foil. 105 (numbered by mistake 1 76, 79-108); size 11 1 in. by 4Jk; fairly written in Dovanagari ; eight lines in a paj Rdmdrcanacandrib'/, a manual for the wor- ship of Rama, in five chapters (patala), by dnandavana, pupil of Mukundavana. 006 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. It begins : *ifff??ft f^im H^ff?r ^ n-ft j?nf ^ TT^nat* rf ^ *r?jj U^T3imicf ^'kTT^^ Tit II =111 ^T^irqnfir^VH^^wT: sriwTf^i^^: *jf%: i wr^rt vfw^TT^^trT:fnf7r hi-^^t i jj^ttt fsitgin ^Tlftl inrttwirTrHiT: II ° Cli. I., on various matters connected with worship, the chief section being the ' rdma- tuantroddhdra '; II. fol. 246, on ordinary duties (a cam ana, dantadhd vana, etc., ending with various kinds of nydsa); III. fol. 436, on rites of worship (dhyana, homo, pdtrdsddana, antar- * Trfinq^: Tmraf^vft ^tirlsrr t>«tt B. t n"3 nmi>T>rrf>rcR w^j B. ydga, pzthapujd,stotras, etc.)j IV., on restrictions and the eight kinds of y antra ; V., a calendar of periodical and occasional observances. Among the authorities quoted may be men- tioned : Agastisamhitd , fol. 806; (mahati sam- hitd, fol. 81b); Atharvanarahasya-srl-Edmotta- ratdpanvya, fol. 61a j Gautamiyam, fol. 686; Devydgama, fol. 26; Ndradatantra, fol. 186; Faiicardtre Brahmasamhitdydm, fol. 756; Pra- yogasdra, fol. 83a ; Hantrasdrasamgraha, fol. 186; {Rdmavallohltilstotra, fol. 626 whole); Va- sishthasamhitd, fol. 466 ; Sdrasamgraha, fol. 26; Hanumatd proMam mantrardjdtmakam, fol. 62a. It ends : ^'tlH^^I^H^r^iy I ^TTwfVTnrnfRtrpjpn ^ HTrf^faf^fi&rnmrtK!) *n u vz$: iNfa: vmi ^Trar%^f^rr i ^MTFRTOT f? ^frt^n ?fC7T^ II \» fjlUJI.f'rRf'^fVrfiqt ^ T I HMH^Tjc<, iqt thw tJ7q5: II [H. T. CoLEBROOKE.] 2608. 2074. Foil. 101 (the first three of which have been replaced by two leaves in a more modern handwriting; and foil. 39-43 and 101 have likewise been supplied by the same hand); size 9 in. by 3f in.; fairly written in Deva- nagari, about the middle of the 16th century. The same work. (B.) [Gaikawar.] 2609. 1824. Foil. 109; size 12i in. by 4| in.; well written in Devanagari, on European paper, about a.d. 1800 ; ten lines in a page. TANTRA. 907 Ganesa-Kalpa, an exposition of Tantric riles in connection with the worship of Ganesa. Six chapters (patala), the last of which is incom- plete at the end. P. I. (foil. 17) begins: ^sro gs?i TTOjfi^n jHor^t shthk: i >Tf^wf^TIF: TJHt H^T^Tt »ra?ft utt. II 1 II ^ffsfgii^: HTtfjirfJirjft jt^ttv^ n ? u jT^trt ^ iprnTOT TJ^VTrWT^flTrW^T II 3 II fsfarrft Jrarrajfarrrf sonft fTVR?r: i Tj^VJT ^WT^TTTt f%^| 51 =n;j**isf ■*m feirfrnre^ ii P. III. (foil. 22): fH flq-HTMv ^ f^HVl^m in^ I Cs. srra* Hjrff Jl w i ^fawf ftrw: w^ff ii q II ° 258 slohas, with explanations from fol. 13. TTCfvTrt^: ii wbt ^ ^m: 11 ° 11 i^H fcifafat ^ ^w> ?vtt ^f^t ^g: 11 TiWt* H'lryiH^ ^TT flRlHHi: U>j: I ^fiT«mi^ >TTrn Vtt TJWfBHI II >rn^^T^ 11 it!t qw ma^irH t^TT^ TTcnnf 11 'gwHis h qirai ttT5T>Rvj fenf 11 TANTRA. 909 *?^3T "JRT^ II Tlio matter is treated in a series of short (unnumbered) chapters (pafala), of which 74 have been counted. These seem to be divided into two sections (kdndu), the first of which, the Devapratishihdpaftcakakdnda, ends with ch. 40, fob 566 : ^fff FwHri^TR ?T^IWT?fg^ n*remi* ^rafTrera^oir m* wtvs wttw ii whilst tho subsequent chapters make up the Samharsha- kdnda. From the above colophon, as well as from the final slolca which apparently intro- duces a LingaJcdnda, this would seem to be only a portion of a larger work. For an account of the contents, see Raj. Mitra, Notices, vi., p. 61. It ends : sj Cn ^fri tf^pnr: crhito sun: trftcffifffK: h ^fif^T^I^T 31> VTRTrn tf^T II «ms*3ni tw. ii [H. T. Colebeooke.] 2612. 791b. Foil. 48; size 9f in. by 3| in.; large, plain, modern Devanagarl hand ; seven lines in a page. Upadesadikshdvidhi, or Purndbh ishekapad- dhati, a manual of initiation into Tantric rites by Caitanyagiri Avadhuta. It begins : ^VTff^cF ^ Sf f^TTq nqfjf ^f7TKT I 7T»?T^r ^rerani trr«ripfn*R> f? sfq -rtwnftnft n^rm?? i f?^ $rr?r wft hto mq^Twr ^('".'spfr) >^ttii Iti bljadcmam, fob 36; pujavidhik, fob 9a; vdstupujdvidhih, fob 106 j pdtrasthdpanavidhih, fob 206; Jcriydmayl d'tlishd sampurna, £ol. I It ends : TftfrRt 7ftTrfHfjrw H^Ttf ^CTfjrgq ( srrftprt sfi^fHfjf^ ftn4w HwrT-rfq n flrare: ^tthNmhtciit ■sq^sr^tenfafM: ?wrw: ii after which, by another hand, TJ^TfaWq^frf: » [H. T. Cor.EBEOOKE.] 2613. 1368c. Foil. 6 ; size 10 in. by \\ in.; very indifferent Bengali handwriting ; eleven lines in a page. Tattvacintdmani, a Tantric work composed by Purndnanda Yati, in 1577 a.d. The 6th chapter, here called yogavinininu, whilst in the three Calcutta editions (1856, 1860, 1869) it is called shatcahranirupana. It begins : TarH tt:h h -^ faw??n*j»n rjT: ii ° Colophon : ^ftT q^M^MTTtflf^Tf^ff ^H3- f^trTRTrfY Tftnf^rttf ^n* w^^nr: » tf^nr w^ f^rfs- JTnmf^pfai^T ^rofiiTn: f&fm ttvtostct qw^rfa.* ii For ch. i. (giving tho date) see Raj. Mitr.-i, Notices, iii.j p. 62. [H. T. Colebkooke.] 2614. 2743 F. Foil. 28; size 7 in. by 2 J in.; tho leaves forming a continuous folding sheet of 6 b -2 910 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. 69i in. by 7 in.; Nepal handwriting of 1703 a.d. ; six lines in a page; ten of the leaflets having one page left blank. Pushpamdhdtmya, directions (in barbarous Sanskrit mixed with vernacular forms) regard- ing oblations of flowers to the goddess at her festivals, and rules for selecting them according to the season and the magic effect desired. It begins : TftnWTOTfj^wTt W. II Wl ipjTT- --■, ^w: feibg^: *pi: ^RHTn^jR: ii T^ta^fTjoHi ^nii ^n^TOTre (!) i wfjWfjSIl^T 5TTfrf«II<$MS5fa^hrt II ^nn?%^>T(r. ^°)^ ^ff(!)^ J^sj^r: i ejr^^ 'g gray oR?jt g-N*j!3TTr?n^(!)i g?w^fgmi|e^W3W«irf?[«iiT]ToR: u n?T<«yT5rftr»*t yfi 1 5*u'MT»ra3pft(!)i Tuwmt?-* ^ Ttt^tnl ^ ww ii ^»nt k?j^h^ *t§ Tnwfat ii ftpstf ^v^ntim F^nn§^«nt«FT i tppi f^rft i srreftr wit? tf^ii: i iftuni: =irf^r=ffTeTt»?? Turfiro ii ^ft^THtrr n wt- ip*?n ^c^v^foFm: ii ^tn^c^ » qjimi3fc5^iTip«tsj ii ^sr »r?nmTnfs'5irR: n itt^^rk^ ii° p. 40 ; -sfn Twmw&ti&ti ^v^m n p. 44. It ends : fq iftiA II gw^lfq ?rt«irraTJiQJ II ^fH x^njc&wtfey^rt n ^fir mujhi^iw *j*m>rocy wto ii The goddess is worshipped under the fol- lowing names : Kubjikd, Guhyakdli, Jagadambd , Dakshinakdli, Mahdtripurasundari or Sritripurd, and Siddhilahshrm. Quotations have been met with from the following authorities : Kdlltantra, p. 24; Kula- euddmani, p. 27 ; Koldvatlya, p. 38 ; Tantra- sdrasvata, p. 38 ; Tdrdbhaktasudhdrnava, p. 39 ; Nllaiantra, p. 26; Bhdvacuddmani, p. 19; Matsyasukta, p. 26; Mahakdlasamhitd, p. 23; Mundamdlatantra, p. 24; Vdmakesvaratantra, p. 28 ; Vdrdli/taiitra, p. 37; Saktiydmala, p. 25 ; Edrdratautra, pp. 8, 11, 20. [B. H. Hodgson.] 2615. 2582. Foil. 100; size 11 in. by 5 in.; large, sprawling Devanagarl hand ; nine lines in a page. Satacandividhdna(-samkshepa), an exposition of ' the previous and concluding ceremonial to be observed, and prayers and mantras to be read, when the Candlmdhatmya or exploits of Durgd (of the Mdrkandeyapurdna) is read a hundred times over, as an act of piety and adoration' (Wilson, Mack. Coll., p. 173). It begins : ^r!^fTfV*rR^ *JVJWr* *?wsni *sVr sft»^T ^5 f^|yH^rfKqTHcF''ftn ^urnrresnsrfH'^ *f?a^- ?itf^Tr(? fiTfi!iTf?7r ) ^tkh: ofto: ii tt? w^ *Tt tfiai T^T^fw^rra^ ^ffrf wsnfWit n «j n tptuj Tf^cjrT: 'crt^t: -M ri^w T: hit: *jm: 11 * n° III candikatarpanam, fol. 4et ; surydrgham, fol. 5a; varunam, fol. 11a; kalasajwjanam, fol. 116; prdrf.apratishthd } fol. 17a; antarmdtrikil, fol. 196 ; bahirmdtrikd, fol. 206; ekddasanydsdh, fol. 25a; ganapatiplthe sthdpanapujanam, fol. 29a ; lcalasasthdpanavidhi, fol. 366 ; baliddnam, fol. 40a; grihapujanam, fol. 496; yoginipuja- nam, fol. 566 ; hhdtapujanam, fol. 62a ; Icunda- pujanam, fol. 63a; yonipujanam, fol. 65a; ndbhi- pujanam, ib.; yoginlbhyo balik samdptah, fol. 79a. It ends : SttS HTJ^ mi ^i i*Tq ^ ^^T f^f^rf name obliterated. For an (apparently different) Satacandir!- dhdna, purporting to belong to tbe Rudrayd- mala, see Weber, Berl. Cat., no. 1311. [Mack. Coll.] 2616. 769. Foil. 98 ; size 10i in. by 4| in.; good large Devanagari handwriting ; eight lines in a page. Kakshaputa, or Siddha-cdmundd, a treatise, in verse, on charms, incantations, treasure- lifting, and other Tantric rites, by Siddha- Ndgdrjuna ; in twenty pat alas. Rather in- correct. It begins : Wl qilT^-rl ftrg^gTuHt f^^Cfff II T. 3Tta:(3T»j: R. M.) tttrhi: nrfw. cRckt- [^ofitcStrToK: ( oF: ■SfTQjTWTcSrac^ R. M.) wir?rr? , tiT»?inf?ffTmf'T^'m tf*T»j«cirt^=F: i *ftsTj *fr»nft ?tth ^TTTTt f??ni>ftrirTF'5fi(n?3- [EoR R. M.) II S II »n^TW=KVTfcirrl favpRT ■J? 'Half's? eft [(fofj^n) i^rr^(?) f? smsni in*rtn^tfarrij nm$ sn^jj *ft^(?) ■srf^ ST5 3THT I ^T^ q!T^(?) 5R tPTrf'^mW'sgT II t II ^rl^r ^tk^ rf-% fg?(?) ftri ^ irrcT I foF=RT!T^^-i ^ cRltf-^i'.uW II 9 II [fsfiUT ) II t II ^to *rm^ ^t%tw nr^i sfq ^ ii c n «TV=KT^t f?7frlrni H^^f^^a? 1 [11 w 11 fqi4 ^rfv^TTiT Tj^?fHtr§^T7r^ 1 cr^goF ^jflicj ^ irft!j'n : W ; ?flTV^ 11 v 11 nf?cFT ^t:^ 'g >j(ra>i^^nf^cs 11 ^ 11 wm4 f^miriqiT htvofr! f?ff fntt 11 <\$ 11 For the exact names of the chapters (man- trasddhanam, sarvavasyam, etc.), see Weber's Cat. of Berlin MSS., no. 904. Cf. also Raj. Mitra, Notices, i., p. 137, where the treatise is called Siddhandgdrjuniya. 912 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. The 20th patala begins : *hr fVr:^^^rtoff^n mux ^fnjcR *i^ n It ends : [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2617. 1875b. Foil. 30; size 11| in. by 5 in.; legible, modern Devanagarl writing; 13-16 lines in a page. Easahridaya, a treatise, in Aryd verses, on certain Tantric practices by means of mineral drugs (esp. mercury); composed, for Madana, lord of Kirata, by Bhikshu Govinda ; with a commentary {tlha) by Caturbhuja Misra, son of Misra Makes' a, of the Kurala-vamSa. The treatise consists of 19 sections (ava- bodha), dealing with the following subjects : — 1. Basaprasamsd ; 2. Rasasodhana j 3. Nir- mukhavdsandntarbhutasamvJchapatrdbhrahacdra - ii a ; 4. Sattvdbhralcajdrana ; 5. Garbhadruti ; 6. B/jnjara ; 7. Bida (vida); 8. Rasaraiijaka ; 9. B/javidhdna ; 10. Suddharasa-sattvapdtana ; 11. Btjanirvdhana ; 12. Dvandvddhihdra (sattva- melana, etc.); 13. SamkarabJja ; 14. Samkara- bijajdrana ; 15. Bdhyadruti ; 16. Bar ana ; 17. Krdmana ; 18. Vedha ; 19. Bhakshana-rasa- prasamsd. The MS. is in some disorder owing to the scribe having (on fol. 3a seq.) omitted sections 3-5, and supplied the omission on foil. ll-20a. The first section (which according to a list at the end ought to consist of 34 slolcas) is wanting. The MS. begins : ^?WT^T tf^nm: n wtw ortftHra faf^f ^fj^n ^: ii ^ ii Comm.: ^vrfafjr u * ^ftjTTC cffTTqUTm qf# »PVRg>fv;rf || S || «m wi?^t? i vnm T3-arg?vn w^sr f=rf^ fi^T- It ends : ^TO tfqofrafqHqsre'jNTr? I Tf STUffT ^^TO f^BTTTnTTsfl TOT^Tq: II Sft II Tj^R^qTtiiT: ^qfti qwfff^: vi% ii to ii ■ash wmmr?& Tr^nren? i t -3 x-xuF.Tnm ?H fatfVinTTTr fimTftfsfc: u it » ^ftT ^RT^cTt^qq>fV5VraTf»rem^TTf»nr^5MlT- ^cRtafqifft swtv: ii Although there is no reason to doubt that this is the Rasahridaya referred to in the iZasesi'rtra-section of the Sarvadarsanasamgrah a (ed. Bibl. Ind., pp. 68, 100, 101), the Aryd verses there quoted have not been found in the present MS., being probably taken from the first section (.rasapraiamsa). For the first couplet of the second section given above, see Sarvadarsanasamijraha, p. 100. [De. John Taylok.] TANTIiA. 913 2618. 1568b. Foil. 34; size 10 in. by 4$ in.j legibly written in Devanagarl ; 8—1 U lines in a page. Ratna/pariksha and Maniparlksha, two (pau- rdnili) tracts on precious stones, their origin, value and magical effect, for good or evil, in the possessor's hands (A). I. Ratnaparihshd begins: ajtrtr "3T^: (om. B) I g^t ri *$fam ^mw** ?pii sct h ii q ii fcr*fc^f?*rsm!it( TnR corr. A) cRjjsrsrWTJrra l> II 5* II ^Tfa ^SRK^TSJ tfTTtTTTrT: + II i II fd^frtcRTrrJi f%^: mfSJift 3^ n h ii HWW?fTrinft crt^ ^rrsri tfjra(«^ A) fipnr: i ^? ^wfqff ^rSW^tr ITT f5It: ii 4, ii C ^tfsrr wwt l^r: w? TsftuMtem II * II $ftq ^nffetft •rfTfft >f3T*ft: ^jfan: wh: i Iti vajrajmrllisha (79 Slokas), fol. 8« ; rnauk- tikaparlkshd (88 s?.), fol. 15« ; padmardgapa- rlhshd (68 sL), fol. 20a ; indranllaparlkshd * 371^1 j gf?iTPHr V&Tlfl ^ *fH^c|? 3fftH "J^K I jm^tJTrc^i'iN gv *v*i a^n ii * n In this section the same five classes of precious stones are treated once more in a few verses each, and in addition to them the lasumi, pushparaga } gomeda, and sphatiha, with one sloka on each of them; this section ending, after four additional slokas : \fj{ VTCiTTWUfaTT *wm ii II. Maniparlkshd, consisting of 60 Slokas, begins : mrs Tifirt ^Tt tM to^4 ii =1 ii MW\^\ ^WS ^ cK^I^ JTOT^it: I [TiTcB~JmT: ii ' li *?n^ >nrpik ^tf^r fnw II ^ II "art nirrx: ^ hi mTtmv^r^i^x i SfT^TRTH ^ >ft^j ^ To5T^n ^ ^T^Tff II g II ^Tirdit ftittdn f^^qfc ireN ^ i ^ ^ ^^ tjh> T^T^Ta' «?^i; ii m ii § MS. B differs considerably at this point. 914 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. It ends : S3 TrKJT=RTT*T (?°T: w)w5fTO STfrRTf^? fTJ*Iff I *JTCrf*nr?t sro: w *roiflfafl(? nfan) v3 11 \o 11 sU ^JrfrrrqTt^T *»?nn 11 ° fc5f*nf ^^3rt%5rt^ tf^w <\sT [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 2621. 581b. Foil. 50; size 12i in. by 4k in.; careless Devanagari writing of 1799 a.d.; ten lines in a page. Saundaryalaharl (or Anandalahari), a mystic poem, of (101-103) slokas, in praise of Sdkti, ascribed to Saiikardcdrya ; with a commentary {tiled), called Saubhdgyavardhitu, by Kaivalydsrama Yati. The text of the poem has been frequently printed. The commentary begins : >Tn- *refJNfK!,)?n>? wfrsn 11 There seems to be a confusion here between Sankara's teacher, Govinddcdrya, and Kaival- yJsrama's teacher, Govinddsrama. Cf. Bodl. MS. ; Raj. Mitra, Bikaner Cat., p. 245. [H. T. COLEBKOOKE.] TANTRA, 915 2622. 988. Foil. 52, the first two of which are wanting ; size 14J in. by 10 in. ; large, modern Devanagarl writing ; thirteen lines in a page. Anandalaharl, with a commentary, beginning in the second hemistich of v. 1. The comment on v. 2, begins : ^nrt' 3I^K f^nTRfVnTrqt ?^ir. nidtrwiuinfarepi f^JTPnf^ This commentary omits v. 97 (of Hasberlin's text), and ends with the comment on H. 102 (here numbered 100) as follows : Tt^qffl ? r^rr^n ^ch1^ *fif>T: «f^f^ralf?f!igrT*Tj 1 i4 This is followed by the text of H. 101 fav°, and the colophon : jfn isCtilTqTXixvfrarif'WTim- That the author is not identical with that of Bodl. Cat., no. 169 (Gaurlkdntasdrvahhaicma) is evident from his quotations, from which we glean the following : Kauldrnava, fol. 10 re, I. 5; Gltd (i. e. Bhagavadg.), fol. 14a, I. 1 Gorakshasamhitd , fol. 3a, 3 inf. ; Jfidndrnava fol. 18a, 3 inf. ; Pujdpatala, foil. 36, 4 inf. 56, 5 inf.; Ydmala (see Budray.), foil. 36, I. 6 76, 3 inf. ; 106, 4 inf.; 156, 2 inf. ; Yogasdstra fol. 30a, /. 2 ; Yoginlhridaya, fol. 11a, 1. 6 B/udraydmala, fol. 14a, 2 inf. ; Vdmesvaratantra fol. 246, U. 6, 12 ; Sanharamdlihl , fol. 146, 4 Stavardja, fol. 17a, 5. Various readings in the text are mentioned foil. 306, I. 2 ; 32a, 3 inf. [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] 262.3. 659. Foil. 58 ; size 13i in. by 6 in. ; fairly good Bengali handwriting of 1800 a.d. ; ten lines in a page. AnandalaharivydL-hyd, by Jagadisa Tarkd- lamkdra ; without the text. It begins : ^tf ~ ^fa^n^mt: srfgranrra ^rr*snTnr?r ^Hf%ji:- The author is not much in the habit of quoting authorities, except in general terms such as ity dliuh, ity elce, iti Jcecit (Icascit), Hi prdTicah, etc. Those mentioned by name arc ^Imara, fol. 5a, I. 2; Kdlikdpwdna, fol. 3a, I. 8; Kdvyasdstra, fol. 126, /. 1; Mdrkandeyapurdfya, fol. 106, /. 9; Yoijiiuhridaya, fol. 8a, I. 8; Budraydmale, foil. 8a, /. 9; 54a, /. 7 ; Sdradd, fol. 7a, I. 7. Sometimes it seems as if he had had ;i knowledge of the preceding commentary. It ends : Jf TJoFT# TTU ^^ sttr^ H^rr^ ^fw *mwr tfRTsn 11 ^^Hwfa^rkra^fi.^ 5 1 mm [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] ^T«HMW=sf»^ II "mt II 2624. 219b. Foil. Gl; size 15 in. by 5 in.; clear, modern Bengali handwriting; eight lines in a page. [Anandalnhan-] TattvabodhinJ, composed, in Saka 1527 (a.d. 1605), by Mahddeva VidydvagUa Bhattdcdrya, son of Yddava Cakravartin, grandson of Vidydsdgara, and great-grandson of Subuddhi-misra. It begins : R^TTm^ToRfciw >T3T*nO'. cKfcnn n^rnm:) i TjT7TTf M ^ h •* t: r^ ^art frjw »m^mg *r?ftfsTT7i: 11 <\ 11 6 c 916 CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. grq n*rp*i?i fiT^fWr' f^wiM I !BM*j^5^5cb%(T itj^i fif«i?icif irc tuid: fyniwifrt^t 1V1 hit 3[ft>ri i Z \*i\ nfifRTfQ5eR^ flglt cRTI3 tf^T ^ftHTTt II ^fw ^in- H i oPT T^ft^TTTO cRirmjHTfa >JTJTrhmT^*5prNprc wt W if HTfei*ifMi wrortif i^snta iter, ii wf irH^qtrrq «th: ^isto tpa ii ^nf »reiT Tpqw ii ^f!T ^wfqSUR fob la ; WSTTi: fol. 3a ; faqT- ^t»T.(?ends faqt ftqnw «q1 ^JT^T ll) fol. 4a; ^fa faqTORmq?: fol. bb; f*-?TWW\WZ: fol. 7a; wane tJtTi^Rt ^mfvf^fv ^TTlstnWW: fol. 76; °\f(f jrR^qmq^q^Ti:f^fv: u fol. 116. c Then follow the 11 slolcas above referred to : TT^T V^Tt ^ VHcsWffHfHH^iT II t II ^f>^5 HR^TO ^T fqimrqi T?i: I k^t f^fT "Wg-Pi ^ «T^^fir^fa£rqT^ ii * u TT^T 5&N ^ HTH^ «qff [jft]lfiTH^H II 3 II ° TT^T ^^TOsTR ^R'q ^ lftIH^W x II «lo II 'srarri ^rcr: *q(!) si'iqrq: ug^s i ^ qsfff g ^Kfl^q f jftsf tj^ h^w (!) II =1=1 ll The same title, as given in this colophon, is assigned to the treatiso in Peterson's li- j >. . iii., p. 392; and in Builder's Cat. of Gujaral etc. MSS., iv., p. 94. [H. T. C'OLEBROOKE.] 2630. 581a. Foil. 20; size 12} in. by 4 J in.; careless Devanagari writing ; fifteen lines in a page. A treatise on the acquisition of supernatural powers by means of mystic formulas and magic practices; extracted from several Tantric works. Extremely incorrect. It begins (somewhat corrected): tmrq f$H3rr ^Tt ivrtf ij*3f(T ST^-or u =i n TWT^ ^ ^ ^31 ^f^ oR^rq^TVHH II ^ II 5TTftT=i? xfff?cp ttto wrfa fqfVqTf?i ^ n 3 n ^^rfrffi »R>?Tf;r ^Tf7nrrf?r inN ^ i SIR?Tf^ fjRTT^TfH Wt^SR ^ H^T qtw n $ u ^JTq^TH WTSTT^T sftW^qTUT 7P5T I JHCUini fq^TO TTfR^ ^ * TIKt II M II "scars fqfvq^nlf pm^f f? ^ i *\ -v °^ vn fw^Tirir *{-^iii wf% z^h: ii i n f^i: ~rm^ ii rf ^f^TqTf»? ^qf^I ff% WW^TTfiTH II S II ^■qvfl^^j ^ frt T*n? wsiv: i o ■^f^TWTTHTcfi^q Hq># riq Hf^rf: II t II ^qi^wqT^ ii ^j\H ^f ^»?**;q ^rj ^iq tt^^t i cB^fiH fq^qi^i ^q«K«qrq?^ II Tq*pW^ ° fol. 36; sfn "3|T- *?()•. *)*gCT?Tfi*r **MtfVcliTt ^T^ & »hnr. ii ° 1. srisavitrividydditantravaidikasandhydmdhi, p. 4 ; 2. abhishekddividhi, p. 7 ; 3. ib.; 4. p. 8 ; 5. (mainly tables) p. 14; 6. p. 15; 7. p. 18; 8. p. 20 ; 9. kshetrddishadvargadrightiphaldm, p. 23; 10. p. 29; 11. rdHMlddi, p. 32; 12. ashtddasavidhdsanddipathydpatkyavivelca, p. 35 ; 13. prdndydmaviveka, p. 39 ; 14. mahdmudrd- didasaviveka, p. 43; 15. samadhividhiviveka, p. 45 ; 16. vaslugrahadvijaprdkaranaviveka, p. 49; 17. grahacaritddinirnaya, p. 53; 18. ends: =frin ri *7f (in 1 1 1 finfm nrirt ^ 3Ttt>=* 3itf? (fsifsir A) «th i ^Kff iftlj ^TCIicR^flSTTT?: ii a n o <\<\ it ^f *f$*i\Qww- fifi: n ° ^f> ^ni^srfifVi: n SKii *f fwr?Tt fwgv ^TjfVrcfi: i irfnrpgTi 1i*h icjirrcnrTrTflTirT: n io u ^1 13TT17W n ° 1. vaslkarana (fol. 12/)); 2. dkarshana (fol. 14a); 3. gajddivydghranivdrana (fol. 18a); 4. stambhana (fol. 23?;); 5. mola (fol. 305); 6. b/javardhana (fol. 355); 7. gddhl- karanddi-lomasdtandntam (fol. 40a); 8. a Kdma- ratnatantre kalaliddikaraiiopadcsah (fol. 506); 9. arishtandsanam gomahishyddidugdhavardhanam (fol. 535); 10. (fol. G0a); 11. ndndkautuka (fol. 616); 12. ledmasiddhyddi-andvrish(ik irariam (fol. 67a); 13. nidltidtu-$iuiq^ *f^5 TT^jftrTH^: ii IifV/i'. I. 50, with Sdyama's comment thereon ; 10. {madhydhnasandhydvidhi, sdyam- sandhyd) ends : , sf Hh^: 73: ^ij tt =1^ ^fw rT^rf ^uftTTR^: 11 Of the authorities cited may be mentioned: KsJwrasvdmin, fol. 35a; Gdyatnhridaya, fol. 5a; Gdyatryupanishad, foil. 3a. 6, 76; Prapancasdra, foil. 56, 8a ; MantradevaprakdSiJca, foil. 56, 33a; Smriticandrilid, foil. 126,35a; Smritisamgraha, fol. 476 ; Smritisdra, foil. 96, 136. [H. T. COLEBROOKE.] M- y^T)^ iTFItr ^AavaaiH^ 7 "ftiwsm^ "tysMAiwrf .^E-UNIVERfth ^:10S-ANCEIFJ> -dHIBRARYflc j j id j * 4? ^> ^~^ 4? a v *-^ lIFQftto ^Wf ^cll ^OF-CAUFOBto ^OFCAIIFC m im km iv®« iv£ t/Auvaaii a 4 aOSANCEtfj> s> > — - v (/;\