UC-NRLF ELEMENT a < FRENCH oMdriMikskr-Sioiik Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/elementaryfrenchOOaldrrich ELEMENTARY FRENCH THE ESSENTIALS OF FRENCH GRAMMAR WITH EXERCISES BY FRED DAVIS ALDRICH, A.M. // SENIOR MASTER IN WORCESTER ACADEMY IRVING LYSANDER FOSTER, Litt.D. PROFESSOR OF THE ROMANCE LANGUAGES IN THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE AND CLAUDE ROULE ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF FRENCH IN DARTMOUTH COLLEGE REVISED EDITION GINN AND COMPANY BOSTON • NEW YORK • CHICAGO • LONDON ATLANTA • DALLAS • COLUMBUS • SAN FRANCISCO COPYRIGHT, 1922, BY FRED DAVIS ALDRICH IRVING LYSANDER FOSTER AND CLAUDE ROULE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 322.4 1 • •■ :• : . EDUCATION DEFT* Cfte gtftenaum ffrtgg G1NN AND COMPANY- PRO- PRIETORS • BOSTON • U.S.A. PREFACE During the European war old pupils of the authors, in service in France, repeatedly wrote for copies of the former edition of this book, that they might furbish up their rusty knowledge of French from its familiar pages. Others reported finding grimy copies passing from hand to hand in the bomb- proofs of the first-line trenches. Such continued loyalty from former pupils has given the greatest satisfaction to the authors of this book. These friends, and the many others who as teachers or pupils have used " Elementary French " since it was published fifteen years ago, have encouraged them to prepare this new edition, entirely rewritten and containing several new features of promise. The general plan of the former volume, which has com- mended itself so widely, is rigorously retained. As before, the work in content covers the elementary French requirement as generally understood. The book is adapted either to serve in a secondary school or to constitute the nucleus of the first year's work in a college course that does not demand French for entrance. Pupils in the third year of the high school or at a more advanced stage can complete the work in a single year, and have sufficient time left for the reading of simple French texts. The modifications that characterize this revision lie along three lines. By further subdividing certain topics, especially at the start and when dealing with critical subjects, and by post- poning certain exceptions in syntax to later supplementary iii 889455 iv ELEMENTARY FRENCH pages, the ground covered by separate lessons is reduced. The admission into the Models of a larger and more varied vocabulary, especially of everyday words and phrases, per- mits much greater flexibility and vividness in the French employed. Pictures and other forms of illustration, drawn to an unusual degree from scenes of daily life, bring to the pupil the characteristic atmosphere of the vivacious and intellectual people whose language he is learning. Special attention is called to the following features, most of which this edition shares with its predecessor : i. Unity and system are secured by grouping the succes- sive lessons in natural relations around a common topic, such as the verb, the pronoun, etc. 2. The statement of principles of grammar is adapted to the point of view of the English-speaking pupil, without assuming, however, that he is a master of English syntax. 3. The French text of each lesson consists of a connected paragraph, narrative or descriptive, v dealing more and more, as facility increases, with the situations of everyday life. 4". Each Model is the center of abundant exercises, which continually emphasize the essential points of the lesson. These are set in a great variety of forms, including exercises for thorough drill and in supplying omitted words and in making the substitutions that are today considered so valuable, and also giving a considerable amount of connected discourse. Every task propounded has a definite aim. Plenty of material is offered for constant and effective review. 5. A serious effort is made to teach the inflection of the verb by developing it from the principal parts. For the use of those who prefer to memorize from visualizing, the para- digms and the irregular verbs are given in full in the Appendix. PREFACE * v 6. The sentences and other matter taken directly from college papers will prove of great assistance in preparing for entrance examinations. v 7. The illustrations are connected in nearly every instance with the subject matter with which they are placed, forming thus an integral part of the course. Each is explained by a paragraph in ordinary French. No attempt is made to limit the phraseology of these explanations to words that the pupil has at the time mastered. It is believed that many a student, at times out of mere curiosity, will be tempted by the pictures to set himself at unraveling the meaning of the attached para- graphs. For this purpose the general vocabulary is ample. These paragraphs can also be assigned at the end of the course for additional translation. 8. To bring the flavor of French life and thought more fully before the pupil, the pictures are supplemented by proverbs, by a menu, by French posted signs, by models of correspond- ence, by classroom phrases, and by other similar matter. 9. Not only the illustrative material mentioned in the last paragraphs but also the theme and construction of the main exercises readily lend themselves to the molding hand of the instructor who strives to impart a practical command of the living language. Oral exercises form a part of each lesson. 10. The phonetic alphabet of the International Phonetic Association is fully developed in the Introduction, and abun- dant material for practice is placed in the Appendix, including the phonetic reproduction of the first twelve models. The body of the book and the vocabularies are free from this notation, except to indicate the sound of words pronounced irregularly. 1 1 . The completeness and analytical clearness of the English-French vocabulary will prevent many an error in the pupil's work. vi ELEMENTARY FRENCH Only the more mature and energetic classes will find it practicable to take a whole lesson at a single session. A con- venient point of division into two parts is at the end of the Model ; into three, after the Drill and the Theme. A con- cise and yet thoroughly complete and unified course can be secured by assigning only the Resume, in connection with the grammar. Some, on the contrary, may prefer to omit the Resumes until a certain portion, or even the whole book, has been covered, and then assign them in connection with the review work. Such a plan, moreover, easily adapts the book to serve as a text for a second review course. The authors, themselves bringing to their task long experi- ence, partly in college and partly in secondary schools, and combining in their equipment both a native and an acquired knowledge of the language, have been aided by multifold suggestions from numerous colleagues and friends. They desire to acknowledge with gratitude the valuable aid fur- nished among others by Professor Sidney C. Hazelton of Dartmouth College and by Professor H. H. Arnold of the Pennsylvania State College. They are much indebted also to the accurate scholarship and resourceful suggestions placed at their command by the editorial department of the publishers. THE AUTHORS CONTENTS PAGE List of Abbreviations x Introduction i LESSON I. Gender — The Articles 25 II. Contraction — Possession 29 III. Verb and Subject — Etre 33 Review — Lessons I-1 1 1 38 IV. The Negative — Avoir 39 V. Interrogative Forms 44 VI. Present Tense Forms 48 Review — Lessons IV- VI 53 VII. Plural of Nouns 55 VIII. Agreement of Adjectives 60 IX. Position of Adjectives 64 X. Irregular Adjectives 71 Review — Lessons VI I-X 75 XL Comparison of Adjectives yj XII. Adverbs and their Comparison 82 XIII. The Partitive Construction 89 XIV. Uses of the Articles 94 Review — Lessons XI-XIV 99 XV. Regular Conjugations — Present Indicative 102 XVI. Principal Parts — The Imperfect 107 XVII. The Past Definite 115 Review — Lessons XV-X VI I 122 XVIII. The Future 124 XIX. The Conditional 129 XX. The Imperative 135 XXI. Subjunctive — Simple Verbs Completed 140 Review — Lessons XVIII-XXI 147 vii Vlll ELEMENTARY FRENCH LESSON PAGE XXII. Inflection and Use of Avoir 149 XXIII. A voir in Perfect Tenses 155 XXIV. Etre in Perfect Tenses 163 XXV. Agreement of Participles 167 Review — Lessons XXI I-XXV 174 XXVI. Interrogation 177 XXVII. Negation 183 Review — Lessons XXVI, XXVII 190 - XXVIII. Conjunctive Personal Pronouns 192 XXIX. Disjunctive Personal Pronouns 199 — XXX. V and En 204 -» XXXI. Possessives 211 Review — Lessons XXVIII-XXXI 219 XXXII. Demonstratives 221 XXXIII. Relative Pronouns 229 XXXIV. Relative Pronouns (continued) 237 XXXV. Interrogatives 244 Review — Lessons XXXI I-XXXV . . ... . . 250 XXXVI. Numerals — Cardinals 253 XXXVII. Numerals— Ordinals 258 XXXVIII. Numerals in Expressions of Time, etc 263 Review— Lessons XXX VI-XXXVI 1 1 .... 270 - XXXIX. Reflexive Verbs 273 _^, XL. Passive Voice 280 XLI. Special Uses of the Passive and the Reflexive . . 286 Review— Lessons XXXI X-XLI ...... 292 XLI I. Orthographic Changes in the First Conjugation . . 294 XLIII. Irregular Verbs in er 300 XLIV. Irregular Verbs in ir 308 Review — Lessons XLI I-XLIV 314 XLV. Irregular Verbs in oir 316 XLVI. Irregular Verbs in oir 322 XLVII. Irregular Verbs in re 328 XLVIII. Irregular Verbs in re 334 XLIX. Faire and its Construction 339 CONTENTS ix LESSON PAGE Review — Lessons XLV-XLIX 346 L. Dependent Infinitives 348 LI. The Subjunctive Mood 355 LII. The Subjunctive in Object and Adjective Clauses . . . 361 LIII. The Subjunctive in Adverbial Clauses 368 Review — Lessons L-LIII 375 LIV. Supplementary — Inflection 378 LV. Supplementary — Articles, Pronouns 383 LVI. Supplementary — Word Order, etc 388 Sentences for General Review 395 Appendixes I. Drill Sentences from College Papers 399 II. Material for Phonetic Practice 415 III. Gender of Nouns • 428 IV. Plural of Nouns 429 V. Formation of Adverbs 430 VI. Verbal Endings 431 VII. Regular Conjugations 432 VIII. Irregular Verbs 440 Vocabularies French-English 457 English-French 502 General Index 533 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS adj. sb adjective adv. = adverb ant. = anterior art. = article cond. = conditional conj. sa conjunction conj. pron. = conjunctive pronoun def. = definite dir. = direct disj. = disjunctive f. = feminine Fr. s= French fut. = future imp. = imperfect imv. = imperative ind. =53 indicative indef. = indefinite indir. = indirect inf. SB infinitive int. =s interrogative inten. = intensive intj. ss interjection intr. ss intransitive irr. ss irregular m. s= masculine n. ss noun neg. = negative num. = numeral obj. = object p. ss page part. = participle pass. =s passive per. 53 person perf. = perfect pers. = personal pi. (plu.) = plural pluperf . = pluperfect poss. =s possessive prep. =B preposition pres. = present pret. = preterit pron. ss pronoun refl. = reflexive rel. = relative Sec. ss Section sing. = singular sub. = subject subj. = subjunctive tr. ss transitive v. = verb ELEMENTARY FRENCH INTRODUCTION THE FRENCH LANGUAGE 1. French and Latin. The French language is one of the forms of modern Latin now spoken in those parts of Europe which the Romans conquered, colonized, and ruled in the days of Julius Caesar and his successors. These forms, called collectively the Romanic or Romance languages, com- prise French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese, the four most important ; Provencal, the old language of the south of France ; Rhaetian, used in parts of the Alps ; and the speech of Rumania. There is an unbroken continuity between the Latin of the Roman Empire and these languages, so much so that one cannot tell just where Latin leaves off and the others begin. French, therefore, is Latin as it has been modified, on the soil of France, by twenty centuries of influences, internal and external. The student of French who is familiar with Latin will see many obvious resemblances between the two languages ; others are apparent when suggested. Of the elaborate Latin inflection not much remains except in the verb. The great essential qualities that characterized Latin persist, however, and the pupil will realize more and more that in French he has a language unsurpassed for clearness of expression and for artistic value. 2 ELEMENTARY FRENCH TEE ALPHABET 2. The Alphabet. The letters of the French alphabet are the same as those of the English. K and w are used only in a few words borrowed or formed from other languages. 3. The French Names of the Letters are a a h ache V ve b bt i i P pe w double ve c ce J P q ku X iks d de k ka r erre y i grec e e 1 die s esse z zcde f effe m em?ne t te g ge n enne u u Note. In oral spelling the consonants are sometimes pronounced with the sound of mute e. Thus d is pronounced de ; g, gue orje ; etc. 4. Vowels and Consonants. The alphabet is divided into vowels and consonants. The letters a, e, i, o, u, and y are vowels ; the rest are consonants. Note. I, o, u, and y often have the value of consonants when they precede a vowel sound. See Sees. 34-37. CAPITALS 5. Capitalization. The French use of capital letters is the same as the English, except that proper adjectives, the names of months and days, titles of rank or office, and the personal pronoun je (I) are not capitalized. Note. In titles of books, names of corporations, and the like, French aims to capitalize one main word, generally the first noun unless it is preceded by a preposition. To this one capital there is added a capital on any adjective preceding the noun, on nouns connected coordinately INTRODUCTION 3 with the capitalized noun, and on any adjective preceding this second noun. If an article is used as the first word of a title, it is not capitalized unless it begins a sentence. ORTHOGRAPHIC MARKS 6. Accent Marks. There are certain marks in written French, called accents, placed over vowels. These are not used, as in English, to indicate that the syllable where they stand is to be pronounced more strongly, but they serve in general to distinguish the sounds of the vowels. 7. The Three Accents. There are three accents : the acute (aigu) ('), the grave {grave) (*), and the circumflex (circonflexe) (") : 6tant, pere, tete. Note i. The acute accent occurs only on e; the grave on e, and rarely on a or u to distinguish words otherwise spelled alike; the circumflex on any vowel (except y). Note 2. The circumflex accent is usually a sign of contraction in the formation of the word, especially of the omission of an s : for example, fete, from Latin festa; compare English "feast." Note 3. Vowels, except e, usually omit their accent when capitalized. 8. The Other Orthographic Marks are a. The cedilla (cidille) (J, placed under c to indicate a soft sound : 5a. b. The diaeresis (trema) (*"), placed over the second of two consecutive vowels to denote that it does not unite with the first to form a digraph, but is pronounced separately : Noel. Note. A diaeresis over an i crowds out the dot : hair. c. The apostrophe (apostrophe) ('), which indicates the omission of a vowel : j'ai. d. The hyphen (trait d'union) (-), which is used to join words in close connection : avez-vous ? 4 ELEMENTARY FRENCH SYLLABLES 9. Syllabication. The correct division of words into syllables is more important in French than in English, because it not only shows where words are to be divided at the end of lines, but it also often determines how a letter or group of letters is pronounced. 10. Number of Syllables. There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels (or digraphs) : a-mi, par-lent, cou-pe-rai, vic-toi-re, pro-pri-£-tai-re. Note i. E and u, when added as explained in Sec. 50, &, Note, do not form a syllable : man-gea, guer-re. Note 2. A mute e (Sec. 22) in the middle of a word, following a vowel, does not form a syllable: joue-rai. Note 3. I, y, 0, ou, and u, when preceding other vowels, are often sounded as consonants (Sec. 4, Note; Sees. 34-37), and then do not form a syllable : bien, 6-tions, yeux, loin, fouet-ter, lui, 6-cuel-le. Note 4. Observe that final mute e, though usually not pronounced, is regarded as forming a syllable : no-te, ra-re, pat-te. It has full syllabic value in the meter of poetry and songs. 11. A Single Consonant (except x) at the point of division belongs to the following syllable : a-mi, a-vant, pa-ro-les, i-nS-ga-li-te" ; but, ex-a-men. Note. At the end of a line in writing or printing, division is usually avoided between x and a vowel. See Sec. 62. 12. Treatment of Two Consonants. When there are two consonants at the point of division, the break is generally made between them : ad-mi-ra, es-poir, par-la, don-nai. Combinations of two consonants, however, which can be pronounced together, are not divided. Such pairs are treated as a single consonant and so go with the following syllable : ta-ble, mai-grir, cou-vrit, a-che-ta, ga-gna. INTRODUCTION 5 Note i . Such pairs are those ending in 1 or r (but not rl, lr), and ch, ph, th, and gn. Note 2. Since h, unless aspirate (Sec. 52), has no consonantal value, a preceding consonant is put with such an h in the syllable that follows : si-lhouet-te. 13. Three Consonants. In groups of three (or more) consonants, the last consonant, or the last two when they form one of the special combinations mentioned in Sec. 12, go with the syllable that follows : trans-po-ser, com-bla, per-dre. PRONUNCIATION 14. Pronouncing French. One of the elements involved in pronouncing French is the ability to utter the sounds correctly. Few of these sounds have an exact counterpart in English ; many are strikingly strange. The task, for one whose habits of speech are formed, demands persistent and well-guided effort. It is necessary to hear and imitate a person who pronounces the language correctly. An understanding of the positions assumed by the vocal organs is also a great aid. 15. Characteristics of Spoken French, important for the attention of an English-speaking pupil, include a. More energetic action of the vocal organs, especially of the lips and tongue. b. Pure vowel sounds. Many English vowels are not pure, but begin with one sound and glide into another at the end. That is, they are really diphthongs. The i in "bite," for example, is a combination of a in "far" and e in "meet" c. The grouping of a medial consonant with the following syllable. The impression upon the ear of the French ci-t6 is very different from the English cit-y. See Sec. 1 1 . d. The absence of strongly accented syllables in words and word-groups. 6 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 16. Sounds of Letters. Another element in pronunciation is knowledge of what sounds the various French letters represent in their different positions. French has greater regularity in this respect than English ; still there are numerous exceptions to the rules. 17. A Phonetic Alphabet, in which a certain written character always represents a certain sound, obviates the diffi- culties involved in an ordinary unphonetic alphabet. The following alphabet of the International Phonetic Association is in general use, and is employed here to supplement the discussion of sounds and to indicate irregular pronunciations. The " Description of Sound " in the list below is only approximate ; later sections give more accurate descriptions. THE INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ALPHABET Symbol Description of Sound Regularly Represented by a. Pure Vowels M open a ; between a in " father " and a in " fat " a, Sec. 1 8, a w closed a ; a in " father " a, a, Sec. 18, b [e] closed e ; a in " fate " 4, Sec. 19 ; final er, Sec. 21, Note 1; ai, Sec. 29, a W open e\ e in " met " e, e, Sec. 20; e, Sec. 21 ; ai, Sec. 29, b\ ei, Sec. 30 M mute e\ e in "the man" e, Sec. 22 m i in " machine n i, Sec. 23 ; y, Sec. 27 [o] closed o ; o in " holy " 6, Sec. 24 ; 0, Sec. 25, a ; au, Sec. 31 M open o ; o in " wholly " 0, Sec. 2 5 , £ ; au, Sec. 3 1 , Note w oo in " moon " ou, Sec. 33 INTRODUCTION Symbol Description of Sound Regularly Represented by b. Rounded Vowels W rounded [e] eu, Sec. 32, a r«i rounded [e] eu, Sec. 32, b [y] rounded [i] u, Sec. 26 c. Nasal Vowels M nasal [a] an, en, etc., Sec. 40 m nasal [e] in, etc., Sec. 40 M nasal [o] on, etc., Sec. 40 [•] nasal [oe] un, etc., Sec. 40 d. Consonantal Vowels [j] y in " yes " h y, Sec. 35 ; 1, Sec. 54 [w] w in " was " ou-, 0-, Sec. 37 w French u before vowel u-, Sec. 36 e. Consonants w b in " bad " b M d in M dim " d, Sec. 48 w /in "fan" f [g] g in " get " g, Sec. 50, b Ed s in " measure » g, Sec. so, a- j, Sec. 53 M k in M kit " c, Sec. 46, b ; qu, Sec. 58 [•] / in M lid " 1, Sees. 48, 54, Note, 55 M m in " man " m M n in " nap " n, Sec. 48 [P] p in " pie " P r*i r trilled r, Sec. 59 w j- in M so " s, Sec. 60 ; c, 9, Sec. 46, a ; t, Sec. 61 w /in "tin" t, Sea 48 M p in " vine " V [«] s in " rose " s, Sec. 60 ; z ELEMENTARY FRENCH Symbol Description of Sound Regularly Represented by in sh in M shall " ny in " canyon " ch, Sec. 47 gn, Sec. 51 /. Quantity [0 a long vowel This symbol is placed after the vowel af- fected; Sec. 42 Note 1 . Phonetic symbols in this book are inclosed in brackets. Note 2. In this volume, to aid the beginner, a hyphen is used to separate the syllables of a word or word-group, a usage not general in technical works on phonetics. SOUNDS OF VOWELS 18. A has two sounds. a. It usually has a sound between a in "father" and a in "fat" : ami, malle, malade, page, table, la. This is known as open a. The mouth is widely open, and the tongue lies flat. Its phonetic symbol is [a]. Thus : ami [a-mi], malle [mal], malade [ma-lad], page [pa^], table [tabl], la [la]. b. When it has the circumflex accent, or is followed by s, it usually has a sound much like a in " father " : ame, batir, base, classe, pas. This is known as closed a. The mouth is less open than for open a, and the tongue is drawn farther back. Its phonetic symbol is [a]. Thus: ame [a:m], batir [ba-ti:r], base [ba:z], classe [kla:s], pas [pa]. Note i. A is closed also before ille: paille [pa:j]. Note 2. A circumflex in the verb endings ames, ates, at is open : donnames [do-nam], donnat [do-na]. Note 3. A is silent in aout [u]. INTRODUCTION 9 19. E acute (e) has the sound of a in li fate," without the vanishing sound of e in "meet" which is heard in. long a in English : 6t6, c6da. This is known as closed e (eferme). Its phonetic symbol is [e]. Thus : 6te" [e-te], c6da [se-da]. 20. E grave (e) and e circumflex (e) have a sound much like e in "met," often somewhat prolonged : leve, tete. This sound is known as open e (e ouverf). Its phonetic symbol is [e]. Thus : leve [lev], tete [te:t]. 21. E unaccented, when not at the end of a syllable, has the same sound as e (e in " met," Sec. 20): tel, pressa, mer, cadet. Thus : tel [tel], pressa [pre-sa], mer [me:r], cadet [ka-de]. Note i . Er, when final in words of more than one syllable, has the sound of closed e (Sec. 19), the r being silent. Thus: parler [par-le], dernier [der-nje]. In the following words, however, final r is sounded and the e is open (Sec. 20): amer [a-me:r], cuiller [kqi-je:r], enfer [a-fe:r]. Note 2. E is closed (Sec. 1 9) in final ez, and, among other words, in the final sounds of pied [pje], assied(s) [a-sje], clef [kle], and et [e]. Note 3. E in femme has the sound of French open a [fam]. 22. E mute. Unaccented e at the end of a syllable is sounded as little as possible, whatever sound it has approxi- mating that of e in the expression " the man " when fluently pronounced. This sound is known as mute e (e muef). The phonetic symbol for mute e is [9]. Three positions in which mute e occurs must be noted. a. At the end of a word of one syllable it is sounded fully : le, me. Note. When such words as le and me are closely connected in thought with other words, as is almost always the case, the e is more or less obscured. Thus in le pere the e in le is sounded but slightly. In je le fais the e in le is silent when the expression is uttered fluently [3al-fe]. IO ELEMENTARY FRENCH b. At the end of a word of more than one syllable it is silent : malle, apporte, table. c. When it is not at the end of a word, the fullness of its pronunciation is determined by the character of the sounds that precede and follow it. It is sounded rather clearly in regarda, pesa ; it is sounded slightly in petit, sera ; it is silent in samedi, appela. Phonetically, the examples above are represented as follows : le [b] apporte [a-port] pesa [pa-za] samedi [sam-di] me [ma] table [tabl] petit [pa-ti] appela [a-pla] malle [mal] regarda [re-gar-da] sera [s9-ra] Note i. In es at the end of a word of more than one syllable, and in ent at the end of the third person plural of verbs, the e is mute, and the final consonants are silent : tetes [te:t], paries [pari], parlent [pari]. Note 2. See Sec. 50, Note, for silent e after g. 23. I (with or without accent) has the sound of i in " machine " : il, ile, midi. Avoid the vanishing sound of y in "yet" usually heard in English. The corners of the mouth should be drawn out. The phonetic symbol of this sound is [i]. Thus : il [il], ile [il], midi [mi-di]. 24. circumflex (6) has the sound of in " holy," without the vanishing sound of 00 in " moon " heard in long in English : cote, notre. This sound is known as closed 0. The lips are tensely rounded (puckered) and protruded. The phonetic symbol is [o]. Thus : cdte [kot], notre [no:tr]. 25. unaccented has two sounds. a. When it is the final sound of a word, it has the sound of 6 (0 in "holy," Sec. 24) : mot, cachot. Phonetically : mot [mo], cachot [ka-Jo]. INTRODUCTION 1 1 b. When it is not the final sound of a word, it has a more open sound, somewhat like o in the Yankee pro- nunciation of M wholly " : fol, robe, notre, or. This sound is known as open o. The lips are less strongly- rounded than in closed o; the back of the tongue is lower. The phonetic symbol is [o]. Thus: fol [fol], robe [rob], notre [notr], or [o:r]. Note. is closed (Sec. 24) in the terminations ome and one, before the ending tion, and before the sound of z [z]: tome [torn], notion [no-sj5], chose [Jo:z]. 26. U (with or without accent) has no equivalent in English. To produce its sound, round or pucker the lips as if to pronounce 00 in " moon," and then try to pronounce e in M meet " : du, sucre, mur. The phonetic symbol is [y]. Thus: du [dy], sucre [sykr], mur [my:r]. Note. See Sec. 50, Note, for silent u after g. 27. Y has the sound of French i: 'style. Phonetically : style [stil]. Note. Y between vowels, and in pays and derivatives, is equivalent to i-i. The first i goes with the preceding vowel (Sec. 28); the second, ex- cept in pays etc., is consonantal (Sec. 35): asseyant {assei-yant [a-se-ja]), appuyai (appui-yai [a-pqi-je]), pays {pai-i [pe-i]). SOUNDS OF DIGRAPHS 28. The Digraphs. The vowels in the common groups ai, ei, au (eau), eu (ceu), ou, however, are not sounded as above, but each group represents a single sound. These are called compound vowels or digraphs (or, when there are three, trigraphs). 12 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 29. Ai has two sounds. a. When final in verbs, it has the sound of e* (a in "fate," Sec. 19) : parlai. Phonetically : parlai [par-le]. Note. Ai has the sound of e" also in gai [ge], quai [ke], sais, sait [se]. b. Elsewhere it has the sound of e (e in "met," Sec. 20) : vrai, faible, mais, parlais, aimer. Phonetically: vrai [vre], faible [fe:bl], mais [me], parlais [par-le], aimer [e-me]. Note. In faisant and derived forms ai has the sound of mute e (Sec. 22, c): faisant [fa-za]. 30. Ei has the sound of e (e in "met," Sec. 20) : reine. Phonetically : reine [rem]. 31. Au and eau usually have the sound of 6 (o in " holy," Sec. 24) : autre, chaud, beau. Phonetically: autre [otr], chaud [Jo], beau [bo]. Note. Au has the sound of open (Sec. 25, b) in mauvais [mo-ve], and in aurai [o-re] and related forms. 32. Eu and oeu have a sound somewhat like 11 in " fur." More exactly, they have two distinct sounds, formed as follows : a. When they are the final sound in a word, or are before t or a z sound, round the lips as if to pronounce o in " holy " (Sec. 24) and pronounce e* (a in " fate," Sec. 19) : feu, veux, meute, creuser. The phonetic symbol is [0]. Thus : feu [f0], veux [v0], meute [m0:t], creuser [kr0-ze]. INTRODUCTION 1 3 b. When they precede a pronounced consonant (except t or one that has the sound of z), round the lips as if to pronounce in " holy " (Sec. 24) and pronounce e (e in " met," Sec. 20) : neuf, jeune, sceur. The phonetic symbol is [ce]. Thus : neuf [noef], jeune [3cen], soeur [soe:r]. Note i. Eu, and also oe and ue, when before the liquid sound (Sec. 54), have the sound [ce]: feuille [fce:j], ceil [ce:j], orgueil [or-gce:j], cueillir [kce-ji:r]. Note 2. Eu in all forms of the verb avoir has the sound of the French u (Sec. 26) : eut [y], eussions [y-sj5]. 33. Ou (with or without accent) has the sound of 00 in " moon " : tour, gout. The lips are tensely rounded. Avoid carefully the vanishing sound of u in "must." The phonetic symbol is [u]. Thus: tour [tu:r], gout [gu]. CONSONANTAL VOWELS 34. Consonantal Vowels. When i (or y), 0, u, or ou precede a strongly uttered vowel sound, they take on a value approaching that of a consonant. They then give rise to three well-distinguished sounds. Note. These sounds are often called semivowels. Observe that these letters (except in ou) cannot begin a digraph. 35. Consonantal i or y gives a sound much like y in *' yes " : viande, ciel, yeux. The sound is formed by blending naturally the sound of i with the following vowel. The phonetic symbol is [j]. Thus : viande [vja:d], ciel [sjel], yeux [J0]. 14 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 36. Consonantal u has nothing corresponding to it in English. The sound is almost inevitably formed when the French u is blended with a following vowel : lui, suis. The phonetic symbol is [q]. Thus: lui [lip], suis [suj]. The rounded characteristic of the u must be preserved. 37. Consonantal ou or o gives a sound much like w in " was " : oui, nouer, oasis. The sound is formed by blending naturally the sound of ou or o with the following vowel. The phonetic symbol is [w]. Thus : oui [wi], nouer [nwe], oasis [wa-zis]. 38. Oi is conveniently classed with the consonantal vowels. It has the sound of wa> the a being usually open (Sec. 18, a) : moi, poire. Phonetically it is represented by [wa]. Thus: moi [mwa], poire [pwa:r]. NASAL VOWELS 39. Nasal Vowels. A vowel or digraph followed im- mediately in the same syllable by a single m or n acquires a nasal quality. The m and n are silent : bon, mon-trer, temps, faim. The nasal quality is produced by leaving the opening from the pharynx to the nasal passage open, thus allowing a part of the air of expiration to escape through the nose. Note i. From the rule for dividing words into syllables (Sec. ii), it will be seen that (disregarding a few exceptions) m or n must be final or followed by a consonant to produce the nasal sound. Note 2. If the m or the n is doubled, the preceding vowel is usually not nasal : bonne [bon]. INTRODUCTION 40. The Four Nasal Vowels are represented and sounded as follows : an am en em in im yn ym ain aim ein eim Have the sound of a in M far " (more exactly, the sound of a of Sec. 18, b) pronounced through the nose : dans, chambre, enfant, temple. Have the sound of a in w fan" (more exactly, the sound of e, Sec. 20) pronounced through the nose : fin, simple, nymphe, pain, faim, plein. on om Have the sound of aw in " fawn " (more exactly, the sound of of Sec. 25, b) pronounced through the nose : Don, nom, tromper. un eun um eum Have the sound of u in M fur " (more exactly, the sound of eu of Sec. 32, b) pronounced through the nose : brun, humble, jeun. No trace of the m or n should appear in the pronunci- ation of the nasal vowels, except in liaison (Sec. 65, Note). The phonetic symbols of the four nasal vowels are respectively [a] [e] [5] [«]. Thus, the examples above are represented as follows : dans [da] fin [fe] faim [fe] tromper [tr5-pe] chambre [Ja:br] simple [se:pl] plein [pie] brun [brde] enfant [a-fa] nymphe [ne:f] bon [b5] humble [ce:bl] temple [ta:pl] pain [pe] nom [n5] jeun [362] Note i. Final en after i or y has the sound of the nasal in; also nasal en after i everywhere in the verbs tenir and venir: bien [bje], moyen [mwa-je] ; tiens [tje], viendra [vje-dra]. Note 2. Before the nasal in, has its consonantal sound of w in "was ' (Sec. 37): loin [lwe], moins [mwe]. Note 3. On in monsieur has the sound of mute e : [ma-sje]. Note 4. For final ent in verbs, see Sec. 22, c, Note 1. 1 6 ELEMENTARY FRENCH QUANTITY OF VOWELS 41. Quantity. The extent to which a vowel sound is prolonged is called its quantity. It varies according to its position, and is styled long or short. Note i. Similar variations occur in English, though less markedly. Compare " I am sad " (the a short in quantity) with " I am mad " (the a longer in quantity). Note 2. The length of vowels is not so important for the attention of a beginner as getting the correct and pure sounds. 42. The Phonetic Symbol for a long vowel is [:], placed after the vowel affected : reine [re:n], Mtir [ba-ti:r]. 43. Rules for Quantity. Long vowels occur only in the last stressed (Sec. 63) or clearly pronounced syllable of a word. Hence short vowels predominate. The following vowels are long : a. Vowels in final syllables before an r pronounced : fer [fe:r], finir [fi-ni:r], fort [foir], noir [nwa:r]. b. Certain vowels in the next to the last syllable of words that end in a mute e syllable, namely : (1) Vowels with a circumflex accent: ame [a:m], tete [te:t], notre [no:tr]. (2) Nasal vowels: chambre [ja:br], prince [pre:s], ronde [ro:d], humble [ce:bl]. (3) Vowels when followed by the sounds [v], [z], [3], [j], [r] : rive [ri:v], chaise [Je:z], rouge [111:3], fille [fi:j], terre [ten:]. Note i. The vowels [o], [0], [a], and [e] are often long in the situ- ation of b even when other consonants than those of (3) follow them : faute [fo:t], meule [mo:l], tasse [ta:s], reine [re:n], dixieme [di-zje:m]. Note 2. Vowels other than those mentioned in a and b above are usually short. In particular, vowels that constitute the final sound of a word are short : donne" [do-ne], chat [Ja], enfant [a-fa]. INTRODUCTION 1 7 SOUNDS OF CONSONANTS 44. Consonants in General have approximately the same sounds as in English. The principal differences are given below. 45. Final Consonants are not sounded except c, f, 1, and r. Likewise of final groups of consonants only c, f, 1, and r are sounded : nid, trop, des (silent) ; sec, vif, nul, pour (sounded) ; neufs (f sounded) ; corps (r sounded). Phonetically : nid [ni] sec [sek] pour [pur] trop [tro] vif [vif] neufs [noef] des [de] nul [nyl] corps [ko:r] 46. a. C before e, i, and y, and likewise 9, have the sound of c in " certain " : cette, ca. This is the soft c. The phonetic symbol is [s] : cette [set], ca [sa]. b. C in other positions (except in ch) has the sound of c in M cast " : col, avec. This is the hard c. The phonetic symbol is [k] : col [kol], avec [a-vek]. Note i . Final c, usually sounded, is silent after nasal n : blanc [bla] ; also in clerc [kle:r], estomac [es-to-ma], pore [po:r], tabac [ta-ba], and in a few other words. Note 2. C in second has the sound of g (Sec. 50, b) [so-g5]. v 47. Ch usually has the sound of sh in " shall " or ch in " machine " : chat, chercher. The phonetic symbol is [j] : chat [Ja], chercher [Jer-Je]. Note. In some words, mostly those derived from Greek, ch has the sound of k : chr6tien [kre-tje], dcho [e-ko]. 1 8 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 48. In pronouncing the English d, 1, n, and t, the tip of the tongue is placed against the hard palate some distance back of the roots of the upper teeth. In French it is generally placed against the upper teeth. An appreciably different sound is produced : dame [dam], ronde [r5:d], les [le], aller [a-le], nette [net], donner [do-ne], tete [tat]. 49. Final f, usually sounded, is silent in clef [kle], and' in the plurals bceufs [b0], nerfs [ne:r], ceufs [0]. 50. a. G before e, i, and y has the sound of s in " meas- ure " : geler, large, gilet. The phonetic symbol is [3] : geler [sjS-le], large parg], gilet [3i-le]. b. G in other positions (except in gn) has the sound of g in "get": gai, grand. The phonetic symbol is [g] : gai [ge], grand [gra]. Note. After g, e is often inserted before a, 0, and u, to indicate the first sound of g ; u is often inserted before e, i, and y, to indicate the second. The e and the u are silent : mangea [ma-3a] ; guerre [ge:r]. 51. Gn represents a single sound, much like the last part of ny in " canyon " : gagner. • The phonetic symbol is [p] : gagner [ga-ne]. 52. H is never sounded : homme, the\ In some words, however, initial h has sufficient force to prevent elision and linking, as in huit, haut. The h is then called aspirate ; otherwise it is called mute. Phonetically: homme [5m], the" [te] ; le huit [te-qit], le haut [b-o]. Note. Among the commonest words beginning with aspirate h are haine hardi haut honte hair haricot Havre hors halle hasard hlros huit hangar hate hibou hurler Consult a lexicon for others. INTRODUCTION 19 53. J has the sound of s in " measure " : je, jardin. The phonetic symbol is [3] : je [39], jardin [3ar-de]. 54. Liquid L. Final il preceded by a vowel has the so- called liquid sound. In this position il is sounded much like the English consonant y in " yes." The preceding vowel (or digraph) does not unite with the i, but retains its indi- vidual sound, the e of the ending eil having the sound of e ([e], Sec. 20) : travail, sommeil, seuil. This is called liquid 1 (1 mouille). The phonetic symbol is [j] : travail [tra-va:j], sommeil [sD-me:j], seuil [soe:j]. Ill, when not initial, has also in most words the liquid sound explained above, that of English y : veille, fille. Phonetically : veille [ve:j], fille [fi:j]. Note. In the following words ill is not liquid: mille [mil], ville [vil], tranquille [tra-kil]. 55. In Final il preceded by a consonant, the 1 is some- times sounded, as in fil, mil, civil; sometimes silent, as in gentil, fusil. Phonetically: fil [fil], mil [mil], civil [si-vil] ; gentil [3a-ti], fusil [fy-zi]. Note i. For the tongue position in 1, see Sec. 48. Note 2. In fils (meaning " son ") 1 is silent : [fis]. 56. M is silent in automne [o-ton]. For m and n nasal, see Sees. 39 and 40. For the tongue position in n, see Sec. 48. 1 57. P is silent in sept [set] and compter [k5-te]. 58. Qu generally has the sound of k : quel, quoique. Phonetically : quel [kel] ; quoique [kwa-ka]. 20 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 59. R is pronounced more prominently than in English : rose, tres, tenir, irai. Phonetically : rose [ro:z], tres [tre], tenir [ta-ni:r], irai [i-re]. Note i. Two different sounds of r are in common use in France. One is a trill of the tip of the tongue, the other a trill of the extremity of the soft palate. Either is correct, though the best usage perhaps now favors the latter. Note 2. R is silent in monsieur [ma-sje]. Note 3. For final er, see Sec. 21, Note 1. 60. S is usually sounded like English initial s, but between two vowels it has the sound of z : salle, pense, classe ; rose, maison. Phonetically : salle [sal], pense [pais], classe [kla:s] ; rose [ro:z], maison [me-z5]. Note. Final s, usually silent, is sounded in fils [fis] lis [lis] {usually) ours [urs] heias [e-la:s] mars [mars] sens [sa:s] {usually) jadis [3a-dis] mceurs [mcers] tous [tus] {as a pronoun) 61. T in the combinations tion, tial, tiel, tieux, and tie usually has the sound of s. This is true especially in words L'INSTITUT ET LE PONT DES ARTS. Pour conserver les belles traditions de la langue frangaise et pour l'embellir (y compris meme les questions d'or- thographe, d'accentuation, etc.), il y a une fameuse institution connue sous le nom d'Academie frangaise, reconnue par le parlement en 1637. Elle est composee de 40 membres, generalement connus sous le nom d' « immortels ». lis sont ordinairement choisis a cause de leur talent litteraire, et, quand un membre meurt, les survivants elisent son successeur. Les ecrivains francais se considerent tres honores d'etre admis au sein de cette assemblee. L'Aca- demie publie le Dictionnaire, code de la langue frangaise. Les seances de cette Academie ont lieu au palais de l'lnstitut, situe sur la rive de la Seine, en face du pont des Arts. Dans le meme edifice se reunissent aussi les quatre Academies consacrees aux arts et aux sciences, lesquelles avec l'Academie frangaise forment l'lnstitut de France. 22 ELEMENTARY FRENCH that correspond in form and meaning to English words in which t has the sound of sh (not ch), or is represented by soft c : nation, partial, essentiel, ambitieux, democratic Phonetically : nation [na-sjo], partial [par-sjal], essentiel [e-sa-sjel], ambitieux [d-bi-sj'0], democratic [de-mo-kra-si]. Note i. Final t, usually silent, is sounded in dot [dot], est [est] (point of compass), net [net], ouest [west]. Note 2. For the tongue position in t, see Sec. 48. Note 3. Since h is always silent, th is sounded like t: the* [te]. 62. X usually has the sound of ks: luxe, exposer. It has the sound of gz in ex initial before a vowel or mute h : exemple, exhaler. Phonetically: luxe [lyks], exposer [eks-po-ze] ; exemple [eg-za:pl], exhaler [eg-za-le]. Note. X has the sound of s in six [sis], dix [dis], soixante [swa-sa:t], Bruxelles [bry-sel] ; the sound of z in dix-huit [di-zqit], dix-neuf [diz-ncef ], deuxieme [d0-zje:m], sixieme [si-zje:m], dixieme [di-zje:m]. STRESS 63. Stress. As indicated in Sec. 15, d, French words do not, like English, have a strong accent, but each syllable (ex- cept those containing mute e) is clearly pronounced. There is, however, an apparent stress of voice that normally falls on the last syllable. Phrases likewise have a stress falling on the last syllable of their last word. LIAISON 64. Liaison. A final consonant before an initial vowel sound is often pronounced with this vowel sound when the two words are closely connected in thought. The INTRODUCTION 23 result of this is that the words are run together and pro- nounced as one. This is called linking (in French, liaison) : beaucoup"a faire, es£il. Phonetically: beaucoup a faire [bo-ku-pa-fe:r], est-il [e-til]. 65. Consonant Changes in Liaison. When carried over, a final d is sounded like t : gramTenfant ; a final f is sounded like v : neufhommes ; a final g is sounded like k : longpiiver ; a final s or x is sounded like 2 : les"amis, dixlunis. Phonetically: grand enfant [gra-ta-fa], neuf hommes [noe-vom], long hiver [l5-ki-ve:r], les amis [le-za-mi], dix amis [di-za-mi]. Note. M and n in nasal groups are carried over. The nasal quality of the vowel is then largely lost, except in un and a few other words. Monlimi [mo-na-mi], un~nomme [ce-nom]. 66. Omission of Liaison. Some words, notably et, and, never permit their final consonant to be carried over to a following word. ELISION 67. Elision. A final vowel is often dropped before an initial vowel or mute h, an apostrophe taking its place. This is called elision : j'ai, s'ils, l'homme. 68. Cases of Elision. The following words alone, undergo elision : a. All monosyllables ending in mute e. p. Jusque ; also lorsque, puisque, and quoique before il, ils, elle, elles, on, and un. c. La, both the article and the pronoun. d. Si, before il and ils. e. A few special cases, such as quelqu'un. 24 ELEMENTARY FRENCH PUNCTUATION 69. Punctuation in French follows in the main the same principles as in English. The use of the dash ( — ) to denote a change of speaker in a conversation is to be noted. The whole conversation quoted may then be inclosed in quotation marks. For many purposes the place of the dash is taken by les points suspensifs (. . .). 70. The French Names marks are — the period the comma the semicolon the colon the dash the quotation marks the interrogation point the exclamation point for the common punctuation le point la virgule le point et virgule les deux points le tiret les guillemets le point d' interrogation le point d' exclamation LESSON ONE GENDER -THE ARTICLES 71. Gender of Nouns. In French all nouns, whether the names of persons, animals, or things, are either masculine or feminine. There is no neuter gender. The gender of names of persons or animals of definite sex is determined, as in English, by that sex. The gender of other nouns seems arbitrary, and must be learned for each word. Note i. Nouns ending in certain letters are apt to have the same gender; likewise the names of certain classes of things. See page 427. Note 2. French nouns derived from Latin masculines and neuters are regularly masculine in French ; those from Latin feminines are regularly feminine. 72. The Definite Article the is expressed a. With masculine nouns in the singular by le. b. With feminine nouns in the singular by la. c. With all nouns in the plural by les. the father, leph-e the fathers, lesperes the mother, la mere the mothers, les meres 73. L' in Elision. Before words beginning with a vowel or mute h, le and la become P. the child, Venfant the children, les enfatits the man, Vhomme the men, les hommes Notei This dropping of a final vowel before an initial vowel sound for the sake of euphony, and the substitution of the apostrophe, is called elision. It takes place in several other short words ; for example, de, of. See Sec. 68. 2 5 26 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 74. The Indefinite Article a or an is expressed a. With masculine nouns by un. b. With feminine nouns by une. a brother, unfrere a sister, une sceur 75. Repetition of Articles. The definite and indefinite articles are repeated before each noun to which they belong. the father and brother, le pere et lefrere a brother and sister, unfrere et une soeur 76. The Plural of Nouns is regularly formed by adding s to the singular. le mari, the husband les maris, the husbands la femme, the wife les femmes, the wives l'enfant, the child les enfants, the children VOCABULARY a, has le frere, the brother aussi, also le garcon, the boy avec, with l'homme, the man de, of le mari, the husband deux, two la mere, the mother l'enfant m.f, the child ont, have est [e], is ou, where et [e], and le parent m.f, the parent la famille, the family le pere, the father la femme [fam], the woman, the qui, who wife la sceur, the sister la fille, the girl sont, are Drift EXERCISE I . Prefix to the following nouns the proper word for the : pere garcons filles parents homme mere enfant mari sceur hommes . GENDER — THE ARTICLES 27 2. Prefix to the following nouns the proper word for a : garc,on enfant homme soeur mere parent 3. Change to the plural form — le frere la femme la soeur le mari l'homme l'enfant 4. Translate into French — two boys of the man two girls also a father and mother the brother has a man is the brothers have the men are who has a sister ? where is the boy ? of the girl where are the children ? of a girl the husband and wife of a husband with the women Model Une Famille Un gargon et une fille sont avec un homme et une femme. Le gargon est le frere de la fille. Le gargon a une soeur. La fille a un frere. Le gargon est le frere de la soeur. La fille et le gargon ont deux parents. L'homme et la femme sont les parents. Les parents ont deux enfants. Les enfants de l'homme et de la femme sont le gargon et la fille. Les enfants ont un pere et une mere. La mere est la femme de l'homme. L'homme a une femme. La femme de l'homme est la mere de la fille. Le frere de la fille est aussi l'enfant de la mere. Le mari de la mere est le pere. Le pere et la mere sont les deux parents. Ou est le pere? Le pere est avec la mere. Oil sont les enfants ? Les enfants sont avec les parents. Qui sont les enfants? Le gargon et la fille sont les enfants. Qui sont les parents? 28 ELEMENTARY FRENCH . Theme A man is with a boy and a girl. The boy and the girl are the children of the man. The boy is the brother of the girl. The boy has a sister. The girl is the sister. The girl has a mother. The mother of the girl is the wife of the man. The man has a wife. The wife of the man is the mother of the girl. The father of the girl is the husband of the woman. The father and mother have two children. The children are the boy and girl. Who is the brother of the girl ? The boy. The man has two children. Where is the sister of the child ? The girl is with the boy. The children are with the man. W 7 ho is the man ? The man is the husband of the woman. The father and mother are the parents of the girl. The boy and the girl have a father and mother. Oral i. Qui est avec l'homme ? 2. Qui est le frere de la fille ? 3. Qui a une sceur? 4. Oil est la sceur? 5. Qui a deux parents? 6. Qui sont les parents ? 7. Qui a deux enfants ? 8. Qui sont les enfants de la femme? 9. Qui est le pere de la fille? 10. Qui a une femme? 11. Qui est le mari de la mere? 12. Oil sont les enfants ? 13. Oil est le frere de la fille ? 14. Qui a un pere et une mere ? 15. Oil sont le garcon et la fille ? Resume 1. The boy has a sister. 2. The woman has a husband. 3. The boy and girl are the children. 4. Wiho are the parents of the child ? 5. Where is the child of the man ? 6. The father and mother are the parents of the child. 7. The boy has a brother and sister. 8. Who is the girl with the woman ? 9. The man has two children. 10. The children have a father and mother. 11. Who is the brojher of the girl? 12. The man is the father of two children. 13. The woman is with the boy and girl. 14. Where is the mother of the child? 15. The two children have a brother and sister. CONTRACTION — POSSESSION 29 LESSON TWO CONTRACTION - POSSESSION 77. Contraction with the Article. Whenever the prepo- sitions de and a directly precede the articles le and les, they contract as follows : de + le = du a + le = au de + les = des a 4- les = aux of the father, dupere to the father, aupere of the fathers, des per es to the fathers, aux pe res the son of the father, lefils dupere Note. No contraction takes place before la and 1\ of the family, de lafamille to the man, a Vhomme 78. Possession is not expressed in French by 's, but by the preposition de, of. John's friend, Pami de Jean the girl's father, le pere de lafille the boy's sister, la sceur du gar con the children's uncle, Poticle des en/ants 79. Some Possessive Adjectives. Possessive adjectives, like the articles, change in form according to the gender and number of the nouns they modify. Among them are Before Before Before Masc. Sing. Fem. Sing. Pl. my mon ma mes his, her son sa ses your votre votre vos Note. Possessive adjectives, like articles, are repeated before each noun they modify. my father and mother, mon ph~e et ma mere 3o ELEMENTARY FRENCH VOCABULARY a, to l'ami m., the friend Berthe, Bertha cher, dear le cousin, the cousin dans, in la fille, the daughter, girl le fils [fis], the son Jean, John Marie, Mary l'oncle, the uncle la tante, the aunt Drill EXERCISE I. Prefix to the nouns below the proper form for (a) my (b) your, (c) his, (d) the, (e) her : famille oncle 2. Express in French of the father, of the mother of the child of the children to the father to the mother to the child freres homme sceurs pere to the children of the uncle to the son to the men of the sisters of a wife to an aunt* UNE HUMBLE FAMILLE DE PAYSANS. Dans la gravure, a l'autre page, assise sur le tronc d'arbre, est la grand'mere, un fichu sur la tete, coiffure plutot commune des femmes de la campagne. A cote d'elle est sa bru, la femme de son fils, l'homme qui se tient debout a ses cotes. C'est la fin d'une dure journee de travail, et ils se reposent dans la cour de la ferme avec leurs enfants, apres le repas du soir. Face a leurs parents et a leur grand'mere nous voyons la fille la plus agee, son frere sur les genoux et sa petite soeur a cote d'elle. La famille est pauvre, et cependant c'est par le labeur de ces gens honnetes et economes que la France est ce qu'elle est. 32 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 3. Translate into French — my brother your aunt my father's brother the boy's aunt my cousin's brother a friend's wife my cousins' brother dear to the son the child's brother dear to her son John's brother dear to his mother Ma Famille Dans une famille le fils et la fllle sont les enfants du pere et de la mere. Le fils est cher au pere et a la mere aussi. Le fils est cher aux deux parents. Les parents sont le pere et la mere. La mere est la femme du pere. Le pere et la mere sont les parents des enfants. Dans ma famille mes parents ont deux filles et un fils. Mon pere a une femme. Sa femme est ma mere. Mon pere est le mari de ma mere. Mon pere et ma mere sont mes parents. Mes sceurs, Marie et Berthe, sont les filles de mes parents. Mon pere a une sceur. Ma tante est la sceur de mon pere. Ma tante a un mari. Son mari est mon oncle. Les enfants de mon oncle sont mes cousins. Mon cousin Jean est cher au frere de mon oncle. Theme John is my friend. My friend has a father and mother. His father and mother are his parents. My friend has two sisters, Mary and Bertha. The sisters are the children of the parents. John's father is my mother's friend. My mother has a brother. My mother's brother is my uncle. Who is your uncle's wife ? My aunt is my uncle's wife. My uncle and aunt have a son. An uncle's son is a cousin. John has a cousin also. The cousin's mother is John's aunt. John is dear to the cousin and to the cousin's family. The girls with John are his sisters. Who is dear to John's sisters ? CONTRACTION — POSSESSION 33 Oral 1. Qui sont les enfants ? 2. Qui sont les parents ? 3. Qui est la femme de votre pere ? 4. Qui sont les parents des enfants ? 5. Qui est votre pere ? 6. Qui a une femme ? 7. Qui est votre mere ? 8. Qui sont les filles de votre mere ? 9. Qui sont Marie et Berthe ? 1 o. Qui est la femme de votre oncle ? 1 r . Qui est votre cousin? 12. Qui est la mere de votre ami ? 13. Qui est le fils de votre oncle? 14. Qui sont les parents de votre cousin? 15. Qui est cher aux parents ? Resume 1. My friend has an uncle. 2. His uncle's wife is his aunt. 3. My cousin has two children, a son and a daughter. 4. My uncle is my father's brother. 5. My friend's wife is your mother's sister. 6. The children of John's parents are my cousins. 7. The son is dear to the father. 8. The son is dear to the friends of his family also. 9. Who is the father of the boys? 10. The boys are with my cousin John. 11. Where are the children's parents? 12. My friend has a boy and girl in his family. 13. The child is dear to the mother. 14. The boy is the son of my father's sister. 15. Mary and Bertha are the daughters of my brother's friend. LESSON THREE VERB AND SUBJECT - &TRE 80. Present Tense of itre, to be. je suis, I am nous sommes, we are tu es, thou art vous etes, you are il (elle) est, he (she) is ils (elles) sont, they are Note i. This tense illustrates the fact that in French, as in English, the form of a verb changes with the person and number of its subject. Note 2. Observe that je is not capitalized. See Sec. 5. 34 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 81. It and They, French, having no neuter gender, has no special form for the subject pronoun it. II or elle is used according to the gender of the word to which the it refers. Likewise they is ils or elles as the gender demands. I have a book ; it is here. J'ai tin livre ; il est ici. I have a pen ; it is here. fai une plume ; elle est ici. She has two pencils ; they are Elle a deux crayons ; ils sont ici. here. He has two pens ; they are here. 77 a deux plumes ; elles sont ici. 82. Subject Noun. When the subject of an affirmative sentence is a noun expressed, a subject pronoun does not accompany the verb. My brother has two books. Monfrere a deux livres. The men are here. Les hommes sont ici. VOCABULARY a, at, to la fenetre, the window fe banc [ba], the bench, settee ici, here le bureau, the desk (of the le livre, the book teacher) le maitre d'&ole, the school- le cahier [ka-je], the notebook teacher m. la classe, the class la maitresse, the teacher f. le crayon, the pencil la plume, the pen dans, in, into la porte, the door derriere, behind pour, for devant, before, in front of le pupitre, the desk (of the l'e*cole/, the school pupil) al'&ole, at school quatre, four l'eleve m.f., the pupil la salle de classe, the classroom etes-vous, are you sur, on le fauteuil, the armchair, chair le tableau, the blackboard (of the teacher) un, une, (as a numeral) one VERB AND SUBJECT— ETRE 35 Drill i. Translate into French — a. of the boy of the girl cf the man of the men to the boy to the girl to the man to the men b. the teacher the school-teacher to the teacher the desk (of the teacher) the desk (of the pupil) the class c. the armchair, it is here a pen, it is here one pen one of the windows 2. Give the full tense of — of the parents to the teachers of the pens to the book of the pupil at the blackboard at the window at one window the classroom of the classroom the school at school in the school on the blackboard the notebooks, they are here the pens, they are here the pens are here Model je suis ici, tu es ici, etc. je suis a l'ecole je suis devant la fenetre Ma Salle de Classe Je suis a l'ecole avec mon frere. Nous sommes ici. Nous sommes dans la salle de classe. Elle a deux portes et quatre fenetres. Le fauteuil et le bureau devant le tableau sont pour le maitre d'ecole ; les bancs et les pupitres pour les eleves de la classe. Les livres et les crayons du maitre sont sur le bureau. Ses plumes sont aussi 36 ELEMENTARY FRENCH sur son bureau. Les cahiers des e'leves sont sur les pupitres. Le maitre est au tableau derriere son bureau. Une eleve est devant le bureau du maitre. Deux des eleves sont aux fenetres. «Ou sont vos livres ? — * lis sont sur le pupitre de mon frere. — Oil sont vos plumes ? — Elles sont sur mon pupitre. » Theme We are at school. The teacher and the pupils are in the class- room. The classroom has four windows. It has also two doors. One pupil is at the board. The teacher has the pupil's notebook. I am in front of the teacher. " Who has my books ? " " I have my books. They are here on the teacher's desk." The pupils' pens and pencils are in the desks. The teacher has his book on his desk. The teacher's desk and chair are in front of the blackboard. The blackboard is behind the teacher. Are you behind the teacher ? Oral i. Ou etes-vous? 2. Sommes-nous dans la salle de classe? 3. Ou est le fauteuil du maitre? 4. Qui a un pupitre? 5. Qui a un bureau? 6. Ou sont les livres du maitre? 7. Oil est le crayon de l'eleve ? 8. Qui a vos livres ? 9. Ou sont les cahiers des eleves? 10. Etes-vous a. l'ecole ? 11. Qui est au tableau? 12. Qui a la plume? 13. Etes-vous dans le fauteuil? 14. Oil est votre livre ? 15. Qui est dans la salle de classe ? 1 A dash in French usually indicates a change of speaker. See Sec. 69. UNE SALLE DE CLASSE. Cette gravure represente une salle de classe dans une ecole primaire, oil les petits garcons sont generalement en tablier noir, en pantalon court, et portent des chaussettes. Ici Tun d'eux, debout entre son banc et le pupitre, et le livre a la main, lit pendant que les autres suivent. Son voisin de droite, cependant, cherche quelque chose dans son pupitre ouvert. Derriere eux, au mur, nous voyons une couple de cartes, et des gravures pour venir en aide aux descriptions que pourra leur faire le maitre. Les petits Francais apprennent tous le dessin, et le relief en platre est la pour servir de modele. UNE SALLE DE CLASSE 38 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Resume i. Are you also at school with your brother and sister? 2. The two windows of the classroom are behind the teacher's desk. 3. The pupil's pen and pencil are here. 4. Four of the books are ■for the school-teacher. 5. We are at the blackboard behind the door. 6. The pupils have the notebooks on the benches. 7. The man's son and daughter are at school. 8. I have her pencils ; they are on my desk. 9. One of the pupils of the class is his sister. 10. Where is the pen? It is in my desk. 11. I am the teacher's son. 12. The classroom has four windows and two doors. 13. Who is the man at the window? 14. Where are the notebooks? They are on your desk with the books. 15. The teacher has her chair before her desk. REVIEW (Lessons One to Three) A. General Drill 1 . Give all forms of the French words for the, a, my, his, your, her. 2. Give the gender of the following nouns and state in each case how the gender is known : pere fille famille plume eleve livre 3. Place before the nouns below the proper form for (a) the, (b) his, (c) to the, (d) your, (e) of the. Also, when the number allows, for (f) a, (g) two. sceur tantes e'leve tableau fen£tre livres 4. Illustrate by examples elision and contraction. THE NEGATIVE— AVOIR 39 5. Continue je suis a l'ecole, tu es a Pecole, etc. 6. Fill in the blanks : Ou est livre ? est sur bureau. Ou est plume? est sur pupitre. Ou est oncle? est avec femme. Oil sont enfants? sont sur bancs. Nous dans salle. Vous devant - fenetre. Le cahier garcon. Les cahiers Aleves. , B. Translate into French 1. Mary has a brother and sister. 2. Her father and mother are her parents. 3. The man and woman have a family of two children. 4. The child is dear to the father. 5. My brother and sister are at school. 6. The school-teacher is dear to the pupils. 7. The boys are at the windows. 8. Where are Bertha's pens? They are on her desk. 9. The pupil has one pen ; it is here. 10. The boys' notebooks are on the desk. 11. Four of the pupils at the blackboard have a book. 12. Who is at school with the children ? 13. The teachers have the books and pencils. 14. Where are the girls? They are behind the armchair. 15. Who is at the door ? My uncle and aunt. LESSON FOUR THE NEGATIVE- A VOIR 83. The Negative ne . . . pas. The ordinary form for not with a verb is ne . . . pas, ne before the verb and pas after it. I am not in the yard. Je ne suis pas dans la cour. He has not the pen. // n*a pas la plume. The men are not seated. Les homtnes ne sont pas assis. Note. Observe that ne undergoes elision. 40 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 84. Present Tense of erre, Negatively. je ne suis pas, / am not nous ne sommes pas, we are not tu n'es pas etc. vous n'etes pas etc. il (elle) n'est pas ils (elles) ne sont pas 85. Present Tense of avoir. a. Affirmatively : j'ai, I have tu as, thou hast il (elle) a, he (she) has b. Negatively : je n'ai pas, I have not tu n'as pas etc. il (elle) n'a pas nous avons, we have vous avez, you have ils (elles) ont, they have nous n'avons pas, we have not vous n'avez pas etc. ils (elles) n'ont pas 86. The Present of avoir with Past Participles of other verbs forms a compound tense, the past indefinite, which represents sometimes the English perfect, sometimes the English simple past. J'ai trouve" la regie. P211e a trouve" sa plume. Nous n'avons pas apporte les livres. / have found (I found) the ruler. She has found {she found) her pen. We have not brought (did not bring) the books. Note. Observe the position of pas, directly after the form of avoir and preceding the past participle. apportS, brought apres, after assis, seated, sitting le bras, the arm la carte, the map VOCABULARY la cloche, the bell la cour, the yard debout, standing donne, give, gives l'encre /., the ink THE NEGATIVE — AVOIR 41 l'encrier [a-kri-e] m., the ink- stand la France, France la lecon, the lesson mais, but montre, shows, is showing le porte-plume, the penholder quand, when la regie, the ruler sonne, rings sous, under trouve\ found voici, here is vont, go ( 3dpi.) EXERCISE Drill 1. Translate into French — a. I am he has you are I have he is the man has they have she is the men are they are we have we are b. I have found we brought she gives I found they have found they go we have brought they brought he gives 2. Put into French negatively, the expressions in 1 , a and b. 3. Continue — j'ai un encrier je ne suis pas debout je n'ai pas le porte-plume j'ai trouve' un crayon 4. Read the Model below, making the affirmative sen- tences negative, and the negative affirmative. Make no change in the questions, nor in expressions beginning with voici. Model Une Salle de Classe Le maitre est avec ses e'leves dans la classe. II n'est pas assis. II est debout devant ses eleves. II a une regie sous le bras ; un eleve est au tableau. Le maitre montre une carte de France a l'eleve. Deux eleves sont assis devant le tableau. lis ont un porte- plume et un cahier. L'encre est dans l'encrier. Nous sommes assis. 42 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Je donne une plume a un eleve. II a un porte-plume. Je n'ai pas mon cahier. II n'est pas ici. Void un cahier. « Avez-vous un crayon? — Je n'ai pas trouve mon crayon, mais j'ai apporte ma plume. Elle est dans mon pupitre. » Apres la lecon, la cloche sonne. Les eleves vont dans la cour. « Ou est la cour ? — Elle est derriere l'ecole. Nous ne sommes pas dans la cour. » Theme 11 Who is in the yard ? " M The pupils are in the yard. The yard is not in front of the school. We are not with the teacher." M Where is the teacher ? " " He is at the window of the class- room." The bell rings. When it rings, the pupils go into the class. The teacher is standing at the blackboard. He has his ruler. He is showing the map to the pupils. The pupils are not at the blackboard. My uncle's son is not at school. He has not his books. I have brought my books, but I did not bring my pencil. I have found a penholder on the teacher's desk. Where is the inkstand ? The teacher has not his book. A pupil gives a book to the teacher. Oral i. Avez-vous trouve le maitre dans la gravure (picture) ? 2. Qui est dans la salle de classe ? 3. Qui est debout ? 4. Qui a une regie sous le bras? 5. Qui est au tableau? 6. Qui montre la carte? 7. A qui (whom) ? 8. Ou sont les eleves ? 9. Qui a un porte- plume ? 1 o. Ou est l'encre ? 11. Avez-vous apporte vos livres ? 12. Ou vont les eleves apres la classe? 13. Oil est la cour? 14. Qui est dans la cour quand la cloche sonne? 15. Qui est avec les e'leves dans la cour ? Resume 1. The ink is in the inkstand on the pupil's desk. 2. My sister gives a penholder to her son. 3. The pupils are standing behind the armchair in the classroom. 4. The children are not in the yard UNE SALLE DE CLASSE EN ALSACE Le maitre demande a l'eleve t « Quel est le pays represente au tableau ? — La France, monsieur » , repond l'eleve 44 ELEMENTARY FRENCH with your brother. 5. We found his pen, but we did not find her notebook. 6. Here is the woman; she brought the books to the teacher. 7. The teacher is showing the map to the pupils. 8. The boy and girl go into the classroom when the bell rings. 9. She has found the ruler. It is on her desk. 1 o. Who has John's pencils ? They are not on the bench. 11. Two of the men are seated at the window. 12. Who is the man standing in front of the blackboard ? 13. Mary did not find her father and mother after the lesson. 14. Here is the teacher's son; he rings the bell. 15. The school- teacher gives a lesson to the class. LESSON FIVE INTERROGATIVE FORMS 87. The Interrogative Form of a sentence with a personal pronoun as subject is made by placing the pronoun after the verb and joining the two words by a hyphen. Is he in the room ? Est-il da?is la chambre f Have you not two brothers ? JV'avez-vous pas deux freres ? Have you found a pen ? Avez-vous trouve une plume ? 88. Present Tense of itre> Interrogatively. o. Affirmatively : suis-je ? am I? sommes-nous ? are we ? es-tu ? etc. etes-vous ? etc. est-il(elle) ? sont-ils(elles) ? b. Negatively : ne suis-je pas? am I not? ne sommes-nous pas? are we not? n'es-tu pas ? etc. n'etes-vous pas ? * etc. n 'est-il (elle) pas ? ne sont-ils(elles) pas ? INTERROGATIVE FORMS 45 89. Present Tense of avoir, Interrogatively. a. Affirmatively : ai-je ? have I? as-tu ? etc. a-t-il(elle) ? b. Negatively : n 'ai-je pas ? have I not ? etc. avons-nous ? have we ? avez-vous ? etc. ont-ils(elles) ? n'avons-nous pas ? have we not 1 etc. Note. The presence of t in the forms a-t-il and a-t-elle is in order to prevent the succession of two vowels. 90. Interrogative Form with Subject Nouns. A sentence whose subject is a noun is made interrogative, among other ways, by placing the subject first, and repeating it by the proper form of the subject pronoun placed after the verb. Are the men in the room ? Has his sister found the two pens? Have not your sisters my book ? Les hommes sont-ils dans la chambre ? Sa sceur a-t-elle trouve les deux plumes 1 Vos saeurs n'ont-elles pas mon livre ? VOCABULARY aujourd'hui, today la chaise, the chair la chambre, the room la grand' mere, the grandmother le grand-pere, the grandfather le jardin, the garden la maison, the house le neveu, the nephew la niece, the niece non, no ou, or oui, yes qui, who, whom, which table, the table a la maison, at home, at the house 46 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Drill EXERCISE i. Translate into French — have you a cousin ? the inkstands are not here has John a cousin ? are not the inkstands here ? has John's father a cousin ? has she ? is she at home ? are they not ? is Mary at home ? am I not ? is your sister at home ? have I not ? is Mary's sister at home ? have they not found ? the children are here the men who are here are the children here ? the tables which are here 2. Change into questions — Marie est debout Nous ne sommes pas k la maison La niece de Jean a une sceur Son tils n'est pas ici 3. Continue — Suis-je a la maison ? Ne suis-je pas avec Marie ? N'ai-je pas une table ? Ai-je trouve le crayon ? 4. Change, in the Model below, the affirmative sentences (except voici . . .) into negative, omitting the words oui, non, and mais. Model L A Famille a la Maison « Etes-vous a. Pe'cole aujourd'hui ? — Non, nous ne sommes pas a l'ecole ; nous sommes a la maison. — Vos parents sont-ils avec vous ? — Oui, ils sont aussi a la maison. — Oil sont-ils ? — lis sont dans ma chambre. Voici ma chambre. — A-t-elle une table ? — Oui, elle a une table, deux chaises et un fauteuil. J'ai aussi un bureau dans ma chambre. — Etes-vous debout devant votre bureau ? — Non, je suis assis dans mon fauteuil. — Votre grand- pere est-il dans la maison ? — Non, il est assis dans le jardin avec mon cousin Jean. — Votre cousin est-il l'enfant de votre oncle? INTERROGATIVE FORMS 47 — Oui, et il est aussi le neveu de mon pere. — Votre cousin n'a-t-il pas une ou deux sceurs ? — II a deux soeurs qui sont les nieces de mon pere. — Ne sont-elles pas dans la cour qui est derriere la maison ? — Marie est dans la cour, mais sa sceur est ici avec sa grand 'mere. » Theme " Has your grandmother a husband ? " M My grandmother has a husband, who is my grandfather." "Is not your grandfather seated with his wife on a bench in the garden ? " " No, he is in my brother's room. My grandmother is with my cousin in front of the house." M Is not your cousin at school today ? " M No, my cousin John, and Mary, John's sister, are at home today. John is my father's nephew ; Mary is my father's niece." M Is the family at home ? " M Yes, it is at home." M Are not your uncle and your cousin John in the yard ? " M Yes, they are in the yard which is in front of the house." "Has your room an armchair? Has it a blackboard ? " Oral 1. Etes-vous a l'e'cole aujourd'hui ? 2. Ou sont vos parents? 3. Ou est votre chambre ? 4. Votre chambre a-t-elle une table ? 5. N'a-t-elle pas aussi deux chaises ? 6. Avez-vous un pupitre dans votre chambre? 7. Votre grand-pere est-il a la maison? 8. Votre grand-pere a-t-il une femme ? 9. Qui est le neveu de votre pere ? 10. Votre maison a-t-elle une cour? 11. La cour n'est-elle pas derriere la maison? 12. Marie est-elle dans la cour? 13. Qui est Jean ? 14. Ou est Jean ? 15. Jean est-il le frere de Marie ? Resume 1. My mother is at home with her children. 2. My father's mother is one of my grandmothers. 3. Here is John's chair behind the door in my room. 4. Is Mary in the house with her cousin ? No, she is here in the garden. 5. Where is your nephew's 48 ELEMENTARY FRENCH penholder? It is in my desk. 6. Who is the man who rings the bell at school? 7. My uncle is my aunt's husband, and he has a son and daughter. 8. Are you seated before the class or standing at the blackboard ? 9. Are not my books on the table which is in John's room? 10. Mary, John's niece, is his brother's daughter. 1 1. Has he not brought the pens to his uncle's children? 12. Did the pupil bring a pencil and a notebook to school today ? 13. Yes, and he found also the teacher's inkstand on his desk. 14. Is my grandfather's chair in front of the window? 15. The teacher is showing a map of France to his class. LESSON SIX PRESENT TENSE FORMS 91. The Present Tense (indicative) is treated in full later. In the majority of verbs it follows the model below. je donne, I give nous donnons, we give tu donnes, thou givest vous donnez, you give il donne, he gives ils donnent, they give Note i. The pupil is already familiar with the irregular presents of etre and avoir. Others will be given from time to time in the lesson vocabularies. Note 2. Interrogative forms of the present are made in accordance with Lesson Five. Thus : nous donnons becomes donnons-nous ? il ecrit becomes ecrit-il ? il donne becomes donne-t-il ? l'eleve lit becomes l'eleve lit-il ? 92. Auxiliary Forms in English often correspond to the French simple present. Thus : je donne, I give, I am giving, I do give PRESENT TENSE FORMS 49 Likewise, in negative and interrogative forms : il ne donne pas, he is not giving, he does not give donne-t-il ? is he giving ? does he. give t ne donne-t-il pas ? is he not giving ? does he not give ? VOCABULARY la craie, the chalk mademoiselle, Miss difficile, difficult monsieur [mo-sjo], Mr., sir l'exemple m., the example, illus- je montre, etc., I show, etc. trative sentence montrez-moi, show me facile, easy le morceau, the piece francais, French la phrase, the sentence la grammaire, the grammar la regie, the rule la lecture, the reading au tableau, on (at) the blackboard madame, Mrs., madam je trouve, etc., I find, etc. lecon de grammaire, grammar lesson lecon de lecture, reading lesson livre de francais, French book Note i . These last three phrases illustrate a common French usage in which two nouns connected by de correspond in English to a noun preceded by an adjective. Note 2. Livre de francais means a book of French, that is, a French textbook ; livre francais. an expression with which we are soon to become familiar, means a book that is printed in French or that has some French characteristic. Irregular Presents je lis, / read nous lisons, we read tu lis, thou readest vous lisez, you read il lit, he reads ils lisent, they read j'ecris, I write nous ecrivons, we write tu ecris, thou writest vous e'crivez, you write il ecrit, he writes ils ecrivent, they write 5o ELEMENTARY FRENCH EXERCISE Drill i . Translate into French — a. he shows she reads he writes we give we are giving are we giving ? do we give ? b. a book a French book a reading book c. Mr. Lacour Mrs. Lacour Miss Lacour yes, sir no, sir I am here, sir are we not giving ? does he read ? does the pupil read ? are they showing ? have I found ? did he find ? does he find ? the grammar lesson the grammar rules my French lesson yes, Mrs. Lacour ! no, Miss Lacour yes, Mr. Lacour 2. Continue — je montre je donne les regies je ne donne pas je lis la lecon 3. Fill the blanks : nous montr— la phrase montrent carte elle donn regies vous lis--- grammaire je trouve je n'ecris pas mes phrases n'ai-je pas trouve la grammaire ? suis-je au tableau ? don— elle cahier? ils lis lecon _ enfants ecriv-- la regie je ne donn deux legons 4. Replace in the following Model the subjects of the verbs by je, whenever the meaning allows, making the corresponding changes in the verbs. Replace them likewise by vous ; elles. 1 In conversation the French say oui, madame, not out, Madame Lacour \ similarly with mademoiselle and monsieur. PRESENT TENSE FORMS 51 Model La Leqon « N'avez-vous pas votre livre de francais ? — Oui, monsieur, il est sur mon pupitre. » Le maitre donne une leQon de grammaire aux e'leves. 11 lit les regies, et il e'crit les exemples au tableau avec un morceau de craie. II montre les exemples aux eleves. J'e'cris dans mon cahier avec ma plume. Nous ecrivons les phrases qui sont sur le tableau. Mon frere n'ecrit pas les exemples. II a sa grammaire, mais il n'a pas apporte son cahier. « Montrez-moi la lecon. La lecon est-elle difficile ? — Non, elle est facile. » Apres la lecon de grammaire nous avons la le^on de lecture. Les e'leves n'e'crivent pas. Le maitre lit devant les e'leves. Nous lisons apres le maitre, et nous ecrivons les exercices a la maison. Theme Today we have a reading lesson. The teacher is standing in front of the class. We read the lesson with the teacher. My cousin is not at his desk. He is at the board and he is writing the exercise. "Is not your brother writing with the chalk ? " M Yes, sir ; he is writing with a piece of chalk." " Have we not a grammar lesson ? " M Yes, sir." The teacher gives the rules of the lesson to the pupils and they write the examples in a notebook. M Where are the examples ? " " They are on the blackboard." " Show me the examples." After the lesson the children go home and write the exercises. We show the exercises to the teacher. M Show me your notebook." Oral 1. Montrez-moi votre livre de francais. 2. Oil est-il? 3. Qui donne la lecon de grammaire? 4. Le maitre ecrit-il les regies au tableau? 5. ficrit-il les regies au tableau avec un crayon? 6. Les enfants lisent-ils les regies ? 7. Votre frere a-t-il apporte sa grammaire? 8. La lecon de grammaire n'est-elle pas difficile? 52 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 9. Avons-nous une le- c,on de lecture aujour- d'hui ? 1 o. Qui lit apres le maitre? 11. Ou sont les exemples de la lecon? 12. Les eleves ecrivent-ils au tableau ? 13. ficrivez-vous vos exercices a l'ecole ? 14. A qui (whom) les eleves donnent-ils les exercices ? 15. Les en- fants vont-ils dans la cour apres la lecbn ? Resume 1. The pupils are writing the grammar lesson on the black- board. 2. When does he give the French lesson to the children? ' 3. I am giving a map of France to my sister's son. 4. The teacher is reading the rules of grammar to his class. 5. Is the lesson for today easy? No, 1 L'histoire d'Alphonse Daudet, La Demttre Classe, dont nous repro- duisons ici quelques paragraphes, est un incident de cette epoque : « Mes enfants, c'est la derniere fois que je vous fais la classe. Le nouveau maitre arrive demain. Aujourd'hui, c'est votre derniere lecon de francais. » Tout a coup l'horloge de 1'eglise sonna midi, puis PAngelus. Au meme moment, les trompettes des Prussiens qui revenaient de l'exercice ecla- terent sous nos fenetres. . . . M. Hamel se leva, tout pale, dans sa chaire. « Mes amis, dit-il, mes amis, je . . . je . . . » Mais quelque chose l'etourrait. II ne pouvait pas achever sa phrase. Alors il se tourna vers le tableau, prit un morceau de craie, et, en appuyant de toutes ses forces, il ecrivit aussi gros qu'il put : « Vive la France ! » LA DERNIERE CLASSE A la suite de la guerre de 1 870, l'Alsace et la Lor- raine devinrent allemandes, et la langue fran- caise cessa d'etre enseignee dans les ecoles 1 PRESENT TENSE FORMS 53 sir, it is difficult. 6. Do you read the reading lesson after the teacher ? 7. Yes, Miss Hamel, but we write the exercises at home. 8. Miss Riou writes the sentences in her notebook. 9. At school the teachers write the examples with a piece of chalk. 10. After the lesson the boys and girls go into the yard. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Riou, John's father and mother, are in the house. 12. Show me the French books which are on your desk. 13. Mary is showing her French exercises to the pupils. 14. When the bell rings, my brother and sister go to school. 15. Here is the man who found the pencils ; they are on the table. REVIEW (Lessons Four to Six) A. General Drill 1. Complete the present indicative of (a) je montre, (b) j'&ris (neg.), (c) j'ai (neg.-int), (d) je suis (int.). 2. Express in French — (7. she gives she has found she writes she has she found she is b. did she bring ? does she bring ? is she giving ? has she brought ? is she ? is she reading? c. we are not showing we do not show we did not show we have not found d. do you not read ? did you not find ? have you not found ? are you not giving ? 3. Change to the interrogative — vous etes il n'a pas trouve les chaises sont le maitre lit les hommes ont la fille n'e'crit pas 54 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 4. Translate into French — he is reading the grandfather or the grand- he is sitting in the chair mother we are standing she is at home they go to school a grammar lesson yes or no .a French grammar here is a penholder show me the map where is it ? a map of France 5 . Replace, below, je by il ; by nous ; vous ; elles ; l'61eve ; ses freres. Then, with each subject, change to the negative form ; to the interrogative ; negative-interrogative. je suis a l'e'oole je lis la lecon j'ai un livre je montre la carte aux eleves j'ecris les exercices B. Translate into French 1. John is not with his brother and sister. 2. Are you writing the grammar lesson on the blackboard? 3. Here is the girl who found the teacher's pencils. 4. The school-teacher is showing his map of France to the pupils. 5. Where did you find my pen? It is here on my desk. 6. Where is the French lesson ? We have a reading lesson today. 7. The man who rings the bell is not my uncle. 8 % Show me your notebook ; I am writing my French exercise. 9. Did the boy bring his French book to school today ? 10. Are you reading the book which is on your desk? 11. Do you write your exercises with a pen or with a pencil? 12. Are the children at home today? No, sir, they are at school. 13. The pupil who is sitting on the bench is reading his grammar lesson. 1 4. The girl who is standing in front of the teacher's desk is your niece. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Lebon, Mary's father and mother, are standing at the window. PLURAL OF NOUNS 55 LESSON SEVEN PLURAL OF NOUNS 93. Irregular Plurals. It has been stated in Sec. y6 that nouns in French regularly form their plural by the addition of 8.. The following exceptions are important : a. Nouns ending in s, x, or z remain unchanged. le fils, the son les fils, the sons la noix, the nut les noix, the nuts le nez, the nose les nez, the noses b. Nouns ending in au and eu, and seven in ou, add x. Poiseau, the bird les oiseaux, the birds le neveu, the nephew les neveux, the nephews le bijou, the jewel les bijoux, the jewels The seven nouns in ou are le bijou, the jewel le hibou, the owl le caillou, the pebble le joujou, the plaything le chou, the cabbage le pou, the louse le genou, the knee Note i. The h in hibou is aspirate : therefore, le hibou. See Sec. 52. Note 2. Other nouns in ou add s. le trou, the hole les trous, the holes c. Most nouns ending in al change this termination to aux. le cheval, the horse les chevaux, the horses Note. For exceptions to this see Sec. 311. d. The following nouns have irregular plural forms : le del, the sky les cieux, the skies Poeil, the eye les yeux, the eyes 56 ELEMENTARY FRENCH VOCABULARY l'all<§e/., the path l'animal m., the animal l'arbre m., the tree le bois, the wood la bonne, the maid, nursemaid le chapeau, the hat le gateau, the cake gns, gray le journal, the newspaper le manteau, the cloak le monsieur [ma-sjo], the gentle- man le pare [park], the park le sac, the bag je chante, etc., I sing, etc. a cote* de, beside en face de, opposite voila, there is (are) {calling attention to an object) il y a, there is (are) (merely stating existence of an object) Note. Other words used in the exercises below will be foui in Sec. 93. Drin EXERCISE I. Give the plural of — le nez la niece Foiseau le journal votre fils le ciel la noix le caillou son ceil le fils l'homme un bijou le neveu mon animal le chapeau de Jean 2. Give the singular of — ses chevaux mes yeux les hiboux ves manteaux les enfants les nez deux bras les sacs 3. Continue — j'ai deux yeux je n'ai pas deux nez je donne un sac de noix je ne chante pas je lis les journaux ne suis-je pas dans les bois ? PLURAL OF NOUNS 57 4. Translate into French — there 's my horse he is singing there is a horse in the park does he sing ? behind the trees the owl is gray beside the tree the owl's hole opposite the park the owls' holes 5. Take from the Model below each noun with the modi- fying word (if any) that precedes it, and then change each from the singular to the plural and vice versa (change un to deux, deux to un). Model Le Parc Je suis dans le parc avec les neveux de mon pere. Le parc est en face de ma maison. Les oiseaux chantent dans les arbres. Dans le bois il y a deux hiboux. Le hibou est un oiseau. Voila un homme qui lit ses journaux sur le banc. A cote de l'homme il y a une bonne et les fils de l'homme. Un des fils est sur les genoux du monsieur. Les yeux de l'enfant sont gris. Son chapeau est derriere le banc sur les cailloux de l'allee. Les joujoux et les manteaux des enfants sont dans les bras de la bonne. Elle donne aux enfants les noix et les gateaux qui sont dans son sac. Dans l'allee pour les chevaux il y a un homme et son cheval. Theme There is a park opposite my house. In the woods there is a path for the horses. The two horses of my nephews are not in the park. There is a bench! On the bench a maid is reading a book to a child. The child's eyes are gray. He is in the arms of the maid and he has two cakes. The maid reads the lesson on the animals and birds. M Here are two owls. The owl is a bird." Beside the maid, on the bench, are the children's cloaks, hats, and playthings. There 's a gentleman and his sons. He is reading his newspapers. 58 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Oral i. Le pare est-il en face de votre maison ? 2. Les oiseaux sont- ils dans les arbres ? 3. Ou sont les arbres ? 4. Le hibou est-il un animal? 5. Lisez-vous les journaux? 6. Ou est la bonne? 7. Qui est sur les genoux de la bonne ? 8. L'enfant est-il dans les bras de la bonne ? 9. 11 est l'allee pour les chevaux ? 10. Votre livre est-il sur vos genoux? 11. Vos yeux sont-ils gris? 12. Les chapeaux des eleves sont-ils dans la classe ? 13. Vous et votre frere etes-vous les fils de vos parents? 14. Avez-vous deux genoux? 15. Avez- vous deux nez? Resume 1. The maid who is on the settee is reading a French book. 2. The man gives the nuts to the children. 3. My nephews found the birds in the trees of my uncle's garden. 4. My aunt is giving the jewels to my sister. 5. My father's horses are in the woods which are opposite his house. 6. Has the man two noses? No, sir, but he has two eyes and two knees. 7. The skies are gray, and the children are not going (vont) to school. 8. There are two owls in the holes of the trees in front of our house. 9. There is the gentleman who brought the cakes and playthings to the pupils. 10. The reading lesson is on the animals and it is not difficult. 1 1. The maid is singing to the child who is in her arms. 12. Where LA FONTAINE DE MEDiCIS. Paris est fameux pour ses pares, dont 1'un des mieux connus et des plus beaux est celui du Luxembourg. II est situe pres du Quartier Latin, oil demeurent beaucoup des etudiants de Paris, et est tres frequente par les etudiants eux-memes ainsi que par les enfants du voisinage, ces derniers visitant surtout la partie du pare reservee pour leurs jeux. Le jardin est orne de statues et d'autres oeuvres d'art, parmi lesquelles se detache la fontaine de Medicis, encadree de grands arbres, que vous voyez dans la gravure d'a cote. Le batiment que Ton distingue derriere est le palais du Luxembourg, ou le Senat tient ses seances. Ce palais fut construit de 1615 a 1620 pour Marie de Medicis, femme de Henri IV, et fut habite par divers princes et princesses jusqu'a la Revolution. LA FONTAINE DE M^DICIS 60 ELEMENTARY FRENCH are the children's hats and cloaks? They are not here. 13. Did not the boy find the cabbages in the gentleman's garden ? 1 4. My son is standing on the pebbles in the path and is singing to his mother. 15. Here is the gentleman who reads his newspapers in the park. 16. He has also a bag of nuts for the animals. 17. Is the French teacher giving a reading lesson or a grammar lesson to his class today? 18. Did you give the French books to the pupils who are seated on the benches? 19. The boys found the nuts which are on the table. 20. Here is the park ; are the birds singing in the woods ? LESSON EIGHT AGREEMENT OF ADJECTIVES 94. Agreement of Adjectives. Adjectives in French vary in form to agree with the gender and number of the words they modify. 95. The Feminine of Adjectives is regularly formed by adding mute e to the masculine. le grand jardin, the large garden la grancle cour, the large yard 96. The Plural of Adjectives is generally formed in the same way as the plural of nouns of similar ending. le petit garc,on, the little boy les petits gargons, the little boys le gros chien, the big dog les gros chiens, the big dogs la grande ville, the large city les grandes villes, the large cities Note i. Bleu, blue, however, takes s in the plural. Note 2. An adjective has, therefore, normally four forms : masculine singular and plural, feminine singular and plural ; for example, grand, grands, grande, grandes. AGREEMENT OF ADJECTIVES 6 1 97. Double Agreement. When the same adjective modi- fies nouns of different gender, it takes the masculine form. His son and daughter are small. Sonjils et sajille sont petits. 98. Feminine of Nouns. A few nouns which may be applied to either sex have a feminine form made in the same way as the feminine of adjectives. le cousin, la cousine, the cousin un ami, une amie, a friend Note. Enfant and many other nouns of this type have the same form for both genders. VOCABULARY l'ami (/. amie), the friend je joue, etc., I play, etc. beau, beautiful, handsome long, long bleu, blue parce que, because charmant, attractive petit, small, little le chien, the dog la piece, the room le ciel, the sky plein, full content, glad pourquoi, why la cuisine, the kitchen je represents, etc., I represent,^. je demeure, etc., I dwell, live, etc. le rideau, the curtain la feuille, the leaf rond, round la fleur, the flower la rue, the street gai, cheerful le salon, the parlor grand, large seul, only, alone gros, big le tableau, the picture, blackboard haut (Note), high le vase, the vase l'herbe/, the grass vert, green joli, pretty la ville [vjl], the city la chambre a coucher, the bedroom la salle a manger, the dining-room etre de retour, to be back de quelle couleur ? of what color ? Note. The h in haut. is aspirate; see Sec. 52. 62 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Drin EXERCISE i. Give all forms (both numbers and genders) of — petit le votre son joli charmant bleu mauvais francais plein seul gai 2. Translate into French — a large table a big dog the window is round two beautiful curtains the pretty leaves the skies are blue his cousin (/) is attractive full of pictures the grass is green your friend (/) is glad the flower is blue the boy and girl are pretty my little room his brother and sister 3. Replace in the following sentences, making all neces- sary changes in agreement, Jean by Marie ; by vos neveux ; by mes cou sines. Jean est mon petit ami. II n'est pas grand, mais il est bon. II est ici. II a deux gros chiens. Est-il seul ? Model _ _. La Maison Jean est de retour a la maison. Son oncle a une grande maison parce qu'il a une grande famille. Le salon est tres joli. II a deux grandes et hautes fenetres. Les longs rideaux des fenetres sont tres beaux. Voici une petite table. Elle est ronde. Un tableau represente un jardin. Le ciel du tableau est tres bleu. II y a deux charmants enfants dans le tableau. Le garcon est debout et joue avec un gros chien. La petite fille est assise sur l'herbe. L'herbe est tres verte. Les arbres et les feuilles sont verts aussi. Le jardin est plein de jolies fleurs. Le salon n'est pas la seule piece de la AGREEMENT OF ADJECTIVES 63 maison. II y a aussi une salle a manger et une cuisine. Les chambres a coucher sont petites mais gaies. La cousine de Jean a apporte un vase de fleurs. Theme My aunt is your friend. My uncle's large family lives in a street where the houses are high. We are back at home. Here is the parlor. It is large and has two large and high windows. The long curtains are very beautiful. On the table, which is round, there is a pretty flower in a little vase. The flower is blue. The dining-room and kitchen are small. My bedroom is very cheerful. We are back in the parlor. There 's a beautiful picture ! It repre- sents two children, a little boy and a little girl, who are in a garden full of pretty flowers. On the grass the boy is playing with a big dog. The little girl is seated in the grass under the trees. Oral 1. Oil l'oncle de Jean est-il? 2. Pourquoi l'oncle de Jean a-t-il une grande maison? 3. De'crivez (describe) les rideaux du salon. 4. Decrivez la table. 5. Oil est le beau tableau? 6. Le tableau represente-t-il un pare? 7. Qui est dans le jardin de l'oncle? 8. Le jardin est-il petit? 9. Avec qui le petit garcon joue-t-il? 10. Nommez (name) les pieces de la maison. 11. Votre maison est-elle haute ? 12. Votre pere a-t-il une grande famille ? 1 3. Avons- nous une table dans la classe ? 1 4. De quelle couleur est le ciel ? 15. De quelle couleur est l'herbe? Resume 1. The gardens of the city are small, but the grass in the park is green. 2. Did you find the boy's big dog in the street? 3. The sky is blue today and the little boys are going to school. 4. The beautiful birds are singing in the large trees of the woods. 5. The windows of my cousin's bedroom are high, but the cur- tains are not long. 6. I live in a house which has a large kitchen 64 ELEMENTARY FRENCH and an attractive dining-room. 7. There is a vase full of pretty flowers on the table of the parlor. 8. We are back at home, and are glad because the rooms are very cheerful. 9. The picture rep- resents a large room with four windows and a table. 10. The table is round; a little girl is sitting in an armchair. 11. The leaves of the trees in the yard are very green. 12. A boy is standing under the trees and is playing with a small dog. 13. My friend lives alone in an attractive house of four rooms. 14. Here is the man who found the horses ; they are behind the house. 15. Of what color are your mother's jewels? They are blue and green. 16. The curtains for the windows of Mary's room are blue. 17. The bedrooms of my uncle's house are not large, but they are cheerful. 1 8. Why are the pupils going to the woods today ? 19. The flowers in the girl's garden are blue ; she is giving a flower to her teacher. 20. We are playing in the park, where the grass is high. LESSON NINE POSITION OF ADJECTIVES 99. Position of Adjectives. Qualifying adjectives, as a rule, follow the word they modify. l'arbre vert, the green tree les tables rondes, the round tables 100. Thirteen Adjectives that Precede. Several of the most common adjectives regularly precede their noun. Among the most important are beau, beautiful grand, large vieux, old joli, pretty gros, big jeune, young vilain, homely petit, little nouveau, new bon, good long, long mauvais, bad court, short POSITION OF ADJECTIVES 65 une jolie femme, a pretty woman deux petits enfants, two tittle children Note. The position of adjectives is further discussed in Sec. 326. The beginner should put every adjective after its noun unless he knows a definite reason to the contrary. 101. Tout and tel. The irregular adjectives tout (tous, //.; toute, toutes, /.), all, every, and tel (telle, /.), such, require special attention in regard to their position when used with an article. tout le pays, the whole country, all the country tous les arbres, every tree, all (the) trees tout le monde, everybody (all the world) un tel homme, such a man une telle femme, such a woman 102. Adjectives used as Nouns. The noun which an adjective modifies is often omitted, and the adjective, pre- ceded by an article, then stands alone, taking the gender and number of the noun it represents. This construction is most frequent with nouns that denote persons. Le Francais est ici. The Frenchman is here. Une Francaise est ici. A Frenchwoman is here. Les Francais ont un beau pays. The French (people) have a beautiful country. II est avec la petite. He is with the little girl. J'ai deux pommes ; une verte et / have two apples ; a green one une rouge. and a red one. Note. Proper adjectives are not capitalized in French when used as adjectives ; they are capitalized when used as nouns. See Sec. 5. les enfants francais, the French children les Francais, the French (people) 66 ELEMENTARY FRENCH VOCABULARY j 'admire, etc., I admire, etc. l'arbre (m.) fruitier, fruit tree bon, good la campagne, the country (Note) la cerise, the cherry le cerisier, the cherry tree le chemin, the road chez, at (to) the house of la ferme, the farm le feuillage, the foliage en fleur, in bloom la foret, the forest le gout, the taste jeune, young maintenant, now mauvais [mo-ve], bad le monde, the world mur, ripe nouveau, new le noyer, the walnut tree le pays [pe-i], the country (Note) plusieurs, several la poire, the pear le poirier, the pear tree la pomme, the apple le pommier, the apple tree il pousse, etc., it grows, etc. rouge, red je sSpare, etc., I separate, etc. souvent, often tel (/ telle), such (Sec. 101) tendre, delicate, tender tout (m. pi. tous), all, every (Sec. 101) tree, very le verger, the orchard le vert, the green vieux, old vilain, homely le village [vi-laig], the village tout le monde, everybody a la campagne, in the country chez son oncle, at (to) his uncle's Note. Pays, a geographical unit ; campagne, the rural district, n6t the city. Driu EXERCISE I. Give the four forms of the French words for bad such all blue ripe glad round green short French round high my •POSITION OF ADJECTIVES 67 2. Give the French for — the round window a green forest the French children my good uncle 3. Translate into French — a. he lives in a beautiful country he lives in the country the apples on the apple trees we admire his farm the country is in bloom the pears are not ripe b. all the trees the whole forest every orchard everybody 4. Continue — the red apples a delicate green a new teacher a very green pear several roads . several streets it has a good taste at John's house at my friend's (house) at John's father's such a picture such a flower all flowers all my friends Model j 'admire un grand arbre je ne demeure pas a la campagne suis-je chez ma tante ? je ne suis pas grand je lis dans la foret A la Campagne Aujourd'hui Jean est a la campagne. Tout le pays est en fleur. Son ami a une grande ferme dans un joli petit village. II y a deux hommes chez son ami, un vieux et un jeune. Le jeune est francais. Le Francois n'est pas ici. II est maintenant dans les bois. Le chemin separe la ferme de la foret. Nous admirons souvent les beaux arbres qui ont un feuillage d'un vert tres tendre. Tout le monde admire une telle foret. Les arbres fruitiers ne poussent pas dans les bois. lis poussent dans le verger. Dans le verger il 68 ELEMENTARY FRENCH yaun cerisier, un gros noyer, plusieurs pommiers et un poirier. Toutes les cerises sont rouges. Elles ont un bon gout quand elles sont mures. Elles ont un mauvais gout quand elles sont vertes. Les noix dans ma poche sont les noix du* noyer qui est devant vous. Les gros arbres du verger sont tres vieux. Theme John is with a young Frenchman at my friend's farm. The French have a beautiful country, but the little village where my friend has his little farm is beautiful also. The whole country is now in bloom. My friend's apple trees, pear trees, and little cherry trees are in the orchard behind the barn, but the big walnut trees are in the forest. There is a ripe pear. It has a good taste. Everybody admires such a pear. Are his pears large or small ? The cherries on the table are red. The old walnut tree produces (gives) the nuts which are on the table of the dining-room. There 's a bad nut, but all the nuts are not bad. The walnut tree is a fruit tree which grows in the woods. The foliage of the beautiful trees beside the road that separates the forest from the farm is of a very delicate green. Oral i.Jean est-il a l'ecole aujourd'hui? 2. Le pays est-il beau? 3. Oil est la grande ferme de l'ami de Jean ? 4. Qui est a. la ferme ? 5. Le Francais n'est-il pas dans le bois ? 6. De quelle LA CAMPAGNE — VUE PRISE D'UN AEROPLANE. Nous avons ici une photographie prise d'un aeroplane, laquelle represente a la lettre un pay- sage tel qu'on ne manque pas, pour ainsi dire, de voir a quelque endroit de la France qu'on aille. Les ecuries, les etables, les hangars forment generale- ment un groupe au centre duquel se trouve la cour, l'abreuvoir, etc. La photo montre bien le morcellement considerable de la propriete en France, beau- coup de ces lots separes les uns des autres par les routes nombreuses qui sillonnent le pays. Tout le terrain est cultive, et, sauf les vergers et une foret par-ci par-la, il n'y a pas d'espaces cultivables qui ne soient pas utilises. fO ELEMENTARY FRENCH couleur est le feuillage des arbres? 7. Ou les 1 arbres fruitiers poussent-ils ? 8. Les * noyers ne poussent-ils pas aussi dans le verger? 9. Les 1 pommes vertes ont-elles un bon gout? 10. De quelle couleur sontles * cerises mures ? 1 1 - Toutes les fleurs sont-elles rouges? 12. Le Francais est-il vieux ou jeune? 13. Les Francois n'ont-ils pas un beau pays ? 1 4. Etes-vous chez votre oncle ? 15. Jean n'est-il pas chez son ami avec le Frangais? 16. Admirez-vous le pays des Francois ? 17. Demeurez-vous a la campagne ? Resume 1. In every country all the orchards are full of fruit trees. 2. There are, in his orchard, several trees which are now in bloom. 3. All the good pupils write the French exercises at home. 4. When the apples are green, they have a bad taste. 5. Of what color are (the) cherries when they are ripe ? 6. The old curtains which sepa- rate the parlor from the dining-room are very homely. 7. Who gave to the teacher the pretty flowers in the vase which is on her table ? 8. The little girl found the large nuts in the forest under the old walnut trees. 9. All the houses in the little French village are very attractive. 1 o. Do you not admire my sister's pretty cloaks ? 1 1. All her children are now at her father's in the country. 1 2. John's teacher often 2 reads the French lesson to his pupils. 13. Such a teacher is dear to the pupils of every school. 14. In my new orchard every pear tree is full of pears. 15. Everybody admires the cherry tree which is growing in our yard. 16. There is a big tree beside the path which separates the garden from the yard. 17. He found the apples under the apple tree, a green one and a ripe one. 18. I admire the delicate green of the foliage of the apple trees. 19. Are they going to school today? No, sir, they are going to his uncle's. 20. There is the Frenchman who gave th French books to John's brother. 1 See Sec. 119. 2 See Sec. no. IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES 7 1 LESSON TEN IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES 103. Irregular Feminines. French adjectives regularly form their feminine, as stated in Sec. 95, by the addition of mute e. The following exceptions are important : a. Adjectives already ending in mute e remain unchanged. le jeune homme, the young man la jeune femme, the young woman b. Adjectives ending in f change the f to v on adding e. II est actif. He is active. Elle est active. She is active. c. Most adjectives ending in x change the x to 8 on adding e. II est heureux. He is happy. Elle est heureuse. She is happy. d. The following adjectives, among many others, present special irregularities : Masculine Feminine bas basse low gros grosse big, stout dpais e'paisse thick bon bonne good cher chere dear sec seche dry blanc blanche white long longue long frais fraiche fresh doux douce sweet, gentle 72 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Note i. The first four of these adjectives, as well as those of Sec. 1 04 below, illustrate a common tendency to double a final consonant on the addition of the e. Note 2. For a more complete list of irregular feminines see Sec. 3 1 2. 104. Two Masculine Forms. The following adjectives, among other irregularities, have two forms in the masculine singular. Of these two forms, the first is used before words beginning with a consonant ; the second, before words be- ginning with a vowel sound. Masculine Sing. Plu. beau, bel beaux nouveau, nouvel nouveaux vieux, vieil vieux fou, fol fous mou, mol mous Feminine Sing. Plu. belle belles nouvelle nouvelles vieille vieilles folle folles molle molles un beau tableau, a beautiful picture un bel arbre, a beautiful tree beautiful new old crazy soft VOCABULARY l'air m., the air l'ecurie/., the stable (for horses) ratable/., the stable (for cattle) la ferme, the farmhouse, farm fort, strong, loud large, broad neuf, new (Note 2) noir, black le pr6, the field, pasture pur, pure la vache, the cow la voix, the voice de qui ? of (by) whom ? whose ? a haute voix, aloud a voix basse, in a low voice Note i . For other adjectives used in this lesson see Sees. 1 03 and 1 04. Note 2. Neuf, new, in the sense of newly made ; nouveau, new, in the sense of different, newly acquired. IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES 73 Drill i. Give all forms of the French words for dry thick . old young 2. Give a French sentence or phrase containing — blanches nouvel jeune deux broad white low long seated dear big gentle good new {two words) high all heureuse neuve chere beaux 3. Translate into French — the cow's stable a thick leaf the horses' stable she is reading aloud a large farm a dry nut a broad path a new friend 4. Continue — je suis heureux je chante a voix basse je ne demeure pas dans une e'curie je n'admire pas tout le monde n'ai-je pas trouve une pomme rouge ? telle bonne doux vieille a new house ud a dear 1 aunt an old aunt an active aunt Model A la Ferme La ferme de M. Leblanc, le bon ami de Jean, est une belle maison blanche. Elle est neuve. Dans la cour, qui est longue et large, sont les grandes etables pour les grosses vaches et les ecuries pour les beaux chevaux de la ferme. A cote du verger le gros cheval noir de M. Leblanc est dans le pre oil T'herbe 1 Dear precedes its noun when it means beloved. 74 ELEMENTARY FRENCH est e'paisse. La petite fille de M. Leblanc est sous le feuillage epais du vieil arbre de la cour. Elle lit a haute voix le nouveau livre d'Anatole France, et elle est heureuse. La petite, assise sur une chaise basse, a une voix tres douce et est Pamie de tout le monde. Son pere est vieux et gros, mais il est tres actif. Sa mere n'est pas tres vieille, et elle est active aussi. lis sont heureux. Theme M Where is the little daughter of Mr. Lebon ? " M She is in the yard seated with her mother on a very low bench." Mary is a good little girl. She is very beautiful and gentle. Mary is everybody's friend. Under the thick foliage of the old tree of the yard she is reading aloud to her mother the new book by (of) Anatole France. The mother of the little girl is an active woman ; she is not old. Her husband is old. He is stout, but he is active also. Mr. Lebon's farmhouse is new. It has a beautiful yard. The big cows are not in the stable, which is long and low. They are in the thick, green (thick and green) .grass of the field. Two of the cows are black. The air of the country is dry and pure. Oral i. De quelle couleur est la maison de M. Leblanc? 2. Est-elle vieille ou neuve? 3. Oil sont les etables de la ferme? 4. Les beaux chevaux de M. Leblanc sont-ils a l'ecurie? 5. M. Leblanc a-t-il un enfant ? 6. Ou est sa petite ? 7. Lit-elle a haute voix ou a voix basse? 8. De qui est le livre? 9. A qui lit-elle? 10. Pour- quoi la petite est-elle heureuse ? 11. A-t-elle une forte voix ? 1 2. Sa mere est-elle jeune? 13. Votre pere est-il vieux? 14. Etes-vous assis sur une chaise basse ? 15. Votre mere est-elle active ? Resume 1. In the orchard the leaves of the trees are fresh and green. 2. My uncle's black cows are in the pasture behind the farmhouse. 3, My friend's new house is in a pretty French village beside an IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES 75 attractive road. 4. Mr. Lebon's daughter has a sweet voice ; she is reading aloud to her father. 5. A Frenchman gave (to) my nephews the white horses which are in the stable. 6. In the country all children are strong because the air is pure. 7. My dear mother often sings to her children when they are at home. 8. The old man who is standing at the window is the friend of all the animals. 9. A crazy woman lives in the white house behind the woods. 10. The apples which are on the trees are red, but they are not ripe. 1 1. Show me the new book by (of) Rend Bazin which is on the round table. 12. The little boy sitting in front of the low table is everybody's friend. 13. We have two big cows in the stable, a red one and a white one. 1 4. John's sisters are now writing the long French exercises. 15. In the field the grass is green and thick. 16. My aunt lives in a small house, but she is happy and cheer- ful. 17. Where did you find the red flowers? They are very beautiful. 18. The Frenchwoman is not young, but she is strong and active. 19. He is reading the French lesson in a low voice before the class. 20. The old owls are in the holes of the old tree. REVIEW (Lessons Seven to Ten) A. General Drill 1. Give the exceptions to the regular formation of the plural of nouns and adjectives. Illustrate. 2. Give the list of nouns ending in ou that form the plural by adding x. 3. Give the plural of — homme ciel genou joli votre bras trou ceil tout nez doux animal heureux beau assis 7 6 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 4. Give the feminine singular of — jeune actif le cher sec bon fou tel vieux 5. Give all the forms of — mauvais vieux tout rouge blanc nouveau 6. Express in French — a young man the white horse your pretty house 7. Translate into French the leaves are green two eyes a French picture every house bas mou a low voice a new friend my dear friend tout doux ami heureux votre frais enfant epais beau joli a new house a short road a long lesson such a house all houses all the house everybody the old woman the new cloak and the old one we are back a house of four rooms a beautiful dining-room the white owl there is a boy here is a good pear there 's a bad pear there is a tree in the yard parentheses by the correct 8. Replace the words in French forms : Le (old) homme est (happy). (His good) femme est (old), mais elle est (beautiful). (Her) fils a (two young) filles. (They) sont (small), mais tres (sweet) et (pretty). (The whole) famille demeure dans une (new white) maison sous un (old green) arbre. B. Translate into French 1. The old woman lives alone in the white house. 2. Such a girl is everybody's friend. 3. All the pupils are reading the French lesson aloud. 4. Is the stable for the horses in the yard ? 5. All COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES 77 the birds are now in the thick forest. 6. Where are the child's playthings ? 7. Do you not write the French exercises at home ? 8. In my new orchard all the cherry trees are in bloom. 9. There are two cows in the pasture, a white' and a black one. 10. When the apples are ripe they are of a red color. 11. Everybody admires her beautiful black eyes. 12. We are writing the long grammar lesson on the blackboard. 13. Such a woman is a friend of all the children of the village. 14. In the country the grass is now fresh and green. 15. The Frenchman is showing the French books to his friends. 1 6. John's father and mother are old, but they are very active. 17. The leaves of the pear tree are dry, but the pears are sweet and good. 18. All the girls are back at home and they are happy. 19. Show me the old owls which are in the old walnut tree. 20. The maid is singing in a low voice to the children. LESSON ELEVEN COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES 105. Regular Comparison. The comparative degree of adjectives is regularly formed by prefixing plus, more ; the superlative, by prefixing the proper form of the definite article to the comparative. Thus : grand, plus grand, le plus grand, large, larger, largest. grand cheval, large horse plus grand cheval, larger horse le plus grand cheval, largest horse une belle dame, a beautiful lady une plus belle dame, a more beautiful lady la plus belle dame, the most beautiful lady deux jolis enfants, two pretty children deux plus jolis enfants, two prettier children les plus jolis enfants, the prettiest children 78 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Note i. The prettier picture of two and the prettiest picture of more than two are alike in French, le plus joli tableau. Note 2. An adjective that follows its noun in the positive follows it also in the comparative and superlative. Observe the repetition of the article. le ciel le plus bleu, the bluest sky Note 3. When a possessive adjective is used before a superlative, the definite article is not required. mon plus cher ami, my dearest friend 106. Irregular Comparison. The following three adjec- tives are usually compared irregularly : bon, good meilleur, better le meilleur, best mauvais, bad pire, worse le pire, worst petit, little moindre, less le moindre, least Note. Petit is compared regularly when it means small in size. My house is smaller. Ma maison est plus petite. But the least occasion la moindre occasion 107. Comparison Downward. To express less and least degrees, moins, less, and le moins, least, are prefixed. II est moins poli. He is less polite. Son frere est le moins poli. His brother is least polite. 108. Comparative Connectives. In comparative sentences than is expressed by que, as ... as by aussi . . . que, so . . . as, in negative expressions, by si . . . que. The boy is taller than his sister. Le gar con est plus grand que sa sceur. He is as rich as his brother. II est aussi riche que son frere. She is not so beautiful as her Elle n'est pas si belle que sa mother. mere. Note. In after superlative expressions is de. The most beautiful woman in (of) La plus belle femme de la ville. the city. COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES 79 VOCABULARY Page m., the age malade, sick ag£, old (in years) (Note) meilleur (le), better (best) agreable, pleasant moindre (le), less (least) aimable, kind naturellement, naturally, of attentif , attentive course avanc£, advanced l'occasion/., the occasion le camarade, the chum, comrade paresseux, lazy cependant, however pire (le), worse (worst) enclasse, in class poli, polite aucontraire, on the contrary riche, rich different, different robuste, sturdy gai, cheerful, merry studieux, studious grand, tall, large je tombe, etc., I fall, etc. intelligent, bright toujours, always Jeanne, Jane vif, lively bien (mal) 61ev6, well-bred (ill-bred) a la moindre occasion, on the least occasion Note. Age" is used to define anyone's age, whether old or young; vieux means advanced in years, not young. jy ... EXERCISE i. Compare upward and also downward — grand beau cher avance petit bonne mauvais vive 2. Compare (upward simply) — vieille dame belles filles un homme aimable mauvais garcon la chambre haute ma petite sceur 3. Form sentences or phrases in French containing — moins belle si grand que meilleurs agee aussi petit que bien e'levees la pire plus polis 80 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 4. Translate into French — he is better than you she has a better book than you he is not so good as you she has the best book the best boy in the class the pretty house she is not so attractive as your the prettier house (of the two) friend the prettiest house (of all) John is older than Charles my best friends 5. Continue — je suis plus grand que l'enfant suis-je aussi robuste que vous ? je ne suis pas si riche que son frere j'ai le banc le plus bas de la salle de classe Model l es Deux Camarades d'Ecole J'ai deux camarades, Jean et Charles. Jean demeure a Paris, la plus belle ville du monde. Charles demeure dans une ville plus grande mais moins belle. Jean est riche ; ses parents ont une grande maison. Charles n'est pas si riche que Jean. Sa maison est moins grande ; elle est cependant aussi belle. Elle n'est pas si vieille. Jean est plus age que Charles. II est grand et robuste. Charles est aussi grand mais moins fort. II est bien eleve, poli, et toujours aimable. Jean, au contraire, est mal eleve. II n'est pas si agreable que son camarade et est moins poli. En classe il est paresseux. Charles est plus studieux. Jean est naturellement moins avance' parce qu'il n'est pas si attentif en classe. II est cependant aussi in- telligent que Charles. Charles est le meilleur des deux et mon plus cher ami. Jean n'est pas cependant le pire des garcons de son age. Theme Jane and Mary are two well-bred girls, but very different. Jane is very merry and lively ; Mary is not so pleasant. Jane is the younger and the less strong. She is less sturdy than Mary, who COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES 8 1 is the taller and also the elder of the two. Mary is not so kind as Jane, who is more attractive than she. Jane is, however, less handsome. The two girls sing well. Mary has the stronger voice, but her voice is less pleasing. Jane's voice is less strong. Jane is not so sturdy as Mary. She falls sick on the least occasion. Mary is the brighter of the two, but she is not the best pupil in her class. She is, however, not so attentive as Jane, who is always more studious. They live in the most beautiful street in the city. Oral i. Jean n'est-il pas riche? 2. Qui est le plus riche, Jean ou Charles? 3. La maison de Charles est-elle aussi grande que la maison de son camarade ? 4. Qui est le plus age, Jean ou Charles ? 5. Charles n'est-il pas le plus jeune? 6. Est-il plus grand que Jean ? 7. Jean est-il aussi bien eleve que Charles ? 8. Qui est le moins studieux, Jean ou Charles ? 9. Jean n'est-il pas aussi avance que Charles ? 1 o. Qui est le meilleur des eleves, Jean ou Charles ? 1 1. Pourquoi Charles est-il plus avance que Jean ? 12. Demeurez- vous dans la plus belle rue de la ville? 13. Etes-vous aussi age que le maitre ? 14. Tombez-vous malade souvent ? 15. Etes-vous tou jours attentif en classe ? Resume 1. His sons are better than his nephews. 2. Who has the most beautiful jewels in the city ? 3. He falls sick when the teacher gives a long French lesson. 4. The boys are younger than the girls and are also more active. 5. The grass is greener in the meadow than in the forest. 6. Is she more attentive in class than your daughter? 7. Jane is less studious than Mary, but more lively. 8. Her sons, on the contrary, are lazier than your children. 9. Bertha is the least intelligent girl in the whole class. 10. Natu- rally she is less advanced than the girls of her age. 1 1. The French woman is as tall as my mother. 12. Mary is the elder of the two 82 ELEMENTARY FRENCH sisters. 13. My chum is, however, the eldest in the family. 14. Jane is very different from her younger sister. 15. His horses are the largest in the world. 16. On the least occasion he reads aloud his grammar lesson. 1 7 . Everybody admires a well-bred child. 18. Such a son is, of course, dear to his parents. 19. The best nuts are dry when they are ripe. 20. The merriest pupils are not always the brightest. LESSON TWELVE ADVERBS AND THEIR COMPARISON 109. Formation of Adverbs. Many French adverbs are formed by adding ment to an adjective. This syllable ment is added a. To the masculine of an adjective when it ends in a vowel. joli, pretty joliment, prettily b. To the feminine when the masculine ends in a consonant. doux, douce, sweet doucement, sweetly Note. French has, of course, many adverbs not thus formed from adjectives; for example, bien, well) tre3, very. 110. Position of Adverbs. An adverb modifying a finite verb usually directly follows it ; it never directly precedes it, as it does sometimes in English. He writes at the board well. 77 ecrit bien au tableau. We often read. Nous lisons souvent Note. In a compound tense, as the past indefinite, short, simple adverbs are usually placed between the form of avoir and the past participle. You wrote well. Vous avez bien ecrit. You wrote at length. Vous avez ecrit longuement. ADVERBS AND THEIR COMPARISON 83 111. Comparison of Adverbs. Adverbs are compared in the same way as adjectives. As they undergo no variation for agreement, the form of the article in the superlative is always le. souvent, plus souvent, le plus souvent, often, qftener, oftenest 112. Irregular Comparison. The following four adverbs are compared irregularly : beaucoup, plus, le plus bien, mieux, le mieux mal, pis, le pis peu, moins, le moins much, more, most well, better, best badly, worse, worst little, less, least 113. Adverbs of Quantity. The following common ad- verbs denoting quantity are often used with the force of nouns. In this construction they take de before a following noun. assez, enough autant, as much, as many beaucoup, much, many, a great deal combien? how much? how many? Le maitre a beaucoup d'eleves. Elle a trop d' argent. II a autant de fils que de filles. J'ai assez d'argent. J'ai peu de livres. moins, less, fewer peu, little, few plus, more tant, so much, so many trop, too much, too many The teacher has many pupils. She has too much money. He has as many sons as daughters. I have money enough {enough of money). I have few books. Note. When these words are used in a strictly adverbial sense, without a dependent noun, they do not require de. II ecrit trop souvent. II lit assez bien. He writes too often. He reads well enough. 8 4 ELEMENTARY FRENCH VOCABULARY l'argent m., the money autre, other le chateau, the castle la chose, the thing la croix, the cross donne\ given de droite, right-hand encore, still, yet fier [fje:r] (/. fiere), proud en France, in France g6ne*ral, general g6ne>eux, generous la guerre, the war jaloux, jealous leur {pi. leurs), their la page, the page Note. For additional words pauvre, poor pendant, during je pense, etc., I think, etc. le plaisir, the pleasure que, that (conj.) quelquefois, sometimes rare, rare la robe, the dress seulement, only le soldat, the soldier sur, sure la tour, the tower je travaille, etc., I work, etc. travail^, worked un, one, a les vetements m., the clothes see Sec. 113. Drill 1. Compare EXERCISE bien souvent petit beaucoup mal bon peu sur mauvais rarement 2. Form the adverbs meaning — actively dearly generally prettily surely proudly 3. Express in French — he reads much more friends less money much money more attractive fewer benches a little money apples enough as much money a little boy less attractive too many rules how much money a great deal of chalk too surely ADVERBS AND THEIR COMPARISON 85 4. Translate into French — she is better than Mary on the left-hand page she is the best girl in the city he rarely works she rarely reads he worked well she gives generously she is sure of her friend she has several dresses she surely is jealous she has many dresses I have too many pleasures she has money enough I am too poor they are proud of their clothes you are less advanced in France you have less ink 5. Continue — j'ai trop de leQons n'ai-je pas assez d'amis ? je suis le meilleur e'leve de la classe je travaille le mieux Model L ES Riches et les Pauvres Dans tous les pays il y a generalement beaucoup de pauvres et peu de riches. Les pauvres ont peu d'argent ; les riches ont beaucoup d'argent. Les riches ont plus d'argent que les pauvres. Les pauvres ont moins d'argent que les riches. Les pauvres n'ont pas assez d'argent. lis pensent quelquefois que les riches ont trop d'argent, de maisons et de beaux vetements. lis sont jaloux des riches. Les pauvres ont souvent autant d'amis que les riches, mais ils n'ont pas tant de plaisirs. Les pauvres sont souvent aussi heureux que les riches; ils ne sont pas cependant si fiers. Les femmes des riches ont beaucoup de beaux bijoux et de belles robes. Les enfants des pauvres ont moins de joujoux que les enfants des riches. Les riches donnent beaucoup de joujoux et d'autres choses aux petits enfants des pauvres. Pendant la grande guerre les riches et les pauvres ont donne tres ge'nereusement aux soldats et aussi a la Croix-Rouge. Naturellement les riches 86 ELEMENTARY FRENCH ont donne plus que les pauvres. Les petits ont donne moins que leurs parents. En France les riches ont beaucoup de chateaux. Voici, sur la page de droite, un des grands chateaux. Combien de tours a-t-il ? Est-il plus beau que les maisons de votre pays ? Theme The rich live most often in the prettiest houses in the city. They do not always work the most; they have, however, more money than the poor. The poor have naturally fewer pleasures because they have not so much money. They have generally not enough money. They have very often a large family, and have rarely too much money. Happily the rich, who are sometimes generous, give much to the children of the poor. The children of the poor have few playthings, and their mothers have still fewer jewels, but they are happy and have as many friends as the rich. On the other page there is a castle. It is surely very beautiful. Has it enough towers? How many towers has it? The richest man in my country has a castle also. He has given a great deal to the soldiers during the great war. Oral i. Qui a le plus d'argent, les riches ou les pauvres? 2. Les pauvres ont-ils plus de vetements que les riches ? 3. Ne sont-ils pas jaloux des riches ? 4. Ont-ils moins d'amis que les riches ? 5. Ont-ils autant de plaisirs? 6. Les femmes des riches ont-elles LE CHATEAU DE CHAUMONT. La France est parsemee, particulierement au centre, d'un grand nombre de chateaux. Quelques-uns de ces chateaux etaient autrefois des forteresses, mais furent plus tard amenages pour servir de residences. lis furent construits, pour la plupart, aux quinzieme et seizieme siecles. Leur exterieur imposant et l'interieur richement decore ont ete une inspiration aux architectes, un grand nombre de proprietes americaines en montrant les traits caracteristiques. Un des chateaux les plus interessants de la region de la Loire est celui de Chaumont. 88 ELEMENTARY FRENCH assez de robes ? 7. Qui a le plus de joujoux, les enfants des riches ou des pauvres? 8. A qui les riches donnent-ils ge'nereusement ? 9. Quand les riches ont-ils donne aux soldats ? 10. Ont-ils donne seulement aux soldats? 11. Les petits ont-ils donne autant que leurs parents ? 12. Combien de tours a le chateau de la page 87 ? 13. N'a-t-il pas trop de f enetres ? 14. A-t-il autant de portes? 15. Qui est l'homme le plus riche de votre pays ? Resume 1. Her youngest brother has more horses than John. 2. Here is one of* the most beautiful castles in the world. 3. The Red Cross gave many things to the soldiers during the war. 4. The rich have rarely too much money. 5. The girl surely has as many pleasures as a boy. 6. The generous women of the city are giving many playthings to the children. 7. How much money does he have ? 8. There are generally more boys than girls in my French class. 9. Does Mary sing better than the other sisters? 10. John is the least studious boy in the whole school. 1 1 . Jane reads badly, but Mary reads the worst of all the girls. 12. The French woman has more beautiful dresses than my sister. 13. His eldest son has not clothes enough for his children. 14. We think that he is still the richest man in the country. 15. At school we sometimes read aloud the reading lesson. 16. You have few books, but Jane has fewer books than you. 17. The beautiful castle on page 87 has many high towers. 18. Most often I write my French exercises at home. 19. Their nephews work a great deal in the country. 20. There are still more castles in France than in my country. Proverbes C'est le premier pas qui coute. fc Le chemin le plus long est souvent le plus court. Plus on se h&te, moins on avance. Le mieux est Tennemi du bien. THE PARTITIVE CONSTRUCTION 89 LESSON THIRTEEN THE PARTITIVE CONSTRUCTION 114. The Partitive Idea. The use of a noun to represent an indefinite part of its class of objects is called the parti- tive use. In English this idea is expressed by some or any, which, however, are often omitted when the thought is clear without them ; thus, / have some bread, or / have bread \ I have not any bread, or I have no bread. 115. The Partitive Construction. The partitive idea is expressed in French by de with the proper form of the definite article. The contractions noted in Sec. yy take place. some (any) bread, du pain some (any) water, de Veau some (any) meat, de la viande some (any) books, des livres She has some coffee. Elle a du cafe. You always have friends. Vous avez toujours des amis. Have you (any) apples ? Avez-vous des pommes ? He gives money to the children. 71 donne de V argent aux enfants. Note. The partitive sign is repeated before each noun. There are bread and meat on the II y a dupain et de la viande sur la table. table. 116. Article Omitted. The partitive idea is expressed by de alone, without the article, a. When the noun is the direct object of a negative verb. I have no (not any) bread. Je n'ai pas de pain. I have no (not any) ink. Je n'ai pas d*encre. He has no (not any) pen. 77 n^a pas deplume. There are no (not any) pens. II rty a pas de plumes. 90 ELEMENTARY FRENCH &. When the noun is preceded by an adjective. I have (some) good bread. fai de bon pain. There is some old wine on the II y a de vieux vin sur la tablt. table. But when the adjective follows the noun, the article is used. I have some fresh water. fai de Veau fraiche. Note. The use of de without the article after adverbs of quantity (Sec. 1 1 3) must not be confused with the partitive construction. John has many books. Jean a beaucoup de livres. John has some books. Jean a des livres. 117. Nouns of Measure or quantity are followed by de without the article. a pound of meat, une livre de viande a glass of water, tin verre d'eau VOCABULARY achetS, bought j'aime, etc., I like, love, etc. l'assiette/, the plate autour de, around la banane, the banana le bceuf , the beef la bouteille, the bottle le cafe\ the coffee chaque, each le couteau, the knife la cuiller [kiri-je:r], the spoon le cuisinier, the cook (m.) la cuisiniere, the cook (/) d6ja, already le dessert, the dessert le diner, the dinner l'eau/, the water les 6piceriesy!, the groceries 6t6, been la fourchette, the fork le fruit, the fruit les fruits, the fruit (collectively) le haricot vert, the string bean la laitue, the lettuce le legume, the vegetable le marchi, the market au marchi, to market la nappe, the tablecloth notre (pi. nos), our l'orange/., the orange le pain, the bread la place, the place THE PARTITIVE CONSTRUCTION 91 la pomme de terre, the potato je prepare, etc., I prepare, etc. pr6par£, prepared quant a, as for la salade, the salad la serviette, the napkin la tasse, the cup le verre, the glass la viande, the meat le vin, the wine EXERCISE Drill 1. Translate into French — a. he has a horse we have some horses has he any white horses ? she has horses you have no white horses they have no horse b. some red apples some red wine some red fruit " some bad fruit enough fruit c. around the house each knife each fork as for the dessert our meat I have some good horses we have no coffee she has coffee she has black coffee she has good coffee have we the coffee ? too much fruit a glass of water the water little cups a bottle of black coffee our spoons I have been in France she bought a dress she brought a dress do you like my salad ? 2. Replace the parentheses by French forms : II a (some) cafe. Elle a (no) viande. J'ai (no) assiette. Ont-ils (any) cuillers ? Vous avez (little) viande. J'ai (little of the) salade. Elle a (not any) legumes. lis ont (some) bon bceuf. A-t-elle (any) fleurs blanches ? 92 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Model Le Diner Mon pere a des amis a diner aujourd'hui. II a donne de l'argent a ma mere. Elle a ete au marche et a achete beaucoup de choses pour le diner: des epiceries, du pain, des legumes, de la viande et des fruits. Elle n'a pas achete de cafe. Elle a assez de cafe a la maison. Pour legumes il y a des pommes de terre, des haricots verts, et de la laitue tres fraiche pour la salade. Quant a la viande, ma mere a achete du bceuf. Elle n'a pas achete beaucoup de fruits parce qu'ils sont chers. Pour le dessert elle a achete seulement des pommes, de bonnes oranges, de belles bananes et une bouteille de bon vin. Notre salle a manger est grande. Autour de la table ronde il y a des chaises. Sur la table il y a une nappe blanche et de belles serviettes ; a chaque place une assiette, une fourchette, un couteau, de grandes et de petites cuillers et des verres. Nous avons de bonnes choses pour le diner. II est ge'neralement bon parce que nous avons une bonne cuisiniere. Theme Today my mother has been to market because we have friends of my father at dinner. My father gave some money to my mother, and with the money she bought some fresh vegetables, meat, bread, groceries, and good fruit. My mother did not buy any coffee; she has coffee enough for the dinner. After (the) dinner we always have black coffee. Do you not like a cup of black coffee after your dinner ? As for meat, my mother bought some beef. We like (the) beef much. She found good vegetables, new potatoes, very tender string beans, and lettuce for the salad. The lettuce is very fresh. We have fruit from our orchard, but my mother has bought good oranges, and also some bananas, which are very dear. Of course she bought a bottle of wine, which is already on the table of the dining-room. A large white tablecloth and some napkins are on the table, and at each place there are plates. THE PARTITIVE CONSTRUCTION 93 Oral 1. Qui (whom) votre pere a-t-il a diner aujourd'hui ? 2. Oil votre mere a-t-elle e'te ? 3. A-t-elle achete de la viande ? 4. Les fruits sont-ils chers ? 5. Pourquoi votre mere n'a-t-elle pas achete de cafe? 6. A-t-elle trouve' des le'gumes ? 7. Votre mere n'a-t-elle pas assez de fruits dans son verger? 8. Vos parents ont-ils une bonne cuisiniere ? 9. La nappe est-elle sur la table de la salle a manger ? 10. De quelle couleur est la nappe? 11. Oil sont les serviettes? 12. Les cuillers sont-elles petites ou grandes? 13. Qui a prepare la salade ? 1 4. Avez-vous du vin sur la table de votre salle a manger? 15. Avez-vous toujours de la viande ? Resume 1. Do you have friends at dinner today? 2. Yes, sir, and our mother has already been to market. 3. The cook has bought fresh lettuce for the salad. 4. Happily she has found some good string beans. 5. Did not your mother buy any potatoes today ? 6. As for the fruit, she. found only some big red bananas. 7. At each place there is a knife, a fork, and some spoons. 8. The large glasses are for the water and the smaller ones for the wine. 9. Show me your pretty white tablecloth and your beautiful napkins. 10. In our dining-room there are always chairs around the table. 1 1 . The cook is preparing beef and vegetables for the dinner. 12. We are having some large sweet oranges for (the) dessert. 13. Often we like some fresh nuts with the oranges. 14. The cook has brought a piece of tender beef on each plate. 15. After a good dinner do you not like a cup of black coffee? 16. There is no fresh water in the house. 17. My father found many big cabbages at the other market. 18. Have you fresh bread enough for the dinner? 19. I like a dinner in the woods with the whole family. 20. Did your cook also buy some groceries for your mother ? 94 ELEMENTARY FRENCH LESSON FOURTEEN USES OF THE ARTICLES 118. Articles in French are used, in the main, as in Eng- lish ; important cases where the two languages differ follow. 119. The General Sense. Common nouns take the defi- nite article in French when they are used in a general or inclusive sense ; that is, when they refer to the whole of a class of objects. Men are mortal. Les hommes sont mortels. Glass is useful. Le verre est utile. Ripe strawberries are red. Les /raises mures sont rouges. I love good children. J'aime les bons enfants. Vice is odious. Le vice est odieux. Life is short. La vie est courte. Note i . The last two sentences above illustrate the general use of the article with abstract nouns, which represent an entire quality or con- ception rather than a class of objects. ' Note 2. The general sense must be carefully distinguished from the partitive use. She loves flowers (as a class). Elle aime lesfleurs. She has (some) flowers. Elle a desfleurs. Birds {general) have wings (parti- Les oiseaux ont des ailes. live). Note 3. The use of the article in French is so extensive, for one reason or another, that the student should never use a common noun without an article, possessive adjective, or some similar word, unless he has a definite reason for such omission. Such reasons are found in Sees. 121 and 149. We have meat for dinner. Nous avons de la viande pour le diner. Morning is the best part of the day. Lemattn est la meilleure partie du jour. USES OF THE ARTICLES 95 120. Proper nouns take the definite article in French a. When preceded by a title or adjective (except in direct address). Marshal Foch, le marechal Foch little Charles, le petit Charles beautiful France, la belle France b. When they are the names of countries or other large geographical divisions. France is beautiful. La France est belle. America saved Europe. L'Amerique a sauve VEurope. Note. Most names of countries ending in e are feminine; most others are masculine. Before feminine singular names of countries, in and to are expressed by en ; before masculine and plural names of countries, by a. The definite article is omitted after en, and also after de when it means/raw, with feminine names of countries ; but with mas- culine and plural names the article is used. London is in England. Londres est en Angleterre. He is going to Italy. // va en Italic She is coming from Germany. Elle vient d'Atiemagne. They live in Canada. Its demeurent au Canada. We live in the United States. Nous demeurons aux iZtats-Unis. He is coming from Japan. # // vient dujapon. 121. The Indefinite Article is not used in French before an unmodified predicate noun denoting profession, rank, nationality, and the like. I am a soldier. Je suis soldat. She is a queen. Elle est reine. His friend is an Englishman. Son ami est anglais. Note. The small a of anglais shows that in such a sentence the word appears to the French as an adjective. But the article is used when the predicate noun is modified. My friend is a good teacher. Mon ami est un bon maitre. John is a soldier of France. Jean est un soldat de la France. 9 6 ELEMENTARY FRENCH VOCABULARY les Alpes/., the Alps americain, American anglais, English l'Angleterre/., England le Canada, Canada la capitale, the capital dit, says, said en, in, into, to les Etats-Unis /#., the United States l'&ranger (/ -ere), the for- eigner l'Europe/, Europe le fleuve, the river (Note) jamais, ever le lac, the lake Londres m., London le marshal, the marshal le mont, the mount la montagne, the mountain odieux, odious Fouest [west] m., the west h l'ouest, in the west Paris m., Paris la population, the population quel ? (/. quelle ?) what ? la riviere, the river (Note) la Seine, the Seine servi, served la Tamise, the Thames le Texas, Texas utile, useful va, goes, is going le vice, the vice vient, comes, is coming visiter, to visit Note. Fleuve generally means a large river ; riviere, a smaller one. Drill I . Express in French — a. horses are useful good students are attentive boys are taller than girls vice is odious c. he is a teacher his brother is a teacher John is a good teacher we have a teacher EXERCISE b. they have horses he has good pupils some boys are here I have no fork d. she is French she is an American she is a French cook we have a French lesson USES OF THE ARTICLES 97 2. Express in French — is she in France ? in Canada she is in France he is going to Germany in the United States it is in the city in England from Paris 3. Translate into French — leaves are green from England he is a soldier France is rich England is small little John owls have big eyes his father is a polite man 4. Select all the nouns in the Model that are used in the general sense ; in the partitive sense. Model La France La France est un tres beau pays. Elle est a l'ouest de l'Europe. Elle est beaucoup plus petite que les litats-Unis. Elle est plus petite que le Texas, mais sa population est plus grande. Les Francais sont vifs et gais. La France est un vieux pays. En France il y a des montagnes qui sont tres hautes. Les montagnes sont toujours tres jolies aux yeux des etrangers. La plus haute montagne est le mont Blanc. La France a de grands fleuves. II n'y a pas de grands lacs. Paris est la capitale de la France. Paris est sur la Seine. Les villes qui sont aussi belles que Paris sont rares. Londres, sur la Tamise, est en Angleterre et est la capitale du pays. Les Anglais vont souvent en France. II y a des Francais a Londres et des Anglais a Paris. Avez-vous jamais visite Paris ? II y a des Francais aux £tats-Unis. J'ai un ami qui a ete soldat pendant la grande guerre. II a servi sous le mare'chal Foch. Le marechal Foch est un grand general. Les bons generaux sont rares. 9 8 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Theme France is an old country. Paris, which is the capital of the country, is on the Seine. Foreigners often visit Paris. There are many Americans in Paris, and there are French people (Sec. 102) in the United States. The English often go to France too. There are English who live in Canada. Your brother is not an American. He comes from Canada, where he is a soldier. He has been in France. He says that war is odious. France is in the west of Europe. The country is smaller than Texas, but it has a greater population. In France there are very high mountains. Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in the Alps. France has great rivers. Rivers are useful. Oral 1. Votre ami est-il soldat? 2. Qui est le mare'chal Foch ? 3. La France est-elle plus grande que les fitats-Unis ? 4. Oil est la France ? 5. La France a-t-elle des fleuves ? 6. Les fleuves ne sont-ils pas utiles? 7. Quelle est le marfxhal foch Foch, general en chef, commandant les armees de tous les Allies a la fin victorieuse de la grande guerre, op- cupait encore dans Parmee franeaise, en 191 4, une position subordonnee. II s'etait consacre, toute sa vie, a Petude et a. l'enseignement des tac- tiques militaires. Ses qualites de com- mandant devinrent si evidentes que son elevation au supreme commande- ment etait inevitable. II a ete fait, de- puis, marechal de France et membre de PAcademie. Voir page 20 la capitale de la France ? 8. Sur quel fleuve est Paris? 9. N'avez-vous pas ete a Paris? 10. Les etrangers ne visitent-ils pas Paris? 11. Etes-vous francais ou USES OF THE ARTICLES 99 americain? 12. Le Canada est-il en Amerique? 13. Avez-vous ete au Canada ? 1 4. Quelle est la capitale des fitats-Unis ? Resume 1. All Americans love France. 2. Good apples are dear now. 3. There are often little lakes on high mountains. 4. In the west of Europe there are four long rivers. 5. All countries are not so small as England. 6. Paris, the largest city of France, is on a long river. 7. Friends are useful ; have you many friends ? 8. Marshal Foch, one of the best generals of the great war, is a Frenchman. 9. Foreigners do not always love the United States. 10. Such men are odious to all friends of America. 1 1 . The population of France is less than the population of the United States. 12. He is at Paris, but his sister is in England. 13. Little Charles has the best books in the house. 1 4. Englishmen admire the Thames ; they love also forests and mountains. 15. My aunt is a teacher and reads French books well. 16. Young Leblanc is a good soldier; he served in France under General Pershing. 17. Canada is larger than England; many French live in Canada. 18. I have a friend who visits Europe often. 19. Chalk is useful to pupils at school. 20. My chum has some good nuts, but he has no big oranges. REVIEW (Lessons Eleven to Fourteen) A. General Drill 1. Compare the French adjectives meaning — pretty poor proud good little bad 2. Compare the French adverbs meaning — often little badly well proudly much IOO ELEMENTARY FRENCH 3. Compare downward — grand cruellement age 4. Form the adverbs meaning — richly happily rarely prettily usefully jealously 5. Define the partitive construction. How is it expressed in French ? When is the article omitted ? 6. 1/anslate into French, and complete by inserting in the blanks in turn the word for bread, meat, water, apples : we have some more he has enough has she any ? how much (many) ? I have no most you have some good good 7. Give three cases where the definite article is used in French but not in English. Illustrate. 8. Give French sentences containing — meilleures sur jouent agee Canada mieux leurs en ete sur pires dit 9. Translate into French — the most attractive lady in England she sings most sweetly in the United States she is young in the room she is younger than you in the country she is as young as you young Peter she is not so young as you I am a merchant the best pupils in the school my father is a rich merchant horses are useful he is an Englishman chalk is white France and England REVIEW, LESSONS XI-XIV IOI General Montcalm much less badly she has no friend on the least occasion fresh water enough . I often play the prettier of the two he has played often - the prettiest of all a glass of v/ine" 10. Rewrite correctly the words in italics : Les hommes aime des montagnes. II y ont beaucoup des mon- tagnes dans France. France a-t-i/ de pres verts ? Les Francais enfants sont bien eleves. Aimez-vous des petits enf antes'! Avez vous plus des cousins que votre vieux ami, Marie ? Etes-vous plus age de la petite fille? Avez-vous ete en Canada et en Paris? licrivez-vous mauvais ? B. Translate into French ♦ i. My uncle is the oldest man in your city. 2. My friend is a good teacher and he has many friends in England. 3. Many rich men have beautiful houses. 4. I have much less money than you. 5. Such attentive girls are always bright pupils. 6. The Thames, the largest river in England, is not very long. 7. All the children have bread enough, but we have little meat. 8. Good fresh water is better than tea or coffee. 9. Are all the generals brave ? No, but they are dear to the soldiers. 1 o. You have too much mpney, but I do not have money enough. 11. He has big bananas and sweet oranges, but there is no lettuce for the salad. 12. Wood is more useful than glass, and it is less dear. 13. Does the little girl write better than her older sister? Yes, and she reads better also. 14. His brother, who is an English soldier, has been in France. 15. The Frenchman is not so tall as his English friend. 16. London is one of the oldest cities in Europe. 17. John's mother has bought some new dresses and many beautiful jewels. 18. Are there any owls in the holes of the old trees in the garden ? 19. America is larger than France and has more beautiful lakes. 20. My friend lives in the country ; she has some white horses and many beautiful cows. 102 ELEMENTARY FRENCH LESSON FIFTEEN REGULAR CONJUGATIONS - PRESENT INDICATIVE 122. The Three Conjugations. The infinitive, which in French as in English is the fundamental form of the verb, ends in either er, ir, or re. This infinitive ending determines the conjugation, or system of inflection, to which a verb belongs. There are three such systems, or conjugations, in French verbs. First Conjugation Infinitive ending in er : donn-er, to give * Second Conjugation Infinitive ending in ir : fin-ir, to Jifiish Third Conjugation Infinitive ending in re : vend-re, to sell Note. That portion of a verb to which the endings are added is* called the stem. 123. Formation of Present Indicative. The endings of the present indicative of the three regular conjugations are, reading vertically, Singular First Conjugation Second Conjugation is is it Third Conjugation s s Plural All Conjugations ons ez ent PRESENT INDICATIVE 103 124. Present Indicative of the Three Conjugations, illus- trating the endings above : donner (1st) finzr (2d) vendre (3d) je donne je finis je vends tu'donnes tu finis tu vends il donne il finit il vend nous donnons nous finissons nous vendons vous donnez vous finissez vous vendez ils donnent ils finissent ils vendent Note i. Observe the connecting syllable iss in the plural of the second conjugation. The i in the singular of this conjugation is also a sort of connecting vowel. For a complete rule for the formation of this tense see Sec. 1 28. 125. The Translation of the Present Indicative often leads to auxiliary forms in English, such as are briefly mentioned in Sec. 92. a. In progressive and emphatic forms : je donne, I am giving, I do give il donne, he is giving, he does give b. In negative sentences : *!"''« f He is not giving II ne donne pas^ ,, _ \ . [ He does not give c. In interrogative sentences : _ f Are you giving? Donnez-vous?i ^ . _ {Do you give? , T , A ., , [Are they not giving? Ne donnent-ils pas?^ ^ , y „ . J [Do they not give ? Note. In translating a compound English verb form into French, the pupil should observe that the auxiliary, in the present tense and in other forms to be met later, is expressed merely by the proper tense ending of the French verb. We are giving. Nous donnons. He will give. // donnercu 104 ELEMENTARY FRENCH VOCABULARY aimer, to love, like aimer mieux, to prefer arranger, to arrange Particle m., the thing le bl£, the wheat le boucher, the butcher le boulanger, the baker choisir, to select le comptoir, the counter la corbeille, the basket demander, to ask (for) d^penser, to spend descendre, to go down, come down donner, to give l'emplette/., the purchase emporter, to carry away enfin, finally, at last PSpicier m., the grocer faire, to make fait, makes le filet, the net-bag finir, to finish, end le fruitier, the fruit dealer le magasin, the store la monnaie, the change montrer, to show le mouton, the mutton obligeant, obliging p£trir, to knead pour, for, in order to, to (Note) que, that, which, (as object) • rendre, to give back le sel, the salt la sorte, the kind le sucre, the sugar tendre, to hand out le thS, the tea la tomate, the tomato tomber, to fall trouver, to find le veau, the veal vendre, to sell la farine, the flour garcon de magasin, clerk descendre en ville, to go down town chez le fruitier, etc., at the fruit dealer's, etc, Note. To, when it means in order to, is always pour. ~ .„ EXERCISE Drill I. Give the present indicative in full of — trouver rendre choisir pe'trir aimer descendre PRESENT INDICATIVE 105 2. Complete these forms in the present tense : tu montr— ils fin— ils emport— vous tend— elle arrang— vous chois— j'aim— je chois— elles demand — il rend— nous pe'tr— ils rend— 3. Translate into French — she comes we < io not show we are not finding she is going they choose you are not finding he is going down the) r are giving back she kneads I do not love you do spend she does not carry away he comes to sell the tea that I like 4. Give the full tense of — je rends la monnaie je choisis une corbeille je n'aime pas le mouton 5. Use successively je, nous, vous, tu, elles, as the sub- jects of the italicized verbs in the Model below, making the corresponding changes in the verbs. Model Au Marche Ma mere descend en ville pour faire des emplettes. Le fruitier montre a ma mere les beaux fruits murs et les legumes frais qui sont dans des corbeilles et dans de grands sacs. Ma mere choisit des poires, des tomates, et des pommes de terre nouvelles. Le fruitier donne une belle pomme rouge & ma mere. Elle emporte ses emplettes dans un filet. Chez Pepicier, qui vend du sucre, du cafe et beaucoup d'autres epiceries, elle demande du the et du sel. Le garcon de magasin, qui est tres obligeant, arrange les articles sur le comptoir. Ma mere tend de l'argent a l'e'picier, qui rend la 106 ELEMENTARY FRENCH monnaie. L'epicier ne vend pas de pain. Le boulanger fait le pain avec de la farine de ble', qu'il petrit avec de l'eau. Le boucher vend du boeuf, du veau et du mouton. Ma mere depense beaucoup d'argent chez le boucher parce que la viande est chere. Y&zfinit enfin ses emplettes. Elle est de retour a la maison. Elle a achete beaucoup de choses. Theme At the market we bought many things today. The butcher generally has beef that we like. Do you like beef as much as veal ? I prefer veal. The butcher sells also mutton. Meat is dear now. At the fruit dealer's, where we often find beautiful fruit that he arranges well on the counters, we bought pears and cherries. We always choose the best ones. The fresh vegetables that we also find at the fruit dealer's are in baskets or in large bags. The fruit dealer is very obliging. The grocer is opposite the fruit dealer. He sells sugar and coffee. He has two kinds of coffee. We choose the best. We hand out money to the clerk, who gives back the change to my mother. At the baker's we bought bread. We always spend much money when we go down town to make our purchases. Oral i. Ou notre mere descend-elle ? 2. Pourquoi descend-elle en ville ? 3. Quels legumes votre mere choisit-elle ? 4. Qui montre les legumes a votre mere ? 5. Choisit-elle seulement des legumes ? 6. Ou sont les legumes et les fruits ? 7. L'epicier vend-il seulement du cafe ? 8. Le garcon de magasin est-il aimable ? 9. Qui vend du pain? 10. Quelle viande le boucher vend-il? 11. Pourquoi votre mere depense-t-elle beaucoup d'argent chez le boucher? 12. Ou a-t-elle demande du the ? 13. Aimez-vous le mouton mieux que le veau? 14. Quel fruit aimez-vous le mieux? 15. L'e'picier vend-il du pain ? PRINCIPAL PARTS — THE IMPERFECT 107 Resume 1. Children like apples or pears for (the) dessert. 2. My mother is asking for tea and coffee. 3. The cook does not find any sugar. 4. The fruit dealer does not sell bread ; he sells fruit. 5. My father always spends more money than my mother. 6. We found our purchases at last and carried away the things in our baskets. 7. Do you like oranges as much as bananas ? 8. Does he not sell many groceries to the women of the city? 9. The grocer is showing (to) my mother some fine white flour. 10. My aunt hands out some money to the obliging boy, and he gives back the change. 11. Did you buy bread and some other things at the baker's? 12. Are you going down town to buy vegetables ? 13. Do parents always choose good toys for their children ? 1 4. You are finishing your grammar lesson ; I am writing my French exercise. 15. Does the teacher give long lessons to the pupils that he likes ? 1 6. Are the cooks kneading bread for dinner ? 17. Do not apples fall from trees when they are ripe? 18. Many women like tea better than coffee. 19. Does he work at the butcher's or at the fruit dealer's ? 20. When we are at the market we choose fresh veal or mutton. LESSON SIXTEEN PRINCIPAL PARTS -THE IMPERFECT 126. Principal Parts. Before proceeding to other tenses, attention must be given to those basal forms from which the rest of the verb is derived by the application of certain rules. These are called the principal parts. They are five in number in the French verb, namely, Infinitive, Present Participle, Past Participle, First Person Singular of the Present Indicative, First Person Singular of the Past Definite. 108 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 127. The Principal Parts of the Model Verbs of the three regular conjugations are First Conjugation Infinitive donner to give Pres. Part. donnant giving Past Part. donn£ given Pres. Ind. je donne I give Past Def. je donnai Second Conjugation I gave Infinitive finir to finish Pres. Part. fin-iss-ant finishing Past Part. fini finished Pres. Ind. je finis I finish Past Def. je finis Third Conjugation I finished Infinitive vendre to sell Pres. Part. vendant selling Past Part. vendu sold Pres. Ind. je vends I sell Past Def. je vendis Isold Note. Observe that the present participle always ends in ant that it has the connecting syllable iss in the second conjugation. also 128. Present Indicative and Principal Parts. The present indicative, already given in Lesson Fifteen, is formed from the principal parts by the following rules : a. The first person singular of the present indicative is itself one of the principal parts. It ends (in regular verbs) PRINCIPAL PARTS — THE IMPERFECT 109 in e, is, or s. The corresponding sets of endings for the singular of this tense are, reading vertically, ST CONJ. 2D CONJ e is es is e it 3D CONJ. Note. Another series of endings, x, x, t, is found in some irregular verbs. b. The plural of the present indicative is formed by- dropping the ending ant of the present participle and adding ons, ez, ent. 129. The Imperfect is formed by dropping the ending ant of the present participle, and adding ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, aient. Thus : First Conjugation je donnais / was giving; I used to give, etc. tu donnais thou wast giving, etc. il donnait he was giving, etc. nous donnions we were giving, etc. vous donniez you were giving, etc. ils donnaient they were giving, etc. Second Conjugation je fin-iss-ais I was finishing, etc. etc. etc. Third Conjugation je vendais / was selling, etc. etc. etc no ELEMENTARY FRENCH 130. The Imperfect expresses a. What is thought of as continued, repeated, or habitual in past time. He was spending his money. He did not love his children. They used to sell meat. She often kneaded bread. We would ask for money every morning. The Gauls used to worship many // depensait son argent. II n'aimait pas ses enfants. lis vendaient de la viande. Elle petrissait souvent du pain. Nous demandions de V argent tous les matins. Les Gaulois adoraient beaucoup de dieux. gods. b. What is thought of as going on when something else happened or was going on. I was going down town when I found the money. I was working when you were going down town. Caesar attacked the Gauls when they were divided. Je descendais en ville quand fat trouvk V argent. Je travaillais quand vous descen- diez en ville. Cesar attaqua (past def.) les Gau- lois quand Us etaient divises. Note. The use of the imperfect includes the expression of a past mental state. The soldiers thought that he was Les soldats pensaientqu , il etait brave. brave. VOCABULARY adorer, to worship autrefois, formerly Cesar, Caesar le chef, the chief les cheveux m., the hair comme, like, as couvert de, covered with le dieu, the god diviser (en), to divide (into) le druide, the druid le duel, the duel 6tais, etc. [imp. of etre), was, etc. le festin, the feast former, to form la Gaule, Gaul (the country) le Gaulois, the Gaul (a person) l'habitant m., the inhabitant habiter, to inhabit PRINCIPAL PARTS — THE IMPERFECT III le heros, the hero hospitalier (/. -iere), hospi- table inde*pendant, independent inviter, to invite Jules, Julius la justice, the justice * le mar&age, the swamp mener, to lead le moment, the moment la moustache, the mustache •la nation, the nation national, national le nom, the name le nombre, the number la peau, the skin penser, to think le peuple, the people, tribe porter, to bear, wear premier (/. -iere), first le pretre, the priest rendre, to render rude, rude le siecle, the century sombre, dark, gloomy la vie, the life jr) n 7/ EXERCISE 1. Give the principal parts of the regular verbs former, choisir, tendre, adorer, perdre. Give their imperfect in full ; their present indicative. 2. Give the imperfect of the verbs whose present participles are allant, 6tant, prenant, e*tudiant, punissant. 3. Translate into French — a. you give you were giving you gave you used to give you are giving do you give ? you do give b. she used to worship they have not sold we were not does he not love ? I was not showing were you giving ? you have given you are not giving giving you were not giving do you not give ? to give she handed out a pen you were asking for a basket he was leading a rude life are they finishing ? they were going down town 112 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 4. Give the full tense of — je vends du bois j'ai vendu du bois je choisissais un bon livre je descendais en ville je rends la justice Model Les Gaulois 1 Autrefois la France portait le nom de Gaule. Elle etait couverte de forets et de marecages. Les habitants, les Gaulois, ne f ormaienU pas une nation comme les Francais d'aujourd'hui.' lis etaient divises en un grand nombre de petits peuples inde- pendants. Leurs pretres, les druides, rendaient la justice. Les Gaulois etaient grands et forts. lis etaient braves, genereux, et hospitaliers. lis aimaient beaucoup la guerre et avaient de nom- breux duels apres leurs festins. lis choisissaient pour chefs les plus braves de leurs soldats. lis adoraient de nombreux dieux et menaient une vie simple et rude. Leur peau etait blanche, leurs cheveux blonds et longs, et ils portaient de longues moustaches. lis habitaient des maisons basses et sombres. Au moment de l'invasion de la Gaule par les Romains, Jules Cesar avait une armee mieux disciplined que les legions du chef gaulois Vercinge- torix, le premier heros national de la France. Apres d'heroiques efforts Vercingetorix est vaincu, et la Gaule est romaine pendant quatre siecles. Theme Vercingetorix is the first national hero of France. He was chief of the Gauls. He wore a (the) long mustache ; his hair was long also. Gaul was formerly the name of France, and it was not the beautiful country that it now is. The inhabitants were divided 1 A few words appearing in this model, but not elsewhere in this lesson, must be sought in the general vocabulary, at the end of the book. PRINCIPAL PARTS — THE IMPERFECT 113 into independent tribes and did not form a nation. They liked war very much. They were hospitable and used to invite strangers to their feasts, which ended often in {par) duels. They in- habited houses which were low and dark. The Gauls led a rude life in a country covered with many great forests. Their priests, who bore the name of druids, rendered justice. The Gauls worshiped a great number of gods. Oral 1. Quel nom la France portait-elle autrefois? 2. La Gaule etait-elle comme la France de notre temps ? 3. Quel nom portaient les habitants de la Gaule? 4. Les Gaulois formaient- ils une nation? 5. Qui ren- dait la justice ? 6. Decrivez les Gaulois. 7. Quelle vie menaient-ils ? 8. Leursche- veux etaient-ils courts ? 9. Les Frangais portent-ils la moustache? 10. Quelles maisons les Gaulois habi- taient-ils ? 11. Qui etait VERCINGETORIX Ceux qui ont etudie la conquete des Gaulois par Cesar connaissent le nom de Vercin- getorix. Sa defense d'Alesia est un des hauts faits d'armes de l'histoire. Pres de remplacement probable d'Alesia, Napo- leon III fit eriger une statue heroique de ce chef, le premier a concevoir les avan- tages de l'union de toutes les tribus gau- loises contre l'envahisseur, avantages si bien demontres par ses paroles gravees sur le piedestal de la statue : « La Gaule unie,formant une seule nation animee d'un meme esprit, peut defier l'univers » 114 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Jules Cesar? 12. Qui etait Vercingetorix? 13. Pourquoi les Francois aiment-ils Vercingetorix? 14. Les Francais d'aujourd'hui sont-ils grands ? 15. Nommez un ou deux de leurs heros. Resume 1. I am working; you were working. 2. The Gauls used to inhabit France. 3. Formerly Gaul was divided into small tribes. 4. Did the inhabitants of Gaul wear long mustaches ? 5. The priest would render justice to the Gauls. 6. Every feast would end in (par) a duel. 7. Vercingetorix, who was their first 1 chief, is now a national hero of France. 8. The Gauls inhabited houses that were low and dark. 9. The father was working and the sons were spending his money. 10. Gaul did not form one nation like France of today. 11. They used to sell good wood. 12. Caesar used to select the bravest men for his soldiers. 13. The clerk was handing back the change to the little girl. 14. My grandfather's hair was black when he was young. 15. The inhabitants of Europe used to lead a rude life. 1 6. Were all the mountains covered with 2 thick forests? 17. The druids thought that their gods were stronger than men. 18. He would often fall when he came down from his room. 19. Was the cook preparing vegetables for the children's dinner? 20. The apples were ripe and were falling from the trees. Mots Celebres J'y suis et j'y reste. (MacMahon a Sevastopol.) La garde meurt et ne se rend pas. (Cambronne a Waterloo.) On ne passera pas. (L'armee francaise a Verdun.) Tout est perdu fors l'honneur. (Francois I a. Pavie.) 1 For position of the adjective see Model. 2 See Model ; de alone expresses the with and the partitive. THE PAST DEFINITE 1 15 LESSON SEVENTEEN THE PAST DEFINITE 131. The Past Definite (or the preterit) is the other simple past tense. Its first person singular is itself one of the principal parts, and ends (in regular verbs) in either ai or is. The other five forms of the tense are made by changing ai to as, a, ames, ates, erent (first conjugation) ; is to is, it, imes, ites, irent (second and third conjugations). Note. A third set of endings, us, us, ut, etc., is found in certain irregular verbs. 132. The Past Definite of the Model Verbs, in accordance with the above rule, is First Conjugation je donnai, I gave, I did give nous donnames, we gave, etc. tu donnas, thou didst give vous donnates, you gave, etc. il donna, he gave, etc. ils donnerent, they gave, etc. Second Conjugation je finis, I finished, I did finish nous finimes tu finis etc. vous finites il finit ils finirent Third Conjugation je vendis, I sold, I did sell nous vendimes tu vendis etc. vous vendites il vendit ils vendirent t 116 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 133. Use of Past Definite. The past definite expresses an act thought of as taking place once in past time. Cassar attacked Vercingetorix at Cesar attaqua Vercingetorix a Alesia. Alhia. She left France forever. Elle quitta la France pour tou- jours. He was sitting in his room when // etait assis dans sa chambre he heard the bell. quand il entendit la cloche. 134. Past Definite and Imperfect. The following sen- tences illustrate the fundamental difference between the past definite and imperfect. He did not sell houses. • 77 ne vendait (imp.) pas de maisons. • He did not sell his house. II ne vendit (past de/.) pas sa maison. Joan often heard voices. Jeanneentenda.it souvent des voix. One day Joan heard a voice. Un jour Jeanne entendit une voix. Note. The imperfect is often called the descriptive past, and the past definite the narrative past. Essentially, as these names suggest, the former describes, the latter narrates. The past definite is also frequently called the preterit. 135. The Past Indefinite, a compound of the present of avoir with past participles, has been used since Lesson Four. Besides expressing the English perfect it serves as a substitute for the past definite, a substitution that becomes the common usage in colloquial or informal style for most cases where the past definite may be used. I finished my work. faifird mon travail. He worked four days. // a travailli quatre jours. We saw your son yesterday. Nous avons vu voire Jils hier. I sold the house last year. Jai vendu la maison Vannee passie. THE PAST DEFINITE 117 Note i. The past indefinite is mentioned above as a substitute for the past definite. Theoretically the past definite, like the English past, locates the action at a definite point in a period of time fully elapsed ; the past indefinite, much like the English perfect, locates it somewhere in time previous to the present. This distinction is reflected in the names past definite and past indefinite. From its formation as a com- pound tense, the past indefinite is often called the perfect. Note 2. The following is a practical working rule for the beginner, in his choice of the correct tense to represent the English past. If the verb has the active auxiliary was, were, or is preceded by used to; if it expresses a habit; if it describes a situation in which or along with which an action takes place, use the imperfect. Elsewhere use the past indefinite, reserving the past definite for formal narrative and matters of historical importance. Note 3. The past definite will, of course, be regularly met in French texts, since these are generally in formal literary style. Even here the past indefinite is the prevailing tense in the conversational portions. VOCABULARY x ardent, burning 1'arniee/, the army attaquer, to attack le Bourguignon, the Burgundian bruler, to burn chasser, to drive (out) comment, how le courage, the courage ctesirer, to desire dix (Sec. 216, a), ten la domination, the control entendre, to hear la foi, the faith fut, was Jeanne, Joan, Jane le jour, the day le maitre, the master, teacher Orleans, Orleans partir, to start, set out le paysan (f. -nne), peasant pleurer, to weep presque, almost le prisonnier (f. -iere), prisoner prit, took ranimer, to revive regarder, to look at (upon) le roi, the king le saint (/. sainte), the saint le sorcier (/. -iere), the sorcerer le sort, the fate sur, over, on triste, sad vif, alive vu, seen 118 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Drill EXERCISE i. Inflect in full the forms thus far given of — (a) entendre, penser, p6trir ; (£) the verb whose principal parts are coudre, cousant, cousu, je couds, je cousis. 2. Locate (that is, give tense, person, and number of) — pleurerent finissent hesitiez finirent tombe demeura portent etais tombe choisites finissons entendant vend montrait choisissions adorames 3. Give the forms for — pres. 3d sing, of demeurer imp. 2d sing, of tendre past def. 2d pi. of trouver pres. 3d pi. of finir 4. Translate into French — you finish they were finishing he showed he does not hear you were thinking imp. 3d pi. of choisir pres. 3d sing, of entendre past def. 3d pi. of montrer pres. 2d pi. of finir are we not carrying away ? we chose was he not selling ? you are selling are they not kneading ? 5. Supply the correct forms of the verbs in the paren- theses, successively in the present, imperfect, and past definite tenses : Nous (entendre) un enfant. II (pleurer) et (demander) des jou- joux. Ses parents (demeurer) a la campagne. lis (finir) leur travail. Le pere (vendre) du bois. La mere (petrir) du pain. Elle ne (etre) pas gaie. (Penser) vous qu'elle (choisir) du fruit ? THE PAST DEFINITE 1 19 Model Jeanne d'Arc 1 A une certaine epoque, la France etait presque sous la domi- nation anglaise, quand parut Jeanne d'Arc, une jeune paysanne de Domremy en Lorraine. Elle avait vu tres sou vent les habitants des villages fuir devant les Anglais, et elle pleurait sur le triste sort du pays. Elle desirait voir l'ennemi chasse de France. Un jour elle entendit, pensa-t-elle, 2 des voix celestes, qui inspirerent a la jeune fille une foi ardente et un grand patriotisme. Elle ranime le courage du peuple. Elle partit trouver le roi pour obtenir une armee. II hesita longtemps, mais enfin il consentit. Elle attaqua Orleans, qu'elle prit dix jours apres. A Compiegne, Jeanne, pri- sonniere, est vendue aux Anglais par les Bourguignons, leurs allie's. Elle fut brule'e vive comme sorciere h Rouen. Les Francais, encore aujourd'hui, regardent Jeanne comme une sainte. Theme Joan of Arc lived with her parents at Domremy in Lorraine. The English, who were masters of France, often attacked the country of Domremy. Almost all France was under their con- trol, and Joan wept over the sad fate of the country. Joan had a burning faith. She desired to drive the English from France. The king finally gave an army to Joan. She revived the courage of her soldiers, who attacked Orleans and took (prirenf) the city ten days after. At Compiegne the Burgundians sold Joan, their prisoner, to the English. The English burned alive, in Rouen, the young peasant, whom they thought to be a sorceress. Oral 1. Ou avez-vous vu un portrait "de Jeanne d'Arc? 2. De quel pays etait Jeanne ? 3. fitait-elle vieille ou jeune ? 4. £tait-elle generalement gaie ? 5. Pourquoi ? 6. Qui etait maitre de la 1 Consult the general vocabulary for new words not found in the vocabu- lary of this lesson. 2 See Sec. 328, a. JEANNE D'ARC (CEUVRE DE CHAPU) Une paysanne de Domremy, Jeanne d'Arc, possedant, selon la tradition et les croyances de sa chere France, un pouvoir surnaturel d'esprit et de volonte, est reconnue, par tous les historiens, comme ayant ete animee par un amour de la patrie et un desinteressement de caractere remarquables au plus haut degre. Femme qu'elle etait, elle ne pouvait esperer acquerir des benefices personnels, et prouva jusqu'au bout son devouement et sa Constance envers son roi, lequel personnifiait un pays sur le point de ceder sans resistance a l'ennemi. « Tout ce que j'ai fait, j'ai bien fait de le faire », fut sa replique a ses juges THE PAST DEFINITE 121 France? 7. Qu'entendit-elle un jour? 8. Qui Jeanne partit-elle trouver? 9. Que desirait-elle ? 10. Le roi donna-t-il une armee a Jeanne ? 11. Quelle ville attaqua-t-elle ? 1 2. En combien de jours Jeanne prit-elle la ville? 13. A qui les Bourguignons vendirent- ils Jeanne ? 14. De qui Jeanne e'tait-elle la prisonniere ? 15. Com- ment la France regarde-t-elle Jeanne ? Resume 1. Joan used to hear voices during the war. 2. One day Joan heard voices. 3. I heard your voice in the classroom today. 4. When Joan was living with her parents, the English attacked her village. 5. The soldiers burned many of the peasants' houses. 6. The young girl often wept over the sad fate of the king when the English would attack her country. 7. With her little army she drove the English from the city. 8. Soldiers sold Joan to the English, who burned alive their prisoner. 9. Peasants almost always live in the country or in small villages. 10. Joan had courage and much faith. 11. When the French army took the city, the Englishmen started for England. 12. Everybody loves the young peasant of Domremy. 13. Faith revives the courage of soldiers. 14. The French looked upon Joan, the peasant girl, as a saint. 15. Your sister asked for a new dress and some jewels. 16. He did not give as much money to his sons as to his daughters. 17. The teacher would show a new map to his pupils every day. 18. Did Joan show great courage when the English army took the city? 19. He thinks that I found the nuts in the forest. 20. The English and French used to burn sorcerers. 122 ELEMENTARY FRENCH REVIEW (Lessons Fifteen to Seventeen) A. General Drill 1. Name the five principal parts in order. 2. Give the ending of the infinitive of the three conju- gations ; of the present participle ; of the past participle. 3. Name four verbs of the first conjugation ; of the second ; of the third. Give the principal parts of a verb from each conjugation. 4. Give the endings of the present indicative plural ; of the imperfect. 5. Give the sets of endings of the present indicative singular ; of the past definite. Which sets are used in each conjugation ? 6. Give the endings of the whole present indicative in each conjugation ; of the past definite. 7. Give the principal parts and the three tenses thus far treated of pleurer, entendre, punir. 8. Give the past indefinite of the three verbs of 7. 9. Give the three tenses thus far treated of the verb whose principal parts are mettre, mettant, mis, je mets, je mis. 10. Give the forms in these three tenses of — 2d plu. of rendre 1 st plu. of vendre 3d plu. of tomber 3d sing. of punir 2d sing, of p&rir 3d plu. of entendre 11. Give French sentences containing - depenses fini habitaient e'tait aimait unit dieux chez REVIEW, LESSONS XV-XVII 123 12. Translate into French — she is hearing we were not asking they used to build is he showing ? is he weeping ? do you like ? does it not burn ? he is going down were you inviting ? we have given 13. Translate into French — we worship one god , Joan selected a white horse we are worshiping our god I selected a good book the Gauls worshiped many gods she would often worship Joan was worshiping in the garden her parents loved Joan 14. Supply the proper form of the verbs in the parentheses, first in the present tense, and then in the imperfect. Nous (depenser) beaucoup d'argent quand nous (acheter) des legumes. Ma mere (choisir) des pommes et (tendre) Pargent a l'epicier. Je (porter) les choses a la maison. Les garcons (aimer) aller au marche. 1 5 . Correct the following : Mon ami emportent ses livres. II a beaucoup des livres. II aimes des livres. II desires a avoir des bons livres. II est vendant un nombre des livres que il ne desires pas. B. Translate into French 1. I was playing, but he was working in the garden. 2. Do teachers always punish lazy pupils ? 3. He does not read as well as you, but he reads better than his brothers. 4. Does your brother go to school every day? 5. The boys used to bring ripe apples to the house when they were in the country. 6. Many birds would sing in our orchard behind the house. 7. The children often found beautiful flowers in the meadow. 8. Joan used to hear voices in the trees when she was living in Domremy. 9. When the French attacked the English they drove the soldiers from the country. 124 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 10. When do you carry back the playthings to the children? 1 1 . Did you find any nuts under the old nut tree in the woods ? 12. The Gauls would often choose a soldier for their chief. 13. My sister bought two dresses yesterday, a white one and a red one. 1 4. He sold his horses to my friend, who is now living in Canada. 15. Did you see the little boy who was sitting on the bench? 16. My best friend did not prepare his lessons and was always looking at the teacher. 1 7. We are choosing your French grammar because we desire the best orte. 18. The soldiers burned many houses when they were in our country. 19. Did the king finally give an army to the young French girl ? 20. Formerly he went to town every day and spent more money than his friends. LESSON EIGHTEEN THE FUTURE 136. Formation of the Future. The future tense is formed by adding the endings ai, as, a, ons, ez, ont to the r of the infinitive, a final e being dropped as the endings are added. Thus : First Conjugation je donnerai, I shall give nous donnerons, we shall give tu donneras, thou wilt give vous donnerez, you will give il donnera, he will give ils donneront, they will give Second Conjugation Third Conjugation je finirai, I shall finish je vendrai, I shall sell etc. etc. etc. etc. I shall leave the city soon. Je quitterai la ville bientbt. If he arrives today, I shall stay. SHI arrive aujourd'huije resterai. Note. The i of si elides before il and ils. See Sec. 68. THE FUTURE 125 137. Future after Quand, etc. While the uses of the French future are mainly the same as in English, the following peculiarity must be noted. After quand, when, aussitot que, as soon as, and other like words, the future must be used when the verb denotes future time. Similar constructions in English are usually in the present. He will leave the room when li quittera la salle quand elle she sings. As soon as he arrives (shall arrive) I shall close the window. chantera. A ussitbt qu 'il arrivera, jefermerai la /entire. But when future time is not implied, the future is not used. He leaves the room when(ever) 77 quite la chambre quand elle she sings. chante. VOCABULARY accompagner, to accompany aller, to go l'annSe/., the year arriver, to arrive v aussitot que, as soon as les bagages m., the baggage, luggage bientot, soon au bord de, on the edge of le buffet, the lunch counter chercher, to look for, seek le cocher, the coachman compter, to intend dejeuner, to lunch, break- fast * dernier (f, -iere), last ensemble, together TStude/, the study la fois, the time la gare, the (railway) station heler, to call, hail il y avait, there was le lieu, the place le monde, the world du monde, people, company monter a cheval, to ride horseback nager, swim passer, to pass, spend (time) i p£cher, to fish pendant que, while porter, carry pr£t (a), ready (to) prochain, next 126 ELEMENTARY FRENCH quitter, to leave la salle d'attente, the waiting- room le s6jour, the stay la semaine, the week sur le point de, on the point of, about to Note. Phrases like last week, etc., take the article, last week, la semaine demiere next year, Vannee prochaine je serai, I shall be, etc. si, if les vacances/!, the vacation vite, quickly en voyage, on a journey Drin EXERCISE 1 . (a) Inflect the future of passer, choisir, entendre, etre, dire. (b) Inflect all forms treated thus far of finir, compter, tendre. 2. Locate (that is, give tense, person, and number of) — vendrons vendions vendons vendant vendent vendront comptes compteras comptas 3. Translate into French — vendre vendra montre montera montre monta a. will they arrive ? do they think ? we shall not seek does he not leave ? b. I shall call the coachman they will fish in the river shall you not leave the house ? when he wept I heard c. last week next week the last time ready to fish were we choosing ? did she lunch ? were they asking ? have you heard ? when he arrives we go down when he arrives we shall go down as soon as he arrives I shall leave if we seek, we shall find I shall spend my vacation here in order to give I intend to give while she wept 4. Change to the future the verbs (except avoir) in the Model on page 119. THE FUTURE 1 27 5. Give the full tense of — je vendrai du ble je ne petrirai pas de pain je ne serai pas pret a partir Model Mes Vacances Mon ami a fini ses e'tudes et il est sur le point de partir 1 en voyage. II quittera la ville la semaine prochaine pour passer ses vacances a la campagne. II cherche un lieu agreable. L'annee derniere il e'tait dans un joli petit village au bord d'un lac. Aussitot que ses vacances arriveront, il preparera ses bagages. Quand ses bagages seront prets, il he'lera un cocher pour aller k la gare. J'accompagnerai mon ami. La derniere fois que nous e'tions a la gare il y avait beaucoup de monde dans la salle d'attente. Dans deux semaines je compte aller visiter mon ami. Quand j'arriverai, il sera a la gare. Nous dejeunerons ensemble au buffet Pendant mon sejour chez mon ami nous monterons a cheval, nous pecherons et nagerons dans les eaux du lac ou du fleuve. Nos vacances finiront trop vite. Quand je suis a la campagne, les semaines passent toujours trop vite. Theme I shall soon finish my studies. I shall leave the city in order to go to the country. I shall spend my vacation in a pleasant place on the edge of a lake where I was last year. I shall start next week if I am ready. I shall prepare my luggage today. The coachman will carry my luggage to the station. The waiting-room is large and beautiful. When I arrive in the country, I shall find my friend, whom I shall accompany to the waiting-room. We shall look for the lunch counter and we shall lunch together. My stay will be very pleasant because I shall ride horseback often. While 1 Infinitives following a preposition must often be translated into English by a present participle. See Sec. 298. 128 ELEMENTARY FRENCH my friend fishes, I shall swim in the waters of the lake. Last year I was often in the water. I intend to spend my vacation agreeably. My stay will end too quickly. When I spend my vacation in the country, it always passes too quickly. Oral i. Pourquoi votre ami est-il sur le point de partir ? 2. Partira-t-il aujourd'hui ? 3. Oil passera-t-il ses vacances ? 4. Ou etait-il Panne'e derniere? 5. A-t-il trouve' le lieu ou il desire aller? 6. Quand pre'parera-t-il ses bagages ? 7. Ses bagages sont-ils prets? 8. Pour- quoi votre ami helera-t-il un cocher ? 9. Ou est la salle d'attente ? 10. Qui comptez-vous visiter? 11. Serez-vous seul quand vous arriverez a la gare ? 12. Ou nagerez-vous quand vous serez a la campagne? 13. Les semaines passent-elles vite a la campagne? 14. Passerez-vous vos vacances ici? 15. Montez-vous a cheval? Resume 1. My friend spends his vacation in the country. 2. His parents used to spend their vacations in Canada or in Europe. 3. Do you intend to spend your next vacation on the edge of a river ? 4. Did my friend and his coachman leave the waiting-room together? 5. Joan left her parents and accompanied the army. 6. I shall accompany my friend to the station when he leaves the school. 7. When they desire to go to the station, they will hail a coachman. 8. We shall start next week, and shall soon arrive at my friend's home. 9. The friends will swim in the pure waters of the lake. 10. Do coachmen often spend a day at home ? n. She would ride horseback almost every day in the park. 12. I shall soon finish my studies and shall leave the city for my vacation. 13. Did you breakfast sometimes at the lunch counter when you were about to start on a journey? 14. The first time that we were on the edge of the lake, we saw some large birds on the water. 15. Cities gener- ally have large railway stations. 16. While we were breakfasting THE CONDITIONAL 129 at the lunch counter last week, we heard the coachman's voice. 17. The pupil was sitting before the teacher's desk to hear better. 18. Is she not yet ready? They will soon be here. 19. As soon as he is ready, we shall start. 20. He spent last week at the lake with his parents, who always have company. LESSON NINETEEN THE CONDITIONAL 138. Formation of the Conditional. The conditional mood, which has but one simple tense, is formed by adding the endings ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, aient to the r of the infinitive, a final e being dropped as the endings are added. Thus : First Conjugation je donnerais, I should give nous donnerions, we should give tu donnerais, thou wouldst give vous donneriez, you would give il donnerait, he would give ils donneraient, they would give Second Conjugation Third Conjugation je finirais, I should finish je vendrais, I should sell etc. etc. etc. etc. Such a man would love the sea. Un tel homme aimerait la mer. Note i. Observe that the endings of the conditional are the same as those of the imperfect. Note 2. The conditional is a sort of past to the future, as, in English, would and should are the past of will and shall. The following sen- tences illustrate this relation : I think that he will give some Je pense qtSil donnera de I 'argent. money. I thought that he would give some Je pensais qu'il donnerait de P argent. money. 130 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 139. Conditions in French. Neither the future nor the conditional may be used in a clause introduced by si, if. The verb in a French conditional clause is a. Present, when the English verb is present or future. If the child falls, he weeps. Si V enfant tombe, il pleure. If the child falls (shall fall), he Si /'enfant tombe, il pleurera. will weep. b. Imperfect, when the English verb is past, or is com- pounded with should or would. If the child fell (should fall), he Si Penfant tombait, il pleurerait. would weep. If the child were falling, he Si V enfant tombait, il pleurerait. would weep (be weeping). Note i . Classical students will observe that the first of the construc- tions above corresponds to both the simple present and the more vivid future conditions; the second to both the less vivid future and the unreal conditions. Note 2. As illustrated above, the conclusion of a conditional sen- tence usually corresponds in tense and mood to the English form. Note 3. When si has the meaning whether, the future or condi- tional may follow it. He is asking whether (if) you will II demande si vous resterez. stay. He was asking whether (if) you 77 demandail si vous resteriez. would stay. VOCABULARY acheter, to buy dit {past part), said, told admirer, to admire les Economies/, savings le bord de la mer, the seashore les grands-parents, the grand- la chance, the good luck parents chasser, to hunt, drive l'hotel m., the hotel combien de temps ? how long ? intgressant, interesting demain, tomorrow l'itine"raire m., the itinerary THE CONDITIONAL 131 jamais, ever la, there libre, free longtemps, long (adv.) le matin, the morning la mer, the sea midi, noon le mois, the month la necessity/., the necessity la peche, the fishing le point, the point, place quelques, a few rester, to stay, remain les richesses/., the wealth je sais, I know vous savez, you know surtout, especially le temps, the time tracer, to trace out voyager, to travel D .„ EXERCISE i. Give the conditional of — (a) chasser, choisir, descendre ; (p) the verbs whose infinitives are dire, prendre. 2. Give all the forms thus far treated of — (a) admirer, p£trir, rendre ; (b) the verb whose principal parts are taire, taisant, tu, tais, tus. 3. Translate into French — he will carry he would carry he did carry he does carry if he finds, he sells if he finds, he will sell if he found, he would sell when he finds he sells when he finds he will sell as soon as he finds he sells 4. Supply the forms of the verbs in the parentheses, successively in the present, future, conditional, past definite, and past indefinite. Je (passer) quelques jours chez mon oncle. II (demeurer) a la campagne. Je (admirer) sa ferme. Nous (chercher) des fleurs et (entendre) les oiseaux. Mon oncle et ma tante (choisir) des tableaux. (Aimer) vous les tableaux? Nous (descendre) au lac et (pecher). Mes vacances (finir) vite. 132 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Model Le Voyage a la Campagne Demain matin nous partirons pour la campagne. J'ai dit a mon frere que, s'il e'tait libre, nous resterions a la campagne quelques jours. J'ai trace' l'itineraire. Si nous avons de la chance, nous arriverons a midi. Le lieu est si joli que nous resterions Ik un mois si nous avions le temps. Je ne passe pas toujours mes vacances a la campagne. L'anne'e derniere j'etais au bord de la mer. L'annee prochaine je passerai un mois chez mes grands- parents. Si j'etais chez mes grands-parents avec mon frere, nous monterions a cheval, nous chasserions ou nous pecherions. J'aime la peche. Quelquefois nous nagerions dans le lac. Si j'etais riche, je voyagerais beaucoup. Je visiterais surtout la France. Je choisirais les meilleurs hotels. Je visiterais tous les points inte- ressants et admirerais les richesses du pays. Mais je ne suis pas riche. Si j'ai de l'argent, je depense mes economies pour les necessites de la vie. Je ne sais pas si je serai jamais riche. Theme We should pass good vacations if we had much money. We should travel much and we should admire the wealth of the country that we should visit. We should remain especially in France, where we should choose the best hotels. We should visit the big stores and should spend much money. Our vacation would end too quickly. But we are not rich. With my savings I shall start tomorrow for the seashore if I am free. My friend said that if he were free he would set out also. We have traced out an itinerary. I do not know whether we shall remain a long time. If we had time, we should pass a few days at a place where we were last year. I should hunt and, as I like fishing, 1 1 should fish. We should ride horseback and should visit all the interesting points. We should find much which we should admire. 1 See Sec. 1 19. FRONT DE BATAILLE DE L'OUEST Les Americains qui voyagent maintenant en France sont naturellement attires vers les champs de bataille de la grande guerre. En jetant un coup d'ceil sur la carte, notamment sur Paris, on se rend compte de la proximite dangereuse des lignes ennemies pendant ces annees de guerre. La distance entre le front de bataille du 15 juillet 1918 et celui du moment de l'armistice montre jusqu'a quel point les Allemands ont ete repousses pendant le temps de la cooperation des troupes americaines. Les noms de Cantigny, Chateau-Thierry, foret de l'Argonne, resteront a jamais fameux dans l'histoire de la participation des litats-Unis dans la grande guerre 134 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Oral i. Quand partirez-vous pour la campagne ? 2. Combien de jours resterez-vous a la campagne ? 3. Avez-vous souvent de la chance ? 4. Quand arriverez-vous a la campagne ? 5. fitiez-vous a la cam- pagne l'annee derniere ? 6. Combien de temps passerez-vous chez vos grands-parents l'annee prochaine ? 7. Montez-vous a cheval ? 8. Monteriez-vous a cheval si vous habitiez la campagne ? 9. Pour- quoi ne voyagez-vous pas beaucoup ? 10. Voyageriez-vous si vous etiez riche? 11. Quel pays visiteriez-vous ? 12. Quels hotels choisiriez-vous ? 13. Depensez-vous toutes vos economies? Resume 1. My father will pass his vacation in the country if he has money enough. 2. My father will visit the seashore when he is free. 3. He would stay longer at the seashore if he had more money. 4. If I finish my studies, I shall start on a journey next week. 5. We should visit Europe and especially France next year if we had the time. 6. When I was living in the country, I used to fish a great deal in the lake. 7. If I were living in the country now, I should fish every day. 8. If the boy should not work in the store tomorrow, he would hunt with his father. 9. He said that he would give some money to the boy if he finished his lesson. 10. He said that he would give some money to the boy if he would stay at home tomorrow. 1 1 . Do you know whether your brother will ride horseback today ? 12. Children like oranges for breakfast in (omit) the morning. 13. Have you not all your savings there in the desk ? 14. How much money would you spend if you lived at the best hotels? 15. Would he ever trace out an itinerary for his friends ? 1 6. If he finds a pleasant place, he will stay in the moun- tains two months. 17. How long did you travel in France with your grandparents ? 18. If I have good luck, I shall start at noon. 19. If I were staying at the seashore, I should swim every morning. 20. The king did not give Joan great wealth. THE IMPERATIVE 1 35 LESSON TWENTY THE IMPERATIVE 140. Formation of the Imperative. The imperative has but three forms : second person singular, first and second persons plural. These forms are the same as the first person singular and the first and second persons plural of the present indicative, the pronoun being omitted. Thus : First Conjugation Second Conjugation donne, give finis, finish donnons, let us give finissons, let us finish donnez, give fati&s&z, finish Third Conjugation . vends, sell vendons, let us sell vendez, sell 141. The Translation of the Imperative, which expresses a command or exhortation, is illustrated by the following : Parlez frangais. Speak French. Ne parlons pas anglais. Let us not speak English. Ne tombe pas. Do not fall. 142. Tu and Vous. The second person plural subject pronoun vous is generally used (like the English pronoun you) in addressing one person as well as more than one. Tu, however, is used in addressing in the singular near relations, intimate friends, small children, and servants ; in general, those whom one may address in English usage by the first name. 136 ELEMENTARY FRENCH John, you speak well. Mr. Leblanc, you speak well. My friends, you speak well. Jean, tu paries bien. M. Leblanc, vous parlez bien. Mes amis, vous parlez bien. Note. An adjective or a participle in agreement with the subject pronoun vous is singular when vous refers to one person, plural when it refers to more than one. Mon ami, vous etes fort. Mes amis, vous etes forts. My friend, you are strong. My friends, you are strong. 143. Imperative Singular and Plural. The imperative, likewise, uses the second singular in situations where tu would be used in address, the second plural where vous would be used. John, speak more loudly. Explain the lesson, sir. Jean, park plus haut. Expliquez la lefon, monsieur. VOCABULARY absent, absent ah! ah! apprendre, to learn bien I good ! ce, this la conjugaison, the conjugation conjuguer, to conjugate deranger, to disturb deuxieme, second donne-moi, give me eaniter, to listen (to) * ensuite, afterward e*tudier, to study expliquer, to explain ferme, hard le futur, the future haut, loud, loudly Henri, Henry J hier, yesterday l'indicatif m., the indicative le mot, the word le nom, the noun nommer, to name de nouveau, again parler, to speak Pierre, Peter le pluriel, the plural le present, the present primaire, elementary prononcer, to pronounce la prononciation, the pronunci- ation THE IMPERATIVE 137 reciter, to recite ton, ta, tes, your, thy (Note 2) rep£ter, to repeat le verbe, the verb le soir, the evening J le voisin, the neighbor gtudier le frangais, to study French en frangais, in French parler frangais, to speak French s'il vous (te) plait, if you please Note i. Names of languages are masculine, do not begin with a capital, and require the definite article, which is omitted, however, after en, and preferably after parler. Note 2. Ton is used, not votre, when tu is the form of address. -.« • EXERCISE 1. (a) Give the imperative of montrer, entendre, choisir, both affirmatively and negatively. (b) Give all forms thus far treated of punir ; of the verb whose principal parts are lire, lisant, lu, je lis, je lus. (c) Give the conditional of rendre, neg. ; the future of tendre, int. ; the past definite of e*couter, neg.-int. 2. Express the following to a person addressed as tu : listen give back the change finish the lesson love your neighbors do not fall name the months 3. Express the foregoing phrases to one addressed as vous. 4. Translate into French — let us speak he speaks French my father, you are kind she is studying English my friend, you are kind choose an orange, if you please John, pronounce this word again does she not read French ? Mr. Ledoux, speak more loudly love thy neighbor 138 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Model l a Le^on a l'Ecole prim aire Nous sommes de nouveau en classe. Nous etudions nos legons. Travaillons ferme. Quel livre as-tu sur ton pupitre ? J'ai ma grammaire francaise. Donne-moi ton livre un moment, s'il te plait. Je desire chercher une regie. Si nous etudions bien, nous parlerons bientot frangais. Notre maitre parle frangais parce qu'il est frangais. Ah! voici le maitre. II explique la lecon. Jean, prononce les mots de ta lecon. Bien, ta prononciation est bonne. Charles, ecris l'exercice au tableau. Henri, reste a ta place et lis tes regies de grammaire. — J'etais absent hier, monsieur; je ne sais pas la page. Montrez-moi la page, s'il vous plait. — Voici la legon. Maintenant, donne le pluriel du mot cheval. Nomme deux verbes de la deuxieme conjugaison. Conjugue le present de I'indicatif du verbe finir. Recite aussi le futur du verbe vendre. Bon. Donne du papier a Henri, qui n'a pas apporte son cahier. Passons a la lecture, et ecoutez bien. Jean, quand tu liras, parle plus haut. Tu lis mal. Jean, ne parle pas si haut a. ton voisin. Tu deranges la classe. Mes enfants, demain etudiez mieux ou je punirai toute la classe. Quand vous serez chez vous ce soir, travaillez bien. Theme Henry, write the first sentence of the lesson on the board, and John will write the last. You have no chalk? John, give some chalk to Henry and afterward read the new rules of grammar. Do not read the last rule. Good. Charles and Peter, you are not listening. If all the pupils were like you, they would not learn their lessons. Peter, recite the first rule. Now finish the lesson in your notebook and do not disturb the class. Charles, you do not listen and you read very badly. Read aloud and Henry will repeat the sentences. Now conjugate the present indicative {Model) of the verbs. Look at the master when you recite. If you spoke more THE IMPERATIVE 1 39 loudly, the class would listen better. For tomorrow all the pupils will study the plural of nouns. Work hard when you study your lessons this evening at home. If you are not absent too often, you will soon speak French. Always listen well when the master explains the lessons. Oral 1. Ob sommes-nous maintenant? 2. Les eleves travaillent-ils ferme ? 3. Pourquoi un eleve demande-t-il le livre d'un autre eleve ? 4. Le professeur trouve-t-il que la prononciation de Jean est bonne ? 5. Votre maitre est-il francais ou ame'ricain ? 6. Donnez le pluriel des mots cheval, general. 7. Nommez deux verbes de la deuxieme conjugaison. 8. ficoutez-vous toujours quand vous etes en classe ? 9. Parlez-vous a haute voix ou a voix basse quand vous re'citez? 10. Le maitre parle-t-il plus haut que vous? 11. Lisez-vous bien ou mal ? 12. Lisez-vous plus vite que le maitre ? 13. Ou preparez- vous vos lecons ? 1 4. Aimeriez-vous le maitre s'il donnait de longues lecons? 15. Le maitre punirait-il les eleves s'ils n'e'tudiaient pas? Resume 1. My brother is back from his vacation and is again at school. 2. He is studying French, but he does not pronounce the words well. 3. Today the teacher said, " Henry, work well, and you will soon learn French." 4. Repeat the last sentence, Miss Riou, you were not attentive. 5. John, if you do not recite all the rules of grammar well, the teacher will give a longer lesson for to- morrow. 6. Let us leave the classroom and play under the trees. 7.. Peter, look at your book, and do not speak to your chum when he is writing his exercise on the board. 8. The teacher said to her French class, u Study better or I shall punish every pupil." 9. We should not disturb the school so much if we were studying the English lesson. 10. Give the present indicative {Model) of this verb, please. 11. Charles, you pronounce badly; read the French 140 ELEMENTARY FRENCH aloud in your room every evening. 12. If you would study the rules more, you would finish the French lesson today. 13. Write the future of the verb vendre for the next lesson. 14. John, you were absent yesterday; study hard today. 15. Do not speak so loudly ; the class will hear if you read in a low voice. 16. Would Americans learn French verbs well if they studied more? 17. (My) children, always listen to the gentleman when he is reading French to the class. 18. Who will name all the verbs of the .second conjugation which are in the lesson ? 19. Peter, how many nouns did you find in the reading lesson this morning? 20. There are many French people in the United States who speak English as well as they speak French. LESSON TWENTY-ONE SUBJUNCTIVE - SIMPLE VERBS COMPLETED 144. The Subjunctive Mood, a discussion of whose uses is reserved for later lessons, is introduced here to complete the verb. It has two simple tenses. 145. The Present Subjunctive is formed by dropping the ending ant of the present participle and adding e, es, e, ions, iez, ent. Thus : First Conjugation Second Conjugation Third Conjugation je donne je finisse je vende ■ tu donnes tu finisses tu vendes il donne il finisse il vende nous donnions nous finissions nous vendions vous donniez vous finissiez vous vendiez ils donnent ils finissent ils vendent SUBJUNCTIVE — SIMPLE VERBS COMPLETED 141 146. The Imperfect Subjunctive is formed by dropping the final letter of the first person singular of the past definite and adding sse, sses, A t, ssions, ssiez, ssent. Thus : First Conjugation Second Conjugation Third Conjugation je donnasse tu donnasses il donnat nous donnassions vous donnassiez ils donnassent je finisse tu finisses il finit nous finissions vous finissiez ils finissent je vendisse tu vendisses il vendit nous vendissions vous vendissiez ils vendissent 147. The Synopsis. The formation of all the simple tenses of the active voice has now been treated. A concise outline of the conjugation of a verb is furnished by the so-called synopsis, which consists of the first three principal parts and the first form in each tense, in order. Form Pres. Inf. Pres. Part. Past Part, ist Sing. Pres. Ind. ist Sing. Imp. Ind. ist Sing. Past Def. Ind. ist Sing. Future Ind. ist Sing. Conditional 2D Sing. Imperative ist Sing. Pres. Subj. ist Sing. Imp. Subj. Synopsis of donner French Name Infinitif Present Participe Present Participe Passe Indicatif Present Imparfait Passe Defini Futur Conditionnel Imperatif Subjonctif Present Imparfait du Subj. Synopsis donner donnant donne je donne je donnais je donnai je donnerai je donnerais donne je donne je donnasse Note i . The synopsis of donner in the third person singular, for example, would be il donne, il donnait, etc. 142 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Note 2. A summary of the rules by which the several tenses are formed is given on pages 300 and 301. For a table of verb endings, see page 431 ; for a fully inflected model of regular verbs, see page 432. Note 3. The following table summarizes the derivation of the verb from the five principal parts : Inf. Pres. Part. Past Part. Pres. Ind. Past Def. Future Conditional Pres. Ind. PI. Imperative PL Imperfect Pres. Subj. All com- pound tenses Pres. Ind. Sing. Imperative Sing. Past Def. Imp. Subj. VOCABULARY aimer a, like to allemand, German apprecier, to value correctly l'artillerie/., the artillery Brienne, the seat of a French military school comment 1 what ! why 1 l'&olier m., the student eh bien ! well ! l'empereur, the emperor l'examen m., the examination facile, easy futur (adj.), future l'imb&ile m., the dunce l'inaptitude/., the inaptitude inspirer, to inspire ironique, ironical la langue, the language lourd, heavy M., abb. for monsieur mais, why ! but le mathe*maticien, the mathe- matician les matbimatiques/!, the mathe- matics le mgpris, the scorn le m6"rite, the merits Fofficier m., the officer peut-6tre, perhaps le professeur, the professor profond, deep quelque chose, something, anything la remarque, the remark re*pondre, to reply saisir, to grasp, seize il sait, he knows je savais (imp.), I knew un seul, a single one subir, to undergo supposer, to suppose vaut, is worth SUBJUNCTIVE— SIMPLE VERBS COMPLETED 143 j)rill EXERCISE 1. (a) Give the present subjunctive of ecouter, subir, r£pondre. (J?) Give the imperfect subjunctive of porter, choisir, tendre. 2. (a) Which forms of the present subjunctive of donner differ from the corresponding forms of the present indicative ? Which of finir ? of vendre ? (&) Which forms of the imperfect subjunctive of finir differ from the corresponding forms of its present subjunctive? 3. Locate in all possible places — parle vendiez repondent montreras joua subissent rendons vende subi jouera subissant petrit donniez finis rendissent 4. Give all the forms of the verb whose principal parts are battre, battant, battu, je bats, je battis. 5. Give the synopsis of subir ; of descendre in the second plural. Model Napoleon Eleve « Un homme qui sait deux langues vaut deux hommes » , dit un jour Napoleon quand il etait empereur. Cependant, a l'ecole, le jeune Napoleon ne saisissait pas facilement les langues etrangeres. Un seul des professeurs de Napoleon, M. Bauer, gros {Sec. 314) et lourd professeur d'allemand, n'apprecia pas le me'rite de son eleve, qui n'aimait pas 1'allemand. L'inaptitude de l'e'leve avait inspire le plus pro fond mepris k M. Bauer, qui supposait que son eleve n'etait pas intelligent. Un jour le futur officier n'etait pas a sa place. M. Bauer demanda 011 il etait. Un eleve repondit qu'il subissait peut- etre son examen pour rartillerie. « Mais sait-il quelque chose ? » dit ironiquement M. Bauer. — « Comment, monsieur, mais Bonaparte est le plus fort mathematicien de l'e'cole. » « Eh bien, je savais bien que les mathematiques etaient seulement pour les imbeciles ! » 144 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Theme Napoleon was (a) student at Brienne and later at Paris. He had for professor of German M. Bauer, a {Model) man big and heavy. M. Bauer was a German. The professors of the school appreciated much the merits of their student, but as Napoleon did not grasp the German grammar very well, M. Bauer had only scorn for the future officer. Napoleon did not like to study foreign languages, and showed naturally much inaptitude in the study of German. He was, however, intelligent, and knew that a man who knows two languages is worth two men. One day, as Napoleon was not in (at) his place, M. Bauer supposed that he was perhaps in the country. Napoleon was undergoing a difficult examination for the artillery. M. Bauer did not know that Napoleon was the best mathematician in the school, and the thing inspired the professor with {Model) the ironical remark that mathematics was only for dunces. Oral i. Qui etait Monsieur Bauer ? 2. Decrivez le monsieur. 3. Mon- sieur Bauer e'tait-il francais ? 4. Napoleon saisissait-il facilement les langues etrangeres ? 5. Pour qui M. Bauer avait-il du mepris ? 6. Pourquoi avait-il du mepris pour Napole'on ? 7. Ou le futur NAPOLEON A BRIENNE. Bonaparte fut etudiant a Brienne depuis l'age de neuf ans et demi jusqu'a quinze ans. II n'etait pas populaire parce qu'il etait moins riche que ses camarades, et ceux-ci le taquinaient a cause de son accent, qui etait celui de la Corse, son pays natal. Tout ceci lui fit hair la France, et il en vint meme a regretter que la Corse fut devenue francaise. Son talent pour les mathematiques et les sciences militaires etait si evident qu'on vit bientot en lui un chef. En general, il ne se joignait pas a ses camarades pour jouer et passait plutot ses heures de loisir a lire, ses auteurs favoris etant Homere et Plutarque. Chose inte- ressante, alors qu'il etait etudiant, il critiquait le mode d'education, qui developpait, pensait-il, l'amour de la gloire. Cet amour, plus tard dans sa vie, semble avoir ete son motif principal. 146 ELEMENTARY FRENCH officier n'etait-il pas un jour? 8. Pourquoi? 9. Subissez-vous souvent des examens? 10. Napoleon etait-il bon mathematicien ? 1 1. M. Bauer aimait-il les mathe'matiques ? 12. Etes-vous francais ? 13. fitudiez-vous les langues etrangeres ? 14. La langue francaise est-elle plus facile que la langue anglaise ? 15. Combien vaut un homme qui sait deux langues ? Resume 1. We are studying two languages, but we like the French language best. 2. Do all pupils grasp foreign languages easily? 3. M. Bauer did not like Napoleon because he did not study German. 4. Students like professors who give short examinations. '5. In school we used to undergo examinations in (de) mathematics often. 6. When the officer asked where Napoleon was, the other student did not reply. 7. Work hard and you will like all your studies well. 8. Good boys and girls will be in (a) their places every day when the bell rings. 9. If I were not a mathematician, my teacher would think that I was a dunce. 10. He will perhaps write the French exercises on the blackboard for the class tomorrow. 11. Always speak French in class; do not speak English. 12. If the emperor had soldiers enough, he would drive out the English. 13. Miss Leblanc, you are very bright; you are much more studious than the other girls. 1 4. Shall you carry something to my nephews when you go down town ? 15. If my friend had as much money as you, he would pass his vacation in Europe. 16. He intends to visit France every year if his savings are large enough. 17. How many horses shall you sell to my friend when he arrives ? 1 8. John, listen to the teacher or you will not learn French. 1 9. When we are in school, let us not carry our books home evenings. 20. (My) children, when the lesson is long, write the exercises in your notebooks. REVIEW, LESSONS XVIII-XXI 147 REVIEW (Lessons Eighteen to Twenty-One) A. General Drill 1 . Give the endings of the future ; of the conditional ; of the present subjunctive ; of the imperfect subjunctive. 2. Give the rule for forming the imperative. 3. What forms of the verb are derived from the infinitive ? from the present participle ? from the first person singular of the present indicative ? from the first person singular of the past definite ? 4. Name the tenses in order. 5. Give other names for the imperfect and past definite. 6. Give the full conjugation of the verb whose principal parts are suivre, suivant, suivi, je suis, je suivis. 7. Name in proper order the forms that constitute the synopsis of a verb. 8. Give the synopsis of vendre, choisir, chasser; of the verb whose principal parts are mettre, mettant, mis, je mets, je mis. 9. Give the — fut. of adorer imp. of Studier pres. subj. of punir imp. subj. of tendre imv. of rester cond. of lire 1 o. Locate (in all possible places) — porte aimes tracez rendit punis punissent rendit emportons 11. Translate into French — let us carry carry away the books, John he will not stay carry away the chairs, sir I shall not reply do not come down 148 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 12. Translate into French — if he speaks, I shall reply he would always reply if he speaks, I reply he would reply if he heard if he spoke, I should reply they are asking if he will sell if he should speak, they would as soon as she arrives, I shall reply speak he will reply when they speak I was speaking when he arrived 13. Supply the proper forms of the verbs in parentheses : Je compte (quitter) la ville demain avec un ami. Nous (passer) nos vacances a la campagne. II (aimer) a entendre les oiseaux ; je (aimer) a nager. Nous avons souvent (visiter) la campagne. Si vous (visiter) la campagne, (chercher) nous. Si j'avais un bon cheval, je (monter) a cheval. Avez-vous jamais (monter)? Jeanne d'Arc (monter) toujours a cheval quand elle (attaquer) ses ennemis. Elle (chasser) les Anglais de son pays. • 14. Change the verbs in turn to the imperfect, past definite, future, conditional, imperative, and past indefinite : J'etudie le frangais. Saisissez-vous facilement les langues ? Les eleves subissent un examen. lis passent beaucoup de temps a Tecole. Nous entendons les eleves. Une des eleves regarde son cahier. Elle rend le cahier a sa voisine. Jean, finis-tu ta lecon ? B. Translate into French 1. Tomorrow I shall ask whether the teachers give long lessons. 2. I think that I shall like the school if the boys are studious. 3. If we study hard, we shall finish in four years. 4. The girl was singing sweetly when he arrived. 5. You will pronounce French well if you read your lesson aloud every day. 6. My father used to live in a large city when he worked for my uncle. 7. As soon as he leaves the house, I shall close the doors. 8. The teacher always gives the pupils longer lessons when they do not study. 9. As soon as he finishes his lessons, he swims in the lake. 10. If I should INFLECTION AND USE OF AVOIR 149 pass my vacation in the country, I would bring some apples to the children. 1 1 . Punish the lazy pupils ; do not punish the attentive ones. 12. Let us not always choose the easy lessons. 13. When the nuts fall from the trees, they are usually ripe. 1 4. If my friend spoke, I should hear his voice. 15. You would speak French better if you studied your grammar lessons more. 16. My father will sell his horses to the Frenchman if he will give money enough. 17. Good pupils will pronounce well the new words in every lesson. 18. There are many beautiful birds in the forest; they sing sweetly every morning. 19. He was asking if I would not give back the money to the poor man. 20. John, write on the blackboard the future of the verb vendre. LESSON TWENTY-TWO INFLECTION AND USE OF AVOIR 148. The Verb Avoir, to have, is inflected as follows Principal Parts avoir, to have ayant, having eu, had j'ai, I have j'eus, I had Present Indicative j'ai, I have nous avons tu as vous avez ila ils ont Imperfect Past Definite j'avais, I was having j'eus, I had etc. etc. Future Conditional j'aurai, I shall have j'aurais, I should have etc.. etc. 150 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Imperative aie, have ayons, let us have Present Subjunctive I MI •ERFECT j'aie nous ayons j'eusse tu aies vous ayez etc. il ait ils aient ayez, have Note. The tenses of which the first person singular alone is given are to be completed by the addition of the regular endings. 149. Avoir in Idioms. Av6ir is used with nouns in the following idiomatic expressions, where in English is found the verb to be with adjectives, the subject being a person or animal : avoir chaud, to be warm (hot) avoir froid, to be cold avoir faim, to be hungry avoir soif, to be thirsty avoir sommeil, to be sleepy I am warm. Are you hungry ? I am not afraid of the cold. I am too warm. I am in need of (I need) some money. He is colder than the others. avoir raison, to be right avoir tort, to be wrong avoir honte, to be ashamed avoir peur, to be afraid avoir besoin, to be in need, need fai chaud. Avez-vous faim ? fe n'ai pas peur du froid. fai trop chaud. fai besoin d'argent. II a plus froid que les autres. Note. Observe the absence of the partitive sign in the last sentence but one. When the word which governs a noun used partitively itself requires de, the whole partitive construction (de and the article) is omitted. Observe also in j'ai trop chaud that a simple adverb (without de) is used. Similarly, j'ai tres chaud, j'ai plus froid que .... INFLECTION AND USE OF AVOIR 151 150. II y a. The third person singular of the various tenses of the verb avoir in connection with the pronoun y, there, has the following special meanings : il y a, there is (are) il y avait, there was (were) il y eut, there was (were) il y aura, there will be il y aurait, there would be il y ait il y efit II y a un arbre dans le jardin. II n'y avait pas de bois. Y aura-t-il une lecon demain ? N'y a-t-il pas de vin ? II y a eu un festin hier. il n'y a pas, there is (are) not etc. y a-t-il ? is (are) there ? etc. n'y a-t-il pas ? is (are) there not ? etc There is a tree in the garden. There was ?io wood. Will there be a lesson tomorrow f Is there no wine ? There was a feast yesterday. Note. To express there is with accented there, calling attention to an object or stating its location, voila is used. II y a merely affirms the existence of the object. There is your horse (see your horse) . There is a horse in the street. There *s a bad pen. There is my desk ; here is John's desk. Voila votre cheval. H y a un cheval dans la rue. Voila une mauvaise plume. Voila mon pupitre ; void le pupitre de Jean. VOCABULARY le bruit, the noise fermer, to close l'heure/., the hour l'ignorance /, the igno- rance manger, to eat ouvert (past part.), open la punition, the punishment rentrer, to go back in, enter again six (Sec. 216, a), six la sortie, the leaving, dismissal le souper, the supper tout, all, everything le travail, the work voici, here is, now is Note. Faim and other words used after avoir are to be found in Sec. 1 49. 152 ELEMENTARY FRENCH '.„ EXERCISE Drill i. Give the synopsis of avoir; its synopsis in the first person plural. 2. Give all the forms of il y a, (a) affirmative, (b) nega- tive, (c) interrogative, {d) negative-interrogative. 3. Translate into French — we should not have should we not have ? I had I have had he would have thou wilt have let us have does he have ? 4. Translate into French — there was a king is there a pen ? there were kings was she afraid ? there were bad kings there are the chairs there was no king there are chairs in the room there were no kings I need some bread are you hungry ? had he no money ? is he not right ? now (it) is the hour there 's your brother is there no money ? would there be a school ? here is the pen we were ashamed he is not thirsty 5. Give the full tense of — je n'avais pas peur n'ai-je pas besoin de plumes ? 6. Give the form in the various tenses of — il y a des enfants ici il n'y a pas de viande n'y a-t-il pas d'eau la? y a-t-il beaucoup de bruit ? INFLECTION AND USE OF AVOIR 153 Model En Classe Quand nous arrivons en classe, nous trouvons les fenetres ouvertes, mais si nous avons froid, nous fermons les fenetres et les portes. II y a six fenetres et deux portes dans ma classe. Dans la salle de classe oil j'etais l'annee derniere il y avait dix fenetres et quatre portes. Nous fermons les fenetres si nous avons froid, et si nous entendons trop le bruit des autres classes, nous fermons aussi les portes. II y a un tres mauvais eleve dans ma classe. II n'a pas peur du maitre. II n'etudie pas ses lecons, et a toujours besoin des exercices des autres quand il travaille. II re'cite tres mal, mais il n'a pas honte de son ignorance. J'aurais honte si je ne savais pas mes lecons. J'aurais peur des punitions. J'ai souvent sommeil quand j'etudie a la maison, mais je reste a mon travail. Voici l'heure de la sortie. Nous avons tres faim et tres soif, et nous mangerons bien. Nous aurons besoin de beau- coup de choses, mais il y aura assez de tout. Si nous n'avons pas trop sommeil apres le souper, nous jouerons un peu. Quand nous aurons chaud, nous rentrerons. Theme Last year, in my class, there was a bad student who was not ashamed of his poor work. He was always in need of the other pupils' exercises. When he did not know his lessons, he was not afraid of punishment(s). Would you not be ashamed of your igno- rance ? Yes, you would study hard and you would be right. The pupils who do not study are wrong. When we need the master, he explains the rules of the lesson. We play a little after the lesson, at the hour of leaving. I am often very hungry after school, but there is always enough of everything on the table at home. If I am cold, I close the windows; but we like the windows open when we are warm. When I am warm, I am thirsty also. Is there any water on the table? Yes, there is enough water for you. There is a glass. 154 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Oral i. Combien y a-t-il de fenetres dans la classe? 2. Les fe- netres sont-elles ouvertes ou ferme'es ? 3. Quand fermez-vous les fenetres ? 4. N'y a-t-il pas du x bruit dans l'autre classe ? 5 . Entendez- vous du bruit ? 6. Avez-vous besoin des exercices de votre cama- rade quand vous travaillez ? 7. Votre camarade travaille-t-il ferme ? 8. Entendez-vous bien ou mal ? 9. Le maitre donne-t-il des puni- tions quand vous ne savez pas vos lecons ? 1 o. Avez-vous sommeil quand vous avez fini votre travail ? 11. Restez-vous en classe a. l'heure de la sortie? 12. Avez-vous besoin d'encre pour e'crire ? Resume i. If you are cold, close the windows. 2. The lazy pupils said that the teachers gave too long lessons. 3. My uncle has sold all his black horses to the French officer. 4. Now is the hour of dismissal from the school. 5. If we were hungry, we should find enough of everything in the kitchen. 6. Are there not too many knives and forks on the table? 7. Charles and Mary, when you are hungry, do not eat too fast. 8. John, if you do not pronounce French well, you will be ashamed of your great ignorance. 9. My friend has already wealth enough ; now he needs a larger house. 1 o. Were there any lazy boys in your class when you were at school ? 1 1 . After (the) supper I shall read my French book if I am not sleepy. 12. When Napoleon was a student at Brienne, he did not like all his studies. 13. When you are thirsty, you will find fresh water enough in the dining-room. 14. You are right; there are many large streets in the city of Paris. 15. Peter, do not play so much; finish your work quickly. 16. Yesterday we were warm in the house, and we had the doors open all the morning. 17. How many American soldiers were there in France? 18. Do not be afraid of the animals which are in this park. 1 9. There has been much noise in the classroom today. 20. The lessons will be longer tomorrow. 1 Du, because the thought is really affirmative. See Sec. 116, a. AVOIR IN PERFECT TENSES 1 55 LESSON TWENTY-THREE AVOIR IN PERFECT TENSES 151. Perfect Tenses are made, as in English, by combin- ing the forms of an auxiliary verb (usually avoir) with past participles. The compound tense made of the present of the auxiliary has already been treated in Sec. 135. Below is given the synopsis of the perfect active tenses of donner. Perfect Infinitive (Fr., infinity passe) avoir donne to have given Perfect Participle (Fr., participe passe compose) ay ant donne having given Past Indefinite (Fr., passe indefini) j'ai donne I have given Pluperfect (Fr., plus-que-parfait) j'avais donne I had given Past Anterior (Ft., passe anterieur) j'eus donne I had given Future Perfect (Ft., futur anterieur) j 'aurai donne / shall have given Conditional Perfect (Fr., conditiofinel passf) j 'aurais donne / should have given Perfect Subjunctive (Fr., subjonctif passe) j'aie donne Pluperfect Subjunctive (Fr., plus-que-parfait du subjonctif) j'eusse donne 156 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Note i . The past indefinite is sometimes called the perfect. Note 2. Observe that the perfect conjugation has nothing corre- sponding to the past participle or the imperative. Note 3. The past indefinite, pluperfect, past anterior, and future perfect are tenses of the indicative mood. 152. Pluperfect and Past Anterior. In the synopsis above there are two forms for had given. The past anterior is used only in clauses introduced by quand, when, aussitot que or des que, as soon as, and other words or phrases indicat- ing immediate priority of action. Elsewhere the pluperfect is used. Quand il eut parle*, il quitta la When he had spoken, he left the salle. room. II apporta son cahier aii maitre He brought his notebook to the aussitot qu'il eut fini son teacher as soon as he had exercice. finished his exercise. II avait travaillS hier. He had worked yesterday. 153. Word Order in Perfect Tenses. The rules of order given for simple tenses apply also to perfect tenses, provided that we consider the auxiliary alone as the verb. Thus, the negative forms are made by placing ne before the auxiliary and pas after (between the auxiliary and the past participle) ; interrogative forms by inverting a subject pro- noun and the auxiliary. See also Sec. no, Note. He had not spoken. 77 ri avait pas parte. Had he spoken ? Avait-il parte f Had he not spoken ? N' avait-il pas parte ? He would have spoken well. II aurait bien parte. 154. Special Rules for Perfect Tenses. The principles already laid down for governing the tense in subordinate clauses apply equally to perfect tenses, but concern here AVOIR IN PERFECT TENSES 157 only the auxiliary, the participle being invariable from the point of view of tense. This must be observed especially in — a. Future clauses introduced by quand, etc. (see Sec. 137). He will give back the money II rendra V argent quand il aura when he has (shall have) vendu la maison. sold the house. Note. Often in this construction the English omits even the have and translates the above, . . . when he sells the house. b. Conditions (see Sec. 139). If they have not eaten, they will S'ils n'ontpas mange, Us auront be hungry. faim. If they had not eaten, they would S'ils n'avaient pas mange, Us have been hungry. auraient eufaim. 155. Construction with depuis. The following tense usage, at variance with English, demands special mention. a. When an action or state has begun in the past and continues into the present, the present tense is used, followed by depuis, since, for. I have been speaking (for) an Je park depuis une heure. hour. I have been at home (for) two Je suis a la maison depuis deux days. jours. How long have you been here ? Depuis quand etes-vous id ? Note i . When the action is completed in past time, a past tense is used, either alone or with pendant, during, for. He worked (for) two hours this // a travaille {pendant) deux heures morning. ce matin. How long did you work ? Combien de temps avez-vous travaitle? Note 2. Alternative forms : I have been speaking an hour. II y a une heure que je park. He had been here an hour. 77 y avait une hetire qu'il etait ici. 158 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 6. When an action or state is continued in. the past up to a definite past time referred to, the imperfect is used for the English pluperfect, similarly with depuis. I had been speaking (for) three Je parlais depuis trois heures. hours. How long had you played (been Depuis quand jouiez-vous quand playing) when he spoke ? il a parte ? Note i. How long is expressed by combien de temps except in cases where the corresponding answer demands depuis. It is then expressed by depuis quand. Twill you speak ? f parlerez-vous ? How long \ do you speak ? Combien de temps •{ parlez-vous ? [_ did you speak ? ^ avez-vous parle ? f have you been speaking ? _ . , (parlez-vous? How long < . , , i . -, Depuis quand <\ ... „ ° (^ had you been speaking? * 1 yparhez-vous ? Note 2. Observe that when depuis is required the English usually has the word been. VOCABULARY Pamusement m., the amuse- un jour, one day, some day ment puis, then l'an m., the year le repos, the rest &onomiser, to save retourner, to return, go back §tre en vacances, to have a tot, soon vacation en ville, in town il y a un mois, a month ago Drin EXERCISE i. Give the synopsis of the perfect tenses of saisir and vendre. 2. Inflect the perfect tenses of regarder throughout. 3. Give the pluperfect of tendre, neg. ; future perfect of subir; past definite of trouver, neg. -int. ; past anterior of rendre; plu- perfect subjunctive of Studier; conditional perfect of entendre, neg. AVOIR IN PERFECT TENSES 159 4. Translate into French — he would have finished I shall not have chosen they had not said as soon as he listens will you not have visited ? as soon as he had heard had she shown ? we have worked when you had sold we worked let us not speak we were working she had not had working 5 . Translate into French — how long did he work ? how long do you sing every he worked for an hour morning ? how long have they been work- I sing an hour every morning ing ? how long will they stay ? they have been working two hours they will stay a long time how long has he been working ? he has been studying a month he had been working many days (two ways) 6. Locate the verbs in the Model below. Model L ES Vacances Mon oncle demeure a la campagne. II est Ik depuis dix ans. II y avait six ans qu'il etait en ville quand il a achete sa ferme. II n'aime pas la ville autant que la campagne. II dit qu'il aurait achete sa ferme plus tot s'il avait e'te plus riche. Aussitot qu'il eut economise assez d 'argent, il quitta la ville. Je suis chez mon oncle depuis deux semaines. Je ne sais pas si je resterai encore long- temps. J'e'tais en vacances depuis une semaine quand j'ai quitte la ville. Ma sceur n'est pas ici. Quand elle aura passe la semaine au bord de la mer, elle voyagera un peu, puis passera quelques jours ici. Nous retournerons ensemble a la maison. Quand ma sceur arrivera ici, elle aura voyage beaucoup et aura besoin de repos. Ma tante a prepare la plus belle chambre de la maison. 160 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Quand ma sceur aura eu assez de repos, nous comptons passer le temps agreablement. Depuis deux jours nous preparons toutes sortes d'amusements. Notre sejour aura e'te trop court. Theme Last year, as soon as I had finished my studies, I visited the country, where my uncle has a beautiful farm. Formerly he lived in town, but, as he needed the air of the country, he left the city as soon as he had saved enough money (in order) to buy his new house. He did not like the city much, and would have left Paris sooner if he had been rich enough. He had been in the city for six years. My father intends to live some day in the country when he has worked enough. I do not know whether my mother would prefer to remain in town ; she has been there so long. When I have finished my studies, I shall pass a few weeks at my uncle's. I shall have much rest. My sister, who is now at the seashore, where she has all kinds of amusements, will also have spent happy days. Oral i . Ou demeure votre oncle ? 2 . Y a-t-il longtemps qu'il est Ik ? 3. Depuis quand etait-il en ville quand il a achete sa ferme? 4. Aimeriez-vous mieux la ville ou la campagne? 5. Pourquoi FERME DE NORMANDIE. Les paysans represented plus de la moitie de la population de la France. Le paysan francais est simple dans sa maniere de vivre et est satisfait de son sort tres humble, lequel a ete celui de ses ancetres et sera vraisemblablement celui de ses enfants. II est econome. Cette qualite en fait le sauveur de son pays dans les crises economiques ; il l'est aussi par sa bravoure et son patriotisme quand le pays est en danger. La gravure montre certaines caracteristiques par- ticulieres au paysan : la nature substantielle de sa demeure construite de pierres rugueuses; le bonheur apparent des membres de la famille, tous, hommes, f emmes et enfants ayant leur part des travaux de la ferme ; la carrure de tous et leurs vetements simples mais durables. ivood & Underwood FERME DE NORMANDIE 1 62 ELEMENTARY FRENCH votre oncle n'a-t-il pas achete sa ferme plus tot ? 6. Quand quitta- t-il la ville ? 7. Depuis quand etes-vous chez votre oncle ? 8. Resterez-vous la longtemps ? 9. Votre sceur est-elle avec vous ? 1 o. Ne passera-t-elle pas quelques jours avec vous ? 11. Restera- t-elle chez votre oncle quand vous partirez ? 12. Quelle chambre votre sceur aura-t-elle chez votre oncle? 13. Qui aura prepare la chambre ? 14. N'aurez-vous pas besoin de repos quand vous aurez fini la lecon? 15. Combien de temps etudierez-vous votre lecon pour demain ? Resume 1. Have your parents been living in the United States long? 2. My uncle used to pass his vacations at the seashore. 3. As soon as he has saved enough, he will have a vacation. 4. As soon as he had selected a house in the country, he sold his store. 5. How long did you travel in Europe last year? 6. How long had you been studying French when you left the United States ? 7. If you work too long, you will need rest. 8. My friends were in Paris a week several years ago. 9. The American officer will be in England for two months. 10. The pupils were singing loudly when the teacher returned. 11. How long is he intending to stay at his cousin's today? 12. My uncle and aunt have been traveling in Canada for several weeks. 13. If you are too cold, I will close the window. 1 4. How long shall you remain in Paris next year ? 1 5 . My friends have been desiring to go to France for many years. 16. My brother and sister will return together when they finish their work. 17. John, how long have you been writing on the board? 18. Peter, you have been speaking to your chum too long ; study your lesson. 19. Do you know whether there will be any students at school tomorrow? 20. The poor man would have bought more clothes if he had had the money. ETRE IN PERFECT TENSES 163 LESSON TWENTY-FOUR ETRE IN PERFECT TENSES 156. The Inflection of the Verb etre, to be, is as follows : Principal Parts etre, to be etant, being ete, been je suis, I am je fus, I was Present Indicative je suis, I am nous sommes tu es vous etes il est ils sont Imperfect Past Definite j'etais, I was je fus, I was etc. etc. (Sec. 131, Note) Future Conditional je serai, I shall be je serais, I should be etc. etc. Imperative sois, be soyons, let us be soyez Present Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive je sois nous soyons je fusse tu sois vous soyez etc. il soit ils soient Note. The forms not given are made regularly. 157. Etre in Perfect Tenses. £tre, as well as avoir, is used as an auxiliary in the formation of perfect tenses. Avoir is used with the great majority of verbs ; etre with certain 1 64 ELEMENTARY FRENCH intransitive verbs of motion and transition. The. following are the past participles of the most important of these verbs : alle', gone arrive, arrived venu, come entre, entered devenu, become reste, remained revenu, come back tombe, fallen parti, started ne, born sorti, gone out mort, died I have come. Je suis venu. He had started. H etait parti. 158. Below is given the synopsis of the perfect active of alter : Perf. Inf. etre alle, to have gone Perf. Part. etant alle, having gone Past Indef. je suis alle, I have gone Pluperf. Ind. j'etais alle, I had gone Past Ant. je fus alle, I had gone Fut. Perf. je serai alle, I shall have gone Cond. Perf. je serais alle, I should have gone Perf. Subj. je sois alle Pluperf. Subj. je fusse alle VOCABULARY d'abord, (at) first le client, the customer, client l'accident m., the accident le commercant, the business les affaires/, business man, merchant arriver, to arrive, happen diner, to dine l'avocat, m., the lawyer entrer (dans), to enter (tr.) de bonne heure, early gros (/. grosse), great, big le bureau, the office lu, read (past part.) la chute, the fall la suite, effect, continuation parler d'affaires, to talk business des suites de, because of, from aller en ville, to go to town ETRE IN PERFECT TENSES 165 ~ .,/ EXERCISE 1 . Give the synopsis of Stre ; its synopsis in the third plural. 2. Give the synopsis of the perfect tenses of rester; of partir ; of alter in the third singular. 3. Translate into French — he has gone out had she had they have seen had I not come ? I had remained as soon as I had arrived has he not become ? let us be useful we should have been be not lazy will he be ? there will be had he not started ? they will be they were not did we not read ? 4. Supply the French for the words in parentheses. Je (have) un client. II (has) alle en ville. II (had) lu que les commercants (have) de nouvelles e'toffes. II (had) parti quand son ami (arrived). II ne (had) pas assez d'argent. Je (had) tou- jours de l'argent. Quand je (have) de l'argent, je (shall be) con- tent^). Quand je (have) de l'argent, je ne (am) jamais honte. Mon ami (has had) beaucoup d'argent. II (has) devenu riche. II (would have) parle aussitot qu'il (had) entre', s'il (had had) l'argent. Model M ON Pe RE au Bureau Mon pere, qui est revenu hier d'un long voyage, est alle en ville ce matin. II est sorti pour aller a ses affaires. Je suis sorti aussi pour aller a l'ecole, mais mon pere est parti plus tot. II aime a arriver a son bureau de bonne heure. Mon pere est avocat II est alle, d'abord, acheter un journal. II a lu que son ami qui etait venu ici l'anne'e derniere etait mort des suites d'une chute. II est tombe de son cheval. II etait devenu un gros commercant et serait 1 66 ELEMENTARY FRENCH reste encore longtemps dans les affaires si l'accident n'etait pas arrive. Quand mon pere est arrive a son bureau, il a trouve un de ses clients, Monsieur Leblanc, qu'il n'avait pas vu depuis long- temps. Comme Monsieur Leblanc est en ville pour quelques heures seulement, mon pere est revenu diner a la maison avec son client. Quand je suis rentre de l'ecole, j'ai trouve mon pere dans le salon. II parlait d'affaires avec Monsieur Leblanc. lis parleraient encore si ma mere n'avait pas dit que le diner etait pret. Theme My father, who is a lawyer, came back early from his office.' He was back when my brother arrived from school. He did not remain long in town. He had been in his office an hour when one of his clients, whom he had not seen for a long time, came in. They talked business, and, as Mr. Leblanc was in town for a few hours only, he left soon after. My father went out to buy a news- paper. He read that an accident had happened to one of his friends, Mr. Leroux. This gentleman, who had become a great merchant, fell from his horse and died an hour after from the effects of the fall. He had been in business a long time. Last year he came to spend a week here. My father would have gone to his friend's during his vacation if the accident had not happened. Oral i. D'ou votre pere est-il revenu hier ? 2. Est-il reste a la maison ce matin? 3. Pourquoi est-il sorti ? 4. Est-il sorti le premier? 5. Etes-vous arrive a l'ecole de bonne heure ? 6. Qui est mort des suites d'un accident? 7. L'ami de votre pere etait-il avocat? 8. Qui votre pere a-t-il trouve h son bureau ? 9. Depuis quand n'avait-il pas vu son client? 10. Monsieur Leblanc est-il en ville A. pour longtemps ? 11. Votre pere est-il revenu seul ? 12. Etes-vous jamais tombe de votre cheval ? 13. Etes-vous alM a l'ecole hier? 14. Votre diner sera-t-il pret quand vous rentrerez? 15. Etes-vous alld a la campagne l'annee derniere ? AGREEMENT OF PARTICIPLES 167 Resume 1. My brother started for his office early this morning. 2. My uncle entered the house an hour ago. 3. He would have come home sooner if he had finished his business. 4. When John arrived home, his brother had gone to school. 5. An accident happened to my friend when he was in Paris. 6. One of his sons died from a fall from a horse. 7. He would be speaking yet if a customer had not entered the store. 8. The merchant was talking business with the clerk. 9. Peter, you are lazy, you did not go to school today. 10. He would have stayed longer if he had had more money. 11. Your grandfather was born more than a century ago. 12. Mr. Leblanc, do you know that (the) dinner is ready? 13. He read in the newspaper that the American general had returned from France. 14. My father arrived this morning after a short stay in London. 15. How long did you stay in England last year? 16. There used to be many castles in this country. 17. The officer became ill when he was in England. 18. He bought play- things for the children when he went to town. 19. The child had not seen his father for a long time. 20. As soon as the emperor had gone out, the soldier entered the room. LESSON TWENTY-FIVE AGREEMENT OF PARTICIPLES 159. Variable Form of Participles. The participles, pres- ent as well as past, are often used as adjectives, and in cer- tain cases, as explained below, they take a feminine ending in e and a plural in s, in accordance with the regular rules for adjectives. Thus : charmant, charmante ; charmants, charmantes blesse, blesse'e ; blesses, blessees 168 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 160. Agreement after Auxiliary etre. When etre is the auxiliary, the past participle agrees in number and gender with the subject. Elle est arrived. She has arrived. lis sont venus. They (m.) have come. Elles sont entries. They (f .) have entered. 161. Agreement after Auxiliary avoir. When avoir is the auxiliary, the past participle does not vary unless a direct object precedes the verb, in which case the participle agrees with this object. J'ai trouve* la plume. / have found the pen. La plume que j'ai trouvee. The pen which I have found. Les livres qu'il a ported. The books which he carried. Note. The past participle, when used as an adjective, agrees with the noun it modifies. une salle 6clair6e, a lighted room 162. The Present Participle is used a. As in English, to denote an attendant circumstance. It is then generally introduced by the preposition en, which in this use may be translated while, in, by. Sometimes the en is emphasized by prefixing tout. In this use the participle is invariable. Elle est entree en parlant. She entered (while) speaking. En Sconomisant il est devenu By saving he has become rich. riche. Elle a repondu, tout en pleurant. She replied (even) while weeping. b. As a simple adjective. It then agrees with the noun it modifies, and usually follows it. II a deux enfants charmants. He has two attractive children. De l'eau courante. Running water. AGREEMENT OF PARTICIPLES 169 VOCABULARY " alors, then attendre, to await, wait for l'automobile m.,the automobile boncte (de), crowded (with) border (de), to border (with) le bureau de poste, the post office la chaussee, the roadway les chaussures/, the shoes, foot- wear le commerce, the business continuel (/. -elle), continual crier, to shout, cry la devanture, the show window a droite, to (at) the right Sclairer (a), to light (by) l'Slectricite* /, the electricity e*lectrique, electric entre, between 1 'Stage m., the story (of a house) Staler, to display a gauche, to (at) the left le gaz [gaz], the gas le long de, along le marchand, the merchant le marchand ambulant, the push- cart peddler la marchandise, the merchandise marcher, to walk le mouvement, the moving about la paire, the pair particulier (/ -ifcre), private la personne, the person, people le piSton, the pedestrian rencontrer, to meet le restaurant, the restaurant le Soulier, the low shoe le tramway, the (street) car traverser, to cross le trottoir, the sidewalk la voiture, the carriage Note. In is often to be rendered in French by a rather than dans, as has already been seen in special expressions. Dans denotes position inside of, as dans la maison, in the house ; a denotes position at or near, as a la devanture, in the show window. Drill EXERCISE 1 . Give all the forms (both genders and both numbers) of the participles trouvS, vendu, subi, eu, criant, mort. 2. Give the synopsis of the perfect tenses of entrer in the third plural. 3. Give the past indefinite of sorti ; perfect subjunctive of aller ; pluperfect indicative of venu, neg. ; conditional perfect 170 ELEMENTARY FRENCH of parti, int. ; past anterior of passer, neg.-int. ; future perfect of 6tre ; future perfect of mort, neg. 4. Translate into French — a. she has remained we shall have examined we fell they {/.) had come they had not started as soon as they had come back we shall have arrived had you not become ? b. the pen which I have bought she has entered the books which I had sold she has entered the room I had sold the books the lesson which she will give 5. Give the full tense of — je suis reste depuis longtemps j'ai ecoute longtemps je suis alle a. la maison la plume que j'ai trouvee Model . La Rue La rue 011 je demeure a de larges trottoirs. Les pietons marchent sur les trottoirs. Entre les trottoirs il y a la chausse'e. La rue est eclaire'e au gaz et a l'electricite. Les trottoirs sont borde's de hautes maisons. Ma maison a seulement deux etages. II y a beaucoup LE BOULEVARD DE LA MADELEINE. Le boulevard de la Madeleine forme une partie de la grande artere de Paris appelee « les grands boule- vards)), qui vade la place de la Concorde a la Bastille. Cette artere est sur l'emplacement des anciens boulevards de l'enceinte fortifiee demolie sous Louis XIV. Le boulevard dont il est question ici commence la serie. Sur les trottoirs d'une ample largeur s'y promenent une foule de gens affaires ou de promeneurs attires la par les magasins, les cafes et restaurants qui bordent cette avenue spacieuse, theatre fidele de la vie parisienne. A Tangle gauche de la photographie nous voyons un coin de la Madeleine, une des eglises principales et des plus belles de Paris. Entouree qu'elle est d'une majestueuse colonnade, elle affecte la forme d'un temple grec. 172 ELEMENTARY FRENCH de maisons particulieres dans la rue oil je demeure. Ce matin il y avait un mouvement continuel de voitures et d'automobiles. Les marchands ambulants criaient leur marchandise. Beaucoup de personnes attendaient les tramways electriques, qui etaient toujours bonde's. Ma mere est allee faire ses emplettes. Les fruits qu'elle a vus etales a la devanture du fruitier etaient tres beaux, et elle a achete des poires et des bananes qu'elle a emportees dans son filet. Ma mere et ma sceur sont alors sorties. Elles ont traverse la rue en regardant a droite et a gauche. Tout en passant le long des magasins elles ont rencontre deux de leurs amies, et elles sont entrees dans un restaurant, ou elles ont dine. Chez le marchand de chaussures ma sceur a demande plusieurs paires de souliers, qu'elle a examinees. La paire qu'elle a choisie est chere. Ma mere et ma sceur sont revenues en passant par (by) le bureau de poste. Theme Do not cross the street. Look to the right and to the left because there is a continual moving about of carriages. There is an automobile that is passing by. This push-cart peddler cries his merchandise while walking on the roadway along the sidewalk. The sidewalks are crowded with pedestrians, who look at the show windows of the stores while speaking. There are many pretty things displayed in the show windows. There 's a restaurant. A lady has gone in with her daughter. The lady has a net bag in which (ou) are the things that she bought. She went to the shoe dealer's (Model) and bought low shoes. The pair that I bought last month was better than the pair in the show window of this store. The whole street is bordered with stores better lighted than the rooms of the house where I live. They are lighted with gas. Oral i. Les pietons marchent-ils generalement sur la chaussee? 2. Les trottoirs sont-ils aussi larges que la chausse'e ? 3. Decrivez une rue. 4. Ou votre mere a-t-elle vu des fruits ? 5. D'oii votre AGREEMENT OF PARTICIPLES 173 mere et votre soeur sont-elles sorties ? 6. Qui ont-elles rencontre ? 7. Ou ont-elles rencontre' ces personnes ? 8. Les chaussures sont- elles cheres maintenant ? 9. Comment votre mere est-elle revenue ? 10. Ou achetez-vous vos chaussures? 11. Y a-t-il des marchands ambulants dans votre rue? 12. Ne demeurez-vous pas dans une maison particuliere ? 13. Y a-t-il seulement des maisons particu- lieres dans votre rue? 14. Avez-vous dine au restaurant hier? 15. Comment la classe est-elle eclairee ? Resume 1. I did not see the horses which my friend sold. 2. Shall you not need a new pair of shoes next week ? 3. The hats which we saw at the store were very expensive. 4. My aunt would always look to the right and left when she went out. 5. My sister had been visiting for two weeks when she became ill. 6. As soon as my mother had died, we sold all the jewels that she had bought. 7. Merchants always like to display their merchandise in show windows. 8. How long have you been waiting for the street car ? 9. In our city the streets are always crowded with people. 1 o. There were no seats {places) in the street car when she entered. 11. The house which I gave to my son is lighted by electricity. 12. My brother and sister returned from Europe a week ago. 13. Have you found the newspapers which the lawyer read? 14. While going down the street I saw my friend in his automobile. 15. Are there attractive pictures in every room of your house ? 16. While speak- ing to my brother she went out of the railway station. 17. The leaves have been • dead for a long time and the apples have already fallen. 18. Where did she go? She started for (the) school. 19. Did you look at the castles which the Englishman sold? 20. My mother lived ten years in the house where she was born. 174 ELEMENTARY FRENCH REVIEW (Lessons Twenty-Two to Twenty-Five) A. General Drill i. Give the synopsis of avoir; present subjunctive of avoir ; imperative of avoir ; all the forms of il y a ; all the forms of il y a, neg.-int. 2. Give the synopsis of 6tre ; present subjunctive of 6tre ; imperative of etre. 3. Name, in proper order, the forms that constitute the synopsis of the perfect tenses of a verb. 4. Give the synopsis of the perfect forms of apporter, arriver, avoir. 5. Give the — perf. subj. of tomber pluperf. ind. of choisir, neg.-int. past ant. of traverser, neg. cond. perf. of entrer imp. subj. of penser pluperf. subj. of rendre, neg. perf. ind. of rester, int. past ant. of punir, neg. fut. perf. of avoir imp. subj. of etre 6. Give the list of past participles that take etre as auxiliary. 7. State both cases of agreement of the past participle, and illustrate each. 8. Give complete French sentences containing respec- tively the following forms : imperfect ; past definite ; per- fect indicative ; pluperfect indicative ; past anterior ; future perfect ; conditional ; conditional perfect ; imperative. 9. Give complete French sentences containing all6s ; aurait vu ; depuis ; achet&s ; tout en ; traversant ; furent. REVIEW, LESSONS XXII-XXV 175 10. Translate into French — did you see ? they talked would there not be ? he is wrong was he thirsty ? we are not afraid is there not ? there was not would she have fallen ? has he not ? I had not said had they not started ? had you heard ? had she gone out ? while going 1 1 . Translate into French — there is a book on the desk if he had bought, he would have there 's your book sold here 's my pen they saw some fields does he need a dog ? the fields which they saw does he need some horses ? the field which I saw as soon as he had bought, he sold many months ago if he has bought, he will sell he lived in the country r 12. Express and answer in French — how long will it burn ? how long had it been burning ? how long has it been burning ? has it been burning long ? how long did it burn ? will it burn long ? 13. Rewrite, translating the English words into French: 1. II a une femme (loving). 2. II (is crossing) la rue. 3. Tout en (crossing) la rue, elle (fell). 4. Nous (entered) la chambre. 5. Les chaussures que nous avons (sold). 6. II aura (sold) les chaussures. 7. En (selling) des bijoux, elles (became) riches. 8. Une femme (obliging) a (given) les choses que j'ai (saw). 9. Quand nous (arrived), nous avons (found) notre tante. 10. En (inspiring) ses enfants avec ces (inspiring) mots, la (in- spired) femme (inspired) des amis que son mari n'avait pas (inspired). 176 ELEMENTARY FRENCH B. Translate into French i. I have been living at home with my father and mother for ten years. 2. If he studies well, the teacher will speak of his work to his father. 3. My sister has been at school for three weeks, and she is very happy with her friends. 4. She had been visiting here two weeks when she died. 5. There are some beautiful leaves on the table; they fell from the old tree in the yard. 6. We shall have money enough when we sell the house. 7. When he had fin- ished his lesson, he closed the book. 8. I had not seen the horses which you had sold. 9. Where did you buy the playthings which you brought to the children ? 1 o. If his parents had not come, he would have gone to his uncle's. 11. There's John's youngest sister; are not her black eyes beautiful? 12. My sisters arrived from Europe yesterday and brought some pretty things to my mother. 13. I have been hot and thirsty for an hour, and now I am also sleepy. 14. My father thinks that old lawyers are oftener right than wrong. 15. If you had no pencil, I should be ashamed of you. 16. Children, study more and you will speak French well when you are in France. 17. When my aunt went to town, she would remain for hours in a store. 18. How long have the birds been singing in the old tree? For more than an hour. 19. Were the children afraid of the animals which they saw in the park ? 20. He reads a great deal, even while waiting for the street car. Proverbes En forgeant on devient forgeron. Loin des yeux, loin du cceur. A chaque jour suffit sa peine. Qui donne aux pauvres prete a Dieu. 9 II n'y a pire eau que l'eau qui dort. Les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivieres. Tout ce qui brille n'est pas or. INTERROGATION 177 LESSON TWENTY-SIX INTERROGATION 163. Direct Questions with Pronoun Subjects. When the subject is a personal pronoun, a sentence is made interroga- tive by inverting the subject and the verb (the auxiliary in a compound tense), and connecting them by a hyphen, as already explained in Sec. 87. Do you sing ? Chantez-vous ? Have you sung ? Avez-vous chante ? Has she sung ? A-t-elle chante ? 164. Est-ce que. If, however, the subject is in the first person singular, this inversion usually does not take place, but est-ce que, is it that, is prefixed to the affirmative order. Do I sing ? Est-ce que je cha?ite ? Note i. The following tenses illustrate the application of the principles above to the conjugation of a simple and a compound tense: Present Indicative of chanter, Interrogatively est-ce que je chante? do I sing? am I singing? chantes-tu ? dost thou sing ? art thou singing ? chante-t-il ? does he sing ? is he singing ? chantons-nous ? do we sing ? are we singing ? chantez-vous ? do you sing ? are you singing ? chantent-ils ? do they sing ? are they singing ? Pluperfect Indicative of chanter, Interrogatively est-ce que j'avais chante? had I sung? had I been singing? avais-tu chante ? hadst thou sung ? etc. avait-il chante ? had he sung? avions-nous chante ? had we sung? aviez-vous chante? had you sung? avaient-ils chante ? had they sung ? 178 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Note 2. Certain monosyllabic forms of the first person singular of the present indicative are regularly inverted in questions. Prominent among these are j'ai and je suis. Thus, in conjugation : Present Indicative of etre, Interrogatively suis-je ? am I ? es-tu ? art thou ? etc. etc. Past Indefinite of chanter, Interrogatively ai-je chante? have I sitng? did I sing? as-tu chante ? hast thou sung? didst thou sing? etc. etc. 165. Direct Questions with Noun Subjects. When the subject is a noun, a sentence is made interrogative a. By placing the subject first and repeating it by the proper form of the personal pronoun after the verb, as explained in Sec. 90. Is the overcoat beautiful ? Le pardessus est-il beau ? Is the carriage new ? La voiture est-elle neuve ? b. By prefixing est-ce que to the declarative order. Is the sky blue ? Est-ce que le del est bleu ? Note. The construction with est-ce que is especially used, with either a noun or a pronoun subject, when the question involves surprise. Isn't he here ? Est-ce qu'il n 'est pas ici ? 166. Questions introduced by Interrogative Words, such as quand, ou, combien, take the inverted order if the subject is a personal pronoun ; if the subject is a noun, they take the inverted order or the order explained in Sec. 165, a. Where is he? Oil est-il? {Ou est mon pere ? Mon pere ou est-il ? Oil mon pere est-il ? INTERROGATION 179 How long does he work ? Combien de temps travaille-t-il 1 f Combien coute le livre ? How much does the book cost ? i Le livre combien coiite-t-il 1 [ Combien le livre coiite-t-il 1 When did he start ? Quand est-il parti 1 xiu, a a u ^ -^ (Votrefrere quand est-il parti? V\ hen did your brother start ? < _ . J * s [ Quand votre frere est-il parti ? 167. N'est-ce pas. Any question to which the answer yes is expected may be asked by adding n'est-ce pas, is it not so, to the affirmative statement. I am rich, am I not ? Je suis riche, n'est-ce pas ? Are they not rich ? lis sont riches, n'est-ce pas ? He talks well, does he not ? II parte bien, n'est-ce pas ? You will listen, won't you ? Vous kouterez, n'est-ce pas 7 VOCABULARY annoncer, to announce le domestique, the servant apporter, to bring le gant, the glove k bientot, will see you again merci, thank you soon oter, to take off bonjour, good morning j'ouvre, I open la carte, the (visiting) card il ouvre, he opens ce (/. cette), this, that le pardessus, the overcoat chez lui (elle), at his (her) la peinture, the painting home la province, the province(s) comment allez-vous ? how are au revoir, good-by you ? sonner, to ring (a bell) couter, to cost trois, three je dois, I must la visite, the call Present Indicative of aller, to go, to be (in health) je vais nous allons tu vas vous allez il va ils vont 180 ELEMENTARY FRENCH D .- EXERCISE i. Conjugate interrogatively the present indicative of entendre ; future perfect of finir ; pluperfect of aller ; imper- fect subjunctive of choisir ; past indefinite of tomber ; past definite of couter. 2. Make interrogative — je sonne j'ai regarde votre pere etait venu vos amis ont achete une maison elle serait entree mon chien est blanc les oiseaux chantent sa soeur n'est pas belle les gar^ons entreront les enfants auraient etudie 3. Translate into French — when did the child fall ? why do birds sing ? she will sing, won't she ? where are the men ? how much did they sell ? will John enter ? are the boys good ? she is here, isn't she ? didn't he come ? had she started ? 4. Give the full tense of — quand suis-je parti? est-ce que j'aurai trouve ? pourquoi avais-je vendu ? est-ce que je depensais tout ? Model Xj NE Visite Je sonne a la porte de Monsieur Leblanc. Le domestique ouvre et j'entre dans la maison. « Monsieur Leblanc est-il chez lui ? — Oui, Monsieur Leblanc est chez lui. Qui annoncerai-je, s'il vous plait? — Voici ma carte. » J'ote mon chapeau, mes gants et mon INTERROGATION 181 pardessus. Monsieur Leblanc entre bientot dans le salon. « Bon- jour, Henri ; comment allez-vous ? — Je vais tres bien, merci, et vous ? — Bien, merci. Quand etes-vous arrive de Paris ? — Je suis arrive hier. — Et votre mere est-elle revenue aussi ? — Non ; elle n'est pas encore revenue. — A-t-elle quitte Paris ? — Oui, et elle est allee a Londres. — Quand quittera-t-elle cette ville ? — Aussi- tot que sa sceur sera revenue. — Votre voyage a-t-il ete agre- able ? — Oui, merci, tres agreable. — Combien de temps etes-vous reste en France? — Trois mois. — Vous avez visite Paris et la province, n'est-ce pas ? — Oui, je suis alle en Touraine. J'ai achete' de beaux tableaux. — Est-ce que les tableaux sont chers en France? — Oui, ils sont aussi chers qu'ici. Voila deux pein- tures que j'ai apportees. — Combien coute la plus grande des deux ? — Elle est moins chere que l'autre. Voila ma voiture. Au revoir. — A bientot. » Theme Yesterday I (/.) went to Mrs. Leblanc's. On arriving I rang the bell. The servant who opens the door is very kind. On entering I asked, M Is Mrs. Leblanc at home ? " and I gave my card to the servant. I entered the parlor. M Did you wait a long time?" " No, Mrs. Leblanc arrived soon after." " Good morning, Mrs. Lenoir. How are you ? How long have you been back from France? Did your husband come back with you ? " " No, my husband remained in Paris, where he has still some business." " Is his mother there also ? " w Yes, she is not well, but as soon as she is (Sec. 137) better, she will set out to visit the provinces with her son if he has finished his business." "You liked your trip, didn't you?" "Very much, thank you ; I found France very beautiful. But I must leave. Is not my carriage at the door ? " w Yes, it has been there a few minutes " (see general vocabulary). M Good-by, madam ; my visit has been very pleasant." 1 82 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Oral i. Quand le domestique ouvre-t-il la porte ? 2. Que demandez- vous au 1 domestique ? 3. Pourquoi donnez-vous votre carte au domestique? 4. Dans quelle salle entrez-vous? 5. Entrez-vous la avec votre pardessus ? 6. Est-ce que vous attendez longtemps M. Leblanc ? 7. Depuis quand M. X est-il arrive de Paris ? 8. Sa mere est-elle revenue aussi ? 9. Pourquoi ? 10. Combien de temps M. X a-t-il ete parti {gone) ? 11. A-t-il visite seulement la capitale ? 12. Le cocher n'attend-il pas M. X a la porte? 13. Comment M. X quitte-t-il M. Leblanc? 14. Otez-vous votre chapeau en entrant k l'ecole ? 15. Comment votre ami va-t-il aujourd'hui ? Resume 1. Did you see the visiting card which he brought? 2. Who is ringing the bell ? Mr. Leblanc, who desires to come in. 3. Good morning, Mr. Leblanc, is your daughter at home ? 4. The woman said, " How are you ? " when she entered the room. 5. How long did your sisters remain in England last year ? 6. Where did your brother buy the gloves which he was wearing this morning? 7. Come in, sir, and take off your overcoat, please. 8. When did your aunt and uncle start for England ? 9. Peter, you are speaking to your neighbor again, are you not ? 1 o. Is the gentleman at home ? I thought that he had gone to town. 1 1 . The birds have been singing for a long time, have they not ? 1 2. Stay to dinner, Mr. Leblanc, if you desire. 13. No, thank you, I am waiting for my carriage. 14. Has not Miss Riou returned yet? 15. Did I speak French in Paris? Certainly, everybody speaks French there. 16. How much did the shoes cost which you are wearing? 17. Were automobiles as dear in Europe as in America during the war ? 18. When the boys went out, they said, "Good-by, see you 2 tomorrow." 19. Are you better today? I am better, thank you. How is your family? 20. You will sell this painting which you bought, won't you ? 1 To ask a person, demander h une personne. 2 Compare a bientSt. NEGATION 183 LESSON TWENTY-SEVEN NEGATION 168. Negatives with a verb are expressed in French by two words. The first of these is ne, which always precedes the verb. The second word differs to express different nega- tive ideas. The commonest of these negative expressions are ne . . . pas, not ne . . . guere, scarcely ne . . . point, not at all ne . . . rien, nothing ne . . . plus, no more, no longer ne . . . personne, nobody ne . . . jamais, never ne . . . que, only I was not speaking. Je neparlais pas. He never speaks. 77 ne parte jamais. Has he nothing ? N'a-t-il rien 1 He has only four pencils. II n'a que quatre crayons. Note i . Point, plus, etc. are not accompanied by pas, but replace it. Note 2. When two of these negative expressions occur together; one of them corresponds to an affirmative word in English. Elle ne visite jamais personne. She never visits anybody. II n'a plus rien. He no longer has anything. Note 3. The following examples illustrate the use of the negative in the conjugation of simple tenses : Present Indicative of chanter, Negatively je ne chante pas, I am not singing, I do not sing tu ne chantes pas, thoti art not singing, etc. il ne chante pas, he is not singing, etc. etc. Present Indicative of chanter, Negative-Interrogatively est-ce que je ne chante pas ? am I not singing? etc. ne chantes-tu pas? art thou not singing? etc. ne chante-t-il pas ? is he not singing ? etc. etc. 1 84 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 169. Negatives without Verbs. In a negative expression in which the verb is omitted the ne also is omitted, and the second part of the negative alone is used. No more pencils. Plus de crayons. When will he be here ? Never. Quand sera-t-il id ? Jamais, Note. Ne . . . que is used only with a verb. Elsewhere only is expressed by seulement. 170. Position of Negatives. In compound tenses the second part of the negative is placed between the auxiliary and the past participle. Personne, however, takes the posi- tion of the corresponding English word, and que immediately precedes the word whose meaning it restricts. He has not been here. 77 n'a pas tie id. He has heard nobody. 77 n'a entendu personne. He sold yesterday only a few II n'a vendu hier que quelques pencils. crayons. Note. The following examples illustrate the application of this principle to the conjugation of perfect tenses: Pluperfect Indicative of chanter, Negatively je n'avais pas chante, I had not sung. tu n'avais pas chante, thou hadst not sung il n'avait pas chante, he had not sung etc. Pluperfect Indicative of chanter, Negative-Interrogatively est-ce que je n'avais pas chante ? had I not sung? n'avais-tu pas chante ? hadst thou not sung? n'avait-il pas chante ? had he not sung ? etc. 171. Neither . . . nor is expressed a. With two verbs in simple tenses by ne before the first verb and ni ne before the second. She neither speaks nor hears. Elle ne parle ni rientend. NEGATION 185 b. In other situations by ne before the main verb and ni before each of the words affected. He has neither the pencil nor // n'a ni le crayon ni la plume. the pen. Neither the boys nor the girls are Ni les gar cons ni les filles ne so fit here. %ici. He has neither bought nor sold. // n*a ni achete ni vendu. Note. After ni neither de nor the article is used in the partitive sense. U n'a ni crayons ni plumes. He has neither {any) pencils nor (any) pens. VOCABULARY l'automne [o-ton] m., the Thiverp-veir] ;«., the winter autumn, fall la n&essite\ the necessity cesser, to cease la neige, the snow le champ, the field la nuit, the night deserter, to desert par, through, by durer, to last le parfum, the perfume l'6te* m., the summer partout, everywhere le fermier, the farmer le printemps, the spring la fin, the end reverdir, to grow green again les gens m., the people la saison, the season la glace, the ice le voyage, the journey au printemps, in (the) spring en £te* (automne, hiver), in (the) summer (fall, winter) Note i. Additional new words will be found in the list of negatives in Sec. 168. Note 2. Names of the seasons take the definite article except after en. Present Indicative of vouloir, to wish, want je veux nous voulons tu veux vous voulez il veut ils veulent 1 86 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Drill EXERCISE 1 . Give the imperfect of punir, neg. ; past indefinite of entrer, neg.-int. ; past anterior of rendre, neg.-int. ; imperfect subjunctive of Studier, neg. ; pluperfect of §tre, neg. 2. Express in French — a. he has not he gives nothing he has not fallen he gives to nobody he has never studied he has given nothing he will study no more he has only one brother b. have you never ? have you saved nothing ? had he never seen ? have you found only one ? shall you work no longer ? did he see nobody ? 3. Translate into French — she has worked well he punishes neither the good she does not sing at all nor the bad in the spring there is no longer he sells neither bread nor meat any snow in winter we don't want to go the summer has been hot I neither give nor sell winter is the cold season 4. Supply the French for the words in parentheses : J'ai (never) vu votre pere. II vient ici (no more). II (never) veut (anything). II travaille (not at all). Va-t-il (no longer) a la campagne ? A-t-il ete' (only) a Paris ? (Nobody) veut rester en ville. Ici je vois (only) quelques enfants. lis (scarcely) etudient. lis (neither) lisent (nor) e'crivent. Quand parleront-ils f rancais ? (Never). Sont-ils (never) alles a l'ecole ? Model L ES Quatre Saisons II y a quatre saisons dans Fannee et chaque saison dure trois mois. Au printemps nous n'avons guere de neige, et les nuits ne sont plus si longues qu'en hiver. Nous ne portons plus de lourds NEGATION 187 vetements. Les champs et les bois reverdissent. II y a des gens qui trouvent le printemps la plus belle de toutes les saisons. En ete les jours sont longs et chauds, et les nuits ne sont jamais froides. Nous avons souvent chaud et soif. Les gens riches desertent la ville pour aller a la campagne ou au bord de la mer. La, ni les jours ni les nuits ne sont aussi chauds qu'en ville. Le travail des fermiers ne cesse qu'avec la nuit. L'ete est aussi la saison des vacances. II n'y a alors personne a l'ecole. Personne n'est au tableau. Nous n'e'tudions ni ne re'citons. Les enfants ne veulent que jouer. Nous sommes maintenant en automne, la saison des fruits. II y aura plus de pommes que l'annee derniere. Les fleurs sont encore belles, mais elles n'ont plus leur parfum. Les enfants n'aiment point la fin des vacances. En hiver il y a de la neige partout. Plus de fleurs dans les jardins. Les gens ne quittent la maison que par necessite. Comme j'ai toujours froid, je n'aime point l'hiver. Je n'aime ni la neige ni la glace. Est-ce que je demeurerai dans les pays froids ? Jamais 1 Theme There are only four seasons in the year. The pupils like summer better than the other seasons because they do not study at all. Then nobody gives any lessons. Neither the old nor the young remain in town. Many visit the country. Next year I shall desert the city for the seashore, where I have already been. In autumn there are more fruits than flowers. Apples are never so good as now. However, the apples which are in that basket are scarcely ripe. My father, who has only two weeks of vacation, is at his farm. The days are still beautiful, but they are no more so long as in summer. My cousin will not like winter here. Does he never want to come here ? No, never. We did not have any- body here last winter. When it is (we are in the) spring, there will no longer be any snow or ice. Many people like that season better than the others. 1 88 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Oral i. Combien de saisons y a-t-il ? 2. Combien de temps dure chaque saison? 3. Quand les nuits sont-elles plus longues que les jours ? 4. Dans quelle saison sommes-nous ? 5. Y a-t-il beaucoup de neige au printemps ? 6. Les champs sont-ils encore blancs au printemps ? 7. Quelle est la plus belle des saisons ? 8. Dans quelle saison n'avez-vous jamais froid ? 9. Au bord de la mer, les jours et les nuits sont-ils aussi chauds qu'en ville ? 1 o. Les enf ants veulent-ils reciter pendant les vacances ? 1 1 . Y a-t-il beaucoup de personnes au bord de la mer en hiver ? 1 2. Y a-t-il encore des fleurs en hiver ? 13. Dans quelle saison n'y a-t-il ni neige ni glace ? Resume 1. There are not as many days in autumn as in summer. 2. In the winter pupils go to school every day and work never ceases. 3. There was no wheat at all in our country last year. 4. Are the nights ever longer than the days in summer? 5. Children prefer summer because teachers give no lessons then. 6. The English army found nothing in the city when it arrived. 7. The countries which she visited have no longer any castles. 8. During the season of snow(s) there are neither flowers nor leaves in the garden. 9. The grass in the meadow is no longer green and it is every- where dry. 10. Now students want neither to play nor to sing in the yard of the school. 11. Neither horses nor men like to work in the fields during the winter. 12. Spring is the season of birds and flowers, and you will now find nobody at home. 13. When will the students finish the lesson ? Never. 1 4. No more apples on the trees ! No water in the river ! 15. He wishes neither to give nor to sell bread to the poor. 1 6. In the spring we have scarcely any snow in the city. 17. Neither old nor young wish to remain in town during the summer. 18. John does not want to write anything in his note- book today, does he? 19. The days are no longer so cold as for- merly. 20. Animals no longer find anything to (a) eat in the forest. , ! a/ ■■■2k. 41* ', LA COTE D'AZUR- © Underwood & Underwood MONACO La France a la bonne fortune d'etre baignee au nord et au sud par la mer, ce qui attire les gens pendant la belle saison. La cote du midi, appelee Riviera ou Cote d'Azur, est aussi attrayante l'hiver que l'ete. C'est un veri- table paradis terrestre. Le bleu de la mer et du ciel laisse au visiteur une impression inoubliable et fait de cette cote le rendez-vous, en hiver, de l'aristocratie du monde entier. Sur cette cote se trouve l'etrange petite principaute de Monaco qui, quoique n'ayant que huit milles carres de su- perficie et une population de quelques milliers d'habitants, forme encore un etat independant gouverne par un prince absolu. La principaute fait saillie dans la Mediterranee et est enclavee dans le departement des Alpes-Maritimes. Elle contient Monte-Carlo connu surtout a cause de ses maisons de jeu iqo ELEMENTARY FRENCH REVIEW (Lessons Twenty-Six and Twenty-Seven) A. General Drill 1. Give the synopsis of entrer, compound (perfect) tenses, neg.-int. ; finir, simple tenses, int. ; tendre, compound tenses, int. 2. Give the — pres. subj. of couter, neg. pluperf. subj. of tomber, neg. fut. of perdre, int. past indef. of avoir, neg.-int. past def. of vendre, neg.-int. past indef. of batir, int. past ant. of acheter, neg. cond. perf . of arriver, neg.-int. 3. Give the present indicative negative of the verbs mean- ing to go, to wish, to read, to write, to have, \ to sell. 4. Make interrogative — il a achete un habit il n'aime pas ses amis il n'a pas achete un habit j'entends les oiseaux votre pere a achete un habit je suis entre dans le restaurant votre pere n'a pas achete un je n'entends pas les oiseaux habit votre pere aime ses enfants il aime ses amis votre pere n'aime pas ses enfants 5. Translate into French — when do you work ? when did you stay here ? when does your friend work ? when did your friend stay here ? 6. Give a French sentence containing est-ce que; n'est-ce pas. 7. Modify (a) le garcon entend, (b) les garcons ont entendu, by adding the following negatives : never, nothing, no longer, scarcely, not at all, nobody. REVIEW, LESSONS XXVI, XXVII 191 8. Translate into French — they finished only one lesson he has neither brothers nor they finished yesterday only one sisters lesson no more snow ! he has neither seen nor heard are you going to go ? he is neither working nor playing in the street car he loves neither his father nor in the window his mother no, sir, thank you B. Translate into French 1. I saw nobody and I found nothing. 2. Has he sent any play- things to the boys ? 3. There are only a few red flowers in your garden, but you have many white • flowers. 4. His nephews are rich, are they not ? They have many jewels and beautiful carriages. 5. Tomorrow I shall pass the day in the country if the snow does not fall. 6. Does your friend stay long ? No, she will stay only a week. 7. Who carried any red apples to the grocer's ? Nobody. 8. Nobody is hungry, but everybody prefers to eat now. 9. We sell neither bread nor meat. 10. Was I not talking about our country's flag ? 11. Did not the teacher's daughter enter the class- room an hour ago? 12. I shall neither lose nor sell the books which you have chosen. 13. There is snow in summer there, is there not? 14. Had you never met that merchant in the post office? 15. If you had never entered the store, you would not have seen the new overcoats. 16. We no longer have anything in our room. 17. Never shall 1 1 visit France and the provinces again. 18. Good-by, I am going to live in England this winter. 19. On starting for the seashore I shall visit only my best friends. 20. How long will the snow which has fallen remain? 1 See Sec. 328, b. 192 ELEMENTARY FRENCH LESSON TWENTY-EIGHT CONJUNCTIVE PERSONAL PRONOUNS 172. Personal Pronouns are divided into two classes, con- junctive and disjunctive. Conjunctive pronouns are used as subject, direct object, and indirect object of a verb expressed. In all other cases the personal pronoun has the disjunctive form. Note. By the indirect object is meant the object before which in English the preposition to (or for) is expressed or understood : as, / gave it to him (indir. obj.); I give him (indir. obj.) the book. 173. List of Conjunctives. Conjunctive pronouns have distinct forms for subject, direct object, and indirect object. The forms are as follows : Sing. < ist Per. 2d Per. PL. [3d Per. ^ r ist Per. \ 2d Per. 3d Per. j , m. Direct Indirect Subject Object Object je, / me, me me, to me tu, thou te, thee te, to thee il, he, it le, him, it lui, to him elle, she, it la, her, it lui, to her nous, we nous, us nous, to us vous, you vous, you vous, to you dles}^ X \i] tkem leur"] • >to them Note i . Of the two forms for the object pronoun it, the gender of the word to which the it refers determines the choice. Compare Sec. 8 1 . Where is the ribbon ? I want to Oil est le ruban ? Je veux le regarder. look at it. Where is the silk? I am going to Oicestlasoie? Jevais vous lamontrer. show it to you. Note 2. Le, la, me, and te elide before a vowel or mute h. II m'aime. He loves me. CONJUNCTIVE PERSONAL PRONOUNS 193 Note 3. De and a do not contract before le and les when the latter are pronouns. II aime a le montrer. He loves to show it. 174. Position of Conjunctives. Conjunctive object pro- nouns directly precede the verb of which they are the object, except in the affirmative imperative, where they follow. When the objects thus follow the verb, they are connected with it by a hyphen, and me and te become moi and toi. II nous aime. He loves us. Je lui ai donne un livre. / have given him (her) a book. Le trouvera-t-il ? Will he find it ? II ne l'aime pas. He does not like it. Entendez-le. Hear him. Regardez-moi. Look at me. Ne les portez pas. Do not carry them. Me voici. Here I am. lis veulent me voir. They want to see me. Note. Observe that these pronouns precede the auxiliary in a com- pound tense, that they also precede in questions, and that they follow ne. In the last illustration me is the object of voir, not of veulent. Voila and voici, like verbs, are preceded by object pronouns. 175. Two Conjunctives. When two conjunctive pronouns are objects of the same verb, the one in the third person is placed nearer the verb. If both are third person, le, la, les precede lui, leur ; it happens that they are then arranged in alphabetical order. II me le montre. He shows it to me. Montrez-le-moi. Show it to me. Ne nous le montrez pas. Do not show it to us. II le leur donne. He gives it to them. Donnez-le-leur. Give it to them. Ne les lui donnez pas. Don't give them to him {her). Le lui donne-t-il ? Is he giving it to him (her) ? 194 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Note. The following table presents, in a form for memorizing, all possible combinations : rle fie -le "] -le me-j la nous-< la -la >>-moi -la }■ lies lies -lesJ -les. rle rle -le 1 -le 1 te ■ la vous < la -la ►-toi -la ► -vous le - lies 1 lies lei la >■ leur les J -les J -le 1 -les J -le 1 la Mui -la ► -lui -la ► -leur les . 1 -les J -les J 176. Pleonastic Use. In order to avoid repetition, the conjunctive object pronoun is often used to represent a preceding word or phrase. If the conjunctive object stands for a definite noun or pronoun, it agrees in number and gender. If it stands for an adjective or a whole phrase or clause, it is always le. Etes-vous Phomme ? Je le suis. Etes-vous sa mere ? Je la suis. Etes-vous heureux ? Je le suis. Le vendra-t-il ? Je le pense. Are you the man t I am (he). Are you his mother? I am (she). Are you happy ? I am (it). Will he sell it? I thi?ik so (it). VOCABULARY bon marchg, cheap la caisse, the cash window le caissier, the cashier ensuite, then, afterwards envelopper, to wrap up l'Stoffe/, the piece of goods les 6toffes, the goods la fille de magasin, the clerk le franc, the franc (coin, par value about twenty cents) garnir (de), to trim (with) le magasin de nouveaut£s, the department store la modiste, the milliner passer, to pass, go by payer, to pay (for) (Note i) pris (past part.), taken quel ! (/. -lie) what ! what a ! le rayon, the department, counter reporter, to take (carry) back le ruban, the ribbon la soie, the silk CONJUNCTIVE PERSONAL PRONOUNS 195 a mon gout, to my taste je vous prie, please (I beg of you) voulez-vous ? are you willing ? will you ? (Note 2) entrer chez la modiste, to enter the milliner's combien le vend-il ? at how much does he sell it ? Note i. After payer, the thing paid for is the direct object ; the per- son paid, the indirect. I paid her for the dress (paid the dress to her), je lui ai paye la robe. But also, I paid her the money, je lui ai paye' Pargent. Note 2. Vouloir, in the sense of to be willing, must be distin- guished from the future. Are you willing to stay ? (Will you stay ?) Voulez-vous rester I Are you going to stay? (Shall you stay ?) Resterez-vous ? Compare English shall and will. Present Indicative of dire, to say, tell je dis nous disons tu dis vous dites il dit ils disent Present Participle Past Participle Imperative disant dit dis, disons, dites Drin EXERCISE 1 . Give the present indicative of dire, neg. ; of dire, neg.- int. ; the future perfect of dire. 2. Supply the French for the words in parentheses, placing them in the correct position : Une dame demande a (her) modiste de montrer (her) quelques chapeaux. La modiste montre (them to her) et dit : « Ne trouvez- vous pas (them) a (your) gout ? — Oui, mais ces autres chapeaux, pourquoi ne montrez-vous pas (them to me)? Montrez (them to me). » La modiste dit : « Je vendrai (them to you) bon marche. » La modiste enveloppe (them for her), et la dame paye (her for them). 196 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 3. Express in French — she gives it tell it to us she gives him a franc do not tell me she gives it to him do not tell it to her she has given it to him tell it to him she did not give it to them he gives them the books does he carry it back ? he gives them to them has he not carried them back ? he gives them to us tell me he gave them to us 4. Translate into French — I want it he sells them cheap I do not want them give them to me, please (two where is the pen ? I have it ways) my daughter, do you love us ? she thinks so she wants to hear me are you sick ? I am he will show it to us are you the milliner ? I am not my friend, you are tall I will pay him had he not given it to us ? I will pay for them my son, stay here I will pay her for them have you the book ? I want it what a good store ! have you the notebooks ? I will you look at me ? brought them shall you look at me ? have you seen her ? she entered the milliner's Model Dans les Magasins Ce matin nous sommes parties de bonne heure faire nos emplettes. Ma cousine nous a accompagnees pour nous montrer les beaux magasins. Comme une voiture passait, nous l'avons prise. Nous sommes d'abord entrees chez la modiste. Elle nous a montre plusieurs chapeaux, mais nous ne les avons pas trouves a notre gout. Ma cousine cependant a achete un chapeau garni de fleurs et de rubans que la modiste lui avait montre ensuite, CONJUNCTIVE PERSONAL PRONOUNS 197 mais elle ne l'aime plus. Elle le lui reportera demain. Nous sommes allees ensuite dans un magasin de nouveautes. En entrant ma mere dit a une fille de magasin : « Etes-vous la fille qui m'a vendu des e'toffes hier ? » Elle a repondu : « Oui, madame, je la suis. — Montrez-moi, je vous prie, le rayon des e'toffes de soie. — Le voila, a droite. Vous le trouverez facilement. — Quelles belles etoff es ! » La fille de magasin les leur montre en disant : « Regardez cette etoffe. Examinez-la. Ne la trouvez-vous pas tres belle ? Je vous la vendrai bon marche. » En regardant une autre etoffe ma mere a dit : « Combien nous la vendrez-vous ? — Dix francs. — Tresbien. Enveloppez-la-moi. Voici l'argent. — Voulez- vous payer a la caisse, s'il vous plait, madame ? Voila le caissier. — Marie, voici l'argent. Donne-le-lui. » Marie le lui a donnd et nous sommes sorties. Theme I entered a department store yesterday and I asked a store clerk : M Where is the silk-goods department ? " She showed it to me. And what beautiful goods ! I like to examine them all. The (store) clerk shows the customers the goods. When the customers have chosen the goods that they want, she wraps them up for them, saying to them, " Will you pay at the cash window, if you please ? " But I want to go to the milliner's now. There she is opposite this store. M Here I am, madam." li Show me a few hats, please." " Here is a beautiful hat trimmed with ribbon and flowers. How do you like it ? " "I do not find it to my taste." " Is it too cheap ? " "I think so ; where are the winter hats (hats of winter) ? " M Here they are. I want to show them to you." The milliner gives them to me and I choose at last a very wide hat, which I shall take back if I do not like it any more on arriving home. The milliner accompanies me to the door. M There 's a carriage (which is) passing. Do you want it ? " " Please." I shall arrive home early. 198 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Oral i. Quand etes-vous parties faire vos emplettes ? 2. Etes-vous allees seules en ville ? 3. Pourquoi vous a-t-elle accompagne'es ? 4. Comment etes-vous allees en ville? 5. Chez qui etes-vous entrees? 6. Que (what) vous a montre la modiste? 7. Les avez- vous trouves a votre gout ? 8. Votre cousine a-t-elle achete un chapeau ? 9. L'aime-t-elle encore ? 1 o. Reportera-t-elle le chapeau chez la modiste ? 1 1. Ou etes-vous allees ensuite ? 1 2. A qui votre mere a-t-elle parle ? 13. La fllle de magasin aime-t-elle a montrer les etoffes aux clients ? 1 4. Aussitot que votre mere eut choisi une etoffe, qu'a-t-elle dit a la nlle de magasin ? 15. Les etoffes de soie sont-elles bon marche ? Resume 1. My brother had a large red apple, but he gave it to me. 2. Will you sell me the new dress which you bought ? 3. Where is the cash window ? Show it to me, please. 4. The milliner has many beautiful hats, but we do not want to buy them. 5. I shall pay him for the meat if he brings it tomorrow. 6. What a kind teacher! He never gives us long lessons. 7. My father bought some oranges yesterday and gave them to me. 8. Are teachers rich ? They are not. 9. Do you not say so too ? 10. My parents say that they do not want to give it to him. 11. His father says that he will not give his son any more money. 1 2 . My sister did not pay me for the silk that I bought her in town. 13. Did the shoes which he bought her cost only ten francs ? 1 4. Do you know the mer- chant's name? No, sir, he did not tell (it to) me. 15. They want to sell him the horses which they bought ; look at them. 1 6. When you buy things at the grocer's, always pay him for them. 17. If my friend had found any flowers in the woods, he would have brought them to me. 18. Here I am ; have you been waiting for me long? 19. Show them my jewels, but do not give them to them. 20. Is the house that he has bought old ? I do not think so. DISJUNCTIVE PERSONAL PRONOUNS 199 LESSON TWENTY-NINE DISJUNCTIVE PERSONAL PRONOUNS 177. The Disjunctive Personal Pronouns are Singular Plural First Person moi nous Second Person toi vous Third Person \ , \j. elle elles 178. Uses of the Disjunctive. The general use of the disjunctive pronouns has already been defined in Sec. 172. They are employed in every case where a personal pronoun is needed except when such pronoun is the subject, direct object, or indirect object of a verb expressed. The most frequent occasions for their use are a. As the object of prepositions. for me, pour moi behind him, derriere lui b. As the predicate nominative after forms of etre. it is I, Jest moi it is you, Jest vous it is he, Jest lui it is she, Jest elle Note. //, in sentences like the above, when it is the subject of Stre followed by a noun or pronoun, is ce (c' before a vowel). c. In shortened expressions in which the verb is omitted. He is more active than they (are). // est plus adif qu'eux. d. When the subject or object (direct or indirect) of a verb consists of two pronouns or a noun and a pronoun. The two words are often summed up, especially when they are of different persons, by the proper conjunctive pronoun. 200 ELEMENTARY FRENCH He and I spoke also. Lui et moi, nous avons parte aussi. He and she spoke. Lui et elle ont parlk. Henry and I both spoke. Henri et moi, nous avons parlk tons les deux. I heard thee and him. Je vous ai entendus, toi et lui. I gave it to her and to them. Je Vai donne a elle et a eux. 179. Intensive Pronouns. The intensive pronouns are formed by adding meme (//. memes), even, sarne, to the dis- junctive pronouns. Thus : lui-meme, himself eux-memes, themselves Je l'ai vendu moi-meme. / sold it myself. VOCABULARY asseyez-vous, sit down, seat mais oui, yes indeed yourself messieurs, gentlemen bien entendu, of course pres de, near (to) boire, to drink promis {past part.) de, prom- le cigare, the cigar ised to fumer, to smoke • sans, without fumer la pipe, to smoke a pipe la santS, the health heureux (de), happy (to) sur moi, about (on) me inviter (a), to invite (to) voir, to see tous (toutes) les deux, both demander a quelqu'un de, to ask somebody to Note. Observe the construction with demander : I ask him for it (ask it to him),/ (persons, animals, and things) Subject of a verb Object of a verb Object of a preposition 1 ? , . ' . ■ - . ■ * L lequel (persons, animals, and things) my friend who is here mon ami qui est id the man whom I love Vhomme quefaime the man for whom I work Vhomme pour qui (or lequel) je travaille the pencil which is here le crayon qui est id the pen which I lost . la plume que fai perdue the book in which I study le livre dans lequel f etudie the picture that I find le tableau que je trouve 230 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 200. Lequel is formed by the union of the definite article le and the adjective quel. It therefore varies to agree in number and gender with its antecedent. Its forms are lequel, laquelle, lesquels, lesquelles. la chaise devant laquelle je suis the chair before which I am les salles dans lesquelles j'ai ete the rooms in which I have been Note i. All relatives except lequel are invariable in respect to number and gender. Note 2. The le of lequel contracts with a preceding de or a in con- formity with the rules laid down in Sec. 77, forming duquel, desquelles, auquel, auxquels, etc. le cMteau duquel nous parlions, the castle of which we were speaking 201. Lequel with Ambiguous Antecedent. The variable lequel is often used, instead of the invariable qui and que, in order to show more clearly in ambiguous cases which word is the antecedent. the wife of the doctor who is la femme du medecin lequel (or here qui) est id the doctor's wife, who is here la femme du medecin, laquelle est id 202. Relative Never Omitted. The relative must never be omitted in French, though it often is omitted in English. the carpet (which) I sold le tapis que j'ai vendu the boy (who is) with you le garcon qui est avec vous VOCABULARY ancien (/. -nne), old, former la couronne, the wreath l'artiste m., the artist l'Sdifice m., the building au centre de, in the center of KEgypte/., Egypt contemporain, contemporary, exprimer, to express modern le guide, the guide, guidebook RELATIVE PRONOUNS 231 l'hotel (m.) de ville, city hall huit, eight lequel ? which (one) ? le libraire, the bookseller loin, far le monument, the monument le musee, the museum l'obelisque m., the obelisk Toeuvrey!, the work la paix, the peace le palais, the palace la partie, the part le patriote, the patriot la perte, the loss la photographie, the photograph la place, the square poser, to place public (f. publique), public renfermer, to contain la rive, the shore, bank la signature, the signature, sign- ing la statue, the statue le tre*sor, the treasure Present Indicative of faire, to do, 7nake (past participle, fait) je fais nous faisons tu fais il fait vous faites ils font 7-) •/» EXERCISE i. Supply in the following blanks the proper relative word : la chaise vous avez la montagne sur je suis les chaises sont dans la le patriote de nous parlions chambre l'avocat a vous parliez la chaise est devant la table la sceur du garcon est ici 2. Write French sentences containing respectively each of the following words or phrases lequel qui que laquelle auxquels 3. Translate into French — desquelles the tailor who makes coats the tailor whom I saw the palace of which I speak the man of whom I am thinking 232 ELEMENTARY FRENCH the tailor for whom he works the mountains to which he is the statue which is in the park going the statue which they admire my uncle's house which is the statue in front of which she opposite is standing which house is yours 4. Give the present indicative of faire, neg.-int. ; past anterior of faire. 5. Continue — la ville que j'aime (tu aimes, etc.) la fille que j'ai vue Model a TRA vERS Paris Me voici a Paris depuis hier, et aujourd'hui mon ami, qui a deja visite cette ville, m'accompagne pour me montrer les monuments et les edifices interessants que Paris renferme. Le libraire dans le magasin de qui je suis alle hier avait un tres bon guide de Paris. Je l'ai achete et je l'ai lu hier soir. « Quelle partie de Paris me montrez-vous d'abord ? — Nous visiterons un peu les deux rives de la Seine, qui traverse la ville. Allons d'abord sur la rive droite. Nous voici devant l'Hotel de ville. — Oh ! le bel edifice ! — Mais voici le Louvre. C'est dans cet edifice, qui e'tait l'ancien palais des rois de France, que sont les ceuvres des artistes anciens. Sur l'autre rive est le musee du Luxembourg. — Quel musee est le plus grand ? — Celui du Louvre. C'est dans celui du Luxembourg que sont les tresors des artistes contemporains. Ce musee est dans le jardin public qui porte le meme nom. Auquel de ces musees aimeriez-vous mieux aller un jour? — Au Louvre. — Ce jardin que nous traversons est celui des Tuileries. Ah ! voici la place de la Concorde. Les huit statues qui sont autour de la place repre- sented les grandes villes de France. Celle-la est celle de Strasbourg. — Laquelle ? — Celle que regarde cette dame en blanc. Avant la signature de la paix elle etait couverte de couronnes que des RELATIVE PRONOUNS 233 patriotes posaient la pour exprimer les regrets que leur inspirait la perte de cette ville. Get obelisque qui est au centre de la place et que vous regardez etait autrefois en £gypte.» Theme " You who have already visited Paris, do you want to accom- pany me today ? " " With pleasure." " To what interesting point do you want to go ? " " Paris contains many of them. The Place de la Concorde is not far from here. Let us go there. I saw the picture of it at the bookseller's. In his store there were many people who were buying guidebooks of Paris. Oh ! the beautiful square ! It is this square which is the most beautiful in Paris, is it not ? " " Yes, and also the largest." M But what is that statue which those people are looking at ? " M It is the statue which represents the city of Strasburg. Before the signing of peace, the loss of Strasburg used to inspire in (a) patriots regrets which they expressed by laying wreaths on the statue of the city. It now belongs to France." M What do those other statues represent ? " " They represent the great cities of France, and there are eight of them. That monument beside which that lady is, 1 is an obelisk. It was formerly in Egypt. There's the garden of the Tuileries, which we shall cross to go to the Louvre. The Parisians have made of the palace of the Louvre a museum, which many strangers visit. The works that it contains are those of ancient artists. Those of the modern are in the Luxemburg on the other bank of the river. The building I shall show you after that of the Louvre is the beautiful Hotel de Ville." Oral 1. Depuis quand etes-vous a Paris? 2. Visiterez-vous seul la capitale ? 3. Oil avez-vous trouve' un guide ? 4. Qu'en avez-vous fait ? 5. Quel fleuve traverse Paris ? 6. Quel est le fleuve sur la 1 See Sec. 328, c. o o CO CD CU co O 3 rt o cu rt 3 q - £ « .a bo o * S « ^ a, c 3 O CU -a £ .2 be W 2.-S - ^£ cu 1) bo « CO "3 >CU > bO cu > 2 -cu ~ c CO * o 1) <4H T3 T3 O CU 4 S C rt s s> 03 « .2 ""' .s C 9 c c a S3 > §3* g 'C O-'rt TJ d " w s 'rt co *«J bo o a 3 w m U 5 1 -cu 73 * CO x: -c t; 3 CU co < O 9 cu a P {CO* CU .c C -cu -^ .2 U *~ Hi eo ^ co £ ii bo ^ m r? 3 .3 71 cu cu e -5 -~ T m 2 *^ -^ o .e m +, fe 3 ^ p O « CU >-) >, <" S o °« '3 CO - rt V - & co H o -> c "I S « 3 n° 2J T3 flPH 5 e e c c c *S O O O O O O CU ________ .s e I* cu o w ;* ^ 2 § cu $ ^ CO £ bDJ P cu cu V O 7 § -g 3 c cu 2 .S P 5 CU H •s.3 si ^ C cu 8 'IS 3 > 2 3 ^ « » 4J fit T» 3 •3 M co « CU CU 2 O PL, ^ cu ^ cu co ^ - 3 CU > CO JjjQ - — CU J3 cu cu r*j co +J V -^ CO <0 -M 5J rt h- • C *C ^ ? -a *" CO e c O cu 3 "° s 2 cr -s .2 <£ 3 bO 236 ELEMENTARY FRENCH rive duquel est le Louvre ? 7. Sur quelle rive de la Seine est l'Hotel de ville ? 8. Le Louvre a-t-il toujours ete un musee? 9. Quelles oeuvres sont dans ce muse'e ? 10. Lequel est le plus grand, le Louvre ou le Luxembourg? 11. Oil est le Luxem- bourg ? 12. Dans lequel sont les oeuvres des contemporains ? 13. Quelle est la statue la plus interessante de la place de la Concorde? 14. Pourquoi ? 15. Decrivez la place de la Concorde. Resume 1. Did you see the woman who arrived from France this morning ? 2. Here are the books which I bought at a bookseller's near the square. 3. The statue before which she is standing is that of the peasant maid of Domremy. 4. The work of which you are speaking used to be the emperor's. 5. He is the man to whom I gave the photograph. 6. The museum (into) which we are entering is the best in France. 7. Will you accompany her to show her the most interesting things in the city ? 8. What do you think of the obelisk ? It is the one the French brought from a foreign country. 9. He is speaking to me of the journey around the world he is making. 1 o. The palace to which I went is on the right bank of the Seine. 11. This is the bookseller to whom I was speaking yesterday. 12. They are showing him the photographs they bought. 13. Have you seen the house in which Joan used to live ? 1 4. Are you doing nothing at all today ? I am examining the books I read yesterday. 15. Have you visited the museum in which there are so many beautiful statues? 16. Did you see the teacher's daughter, who arrived this morning? 17. When you saw me an hour ago, the man with me was my brother. 18. Foreigners want to see the treasures which are in the palace. 19. It is the wreath which the patriot placed on the statue. 20. I bought at the bookseller's a guidebook of Paris, without which I never leave the hotel. RELATIVE PRONOUNS 237 LESSON THIRTY-FOUR RELATIVE PRONOUNS (Continued) 203. Dont. Instead of de (in all its meanings) and an object relative, dont is very generally used. l'e'glise dont (or de laquelle) je the church of which I speak parle les pommes dont (or desquelles) the apples with which he filled the il a rempli la corbeille basket 204. Whose. The English relative whose is equivalent to of whom or of which. It is expressed, therefore, either by dont, or by de with qui or lequel. The noun modified by whose takes the definite article, and if it is the object of a verb it must follow the verb. the man whose son (of whom Fhomme dont (or de qui) le fils the son) is here est id the man whose son I punished Fhomme dont (or de qui) j'ai (of whom I punished the son) puni lefils Note. For a case where dont may not be used, see Sec. 321, b. 205. Ou as a Relative. The adverb ou is often used in cases in which a preposition with an object relative in English is equivalent to where or when. the house at which (where) la maison ou elle est she is the day on which (when) he le jour ou il est parti started the parlor in which (where) I le salon oufetais was 238 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 206. What. The English relative what is equivalent to that which. In French there is no one word for this con- struction, both parts being expressed. Thus : Subject of a verb ce qui Object of a verb ce que Object of a preposition ce . . . quoi I am selling what (that which) Je vends ce qui est id. is here. I am selling what (that which) Je vends ce quefai. I have. He gave me what I was think- // m?a donne ce a quoi je pensais. ing of (that of which I was thinking) Note. In phrases in which the relative ce . . . quoi is used with the preposition de, the de quoi becomes dont in accordance with Sec. 203. You have done that of which I was Vous avezfait ce dont je parlais. speaking. I will give you what you need (that Je vous donnerai ce dont vous avez of which you have need). besoin. 207. Summary of Relatives. The following table contains concisely the gist of the statements above : who (that) = qui 7 /„ a f que, object of a verb whom (that) = \ . ' r , v / Lqui, object of a preposition f qui, subject of a verb which (that) = < que, object of a verb [lequel, object of a preposition whose (of whom, of which) = dont what— that which [qui, subject of a verb that = ce, which = <: que, object of a verb [quoi, object of a preposition RELATIVE PRONOUNS 239 VOCABULARY l'acteur m., the actor louer, to praise Tare m., the arch magnifique, magnificent la beautS, the beauty la memoire, the memory le bout, the end monter, to go up (upstairs), la cathgdrale, the cathedral climb classique, classical le president, the president le dome, the dome principalement, mainly en effet, in fact le repertoire, the repertory Y6glisef., the church la rgpublique, the republic entier (/ -ere), entire superbe, superb eriger, to erect le theatre, the theater l'escalier m., the stairs, the le tombeau, the tomb staircase le triomphe, the triumph f rapper, to strike la victoire, the victory le haut, the top la vue, the view Present Indicative of savoir, to know je sais nous savons tu sais vous savez il sait ils savent Drill EXERCISE 1. Write French sentences containing respectively each of the following words or phrases : ce que dont 011 ce a quoi ce qui ce dont duquel que 2. Supply in the following blanks the proper relative word or phrase : j'ai entendu il a dit il vendra est a lui je ne sais pas a fait le bruit la ville elle demeure je ne sais pas a vous donnez-moi tout vous avez pensez le gar^on j'ai vu le frere 240 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 3. Translate into French — the artist of whom I spoke the countries she visited he will sell what he makes give back what is in your pocket the man he saw I saw what I had spoken of all he bought the victory of which I was the avenues of which we spoke thinking the teacher whose pupils I saw what is mine is yours the teacher whose pupils are the actor's wife, who praised the good theater 4. Continue — (a) je sais ce que je veux (p) je ne sais pas ce qui m'a frappe Model A TRAVERS p ARIS (Suite) Non loin du Louvre est la Comedie francaise dont les Frangais sont si fiers. Les acteurs de ce theatre, lesquels tout le monde admire, jouent principalement le repertoire classique. Cette avenue ou nous sommes maintenant est l'avenue de l'Opera, au bout de laquelle est le the'atre le plus beau du monde. Ce qui frappe surtout les etrangers, c'est son superbe escalier. A notre gauche nous avons l'eglise de la Madeleine, dont vous avez deja vu une photographic Nous voici bientot dans les Champs-filysees, la ma- gnifique avenue ou demeure le president de la republique, et au bout de laquelle est l'Arc de Triomphe de l'fitoile. Le voila. Je sais (ce) a quoi vous pensez. Vous pensez aux victoires de Napoleon a la memoire desquelles il a ete' erige. Du haut de ce monument, vous avez une vue superbe. Montons-y. En effet la vue que nous avons d'ici est surement belle. Oh ! Voila la tour Eiffel et, derriere, les Invalides. C'est la, sous le dome, qu'est le tombeau de Napoleon. Demain nous visiterons les autres e'difices de la rive gauche de la Seine. Ce que j'aimerais a visiter aussi un jour, c'est Versailles, et aussi Reims, dont le monde entier admire la cathedrale. RELATIVE PRONOUNS 241 Theme Tomorrow we shall be in Versailles to see there the treasures the beauty of which you have so often praised. It is (/est) what I have been desiring to do for a long time. Another day I shall visit also Rheims, whose cathedral used to be so beautiful. But today we visit what we have not seen on the right bank of the Seine. Here is the Arch of Triumph, erected to the memory of Napoleon. It is a magnificent arch, from the top of which (Sec. 321, b) you will have a superb view of Paris. What you are looking at, there, is the Hotel des Invalides, under whose dome is the tomb of Napoleon, of whom we were speaking a moment ago. That beautiful avenue in front of you is that of the Champs-filyse'es, at the end of which is the Place de la Concorde. Is it not on {dans) that avenue that the president lives (Sec. 328) ? Yes, it is what I told you the other day. At the left of the Place de la Concorde is the Madeleine Church, that one of which I was speaking yesterday. Farther (on) is the Opera, in the avenue which bears the same name. What is certain is (/est) that it is the most beautiful theater in the world. What foreigners speak of most is its great staircase. All I saw or all of which you spoke to me is surely very interesting. Oral 1. De quoi les Parisiens sont-ils fiers ? 2. Quel repertoire jouent les acteurs de ce theatre ? 3. Oil est l'Ope'ra ? 4. Que pensent les etrangers du grand escalier? 5. Avez-vous jamais vu une photo- graphic de la Madeleine ? 6. Y en a-t-il une dans ce livre ? 7. Que savez-vous de Tavenue des Champs- £lysees ? 8. Pourquoi l'Arc de Triomphe a-t-il ete erige ? 9. Que savez-vous des Invalides ? 10. Du haut de quel monument la vue de Paris est-elle belle? 1 1. Au bout de quelle avenue est la place de la Concorde ? 12. De quoi avez-vous besoin pour ecrire ? 13. Est-ce mon livre que vous avez ? 14. Tqus les livres que vous avez sont-ils a vous? 15. A qui est-ce qui est sur le bureau devant le tableau ? 242 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Resume i. This is the cathedral of which I was speaking to you. 2. The public buildings with which the city is filled are very beautiful. 3. The man whose son is now president is standing behind me. 4. At the end of that street is the church, the doors of which are very magnificent. 5. Here is the boy whose uncle I saw in Europe. 6. The merchant with whom I am going to France is very rich. 7. A rich Englishman bought the palace which we entered last week. 8. Many foreigners visit the village where Joan used to live. 9. Do you know the day when he arrived from England? 10. The theatre in which we heard that actor is one of the most beautiful in the world. 1 1. Show me what you have in your pocket. 12. What is in his house is mine, and I shall sell it. 13. My father gave me what he had bought in town. 1 4. Tell her what you were thinking of when she entered. 15. First give me what I need ; then I will leave the house. 16. Does he know what I think of the LA PLACE DE L'ETOILE. La place de l'£toile, heureusement situee au sommet d'une legere eminence, est ainsi nominee a cause des douze avenues imposantes qui en rayonnent. Au centre est le colossal Arc de Triomphe, construit d'apres les arcs romains mais les surpassant tant en magnitude qu'en grandeur architecturale. II commemore les victoires de Napoleon. Commence par lui, en 1806, apres Austerlitz, il ne fut termine qu'en 1836. Sous l'Arc ne peuvent passer que les armees triom- phales, et l'amertume d'avoir vu faire cela par les Allemands a la fin de la guerre de 1870 a ete compensee par le passage des forces victorieuses de la France et de ses allies apres la guerre recente. Dans la photographie, les avenues dont les extremites jointes passeraient sous la plus grande ouverture de l'Arc sont, a gauche, l'avenue des Champs-Elysees, qui conduit a la place de la Concorde, et a droite celle de la Grande Armee. Les deux a angle droit de celles-ci et, pour ainsi dire, formant la continua- tion des plus longues dimensions de l'Arc, sont au premier plan l'avenue de Wagram, et a l'arriere-plan, a gauche, l'avenue Kleber. Celle bordee d'une double rangee d'arbres et laquelle se voit le mieux de toutes dans la photo est l'avenue du Bois de Boulogne, conduisant a ce fameux pare, promenade favorite de la societe parisienne. L'avenue plus etroite, remon- tant vers le haut de la photographie, est l'avenue Victor Hugo. 244 ELEMENTARY FRENCH victory? 17. Americans enjoy the view from the top of the dome of the cathedral near the square. 18. Will you tell me what you are looking at in that window? 19. These are the French books I want; will you sell me all you have of them ? 20. My father's sister who left yesterday is going to Canada. LESSON THIRTY-FIVE INTERROGATIVES 208. Who and Whom, as Interrogative Pronouns, are expressed by qui. Who is doing that ? Qui fait cela ? Who is this man ? Qui est cet homme ? Whom did you find ? Qui avez-vous trouve ? Of whom are you speaking ? De qui parlez-vous ? Note. Whom in sentences of the type below, in which it is without an antecedent, is an interrogative pronoun used in an indirect question. Use, therefore, the interrogative qui and not the object relative que. He is asking whom you want. 77 demande qui vous votdez. 209. Whose y as an Interrogative Pronoun, is expressed by a qui when it denotes possession, by de qui when it denotes relationship. Whose book is this (to whom is A qui est ce livre ? this book) ? Whose husband is he (of whom De qui est-il le mart ? is he the husband) ? Whose son is that boy ? De qui ce garcon est-il lejils ? 210. What, as an Interrogative Adjective, is expressed by quel, quelle (/.), plural quels, quelles (/.). What man ? Quel homme ? What women ? Quelles femmes ? INTERROGATIVES 245 Note i . This is true even when the noun that what modifies does not immediately follow it, and it is thus apparently a pronoun. What (color) is the color of this Quelle est la couleur de cette maison ? house ? Note 2. Quel has the meaning what a in exclamatory sentences. Quel soldat ! What a soldier! 211. What, as an Interrogative Pronoun, is expressed variously, as shown in the following table : Subject of a verb, qu'est-ce qui Object of a verb, } Object of a preposition, quoi .que Predicate nominative, What is growing there ? Qu'est-ce qui pons se la 1 What is your father doing ? Que fa it voire perel What will death be ? Que sera la mort 1 Of what are you speaking ? De quoi parlez-vous ? 212. Which is expressed — a. When an interrogative adjective, by the proper form of quel. Which book ? Quel livre ? Which houses ? Quelles maisons ? b. When an interrogative pronoun, by the proper form of lequel. Which (man) is your uncle ? Lequel est votre onele 1 Do you love your niece ? Which Aimez-vous votre niece ? La- one ? quelle ? Which (pupil) of your pupils is Lequel de vos Sieves est le the best ? meilleur ? Which (pupils) of your pupils Lesquels de vos eleves sont les are the best ? meilleurs 1 246 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 213. Summary of Interrogatives. The following table contains concisely the gist of the statements above: who — qui whom = qui ^={, que \ adjective [lequel, pronoun C qu'est-ce qui, subject of verb I que, object of verb what = i \ ' ■ £ quoi, object of preposition ^quel, adjective fa qui, to denote ownership ~~ [de qui, to denote relationship Note. Other composite forms, similar to qu'est-ce qui above, are often substituted for various interrogative pronouns; for example, qu'est-ce que, what, as object of a verb. See Sec. 323. VOCABULARY l'attaque/, the attack l'elan m., the dash, enthusiasm Australien (/ -nne), Aus- esperer, to hope tralian juillet, July l'auteur m., the author la mort, death avoir lieu, to take place prendre part a, to take part in la bataille, the battle rencontrer, to meet, come la cause, the cause, reason across commander, to command, order la response, the answer le cdte\ the side seVere, severe, rigorous le drapeau, the flag la tuerie, the slaughter Present Indicative of pouvoir, to be able, can je puis, peux nous pouvons tu peux vous pouvez il peut ils peuvent INTERROGATIVES 247 lj.f/ EXERCISE i. Give English sentences containing — who (re/.) which (re/.) what (int.pron.) who (int.) which (int.pron.) what (int. adj.) whom (re/.) which (int. adj.) whose (re/.) whom (int.) what (re/.) whose (int.) Translate these English sentences into French. 2. Give French sentences containing respectively each of the following interrogatives : quels de qui laquelle que quoi a qui qu'est-ce qui oil est-ce que 3. Translate into French — whom do you want ? what a boy ! what have you ? who are they ? to whom are you singing ? whose horse is this ? whose son are you ? what are you making ? what is under the tree ? which is your niece ? which pen have you ? what is he thinking of ? what is the color of the sky ? what is this ? what makes the snow ? what battle is this ? 4. Supply the French for the words in parentheses : (Which) livre est k vous ? Je veux (the one which) vous avez, et aussi celui (in which) elle lit. (Whose) plume est (this) ? (Where) est l'eleve (whose pen) j'aime ? (Which) de ces plumes est (yours)? Pour (whom) l'avez-vous apportee ? (Whom) avez-vous vu ? (What) avez-vous vu ? Savez-vous (what) j'ai vu ? (What) vue admirez-vous ? (Who) a vu l'epicier? (What a) homme! De (what) parle-t-il? II a deux magasins ; (of which) pense-t-il ? (What) est en face du magasin ? 248 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Model Cantigny » Qui e'tait avec vous ce matin ? — C'etait mon neveu Charles. — De qui est-il le fils ? — De ma soeur Marie. — Et de quoi parliez-vous quand je vous ai rencontres? — II me parlait de Cantigny, oil il etait entre un jour. — Qu'est-ce qu'il a dit? — Que c'etait la qu'avait eu lieu une des premieres batailles oil les Americains ont pris part. C 'e'tait en juillet de la derniere annee de la grande guerre. — Quelles armees des Allies y avait-il dans la* bataille ? — II y avait des Americains et des Australiens. — Lequel de nos generaux commandait? — Le general Bullard. — Lesquels des soldats furent les plus braves ? — La re'ponse est difficile. lis e'taient tous braves, mais les notres ont e'te superbes. Quels soldats! Avec quel elan ils sont alles a Fattaque! Quels sont ceux qui auraient fait mieux ? Les Allie's e'taient fiers d'eux. Mais a quoi pensez-vous ? — Je pense au grand nombre de ceux que la mort a emportes. C'etait pour une bonne cause, mais quelle tuerie ! Que sera la punition des auteurs de cette guerre ? — Severe, esperons-le. Theme " What are you doing ? " "I am looking at a photograph." " Of whom ? " "Of soldiers." " From what country ? " " From the United States. Do you want to see it ? Here it is." M Why, it is a photograph of American soldiers in France ! Whose is it ? " M It is mine." " It is very interesting. What men ! In what place are they ? " M They are in Cantigny, where they entered with much dash." " What other soldiers were there with them ? " M The Australians." "Which army lost the greater number of men?" M Which one ? It is difficult to (a) say. Death carried away many on both {des deux) sides." "Who commanded our soldiers? Was it not General Bullard ? " " Yes, it was he. My nephew was one of his officers." " Whose son is your nephew ? " " My youngest 1 See Frontispiece. INTERROGATIVES 249 sister's. It was she who was with me the other day." " What were you speaking of when I met you ? " M We were speaking of her son and of the war." M What did she think of the authors of the war ? " " She hoped that their punishment would be severe and that there would never again be a slaughter like that one." Oral 1. Qu'est-ce qui est sur la table devant vous ? 2. Quel livre est le votre ? 3. Lequel est votre grammaire ? 4. A qui est cette grammaire ? 5. De quoi parlons-nous en classe? 6. A quoi pensez- vous maintenant ? 7. A qui pensez-vous le plus sou vent ? 8. Lequel de vos parents est le plus grand ? 9. Lequel est le plus vieux ? 10. De qui etes-vous le fils? 11. A qui re'citez-vous la lecon? 12. Qu'est-ce que vous avez la? 13. Quelle est la couleur de votre livre? 14. Lequel est le plus difficile, l'anglais ou le francais? 15. De quel village parlons-nous dans la lecon? Resume 1. Who is making so much noise in the classroom ? 2. Who is the girl who entered with my mother? 3. Whom did you see in town yesterday ? 4. To whom did you give the pens you bought ? 5. The teacher asks me whom I want to see. 6. Can you tell me whose French books these are? 7. Do you know whose niece this girl is? 8. Whose sister is that attractive woman ? 9. What do you do when you have a vacation ? 1 o. What are these two Frenchmen doing in the United States ? 11. Which was the greatest battle in the war? 1 2. What were the generals' names of whom you spoke ? 13. Which officers did you meet in France ? 14. Which statues do you hope to see in Paris ? 15. What was the answer that he gave ? I don't know what he said. 16. What can you tell me of this magnifi- cent attack ? Which one ? 17. Which of the armies were the best ? 18. What do the Americans think of what has taken place in Europe? 19. Which soldiers took part in the battle of Cantigny? 20. Of what were they thinking when they entered the city ? • 250 ELEMENTARY FRENCH REVIEW (Lessons Thirty-two to Thirty-five) A. General Drill i. Give the list of (a) demonstrative adjectives, (b) de- monstrative pronouns. 2. When and how are the particles ci and la added (a) to demonstrative adjectives ? (b) to demonstrative pronouns ? 3. Give French sentences containing — cet celle ceux ceci celle-ci cela celle-la ces 4. Translate into French — it is I the former and the latter it is mine this is a new book ; that is very clear it is good my work and my brother's it is better my pen and the one which she wants it is the best he who had arrived it is they I told you that it was we yours is smaller than Mary's that was my mother mine is the smallest 5. Give the list of the relative pronouns, and illustrate each in a French sentence. 6. Give the French for — who (re/.) which (re/.) what (int. adj.) who (int.) which (int. firon.) what (int. pron.) whom (re/.) which (int. adj.) whose (re/.) whom (int.) what (re/.) whose (int.) 7. Give a French sentence containing each of the words in 6, REVIEW, LESSONS XXXII-XXXV 251 8. Give French sentences containing — dont auxquels duquel ou cela quels ou quoi ce . . . dont 9. Translate into French — the man who is here the friend whom I love I want what is here the room in which I was I want what I have the child I want is here she loves all that is beautiful I hear him whom I am seeking the man with whom I live the man whose son is here the merchant whose horse I bought they who are poor are often happy 10. Translate into French what was here ? what was it ? whose pencil is it ? whose daughter is pretty girl? who is here ? whom do you hear ? what do you hear ? with whom is he ? of whom is he thinking ? what were your friends doing ? that which son is it ? what a big tree ! which of your eyes ? what is the lesson ? what is he doing ? 1 1 . Replace the words in parentheses by the correct French words : 1 . (What) belles rues ! 2. (Which) gants sont (yours) ? 3. (This) plume, (hers,) et (my sister's). 4. (It) est lui (who) a fait (that). 5. (Which) de vos amies a (these) fleurs ? 6. (She) est la dame a (whom) j'ai parle. 7. Je sais (that) (that) livre est (the one) (that) (that) homme veut. 8. (What) peut lui donner (what) il veut ? 9. (There are) des chaises (there), dans (their) chambre. 252 ELEMENTARY FRENCH B. Translate into French i. What was growing there in their aunt's garden? 2. What was there in the field where he and your brother were playing yesterday ? 3. This man has black eyes, that one has blue. 4. Whose house is this ? It is the oldest in the country and its windows are very low. 5. Which is the little girl for whom he made those new shoes? 6. Whom did you see in the carriage in which we came ? 7. My friend's cousin, who has been traveling in France for many months, gave me this statue. 8. I shall never ask him what he is thinking about. 9. I should have heard that myself, if she had not spoken of it. 10. Which cathedral was it of which he praised the dome so much ? 1 1 . Of whom was that boy's aunt who was here speaking? 12. Did you praise the wreath she brought me? Which one? 13. This artist whose works the French love so much lived in Rheims. 1 4. They see this light, but they do not see that. 15. Charles, do you know the museum in which these statues are? 16. They who have long vacations are happy. 17. Who has lost his necktie and collar? Is it you, sir? 18. He who takes wine often, white or red, will have a red nose. 19. I know that that handkerchief that is there is hers. 20. Give her her guidebook which she lost. Where is yours ? Affiches — Avis au Public ENTREE SORTIE DEFENSE D'AFFICHER DEFENSE DE FUMER MAISON A VENDRE VENTE DE SOLDES APPARTEMENTS MEUBLE"S A LOUER LIVRES NEUFS ET D'OCCASION COSTUMES ET VETEMENTS SUR MESURE PRIERE DE NE PAS DONNER DE POURBOIRE ON N'ENTRE PAS AVEC LES CHIENS NUMERALS — CARDINALS 253 LESSON THIRTY-SIX NUMERALS - CARDINALS 214. Cardinal Numbers. The following examples will be sufficient to illustrate the formation of all cardinal numbers : 1 , un (f . une) 21, wag* *tf «« 81, quatre-vingt-un 2, deux 22, vingt-deux 82, quatre-vingt-deux 3, trots 23, vingt-trois 83, quatre-vingt-trois 4, quatre 30, /razte 90, quatre-vingt-dix 5, cinq 31, /razte ¥ is it 7.55 ? a billion francs how old is he ? more than ten he is thirty-one she was born in 1887 eggs cost a franc a dozen she died in 1903 sugar is sold by the pound he sings Sundays he came twice a week I shall arrive on Thursday this room is ten meters long they came in October how long is this street ? last July Aug. 11, 1906 the year 1899 8. Replace the parentheses by French words : 1. II a (a) femme, (one) fils, mais pas (any) filles. 2. Quarante (one) ou quarante (two). 3. (Fifteen) jours, (sixteen) heures, et (seventeen) minutes. 4. lis ont vendu leur (first) maison juillet (first). 5. J'en finirai un (fifth) mars (fifth). 6. (A half) heure n'est pas si longue qu'une heure et (a half). 7. Nous etions (on) le bateau (on) le quatre juillet. 8. Les (four) eleves sont venus a (four) hier. 272 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 9. (How old) a la (old) dame ? 10. II a demande « quelle (time) est-il » dix (times) ou peut-etre dix (times) dix. B. Translate into French 1 . How many pupils have you in your school ? I have less than two hundred in mine. 2. Last Friday, December 21st, was the shortest day in the year. 3. How many pounds of butter have you ? I have more than seventeen. 4. There are fifty-two weeks and one or two days in a year. 5. There are three months in summer, June, July, and August ; June, the shortest, is the most beautiful month in the year. 6. One third of three fourths is seven eighths of what number ? 7. My cousin is twenty-seven years old. He was born on October 29, 1894. 8. A hundred years ago, in 18 1 4, France was attacked by many enemies. 9. They left for Paris in 1903, when their little daughter was only five years old. 10. We went to Domremy on the twelfth of September, n, He goes out every day at 10 a.m. 12. Moliere was born in Paris two hundred and ninety-nine years ago. 13. In 19 16 there were more than four million men in the French army. 1 4. These oranges are dear. They cost three francs a dozen. 15. I shall not arrive there early, but I shall be on time. 16. George V is now king of Eng- land. His father was Edward VII. 17. Eighty-one divided by twenty-seven is three. 18. A billion is a thousand times a million. 19. He will return at 12.30 p.m. 20. What letters are in the twentieth word and what in the twenty-first? Proverbes A chaque jour sa tache. Tel qui rit vendredi, dimanche pleurera. Une hirondelle ne fait pas le printemps. Ne remettez pas au lendemain ce que vous pouvez faire la veille. Pierre qui roule n'amasse pas mousse. Quand le chat n'y est, les souris dansent. REFLEXIVE VERBS 273 LESSON THIRTY-NINE REFLEXIVE VERBS • 227. A Reflexive Verb, or pronominal verb, is one which has for its object a personal pronoun referring to the same person or thing as the subject : he cuts himself. 228. Reflexive Pronouns. The object pronouns used with reflexive verbs are called reflexive pronouns. They are Singular Plural First Person me, myself nous, ourselves Second Person te, thyself vous, yourselves (yourself) C himself Third Person se-j herself se, themselves {itself 229. The Position of Reflexive Pronouns is the same as that of conjunctive object pronouns (Sees. 174, 175). Se, however, precedes all other object pronouns. II se lave. He washes himself. Vous ne vous habillez pas. You do not dress yourself. II se le chante. He is singing it to himself 230. Auxiliary with Reflexives. The auxiliary used in conjugating reflexive verbs is always etre. When the reflexive pronoun is the direct object of the verb, the past participle agrees with it. When the pronoun is the indirect object, the participle is invariable. Elle s'est couple. She has cut herself. Elle s'est casse* le bras. She has broken her arm (to herself has broken the arm). Nous ne nous y etions pas perdus. We had not lost ourselves there. 274 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 231 . Synopsis of a Reflexive. The synopsis, together with the present indicative in full, of se trahir, to betray ones self, is Simple Tenses Infinitive se trahir, to betray one's self Pres. Part. se trahissant, betraying one's self Pres. Ind. je me trahis, I betray myself tu te trahis, thou betrayest thyself il se trahit, he betrays himself nous nous trahissons, we betray ourselves vous vous trahissez, jy^w betray yourselves {yourself) ils se trahissent, they betray themselves je me trahissais, / was betraying myself je me trahis, I betrayed myself je me trahirai, I shall betray myself je me trahirais, I should betray myself trahis-toi, betray thyself je me trahisse je me trahisse Perfect Tenses s'etre trahi, to have betrayed one's self s'etant trahi, having betrayed one's self je me suis trahi, / have betrayed myself tu t'es trahi etc. il s'est trahi nous nous sommes trahis vous vous etes trahi(s) ils se sont trahis Pluperf. Ind. je m'etais trahi, I had betrayed myself Past Ant. je me fus trahi, I had betrayed myself Fut. Perf. je me serai trahi, I shall have betrayed myself Cond. Perf. je me serais trahi, I should have betrayed myself Perf. Subj. je me sois trahi Pluperf. Subj. je me fusse trahi Imperfect Past Definite Future Conditional Imperative Pres. Subj. Imp. Subj. Perf. Inf. Perf. Part. Past Indef. REFLEXIVE VERBS 275 Note. A reflexive pronoun used as the object of a dependent infini- tive takes the person and number of the subject of the governing verb. We do not wish to hurry. Nous ne voulons pas nous dipicher. 232. Interrogative and Negative Forms. The rules given already for the formation of negative and interrogative conjugations apply without change to reflexives. The fol- lowing examples are sufficient to illustrate : Present Indicative Pluperfect Indicative Interrogative • est-ce que je me trahis ? est-ce que je m'e'tais trahi ? te trahis-tu ? t'etais-tu trahi ? se trahit-il ? s'e'tait-il trahi ? etc. » etc. Negative je ne me trahis pas je ne m'etais pas trahi tu ne te trahis pas tu ne t'etais pas trahi il ne se trahit pas il ne s'etait pas trahi etc. etc. Negative-Interrogative est-ce que je ne me trahis pas ? est-ce que je ne m'e'tais pas trahi ? ne te trahis-tu pas ? ne t'etais-tu pas trahi ? ne se trahit-il pas ? ne s'e'tait-il pas trahi ? etc. etc. 233. Reflexives and Intensives must be carefully dis- tinguished. The latter were introduced in Sec. 179. A re- flexive is always an object and refers to the subject ; an intensive emphasizes an expressed noun or pronoun. The following illustrations show the distinction : 276 ELEMENTARY FRENCH He loves himself (ref.) He did it himself (inten.) They burned Joan herself (inten.) 234. Reflexive and Simple Verbs // s'aime. II Pa fait lui-mime. lis bruVerent Jeanne elle-meme. Careful attention must be given to the difference in use and meaning between a simple active verb and its reflexive. arreter, to stop (a thing, a per- s'arreter, to stop (one's self) son) coucher, to put (a person) to bed approcher, to bring (a thing) near 235. Idiomatic Reflexives. se coucher, to put (one's self) to bed, go to bed . s'approcher de, to bring one's self near, approach A French reflexive verb is often equivalent to an English int/ansitive verb or verbal phrase. Among these are s'amuser, to have a good time se coiffer, to fix one's hair se depecher (de), to hurry, hasten (to) s'habiller, to dress (one's self) See also Sec. 234. se lever, to arise, get up se peigner, to comb one's hair se promener, to take a walk se re'veiller, to waken se trouver, to be Drill EXERCISE i. Give the full conjugation of trahir in the simple tenses. 2. Give the — past definite of se coucher conditional of s'arreter, neg. past indefinite of se trouver, int. present of se laver, neg. -int. imperfect of se perdre present subjunctive of se trahir, neg. imperative of se coucher past anterior of se louer, neg.-int. synopsis of se rendre imperative of se coiffer, neg. REFLEXIVE VERBS 277 3. Express in French — he had found he had found himself she has found herself he punishes himself he punished his children himself we were stopping hurry let us hurry shall I show myself ? 4. Express in French — he stopped the horse he stopped near me he put the child to bed he went to bed he brings the child near the door he approaches the door did he love himself ? did he not love himself ? we shall find ourselves we shall find it ourselves we found ourselves had she betrayed herself ? he is talking to himself he said it to himself he himself said it he arises he raises the bag she is having a good time she wakens early take a walk hasten to start 5. Continue — je m'approche de la foret je ne me punis pas je lave les fen£tres moi-meme ne me suis-je pas deja couche ? Model La Journee Quand je me reveille le matin a sept heures, je me frotte les yeux. Puis je m'approche du lit de mon frere et le reveille aussi. II se leve (Sec. 248) bien vite et nous allons dans la salle de bain pour nous laver les mains et la figure avec de l'eau et du savon. Nous nous brossons les dents avec notre brosse a dents. Ensuite nous nous brossons les cheveux avec la brosse a cheveux et nous prenons le peigne, avec lequel nous nous peignons. Lorsque nous 278 ELEMENTARY FRENCH nous sommes coiffes, nous nous depechons de nous habiller, et en une demi-heure nous sommes prets. A sept heures et demie nous nous trouvons dans la salle a manger, ou nous trouvons nos parents qui nous attendent. Quand nous avons fini, nous allons alors a Pecole. Le soir apres le souper, quand nous avons e'tudie les lecons que le maitre nous a donnees pour le lendemain, nous nous couchons. Hier c'etait dimanche. Nous nous sommes leves tard, et dans l'apres-midi nous nous sommes promenes avec nos parents. Nous nous sommes arrete's une heure chez des amis de mon pere. Nous nous sommes bien amuse's. Theme This morning I awoke late. It was already half past seven when I got up. I went at once to the bathroom to wash my hands and face. My brother was (se trouver) there, and had already washed. "Let us hurry," said he to me (Sec. 328, a), "or we shall not be on time at school." While I was washing my face, he took the comb and the brush to fix his hair. As 1 could not find my toothbrush, I did not clean my teeth. I dressed in ten minutes, and at ten minutes of eight I found myself in the dining-room, where the others were waiting for me. M You will not go to bed so late any more," said my father to me. M Hurry and (to) eat, you and your brother, and do not stop on the way to {pour) school." We arrived on time, but we surely should have arrived late if we had played a minute or two on the way. Oral 1. Qui vous reveille le matin? 2. Vous levez-vous 1 de bonne heure ou tard ? 3. A quelle heure vous etes-vous reveille dimanche dernier? 4. Pourquoi allez-vous dans la salle de bain? 5. Avec quoi vous lavez-vous ? 6. De quoi avez-vous besoin pour vous brosser les dents? 7. Que faites-vous avec le peigne? 8. Que 1 The reply, je me leve, has the accent (Sec. 248). REFLEXIVE VERBS 279 faites-vous quand vous vous etes lave et coiffe ? 9. Ou se trouve la salle a manger ? 10. Quel jour de la semaine vous amusez-vous ? 11. Vous etes-vous promene dans le pare dimanche • dernier ? 12. Combien de personnes y a-t-il dans votre f amille ? 13. Com- ment trouvez-vous le f rancais ? 1 4. Vous amusez-vous en classe ? 15. Vous trompez-vous souvent quand vous recitez? Resume 1. He betrays himself when he says that. 2. They dressed themselves and went to the ball. 3. The army is rapidly approach- ing the city. 4. They went to bed at six o'clock, but they are still sleepy. 5. He cannot brush his teeth because he has no tooth- brush. 6. He used to get up at 6.15 every morning. 7. My sister put her children to bed at 12.15 A - M - 8 - Children like neither to wash their faces nor to comb their hair. 9. The doctor's wife, who came this morning, will stay here a week. 10. We were taking a walk when we met you and your sister. 11. We can never find what we need in this store. 12. They have with them the books they bought for themselves. 13. It is 7.45 ; wake up quickly, breakfast is ready. 14. At what time do you intend to go to bed this evening ? 15. Which of the boys will stop at the store for me ? 16. This man never betrays himself; will he betray his friend? 17. The little girl fell from the tree and broke her arm. 18. Hurry, we have been waiting for you a long time. 19. 'Are you not stopping her ? Surely you are not afraid of our dog, 20. Had they dressed when the bell rang ? Proverbes Qui s'excuse, s'accuse. Au dela des Alpes se trouve ITtalie. A qui se leve matin, Dieu prete la main. 28o ELEMENTARY FRENCH LESSON FORTY PASSIVE VOICE 236. The Passive Voice of transitive verbs is formed in French by combining the past participle with the auxiliary 6tre. Thus, the synopsis of the passive of sauver, to save, is Simple Tenses Infinitive £tre sauve to be saved Pres. Part. e^ant sauve being saved Pres. Ind. je suis sauve I am saved Imperfect j'etais sauve I was being saved Past Definite je fus sauve I was saved Future je serai sauve I shall be saved Conditional je serais sauve I should be saved Imperative sois sauve be saved Pres. Subj. je sois sauve Imp. 'Subj. je fusse sauve Perfect Tenses Perf. Inf. avoir ete sauve to have been saved Perf. Part. ayant ete sauve having been saved Past Indefinite j'ai ete sauve J I have been saved \ I was saved Pluperf. Ind. j'avais ete sauve J had been saved Past. Ant. j'eus ete sauve I had been saved Fut. Perf. j'aurai ete sauve I shall have been saved Cond. Perf. j'aurais ete sauve I should have been saved Perf. Subj. j'aie ete sauve Pluperf. Subj. j'eusse ete sauve 237. Agreement in Passive. In the passive voice the past participle must agree with the subject, Stre being the auxiliary (see Sec. 160). PASSIVE VOICE 281 Elle est perdue, lis ont e'te trouvgs. She is lost. They have been found. 238. The Tenses in the Passive have the same distinc- tions as in the active. TT , [ II a ete sauve (Sec. 1 x <:)• He was saved. « -_ * , v O0J y II Jut sauve. He would be saved. // serait sauve. *• He would have been saved. II aurait ete sauve. 239. The Interrogative and Negative Forms of the passive voice are made according to the rules that apply to perfect tenses. The following examples are sufficient to illustrate : Imperfect Indicative Passive Pluperfect Indicative Passive est-ce que j'etais sauve ? etais-tu sauve ? etait-il sauvd ? e'tions-nous sauves ? etc. je n'etais pas sauve tu n'etais pas sauve il n'e'tait pas sauve nous n'etions pas sauves etc. Interrogative est-ce que j'avais e'te sauve? avais-tu ete sauve ? avait-il e'te sauve ? avions-nous ete sauve's ? etc. Negative je n'avais pas ete sauve tu n'avais pas ete sauve il n'avait pas ete sauve nous n'avions pas ete sauves etc. Negative-Interrogative est-ce que je n'etais pas sauve ? n'etais-tu pas sauve ? n'etait-il pas sauve ? n'e'tions-nous pas sauves ? etc. est-ce que j e n'avais pas ete sauve ? n 'avais-tu pas ete sauve ? n'avait-il pas ete sauve ? n'avions nous pas ete sauves ? etc. 282 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 240. Agent after Passives. The agent or instrument after a passive verb is expressed a. By par when the verb denotes a specific action. He was bitten by the dog. II a ete mordu par le chien. b. By de when the verb denotes an emotion or an habitual action or state. He is loved by his friends. II est aime de ses amis. IDIOMATIC FORMS AND PHRASES car, for (conj.) d^pendre de, to depend upon pour, for {prep.) eMter de (+ inf.), to avoid a regard de, with regard to rendre responsable de, to hold re- en gtat de, in a state of, under sponsible for d£fendre a ... de, to forbid ... to servir de, to serve for (as) Drill EXERCISE 1. Give the full passive conjugation of punir (a) in the simple tenses, (b) in the compound (perfect) tenses. 2. Give the — present passive of choisir, neg. pluperfect subjunctive passive imperfect passive of donner, int. of aimer future passive of trouver, neg.- conditional perfect of se vendre, int. neg. past anterior active of se trouver, imperative passive of sauver int. present subjunctive passive of future passive of entendre punir, neg. -int. 3. Express in French — he saves she saved they will find he is saved she was saved they will be found he has saved she had saved they will have found he has been saved she has been saved they will have been found PASSIVE VOICE 283 4. Translate into French — the desk was broken by the boys the suit was made by the tailor the general was loved by his it is forbidden to enter soldiers I shall be held responsible 5 . Supply the French for the ^ords in parentheses : Je (was) chez moi hier. Je (was hungry), et apres que la lecon (was finished), je (was reading) en attendant le diner. Ma soeur (was) huit ans (old) quand elle (was) mordue (by) un chien. Nous avons envoye chercher un medecin, et sa vie (was saved). Model tj ne Proclamation Allemande Pendant la grande guerre des proclamations furent africhees par les Allemands dans les villes qu'ils avaient prises. Le 8 septembre 19 1 4, le commandant Mager donna l'ordre d'afficher a Soissons celle dont la photographie est a la page 285. Cette photographie nous sert de modele. Traduisons la proclamation. Theme The German invasion of France took place in August, 19 14. Each time that a city was taken, proclamations were posted on the walls of the public buildings of the city. In the proclamation which is found in this lesson it was said that after eight o'clock in the evening it was forbidden to the inhabitants of Soissons to move about in the streets of the city. This proclamation was signed by Commander Mager, who represented the German military authority. The proclamation added that any person would be immediately imprisoned if he was found in the streets after that hour without a special authorization. When the enemy entered a city, the inhab- itants had {devaient) to avoid any threat or hostile act with regard to the enemy's troops. This is what was recalled to the inhabitants of Soissons. The children were (devaient) to be kept at their parents'. If the latter did not avoid letting them wander about, 284 ELEMENTARY FRENCH they would be made responsible for the misdeeds which might be (have beenj committed by their children. The parents did not let their children wander about, for the latter would have been held under arrest if they had been met wandering about in the streets. Oral i. Par ordre de qui la proclamation a-t-elle ete affichee ? 2. Pour qui la proclamation a-t-elle ete affichee ? 3. Ou a-t-elle ete affichee? 4. Apres quelle heure etait-il defendu de circuler dans les rues? 5. Que devaient avoir les habitants pour circuler dans les rues apres huit heures ? 6. Si vous etes trouve dans la rue apres huit heures ce soir, serez-vous incarcere ? 7. Que devaient eviter les habitants de Soissons ? 8. De quoi dependait la se'curite ? 9. Oil les enfants doivent-ils etre garde's pendant une invasion ? 1 o. Que doivent eviter les parents ? 1 1 . De quoi sont-ils rendus responsables ? i2.*N'etes-vous pas prevenu que vous serez puni si vous n'etudiez pas votre lecon? 13. Est-il de'fendu de parler anglais en classe? 14. Etes-vous rendu responsable de vos actes a Fecole ? 15. Seriez- vous puni si vous n'arriviez pas a l'heure ? Resume 1. My little sister is lost ; have you seen her ? 2. The table was finished when I arrived. 3. The boys had not been found this morning when the teacher left. 4. The man was attacked by the dog, was he not ? 5. These books were not given to you but to me. 6. These big red apples had been given the children by their parents. 7. Were these the jewels which were bought by your aunt ? 8. When will the lesson be finished ? 9. If I had not arrived, my house would not have been saved. 10. The city of Soissons was taken by the Germans in 19 14. 11. He was stopped at the door by the men. 12. It is forbidden to leave the city. 13. It was forbidden to move about in the streets. 14. Nobody was seen in the streets after eight o'clock during the German invasion. 15. Every- body in the city is kept under arrest. 1 6. Many people were punished VILLI DE SOISSONS S Septerabre 1944. La population de Soissons est prevenue que, par ordre de I'Aulorile mililaire allemande, il est expressement defend u de circuler dans les rues de la Ville apres huil heures da soir. Toute personoe trouvee dans Jes rues apres huil heures du soir, saos aulorisation speciale du Commandant des troupes allemandes, sera immediatement incarceree. II esl rappele dune facoo expresse que (a population de la Ville doit eviler d'uoe facon absolue loute menace, violence ouacle hostile a legard des Aulorites el des troupes allemandes. La securile el la vie des auteurs de ces acles en depend. Les parents doivenl garder leurs enfanls chez eux, eviter de les laisser vagabonder Les parents seront rendus responsables de tous les mefaits, delils el contraventions commis par leurs enfanls. Si ceux-ci sont rencontres errant ou vagaboodaot dans les rues, ils seront maintcnus en elat d'arrestation jusqu'a ce que les parents viennent les reclamer. Le Comite de Secours. a Oberleutentml. 286 ELEMENTARY FRENCH in Soissons by the Germans. 17. The parents would be held responsible for their children. 18. Were you seized by the officer when you were walking ? 19. Joan of Arc was burned by the Eng- lish, May 30, 1 43 1. 20. She was much loved by all her soldiers. LESSON FORTY-ONE SPECIAL USES OF THE PASSIVE AND THE REFLEXIVE 241. The English Passive. The passive voice is used less freely in French than in English. In English it has two uses : first, to denote an action that is in progress, as the windows were being closed when I approached, or windows are closed (habitually) when it begins to rain ; second, to denote a completed action or a state, as the windows were closed by the time I arrived, or windows are {kept) closed in winter. The second of these alone may be represented in French by the passive form of the verb. The boy is found. Le garcon est trouvi. The lesson was finished. La lecon itaitfinie. This castle is well known (state). Ce chateau est bien connu. Note. A test for the second of the types above is that when such expressions, denoting action, are transposed into the active form, they call for a perfect (or pluperfect) tense. The first two sentences above thus become, respectively, they have found the boy, they had finished the lesson. On the other hand, when being can be prefixed to the English verb, it marks the first type, where the French passive is impossible. 242. French Substitutes for the Passive. The first construc- tion of § 241 — when an action is actually being performed, either at a definite time or habitually — is expressed a. By the reflexive. This is found especially in expres- sions denoting that the action spoken of is permanent. SPECIAL USES OF PASSIVE AND REFLEXIVE 287 French is spoken in Brussels. Lefrancais se parte a Bruxelles. Many verbs are conjugated with Bien des verbes se conjuguent avec etre. etre. b. By the use of the indefinite pronoun on (one, we, you, they) and the third person singular of the active verb. In such expressions the subject in English becomes the direct object in French. Wood is sold (one sells wood). On vend du bois. French is spoken here. Ici on parte /ran fats. She was often punished. On la punissait souvent. The book will be given to the boy. On donnera le livre au gar eon. c. By a transposition to the active voice, the agent being made the subject. The house was being built by Monfrere batissait la maison. my brother. 243. On as Indefinite Subject. On is also used for an indefinite subject. On parle. Somebody speaks. Onnetravaille pas les dimanches. People do not work Sundays. On ne fume pas ici. No smoking here. Fume-t-on ici ? Do they smoke here ? Note i. In the matter of position on is treated as a personal pronoun. Note 2. On frequently becomes l'on when preceded by et, si, oil, ou, or que ; seldom, however, when a word closely following begins with 1. Elle ne restera pas si l'on fume She will not stay if there is smoking dans votre chambre. in your room. Note 3. Since on is always grammatically of the third person, the corresponding possessive adjective is son; the corresponding reflexive On aime ses amis. We love our friends. On peut se passer de cafe. You {people) can do without coffee. 288 ELEMENTARY FRENCH IDIOMATIC FORMS AND PHRASES accrocher a, to hang on assister a, to be present at, attend les meubles m., the furniture se passer de, to do without Tj..? EXERCISE 1 . Give the present indicative passive of punir ; the present indicative active of se couper. 2. Give the synopsis of se rendre in the active ; in the passive. 3. Express in French — he found a flower he had found a flower the flowers were found flowers are 'found in gardens 4. Translate into French — somebody is singing birds are found in forests the rich attend the theater often English is spoken here the chair was broken by your brother do you like my furniture ? no playing in this room the windows are closed at six o'clock were they closed when you came in? Model you found my flowers you (they) put flowers in vases these flowers were found by him (two ways) you cannot live in one room always we love our friends (two ways) we love John people flatter their friends the house was sold while he stayed there horses are sold there she is loved by all no passing here he will not stay if they smoke there Les Chateaux Les chateaux de France sont connus de beaucoup de monde. Quelques-uns furent construits par des rois et d'autres par des sei- gneurs. Leur architecture est beaucoup admiree, et les decorations SPECIAL USES OF PASSIVE AND REFLEXIVE 289 de l'inte'rieur furent concues par des artistes de grand merite. Les environs du pays 011 s'elevent ces chateaux sont generalement tres jolis. On ne peut pas visiter tous ces chateaux, mais quelques- uns sont ouverts au public. Les visiteurs peuvent ainsi voir les reliques et les meubles anciens qui s'y trouvent, ainsi que les tableaux et tapisseries qui sont accroches aux murs. On ne trouve pas facilement le sujet de ces tableaux dans les musees, parce que les scenes qui y sont repre'sente'es sont souvent un incident de la vie de ces seigneurs. L'un des plus beaux de ces chateaux est celui de Chenonceaux. II a l'air d'etre construit au milieu du fleuve, et Ton ne se trompe pas, car il Test. II a ete construit sous Francois I er , qui le donna a Diane de Poitiers. II fut occupe aussi par Catherine de Medicis. Le chateau a ete achete recemment par un riche industriel francos. Un autre chateau de la Renais- sance se trouve au milieu de la plus belle foret de la France. C'est celui de Chambord, qui fut bati aussi par Francois I er . En entrant par une porte qui ne s'ouvrait qu'aux rois, on trouve dans une des salles des reliques du comte de Chambord, lequel, autrefois, etait conside're comme roi legitime par les royalistes. C'est dans une des salles du chateau que Moliere donna des representations aux- quelles assista Louis XIV. Theme In 1 the center of France are found some of the superb build- ings of the Renaissance. Their beauty is spoken of throughout (in) the entire world. They were built centuries ago. There the kings enjoyed themselves a part of the year among the pretty gardens which were to be found all around these castles. One of these castles whose architecture is much admired is that of Chambord, which Francis the First built. It was occupied under Napoleon the Third by the count of Chambord, whom the royalists considered as the legitimate king. In 2 one of the rooms of this 1 It is in the center of France that ... 2 It is in one . . . that . . . 290 ELEMENTARY FRENCH castle Louis the Fourteenth was present at several performances which were given by Moliere. One of these castles also is erected in the village of Chenonceaux. It was given to Diane de Poitiers by Francis the First, for whom it had been built. A rich French manufacturer is the owner of it now. He is enjoying himself in the same parlors which were opened formerly only to the kings and the lords, and where are still found relics and old furniture. The life of the visitors of today is quite different from that of the persons who are represented in the pictures or on the tapestries hung on the walls. Oral i. Ou le francais se parle-t-il ? 2. Parle-t-on francais chez vous ? 3. Chez qui vend-on des livres ? 4. Parle-t-on francais chez votre libraire? 5. Travaille-t-on le dimanche? 6. Fume-t-on a l'eglise? 7. Peut-on se passer longtemps de manger? 8. De qui le maitre est-il obei ? 9. Ne vous trompez-vous pas souvent en classe ? 10. L'encrier se casserait-il s'il tombait? 11. Quand l'ecole sera- t-elle fermee? 12. Par qui fut bati le chateau de Chambord ? 13. Le musee est-il ouvert au public le dimanche? 14. Avec quel verbe auxiliaire se conjugue le verbe a//erl 15. Parle-t-on francais au Canada? Resume 1. The little girl was found by her mother. 2. All these castles were burned in the fifteenth century. 3. It is forbidden to smoke in this room. 4. They were speaking of their friends when I entered. 5. Shall you attend the ball which will be given Janu- ary 6th? 6. Beautiful palaces are seen everywhere in Europe. 7. Is there much smoking in the cities of France ? 8. More verbs are conjugated with avoir than with etre. 9. Fresh water can always be found in this garden. 10. At what time are these museums closed to the public? 11. French is still spoken in ESCALIER AU CHATEAU DE CHAMBORD Nous avons parle des chateaux de France a la page 288. Un de ces chateaux fameux est celui de Chambord. C'est le plus beau monument de la Renais- sance en France. Son exterieur se distingue par son systeme de tours. A l'interieur, entre autres choses, il y a un escalier unique quant a sa con- struction. C'est un double escalier en spirale, les deux parties s'entre- croisant de telle facon que deux personnes peuvent l'une monter et l'autre descendre en meme temps sans se rencontrer 292 ELEMENTARY FRENCH several cities of the United States. 12. Can all these palaces be visited Saturday evenings? 13. Do you like to see the old furni- ture which is found in these stores ? 1 4. The sad fate of Joan of Arc is well known by almost everybody in this country. 15. There is singing here Wednesdays at 8.30 p.m. 16. If you cannot walk, why are you getting up? 17. He said that Napoleon I was born in 1768, but he was mistaken. 18. Bring the chairs near this table, but do not approach me. 19. He asked me how old Henry II was when he died. 20. This castle was built by Francis I ; that one by Louis XIV. REVIEW Lessons Thirty-nine to Forty-one A. General Drill 1 . Give the list of reflexive pronouns. State their position in respect to the verb and to other pronouns. 2. Give French sentences containing the translation of himself and herself (a) as a reflexive pronoun ; (b) as an intensive pronoun. 3. When may passive sentences in English be translated by the passive in French ? Illustrate by sentences the French substitutes for the passive voice. 4. Name and illustrate three different uses of etre as an auxiliary. 5 . Give French sentences, equivalents of the passive voice in English, containing se, on, sont, de (by), par, a 6te\ 6. Give the synopsis of se couper in simple tenses ; se couper in perfect tenses ; perdre in simple tenses of the passive voice ; perdre in perfect tenses of the passive voice. REVIEW, LESSONS XXXIX-XLI 293 7. Give affirmatively, negatively, interrogatively, negative- interrogatively, the cond. of se mordre ; the pluperf . of s'arreter ; the past def . pass, of trouver ; the past indef . pass, of faire. 8. Translate into French — does he forget himself ? I hurt his head look at yourself, John were you hurt by the carriage ? she is mistaken she was carried to her room she had broken her arm many lessons are forgotten they love themselves no crossing here we stopped somebody is knocking we stopped the cow people love their friends I don't want to go to bed she arose early wait for me I cannot do without it are you well ? he forbade me to enter she was satisfied with it I shall be present (there) 9. Rewrite the following, using (a) the past definite; (b) the future : elle s'arrete devant la maison ses freres se levent on leur de'fend de sortir la lecon est finie les eleves se trouvent dans la cour les fenetres sont ferme'es les portes se ferment B. Translate into French 1. Books have been made in this street many years. 2. You are mistaken ; William II of England was killed in an English forest. 3. I shall carry away what he gives me, and I shall be satisfied with it. 4. When he fell he hurt his arm and lost his watch. 5. Many houses are built of wood. 6. In this castle one sees many old pictures. 7. France was invaded by many enemies. 8. I found 294 ELEMENTARY FRENCH that he was wounded. 9. He was wounded while he was crossing the river. 10. The letters are well written; they were finished while he was at school. 1 1. Many crimes were committed by their army. 1 2 . Would they not be warned if the proclamation had been posted? 13. People cannot visit those castles; they have not yet been opened. 14. Let us all hasten to dress and go to walk. LESSON FORTY-TWO ORTHOGRAPHIC CHANGES IN THE FIRST CONJUGATION 244. Orthographic Changes. Certain verb stems of the first conjugation undergo modification when the endings are added, in order to prevent violation of fundamental laws of spelling. Note. The full conjugation of these verbs is given on pages 438-439. 245. Verbs ending in cer take a cedilla under the c wherever a or follows. This is in order to keep the soft sound of the c of the infinitive throughout all forms. Nous commencons {inf. com- We commence. mencer). Je plafais (inf. placer). I was placing. 246. Verbs ending in ger take an e after the g wherever a or follows. This is in order to keep the soft sound of the g of the infinitive throughout all forms. Nous partageons (inf. partager). We share. Je mangeais (inf. manger). / was eating. 247. Verbs ending in oyer and uyer change y to i before mute e. Verbs ending in ayer may or may not undergo this change. Verbs in eyer do not change. ORTHOGRAPHIC CHANGES IN CONJUGATION 295 J'appuie (inf. appuyer). I lean. lis emploient (inf. employer). They employ. 1 pafera* } ^ paye ^* He wiU pay ^ or ^' Note. Such a mute e occurs in the endings e, es, ent, and in the er of the future and conditional. 248. Verbs in e + consonant + er. Verbs having in the next to the last syllable of the infinitive an unaccented e followed by a single consonant take a grave accent over this e before a syllable containing mute e. This is in order that the word may not have two mute syllables in succession, a combination that French seeks to avoid. The following forms of lever, to raise, serve as illustrations : f je leve nous levons Pres. Ind. \ tu leves vous levez [fl leve ils levent Fut. je leverai COND Imv. je leverais leve f levons \ levez f je leve nous levions Pres. Subj. \ tu leves vous leviez il leve ils levent Note. Instead of taking the grave accent over the e, verbs in eler and eter double the 1 or t before mute e. However, acheter, to buy, geler, to freeze, and a few rare verbs do not double the consonant, but follow the rule. J'appelle {inf. appeler). I call. Ils jetteront {inf. jeter). They will thrcnv. II achate {inf. acheter). He buys. 249. Verbs in e + consonant(s) + er. Verbs having an € in the next to the last syllable of the infinitive change this 296 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 6 to e before a syllable containing mute e except before er in the future and conditional. Je cede (inf. ceder). I yield. II regne (inf. regner). He reigns. Je oSderai. I shall yield. Note. Verbs in which the e* is not separated from the ending er by a consonant retain the 6 throughout. II cr6e (inf. creer). He creates. SPECIAL VERBS AND PHRASES amener, to bring, take (a per- envoyer chercher, to send for son) esp£rer, to hope s'appeler, to be named partager, to share apporter, to bring (a thing) pr£ferer, to prefer avancer, to put forward au revoir, good-by s'effrayer, to be frightened par ici, this way enlever, to take off (away) avoir mal a la tete, to have the ennuyer, to tire headache s'ennuyer, to be lonesome tater le pouls, to feel the pulse je m'appelle, etc., my name is *x •«* EXERCISE 1. Give the full conjugation of marcher in the simple active tenses. 2. Select the forms of the following verbs that undergo the orthographic changes which are mentioned in this lesson, and tell what the change is in each case : placer ennuyer amener preferer partager 3. Give the (a) present indicative first plural of — avancer manger appeler placer ORTHOGRAPHIC CHANGES IN CONJUGATION 297 (b) Present indicative first singular of — payer jeter amener penser regner acheter geler placer envoyer appeler creer ennuyer ) Future first singular of — lever employer ceder partager payer creer appeler couter 4. Give the — synopsis of partager synopsis of aboyer synopsis of c&ler past definite of placer present subjunctive of acheter 5. Write in French — what is his name ? will you get up early ? they used to eat late he is paying for the medicine would not the king yield ? they are bringing some wood he will bring her with him was the boy's name John ? present indicative of employer present subjunctive of se lever conditional of appeler imperfect of manger present subjunctive of payer let us share our money I paid for the books send for the book I paid him for the fruit I paid him for them I have a headache I sent for him near the castle 6. Write the sentences below, using the correct verb form, (a) in the present tense ; {b) in the future tense, wherever possible ; (c) replacing je by nous, by il : Je me (lever) tard. Je (etre) malade. Je (employer) un medecin. II (s'appeler) le D r Lebon. Je le (payer) bien. Si je (s'ennuyer), on (amener) mes amis, et nous (manger) ensemble. 298 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Model Les Malades Quand on est malade, on appelle un medecin. Les medecins sont tres occupes, surtout quand les maladies qui regnent sont nombreuses. lis cedent gene'ralement s'ils sont appeles pour des cas graves. Les gens s'effraient trop facilement cependant. Quand il arrive, le medecin enleve son chapeau, ses gants et son manteau. II s'approche du lit du malade, de qui il tate le pouls et a qui il demande de lui montrer la langue. II y jette un coup d'ceil. II demande ensuite au malade ce qu'il a, s'il a mal a la tete, a la gorge, s'il a des douleurs, des maux d'estomac, des eblouissements, et quand ils ont commence ; s'il a bon appe'tit, et ce qu'il mange. II appuie son oreille sur la poitrine et sur le dos du malade si celui-ci a un rhume. Alors il prescrit de la medecine, que Ton envoie chercher chez le pharmacien. Le docteur se leve et dit qu'il espere que le malade se portera mieux bientot. On le paie ge'ne- ralement une fois par an. Quand le pharmacien a envoye la pres- cription, nous plagons la me'decine sur une table que nous avancons pres du lit. Si le malade s'ennuie, nous lui amenons des amis, ou, s'il le prefere, nous lui achetons des revues et il emploie ainsi son temps agreablement. Theme " Good morning, (M. le) doctor." " How do you do, sir ? What brings you here ? " "I have not been well at all for a few days. I am not easily frightened, but I prefer to ask you what the matter is with me." " You are right ; however, there are many people who call me for nothing. Take off your coat. Approach nearer. I am going to feel your pulse. Very well. Show me your tongue now. I will glance at it. Do you have headaches ? " "I have had dizzy spells. I have no appetite. Formerly I used to eat much more." " Well, you have only a cold ; I am going to prescribe medicine for you. Buy it at Mr. Gerard's. He is a good drug- gist. I buy everything at his store. Go to bed early and get up ORTHOGRAPHIC CHANGES IN CONJUGATION 299 late. Walk a little, but if it freezes too much, stay at home. If you hope to be better, yield to my advice." M I shall do so, and I shall use my time as you ask me to (me it)." " How is your friend who had broken his leg ? " " He is better, thank you. He is lonesome at home, but he still leans on the furniture to walk. I am not paying you today, doctor. I shall pay you when I bring my friend. Good-by, and thank you." Oral 1. Que fait-on quand on est malade? 2. Les gens qui appellent le docteur souvent sont-ils toujours malades ? 3. Que fait le mede- cin en arrivant pres du malade? 4. Avez-vous souvent mal a la tete? 5. Mangeons-nous bien quand nous sommes malades? 6. Quand avez-vous meilleur appetit, le matin ou le soir? 7. Dans quelle saison a-t-on facilement un rhume ? 8. Que present le doc- teur et chez qui les envoyez-vous chercher ? 9. Quand paie-t-on le medecin? 10. Les medicaments vous effraient-ils ? 11. Cedez-vous toujours aux conseils de vos parents? 12. Gardez-vous votre manteau en classe ? 13. Esperez-vous employer votre temps agreablement dimanche prochain ? 1 4. Ne vous ennuyez-vous pas quelquefois ? 15. A quelle heure vous levez-vous ? Resume 1 . Everybody likes this cloth ; let us place some in the window. 2. At what hour of the morning does he get up generally ? 3. Is your father's name Henry or John? 4. Teachers used to begin their work at nine o'clock in (of) the morning. 5. If he asks him for the money, will he pay him today ? 6. I am buying a hundred pounds of sugar at a franc a pound. 7. I should throw the papers into the street if they were mine. 8. God created all there is in the world. 9. We are hungry; let us eat all there is on the table. 10. Don't lean your head on the table; go to bed if you are sick. 1 1. If your throat is sore, I shall call the doctor. 12. Will you employ me ? I am sure I can earn twenty francs a day. 13. As 300 ELEMENTARY FRENCH soon as the boy arrives, I will bring him to you. 14. Where is the medicine which you bought for yourself at the druggist's? 15. Louis XIV had been reigning for seventy-two years when he died. 16. John, have you washed your face this morning? 17. I hope the tailor will clean my dress coat today ; I need it. 18. My aunt is taking a walk now, but will soon be back. 19. Are many large trees still to be found in this old forest ? 20. Let us divide the nuts which were given us by your father. LESSON FORTY-THREE IRREGULAR VERBS IN ER 250. Irregular Verbs. There are in French many verbs which are not inflected exactly like the model of any one of the three conjugations. These are called irregular verbs. The great majority of their forms, however, may be made by know- ing their principal parts and applying the rules by which regu- lar verbs are conjugated. The rules by which simple tenses are formed are repeated here with some further observations. 251. Rules of Verb Formation, a. The principal parts are the infinitive, present participle, past participle, first person singular of the present indicative, first person singular of the past definite. b. The first person singular of the present indicative ends in e, s, or x. The corresponding sets of endings for the three singular forms of this tense are, reading vertically, e s X es 8 X e t t Note. If c, d, or t precedes s in the first person singular of the present indicative, no t is added to the third person singular. IRREGULAR VERBS IN ER 301 c. The plural of the present indicative is formed by dropping the ending ant of the present participle and adding ons, ez, ent. d. The imperfect is formed by dropping the ending ant of the present participle and adding ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, aient. e. The first person singular of the past definite ends in ai, is, or us. The other five forms of the tense are made by changing ai to as, a, ames, ates, erent (first conjugation) is to is, it, imes, ites, irent (second and third conjugations) us to us, ut, umes, utes, urent (many irregular verbs) /. The future tense is regularly formed by adding ai, as, a, ons, ez, ont to the infinitive. When the infinitive ends in mute e, this e must be dropped before the endings are added. g. The conditional is regularly formed by adding ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, aient to the infinitive. When the infinitive ends in mute e, this e must be dropped before the endings are added. Note. If the future is irregular, the conditional is always similarly irregular. h. The imperative is the same as the first person singular and the first and second persons plural of the. present indicative. i. The present subjunctive is formed by dropping the ending ant of the present participle and adding e, es, e, ions, iez, ent. Note. Certain irregular present subjunctives are as if formed from the third plural of the present indicative by dropping the nt. /. The imperfect subjunctive is formed by dropping the final letter of the first person singular of the past definite and adding sse, sses, A t, ssions, ssiez, ssent. 302 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 252. Certain Modifications of the Stem of irregular verbs are so uniform that familiarity with the situations that occasion them is useful. a. Y changes to i before a mute e. b. When the stem of the first person plural of the present indicative differs from that of the singular, the third person plural generally reverts to a form similar to the singular. c. A similar correspondence of the third plural and the singular is apt to be found in irregular present subjunctives. d. Stems ending in a single consonant preceded by a mute e often double the consonant before a mute e ending. e. Sometimes the stems of d modify the stem vowel also. /. Stems ending in 1 are apt to develop a liquid sound before mute e. 253. Irregular Forms. In this and the succeeding lessons on irregular verbs are given the tenses that involve any form not made in accordance with the rules of Sec. 251. Tenses not given are regular in all respects. Note i. The only tenses that ever offer any irregularity after the first person is known are present tenses, that is, the present indicative and subjunctive, and the imperative. The past definite of venir and tenir are apparent exceptions. Note 2. Observe particularly that if the first form of the future has an irregular stem, the irregularity prevails not only through the future but through the conditional also. Note 3. The full inflection of regular verbs will be found on pages 432-433- 254. Compound Verbs. Verbs formed by combining a preposition or other prefix to a verb stem usually follow in conjugation the peculiarities of the main verb : thus devenir, to become, from venir; renvoyer (re-envoyer), to send back, from envoyer. IRREGULAR VERBS IN ER 303 255. Envoyer, to send, envoyant, envoys, envoie, envoyai. Pres. Ind. j 'envoie nous envoyons tu envoies vous envoyez il envoie ils envoient Fut. j'enverrai Pres. Subj. j 'envoie nous envoyions tu envoies vous envoyiez il envoie ils envoient Note. See Sec. 252, a. 256. Aller, to go, allant, alle", vais, allai. Pres. Ind. je vais nous allons tu vas vous allez il va ils vont Fut. j'irai Imv. va allons allez Pres. Subj. j'aille nous allions tu ailles vous alliez il aille ils aillent Note. All verbs ending in er except envoyer and aller are regular. 257. Idioms with Aller, Aller in the sense of going to is often used before an infinitive to express an immediate future. Aller governs a following infinitive directly, that is, without requiring a preposition. I am going to send (I shall send). Je vais envoyer. I was going to send. fallais envoyer. I am going to hear him. Je vais V entendre. I will go (and) speak to him. J'irai lui parler. Note. The use of aller in salutations has been met in Lesson 26. How are you ? Comment allez-vous ? I am very well. Je vais trh bien. 304 ELEMENTARY FRENCH IDIOMATIC FORMS AND PHRASES aller, to go ; be (of health) ; suit, be becoming, fit well cela va sans dire, that goes with- out saying s'en aller, to go away les affaires/, the business la journe*e, the day (when dura- tion or content is implied) en outre, besides pas du tout, not at all Drill EXERCISE i . Form all the simple tenses of the verb whose principal parts are vaincre, vainquant, vaincu, vaincs, vainquis. 2. Give the — synopsis of aller synopsis of s'en aller past definite of aller, int. present subjunctive of envoyer past anterior of s'en aller 3. Write in French — he is going to send he is going to the city he is going away he is going to bed send me something go away do not go away she went away alone go and speak to him somebody will go did she not go away ? he will send for me present subjunctive of s'en aller, neg. imperfect subjunctive of s'en aller, neg.-int. imperative of s'en aller I shall go for the children yesterday last night it goes without saying he is well his health is good it is not good at all would he not go ? they are sending a good watch how are you ? how is she ? IRREGULAR VERBS IN ER 305 4. Write the paragraph below, using correct verb forms, (a) in the present, (b) past, (c) future : Quand on me (envoyer) chercher, j'y (aller). Je (s'en aller) sou vent. II (aller) partir de bonne heure. lis (arriver) tard. Model Le TheAtre Tiens, bonjour, mon ami ; votre chapeau neuf vous va tres bien. Comment va la sante ? — Je vais mieux que la semaine derniere, merci. — Et les affaires ? — Elles vont mal, mais elles iront bientot beaucoup mieux. — Cela vous irait-il d'aller au theatre ou a l'opera ce soir ? — Avec grand plaisir. — Jean, apporte-moi le journal du matin ; je veux voir les annonces des theatres. — Une tragedie ne me va pas du tout. Je suis alle en voir une avant-hier. — J'y serais alle avec vous si vous m'aviez envoye # un message quelconque. — J'allais le faire, mais je ne pensais pas que vous e'tiez libre. — Allons a la Comedie-Francaise. On y joue une piece de Moliere. — Allons-y. — Je vais envoyer chercher des billets, deux fauteuils d'orchestre. — A quelle heure le rideau se leve-t-il ? — A huit heures. — Et les acteurs sont bons ? — Cela va sans dire; les meilleurs du pays. — Allons chercher nos billets nous-memes. Si ma montre va bien, il est deja dix heures, et les places vont etre bientot prises. — Allons, depechons-nous. Apres la representation nous irons au cafe de la Paix. — Tres bonne idee. Allons-nous-en. Jean, si mon pere envoie chercher la lettre dont il m'a parle', dis-lui que je la lui enverrai en rentrant. Theme Day before yesterday my cousin (/.) sent me a letter, asking me if it (cela) would suit me to (de) go and see a play with her at the Comedie Franchise. That suited me perfectly, be sure of it. We went and we enjoyed ourselves very much. My cousin had a beautiful dress which became her very well. The orchestra seats 306 ELEMENTARY FRENCH that they had given us were well situated. She had gone to get the tickets herself, because when they send them to her the seats do not always suit her. It goes without saying that the performance was very good. With such good actors it is natural. If they are still giving that play next week, I shall send for some tickets in order to take my friend John to it. He likes the theater, but he has not been for several weeks because his business is not going well at all. Besides, he Qui, sec. 3 1 7 , b) is not well. He was much healthier a year ago. I should go to see him if I were free. I went to his home a few days ago. I had seen in the paper an advertisement of the Come'die Francaise, and they were going to give a play of Rostand, but on arriving at his house I found that he had gone away for the day. Oral 1. Ou allez-vous le dimanche ? 2. Iriez-vous si vous n'alliez pas bien ? 3. Allez-vous mieux qu'il y a un an ? 4. Cela vous irait-il d'aller au theatre ce soir ? 5. Y etes-vous alle la semaine derniere ? 6. Qu'allez-vous faire ce soir? 7. Geleriez-vous si vous alliez a l'ecole sans manteau en hiver? 8. A quelle heure vous en allez- vous chez vous ? 9. Vous en iriez-vous si la lecon etait finie ? 10. Ne va-t-il pas sans dire que cette lecon est difficile ? 11. Avez- vous envoye une lettre hier? 12. Le maitre envoie-t-il les eleves au tableau pour reciter ? 13. Y en a-t-il envoye ce matin ? 14. Qui envoyez-vous chercher quand vous n'allez pas bien? 15. L'en- verriez-vous chercher si vous n'aviez qu'un rhume ? L'OPERA: LE GRAND ESCALIER. L'Opera, qui fut treize ans a cons- truire (1861-1874), est un des theatres les plus fameux du monde. Son exterieur est on ne peut plus imposant, mais l'interieur est encore plus renomme. Le Grand Escalier, represente ici, et le Foyer ou les spectateurs se rendent pendant les longs entr'actes, n'ont pas d'egaux. Le gouverne- ment considere le travail de l'Opera comme etant une partie de Peducation du peuple et lui accorde une subvention annuelle. L'OP^RA: LE GRAND ESCALIER 308 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Resume i. Is your brother at home ? I am sending him a letter. 2. He hopes to go to the theater this evening if all goes well. 3. When is he going away ? He hopes to leave before ten o'clock tomorrow morning. 4. My brother was going to send for her when she entered the room. 5. Are you hungry ? Let us go to the restaurant and eat something. 6. Our friends went away a week ago Thursday. 7. He is buying a gold watch; the one he has does not suit him. 8. Which of the senators is going to speak Monday evening? 9. If my son does not come home soon, I shall send him two hundred francs. 10. Children, you are making too much noise; go away at once. 11. Of what are you thinking? Of the price of hats and shoes. 12. He is taking his sister to the ball this evening. 13. If our mother had not gone away, we should have stayed in town. 1 4. Get up quickly ! We are going to the country. 15. Where, is John's grammar? I am going to send it to him. 16. If I had money enough, I should go to the seashore. 17. We never find what we need in this store ; let us go home. 18. He will call you when they start if he is not too sleepy. 19. Are you going to the theater? What is being played there? 20. Tragedies are often seen there ; one of them is being played there now. LESSON FORTY-FOUR IRREGULAR VERBS IN IR 258. Partir, to start, partant, parti, pars, partis. Similarly dormir, to sleep ; mentir, to lie ; sentir, to feel, smell ; servir, to serve ; sortir, to go out ; se repentir, to repent. 259. Courir, to run, courant, couru, cours, courus. Fut. je courrai IRREGULAR VERBS IN IR 309 260. Ouvrir, to open, ouvrant, ouvert, ouvre, ouvris. Similarly couvrir, to cover ; offrir, to offer ; souffrir, to suffer. 261. Venir, to come, venant, venu, viens, vins. Pres. Ind. je viens nous venons tu viens vous venez il vient ils viennent Past. Def. je vins nous vinmes tu vins vous vintes il vint ils vinrent Fut. je viendrai Pres. SUBJ. je vienne nous venions tu viennes vous veniez il vienne ils viennent Note. See Sec. 252, b, c, d, e. Similarly tenir, to hold. 262. Venir de with an infinitive signifies to have just. Je viens de partir. / have just started (am coming from starting). Je venais de partir. / had just started (was coming from starting). Note. Venir is also followed by the infinitive directiy. Venez acheter des livres. Come to buy (and buy) some books. II est venu l'acheter. He came to buy (and bought) it. 263. Mourir, to die, mourant, mort, meurs, mourns. Pres. Ind. je meurs nous mourons tu meurs vous mourez il meurt ils meurent Fut. je mourrai Pres. Subj. je meure nous mourions tu meures vous mouriez il meure ils meurent Note. See Sec. 252, b, c. 3io ELEMENTARY FRENCH COMPOUND VERBS — IDIOMATIC FORMS a peine, scarcely appartenir, to belong apres que, after (conj.) devenir, to become s'endormir, to go to sleep se repentir de, to repent of se sentir bien, to feel well se servir de, to use (serve one's self with) tenir a, to insist upon, be eager to y compris, including jl *»f EXERCISE i. Give the — synopsis of tenir synopsis of mourir present indicative of mentir past definite of tenir present subjunctive of offrir 2. Translate into French — we have suffered present indicative of servir conditional of mourir imperfect subjunctive of mourir present indicative of se repentir past indefinite of s'ouvrir he sleeps she would run they come 3. Give the — pres. ind. 3d sing, of sentir pres. subj. 2d plu. of courir past participle of offrir 4. Translate into French he has just died he had just died he is going to die it belonged to us they are becoming old does he use his carriage ? you will die you came I am covering thou dost lie she has gone out pres. subj. 3d sing, of venir pres. ind. 3d plu. of mourir past def. 2d plu. of venir I used my two hands he used to repent of it they insist on running come and eat do you repent of your vices ? go to sleep IRREGULAR VERBS IN IR 311 5. Replace in this paragraph je in turn by il, nous, elles, making all necessary changes : Je viens de me lever. Je me repens de m'etre endormi. Je dors toujours mal. J'ouvrirai la porte. Je tiens a m'en aller. Je vais partir bientot. Je me sers du cheval blanc. Je meurs de faim. Model Mon Frere revient de France Mon frere Georges vient d'arriver de France, d'011 il e'tait parti il y a onze jours. II ne se sent pas tres bien. II ne dort pas assez. II souffre de la grippe. Malgre cela il ne se repent pas de son voyage. II a bien employe son temps, et s'il a couru pour ainsi dire par toute la France, y compris la Bretagne, ses visites lui ont offert l'occasion de voir de belles choses. En deux mois il a couvert beau- coup de terrain, et il ne ment pas quand il dit qu'il a vu presque tout. II tient k retourner en France aussitot que possible. Je ne sortirai pas dimanche prochain parce qu'il viendra probable- ment me voir. Je sors rarement le dimanche soir. II aura beau- coup de choses a. me dire. Je viens de relire quelques-unes de ses lettres. J 'en ai encore une ouverte sur la table, dans laquelle il se sert de termes eloquents pour decrire ce qu'il a vu. II parle aussi d'un de ses amis qui est mort en France. Cet ami venait a peine d'arriver pour parler d'affaires qu'on lui avait offertes. II sortait souvent sans manteau, et un jour comme il n'etait pas assez couvert, il a attrape un rhume. Cela sert a montrer qu'on ne peut jamais se repentir d'etre trop prudent. % Theme I rarely go out before nine o'clock. I slept badly last (this) night ; I was not feeling very well. I have suffered and do suffer a little yet from the grippe. I fell asleep a few minutes after the clock had struck two (o'clock). I opened my eyes early, and as breakfast is served early at my house, I went down to the 312 ELEMENTARY FRENCH i Underwood & Underwood LE PONT ALEXANDRE III Les ponts de Paris ne manquent pas d'attirer l'attention des voyageurs. Le pont Alexan- dre III, le plus nouveau des trente et un ponts qui ont ete jet^s sur la Seine, est fait d\me seule arche d'environ cent vingt metres. II est orne de groupes allegoriques qui en embellissent les quatre coins. II fut construit pour l'Exposition de 1900 et est ainsi nomme en souvenir de l'empereur de Russie qui fit avec la France un traite d'alliance lequel durait encore en 1914. Beau en meme temps qu'utile, ce pont reunit les Champs-filysees aux Invalides dining-room, where I found a letter from my brother, which had just arrived. I opened it at once. He will come back from France in a month. He has just left Paris, where he had gone to see one of his friends who was suffering from a seri- ous sickness and who died recently. My brother had been eager to see him, for he liked him very much. In this country they used to go out always together. My brother has cov- ered much ground since he has been in France. He chases (courir) from one end of the country to the other, and one feels in his letters that he does not regret his travels. When he dies, he will have seen many things. I am eager to see all that myself. The opportunity will come for me perhaps some (un) day. IRREGULAR VERBS IN IR 313 Oral 1. Quand partez-vous de chez vous pour l'ecole? 2. Est-ce que je pars de l'ecole avant ou apres que les eleves sont partis? 3. Courez-vous si vous etes en retard pour l'ecole ? 4. Courriez- vous si vous e'tiez en retard ? 5. A quelle heure avez-vous ouvert les yeux ce matin ? 6. A quelle page ouvrez-vous votre livre pour la lecon d'aujourd'hui ? 7. M'offririez-vous une chaise si j'allais vous voir ? 8. Vous a-t-on offert une place au the'atre pour ce soir ? 9. Viendriez-vous ici si vous ne vous sentiez pas bien ? 10. Qui enverriez-vous chercher? 11. Qu'est-ce que je viens de vous de- mander? 12. Veniez-vous de chez vous quand vous etes arrive ici ce matin ? 13. Viendriez-vous me voir si j'e'tais malade? 14. Tenez- vous a rester ici pendant les vacances? 15. De quoi vous servez-vous pour ecrire? Resume 1 . Does he not start for France at 9. 1 5 this morning ? 2 . I always sleep late mornings, especially Sundays. 3. The soldiers have just arrived from France, where they have been two years. 4. When they need hats, they will come and buy them at my store. 5. While running to school he fell and broke his leg. 6. John has just taken my book, and I am using his. 7. Do you know the name of the grammar his class used last year ? 8. My father is suffering from the grippe ; have you ever suffered from it ? 9. The houses which we have just bought were built a hundred years ago. 10. Many people die from accidents every year in large cities. 11. Children are never eager to get up early mornings. 12. George Washington was president for eight years, and died Dec. 14, 1799. 13. Have you ever used the book of which I was speaking to you ? 1 4. Don't be afraid ; he will not die from his cold if he is prudent. 15. The friend whom I met in Canada is coming to visit me on the 9th of August. 16. Tomorrow evening I will come and describe to you what I saw in Europe. 17. The clock had just struck three when 314 ELEMENTARY FRENCH she started. 18. We have just closed the window; now we are going to bed. 19. If he is not too sieepy, he will run to the fire. 20. When he lies, he always repents of it. REVIEW Lessons Forty-two to Forty-four A. General Drill 1. Name all forms in which verbs in cer and ger undergo orthographic change. 2. Name the mute endings found in the first conjugation. 3. What change occurs in conjugating verbs ending in yer? Where does it occur ? How does it depend on the preceding vowel ? 4 . How does the inflection of verbs having i in the last syllable but one differ from that of verbs having e in that position ? 5. What verbs ending in ler and ter are exceptional in conjugation ? 6. Name verbs that illustrate respectively Sec. 251, g, Note; 252, #; b\ c; d\ e. 7. Give the principal parts of partir, sortir, tenir, ouvrir. 8. Give the synopsis of aller, envoyer, s'appeler, courir, venir, mourir. 9. Give the — pres. subj. of aller pres. subj. of mener imv. of aller pres. ind. of tenir imp. of manger pret. of venir pres. subj. of renvoyer cond. of espe*rer pres. ind. of s'en aller, int. pres. subj. of mourir pres. ind. of payer pres. ind. of mourir pres. ind. of mentir imv. of s'appeler REVIEW, LESSONS XLII-XLIV- 315 10. What verbs are inflected like partir ? ouvrir ? 1 1 . Translate into French — he was going to send it the boat used to belong to me they were going to send it back bring me the book do you like to go to bed early ? bring him with you his name is John does he get up early ? he has just offered it he is coming to visit me early you had just eaten I went for my chum come and pay us for these books send for me she had gone away I shall never pardon them let us go away she asked me for the flowers I have used the boat they insist on stopping 12. (a) Insert the correct verb forms in the paragraph below ; (b) change hier to demain and rewrite ; (c) change ma sceur to nous and rewrite : Hier ma sceur (partir) pour la ville. Elle (se lever) a six heures. Elle n'avait pas bien (dormir). Elle (s'habiller) vite, et (manger) peu. En (sortir) elle est (tomber), mais elle (tenir) a (partir). (Arriver) a la ville, elle (employer) une modiste, qu'elle (payer) tout de suite. Celle-ci (s'appeler) M me Lapaille. Elle (venir) de (arriver) de Paris. Alors ma sceur (s'en aller). B. Translate into French 1 . There 's the school to which he used to send his children years ago. 2. We are poor, but we are satisfied with what we have. 3. My friend went away at half past four, as soon as she had arisen. 4. What is your name, my little girl ? What a pretty hat you have ! 5. These men have no money ; we just gave them some bread and meat. 6. You will not get up early if you go to bed so late, my son. 7. As soon as I call, send him to me. 8. I am going to start today at a quarter of five, if all goes well. 9. Let us not forget that God has given us all that we have. 1 o. Many dogs that bark bite 316 ■ ELEMENTARY FRENCH also, but not all. n. He has employed two of his clerks for more than (de) eleven years; he cannot do without them. 12. If you bring it to me this evening or tomorrow morning, I shall be at home, and I will pay you for it. 13. He has hurt himself and has sent for a doctor. Which, the old one or the young one ? 14. My father had formerly the most beautiful black hair, but it has be- come white now. 15. Will he not use the gifts which somebody has given him ? LESSON FORTY-FIVE IRREGULAR VERBS IN OIR 264. Devoir, to owe, devant, du (/. due), dois, dus. Pres. Ind. je dois nous devons tu dois vous devez il doit ils doivent Fut. je devrai Pres. Subj. je doive nous devions tu doives vous deviez il doive ils doivent Note. See Sec. 252, £>, c. 265. Devoir is used a. To express obligation from the standpoint of duty. If a general principle is involved, the present is always used ; if a particular instance, the conditional is more commonly found. People ought to (should) go to On doit se coucher de bonne heure. bed early. He ought to go to bed now. II devrait se coucher maintenant. He ought not to have remained. II n 'await pas du rester. b. To express a probability which is inferred from known circumstances. IRREGULAR VERBS IN OIR 317 It is very late ; you must be 7/ est tres tard; vous devez avoir sleepy. sommeil. You must have wept when you Vous avez du pleurer quand vous heard that avez entendu cela. c. To express what is to be done in accordance with some destiny or plan. I am to start tomorrow. Je dots partir demain. I was to start yesterday. Je devais partir hier. 266. Recevoir, to receive \ recevant, recu, recois, recus. Pres. Ind. je recois nous recevons tu recois vous recevez il recoit ils recoivent Fut. je recevrai Pres. Subj. je recoive nous recevions tu recoives vous receviez il recoive . ils recoivent Note i . Before and u the c takes a cedilla. Also see Sec. 252, b, c. All verbs ending in cevoir are similarly conjugated. Note 2. Verbs like recevoir, including devoir, are sometimes classi- fied as a distinct conjugation. 267. Pouvoir, to be able, can, pouvant, pu, peux (puis), pus. Pres. Ind. je peux (puis) nous pouvons tu peux vous pouvez il peut ils peuvent Fut. je pourrai Imv. (wanting) Pres. Subj. je puisse nous puissions tu puisses vous puissiez il puisse ils puissent Note. See Sec. 252, b. 318 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 268. Savoir, to know, sachant, su, sais, sus. Pres. Ind. je sais tu sais il sait Imp. je savais Fut. je saurai Imv. sache nous savons vous savez ils savent sachons sachez Note i. When can in English signifies mental ability in the sense of know how to, it is rendered in French by savoir, followed by an infinitive directly. Je sais parler fra^ais. I can (know how to) speak French. Je suis malade et je ne puis I am sick and I cannot (am not able parler. to) speak. Note 2. With pouvoir and savoir the pas of the negative ne . . . pas is often omitted. See Sec. 330. 269. Voir, to see, voyant, vu, vois, vis. Pres. Ind. je vois nous voyons tu vois vous voyez il voit ils voient Fut. je verrai Pres. Subj. je voie nous voyions tu voies vous voyiez il voie ils voient Note. See Sec. 252, a. COMPOUND VERBS — IDIOMATIC FORMS apercevoir, to perceive la boite aux lettres, the letter box a temps, on time le bureau de poste, the post office la-bas, over there, yonder mettre a la poste, to post revenir, to come back faire recommander, to have le jour de Pan, New Year's registered IRREGULAR VERBS IN OIR 319 EXERCISE Drill 1. Give the — synopsis of savoir synopsis of recevoir imperfect subjunctive of aper- cevoir 2. Translate into French — present indicative of devoir present indicative of pouvoir present subjunctive of savoir present subjunctive of revoir he will be able they would know know they see thou shalt owe I receive they are perceiving 3. Give the — pres. subj. 3d sing, of devoir past def. 3d sing, of recevoir pres. subj. 2d plu. of pouvoir imperative of pouvoir 4. Translate into French - he owes a hundred francs we ought to speak well he ought to speak well now he ought to have spoken better he must speak he is to speak he was to speak he can speak 5 . Insert in the parentheses the correct verb forms (a) in the present tense ; {b) in the imperfect ; (c) in the future : Je (savoir) e'crire. Je (pouvoir) ecrire sur ce papier-ci. Je (recevoir) bien des lettres. J 'en (voir) une. Elle (devoir) etre de Jean. Je (aller) a la poste. Je (acheter) des timbres. Le courrier (partir) bientot. you can we were knowing past def. 1 st plu. of voir past participle of devoir imperative of voir pres. ind. 3d plu. of savoir he is sleepy and he can't speak he is going to speak he has just spoken New Year's he can come back he could come back he should come back he will come back 320 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Model La Poste Je viens d'ecrire des lettres et des cartes postales a mes amis qui demeurent en France. Elles doivent partir bientot. Elles devraient (ought) meme deja etre parties ou mes amis ne les recevront pas a temps pour le jour de Fan. Je n'aurais pas du attendre si longtemps. J 'en recois beaucoup, et j'en recevrais encore plus si je pouvais m'habituer a y repondre tout de suite apres qu'elles ont ete lues. Je vais mettre dans les enveloppes les lettres que vous voyez la. Je n'ai pas de timbres. Je n'en ai pas achete hier et je m'en repens aujourd'hui. Si je savais ou il y en a dans la maison, je m'en servirais. Voyons si Marie est la. « Y a-t-il des timbres de cinq sous ici ? — Pourquoi de cinq sous ? — Parce qu'on doit mettre un timbre de cinq sous sur les lettres et de deux sous sur les cartes pour les pays etrangers. — Je n'en ai que deux. — Eh bien ! J'irai moi-meme mettre mes lettres a la poste parce qu'il y en a une que je vais faire recommander. Le courrier part a cinq heures, je pourrai arriver a temps. Vois-tu mes gants dans le salon ? — Non, je ne peux pas les trouver. — Non ? Ah ! les voici. Viens avec moi. Heureusement (que) le bureau de poste n'est pas loin, autrement nous ne pourrions y arriver avant cinq heures. Nous y voici. J'ai mes timbres que j'ai achetes au guichet. Ou y a-t-il une boite aux lettres ? Ah 1 en voici une.. II est quatre heures et demie. Le courrier n'est pas encore parti. » Theme "Ah! Here is the postman, who has just put some letters in our letter box. We receive the mail three times a day. Here is an envelope with a five-cent stamp. It must come from France. It is from my friend Charles, from whom I received another letter two weeks ago. Let us see what he has to say. He does not know whether he will be able to come back in (avant) two months. He will, however, come back in time for New Year's. I see that he is enjoying himself. I am going to write him a long letter, IRREGULAR VERBS IN OIR 321 which I shall afterward go to mail. I shall thus be able to buy some postal cards ; I have n't any more. I have also another letter which I am to have registered. I ought to have sent -it sooner, but my father will receive it on time. It is money I owe him. He will receive it with pleasure, for I have been owing it to him for a long time. Let us go to the post office. There is the stamp window. If we only knew where the clerk is, we could ask him for what we want. There he is. Six five-cent stamps and a two-cent one, please. Could I ask you where the box is ? " "Do you not see it over there near that door, sir }" "I see it, thank you." Oral 1. Savez-vous bien cette lecon? 2. La sauriez-vous si vous ne Paviez pas etudie'e? 3. Combien de temps devez-vous l'etudier pour la savoir ? 4. Devez-vous de l'argent a quelqu'un ? 5. Payeriez- vous votre tailleur si vous lui en deviez? 6. Me recevriez-vous si je venais vous voir? 7. Avez-vous recu une lettre ce matin? 8. Combien de fois par jour voyez-vous le facteur ? 9. Recevez- vous du courrier le dimanche ? 1 o. Me verrez-vous ici dimanche ? 1 1. Que doit-on faire quand on a une lettre importante a envoyer ? 12. Pouvez-vous aller d'ici au bureau de poste en cinq minutes? 13. A quelle heure auriez-vous du partir de chez vous pour arriver ici a sept heures et demie? 14. Devons-nous quitter la classe bientot? 1 5 . Savez-vous chanter ? Resume 1. My brother is to start for Europe next Friday. 2. The ball was to take place in this room. 3. Children ought to get up early to be well. 4. My mother is sick and I ought not to stay longer. 5. You ought to have gone to the post office before 7.30. 6. We should use all that we have for our friends. 7. Are you to see him tomorrow at 11. 15 a. m. ? 8. I cannot come down now; I am dressing. 9. I ought to know how to speak French soon. 10. He will not be able to go to the theater if his dress suit does not 322 ELEMENTARY FRENCH come. ii. You have eaten nothing today; you must be hungry. 12. People ought not to be ashamed of what they do. 13. Will you send me. the photographs as soon as they come ? 1 4. He can work, but he cannot build a house. 15. There is the man of whom I was just speaking. 16. I receive some letters, but I should re- ceive more if I answered them. 17. I have no stamps ; I ought to go to the office and buy some. 18. He hopes that I shall see him in two weeks. 19. Do you know how many times a day the post- man comes ? 20. Please pay what you owe when you go to town. LESSON FORTY-SIX IRREGULAR VERBS IN OIR 270. Valoir, to be worth, valant, valu, vaux, valus. Pres. Ind. je vaux nous valons tu vaux vous valez il vaut ils valent Fut. je vaudrai Pres. Subj. je vaille nous valions tu vailles vous valiez il vaille ils vaillent Note. See Sec. 252,/i 271. Vouloir, to wish, want, voulant, voulu, veux, voulus. Pres. Ind. je veux nous voulons tu veux vous voulez il veut ils veulent Fut. je voudrai Imv. veuille (veux) veuillons (voulons) veuillez (voulez) Pres. Subj. je veuille nous voulions tu veuilles vous vouliez il veuille ils veuillent IRREGULAR VERBS IN OIR 323 Note i. See Sec. 252, b, c,f. Note 2. The forms of the imperative inclosed in parentheses are rarely used. Its other forms have ordinarily the meaning please, be good enough to. Veuillez me le donner. Please give it to me. Note 3. Will you have in the sense of do you wish is translated by vouloir. Will you have some bread ? Voulez-vons du pain ? 272. Asseoir, to seat, asseyant, assis, assieds, assis. Fut. j'assierai (asseyerai) Note. Y does not change to i before mute e. 273. Falloir, to be necessary, (pres. part, wanting), fallu, il faut, il faUut. Imp. il fallait Fut. il faudra Pres. Subj. il faille Note i. See Sec. 252,/ Note 2. Falloir is an impersonal verb ; that is, it is found only in the third person singular. 274. Falloir is followed by the subjunctive (Sec. 303) when there is any emphasis on the person concerned, as always when this person is expressed by a noun and often when it is ex- pressed by a pronoun. It is followed by the infinitive in gen- eral statements, and also sometimes with unemphatic pronouns. II faut que Jean parte {subj.). It is necessary that John start {John must start). II faut qu'ils partent {subj.). They must start. II faut partir a temps. It is necessary to start on time. II me faut partir a six heures. / must start at six o'clock. Ilfaudraquenouspartions(.fz^'.). We shall have to start. II a fallu le payer. We had {it was necessary) to pay for it. 324 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Note i . Falloir must be carefully distinguished from devoir. Falloir denotes obligation from the standpoint of necessity ; devoir, from the standpoint of duty. You ought to (must) obey God. Vous devez obeir a Dieu. The law must be obeyed. Ilfaut obeir a la loi. You must start early. H vous faut partir de bonne heure. Note 2. Falloir is translated need when a noun directly follows. He needs another (one more) pencil. H lui faut encore ten crayon. I need another (a different) horse. II me faut tin autre cheval. My father needs a coat. Ilfaut un habit a mon pere. IDIOMATIC FORMS AND PHRASES borgne, blind in one eye de nouveau, again ob&r a, to obey voler a, to steal from s'asseoir, to sit down valoir mieux, to be better vouloir bien, to be willing vouloir dire, to mean vouloir rire, to joke en vouloir a, to have a grudge against etre en vente, to be on sale Drill 1. Give the — synopsis of vouloir synopsis of s'asseoir present indicative of valoir present subjunctive of vouloir 2. Locate — faudra voudrait vaudras je m'assis 3. Give the — imv. 2d sing, of vouloir conditional 3d plu. of asseoir pres. subj. 3d sing, of falloir imp. subj. 3d plu. of s'asseoir EXERCISE present indicative of asseoir present subjunctive of s'asseoir present subjunctive of valoir conditional of falloir vaille asseyons valions valut imp. 1st plu. of valoir pres. subj. 1st plu. of vouloir pres. ind. 3d plu. of vouloir pres. ind. 3d plu. of valoir IRREGULAR VERBS IN OIR 325 4. Translate into French — it is worth ten francs you ought to run now it is better to work you had to run he wants to work you will have to run he is willing to work he needs another cup I mean your brother shall you buy a cup ? I have a grudge against your will you bring a cup ? brother • will you have a cup of tea ? he has a grudge against them please stay he was seated it belongs to her he was sitting down he obeys the teacher you must run he stole the horse you have run he stole it from him your friend must run you are joking Model . Le Cheval Vole On avait vole' a un paysan un cheval, qui valait deux cents francs. Comme il en voulait un autre, il lui fallut se rendre a une foire pour l'acheter. Pendant qu'il parcourait le champ de foire, il vit enfin son cheval vole parmi ceux qui etaient en vente. « Ce cheval est a moi » , dit-il a l'homme qui etait assis pres du cheval pour le garden « On me Fa vole il y a trois jours. — Vous voulez rire», repondit Fautre, « je Fai depuis trois ans. — Impossible » , repondit le paysan en placant tout a coup les mains sur les deux yeux du cheval. « Voyons, de quel oeil est-il borgne ? » La dispute com- mencait a attirer une foule assez grande, et le voleur devait repondre sans hesitation. « De Foeil gauche » , dit-il. Le paysan ota sa main et cet oeil gauche e'tait clair et brillant. « Oh ! je me suis trompe » , re'pondit Fautre tout de suite ; « je voulais dire de Foeil droit. — Vous mentez. II vaudrait mieux vous taire. Le cheval n'est borgne ni de Foeil droit ni de Foeil gauche » , dit alors le paysan, otant Fautre main. «I1 est evident que vous 6tes un 326 ELEMENTARY FRENCH voleur. II faut que vous me rendiez mon cheval, et que vous alliez avec moi devant un magistrate Theme Several years ago a man stole a horse from a • peasant. The latter, who wanted another one, for he needed it to work in the (aux) fields, looked for it a long time, and one day when (que) he had just arrived at a fair, he found the horse they had stolen from him. The horse was on sale, and the man who had it said it was worth much money. The peasant went and got a magistrate, and the two approached the animal. " It is my horse," said the peasant, "and the man who is seated there is the thief." The other replied immediately, when he saw the magistrate, " This horse is mine, and it has belonged to me for three years." " Let us see," continued the peasant, and he covered both eyes of the horse. " The horse is blind in one eye ; which is it, LA FOIRE A BESTIAUX Tres pittoresques ces foires a bestiaux, principalement en province. Les paysans se rendent, a une date donnee, sur une des places du village ou de la ville, oil les ache- teurs peuvent apprecier, par comparaison, les qualites des bestiaux a vendre. Ces maquignons et fermiers, en blouse bleue, qui leurvient generalement aux genoux, ont un langage quelquefois bien amusant a ecouter, surtout lorsque l'acheteur ne peut se decider d'une facon ou d'une autre. La discussion se continue souvent au plus proche cabaret, oil, sous l'esprit de camaraderie que cree la chaleur du vin, le fermier espere conclure le marche avec son client recalcitrant IRREGULAR VERBS IN OIR 327 the left one (that of left) or the right one ? " M The left," said the other, without hesitation. "You are mistaken," replied the peasant. "I meant the right," said the man, who already knew by the glances they were casting on him that he could not lie much longer. " You must guess again," replied the peasant, and he showed both eyes of the horse, which were clear and brilliant. It was evident that the man had stolen the horse and that it belonged to the peasant. Oral 1. Combien vaut ce livre? 2. Vaut-il mieux mettre un manteau quand il fait froid ? 3. L'or vaudrait-il autant s'il y en avait beau- coup? 4. Combien valait ce cheval vole? 5. Voulez-vous savoir quand est mort Napole'on ? 6. Voudriez-vous aller au theatre si je vous y invitais? 7. Veuillez me donner votre livre. 8. Que dites-vous a une personne pour savoir si elle a besoin de pain ? 9. Mangez-vous debout? 10. A quelle heure vous etes-vous assis en classe ce matin ? 11. Que vous f aut-il f aire pour savoir vos lecons? 12. Que f aut-il pour s'asseoir? 13. Les soldats doivent-ils obeir k leurs chefs? 14. En voulez-vous a votre maitre quand il dit que vous ne savez pas votre lecon? 15. A qui un e'leve en veut-il souvent ? Resume 1. It is necessary to send for the doctor this morning. 2. Sit down, if you will ; I prefer to sit down myself. 3. I need another napkin ; bring me one. 4. I am willing to go and eat my breakfast at once. 5. I did not know what you meant when you spoke. 6. My sister came in when we were sitting around the fire. 7. You must be hungry; it will be better to eat a good dinner than a luncheon. 8. We need another spoon and a large cup. 9. The ladies seated themselves in the parlor after supper. 10. I have a grudge against the merchant who sold me this cloth. 11. Will your mother need more than seven dozen eggs ? 12. Will you sell 328 ELEMENTARY FRENCH the tablecloth that you bought? 13. It is not necessary for us to become rich. 14. They had to ask him for some money, but they did not wish to do it. 15. Here are the stamps which I bought for myself; will you have some? 16. I do not know what you need; do you want what we have ? 17. Soldiers must always obey their officers. 18. I will not sit down; I have to be in town before eight o'clock. 19. The boy says that he has to go for the doctor. 20. Please give me the papers of which I was speaking. LESSON FORTY-SEVEN IRREGULAR VERBS IN RE 275. Naitre, to be bom, naissant, n6, nais, naquis. Pres. Ind. je nais nous naissons tu nais vous naissez il halt ils naissent Fut. je naitrai Note. The stem syllable has ai before t. 276. Connaitre, to know, connaissant, connu, connais, connus. Pres. Ind. je connais nous connaissons tu connais vous connaissez il connait ils connaissent Note i. The stem syllable has ai before t. Note 2. Connaitre, to know a person ; savoir, to know a fact. Similarly paraitre, to appear. 277. Mettre, to put, mettant, mis, mets, mis. 278. Craindre, to fear, craignant, craint, crains, craignis. Similarly all verbs ending in aindre, eindre, oindre. IRREGULAR VERBS IN RE 329 279. Prendre, to take, prenant, pris, prends, pris. Pres. Ind. je prends nous prenons tu prends vous prenez il prend ils prennent Pres. Subj. je prenne nous prenions tu prennes vous preniez il prenne ils prennent Note. See Sec. 252, d. 280. Dire, to say, tell, disant, dit, dis, dis. Pres. Ind. je dis nous disons tu dis vous dites il dit ils disent Note. Compounds of dire are regular in the second person plural of the present indicative, except redire, to say again. 281. £crire, to write, Scrivant, 6crit, 6cris, £crivis. 282. Lire, to read, lisant, lu, lis, lus. COMPOUND VERBS — IDIOMATIC FORMS admettre, to admit de vue, by sight atteindre, to reach pendant que, while peindre, to paint se mettre a, to begin comprendre, to understand se moquer de, to make sport of apprendre, to learn entendre parler, to hear tell enseigner, to teach aux d^pens de, at the expense of Drin EXERCISE i. Give the — synopsis of prendre present subjunctive of ecrire synopsis of atteindre imperfect subjunctive of lire present indicative of paraitre present indicative of mettre past definite of craindre present indicative of naitre present indicative of dire present subjunctive of prendre 330 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 2. Translate into French — he knows me she puts fear not they are taking you say 3. Give the — pres. subj. 3d plu. of craindre pres. subj. 1st plu. of prendre past def. 2d plu. of dire pres. subj. 2d sing, of £crire 4. Translate into French the king was born there I was born here I know you take the horse from the barn we begin to fear we began to read do you understand this ? we say I was writing he had written are you reading ? does he know what you say ? imp. 2d plu. of naitre imp. subj. 3d sing, of admettre pres. subj. 3d sing, of com- prendre he is learning the verbs he will teach them say that to her tell him that you appear sick during the day while the day lasts 5. Write, inserting correct verb forms, (a) in the present tense ; also, except in the case of infinitives and participles, (b) in the past indefinite, and (c) in the conditional : II nous (falloir) (ecrire) nos exercices. Nous (savoir) (lire) le fran'cais. Nous (lire) une histoire. En (lire) on (apprendre) (lire). Nous (vouloir) (finir) cette histoire aujourd'hui. II (valoir) mieux bien (travailler). Nous (craindre) le maitre, que nous (connaitre) bien. II (paraitre) nous en (vouloir). Nous lui (obe'ir) toujours. Ne le (dire) vous pas ? IRREGULAR VERBS IN RE 331 Model Complet Les omnibus et les tramways a Paris n'admettent qu'un nombre fixe de voyageurs. Quand la limite est atteinte, le conducteur met a la portiere une pancarte sur laquelle est ecrit le mot Complet. Ce mot veut dire que Ton n'admettra personne. Un voyageur americain qui ne connaissait pas cette coutume dit un jour a un de ses amis, au commencement de son sejour h Paris : « Que veut done dire ce mot Complet que je vois si souvent sur les omnibus ? — Comment, dit Pautre, qui vit l'occasion de s'amuser aux depens de son ami, comment, vous ne Pavez pas encore visite ? — Visite quoi ? — Mais, Complet ! C'est un endroit charmant ; il vous faut voir cela, mon cher. » L'Americain se mit a suivre quelques jours chaque omnibus qui portait ce mot, mais le conducteur ne l'admettait jamais. Enfin il lui fallut quitter Paris, et il n'a point vu « Complet*. Theme A friend of mine, who was born like me in Boston, has heard tell of an American who was visiting Paris and who did not know French very well. He could not understand what the word M Complet " meant, which he often saw on the omnibuses of the city. One day he said to a gentleman whom he knew by sight: w Where is ' Complet ' ? Please tell (it to) me at once. It must be a charming place because so many tramcars go there." M What! " replied the gentleman, M have you not been there yet ? " "I have wanted to go there many times, but the conductor would not admit me," said the American, sadly. " Visit it while you are in Paris," continued the gentleman. "All the Americans visit it. Take an omnibus or a tramcar on which is written the word 1 Complet,' and you will easily find the place." All that the gentle- man had said appeared true to him, and he began to follow each omnibus and each tramcar which led, as he thought, to that famous place. At last he saw that the gentleman had made fun of him and he left the city ; but he had not seen " Complet." 332 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Oral i. Quand etes-vous ne ? 2. Me connaissiez-vous il y a trois ans? 3. Connaissez-vous le president de vue? 4. Savez-vous com- ment il s'appelle ? 5. Cette lecon vous parait-elle facile ? 6. Savez- vous peindre? 7. Quels habits mettriez-vous si nous etions en hiver ? 8. A quelle heure vous mettez-vous a etudier ? 9. Craignez- vous les punitions? 10. Comprenez-vous tout ce que je dis? 11. Qu'est-ce que vous appreniez la semaine derniere ? 12. Quels verbes venez-vous d'apprendre ? 13. Que- dis-je quand on me donne quelque chose? 14. Que dit-on quand on rencontre une personne que Ton connait? 15. £crivez-vous tout le francais que vous lisez? Risume 1. When he begins to read, the boys make fun of him. 2. Which teacher taught him French grammar ? 3. Has the little girl learned the names of all the kings of England yet ? 4. I know your father ; he has just entered the house. 5. He wished to take all that was given him. 6. They have gone away ; let us eat all the fruit on the table. 7. Put on your coat if you are cold; do not close the doors. 8. Marie Antoinette was born November 2, 1755, and died October 16, 1793. 9. Does he fear the man who gives him all the money he needs ? 10. Please sit down ; I want to show you what he wrote me. 11. Did you put any oranges on the table? Yes, I put some there. 12. If I knew how to speak French well enough, LES OMNIBUS PARISIENS. Le systeme de transportation de Paris etait jusque dans ces dernieres annees compose principalement d'omnibus a chevaux, suivant des trajets r^guliers et ne s'arretant qu'aux stations designees. Le conducteur ne laissait monter qu'un certain nombre de personnes, et lorsque le nombre de celles qui desiraient monter excedait celui des places vides, il ne les admettait que dans l'ordre numerique des billets qu'elles avaient prises. L'autobus a maintenant remplace en grande partie les anciens vehicules. 334 ELEMENTARY FRENCH I would take some friends to Paris next summer. 13. Have you read all the letters that she wrote you ? 1 4. I will call you if you will tell me at what time you wish to get up. 15. My friend needs more money in order to go to Europe. 16. As soon as they had seated themselves,* the teacher entered. 17. Did they take all the apples he gave me ? 18. He says that he shall have to start before noon in order to arrive in time. 19. What does this word mean? Ask him who knows (it). 20. The American began to follow the omnibuses. LESSON FORTY-EIGHT IRREGULAR VERBS IN RE 283. Suivre, to follow, suivant, suivi, suis, suivis. 284. Vivre, to live, vivant, v6cu, vis, v&us. Note. Vivre, to live, exist ; demeurer, to live in, dwell. 285. Plaire, to please, plaisant, plu, plais, plus. Pres. Ind. je plais nous plaisons tu plais vous plaisez il plait ils plaisent 286. Taire, to be silent about, taisant, tu, tais, tus. 287. Boire, to drink, buvant, bu, bois, bus. Pres. Ind. je bois nous buvons tu bois vous buvez il boit ils boivent Pres. Subj. je boive nous buvions tu boives vous buviez il boive ils boivent Note. See Sec. 252, b, c. IRREGULAR VERBS IN RE 335 288. Croire, to believe, think , croyant, cru, crois, crus. Pres. Ind. je crois nous croyons tu crois vous croyez il croit ils croient Pres. Subj. je croie nous croyions tu croies vous croyiez il croie ils croient Note i. See Sec. 252, a. Note 2. Observe the following idiomatic use of the infinitive after croire and other verbs of believing, etc. : Je crois etre ici. I think I am here. Je crois l'avoir vu. / think I have seen him. But when the subject changes, the infinitive is not used. Je crois que Jean est ici. / think John is here. Je crois que Jean l'a vu. I think John has seen him. 289. Conduire, to lead, conduisant, conduit, conduis, conduisis. Similarly all verbs ending in uire except luire, to shine, and nuire, to injure, which differ only in having as past participles lui and nui. COMPOUND VERBS — IDIOMATIC FORMS a demain, good-by till tomorrow prevenir, to warn, notify suivant(e), following convenir a, to suit sous peu, shortly, before long plaire a, to please une heure de l'apres-midi, one in se tirer d'affaire, to get along the afternoon . se taire, to be silent prendre (se donner) la peine de, to take the trouble to Drill • EXERCISE I. Give the — , synopsis of croire present indicative of plaire synopsis of vivre present subjunctive of croire 336 ELEMENTARY FRENCH present indicative of suivre imperfect subjunctive of conduire past definite of vivre past definite of se taire present indicative of boire principal parts of nuire 2. Translate into French — she would think she pleases you are following they believe follow I had led he lives I had been led 3. Give the — pres. ind. 1st sing, of suivre past def. 3d sing, of voir pres. ind. 1st sing, of etre pres. subj. 2d sing, of plaire pres. ind. 3d sing, of vivre past participle feminine of croire imp. subj. 3d sing, of conduire pres. subj. 3d plu. of luire 4. Translate into French — he still lives the following week he lives here they were silent does she please your father ? it suits my friend I think he is sick he will take the trouble to come I think I am sick I shall get along 5. Write, inserting correct verb forms, (a) in the present tense ; {b) in the imperfect ; (c) replacing ils by je : lis (croire) que le voleur (demeurer) la, mais ils se (taire). Ils le (suivre) depuis deux jours. Ils (esperer) le surprendre. Ils le (conduire) devant le juge, qui le (mettre) en prison. Les voleurs (boire) du vin quand cela leur (plaire). Ne le (croire) vous pas ? Oui, il (falloir) le croire. model L A Visite au Professeur * Pardon, mademoiselle, est-ce ici que demeure M. Marechal ? — Veuillez vous donner la peine d'entrer. Qui dois-je annoncer ? — Je m'appelle Leroux. Je viens voir M. Mare'chal pour des IRREGULAR VERBS IN RE 337 le9ons. — Je crois qu'il est chez lui. Asseyez-vous dans le salon, s'il vous plait. Je vais le prevenir. — Bonjour, madame, qu'est-ce qui me vaut le plaisir de votre visite ? — Je suis venue vous demander si vous pourriez me donner quelques lecons de francais. Je voudrais surtout converser, car je sais assez bien la grammaire et je lis facilement. J'espere aller en France dans trois mois, et , comme je crois y rester quelque temps, je tiens a pouvoir me servir de la langue aussitot que j'arriverai. J'ai suivi des cours, mais la methode des professeurs ne me plaisait pas. La methode que vous employez me plaira, et si vous croyez etre libre une heure par jour, cela me plairait beaucoup. — Je crois pouvoir vous donner une lecon par jour, et si vous suivez mes conseils, vous saurez vous tirer d'affaire sous peu, car vous parlez deja assez couramment. Avez-vous jamais vecu en France? — Mon pere m'y a conduite quand j'etais petite. II m'a fallu aller a l'ecole pendant six mois, mais comme je comprenais tres peu, je me taisais quand j'aurais du repondre, et par consequent je ne parle pas aussi couramment que je devrais le faire. — Eh bien, si cela vous convient, nous commencerons lundi prochain a dix heures, et les jours suivants a une heure de l'apres-midi. Le prix est de dix francs par lecon. — Tres bien, monsieur. A lundi prochain. Theme This morning I went to my new French teacher's. His name is Marechal and he is French. He gave me my lesson at ten o'clock, but tomorrow and the following days I shall go to see him at half past two in the afternoon. He asks ten francs a lesson. He pleased me much, and if I am to believe him, I shall speak fluently soon. What pleases me is the method that he uses. I follow his advice, and through {par) the conversation, which he leads skillfully, we live for (during) an hour as if we were in France. I read a little. I also wrote a page from a book, which I translated after- wards into English. Believe me please (if you will), I did not use a 338 ELEMENTARY FRENCH word of English. As I hope to go to France next year, I shall use the language as much as possible. If I knew grammar better, I should learn still more quickly. He warned me that I should have (falloir) to study it hard. I shall take that trouble, be sure of it, for I am eager to converse in that language, which I like so much. I want to speak like my friend George. Oral i.. Ou demeurez-vous ? 2. Y demeurez-vous depuis longtemps? 3. Les Gaulois vivaient-ils dans des villes ? 4. Combien de temps vecut George Washington ? 5. Comment invitez-vous une personne a s'asseoir ? 6. Suiviez-vous des cours de francais l'annee derniere ? 7. Combien de lecons avez-vous par jour? 8. Vous tireriez-vous d'affaire en France si vous ne parliez pas la langue ? 9. Cela vous conviendrait-il si Ton vous invitait a aller au theatre ce soir? 10. Suivez-vous bien votre maitre quand il lit a haute voix en classe ? 11. Qu'avez-vous bu a votre dejeuner ce matin? 12. Boiriez-vous si vous aviez soif ? 13. Croyez-vous tout ce que vous lisez dans les journaux ? 14. Que font les eleves qui ne savent pas repondre ? 15. Combien de phrases avez-vous traduites aujourd'hui ? Resume 1. Finally he enters the house and his friend follows him. 2. I do not want to live if he has to die. 3. He is hoping to be able to converse in French soon. 4. He thinks that his new teacher will please him. 5. It is necessary to know how to talk French to get along in Paris. 6. John is in Paris and he believes that he shall stay there a year. 7. Sit down, please; I shall be back before long. 8. He thinks he saw her starting from the city early yester- day morning. 9. I am not drinking wine now ; the doctor says I must drink only water. 10. I do not understand why the French language appears so difficult. 11. The army is approaching the city; who will follow it? 12. He has been studying German for FAIRE AND ITS CONSTRUCTION 339 some time and thinks he can speak it. 13. I get up early in order to arrive at the office on time. 14. We are eager to know foreign languages in order to travel in Europe. 1 5. He has just come to ask me to go for the doctor. 16. Shall we go to bed now ? Not at all ; I am not sleepy. 17. The method which he is employing pleases me much. 18. Which book ought I to use? I do not know; choose for yourself. 19. Be silent ; I want to hear what he is say- ing. 20. This road leads to the village in which he used to live. LESSON FORTY-NINE FAIRE AND ITS CONSTRUCTION 290. Faire, to make, do, faisant, fait, fais, fis. Pres. Ind. je fais nous faisons tu fais vous faites il fait ils font Fut. je ferai Pres. Subj. je fasse 291. Faire Causative. Faire, in the sense of to make (have) a person do a thing or to have a thing done, governs an infinitive. This infinitive follows the faire directly. I make them study. Je les fais etudier. I am having a house built. Je fais bdtir tine maison. Note. Faire and the dependent infinitive are separated by the negative pas, and in the affirmative imperative by an object pronoun. I shall not make him read. Je ne le ferai pas lire. Have him come. Faites-le venir. 292. Objects with Causative faire. This construction involves two objects, the person who is made to act and the thing upon which the action is performed. 340 ELEMENTARY FRENCH a. If only one of these objects is expressed, its construc- tion is that of a direct object, and thus, when a pronoun, it precedes the faire. I am having him write (causing him to write). I am having my friend write. I shall have it sold (cause some one to sell it). I am having a letter written. I had a coat made. Je lefais krire. Jefais krire mon ami. Je le (ld)ferai vendre. Jefais krire une lettre. J'ai fait faire un habit. b. If both objects are expressed, the person made to act becomes an indirect object. If it is a pronoun, the special form for the indirect object is available ; if a noun, the preposition a is employed. I am having him read the book. I am having him read it. I am having my pupils write the exercises. I am having my pupils write thenl. Have him write them. Je luifais lire le livre. Je le luifais lire. fefais krire les exercices a mes eleves. Je lesfais krire a mes eleves. Faites-les-lui krire. Note. Par is often used in this construction, instead of a, especially to avoid a possible ambiguity. Thus, je fais Scrire une lettre a mon fils might be understood / am having a letter written to my son, as well as / am having my son write a letter. Hence, to express the latter without question, we say je fais Scrire une lettre par mon fils, which order sug- gests the English passive form, I am having a letter written by my son. 293. Construction with laisser, etc. Laisser, to let, en- tendre, and voir likewise govern object infinitives in connec- tion with one or two objects. The construction is similar to that with faire. I heard him speak. Je Vai entendu parler. I saw him do it. Je le lui ai vu faire. FAIRE AND ITS CONSTRUCTION 341 Note i. With these verbs a pronoun object of the person may be either direct or indirect when the other object is a noun. I shall let him read the book. Je lui (le) laisserai lire le livre. Note 2. An infinitive after entendre and voir often represents an English present participle. I see him running. Je le vois courir. I heard him coming in. Je Vai entendu entrer. 294. Expressions of the Weather contain many idioms with faire. Among these are It is fine weather. 77 fait beau {temps). It is hot. II fait chaud. It is cold. Ilfaitfroid. It is windy. II fait du vent. It is mild. II fait doux. It is lightning. II fait des kclairs. It is thundering. II fait du tonnerre. It is cool. II fait frais. IDIOMATIC FORMS AND PHRASES aller, to fit (of clothes) se souvenir de, to remember se faire, to take place se mettre au beau, to bfecome fine la pluie tombe a verse, it pours n^n EXERCISE 1. (a) Give the synopsis of faire, of voir, of entendre. (b) Give the — present indicative of faire conditional of faire present subjunctive of faire present subjunctive of voir 2. Express in French — (a) I shall have him study I shall have the pupil read it I shall make her study I shall have her read the lesson 342 ELEMENTARY FRENCH I shall have the boy study I shall have the lesson read to I shall have the lesson read the pupils I shall not have it written I shall have the pupils read the I shall have him read it lesson (b) I saw him • I heard the book read to the I saw him read teacher I saw him read the book I heard the book read by the I heard the book read teacher I heard the teacher read the I heard you talking book have her read it (c) it is cold it was fine weather it thundered I am cold it will be hot it was cool the room is cold it lightens the day is cool 3. Supply the French for the words in parentheses : II (will have me) vendre la maison que je (have just had built). Je (had him sell) la maison qu'il (had). lis (had made him sell) l'habit qu'il (had had made). J'allais (to sell it). Je (made him buy) le chateau. II (will let me) entrer. (Let's enter). (Let's let him) dire ce qu'il (made them make). Une paix (is being made). Model Les Saisons C'est au mois de mai que le printemps est le plus beau. La nature qui dormait redevient gaie. Les jours s'allongent. Le temps se met au beau. II fait doux. On ne craint plus le froid. Nous ne remettrons plus avant l'hiver les lourds vetements que nos parents nous ont fait oter. Les oiseaux reviennent des pays chauds. On les entend chanter partout. On les voit batir leur nid. C'est la saison 011 Ton seme. Peu a peu nous nous approchons de la saison chaude. Alors le soleil se leve de tres bonne heure. Les chauds rayons du soleil font murir les bles et les fruits. La moisson se fait en cette saison. Les paysans se rendent aux foires avec les m % HiiB^^Jk ^trf? I f flfl JLJQmJIflinv '■? ii^^^ ^SE^^P^'i -1 pFWh UNE FOIRE A CHINON Une ou deux fois par semaine, selon les localities, les fermiers et fermieres se rendent sur la place du marche avec tout ce qu'ils ont a vendre. Tres pittoresques ces marches en plein air ou, selon les saisons, on trouve des amoncellements de fruits et de legumes frais de toutes sortes. Chaque marchand dispose autour de lui, a ses pieds ou sur des caisses, les mar- chandises qu'il a apportees dans des paniers ou dans des corbeilles. Rien ne se vend a prix fixe. Les citadines marchandent sans relache, ce qui donne lieu h des reparties de la part des paysans, lesquelles ne manquent pas d'attrait. Au printemps et en ete, le marche aux fleurs a lieu aussi en plein air, en general simultanement avec le marche ordinaire. Une ou deux fois par mois, le marche aux legumes donne place a la foire a bestiaux. Dans son cadre de maisons attrayantes, la place du marche offre alors un aspect plus rural encore ou le.malin paysan se mesure avec l'acheteur credule 344 ELEMENTARY FRENCH produits de leurs terres. L'ete dernier il a fait tres chaud. Nous avons souffert beaucoup de la chaleur. Les gens boivent beaucoup en e'te, car la chaleur est accablante. C'est la saison des orages. Le ciel se couvre de nuages. On les voit s'amonceler. Tout a coup le tonnerre gronde. 11 fait des e'clairs, et des gouttes de pluie se mettent a tomber. Les gens ouvrent leur parapluie ou se mettent a l'abri. II fait encore plus de tonnerre; et la pluie tombe a, verse. Mais bientot le soleil se montre de nouveau, et le temps se remet au beau. En automne il fait frais matin et soir, et quelquefois il y a du brouillard et les jours se font courts. Mais voila l'hiver. Le vent est piquant. On a froid si Ton n'est pas bien couvert. II gele tres souvent. Pour l'hiver prochain je me suis fait faire un bon manteau par mon tailleur. II n'allait pas tres bien d'abord. Je le lui ai fait voir. Le tailleur me l'a fait essayer, et maintenant qu'il Pa arrange' il me plait. Theme It is now spring. The weather has become fine very rapidly. Today it has been very mild. Last week, however, the wind was still biting. But the cold that we feared so much last month does not frighten us any more. The beautiful weather has made me take off the big overcoat that I had had made in November. Nature is not sleeping any longer. It has become gay again. The birds which had gone away where it is warmer have come back, and from my window I hear them singing. Soon summer will come. The sun will rise still earlier, and its burning rays will ripen the wheat, which the farmer will carry to the mill to have flour made of it. I suffer a little from the heat, and that is why I hope that it will not be too warm this year. I remember a thunderstorm which took place last year. There has, I believe, never been seen so much lightning or (nor) rain. It poured for two hours. Yesterday morning, as the children were going away to school, I did not want to let them go (depart) when I saw the rain falling. FAIRE AND ITS CONSTRUCTION 345 Oral 1. Quand les jours s'allongent-ils ? 2. Quand le temps se remet-il au beau ? 3. Craignez-vous le froid ? 4. Ou vont les oiseaux quand il fait froid? 5. Les entendez-vous chanter en hiver? 6. Dans quelle saison seme-t-on? 7. Le soleil se leve-t-il tard maintenant? 8. Qu'est-ce qui fait murir les bles ? 9. La moisson se fait-elle en mai? 10. Pourquoi porte-t-on le ble au moulin? n. Decrivez un orage. 12. Dans quelle saison les jours se font-ils courts ? 13. Que vous fait faire votre tailleur pour savoir si votre manteau vous va ? 1 4. Vous etes-vous fait faire un manteau l'hiver dernier ? Resume 1. The teacher is having him read the lesson aloud before the class. 2. They were having a new house built when I saw them last year. 3. He ought to study, but his parents cannot make him do it. 4. I would have William write his French exercise if I could. 5. Beautiful things are to be seen everywhere in Paris; I shall show you many of them next week. 6. I need a new hat, and I must have another pair of shoes. 7. My mother has never had your daughter make her a dress. 8. My friend is trying to write a French letter, but he does not know how to do it well. 9. John has a new French book, but he never lets his sister read it. 1 o. My father is suffering from a cold; have the doctor come at once. 11. It is generally cold in the winter and people want to stay in the house. 12. It is fine today, and I am going to town to shop. 13. When I see him enter the house, I will inform you. 14. If you study too late, it will hurt your eyes. 15. My father has just come in ; he will let you take his umbrella. 1 6. Do you know Senator X ? I hope to hear him speak soon. 17. Wheat begins to ripen in June in our country. 18. The sky is covered with clouds and rain is already falling. 19. The sun rises early now, and its rays are making the leaves grow little by little. 20. We used to use the book on the table when I was going to school. 346 ELEMENTARY FRENCH REVIEW Lessons Forty-five to Forty-nine A. General Drill i. Give the principal parts of voir valoir asseoir naitre paraitre ecnre mettre life prendre suivre dire vivre nopsis of — vouloir peindre falloir faire plaire conduire nuire boire devoir savoir 3. Give the present indicative of — apercevoir valoir naitre savoir asseoir connaitre 4. Give the present subjunctive of — devoir valoir s'asseoir pouvbir vouloir prendre 5. Give the imperative of — savoir vouloir 6. Give the — fut. of revoir pret. of plaire cond. of asseoir imp. subj. of naitre imp. of savoir imp. subj. of valoir pret. of suivre pres. subj. of boire 7. What verbs are conjugated like — recevoir craindre conduire croire etre dire plaire faire croire prendre REVIEW, LESSONS XLV-XLIX 347 8. Locate — sait vais soit vaut vit (two places) veut vois craint croit fut suis (two places) devenait fit devinait fut devait 9. Give the past participle and the first person singular past definite of — devoir mettre faire lire savoir craindre dire conduire voir prendre ecrire luire 10. Write French sentences containing respectively some form of — devoir pouvoir connaitre entendre dire falloir savoir entendre s'asseoir 1 1 . Translate into French - I can read it will be hot I can run as fast as he it was cold I could write a year ago this season is cold the sun shines, it must be warm are you cold ? they must follow him I hear him talking John must follow him I saw him fall I had to follow him he was to write that will you have some water ? she obeys hef mother I knew my lesson I need another plate (two ways) I knew your aunt it is better to run away I am having a house built tell me that I had him build a house he took a pencil from his pocket I shall not have my brother build he let us come a house let us sing (two ways) I had him build it I think I see the moon I shall have her make it I think you can see the stars 343 ELEMENTARY FRENCH B. Translate into French i. I shall send my brothers all the money I can when they go away. 2. We ought to do all we can for others in this life. 3. If one wishes to be happy, he must obey God's laws. 4. We had just arrived when it began to snow. 5. They were to come before eight o'clock, but they have not yet arrived. 6. I know the man well, but I do not know where he lives. 7. You must run to the store and buy me some silk. 8. Sit down to the table at once; you must be hungry. 9. I heard him say that he wishes to use these knives. 10. The lawyer whom you used to know is a brother of mine. 11. In what part of the forest did you lose your dog? I think I saw him yesterday evening. 12. We both need a hat; do they sell them here? 13. The priest has been writing a long time, and he will write several hours yet. 14. Do you know what I mean ? 15. I shall tell him to have her do it to-day. LESSON FIFTY DEPENDENT INFINITIVES 295. Prepositions with Infinitives. An infinitive depend- ent upon another verb may or may not be connected with it by a preposition. This is determined by the governing verb. The usage with .each verb must be learned. It may be found by observing French texts or by consulting a lexicon. a. The following verbs, among many others, generally govern the infinitive directly : aimer mieux, to prefer to espSrer, to hope to aller, to go to (and) faire, to make, cause to compter, to intend to falloir, to be necessary to de*sirer, to desire to oser, to dare to devoir, to be to, ought to pouvoir, to be able to DEPENDENT INFINITIVES 349 savoir, to know how to venir, to come to (and) valoir mieux, to be better to vouloir, to wish to Je desire aller chez moi. / desire to go home. b. The following verbs, among many others, generally require de before a dependent infinitive : cesser de, to cease to commander de, to command to craindre de, to fear to d£fendre de, to forbid to demander de, to ask to se d£pecher de, to hasten to dire de, to tell to empecher de, to prevent from Je crains d'aller avec lui. Je lui dirai d'aller a Paris. essayer de, to try to finir de, to finish ne*gliger de, to neglect to oublier de, to forget to permettre de, to permit to promettre de, to promise to refuser de, to refuse to venir de, to have just I fear to go with him. I shall tell him to go to Paris. Note. Finir par, when it is followed by an infinitive, is translated finally, at last. Nous finirons par le croire. We shall finally believe it. c. The following verbs, among many others, generally require a before a dependent infinitive : aider a, to help to aimer a, to like to apprendre a, to learn to s'attendre a, to expect to commencer a, to begin to consentir a, to consent to II a consenti a venir. II a renonce* a venir. d&ider a, to persuade to enseigner a, to teach to inviter a, to i?ivite to se mettre a, to begin to renoncer a, to give up r^ussir a, to succeed in He consented to come. He gave up coming. 296. Infinitives of Purpose. When a dependent infinitive denotes purpose, it must be preceded by pour, in order to, to. One must eat to live. Ilfaut manger pour vivre. 350 • ELEMENTARY FRENCH 297. Infinitive for Finite Verbs. When the subject of an English subordinate clause is the same as the subject of the principal clause, an infinitive generally replaces the finite construction in the subordinate clause. I hope that I am better. fespere alter mieux. I hope that he is better. fespere qu'il va mieux. 298. Verbal Nouns. When a verb is used as a noun in French, the infinitive is the form employed except after the preposition en, when the present participle is used. In this use it often represents an English present participle. To travel (traveling) is pleasant. Voyager (/)est agreable. I love to read (reading). faime a lire. He entered without speaking. 77 est entre sans parler. He departed after speaking II est parti apres avoir parle. (having spoken). But after en : He entered while speaking. 77 est entri en parlant. 299. Negative Infinitives. When an infinitive is made negative, both negative words generally precede the infinitive. He prefers not to come. 77 aime mieux ne pas venir. I fear I shall never see her. Je crains de ne jamais la voir. IDIOMATIC FORMS AND PHRASES les honoraires ni., the fee aller chercher, to go for faire une question, to ask a question faire de son mieux, to do one's best tenir sa promesse, to keep one's promise d£fendre a quelqu'un de, to forbid some one to DEPENDENT INFINITIVES 351 EXERCISE Drill 1. Express in French — to dare to lie to go to speak to go in order to speak to fear to lie to be able to read to try to run to teach to write to begin to study 2. Express in French — to cease to speak to cease speaking, to love to read to love reading while traveling 3. Translate into French — I forbid her to come will you permit them to follow ? she had just arrived he taught me not to lie to learn to read to consent to come to come and (to) see in order to help to know how to cure to neglect to study to want to go to be able to read by working without stopping before eating being silent is telling to be silent is to tell he will succeed in paying for it he will finally pay for it he finally fell shall you keep your promise ? 4. Fill the blanks with the proper preposition (or other word), when one is required : j'aime* lire je sais lire je lu la lettre je viens la lire il me faut la lire lisant j'ai appris lire il vaut mieux la lire je n'ai renonce le lire j'ai fini le lire j'aime mieux ne le lire je veux le lire je lui dirai le lire je vais le lire 352 ELEMENTARY FRENCH apres lu la lettre, je lui ai j'espere il le lira defendu la lire je l'ai entendu lire j'ai reussi la lire la lettre a lue je commencerai lire le livre je devrais lire M0del Nl GUERI NI TUE Un homme qui demeurait au Canada desirait voir guerir sa femme, qui etait tres malade. Elle ne pouvait plus faire la moindre besogne, et elle avait meme cesse de sortir depuis longtemps. Les medecins de son pays ne pouvaient la guerir, et son mari fink par croire qu'il valait mieux la conduire aux fitats-Unis. II e'tait oblige' de quitter ses affaires, mais comme il craignait de perdre sa femme, il se depecha de partir avec elle. En arrivant a destination il alia chercher le medecin qu'on venait de lui indiquer. II lui demanda de bien examiner la pauvre femme. Le medecin se mit a interroger et a examiner la malade, mais tout en causant il laisse pressentir la crainte de ne pas etre convenablement remunere de ses soins. « J'ai cinq cents francs, dit le mari ; je promets de vous les donner si vous la guerissez, et si vous la tuez vous pouvez vous attendre a les recevoir de meme. » Le medecin esperait bien reussir a sauver la malade. II fit de son mieux, mais la femme finit par mourir. Plus tard il demanda ses honoraires. « Vous avez fini de soigner ma femme. Je de'sire tenir ma promesse. Mais permettez- moi, d'abord, de vous faire deux questions : Avez-vous tue* ma femme ? — Tue ! Comment tue ! Assurement non. — Tant mieux. L'avez-vous guerie ? — Non, helas ! — Eh bien, vous venez d'admettre ce que je voulais vous faire dire, et je renonce a vous payer. » Apres avoir entendu cela le medecin sortit sans repondre. Theme You ask me to tell you an anecdote. Here is one which is worth the trouble of being heard. When you have a doctor who cannot cure you, you try to find another one. A woman had DEPENDENT INFINITIVES 353 neglected to care for herself and she finally fell sick. Her hus- band had a doctor come. The latter promised to cure her, but he did not succeed in doing it. The husband, who feared he should lose his wife, went without hesitating to get another doctor, who hastened to come to examine the sick woman. On arriving, the doctor began to talk with the patient in order to know what the matter was with her. However, even while he was talking, the fear which he allowed to be seen that he would not be properly paid, caused the husband to say that he had enough money. He persuaded the doctor to care for the sick one by promising to give him two hundred and fifty francs if he cured her and even if he killed her. The doctor expected indeed to save the patient, and the husband hoped to see her up (debout) soon. After doing his best the doctor did not prevent the woman from dying. When he came to ask for his fee, the husband, who wished to keep his promise, permitted himself to ask him if he had killed his patient. The doctor hastened to say, " Why, no ; assuredly not." w Then, you must have cured her." M Alas ! no." " You see well that I owe you nothing." Oral 1. Saurez-vous parler francais dans un an ? 2. Allez-vous faire un voyage cette annee ? 3. Ne craignez-vous pas d'oublier les propositions qui suivent les verbes ? 4. Qui vous enseigne a lire et a ecrire le francos ? 5. Que vaut-il mieux faire, vivre pour manger ou manger pour vivre ? 6. Que vous faut-il faire pour savoir votre lecon? 7. A quelle heure devez-vous vous lever pour arriver ici a l'heure ? 8. Qui fait-on venir quand on est malade ? 9. Votre maitre vous permet-il de parler anglais en classe? 10. Qu'est-ce que je viens de demander ? 1 1. Quand avez-vous fini de dejeuner ce matin ? 12. Oublieriez-vous de vous reveiller si on ne vous appelait pas le matin? 13. Reussiriez-vous a repondre h. mes questions sans avoir etudie votre lecon ? 14. Etes-vous entre ici 354 ELEMENTARY FRENCH sans oter votre chapeau ? 15. Que demanderiez-vous a votre maitre de faire si vous ne compreniez pas la lecon ? Resume 1. My friend hopes that he can come and visit me next week. 2. It is better to know how to speak French before traveling in France. 3. My son is trying to write a French letter ; who will help him do it ? 4. If it is fair tomorrow, I expect to invite my friend to go to town with me. 5. The doctor persuaded me to give up smoking because it was hurting me. 6. By reading, chil- dren learn to read without knowing it. 7. After paying the bill we went out of the store to find our automobile. 8. If you tell me to do it often enough, I expect I shall finally do it. 9. We must eat to live, but we ought not to live to eat. 10. It is beginning to rain ; I think I prefer not to go out tonight. 1 1 . When I was in town, I thought I saw you going into the church. 12. To write French without studying it is not easy. 13. Will you promise me never to do it again if I give you a thousand francs ? 1 4. He had scarcely fin- ished writing his French exercises when (gue) the bell rang. 1 5 . He asked me to teach him to read French, and I consented to do it. 16. Children like to eat apples in school if teachers will let them do it. 17. Our teacher told us that he was expecting to use your grammar next year. 18. The men have just refused to work any longer because they have not been paid. 19. He did not know that the generals had forbidden the 'soldiers to go to England. 20. We had the doctor come, but he did not succeed in saving our mother's life. Proverbes II f aut battre le fer quand il est chaud. Si jeunesse savait, si vieillesse pouvait. Pas de nouvelles, bonnes nouvelles. THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD 355 LESSON FIFTY-ONE THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD 300. Subjunctive and Indicative. The fundamental dis- tinction between the indicative and the subjunctive is that the former is used to express a certainty, the latter an uncertainty or an idea that lies in the mind as possible or impossible, desirable or undesirable, etc. With one apparent exception the subjunctive is used only in subordinate clauses. 301. Optative Subjunctive. The present subjunctive (rarely the imperfect) is used in principal clauses to ex- press a wish or a command. It is then usually introduced by que, and is called the optative or hortatory subjunctive. Among other uses it supplements the imperative in the forms that the latter lacks. It is today met most frequently in conventional expressions. Qu'il vienne. Let him come. Vive le roi I (Long) live the king ! Sauve qui peut {that is, qu'il se Every one for himself (let him sauve qui peut). save himself who can). Note. This construction is in reality a subordinate clause following a verb of wishing understood. See Sec. 304, b. (Je veux) qu'il vienne. (/ wish) that he may come. 302. Sequence of Tenses. The tense of the subjunctive in a subordinate clause is determined by the verb in the principal clause. If the principal verb is present or future, a following subjunctive is put in the present tense ; if the principal verb is a past tense or the conditional, a following subjunctive is put in the imperfect tense. 356 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Note i. This rule applies to compound tenses in a subordinate clause if the auxiliary alone be considered the verb, the full resulting forms being respectively the perfect and pluperfect subjunctive. Note 2. In ordinary discourse the present (or perfect) subjunctive is often used where the rule above requires the imperfect (or pluperfect) subjunctive. 303. Subjunctive after Impersonate. The subjunctive is used in subject clauses after most impersonal verbs that do not denote certainty. The most common impersonals that require the subjunctive are il faut, it is necessary il convient, it is suitable, fitting il semble, it seems il vaut mieux, it is better il importe, it is important il est possible, it is possible It is necessary that the doctor 77 faut que le medecin vienne. come (the doctor must come). It was not possible for John to II rfetait pas possible que Jean come (that John should come). vint. Note i . When used with an indirect object in positive assertion, il semble takes the indicative. It seems to me that you are wrong. 77 me semble que vcus avez tort. Note 2. When the subject of the verb following falloir is a pronoun, an infinitive often replaces the subjunctive clause. The pronoun is made the indirect object of falloir. Compare Sec. 274. f 77 luifaut s'en alter. Hemust *°- {/tfautqu'ils'enaille. His friend must go. II faut que son ami s'en aille. IDIOMATIC FORMS AND PHRASES d'avance, in advance faire une malle, to pack a trunk des ennuis m., trouble fermer a clef, to lock (close with chemin (m.) de fer, railroad a key) indicateur (m.) de chemin de fer, munir de, to furnish with railroad time-table se procurer, to procure, get (for avoir 1' intention de, to intend to one's self) THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD 357 2) n *// EXERCISE 1. Inflect falloir in full. 2. Express in French the words in parentheses: (a) il faut que l'homme (come) je savais qu'il (would come) il est sur que l'homme (will il vaut mieux qu'il (should come) come) il est possible qu'il (may come) je sais qu'il (will come) je voudrais qu'il (would come) (b) il faut que Jean (read) il fallait qu'il (should have fur- il fallait que Jean (should nished) read) il a convenu que mon ami (should il faudra que Jean (read) consult me) 3. Express in French — may we live long John must pack the trunk it seems that he is here it is necessary to avoid colds it seems to me that he is wrong I intend not to be useless long live France let them do it let him talk God be praised you must pack the trunk to get along without money 4. Insert the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses. Then change faut to fallait, and insert the proper verb forms. II faut que mon pere (aller) a Paris. II me faut y (aller) aussi. II faut que mon pere (prendre) un billet. II faut qu'il (faire) ses preparatifs. II faut que les voyageurs se (munir) de passeports. II faut qu'un voyageur (etre) sur qu'il (avoir) assez d'argent. II faut qu'on (ecrire) a ses amis. Model Preparatifs de Voyage Si vous avez l'intention de voyager en pays etrangers, il faut d'abord que vous fassiez vos preparatifs. II importe que vous consultiez les guides et les indicateurs de chemins de fer, et si 358 ELEMENTARY FRENCH vous n'etes pas renseigne sur le pays que vous comptez visiter, il vaut mieux que vous demandiez des renseignements a ceux de vos amis qui les connaissent. Si vous vous munissez d'un passeport, il est possible que vous vous evitiez beaucoup d'ennuis. II est a propos aussi que vous vous procuriez de l'argent des pays que vous etes sur le point de parcourir. Pour cela il faut aller chez un changeur. Quand vous saurez la date de votre depart, il faudra que vous fassiez vos malles, dans lesquelles vous n'oublierez pas de mettre les vetements necessaires, votre linge et vos articles de toilette. II faut que vous soyez sur que votre malle ferme a clef. II est prudent que vous ne fassiez votre valise qu'a la derniere minute, car on oublie toujours de mettre dans sa malle certaines choses qu'on aurait du y mettre. Que ne puissions-nous (if we could only) nous passer de bagages ! II faudrait que nous eussions besoin de moins de choses pour cela. Theme I must go to France in a week, and it is time that I make my preparations. I have been to the money changer's. If one wishes to avoid trouble, it is better to procure French money here. The first time that I went to France I had been told that it would be preferable for me, before my departure, to go and see a friend of mine who knew the country well, to obtain as much information as possible on what it is necessary for one to do in order to get along. "It is fitting that you should provide yourself with a passport," PAUILLAC — LA GARE. En route pour Bordeaux, un grand nombre de soldats americains, en remontant la Gironde, ont vu la petite ville de Pauillac, dont nous voyons ici la gare. A cote se trouve la gare de marchandises. Sur le quai, parmi les voyageurs, a cote de l'homme au chapeau de paille, on peut y voir le chef de gare. II demeure generalement au-dessus des bureaux. La ligne de chemin de fer qui dessert Pauillac est une ligne secondaire de peu d'importance. Sur les grandes lignes, les trains sont mfis par des locomotives, lesquelles, si elles ne sont pas aussi grandes que les locomotives americaines, sont cependant du meme type. 360 ELEMENTARY FRENCH he said to me (Sec. 328, a); "otherwise it is possible that you may have trouble. If you intend to visit Europe some day, as I did (comme mot), it will be important that you should buy guidebooks, to be posted in advance on the countries that you are going to visit." I got myself a time-table this morning. It seems preferable that I should take the train for New York next Friday at five o'clock. I shall pack my trunk in three or four days, and it will be better for me to put in it all that I shall need except the most necessary things, which must go in my valise. That is why it is more prudent, it seems to me, to lock one's trunk only at the last minute. It may be that I shall not be back before the month of March, but it would perhaps be better for me to come back sooner. Oral 1. Quand fait-on des preparatifs de voyage ? 2. Que faut-il que vous consultiez ? 3. Que faites-vous si vous ne connaissez pas le pays que vous allez visiter ? 4. De quoi vaut-il mieux se munir ? 5. Qu'eviterez-vous si vous vous en munissez ? 6. Chez qui vous procurez-vous de l'argent francais ? 7. Que dit-on pour indiquer que nous placons dans la malle tout ce qu'il nous faut pour le voyage ? 8. Serait-il preferable que nous nous passions 1 de bagages ? 9. Semble-t-il inutile que je rdpete tant de fois la meme chose? 10. Ne vaut-il pas mieux que vous <£tudiiez les verbes un peu plus ? 11. Convient-il que vous arriviez ici a l'heure ou en retard ? 12. Ne vaudrait-il pas mieux pour vous qu'il fit chaud toute l'annee ? 13. Les Francais disaient : « yive le roi ! » Que dites-vous quand les vacances sont arrivees ? 1 4. Est-il possible que vous ayez des visites ce soir ? 15. Serait-il possible que vous eussiez un rhume s'il faisait froid ? Resume 1. It is necessary for you to learn tomorrow's French lesson better if you expect to get along in France. 2. Rain is beginning to fall; we shall have to give up going to the ball. 3. The army 1 See Sec. 302, Note 2. OBJECT AND ADJECTIVE CLAUSES 361 must finish eating quickly if it expects to arrive in time. 4. Formerly when the king died they would say : " The king is dead. Long live the king ! " 5. During the great war we often heard Americans using the words, " Long live France ! " 6. Let them come ! I have no fear of them or of their friends. 7. His mother had gone away, and it was not possible for William to go to school. 8. It is important for you to choose good vegetables when you go to market. 9. When you have only a little money, it is better not to spend too much. 10. It will be better for him not to buy so much if he cannot pay what he owes. 1 1 . My mother is suffering from the grippe ; the doctor must come at once. 12. People would have to take less baggage if they desired to do without trunks. 13. You must be sure that one lesson is well understood before be- ginning another. 1 4. He says that he will be here, and it is certain that he will come. 15. It seems to me that it is beginning to be very warm. 16. It seems that he could not come because he was starting on a journey. 17. Is it always suitable for one to wear a dress coat to a ball ? 18. He said that it would be necessary for us to provide ourselves with guidebooks before leaving the United States. 19. It will not be possible for him to go to Europe with his family. 20. Let him go out ! We do not wish to try to make him remain. LESSON FIFTY-TWO THE SUBJUNCTIVE IN OBJECT AND ADJECTIVE CLAUSES 304. Object Clauses. The subjunctive is used in object clauses a. After verbs and expressions denoting emotion, such 2&joy, sorrow, fear, surprise, and expectation. I am glad that you have come. Jesiiisbienaiseqiievoiissoyezvenu. I did not fear that he would lie. Je ne craignais pas qu'il mentit I am surprised that he is coming. Je m'etonne quHl vienne. 362 ELEMENTARY FRENCH b. After verbs and expressions of wishing, ordering, per- mitting, and their opposites. I wish him to come (that he come). Je veux qu 'it vienne. I wished him to come (that he Je voulais quHl vint. might come). The king ordered him to come Le roi ordonna quHl vint. (that he should come). I shall not permit him to come Je ne permettrai pas quHl vienne. (that he come). c. After verbs of thinking and believing when they are used negatively or interrogatively. I do not believe (that) he is right. Je ne crois pas qiiil ait raison. Do you think (that) he is coming ? Croyez-vous quHl vienne t When these verbs are affirmative, the indicative is used in the object clause. I think he is coming. Je crois quHl vient. Note i. If the speaker expresses himself as certain in his own mind that the matter referred to is a fact, the indicative is used. She does not believe that her father Elle ne croit pas que son pere est is dead (but I know he is). mort. Note 2. After verbs of knowing and saying the indicative may be used in nearly all cases. Did you say that he had come ? Avez-vous dit quHl itait venn ? Note 3. Verbs of doubting and denying, since in their affirmative sense they amount respectively to interrogative and negative verbs of be- lieving, likewise require the subjunctive in a following dependent clause. I doubt whether (that) he will come. Je doute qiSil vienne. I deny that he is faithful. Je nie qu'il soitfidele. 305. Pleonastic ne. In the following constructions the subjunctive in an object clause is accompanied by ne, which is not to be translated : OBJECT AND ADJECTIVE CLAUSES 363 a. After affirmative verbs of fearing and equivalent expressions. I fear that he will come. Je crains quHl ne vienne. I do not fear that he will come. Je ne crains pas qu'il vie?me. I fear that he will not come. Je crains qu'il ne vienne pas. I am going away lest (for fear Je m'en vais de crainte qu'il ne that) he (will) come. vienne. b. After negative or interrogative verbs of doubting and de7tying and equivalent expressions. I do not doubt that he will come. Je ne doute pas qu'il ne vienne. c. After empecher, to prevent (which is followed by the subjunctive in accordance with Sec. 304, b). He prevented John from coming. 77 a empeche que Jean ne vint. Note. Ne is also used in a clause after an affirmative comparative. Sheismorebeautifulthanshethinks. Elle est plus belle qu'elte ne (te) pense. 306. Adjective Clauses. The subjunctive is used in ad- jective clauses (those introduced by a relative pronoun) a. When the antecedent is modified by a superlative or a word of similar restrictive meaning, such as seul, premier, etc. It is the best book I have read. Cest le meitteur livre quej'aie lu. He is the only man I know Cest le seul homme que je con- here. naisse id. b. When the antecedent is something desired or hoped for. Buy me a house which is (may Achetez-moi u?ie maiso?i qui soit be) beautiful. belle. I want some fruit that is better Je veux des Jruits qui soient than his. meilleurs que les siens. Note. When the antecedent is definite, the indicative is used. He bought me a house which is Ilm'aacheteunemaisonquiestbelle. beautiful. 3^4 ELEMENTARY FRENCH IDIOMATIC FORMS AND PHRASES en avance, ahead of time 6tre Men aise, to be glad beaucoup de monde, many people monter en voiture, to get into a etre fach6, be sorry carriage douter que, to doubt that prendre un billet, to get a ticket (whether) billet de premiere classe, first-class ticket Drill EXERCISE i . Translate into French - I am sure he is here I fear he is dead I fear I am sick I shall ask for a ticket I shall ask him to leave I want him to stay I wanted to stay I think it is cold 2. Translate into French - I shall prevent Mary from writing she writes better than I thought it is the best seat in the theater it is the best seat I could find I took all the tickets I could get he has a carriage that is new find me a seat that is not occupied I do not think it is cold do you think it is cold ? I think I am wrong I know you are wrong I doubt whether he has arrived I deny that he said so he permitted the child to get up he permitted himself to get up I want a seat that is more com- fortable he has the seat that is most comfortable I prevented him from falling she is older than I thought she is younger than I 3. Insert the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses. Then rewrite, putting the main verbs in a past tense. Je veux qu'il (venir). J'ai peur qu'il ne (£tre) pas k temps. Je ne crois pas qu'il (avoir) recu ma lettre. II lui faut (se depecher). OBJECT AND ADJECTIVE CLAUSES 365 C'est le seul medecin qui me (plaire). II empeche que ses malades ne (mourir). Croirez-vous .qu'il me (faire) (se coucher) ? Je doute qu'il (pouvoir) me (guerir). Au moins, qu'il ne me (tuer) pas ! Model Le Depart Le jour de mon depart est arrive. Je viens de fermer ma malle a clef. Je suis content que mes preparatifs soient enfin finis. J'aurais bien voulu que ma malle fut un peu plus grande, mais comme il me semble que c'est la meilleure que j'aie, je ne regrette pas de l'avoir employee. II faut que je fasse venir la voiture. Jean, dites au cocher qu'il vienne me chercher a trois heures et demie. Je ne crois pas qu'il soit occupe a cette heure- la. Quand il viendra, je doute qu'il puisse porter la malle tout seul. Aidez-le a la mettre dans sa voiture. Je suis fache que mon ami n'ait pu (Sec. 330) se decider a m'accompagner. Ses affaires empechent qu'il ne vienne. II craignait que nous ne restions partis trop longtemps. C'est dommage que ses affaires le retien- nent ainsi. A l'heure du depart je monterai en voiture. Je ne crois pas qu'il faille plus d'une demi-heure pour aller a la gare. La, je descendrai de voiture et j'irai au guichet chercher mon billet. II faut quelquefois qu'on attende son tour, mais je doute qu'il y ait beaucoup de monde qui voyage main tenant. II vaudra mieux, je crois, que je demande un billet de premiere classe, parce que je veux une place qui soit confortable. Apres me l'etre procure il faudra que je fasse enregistrer mes bagages, et si je suis encore en avance, j'irai dans la salle d'attente, ou je m'assierai quelques minutes si je pourrai trouver un siege qui ne soit pas occupe'. Theme I told John to go and get me the carriage. It will be here at a quarter past four. If I have sent for it at that hour, it is because I believe that the coachman is not busy. When he comes, it will be necessary for John to help him carry my trunk to the 366 ELEMENTARY FRENCH carriage. I feared that my trunk would not be large enough, and I am very glad that everything could go in (enter) it. I have just locked it. I am going to leave alone. I had asked a friend of mine to come with me. He hoped he would be able to accom- pany me, and he regretted that his business prevented him from coming. I wish (should have wished) his business permitted him to take a vacation, for Henry is the best friend that I have. When the hour of departure comes, one gets into a carriage to go to the station. It is necessary to leave early if one has not bought one's ticket, because there are often people at the ticket-window who are waiting for their turn. One must not arrive at the station at the last minute if one fears there will be too many people. " Did you say you would accompany me to the station ? Would it not be better for me to buy a first-class ticket ? " " Yes, if you fear there will not be enough seats in the second class, for those of (the) first class are not the only ones which are good." For my part (as for me) I doubt whether the first-class ones are much more comfortable than the second. When one is ahead of time, one sits down in the waiting-room if one can find a seat which is not occupied, but only after having procured one's ticket and after having had one's baggage checked. Oral i. Que fait-on si Ton ne veut pas marcher jusqu'a la gare? 2. A quel endroit de la gare allez-vous chercher votre billet? 3. Faut-il qu'on attende son tour s'il y a du monde? 4. Oil va-t-on pour attendre l'arrivee du train? 5. Quel est le meilleur livre que vous ayez jamais lu ? 6. Seriez-vous bien aise de trouver un maitre qui puisse vous enseigner le francais en deux semaines ? 7. Semble-t-il que cela soit possible? 8. Croyez-vous qu'il fasse beau cet apres-midi? 9. Que faut-il qu'on fasse pour savoir sa lecon ? 1 o. Vos maitres permettent-ils que vous parliez anglais en classe ? 1 1. De crainte de quoi prenez-vous un parapluie ? 12. La OBJECT- AND ADJECTIVE CLAUSES 367 ville de New-York n'est-elle pas la plus grande qui soit aux £tats- Unis? 13. Croyez-vous qu'il faille moins de cinq jours pour aller de New- York a Paris? 14. N'ai-je pas dit que le subjonctif s'employait apres vouloir que? 15. Votre maitre empeche-t-il que vous ne parliez a vos voisins ? Resume 1. I wish that my father would send me some money. 2. Are you surprised that my preparations are not yet finished ? 3. May she be always happy and beloved. 4. He did not doubt that his friend betrayed him, but he did not speak of it. 5. I know that he would send for a carriage if I wanted one. 6. Her sister has the largest trunk I have ever seen. 7. I desire him to learn only the last two lessons. 8. May God fill your life with peace. 9. I do not think he has more books than I. 10. Go get us a carriage that we shall like. it. I fear that he will not know me. 12. I re- gretted very much that I did not have my trunk checked. 13. He prevented my father from stopping for fear that he would arrive at the station too late. 14. She and I doubt whether he knows what he is saying. 15. This is the only verb in the lesson that is in the (au) subjunctive. 16. If we must go away, let us be good friends. 17. He asked me how I could do without a first-class ticket. 18. I shall not permit you to stay in the waiting-room any longer. 19. The class must leam tomorrow's lesson better. 20. It was not possible for him to find a seat that was more comfortable. 368 ELEMENTARY FRENCH LESSON FIFTY-THREE THE SUBJUNCTIVE IN ADVERBIAL CLAUSES 307. Adverbial Clauses. The subjunctive is used in the following adverbial clauses : a. In clauses of concession or proviso. These are intro- duced by bien que, although sans que, without that quoique, although suppose* que, supposing that pourvu que, provided that a moins que, unless I did not see him although he Je neVai pas vu quoiqu'il fiitici. was here. He will come provided that it is // viendra pourvu qu'il ne fasse not cold. pasfroid. Note. In a clause introduced by a moins que the subjunctive is accompanied by ne. Compare Sec. 305. He will come unless it is cold. //viendra a moins qu'il ne fasse froid. b. In clauses of doubtful time. These are introduced by avant que, before, jusqu'a ce que, tintil, etc. I will start before it is cold. Jepartirai avant qu'il fasse froid. They will not work until I come. fls ne travailleront pas jusqu'a ce queje vienne. c. In clauses of purpose. These are introduced by pour que or afin que, in order that. I give you the book in order Je vous donne le livre afin que that you may read it. vous le lisiez. d. In clauses introduced by an indefinite relative pronoun or adjective, such as qui que, whoever, quoi que (pron.) or quel que (adj.), whatever. THE SUBJUNCTIVE IN ADVERBIAL CLAUSES 369 I will speak to him whoever he Je lui parlerai qui qu'il soit. may be. I will speak to him whatever he Je lui parlerai quoi qu'il fasse. may do. I will speak to him whatever be Je lui parlerai quelle que soit his native land. sa patrie. 308. Unreal Conditions. In conditions contrary to fact the subjunctive (imperfect or pluperfect) may be used in either clause or in both clauses. This use is rather infre- quent in ordinary style. Its most common occurrence is in conditions expressed by an inversion and not by si. If he had come, I should not S'/7 fitt venu,Je nefusse pas reste. have stayed. Were he here, I should be glad Fut-it id, J' en serais bien aise. (of it). 309. Infinitives and Subjunctives. In the following cases where the rules of this lesson and those of the preceding require the subjunctive, the infinitive is generally used instead : a. In most of the constructions of Sees. 304 and 307 if the subject of the dependent clause is the same as the subject of the main clause. b. In the constructions of Sec. 303 if the subject of the dependent clause is the person to whose standpoint the impersonal verb or expression refers. The contrast in these constructions is shown in the parallel columns below : I must eat before I start, it me I must eat before he starts, il me faut manger avant de partir. faut manger avant qu y il parte. I want to read, je veux lire. I want him to read, je veux qu'il Use. 370 ELEMENTARY FRENCH I came in order to eat, je suis venu {pour) manger. It is important to him to be here, il ltd est importa7it d'etre id. I came that he might eat, je suis venu pour qu'il mangeat. It is important to him for me to be here, il lui est impoiiant que je sois id. Note. The infinitive in these cases is introduced (if by anything) by a preposition and not by a conjunction. Observe the following list of conjunctions and the corresponding prepositions, their forms being similar but not identical. Conjunction (used with subjunctive) before in order that (to) until without avant que pour que, ajiu que jusqu'a ce que sans que Preposition (used with infinitive) avant de pour, a fin de jusqifh IDIOMATIC FORMS AND PHRASES une feuille de papier, a sheet of coiffer, to fix the hair paper etre press£, to be busy s'appreter a, to get ready to D .„ EXERCISE i. Translate the following expressions into French after il viendra : because it is cold although it is cold when it is cold unless it is cold before it is cold as soon as it is cold if it is not cold to see if it is cold in order that he may not catch cold provided that it is cold in spite of the cold until it is cold where it is cold whatever he has whoever is with him THE SUBJUNCTIVE IN ADVERBIAL CLAUSES 371 2. Translate into French — I will tell him, whoever he be I ran in order to escape I will buy it, whatever it is he would not sing unless I sang I will return, whatever be the he ran as if he were afraid road had he fallen, I should have fallen 3. Translate into French — before the war until noon before the house until he comes before he comes without a friend before starting without spending in order to work without his seeing me in order that he may work unless he comes 4. Insert the correct verb forms. Then rewrite, putting the main verbs in a past tense. II ira quoiqu'il ne le (vouloir) pas. II restera si nous le (vouloir). II dinera ici pourvu que nous le (recevoir) bien. II aura peur de (arriver) tard. II aura peur que nous (arriver) tard. II nous visitera avant que je (s'en aller). II viendra parce qu'il (vouloir) nous (voir). II restera pour que ses amis le (voir). II parlera jusqu'a ce que nous (avoir) sommeil. Model Hugo et le Coiffeur Quelquefois, e'crit le journaliste, je rencontrais M. Victor Hugo chez le coiffeur Brassier. Un jour je dis a Brassier : « Eh bien ! l'ouvrage va-t-il? — Parfaitement, monsieur. Qa va trop bien meme. A moins que nous ne nous de'pechions, je ne sais pas comment mes garcons et moi nous nous tirerons d'affaire aujour- d'hui. Voici une liste de trente dames qu'il faut que nous coiffions. Quoi qu'il arrive, elles devront etre coiffees avant que six heures aient sonne. » Quelques jours apres je revins chez Brassier. « Et vos trente dames de l'autre jour ? — II ne m'a pas ete possible 372 ELEMENTARY FRENCH d'en coiffer plus de la moitie. Et cela a cause de M. Victor Hugo. Quelques instants apres votre depart, il entra chez moi, et avant que j'eusse eu le temps de me retourner, il se posta dans ce fauteuil pour que je lui fasse la barbe. Je m'appretais a le raser, lorsque lui, d'un geste brusque, m'abaissa mon bras et me dit d'attendre. II prit un crayon de sa poche et fouilla dans celles de son habit sans y trouver ce qu'il cherchait. Enfin il vit une feuille de papier sur cette commode, s'en saisit et se mit a ecrire. Moi, bien que je fusse presse, j'attendais qu'il eut fini. Apres avoir attendu longtemps je me hasardai a lui dire que j'etais presse, mais lui, l'esprit occupe', se leva et s'en alia sans se faire raser. Mes- sieurs, dis-je a mes garcons, il faut que vous vous rendiez aux adresses que je vais vous donner. Nous cherchames la liste sans que personne put la trouver. C'etait ma liste que Hugo avait emportee. — Allons, mon brave Brassier. " Calmez-vous. Suppo- sons que ce morceau de papier ne se f (it pas trouve la pour que le poete put y inscrire le resultat de son inspiration, la poesie francaise y aurait perdu de fort beaux vers. Vous avez 6te ce jour-la le collaborates de M. Victor Hugo. » Theme Mr. Brassier, (a) hairdresser, was one day the collaborator of Victor Hugo without the latter's suspecting it, and that because of a piece of paper which, if it had not been found there, would have prevented the poet from writing the result of his inspiration. This inspiration, however, cost (to) Brassier the loss of about fifteen customers. This is how : Let us suppose that we are at the hair- dresser's. Mr. Hugo comes in (there) to have the hairdresser shave him. Without anybody's inviting him to sit down in front of the bureau, he sits down in an armchair and waits until the hair- dresser is ready. Although the latter is very busy, he approaches the armchair and gets ready to shave the poet. Before the hair- dresser is able to set to work, Hugo takes out a pencil from his VICTOR HUGO Victor Hugo, genie litteraire de premier ordre, qui naquit a Besancon en 1802 et mourut a Paris en 1885, se fit remarquer comme romancier, drama- turge, poete lyrique, critique, et aussi comme satiriste politique. II devint extremement populaire parmi le peuple, pour l'avoir compris et chante ses tristesses et ses joies. II devint, pour ainsi dire, le champion du genre humain. Quoique les critiques trouvent beaucoup de d^fauts dans son ceuvre, il fut en Europe un des grands ecrivains du dix-neuvieme siecle. II est connu des Americans surtout par son roman Les Misirables 374 ELEMENTARY FRENCH pocket. Then he searches in those of his coat in order to find there what he needs. The hairdresser waits until he has finished. Hugo, not finding what he is looking for, takes a sheet of paper which he sees on the bureau and begins to write. " Unless he finishes soon," says the barber to himself, " I shall never fix the hair of all my customers." At last he ventures to say to Hugo that he is in a hurry. The latter, his mind occupied, goes out then before being shaved. After the poet's departure, Brassier looks for the list of addresses of his customers, but without finding it. Mr. Hugo had taken it with him. Oral i. Pouvez-vous repeter l'anecdote bien qu'elle soit un peu longue ? 2. Les eleves peuvent-ils savoir leur lecon a moins d'etudier beaucoup ? 3. A quelle condition la sauront-ils ? (Pourvu que . . .) 4. Suppose qu'on vous invite a aller en France cet ete, accepteriez-vous ? 5. Vous laisserait-on voyager sans que vous eussiez votre billet ? 6. Ne viendriez-vous pas ici demain a moins que vous ne fussiez malade ? 7. Venez-vous a l'ecole avant que vos parents vous aient donne votre dejeuner ? 8. Jusqu'a quand resterez- vous ici? 9. Allez-vous dehors quelque temps qu'il fasse? 10. Ne craignez-vous pas d'avoir froid si vous sortez sans etre assez couvert ? 1 1 . A quelle heure partez-vous de chez vous afin d'arriver ici a l'heure ? 12. fitudierez-vous le francais jusqu'a ce que vous le parliez bien? 13. Commencons-nous les exercices avant que le maitre ait explique la lecon ? 14. Aviez-vous deja etudie le francais avant de venir ici? 15. Etes-vous bien aise d'avoir fini cette derniere lecon ? Resume 1. The pupils will work until they finish the whole lesson. 2. What poet is not forgotten although he died many years ago ? 3. I ought to go to town, but shall not go unless it is fine. 4. Had Hugo not taken the list, the barber would have been able to keep REVIEW, LESSONS L-LIII 375 all his promises. 5. This is the best grammar that I have ever used, isn't it ? 6. He has just come in, but he must go out again at once. 7. Whoever they may be, I shall not let them enter the town. 8. We do not expect to go to the hairdresser's unless it is fine. 9. They hope to go to the theater tonight provided they have money enough. 10. My father refused to let me go out although I had finished writing my exercises. 11. His mother would never permit the teacher to punish him whatever he might do. 12. He tried to write a poem without the barber's knowing it. 13. We are anxious to arrive home before it is too cold. 14. It is necessary for him to study his lesson before going to class. 15. My parents are not to return from their vacation until snow falls. 16. Were days longer, it would be possible for me to do more. 17. He is afraid I am sick, and I am afraid he is sick. 18. Hadst thou been here, my brother would not have died. 19. Whoever he be, I will speak to him in French. 20. I fear that there are some pupils here who cannot yet write (the) French easily. REVIEW (Lessons Fifty to Fifty-three) A. General Drill 1 . Name five verbs that govern an infinitive directly ; five that require de ; five that require a. 2. What form of the verb is used as the object of a preposition ? Illustrate. 3. Give French sentences containing respectively (a) a present participle without agreement ; (b) a present participle which agrees ; (c) a past participle without agreement ; (d) a past participle which agrees. 376 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 4. Give sentences containing an infinitive ' preceded by pour ; a ; sans ; de ; apres ; d' ; pas ; par ; fais ; vais ; vois ; vous ; en. 5. When is the subjunctive used in a principal clause? Illustrate. 6. Give the first person singular of the present subjunc- tive of aller, etre, finir, craindre, croire, avoir, faire, prendre, vouloir, mener, tenir, savoir, sauver, dire, devoir, vendre. 7. How is the tense of the subjunctive in a subordinate clause determined ? 8. What is an impersonal verb ? What construction follows ? 9. Give four impersonal verbs or phrases. 10. When is the subjunctive used in relative clauses? Illustrate. 1 1 . What is the construction after although ? unless ? until ? in order that ? in order to ? becatise ? Illustrate each. 12. Give the cases where ne is used and not translated. 13. Give French sentences containing — tout en avant jusqu'a pendant que pour avant de quand a moins que pour que avant que lorsque mette car devant pendant fit 14. Complete these sentences : je suis bien aise que vous il avait peur que je je suis bien aise de je ne doutais pas que les fruits je veux qu'il il fallait que mon ami — — je sais que la maison c'est un plus grand pays que c'est le plus grand pays que il m'aime bien que s'il fait beau je le veux, quoi que je jouais tandis que vous - REVIEW, LESSONS L-LIII 377 15. Translate into French — I forbid him to come I shall finally remain I shall prevent him from coming I gave up remaining I think he will do it he told me to remain I thought he would do it can you not remain ? do you think he will do it ? I think I know her I started before it snowed I think he knows her I shall start before it snows I shall not try to fall I wish to remain I shall try not to fall I fear to remain may it be warm I like to remain when shall we finish this lesson ? I came in order to remain we should finish the book B. Translate into French 1. I fear that he will never learn to read and write. 2. I shall not go down until it ceases to rain. 3. While she was running to school, she almost fell in the street. 4. Buy me an umbrella that is more useful than this one. 5. Let us stay in the country, where we are this summer. 6. My brother must have a new coat made. before his best friend comes. 7. France is more beautiful than I thought. 8. Would you like this English grammar ? It is the best that I have ever used. 9. They came to France in order to see her, but she had already started for the seashore. 10. He prefers to write nothing while he is in the country. 1 1. Let us hope it will be fine when we start for Europe. 12. I feared that he would not introduce her to me, although I asked him to. 13. My father has given my sister many books, and I should have given her some too if she had asked me for them. 14. I did not make him go out, but I permitted him to remain where he was. 15. If he must go away, let him go away, and may God be with him. 16. Try to prevent him from coming, if you can. 17. They fear you may all believe it. 18. I was told that you wanted some one to come. 19. Did you fear we would never finish the book ? 20. Long live the French language ! 378 ELEMENTARY FRENCH LESSON FIFTY-FOUR SUPPLEMENTARY - INFLECTION 310. Supplementary Lessons. Certain matters which prop- erly fall within the province of elementary French, but which have not been included in the preceding sections, are now presented in three supplementary lessons. 311. Irregular Plurals. Supplementary to Sees. 76, 93, and 96. a. The following nouns ending in al form their plural by adding s : bal, ball carnaval, carnival narval, narwhal cal, callosity chacal, jackal regal, feast b. The following nouns ending in ail form their plural by adding s : detail, detail eventa.il, fan portail, portal e'pouvantail, bugbear gouvernail, rudder serail, seraglio c. The plurals of words ending in au, eu, and ou may be sum- marized as follows : nouns and adjectives in au, nouns in eu, and seven nouns (Sec. 93) in ou form the plural by adding x. Note. A few unusual irregular plurals are grouped on page 428. 312. Irregular Feminines. Supplementary to Sec. 103. c. For the feminine of adjectives ending in e, f, and x, see Sec. 103, a, b, c. &. Adjectives ending in eur in the masculine usually change eur to euse ; but majeur, major, mineur, minor, meilleur, better, and all adjectives in erieur form their feminine by adding e. Examples: flatteur,/*. fl&tteusQ, flattering ; exterieur. f. extSrieure, outer. SUPPLEMENTARY — INFLECTION 379 c. Adjectives ending in er in the masculine terminate in the feminine in ere ; a few in et (namely, complet, complete ; concret, concrete, discret, discreet, inquiet, anxious, replet, fat, secret, secret) terminate in the feminine in ete. The addition of the grave accent is in order to comply with the rule of French euphony by which a word may not end in two mute syllables. Examples : cher, f. chere ; complet, f. complete. d. Many adjectives ending in a single consonant preceded by a vowel double the final consonant on the addition of the mute e. The following, and some others of similar termination, fall under this rule : e*pais, thick gentil, pretty gras,fat gros, big italien, Italian moyen, middle e. The following unclassified list of adjectives presents special irregularities : ancien, aficient bas, low bon, good cadet, younger chretien, Christian cruel, cruel net, clear nul, no pareil, similar sot, foolish sujet, subject vermeil, vermilion Masculine Feminine aigu aigue. sharp ambigu ambigue ambiguous beau, bel belle beautiful blanc blanche white bref breve short caduc caduque infirm coi coite quiet doux douce sweet expres expresse express faux fausse false * favori favorite favorite fou, fol folle crazy 38o ELEMENTARY FRENCH Masculine Feminine frais fraiche fresh franc franche frank grec grecque Greek jumeau jumelle twin long longue long malin maligne sly mou, mol molle soft nouveau, nouvel nouvelle new public publique public roux rousse red sec seche dry tiers tierce third traitre traitresse treacherous turc turque Turkish vieux, vieil vieille old 313. Additional Irregular Verbs. Supplementary to Lessons Forty-Three to Forty-Nine. a, AcquSrir, to acquire, acqu^rant, acquis, acquiers, acquis. Pres. Ind. j 'acquiers tu acquiers il acquiert Fut. j'acquerrai ' Pres. Subj. j'acquiere tu acquieres il acquiere nous acquerons vous acquerez ils acquierent nous acquerions vous acqueriez ils acquierent Similarly, compounds of querir. b. Assaillir, to assail, assaillant, assailli, assaille, assaillis. Similarly, tressaillir, to be startled. C. Bouillir, to boil, bouillant, bouilli, bous, bouillis. d. Cueillir, to gather, cueillant, cueilli, cueille, cueillis. Fut. je cueillerai, not je cueillirai. SUPPLEMENTARY — INFLECTION 38 1 e. Faillir, to fail, faillant, failli, faux, faillis. Note. Many forms of this verb are not in use. /. Fuir, to flee, fuyant, fui, fuis, fuis. g. Hair, to hate, haissant, hai, hais, hais. Note. There is no diaeresis in the singular of the present indicative or imperative. ' h, Vetir, to clothe, vetant, vetu, vets, vetis. 1. Mouvoir, to move, mouvant, mu (/. mue), meus, mus. Fut. je mouvrai Pres. Subj. je meuve nous mouvions tu meuves vous mouviez il meuve ils meuvent Note. There is no accent in the past participle of compounds of mouvoir. /. Pleuvoir, to rain, pleuvant, plu, il pleut, il plut. Fut. il pleuvra Note. Pleuvoir is an impersonal verb. k. Pourvoir, to provide, pourvoyant, pourvu, pourvois, pourvus. /. Battre, to beat, battant, battu, bats, battis. m. Conclure, to conclude, concluant, conclu, conclus, conclus. n, Coudre, to sew, cousant, cousu, couds, cousis. 0. Croitre, to grow, croissant, cru (/. crue), crois, crus. p. Maudire, to curse, maudissant, maudit, maudis, maudis. q. Moudre, to grind, moulant, moulu, mouds, moulus. r. Resoudre, to resolve, solve, resolvant, r6solu, r6sous, r^solus. 5. Rire, to laugh, riant, ri, ris, ris. t, Sumre, to be sufficient, suffisant, sum, sufBs, suffis. 1/. Vaincre, to conquer, defeat, vainquant, vaincu, vaincs, vainquis. 382 ELEMENTARY FRENCH IDIOMATIC FORMS AND PHRASES combattre, to fight se r^soudre a, to be resolved to s'Smouvoir de, to be stirred by (se) rire de, to laugh at j'ai failli partir, I nearly started (failed to start) je faillis tomber, I almost fell (came near falling) EXERCISE i. My favorite sister was suddenly assailed by some soldiers. 2. A dog barked and the Italian woman was very much startled. 3. Girls carry fans to balls. 4. The twin sisters have been gather- ing flowers for half an hour. 5. The armies of today are clothed better than the ancient (ones). 6. I, at least, will not flee. 7. They often give feasts to the Turkish women in the seraglios. 8. She is discreet and works well and will acquire much money. 9. The water is boiling; now we will drink some tea. 10. Those who are treacherous always hate their friends. 11. I am glad it is raining now, because everything is extremely dry. 12. When we are hungry again, who will provide us with good things ? 13. The whole country has been stirred by this complete victory. 14. The English will learn the details of the battle. 15. The peaches on the trees are growing every day. 16. She was sewing secretly to make a present for her husband. 17. The Turkish army does not fight better than the Greek. 18. Go away and be resolved to become a man. 19. They are to fight tomorrow; will they defeat the Italians ? 20. They will conclude peace this evening, and this city will no longer be subject to the king. 21. The sailors were cursing because the vessels had lost their rudders. 22. That sly girl is laughing at me now. 23. Are not two carnivals a year too many ? 24. He almost fell at the outer door. 25. He was grind- ing the wheat in order to make fresh bread. 26. Their sharp voices made me flee into my quiet room. 27. Your younger sister heard what I said ; that is sufficient. SUPPLEMENTARY — ARTICLES, PRONOUNS 383 LESSON FIFTY-FIVE SUPPLEMENTARY - ARTICLES, PRONOUNS 314. Apposition. The definite and indefinite articles are omitted before nouns used in apposition merely to add, in pass- ing, an incidental fact or a causal relation. Compare Sec. 121. Paris, the capital of France, Paris, capitate de la Frafice the Seine, a river of France, la Seine, fleuve de la France (Being) a soldier, he loves war. Soldat, il aime la guerre. However, if the function of the appositive is to distinguish or define, the article is used. My best friend, John's brother, Mon meilleur ami, le frere de is here. Jean, est ici. 315. Article with Names of Relatives. The definite article is used in familiar style when one speaks of his relatives. Compare Sec. 120, a. Uncle Peter is here. L'oncle Pierre est ici. 316. Partitive Idioms. Supplementary to Sec. 116. a. After bien, much, many, and la plupart, {the) most, the partitive construction (de with the article) is used before a dependent noun, rather than de alone, which is the usage after the other adverbs of quantity (Sec. 113). bien des hommes, many men la plupart des hommes, most men b. When a succession of nouns used partitively becomes a mere list or enumeration, the partitive sign (de with the article) is omitted. We have here bread, meat, apples, Nous avons ici pain, viande, wine. pommes, vin. 384 ELEMENTARY FRENCH c. Quelque, some (or a) little, some (or a) few, expresses a more limited quantity than de. quelque argent, some (or a) little money de V argent, some money quelques pommes, some (or a) few apples des pommes, some apples 317. Disjunctive Pronouns. Further uses of the disjunc- tives, not mentioned in Sec. 178, are a. With a to express an indirect object accompanying a direct object pronoun other than le, la, les. He will introduce me to him. // me presentera a lui. He will introduce you to us. // vous presentera a nous. But, He will introduce her to them. // la leur presentera. b. Together with a conjunctive subject or object pronoun for emphasis. I am here. » Moi, je suis ici. Henry insulted me. Henri m'a insulte, moi. He is here. Lui est ici. Observe that the disjunctive subject lui may stand alone without a conjunctive form. 318. En with Possessive Force. En is regularly used for its (or their) when the word modified by its is a direct object or is the subject or predicate of etre. Vosvilles sont belles; j'en aime Your cities are beautiful; I like les jolis jardins. their pretty gardens J'aime Paris; les rues en sont I love Paris; its streets (the belles. streets of it) are beautiful SUPPLEMENTARY — ARTICLES, PRONOUNS 385 319. Of mine, etc. Phrases like of mine, of yours, etc. are expressed in French in two ways, depending on the thought. A friend of mine told me so. Un de mes amis me Va dit. John is a friend of mine. Jean est mon ami. 320. His and Her, Whenever, to avoid ambiguity, it is necessary to distinguish between his and her, recourse is had to the disjunctive. his garden, son jar din a lui her garden, sonjardin a elle 321. Lequel is the relative that must be used a. As the object of the prepositions entre, between, and parmi, among, even if they refer to persons. my friends, among whom I count you, mes amis, parmi lesquels je vous compte b, As the object of de, instead of dont, to express whose when the modified noun is itself the object of a preposition, the man to whose son I speak, Vhomme aufils duquel je parte 322. Ou after Prepositions. D'ou, from where, whence, from which, and par ou, through which, are often used instead of duquel, par lequel, etc. la maison d'ou ils sont venus, the house whence they came la ville par ou nous sommes venus, the city through which we have come D'ou venez-vous ? Where do you come from ? 323. Compound Interrogative Pronouns. Instead of the simple forms qui, que, quoi, interrogative phrases of the type of qu'est-ce qui in Sec. 211 are very frequently used. These phrases consist of est-ce preceded by an interrogative pronoun and followed by a relative. In determining the proper form of these, the regular rules of Lessons Thirty-Three and Thirty-Five apply. 386 ELEMENTARY FRENCH The phrase qu'est-ce qui in the French for what is grow- ing there (Sec. 211) means in full what is it that. What, being an interrogative pronoun in the predicate nominative, becomes que (qu') ; that, being a subject relative, becomes qui. The predicate nominatives who and what are usually still further developed, as shown below, an extra que introducing the real subject. Who is doing that? (Who is it that is doing that ?) Who is this man ? (Who is it that it is, namely, this man ?) Whom did you find ? (Who is it that you found ?) Of whom are you speaking? (Of whom is it that you are speaking ?) What is this thing ? (What is it that it is, namely, this thing ?) What is that ? (What is it that it is, namely, that ?) What is your father doing ? (What is it that your father is doing ?) Of what are you speaking ? (Of what is it that you are speak- ing ?) Qui est-ce qui fait cela ? Qui est-ce que c'est que cet homme ? Qui est-ce que vous avez trouve ? De qui est-ce que vous parlez ? Qu'est-ce que c'est que cette chose f Qu'est-ce que c'est que cela ? Qu'est-ce que voire p ere fait ? De quoi est-ce que vous parlez ? 324. Soi, ones self, itself, is a sort of disjunctive reflex- ive of the third person, rarely used except after prepositions in general statements. On ne doit pas penser a soi. One ought not to think of himself. But in a specific case the intensive form is used. Jean ne doit pas penser a lui- fohn ought ?iot to thi?ik of him- meme. self. SUPPLEMENTARY — ARTICLES, PRONOUNS 387 325. Reciprocal Pronouns. The plural reflexive pronouns are often used to denote reciprocal action. To distinguish this from the reflexive use, l'un Pautre, the one the other, in the case of two persons, or les uns les autres, the ones the others, in the case of more than two, is often added. We love each other. Nous nous aimons. They (two) love each other. 77s s'aiment l'un I'autre. They (several) flatter one another. J7s seflattent les uns les autres. They (two) are giving presents Us se donnent des cadeaux l'un to each other. a I'autre. IDIOMATIC WORDS AND PHRASES ne . . . aucun(e), no one, no ma propre plume, my own pen un autre, another, a different nous autres soldats, we soldiers encore un, another, one more de quoi manger, something to eat que f aire ? what 's to be done ? il n'y a pas de quoi, it 's not worth mentioning a l'heure qu'il est, at the present time EXERCISE 1. His brother, an English soldier, is here. 2. Most cities are on large rivers. 3. He has some watches and a few jewels. 4. John insulted him ; what 's to be done ? 5. This little child is a brother of his. 6. Of whose brother are you speaking ? 7. The painter, of whose picture I am talking, has just died. 8. Let us praise each other, but let us not praise ourselves. 9. No teacher can teach his own children. 10. London, the capital of England, is the largest city in the world. 1 1. Uncle William, who lives near us, was intro- duced to you. 12. If you speak to him, he will introduce you to me. 13. I have only a few pieces of it; give me another. 14. All these children love one another. 15. Have you been in the city long ? Do you like its stores ? 16. What is that ? Didn't you hear 388 ELEMENTARY FRENCH it? 17. She was traveling among the Greeks. 18. Of what did the poet write ? Of what country? 19. Does she sew all the time ? That is another story. 20. My own friend, your younger cousin, said so (it). 21. Will you not introduce me to her? 22. Is there a friend here? Yes, he is here. 23. The house is pretty, but its windows are very small. 24. Were not he and she in his garden ? 25. I too had just left the city from which he came. 26. Who is it that you saw in the Greek city? 27. One ought not to love him- self more than others. 28. Don't thank us ; it 's not worth men- tioning. 29. At the present time he has most of the money. 30. We pupils cannot learn everything. 3 1 . Every one works for himself. 32. A neighbor of his provided him with what he needed, meat, potatoes, bread, milk, and sugar. ^^. Another man would have paid her another franc for her flowers. 34. What are the two rivers between which this city is built? 35. Who are these children? Where did they all come from ? LESSON FIFTY-SIX SUPPLEMENTARY - WORD ORDER, ETC. 326. Position of Adjectives. Specific preliminary direc- tions for the position of descriptive adjectives were given in Sees. 99, 100. Some insight into the underlying prin- ciples is now desirable. a. Adjectives that distinguish an object from others of its group (or a subgroup from a larger group) follow the noun. Adjectives that add a quality which the judgment or emotion of the speaker leads him to mention tend to precede. un cheval blanc, a white horse (not black) la blanche neige, the white snow (which I admire) la ville anglaise, an English city (tells its nationality) Pillustre Hugo, the famous Hugo (as men esteem him) SUPPLEMENTARY — WORD ORDER, ETC. 389 b. Adjectives whose meaning regularly brings them after the noun include (1) those denoting color, shape, and other physical conditions ; (2) those denoting nationality or party. une robe noire, a black dress la table ronde, the round table le parti liberal, the Liberal party c. Adjectives of participial derivation, especially past parti- ciples, are apt to have a force that causes them to follow. une fenetre ouverte, an open window des e'toiles filantes, shooting stars d. Certain adjectives of everyday use have come to pre- cede even when they distinguish. A list is given in Sec. 100. e. Adjectives used figuratively imply a judgment or opinion and therefore regularly precede. un noir caractere, a black character f. Certain adjectives differ considerably in meaning as they precede or follow. Among these are Before its Noun After its Noun brave worthy, good brave cher dear (beloved) dear (costly) dernier the last (of a series) last (just passed) grand great tall honn£te honest polite mechant poor wicked nouveau additional newly' made pauvre poor (pitiable) needy petit small, short petty, mean propre own clean seul only alone triste poor sort of sad 390 ELEMENTARY FRENCH g. Considerations of euphony, emphasis, and other influ- ences cause usages at variance with the principles men- tioned above. In particular, long adjectives and those modified by long adverbs or phrases follow. un enfant extremement joli, an extremely pretty child un fils digne de son pere, a son worthy of his father The whole matter of the position of adjectives is very idiomatic. Observation of French usage is the surest guide. 327. Position of Adverbs. Exceptions to Sec. no. a. The adverbs hier, aujourd'hui, demain, ici, la, and partout never come between the auxiliary and the past participle. II est venu hier. He came yesterday. b. Short, simple adverbs that modify an infinitive are apt to precede it. Je n'ose trop parler. I dare not speak too much. c. For rhetorical effect an adverb that modifies the verb is sometimes placed at the beginning of a sentence. Partout.il y avait des soldats. Everywhere there were soldiers. d. The negatives rien and personne, being originally nouns, may be used as the subject of a sentence. In this case they stand first in their clause, the ne having its normal position. Personne n'est ici. Nobody is here. 328. Subject after Verb. In addition to the interrogative construction, the subject follows the verb a. Regularly with verbs of saying when the quotation or a part of it precedes. "I see you," said the mother. aje te vois », dit la mere. M Come here," said he, " and sit aVenez ici», dit-il, net asseyez- down." vous.% SUPPLEMENTARY — WORD ORDER, ETC. 391 Note. In parenthetical constructions like the above the past definite is generally used, rather than the past indefinite. b. Often when an adverb or other part of the predicate precedes for rhetorical effect. Soon the son too arrived. Bientbt arriva lefils aussi. Scarcely had she entered. A peine fut-elle entree. c. Often when a relative is the object of its clause. the book that my younger brother was reading, le livre que lisait mon frere cadet I will do all that a brave man can do. Jeferaitout ce que peut f aire un homme brave. d. In the object clause in indirect questions when the subject of the clause is a noun (not a pronoun), especially when this subject has a long modifier. I don't know where the man Je ne sais pas ou est Vhomme qui who lives here is. demeure id. 329. Tout as Adverb. Tout is often used as an adverb in the sense of quite, all. It then agrees with a following feminine adjective beginning with a consonant, but not with a mascu- line adjective or a feminine one beginning with a vowel. Elles etaient toutes rouges. They were quite red (blushing). Les gar^ons sont tout pales. The boys are quite (alt) pale. Sa femme est tout aimable. His wife is very (quite) kind. 330. Omission of Negative pas. After the verbs cesser, to cease, oser, to dare, pouvoir, to be able, and savoir, to know, the pas of the negative not is very frequently omitted. Je n'ose parler. I dare not speak. 331. Que for Other Conjunctions. Que is very generally used to avoid repetition of a conjunction. The subjunctive is required when que replaces si, if. 392 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Quand vous arriverez et que vous When you come and (when you) lui parlerez. speak to him. Si vous en voulez et que j'en aie. If you want some and if I have any. 332. Si meaning yes. After an expressed or implied negation si is used for yes. You didn't say so? Yes, I did Vous nePavez pas difi Si,jeVai (say so). dit. He isn't coming ? Yes, indeed. 77 ne vient pas ? Mais si. 333. Historical Present. In animated narration in French, as in English, the present is often used instead of a past tense. II faisait froid. Le paysan met ft was cold. The peasant puts on son habit; il sort au plus vite. his coat ; he goes out as quickly as he can. 334. A, Dans, En. Among the numerous idiomatic dis- tinctions in the use of prepositions, those between a, to, at, in, dans, into, and en, in, present some difficulty. A denotes position at ; dans, position inside of ; while en forms with its object an expression equivalent to an adverb. Jean tient un livre a la main. fohn holds a book in his hand. Jean est dans sa chambre. John is in his room. II les vend en gros. He sells them wholesale (in great quantities). 335. Compound Nouns. Nouns are frequently combined by the use of de and a. a. De is used when the second noun expresses the material, place of origin, or contents of the first. une fourchette d'argent, a silver fork le fromage de Suisse, Swiss cheese un ver de terre, an earthworm un verre de vin, a glass of wine SUPPLEMENTARY — WORD ORDER, ETC. 393 Material is often, perhaps more commonly, expressed by en. une montre en or, a gold watch b. A is used when the second noun denotes the purpose, use, or means of motion of the first. un verre a rin, a wineglass un couteau a papier, a paper-knife un bateau a vapeur, a steamboat EXERCISE 1. The poor ought not to buy the dearest meats. 2. He is the only man who dares not laugh at us. 3. The two sad little girls were alone under the blue sky. 4. I almost forgot what my friend, who had just returned from Switzerland, told me. 5. He is a polite boy, a son worthy of his honest father. 6. Among the famous cities through which he traveled, the Turkish capital pleased him best. 7. I cannot praise the Christian emperor too much. 8. Who is the tall man who has a long nose ? 9. If you have many, and will sell them at wholesale, I shall buy some. 10. The wicked king had a shining gold crown on his head, a spear in his right hand. 11. Let us use the silver cup for a teacup. 12. The faithful Joan could not save her beloved France. 13. Who is it that saw the last shooting star last night? 14. The cook had an extremely pretty daughter. 15. M Do you want," he asked, M your own fork or my clean knife ? " 1 6. Most poets prefer not to live in a large city. 17. They have often visited the battlefield where many poor soldiers fell. 18. The stolen cloth was found on the steamboat. 19. He could not introduce you to me in all that crowd. 20. Hardly had he the wineglass in his hand when his host brought a gold cup. 21. Uncle John and two twin cousins of mine were in the dining-room. 22. When my father was in business, the last man that he hired was a poor sort of workman. 23. Cursing each other furiously, 394 ELEMENTARY FRENCH the sailors quickly fled. 24. I tell her not to go further; every- where wounded soldiers are dying. 25. He came yesterday, but nobody was here to receive him. 26. Never 'will I introduce you to the Italian girl of whose black eyes you wrote me. 27. The good priest lived in a white house ; he loved to see the white snow. 28. He can't read the Greek language? Yes, he can. 29. She was all pale ; the girls all pitied her. 30. M You cannot yet write French well," said the teacher. w Yes, indeed, I can," I replied. MODELES DE CORRESPONDANCE Salutations : Mon cher ami Ma chere amie Cher monsieur Chere Madame X Phrases de commencement de lettres : Je m'empresse de repondre a votre lettre du 5 courant. J'ai ete bien heureux de recevoir de vos nouvelles. Je prends la liberte de vous faire savoir que . . . Phrases defin de lettres : Bien a vous. Votre bien sincere Je vous serre cordialement la main. Recevez, monsieur, l'assurance de ma consideration distinguee. Veuillez agreer, madame, Fexpression de mes sentiments les plus devoues. Instructions : Aux soins de . . . Priere de faire suivre. Poste restante. Repondre par retour du courrier. SENTENCES FOR GENERAL REVIEW The pupil will not have all the material required for these sentences until he has completed the lessons. i. I must be in Boston tomorrow at noon. 2. You are right. I didn't come for fear that it would rain. 3. She does not believe that her mother has come. 4. I fear that you will stay longer than they want you. 5. She loves flowers so much, and these are the most beautiful I have ever seen. 6. As soon as I had gone to bed, it began to rain. 7. How long did you stay at your aunt's? I didn't know that she had come home. 8. Did you and he wait for me long ? I did not want to come too early. 9. When will your brother begin to grind that wheat? 10. We ought not to tell all we know. n. Have you not done all you can for the poor of the city? 12. I was replying to his letter when you came in and spoke to me. 13. Do you think that what you have done pleases him ? No, I don't think so. 1 4. The old horse used often to be beaten to make him work. 15. Give me back my pen when you find yours, for I need mine very often. 16. When I was young, I knew how to speak French, but now I have forgotten how (it). 17. I have only a few pictures, but a friend of mine has his house full. 18. You will have to come. A dog has bitten my hand and I can scarcely write. 19. It has snowed for several days, but I see now a little blue sky and I hope it will soon be clear. 20. We cannot get along without eating and drinking if we wish to live. 21. We have resolved not to start until it is fine. 22. He needs some money at once ; it will be better to come to him while he stays at my house. 23. I am going to tell you something which, 395 396 ELEMENTARY FRENCH I hope, will make you very happy. 24. I arose early and went to have my watch cleaned. 25. Wood is more useful than gold or silver, but it is not worth so much. 26. Nobody can prevent my father from saying what he thinks. 27. The table before which you were seated used to belong to my father many years ago. 28. When the sun rises, we will try to finish the work which we began last evening. 29. The snow has closed both the road to (of) the city and that to the mountains. 30. I saw a friend of yours on the steamboat, but she did not speak to me. 31. During the war of 1861 each army lost more than 500,000 men. 32. It was the wife of the doctor whom you know who sent me this book. 33. If you are afraid, close your eyes and give me your hand. 34. He stayed several years at my house, but I never knew whose son he was. 35. While I was at the window, I saw her approach the door. 36. I was mistaken ; it was not my keys, but my father's, which I had lost. 37. They say that you let your sick father remain alone. What were you thinking of? 38. We ought to love those who hate us, and give to those who injure us. 39. What a beautiful red flower ! Have you many in your garden ? 40. I have lived in this room for a long time, and I love it more than one would think. 41. I have just seen him, but I did not know how to tell him what I wanted. 42. This man lost more money than that one had. 43. He who has money ought to be willing to pay what he owes. 44. They are to eat at our house tomorrow if they don't have to go to the city early. 45. Nobody will know what I was think- ing of when you entered my poor room. 46. I heard that you had brought many things with you, and I came to see what you bought at Paris. 47. Don't try to do more than you can, but do well what you do. 48. He reads only Sundays, and cannot read the tenth part of the books that are given him. 49. Everybody ought to use all that God has given him, in order to be useful. 50. When you need anything, ask me for it. 51. I will hurry as SENTENCES FOR GENERAL REVIEW 397 much as I can, but I fear I shall arrive there too late. 52. " The king is dead ; long live the king," they began to exclaim. 53. When winter comes, all the leaves will die and the trees will no longer be beautiful. 54. I wish that I might see my father again. 55. If you find us a book that we like, we will get up early to read it. 56. He is leading such a life that it would be better for him to die. 57. We gather apples in autumn and keep many until spring comes. 58. It was not possible to learn what his name is. 59. I am glad that you have found my pencil ; I feared it would never be seen. 60. He was not willing to come at all, for he was afraid it would be cold. 61. I shall not go away unless it be necessary. 62. Bring me some wood that is cut easily, and I will make you a boat. 63. We came here to buy some presents, but each of us is too tired. 64. Provided he can start this evening, he will be with you tomorrow morning. 65. The victory would have been ours before night had fallen, if all the generals had not been killed. 66. Did he not almost freeze before he finished his work ? 67. Whatever you do, remember that you are a Frenchman. 68. Eat a good breakfast before starting, and you will not be cold. 69. The sol- diers ought to cover their fires and go to bed early this evening. 70. Although I pity him, I cannot give him any money, for I have none. 71. When I finish reading these books, I will send them to you. 72. Where are the oxen and the sheep that belong to me? Try to find them. 73. I shall never be able to persuade him to cease smoking. 74. As for me, I am resolved to do it, and no- body can prevent me. 75. She is to go to see him, although he refused to let her enter. 76. Peaches grow in every country where the winters are not too cold and the summers too hot and dry. 77. Let him take what he wants ; there will be enough for me. 78. 1 shall obey my father, although I expect never to see him again. 79. I will have him make the table if he can do it better than I. 80. Do you wish coffee every morning while you live at my house? MOLlfeRE Le tricentenaire de Moliere, acteur, directeur et dramaturge, est tombe le 15 Janvier 1922. On a honore sa memoire dans les theatres de France, surtout a la Comedie francaise (appelee Maison de Moliere), et aussi en Amerique. II est reconnu comme etant le plus grand auteur comique de tous les temps et de tous les pays. Parmi ses pieces les mieux connues sont VAvare, Le Bourgeois gentilhomme et Le Malade itnaginaire. Moliere a ete le peintre de la nature humaine. La plupart de ses personnages sont devenus des types imperissables. Nul n'a enrichi la langue d'autant de vers, de mots et de locutions devenues proverbes. Apres sa mort, son buste fut place dans la salle de l'Academie francaise avec cette inscription : a Rien ne manque a sa gloire ; il manquait a la notre » APPENDIX I. DRILL SENTENCES FROM COLLEGE PAPERS The following sentences are selected from college entrance examina- tion papers given within the last few years in this country. The Partitive Construction i. There are easy words and difficult ones. 2. There were many books on the table. 3. Some bread but not much meat. 4. 1 have no friends in this city, but I have some in America. 5. Do you want some coffee ? No, I do not want any. That is fortunate, for there isn't any. 6. How many letters have you received today ? We have received three. 7. He never has any pens ; he takes ours. 8. The old soldier tells the children long stories of the war. 9. If you have plenty of books, give him some and give them some too, but do not give her any. 1 o. Have you any friends in that town ? Yes, I have many there, n. You gave me some bread, but did you give her any ? 12. He has several hats, many books, a dozen cravats, and little money. 13. How many books have you there? We have more than ten. 1 4. How many brothers have you ? I have three. 15. She asked me to give her some money, but I told her I had none. 16. We have meat, potatoes, and good bread, but we have neither butter nor milk. 17. He has much money, and he gives some to these poor people. 18. Where can I buy some fine red apples ? I am told there aren't any more. 19. How many pens have you ? Give me some. I have none. Well, here are some good pens. 20. Do you say that you have some fine horses? No, I haven't any horses, but I know a man who has some. 21. W T e shall give them some meat, some good bread, and some fresh water. 399 400 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 22. I am going to ask him for some money. I have not any books. 23. Have you any paper ? If you have enough, will you not give me some? 24. We have pencils, but we have brought no pens. Will you lend me one? 25. There is no smoke without (a) fire. 26. It is true he has none, but he has money and can easily buy some. 27. He had no pens either, but he had some good pencils. 28. I bought some French books yesterday. 29. We had a great deal of snow last winter, didn't we ? 30. There we found some friends whom we had known for a long time. Agreement of the Past Participle 1. Have you received the letter which I wrote to you yesterday ? 2. The books which I have read are very interesting. 3. She has gone to the address which you had given to her. 4. She saw them at the market this morning. 5. Has he read the letter that she has written him ? 6. Our sisters have gone away ; they will be at home on Thursday. 7. The lady you saw at your aunt's yesterday has come here too. 8. Give me back the four letters which I gave you yesterday. 9. All the flowers that we had planted had per- ished. 10. They were sorry that their friends had departed. 1 1. Didn't you bring the books I saw last evening ? 12. Here are two letters I have received this morning. 13. She has cut her finger. 14. Mary and John have arrived. 15. Did she remember what I told her ? 1 6. We didn't see them at the theater last evening. 17. Why did she go downstairs a few minutes ago? 18. He is reminding me of the French lessons that he has given me. 19. That's the window he broke this afternoon. 20. I do not believe that they have arrived. Negation and Interrogation 1. I have never traveled in Europe. 2. He has neither friends nor money. 3. He has so many friends there that I think he will not stay here much longer. 4. There is never anybody at your APPENDIX 401 house. 5. Are not horses useful animals ? 6. Nobody has found her. 7. She has seen nobody. 8. Nothing has been done. 9. I told it only to my father. 10. Don't do that now. 11. Where did you see all those boys? 12. Is the Italian language difficult? 13. We shall speak to you no more. 14. Did he not speak to you of me? 15. Nobody has been forgotten. 16. I do not speak Eng- lish; I have said nothing. 17. He is no longer my friend. 18. Who is there? Nobody. 19. Nothing that he says is true; I have never said it 20. Whom have you seen today ? I have seen no one and I have done nothing at all. Personal Pronouns 1. Take it to him, if you please. 2. I will give it to him when I see him this evening. 3. When will he give it to you ? 4. This pen is not very good ; do not give it to him, give it to me. 5. I have seen many of them there. 6. He will give it to me. 7. Where are the letters ? Have you given them to her ? 8. I have given her all that you gave me. 9. He does not send it to you. 1 o. I have brought them to you. 1 1. Has he sent her to them ? 12. Give them some. Do not give them any. 13. She has put herself there. 14. I have introduced myself to you. 15. You have introduced yourself to her. 16. I gave her a book. They did not give her a book. 17. Give it to me ; don't give it to him. 18. He and I are going to see them there. 19. Introduce them to him; she has introduced herself to me. 20. I have spoken of it to her and to them. 21. He is taller than I, but I am stronger than he. 22. Give one of them to your brother, but do not give him more than one. 23. Look at me; look at him. 24. Do not give it to us ; give it to them. 25. I will speak to her about it if you want me to. 26. I shall have a new hat; my mother has promised it to me. 27. Will you not give me this apple ? 28. You and he were there, were you not ? 29. Give me the grammar you promised me and of which I spoke to you yesterday ; I will return it to you. 402 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 30. If you do not (do it), I shall oblige you to give it to him. 31. I will give it to you if I do not need it myself. 32. Have you given the toys to the children ? Yes, I have given them to them. 33. You have given them to him as well as to me, and he follows you. 34. Do not send them to us. 35. I love you and I will show it to you. 36. That book is very instructive ; lend it to me. Will you not lend it to her? 37. I speak of these books, not of that one there ; John gave them to me. 38. Give it to me in spite of him. 39. While I was out, she came in. 40. Can he send it to her ? Yes, he can. 41. They haven't given him any. 42. Give her some money. No, don't give her any. 43. Here are some apples ; look at them, but don't eat any. 44. We shall never give them to him. 45. She is not going, nor I either. 46. He gave it to her himself. 47. It was John who introduced me to you. 48. Do not speak to me of him. 49. She has hurt her hand. 50. Do not send it to him today ; he is not at home. POSSESSIVES AND DEMONSTRATIVES i. This book is mine, but that is my sister's. 2. Your city is large and beautiful; our village is small and pretty. 3. This picture is handsome ; I do not like that one. 4. There are some books on the table; the red ones are his, the blue ones are yours. 5. This morning I washed my hands. 6. These are serious orders. Give them to her, but do not give them to me. 7. Yes, she is pretty and happy ; indeed, she is the best of the family. 8. My house is pret- tier than his, but his is larger than mine. 9. Is this table yours or mine? 10. My house is larger than yours, but yours is finer than mine. 11. This wine is cool, but this water is not cool. 12. I like this one better than that one. 13. My house is larger than yours. 14. Paul's letters and William's; Paul and William's letters. 15. Give her this book and those of the teacher, they are more interesting than hers ; they are good French books. 16. Is it your aunt who lives there? 17. His exercises are good, but hers are APPENDIX 403 always better. 18. These apples are better than those, but I have some which are best of all. 19. Is this pen yours? No, sir, it is his. There is mine on the table. 20. They have black hair and blue eyes. 21. She has cut her hand. 22. Is that book yours or your brother's ? 23. To whom does this hat belong ? It belongs to my brother. 24. Is this your book, or is it hers? 25. That man has spent his fortune and that of his wife. 26. Your house is small, but ours is smaller still. 27. Here is my book; there is theirs. 28. His house is already finished ; they have not yet begun hers. 29. We have lost our horse, but we have my brother's. 30. It is not a good pen; I cannot use it. 31. His house is near mine; where is yours ? 32. These buildings are taller than those. 33. My book and hers are on the table. 34. I am going to see her and her sister; I shall give her this. 35. These roses are white, but those which are on the table are red. 36. My dress and my mother's were bought in Paris last summer. 37. Don't give me this book; give me that one. 38. Uncle's house is not so large as the one we saw the other day. 39. He is my best friend; don't you think so? 40. A friend of mine told me he would come to see me at five o'clock. Relatives and Interrogatives 1 . What is that large building on (de) the other side of the street ? 2. Which of these gentlemen is the one who was at your house last night ? 3. I know what amuses you. 4. Of what are you thinking ? 5. To which one of his children did he leave the principal part of his fortune ? 6. I saw him who was with you day before yesterday. 7. Whom have you seen ? Nobody. 8. What have you seen ? I have seen nothing. 9. Which of the two shall I give you ? 10. It was he who told me that. 1 1. Here is the man of whom we were speaking. 12. Which one of these young girls is your sister ? 13. Who is the gentleman of whom you spoke ? 14. What do you see ? We do not see anything. 15. What have you done? Whom have you seen? 16. Which book do you prefer, this one or that one? 17. Where 404 ELEMENTARY FRENCH did you find the book which you are reading? 18. What is the project of which you were talking? 19. We have not yet received what we have been promised. 20. Of which table are you speaking ? 21. Did you see what he had? 22. What have you told her? 23. What is that? Is it mine or yours? 24. What pleases you? 25. What is the boy doing? 26. Do you know what that is? 27. Do you know of whom she is speaking ? 28. The lady of whom we are speaking is the one who came here for you last night. 29. What have they read? I know what they are reading now, 30. Who has come ? Whom have you seen ? 31. What is happen- ing ? Tell me what has happened. 32. Who is it ? It is I. 33. She who plays does not always dance well. 34. I want to know of what you are thinking. 35. What pleases me does not please everybody. 36. You do not know what you are talking about. 37. I know the man whose son is your friend. 38. Is the book in which you are reading interesting ? 39. The person of whom I spoke has come ; all she said was reasonable. 40. Take a book. Which one do you prefer? 41. What is her name? What is your name? What a pretty name ! 42. To which of the children did he give the cake ? 43. This is the house of which you have spoken. 44. The persons you are speaking of have not arrived. 45. I looked for the house in which he lived, but I had forgotten on (in) which of the streets it was. 46. With whom did you go to school ? 47. I saw the lady to whose son you gave money. 48. There's a man whose son I know. 49. Is the church of which you have spoken near your home? 50. What fell then? I don't know what fell. 51. Who spoke to you and what did he say to you? 52. Who is the man who just entered the room ? It is the painter of whom I was speaking. 53. Have you seen the picture by which he became so famous? 54. What amuses them does not amuse me. 55. Every- body likes a child whose face is always clean. 56. What is not clear is not French. 57. Who opened the door? Whom did you see (the) first ? 58. What was on the table ? APPENDIX 405 Numbers 1. How many young persons are there here? Eighty-one, I believe, or ninety-one. 2. It was June fourth, 1898. 3. Charles XII, king of Sweden, was born on the 27th of June, 1682. 4. He lost his mother in his eleventh year and was barely fifteen years old when his father died. 5. That tree is thirty feet high. 6. In 1877, on the third of July, this old city of Louis XIV had 253,796 inhabitants. 7. In half an hour we shall have been here an hour and a half. 8. At what o'clock did your mother go out ? 9. Gam- betta was born April 3, 1838, and died on December 31, 1882. 10. At what time did she arrive? At half-past twelve. 11. What time is it? It is already eleven o'clock. 12. Corneille was born at Rouen the 6th of June, 1606. 13. How old is that little child ? 14. How many men did you see in the street ? I saw 987. 15. The fifteenth of July, 1876. 16. It is a quarter past two ; no, it is a quarter to three. 17. Were you in Paris the thirteenth of last month? .18. What day of the month is (have we) today? 19. Today is the seventh of August. 20. How wide is this room ? It is ten feet wide. 21. Eggs cost a franc a dozen. 22. Sugar is sold by the pound. 23. He came twice a week. 24. This room is ten meters long. 25. If I am ill tomorrow, I shall go to bed at six o'clock. 26. Daudet was born at Nimes on the thirteenth of May, 1840 ; he died in 1897. 27. At what time does the train start for Paris ? At ten minutes of eight. 28. He has been living there since August 21, 189 1. 29. A hundred years ago, in 18 14, France was invaded by many enemies. 30. The armistice which ended the " Great War " was signed November 11, 19 18. Verb Idioms 1. Are your brothers in the garden ? No, they are reading in the parlor. 2. How long have you lived in France ? 3. What do you call this child ? He is called Paul. 4. Come ! Let us hurry. Do 406 ELEMENTARY FRENCH not give it to him. 5 . If it were not so hot, I should go out. 6. Here is the letter I have just received from them. 7. Did you read the newspapers every day when you were in the country ? 8. If I were you, I wouldn't do that. 9. When you go home, tell your brother I should like to see him. 10. We are not going for a drive ; we prefer to go for a walk. 1 1. W T hen it rains, the grass grows everywhere ; we must run and get umbrellas. 12. It is easy to read French. It is not easy to speak it. 13. He is hungry; let him eat. 14. It is the land I used to love. 15. You are right and I am wrong. 16. I am going out ; I go to see the man every week. 1 7. The two cousins loved each other when they lived in this city, but they have not written to each other for years. 18. They have just decided this matter. 1 9 . Do you know that gentleman ? 20. Let us speak French. 2 1 . I have not yet read the paper, but I am going to read it immedi- ately. 22. You will have left the city before midnight. 23. They have been in Paris since Wednesday. 2 4. How long did your sisters stay in Paris ? 25. Are you enjoying yourself ? 26. An old woman came to see me. 27. I see that the window is open. Have it closed. 28. I should set out tomorrow if I were rich enough. 29. As soon as you are there and have time, will you go and see my brother ? 30. We have been told that our friends were deceived. 31. We had been in Paris several months when our friends arrived. 32. When you have completed your exercises, I will correct them for you. 33. How long have you been living in America ? 34. While I was at church, my brother was taking a walk on the mountain. 35. W T hen it is fine weather, we shall go to France. 36. She likes French better than German. 37. We had just read your letter when you entered the house. 38. Go and study your lesson. 39. They have just arrived; I saw them running. 40. If we wished to do it, we could. 41. We make them do their work. 42. We ought to have done so. 43. I shall make him do what I wish him to do. 44. The whole book was torn by the children. Why didn't you take it away from them ? 45. 1 must go out whether it rains or not. 46. The children went to bed APPENDIX 407 at eight o'clock and they will get up at six. 47. I intended to start on the first of January, but I had to wait until the third. 48. I had just heard the news when your letter came. 49. If I am not mistaken, you are very sleepy. 50. Did they not fall asleep as soon as they went to bed? 51. He ought to have arrived there last week. 52. After having walked two hours, we sat down. 53. Make her sing. Make her sing this song. 54. How warm it is I Are you warm ? 55. After looking at the books he bought them. 56. I went and saw him and had him make me a coat. 57. She ought to have gone to see them yesterday. 58. I am cold ; the water is cold too ; it is cold today. 59. Don't you need your hat when it is cold ? 60. Are you going to have a house built this year ? The Subjunctive Mood 1. He is the richest man I know. 2. I am afraid you will succeed. 3. Do you think I am right ? 4. There are two apples which she has bought. 5. Whatever men may do, they cannot escape death. 6. I am afraid my father is not well enough to go with us. 7. I doubt whether he will be able to come. 8. I have told him nothing which could deceive him. 9. Whatever she says, do not answer. 10. I never hear from my aunt unless I write to her. 1 1. I do not think she was here ten days ago. 1 2. I am not afraid of him, though he is older than I. 13. Do you think it will be cold tomorrow ? 14. How many books have you read since you have been here? 15. I am afraid he will find the horse when he arrives. 1 6. Everybody desires that the war may soon be finished. 17. She was glad that her father had come. 18. At what time do you think he will come ? 19. I think he will not come before eight or nine. 20. We wished that he might come. 21. It is not possible for us to be at your house on Saturday next. 22. We regret that you have not received our letter. 23. You must work until I am ready. 2 4. I fear that he cannot, will not, or does not know how to do it. 25. I do not doubt that he too has the courage to (de) do the same thing. 26. He has not a single friend who 408 ELEMENTARY FRENCH is true to him. 27. She was sorry you had left before she came. 28. Those he brought us are the finest I ever saw. 29. Do you wish to go yourself or do you wish us to go ? 30. I doubt whether he will be willing to give it to you. 31. It is possible that it may rain, but I do not think it will. 32. We fear we may not be forgiven this time. 33. I am sure that you could not have written your exercise in half an hour. 34. I regret that you have not received your letter in time. 35. However rich they may be, they cannot lend you all the money you need. 36. Although he is only twenty years old, he is a captain in the army. 37. Give me your hand and let us be friends. 38. I fear that it is neither mine nor yours. 39. It is the finest thing one can see. 40. The crowd was so great that they could hardly cross the street. 41. Do you think it will be colder tomorrow than it has been today ? 42. He is looking for some one who knows him. 43. When you enter the dining-room, you will see your friend in front of the window. 44. I do not want to tell you what I have just done. 45. He ate very little although he was hungry. 46. Tell them what happened on the 24th of February. 47. Whoever he is, have him come in. 48. He wants me to cut the grass in the yard. 49. That's the finest thing I have ever seen. 50. I want a servant who will always be polite. General 1. Do you study your lessons in the morning i I do every day. 2. These apples are mine ; those are yours. Which do you like better ? 3. Henry d'Albret was the grandfather of Henry the Fourth of France. 4. This old house is the priest's ; you must visit it with me. 5. We are going to have some friends at dinner this evening. 6. I have bought some trees and I have set them out. 7. Where are the six roses I bought this morning ? 8. Here are four of them ; I gave two of them to your sister. 9. She was sewing when we came. 10. Tell him so if you wish to ; he will not believe it. 11. Mr. White is the richest man in our city. 1 2. What is the matter with that boy APPENDIX 409 this morning? 13. Are they not all good friends? Some are, but others are not. 1 4. Do you not hear the noise in the street ? It is the soldiers who have just arrived. 1 5. Do you not know any stories ? 16. If he could search three days, he would not find his friends. 17. There are few old books in our house now, but there were many a year ago. 18. The man who was looking at the horse in the street was near the window. 19. Victor Hugo, the greatest French poet of the last century, was born in France in 1802. 20. Of what were you thinking when I spoke to you of the books that you had lost? 21. That young girl is intelligent; she has beautiful blue eyes. 22. Will you come with me into the garden ? 23. The population of France is larger than that of Italy, but not so large as that of the United States. 24. 1 see a book on the table ; whose is it ? It is your brother's. 25. We were going to leave the house when he arrived. 26. I shall buy that picture for them. 27. These are the books which were given me. 28. He has not seen so much of it as I. 29. He is an American, and Americans like to travel. 30. Since my arrival in Paris I have been so busy that I have-not found time to make any calls. 31. As soon as I have read the books which you sent last week, I will return them to you in order that you may lend them to other friends. 32. When we finish our lessons, we go into the orchard and eat ripe apples. ^^. Have you told them that we cannot see one another ? 34. How many times have you been to the city this week ? 35. Your brother brought us some roses this morn- ing, and he would have brought some to them if they had asked him for any. 36. Are you always at home on Sunday, or do you go away ? 37. Have the kindness to bring me my hat. 38. I show it to you, but he shows it to them. 39. That does not please him. 40. It is a good picture, in which one sees blue sky, green water, and some pretty ships. 41. If you have books and if you have no friends, come to me and speak to me of it, but do not speak to them. 42. They have been obliged to go to her brother's. 43. Do you know which of the horses your father sold yesterday ? 44. The man of whom you speak 410 ELEMENTARY FRENCH is my friend. 45. Have you told them that I am here ? 46. The weather is fine, but I wish it were not so hot. 47. They have no more money, and so they must stay at home. 48. I promised him to do it, and I must do it. 49. I liked that book so well that I had my pupils read it. 50. There are several steamboats on the blue waters of the sea. 51. They say that this little child speaks English as well as French. 52. His name and his father's are better known than mine. 53. If I were in good health, I should often go to Europe and I should always spend a few months in Paris. 5 4. We shall set out for London on the twenty-first of June. 55. Good day, sir. Good evening, madam. 56. How long have you been here ? I have been here three weeks. 57. How old are you? I am older than my brother. 58. Your brother has your pencils, but I have some paper and pens. 59. The coats are for sale, but not the dresses ; the latter are new, the former old. 60. What are you looking at ? I am looking at these flowers. 61. I asked her for the salt, but her friend gave me bread. 62. If I had a great deal of money, I should go to Europe. 63. We cannot find them where you left them, although we have searched for them. 64. Mary is the youngest of all the children, but she is not the best. 65. Must you go away at once ? 66. If she had written me, I should have answered her letter. 67. It is easy to do that, for it has already been done. 68. Do you think he is richer than the king ? 69. The gentleman for whose house I offered so much has bought another. 70. The water which you see had risen from the earth to the sky, whence it has just fallen again. 71. This is indeed the best grammar I know. 72. His mother was born in France. 73. The man of whom you speak has just gone out. 74. Do you wish us to go there for him or do you wish him to go himself ? 75. The two men are older than their sister. 76. Do not deceive yourself by thinking that your rich brother is the only man who knows it. 77. Which of these comedies have you read ? 78. The reign of Louis the Fourteenth is the longest reign APPENDIX 411 in the history of France. 79. Why have you not liked each other ? 80. The man of whom you spoke is my brother. 81. We should like the best there is ; that is the least you can do. 82. Perhaps you had not been told so. Well, it 's true and I'm glad of it. 83. Do not speak to me until you can speak to me in French or German. 84. Your brother must not go before I return. 85. Francis the First was twenty years of age when he began to reign. 86. You must finish this letter, not that one. 87. Your sister was one of my best pupils. 88. Which of those young girls is her niece ? The one to whom you were speaking just now. 89. If you have some of those books, and if you have plenty, give him some and give them some too, but do not give her any. 90. I am very hungry ; will you please give me some bread, some water, and some apples ? 91. Have your friends gone away ? Yes, but they will return Monday. 92. One cannot do without money ; it is useful everywhere. 93. What have you done with the books which you have read ? John asked me for them and I gave them to him. 94. Here is my uncle's son of whom you have just spoken to me. 95. The eleventh of September, 1698. 96. This is a book which is interesting. 9 7 . Who wants this pretty flower ? Give it to me, but do not give it to them. 98. He has some money, but he would like to have more. 99. I think I can do it. 100. The soldiers who were entering the town knocked at the first door they saw. 1 01. What were you doing here when I came in an hour ago ? 102. Nobody is hungry, but everybody would prefer to eat now because it is half-past six and one ought to eat and drink something. 103. She held in her hand a small white flower and some large red leaves. 1 04. Who told you that we were going away next Monday ? He ? 105. I got up this morning with a headache. 106. What are you looking f or ? I am looking for a man to help me in my business. 107. If he had never been idle, he would not be poor now. 1 08. The republic is loved and praised by everybody. 109. If you come to see me, do not come too late. no. Have they already read the new French novel ? Lend it to them when you have finished it. Let him 412 ELEMENTARY FRENCH see it also. 1 1 1. My brother has told me the precise hour at which he was at the tailor's. 112. You and John have been walking here for an hour and a half. 113. Do not give them to them. 114. Have you found any metals in those mountains ? We have found very little iron there. 115. If they should come alone, I could not help seeing them. 116. We have just written a long letter. 117. I fear that he cannot do all that he wishes for us and for the others whom he has known. 118. He took off his hat when he came into the room. 119. Should you have gone to bed so soon if I had come ? 120. He says he gave it to her. 121. If that letter is longer than this, give it to me to read. 1 2 2. I was yesterday asking myself whether we might hope to see him before autumn. 123. If he has no money, I will lend him all he needs. 124. When my friend spends the evening with us, we always read one of his stories. 125. I wish you to finish that exercise at once. 126. I shall go to France and England in two months, and I shall remain in Paris twelve days. 127. Do you often hear from your cousin's children ? 128. John, with his brother, started on the prin- cipal road in order to arrive home easily before seven o'clock. 129. We had not forgotten how much we used to enjoy ourselves when we were children. 130. My brother and sister have gone away ; they will not be back until Wednesday next. 131. Few boys play the piano ; most girls play it. 132. The man whom you see there is one of my friends. 133. Who has my pen ? Did I not give it to you? No, sir, you gave it to them. 134. We think of them and often speak of them. 135. Those are the gentlemen of whom we were speaking yesterday. 136. Does he think that we always tell him what we are going to do ? He is mistaken. 137. There were many people in town last night. 138. I knew that man ten years ago. 139. What a beautiful woman I saw this morning ! Who was she ? 140. Give me this book. I will give it to you. 141. She can hardly be found by those who do not know her. 1 42. Gold and silver are products of the earth. 1 43. When you went to the house, we APPENDIX 413 remained here. 1 44. Kindly read this for me ; it is very easy. 145. They go to see him to carry him flowers and books. 146. I saw many of them in France. 147. This gentleman is a Frenchman from the south of France. 1 48. What prevents him, then, from going to Europe if he pleases and when he pleases ? 149. There is much difference between the customs of the French and ours. 150. I have left all our books at school. 151. Whom do you desire to see ? Is it I or my brother ? It is you whom I desire to see. 152. The man who is speaking is my friend. 153. This is my youngest brother ; but perhaps you already know him. 154. You have excellent pens and very good paper; give me some, if you please. 155. Today they are visiting their friends ; tomorrow they will have left for France, from whence they will go to England. 156. I will write him a letter and you can send it to him on arriving at Boston. 157. Are you hungry ? No, but I am quite thirsty. 1 58. I fear he will come too early. 159. It seems to me that you are never at home. 160. If it were not so cold, it would rain. 161. He has been in Paris several months, has he not ? 162. Let us not take a walk; it is two o'clock and we shall dine soon. 163. Try to prevent him from coming. 164. My friend, you must study all these verbs. 165. This apple is bad; don't give it to him. 166. If he is at home, he will receive it at five o'clock. 167. Are there any good pens with which I can write? No, sir, I have none. 168. People say that they love one another. 169. W T hen one seeks truth, one finds it. 1 70. I intend to go to the country if it is hot. 171.1 have bought some flowers to decorate the table because we are going to have some friends to dinner this evening. 172. I neither hope nor fear. 1 73. If you love me, show it to me by coming to see me often. 174. If it rains tomorrow, we shall not go until it stops raining. 175. Neither he nor I could read the newspapers which they sent us. 176. Did your friend come to tell you the news I had just told him ? 177. 1 doubt he has the courage. 178. My brother has just arrived. 414 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 179. I am ashamed of your conduct. 180. I will send another letter, for I said nothing of our departure in the one I sent him yesterday. 181. 1 will give them to them, for they are hungry. 182. If you wish to study, I shall lend you some books. 183. He spoke very loud, which made us smile, didn't it ? 184. When I see her,T shall speak to her about it. 185. My good old uncle has very interesting books in his little brown house. 186. I went to bed at eleven o'clock. 187. She has just arrived from London. 188. They arose at twenty minutes after six. 189. Are these the children to whose father I have written ? 190. If she had brought me cherries, I should have eaten them. 191. These histories are longer and less interesting than those novels. 192. I went to New York yesterday. 193. Where is the old lady whom I have seen with you ? She has gone to France also. 194. Are they not French? They are, and I am very glad they are not English. 195. The Alps are the highest mountains in Europe. 196. I have introduced her to you. 197. I shall not give it to you ; I shall give it to this boy. 198. Tell it to him now if he is not asleep ; but if he is, do not tell it to any one. 199. I wish I had one of the English novels I saw on your writing table some time ago. 200. Why don't you go and see him ? Have you thought of it ? Questions Personnelles Repondez en francais aux questions suivantes par des phrases completes, en ecrivant les nombres en toutes lettres : 1. Depuis combien d'annees etudiez-vous le francais? 2. Pourquoi etudiez-vous le francais ? 3. Que faut-il faire pour apprendre une langue? 4. Quels livres avez-vous lus cette annee ? 5. Quel livre de frangais avez-vous etudie ? 6. Quelle e'tude pre'ferez-vous et pourquoi ? 7. Dans quel pays et a quelle date etes-vous ne' ? 8. Quelle est la date de cet examen ? APPENDIX 415 II. MATERIAL FOR PHONETIC PRACTICE 1. Test Questions on Sounds These are taken largely from college admission examinations. 1. What are the most striking characteristics of French pro- nunciation ? 2. What are the four nasal sounds? What combinations of letters may represent each? Give words containing each of the four nasal sounds. 3. In what positions are il and ill liquid? Give words con- taining each when liquid and also when not. 4. Give words containing mute e, soft c, hard c, soft g, hard g, initial h aspirate, initial h not aspirate, 8 sounded like z, final 8 sounded, final e sounded, final e not sounded, t sounded like 8. 5. How are e, au, oi, gn, ais pronounced ? 6. Explain how u, eu, au, en, in are pronounced. 7. Lesquels des six mots suivants ont une voyelle ou syllabe qui se prononce comme u dans du ? eu eut bleu heureuse but bout 8. In which of the following words is 1 (or 11) sounded as in the French word il? lafille la vieille le village gentil la ville lefils tranquille mille 9. What are the nearest English equivalents of the sounds au, ou in bout, eu in heure, oi in voix ? 10. Represent, by the use of e* and e where possible, the proper sound of ai in mauvais, mat, and travail, and of e in complet, chanter, fer, nez. 11. Tell how parlai differs in sound from parlais ; how saute is distinguished from sotte ; how neuf is pronounced in the phrases neuf garcons, neuf hommes , f en ai neuf. 41 6 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 12. Indicate by phonetic characters, or otherwise, the pronun- ciation of — a. ville, veille, travail, Jits, bien, ne, nez, loin, sceur, leur. b. chaise, cuisine, premiere, fille, quarante, chez. c. patrie, vous avez, gagnaient, dava?itage, mort, Us partent. 13. Compare in respect to pronunciation (using the interna- tional phonetic notation, if possible) the letters in heavy type in each of the following groups : a. ceder, cede-, bon, bonne; corde, cote; cher, chercher; chaise, chasse. b. appeler, age ; etait, etre ; notre, le nbtre. c. mz,fer, venir. 14. Indicate,, by underscoring, the silent letters in the following words and phrases : aimer, amer, cerf, estomac, sec ; les fils, les hommes, elles viennent ; il est, Us etaient venus ; bout, heure, escalier ; tout a coup. 15. Indicate the silent letters in the phrase « 77 en est temps encore », me disaient-elles, supposing the phrase to be read aloud or spoken. 16. Indicate the silent letters in Nous sommes partis de chez eux le quatre juillet mil neuf cent quinze. 17. Copy the following sentence, and cross out the silent con- sonants, underline the nasal vowels, and- indicate by h the sounds of the open e : C'est bien peu, meme en province ; a Paris, ce n'est presque rien, surtout quand, comme moi, on a une fille de dix- huit ans. 18. Copy the Model on page 97 as far as ttrangers (line 6). a. Indicate by e, e, 9 respectively all sounds of 6 (closed e), 6 (open e), and e mute. b. Indicate all nasal sounds, stating which nasal each is. c. Mark all silent letters. APPENDIX 417 19. Copiez les six premieres phrases du modele a la page 105 (commencant par Ma mere descend et finissant par du sel) et indiquez — a. Tous les cas de liaison qu'on ferait en lisant ces phrases a haute voix. b. Toutes les consonnes qu'on ne prononcerait pas. 20. Dans les phrases suivantes effacez toutes les lettres qu'on ne prononce pas en lisant les phrases, et soulignez toutes les voyelles qui ont un son nasal : a. II est alle en haut pour trouver la clef. b. Les huit petits en/ants donnaient a manger aux animaux dans les champs. c. Void mesjils, Us sont tous tres gentils. 21. Indicate the pronunciation of the French cardinal numbers from 1 to 20. Explain the three ways in which six and dix are pronounced, and give a phrase containing each. 22. What is the cedilla? Where does it occur and what effect has it on pronunciation ? Give three examples. 23. Explain the aspirate h and its effect on pronunciation. Give two words in which initial h is aspirate ; two words in which it is not aspirate. 24. Explain the term liaison (or linking). Give five phrases of two or three words each, illustrating liaison. 25. Indicate the liaisons that should be made in reading aloud the following : de temps en temps ; onze heures et demie ; cher cousin et ami ; mats oui ; on est a Paris en un rien de temps. 26. State the main principles of dividing French words into syllables. Copy the first five lines of the Model on page 112, dividing all the words into syllables by vertical lines. 27. How does the rule for dividing a French word into syllables help to determine when an initial vowel is nasal and when it is not? Illustrate by inutile and indiscutable. 41 8 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 28. Copy the following words and divide them into syllables: ennemi, americaifi, emmener, combien, i?ioui, ho?iteux. 29. Divide into syllables the first stanza of the Marseillaise, on page 425. 30. Write in phonetic notation the first five lines of the Model on page 127; also of other Models. 2. Transcription of Models, Lessons I-XII In the following transcriptions, division between the words as units is entirely disregarded. Groups of syllables that are normally pro- nounced together without pause (breath groups) are connected by hyphens. These groups are made gradually longer, to be adapted to the pupil's increasing rapidity in reading. A single space is left between breath groups ; a double space where longer pauses occur, as at the end of sentences. I. yn-fa-mi:j oe-gar-s5 e-yn-fi:j s5-ta-vek-6e-nDm e-yn-fam b-gar-s5 el-fre:r dla- fi:j b-gar-s5 a-yn-soe:r la-fhj a-6Mre:r b-gar-s5 el-fre:r dla-soe:r la- fi:j el-gar-s5 5-d0-pa-rd bm-e-la-fam s5-le-pa-rd le-pa-ra 5-d0-zd-fd le-zd-fd-dbm e-dla-fam s5-b-gar-s5 e-la-fi:j le-zd-fd 5-tce-pe:r e-yn- me:r la-me:r e-la-fam-dbm bm a-yn-fam la fam-dbm e-la-me:r dla-fi:j b-fre:r-dla-fi:j e-to-si ld-fd dla-me:r b-ma-ri-dla-me:r el-pe:r b-pe:r-e-la-me:r s5-le-d0-pa-rd u-el-pe:r b-pe:r-e-ta-vek-la-me:r u-s5- le-zd-fd le-zd-fd so-ta-vek-le-pa-rd ki-s5-le-zd-fd b-gar-s5 e-la-flij s5-le-zd-fd ki-s5-le-pa-rd II. ma-fa-mi :j dd-zyn-fa-mi:j b-fis e-la-fi:j s5-le-zd-fd dy-pe:r e-dla-me:r b-fis e-je:r o-pe:r e-a-la-me:r o-si b-fis e-Je:r o-d0-pa-rd le-pa-rd s5-b- pe:r e-la-me:r la-me:r e-la-fam-dy-pe:r b-pe:r e-la-me:r s5-le-pa-rd de-zd-fd dd-ma-fa-mi:j me-pa-rd 5-d0-fi:j e-ce-fis m5-pe:r a-yn-fam sa-fam e-ma-me:r m5-pe:r el-ma-ri do-ma-meir m5-pe:r e-ma-me:r so-me-pa-rd me-sce:r ma-ri-e-bert s5-le-fi:j d9-me-pa-rd m5-pe:r APPENDIX 419 a-yn-sce:r ma-td:t e-la-soe:r da-mo-peir ma-td:t a-ce-ma-ri s5-ma-ri e-m5-n5:kl le-zd-fd d9-m5-n5:kl s5-me-ku-ze m5-ku-ze-3d e-Je:r-o-fre:r d9-m5-n5:kl III. ma-sal-d9-kla:s 33-sqi-za-le-kol a-vek-m5-fre:r nu-som-zi-si nu-som dd-la-sal-do- kla:s el-a-d0-port e-kat-fa-ne:tr la-fo-toe:j el-by-ro do-vd-la-ta-blo so pur-la-meitr-de-kol le-bd e-le-py-pitr pur-le-ze-le:v dla-kla:s le-li:vr e-le-kre-j5 dy-me:tr s5-syrl-by-ro se-plym s5-to-si syr-s5-by-ro le-ka-je de-ze-le:v s5-syr-le-py-pitr ta-me:tr e-to-ta-blo de-rje:r-s5-by-ro yn-e- le:v ed-vdl-by-ro dy-me:tr d0-de-ze-le:v s5-tof-ne:tr u-s5-vo-li:vr il-s5 syrl-py-pitr d^-m5-fre:r u-s5-vo-plym el-s5 syr-m5-py-pitr IV. yn-sal-d9-kla:s ta-me:tr e-ta-vek-se-ze-le:v dd-la-kla:s il-ne-pa-za-si il-ed-bu da-vd- se-ze-le:v il-a-yn-re:gl sul-bra ce-ne-le:v e-to-ta-blo b-me:tr m5:tr- yn-kart-d9-frd:s a-le-le:v d0-ze-le:v s5-ta-si da-vdl-ta-blo il-z5-tde- port-plym e-de-ka-je ld:kr e-dd-ld-kri-e nu-som-za-si 39-don-yn-plym a-oe-ne-le:v il-a-ce-port-plym 39-ne-pa-m5-ka-je il-ne-pa-zi-si vwa-si- ce-ka-je a-ve-vu-zde-kre-j5 39-ne-pa-tru-ve m5-kre-j5 me^e-a-por-te ma-plym el-e-dd-m5-py-pitr a-pre-lal-s5 la-kbj-son le-ze-le:v v5-dd- la-ku:r u-e-la-ku:r el-e-de-rje:r-le-kDl nun-som-pa-dd-la-kuir V. la-fa-mi:j a-la-me-z5 eit-vu-za-le-kol o-3ur-dqi n5 nun-som-pa-za-le-kol nu-som-za-la- me-z5 vo-pa-rd s5-til-a-vek-vu wi il-s5-to-si a-la-me-z5 u-s5-til il-s5< dd-ma-Jd:br vwa-si-ma-Jd:br a-tel-yn-tabl wi el-a-yn-tabl d0-je:z e-oe-fo-toe:j 3e-o-si-6e-by-ro dd-ma-Jd:br e:t-vud-bu da-vd-votr-by-ro n5 39-sqi-za-si dd-m5-fo-toe:j votr-grd-pe:r e-til-dd-la-me-zo n5 il-e- ta-si ddl-3ar-de a-vek-m5-ku-ze-3d votr-ku-ze e-til-ld-fdd-vo-tr5:kl wi e-il-e-to-si tan-v0 d3-m5-pe:r votr-ku-ze na-til-pa-zyn-u-d0-sce:r il-a- d0-soe:r ki-s5-le-nje:s-d9-m5-pe:r no-s5-tel-pa dd-la-ku:r ki-e-de-rjeir- la-me-z5 ma-ri-e-dd-la-ku:r me-sa-soe:r e-ti-si a-vek-sa-grd-me:r 420 ELEMENTARY FRENCH VI. Ial-s5 na-ve-vu-pa votr-li:vr-cta-fra-se wi m9-sj0 il-e-syr-m5-py-pitr b- me:tr don-yn-b-s5d-gra-me:r o-ze-le:v il-li-le-re:gl e-il-e-kri le-zeg- zdpl-o-ta-blo a-vek-ce-mor-sod-kre il-m5:tr le-zeg-zdpl o-ze-le:v 3e- kri-dd-mo-ka-je a-vek-ma-plym nu-ze-kri-v5-le-fra:z ki-s5-syr-b-ta-blo m5-fre:r ne-kri-pa-le-zeg-zdpl il-a-sa-gra-me:r me-zil-na-pa-za-por-te s5-ka-je m5:tre-mwa-lal-s5 lal-s5 e-tel-di-fi-sil n5 el-e-fa-sil a-pre- lal-s5d-gra-me:r nu-za-v5 lal-s5-dlek-ty:r le-ze-le:v ne-kriv-pa b- me:tr lid-va-le-ze-le:v nu-li-z5-za-prel-me:tr e-nu-ze-kri-v5 le-zeg-zer-sis a-la-me-z5 VII. la-park 33-sqi-dal-park a-vek-len-v0d-m5-pe:r b-park e-td-fasbyst Jarl-e-to-si-grd me-mwe-fD:r il-e-bje-nel-ve po-li e-tu-3u:r-ze-mabl 3d o-k5-tre:r e-mal-el-ve il-ne-pa-si-a-gre-abl-ka-so-ka-ma-rad e-e-mwe- po-li d-kla:s il-€-pa-re-s0 Jarl-e-ply-sty-dj0 3d-e-na-ty-rel-md-mwe- za-vd-se pars-kil-ne-pa-si-a-td-tif-d-kla : s il-es-pd-dd-tosi-e-te-li-3dk-Jarl Jarl-el-me-joe:r-de-d0 e-m5-ply-je:r-a-mi 3d-ne-pas-pd-dd ta-pir-de-gar- s5d-s5-na:3 XII. le-rij e-le-po:vr • dd-tu-le-pe-i il-ja-3e-ne-ral-md bo-kud-po:vr-e-p0-driJ" le-po:vr-5-p0- dar-3d le-rij-5-bo-ku-dar-3d le-riJ-5-ply-dar-3d-kle-po:vr le-po:vr-5 mwe-dar-3d-kle-rij le-po:vr-n5-pa-za-se-dar-3d il-pd:s kelk-fwa-kle- 422 ELEMENTARY FRENCH rij-o-tro-dar-gd da-me-zo ed-bo-veit-md il-s5-3a-lu-de-rij le-po:vr 5-si>va-to-ta-da-mi-kle-riJ me-zil-n5-pa-tdd-ple-zi:r le-po:vr s5-su-vd- to-si-oe-r0-kle-rij il-n9-s5-pa-spd-dd-si-fje:r le-fam-de-rij 5-bo-kud-bo- bi-3u-ed-bel-rob le-zd-fd-de-po:vr S-mwed-gu^u-kle-zd-fd-de-riJ le-rij don-bo-kud-ju^u-e-dotr-Joiz op-ti-zd-fd de-po:vr pd-dd-la-grd:d-ge:r le-rij-e-le-po:vr 5-dD-ne-tre-3e-ne-roez-md o-sol-da e-o-si-a-la-krwa-ru:^ na-ty-rel-md le-rij-o-do-ne-ply-kle-poivr lep-ti-z5-do-ne-mwe-kloe:r-pa- rd d-frd:s le-rij-5-bo-kud-Ja-to vwa-si syr-la-pa:3-d9-drwat ce-de-grd- Ja-to k5-bjed-tu:r-a-til e-til-ply-bo-kle-me-zod-votr-pe-i 3. Classroom and Conversational Phrases [b5-3u:r Good morning, everybody. Bon jour, tout le monde tul-m5:d] II est temps de commencer. [il-e-tci d9-ko-ma-se] Est-ce que tout le monde est ici? [es-ka-tul-m5:d e-ti-si] II ne manque personne, je crois. [il-n9-ma:k-per-sDn 39-krwa] C'est juste; toute la classe est a l'heure ce matin. [se-3yst tut-la- kla:s-e-ta-loe:r s9-ma-te] Ouvrez (fermez) vos livres, s'il vous plait. [u-vre(fer-me)-vo-li:vr sil-vu-ple] Quelle est la lecon pour aujour- d'hui? Quelle page? [kel-e-lal-so pu:r-o-3ur-dqi kel pa:3] Nous sommes reste's hier a la page douze. [nu-SDm-res-te-i-e:r a-la-pa:3-duz] Combien de lignes lisons-nous? [k5-bjed-lip li-z5-nu] Jusqu'au bas de la page de droite, n'est-ce-pas ? [3ys-ko-bad-la-pa:3- d9-drwat nes-pa] // is time to begin. Is everybody present ? Nobody is missing, I think. That \? right, the whole class is on tune this morning. Open {close) your books, if you please. What is the lesson for today ? What page ? We stopped yesterday at page 12. How many lines do we read? To the foot of the right-hand page, don't we f APPENDIX 423 Y a-t-il des questions sur la lecon du jour? [i-a-til-de-kes-tj5 syr- lal-s3-dy-3u:r] Oui, monsieur; il y a une chose qui m'intrigue. [wim-sjo il-ja- yn-jo:s ki-me-tri:g] Veuillez eclaircir ce point pour nous. [vce-je-e-kler-si:r sa-pwe-pu:r-nu] Levez-vous, maintenant, et pronon- cez le modele. [ta-ve-vu-met-na e-pro-nD-sel-mo-del] Continuez ; traduisez-le en anglais. [k5-ti-nqe tra-dqi-ze-ta a-na-gle] Comprenez-vous tous les mots? [k5-pr3-ne-vu tu-le-mo] ficoutez, et re'pe'tez-les apres moi. [e-ku-te e-re-pe-te-le a-pre-mwa] Pardon ; vous lisez trop vite ; je ne puis vous suivre. [par-d5 vu- li-ze-trD-vit 33n-pqi vu-sqi:vr] Eh bien, je vais le relire ; et cette fois plus lentement. [e-bje 33-vel- ra-liir e-set-fwa ply-la:t-ma] C'est assez ; asseyez-vous. [se-ta-se a-se-je-vu] Allez au tableau et e*crivez le resume, [a-le-zo-ta-blo e-e-kri- vel-re-zy-me] Faites attention aux accents, [fet- za-ta-sj5 o-zak-sa] N'y a-t-il pas encore quelque chose a corriger ? [nja-til-pa-zd-ko:r kelk-^o:z-a-ko-ri-3e] Cela suffit; c'est tres bien. [sla- sy-fi se-tre-bje]. Ramassez les devoirs et mettez-les sur le bureau. [ra-ma-se-led-vwa:r e-me-te-le syrl-by-ro] Are there any questions on the lesson of the day f Yes, sir; there is one thing that puzzles me. Please clear up this point for us. Rise, now, and pronounce the Model. Go on; translate it into English. Do you understand all the words ? Listen and repeat them after me. Pardon, you read too fast ; I cannot follow you. Very well, I will read it again, and this time more slowly. That \r enough; sit down. Go to the board and write the Rdsumi. Pay attention to the accents. Isn't there something else to cor- rect ? That is sufficient; it \r very good. Pick up the papers and put them on the desk. 424 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Enfin lisez votre exercice k haute voix. [a-fe li-ze-votr-eg-zer-sis a- ot-vwa] Vous faites des progres sensibles. [vu-fet de-pro-gre-sa-sibl] Prenez la lecon prochaine pour demain. [pra-ne lal-s5 pro-jen purrd-me] fitudiez -bien la grammaire. [e-ty- dje-bje la-gra-me:r] ficrivez les verbes. [e-kri-ve-le-verb] Nous servons-nous d'un crayon? [nu-ser-v5-nu doe-kr£-j5] Comme vous voulez. Qa. m'est e*gal. [kom-vu-vu-le sa-me-te-gal] La classe est finie. [la-kla:s-e-fl-ni] Finally, read your exercise aloud. You are making noticeable Prog- ress. Take the next lesson for to- morrow. Study the gra?nmar well. Write the verbs. Shall we use a pencil ? As you wish; it V the same to me. The class is dismissed. Bonsoir, monsieur (madame, Made- moiselle Amiel). [b5-swa:r ma-sjo (ma-dam, mad-mwa-zel-a-mjel)] Comment vous portez-vous? [ko- ma-vu-por-te-vu] Je me parte bien, merci ; et vous ? [33m-port-bje mer-si e-vu] Permettez-moi de vous debarrasser de votre pardessus. [per-me-te- mwa da-vu-de-ba-ra-se ds-votr- pard-sy] Vous etes bien aimable, mais j'ai peur de vous ddranger. [vu-ze:t- bj£-ne-ma:bl me-je-poe:r da-vu-de- ra-3e] Pas du tout; ne vous genez pas. [pa-dy-tu n3-vu-3e-ne-pa] Permettez-moi de vous presenter a mon ami. [per-me-te-mwa da- vu-pre-za-te a-mo-na-mi] Good evening, sir (madam, Miss Amiel). How do you do ? I am well, thank you ; and you ? Allow me to take your overcoat. You are very kind, but I am afraid it will trouble you. Not at all; make yourself at ho7ne. Allow ?ne to introduce you to my friend. APPENDIX 425 Avec plaisir ; charme de f aire votre connaissance. [a-vek-ple-zi:r jar- med-fe:r-VDtr-ko-ne-sa:s] Plait-il ? Je n'ai pas compris. [pie- til 33-ne-pa-k5-pri] Parlez-vous f rancais ? [par-le-vu- fra-se] Un peu seulement ; je suis anglais. [oe-po soel-ma 39-sqi-za-c(le] Je vous demande pardon. [33-vud- ma:d-par-d5] Ce n'est rien ; il n'y a pas de quoi. [sne-rje il-nja-pad-kwa] II est tard ; il me faut partir. [il-e- ta:r il-m3-fo-par-ti:r] Mes compliments a madame votre mere. [me-k5-pli-ma a-ma-dam- votr-me:r] Bien des choses de ma part a votre frere. [bje-de-jo:z da-ma- pa:r a-votr-fre:r] Au revoir; a demain matin, [or- vwa:r ad-mg-ma-te] With pleasure; delighted to ?nake your acquaintance. Pardon. I didn't understand. Do you speak French ? Only a little ; I am English. I beg your pardon. That '.$■ nothing; don't mention it. It is late ; I must go. Give my regards to your mother. My best wishes to your brother. Good-by ; see you tomorrow morn- ing. 4. LA MARSEILLAISE Allons, enfants de la patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrive ! Contre nous de la tyrannie L'etendard sanglant est leve. Entendez-vous dans les campagnes Mugir ces feroces soldats ? lis viennent jusque dans nos bras figorger nos flls, nos compagnes ! Aux armes, citoyens ! formez vos bataillons ! Marchons ! Marchons ! Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons ! 426 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Amour sacre de la patrie, Conduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs ! Liberte ! Liberte cherie ! Combats avec tes def enseurs ! Sous nos drapeaux, que la victoire Accoure a nos males accents ! Que tes ennemis expirants Voient ton triomphe, et notre gloire ! Aux armes {etc., repeated from first stanza) Rouget de Lisle la-mar-se-je:z a-15-za-fa da-la-pa-tri-a l3-3u:r-d3-glwa:r e-ta-ri-ve k5-tr3-nu d3-la-ti-ra-ni-3 le-td-da: r-sa-gla-te-ta-ve a-ta-de-vu da-le-ka-pa-ns my-giir se-fe-ro-sa-sol-da il-vje-na 3ys-k3-da-no-bra e-gor-3e-no-fis no-k5-pa-p9 o-zar-m9 si-twa-je for-me vo-ba-ta-j5 mar-j5 mar-jo kce-sa-ke-py:r a-brce:-vo-no-si-j5 a-mu : r-sa-kre do-la-pa-tri-9 k5-dqi su-tje no-bra- va-3ce:r li-ber-te li-ber-te-Je-ri-9 k5-ba-za-vek-te-de-fa-sce:r su-no-dra-po ko-la-vik-twa-ra a-ku:r a-no-ma-b-zak-sa ko-te-ze-no-mi-zek-spi-ra vwa-t5-tri-5:f e-no-tro-glwai-ra o-zar-ma (etc.) ROUGET DE LISLE L'hymne connu sous le nom de Marseillaise fut ecrit, paroles et musique, en 1792, par Rouget de Lisle, officier du genie a Strasbourg. La musique et les paroles entrainantes de cet hymne, d'abord appele Chant de guerre de Parmee du Rhin, en firent le cri de ralliement des revolutionnaires francais et, chante a Paris par un regiment de Marseille a l'attaque sur les Tuileries, prit desormais le nom de Marseillaise. Depuis lors, non seule- ment les Francais mais d'autres peuples y ont trouve l'expression de leurs penchants pour la liberte. Pendant la derniere guerre, l'hymne est devenu bien familier aux Americains et les a enthousiasmes a un point inconnu jusqu'alors 428 ELEMENTARY FRENCH III. GENDER OF NOUNS No rules can be given to determine the gender of all French nouns. While it must be understood that there are exceptions to each of them, the following rules cover the great majority of cases : A. Gender determined by derivation. See Sec. 71, Note 2. B. Gender determined by meaning. 1. Nouns are usually masculine that are the names of (a) Males (human and animal). (b) Trees, shrubs, and metals. (c) Seasons, months, days, and the points of the compass. Infinitives and other parts of speech when used as nouns are masculine. 2. Nouns are usually feminine that are the names of {a) Females (human and animal). (p) Fruits and flowers. (c) Countries, cities, and rivers, ending in mute e. C. Gender determined by ending. See Sec. 7 1 , Note 1 . When the gender is not determined by the meaning, the fol- lowing rules and exceptions hold very generally : 1. Nouns are masculine when they do not end in mute e. Exceptions. Nouns ending in ion, son, te\ and tie\ and abstract nouns in eur, are feminine. 2. Nouns are feminine when they end in mute e (especially if preceded by a double consonant or a vowel). Exceptions. Nouns ending in acle, age, asme, isme, ege, erne, tere, are masculine. D. Gender of compound nouns. The gender of compound nouns is determined as follows : 1. If they consist of two nouns, they have the gender of the first part. Ex., le chou-fleur, the cauliflower. APPENDIX 429 2. If they consist of a noun and another part of speech, they have the gender of the noun, except compounds of a noun and a verb, which are always masculine. Ex., le sous-sol, the basement; le porte-manteau, the portmanteau. 3. If they consist of two words of which neither is a noun, they are masculine. Ex., le passe-partout, the master-key. IV. PLURAL OF NOUNS The plural of nouns has been treated in Sees. 76 and 93. A. The following nouns present special irregularities : aieul | aieuls grandfathers \ a'ieux ancestors Detail . bestiaux cattle ciel / C * e * S artificial skies, climates Lcieux skies, heavens .. J ceils (in compound words) lyeux eyes travail I travails <#«'*/ re P orts \ travaux works B. The plural of compound nouns is formed as follows : 1. If they consist of two nouns, or a noun and an adjective, both parts take the plural form. Ex., le chou-fleur, the cauliflower \ pi. choux-fleurs. 2. If they consist of two nouns separated by a preposition, the first noun alone takes the plural form. Ex., l'arc-en-ciel, the rain- bow ; pi. arcs-en-ciel. 3. If they consist of a noun and some other part of speech, not an adjective, the noun alone takes the plural form. Ex., le sous- sol, the basement ; pi. sous-sols. Note. Most compound nouns formed by joining a shortened form of a verb with a following noun that is the object of the verb may be used in the plural without change. Ex., le coupe-tete, the headsman ; pi. coupe-tete or coupe-tetes. 430 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 4. If they consist of two words, neither of which is a noun, the plural is like the singular. Ex., le passe-partout, the master- key ; pi. passe-partout. V. FORMATION OF ADVERBS The formation of adverbs has been treated in Sec. 109. A. When the masculine of an adjective ends in a vowel, the corresponding adverb is formed by adding ment to the masculine. Ex., joli, pretty ; joliment, prettily. B. When the masculine of an adjective ends in a consonant, the corresponding adverb is formed by adding ment to the femi- nine. Ex., doux, sweet \ doucement, sweetly. C. The following irregularities must be noted : 1. Some adjectives change a mute e to e* on the addition of the ending ment. The more common of these are aveugle, com- mode, commun, conforme, confus, 6norme, obscur, precis, profond, uniforme. Ex., aveugle, blind \ aveugl£ment, blindly. 2. When the masculine of an adjective ends in ant or ent, these endings are changed to am and em respectively before the addi- tion of ment. Ex., m&hant, wicked; m&hamment, wickedly. 3. Adjectives having two forms in the masculine singular form the adverb by adding ment to the feminine. Ex., fou, mad; follement, madly. 4. The following special irregularities deserve notice : Adjective Adverb bref brievement gentil gentiment impuni impune'ment traitre traitreusement APPENDIX 43r •fans « s to to 8 8 (0 c o "co 4-> CO S CO 2 • .2 M # cu g cu 1 9 CO C/3 CO CO CO 4) $ CO 9 a) .2 •4-» c CO CO •awi C o 4) 3 N CO a CO ■ a CO § M co ivnoix -IdNCQ to CO •3 -a co a> CO ■M C CS .«ji v > c CO '? 1- co to 're "c3 co re .2 N C JO £ anaxaj cjJ rt CO co CO a CJ o CO co 9 co *c3 co a CO C rt 9 4-> c o •a a co C re O 0) 4-> c 9 •ana co I co -4-» co CO ■ C CO CO CO c xsv CO a V o N c CO eg ■a CO 4J CO CO a co a co co 1 o N CO CO •AHVrf -D J-SVJ AHVJ c •saaj d re co ■9 ■«-> a re HAIi u CO -INIJNJ co NOIXVO -nlN03 h-l (-1 432 ELEMENTARY FRENCH VII. REGULAR CONJUGATIONS Rules for Formation Prin. Parts The Prin. Parts are : Infinitive Present Participle Past Participle ist Sing, of Pres. Ind. i st Sing, of Past Def. Pres. Ind. Endings of Sing. : ess es s s e t - The PI. is formed by omitting the ending ant of the Pres. Part, and adding ons, ez, ent. Imperfect (Des. Past) Omit the ending ant of the Pres. Part, and add ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, aient. Past Def. {Narr. Past) {Perfect) Endings : ai is is as is is a it it ames imes imes ates ites ites erent ifent irent Future Add to the Inf. (omitting a final e) ai, as, a, ons, ez, ont. Conditional Add to the Inf. (omitting a final e) ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, aient. Imperative Same as the Pres. Ind. rst Sing, and ist and 2d PI. Pres. Subj. Omit the ending ant of the Pres. Part, and add e, es, e, ions, iez, ent. Imp. Subj. {Past Subj.) Omit the last letter of the ist Sing. Past. Def. and add sse, sses, *t, ssions, ssiez, ssent. APPENDIX 433 REGULAR CONJUGATIONS ist Conjugation ad Conjugation 3d Conjugation parler finir vendre parlant finissant vendant parte" fini vendu je parte je finis je vends je parlai je finis je vendis je parte je finis je vends tu paries tu finis tu vends il parle il finit il vend nous parions nous finissons nous vendons vous parle z vous finissez vous vendez ils parlent ils finissent ils vendent je parlais je finissais je vendais tu parlais tu finissais tu vendais il parlait il finissait il vendait nous parlions nous finissions nous vendions vous parliez vous finissiez vous vendiez ils parlaient Us finissaient ils vendaient je parlai je finis je vendis tu parlas tu finis tu vendis il parla il finit il vendit nous parlames nous finimes nous vendime's vous parlates vous finites vous vendites ils parlerent ils finirent ils vendirent je parlerai je finirai je vendrai tu parleras tu finiras tu vendras il pariera il finira il vendra nous parlerons nous finirons nous vendrons vous parlerez vous finirez vous vendrez ils parleront ils finiront ils vendront je parlerais je finirais je vendrais tu parlerais tu finirais tu vendrais il parlerait il finir&it il vendrait nous parlerions nous finirions nous vendrions vous parleriez vous finiriez vous vendriez ils parleraient ils finiraient Us vendraient parle finis vends parions finissons vendons parlez finissez vendez je parte je finisse je vende tu paries tu finisses tu vendes il parte il finisse U vende nous parlions nous finissions nous vendions vous parliez vous finissiez vous vendiez ils parlent ils finissent ils vendent je parlasse je finisse je vendisse tu parlasse S tu finisses tu vendisses il parlat il finit il vendit nous parlassions nous finissions nous vendissions vous parlassiez vous finissiez vous vendissiez ils parlassent ils finissent Us vendissent 434 ELEMENTARY FRENCH COMPOUND TENSES I. Perfect Tenses. The perfect tenses of a verb are formed by prefixing to its past participle the various simple tenses of avoir, " to have " (sometimes etre, " to be "). Avoir and etre, when thus used in the formation of compound tenses, are called auxiliaries. Their conjugation, which is irregular, is given on the opposite page. The perfect conjugation with both auxiliaries, together with the tense-names, is given in full on page 436. Note. — Eire, instead of avoir, is used as the auxiliary in forming the perfect tenses of the following intransitive verbs denoting motion or change of condition: aller, fiartir, sortir, venir, devenir, revenir, arriver, entrer, rester, tomber, naitre, mourir (rarely of a few others) ; also of reflexive verbs. II. Passive Voice. The passive voice of a verb is formed by prefixing to its past participle the various tenses, simple and perfect, of the auxiliary etre, "to be." The passive conjuga- tion is given in full on page 437. III. Agreement of Past Participle. When etre is the auxil- iary, whether in the perfect or in the passive conjugation, the past participle varies like an adjective to agree with the sub- ject in number and gender. It then adds s in the masculine plural,- e in the feminine singular, and es in the feminine plural. Note i. Past participles ending in s are alike in masculine singular and plural. Note 2. In ordinary conjugation it may be assumed that the subject pronouns are masculine. In the plural, however, atten- tion must always (when etre is the auxiliary) be paid to the agreement of the past participle. APPENDIX 435 CONJl ION OF AUXILIARIES r avoir atre Prin. Parts \ ayant eu etant m fr 1 je suis m j eus je fus 7 j'ai tu as je suis tu es Pres. Ind. ila il est nous avons nous sommes vous avez vous etes P :■ ils ont ils sont j'avais j'^tais tu avais tu etais Imperfect il avait nous avions il etait nous etions vous aviez vous ^tiez ils avaient ils etaient j'eus jefus tu eus tu fus Past Def. il eut nous eumes ilfut nous fumes vous eutes vous futes ils eurent ils furent j'aurai je serai tu auras tu seras Future il aura il sera nous aurons nous serons vous aurez vous serez ik auront ils seront j'aurais je serais tu aurais tu serais il aurait il serait Conditional nous aurions nous serions vous auriez vous seriez ils auraient ils seraient aie • sois Imperative ayons soyons ayez , soyez j'aie je sois tu aies tu sois Pres. Suij. il ait il soit nous ayons nous soyons vous ayez vous soyez ils aient ils soient j'eusse je fusse tu eusses tu fusses Imp. Subj. ileut ilfut nous eussions nous f ussions vous eussiez vous fussiez ils eussent ils f ussent 436 ELEMENTARY FRENCH PERFECT TENSES With avoir With etre Prin. Parts The first two are called respectively Perf. Inf. and Perf. Part. avoir sauve" ayant sauve" j'ai sauve* j'eus sauve* etre alle" etant alle" je suis alle" ]e fus alle" Past Indef. (Per/. Ind.) Pres. Ind. of auxiliary + Past Part. j'ai sauve" tu as sauve* il a sauve" nous avons sauve" vous avez sauve" ils ont sauve je suis alle" tu es alle il est alle" nous sommes altes vous etes allds ils sont alles Plufierf Ind. Imperfect of auxiliary + Past Part. j'avais sauve" tu avais sauve il avait sauve" nous avions sauve" vous aviez sauve" ils avaient sauve" j'^tais alle" tu &ais alle" il &ait alle" nous ^tions alles vous &iez alles ils etaient alles Past A nterior Past Def. of auxiliary + Past Part. j'eus sauve" tu eus sauve* il eut sauve" nous eflmes sauve" vous elites sauve" ils eurent sauve" je fus alle" tu fus alle" il fut all* nous fumes altes vous fGtes all^s ils furent alles Put. Perf. Fut. of auxiliary + Past Part. j'aurai sauve tu auras sauve" il aura sauve" nous aurons sauve" vous aurez sauve" ils auront sauve" je serai alle" tu seras alle" il sera alle" nous serons allds vous serez altes ils seront all£s Cond. Perf. Cond. of auxiliary + Past Part. j'aurais sauve" tu aurais sauve" il aurait sauve" nous aurions sauve" vous auriez sauve" ils auraient sauve" je serais alle" tu serais alle" il serait alle" nous serions altes vous seriez all£s ils seraient all£s Imperative . wanting wanting Perf Subj. Pres. Subj. of auxiliary + Past Part. j'aie sauve" tu aies sauve* il ait sauve" nous ayons sauve" vous ayez sauve" ils aient sauve je sois alle" tu sois alle" il soit alle" nous soyons allls vous soyez allds ils soient alles Pluperf. Subj. Imp. Subj. of auxiliary + Past Part. j'eusse sauve" tu eusses sauve" il eut sauve" nous eussions sauve" vous eussiez sauve" ils eussent sauve je fusse alle" tu fusses alle" il f ut all* nous fussions alles vous f ussiez alles ils f ussent alles APPExNDIX 437 PASSIVE VOICE Simple Tenses Perfect Tenses Prin. Paris e'tre sauve* eUnt sauve" je suis sauve" je fus sauve Prin. Parts avoir 6t6 sauve ayant ete sauve" j'ai &e" sauve" j'eus 6t6 sauve* Pres. Ind. je suis sauve" tu es sauve il est sauve nous sommes sauves vous etes sauves ils sont sauves Past Indef. j'ai iti sauv£ tu as &e" sauve" il a 6t6 sauve" nous avons e^e" sauves vous avez ete sauves ils ont ete sauves Imperfect j'e"tais sauv£ tu etais sauve il ^tait sauv^ nous etions sauves vous &iez sauves ils etaient sauves Pluperf.Ind. j'avais 4te sauve" tu avais 6te sauve" il avait ete sauve nous avions ete sauves vous aviez iti sauves ils avaient it6 sauves Past Def je fus sauve" tu fus sauve il fut sauve nous f times sauves vous f Cites sauves ils f urent sauves Past A nterior j'eus 6li sauve" tu eus &l€ sauve" il eut ete" sauve nous eumes ete sauves vous eutes 6t6 sauves ils eurent £t£ sauves Future je serai sauve" tu seras sauve il sera sauve" nous serons sauves vous serez sauves ils seront sauves Fut. Per/. j'aurai ete sauve" tu auras e"te" sauve il aura ete sauve nous aurons ete sauves vous aurez 6t6 sauves ils auront ete sauves Conditional je serais sauve" tu serais sauve il serait sauve nous serions sauves vous seriez sauves ils seraient sauves Cond. Per/. j'aurais e"te" sauve" tu aurais ete sauve il aurait 6t& sauve" nous aurions ete" sauves vous auriez 6t6 sauves ils auraient iti sauves Imperative sois sauve" soyons sauves soyez sauves Imperative wanting Pres. Subj. je sois sauve" tu sois sauve il soit sauve nous soyons sauves vous soyez sauves ils soient sauves Per/. Subj. j'aie 6ti sauve" tu aies ete sauve il ait ete sauve nous ayons 6te sauves vous ayez 6t6 sauves ils aient ili sauves Imp. Subj. je fusse sauve" tu fusses sauve" il fut sauve nous fussions sauves vous f ussiez sauves ils f ussent sauves Pluperf. Subj. j'eusse ete" sauve" tu eusses ete sauve" il eut ete sauve nous eussions ete sauves vous eussiez ete sauves ils eussent ete sauves 438 ELEMENTARY FRENCH ORTHOGRAPHIC IRREGULARITIES OF THE FIRST CONJUGATION Prin. Parts Pres. Ind. Imperfect Past Def . Imp. Subj. Placer place placais placai to place places placais etc. placant place placait placerent (3d PL) place" placons placions place placez placiez placasse placai placent placaient etc. Manger mange mangeais mangeai to eat manges mangeais etc. mangeant mange mangeait mangerent (3d PI.) mange" mangeons mangions mange mangez mangiez mangeasse mangeai mangent mangeaient etc. Nettoyer to clean nettoie nettoyais nettoyai nettoies etc. etc. nettoyant nettoie nettoye" nettoyons nettoyasse nettoie nettoyez etc. nettoyai nettoient Payer paie payais payai to pay paies etc. etc. payant paie pay<5 payons payasse paie payez etc. payai paient Mener mene menais menai to lead menes etc. etc. menant * mene mene" menons menasse mene menez etc. menai . menent Appeler appelle appelais appelai to caN appelles etc. etc. appelant appelle appele appelons appelasse appelle appelez etc. appelai appellent Jeter jette jetais jetai to throw jettes etc. etc. ietant jette jete" jetons jetasse ]ette letez etc. jetai jettent Cdder cede oklais ce"dai to yield cedes etc etc. c£dant cede c€d6 cedons ce"dasse cede cidez etc. c^dai cedent APPENDIX 439 ORTHOGRAPHIC IRREGULARITIES OF THE FIRST CONJUGATION Future Conditional Imperative Pres. Subj. Remarks placerai place Placer is a model of verbs ending in etc. place etc. cer, in which C takes a cedilla before a and 0, to show that it placerais placons remains soft. etc. placez mangerai mange Manger is a model of verbs ending » etc. mange etc. in ger, in which e is added before a and 0, to show that the g remains mangerais mangeons soft. etc. mangez nettoierai nettoie Similarly all verbs ending in oyer etc. nettoie nettoies and uyer change y to i before an ending or a syllable whose vowel nettoie nettoierais nettoyons nettoyions is a mute e. etc. nettoyez nettoyiez nettoient paierai paie Similarly all verbs ending in ayer etc. paie paies generally change y to i before an paie ending or a syllable whose vowel is a mute e. Sometimes, especially paierais payons payions etc. payez payiez in older French, the y is retained paient throughout. menerai mene Similarly all verbs ending in e-con- etc. mene menes sonant-er (except those ending in eler and eter) change e to e before mene menerais menons menions an ending or a syllable whose etc. menez meniez menent vowel is a mute e. appellerai appelle Similarly most verbs ending in eler etc. appelle appellts double the 1 before an ending or a appelle syllable whose vowel is a mute e. appellerais appelons appelions Geler, modeler, and peler (which etc. appelez appeliez are conjugated like mener) are appellent the commonest exceptions. jetterai jette Similarly most verbs ending in eter etc. jette jettes double the t before an ending or jette jetions a syllable whose vowel is a mute jetterais jetons e. Acheter (which is conjugated etc. jetez letiez like mener) is the commonest ex- ]ettent ception. ce"derai cede cede Similarly all verbs ending in e-con- etc. cedes sonant (or consonants)-er, change cede 6 to e before an ending whose ce*derais c^dons c^dions vowel is a mute e. No change etc. cedez cediez cedent occurs here in Fut. and Cond. 440 ELEMENTARY FRENCH VIII. IRREGULAR VERBS Prin. Parts Pres. Ind. Imperfect Past Def . Imp. Subj. Aller vais allai s allai to go vas etc. etc. allant va alle - allons allasse vais allez etc. allai vont Envoyer envoie envoyais envoyai to send envoies etc. etc. envoyant envoie envoye - envoyons envoyasse envoie envoyez etc. envoyai envoient Acquerir acquiers acqudrais acquis to acquire acquiers etc. etc. acqueVant acquiert acquis acquerons acquisse acquiers acque"rez etc. acquis acquierent Assaillir assaille assaillais assaillis to assail assailles etc. etc. assaillant assaille • assailli assaillons assaillisse assaille assaillez etc. assaillis assaillent Bouillir bous bouillais bouillis to boil bous etc. etc. bouillant bout bouilli bouillons bouillisse bous bouillez etc. bouillis bouillent Courir cours courais courus to run cours etc. etc. courant court couru courons courusse cours courez etc. courus courent Cueillir cueille cueillais cueillis to gather cueillant cueilles etc. etc. cueille cueilli cueillons cueillisse cueille cueillez etc. cueillis cueillent Dormir dors dormais dormis to sleep dors etc. etc. dormant dort dormi dormons dormisse dors dormez etc. dormis dorment APPENDIX 441 IRREGULAR VERBS Future Conditional Imperative Pres. Subj. Remarks irai etc. irais etc. va allons allez aille ailles aille allions alliez aillent Forms its perfect tenses with etre. enverrai etc. enverrais etc. envoie envoyons envoyez envoie envoies envoie envoyions envoyiez envoient Similarly renvoyer. acquerrai etc. acquerrais etc. acquiers acquerons acquerez acquiere acquieres acquiere acquerions acqueriez acquierent Similarly all verbs ending in quenr . assaillirai etc. assaillirais etc. assaille assaillons assaillez assaille etc. Similarly tressaillir. bouillirai etc. bouillirais etc. bous bouillons bouillez bouille etc. courrai etc. courrais etc. cours courons courez coure etc. Similarly parcourir and other com- pounds. cueillerai etc. cueillerais etc. cueille cueillons cueillez cueille etc. Similarly recueillir and accueillir . dormirai etc. dormiraia etc. dors dormons dormez dorme etc. Similarly endormir and other com- pounds. 442 ELEMENTARY FRENCH IRREGULAR VERBS Prin. Parts Pres. Ind. Imperfect Past Def . Imp. Subj. Faillir to fail faillant failli faux faillis faux faux faut faillons faillez faillent faillais etc. faillis etc. faillisse etc. Fuir to flee fuyant fui fuis fuis fuis fuis fuit fuyons fuyez fuient fuyais etc. fuis etc. fuisse etc. Hair to hate hafesant hai hais hais hais hais hait haissons hai'ssez haissent hai'ssais etc. hais etc. hai'sse etc. Mourir to die mourant mort meurs mourus meurs meurs meurt mourons mourez meurent mourais etc. mourus etc. mourusse etc. Offrir to offer off rant offert offre offris offre offres offre offrons offrez offrent offrais etc. offris etc. offrisse etc. Ouvrir to open ouvrant ouvert ouvre ouvris ouvre ouvres ouvre ouvrons ouvrez ouvrent ouvrais etc. ouvris etc. ouvrisse etc. Partir to start partant parti pars partis pars pars part partons partez partent partais etc. partis etc. partisse etc. Sentir to feel sentant senti sens sentis sens sens sent sentons sentez sentent sentais etc. sentis etc. sentisse s . etc.: APPENDIX 443 IRREGULAR VERBS Future Conditional Imperative Pres. Subj. Remarks faudrai etc. faudrais etc. wanting faille etc. There is also found a Fut. faillirai, etc., and a sim- ilar Cond. Many forms of this verb are no longer in use. fuirai etc. fuirais etc. fuis fuyons fuyez fuie fuies fuie fuyions fuyiez fuient Similarly s'enfuir. hairai etc. hairais etc. hais haissons haissez haisse etc. On account of the diaeresis the circumflex accent is omitted in all forms. mourrai etc. mourrais etc. meurs mourons mourez meure meures meure mourions mouriez meurent Forms its perfect tenses with Stre. offrirai etc. offrirais etc. offre offrons offrez offre etc. Similarly souffrir. ouvrirai etc. ouvrirais etc. ouvre ouvrons ouvrez ouvre etc. Similarly COUvrir, and com- pounds. partirai etc. partirais etc. pars partons partez parte etc. Similarly f its compounds except repartir. Partir forms its perfect tenses with §tre. sentirai etc. sentirais etc. sens sentons sentez sente etc. Similarly mentir . se repen- tir, and compounds. 444 ELEMENTARY FRENCH IRREGULAR VERBS Prin. Parts Pres. Ind. Imperfect Past Def . Imp. Subj. Servir sers servais servis to serve sers etc. etc. servant sert servi servons servisse sers servez etc. servis servent Sortir sors sortais sortis to go out sors etc. etc. sortant sort sorti sortons sortisse sors sortez etc. sortis sortent Tenir tiens tenais tins (see Remarks) to hold tiens etc. etc. tenant tient tenu tenons tinsse tiens tenez etc. tins tiennent Venir viens venais vins (see Remarks) to come viens etc. etc. venant vient venu venons vinsse viens venez etc. vins viennent VStir vSts vetais vetis to clothe vSts etc. etc. vetant vet v&u vStons vgtisse vSts vetez etc. vStis v6tent Asseoir assieds asseyais assis to seat assieds etc. etc. asseyant assied assis asseyons assisse assieds asseyez etc. assis asseyent Avoir ai avais eus to have as etc. etc. ayant a eu avons eusse ai avez etc. eus ont Devoir dois devais dus to owe dois etc. etc. devant doit da devons dusse dois devez etc. dus doivent APPENDIX 445 IRREGULAR VERBS Future Conditional Imperative Pres. Subj. Remarks servirai etc. servirais etc. sers servons servez serve etc. Similarly desservir. sortirai etc. sortirais etc. sors sortons sortez sorte etc. Similarly ressortir, to go out again. Both form their perfect tenses with Stre. tiendrai etc. tiendrais etc. tiens tenons tenez tienne tiennes tienne tenions teniez tiennent Past Def. tins, tins, tint, tinmes, tintes. tinrent. Similarly its compounds. viendrai etc. viendrais etc. viens venons venez vienne viennes • vienne venions veniez viennent Past Def. vins, vins, vint, vinmes, vintes. vinrent. Similarly its compounds. Venir forms its perfect tenses with etre. vetirai etc. vetirais etc. vets vetons vetez vete etc. Similarly its compounds. assierai etc. assierais etc. assieds asseyons asseyez asseye etc. Other forms are often found, especially Pres. Part, assoyant, and derived forms accordingly. Sim- ilarly seoir and its com- pounds. aurai etc. aurais etc. aie ayons ayez aie aies ait ayons ayez aient Similarly ravoir. Avoir is conjugated in full on page 435. devrai etc. devrais etc. dois devons devez doive doives doive devions deviez doivent Past Part. f. due. Sim- ilarly rede voir. 446 ELEMENTARY FRENCH IRREGULAR VERBS Prin. Parts Pres. Ind. Imperfect Past Def . Imp. Subj. Falloir to be necessary il faut il fallait il fallut fallu il faut il fallut il fallflt Mouvoir meus mouvais mus to move meus etc. etc. mouvant meut mu mouvons musse meus mouvez etc. mus meuvent Pleuvoir to rain pleuvant il pleut il pleuvait il plut plu il pleut il plut il plflt Pourvoir pourvois pourvoyais pourvus to provide pourvois etc. etc. pourvoyant pourvoit * pourvu pourvoyons pourvusse pourvois pourvoyez etc. pourvus pourvoient Pouvoir peux (puis) pouvais pus to be able peux etc. etc. pouvant peut pU / • X pouvons pusse peux (puis) pouvez etc. pus peuvent Recevoir recois recevais regus to receive recois etc. etc. recevant recoit recu recevons recusse recois recevez etc. regus recoivent Savoir sais savais sus to know sais etc. etc. sachant sais su savons susse sais savez etc. sus savent Valoir vaux valais valus to be worth vaux etc. etc. valant vaut valu valons valusse vaux valez etc valus valent APPENDIX 447 IRREGULAR VERBS Future Conditional Imperative Pres. Subj. Remarks il faudra il faudrait wanting il faille An impersonal verb. mouvrai etc. mouvrais etc. meus mouvons mouvez meuve meuves meuve mouvions mouviez meuvent Past Part. f. mue. Simi- larly its compounds, ex- cept that in these the Past Part, lacks circum- flex accent. il pleuvra il pleuvrait wanting il pleuve An impersonal verb. pourvoirai etc. pourvoirais etc. pourvois pourvoyons pourvoyez pourvoie pourvoies pourvoie pourvoyions pourvoyiez pourvoient pourrai etc. pourrais etc. wanting puisse puisses puisse puissions puissiez puissent recevrai etc. recevrais etc. recois recevons recevez recoive recoives recoive recevions receviez recoivent Similarly all compounds of -cevoir. saurai etc. saurais etc. sache sachons sachez sache saches sache sachions sachiez sachent vaudrai etc. vaudrais etc. vaux valons valez vaille vailles vaille valions valiez vaillent Similarly its compounds ex- cept prevaloir, which has in Pres. Subj. private, etc. 448 ELEMENTARY FRENCH IRREGULAR VERBS Prin. Parts Pres. Ind. Imperfect Past Dei . Imp. Subj. Voir vois voyais vis to see vois etc. etc. voyant voit vu voyons visse vois voyez etc vis voient Vouloir veux voulais voulus to wish veux etc. etc. voulant veut voulu voulons voulusse veux voulez etc. voulus veulent Battre bats battais battis to beat bats etc. etc. battant bat battu battons battisse bats battez etc. battis battent Boire bois buvais bus to drink bois etc. etc. buvant boit bu buvons busse bois buvez etc. bus boivent Conclure conclus concluais conclus to conclude conclus etc. etc. concluant conclut conclu concluons conclusse conclus concluez etc. conclus concluent Conduire conduis conduisais conduisis to lead conduis etc. etc. conduisant conduit conduit conduisons conduisisse conduis conduisez etc. conduisis conduisent Connaitre connais connaissais connus to know connais etc. etc. connaissant connait connu connaissons connusse connais connaissez etc. connus connaissent Coudre couds cousais cousis to sew couds etc. etc. cousant coud cousu cousons cousisse couds cousez etc. cousis cousent APPENDIX 449 IRREGULAR VERBS Future Conditional Imperative Pres. Subj. Remarks verrai etc. verrais etc. vois voyons voyez voie voies voie voyions voyiez voient Similarly entrevoir and re- voir. voudrai etc. voudrais etc. veux voulons voulez veuille veuilles veuille voulions vouliez veuillent A second form for the Imv. is veuille, veui lions, veuillez. battrai etc. battrais etc. bats battons battez batte etc. Similarly abattre and other compounds. boirai etc. boirais etc. bois buvons buvez boive boives boive buvions buviez boivent Similarly its compounds. conclurai etc. conclurais etc. conclus concluons concluez conclue etc. conduirai etc. conduirais etc. conduis conduisons conduisez conduise etc. Similarly all verbs endinp in uire except luire, reluire, and nuire. connaitrai etc. connaitrais etc. connais connaissons connaissez connaisse etc. Similarly paraitre, paitre, and compounds. coudrai etc. coudrais etc. couds cousons cousez couse etc. Similarly its compounds. 45Q ELEMENTARY FRENCH IRREGULAR VERBS Prin. Parts Pres. Ind. Imperfect Past Def . Imp. Subj. Craindre crains craignais craignis to fear crains etc. etc. craignant craint craim craignons craignisse crains craignez etc. craignis craignent Croire crois croyais crus to believe crois etc. etc. croyant croit era croyons crusse crois croyez etc. crus croient Croitre crois croissais crus to grow crois etc. etc. croissant croit cru croissons crusse crois croissez etc. crus croissent Dire dis disais dis to say dis etc. etc. disant dit dit disons disse dis dites etc. dis disent ficrire ecris . dcrivais &rivis to write ecris etc. etc. £crivant (krit means repetition of the word in black type at the head of the paragraph ; e^e under droit means droite. a, fires, avoir, has ; il y ~, there is (are), ago a, to, at, in, into, on, with ; with measures, by ; <*> la (mode de), in the style of abaisser, draw down abord : d'~, at first aboyer, bark abreuver, water, soak abreuvoir m., watering trough abri m., shelter; a !'«*, under shelter; se mettre a l'~, take shelter absent, absent absolu, absolute absolutisme m., absolutism acad^mie^, academy accablant, oppressive accent w., accent ; word, strain accentuation/, accentuation accepter, accept accident m., accident accompagner, accompany accorder, grant accoure,j£ra-. subj. accourir, hasten accrocher (a), hang (on) accuser, accuse achetS, bought acheter, buy acheteur m., buyer achever, finish acque*rir (acquerant, acquis, ac- quiers, acquis), acquire acte m., act acteur m. (f. actrice), actor actif (/ -ve), active 457 458 ELEMENTARY FRENCH addition/, bill admettre (admettant, admis, ad- mets, admis), admit administrer, administer admirer, admire adorer, worship adresse/i, address adversaire m., adversary aeroplane m., aeroplane affaire /., trouble, matter; se tirer d'cv>, get along ; parler d'^s, talk business affaire\ busy affecter, take on, assume affiche/, poster, bill afficher, post (bills) affronter, face afin : ~ de, in order to ; «o que, in order that age «*., age ; quel 03 avez-vous ? how old are you ? age\ aged, old ; etre 03 de, be . . . old agrSable, pleasant agreablement, agreeably agrSer, accept ah! ah! ai, pres. avoir, have aide /I, aid, assistance ; venir en ~ a, come to the assistance of, assist aider, help aie, aient, pres. subj. avoir (to have) aigu {f. aigue), sharp aile/, wing aille, pres. subj. aller (to go) aimable, kind aimer (a), love, like (to) ; ~ mieux, prefer ainsi, thus; e» que, as well as; pour ~ dire, so to speak air m., air; avoir Pcv> (de), seem, appear (to), look ; en plein ~, in the open air aise, glad ; bien ~, glad ait, pres. subj. avoir (to have) Al£sia_/^, a town in ancient Gaul allS, past part, aller, gone allee/, path Allemagne/, Germany allemand adj., German allemand m* t German (the lan- guage) aller (allant, alle\ vais, allai), go; be (of health); fit (of clothes), become, suit ; s'en e*, go away ; cv) chercher, go for alliance/!, alliance allie" m., ally allonger, lengthen ; s'c*>, grow longer , allons 1 why ! come ! alors, then ; ~ que, when Alpes///., Alps Alsace f., a province in northeast France alsacien (f. -nne), Alsatian amabilitS/i, kindness ambigu (f. ambigue), ambiguous ambitieux (f. -se), ambitious amenager, arrange amener, bring (a person) amer [a-me:r] {/. -ere), bitter americain, American AmSrique/, America amertume/, bitterness ami m. {/. amie), friend FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 459 amiti^/, friendship amonceler, heap up ; s'~, gather amoncellement m., pile, heap amour m., love ample, generous, full amusant, funny, amusing amusement nt., amusement amuser, amuse ; s'<*>(de), enjoy, be amused (at), have a good time an m., year; jour de l'~, New Year's Day ; avoir dix ~s, be ten years old ancetre m., ancestor ancien (f-nne), ancient, old, former anecdote f, anecdote Angelus [a-3e-lys] m., angelus (a religious service) ; bell announc- ing the service anglais adj., English anglais m., English (the language) Anglais m., Englishman angle m., angle, corner ; a <» droit de, at right angles to Angleterre/i, England animal m. (pi. -aux), animal animg (de), inspired (with) annee/!, year ; l'~ passed, last year anniversaire *•., birthday, anni- versary annoncej^, advertisement annoncer, announce annuel (f -lie), annual aout [u] m., August apercevoir (apercevant, apercu, apercois, apercus), perceive ; s'~ de, perceive, notice apparent, apparent appartement m., apartment appartenir (appartenant, appar- tenu, appartiens, appartins), be- long appeler (appell- before a utute syllable), call; s'<~, be named; comment vous appelez-vous ? what is your name? app€tit m., appetite; de bon ~, with a good appetite apporte\ brought apporter, bring (a thing) apprecier, value correctly, appre- ciate apprendre (apprenant, appris, ap- prends, appris), learn appreter, prepare (tr); s'~, pre- pare (intr.) approcher, bring nearer; &>™ de, approach appuyer (appui- before a mute syllable), lean, bear on apres, after ; d'~>, according to ; ~> que, after apres-midi in., afternoon, p.m. arbre «., tree arc in., arch arched, arch archeveche" m., archbishop's resi- dence architecte m., architect architectural (pi. -aux), architec- tural architecture/!, architecture ardemment, fervently ardent, ardent, burning arenesy^ pi., arena, amphitheater, " stadium," " bowl " argent in., money ; silver 460 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Argonne /, a forest region in France where Americans fought in 1918 aristocratic/!, aristocracy arme/i, arm, weapon armee/, army armistice »., armistice armoire/i, closet arranger, fix, arrange arrestation/, arrest arreter, stop (tr.) ; s'cv>, stop (intr.) arriere-plan 7n., background arrivee/i, arrival arriver, arrive, happen arrondissement m.\ arrondisse- ment (division of a French department) art m., art artere/^, thoroughfare, artery article m., article, thing artillerie/, artillery artiste m. andf., artist as, fires, avoir, have, hast aspect m., appearance assaillir (assaillant, assailli, as- saille, assaillis), assail assemble /., assembly, society asseoir (asseyant, assis, assieds, assis), seat ; s'e*>, sit down ; etre assis, be seated; asseyez-vous, sit down assez (de), enough ; quite, rather assierai, fut. asseoir (to seat) assiette/, plate assis, fiast fiart. asseoir, seated, sitting assister (a), be present at, attend assurance/, assurance assur^ment, certainly Atlantique, Atiantic attaque/, attack attaquer, attack atteindre (atteignant, atteint, at- teins, atteignis), reach attendre, wait (for), expect, await; s'~ a, expect attendrir, move (in feelings) attente /, waiting; salle d'~, waiting-room attentif {/. -ve), attentive attention/, attention attirer, attract attrait m., charm, interest attraper, catch attrayant, attractive attribue\ attributed au, contraction ofhle aucun {/. -e), any one, no one; ne . . . ~, no one, no auditeur m, % hearer aujourd'hui, today; d'~ en huit, a week from today auquel, contraction ofk lequel aur-, fut., cond. avoir (to have) aussi, also, too ; as, so ; ~ . . . que, as ... as aussitot que, as soon as Austerlitz [os-ter-litz] «., the place where Napoleon conquered Austria australien (/ -nne), Australian autant (de), as much, as many auteur m., author autobus [o-to-bys] m., autobus automne [o-ton] m., autumn ; en «x>, in (the) autumn FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 461 automobile m. andf., automobile autorisation/, authorization autorit£/, authority autour (de), around autre, other, different; nous «*>s, we (apart from others) autrefois, formerly autrement, otherwise autrichien {f -nne), Austrian aux, contraction of a les auxiliaire, auxiliary auxquels, contraction of a. lesquels avais (-ait, etc.), imp. avoir, had avance /, advance ; d'<~>, in ad- vance ; en <*>, ahead of time avanc^ advanced avancer, advance, put forward avant, before (in time) ; <~> de, be- fore {with inf.) ; ~ que, before avantage m., advantage avant-hier [a-va-tje:r], day before yesterday avare m., miser avec, with avenue/, avenue avez, pres. avoir, have avis m., notice avocat m., lawyer avoir (ayant, eu, ai, eus), have ; il y a (avait, etc.), there is (was, etc.) ; ago ; since, for ; qu'avez- vous ? what 's the matter with you? avons, pres. avoir, have avril [a-vril] m., April ayant, pres. part, avoir, having ayez, pres. subj. avoir (to have) azur m., blue, azure bagages m. pi., baggage, luggage baigner, bathe bain m., bath; salle de ~, bath- room bal m., ball (dance) banane/, banana banc [ba] m., bench, settee barbe/, beard ; faire la ^, shave bas adj. (f -sse), low bas m., stocking; bottom, foot; en cv>, downstairs base/, base bataille/, battle bataillon m., battalion bateau m. {pi. -x), boat; ~ a vapeur, steamboat batiment «*., building batir, build battre (battant, battu, bats, battis), beat, strike; se <*>, fight beau {before a vowel bel ; / belle, m. pi. beaux), beautiful, hand- some; il fait ~ (temps), it is fine weather ; se mettre au <~, become fine (weather) beaucoup (de), much, many beaute* /, beauty bel, see beau belle,/ of beau benefice **., advantage, benefit Berthe, Bertha Besancon m., a city in eastern France besogne/, work, task besoin m., need {noun); avoir ~ (de), be in need, need Detail m. {pi. bestiaux), cattle, stock 462 ELEMENTARY FRENCH beurre m., butter bibliotheque/, library bien, well ; much, many ; good ; <*> des, many ; eh ~ ! well ! good ! que, although bientot, soon; a ev>, will see you again soon biere/, beer bijou m. (pi. -x), jewel billet m., ticket ; prendre un <~>, get a ticket blanc [bla] (f. blanche), white bl6 m., wheat blesser, hurt bleu, blue blond, light, blond blouse/, blouse bceuf m., beef; ox [.pi. bo] boire (buvant, bu, bois, bus), drink bois m., wood ; de cv>, wooden Bois de Boulogne, a famous park in Paris boisson/, drink boite/i, box ; cv> aux lettres, letter box boivent, pres. boire, drink bon (f. -nne), good ; good-natured, pleasant Bonaparte, surname of Napoleon bonde* (de), crowded (with) bonheur ?n., happiness bon jour m., good morning bonne f., maid (servant) bord m., edge, shore ; ~ de la mer, seashore border (de), border (with) borgne, blind in one eye bouche/i, mouth boucher m., butcher bouillir (bouillant, bouilli, bous, bouillis), boil boulanger m., baker boulevard w., boulevard ; rampart bourgeois, of the middle class, homely Bourguignon in., Burgundian bourse/, purse bout jw., end bouteille/, bottle bouton m., button braise\ braised, panned bras **., arm brave, brave ; good, worthy (326,/) bravoure/i, bravery bref (/ breve), short Bretagne/, Brittany, a province in northwest France breton (f. -nne), Breton, of Brittany Brienne/i, the seat of a French military school brillant, brilliant briller, glitter brosse/, brush ; ~ a dents, tooth- brush ; ~ a cheveux, hairbrush brosser, brush brouillard m., mist, fog bru/i, daughter-in-law bruit »., noise bruler, burn brusque, quick Bruxelles [bry-sel]/!, Brussels, the capital of Belgium bu, past part, boire, drunk buffet m., lunch counter bureau m., desk (of a teacher); office ; 03 de poste, post office FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 463 buste *«., bust but m., goal, aim C', elided form ofce {pron.) 5a, that cabaret m., inn cacher, hide cachot m. % cell, prison cadeau m. {pi. -x), present, gift cadet (/. -tte), younger cadre m., frame caduc {/. -uque), infirm cafe" »., coffee ; restaurant, cafd cahier m,, notebook caillou m. {pi. -x), pebble caisse/, cash window caissier m., cashier cal m., callosity calmer, calm camarade m., companion, comrade, chum ; ~ d'e'cole, schoolmate camaraderie/, comradeship Cambronne, a French marshal campagne/1, country (apart from city), country district ; a la ~, in (to) the country Canada m., Canada Cantigny m., a French town where Americans fought in 1 9 1 8 canton m., canton (division of a French arrondissement) capitate/.", capital car, for caractere m n character caracteristique/, characteristic carnaval m. % carnival carotte/, carrot carre\ square carrure/i, build, physique carte f, map ; card, menu ; ~ de visite, visiting card cas ///., case casser, break (tr.)\ se ~, break {intr.) catastrophe/!, catastrophe catheMrale/, cathedral cause f, cause, reason ; a ~ de, because of causer, talk ce pron., he, she, it, they ; this, that, these, those ; ~ que, what, that which; ~ qui, what, that which ; ~ . . . quoi, that which ; est-~ que, is it that ( 1 64) ; n'est- ~ pas, is it not (167) ce adj. {before a vowel cet ; f cette, pi. ces), this, that ceci, this c6der, yield cela, that celebre, famous celeri m. t celery celeste, heavenly celle,/ 0/celui celui, this, that, the one; he, him cent, (a) hundred centime m . , centime (one hundredth of a franc) centre »., center ; au ~ de, in the center of cependant, however, yet cerise/, cherry cerisier »., cherry tree certain, certain ces, pi. ofce {adj.), these, those Cesar, Caesar (the Roman general) 464 ELEMENTARY FRENCH cesser (de), cease (to) cet, see ce (adj.) cette,/^ ofce (adj.) ceu.x,pl. of celui, these, those, the ones ; they chacal m., jackal chacun (f -e), each one chaired, desk chaise f, chair chaleur/!, heat chambre f, room ; <*> a coucher, bedroom champ m., field ; ~ de foire, fair- ground Champagne f, a province in north- east France champignon m., mushroom champion m., champion Champs-Ely se'es 7r1.pL, an avenue in Paris chance f, good luck changement m., change changeur m; % money changer chant m., song chanter, sing chapeau m. (pi. -x), hat chapelier m., hatter Chapu, a modern French sculptor chaque, each Charles, Charles charmant, attractive charm6, delighted chasser, expel, drive (out) ; hunt chat m, t cat chateau m. (pi. -x), castle Chateau-Thierry m., a French town where Americans fought in 1918 chaud, warm, hot; avoir ~, be warm (hot) ; il fait ~, it is warm (hot) chauss£e_/l, roadway, street chaussette/i, sock chaussures f. pi., shoes, footwear chef m. % chief ; ~ de gare, station agent chemin m., road, way ; «v. de fer, railroad chemise/], shirt cher (f. -ere), dear, beloved ; costly (326,/) chercher, look for, seek, get ; aller ~, go for ; envoyer ~, send for ch£ri, beloved, dear cheval m. (pi. -aux), horse; monter a ~, ride horseback cheveux m. pi., hair ; brosse a ~, hairbrush Chez, at (to, in) the house (home, store) of; «v moi (etc.), at my (etc.) house chicor£e frise'e/i, endive chien m., dog choisir, choose, select chose /., thing; quelque <*>, some- thing chou m. (pi. -x), cabbage chou-fleur m. (pi. choux-fleurs), cauliflower chre'tien[kre-tje](/: -nne), Christian chute/, fall ci, abbreviation for ici ( 1 94) ; par- ~ par-la, here and there ciel m. (pi. cieux), sky cigare m., cigar cinq [sek ; 216, a], five FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 465 cinquante, fifty cinquieme, fifth circuler, circulate, go about citadin m. (f. -e), city person Cit6/!, the old central part of Paris citoyen (f. -nne), citizen civil [si-vil], civil clair, clear classe f. t class ; classroom ; salle de ~, classroom classique, classic clef [kle]/, key ; fermer a ~, lock clerc [kle:r] *»., clerk client m. {/. -e), customer ; client cloche/, bell cocher m., coachman code m., code, laws cceur m., heart coi {/. coite), quiet coiffer, dress the hair ; ~ de, wear on the head ; se ~, fix one's hair coiffeur »»., hairdresser, barber coiffure/, headdress coin m. t corner colere/, anger collaborateur m, t collaborator college m., college colonie/i, colony colonnade f., colonnade colonne/, column colossal, colossal combat m,, contest combats, zmv. combattre, fight combien (de), how much, how many ; at what price ; ~ de temps, how long Comgdie Francaise f., a famous French theater comique, of comedy, comic comite" «., committee commandant **., commandant, commander, major commandement «*., command commander, command, order comme, like, as commemorer, commemorate commencement m., beginning commencer (a), begin (to) comment adv., how, what comment intj., what ! commercant m., business man, merchant commerce m., business commis, past part, commettre, committed commode f., bureau, chest cf drawers commun, common commune f., commune (division of a French canton) compagne/i, wife, consort comparaison/!, comparison compenser, make up for . Compiegne/, a city in France complet (f. -ete), complete, full compliment »*., compliment compost, compound composer, compose, make up compote f., sauce comprendre (comprenant, compris, comprends, compris), understand; include compris, past part, comprendre, understood ; y <*>, including compte [ko:t] m., account; se rendre ~, have an idea, realize 4 66 ELEMENTARY FRENCH compter [ko-te], intend ; count comptoir [ko-twa:r] m., counter comte m., count (a title) concert m., concert concevoir (concevant, concu, con- cois, concus), conceive conclure(concluant, conclu, conclus, conclus), conclude Concorde/!, peace ; place de la Con- corde, a famous square in Paris concret {/. -ete), concrete concu, past part, concevoir, con- ceived condition/], condition conducteur m., conductor conduire (conduisant, conduit, con- duis, conduisis), lead; take (a person) confier, intrust confortable, comfortable congres m., national assembly, congress conjugaison/;, conjugation conjuguer, conjugate connais-sance/;, acquaintance connaitre (connaissant, connu, con- nais, connus), be acquainted with, know connu, past part, connaitre, known conquSrir (conqufrant, conquis, conquiers, conquis), conquer conquete/, conquest consacrer, consecrate, devote conseil ?/?., advice consentir (consentant, consenti, consens, consentis), consent consequent : par «<*, consequently conserver, preserve consideration/!, esteem consid^rer, consider consoler, comfort consomme m., broth consonne/;, consonant constance_/\, constancy construction/;, construction construire (construisant, construit, construis, construisis), construct consulter, consult contemporain, contemporary content, glad; satisfied; ~ de, satisfied with contient, pres. contenir, contains continuation/., continuation continuel {/. -lie), continual continuer, continue (tr.), go on ; se <~>, continue (intr.), be prolonged contraire m., contrary ; au ~, on the contrary contravention/;, violation (of law) contre, against convenablement, suitably convenir (a) (convenant, convenu, conviens, convins), be suitable (to), suit converser, converse cooperation/;, cooperation copier, copy coque/;, shell coquille/;, shell ; en ~, on the half shell corbeille/;, basket cordialement, heartily corps ///., body correspondance/;, correspondence corridor m., corridor, hall corriger, correct FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 467 Corse /, Corsica costume m., suit cote/, coast cote" m.,side ; a ~ de, beside ; a ses ~s, at one's side; d'a~, adjoining coucher, put to bed; se ~, go to bed ; chambre a ~, bedroom coudre (cousant, cousu, couds, cousis), sew couleur/, color coup m., stroke, blow; ~ d'ceil, glance ; tout a ~, suddenly couper, cut (off) couple/, couple, two cour/, yard, court courage m. t courage couramment, fluently courant, current ; le ~, the present month courir (courant, couru, cours, cou- rus), run couronne/, crown couronner, crown courrier m. t mail courriez, cond. courir, would run cours ;/z., course, schedule; pi., lec- tures, lessons court, short couru, past part, courir, run cousin m. (f. -e), cousin couteau m. (pi. -x), knife couter, cost couteux (f. -se), costly coutume/, custom couturiere f. , dressmaker couvert (de), covered (with) couvrir (couvrant, couvert, couvre, couvris), cover craie/, chalk craindre (craignant, craint, crains, craignis), fear crainte/, fear; de ~ que, for fear that, lest cravate/, necktie crayon m., pencil cr&lule, credulous creer, create creme/, cream crever, burst, break cri m. % cry crier, cry, shout crise/, crisis critique m. t critic critiquer, criticize croire (croyant, cru, crois, crus), believe, think croitre (croissant, cru, crois, crus), grow croix/, cross crouton m., fried bread crumbs croyance/, belief croyez, pres. croire, believe cruel (/ -He), cruel cruellement, cruelly cueillir (cueillant, cueilli, cueille, cueillis), collect cuiller [kqi-je:r] /, spoon cuisine/, kitchen cuisinier m. (/ -ere), cook cultivable, arable, cleared cultiver, cultivate culture/, culture d\ elided form of&e dame/, lady danger m., danger 468 ELEMENTARY FRENCH dangereux (f -se), dangerous dans, in, into, among danser, dance date/, date davantage, more de, of, from, with ; after superla- tives, in ; partitive, some, any, a ; with inf., to, by ; followed by a numeral, than ; ~ la (P), of (in) the; some, any; ne . . . pas ~>, not any, no, not a d£barrasser, relieve debout, standing d&embre m., December decider (a), persuade (to) ; se ~ (a), decide (to) decoration/!, decoration d^corer, decorate decrire (d£crivant, d&rit, decris, d£crivis), describe decrivez, describe defaut m., defect defendre (a quelqu'un de), forbid (somebody to) defense f, defense ; prohibition ; ~ d'afficher, post no bills ; ~ de fumer, no smoking dgfenseur m., defender d^fier, defy degre* m., degree dehors, outdoors d£ja, already ; meme ~, before this dejeuner, lunch, breakfast dej'euner m., breakfast, luncheon dela, beyond ; au <~ de, beyond del^gue* m., delegate delicieux (/ -se), delicious delit m., misdemeanor demain, tomorrow ; a ~, good-by till tomorrow demander, ask, ask for ; ~ a, ask of (a person); ~de {wit h inf.), ask to demeure verb, live, lives demeure^, home, dwelling demeurer, dwell, live demi, half (218) de*mocratie f , democracy d^molir, tear down, demolish d£montrer, set forth dent f, tooth ; brosse a ~s, tooth- brush dentelle/, lace depart m., departure ; point de ~, starting point departement m., department (one of the 87 main divisions of France) depecher, hasten (tr.) ; se ~, hurry, hasten (intr.) d^pendre (de), depend (upon) depens m. pi., expense ; aux ~ de, at the expense of d£penser, spend depuis, since, for; ~ quand, how long depute* m., deputy d£ranger, disturb dernier (f -ere), last, recent (3 26, f) derriere, behind des, contraction of de les, of (in) the ; some, any des que, as soon as descendre, go down, come down, descend ; <~ de voiture, get out of a carriage ; ~ en ville, go down town FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 469 description f. , description deserter, desert d£signe\ appointed, fixed d£sint£grer, break up (tr.) ; se <*>, break up (intr.) d£sint£ressement »*., disinterest- edness d£sirer, desire d^sormais, henceforth desquels, contraction of&e lesquels dessert verb, clears off (a table) dessert «r., dessert dessin m., drawing destination /., destination ; a <~, at one's destination detacher, detach ; se t», stand out detail m., detail detruit, past part, d6truire, de- stroyed deux, two ; tous les ~, both deuxieme [do-zjeim], second devait, devaient, imp. devoir devant, before (in place), in front of devanture/i, show window deVelopper, develop devenir (devenant, devenu, deviens, devins), become devenu, past part, devenir, become devez, pres. devoir deviez, imp. devoir deviner, guess devint, devinrent, past def. deve- nir, became devoir (devant, du, dois, dus), owe, must, ought ; be to ; see 265 devoir /«., exercise devourment //z., devotion &evr-,fut., cond. devoir dictionnaire **., dictionary dieu m. (pi. -x), god ; mon Dieu ! heavens! goodness! different, different difficile, difficult digne, worthy dimanche ft*:, Sunday dimension/;, dimension diner, dine, eat dinner ; ~ en ville, dine out diner #z., dinner dire (disant, dit, dis, dis), say, tell ; ~ a, tell ; entendre ~, hear (by report) ; sans ~ 5 without saying ; vouloir ~, mean directeur m., director dis, pres. ind., imv. dire, say discipline, disciplined discret (f. -ete), discreet discretion : a ~, as much as one wishes discussion/I, discussion disent, pres. dire, say disposer, arrange dispute/., dispute disputer, dispute ; se e*>, dispute distance/;, distance distinguer, distinguish dit, pres. dire, says ; past def. dire, said dit, past part, dire, said, told dites, pres. dire, say divers, different divise* (en), divided (into) dix [dis; 216, a\ ten docteur in., physician, doctor doigt m., finger 470 ELEMENTARY FRENCH doit, pres. devoir doivent, pres. devoir dome «., dome domestique m. andf., servant domination/, control dommage «., harm, loss ; c'est ~, it is a pity Domremy m., birthplace of Joan of Arc done, then donne, give(s) donne\ given donne-moi, give me donner, give; se ~ la peine (de), take the trouble (to) donnez-moi, give me dont, of whom, of which, whose dormir (dormant, dormi, dors, dor- mis), sleep dos m. t back double, double double" (de), lined (with) douce,/, oj doux doucement, sweetly, softly doue\ endowed, gifted douleur/, pain doute m., doubt ; sans ~, doubtless douter, doubt; ~> que, doubt whether doux {/. douce), sweet, gentle; il fait <*>, it is mild douzaine/, dozen douze, twelve dramaturge m., dramatist, play writer drap ?/z., cloth drapeau m. (pi. -x), flag dresser, raise ; se <~>, stand droit, right ; a ~>e, to (at, on) the right; a angle ~ de, at right angles to ; de ~e, right-hand droit ?n., right druide m., druid (a Gallic priest) du, contraction of He le, of (in) the ; some, any du (f. due), past part, devoir duel m., duel duquel, contraction of&e lequel dur, hard durable, durable durer, last, be in force eau/ (pi. -x), water 6blouissement m., dizzy spell £chafaud m., scaffold Schapper (a), escape (from) Eclair *»., flash ; il fait des <*>s, it lightens Sclaircir, clear up Sclairer (a), light (by) £clater, break out 6cole_/!, school ; a l'~, at school 6colier m. (f. -ere), student, school- boy (-girl) £conome, economical, thrifty Economies///., savings 6conomique, economic £conomiser, save Scouter, listen (to) Verier : s'~, exclaim £crire (Scrivant, 6crit, 6cris, Scrivis), write £cris, pres. ind., imv. Scrire, write £crit, pres. emre, writes 6crit, past part. 6crire, written 6criv-, pres., imv. ecrire, write FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 471 Scrivain m., writer, author gcrivit, past def Scrire, wrote earned, stable (for horses) Edifice m., building Education/;, education effacer, erase effectivement, effectively effet m., effect ; en <~>, in fact, in- deed effort m., effort effrayer (effrai- before a mute syl- lable), frighten ; s'cv>, be fright- ened 6gal {pi. -aux), equal ; c'est <~>, it 's all the same 6gard m., regard; a l r «w de, with regard to £glise/, church egorger, slaughter, cut the throat of Egypte/, Egypt eh bien 1 good ! well ! elan m., dash, enthusiasm electricite* f, electricity electrique, electric elevation/!, elevation, promotion eleve m. and f, pupil eleve\ brought up, bred ; bien <*>, well-bred; mal ~, ill-bred elever, raise ; .s'<*>, arise elire (elisant, elu, 61is, elus), elect elle, she, it; disj., her elle-meme, herself elles, they; disj., them elles-memes, themselves eloquent, eloquent elu, past part, elire, elected embellir, beautify, adorn eminence/!, elevation emouvoir (emouvant, emu, emeus, emus), move (in feelings); s'~ de, be moved (stirred) by empecher (de), prevent (from) empereur m., emperor emplacement m. t site emplette f, purchase ; faire ses <*>s, do one's shopping employer (emploi- before a mute syllable), employ emporter, carry away empresser : s'cv., hasten en pron., of it (them), from it (them), with it (them); some, any ; <*> . . . le (la, les), its (3 1 8) en prep., in; while, by; with words denoting material, see 33 5 » a 'i tout <*>, while encadrer (de), frame (with) enceinte f, inclosure enclaver, inclose encore, still, again, yet; ~ un(e), another, one more ; ~ une fois, once more encre/, ink encrier m., inkstand endormir (endormant, endormi, en- dors, endormis), put to sleep; s'os, go to sleep endroit **., place, spot enfant m. andf, child enfin, finally, at last enlever, take away (off) ennemi adj., hostile ennemi m., enemy ennui m., trouble ennuyer (ennui- before a i?iute syl- lable), tire ; s'<~>, be lonesome 472 ELEMENTARY FRENCH enregistrer, check (baggage) enrichir, enrich enseigne/, sign enseignement m., teaching enseigner, teach, inform ensemble, together ensuite, afterward, then entendre, hear; ~ dire, hear (by report) ; ~ parler, hear tell ; bien entendu, of course enthousiasmer, fill with enthu- siasm entier {/. -ere), entire entourer, surround entr'acte «?., intermission entrainant, inspiring entre, between, in, among entrecouper, intersect entre-croiser, cross entree/!, entrance ; entree entrer, enter (intr.); ~ dans, enter {tr.) . envahir, invade envahisseur m. , invader enveloppe/.', envelope envelopper, wrap up enverrai, enverriez,yW., cond. en- voyer (to send) envers prep., toward envers m., wrong side ; a P~, up- side down environ, about; d'~, about environs m. pi., vicinity, suburbs envoyer (envoyant, envoy6, envoie, envoyai), send ; ~ chercher, send for 6pais (f. -sse), thick Spaule/, shoulder epiceries f. pi., groceries Spicier m., grocer epoque/i, epoch, period £pouvantail m., scarecrow Sriger, erect errer, roam escalier m., stairs, staircase espace m., space esperer, hope esprit m., mind, spirit essayer, try, try on est, pres. etre, is ; ~-ce que, is it that (165); n'~-ce pas, is it not (167) estomac [es-to-ma] M., stomach ; mal d'~, stomach ache et [e], and Stable/, stable (for cattle) £tage m., story (of a house) 6tais (-ait, etc.), imp. etre, was, were etaler, display etant, pres. part, etre, being etat m., state ; en ~ de, in a state of Etats-Unis m. pi., United States etc., et cetera, and so forth £te\ past part, etre, been et£ m., summer ; en ~, in (the) summer etendard m., banner etes, pres. etre, are etions, imp. etre, were ^toffe^, piece of goods; pi., goods (in general) 6toile /., star ; ~ filante, shooting star £tonner, astonish; s'~, be sur- prised Stouffer, choke, stifle FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 473 Strange, queer Stranger adj. (f -ere), foreign Stranger m. (/ -ere), foreigner etre (6tant, 6t6, suis, fus), be ; as active auxiliary, have ; ~ a, be- long to Stroit, narrow Stude/, study Studiant m., student Studier, study eu, past part, avoir, had eurent, past def. avoir, had Europe/, Europe euss- [ys-], past subj. avoir (to have) eut [y], past def. avoir, had eut [y], past subj. avoir (to have) eux, them, they eux-memes, themselves eVSnement m., event eventail m., fan Evident, evident eViter (de), avoid exact, exact exactement, exactly examen m., examination examiner, examine excSder, exceed excellent, excellent exces m., excess excuser, excuse ; s'~, make excuses executif (/ -ve), executive execution/!, execution exemple m., example, illustrative sentence ; par ~, for instance exercer, exercise exercice «r., exercise, drill (military) expirer, die, expire expliquer, explain exposition/, exposition expres (f. -esse), positive expressement, expressly expression f. , expression exprimer, express extSrieur m., exterior extravagance/., extravagance extreme, extreme extremement, extremely extrSmitS/, end face/, face, front ; <*> a, facing, in front of ; en ~ (de), opposite, in front (of) fache\ sorry facile, easy facilement, easily facon /, fashion ; de telle ~, in such a way ; d'une ~, in a fashion facteur m., postman faible, feeble faille, pres. subj. falloir (to be necessary) faillir (f aillant, failli, faux, faillis), fail ; with inf., almost, nearly f aim/, hunger ; avoir <*>, be hungry faire (faisant, fait, fais, fis), make, do ; with inf., have, cause, make ; se ~, take place, be- come : que ~ ? what 's to be done? ~ la classe, hold the class ; ~ de son mieux, do one's best faisait [fa-ze], imp. faire, made, did fait, pres. faire, makes, does ; past part, faire, made, done 474 ELEMENTARY FRENCH fait in., fact, point, deed ; en <~>, in fact ; en ~ de, for ; ~ d'armes, warlike exploit faites, pres. ind., imv. faire, make f a lloir ( , f allu, il f aut, il f allut), be necessary, be obliged to, must, have to, need (274) fameux (f -se), famous familier (/ -ere), familiar famille/, family farci, stuffed farine/i, flour fasse, fassiez, pres. subj. faire (to make) fatiguS, tired faudra, faudrait, fut., cond. f alloir (to be necessary) fausse,/.' ofiaMx f aut, pres. f alloir (to be necessary) fauteuil in., chair, armchair ; seat (in a theater) faux (f -sse), false faux-col m., collar favori (/. -ite), favorite feliciter, congratulate femme [fam]/, wife ; woman fenetre/, window fer 7n., iron ; chemin de ~, railroad ferme adj., hard ferme/, farm, farmhouse fermer, close, shut ; ~ a clef, lock fermier m, (f -ere), farmer f£roce, savage festin m., feast, banquet fete/"., feast, holiday feu in. (pi. -x), fire feuillage in., foliage feuille/, leaf, sheet feutre m., felt feVrier m., February fichu in., neckerchief fidele, faithful, true fier [fi-e:r] (-ere), proud figure/!, face, figure filet m., net bag fille/i, daughter, girl ; ~ de maga- sin, clerk, salesgirl fils [fis] m., son fin_/i, end ; a la ~, at last finir, finish, end; ~ de + inf., finish ; ~ par + inf., finally firent, past def faire, made, did fit, past def. faire, made, did fit, past subj. faire (to make, do) fixe, fixed, limited flatter, flatter fleur/, flower ; en ~, in bloom fleurir, bloom fleuve m., river (large) Foch, commander of the Allied armies at the end of the World War foif, faith foire f, fair ; champ de ~, fair- ground foisj^, time; une ~, once ; deux~, twice ; encore une ~, once more fol, see fou folle,/ of fou fonder, found font, pres. faire, make, do fontaine f, fountain force/, might ; force (troops) ; de toutes ses ~s, with all his might for§t /, forest forger, forge FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 475 forgeron m., blacksmith forme f. t form, shape former, form fors, except fort adj., strong, loud fort adv., very (much) forteresse/, fortress fortifier, fortify fortune/, fortune fou {before a vowel f ol ; f. f olle, tn.pl. fous), crazy fouetter, whip fouiller, search foule /, crowd fourchette /, fork foyer m., lobby fr., abbreviation for franc (noun) frais (f. fraiche), fresh, cool; il fait <~>, it is cool fraise/i, strawberry franc adj. (f franche), frank franc m., franc (a French coin, par value about 20 cents) francais adj., French francais «r., French (the language); livre de ~, French textbook Francais m., Frenchman France/!, France franchement, frankly Frangois, Francis; ~ I, king of France (1 5 1 5-1 547) frapper, knock, strike Fr&teric, Frederick frequenter, frequent, visit often frere m., brother froid adj., cold froid m., cold ; avoir ~, be cold froidement, coldly fromage m., cheese front m., front line frotter, rub fruit m., fruit (of one sort); pi., fruit (collectively) fruitier adj. (f. -ere), fruits-bear- ing) fruitier m., fruit dealer fuir (fuyant, fui, fuis, fuis), flee fumtef, smoke fumer, smoke ; ~ la pipe, smoke a pipe funeste, fatal furent, past def etre, were fusse, past subj. etre (to be) fut, past def. etre, was fut, past subj. etre (to be) futur adj., future futur m., future (tense) gagner, earn, gain, make gai [ge], cheerful, merry gant m., glove garcon m., boy, waiter; ~ de magasin, clerk garde f, guard (body of troops) garder, keep, guard gare/i, railway station ; chef de ~, station agent garnir (de), trim (with) gateau m. {pi. -x), cake gauche, left; a ~, to (at, on) the left ; de ~, left-hand Gaule/, Gaul gaulois adj., Gallic Gaulois m., Gaul (person) gaz [ga:z] m., gas geler, freeze 476 ELEMENTARY FRENCH gener, impede ; se ~, stand on ceremony general m. (pi. -aux), general g6ne>alement, generally g£n£reux (f. -se), generous g&lie »., genius ; engineers genou m. (pi. -x), knee genre m., race ; ~ humain, mankind gens m. and/, pi., people gentil [3a-ti] (f. -lie), well-behaved gentilhomme m. (pi. gentils- . hommes), gentleman, nobleman geste #*., gesture gilet m., vest Gironde/!, a broad river in south- west France glace/!, ice gladiateur m., gladiator gloire/!, glory gorge /., throat ; avoir mal a la ~, have a sore throat Goth m., Goth gout m., taste gouter m., luncheon goutte/, drop gouvernail m., rudder gouvernement m., government gouverner, govern gracieux (f. -se), gracious, graceful graduellement, gradually grammaire /!, grammar; lecon de <*>, grammar lesson grand, large, tall (326,/) grandeur/!, grandeur grand'mere/!, grandmother grand-pere m., grandfather j-parents m. pi., grand- parents grange/, barn gras (f. -sse), fat grave, serious graver, carve gravure/!, picture, engraving grec (f. grecque), Greek grippe/!, influenza gris, gray gronder, roar, rumble gros (f. -sse), big, stout; en ~, wholesale groupe m., group guere, but little ; Be . . . «&, scarcely guerir, cure guerre/!, war guichet m., (stamp) window; sta- tion guide m., guidebook, guide guillotiner, guillotine habiller, dress (/r.); s'~, dress (intr.) habit m., (dress) coat habitant 711., inhabitant habitation/!, residence, dwelling habiter, inhabit habitude/!, habit habituer, accustom; s'~, become accustomed *haine/!, hate *hair (hai'ssant, hai, hais, hai's), hate *halle /., market; ~ aux vins, wine market An aspirate h (52). FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 477 *hangar m., shed *hardi, bold * haricot m. % bean ; ~ vert, string bean *hasard m., chance *hasarder, risk ; se ~ (a), venture (to), chance (to) *hate/i, haste *hater, hasten (tr.)\ se ~, hasten {intr.) *haut, high, loud; loudly; en ~, upstairs *haut m. t top helas 1 [e-la:s] alas ! *heler, call, hail Henri, Henry; ~ IV, king of France ( 1 5 89- 1 6 1 o) herbe/, grass hSroique, heroic *heros m., hero hesitation/, hesitation hesiter, hesitate heure /., hour ; o'clock, time ; <~>s de loisir, leisure time; de bonne ~, early; a P~, on time; V<*> qu'il est, the present time heureusement, happily; ~ que, lucky that heureux (/ -se), happy; ~ de, happy to *hibou m. {pi. -x), owl hier [i-e:r], yesterday ; avant-~, day before yesterday ; ~ soir, last night, yesterday evening hirondelle/., swallow histoire/i, history, story historien 0*., historian hiver [i-ve:r] m., winter ; en «*>, in (the) winter *homard m. t lobster Homere m., Homer, the Greek poet homme m., man honnete, honest; polite (326,/) honneur m., honor honoraires m, j>/., fee honorer, honor *honte /., shame; avoir <*>, be ashamed horloge/, clock horriblement, horribly *hors, out (of) *hors-d'ceuvre m., side dish hospitalier (/ -ere), hospitable hostile, hostile hote m. t host; guest hotel «., hotel; ~> de ville, city hall ; Hotel-Dieu, hospital *Hug0 (Victor), a great French writer of the last century *huit [qit ; 216, a J, eight ; ~ jours, a week *huitieme, eighth huitre,/ oyster humain, human humble, humble, lowly hymne [imn] m., hymn ici, here ; par ~, this way idealisme m., idealism idee/, idea ignorance /., ignorance il, he, it An aspirate h (52). 478 ELEMENTARY FRENCH He/., island illustre, famous illustre\ illustrated, with pictures ils, they imaginaire, imaginary imagination /, imagination imbecile m., dunce imm&liatement, immediately immortel {/. -lie), immortal imparfait m., imperfect . imperatif m., imperative impenssable, imperishable impopulaire, unpopular important, important importer, be important imposant, imposing impossible, impossible impression/^, impression impur, impure inaptitude/, inaptitude incarc£rer, imprison incarnation / , i ncarnation incident «*., incident inconnu, unknown inddpendant, independent indicateur m., guide; «o des che- mins de fer, railroad tjme-table indicatif m., indicative indiquer, point out industriel m., manufacturer, busi- ness man inevitable, inevitable infinitif m., infinitive influence/, influence ingrat, sterile (of soil) inoubliable, never to be forgotten inquiet (/ -ete), uneasy inscription/, inscription inscrire (inscrivant, inscrit, in- scris, inscrivis), inscribe inspiration/, inspiration inspirer (a), inspire (in) instant m., moment institut m., institute instituteur m., teacher institution/, institution insulter, insult intelligent, bright intention /, intention ; avoir l'~ (de), intend (to) intentionne\ intentioned interessant, interesting inteneur m., interior; a l'~, with- in, inside interroger, question intriguer, puzzle inutile, useless invalide, disabled; h6tel des In- valides, Soldiers' Home (at Paris) invasion/, invasion inviter (a), invite (to) ir-,fut., cond. aller (to go) ironique, ironical ironiquement, ironically irr^flgchi, thoughtless Italie/, Italy italien (/ -nne), Italian itineraire m., itinerary j\ elided form ofje jadis [3a-dis], formerly jaloux (/ -se), jealous jamais, ever, never ; a ~, forever; ne . . . <*>, never jambe/, leg Janvier m. 7 January FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 479 Japon m., Japan jaquette/i, (woman's) coat jardin m., garden jardiniere : a la ~, with vegetables jaune, yellow je, I Jean, John Jeanne, Joan, Jane ; ~ d'Arc, the French heroine jeter (jett- before a mute syllable), throw jeu m. (pi. -x), game, sport; ~ d'esprit, riddle; maison de <*>, gambling house jeudi m., Thursday jeun : a ~, fasting jeune, young jeunesse/, youth joie/, joy joindre (joignant, joint, joins, joignis), join (tr.) ; se ~ a, join (intr.) joli, pretty joliment, prettily jouer, play jouir (de), enjoy joujou m. (pi. -x), plaything jour m., day; un~, some day; huit <~s,aweek; denost*>s,inourday; ~ de Pan, New Year's Day journal m. (pi. -aux), newspaper journaliste m., journalist journeX/1, day (with its happenings) juge m., judge juillet m., July juin m., June Jules, Julius Julie, Julia jumeau (/ jumelle), twin jupe/, skirt jus ;//., juice, gravy jusque, up to, even ; jusqu'a, even to, as far as, until ; jusqu'a ce que, until.; jusqu'alors, up to that time juste, just ; c'est ~, that 's right justice f, justice ; rendre la «~, administer justice kilo m., kilogram (2.2 pounds) kilometre m., kilometer (.62 miles) 1', elided form ofle and la la,/! ofle : art., the ; pron., her, it la, there (1 94); par-ci par-~, here and there la-bas, over there, yonder labeur **., labor, toil lac m., lake laine/i, wool laisser, let lait m., milk laitue/i, lettuce langue/i, language; tongue laquelle,/! ^/"lequel large, broad, wide largeur/, width laver, wash le art. (f la, pi. les), the lepron. (f la, pi. les), him, it; so le$onf, lesson lecture /, reading ; lecon de ~, reading lesson 16gende/, legend \6ger (/ -ere), light, slight legion/!, legion 48o ELEMENTARY FRENCH legislatif (/. -ve), legislative legitime, legitimate legume m., vegetable lendemain m., next day lequel int. ftron. (f. laquelle, pi. lesquels, lesquelles) ; which lequel rel. ftron. (f. laquelle, ftl. lesquels, lesquelles), which, that, who, whom les, ftl. ofle, la : art., the ; ftron., them lesquels, ftl. of lequel lettre /., letter ; a la ~, literally, exactly ; boite aux ~s, letter box ; en toutes ~s, in full leur fters. ftron., to them, them leur ftoss. adj. {ftl. -s), their ; le ~ ft oss. ftron., theirs lever, raise ; se ~, arise, get up liberal (ftl. -aux), liberal liberty/, liberty libraire m., bookseller libre, free lieu m. (ftl. -x), place; avoir ^, take place ; donner ~ a, give rise to ligne/i, line; pecher a la ~, fish, angle limited, limit linge m., linen lire (lisant, lu, lis, lus), read lis, fires, ind., imv. lire, read lis [lis] m., lily lisant, ftres. ftart. lire, reading lisons, lisez, lisent, ftres. lire, read liste/, list lit, ftres. lire, reads lit m., bed litre m., liter (about a quart) litt^raire, literary literature f. , li terature livre m., book Xxvxef., pound locality/, locality locomotive /., locomotive locution/], saying loif., law loin, far Loire /., Loire, a large river in central France loisir m., leisure ; heures de ~, leisure time Londres m., London long adj. (f. longue), long long m., length ; le ~ de, along, by longtemps, long, a long time longuement, at length longueur/, length Lorraine /., a province in north- east France lors, then ; ~ de, at the time of lorsque, when lot m., parcel, lot louer, praise ; rent Louis, Louis; ~ XIV, king of France (1643-17 15); ~ XV, king of France (1 7 1 5-1 774); ~ XVI, king of France (1 774— 1792); ~-Philippe, king of France (1830- 1848) lourd, heavy Louvre m., a famous museum in Paris lu, ftast ftart. lire, read lui, to him, him, to her, her, to it; disj., he, it FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 481 lui-m§me, himself, itself luire (luisant, lui, luis, luisis), shine lumiere/, light lundi m., Monday lune/, moon luxe «., luxury Luxembourg m., a famous palace and garden in Paris Lyon m., Lyons, an important French city lyrique, lyric M., abbreviation for monsieur m', elided form, of me ma,/ of mon, my MacMahon, a French marshal madame f {pi. mesdames), Mrs., madam Madeleine/., a church in Paris mademoiselle f. {pi. mesdemoi- selles), Miss magasin m., store ; fille de ~, clerk, salesgirl; garcon de ~, clerk ; ~ de nouveautSs, depart- ment store magistrat m., magistrate magnifique, magnificent magnitude/, size mai m., May main/, hand maintenant, now maintenu, past part, maintenir, held maire m., mayor (administrator of a French commune) mais co?ij., but mais intj., why ! ~ oui (si) ! yes indeed ! maison [me-z5] /, house ; a la ~, at home maitre in., teacher (of a primary school) ; e* d'£cole, schoolmaster ; e>» d' hotel, steward maitresse/, schoolmistress majestueux (/ -se), imposing majeur, important, great mal adv., badly, ill mal m. {pi. maux), evil, harm, pain ; faire «• a, hurt ; avoir ~ a la gorge, have a sore throat ; avoir ambu- lant, pushcart peddler marchander, bargain, haggle marchandise /, merchandise ; freight 482 ELEMENTARY FRENCH marche" m., market; bargain; au ~, to market ; bon ~, cheap ; ~ aux fleurs, flower market marcher, walk, march mardi m., Tuesday marecage m., swamp marechal m., marshal mari m., husband Marie, Mary ; ^-Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI, an Austrian by birth maritime, maritime mars [ma:rs] m., March Marseillaise /.', French national hymn Marseille f, Marseilles, a city in southern France math^maticien m., mathematician math£matique/!, mathematics matin adv., early matin m., morning, a.m.; le ~, in the morning, mornings maudire (maudissant, maudit, maudis, maudis), curse mauvais [mo-ve], bad maux, pi. ofmal mayonnaise, mayonnaise me, me, to me ; refl., myself m£chant, naughty, wicked, poor (326,/) m£decin m., doctor, physician m^decine/, medicine medicament m., medicine M^dicis m., Medici, a famous Ital- ian family M£diterran£e_/;, Mediterranean m£fait m., misdeed meilleur, better ; le ~, (the) best membre m., member meme, same, self, even; en <*> temps, at the same time ; ~ de"ja, before this ; un ~, one and the same ; de <*>, likewise rnkmovref, memory menaced, threat mener, lead mens, mentez, pres. mentir, lie mentionner, mention mentir (mentant, menti, mens, mentis), lie (tell a falsehood) menu m., menu, bill of fare m£pris **., scorn mer/, sea merci, thank you mercredi m., Wednesday mere/], mother m^rite m, t merit m£riter, deserve mes, pi. 0/"mon, my mesdames, pi. of madame mesdemoiselles, pi. of mademoi- selle message m., message messieurs,//, 0/" monsieur mesure/i, measure ; sur ~, made to order mesurer, measure met, pres. mettre, puts m^thode/;, method metre m., meter (39.37 inches) mettre (mettant, mis, mets, mis), put, put on, place ; se ^ a, begin to; se ~ au beau, become fine (weather) meubl6, furnished meubles m. pi., furniture FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 483 meurs, meurt, pres. mourir, die, dies meutey^, pack (of hounds) midi m., noon, twelve o'clock mien : le ~ (f. la mienne), mine mieux, better, preferable; le ~, (the) best; faire de son ~, do one's best ; valoir ~, be better, be preferable mil [mil], thousand (in dates) milieu /«., middle ; au ~ de, in the middle of; tout au ~, right in the middle militaire, military mille [mil], (a) thousand mille [mil] m., mile milliard [mi-lja:r] m., billion millier [mi-lje] m., thousand million [mi-lj5] m., million mineur, lesser, smaller ministre m,, minister minuit m., midnight, twelve o'clock miserable, miserable, wretched mit, past def mettre, put M Ue , abbreviation for mademoi- selle MM., abbreviation for messieurs M me , abbreviation for madame mobilier m., furnishings, furniture mode m., method ; mode, mood mode/;, fashion, style modele m., model moderne, modern modeste, modest modiste m. andf, milliner moeurs [mce:rs]_/^/., morals moi, me, to me, I moi-meme, myself moindre, less ; le ~, (the) least moins (de), less, fewer ; le ~, (the) least, fewest ; au ~ } at least ; a ~ que, unless mois m., month moisson/i, harvest moitte/, half mol, see mou Moliere /«., a great French drama- tist of the seventeenth century molle, fof mou moment /«., moment, while mon (f ma, pi. mes), my monde m., world, people ; tout le <*>, everybody ; du ~, company monnaie/, change, money monsieur [ma-sjo] m. {pi. mes- sieurs), Mr., sir ; gentleman mont m., mount montagne/, mountain monter, climb, go up(stairs); get in ; cv. a cheval, ride horseback montre verb, show(s) montre/!, watch montrer, show ; montrez-moi, show me monument m., monument, object of interest moquer : se ~ de, make fun of morceau m. (pi. -x), piece ; selection morcellement m., parceling out, subdivision mordre, bite mort, past part, mourir, died, dead mort/, death mortel (f -He), mortal mot m., word, saying motif m., motive 484 ELEMENTARY FRENCH mou {before a vowel mol ; f. molle, m. pi. mous), soft mouchoir m., handkerchief moudre (moulant, moulu, mouds, moulus), grind moulin m. t mill mourir (mourant, mort, meurs, mourus), die mourut, past def. mourir, died mousse/., moss moustache/, mustache mouton m., mutton mouvement m., moving about, movement mouvoir (mouvant, mu, meus, mus), move moyen adj. (f. -nne), average, middle moyen m., means, way mugir, bellow multitude/, multitude munir (de), furnish (with) mur m., wall mur, ripe murir, ripen musee m., museum musicien m., musician musique/, music n', elided form ofne nager, swim naissance/, birth naitre (naissant, n£, nais, naquis), be born Napoleon, Napoleon ; «»' I (Bona- parte), emperor of France (i 804- 1814); ~ HI, emperor of the French (1852-1870) nappe/, tablecloth naquit, past def naitre, was born nasal {pi. -aux), nasal natal, native nation/, nation national {pi. -aux), national nature/, nature naturel (/ -He), natural naturellement, naturally, of course navarin m., stew, ragout ne, not; not translated, see 305 and 307, a, Note; «> . . . pas, not ne*, past part, naitre, born ne*cessaire, necessary n£cessit6/, necessity n£gliger, neglect neige/, snow neiger, snow net [net] (/ -tte), clear nettoyer, clean neuf (/ neuve), new (newly made) neuf (216, a), nine neuvieme, ninth neveu m. {pi. -x), nephew nez m., nose ni, nor ; ne . . . ~ ne, neither . . . nor ; ne . . . ~ . . . ~, neither . . . nor ; see 1 7 1 nid m., nest niece/, niece nier, deny Nimes/, a city in southern France noble, noble noir, black noix/, nut nom m., name nombre m., number nombreux (/ -se), numerous FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 485 nommer, name nommez, name non, no nord /«., north nord-ouest [nor-dwest] m., north- west Normandie/i, Normandy, a prov- ince in northern France nos, pi. #/"notre, our notamment, notably notre^w. adj. {pi. nos), our notre : le ~ poss. pron., ours Notre-Dame/, a cathedral in Paris nouer, tie nourrir, feed, support; se ~ de, live upon nous, we, us, to us ; d/sj., us, we ; refl., ourselves ; ~ tous, we all, all of us nous-memes, ourselves nouveau {before a vowel nouvel ; f. nouvelle, m. pi. nouveaux), new, different (326,/); de <*>, again nouvel, see nouveau nouvelle,/ ^/ nouveau nouvelles /.pi., news ; recevoir de vos ~, get news from you novembre m.\ November noyer m., walnut tree nuage m., cloud nuire (nuisant, nui, nuis, nuisis), injure nuit /., night ; de la *», the night long nul {/. -He), no numenque, numerical numero m., number nymphe/, nymph oasis [wa-zis]/, oasis ob&r (a), obey obelisque m., obelisk oberleutenant m. {a German- Fre?ich word), first lieutenant obligeant, obliging obliger, oblige obtenir (obtenant, obtenu, obtiens, obtins), obtain occasion/^, occasion, chance; a la moindre ~, on the least occasion ; d'~, second-hand occidental {pi. -aux), western occupy, busy, occupied occuper, occupy ocean ///., ocean octobre «r.j October odieux {/. -se), odious ceil m. {pi. yeux), eye ; coup d'~>, glance OBuf m. {pi. ceufs [0]), egg ceuvre/!, work offert, past part, offrir, offered officier m. t officer offrir (offrant, offert, offre, offris), offer oh! oh! oiseau m. {pi. -x), bird omelette/, omelet omnibus [om-ni-bys] m.: ~ a che- vaux, omnibus drawn by horses on, one, we, you, they ; somebody, people (242, 243) ; l'~, see 243, Note 2 oncle m., uncle ont, pres. avoir, have onze, eleven op£ra m., opera, opera house 486 ELEMENTARY FRENCH orw., gold ; d'~>, gold, of gold orage m., storm orageux (f. -se), stormy orange/, orange orchestre m., orchestra ordinaire, ordinary ordinairement, ordinarily ordonner, order ordre m., order ; donner P~ (de), give orders (to) oreille/, ear original (pi. -aux), original Orleans m., Orleans, a city in France orner (de), ornament (with) orthographe /., spelling, orthog- raphy os [ds] m. (pi. os [o]), bone oser, dare Ostende/, Ostend, a Belgian town on the North Sea oter, take off ou, or oil, where ; at which, in which ; d'~, whence, from where; par «>, through which oublier, forget ouest [west] m., west; a l'~, in the west oui, yes ; mais <*> ! yes indeed ! ours [urs] ?n., bear outre : en ~, besides ouvert, past part, ouvrir, opened, open ouverture/, opening ouvrage m., work ouvrir (ouvrant, ouvert, ouvre, ouvris), open ovale, oval page/, page paie, pres. payer, pay(s) paille/, straw pain m., bread paire/, pair paix/, peace palais m., palace pale, pale pancarte/, placard panier m., crate, basket pan talon m., trousers papier m., paper paquet m., bundle par, through, by; with units of time, 2l\ ev>-ci ~-la, here and there ; ~ ici, this way paradis m., paradise paragraphe m., paragraph paraitre (paraissant, paru, parais, parus), appear parapluie m., umbrella pare m, t park parce que, because parcourir (parcourant, parcouru, parcours, parcourus),pass through pardessus m., overcoat pardon m., pardon pardonner (a), pardon pareil (f. -lie), like, similar parents m. pi., parents paresseux (/ -se), lazy, idle parfaitement, excellently parfum m., perfume Paris m., Paris parisien (/ -nne), Parisian parlement m., parliament parler, speak, talk ; ~ de, talk about, speak of ; entendre ~, hear tell FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 487 parmi, among parole/, word pars, pres. partir, start parseine" (de), dotted (with) part, pres. partir, starts part /., part, share ; prendre ~ a, take part in ; de la ~ de, on the part of ; de ma ~, from me partager, share partez, pres. partir, start parti, past part, partir, started parti m., party (political) partial, partial participation /, participation participe m., participle particulier (/ -ere), private, pe- culiar, particular particulierement, particularly partie/, part; party, game partir (partant, parti, pars, partis), start, leave partout, everywhere parut, past def. paraitre, appeared parvis m. y space before a church pas adv., not ; ne . . . ~, not ; ne . . . ~ de, no, not any, not a ; ~ du tout, by no means pas m., step ; strait passage m. t passage passe" adj., past, last pass6 «., past passeport m., passport passer, pass, go by ; spend (time) ; se ~ de, do without patrie^, native land patriote m., patriot pauvre, poor; needy (326,/) pauvret6_/i, poverty Pavie,/, Pavia, a city in Italy payer (pai- before a mute syllable), pay, pay for pays m., country pay sage m. t landscape paysan m. (f. -nne), peasant peau/ (pi. -x), skin pechey^, peach peche/, fishing pecher, fish ; ~ a la ligne, fish, angle p<§dagogie/, pedagogy peigne m, t comb peigner, comb ; se ~, comb one's hair peindre (peignant, peint, peins, peignis), paint peine f., trouble ; a ~, scarcely ; prendre (se donner) la cv> (de), take the trouble (to) peintre ;;/., painter peinture/, painting penchant ///., inclination pendant, during, for ; ~ que, while pens^e/i, thought penser, think ; ~ a, think of, think about (put the mind on) ; ~ de, think of, think about (have an opinion of) penseur m. t thinker pension/!, boarding house perdre, lose pere m., father permettre (permettant, permis, permets, permis), permit persil [per-si] m. t parsley personnage m., personage personnel, person ; m., anybody, nobody ; ne . . . ««, nobody 488 ELEMENTARY FRENCH personnel (f. -lie), personal personnifier, impersonate perte/i, loss, casualties petit, little, small ; petty (326,/) pgtrir, knead peu (de), little, few ; ~ a ~, little by little, gradually ; sous <*>, shortly peuple m., people, tribe peupler (de), people (with) peur/!, fear ; avoir ~, be afraid peut, pres. pouvoir, can ; on ne ~ plus, exceedingly, extremely peut-etre, perhaps peux, peuvent, pres. pouvoir, can pharmacien m., druggist photo f., photo, photograph photographie/i, photograph phrase f., sentence, phrase piano m., piano piece f. } piece ; room pied m., foot pedestal m. {pi. -aux), pedestal Pierre, Peter piston 7//., pedestrian pigeon m., pigeon, squab pipe f., pipe ; fumer la <~>, smoke a pipe piquant, sharp pire, worse ; le (des), most (of) ; pour la ~, generally pluriel »»., plural plus (de), more (105); no more, no longer ; le ~, (the) most ; ne ... ~, no more, no longer ; de ~ en , more and more plusieurs, several Plutarque m., Plutarch, a Greek biographer plutot, rather poche/, pocket poesie_/i, poetry poete m., poet point adv., not at all ; ne . . . <~>, not at all point m., point, place ; sur le *» de, on the point of, about to poire/, pear poirier m., pear tree pois *»., pea: petits ~, green peas FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 489 poisson m., fish poitrine/, chest poli, polite politique adj., political politique/, politics pomme /., apple; *a de terre, po- tato ; ~s nouvelles, new potatoes pommier in., apple tree pont in., bridge populaire, popular population/^, population pore [po:r] m. t pig ; pork portail in., front, portal porte/, door porte-plume m., penholder porter, carry, bear, wear ; se ~, be (of health) ; comment vous portez-vous ? how do you do ? portiere f., door (of an omnibus) portrait m., portrait poser, put, place position/!, position posse'der, possess possible, possible postal (pi. -aux), postal poste/i, post; bureau de ~, post office ; mettre a la ~, post, mail ; ~ restante, general delivery poster, place, station, post potage in., soup pou m. (pi. -x), louse poulet »»., chicken pouls [pu] m. t pulse pour, for; with inf., in order to; ~ que, in order that; <*> dix francs, ten francs 1 worth pourboire m., tip pourquoi, why pourr-, fut., cond. pouvoir (to be able) pourvoir (pourvoyant, pourvu, pourvois, pourvus) (de), provide (with) pourvu que, provided that, if only pousser, grow pouvoir (pouvant, pu, peux (puis), pus), be able, can pouvoir ;//., power pre" m., field, pasture, meadow precedent, preceding precher, preach pr&ieux (f. -se), precious pr£cipiter, hasten pr^dicateur m., preacher prefecture (f.) de police, police headquarters pr^f^rable, preferable pr^f^rer, prefer pr£fet 111., prefect (administrator of a French department) premier (f. -ere), first; ~ plan, foreground prendre (prenant pris, prends, pris), take, get ; ~ a, take from preparatif in., preparation prepare, prepared preparer, prepare pres de, near prescription/, prescription prescrire (prescrivant, present, prescris, prescrivis), prescribe present m., present (time) presenter, introduce president m., president presque, almost presse, hurried, in a hurry, busy 490 ELEMENTARY FRENCH pressentir (pressentant, pressen- ti, pressens, pressentis), foresee, guess pret (a), ready (to) preter, lend pr£tre m., priest preVenir (prevenant, pre>enu, pr6- viens, pre>ins), inform, tell prier, pray, beg; je vous prie, please (I beg you) priere f., prayer ; ~ de ne pas, please not primaire, elementary prince m., prince princesses, princess principal (pi. -aux), principal principalement, principally, mainly principaut^/i, principality printemps m. t spring; au ~, in (the) spring pris, past part, prendre, taken prise f. t capture prison/:, prison prisonnier m. (f. -ere), prisoner prit, past def. prendre, took prix m., price probable, probable prochain, next proche, near proclamation/:, proclamation proclamer, proclaim procurer, procure produit, past part, produire, pro- duced professeur m., professor profond, deep progres, m., progress promenade^, walk promener, walk, take for a walk ; se ~, take a walk promeneur m. and/., pedestrian promesse/:, promise; tenir sa <~, keep one's promise promettre (promettant, promis, promets, promis), promise; ~ de, promise to promis, past part, promettre, promised prononcer, pronounce ; se 03, be pronounced prononciation/:, pronunciation propos m., purpose; a ~, fitting, advisable propre, own; clean (326,/) proprtetaire *»., landlord propriety:, property, estate prouver, prove proverbe m., proverb province/:, province(s) proximity/:, nearness, proximity prudent, careful Prusse/:, Prussia prussien (f. -nne), Prussian pu, past part, pouvoir (to be able) public adj. (f. publique), public public m., public publier, publish puis, then puisse, puissions, fares, subj. pou- voir (to be able) punir, punish punition/:, punishment pupitre in., desk (of the pupil) pur, pure purge/, soup put, imp. stibj. pouvoir (to be able) FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 491 qu', elided form of que quai [ke] m., quay, wharf, plat- form quality/, quality quand, when quant a, as for quarante, forty quart m., quarter, fourth quartier m., quarter, section quatorze, fourteen quatre, four quatre-vingts, eighty quatrieme, fourth que int. pron., what; qu'est-ce qui, what (323); qu'est-ce ~, what (323); qu'est-ce que c'est que cela ? what is that ? que rel.pron., which, whom, that; ce **>, what, that which que conj., that, than, as ; with subj., may, let; ne . . . ~, only quel (f. -He), what, which, what a; «v> que, whatever quelconque, any whatever, of any kind quelque, some little, some; pi., a (some) few, some, several ; ~ chose, something, anything ; ■w . . . que, whatever quelquefois, sometimes quelqu'un (/ -e), somebody, any- body ; pi. quelques-uns, some question yC, question; etre ~, be a question ; faire une c*>, ask a question questionnef, question qui int. pron., who, whom ; a <>>, whose ; de ~, whose ; ~ est-ce <~, who (323); ~ est-ce que, whom, who (323); <*> que, whoever qui rel. pron., who, whom, which, that ; ce ~, what, that which quinze, fifteen quitter, leave quoi int. pron., what quoi rel.pron., what; 00 • > . «», what, that which; de <~, some- thing ; ~ que, whatever ; il n'y a pas de <*>, it 's not worth men- tioning quoique, although race/!, race raisin m., grape raison/, reason ; avoir ~, be right ralliement m. t rallying ramasser, collect rangtef, row ranimer, revive rappeler, recall, remind of rapporter, bring back, carry back, take back rare, rare rarement, rarely raser, shave rayon m., department, counter, shelf; ray rayonner, radiate reality, reality recalcitrant, stubborn re"cemment, recently recent, recent recevoir (recevant, recu, recois, recus), receive reciter, recite reclamer, claim 492 ELEMENTARY FRENCH recois, regoit, fires, recevoir, re- ceive^) recommander, register (of mail) recommencer, begin again reconnu, recognized recu, fiast fiart. recevoir, received redevenir (redevenant, redevenu, redeviens, redevins), become again redire (redisant, redit, redis, redis), say again refuser, refuse r£gal «*., feast, treat regarder, look, look at (upon) regiment m., regiment region/!, region regie /., ruler, rule regne »., reign r£gner, reign regret in., regret regretter, regret r£gulier (f. -ere), regular Reims [re:s] m., Rheims, a cathe- dral city in northern France reined, queen relache m., respite, rest relief m., relief religieusement, religiously religieux (/ -se), religious religion/!, religion relique/, relic relire (relisant, relu, relis, relus), reread remarquable, remarkable remarque/i, remark remarquer, notice ; se faire ~, at- tract notice remercier (de), thank (for) remettre (remettant, remis, remets, remis), put again, put on again ; postpone ; se ~ au beau, become fine again remonter, go up, ascend remplacer, replace remplir (de), fill (with) r£mun£rer (de), pay (for) renaissance /, rebirth; Renais- sance, the revival of art and liter- ature in the sixteenth century renard ///., fox rencontrer, meet, come across (tr.) ; se ~, meet (i?itr.) rendez-vous ?/z., meeting place rendre, give back, render; se ~, surrender ; se ~ a, go to, repair to ; ~ la justice, administer jus- tice ; ~ responsable (de), make responsible (for) ; se <~ compte, have an idea, realize renfermer, contain renomine\ renowned renoncer (a), give up renseignements m. fi/., informa- tion renseigner, inform, post rentrer, return, go back (into), enter again renvoyer (renvoyant, renvoyS, ren- voie, renvoyai), send back repartie/i, reply, retort repas m., meal repentir (repentant, repenti, repens, repentis) : se ~> (de), repent (of) repertoire m., repertory, list r£p£ter, repeat replet {/. -ete), corpulent FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 493 replique/, reply r£pondre, reply (to), answer r£ponse/;, reply, answer reporter, take (carry) back repos m., rest reposer, rest ; se <*>, rest (mtr.)i repousser, drive back, repulse representation/, performance repr^senter, represent, perform reproduire (reproduisant, reproduit, reproduis, reproduisis), reproduce r£publique/;, republic re"server, reserve residence /., residence resistance /., resistance r£soudre (r£solvant, r£solu, resous, resolus), resolve; se ~ a, be resolved to responsable, responsible; rendre ~ de, make responsible for ressembler (a), resemble restante : poste ~, general delivery restaurant m., restaurant rester, remain, stay r£sultat m, t result retard : en ~, late retenir (retenant, retenu, retiens, retins), retain, keep back retour m., return ; etre de ~, be back retourner, return; se ~, turn around r£unir, unite, join; se ~, meet, gather r£ussir (a), succeed (in) reVeiller, wake ; se ~, wake up revenir (revenant, revenu, reviens, revins), come back revenu, past part, revenir, come back reverdir, grow green again revient, reviennent, pres. revenir, come(s) back revins, past def. revenir, came back revoir(revoyant, revu, revois, revis), see again ; au ~, good-by revolution/!, revolution reVolutionnaire m., revolutionist revue/!, magazine rez-de-chauss£e ;//., ground floor Rhin m. t Rhine rhume m., cold (disease) riche, rich richement, richly richesses f. pi., riches, wealth rideau m. {pi. -x), curtain rien, nothing, anything ; ne . . . ~, nothing rire (riant, ri, ris, ris), laugh ; se ~ de, laugh at rive/;, shore, bank riviere/;, river (small) robe /, dress; pommes de terre en ~ de chambre, potatoes served in their skins robuste, strong, sturdy roi w., king role m., role, part romain adj., Roman Romain m., Roman roman «., novel romancier m., novelist Rome/;, Rome rompre, break rond, round rosbif m., roast beef 494 ELEMENTARY FRENCH roti m., roast Rouen m., a city in northern France rouge, red rouler, roll route f., highway, road ; en <*> pour, on the way to roux {/. -sse), red, tawny royal {pi. -aux), royal royaliste m., royalist ruban m., ribbon rude, rude, uncouth rue/!, street rugueux (/. -se), rough ruisseau in. {pi. -x), brook rural {pi. -aux), rural Russie/i, Russia s', elided form ofse and si sa,/! of son, his, her, its sac m., bag, valise sacr£, holy, sacred sais, sait [se],pres. savoir, know(s) saillie/;, projection ; faire ~, pro- ject saint m. {/. -e), saint saisir, seize, grasp ; se ~ de, take, seize saison/;, season salade/:, salad salle f, room ; <~ de classe, class- room ; ~ a manger, dining-room ; ~ d'attente, waiting-room salon m., parlor salutation/!, salutation samedi «*., Saturday sang m., blood sans, without (a, any); <~> que, without sanUf, health Sarrasin in., Saracen satiriste m., satirist satisfait (de), satisfied (with) sauce/!, sauce, dressing saucisson in., sausage sauf, except saur-,/«/., cond. savoir (to know) sauver, save ; se ~, run away sauveur m., savior Savoie f, Savoy, a province in southeast France savoir (sachant, su, sais, sus), know ; faire ~, inform savon m., soap scene/!, scene science/!, science se, himself, herself, itself, them- selves ; each other, one another stance/!, sitting, meeting Sevastopol m., a fortified seaport in the Crimea, Russia sec {/. seche), dry second [ss-go], second secondaire [s9-go-de:r], secondary secours in., safety, aid secret {/. -ete), secret sicnritif, safety seigneur in., lord, noble sein in., bosom ; midst Seine/!, a river in northern France seize, sixteen sSjour m., stay sel m., salt selon, according to semaine/;, week sembler, seem semer, sow FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 495 se*nat m., senate secateur m., senator sens [sa:s] m., sense sensible, noticeable sentiment *r., sentiment sentir (sentant, senti, sens, sentis), feel, smell ; se ev>, feel (of health) separer, separate sept [set ; 216, a], seven septembre m, t September serai, sera,////, etre (to be) s£rail *f., seraglio • serait, cond. etre, would be serez,/w/. etre, will be serie/, series seriez, cond. etre, would be seront,/#A etre, will be serrer, press; ~ la main, shake hands sers, sert, fires, servir, serve(s) servez, fires, servir, serve servi, fiast fiart. servir, served service m., service serviette/;, napkin servir (servant, servi. sers, servis), serve ; ~ de, serve as ; se ~ de, use ses, fit. of son, his, her seul, alone; only, (a) single one (326,/) seulement, only severe, severe si adv., so ; yes ; ~ . . . que, so ... as si con/., if, whether siecle m., century siege m., seat sien : le <~> (/ la sienne), his, hers, its signature/, signature sillon m., furrow sillonner, mark, streak simple, simple simultan£ment, simultaneously sire m., my lord situ.6, situated six [sis ; 216, a\ six sixieme [si-zje:m], sixth soci£t6/, society soeur/, sister soi, one's self, itself soie/, silk soient, fires, subj. etre (to be) soif /, thirst ; avoir ~, be thirsty soigner, tend soin 711., care, service ; aux ~s de, in care of soir m., evening; le ~, in the evening, evenings ; hier ~, last evening soiree/, evening (with its happen- ings) Soissons m., a city in northern France soit, fires, subj. etre (to be) soixante [swa-sa:t], sixty soldat m., soldier solde m., remnant; vente de ~s, clearance sale solde/, wages soleil m., sun sombre, dark, gloomy sommeil m., sleep; avoir <~, be sleepy sommes, fires, etre, are sommet m., summit, top son (/ sa, fil. ses), his, her, its 496 ELEMENTARY FRENCH sonne, rings sonner, ring, strike (of a clock) sont, fires, etre, are sorcier m. {/. -ere), sorcerer sors, sort, fires, sortir, go(es) out sort m., fate sortait, imp. sortir, went out sorte /., kind ; de ~ que, so that ; de toutes ~s, of all kinds sortez, pres. sortir, go out sorti, past part, sortir, gone out sortie /, leaving, dismissal; exit sortir (sortant, sorti, sors, sortis), go out sot {/. -tte), stupid sou m., sou (one twentieth of a franc), cent souffrir (souffrant, souffert, souffre, souffris), suffer Soulier m., (low) shoe souligner, underscore soupe/, soup souper m., supper souris/, mouse sous, under ; <*> peu, shortly sous-pr6fet m., subprefect (ad- ministrator of a French arron- dissement) soutiens, imv. soutenir, sustain souvenir (souvenant, souvenu, sou- viens, souvins), remember ; se ~ de, remember souvenir m., memory souvent, often soyez, pres. subj. etre (to be) spacieux (/ -se), roomy, spacious sp&ial (fit. -aux), special spectacle m., show, spectacle spectateur m., spectator spirale/, spiral ; en ~ 5 winding • station/, station statue/, statue Strasbourg m., Strasburg, a city in Alsace studieux (f. -se), studious style «*,, style stylo m., fountain pen su, fiast fiart. savoir, known subir, undergo subjonctif m., subjunctive subordonng, subordinate substantiel {/. -lie), substantial subvention/, subsidy succ£der, succeed successeur m., successor sucre m., sugar sud [syd] m., south suffire(suffisant, sutfi, suffis, suffis), be sufficient suis, fires, etre, am suis, fires, suivre, follow Suisse/, Switzerland suite /, succession, effect, con- tinuation ; a la ~ de, after ; des s de, because of, from ; tout de <*>, immediately, at once suivant, following suivre (suivant, suivi, suis, suivis), follow ; ~ un cours, take a course ; faire ~, forward (mail) sujet adj. (/ -tte), subject, liable sujet m., subject; person superbe, superb superficie/, area supposer, suppose; suppose* que, supposing that FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 497 supreme, supreme sur prep., on, over; ~ moi, about me sur adj., sure surement, surely surnaturel (f. -lie), supernatural surpasser, surpass surprise^, surprise surtout, especially survivant m., survivor syllabe/, syllable symbole m., symbol sympathies, sympathy systeme «., arrangement, system t, see 89, b, Note t\ elided form ofte ta,f of ton, your, thy table/, table tableau m. (pi. -x), blackboard, picture ; au ~, on (at) the black- board tablier m., apron tache/, task tactique/, tactics tailleur in., tailor taire (taisant, tu, tais, tus), say nothing of ; se ~, be silent talent m., ability Tamise f, Thames (the English river) tandis que, while tant (de), so much, so many ; ~ mieux, so much the better t&n-tef, aunt tapis m., carpet tapisserie/, tapestry taquiner, tease tard, late t&ssef, cup tater, feel te, you, to you, thee, to thee ; refl., thyself, yourself tel (f. -lie), such ; un <*>, such a ; ~ que, such as; de ~le facon, in such a way temple m., temple temps in., time; weather; a <~, on time ; combien de ~, how long ; de tous les ~, at all times ; en meme ~, at the same time tendre verb, hand out tendre adj., delicate, tender tenir (tenant, tenu, tiens, tins), hold; ~ a, insist on, be eager to; ~ sa promesse, keep one's promise ; se <» debout, stand terme m., term terminer, finish, complete terrain in., ground terref, land ; pomme de cv>, potato terrestre, earthly tes, pi. 0/~ton, your, thy tetef, head ; mal a la ~, headache Texas in., Texas the* in., tea theatre in., theater, stage tiea : le tien (_/.' la tienne), thine, yours tiens, intj., well ! tiens, tient, pres. tenir, hold(s) tiers adj. (f tierce), third tiers in., third timbre in., stamp tirer, draw ; se ~ d'affaire, get along 498 ELEMENTARY FRENCH toi, you, to you, thee, to thee, thou toile/, linen toilette/, toilet toi-meme, thyself tomate/, tomato tombeau m. (pi. -x), tomb tomber, fall ton (f. ta, pi. tes), your, thy tonnerre in., thunder ; il fait du «*>, it is thundering tort in., wrong ; avoir «*>, be wrong tot, soon toujours, always, ever tour in., turn tour/, tower Touraine/, a province in central France tournelle/, little tower tourner, turn (/r.); se «>, turn (intr.) tout adj. andpron. (f. toute, 7n.pl. tous (60)), all, every, everything, any; ~ le, the whole; tous les, every, all ; tous les deux, both ; en, (even) while tracer, trace out tradition/, tradition traditionnel (/ -He), traditional traduire (traduisant, traduit, tra- duis, traduisis), translate trag^die/, tragedy trahir, betray trait m., feature, trait traite* in., treaty traitre (/ -resse), treacherous trajet m. % journey, route tramway m., street car transportation/, transportation travail m. {pi. -aux), work travaille\ worked travailler, work travers m. t width, breadth ; a ~, through, across traverser, cross treize, thirteen trente, thirty tres, very, very much tr£sor in., treasure tribu/, tribe tricentenaire m., tercentenary triste, sad; poor sort of (326,/) tristesse/, sorrow triomphal (pi. -aux), victorious triomphe m. t triumph trois, three troisieme, third tromper, deceive; se <*>, be mis- taken trompette/, bugle tronc [tro] m., trunk trop (de), too much, too many ; too trottoir m., sidewalk trou m., hole troupes/^/., forces, troops trouve, find(s) trouve\ found trouver, find ; se ~, be found, be tu, you, thou tuer, kill tuerie/, slaughter Tuileries/ pi., former palace and present park in Paris FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 499 turc (f. turque), Turkish type, /«., type typique, typical tyrannies, tyranny un art. (f. -e), a, an un num. (f. -e), one; <~ meme, one and the same ; P<*>, one ; V<*> l'autre and les ~s les autres, see 325 ; les ~s des autres, from each other ; P~ et l'autre, both uni, united union/, union unique, unique univers m., universe university/!, university user, wear out utile, useful utiliser, utilize va, fires, aller, goes, is going vacances f. pi., vacation ; etre en ~, be on (a) vacation vache/i, cow vagabonder, wander vaincre (vainquant, vaincu, vaincs, vainquis), conquer, defeat vaincu, past part, vaincre, con- quered vais, pres. aller, go valait, imp. valoir, was worth valise/, valise valoir (valant, valu, vaux, valus), be worth, bring; ~ mieux, be better, be preferable vapeur f., steam; bateau a ~, steamboat vas, pres. aller, go vase m., vase vaudrait, cond. valoir, would be worth vaut, pres. valoir, is worth veau m. {pi. -x), veal v£cu, past part, vivre, lived v£cut, past def. vivre, lived v£hicule »., vehicle veille/, the night before venais, venait, imp. venir, came vendre, sell ; a ~, for sale vendredi w., Friday vengeur (f. vengeresse), avenging venir (venant, venu, viens, vins), come; ~ de + inf., have just; , faire «v>, send for (and get) ; en ~ a, come to the point of vent ft*., wind ; il fait du ~, it is windy vente/, sale ; en <*>, on sale venu, past part, venir, come ver m.j worm verbe m., verb Vercing£torix m., a Gallic chief Verdun m., a town in France, he- roically defended in the World War verger m., orchard veritable, real, true vermeil (f. -lie), vermilion verre m., glass ; ~ & yin, wineglass verrez, fut. voir, will see vers prep., towards, to vers m. f verse, line Versailles m., a city near Paris, formerly the royal residence verse : a ~, in torrents vert adj., green 5oo ELEMENTARY FRENCH vert m., green vertu/, virtue veston m., (business) coat v^tements nt. pi., clothes vetir (vetant, vetu, vets, vetis), clothe veuillez, imv. vouloir, please, be good enough to veulent, pres. vouloir, wish veux, veut, pres. vouloir, wish(es) viande/i, meat victoire/, victory victorieux (f -se), victorious vide, empty vie/!, life vieil, see vieux vieille,/ of vieux vieillesse/, old age viendra, viendriez, fut., cond. venir (to come) vienne, pres. subj. venir (to come) viens, pres. ind., imv. venir, come vient, pres. venir, comes vieux {before a vowel vieil; f. vieille), old vif (f vive), lively, alive vilain, homely village [vi-la:3] m., village ville [vil] f, city ; a la ~, in the city; en ~, in (to) town; descendre en ~, go down town vin m., wine ; verre a ~, wineglass vingt, twenty vint, past def venir, came violence f, violence visite/, call, visit visiter, visit, call visiteur m., visitor, caller vit, past def. voir, saw vit, pres. vivre, live vite, fast, quickly vivre (vivant, v&u, vis, v6cus), live, exist ; vive ! long live ! voici, here is (are), now is voient, pres. voir, see voila, there is (are) ; see ! voir (voyant, vu, vois, vis), see; faire ~, show, display vois, pres. voir, see voisin m. (f -e), neighbor voisinage m., neighborhood voit, pres. voir, sees voiture f, carriage ; descendre de <*>, get out of a carriage ; monter en ~, get into a carriage voix f, voice ; a haute ~, aloud ; a ~ basse, in a low voice volaille^C, poultry, fowls voler (a), steal (from) voleur m., thief volonte*/, will volontiers, willingly volume m., volume vont, pres. aller, go vos, pi. of votre, your votre poss. adj. {pi. vos), your votre : le ~ poss. pron., yours voudrait, voudriez, cond. vouloir, would wish vouloir (voulant, voulu, veux, vou- lus), will, wish, want ; <*> Men, be willing; <~> dire, mean; ~ rire, joke; en ~ k, have a grudge against vous, you, to you ; dz'sj., you ; refl., yourself, yourselves FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 501 vous-meme(s), yourself, yourselves vue f., sight, view ; de ~, by sight voyage m., journey; en ~, on a journey * voyager, travel voyageur ?n. (/. -se), traveler voyelle/, vowel voyez, voyons, pres. voir, see voyons intj., see ! come now ! vrai, true vraisemblablement, probably vu, past part, voir, seen Waterloo m., a Belgian town, scene of Napoleon's final de- feat y, at it (them), to it (them), in it (them), there ; il ~ a, there is (are) ; ago, since, for ; j'~ suis, I'm here yeux, pi. of oeil, eyes Parmi les monuments les plus importants et les mieux conserves qui nous restent de la domination romaine (Sec. 1) il y a les arenes de Nimes. Leur construction ressemble beaucoup aux arenes modernes des colleges des Etats-Unis ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY The plural is indicated, in the French, of all nouns and adjectives whose plural is different from the singular and not formed by adding s. The feminine is indicated, in the French, of all adjectives whose feminine is different from the masculine and not formed by adding e. Adjectives for which no position is designated regularly follow the noun with which they are used. All verbs not marked irregular belong to the regular con- jugations. Section numbers appended to a word indicate the section where it is explained or discussed. An asterisk is used before aspirate h ; see, for example, *honte under ashamed. a, un(e) ( 1 2 i ) ; with units of meas- ure, le (219, a); with units of time, par, le (2 1 9, b) ; describing parts of the body, le (188, Note); not cv>, ne . . . pas de (1 16, a) able : be ~ (to), pouvoir, v. irr. about, on one^s person, sur ; with numerals, environ ; ~ to, sur le point de ; think ~, fix the miiid on, penser a. ; have an opinion of, penser de; talk (speak) ~, parler de absent, absent accident, accident m. accompany, accompagner acquire, acqueVir, v. irr. (313, a) act, acte m. active, actif (f. -ve) actor, acteur m. add, aj outer address, adresse/ admire, admirer; I ~, etc., j'ad- mire, etc. (91) admit, admettre, v. irr. (2.77) advance verb, avancer, stem irr. (245) advance noun : in ~, d'avance advanced, avance advertisement, annonce/] advice, conseils m. pi. afraid : be ~, avoir peur after prep., apres; conj., apres que afternoon, apres-midi m. ; in the ~, de l'apres-midi afterwards, ensuite again, encore, de nouveau ; see ~, revoir; will see you ~ soon, a bientot age, age m. a g0» il y a (precedes the expression of time); a week ~, il y a une semaine agreeably, agrdablement ah! ah! ahead of time, en avance air, air m. 502 ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 503 alas ! helas ! alive, vif (f. vive) all, tout (m.pl. tous), tous les ( 1 o 1 ) ; <*> (that), tout ce qui (que); not at ~, ne . . . point ; at ~, after neg., du tout ally, allie ;//. (/. -e'e) almost, presque; faillir, v. irr. alone, seul along, le long de aloud, a haute voix Alps, A\pes, f. pi. already, deja also, aussi although, quoique, bien que (307, a) always, toujours A. M., du matin am, suis; as auxiliary, see 125, 236 ambiguous, ambigu (/ -gue) America, Ame'rique/] American, americain among, parmi amuse, amuser ; be ~>d at, s'amuser de amusement, amusement in. an, un(e) ancient, ancien (f. -nne) and, et anecdote, anecdote/ animal, animal m. {pi. -aux) announce, annoncer, ste?n irr. (24 5) another, one more, encore un(e); a different, un(e) autre; one , les un(e)s les autres (325) answer verb, repondre (a) answer noun, rdponse/i anterior, anterieur anxious, inquiet (/. -ete) ; be ~ to, tenir k any adj., du, de la, de 1', des (115); de(i 16); pron.,en (181, b); not «», ne . . * pas de (116, a) anybody, quelqu'un(e) anything, quelque chose ; not <*>, ne . . . rien apothecary, pharmacien m. appear, paraitre, v. irr. (276) appetite, appetit m. ; with a good ~, de bon appetit apple, pomme f. ; ~ tree, pom- mier in. appreciate, appr^cier approach, s'approcher de April, avril m. architecture, architecture/ are, sommes, etes, sont (80); as auxiliary, see 1 25, 236 area, superficies arise, se lever, stem. irr. (248) arm, bras m. armchair, fauteuil m. armistice, armistice ;//. army, armde/ around, autour de arrange, arranger, stem irr. (246) arrest : under <*>, en etat d'arresta- tion arrival, arrivee/ arrive, arriver {fierf. auxiliary etre) art, es ; as auxiliary, see 1 25, 236 article, article m. artillery, artillerie/ artist, artiste m. 504 ELEMENTARY FRENCH as, que, comme; <*> . . . ~, aussi . . . que ; ~ much (many), autant (de); ~ much (many) ~, autant que ; ~ soon ~, aussitot que, des que ; ~ for, quant a ashamed : be ~, avoir *honte ask (to), demander (de) (295, b) ; ~ for, demander; ~ a question, faire une question ; ~ somebody (to), demander a quelqu'un (de) asleep : fall ~, s'endormir, v. irr. (258) assail, assaillir, v. irr. (313, b) assuredly, assurement at, a ; with units of price, see 219; ~ all, du tout; «* the, au, a la, a V, aux; <*> it (them), y ; ~home, a la maison, chez moi, etc. ; ew school, a l'ecole ; ~ the house (home) of, chez ; ~ his home, chez lui; ~(to) the fruit dealer's, chez le fruitier attack verb, attaquer attack noun, attaque_/! attend, assister a attentive, attentif (f. -ve) attractive, charmant August, aout m. aunt, tante_/! Australian, australien (f -nne) author, auteur m. authority, autarke"/! authorization, autorisation/! automobile, automobile m. andf. autumn, automne m. ; in (the) ~, en automne avenue, avenue/! avoid, eViter (de) await, attendre away, prefix en- (em-); carry ~, emporter; go ~, s'en aller; run ~, se sauver; take ~ (from), enlever (a) back, prefix re- ; be ~, etre de re- tour; bring ~, rapporter; give <~, rendre ; send ~, renvoyer bad, mauvais {precedes noun) badly, mal bag, sac m. baggage, bagages 7n. pi. baker, boulanger m. ball, bal m. banana, banane_/! bank, rive f. barber, coiffeur m. barely, ne . . . guere bark, aboyer, stem irr. (247) barn, grange/! basket, corbeille/! bath, bain m. ' bathroom, salle de bain battle, bataille/! battlefield, champ de bataille be, etre, v. irr. (156); se trouver; with nouns of feeling, avoir ( 1 49) ; expressing dimension , avoir (219, c)\ of health, aller, se porter; of weather, faire (294) ; ~ to, devoir ; <~ present at, assis- ter a ; <*> back, etre de retour bean, *haricot in. • string ~, *hari- cot vert bear verb, porter bear noun, ours m. beat, battre, v. irr. (313, /) ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 505 beautiful, beau (bel, f belle, m.pl. beaux ; precedes noun) beauty, beaute/ because, parce que ; ~ of, des suites de, a cause de ; it is ~, c'est que become, devenir, v. irr. (261) {perf. auxiliary etre); se faire ; of dress, aller ; ~ again, redevenir ; ~ fine, of weather, se mettre au beau; ~ fine again, se re- mettre au beau become past part ':, devenu becoming : be ~, aller bed, lit m.\ put to ~, coucher, mettre au lit ; go to ~, se coucher bedroom, chambre a coucher beef, bceuf m. been, 6t6 before prep., hi place, devant; in time, avant; before inf., avant de ; 00 long, avant peu ; conj., avant que begin (to), commencer (a), stem irr. (245 ; 295, c)', se mettre (a) (277; 295, c)\ ~ again, recom- mencer behead, de'capiter behind, derriere believe, croire, v. irr. (288 ; 304, c) bell, cloche/i belong, appartenir, v. irr. (261); ~ to, etre a beloved, bien-aime', cher (f -ere) bench, banc m. Bertha, Berthe beside, a cote de besides, en outre best (the) adj., le meilleur {pre- cedes noun) ; adv., le mieux ; do one's ~, faire de son mieux betray, trahir better adj., meilleur {precedes noun) ; adv., mieux ; be ~, va- loir mieux between, entre big, gros {f. -sse; precedes noun) bill, addition/! billion, milliard m. bird, oiseau ///. {pi. -x) bite, mordre biting, piquant black, noir blackboard, tableau m. {pi. -x) blind, aveugle; ~ in one eye, borgne bloom verb, fleurir bloom noun : in ~, en fleur blue, bleu boat, bateau m. {pi. -x) boil, bouillir, v. irr. (313, ^r) book, livre m. bookseller, libraire m. border (with), border (de) born ne; be~, naitre, v. irr.{2j$); was^estnd, naquit(220, Note 2) both, tous (toutes) les deux, les ' deux, l'un(e) et l'autre bottle, bouteille/; bought past part., achete' • boy, gargon m. brave, brave bread, pain m. break, casser ; »= out, eclater breakfast, dejeuner m. brief, bref (/. breve) 506 ELEMENTARY FRENCH bright, intelligent brilliant, brillant bring, a thing, apporter ; a person, amener, stem irr. (248) ; ~ back, rapporter; ~ near, approcher (de) broad, large brother, frere m. brought, apporte brown, brun brush verb, brosser brush noun, brosse/I Brussels, Bruxelles/ ,. build, batir building, edifice m. t batiment m. bureau, commode,/] Burgundian, Bourguignon ;//. burn, bruler burning adj., ardent, brulant business, affaires fpl., commerce m.\ oa man, commergant m., industriel m. busy, occupe but, mais butcher, boucher m. butter, beurre m. button, bouton m. buy, acheter, stem irr. (248, Note); a ticket, prendre by, par, de (240, b); with units of measure, a ; before pres. part., en Caesar, Cesar cake, gateau m. {pi. -x) call verb, appeler, stem irr. (248, Note); hail, hdler, stem irr. call noun {visit), visite/I can, of physical ability, pouvoir, v. irr. (267); of mental ability, savoir, v. irr. (268) Canada, Canada m. cannot, see can and not capital, capitale/ captain, capitaine m. car, street, tramway m. card, visiting, carte/! care for, soigner carnival, carnaval m. carpet, tapis m. carriage, voiture/] carry, porter ; ~ away, emporter ; ~ back, rapporter cart, charrette/1 cash window, caisse/ cashier, caissier m. cast, jeter, stem irr. (248, Note) castle, chateau m. {pi. -x) cathedral, cathedrale m. caught past part., pris cause, cause/! cause to, faire, v. irr. (290, 291) cease (to), cesser (de)(295, b; 330) cent, sou m. center, centre m. ; in the ~ of, au centre de centime, centime m. century, siecle m. chair, chaise/.' chalk, craie/i chamber, chambre/! chance (to), se *hasarder (a) change, monnaie/] Charles, Charles charming, charmant chase, courir, v. irr. (259) ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 507 cheap, bon marche check, enregistrer cheerful, gai cheese, fromage in. cherry, cerise/] ; ~ tree, cerisier m. chief, chef m. child, enfant m. and/. choose, choisir Christian, chre'tien (/ -nne) chum, camarade m. church, eglise/; at ~, a l'eglise cigar, cigare m. circulate, circuler citizen, citoyen m. (f -nne) city, viWef; in the ~, a la ville class, classe/!; in ~, en classe classical, classique classroom, classe f. clean verb, nettoyer, stem irr. (247) clean adj., propre clear, clair, net (f -tte) clearly, clairement clerk, gargon (fille) de magasin; employe* m. client, client m. cloak, manteau m. (pi. -x) clock, horloge/i close, fermer cloth, drap m. clothe, vetir, v. irr. (313, h) clothes, vetements m. pi. cloud, nuage m. coachman, cocher m. coat, dress, habit m.\ business, veston m. ; woman's, jaquette/i coffee, cafe* m. cold adj., froid : be ~, avoir froid ; it is ~, of weather, il fait froid cold noun, froid in. ; disease, rhume m. coldly, froidement collaborator, collaborates in. collar, faux-col m. colony, colonie/ color, covXqmx/. comb, peigne m. ; <~ one's hair, se peigner come, venir, v. irr. (261) (per/. auxiliary etre); intj., allons ! <*> and, venir + inf. ; ~ across, rencontrer ; ~ back, revenir ; ~ down, descendre ; ~ in, entrer come past part., venu (157); «*> back past part., revenu comes, is coming, vient comfortable, confortable command (to), commander (de) commander, commandant m. commence (to), commencer (a), stem irr. (245 ; 295, c) commit, commettre, v. irr. (277) companion, camarade m. company, du monde Compiegne, Compiegne/! complete verb, finir complete adj., complet (f -ete) compose, composer comrade, camarade m. conclude, conclure, v. irr. (313, m.) conditional, conditionnel in. conduct, conduite/! conductor, conducteur m. conjugate, conjuguer conjugation, conjugaison/! conquer, conquerir, v. irr. (313, a) 508 ELEMENTARY FRENCH consent (to), consentir (a), v. irr. (258; 295,0 consider, considerer, stem irr. (249) contain, renfermer contemporary, contemporain continual, continuel (/. -lie) continuation, suite/ continue, continuer contrary : on the ~ 5 au contraire control, domination/ conversation, conversation/ converse, converser cook, cuisinier m. (/ -ere) cool, frais {/. fraiche) ; be ~, faire frais correct, corriger, stem irr. (246) cost, couter could, was able, pouvais, etc. ; would be able, pourrais, etc. count, nobleman, comte m. counter, comptoir m. country, division of territory, pays m. ; not the city, cam- pagne/ ; native land, patrie/ ; in the <*>, a la campagne courage, courage m. course : of <*>, bien entendu court, yard, cour/ cousin, cousin m. (f -e) cover, couvrir, v. irr. (260) ; ~ much ground, parcourir du pays covered (with), couvert (de) COW, vache/ cravat, cravate/ crazy, fou (fol,/ folle, m.pi. fous) create, crder, ste?n irr. (249, Note) cross verb, traverser cross adj., mechant cross noun, croix/ crowd, foule/ crowded (with), bonde (de) crown verb, couronner crown noun, couronne/ cry (out), crier cuff, manchette/ cup, tasse/, coupe f. cure, guerir curse, maudire, v. irr. (313,/) curtain, rideau ?n. {pi. -x) custom, coutume/ customer, client m. cut, couper ; ~ off, couper dare, oser (330) dark, sombre dash, elan m. daughter, fille/ day, divisio?i of time, jour m. ; with its happenings, jour nee/ ; ~ before yesterday, avant-hier ; good ~, bonjour ; one (some) ~, un jour dead, mort deal : a great ~ of, beaucoup de dealer, marchand m. ; shoe 03, mar- chand de chaussures dear, cher (f -ere) death, mort/ deceive, tromper December, decembre m. decide, decider decorate, decorer deep, profond defeat, vaincre, v. irr. (313, u) definite, defini delicate, tendre ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 509 deny, nier depart, partir, v. irr. (258) department, of France, departe- ment m. ; of a store, rayon m.\<*> store, magasin de nouveautds departure, depart m. depend (upon), dependre (de) deputy, depute in. descend, descendre describe, decrire, v. irr. (281) desert, ddserter deserve, meriter desire (to), de*sirer (295, a) desk, pupil's, pupitre in:, teacher's, bureau in. dessert, dessert in. did, as auxiliary, see 86 die, mourir, v. irr. (263) died past part., mort (157); past tense, est mort, mourut, etc. difference, difference y^ different, different difficult, difficile dine, diner dining-room, salle a manger dinner, diner m. ; at ~, au diner discreet, discret (f -ete) dismissal, sortie/ display, etaler distinguish, distinguer disturb, deranger, stem irr. (246) divide (into), diviser (en) dizzy spell, e"blouissement in. do, faire, v. irr. (290) ; as auxil- iary, see 125,141, 164; ~with, faire de; ~ without, se passer de; ~ one's best, faire de son mieux ; how ~ you ~ ? bonjour doctor, medecin m., docteur m. does, as auxiliary, see 125, 164 dog, chien m. dome, d6me m. done, fait ; what 's to be <~> ? que faire ? donkey, ane m. door, porte/i doubt, douter down : come ~, descendre ; sit ~, s'asseoir; upside ~, a l'envers downstairs, en bas ; go (come) ~, descendre dozen, douzaine/] dress verb, tr., habiller; intr., s'habiller dress noun, robe/i; streets, cos- tume de ville dress coat, habit m. dressmaker, couturiere/I drink, boire, v. irr. (287) drive : go for a ~, se promener en voiture ; cv> out, chasser druggist, pharmacien m. druid, druide m. dry, sec (f. seche) duel, duel in. dunce, imbecile m. during, pendant dwell, demeurer ; I ~, etc., je de- meure, etc. (91) each, chaque; ~ one, chacun(e); ~ other, l'un(e) l'autre eager : be ~ to, tenir a. ear, oreilley^ earlier, de meilleure heure early, de bonne heure 5io ELEMENTARY FRENCH earn, gagner easily, facilement easy (to), facile (de) eat, manger, stem irr. (246) edge, bord m.; on the ~ of, au bord de effect, suited egg, ceuf m. Egypt, figypte/ eight, *huit eighteen, dix-huit eightieth, quatre-vingtieme eighty, quatre-vingts either, after ?ieg., non plus elder, plus age electric, electrique electricity, e'lectricite/ eleven, onze eleventh, onzieme emperor, empereur m. employ, employer, stem irr. (247) employee, employe m. end (in) verb, finir (par) end noun, fin/, bout m. enemy, ennemi m. England, Angleterre/ English, anglais Englishman, Anglais m. enjoy, jouir de; ~ one's self, s'amuser enough, assez (de) (113); be good <*>, veuillez (271, Note 2); ~ to live on, de quoi vivre enter tr., entrer dans (chez) {perf. auxiliary etre); intr., entrer; ~ again, rentrer enthusiasm, elan m. entire, entier (/. -ere) envelope, enveloppe/ erect, eriger, stem irr. (246); con- struire, v. irr. (289) escape tr., echapper a; intr., s'echapper especially, surtout Europe, Europe/ even, meme evening, division ofthne, soir m. ; with its happenings, soiree/!; ~s, le soir; in the ~, le soir; yesterday ~ ? hier soir ever, jamais, toujours every, tous (toutes) les; tout (m.pl. tous) ; ev one for himself, sauve qui peut everybody, tout le monde everything, tout everywhere, partout evident, evident examination, examen m. examine, examiner example, exemple m. except, excepte exercise, exercice m. expect (to), s'attendre (a) (295, c) expel, chasser expensive, couteux (/ -se) explain, expliquer express, exprimer extremely, extremement eye, oeil 7n.{pl. yeux) face, figure/ fact : in ~, en effet fair, foire/ faith, foi/ faithful, fidele ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 511 faithfully, fidelement fall verb, tomber (per/, auxiliary etre); I «3, etc., je tombe, etc. (91); ~ asleep, s'endormir fall noun, chute/! false, faux {f -sse) family, famille/ famous, fameux (f. -se) fan, eVentail m. far, loin farm, ferme/ farmer, fermier m. (f. -ere) farmhouse, ferme/ farther, plus loin fast, vite fat, gras {f -sse) fate, sort in. father, pere m. favorite, favori {f -ite) fear (to) verb, craindre (de), v. irr. (278; 295, b); avoir peur (de) fear noun, peur/i ; for ~ that, de crainte que feast, festin m., regal m. February, feVrier m. feel, sentir, v. irr. (258); tater; ~ well, se sentir bien fees, honorairesy]//. felt, feutre m. few, peu (de) (113); a ~, quelques, peu (de) ; some ~, quelques fewer, moins (de) (113) field, champ m., pre* m. fifteen, quinze fifth, cinquieme fifty, cinquante fight, se battre, v. irr. (313, /) fill, remplir ; ~ with, remplir de finally, enfin; finir par (295, Note) find, trouver fine, beau (bel, f. belle, m. pi. beaux; precedes noun); be e*>, of weather, faire beau; become <*>, of weather, se mettre au beau; become ~ again, se re- mettre au beau finish, finir (de) (295, b) fire, feu m. {pi. -x); {conflagra- tion) incendie f. first, premier (f -ere); at ~ r d'abord; ~-class ticket, billet de premiere classe fish verb, pecher fish noun, poisson m. fishing, peche/ fit, aller, v. irr. (256) fitting : be <*>, convenir, v. irr. (261 ) five, cinq fix the hair, (se) coiffer flag, drapeau in. {pi. -x) flatter, flatter flattering, flatteur {f -se) flee, fuir, v. irr. (313,/) floor {story), etage in. flour, iarinef. flower, fleur/ fluently, couramment foliage, feuillage in. follow, suivre, v. irr. (283) following, suivant, qui suit foot, pied in. for prep., pour; with expressions of time, depuis, pendant, il y a ( l 55)'j go ~, aller chercher ; send ~, envoyer chercher for conj., car 512 ELEMENTARY FRENCH forbid, ddfendre ; ~ some one to, defendre a quelqu'un de foreign, Stranger {f -ere) foreigner, etranger m. {f -ere) foresee, pre voir, v. irr. (269) forest, foretj^ forget (to), oublier (de) (295, b) forgive, pardonner (a) fork, fourchette/! form verb, former form noun, taille/i former adj., ancien (f. -nne ; pre- cedes noun); the ~, celui-la, etc. (196,^, Note) formerly, autrefois fortunate, heureux {f -se) forty, quarante found, trouvd four, quatre fourteen, quatorze fourth, quatrieme ; in fractions, quart m. ; in dates, quatre m. franc, franc m. France, France/^ Francis, Francois frank, franc {/. franche) free adj., libre freeze, geler, stem irr. (248, Note) French, francais; ~ book, about French, livre de francais; in French, livre frangais Frenchman, Frangais m. fresh, frais {f fraiche) Friday, vendredi m. friend, ami m. (f. amie) frighten, effrayer, stem irr. (247) frightened : be ~>, s'eff rayer, stem irr. (247) from, de ; ~ the, du, de la, de 1', des ; ~ it (them), en front : in «* of, devant fruit adj., fruitier {f -ere) fruit noun, of one sort, fruit m. ; collectively, fruits m. pl.\ ~ dealer, fruitier m. (f -ere) full, plein fun, plaisanteriej^; make ~ of, se moquer de furnish (with), munir (de) furniture, meubles m. pi. future adj., futur future noun, futur m. Gallic, gaulois garden, jardin m. gas, gaz m. gather, cueillir, v. irr. (313, d) Gaul, the country, Gaulef; a per- son, Gaulois m. gay, gai general adj., general {pi. -aux) general 7ioun, general m. {pi. -aux) generally, gdneralement generous, gdndreux (/ -se) gentle, doux {f douce) gentleman, monsieur m. {pi. mes- sieurs) German, allemand Germany, Allemagne/ get, chercher, procurer; prendre, v. irr. (279) ; of weather, se faire ; «N3 along, se tirer d'affaire ; ~ into {a vehicle), monter en ; ~ out of, descendre de ; ~ up, se lever gift, cadeau m. {pi. -x) girl, fllle/, jeune fille ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 513 give, donner ; I ~, etc., je donne, etc. (91); <*> back, rendre; ~ up, renoncer a glad, content, bien aise glance verb, jeter un coup d'ceil glance noun, coup d'ceil {pi. coups d'ceil) glass, verre tn. gloomy, sombre glove, gant tn. go, aller, v. irr. (256) (perf. auxil- iary etre); ~ and, aller + itif. (256; 295, a); ~ away, s'en aller ; ~ back in(to), rentrer dans; «a by, passer ; <~> down(stairs), descendre; down town, de- scendre en ville ; ~ for, aller chercher ; ~> into, entrer dans ; ~ out, sortir; ~ to, aller (257); ~ to bed, se coucher ; ~ to sleep, s'endormir ; ~ to town, aller en ville ; ~ up(stairs), monter go, J dpi., vont god, dieu m. (pi. -x) goes, is going, va gold adj., d'or gold noun, or tn. good, bon (f. -nne; precedes noun); «3 morning, bonjour; be <*> enough to, veuillez (271, Note 2) good-by, adieu tn. (pi. -x),au revoir goods, piece of, dtoffe /.; cloth, €toiitsf.pl. gone, alle (157); ~ out, sorti (157) grammar, grammaire/ grandfather, grand-pere m-., aieul tn. grandmother, grand'mere/ grandparents, grands-parents tn. pi. grape, raisin tn. grasp, saisir grass, herbe/ gray, gris Greek, grec (f. grecque) green, vert ; grow ~ again, reverdir grind, moudre, v. irr. (313, q) grippe, grippe/, grocer, epicier tn. groceries, e'piceries/ pi. ground, terrain tn. ; ™ floor, rez-de- chaussee tn. ; on the ~ floor, au rez-de-chaussee grow, crottre, v. irr. (313, 0); pousser ; I ~, etc., je pousse, etc. (91) grudge: have a ~ against, en vouloir a guess, deviner guide, guide tn. guidebook, guide tn. had, avais, etc. (148); ai eu, etc. (80) ; as auxiliary, see 151,152; <*> to, falloir, v. irr. (273, 274) hail, call, heler, stem irr. (249) hair, cheveux m. pi. ; fix one's ~, se coiffer hairbrush, brosse a cheveux hairdresser, coiffeur tn. half, demi (218, Note); ~ an hour, une demi-heure hand, main/ hand out, tendre handkerchief, mouchoir tn. hang on, accrocher a 514 ELEMENTARY FRENCH happen, arriver (perf auxiliary etre) happily, heureusement happy, heureux (f -se; precedes noun) hard, ferme has, a ; as auxiliary, see 157; *» to, falloir, v. irr. (273, 274) hast, as hasten (to), se depecher (de) hat, chapeau m. {pi. -x) hate, *ha*ir, v. irr. (31 3,^) hatter, chapelier m. have, avoir, v. irr. (148); ai, avons, avez, ont (85); as auxiliary, see 157; causative, faire (291, 292); op just, venir de + inf. (262); ~ to, falloir (273, 274); will you ~, do you want, voulez-vous (271, Note 3) he conj. pron., il ; disj., lui ; ce (198); cvj who, eelui qui head, tete/I headache, mal h la tete health, santef. ; be in good ~, etre en bonne sante, se porter bien healthy : be ~ } etre en bonne santd hear, entendre; (by report) en- tendre dire (293) ; ~ from, rece- voir des nouvelles de; ~ tell, entendre parler heat, chaleur/! heavy, lourd help, aider (295, c) henceforth, ddsormais Henry, Henri her pers. pron., dir. obj., la; indir. obj., lui ; obj. of prep., elle ; poss. adj., son, sa, ses ; lui (se) . . . le (la, les) (188); cv, who, celle qui here, ici ; ~ is (are), voici hero, *heros m. hers, le sien (f la sienne) (189); a elle ( 1 90, 319) herself refl., se (228); intetisive, elle-meme (233) hesitate, hesiter hesitation, hesitation/! high, *haut ; grand (precedes 7101m) him dir. obj., le ; indir. obj., lui ; obj. of prep., lui himself refl., se (228); intensive, lui-meme (233) his poss. adj., son, sa, ses ; lui (se) . . . le (la, les) (188); poss. pro?i., le sien (f la sienne) (1 89); a lui (190, 319) hold, tenir, v. irr. (261); maintenir hole, trou m. home : at ~, a la maison, chez soi (moi, etc.) ; to (at) my (his, etc.) ~, chez moi (lui, etc) homely, vilain (precedes noun) hope (to), espe'rer, stem irr. (249 ; 295, a) horse, cheval m. (pi. -aux) hospitable, hospitalier (f -ere) hostile, hostile hot, chaud ; be ~, of weather, faire chaud (294) ; be ~, feel hot, avoir chaud hotel, hotel m. hour, heure /! house, maison/! ; at (to) the ~ of, chez; at (to) my (his, etc.) ~, chez moi (lui, etc.) ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 515 how, comment : ~ are you ? com- ment allez-vous ? comment vous portez-vous? ~ long, depuis quand, combien de temps (155); ~ much (many), combien (de) (113); know ~, savoir however, cependant hundred, cent (215, b); a ~, cent hunger, faim/ hungry : be ~, avoir faim hunt, chasser hurry (to), se depecher (de) hurt, blesser, faire mal a husband, mari m. I conj. pron., je; disj., moi ice, glace/ idle, paresseux (f -se) if, si (68, d) ignorance, ignorance/: ill, malade ill-bred, mal e'leve' illustrated, illustre' illustrative sentence, exemple m. immediately, tout de suite imperative, imperatif m. imperfect, imparfait m. important, important; be ~, im- porter imprison, incarcerer in, dans, en (332); after superla- tive, de(io8); before names of countries, en, a ( 1 20, b, Note) ; before natnes of cities, a ; before years and names of months, en ; ~ it (them), y ; «• the city, a la ville inaptitude, inaptitude/ indeed, en effet indefinite, indefini independent, independant indicative, indicatif m. infinitive, infinitif ;//. inform, faire savoir information, renseignements tn.pl. inhabit, habiter inhabitant, habitant m. injure, nuire, v. irr. (289) ink, encre/ inkstand, encrier m. insist (upon), tenir a inspiration, inspiration/ inspire, inspirer intelligent, intelligent intend (to), compter ; avoir l'inten- tion de interesting, interessant into, dans, en invasion, invasion/ invite (to), inviter (a) (295, c) ironical, ironique is, est; as auxiliary, see 125, 241 ; ~ it not? n'est-ce pas? ~ it that, est-ce que ; here , void ; there ~, il y a, voila (150, Note) island, ile/ it sub., il, elle ; ce (1 78, b) ; obj. of verb, le, la ; obj. of prep., lui, elle ; of (from, with) ~, en (181); to (at, in) ~; y (180) Italian, italien (/ -nne) Italy, Italie/ itinerary, itine'raire m. its, son, sa, ses; en -. . . le (la, les) (3l8) ,V.,'':^ itself refl., se, soi(228, 324); inten- sive, lui-meme, elle-meme(233); 5 i6 ELEMENTARY FRENCH January, Janvier m. Japan, Japon m. jealous, jaloux (f. -se) jewel, bijou m. (pi. -x) Joan, Jeanne John, Jean joke, vouloir rire journey, voyage m. ; on a ~, en voyage joyfully, avec joie Julius, Jules July, juillet m. June, juin m. just : to have ~, venir de (262) ; ~ now, tout a l'heure justice, justice/ keep, garder; ~ one's promise, tenir sa promesse key, clef f. kill, tuer kilometer, kilometre m. kind adj., aim able kind noun, sorte/* kindly read, veuillez lire kindness, amabilite/! ; have the ~ to, veuillez (271, Note 2) king, roi m. kitchen, cuisine f. knead, petrir knee, genou m. (pi. -x) knew, savais, etc. knife, couteau m. (pi. -x) knock, frapper know, a thing, savoir, v. irr. (268); a person, connaitre, v. irr. (276); ~ how to, savoir know(s), sais, sait lace, dentelle/! lady, dame/ lake, lac m. land, terre/ ; native ~, patrie/ landlord, proprietaire m. language, langue/ large, grand (precedes noun) last verb, durer last adj., dernier (f. -ere); just passed, passe ; at ~, enfin ; ~ Monday, lundi dernier ; ~ night, hier soir ; ~ year, l'anne'e passee late, tard ; to be ~, etre en retard latter : the ~, celui-ci, celle-ci, etc. (196, c, Note) laugh, rire, v. irr. (313, s); ~ at, (se) rire de law, \oif. lawyer, avocat m. lay, placer, stem irr. (245) lazy, paresseux (f. -se) lead, mener, stem irr. (248) ; con- duire, v. irr. (289) leaf, feuille/ lean, appuyer, stem irr. (247) learn (to), apprendre (a), v. irr. (279; 295,0 least : the ~ adj., le (la) moindre (precedes noun) ; adv., le moins ; at ~, au moins leave, quitter leaving, sortie/! left past part., parti de left adj., gauche ; to (at) the ^, a gauche ; to be ~. 5 rester (a) ; (I) have ~, il (me) reste left-hand, de gauche leg, jambe/ ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 517 legitimate, legitime length, longueur/i ; at ~, longue- ment less adj., moindre {precedes noun); adv., moins (de) (113) lesson, lee, on/I ; grammar ~, lecon de grammaire ; reading ~ ? lecon de lecture lest, que . . . ne, de crainte que (with subj., 304); de crainte de {with inf.) let, as auxiliary in imv., see 140 ; que (with subj., 301); laisser(20,3) letter, lettre f ; ~ box, boite aux lettres lettuce, laitue/ library, bibliotheque/; lie, mentir, v. irr. (258) life, vie/; light (by) verb, eclairer (a) light nou?i, lumiere/; lighten, faire des eclairs lightning, e'clairs m. pi. like (to) verb, aimer (a) (295, c) ; should (would) ~, cond. , s'ennuyer, stem irr. (247) long adj., long (f. longue ; precedes noun); adv., longtemps; how~, in expressions of ti?ne, depuis quand, combien de temps (1 55, b, Note); in dimensions, combien de longueur; a ~ time, long- temps ; be . . . cv>, in dimensions, avoir . . . de long (longueur); ~ live I vive! longer : no ~, ne . . . plus look : £*> at (upon), regarder ; ~ for, chercher lord, seigneur m. lose, perdre loss, perte/; loud, fort, haut; out ~, a haute voix loudly, haut love, aimer; I 00, etc., j'aime, etc. (90 low, bas (f. -sse) luck (good), chance/; lucky, heureux (f. -se) luggage, bagages m. pi. lunch, ddjeuner m. ; ~ counter, buffet m. ; ~ room, restaurant m. luncheon, gouter m. Luxemburg, Luxembourg m. madam, madame, M me (pi. mes^ dames, M mes ) magistrate, magistrat m. magnificent, magnifique 5i8 ELEMENTARY FRENCH maid, bonne/ mail verb, jeter a la poste mail noun, courrier m. mainly, principalement make, faire, v. irr. (290, 291, 292); in profits, gagner ; ~ responsible for, rendre responsable de makes,' fait man, homme m. ; young men, jeunes gens m. pi. manufacturer, industriel m. many, beaucoup (de) (113); bien (des); as~,autant(de)(ii3); how ~, combien (de)(i 13); so ~, tant (de) (113); too ~, trop (de) (113) map, carte/ March, mars m. market, marche" m. ; to ~, au marche* marshal, marechal m. Mary, Marie master, maitre m. masterpiece, chef-d'oeuvre m. mathematician, mathematicien m. mathematics, mathematique / matter, affaire / ; what is the ~ with me (you, etc), qu'ai-je (qu'as-tu, etc.) may, pouvoir, v. irr. (267; 295, a); as sign of subj., que (301); be, se pouvoir May, mai m. me obj. of verb, me, moi ; obj. of prep., moi mean, vouloir dire meat, viande/ medicine, me'decine /, medica- ment m. meet, rencontrer memory, m^moire/ menace, menace/ menu, menu m. merchandise, marchandise/ merchant, marchand m., commer- cant m. merit, merite m. merry, gai meter, metre m. method, methode/ middle, milieu m. {pi. -x) midnight, minuit in. might, pouvais, etc. ; pourrais, etc. mild, doux (f douce); be ~, of weather, faire doux mile, mille m. military, militaire milk, lait m. mill, moulin in. milliner, modiste/ million, million in. mind, esprit m. mine, le mien (/ la mienne) ( 1 89) ; a moi (1 90); a friend of ~, un de mes amis (3 1 9) minute, minute/ mischievous, malin (/ maligne) misdeed, rndfait m. miss, manquer Miss, mademoiselle, M Ile (pi. mes- demoiselles, M 1Ies ) mistaken : be ~, se tromper model, modele in. modern, contemporain, moderne Moliere, Moliere moment, moment m. Monday, lundi m. ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 519 money, argent m. ; ~ changer, changeur in. month, mois m. monument, monument m. moon, lune/ more, plus (de) (113); ~ and «», de plus en plus ; no <*>, ne . . . plus morning, matin in. ; ~s, le matin ; in the ~, le matin; good ~, bonjour mortal, mortel {/. -lie) most (the), le (la) plus, la plupart mother, mere/. mount, mont m. mountain, montagne/ mouth, bouche/ move, mouvoir, v. irr. (313, * ) : ~ about, circuler moving about, mouvement m. Mr., monsieur, M. {pi. messieurs, MM.) Mrs., madame, M me {pi. mes- dames, M mes ) much, beaucoup (de) (113), bien (des); as ~, autant (de) (113); how ~, combien (de) (113); so ~, tant (de) (113); too ~, trop (de) (113); very ~, fort museum, musee m. must, necessity, falloir, v. z'rr.{2J3; 295, a; 303, Note 2); inference, devoir, v. irr. (264; 295, a) mustache, moustache/ mutton, mouton m. my, mon, ma, mes ; me . . . le (la, les)(i88) myself refl., me; intensive, moi- m&me name verb, nommer name noun, nom in. ; my ev> is, je m'appelle named : be ~, s'appeler, stem irr. (248, Note) napkin, serviette/ Napoleon, Napoleon nation, nation/ national, national {pi. -aux) native land, patrie/ natural, naturel (/ -lie) naturally, naturellement nature, nature/ naughty, me'chant near (to), pres (de) necessary, ne'cessaire; be~, falloir, v. irr. (27 3; 295, a-, 303, Note 2) necessities, ndcessites///. necktie, cravate/ need verb, avoir besoin de ; falloir, v. irr. (273) need noun, besoin m. neglect, negliger, stem irr. (246; 255, b) neighbor, voisin m. {/. -e) neighborly, voisin neither . . . nor, ne . . . ni ne, ne . . . ni . . . ni (171) nephew, neveu m. {pi. -x) net bag, filet m. never, ne . . . jamais (168); jamais (169) new, different, nouveau (nouvel, / nouvelle, m. pi. nouveaux; precedes noun)-, newly made, neuf (/ neuve) news, nouvelle/ newspaper, journal m. {pi. -aux) 520 ELEMENTARY FRENCH New Year's, jour de Tan next, prochain ; ~ week, la semaine prochaine niece, niece/ night, nuit/; last ~, hier soir; the «b long, de la nuit nine, neuf nineteen, dix-neuf ninety, quatre-vingt-dix ninth, neuvieme no, non ; partitive, ne . . . pas de(n6, a)-, pas de (169); adj., nul (f -lie); ~ longer, ne . . . plus (168); ~more, ne. . . plus (168); plus de (169) nobody, ne . . . personne (168); personne (169) noise, bruit m. none, n'en . . . pas (181, b) noon, midi m. nor : neither . . . ~, ne . . . ni ne, ne . . . ni . . . ni (171) nose, nez m. not, ne . . . pas ( 1 68) ; ~ a, i;e . . . pas de (116); ~any, ne . . . pas de (1 16) ; ~ at all, ne . . . point (168); pas du tout notebook, cahier m. nothing, ne . . . rien (168); rien ( 1 69) noun, nom m. November, novembre m. now, maintenant ; <*> is, voici number, nombre m. nursemaid, bonne/ nut, noix/ obelisk, obelisque m. obey, obeTr a oblige (to), obliger (a), stem irr. (246) ; be ~d to, falloir, v. irr. (273, 274) obliging, obligeant obtain, obtenir, v. irr. (261) occasion, occasion/; on the least ~, a la moindre occasion occupy, occuper o'clock, heure / ; two <*>, deux heures; twelve ~, noon, midi m. ; midnight, minuit m. October, octobre m. odious, odieux (/ -se) of, de; in dates, see 223; with nouns of material, en, de (335> a )\ ~ the, du, de la, de 1', des; ~ it (them), en (181); ~ which, dont (203) ; think ~, fix the mind on, penser a ; have an opinion of, penser de ; quarter <~ ten, dix heures moins le(un) quart off : take cv>, 6ter offer, offrir, v. irr. (260) office, bureau m. officer, officier m. often, souvent old, vieux (vieil ; / vieille; pre- cedes ?iouri), ancien (/ -nne); in years, age* ; how ~> are you ? quel age avez-vous? I am ten years ~, j'ai dix ans; je suis igd de dix ans omnibus, omnibus m. on, sur ; in dates, see 223 once, une fois ; at <*>, tout de suite one nu?n. adj., un (/ une) ; indef. pron., on (242, 243); ~ another, les un(e)s les autres; ~'s self, ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 521 se; soi(324); the ~> who (which), celui (celle) qui only adv., seulement ; ne . . . que (168, 170); adj., seul open verb, ouvrir, v irr. (260) open adj., ouvert open(s), ouvre opera, opera in. opportunity, opportunity/ opposite, en face de or, ou orange, orange/! orchard, verger m. orchestra seat, f auteuil d'orchestre order, ordonner; in ~ to, pour, afin de; in ~ that, pour que, afin que (307, c) Orleans, Orleans m. other, autre ; each ~, l'un(e) l'autre ; some . . . ~s, les un(e)s . . . les autres otherwise, autrement ought, devoir, v. irr. (264; 295, a) our, notre, nos; nous . . . le (la, les) (188) ours, le (la) n6tre (189); a nous (190) ourselves rejl., nous (228) ; inten- sive, nous-memes (233) out, dehors ; break ~, exlater ; go ~, sortir, v. irr. (258) outer, extdrieur over, sur ; ~ there, la-bas overcoat, pardessus in. owe, devoir, v. irr. (264) owl, *hibou m. (pi. -x) owner, propridtaire m. ox, bceuf m. pack, a trunk, faire une malle •page, page/ painting, peinture/ pair, paire/ palace, palais m. paper, papier m. ; news~, journal tn. (pi. -aux) parents, parents m. pi. Paris, Paris m. park, pare m. parlor, salon m. part, partie/; take in, prendre part k participle, participe m. pass (by), passer passport, passeport m. past, passe; half ~ three, trois heures et demie (224) pasture, pre m. path, a\\6ef. patient, a sick person, malade in. patriot, patriote m. pay, payer, stem often irr. (247) ; ~ for, payer peace, paix/! pear, poire/! ; ~ tree, poirier m. peasant, paysan m. (f. -nne) pebble, caillou m. (pi. -x) pedestrian, pieton m. pen, plume/ pencil, crayon m. penholder, porte-plume m. * people, les gens in. andf.pl.) on (243) ; tribe, peuple m. perceive, apercevoir, v. irr. (266) performance, representation/ perfume, parfum in. perhaps, peut-etre 522 ELEMENTARY FRENCH perish, peVir permit, permettre, v. irr. (277; 295, V) person, personne f. ; young ~s, jeunes gens m.pl. persuade (to), decider (a) (295, c) Peter, Pierre photograph, photographies phrase, phrase/! picture, tableau m. (pi. -x), gra- vure/i piece, morceau in. (pi. -x) pity, plaindre, v. irr. (278) place verb, placer, stem irr. (245) place noun, place /., lieu in. (pi. -x), endroit m., point m. ; take «», avoir lieu, se faire plate, assiette/ play verb, jouer ; play a musical instrument, jouer de ; I «v>, etc., je joue, etc. (91) play noun, piece/! plaything, joujou m. (pi. -x) pleasant, agrdable please intr., plaire, v. irr. (285); tr., plaire a; veuillez (271); if you , s'il vous plait, je vous prie pleased with, content de pleasure, plaisir m. ; with ~,- avec plaisir pluperfect, plus-que-parfait m. plural, pluriel m. P. M., de l'apres-midi, du soir pocket, poche/ poet, poete m. point, point m. polite, poli poor, pauvre population, population f. populous, peuple portrait, portrait m. possible, possible post, afficher; mail, mettre a la poste postal card, carte postale posted (on), renseigne (de) postman, facteur m. post office, bureau de poste potato, pomme de terre (pi. pommes de terre) pound, livre/ pour, rain, pleuvoir a verse; it ~s, la pluie tombe a verse praise, louer prefer, aimer mieux; preferer, stem irr. (249) preferable, preferable ; be ~, valoir mieux preparation, preparatif m. prepare tr., preparer ; intr., se preparer h, s'appreter h; I ~, etc., je prepare, etc. (91) prescribe, prescrire (like ecrire, 281) present adj., present; be ~ at, assister k present noun, present m. ; gift, cadeau m. (pi. -x) president, president m. prettily, joliment pretty, joli (precedes noun) prevent (from), empecher (de) (295,^; 305,^) priest, pretre m. prince, prince m. princess, princesse/! ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 523 prisoner, prisonnier m. (/. -ere) private, particulier (f. -ere) proclaim, proclamer proclamation, proclamation/; procure, procurer professor, professeur m. promise verb, promettre, v. irr. (277; 295, £); keep one's ~, tenir sa promesse promise noun, promesse f. pronounce, prononcer, steni irr. (245) pronunciation, prononciation/! properly, bien proud, fier (f. -ere) provide, pourvoir, v. irr. (313, k)\ ~d that, pourvu que (307) province, province f. prudent, prudent public, public {/. publique) pull out, tirer pulse, pouls m. punish, punir punishment, punition/I pupil, eleve m. and/. purchase, emplette/ pure, pur purse, bourse f. pushcart peddler, marchand ambu- lant put, mettre, v. irr. (277); ~ on, mettre; ~ to bed, coucher, mettre au lit quarter, quart m. queen, reine/ quickly, vite quite, assez railroad, chemin de fer ; ~ time- table, indicateur des chemins de fer railway station, gare/ rain verb, pleuvoir, v. irr. (313,7) rain noun, pluie/i raise, lever, stem irr. (248) rare, rare rarely, rarement ray, rayon m. read, lire, v. irr. (282) read past part., lu reading, lecture/ reads, lit ready (to), pret (a) reason, cause/! recall, rappeler, stem irr. (248, Note) receive, recevoir, v. irr. (266) received past part., regu recent, rdcent recently, re'cemment recite, reciter red, rouge refuse (to), refuser (de) (295, b) regard : with ~ to, a l'egard de register, recommander ; have ~ed, faire recommander regret verb, regretter regret noun, regret m. reign verb, regner, stem irr. (249) reign noun, regne m. . relic, relique/ remain, rester {per/, auxiliary etre) remark, remarque/i remember, se souvenir de, v. irr. Renaissance, Renaissance/ 524 ELEMENTARY FRENCH render, rendre repeat, repe'ter repent, se repentir, v. irr. (258) repertory, repertoire m. reply, rdpondre, repliquer represent, representer ; I «w, etc., je represente, etc. (91) republic, rdpublique/^ resolve, rdsoudre, v. irr. (313, r); be ~d to, se re'soudre h (295, b) respect, dgard m.\ with ~ to, a l'egard de responsible, responsable ; make ~> for, rendre responsable de rest, repos m. restaurant, restaurant in. result, resultat in. return, come back, rentrer; revenir, v. irr. (261) (perf. auxiliary etre) ; go back, retourner ; give back, rendre revive, ranimer ribbon, ruban in. rich, riche ride horseback, monter a cheval right, droit ; to (at) the <*>, a droite ; be ~, avoir raison right-hand, de droite rigorous, seVere ring, a bell, sonner ; I ~, etc., je sonne, etc. (91) ripe, mur ripen, murir river, fleuve m., riviere f. (p. 96, Note) road, chemin m., route f. roadway, chausse'e/ roast beef, rosbif m. room, chambre_/i, salle/!, piece /.; lunch 03, restaurant in. roommate, camarade de chambre rose, rose/! round, rond route, itine'raire m. royalist, royaliste m. rude, rude rule, regie/ ruler, regie f. run, courir, v. irr. (259); <*>away, se sauver running, courant Russia, Russie_/i sad, triste sadly, tristement said past part., dit saint, saint in. (f. -e) salad, salade/ sale, vente f. ; on ~, en vente ; for ~, a vendre salt, sel m. same, meme (precedes noun) satisfied with, content de Saturday, samedi m. save, sauver, economiser savings, Economies f.pl. say, dire, v. irr. (280); ~ again, redire (280, Note) says, dit scarcely, ne . . . guere (168); a peine school, dcole/. ; at (to) ~, a l'dcole school-teacher, maitre d'e'cole scorn, rndpris m. sea, merf. seacoast, c6te/ ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 525 search, fouiller ; ~ for, chercher seashore, hord de la mer season, saison/ seat verb, asseoir, v. irr. (272) seat noun, place/!, siege m. seated past part., assis; be ~, s'asseoir second, in series of two, second ; in longer series, deuxieme secret, secret (f. -ete) security, se'curite'/ see, voir, v. irr. (269; 293); behold, voila; ~ again, revoir; «* you again soon, a bientot seek, chercher seem, sembler ; it ~s, il semble seen, vu Seine, Seine/ seize, saisir select, choisir self, -meme sell, vendre sells, vend senator, se'nateur m. send, envoyer, v. irr. (255); ~ back, renvoyer; <*> for, envoyer cher- cher sentence, phrase/ separate adj., se'pare' September, septembre m. serious, serieux (f. -se) servant, domestique m. serve, servir, v. irr. (258) served past part., servi set: <~ out, partir, v. irr. (258) (Perf. auxiliary etre); ~ to work, s'y prendre seven, sept seventeen, dix-sept seventy, soixante-dix several, plusieurs severe, severe sew, coudre, v. irr. (313, n) shall, see 136 shame, *honte/ share, partager, stem irr. (246) sharp, aigu (f. aigue) shave, faire la barbe, raser she, elle, ce (198); ~ who, celle qui sheet, of paper, feuille/! shelf, rayon m. shine, luire, v. irr. (289) shirt, chemise/ shoe, Soulier m. ; ~>s (footwear), chaussures f pi. shop verb, faire des emplettes shore, rive/ short, court (precedes noun) shortly, sous peu should, see 138, 139; 265, a; 308 shout, crier show, montrer, faire voir ; I ev>, etc., je montre, etc. (91) show window, devanture/ shut, fermer sick, malade sickness, maladie/ side, cote m. sidewalk, trottoir m. sight, vue/ ; by ~, de vue sign, signer signature, signature/ silent : be ~, se taire (286) silk, soie/ silver, argent m. 526 ELEMENTARY FRENCH since ft rep., depuis ; conj., depuis que sing, chanter ; I ~, etc., je chante, etc. (91) single, seul sir, monsieur (pi. messieurs) sister, soeur/! sit down, s'asseoir, v. irr. (272); imv., asseyez-vous situated, situd six, six sixteen, seize sixty, soixante size, grandeur f skillfully, adroitement skin, peau/: (pi. -x) skirt, jupe/; sky, ciel m. (pi. cieux) slaughter, tuerie/ sleep verb, dormir, v. irr. (258); go to ~, s'endormir sleep noun, sommeil m. sleeping room, chambre a coucher sleepy : be ~, avoir sommeil sleeve, manche/i small, petit (precedes noun) smell, sentir, v. irr. (258) smoke, fumer ; ~ a pipe, fumer la pipe snow verb, neiger, stem irr. (246) snow noun, neige/C so, si, le (176); cv> . . . as, si . . . que ; ~ much (many), tant (de) sock, chaussette/i soft, mou (mol, f molle, m. pi. mous) sojourn, sejour m. soldier, soldat m. some adj., du, de la, de 1', des; pron., en (181); ~ little (few), quelque(s)(3i6, c); ~ . . . others, les un(e)s . . . les autres ; ~ day, un jour somebody, on (243), quelqu'un(e) something, quelque chose sometimes, quelquefois son, fils ;//. soon, bientSt, tot ; as ~ as, aussitSt que, des que (137, 152) - sorcerer, sorcier (f. -ere) sou, sou m. soup, soupe/i south, midi m. Spain, Espagne/: speak, parler ; I <*>, etc., je parle, etc. (91) ; 03 about, parler de ; so to ~, pour ainsi dire special, special (pi. -aux) spell : dizzy ~ ? e'blouissement m. spend, money, de'penser; time, passer spite : in <*> of, malgre' spoon, cuiller/; sport: make <~ (of), se moquer (de) spring, printemps m. ; in (the) <~, au printemps square adj., carre square noun, of a city, place f stable, for cattle, Stable f ; for horses, €c\xnz f stairs, staircase, escalier m. stamp, timbre m. ; ~ window, guichet m. standing, debout star, e'toile/ ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 527 start, partir, v. irr. (258) (per/. auxiliary etre) started past part., parti; ~ from, parti de state, etat m. ; in a ~ of, en etat de station, railway, garef statue, statue/: stay verb, rester (per/, auxiliary etre) stay noun, sejour m. steal, voler ; ~ from, voler a still, encore stirred : be ~ by, s'emouvoir (313, i, Note) de stocking, bas m. stop tr., arreter; intr., s'arreter store, magasin m. story, of a house, dtage m. stout, gros (f. -sse ; precedes noun) stranger, etranger (/ -ere) strawberry, f raise/? street, rue/ ; ~ car, tramway m. ; <*> dress, costume de ville strike, f rapper; of a clock, sonner strong, fort student, ecolier m. (f -ere) studious, studieux (f -se) study verb, etudier study noun, etude f stupid, sot (/. -tte) sturdy, robuste subject, sujet (/ -tte) subjunctive, subjonctif m. succeed (in), rdussir (a) (295, c) such, tel (f -lie ; precedes noun) (101); ~ a, un tel (f une telle) suddenly, tout a coup suffer, souffrir, v< irr. (260) sufficient : be ~, suffire, v. irr. sugar, sucre m. suit verb, aller, v. irr. (246) ; con- venir a suit noun, costume m. suitable : be ~, convenir, v. irr. (261 ; 303) summer, ete m. ; in (the) ~, en 6te sun, soleil m. Sunday, dimanche m. superb, superbe supper, souper m. suppose, supposer supposing that, suppose que (307) sure, sur, vrai surely', surement, vraiment surprised : be ~ (at), s'etonner (de) suspect, soupqonner swamp, marecage m. sweet, doux (f douce) sweetly, doucement swim, nager, stem irr. (246) table, table/ tablecloth, nappe/ tailor, tailleur m. take, prendre, v. irr. (279); aper- so?i, amener, stem irr. (248); <>o along, emporter ; ~ away, enle- ver ; ~ back, reporter ; 03 from, prendre a ; ~ oflf, 6ter ; ~ part in, prendre part a; ~ place, avoir lieu, se faire; ~ the trouble, prendre (se donner) la peine ; ~ a walk, se promener taken past part., pris talk, parler, causer ; ~ about, parler de ; cv> business, parler d'affaires 528 ELEMENTARY FRENCH tall, grand tapestry, tapisserie/i taste, gout m. teach (to), enseigner (a) (295, c) teacher, of a primary school, maitre m. (f -resse) ; of a higher school, professeur m. tell, dire, v. irr. (280; 295, b); a story, raconter ten, dix tender, tendre Thames, Tamise/ than, que ; followed by a numeral, de thank (for), remercier (de) ; ~ you, merci that rel. pron., qui, que, lequel (laquelle, etc.) (199, 200); ~ which, ce qui, ce que, ce . . . quoi (206) ; all ~, tout ce qui (que) that dem. adj., ce, cet, cette (193); emphatic, ce (cet, cette) ... -la (194); dem. pron., celui, celle (195); cela, ?a(i97); ce (198); emphatic, celui-la (celle-la)( 1 96, c) that conj., que the, le, la, 1', les theater, theatre m. thee, obj. of verb, te, toi ; obj. of prep., toi their, leur (185 ; see 188); en . . . le (la, les) (318) theirs, le leur (1 89) ; a eux, a elles (190) them, dir. obj., les ; indir. obj., leur; obj. of prep., eux, elles themselves refl., se ; intensive, eux-memes, elles-memes (233) then, alors, puis, ensuite there, la, y (180, Note), la-bas; ev. is (was, etc.), il y a (avait, etc) (1 50) ; calling attention, voila ! thereupon, la-dessus these adj., ces; emphatic, ces . . . -ci (194); pron., ceux, celles (195); ce(i98); emphatic, ceux- ci (celles-ci) (196, c) they conj. pron., ils, elles ; disj., eux, elles; ce(i98); indefinite, on (243); ~ w ho, ceux (celles) qui (196) thick, <£pais (/ -sse) thief, voleur m. thine, le tien (/ la tienne) (1 89) ; a toi (190) thing, chose/ think, penser ; croire, v. irr. (288); I ~, etc., je pense, etc. (91); oa about (of), fix the mind on, penser a; have an opinion of, penser de third, troisieme ; infractions, tiers thirst, soiffi thirsty : be ~, avoir soif thirteen, treize thirty, trente this adj., ce, cet, cette (193); em- phatic, ce (cet, cette) . . . -ci (194); pron., celui, celle (195); ceci (197); ce (198); emphatic, celui-ci (celle-ci) (196, c) those adj., ces ; emphatic, ces . . . -Ia(i94);^/wz.,ceux,celles(i95); ce (198); emphatic, ceux-la (celles-la) (196, c) thou conj. pron., tu ; disj., toi ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 529 though, quoique, bien que (305) thousand, mille; in dates, mil (220) ; a 05, mille threat, menace/ three, trois throat, gorge/ ; sore ~, mal a la gorge; my ~ is sore, j'ai mal a la gorge through, par ; ~ which, par ou (322) throw, jeter, stem irr. (248, Note) thundering : be «w, f aire du tonnerre thunderstorm, orage m. Thursday, jeudi m. thus, ainsi thy, ton, ta, tes {see 1 88) thyself refl., te; intensive, toi- meme (233) ticket, billet m. ; ~ window, gui- chet m. time, temps m., occasion/I, fois/ ; have a good ~, s'amuser ; in «v>, a temps; on ~, a l'heure, a temps; a long ~, longtemps; what ~ is it ? quelle heure est- il ? three ~s a day, trois fois par jour ; two cxjs two, deux fois deux time-table, railway, indicateur des chemins de fer tip, pourboire m. tired, fatigue to, a ; as sign ofindir. obj., see 1 72, 173; with names of countries, en, a ; in order to, pour, arm de (309) ; ~ the, au, a la, a 1', aux ; it (them), y (1 82) ; ev the house of, chez today, aujourd'hui; m is Monday, c'est aujourd'hui (le) lundi together, ensemble told past part., dit tomato, tomate/i tomb, tombeau m. (pi. -x) tomorrow, demain; ~ morning, demain matin tongue, langue/! too, trop ; also, aussi ; ~ much (many), trop (de) (113) took, prit, prirent (279) tooth, dent/ toothbrush, brosse aux dents top, haut m. tower, tour/ town, ville/ ; in (to) ~, en ville toy, joujou m. (pi. -x) trace out, tracer, stem irr. (245) tragedy, trage"die/ tramcar, tramway m. translate, traduire, v. irr. (289) travel verb, voyager, stem irr. (246) travel noun, voyage m. traveler, voyageur m. (f. -se) treacherous, traitre (f. -resse) treasure, tresor m. tree, arbre m. tribe, peuple m. trim (with), garnir (de) troop, troupe/ trouble, peine /, des ennuis m. pi. ; take the ~ (to), prendre (se donner) la peine (de) ; be worth the ~, en valoir la peine trousers, pantalon m. true, accurate, vrai ; loyal, fidele trunk, malle/ truth, ve'ritd/ 53Q ELEMENTARY FRENCH try (to), essayer (de), stem some- times irr. (247 ; 295, b) Tuesday, mardi m. Turkish, turc (f turque) turn, tour m. twelve, douze ; o'clock, {noon) midi m., {night) minuit m. twenty, vingt twenty-first, vingt et unieme twenty-one, vingt et un twice, deux fois twin, jumeau (/. -elle ; m.pl. -x) two, deux ugly, vilain (precedes noun) umbrella, parapluie m. uncle, oncle m. under, sous undergo, subir understand, comprendre, v. irr. United States, fitats-Unis m. pi. unless, a moins que (307) until con/., jusqu'a ce que (307); prep., jusqu'a (309, Note) up, out of bed, leve, sur pied upside down, a l'envers upstairs, en haut us, nous use, employer, stem irr. (247); se servir de used to, see 130 useful, utile useless, inutile usually, d'ordinaire vacation, vacances f pi. ; have a ~, etre en vacances valise, valise/ value correctly, apprdcier vase, vase m. veal, veau m. vegetable, legume m. verb, verbe m. very, tres ; ~ much, fort vest, gilet m. vice, vice m. victory, victoire/ Vienna, Vienne/i view, vuef village, village m. violence, violence^ virtue, vertu/ visit verb, visiter visit nou?i, visite/ visitor, visiteur m. (f -se) voice, voix f. ; in a low ~, k voix basse wait, attendre; 0= for, attendre; ~ until, attendre que (307) waiter, garcon m. waiting-room, salle d'attente waken, se reveiller walk, marcher; se promener, stem irr. (248); go for a ~, se pro- mener (a. pied); take a ~, se promener wall, mur m. walnut tree, noyer m. wander about, vagabonder want, vouloir, v. irr. (271 ; 295, a) war, guerre/! warm, chaud; be <~>, of a person, avoir chaud; of the iveathe?', faire chaud warn, avertir ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 531 was, e"tais, etc. ; ai ete, etc. ; as active auxiliary, see 1 30 wash, laver watch, montre/ water, eau/ {pi. -x) way, chemin m., route/.; on the ~, en route, chemin faisant; this (that) ~, par ici (la) we, nous ; indefinite, on (243) wealth, richesses/i//. wear, porter weather, temps m. ; be fine ~, faire beau temps Wednesday, mercredi m. week, semaine f., huit jours ; last ~, la semaine derniere, la se- maine passee ; a ~ from today, d'aujourd'hui en huit weep, pleurer well adj. : be ~, aller, v. irn ; se porter well adv., bien ; intj., eh bien ! well-bred, bien eleve were, e'tions, etc. ; avons ete, etc. ; as active auxiliary, see 130 west, ouest m. ; in the ~, a l'ouest what rel. pron., ce qui, ce que, ce . . . quoi (206) ; int. pron., que, quoi, qu'est-ce qui, qu'est-ce que (21 1, 323); int. adj., quel (f. -lie) (2 1 o) ; intj., comment ! ~ a, quel (f. -lie) (2 10, Note 2); ~ is that? qu'est-ce quec'est que cela? (323) whatever pron., quoi que (307, d); adj., quel que (307, d) wheat, ble m. When, quand (137, 152), lorsque, ou ; int., quand whence, d'ou (322); from ~, d'ou where, ou ; from ~, d'ou (322) whether, si (139, Note 3), que (304, Note 3) which rel. pron., qui, que (199); lequel (laquelle, etc.) (200); int. pron., lequel (laquelle, etc) (212, b); int. adj., quel {/. -lie) (2 1 2, a) ; of (from, with) ~, dont (203) ; duquel (de laquelle, etc.) (200, Note 2) ; to (at, in)~, auquel (a laquelle, £/<:.) (200, Note 2); ou (205) ; through ~, par ou (322) ; that of ~, ce de quoi, ce dont, ce h. quoi (206) while, time, pendant que; con- cession, tandis que ; with pres. part., en, tout en (162, 298) white, blanc (f. blanche) who rel., qui (199); int., qui (208); qui est-ce qui, qui est-ce que (323) whoever, qui que (307) whole : the ~, tout le (101) wholesale, en gros • whom rel., que, qui (199); int., qui (208); qui est-ce que (323); of (from, with) ~, dont (203); de qui; duquel (de laquelle, etc.) (200, Note 2) whose rel., dont, de qui, duquel (de laquelle, etc) (203 ; 200, Note 2); int., (possession) a qui, (relationship) de qui (209) why, pourquoi; intj., comment! mais ! wicket, window, guichet m. wide, large 532 ELEMENTARY FRENCH width, largeur/ wife, femmej^ will, see 136 William, Guillaume willing : be ~, vouloir bien, v. irr. (271); are you «*, voulez-vous (271, Note 3) wind, vent m. window, fenetre/ windy : be oa, f aire du vent wine, yin m. wineglass, verre a vin wing, ailef winter, hiver m. ; in (the) ~, en hiver wish, vouloir, v. irr. (271 ; 295, a; 304) with, avec ; ~ it (them), en without {&)prep., sans (298); con/., sans que (307) ; do ~, se passer de ; ~ saying, sans dire woman, femme/ wood, bois m. wooden, de bois wool, laine/ word, in speech, parole f. ; gram- matical linit, mot m. work verb, travailler; I ~, etc., je travaille, etc. (91) work noun, travail m: {pi. -aux); (of art) ceuvre/; world, monde m. worse adj., pire {precedes noun) ; adv. pis worship, adorer worst (the) adj., le pire {precedes noun) ; adv. le pis worth: be ~, valoir, v. irr. (270); be ~ the trouble, en valoir la peine would, see 130, 138, 139 wrap up, envelopper wreath, couronne/] write, e'cris, etc. (p. 49); ecrire, v. irr. (281) writes, ecrit wrong, tort ; be ~, avoir tort yard, coury: year, as a date, an m.\ as a whole, anne'e_/\ yellow, jaune yes, oui ; si (330); ~ indeed, mais oui yesterday, hier; ~ evening, hier soir; day before ~, avant-hier yet, encore yield, cdder, stem irr. (249) yonder, la-bas you, vous; familiar, tu, toi (142); indefnite, on (243) young, jeune {precedes noun) younger, cadet (/ -tte) your, votre, vos (185, 188); familiar, ton, ta, tes (142, 185, 188) yours, le v6tre (189); a vous ( r 90) ; familiar, le tien {f la tienne) (189); a toi (190) yourself refl., vous; fa?niliar, te; intensive, vous-meme (1 79); fa- miliar, toi-meme yourselves refl. % vous; intetisive, vous-memes (179) GENERAL INDEX References are to pages a, contractions with, 29, 193 distinguished from dans, en, 169, 392 in compound nouns, 392 with geographical names, 95 with units of measure, 259 a moins que, 368 a qui, 244 abstract nouns, article with, 94 accents, 3 acquerir, 380, 440 address, titles of, 49 adjectives, agreement of, 60 comparison of, 77 demonstrative, 221 feminine of, 60, 71, 378 interrogative, 244-246 plural of, 60 position of, 64, 388 possessive, 29, 212 used as nouns, 65 adverbs, comparison of, 83 formation of, 82, 430 of quantity, 83 position of, 82, 390 affiches, 252 afin de, with infinitive, 370 afin que, subjunctive after, 368 age, expression of, 265 ag6 and vieux, 79, 265 agreement, of adjectives, 60 of participles, 168, 434 of possessives, 213 of verbs, 33, 224 aller, conjugation of, 303, 440 idioms with, 303 alphabet, 2 anterior, past, 156 apostrophe, 3 apposition, omission of article in, 383 articles, for possessives, 212 forms of, 25, 26 repetition of, 26 special uses of, 94 with names of languages, 137 with names of relatives, 383 with names of seasons, 185 with titles of sovereigns, 265 aspirate h, 18 assaillir, 380, 440 asseoir, 323, 444 aussi . . . que, 78 aussitot que, 125, 156 auxiliaries, perfect tenses, 155, 163, 434 with reflexive verbs, 273 avant que, subjunctive after, 368 avoir, as auxiliary, 155 conjugation of, 149, 435 idiomatic uses of, 150, 260 with parts of the body, 2 1 3 battre, 381, 448 bien, used with de, 383 boire, 334, 448 bon, comparison of, 78 bouillir, 380, 440 533 534 ELEMENTARY FRENCH ca, 223 campagne and pays, 66 capitals, use of, 2 cardinal numbers, 253 in dates, 264 in titles, 265 ce, use of, 222, 223 ce dont, 238 ce que, 238 ce qui, 238 ce quoi, 238 ceci, 223 cedilla, 3 cela, 223 celui, 222 celui-ci, 223 celui-la, 223 cent, 254 ci, 222 classroom phrases, 422 combien, as adverb of quantity, 83 in interrogative sentences, 179 comparatives, followed by ne, 363 comparison, of adjectives, yy of adverbs, 83 compound nouns, formation of, 392 gender of, 428 plural of, 429 compound tenses, 155, 163, 434, 435 compound verbs, 302 concession, clauses of, 368 conclure, 381, 448 conditional, conjugation of, 129 formation of, 129, 301 uses of, 129 conditions, expression of, 130, 157 conduire, 335, 448 conjugation, of irregular verbs, 300- 341, 440-455 of regular verbs, 102-141, 432, 433 conjunctions, compared with prep- ositions, 370 conjunctive pronouns, 192 connaitre, 328, 448 consonantal vowels, 13 consonants, sounds of, 17-22 contractions with the article, 29 conversational phrases, 424 coudre, 381, 448 countries, prepositions with names of, 95 courir, 308, 440 couvrir, 309, 443 craindre, 328, 450 croire, 335, 450 croitre, 381, 450 cueillir, 380, 440 dans, distinguished from a, en, 169, 39 2 dates, expression of, 263, 264 days of the week, 264 de, contractions with, 29, 193 in compound nouns, 392 to express in, j8 to express material, 214 with adverbs of quantity, 83 with geographical names, 95 with nouns of measure, 90, 260 with passive voice, 282 de qui, 237, 244 definite article, contractions of, 29 forms of, 25 inclusive use of, 94 partitive use of, 89 possessive use of, 212 uses of, 94, 95 demander, construction with, 200 demi, 259 demonstrative adjectives, 221 demonstrative pronouns, 222 dependent infinitives, 348 GENERAL INDEX 535 depuis, 157 des que, with past anterior, 1 56 descriptive past, see imperfect devoir, 316, 444 diaeresis, 3 digraphs, 1 1 dire, 329, 450 disjunctive pronouns, 199, 384 dont, 237 dormir, 308, 440 doubting, clauses following verbs of, 362 e mute, 9 6crire, 329, 450 elision, 23 empecher, use of ne after, 363 en, preposition, distinguished from a. dans, 392 preposition, to express mate- rial, 214, 393 preposition, with dates, 263 preposition, with names of countries, 95 preposition, with present parti- ciple, 168 preposition, with seasons, 185 pronoun, position of, 206 pronoun, possessive use of, 384 pronoun, use of, 204 endings of verbs, 431 entendre, construction following, 341 • envoyer, 303, 440 est-ce que, 177 etre, as auxiliary, 163, 434 conjugation of, 163, 435 to express ownership, 213, 244 faillir, 381, 442 faire, conjugation of, 339, 450 idiomatic uses of, 339, 341 falloir, conjugation of, 323, 446 uses of, 323 fearing, construction following verbs of, 361, 363 feminine, of adjectives, 60, 71, 378 of nouns, 61, 428 final consonants, linking of, 22 pronunciation of, 17 first conjugation, 103, 108, 433 irregularities of, 294, 438 fleuve and riviere, 96 fractions, 259 fuir, 381, 442 future, conjugation of, 124 formation of, 124, 301 uses of, 125 gender of nouns, 25, 428 geographical names, 95 h, aspirate, 18 hair, 381, 442 heure, 264 huit, no elision before, 254 hyphen, 3 ilya, 151, 157 imperative, conjugation of, 135 formation of, 135, 301 translation of, 135 use of singular and plural, 136 imperfect, conjugation of, 109 formation of, 109, 301 use of, no, 116 imperfect subjunctive, conjugation of, 141 formation of, 141, 301 impersonal verbs, construction after, 356 definition of, 323 inclusive article, 94 536 ELEMENTARY FRENCH indefinite article, forms of, 26 omission of, 95 indicative, use of, contrasted with subjunctive, 355 indirect object, 192 after special verbs, 195, 200 infinitive, after prepositions, 350 as noun, 350 denoting purpose, 349 dependent, 348 distinguished from subjunctive, 369 endings of, 102 for finite verb, 350 negativing an, 350 with a, 349 with de, 349 without preposition, 348 intensive pronouns, 200 interrogation, 44, 177 interrogative adjectives, 244-246 interrogative pronouns, 244-246, 385 interrogatives, order with, 178 intransitive verbs, perfect of, 164, 434 inversion of verb and subject, 390 irregular verbs, conjugation of, 303- 341, 440-455 it and they, 34, 192, 199, 223 Latin and French, 1 le, definite article, 25 to avoid repetition, 194 lequel, interrogative, 245 relative, 229, 230, 385 letters, names of, 2 liaison, 22 lire, 329, 452 l'on, 287 luire, 335, 452 map of France, 257 Marseillaise, 425 material, nouns of, 90, 214, 393 maudire, 381, 452 measure, expressions of, 90, 259 mentir, 308 menu, 209 mettre, 328, 452 mil, 263 mille, 254 milliard, 254 million, 254 models of correspondence, 394 months, names of, 264 moudre, 381, 452 mourir, 309, 442 mouvoir, 381, 446* mute e, 9 jeux lV esprit, 218 joindre, 328, 450 jusqu'a ce que, subjunctive after, 368 1, liquid, 19 V, in elision, 25 la, 204, 223 laisser, construction following, 340, 34i languages, names of, construction with, 137 naitre, 263, 328 narrative past, see past definite nasal sounds, 14 ne, after comparatives, 363 in negative expressions, 183 omission of, 184 pleonastic, 362 ne . . . que, 183, 184 necessity, expression of, 324 negation, 39, 183 negatives, 183 n'est-ce pas, 179 GENERAL INDEX 537 neuf and nouveau, 72 ni, 184 nouns, as adjectives, 49 feminine of, 61, 429 gender of, 25, 428 plural of, 26, 55, 378, 429 position of, when subject, 178, nuire, 335, 453 numerals, cardinals, 253 ordinals, 258 object pronouns, position of, 193 offrir, 309, 442 on, uses of, 287 onze, no elision before, 254 order of elements in sentence, 206 ordinal numbers, 258 orthographic marks, 3 irregularities in first conjuga- tion, 294, 438 Oil, in interrogative sentences, 178 used as a relative, 237, 385 ouvrir, 309, 442 ownership, expression of, 213, 244 par, in expressing units of time, 259 with faire and infinitive, 340 with passive voice, 282 paraitre, 328, 449 participle, agreement of, 168 past, endings of, 108 present, after en, 168 present, endings of, 108 partir, 308, 442 partitive construction, 89, 150, 20 ', 383 pas, omission of, 318, 391 passive voice, agent after, 282 agreement in, 280 conjugation of, 280, 437 on used for, 287 reflexive used for, 286 .tense usage in, 281 use of, 286 past anterior, 156 past definite, conjugation of, 115 formation of, 115, 301 uses of, 116 past indefinite, 116, 117' payer, construction with, 195 peindre, 328, 452 pendant, 157 penser with a or de, 205 perfect tenses, 436 formation of, 155, 163 uses of, 156 personal pronouns, 192-200 personne, 183, 184, 390 petit, comparison of, 78 phonetic alphabet, 6 phonetic material, 415 phonetic transcription of models, 418 plaire, 334, 45 2 pleuvoir, 381, 446 plupart, 383 pluperfect, 156 plural, of adjectives, 60 of nouns, 26, 55, 378, 429 position, of adjectives, 64, 388 of adverbs, 82, 390 of conjunctive personal pro- nouns, 193, 206 of en and y, 206 of negatives, 184 of reflexive pronouns, 273 possession, expression of, 29, 213 possessive adjectives, agreement of, 29, 213 article used for, 212 list of, 212 use of, 211, 385 possessive pronouns, 213 pour, with infinitive, 104 538 ELEMENTARY FRENCH pour que, subjunctive after, 368 pourvoir, 381, 446 pouvoir, 317, 446 premier, subjunctive after, 363 prendre, 329, 454 prepositions, before infinitives, 370 compared with conjunctions, 370 with geographical names, 95 present indicative, conjugation of, 102, 103 formation of, 102, 108, 300 uses of, 48, 103 present subjunctive, conjugation of, 140 formation of, 140, 301 preterit, see past definite price, expression of, 259 principal parts of verbs, 107, 108, 142, 300 pronouns, demonstrative, 221-224 intensive, 200 interrogative, 244-246, 385 personal, 192-200 possessive, 211, 213 reflexive, 273 relative, 229-238 pronunciation of French, 5 punctuation, 24 purpose, clauses of, 368 quand,ininterrogativesentences,\i78 with future, 125, 157 with past anterior, 1 56 quantity of vowels, 16 que, for other conjunctions, 391 interrogative pronoun, 244, 385 meaning than, 78 relative pronoun, 229, 238 with subjunctive, 355 qu'est-ce qui, 245, 385 quel, 244 quelque, 384 questions, method of asking, 177-179 qui, interrogative pronoun, 244, 385 relative pronoun, 229, 238 qui est-ce qui, 385 quoi, interrogative pronoun, 245 relative pronoun, 238 recevoir, 317, 446 reciprocal use of reflexives, 387 reflexive pronouns, agreement of, 275 distinguished from intensives, 275 list of, 273 position of, 273 used as reciprocals, 387 reflexive verbs, conjugation of, 274 idiomatic use, 276 used for passive, 286 regular verbs, 102-141, 432 relative pronouns, 229-238 repentir, 308, 442 rSsoudre, 381, 454 rien, 183, 390 rire, 381, 454 savoir, 318, 446 se, 273 sentir, 308, 442 sequence of tenses, 355 servir, 308, 444 seul, subjunctive after, 363 si, 130, 369, 392 si . . . que, 78 size, expression of, 260 soi, 386 sortir, 308, 444 souffrir, 309, 443 sounds, of consonants, 17-22 of vowels, 8-1 5 sovereigns, titles of, 265 stem of verb, 102 stress, 22 GENERAL INDEX 539 subjunctive, after impersonal verbs, 356 after superlatives, 363 after verbs of doubting, etc., 363 after verbs of emotion, 361 after verbs of thinking, etc., 362 after verbs of wishing, etc., 362 in adjective clauses, 363 in adverbial clauses, 368 in concessive clauses, 368 in conditional clauses, 369 in indefinite relative clauses, 368 in object clauses, 361 in principal clauses, 355 in purpose clauses, 368 in relative clauses, 363 in subject clauses, 356 in time clauses, 368 imperfect, conjugation of, 141 present, conjugation of, 140 tenses of, 140, 355 use of, compared with indica- tive, 355 use of, compared with infini- tive, 369 use of ne with, 362, 363 suffire, 381, 454 suivre 334, 454 syllables, 4 synopsis, 141, 155, 164 taire, 334, 454 tel, 65 tenir, 309, 444 tenses, in subordinate clauses, 125, 13O' *57 of the subjunctive, 355 time, clauses of, 368 of day, expression of, 264 titles, of address, 49 of sovereigns, 265 tout, 65, 391 tressaillir, 380, 441 trigraphs, 11 tu, contrasted with vous, 135 un, article, 26 numeral, 253 unit of time, expression of, 259 vaincre, 381, 454 valoir, 322, 446 venir, conjugation of, 309, 444 idiomatic uses of, 309 verbs, agreement of, 33 conjugation of, 102-141, 301- 341, 43 2 -455 endings of, 43 t formation of, 300-302 impersonal, 323 irregular, 303-341 prepositions that follow, 349 principal parts of, 107, 108 pronominal, see reflexive reflexive, 273 regular, 1 02-1 41 vetir, 381, 444 vingt, 254 vivre, 334, 454 voici, 151, 193 voila, 151, 193 voir, 318, 448 construction following, 340 vouloir, 195, 322, 448 VOUS, contrasted with tu, 135 vowels, sounds of, 8-15 weather, expression of, 341 wishing, subjunctive after clauses of, 362 subjunctive in clauses of, 355 y, position of, 206 use of, 204 RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS 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