y^V^/VV*/ ^' />-/,/iJ y/^,,//^"'/, THE MASSACHUSETTS CIVIL LIST 1 63 0-17 74. THE COLONIAL AND PROVINCIAL PERIODS, 1630-1774. BEING A LIST OF THE NAMES AND DATES OF APPOINTMENT ALL THE CIVIL OFFICERS (i!i;0tt^titnt«tt hy g^utliovity of ikt (^JMixim, ox the ^oral ^ovcntmcttt. WILLIAM H. WIIITMORE, A.M. ALBANY: J. MUNSELL, STATE STREET. 1870. P E E F A C E In the following pages an attempt has been made to furnish lists of all the civil officers appointed under the authority of the two charters of Massachusetts, from the first settlement of the colony until the overthrow of the Royal government, together with the dates of such appointments. Such a work, if faithfully executed, can hardly fail to be of service, and it has been the object of the compiler to strive for accuracy in every detail given. The names and dates have been taken from the official records, and such as have not been copied by him personally, have been transcribed by Mr. William B. Trask, a gentleman eminently qualified to do the work thoroughly and accurately. The method pursued was to copy all the civil appointments as they stood on the record, after which these facts were classified and arranged by the compiler. It would hardly be possible to escape some errors in so large a collection of names and dates ; but it is hoped that the care exercised in the • work ^f collection and classification has reduced the mistakes to an inconsiderable number. In these lists will be found the names of the comparatively few civil officers appointed under the first charter, as well as of the far greater number rendered necessary by the increase of the province under its second charter. To render the record more nearly complete it has seemed best to include even the lowest grades of commissioned officers, those of j ustice of the peace and coroner. An examination of the names, however, will convince the reader that these offices were formerly held in higher estimation than they may be to-day, and that they formed the first steps in the political life of many of the most distinguished 6 Preface. men. For the genealogist and local historian these lists will possess a peculiar interest. The explanations given at the commencement of each list render any- general description here unnecessary. It may be said, however, of the lists of the judges, that though comparisons were made throughout with the valuable Judicial History of Massachusetts by Hon. Emory Washburn, the facts here given have all been taken from the original ' records, and add materially to his collections. Especially may be mentioned the records of the counties of York, Lincoln and Cumberland, now in the limits of Maine, but in fact during the Provincial period con- stituting a portion of Massachusetts, of which he took no notice. As this book is only intended to be an aid to the student, it was deemed unadvisable to attempt notes on the many interesting topics suggested by it. The constitution of the courts, the causes of appoint- ments or dismissals, the extensive changes in political bodies like the council, are all matters suggested by an examination of these lists, but even the briefest discussion of them would require too much space. One general conclusion alone may be stated. These lists will indicate clearly that prior to the Revolution, the offices, if not the controlling power, were in the hands of a few families, and other investigations will show these families to have been closely allied by marriages. From this state of affairs the Revolution rescued us ; the reader will doubtless form his own opinion as to the influence the presence of such an oligarchy had in causing that event. In conclusion, the compiler has to express his thanks to A. C. Goodell, Jr., Esq, for valuable assistance in relation to dates procured in England, and to the commissioners for the republication of the Province Laws, for an arrangement by which the use of stereotype plates was secured. W. H. W. i Boston, Oct., 1870. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Colonial Period, 1629-1686 — Massachusetts, Page. Mode of voting, ....... 11 Governor and Deputy Grovernor, .... 16 Secretary, 18 Treasurer, ........ 19 Assistants, ........ 19 Speaker, 27 Commissioners of the United Colonies, . 28 Auditor General, ....... 34 Marshal General, ....... 34 Agents to England, 34 Inter Charter Period, 1686-1692— Governor and Council, ....... 30 Plymouth Colony — Governor, 35 36 Secretary, 36 Treasurer, 36 Assistants, 37 Provincial Period, 1692-1774 — Governor, ........ 43 Lieutenant Governor, ...... 44 Secretary, . . .• . 44 Treasurer, ........ 45 The Council, ....... 45 64 Speaker, ......... 66 Judges of the Superior Court, 68 Special Justices of Superior Court, . . . . . . , . 71 Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer, . . . . 75 County Officers for Suflfolk, viz. Judges of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, Special Justices of same, Sheriffs, Judges and Reg isters of Probate, 77 County Officers — for Essex, 82 Middlesex, ....... 87 Hampshire, ....... 91 Plymouth, ....... 95 Bristol, ........ . . 99 Barnstable, ....... 103 Table of Contents. County Officers — for York, Nantucket, Dukes, Worcester, Lincoln, . Cumberland, Berkshire, . Attorney-General, Solicitor General, Commissioners of Impost and Excise Justices of the Peace. — Suffolk, Essex, . Middlesex, Hampshire, Plymouth, Bristol, . Barnstable, York, . Nantucket, Dukes, . Worcester, Lincoln, Cumberland, Berkshire, Coroners Suffolk, Essex, Middlesex, Hampshire, Plymouth, Bristol, Barnstable, York, Nantucket, Dukes, Worcester, Lincoln, . Cumberland, Berkshire, Notaries Public Index, LIST OF CIVIL OFFICERS. LIST OF CIVIL OFFICERS. COLONIAL PERIOD, 1629-1688. The charter granted by Charles I to certain persons, creating them " one body politique and corporate in. fact and name, by the name of the Governor and Company of the Mattachusctts Ba}^ in New England," is dated March 4, 1628-9. It provides for yearly elections of a governor, deputy-governor and eighteen assistants, on the last Wednesday in Easter term, in the general court or assembly of the company. The officers named in the charter are : Mathew Ckadock^ Governor^ Thomas Goffe, Deputy GovemoVy and as assistants Sir Richard Saltonstall, Symon Whitcomb, Thomas Adams, Isaac Johnson, Increase Novvell, Thomas Hutchins, Samuel Aldersey, Richard Perry, John Browne, John Ven, Nathaniel "Wright, George Foxcraft, John Ilumfrey, Samuel Vassall, William Vassall, John Endecott, Theophilus Eaton, William Pinchon. Before this date (in 1624), a settlement had been commenced at Salem, and both Roger Conant and John Endecott have been graced with the title of o;overnor. Our use of the term will however be limited to those who were the heads at once of the company and of the colony, thus fulfilling the idea conveyed by the charter. Cradock was governor of the company and Endecott of the settlement, but John Winthrop was the first governor of Massachusetts under the first charter, after the consolidation of the duties and powers belonging to that office. The date of the election of charter officers, after the establishment of the settlement here, was the last Wednes- day of Easter term in each year. The election at first was by the whole body of freemen assembled together, but this mode proving inconvenient as the number of settlements increased, various alterations were made. In 1632 [Mass. Rec. i, 95), it was voted "that the Governor, Deputy Governor and Assistants should be chosen by the whole court of Governor, Deputy Governor, Assistants and freemen., and that the Governor shall always be chosen out of the Assistants," and this rule seems to have lasted for two years. In May, 1634, however, eight towns sent representatives, and the general court then passed two apparently inconsistent votes. It declared [Mass. Bee. i, 117), that " none but the General Court hath power to make and establish laws, nor to elect and appoint officers, as Governor, Deputy 12 List of Civil Officers. Governor, Assistants, Treasurer, Secretary, Captain, Lieutenants, Ensigns, or any of like moment, or to remove such upon misdemeanor, as also to set out the duty and powers of said officers." But it also decreed [Mass. JRec. I, 118-9), that it should be lawful for the freemen of each town to depute two or three persons " to deal in their behalf in the public affairs of the Commonwealth," who should " have the full power and voices of all the said freemen, derived to them for the making and establishing of laws, granting of lands, &c., and to deal in all other affairs of the Commonwealth wherein the freemen have to do, the matter of election of magistrates and other officers only excepted, wherein every freeman is to give his own voice." From this we may conclude that the second statement controlled the first, and that it was necessary to have a mass meeting for the election of officers. Winthrop {Hist, i, 159, old ed.), says of the election in 1635 : " The go- vernour and deputy were elected by papers wherein their names were written ; but the assistants were chosen by papers, without names, viz: the governour propounded one to the people ; then they all went out, and came in at one door, and every man delivered a paper into a hat. Such as gave their vote for the party named, gave in a paper with some figures or scroll in it; others gave in a blank." This seems to indicate that only those freemen who were present cast votes for the assistants at least. The next step was taken under Vane's administration, when it was voted March 9, 1636-7 [Mass. Bee. i, 188), that " it shall be free and lawful for all freemen to send their votes for elections by proxy the next General Court in May, and so for hereafter, which shall be done in this manner : The deputies which shall be chosen shall cause the freemen of their towns to be assembled, and then to take such freemen's votes as please to send by proxy for every magistrate, and seal them up, severally subscribing the magistrate's name on the back side, and so bring them to the Court sealed, with an open roll of the names of the freemen that so send by proxy." Li November, 1639 {Mass. Bee. i, 277), "it was solemnly and unanimously decreed and established that henceforth upon the day or days appointed by our patent to hold our yearly court for the electing of our Governor, Deputy Governor, Assistants and other general officers, being the last Wednesday of every Easter term, that the freemen of this jurisdiction shall, either in person or by proxy, without any summons, attend and consummate the eleotions; at which time also they shall send their deputies with full power to consult and determine such matters as concern the welfare of this Com- monwealth : from which General Court no magistrate or deputy shall depart the Court, or be discharged, without the consent of the major part of the Court, under the penalty of one hundred pounds. " As for the place of public assembling, it shall be where the preceding Court of Elections was held, unless then and there some other place shall be assigned. This act of ours we conceive so nearly to concern the good of this conntr}^ that we earnestly entreat it may never be repealed by any future Court." List of Civil Officers. 13 On May 13th, 1640 {3Iass. Rec. i, 293), it was ordered, that at the town meetings at which the deputies to the general court were chosen, these deputies should nominate to the freemen the candidates they recommended for the next election of magistrates, and should record the votes given to each candidate. The magistrates and deputies were to add the returns from the several towns, and take enough of these names according to the number of votes, to make up the full number of assistants. This list was to be returned to the freemen in each town to choose or reject at the next election ; but no new name could be added to those nominated. This plan was to be tried for one year. In June, 1641 [Mass. Rec. i, 333), it was ordered that the freemen in each town should choose electors to be sent to the court of election, one for every ten voters, who should have power to make election for all the rest. In June, 1642 {31ass. Rec. ii, 21), it was ordered that each town should send one or two freemen to Salem to agree upon a certain number of the most able and fit men to be put in nomination for magistrates at the next court, and none others were to be voted for. In 1643, May 10 {Rec. ii, 37), the mode appointed May 13, 1640, was revived until repealed or altered, except that it was declared that at the preliminary nominations in town meetings, the deputies should have no exclusive right of nominating, but all the freemen might propound names. September 7, 1643, it was ordered that the voting for assistants be with Indian beans, black and white, instead of papers. On the 7th March, 1643-4, it was voted {Rec. ii, 58), that the magistrates and deputies should thereafter sit apart, the assent of both houses being necessary to the passage of laws, &c. On the 13th November, 1644 {Rec. II, 87), it was ordered that within two months the freemen of each town should meet and select seven candidates for new magistrates at the next election. The town votes were then to be sent, sealed, to the shire towns by messengers on the last Thursday of February, and then these selected men for each county were to choose one to carry the sealed vote of the county to Boston, on the last Tuesday of March. At Boston, two magis- trates were to open the votes and announce the seven names receiving the most votes, and " that such as have most votes to be first nominated and put to election, that the freemen may know for whom to send in their proxies." The county representatives were to notify the town messengers, and these latter the freemen, and none but the candidates thus })roposed could be voted for. This order, changing only the dates of the meeting in the shire towns, was renewed November 4, 1646 {Rec. iii, 86). In 1647, November 11 {Rec. ii, 210), the same order was reenacted, with the important change that the number of nominees sliould be " to the number of seven persons, or as the General Court shall direct," and "these seven or other immber agreed upon as aforesaid," should be nominated for assistants at the court of election. 14 List of Civil Officers. On the 11th November, 1647 [Rec. ii, 220), it was ordered that the freemen should elect the governor, deputy governor, major-general, treasurer, secre- tary, and commissioners for the United Colonies, by means of papers, and all the assistants by white beans, to be forwarded by their deputies to the court of election, "provided that such as are made free upon the day of election, and only they, shall deliver their votes at the door," and also provided that the votes of small villages which did not send deputies, should be transmitted by the deputies of the nearest town." This order apparently (see Winthrop, II, 311, old ed.), was not liked, since it made compulsory what was before optional, the voting by ballot. He seems to state that the order was repealed and the matter referred to the next court, 1648, which being full of business, the matter was put off farther. Thus far the details of the elections seems to agree with Lechford's account in 1642 [Plain Dealing^ p. 60, Trumbull's ed.), that at the election in Boston all the freemen voted in person or by proxy. He says, however, for the assistants the blanks and marked votes were counted, and "according to the major part of either, the man in nomination stands elected or rejected." Considering the wording of these laws and the fact that from 1644 to 1649 there were at least ten assistants chosen each year, we feel obliged to conclude : 1st. That the governor, &c., were chosen by popular vote, by the freemen present at the meeting and by ballots sent thither. 2d. That the old assistants were renominated each year as a matter of course and voted on, whilst new names were propounded in accordance with these various schemes before cited, and only used if there were not enough old members desiring or attaining election to make up the number decided upon. It must be remembered that the number of assistants demanded by the charter, eighteen, was never filled before 1680, and it is believed that no evidence remains as to the mode by which the number to be elected in each year was decided upon, or as to the influence which determined this point. On the 17th October, 1649 {Rec. ii, 287), a new rule was made, viz : that on some day in JSTovember the freemen in each town were to cast their votes for such as they desired to have chosen assistants at the next court of election, not exceeding twenty in number (each freeman giving only one vote to each of his candidates); these votes were to be sent to the shire towns, and thence the county votes were to be sent to Boston. The eighteen having the most votes were to be the only candidates at the next election. They were to be nominated in the order of their relative votes, the highest first, " except such of those twenty who have been magistrates the year before, who shall have the precedence of the others in nomination on the day of election." " And the printed law for election, p. 21, bearing date 1647, is hereby repealed." In support of this view we may note that the old assistants were regularly reelected from 1643 to 1649, and that though three were changed in 1650, viz: John Winthrop, jr., Saltonstall and Pelham, the first had removed to Connecticut, and the latter two had gone to England. List of Civil Officers. 15 On the 19th October, 1658 {Rec. iv, part i, p. 347), it was ordered that inconveniences having arisen from having so many persons nominated, that hereafter only fourteen be nominated, and the previous law was repealed. In 1665 [Rec. iv, part ii, p. 166), a letter was received from King Charles II, saying " although we have hereby declared our expectation to be that the charter granted by our royal father and now confirmed by us, shall be punctually observed, yet if the number of the Assistants enjoyned thereby by found by experience and by judged by the people to be inexpedient (as we are informed it is), we do then dispense with the same, and declare our will and pleasure herein for the future to be, that the number of said Assistants shall not exceed eighteen, nor be less at any time than ten." October 12, 1670 [Rec. iv, part ii, p. 468), the number of nominees was fixed at eighteen. Finally, 4 February, 1679-80 [Rec. v, 262), it was ordered that eighteen assistants be chosen for that year, and October 13, 1680 {Rec. v, 291), a more extended act was passed. The freemen of each town were to meet on the second Tuesday in March and vote by ballot for assistants to the number of twenty, casting only one vote for each candidate. Those votes were to be sent to the shire town, and thence by commissioners the county votes were to be carried to Boston. There on the 2d Tuesday in April the votes were to be opened, and the twenty-six having the most votes were to be the candidates for the next election. These nominees were to be considered according to the number of votes they had received, the old magistrates having the preference in nomination on election day. At the town meetings thereafter all the freemen might put in proxies for ofiicers by ballots and Indian corn, naming twenty out of the twenty-six nominated for assistants, and these votes were to be sent to Boston, when the eighteen having the most votes were chosen for the next year. All the freemen who had not voted by proxy could do so in person on election day, at the Court House in Boston. 16 List of Civil Officers. FIRST CHARTER. GOVERNORS. 1629 Oct. 20, John Winthrop.* 1630t 1631 May 18 1632 May 9 1683 May 29 1634 May 14 1635 May 6 1636 May 25 1637 May 17 1638 May 2 1639 May 22 1640 May 13 1641 June 2 1642 May 18 1643 May 10 1644 May 29 1645 May 14 1646 May 6 1647 May 26 1648 May 10 1649 May 2 1650 May 22 1651 May 7 1652 May 27 1653 May 18 1654 May 3 1655 May 23 1656 May 14 1657 May 6 1658 May 19 1659 May 11 1660 May 30 1661 May 22 1662 May 7 1663 May 27 1664 May 18 1665 May 3 1666 May 23 1667 May 15 do do do do Thomas Dudley. John Haynes. Henry Vane. John "Winthrop. do do Thomas Dudley. Richard Bellingham. John Winthrop. do John Endecott, Thomas Dudley. John "Winthrop. do do John Endecott. Thomas Dudley. John Endecott. do do Richard Bellingham. John Endecott. do do do do do do do do do Richard Bellingham. do do DEPUTY GOVERNORS. John Humphrey. Thomas Dudley.f do do do Roger Ludlow. Richard Bellingham. John Winthrop. Thomas Dudley. do do Richard Bellingham. John Endecott. do do John Winthrop. do Thomas Dudley. do do do John Endecott. Thomas Dudley. do Richard Bellingham. John Endecott. Richard Bellingham. do do do do do do do do do Francis Willoughby. do do * Chosen in England. t No election, probably. See Palfrey, i, 317. List of Civil Officers. First Charter — Continued. 17 GOVERNORS. DEPUTY GOVERNORS. 1668 Apr. 29, Richard Belliugham. Francis Willoughby. 1669 May 19, do do 1670 May 11, • do do 1671 May 31, do John Leverett. 1672 May 15, do do 1673 May 7, John Leverett. Samuel Symonds. 1674 May 27, do do 1675 May 12, do do 1676 May 3, do do 1677 May 23, do do 1678 May 8, do do 1679 May 28, Simon Bradetreet. Thomas Danforth. 1680 May 19, do do 1681 May 11, do do 1682 May 24, do do 1683 May 16, do do 1684 May 7, do do 1685 May 27, do do 1686 May 12 do do The general court adjourned May 20, 1686, the government being super- seded by the new commission. In 1684 proceedings were taken in England to vacate the charter, and a decree was finally issued October 23. A temporary government, directly dependent on the Crown, was projected by King Charles II, and Col. Piercy Kirk was appointed "His Majesty's Lieutenant and Governor General," early in November. During 1685 the old elective government continued, but was regarded only as provisional. On the 14th May, 1686, otiicial information was brought to Boston of the new commissions issued by James II for the territory composed of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine and the King's Province. The government was to consist of the president, deputy president, and sixteen counsellors. The commission is dated Octo- ber 8, 1685.* *P(dfrey, in, 485. 3 18 List of Civil Officers. 1686 May 20, Joseph Dudley, President. " William Stoughton, De-puty President. * 1686 Dec. 20, Sir Edmond Andros, Governor. He was appointed governor in chief over New England June 3, 1686, and assumed the authority on his arrival in December. 1688 April 7, Andros was created by a new commission governor of all the English possessions on the main land of America, except Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia. 1689 April 18, Andros's government was overthrown, and a provisional government was established. Two conventions were called, which met May 9th and May 22d, and finally the old magistrates consented to assume^office, though disclaiming the idea that they reassumed the old charter. 1689 May 24, Simon Bradstreet, Governor. Thomas Danforth, Deputy Governor. This temporary government was sanctioned by William and Mary, and lasted till the arrival of the new or second charter, May 14, 1692. SECRETARY. 1628-9, March 9, John Washborne was chosen secretary of the company in England for one year. 1629, May 13, William Burges was chosen, and the records are in his hand writing until 10 February, 1629-30. Simon Bradstreet's records commence March 18th, 1629-30, with the record of a meeting of the assistants at Southampton, and he doubtless was appointed at that time, though the earliest notice of his election is in 1634. The secretary held ofiice for one year and until his successor was elected. 1630 Simon Bradstreet. 1636 June, Increase Nowell. (He appears as acting secretary, though not formally elected until 1639). 1650 May 22, Edward Rawson. (He held office until the charter was taken away). 1685 Sept. 21, Edward Randolph commissioned secretary and registrar under Dudley's government. He held until the over- throw of Andros in 1689. May 3, 1687 he rented his ofiice to John West, who had acted as deputy under him. List of Civil Officers. 19 TREASURER. The treasurers held office for one year aud until their successors were appointed. DATE. NAME. 1629 May 13, George Harwood, | j^^ England. 1629 Dec. 1, Samuel Aldersey, J 1632 Aug. 7, "William Pynchon. 1634 May 18, William Coddington. 1636 May 25, Richard Dummer. 1637 May 17, Richard Bellingham. 1640 May 13, William Tyng, 1644 Nov. 13, Richard Russell (until the next court). 1645 May 14, do 1676 May 3, John Hull. 1680 May 19, James Russell. 1686 May 11, Samuel Nowell. 1686 June 1, John Usher, appointed under Dudley. ASSISTANTS. By the charter, eighteen assistants were to he chosen annually, hut as has been noted (p. 14), this rule was continuously neglected for nearly fifty years. Until 1680 the number varied from seven to twelve, and we are at a loss to explain the reason of this palpable violation of the law. Hutchinson {Hist. I, 326), writes, under date of 1679 : " They continued to limit them- selves to eight or ten assistants. At first, as has been observed, it was done to leave room for persons of quality expected from England. These expectations had loi^g ceased. In a popular government, and where the magistrates were annually chosen, increasing the number would give a better chance to aspiring men. On the other hand, the greater the number of assistants the less the weight of the house of deputies, the election of all officers depending upon the major vote of the whole court. This last reason might cause the deputies to refuse their consent to an increase." Finally, the king's letter of July 24, 1679 {lialchinson i, 326), amongst other articles ordered that "the ancient number of eighteen assistants be henceforth observed as by charter." Accordingly at the session of 4th February, 1679-80, it was ordered by the court that for the future eighteen should be elected, twenty being voted for, and the eighteen receiving the most votes being declared elected [31ass. Records, v, 262). 20 List of Civil Officers. At first the governor, deputy governor and assistants seem to have sat with the deputies, though exercising by a majority vote among themselves a negative upon the proceedings of the latter. This privilege created dissension {Huichiyison, i, 143), and finally the deputies voted, 7th March, 1643-4, that the magistrates should sit by themselves. The powers of the two bodies, however, seems to have remained quite undefined in theory. In 1645, '6 and '7, the assistants were as before present at the court of elections, but after this last date they seem to have held separate sessions. ISToTES. — The following facts may be here noted : 1638. John Endecott acted, but I do not find the date of his election. 1642. The earlier copies of the published records were imperfect in regard to the elections this year. Later copies, however, have a cancel of the first sheet, and two pages of additional matter are given, which supply the names recorded in the following list. (See Palfrey, i, 613). 1652. I do not find that Thomas Flynt was chosen this year, and as his will, of 21 December, 1651 (according to Savage), mentions that he was " intending a voyage to England," probably he went in 1652, and hence was not elected in his absence. 1685. Oliver Purchase was elected, but declined. List of Civil Officers. 21 ASSISTAITTS. [The governor and deputy governor in each year are marked with stars, but are not counted among the assistants. A star prefixed to a name shows that it has not occurred previously.] NAMES. 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 John Winthrop, Thomas Dudley, Increase Nowell, . * * 1 * * * 1 * * 1 1 * Simon Bradstreet, . 1 J 1 William ryuchon, 1 1 1 John Endecott, 1 1 1 "William Coddington, 1 1 1 Roger Ludlow, 1 1 1 * Sir Richard Saltonstall, 1 - 1 - Isaac Johnson, 1 - - - - Thomas Sharp, William Vassall, . 1 1 — — — — Edward Rossiter, . 1 - - - - John Winthrop, jr., - - 1 1 1 John Humfrey, John Haynes, / : - 1 1 1 1 ' 11 7 8 9 9 NAMES. 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 John Winthrop, 1 * * * * Thomas Dudley, 1 * * * Increase Nowell, . 1 1 1 1 Simon Bradstreet, 1 1 1 1 William Pynchon, 1 - - - John Endecott, - 1 1 1 William Coddington, 1 - - - John Winthrop, jr., 1 1 1 1 John Ilaynes, * - - - *Richard Bcllincrham, * 1 1 1 *Richard Dummer, 1 - - - John Ilumfrey, 1 1 1 1 *Atherton Hough, 1 — - - - *Roger Ilarlakenden, — 1 1 1 - *Sir Henry Vane, - * - - - *Israel Stoughton, — - 1 1 1 *Richard Saltonstall, jr., - - 1 1 1 10 12 9 9 8 22 List of Civil Officers. Assistants — Continued. NAMES. 1640 1641 1643 1643 1644 1645 John Winthrop, 1 1 * * * * Thomas Dudley, * 1 1 1 1 * Increase jS'owell, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Simon Bradstreet, 1 1 1 1 1 1 John Endecott, 1 * * * * 1 John Winthrop, jr., 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 Eichard Bellingham, * * 1 1 1 1 John Humfrey, 1 1 - - ~ - Israel Stoughton, 1 1 1 1 - Richard Saltonstall, jr 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 *Thomas Flint, _ _ 1 1 1 1 *Samuel Symonds, — — — 1 1 1 *William Hibbens, — — — * 1 1 1 *William Pyuchon, - — 1 1 1 1 *IIerbert Pelham, - - - - - 1 8 8 9 11 10 11 NAMES. 1646 1647 1648 1649 John Winthrop, .... * * * _ Thomas Dudley, * * * * Increase Nowell, 1 1 1 1 Simon Bradstreet, 1 1 1 1 John Endecott, • 1 1 1 * William Pynchon, 1 1 1 1 Richard Bellingham, 1 1 1 1 John Winthrop, jr.. 1 1 1 1 Richard Saltonstall, jr., 1 1 1 1 Thomas Flint, 1 1 1 1 Samuel Symonds, . 1 1 1 1 William Hibbens, 1 1 1 1 Herbert Pelham, 1 1 1 1 *Robert Bridges, . - 1 1 1 11 12 12 11 List op Civil Officers. Assistants — Continued. 23 NAMES. 1650 1651 1653 1653 1654 1655 Thomas Dudley, * * * ^ Increase Nowell, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Simon Bradstreet, 1 1 1 1 1 1 John Eudecott, * * * * * * William Pynchon, 1 — — — - — Richard Bellingham, 1 1 1 * * * Thomas Flint, 1 1 — 1 - — Samuel Symouds, 1 1 1 1 1 1 William Hibbens, 1 1 1 1 1 — Robert Bridges, 1 1 1 1 1 1 *Francis Willoughby, 1 1 - - - - *Edward Gibbons, 1 1 — - - - *Thomas Wiggin, 1 1 1 1 1 1 *John Glover, _ — 1 1 — — *Daniel Gookin, _ _ 1 1 1 1 *Daniel Denison, _ _ _ 1 1 1 *Simon Willard, _ _ — — 1 1 *numphrey Atherton, - - - - 1 1 11 10 9 10 10 9 NAMES. 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 Richard Bellingham, * * * * * * John Endecott, * * * * * * Simon Bradstreet, 1 1 1 Samuel Symcnds, 1 1 1 Robert Bridges, - - - Thomas Wiggin, 1 1 1 Daniel Gookin, 1. 1 1 Daniel Denison, 1 1 1 Simon Willard, 1 1 1 Humphrev Atherton, 1 1 1 *Richard Russell, — - - 1 ♦Thomas Danforth, - - - 1 8 7 7 9 9 9 24 List of Civil Officers. Assistants — Continued. NAMES. 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 Richard Bellingbam, * * * * * * John Endecott, * * * — - _ Simon Bradstreet, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Samuel Simonds, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Thomas Wiggiu, 1 1 1 — — _ Daniel Gookin, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Daniel Denison, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Simon Willard, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Richard Russell, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Thomas Danforth, 1 1 1 1 1 1 *William Hawthorne, 1 1 1 1 1 1 *Eliezer Lusher, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Francis Willoughby, - — 1 * * * Richard Sal ton stall, jr. - — 1 — — — *John Leverett, - — — 1 1 1 *John Pynchon, - - - 1 1 1 10 10 12 11 11 11 NAMES. •1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 Richard Bellingham, * * * * * Simon Bradstreet, 1 1 1 1 1 Samuel Symonds, 1 1 1 1 1 Daniel Gookin, 1 1 1 1 1 Daniel Denison, 1 1 1 1 1 Simon Willard, 1 1 1 1 1 Richard Russell, 1 1 1 1 1 Thomas Danforth, 1 1 1 1 1 "William Hawthorne, . 1 1 1 1 1 Eliezar Lusher, 1 1 1 1 1 Francis Willoughby, * * * - - John Leverett, 1 1 1 * * John Pynchon, 1 1 1 1 1 *Edward Tyng, 1 1 1 1 1 *William Stoughton, - - - 1 1 12 12 12 12 12 List of Civil Officers. Assistants — Continued. 25 NAMES. 1673 1074 1675 1676 Simon Bradstreet, .... 1 1 1 ' 1 Samuel Symonds, * * * * Daniel Gookin, 1 1 — Daniel Denison, 1 1 1 Simon Willard, 1 1 - Richard Russell, 1 1 1 Thomas Danforth, . 1 1 1 William Hawthorne, 1 1 1 John Leverett, * * * John Pyuchon, 1 1 1 Edward Tyng, 1 1 1 William Stoughton, 1 1 1 *Thoma8 Clarke, 1 1 1 *Joseph Dudley, - - - 1 11 11 11 10 NAMES. 1677 1678 1679 Simon Brad street, ..... 1 1 * Samuel Symonds, * ^■■ - Daniel Gookin, • 1 1 Daniel Denison, 1 1 Thomas Danforth, . 1 * William Hawthorne, 1 1 John Leverett, * John Pynchon, 1 1 Edward Tyng, 1 1 William Stoughton, 1 1 Thomas Clarke, 1 - Joseph Dudley, 1 1 *Peter Bulkley, 1 1 *Israthaniel Saltonstall, - - 1 *Humphrey Davy, — — 1 10 10 10 26 List of Civil Officers. Assistants — Continued. NAMES. 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 Simon Bradstreet, * * * * * * * Thomas Danforth, * * * * * * * Daniel Gookin, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Daniel Denison, i 1 — — — _ John Pynchon, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Edward Tyng, William Stoughton, . Joseph Dudley, Peter Bulkley, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iNathaniel Salton stall, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Humphrey Davy , *James Russell, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *Samuel Nowell, 1 1 1 1 1 1 *Peter Tilton, 1 1 1 1 1 1 *John Richards, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Richard Saltonstall, jr., 1 1 — — _ _ *John Hull, 1 1 1 _ _ _ *Bartholomew Gedney, *Thomas Savage, 1 1 1 1 — - - * William Browne, 1 1 1 _ _ _ *Samuel Appleton, . *RobertPike, , . — 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *Daniel Fisher, _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ *John Woodbridge, . *Elisha Cooke, - - - 1 1 1 1 1 *William Johnson, . _ _ _ _ 1 1 1 *John Hawthorne, — i" _ _ 1 1 1 *Elisha Hutchinson, . _ _ — 1 1 1 *Samuel Sewall, _ _ _ _ 1 1 1 *l8aac Addington, _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 *John Smith, _ — _ — — — 1 *01iver Purchase,! • - - - - - - 18 18 18 18 18 IT 18 f Declined. List of Civil Officers. 27 SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF DEPUTIES. The first record of the appointment of this officer is at the session begin- ning May 29, 1644, after the separation of the assistants and deputies. Before this time we may conclude that the governor presided. The speaker was chosen anew at each session of the court. 1644 May 29 William Hawthorne. 1665 May 3, Thomas Clarke. 1645 May 14 do 1666 May 23 Richard Waldron. Aug. 12 , do 1667 May 15 do Oct. 2 , George Cooke. 1668 Apr. 29, do 1646 May 6 William Hawthorne. 1669 May 19 Thomas Clarke. Nov. 4 Kobert Bridges, 1670 May 11 , do 1647 May 26 Joseph Hill. 1671 May 31 Thomas Savage. Oct. 18 , Richard Russell. 1672 May 15, Thomas Clarke. 1648 May 10, William Hawthorne. 1673 May 7 Richard Waldron. Oct. 18, Richard Russell. 1673-4 Jan. 6, Josh. Hubbard. 1649 May 2, Daniel Denison. 1674 May 27, Richard Waldron. Oct. 17 do 1674 Oct. 7, do 1650 May 23 William Hawthorne. 1675 May 12, do Oct. 15 do 1675-6 Feb. 2 l,PeterBulkley. 1651 May 7 Daniel Gookin. 1676 May 3, do Oct. 14 Daniel Denison. Aug. 9, do 1652 May 27 do 1677 May 24, Thomas Savage. 1653 May 18 Humphrey Atherton. Oct. 10, do 1654 May 3 Richard Russell. 1678 May 9, do 1655 May 23 Edward Johnson. 1679 May 28, Richard Waldron. 1656 May 14 Richard Russell. 1679-80 Feb. - 1, John Richards. 1657 May 6, William Hawthorne. 1680 May 19, Daniel Fisher. 1658 May 19 Richard Russell. 1681 May 11, do 1659 May 11, Thomas Savage. 1682 May 24, do 1660 May 30 do 1683 May 16, Elisha Cooke. 1661 May 22, William Hawthorne. Nov. 7, do 1662 May 7, Thomas Clarke. 1684 May 7, John Wayt. 1663 May 27, John Leverett. 1685 May 27, Isaac Addington. 1664 May 18 do 1686 May 12, John SalHn, 28 List of Civil Officers. COMMISSIONERS OF THE UNITED COLONIES. {Elected at the Annual Election in each Colony.) MASSACHUSETTS. PLYMOUTH. 1643 John Winthrop, Thomas Dudley, Edward Winslow, William Collier, 1644 Simon Bradstreet, "Wm. Hathorne, do John Browne, 1645 John Winthrop, Herbert Pelham, Thomas Prince, do 1646 John Endecott, do Timothy Hathei 'ley, do 1647 do Thomas Dudley, William Bradford, do 1648 do Sim.on Bradstreet, do do 1649 Thomas Dudley, do do do 1650 Wm. Hathorne, do Thomas Prince, do , 1651 do do Timothy Hatherley, do 1652 do do William Bradford, do 1653 do do Thomas Prence > do 1654 do do do do 1655 Daniel Denison, do do do 1656 do do do William Bradford, 1657 do do do James Cudworth, 1658 John Endecott, do do Josias ' Winslow, 1659 Daniel Denison, do Thomas Southworth, do 1660 do do do do 1661 do do do Thomas Prence, 1662 do Thomas Danforth, Josias Winslow , T. Southworth, 1663 Simon Bradstreet, do do Thomas Prence, 1664 do do do T. S 3uthworth, 1665 do do do do 1666 do do do do 1667 * do do do 1668 Thomas Danforth, John Leverett, Josias Winslow do 1669 do do do do 1670 do Simon Bradstreet, do Thomas Prence, 1671 do do do .do 1672 do do do do 1673 do Wm. Hathorne, do Thos Hinckley, 1674 do Wm. Stoughtou, do do 1675 do do do do * John Leverett in reserve seema to have acted this year, f James Cudworth, substitute, served. List of Civil Officers. ' Commissioners of the United Colonies — Continued. 29 MASSACHUSETTS. PLYMOUTH. 1676 Thos. Danforth, Wm. Stoughton, Josia 8 Winslow, Thomas i Hinckley, 1677 do Joseph Dudley, do do 1678 do do do do 1679 do do do do 1680 Wm. Stoughton, do do do 1681 do do James Cu dworth. do 1682 do Peter Bulkley, William Bradford, do 1683 do do do do 1684 do Samuel Nowell, do do 1685 do do 1686 do do do do • Note. — Usually substitutes were also chosen, and these sometimes acted. Thus, for Massachusetts John Leverett acted in 1667, and for Plymouth, Thomas Prence in 1662, and Thomas Hinckley in 1667. 30 List of Civil Officers. rtTTER CHARTER PERIOD. (See Palfrey, iii, 604). *JosEPH Dudley, President in 1686. *'WiLLiAM Stoughton, Deputy President in 1686. COUNSELLORS. *Robert Mason, *Fitz John Winthrop, *John Pynchon, *Peter Bulkley, *Edward Randolph, *Wait Still Winthrop, *Richard Wharton, *John Usher, ♦Bartholomew Gedney, ♦Jonathan Tyng, *John Hinckes, ♦Edward Tyng, Nathaniel Saltonstall,t Simon Bradstreet,t Dudley Bradstreet,! Francis Champernoon.f In Andros's first commission the above twelve marked with stars were reappointed, and the following thirteen added : Thomas Hinckley, Barnabas Lothrop, William Bradford, Daniel Smith, John Walley, Nathaniel Clarke, John Coggeshall, Walter Clark, Walter Newberry, John Sanford, John Greene, Richard Arnold, John Albro. These were all in office from 1686 to 1689, and the following four were added at the dates named : Francis Nicholson, August, 1687, Robert Treat, November, 1687, John Allyn, November, 1687. Samuel Shrimpton, March, 1688. f Did not accept. List of Civil Officers. 31 Inter Charter Period — Continued. In Andros's second Commission (April 16, 1688), forty-two members of the council are named {N. Y. Doc. iii, 543), viz : all the foregoing (except the four who did not accept), and William Browne, Stephen Van Courtlandt,* Uichard Smith, John Young. Simond Lynde, Nicholas Bayard, Anthony Brockholst, John Palmer, Frederick Phillips, John Sprague, Jarvis Baxter.* This council was of course dispersed at Andros's overthrow. The following names were signed April 18th, 1689, to the demand for Andros's surrender : Wait Winthrop, Elisha Cooke, Simon Bradstreet, Isaac Addington, William Stoughton, John Nelson, Samuel Shrimpton, Adam Winthrop, — Bartholomew Gedney, Peter Sergeant, William Brown, John Foster, Thomas Danforth, David Waterhouse. John Richards, On the 20th April the above, together with the following, formed a "Council for the safety of the people, and conservation of the peace." {Hutchinson, i, 381-2). James Russell, Andrew Belcher, John Phillips, Riehard Sprague, Penn Townsend, James Parker, Joseph Lynde, Dudley Bradstreet, John Joylifte, Nathaniel Saltonstall, Eliakim Hutchinson, Richard Dunimcr, Nathaniel Oliver, Robert Pike, John Eyre, John Smith, Jeremiah Dummer, Edmund Quincy, William Johnson, William Bond, John Hathorne, Daniel Pierce. They chose Bradstreet, President; John Foster and Adam Winthrop, Treasurers; Wait Winthrop, Commander-in-Chief; Isaac Addington, Clerk. * Note. — Palfrey has Anthony Baxter and Henry Courtland in place of these two, but the names are plainly given in the record, and are those of prominent men in New York. On the other hand, the record says John Nicholson, though undoubtedly Francis Nicholson, the lieutenant governor, is meant. 32 List of Civil Officers. Inter Charier Period — Continued. May 22, 1689, representatives of fifty-four towns met at Boston, and the governor (Bradstreet), and assistants chose in 1686, reassumed office provi- sionally, the other members of the council of safety resigning. This govern- ment lasted until the new charter was obtained. iSToTE. — From the records at the state house of Dudley's brief administra- tion in 1686, we take the following items : 1686. May 25, Giles Dyer appointed receiver of duties on wines and liquors imported. May 28, John Usher treasurer ; Mr. ]!:Towell late treasurer ; Richard Bulkley clerk to take account and give license to ship horses ; Nathaniel Barnes was his predecessor. John Green, marshal of Middlesex. May 29, Francis Hooke, to take account of wines, «fec., imported into York and Kittery ; Robert Estwick, for the rest of the province. June 2, Officers appointed : FOE, SUFFOLK. Daniel Allen | ^^^^^.^_ John Winchcomb, 1 ^^,,;^^;,^ Thomas Dudley, / Nathaniel Page, / John Blake, Coroner. FOR ESSEX. Samuel Sewall, Clerk. Jeremiah Neal, Marshal. Samuel Gardner, Coroner. FOR HAMPSHIRE. John Holyoke, \ ri I Samuel Marshfield, Marshal. Samuel Partridge, / ^^^^^■^- Joseph Hawley, Coroner. FOR THE PROVINCE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Richard Chamberlain, Clerk. Pheasant Estwick, Coroner. June 3, Major Bulkeley, Provost Marshal. Capt. Edward Tyng, to have command of Fort Loyall. June 8, Nicholas Manning, marshal of Falmouth and vicinity. June 17, Thomas Scottow, clerk of the province of Maine, in place of Edward Rushworth. List of Civil Officers. 33 Inter Charter Period — Continued. July 12, Pheasant Eastwick, marshal of JSTew Hampshire. 20, Jonathan Hammond, marshal of Maine. 21, John Richards and Simon Lynde, to assist in holding county courts for Suffolk, until further order. 22, Thomas Davey, coroner for Hampshire. 23, Daniel Cheevers, keeper of the gaol in Middlesex. 26, John Richards and Simon Lynde, judges of the next court of pleas at Boston. John Hincks, one of the council at Great Island, to be captain of the fort there, and of the train band. Richard Waldron, jr., to be clerk of the court and probate, paying <£10 yearly to Richard Chamberlain ;. also, deputy register to Edward Randolph, in New Hampshire, on the same terms that Mr. Scotto is in Maine. William Stoughton, empowered to take charge of the several courts in Suffolk, Middlesex and Essex. 34 List of Civil Officers. AUDITOR GENERAL. This office was created 18th October, 1645, aD(l abolished 23d October, 1657. The only iucumbent seems to have been • ^Nathaniel Duncan. MARSHAL GENERAL. 1636. James Penn. 1637. Edward Mitchelson (who held undoubtedly till 1681). 1681. May 27, John Greene was appointed. AGENTS SENT TO ENGLAND. 1641. June 2, Rev. Hugh Peter, Rev. Thomas Welde, and William Hibbens were appointed " to go for England upon some weighty occasions for the good of the country, as was conceived." John Winthrop, jr., accompanied them. Their agency terminated 1 October, 1645. John Pocock of London had been associated with them, and after their dismissal re- mained in charge until Winslow's arrival. {Palfrey ii, 176). 1646. Edward Winslow. 1662. January, Simon Bradstreet and Rev. John Norton sent specially, who returned September 8th, 1662. 1676. Sept'r, William Stoughton and Peter Bulkley sent. They arrived home December 23d, 1679. 1681. March, Samuel Nowell and John Richards chosen, Stoughton de- clining a second appointment. Nowell also declined, and a new choice was made. 1682. Joseph Dudley and John Richards were chosen, and sailed 3l8t May. They arrived back 23d October, 1683. Mr. Robert Humphreys, of London, appeared for the colony at the court of king's bench in the matter of the forfeiture of the charter. 1688. April, Rev. Increase Mather went as an informal agent, there being no legislature under Andros. Sir Henry Ashurst acted with him. 1690. Mather and Ashurst were appointed by the restored govern- ment, together with Elisha Cooke and Thomas Oakes. List of Civil Officers. 35 PLYMOUTH. GOYERN^ORS. (The record only commences in 1634. The following facts are, however, certain). DATE. 1620-21, 1621, May, 1633-4, Jan. 1, 1634-5, March 3, 1635-6, Jan. 5, 1636-7, Jan. 3, 1638, June 5, 1638-9, March 5, 1639-40, M'ch 3, 1640-1, March 2, 1641-2, March 1, 1642-3, March 7, 1644, June 5, 1645, June 4, 1646,t 1647, June 1, 1648, June 7, 1649,§ 1650, June 4, 1651, June 5, 1652, June 3, 1653, June 7, 1654, June 6, 1655, June 8, 1656, June 3, 1657, June 3, 1658, June 1, 1659, June 7, N^VJIES. DATE. NAMES. John Carver, 1660 June 6 Thomas Prence, Wm. Bradford,* 1661 , June 4 do Thomas Prence, 1662 June 3 do Wm. Bradford, 1663 June 1 do Edward Winslow, 1664 , June 8 do Wm. Bradford, 1665 June 7, do Thomas Prence,t 1666 June ^i do Wm. Bradford, 1667 June 5 do do 1668 June 3 do do 1669 June 1 do do 1670 June 7, doll do 1671 June 5 do Edward Winslow, 1672 June 5 do Wm. Bradford, 1673, June 3, Josias Winslow, 1674, June 3 do do 1675 June 1 do do 1676 June 7 do 1677, June 5 do do 1678 June 5 do do 1679, June 3 do do 1680 June 1 do do 1681, June 7, Thomas Hinckley, do 1682, June 6 do do 1683 June 6 do do 1684, June 3, do Thomas Prence, 1685, June 2 do do 1686, June -, do do * Bradford continued in office until the election of Prence. f 10:38^ at the March Meeting, Bradford and the assistants were continued until the next court. {Rec. 1, 80). :}: No election for lG-16 recorded. § No election. See Rec. ir, 139. II 1070 {Rec. V, 55). "This court have ordered tliat if (iod should take away the jfovi-rnor by death, or otherwise deprive us of his health by absence, or other bodily weakness disable him to discharge his place, that in such case the next eldest mairistrate is to serve in the office of a deputy governor for this present year, as the governor might and ought to do." 36 List of Civil Officers. DEPUTY GOVERNOES. ] DATE. NAMES. DATE. NAMES. 1680, June 1, Thomas Hinckley, 1684, June 3, William Bradford, 1681, June 7, James Cudworth, 1685, June 2, do 1682, June 6, William Bradford, 1686, June -, do 1683, June 6, do SECRETARY. 1636-7, January 3, Nathaniel Souther chosen clerk of the court. 1647, December 7, Nathaniel Morton, probably then chosen, as his records begin then. Held office till near his death, June 29, 1685. 1685, June 2, Nathaniel Clarke chosen. 1686, June Samuel Sprague chosen. 1689, June do chosen, and again in 1690 and 1691. TREASURER. 1636-7, January 5, Thomas Prince. 1639-40, March 3, Timothy Hatherley. 1641-2, March 1, John Atwood. 1644, August 20, Miles Standish, and continued until 1656, June 3, John Alden. 1659, June 7, Constant Southworth, reelected until 1679, June 3, William Bradford, reelected until 1686, when the go- vernment was dissolved. 1689, June William Bradford, and again in 1690. List of Civil Officers. 37 ASSISTANTS. The record commences in 1634, and from that time elections were annual. Before that, we learn from Bradford's History (p. 101), that Isaac Allerton was chosen assistant in 1621. In 1624 the number vras raised to five, the governor having a double vote. In 1632 (p. 306, note\ the editor says that Miles Standish, Samuel Fuller, John Alden and Thomas Prence probably held this office. NAMES. 1634 1635 1636 1637 1688 1639 Isaac Allerton, 1 _ Edward "Winslow, 1 1 — 1 1 - William Bradford, 1 — — 1 - John Alden, 1 1 1 1 1 John Rowland, 1 1 — — — Stephen Hopkins, Thomas Prence, 1 1 1 1 — 1 Miles Standish, — 1 1 1 1 William Collier, — 1 1 — 1 Timothy Hatherley, John Browne, — - 1 1 1 1 John Jenney, John Atwood, : - 1 1 1 1 6 7 7 7 7 7 NAMES. 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 Edward Winslow, 1 1 1 1 Thomas Prence, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Miles Standish, 1 1 — — - 1 William Collier, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Timothy Hatherley, 1 1 1 1 1 1 John Browne, 1 1 1 1 1 1 John Jenney, 1 — — — - - *Edmond Freeman, 1 1 1 1 1 1 ♦William Bradford, — - — — 1 - *William Thomas, - - 1 1 1 - 7- 7 7 7 7 7 38 List of Civil Officers. Assistants — Continued. NAMES. 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 Edward Wiuslow, 1 1 1 1 Thomas Prence, 1 1 1 1 1 Miles Standish, 1 1 1 1 1 William Collier, 1 1 1 1 1 Timothy Hatherley, 1 1 1 1 1 John Browne, 1 1 1 1 1 William Thomas, 1 1 1 J. 1 *John Alden, _ _ 1 1 *Thomas Willett, - - - - 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 NAMES. 1653 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 Thomas Prence, 1 1 1 1 1 Miles Standish, 1 1 1 1 1 _ William Collier, — _ 1 1 1 1 Timothy Hatherley, 1 1 1 1 1 1 John Browne, 1 1 1 1 — — John Alden, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Thomas Willett, 1 1 1 1 1 1 James Ciidworth, _ _ _ — 1 1 *Josias Win slow. _ _ _ _ _ 1 *Thoma8 Southworth, - - - - - 1 6 6 7 7 7 7 NAMES. 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 William Collier, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Timothy Hatherley, . 1 - - - - - John Alden, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Thomas Willett, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Josias Winslow, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Thomas Southworth, 1 1 1 1 1 1 * William Bradford, . 1 1 1 1 1 1 *Tliomas Hinckley, . 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 7 7 7 7 7 List of Civil Officeks. Assistants — ContiDued. 39 NAMES. 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 William Collier, 1 John Alden, 1 1 1 1 1 Thomas Willett, — — - _ _ Josias "Winslow, 1 1 1 1 1 Thomas Soiithworth, 1 1 1 1 1 William Bradford, 1 1 1 1 1 Thomas Hinckley, 1 1 1 1 1 *John Freeman, — — — 1 1 1 *]S'athaniel Bacon, - - - 1 1 1 7 6 5 7 7 7 NAMES. 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 John Alden, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Josias Winslow, 1 1 1 — — - Thomas Southworth, 1 1 — — — William Bradford, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Thomas Hinckley, 1 1 1 1 1 1 John Freeman, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nathaniel Bacon, 1 1 1 1 _ - ♦Constant Southworth, _ _ 1 1 1 1 * James Browne, _ _ — 1 1 1 *James Cudworth, . - - - 1 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 40 List of Civil Officers. Assistants — Continued. NAMES. 167G 1677 1678 1G79 1680 1681 John Alden, . 1 1 1 1 William Bradford, 1 1 1 1 Thomas Hinckley, 1 1 _ _ John Freeman, 1 1 1 1 Constant Southworth, 1 _ James Browne, 1 1 1 1 James Cudworth, 1 1 1 *Daniel Smith, _ _ _ 1 1 1 *Barnabas Lothrop, . - - - - - 1 7 T 7 7 6 6 NAMES. 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 John Alden, 1 1 1 1 1 John Freeman, 1 1 1 1 1 James Browne, 1 1 — — _ Daniel Smith, 1 1 1 1 1 Barnabas Lothrop, 1 1 1 1 1 John Thatcher, 1 1 1 1 1 John Walley, - - 1 1 1 \ 6 6 6 6 6 Note. — In 1652 and 1653 Thomas Southworth was chosen but not sworn. March 29, 1654-5, he took the oath of an assistant to serve in that office at the river of Kennebec. 1665, James Browne, chosen but not sworn. 1666, James Browne and John Freeman chosen but not sworn. LIST OF CIVIL OFFICERS UNDER THE SECOND CHARTER, OR THE PROVINCIAL PERIOD. GOYEEI^OES. Sir William Phips. Appointed October, 1691, and commissioned December 12, 1691. Arrived at Boston May 14, 1692. Our Council records commence May 16, 1692, probably the date of his entrance u[)on his duties. He left Boston November 17, 1694. Lt. Gov. William Stoughton.* November, 1694, till the arrival of Bcllomont. Iticu ARB, Earl OF Bellomont. Amved at Boston May 26, 1699, and his commis- sion was published that day. He went to New York; in May, 1700, and died the 5th of March following. Commissioned June 18, 1697. Lt. Gov. William Stouguton.* From May, 1700, till his death, July 7, 1701. The Council. From July, 1701, till June, 1702. Joseph Dudley. Arrived at Boston June 11, 1702. He acted till February 4, 1714-15, when the Council assumed control, Dudley not having been con- firmed by the new king. Commissioned April 1, 1702. The Council. February 4, 1714-15, till March 21, 1714-15. Joseph Dudley. March 21, 1714—15, the king's proclamation was read, and Dud- ley reassumed office. Col. Elizeus or Elisha Burgess. His commission passed the seals March 17, 1714-15, and was published at Boston November 9, 1715. He sold his commission to Col. Shutc's friends for £1,000 in April, 1716. Lt. Gov. William Tailer.* Took the office November 9, 1715, and acted till the arrival of Shute. Samuel Suute. He was appointed upon the 15th June, 1716, and arrived at Boston October 4, 1716. He left Boston suddenly January 1, 1722-3. Lt. Gov. William Dummek.* From January 1, 1722-3, till the arrival of Burnet. William Burnet. He was appointed March 7, 1727-8, and arrived at Boston July 13, 1728. He died at Boston September 7, 1729. Lt. Gov. William Dummer. Succeeded at Burnet's death, and sworn September 10 as commander-in-chief Jonathan Belcher. Commissioned January 8, 1729-30. Arrived at Boston August 10, 1730. Williajm Shirley. Commissioned May 16, 1741. lie was then living at lioston. His administration ended at Pownall's an-ival. Thomas Pownall. Ajipointed February 25, 1757. Arrived at Boston August 2, 1757. He was transferred to South Carolina, and sailed for England June 3, 1760. Lt. Gov. Thomas Hutchinson.* From Pownall's departure till the arrival of Bernard. Sir Francis Bernard. Commissioned January 14, 1760. Arrived at Boston August 2, 1760. Sailed for England August 2, 1769. Lt. Gov. Thomas Hutchinson.* From Bernard's departure till Ids own commission as governor arrived. * Acting Governor. 44 ' List op Civil Officers. Thomas IIuxcniNSON. Appointed November 28; 1770. His commission was received at tlie beginning of March, 1771. Superseded 1774. Sailed lor England Jmie 1, 1774. Gen. TuoMAS Gage. A})pointed A])ril 7, 1774. Arrived in Boston May 13, 1774. In May, 1775, the Provincial Congress declared him disquali- fied from serving as Governor. In October, 1775, he sailed for England. LIEUTEKA]S^T-GOYEE]^ORS William Stoughton. Appointed under the new charter, })robably late in 1691. Continued in office till his death, June 7, 1701. Thomas Povey. Appointed April 11, 1702. Arrived at Boston June 11, 1702, Returned to England in 1705. William Taller. Appointed , 1711. Arrived October 3, 1711, and took the oaths October 4, 1711. Superseded by Dummer. William Dummer. Appointed probably with Shute. He held office till super- seded by Taller. William Tailer. Appointed a second time April 14, 1730, and died in office March 1, 1731-2, aged 55. Spencer Phips. Appointed , 1733. Died in office April 4, 1757, aged 71. Thomas Hutchinson. Appointed January 31, 1758. Commission published in Council June 1, 1758. Became acting governor August, 1769, and was promoted to be governor. Andrew Oliver. Succeeded Hutchinson in Maixh, 1771. He died March 3, 1774. Thomas Oliver. Appointed , 1774. Went to Hahfax when Boston was evacuated in March, 1776. SECRETARIES. 1692. Oct. 7. Isaac Addington. Appointed by the new charter. He died March 19, 1714-15. 1715. Mch. 26. Addington Davenport. | Appointed to keep the seals until His Paul Dudley. i Majesty's pleasure was known. 1715. June 3. Samuel Woodward. Appointed. He arrived at Boston 22d September, 1715, and was sworn in on the 24th.* 1717. June 17. Josiah Willard. Was appointed to this office. Woodward having resigned. He arrived at Boston December 12, 1717. He died 1st December, 17o0.t / 1758. March 2. Andrew Oliver. Comniissione(J. He had acted from the time of Willard's death. 1770. Nov. 12. Thomas Flucker. Commissioned to succeed Oliver. * 1716. May 10. Joseph Marion was sworn as Deputy Secretary. t 1734. April 23. Thaddeus Mason was sworn as Deputy Secretary. List op Civil Officers. 45 TKEASUREKS. Elected annually by the Legislature, and confirmed by the Governor. 1G9-2. June 9. 1G93. June 17. 1714. June 25. 1736. July 5. 1753. June 22. John Phillips. James Tailkr. Jekemiaii Allex.* William FoYE.f Haerison Gray.I * J. Allen died after a lonj? illness 6th January, 1741-2. t FoYE died 21st March, 175!), aged 78. J Gray held ollice till the Kevolution, and was a refugee. THE cou:n^cil. In the Charter 1692 the following gentlemen were named of the Council for that year : — Simon Bradstreet. John Richards. Nathaniel Saltonstall, Wait Wiuthrop. John Phillips. James Russell. Samuel Sewall. Samuel Appleton. Bartliolomew Gedney. John Hathorne. Elisha Hutchinson. Robert Pike. Jonathan Corwin. John Jolifte. Adam Winthrop. Richard Middlecott. John Foster. Peter Sergeant. John Lynde. Samuel Ileyman. Ste])hcn Mason. Tliomas Hinckley. William Bradford. John Walley. Barnahas Lothrop. Job Alcot. Samuel Daniell. Silvanus Davis. [In the following tables those names which did not occur on the preceding page haA'e a star affixed. They may, however, in some cases, be found at an earlier date. A distinguishing figure 1 is placed against those serving in cacli year.J 46 List op Civil Officers. Council — Continued. COUNCILLORS. 1G93. 1004. 1005. 1G»C. 1607. Wait Winthrop, . William Stoughton, Thomas Danforth, John Pynchon, . James Russell, Bartholomew Gedney, John Hathome, . Elisha Hutchinson, Isaac Addington, Samuel Sewall, . Daniel Pierce, William Browne, Nathaniel Thomas, John Saffin, John Phillips, 1 Jonathan Corwin, John Foster, -•■ Peter Sergeant, . William Bradford, Barnabas Lothrop, Charles Frost, 1 John Walley, - - Nathaniel Saltonstall, . - - - Robert Pike, 1 - - Francis Hooke, . - - - John Richards, - - - - Samuel Donnell, (or Daniell ,) • - - - - Silvanus Davis, . - - - - Elisha Cooke, - 1 1 John Thatcher, . ,- i 1 1 1 Samuel Wheelwright, . -1 1 i 1 Joseph L}Tide, 1 1 Samuel Shrimpton, - - 1 ^ Eliakim Hutchinson, . - 1 11 1 4 • 28 i 28 28 28 28 List op Civil Officers. Council — Continued. 47 COUNCILLOKS. 1698. 1609. 1700. 1701. Wait Winthrop, . William Stoughton, Thomas Danforth, JoLn Pynchon, James Russell, John Hathorne, Elisha Hutchinson Isaac Adclington, Samuel Sewall, Daniel Peirce, William Browne, Nathaniel Thomas. John Saffin, . John Phillips, Jonathan Corwin, John Foster, . Peter Sergeant, Barnabas Lothrop, William Bradford John Walley, Elisha Cooke, John Thatcher, Joseph Lynde, Samuel Wheelwright, Eliakim Hutchinson, John Appletou,* . Penn Townsend,* . Joseph Hammond,* Nathaniel Byfield,*, John Iligginson,* . Samuel Partridge,* Samuel Donnell, (or Daniell,) Benjamin Browne,* Andrew Belcher,* 28 28 28 28 28 48 List of Civil Officers. Council — Continued. COUNCILLORS. 1703. 1704. 1705. iToe. l-JOT. Wait Wintbrop, .... • James Russell, John HathoiTie, Elisha Hutchinson • Isaac Addington, Samuel Sewall, Daniel Peirce, William Browne, John Phillips, Jonathan Corwin, 1 John Foster, . John Walley, John Thatcher, Joseph LjTide, Eliakim Hutchinson, Penn Townsend, . Joseph Hammond, John Higginson, . Samuel Partridge, Benjamin Brown, . Andrew Belcher, . Edward Bromfield,* Samuel Hayman,* Samuel Legg,* Ephraim Hunt,* . Samuel Appleton,* 1 Isaac Winslow,* . Nathaniel Payne,* Nathaniel Byfield,* - - - Simeon Stoddard,* - 1 - John Gushing,* - - - - Ichabod Plaisted,* - - - John Leverett,* . 1 - - - John Appleton,* . - - - Peter Sergeant,* . - - ' - John Gushing, Jr.,* - - ~ 28 28 28 28 1 28 List op Civil Officers. Council — Continued. 49 COUNCILLORS. 1708. 1700. 1710. 1-711. Wla. 1713 Wait Winthrop, . James Russell, . John Hatlio'me, . Elisha Hutchinson, Isaac Addington, Samuel Sewall, . William Browne, John Phillips, Jonathan Corwin, John Foster, Joseph Lynde, . Eliakim Hutchinson, John Higginson, . Samuel Partridge, Andrew Belcher, Edward Bromfield, Ephraim Hunt, . Samuel Appleton, Isaac Winslow, . Ichabod Plaisted, John Appleton, . Peter Sergeant, . John Cushing, Jr., Nathaniel Norden,* John Otis,*. John Whcelwiight,* Daniel Epes,* Joseph Church,* . Nathaniel Payne,* John Walley,* , Penn ToAVTisend,* Thomas Noyes,* William Tailer,* . Benjamin Lynde,* 28 28 28 28 28 28 50 List op Civil Officers. Council — Continued. COUNCILLORS. 1714. 1-715. Wait Winthrop, . Elisha Hutchinson, Isaac Addington, . Samuel Sewall, . John Phillips, Jonathan Corwin, Joseph Lynde, Eliakim Hutchinson, . John Higginson, . Samuel Partridge, Andi-ew Belcher, . Edward Bromfield, Samuel Appleton, Isaac Wiuslow, . Ichabod Plaisted, John Appleton, . John Cushing, Jr., Nathaniel Norden, John Otis, . John Wheelwright, Nathaniel Payne, Thomas Noyes, . William TaUer, . Benjamin Lynde, Penn Townsend, . Addington Davenport,* Thomas Hutchinson,* . John Clark,* EHsha Cooke,* Samuel Brown,* . John Pynchon,* . Thomas Oliver,* . Thomas Fitch,* . Edmund Quincy,* Nathaniel Byfield,* . Adam Winthrop,* 28 28 28 List op Civil Officees. Council — Continued. 51 COUNCILLOKS. XmVt. ,1718 1710. ITSO. Wait Winthrop, . Elisha Hutchinson, Samuel Sewall, . Eliakim Hutchinson, John Higginson, . Andrew Belcher, Edward Bromfield, Isaac Winslow, . John Appleton, . John Cushing, Nathaniel Norden, John Otis, . John Wheelwright, Nathaniel Payne, Thomas Noyes, . WUUamTaUer, . Benjamin Lynde, Penn Townsend, Addington Davenport. Thomas Hutchinson, John Clark, Elisha Cooke, Samuel Browne, . Thomas Fitch, . Edmund Quincy, Nathaniel Byfield, Adam Winthrop, William Dummer,* Samuel Partridge,* Jonathan Belcher,* Jonathan Dowse,* Joseph Hammond,* Paul Dudley,* Samuel Thaxter,* Charles Frost,* . John Burrill,* 28 28 i 1 lis i 2G List of Civil Oppicees. Council — Continued. COUNCILLORS. i-raa. Samuel Sewall, . Edward Bromfield, Isaac Winslow, . John Appleton, . John Cashing, Nathaniel Norden, John Otis, . John Wheelwi-ight, WilHam Tailer, . Benjamin Lynde, Penu Townsend, . Addington Davenport Thomas Hutchinson, Samuel Browne, . Thomas Fitch, . Edmund Quincy, Adam Winthrop, Samuel Partridge, Jonathan Dowse, Joseph Hammond, Thomas Noyes, . Paul Dudley, Samuel Thaxter, Charles Frost, John Burrill, John Turner,* Spencer Phips,* . Jonathan Belcher,* William Dummer,* Nathaniel Payne,* Nathaniel Byfield,* Elisha Cooke,* . Daniel Oliver,* . Symonds EpeS,* . Thomas Palmer,* Meletiah Bom-n,* John Stoddard,* . Jphn Clark,* 'J/ 27 List op Civil Officers. Council — Continued. 63 COUNCILLORS. 1795. 1786 Samuel Sewall, . Isaac Winslow, . John Cushing, John Otis, . John Wheelwright, William Tailer, . Benjamin Lyncle, Penn Townsend, Addington Daveni^ort Thomas Plutchinson, Samuel Browne, . Thomas Fitch, . Edmund Quincy, Adam Winthrop, Jonathan Dowse, Joseph Hammond, Paul Dudley, Samuel Thaxter, . John Turner, Spencer Phips, . Nathaniel Byfield,, Elisha Cooke, . . Daniel Oliver, Symonds Epes, . Thomas Palmer, . • Meletiah Bouni, . John Stoddard, . John Clark, Edward Hutchinson,* Jonathan Belcher,* Jonathan Remington,* Timotliy Lindall,* John Chandler,* . Charles Chambers,* Theophilus Burrill,* William Pei>])errell, Ji 27 li8 28 28 54 List OP Civil Officers. Council — Continued. COUNCILLORS. 17SSO. i7ao. 1731. 173». Isaac Winslow, 1 1 John Wheelwright, 1 1 William Tailer, . - - Benjamin Lyncle, 1 1 Addington Davenport, * - - - Thomas Hutchinson, . 1 1 Samuel Browne, . - - Thomas Fitch, . - - Edmund Quincy, - - - Adam Winthrop, - - - ' Jonathan Dowse, 1 - Paul Dudley, - 1 1 Samuel Thaxter, 1 1 John Turner, 1 1 Spencer Phips, . 1 1 Daniel Oliver, 1 1 Symonds Epes, . 1 1 Thomas Palmer, 1 1 Meletiah Bourne, 1 - Timothy Lindall, - John Chandler, . 1 1 Charles Chambers, - - Theophilus Burrill, - - William Pepperrell, Jr., • 1 1 Joseph Hammond, - - William Dudley,* 1 1 Peter Thatcher,* 1 "" Jonathan Remington,* - 1 1 WilHam Clarke,* - 1 1 John Alford,* - 1 1 Seth Williams,* . - 1 1 Timothy Geriish,* - 1 1 Ebenezer Stone,* - 1 1 Nathaniel Coffin,* - - Thomas Cushing,* - - 1 1 Joseph Wadsworth,* . - - 1 1 John Osborne,* . - - 1 1 Ebenezer Burrill,* — — 1 1 Ezekiel Lewis,* . _ — 1 1 Isaac Lothrop,* . - - - 1 Francis Foxcroft,* - - - 1 26 28 28 27 List of Civil Officees. Council — Continued. 55 COUNCILLORS. 1734. 1735. Isaac Winslow, . Benjamin Lynde, Thomas Hutchinson, Addington Davenport. Thomas Fitch, ' . Edmund Quincy, Paul Dudley, Samuel Thaxter, . John Turner, Symonds Epes, . Thomas Palmer, . Meletiah Bourne, William PeppeiTcll, Jr William Dudley, Jonathan Remington, William Clarke, . John Alford, Seth Williams, . Timothy Gerrish, Ebenezer Stone, . Thomas Cushing, Joseph Wadsworth, John Osborne, Ebenezer Burrill, Ezekiel Lewis, Isaac Lothrop, Francis Foxcroft, Samuel Came,* . John JeiFries,* Edward Goddard,"* Josiah Willard,* . Jacob Wendell,* Samuel Welles,* Anthony Stoddard,* Jeremiah Moulton,* Thomas Berry,* . Joseph Wilder,* . Ebenezer Pomeroy,* John Cushing,* . 27 28 28 28 56 List op Civil Officers. Council — Con tinue d. COUNCILLORS. Thomas Hutcliinson, Edmund Quincy, . Samuel Thatcher, John Turner, Meletiah Bourne, . William Pepperrell, WilHam Dudley, . Jonathan Remington, Seth Williams, John Osborne, Ebenezer Burrill, . Francis Foxcroft, . Samuel Came, John Jeffi'ies, Josiah Willard, Jacob Wendell, Samuel Welles, Anthony Stoddard, Jeremiah Moulton, Thomas Berry, Joseph Wilder, John Cushing, John Stoddard,* . Benjamin Lynde, Jr.,=* Nathaniel Hubbard,* Richard BHl,* Daniel Russell,* . William Dummer,* Ezekiel Lewis,* Edward Hutchinson,* Samuel Danforth,* Shubal Gorham,* WUliam Brown,* William Foye,* John Reed,* John Greenleaf,* I7»t. 1'738. 1730 27 28 27 26 15 List op Civil Officers. Council — Continued. 67 COUNCILLORS. 1749. 1743. 1744. William Pepperrell, Francis Foxcroft, William Dudley, John Osborne, Ebenezer Burrill, John Jeffries, Josiah Willard, . Jacob Wendell, . Anthony Stoddard, Jeremiah Moulton, Joseph Wilder, . John Cashing, Benjamin Lynde, Jr., Daniel Russell, . Ezekiel Lewis, Samuel Danforth, Shubal Gorham, . William Browne, William Foye, John Reed, John Greenleaf, . Thomas Berry,* . Samuel Waldo,* . Samuel Watts,* . Nathaniel Hubbard,* George Leonard,* John Hill,* . James Allen,* Joseph Dwight,* John Quincy,* Richard Saltonstall,* John Chandler,* . Ezekiel Cheever,* Sylvanus Boiime,* Isaac Little,* Eliakim Hutchinson,* James Bowdoin,* John Wheelwright,* 28 28 28 28 58 List of Civil Officers. Council — Continued. COUNCILLORS. 1740. 1741^. l-JiS. 1'749. ITSO. 1751. Sir William Pepperrell, . Francis Foxcroft, . 1 John Osborne, Josiah Willard, Jacob Wendell, Jeremiah Moulton, Joseph Wilder, 1 John Cashing, Benjamin Lynde, . 1 Daniel Russell, Ezekiel Lewis, Samuel Danforth, . William Foye, John Greenleaf, Thomas Beny, Samuel Watts, J- George Leonard, . 1 John Hill, . Joseph Dwight, John Chandler, i ^ Ezekiel Cheever, . Sylvanus Bourne, . Eliakim Hutchinson, - James Bowdoin, . John Wheelwright, Ebenezer Burrill, . James Minot,* 1 Andrew Oliver,* . -i Perez Bradford,* . - Samuel Welles,* . - 1 John Quincy,* \ ^ Joseph Pynchon,* . - John Otis,* . _ c Thomas Hutchinson,* . 1 1 - - 28 28 28 28 28 27 List of Civil Officers. Council — Continued. 59 COUNCILLORS. 1753. 1753, 17oG. Sir William Pej^perrell, Francis Foxcroft, John Osborne, Josiah Willard, Jacob Wendell, Joseph Wilder, John Cashing, Benjamin Lynde, Daniel Russell, Ezekiel Lewis, Samuel Danforth, John Greenleaf, Samuel Watts, George Leonard, John Hill, . John Chandler, Ezekiel Cheever, Sylvanus Bourne, John Wheelwi'ight, James Minot, Andrew Oliver, John Otis, Joseph Pynchon, Thomas Hutchinson, John Quincy, Stephen Sewall,* Jabcz Fox,* . Isaac Royall,* Eleazer Porter,* Benjamin Lincoln,* John Erving,* Richard Cutt,* William Brattle,* Benjamin Pickmaii,* 28 28 28 28 28 60 List op Civil Officers. Council — Continued. COUNCILLORS. 1757. Sir William Peppen-ell, Francis Foxcroft, John Osborne, Jacob Wendell, . John Cashing, Benjamin Lynde, Samuel Danforth, Samuel Watts, . George Leonard, John Hill, . John Chandler, . Ezekiel Cheever, Sylvanus Bourne, James Minot, Andrew Oliver, . Joseph Pynchon, Thomas Hutchinson, Stephen Sewall, . Isaac Royall, Eleazer Porter, . Richard Cutt, William Brattle, Benjamin Pickman, John Erving, Benjamin Lincoln, Robert Hooper,* . James Bowdoin,* Gamaliel Bradford,* Thomas Hancock,* Samuel Waldo,* . Thomas Hubbard,* Ichabod Plaisted,* Chambers Russell,* Peter Oliver,* Israel Williams,* Nathaniel Sparhawk,* 1759. 28 28 28 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28 List of Civil Officers. Council — Continued. 61 COUNCILLORS. John OsboiDe, John Cashing, Benjamin Lpide, Samuel Danforth, Samuel Watts, George Leonard, John Hill, . John Chandler, Sylvanus Bourne, Andrew Oliver, Thomas Hutchinson, Isaac Royall, Richard Cutt, William Brattle, . John Erving, Benjamin Lincoln, James Bowdoin, . GamaUel Bradford, Thomas Hancock, Thomas Hubbard, Ichabod Plaisted, Peter Oliver, Israel Williams, . Nathaniel Sparhawk, Han-ison Gray,* . John Choate,* James Russell,* . Thomas Flucker,* Nathaniel Ropes,* James Otis,* Timothy Paine,* John Bradbury,* Timothy Ruggles,* Royall Tyler,* . Edmund Trowbridge,* 1701. 176S. 1763. 1TG4. 28 28 I 2S , 28 62 List op Civil Officers. Council — Continued. COUNCILLORS. Benjamin Lynde, . Samuel Danforth, . George Leonard, . John Hill, . Andrew Oliver, Thomas Hutchinson, Isaac Royall, William Brattle, . John Erviug, Benjamin Lincoln, James Bowdoin, . Gamaliel Bradford, Thomas Hubbard, Peter Oliver, Israel Williams, Nathaniel Sparhawk, Harrison Gray, John Choate, James Russell, Thomas Flucker, Nathaniel Ropes, James Otis, . Timothy Paine, John Bradbury, Royall Tyler, Edmund Trowbridge, Andrew Belcher,* John Chandler,* . Samuel White,* . Jeremiah Powell,* John Worthington,* Samuel Dexter,* . William Sever,* . James Pitts,* I'Tcr. i-rcs. 28 22 23 List op Civil Officers. Council — Continued. 63 COUNCILLORS. it'io. ximx. i-jT*. 1773. 1774. arc Samuel Dnnforth, .... 1 ' 1 1 1 Isaac Royall, 1 - William Brattle, . 1 j 1 ( - John Erving, 1 1 1 James Bowdoiu, . 1 1 - Thomas Hubbard, - - Nathaniel Sparhawk, . ^ - - Harrison Gray, - James Russell, 1 - James Otis, . 1 1 1 John Bradbury, - - Royall Tyler, James Fitts, . 1 1 Jeremiah Powell, . - 1 Samuel Dexter, 1 - William Sever, 1 1 Benjamin Greenleaf,* Thomas Saunders, Jr.,* 1 1 Joseph Gerrish,* . - - Joshua Henshaw,* "j - - - Artemas Ward,* . , 1 1 Stephen Hall,* . Walter Spooner,* . — 1 James Gowen,* George Leonard, Jr.,* 1 James Humphrey,* 1 - Caleb Gushing,* . - 1 Timothy Woodbridge,* - - John ILmcock,* . - - 1 - Samuel Philhps,* . - - 1 1 Himiphrcy Hobson,* John Wintlirop,* . — — _ 1 Jolin Whitcomb,* - - - - Jedidiah Preble,* . - - - 1 1 1 Richard Dei'by, Jr.,* j : - - j 1 Benjamin Chadbourn,* - 1 1 - - : 1 26 20 27 1 24 i i 15 64 List op Civil Officers. MANDAMUS COUNCILLORS. The following were appointed by His Majesty Councillors of this Province, by Writ of Mandamus, 9 Aug. 1774. The first ten, marked with a star, alone took the oath of ofiice. Thomas Flucker.* Foster Hutchinson.* Harrison Gray.* Joseph Lee.* Isaac Winslow.* William Browne.* James Boutineau.* Joshua Loring.* William Pepperrell.* John Erving, Jr.* Thomas Oliver. Peter Oliver. Thomas Hutchinson, Ji*. Samuel Danforth. John Erving, Jr. James Russell. Timothy Ruggles. Israel Williams. George Watson. Nathaniel Ray Thomas. Timothy Woodbridge. William Vassall. Joseph Greene. Andrew Oliver. Josiah Edson. Richard Lechmere. John Worthington. Timothy Paine. Jeremiah Powell. Jonathan Simpson. John Murray. Daniel Leonard. Thomas Palmer. Isaac Royall. Robert Hooper. Abijah WiUard. Notes. 1693. Elisha Cooke was elected and negatived. 1701. Jonathan Corwin was negatived, but, June -Srd, was accepted by the Governor. 1703. Elisha Cooke, Peter Sergeant, Thomas Oakes, John Saffin and John Bradford were negatived. 1703. May 26. A message was sent up from the House in the words following: "That this House are of Opinion that every Person who is chosen a Councellour for this Province ought to have the Voice of the Major Part of the Electors, and therefore Moved that the Election of Councellours be so made at this Time and for the Future, which tliey apprehend most agreeable to the Charter." " His Excellency signified his Dissent therefrom in the following Words, viz. : ' I do not Consent to this Vote, the Charter directing the choice of twenty-eight Councellours for her Majesties senice, which maj' fail by this Jlethod, and it being contrary to the usage of the General assembly in any election past since the Granting of the present Charter of this Province ' ; and directed that the elections be made after the former manner and usage." After the election ''His Excellency sent a message saying ' that there were several gentlemen left out that were of the Council last year, who were of good ability for estate and otherwise to serve her Majesty, and well disposed thereto ; and that some others who were anew elected were not so well disposed, some of them being of little or mean estate : and ■\vithal signified that he should expunge five of the names on their list, viz. : Elisha Cooke, Peter Sargeant, esqs., Mr. Thomas Oakes, Mr. John Saffin, and Mr. Bradford." 1704. Ehsha Cooke and Peter Sergeant were negatived, and June 13th Simeon Stoddard and Samuel Hayman were chosen. 1706. Elisha Cooke and Joseph Hammond were negatived, and June Gth Benjamin Brown and Ephraim Hunt were chosen. 1708. Elisha Cooke and Nathaniel Paine were negatived, and June 23rd Daniel Epes aiid Joseph Church were chosen. 1714. Nathaniel Byfield was negatived, and June 3rd John Clark was chosen. 1715. Nathaniel Byfield was negatived and no else then chosen. Dec. ord four were elected to fill vacancies, viz.: Penn Townsend, Nathaniel Byfield, Thomas Noyes and Adam Winthrop. 1718. Elisha Cooke was negatived. He being however a member for the preceding 3-ear, ''His Excellency having signified to Elisha Cooke, esq., that he excused his attendance at the Board as one of his Majesties Council for the present j'ear, he withdrew." May 30th Paul Dudley was chosen. 1720. Nathaniel B\'field and John Clark were negatived. List of Civil Officees. G5 1721. Nathaniel Byfield was negatived. 1722. Nathaniel Byfield and William Clark were negatived, and .June 29th Nathaniel Payne and Wilham Dummer were chosen. 1723. Nathaniel Bviield was negatived. 1725. William Throop was negatived. 1729. Jonathan Belcher and Isaac Little were negatived. 1732. Isaac Little was negatived. 1733. Payne Mayhew was negatived. 1737. Paul Dudley was negatived. 1739. Paul Dudley was negatived. 1740. Paul Dudley and Isaac Little were negatived. 1741. Thirteen were negatived, viz.: Edward Goddard, Daniel Epes, James Minot, Samuel White, Samuel Adams, AVilliam Stoddard, Estes Hatch, Thomas Norton, Ephraim Wilder, Henry Burchstead, Dr. John Clark, George Leonard, John Otis. The Governor then dissolved the House, sending the following Message: "The management of the elections made yesterday discover to me so much of the inclination of your House to support the fraudulent pernicious scheme commonly called the Land Bank, condemned at home b_v His Ma- jesty and both Houses of Parliament of Great Britain, that I judge it derogatory' to the King's honour and service and inconsistent with the peace and welfare of this people, that you sit any longer in General Assembly ; and 1 have therefore diiccted Mr. Secretary to declare this Court dissolved." The vacancies in the Council seem to have remained unfilled all the year. 1751. Isaac lioyall was negatived as his " choice appears to be attended vnth such circumstances in relation to his own conduct in that afiair, as may (if countenanced) be of evil influence and example in future elections." 1766. Joseph Gerrish, Thomas Saunders, James Otis, Jerathmeel Bowers, Nathaniel Sparhawk and Samuel Dexter were negatived. Six in all. 1767. Joseph Gerrish, Thomas Saunders, James Otis, Jerathmeel Bowers and Samuel Dexter were negatived. Five vacancies. 1768. Joseph Gerrish, Thomas Saunders, James Otis, Jerathmeel Bowers, John Hancock nnd Artemas Ward were negatived, making six vacancies. 1769. Eleven were negatived, viz. : William Brattle, Benjamin Greenleaf, James Bowdoin, Artemas Ward, Thomas Saunders, Joseph Gerrish, John Hancock, Joshua Henshaw, James Otis, Jerathmeel Bowers, Walter Spoouer. Joseph Ilawley was elected and declined, making twelve vacancies. 1770. John Hancock and Jerathmeel Bowers were negatived. 1771. John Hancock and Jerathmeel Bowers were negatived. 1772. Jerathmeel Bowers was negatived. 1773. Jerathmeel Bowers, William Phillips and John Adams were negatived. Bowers seems to have had a double vote, so that there were four vacancies. 1774. Thirteen were negatived, viz.: James Bowdoin, Samuel Dexter, John Winthroj), Timothy Damilson, Benjamin Austin, William Phillips, Michael Farley, James Prescott, John Adams, Norton Quincy, Jerathmeel Bowers, Enoch Freeman, Jedidiah Foster. 1774. June 17th. Governor Gage dissolved the House. 66 List of Civil Officers. SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPEESE:NrTATIVES. Date. Name. Date. Name. 1691- 2. Mch. 8. William Bond. 1721. May 31. John Clark. 1693. May 31. William Bond. 1722. May 30. John Clark. 1694. May 30. Nehemiah Jewett. 1723. May 29. John Clark. 1695. May 29. William Bond. 1724. May 27. William Dudley. 1696. May 27. Penn Townsend. 1725. May 26. William Dudley. 1697. May 26. Penn Townsend. 1726. May 25. William Dudley. 1698. May 25. Nathaniel Byfield. 1727. May 31. William Dudley. 1699. May 31. James Converse. 1728. May 29. Wilham Dudley. 1700. May 29. John Leverett. 1729. May 28. John Quincy. 1701. May 28. Nehemiah Jewett. 1730. May 27. John Quincy. 1702. May 27. James Converse. 1731. May 26. John Quincy. 1703. May ^6. James Converse. 1732. May 31. John Quincy. 1704. May 31. James Converse. 1733! May 30. John Quincy. 1705. May 30. Thomas Oakes. 1734. May 29. John Quincy. 1706. May 29. Thomas Oakes. 1735. May 28. John Quincy. 1707. May 28. John Bur rill. 1736. May 26. John Quincy. 1708. May 26. Thomas OUver. 1737. May 25. John Quincy. 1709. May 25. John Clark. 1738. May 31. John Quincy. 1710. May 31. John Clark. 1739. May 30. John Quincy. 1711. May 30. John Burrill. 1740. May 28. John Quincy. 1712. 1713. May May 29. 27. John Burrili. John Burfill. 1741. C May 27. i July 8. WilUam Fairfield. John Hobson. 1714. May 26. John Burrill. 1742. May 26. Thomas Cushing. 1715. May 25. John Bun-ill. 1743. May 25. Thomas Cushing. 1716. May 30. John Burrill. 1744. May 30. Thomas Cushing. 1717. May 29. John Burrill. 1745. May 29. Thomas Cushing. 1718. May 28. John Burrill. 1746. May 28. Thomas Hutchinson. 1719. May 27. John Burrill. 1747. May 27. Thomas Hutchinson. 1720. ( May 25. Elisha Cooke. 1748. May 25. Thomas Hutchinson. ( July 13. Timothy Lindall. 1749. May 31. Joseph Dwight. List of Civil Officers. Speakers of tJie House of Mepresentatives — Concluded. 67 Date. Kame. Date. Xame. 1750. May 30. Thomas Hubbard. 1763. May 25. Timothy Ruggles. 1751. May 29. Thomas Hubbard. 1764. May 30. Samuel White. 1752. May 27. Thomas Hubbard. 1765. May 29. Samuel White. 1753. May 30. Thomas Hubbard. 1766. May 28. Thomas Cushing. 1754. May 29. Thomas Hubbard. 1767. May 27. Thomas Cushing. 1755. May 28. Thomas Hubbard. 1768. May 25. Thomas Cushing. 1756. May 26. Thomas Hubbard. 1769. May 31. Thomas Cushing. 1757. May 25. Thomas Hubbard. 1770. May 30. Thomas Cushing. 1758. May 31. Thomas Hubbard. 1771. May 29. Thomas Cushing. 1759. May 30. Samuel White. 1772. May 27. Thomas Cushing. 1760. May 28. James Otis. 1778. May 26. Thomas Cushing. 1761. May 27. James Otis. * 1774. May 25. Thomas Cushing. 1762. May 26. Timothy Ruggles. Notes. 1705. The Governor negatived Oake?, but the House insisted and carried the point. 1720. The Governor negatived Cooke, and as the House would not elect another he dissolved it ; the new Court chose Lindall. 1739. Paul Dudley was elected and negatived. The House at once chose Quincy. 1741. Samuel Watts was chosen and negatived, when Fairfield was elected. At the second Court, Uobson was chosen. 176G. James Otis was elected and negatived, and Cushing was then chosen. 68 List of Civil Officers. SUPEEIOK COURT OF JUDICATURE. Date of Appointment. NAME OF JUSTICE. 1692. Dec. 7. 1694-5. Mar. 6. 1696. 1699. 1700. 1701. 1702. 1703. 1707-8. 1712. Oct. 16. July 17. June 7. Aug. 1. June 29. July 8. Aug. 14. July 23. Feb. 19. Feb. 20. June 4. June 5. William Stougbtou, Chief Justice, Thomas Danforth, John Richards, Wait Winthrop, Samuel Sewall, appointed. Stoughton, Danforth, Hichards, Winthrop, Sewall. Elisha Cooke, appointed.^ Stoughton, Danforth, 'Wintlirop, Sev)all, CooJce. The same confirmed. The same confirmed. John Walley, api3ointed.^ Stoughton, 'Winthrop, Sevmll, CooJce, Walley. John Saflin, appointed.^ , Winthrop), Sewall, CooJce, Walley, Saffin. Isaac Addington, CJiief Justice, Samuel Sewall, John Walley, appointed.* John Leverett, ajjpointed. John Hathorne, appointed. Addington, Sewall, Walley, Leverett, Hathorne. (Addington desires to resign.)^ Wait Winthrop, appointed.^ Jonathan Corwin, appointed.^ WintJirop, Sewall, Whlley, HatJiorne, Corwin. Nathaniel Thomas, appointed.'^ Benjamin Lynde, appointed.'^ Winthrop, Sewall, Corwin, Thomas, Lynde. ' Cooke succeeded John Richards, who died April 4, 1694. 2 Walley succeeded Thomas Danforth, who died Nov. .5, 1699. 3 William Stoughton having died July 7, 1701, Winthrop was made C. J., and Saffin added. ^ Nathaniel Thomas and Nathaniel Bytield were both nominated with the others elected June 29, 1702, but the Council " consented not to the above two." * July 2-3, 170.3. " Isaac Addington, Esq., represented to the Board the decay of his health and inca- pacity of sustaining the Office of Chief Justice of Her Majesty's Superiour Court of Judicature, and offered his Commission for that place. His Excellency declared that no further service was expected from him therein at present, and that he would consider with the Council to till that place as soon as possible." *• Feb. 19, 1707-8. Winthrop was appointed Chief Justice in place of Addington. For Associate, Elisha Plutchinson was nominated, but the Council adjourned till the next day, when he declined " b.eing further named for that service," and Corwin was appointed. Leverett had undoubtedly resigned on being appointed President of Harvaixl College. ■^ There were two vacancies, owing to the death of John Walley, Jan. 11, 1711-12, and the resignation of John Hathorae, ''by rcasoii of his great hardness of hearmg." Nathaniel Thomas was elected June 4, as List of Civil Officers, 69 Superior Court of Judicature — Continued. Date of irPOINTMENT. NAME OF JUSTICE. 1715. Dec. 19. Addington Davenport appointed.* Winthrop^ Seicall^ Thomas^ J/yncle^ Davenport. 1718. Apr. 16. Edmund Quincy, Paul Dudley appointed,' Sewall^ Lynde^ Davenport, Quincy, Dudley. 1728. Dec. 12. Benjamin Lynde, Chief Justice, Addington Davenport, Paul Dudley, Edmund Quincy, John Cushing appointed.'"* Jjynde, Davenport, Dudley, Quincy, Cushing. 1733. June 21. Benjamin Lynde, Addington Davenport, Paul Dudley, Edmund Quincy, Jonathan Remington appointed." Lynde, Da:venport, Dudley, Quincy, Remington. 1736. June 22. (John Stoddard appointed, but did not serve.)^ Dec. 29. Richard Saltonstall appointed.^ Lynde, Dudley, Quincy, Remington, Saltonstall. 1737-8. J;in. 13. Thomas Greaves appointed.''^ Lynde, Dudley, Remington, Saltonstall, G-reaves. 1739. May 16. Stephen Sewall appointed." Lynde, Dudley, Remington, Saltonstall, SetoaJl. 1745-6. Jan. 24. Paul Dudley, Richard Saltonstall, Stephen Sewall, Nathaniel Hubbard, Benjamin Lynde, (ji-.) appointed.'^ Dtidley, Saltonstall, Sewall, Hubbard, Lynde. 1747-8. Feb. 16. John Cushing appointed.^" Dudley, Saltonstall, Sewall, Lynde, Cushing. was also Thomas Brattle, but on the 5th, Brattle desired the Secretary "to return his thanks to the Governor and Couiuil lor their respect shown him, and withall to acquaint them that his bodily intirmitics and uuac- quaintedness witii the Law, will not allow of his acceptance of the otHce of a Justice of the Superior Court." Benjamin L_ynde was accordiug-ly appointed. 8 Of the old Board four were re-appointed, Corwin being omitted probabh' on account of his great age. ' There were two vacancies, Wait Winthrop having died Nov. 5, 1717, and Nathaniel Thomas 22 Oct., 1718, aged 75. Sewall was made Chief Justice. Dudley was appointed Nov. 20. 1" Cushing succeeded Sewall, who resigned on account of age. " Remington succeeded Cushing, who was probably left out on account of his age, as he was 75 years old at his death in 1737. '^ Addington Davenport died in April, 17^ifi, anurrill, in certaui causes. Thomas Berry and Benjamin Marston, in a cause. Edward Hutchinson and Nathaniel Hubbard, in a cause. Edward Hutchinson and Nathaniel Hubbard, in a certain cause. John Cushing and Sylvanus Bourne, in a cause. List of Civil Officers. Special Justices of the Superior Court — Continued. 73 Date of Appointment. SPECIAL JUSTICES. 1747. Aug. 19. 1748. Aiir. 6. 1748-9. Jan. 11. Mar. 2. 1749. June 19. Aug. 12. 1749-50. Feb. -23. 1753. Aug. 24. 1754. Sept. 20. 1755. Feb. 21. June 26. 175G. Feb. 13. Feb. 20. 1758. Au<«;. 1. 17G2. Feb. 23. Aug. 19. 17G8. A])!-. 11 Sept. 7 1770. Aug. 30. John Cusliing, Sylvanus Bourne and Joseph Pynehon, in the place of Saltonstall, Hubbard and Lynde, in all causes relating to the Silver Bank, they being partners. John Greenleaf, special, in all causes relating to land titles in York. Ezekiel Cheevcr and Chambers Russell, in place of Saltonstall and Sewall, in a cause named. John Jeffries, "William Brattle and Thomas Hubbard, in place of Saltonstall, Sewall and Lynde, in the cause of the Silver Bank. Joseph Sawyer and Nathaniel Sparhawk, at York, in causes where a quorum of the standing justices is not present. Ezekiel Cheever and Joseph Richards, in causes in which tlie town of Boston is concerned. Chambers Russell and Simon Frost, in a special Court of Assize at York, in place of Lynde and Cushing. Samuel Danforth and Ezekiel Cheever, in causes relative to the town of Boston. Thomas Hutchinson, in place of John Cushing, in tlie cause of William Vassal of Boston. Thomas Hutchinson, in the place of Cushing, in a certain cause. William Brattle, in a cause named. Andrew Oliver and William Brattle, in William Vassal's cause. John Chandler and Andrew Oliver, in certain causes. Benjamin Lincoln and Samuel White, in place of Cushing and Russell, in any cause relating to the validity of the will of Gov. BelUugham. Timothy Ruggles, in the place of Russell, in a cause naiiicd. Samuel Danforth, in place of Russell, in a cause named. Foster Hutchinson, in a cause named. Nathaniel Ropes, in a cause named, Nathaniel Ropes and Joseph Lee, in a certain cause. 74 List of Civil Officers. Special Justices of the Superior Court — Concluded. Date of Api-ointment. SPECIAL JUSTICES. 1770. 1771. 1773. Sept. 17. Feb. 14. Feb. 17. Mar. 4. .Jedidiah Foster, special, in a certain cause. Timothy Pain, special, in a certain cause. Joseph Lee and William Browne, in certain causes. Joseph Lee and William Browne, in certain causes. List op Civil Officers. 75 COMMISSIOI^EES OF OYER ANT> TERMINER * Date of Appointment. COMMISSIONERS. 1692. June 13. 1698. 170^ 1704. 1707. 1711. July '26. Oct. 22. Dec. 22. Nov. 23. June 15. Nov. 8. Mar. 7. William Stoughton, John Richards, Nathaniel Saltonstall, "Wait Winthroj:), Bartholomew Gedney, Samuel Sewall, Jolm Hathornc, Jonathan CorAviu and Peter Sergeant, or any five of them, to enquire of, hear and determine all manner of crimes and offences perpetrated within the counties of Suffolk, Essex and Middlesex, or of either of them. Anthony Checkley was apjiointed to officiate as Attorney for and in behalf of their Majesties in the special Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Thomas Newton also as their Majesties Attorney. Cajst. Stephen Sewall was made Clerk of this Court. This was the Court which tried the Salbm witch- craft causes. Francis Hooke, Charles Frost, Samuel Wheelwright and Thomas Newton, justices to enquire of, hear and determine all murders, &c., perpetrated within the County of York. Thomas Danforth, Wait Winthrop, Elisha Cooke and Sanmcl Sewall, for the trial of Jacob Smith. John Hathorne, William Browne, Jonathan Corwin, Benjamin Browne and John Higginson, for the trial of an Indian at Salem. John Gardner, James Coffin, Thomas Mayhew, Beujaiuiu Skitl'e and William Gayer, for the trial of an Indian at Nantucket. Joseph Hammond, Ichabod Plaisted, John Plaisted, William Pepperrell, John Wheelwright, Capt. John Hill and C":i]it. Lewis Bane, or any four of Iheni, for ihi- trial of Joseph Gunnison for killing Grace Wentworlh. Wait Winthrop, Samuel Sewall, John Hathorne, Jonathan Corwin and Elisha Hutchinson, (Winthrop or Sewall to be one.) Appointed by the Governor and Council. 76 List of Civil Officers. Commissioners of Oyer and Term,iner — Concluded, Date of ArroiNTMENT. C M M I S S I O N K U S . 1713. June 5 1718. Dec. 3 1743. June 28 1746. Nathaniel Thomas, John Otis, James Wan-en and John Gor- ham, or any three of them, (Thomas being one,) to try two Indians in Barnstable, for capital offences. Samuel Partridge, John Pynchon, Joseph Parsons and John Stoddard, for the trial at Northampton of Ovid Ruchbrock, for counterfeiting the public bills of credit of this Province and the Colony of Connecticut. John Cushing, Sylvanus Bourne, Zaccheus Mayhew, Enoch Coffin and John Otis, for the trial of an Indian at Nan- tucket. 1 Aug. 9. , John Cushing, Sylvanus Bourne, Zaccheus Mayhew, Enoch I Coffin and John Otis, at a Court at Nantucket. List of Civil Officers. 77 SUFFOLK COUNTY mFEEIOR COURT OF CO^BIO:sr PLEAS. Date of ArroiNTMENT. If AMES. 1692. Dec. 7. 1696. 1699. 1702. 1711. 1715. 1718. 1722-3. 1727. 1728. Oct. 16. July 17. June 29. July 2. Aucf. 14. Juno 11. Dec. 9. Ajji-. 16. Mch. 20. Dee. 26. Dec. 19. Elislia Hutchinson, Peter Sergeant, John Foster, and Isaac Addiugton appointed. Hutchinson^ Sergeant, Foster, Addington. The same re-appointed. The same re-appointed. Elisha Hutchinson and John Foster appointed.^ Jeremiah Dummer appointed.^ Penn Townsend appointed.^ Hutchinson, Foster, Divmmer, Townsend. Thomas Palmer, appointed.^ Hutchinson, Dummer, Townsend, Palmer. Elisha Hutchinson, Thomas Palmer, Edward Lyde and Adam Winthi-op appointed.* Hutchinson, Palmar, Lyde, Winthrop. Penn Townsend appointed.'^ Townsend, Palmer, Lyde, 'Winthrop. Edward Hutchinson appointed.^ Toicnsend, Palmer, 'Winthrop, Hutchinson. "William Dudley appointed.^ Palmer, Winthrop, Hutchinson, Dudley. Same confirmed. ' June 29, 1702. Thomas Brattle and Samuel Lcpp were nominated also, but rejected. Addington had been promoted to the Superior Court, and .Si'rf;eaiit was dropju'd. ^ Nathaniel Oliver was also nomniated, July 2, 1702, l)ut was rojeeted. July 8tli. Thomas Brattle was again nominated and rejected. 3 John Foster having died Feb. !), 1710-11, the Governor nominated, Mareli 23, 1710-11. Thomas Brattle, who was rejected. He then, A])ril 2, 1711, nominated Samuel LjMide, who was rejected; and the Council added, ''It is their unanimous opinion That the three surviving Justices, being a tiuorum according to the Law, are legally qualified to hold the said Court, and ought to hold the same accordingly, that the service of the Queen nor subjects be prejudiced for failure thereof." Palmer was linally appointed. ■• Pummer and Townsend were omitted, the former jirobably on account of his age, 70 years. * Elisha Hutchinson had died, Dec. 10, 1717, and Townsend was recalled to the bench to take his place as Chief Justice. " Kilward Hutchinson was appointed "in the place of Edward Lyde." ' I'enn Townsend died Aug. 21, 1727, making this vacancy. 78 List op Civil Officers. — Suffolk. Inferior Court of Common Pleas — Continued. Date of Appointment. 1731. 1771. Dec. 29. 1733. June 21. 1740. Oct. 27 1741. Dec. 31 1743. Oct. 20 1748. Apr. 6 1752. Apr. 3 17&5. Jan. 8 1758. Apr. 1 1761. Nov. 5 1770. May 9 Jan. 10. Nathaniel Byfield, Elisha Cooke, Thomas Palmer and Adam Winthroi^ appointed.^ Byfield, CooJce"", Palmer^ Winthrop. Thomas Palmer, Adam Winthrop, William Dudley and An- thony Stoddard appointed.^ Palmer, Winthrop, Puclley, Stoddard. Edward Hutchinson appointed.^*^ Winthrop, Dudley, Stoddard, Hutchinson. EUakim Hutchinson appointed." Pudley, Stoddard, Hutchinson, Hutchinson. Edward Winslow appointed.'^ Ed. Hutchinson, Stoddard, Elm. Hutchinson, Winslow. Samuel Watts appointed.^^ Ed. Hutchinson, El. Hutchinson, Winslow, Watts. » Thomas Hutchinson appointed.^* Elm. Hutchinson, Whisloic, Watts, T. Hutchinson. Samuel Welles appointed.^^ Elrn. Hutchinson, Watts, T. Hutchinson, Welles. Foster Hutchinson appointed.^'' Elm. Hutchinsooi, Watts, Welles, F. Hutchinson. The same confirmed. William Reed appointed.^" Elm. Hutchinson, Welles, F. Hutchinson, Meed. Nathaniel Hatch appointed.^^ Elm. Hutchinson, F. Hutchinson, Peed, Hatch. 8 Hutchinson and Dudley were both displaced at this appointment, though both afterwards were returned. , ^ Thomas Palmer was promoted to the place of Nathaniel Bjiield. who died 6 June, 1733 ; Winthrop to Cooke's place ; Dudley returned to the bench, and Stoddard was a new appointment. "^ Edward Hutchinson tilled the vacancy caused by the death of Thomas Palmer, Oct. 8th, 1740. " Eliakim Hutchinson was in the place of Adam Winthrop, resigned. ^^ Edward Winslow was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the death of William Dudley, Aug. 10th, 1743. '^ Samuel Watts was in the place of Stoddard, who died March 11, 1748. '■' Thomas Hutchinson succeeded his uncle Edward H., who died March 16, 1742. ^* Welles succeeded Winslow, who died Dec, 1753, aged 85. '^ Thomas Hutchinson having resigned "on account of his several employments," his brother succeeded him. "■ William Reed took the place of Watts, who died March 12, 1770. '8 Hatch succeeded Welles, who died May 20, 1770. List of Civil Officers. — Suffolk. Inferior Court of Common Pleas — Concluded. 79 Datb of Appointment. NAMES. 1772. July 3. Eliakim Hutchinson, " First Justice^'^ William Reed, Nathaniel Hatch and Joseph Green appointed.^^ Elm. Hictchinson^ Beecl^ Hatch^ Green. 1772. Dec. 31. Thomas Hutchinson, Jr., appointed.^" Elm. Hutchinson, Reed, Hatch, T. Hutchinson, Jr. SPECIAL JUSTICES COUET OF COMIVIOI:^ PLEAS. ^^ 1725. Dec. 18. Samuel Checkley and Anthony Stoddard. 1731-2. Feb. 3. Anthony Stoddard, Francis Fulham, Thomas Greaves and Hugh Hall. 1734. Dec. 31. Josiah Quincy. 1734-5. Feb. 21. Samuel Danforth, Francis Foxcroft and Francis Fulham. 1748. Apri 6. John Quincy and James Minot. 1770. Jan. 24. Benjamin Lincoln and Joseph Williams. SHERIFFS. 1692. May 27. Samuel Gookin. 1700-1. Mch. 6. Duncan Campbell named and rejected. 1702. Oct. 23. Giles Dye 1713. Aug. 27. Lt. Col. William Dudley, " in room of Dyer, deceased." 17f4-15 .Feb. 19. William Payne, acting sheriff. Mch. 21. William Dudley restored. 1715. Dec. 9. William Payne. ^ 1728. Dec. 12. Edward Winslow. 1732. Dec. 15. Edward Winslow. 1743. Oct. 20. Benjamin Pollai'd. 1757. Jan. 3. Stephen Grecnleaf. 1761. Nov. 5. Stephen Greenleaf. '" Gnen here first appears; yet Foster Hutchinson had ticon promoted to the Superior Court, March 21, n7L Possil)ly there was a vacancy for some fitteen months. ^ Thomas Hutchinson, Jr., took the place of Green. " Appointed to act in cases in whicli any of the standing justices were interested. 80 List op Civil Officers. — Suffolk. JUDGES OF PROBATE. Date op Appointment. NAMES. 1692. June 18. "William Stoughton. * 1701. Aug. 8. Elisha Cooke. 1702. Nov. 19. Isaac Adclington. 1715. Dec. 9. Samuel Sewall. 1728. Dec. 19. Josiah VViUard. 1741. Nov. 5. Josiah Willard. 1745-6. Feb. 12. Edward Hutchinson, in the place of Willard, resigned. 1752. April 3. Thomas Hutchinson. 1761. Nov. 5. Thomas Hutchinson. 1769. Aug. 3. Foster Hutchinson, to the Revolution. REGISTEES OF PROBATE. 1692. 1702. 1715. 1722. June 18. Nov. 19. Dec. 19. Oct. 19. 1728. Dec. 19 1732. Dec. 15 1739. Dec. 21 1741. Nov. 5 1749. July 14 1754. Jan. 25 Sept 20 Isaac Addington. Paul Dudley. Jose23h Marion. John Boydell. Benj. Rolfe, " in the room of John Boydell, and during his absence."^ John Boydell. * John Boydell. Andrew Belcher, " in place of J. Boydell, deceased." Andrew Belcher. I John Payne, in the absence of Belcher from the Province. John Shirley, " in place of Andrew Belcher." John Payne " for the space of three months fi-om this Time, or until the return of John Shirley, if it be before three months be expired." ' 1726. Feb. 23. Rolfe was to act in Boydell's place in the case of the estate of Thomas Lewis, to whom Boydell was related. List of Civil Officers. — Suffolk. 81 Hegisters of Probate — Concluded. Date of Appointment. N A il E S . 1755. Jan. 11. John Payne continued for two months if Shirley remain absent. Mch. 28. John Payne, ) Joint Registers, in the place of John Shirley, John Cotton, \ who had resigned. 1759. Dec. 19. William Cooper, ) y Joint Registers. John Cotton, ) 1761. Nov. 5. William Cooper, ) > Joint Registers. John Cotton, ) 82 List of Civil Officers. — Essex. ESSEX COUNTY. INFERIOE COURT OF COIVIMON PLEAS. Date of Appointmeht. 1692. Dec. 7. Bartholomew Gedney, Samuel Appleton, John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin appointed. Gedney, Appleton, Hathorne, Corwin. 1696. June 4. Bartholomew Gedney, John Hathorne, "William Browne and Jonathan Corwin appointed.^ Gedney, Hathorne, Browne, Corwin. 1698. June 3. Daniel Peii-ce appointed.^ Hathorne, Browne, Corwin, Peirce. 1699. July 17. The same confirmed. 1702. June 30. Nathaniel Saltonstall, William Browne, John Hathonie and Daniel Peirce appointed. Saltonstall, Browne, Hathorne, Peirce. Jonathan Corwin appointed.^ Saltonstall, Browne, Peirce, Corwin. 1704. June 14. John Appleton appointed.* Saltonstall, Brownie, Corwin, Ap>])leton. 1707. June 10. Thomas Noyes appointed.^ Appleton, Browne, Corwin, JVbyes. 1708. June 15. John Higginson apj^ointed.^ Appleton, Browne, JVoyes, Higginson. 1715. Dec. 9. John Appleton, John Higginson, Thomas Noyes and Samuel Browne appointed.'' Appleton, Higginson, JVbyes, Browne. June 3. July 17. June 30. Oct. 23. June 14. June 10. June 15. Dec. 9. • William Browne in place of Samuel Appleton, who died May 15, 1696. Oct. 16, same continued. * Daniel Peirce appointed "in the place of Bartholomew Geducy, deceased," who died Feb. 28. 1697-8. ^ It seems tliat Corwin had been superseded by Saltonstall at the time of appointments in June; but as Hathorne was appointed to the Superior Com-t Aug. 14th, Corwin was re-instated very soon. 4 John Appleton was in place of Daniel Peirce, who died Jan. 22, 1703-4. ^ Thomas Noyes was in place of Nathaniel Saltonstall, who died Maj- 21, 1707. " Higginson filled the vacancy caused by Corwin's appointment to the Superior Court. ^ William Browne, being old, (he died Feb. 14, 1715-16, aged 78,) was replaced at this time b}' his son, Samuel. List of Civil Officers. — Essex. Inferior Court of Common Pleas — Continued. 83 Date of AproiNTMENX. July 15. Mcli. 9. Api-il 10. June 21. Nov. 10. Oct. 5. Feb. 8. Jan. 25. A})!-. 20. Sept. 14. Mch. 8. 1720. July 15. John Burrill appointed.^ Appletofi, JVbi/es, Jirowne, I^urrill. 1721-2. Mcli. 9. Josiali Wolcott appointed." Appleton, Nbyes, Browne, Wolcott. 1729. April 10. John Appleton, Samuel Browne, Timothy Lindall and Jolm Wainwright appointed.^'' Ajjpleton, J3roto7ie, Lindall, 'Wainxoright. 1733. June 21. Timothy Lindall, Theophilus Burrill, John Wainwright and Thomas Beny appointed." Lindall, JSurrill, Wainwright, .Berry. 1737. Nov. 10. Benjamin Marston appointed.^^ Lindall^ Wainwright, Berry, Marston. 1739. Oct. 5. Benjamin Lysde, Jr., ai^ijointed.^^ Lindall, Berry, Marston, Lynde. 1745-6. Feb. 8. John Choat appointed." Lindall, Berry, Marston, Choat. 1754. Jan. 25. Henry Gibbs appointed."' Berry, 3Iarston, Choat, Gihbs. , Jolin Tasker appointed.^® Berry, Choat, Gibbs, TasJcer. 1756. Ser>t. 14. Benjamin Pickman appointed. ^^ Choat, Gibbs, Tasker, Pickman. 1759. Mch. 8. Caleb Cushing appoiuted.^^ Choat, Tasker, Pickman, Ctishing. 8 John Ikirrill was in place of John Ilig^inson, who died 23d Mch. 1719-20. ^ Wolcolt was in place of John Burrill, who died Dec. 10th, 1721. '" Thomas Noycs (who died April 12, 1730,) was very old, and hence proliaijly omitted. Josiah Wolcott had died Feb. 2, 1728-9. There were, thereibre, two new ai)p(jintinents at this time. " Samuel Browne had died June IG, 1731. John Appleton was probably omitted on the score of his ago, 80 years, though he was continued in the Probate Court. '2 Marston was in the place of Theopiiilus Burrill, who died ith July, 1737. '■^ Lyude succeeded John Wainwright, who died Sept. 1, 1739. )■' Choat was appointed when Benjamin Lynde was transferred to the Superior Court. '■' Cibbs was in the place of "Timothy Lindall, who had resigned." "' Tasker succeeded Marston, who died 22d May, 1754, aged 57. " Pickman succeeded Berry, who died lOth August, 1756. '8 Cuijhiug took the place of Gibbs, who died Feb., 1750. 84 List of Civil Officers. — Essex. Inferior Court of Common Pleas — Concluded. Date op Al'l'OINTMENT. NAMES. « 1761. June 24. Stephen Higginson appointed.^^ Choaty Tasker, Cushing, Higginson. Nov. 19. Nathaniel Ropes and Andrew Oliver appointed.^ Choat, Gushing^ Mopes, Oliver. 1766. Feb. 5. William Bourn appointed.^^ Ropes, Cushing, Oliver, JBottrn. 1770. Sept. 17. William Browne appointed.^^ Hopes, Cushing, Oliver, Broione. 1772. Jan. 15. Peter Frye appointed.^ Gushing, Oliver, Browne, Frye. SPECIAL JUSTICES COUET OF CO:\B^Oi^ PLEAS. 1711. Oct. 26. Samuel Aj)pleton and John Burrill. 1715. Sept. 16. Samuel Appleton and John Bm-rill. 1725. Sept. 30. John Wainwi-ight and Theophilus Burrill. 1729. April 11. Theophilus Burrill and William Gedney. July 3. Theophilus Burrill and William Gedney. 1731. Aug:. 25, Theophilus Bm-rill and Richard Kent. 1734. June 28. Nathaniel Coffin and Benjamin Lynde, Jr. 1740. July 5. Epes Sergeant and Daniel Appleton. 1744. Aug. 18. Epes Sergeant and Daniel Appleton. 1744-5. Jan. 19. John Choat. 1755. Mch. 28. John Greenleaf. 1762. Mch. 11. Epes Sergeant and Daniel Appleton. 1768. Feb. 17. Jacob Fowle and Samuel Rogers. 1766. Feb. 5. William Brown. '^ Higginson is named in tlie place of Piokman, in a new commission of this date. He died, however, Oct. 12, 1761, aged 45. ^^ Eopes and Oliver are named in the new commission of this date, in the place of Higginson, deceased Oct. 12, 1761, and Tasker, who died Nov. 9, 1761. 2' Bourn was to till the vacancy caused by the death of Choat, and Eopes was at tlie same date made Chief Justice. ^ Browne succeeded Bourn, who died Aug. 12, 1770, aged 47. *3 Frye succeeded Ropes, transferred to the Superior Court. List of Civil Officers. — Essex. 85 SHERIFFS. Date op Appointment. 1692. 1696. 1702. May 27. Apr. 23. July 2. Oct. 23. 1708-9. Feb. 25. 1710. June 30. 1715. Sept. 16. Dec. 9. 1722. July 3. 1728. Dec. 12. 1733. June 22. 1745-6. Jun. 24. 1761. June 24. Nov. 19. 1766. Aug. 6. Capt. George Corwin. William Gedney. Major Francis Wainwright. \ William Gedney.^ (Major Daniel Denison. Major Daniel Denison. William Gedney. John Denison. William Gedney, ) > Joint Sherifis. John Denison, ) ( Benjamin Marstou, ) < ["Joint Sheriffi. ( John Denison, ) Benjamin Marston. Benjamin Marston. Robert Hale. Robert Hale. Robert Hale. Richard Saltonstall. '1708, June IG. Dciiison was suspended, ;uid ''the county continued at present in the keeping o< Mr. William Gedney, the other sheriff, he to make a deputy at Ipswich and another at Newbury." 8G List op Civil Officers. — Essex. JUDGES ANT> REGISTERS OF PROBATE. Date OP Appointment. JUDGES. Date REGISTEKS. OF Appointment. 1692. June 18. Bartholomew Gedney. 4692. June 18. Stephen Sewell. 1698. June 3. Jonathan Corwin. 1695. Nov. 29. John Croade. 1702. Oct. 23. John Appleton. 1698. June 3. John Higginson. .1715. Dec. 9. John Appleton. 1702. Oct. 23. Daniel Rogers. 1729. Apr. 11. John Appleton. 1715. Dec. 29. Daniel Rogers. 1733. June 22. John Appleton. 1722- -3. Jan. 9. Daniel Appleton. 1739. Oct. 5. Thomas Berry. 1729. Apr. 11. Daniel Appleton. 1746. Aug. 5. Thomas Beny. 1733. June 22. Daniel Appleton. 1756. Sept. 14. John Choate. 1761. June 24. Daniel Appleton. 1761. June 24. John Choate. Nov. 19. Daniel Api^leton. Nov. 19. John Choate. 1762. AujT, 26. Samuel Rogers. 1766. Feb. 5. Nathaniel Ropes. 1773. Sept. 29. Peter Frye. 1772. Jnn. 15. Benjamin Lynde. 1 List of Civil Officers. — Middlesex. 87 MIDDLESEX COUNTY INFEEIOR COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Date of Appointment. 1602. Dec. 7. 1006. Oct. 16 1600. July 17 1702. June 20 July 8. 1700. 1715. 1710. June 23. Dec. 0. June 27. 1729. Aug. 22 1731. July 9 1733. June 22. 1737-8. Mch. 9. John Phillips, James Russell, Joseph Lynde and Samuel Hay- man appointed. Phillips^ Hussell, Lynde^ Hayman. The same confirmed. The same confirmed. James Russell, John Phillips and Jonathan Tyng appointed.^ Joseph Lynde ajjpointed. Russell^ JPhilli2)s, Tyng^ Lynde. Francis Foxcroft appointed.^ Phillips^ Tyng, Lynde, Foxcroft. Joseph Lynde, Francis Foxcroft, Jonathan T)-ug and Jonathan Remington appointed.^ Lynde, Foxcroft, Tyng, Remington. Jonathan Dowse, Charles Chambers and Francis Fulham ap- pointed.* Remington, Dowse, ChamJbers, Fidham. The same confinned. The same confirmed. Thomas Greaves appointed.-' Dowse, Chambers, Fulham, Greaves. Francis Foxcroft appointed." Dowse, Chambers, Fidham, Foxcroft. ' Samuel Hayman, thus superseded, died Dec., 1712, aged 74. ' Foxcroft wa.s apiiointed, owing to the death of James Russell. April 2S, 170'J. ^ Remington was a nt^w appointment. I'iiillips, probalily, was omitted on aceount of iiis age, 85 years, though lie lived until Meh. 20, 1724-5. ■• Dow^:e, Chamhers and Fulham wore appointed in the room of Lyn'ng and Foxcroft., Very prob- ably these three were dropped on account of their age, Lynde (who died .Tany. 29, 1727) being then 82, Tyng, 77 (he died .Tany. 10, 1724), and Foxcroft (who died .Tany. 1728), fi2 years. ^ Greaves succeeded .Tonathan Remington, who was transferred to the Supreme Tonrt. " Foxcroft was appointed Mcli. 9 " in tlie room of Thomas GR-aves, Ksi]., wliilo he remains one of iho Justices of the Superior Court," and Aug. 19 be was regularly appointed. 88 List op Civil Officers. — Middlesex. Inferior Court of Common Pleas — Concluded. Bate of Aitointment. 1739. Dec. 21. 1741. July 21. 1747. Aug. 19. 1752. April 7. 1753. Au^. 24. 1755. June 26. 1761. Nov. 20. 1763. SeDt. 7. 1764. 1769. 1771. Mch. 7. May 24. May 16. Thomas Greaves re-appointed.'^ JDowse^ Fulham, Greaves, JF^oxcroft. Samuel ]!)anforth appointed.^ Fulham, Greaves, Foxcroft, Danforth. Chambers Russell appointed.^ Fulham, Foxcroft, Danforth, JRussell. Andrew Boardman appointed.^" Fulham,, Foxcroft, Danforth, Boardman. Same four confirmed. William Lawrence appointed." Foxcroft, Danforth, Boardman, Lawrence. Same confirmed. John Tyng appointed.^ Danforth, Foxcroft, Boardman, Tyng. Richard Foster appointed.^ Danforth, Boardman, Tyng, Foster. Josej)h Lee appointed.^* Danforth, Tyng, Foster, Lee. James Russell appointed.^ Danforth, Tyng, Lee, Russell. Last term of the Court was held May 21, 1774. ^ Greaves was superseded on the bench of the Superior Court by Stephen Sewall, May 16, 1739. He was reappointed here "in the room of Charles Chambers, Esq., who had resigned," and Foxcroft's appointment remained undisturbed. Chambers was old, being 82 at his death, 27 Apr., 1743. * Danforth was " in the room of Jonathan Dowse, Esq.," who was then probably too old to serve longer, bemg 82 at his death, 28 Jany., 1744-5. 9 Eussell succeeded Greaves, who died 19 June, 1747. ^° Boardman took the place of Eussell, promoted to Superior Court. '^ Lawrence succeeded Francis Fulham, who resigned, and died 18 Jany., 1758, aged 87. ^- Tyng, no doubt, succeeded Lawrence, who probably resigned before his death, May 19, 1764, aged 67. ^^ Foster succeeded Foxcroft, who probably resigned this year, and died Mch. 28, 1768, aged 75. '* Lee was to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Boardman, May 20, 1769. '* Eussell succeeded Foster, who resigned, and died Aug. 1774, aged 82. List op Civil Officers. — Middlesex. 89 SPECIAL JUSTICES COURT OF CO:\mOX PLEAS. Date of Appointment. NAMES. 1705. June 8. Elislia Hutchinson, John Foster and John Higginson. 1708. Feb. 25. Elisha Hutchinson, John Foster, Penn Townsend and Jonathan 1718. Dec. 3. Jonathan Dowse and Jonas Bond. 1719. Nov. 25. Nathaniel Carey, Spencer Phips and Thomas Greaves. 1723. Sept. 6. Spencer Phips and Jonas Bond. 1726. June 18. Spencer Phips, Henry Phillips and Francis Foxcrofl, Jr. 1729. Aug. 3. Henry Phillips. 1729- 30. Mch. 19. Francis Foxcroft. 1731. July 9. Spencer Phips, Thomas Greaves and Francis Foxcroft. 1732. Dec. 15. Habijah Savage, Samuel Wells and Samuel Danforth. 1736. Dec. 29. Jacob Wendell and Benjamin Prescott. 1741. July 25. Simon Tufts and Ephraim Curtis. 1749. Aug. 12. William Lawrence. 1751. June 21. William Lawrence. 1762. July 29. . John Tyng and Oliver Fletcher. 1764. Mch. 7. Joseph Lee. 1768. Sept. 7. Samuel Livermore and Charles Prescott. SHERIFFS. 1692. May 27. 1 Timothy Phillips. 1729. Sept. 27. Samuel Dummer. 1702. Oct. 23. Samuel Gookin. 1731. July 9. Richard Foster, Jr. 1715. Dec. 9. Edmund Goffe. 1?61. Nov. 20. Richard Foster. 1728. Dec. 12. Samuel Gookin, 1764. Mch. 7. David Phips. 90 List op Civil Officers. — Middlesex. JUDGES A^D REGISTERS OF PROBATE. Datb OF Appointment. JUDGES. 1692. 1702. 1708. 1715. 1725. 1729. 1731. 1745. 1761. June 18. Oct. 23. July 8. Dec. 9. Sept. 30. July 3. July 9. Dec. 20. Nov. 20. James Russell. John Leverett. Francis Foxcroft. Francis Foxcroft. Jonathan Remington. Jonathan Remington. Jonathan Remington. Samuel Danforth. Samuel Danforth. Datb OP Appointment. REGISTEBS. 1692. June 18. Samuel Phipps. 1702. Oct. 23. Thomas Swan. 1705. Sept. 15. Nicholas Fessenden. 1709. Dec. 28. Daniel Foxcroft. 1715. Dec. 9. Thomas Foxcroft. 1729. July 3. Francis Foxcroft. 1731. July 9. Samuel Danforth. 1745. Dec. 20. Andrew Boardman, Jr. 1753. Aug. 10. Andrew Boardman. 1769. May 29. William Kneeland. [Note. — Jan. 1 and Aug. 12, 1772, Andrew Boardman was made special register, to complete his father's record.] tt List of Civil Officers. — Hampshire. 91 HAMPSHIRE COUNTY. COURT OF CO]M]MO]S' PLEAS. Date of Appointment. NAMES. 1692. Dec. 7. John Pynchon, Peter Tilton, Samuel Partridge, Joseph Hawley appointed. Pynchon^ Tilton, Partridge, Hawley. 1696. Oct. 16. John Pynchon, Samuel Partridge, Joseph TTnwk'V, Jose])h Par- sons appointed.^ J. Pynchon, {Ist,) Partridge, Haxdey, Parsons. 1699. July 17. Same four confirmed. 1702. June 29. Same four confirmed. 1710. June 8. John Pynchon appointed.^ Partridge, Hawley, Parsons, J. Pynchon, {2d.) 1711. June 8. Samuel Porter appointed.* Partridge, Parsons, J. Pynchon, (2d.) 1715. Dec. 10. Same four confirmed. 1719. June 27. John Stoddard appointed.* Partridge, J. Pynchon, (2-nchon was superseded. ^ John Pynchon, (3d,) was restored in place of Dwight, who died 20 Mch., 1731-2. 92 List op Civil Officers. — Hampshire. (Jourt of Common Pleas — Continued. Date op Appointment. NAMES. 1734-5. Feb. 21. Ebenezer Pomroy.^ Partridge^ Stoddard, Ashley, Pomroy. 1737. July 2. John Stoddard, Eleazer Porter, Timothy Dwight, William Pynchon, Jr., appointed.® Stoddard, Porter, T. Dwight, W. Pynchon, Jr. 1738. July 8. William Pynchon, Sr., appointed.^*' Stoddard, Porter, Dwight, W. Pynchon, Sr. 1741. Apr. 2. Joseph Pynchon appointed." Stoddard, Porter, Dioight, J. Pynchon. July 21. Ephraim Williams appointed.^^ Stoddard, Porter, J. Pynchon, Williams. 1748. Nov. 8. Timothy Dwight appointed.^* Porter, J. Pynchon, Williams, T. Dwight. 1749-50. Jan. 18. Josiah Dwight appointed." Porter, J. Pynchon, T. Dwight, J. Dioight. 1753. Jan. 4. Joseph Dwight appointed.^^ Porter, T. Dioight, Josiah Dwight, Jos. Dioight. 1758. Jan. 11. Joseph Dwight, Israel Williams, Josiah Dwight and Timothy Dwight, Jr., appointed.^^ Jos. Dwight, I. Williams, Josi. Dwight, T. Dwight, Jr. 1761. June 24. Elijah Williams appointed. ^^ I. Williams, Josi. Dwight, T. Dwight, Jr., E. Williams. 8 Pomroy was " in the room of John 'Pynchon," thus again superseded, but who lived imtil 12 July, 1742, when he died, aged 68. 8 Three new judges appointed; of those retired Partridge died 25 July, 1740, aged 95; Ashley died 17 Apr., 1759, aged 89; and Pomroy died 1754. '* Wm. Pynchon was "in room of Wm. Pynchon, Jr., who has resigned;" in this case an uncle suc- ceeded his nephew. " Joseph Pynchons ucceeded Wm. P., Sr., who died 1 Jany., 1740-41, aged 52. ^^ Ephraim Williams was "in the room of Timothy Dwight," who lived long afiter this, dying 30 Apr., 1771. '3 Timothy Dwight was restored after the death of Stoddard, 19 June, 1748. '* Josiah Dwight was " in the room of Ephraim Williams, resigned: " this was probably Ephraim W., Sr., who died in 1754, aged 63. Dwight seems to have been again commissioned Aug. 24 of same year. '* Joseph Dwight succeeded Joseph Pynchon; yet 17 Aug., 17.53, Joseph Pynchon was named in the commission, and 13 Sept., 1753, Dwight is named in the commission instead. I conclude that this shows a clerical error in retaining Pynchon's name, which was promptly remedied by the Council. '® Israel Williams and Timothy Dwight, Jr., were new appointments; Porter died 1757, and Timothy Dwight imdoubtedly resigned, as he lived till 10 July, 1771. I'' Elijah Williams succeeded Joseph Dwight, who was transfeiTed to Berkshire. List of Civil Officers. — Hampshire. Court of Common Pleas — Concluded. 93 Date of Appointment. NAMES. 1764. Feb. 1'. Thomas Williams appointed.^* I. Williams, J. Dwight, T. Dwight, T. Williams. 1768. Oct. 26. Israel Williams, Oliver Partridge, Timothy Dwight, Jr., Thomas Williams appointed.^® I. Williams, Partridge, T. JDwight, Jr., T. Williams. SPECIAL JUSTICES COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. 1721. July 14. Luke Hitchcock. 1727. Dec. 26. Eleazer Porter and Dr. Thomas Hastings. 1732-3. Jan. 11. Eleazer Porter and William Pynchon. 1738. Aug. 19. William Pynchon, Jr., and Israel Williams. 1753. Sept. 13. Elijah Williams. 1762. Feb. 4. Samuel Mather and Thomas Williams. 1764. June 8. Eleazer Porter. SHEEIFFS. 1692. May 27. Samuel Porter. 1702. June 30. Samuel Porter. 1707. Dec. 5. Luke Hitchcock. 1715. Dee. 10. Luke Hitchcock. 1719. June 27. Ebenezer Pomroy. 1728. Dec. 12. Ebenezer Pomroy. 1732. Dec. 28. ( Ebenezer Pomroy, ) \ f Joint Sheriffs. ( Samuel Marshfield, ) 1734-5. Feb. 21. Samuel Mai-shfield alone, Pomroy having resigned. 1740. July 12. Oliver Partridge, (in place of Marshfield, resigned.) 1749. June 29. Oliver Partridge. 1761. June 24. Oliver Partridge. 17j68. Oct. 26. Solomon Stoddard. 's Thomns Williams succmled Elijali Wiiliaius. who livcil till 10 .Inly, 1771. '9 Oliver I'artriilgc sucfceik'.d Josiali Dwiglit, who diiid 28 Sept., 1708. 94 List op Civil Officers. — Hampshire. JUDGES AIN^D EEGISTERS OF PROBATE. Datb OF Appointment. JUDGES. Date OF Appointment. REGISTERS. 1692. June 18. John Pynchon. 1692. June 18. Samuel Partridge. 1702. Aug;. 13. j John Pynchon. 1702. Aug. 13. Samuel Partridge. 1702- 3. Mch. 18. Samuel Partridge. 1702- 3. Mch. 18. John Pynchon, Jr. 1715. Dec. 10. Samuel Partridge. 1715. Dec. 10. John Pynchon, Jr. 1729. July 10. John Stoddard, 1729. July 10. Timothy Dwight. 1732. Dec. 28. John Stoddard. 1732. Dec. 28. Timothy Dwight. 1748. Sept. 27. Timothy Dwight. 1748. Sept. 27. Timothy Dwight, Jr. 1753. Sept. 6. Timothy Dwight. 1753. Sept. 6. Timothy Dwight, Jr. 1758. June 22. Timothy Dwight. 1758. June 22. Timothy Dwight, Jr. 1761. June 24. Timothy Dwight. 1761. June 24. Timothy Dwight, Jr. 1764. June 8. Israel Williams. 1764. June 8. Timothy Dwight, Jr.* Solomon Stoddard.* 1768. Oct. 26. Israel Williams, Jr. * Jointly. List op Civil Officers. — Plymouth. 95 PLYMOUTH COUNTY. INTERIOR COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Date of Appointment. NAMES. 1692. Dec. 7. William Bradford, Nathaniel Thomas, John Gushing and Eph- raim Morton appointed. Bradford^ Thomas^ Cushing, Morton. 1696. Oct. 16. WilUam Bradford, Nathaniel Thomas, John Wadsworth and Isaac Little appointed.^ Bradford., Thomas., Wadsworth., Little. 1699. July 17. The same four confirmed. 1700. June 7. John Gushing, Jr., and James Warren appointed.' Bradford., Thomas, Cushifig., Warren. 1702. June 29. Nathaniel Thomas, Isaac Winslow, John Gushing and James Warren appointed.^ Thomas, Winslow, Gushing, Warren. 1702-3. Mch. 18. Joseph Otis appointed.* Tliomas, Otis, Cushing, Warren. 1712. June 4. Isaac Winslow appointed.' Cushing, Otis, Warren, Winslow. 1715. Dec. 9. John Gushing, Isaac Winslow, Seth Arnold and Nathaniel Thomas, Jr., appointed.* Cushing, Winslow, Arnold, Thomas. 1721. Nov. 15. Isaac Lothroj) appointed.^ Cushing, Winslow, Thomas, Lothrop. ' Morton died 7 Sept., 1693; Cushing probably resigned, as he was tlicn aliout 70 years old. He died 31 Mch., 1708. * Little probably died 29 Dec., 1G99, and Wadsworth died 15 May, 1700. These two vacancies were filled by new men. ' Winslow doubtless took tlie place of Bradford, who resigned, as he died 20 Feb., 1703-4, aged about 80 years. * Otis seems to have taken the place of Winslow, since the latter was again appointed in 171'2. 6 Winslow took the place of Thomas, " transferred to the Superior Court." * Arnold and Thomas succeeded Otis, who resigned, doubtless, as he lived till 1754, and Warren, who died May, 1715. "^ Lothrop took the place of "Arnold, deceased." 96 List op Civil Officers. — Plymouth. Inferior Court of Common Pleas — Continued. Date op Appointment. 1729. April 10. 1731. Aug. 25. 1738. July 8. 1738-9. Mch. 1. 1743. Sept. 9. 1747. Dec. 12. 1747-8. Mch. 1. 1751. June 21. 1756. Sept. 14. 1762. Jan. 28. Isaac Winslow, Nathaniel Thomas, Isaac Lofhrop and Josiah Cotton appointed.* Winslow^ Thomas, Lothrop, Cotton. Isaac Winslow, Nathaniel Thomas, Josiah Cotton and Nicholas Sever appointed.^ Winslow, Thomas, Cotton, Sever. John Cushing appointed.^" Thomas, Cotton, Sever, Cushing. Isaac Lothrop appointed." Lothrop, Cotton, Sever, Cushing. Thomas Clapp appointed.^ Sever, Cotton, Cushing, Clapp. Petejf Oliver appointed.^^ Sever, Cushing, Clapp, Oliver. Isaac Lothrop appointed." Sever, Clapp, Oliver, Lothrop, (2c?.) Elijah Cushing appointed.^^ Seoer^ Clapp, Oliver, Cushing. Thomas Foster appointed.^® Sever, Clapp, Cushing, Foster. John Winslow, Thomas Clapp, Elijah Cushing, Thomas Foster appointed." Winslow, Clapp, Cushing, Foster. 8 Cotton succeeded Cashing, who was "transferred to the Superior Court." ^ Sever took the place of Lothrop, who was dropped for a few years, probably at his own request. 1" John Cushing took the place of Isaac Winslow, who resigned. " Lothrop was restored and made Chief Justice, in the room of N. Thomas, who died Feb., 1639, aged 75. 1^ Clapp was appointed after the death of Lothrop, 10 Sept., 1743, aged 70. '3 Oliver was "in the room of Josiah Cotton, Esq., who had resigned." '4 Isaac Lothrop, son of tlie former judge, took the place of Cushing, transferred to the Superior Court. '» Elijah Cushing was the successor of I. Lothrop, who died 26 Apr., 1750, aged 43. *8 Foster was appointed as Oliver had been promoted to the Superior Court. ^'^ "Winslow was in the place of Sever, probably omitted on account of his age ; he died Apr. 7, 1764, aged 84. List of Civil Officers. — Plymouth. Inferior Court of Common Pleas — Coucluded. 07 Date of Appointment. NAMES. 1762. Aug. 19. Gamaliel Bradford appointed." Winslow, Clapp, Foster, Bradford. 1771. Mch. 21. Josiah Edson appointed.^ Winslow, Foster, Bradford, Edson. V SPECIAL JUSTICES COURT OF COMMOIS" PLEAS. 1713. Oct. 27. Seth Arnold and Josiah Edson. 1727. June 17. Jcsiah Cotton. 1729. Apr. 10. Edward Winslow. Dec. 12. Samuel Thaxter, Edward Winslow and Nicholas Sever. 1732. Dec. 15. Isaac Lothrop and Edward "Winslow. 1740. Oct. 27. Thomas Croad. 1743. Apr. 8. John Little, Thomas Clap and Benjamin Stockhridge. 1751. Apr. 24. Thomas Foster. 17G2. Jan. 28. Thomas Croade. 1763. Feb. 17. Josiah Edson and David Stockhridge. SHERIFFS. 1692. May 27. John Bradford. 1699. July 17. James Warren. 1700. June 7. Capt. Seth Arnold. 1700-1. Mch. 6. Nathaniel Warren. 1702. June 29. Nathaniel Warren. 1706. June 8. Isaac Lothrop. 1715. Dec. 9. Isaac Lothrop. 1721. Nov. 15. Thomas Barker. 1728. Dec. 12. Thomas Barker. 1731. Aug. 25. ( Thomas Barker. (John Holman. 1 '8 Bradford succeeded Cushing, who died June 2G, 1762, aged 64. '3 Edson took the place of Clapp, who prohahly rosiirncil. 98 List of Civil Officers. — Plymouth. Sheriffs — Concluded. Date op Appointment. 1733. June 22. 1734. Apr. 23. 1756. Sept. 14. 1762. A Jan. 28. James "Warren, (in place of Barker.) James Warren, (sole sheriff.) James Warren, Jr.," (in place of Jas. Warren, resigned.) James Warren, Jr. JUDGES AND EEGISTERS OF PROBATE. Date 1 JUDGES. OF Appointment. Date OF Appointment. REGISTERS. 1702. Aug. 13. Nathaniel Thomas. 1700. June 7. William Bassett. 1715. Dec. 9. Nathaniel Thomas. 1702. Aug. 23, Nathaniel Thomas, Jr. 1718. Nov. 20. Isaac Winslow. 1715. Dec. 9. Nathaniel Thomas, Jr. 1729. Aug. 22. Isaac Winslow. 1729. Aug. 22. Josiah Cotton. 1731. Aug. 25. Isaac Winslow. 1731. Aug. 25. Josiah Cotton. 1738-9. Jan. 12. John Cushing. 1738- 9. Jan. 12. John Winslow. 1740. Oct. 27. [Edward Winslow.]* 1762. Jan. 28. Edward Winslow. 1746. Aug. 5. John Cushing. 1762. Jan. 28. John Cushing. * During the absence of J. Cushing. List of Civil Officers. — Bristol. 99 BRISTOL COUNTY. INFERIOR COURT OF CO^BION PLEAS. Date of Appointment. 1692. Dec. 7. 1696. Oct. 16 1699. July 17 1701. Ausj. 7 1702. June 29. 1708. Sept. 30. 1709. Dec. 28. 1710. Aug. 24. 1713-14. J:!n. 1. 1715. Dec. 10. John Saffin, Thomas Leonard, Nidiolas Peck ami John Browne appointed. Saffin, Leonard, Peck, Browne. Tlie same confiiTned, The same confinned. Nathaniel Byfield appointed.^ Leonard, Peclc, Browne, Byfield. Nathaniel Byfield, John Browne, Thomas Leonard and Eben- ezer Brenton appointed.^ Byfield, Browne, Leonard, Brenton. Benjamin Church appointed.'' Byfield, Browne, Leonard, Church. Henry Mackintosh appointed.* Byfield, Leonard, Church, Mackintosh. Nathaniel Payne appointed.® Leonard, Church, Mackintosh, Payne. Sunon Davis aiijiointed." Church, Mackintosh, Payne, Davis. Nathaniel Byfield, Nathaniel Payne, Henry Mackintosh and George Leonard appointed.^ Byfield, Payne, 3Iackintosh, I^eonard. ' Pa- field took the place of John Saflin, transferred to the Superior Court. Brenton took the place of Peck, who resigned, prohahly on account of ajje, being 80 years at his death, 27 May, 1710. 3 ("IiiirIi filh-d tlic vacancy owinj; to the death of ICbenezer Rrcnton, who died '' Mackintosh succeeded .lohn Browne, who died s The cause of Payne's ai)pointnicnt was the following vote of the Council: ".lune 24, 1710. Upon consideration of the unmannerly and rude behaviour of Nathaniel Byfield, Ksquire, yesterday to his F.xccllencv the (governor and the Board, and his porenii)tory refusal to obey their order directed to him as Judge of Probate, Advised, That His Excellency \w desired to suspend the said Nathaniel Byfield, Ksquire, fmm the exercise of those civil offices that he holds under this tJoverinnent." ® Davis succeeded Thomas Leonard, who died 24 Nov., 1713, aged 72. '' Bylield was rc-appointed in place of Col. Church, who was old, as he died Jan. 17, 1717-18, aged 77. Leonard was in place of Uavis. 100 List op Civil Officers. — Bristol. Inferior Court of Common Pleas — Continued. Date of Appointment. 1723-4. Mch. 19. 1724. June 23. 1724. 1725. 1728. Dec. 2. Dec. 18. June 18. 1729. Aug. 22. Nathaniel Blagrove appointed.^ Byfield^ Mackintosh, Payne, Blagrove. Nathaniel Byfield, "Henry Mackintosh, Seth Williams and Nathaniel Payne appointed.* Byfield, Mackintosh, Williams, Payne. Samuel Vyall appointed.^'' Payne, Mackintosh, Williams, Vyall. George Leonard appointed." Payne, Williams, Vyall, Leonard. Nathaniel Hubbard appointed.^ Payne, Williams, Leonard, Huhhard. Nathaniel Payne, George Leonard, Nathaniel Hubbard, Thomas Church appointed.^ Payne, Leonard, Huhhard, Church. Dec. 12. Seth Williams re-appointed." Williams, Leonard, Huhhard, Church. 1733. June 22. The same confiiToed. 1740. Dec. 11. Job Almy appointed.^^ Williams, Huhhard, Church, Almy. 1745-6. Feb. 8. George Leonard and Stephen Payne appointed.^® Williams, Almy, Leonard, Payne. 1747. June 27. Ephraim Leonard appointed." Williams, G. Leonard, Payne, E. Leonard. 8 Blagrove was in the place of " Nathaniel Payne, deceased," says the Council Record, yet undoubtedly this was an error for George Leonard,^ who died 5 Sept., 171G. Payne is named until 1729. ^ Williams succeeded Blagrove. '° Vyall was in the place of Byfleld, "who has resigned." " George Leonard, son of the former judge, probably took the place of Mackintosh. ^- Hubbard succeeded Vyall, " who had resigned." '''.Church took the place of Williams, who was omitted. '^ Williams was re-appointed, "in the room of Nathaniel Pajiie, deceased." '= Almy was in the place of Leonard, who was left out for being concerned in the Land Bank, sav-s Washburn, 369. *^ Leonard, re-appointed, and Payne were "in the room of Nathaniel Hubbard and Thomas Church." Of these, Church was dead and Hubbard had been promoted to the Superior Court. i'' Ephraim Leonard succeeded Almy. List of CmL Officers. — Bristol. Inferior Court of Common Pleas — Concluded. 101 Date of Aitoiktment. 1749. April 18. 17 GO. May 23. 17G1. Jan. 24. Samuel Willis appointed.^ Williams, G. Leonard, E. Leonard, Willis. George Leonard, Ephraim Leonard, Timothy Fales, James Williams appointed.^^ G. Leonard, E. Leonard, Fales, J. Williams. Zepheniah Leonard appointed.^ G. Leonard, E. Leonard, J. Williams, Z. Leonard. Nov. 24. I Same four confiraaed. 1766. June 18. ' Elisba Tobey appointed.-^ I G. Leonard, E. Leonard, J. Williams, Tobey. SPECIAL JUSTICES COURT OF CO]\I]\IOX PLEAS. 1740. Dec. 11. Petez Bradford. 1735-6. Jan. 9. Job Almy and Jonathan Woodbury. 1745. 7^pr. 5. Nathaniel Hubbard. 1747. June 27. Thomas Terry and Samuel Willis. 1749. Aug. 12. Thomas Bowen and John Godfrey. 1761. Jan. 24. Samuel Willis. Nov. 24. Samuel Willis and Thomas Bowen. 1763. Feb. 17. Thomas Gilbert. SHERIFFS. 1692. May 27. Nathaniel Payne. Dec. 22. Samuel Gallop, (in jjlace of Payne, excused.) 1702. June 29. Samuel Gallop. 1710. June 30. Samuel Gallop. 1715. Dec. 10. William Troop. 1718. Mch. al. i Seth Williams, (coroner, to act in ]ilace of Gallop, deceased.) Apr. 16. I Charles Church. • '8 Willis was '• in the room of Stephen Payne." '^ Fales and J. Williams were in place of Seth Williams, who resigned and died May l-'f, 17G1, aged 85, and Willis, who resigned and died Oct. 3, 1763, aged 79. * Z. Leonard took the place of Fales, who resigned. *' Tobey succeeded Z. Leonard, who died 23 April, 1766. 102 List of Civil Officers. — Bristol. Sheriffs — Concluded. Date of Api-ointment. 1728. Dec. 12. 1733. June 22. 1746-7. Jan. 14. 1761. Nov. 24. Charles Church. Charles Church. Sylvester Richmond, Jr. Sylvester Richmond. JUDGES A:isrD REGISTERS OF PROBATE. Date OP Appointment. JUDGES. Date OF Appointment. REGISTERS. 1702. Oct. 23. Nathaniel Bj-field. | 1702. Oct. 23. John Carey. 1710. Aug. 24. Nathaniel Payne.* 1715. Dec. 9. Ebenezer Brenton. 1715. Dec. 9. Nathaniel Byfield. 1721. July 20. Stephen Payne. 1729. Sept. 27. Nathaniel Blagrove, 1729. Sept. 27. Stephen Payne. 1733. June 22. Nathaniel Blagrove. 1733. June 22. Stephen Payne. 1744. Apr. 5. Nathaniel Hubbard. 1744. Apr. 5. Stephen PajTie. 1747- S.Feb. 16. George Leonard. 1749. Apr. 18. Geoi-ge Leonard, Jr. 1761. Nov. 24. George Leonard. i 1761. Nov. 24. George Leonard, Jr. * Byfield being suspended. List of Civil Officers. — Barnstable. 103 BARNSTABLE COUNTY. COURT OF CO:MiMON PLEAS. Date op Appointment. NAMES. 1692. Dec. 7. 1694-5. Mch. 6. 1696. Oct. 16. 1699. July 17. 1702. June 29. 1710. June 22. 1711. 1713. 1714. July 20. June 5. June 15. 1715. Dec. 10. 1721. Nov. 15. Barnabas Lothrop, Jobu Freeman, John Tliatclier and Stephen Skiffc appointed. Lothrop^ Freemati, Thatcher, Sh'ffe. Jonathan Sparrow appointed.^ Lothrop, Thatcher, Skiffe, Sparrow. Same four confirmed. Same four confirmed. Barnabas Lothrop, John Thatcher, Stephen SkiflTo, John Otis appointed.^ Lothrop, Thatcher, Sldffe, Otis. William Bassett appointed.^ Lothrop, Thatcher, Otis, Bassett. John Gorham appointed.* Lothrop, Thatcher, Otis, Gorham. Daniel Parker.^ Lothrop, Otis, Gorham, Parker. Thomas Paine appointed.® Lothrop), Otis, Parker, Paine. John Otis, Daniel Parker, Thomas Paine, Nathaniol Freeman appointed.^ Otis, Parker, Paine, Freeman. Isaac Lothrop appointed.^ Otis, Parker, Freeman^ Lothrop. ' Sparrow was in the room of Freeman, resigned. - Jolin Otis succeeded SpaiTow. •* IJassett succeeded Skiffc, who died 4 ^ Parker succeeded Col. .lolm 'riiatclur, wlio died 8 May, ITl.'i, aged 75. 6 '' Freeman succeeded B. Lotlirop, wiio died 1715. 8 Lothrop succeeded ''-Thos. Paine, deceased." 104 List of Civil Officers. — Barnstable. Court of Common Pleas — Concluded. Date of Ai'pointment. 1727. Dec. 26. 17i!-9. Apr. 10. Ezra Bourne appointed.^ Parker, Freeman, I. Lothrop, Bourne. Peter Thatcher, Jo'Seph Lothrop, Ezra Bourne and Shubael Baxter appointed.^" Thatcher, Lothrop, Bourne, Baxter. 1731. Aug. 25. The same confirmed. 1736. June 22. John Thatcher appointed." Lothrop, Bourne, Baxter, J. Thatcher. 1742-3. Jan. 27. Shubael Gorham appointed^ J. Thatcher, Gorham. 1746. Aug. 9. John Otis appointed.^ 1747-8. Mch. 1. David Crocker appointed." 1758. June 22. John Thatcher, Sylvanus Bourne, David Crocker and Thomas Winslow appointed.^^ J. Thatcher, S. Bourne, Crocker, Winsloic. Aug. 3. Thomas Smith, Jr., appointed.^® Winslow, Smith. 1762. Jan. 21. Sylvanus Bourne, Thomas Winslow, Thomas Smith and Ed- ward Bacon appointed.^^ Bourne, Winsloio, Smith, Bacon. 1764. Feb. 1. James Otis appointed Chief Justice.^^ Otis, Winslow, Smith, Bacon. 9 Bourne probably succeeded Otis, who died Nov. 30, 1727. ^° Parker had died Dec. 20, 1728, aged 59 ; Freeman had probably resigned. " John Thatcher undoubtedly succeeded his brother, Peter T., who died in 1735 or '6. '* Winslow succeeded John Otis, who died 4 May, 1758, and Bourne took the place made vacant, probabh', by the resignation of '^ Smith took the place of Crocker. '7 Bourne was promoted to the place of Thatcher, who resigned, probably, and died Mch. 17, 1764, aged 89; Bacon, filled the vacanc}-. '8 Otis thus succeeded Bourne as Chief Justice, who died 18 Sept., 1763, aged 70. List of Civil Officers. — Barnstable. 105 SPECIAL JUSTICES COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Date of Appointment. NAMES. 1705. Nov. 9. Nathaniel Thomas and John Gushing. 1715. July 14. Samuel Sturgis and Meletiah Bom-ne. 1719. Juue 27. Samuel Sturgis and NathanieUFreeman. 1721-2. Mch. 16. Josiah Edson and Jacob Thompson. 1722-3. Jan. 9. Josc])!! Doane and Meletiah Bourne. 1724. Dec. 15. Meletiah Bourne, Samuel Sturgis and Nathaniel Freeman. 1729. April 10. Nathaniel Freeman and Samuel Sturgis. 1730. Dec. 24. Same two ; and again 1731, Sept. 1. 1736. June 22. John Doane and John Davis. 1739. Dec. 21. John Russell. 1742-3. Jan. 27. David Crocker. 1753. Sept. 13. Thomas Winslow. 1759. Dec. 19. Roland Robinson. 1762. Jan. 21. Roland Robinson. 1763. Feb. 24. Roland Cotton, and again April 7, 1763. 1765. June 20. John Gorham. 1770. May 9. Isaac Hinckley and Chillingworth Foster. SHERIFFS. 1692. May 25. William Bassett. 1699. July 17. Samuel Allyn. • 1702. June 29. Samuel Allyn. 1706. June 8. Jacob Thompson, (pro hac vice.) 1713- 14. Jan. 1. Shubacl Gorham, (in place of S. Allyn, disabled by age.) 1715. Dec. 10. Joseph Lothrop. 1720. July 22. Shubael Gorham, (joint sherilV willi Lolhrop.) 1721. Nov. 16. John Russell. 1728. Dec. 12. Shubael Gorham. 1729. Oct. 10. John Russell, (jointly with Gorham.) 106 List of Civil Officers. — Barnstable. Sheriffs — Concluded. Date of Appointment. 1731. Aug. 25. Shubael Gorham and John Hedge, jointly. 1734-5. Jan. 2. Shubael Gorham, (sole sheriff.) 1740. Oct. 27. John Russell, (in place of Shubael Gorham, a member of the Council.) 1748. Nov. 8. John Gorham, (in place of John Russell, resigned.) 1762. Jan. 21. Joseph Otis. 1764. Feb. 1. ISTathaniel Stone. JUDGES AET> REGISTEKS OF PROBATE. Date OP Appointment. JUDGES. Date OP Appointment. REGISTERS. 1702. Aug. 13. Barnabas Lothrop. 1702. Aug. 13. William Bassett. 1714. June 15, John Otis. 1715. Dec. 10. William Bassett. 1715. Dec. 10. John Otis. 1721. June 14. Nathaniel Otis. 1727. Dec. 26. Meletiah Bourne. 1729. Aug. 23. Sylvanus Bourne. 1729. Aug. 23. Meletiah Bourne. 1731. Aug. 25. Sylvanus Bourne. 1731. Aug. 25. Meletiah Bourne. 1740- 1. Jan. 6. David Gorham. 1740- 1. Jan. 6. Sylvanus Bourne. 1762. Jan. 21. David Gorham. 1746. Aug. 5. Sylvanus Bourne. 1768. Nov. 30. David Gorham. 1762. Jan. 21. Sylvanus Bourne. 1764. Feb. 1. James Otis. List of Civil Officers. — York. 107 YORK COUNTY. INFERIOR COURT OF CO:\BION PLEAS. Pate of Aitointment. NAMES. 1G92. Dec. 7. Job Alcock, Francis Hooke, Charles Frost and Samuel Wheel- wright ajipointed. Alcock^ Hooke, Frost, Wheelwright. 1694-5. Mch. G. WilUam Pepperrell appointed.^ Alcock, Frost, Whedtoright, Pejjperrell. 1G9G. Oct. 10. Samuel Wheelwright, Charles Frost, William Pepperrell and Samuel Donnell appointed.- Wheelwright, Frost, J*e2:>2yerrell, Do7indl. 1G99. July 17. \ Samuel Wlieelwright, William Pepperrell and Samuel Donnell appointed. Abraham Prebble appointed.^ Wheelwright, Pepperrell, Donnell, Prebble. Sept. 7. 1700. June 7. 1702. June 30. 1708. June 15. Joseph Hammond appointed.* Pepperrell, Donnell, Prebble, Hammond. Joseph Hammond, John Wheelwright, lehabod Plaisted and Abraham Prebble appointed.^ Hammond, Wheehcright, Plaisted, Prebble. William Pe])perrcll appointed." ^ Hammond, W7ieelwright, Plaisted, Pipi>errell. 1710. June 8. John Hill aii|)i)inted.^ Wheehcright, Plaisted, Pepperrdl, HiU. ' Pepperrell was in the place of Francis Ilookc, who died 10 J.iii., It>!l4-r). " Doniu'll took the place of Alcock. 3 I'rcMjle was in the place of Frost, who was killed by the Indians .Inly 4, 1(5!)7. " JIannnond sncceeded Samuel Wheehvri^'ht, wlm died 13 May, 1700. 5 J. Wheehvriyiit and Plaisted succeeded Pepperrell and Donnell, who were dropi)ed, and Donnell lived till 1718. « P(])pirnll was in the place of A1)rahani Prel)l)le, "disahled in his hearing'," and who died 4 Oct., 1714, ai,aHl 72. ' Caiit. J. Hill took the i)lace of Joseph Hammond, who died 24 Fel)., 1700-1,0. 108 List op Civil Officers. — York. Inferior Court of Common Pleas — Continued. Pate of Appointment. NAMES. 1715. Dec. 13. John Wheelwright, William Pepperrell, Charles Frost and Abraham Prebble appointed.* Wheelwright^ Pepperrell, Frost, Prebble. 1720. Dec. 19. Joseph Hammond appointed.^ Wheelwright, Frost, Prebble, Hammond. 1724. June 23. Samuel Moody appointed.^" Wheelwright, Frost, Hammond, Moody. 1724-5. Feb. 18. William Pepperrell, Jr., appointed." Wheelwright, Hammond, Moody, Pepperrell. 1729. April 11. John Wheelwright, Joseph Hammond, William Pepperrell, Jr., and Samuel Came appointed.^ Wheelwright, Hammond, Pepperrell, Came. 1731. July 9. William Pepperrell, Jr., Timothy Gerrish, Samuel Came and Joseph Moody appointed.^^ Pepperrell, Gerrish, Came, Moody. 1732. Dec. 15. 1739. 1749. 1753. Oct. 5. Aug. 12. Jan. 2. Jeremiah Moulton appointed." Pepperrell, Gerrish, Came, J. Moulton. Elisha Gunnison appoinl^pd.^^ Pepperrell, Came, J. Moulton, Gunnison. Simon Frost appointed.^® Pepperrell, J. Moidton, Gunnison, Frost. John Hill appointed.'' Pepperrell, J. Moidton, Frost, Hill. 8 Prebble, nephew of the former judge, and Charles Frost were appointed in room of Plaisted, who died 16 Nov., 1715, aged 51, and Hill 9 Hammond was in the place of ^Yilliam Pepperrell, " resigned." 'o Moody succeeded Abraham Prebble, Jr., who died 14 Mch., 1723-4, aged 49. " Pepperrell was in the room of Charles Frost, who died 17 Dec, 1724, aged 46. 12 Came succeeded Moody, who lived till 1758. 1' Gerrish and J. Moody succeeded Wheelwright and Hammond, who seemed to have been dropped; W. lived till 1745 and H. till 1751. '■* Moulton took the place of Joseph Moody, who " resigned to be a Justice of the Peace." 1= Gunnison succeeded Timothy Gerrish, who "resigned." 16 Frost was in the place of " Samuel Came, who had resigned." " Hill succeeded Gunnison. List of Civil Officers. — York. Inferior Cmirt of Common Pleas — CuncluJed. 109 Date of Appointment. NAMES. 1760. May 23. Jeremiah. Moulton, Simon Frost, John Hill, Nathaniel Spar- hawk appointed.^* J. 3foulton, Frost, JERll, Sparhawk. 17G1. Nov. 20. Same four confirmed. 1765. Sept. 11. Joseph Sayer appointed. ^^ J. Motdton, Hill, Sparhawk, Sayer. 1766. Mch. 12. Daniel Moulton appointed.^ Hill, Sparhaxch, Sayer, D. Moulton. 1772. Mch. 18. Nathaniel Sparhawk, Joseph Sayer, Daniel Moulton, James Gowen appointed.^^ SparhaioJc, Sayer, Moulton, Gowen. 1774. Apr. 7. Jonathan Sayward appointed.^ SPECIAL JUSTICES COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. 1721-2. Mch. 9. Samuel Moody and Joseph Hill. 1725. Sept. 30. John Penhallow and Samuel Came. 1726. Apr. 2. Joseph Hill and Samuel Came. 1726. June 18. Joseph Hill and Samuel Came. John Gray and Samuel Came. 1726-7. Feb. 23. Joseph Hill and Samuel Came. 1727. June 17. Joseph Hill and Samuel Came. Dec. 22. .Joseph Hill and Samuel Came. Samuel Came and Nathaniel Gerrish. Dec. 26. Samuel Came and Nathaniel Gerrish. 1728. June 13. Samuel Came and Nathaniel Gerrish. 1729. Apr. 11. .Joseph Hill and Timothy Gerrish. 1730. Dec. 24. Joseph Hill and Timothy Gerrish. '8 Sparhawk filled the vacancy left by Pepperrell's death, July r>, 1759. '3 Savor succeeded Moulton, who died 20 July, 17fi5. ^ D. Moulton succeeded Frost, who died 17(i(i. Hill wa-; made lirst justice at the same date. -' Gower succeeded John Hill, who died 2 Mch., 1772. ^ Sayward no List of Civil Officers. — York. Special Justices Court of Common Pleas — Concluded. Date op Aitointment. John Gray and Joshua Moody. John Hill and Elihu Gunnison. John Hill, Elihu GurTnison and Joseph Hill. Joshua Moody, Thomas Smith and Joseph Sawyer. Peter Nowell. John Hill, Joseph Sawyer and John Storer. John Hill and Joshua Moody. John Hill and Richard Cutts, Jr. 1749. Apr. 18. John Storer. 1751. June 21. John Storei-. 1755. June 26. Joseph Sayer and Charles Frost. 1761. Nov. 20. Joseph Sayer, Richard Cutt, John Storer and Daniel Moulton 1772. Mch. 18. Jonathan Sayward. SHEKIFFS. 1692. May 27. Joseph Hammond, (who declined.) Dec. 8. Jonathan Hammond. 1702. June 30. Joseph Curtis. 1706. Nov. 8. Charles Frost. 1713. Oct. 27. Abraham Prebble, Jr. 1715. Dec. 13. John Leighton. 1724. Dec. 2. Jeremiah Moulton. 1728. Dec. 12. Jeremiah Moulton. 1731. July 9. Jeremiah Moulton. 1752. Sept. 19. Jeremiah Moulton, Jr. 1759. Dec. 19. Jeremiah Moulton, Jr. 1761. Nov. 20. Jeremiah Moulton, Jr. 1771. Apr. 12. Jotham Moulton. List of Civil Officers. — York. Ill JUDGES AND REGISTERS OF PROBATE. Date OP Appointment. JUDGES. 1G94-5. 1700. 1102. 1710. 1715. 1729. 1731. 1745. 17G1. 1765. 1772. Mch. 6. June 7. Aug. 13. June 8. Dec. 13. Aug. 28. July 9. Dec. 20. Nov. 20. Sept. 11. Mch. 18. Samuel Wheelwright. Joseph Hammond. Joseph Hammond. Ichabod Plaisted. John Wheelwright. John Wheelwright. John Wheelwright. Jeremiah Moulton. Jeremiah Moulton. John Hill. Jonathan Sayward. Date OF Appointment. REGISTEKS. 1694. 1700. 1702. 1715. 1724-5. 1729. 1731. 173.3. 1744. 1761. 1766. Dec. 4. June 7. Aug. 13. Dec. 13. Feb. 18. Aug. 23. July 9. Oct. 26. Nov. 1. Nov. 20. Mch. 12. Joseph Hammond.* Charles Frost. Charles Frost. Charles Frost. Charles Frost. Charles Frost. Charles Frost. Robert Eliot Gerrish. Siinoii Frost. Simon Frost. David Sewall. * Hammond was also Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas and Register of Deeds, succeeding Capt. John Wincoll, deceased. 112 List of Civil Officers. — Nantucket. NANTUCKET COUNTY. COUET OF COM^ION PLEAS. Date of Appointmekt. NAMES. 1696. Oct. 16. John Gardner, James Coffin, William Geare, William Worth appointed. J. Gardner^ Coffin^ Geare, Worth. 1699. July 17. John Gardner, James Coffin, William Worth appointed.^ J. Gardner, Coffin, Worth. Sept. 7. William Geare appointed. J. Gardner, Coffin, Worth, Geare. 1702. June 29. Same fou.r confirmed. 1706. June 6. Richard Gardner appointed.^ Coffin, Worth, Geare, B. ^Gardner. 1711. June 8. George Gardner appointed.^ Coffin, Worth, B. Gardner, G. Gardner. 1715. Dec. 13. James Coffin, William Worth, Richard Gardner, George Bunker appointed.* Jas. Coffin, Worth, JR. Gardner, Bunker. 1718. June 27. George Gardner, Joseph Coffin appointed.^ B. Gardner, Bunker, G. Gardner, Coffin. 1719. Nov. 25. John Coffin appointed.^ B. Gardner, Bunker, G. Gardner, Jno. Coffin. 1728. June 28. Joseph Gardner appointed.^ Bunker, G. Gardner, Jno. Coffin, J. Gardner. 1 Only three judges then appointed, objection being made to Geare. ^ Richard Gardner succeeded John Gardner, " lately deceased," who died May 6, 1706, aged 82. 3 George Gardner took the place of Geare, who died 23 Sept., 1710. ■* George Bunker took the place of George Gardner, who probably resigned, as he did not die till 17 Apr., 1750. ' James Coffin probably resigned,' and died 8 July, 1720. Worth was superseded or resigned, and died Dec, 1724. 8 John Coffin took the place of Joseph Coffin, who died 15 July, 1719. 7 Joseph Gardner sucpeeded Richard Gardner, who died May 8, 1728. List op Civil Officers. — Nantucket. Court of Common Pleas — Concluded. 113 Date op Appointment. 1729. Oct. 10. 1732. July 6. 1744. Dec. 21. 1744-5. Jan. 3. 1747. Sept. 11. 1751. June 21. 1761. Nov. 20. 1767. Nov. 4. George Bunker, George Gardner, John Coffin, Joseph Gardner appointed.^ Bunker^ G. Gardn&r^ Jno. Coffin^ J. Gardner. Same four confinned. Josiah Coffin appointed.' Thomas Brock appointed.' G. Gardner, Jno. Coffin, Josiah Coffin, Brock. Josiah Coffin, Thomas Brock, Jonathan Coffin and Grafton Gardner appointed.'" Josiah Coffin, Brock, Jona. Coffin, Gr. Gardner. John Bunker appointed." Jos. Coffin, Jona. Coffin, Gr. Gardner, J. Bunker. Josiah Coffin, Jonathan Coffin, Grafton Gardner and Caleb Bunker appointed.^ Josiah Coffin, Jona. Coffin, Gr. Gardner, C. Bmiker. Obed Hussey appointed.^ Josiah Coffin, Grafton Gardner, C. Bunker, Hussey. SPECIAL JUSTICES COURT OF COIVIMOJ^ PLEAS. 1712. Oct. 24. • Ephraim Hunt, Isaac Winslow, John Cushing and Samuel Thaxter. 1727-8. Jan. 24. Capt. Ebenezer Coffin. 1739. June 22. Joseph Lothrop, Ezi-a Bourne, Shubal Baxter and John Thatcher. 1742. July 8. John Cushing, Zaccheus Mayhew, Silvanus Bourne and Eiitich Coffin. 8 A confirmation of the existing bench. 9 Josiah Cotfin succeeded George IJunker, who died 24 Nov., 1744, and Crock was "in the room of Joseph Gardner, Esq.;" Gardner died 29 Sept., 1747. '0 George Gardner was superseded or resigned, and died 17 Apr., 1750; John Coffin died 1 Sept., 1747. There were tlius two vacancies, filled by Jona. Coffin and Gratlon Gardner. " John Bunker took the place of IJrock. '* Caleb Bunker was appointed Nov. 12, 17G1, succeeding John Bunker, who died 1 Nov., 1760. " Obed llussey succeeded 114 List op Civil Officees. — Nantucket. SHEKIFFS Date op Appointment. NAMES. 1702. June 30. Jethro Coffin. 1707. Apr. 15. John Coffin. 1715. Dec. 13. John Coffin, (Marshal.) 1719. Nov. 25. Samuel Coffin. 1720. July 22. John Coffin, Jr. 1729. Oct. 10. John Coffin, Jr. 1732. July 6. John Coffin, Jr. 1747. Sept. 11. John Coffin, Jr. 1760. May 23. Benjamin Tupper. 1761. Not. 20. Benjamin Tupper. JUDGES AM) KEGISTEES OF PROBATE. Date OF Appointment. JUDGES. Date of Appointment. KEGISTEES. John Gardner. 1715. Dec. 13. George Gardner. 1706. June 6. James Coffin.* 1732. July 6. Eleazer Folger. 1715. Dec. 13. James Coffin. 1747. Sept. 11. Eleazer Folger. 1728. June 28. George Bunker. 1754. Jan. 16. Frederick Folger. 1782. July 6. George Gardner. 1761. Nov. 20. Frederick Folger. 1744. Dec. 21. George Gardner. 1747. Sept. 11. Jeremiah Gardner. 1761. Nov. 20. Jeremiah Gardner. 1767. Mch. 25. Grafton Gardner. * Coffin succeeded Gardner, but I do not find the appointment of this latter. List of Civil Officers. — Dukes. 115 DUKES COUNTY. COUET OF COlNEVIOI^r PLEAS. Date of Appointment. NAMES. 1692. Dec. 7. Matthew Mayliew, Thomas Mayhew and James AlUn appointed. M. Mayheio, T. 3fayh€w, Allin. 1696. Oct. 16. Matthew Mayhew, Thomas Mayhew, James Allin, John Coffin appointed. 3L Mayheto^ T. Mayhexo^ Allin^ Coffin. 1699. July 17. Thomas Mayhew, James Allin, John Coffin appointed.^ T. 3fayhew, Allin, Coffin. • Sept. 6. Benjamin Skiffe appointed. T. Mayhew, Allin, Coffin, /Skiffe. 1702. June 29. Thomas Mayhew, James Allin, Benjamin Skiffe, Joseph Norton appointed.^ T. Mayheio, Allin, Skiffe, Norton. 1713. Oct. 27. Paine Mayhew appointed.^ Allin, Skiffe, Norton, P. Mayhew. 1715. Dec. 10. Benjamin Skiffe, Paine Mayhew, Joseph Norton, Ebenezer Allen appointed.* Skiffe, P. Mayhew, J. Norton, E. Allen. 1718. Apr. 16. Zaccheus Mayhew appointed." P. Mayhew, J. Norton, E. Allen, Z. Mayhap. 1722. June 29. John Chipmau appointed." P. Mayhew, E. Allen, Z. Mayhew, Chipman. 1727-8. Jan. 24. Enoch Coffin appointed.^ • P. Mayhew, E. Allen, Z. Mayhew, Coffin. ' Only three judges appointed; Matthew Mayhew was probably the teacher of the Indians, and resigned. ' Ndrtoii took tiio place of Coflln, who livod, however, till 5 Sept., 1711. 3 Paiii(> Mayhew succeeded Thomas Mayhew, probably, who died 21 July, 1715. < Allen bucceedcd James Allin, his father, who died 25 July, 1714, aged 77. ^ Zacclicus Mayhew succeeded Skido, who died 18 Feb., 1718. '' John (Uiipniaii was "in the place of John Norton," says the Council record, au error, doubtless, for Joseph Norton, who lived till 30 Jan., 1741. ' E. Coffin succeeded J. Chipman. 116 List of Civil Officers. — Dukes. « Court of Common Pleas — Concluded. Date of Appointment. NAMES. 1729. Oct. 10. Paine Mayhew, Ebenezer Allen, Zaccheus Mayhew, Enoch Coffin appointed.^ P. Mayhew^ E. Allen^ Z. Mayheio, Coffin. 1733. May 4. Zaccheus Mayhew, Enoch Coffin, John Allen, Samuel Norton appomted.^ Z. Mayheio, Coffin^ J. Allen, jS. Norton. 1748. Apr. 15. Zaccheus Mayhew, Enoch Coffin, John Allen, John Sumner appointed.^" Z. Mayhew, Coffin, Allen, /Sumner. 1761. Jan. 24. Ebenezer Smith appointed." Coffin, Allen, /Sumner, /Smith. Oct. 16. John Allen, John Sumner, Ebenezer Smith, John Newman appointed.^^ Allen, Sumner, Smith, JVeDoman. 1762. Jan. 21. Matthew Mayhew, first justice, appointed.^^ M. Mayheio, Sumner, Smith, Newman. If64. June 8. Josiah Tilton appointed." M. Mayheio, Sumner, Smith, Tilton. 1771. Dec. 10. Joseph Mayhew appointed.^ M. Mayhew, Sumner, Tilton, J. Mayhew. To the Revolution. SPECIAL JUSTICES COURT OF C0MM0:N' PLEAS. 1730. Dec. 24. John Worth and Benjamin Smith. 1732. July 6. Joseph Lothrop and John Thatcher. July 7. Joseph Lothiop and John Thatcher. 8 This was a confirmation of the existing bench. 9 John Allen and Samuel Norton took the places of Ebenezer Allen, -who died 14 Mav, 1733, and Paine Mayhew, who lived till 8 May, 1761. •" Sumner succeeded Norton, who did not die till 16 Feb., 1760. " Ebenezer Smith filled the vacancy at the death of Z. Mayhew, 3 Jan., 1760, aged 75. '2 Newman was in the place of Enoch CotEn, who died in 1761. '•^ Matthew Mayhew was appointed as first justice, in place of John Allen, probably superseded, as he died, aged 84, 17 Oct., 1767. '4 Tilton took the place of Newman, who died 1 Dec, 1763. '* Joseph Mayhew succeeded Smith, who died 15 Oct., 1771, aged 71. List" OF Civil Officers. — Dukes. Special Justices Court of Common Pleas — Concluded. 117 Date op Appointment. NAMES. 1733-4. Feb. 21. Benjamin Smith and Ebenezer Norton. 1741-2, Jan. 15. Jabez Athearn and Samuel Basset. 1757. Aug. 26. Ebenezer Norton, in the cause of Ann, widow of John Allen, Jr., in room of Zaccheus Mayhew and John Allen, related to said Ann. 1761. Oct. 16. Josiah Tilton. 1771. Dec. 10. John "Worth. [Note. — Tlie court records are vcrj' imperfect. Richard Sarson was a justice of the peace before 1692, and certainly until 1697. He seems to have acted as a special justice in this court.] SHEKIFFS. Date OF Appointment. NAMES. Date OP Appointment. NAMES. 1701. June 12. Ebenezer Allin. 1733. May 4. Eleazer Allen. 1702. June 29. Ebenezer Allin. 1735-6. Jan. 2. Thomas Mayhew. 1715. Sept. 16. John Allen. 1743. Oct. 20. John Norton. Dec. 10. John Allen. 1761. Oct. 16. John Norton. 1728. Dec. 12. I John Allen. 1772. Apr. 23. William Mayhew. JUDGES a:n^d eegisters of probate. Datb OP Appointment. JUDGES. Datb OF Afpoimtubnt. BEOISTEB8. 1690. Oct. 16. Matthew Mayhew. 1696. Ort. 16. Matthew Mayliow, Jr. 1710. June 22. Benjamin Skiffe. 1715. Dec. 10. Matthew Mayhew. 1715. Dec. 10. Benjamin Skiffe. 1718. Apr. 16. Jabez Athearn. 1718. Apr. 16. Paine Mayhew. 1729. Sept. 27. Jabez Athearn. 1729. Sept. 27. Paine Mayhew. 1733. May 4. Jabez Athearn. 1733. May 4. Zaccheus JMayhew. 1748. A]ir. 15. Ja])ez Atlu-ani. 1748. Apr. 15. Zaccheus Mayhew. 1761. Oct. 16. Jabez Atliearn. 1760. May 23. Matthew Mayhcw.« Nov. 20. James Atlicarn. 1761. Oct. 16. Matthew Mayhew. ♦ 118 List op Civil Officers. — Worcester. WORCESTER COUNTY. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Date op Appointment. 1731. June 30. 1789. Oct. 5. 1742-3. Jan. 27. 1744. Dec. 21. 1750. Mch. 29. 1753. Jan. 2. 1754. Apr. 19. 1755. June 26. 1757. A23r. 19. 1762. Jan. 21. John Chandler, Joseph "Wilder, William Ward, William Jenni- son appointed. Chandler, Wilder, Ward, Jennison. Joseph Dwight appointed.-^ Wilder, Ward, Jennison, Dwight. Samuel Willard appointed.^ Wilder, Ward, Dwight, Willard. Nahum Ward appointed.^ Wilder, Dwight, Willard, JV. Ward. Edward Hartwell appointed.* Wilder, Dwight or Hartwell, Willard,- Ward. Edward Hartwell appointed.^ Wilder, Dwight, Ward, Hartwell. John Chandler aj^pointed.^ Wilder, Ward, Hartwell, Chandler. Thomas Steel appointed.^ Wilder, Hartwell, Chandler, Steel. John Chandler, Edward Hartwell, Thomas Steel and Timothy Ruggles appointed.^ Chandler, Hartwell, Steel, Muggles. Timothy Ruggles, Thomas Steel, Joseph Wilder and Artemas Ward appointed.^ Ruggles, Steel, Wilder, Ward.^° * .Toseph Dwight was " in the room of John Chandler, Esq., who has resigned." ' Willard succeeded Jennison, who died 19 Sept., 1741. ' Nahum Ward was " in the room of William Ward." •* HartweU's first appointment was "in the room of Joseph Dwight, Esq.', and during his sickness." Dwight was then in the army. ^ Hartwell was again appointed, succeeding Willard, who died Nov., 1752, aged 62. * Chandler succeeded, as Dwight had been transferred to Hampshire, 4th Jan., 1753; it is possible that during this time Jonas Rice had been commissioned, and he died 22 Sept., 1753, aged 84, but there is no record of his being other than a special Justice, acting during a vacancy. ' Steel succeeded N. Ward, who died 7 May, 1754, aged 70. 8 Ruggles filled the vacancy caused h_v the death of Wilder, 29 Mch., 1757, aged 74. 8 A. Ward and J. Wilder (son of the former judge, )^ucceeded John Chandler, who died 1763, aged 70, and Edward Hartwell, who died 17 Feb., 1785, aged 96. '" Wilder died Apr. 20, 1773, aged 65, but no successor appears to have been named before the Revolution. List of Civil Officers. — Worcester. 119 SPECIAL JUSTICES COURT OF CO]NDIOX PLEAS. Date of Appointment. NAMES. 1733-4. Feb. 21. Joseph Dwiglit and Nahum Ward. 1748. June 23. Nahum Ward and Edward Hartwell. 1745. Apr. 5. Edward Hartwell. Apr. 26. James Rice. 1749-50. Mch. 29. Jonas Rice. 1753. Jan. 2. Jonas Rice. 1754. Jan. 16. Thomas Steel and Joseph Wilder, Jr. 1755. June 26. Samuel Willard and Artemas Ward. 1762. Jan. 21. John Murray. SHERIFFS. 1731. June 30. Daniel Gookin. 1743. June 23. Benjamin Flagg. 1751. June 21. John Chandler, Jr. 1762. Jan. 21. John Chandler, Jr. Aug. 12. Gardner Chandler. JUDGES AND REGISTERS OF PROBATE. Date OP Appointment. JUDGES. Datb OP Appointment. REGISTERS. 1731. June 30. John Chandler. 1731. June 30. John Chandler, Jr. 1739. Oct. 5. Joseph Wilder. 1746. Oct. 8. Jolm ChandliT. 1746. Aucf. 5. Joseph Wilder. 1757. Apr. 19. Timothy Paiiu'. 1757. Apr.' 19. John Chandler. 1762. Jan. 21. Timothy Paine. 1762. Jan. 21. Aug. 12. John Chandler. John Chandler. 1766. Aug. 6. CTiinotliy Paine.* I Chvrk Chandler.* Jointly. 120 List op Civil Officers. — Lincoln. LINCOLN COUNTY. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Date of Appointment. NAMES. 1760. Oct. 31. Samuel Dennie, William Lithgow, Aaron Hinckley, John North appointed. Dennie^ Lithgow^ Hinckley^ North. 1761. Oct. 16. Same four confirmed. 1763. Sept. 7. Thomas Rice appointed.* , 177L Nov. 4. Thomas Goldthwaite appointed.^ SPECIAL JUSTICES COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. 1763. Sept. 7. James Howard. 1764. July 18. Samuel Danforth, Nathaniel Ropes, Timothy Ruggles and Samuel White. Aug. 25. Thomas Goldthwaite, Alexander Ross and Solomon Lombard. 1767. Aug. 5. Thomas Goldthwaite. 1774. Feb. 7. James McCobb. SHERIFFS. 1760. Oct. 31. 1761. Oct. 16. Charles Cushing. Charles Cushing. JUDGES AND REGISTERS OF PROBATE. Date OP Appointment. JUDGES. Date OF Appointment. KEGISTERS. 1760. Oct. 31. William Cushing. 1760. Oct. 31. William Bryant. 1761. Oct. 16. William Cushing. 1761. Jan. 24. Jonathan Bowman. 1772. Mch. 4. Jonathan Bowman. Oct. 16. Jonathan Bowman.^ i 1772. June 17. Rowland Cushing. 1 Rice succeeded ' Hartwell succeeded ' Also Commissioner, as Register of Deeds. List of Civil Officers. — Cumberland. 121 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. COUIIT OF CO^BION PLEAS. Date op Appoiktment. 17G0. 1761. 1763. 1765. 1769. 1772. John Minot, Ezekicl Gushing, Enoch Freeman ami Edward Milliken appointed. Minot, Gushing, Freeman, Milliken. Same appointed. Jeremiah Powell, Ezekiel Cushing, Enoch Freeman, Edward Milliken appointed.^ Powell, Cushing, Freeman, Milliken. Alexander Ross appointed.^ Powell, Freeman, Milliken, Poss. Moses Pearson appointed.^ Powell, Freeman, Milliken, Pearson. Jeremiah Powell, Enoch Freeman, Moses Pearson, Jonas Mason appointed.* Powell, Freeman, Pearson, Mason. Nov. 13. Oct. 16. Feb. 24. July 3. Aug. 3. June 17. SPECIAL JUSTICES COURT OF CO^SBION PLEAS. 1761. Oct. 16. Alexander Ross. 1762. Apr. 21. Jeremiah Powell. 1764. Mch. 7. Jonas Mason. 1765. July 3. Solomon Lombard. Aug. 7. Jonas Mason. 1768. Feb. 24. Moses Pearson. ' Powell was appointed first justice, in the place of Ulinot. ^ Ross took the place of Cushing, who died in 17G5. ' Pearson succocded Ross, who died 24 Nov., 17G8. '* IMason was in the place of Milliken. ,122 List op Civil Officers. — Cumberland. SHERIFFS. Date of Appointmemt. 1760. Oct. 31. 1761. Oct. 16. 1767. Dec. 2. Moses Pearson. Moses Pearson. William Tyng. JUDGES AI!^D REGISTERS OF PROBATE. Datk OP Appointment. JUDGES. Date OF Appointment. REGISTERS. 1760. Oct. 31. Samuel Waldo. 1760. Oct. 31. Joseph Stockbridge. 1761. Oct. 16. Samuel Waldo. 1761. Oct. 16. Stephen Longfellow. 1770. May 9. Enoch Freeman. List op Civil Officers. — Berkshire. 123 BERKSHIRE COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Date op ArroiKTMENT. 17G1. Juno 24. Joseph Dwight, William "Williams, John Ashley, Timothy Woodbridge appointed. Dwight^ Williams, Ashley, Woodbridge. 17G5. Sept. 6. Perez Marsh appointed.^ * Williams, AsJiley, Woodbridge, Marsh. SPECIAL JUSTICES COURT OF C0:\OI0N PLEAS. Date OF Appointment. NAMES. Date OF Appointment. K A JI E S . 1765. June 6. Perez Marsh. 1765. Sept. 6. Elijah Dwight. SHERIFFS. 17G1. June 24. Elijah Williams. 1774. Feb. 18. Israel Stoddard. JUDGES AND REGISTERS OF PROBATE. Date OF Appointmknt. 1761. June 24. 1765. Sept. 6. JUDGES. Josiah Dwight. William Williams. Date OF Appointubnt. 1761. Juno 24. REGISTERS. Elijah Dwight. ' Perez Mar.^h succeeded Joseph Dwight, who had held the post iu Worcester, Hampshire and Berkshire and died June 9, 17G5, aged 62. 124 List of Civil Officers. ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Date OF Appointment. NAMES. Bate OF Appointment. N AMES. .1692. Oct. 2S. Anthony Checkley.^ 1733. June 21. John Read.^ 1702. July 6. Paul Dudley.2 1736. June 22. William Brattle.^ 1718. 1738. 1719. 1739. 1720. July 19. Thomas Newton.^ 1740. July 2. John Overing." 1722. June John Overing.1 1742. Jeremiah Gridley.^" 1723. June 20. John Read.® 1743. John Overing.^ 1724. June 12. John Read. 1747. June 24. William Brattle^ 1725. June 15. John Read. 1748. June 24. James Otis.^'' 1726.. June 21. John Read. 1749. June 29. Edmund Trowbridge." 1727. June 28. John Read. 1767. Mch. 25. Jeremiah Gridley.^^ 1728. John Overing.*' Nov. 18. Jonathan Sewall.^^ ' Anthony Checkley appointed by the Governor and Council. 2 Dudley was appointed Nov. 20th, 1715. The House elected Thomas Newton, but the Council did not concur. June 8th, 1716, Dudley was elected, and again June 19, 1717, the Governor having yielded his claim to nominate. In April, 1718, Dudley was appointed Judge of the Superior Court, and probably resigned this office. 3 Newton was elected in 1720 and probably in 1721, as Washburn says he was in office at his death, 28th May, 1721. * Overing was elected by the House. * Read was elected for five successive years by the House. ® John Overing was commissioned by the Governor and Council. June 12th, 1728, the House chose Addington Davenport, Jr., but this was of no effect. In 1731, Jan. 5th, the House chose John Reed, and July 4th, 1732, the House chose Addington Davenport, Jr., but the Governor resisted in both cases. ^ Read was elected by the House, the Governor having yielded, and he was re-elected 13th June, 1733, and June 18th, 1735. 8 Brattle was elected by the House, and again 5tli July, 1737. ^ Overing was elected this j'ear, and also 31st July, 1741. '" Gridley was in office for one j'ear, saj's Washburn. ^' Washburn says Overing was re-elected annually for several years. ^* Brattle was elected by the House. '^ Otis was elected Iw the House, and again 22d June, 1749; yet this last election was pi'obably void. '* Trowbridge was commissioned by the Governor and Council. He was also chosen June 30, 1750, by the House, but the controversj' then ended, and he continued to act under his commission until his appointment to the Superior Court in 1767. '* Gridley was appointed with Jonathan Sewall to be Special Attorney-General in all cases where Gridley should be prevented attending. Gridle}' died 7 Sept., 1767. '^ Scwall was appointed by the Governor and Council, and held olfice till the Revolution. Lis-D. OP Civil Officers. 12i. SOLICITOR-GEXER^IL. Date op Appointment. 1767. June 24. 1771. Mcli. 21. Jonathan Sewall.^ Samuel Quincy. NAMES. ' This office was created for Sewall, who, however, was made Attorney-General 18 Xov. of the same year. Washburn says that Quincy succeeded in the office, though there is no record of liis aiipointment until 1771, as above noted. COMMISSIONERS OF IMPOST AND EXCISE. (Elected An>tjally.) Date of Appointment. 1692. June 24. 1693. April 6. 1694. June 8. 1695. 1696. June 17. 1697. June 18. June 19. 1698. June 27. 1699. July 25. Aug. 24. 1704. June 28. 1709. April .SO. June 10. 1762. Feb. 5. Elisha Hutchinson, Jonathan Corwin and John "Wallcy. Elisha Hutchinson and John Wallcy. John Walley. John Walley. James Tailer. John Walley. John Walley, Nathaniel Byfield and Maj. Converse. John Walley and Elislia Hutchinson. John Walley and Penn Townseml. William Payne. James Russell.^ Elisha Hutcliiiison." Daniel Russell.'^ James Russell.'* ' James Russell held for several years, though the record seems imperfect. * Iliitchinson w;is a|)pointed to fill the vacancy at Itussell's death. ^ Danii'l Uussell, son of James, seems to have been elected almost every year, and wn.s doubtle-ss in continuous service. ■' James KusscU was elected yearly until 1774. 126 List of Civil Opfioers. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. [Tliose marked with a * were also of the Quorum.] SUFFOLK. 1692. May 27. Dean Winthrop. Eliakim Hutchinson.* Capt. Penn Townsend.* 1706. June 18. Edmund Quincy. William Clarke. Samuel Sewall, Jr. Nathaniel Oliver. 1707. June .5. Capt. John Chandler.^ Edward Bromfield. 1708-9. Feb. 25. Addington Davenport.* Capt. Ephraim Hunt. 1709. June 23. Major Samuel Thaxter. Capt. Timothy Prout. 1713. Aug. 12. Nathaniel Hubbard. Jeremiah Dummer.* William Dudley. John Eyre. Oct. 27. Col. Samuel Checkley. Capt. John Smith. 1715. Apr. 7. Major Thomas Fitch. Major Edmund Quincy.* Dec. 9. Jeremiah Dummer. Daniel Cushing. Nicholas Paige. Capt. Timothy Dwight. Samuel Lynde. 1700. June 7. James Bailey. John Wilson. John Clark. Thomas Palmer. Edward Lyde. Josiah Chapin. 1701. June 12. Major Samuel Eells. Simeon Stoddard. 1702. . June 30. Jeremiah Dummer. Edward Bromfield. Charles Hobby. Thomas Brattle. Nathaniel Oliver. Nicholas Paige. Jahleel Brenton.^ Samuel Legg. Paul Dudley. John Nelson. Ephraim Hunt. John Clarke. John Nelson- Samuel Thaxter. John Chandler. Samuel Checkley. Nathaniel Hubbard. William Harris. David Jefiries. Elisha Cooke. Edward Hutchinson. William Dennison. Robert Spur. John Quincy. Thomas Palmer. Dec. 10. Oliver Noyes. Samuel Eells. Anthony Stoddard. James Bailey. Gi-ove Hirst. Edward Lyde. William Hutchinson. William Tailer. Ehsha Danforth. Adam Winthrop. Dec. 24. Thomas Newton. John Wilson. Samuel Keeling. Nov. 19. Samuel Lynde. 1717. Nov. 12, John Nelson. 1706. June 18. Simeon Stoddard. ' Elijah Danforth. Capt. Thos. Hutchinson. 1718. Apr. 16. John Valentine. > Rejected. ■ = Of Woodstock ■ t 3 John Wilson to be left out. List of Civil Officers. Justices of the Peace — Continued. 127 1718. Nov. 20. Edward Lynde. 1728. Dec 19. William PepperrelL 1719. June 27. Jeremiah Allen. Josiah WiUard. 1721. Nov. 15. Thomas Steel. John White. Samuel Sewall. Edward Bromfield. 1722-3. Jan. 9. Mch. 20. Samuel Sewall, Jr. Joseph White. Thomas Lechmere. John Ruck. Thomas Palmer. Edward Hutchinson. Samuel Checkley. John Nelson. 1723. Sept. 6. John Campbell. William Dudley. 1723-4. Mch. 4. John Alford. Samuel Sewall, Jr. 1724-5. Feb. 18. Feb. 19. Joseph Wadsworth. Joshua Lamb. Robert Spur. John Ballantine. Anthony Stoddard. Timothy Clerk. Habijah Savage. Elijah Daiiforth. 1725. Sept. 2. Stephen Minot. Thomas Steel. 1726. June 2. Nathaniel Green. Thomas Lechmere. 1727. Dec. 26. Jonathan Ware.^ John Ruck. 1728. June 18. June 19. Dec. 19. Edward Hutchinson.* Anthony Stoddard. Major John Bolls. Habijah Savage. Elijah Danforth.^ Hon. William Dummer. William Tailer. Nathaniel Byfield. Isaac Window. John Gushing. John Wheelwright. Joseph Wadsworth. Joshua Lamb. Robert Spurr. John Ballantinc. Stephen Minot. Nathaniel Green. John Bowles. Jonathan Ware. Francis Brinley. Capt. Jeremiah Fisher. Daniel Tast. Benjamin Lynde. 1729. Aug. 28. Jacob Wendell. Addington Davenport. Maj. Leonard Vassall. Thomas Hutchinson. Richard Bill. Samuel Brown. Dec. 12. Jonathan Wade. Thomas Fitch. Dec. 20. John (Quincy. Edmund Quincy. 1729-30. Mch. 19. Nathaniel Saltonstill. Adam Winthrop. 173L Dec. 29. Hon. William Tailer. Jonathan Dowse. Nathaniel 15y(ield. Joseph Hammond. Edward Brumfield. Paul Dudley. Addington Davenport. Sanmel Thaxter. Thomas Hutchinson. John Turner. Thomas Fitch. Spencer Phips. Ethnunil Quinoy. Daniel Oliver. Adam Winthrop. Synionds Epes. Elisha Cooke. Meletiah Bourne. Paul Dudley. John Stoddard. Samuel Thaxter. John Chandler. Daniel Oliver. Timothy Lindall. Thomas Palmer. Charles Chambers. Edward Hutchinson. Theophilus Burrill. William Dudley. Of Wrciitham. * Over the Indians in the county. 128 List of Civil Officers. Justices of the Peace — Continued. 1731. Dec 29. William Clarke. John Alford. 1734. June 28. Joshua Winslow. Isaac Royal. Joseph Wadsworth. July 3. Thomas Tilestone. Thomas Cushing. Dec. 31. Benjamin Lincoln. John Osborn. 1734-5. Feb. 21. John Fisher, Jr. Ezekiel Lewis. 1735. June 27. John Hunt. Josiah Willard. 1735-6. Jan. 9. Nathaniel Green.* Samuel Checkley. John Bowles.* John Nelson. Jonathan Ware.* Anthony Stoddard. Samuel White.* Samuel Sewall. Samuel Sewall* John Quincy. Hugh Hall.* Timothy Clark. 16. Francis Borland. Elijah Danforth. 1736. June 22. Edward Clark. John Jekyll. Dec. 22. Oliver Hayward. Thomas Steel. 1737. Oct. 25. Jeremiah Fisher. John Ruck. Benjamin Bird. Joshua Lamb. 1737-8. Mcb. 9. John Doane. Robert Spurr. Andrew Belcher. * John Ballentine. 1738. Aug. 12. Paul Dudley. Stejihen Minot. 1738-9. Jan. 12. Byfield Lyde.* Nathaniel Green. 25. Caleb Lyman. John Bowles. Joshua Cheever. Jonathan Ware. Andrew Oliver. Francis Brinley. 26. Samuel Miller. Jacob Wendell. Daniel Henchmen. Leonard Vassall. Thomas Hubbard. Richard BiU. 1740. June 28. Oxenbridge Thatcher. Nathaniel Saltonstall. Nathaniel Balstone. John Colman. Thomas Hutchinson. Andrew Faneuil. John Erving. James Bowdoin. Nov. 5. Abiel Walley.* WiUiam Foye. William Tyley.* Samuel Welles. Dec. 5. Jonas Clark. James Pemberton, 1741. July 16. Zabdiel Boylston. Samuel Sewall. Joseph Gooch. Job Lewis. Samuel Swift. Henry Deering. 21. Joseph Crosby. Samuel White. Dec. 31. Eliakim Hutchinson. 1732. July 6. Habijah Savage. 1743. June 27. Francis Brinley.* George Bethune. Oct. 20. Edward Winslow.* 7. John Walley. 1743-4. Mcb. 1. William Downe. Dec. 15. Joseph Heath. Samuel Adams. Cornelius Waldo. George Rodgers. John Metcalf. 5. John JetTries.* 28. William Tyler. William Foye.* 1733. Oct. 26. Benjamin Dyer. Samuel Waldo.* 1734. June 28. John Fayerweather. Thomas Cushing. William Stoddard. 6. James Minot.* Samuel Watts. ^ William Lawrence.* List of Civil Officers. .Tustices of the Peace — Continued. 129 1744. Aug. 18. John Yearaans.* 175». June 26. Joseph Green. Nov. 1. Joseph Heath.* Ebenezer Storer. 1745-6. Feb. 8. Samuel \V'hite.* Samuel Adams. Thomas Goldthwait. Joseph Williams. William Stoddard. Oct. 10. Stephen Greenleaf. Henry Sewall. Andrew Oliver. 12. Jeremiah Gridley.* Harrison Gray. John Metcalf. 1756. July 9. Joseph Lee. 1746. Aug. 5. Adam Gushing. Isaac Winslow. 1746-7. Jan. 14. Henry Adams. July 27. Richard Clarke. 1747. June 27. Edward White. James Pitts. Dec. 12. Samuel Cushmg. Sept. 14. Daniel Henchman.* 1747-8. Mch. 1. Isaac Gridley. John Phillips.* 1748. Apr. 14. John Hill. Henry Lloyd. May 17. Jeremiah Green. Thomas Flucker. Nov. 8. Henry Atkins. John Erving. 15. John Clark. Robert Temple. 18. Nathaniel Oliver, Jr. Eobert Spurr. Peter Chardon. Thomas Gunter. • 1748-9. Jan. 4. John Shephard. Eliphalet Fond. John Jones. Samuel Wentworth. 11. Timothy Prout. Richard Dana. 1749. Aug. 12. Ezekiel Goldthwait. Joseph Jackson. Aug. 18. Charles Paxton. James Otis. Sept. 8. John Fayerweather.* Joshua Winslow.* Jacob Royall.* Nathaniel Hatch. Jacob Cushing. Meletiah Bourn. 1749-50. Jan. 18. Thomas Palmer. George Talbot. 1750. Apr. 26. Joseph Heath.* 1757. Jan. 3. Richard Dana.* 1751. June 21. Ebenezer Fisher. Jeremiah Adams. Samuel Grant. Jonathan Simpson. 1752. Feb. 7. Thomas Hubbard.* John W^endell. Shrimpton Hutchinson. Samuel Niles. Edmund Quincy. Aug. 26. Josiah Quincy. Foster Hutchinson. 1758. Jan. 11. Ebenezer Miller. Joshua Henshaw. Nathaniel Sumner. Ebenezer Picrpoint. May 12. Belcher Noyes. Apr. 7. William Stoddard.* Royall Tyler. 1753. Jan. 2. Joseph Richards.* Samuel Welles, Jr. Jan. 3. Samuel Miller.* 1759. Mch. 8. Nicholas Boylston. Sept. 6. Thom.as Oxnard. Eleazer Williams. 1754. Jan. 25. Caleb Loring. John Gould. William Skinner. Dec. 19. John Rowe. Apr. 19. James Boutincau. Henjamin Lincoln.* John Ruddock. Arnold Welles. Apr. 20. Thomas Greene. Zecheriah Johonnot. Joseph Codin. Joiui Brown. 1755. Jan. 8. Joseph Green. James Bowdoin. 176(1. May 23. Sylvester Gardiner. Joseph Sherburne. June 26. George Cradock.* Thomas Tyler. 130 List op Civil Officers. Justices of the Peace — Continued. 1760. May 23. William Blair Townsend. Thomas Cushiug. John Scollay. Samuel Hcwes. Benjamin Austin. James Foster. Nov. 13. Nathaniel Bethune. Cotton Tufts. Thomas Savage. 1761. Nov. 5. John Osborne.* Eliakim Hutchinson.* Benjamin Lincoln.* Francis Brinley.* Joshua Winslow.* Jacob Royall.* George Cradock.* Andrew Belcher.* Byfield Lyde.* Jeremy Gridley.* John Phillips.* Sylvester Gardiner.* Richard Dana.* Foster Hutchinson.* Stephen Greenleaf.* Ezekiel Goldthwait.* Samuel Winthrop.* Benjamin Dyer. Francis Borland. Jeremiah Fisher. Oxenbridge Thatcher. Nathaniel Balston. Zabdiel Boylston. Joseph Gooch. \ - Henry Sewall. Henry Adams. John Steele. Edward White. Isaac Gridley. John Hill. Jeremiah Green. Henry Atkins. John Clark. Robert Spurr. Joseph Dowse. Eliphalet Pond. Charles Paxton. Ebenezer Fisher. Jeremiah Adams. John Wendell. Edmund Quincy. 1761. Nov. 5. Joshua Henshaw. James Boutineau. Thomas Green. Zechariah Johonnot. Joseph Green. Thomas Goldthwait. Joseph Williams. Andrew Oliver, Jr. Joseph Lee. Isaac Winslow. Richard Clarke. James Pitts. Henry Lloyd. John Erving, Jr. Robert Temple. Peter Chardon. .John Jones. Samuel Wentworth. Samuel Grant. Jonathan Simpson. Shrimpton Hutchinson. Samuel Niles, Jr. Joseph Jackson. James Otis, Jr. Jacob Gushing. Meletiah Bourne. Josiah Quincy. Ebenezer MiUer, Jr. Nathaniel Sumner. Belcher Noyes. Royall Tyler. Samuel Welles, Jr. Nicholas Boylston. Eleazer Williams. John Gould (of Hull.) John Rowe. Arnold Welles. Thomas Gushing. John Scollay. Samuel Hewes. Benjamin Austin. Joseph Sherburne. Thomas Tyler. William Blair Townsend. James Foster. Nathaniel Bethune. Cotton Tufts. Joseph Hewins. William Phillips. James Humphries. List of Civil Officers. Justices of the Peace — Continued. 131 1761. Nov. 5. Benjamin Fenno. 1764. May 2. Joshua Henshaw.* Benjamin Pemberton. June 8. Samuel Pemberton. Isaac Gardner, Jr. Oct. 10. Benjamin Hallowell, Jr. John Borland. 1765. Feb. 6. John Thaxter. Edward Hutchinson. June 6. John Hancock. Joshua Clap. June 26. Ebenezer Thayer, Jr. Joseph Gardner. Sept. IL William Tucker. Thomas Fayerweather. Oct. 30. John Metcalf. William Story. 1766. Jan. 1. Stephen Miller. William Bowdoin. 1767. Jan. 7. William Hyslop. Josiah Newhall. Mch. 25. Jonathan Williams. Thomas Deering. Thomas Hutchinson, Jr. Nov. 12. John Osborn.* John Jones. John Erving.* Aug. 5. Francis Bernard. James Bowdoin.* Nathaniel Rogers. Thomas Hancock.* Oct. 7. Joseph Harrison. Thomas Flucker.* Dec. 2. George Erving. William Stoddard.* 1768. Jan. 13. Bela Lincoln. John Ruddock.* Feb. 24. Elijah Dunbar. Nathaniel Hatch.* Oct. 26. James Murra}-. Jonathan Whitpey. Dec. 7. James Murray,* Elisha Tilestone. William Coffin, Jr. John Barret. 1769. Feb. 1. Robert Auchmutj'.* John Gooch. Joshua Loring. Samuel Dexter. Apr. 5. Joshua Loring.* John Waldo. John Bernard. Joseph Dudley. 1770. May 9. John Winslow. 1762. Jan. 28. Josiah Quincy.* Thomas Gray. Samuel Gushing. 1771. Jan. 10. Edmund Quincy.* Joseph Crosby. Mch. 21. Samuel Quincy. John Leverett. Dec. 10. Elisha Hutchinson. Ezekiel Lewis. 1772. Apr. 23. Elisha Niles. John Avery. June 4. John Gray. Samuel Fitch. June 17. Thomas AUeyne. Feb. 4. Eliphalet Pond.* Benjamin Grecnleaf. George Abbot, Jr. Aug. 12. Nathaniel Perkins, James Lloyd. Thomas Bulfinch. Ebenezer Barker. Oct. 1. John Hill.* Mcb. 11. Isaac Smith. Samuel Sewall. Joseph Williams.* Miles Whitworth. Benjamin Lincoln. Dec. 31. Patrick Tracey. Elisha Adams. Stephen Hooper. May 14. John Spooner. 1773. Sept. 29. Henry Adams.* 1763. Feb. 17. William Ilolden. Belcher Noyes.* William Spurr. 1774. Mcb. 4. George Bethune. Thomas Dudley. Benjamin Gridley. Feb. 24. Nathaniel Wheelwright. William White. John Tudor. Nathaniel Taylor. Edward Lyde. Samuel Barrett. July 6. Koger Hale. 132 List op Civil Officers. Justices of the Peace — Continned. ESSEX. 1692. May 27. Maj. William Browne.* Benjamin Browne. John Woodbridge. Capt. John Appleton.* Capt. Daniel Epps. Capt. Daniel Pierce. Capt. John Higginson. Capt Dudley Bradstreet* Capt. Thomas Wade. 1715. Dec. 9. Stephen Sewall. Nehemiah Jewett. Joseph Woodbridge. John Dummer. John Newman. Robert Hale. John Turner. John Brown. Jol^n "White. Simon Wainwright. Dec. 24. Edward Brattle. 1696. Oct. 16. John Appleton, Jr. James Cawley. 1699. July 17. Col. John WaLnwi'ight. 1717. Nov. 12. Symonds Epes. 1700. June 7. Maj. Thomas Noyes. Daniel Rogers. Capt. John Legg. 1717-18 Feb. 13. John Wainwright. Capt. Nathaniel Norden. 1718. June 27. Joseph Woodbridge. 1701. June 12. Capt. John Burrill. Nov. 20. John Cawley. 1702. June 30. Col. Nath'l Saltonstall. Lt. Col. Dud. Bradstreet. 1719. Nov. 25. William Bradbury. Richard Kent. Maj. Robert Pike. Dec. 9. Capt. Benjamin Stevens. Col. John Wainwright. Capt. Azor Gale. Maj. Thomas Noyes. 1720. July 15. Timothy Lindall. Capt. John Legg. Dec. 19. Epes Sargeant. Capt. Nathaniel Norden. 1720-1. Mch. 31. Thomas Hale. Samuel Appleton. 1721-2. Mch. 9. Theophilus Burrill. Capt. John Burrill. 1722. June 29. Richard Currier. William Hirst. July 3. William Geduey. Robert Hale. 1722-3. Jan. 9. Thomas Berry. Joseph Woodbridge. 1724. Jime 23. Joseph Woodbridge.* Capt. Samuel Browne. 1724-5. Feb. 18. Edward Sargeant. Josiah Wolcott. 1725. Sept. 2. Richard Saltonstall. 1703. June 5. Maj. Francis Wain Wright. 1726. June 7. Walter Price. 1704. June 15, Maj. Stephen Sewall. John Wainwright.* John Oulton. Daniel Epes. Thomas Noyes.* 1726-7. Feb. 23. Maj. Mathew "Whipple. 1706. Nov. 8. John Newman. 1727. June 17. John Wainwi-ight.* 1707. June 5. Maj. Richard Saltonstall. Dec. 26. Orlando Bagley, Jr. Dec. 4. Nehemiah Jewett. 1727-8. Jan. 24. John Dummer.* 1708-9. Feb. 25. Daniel Epes. Feb. 22. Stephen MInot. 1714. June 15. John Dummer. Joshua Ome. 1715. Dec. 9. William Browne. John Hathorne. 1728. June 18. Maj. Joseph Gerrish. Capt. Henry Rolfe. Jonathan Corwin. 1729. Apr. 10. Benjamin Lj-nde, Jr. Samuel Appleton. Oct. 10. John Appleton. Daniel Epps. Thomas Noyes. William Hirst. John Dummer. John Legg. John WaiuAvright. John Burrill. William Bradbury. Josiah Wolcott. Benjamin Stevens. List op Civil Officebs. Justices of the Peace — ^Continued. 133 1729. Oct. 10. Ricliard Kent. Epes Sarpeant. 1738 .Tiinfi 00 WMf n J. 1 Kt'-Jt tJ \Xli\^ ^wa Robert Hale. Thomas Hale. Thomas Lambert. William Gedney. Abraham Howard. Thomas Berry. Joseph Blaney. Edward Sargeant. July 17. James Lindall. Richard Saltonstall. William Fairfax. Walter Price. Samuel Barnard. John Oulton. John Higginson. Daniel Epcs. John Walcott. Orlando Bagley. Oct. 26. John March. Stephen Minot, Jr. Jonathan Wade. Joshua Orne. Jonathan CogswelL Joseph Gerrish. John Baker. Henry Rolfe. 1733-4. Feb. 14. John Choat. Benjamin Lynde, Jr. Feb. 28. Samuel Lee. Daniel Appleton. 1734. Apr. 23. John Osgood. 4 Joseph Atkins. June 28. Ammi Ruhamah Wise. Dec. 5. Mathew Whipple. Benjamin Rolfe. James Cavvley. Dec. 27. Benjamin Browne. Nathaniel Saltonstall. Daniel Epes.* 1733. June 22. John Appleton. Benjamin Lynde, Jr.* Benjamin Lynde. Dec. 31. Thomas Kimball. John Turner. 1735. June 27. Richard Rogers. Symonds Epes. 1735-6. Jan. 2. Chai-les Pierce.* Theophilus Burrill. Andrew Burleigh. James Cawley. Joseph Allen. John Dummer. 173G. June 22. David Wood. • John Wainwright. 23. Daniel Appleton.* William Bradbury. 1737. June 30. Joseph Blaney.* Richard Kent. Edward Kitchen. Epes Sargeant. Oct. 25. John Hobson. Thomas Berry. Nov. 10. Benjamin Marston.* Edward Sargeant. Dec. 29, Epes Sargeant.* Mathew Whipple. Benjamin Browne.* Richard Saltonstall. John Greenleaf. John Oulton. 1738. July 8. Samuel Moody, Jr. Daniel Epes. James Skinner. Orlando Bagley. 1738-9. Jan. 2(3. John Turner. Joshua Orne. 1739. Oct. 5. Benjamin Gerrish. Joseph Gerrish. John Frost. Henry Rolfe. 1740. Apr. 4. Orlando Bagley.* Benjamin Lynde^Jr. July 5. Samuel Bai-ton. Daniel Appleton. 1711. Apr. 2. Thomas Hale. Joseph Atkins. July 21. Thomas Rowell. Thomas Barton. 1743-4. Mch. 1. William Browne.* Joshua Bayley. John Greenleaf* Ichabod Plaisted. 1744. Aug. 18. Daniel Mansfield. Charles Peirce. William Atldns. Mitchel Sewall. 1744-5. Jan. 12. Joseph S^vett. 134 List op Civil Officers. Justices of the Peace — Continued. 1744-5. 10. John Clioatc* Jan. 19. Kobert Ilale. 1745. Apr. 2G. Caleb Gushing. 1745-6. Jan. 24. Benjamin Pickman. Feb. 8. John Turner. 1746. Aug. 5. William Collins. 1747. Aug. 19. John Tasker. Sept. 11. Andrew Burleigh. 1758. Jan. 11. Jonathan Bagley. May 12. Thomas Woodbridge. Ricliard Saltonstall 1759. Mch. 8. Icliabod Plaisted.* llumphrey Ilobsou. Joseph Gerrish, Jr. Benjamin Newhall. 1761. Nov. 19. John Glioate.* 1748. Sept. 27. Epes Sargeant, Jr. Caleb Gushing.* Robert Hooper, Jr. Nathaniel Ropes.* Nov. 8. Samuel Rogers. Andrew Oliver, Jr.* Benjamin Marston.* Epes Sargent.* Nov. 18. Jacob Fowle. Daniel Epes.* 1749. Apr. 21. Daniel Epes, Jr. Ichabod Plaisted.* Jime 29. David Moseley. Thomas Rowell.* Joseph Bowditch. Benjamin Pickman.* Sept. 8. John Peaslee. Jacob Fowle.* Thomas Norton. Samuel Phillips.* 1752. Feb. 7. Daniel Gibbs. William Bourn.* Apr. 3. Daniel Farnham. • Robert Hooper, Jr.* Sept. 19. Samuel PhilUps, Jr. Robert Hale.* 1753. Jan. 2. Henry Gibbs. William Browne.* Samuel White. John Br9wne.* Jan. 3. Timothy Pool. Charles Pierce.* Aug. 24. Robert Hooper, Jr.* Joseph Gerrish. Sept. 6. John Tasker.* Joseph Atkins. Sept. 14. Joshua Orne, Jr. Joseph Blaney. 1754. Jan. 25. Daniel Gibbs. Samuel Barnard. Apr. 19. W^illiam Bro^vne. John Hobsoa. 20. John Greenleaf.* Nathan Hale. 1755. Jan. 8. Benjamin Jones. John Osgood. William Stevens. William Atkins. 1 James Davis. Daniel Witham. Thomas Saunders. William CoUins. Francis Clioat. Samuel Rogers. Oct. 10. John Leach. Daniel Epes, Jr. 1756. July 27. Richard Lechmere. Joseph Bowditch. John Higginson. Nathaniel Peaslee. Sept 14. Samuel Curwin. Daniel Farnum. John Nutting. Samuel White. John Lee. Benjamin Jones. Nathaniel Allen. Francis Choate. William Bourn. James Davis. Richard CJrcenleaf. John Leach. Michael Dalton. Samuel Curwin. Isaac Morrill. John Lee. James McHard. Isaac Merrill. 1758. Jan. 11. Samuel Gardner. James McHard. Jeremiah Lee. William Stevens. Stephen Higginson. Nathaniel Allen. List op Civil Officers. Justices of the Peace — Coutinued. 135 17G1. Nov. 19. Benjamin Prescott. Mlcbaol Dalton. 17G2. Apr. 21. Nathan Bowen. William Vans. Humplircy Llobson. 17G3. Feb. 17. Nathaniel Brown. Benjamin Newhall. Samuel Pluramer. John Higginson. Dudley Atkins. John Nutting. July 6. Jacob Fowle, Jr. Richard Greenleaf. \ James Cockle. Samuel Gardner. Dec. 7. William Browne. Jeremiah Lee. 1764. May 2. John Osgood, Jr. Jonathan Bagley. Oct. 25. Daniel Farnum. Thomas Woodbridge. Nov. 7. Thomas Geary. Richard Saltonstall. 1765. Apr. 3. Joseph Frye. Joseph Coffin. June 20. Stephen Emery. John Brown. Oct. 30. Peter Frye. Thomos Saunders, Jr. Nov. 6. Ebenezer Putnam. Epes Sargent, Jr. Joseph Blaney. Daniel Gibbs. 1766. July 9. Samuel Greenleaf. Joshua Orne. Oct. 1. John Gallison. Joseph Gerrish,-Jr. 1767. Mcli. 25. Nath'l Peaslee Sargent. John Turner. July 1. Azor Orne. Samuel Barton. Sept. 2. Benjamin Pickman, Jr. Aaron Potter. 1768. Jan. 6. Joseph Dowse. Joseph Appleton. William Story. Thomas Gage. Samuel Moody. Benjamin Mulliken. Aug. 3. Francis Cabot. Nathaniel Henchman, Jr. 1769. May 3. Samuel Cotnam. William Brown, Jr. July 12. John Lowell. Edw'd A'gustus Ilolyoke. July 26. John Gushing. John Chipman. 1770. May 9. Thomas Roby. Nov. 20. Benjamin Marston. William Pynchon. 1771. Apr. 12. Ebenezer Burrill. Richard Dei'by, Jr. Isaac Mansfield. Apr. 19. John Calef. James Athearn. « 1772. Jan. 15. William Browne.* Jonathan Allen. Peter Frye. Dec. 4. Josiah Fairfield. Benjamin Harris. 17G2. Jan. 28. Aaron Wood. Nathaniel Carter. Feb. 4. Joseph Blaney.* Samuel Rogers. Tristram Dalton. Micajah Sawyer. Mcb. 1. Joseph Bowditch.* Mch. 18. Dummer Jewett. Jerahmeel Bowers.* Oct. 1. Stephen Barker. Thomas Gilbert. Nov. 25. Abner Cheever. Apr. 21. William Epes. MIDDLESEX 1692. May 27. Thomas Danforth.* William Bond.* William Johnson.* Maj. Thomas Henchman. 1692. May 27. Jonathan Tyng. Capt. Thomas Browne. Capt. James IMinot. Deo. 7. Ephraim Flint. 136 List op Civil Officers. Justices of the Peace — Continued. 1699. July 17. John Leverett. 1721. Nov. 15. Eleazer Flagg. 1700. June 7. Maj. Jami3s Converse. Nov. 16. William Briant. 1702. June 30. Jonathan Tyng. 1722. June 20. John Jekyll. John Leverett. 1723. Sept 6. Francis Foxcroft, Jr. Samuel Ilayman. 1724. Dec. 15. Jonathan Prescott. Capt. Francis Foxcroft. Ebenezer Stone. Maj. James Converse. 1724-5. Feb. 19. Saville Sympson. Ephraim Flint. 1725. Sept 2. John Alford. Capt. Thomas Browne. Daniel Russell. Capt. James Minot.^ 172G-7. Feb. 23. Benjamin Poole. Capt. Joseph Morse. 1727. Dec. 26. Joseph Wilder. Oct. 23. Capt. James Minot. Capt. John Browne. Jonathan Poole. Benjamin Prescott. Jonas Bond. 1727-8. Jan. 24. William Ward. Edward Emerson. 1729. Aug. 22. Nathaniel Danforth. 1707. Apr. 15. Capt. Thomas Howe. Maj. William Brattle. 1710. June 8. Thomas Oliver. Aug. 28. John Whitman. June 22. John Usher. Oct. 10. Jonathan Remington. 1713. June 5. Capt. Nathaniel Carey. Lt. Col. Spencer Phips. Nathaniel Cary. James Minot. Aug. 27. Capt. Jonas Prescott. Hopestill Brown. 171-1. June 15. I\Iaj Joseph Buckminster. Henry Phillips. Capt. Hopestill Brown. Francis Fulham. 1715. Apr. Capt. Jonathan Pool. Joseph Buckminster. Dec. 9. John Usher. Jonas Bond. Thomas How. Nathaniel Cary. Spencer Phips. Joseph Buckminster. Hopestill Brown. , Jonas Prescott. Charles Chambers. Henry Phillips. 1 John Houghton. Thomas Greaves. Francis Bowman. Eleazer T}'ng. William Bryant. John Jekyll. Francis Foxcroft. Jonathan Prescott. Benjamin Poole. Daniel RusseU. Dec. 13. Samuel Gooking. Jonathan Dowse. Jonathan Poole. Joseph Wilder. Dec. 24. James IMinot. Jonathan Poole. Benjamin Prescott. William Ward. 1716. June 15. Oliver Whiting. Jonas Clark. 1718. Apr. 16. Francis Fulham.* Benjamin Wood. June 27. Capt. John Foye. Dec. 5. Oliver Whiting. Thomas Tufts. Samuel Danforth. 1719. June 27. John Menzies. Wilham Brattle. Thomas Greaves. John Whitman. 1720. Dec. 19. John Leverett.^ Henry Fllnt.^ Capt. John Flynt. John Richardson. 1720-1. Mch. 31. Francis Bowman. Dec. 12. Samuel Gookin. 1721. Nov. 15. Eleazer Tyng. 1729-30 Mch. 19. Capt. Nathaniel Sartle. ' Eejected. ^ Over the Indians. 3 Both for the town of Cambridge, for the regulation and government of Harvard College. List of Officers. Justices of the Peace — Continiied. 137 1731. July 9. Spencer Phips. Jonathan Remington. Jonathan Dowse. 173G. June 22. Dec. 22. Benjamin Thompson. Joseph Blanchard. Francis Wells. Charles Chambers. 1737. July 2. Joseph Bowman. James Minot. Nov. 10. Henry Flynt. Hopestill Brown. 18. Isaac Royall.* Francis Fulham. Dec. 29. Nathaniel Saltonstall.* Oliver Whiting. 1738-9. Jan. 12. Edmund Trowbridge.* Joseph Buckminster. Jonas Prescott. Thomas Greaves. 26. Samuel Jackson. Francis Bowman. 1739. Dec. 21. William Lawrence. Eleager Tyng. 1740. June 28. Chambers Russell. John Jekyll. 1740-1. Jan. 9. Sampson Stoddard. Francis Foxcroft. 1743-4. Mch. 1. Ezekiel Cheever.* Daniel Russell. John Jones.* Jonathan Fool. Isaac Royall. Benjamin Pool. James Gooch. Benjamin Prescott. 8. Simon Tufts.* Benjamin Wood. 1744. Apr. 5. Joseph Lemmon.* Samuel Danforth. \ Rowland Cotton.* William Brattle. Aug. 18. Thomas Read. John Whitman. Joseph Lynde. John Flynt. Nov. 1. Joseph Bucknam. John Richardson. 1745. Dec. 20. Richard Dana.* Nathaniel Sartlc. 1746. Aug. 5. William Read. Thomas Jenner. 9. Henry Gibbs. John Greenwood. Josiah Bremer. July IG. Richard Foster. Thomas Lambert. 1732. July 6. Joseph Lemon. 1747. June 27. Jonathan Prescott. July 7. Andrew Boardman. Thomas Greenwood. Dec. 15. Kendal Parker. Aug. 19. John Winthrop. 17:33. May 4. Capt. Ephraim Curtis. 1748. Apr. 6. Thomas Jenner.* Oct. 26. John Jones. Nov. 18. Cadwallador Ford. 1733-4. Feb. 14. Stephen Hall. 1748-9. Jan. 11. Jonas Bond. Ebenezer Roby. 1749. Apr. 18. Barnard Townsend. Joseph ]\Iason. Joseph Buckminster. Nathaniel Harris. Aug. 18. Thaddcus Mason. Feb. 28. Simon Tufts. Sept. 8. Thomas Kidder. 1734. Apr. 23. John Death. 1749-50 Jan. 18. Henry A'assall. Dec. 27. John Mason. 1751. June 21. Samuel Brooks. John Vinton. 1752. Feb. 7. David Phips. 1734-5. Feb. 21. Ephraim Williams. 1753. Jan. 2. Henry Gibbs.* 173o. June 27. Ezekiel Cheever. Robert Temple. 173.J-G. Jan. 2. Benjamin Prescott.* Joseph Haven. Jan. IG. Samuel Danforth.* William Brattle * Simpson Jones. James Prescott. 173<5. June 22. Daniel Russell.* Samuel Dummer. James Minot. Jan. 3. Josiah Convei-se. Samuel Livcrmore. Ebenezer Nichols. Sanmel Cary. Oliver Fletcher. 138 List of Officers. Justices of the Peace — Continued. 1753. Aug. 24. Francis Foxcroft.* Francis Fulham.* Isaac Royal.* 1761. Nov. 20. Joseph Haven. Ebenezer Nichols. Henry Vassall. Sept. 13. Joseph Mason. Simpson Jones. Simpson Jones. James Prescott. 1754. Jan. 25. Eleazer Tyng.* Benjamin Read. Josiah Converse. Benjamin Reed. Isaac Bowman. Thomas Whiting. Apr. 19. Joseph Bowman. Isaac Coolidge. Nathaniel Russell. Joseph Buckminster. John Hunt. Josiah Johnson. 1755. Jan. 8. Thomas Whiting. j,Elisha Jones. June 26. Josiah Johnson. John Hunt. Stephen Hall. Stephen Hall. Joseph Lee. Caleb Dana. 1756. Julj 27. Ezekiel Cheever. ' Ezekiel Cheever, Jr. Sept. 14. James Russell. Elisha Jones. Ralph Inman. Thomas Sparhawk. 1757. Aug. 26. Ralph Inman. John Winthrop. 1758. May 12. Thomas Sparhawk. David Phips. Aug. 1. Samuel Livermore.* Sampson Stoddard. 1759. Mch. 8. Charles Prescott. Bela Lincoln. 1760. May 23. Caleb Dana. John Noyes. Nov. 13. Joseph Lee. Benjamin Faneuil. 1761. Nov. 20. Francis Foxcroft.* Andrew Boardman.* William Lawrence.* Eleazer Tyng.* Robert Temple. Richard Lechmere. Henry Gardner. James Fowle. Daniel Russell.* Dec. 4. Ezra Green. John Jones.* Jonathan Hastings. Samuel Livermore.* 1762. Jan. 28. Jonathan Sewall. Ezekiel Cheever.* Samuel Cary. Oliver Fletcher.* Mch. 25. Isaac Rand. Charles Prescott.* 1763. Feb. 24. Elisha Jones.* John Tyng.* July 6. William Stickney. James Russell.* Sept. 9. Josiah Converse. Isaac Royall.* 1764. Apr. 4. William Kneeland. John Whitman. May 2. Joseph Lee.* Ebenezer Roby. June 8. Samuel Henley. Joseph Bowman. Abel Lawrence. Samuel Brigham. Nov. 7. Thaddeus Mason.* Thomas Reed. 1765. Feb. 6. Ephraim Spaulding. William Reed. June 6. John Beton. Josiah Brown. John Cummings. Jonathan Prescott. Oct. 30. John Borland. Thomas Greenwood. 1766. June 18. Jere. Dummer Rogers. Thaddeus Mason. July 2. Joseph Perry. Thomas Kidder. Henry Barnes. Samuel Brooks. Oct. 1. Richard Cary. Cadwallader Ford. 1767. Mch. 25. Charles Russell. List of Officers. 139 Justices of the Peace — Continued. 1767. Mch. 25. Sept. 2. John Varnum. Edward Sheaffe. 1771. Dec. 10. John Denny. David Cheever. 17G8. Feb. 21. John Wilson. John Foxcroft. 1769. Mch. 1. May 3. William Baldwin- John Apthorp. Thomas Oliver. Leonard Wilhams. Sampson Stoddard. Andrew Newell. 1770. May 9. Aug. 30. Sept. 17. John Vassall. Simon Tufts. William Pepperrell. Charles Pelham. Abraham Fuller. 1773. Aug. 11. Daniel BUss. Thomas Russell. James Tyng. Thomas Brattle. Thomas Dan forth. 1771. Apr. 12. 10. John Read. Jonas Prescott. John White. Duncan Ingrahani. 19. Jonas Dix. 1774. Feb. 3. Samuel Bancroft. HAMPSHIRE 1692. May 27. Maj. John Pynchon.* Peter Tilton.* Capt. Aaron Cooke. Jos(!ph Hawley. 1729. Oct. 10. Henry Dwight. Samuel Barnard. Ebenezer Porter. Thomas Hastings. Capt. Samuel Partridge.* Dec. 5. Capt. Thomas Kellogg. Dec. 8. John Holyoke. Dec. 20. William Pynchon. 1696. Oct. 16. Joseph Parsons. 1732. Dec. 28. , Samuel Partridge. 1699. July 17. Joseph Parsons. John Stoddard. 1702. June 29. Joseph Hawley. Joseph Parsons. Capt. Aaron Cooke. John Holyoke. John Pynchon, 2d. John Pynchon. John Ashley. Eleazer Porter. William Pynchon. Joseph Kellogg. 1707. Dec. 5. Samuel Porter. Timothy Dwight. 1710-11 Mch. 23. Maj. John Stoddard. John Kent. 1713. Oct. 27. Capt. Jonathan Wells. Joseph Lord. 1715. Dec. 10. Aaron Cooke. 1734. Dec. 31. Thomas Wells. John Stoddard. 1734-6. Feb. 21. William Pynchon, Jr. Jonathan Wells. 1735. June 27. Ebenezer Pomroy.* John Pynchon, Jr. John Sherman. 1716. June 15. John Ashley. 1736. Dec. 29. Israel Williams. 1719. June 27. Henry Dwight. 1738-^. Jan. 12. Joseph Pynchon.* 1722-3. Jan. 9. Samuel Barnard. 1739. Oct. 5. Richard Crouch. 1723. Sept. 6. Joseph Jennings. 1740. July 12. William Pynchon.* 1725. Sept. 2. Ebenezer Porter. 1743. June 23. John Stoddard.* 1727. Dec. 26. Dr. Thomas Hastings. Ebenezer Ponn-oy.* 1729. Oct. 10. Samuel Partridge. John Stoddard. John Pynchon. Joseph Parsons. John Ashley. John Ashley.* Eleazer Porter.* Timothy Dwight.* Joseph Kellogg. Thomas AVells. Jonathan Wells. William Pynchon. 140 List op Officers. Justices of the Peace — Continued. 1743. June 23. 1743-4. 1747-8. 1748. 1749. 1751. 1753. 1754. 1755. 1756. 1758. 1759. Mch. 1. Mch. G. Mch. 13. Feb. 16. Mch. 10. Apr. 23. Nov. 15. Nov. 18. June 29. Sept. 8. June 21. Jan. 2. 3. Sept. 13. Jan. 25. Apr. 19. June 26. Oct. 10. July 9. Sept. 14. June 22. Mch. 8. John Sherman. Thomas Ingersoll. Israel Williams. Joseph Pynchon. Ephraim Williams.* Itichanl Crouch. Elijah Williams. Joseph Pynchon.* Thomas Ingersoll.* Seth Field. Samuel Dwight. Josiah Dwight. John Worthington. Phinehas Lyman. AVilliam AVIlliams. Joseph Hawley. David Ingersoll. John Worthington.* Elijah Williams.* John Ashley. Noah Ashley. Joseph Dwight.* Timothy Dwight.* Elijah Williams.* Seth^ Field. Josiah Dwight.* Samuel Mather. Thomas Williams. Israel Ashley. Jabez Ward. Eldad Thayer. Josiah Chauncy. Timothy Woodbridge. John Mascarene. Timothy Dwight, Jr. Eleazer Porter. Eldad Taylor. 17.59. 1760. 1762. 1765. 1768. 1769. 1770. 1771. Apr. 12. 1772. Mch. 8. Charles Phelps. Edward Pynchon. Dec. 19. Edward Pynchon.* May 23. (iideon Lyman. Feb. 4. John Sherman. Seth Field. I)avid Moseley. Samuel Mather. Thomas Williams. Josiah Chauncey. Eleazer Porter. Eldad Taylor. Timothy Dwight.* John Worthington.* Elijah Williams.* Josiah Dwight.* Joseph Hawley.* Timothy Dwight, Jr.* Edward Pynchon. Gideon Lyman. Daniel Burt. William Williams. Simon Strong. Oliver Partridge.* Moses Bliss. Jonathan Ashley. Jonathan Bliss. James Bridgham. John Wood Timothy Robinson. Moses Bliss.* Elisha Porter. John Ingersoll. June 19. Joseph Root. William Billing. Abraham Burbank. Mch. 25. June 20. Feb. 24. Feb. 1. May 3. May 9. P;.YMOUTH • 1692. May 27. Capt. Nath'l Thomas.* Ephraim Morton.* John Gushing.* 1700. June 7. Capt. James Warren. Isaac Winslow. Elihu Brett. John Wadsworth. 1702. June 30. John Gushing, Sr. Capt. Thomas Howard. Elihu Brett. 1696. Oct. 16. Isaac Little. 1708-9. Feb. 25. Capt. Seth Arnold. 1699. July 17. Isaac Little. William Brett. James Warren.^ Joseph Morse.* 1700. June 7. John Gushing, Jr. 1711. Apr. 19. John Gushing.* ' Over the Indians, and to join with them two of the principal Indians of the several tribes. List of Officers. Justices of the Peace — Continued. 141 1711. Apr. 19. Jumcs Warren.* 1731. Aug. 25. Edward Arnold. 1712. June 0. C';;i)t. Josiah Edson. John Gushing, Jr. 1715. Dec. 9. Nathaniel Thomas, Jr. Josiah Edson. John Bradford. Nicholas Sever. John Little. Amos Turner. Deo. 13. Samuel Prince. Isaac Little.' 21. Benjamin Warren.' • Benjamin Warren.' 1716. June 15. Isaac Little.' Shearjashub Bournc." Dec. 23. Josiah Morton.' Edward Winslow. 1717. Nov. 12. Isaac Little.' Benjamin Warren.' 1731-2. Mch. 21. Nathaniel Thomas, Jr. James Warren. 1717-18 Feb. 13. Joshua Gushing. 1733. June 22. Kenclm Winslow. 1718. Nov. 20. Thomas Turner. 1733-4. Feb. 14. Samuel Pool. 1719. June 27. John Barker. Feb. 21. David Little. Dec. 9. John Watson. Feb. 28. Caleb Loring. 1720. July 22. Jacob Thompson. 1731. June 28. John Thomas. 1721-2. Mch. 9. Isaac Lothrop. July 3. Elisha Bysby. 172G. June 7. Edward Winslow. Edward Arnold. Dec. 27. Thomas Bryant. Elijah Gushing. 1727. June 27. Josiah Cotton.* Samuel Bartlett, Jr. 1729. July 10. John Gushing, Jr. 173,5-0. Jan. 9. Thomas Croad. Oct. 10. John Gushing. 1736. June 22. Elkanah Leonard. Nathaniel Thomas. 1737. June 30. Joseph Thomas. Josiah Edson. Oct. 2.5. John Alden. Josiah Gotten. 1737-8. Jan. 13. John Gushing.* Isaac Little. 1738-9. Jan. 25. John Winslow. • Joshua Gushing. John Barker. 1740. July 5. Nov. 5. Daniel Johnson. David Little.* John Watson. 1744. Aug. 18. Peter Oliver. Isaac Lothrop. Nov. 1. Robert Brown. Edward Winslow. 1744-5. Jan. 19. George Leonard.* Edward Arnold. 1745-6. Jan. 24. Edward Winslow. John Gushing, Jr. 1746. Aug. 9. Isaac Lothrop. Nicholas Sever. 1747. June 27. Josiah Edson, Jr. Isaac Little.' Thomas Foster. Benjamin Warren.' 1747-8. Mch. 1. Israel Fearing. Josiah Morton.' 1748. May 17. Peter Oliver.* Dec. 5. John Little. Isaac Lothrop.* 1731. July 23. Ezra Glapp.' 1748-9. Jan. 4. Nathaniel Glapp. Aug. 25. Isaac Winslow. Jan. 11. Daniel Howard. .[ohn Gushing. 1749. Aug. 18. David Stockbridge. Nathaniel Thomas. Sept. 8. John Watson. Josiah Edson. « 1751. Apr. 24. Thomas Foster.* Josiah Gotton. Edward Winslow.* Isaac Little. June 21. Elijah Gushing.* Joshua Gushing. 1753. Sept. 6. Josiah Cotton.* John Watson. 13. Thomas Groade. ' Isaac Lothrop. 1754. Jan. 25. Samuel Pool. ' Over the Indians. ' Over tlie Indians at Sandwich. 142 List of Civil Officers. Justices of the Peace — Continued. 1751. Jan. 2.5. George Watson. 1702. Jan. 28. Abijah White. Apr. 19. David Stockbridge.* John Gushing.* David Little.* Kcneira Winslow. Noah Sprague. John Fearing. 1755. Jan. 11. Ezra Ghipp.^ James Ilovey. June 26. John Fearing. Barnabas Shurtliff. » Josiah Keen. Gideon Bradford. 1750. Sept 14. Kenclm Winslow. Abijah White. James Warren.* Joseph Tinkham. Nathaniel Ray Thomas. John Qotton. 1758. Jan. 11. Noah Sprague. William Sever. 1700. May 23. James Hovey. Israel Turner. Ephraini Keith. William Watson. Oct. 31. Gideon Bradford. Joseph Tinkham. Josiah Keen. Thomas Mayhew. Nathaniel Ruggles. Samuel Norton. John Gushing, Jr. 1703. Feb. 17. Briggs Alden. 1702. Jan. 28. Gamaliel Bradford.* ^ Daniel Oliver. Nicholas Sever.*. 1704. Feb. 1. Josiah Sturtevant, Jr. John Winslow.* June 8. James Hovey.* Elijah Gushing.* 1705. Feb. 6. Joseph Greenleaf. Thomas Foster.* • 1706. Feb. 5. Joseph Jocelyn. Edward Winslow.* 1767. Aug. 5. Nathan Howard. Thomas Groade.* 1768. Mch. 10. Peter Oliver, Jr. David Little.* 1769. Jan. 4. Nathan Gushing. Joseph Gushing.* 1770. Aug. 30. John Thomas. David Stockbridge.* 1771. June 27. Josiah Gushing. Daniel Johnson.* Pelham Winslow. Josiah Edson.* 1772. Jan. 15. Daniel Howard.* John Gushing, Jr.* George Watson.* John Little. Nathaniel Glapp.* Samuel Bartlett. June 4. Josiah Torrey. Robert Brown. Oct. 21. Samuel Sprague. Daniel Howard. 1773. Mch. 2. Gharles Stockbridge. George Watson. Sept. 29. Edward Winslow, Jr. Nathaniel Glapp. 1774. Feb. 10. Enoch Hammond. John WiUis. BRISTOL. 1692. May 27. John Saffin* Gapt. John Brown.* Gapt. Thomas Leonard.* Nicholas Peck. Joseph Ghurch. 1702. June 29. Maj. Benjamin Ghurch. Nicholas Peck. Nathaniel Payne. Joseph Church. Thomas Tabor. Gapt. Seth Pope. Oct. 23. Henry Mackintosh. 1690. July 17. Nathaniel Payne. 1707. Nov. 8. Gapt. Seth Pope. 1700. June 7. Ebeuezer Brenton. 1708-9. Feb. 25. Joseph Ghurch. ' Over the Indians. List of Civil Officers. Justices of the Peace — Continued. 143 1708-9. Feb. 25. Seth Pope. 1720. Oct. 10. Nathaniel Payne. 1710. Aug. 24. Samuel Newman. Thomas Church. Sylvester Richmond. Timothy Fales. 1712. June 4. Capt. Samuel Walker. Capt. Jared Talbot. Samuel Vyal. Samuel Brown. 1713. June 5. Capt. George Leonard. Benjamin Church.* Samuel Willis. William Southward.* 171.3-14. Feb. 22. Seth Williams. Dec. 5. Nathaniel Hubbard. 1714. June 15. James Church.^ 1733. June 22. Job Almy.* Benjamin Numpas.^ Thomas Church.* Zaccheus Gouge? Sylvester Richmond.* John Nantos} Seth Williams. ObadiaJi Bryant.^ Jared Talbot. Nathan Tohe.^ Thomas Church. Isaac Simons,* Nathaniel Blagrove. Samuel Homes* Job Almy. 1715. Dec. 10. Benjamin Church. Seth Pope. Henry Hodges. Jared Talbot. Daniel Smith. John Rogers. Job Almy. Nathaniel Hubbard. Thomas Terry. George Leonard. Sylvester Richmond. Timothy Fales. Samuel Willis. Jonathan AVoodbury. 1717. Nov. 12. William Southward.* Job Almy.* Seth Pope.* Thomas Bowen. Samuel Allen. Joseph Mason. 1722-3. Jan. 9. Sylvester Richmond.* Samuel Leonard. 1723-4. Mch. 4. George Leonard. Oct. 26. Lemuel Pope.* 19. Nathaniel Payne. 1733-4. Feb. 28. Stephen Payne. 1721. June 23. Dec. 2. Timothy Fales. Sylvester Richmond. Samuel Vyall. 1734. Dec. 27. Samuel AA^illiams. Perez Bradford. Sylvester Richmond, Jr. 15. Samuel Brown. 1735-6. Jan. 2. Ephraim Leonard. 172G. June 7. Samuel Willis. John Foster. 1728. June 18. Nathaniel Hubbard.* 1736. Dec. 22. Nathaniel Blagrove.* Nathaniel Payne.* 1737. June 30. Edward Howard. June 21. Richard Harden. Dec. 29. Philip Tabor. 1729. Aug. 22. Thomas Church.* 1738. Aug. 12. Gershom Crane. Job Almy.* 1738-9. Jan. 12. Timothy Fales.* Sylvester Richmond.* Jan. 26. AA''illiam Hall. Oct. 10. Simon Davis. 1739. Oct. 5. Samuel Ilowland. Jared Talbot. 1740. July 5. Joseph Allen. Seth Williams. 1743-4. Mch 1. Seth Williams.* Thomas Church. Nathaniel Hubbard.* Nathaniel Blagrove. Thomas Churcli.* Job Almy. Nathaniel Blagrove.* Henry Hodges. Job Almy.* Thomas Terry. Thomas Torrey.* George Leonard. Sylvester Richmond.* * Over the Indians. * All Indians, over the Indians. 144 List op Civil Ofi 1761. Oct. 16. John Allen.* John Sumner.* 1723. Sept. 6. John Chipman. Ebenezer Smith.* 1724. Dec. 15. Zaccheus Mayhew. John Newman.* 1729. Oct. 10. Paine Mayhew. Ebenezer Allen. Enoch Coffin. Benjamin Smith. Josiah Tilton.* Mathew ^layhe^v.* Jabez Athearn. Nathaniel Hancock, Zaccheus Mavhew. 1762. Mch. 11. Zaccheus Mayhew. John Worth. 1764. June 8. John Worth. Thomas Lothrop.* 1771. June 12. Enoch Coffin. John Chapman.^ Dec. 10. Joseph Mayhew.* Zaccheus Mayhew.^ James Athearn.* 1733. May 4. Zaccheus Mayhew.^ John Allen.^ Shubael Cottle. WORCESTER. 1731. June 30. John Chandler. 1731. June 30. Josiah Willard. Joseph Wilder. Daniel Taft. William Ward. Samuel Dudley. William Jennison. Nahum ^Vard. John Chandler, Jr. Henry Lee. Benjamin Willard. 1732. July 7. William Clark. Samuel \Vri}rht. Samuel Willard. Joseph Dwight. 1733. May 4. Capt. John Keyes. Over the Indians. ^ Ami also for the Indians. 3 " So that he lay down hi.s Tavern. ISO- List OP Civil Officers. Justices of the, Peace — Continuocl. 1733. Oct. 26. Edward Ilartwell. 1755. Jan. 8. Nathan Tyler. 1735-G. Jan. 16. John Chandler, Jr.* 1758. Jan. 11. Timothy Payne.* 1737. June 30. Richard More. Josiah Brewer. Oct. 25. James AVilder. James Putnam. 1738-9. Jan. 25. John Martin. 1760. May 23. Timothy Brigham. 1743-4. Mch. 1. Joseph Wilder.* Joseph Dwight.* Simeon Dwight. David Osgood. John Chandler.* 1762. Jan. 21. John Chandler.* William Ward.* William Ward.* Samuel Willard.* Edward Hartwell.* Nahum Ward.* Timothy Ruggles.* Daniel Taft. Timothy Payne.* Edward Hartwell. Thomas Steel.* John Keyes. Joseph Wilder.* Richard Moor. Artemas Ward.* Jonas Rice. John INIurray.* Josiah Converse. Jedediah Foster.* • Thomas Gilbert. Samuel Chandler. Thomas Steel. John Harwood. Samuel Willard. Jr. James Putnam.* John Keyes. Josiah Converse. John Harwood. Edward Baker. 1744. Dec. 21. Edward Hartwell.* Thomas Prentice. Oliver Wilder. Peter Atherton. 27. Oliver Wilder. Edward Baker. Isaac Barnard. Robert Goddard. 1745-6. Jan. 24. Peter Atherton. John Hazelton. 1746. Aug. 5. Samuel Lyscomb. Charles Brigham. 1747. June 27. Joseph Wilder, Jr. John Chandler, Jr. William Richardson. Duncan Campbell. 1748. Nov. 15. Noah Ashley. Isaac Barnard. Robert Goddard. Moses Marcy. William Ayres. John Stone. 1749. Aug. 12. John Hazelton. Charles Brigham. Nathan Tyler. John Whitcomb. 1751. June 21. Artemas Ward. William Rawson. John Caldwell. Josiah Brewer. 1753. Jan. 2. William Richardson. David Osgood. Sept. 13. Daniel Taft. Simeon Dwight. 1754. Jan. 25. John Stone. John Murray. Duncan Campbell. William Ayres. Jedediah Foster. Moses Mercy. William Down. John Eliot. Ezra Taylor. Edward Da\as. Abijah Willard. Joshua Willard. Daniel Henshaw. Benjamin Goodridge. Apr. 19. Timothy Ruggles. Thomas Wilder. John Whitcomb. Aug. 26. John Chandler.* Joseph Lord. 1763. Feb. 17. Francis Whipple. 1755. Jan. 8. Timothy Payne. Mch. 3. Solomon Wood. List of Civil Officers. Justices of the Peace — Continued. 151 17GG. Feb. 5. Jo.siah Wulcott. 1769. May 3. Thomas Le^get. Doc. 10. Jeik'diah iMarey. July 12. Joshua Upham. 1767. Mch. 25. Henry Bronifiekl. 1771. Nov. 4. Charles Cashing.* Daniel Bliss. 1772. Mch. IS. Jonathan White. 1768. Jan. 13. Daniel Oliver. Levi Willard. Fub. 24. John Chandler, Jr. Joseph Dorr, Jr. Israel Taylor. William Barron. Ephraiui Woolson. Samuel Wilder. John I\Iuzzy. Thomas Brigdon. 1769. Jan. Miiy 4. 3. Gardner Chandler. Abel Willard.* 1774. Feb. 3. Ezra Houghton. LINCOLN 1760. Oct. 31. Samuel Dennie.* William Lithgow.* 1763. Sept. 7. Nov. 2. John Kingsbury. Thomas Goldthwait.* Aaron Hinckley.* 1764. Jan. 4. Thomas Rice.* John North.* Jonathan Bowman.* William Cushlng.* May 2. William Crawford. Patrick Drummond. 1760. Jan. 1. David Fales. Joseph Patten. Dec. 10. Alexander Nichols. • James Howard. 1768. Apr. 20. Abraham Preble. John Stinson. 1769. May 3. Francis Shaw. 1761. Oct. 16. Samuel Dennie.* Nathan Jones. William Lithgow.* 1770. I\Iay 9. Dudley Carleton. Aaron Hinckley.* Jonathan Longfellow. John North.* 1771. June 12. Jonathan Bagley. William Gushing.* James McCobb. Jonathan Bowman. Arthur Noble. Patrick Drummond. Sept. 12. Stephen Jones. Joseph Patten. 1772. June 17. Nathaniel Thwing. James Howard. Nov. 25. Ezekiel Pattie. John Stinson. 1773. Jan. 7. Obcd Hussey.* 1763. Feb. 24. Jededlah Preble. Mch. 6. Samuel Jordan. ]\Ich 3. Jedediah Preble.* 1774. Feb. 3. William Gardiner. CUMBERLAND 1760. 1701. Oct. 31. John Mlnot.* Jonas Mason.* Ezekiel Cushing.* Enoch Freeman.* Sanmel Waldo.* Stephen Longfellow. Jacob Iloyall. Nov. 13. William Simonton. Oct. 16. John ]\Iinot.* Ezekiel Cushing.* Enoch Freeman. 1761. Oct. 16. Edward MiMiken.* Samuel Waldo.* Jonas Mason.* Stephen Longfellow.' Alexander Ross.* William Simonton. Nov. 20. Jeremiah Powell. William Woodside. 1764. iKlan. 1. Francis Waldo. Mch. 7. Solomon Lombard.* David :Mitehell. 162 List op Officers. Justices of the Peace — Concluded. 1764. Mch. 7. William Silvester. 1771. June 12. Jonathan Baglcy. William Thompson. 1772. June 17. Richard King. 1767. May 0. Daniel Epes. July 14. David Wyer, Jr. 1768. Feb. 24. Moses Pierson.* Nov. 25. William Gorham. Theopliilus Bradbury. 1773. Jan. 7. William Allen. 1770. May 9. Thomas Smith, Jr. BERKSHIRE 1761. June 24. Joseph Dwight.* 1766. June 18. Mark Hopkins. William Williams.* 1767. July 1. David IngersoU, Jr. John Ashley.* 1770. May 9. Samuel Todd. Timothy Woodbridge.* Woodbridge Little. Perez Marsh. Joseph Bennett. 1764. Feb. 1. John Chadwick. Daniel Brov?n. 1771. June 27. John Ashley, Jr. Nehemiah Bull. 1765. June 20. Jonathan Hubbard. Jahleel Woodbridge. Sept. 6. Elijah Dwight. July 2. Elijah Dwight.* Israel Stoddard. 1774. Feb. 10. Samuel Brown, Jr. List of Civil Officers. 153 COEONERS. SUFFOLK. 1692. May 27. Capt. Edward Willys. 1740-1. Jan. 2. Joseph Leasonby. 1699. Sept. 7. Joseph Prout. 7. James Davenport. 1700. June 7. John Hubbard. 1741. Aug. 4. John Adams. John Fisher, Jr. 1741-2. Jan. 15. EUsha Adams. Samuel Thaxter. 1743. Nov. 25. Nathaniel Gill. 1701. June 12. Capt. Ephraim Savage. 1743-4. Mch. 6. James Blake. 1702. June 30. Ephi-aim Savage. Samuel Thaxter. John Fisher. John Walley. John Metcalf. James Jervis. 1715. Dec. 9. Samuel Thaxter. Ephraim Savage. Josiah Fisher. Henry Adams. Edward Ruggles. John Whitney. 1718. June 27. Samuel Tyley, Jr. John Holman. Capt. John Norton. Joseph Leasouby. James Daveuport. Joseph Miller. 1718-9. Feb. 26. Jonathan Pollard. Nathaniel Gardner. 1720. Dec. 19. Seth Dwight. Samuel Watts, Jr. 1721. Sept. 9. Samuel Thaxter. 8. Thomas Gill. 1728. June 18. Nathaniel Rawson. 1744. Sept. 6. Isaac BuUard. Dec. 19. John Chandler, Jr. 174.5-6. Jan. 24. John Thomas. Seth Dwight. 1747. Dec. 12. Seth Brewster. Samuel Thaxter, Jr. 1749. Apr. 18. Thomas Cross. Arthur Sa-vage. 21. Ebenezer Mann. James Blake. 1752. Feb. 7. Increase Sumner. Jonathan Sewall. 1753. Jan. 2. Stephen Kent. 1729. Oct. 10. John Holman. Joseph Andrews. Nathaniel Rawson. 4. Joseph Dean, Jr., Dec. 20. Maj. John Chandler. 1755. June 26. William Badcock. 1731. Dec. 23. John Dorrell. Oct. 10. David Capen. John Walley. 1756. Sept. 14. Jonathan Collier. 1731-2. Mch. 21. Samuel Swift. 1758. Apr. 1. John Harris. 1732. July 6. Benjamin Lincoln. May 12. Robert Pierpont. James Blake. 1759. Dec. 19. Thomas Dawes. 1733. May 4. William Young. John Morey, Jr. Richard Gookin. 1761. Nov. 5. Nathaniel Gardner. 1734. Dec. 27. William Winter. John IMoorcy. Thomas Crofts. Robert Pierpont. 1735. Apr. 19. Thomas Andrews. Stephen Kent. 1736. June 22. Dec. 29. Henry Adams, John Metcalf, Jr. Edward Lutwyche. Increase Sumner. Samuel Williams. William Badcock. 1737. June 30. William Royall. Jonathan Whitney. David Capen. Ebenezer Mann. 154 List op Civil Officers. Coroners — Continued. 1761. Nov. 5. John Thomas. 1703. Feb. 17. Jacob Gould. Joseph Andrews. July 6. Samuel Watts, Jr. Elisha Adams. William Oliver. John Morey. 1764. May 28. James Robinson. John Adams. Dec. 5. Elijah Davis. John Metcalf. , 1766. Mch. 12. James Penniman.* Joseph Dean. Dec. 10. Samuel Holbrook. Jonathan Collier. 1767. Mch. 25. Nathaniel Fisher. John Harris. 1768. Feb. 24. John Brewer. Thomas Dawes. Joseph Vose. * Ebenezer Pope. Jonathan Ware. Andrew Adams. Apr. 11. William Crafts. 1762. Jan. 28. Thomas Andrews. 1769. July 26. Thomas Penniman. Ezekiel Richardson, Jr. 1770, May 9. Oliver Vose. Samuel Lethbridge. Aug. 30. George Blackman. Feb. 4. Josiah Capen. 1771. Apr. 19. Stephen Whiting. Mch. 4. Joseph Andrews. Jonathan Dean. 11. Abner Ellis. 1773. Aug. 11. Thomas Browne. Robert Hinsdell. 1774. Feb. 10. Lemuel Davenport. Swift Payson. Mch. 4. Caleb Hayward. Aug. 5. Asa Richardson. ESSEX. 1692. July 8. Timothy LIndall. Tristram Coffin. 1729. Oct. 10, Peter Osgood. Joseph Allen, 1697. Sept. 7. Daniel Epps. Richard Dummer, 1700, June 7. Maj. Francis Wainwright. Dec. 5. Capt. Thomas Wade. 1702. June 30. Tristram Coffin. Daniel Epps. Francis Wainwright. 1733. June 22, David Parker, Peter Osgood. Joseph Allen. Oct. 23. Capt. John Browne. Richard Dummer. 1704. June 15. Francis Wainwright. Thomas Wade. 1707. Apr. 15. Benjamin Pierce. 1735. June 27. Jonathan Stephens. 1711. Oct. 26. Maj. Henry Somerby. 1735-6. Jan. 2. Ebenezer Choat. 1713. June 5. Nehemiah Jewett. Capt. Joshua Hicks. 1714. June 15. John Newman. 16. Joseph Allen, Jr. 1715. Dec. 9. Daniel Epps. Francis Bowden.^ Nehemiah Jewett. 1737. June 30. Philemon Dane. Henry Somerby. Dec. 29. Ebenezer Bowditch. John Newman. Joshua Ward. Richard Travell. 1737-8. Mch. 9. James Pierson. 1718. Apr. 16. Capt. Peter Osgood. 1738. July 8. Enoch Titcomb. June 27. Daniel Appleton. 1738-9. Jan, 12, Robert Hooper, Jr. Nov. 20. Capt. Edmund Greenleaf, 1739. July 6. John Lewis. 1720. Dec. 19. Joseph Allen, Robert Herrick. 1727. Dec. 26. Richard Dummer. 1740. July 5. Epes Sergeant, Jr. 1729. Aug. 28. Capt. David Parker. 1743. Oct, 27. Benjamin Ives, Jr. ' Of Medway. In place of David Parker. List of Civil Officers. Coroners — Continued. 155 1743. Nov. 3. Henry Rolfe, Jr. 1761. Nov. 19. Job Collins. 1746-7. Jan. 14. Timothy Hoyt. Abraham Choate. 1748. Apr. 15. William Roby. Benjamin Goodridge. 1748-9. Jan. 4. Daniel Staniibrd. John Fisher, Jr. 1751. June 21. Henry Herrick. Samuel Ayres. 1753. Jan. 4. Henry Ingals. John Sawyer. Sept. 6. Benjamin Dutch. Daniel Sergeant. Edward Waldron. Abel Greenleaf. 11. Andrew Burleigh. John Cogswell. Robert Harris. 1762. Feb. 4. Thomas Choate, Jr. 1755. Jan. 8. Francis Corbett. Daniel Sargent. 11. Benjamin Woodbridge. John Chipman. Samuel Lee. WiUis Hall. Thomas Munroe. Thomas Gilbert. June 26. Joshua Ward. James Richardson. Oct. 10. William Bowles. Mch. 11. David Pierce. 1756. July 9. Samuel Greenleaf. Apr. 21. Stephen Choate. Sept. 14. Benjamin Goodridge. George Newmarsh. Daniel Clark. 1763. Feb. 17. Edmund Bartlett. John Foster, Jr. July 6. John Dummer. Jonathan Bancroft. 1764. Feb. 1. John Dummer. David Hale. Nov. 7. Jonathan Bradbury. 1758. Apr. 1. Greenfield Hooper. 1765. Jan. 16. Moses Dole. 1759. Dec. 19. Samuel Ayres. 1766. Nov. 12. John Orne. 1760. May 23. Abraham Choat. 1767. Mch. 25. John Stephens. 1761. Nov. 19. Ebenezer Bowditch. 1768. Aug. 3. Thomas Mason. Francis Cabot. 1771. June 12. Jeremiah Pearson. Andrew Burleigh. Dec. 10. Thomas West. Henry Herrick. 1772. June 17. Daniel Edwards. Samuel Goodridge. Aug. 26. Moses True, Jr. Jonathan Bancroft. 1773. Jan. 7. • Epes Sergeant, Jr. Daniel Clark. Mch. 2. John Edwards, Jr. Henry Ingall. 1774. Feb. 7. Benjamin Massey. David Hale. MIDDLESEX. 1692. May 27. Solomon Phips. 1731. July 9. William Wilson. 1094-5. Mch. 6. Jacob Green, Jr., Jonathan Prescott. Moses Boardman. Abraham Williams. 1702. June 30. Jacob Green, Jr. 1732. July 0. Joscj)!! Phillijis. Jonathan Prescott. 1733. July 17. Henry Blaisdcll. Oct. 23. Andrew Boardman. 1737. Nov. 10. Benjamin Gold. 1715. Dec. 9. Andrew Boardman. 1738-9. Jan. 12. Ebenezer Goddard. Jonathan Prescott. 1741. Apr. 2. Nathaniel Blodget. 1725. Sept. 2. WiUi.-im Wilson. 1742. July 8. Thomas Munroe. 1729. Oct. 10. William Wilson. 1743. June 23. Jonatluin Lelaud. Moses Boardman. Nov. 10. Phinchas Parker. Abraham Williams. 1743-4. Mch. 6. Thomas Valentine. 156 List of Civil Officers. Coroners — Continued. 1743-4. Mch. 13. Zecheriah Pool. 1744. Apr. 5. Thomas Sparhawk. Dec. 21. Benjamin Stone. 1745-6. Jan. 24. Josiah Richardson. 1747. Dec. 12. Jonathan Fox. 1748-9. Jan. 4. John White. 1751. June 21. Timothy Brooks. 1753. Sept. 6. Jonathan Remington. 1754. Jan. 25. Ebenezer Goddard. Jonathan Leland. 1755. Jan. 8. Joseph Abee. 11. Samuel Dakin. 1750. July 9. Josiah Whittemore. Sept. 14. Benjamin Easterbrook. 1759. Mch. 8. Israel Hubbard. 1761. Nov. 20. Israel Hobart. Benjamin Easterbrook. Josiah Richardson. John Remington. 1761. Nov. 20. Benjamin Stone. John White. Josiah Whittemore. John Stone. Jonas Dix. 1762. Apr. 21. Ebenezer Pratt. Jonathan Porter. July 29. Aaron Chamberlain. 1763. Feb. 17. Joshua Eaton. Aaron Chamberlain. 1764. Mch. 7. James Fowle, tertius. 1766. Dec. 10. Jonathan Haywood. 1769. July 12. Isaac Farnsworth. 1770. May 9. John Abbey. 1771. June 27. Josiah Smith. Dec. 10. Abraham Watson. 1772. Feb. 19. David Haven. Nov. 25. Samuel Pool. HAMPSHIRE 1700. June 7. Peletiah Glover. 1735. June 27. Ebenezer Pomroy, Jr. 1702. June 30. Peletiah Glover. 1737. June 30. Hezekiah Wright. Ebenezer Pomroy. 1754. Jan. 25. William Ingersoll. 1715. Dec. 10. Peletiah Glover. Ebenezer Pomroy, Jr. Ebenezer Pomroy. 1755. Jan. 8. Robert Harris. 1722-3. Jan. 9. Joseph Hawley. • 1756. Sept. 14. Phineas Lyman. 1729. Oct. 10. Joseph Hawley. 1761. June 24. Ebenezer Pomroy. 1732. Dec. 28. William Partridge. Peletiah Glover. Robert Harris. Phineas Lyman. 1733. June 22. Josiah Sheldon. 1762. Mch. 25. Jonathan Leland. 1734. Dec. 27. Chris. Jacob Laughton. 1764. Feb. 1. Benjamin Day. 1735. June 27. Thomas Ingersol. Abraham Burbank. 1770. May 23. Josiah Rawson. PLYMOUTH 1694-5. Mch. 6. William Clarke. 1721-2. Mch. 16. Charles Little. 1700. June 7. Nathaniel Thomas, Joseph Otis. Jr. 1724. Dec. 15. Richard Davenport. John Little. 1702. June 30. Nathaniel Thomas, Joseph Otis. Jr. 1729. Oct. 10. Benjamin. Richard Davenport. 1702-3. Mch. 18. David Jacobs. John Little. 1715. Dec. 9. David Jacobs. David Jacobs. John Watson. 1731. Aug. 25. Benjamin Warren. 1719. Dec. 2. 9. Thomas Barker. Benjamin Warren. David Jacobs. John Sparhawk. List op Civil Officers. Coroners — Continued. 157 1733. June 22. James Arnold. Cornelius White. Samuel Edson. 1762. Jan. 28. Theophilus Cotton. Nathaniel Foster. Seth Bryant. 1733-4. Feb. 14. Isaac Lothrop, Jr., Daniel White. 21. Jacob Jacobs. Samuel Barker. 1734. Dec. 27. Benjamin Tucker. John Holman, Jr. David Jacobs. Peleg Bryant. 31. Nehemiah Gushing. William Sylvester. 1735. June 27. Samuel Barker, Jr. Nathaniel Sylvester. 1735-6. Jan. 9. Ezekiel Turner. Nehemiah Cushing. 1736. June 22. David Clap. Joseph Haskell. Thomas Turner. James Howard. Dec. 29. John Ruggles. DO Benjamin Tucker. 1740. Dec. 5. Josiah Sturtevant. John Haskell. 1743. Nov. 12. David Clap, Jr. Daniel Willis. 1743-4. Mcb. 6. Nathaniel Clap. John Clapp, Jr. 1744-5. Jan. 12. Wohn Willis. Amos Turner. 26. William Sylvester. Phinehas Cushing. Feb. 9. Theophilus Cotton. Increase Clapp. 1746. Aug. 9. Samuel Norton. John Torrey. 1748-9. Jan. 4. Pelcg Bryant. Caleb Turner. 11. Nathaniel Foster. Mch. 11. Joshua Stanford. 1749. Aug. 18. Daniel White. July 29. Jonathan Cobb. 1753. Jan. 2. Nathaniel Sylvester. 1763. Feb. 17. John Ruggles, Jr. 1754. Jan. 25. Nathaniel Foster. Dec. 7. John Wilks. Samuel Barker, Jr. 1764. Nov. 7. Isaac Little. Apr. 19. Consider Howland. Samuel Norton. 1765. Feb. 6. Josiah Smith. Nathan Howard. Edward Rowland, Jr. 1767. July 1. Samuel Savery. 1755. Jan. 8. Seth Bryant. 1771. June 12. Moses Inglee. June 26. John Clap, Jr. 1772. June 19. Hawkes Cushing. Oct. 10. Benjamin Tucker. 1773. Jan. 19. Silvanus "Uliite. 1756. Sept. 14. Thomas Turner. Daniel WiUis. Mch. 6. Josiah Edson, Jr. BRISTOL 1694-5. Mch. 6. Nathaniel Payne. 1718. June 27. Daniel C.-xrpenter. 1701. June 12. Samuel Little. 1724-5. Feb. 18. Edward Shove. Philip King. 1729. Oct. 10. Samuel Royal. Thomas Tabor. Daniel Carpenter. 1702. June 30. Samuel Little. Joseph Mason. Stephen Payne. 1732. July 7. John Foster, 1711. Apr. 19. Cli.nrlos Church. John Palmer. 1715. Dec. 10. Charles Church. Seth Williams. Constant Church. 1733. June 22. Samuel Royal. Comfort Carpenter. John Akin. 1718. Apr. 16. June 27. William Throop. Samuel Royall. Samuel Williams. Sylvester Richmond, Jr. 158 List of Civil Officers. Coroners — Continued. 1734. July 3. Joseph Russell. 1749. Apr. 18. Elnathan Walker. Dec. 27. James Willianos. 1754. Jan. 25. Ebenezer Dean. Elnathan Pope. 1755. Jan. 8. John Soule. Ephraim Leonard. John Crane. 1735-C. Jan. 2. Zephanlah Leonard. Joshua Knowles. 9. Capt. Samuel Cornett. Timothy Bourne. 1737. June 30. Gersboni Crane. Benjamin Williams. Dec. 29. Samuel Williams, Jr. 1756. Sept 14. Isaac Hodges. 1737-8. Jan. 13. Josiah Talbot. Joseph Hodges. 1759. Dec. 19. Benjamin Day. Daniel Bailey. 1738. Aug. 12. Henry Crane. Joseph Read. 17G1. Nov. 24. David Williams. Daniel Barney. 1740. Apr. 4. William Richmond. John Crane. July 5. David Williams. William Richmond. Ebenezer Dean. Benjamin Williams. Dec. 5. Ezekiel Carpentei-. John Soule. 1743. Nov. 3. Fobes Little. Isaac Hodges. 1743-4. Mcli. 13. John Palmer. Zephanlah Leonard. Josiah Talbot. Benjamin Day. Daniel Bailey. Nathaniel Leonard. Joseph Hodges. 1762. Jan. 28. Ebenezer Dean, Jr. David Williams. Ablel Perry, Jr. Moses Mendall. Benjamin Williams, Jr. Elijah Dean. Apr. 21. Caleb Church. Joseph Read. Joshua Richmond. Nathaniel Bos worth. 1763. Feb. 17. Jonathan Cobb. Daniel Barney. Lemuel Crane. Samuel Lee, Jr. John IngaU. Benjamin Wlldbore. 1764. June 8. John Crane. 1744. Aug. 18. John Crane, 1768. Feb. 24. Nathan Doggett. 1745-6. Feb. 8. Abraham Tucker. 1771. Apr. 16. Benajah Barney. 1747-8. Mch. 1. Israel Dean. June 27. Seth Pope. 1748. Apr. 15. Samuel Tyler. 1772. June 17. Isaac Greenwood. Nov. 8. Ablel Terry. 1773. Mch. 2. William Dean. ' 18. Israel Tupper. 1774. Feb. 7. James Williams, Jr. BAENSTABLE. 1694-5. Mch. 6. Thomas Freeman. 1715. Dec. 10. Ebenezer Hawes. 1700. June 7. Shubael Smith. John Chipman. Samuel Freeman. 1717. Nov. 12. Samuel Treat. Josias Thatcher. 1721-2. Mch. 16. Ezra Bourne. 1702. June 30. Shubael Smith. Stephen Sklffe. Samuel Freeman. 31. Josiah Knowles. 1702-3. Mch. 18. Peter Thatcher. Sept. 9. Samuel Annlbal. 1710. June 8. Ebenezer Ilawes. 1727. Dec. 26. Ezekiel Cushlng. Aug. 24. Seth Williams. 1729. Aug. 28. Jndah Thatcher. 1715. Dec. 10. Peter Thatcher. Samuel Freeman. Oct. 10. Nathan Bassett. Ezekiel Gushing. List op Civil Officers. Coroners — Continued. 159 1729. Oct. 10. Samuel Treat. 1744. Dec. 21. Samuel Bourne. Josiah Knowles. 1747. June 27. Jonathan Bourne. Samuel Annibal. 1747-8. Mch. 1. Seth Winslow. Stephen Skiffc. 1748. Nov. 18. Isaac Hinckley, Jr. 1731. Aug. 25. Ezekiel Gushing. 1751. Apr. 25. David Sears, Jr. Samuel Treat. 1753. Jan. 2. Barnabas Freemen. Samuel Annibal. Benjamin Gorham. Stephen Sklife. 1755. Oct. 10. James Bgurne. Judah Thatcher. 1758. June 22. Heman Stone. Thomas AVinslow. 1759. Mch. 8. Stephen Hallett. Sept. 1. Ptichard Knowles. John Knowles. Thomas Clark, Jr. John Davis. 1762. Jan. 21. Benjamin Gorham. Samuel Bourne. Joshua Atkins. James Bourne. 1733-4. Feb. 14. Edward Sturges. Silas Bourne. Heman Stone. Stephen Hallett. 1787. Nov. 18. Samuel Hallett. 1763. Feb. 17. Samuel Jenkins, Jr. 1739. Oct. 5. Samuel Bourne. 1764. Feb. 1. Cornelius Sampson. 1740. Dec. 5. William Roach. 17G5. Feb. 6, Joshua Knowles. 9. Moses MendaU. Solomon Freeman. 1713. Jan. 27. Joshua Atkins. Winslow Lewis. 1743-4. Mch. 6. Samuel Annibal, Jr. John Sturges. 1708. Nov. 30. James CoveU. YORK. 1694-5. Mch. 6. Jonathan Hammond. 1746. Sept. 6. Henry Simpson, Jr. 1700. June 7. Joseph Hammond, Jr. 1747. Sept. 11. William Leighton, Jr. 1706. June 8. Charles Frost. 1749. Apr. 18. John Davis. 1707. June 5. Capt. Lewis Bane. June 29. Joseph Pope. 1708. Jsne 15. Lewis Bane. 1751. Apr. 25. Joshua Bangs. 1715. Dec. 13. Lewis Bane. 1753. Sept. 17. Thomas Scale. 1721-2. Mch. 9. Samuel Came. 1754. Jan. 25. Elijah Royal. 1729. June 2.5. Joseph Banks. 1756. July 9. Benjamin Gemsh. Dec. 20. Samuel Moody. 1758. June 22. Jeremy Hill. George Hammond. 1761. Nov. 20. Elihu Gunnison. 1731. July 9. Joseph Banks. Samuel IMoody. Benjamin Gcrrish. Henry Simpson. 1733-4. Feb. 21. Jeremiah Moulton. 176.3. Feb. 17. John Frost, Jr. 1734. June 28. Elilm Gunnison. Humphrey Chadbourne. Dec. 27. Jonathan Prebble. Amlrew Bradstreet. 1735-6. Jan. 2. Jonas Mason. 1771. Apr. 16. Edward Emerson. 1737. June 30. Samuel Came, Jr. 1774. Feb. 7. Joseph Hobbs. 1740. June 28. Daniel Moulton. Benjamin Staples. NANTUCKET. 1708. June 15. George Gardner. 1731. June 30. Daniel Bunker. 1715. Dec. 13. Joseph Coffin. 1747. Sept. 11. Caleb Bunker. 17lN). Oct. 10. Pcleg Bunker. John Butler. 1702. Aug. 5. Timotliy Folger. 160 List of Civil Officers. Coroners — Continued. DUKES. 1697. Oct. 14. John Butler. 1731. June 30. Nathan Bassett. 1713. Dec. 9. John Butler. William Hunt. 13. Benjamin Hawse. 1732. July 7. Simeon Butler. 1716. June 15. Nathaniel Bassett 1734. July 3. Thomas Daggett. 1717. Nov. 12. Nathan Bassett. 1761. Oct. 16, Robert Allen. 1721. Nov. IQ. John Norton. Thomas Daggett. WORCESTER. 1731. June 30. James Wilder. 1759. Mch. 8. Noah Sparhawk. Seth Chapin. 1762. Jan. 21. John Curtis. Joseph Wright. Josiah Brewer. 1733. June 22. Gershom Rice. Charles Richardson. 1735. Apr. 19. Edward Goddard, Jr. Benjamin Reed. 1737. June 30. Othniel Taylour. Hezekiah Ward. 1737-8. Jan. 13. Oliver Wilder. Josiah Wolcott. 1738-9. Jan. 12. Samuel Chandler. Joseph Hartwell. 1741. July 16. William Rawson, Jr. Manasseh Stone. 1742. July 8. Hezekiah Ward. Edward Raymond. 1744. Dec. 27. Joseph Wilder, Jr. William Ayres. Alpheus Fletcher. Edward Rawson. 1745-6. Jan. 24. Gardner Chandler. Mch. 11. William King. 1746-7. Jan. 14. Jabez Lyon. William Richardson. 1747. Dec. 12. Samuel Barton. Apr. 21. Nathaniel Green. David Wilder. 1766. Feb. 5. John Black. 1748-9. Jan. 4. John Murray. 1768. Feb. 24. Samuel Mower. Thomas Hudson. 1770. May 9. Mark Lincoln. 1753. Sept. 17. Charles Richardson. 1771. Apr. 19. Joseph Craig. 1754. Jan. 25. Benjamin Reed, Jr. 1772. Apr. 1. Nathan Goodale. Edward Goddard. Aug. 26. Seth Hapgood. Apr. 19. John Caldwell. Obadiah Rice. 1773. Jan. 19. Silas Jones. Timothy Ruggles, Jr. 1756. July 9. Asa Flagg. 1774. Feb. 7. Gardner Chandler. 1759. Mch. 8. Nathaniel Adams. LINCOLN 1760. Oct. 3L Jonathan Preble. 1770. May 23. Mason Wheaton. 1761. Jan. 24. Abraham Preble. 1771. Apr. 19. Benjamin Shute. Oct. 16. Jonathan Preble. Daniel McFaden. 1763. Sept 7. Edmund Bridge. 1772. Mch. 4. Thomas Boyd. CUMBERLAND 1760. Oct. 31. Joshua Bangs. Thomas Scales. 1761. Oct. 16. Thomas Scales. 1701. Oct. 16. Joshua Bangs. 1763. Feb. 24. Brice McLeUan. 1772. June 17. Peleg Chandler. List of Civil Officers. Coroners — Concluded. 161 BERKSHIRE 1761. June 24. William Ingersoll. 1765. June 20. Israel Dickinson. 1771. June 27. William Day. 1771. 1772. 1774. June 27. David Sandford. June 19. Erastus Sergeant. Feb. 10. William Goodrich. 162 List of Civil Officers. NOTARIES PUBLIC. Sampson Sheaffe, John Higginson. Stephen Sewall. Jolin Valentine, to officiate in the absence of Sampson Sheaffe. Joseph Valentine. John Valentine and Nathaniel Shannon, for Suffolk. Nathaniel Payne, for Bristol ; Stephen Sewall, for Essex ; John Valentine. Arthur Savage. Joseph Hiller. Joseph Hiller and Samuel Tyley (Boston) ; Stephen Sewall (.Salem) ; Stephen Jaques (Newbury) ; John Dyer (Plymouth) ; Ebenezer Bren- ton (Bristol) ; William Pepperlll (Kittery). Hiller, Tyley, Sewall, Dyer ; also Stephen Jaques, Jr. (Newbury) ; William Throop (Bristol) ; John Newman, Jr. (Kittery). Hiller, Tyley, Sewall, Jaques, Dyer ; also Timothy Fales (Bristol) ; Charles Frost (Kittery). Hiller, Tiley, Jaques, Dyer, Fales, Frost ; also Mitchell Sewall (Salem). Tyley, Sewall, Jaques, Dyer, Fales, Frost; also Benjamin Rolfe (Boston). Same list, except Nathan Bowen in place of Sewall for Salem. Tyley, Rolfe, Sewall, Jaques, Fales, Frost ; also John Spaxhawk (Plymouth). Tyley, Rolfe, Sewall, Fales, Frost ; also Ebenezer Choate (Newbury) ; Samuel Bartlett (Plymouth). Same list, adding Richard Dana (Salem and Marblehead). Tyley, Rolfe, Sewall, Dana, Choat, Fales ; also John Winslow (Plymouth) ; Richard Cutt, Jr. (Kittery). Same, adding Samuel Sturgis, Jr. (Barnstable). Tyley, Rolfe, Sewall, Choat, WInslow, Sturgis, Cutt ; also Nathan Bowen (Salem) ; Stephen Payne (Bristol) ; Moses Pierson (Falmouth). Same list, adding Joseph Allen, Jr. (Gloucester). Samuel Tyley, Samuel Gerrish (Boston) ; IMItchell Sewall, Nathan Bowen, Daniel WItham (Salem) ; Charles Pierce (Newbury) ; Edward WInslow (Plymouth) ; John Sturgis (Barnstable) ; Stephen Paine (Bristol) ; Richard Cutt (Kittery) ; Samuel Moody (Falmouth) ; Daniel* Bunker (Nantucket). 17-il. June 31. Tyley, Sewall, Bowen, WItham, Pierce, Sturgis, Paine, Bunker ; also Ezeklel Goldthwaite (Boston) ; James Hovey (Plymouth) ; Jabez Fox (Falmouth), 1747. June 24. Ezeklel Goldthwaite and Samuel Holbrook (Boston) ; Mitchell Sewall, John Chlpman, Jr., William Parsons and William Atkins (Salem); Edward Winslow (Plymouth) ; Solomon Otis (Barnstable) ; Ellhu Gun- nison, Jr. (Kittery) ; Daniel Moulton (York) ; John Norton (Edgar- town) ; John Bunker (Nantucket). 1749. June 22. Same list, with James Jeffry in the room of Sewall (SaJem) ; adding Enoch Freeman (Falmouth). 1750. June 20. Goldthwaite Holbrook, Jeffries, Chlpman, Atkins, Winslow, Otis, Gunnison, Moulton, Norton and Bunker, adding Daniel WItham (Gloucester) and Stephen Longfellow (Falmouth). 1692. July 21. 1696. June 4. 1698. June 3. 1699. July 25. 1712. Oct. 24. 1715. Dec. 10. 1719. June 27. Nov. 25. June — . 1724. June 12. 1725. June 15. 1726. June 21. 1727. June 28. 1728. June 12. 1731. Jan. 5. 1732. July 4. 1733. June 21. 1734. June 13. 1735. June 18. 1736. June 22. 1737. July 5. 1740. July 2. List of Civil Officers. 163 Notaries Public — Concluded. Same list. Same list. Same list, dropping Holbrook and adding Ezekiel Price (Boston). Same list, adding Charles Chauncey, Jr. (Kittery), in place of Gunnison. Goldthwait, Price, Atkins, Chipman, Witbam, Winslow, Otis, Moulton, Chauncey, Longfellow, Norton and Bunker ; adding John Nutting (Newbury), in place of Jeffries. Same list, adding Thomas Foster, Jr. (Plymouth), in place of Winslow. Same list, with Edward Winslow (Plymouth), in place of Foster. Goldthwait, Price, Nutting, Chipman, Atkins, AVInslow, Otis, Moulton, Chauncey, Longfellow, Norton and Bunker. Same list, adding Daniel Witham (Gloucester), and Obed Husscy (Nan- tucket), in place of Bunker. Same list, adding also Thomas Gilbert and Elisha Tobey (Bristol) ; John Wheelwright (Wells) ; and Thomas Moulton (Lincoln). Goldthwait, Price, Nutting, Chipman, Witham, Atkins, Winslow, Otis, Gilbert, Tobey, D. Moulton, Chauncey, Longfellow, Norton, T. Moulton, Ilussey. Same list, adding Henry AUine, Jr. (Boston), in place of Price. Same list, adding Samuel Sawyer (Ipswich) ; Thomas Smith (Falmouth) ; John Wheelwright (Wells). 1766. Feb. 11. Goldthwait, Alline, Nutting, Sawyer, Chipman, Atkins, Witham, Winslow, Otis, Smith, Gilbert, Tobey, Norton, Ilussey, D. Moulton, Chauncey, Wheelwright, Longfellow, T. Moulton. 1767. Feb. 12. Same list, adding John Pease, Jr. (Edgartown). 1768. Feb. 11. Same list, adding also Nathaniel Gorham (Charlestown). 1770. Mch. 30. Dudson Kilcup (Boston) ; Alline, Nutting, Sawyer, Thomas King (Marljlc- head) ; Atkins, Witham, Gorham, Ephraim Spooner (Plymouth) ; Otis, Joseph Parker CFalmouth) ; Jerathmeel Bowers (Bristol) ; Tobey, Pease, Stephen Hussey (Nantucket) ; D. Moulton, Chauncey, Wheelwright, Jonathan Webb (Falmouth) ; T. Moulton. 1771. April 11. Same list; Thomas Bragdon (York), in place of Daniel ]\Ioulton. 1772. April 17. Same list, with D. Moulton (York), for Bragdon, and adding Winslow Lewis (Falmouth). 1773. Jan. 28. Kilcup, Alline, Nutting, Sawyer, King, Atkins, Witham, Gorham, Otis, Parker, Lewis, Joseph Doane (Chatham) ; Bowers, Tobey, Pease, Hus- sey, D. Moulton, Chauncey, Wheelwright, Webb, T. Moulton. 1774. Feb. 3. Same list, adding Ephraim Sj)Ooner (Plymoutli), and Theophilus Parsons (Falmouth), in place of Webb. 1751. June 20. 1752. June 3. 1753. June 19. 1754. Dec. 24. 1755. Dec. 17. 1756. June 4. 1757. June 8. 1760. Feb. 1. 1761. Jan. 8. 1762. Feb. 4. 1763. Jan. 27. 1764. Jan. 18. 1765. Jan. 13. INDEX NO. I. [Containing all the names in the preceding pages, excepting those of Justices of the Peace and of Coroners which are separably indexed.] Adams, 11, 65. Addington, 26, 27,31, 44, 46,47, 48, 49, 50, 77, 80. Albro, 30. Alcot, 45, 57. Alden, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. Aldersey, 11, 19. Alford, 54, 55. Allen, 32, 45, 57, 115, 116, 117. Allerton, 37. Allvn, 30, 105. Almy, 71, 73, 100, 101. Andros, 18, 30, 31. Appleton, 26, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 82, 83, 84, 86. Arnold, 30, 95, 97. Ashley, 91, 123. Asliiirst, 34. Athearu, 117. Atherton, 23, 27. Atwood. 36, 37. Austin, 65. Bacon, 39, 104. Bane, 75. Bant, 72. Barker, 97. Barnes, 32. Bassett, 98, 103, 105, 106, 117. Baxter, 31, 104, 113. Bayard, 31. Belcher, 31, 43, 47, 48, 49,50,51, 52, 53, 62, 65, 80. Bellingham, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24. Bellomont, 43. Bernard, 43. Berrv, 55, 56, 57, 58, 72, 83, 86. Bill,'56. Blagrove, 100, 102. Boardman, 88, 90. Bond, 31, 66, 89. Bourne, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 72, 73, 76, 84, 104, 105, 106, 113. Boutineau, 64. Bo wdoin, 57 . 58, 60, 6 1 , 62. 63, 65. Bowen, 101. Bowers, 65. Bowiuan, 120. Buvdell, 80. Bradbury, 01, 62, 63. Bradford, 28, 29, 30, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 45, 46, 47, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 95, 97, 101. Bradstreet, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 34, 45. Brattle, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 73, 77, 124. Brenton, 99, 102. Brewer, 71. Bridges, 22, 23, 27. Brock, 113. Brockholst, 31. Bromfield, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52. Brousden, 72. Browne, 11, 26, 28, 31, 37, 38, 39, 40, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 64, 70, 7^, 75, 82, 83, 84, 99. Bryant, 120. Bulkeley, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 34. Bunker, 112, 113, 114. Burchstead, 65. Burgess, 43. Burnet, 43. Burrill, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 66, 71, 72, 83, 84. Bvfield, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53,64, ' 65,66,71, 72,78.99,102,125. Came, 55, 50, 108, 109. Campbell, 79. Carver, 35. Cary, 89, 102. Chadbourne, 63. Chamberlain, 32, 33. Chambers, 53, 54, 87. Cliampernoon, 30. Chandler, 53, 54. 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 73, 118, 119. Checkley, 75, 79, 124. Cheever, 33, 57, 58, 59, 60, 73. Chipman, 115. Clioate. 01, 62, 83, 84, 86. Cliurch. 49. 64, 99, 100, 101, 120. Chip]), 96, 97. Clarke, 25, 27. 30. 36, .50, 51, 52, 53, 54, ')'), 04, 65, 66, 71. Coddingtou. 19, 21. Coffin. 54, 75, 78, 84, 112, 113, 114, 115. 116. CoggesluiU. 30. Collier, 28, 37, 38, 39. Conant, 11. Converse, 66, 125. Cooke, 26, 27, 31, 34, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 64, 66, 67, 68, 75, 78, 80. Cooper, 81. Corwin, 45, 46. 47, 48. 49, 50, 64, 68, 75, 82, 85, 80, 125. Cotton, 81,96,97, 98, 105. Cradock, 11. Croade, 86, 97. Crocker, 104, 105. Cudworth, 28, 29,36, 39, 40. Curtis, 89, 110. Cushing, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71. 72, 73, 76, 83, 95, 96, 98, 105, 113, 120, 121. Cutt, 59, 60, 61. 110. Dantorth. 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29. 31, 46, 47, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 68, 73, 75, 79, 88, 89, 90, 120. Davenport, 50, 51, 52, 53,54,55, 69, 71, 72. Davis, 45, 46, 99. 105. Daw. 25, 26, 33. Denison, 23. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 85. Dennie. 120. Derby, 63. Dexter. 62, ij^, 65. Doane, 105. Donnell, 45, 46. 47, 107. Dowse, 51, 52, .53, 54. 87. 89. Dudley, 16, 18, 21. 22,23, 25, 26, 2S,'29, 30. 32, 43, 44, 51. .52, 53, 53, .54. 56. 57, 64, 65, 66, 67,69,71,72,77,78. 79. 124. Dummer, 19, 21, 31, 43, 44, 51, 52, 56. 65. 77, 89. Duncan, 34. Dwigl.t. 57, .58,66,91, 92, 94, 118, 119. 123. Dyer. 32. 79. Eaton, 11. Edson. 64, 97. 105. Endecott, 11, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. 28. EiH's, 49, .52. 53, .54, .55, 04, 65. Erviug, 59, 60, 61, 62, 03, 64. 166 Index. Kstwick, 32, 33. Kyrc, 31. Fairfield, CG, 67. FalcH, 101. Farlt^y, 65. Ffssnulcn, 00. Fislicr, 26, 27. Fitcli, 50, 51, 52, 58, 54, 55, 71, 73. Flaffff, 119. Fletcher, 89. Flint, 22, 23. Fluclver, 44, 61, 62, 64. Flvnt. 20. Fo'lfrer, 114. Foster, 31, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 65, 74, 77, 88, 89, 96, 97, 105. Fowle, 84. Fox, 59. Foxcroft, 11, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 79, 87, 89, 90. Fove, 45, 56, 57, 58. Freeman, 37, 39,40, 56, 103, 105, 121,122. Frizell, 72. Frost, 46, 51, 52, 73, 75, 107, 108, 109, 110. 111. Frve, 84, 86. Fulliam, 79, 87. Gao-.., 44. Gallop, 101. Gardner, 32, 75, 112, 113, 114. Gayer, 75. Geare, 112. Gedney, 26, 30, 31, 45, 46, 75, 82, 84, '85, 86. Gerrisli, 54, 55, 63, 65, 108, 109, 111. Gibbons, 23. Gibbs, 83. Gilbert, 101. Glover, 23. Goddard, 55, 65. Godfrey, 101. Goffe, 11, 71, 89. Goldtliwaite, 120. Gookin, 23, 24, 25, 26, 79. 89, 119. Gorliam, 56, 57, 76, 103, 104, 105, 106. Gowen, 63, 109. Gray, 45, 61, 62, 63,64, 110. Greaves, 69, 72, 79, 87, 88, 89. Greene, 30, 32, 34, 64, 79. Greenleaf, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 65, 73. 79, 84. Gridley. 124. Guild, 71. Gunnison. 108, 110. Hale, 85. Hall, 63, 79. Hallowav, 71. Hammond, 33, 47, 48. 51, 52, 53, 54, 64, 75, 107, 108. 110, 111. Hancock, 60, 61, 63, 65. Harlakenden, 21. Hartwell, 118, 119. Harwood, 19. Hastings, 93. Hatch. 65, 78, 79. Hatherly, 28, 36, 37, 38. Uathorne, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 68, 75, 82, Hawley, 32,65, 91. Hayman, 45, 48, 64, 87. Ilaynes, 10, 21. Hedge, 106. Henshaw, 63, 65. Hibbens, 22, 23, 34. Higginson, 47, 48. 49, 50, 51, 75, 82, 84, 86, 89. Hill, 27, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 75, '107,108,109,110,111. Hinckes, 30, 33. Hinckley, 28, 29 , 30, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 45, 105, 120. Hitchcock, 93. Hobson, 63, 66, 67. Holman, 97. Holyoke, 32. Hooke, 32, 46, 75, 107. . Hooper, 60, 64. Hopkins, 37. Hough, 21. Howard, 120. Rowland, 37. Hubbard, 27. 56, 57, 60, 61, 62, 63, 67, 69, 72, 73, 100, 101, 102. Hull, 19, 26. Humfrey, 11, 16, 21. 22, 34, 63. Hunt, 48, 49, 64, 113. Hussey, 113. Hutchins, 11. Hutchinson, 26, 31, 43. 44,45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 66, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 77, 78, 79, SO, 89. 125. Jeffries, 55. 56, 57, 73. Jenuey, 37. Jennison, 118. Jewitt, 66. Johnson, 11, 21, 26, 31, Joyliffe. 31, 45. Kent, 84. Kirke, 17. Kneeland, 90, Langdoh, 71. Lawrence, 88, 89. Lechmere, 64. Lee, 64, 73, 74, 88, 89. Legg, 48, 77. Leighton, 110. Leonard, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, G3, 64, 65, 99, 100, 101. 102. Leverett, 17, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 48,49,66,68,71,90. Lewis, 54. 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 72. Lincoln, 59, 60, 61, 62, 73, 79. Lindall, 53, 54, 66, 67, 83. Lithgow, 120. Little, 57, 65, 95, 97. Livermore, 89. Lombard, 120, 121. Longfellow, 122; Loring, 64. Lothrop, 30, 40, 45, 47, 54, 55, 95, 96,97,103,104,105,106,113, 116. Ludlow, 16, 21. Lusher, 24. Lyde, 77. Lynde, 31, 33, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 77, 83, 84, 86, 87. McCobb, 120. Mackintosh, 99. Manning, 32. Marion, 80. Marsh, 123. Marshfield, 32, 93. Marston, 72, 83, 85. Mason, 45, 121. Mather, 34, 93. Mayhew, 65, 75,76, 113, 115, 116, 117. Middlecott, 45. Milliken, 121. Minot, 58, 59, 60, 65, 79, 121. Mitchelson, 34. Moody, 108, 109, 110. Morton, 36, 95. Moulton, 55, 56, 57,' 58, 108, 109, 110, 111. Murray, 64, 119. Neal, 3'2. Nelson, 31. Newberry, 30. Newton,"75, 124. Nicbolson, 30. Nordeu, 49,50, 51,52, 71. North, 120. Norton, 34, 65, 115, 116, 117. Nowell, 11, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 29, 32, 34. Noves, 49, 50, 51,|52, 53, 64, 82. Oakes, 34, 64, 66, 67. Oliver, 31, 44, 50, 52, 53, 54, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 66, 70, 73, 77, 84, 96. Osborne, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61. Otis, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 65, 67, 76, 95, 103, 104, 106, 124. Overing, 124. Page, 32. Paine, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 61, 62, 64,65,74,79,80,81,99,100, 101,102,103,119,125. . Palmer, 31, 52, 53, 54, 55,64. 77, Parker, 31, 103. Parsons, 76, 91. Partridge, 82, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 76, 91, 98, 94. Pearson, 121, 122. Peck 99. Peirce, 31, 46, 47, 48, 82. Pelham, 22, 28. Pemberton, 72. Peuhallow, 109. Penn, 34. Pepperrell, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 64, 75, 107, 108. Perry, 11. Peter, 84. Phillips, 31. 45, 46, 47.'48, 49, 50, 63, 65, 87, 89. Index. 167 Phillipse, 31. Phips, 43, 44, 52, 53, 54, 89, 90. Pickman, 59, 00, 83. Pike, 26, 31,45,46. Pits, 62, 63. Plaisted, 48, 49, 50, GO, 61, 75,111. Pocock, 34. Pollard, 79. Pomerov, 55, 92, 93. Porter, 59, 60, 91, 92, 93. Povey, 44. Powell, 62,63, 64, 121. Pownall, 43. Preble, 63, 107, 108^ 110. Prence, 28, 29, 35, 36, 37, 38. Prescott, 65, 72, 89. Purchase, 20, 26. Pynclion, 11, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 46, 47, 50, 51, 58, 59,60,61,73,76,91,92,93,94. QuJncy, 31, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,57, 58,59, 65, 66,i67, 69, 71, 79, 125. Randolph, 18, 33. Rawson, 18. Reed, 56, 57, 78, 79, 124. Reminfrion, 53, 54, 55, 56, 69, 71, 72, 87, 90. Rice, 119, 120. Richards, 26, 27, 31, 83, 34, 45, 46, 68, 73, 75. Richmond, 102. Robinson, 105. Rogers, 84, 86. Ropes, 61, 62. 70, 73, 84, 86, 120. Ross, 120, 121. Rossiter, 21. Royall, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65. Ruchbrock, 76. Ruffgles, 61. 64, 67, 118, 120. Russell, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26,27,31, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61. 62, 63, 64, 70, 73, 87, 88, 90, 105, 106, 125. Baffin, 27, 46, 47, 64, 68, 99. Sultonstall, 11, 21, 22, 24, 25. 26, 30, 31, 45, 46, 57, 69, 73, 74, 82, 85. Sanford, 30. Sarson, 117. Saunders, 63, 65. Savage, 26. 27. 89. Sawyer, 73, HO. Sayer, 109, 110. Say ward. 111. Scottow, 32, 33. Sergeant, 31, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 64, 75, 77, 84. Sever, 62, 63, 96, 97. Sewall, 26, 32, 45, 46, 47,48, 49, 50, 51, 52. 53, 59. 60, 68, 69, 71, 73, 75, 80, 86, 111, 124, 125. Sharpe,21. Shirley, 43, 80. Shrimpton, 30, 31, 46. Shute, 43, 72. Simpson. 64. Skiffe. 75, 103, 115, 117. Smith, 20. 30, 31, 40, 75, 104, 110, 116, 117. Soutlier, 36. Southworth. 28, 36, 38, 39, 40. Sparhawk, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 73, 109. Sparrow, 103. Spooner, 63. 65. Sprague, 31. 36. Standish, 36, 37, 88. Steele, 118, 119. Stockbridge. 97, 122. Stoddard, 48, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 64, 65, 69, 76, 78, 79, 91, 92, 93, 94, 123. Stone, 54, 55, 106. Storer, 110. Stoughton, 18, 21, 22. 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44, 46, 47, 68, 75, 80. Sturgis. 105. Sumner, 116. Swan. 90. Svraonds. 17, 22, 23, 24, 25. Taller, 43, 44, 45, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 125. Tasker, 83. Thatcher, 40, 46, 47, 54, 103, 104, 113, 116. Thaxter. 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 72, 97, 113. Thomas, 37, 88, 46, 47, 64. 68, 76, 95, 98, 105. Thompson, 105. Tliroop. 65. Tilton, 26, 91, 116, 117. Tobey, 101. TowAsend, 31, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 64, 66, 71, 77, 89, 125. Treat, 30. Trowbridge, 61, 62, 70, 124. Tufts, 89. Tupper, 114. Turner, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56. Tyler, 61,62,63. Tyng. 19, 24, 25, 26, 30. 32, 87, 88, 89, 122. Usher, 19, 30, 32. Van Courtlandt, 31. Vane, 16, 21. Vassal), 11, 21, 64, 78. Venn, 11. Vyall, 100. Wadswoi-th, 54, 55, 95. Wainright, 88, 84, 85. Waldo, 57, 00, 122. Waldron, 27, H8. Wallev, 30, 40, 45, 46, 47. 48, 49, 68."l25. Ward. 63, 65, 87, 118, 119. Warren, 76, 95, 97, 98. Washborne, 18. Waterhouse. 31. Watson, 64. Watts, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 67, 78. Wayt, 27. Welde, 34. Welles, 55, 56, 58, 78, 89. Wendell, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 89. West, 18. Wliarton, 30. Wlleel\^Tight, 46, 47, 49, 50. 51, 52, 53, 54, 57, 58, 59, 75, 107, 108, 111. Whitcomb, 11, 63. White, 62. 65. 67, 73, 120. Wiggin, 23, 24. Wilder, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 65, 72, 118, 119. Willard, 23, 24, 25, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 64, 80, 118. ^ Willctt, 38, 39. Williams, 54, 55, 56, 60, 61, 62, 64, 72, 79, 92, 93, 94, 100, 101, 123. Willis, 101. Will.mgliby, 16, 17, 23, 24. Winchcomb, 32. Winslow, 28. 29. 35. 37. 38, 39, 48, 49, 50. 51, 52, 53, 54. 55, 64, 71, 78, 79, 95, 96, 97, 98, 104, 105, 113. Winthrop, 11, 16, 21, 22. 28,80, 31, 34. 45. 46. 47, 48. 49, 50, 51. 52, 53, 54, 63, 64, 68, 72, 75, 77, 78. Wolcott, 71. 83. Woodhridge. 26, 63, 64, 123. Woodbury, 101. Wortli. 112, 116, 117. ^Vorthingtou, 62, 64. Wright. 11. Yeauians, 72. Young, 31. INDEX No. II [Containing the names, of Justices oftlie Peace and of Coroners.'] Note. The reader must bear in mind the fact that the mode of spelling surnames has varied within the last two centuries, and he must therefore look under all possible variations, which do not atiect the sound of any given name. The index has been prepared with the idea of arranging all similar names under one head. Thus, no attention is given to such variations as : Allen — Alliu ; Corwin — Curwin : Payne — Paine ; More -^ Moor ; Welles — Wells ; Ser- geant — Sargent; Pierson — Pearson; Bolles — Bowles. A distinction is made in Gardiner and Gardner, Bowdoin and Bowdeu, where the correct pronunciation marks a ditfereuce in the names. Names of course are often repeated on a page. Abbey, 156. Abbot, 131. Adams, 128, 129, 131, 153/154, 160. Aiken, 144,. 157. Alden, 141, 143. Alford, 127. 128, 136. Allen, 127, 138, 134,135, 143, 149, 152, 154, 160. Alleyn, 131, 163. Almy, 143. Andrews, 153, 154. Anuibal, 158, 159. Appleton, 132, 133, 135, 154. Apthorp, 139. Arnold, 140, 141, 157. Ashley, 139, 140, 150, 153. Athearne, 135, 149. Atherton, 150. Atkins, 139, 133, 134, 135, 159, 163. Auchmutv, 131. Austin, 130. Avery, 131. Ayres, 150, 155, 160. Bacon, 145, 146. Badcock, 153. Bag-ley, 133, 133, 134, 135, 151, 153. Baily, 136, 133, 158. Baker, 133, 150. Baldwin, 139. Ballantine, 127, 128. Balstoue, 128, 130. Bancroft, 189, 155. Bane, 147, 148, 159. Bangs, 159, 160. Barker, 131, 135, 141, 156, 157. Barnard, 183, 134, 139, 150. Barns, 138. Barney, 158. Bartlett, 141, 143, 155, 163. Barton, 133, 135, 160. Barrett, 131. Baron, 151. Bassett, 145, 158, 160. Bjixter, 145. Belcher, 138, 130. Benjamin, 156. Bennett, 153. Bernard, 131. Berry, 133, 133. Bethune, 128, 130, 131. Beton, 138. Bill, 127, 138. Billing, 140. Bird, 128. Bisby, 141. Black, 160. Blackman, 154. Blagroye, 143. Blaisdell, 155. Blake, 153. Blanchard, 137. Blaney, 133, 134, 135. Bliss, 189, 140, 151. Blodgett, 155. Boardman, 137, 138, 155. Bolles, 127, 128, 155. Bond, 135, 136, 137. Borland, 128, 130, 131, 138. Bosworth, 158. Bourn, 127, 139, 130, 184, 141, 144, 145, 146, 158, 159. Boutineau, 139. Bowden, 154. Bowditch, 184, 135, 154, 155. Bowdoin, 138, 129, 131. Bowen, 135, 143, 144, 162. Bowers, 185, 144, 168. Bott-man, 136, 187, 138, 151. Boyd, 160.. Bo^lston, 138, 129, 130. Bradbury, 133, 133, 147, 148, 153, 155 Bradford, 141, 143, 143, 144. Bradstreet, 182, 159. Bragdon, 147, 148. Brattle, 126, 133, 136, 137, 139. Bremer, 137. Brenton, 126, 142, 163. Brett, 140. Brewer, 150, 154, 160. Brewster, 153. Bridge, 160. Brigdon, 150. Brigham, 138, 140, 151. Brightman, 144. Brinley, 138, 130. Brock, 148. Bromfield, 136, 137, 151. Brooks, 137, 138. Brown, 137, 139, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 141, 142, 143, 144, 152, 154. Bryant, 136, 141, 143, 157. Buckman, 137. Buckminster, 136, 137, 138. Bulfinch, 131. Bull, 152. Bullard, 153. Bullock, 144. Bulman, 147. Bunker, 148, 159, 162. Burbank, 140, 156. Burleigh, 138, 134, 155. Burrili, 137, 132, 135. Burt, 140. Butler, 149, 159, 160. By field, 137. Cabot, 135, 155. Caldwell, 150, 160. Calef, 135, 148. Came, 146, 147, 159. Campbell, 137, 150. Can ad y, 144. Capen, 153, 154. Cargill, 147. Carlton, 151. Carperter, 144, 157, 158. Carter, 135. Cary, 136, 137, 138. Cawley, 133, 133. Chadbourne, 147, 148, 159. Chadwick, 152. Index. 169 Chamberlain, 15G. Chambers, 127, 136, 137. Chandler, 12G, 127, 149, 150, 151, 153, 160. Chapin, 126, IGO. Chapman, 149. Chardon, 129. Chauncv, 140, 148, 163. Checkly, 126, 127, 128. Cheever, 128, 135, 137, 138, 139. Chipman, 135, 149, 155, 158, 162. Choate, 133, 134, 154, 155, 162. Church, 142, 143, 157, 158. Clapp,131, 141,142, 157. Clark, 126, 127, 128, 129, 136, 145, 149, 155, 156, 159. Cobb, 144, 157, 158. Cockle, 135. Coffin, 129, 131, 135, 148, 149, 154, 159. CofTfrswell, 133, 155. Collier, 153, 154. Collins, 134, 155. Colman, 128. Converse, 136, 137, 138, 150. Cooke, 126, 139. Coolidge, 137. Corbett, 155. Cornett, 158. Corwin, 132, 134. Cotnam, 185. Cottle, 149. Cotton, 137,141, 142, 146, 157. Covell, 159. Cradock, 129, 130. Crafts, 154. Craig, 160. Crane, 143, 144, 158. Crawford, 151. Croade, 141, 142. Crock(;r, 145, 146. Crofts, 153. Crosby, 128, 131. Cross, 153. Crouch, 139, 140. Cummings, 138. Currier, 132. Curtis, 137, 160. Cushing, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 134, 135, 140, 141, 142, 147, 151, 157, 158, 159. Cutt, 147, 148, 162. Daggcitt, 158, 160. Dakin, 156. Dalton, 134, 135. Dana, 129, 130, 137. 138, 162. Dane, 154. Daiiforth, 126, 127, 128, 135, 136, 137, 139. Davenport, 126, 127, 153, 154, 156. Davis, 134, 143, 145, 150, 154. 159. Dawes, 153, 154. Dav, 156, 158, 161. Dean,153, 154, 158. Death, 137. Deering. 128. 131 , 147. Denison, 126. Denny, 139, 147, 151. Derby, 135. Dexter, 131. Dickinson, 160. Dix, 139, 156. Doane, 128, 144, 145, 140, 163. Dole, 155. Donnell, 146, 147, 148. Dorr, 151. Dorrell, 153. Downe, 128, 150. Dowse, 127, 135, 136, 187. Drummond, 151. Dudley, 126, 127, 128, 131, 149. Dummer, 126, 132, 133, 137, 154, 155. Dunbar, 131. Dutch, 155. Dwight, 126, 139, 140, 149, 150, 152, 153. Dyer, 128, 130, 162. Easterbrook, 156. Edson, 141, 142, 157. Edwards, 155. Ells, 126. Eliot, 150. Ellis, 154. Emerson, 136, 159. Emery, 135. Epes, 127, 132, 133, 134, 135, 152, 154. Erving. 128, 129,131. Evre, l26. Fairfax, 133. Fairfield, 135. Fales, 143, 144, 151, 162. Faneuil, 128, 138. Farnum, 134, 135. Farnsworth, 146. Fayerweather, 128, 129, 131. Fearing, 141, 142. Fenno, 131. Field, 140. Fisher, 127, 128, 129, 130, 153, 154. Fitcli, 126, 127, 131. Flagg, 136, 160. Fletcher, 137. 138, 160. Flint, 135, 136, 137. Flucker, 129, 131. Folger, 148, 159. Ford, 137, 138. Foster, 130, 137, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 150, 155. 157, 163. Fowle, 134, 135, 138, 150. Fox, 156, 162. Foxcroft, 136, 137, 138, 139. Fove, 128, 136. Freeman, 144, 145, 146, 151, 158, 159. 162. Frost, 133, 146, 147, 148, 159, 1G2. Frv<', 135. 148. Fulham, 136. 137, 138. Fuller, 139, 144. Gage, 135. (lale, 132. (Jallison, 135. Gardiner, 129, 130, l.-)l. Gardner, 131, 134, 135, 138, 148, 153, 159. Geary, 135. Gedney, 132, 133. Geere, 148. Gerrish, 132, 133, 134, 135. 146, 147, 159, 162. Gibbs, 134, 135, 137. Gilbert, 135, 144, 150, 155, 163. Giles, 147. Gill, 153. Glover, 156. Goddard, 150, 155, 150, IGO. Godfrey, 144. Gold, 155. Goldthwalte, 129, 151, 1G2. Gooch, 128, 131, 137. Goodale, 160. Goodrieii, 150, 155, 161. Gookin, 136, 153. Gorhara, 144, 145. 146, 152, 159, 163. Gouge, 143. Gould, 129, 130, 154. Gowen, 148. Graham, 146. Grant, 129. Gray, 129. 131, 146, 147. Greaves, 136, 137. Green, 127, 128, 129, 138, 155, 160. Greenloaf, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 142, 154, 155. Grecnough, 146. Greenw(i()d.l37, 138, 158. Gridley, 129, 130, 131. Gunnison, 147, 159, 163. Guuter, 129. Hale, 131, 132, 133, 134, 155. Hall, 128, 137, 138, 143, 144, 14G, 155. IIallett,145,146,159. Hallowell, 131. Hammond, 127, 142, 159. Hancock. 131, 149. Hapgood, 160. Harden, 143. Harris, 126, 135. 137, 153, 154, 155, 156. Harrison, 131. Hart we! 1,150, 160. Harwood, 150. Haskell, 157. Hastings. 138, 139. Hatch. 129, 131. llatliawav, 144. IhitlK.rne", 132. Haven, 137, 138,156. Hawes, 1 19, 158. IGO. Hawley, 139, 140, 156. Ilavnian, 136. IlaVward. 128, 151, 156. Hazleton. 150. Heath. 12S, 129, 147. Henclmmn, 128. 129, 135. H.-nlcv. 13S. Ilensliaw, 120, 131, 150. H.-rrick, 154, 155. Hewcs, 130. Ilfwins. 130. Hicks, 151. liiggins.m, 132. 133, 134. 135, 1G2. 170 Index. nm,129, 131,146,147, 148, 159. Hillcr, 102. lliiu-klcy, 140, 147, 151, 159. Hins(hlU^ 154. Hirst, 120, 133. •. Hobbs, 159. Hobby, 126. Hobson, 133, 134, 135. Hodffos, 143, 158. HoH)r()()k,154, 162. HoUlcu, 131. Hohnan, 153, 157. Holms, 143. Holyoke, 135, 139. Hooke, 140. Hooper, 131, 134, 155. Ho])kins, 152. Houfflitou, 136, 151. Hovey, 142, 102. Howard, 133, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 151, 157. Howe, 130, 144. Howland, 143, 144, 157. Hoyt, 155. Hubbard, 120, 128, 129, 143, 152, 153, 156. Hudson, 160. Humphries, 130. Hunt, 120, 128, 138, 160. Hussey, 148, 151, 163. Hutchinson, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131. Hyslop, 131. In^als, 155, 158. Ingersoll, 140, 152, 150, 161. Inglee, 157. Ingraham, 139. Inmao, 138. Ives, 154. Jackson, 129, 137. Jacobs, 156, 157. Jaques, 162. Jarvis, 153. Jeffries, 120, 128,162. Jekyll, 128, 130, 137. Jenkins, 159. Jennen, 137. Jennings, 139, 146. Jeunison, 149. Jewett, 132, 135, 154. Joceyln, 142. Johnson, 135, 138, 141, 142. Jones, 129. 131, 134, 137, 138, 151, 160. Jordan, 147, 148, 151. Keeling, 120. Keen, 142. Keith, 142. Kellogg, 139. Kelly, 146. Kent, 132, 133, 139, 153. Keves, 149. 150. Kidder, 137, 138. Kilcup,163. Kimball, 133. King, 152, 157, 160, 163. Kingsbury, 151. Kingsley, 144. Kitchen, 133. Kneeland, 138.. Knowles, 146, 158, 159. Lakcnnan, 140. Lamb, 127, 128. Lambert, 133, 137. Larrabeo, 147. Laughton, 156. Lawrence, 128, 137, 138. Leach, 134. Leasonby, 153. Lechmere, 127, 134, 138. Lee, 129, 133, 134, 185, 188, 139, 149, 155, 158. Legg, 151. Legget, 126, 132. Leighton, 159. Leland, 155, 156. Lemon, 137. Leonard, 141, 142, 143, 144, 158. Lethbridge, 154. Leverett, 131, 136. Lewis, 128, 131,145, 154,159, 163. Lincoln, 128, 129, 130, 131, 138, 153, 160. Lindall, 127, 132, 133, 154. Lithgow, 147, 151. Little, 140, 141, 142, 152, 156, 157, 158. Livermore. 137, 138. Lloyd, 129, 131. Lombard, 146, 151. Longfellow, 151, 162. Lord, 148, 150. Loring, 129, 131, 141. Lothrop, 141, 145, 149, 157. Lowell, 135. Luscomb, 144. Lutwyche, 153. Lvde, 126, 128, 130, 131. Lynde, 126, 127, 133, 137. Lyman, 128, 140, 148, 156. Lyon, 160. Lyscomb, 150. Mac Cobb, 151. MacFadden, 160. MacHard, 134. Maclntyre, 142. MacLellan, 160. Mann, 153. Mansfield, 133, 135. March, 133. Marcy, 150,151, 155. Marsto'n, 133, 134, 135, 146. Martin, 150. Mascarene, 140. Mason, 137, 138, 143, 147, 151, 155, 157, 159. Mather, 140. Mayhew, 142, 149. Mendall, 158, 159. Menzies, 136. Metcalf, 128, 131, 153, 154. Miller, 128, 129, 130, 131, 153. Milliken, 147, 151. Minot, 127, 128, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 147, 151. Mitchel, 151. Moody, 133, 135, 146, 147, 148, 159, 102. More, 150. Morey, 144, 158, 154. Morrill, 134. Morse, 130, 140. Morton, 140, 141. Moscley, 134, 140. Moulton, 147, 148,159, 163, 163. Mower, 100. Mulliken, 135. Munroe, 155. Murray, 131, 150, 160. Mu/.zey, 151. Nantos, 143. Nelson, 120, 127, 128. Newell, 139. Newhall, 131, 134, 135. Newman, 132, 143, 149, 154, 162. Newmarsh, 155. Newton, 126. Nichols, 137,1.38,151. Niles, 129, 131. Noble, 151. Norden, 132. North, 147, 151. Norton, 134, 142, 149, 158, 157, 160, 162. Nowell, 147. Noyes, 126, 129, 130, 132, 138, "147. Numpas, 143. Nutting, 134, 185, 163. Oliver, 126, 127, 128, 129, 134, 136,139,141,142,151,1.54. Orne, 132, 133, 134, 135, 155. Osborne, 128, 130, 131. Osgood, 133, 134, 135, 150, 154.' Otis, 129, 144, 145, 146, 156, 163. Oulton, 132, 133, 147. Oxnard, 129. Paige, 126. Palmer, 126, 127, 129, 157, 158. Parker, 137, 145, 147, 148, 154, 155, 163. Parsons, 139, 162, 103. Partridge, 139, 140, 156. Patten, 151. Pattie, 151. Paxton, 129. Payne, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 150, 157, 162. Payson, 154. Pease, 163. Peaslee, 134. Peck, 142. Pelham, 139. Pemberton, 128, 181. Penhallow, 140. Penninian, 154. Pepperrell, 127, 139, 146, 147, 163. Perkins, 131, 147, 148. Perrv, 138, 158. Phelps, 140. Phillips, 129. 180, 134, 136, 155. Phippen, 146. Phip,s, 127, 136, 137, 138, 155. Picknean, 134, 135. Pierce, 133, 133, 134, 154,155,162. Pierpont, 129. 153. Pierson. 147, 152, 154, 155, 162. Pike, 132. Index. 171 Pitts, 129. Plaisted, 133, 134, 146. Plummor, 135. Pollard, 153. Pomerov, 139, 156. Pond, 129, 131. Poole, 134, 136, 137, 141, 156. Pope, 142, 143, 144, 154, 158, 159. Porter, 139, 140, 156. Potter, 135. Powell, 147, 151. Pratt 156 Preble, 146, 151, 159, 160. Prentice, 150. Prescott, 135, 136, 187, 138, 139, 155 Price, 132, 133, 163. Prince, 141. Prout, 126, 129, 147, 153. Putnam, 135, 150. Pyuchon, 135, 139, 140. Quincy, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131. Ralph, 145. Rand, 138. Rawson, 150, 153, 156, 160. Raymond, 160. Read, 137, 138, 139, 158, 160. Reminffton, 136, 137, 156. Rice, 150, 151, 160. Richards, 129. Richardson, 136, 137, 150, 154, 155, 156, 160. Richmond, 143, 144, 157, 158. Roach, 159. Robinson, 140, 145, 146, 154. Roby, 135, 137, 138, 155. Rogers, 128, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 138, 143. Rolfe, 132, 133, 155, 162. Root, 140. Ropes, 134. Ross, 151. Rovve, 129, 130. ' Rowell, 133, 134. Rovall, 128, 129, 130, 137, 138, '151, 153, 157, 159. Ruck, 127, 128. Ruddock, 129, 131. RujTfrk.s, 142, 150, 153, 157, 160. Russell, 136, 137, 138, 139, 144, 145, 158. Baffin, 142. Saltonstall, 127, 128, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137. Sampson, 159. Sandlbrd, 160. Sarsou, 149. Sartle, 136, 137. Saunders, 134. 135. Savage, 127, 128, 130, 146, 153, 162. Savery, 157. Sawyer, 135, 147, 155, 163. Sayer, 147, 148. Sayward, 148. Scale, 159, 160. Scollay, 129, 130. Seaberry, 147. Sears 159. Sergeant,' 132, 133, 134, 135, 154, 155, 160. Sever, 141, 142. Sewall, 126, 127, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 138, 147, 148, 153, 162. Shannon, 162. Shapleigh, 147. Shaw, 151. Shoaffe, 139, 162. Sheldon, 156. Shephard, 129. Sherburne, 129, 130. Sherman, 139, 140. Shove, 157. Shurtleff, 142. Shute, 160. Silvester, 152, 157. Simons, 143. Simonton, 151. Simi)son, 129, 136, 148, 159. Skifle, 144, 145, 149, 158, 159. Skinner, 129, 133. Slade, 144. Small, 147. Smith, 126, 131, 143, 146, 147, 149, 152, 156, 157, 158, 163. Someriay, 154. Soule, 158. Southward, 143. Sparhawk, 138, 147, 156, 160, 162. Sparrow, 144. Spaulding, 138. Spo(mer, 131, 144, 163. Sprague, 142. * Spurr, 126, 127, 128, 129, 131. Stanifovd, 155, 157. Staples, 159. Steele. 127, 128, 150. Stevens, 132. 134, 154, 155. Stickney, 138. Stinaon, 151. Stockbridge, 141. 142. Stoddard, 126, 127, 128, 129,131, 137, 138, 139, 152. Stone, 136, 146, 150, 156, 159, 160. Storer, 129, 147, 148. Story, 131, 135. Sturgis, 145, 146, 159, 162. Sturtevant, 142, 157. Strong, 140. Strout, 147. Sullivan, 148. Sumner, 129, 130, 149, 153. Swett, 133. Swilt, 128. 153. Tabor, 142, 143, 144, 157. Talt, 149. 150. Taller. 126, 127. Talbot, 129. 143, 144, 158. Tasker. 134. Ta.st, 127. Tavlor, 131. 140, 150, 151, 160. Tcniide, 129, 137, 138. Terry, 158. Thatcli.-r, 128, 130, 144, 145, 140. 158. 159. Thaxter, 126, 127, 131, 153. Thaver, 131, 140. Thomas, 140, 141, 145, 153, 154, 156. Thompson, 137, 141, 152. Throop, 157. 162. Thwing, 150. Tilestone, 128. 131. Tilton, 139, 149. Tinkham, 142. Titcomb, 154. Tohe, 143. Tobev. 144, 163. Todd, 152. Torrey, 143, 144, 157. Townsend, 126, 130, 137 Tracv, 131. Travell, 154. Treat, 158, 159. Trowbridge, 137. True, 155. Tucker, 131, 157, 158. Tudor, 131. Tufts, 130. 136, 137, 139. Tupper, 146, 158. Turner, 127, 132, 133, 134, 135, 141, 142, 157. Tyler, 128. 129. 130. 150. 158. Tvley. 128, 153, 162. Tyng, 135. 136, 137, 138,139. Upham, 151. Usher, 136. Valentine, 126, 155, 162. Vans, 135. Varnam, 139. Vassall, 127, 128, 137, 138, 139. Vinton, 137. Vose, 154. Vyall, 143. Wade, 127, 132, 133, 154. Wadsworth. 127. 128. 140. Wainwright. 132, 133, 154. Walde, 128. 131,147, 151. Waldron. 155. Walker. 143. 158. Walley, 128. 153. Ward. 136, 140,149, 150, 154, 155, 160. Ware, 127, 128, 154. Warren, 140, 141, 142.156. Watson, 141. 142. 156. Watts. 128, 146. 153, 154. Webb, 163. Welles, 128, 129, 130, 137, 139, 148. Wendell. 127. 128. 129. Wentworth, 129. W.St. 1 44. 155. Westbrook. 147. Whraton. 144. 160. Wheeler. 147. Wheelwright, 127, 131, 140, 147, 148, 163. Wliitromb. 150. Wliipple. 132. 133. 150. White. 127, 12s. 129. 131. 132. 133, 134, 139, 142, 144, 147, 151. 150.157. Whiting. 136, 137. 138. 154. Whitman. 13(i. 137, 138. Whitney, 131, 153. 172 Index. Whittemore, 156. Whitworth,t31. Wil