mii^^m THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES t CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OP THE LIBEAPtY OF THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, TO DECEMBER, 1870. LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. 1871. LONDON : PBIK-TED BT WILLIAM CLOWES AND SOSS, STAMFORD STREET, AND CHABING CEOSS. PKEFACE. The present Catalogue has been made upon a plan which, it is hoped, will greatly increase the usefulness of the Library of the Koyal Geographical Society. In it will be found, alphabetically arranged, entries under every division of the globe, country, or place treated of in the works which form the collection ; such entries being chronologically sub-arranged, to aid the Geo- grapher in comparing accounts of, or in tracing the history of, the particular locality which is the subject of his enquiry. The Orthography generally has been determined by a collation of the best existing modern Gazetteers. For the spelling of African names, the works of Barth, Beke, Burton, Cooley, Livingstone, Rohlfs, and others, have been consulted ; while for Indian names, the Gazetteers of Thornton must be held responsible. Though no effort has been spared to detect and to rectify errors in the original Alphabetical Catalogue, upon which the present one is based, it is evidently possible that some of the less apparent of those inaccuracies may be reproduced here, as the certain avoidance of them would have involved nothing less than the bodily inspection of every book in the Library, a labour which the compiler was not called upon to undertake. For the correctness of the Supplement to that Catalogue, how- ever, which is his own handiwork, and for the corresponding entries which this book contains, he alone is answerable. Godfrey M. Evans. May 22, 1871. 1303963 ROYAL GEOGRAPniCAL SOCIETY. CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE. A. Aachen. — See Aix-la-Chapelle. Abai. — See Nile. Abeokuta. — Burton, R. F. A. . . . an Exploration. 1863. Var : Abbekuta, Abheokoota, Abeahkeutah. Abessinia. — See Abyssinia. Abissins, Countries of the. — See Abyssinia. Abyssinia. — Baratti, G. The late Travels of S. G. Baratti . . . into the remote Countries of the Abissins, etc. Lond., 1670. LuDOLPHUS, J. Jobi Ludolfi . . . Historia J]]thiopica, sive Brevis . . . descriptio Regni Habessinorum, etc. Franc, ad M., 1681. • LuDOLPHUs, J. A New History of Ethiopia. Being a full description of . . . Abessinia, etc. Lond., 1684. LoBO, Father J. Voyage to A., etc. Lond., 1735. Bbuce, J. Travels into A., to discover the source of the Nile. 1790. Valentia, Viscount. Voyages and travels to . . . A. . . . 1802-6. 1811. • Salt, H. Voyage to A. . . . in 1809-10, etc. 1814. Salt, H. Voyage en Abyssinie . . . 1809-10, etc. Par., 1816. Pearce, N. The Life and Adventures of N. Pearce . . . during a residence in A. from . . . 1810 to 1819, etc. Lond., 1831. ■ Russell, Bp. M. Nubia and A., etc. Edin., 1832. GoBAT, S. Journal of a Three Years' Residence in A ., etc. 1834. ■ Blumhardt, C. H. [Extracts from the Journal of C. H. B. during his Voyage to A.] 1838. Combes, E. and Tamisier, M. Voyage en Abvssiuie, etc. Par., 1838. Katte, a, von. Reisein Abyssinien im Jahre 1836. Stuttg., 1838. • RiJppEL, E. Reise in Abyssinien. Frankf. a. M., 1838-40. Abbauie, a. d'. Voyage en Abyssinie. Par., 1839. Isenber*;, C. AV., and Krapf, J. L. Journals . . . with a Geogra- phical Memoir of A., etc. 1843. B Abyssinia. Abyssinia. Abyssinia. Voyage en Abyssinie, execute . . . 1839-1843, par une Commission Scienlitique, etc. Par. [1845.] • BiKD, J. A. . . . reviewed. Bombay, 1845. Santarem, Viscount de. Eapport sur un Me'moire de ]\I. de Silveira, relativement a la decouverte des Terres du Pretre Jean et de la Gninee, par les Tortuguais. P^r., 1846. . Beke, C. T. Description of the . . . Church of Mdrtula Mariam in A. 1847. Beke, C. T. On the Korarima, or Cardamom of A. 1847. Beke, C. T. On the Languages and Dialects of A., etc. 1847. ■ Ferret, A., and Galinier. Yoyage en Abyssinie, e^c. Par., 1847. Beke, C. T. On the Geographical Distribution of the languages of A., etc. Edin., 1849. Beke, C. T. Uber die geographische Verbreitung der Sprachen von Abessinien, etc. 1849. Abbadie, a. d'. Reponses de Falasha dits Juifs d'Abyssinie aux questions faites par M. Luzzato. Par., 1850- Roth, J. R. Schilderung der Naturverhaltnisse in Slid- A. Miincli., 1851. Parktns, M. Life in A., etc. 1853. Vayssikres, A. Souvenirs d'un Voyage en Abyssinie. Brux., 1857. Stern, H. A. Wanderings among the Falashas in A., etc. Lond., 1862. Lejean, G. Theodore IL,le Nouvel Empire d'Abyssiuie, etc. Par. [1865.] Apei,, F. H. Drei Monate in Abyssinien, efc. Zurich, \^QQ. Abyssinia. Routes in A., etc. Lond., 1867. Baker, Sir S. W. The Nile Tributaries of A., etc. Lond., 1867. Beke, C. T. The British Captives in A., etc. Lond., 1867. Cozzika, J. Question d'Abyssinie, etc. Cor.stantin., 1867. DuKTON, H. Narrative of a Journey through A., in 1862-3, etc. Lond., 1867. Abbadie, A. d'. Douze Ans dans la Haute-Ethiopie (Abyssinie). Par., 1868. Abyssinia. Report on the Survey Operations, A. Lond. [1868.] Blanc, B. A Narrative of Captivity in A., etc. Lond., 1868. Heuglin, M. T. von. Reise nach Abessinien, etc. Jena, 1868. Lejean, G. L'Abyssinie en 1868. Pur., 1868. Pi.owDEN, W. C. Travels in A., etc. Lond., 1868. Maukiiam, C. R. a History of the A.n Expedition, etc. Land., 1869. Rassam, H. Narrative of the British Mission to ... A. : with Notices of the Countries traversed, etc. Land., 1869. RoHi.FS, G. Im Auftrage Sr. Majestat des Kbnigs.von Preussen mit dem Englischen Expeditionscorps in Abessinien. Bremen, 1869. Ahyssinia — Add. Abyssinia. — Hollakd, T. J., and Hozier, H. Record of the Expediticin to A., etc. Loral., 1870. HosEASox, J. C. Remarks on the A. n Expenditure, e^c.ZoKd., 1870. Abyssinie. Voyage au Darfour, 1793-99. Eyries. Vol. X IV. Lobo, Father J. Voyage to A. Pinkerton. Vol. XV. Poncet's Journey to A. Pinkerton. Vol. XV. An Armenian, bis report of . . . the Emperor of the Abaxins, etc. PURCHAS. Vol. 11. - Relation du P^re Jeronimo Lobo de I'Empire des Abyssins, etc. Thevenot. Vol. IV. - Valentia, Viscount. Voyages and Travels to ... A. ... 1802-6. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. XI. - Valentia, Viscotmt. Voyages and Travels to ... A. 1802-6. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1810. Vol. IV. - Portenger, H. N. Narrative of the sufferings and adventures of . . . who was wrecked on the Shores of A. . . . 1802. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. II. /See also Shoa. -, South. — Johnston, C. Travels in S.n A., etc. 1844. Acapulco. — Gualle, F. Voyage from ... A. ... to the Lu9ones . . . 1582-84. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Achanti. — Bee Ashantee. Acheen.— Voyage of Capt. R. Rowles to A., etc. Kerr. Vol. VIII. Hores, W. Discourse of his Voyage from Surat to A. . . . 1618-19. Purchas. Vol. I. Andere Reisen des P. van Caerden und J. van Neck nach Achin, 3 600-1602. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. \o\. VIII. Beaulieu, A. Reise . . . 1619-21 . . . nach Achem, etc. Voy'ages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. X. Achem, Achen, Achin. — S>ee Acheen. Afores. — 'See Azores. Acrse. — Hogg, J. On A. . . . and its principal Antiquities. 1852. Acuco. — See Actjlco. Aculco. — Vasquez de Coronado, F. Voyage to A 1540. Hakluyt. Vol. HI. Adal. — *See Adeh Adamawa. — Jomard, E. F. Remarques au sujet du Voyage du Docteur Barth dans I'A. Paris. Adea. — »S'ee Cambat. Adel. — IIericottrt, C. R. d'. Considerations . . sur . . . le Pays d'A., etc. Par., 1841. Johnston, C. Travels . . . through . . . A. to . . . Shoa. 1844. Hebicourt, C. R. d'. Second Voyage . . . dans le Pays des Adds, etc. Par., 1846. B 2 Adelaide — AfgJianistan. Adelaide.— Eyre, E. J. Journals of Expeditions . . . Overland from A, to King George's Sound, etc. 1845. Abbott, F. Eesults ... To whicli is added a Meteorological Sum- mary for A., etc. Bob. Toum, 1866. Adelsberg.— Agapito, Count G. Le Grotte di Adlersberg, etc. Vienna, 1823. ScHMiDL, A. A. Die Grotten und Hohlen von A., etc. Wien, 1854. Guide du Voyageur dans la Grotte d'A., etc. Vienne, 1854. Wegweiser in die Adelsberger Grotte, etc. Wien, 1858. Aden. — ^Ierewethee, W. L. [Report on places lately %-isited, between A, and Suez.] Indian Papers. Correspondence relating to A. 1839. WrLDE, E. T. Eemarks ... on his Topographic Model of . . . A. 1844. Eeise von Aden nach Mocka, etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. A'^ol. XI. , Gulf of.— Ward, C. Y. Pilote du Golfe d'A., etc. Par., 1866. Adirri, River. -See Yolta. Adiunta. — Alexander, Sir J. E. Visit to the Cavern Temples of A, etc. 1829. ■ — Burgess, J. The Eock-cut Temples of Ajanta, etc. Bombay, 1868. Adlersberg. — See Adelsberg. Admiral's Bay. — America, Central. Description of . . . a Eoad . . . from A. 1'.. . . . to . . . the Pacific, etc. Phil., 1852. Adofoodiah. — Duncan, J. Travels . . . from Whydah ... to A., etc. 1847. Adriatic Sea. — Pubdy, J. New Sailing Directory for the Gulf of Venice, etc. 1834. Beautemps-Beaupke, M. Eapports sur les Eades . . . de la Cote Orientale du Golle de Venise. 1849. Paton, A. A. Highlands and Islands of the A., etc. 1849. Gbas, M. a. Le. Manuel de la Navigation dans la Mer Adriatique, etc. Par., 1855. Campana, Viscoxti, and Smyth. A. Pilot, etc. 1861. Stbangford, Viscountess. The Eastern Shores of the A. in 1863, 'I'-. Land., 1864. Adur, River.— TiiORNE, J. Eambles by Rivers ; the A., etc. 1847. Aegyptus. — See Egypt. iEolian Islands. — See Lipabi Islands. Aethiopia.— See Ethiopia. Affghanistan, Affghaunistaun. ^^ee Afghanistan. Afghanistan.— Long, 11. L. Campaign of Alexander in A. Wyli), J. Notes on Map of A., etc. FoRSTER,G. Journey ... through A., e/!c. 1798. Afghanistan — Afjdca. Afghanistan. — Fraser, J. B. Historical . . . account of Persia , . . iucluding . . .A., etc. Edin., 1834. CoxoLLY, A. Journey . . . thi-ough . . . Affghaunistaun. 1838. BuRXES, Sir A. Leech, Lord, and Woods ; Reports ... on A., etc. C'alc, 1839. Persia. Correspondence relating to Persia and A., 1834-39. 1839. OuTRAM, J. Eougli Notes of the Campaign in ... A. in 183S-9. 1840. - ViGXE, G. T. A personal Narrative of a Visit to . . . A., etc. Lond., 1840. - Hough, Major W. Narrative of . . . the Expedition to A. in 1838-39. 1841. - WiLsox, H. H. Ariana Antiqua. A descriptive account of the Antiquities ... of A., etc. 1841. - Atkinson, J. The Expedition into A., etc. Lond., 1842. - ZiMMERMANX, C. Der Kriegs-Schauplatz in Inner-Asien, oder Bemerkungen zu der Uebersichts-Karte von A., etc. Bed., 1842. - Massox, C. Narrative of ... Joiurneys in . . . A.., etc. 1844. - Thokxtox, E. Gazetteer of ... A., etc. 1844. - Lal, Mohax. Travels in ... A., etc. 1846. - Griffith, W. Journals of Travels in ... A., etc. Cede, 1847. - Ferrier, J. P. Caravan JouiTieys ... in ... A., etc. 1856. History of the Afghans, etc. 1858. - PiAVERTY, H. G. Dictionary of the . . . Langxiage of the Afghans, etc. 1860. Grammar of the . . . Language of the Afghans, etc. 1860. Bellew, H, W. Journal of a Political Mission to A., etc. Lond., 1862. Eyre, Sir V. A Retrospect of the Affghan War, etc. Lond., 1869. Forster, G. Voyage . . . dans I'A. Eyries. Vol. XIII. Elphinstone. Voyage dans I'A., 1808. Eyries. Vol. XIV. .SVe also Heraut. Afghaunistan. — See Afghanistan. Africa. — Aumale, le Duo d', Campagnes en Afrique, 1840-44. Paris. Leo Afbicanus, John, Geographical Historie of A., efc-. 1600. African Descriptio, etc. Lugd Bat., 1632. Ogilby, J. A., being an accurate description, etc. 1670. ■ BuRGO, G. B. DE. Viaggio di cinque anni in ... A., etc. MUano [1686.] Dapper. Description de I'Afiique, etc. Amst., 1686. TEi.i.py., B. Travels . . . Voyage to ... the . . . Coast cif Africk, by F. Cauche. 1710. 6 Africa. Africa.— Lucas, P. Voyage de, dans . , . I'Afrique. Tar., 1712. MoTBAYE, A. DE LA. Travels through . . . part of A,, etc. 1723-32. _ Moore, F. Travels into the Inland Parts of A., etc. 1738. AsTLEY, T. New . . . Collection of . . . Travels ... in ... A., etc. 1745-47. _ OsoRio, J. History of the Portuguese . . . containing all their discoveries, from the Coast of Africk to ... China, etc. 1752. LiXDSAY, J. Voyage to the Coast of A. in 1758, etc. 1759. Maxn, M. l'Abbe. Memoire . . . sur les Decouvertes et les Ecab- lissemens faits le long des Cotes d'Afrique par Hannon, etc. 1779. ToFiSo DE San Miguel, V. Derrotero de las Costas de Espana . . . y su Correspondiente de A., etc. Madr., 1787. ScHLiCHTHORST, H. Gcographia African Herodotea. Gottingcf:, 1788. Lamiral, M. Aflrique et le Peuple Affriquain, etc. Par., 1789. Levaillant, F. Voyage dans I'lnterieur de I'Afrique . . . 1780-85. Par., 1790. Saugnier, M. Eelations de plusieurs voyages k la Cote d'Afrique, dc. Par., 1792. ■ Thu>'berg, C p. Pieisen in ... A. ... 1770 bis 1779, etr, Berl, 1792-94. Levaillant, F. Second Voyage dans I'lnterieur de I'Afrique, etc. Par. An. 3. Second Voyage dans I'lnte'rieur de I'Afrique . . . 1783-85. Par. [1796.] — Africa. New Sailing Directions for . . . A., etc. 1799. Bruns, p. J. Keue systematische Erdbeschreibung von A. Nurnh., 1799. Park, M. Travels in . . . A., in 1795-97. 1800. Bamberger, C. F. Travels in the Interior of A., etc. 1801. ■ — Slave Trade. A Concise Statement of the Question regarding: the Abolition of the S. T. 1804. St. Vixcent, J. B. G. M. Bory de. Voyage dans les quatre ]irin- cipales lies des Mers d'Afrique pendant 1801, etc. Par., 1804. Browne, W. G. Travels in A,, etc. 1806. Lamalle, M. Bureau de. Ge'ographie physique . . . de I'lnterieur dc I'Afrique, etc. Par., 1807. IMiRZA Abu Taleb Kuan. Voyages en . . . Afriquc . . . 1799- 1803, etc. Par., 1811. Keatinge, Col, Travels in ... A. 1816. Clarke, E. D. Travels in ... A. 1816-24. Leydex, J. Historical Account of . . . Travels in A., etc. Edinb., 1817. Murray, H. Historical Account of discoveries and travels in A., etc. Mink, 1818. Africa. 7 Africa. — Bowditch, T. E. Mission ... to Asbantee, with . . . notices of uther parts of ... A. 1819. Smith, Capt. J. The True Travels ... of Capt. J. Smith, in . . . A. ... beginning about . . . 1593, ttc. Richmond, U. !S., 1819. MoLLiEN, G. Travels in the Interior of A., etc. 1820. HuTTON, W. Voyage to A., etc. 1821. M'QuEEN, J. Geographical . . . View of Northern Central A., etc. Edin., 1821. Bowditch, T. E, Excursions in Madeira . . . with occurrences ... in A., etc. 1825. Owen, W. F. W. Tables of Latitudes and Longitudes . . . of places . . . principally on the W. and E. Coasts of A., etc. 1827. • Clapperton, Comm. Journal of a second expedition into the Interior of A., etc. 1829. Ibn Batuta. Travels of [in ... A., 1324, 5], etc. Or. Trans. Fund, 1829> Afkica. Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in A., from the earliest ages. ... By Professor Jameson, etc. Edin. and Lond., 1830. Denniee, Baron. Pre'cis . . . de la Campagne d'Afrique. I'ar., 1830. Laxdee, E. Records of Capt. Clapperton's last Exi^edition to A., etc. 1830. Rexnell, J. The Geographical System of Herodotus examined . . . with dissertations on . . . the Ancient Circumnavigation of A., etc. 1830. Douville, J. B. Ma Defense . . . avec Projet de Voyage en Afrique. Pur., 1832. Voyage . . . dans ITnterieur de TAfriciue Equinoxiale, etc. P«r.,1832. Estancelin, L. Recherches sur les voyages . . . des Navigatcurs NoiTuands en Afrique, etc. Par., 1832. . Owen, W. F. W. Narrative of Voyage to explore the shores of A., etc. 1833. • Ledyard, J. Travels . . . and his Exploratory Mission to A. 1834. RiTTER, C. Geographic gene'rale Comparee . . . Afrique, etc. Par., 1836. Aubel, M. LTmportance de la question d'Afrique, etc. Par., 1837. AvEZAC, d'. Esquisse gen^rale de I'Afrique. Fur., 1837. Laird, M. and Oldfield, R. A. K. Narrative of an Expedition into the Interior of A., etc. 1837. Alexander, Sir J. E, Expedition . . . into the Interior of A., etc. 1838. Banister, J. W. Memoir respecting British Interests ... in S. E. A. 1838. Davidson, G. Notes taken ... in A. 1839. 8 Africa. Africa. — Gurley, E. K. Address on African Colonization Pldlad., 1839. Martin, K. M. Statistics of the Colonies ... in ... A., etc. Lond., 1839. Buxton, T. F. The A. n Slave Trade, etc. 1840. ■ M'QuEEN, J. Geographical Survey of A., etc. Lond., 1840. Supplement to the Geographical Survey of A., etc. Lond., 1840. Murray, H., and others. Narrative of discovery and adventure in A., etc. LJdin., 1840. PiUSSEGGER, Herr. Beitrage zur Physiognomik . . . und Geo- graphic des Afrikauischen Tropeulandes. 1840. Bleek, G. De Nominum generibus linguanim Africae, etc. Bonnae, 1841. Ebn-Khaldoun. Histoire de I'Afrique sous la dynastie des Aghla- bites, etc. Par., 1841. Russesger, J. Reisen in . . . A., etc. Stuttg., 1841. . Ternaux-Compans, H. Biblioth^que Asiatique et Africaine, etc. Far., 1841. YoLTER, D. Die Grundlinien der mathematischen Geographie . . . von A., etc. Esslingen, 1841. Bandinel, J. Some account of the trade in Slaves from A., etc. 1842. Buret, E. Question d'Afrique, etc. Par., 1842. Beaumont, G. de. Etat de la Question d'Afrique, etc. Par., 1843. Isenberg, C. W. and Krapf, J. L. Journals . . . with a geogra- phical Memoir of . . . S. E. n A., etc. 1843. Lopes de Lima, J. J. Ensaios sobre a Statistica das Possessues Portuguezas ua A. Occidental e Oriental, etc. Lisboa, 1844-62. Avezac, d'. Description . . . de I'Afrique ancienne, etc. Par., 1845. DuviviER, Ge'n. Abolition de I'Esclavage, Civilisation du Centre de I'Afrique. 1845. KoELLE, S. W. Polyglotta Africana, etc. 1845. Africa. La France en Afrique. Par., 1846. Forbes, F. E. Six Months' Service in the African Blockade. 1849. • Slave Trade. Resolutions of the Select Committee of the House of Lords in 1849 to consider . . . the A. n Slave Trade. 1849-50. Bonaparte, P. N. Un Mois en Afrique. Par., 1850. Winniett, Sir W. Papers respecting the Danish Possessions on the Coast of A., etc. 1850. Yule, H. The A. n Squadron vindicated. 1850. • Slave Trade. African Slave Trade, African Squadron. 1851. Extracts from . . . Evidence . . . relative to the Slave Trade. 1851. Stokes, R. Regulated Slave Trade. Evidence, e^c. 1851. . Wilson, J. L. The British Squadron on the Coast of A., etc. 1851. Africa. 9 Africa. — Cooley, W. D. Inner A. laid open, etc. 1852. GuMPRECHT, T. E. Barthund Overwegs Untersuchungs-Eeise . . in das Innere A. Berl., 1852. • Werne, F. a. n Wanderings, etc. 1852. KuNSTMANN, F. Afrika vor den Entdeckimgen der Portugiescn. Munch., 1853. Petermann, a. a. n Discovery. 1854. Alfred the Great. A description ... of A., etc. 1855. Andersson, C. J. Lake 'Ngami, or explorations in ... S. W. A. 1856. Schirren, C. Der Niandsha und die Hydrographischen Merkmale A.'s. Biga, 1856. Heuglin, T. von. Eeisen in Nord-Ost-A., etc. Gotha, 1857. ■ Snider-Pellegrini, A. Du Developpement du Commerce de I'Algerie avec I'lnterieur de I'Afrique, etc. Par., 1857. Cave, L. T. The French in A. 1859. Jamieson, K. The inefficacy of Treaties for the suppression of tl e A. n Slave Trade, etc. 1859. ■ Ziegler, J. M. Ueber die neuesten Eeisen und Entdeckungen in Inner-A. Wintert., 1859. Dunsterville, E. The Admiralty List of the Lights on the W. and S. Coasts of A. Corrected to 1860, 61, 62. ^ 1860-62. AucAPiTAiNE, Baron H. Etude sur . . . le commerce de ITnte'rieur de I'Afrique. Far., 1861. Chaillu, P. B. du. Explorations ... in Equatorial A., etc. 1861. ■ Slave Trade. Papers relative to Free Labour and the Slave Trade. 1861. Baldwin, W. C. African Hunting, etc. 1863. — Benjamin, J. B. Eight years in . . . A., etc. Uanov., 1863. Chaillu, P. Ij. du. Voyages . . . dans I'Afrique Equatoriale, etc. Far., 1863. Gras, M. a. le. Eoutier de la Cote Sud et Sud-est d'Afrique, etc. Far., 1863. • Baines, T. Explorations in S.W. A., etc. Lond., 1864. Faidherbe, L. Chapitres de Geographic sur le Nord-Oucst de I'Afrique. Saint Louis, 1864. Grant, J. A. A Walk across A., etc. Edin., Lond., 1864. Hogg, J. On some Old Maps of A., etc. 1864. Horsey, A. F. E. de. Eoutier des Cotes Sud, Sud-est et Est d'Afrique, etc. Far., 1866. Macqueen, J. The A.n Slave Trade. [1867.] EoHLFS, G. Neueste Nachrichten aus dem Inncrcn A.'s. [Ooihal 1867. lo Africa. Africa. — Hamilton, A. On the Trade with the Coloured Races of A. Lond., 1868. Berlioux, E. F. La Traite Orientale. Histoire des Chasses a rHomme ... en Afrique, etc. Par., 1870. Castilho, a. M. de. Etudes . . . sur les Colonnes ou Monuments commemoratifs des de'couvertes Portugaises en Atrique. Lisb., 1870. Hamilton, C. Sketches of Life and Sport in S.E.n A., pJc. Load., 1870. ■ Johnston, A. K. Atlasof theBritish.Empirein . . . A. . . . with . . . letterpress. Edin. and Lond., [1870.] • EoHLFS, G. Land und Volk in A. Berichte, etc. Bremen, 1870. • Cada Mosto, A. da. Two Voyages to . . . A. . . . 1455-56. Astley. Vol. I. V. de Gama's Voyage to Lidia, round A., 1497. Astley. Vol. L Voyages to several parts of A., etc. Astley. Vol. I. Voyages of the Portuguese along the Coast of A., as far as the Cape of Good Hope. Astley. Vol. L Moore, F. Travels into the inland parts of A., etc. Astley. Vol. n. Of the Trees, fruits . . . and . . . animals in this part of A. Astley. Vol. IL Two Voyages to Cape de Verde and the neighbouring Coast of A., etc. Astley, Vol. IL • Villault, Sieur. Abstract of a Voyage to the Coast of A. . . . in 1666. Astley, Vol. IL Smith, Capt. J. True Travels ... in ... A. .. . from 1592 to 1629. Chukchill. Vol. II. Biddulph, W. Travels of four Englishmen . . . into A. ... in 1600 and 1611. Churchill. Vol. VII. Froger, Sieur. Pielation of a Voyage made in 1G95-7 on the Coasts of A., etc. Churchill. Vol. VIII. Houghton. Voyage dans I'inte'rieur d' Afrique. Eyries. Vol. X. Voyages en A. Eyries. Vol. X. Park, M. Voyage dans I'interieur de I'Afrique. Eyries. Vol. XI. Siouah, Fezzan, et Inte'rieur de I'Afrique. Eyries. Vol. XIV. • Voyage dans Test et dans le nord de I'Afrique. Mozambique. Thoman. Salt. Eyries. Vol. XIV. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the . . . customes . . . of . . . Aifricke and Asie, 1555. Hakluyt. Vol. V. Benjamin, Iiabbi. Travels through . . . A. . . . 1160-1173. Harris, J. Vol, I. Cada Mosto and P. de Cintra. OriLnnal Journals of the Voyages of, to the Coast of A., 1455-56. Kerr, Vol IL Portuguese Discoveries along the Coast of A. . . . 1463 . . , 1486. Kkiir. Vol. IL Africa. 1 1 Africa. — D^couvertes et Conquetes des Portuguais. Gama. Cabral. Albu- querque. Laharpe, J. F. Vol. I. Voyages des Anglais sur les Cotes d'Afrique. Laharpe, J. Vol. I. Europe, A., India. Latham, E. G. Descriptive Ethnologj'. Vol. II. Possessions in A., etc. Martin, E. M. History of the British Colonies. Vol. IV. Park, M. Travels into the Interior ... of A., in 1795-97. Pelham. Vol. I. Park's Travels in A. Pinkerton. Vol. XVI. Of Tharsis . . . Of the Ancient Navigations about A., efc Purchas. Vol. I. A. n Possessions of the King of Spaine and the Turke. Purchas. Vol. IL Gramaye, J. B. Eelations of the Christianitie of A. . . . 1619. Purchas. Vol. II. Joao dos Sanctos, Friar. Collections out of . . . his .^^thiopia Orientalis . . . and . . . other Portugals, for the better knowledge of A., ttc. Purchas. Vol. II. Leo, J. Observations of A., etc. Purchas. Vol. II, Sandys, G. Eelations of A. . . . IGIO. Purchas. Vol. IL Smith, Capt. J. Travels ... on the Sea Coasts of . . . A. . . , about 1596. Purchas. Vol. II. Barkley, G. Travels ... in ... A. .. . 1605. Purchas. Vol. III. Hannone. Navigatione nelle parti dell' A., etc. Eamusio. Vol. I. Leone Africano, G. Delia descrittione dell' A., 1526. Eamusio. Vol. I. Cada Mosto, A. da. Eeise . . . Isingst der Africanischen Ktiste bis Eio Grande, 1455-56. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. II. — Broek, P. van den. Eeise nach . . . der Kiiste von A., 1606. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. III. — Moore, F. Eeisen in die Inlandischen Theile von A., etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. III. — Villault, Eitter. Auszug aus einer Eeise nach den Kiisten von A. . . . 1666. Voyages and Travels, Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. HI. — Ovington, J. Eeise ... in A. ... 1690-93. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. X. — Vocabulaires appartenant k diverses Contrees . . . de I'Afriqne, par M. Koenig, etc. Voyages and Travels. Eecueil, etc. Vol. IV. — Dumont, P. J. Narrative of Thirty-four Years' Slavery and Travels in A., etc. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. II. — Travideani, or Aveiro, Signor. Letters from A. ... 1818-20. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. V. — IMoore, F. Travels into the Inland Parts of A. 1730. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. XVII. 12 Africa^ Central. Africa, Central.— Hodgson, W. B. Eemarks on the recent Travels of Dr. Barth in C. A., etc. Denham, D. and Clappertox, H. Narrative of Travels ... in Northern and C. A. 1826. JoMAED, E. F. Remarques sur les Decouvertes G eographiques faites dans I'Afrique Centrale. Far., 1827. . Caillie, R. Travels through C. A., etc. 1830. Smith, A. Report of the Expedition for exploring C. A. from the Cape . . . 1834. Ca-pe Town, 1836. CooLEY, W. D. Negroland ... or an Inquiry into the Early History ... of C. A. 1841. Hodgson, W. B. The Foulahs of C. A., etc. N. Y., 1843. JamiesoNjR. Is C. a. to remain sealed, e^c. Ziverp., 1844. JoMARD, E. F. Renseignements Geographiques sur una partie de I'Afrique Centrale, etc. Par., 1846. Ungak, a. C.-A., ein neuer . . . Ansiedlunsspunkt, etc. Stuttg., 1850. . Abbadie, a. d'. Observations relatives . . . aux lacs de I'Afrique Centrale. Par., 1851. Castelnau, F. de. Renseignements sur I'Afrique Centrale, etc. 'Par., 1851. Hogg, J. Notice on Recent Discoveries in C. k.,etc. 1851. - Richardson, J. Nan-ativeof a Mission to C. A., in 1850-51. 1853. Brun-Rollet, M. Le Nil Blanc et le Soudan, etudes sur I'Afrique centrale, etc. Par., 1855. Malte-Bkun, V. A. Resume historique de la Grande Ex- ploration de I'Afrique Centrale faite de 1850 a 1855, par J. Richardson, etc. Par., 1856. Barth, H. Travels ... in ... C. A., etc. Lond., 1857, Roscher, a. Ptolemjeus und die Handelsstrassen in C.-A. Gotha, 1857. Laird, M. Statement made to the C. A.n Company. Lortd., 1858. Malte-Brun, Y. a. Resume historique de I'Exploration Jaite dans TAfrique Centrale de 1853 a 1856 par. . . . E. Vogel. Par., 1858. Schauenburg, E. Reisen in Central-Afrika von Mungo Park bisauf Dr. H. Barth, etc. Lahr., 1859. Burton, R. F. The Lake Regions of C. A., etc. Lohd., I860. Burton, R. F. The Lake Regions of C. A., etc. N. Y., I860. Campbell, R. Pilgrimage to my Motherland ... a So- journ among the Egbas and Yorubas of C. A., etc. 1861. Petherick J. Egypt . . . and C. A., etc. Edin. and Lond., 1861. Africa, Ce?itral — Africa, East Coast. i o Africa, Central. — Batkie, "W. B. Despatches . . . relative to ... C. A. as a future Cotton-field. 1862. Barth, H. Sammlung . . . Central-Afrikanischer Voka- bularieu, etc. Gotha, 1862. Barth, H. Collection of Vocabularies of C.-A. Lansuases, etc. Gotha, 1863. TixNE, J. A. Geographical Notes of Expeditions in C. A., etc. Liuerp., 1864. Rowley, H. The Story of the Universities' Mission to C. A., etc. ' Lond., 1866. EoscHER, A. PtolemjEus und die Handelsstrassen in Central- Afrika. Germany. Anzeige, etc. See also Bari. -, East. — Africa. English and French Eivalry in E.n A. GuiLLAiK, M. Documents sur . . . I'Afrique Orientale, etc. Far is. — BoTELHO, S. X. Memoria . . . sobre os dominios Portu- guezes na A. Oriental. Lisb., 1835. Bird, J. Abyssinia, E. A. ... reviewed. Bombay, 1845. Froberville, M. de. Eapport sur les Races Xegres de I'Afrique Orientale au Sud de Tl^quateur. Par., 1850. CooLEY, "W. D. Claudius Ptolemy. ... his knowledge of E.n A., etc. Lond., 1854. Burton, E. F. First Footsteps in E. A., etc. 1856. MACLEOD, J. L. On the Eesources of E.n A. 1858. Malte-Brus, V. A. Eesume historique de 1' Exploration h la recherche des Grands Lacs de I'Afrique Orientale, faite 1857-58 par R. F. Burton et J. H. Speke. Par., 1859. - • Kkapf, J. L. Travels . . . during an Eighteen Years' Residence in E. A., etc. 1860. Macleod, J. Tj. Travels in E.n A., etc. 1860. CooLEY, "W. D. Memoir of the Lake Eegions of E. A. reviewed, etc. 1864. IIorsburgh, J. Instructions Xautiques . . . Cote Est d'Afriqiie, etc. Par., 1864. MuNziXGER, W. Ostafrikanische Studien. Schaffh., 1864. AVakefield, T. Footprints in E.n A., etc. Lond., 1866. Kersten, 0. Ueber Colonisation in Ost-Afrika, etc. Wien, 1867. Decken, Barox C. C. von der. Eeisen in Ost-Afrika . . . 1859 bis 1865. Leip. u. Reid., 1869, 70. See also Ajan.-Mombas. -. East Coast. — Salt, H. Voyage to Abyssinia ... an Account of the Portuguese Settlements on the E. C. of A., etc. 1814. A Description of the . . . E. Coast of A., etc. Astley. Vol. in. 14 Africa^ East Coast — Africa^ North Coast. Africa, East Coast. — Lancaster, J. Memorable Voyage . . . along the E. Coast of X. ... 1591. Haklutt. Vol. II. • Almeyda, F. de. Voyase . . . with an account of . . . the E.n C. of A., etc. Kerr. Vol. VI. Course of the Indian Trade . . . with some account of the Settlement of the Arabs on the E. C. of A. Kerr. Vol. VI. Beschreibung der Lander langst der ostlichen Kiiste von A., etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. V. • . Prior, J. Voyage along the E.n Coast of A. ... 1813. VoYAOxES and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. II. , North. — Hogg, J. On some Roman Antiquities recently discovered by Dr. Barth in N. A. Africa. Historical . . . sketch of the . . . Europeans in N. and W. A. at the close of the Eighteenth Century. Edin., 1799. ■— Horsemann, F. Voyage . . . dans I'Afrique Septentrionale, etc. Par., 1803. Lyox, G. F. ■Nan-ative of Travels in K A., in 1818-20. etc. 1821. Walckenaer, Baron C. A. Kecherches geographiques sur ITnterieur de I'A. Septentrionale, etc. Par., 1821. Dexham, D. and Clapperton H. Narrative of Travels in N. and Central A., etc. 1826. Ebx-ed-Din El-Eghwaati, Hadjl Notes of a Journey into the Interior of N. A., etc. Wash., 1830. . Geaberg, Count J. Carta geografica delFAfrica setten- trionale di G. Segato. Gennaio, 1830. ■ Africa. Excursions dans I'Afrique Septentrionale, par la Societe' pour I'exploration de Carthage, etc. Par., 1838. ■ • Hodgson, W. B. Notes on N. A., etc. N. Y., 1844. Barth, H. Wanderungen . . . Bd. I. Das Nordafrikanische Gestadeland. " Perl., 1849. Trejieaux, M. Voyage . . . dans I'Afrique Septentrionale . . . 1847-48. Par., 1853. Hamilton, J. Wanderings in N. A. 1856. Barth, H. Travels ... in N. ... A., etc. Lond., 1857. Gerard, J. Life and Adventures . . . among the Lions of N. A., etc. 1857. Saint-Maktin, V. DE. Le Nord de I'Afrique dans I'Antiquite Grecque et Romaine, etc. Par., 1863. Ormsby, J. Autumn Rambles in N. A. Lond., 1864. Rennell, J. Observations on Mr. Scott's Routes in N. A. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819, etc. Vol. IX. Roponse aux Questions proposees par la Societe de Geographie sur I'A. Septentrionale, par M. IDelaporte. Voyages and Travels. Recueil, etc. Vol. II. - North Coast. — Beechy, F. W. and H. "W. Proceedings of . . . Expedition to . . . the N. C. of A., etc. 1828. Africa, North-zvesi — Africa, South. i$ Africa North-west. — Bowditch, T. E, Essay on the Geography of X. W. A. Par., 1821. ^ South. — Babbow, Sir J. Account of Travels into the Interior of S. A., etc. 1801-4. Baekow, Sib J. Voyage to ... S. A., etc. ^ 1806. LicHTEXSTEix, H. Travels in S.n A. in 1803-6, etc, 1812-15. ■ Campbell, J. Travels in S. A., etc. 1815. — . ■ — Lateobe, C.J. Joiimal of a Visit to S. A. in 1815 and 1816, etc. 1818. BuRCHELL, W. J. Travels in the Interior of S. A, 1822. . Campbell, J. Second Journey into S. A., etc. 1822. Thompsox, G. Travels ... in S.n A., etc. 1827. Africa. Report . . . relating to the condition of the Native Tribes of S. A., etc. 1830. Afbica. S. African Directory Advertiser for 18?>1. Cape Toion, 1831. Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Instructions for makino: . . . Meteorological Observations in S. A., etc. 1835. Moodie, J. W. D. Ten Years in S. A., etc. 1835. Steedmak, a. Wanderings ... in the Interior of S. A. 1835. Harris, Sib W. C. Narrative of an Expedition into S. A., in 1836-7, etc. Bombaij, 1838. MooDiE, D. The Record; or, a Series of Official Papers relative to . . . the Native Tribes of S. A., etc. Cape Town, 1838. Shaw, B. Memorials of S. A. Lond., 1840. JloFFAT, R. Missionary Labours and Scenes in S.n A. 1842. Methuex, H. H. Life in the Wilderness ; or Wanderings in S. A. Load., 1846. Delegorgue, a. Voyage dans I'Afrique Australe, etc. Par., 1847. Africa. The Lights of S. A. . . . corrected to 1849, 51, ri2, 56, 57, 58, 59. 1849-59. CuMMixG, R. G. Five Years in the Far Interior of S. A. 1850. Napier, E. E. Excursions in S.n A., etc. 1850. Freeman, J. J. Tour in S. A,, etc. 1851. Galton, F. Narrative of an Explorer in Tropical S. A. 1853. Gamitto, a. C. p. Muata Cazembe e os povos Maravos da A. Austral, etc. Lisb., 1854. Moffat, R. Letter to ... A. Tidman, on his Journey to ... S. A. 1855. Fleming, F. Southern A. A Geography, etc. 1856. 1 6 Africa, South — Africa, West. Africa, South. Livingstone, D. Missionary Travels and Researches in S, A., etc. Lond., 1857. Livingstone, D. Outlines of Missionary Journeys and Discoveries in Central S. A. Lond., 1857. Magyar, L. M. L. Delafrikai levelei ds naplokivonatai. Kiadta Hunfalvy Janes. Ptst, 1857. Malte-Brun, V. A. Pi^sume historique des Explorations faites dans I'Afrique Australe de 1849 a 1856 par . . . Livingstone. Par., 1857. CoRTAMBERT, E. Esquissc dc la Geographic . . . d'unepartie d'Afrique Australe Inte'rieure, etc. Par., 1858. Drayson, a. W. Sporting Scenes amongst the Kaffirs of S. A. 1858. Hall, H. Manual of S. A.n Geography. Cape T., 1859. DuNSTERViLLE, E, The Admiralty List of the Lights of S. A. . . . corrected to 1860, 61, 62. 1860-62. • Casalis, E. The Basutos ; or, Twenty-three years in S. A. 1861. Layard, E. L. The Birds of S. A., etc. Cape T. and Lond., 1867. Africa. [Newspaper Cuttings relating to Karl Mauch's dis- covery of Gold in S. A.] [1867, 68.] Africa. [Newspaper Cuttings relating to the S. A.n Gold- Fields] 1868. Bamang-Wato. To Ophir direct : or, the S. A.n Gold- Fields, etc. Lond., 1868. Chapman, J. Travels in the Interior of S. A., etc. Lond., 1868. CoRNELissEN, J. E. On the Temperature of the Sea at the Surface near the S. point of A. Utrecht [1868.] Africa. South A. and its Eesources, etc. Lond., 1870. Voyage to . . . Countries in ... S. ... A. in 1682, by J. MeroUa de Sorrento. Astley. Vol. IIL MeroUa da Sorrento, J. Voyage to . . . several . countries in the Southern Africk. Churchill. Vol. L Merolla, H. Eine Reise ... in den sUdlichen Theilen von A., 1682-88. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. IV. - South Coast. Africa, The Lights on the W. and S. Coasts of A. Corrected to 1848, 51, 55, 57, 59. 1848-59. Eedes, J. The Coast of S. A., etc. Orahamst., 1862. -, West. Africa. Historical . . . sketch of the . . . Europeans in N. and W. A. at the close of the Eighteenth Century. Udin., 1799. - Goldberry, S. M. X. Fragmens d'un Voyage en Afrique fait pendant . . . 1785-1787, dans les contr^es Occideutales, etc. Par., 1802. Dupuis, J. Journal . . . comprising Notes . . . relative to the . . . Interior of W. A., etc. 1824. Africa, West — Africa, West Coast. 1 7 Africa, West. — Laing, G. A. Travels in the Timannee, Kooranko, and Soolima Countries in W.n A. 1825. — Gray, W. and Dochard. Travels in W. A. in 1818-21, ftc. 1829. Alexander, Sir J. E. Narrative of a voyage . . . among the Colonies of W. A., ttc. 1837. Macbraie, E. M. Sketches of a Missionary's Travels in . , . W.n A., etc. 1839. Freeman, T. B. Extracts from the Journal of ... a visit ... to Ashantee, in the interior of W. A. 1840. East, D. J. Western A. ; its condition, etc. 1844. Walker, S. A. Missions in W. n A., etc. Dull., 1845. BouET-ViLLATJMEz, CouNT E. Description Nautique des Cotes . . . comprises entre le Se'negal et I'Equateur. Par., 1846. Duncan, J. Travels in W. A., etc. 1847. Hutchinson, T. J. Narrative of the Niger . . . Explora- tion . . . with remarks on the Malaria ... of W. n. A. 1865. Wilson, J. L. W. n A., its History, etc. 1856. Daniell, W. F. Observations on the Copals of W. A. 1857. Hutchinson, T. J. Impressions of W. n. A., etc. 1858. Valdez, F. T. Six Years of a Traveller's Life in W. n A. Lond., 1861. Gras, M. a. le. Phares des Cotes Occidentales d'Afrique . . . Corrige's, 1862-63. Par., 1862, 63. Burton, R. F. Wanderings in W. A., etc. 1863. Valdez, F., T. A. Occidental. Noticias, etc. Lisboa, 1864. Horton, J. A. B. W. A. n Countries and Peoples, etc. Lond., 1868. See also Benin. -, West Coast. — Adams, E. The Narrative of; who was wrecked on the W. C. of A. in 1810, etc. 1816. Cochelet, C. Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Sophia in 1819, on the W. C. of A., etc. 1822. — Adams, Capt. J. Remarks . . . with an Account of the European Trade with the W. C. of A. 1823. RoussiN, Contre-Amiral le Baron. Memoir on the Navigation of the W. C. of A. . . . 1817, 18, etc. 1827. Gama, a. de S. da. Memoria sobre asColoniasde Portuiral . . . na Costa Occidental d'A., em 1814, etc. Par., 1839. — Slave Trade. Practical Remarks on the Slave Trade of the W. C. of A., e^c. 1839. Santarem, Yiscount de. Memoria sobre a Prioridade dos Descobrimentos Portuguezes na Costa d'A. Occidental. Par., 1841. Santarem, Viscount de. Atlas .... devant servir de preuves h, I'ouvrage sur la Priorite de la De'couverte . . . sur la Cote Occidentale d'Afrique . . . par les Portugais, etc. Par., 1842. C 1 8 Africa^ West Coast — Agogna. Africa, West Coast. — Santaeem, Viscount de. Eechcrches sur ... la decouverte des Pays situes sur la Cote Occidentale d'Afrique, au-dela du Cap Bojador, etc. Par., 1842. ■ Africa. — The Liccbts on the W. and S. Coasts of A. Cor- rected to 1848, 51, 52, 57, 59. 1848-59. Africa. — Sailing Directions for the AV. C. of A. 1849. Kerhallet, C. p. de. Description Xautiqne de la Cote Occidentale d'Afrique, etc. Par., 1849. Africa. ^Renseignements sur la partie de la Cote entre le Cap Negro et le Cap Lopez. Par., 1850. Fox, W. Brief History of the Wesleyan Missions on the W. C. of A., etc. 1851. Kerhallet, C. P. de. Manuel de la Navigation a la Cote Occidentale d'Afrique. Par., 1851-2. Axderson, C. J. A Journey to Lake 'Ngami . . . from the W. Coast, etc. 1854. African Pilot; or Sailing Directions for the W. C. of A., etc. 1856. Saxtaeem, YiscouyT de. Statement . . . proving the Pdght of the Crown of Portugal to . . . Temtories ... on the W.n C. of A., etc. ^ 1856. Vallon, a. Influence des Courants sur la Navigation a la Cote Occidentale d'Afrique. Par., 1860. HoRTON, J. A. B. Physical and Medical Climate and Meteorology of the W. Coast of A., etc. Lond., 1867. Account of the French Settlements between Cape Blanco and Sierra Leona. Astley. Vol. II. Briie, A. Voyages . . . along the W. C. of A., etc. Astley. Vol. II. Voyages . . . along the W. C. of A., etc. Astley. Vol. IT. • Voyages ... by the Portuguese along the "W-n. C. of A. . . . under the direction of Don Henry. Kerr. Vol. II. Briie, A. Eeisen . . . I'angst den westlichen Kiisten von A., 1697. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic. Vol. II. Spilsbury, F. B, Account of a Voyage to the W. C. of A. . . . 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. A^I. Cochelet, C. Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Sophia, 1819, on the W.n C. of A., etc. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819, etc. Vol. IX. Misrah, M. Narrative of a Journey ... to the W.n C. of A., 1821. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819, etc. Vol. IX. , Windward Coast of. — Corry, J. Observations upon the W. C. of A., etc. Lond., 1807. Africa Francese. — See Algeria. Aggetelek.— See Agtelek. Agimere. — See Ajmeee. Agogna. — LizzoLi, L. Osservazioni sul Dipartimento dell' A. Mt'L, 1802. Agi^a — A la ska . 1 9 Agra. — Lloyd, Sir W. Narrative of a Journey. . . via . , . A., etc. Loud., 1840. Bernier F. Voyage to Surat . . . and a description of . . . A., etc. Chuechill. Vol. VIII. Finch, W. Observations ... in 1G07 . . . Journey to A., etc. PURCHAS. Vol. I. Mandelslo, J. A. Raise . . . nach A., etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine I3istorie, etc. Vol. X. Agria.— 6'ee Eger. Agro Pontine. — See Po^jtine Marshes. Agro Trojano. — See Troad. Agtelek. — Schmidl, A. A. Die Bavadla-Hohle bei A., etc. Wien, 1857. Aguignan.— Byron, Comm. Voyage ... to ... A. ... 176i-66. Hawkesworth, J. Vol. I. Agypten. — See Egypt. Ahmedabad. — Mandelslo, J. A. Reise bis nach A., etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XI. Ai.— Newbold, T. J. On the Site of Hai, or A., etc. Aigle. — Razoumowsky, Couxt G. de. CEuvres. Contenant, Voyage mine'- ralogique ... a ... A., etc. Lausanne, 1784. Razoumowsky, Count G. dr. Voyages Min^ralogiques dans le Gouvernemeut d'A., etc. Lausanne, 1784. Ain-es-Salah. — See Ixsalah. Ain Salah. — See Insalah. Ait Fraoucen. — Aucapitaine, Baron H. Xotice sur la Tribu des A. F. Alger. Aix-la-Chapelle. — Bildeebeck, L. von. Wegweiser fiir . . . Aachen, etc. Aachen, 1825. Aix-les-Bains.— Mortillet, G. Guide du Baigneur et de I'Etranger a A.-les-B., etc. Chamhery, 1855. Ajan. — BuNSEN, G. De Azania . . . commentatio, e^c. 5on7ice, 1852. Ajanta. — See Adjunta. Ajmeer. — See Ajmere. Ajmere. — Steel, R. and Crowther J. Journey from A. to Ispahan, 1G15-16. Kerr. Vol. IX. — ' Journal of a Jonmey from Azmcre ... to Spahan . . . 1615-16. PuRCHAS. Vol. I. Ajmir. — See Ajmere. Alaba.— Tellez, B. Travels ... and an Account of . . . A., etc. 1710. Alabama.— King, Hon. T. B. A. . . . and Georgia Railroad. TFas/i., 1848. Aland Islands.— Bunbury, S. A. A Summer in . . . the A. I., etc. 1856. Alashka. — See Alaska. Alaska.— Dall, W. H. A. and its resources. Amst., 1816. — — — Perrey, a. Documents sur les Tremblements de Terre . . . de la peninsule d'Aljaska, etc. Dijon, 1866. c 2 2,0 A laska — A leppo. Alaska. — Whympee, F. Travel and Adventure in the Territory of A., etc. Lond., 1868. Alata. — Beke, C. T. Me'moire justificatif en rehabilitation des Peres P. Paez et J. Lobo en ce qui concerne leurs visites ... k la Cataracte d'Alata. Par., 1848. Albania. — Hobhouse, J. C. Journey through A., etc. 1813. Holland, H. Travels in ... A., etc. 1819. ■ Hughes, T. S. Travels in ... A. 1820. ■ Travels in Greece and A. 1830. Spencer, E. Travels . . . through ... A., etc. 1851. Leab, E. Journal of a Landscape Painter in A., etc. 1852. Wingfield, W. F. Tour in . . . A., etc. 1859- IsTRiA, D. d'. Fyletia e Arbenore prej Kanekate Laoshima. Enke- thyeme ne Shkjipe perei D. C. Livurne, 1867. ■ Pouqueville, F. C. H. L. Travels through . . . A. . . . 1798- 1801, etc. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. HI. Travels in . . . A. . . . 1805. Voyages and Travels, New, 1819. Vol. IV. , South. — Beresford, G. de la P. Sketches of Scenes in S. A. 1855. Albany. — Philipps, T. Advantages of Emigration to . . . A., S. Africa. Lond., 1834. Alben. — See Planina. Albert N'yanza.— Baker, Sir S. W. The A. N., etc. Lond., 1866. Albreda. — Brue, A. Journey from A. to Kachao ... in 1700. Astley. Vol. II. Keise von A. . . . nach Kachao zu Lande, 1700. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. II. Alca9ar Kebir. — Comelin, F. P. de la Motte, and Bernard, .J. Voyage to Barbary . . . with . . . exact draughts of . . . Alcasar, etc. 1725. Alcald de Henares. — Lopez y PiAMAjo, A. M. Breve descripcion de ... la insigne Ciudad de A. de H. Madrid, 1861. Alcasar. — See Alcazar Kebir. Alder, River. — See Adur. Alderney. — Alderney. The Alderney Island Pilot, etc. Lond., 1864. ■ Alderney. Routier de I'lle Aurigny, etc. Far., 1865. Aleppo. — Aleppo. Journey from A. to Damascus, etc. 1737. Plaisted, B. Journal from Calcutta ... to A., etc. 1758 EussELL, A. The Natural History of A., etc. Lond., 1794. Taylor, J. Travels ... to India, in 1789, by . . . A., etc. 1799. Maundrell, H, Journey from A. to Jerusalem . . . a.d. 1697, etc. 1810. Buckingham, J. S. Travels . . . Journey from A. to Bagdad, etr. 1827. Maundrell, H. Journey from A. to Jerusalem, 1696. Harris, J. Vol. II. A leppo — A Igeria. 2 1 Aleppo. — Maundrell's Journey from A. to Jerusalem. Pinkerton. Vol. X. Biddulpb, W. Part of a letter from A. Pukchas. Vol. II. • Cartwriglit, J. Observations in his Voyage from A. to Hispaan . . . about 1603. Purchas. Vol. 11. Coryates, T. Travels to . . . A. . . . 1612-14. Purchas. Vol. II. Newbery, J. Letters relating to his . . . last Voyage into . . . A. . . . 1583. Purchas. Vol. II. ■ Notice sur la Carte Gene'rale des Paschaliks de Hhaleb, etc. Voyages and Travels. Recueil, etc. Vol. II. Maundrell, Henry. Travels from A. to Jerusalem, 1696. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. XI. Eussell, Alexander. A Description of A., etc. Voyages and Tra- vels. The World displayed. Vol. XIII. Alessandria. — See Alexandrli. Aleutian Islands. — Perrey, A. Documens sur les Tremblements de Terra . . . des iles Aleutiennes, etc. Dijon, 1866. Langsdorff, G-. H. de. Voyage aux iles Aleoutiennes . . . 1805-8, Eyries. Vol. VI. Alexandretta. — Dandini, J. Voyage to . . . also a description of . . . A., etc. Churchill. Vol. Vll. Alexandria. — Burgo, G-. B. de. Viaggio . . . Con la descrittione di . . . , Alessandria, etc. Milano [1686J. Dexham, H. M. Hydrographic Notices ... A. Harbour, etc. 1856-59. Aldersey, L. Voyage to . . . A. . . . 1586. Hakluyt. Vol. 11. Foxe, J. Voj^age . . . and his . . . enterprize in delivering 266 Christians from captivitie ... at A., 1577. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Scholz, J. M. A. Travels in the Countries between A. and Par^- tonium . . . 1821. Vovages and Travels, New. 1819, efe Vol. VIII. Walpole, R. The Catacombs of A. Walpole, R. Memoirs, etc. Algarve. — Cardoso, L. Diccionario geografico ... de ... A., etc. Lisb., 1747-51. Balbi, a. Essai . . . sur . . . I'A. Far., 1832. Alger. — See Algeria. Algeria. — Avezac, d'. Esquisse d' Alger. Par. Algiers. Aperfu . . . topographique, sur I'dtat d'Alger, etc. Par., 1830. Algiers. Itine'raire du royaume d'Alger. Toulon, 1830. Saint-Denys, Baron J. de. Considerations ... sur la Re^ence d'Alger. Par., 1831. Hain, V. A. La. Nation sur Alger. Par., 1832. Clauzel, Marechal. Nouvelles observations sur la Colonisation d'Alger. Par., 1833. Berakd, a. Description Nautique des Cotes de I'Alge'rie, etc. Par.. 1837. 2,2 Algeria. Algeria. — Desjobert, A. La Question d' Alger, etc. Par., 1837. Gband, E. Defense et Occupation . . . d'Alger. Toulon, 1837. DoMBASLE, C. J. A. M. DE. De I'Avenir de I'Algerie. Par., 1838. Pelion, M. D. Considerations . . . sur I'Algerie. Par., 1838. Algiers. Tableau de la situation des e'tablissements Franfais dans I'Algerie, 1837-49, 1852-54. Par., 1839-55. BussY, G. DE. De I'etablissement des Frangais dans la Iteseuce d'Alger, etc. Par., 1839. Algiers. Notes siu- . . . le centre de I'Algerie. Par., 1840. Blakqui, M. Algerie. EajDpiirt, etc. Par., 1840. r>AROUX, E. Alger, etc. Par., 1841. Baude, Baron. L'Algerie. Par., 1841. DuviviER, Gex. Solution de la Question de I'Algerie. Par., 1841. Bdbet, E. Question d'Afrique, de la double conqugte de I'Algerie, etc. Par., 1842. GoMOT, F. Annuaire de I'Alge'rie, etc. Par., 1842. Scott, Colonel. A Journal ... of Travels in ... A. Lmid., 1842. • • Enfantik. Colonisation de I'Algerie. Par., 1843. Desjobert, A. L'Alge'rie en 1844-en 1846. Par., 1844, 46. Algiers. Exploration scientifique de I'Alge'rie . . . 1840-42, etc. Par., 1844-48. Landmann, Abbe. Memoires au Eoi sur la Colonisation de I'A. Par., 1845. Moll, L. Colonisation et Agriculture de I'Algerie. Par., 1845. BouRJOLLY, Gen. Projets sur I'Algerie. Par., 1847. Graberg, Count J. Cenni suU' Agricoltura . . . dell' Africa Fran- cese, etc. Firenze, 1847. QuETiN. Guide du Voyageur en Algerie, etc. Par., 1847. Labeeuil, M. de. Guide du Colon en Algerie, etc. Par., 1848. Panet, M. Instructions . . . poiu- le Voyage de M. Panet du Senegal en Alge'rie. Par., 1849. Hedde, I. De rindustrie Serigene en Algerie. Lyon, 1851. • Peus, Mdme. Eesidence in A. 1852. Fitch, A. Insects of Algiers, etc. N. Y., 1853. Eeinaud, M. Eapport sur le Tableau des Dialectes de I'A. . . . de M. Geslin. Par., 1856. Gerard, J. Life . . . with a . . . description of A. 1857. Lion Hunting ... in A. 1857. Snider-Pellegkini, a. Du Devcloppement du Commerce de I'Algerie avec I'lnterieur de I'Afrique, etc. Par., 1857. Algiers. Annuaire de I'Algerie, etc. Par., 1859. Blakesley, J. W. Four Months in A., etc. Camb., 1859. A Igeria — A Ips. 23 Algeria. — Aucapitaine, Baron H. Les Kabyles et la colonisation de I'Al- gerie. P«'-., 1864. Mares, P. Nivellement bavometrique dans les provinces d' Alger, etc. Versailles, 1864. See also Oran. Algiers. — Berthezeme, Baron. Dix-huit Mois h Alger, eic ilibwilj^., 1834. Temple, Sir G. T. Excursions iu . . . A., etc. 1835. • — Campbell, T. Letters . . . during a Journey to A. Phil, 1836. ■ — Eang, Sander, et F. Denis. Fondation de la Ee'gence d' Alger . . . Chronique Arabe du xvi° siecle, etc. Par., 1837. .^ Petsonnel et Desfontaines. Voyages dans les Eegences do Tunis et d'Alger. Par., 1838> Wilde, W. E. Narrative . . . including a Visit to A., etc. Dull., 1852. Da VIES, E. W. L. A. in 1857, etc. 1858. . Davis, W. A True . . . description of ... A., etc. Churchill. Vol. VII. Knight, F. Eelation of . . . Slavery . . . with a description of A. Churchill. Vol. VIII. Chaloner, Sir T. Voyage to A., 1541. Haklutt. Vol. II. Gramaye, J. B. Eelatious of the Christianitie of . . . A,, 1619. Purchas. Vol. II. Nicholay, N. Description of the City of Alger, etc. Pukchas. Vol. II. See also Algeria. Algoa Bay. — Philipps, T. Advantages of Emigration to A. B., etc. Lond., 1834. Aljaska.— -See Alaska. AUee-Blanche.— Desor, E. Nouvdles Excursions . . . Accompagne'es d'une Notice sur les glaciers de I'A.-B., etc. Neuch., Par., 1845. Alleghany Mountains.— Michaux, F. A. Travels to the Westward of the AM.... 1802. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. i. Alleghany, River.— Ashe, T. Travels . . . 1806, for . . . exploring the ° . . . A., etc. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. X. Alps. — ^IVIuRCHisoN, Sir E. I. On the distribution of the superficial Detritus of the A., etc. ScHLAGiNTWEiT, A. Uebcr die Temperatur des Bodens und der Quellen in den Alpen. SiMLER, J. I. Smileri . . . Alpium descriptio. Lugd. Pat., 1633. ScHEUCHZER, J. J. Helvcticus, sive Itinera per Helvetia; Alinnas Eegiones facta annis 1702-11. Lugd. Bat., 1723. Saussure, H. B. de. Voyages dans les A., etc. NeucMtel, 1779-96. BouRBiT, M. Description des . . . Alpes Pennmes et Ehe'tienues. Geneve, 1783. 2,4 Alps. Alps. — Beaumont, J. F. A. Description des A. Greoques, etc. Par., 1802-6. BouRRiT, M. Descrii^tion des Cols, ou Passages des Alpes. Geneve, 1803. Alps. Dei Passaggi Alpini, etc. Mil., 1804. DoucETTE, M. DE LA. Histoire ... des Hautes-Alpes. Par., 1820. Hannibal. A Dissertation on the passage of, over the A. Oxf., 1820. Hannibal. Dissertation sur le passage du Ehone et des Alpes par Annibal, etc. Par., 1821. De Luc, J. A. Histoire du Passage des Alpes par Annibal, etc. Geneve, 1825. Brockedon, W. Illustrations of the Passes of the A., etc. 1828. GuERiN, J. Mesures Barometriques . . . faites dans les Alpes Fran^aises, etc. Avignon, 1829. MuRCHisoN, Sir R. I. On the relations of the Tertiary and Secondary Rocks forming the S.n Flank of the Tyrolese A. near Basano. 1829. • Sedgwick, A., and Murchison Sir E. I. A Sketch of the Structure of the E.n A., etc. 1831. Forbes, J. D. Travels through parts of the Pennine Chain, etc. Edin., 1843. Alps. Le Alpi che cingono ITtalia. Torino, 1845. Desor, E. Xouvelles Excursions . . . dans les . . . Alpes de M. Agassiz, etc. Neuch., Par., 1845. Law, W. J. Some Remarks on the Alpine Passes of Strabo. Lond., 1846. Murchison, Sir R. I. On the Geological Structure of the A., etc. 1849. ScHLAGiNTWEiT, H. Untersuchungen iiber die Vertheilung der mittleren Jahrestemperatur in den Alpen. MUnch., 1850. Schlagintweit, H. and A. Hypsometrische Bestimmungen in den Ostlichen Alpen. Leipz., 1850. Ulrich, ]\L Die Seitenthaler des Wallis und der Monterosa. Zilrich, 1850. Das Lotschenthal, der Monte Leone, der Portiengrat und die Diablerets. Ziirich, 1851. ZiGNO, A. de. Sui Terreni Jurassici delle Alpi Venete, etc. Padova, 1852. LiTTROW, K. V. Die Culminations- punkte der Ostlichen Central- Alpen. Wien, 1853. Ulrich, M. Der Geltengrat, das Heremence- und Bagnethal, das Einfischthal und der Weissthorpass. Zurich, 1853. ScHiiAGiNTWEiT, A. and H. Hypsometrische Bestimmungen in den Westlichen Alpon. Leipz., 1854. Wills, A. Wanderings among the High A. Lond., 1856. Hinchliff, T. W. Summer Months among the A., etc. 1857. King, S. W. Italian Valleys of the Pennine A. 1858. A Ips — A 7narapoora. 25 Alps. — Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers . . . Excursions . . . Edited by J. Ball. 1859. PuGAARD, C. Me'moire sur les calcaires plutonises des Alpes Apuennes, etc. Far., I860. Tyndall, J. Glaciers of the A., etc. 1860. ■ SoNKLAR, K. VON. Von den Gletschern der Diluvialzeit. Wien, 1862. • Glaciers. Expeditions on the Glaciers, etc. 1864. SoNKLAR, C. A. VON. Yon den Alpen. [1864.] K. VON. Von den Alpen. Wien, 1864. Law, W. J. The A. of Hannibal. Lmd., 1866. Ellis, E. An Enquiry . . . with an Examination of the theory of Hannibal's Passage of the A., etc. C'amb. and Lond., 1867. Payer, J. Die Ortler- Alpen, etc. Gotha, 1867. ZiEGLER, J. M. Notice siu- . . . I'Orographie des Alpes. Geneve, 1867. Gastaldi, B. Alcuni dati suUe Punte Alpini situate fra la Levanna ed il Rocciamelone. Torino, 1868. Caraboeuf, M. Notice sur ... la hauteur . . . de quelques Som- mites des Alpes. Voyages and Travels. Eecueil, etc. Vol. II. Montemont, A. Tour over the A. ... 1820. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819, etc. Vol. IX. See also Moxt Blanc. Alsace. — Michaelis, E. H. Barometrische Hohenbestimmungen in Elsass, etc. Berlin. Altai. — Ledebour, C. F. von. Eeise durch das A. Gebirge, etc. Berl, 1829. • TcHiHATCHEFF, P. de. Me'moire relatif a la Constitution Geolocrique de I'A. Par., 1845. ., CsENGERY, A. Az Altaji Ne'pek Osvallasa tekintettel a Magyar Osvallasra. Pest., 1858. Alten. — EoQUETTE, M. de la. Notice sur les Mmes de Cuivre d'A. (Norvfe^e) Par., 1839. Alto-Douro.— Forrester, J. J. Papers relating ... to the Maps ... of the A.-D. Op., 1844. Documents relating to Mr. F.'s Topographical Works of the . . . A.-D. and Eiver Douro, etc. Oj}., 1848. The Oliveira Prize-Essay on Portugal ; with . . . Surveys of the Wine Districts of the A.-D. 1853. Alvarado. — Iberri, J. I. — Prospectus of a Navigable Canal between Vera Cruz and A. N. Y., 1827. Alyaska. — See Alaska. Amadabad. — See Ahmedabad. Amalfi. — NiccoLiNT, A. Tavola Metrica-Chronologica delle varie Altezze . . . fra la Costa di A. ed il Promontorio di Gaeta. Nap., 1839. Amarapoora, Amarapurah. — See Ummerapoora. 26 A masonas — A mazon . Amasonas. — See Amazon. Amat. — See Tahiti. Amazon. — Maw, H. L. A Letter to the Editor of the ' Edinburgh Eeview,' in answer to his criticism on a ' Journal of a Passage down the . . , Maraiion,' etc. Lond. CoxDAMiis'E, M. DE LA. Eelation . . . d'un Voyage ... en descendant la Eiviere des Amazones. Par., 1745. A succinct Abridgment of a Yoyage . . . down the River of Amazons. 1747. - Maw, H. L. Journal of a Passage . . . descending the ... A. 1829. - PoEPPiG, E. Eeise . . . auf dem Amazonenstrome . . . 1827-32. Leipz., 1835. - Pentland. J. B. and Paeish, Sir W. Notices of tbe . . . S.n Affluents of the ... A. etc. Lond., 1836. - Smyth, W. and Lowe, F. Narrative of a Journey . . . down the A., etc. 1836. - MoxTRAVEL, M. L. DE Takdy DE. Instructions pour naviguer . . . le fieuve des Amazones. Par., 1847. - Adalbert, Prixce. Travels . . . with a voyage up the A., etc. 1849. - Wallace, A. E, Narrative of Travels on tbe A., etc. 1853. Palm Trees of the A., and their uses. 1853. — Heexdon, W. L. and Gibbon, L. Exploration of the Valley of the A. Wash., i853-4. — Herxdon, W. L. Exploration of the Valley of the A. Wash., 1854. — OscuLATi, G. Esplorazione delle Eegioni Ecjuatoriali lungo . . . il fiume delle Amazoni, etc. Milano, 1860. — Bates, H. W. The Naturalist on tbe . , . A., etc. 1863. — Haslewood, E. New Colonies on the Uplands of the A. Lond., 1863. — Mark PA AT, C. E. A List of the Tribes in the Valley of the A., etc. Lond., 1864. — Tavaees Bastos. a livre Navega^ao do Amasonas. Para, 1864. — MiCHELENA Y EoJAS, F. Exploraciou Oficial . . . del . . . Ama- zonas, etc. Bruselas, 1867. — Appun, C. F. Unter den Tropen. "VVanderungen . . . am Ama- zonenstrome, etc. JeTM, 1871. — Barbot, J. Description of the ... A., etc. Churchill. Vol V. — Davis, W. A True . . . description of . . . the Eiver of Amazons, etc. Churchill. Vol. VIL — Eoteiro da Viagem da . . . Para ate a's ultimas Colonias dos Dominios Portuguezes em os Rios Amazonas, etc. Portugal. Collecfao de Noticias, etc. Vol. VL A mazofi — A mcrica . 2 7 Amazon. — Davies, W. Description . . . of the ... A. Purchas. Vol. IV. Rivers from Brabisse to the A. Pukchas. Vol. IV. ■ ■ Oviedo, G. F. Relatione della Navi2;atione per il grandissimo Fiume Maragnon . . . 1543. Ramusio. Vol. III. Reisen anf dem . . . Amazonenfiiisse. Orsua, 1560. — Carvallo, 1G33. — Teixeira, 1637. — Acunja and Artieda, 1639-40. — Condamine, 1743-45. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVI. Amazons, Valley of the. — Expeditions into the Valley of the A., 1539, 1540, 1639 . . . Edited . . . by C. R. Markham. 1859. Hakluyt Soc. Pub. Vol. XXIV. Amboina, Amboine. — S'ee Ambotna. Amboyna. — Stavorinus, J. S. Voyage ... a Amboine . . . 1774-78. Par-., 1800. Account of the Massacre of A., 1623. Kerr. Vol. IX. Stavorinus. Accoimt of . . • A., etc., from the Voyages of. PiNKERTON. Vol. XL The Dutch late proceedings at A. . . . 1613-22. Purchas. Vol.11. Zusatz zu der Beschreibung des Eylandes A. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVIII. America. — Rafn, C. C. The Discovery of A. by the Xorthmeu, etc. HoRNius, G. De Originibus Americanis libri quatuor. Rag. Comitis, 1652. Ogilby, J. A. ; being the . . . most accurate description, etc. 1671. Dampier, "W. A New Voyage . . . describing particularly . . . A. 1697. Gage, T. Survey of the Spanish West Indies; being a Journal of 3300 miles on the Continent uf A., etc. 1702. Jesuits, Travels of several . . . into . . . A., etc. 1714. Dampier, W. A New Voyage . . . describing particularly . . . A., etc. 1729. Astley, T. New , . . Collection of . . . Travels . . . in . . . A., etc. 1745-47. Green, J. Remarks in supfiort of the new Chart of N. and S. A. 1753. Lettres edifiantes et curieuses, etc. Vol. 6-9. Amerique. Far., 1780-83. CoxE, AV, Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and A., etc. 1804. • Janson, C. W. Stranger in A., etc. 1807. Humboldt, A. von and Bonpland, A. Recucil d'Observations de Zoologie . . . faites . . . dans I'lnterieur du Nouveau Continent . . . en 1799-1803, 1811. Alcedo, a. DE. Geographical . . . dictionary of A., etc. 1812. Humboldt, A. von. Researches concerning the Ancient Inhabitants of A., etc. 1814. 28 America. America. — Humboldt, A. von and Boxplaxd, A. Voyage aux Eegions Equi- nosiales du Nouveau Continent, fait en 1799-1804, etc. Par., 1814. LE\ns, and Clarke, Capts. Travels . . . across the A.n Continent ... in 1804-6. 1814. Lewis, and Clarke, Capts. Travels . . . across the A.n Continent . . . m 1804-6. 1815. Bkajjbuet, J. Travels in the Interior of A., etc. Liver., 1817. Smith, Capt. J. The True Travels . . of Capt. J. Smith, in . . . A. ... beginning about . . . 1593, etc. Richmond, U.S., 1819. Humboldt, A. von and Bokpland, A. Personal Xarrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Eegions of the New Continent, during 1799-1804, etc. 1822-29. — Navarette, M. F. de. Eelations des quatre voyages . . . pour la decouverte du Nouveau-Monde de 1492 k 1504, etc. Par., 1828. Tbeveltan, Sm W. C. Notions of the Americans, efc. 1828. Graberg, Count J. Pellegrinaggio in ... A. di G. C. Beltrami. Firenze, 1829. Esta^'celin, L. Eecherches sur les voyages . . . des Navigateurs Normands ... en Amerique, etc. Par., 1832. EiCH, 0. A Catalogue of Books relating principally to A., etc. 1832. England and A., a Comparison, etc. 1833. Lang, J. D. View of the Origin ... of the Polynesian I^ation; demonstrating their . . . discovery ... of ... A. 1834. ■ EicH, C. J. Bibliotheca Americana Nova ; or a Catalogue of Books relating to A., etc. 1835. Humboldt, A. von. Examen critique de I'Histoire de la Geographic du Nouveau Continent . . . aux quinzieme et seizieme Siecles. 1836-39. Ternaux-Compans, H. Voyages, Eelations et Memoires Originaux, pour servir a I'histoii'e de la decouverte de I'Amerique. Par., 1837-41. Eafinesque, C. S. The Ancient Monuments of N. and S. A. Phil., 1838. Eafn, C. C. Memoire sur la Decouverte de I'Amerique au dixieme siecle, etc. Par., 1838. Eafn, C. C. Wiadomdsc o odkryciu Ameryki wdziesiatym wieku, etc. W Krakow ie, 1838. Thomason, a. Men and Things in A. 1838. Biondelli, B. Scoperta dell' A. fatta nel Secola x. da alcuni Scandi- navi. Mil, 1839. Delafield, J. J. An Inquiry into the Origin of the Antiquities of A. etc. N, ¥., 1839. ■ Hayward, J. New England Gazetteer, etc. Concord, 1839. Martius, C. F. p. de. Die Vergangenheit und Zukunft der Ameri- kanischen Menschheit. Milnchen, 1839. Eafn, C. C. Memoria sulla scoperta dell' A. nel secolo decimo, etc. Pisa, 1839. America. 29 America. — Buckingham, J. S. A., etc. 1841. Rafn, C. C. A.'s Opdagelse i det tiende Aarliundrede Kjob., 1841. Supplement to the Antiquitates Americanfe. Copenh., 1841. Baxdixel, J. Some Account of . . . Slaves ... as connected with A., etc. 1842. Buckingham, J. S. The Slave States of A. 1842. Beadford, a. W. American Antiquities, etc. N.Y., 1843. EicHTHAL, G. d'. I\Iemoire sur Thistoire primitive des Eaces . . . Americaines. Par., 1843. Morton, S. G. Crania Americana, etc. Phil., 1844. Paravey, Chevalier de. L'Amerique sous le nom de Pays de Fou Sang, etc. Par., 1844-7. EiCHTHAL, G. d". Etudes sur Thistoire primitive des Eaces . . . Americaines. Par., 1845. Long, Prof., and others. A. . . . geographically described. 1845. Eafn, C. C. Antiquites Americaines d'aprfes les Monuments Histo- riques des Islandais, etc. Copenh., 1845. A.'s Arcktiske Landes gamle Geographic, etc. Kjoh., 1845. Jomard, E. F. Les Antiquites Americaines au point de vue des progres de la Geographic. Par., 1847. Fragments ... les sur Antiquites Americaines, etc. Par., 1847. Paravey, Chevalier de. Nouvelles preuves que le pays de Fou- Sang mentionne dans les livres Chinois est I'Amerique. 1847. • Eafn, C. C. Apergu de I'Ancienne Geographie des Regions Arctiques de I'Amerique. Copenh., 1847. Paravey, Chev. de. Eefutation de Topinion emise par M. .Tomrad que les Peuples d'Amerique n'ont jamais eu aucun rapport avec ceux de I'Asie. Par., 1849. ■ Baktlett, "W. H. American Scenery, etc. 1852. Humboldt, A. von, and Bonpland, A. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Eegious of A., during 1799-lb04., etc. 1852, 3. Chambers, "W. Things as they are in A. Lond., Edin., 1854. Becher, a. B. The Landfall of Columbus on his first voyage to A., etc. 1856. Ferguson, W. A. by Eiver and Eail, eic. 1856. Eadlinski. L'A. prima di C. Colombo. Mantova, 1857. Hitchcock, E. Ichnology of New England, etc. Post., 1858. Historical Magazine, and Notes and Queries concerning ... A. N. r., 1859. Jay, J. Statistical View of A.n Agriculture, etc. N. Y., 1859. Cortambert, E. Tableau general de I'Amerique, etc. Par., I860. 'Squier, E. G. Collection of Eare . . . Documents concerninj: . . . A., etc. N. Y., I860. 30 America. America. — D'Eichthal, G. Etude sur les Origines Bouddhiques de la Civi- lisation Americaine Par., 1865. Dixon, W. H. New A. Lond., 1867. Leclerc, C. Bibliotheca Americana . Catalogue d'une . . . Collec- tion de Livres . . . sur I'Amerique, etc. Par., 1867. • Maktius, C. F. p. von, Beitrage zur EtlmograiDbie und Sprachen- Kunde A.'s, etc. Leipz., 1867. Peyton, J. L. The A.n Crisis, etc. Lond., 1867. Blundell, B. The Contributions of J. L. Peyton to the History of the Civil War in A. . . . reviewed. Lond., 1868. - Commerce de Coton du Globe. Production de I'Amerique, etc. Memphis, 1869. - Costa, B. F. de. Notes on a Eeview of "The Pre-Columbian Dis- covery of America by the Northmen," etc. Chariest., 1869. - Adams, J. W. American Interoceanic Ship Canals. N. Y., 1870. - BuKRiTT, E. "Washington's Words to Intending English Emigrants to A., etc. Lond., 1870. - Johnston, A. K. Atlas of the British Empire in . . . A., with . . . letterpress. Edin. and Lond., [1870.] - Smith, Capt. J. True Travels ... in . , . A., from 1592 to 1629. Churchill. Yol. II. - Barbot, J. Description . . . and . . . account of the first disco- veries of A. in the XIV, century. Churchill. Vol. V. - Castle, W. A short discovery of . . . A., etc. Churchill. Vol. VIII. - Considerations on . . . affairs between England and A., 1778. Dal- rtmple, a. Tracts, from 1764 to 1808. Vol. I. - Columbus, C, Select Letters . . . relating to his four Voyaees to the New World : translated and edited by R. H. Major. 1847. Hak- LUTT Soc. Pub. Vol. II. - Hakluyt, R. Divers Voyages touching tlie discovery of A. ... edited . . . by J. Winter Jones. 1850. Hakluyt Soc. Pub. Vol. VII. - Benzoni, G. History of the New World, showing his travels in A., from 1541 to 1556 . . . edited by Rear-Adml. W. H. Smyth. 1857. Hakluyt Soc. Pub. Vol. XXI. - Columbus, C. Fourth Voyage ; his discoveries on the Continent, and of the Islands in A., 1502-5. Harris, J. Vol II. - The Discoveries . . . and present state of the Dutch Colonies in A. . . . 1642-1714. Harris, J. Vol. II. - The Discoveries and Settlements made by the English in ... A. . . . 1495-1603. Harris, J. Vol. 11. - An historical account of the British Settlements in A. . . . 1660-1688. Harris, J. Vol. II. - TheHistoryof the British Colonies in A. . . . 1688-1714. Harris, J. Vol.11. - The History of the Discoveries ... of the English Nation in A. . . . 1603-1660. Harris, J. Vol. II. America. 3 1 America. — History of the discoveries ... of the French in A., 1523-1713. Harris, J. Vol. 11. Of the importance of the new-discovered Continent of A., etc. Harris, J. Vol. 11. Early discovery of Wiuland, or A,, by the Icelanders, 1001. Kerr. Vol. I. Columbus, C. Account of the discovery of A., by A. de Ilerrera. Kerr. Vol. III. History of the discovery of A., etc. Kerr. Vol. HI. Diaz del Castillo, B. History of the discovery ... of A. in 1568, etc. Kerr. Vol. III. Vespucius Americus. Voyage to the New World. Kerr. Vol. III. Butrigarins, G. Discourse respecting the discoveries in A. by S. Cabot. Kerr. Vol. VI. Amerique. Premieres De'couvertes . . . Espagnols . . . C. Colomb, Laharpe, J. Vol. IX. • A., Discoveries made by the English in ; from . . . Henry VII. to . . . Elizabeth. Piukerton. Vol. XII. Smith's History of . . . New England, efc. Pinkerton. Vol. XIII. Columbus, C. Conjectures touching a New World. Purchas. Vol. I. First Voyage. . . . 1492. Purchas. Vol. I. Of A., whether it were then peopled. Purchas. Vol.1. Barkley, G. Travels . . . in . . .A . . . 1605. Purchas. Vol. III. Benzos, J. Briefe extracts . . . out of his three books of the New World, touching the Spaniards' cruell handling of the Indians . . . 1641. Purchas. Vol. IV. - A briefe Eelation of the discoverie and Plantation of New England, etc. Purchas. Vol. IV. - The first Voyages to divers j)arts of A. by Englishmen . . . 1517- 95. Purchas. Vol. IV. - Smith, Capt. J. Extracts of a Booke called "New England's Trialls," printed 1622. Purchas. Vol. IV. - Vaz, L. Historic of . . . 1586 . . . touching A.n places, etc. Purchas. Vol. IV. - Winslow, E. Good Newes from New England . . . 1621-23. Purchas. Vol. IV. - Staden de Homberg, H. Veritable Histoire et Description d"un Pays . . . situ^ dans le Nouveau Monde . . . 1547-55. Tebnaux-Compans. Voyages. Vol. III. - Hulsius, L. Histoire veritable d'un Voyage curieux fait par TJ. Schmidel . . . dans I'Amerique . . . 1534-54. Ternaux-Comfans. Voyages. Vol. V. - Kntdeckungen . . , der Europlier in A.— Columbus, Eeisen, 1492- 1505. — Peise des A. Ojeda, J. de la Cosa, A. Vesputius. — A. Nino und der beyden Guerren. — Y. Piuzon. — D. de Lopez. — A. von Cabral. — G. von Corte Pieal. — J. Cabot und seiner . . . Sbhne. — D. de Solis, and Y. Pinzon, 1507. — Voyages and Travels. — AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XI n. 32 A merlca — A merica, British. America. — Engel. NachricTiten . . . iiber die Lage der mitternaclitlicheu Lander von . . . K.^etc. Voyages and Tkavels. AllgemeineHistorie, etc. Vol. XIX. Lewis and Clark, Capts. and others. Travels in the Interior Parts of A. . . . 1805. Voyages and Tkavels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VI. Ashe, T. Travels in A., 1806, etc. Voyages and Tkavels. A Col- lection, etc. 1805. Vol. X. Travels in A., 1806. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1810. Vol. V. The Discoveries of the English in A. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. IV. The Discoveries and Settlements of the French . . . and ... of the Dutch in A. A Danish Settlement in A. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. V. See also United States of America. , British. Mac Gregor, J. British A. Edin., 1832. Murray, H. Historical . . . Account of B. A., etc. Edin., 1839. Purdy, J. and Findlay, A. G., British A.'n Navigator, etc. 1847. - Alexander, Sir J. E. L'Acadie ; or. Seven years' explora- tions in British A. 1849. Doull, a. Report and Outline of a ... Eailway in the British N.A.'n Colonies, etc. 1850. IsBiSTER, A. K. A Proposal for a new Penal Settlement in . . , British N. A. Lond., 1850. Synge, M. H. Great Britain one Empire ... by inter- communication . . . via British N. A. 1852. Andrews, I. D. Eeport on . . . the British N. A.n Colonies, etc. Wash., 1853. America. The Lighthouses of . . . British N. A. Cor- rected to 1853, 56, 58, 59. 1853-59. Dunsterville, E. The Lights of the Coasts and Lakes of British N. A. Corrected to 1856. 1856. - Morris, A. Nova Britannia : or British N. A., etc. Montr., 1858. Hind, H. Y. British N. A. Reports, etc. Lond., I860. Dunsterville, E. The Admiralty List of the Lights on the Coasts and Lakes of British N. A. Corrected to 1860, 61, 62. 1860-62. Hector, J. On the Physical Features of the Central ])art of British N. A., etc. Edin., 1861. — Gras, M. a. Le. Phares des Cotes Orientales de I'Am^rique Anglaise, etc. Par., 1862-64. Palliser, J. Journals . . . and Observations relative to the exploration of . . . British N. A., etc. 1863. America, British — A7nerica, North. o^^) America, British. — Palliser, J. Papers . . . relative to the exploratioa of . . . iJritish X. A., etc. 1863. Rawlings, J. The Confederation of the B. N. A.n Pro- vinces, etc. Lond., 1865. AVaddington, a. Overland Commnnication . . . tlironc'h B. N. A. Victoria, V. ]., 1867. Sketch of tlie proposed Line of Overland Kailroad throngli B. X. A. Lond., 1869. - Central. — Chaix, P. Isthme de I'Ame'rique Centrale. ■ America, Central. Brief statement ... of Grants ... to . . . .E. Coast of C A. Commercial and Agricultural Company, e^c. 1831. Haefkens, J. Ceutraal Amerika, etc. Dordr., 1832. Galindo, J. On C. A. 1836. Stephens, J. L. Incidents of Travel in C. A., etc. 1842. Baily, J. Central A., etc. 1850. Btam, G. Wanderings in ... A. ; with remarks upon ... the Great Ship Canal through C. A. 1850. Chaloner and Fleming. The Mahogany-Tree . . . in . . . C. A., etc. Liverp., 1850. America, Central. Description of the facilities . . . which a Road across C. A. . . . would afford, etc. Phil., 1852. IIardman, F. Scenes and Adventures in C. A. Edin., 1852. Orsted, a. S. Centralamerikas Eubiaceer. 1852. Squier, E. G. Travels in C. A., etc. N. T., 1853. Lapelin, T. de. Reconnaissance Hydrographiqne des Cotes Occidentales du Centre-Amerique. Par., 1854. Squier, E. G. Notes on C. A., etc. N. T., 1855. Scherzer, K. von. Travels in the Free States of C. A., etc. 1857. Wells, W. Y. Explorations and Adventures . . . com- prising ... a review of the history and general resources of C. A. N. Y., 1857. Brasseur de Bourbotjrg, E. C. Histoire des Nations civilisees . . . de I'Amerique-Centrale, devant les siecles antorieurs h C. Colomb., etc. Par., 1857-59. Frobel, J. Seven Tears' Travel in C. A., etc. 1859. Virlet d'Aoust, M. Coup-d'oeil general sur la topograpliie . . . de I'Amerique Centrale. Par., [1865]. Belly, F. A travcrs I'Amerique Centrale, etc. Par., 1867. Boyle, F. The Free Indian Tribes of C. A. Lond., [1867]. Paez, R. Travels and Adventures in S. and C. A., etc. Lond., 1868. -, Isthmus of. — See Panama, Isthmus of. -, North. — Redfield, W. C. Remarks on the prevailing Storms of the Atlantic Coast of the N. A. States. •54 America, North. a America, North. — Say, T. Descriptions of new species of Heteropterous Ilcmiptera of N. A., etc. Marquette, le P. Voyage et decouverte de quelques Pays . . . de I'Amerique Septentrionale, etc. Par., 1681. Lahontan, Baron. New Voyages to N. A., e^c. 1703-35. Charlevoix, J'ere de. Histoire . . . dim voyage dans rAmerique Septentrionale. Par., 1744. Benaduci, L. B. Idea de una nueva Historia General de la A. Septentrionale. Madrid, 1746. Charlevoix, Father. Journal of a Voyage to N.-A., etc. Land., 1761. Kalm, p. Travels into K A., etc. Lond., 1772. Burnaby, a. Travels through the Middle Settlements of N. A., etc. 1775. Long, J. Voyages and Travels . . . describing . . . the N. A.n Indians, etc. Lond., 1791. Mackenzie, A. Voyages . . . through ... N. A. ... in 1789 and 1793, etc. 1801. Pike, Z. M. Exploratory Travels through the Western Terri- tories of X. A., etc. 1811. Hodgson, A. Letters from N. A., etc. 1824. Hall, B. Travels in K A. in 1827-28. Edin., 1829. Head, G. Forest Scenes ... in the Wilds of N. A., efr. 1829. Murray, H. Historical Account of discoveries and travels in N. A., etc. 1829. Richardson, Sir J., and others. Fauna Boreali- Americana, etc, 1829-36. Bouchette, J. The British dominions in N. A., etc. 1832. Alexander, Sir J. E. Transatlantic Sl^etches, comprising . . . scenes in N. and S. A., etc. 1833. CoLTON, C. Tour of the A.n Lakes ... in 1830, etc. 1833. Hoffman, C. F. A Winter in the Far West. 1835. Pickering, J. Eemarks on the Indian languages of N. A. 1836. Eichardson, Sir J. Report on N. A.n. Zoology. 1837. Martin, R. M. Statisticsof the Colonies ... in ... N. A., etc. Lond., 1839. Davison, G. M. Traveller's Guide through the Middle and Northern States, etc. Saratoga S'priixjs, 1840. Vail, E. A. Notice sur les Indicns de TAmdrique du Nord. Par., 1840. Wied-Neuwied, Prince M. de. Voyage dans ITntdrieur de I'Amerique du Nord pendant 1832-34. Par., 1840. Abert, Col. J. J. Report on the Commerce of the liakcs and Western Rivers. Wash., 1841. America^ N'orth. 35 America, North.— Catlin, G. Letters . . . on . . . the N. A. Indians 1841. ■ EicHARDSON, Sir J. On the Frozen Soil of N. A. Edin., 1841. Castelnau, F. de. Vues et souvenirs de I'Am^rique du Nord. Pttr., 1842. King, K. On the Unexplored Coast of N. A. 1842. WooDBRiDGE, W. C. Eepoit on the Navigation of the Great Lakes, ttc. Wash., 1843 Lyall, Sir C. Travels in N. A., etc. 1845. ■ — Btam, G. Wanderings in some of the W. Eeiuiblics of A., e^c- 1850. Brassettr de Bourbourg, E. C. Lettres pour servir d'intro- duction a I'Histoire Primitive . . , de I'Amerique Septentrionale. Mex., 1851. Darondeau, M. B. Tableau General des Phares et Fanaux des Cotes Orientales de I'Amerique du Nord. Par., 1851. Stanley, J. M. Catalogue of the Portraits of N. A.n Indians, with sketches of Scenery, &c., painted by J. M. S. Wash., 1852. America, South. The Lighthouses on the . . . W. Coast of N. A. Corrected to 1853, 55, 57, 58, 59. 1853-59. Lanman, C. Adventures in the "Wilds of N. A., etc. 1854. Whipple, T. E., and Turner. Report upon the Indian Tribes, with Vocabularies of K A.n Languages. Wash., 1855. — ■ ■ Baily, F. Journal of a Tour in ... N. A. in 1766, 97. 1856. • Olmsted, F . L. Journey in the Seaboard Slave States, etc. 1856. Marcou, J. Geology of N. A., etc. Zurich, 1858. DoMENECH, E. Seven Years ... in the Great Deserts of N- A. I860. Dunsterville, E. The Admiralty List of the Lights on the . . . W. Coast of N. A. Corrected to 1860. 1861-62. Dunsterville, E. The Admiralty List of the Litrhts . on the W. Coast of N. A. Corrected to 1861, 62. 1861-62. EwBANK, T. N. A.n Rock-writing, etc. Morrisania, N. Y., 1866. Palmer, W. J. Report of Surveys across the Continent ... for a Route extending the Kansas Pacific Railway to the Pacific Ocean, etc. phil., 1869. Bell, W. A. New Tracks in N. A., etc. Lond., 1870. North Pacific Pilot. Pt. I. Sailing Directions for the W. Coast of N. A., etc. Lond., 1870. Langsdorff, G. H. de. Voyage a, la cote de I'Amerique septentrionale, 1805-8. Eyries. Vol. VI. Hearne. Voyage dans la partie bore'ale de rAm^rique, 1769-72. Eyries. Vol. VII. D 2 36 America, North — America, North-west Coast, America, North. — Mackenzie. Voyage dans I'Amdrique septentrionale . . . 1789-93. Eyries. Vol. VII. Cabot, S. Voyage to the N. part of A. 1497. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Voyages ... for the finding of a N.W. Passage to the N. parts of A., eic. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Anie'riqne Septentrionale. Floride. Colonies Anglaises, etc. Lahakpe, J. Vol. XII. Colonies Franfaises . . . Caractere des Habitans, et Histoire naturelle, etc. Laharpe, J. Vol. XIII. i Possessions in N. A., 1834-35. Martin, E. M. History of tlie British Colonies. Vol. III. A., Memoirs of N. Pinkerton. Vol. XIII. Burnaby's Travels through the Middle Settlements in N. A., in 1759-60. Pinkerton. Vol. XIII. Kalm's Travels in N. A. Pinkerton. Vol. XTII. Voyage & decouverte du P. Marquette & sieur JoUiet dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. Thevenot. Vol. IV. - Verazzani, J. Eeise und Entdeckungen von Nord-A., 1523-24. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, ttc. Vol. XV. ■ Fortsetzung der Pieisen, Entdeckungen und Niederlassungen der Franzosen in Nord-A. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVI. Eeisen, Entdeckungen und Niederlassungen der Euglander in dem Nordlicben A., etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVI. Eeisen und Niederlassungen in dem Nordlichen A. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVI. Naturgeschichte von Nord-A. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVII. Eeisen und Niederlassungen auf den Inseln des Nordlichen A. in dem Nordmeere. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVII. Von den Gebrauchen . . . der Indianer in dem Nordlichen A. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVI I. Montule, E. Voyage to N. A. and the West Indies, 1817. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819, etc. Vol. IX. Bee also America, British. America, Eussiau. Canada. Meta Incognita. ^ AVest. -, North Coast. — Simpson, T. Narrative of the Discoveries on the N. Coast of A. . . . during 182G-39. 1843. Perrey, a. Docmnents sur les Tremblements de Terre dc la Cute No. d'Amerique. -Dyo", 1866. -, North-west Coast. — Dixon, G. Voyage . . . more particularly to the N.W. Coast of A., etc. _ 1789. America, North-west Coast — America, South. 37 America, North-west Coast. — Portlock, N. Voyage . . . more par- ticularly to the N.W. Coast of A., 1785-88. 1789. • Meares, J. Voyages . . . from China to the N.W. Coast of A., etc. Lond., 1790. Wkangell, F. vox. Statistische . . . Nachrichten liber die Russischen Besitzungen an der Nordwestkiiste von A. kit. Pet., 1839. — ■- Gkeenhow, R. Memoir ... on the N.W. Coast of A., ctr. Wash., 1840. ■ Greenhow, E. The History of Oregon . . . and the other Territories of the N.W. Coast of A., etc. Bost., U. 8., 1844. Geewinck, C. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der orographischen . . . Beschafieuheit der Nord-West-Kixste Amerika's, etc. St. Pet., 1850. Dickie, G. Notes of Algse collected on the Cyast of N.W. A., by Mr. E. Brown. [1868.] Dickie, G. Notes of Mosses and Hepatica?, collected by E. Brown, Esq., on the N.W. Coast of A. [1868.] Meares. Voyage de la Chine a la Cote Nord-Ouest de I'Am^-ique, 1788, 89. Eyries. Vol. I. Portlock et Dixon. Voyage a la Cote Nord-Ouest de I'Amerique, 1785-88. Eyries. Vol. I. Douglas, Capt. Voyage a la Cote Nord-Ouest de I'Amerique, 1798, 89. Eyries. Vol. II. Marchand, E. Voyage ... a la Cote Nord-Ouest de I'Ame- rique, 1790-2. Eyries. Vol II. ■ Harmon de Montreal, D. W. Voyage aux Cotes nord-ouest de I'Amerique. Eyries. Vol. VIII. Gualle, F. Voya2;e . . . bv the N.W. part of A. ... to Acapulco, 1582-84. Hakluyt. Vol. III. -, Russian. — Holmberg, H. J. Ethnographische Skizzen iiber die Volker dcs Eussischen A. Helsinyfors, 1855. KiTTLiTZ, F. H. V. Denkwiirdigkeiten einer Eeise uach dem Eussischen Amerika, etc. Gothu, 1858. Sumner, Hon. C. Speech ... on the cession of E. A. to the United States. Wash., 1867. -, South. — Daunou, p. C. F. De la A. Meridional, etc. Buen. Ayres. King, P. P. Selections from a Meteorological Journal kept during the Survey of the S.n Coasts of S. A., 1827-30. The VET, A. Historia dell' India America, detta altramente Francia Antarctica, etc. Vinegia, 1561. Feuiij.ee, L. Journal des Observations . . . faitcs sur les Cotes Orieutales de I'Ame'rique Me'ridioiiale, etc. Par., 1725. CoNDAMiNE, M. DE LA. Eclatiou . . . d'un Voyage fait dans rinte'rieur de I'Amerique M^ridionale, etc. Par., 1745. CoNDAMiNE, M. DE LA. A succiuct Abridgment of a Vovase . . . within the Inland parts of S. A., etc. 1747. 38 America, South. America, South. — Juan, G., and Ulloa, A. Voyage historique de rAmerique Meridionale, etc. Amst. et Par., 1752. ■ Ulloa, A. de. Voyage historique de I'Amdrique Meridionale, etc. Par., 1752. Bancroft, E. Essay on . . . Guiana, in S. A., etc. 1769. Falkner, T. Description of Patagonia, and the adjoining parts of S. A., etc. Bereford., 1774. • Ulloa, A. de. Memoires . . . concernant la decouverte de I'Amerique, etc. Par., 1787. ■ ■ Ulloa, A. de. Voyage to S. A., etc. 1806. ■ Depons, F. Travels in S. A., etc. 1807. Azara, F. de. Voyages dans I'Amerique meridionale, etc. Par., 1809. Bauza, p. Ueber . . . Sud Amerika, etc. '• Madr., 1814. Hippisley, G. Narrative of the Expedition to the Rivers Orinoco and Apare, in S. A. 1819. Brackenridge, H, M. Voyage to S. A., etc. 1820. Daniell, J. F. Sketches ... of S. A. 1820. - Caldcleugh, a. Travels in S. A., etc. 1825. Stevenson, W. B. Historical . . . Narrative of Twenty Years' Eesidence in S. A. 1825. Ulloa, A. de. Noticias Secretas de A., etc. Lond., 1826. Waterton, C. Wanderings in S. A., etc. 1828. Alexander, Sir J. E. Transatlantic Sketches, comprising . . . scenes in N. and S. A., etc. 1833. Empson, C. Narratives of S. A., etc. Lond,, 1836. Hawkshaw, J, Keminiscences of S. A., etc. Lond., 1838. Scarlett, Hon. P, C. S. A. and the Pacific, etc. 1838. King, P. P., and Fitz-Roy, R. Narrative . . . describing their examination of the S.n Shores of S. A., etc. 1839. Martin, R. M. Statistics of the Colonies . . . in . , S. A., etc. Lond., 1839. Robertson, J. P. and W. P. Letters on S. A., etc. 1843. Wappaus, J. E. Die Republiken von Siidamerika, etc. (jottingen, 1843. Darwin, C. Geological Observations on S. A., etc. Lond., 1846. FiTZ-RoY, Rear-Adml. R. Saihng Directions for S. A., etc. 1848. King, P. P. and Fitzroy, R. Sailing Directions for S. A., etc. 1850. Castelnau, F. de. Expedition dans les parties centrales de I'Amerique du Sud, etc. Par., 1850-57. Angelis p. de. Memoria . . . sobre los dercchos de Soberania . . . de la Confederacion Argentina, a la parte Austral del Continente Americano, etc. Buen. Aires, 1852. America, Sotith. 39 America, South. — Chaix, P. Histoire de rAmerique meridionalo an seizieme sifecle, etc. Par., 1853. Amctnategui, M. L. Titulos de . . . Chile a la soberaiiia de la estremidad austral del Continente Americano, etc. bant., 1853-55. America, South. The Lighthouses on the E. and W. Coasts of S. A. ... Corrected to 1853, 55, 57, 58, 59. 1853-59. FoETTERLE, F. Die Geologische Uebersichtskarte des mitt- leren Theiles von 8iid-Amerika, etc. Wien, 1854. King, P. P. and Fitzroy, E. S. A. Pilot, etc. I860. DuNSTEEViLLE, E. The Admiralty List of the Lights on the E. and W. Coasts of S. A. ... Corrected to 1860. 1861-62. The Admiralty List of the Lights in S. A. ... Corrected to 1861, 62. 1861-62. Gras, M. a. Le. Phares des Cotes Orientales del'Anierique du Sud. 1861-64. Par., 1861-64. HiNCHLiFF, T. W. S. A.-n Sketches, etc. 1863. America. Intereses, peligros y garantias de los Estados del Pacifico ... de la A. del Sud. Par., 1866. -— TscHUDi, J. J. VON. Reisen diirch Siidamerika. Lelj)., 1866-1869. Michelexa y Rojas, F. Exploracion Oficial por la primera vez desde el Korte de la A. del Sur siemj^re por Eios, etc. Bruselas, 1867. HuTCHUsSON, T. J. The Parana. . . and S.A.n recollections, etc. Loud., 1868. Paez, E. Travels and Adventures in S. and Central A., etc. Land., 1868. Makcoy, p. Voyage a travers TAmerique du Sud. etc. Par., 1869. Amerique Meridionale . . . Histoire ISTaturelle, depuis risthme de Panama jusqu'au Bresil. Laharpe, J, Vol. XI. Condamine's Travels in S. A. Pinkerton, Vol. XIV. UUoa's Voyage to S. A. Pinkerton. Vol. XIV. Folque, F. Eeflexoes acerca . . . dos dominios de Portugal e Hespanha na A. Meridional. Portugal. Colleccao de Xoticias, etc. Vol. VII. Beschreibungen der er?tern entdeckten Lander in dem mittaglichen A., etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeiue Histone, etc. Vol. XV. Eeisen ... an den Kiisten von Slid A. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XVI. Depons, F. Travels in . . . S. A., 1801-4. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. IV. Keith, Sir G. M. Voyage to S. A. . . . 1805-6. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. XI. Depons, F. Travels in parts of S. A., 1801-4. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1810. Vol. I. 4o America, Spa7iisk-— Anahuc, America, Spanish. — Lopes, J. J. Ueber die . . . Beziehungen . . . Euro- ^las mit dea . . . Hispano-Amerikanischen Eepubliken. Berlin. • America, Spanish. Outline of . . . Revolution in S. A., etc. 1817. BONNYCASTLE, SiR R. H. S. A., etc. 1818. ■ ■ Shillibeer, J. Narrative . . . including a Sketch of the present state of . . . Spanish S. A. 1818. ■ Hassaurek, F. Four Years among Spanish Americans. N. Y., 1868. Naturgeschichte der Spanischen Lanrlschaftcn in dem Siidlichen A., etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgeineine Historic, etc. Vol. XVI. American Isthmus.— *See Panama, Isthmus of. Ameryka. — ^See America. Amhara. — Ferret, A. and Galinier. Voyage . . . dans les provinces . . . de I'A. Far., 1847. Amman. — Jericho. An Excursion from Jericho to the Ruins of . . . A., etc. 1852. Ammon. — Hoskins, G. A. Visit to . . . the Oasis of Amun, etc. 1837. Amoor, River. — See Amur. Amravati, Amrawutti.— 'See Umarawutty. Amsterdam, Island. — Mortimer, G. Observations . . . during a Voyage to . . , A., etc. Lond., 1791. • Prior, J. Voyage ... to ... A., 1810-11. Voyages and Travels, New. 181U. Vol. I, Amu, River. — See Oxus. Amun.— >S'ure. — Hippisley, G. Narrative of the Expedition to the ... A., etc. 1819. Aquitaine. — Avezac, d'. Notice sur I'A. Par. Lartet, E. and Christy, H. Keliquise Aquitanicas, etc. Lond., [1865.] Arabia. — Rjttek, C. Der Arahische Weibrauch, etc. . Bellonius, p. Plurimarum . . . rerum in . . . A. . . . conspec- tarum observationes, etc. Antw., 1589. . Dapper. Naukeurige Beschryving van ... A., etc. Amst., 1680. La PiOQTJE, M. de. Voyage dans la Palestine . . . Avec la descrip- tion ge'nerale d'Arabie faite par le Sultan Ismael Abulfeda. Amst, 1718. NiEBUHR, C. Beschreibung von Arabien, etc. Kopenh., 1772. • NiEBUHR, C. Voyage en Arabic, etc. Amst., 1774-80. . Irwin, E. A Series of Adventures ... on the Coasts of A., etc. Lond., 1780. Griffiths, J. Travels in ... A. 1805. PococK, E. Specimen Historife Arabum, etc. Oxonii, 1806. Ali Bey. Travels in . . . A., etc. 1816. Price, D. Essay towards the History of A. prior to the birth of Mahommed. ' 1824. — Burckhardt, J. L. Travels in A., in ISli-lS, etc. 1829. Arabic Proverbs, etc. 1830. - Stocquelee, J. H. Fifteen Months' Pilgrimage through . . . parts of Turkish A., etc. 1832. - Berghaus, H. Asia . . . nebst Bemerkungen iiber ... A., etc. Gotha, 1832-35. - Owen, W. F. W. Narrative of Voyage to explore the shores of . . . A., etc. 1833. - Arabic Grammar, etc. Bombay, 1834. - KiBBUHR, C. Pieisebeschreibung nach Arabien, etc. Eamh., 1837. - Wellsted, J. K. Travels in A. 1838. - JoMAED, E. F. Etudes ... sur I'Arabie, etc. Par., 1839. - Hammer-Purg STALL, Baeon. Geographic von Arabien. Wien, 1840. - Wellsted, J. K. Travels . . . including a Voyage to the Coast of A., etc. 1840. - FoRSTEE, C. Historical Geography of A., etc. 1844. - Plate, W. Ptolemy's Knowledge of A., etc. 1845. Arabia, 45 Arabia. — Jomard, E. F. Note sur la Carte d'Arabie publiee en 1847, Far., 1847. Aytad, El T. M. Traits de la langue Arabe vulgaire. Leips., 1848. Hammer-Purgstall, Baron. Uebersicht der Literatur^ejcbichte der Araber. Wien, 1850. Carter, H. J. A geographical description of . . . the S.E. Coast of A., etc. Bombay, 1851. FoRSTER, C. Tlae One Primeval Language traced . . . from the Monuments of . . . South A., etc. 1851. • ■ Kexnedy, J. IdumaBa, with a survey of A., etc. 1851. Carter, H. J. Memoir on the Geology of the S.E. Coast of A. Bombay, 1852. ■ ■ — Hammer-Purgstall, Baron. Uber die Namen der Araber. IVien, 1852. LowTH, G. T. Wanderer in A., etc. 1855. ■ Wright, T. Early Christianity in A., etc. 1855. India. Geological Papers on W.n India, including . . . the S.E. Coast of A., etc. Bomb., 1857. Phillips, J. S. Interpretations . . . the Pie-settlement of the Seed of Abraham in . . .A., etc. 1860. HoRSBURGH, J. Instructions Nautiques . . . Cote Sud d'Arabie, etc. Par., 1864. Palgra ve, G., Notes dim Voyage au travers de I'interieur de I'Arabie, etc. [A Review.] [1864.] ■ Palgrave, AV. G., Narrative of a year's Journey through Central and Eastern A., 1862-63. Lond. and Cam., 1865. Ward, C. Y. Pilote du Golfe d'Aden . . . Cotes . . . d'Arabie, etc. Par., 1866. AvRiL, A. d'. L'Arabie contemporaine, etc. Par., 1868. Cartwright, J. The Preachers Travels . . . through ... A., etc. Churchill. Vol. VII. Bissell, a. Voyage . . . along the E. Coast of A. to Bombay, 1798-99. Dalrtmple, A. Collection of Nautical Memoirs, etc. Arabic. Eyries. Vol. XIV. • Athelard of Bathe. Voyage to . . . A., 1130. Hakluyt. Vol.11. Vertomannus, L. Navigation and Voyages to . . . A. . . . 1503. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. Baumgarten, M. Travels through ... A., etc. Churchill. Vol. I. Varthema, L. di. Travels in ... A. Deserta and A. Felix . . . 1503 to 1508 . . . Edited ... by G. P. Badger. 1863. Hakluyt Soc. Pub. Vol. XXXII. Voyages and Travels in ... A. ... in 1503-8. Kerk. Vol. VII. - Niebuhr's Travels in A. Pinkerton. Vol. X. - lambulus, his Navigation to A., etc. Purchas. Vol. I. 46 Arabia — Aral, Sea of. Arabia.— Salbanke, J. Voyage through ... A., 1609. Purchas. Vol. I. Bartherua or Yertoman, L. Travels into . . . A. . . . 1503. Purchas. Vol. II. Collections . . . especially of A., gathered out of an Arabike booke . . . written by a Kubiau, 470 yeeres ago, etc. Purchas. Vol. II. — • Mount Sinai , . . and the adjoining parts of A. described out of Breidenbach, etc. Purchas. Vol. II. • Of the Arabians . . . and of their Religions. Purchas. Vol. V. Barthema, L. Itinerario dell' Egitto ... A. Deserta et Felice, etc. PiAMUSIO. Vol. I. Jordan, ou Jourdain Catalani, P. Mirabilia descripta, .«equitur de . . . A., etc. Voyages and Travels. IJecueil, etc. Vol. IV. ■ Deserta. — Value, P. della. Travels in ... A. D., etc. 1665. ■ Felix. — Tellez, B. Travels ... in A. F., etc. 1710. La Roque. A Voyage to A. the Happy ... in 1708-10. 1730. Salt, H. Voyage to Abyssinia ... a narrative of late events in A. F., etc. 1814. Combes, E. and Tamisier, M. Voyage en Abyssinie . . . precede d'une excursion dans I'Arabie-Heureuse, 1835-37. Par., 1838. Middleton, Sir H. Observations in A. F. Bay, J. Erste Eeisen der Franzoscn nach dem gliicklichen Arabien durch das Morgenlandische Meer, 1708. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XL See also Yemen. Petraea. — EtjpPEL, E. Eeisen in . . . dem Petraischen Arabien, etc. 1829. Laborde, X. L. de. Journey through A. P., etc. 1836. Stephens, G. Incidents of Travel in . . . A. P., eifc. 1838. EoBixsoN, E. Biblical Eesearches in ... A. P., etc. 1841. Seetzen, U. J. Eeisen durcli ... A. P., etc. Berl., 1854. FiGARi, A. Studii scientifici sull' Egitto e ... la Penisola dell' A. P., etc. Lucca, 1864-65. Arabian Gulf.— -See Eed Sea. Arabistan.— He Bode, Baron C. A. Travels in ... A. 1845. Aracan. — See Arracan. Arafura Sea.— Stokes, J. L. Discoveries . . . Also a Narrative of Capt. O. Stanley's Visits to the Islands in the A. S. Lvnd., 1846. Araguaya. — Silva Coutinho, J. M. de. Annexo P. Explora9ao do Eio . . . A., etc. [1865.] Aral, Sea of.— Khanikoff, T. V. Notes explanatory of a Map of the Lake uf A., etc. Ihiss. St. Pet., 1851. Butakoff, a. Survey of the Sea oi' A. Lmd., 1852. Aral, Sea of — Archipelago, Indian. 47 Aral, Sea of. — Lamansky, E. Esquisse Geographique du Bassin de la Mer d'A., etc. Par., 1858. Ararat. — Abich, H. Geognostiche Reise znm A., etc. Berlin. Aran. — Jordan, ou Jourdain Catalani, P. Mirabilia descripta, seqnitur . , . de terra A., etc. Voyages and Travels. Kecueil, etc. Vol. IV. Islands of. See Arran. Ararat. — Parrot, F. Reise zum A. Berl., 1834. Parrot, F. Journey to A., etc. 1845. Freshfield, D. W. Travels . . . including Visits to A., etc. Lond., 1869. Arauca. — Robinson, J. H. Journal of an Expedition ... up the A. 1822. Araxe, River.— /See Araxes. Araxes, River. Caspian Sea. Description . . . Memoire sur le Cours de 1' Araxe . . . Par St. Croix. Fur., 1793. Baer, K. E. von. Der alte Lauf des Armenischen A. 1857. Arcadia. — Sibthorp, Dr. Journal relating to . . . A., etc. Walpole, R. Travels, etc. Archangel. — Vesselowsky, C. Epoques des Debacles et de la prise par les Glaces de la Dwina a A. St. Pet., 1856. M'Dougall, G. F. Directions for . . . the "White Sea, including ... A., ttc. 1858. Allison's Voyage from A. Pinkerton. Vol. I. Archipelago. — Boschini, M. L'Arcipelago, etc Ven., 1658. Dapper. Beschryving van Eilanden der Archipel, etc. 1688. Jesuits, Travels of several . . , into . . . the A., etc. 1714. : PococKE, R. Description of . . . the A., etc. 1743-45. • • Mac Gill, T. Travels . . . with an Account of some of the Greek Islands. 1808. ■ AxjLDJO, J. Visit to . . . some of the Greek Islands, etc. 1835. Spratt, T. a. B. Report of Deep Soundings between Malta and the A., etc. 1857. ■ Thevenot, J. Account of . . . various Islands in the A., etc, Harris, J. Vol. II. ■ Vernon, F. Travels . . . through .... the A., etc. Rat, J. Hawkins, Mr. On a Law of Custom which is peculiar to the Islands of the A. Walpole, R. Travels, etc. Sibthorp, Dr. Voyage in the Grecian Seas, etc. (Second Voyage, etc.) Walpole, R. Travels, etc. , Eastern. — See Archipelago, Indian. , Indian. — Walckenaer, C. A. Le Monde Maritime, ou Tableau . . . de I'Archipel d'Orient, etc. Par., 1819. Crawfxjed, J. History of the I. A., etc. Edin., 1820. Earl, G. W. The Eastern Seas ; or Voyages ... in the I. A. ia 1832-34, etc. 1837. 48 Archipelago^ Indian — Arcot, SoiifJi. ArcilipelagO, Indian. — Moor, J. H. Xotices of the I. A. and adjacent countries, etc. Singapore, 1837. Benkett, F. D. XaiTative . . . comprising Sketches of ... the I. A., etc. 1840. HixDERSTEiN, G. F. VOX Dekfelden de. Memoire . . . des Possessions Xeeriandaises dans le Grand Archipel Indien. La Eaye, 1841. Derfelden de Hixderstein, Baron G. F. vox. Memoire . . . pour servir d'explication h la Carte Gene'rale des Possessions Neerlandaises dans le Grand Archipel Indien. La Haye, 1844. IxDiAX A., Journal of the, etc. Singapare, 1847-58. — Belcher, Sir E. Narrative of . . . Voyage . . . employed surveying the . . . E. A., etc. 1848. Marry AT F. S. Borneo and the I. A. Land., 1848. Philopatris. — Commerce and Free Trade promoted in the I. A., etc. Lond., 1848. Keppel, Hox. G. Visit to the I. A., etc. 1853. St. Johx, H. The I. A., its history, etc. 1853. GiBSOX, W. M. The Prison of Weltevreden; and a slance at the E. I. A. N. Y., 1855. . LoGAX, .J. R. Ethnology of the Indo-Pacific Islands, etc. Piming, 1855-56. Crawfurd, J. A descriptive Dictionary of the Indian Islands, etc. 1856. Dexham, H. M. Hydrographic Notices . . . E. A., etc. 1856-59. Boucher, F. The I. A., etc. 1857. MtJLLER, S. Reizen ... in den Indischen Archipel . . . in 1828 en 1836. Amst., 1857. Reixwardt, C. G. C. Reis naar het oostelijk Gedeelte van den Indischen Archipel, in 1821, etc. Amst., 1858. HuGEL, Baron C. von. Der Stille Ocean imd die Spanischen Besitzungen im Ostindischen Archipel. Wien, I860. Sallot des Xoyers, M. Instructions sur les lies et les Passages du grand Archipel d'Asie, etc. Par., 1867, 68. Bickmore, a. S. Travels in the E. I. A. Land., 1868. . lies de la Mer des Indes. Voyage . . , de F. Pyrard, etc. Laharpe, J. Vol. III. Louisiade. — See Louisiade Archipelago. Low. — See Low Archipelago. , Malay. — Wallace, A. R. The M. A. : the land of the Orang-Utan, etc. Lond., 1869. , Pomotou. — See Low Archipelago. Arcipelago. — See Archipelago. Arcot, South. — Ixdia. Reports of the . . . eflfects of the . . . Coleroon Annicuts, in ... S. A. Madran, 1858. Arctic Ocean. 49 Arctic Ocean. — Heakne, S. A Journey from . . . Hudson's Bay to the ^'orthtru Ocean . . . 17G9-72. 1795. Mackekzie, a. Voyages ... to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, ia 1789 and 1793, etc. 1801. Sarychef, Capt. Voyages along the ... A. and Pacific Oceans . . . 1785 to 1793. Hu&s. ht. Ftt., 1802. • FRAKKLDf, Sir J. Narrative of a Journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, in 1819-22, etc. 1823. Cochrane, J. D. Narrative of a pedestrian Journey ... to tlie Frozen Sea, etc. 1824. KiXG, E. Facts and Arguments in favour of a New Expedition to ... the A. 0. 1836. ■ Narrative of a Journey to . . . the A. 0. in 1833-35, ct'\ 1836. - Fabvre, Capt. Eetour en France de . . . la Secherche ; Piapport sur la seconde campagne dans les Mers du Nord, etc. Far., 1839. - Wraxgell, F. vox. Pieise . . . auf dem Eismeere in 1820-24, etc. Berlin, 1839. - Narrative of an Expedition to the Polar Sea in 1820-23, etc. 1840. Narrative of an Expedition to the Polar Sea in 1820-23, etr. 1844. - Eae, J. Narrative of an Expedition to the Shores of the A. Sea in 1846 and 1817. Lond., 1850. - Kaxe, E. K. Access to an open Polar Sea, etc. N. T., 1853. - Bellot, J. E. Journal d'un voyage aux Mers Polaires, etc. Par., 1854. - Kane, E. K. Astronomical Observations in the A. Seas, etc. Phil, I860. Tidal Observations in the A. Seas, etc. Wash., I860. - Hates, I. I. The Open Polar Sea, etc. Lond., 1867. - Browx, E. Notes on the . . . Pinnipedia frequenting the Spitz- bergen and Greenland Seas. [Lond., 1868.] On the Nature of the Discoloration of the A. Seas. Edin., 1868. - M'Clixtock, Sir F. L. Fate of Sir John Franklin. The Vova^e of the " Fox " in the A. Seas, etc. Lond., 1869. - Franklin, J. Voyage aux cotes de la Mer Polaire . . . 1819-21. Eyries. Vol. VIII. - Parry, W. E. Voyage a la Mer Glaciale au nord de TAmerique, 1819-20. Eyries. Vol. VIII. - Beobachtimgen wegen des Eises in denen Meeren, welche an die Pole griinzen. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XVIII. - Eeisen . . . durch die Lena in das Eisnn er. . . . zu gehen. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XIX. - Miiller. Auszug aus . . . Eeisen und Entdcckungen langst den Kiisten des Eisraeeres, etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XX. E 50 Arctic Ocea7i — Arctic Regions. Arctic Ocean. — Kerguelen Tremarec, Von. Nacliricht von seiner Eeise in die 2\ord.see, 1767-68. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XXI. Sarytschew, G. Account of a Voyage . . . to . . . the Frozen Ocean . . . 1785. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. V. Parry, Capt. Letters written during the late Voyage . . . intheW.n A. Sea, 1819-20, etc. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. V. Arctic Regions. — Belcher, Sir E. The last of the A. Voyages, etc. FiTZ James, J. The last Journals of, of the lost Polar Expedition, etc. Briyhton. Petermanx, a. Historical Summary of the Five Years' Search after Sh J. Franklin, etc. ■ Phipps, C. J. Arctic Voyage . . . 1773. 1774. Barrow, Sir J. Chronological history of Voyages into the A. R,, etc. 1818. ScoRESBY, "W. Account of the A. E., etc. Edin., 1820. Fisher, A. A Journal of a Voyage ... to the A. R. ... in 1819- 20. 1821. ScoRESBY, W. Journal of a Voyage to the N.n Whale Fishery, etc. Edin., 1823. ■ Sabine, Major-Gen. E. Account of Experiments to deteiinine the figure of the Earth. . . . (Also ... a brief account of Capt. Clavering's Voyage to the A. R.) 1825. Arctic Expeditions. A. Expeditions from England, from 1497 to 1633. 1834. HuiSH, R. The last Voyage of Capt. Sir J. Ross, to the A. R., etc. louO. Ross, Capt. Sir J. Narrative ... of a Residence in the A. R. during 1829-33, etc. 1835. Back, Sir G. Narrative of the A. Laud Expedition to . . . Great Fish River, etc. 1836. Back, Sir G. Narrative of an expedition ... to ... the A. Shores, etc. 1838. • Baer, K. E. von. Sur la frequence des orages dans les re^iions Arctiques. St. Pet., 1839. Rafn, C. C. Americas Arctiske Landes gamle Geographic, etc. Kjoh., 1845. ■ Bakrow, Sir J. Voyages . . . within the A. R., from . . . 1818, etc. 1846. Rafn, C. C. Aperju de I'ancienne Geographic des Regions Arctiques de I'Amerique. Copenh., 1847. ■ Arctic Expeditions. A Collection of papers relative to the recent A. expeditions, etc. 1848-56. GooDsiR, R. A, Arctic Voyage to BafSn's Bay, etc. 1850. Kellet, H., and others. The A. Expedition of 1849, etc. 1850. Arctic Regmis. 51 ^^ Arctic Regions. — Scoresby, W. The Franklin Expedition ; or Conside- ratious ... for the discovery ... of our . . . Countrymen in the A. E. 1850. - Shillixglaw, J. J. Narrative of A. Discovery from the earliest jieriod, ttc. 1850. - Arctic Expeditions. A. Searching Es^^editions of 1850-51, etc. 1851. - EiCHARDSON, Sir J, Arctic Searching Expedition, etc. 1851. - Sxow, W. P. Voyage of the Prince Albert, in search of Sir J. Frauliliu, etc. 1851. - Force, P. Eemarks on the English Maps of A. Discoveries in 1850 and 1851. Wash., 1852. - Fraxklin, Sir J. Additional Papers relative to the A. Expedition, under Captain Austin, etc. 1852. - Fbaxklin, Sir J. Further Correspondence . . . connected with the A. Expedition, etc. 1852. - Franklin, Sir J. Eeport of the Committee appointed ... to inquire into the Eeport on the recent A. Expeditions in search of Sir J. F., etc. 1852. - Petermajstn, a. The Search for Franklin. A Suggestion, etc. Lond., 1852. - Sutherland, P. C. Journal of a Yoyage ... in 1850-51 ... in search of the Missing Crews, etc. 1852. - Hooper, W. H. Ten Months among . . . the Tuski, with ... an A. Boat Expedition, etc. 1853. - Inglefield, E. a. a Summer Search for Sir J. Franklin, etc. 1853. - Kane, E. K. The U. S. Griimell Expedition in search of Sir J. Franklin, etc. N. Y., 1853. - Seemann, B. Narrative of . . . Three Cruizes to the A. E., etc. 1853. - Franklin, Sir J. Papers relative to the recent A. Expeditions in search of Sir J. F., etc. 1854. - Irminger, C. Den Arctiske Stromning. 1854. - Malte-Brun, V. A. Coup-d'ceil d'ensemble sur les diflferentes Expe- ditions Arctiques, etc. Par., 1855. - Matne, F. Voyages ... in the A. E. 1855. - Kane, E. K. Arctic Explorations. The second Grinnell Expedition, etc. Phil, 1856. - Kennedy, W. A Short Narrative of the second voyage of the Prince Albert, in search of Sir J. Franklin. Lond., 1856. - Eae, J. Voyages and Travels of, in the A. E. Copy of a Letter, etc. 1856. - White, E. On the Open Water at the Great Polar Basin. 1856. - Armstrong, A. Personal Narrative of . . . travel ... in the A. E. etc. 1857. - M'Dougall, G. F. The Voyage of H.M. . . . Resolute ioi\\c A. V.., 1852-54:. 1857. E 2 5 2 Arctic Regmis — Argentine Republic. Arctic Regions. — Petersen, C. Erindringer fra Polarlandene . . . 1850-55, etc. Kjoh., 1857. • PiM, B. An Earnest Appeal to the British Public on behalf of the missing A. Expedition. 1857. Smucker, S. M. a. Explorations and Discoveries during the Nine- teenth century. N. Y. and Auburn, 1857. ■ • M'Clintock, F. L. Eeminiscences of A. Ice-Travel, etc. Bubl, 1859. The Voyage of the Fox in the A. Seas, etc. Lond., 1859. — Richardson, Sir J. Polar Eegions. [Art. from the Encyc. Brit.] Fdin., 1859. — Chaix, p. Explorations Arctiques, etc. 1860. — Hayes, I. J. Arctic Boat Journey in 1854, etc. 1860. — Malte-Brun. V. A. La Destine'e de Sir J. Franklin de'voilee. Rapport du Capit. Mac Clintock, etc. 1860. — OsBORN, S. The Career, last Voyage and fate of Sir J. Franklin. 1860. — Petersen, C. Den sidste Franklin-Expedition med Fox, etc. EJoh., I860. — Shaw, N. Introductory Notice to Dr. I. L. Hayes's " Boat Journey," with Lists of A. Expeditions and Works. 1860. — Snow, W. P. On the Lost Polar Expedition, etc. 1860. — Richardson, Sir J. The Polar Regions. Edin., 1861. — Heer, 0. Ueber die Polarliinder. Zurich, 1867. — Maupertius's Journey to the Polar Circle. Pinkerton. Vol. I. — Fisher, A. Journal of a Voyage ... to the A, R., 1818, etc. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. I. — See also Arctic Ocean — Esquimaux — Greenland — North Pole — Spitzbergen — Wellington Channel. — Seas. — See Arctic Ocean. Ardennes. — Joanne, A. Collection des Guides- Joanne. ... A., etc. Par., 1868. Ardra.— D'Elbee, Sieur. Voyage to A. ... in 1GG9-70, Astley. Vol. 111. Ardrah. — See Ardra. Arecan. — See Arracan. Areqilipa. — Raimondi, A. Analisis de las . . . Aguas potables de A. Areq., 1864. , Volcano of. — Rouaud y Paz Soldan, M. Estudio sobre la Altura de las Montauas aplicado especialmente al Misti o Volcan de A. Lima, 1868. Argentiera. — Sibthorp, Dr. Voyage ... A., etc. Walpole, R. Travels, (■I.e. Argentine Confederation. — See Argentine Republic. . Republic. — Angelis, P. de. Memoria . . . sobre los derechos de Soberania . . . de la Confederacion Argentina, a la parte Austral del Continente Americano, etc. Buen. Aires, 1852. Argentine Republic. c^t^ Argentine Republic— Graty, A. M. du. Me'moire sur les productions minerales de la Confederation Argentine. Par., 1855. Hopkins, E. A. Memoria . . . proveyendo los medios de disponer de las tierras publicas de la Confederacion Argentina, etc. Buen. Ay., 1857. Alberdi, J. B. Organizacion de la Confederacion Argentina. Besanzon, 1858. PacxE, T. J. La Plata, the A. Confederation, etc. N. Y., 1859. MoussY, V. M. de. Description Ge'ographique . . . de la Confedera- tion A. Par., 1860-64. • • Argentine Eailway. Central A. Eailway, etc. 1863. Argentine Eepublic. Eeglamentos de Policia Maritima . . . de la Nacion Arjentina. Btien. A., 1863. ■ Perkins, G. Las Colonias de Santa Fe . . . Con observaciones generales sobre la EmigTacion a la Eepublica Argentina, etc. Piosario de S. F., 1864. Hutchinson, T. J. Buenos Ayres and A. Gleanings, etc. Bond., 1865. Argentine Eepublic. Rejistro estadfstico de la Eepublica Arjen- tina. 1864, 65. Buen. A., 1865-67. Argentine Eailway. Terrenos cedidos . . . con destino a la venta permuta de los que ban de expropiarse para ceder a la Empresa del Ferro-Carril Central Argentine, etc. 1866. Argentine Eepublic. La Eepublica Argentina, sus Colonias Afrrf- colas, etc. Buen. A., 1866. Ford, F. C. A. E. Reports, etc. Buen. Ay., 1866. Lacroze, J. Los Ferro-Carriles econ6micos y el Porvenir de la Ee- publica Argentina. Btcen. Air., 1866. Argentine Eailway. Central A. Railroad. Eeport, etc. Bond., 1867. Argentine Republic. Anuario de Correos de la Republica Arjen- tina. Biie77. A., 1867. Argentine Republic. Datos OiBciales. La Eepublica Arjentina. Poblacion, etc. Par., 1867. Granel, J. Discursos pronunciados en el Senado Argentine en la discusion del Proyecto para fijar la Capital de la Nacion. Buen. Aires, 1867. Labrador Argentino, El. Eevista de Agricultura, etc, Buen. Air., 1867. Johnson, H. C. E. A Long Vacation in the A. Alps, etc. Bond., 1868. PoucEL, B. Eapport sur le Eejistro Estadistico do la Eepublique Argentine. Marseille, 1868. Argentine Eepublic. Letters concerning the country of the A. K'., etc. Bond., 1869. EiCKARD, F. J. The Mineral and other Resources of the A. E. . . . in 1869. Lo7id., 1870. 54 -^ rgentine Rep ublic — A rnicn ia . Argentine Republic. — See also Buenos Aykes — La Plata. Argolis. — Sibthorp, Dr. Journal relating to . . . A., etc. Walpole, E. Travels, etc. ArgU.in. — Hoxet, "W. Narrative of . . . Captivity ... on the Island of A., etc. Loud., 1845. Relation concerning the Estate of the Island and Castle of A. . . . 1491. Haklutt. Vol. III. Arguri. — Abich, H. Geognostische Eeise zum Ararat imd Verschiittnng des Thales von A. Berlin. Arizona. — Mowrt, S. The Geography and Resources of A., etc. San F. and N. T., 1863. Arkansa, River. — See Arkansas. Arkansas. — Peck, J. M. Guide for Emigrants to ... A., etc. Bost., 1836. !Makcoxj, J. Geology of North America ; with Reports on the Prairies of A., etc. Zurich, 1858. Owen, D. D. Reports of a Geological Reconnoissance of ... A., made during 1857-60. Little Bock and Phil, 1858-60. Schoolcraft, H. R. Journal of a Tour into the Interior of ... A. . . . 1818, 19. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. IV. See also Fort Smith. River. — Abert, Lieut. J. W. Report of an expedition on the Upper A., etc. Wash., 1846. Emory, W. H. Notes of a Military Reconnoissance . . . including parts of the A., etc. A". Y., 1848. Pike. Voyage . . . aus sources de I'A. . . . 1805-7. Eyries. Vol. IX. Arkansaw. — See Arkansas. Arkhangel. — ^ee Archangel. Armagh. — Coote, Sir C. Statistical Survey of the County of A., etc. T)"hJ., 1804. Armenia. — Koch, C. Erlauterungen zur Karte des . . . Armeniens. Berlin. iloRiER, J. Journey through ... A. ... in 1808-9. 1812. KiNN'EiR, J. M. Journey thi'ough ... A. ... in 1813-14, etc. 1818. MoRiER, J. A Second Journey through . . . A., etc. Land., 1818. Jaubert, p. a. Voyage en Armenie . . . 1805 et 1806, etc. Par., 1821. Porter, Sir R. K. Travels in . . . A., etc. Lond., 1821, 22. Chamich, M. History of A., etc. Calc, 1827. ■ Stocqueler, J. H. Fifteen Months' Pilgrimage through ... A., etc. 1832. Price, W. Journal of Travels of the British Embassy to . . . A., etc. 1833. A rme7iia — A rracan. 5 5 Armenia. — Smith, E. and Dwight, H. G. 0, Missionary Eesearclies in A., etc. 1834. MoxTPEREUX, F. D. DE. Vojage . . . en . . . Armenie, etc. Par., 1839. • AiNswoBTH, "W. F. Travels ... in .. A. 1842. Hamiltox, W. J. Eesearcb&s in . . . A., etc. 1842. La YARD, A. H. Discoveries . . . with Travels in A., etc. 1853. CuRZON, Hon. R. a., etc. 1854. ViNCKE, and others. Memoir iiber die Constniction der Karte von . . . Turkisch Armenian, etc. ■ Berl., 1854. Petachia, Rabbi. Travels of; who, in the . . . Twelfth Century visited ... A., etc. 1856. • Sandwith, H. Narrative of . . . Travels in A., etc. 1856. Abich, H. Ueber das Steinsalz . . . im Eussischen Armenien. St. Pet., 1857. Tchihatcheff, p. de. Etudes sur la Vegetation des Hautes-^Ion- tagnes . . . de I'Armenie. Par., 1857. Alishan, E. L. M. Physiographie de 1' Armenie. Ven., 1861. Strecker, W. Topographische Mittheilungen iiber Hoch-A. Berl., 1861. ■ Cartwright, J. The Preacher's Travels . . . through ... A., etc. Churchill. Vol. VII. Odoricus, Frier B. Voyage to . . . A. . . . about 1325. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Chardin, Sir J. Travels . . . through ... A. 1672. Harris, J. Vol. II. ■ Jackson, J. Journey . . . in 1797, through . . . K.,etc. Pelham. Vol. II. Of the Armenians . . . and of their Eeligions. Purchas. Vol. V. Eauwolf, L. Journey into . . . A., etc. Eay, J. Jordan ou Jourdain Catalani, P. Mirabilia descripta, sequitur de A., etc. Voyages and Travels. Recueil, etc. Vol. IV. Arno, River. — Belloni, A. Memoria idrometrica sopra il Fiume A. Ven., 1778. Cialdi, a. Sulnuovo emissario del Lago di Bientina e sulla Botte sotto I'A. Boma, 1857. Arpino. — Kelsall, C. Classical Excursion from Rome to A. Geneva, 1820. Classical Excursion irom Rome to A., 1820. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. IV. Arracan. — Relation des Royaumes de . . . Arecan, par wilhcm Methold, dc. Tiievenot. Vol. I. Ovington, J. Beschreibung des Konigreichs A. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. X. Schouten, G. Reisen nach . . . A. . . . 1658-65. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XII. 56 A rraka7i — A sia. Arrakan. — See Areacan. Arran, Island of [Scotland]. — Headrick, J. View of tlie Mineralogy . . . of the Island of A., etc. Edin., 1807. , Islands of [Ireland.] — Haverty, M. The A. Isles, etc. Dull, 1859. Arsina. — Willonc;hby, Sir H. Voyage, wherein he . . . perished at A. Keca in Lapland, 1653. Hakluyt. Vol. 1. Aruba. — Eeinwardt, C. G. C. Waarnemingen aangaande de gestelheid van den Grond van het Eiland A., etc. Arun. — Thorne, J. Eambles by Kivers ; the . . . A., etc. 1847- Arzina. — See Arsina. Asam. — 'See Assam. Aschaffenburg. — Herrlein, A. vok. A. und seine Umgegend, etc. Aschaff., 1S57. Asele-Lappmark. — Ehrenmalm, A. Eeise . . . nach der L. A. . . . 1741. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XIX. Asem. — 'S'ee Assam. Aserada, River.— ^See Volta. Asfi. — See Saffi. Ashango Land. — Du Chaillu, P. B. A Journey to A.-L., etc Lond., 1867. Ashantee. — Bowditch, T. E. Mission from Cape Coast Castle to A., etc. 1819. — HuTTOiT, W. Voyage ... to A. in 1820, etc. 1821. Dupuis, J. Journal of a Residence in A., eS., 1819. Murray, H. Historical Account of discoveries and travels in A., etc. Edinb., 1820. East India. Papers respecting the cultivation of Sugar in . . . parts of A., etc. 1822. Klaparoth, J. A. Polyglotta, Sprachatlas. Par., 1823. Memoires relatifs a I'Asie, etc. Par., 1824. ■ Magasin A.tique, ou Revue Gdographique, etc. Par., 1825. Abundell, F. V. J. A visit to the Seven Churches of A., etc. 1828. • Klapaboth, J. Memoires relatifs a I'Asie, etc. Par., 1828. Ibn Batuta, Travels of [in A., 1324-5], etc. Or. Trans. Fund, 1829. Williams, J. Two Essays on the Geography of Ancient A., etc. 1829. Humboldt, A. von. Fragmens de Geologic et de Climatoiogie Asiatiques. Par., 1831. Bebghaus, H. a., etc. Gotha, 1832-35. Martin, R. M. Statistics of the Colonies ... in ... A., etc. Lond., 1839. Baer, K. E. von, and Helmersen, Count von. Bcitragie zur Kenntnissdes Kussischeu Reiches uud der augriiiizenden Liiudcr Asious. -SY.PeM839-58. Russegger, J. Reisen in . . . Asien, etc. Stuttj., 1841. Ternaux-Compans, H. Biblioth^ne Asiatique et Afiicnine, etc. Par., 1841. 58 Asia. Asia. — VoLTER, D. Die Gmudlinien der mathematischen Geographie . . . von . . . Asien, Esslinyen, 1841. ■ ZiMMERMANN, C. Geograpliisclie Analyse der Karte von Inner- Asien, etc. Berl, 1841. ■ ■ Der Kriegs-Schauplatz in Inner-Asien, etc. Berl., 1842. RiTTER, C. Uebcr die Asiatische Heimat, etc. Berl., 1844. Paravey, Chev. de. Refutation de I'opinion emise par M. Jomrad que les peuples d'Ame'rique n'ont jamais eu aucun rapport avec ceux de I'Asie. Far., 1849. Christmas, H. Shores and Islands of the Mediterranean, including a visit to the Seven Churches of A. 1851. Duncan, C. Campaign with the Turks in A. 1855. • Balfour, E. Cyelopajdia of . . . E. n and S. n A., etc. Madras, 1857. Kiepert, H. Uber die Persische Kbnigsstrasse durch Vorderasien nach Herodotus. Berl., 1857. Brown, Sir R. European and Asiatic Intercourse, etc. 1858. Schlagintweit, H., a. and R. de. Results of a Scientific Mission to . . . High A. . . . between . . . 1854 and 1858, etc. Leipz. and Lond., 1861-63. Benjamin, J. B. Eight Years in A., etc. Hanov., 1863. Neumann, C F. Geschichte des Englischen Reiches in Asien. Leipzig, 1867. RiTTER, C. [Geography of Asia, etc.'] Bvss. \_8t. Ptt^ 1867. Hunter, W. W. A Comparative Dictionary of the (Non-Aryan) Languages of India and High A., etc. Land., 1868. Catalogues. A Catalogue of Maps of the British Possessions in India and other parts of A. Lond., 1870. Johnston, A. K. Atlas of the British Empire in . . . A. . . . with . , . letterpress. Edin. and Lond. [1870.] Smith, Capt. J. True Travels ... in ... A. ... from 1592 to 1629. Churchill. Vol. II. Biddulph, W. Travels of four Englishmen . . . into . . . A. . . . in 1600 and 1611. Churchill. Vol. VII. Ussher, Abp. J. Geographical and historical disquisition touching . . . A., etc. Churchill. Vol. VII. Voyages en Asie. Japon. Eyries. Vol. XII. Constantine, the Great. Voyage to ... A. ... 339. Hak- luyt. Vol. II. — Richard I. Famous Voyage into A. for the recovering of Jerusalem . . . 1190. Hakluyt. Vol II. Robert, Ketensis. Voyage to . . . A., 1143. Hakluyt. Vol. II. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the . . . ctistomes , . . of . . . Affricke and Asie, 1555. Hakluyt. Vol. V. Benjamin, Rabbi. Travels through ... A. ... 1160-1173. Harris, J. Vol. I. Asia — Asia, Central. 59 Asia. — Marco Polo. The curious . . . Travels of, in the middle of the Xlllth century through a great part of A., etc. Harris, J, Vol. I. Thevenot, J. Account of several . . . Cities in A. ... 1656. Harris, J. Vol. II. Asie. Laharpe, J. Vol. III. E. n and N. n A. Europe. Latham, E. G. Descriptive Ethnology. Vol. I. Possessions in A. Martin, E. M. History of the British Colonies. Vol. I. Bell's Travels in A. Pinkerton. Vol. VII. Noticia summaria do Gentilismo da A. Portugal. Collecfao de Noticias, etc. Vol. I. Benjamin, the Son of Jonas. Peregrination of . . , and relations of ... A., etc. Purchas. Vol. II. Collections of A. ... gathered out of an Arabike booke . . . written by a Nubian, 470 yeeres ago, etc. Purchas. Vol. II. Smith, Capt. J. Travels ... on the Sea Coasts of ... A. ... about 1596. Purchas. Vol. II. Barkley, G. Travels ... in ... A. ... 1605. Purchas. Vol. III. - Historic of Ay ton, or Anthonie the Armenian, of A., etc. Purchas. Vol. III. - Ovingtou, J. Eeise ... in ... A. ... 1690-93. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. X. - Engel. Nachrichten . . . iiber die Lage der mitternachtlicheu Lander von A., etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XIX. - Jordan, ou Jourdain Catalani, P. Description des Merveilles d'une partie de I'Asie, etc. Voyages and Travels. Eecueil, etc. Vol. IV. - See also East. - Central.— Humboldt, A. von. Asie Centrale. Eecherches, etc. Far., 1843. Mahlmann, W. Erganzungen zu A. von Humboldt's Central-Asien. Bcrl, 1844. Khanikoff, J. and Tolstoi, P. List of Positions in the S. W. n Parts of C. A. determined astronomically. Ituss. St. Pet., 1850. Atkinson, T. W. Oriental . . . Siberia . . , Adventures in ... C. A. 1858. Saint-Martin, V. pe. M^moire analytique sur la Carte de I'Asie Centrale . . . construite . . . pour les Voyages de Hiouen- Thsang, 629-645. Far., 1858. Khanikoff, N. de. Me'moire sur la Partie Moridionale de I'Asie Centrale. Far., 1861. Davies, E. H. Central A. Report, etc. 1864. 6o Asia, Central — Asia Minor. Asia, Central. — YAiiBERT, A, Travels in C. A., etc. Lond., 1864. East. — IxDiAN Abchipelago, Journal of the and E.n A. Singapore, 1847-58. Balfotjb, E. The Timber Trees ... of E. ... A. Madras, 1862. PiEiXAUD, M. Relations politiques et commerciales de I'Empire Romain avec I'Asie Orientale . . . pendant les cinq premiers siecles, etc. Par., 1863. Asia, East. Die Preussische Expedition nach Ost-Asien, etc. Berl, 1866, 67. Bastiax, a. Die Voelker des Oestlichen Asien, etc. Leipz., 1866-67. Camper, M. de N. dn. Piemarques sur . . . plusieurs etablissemens des Europeens dans I'Asie Orientale, 1821-25. Eyries. Vol. XII. Joctans posteritie seated in the E. parts of A., etc. Pur- CHAS. Vol. I. , North.. — Pallas, P. S. Voyages . . . dans I'Asie Septentrionale, etc. " Par., 1789-93. , Russian. — Vex yukov, M. [Travels on the Confines of E. A., e/c] Buss. St. Pet., 1868. , Soutll. — Baxfour, E. The Timber Trees ... of ... S. A. Madras, 1862. Dalrymple, a. Jlemoir of a Chart of the Passages at tlie S. Extremity of A. Dalrymple, A. Collection of Is autical Memoirs, etc. , West. — Eenxell, J. Treaties on the Comparative Geography of \Y.n A. 1831. ■ Hagemeister, J. DE. Essai sur les ressources . . . de I'Asie Occidentale, etc. St. Pet., 1839. Lopes de Lima, J. J. Ensaios sobre a Statistica das Pos- sessoes Portuguezas . . . na A. Cccidental, etc. Lisboa, 1844-62. Gerstfeldt, Heer, Der Verkehr Eusslands mit West- asien. [1862.] Engel, C. The ihisic of the most ancient Nations . . . with special reference to recent discoveries in W. n A., etc. Lond., 1864. Asia Minor. — Dapper. Naukeurige Beschryving van . . . Klein Asie, etc. Arnst., 1680. ■ — Lucas, P. Voyage de, dans I'Asie Minem-e, etc. Par., 1712. Pococke, E. Description of ... A. ^1., etc. 1743-45. Griffiths, J. Travels in ... A. M., etc. 1805. MoBiER, J. Journey through . . . A. M. ... in 1808-9. 1812. Chandler, E. Travels in A. M., etc. 1817. Beaufort, F. Karamania ; or a . . . description of the S. Coast of A. M., etc. 1818. Asia Minor. 6i Asia Minor. — Kinneir, J. M. Journey tbrough A. M. ... in 1813-14, etc. 1818. MoniER, J. A Second Journey through . . . A. M., etc. Lond., 1818. - Irby, Hox. C. L., and Maxgles, J. Travels in ... A. M. ... 1817 and 1818. 1823. - Leake, W. M. Journal of a Tour in A. M., etc. 1824. - Alexander, Sir J. E. Travels . . . through ... A. M., etc. 1827. - Prokesch, a. von. Erinneruugeu aus . . . Kleinasien. Wien, 1829-30. - Ke^pel, Hon. G. Xarrativeof. . . a visit to . . . newly-discovered Paiins in A. M., etc. Lond., 1831. - Cramer, J. A. Geographical . . . description of A. M. Oxford, 1832. - Price, W. Journal of Travels of the British Embassy . . . through . . . A. M., etc. 1833. - Artjndell, F. V. J. Discoveries in A. M., ttc. 1834. - Smith, E., and Dwight, H. G. 0. Missionary Researches ... in- cluding a Journey through A. M., etc. 1834. - Bartlett, W. H. Syria ... A. M., etc. 1836-38. - NiEBUHR, C. Pieisebeschrelbung . . . durch Kleinasien, etc. Eamh., 1837. - Fellows, Sir C. Journal . . . during an excursion in A. M. 1839. - Franz, J. Flinf Inschrifteu imd fiinf Stadte in Kleinasien. Berl, 1840. - Murray. Hand-Book for Travellers in . . . A. M., etc. Load., 1840. - AiNSwoRTH, W. F. Travels ... in A. M., etc. 1842. - Hamilton, W. J. Piesearches in A. M., etc. 1842. - Struve, F. G. W. Astronomische Ortsbestimmungen in . . . Klein- Asien. tit. Pet., 1845. - Saint-Martin, V. de. Histoire des decouvertes geographiques des Nations Europeennes . . . Vols. II. III. Asie Mineure. Par., 1845-6. - BiANCONi, J. J. De Mari olini occupante planities et colics . . . Asia3 Minoris, etc. Bonon., 1846-52. - TcHiHATCHEFF, P. DE. Notice of Eesearches in A. M. 1849. - TcHiHATCHEFF, P. de. L'Asie Mineure et I'Empirc Ottoman, e'tat actuel, etc. Par., 1850. - Fellows, Sir C. Travels and Researches in A. M., etc. 1852. - Neale, F, a. Eight Years in ... A. M., etc. 1852. - TCHIHATCHEFF, P. de. Asie Miueure : description phvsiqne, e/c. Par., 1853-60. Lettre sur Ics Antiquites de I'xVsic Mineure, etc. Par., 1854. - ViNCKE and others. Memoir iiber die Construction der Karte von Klein-Asien, etc. Berl., 1854. 62 A si a Mhior — A ssassins. Asia Minor. — Tchihatcheff, P. de. Etudes sur la Vegetation des Hautes Moutagnes de I'Asie-Mineure, etc. Par., 1857. Texier, C, and Pullan, R. P. The Principal Ruins of A. M. illustrated and described. Lond., 1865. ■ ■ Weakley, R. H. Narrative of a Journey into the Interior of A. M. 1867. Odoricus, Frier B. Voyage to A. M. ... about 1325. Hakluyt. Vol II. - Of the . . . Ancient Inhabitants of A. M. and of their Religions. PURCHAS. Vol. V. - Wheeler, Sir G. Plants observed in his Voyage to . . . A. M. Ray, J. - Collins, F. Voyages to ... A. M., etc., 1796-1801. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc., 1805. Vol. X. Voyages to ... A. M., etc., 1796-1801. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1810. Vol. VI, Browne, W. G. Journey . . . through A. M. . . . 1802. Wal- pole, R. Travels, etc. Cockerell, Mr. Letter respecting the . . . Sepulchral Monuments and Inscriptions discovered by him on the S.n Coast of A. M. Wal- POLE, R. Travels, etc. Leake, Col. Journey through ... A, M. in 1800. Walpole, R. Travels, etc. Remarks on the . . . Geography of parts of A. M. Wal- pole, R. Travels, etc. See also Anatolia. Asiatic Mediterranean.— 'See Carpentaria, Gulf of. Asie Turque. — See Turkey, Asiatic. Asof, Asoph.— /See Azov. Asowsches Meer.— -See Azov, Sea of. Assada. — Everard, E. Relation of three years' sufferings upon the Coast of A., etc. Churchill. Vol. VI. Assam. — Berghaus, H. Asia . . . Memoir zur Erklarung . . . der redu- zirten Karte von ... A,, etc. Gotha, 1832-35. • Assam. A. : Sketch of its History, etc. Lond., 1839. Robinson, W. Descriptive Account of A., etc. Calc, 1841. Assam. A sketch of A., etc. 1847. Griffith, W. Journals of Travels in A., etc. Calc, 1847. Butler, J. Travels and Adventures in ... A. 1855. Medlicott, H. B. The Coal of A., etc. 1865. Jenkins, H. L. Notes on the Burmese Route from A. to the Hoo- koong Valley. 1869. Tavernier. Reisen nach . . . Asem, 1652. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. X. Assassins.— Walpole, Hon. F. The Ansayrii and the A., etc. 1851. Asserbo — Athens. 63 Asserbo. — Frederick VII., Kixg of Denmark. Vestiges d'A. et de Soborjr, decouverts par . . . Frederic VII., ttc. Copenh., 1855. Assinee. — Loyer, G. Abstract of a Voyage to Issini ... in 1701, etc. ASTLEY. Vol. IT. Kurze Nacbricht von einer Seefabrt nach Issini, 1701. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. III. Assiniboine.— HiXD, H. Y. Narrative of the A. . . . Exploring Expedi- tion of 1858. 1858. Dawson, S. J. Keport on . . , tbe Country between . . . the Red River iSettlement, and , . . the A., etc. Toronto, 1859. ASSOS.— Himt, Dr. Journey . . . Ruins of A., 1799. Walpole, R. Me- moirs, etc. Assumpcao. — Schnirdel, H. Travels, from 1534-54 . . . March from Assumption into Peru, Purchas. Vol. IV. Assumption. — See AssumpcIo. , Isle of. — See Anticosti. Assyria. — Dapper. Naukeurige Beschryving van ... A., etc. Amst., 1680. Buckingham, J. S, Travels in A., etc. 1830. AiNSWORTH, W. F. Researches in A., etc. 1838. • • Lowenstern, I. On the A.n Inscriptions. Par., 1847. ■ ■ Fletcher, J. P. Notes . . . and Travels in . . . A., etc. 1850. — Rawlinson, Sib H. C. Outlines of A.n History, etc. 1852. Petachia, Rabbi. Travels of; who, in the . . . Twelfth Century visited ... A., etc. 1856. Cartwright, J. Tbe Preacher's Travels . . . through . . . A., etc, Churchill. Vol. VII. ■ Of tbe . . . Regions and Religions of . . . A., etc. Purchas. Vol. V. Rauwolf L. Journey into A., etc. Ray, J. Astrakhan. — Keppel, Hon. G. Personal Narrative of a Journey from India ... by ... A., etc. 1827. ■ PoTOCKi, Count J. Voyage dans les Steps d'A., etc. Far., 1829. Asuncion.— >See Assumpcao. Atagama. — Memobia . . . de la provincia de A. . . . dando cuenta de todos los Ramos de la Administracion. Copiapo, 1854. Atbara. — Bellefonds, L. de. L'Etbaye, pays habite par les Arabes Bicharieh, etc. Paris. Linant, M. Journal . . . Description of a Journey across the Province of A., etc. 1828. Athens. — AVilkins, W. Atheniensia, or Remarks on ... A. 1816. Leake, W. M. The Topography of A., etc. Land., 1821. Stuart, J. and Revett, R. The Antiquities of A., etc. 1825-33. PiTTAKYS, K. S. L'Ancienne Athenes, etc. Athimcs, 1835. GiFFARD, E. A Short Visit to ... A., etc. Lond., 1837. Fokchhammer, p. W. Toi^ographie von Athen, Kiel, 1841. 64 Athens — Atlantic Ocean. Athens. — Sommer, J. A. Eej^ertoire analytique . . . pour la Carte d'AtLenes et ses euvirons publiee en 1841. Munich, 1841. ■ BoKRER, D. A Journey from Naples to Jerusalem, by way of A., etc. 1845. Penrose, F. C. On certain Anomalies in the construction of the Parthenon, A, 1847. Ulrichs, H. N. Topography of the Harbours ... of A., etc. 1847. Erigen, J. Voyage to A., in 885. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Erigena, J. Travels to A., in the ninth century. Kerr. Vol. I. Hawkins, Mr. On the Topography of A., etc. Walpole, R. Me- moirs, etc. ■ Haygarth, W. Panoramic View of A. illustrated. Walpole, R. Memoirs, etc. Athiopien. — See Ethiopia. Athos, Mount. — Tozer, H. F. Researches . . . including Visits to Mounts . . . A., etc. Loncl, 1869. Belon, Mr. Remarks in . . . Greta . . . Description of Mount Athos, commonly called Monte Santo, etc. Ray, J. Hunt, Dr. Mount A. An accoimt, e Austria. — Trommsdorff, J. B. Pharmacopoeia Austriaca. Wien, 1818. Austrian Monarchy. Umriss vouder OesterreichischenMonarchif', etc. Leip., 1834. Gross, A. J. Handbuch fiir Eeisende durch die Osterreichische Monarchie, etc. Munich, 1834. __ ScHMiDL, A. A. R. von Jenny's Handbuch fiir Eeisende in dem Osterreicbisc'ieu Kaiserstaate. Wien, 1834-36. Das Kaiserthum Oesterreich. Die gefiirstete Grafscbaft Tirol mit Vorarlberg. Stuttg., 1837. Elliott, C. B. Travels in A., etc. 1838. ScHMiDL, A. A. Das Kaisertbum Oesterreich. Das Erzherzostbum Oesterreich mit Salzburg, etc. Stuttg., 1838, 39. SoMMER, J. G. Das Kaiserthum Oesterreich, geograpbisch- statis- tisch dargestellt. " Prag., 1839. — Kohl, J. G. A. Vienna, etc. Lond., 1844. CoDEMO, G. Descrizione . . . della Monarchia Austriaca, etc. Ven., 1845. Balbi, E. L'A. e le primarie Potenze. ilM., 1846. Haidinger, W. Bericht liber die geognostische Uebersichts- Karte der Oesterreichiscben Monarchie. Wien, 1847. Pa ton, a. a. Highlands ... of the Adriatic, including the S. Provinces of the A. n Empire. 1849. • • ScHMiDL, A. A. Handbuch der Geographic des Osterreicbiscben Kaiserstaates. Wien, 1850. Spencer, E. Travels in European Turkey . . . with ... a home- ward Tour through . . . the Slavonian Provinces of A. on the Lower Danube. 1851. Barrow, J. Tour . . . through ... A., etc. 1853. Repertoire de Cartes (A.) publie par ITnstitut Royal des Ingenieurs Neerlandais. La Haye, 1854. ScHMiDL, A. A. Die OesteiTeichischen Hohlen, etc. Pest, 1858. — - — — SoNKLAR, K. von. GrundzUge einer Hyetographie des Osterreicb- iscben Kaiserstaates. . Wien, I860. CzoERiNG, Baron C. von. Die Vertheilung der Voelkerstaemme und deren Gruppen, in der Oesterreichiscben Monarchie, etc. Wien, 1861. Browne, E. Voyage ... to Holland, with a Journey . . . through A. . . . 1668. Harris, J. Vol. II. Kiittner, C. G. Travels through . . . A. . . . 1798-99. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. I. Lower. — Weiskern, F. W. Topographic von Niederosterreicb. Wien, 1770. Austrian Netherlands.— 5'ee Netherlands, Austrian. Auura. — Kulczycki, A. Determination des Longitudes . . . Observations pour ... A., etc. Par., 1851. Auvergne. — Costei.lo, L. S. A Pilgrimage to A., etc. 1842. 74 Ava — Azores. Ava. — Symes, M. Account of an Embassy to ... A. in 1795. 1800. Ava. Two Years in A., etc. Lond., 1827. Crawfurd, J. Journal of an Embassy to A. . . . in 1827, efc. 1829. Pembertox, R. B. Report . . . with ... a supplement by Dr. Bayfield, on the British Political Relations with A. Calc, 1835. ■ Yule, H. Narrative of Major Phayre's Mission to . . . A., etc. Calc, 1856. • Narrative of the Mission . . . to . . , A., in 1855, etc. 1858. Symes, M. Account of an Embassy to , . . A., in 1795. Pelham. Vol II. ■ Syme's Embassf' to A. Pinkerton. Vol. IX. Avignon. — Guerin, J. Mesures Barometriques . . . et . . . Precis de la Meteorologie d'A. Avign., 1829. Aylesbury. — Smyth, Admikal W. H. Notice of certain Relics found near A., etc. 1859. Azach. — See Azov. Azaffi. — See Saffi. Azani. — Keppel, Hox. G. Narrative of ... a visit to A., etc. Lond., 1831. Azania. — See Ajak. Azmaveth. — Newbold, T. J. On the Site of . . . A., etc. Azmeer, Azmere.— >S'ee Ajmere. Azoff, Sea of. — See Azov. Azores. — Bartholomew, D. E. Voyage to the . . . Western Islands. 1819. Bullae, J. and H. Winter in the A., etc. 1841. Kerhallet, C. p. de. Description de I'Archipel des Afores. Par., 1858. Burrough, Sir J. Cruising Voyage to the A. in 1592, etc. Astley. Vol. I. Flicke, R. Cruising Voyage to the A. in 1591. Astley. Vol. I. Wright, E. Cruising Voyage to the A. in 1589, by the Earl of Cumberland. Astley. Vol. I. Cumberland, Earle of. Voyage to the A., 1589. Hakluyt. Vol. 11. Raleigh, Sir W. Voyage to the A in 1586. Hakluyt. Vol.11. Voyage ... to ... the A., 1591. Reported by R. Flick. Hak- luyt. Vol. II. Burrough, Sir J. Cruising Voyage to the A., 1592. Kerr. Vol. VII. Cumberland, Earl of. Cruising Voyage to the A,, 1589, Kerb, Vol. VII. Evesham, J. Cruising Voyage to!the A, . . , 1586. Kerr. Vol. VII. Flicke, R. Report of a Cruizing Voyage to the A. in 1591, etc. Kerr. Vol. VII. A zores — Babylon . 7 5 Azores. — Cumberland, Earl of. Voyage to the A. Pinkertox. Vol. I. Essex, Earle of. Relation of the Voyage to the lies of A., 1597. PURCHAS. Vol. IV. Gorges, Sir A. Larger relation of the said Hand Voyage [A.] 1597. PuRCHAS. Vol.lv. Linschoten. Description of the . . A. or the Flemish Hands, etc. PURCHAS. Vol. IV. »See also Ftjrnas, Azov. — Barbaro, J. Travels from Venice to Tanna, now called Asof, 1436. Kerr. Vol. I. Pegoletti. Itinerary between A. and Chinaj 1355. Kerr. Vol. I. ■ Barbaro, J. Viaggio della Tana . . . 1436-87. Eamusio. Vol. II. -Sea of. — Black Sea. A Geographical . . , account of the Russian Ports of . . . the Sea of Asoph, ttc. 1837. Dakoxdeau, M. B. Tableau Ge'ne'ral des Phares et Fanaux des Cotes . . . de la Mer d'Azoff. Par., 1852. Cloue, G. C. Eenseignements hydrographiques sur la Mer d'Azof. :Bar., 1856. Mediterranean. The Lighthouses of the . . . Sea of A. Corrected to 1856. 1856. — Mediterranean. The Lights of the . . . Sea of A. Corrected to 1857, 58, 59. 1857-59. Dtjnsterville, E. The Admiralty List of the Lights of the . . . Sea of A. Corrected to 1860, 61, 62. 1860-62. Baer, K. E. von. tjber das behauptete Seichter-Werdcn des Asowschen Meeres. 1861. ■ Gras, M. a. le. Phares de . . . la Mer d'Azof . . . Corrig^s 1862, 63. Par., 1862, 63. Helmersen, G. von. Zur Frage iiber das behauptete Seich- terwerden des Asow'schen Meeres. 1867. B. Baalbec— Richardson, R. Travels ... as far as .. . B., etc. Loml, 1822. Hogg, J. On the supposed Scriptural names of B., etc. 1862. An Account of the Ruins of B., the ancient Heliopolis, etc. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. XI. BabeL — Mignan, R. Travels . . . with Observations on the Sites of B., etc. 1829. Beke, C. T. On the Non-identity of Babylon and B. 1836. Babylon. — Martyr, P. De rebus Oceanicis . . . decades tres. Item . . . de B. ica Legatione, lib. III., etc. Colonice, 1574. Maurice, T. Observations ... on the Ruins of B., etc. 1816. Buckingham, J. S. Travels . . . with Researches on the Ruins of . . . B., etc. 1827. 76 Babylon — Baden. Babylon. — Keppel, Hon. G. Personal Narrative of a Journey from India . . . by . . . the Euins of B., etc. 1827, MiGXAN, E. Travels . . . including a Journey from Bussorah to . . B., etc. 1829 Rennell, J. The Geographical System of Hercdotus examined . . with dissertations on . . . Ancient B., etc. 1830 Beke, C. T. On the . . . Non-identity of B. and Babel. 1836 Latard, a. H. Discoveries in the Euins of . . . B., etc. 1853 Eldred, J. Voyage ... to B. ... 1583. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Babylonia. — Dapper. Naukeurige Beschryving van . . . B., etc. Amst., 1680. Eennell, J. Illustrations ... of the Expedition of Cjtus ... to B., etc. 1816. Porter, Sir R. K. Travels in . . . Ancient B., etc. Lond., 1821, 22. AiNSwoRTH, W. F. Researches in . . . B., etc. 1838. Beke, C. T. On the Alluvia of B., etc. 1839. Of . . . the Regions and Religions of B., etc. Purchas. Vol. V. Bacola. — See Bakdx. Bactria. — RiTTER, C. Die Stupa's oder die Architektonischen Denkmale an der grossen Konigsstrasse zwischen Indien . . . und Baktrien. Berlin. Lassen, C. Zur Geschichte der Griechischen und Indo-skythischen Konige in Baktrien, etc. Bonn, 1838. RiTTER, C. Stupa's (Topes) oder die Architectonischen Denkmale an der Indo-Baktrischen Konigstrasse, etc. Berl., 1838. • Reinaud, M. Relations Politiques et Commercials de I'Empire Romain avec ... (la Bactriane) pendant les cinq premiers siecles, etr. Par., 1863. Jenkinson, A. Voyage from . . . Mosco ... to Boghar in B. HAKiUTT. Vol. I. Badakhshan. — Wood, J. Personal Narrative of a Journey to the Source of the . . . Oxus, by ... B. 1841. Badamee. — Marshall, T. Statistical Reports on . . . Badamy, etc. Bomb., 1822. Badamy. — See Badamee. Baden. — Michaelis, E, H. Barometrische Hohenbestimmungen in . . . B., etc. Berlin Hennisch, a. J. V. Handbuch fiir . . . B. Stutt., 1837. Undixe. Our Cruise in the Undine . . . through . . . B., etc. Loud., 1854. Baden. Beitrage zur Statistik der inneren Verwaltung des Gross- herzugthums B. Carls., 1855-62. Baden. Festschrift . . . Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Land- und Forstwirthschaft im Grossherzogthum B. Heidelb., I860. DiETZ, R. Die Gewerbe im Grossherzogthum B., etc. Karlsr., 1863. Baffin's Bay — Bahia de Todos os Santos. 77 Baffin's Bay.— Ross, Capt. Sir J. Voyage . , . for . . . exploring B. B., etc. 1819. GooDSiR, E. A. Arctic Voyage to B. B., etc. 1850. SuTHERLAKD, P. C. Joumal of a Voyage in B. B. . . . 1850-51, etc. 1852. Allen, E. C, Snow, W. P., and Inglefield, E. A. Eemarks on B. B. 1853. Boss. Voyage dans la Mer de B. 1818. Eyries. Vol. VII. Bagdad. — Buckingham, J. S. Travels . . . Journey from Aleppo to B., etc. 1827. Keppel, Hon. G. Personal Narrative of a Journey from India . . . by . . . B., etc. 1827. MiGNAN, E. Travels . . . including a Journey from Bussorah to B., etc. 1829. Buckingham, J. S. Travels . . . from B. ... to Hamadan, etc. 1830. EicH, C. J. Narrative of ... a Voyage down the Tigris to B., etc. 1836. Eldred, J. Voyage ... to B. ... 1583. Kerr. Vol. VIII. Eldred J. and Shales, W. Letters from B. . . . 1583. Purchas. Vol. II. Notice sur la Carte generale des Paschaliks de . . . B., dc. Voyages and Travels. Eecueil, etc. Vol. II. Bagdat, Bagdet, Baghdad.— '%e Bagdad. Bagshot. — PiENNiE, G. Eeport on the sup2:)ly of "Water to be obtained from the District of B. " 1850. Bagulkot. — /See Bagulkota. Bagulkota. — Marshall, T. Statistical Eeports on . . . B., etc. Bomh, 1822. Bahama Channel. — Hawkins, Sir J. Voyages . . . thorow the chanel of B., 1562-68. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Bahama Islands. — Purdy, J. and Findlay, A. G. Sailing Directory for the . . . B. Islands and Channels, etc. 1848. Barnett, E. West India Pilot ,. . . with the B., etc. 1859-61. lies Lucayes. Eyries. Vol. X. Columbus, C. First Voyage, in which he discovered the Lucayan Islands, etc. Harris, J. Vol. II. Eeisen und Niederlassungen auf den Lucayischen Eylanden. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XVII. Bahawulpore. — Boileau, A. W. E. Tour through . . . Eajwara . . . and visit to . . . Buhawulpoor. Vale, 1837. Bahia. — Navarro e Campos, Sr. Itinerary of a Journey ... in 1808, from B. to Eio de Janeiro. MS. Portuy. Prior, J. Voyase . . . to . . . B. . . .1813. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. II. Bahia de Todos os Santos. — Wilkins, J. A true Description of the Bay T. los S. in Brazil, etc. Purchas. Vol. II. 78 Bahioitda — Baltic Sea. Bahiouda. — ]Mae>o, E. Von Dabbeh. nach Omderman durch die westliche Bajuda-Steppe. Wien [1870.] Bahr-el-Abiad. — See Xile, White. Bahr-el-Ghazal. — Kotschy, T. and Petkitsch, J. Plantae Tinneanae . . . Description de . . . Plantes recueillies . . . sur les bords du B., etc. Vienne, 1867. BaJTlda. — See Bahiouda. Bak-Thian. — See Cachao. Baktrien. — See Bacteia. Bakul. — Fitch, E. The long . . . vovage of . . . to . . . Bacola, etc. 15S3-1591. Haklutt. Vol. H. Balambangan. — Forrest, T. Voyage to Xew Guinea . . . from B., etc. 1780. An Account of ... a plan for . . . an Establishment at B. 1769. Dalktmple, a. Tracts, from 1764 to 1808. ^'ol. I. A full and clear proof that the Spaniards can have no claim to B., 1774. Dalritiple, A. Tracts, from 1764 to 1808. Vol. I, Balbec. — See Baalbec. Balcan. — See Balkan. Balearen. — See Balearic Islands. Balearic Islands. — Balearic Islands. Die Balearen, etc. Leip., 1859. St. Sauveur, A. G. de. Travels through the B. . . . I., 1801-6. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VIII. ■ Travels through the B. . . . I., 1801-6. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1810. Vol. III. Bali. — Moor, J. H, Notices of . . , B., etc. Singapore, 1837. Balk. — See Balkh. Balkan. — Danube. Observations sur les Eoutes . . . du Danube ... a travers le B., etc. Par., 1828. Keppel, Hon. G. Narrative of a Journey across the B., etc. Lmd., 1831. Balkan Bay. — .See Balkhan Bay. Balkh. — Lal, Mohun. Travels ... to B., etc. Sedillot, M. Notice sur une Carte Eoutiere . . . de Bokhara a B., etc. Par., 1852. Balkhan Bay. — Zimmermann, C. Denkschrift . . . iiber die Strombahn des Ochus . . . zur B. B. ' Berl, 1845. Ballston. — Meade, W. An . . . Inquiry into the chemical properties, &c., of the Mineral Waters of B., etc. Phil., 1817. Ballybunian. — Ainsworth, W. Account of the Caves of B,, etc. Dull., 1834. B alochistan. — See Beloochistan. Balsara. — See Bassorah. Baltic Sea. — Mann, M. l'Abbk. M^moire dans lequel on examine I'opinion . . . que les Mors . . . Baltique & Blanche, ont anciennement com- munique ensemble. 1779. Baltic Sea — Banca Strait. 79 Baltic Sea. — Braumuller, J. G. Der wichtigste Kanal in Europa, durch eiue Vereinigung des Schwarzen Meeres mit der Ost-und Xord-See, etc. Berh, 1815. • Schubert, Lieut.-Gen. Chronometric Expedition round the B. -S^. Pet, 1836. Hill, S. S. Travels on the Shores of the B., etc. 1854. Klint, G. Sailing Directions for the B. S., etc. 1854. Baltic Pilot. Supplementary Sailing Directions, 1855. Hughes, E. E. Two Summer Cruises with the B. Fleet, etc. Lond., 1855. Klixt, G. Pilote de la Mer Baltique, etc. Par., 1856. Supplement au Pilote de la Mer Baltique, etc. Par., 1857. GraSjM. A. le. Ph ares de ... la Mer Baltique . . . Corrijres 1859, 61, 62, 64. Par., 1859-64. Dunsteetille, E. The Admiralty List of Lights in the . . . P>. . . . Corrected to 1861 and 1862. " 1861-2. ■ XoKiE, J. W. Guide du Marin . . , sur les Cotes de la ^Mer Baltique, etc. Par., 1863. ■ ■ Gbas, a. Le. Instructions nautiques sur la Mer Baltique, etc. Par., 1864. Phares de . . . la Mer Baltique, etc. Par., 1869. Ohthere, Voyages of, to . . . the B., in the ninth century. Kerr. Vol. L "Wulfstein. Voyage in the B., etc. Kerr. Vol. I. Carr, J. A Northern Summer; or, Travels round the B. . . . 1804. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc., 1805. Vol. III. Bamba. — Carlins Widerwartigkeiten zu B., 1668. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. IV. Bambook, Bambouk.— /See Bambuk. Bambuk. — Compagnon, Sieur. Account of the discovery of ... B. ... in 1716, etc. Astley. Vol. II. Compagnon. Eine Nachricht von der Entdeckung des Konigreichs B. . . . 1716, e^c. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, eic Vol. II. Bamian. — Bitter, C. Stupa's (Topes) . . . und die Colosse von B. Perl, 1838. Bamiyan. — See Bamian. Banca. — ^Palembaxg. De Heldhaftige Bevreding van Palembang . . . en . . . korte beschrijving van . . . B., etc. Potter., 1822. Andersox, J. Observations on . . . restoration of B. . . . to . . . Dutch, etc. P. of W. I., 1824. Lange, H. M. Het Eiland Banka, etc. s'lTertog., 1850. Croockewit, J. H. B. ... in 1849-50. Te Sgrav., 1852. Strait. — Melvill of Carxbee, and Smits, H. D. A. Seaman's Guide . . . through the Straits of B., etc. 1853. 8o Banca Strait — Bantam. Banca Strait.— Denham, H. M. Hydrographic Notices . . . B. S., etc. 1856-59. Banda.— Keeling, W. Voyage to ... B. in 1607. Astley. Vol. I. Voyage of Captain D. Middleton to ... B. in 1609. Astley. Vol. I. Fifth Voyage, in 1609 . . . Occurrences at . . . B., etc. Keek, Vol. VIII. Voyage of Captain Coltburst to B. Kerb. Vol. VIII. ■ Account of the Wrongs done to the English at B. ... 1617-18. Kekr. Vol. IX. Courthop, N. Journal of his Voyage from Bantam to ... B. . . . 161G-20, etc. PuRCHAs. Vol I. ■ Fitz-Herbert, H. Pithy description of the chiefe Hands of B. and Moluccas, 1621. Purchas. Vol. I. Middleton, D. Voyage to Java and B., 1609. Purchas. Vol. I. Spurway, T. Letter touching the wrongs done at B. to the English by the Hollanders, 1617. Purchas. Vol. I. The Dutch late proceedings at Ambovna . . . with other like Acts ... in B., 1613-22. Purchas. Vol. 11. Eylande, die unter der Eegierung zu B. stehen. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XVIII. — Zusatz zu der Beschreibung der Insel B. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVIll. Ban de la Roche. — Obeblin, H. G. Propositions Geologiques du B. de la R. Htra&b., 1806. Bandi, River. — Barbot, J., and Grazilhier, J. Abstract of a Voyage to . . . B. and Doni Rivers in 1699. Astley. Vol. III. Beschreibung von einer Seefahrt nach der Fliissen . . . B., etc. 1699. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. IV. Bangkok.— Bangkok Calendar, 1859, 61, 64, etc. Bangkoh, 1859-64. Baniak Islands. — Low's Discovery of the Banians. Pinkeeton. Vol. VIII. Banians. — See Baniak Islands. Banka.— &e Banca. Bantam. — Keeling, W. Voyage to B ... in 1607. Astley. Vol. I. Marten, N. Voyage of Capt. A. Hippon to . . . B. ... in 1611. Astley. Vol. I. Saris, J. Occurrences at B. ... 1605-9, etc. Astley. Vol. I. Scot, E. Account of . . . first Settlement of the English at B. . . . 1602-5. Astley. Vol. I. Voyage of . . . D. Middleton to B. ... in 1607. Astley. VolL Voyage of Sir E. Michelburne to B. in 1604. Astley. Vol. I. Middleton, Sir H. Voyage to B. ... edited by B. Corney. 1855. Hakluyt Soc. Pub. Vol. XIX. Bantam — Barhary. 8 1 Bantam.— Middleton, D. Voyage to B. . . . 1607. Kerr. Vol. VIII. Fifth Voyage, in 1609 . . . Occurrences at B., etc. Kerb, Vol. VIII. Second Voyage in 1604 ... to B., tie. Kerb. Vol. VIII. Voyage to ... B., ttc. Keer. Vol. VIII. Pring, Capt. Voyage from B. to Patania, etc. Kerb. Vol. IX. Tenth Voyage, in 1612 ... to B. Kerr. Vol. IX. Courthop, N. Journal of his Voyage from B. to . . . Banda . . . 1616-20, etc. PuBCHAS. Vol. I. Floris, P. W. Extracts of his Journal . . . 1610-15. Voyage to . . . B., etc. PURCHAS. Vol. I. Hores, W. Discourse of his Voyage from Surat to . . . B., 1618-19. PURCHAS. Vol. I. Saris, J. Observations of occurrents ... at B., 1605-9. Purchas. Vol. I. , • Brown, A. Extracts of a Journal . . . sayling divers times ... to B. . . . 1617-22. Pubchas. Vol. II. Drey Eeisen . . . nach B., 1599-1602. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. VIII. Ehodes, A. Reise nach . . . B., etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. X. Barbadoes.— Sloane, H. Voyage to . . . B., etc 1707. • Edwards, B. Historical Survey of . . . Saint Domingo . . . Also a Tour through . . . B., etc. 1801. ScHOMBUBGK, R. The History of B., etc. 1848. Roberts, Gr. Account of a Voyage to ... B. in 1721. Astley. Vol. I. Phillips, T. Abstract of a Voyage ... to B. in 1693. Astley. Vol. II. • • Phillips, Capt. Journal of . . . Voyage ... to ... B. Cuueghill. Vol. VI. Roberts, G. Bericht von einer Reise nach . . . B., 1721. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. II. Phillips, T. Beschreibung einer Reise . . . nach B., 1693. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. III. Englandische Inseln. Reisen ... in ... B., etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVII. Barbados. — 'S'ee Barbadoes. Barbary. — Comelin, F. P. de la Motte, and Bernard, J. Voyage to B. ... in 1720, etc. 1725. Shaw, T. Travels, or Observations relating to several parts of B., etc. 1757. Poiret, Abbe. Voyage en Barbaric . . . 1785-86, etc. Par., 1789. Shabeeny, El Hage Abd Salam. Account of Timbuctoo . . . Letters descriptive of . . . West and South B. . . . by J. Grey Jackson. 1820. Greenhow, R. History ... of Tripoli, with some accounts of tlie other B. States. Itichmond, U.S., 1835. G 82 Barbary — Basque Provinces. Barbary. — Russell, Bp. M. History of the present condition of the B. States, etc. Edin., 1835. Pananti, F. Avventure e Osservazioni sopra le Coste di Barberia, Mendrisio, 1841. Barbary, Leaves from a Lady's diary of . . . Travels in. 1850. Thomas, J, Second Voyage to B. in 1552, etc. Astley. Yoh I. First two Voyages lo B., 1551-2. Hakluyt. Vol. IL ■ Gurney, M. Voyage against the Moores of Alger to B., etc. Hak- luyt. Vol. II. Stukeley, T. Voyage into B., 1578. Hakluyt. Vol. H. Windham, T. Second Voyage to B., 1552. Kerb. Vol. VII. Shaw's Travels in B. Pinkerton. Vol. XV. ■ Collections of things most remarkable in the historie of B., by PiO. C. PuKCHAS, Vol. n. Gramaye, J. B. Pielations of the Christianitie ... of B. . . . 1619. PURCHAS. Vol. II. Of ^gypt, B. . . . and of their Religions. Purchas. Vol. V. ■ Shaw, T. Travels through B. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. XVII., XVIII. See also Tripoli. — Tunis. ■ , West. Addison, L. West B., etc. Ox/., 1671. Addison's Account of W. B. Pinkerton. Vol. XV. Barberia. — See Barbary. Barbuda. — Englandische Inselu. Reisen ... in ... B., etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVII. Baren Insel. — See Bear Islands. Bari. — Mitterrutzner, J. C. Die Sprache der B. in Central-Afrika. Gram- matik, etc. Brixen, 1867. Barmudas. — See Bermuda Islands. Barnstaple. — Sedgwick, A. and Murchison, Sir R. I. Description of a Raised Beach in B. or Bideford Bay, etc. 1836. Barossa Mountains. — Agricola. Description of the B. Range, etc. Lond., 1849. Barrier Island. — New Zealand Geological Survey. Abstract Report . . . Together with reports on B. I., etc. Well., 1869. Barrow, Point. — Simpson, J. Results of Thermometrical Observations made at . . . P. B. 1857. • Straits. — Sutherland, P. C. Journal of a Voyage in . . . B. S. in 1850-51, etc. 1852. Basa. — Werne, F. African Wanderings : or an Expedition from Sennaar to . . . B., etc. 1852. Bashan. — Buckingham, J. S. Travels . . . through , . . B., etc. 1822. • Freshfield, D. W. Travels in . . . B., etc. Lond., 1869. Basora. — See Bassorah. Basque Provinces. — Zamacola, D. J. A. Historia de las Naciones Bascas, etc, Auch, 1818. Basqite Provinces — Batavia. 8 3 Basque Provinces. — Abbadie, A. d'. and Chaho, J. A. Etudes sram- maticales sur la langue Euskarienne. Far., 1836. Bassorah. — Plaisted, B. Journal from Calcutta ... to Busserah, etc. 1758. Taylor, J. Travels ... to India, in 1789, by . . . B., etc. 1799. ■ Keppel, Hon. G. Personal Narrative of a Journey from India . . . by B, ttc. 1827. MiGNAN, K. Travels . . . including a Journey from B. to Bagdad, etc. 1829. Eldred, J. Voyage to . . . Balsara, 1583. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Voyage ... to ... B., 1583. Kerb. Vol. VIII. Eldred, J. and Shales, W. Letters from . . . B., 1583. Pur- CHAS. Vol. II. • Newbery, J. Letters relating to bis . . . last Voyage into . . . B. . . . 1583. PuRCHAS. Vol. II. Newberie, J. Two Voyages. One . . . to B, . . . 1580-82. PuRCHAS. Vol. n. • Commencement d'un Livre des Chaldeens de B. . . . avec . . . une Carte Arabe du pais. Thevenot. Vol. I. Bass' Strait. — Tuckey, J. H. Voyage pour etablir une colonie au Port Phillip dans le detroit de B., 1803-4. Eyries. Vol. IV. Batavia. — Stavorisus, J. S. Voyage par . . . B., k Samarang, etc., 1774-78. Far., 1800. ■ Strehler, Dr. Bijzonderbeden wegens B., etc. Haarlem, 1833. • Bennett, G. Wanderings in . . . B., etc. 1834. • Chuimo, W. Voyage . . . from Sydney to ... B. 1857. • Brampton et Alt. Voyage de Tile Norfolk k B. ... 1793. Eybies. Vol. IV. Tavernier, J. B. Piemarks . . . together with his . . . Voyage . . . from B. to Europe. Harris, J. Vol. I. ■ Byron, Comm. Voyage . . . to . . . B. . . . 1764-66. Hawkes- worte, J. Vol. I. Carteret, Capt. Voyage . . . to . . . B. . . . 1766-69. Hawkes- worth, J. Vol. I. Wallis, Capt. Voyage to . . . B. . . . 1766-68. Hawkeswobth, J. Vol. L ■ Stavorinus. Account of . . . B., from the Voyages of. Pinkerton. Vol. XI. Ebodes, A. Eeise nach . . . B., etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. X. Kampfers, E. Eeise nach . . . B. 1690-91. Voyages and Tra- vels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XI. Schouten, G. Eeisen nach B. . . . 1658-65. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XII. • • Belagerung der Stadt B. von dem Kaiser in Java, 1628-29. Voy- ages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVHI. G 2 84 Batavia — BecJmanas. Batavia. — Broeck, Van den. Stiftung der Stadt B., 1618-19. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVIII. Baudo, River. — Laxe, J. C. Eeport of the Suivevs of the . . . B., etc. N. T., 1856. Baussen. — See Bautzex. Bautzen. — Dresden und die umliegende Gegend bis . . . Banssen, etc. Dresd., 1804. Bavaria. — Bavaria. Handbuch des Konigreichs Bayem. Munch., 1840. Barrow, J. Tour in . , . B., etc. 1841. Hermann, F. B. W. von. Ueber die Bewegung der Bevolkeruns im Konigreiche Bayern. Miin., 1853. Ueber die Gliederung der Bevolkerung des Konigreichs Bayern. Miin., 1855. • GiSTEL, J. Xeueste Geographie . . . des Konigreichs Bayern. Strauhing, 1856. Hermann, F. B. W. von. Ueber den Anbau und Ertrag des Bodens im Konigreiche Bayern. Miin., 1857. Bavaria. Die Forstverwaltung Bayerns, etc. Miinch., 1861. — MuRCHisoN, Sir E. I. On the Gneiss and other Azoic Rocks . . . of B., etc. 1863. ■ Browne, E. Voyage ... to Holland, with a Journey . . . through . . . B. . . . 1668. Harris, J. Vol. II. , Rhenish. — Michaelis, C. H. Barometrische Hohenbestimmungen in . . . Kheinbayern, etc. Berlin. Undine. Our Cruise in the Undine . . . through . . . R. B., etc. Lond., 1854. , South. — ScnAFHAUTL, K. Geognostische Untersuchunsen des Siid- bayerischen Alpengebirges, etc. Miinch., 1851. Bavatoube.— Jehenne, Capit. Sur . . . B., etc Par., 1847. Bay a. — See Bayao. Bayao. — Pudsey. Voyage to B. in Brasil, 1542. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. Bayonne. — Bayonne, Barre de. Instruction pour aborder ... la Barre de B. Par., 1850. Bayuda. — See Bahiouda. Bear Island. — Buch, L. von. Die Biiren- Insel . . . geognostisch be- schrieben. Berl., 1847. Poole, J. Voyages set forth bv Pir T. Smith ... to Cherry Island . . . 1610-12. Purchas. Vol. III. Voyages to Cherie Hand, 1604-9. Purchas. Vol. IH. Supplement. Description of Cherry ... I., etc. 1711. Voyages. Account of several late, etc. Bechuanas. — Barrow, Sir J. Voyage to . . . the Booshuana Nation ... in S. Africa, etc. 1806. Archbell, J. Grammar of the B. Language. Graham's T., 1837. Truter et Somervillc. Voyage au pays des Betjuanas, 1801. Eyries. Vol. XI. Bedford — Belgium. 85 Bedford.— Smyth, Admirai, W. H. Account of a Private Observatory recently erected at B. 1851. Bedford Level. — Elstobb, W. Historical Account of the Great Level of the Feus, called B. L., etc. 1793. Beejapoor. — Methold, W. Reise nach den Diamantsruhen in . . . Visa- pur, dc. YoTAGES and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. X, Beekaneer. — Boileau, A. W. E. Tour through . . . Beekaner, etc. Calc, 1837. Beekaner. — See Beekaneer. Beersheba. — Boxar, H. The Land of Promise ... a journey from B. to Sidou. 1858. Beheda. — See Bahiouda. Behrings' Strait. — Xavarette, M. F. de. Examination of the account given by L. Ferrer Maldonado, of the discovery of the Strait of Anian, etc. MS. Port. ■ KoTZEBCTE, 0. VON. A Voyagc of Discovery into . . . B. S. . . . 1815-1818, etc. Land., 1821. Beechey, F. W. Narrative of a Voyage to ... B. S., etc. 1831. — Shedden, R. Nautical Observations, &c., taken during the Voyage of the Eancy Dawson to B. S., etc. M.S. 1848-49. Kotzebue, 0. von. Voyage . . . to B. S. . . . 1815-18. Voy- ages and Travels, New. 'l819. Vol. VI. Bekhur. — Lloyd, Sir W. Narrative . . . And Captain A. Gerard's ac- count of an attempt to penetrate by B. to Garoo, etc. Lond., 1840. Beled-al-Sur. — See Derxa. Beled Beny 'Yssa.— Wrede, A. von. Eeise in Hadramaut, B. B. Y., etc. Braunsch., 1870. Beled el Hadschar. — Wrede, Avon. Eeise in Hadramaut . . . B. el H., etc. Braunschw., 1870. Belem.— Michelena y Eojas, F. Exploracion Oficial . . . Viaje a Rio de Janeiro desde Belen, ttc. Bruselas, 1867. Belen. — See Belem. Belgam. — See Belgaum. Belgaum.— Marshall, T. Statistical Eeports on ... B., etc Bomb., 1822. Belgium.— Golnitzius, A. Itinerarium Belgico-Gallicum. Lvgd., 1631. Dessiou, J. F. Le Petit Neptune Franca is ; or French Coasting Pilot for the Coast of Flanders (B.) Channel, etc. 1805. . Galignani. Guide through B. Far., 1824. Vandeb Maelen, p. Statistique du Eoyaume de Bclgique, etc Bntsseh, 1830. Belgium. Recueil de Documcns Statistiques de la Belgi(iue. 1833. Murray. Hand-Book for Travellers . . . through . . . B., See Bassorah. Butan. — See Bhotan. Byana. — See Biana. , Bythinia. — Biddulph, W. Travels of four Englishmen . . . into . . . B. ... in 1600 and 1611. Churchill. Vol. VII. c. Cabenda. — Abstract of a Voyage to . . . Kabinda in 1700, by J. Barbot and J. Casseneuve. Astley. Vol. III. Barbot, J., and Casseneuve, J. Auszug aus einer Reise . . . nach Kabinda, 1700. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. IV. io6 Cabool — Cairo. Cabool. — S'ee Kabool. Cabo- Verde. — 5'ee Cape Yerde. Cabul. — See Kabool. Cacliao. — Brue, A. Journey from Albreda to Kachao ... in 1700. ASTLEY. Vol. II. Briie, A. Eeise von Albreda . . . nacli Kacbao zu Lande, 1700. Voyages and Teavels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. II. Cachemir. — /See Cashmere. Cacheo. — See Cachao. Caconga. — See Cacokgo. Cacongo. — Proyart's History of . . . Kakongo, etc. PrfTKEETON. Vol. XVI. Cadiz. — Flotte D'AEGExgois^, Couxt !M. de. Xouveau Portulan de la Mediterranee . . . depuis Cadix jusqu'a la Mer Noire. Toulon, 1829. Drake, Sir F. Voyage to C. . . . 1587. Hakluyt. Vol. H. The honourable Voyage to C, 1596. Hakluyt. Vol. H. A briefe and true report of the honourable Voyage imto C, 1596, etc. PUECHA.S. Vol. IV. Caen. — Toussaixt, M. Indicateur complet de la Ville de C, etc. Caen, 1835, Caermartlien. — Murchison, Sir R. I. The Silurian System, founded on Geological Researches in . . . C, etc. 1839. Csesarea. — Falconer, W. Dissertation on St. Paul's Voyage from C. to Puteoli, etc. Oxf., 1817. Dissertation on St. Paul's Voyage from C. to Puteoli, etc. Land., 1870. Caffraria. — Patekson, W. A Xarrative of Four Joumevs into , . . C. In . . . 1777, 78, 79. " Lcmd., 1789. BoYCE, W. B. Grammar of the Kafir language. Graham's T., 1834. • Kaffir War, Summary of the, of 1834-5, etc. Cape T., 1836. Alexant5Er, Sir J. E. Narrative ... of a Campaign in Kaffir Land, etc. 1837. Cooley, AV. D. Xegroland of the Arabs examined, etc. 1841. Kns'G, R. W. Campaigning in Kaffii'land, etc. 1855. Cairo. — Burgo, G. B. de. Viaggio . . . Con la descrittione di . . . Gran C, etc. " Milano [1686.] ClogheRj Robert, Bishop of. A Journal from Grand C. to IMouut Sinai, etc. Lond., 1753. Horseman, F. Travels from C. to Mourzouk ... in 1797, 8. 1802. Maukdrell, H. Journey . . . from Grand C. to Mount Sinai, etc. 1810. Jomard, E. F. Jours de pluie obscrve's au Caire. Par., 1839. Cairo — Calcutta. 107 Cairo. — Kinxeak, J. C. ... in 1839, etc. Lond., 1841. Bartlett, W. H. Forty days in the Desert ... a Journey from C, etc. 1851. Clayton, Bp. E. Journal from Grand C. to Mount Sinai, etc. Land., 1853. Aldersey, L. Voyage to . . . C. . . . 1586. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Cairo, Journey from, to Mount Sinai. Piskerton. Vol. X. Sanderson, J. Voyages to . . . C. . . . 1584-1602. Purchas. Vol. II. Timberley, H. Pieport of the Voyage from C. ... to Jerusalem, 1601. Purchas. Vol. II. Viaggio scritto per un Comito Venetiano . . . fino al Diu . . . col suo ritorno poi al C, 1537-8. Ramusio. Vol. I. Journey from Grand C. to Mecca. PiAY, J. Calabar, River, New. — Barbot, J., and Grazilhier, J. Abstract of a Voyage to New Kalabar ... in 1699. Asti.ey. Vol. III. Beschreibung von einer Seefahrt nach den Fiiissen Neu-Kalabar, etc. 1699. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine His- torie, etc. Vol. IV. , , Old. — The Coast, from 0. Kalabar R. to Cape Lope Gon- salvo. Astley. Vol III. Gonsalvo, L. Die Kliste vom Alt-Kalabarflusse nach dem Vorgebirge. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. IV. Calabria. — Fiore, R. P. G. Delia C. illustrata, opera varia, etc. Napoli, 1691. Calabria. Istoria . . . del Tremoto avvenuto nelle Calabrie . . . 1783, etc. Napoli, 1784. Calabria, during a Military Residence of Three Years, etc. Lond., 1832. - — ■ Lear, E. Journals of a Landscape Painter in S.n C, etc. 1852. Dolomieu's Account of the Earthquakes in C. in 1783. Pekkerton. Vol. V. Calamina. — See St. Thome. Calcutta. — Plaisted, B. Journal from C. . . . to Busserah, etc. 1758. Heber, Bishop. Narrative of a Journey . . . from C. to Bombny, etc. 1829. LusHiKGTON, Mrs. C. Narrative of a Journey from C. to Europe, etc. 1829. Leigh, W. H. Eeconnoitering Voyages . . . including visits to . . . C, etc. Lond., 1839. Martin, J. R. Official Report on the Medical Topography and Climate of C, etc. Calc, 1839. Leigh, W. H. Eeconnoitering Voyages . . . including visits to . . . C, etc. 1840. Eden, Hon. A. Evidence of, taken before the Indigo Commission sitting in C. Calc, I860. io8 Calattta — California. Calcutta. — Calcutta. Cyclone Eeport. Calc, 1865. Gastrell, J. E., and Blaxford, H. F. Eeport on the C. Cvclone of the 5th October, 1864. Calc, 1866. Calcutta. Abstract of the Results of the Hourly Meteorological Observations taken at . . . C, etc. [1869] Caldea. — -See Chaldea. Calempluy. — Pinto, F. M. Eeisen nach . . . der Insel C, etc. Yotages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. X. Calicut. — Peyton, W. Vovage ... in 1615. Occurrences at C, etc. Kerr. Vol. IX. Gama's Acts at C, etc. Purchas. Vol. I. Alvarez, P. Navigatione da Lisbona in C. Eamusio. Yol. I. Gama, V. di. Xavigatione . . . fino in C, 1497. Eamusio. Vol. I. California. — Blake, W. P. On the . . . Geology of C, e^c Wash. Wyld, J. Xotes on the Distribution of Gold throughout . . . C, elc. Chappe d'Auteroche, J. Voyage en Californie, etc. Far., 1772. AuTEROCHE, AsBf Chappe d'. A Voyage to C, etc. Lond., 1778. Clavigero, F. S. Storia della C. Venezia, 1789. Bexsett, F. D. Xarrative . . . comprising Sketches of . , . C, etc. 1840. Greexhow, E. The History of . . . C, etc. Best. U. S., 1844. — MoFRAS, DuFLOT DE. Exploration du Territoire . . . des Cali- fornies, etc. Far., 1844. King, T. B. C. : the Wonder of the Age, etc. N. Y., 1850. Eeport on C. Wash., 1850. Smith, Gex. P. F., and Eiley, Gex. B. Eeport on the Geolocry and Topography of C. Wash., 1850. Tyson, P. T. Ee^wrt in relation to the Geolosy and Topographv of C. ^ Wash., 1850. Brodie, W. Pitcairn's Island . . . and a few hints upon C, etc. 1851. Hoffman, D. The Fremont Estate ; an Address to the British Public, etc. 1851. Eyax, "W. E. Personal Adventures in Upper and Lower C, in 1848-9. 1851. Coke, Hex. H. J. A Eide ... to ... C, etc. 1852. Hoffman, D. C. Fremont's Estates, etc. 1852. Mayer, B. Mexico . . . Notices of ... C. Hart/. U. S., 1852. HoLiysKi, A. La Californie et les Eoutes Interoceaniques. Fnix., 1853. Bartlett, J. E. Personal . . . explorations . . . in . . . C, etc. K. r., 1854. California — Callao. 109 California.— Capron, E. S. History of C. etc. Bost., 1854. Williamson, R. S. Report of a Reconnaissance and Survey in C, etc. Wash., 1854. ■ Wilson, J. S. On the Gold Regions of C. 1854. Blake, W. P. Description of . . . Fossils and Shells collected in C. Wash., 1855. Observations on . . . the Coast of C. from Bodega Bay to San Diego. Wunlt., 1855. On the Rate of Evaporation on the Tulare Lakes of C. Wash., 1856. Fbemont, J. C. Life . . . and Adventures in . . . C, etc. N. Y., 1856. Teask, J. B. Report on the Geolo2;y of Northern and Southern C, etc. ^ Ilas/^, 1856. BoRTHWicK, J. D. Three Years in C. Edinh., 1857. Seyd, E. C. and its Resources, etc. 1858. Burton, R. F. City of the Saints and across the Rocky Mountains to C. 1861. HuTCHiNGS, J. M. Scenes of Wonder ... in C. Lond., 1865. Union Pacific Railroad : the great National Highway between the Missouri River and C, etc. Chicago, 1868. Drake, Sir F. Voyage . , . from . . . Guatulco ... to the N.W. of C, etc. Haklutt. Vol. 111. See also Monterey. — Sierra Nevada. , Gulf of. — MoFRAS, DuFLOT DE. Exploration . . . de la Mer Vermeille, etc. Par., 1844. . Derby, G. H. Report of the Reconnaissance of the G. of C. . . . made in 1850-51. Wash., 1852. Alarchon, F. Voyage ... to the bottome of the Gulfe of C. . . . 1540. Hakluyt. Vol. 111. Ulloa, F. de. Voyage . . . into the G, of C. ... 1539. Hakluyt, Vol. Ill Ulloa, F. Navigatione per discoprire ITsole delle Specierie fino al Mare detto A^ermeio," 1532-39. Ramusio. Vol 111. ■ , North. — Fremont, J. C. Report of the Exploring Expedition to . . . N. C. in 1843-4. Wash., 1845. , Upper. Geographical Memoir upon Upper C, etc. Wash., 1848. KuNZEL, H. Ober-Californien ; eine geographische Schil- derung, etc. Darmst., 1848. See also San Diego. "" Callao. — Lima. A True . . . Relation of the . . . Earthquake ... at . . . C, on the 28th October, 1746, etc. 1848. Reisen von dem Hafen C. nach Europa, etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. IX. no Callirhoe — Canada. Callirhoe. — /5'ee Orfah. Calongo. — Of the Provinces of Bongo, C, etc. Pcbchas. Vol. 11. Calvados. — Musgrove, G. M. Eamble through Normandy ; or Scenes ... in a Sketching Excursion througli C. Lond., 1855. Camanche. — Abert, Liedt. J. W. Eeport of an expedition . . . through the country of the C. Indians in 1845. Wash., 1846. Camaroons Mountains. — Burton, K, F. Abeokuta and the C. M., etc. 1863. Cambaia. — See Cambay. Cambalu. — See Peking. Cambat. — Tellez, B. Travels . . . and an Account of . , . C, etc. 1710. Cambate. — See Cambat. Cambay. — Fitch, E. The long . . . voyage of . . . to . . . Cambaia, etc., 1583-1591. Hakluyt. Vol. II. ■ • Voyage ... to C. ... 1583-91. Pdrchas. Vol. II. Cambodia. — Bissachere, M. de la. Etat actuel . . . des royaumes de Gamboge, etc. Far., 1812. Sprye, E. H. F., and C. H. F. The British and China Eailway ; from . . . Eangoon ... to ... C, etc. 1858. MouHOT, H. Travels in . . . C, etc. Lond., 1864. Thomson, G. The Antiquities of C, etc, Edin., 1867. • Notes on C. and its Eaces. 1867. Beschreibung der Konigreiche Laos und C, 1691. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVIII. , River. — See Mekong. Camboge, Cambogia, Camboja.— /See Cambodia. Cambria. — >S'ee Wales. Cambridge, Mass. — Peirce, B. The Latitude of the C. Observatory . . . determined, etc. Cameroons, River. — Africa. Africa Pilot . . . from Cape Spartel to the Eiver 0. 1856. Campeachy. — Parker, W. Voyage to Margarita . . . with his surprise of Campeche . . . 1596-97. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. Campeche. — *See Campeachy. Canaan. — See Palestine. Canada. — Lahontan, Baron. New Voyages ... a ... description of C, etc. , 1703-35. Charlevoix, Pere de. Histoire et description . . . de la Nou- velle France, etc. Far., 1744. Bartram, J. Observations on . . . C, etc. 1751. Volney, C. F. TaVileau . . . dcs Etats-Unis d'Amerique ; suivi d'eclaircissemens . . . sur quelques Colonies Canadienues, etc. Far., 1803. America. Excursion through . . . C, etc. 1824. Canada. 1 1 1 Canada.— Hodgson, A. Letters . . . written during a Tour in ... C. 1824. De Egos, Hon. F. F. Personal Narrative of Travels iu . . . C, etc. 1827. Canada. — Estimates of the Expense of . . . Water Communica- tions in the C.s, etc. 1828. Head, G. Forest Scenes . . . from Halifax to the C.s, etc. 1829. Canada. Eeports of the Committee of Eoads and Public Imiirove- ments. Quebec, 1831. BoucHETTE, J. The British dominions in N. America ... a . . . description ... of Lower and Upper C, etc. 1832. EiCHARDS, J. Eeport . . . respecting the Waste Land in the C.s, etc. 1832. Finch, J. Travels in . . . C, etc. 1833. Lebrun, I. Tableau statistique . . . des Deux C.s. Par., 1833. ■ Davison, G. M. Traveller's Guide through . . . C. Saratoga Springs, 1840. Preston, T. K. Three Years' Eesidence in C, etc. 1840. • De Veaux, S. The Traveller's Own Book to . . . C, etc. Buff., 1841. ■ Bartlett, W. H. Canadian Scenery illustrated, etc. 1842. Tanner, H. S. The Traveller's Handbook for . . . C. N. T., 1844. Gabneau, F. X. Histoire du C, etc. Quel)., 1845. Lyell, Sir C. Travels . . . with Geological Observations on . . . Q.,etc. 1845. Bonnycastle, Sir E. H. C. ... in 1846. 1846. ■ Canada. British Colonies in America. C, etc. 1847. BiGSBY, J. J. The Shoe and Canoe ; or . . . Travel in the C.s. 1850. Warburton, E. Conquest of C. 1850. Smith, W. C. ; Past, Present, and Future, etc. Toronto, 1851. Williams, W. Traveller's . . . Guide through . . . C, etc. Phil, 1851. Lachlan, E. On the periodical Else and Fall of the Great Canadian Lakes. Toronto, 1854. Hogan, J. S. Le C. Essai, etc. Montreal, 1855. Weld, C. E. Vacation Tour in the United States and C. 1855. Murray, Hon. A. M. Letters from . . . C. 1856. Shaw, J. Eamble through . . . C, etc. 1856. ■ Canada, Appendix to Eeport of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Toronto, 1857. C. Directory for 1857-58, etc. Montreal, 1857. Murray, Hon. H. A. Lands of the Slave and the Free ; or Cuba . . audC. 1857. 112 Canada. Canada. — Canada. Geological Survey of C. Report of Progress . . . 1853-58. Toronto, 1857-58. Jesuits. Eelations des Jesnites, contenant ce qui s'cst passe . . . dans les Missions . . . dans la Xouvelle France, 1611 a 1672. Quebec, 1858. Hope, H. The Canadian Settlers' Guide. 1860. GiBB, G. D. On Canadian Caverns. 1861. Kohl, J. G. Travels in C, etc. land., 1861. King, W. E. The Sportsman and Naturalist in C, etc. Lond., 1866. Cartieb, J. Relation originale du Voyage de Jacques Cartier au C. en 1534, etc. Par., 1867. Brown, E. A History ... of the Discovery ... of C, etc. Loud., 1869. Canada. Second Eeport ... on Immigration and Colonization. Ottawa, 1869. Nova Francia; or the description of . . . New France, etc. Churchill. Vol. VIII. . C. Eyries. Vol. VIII. La Eoche, J. F. de. Voyage ... to ... C. ... 1542. Hakluyt. Vol. III. - Cartier, J. Voyages ... to ... C. ... 1534-37. Kerr. Vol. VI. - Cartier's Discovery of New France. Pinkerton. Vol. XII. - Lahontan's Travels in C. Pinkerton. Vol. XIII. - Champlaine, S. Voyage made unto C, 1603. Purchas. Vol. IV. - Collections out of a French Booke, c lied Additions to Nova Francia ; containing the accidents there, from 1607-11. Purchas. Vol. IV. - Lescarbot, M. Voyage into New France . . . 1603-9. Purchas. Vol. IV. - Notes of Voyages and Plantations of the French ... in ... C, 1524-82. Purchas. Vol. IV. - Of New France . . . with other Eegions . , . and of their Reli- gions. Purchas. Vol. V. - Carthier, J. Prima Eelatione del la . . . Nuova Francia, 1534. Eamusio. Vol. III. Seconda Eelatione, della navigatione per lui fatta all' Isole di C, etc. Eamusio. Vol. III. - Discorso d"un gran Capitano di Mare Francese, sopra le navigation! fatte alia Nuova Fiaucia, etc. Eamusio. Vol. HI. - Charlevoix, P. F. X. Beschreibung von Neu-Frankreich, etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XIV. - Beschreibung . . . von C, etc. Voyages and Travels. AUge- meine Historic, etc. Vol. XVI. - Heriot, G. Travels through the C.s, etc. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc., 1805. Vol. VII. Canada — Canary Islands. 113 Canada. — 'See also Ottawa. , Lower. — Boucuette, J. Topographical Dictionary of . . . L. C. 1832. Templetox, F. Statement . . . on the Eastern Townships of L. C. 1836. Sanson, J. 'Travels in L. C, 1817, Voyages and Tkavels, New. 1819. Vol. III. , River of. — (See Saint Lawrence. • , Upper. — Banister, J. W. On Emigration to U. C, etc. 1831. Canada, Upper. Letters from Settlers in U. C, etc. 1831. • Canada, L'ppek. Eeport on the Indians of U. C, etc. 1839. Canada, Upper. Kemarks on U. C. Surveys, etc. Quebec, 1861. Canara. — Hamilton, F. Journey . . . through . . . C, etc. 1807. Buchanan's Journey through C, eic. Pinkerton. Vol. VIII. Canaries. — -See Canary Islands. Canary Island. — The Conquest of the Grand Canaries . . . 1599. Hakluyt. Vol. V. Benzoni, G. History of the New World . . . with some parti- culars of the Island of C. . . . edited by Rear-Adm. AV. H. Smyth. 1857. Hakluyt See. Pub. Vol. XXI. Islands. — Glass, G. History of the Discovery and Conquest of the C. 1., etc. 1764. Macgregor, F. C. Die Canarischen Inseln nach ihren gegenwar- tigeu Zustande. Hannover, 1831. BucH, L. VON. Description physique des lies Canaries, etc. Par., 1836. Puedy, J. Brasilian Xavigator . . . with . . . Directions for the ... C. ... I., etc. 1844. — — — Avezac, d'. Note sur la premiere expedition de Bethencourt aux Canaries, etc. Par., 1846. Kerhallet, C. p. de. Descrii^tion . . . des Canaries, etc. Par., 185L Hadfield, "W. Brazil . . . including notices of . . . the C, etc, 1854. Kerhallet, C. P. de. Description Nautique . . . des Canaries. Par., 1858. ^Murray, Mrs, E. Sixteen Years . . . in . . . the C. I. 1859. Nichols, T. Description of the C. I., etc. Astley. Vol. I. Pioberts, G. Account of a Voyage to . . . the C. ... in 1721. Astley. Vol, I. Le Maire, Sieur. Voyages of, to the C. I., etc. Churchill. Vol. VIIL I 114 Canaiy Islands — Cape Coast Castle. Canary Islands. — Account of the discovery and conquest of the C. I. Kerr. Vol. II. ■ Voyages des Anglais . . . dans les lies Canaries. Lahakpe, J. Vol. I. ■ Glas's History of the C. I. Pinkerton. Vol. XVI. • Nicols, T. Beschreibung der Canarischen Eylande . . . 1560. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. II. • Roberts, G. Bericht von einer Eeise nach den Canarieninseln . . . 1721. Voyages and Travels. Allgenoeine Historie, etc. Vol. II. . Le Maire. Eeise nach den Canarieninseln . . . 1682. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. III. . St. Vincent, J. B. G. M. Bory de. Voyage to . . . the . . . [C] 1801-2, efc Voyages and Travels. A Collection, eic. 1805. Vol.11. Canavese. — /See Ivrea. Candia. — See Crete. Canelos. — Peru. Documentos . . . que acreditan la posesion del Peru sobre los Territories de . . . C, etc. Lima, I860. Canning River. — Gowen, J. R. Hints on Emigration to the Swan and C. Rivers, etc. 1829. Canterbury. — Canterbury Guide, etc. Cant., 1830. , New Zealand. — Doyne, W. T. Report upon the Plains and Rivers of C, N. Z. Christck, 1864. Haast, J. Report on the formation of the C. Plains. Christch., 1864. Report on the Geological Survey of ... C. Christck, 1864. Canton. — Mortimer, G. Observations . . . during a Voyage to . . . C, etc. Land., 1791. . Barrow, Sir J. Travels . . . from Pekin to C. 1804. Elliott, R. Views in the East ; comprising . . . C, etc. 1833. • Journey of A. Gaubil . . . from Kanton to Peking in 1722. Astley. Vol. III. • Journey of J. Bouvet . . . from Peking to Kanton ... in 1693. Astley. Vol. III. Cany. — Noel, S. B. J. Premier Essai sur . . . C, etc. Eouen, 1795. Cap de Bonne-Esperance. — See Cape of Good Hope. Cape Breton. — Bouchette, J. The British dominions in N. America . . . a . . . description of C. B., etc. 1832. Brown, R. A History of the Island of C. B., etc. Lond., 1869. Fisher, R. Voyage . . . unto C. B. . . . 1593. Hakluyt. Vol. HI. Hore, M. Voyage to ... C. B., in 1536. Haklutt. Vol. III. Leigh, C. Voyage to Cape B. . . . 1597. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Coast Castle, — Cape Coast Castle. Letters from C. C. C. . . . March, 1707, to March, 1769. M*b'. Cape Coast Castle — Cape of Good Hope. 115 Cape Coast Castle. — Letters ... to tlie Gnvernors, Council, &c. of C. C. C. . . . Aug. 21st, 1751, to Nov. 10th, 1768. i^//S. — BowDiTCH, T. E. Mission from C. C. C. to Ashantee, etc. 1819. Freeman, T. B. Extracts from the Journal of ... a visit from. C. C. to Ashantee, etc. 1840. BowDicH, T. E. Mission from C. C. C. to Ashantee, 1817. VoT- AGES and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. I. Colony.— '"^ee Cape of Good Hope. • de Verde Islands. — See Cape Verde Islands. Horn. — Hadfield, \V. Brazil . . . with the C. H. Route to Austraha, etc. 1854. ■ Monday. — Byron, Comm. Voyage ... to ... CM.... 1764-66. Hawkesworth, J. Vol. I. Negro. — Africa. Renseignements sur la partie de la Cote entre le Cap N. et le (^ap Loi^ez. Par., 1850. - of Good Hope. — Darwin, C. Geolo^iical Observations . . . together with . . . notices on the Geology of . . . the C. of G. H. — — Mauritius. A Voyage to . . . the C. of G. H., etc. Land., 1775. Sparrmann, a. Voyage to the C. of G. H. . . . 1772-76., etc. 1785. • Van Eeenan, J. A Journal of a Journey from the C. of G. H. ... in search of the Wreck of the . . . Grosvenor, etc. 1792. Levaillant, F. Second Voyage dans . . . I'Afrique par le Cap, etc. Far., An 3. [1795.] Thunbeeg, C. p. Voj'ages an Japon, par le Cap de Bonne Espe'- rance . . . 1770-1778, etc. Far., 1796. Africa. New Sailing Directions . . . from Cape Spartel . . . to the Cape of G. H., etc. 1799. Stavorinus, J. S. Voyage par le Cap de Bonne Esperance . . . h, Samarang . . . 1774-78. Far., 1800. Damberger, C. F. Travels . . . from the C. of G. H. to Morocco, etc. 1801. ■ Barrow, Sir J. Account of . . . Tribes surrounding . . . the C.ofG. H. 1801-4. ■ Cape of Good Hope. — Extracts of Correspondence relative to . . . the C. of G. H., etc. 1827. Cape of Good Hope. Report of Inquiry upon the ... C. of G. H., etc. 1829. Banister, J. W. On Emigration to . . . the C. of G. H., etc. 1831. HoRSBURGH, J. India Directory, or Directions for . . . C. of G. H., etc. 1836. — - Smith., A. Report of the Expedition for exploring Central Africa from the C. of G. H. Cajie Town, 1836. — ■ Leigh, W. H. Reconnoitering Voyages . . . includins; visits to .'. . the C. of'G. H., etc. Lon-I., 1839. I 2 1 1 6 Cape of Good Hope. Cape of Good Hope. — Leigh, W. H. Reconnoitering Voyages . . . including visits to . , . the C. of G. H., etc. 1840. Arbousset, T. and Daumas, F. Relation d'un voyage . . . au Nord-est . . . du Cap de Bonne Esperance, etc. Far., 1842. BuNBURY, C. J. F. Journal of a Residence at the C. of G. H., etc. 1848. Berncastle, Dr. A Voyage to China ; including a Visit to . . . the C. of G. H. Land., 1850. Cape of Good Hope. Despatches relative to the Reception of Con- victs at the C. of G. H. Lond., 1850. Napier, E. E. Excursions . . . including a history of the Cape Colony, etc. 1850. ■ Cape of Good Hope. Correspondence . . . relative to the State of the Kafir Tribes, etc. Lond., 1851. Cape of Good Hope, Colony of the. Universal Exhibition, J 855. A^ade-Mecum. Cape Town, 1855. Sabine, Major-Gen. E, On the Magnetic Variation in the Vicinity of the C. of G. H. 1855. ■ Fleming, F. Southern Africa . . . from the C. of G. H. to Angola. 1856. Martin, W. Notes on the C. of G. H., etc. Cole, 1856. Pappe, L. Floras Capensis medic£e Prodromus, etc. Cape Town, 1857. • BouzET, E. DU. Instructions . . . aux batiments veuant en Nou- velle-Caledonie par le Cap de Bonne Esperance. Par., 1858. Irons, W. The Settlers' Guide to the C. of G. H., etc. 1858. ■ Account of the Portugueze possessions from the C. of G. H. to China. ASTLEY. Vol. I. ■ Voya2;es of tlie Portugueze along the Coast of Africa, as far as the C. ofG^H. ASTLEY. Vol.1. A Description of the Countries . . . from the C. of G. H. to Cape Guarda Fuy, etc. Astley. Vol. III. Description of the Dutch Possessions at the C. Astley. Vol. III. • Hamilton, A. Remarks on . . . Maritime Countries . . . be- tween the Capes of G. H. and Guarda Fuy. Astley'. Vol. III. Ten Rhyne's account of the C. of G. H., etc. Churchill. Vol. IV. Barrow, M. Voyages au Cap de Bonne Esi:)^rance, 1797. Eyriks. Vol. XI. Campbell, M. Voyages au Cap de Bonne Espdrance, 1812-21. Eyries. Vol. XI. Latrobe. Voyage au Cap de Bonne Esperance, 1805. Eyries. Vol. XI. -~ Lichtenstein, M. Voyage au Cap de Bonne Esperance, 1803-6. Eyeii^s. Vol. XI. • Gordon, Lady Duff. Letters from the C. Galton, F. Vacation Tourists . . . 'in 1862-3. Cape of Good Hope — Cape Verde Islands. 1 1 7 Cape of Good Hope. — Lancaster, J. Memorable Voyage about the Cape of Buoua Esperanza, along the E. Coast of Africa . . . 15'ji. Hakluyt. Vol. II Stevens, T. Voyage about the Cape of Buona Esperanza unto Goa . . . 1579. Hakluyt. Vol. ii. Byron, Comm. Voyage . . . to . . . C. of G. H. . . , 1764-G6. Hawkesworth, J. Vol. I. Carteret, Capt. Voyage . . . round the C. of G. H. . . . 1766-69. Hawkesworth, J. Vol. I. Wallis, Capt. Voyage to . . . the C. of G. H. . . . 1766-68. Hawkesworth, J. Vol. I. A short account of the Portuguese Possessions between the C. of G. H. and China. Kerr. Vol. Vll. Peyton, W. Voyage ... in 1615 . . . with the Ports . . . between the C. of G. H. and Japan, 1616. Kerr. Vol. IX. Cap de Bonne Esperance, etc. Laharpe, J. Vol. III. Thunberg's Account of the C. of G. H. Pinkerton. Vol. XVI. Gama, V. di. Navigatione dal Capo Buona Speranza, fino in Calicut, 1497. Kamusio. Vol. I. Gonsalvo, L. Beschreibung der Kiisten von Piio da Volta bis an das Vorgebirge. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, ttc. Vol. IV. • Die Kiiste vom Alt-Kalabarflusse nach dem Vorgebirge. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, ttc. Vol. IV. Hamilton, A. Eiuige Anmerkungen liber die Kiisten und Inseln zwischen dem Vorgebirge der guten Hoffnung und Capo (iuarda Fuy. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, ttc. Vol. V. Keith, Sir G. M. Voyage to . . . the C. of G. H., 1805-6. Voy- ages and Travels. A Collection, ttc. 1805. Vol. XI. Prior, J. Voynge ... to the C. of G. H. . . . 1810-11. Voy- ages and Travels, New\ 1819. Vol. I. Kolben, Peter. Voyage to the C. of G. H. 1705, Voyages and Travels. The World displaj-ed. Vol. X. Capetown. — Mayson, J. S. The Malaj s of C. Manchester, 1861. Cape Verde. — Redfield, W. C. C. V. aud Hatteras Hurricane, of Aug.- Sept., 1853, tic. Sew Haven, U. S., 1854, Le Maire, Sieur. Vovages of, to . . . C. V., etc. Churchill. Vol VIII. Roberts, G. Bericht von einer Reise nach . . . dem griiuen Vorgebirge . . . 1721. Voy'ages and Travki.s. Allgemeine His- torie, etc. Vol. II. Broek, P. van den. Reise nach dem griinen Vorgebirge . . . 1606. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, ttc. Vol. III. Le Maire. Reise nach . . . dem griinen Vorgebirge . . . 1682. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. III. . Islands.— Bartholomew, D. E. Voyage to the C. V. I., dc. 1819. 1 1 8 Cape Verde Islands — Caranja. Cape Verde Islands. — Brunnek, S. Eeise nach . . . den Inseln des griiuen Vorgebiirges, etc. Bern, 1840. Chelmicki, J. C. C. DE. Corografia Cabo-Verdiana, etc. Lisb., 1841. PuKDY, J. Brasilian Navigator . , . with . . . Directions for the . . . C. V. I. . . . etc. 1844. Kerhallet. C. p. de. Description . . , de I'Archipel des lies du Cap Vert. Par., 1851_ Hadfield, W. Brazil . . . including notices of ... C. V. 1854. Kerhallet, C. P. de. Description Nautique des lies du Cap Vert. Par., 1858. Cada Mosto, A. da. Two Voyages ... in which the C. de V. Islands were discovered, 1455-56. Astley. Vol. I. Description of the C. de V. I. Astley. Vol. I. Koberts, G. Account of a Voyage to ... C. de V. ... in 1721. Astley. Vol. I. Wren, W. Voyage of ... G. Fenner to the Islands of C. de V. in 1566. Astley. Vol. I. Two Voyages to the C. de V., etc. Astley. Vol. II. ■ Fenner, G. Voyage to . . . the Isles of Capo V., 1566. Hakluvt. Vol. II. Fenner, G. Voyage to . . . the C. de V. I., 1566. Kerr. Vol. VII. . Silva, M. da. Voyage from C. V. I. to Guatulco, etc. Kerr. Vol. X. . ■ Beschreibung der Eylande des Griinen Vorgebirges. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. 11. . A Voyage to the C. de V. I., by Capt. George Pioberts. 1721. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. X. Cape York. — Macgillivray, J. Narrative ... To which is added the account of E. B. Kennedy's Ex]^)edition for the Exploration of the C. Y. Peninsula. BoGUE, A. Steam to Australia . . . the expediency of ... a settlement at C. Y. . . . pointed out, etc. Sydney, 1848. Capo Verde.— '^ee Cape Verde. Cappadocia. — Tchihatcheff, P. de. De'pots Tertiaires . . . de la Cappaduce, etc. Par., 1854. Cap Vert. — See Cape Yerde. Caqueta, River. — See Japura. Caraccas. — Depoxs, F. Travels . . . containing a description of the C, etc. 1807. Caramania.— Beaufort, F. Karamania, etc 1818. Memoir of a Survey of the Coast of Karamania, etc, 1820. Carania. — Andrews, Capt. Journey ... by the Deserts of C. to Arica, etc. 1827. Cardiff — Carthage. 1 1 9 Cardiff. — Smyth, Admiral W. H. Nautical Observations on . . . C. Card., 1840. Caria. — Tchihatcheff, P. de. Depots Tertiaires , . . du Midi de la Carie, etc. Par., 1854. Caribbean Sea. — Barnett, E. West India Pilot . . . with . . . the C. S., etc. 1859-61. Kerhallet, C. p. de. Manuel de la Navigation dans la Mer dcs Antilles, etc. 1862-3. Gras, a. Le. Phares de la Mer des Antilles, etc. Par., 1869. Islands. — Ursprung, Gemiithsart imd Gehrauche de Caraiben. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XVII. See also Saint Lucia. Carie. — See Caria. Carinthia. — Browne, E. Journey . . . through . . . C, etc. Harris, J. Vol. II. Carlsbad. — Hofer, C. E. Beschreibung . . . (von Karlsbad.) Prag, 1797. Mannl, E. C. and its Mineral Springs, etc. Leips., 1847. Grieben, T. Grieben's Eeise-Bibliothek. Xo. 38. . . . C, etc. Perl, 1861. Carlskrona. — Topografiska och Statistiska Uppgifter om C. Liin, etc. Stockh., 1849. Carnate. — See Buayanagar. Camiola. — 'Cadell, W. A. Journey in C, etc. Edin., 1820. Browne, E. Journey . . . through . . . C. Harris. J. Vol. II. , Upper. — Seen, Die, der Vorzeit in Oberkrain . . . von F. B. M. Laihach, 1863. South. — Carrol, B. R. Historical Collections of S. C, etc. N. Y., 1836. Carpathians. — Murchisok, Sir P. I. On the Geological Structure of tlie . . . C, etc. 1849. Carpentaria. — Landsborough, W. Journal of an Expedition from C, in search of Burke and Wills. MeJh., 1862. [Newspaper Cuttings, containing the Journal of his Ex]^e- dition to C. in 1866.] 1866. , Gulf of. — Saunders, T. W. The Asiatic Mtditerrancan ... the G. of C, etc. 1853. Chimmo, W. Voyage . . . from Sydney to the G. of C, f^'. 1857. Macdonald, J. G. Journal . . .on an Expedition from Port Denison to the G. of C, etc. Brisbane, 1865. Cartagena. — See Carthagena. Carthage. — Heeben, A. H. L. Historical Pesearchcs into the Politics . . . of the Carthaginians, etc. Oxf., 1838. ■ Blakesley, J. "Vy. Four Mouths in Algeria, with a visit to C. Camb., 1859. 1 20 Carthage — Caskets. Carthage. — Divis, X. Panned Cities within . . . Carthaginian Territorif s. Lond., 1862. Carthagena. — Gage, T. Survey of the Spanish West Indies ... de- scribing . . . C, etc. 1702. Ursacben . . . Schiffahrt . . . nach . . . Cartagena . . . Beschr- eibuns derselben, etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. IX. Von der Reise von C. nach Terra Firma, etc. Voyages and Teavels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. IX. Beschreibungen . . . von . . . C, etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XV. ■ , Bay of. — Parsoxs, J. West India Directory. Sailing directions . . . lor . . . B. of C. 1854. Casbin. — Mindenhall, J. Second Letter . . . from C. in Persia, 1606. PURCHAS. Vol. I. Cashmere. — Forster, G. .Journey . . . through . . . Kashmire, etc. 1798. ■ ■ HuGEL, Barox C. vox. Kaschmir und das Eeich der Siek. Stutt., 1840, 41. MooRCROFT and Trebeck. Travels in . . . Kashmir . . . lb 19 to 1825. 1841. ViGNE, G. T. Travels in Kashmir, etc. 1842. HUgel, Babox C. vox. Travels in Kashmir and the Panjab, etc. 1845. ■ Hoxigberger, J. M. Thirty-five Years in the East. Adventures relating to . . . C.,eic. 1852. ScHOXBERG, Baeox E. VOX. Travels in India and Kashmir. 1853. MARKHAii, F. Shooting in . . . C, etc. Lond., 1854. Himalayas. A Summer Ramble . . . with Sporting Adventures in tlie Vale of C, dc. Loiul., 1860. ToRKEXS, H. D. Travels in . . . Kashmir. Lond., 1862. KxiGHT, Captain. Diary of a Pedestrian in C, etc. Lond., 1863. Leitner, G. W. Piesults of a Tour in . . . Kashmir, etc. Lahore, Lond. [1868.] • Thorp, R. C. Misgovernmeut. Lond., 1870. Bernier, F. Voyage to Snrat . . . with the Emperor's Voyage to Kachemire in 1644, eic. Churchill. Vol. A'lII. Forster, G. Voyage a Cachemir, etc. Eyries. Vol. XIII. Voyage de Bernier a G. Laharpe, .J. Vl. V. Bernier. Reise in . . . KMchcmir, 1664. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XI. Casiquiare, River. — See Cassiquiare. Caskets.— Alderxey. The Aldemey Island Pilot; comprising the . . . Casquets, etc. Lond., 1864. Routier de Tile Aurigny, comprenant . . . les Casquets, ffc. Far., 1865. Caspian Sea — Castilla del Oro. 1 2 1 Caspian Sea. — Hanway, J. Historical Account of the British Trade over the 0. S., etc. 1753. Man'x, M. l'Abbe. Memoire dans lequel on examine I'opinion . . , que les Mers . , . Caspienue ... & Blanche, ont ancieunement com- munique ensemble, etc 1779. Caspian Sea. Description dcs Pays situes entre la Mer Noire et la Mer Caspienne. Par., 1793. ■ FoRSTER, G. Journey . . . into Eussia, by the C. S. 1798. • Frasek, J. B. Travels ... on the S. Bank of the C. S., etc. 1826. ■ Keppel, Hon. G. Per-onal Narrative of a Journey from India . . . by . . . the W.n Shore of ihe C. S., dc. 1827. EicHWALD, E. Reise auf dem Caspischen Meere ... in 1825-26. Btutt. u. Tub., 1834. Baer, K. E. von. Kaspische Studien. St. Pet., 1839. Hell, X. H. de. Travels in the Steppes of the C. S., etc. 1847. Fuss, G. and others. Beschreibung der zur Ermittelung des Hohen- unterschiedes zwischen dem Schwarzen und dem Caspischen Meere . . . ausgefiihrten Mcssungen, etc. St. Pet., 1849. Humboldt, A. vok. Travels . . . including his Journey to . . . the C. S., etc. ^ 1853. Baer, K. E. von. Dattel-Palmen an den Ufern des Kaspischea Meeres, etc. 1859. Bergstbaesseb, De. Die Verbindung des Caspischen mit dem Schwarzen Meere. Gotha, 1859. Baer, K. E. von. Kaspische Studien, etc. 1860. Bergstraesser, Dr. De la Pieunion de la Mer Caspienne a la ^ler Noire. Par., 1861. IvASHiNTsov, N. A. [Hydrographical Researches upon the C. S. Astronomical part.] Puss. St. Pet., 1866. Jenkinson, A. Voyage . . . over the C. S. . . . 1561. Hakluyt. Vol. I. ■ Sherley, Sir A. Voyage over the C. S. ... 1601. Purchas. Vol. II. The beginning of the English Discoveries towards the North . . . also Voyages . . . over the C. S., etc. Purchas. Vol. III. Borough, C. Reports of sixt vovacre . . . more especially over the C. S. ... 1579-81. Purchas. Vol. III. • See also Karaboghaz Bay. Caspii Montes. — See Elbruz. Casquets. — See Caskets. Cassiquiare, River. — Michelena y Rojas, F. Exploracion Oficial . . . del . . . C, etc. Briiselas, 1867. Castilla del Oro. — The discoveries made hv the Spaniards in . . . Golden Castile . . . 1513-26. Harris, J." Vol. II. The discovery of Golden Castile, 1573. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. III. 122 Castle Del Mina — Caucasus, Castle Del Mina. — See Saint George Del Mina. Casvin. — »5'ee Casbin. Catamarca. — Poucel, B. Mes Itineraires . . . Province de C. Par., 1864. La Proviuce de C. {Far., 1864.] Catania. — Catania. Su' Lavori pel Mole di C, etc. Cat., 1846. Peters, C. E. F. Memoria suUa Latitudine Geografica di C., etc. Cat., 1849. Cataya. — See China. Cathaia.— Cathay.— See China. Cat Island. — Bache, A. D. Additional notes of . . . Tidal Observations . . , at C. I., etc. New Eav., 1852. Cattegat. — Lovenorn, Chev. de. New Sailing Directory for the C, etc. 1844. Caubul. — *See Kabool. Caucasus. — Koch, C. Eriauterungen zur Karte des Kaukasischen Isthmus und Armeniens. Berlin. ■ • Eeineggs, Dr., and Marshal Bieberstein, General . . . descrip- tion of Mount C, etc. 1807. Klaparoth, J. Travels in the C. ... in 1807-8, etc. Land., 1814. ■ Engelhardt, M, von, and Parrot, F. Reise in . . . den Kau- kasus. Berl, 1815. Freygan, M. and Mme. Letters from the C, etc. 1823. ■ PoTOCKi, Count J. Voyage dans les Steps . . . du Caucase, etc. Far., 1829. ■^ Kupffer, M. Voyage . . . dans le Caucase, en 1829. St. Fet., 1830. ■ EiCHWALD, E. Eeise ... in den C. in 1825-26. Stutt. u. Tub., 1834. Spencer, E. Travels in the Western C, etc. 1838. Mignan, E. Winter Journey through . . . the Caucasian Alps, etc. 1839. - — • Montpereux, F. D. de. Voyage autour du Caucase, etc. Far., 1839. - -— Struve, F. G. W. Astronomische Ortsbestimmungen ... in Kaukasieu, etc. St. Fet., 1845. Hell, X. H. de. Travels in . . . the C, etc. 1847. Saint-Martin, V. de. Memoire Historique sur la Geogi'aphie ancienne du Caucase, etc. Far., 1847. Piecherches sur les populations primitives . . . du Caucase. Far., 1847. Golovin, L The C. 1854. Haxthausen, Baron von. Tribes of the C, etc. 1855. ■ Moseb, L. The C. and its People, etc. 1856. Caucasus — Celebes. 123 Caucasus. — Wagner, M. Travels . , . with Sketches of . . . theC, e/c. 1858. Chodtxo, Geseral. Survey of the C. 1857-63. MoRiTZ, A. Lebenslinien der meteorologischen Stationen am Kau- kasus, etc. St. Pet., 1859. • Abich, H. Beitrage zur geologischen Kenntniss der Thermalqnellen in den Kaukasischen Landern. Tiflis, 1865. Eadde, G. Berichte liber die biologisch-geographischen Unter- suchungen in den Kaukasuslaeridern, etc. Tiflis, 1866. PoLLiNGTON, ViscouKT. Half Tound the Old World ... a Tour in . . . the C-, etc. Loud., 1867. — Freshfield, D. W. Travels in the Central C, etc. Lond., 1869. Caunpoor. — See Cawnpoke. Cauvery, River. — Jervis, A. Narrative of a Journey to the Falls of the C, etc. Lmd., 1834. Cavery, River.— -See Cauvery. Cawnpoor. — See Cawxpore. Cawnpore. — Lloyd, Sir W. Narrative of a Journey from Caunpoor to the Boorendo Pass, etc. Lond., 1840. Montgomery, 11. Statistical Eeport of . . . C, 1848. Calcutta, 1849. Cayari, River.— -See Madeira, Eiyer. Cayor. — See Kayob. Cazembe. — Cooley, W. D. Inner Africa laid open . . . with the routes to . . . the C, etc. 1852. Cecina. — GrIberg, Count J. Cenni storici . . . suUa . . . Cava di Caporciano . . . nella Valle di C. Firenze, 1847. Cefalonia. — See Cephalonia. Ceilao. — See Ceylon. Celebes. — Woodard, D. The Narrative of . . . in . . . C, etc. 1805. ■ Moor, J. H. Notices of . . . C, etc. Singapore, 1837- Mundy, E. Narrative of the events in . . . C, down to the occupation of Labuan, etc. 1848. Van der Hart, C. Eeize rondon . . . C, etc. Te 'Sc/rav. 1853. Sumatra . . . C, etc. Eyries. Vol. XII. Carteret, Capt. Voyage . . . to . . . C. . . . 1766-69. Hawkesworth, J. Vol. I. - Stavoriuus. Account of C. ... from the Voyages of. PiN- KERTON. Vol. XI. — Beschreibung der Insel C, etc. Voyages and Travels. AUge- meiue Historic, etc. Vol. XI. Zweytes Unternehmen der Hollander wider . . . C. . . . 1666-69. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XVIII. Woodward, D. Narrative of the sufferings of ... in ... C, 1804. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. 1. 1 24 Celebes — Ceylojt. Celebes. — See also Macassak. Cephalonia. — Dapper. Kaukeurige Beschiyving van . . . C, etc. AmsL, 1688. GooDissoN, W. Historical . . . Essay upon . . . C, etc. 1822. ■ Moussoy, A. Eiii Besuch auf . . . C, in 1858. Zurich, 1859. Cerigo. — Castellan, A. L. Lettres sur la Moree . . . C, etc. Far., 1808. Cervi. — Leake, W. M. On the claim to the Islands of C, and Sapienza. Lond., 1850. Cetius, Mons. — See Kahlen Mountains. Ceuta. — Morocco. Observations on . . . Morocco . . . 1830 . . . De- scription of . . . C, etc. MS. Cevola. — See ZuNi. Ceylan. — See Ceylon. Ceylon. — Bald^us, P. Naauwkeurige Beschryvinge van . . . C, etc. Amst., 1672. RiBEYRO, J. Histoire de I'lsle de Ceylan, etc. Amst., 1701. Thunberg, C. p. Travels ... in ... C, etc. 1796. Percival, R. Account of . . . C, etc. 180 3. - CoRDiNER, J. Description of C, etc. 1807. - Valentia, Viscount. Voyages and Travels to ... C. ... 1802-6 1811. - Philalethes. The History of C, etc. Lond., 1817. - Davy, J. An Account of . . . C, etc. 1821. - Rask, R. K. Singalesisk Skriftla^re. Kolombo, 1821. - Upham, E. The . . . Sacred and Historical Books of C, etc. 1823. - Heber, Bishop. Narrative . . . with Notes ujjon C, etc. 1829. - Heeeen, a. H. L. De Ceylone insula, etc. Goiting., 1831. - Colebrooke, Lieut.-Col. Report upon . . . C, etc. 1832. - Forbes, Major. Eleven Years in C, etc. 1840. - Bennett, J. W. C. and its Capabilities, etc. 1843. - Campbell, J. Excursions ... in C, etc. 1843. - Knighton, W. History of C, e^c. 1845. - HoFFMEiSTEK, "W. Travels in C, etc. Edin., 1848. - Pridham, C. Historical . . . and Statistical Account of C, etc. 1849. - Dickenson, W. B. Dudu-]\Iasu, Coco-Reedi, or Hook Money of C. 1850. - Freeman, J. J. Tour in S. Africa, with notices of ... C, etc. 1851. - Mouat, F. J. Rough Notes of a trip to ... C, etc. Cede, 1852. - Sullivan, E. The Bungalow and the Tent ; or a Visit to C. 1854. Ceylon — Chagres. 125 Ceylon. — Baker, S. W. Eight Years' Wanderings in C. 1855. Barrow, Sib G. C, etc. 1857. Binning, K. B. M. Journal of two years' Travel in . . . C, etc. 1857. Tennent, Sir J. E. C. ; an Account, etc. 'I860. Sketches of the Natural History of C, etc, Lond., 1861. Steuart, J. Notes on C, etc. 1862. Power, E. E. On the Agricultural . . . Statistics of C. 1863. - Baldreus, P. A true . . . description of . . . C, etc. Churchill. Vol. III. - Ceylon. Percival. Boyd. Davy. Eyries. Vol. XIII. - Eiheiro, J. Fatalidade Historica da Ilha de Ceilao, 1G85. Por- tugal. Collecfao de Noticias, etc. Vol. V. - Haiens, de la. Eeise . . . 1670-72. Fahrt nach C, etc. Voy- ages and Travels. Allgemeiue Historic, etc. Vol. Vlll. - Knoxen, E. Eeise nach . . . C, 1657-59. Voyages and Tra- vels. Allgeiueine Historic, etc. \o\. ^III. - Spilberg, G, Eeise nach . . . C, 1601-3. Voyages and Tra- vels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. Vlll. - Zusatz zur Beschreibung der Insel C, etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVIII. - Valentia, Viscount. Voyages and Travels to ... C. ... 1802-G. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. XI. Voyages and Travels to . . . C. . . . 1802-6. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1810. Vul. IV. Haafner, J. Travels on foot through . . . C. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. V. See also Anurajapuba. — Mahavillaganga. Chaco, Gran. — Abenales, J. Noticias sobre el gran pais del C, etc. Buen. Aires, 1833. Dalrymple, A. Catalogue of Authors ... on ... C. Dalrymple, a. Collection of Nautical Memoirs, etc. Beschreibung von C, etc. Voyages and Travels. AUge- meine Historie, etc. Vol. XVI. Chad, Lake.— GuMFRECHT, T. E. Barth und Overwegs Uutersuchungs- Eeise nach dem Tschad-See, etc. Berl., 1852. Chadda, River. — Barth, H. Dr. B. Baikie's Thiitigkeit am . . . Niger, mit bi'sonderer Beriicksichtiguug der Flussschwcllcn . . . des Tsad- und Nilbeckens. Berlin. Hutchinson, T. J. Narrative of the . . . Tshadda . . . Exploration, etc, 1855. Baikie, W. B. Narrative of . . . Voyage up the . Tsada, etc. 1856. Chagos Archipelago. — IMoresby, E. Nautical Directions for . . . the 0. A. 1840. Chagres. — Emory, W, H, Observations . . . made at C, etc. Camb. U. S., 1850. 126 Chaldea — CJiatJiam Islands. Chaldea. — Laxdseer, J. Saba?an Researches . . . Essays ... on the engraved Hieroglyphics of C, etc. 1823. MiGNAN, R. Travels in C, etc. 1829. AixswoRTH, "W. F. Researches in ... C. 1838. Beke, C. T. On the Alluvia of . . . C. 1839. AixswoRTH, W. F. Travels ... in ... C, etc. 1842. LoFTUS, W. K. Travels ... in C, etc. 1857. Cartwright, J. The Preacher's Travels . . . through . . . C, etc. Chdrchill. Vol. VII. Odoricus, Frier B. Voyage to . . . C. . . . about 1325. Hak- LUYT. Vol. II. • Of Simon Sulaka, a Papal Easterne Patriarke, amongst the Chaldeans, etc. PuRCHAS. Vol. I. Stroza, P. Treatise of the opinions of the Chaldeans, touching the Patriarke of Babylon, etc. Purchas. Vol. I. Rauwolf, L. Journey into . . . C, etc. Ray, J. Jordan, ou Jourdain Catalani, P. Mirabilia descripta, sequitur de . . . C, etc. Voyages and Travels. Recueil, etc. Vol. IV. Chambery. — Chamber y. Notice sur . , . les environs de C, etc. Chambery, 1824. Chamouni. — Maxget, J. L. C, le Mont Blanc, etc. Geneva, 1843. Cliampagne. — Razoumowsky, Count G. de. Qiuvres. Contenant, Voy- age ^liue'ralogique ... k ... C, etc. Lausanne, 1784. Champlain, Lake. — Graham, J. D. Report on the Improvement of the Harbours ot Lakes Michigan . . . and C. Wash., I860. Chandah. — Blaxford, W. T. On the Coal Seams of the Neighbourhood of C, etc. India Geological Survey. Records, etc. Vol. I. Chandgurh. — Marshall, T. Statistical Reports on . . . C, etc. Bomh., 1822. Channel Islands.— Tnglis, H. D. The C. I. 1835. White, M. Sailing Directions . . . and a detailed Account of the C. I. 1850. Dendy, W. C. Islets of the Channel. 1858. ■ Ansted, D. T. and Latham, R. G. The C. I., etc. Land., 1862. Characene. — Reinaud, M. Me'moire sur le Commencement et la Fin du Royaume . . . de la Kharacene, etc. Par., 1861. Charlton Island. — James, Capt. T. Vovage . . . his wintering in C. I. . . . 1631-33. Harris, J. Vt.l. IL Charmettes, — Chambery. Notice sur les C, etc. Chambery, 1824. Charran. — 'See Harran. Charttim. — See Khartum. Chasseral. — Denzleb, H. H. Die Meercshohe des C, dc. 1864. Chateegaon. — See Chittagoxg. Chathara Islands. — Muklleb, F. The Vegetation of the C. I. Mdh., 1864. Chatiir grama — CJiili. 127 Chaturgrama.— &« Chittagong. Cheltenham. — Murchison, Sib R. I, Outline of the Geology of the neigh- bourhood of C, ttc. Chelt, 1834. Outline of the Geology of the neighbourhood of C, etc. Lond., Chelt., 1845. Cher. — LucAY, Citoyek. Statistique du Department du C. Par. [1802. ] Cherbourg. — Pim, B. Notes on C. 1858. Keller, F. A. E. Notice sur la Carte des Environs de C, etc. Far., 1861. Cherie Island.— See Bear Island. Cherry Island. — See Bear Island. Cherso. — Fortis, A. Travels ... to vyhich are added . . . Observations on . . . C, etc. Lond., 1778. Chersonesus Taurica. — See Tartar y. Chester. — Pennant, T. The Journey from C. to London, etc. Lond., 1811. Chiapas. — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of Travel in . . . C, etc. 1842. Chica. — See Chico. Chi-Chen. — Norman, B. W. Rambles in Yucatan . . . including a Visit to . . . C.-C, etc. K I., 1843. Chico. — Of Cumana . . . C. ... and of their Religions. Purchas. Vol. V. Chihuahua. — Baetlett, J. R. Personal . . . explorations . . . in . . . C, etc. K. r., 1854. ■ Aumaile, R. L. d'. Report in detail ... of Explorations and Surveys of the . . . Mines of . . . C, etc. N. Y., 1861. Chile. — See Chili. Chilecito. — Meteorology. Meteorological Tables. Famatina and C. Ob- servations, 1827-8. MS. Chili. — Frezier, M. Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux Cotes du C. . . . 1712-li. Amst., 1717. Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux Cotes du C. ... 1712-14, etc. Par., 1732. Molina, G. I. Saggio sulla Storia Civile del C. Bologna, 1787. Molina, J. The Geographical . . . History of C, etc. Lond., 1809. Graham, M. Journal of a Residence in C. during 1822, etc. 1824. ScHMiDTMEYER, P. Travels into Chile, etc. Lond., 1824. Caldcleugh, a. Travels in ... C. 1825. Hall, B. Extracts from a Journal written on the Coasts of C. . . . in 1820-22. £di>i., 1825. Mathison, G. F. Narrative of a Visit to . . . C, etc. 1825. • Pacific Ocean. Three Years in the Pacific ; containing Notices of . . . C, etc. 1835. Poeppig, E. Reise in C. ... 1827-32. Leipz., 1835. 12 8 Chili — CJiimborazo. Chili. — Gardiner, A. F. A Visit to the Indians on tlie Frontiers of C. Land., 1841. ■ SuTCLiFFE, T, Sixteen Years in C. and Peru from 1822 to 1S39, etc. Land. [1841.] Wheelwright, W. Eeport . . . witli an Account of the Coal Mines of C, etc. 1843. Chile. Notice sur le Chile, par un Voyageur Franfais. Par., 1844. Gay, C. Historia fisica e politica de Chile, etc. Pa7\, 1844-54. — ■ FiTzRoY, Rear-Adml. R. Sailing Directions for . . . C, etc. 1848. DoMEYKO, I. Memoria sobre la Colonizacion en Chile. [1850.] Amunategui, M. L. Titulos de . . . Chile a la soberania . . . de la estremidad austral del Continente Americano, etc. Sant., 1853-55. Chili. Estadistica Comercial de . . . Chile . . . 1853. Valp., 1854. Perrey, a. Documens relatifs aux Tremblements de Terre au C. Lyon, 1854. Chile. Estadistica Comercial . . . de C. del ano 1854, 58. Valparaiso, 1854-59. ■ — Mackenna, B. V. Le C. considere sous le rapport de son Agriculture, etc. Par., 1855. Pekez-Rosales, V. Essai sur le C. Eambourg, 1857. • Chile. Censojeneral . . . de Chile . . . 1854. ^aniia^o, 1858. BoLLAERT, W. Antiquarian . , . Researches in . . . C, etc. 1860. Brawern, H. and Herckemann, C. Voyage to . . . C, etc. Churchill. Vol. I. Ovalle, A. de. Historical relation of ... C. Churchill. Vol. HI. Techo, F. N. del. History of . . . Chile, etc. Churchill. Vol. IV. Schmidtmeyer, P. Voyage auC. . . . 1820-21. Eyries. Vol. IX. Pizarro, F. The History of the discovery ... of C. ... 1535. Harris, J. Vol. II. History of the discovery . . . of C. Kerr. Vol. V. Ovalle's Historical Relation of C. Pinkerton. Vol. XIV. Ursino, A. Relation concerning . . . the secrets of . . . C, 1581. Purchas. Vol. IV. Of Cumana . . . C. ... and of their Religions. Purchas. Vol. V. Beschreibungen . . . von . . . C, etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XIII. • Almagro, D. von, Entdeckung von C. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. \o\. XV. Chilicito. — /See Chilecito. Chilian. — Domeyko, D. I. Viaje a las Cordilleras de . . . C. 1849. Chimborazo. — Humboldt, A. von. Kotice de deux tentatives d'ascension du C. Pur., 1838. China. 1 29 China. — China. Description of ... C. Chinese. China. Memoives sur la Chine, etc. [Paris.'] Japan. Nuovi Avvisi del Giapone con alcuni altri della Cina, etc. Venetia, 1586. Mendoce, J. G. DE. Histoire du Grand Eoyaume de la Chine, etc. Far., 1588. ■ Vera, G. ni. Tre Navigation i fattedagli Olandesi . . . verso il . . . Regno de Sini, etc. Venet., 1599. Guzman, P. L. Historia de las Missiones . . . de la Compaiiia de Jesus ... en ... la C, etc. Alcala, 1601. Mendez Pinto, F. Historia Oriental de las peregrinaciones de F. Mendez Pinto ... en ... C, etc. Madrid, 1627. NiEUHOFF, J. L'Ambassade de la Compagnie Orientale des Pro- vinces Unies vers I'ErDpereur de la Chine, etc. Leyde, 1665. ■ NiEUHOF, J. Legatio Batavica ad . . . Sinas Imperatorem, etc. Amst., 1668. Pallu F. Breve e compendiosa Relatione de' Viaggi di tre Vescnvi Francesi . . . a i Regni della Cina, etc. Eoma, 1669. ■ Dapper. Beschryving . . . van . . . Sina, etc. Amst., 1670. Gedenkwaerdig Bedryf der Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Maetschappye, op de Kuste en in het Keizerrijk van . . . Sina, etc. Amst., 1670. KiRCHER, A. La Chine, etc. Amst., 1670. Wagneb, J. C. Das machtige Kayser-Reich Sina . . . vor Aniren gestellet, etc. Augsp., 1688. NiEUHOF, J. Het Gezandtschap der Neerlandtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie, aan den . . . Keizervan C, etc. Amst., 1693. Carlieri, J. Notizie varie . . . della C, etc. Fircnze, 1697. MoxoN, J. A Brief Discourse of a Passage by the North Pole to . . . C, etc. Land., 1697. • Ides, E. Y. Three Years' Travels from Moscow ... to C, etc. Lond., 1706. ■ Jesuits, Travels of several . . . into . . . C, etc. 1714. Mandelslo, J. A. DE. Voyage . . . Contenants une description . . . de la Chine, etc. Amst., 1727. Renaudot, E. Ancient Accounts oi India and C. . . . in tl^e 9ih century, etc. Lond., 1733. Du Halde, J. B, Description . . . de la Chine, etc. Hague, 1736. A Description of . . . C, etc. Lond., 1738. Lecomte, L. Memoirs and Remarks made in above Ten Years' Travels through . . . C. 1738. Osorio, J. History of the Portuguese . . . containing all their Dis- coveries, from . . . Africk to . . . C, etc. 1752. OsBECK, P. A Voyage to C, etc. Lond., 1771. China. ^leiuoires concernant I'histoire . . . des Chinois, par les Missionaires de Pekin. I'nr., 1776. K 130 China. China. — Moyriac de Mailla, J. A. M. de. Histoire generale de la Chine, dc. Par., 1777-85. Lettres edifiantes et curieuses, etc. Vol. 16-24, 26. Chine. Par., 1780-83. SoNKERAT, M. Voyage ... a la Chine, 1774-81. Par., 1782. Meares, J. Vojages . . . from C. to the N. W. Coast of America, etc. Lond., 1790. ■ • EocHON, Abb^. a Voyafje to Madagascar ... To which is added, a Memoir on the Chinese Trade. Lond., 1792. Anderson, iE. A Narrative of the British Embassy to C, in . . . 1792-94, etc. Lond., 1796. Staunton, Sir G. Authentic Account of an Embassy to . . . C, etc. 1797. Barrow, Sir J. Travels in C, etc. 1804. CoxE, W. Account of the . . . Commerce between Eussia and C. ,1804. Johnson, J. The Oriental Voyager ... a Voyage to . . . C, etc. Lond., 1807. __ Frobisher, Sir M. Instructions when going on a Voyage to . . . Cathay, etc. 1816. Eiccius, M. Histoire de TExpedition Chrestienne an Eoyaume de la Chine, entreprise par ... la Com[ia<^nie de Jesus, etc. Lyon, 1816. Ellis, H. Journal of the Proceedings of the late Embassy to C, etc. 1818. Macleod, J. Voyage of H.M.S. Alceste to C, etc. 1819. Staunton, Sir G. T. Miscellaneous Notices relating to C, etc. 1822-50. Cochrane, J. D. Narrative of a pedestrian Journey . . . fiom the Frontiers of C, etc. 1824. TiMKOWSKi, G. Travels of the Eussian Mission ... to C. ... 1820-21, efe 1827. India and China, Papers relating to the Trade with, etc. 1829. . Dobell, p. Travels . . . with a Narrative of a residence in C. 1830. Neumann, C. F. Pilgerfahrten Buddhistischer Priester von C. nach Indien. Leipz., 1833. • Urmston, Sir J. B. Observations on the C. Trade, etc. 1833. Bennett, G. Wanderings in . . . C, etc. 1834. GuTZLAFF, C. Journal of three Voyages along the Coast of C, 1831-33. 1834. Sketch of Chinese History, etc. 1834. • Andrade, J. I. Memoria dos feitos Macaenses contra los piratas da C, etc. Lisb., 1835. Davis, Sir J. F. The Chinese, etc. 1836. HoRSBURGH, J. India Directory, or Directions for . . . C, etc. 1836. China. 131 China.— Murray, H., and others. Historical . . . account of C, etc. Edin., 1836. Paravey, Chev. de. Eeponse h I'Article de M. Kiambourg sur I'Antiquite Chinoise. Epernay, 1836. GuTZLAFF, C. C. opened, etc. Lond., 1838. Medhurst, W. H. C, its State and Prospects, etc. 1838. Gens, General Major. Nachrichten iiber . . . den N. W. Theil des Chinesischen Staates, etc. St. Pet., 1839. Helmersen, G. von. Nachrichten iiber . . . den nord-westlichen Theil des Chinesischen Staates. JSt. Fet., 1839. Slade, J. Narrative of the late Proceedings . . . in C. Canton, 1839. Wise, H. Analysis of One Hundred Voyages to and from . . . C, etc. 1839. BiOT, E. Etudes sur les Montagues et les Cavemes de la Chine. Par., 1840. Eecherches sur la Hauteur de quelques points remarquables du Territoire Chinois. Par., 1840. Eecherches sur la temperature ancienne de la Chine. Par., 1840. • Ternaux-Compans, H. De . . . I'expedition centre Chine. Par., 1840. Lay, G. T. Chinese as they are, etc. 1841. Bingham, J. E. Narrative of . . . Expedition to C, etc. 1842. • BiOT, E. Dictionnaire des Noms . . . des Villes et Arrondissements compris dans I'Empire Chinois. Par., 1842. MuLLER, G. F. and Pallas, P. S. Conquest of Siberia and the History of the Transactions . . . between Eussia and C. from the earliest period. 1842. Belcher, Sir E. Narrative . . . including details of . . . Naval Operations in C, etc. 1843. BiOT, E. Sur la direction de I'Ai^uille aimantee en Cliine, etc. Par., 1844. ■ Chinese Topography, etc. Canton, 1844. Galloway, J. A. Communication with . . , C, etc. 1844. Lopes de Lima, J. J. Ensaios sobre a Statistica dos Possessues Portuguezas . . . na C, etc. Lishoa, 1844-62. Eeinaud, M. Eelation des Voyages faits par les Arabes et les Persans daus ... la Chine dans le IX". siecle. 1845. Davidson, G. F. Trade and Travel . . . EecoUections of ... C. Lmid., 1846. Martin, E. M. Eeports, Minutes, and Despatches on the British Position and Prospects in C. Lond., 1846. Smith, Bp. G. Narrative of an explanatoiy Visit to each ol the Consular Cities of C, etc. 1847. Erman, a. Travels in Siberia, including excursions ... to the Chinese frontier, etc. 1848. K 2 132 China. China.— Forbes, F. E. Five Years in C, etc. 1848. Hall, "W. H., and Bernard, W. D. The Nemesis in C, etc. 1848. Hedde, I. Description . . . des Produits . . . r^cueillis dans un Voyage en Chine. ^5^. Etienne, 1848. Williams, S. W. The Middle Kingdom; a survey of the . . . Chinese Empire, etc. N. Y. and Load., 1848. SiKR, H. C. C. and the Chinese, etc. 1849. Beencastle, Dr. A Voyage to C, etc. Lond., 1850. • Peet, Mr. Letter from, on a new Chinese Geography. Bost. U. S., 1850. India. First Eeport ... on Steam Communications with . . . C, etc. Lond., 1851. ■ Scares, J. P. C. Bosquejo das Possessoes Portuguezas no . . . India e . . . C. Lisb., 1851. • Fortune, E. Journey to the Tea Countries of C, etc. 1852. ■ Hue, M. Souvenirs d'un Voyage dans ... la Chine . . . 1S44~ 46. 1852. EecoUections of a Journey through . . . C. . . . 1844- 46, etc. 1852. Button, Sir T. Some particulars . . . of a North-West Passage to C, etc., 1612. 1853. Power, W. T. EecoUections of a Three Years' Eesidence in C, etc. Lond., 1853. Summers, J. Lecture on the Chinese Language and Literature, etc. Land., 1853. Hue, M. L'Empire Chinois, etc. Par., 1854. Stanley, H. Chinese Manual . . . Eecueil de Phrases Chinois, etc. 1854. Bate, W. J. C. Pilot, etc. 1855. Hue, M. The Chinese Empire, etc. Lond., 1865. Taylor, B. Visit to ... C. ... in 1853. 1855. Meadows, T. T. The Chinese and their Eebellions, etc. 1856. EicHARDS, G. C. Pilot. Appendix 13, 14, 16-18, etc. 1856-7. Davis, Sir J. F. C. : a general description, etc. 1867. • Fortune, E. Eesidence among the Chinese, etc. 1857. Habersham, A. W. My last Cruise . . . Visits to . . . C, etc. Phil, 1867. Martin, E. M. Eeport . . . and Minute on the British Position and Prospects in C, etc. 1857. Milne, W. C. Life in C. 1857. Hue, M. Christianity in C, etc. 1857-8. • Africa. The Lights of . . . C. . . . Corrected to 1857, 58, 59. 1867-69. CoLLiNSON, Admirai,. The Coasts of C. and Tartiuy, e^c. 1858. China. 133 China.— Cooke, G. W. C. ; tic. 1858. Richards, J. C. Pilot. Appendix N". 1. Gulf of Siam, etc. 1858. RoNDOT, M. N. Notice du "Vert de Chine, etc. Par., 1858. Bklcher, Sir E., and Bate, W. T. C. Pilot, etc. 1859. China. Journal of the first French Embassy to C, 1 698-1700, etc. 1859. Oliphant, L. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Mission to C. . . . in 1857-59. Edin., 1859. ■ ■ Troxson, J. M. Narrative of a Voyage to . . . various parts of the Coast of C. 1859. Atkinson, T. W. Travels . . . on the confines of ... C. 1860. OsBORN, S. The Past and Future of British Relations in C. I860. RoNDOT, M. N. Commerce de la France avec la Chine, etc. Lyon, I860. Sprye, R. Commerce with Western and Interior C, etc. 1860. DuNSTERViLLE, E. The Admiralty List of the Lights of . . . C. . . . Corrected to 1860, 61, 62. 1860-62. ■ Duckworth, H. New Commercial Route to C. 1861. King, J. W. C. Pilot, etc. 1861. LocKHART, W. The Medical Missionary in C, etc. Lond., 1861. Proudfoot, W. J. Barrow's Travels in C. ; an Investigation, '/'•. 1861. • RoNDOT, M. N. Pe-King et la Chine ; Mesures, Monnaies, etc. Par., 1861. Sykes, W. H. Notes on . . . the Trade of England with C, ftr. 1861. Brine, L. The Taeping Rebellion in C, etc. 1862. ■ Lauture, Count d'Escayrac de. Notice sur les Deplacements des deux principaux Fieuves de la Chine, Par., 1862. Sainsbury, W. N. Calendar of State Papers . . . C. . . . IHLS- 1616, etc. Lond., 1862. • Speye, R. and R. H. F. Aerial Telescraph to . . . the Open Ports of C, etc. " Land., 1862. The "Westeru-Inland-Provinces of C. Proper . . . con- sidered, etc. 1862. — Reinaud, M. Relatiol^s Politiques et (Jommcrciales do rEm]iire liomain avec ... (la Chine) pendant les cinq premiers sibcles, efr. Par., 1863. Syke8, W. H. The Taeping Rebellion in C, etc. 1863. Lauture, Count d'EscaYrac de. Me'moires sur la Chine, etc. Par., 1864. Stephenson, Sir ]\L Railways in C. Report, etc. 1864. Davis, Sir J. F. Chhiese Miscellanies, etc. Lond., 1865. — DooLiTTLE, J. Social Life of the Chinese, etc. A'. 1'., 1865. 134 China. China.— PuMPELLY, R, Notice of an Account of Geological Observations in C, etc. [1866.] CouRcy, Marquis de. L'Empire du Milieu [C], description, etc. Par., 1867. Ferhabi, J. La Chine et I'Europe, leur histoire, etc. Par., 1867. Lamprey, Dr. Further Remarks on the Ethnology of the Chinese, 1867. - Alabaster, C. and others. Reports of Journeys in C, etc. Lond., 1869. ■ Jenner, T. Mnemonic Geography. Part I. The Provinces of C. Lmd., 1869. McLeod, W. C. Copy of Papers relating to . . . Route . . , from Moulmein to . . . C, etc. Lond., 1869. — — — - Account of the Portugueze possessions from the Cape of Good Hope to C. ASTLEY. Vol. L Embassy of the Lord Van Hoorn to . . . C, etc. Astley. Vol. in. The first attempts of the Dutch to trade to C, etc. Astley. Vol. III. ■ Navarrette's Travels through C. in 1658. Astley, Vol. Ill ■ Nieuhoff, J. Embassy of P. de Goyer and J, de Keyzer ... to . . . C. in 1655. Astley. Vol. III. Travels of Dr. J. F. Gemelli Careri in C. in 1695, Astley. Vol. IIL Travels of E. Isbrand Ides . . . in C. in 1693, Astley. Vol. III. Travels of L. Lange . . . in C. in 1717, Astley. Vol, III. Voyages and Travels in ... C. Astley. Vol. Ill, — Description of C, etc. Astley. Vol. IV. Embassy of Shah Rokli ... to ... C. in 1419, etc. Astley. Vol. IV. — Travels of B. Goez . . . from Labor ... to China in 1602. Astley. Vol. IV. ■ Travels through Tartary ... to ... C. Astley. Vol. IV. Travels through Tibet, to and from C, eSee Manasarowar, ChoromandeL — See Coromandel. Christiania. — Hansteen, C, and Fearnley, C. Beschreibung und Lage der Universitiits-Sternwarte in C, etc. Christ., 1849. Kjerulf, T. Das C.-Silurbecken, chemisch-geognostisch unter- sucht. Christ., 1855. MuRCHisoN, Sir R. I. Additional Observations on the Silurian and Devonian Rocks near C, etc. 1855. Norman, J. M. Quelques Observations de Morphologic Vc::etale faites au Jardiu Botanique de 0. Christ., 1857. Meteorologische Beobachtungen aufgezeichnet auf C.s Obser- vatorium. Christ., 1862. ■ Mohn, H. Den Magnetiske Declination i C. ... 1842-62. 1863. Kjerulf, T. Veiviser ved Geologiske Excursioner i C. Omegn. Christ., 1865. Christmas Island.— Benson, G. Sketch of C. I. 1838. Tbesilian, F. H. Remarks on C. I. 1838. Ohursaechsische Lands.— -See Saxony. Chusan. — Smith, Bp. G. Narrative of an Explanatory Visit to ... C. etc. 1847. Martin, R. M. Report on . . . C, etc. 1857. Cunningham, J. Observations . . . during his residence on the Island of C. . . . 1701. Harris, J. Vol. 1. 140 Chusaii — Cochin China. Chusan. — Cunninsjham J. Observations during a Residence in . . . C, in 1701, etc. Kekk. Vol. IX. Cibola. — -See ZuNi. Cibyra. — Spratt, T. A. B., and Forbes, E. Travels in . . . the Ciby- ratis. 1847. Cilicia. — Barker, W. B. Lares and Penates ; or, C. and its Governors, etc. 1853. — TcHiHATCHEFF, P. DE. Depots Tertiaires d'une partie de la Cilicie Trachee, de la Cilicie Champetre, etc. Par., 1854. Biddulph, W. Travels of four English men . . . into . . . C. ... in 1600 and 1611. Churchill. ^ Vol. VII. Cina. — See China. Cinaloa. — Perez, M. Extracts out of certain Letters of, from the New- Mission of ... C. ... 1591, etc. Purchas. Vol. IV. Cinoloa. — See Cixaloa. Circars. — Observations on the Copper Coinage wanted for the C. 1794. Dalbymple, a. Tracts, from 1764 to 1808. Vol. II. ■ Memoir on Watering the C. Dalkymple, A. Tracts, from 1769 to 1793. Circassia.— Marignt, Chev. Taitbout de. Three Voyages ... to the Coast of C, etc. Lond., 1837. ■ Spencer, E. Travels in C, etc. 1837. ■ • Bell, J. S. Journal of a Residence in C. during . . . 1837-8[l. Lond., 1840. Neumann, C. F. Russland und die Tscherkessen. Stutt. und Tab., 1840. Spencer, E. Turkey . . . and C. 1854. — Chardin, Sir J. Travels . . . through ... C. ... 1672. Harris, J. Vol. II. Circumnavigation.— -See World. City of the Saints, — See Utah. Ciudad de los Angelos. — See Puebla de los Angelos. Civita Vecchia. — Davis, W. A true . . . description of C. V., etc. Churchill. VoL VII. Coahuila. — See Cohahuila. Coblenz. — Louis XVIII., King of France. Relation d'un Vovacre k Bruxellcs et a C, 1791 . Far.,~ 1823. Cochin.— Lawson, C. A. British and Native C. 1861. Corsali, A. Lettera scritta in C. ... 1515, etc. Ramusio. Vol. T. China. — Pallu, F. Breve, e com]iendiosa Relatione de' Viaggi di tre Vescovi Fraucesi . , . a i Regni della . . . Cociucina, etc. Soma, 1669. Bareow, Sir J. Voyage to C.-C, etc. 1806. • Bissachere M. DE la. Etatactuel . . . de la Cochinchine, e/r-. Par., 1812. Cochin China — Colombia^ River. 141 Cochin China. — Crawfurd, J. Jourmil of an Embassy to . . . C. C. dc. 1830. Moor, J. H. Notices of ... C. C, etc. Singapore, 1837. Sprye, E. H. F. and C. H. F. The British and China Eailway; from Rangoon . . . to . . . C.-C. 1858. Gbammont, L. de. Onze Mois de Sous-Prefecture en Basse-Cochiu- chine, etc. Napoleon-Vendee, 1863. Pruner-Bey, Dr. Note sur les Usages des Populations Indiireiics de la Cochinchine Francaise. 1863. CoiNCY, L. DE. Quelques Mots sur la Cochinchine en 1866. Par., 1866. Thorel, C. Notes M^dicales du Voyage d'Exploration . . . de Cochinchine. Par., 1870. Borri, E. F. C. Account of C, etc. Churchill. Vol. II. • Cochin-chine. Eyries. Vol. XIII. Bovis's History of C. C. Pinkertox. Vol. IX. Ehodes, A. Eeise nach C, etc. Voyages and Travels. Allge- meine Hi&torie, etc. Vol. X. Rev, Capt. Voyage from France to C. C, 1819-20. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. IV. Coele-Syria. — Squire, Col. Travels through part of the ancient C.-S., etc. Walpole, E. Travels, etc. Cohahuila. — Edwards, C. Texas and C, etc. N. Y., 1834. Colaba. — Buist, G-. Provisional Eeport on the Meteorological Observations made at G. ... for 1844. Cupar, 1845. Colchis, Colchide.— -See Mingrelia. Col du Geant. — Barrow, J. Expeditions on ... C. du G., etc. 1864. Glaciers. Expeditions . . . including an ascent of ... C. du G., etc. 1864. Coleroon. — India. Eeports of the . . . effects of the . . . C. Annicuts in Tanjore, etc. Madras, 1858. Colmogro. — See Kholmogory. Cologne. — Browne, E. Voyage ... to Holland ; with a Journey through the Electorates of C. . . . 1668. Harris, J. Vol. II. Colombia. — Bolduc, J. B. Z. Mission de la Colombie . . . 1842-43. • ■ Colombia. Being a geographical . . . account of that Country. 1822. MoLLiEN, G. Travels in . , , C, etc. 1824. Cochrane, C. S. Journal of a Eesidence and Travels in C. during 1823-24. 1825. Hall, F. C. in its present state, etc. 1827. Colombia. The Present State of C, etc. 1827. ■ Colombia. Noticia sobre la Geografia Politica de C. Caracas, 1830. , River. Sec Columbia, Eiver. 142 Co long — Como7'o Islands. Colong. — Anderson, J. Observations . . . the result of a . . . Mission to . . . C, etc. F. of W. I., 1824. Colonia Georgico-Anglicana. — See Georgia. Colonies. — See British Colonies. Colonnse. — Calvert, F. Contributions to . . . Ancient Geography. . . . Investigations relative to . . . C, etc. 1861. Colorado. — Whitney, J. P. C, in the U. S. of America. Schedule of Ores contributed to the Paris Universal Exposition of 1867, etc. Lond., 1867. Hayden, F. V. Preliminaiy Field Keport of the U. S. Geol62ical Survey of C., etc. Wash., 1869. ■ , River. — Ives, Lieut. J. C. Vovage d'Esploration du C. en 1857 et 1858. ■ Whipple, A. W. Eepon of an Expedition from San-Diego to the C, etc. Wash., 1851. ■ ■ Derby, G. H. Report of the Eeconnaissance of ... the C. R., made in 1850-51. Wash., 1852. > Sitgreaves, L. Report of an Expedition down the . . . C, etc. Wash., 1854. Humphreys, A. A. Report . . . Exploration of the Rio C, etc. Wash., 1859. Ives, J. C. Report upon the C, etc. Wash., 1861. Columbia, District of. — Warden, D. B. A Chorographical . . . Account of the District of C, etc. Paris, 1816. ■ , River. — Cox, R. Adventures on the C. R., etc. 1831. Montgomerie, J. E. and Horsey, A. F. R. de. A few words collected from . . . the Indians in the Keighbouihood of C. River, etc. 1848. Lewis et Clarke. Yovage . . . k I'enibouchure de la C. dans le Grand Ocean, 1804-6. Eyries. Vol. IX. Coluinbian Isthmus. — See Panama, Isthmus of. Com.mereyland.e. — See Bermuda Islands. Como, Lake of. — Bertolotti, D. Viaggio ai . . . Laghi di C, etc. Como, 1825. Comores. — See Comoro Islands. Comorin, Cape. — Lancaster, J. Memorable Voyage . . . beyond Cape C. . . . 1591. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Beaulieu, A. Reise . . . 1619-21 . . . nach dem Vor- gebirge C, etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. VolX. Comoro Islands. — Gevrey, A. Essai sur les Comorts. Pondichery, 1870. Inverarity, D. Memoir . . . and C. I., by the Hon. T. Howe, 1766. Dalrymple, A. Collection of Nautical Memoirs, etc. Pyrard, F. Fahrt und Begebenhciten . . . bis an die Inseln Comorres, etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Ilistorie, etc. Vol. VIIL Comoro Islands — Congo. 1 43 Comoro Islands. — Spilberg, G. Reise nacli . . . den Comorrischen Insela. lGOl-3. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc.. Vol. VIII. Comorres.— See Comoro Islands. Compostella, Saint James of.— See Santiago de Compostella. Comstock Lode. — Richthofek, Baron F. The C. L. ; its character, etc. San. F., 1866. SuTRO, A. The Sutro Tunnel to the C. L., efc. N. T., 1866. Concan. — Jervis, T. B. Geograijhical . . . Memoir of the Konkun. Calc, 1840. Concord, River. — Thoreau, H. D. A Week on the C. and Merrimack Rivers. Host, and Camb.., 1849. Confederacion Argentina.— &e Argektine Republic. Congo. — Pelliceb de Tovar, J. Mission Evangelica al Revno de C, etc. "Madrid, 1649. Mamdelslo, J. A. DE. Voyage . . . Contenants nne description du C, etc. Amst., 1727. • DouviLLE, J. B. Atlas du Voyage au C, etc. Paris [1832.] ■ • Voyage au C, etc. Pur., 1832. ■ Voyage au C, etc. [A Review.] 1832. Portuguese sent to . . . East Indies by Land, with . . . account of . . . Kongo. AsTLEY. Vol. I. A Description of . . . K., etc. Astley. Vol. III. ■ Voyage to K. in 1666-67 by M. Angelo and D. de Carli, etc. Astley. Vol. III. ■ ■ Voyage to K. . . .in 1682, by J. Merolla de Sorrento. Astley. Vol. III. Vovages and Travels to Benin , . . and . . . Kongo. Astley. Vol. ill. • Voyages and Travels to Kongo and Angola. Astley. Vol. III. • Angelo, M. and Carli, 1). Curious . . . account of a Voyage to C. in 1666-67. Churchill. Vol. I. Merolla da Sorrento, J. Voyage to C, etc. Chxirchill. Vol. I. • Pigafetta, P. Report of the Kingdom of C, etc. Churchill. Vol. VIII. ■ Congo. Laharpe, J. Vol. III. Angelo and Carli's Voyage to C. Pinkerton. Vol. XVT. Merolla's Voyage to C. Pinkerton. Vol. XVI. Pigafetta, P. Report of the Kingdom of C, etc. Purch.\s, Vol. II. ■ Description of the divers Nations ... in Brasill . . . also . . . C, etc. Purchas. Vol. IV. ■ Angelo, M. Die Reise nach K., 1666. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. IV. Carli, D. Reisen der Missionarien in K., 1667. Fortsetzung, 1668. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, itc. Vol. IV. 144 Congo — Constaiitinople. Congo. — Eine BeFchreibimg der Konisreiche . . . K., etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, ttc. Vol. IV. Lopez, E. Die I'eise nacli K., 1578. Voyages and Teavels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. IV. Merolla, H. Eine Eeise nach K. . . . 1682-88, Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. IV. Schiffahrten und Reisen nacli . . . K., etc. Voyages and Teavels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. IV. , River. — Tuckey, J. K. Narrative of an Expedition to explore . . . the C. ... in 1816, etc. 1818. Adams, Capt. J. Eemarks on the Country . . . from Cape Palmas to the Eiver C, etc. 1823. Abstract of a Voyage to K. R. . . . in 1700, by J. Barbot and J. Casseneuve. Astley. Vol. Ill I. Tuckey. Voyage au Zaire ou fieuve du C, 1816. Eyries. Vol. XI. Barbot, J., and Casseneuve, -J. Auszug aus einer Reise an den Fluss von K. . . . 1700. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. IV. Connaught. — Griffith, C. D. Geological . . . Survey of the C. Coal District, etc. Dubl, 1818. C. Description of the Province of, 1612. 1837. Connecticut. — Hitchcock, E. Tchnology of New England. A Report on the ^Sandstone of the C. Valley, etc. Bost., 1858. Constantina, Algeria.— -See Const antise. Constantine. — Temple, Sir G. T. Sketch of the Campaign of Kostati- tmah. 1839. • MoRiciERE ET Bedeau. Projcts de Colonisation pour les Provinces d'Oran et de C. I'ar., 1847. MALTE-BRU^", V. A. Itine'raire . . . de Philippeville h, C. Par., 1858. Mares, P. Nivellement barometrique dans les provinces d' Alger et de C. Versailles, 1864. Constantinople. — Gyllius, P. P. Gyllii de Constantinopoleos Qopo- graphia lib. IV. Lugd. Jjatav., 1632. ■ • BuRGO, G. B. de. Viaggio . . . Con la descrittione di . . . Con- stautinopoli, etc. Milano [1686.] Driesch, G. C. von den. Historische Nachricht von der Gross. Botschaft nach C, etc. Numb., 1723. MoRiER, J. Journey ... to C, in 1808-9. 1812. HoBHOUSE, J. C. Journey ... to C, in 1809-10. 1813. MoRiER, J. A Second Journey ... to C, etc. Lond., 1818. Macmichael, W. Journey from Moscow to C, etc. Lond., 1819. Danube. Observations sur les Routes . . . du Danube h C. a travers le Balcau, etc. Far., 1828. Mac Farlane, C. C. in 1828, etc. 1829. Walsh, R. Journey from C. to England. 1831. Constantinople. 1 45 Constantinople. — Price, W. Journal of Travels of the British Embassy to . . . C, etc. 1833. AuLDJO, J. Yisit to C, etc. 1835. Fraser, J. B. Winter Journey from C. to Tehran, etc. 1838. Murray. Hand-Book for Travellers in . . . C, etc. Lond., 1840. • Davy, J. Notes ... on C, etc. 1842. Smith, A. Month at C. 1850. Eawlinson, Sir H. C. Kotes on the direct Overland Telegraph from C. to Kurrachi. 1861. TcHiHATCHEFT, P. DE. Le Bosphore et C, etc. Par., 1864. ■ ■ Eolamb, N. Relation of a Journey to C. Churchill. Vol. V. ■ Kennedy, C. M. The Turks of C. Galton, F. Vacation Tourists ... in 1862-3. ■ Austel, H. Voyage . . . to C. . . . 1856. Hakluyt. Vol. IT. Hareborne, W. Voyage overland from C. to London, 1588. Hakluyt. Vol. 11. Voyage of certaine Englishmen . . . to C. . . . about 500. Hak- luyt. Vol. II. Voyage of three Ambassadors . . . unto C. . . . 1056. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Voyage of the Susan to C. . . . 1582. Hakluyt. Vol. H. Wrag, R. Description of a Voyage to C. . . . 1593-95. etc. Hakluyt. Vol. II. — Thevenot, J. Voyages . . . from Italy to C, 1655. Harris, J. Vol. II. Voyage of three Ambassadors from England to C, about 1056. Kerr. "Vol. I. • Coryates, J. Travels to . . . C. . . . 1612-14. Purchas. Vol. II. Glover, Sir T. Account of the Journey of E. Barton, Esq., Ambas- sador ... in C, 1596. Purchas. Vol. II. Sanderson, J. Pilgrimage from C. to the Holy Land . . . 1601. Purchas. Vol. II. ■ Voyages to C. . . . 1584-1602. Purchas. Vol. IL Belon, Mr. Remarks in . . . Creta . . . Journey from Mount Athos to C, etc. Ray, J. Greaves, J. Account of the Latitude of C, etc. Ray, J. Smith, T. Historical Observations relating to C, etc. Ray, J. Itineraire de C. a la Mecque, etc. Voyages and Travels. Recueil, etc. Vol. II. An Itinerary from London to C . . .1794. Voyages .and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. I. PouqueviUe, F. C. H. L. Travels ... to C, 1798-1801, etc. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, eee Jocja carta. Djyntia. — See Jynteea. Dniester, River. — Braumuller, J. G. Der wichtigste Kanal in Europa . . . vermittelst der D.s., etc. BtrL, 1815. Dodabetta. — Taylor, T. G. Meteorological Observations made . . . ou D. ... in 1847-48. Madras, 1848. Sykes, W. H. Discussion of Meteorological Observations taken ... at D., etc. 1850. Dodona. — Hawkins, Mr. On the Site of D. Walpole, E. Travels, etc. Dominica. — Hawkins, Sir J. Voyages to . . . the Isle of D. ... 1562-68. Hakluyt. Vol. 111. Newport, C. Voyage to ... D. ... 1591. IIakluyt. Vol. IV. Sherley, Sir A. Voyage to ... D. ... 1596. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. Lav field, E. Large Relation . , . with a description of D. ... 1596-98. PuKCHAS. Vol. IV. Dominican Republic— -See Hayti. Don. — Struve, 0. Positions Geographiques de'termindes en 1847, par . . . Lemm, dans le Pays des Cosaques du D. St. Pit., 1855. Dona Ana. — Parke, J. G. Report of Explorations for . . . a Railway . . . between D. A. on the Rio Grande, and Pimas Villaijes on the Gila. Wash., 1854. Donegal. — M'Parlan, J. Statistical Survey of the County of D. DuhL, 1802. Dongola. — Poxcet, Monsieur. A Voyage to ^Ethiopia . . . describing . . . likewise . . . D , etc. Loud., 1709. DoNGOLA and Sennaar. Narrative of the Expedition to D. and Scnnaar, etc. 1822. Drovetti. Itinerarv . . . from Syout to D., etc. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. VII. Dongolah. — See Dcngcla. Doni, River. — -See Bonny. Domburg. — Thoma, E. Das unterirdische Eisfeld, bei der D., etc. Wiesb., 1841. Dorpat. — Oettikgen, A. von. Metcorologischc Beobachtungen angestellt in D. . . . 1S67. "X'o/7'., 1868. i6o Dorset — Dutch East Indies. Dorset. — Boswell, E. Civil Division of the Count}- of D., etc. Sherborne, 1795. Douro. — Forrester, J. J. Papers relating to the Improvement of the Navigation of the . . . D., etc. Op., 1844. Belcher, Sib E. Directions for the , . . D., 1833. 1847. Forrester, J. J. Documents relating to Mr. F.'s Toposjaphical Works of the . . . River D., etc. Op., 1848. Crawfurd, Mb. Consul. Eeport on the Bar and Navigation of the D. Lond., 1866. Dove, River. — Thorxe, J. Rambles by Rivers : the ... D. 1847- Dover. — Laurie, R. H., and "Whittle, J. New Piloting Directory for the . . . Tliames ; with the Navigation ... to D., etc. Lond., 1816. Mackie, S. J. Thoughts on the D. Cliffs. 1863. Down. — DuBOURDiEU, J. Statistical Survey of . . . D., etc. Bull, 1802. Dresden. — Lehninger, J. A. Description de . , . D., etc. Dresde, 1782. Dresden. D. uud die umliegende Gegend, etc. Dresd., 1804. LiNDAU, W. A. Merkwiirdigkeiten D.s, etc. Dresd. u. Leip., 1832. Dreyeinigkeits-Insel.— /See Jan Mayen. Drogeo. — Zeno, N. and A. Voyage to the yles of ... D. ... 1380, Hakluyt. Vol. III. Drome. — Drome. Le Petit Guide de I'Etranger dans le departement de la D., etc. Valence, 1863. Drontheim. — Deoxtheim, Det Tronhiemske Waysen-Huus, etc. Tronhiem, 1742. • Baerow, J. Visit to Iceland, by way of Tronyem. 1835. Drosacks. — See Trosachs. Druses. — See Lebanon. Duallas. — Sakeb, A. Dualla Lesson Book, No. 2. Cameroons River. Dunfermline Press, Bimhia, 1847. Dublin. — Abcheb, J. Statistical Survey of the County of D., etc. Dubl, 1801. DuTTON, H. Observations on Mr. Archers Statistical Survey of the County of D. Duhl, 1802. Duddon. — Thobne, J. Rambles by Rivers ; the . . . D., etc. 1847. Due Sicilie. — See Naples and Sicily. Dumfries. — Jameson, R. Mineralogical Description of the County of D. £dinb., 1805. Duna. — See Dwina. Dunfermline. — Mercer, A. History of D. Dun/., 1828. Dura Den. — Anderson, J. D. D. A IMonograph of the Yellow Sand- stone, etc. Ejcn, auf seiner dermaligen Reise im Orieute. Miincli., 1858. RosNY, L. de. L'Orient. Par., I860. St. John, S. Life in the Forests of the Far E. 1862. M 1 62 East — East hidies. East. — ScHLAFLi, A. Mittheilungen Sch-weizerischer Eeisender. Pt. IT. Eeiseu in den Orient. Winterthur, 1864. Naedi, F. Eicordi di un Viaggio in Oriente, etc. Eoma, 1866. TcHiHATCHEF, P. DE. Une Page sur I'Orient. Par., 1868. Jordanus, Friar. Mirabilia descripta. The "Wonders of the E. Translated . , . with a Commentary, by Col. H. Yule. 1863. Hak- LUTT Soc. Pub. Vol. XXXI. • Mandeville, Sir J. Travels into the E., 1322. Kerr. Vol. I. INIarco Polo. Travels into ... the E., from 12G0 to 1295. Keer. Vol I. ■ Oderic of Portenau. Travels into ... the E., 1318. Kerr. Vol. I. Continuation of the Discoveries ... of the Portuguese in the E., etc. Kerr. Vol. VI. Pococke, Dr. Travels in the E. PiNKERTOif. Vol. X. Collections of divers Mahumetan authors . . . touching the most remarkable things in the E., etc. Purchas. Vol. II. Eubriquis, Friar W. de. Journall of his Travels unto the E. . . . 1253. PuKCHAS. Vol. in. Eauwolf, L. Journey into the Eastern Countries, etc. Eay, J. Piubruquis, "W. Eeisen in die ostlichen Gegenden der "Welt, 1253. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol VII. Voyage en Orient du Frere G. de Eubruk, 1253. Notice, etc. Voyages and Travels. Eecueil, etc. Vol. IV. East Cape. — Xew Zealand Geological Survey. Abstract Eeport. . . . Together with reports on ... E. C, etc. Well., 1869. East Indies. — India. Lettere dell' India Orientale, etc. Vinegia, 1580. Balbi, G. Viaggio dell' Indie Orientali, etc. Venetia, 1590. Len'schotex, J. H. VAN. Discourse of Voyages into the E. and W. I. Lond., 1598. • Guzman, P. L. Historia de las Missiones . . . de la Corapafiia de Jesus, en la India Oriental, etc. Akala, 1601. ■ Iaeric, p. du. Troisiesme partie de I'histoire des . . . Indes Ori- en tales . . . 1600 jusques a, 1610. B o rckaux, \61^. Valle, p. della. Travels in E. India, etc. 1665. • Chardin, Sir J. Travels into ... the E. I., etc. 1686. Thevenot, M. de. Travels into ... the E. I. 1687. Valentyn, F. Oud en Xieuw Oost-Indieo, etc. Dordr., Amst., 1724-26. Mandelslo, J. A. DE. Voyage . . . de Perse aux Indes Orien tales, etc. Amst., 1727. • OsBECK, p. A Voyage to China and the E. I., etc. Lond., 1771. ■ Terry, E. Voyage to E. India, etc. 1777. SoNNEKAT, M. Voyage aux Indes Orientales . . . 1774-81. Par., 1782. Eaynal, G. T. a Philosophical . . . History of the . . . Euro- peaus iu the E. and W. 1., etc. Lond., 1788. East Indies. 1 62, East Indies. — Bligh, "W. Narrative of . . . Voyage . . . from Tofoa ... to Timor ... in the E. I. 1790. - EocHON, Abbe. A Voyage to Madagascar, and the E. I., etc. Lond., 1792. - HoGEXDORP, D. VAX. Berigt van den tegenwoordigeu Toestand der Bataafsche Bezittingen in Oost Indien, etc. [1799.] - East Ixdies. A demonstration of the Necessity ... of a Free Trade to the E. L, etc. 1807. Papers respecting the Culture and Manufacture of Sugar in British India, etc. 1822. - East axd West Ixdia Trade. Five Accounts of the . . . YaUie of Exports to the E. I., etc. 1827. - Hamiltox, W. The E. India Gazetteer. 1828. - Alexaxder, Sib J. E. Visit to Adjunta in the E. I. 1829. - Estaxcelix, L. Eecherches sur les voyages . . . des Navigateurs Normands . . . dans les Indes Orientales, etc. Far., 1832. - Steaussex, J. J. Eeise durch . . . Ostindien . . . 1647-1673. Gotha, 1832. - .Olfviek, J. Tafereelen en Merkwaardigheden uit Oost-Indie. Amst., 1836. - Fairbaiex, H. a Letter ... on the . . . advantages of a Steam Passage to the E. I., by the Gulf of Mexico, etc. 1837. - Oscdxati, G. Xot€ d'un Viaggio . . . nelle Indie Orientali, etc. Monza, 1844. - SiEBOLD, p. F. DE, AXD Carx^bee P. Melvill de. Lb Moniteur des Indes-Orientales . . . recueil de Memoires, etc. La Eaye et Bat., 1847-49. - Africa. The Lights of . . . E. L . . . Corrected to 1849, 51, 52 , 56, 57, 58, 59. 1849-59. - AvEZAC, d'. L'Expedition . . . des freres Vivaldi, a la decouverte . . . des Indes Orientales au xiii°. siecle, etc. Par., 1859. - Duxsterville, E. The Admiralty List of the Lights of . . . E. I . . . Corrected to 1860, 61, 62. 1860-62. - Saixsbury, W. N. Calendar of State Papers . . . E. I. . . . 1513-1616, etc. Lond., 1862. - Barker, E. Eeport of a Voyage to the E. I. in 1591, etc. Astley. Vol. I. - Davis, J. Voyage to the E. I. in 1598. Astley. Vol. I. - The first Voyages of the Enghsh to . . . the E. I. Astley. Vol. L - Portuguese sent to ... E. I. by Land, etc. Astley. Vol. I. - Saris, J. Occurrences at . . . parts of the E. I., 1605-9, etc. Astley. Vol. I. - Unfortunate Voyage of Capt. B. Wood toward the E. I. in 1596. Astley. Vol. I. - V. de Gama's Second Voyage to the E. I. in 1502. Astley. Vol. I. M 2 1 64 East Indies. East Indies. — Voyages of the English to the E. I., etc. Astlet. Vol. I. ■ Voyage of J. de Nueva to the E. I. Astlet. Vol. I. Voyages to the S. E. and E. I., till the Europeans settled there. ASTLEY. Vol. I. Eoe, Sir T. Journal of his Voyage to the E. I., etc. Chttechill. Vol. I. - ISTieuhoff, J. Voyages and Travels into . . . the E. I. Cetjechill. Vol. II. - Lord, H. Discovery of two foreign Sects in the E. I., etc. Churchill. Vol. VI. - Cartwright, J. The Preacher's Travels to . . . the E. I., etc, Churchill. Vol. VII. - Bruton, "W. News from the E. I., etc. Churchill. Vol. VIII. - Description of a Voyage . . . into the E. I. . . . 1595-97, etc. Churchill. Vol. VIIL - Considerations on . . . "Thoughts on our Acquisitions in the E. I.," etc. Y112. Dalrtmple, A. Tracts, from 1764 to 1808. Vol. I. - Voyage of Master Ceesar Frederick into the East India . . . 1563. Hakluyt. Vol. II. - Gilbert, Sir H. A Discourse to prove a passage by the N. W. to ... the E. I. Hakluyt. Vol. III. - May, H. Voyage to the E. I. . . . 1591-93. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. - Vertomannus, L. Navigation and Voyages to ... E. India . . . 1503. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. - Bruton, W. Xewes from the E. I. ... 1638. Hakluyt. Vol. V. - Voyage made by certaine Ships of Holland into the E. I., 1595-97. Hakluyt. Vol. V. - An Account of the most remarkable Fish and Fowl in the E. I., etc. Harris, J. Vol. I. - Beaulieu, A. de. Expedition to the E. I. . . . 1619-22. Harris, J. Vol. I. - The Discovery, settlement, and commerce of the E. I. Harris, J. Vol. I. - An historical Account of the Intercourse between . . . Great Bri- tain and . . . the E. I., etc. Harris, J. Vol. I. - History of the . . . Portuguese Empire in the E. I., etc. Harris, J. Vol. I. - Laval, F. Pirard de. Voyage to the E. I. . . . 1601-11. Harris, J. Vol. I. - Maglianes or Magellan, F. Voyage from the South Seas to the E. I., 1519-22. Harris, J. Vol. I. - Of the Land Animals in the E. I., etc. Harris, J. Vol. I. - Taveruier, J. B. Account of the Commodities ... of the E. I. Harris, J. Vol. I. - "Wood, B. Unfortunate Voyage towards the E. I., 1596. Kerr. Vol. VII. East Indies. 1 6 ■ East Indies. — Davis, J. Voyage to E. I. 1598. Kerb. Vol. VIII. First Voyage of the English E. I. Company 1601, etc. Kerb. Vol. VIII. - Fifth Voyage of . . . the English E. I. Company in 1617, etc. Keer. Vol. IX. - Eochon, Abbe. Voyage to . . . the E. I. Pelham. Vol, II. - Bernier's Voyage to the E. I. Pinkertox. Vol. VIII, - Hamilton's Account of the E. I, Pixkerton. Vol. VIII. - Breve Eela9ao das Escrituras dos Gentios da India Oriental, e dos sens Costumes. PoExnGAL. Collecpao de Noticias, etc. Vol. I. - EmpoH, J. de. Viagem as Indias Orientaes, 1503. Portugal. CoUecfao de Noticias, etc. Vol. II. - Lopes, T. Navegafao a's Indias Orientaes, 1502. Portugal. CoUecfao de Noticias, etc. Vol. II. - An Answer to the Hollander's declaration concerning the occurrents of the E. India. Purchas. Vol. I. - Best, T. Journal of the tenth Voyage to the E. I., 1611-14, etc. Purchas. Vol. I. - A briefe narration of the fourth Voyage to the E, I. under A. Sharpey, etc. Purchas. Vol. I. - Clay borne, T. Discourse of a Second Voyage to the E. I. under Sir H. Middleton, 1604-6, etc. Purchas. Vol, I, - Davis, J. A Piuter, or briefe direction for readie sayling into the E. India, etc. Purchas. Vol. I, Third Voyage , . . to the E. I., 1604-6. Purchas. Vol. I. Voyage to the Easterne India, 1598-1600. Purchas. Vol. I. - Davy, J, Journal of the Ninth Voyage to the E. I. , . . 1611-15. Purchas. Vol. I. - Dods worth, E. Briefe Memorialls observed by, during a Voyage to the E. I., 1613-15. Purchas. Vol. I. - Downton, N. Extracts of the Journal of a Voyage to the E. I. . . . 1613-15. Purchas. Vol. I. - Dutch Navigations to the E. I., etc. Purchas. Vol. I. - Elkington, T. Collections taken out of the Journal of a Voyage to the E. L, 1613-15. Purchas. Vol. I. - First Voyage made to E. India by Sir J. Lancaster, 1600, etc. Purchas. Vol. I. - The Hollanders Declaration of the affaires of the E. I. ... 1622. Purchas. Vol. I. - Keeling, W. Journal of the third Voyage to the E. 1., 1607-10, etc. Purchas. Vol. I. - Marten, N. Seventh Voyage into E. India . . . 1610-15. Pur- chas. Vol. I. - Middleton, Sir H. Sixth Voyage, set forth by the E. I.n Companie . . . 1610-12, etc. Purchas. Vol. I. 1 66 East Indies. East Indies. — Millward, J. Memorial of a Voyage to the E. 1., 1614-15. PUKCHAS. Vol. I. Mun, T. Discourse of Trade from England unto the E. I., efc. PURCHAS. Vol. I. Of the first English Voyages to the E. I., etc. Pubchas. Vol. I. Peyton, W. Journal of all the principal matters passed in the Voyage to the E. India, 1612-14. Purchas. Vol. I. SecondVoyageintotheE. 1. 1614-16, es'ov. 1852. Edin., 1852. Eeport read to the Special Meeting ... of Visitors of the Eoyal Observatory, E., etc. Edin., 1864. Edom. — Lindsay, Lord. Letters on . . . E., etc. 1847. Kennedy, J. Idumtea, etc. 1851. Egean Sea. — See Archipelago. Egeesche Zee. — See Archipelago. Eger.— Grieben, T. Grieben's Eeise-Bibliothek. K", 38 . . . E., etc. Berl, 1861. Barton, E. Two letters . . . from Agria, 1596. Purchas. Vol. IL Egmont Island. — Carteret, Capt. Voyage ... to ... E. I. 1766-69. Hawkesworth, J. Vol. L Egypt.— CoRBAUX, F. On the Comparative Physical Geography of the Arabian Frontier of E., at the earliest epoch, etc. [_Edinhurgh.'] Egypt. Eelation de I'Expedition scientifique des Francais en Eo^ypte en 1798. — JoMARD, E. F. Eelation de I'Expedition Scientifique des Francais en E. au 1798. Faris. Pelagius Cambrensis. Voyage into Ji]. . . . 390. — Bellonius, p. Plurimaiuni . . . rerum in . . . ^gypto . . . conspectarum observationes, etc. Antw., 1589. San-dys, G. a Eelation of a Journey begun . . . 1610. Con- taining a description of . . . M., etc. 1615. PoNCET, Monsieur. A Voyage to Ethiopia . . . describing . . . likewise . , . part of E., etc. Lond., 1709. Hasius, J. M. Eegni Davidici . . . descriptio . . . una cum deli- ncatione . . . ^Egypti, etc. Nurimh., 1739. Le Mascrier, M. l'Abbe. Description de I'Egypte, etc. La Haye, 1740. 170 Egypt. Egypt. — PococKE, R. Description of . . . E., etc. 1743-45. NoRDEN, F. L. Travels in E. and Nubia, etc. 1757. Irwin, E. A Series of Adventures ... on tlie Coasts of . . . E., etc. Lond., 1780. Savart, M. Letters on E., etc. 1786. VoLNEY, C. F. Voyage ... en E., pendant 1783-85. Par., 1787. SoNNiNi, C. S. Travels in Upper and Lower E., etc. 1800. Denon, V. Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte, etc. Lond., 1803. Browne, W. G. Travels in . . . E., etc. 1806. ■ Valentia, Viscount. Voyages and Travels to . . . E,, in 1802-G. 1811. Ali Bey. Travels in . . . E., etc. 1816. Legh, T. Narrative of a Journey in E., etc. 1816. Light, H. Travels in E. . . . 1814. Lond., 1818. Belzoni, G. Narrative of . . . Operations . . . in E., etc. 1822. ■ Cella, p. della. Narrative of an expedition from Tripoli ... to . . . E., etc. 1822. Irby, Hon. C. L., and Mangles, J. Travels in E. . . . 1817 and 1818. 1823. Landseer, J. Saba3an Rcaearclies . . . Essays ... on the en- graved Hieroglyphics of . . . E., etc. 1823. • Mengin, F. Histoire de I'Egypte sous le gouvernement de Moham- nied-Aly, etc. Par., 1823. Young, T. An Account of some recent discoveries in ... E. ian Antiquities, etc. 1823. Henniker, 81R F. Notes during a Visit to E., etc. 1824. Lushington, Mrs. C. Narrative of a Journey ... to Europe, by way of E. 1829. Madden, R. R. Travels in . . . E., etc. 1829. Prokesch, a. von. Erinnerungen aus iEgypten, etc. Wien, 1829-30. BuRCKHABDT, J. L. Arabic Proverbs ; or the Manners ... of the Modern Egyptians, etc. 1830. Elwood, Mrs. Col. Journey Overland ... by ... E. ... to India. 1830. Graberg, Count J, Tableau de I'Egypte, etc. Oennaio, 1830. Tattam, H. Compendious Grammar of the E. ian language, etc. Lond., 1830. Young, T. Rudiments of an E. ian Dictionary in the Ancient En- chorial Character, etc. Land., 1830. Russell, Bp. M. View of Ancient and Modern E,, etc. Edin., 1832. Ybates, T. Dissertation on . . . the principal Pyramids of E., etc. 1833. Egypt, lyi Egypt.— FiTZMATJRicE, HoN. W. E. Ciuise to E., etc. 1834. Madox, J. Excursions in . . . E., etc. 1834. Yeates, T. Eemarks on the History of Ancient E., etc. 1835. Beke, C. T. On the Complexion of the Ancient Egyptians. 1836. HosKiNS, Gr. A. Ethiopia versus E. 1836. ■ — JoMARD, E. F. Coup-d'oeil impartial sur I'e'tat present de I'liliivpte, etc. Far., 1836. Lane, E. W, Account of . . . the Modern Egyptians, etc. 1836. HoLROYD, A. T. E. and Mahomed Ali Pasha, in 1837. 1837. • — Heeren, a, H. L. Historical Researches into the Politics ... of the . . . EgyiJtians, etc. Oxf., 1838. Stephens, G. Incidents of Travel in E., ef. Der E.-Oberlandische Canal. Berl., 1861. ElbrOTlZ. — See Elbruz. Elbruz. — KuPFFER, M. Voyage dans les Environs de Mont Elbrouz . . . en 1829. >S'^. Pet., 1830. Douglas, F. W. Travels . . . including . . . Ascents of Kazbak and E. Lond., 1869. Jordan ou Jourdain Catalani, P. Mirabilia descripta, sequitur de . . . Montibus Caspiis, etc. Voyages and Travels. Eecueil, etc. Vol. IV. Elburj. — See Elbruz. Eleusis. — Stuart, J. and Revett, N. The Antiquities of Athens . . . E., etc. 1825-33. Elfsborg. — Topogeafiska och Statistiska Uppgifter om E.s Lan. Stockh., I860. Elis. — Sibthorp, Dr. Journal relating to parts of the ancient E., etc. Wal- pole, E. Travels, etc. Ellora. — Burgess, J. The Rock-cut Temples of Ajanta, with an Account of a Trip to . . E. Bombay, 1868. El-Medinah — England. i ^5 El-Medinah. — See Medina. Elmira. — Peters, C. H. F. Report on the determination of the LonHttide of E. [1862.] El Obdid.— ^e Lobeid. Elora.— ^See Elloka. Eloth. — Of Ezion Geber, E., and the Red Sea, etc. Purchas. Vol. I. Elsass. — See Alsace. Elster. — Grieben, T. Grieben's Reise-Bibliothek. No. 38 . . . E , p^c Berl., 1861. Elsterwerda. — Dresden und die umliegende Gegend bis E., etc. Dresd., 1804. Empire Burman. — See Burmah. Empire Chinois. — See China. Empire du Milieu. — See China. Empire Ottoman. — See Turkey. Engadine, Upper.— Rey, W. Les Grisons et la Haute Engadine. Geneve, 1850. England. — Ogilby, J. Britannia; or . . . E. . . . surveyed, etc. 1698. ■ ■ PoLLNiTZ, C. L., Baron de. Memoirs . . . in his . . . Travels through . . . E., etc. 1737. Seward,' "W. Journal of a voyage . . . from Philadelphia to E., 1740. Lond., 1740. Martin, B. The Natural History of E., etc. Lond., 1759-63. Owen, J. Britannia Depicta ... an actual Survey of . . . E., etc. 1764. ■ Considerations on . . . affairs between E. and America. 1778. Dalrymple, a. Tracts, from 17G4 to 1808. Yol. I. Andrews, J. Historical Atlas of E., etc. 1797. Faujas Saint-Fond, B. Voyage en Angleterre, etc. Par., 1797. — FoRSTER, G. Journey from Bengal to E., etc. 1798. Faujas Saint-Fond, B. Travels in E., etc. 1799. MuDGE, \V., and Dalby, J. Trigonometrical Survey of E. ... l"84-99. 1799-1801. Playfair, W. The Commercial and Political Atlas, representing ... the progress of . . . E., during ... the Eighteenth Century, etc. Lond., 1801. Cary, J. Itinerary of the Great Roads throughout E., etc. 1812. Frank, G. Viaggio . . . per una gran parte dell' Inghilterra, etc. Miluno, 1813. Conybeare, W. D., and Phillips, W. Outlines of the Geolofrv of E. and Wales, etc. Lond., 1822. Alexander, Sir J. E. Travels from India to E., dc. 1827. Carlisle, N. Historical Acccount of . . . Charities in E. and Wales, etc. 1828. 176 England. England. — PATERSON'sEoads in E. and Wales . . . improved by E. M02?. 1829. — Elwood, Mrs. Col. Journey Overland from E ... to India. 1830. ■ Walsh, E. Journey from Constantinople to E. 1831. England. An Act to settle and describe the Divisions of Counties ... in E., etc. 1832. England. Reports from Commissioners on Proposed Division of Counties, e^c. 1832. England and America, a Comparison, etc. " 1833. Arctic Expeditions. Arctic Expeditions from E., from 1497 to 1833. 1834. BouRCHiER, W. Narrative of a Passage from Bombay to E., etc. 1834. ■ Bell, J. New , . . Gazetteer of E., etc. Glasg., 1837, 38. Dechen. Anzeige der Geognosticbeu Karte von . . . E., etc. Berl., 1839. ■ MuRCHisoN, Sir E. I. Map of the Silurian Eegion and adjacent counties of E., etc. 1839. Greenough, G. B. Memoir of a Geological Map of E., etc. 1840. ■ ■ — England. Eeport of the Commissioners appointed to survev the Harbours (S.E. Coast). 1840. Clark, Sir J. The Sanative Influence of Climate, -with an account of . . . places of resort ... in E., etc. 1841. ■ Parliamentary Gazetteer of E. and Wales, etc. Lond., Edin., Glasg., 1843. ■ Eegistrar General, Eeports of the, of Births, Deaths, and Mar- riages in E., 1844-5. Land., 1845-47. EoNAY, J. Jellemisme, vagy az Angol . . . Nemzet . . . Jellemgese, etc. Oyorott, 1847. Maury, L. F. A. Histoire . . . des Forets de I'Angleterre, etc. Par., 1850. ■ MuRCHisoN, Sm E. I. On the distribution of the Flint Drift of the S.E. of E., etc. Lond., 1851. Gasc, F. Education in E., etc. ^ 1852. Worsaae, J. J. A. Account of the Danes and Norwegians in E., etc. 1852. Black's Picturesque Tourist of E. and Wales. Edin., 1854. . Hamel, J. E. and Eussia, etc. 1854. Whitley, N. On some Peculiarities of the Climate of the S.-W. of E., etc. 1855. Glaisher, J. On the Meteorology of E., etc. 1857-59. James, Sir H. Ordnance Survey. Abstracts of the principal Lines of Spirit Levelling in E. and Wales. 1861. Sykes, \V. H. Notes on . . . the Trade of E. with China, etc. 1861. . Domesday Book, or the Great Survey of E. . . . In Fac-siraile, etc. 1861-63. England — England^ Sonth. 177 England. — IMurchison, Sir R. I., and Harkness, R. On the Permian Itucks of the X.-W. of E., ale. 1864. Balfour, Major-Gen. On the Budgets and Accounts of E., etc. Lond., 1866. Peacock, E. A. Physical and hi.storical evidences of vast Sinkings of Laud on the S.W. Coasts of E., within the Historical Period. Lond., 1868. King, J. W. Pilote de la Manche, Cotes Sud et Sud-Ouest d'Angle- terre, dc. Par., 1869. Ravenstein, E. G. Denominational Statistics of E. and Wales. Lond., 1870. Reisehandbuch fiir E., etc. Llildhurgh., 1870. Betts, J. Exercises on . . . E . and Wales, etc. ■ Germany. Anzeige der geognostischen Karte von . . . E., etc. ■ Phillips, Capt. Journal of . . . Voyage from E. to Cape Moun- seradoe, etc. Churchill. Vol. VI. Bissell, A. Voyage from E. to the Red Sea . . . 1798-99. Dal- rymple, A. Collection of Nautical Memoirs, etc. Horsey, Master J. Voyage over land from Mosco ... to E., 1584. Hakluyt. Vol. I. Austel, H. Voyage . . . througli Germany into E., 1586. Hak- luyt. Vol. II. Mandevil, Sir J. Voyage from E. to Judea . . . from 1322 to 1355. Hakluyt. Vol. II. • Browne, E. Voyage from E. to Holland . . . 1668. Harris, J. Vol. IT. Gonzales. Voyage to E. and Scotland. Pinkerton. Vol. II. ■ Moritz, C. P. Travels through several i^arts of E. Pinkerton. Vol. II. Ancient Commerce between E. and Norway, e^c. Purchas. Vol.111. Gleanings of a Wauderer, in . . . E. . . . 1804. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. 1. Wales, a Tour in, and several Counties of E. ... 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. IV. Wales, a Tour in and through several Counties of E. 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1810. Vol. I. • E., Journal of a Tour in the W.n Counties of, 1807. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1810. Vol. V. A Sketch of Old E., bv a New Enclaud Man, 1822. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819, etc. Vol. VIll. , North.— Young, A. Six Months' Tour through the N. of E. 1770. Mawe, J. Mineralogy . . . with a description of . . . Mines in the N. of E., etc. 1802. Green, J. A . . . Guide to the Beauties of the N. of E. 1810. , South. — Young, A. Six Weeks' Tour through the S.a Counties of E., etc. 1768. Roberts, G. Social Iliotory of the People of the S.n Coun- ties of E. in past centuries. 1856, N lyS England, West — E spar f el, Cape. England, West.— Shaw's Tour to the W. of E. Pinkeeton. Vol. II. Eno;land, Journal of a Tour to the W.n Counties of, 1807. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. X. English Channel. — Telford, T., and Nicholls, G. Ship Canal for the Junction of the E. and Bristol Cliannels : Eeports, etc. 1824. • English and Irish Channels and Ports Tide-Tables, etc. 1835-53. ■ PuRDY, J., and FiNDLAY, A. G. Sailing Directory for the E. C, etc. 1849. White, M. Sailing Directions for the E. C, etc. 1850. Beechey, F. W. Eeport on . . . Tidal Streams of the E. C, etc. 1851. King, J. W. Channel Pilot, etc. 1859-63. Engoy. — See En-Goyo. En-Goyo. — Of the Province of Engoy, etc. Purchas. Vol. II. Engroenland. — See Greenland. Engronland. — See Greenland. Ensala.— /See Insalah. Entre-Rios. — Coleccion de Leyes . . . de la Provincia de E. E. Buen. A., 1864. Ephesus. — Voyage of three Ambassadors . . . unto E., 1056. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Epirus. — Spencer, E. Travels . . . through . . . E., etc. 1851. Pouqueville, F. C. H. L. Travels in E. ... 1805. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. IV. Equador. — See Ecuador. Equator, Republic of the.— ^ee Ecuador. Erde. — See World. Erddly. — See Transylvania. Erie, Lake. — Canada. Estimates of the Expense of . , . Water Com.- munications . . . from Lake E. to Lake Ontario. 1828. Graham, J. D. Eeport on the Improvement of the Har- bours of Lakes . . . E., etc. Wash., I860. Erne, Lough, — Wolfe, J. Sailing Directions, etc., with some Hydro- graphic Xotices of L. E., etc. 1850. Erythraean Sea. — Eeinaud, M. Memoire . . . sur I'epoque de la redac- tion du I'eriple de la Mer Erythree, etc. Far., 1861. Erzeroom. — See Erzerum, Erzerum. — Curzon, Hon. E. Armenia ; a Year at E,, etc. 1854. • MoNTEiTH, AV. Kars and E., etc. 1856. Eskimo. — See Esquimaux. Eslanda. — See Iceland. Espagne, Espana.— -See Spain. Espartel, Cape.— AS'ee Spautel. Esqttimavx — Ethiopia. 179 Esquimaux. — Arctic Expeditions. Eskimaux and English Vocabulary, ttc. Land., 1850. Washington, J. E. and English Vocabulary, dc. 1850. Arctic Expeditions. Greenland — Eskimo Vocabulary, ttc, Loral., 1853. Hall, C. F. Life with the E., etc. Lond., 1864. Essequebo. — Bolingbroke, H. Voyage . . . containing a Statistical Ac- count of the Settlements ... on the E. ... 171)9. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. X. Esthonia. — Hjorth, J. Description des Cotes de I'Esthonie, etc. Par., 1855. Estotiland. — Zeno, IST. and A. Voyage to the yles of . . . E. ... 1380. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Etbaye. — Si-e Atbara. Ethiopia. — Martyr, P. De rebus Oceanicis . . . Item de rebus ^thio- picis . . . opuscula. Colon ice, 1574. • PoNCET, Monsieur. A Voyage to Ethiopia, made in . . . 1G98, 1699, and 1700, etc. Lond., 1709. Tellez, B. Travels of the Jesuits in E., etc. 1710. Waddixgton, G. and Hanbury', B. Journal of a Visit to some parts ofE. 1822. HosKiNS, G. A. Travels in E., etc. 1835. E. versus Egypt. 1836. Heeren, a. H. L. Historical Piesearches into the Politics ... of the . . . Ethiopians, etc. Ox/., 1838. Harris, Sib W. C. The Highlands of ^. 1844. ■ ■ Lepsius, R. Denkmiiler aus . . . Athiopien, etc, Berl., 1849. Wild, J. J. Letter . . . containing Proposals for a scientific Ex- ploration of . . . E. 1850. Bernatz, J. M. Scenes in E., etc. Munich and Lond., 1852. Lepsius, E. Discoveries in ... E. ... in 1842-45, etc. 1852. Hamilton, J. Sinai . . . Wanderings . . . across the ^Ethiopian Desert, etc. 1857. ■ Hutchinson, T. J. Ten Years' Wanderings among the E,ns, efr. 1861. Abbadie, a. d'. Geodesic d'Ethiopie, etc. Par., 1863. Harris, Sir W. C. Illustrations of the Highlands of M. Vertomannus, L. Navigation and Voyages to ... E. ... 1503. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. Varthema, L. di. Travels in . . . E. 1503-1508 . . . Edited . . . by G. P. Badger. 1863. Hakluyt Soc. Pub. Vol. XXXIJ. Santo's History of E.n E. Pinkerton. Vol. XVL ■ lambulus, his Navigation to . . . E., etc. Purchas. Vol. T. • Xunnez, Baretus, J. and C)vie(la, A. Relations of the State and Religion in E., 1555-77, etc. Purchas. Vol. I. n2 i8o Ethiopia — Euphrates. Ethiopia.— Alvarez, Sir F. Voyage unto the Court ... of E., 1520-23, ttC. PtJRCHAS. Vol. II. Benjamin, the Son of Jonas. Peregrination of . . . and relations of . . . E., etc. PURCHAS. Vol. II. Brief Relation of the Embassage . . . from . . . E. to . . . Portu- gal, etc. PuRCHAS. Vol. II. Joao dos Sanctos, Friar. Collections out of . . . his Ethiopia Orientalis, etc. Purchas. Vol. II. Of M., and the African Hands, and of their Religions. Purchas. Vol. V. ■ ■ Alvarez, F. Viaggio fatto nell' E., 1520. Ramusio. Vol. I. r . Barthema, L. Itinerario dell' Egitto . . . E., etc. Eamusio. Vol. I. Ramusio. Discorso sopra il viaggio dell' E. Eamusio. Vol. I. ■ Lobo, P'ather. Observations of E. Eat, J. Michael, of Tripoli. Of E. Ray, J. Remarqnes sur les Relations de I'Ethiopie des Peres leronimo Lobo & de Baltliazar Tellez, Jesuites. Thevenot. Vol. IV. /See also Abyssinia. Inferior. — See Angola. Interior.— See Abyssinia. -, Upper. — Histoive de la Haute-Ethiopie ecrite sur les lieux par le Pere Manuel d' Almeida, etc. Thevenot. Vol. IV. Etna. — Gourbillon, M. Travels ... to Mount E., 1819. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. IV. Eton. — Windsor. The Roj'al Windsor Guide, with a brief account of E., etc. Windmr. Etruria. — Steub, L. Uebor die Urbewohner Ratiens und ihren Zusammen- hang mit den Etruskern. Munch., 1843. FoRSTER, C. The One Primeval Language traced . . . from the Monuments of E., etc. 1851. Etymander. — 6'ee Helmund. Euboea. — Sib thorp, Dr. Voyage . . . E., e^c. Walpole, R. Travels, eic. Euphrate. — >See Euphrates. Euphrates. — Drummond, A. Travels ... as far as the Banks of the E., etc. 1754. D'Anville, J. B. L'Euphrate et le Tigre. Tar., 1779. Arrian's Voyage of Nearchus, from the Indus to the E., etc. Vincent, W. The Commerce, etc. Vol. I. 1807. Chesney, F. R. Reports on the Navigation of the E. 1833. Expeditions for tlie Survej^ of the . . . E. ... in 1835-37, etc. 1850. Thompson, J. B. The E. Valley Route to India. 1853. Andrew, W. P. The Scinde Railway and its relations to the E. A^alley and otlier routes to India. 1856. Euphrates Valley Route to India, tic. 1856. Eitphrates — Europe. 1 8 1 Euphrates. - Andrew, W. P. Memoir on the E. Valley Eoute to India, etc. 1857. Griffith, C. D. Speech on . . . the E. Eailway, etc. 1857. Europa.— >See Europe. Europa del Turco.— -See Turkey, European. Europe.— Brown, E. Travels in divers parts of E. 1685. NoRTHLEiGH, J. Observations made in two Voyages through most parts of E. 1702. MoTRAYE, A. DE LA. Travels through E., etc. 1723-32. AsTLEY, T. Ne^v . . . Collection of . . . Travels ... in E., etc. ^ 1745-47. D'Anville, J. B. BouRGUiGNON. lEtats forme's en E. apr^s la Chute de I'Empire ilomain en Occident. Far., 1771. Berchtold, Count L. An Essay ... To which is added a Catalogue of . . . European Travels ui* to 1787. 1789. Thunberg, C. p. Eeisen in Europa . . . 1770 bis 1779, etc. Bed., 1792-94. Anderson, A. Historical . . . view of . . . E., etc. 1801. Prospetto Geografico-Statistico degli Stati Europe!. Milano, 1802. Griffiths, J. Travels in E., etc. 1805. Fawkes, W. Chronology of the History of Modern E. ... a.d. 475, to . . . 1793. York, 1810. MiRZA Abu Taleb Khan. Voyages en ... E. ... 1799-1803, e^c- ^ Par., 1811. Kruse, C. Kurze Auzeigen und Erlauterungen iiber raeinen Atlas zur Geschichte aller Europaischen Lauder, etc. ' Halle, 1812. Barber, G. D. Ancient . . . Eecords of the Cimri . . . in . . . E., etc. 1815. Braumuller, J. G. Der wichtigste Kanal in Europa, etc. Berl, 1815. Clarke, E. D. Travels in . . . E., etc. 1816-24. Keatinge, Col. Travels in E., etc. 1816. Smith, Capt. J. The True Travels ... of Capt. J. Smith, in E. ... beginning about . . . 1593, etc. Richmond, U.S., 1819. Hahnzog, a. G. Lehrbuch der Militar-Geographie von Europa. Ma(j(hhurg, 1820. Benicken, F. W. DieElementederMiUtar-Geogi-aiihievon Europa. 1 1 eimar, 1821. Everett, E. Europe, or a General Survey, etc. 1822. — Gandini, F. Itineraire . . . de I'E. Milan, 1828. Adolph, J. G. B. Mathematische . . . Erdbcschreibung mit besonderer Eiicksicht auf Europa. il/<'«'«2, 1829. AsPiN, J. Geo-Chronologie von r]uropa. Kempten, 1829. GrIberg, Count J. Pellegrinaggio in Europa . . . di G. C. Ecltrami. Firenze, 1829. Lushington, Mrs. C. Narrative of a Journey from Calcutta to E., '^^- 1829. 1 82 Europe. Europe.— Bbitguiere, L. Orographie de I'E. Par., 1830. Elwood, Mrs. Col. Journey Overland ... 'by ... E. ... to India. 1830. ■ ScHOuw, J. F. Euroi^a, en letfattelig Natiirskildring. Cofenli., 1832. Malchus, C. a. F. von. Handbuch der Militar-Geographie . . , von E. Heidd. u Leip., 1833. Zeune, a. Der Seeboden urn Europa. Berl, 1834. Possessions in E. Martin, E. M. History of the British Colonies. ^'ol. V. 1834-35. EicHHOFF, F. G. Parallele des Langues de I'Europe et de I'lnde, etc. Par., 1836. Mendelssohn, G. B. Das Germanische Europa. Berl, 1836. GeIberg, Count J. L'Europa, Quadro fisiografico da Schouw. Milan, 1839. • Martin, E. M, Statistics of the Colonies ... in ... E., etc. Lond., 1839. ScHow, J. C. L'Europa. Quadro fisiografico, etc. Milano, 1839. Menzel, W. E. in 1840, etc. Edinl., 1841. EussEGGER, J. Eeisen in Europa, etc. Stuttg., 1841. • ■ Bandinel, J. Some account of . . . Slaves ... as connected with E., etc. 1842. Balbi, a. Saggio . . . delle strade ferrate Europee, etc. Mil, 1848. Catlin, G. Notes of Eight Years' Travels ... in E. 1848. Bataillard, p. Nouvelles recherches sur I'apparition . . . des Bohemiens en E. Far., 1849. Hughes, W. Manual of European Geography, etc. Edin., 1851. JuNGHUHN, F. Eiickreise von Java nach Europa . . . 1848, etc. Leip., 1852. ■ Latham, E. G. The Ethnology of E. 1852. Alishan, E. L. M. Introduction to . . . the Geography of E. Arm. Ven., 1853. ■ EowELL, G. A. On the Change of Temperature in E., etc. 1853. Alfred, the Great. A description of E., etc. 1855. Heufler, L. von. Asplenii Species Europa3£e. Wien, 1856. HouzEAU, J. C. Histoire du Sol de I'E. Brux., 1857. Brown, Sir E. European and Asiatic Intercourse, etc. 1858. Lamont, J. Untersuchungen iiber die Eichtung und Starke des Erdmagnetismus an verschiedeuen Puncten des siidwestliclien Euro]ia. Munch., 1858. Europe. Africa, India. Latham, E. G. Descriptive Ethnology. Vol n. 1859. Enquiry. An Enquiry into the Primeval State of E. Lond., 1864. Horsburgh, J. Instructions Nautiques. Traversecs d'E. aux differentes parties de I'lnde, etc. Bar., 1864. chungen . . . Europas mit den Berlin. Paris. iiiE. . , . from 1592 to 1629. Churchill. Vol. YI. e . . . and .... description. Europe, Central — Europe, North. 183 Europe. — Ferrari, J. La Chine et !'£., leur bistoire, etc. Fur., 1867. EuROPAiscHE Gradjiessung. Bericht, etc. BerJ., 1868. JoHXSTON, A. K. Atlas of the British Empire in E. . . . with . . . letterpress. Kdin. and Loud. [1870.] Betts, J. Exercises on ... E., etc. Lopes, J. J. Ueher die . . . Bez Hispano-Amerikauischen Repiibliken. Sanson, N. Geographic de I'E. Smith, Capt. J. True Travels . . Churchill. Vol. II. Careri, J. G. Travels through E. Osborne, T. Introductory discourse of E. Churchill. Vol. VII. Arthur, King. Voyage to . . . the most N.E. parts of E., 517. Hakluyt. Vol. I. Benjamin, Rabbi. Travels through E. . . . 1160-1173. Harris, J. Vol. I. A briefe and general Consideration of E. compared \vitli the other parts of the World, etc. Purchas. Vol. I. Smith, Capt. J. Travels ... on the Siea Coasts of E. ... about 1596. Purchas. Vol. II. Barkley, G. Travels . . . in E. . . . 1605. Purchas. Vol. III. Carlins Riickreise nach . . . Europa, 1668. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. IV. Gruber, J. Reisen von China nach Europa, 1661. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. ^ il. Mandelslo, J. A. Reise . . . nach Europa iiber Goa. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XI. ■ Tavernier. Reisen . . . 1665-66 . , . nach Europa. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XI. Bruguierc, L. Orographic de TE. Voyages and Travels. Ee- cueil, etc. VoL III. , Central. — Potenti, G. Legende des Matieres contenues dans la Carte Itiueraire . . . de I'E. Centrale. Brux., 1846. , North. — Wraxall, N. A Tour through . . . X.n . . . E., dc. 1776. Elliott, C. B. Letters from the N. of E., etc. 1832. Barkow, J. Excursions in the N. of E., eic. 1834. IjANDor, E. W. Adventures in the N. of E., etc. Lond., 1836. Murray. Hand-Book for X. E. Lond., 1849. BuNBURY, S. A. A Summer in X. E., etc. 1856. Murchison, Sir I\. 1. On the distiibution of the superfi- cial Detritus of the Alps, as compared with that of N.ern E. North of Europe, Three A'oyages of the Dutch to the. PiNKEHTOS. Vol. I. 184 Europe^ North — Faro Islands. Europe, North. — Travels through the most X.n parts of E. ... Extracted Irom the Journal of a Gentleman employed ... to make discoveries. 1653. Voyages and Tkavels. The World displayed. Vol. XX. , South. — Clark, SiK J. The Sanative Influence of Climate; with an accoimt of . . . places of resort . . . in . . . theS. of E., ttc. 1841. Adalbert, Prince. Travels in the S. of E., etc. 1849. , West. Long, H. L. Survey of the Early Geograj)hy of W.n E., etc. 1859. Euskaria. — See Basque Provinces. Eustatius, Saint. — Grevelink, A. H. B. Beschrijving van het Eiland Siut E. 1846. Euxine. — See Black Sea. Eyria — Australia, South. Summary of . . . discoveries during 1857, to the W. and N. of E., etc. Derby, 1858. Eziongeber. — Of E. G., Eloth, and the Red Sea, etc. Purchas. Vol. I. Salomons, Kiug. Kavie sent from E. to Ophir, etc. Poechas. Vol. I. P. Faarava. — Kulcztcki, A. Determination des Longitudes . . . Observa- tions pour . . . F., ttc. Par., 1851. Falashas. — Abbadie, A. d' Pieponses de F. . . . aux questions faites par M. Luzzato. Far., 1850. Stern, H. A. Wanderings among the F.8 in Abyssinia, etc. Lond., 1862. Falkland Islands. — Johnson, S. Thoughts on the late Transactions respectmg i\s L 1771. Falkner, T. Desciiption of Patagonia . . . and . . . the F. L Hereford, 1774. FiTzPiOY, Eear-Adml. E. Sailing Directions for . . . F. . . . I., dc. 1848. Hadfield, W. Brazil ... the F. I., etc. 1854. Snow, AV. P. Two Tears' Cruise oflf . . . the F. I., etc. 1857. Byron, Comm. Voyage . . . to F. I. . . . 1764-G6. Hawkes- WORTH, J. Vol. I. See also Pepys' Island. Falmouth. — Ja.mes, Sir H. Note on the Block of Tin dredged up in F. Harbour. 1863. Famatina. — Meteorology. Meteorological Tables. F. and Chilicito Ob- burvations, 1827-8. MS. Fanagoria.— 'See Taman. Farama. — Spratt, T. A. B. A Dissertation on the true position of ... F. Lmd., 1859. Faro Islands.— Kerguelen Tbkmarec, M. de. Relation d'une V()yap:e . . . au.\ Cotes . . . de Ferro, ttc. Far., 1771. Faro Islands — Fiji Islands. 185 Faro Islands. — Laxdt, G. Description of the Feroe Islands, etc. 1810. Fault, F. Topographie von Dannemarckeinschliesslich Islands mid der Fjiiber. Altom, 1828. Eafn, C. C. Ffereymga Saga . . . i den Islandske Grundtext, etc. Kjob., 1832. Fa^reyinga Saga . . . im Islandischen Grundtext, etc. Kopen., 1833. Tkkveltax, Sir W. C. Vegetation and Temperature of the F. I. Edin., 1835. Vegetation and Temperature of the F. I. Florence, 1837. Maucroix, D'Estr. de. Note sur le Banc de Feroe. Par., 1846. Chambers, E. Tracings of . . . the F. 1. Lond., Edin., 1856. Symikgton, a, J. Pen and Pencil Sketches of F., etc. 1862. • Irmisger, C. Xotice sur les Peches . . . des Isles Feroe, etc. Far., 1863. Fars. — Pelly, L, Eemarks . . . with ... a brief account of . . . F. Bomh., 1863. Farsistan. — See Faes. Fazogl. — Cailliaud, F. Voyage . . . de F. . . . a Syouah, etc. Far., 1826. Feejees.^ — 'See Fiji Islands. Feiran, Wadi. — Bartlett, W. H. Forty days in the Desert ... a Journey ... by W. F., to . . . Sinai, etc. 1851. Fellatahs. — Eichthal, G. d'. Histoire et Origine des Foulahs ou Fellahs. Far., 1840. Eecherches sur Thistoire et I'origine des Foulahs, etc. Far., 1840. Ferdinandea. — Marzolla, B. Descrizione dell' Isola F., etc. Nap., 1826. Fermanagh. — Portlock, J. E. Eeport on the Geology ... of parts of . . . F. Bubl, 1843. Femambuck. — See Pernambuco. Fernando Po. — Sierra Leone. — Ecport from the Select Committee on the Settlements of Sieixa Leone and F. P. 1830. Burton, E. F. Wanderings . . . from Liverpool to F. P. 1863. Feroe Islands. — See Faro Islands. Ferro. — See Faro Islands. Fetipore. — See Futtehpoor. Fez. — Addison, L. West Barbary ; or a short Narrative of the Eevolutions of . . . F., etc. Ox/., 1671. Tellez, B. Travels . . . Travels of the Sieur Mouette in . . . F., etc. 1710. Fezzan. — Siouah, F., et Interieur de I'Afrique. Eyries. Vol. XIV. >See also Mourzuk. Fiji Islands. — Cargill, D. A brief Essay on the Fecjean language. 1840. 1 86 Fiji Islands — Flanders. Fiji Islands. — Erskixe, J. E. Journal of a Cruise . . . including the Feejees, etc. 1853. Arthur, W. What is F. ? etc. 1859. Seeman, B. Yiti : an account of a Government Mission to the . . . Fijian Islands . . . 1860-61. Camb. and Land., 1862. Finland. — Acerbi, J. Travels through. ... F. ... to the Korth Cape, ^tc. " 1802. Elliott, C. B. Letters from . . . F., etc. 1832. Barrow, J. Excursions in . . . F., etc. 1834. — ScHsiTZLER, J. H. Russie . . . et la F. Tableau statistique, etc. Par., 1835. Clarke, E. D. Travels in . . . F. 1838. F. and Russia. Murray. Hand-Book for Xorthern Europe. Part II. Lmd., 1849. ■ Galttzik, Prince E. La Finlande ; ISTotes, etc. Par., 1852. FiNLAKD. iS'arrative of the Conquest of ... in 1808-9, etc. 1854. Btisbury, S. a. a Summer in . . . F., etc. 1856. — Kordenskiold, i*s. Beitrag zur Kenntuiss der Schrammen in F. L'elsuiof., 1863. Helmersek, G. von. Das Vorkommen und die Eutstehuno; der Riesenkessel in F. St. Pet., 1867. Finland, Gulf of. — Hjorth, J. Description du Golfe de F., etc. Par., 1854. Klint, G. Sailing Directions for . . . the G. of F., etc. 1854. Gras, a. Le. Instructions Nautiqucs sur . . . le Golfe de F., etc. Par., 1864. Finmark. — Bravais, M. A. Sur les lignes d'ancien Xiveau de la Mer dans le F. Paris. Brooke, Sir A. de C, Bart. Travels through . . . F., etc. 1823. Struve, W, Expose historique des Travaux . . . 1851 . . . Suivi de deux Piapj^xjits de M. G. Lindhagen sur I'Expedition de Finn- markeu, 1850, etc. St. Pet., 1852. Finnland.— -See Fixlaxd. Finnmarken. — S'ie Finmark. Fish River, Great. — Back, Sib G. Narrative of . . . Expedition to the . . . G. F. R., etc. 1836. Fiume Bianco. — See Nile, White. Fiumicino. — Cialdi, A. Navigazione del Tevere e della sua foce in F. Poma, 1845. Flanders. — Pollnitz, C. L., Barox de. Memou-s ... in his . . . Travels . . . through . . . F,, etc. 1737. Bagxolis, L. du G. Memoires sur ITnteudance de la Flaudre. Pruss., 1739. ■ Flax ores. Plans et Joumaux des Siiigcs do la derniere guerre de Flaudres, etc. Strasb., 1750. Flanders — Floi^ida . 187 Flanders. — Baillie, M. First Impressions of . . . French F. 1819. Eadcliff, T. On the Agriculture of E.n and W.n F. 1819. Graxtille, a. B. St. Petersburg, Travels to and from . . . tlirough F., ttc. 1828. , East. — Vandeb Maelex, P. Statistique . . . de la Flandre Orien- tal, ttc. Brubsth, 1830. Dictionnaire Geogi-aphique de la Flandre Orientale. Urux., 1834. • , West. — ^Vaxder Maelen, P. Dictionnaire Geographique de la Flaudre Occidentale. Urux., 1836. Flemish Islands.— -See Azores. Fleuve Blanc. — See Nile, White. Florence. — Stendhall, Count de. Piome . . . and F., in 1817. 1818. Gabgiolli, L. F. M. G. Description de . . . F., etc. Flor., 1819. FiRENZE, Guida di. Fir., 1820. Marenigh, J. Guide de F., ttc. Flor., 1822. Fikexze. Guida della Citta di Firenze. Fir., 1833. Dix, J. A. A Winter in Madeira : and a Summer in . . . F., etc. N. Y., 1851. Florida. — Bexzoni, H. Novje ISTovi Orbis Historise . . , adjimcta est, De Gallorum in Floridam expeditions . . . historia. (jenevce, 1600. ■ Cardenas, G. de. Ensayo cronologico, para la Historia general de la F., etc. Madrid, 1723. ■ Vega, G. de la. La F. del Inca, etc. Madrid, 1723. ■ YoLNEY, C. F. Tableau . . . des Etats-Unis . . . suivi d'cclair- cissemens sur la Floride, ttc. Far., 1803. King, Hon. T. B. Alabama, F. and Georgia Eailroad. Wash., 1848. ■ PuRDY, J. and Findlay, A. G. Sailing Directory for . . . the Coast of F., etc. 1848. Bbinton, D. G. a Guide-Book of F., etc. Phil, 1869. • Description . . . more particularly of F. Hakltjyt. Vol. 111. Gourgues, D. Voyage to F., 1567. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Laudonniere, R. Voyage to F., 1564, Hakluyt. Vol. III. Ribault, J. Voyages to F., 1562 and 65. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Verazzono, J. de. A^oyage to the Coast of F. ... 1524. Hak- luyt. Vol. III. Virginia richly valued, by the description of the Maine Land of F. . . . 1609. Hakluyt. Vol. V. Soto, Don. F. de. The Discovery and Conquest of F. ... Edited ... by W. B. Rye. 1851. Hakluyt Soc. Pub. Vol. IX. Discovery of F., etc. Kerr. Vol. V. Las Casas, B. de. Briefe Narration of . . . F., etc. Puechas. Vol. IV. • Notes of Vovages and Plantations of the French ... in F. ... 1524-82. PuRCHAS. Vol. IV. 1 88 Florida — Formosa. Florida. —Soto, F. de. Voyage to F. ...1539-43. Purchas. Vol. IV. Of New France . . . F. ... and of tlieir Religions. Pukchas. Vol. V. Beteta, G. de. Relation de la Floiide, 1549. Ternaux-Compans. Voyages. Vol. XX, • D'Escalante Fontanedo, H. Memoire sur la Floride, etc. Ternaux- Compans. Voyages. Vol. XX. . Gourgue, Capit. La Reprinse de la Floride. Ternaux-Compans. Voyages. Vol. XX. Lopez de Mendoza, F. Voyage . . . dans ... la Floride, 1565. Ternaux-Compans. Voyages. Vol. XX. Ribaut, J. Histoire Memorable du dernier Voyage aux Indes, lieu appele la Floride, en 1565. Ternaux-Compa>'S. Voyages. Vol. XX. _ Ponce de Leon. Reise und Entdecknng von F., 1512. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XIII. Poto, F. von. Reise nach F. . . . 1537-43. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVI. Gulf of. — Description of the Windward Passage and G. of F., etc. 1739. PuRBY, J. and FiNDLAY,' A. G. Sailing Directory for the Windward and Gulf Passages, etc. 1848. . Andrews, I. D. Report on the . . . Straits of F., etc. Wash., 1853. Barnett, E. West India Pilot . . . with . . . F. Strait. 1859-61. Kays. — PuRDY, J. and Findlay, A. G. Sailing Directory for . . . the Martyrs, etc. 1848. Formosa. — Richards, J. China. Harbours ... at the S.-W. end of . . . F. 1855. Habersham, A. W. My last Cruise . . . Visits to . . . F,, etc. Phil, 1857. Gras, M. a. le. Renseignements hydrographiques sur . . . For- mose, etc. Par., 1859. - — ■ — - JoMARD, E. F. Coup-d'oeil sur Pile Formose. Par., 1859. SwiNHOE, R. Notes on ... F. 1863. GuERiN, M. Vocabulaire du dialecte Tayal ou aborigine de I'lle Formose. 1869. Expedition of the Dutch for recovering F,, etc. Astley. Vol. III. Candidius, G. Account of . . . F., etc. Churchill, Vol. I. Kao, D. An Authentick . . . description of ... F., etc. Harrls, J. Vol. I. Relation de la prise de ITsle F. jiar les Chinois . . . 1661. Thevenot. Vol. I. . • MoNTANUS, A. Die Seezug der Hollander, das Eyland F. . . . wiedcr zu erobern, 1663-4. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine His- torie, etc. Vol. V. Formosa — Fi'ance. 189 Formosa. — Van Eechteren. Erstc Versuche der Hollander, nach China zu Laiulcln, und ihr Handelssitz zu Taywan. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, dc. Vol. V. Formoza. — -See Fobmosa. Fort Leavenworth. — Emory, W. H. Notes of a Military Reconnoissance fruin F. L. in Missouri, to San Diego, ttc. N. Z,, 1848. Smith. — Simpson, J. H. Eeport of the Eoute from F, S., to Santa Fe, etc. Wa&h., 1850. Foulahs. — See Fellatahs. Fountains Abbey. — Eipon. The Tourist's Companion . . . being a . . . description ... of ... F. A., etc, Rij^ion, 1828. Fou-Sang. — See America, Fox Islands. — Mortimer, G. Observations . . . during a Voyage to . . . the F. I., etc. Lond., 1791. Foyle, Lough. — Yolland, W. Ordnance Survey. An Account of the Measurement of the Lough F. Base in Ireland, etc. 1847. France. — Germany. Anzeige der geognosticben Karte von . . . Frank- reich, etc. GoLNiTzius, A. Itinerarium Belgico-Gallicum. Lugd., 1631. ■ PoLLNiTz, C. L., Baron de. Memoirs . . . in his . . . Travels . . . through . . . F., etc. 1737. ■ Plaisted, B, Journal from Calcutta . . . through F., etc. 1758. ■ GuELTARD ET MoNNET. Tableau representatif des diverses Cartes de I'Atlas Mineralogique de la France. Par., 1766-70. Nugent, Mr. The Grand Tour . . . through F., etc. 1778. Monnet, M. Atlas et Description mineralogiques de la F. Par., 1780. — TowxsEND, J. A Journey through Spain in 1786-87; and remarks in passing through a part of F. J.oud., 1792. France. Statistique de la F, Par., 1801. France. Geographic de la F. Par., 1802. Lecousturier, a. F. and Chaudouet, F. Dictionnaire Geogra- phique des Postes aux Lettres . . . de la Eepublique Francaise. Par., 1802. France. Statistique g^nerale et particuliere de la F. et de ses Colo- nies, etc. Par., 1803. Peuchet, J. Statistique lillementaire de la F. Par., 1805. ■ and others. Description topograpbique . . . de la F. Par., 1811-17. Depping, G. B. Mervcilles et Beautes de la Nature en F. Par., 1812. Biekbeck, M. Tour in F. in 1814. 1815. Dictionnaire General des Communes de F., etc. Par., 1818. ■ Baillie, M. First Impressions of . . . F., etc. 1819. Lecousturier, A. F. Dictionnaire des Postes aux Lettres du Eoyaume de F., etc. Par., 1819. 1 90 France. France. — Cadell, W. A. Journey in . . . F., etc. Edin., 1820. • Jacob, W. View of the Agriculture ... of ... F. in 1819. 1820. France. Itineraire de la F. Par., 1823. France. Itine'raire de la F. Far., 1824. Eavinet, T. Dictionnaire hydrographique de la F., etc. Far., 1824. Brockedon, W. Illustrations of the Passes ... by which Italy communicates with F., etc. 1828. Barbichon, p. M. Dictionnaire complet . . . de la F., etc. Par., 1831. EsTANCELiN, L. Pecherches . . . suivies d'ohservations sur la Marine . . . et ies dtablissemens coloniaux des Franfais. Par., 1832. Goldsmith, L. Statistics of F. 1832. GuERRY, A. M. Essai sur la Statistique Morale de la F. Far., 1833. ■ LoRiOL, M. La F. ; Description geographique, etc. Par., 1834. ■ French Ltght-Houses. Translated from the Description Sommaire, &c., corrected to 1836. 1836. ■ Jamieson, Mrs. Topographical . . . History of F. 1836. • France. Statistique de la F. Territoire, Population. Par., 1837. Wellington, Duke of. Despatches during his . . . Campaicrns in . . . Y.,etc. 1837-39. France. Statistique de la F. Commerce exterieur. Par., 1838. Dechen. Anzeige der Geognostischen Karte von . . . Frankreicli, etc. Berl., 1839. ■ Denaix, M. Geographic prototype de la F. 7'ar., 1841. GivRY, M. Pilote Fran^ais, etc. Par., 1842-45. ■ Murray. Hand-Book for Travellers in F., etc. Lorid., 1843. Africa. La F. en Afrique. Par., 1846. PiONAY, J. Jellemisme, vagyaz . . . Franczia . . . Nemzet , . . Jellemzese, etc. Oyorott, 1847. ■ Bell, R. Wayside Pictures through F., etc. 1849. Maury, L. F. A. Histoire des Grandes Forets de la Gaule et de I'ancienue F., etc. Far., 1850. ■ Gasc, F. Education in England. Revolutions in F., etc. 1852. • Spencer, E. Tour of Inquiry through F., etc. 1853. • Laing, S. Notes ... on ... F., etc. 1854. • Undine. Our Cruise in the Undine . . . through F., etc. Lond., 1854. Chamier, Capt. My Travels . . . through F., etc. 1855. Smith, C. R. Notes on some of the Antiquities of F., etc. Lond., 1855. ■ Spain. Border Lands of Spain and F., etc. 1858. Malte-Brun, V. A. La F. lUustide, dc. Par., 1858. France — France^ Coasts of. 191 France. — Kondot, M. N. Commerce de la F. avec la Chine. Lyon, I860. — Block, M. Bevolkerung des Franzosischen Kaiserreichs, etr. (Jotha, 1861. ■ James, Sir H. Extension of the Triangulation of the Ordnance Survey, into F. and Belgium, etc. 1863. Stuckle, H. Le Commerce de la F. avec le Soudan, Par., 1864. ■ Balfouk, Major-Gen. On the Budgets and Accounts of ... F. Lond., 1866. ■ Ellts, E. An Enquiry into the Ancient Eoutes between Italy and Gaul, etc. Camh. and Lond., 1867. • Skippon, Sir P, Journey through . . . F, Churchill. Vol. VI. F. and Italy, a Tour in, made by an English Gentleman, 1675. Churchill. Vol. VII. Puissant. Nouvelle description geometrique de la F. France. Memorial du Depot General de la Guerre. Vol. VI. VII. ■ Bertram, J, G. Fish Culture in F. Galton, F. Vacation Tourists . . . 1862-3. ■ Bertrandon de la Brocquiere. Voyage . . . de Jerusalem en F. par la Voie de Terre . . . 1432-33. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. Northleigh, J. Travels through F., 1702. Harris, J. Vol. II. Skippon, Sir P. and Ray, J. Travels through . . . F., 1664. Harris, J. Vol. II. Young's Travels in F. Pinkerton. Vol. IV. Benjamin, the Son of Jonas. Peregrination of . . . and relations of ... F. I'URCHAS. Vol. II. Smith, Capt. J. Travels . . . thorow F. . . . about 1596. PURCHAS. Vol. II. Ray, J. Travels through . . . F., etc. Ray, J. Collection, etc. AVilliams, T. Travels through F. during 1802-6. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VIII. Travels through F., 1802-6. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1810. Vol. III. Eey, Capt. Voyage from F. to Cochin China, 1819-20. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. IV. Switzerland and F. Letters from, etc. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. VI. Steveus, Sacheverell. Travels through F. 1738. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol.'XIX. , Coasts of. — France. Reconnaissance hydrographique des Cotes de F., etc. Far., 1832. Daussy, p. Second Mcmoire sur les Mardcs des Cotes de F. Far., 1838. France. Description sommaire des Phares et Fanaux sur les Cotes de F. au 1839 et 1851. Par., 1839. France. The Lighthouses on the N. and W. Coasts of F. . . . Corrected to 1848, 52-54, 56, 57. 1848-57. 192. France^ Coasts of — Franklin^ Cotmty. France, Coasts of, — France. The Admiralty Lists of the Lights of the N. and W. Coasts of F. . . . Corrected to 1859. 1859. DuNSTERviLLE, E. The Admiralty List of the Lights on the N. and W. Coasts of F. . . . Corrected to 1860, 61, 62. 1860-62. Gras, M. a. le. Phares des Cotes Nord et Quest de la F. . . . Corriges 1862-64. Far., 1862-64. Peacock, K. A. Physical and historical evidences of vast Sinkings of Land on the N. and W. Coasts of F. . . . within the Historical Period. Lond., 1868. Gras, A. Le. Phares des Cotes Nord et Quest de F., etc. Far., 1869. -, Isle of. — See Mauritius. -, North, Coast. — Begat, P. Exjoose des operations geodesiques . . . sur les Cotes Septentrionales de F. Far., 1839. -, South. — Lartet, E. and Christy, H. Picliqua? Aquitanicas ; being Contributions to the Archasology and Palajontology of . . . S.n F. Lond. [1865.] r Millin, A. L. Travels through the Southern Departments of F., 1804-5. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VIL -, West Coast. — Beautemps-BeaupriS, M. Expose des travaux reUitits a la reconnaisance hydrographique des Cotes Qccidentales de F., etc. 1829. Vauhello, M. Le Saulnier de. Mdmoire sur les At- terages des Cotes Qccidentales de F., etc. Far., 1833. Bouquet de la Grye, A. Pilote des Cotes Quest de F. Far., 1869. Pranche-Comt^. — Eazoumowsky, Coust G. de. (Euvres. Contenant, Voyage Mineralogique . . . k . . . F. C, etc. Lausanne, 1784. Francia Antarctica. — See America, South. Franconia. — Ttlor, C. A. Historical Tour in F., etc. Brighton, 1852. Franczia Nemzet.— -See France, Frankfort-on-the-Main. — Engelmann, J. B. Ee'sume de I'histoire . . . de Francfort, etc. Heidclb. Kreigk, G. L. Kurze . . . Beschreibung der Umgegend von Frankfurt am Main. Frankfort. Tableau historique et topographique de Francfort, etc. Francf., 1828. Frankfurt am Main. Mittheilungen iiber Physisch-geographisclie . , . Verhaltnisse von Frankfurt am IVIain, etc. 1839-41. Meidinger, H. Statistische Uebersicht . . . nebst einigen Wortcn liber Frank furts Handel der Vorzeit. Franhf-a-M., 1841. Zur Statistik Frankfurts, etc. Frankf-a-M., 1848. Biersack, H. L. Einige Worte . . . iiber die Statistik von Frank- furt, etc. Franl-f., 1855. Franklin, County. — Hough, F. B. History of St. Laurence and F. Counties, etc. Albany, 1853. Frankreich — Fiindy^ Bay of. 193 Frankreich, Eyland.— 'S^ee Mauritius. Franzensbad. — Gbieben, T. Gricben's Eeise-Bibliothek. No. 38. ... F., etc. Beiiiv, 1861. Franzensbrunn.— HoFER, C. E. BescLreibimg von F., etc. Pnuj, 1799. Franzosisches Kaiserreich. — See France. Frederiksgave. — See Hagenskov. Freezland. — ^SVe Friesland. Freiburg. — Gemalde der Schweiz . . . F., etc Bern, 1834-38. Prenberg. — Dresden imd die umliegende Gegend bis . . . F., etc. Dresd., 1804. French Colonies. — Tableau de Population . . . foimant pour 1839- 62, la suite des Tableaux inseres dans les ^Sotices Statistiques snr Ics Colonies Francaises. Far., 1842-64. Friendly Islands. — Mariner, W. Account of the . . . Touc;a 1., etc. Lond., 1818. Farmer, S. S. Tonga and the F. I, etc. 1855. Mariner, G. Voyage aux iles Tonga, 1805-10. Eyriks. Vol. V. See also ToFOA. Friesland. — Hegenitius, G. Itinerarium Frisio-Hollandicum. Luyd. Bat., 1630. Laet, J. de. Belgii Confoederati Eespublica : sen . . . Fris. . . . descriptio. Luyd. Bat., 1630. Zeno, N. and A. Voyage to the yles of F., etc. 1380. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Nicolo, M. M. and Zeni, A. Discoveries in . . . F. . . . 1380. PURCHAS. Vol. III. Zeno, N. and A. Dello scoprimento dell' Isola Frislanda, etc. R A MUSIC. Vol. II. Supplement. Description of . . . Freezland, etc. Voyages. Ac- count of several late, etc. Friseland, Frisia, Frislanda. See Friesland. Friuli. — Browne, E. Journey . . . to Venice . . . with an account of the Quicksilver Mines in F., etc. Harris, J. Vol. II. Odorico da Udine, Beato. Due Viaggi, di Porto Maggiore del F., 1318. Kamusio. Vol. II. Frozen Sea. — See Arctic Ocean. Fulfulde. — BaikiEj W. B. Observations on the Hausa and F. languages, rfc, Funday, Bay of.— /See Fundt. Fundy, Bay of. Purdy, J. and Findlay, A. G. British American Navi- ;jator. Sailing Directory for . . . the B. of F., etc. 1847. Shortland, p. F. Bay of F. . . . Sailing Directions, etc. 1856. Bay of F. Pilot, etc. 1857. Gras, M. a. le. Poutitr de la Bale de F., etc. Par., 1861. O 194 Fiindy^ Bay of — Gambia. Fundy, Bay of. — McDougall, G. F. Instructions nautiqiies pour . . . la Baie de F. Far., 1869. Fumas. — Bullae, J. and H, Winter in the Azore^^, and a Summer at the Baths of the F. 1841. Fftta. — See FUTAJALLON. Futajallon. — The remarkable captivity ... of J. hen Solomon . . . with . . . remarks relating to . . . Futa. Astley. Vol. II. Futtehpoor. — Finch, W. Observations ... in 1607 . . . Description of Fetipore, etc. Purchas. Vol. I. G. Gaboon. — Hutchinson, T. J. Ten Years' Wanderings . . . from Senes:al to G. 1861. Gadanaes. — See Ghadamis. Gaeta. — Niccolini, A. Tavola Metrica-Chronologica delle varie Altezze . . . fra la Costa di Amalfl ed il Promontorio di G. Nap., 1839. GagO. — Two briefe Relations concerning . . . Tombuto and G. . . . written in 1594. Hakluyt. Vol. III. ■ The Trading of the Moores into Guinee and G. for gold ore, etc. Purchas. Vol. II. Galam. — Saugnier, M. Pielations de plusieurs voyages ... a G., dc. far., 1792. ■ ■ G. Eyries. Vol. X. Briie, A. Andere Pieise den Sanagastrom hinauf in . . . G., 1698. Voyages and 'J'ravels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. II. Durand, J. P. L. Voyage . . . from Isle St. Louis to G., 1785-86. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. IV. Galicia. — Spencer, E. Travels . . . including a Toui etc. • Kohl, J. G. Austria . . . G., etc. ■ Salvo, Marquis de. Travels . . . through . Voy'ages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Galilee. — Biddulph, W. Travels of four Enclishmen . . , . in 1600 and inil. Churchill. "Vol. VII. Galla. — Krapf, J. L. Imperfect Outline ... of the G. Language, etc. 1840. TuTscHEK, C. Dictionary of the G. Language, etc. Munich, 1844. ■ Grammar of the G. Language, etc. Munich, 1845. Beke, C. T. Christianity among the G.s. 1847. • On the Origin of the G.s 1848. :hrough . . . G., 1838. Lond.. , 1844. . G. . . . Vol. VI, 1806. , . into . . . G. Heuglin, M. T. von. Reise nach . . . den Gala-Liindern, etc. Jena, 1868. ■ Plowden, W. C. Travels in . . . the G. Country, efc Lond., 1868. Gambia. — Le Maire, Siour, Voya':;es of, to ... G. Churchill. Vol. VIII. Gambia^ River. 195 Gambia, River. — Belcher, Sir E. Directions for the . . . G. MoLLiEX, G. Travels ... to the Sources of the Senerral and G., etc. 1820. BowDiTCH, T. E. Excursions in Madeira ... a descrip- tion of the English Settlements on the . . . G., e^c. 1825. Poole, T. E. Life ... in Sierra Leone and the G. 1850. BoREL, L. Voyage a la Gambie, etc. [1865.] Voyages of R. Rainolds and T. Dassel to the . . . G. . . . 1591. ASTLEY.^ Vol. I. Account of the Jalofs . . . inhabiting towards the Gambra. ASTLEY. Vol. IL Differences between the English and French about the Trade of the . . . Gambra. Astley. Vol. IL A general description of the . . . G., etc. Astley. Vol. IL — Jobson, E. Voyage for the discovery of the . . . Gambra in 1620-21. Astley. Vol. II. Letter concerning the discovery of the Gold Mines in a Voyage up the Gambra. Astley. Vol. II. liloore, F. Travels ... for GOO miles up the . . . Gambra, etc. Astley. Vol. II. Of the Full inhabiting along the Gambra. Astley. Vol. If. Of the Trade . . . in the . . . Gambra, etc. Astley. Vol. n. Stibbs, B. Voyage up the Gambra in 1724, etc. Astley. Vol. IL Voyages . . . containing ... an account of the . . G., etc. Astley. Vol. LI. Eyries. Vol. XL Mollien, M. Voyage aux sources , . . de la Gambie, 1818. Vol. XVL — Rainolds, R., and Dassell, T. Voyage to the . . . Gambra l."i91. Hakluyt. Vol. IIL Voyage to the . . . G., 1591. Kerr. Vol. VI L Adamson's Voyage to . . . the River G. Pinkerton. Jobson, R. Observations touching the River G., etc. Pur- CHAS. Vol. II. - ■ Jobson, R. True Relation of a Voyage for the discovery of Gambra, etc. Purchas. Vol. II. Eine AUgemeine Beschreibung von dem Flusse Gambra oder G. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. 111. Jobson, R. I'eise znr Entdeckung des Flusses Gambra . . . 1620-21. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. IIL Le Maire. Reise nach . . . der (Jambra, 1G82. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. 111. O 2 196 Gambia^ River — Geelong: Gambia, River. — Solomons, Job ben. Die merkwiirdige Gefangenschaft und Befreyung, eines muliammedaDischen Priesters von Bunda, nahe bey der Gambra, 1732. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. III. Stibbs, B. Reise auf der Gambra, 1724. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. 111. Gambra.— /See Gambia. Ganat. — See Kano. Ganges. — Saint Martin, V. de. Etude sur . . . le Bassin du Gange. Paris. Eennell, J. Memoir . . . containing an account of the G., etc. 1785. Memoir . . . with an Account of the G., etc. 1793. Fraser, J. B. Tour ... to the sources of the Jumna and G. 1820. • Skinner, T. Excursions in India, including a Walk ... to the Sources of the . . . G. 1832. ■ Ganges Canal, Short Account of the. 1853. . Cautly, Sir P. T. G. Canal : a disquisition, etc. 1864. > G. Canal : a valedictory note, etc. Lend., 1864. • Fitch, R. The long . . . voyage of . . . to . . . the River G., etc., 15S3-1591. Hakluyt. Vol. \l. Voyage to . , . G. . . . 1583-91. Purchas. Vol. II. ■ Graafs, N. Reise auf dera G., 1668-73. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. X. Gardokh.— See Garu. Garonne. — Lartet, E. Note sur deux nouveaux Sir^niens fossiles des terrains tertiaires du bassin de la G. Par., 1866. Garoo. — See Garxt. Garrow Hills. — ^ledlicott, H. B. On the prospects of useful Coal being found in the G. H., etc. India Geological Survey. Records, etc. Vol. I. Gartokh. — See Garu. Gartope. — See Garu, Garu. — Lloyd, Sir W. Narrative . . . And Captain A. G.'s account of an attempt to penetrate by Bekhur to Garoo, etc. Lond., 1840. Gasall.— (See Bahr-el-Ghazal. Gaspar, Strait. — Melvill, of Cambec, and Smits, H. D. A. Seaman's Guide . . . through the Straits of ... G. 1853. Gaspb. — Gould and Dowie. Instructions for making G. . . . in the River St. Lawrence. 1832. Gaul. — See France. Qea — Zeune, A. G. : Versuch die Erdrinde . . . zu schildern. Berl, 1830. Gebel Nakus.— 'S'ee Nakus. Geelong — Stomey, II. B. Victoria ; with a description of . . . G., etc. 1856. Gclderland — Georgia. 197 Gelderland. — Laet, J. de. Belgii Coufcsderati Respublica : seu Gelriaj . . . descriptio Lugd, Bat., 1630. Gelria. — 'See Gelderland. Genes. — Gexes. Description . . . de G., etc. Genes, 1819. Nouvelle description de G. Genes, 1826. Cevasco, N. Statistique de . . . G. Genes, 1838. Geneva. — Saussure, H. B. de. Yoyages . . . prece'de's d'lin Essai snr rHistoire Naturelle des Environs de Geneve. Keuchutel, 1779-96. Cakdolle, a. p. de. Hypsometric des environs de Geneve. Far., 1839. , Lake of. — Jackson, J. E. Memoire sur les Seiches du Lac de Geneve, etc. Gen., 1804. Gennesareth. — Macgbegor, J. The " Eob Roy " on . . . G., etc. Lond., 1869. Genoa. — Ratti, C. G. Istruzione di quanto pub vedersi di piu hello in Genova. 1780. St. John, B. Subalpine Kingdom ; or, Experiences . . . in . . . G. 1856. George, Lake. — Hoyell, "W. H. Reply to " A brief statement of facts, m connection with an Overland Expedition from Lake G. to Port; Philip, in 1824, etc. Sydney, 1855. Hume, H. A brief statement of Facts in connection with an Over- land Expedition from L. G. to Port Phillip in 1824, etc. Sydney, 1855. Georgetown. — Sandeman, P. Monthly Tables . . . deduced from Ob- servations taken at the Observatory, G., Demerara . . . during eleven years, commencing Jan. 1846, etc. Greenock, 1857. Georgia. — Monteith, W. Notes on G., etc. ■ Georgla. a State of the Province of G., etc. 1742. Georgla. De prsestantia Coloniaj Georgico-Anglicana?, etc. "Aug. Vindel, 1747. ■ Persia. An Historical Account of the present Troubles of Persia and G., etc. 1756. Klaparotii, J. Travels in ... G. in 1807-8, etc. Lond., 1814. Porter, Sir R. K. Travels in G., etc. Lond., 1821-22. Freygan, M. and ]\I"*. Letters from . . . G., etc. 1823. Smith, E., and Dwight, H. G. 0. Missionary Researches . . . including a Journey . . . into G., etc. 1834. Mignan, R. Winter Journey through . . . G., etc. 1839. Montperetjx, F. D. de. Voj-age . . . en . . . Giorgio, etc. "I'ar., 1839. King, Hon. T. B. Alabama . . . and G. Railroad. Wash., 1848. Wagneb, M. Travels in . . . G., etc 1856. Chardin, Sir J. Travels . . . through ... G. ... 1672. Harris, J. Vol. IL '— The History of . . . G., 1732-42. Harris, J. Vol. 11. 198 Georgia — Germany. Georgia. — Inlbrmatione della G, di Pietro della Valle, etc. Thevenot. Vol. I. ■ Jordan ou Jourclain Catalani, P. Mirabilia descripta, sequitur de . . . Georgiana, e^c. Voyages and. Travels. Eecueil, eS'te Japan. Gibraltar. — Lempkiere, W. Tour from G. to Tangier, etc. 1791. Sayer, Capt. History of G., etc. 1862. Gibraltar. [Cuttings from the 'Times' relative to the ]irop(ised cession to Spain of G., etc.l [1868-69.] Gibraltar, Straits of. — Reiner, J. Sailing Directions for . . , tlie S. oKi. ^ 1826. Purdy, J. New Sailing Directory for the S. of G., eic. 1832. TuRDY, J. Sailing Directions for the S. of G. etc. 1846. Gibraltar, Straits of — Goa. 20 1 Gibraltar, Straits of. — Vincendon-Dumoulin, C. A. Manuel rle la Navigation dans le Detroit de G. Par., 1857. Boland's Observations on the Straights of G., etc. Chubchill. Vol. IV. • Foxe, J. Voyage to the Straight of G., 1563, etc. Hakluyt. Vol II. Voyages made without the Straight of G. to the South, etc. Hak- luyt. Vol. II. Gierusalem. — See Jerusalem. Gila, River. — Emory, W. II. Notes of a Military Eeconnoissance . . including parts of the . . . G., etc. N. F., 1848 Parke, J. G. Eeport of Explorations for ... a Railway . . between Dona Ana . . . and Pimas Villages, on the G. Wash., 1854 Gilead. — Buckingham, J. S. Travels . . . through . . . G., etc. 1822 Gingee. — Beschreibung der Konigreiche . . . G., etc. Voy'AGEs and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XVIII. Gingi. — See Gingee. Gingiro. — Tellez, B. Travels . . . and an Account of . . . G., etc. 1710. Gipps' Land. — Gipps' Land. Plain statement of facts relating to G. L. Progress of discovery in G. L., etc. 1840. Girnar. — Burgess, J. Notes of a visit to . . . G., e^c. 5o7nia?/, 1869. Gironde. — Linder, M. Etude sur les Terrains de Transport du Departe- meut de la G., etc. Bord., 1868. Glatz. — Martiny, F. W. Handbuch fiir Eeisende nach . . . G. Breslau, 1812. Glenelg, River. — Martin, J, Journal of a Voyage to the G. E., etc. Perth, 1864. Glen Roy. — Darwin, C. Observations on the Parallel Eoads of G. E., etc. 1839. Globe. — See World. Gloucestershire. — Budge, T. General View of the Agriculture of the County of G. 1807. Murchison, Sir E. I. and Strickland, H. E. On the Upper For- mations of the New Eed Sandstone System in G., etc. 1837. Murchison, Sir E. I. The Silurian System, founded on Geolocjical Eesearches in . . . G., etc. 1839. Goa. — Burton, E. F. G. and the Blue Mountains, etc. 1851. Stephens, T. Voyage . . . to G. in 1579. Astley. Vol. I. Voyage of Don S. de Gania, from G. to Suez in 1540, etc. Astley'. Vol. I. Fitch E. The long . . . voyage of ... to ... G. in the East Indies, etc. 1583-1591. Hakluyt. Vol. 11. Stevens, T. Voyage . . . untoG. . . . 1579. Hakluyt. Vol.11. ■ Castro, J. de. Voyage of Don S. de Gama from G. to Suez, in 1540, etc. Kerb. Vol. VI. 202 Goa — Gondar. Goa.— Stevens, T. Voyage to G., 1579. Kerr. Vol. Vlf. ■ ■ Duart de Meneses, Don. Tractate of the Portugall Indies [GT.], etc. PURCHAS. Vol. II. ■ ■ Fitch, E. Voyage to ... G. ... 1583-91. Purchas. Vol. 11. • Huighen van Linschoten, J. Voyage to G. ... 1483. Purchas. Vol. II. Mandelslo, J. A. Reise . . . nach Europa iiber G. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XL Tavernier. Reisen . . . 1665-66 . . . nach G., efc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. Xi. Gobernadur, Straits of.— -See Governador. Godavery. — India. Reports of the . . . effects of the G. and Krishna Annicuts, etc. Madras, 1858. ) Upper. — Oldham T. On the Agate Flake found ... in the Pleioceiie (?) Deposits of the Upper G. Ixdia, Geological Survey. Records, etc. Vol. 1. Goeree. — Van Rhun, A. Beschrijving van de Hydrograp. Kaart der Zeegaten van de G., etc. 1839. Golconda. — Relation des Royaumes de G. . . . par wilhem Methold, etc. Thevesot. Vol. I. Beschreibnng der Konigi'eiche G. und Pegu. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. X. Methold, W Reise nach den Diamantgruben in G. ... 1622. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. X. Zusatz zu der letzten Regierungsiinderung in G. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVIII. Gold Coast. — Dupuis, J. Journal . . . comprising Xotes . . . relative to the G. C, etc. 1824. ■ • Murphy, B. F. Memoir on the G. C, etc. MS. 1831. Beecham, J. Ashantee and G. C, etc. 1841. Cruickshaxk, R. Eighteen Years on the G. C, etc. 1853. Clarke, R. Remarks on . . . the G. C. 1860. G. C, its discovery, etc. Astley. Vol. II. Inland Countries behind the G. C. Astley. Vol.11. ■ Natural History of the G. C. Astley. Vol. II. Of the G. C. Negroes, etc. Astley. VoL II. Meredith, H. Description de la Cote d'Or. Eyimes. Vol. XT. The Passage from the G. C. to . . . Benui, etc. Purchas. Vol. II. Golden Castile. — See Castilla del Oro. Golfe Arabique. — See Red Sea. Golkonda. — Sea Golconda. Gomorrah. — Saulcy, F. de. Narrative . . . including an account of the discovery of the Sites of Sodom and G. 1854. Gondar. — Pearce, N. The Life and Adventures of N. Pearce . . . Together with Mr. Coffin's account of hia Vibii to G., etc. Lond. 1831. Goiidogoro — Gj'anada. 203 Gondogoro. — *See Gondokoro. Gondokoro. — Xardi, F. Del Clima di G., Memoria. Boma, 1861. Goodwin Sands. — Chowex, G. A Voice from the " G.," etc. 1857. Goozerat. — See Guzerat. Goree. — Park, M. Papers in MS. . . . Observations for Longitude made during the passage to G. Lindsay, J. Voyage . . . containing an account of the . . . taking ... of G., etc. 1759. Saugnier, M. Relations de plusieurs voyages ... a G., etc. Par., 1792. Brue, A. Attempt for a discovery of the Lake of Kayor in 1714 ; with an account of ... G. Astley. A^ol. II. Senegambie, lies Saint Louis et G. Eyries. Vol. X. Adamson's Voyage to . . . G., etc. Pinkerton. Vol. XVL Gorgona. — Emory, W. H. Observations . . . made at . . . G., etc. Camh. U. S., 1850. Goteborg. — See Gottenbukg. Gothenburg. — See Gotte^s^burg. Gothland. — Sweden. Eambles in Sweden and G. • . . . by Sylvanus. 1847. Bunbury, S. A. A Summer in . . . G. 1856. Marryat, H. One Year in Sweden : including a visit to . . . Gotland. " Lo7id., 1862. Malgo, King. Voyage to . . . Gotland . . . 580. Hakluyt. Vol. I. Gotland. — See Gothland. Gottenburg. — Topografiska och Statistiska Uppgifter von Gbteboras och Bohus Liiu. Stockh., 1859. Gottland. — See Gothland. Goumay. — Noel, S. B. J. Premier Essai sur . . . G., etc. Boucn, 1795. Govemador, Straits of. — Wcg, welchen Man nehmen muss, urn durch die Strassc-u von . . . Goberuadur zu konimen. Voyages and Tra- vels. Allgcmeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVIIL Goyaz. — Bolivia. Notizen iiber den Minenbetrieb iu . . , G., etc. Berl, [1867.] GOZO. — BoiSGELiN, L. De. Ancient and Modern Malta ; containing . . . Account of . . . G., etc. Loud., 1805. GiACiNTO, P. C. Saggio di Agricoltura per le Isole di Malta e G. Messina, 1811. ■ Badger, G. P. Description of ... G. Malta, 1838. Graham Island. — Smyth. W. H. Some remarks on an error rtspcctins; the Site and Origin of G. J. 1832. Grain Coast. — The Malaghetta, G. or Pepper Coast. Astley. Vol. IL Granada. Las Casas, B. de. Briefe Narration of . . . G. Purchas. Vol. IV. , Island. — See Grenada. 204 Graiid Bay — Great Bj'itain. Grand Bay.— Cartier, J. Voyages to . . . the G. B. . . , 1534, 40. Hakluyt. Vol. III. • Notes and Observations ... for the G. B., etc. Hak-luyt. Vol. III. Grand Cairo. — See Cairo. Grand Canaries. — See Caxary Island. Grande- Chartreuse.— DuPRE Duloire, E. F. M. Voyage kk G.-C, etc. " Valence, 1830. Pardoe, Miss. The Eiver and the Desai-t ; or, Eccollections of the Rhone and the C. Lond., 1838. Grand Manan.— See Menan, Grakd. Grand Ocean. — See Pacific Ocean. Graubiinden. — GemIlde der Schweiz . . . G., etc. Bern, 1834-38. Bergmanx, J. Untersuchungen iiber die freien Walliser ... in G., etc. Wien, 1844. Great Britain. — England. The Land we Live in, a Tour of the British Islands, etc. ■ Land We Live In. A pictorial . . . Sketchbooli of the British Islands. Loud. Stanford, C. Catalogue of the . . . Maps ... of the Geological Survey of G. B., etc. Camden, W. Britannia, etc. Lond., 1695. Stringer, M. Opera Mineralia Explicata; or the Mineral KinLrdom ... of G. B. display'd, etc. 1713. Strachey, J. Observations on the different Strata . . . of G. B. 1727. Horslet, J. Britannia Eomana; or the Roman Antiquities of B., etc. 1732. • Baxter, W. Glossarium Antiquitatum Britanicarum, etc. 1733. Campbell, J. PoHtical Survey of G. B., e^c. 1774. Skrine, H. a General Account of all the Rivers of Xote in G. B., etc. Lond., 1801. ■ England. Abstract of . . . Returns ... to ... " An Act for taking an Account of the Population of G. B."" . . . Enumeration 1801-2. 1801-2. Navigable Rivers and Canals in ... G. B., etc. Lond., 1806. • Capper, B. P. Topographical Dictionary of the United Kingdom, etc. 1808. CoLQUHOUN, P. On . . . the British Empire. 1815. • Geography, Remarks touching, especially that of the British Isles, etc. Lond., 1825. • I'niTAiN, Great. Historical account of . . . Rivers, Canals, and Railways of G. B., etc. 1831. • Pebrer, p. Taxation, Revenue . . . Statistics and Debt of the whole British Empire, etc. Lond., 1833. England. Tables of the Revenue, Population, &c. of the United Kingdom . . . 18L,'U-J838, etc. 1834-40. Great Britam. 2,05 Great Britain.— British Islands, Lighthouses of the. Corrected to . . . 183ij, 44, -49, 51, 54, 58, 59. 1836-59. JoNN-ES, A. M. Statistique de la Grande Bretagne, tie. Par., 1837. SABiJfE, Major-Gen. E. Eeport on the Magnetic Isoclinal and Iso- dynamic Lines in the British Islands. 1839. Clark, J. A. Glimpses of the Old World, or Excursions ... in G. B. 1840. . NowROJEE, Jehangeeb, and HiRJEEBHOY Merwakgee. Journal of a Residence of two years and a half in G. B. 1841. Lal, Mohax. Travels . . . and a Visit to G. B., etc. 1846. M'CuLLOCH, J. E. Descriptive . . . Account of the British Empire, etc. 1847. ■ Baxister, S. Classical sources of the history of the British Isles, dc. 1849. Petermanx, a. Statistical Notes to the Cholera Map of the British Isles. 1831-33. 1849. . ■ Whitley, N. On the CHmate of the British Islands, etc. Land., 1850. . Hughes, W. Manual of British Geography, etc. Edin., 1851. Life-Boats. Reixjrt ... to which is added a list of the . . . Life-boat . , . Stations ... of the British Isles, etc. 1851. Imperial Cyclopj:dia. Sub-Division, Cyclopaedia of the British Empire. 1852. . Latham, R. G. The Ethnology of the British Islands. 1852. Sedgwick, A. A Synopsis of the Classification of the British Paleozoic Rocks, etc. Lond. and Camb., 1852. . Syrisge, M. H. G. B. one Empire ... by inter-communication, etc. 1852. Calvert, J. Gold Rocks of G. B., eic. 1853. Cheshire, E. The Results of the Census of G. B. in 1851, etc. 1853. — BuRWOOD, J., and Yule, C. B. Tide Tables for the British . . . Ports, etc. 1855-63. . Twining, T. Memorandum on . . . enabling the Working Classes of G. B. . . . to improve their . . . comforts. 1855. Dunsterville, E. The Lights of the British Islands. Corrected to 1856. 1856. Dendy, W. C. Tlie Beautiful Islets of Britaine. 1857. Imray, J. F. Pilotage Rates and Regulations of the Principal Ports in the United Kingdom, etc. 1858. Poey, a . Sur le nombre de pcrsonnes tuees par la foudre dans . . . la Grande-Bretagne de 1852 ^ 1856, etc. Far., 1858. Tenxant, J. Catalogue of Fossils found in the British Isles. 1858. Lewin, T. The Invasion of Britain by Julius Cffisar. Loiid., 1859. ;Mcrchison, Sir R. I. Table showing the Vertical Range of the Silurian Fossils of B. 1859. 2,0 6 Great Britain — Greece. Great Britain. — Tucker, L. H. American Glimpses of Aericnltuve in G. B. Albany, I860. • Dtjxsterville, E. The Aflmiralty List of the Lights of the British Islands. Corrected to 1860, 61, 62. ^ 1860-62. • Wright, T. The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon ; a history of the early Inhabitants of B., etc. l.ond., 1861. . Gras, M. a. Le. Phares des Cotes des lies Britanniques. Corriees 1861-63. rar., 1861-63. ■ Trade and Navigation of the United Kingdom ... in 1861 and 1862. 1862-63. • Hughes, W. The Geography of British History, etc. 1863. '• Ravenstein, a. Geographic und Statistik des Britischen Reichs. Leip., 1863. Hull, E. The Coal Resources of G. B. 1864. • Tide Tables for the British and Irish Ports, for 1865, etc. 1864. . Johnston, A. K. Atlas of the British Empire . . . with . . . letterpress. Edin. and Lond., [1870.] ■ Gonzales, M. Voyage to G. B., etc. Churchill. Vol. VII. . An historical Account of the Intercourse between . . . G. B. and , . . the East Indies, etc. Harris, J. Vol. I. Dupin, C. Tonr through the Naval and Military Establishments of G. B., 1616-20. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. VII. Great Desert. — See Desert, Great. Great Salt Lake. — Chandless, W. Visit to the S. L., etc. 1857. ■ City. — 'See Utah. Grecia. — See Greece. Grecian Seas. — See Archipelago. Greece. — Pausanias. Pausauiae de tota GriBcia libri decem, etc. Basil, 1550. • Bellonius, p. Plurimarum . . . rerum in Gra^cia . . . conspec- tarum observationes, etc. Antrv., 1589. ' Lucas, P, Voyage de, dans la Grece, etc. Far., 1712. • Pococke, R. Description of . . . G., etc. 1743-45. Potter, J., Abp. of Canterbury. Archjeologia Graeca, etc. 1751. — — Drummond, a. Travels through . . . G., etc. 1754. • Bos, L. Antiquities of G., etc. 1772. - — ■— Barthelemy, Abbe. Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece, etc. Par., 1790. Pausanias. Viaggio Istorico della Grecia. i^oma, 1792. Robertson, W. History of Ancient G., etc. Edin., 1793. Pausanias. Grfficiaj descriptio, eic. i'y^'s., 1794-96. SoNNiNi, C S. Travels in G., etc. 1801. Gell, Sir W. Itinerary of G.. e^c. 1810. r Chandler, R. Travels in ... G. 1817. Greece. 207 Greece. — Pausanias. Descrizione della Grecia, etc. Boma, 1817. DoDWELL, E. A Classical . . . Tour through G. . . . 1801,1805 and 1806. Land., 1819. Gell, Sir W. Itinerary of G., etc. 1819. Hughes, T. S. Travels in , . . G., etc. 1820. Laueext, p. Classical Tour through ... G. ... in 1818-19. 1821. Stuart, J., and Revett, N. The Antiquities of Athens and other places in G., etc. 1825-33. Leake, W. M. Historical Outline of the Greek Revolution, etc. Lo7id., 1826. Dakkovszkt, G. Die Griechen als Stamm- und Sprachvevwandte der Slawen, etc. Fressb., 1828. GrIberg, Count J. L'Empire Russe compare anx ]>rincipaux ^tats. du Monde . . . Quadro ... della . . . Grecia, nel 1829. 1829. Hughes, T. S. Travels in G. and Albania. 1830. Alcock, T. Travels in . . . G., etc. 1831. Straussen, J. J. Reise durch . . . Griechenland . . . 1647- 1673. Gotha, 1832. FiTzMAURTCE, HoN. W. E. CruisB to ... G. 1834. Leake, W. M. Travels in N. n G. Land., 1835. Temple, Sir G. T.' Travels in G., etc. 1836. ■ ■ Murray. Hand-Book for Travellers in . . . G., etc. Lond., 1840. Damer, Hon. Mrs. G. L. D. Diary of a Tour in G., etc. J.ond., 1841. St. John, J. A. History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient G. 1842. Strong, F. G. as a Kingdom, etc. 1842. Droysen, J. G. Die Hellenistischen Colonien. 1843. Bianconi, J. J. De Mari olim occupante planities et colles . . . Grsecife, etc. Bonon, 1846-52. Spencer, E. Travels in European Turkey . . . with a Visit to (i., itc. 1851. Wilde, W. R. Narrative of ... a Visit to ... . G. Dull, 1852. Wordsworth, C. G. ; pictorial, descriptive, etc. Lond., 1853. Carlisle, Earl OF. Diary in . . . Greek Waters. 1854. Petachia, Rabbi. Travels of ; who, in the . . . Twelfth Century visited . . . G., etc. 1856. — Smith, W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. 1856. Paeavey, Chev. de. Recherches sur Ic Kepenthfes des Grecs, itc. Versailhs, I860. Schmidt, J. F. J. Beitrage zur pliysikalischen Gcogrnphie von Griechenland. Atlien, 1861. Lewis, T. State Rights: a Photograpli from the lluins of Ancient G., etc. Albamj, 1865. 2o8 Greece — Gyeenla7id. Greece. — Fixlay, G. naparrfprja-fLS fni ttjs (v . . . EXXaSt irpoia-TopiKris apxaioXoyias. Ei/ ABrjvais, 1869. CoxsTANTiNE THE Geeat. Voyage to G. . . . 339. Hakluyt. Vol. II. • — Egbert, Ketensis. Voyage to , . . G. . . . 1143. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Angelos, C. Of the condition of life in which the Greeks now live, etc. TuRCHAS. Vol. I. Scot, W. L. Travels in . . . G. . . . 1612. Purchas. Vol. II. Vernon, F. Travels . . . through . . . G., etc. Eay, J. . ■ Wheeler, Sir G. Plants observed in his Voyage to G., etc. Eay, J. ■ — — — Forbin, Count de. Travels in G. . . . 1817-18. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819 Vol. I. • ■ Miiller, C. Journey through G. . . . 1821. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819, etc. Vol. VIIL ■ Sibthorp, Dr. Birds, Quadrupeds, and Fishes of G. Walpole, R. Memoirs, etc. ■- Observations on Natural History, relating to parts of G., etc. Walpole, R. Memoirs, etc. ■ Leake, Colonel. Inscriptions copied in various parts of G. Wal- pole, R. Travels, etc. ■ See also Attica. Greek Islands. — See Archipelago. Green Bay — Featherstoshaugh, G. W. Report of a Geological Recon- naissance ... by ... G. B. and the Wisconsin Territory to the Coteau de Prairie. Tr(/s/i., 1836. Greenland. — Eixk, H. Om den formeentlige Opdagelse af Groulands Nordkystog et aabent Polarhav, etc. Vera, G. di. Tre Navigationi fatte daccli Olandesi . . . doue sco- persero . . . un Paese . . . creduto la Groenlandia. Venet., 1599. Greenland. Relation de Greenland. Par., 1663. Egede, H. Description of G., etc. 1745. . Anderson, J. Nachrichten von . . . Gronland, etc. Hamh., 1746. ■ • Kerguelen Tremarec, M. de. Relation d'une Voyage . . . aux Cotes . . . du G., ttc. Par., 1771. • Saabye, H. E. Bruckstiikke eines Tagebuches gehalten in Gronland in 1770 bis 1778, etc. Hamb., 1817. Egede, H. Description of G., etc. 1818. • • Crantz, D. History of G., etc. 1820. Scoresby, W. Journal . . . including Researches ... on the E.n Coast of W. G., etc. Edin., 1823. ■ Geaah, W. a. Undersogelses-Reise til Ostkysten af Gronland, etc. Copcnh., 1832. • Eoquette, M. de la. Sur les D6couvertes faites en Greenland. Ph., 1852-57. Arctic Expeditions. G.-Eskimo Vocabulary, etc. Land., 1853. Markham, C. E. Franklin's Footsteps ; a sketch of G., etc. lond., 1853. OsTERGAARD, C. C., and others. Observationes meteorological per annos 1832-54 in Groniand factte. Eaunice, 1856. — Kane, E. K. Astronomical Observations . . . made ... on the N.W. Coast of G., etc. Phil, I860. — Irminger, C. Notice sur les Feches . . . du Greenland. Par., 1863. — Eafn, C C. Pienseignements sur les i^remiers habitants de la Cote Occidentale du Greenland, etc. 1864. — Helms, H. Groniand und die Gronlander, etc. Leipz., 1867. — Brown, E. Florala Discoana : Contributions to the Phyto-Geography ofG., eitc. £(^m., 1868. On the Mammalian Fauna of G. [Lond., 1868. J - Monck, Capt. J. Account of a . . . A^oyage . . . with a de- scription of Old and New G. Churchill. Vol. J. - La Peyrere. Account of G. Churchill. Vol. II. - Two Journals. The first kept ... in ... G. in 1633-4, etc. Churchill. Vol. II. - Pelham's preservation of eight Men in G., etc. Churchill. Vol. IV. - Gudbrandus Thorlacius, Bishop of Holen. Letter concerning the ancient state of . . . Groniand. Haklutt. Vol. L - Voyage . . . of . . . the Ships Suvshine and Northstarre ... to discover a passage betweene Greenland and Jseland, 1587. Hakluyt. Vol. IIL - Zeno, N. and A. Voyage to . . . Engronland . . . 1380. Hak- luyt. Vol. III. - Collection of Documents on Spitzbergen and G. Edited . . . by A. White. 1855. Hakluyt See. Pub. ^Vol. XVIIL - History of . . . G. . . . 1585-1746. Harris, J. Vol. IL - Original discovery of G. by the Icelanders in the ninth century. Kerr. Vol. I. - Annales, on Histeire civile du G., etc. Laharpe. Vol. XVII. - G. Glaces, Climat, Mineraux, etc. Laharpe, J. Vol. XVII. - Baffin, W. Fourth Voyage of J. Hall to Groaneland, 1612, dc. Purchas. Vol. III. - Baffin, W. Journall of the Voyage made to G., 1613. Purchas. Vol. in. - Blefkens, D. Voyages and history of . . . G., 1563. Purchas. Vol. in. 2 1 o Greenland — Guaira. Greenland. — Edge, T. Northerne Discoveries . , . with a description of (J., 1553-1622. PuRCHAs. Vol. III. Fotherbye, E. Voyage of Discovery to G., 1614. Purchas. Vol. III. Hall, J. Voyages forth of Denmark for the Discovery of G., 1605-6. Purchas. Vol. III. ■ Heley, W. Divers Voyages to G. . . . 1617-23. Purchas. Vol. III. Iver Boty. Treatise of the Course from Island to Groneland, 1608. Purchas. Vol. III. Navigation! fatte da gli Olandesi . . . dove scopersero . . . un paese . . . creduto la Groenlandia, 1594-97. Kamusio. Vol. 111. Martex, F. Observations made in . . . G., ttc. 1711. Voyages. Account of several late, etc. ■ • Supplement. Description of G., etc. 1711. Voyages. Account of several late, etc. Cranz. Historic und Beschreibung von Gronland, etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XIX. Sea. — See Arctic Ocean. Greenwich. — Airy, G. B. Plan of the . . . Royal Observatory, etc. Meteorological Register for 1833 ; kept at G. Lond., 1834. Greenwich Observatory, Description of the Altitude and Azimuth Instrument erected at. 1847. Grenada, Island. — Edwards, B. Historical Survey of . . . Saint Domingo. . . . Also a Tour through . . . G., etc. 1801. Reisen nach . . . Insel G., etc. Voyages and Travels. AUge- meine Historie, etc. Vol. XVII. Grenoble. — Grenoble. Le Petit Guide de TEtranger a G., etc. QrenoUe, 1863. Grisons. — Rey, W, Les G. et la Haute-Engadine. Geneve, 1850. ■ • Ray, J. Travels through ... the Country of the G., etc. Harris, J. Vol. II. Groaneland. — See Greenland. Grodno. — Reinbeck, G. Travels . , . through ... G. ... 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VI. Groenland. — See Greenland. Groninga. — See Groningen. Groningen. — Laet, J. de. Belgii Confoederati Respnblica: seu . . . Groning. . . . descriptio. Liigd. Bat., 1630. Grosser Ocean. — See Pacific Ocean. Guadeloupe.— Reisen nach G., eSee Hadramaut. PoRSTER, C. Historical Geography of Arabia . . . with . . . Translations ... of the Hamyaritic Inscriptions recently discovered in H. 1844. Plate, W, Ptolemy's Knowledge . . . especially of H., etc. 1845. Wrede, a. von. Pieise in H., etc. Braunschw., 1870. Haetlmm. — Forster, J. E. Piemarks on the situation of Sciringes-heal and H. Kerb. Yol. I. Hagenskov. — Simoxsex, Vedel. Samlinger til H. Slots . . . Historie. Odense, 1840. Hai. — See Ai, Haidarabad. — See Hyderabad. Hai-ling. — Macaulay, H. Directions for entering the Harbour of Olinchy, on the W. Side of H., etc. Dalrymple, A. Collection of Xautical Memoirs, etc. Hai-nan. — Roquette, M. de la. Note sur File d'H., etc. Paris, Hainault. — Vandeb Maelen, P. Statistique . . . de H., etc. Brussels, 1830. Dictionnaire Geographique de la Province de H. £ruc., 1833. Hainaut. — ^^ee Haikault. Haiti. — 'S'ee Hayti. Haleb. — See Aleppo. Halicarnassus. — Ross, L. On the Topography of H., etc Camb., 1854. Halifax. — Head, G. Forest Scenes . . . from H. to the Canadas, eifc. 1829. Halifax. — Bayfield, Admiral H. ^Y. Nova Scotia Pilot . . . incliuliuf^ H. Harbour. 1856! Halland. — See Halmstad. Halmstad. — Topogeafiska och Statistika Uppgifter om H.s Lan. Stockh., 1847. Hamadan.— BucKiXGUAM, J. S. Travels . . . from Bagdad ... to H e^^- 1830. Hamburg. — Browne, E. Voyage ... to Holland, with a Journey . . . to -U., 1668. Harris, J. Vol. TI. Hammerfest.— M'Dougall, G. F. Directions . . . including a descrip- tion of H., etc. 1858. Hanceu. — -S'ee Quinsay. Hannek.— Gottbeeg, E. de. Des Cataractes . . . de H., etc. I'ar., 1867. Htifiover — Hauran. 217 Hanover.— Spittler, L. T. Geschichte des Fiirstenthums II. . . . bis zu Ende des siebzehutea Jabrhunderts, ttc. Hann., 1798. Wu.sox, W. R. Travels in . . , H., etc. Lond., 1826. Eedex, Baron F. von. Das Konigreicli H. statistiscb bescbrieben, etc. Hann., 1839. Belgium. Bel2;ian , . . Hanoverian . . . Ligbtbouses, corrected to 1843, 51, 54, 57-59. 1843-59. DuNSTERViLLE, E. Tbe Admiralty List of tbe . . . Hanoverian . . . Ligbts. Corrected to 1860. 1860. Mansourit, M. 0. B. Travels in H., 1803-4. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. HI. — Travels in H., 1803-4. Voyages and Travels. A Collec- tion, etc. 1810. Vol. VI. Han-SUr-Lesse. — Wauteks, A. Guide pittoresque ... k la Grotto de H.-s-L. Brux., 1841. Haouran. — See Hauran. Haran. — See Harean. Harar. — Buktox, R. F. First Footsteps in East Africa ; or an Exploration of H. 1856. Hardanger -Fiord.— Sexe, S. A. Marker efter en listid i Omeccnen af H.tjorden. Christ.] 1866. Harran. — Beke, E. Jacob's Fligbt; or a Pilgrimage to H., etc. Lond., 1865. Harris, Sound.— Otter, H. C. and Stanton, W. Western Hebrides . . . Sailing directions lor the Sound of H. 1859. Inskip, G. H. Instructions Nautiques sur le Sound de H., etc. Par., 1862. Harrogate. — Ripon. The Tourist's Companion ; being a . . . description ... of ... H., etc. Bipon, 1828. Hartwell. — Smtth, Admiral W. H. ^des Hartwellianaj : or Notices of tbe ]\Ianor and ]Mansiou of H. 1851. Hartz Mountains. — Gatterer, C. W. J. Beschreibung des Harzes. Nurernb., 1792. MuRCHisoN, Sir R. I. and Morris, J. On the Palaeozoic . . . Rocivsoftbe . . . H. 1855. Hastings. — Fitton, W. H. A Geological sketch of the Vicinity of H. 1833. Hatteras, Cape. — Redfield, W. C. Cape Verde and H. Hurricano, of Aug.-Sept., 1S53, etc. Neiv Haven, U. .S., 1854. Hauran. — Madox, J. Excursions . . . including a visit to . . . the H. 1834. Porter, J. L. Five years in Damascus . . . with Travels . . . in , . . the H. Lox'L, 1855. Greek Inscriptions from . . . the H., etc. Lond., 1855. Graham, C. C. Additional Inscriptions from the Hauran, e^c 1859. Hogg, J. On Gebel H., etc. Edinh., I860. 1 1 8 Hans a — Hazareebagh. Hausa. — S'ee Houssa. Haute-Ethiopie. — See Abtssixia. Haut Fleuve Blanc. — /See Nile, White, Upper. Havana. — Gage, T. Nouvelle Relation des Voyages dans la Nouvelle Espagne . . . et retour . . . jusques a la Havaue, etc, AmsL, 1695. Survey of the Spanish West Indies . . . describing H., etc. 1702. ■ Habana. Balanza Mercantil de la Habana . . . 1837 e 1840. Bab., 1838-41. ■ — Lowenstern, I. Les Etats-Unis et la H., etc. Par., 1842. Valois, a. de. Mexique, Havana . . . Notes de Voyage. Far., [1862.] Havannah. — >See Havana. Havre. — Paris. Ttiue'raire des bateaux a vapeur de Paris au H., etc. Par. Hawaii. — Mortimer, G. Observations . . . during a Voyage to . . . Uwhyhee, etc. Lond., 1791. Ellis, W. Narrative of a Tour through H., etc. 1826. Hayti. — Saint-Mert, L. E. Moreau de. Description topographique . . . de la partie Espagnole de . . . Saint-Domingue, etc. Phil, 1796. Edwards, B. Historical Survey of the Island of Saint Domingo. etc. 1801. ■ Frakklin, J. The present state of H., etc. 1828. Bourdieu, L. du. Notes sur quelques Ports . . . de H. Par., 1844. Purdy, J. and Findlay, A. G. Sailing Directory . . . 11., etc. 1848. Dominican Republic, the, and the Emperor Soulouque, etc. Phil, 1852. Ardouin, B. Etudes sur Thistoire d'Haiti, etc. Par., 1853. Pert, Sir T. and Cabot, S. Voyage to . . , Santo Domingo . . . 1516. Hakluyt. Vol. HI. Newport, C. Voyage to . . . Hispaniola . . . 1591. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. Columbus, C. First Voyage, in which he discovered . . . His- paniola, etc. Harris, J. Vol. II. Pert, Sir T. and Cabot, S. Voyage to . . . St. Domingo . . . about 1516. Kerr. VoL VI. Beschreibung der Insel Hispaniola, etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XIII. Weitere Eroberungen der ("astilione in . . . Hispaniola . . . 1511. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XIII. Niederlassung der Franzosen in . . . Hispaniola . . . 1630-92. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol, XVII. Hazareebagh. — Medlicott, H. B. INIemorandum on the Wells now being sunk at , . . H. India Geological Survey. Records, t;KEKT0N. Vol.1. 2 20 Herrfihict — Hiniyar. Hermhut. — Dresden und die umliegende Gegend bis . . . H., etc. Dresd., 1804. Herzegovina. — Arbuthnot, G. H., etc. 1862. Thoemmel, G. Geschiclitliclie . . . Beschreibung . . . der Herce- govina, etc. Wien, 1867. • Rousseau, A. Geographie generale . . . de FHerzegovine. 1868. Hespanha. — See Spain. Hesse Cassel. — Ludwig, R. Versucb einer geograpbischen Darstellung von Hessen in der Tertiarzeit. Darmst., 1855. Geology. Geologiscbe Specialkarte des Grossherzogtbums Hessen, etc. Darmst., 1856-60. Hhaleb. — See Aleppo. Hillah. — MiGNAN, R. Travels . . . inckiding a Journey from Bussorab to . . . H., etc. 1829. Himdld Mountains. — See Himalayas. Himalayas. — Fraser, J. B. Tour tbrougb part of tbe Snowy Range of tbe Hiiaala Mountains, etc. 1820. Skinner, T. Excursions . . . including a Walk over tbe H. Mountains, etc. 1832. Archer, Major. Tours in . . . tbe H., etc. 1833. YiGNE, G. T. Travels in . . . tbe H.. N. of tbe Panjab. 1842. HoFFMEiSTER, W. Travels in Ceylon . . . tbe H., etc. Edin., 1848. Hooker, J. D. Notes of a Tour in . . . tbe H., etc. Lond., 1848. • On tbe Climate and Vegetation of . . . tbe Sikkim H. Mountains. Lond., 1849. - — - — - Hodgson, B. H. On tbe Physical Geography of tbe H. Cede, 1850. Fortune, R. Journey to . . , China . . . witb a short notice of tbe . . . Tea Plantations in the H. Mountains. 1852. Thomson, A. S. Western H. and Tibet, a . . . Journey, etc. 1852. Hooker, J. D. H. n Journal, etc. 1854. Markham, F. Shooting in tbe H., etc. Lond., 1854. DuNLOP, R. H. Hunting in tbe H., etc. Lond., 1860. Himalayas. A Summer Ramble in tbe H., etc. Lond., I860. Rennie, D. B. Bbotan . . . including Sketches of three months' residence in the H., etc. Lond., 1866. Montgomerie, T. G. Report on tbe Trans-Himalayan Explorations . . . 1865-67. Dehra Boon, 1867. Voyages au travers de I'H. . . . Hardwicke, Webb, etc. Eyries. Vol. XIV. See also Burenda Pass. — Koonawuh. Himjar. — See Himyar. Himyar. — Rodiger, E. Vcrsuch iiber die Himjaritiscben Schrift- Monu- mente, etc. Halle, 1841. Hindmcnd — Holland, 221 Hindmend. — See Helmuxd. Hindoo Kosch. — See Hindu Koosch. Hindostan, Hindoustan. — -See India. Hindu Koosch. — Hugel, Bakon C. von. Das Kaljul- Becken und die Gebirge zwischen dem H. K. and dem Sutlej. Wieti, 1850. Hinlopen Strait. — Nokdenskiold, A. E. Geografisk cch geognostisk Beskrifniug ulVer . . . U. S. Stockh'., 1863. Hinzuan. — See Johanna. Hirta. — See Saint Kilda. Hispaan. — See Ispahan. Hispaniola. — See Hayti. Hobarton. — See Hobart Town. Hobart Town. — Sabine, Major-Gen. E. Observations made at the . . . Observatory at Hobarton . . . 1841-48, etc. 1848-53. Abbott, F. Eesults of Meteorological Observations ... for H. T. . . . Jan. 1841 to Dec. 1860. Tasm., 1861. Eesults of Twentv-five Years' Meteorological Observations for H. T., etc. " IM. T., 1866. Hochelaga. — Waeburton, E. H. : or England in tbe New World, 1851. Cartier, J. Voyages ... to H. ... 1534, 40. Hakluvt. Vol. III. La Eocbe, J. F. de. Voyage . . . to . . . H. . . . 1542. Hak- Cartier, J. Voj-ages ... to ... H. . . . 1534-37. Kerr. Vol. VI. Cartbier, J. Seconda Eelatione della navigatione per lui fatta all Isole di . . . n., etc. Eamusio. Vol. HI. Hoemus, Mont. — See Balkan. Holland. — Grotius, H. H. Grotii de Antiquitate Eei])ublic£e Batavicai liber singularis. [The Hague, 1610.] Laet, J. de. Belgii Confoederati Respublica : sen . . . H. . . . descriptio. Li(rovinces, etc. 1857. Scinde Railway. S. R. : the I. Steam Flotilla . . . Reports of the Directors . . . Sept. 1863. 1863. Indus — Ireland. 241 Indus. — Andrew, "W. P. On the Completion of the Eailway System of the Valley of the I., ttc. Lond., 1869. Nearchus. Voyage from the Mouth of the ... I. up the Persian Gulph, etc. Harris, J. Vol. I. Arrian's Voyage of Nearchus, from the I. to the Euphrates, etc. Vincent, W. The Commerce, etc. Vol. I. Ingur.— Eadde, G. Berichte, etc. (Jahrg. I. Eeisen ... in ... I.) Tijiis, 1866. Inishcaltra. — See Inniscalthra. Inniscalthra. — Brash, K. R. Inishcaltra and its Remains. 1866. Insalah. — Malte-Brun, V. A. Resume historique et geographique de I'exi^loration de G. Rohlfs ... a In-^aiah, etc. Fur., 1866. Inseln des Griinen Vorgeburges.— ^See Cape Verde Islands. Ionian Islands. — Holland, H. Travels in the I. I., etc. 1819. Napler, C. J. The Colonies ... the I. I. in particular. 1833. GiFFARD, E. A Short Visit to the I. I., etc. Lond., 1837. Murray. Hand-Book for Travellers in the T. I., etc. Lond., 1840. Davy, J. Notes ... on the I. I., etc. 1842. • Spencer, E. Travels in European Turkey . . . with a Visit to . . . the I. I., etc. 1851. Miiller, C. Journey through ... the I. I., 1821. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819, etc. Vol. VIII. Iowa. — Owen, D. D. Reports of a Geological Reconnoissance of the N.n part of I. " Wash., 1848. Owen, D. D. Report of a Geological Survey of . . . I., etc. Phil, 1852. Hall, J. and Whitney, J. D. Report on the Geological Survey of ... I., etc. Iowa, 1858. Irawadee, Irawadi. — See Irrawaddy. Ireland. — Betts, J. Exercises on . . . I. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. I. : its Scenery, etc. Lond. Ireland. Post-Chaise Companion . . . through I., etc. Dublin. Barton, R. Lectures . . . upon . . . Lough Neagh in I. Dub]., 1751. Beaufort, D. A. Memoir of a Map of I., etc. DuU., 1792. Dodd, J. S. Traveller's Directory through I. DuU., 1801. Eraser, J. B. Gleanings in I., etc. Lond., 1802. Ireland. Reports of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the . . . Bogs in L, etc. 1810-14. BicHENO, J. E. I. and its economy. 1830. Barrow, J. Tour round I., etc. 1836. Huddart, J. Piloting Directory for . . . all the Coasts of I., etc. 1837. JoNNEs, A. M. Statistique de . . . I'lrlande. Par., 1837. Mudge, W. and Frazer, G. A. Sailing Directions for the N.E., N., and N.W. Coasts of 1. 1842. R 242 Ireland — Ispahan. Ireland. — Ireland. A Plan for the Improvement of I., etc. 1844. Parliamentary Gazetteer of I., etc. Duhl., Lond., Edinh., 1846. Petty, W. History of the Survey of Ireland, commonly called " the Down Sm-vey," a. d. 1655-6, etc. Dubl, 1851. WoRSAAE, J. J. A. .Account of the Danes and Norwegians in ... I. 1852. Calvert, J. Gold Rocks of . . . I., etc. 1853. Cameron, Capt. Ordnance Survey : Abstract of principal Lines of Spirit-Levelling in I. 1855. BuRWOOD, J., and Yule, C. B. Tide-Tables for the . . . Irish Ports, etc. 1855-63. James, Sir H. Ordnance Survey. Meteorological Observations taken . . . 1829-52 ... in I. DiM., 1856. Weld, C. R. Vacations in I. 1857. Wilde, W. R. Essay . . . illustrative of the Ancient Animals of I. Buhl., 1860. Beaven, H. J, C. Six Weeks in I., etc. 1862. Bertus. Voyage into I., 684. Hakluyt. Vol. I. Hamilton's Letters on the N.n Coast of T. Pinkerton. Vol. III. Young's Tour in I., an Abstract of. Pinkerton. Vol. III. I., Journal of a Tour in, 1804, etc. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. III. Carr, J. Stranger in I. ; or a Tour . . . 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. V. , South Coast. — PuRDY, J., and FiNDLAY, A. G. Sailing Directory for the . . . S.ern Coasts of I. 1849. White, M., and Purday, J. Portulan . . . de la Cote Sud d'Irlande, etc. Par., 1855. Irish Channel. — English and I. Cliannels and Ports Tide-Tables, etc. 1835-53. Irrawaddy. — Yule, H. Narrative . . . with . . . Notes on the Geo- logical Features of the Banks of the River I., etc. Calc, 1856. Iscardo. — See Iskardoh. Iseland. — -See Iceland. Iskanderoon. — See Iskanderun. Iskanderun. — Taylor. J. Travels ... to India, in 1789, by . . . Scandaroon, etc. 1799. Iskardoh.— Vigne, G. T. Travels in . . . I., etc. 1842. Island, Islandia. See Iceland. Ispahan. — Buckingham, J. S. Travels . . . including . . . Researches in I., etc. 1830. Steel, R., and Crowther, J. Journey from Agimere to I., 1615-16. Kerr. Vol. IX. Hobbs, G. Travaile from Musco to Spahan, 1020. Purchas. Vol. I. Ispahan — Italy. 243 Ispahan. — Steel, R., and Crowther, J. Journal of a Journey from Azmere ... to Spahan . . . 1615-lG. Puechas. Vol. I. Cartwright, J. Observations in his Voyage from Aleppo to Hispaan . . . about 1603. Puechas. Vol. II. Issini. — See AssiNEE. Isthme Am^ricain. — See Panama, Isthmus of. Istria. — Vernon, F. Travels . , . through I., etc. Rat, J. Cassas, L. F. Travels in I. . . . 1702, etc. Voyages and Teavels. a Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. I. Italia. — See Italy. Italy. — Sandys, G. A Relation of a Journey begun . . . 1610. Contain- ing a description of . . . the remote parts of I., etc. 1615. Italy. De Principibus Italic Commentarius, etc. Lugd. Bat., 1631. Tellez, B. Travels . . . Travels of P. Teixeira from India to I., e^c 1710. Addison, J. Remarks on several parts of Italy ... in 1701-1703 Lond., 1726. Pollnitz, C. L., Baron de. Memoirs . . . in his . . . Travels through ... I., etc. 1737. Dkummond, a. Travels through ... I., etc. 1754. Nugent, Mr. The Grand Tour . . . through ... I., etc. 1778. Bernouilli, J. Nachrichten von Italien, etc. Leipz., 1782. DuPATY, Pees. Travels through I., etc. 1788. • Stolberg, Count F. L. zu. Reise in . . . Italien, etc. Konigsh. u. Leip., 1794, Chauchard, Capt. Geographical description of . . . I., etc. Lond., 1800. Germany . . . I. . . . Geographical . . . description of, etc. 1800. Italy. Itineraire d'ltalie. Flor., 1801. Denina, C. Tableau . . . de la Haute-Italie. Far., 1805. • Dessiou, J. F. Le Petit Neptune Francais ... To which is added, the Coast of I., etc. ' 1805. • • Barbiellini, C. a. Nuova descrizione . . . d'ltalia, etc. Mil, 1806. Macgill, T. Travels in . , . I., etc. 1808. Sternberg, C. G. von. Reise durch Tyrol in die OesterreicliisclKU Provinzen Italiens. Wien und Triest, 1811, Italy. Itin^rau-e d'ltalie. Mil., 1814, Eu.sTACE, J. C. Classical Tour through I., 1802. 1815. Baillie, M. First Impressions of . . . I., etc. 1819. IIoare, Sir R. C. Classical Tour in I., etc. 1819. Cadell, W. a. Journey in . . . I., etc. Edin., 1820. Galiffe, J. A. I. and its Inhabitants, etc. 1820. R 2 244 Italy. Italy. — Hase, H. Xachweisungen fiir Eeisende in Italien. Leipz., 1821. Laurent, P. Classical Tour through ... I. in 1818-19. 1821. Italy. Itinerario Italiano. Milan, 1822. Italy. Itineraire Classique d'ltalie. Par., 1823. Forsyth, J. Remarks on ... T. 1824. Brockedox, W. Illustrations of the Passes . . . hy which I. com- municates with France, etc. 1828. Cramer, J. A. Geographical . . . description of Ancient I. Oxford, 1832. Straussen, J. J. Eeise durch Italien . . . 1647-1673. Gotha, 1832. PacHARD. Guide du Voyageur en I. Par., 1833. Beckford, W. I., etc. 1834. ScHOUw, J. F. Tableau du Climat . . . de ITtalie. Copenh., 1839. Serristori, Count L. Statistica dell'Italia, etc. Firenze, 1839. Graberg, Count J. Eelazioni Commerciali del Egitto . . . coi Porti deir ItaUa, etc. Firenze, 1841. Egypt. Kotes ... of a Visit to Egypt ... by way of I., etc. Lond., 1844. ScHOUW, J. F. De italienske Naaletrasers geographiske og historiske Forhold. Copenh., 1844. Eanuzzi, a. Annuario Geografico Italiano. Bologna, 1844-45. Alps. Le Alpi che cingono I'ltalia. Torino, 1845. Balbi, a. Miscellanea Italiana, etc. Mil, 1845. BiANCONi, J. J. De Mari dim occupants planities et coUes Italia?, etc. Bonon., 1846-52. EoNAY, J. Jellemisme, vagy az . . . Olasz . . . Nemzet . . . Jellemzese, etc. Gyorott, 1847. ScHOUw, J, F. Ege-og Birke-Familiens geographiske og historiske Forhold i Italien. " Copenh., 1847. — . Balbi, A. Saggio . . . delle strade ferrate . . . Italiche. Mil, 1848. . "Whiteside, J. 1. in the Nineteenth Century, etc. 1848. Lamalle, M. Dureau de. Climatologie comparee de ITtahe et de I'Andalousie, etc. Par., 1849. Maury, L. F. A. Histoire . . . des Forets . . . de I'ltalie. Par., 1850. MuRciiisoN, Sir R. I. On the Earlier Volcanic Eocks of the Pai^al States, and the adjacent parts of I. 1850. • Pepe, Lieut.-Gen. Scenes and Events in I., etc. 1850. Beldam, J. Eecollections of Scenes ... in I., etc. 1851. Pfeiffer, I. Visit to . . . I., etc. 1853. Spencer, E. Tour of Inquiry through ... I., etc. 1853. Laing, S. Notes ... on ... I., etc. 1854. Chamieb, Capt. My Travels . . . through ... I. 1855. Italy. 245 Italy. — Beoughtox, Lord. I. ; Remarks made . . . from 1816 to 1854. 1859. Negei, C. La Grandezza Italiana. Torino, 1864. ■ Gastaldi, B. Lake Habitations and Pre-historic remains in . . . N. n and Central L, etc. Lond., 1865. Beown, S. On the Statistical Progress of ... I. Lond., 1866. Ellis, E. An Enquiry into the Ancient Eoutes between \. and Gaul, etc. Camh. and Lond., 1867. Fairmak, E. St. J. A Treatise on the Petroleum Zones of I. Lond., 1868. I Petrolii in Italia, etc. Firenze, 1869. Skippon, Sir P. Journey through . . . \.,etc. Chuechill. Vol. VL France and I., a Tour in, made by an English Gentleman, 1675. Churchill. Vol. VIL Hawkwood, J. Travailes ... in diverse places of I. Hakluyt. Vol. IL Burnet, Bishop G. Travels through . . . part of I. ... 1685-86. Harris, J. Vol. IL - Misson, M. Travels through a great part of I., etc. Harris, J. Vol. IL - Thevenot, J. Voyages . . . from I. to Constantinople, 1655. Haeeis, J. Vol. II. - Stolberg, Count F. L. Travels through . . . L, etc. Pelham. Vol. IL - Spallanzanis Travels in I. Pinkertox. Vol. V. - Smith, Capt. J. Travels . . thorow . . . Italie . . . about 1596. Purchas. Vol. II. - Pay, J. Travels through , . . L, etc. Ray, J. Collection, etc. - Kiittner, C. G. Travels through . . . part of I., 1798-99. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. I. - Kotzebue, A. v. Travels through I., 1804-5. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. IV. - Salvo, Marquis de. Travels from I. to England . . . 1806. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VL - Semple, R. Observations on a Journey through Spain and I. ... 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VIII. - Paris, Travels from, through ... I., 1801-2, etc. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. IX. - Paris, Travels from, through . . . L, 1801-2. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1810. Vol. II. - Semple, R. Journey through Spain and I. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1810. Vol. VI. - Chateauvieux, F. Lillin de. Travels in I. ... 1812-13. Voyages and Travels. New. 1819. Vol. I. - Hoare, Sir R. C. Classical Tour through T. ... 1790. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. I. 246 Italy — Jmnaica. Italy. — "Rose, W. S. Letters from I. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. I. Castellan, A. L. Letters on L, 1820. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. III. Friedliinder, H. Views in I. during a Journey in 1815-16. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. V. Montemont, A. Tour ... in L, 1820. Voyages and Travels, Xew. 1819, etc. Vol. IX. Misson, M. Travels through Germany and I. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. XVIII., XIX. Addison, Joseph. Travels through I. and Swisserlaud, 1699. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. VoL XIX. , CentraL ^Murray. Hand-Book for Travellers in C. I., dc. Loud., 1843. Hand-Book for Travellers in N. I., etc. Pt. I., II. Land., 1842. , North. Hand-Book for Travellers in X. I., etc. Lond., 1858, , South.. Hand-Book for Travellers in S. I., etc. Lond., 1853. Itasca, Lake. Schoolcraft, H. E. Summary Xarrative of an . . . Expedition to the . . . Mississippi . . . the discovery of its Origin in I. L., etc. Phil, 1855. Ithaca. Gell, Sir W. Geography ... of I. 1807. GooDissox, W. Historical . . . Essay upon ... I., etc. 1822. BowEN, G. F. I. in 1850. 1854. Ivahy, River. Silva Coutinho, J. M. da. Annexo P. . . (Exploracao do Rio I. [by A. A. de Padua Fleury].) [1865.J Ivory Coast. Of the I. C. Astley. Vol. II. Ivrea. Bertolotti, A. Passeggiate nel Canavese. Lond., 1867-70. Izalco. Palacio, D. G. de. Description of the Ancient Provinces of . . . I. ... 1576. Sqcier. Collection. No. I. J. Jaboo. — Avezac, M. d'. Notice sur le Pays et le Peuple des Yebous, etc. Par., 1845. Jalofs. — Roger, Baron. Recherches philosophiques sur la langue Ouolofe, etc. yar., 1829. Beschreibung von den Jalofern, etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. III. Jamaica.— Sloane, H. Voyage to . . . J., etc. 1707. Florida. Description of . . . the Course of the British Trading- Ships to and from ... J., etc. 1739. Edwards, B. Historical . . . Account of the Maroon Negroes iu ... J. in 1793-4, etc. 1801. • Latrobe, C. J. Report on Negro Education in J., etc. 1838. y^amaica — Japan. 247 Jamaica. — Ptjrdy, J., and Findlay, A. G. Sailing Directory for . . . J., e'c. 1848. — — BiGELow, J. J. in 1850, ttc. N. Y., 1851. Martin, 11. M. Eeport to the Shareholders of the Liguanea and General Mining Company of J., etc. 1851. PiM, B. The Xegro and J. Lond., 1866. Hakvey, T. and Brewix, W. J. in 18GG, etc. Lond., 1867. Parker, W. Voyage to . . . J. . . . 1596-97. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. Sherley, Sir A. Voyage to . . . J. . . . 1596. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. Weitere Eroberungen der Castilianer in . . . J. . . . 1511. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XIII. — Euglandische Inseln. Eeiseu . . . in J., etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVII. James of Compostella, Saint. — See Santlago de Composthlla. Jan Mayen.— DtJFFERis, Lord. Letters . . . being an Account of . . . J. M., etc. 1857. History of . . . Mayen Island . . . 1585-1746. Harris, J. Vol. II. lies de J. M. . . . Climat, min^raux, animaux. Laharpe, J. Vol. XVI. — • Supplement. Description of . . . John M.'s Island, etc. 1711. Voyages. Accoimt of several late, etc. Beschreibung der Insel J. M. oder den Dreyeinigkeits - Insel. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XIX. Japan. — Japan. Nuovi Awisi del Giapone, etc. Venetia, 1586. Guzman, P. L. Historia de las Missiones . . . de la Compafiia de Jesus ... en ... la .. . Japon. Alcala, 1601. Letters. Litterse Japonicse annorum M. DC. IX. et X., etc. Antverp., 1615. Montanus, a. Gedenkwaerdige Gesantschappen der Oost-Indische Maetschappy in 't vereenigde Nederlaud aen ... J., etc. Amst., 1669. Montanus, A. Atlas Japannensis, etc. 1670. MoxoN, J. A Brief Discourse of a Passage by the North Pole to J., etc. ^ Lond., 1697. Mandelslo, J. A. de. Voyage . . . Contenants une description . . . du Japon, etc. Amst., 1727. KiEMPFER, E. Histoire . . . du Japon, etc. La Haye, 1729. Thunberg, C. p. Reisen . . . vorziiglich in J. . . . 1770 bis 1779, etc. Bed., 1792-94. Travels . . . in J., etc. 1796. Voyages au Japon . . . 1770-1778, etc. Piir., 1796. GoLowNiN, Capt. liecollections of J., etc. 1819. Siebold, p. F. de. Nippon. Archiv zur Beschreibung von J., etc. Leyden, 1832. Stbaussen, J. J. Reise durch . . . J. . . . 1647-1G73. Ootha, 1832. 248 Japan . Japan. — Pakker, P. Journal of an Expedition . . . to J., e^c. 1838. SiEBOLD, P. F. DE. Voyage au J. pendant 1823-30, etc. Pa/., 1838-40. Japak. Manners and Customs of the J.ese in the ^Nineteenth Centur}-. 1841. SiEBOLD, P. F. VON. Manners and Customs of the J.ese, in the Nineteenth Century, etc. Lond,, 1841. Alcock, E. Elements of Japanese Grammar, etc. Shanghai, 1851. Mac Faelane, C. J., an Account, etc. 1852. SiEBOLD, p. F. VON. Nippon, Archiv zur Beschreibunc; von J., etc. Leydm, 1852. Button, Sir T. Some particulars ... of a North-West Passage to . . . J., 1612. 1853. Tatlor, B. Visit to ... J. in 1853. 1855. Halloran, a. L. Wae Yang Jin. Eight Months' Journal kept . . . during visits to . . . J., etc. Lond., 1856. Perry, M. C. Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to . . . J., in 1852-54, etc. Wash., 1856. Spalding, J. AV. J. ... an account of three Visits, etc. 1856. Habersham, A. W. My last Cruise . . . Visits to . . . J., etc. Phil, 1857. Palmer, A. H. Documents . . . illustrating the origin of the Mission to J. . . . May, 1851. Wash., 1857. CoEN, C. J. Reize van M. G. Vries in 1643 naar het Noordcn en Oosten van J., etc. Amst., 1858. Cornwallis, K. Two Journeys to J., 1856-7. 1859. Gras, M. a. le. Renseignements hydrographiques sur ... la Mer . . . les lies du Japon, etc. Par., 1859. Oliphant, L. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Mission to ... J. in 1857-59. Edin., 1859. Osborn, S. Cruise in J. ese Waters. 1859. Tronson, J. M. Narrative of a Voyage to J., etc. 1859. Collins, P. Mc D. A Voyage . . . with . . . incidental notices of ... J. N. Y. and Lond., I860. Osborn, S. J.ese, with facsimiles of Illustrations by Artists of Yedo. 1861. Perrey, a. Documents sur les Tremblements de Terre et les phe- nomenes Volcaniques au Japon. Lyon, 1862. Sainsbury, W. N. Calendar of State Papers . . . J. . . . 1513- 1616, etc. Land., 1862. Alcock, Sm R. The Capital of the Tycoon, etc. Lond., 1863. Pereira, F. a. M. Viagem ... a Capital do Japao, 1860. Lisloa, 1863. Fraissinet, fi. Le Japon, histoire et description, etc. Par., 1864. Humbert, A. La Mer Int^rieure du Japon. \_Geneva, 1866.] yapan. 249 Japan. — Pumpelly, R. Notice of an Account of Geological Observations in ... J., etc. [1866.] Chijs, J. A. VAN DER. Neerlands Streven tot openstelling van J. voor den Wereldbandel, etc. Amst., 1867. Silver, J. M. W. Sketches of J. ese manners and customs, etc. Land., 1867. PoMPE VAN Meerdervoort, J. L. C. Vijf Jaren in J., etc. Leiden, 1867, 68. Alabaster, C. and others. Eeports of Journeys in . . . J., etc. Loral, 1869. Arminjon, v. F. II Giappone . . . nel 1866. Genova, 1869. Adams, W. Voyage to J. etc. Astley. Vol. I. Cocks, R. Some particulars ... of J. from 1614-20. Astley. Vol. I. Saris, J. Voyage to ... J. in 1611. Astley. Vol. I. Curious Remarks on . . . J., etc. Churchill. Vol. I. Voyage en Asie. Japon. Eyries. Vol. XII. Gualle, F. Voyage ... by the . . . Isles of J. ... to Acapulco, 1582-84. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Rundall, T. Memorials of the Empire of J. in the XVI. and XVII. centuries, etc. 1850. Hakluyt See. Pub. Vol. VIII. Adams, "W. Account of the adventures of, who resided ... in J., 1609-1631. Harris, J. Vol. I. Kao, D. An authentick . . . description of J., etc. Harris, J. Vol. II. Adams, W. Voyage to J. in 1598, etc. Kerr. Vol. VIII. Voyage of Capt. Saris to J., etc. Kerr, Vol. VIII. — Peyton, W. Voyage ... in 1615 . . . with the Ports . . . be- tween the Cape of Good Hope and J., 1616. Kerr. Vol. IX. Pring, Capt. Voyage ... to ... J. Kerr. Vol. IX. Japon. Voyage de Kasmpfer, etc. Laharpe, J. Vol. VIII. Caron's Account of J. Pinkerton. Vol. VII. Kempfer's History of J. Pinkerton. Vol. VII. J., Diary on the Coast of, 1673. Pinkerton. Vol. VII. Adams, W. Voyage ... to J., 1598-1611. Purchas. Vol. I. Cockes, R. Relation . . . Whereunto are added divers Letters . . . for the better knowledge of Japonian afl'aires. Pukchas. Vol. I. Brown, A. Extracts of a Journal . . . sayling divers times ... to ... J., etc. 1617-22. Purchas. Vol. II. Cocke, R. Letter concerning , . . occurrents in J., 1622. Purchas. Vol. II. Hatch, A. Letter toi^phing J. . . . 1623. Purchas. Vol. II. ^ — Trigautius N. Letter touching . . . the state of Christianitie in ... J., 1618. Purchas. Vol. IL A general collection ... of the Jesuites entrance into J. and China . . . 1542-99. Purchas. Vol. III. 2, 5 o yapan — yava. Japan.— Ramusio. Informatione dell' Isola Giappan, etc. Ramusio. Vol. I. Autre avis sur le commerce du Japon. Thevenot. Vol. II. Relation du Japon. — Martyrs du Japon. Thevenot. Vol. II. Wood, J. Attempt to discover a N.-E. Passage to ... J. 1711. Voyages. Account of several late, etc. Verhoeven, P. W. Reise . . . 1607-11 . . . nacb J. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. VIII. Beschreibung der Japonischen Inseln. Voyages and Travels. Allge- meine Historic, etc. Vol. XI. Kampfers, E. ReiseuachJ. . . . 1690-91. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XI. Japan, Sea of. Montravel, M. L. de Tardy de. Instructions ... sur la Mer du J., etc. Far., 1857. Account of the grounds upon which a N.-E. passage into the Sea of J. has been sought for, etc. Harris, J. Vol. II. JapfiO. — Bee Japan. Japura, River. — Silva Coutinho. J, M. de. Considerapoes geraes sobre OS rios que descem da cordilheira dos Andes . . . cachoeiras do Purus e Hyurua. 1863. Annexo P. Explora9ao do Rio Hyapura, e^c. [1865.] — RouAUD Y Paz-Soldan, M. Nota . . . sobre la Exploracion del Rio Yavari, etc. [1867.] Jask. — Swan, R. Journal of a Voyage to Surat and Jasques, 1660. Kerr. Vol. IX. Childe, A. Journal from England ... to Jasques . . . 1616. PUECHAS. Vol. I. Swan, R. Extract of a Journal of a Voyage ... to Jasques, etc. PURCHAS. Vol. I. Jasques. — Bee Jask. Java.— Thunberg, C. P. Travels ... in J., etc. 1796. — Raffles, Sir T. S. Substance of a Minute ... on the ... In- ternal Management ... of J. 1814. Daendels, H. W. Brieven . . . bevattende eene beoordeeling van een Werkje . . . getiteld : J., etc. Amst., 1816. Hogendorp, Count C. S. W. de. Coup-d'ceil sur I'lle de J., etc. Bmxelles, 1830. Raffles, Sir T. S. History of J. 1830. Saxe- Weimar-Eisenach, Bernard, Duke de. Precis de la Cam- pagne de J., en 1811. La Ilaye, 1834. Humboldt, W. von. IJber die Kawi-Sprache auf der Insel J., etc. Berl, 1836. Earl, G. W. The Eastern Seas . . . comprising a Tour of . . . J., etc. ' 1837. Moor, J. H. Notices of . . . J., etc. Singajwre, 1837. Davidson, G. F. Trade and Travel . . . Recollections of . . . J., etc. Lond., 1846. Java — Jeddo. 251 Java. — Selbeeg, E. Reis naar J., dc. Amst., 1846. Jukes, J. B. Narrative of ... an Excursion into the Interior of the E. part of J. 1847. Sturler, W. L. de. Redevoering over de natuurlijke voordelen van bodem en luchtstreek op J., etc. Gron., 1847. Vak de Velde, C. W. M. Toelichtende Aanteekeuingen behoorende bij de Kaart van . . . J. Leiden, 1847. JuNGHUHN, F. Eiickreise von J. nach Europa . . . 1848, etc. Leip., 1852. Melvill of Caknbee, and Smits, H. D. A. Seaman's Guide round J. to the . . . East, etc. 1853. Winter, C. F. Het Boek Adji-S&ka,, oude fabelachtige geschiedenis van J., etc. Amst., 1857. Monet, J. W. B. J. ; or How to manage a Colony, etc. 1861. Junghuhn, Fr. Staat . . . aantoonendede vermeerderingderKina- planten op J. . . Julij 1856 tot December 1862. 1863. D'Almeida, W. B. Life in J., etc. Lond., 1864. Jagor, F. Singapore ... J. Eeiseskizzen. Serl, 1866. Java. Zeilaanwiizingen van J. naar het Kanaal, etc. Utrecht, 1868-70. Scot, E. Account of J. . . . 1602-5. Astley. Vol. I. Voyage of Capt. D. Middleton to J. ... in 1609. Astley. Vol. I. East Indies. Description of a Voyage . . . 1595-97 : to which is added the Sea Journal of the Hollanders into J. Churchill. Vol. VIII. Sumatra, J., etc. Eyries. Vol. XII. The prosperous . . . Voyage to J. . . . performed by 8 ships of Amsterdam from Texell . . . 1598-99. Hakluyt. Vol. V. Scot, E. Account of J. . . . 1603-5. Kerr. Vol. VIII. Stavorinus. Account of J. . . . from the Voyages of. Pinkerton. Vol. XI. Middleton, D. Voyage to J. and Banda, 1609. Purchas. Vol. I. Scot, E. Discourse of J. . . 1G02-5. Purchas. Vol.1. Zweyte Eeise, des J. C. van Neck und W. van Warwick, nach . . . J., 1598-1600. Voyages and Travels. AUsemeine Historic, etc. Vol. VIII. Tavernier. Reisen . . . 1665-66 . . . nach J., etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XI. Prior, J. Voya2;e to . . . J. . . . 1810-11. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. I. See also Bantam. — Passoeroean. Jaxartes. — 'See Sir-Daria. Jean Mayen.— /See Jan Mayen. Jeddo, — Fortune, R. Yedo and Peking : a Narrative, etc. Land., 1863. Kampfers, E. Reise nach . . . Jedo, 1690-91. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XI. 25 2, Jedo — Jerusale^n. Jedo. — See Jeddo. Jedso. — &ee Jesso. Jenne. — GrIberg, Couxt J. Viaggio del Signer . . . R. Caillid a ... J., etc. 1830. Jericho. — Jericho. An Excursion from J. to the Ruins of . . . Geraza aud Amman, etc. 1852. Biddulpli, W. Travels of four Englishmen . . . into . . . J. . . . in 1600 and 1611. Churchill. Vol VII. Jersey. — Richards, J. The J. Island Pilot, etc. Lond., 1866. Routier de ITle J., etc. Par., 1866. Jerusalem. — Bartlett, W. H. Walks about ... J. BtJRGO, G. B. DE. Viaggio . . . Con la descrittione di Gierusalem, etc. Milano, [1686.] Falconer, D. Journey from Joppa to J., in 1751. 1753. Syria. Viaggio da Gerusalemme per le coste della Soria, etc. lAvorno, 1787. Maundrell, H. Journey from Aleppo to J. . . a.d. 1697, etc. 1810. Richardson, R. Travels ... as far as ... J., etc. Lond., 1822. Henniker, Sir P. Notes during a Visit to ... J. 1824. S^wulf. Relation des Voyages de, h, J. . . . 1102-3. Par., 1839. BoRRER, D. A Journey from Xaples to J., etc. 1845. Robinson, E. Topography of J., etc. N. Y., 1846. Fergusson, J, Essay on the Ancient Topography of J . 1847. Williams, G. Historical and descriptive Memoir on ... J. 1849. The Holy City . . . Notices of J., etc. Lond., 1849. - Bartlett, W. H. J. revisited. 1865. - Thrupp, J. F. Antient J. A new investigation, etc. Camh., 1855. - Dupuis, H. L. The Holy Places . . . Two Years' Residence in J., etc. 1856. - Barclay, J. T. City of the Great King ; or, J., etc. Phil., 1857. - Wey, W. The Itineraries of W. Wey ... to J., a.d. 1458 and A.D. 1462, etc. Lond., 1857. - ToBLER, T. Dritte Wanderung nach Palastina . . . und Nachlese in J. Gntha, 1859. - Whitty, J. I. Proposed Water Supply . . . for J., etc. Lond., 1863. - Jerusalem. J. Water Relief Society, etc. [Prospectus.] Lend., [1864.] - Whitty, J. I. Water Supplv of J., ancient and modern. Lond., 1864. - Morrison, W. The Recovery of J. A Narrative, etc. Lond., 1871. Jerusalem. 253 Jerusalem. — Biddulph, W. Travels of four Enslishmea . . . into . . . J. . . . in 1600 and 1611. Churchill. Vol. VII. Aldersey, L. Voyage to . . . J. . .. 1581. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Alnred, Bp. of Worcester. Voyage unto J., 1058. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Beauchamps, Vovage made by diverse of the . . . family of ... to J., 109G. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Edgar. Voyage to J. . . . 1102. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Gutuere, an English Lady, etc. Voyage toward J., 1097. Hak- luyt. Vol. II. Helena, Empresse. Voyage to J., 337. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Ingulphus, Abbot of Croiland. Voyage unto J., 1064. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Lacy, J. Voyage to J., 1173. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Lok, J. Voyage to J., 1553. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Lord John of Holland, Earle of Huntington. Voyage to J. . . . 1394. Hakluyt. Vol. IL Mandevile, W., Erie of Essex. Voyage to J., 1177. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Mowbrey, T. L., Duke of Norfolk. Voyage to J., 1399. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Petrus de Kupibus, Bp. of Winchester. Voyage to J., 1231. Hak- luyt. Vol. II. Richard! Famous Voyage . . . for the recovering of J. . . . 1190. Hakluyt. Vol. II. • Swanus, one of the Sonnes of Earl Godwin. Voyage unto J., 1052. Hakluyt. Vol. II. William, Archb. of Tyre. Voyage to J. . . . 1130. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Voyage of the Bp. of Winchester to J., 1417. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Bei-trandon de la Brocquiere. Vovage ... de J. en France par la Voie de Terre . . . 1432-33. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. Maundrell, H. Journey from Aleppo to J., 1696. Haeris, J. Vol. II. Alured. Pilgrimage to J., 1058. Kerr. Vol. I. Ingulphus. Pilgrimage to J., 1064. Kerr. Vol. I. Leucander. A. Travels to J. in the eleventh century. Kerr. Vol. I. Swanus. Voyage to J., 1052. Kerr. Vol. I. Coryat, T. Journey from J. to the Court of the Great Mogul, 1615- 16. Kerr. Vol. IX. Maundrell's Journey from Aleppo to J. Pinkerton. Vol. X. Coryat, T. Letter from J. to the Court of the Great Mogol, 1615- 16, etc. Purchas. Vol. I. Biddulph, W. Part of a letter from J. Purchas. Vol. II. Continuation of the J. Expedition . . . gathered out of Matthew Paris . . . 1118-1292. Purchas. Vol. II. 254 yerusalem — Johore. Jerusalem.— Coryates, T. Travels to . . . J., 1612-14. Pubchas. Vol.11. Fulcherius Carnotensis. Acts of the Pilgrimes in their Expedition to J. . . . 1095-1124. PuBCHAS. Vol. II. The Historie of the first Expedition to J., by Godfrey of Bullen . . . 1095. PURCHAS. Vol. II. Pilcrrimage to J., written in very old Enghsh Rime. Puechas. Vol. II. Timberley, H. Eeport of the Voyage from Cairo ... to J., 1601. PURCHAS. Vol. II. Relation des Voyages de Sa^wulf, a J, . . . 1102-3, etc. Voyages and Travels. Eecueil, etc. Vol. IV. Maundrell, Henry. Travels from Aleppo to J., 1696. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. XI. Jesd. — (See Yezd. Jesso. — SiEBOLD, P. F. DE. Nippon. Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan . . . Jezo, etc. Leyden, 1832. Nippon. Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan . . . Jezo, etc. Leyden, 1852. BiCKMORE, A. S. The Ainos, or Hairy Men of Tesso, etc. New Haven, 1868. History of . . . Yedzo, etc. 1585-1746. Harris, J. Vol. II. Intelligence concerning ... J., etc. Kerr. Vol. IX. Relation de la decouverte de la terre de leso. Thevexot. Vol. II. Castell, P. Abhandlung iiber . . . Kamtschatka und J., etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XIX. Jessulmere. — Boileau, A. W. E. Tour through . . . Jesulmer, etc. Calc, 1837. Jesulmer. — (See Jessulmere. Jesus.— Haimondi, A. Analisis de las . . . Aguas Minerales de J., etc. Arequipa, 1864. Jeypoor. — ^Basevi, J. P. Report on . . . the J. Territory. Mussoorie, 1863. Jeypore. — See Jeypoor. Jezo. — See Jesso. Jihoon. — See Sir-Daria. Jocjacarta. — Schouten, G. Reisen nach . . . Mataram (J.) . . . 1658- l!5. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XII. Jodhpoor. — See JouDPOBE. Joegerspriis. — Vandrikg gjennem J.'s Have og Lund, etc. Kjob., 1858. Johanna. — Prior, J. Voyage ... to ... J. .. . 1813. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819.^ Vol. II. John Mayen's Island.— >S'ee Jan Mayen. Johor. — See San Juan de Ulloa. Juan Fernandez. — Sutcliffe, T. The Earthquake of J. F. . . . in the year 1835, etc. Manchest., 1839. Jucatan. — See Yucatan. Judaea. — Beli.onius, P. Plurimarum . . . rerum in . . . J. . . . con- spectarum observationes, etc. Antw., 1589. Harant, K. Gesta ... do Zeme Judske, etc. v. Praze, 1854. ToBLER, T. Dritte Wanderung nach Paliistina . . . Fussreisen in Gebirge Judaas, etc. Gotha, 1859. Biddulph, "W. Travels of four Englishmen . . . into . . . J. . . . in 1600 aud IGll. Churchill. Vol. VII. Mandevil, Sir J. Voyage from England to J. . . . from 1322 to 1355. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Jujuy, — Moneta, p. Informe sobre la Practicabilidad de la Prolongacion del Ferrocarril Central Argentino desde Cordoba hasta J. Buen. A., 1867. Julia, Island. — Provost, C. Notes sur I'lle J., etc. Jumna — Eraser, J. B. Tour ... to the sources of the J., etc. 1820. Skinner, T. Excursions . . . including a Walk . . . to the Sources of the J., etc. 1832. Jupiter Ammon, Oasis of.— Belzoni, G. Narrative of ... a journey ... to the Oasis of J. A. 1822. Jura. — ^Iarcou, J. Lettres sur les Boches du J., etc. Par., 1857. Justinopolis. — See Orfah. Jutland. — FoRCHHAMMER, G. Notitser angaende den sandsynlige Forekomst af Juralormationen i det nordlige JvHand. 25 6 Jutlmid — Kalabar. Jutland. — Scott, C. H. Danes and the Swedes . . . with a Peep into J. 1856. Marbyat, H. Kesidence in J., etc. 1860. , South. — /See Sleswick. Jylland. — >S'ee Jutland. Jynteea. — Berghaus, H. Asia . . . Memoir zur Erklaruno; . . . der redu- zirten Kaite von . . . Djyntia, etc. Gotha, 1832-35. K. Kabah. — Norman, B. W. Rambles in Yucatan . . , including a Viait to . . . K, etc. N. r., 1843. Kabinda.— >See Cabenda. Kabool. — ViGNE, G. T, Personal Narrative of a visit to . . . K., etc. Elphinstone, Hon. M. Account of . . . Caubul, etc. 1815. BuRNES, Sir A. Travels . . . from India to Cabool, etc. 1834. Lassen, C. Zur Geschichte der Griechischen und Indoskythischen Konige in . , . K., etc. Bonn, 1838. Vigne, G. T. a personal Narrative of a Visit to . . . K., etc. Lond., 1840. Jervis, T. B. Review of a Narrative of the Campaign . . . in . . . K. in 1838-39. £omb., 1841. MooRCROFT and Trebeck. Travels in ... K. ... 1819 to 1825. 1841. Wood, J. Personal Narrative of a Journey to the Source of the . . . Oxus, by . . . K., etc. 1841. BuRNES, Sir A. Cabool, etc. 1843. Bark, W. Journal of a March . . . to Cabul, efc. Lond., IS^^, HtJGEL, Baron C. von. Das Kabul-Becken, etc. Wien, 1850. Kabylia. — Berber. Dictionnaire Franfais-Berbere ; dialecte ecrit . . . par les Kabailes de la Division d'Alger. Par., 1844. Daumas, et Fabar. La Grande Kabylie, etc. Par., 1847. Aucapitaine, Baron H. Les Kabyles, etc. Par., 1864. 1 Upper. Aucapitaine, Baeon H. Mollusques . . . dans la Haute Kabylie. 1862. Kachao. — See Cachao. Kachemire. — See Cashmere. Kaffa. — Beke, C. T. Enquiry into M. A. d'Abbadie's Journey to K., etc. 1851. Kaffir Land. — See Caffraria. Kahlen Mountains. — Schmidl, A. A. Der Mons Cetius des Ptolcmaus. Wien, 1856. Kajaaga, Kajaaja. — See Galam. Kakongo. — See Cacokgo. Kalabar. — See Calabak. Kalahari Desert — Kansas. 257 Kalahari Desert.— BALD^v^N, "W. C— African Hunting . . . includin;; . . . the K. D., etc. 1863. Kalaniddee. — Marshall, T. Statistical Reports on . . . K., etc. Boml., 1822. Kalat. — See Kelat. Kamschatska. — See Kamtchatka. Kamtchatka. — Keasheninnikov, S, P. The History of K., etc. Glocester, 1764. Krascheninxikow, S. Beschreibung des Landes K. Lemgo, 1766. Stellers, G. W. Beschreibung von . . . K., etc. Fran/if., 1774. Cochrane, J. D. Xarrative of a pedestrian Journey . . . to . . . K. 1824. Dobell, p. Travels in K., etc. 1830. Ermax, a. Ueber Ebbe und Fluth an den Ochozker und Kamtschat- kischen Kiisten des Grossen Oceans. 1845. Habersham, A. W. My last Cruise . . . Visits to . . . K., etc. Phil, 1857. KiTTLiTZ, F. H. V. Denkwiirdigkeiten einer Eeise . . . dnrch K. Ootha, 1858. ■ Troxsox. J. M. Narrative of a Voyage to . . . K., etc. 1859. CoLLixs, P. McD. A Voyage . . . with . . . incidental notices of . . . K., etc. N. Y. and Lond., 1860. Account of ... K. Harris, J. Vol. II. Islande . . . K., climat, mineraux, auiraaiix. Laharpe, J. Vol. XVI. ■ K., Habitans, Decouverte, etc. Laharpe, J. Vol. XVII, Lesseps, M. de. Travels in K., in 1787-88. Pelham. Vol. II. Castell, P. Abhandlung iiber . . . K. und Jesso, etc. A^oyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XIX. Cianz. Historie. . . von Groulaud . . . K., etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XIX. Reisen . . . durch Nordosten nacli K. zu gehen. Voyages and Travels. A llgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XIX. Eeise nach K. durch Sibirien. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XIX. , Sea of. — St^hlix, J. vox. An Account of the New Xorthern Arcliipelago lately discovered ... in the Seas of K. and Anadir, etc. Loud., 1774. Kano. — Piolation de Ghanat (K.), etc. Voyages and Travels. Recueil, etc. Vol. II. Kansas. — Fremont, J. C. Life . . . and Adventures in K., etc. N. Y., 1856. PiOBixsox, S. T. L. K. ; its Interior . . . Life. fiosf. r. S., 1856. Shumard, r>. F., and Swat, low, G. C. Poscriptions of New Fo.ssils, from . . . K. St. Louis, 1858. s 258 Kansas, River — Katschhar. Kansas, River.— Beckwith, E. G. Report of Exploration . . . from the Mouth of the K., etc. Wash., 1864:. Pike. Voyage . . . aux sources . . . du K. . . 1805-7. Eyries. Vol. IX. Kansas, River.— ^See Kansas. Kanton.— &e Caxtox. Kanuri. — See Borntj. Karaboghaz Bay. — Zimmermann, C. Denkschrift uber den untern Lauf des Oxus zum Karabugas Haff, etc. Berl., 1845. Karabugas-Haff.— /Sfee Karaboghaz Bay. Karakorum Mountains.— Diary. The Diary of a Hunter from the I'uujab to the K. M. Lond. and Norw., 1863. Karamania. — See Caramania. Karazm. — See Karism. Kardo. — See Iskardoh. Karens. — Phayre, Lieut.-Col. Report on . . . his Tour among the K. Mountain Tribes, etc. 1881. Karism. Description of . . . Karazm, etc. Astley. Vol. IV. Karlsbad. — See Carlsbad. Karpathos. — See Scarpanto. Kars. — Kmety, G. Narrative of the defence of K., Sep. 29, 1855, etc. 1856. ■ MoNTEiTH, W. K. and Erzeroum, etc. 1856. • Sandwith, H. Narrative of the Siege of K., etc. 1856. Karst. — ScHMiDL, A. A. Guide du Voyageur dans . . . les Cavernes . . . du K. Vienne, 1854. Wegweiser in die . . . Hiihlen des Karstes. Wien, 1858. Kasan. See Kazan. Kasbin.— /See Casbin. Kaschmir.— /See Cashmere. Kashgar.— Berghaus, H. Asia . . . Memoir zur Erkliirung . . . der rc- duzirten Karte von . . . Katschhar, etc. Gutha, 1832-35. Valikhanof, Captain. A Journey to K. in 1858, etc. [1868.] Hayward, G. Statements of Routes between . . . K. ... and British Territory. 1869. Description of . . . K., etc. Astley. Vol. IV. . Beschreibung der Kleinen Bukharey oder des Konigreichs K. Voyages and Travels. Al'.gemeine Historic, etc. Vol. VII. Kashmir. -See Cashmere. Kasos. — Dapper. Beschryving van . . . K., etc. 1688. Kaspisches Meer.—See Caspian Sea. Katay.— 'See China. Katliiawad.-/See Kattywar. Katmandu.— See Khatmandoo. Katschhar.— -See Kashgar. Kattiawar — Keiu. 25 9 Kattiawar. — 'See Kattywar. Kattywar. — Buist, G. Notes on a Journey through part of Kattiawar, etc. 1855. BuEGESS, J. Notes of a Visit to . . . places in Kathiawad, etc. Bombay, 1869. Kaukasien, Kaukasische Lander, Kaukasus. See Caucasus. Kawau Island. — New Zealand Geological Survey. Abstract Report . . . Together with reports on . . . K. I., eic. TFeK., 1869- Kawhaw Island. — S>ee Kawau Island. Kaybar. — Gottberg, E. de. Des Cataractes . . , de K. Tar., 1867. Kayor, Lake. — Brue, A. Attempt for a discovery of the Lake of K. in 1714, etc. AsTLEY. Vol. II. Briie, A. Versuch die See K. zu entdecken, 1714. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. ' Vol. II. Kazan. — Knorr, E. Meteorologische Beobachtungen aus . . . Kasan. 1835-36. Kamn, 1841. Kazbek. — Fresheield, D. W. Travels . . . including . . . Ascents of K., dc. Lond., 1869. Kazvin. — See Casbin. Keang-Chu. — Journey of J. de Fontancy . . . from Peking to Kyang Chew ... in 1688. Astley. Vol. III. Ke-cho. — See Cachao. Kedah, Kedda. — See Quedah. Kedje.— Eoss, E. C. Eeport on a Visit to Kej, etc. 1865. Kej. — See Kedje. Kelat. — Masson, C. Narrative of . . . Journeys in . . . K., etc. 1844. Kentucky. — Bradbury, J. Travels in . . . K., etc. Liver., 1817. Collins, L. Historical sketches of K., etc. Cincin., 1847. Owen, D. D. Second and third Eeports of the Geological Survey in K., etc. Frankfort, Ken., 1857. Michaux, F. A, Travels . . . in . . . K. . . . 1802. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. T. Kertch. — M'Pherson, D. Antiquities of K., etc. 1857. Thompson, R. and Hogg, J. Sketches of K., etc. 1857. Abich, H. Einleitende Gruudziige der Geologic der Ilalbiuseln K., etc. St. Pet., 1865. Karten und Profile zur Geologie der Halbinseln K., etc. Tiflis, 1866. Helmersen, G. von. Die , . . Naphthaquellen . . . bei K., etc. 1867. Kertsch. — See Kertch. Kew. — Hooker, Sir W. J. Report on . . . the Royal Gardens of K., from 1853 to 1859. 1859. S 2 26o Keiv — Kholmogory. Kew. — Sabine, Major-Gen. E. Eesults of the Magnetic Observations at the K. Observatory from 1857 ... to 1862 inclusive. Lond,. 1863. Khanapoor. — Marshall, T. Statistical Eeports on . . . I\., etc. Bomb., 1822. Khanbalek. — Travels of the Ambassadors ... of Persia ... to K. in Kathay, 1419. Kerr. Vol. I. Kharac^ne. — See Characene. Khartoum.— 'See Khartum. Khartum. — Mellt, G. Khartoum and the Blue and White Niles. 1851. Hamilton, J. Sinai . . . Wanderings . . . from Sawakin to Chartum. ^ 1857. Heuglin, M. T. von. Reise nach . . . Chartum, etc. Jena, 1868. Khatmandoo. — Oliphant, L. A Journey to Katmandu, etc. Lmd., 1852. Khio.— >See Scio. Khiva.— MouRAViEV, K Voyage . . . a K., 1819-20, etc. Par., 1823. Gens, General Major. Nachrichten iiber Chiwa, etc. St. Pet., 1839. Helmersen, G. von. Nachrichten iiber Chiwa, etc. St. Pet., 1839, ViGNE, G. T. A personal Narrative of a visit to Ghuzni . . . with notices of . . . K., etc. Lond., 1840. ZiMMERMANN, C. Gcographische Analyse eines Versuches znr DarstelluDg des Kriegstheaters Russlands gegen Chiwa. Per-l., 1840. Abbott, Capt. J. Journey from Heraut to K., etc. 1843. Basiner, T. F. J. Naturwissenschaftliche Eeise . . . nach Cliiwa. St. Pet., 1848. Lamanskt, E. Esquisse Geographique , . . et quelques traits des Moeurs des Habitants de . . . K., etc. Par., 1858. Vambery, a. Travels ... to K., etc. Lond., 1864. Mouraviev, N. Voyage . . . k K. Eyries. Vol. XIV. Khokan. — Gens, General Major. Nachrichten iiber . . . Chokand, etc. St. Pet., 1839. Helmersen, G. von. Nachrichten iiber . . . Chokand, etc. St. Pet., 1839. Lamansky, E. Esquisse Geographique . . . et quelques traits des Moeurs des Habitants de . . . K. Par., 1858. Nazarov, P. Voyage dans le K., 1813-14. Eyries. Vol. XIV. Khokhan. — See Khokan. Kholm.Ogory. — Burrough, S. Voyage from Colmogro in Russia to Ward- house . . . 1557. Hakluyt. Vol. I. Southam, T. and Sparke, J. Voyage . . . from Colmogro to Novogrod . . . 1566. Hakluyt. Vol. I. KJiondistmi — Korasan. 261 Khondistan. — Campbell, Major-General J. A Personal Narrative of Tiiirteeu Years' Service among the Wild Tribes of K., etc. Lond., 1864. Khorassan. — Fraser, J. B. Journey into Korasan in 1821-2, etc. 1825. Khotan. — IIayward, G. Statements of Eoutes between . . . K., and British Territory. 1869. Khuzistan. — Stocqueler, J. H. Fifteen Months' Pilgrimage through . . . K., etc. 1832. See also Arabistan. Khyber Pass. — Barr, W. Journal . . . including ... a Narrative of Operations in the K. P. : ... in 1839. Lond., 1844. Kilkenny. — Tighe, W. Statistical Observations relative to . . . K., etc. Dubl, 1802. Killamey. — Killarney, a Descrijition of. 1776. Kilwah. — See Quiloa. Kimoli. — See Argentiera. King George's Islands.— Byron, Comm. Voyage ... to ... K. G. I. 1764:-t)6, Hawkesworth, J. Vol. I. King George's Sound. Eyre, E. J. Journals of Expeditions . . . Overland from Adelaide to K. G. S., etc. 1845. Kingston. — Canada. Estimates of the Expense of . . . Water Communi- cdtious . . . from the Ottawa to K., etc. 1828. King's Town. — Dangar, H. Index . . . with . . . ground-plan . . . ... of K. T., New South Wales. 1828. Kirghiz Steppes. — See Steppes, Kirghiz. Kirgisensteppe. — See Steppes, Kirghiz. Kirkby Thore. — Smyth, Admiral, W. H. On some Eoman Vestigia recently found at K. T. ; in Westmoreland. 1845. Kistnah. — India. Reports of the . . . effects of the Godavery and Krishna Annicuts, etc. Madras, 1858. Kleczandw. — Zeuschnek, Herr. Ueber die neuentdeckte Silurformation von K., etc. 1869. Klein Asia. — See Asia Minor. Knaresborough. — Ripon. The Tourist's Companion ; being a . . . de- scription . . . of . . . K., etc. Bipon, 1828. Kokan. — See Khokan. Kok-si-Kon. — PiIChards, J. China. Harbours of K.-s.-K., etc. 1855. Kolzum, Sea of. — See Eed Sea. Kongo. — See Congo. Konkun. — See Concan. Koonawur. — Gerard, A. Account of K., etc. 1841. Koorai. — Siebold, P. F. von. Nippon. Archiv zur Beschreibung von •lapan . . . K., etc. 1852. Koordistan, Koordistaun. — See Kurdistan. Korasan. — See Kuokassan. 262 Kordofan - — Kurile Islands. Kordofan. — Euppel, E. Keisen in . . . K.. ttc. 1829. Korea. — ^ee Corea. Korfu. — See Corfu. Koristan. — 5'ee Khuzistan. Koromandel. — >SVe Coromandel. Korzetzko. — Zeuschner, Herr. Ueber das Vorkommen von Diceras arie- tina in K., etc. 1868. Kostantinah. — See Constantine. Koto. — 'See KoTOU. KotOU. — The Kingdoms of Koto and Popo. Astley. Vol. III. Krafto. — See Saghalien. Krain.— /See Carniola. Kr^lovstvi Ceske. — See Bohemia. Krim. Tartary. — See Tartary, Crimean. Krishna. — See Kistnah. Krym. — See Crimea. Kuddapah. — See Cuddapah. Kulwah. — >S'ee QuiLOA. Kumaon. — India. OfScial Eeports on the Province of K., etc. Agra, 1851. Knnduz. — Moorcroft and Trebeck. Travels in . . . K. . . . 1819 to 1825. 1841. Kurdistan. — Kinneik, J. M. Journey through . . . K. in 1813-14, etc. 1818. Keppel, Hon. G. Personal Narrative of a Journey from India . . . by , . . Curdistan, etc, 1827. Fraser, J. B. Travels in Koordistan, etc. Lond., [1835 ?] KiCH, C. J. Narrative of a Eesidence in K., etc. 1836. MiGNAN, E. Winter Journey . . . into K. 1839. Fowler, G. Three Years in Persia, with . . , adventures in K. 1841. Jones, J. F. Narrative of a Journey through . . . K., etc. Bomh., 1849. Layard, A. H. Nineveh . . . with . . . a Visit to the Chaldean Christians of K., etc. 1849. Badger, G. P. The Nest orians . . . with . . . a Mission to . . . Coordistan, etc. 1852. Layard, A. H. Discoveries . . . with Travels in . . . K., etc. 1853. Wagner, M. Travels in . . . K., etc. 1856. MiLLiNGEN, F. Wild Life among the Koords. Lond., 1870. Jackson, J. Journey. . . in 1797, through Curdistan, eS'ee Lahore. Lahore. — Burnes, Sir A. Travels . . . also a . . . Voyage . . . from the sea to L., etc. 1834. Barr, W. Journal . . . including ... a Visit to . . . L., dc. Lond., 1844. Punjab. An Account of the formal commencement of the Punjab Railway at L., etc. 1859. B., M. V. From London to L. Lond., 1868. Travels of ... B. Goez . . . from L. ... to China in 1602. ASTLEY, Vol. IV. Goez. Travels from L. to China. Pinkertoj^. Vol VI L Finch, W. Observations ... in 1607 . . . Description of . . . L., etc. PuRCHAS. Vol. I. Goes, B. Travels from L. to China . . . 1603. Purchas. Vol. HI. Lake of the Woods. — Keating. W. H. Narrative of an expedition to the . . . L. of the W., etc. ' 1825. Lake Superior. — Foster, J. W., and Whitney, J. D. Report on the Geology . . . of . . . the L. S. Land District, etc. Pt. I., II. Wash., 1850, 51. Dawson, S. J. Report on . . . the Country between L. S. and the Red River Settlement, etc. Toronto, 1859. Lancashire. — Clarke, J. — Survey of the Lakes of . . . L., etc. 1789. Murray, Hon. Mrs. S. Guide to . , . the Lakes of . . . L., etc. 1799. Housman, J. Descriptive . . . Guide to . . . L., etc. Carlisle, 1816. Black, J. Memoir on the Roman Garrison at Mancunium and its probable influence on , . . S. L. Edin., 1856. Lancaster Sound. — Goodsir, R. A. Arctic Voyage to ... L. S., etc. 1850. Lankeran. — Moritz, A. [The Thermal Springs of L.] Russian {Tiflis] 1865. Lanzo. — Francesetti, L. Lettrcs sur les Valle'es de L. Turin, 1823. Laongo. — See Loango. Laos. — Bissachere. M. de la. Etat actucl . . . des royaumes dc . . . L., etc. Far., 1812. Laos — La Plata. 265 Laos. — MouHOT, H. Travels in . . . L., etc. Lond., 1864. Kao, D. Anauthentick . . . description of . . . Ij., etc. Harris, J. Vol. II. Beschreibung der Kbnigreiche L. und Camboja, 1691. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XVIII. Lapland... — Ihre, J. Lexicon Lapponicum, etc. EoJmice, 1780. AcERBi, J. Travels through ... L. ... to the North Ca]ie, etc. 1802. ■ Svanberg, J. Exposition des Operations faites en Lapponie, pour la de'termiuation d'un Arc du Meridien, en 1801-3, etc. Stocklt., 1805. LnsfNiEUS, C. Lachesis Lappouica, or a Tour in L., etc. Lond., 1811. Brooke, Sir A. de C, Bart. Winter in L., etc. 1827. Everest, E. A Journey through . . . L., etc. Lond., 1829. Kask, K. K. Kffisonneret Lappisk Sproglasre, etc. KobenJi., 1832. Baer, K. E. von. Expe'dition ... en Lapponie. St. Pet., 1837, 38. Clarke, E. D. Travels in . . . L., etc. 1838. Dillon, Hon. A. A Winter in ... L. 1840. Struve, W. Expose historique des Travaux . . . 1851 . . . Suivi de deux Eapports de M. G. Lindhagen . . . sur les Operations de Lapponie, 1851. St. Pet., 1852. M'Dougall, G. F. Directions . . . including a description of . . . the Coast of . . . L., etc. 1858. Taylor, B. Northern Travel . . . Pictures of . . . L., etc. 1858. Eeineke, M. Description hydrographique . . . de la . . . Cute de la Laponie, etc. Par., 1860-62. ■ A Voyage . . . containing an Account of the . . . Laplands, etc, Harris, J. Vol. II . Leem's Account of Danish L. Pinkerton. Vol. I. Eeyuard's Journey to L. Pinkerton. Vol. I. Maupertius, H. von. Eeise nach L., 1736-7. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XVII. Outhier, Abt, Eeise nach L., 1837. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XVII. Eegnard. Eeise nach L., 1681. Voyages and Travels. Allge- meine Historic, etc. Vol. XVII. Hogstrbm, P. Historische Beschreibung des Schwedischen Lapp- landes. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XIX. See also Arsina. — Windso. La Plata. — Lopes, J. J. Ueber die . . . Beziehungen Deutschlands mit den La- P. Staaten, etc. Berlin. Azara, F. de. Apuntainientos para la historiu natural . . . del . . . Eio de la P. Mad., 1802. 266 La Plata — La Plata, River. La Plata.— Itio de La P. Noticias . . . de las Provincias Unidas del Rio de La P., etc. 1825. ■ Angelis, p. de. Coleccion dc obras . . . relatives a la historia . . . del Kio de la P., dc. Buen. A., 1836, 37. Paeish, Sir W. Buenos Ayres and tlie Provinces of the Rio de La P., etc. 1839. FiTZ-RoY, Reab-Adml. R. Sailing directions for . . , La P., etc. 1848. Parish, Sir W. Buenos Ayres and the Provinces of the Rio de la - P, etc. 1852. Buenos Aires y las Provincias del Rio de la P., etc. Buen. A., 1853. Kerst, S. G. Die Plata-Staaten, etc. BerL, 1854. Mansfield, C. B. Paraguay . . . and the Plate, in 1852-53, etc. Camb., 1856. PagEjT. J. La P., the Argentine Confederation, etc. N. T., 1859. Wheelwright, W. Introductory Remarks on the Provinces of the L. P., etc. Lond., 1861. HiNCHLiFF, T. W. South American Sketches, or, a Visit to . . . La P., etc. 1863. Negri, C. L'Emigrazione Italiana al Plata. 1863. Poucel, B. Mes Itindraires dans les provinces du Rio de la P., 1854-1857, etc. Par., 1864. Poucel, B. Les Otages de Durazno. Souvenirs de Rio de la P. . . . 1845 a 1851. ^ Bar., 1864. Sturz, J. J. Neue Beitrage iiber ... die L. P.-Liinder. Berlin, 1865. La Plata. The River Plate ... as a Field for Emigration, dc. Lond. [1866.] La Plata. No. 1 (1868). Correspondence respecting Hostilities in the River Plate, etc. Lond., 1868. Latham, W. The States of the River Plate, etc. Lond., 1868. Techo, F. N. del. History of . . . Rio de la P., etc. Churchill. Vol. IV. Dalrymple, A. Catalogue of Authors ... on Rio de la P., etc. Dalrymple, a. Collection of Nautical ]\Iemoirs, etc. Kiiste der Statthalterschaft Riodela P. hisnach Brasilien. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XVI. See also Argentike Confederation. Buenos Ayres. River. — Azara, F. de. Voyages . . . contenant la description . . . dc la Riviere de la P., etc. Bar., 1809. . Du Perier, Lieut. Notes sur I'Atterrissage du Rio de la P., etc. Bar., 1842. Purvis, Commodore. Sobrc las Avances del, en el Rio de la P. Buen. A., 1843. Robertson, J. P. and W. P. Letters . . . comprising Travels on the Banks of the . . . Rio de la P. 1843. La Plata^ River — Lebanon. 267 La Plata, River. — Chiro^t du Brossay. Instructions nautiques sur I'atteiage et la navigation de la P. Fur., 1845. Hadfield, W. Brazil, the River Plate, etc. 1854- Page, T. J. Pieport of tlie Exploration and Survey of the . . . L. P., etc. Wash., 1856. BoxcARUT, A. Jlanuel de la Navigation dans le Piio de la P., etc. Par., 1857. Sxow, W. P. Two Years' Cruise ... in the River Plate. 1857. - • MorcHEZ, E. JSTouveau Manuel de la Navigation dans le Rio de la P., etc. Par., 1862. ■ Drake, J. Voyage up the River Plate, 1582. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. - ■ • Voyage of two Englishmen to the River Plate, 1527. Hakltjxt. Vol. IV. Battell, A. Voyage to the River of Plate, etc. Ptjkchas. Vol. II. Las Casas, B. de. Briefe Narration of . . . the River La P., etc. PUKCHAS. Vol. IV. Schuirdel, H. Travels, from 1534-54. His Voyage up the River Plate, etc. Puechas. Vol. IV. Relation des Voyages du sieur Acarete sur la Riviere de la Platte, etc. Thevexot. Vol. IV. Reisen auf dem Flusse de la P., etc. Cabot, 1526-27. Mendoza, 1535-36. — Cabrera, 1538. Voyages and Travels. Allge- meine Historie, etc. Vol. XVI. Laponie. — See Laplaxd. Lappland. — See Laplaxd. Lappmark-Asele. — See Asele-Lappmark. Lapponie. — See Laplakd. Larissa. — Browne, E. Travels ... a Description ... of L., etc. Hakris, J. Vol. II. Laurium.— Walpole, R. and the Earl of Aberdeen. On the Mines of L. Walpole, R. Memoirs, etc. Lausanne. — Razoumowsky, Coukt G. de. ffiuvres. Contenant, Voyage Mineralogique . . . de Bruxelles a L., etc. Laus., 1784. Lazistan. — SA^^)WIT^, H. Narrative of . . . Travels in ... L. 1856. Lea.— Thorxe, J. Rambles by Rivers ; the . . . L., etc. 1847. Lebanon. — Aleppo. Journey from Aleppo to Damascus . . . with . . . an account of Mount Libanus, etc. 1737. Light, H. Travels in . . . Mount L. ... 1814. Lond., 1818. Palestine. Three Weeks in Palestine and L. 1836. Churchill, Col. Mount L., etc. 1853. Chasseaud, G. W. The Druses of the L., etc. LoiuL, 1855. Porter, J. L. Five Years in Damascus . . . with Travels ... in • . . L., etc. Loud., 1855. 268 Lebanon — 'Levant. Lebanon. — Cakxarvox, Earl of. EecoUections of the Druses of the L., etc. 1860. Dandini, J. Voyage to Mount Libanus, etc. Churchill. Yol. A"1I. Dandiui's Voyage to Mount Libanus. Pixkertox. Vol. X. Leeds.— Festemax, T. Historical Guide to L., etc. Leeds, 1858. Wright, R. On tbe Early History of L., etc. Leeds, 1864. Leeward Islands. — Latrobe, C. J. Negro Education, Windward and L. I. 1838. McRCHisox, Sir R. I. On the . . . value of certain Phosphate Rocks of the Anguilla Isles in the L. I. 1859. Leghorn. — GrIberg, Couxt J. Eelazioni Commerciali del Egitto . . . coi I'orti deU'Italia, e . . . con quelle di Livorno. Firenze, 1841. CiALDi, A. Piisultati di Studj . . . sul Porto di Livorno. Firenze, 1853. Davis, W. A True . . . description of . . . L., etc. Churchill. Vol. VII. Le Maire, Straits of. — Frezier. Reise durch die Strasse des Le M., 1711-14. VoyaltES and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XII. Lemnos. — Hunt, Dr. L. Walpole, R. Travels, etc. Lena. — Reisen . . . durch die L. in das Eismeer . . . zu gehen. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XIX. Lenkeran. — ^See Laxkerax. Lequeos. — See Lieu-Kieu Islands. Lero. — Sibthorp, Dr. Voyage , . . L., etc. Walpole, R. Travels, etc. Letto. — See Lithuania. Leucadia. — Goodissox, W. Historical . . . Essay upon . . . L., etc. 1822. Levanna. — Gastaldi, B. Alcuni dati sulle Punte Alpini situate fra la L. ed il Eocciamelone. Torino, 1868. Levant. — Thevexot, M. de. Travels into the L., etc. 1687. Lucas, P. Voyage an L., etc. La Haye, 1709. TouRXXEFORT,M . Voyagc into the L., etc. 1741. Shaw, T. Travels, or Observations relating to . . . the L. 1757. Lettres edifiantes et curieuses, etc. Vol. 1-5. L. Par., 1780-83. Saixt-Sauveur, A. Grasset. Voyage . . . dans les Isles ct Possessions ci-devant Venitiennes du L., etc. Far., 1810. Galt, J. Letters from the L. 1813. FoBBiN, CouxT. Voyage dans le L. en 1817 et 1818. Par., 1819. Tuexeb, W. Journal of a Tour in the L. 1820. GrIberg, Count J. Observations authentiques sur la Paste du L., etc. Florence, 1841. Crowe, E. E. Greek and the Turk, or . . . Prospects in the L. 1853. Levant — Lieti-Kieu Islands. 269 Levant. — Arkold, E. A, From the L., etc. Land., 1868. Blount, H. Voyage into the L. Churchill. Vol. A^'II. Blount's Voyage to the L. Pinkertok. Vol. X. The Travels of Mr. John Theveuot, in the L. 1655. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. XI. XII. Lewchew. — See Lieu-Kieu. Liambey, River. — Cooley, W. D. Dr. Livingstone's Eeise vom Fluss L. nach Loauda . . . beleuchtet. Gotha, 1855. Libanon, Libanus. — See Lebanon. Liberia. — Ashmxjn, J. The L. Farmer, etc. PJiiL, 1835. ■ Gurley, E. E. Eeport ... in respect to L. TT''os^., 1850. Stockwell, G. S. The Eepublic of L. ; its Geography, etc. N. r, 1868. Libya. — Faidherbe, General L. Voj'age des cinq Xasamons d'He'rodote dans rinte'rieur de la Libye. Al^jer, 1867. Jannequin, C. Abstract of a Voyage to L., etc. Astley. Vol. II. Of -^gypt . . . L. . . . and of their Eeligions. Purchas. Vol. V. Jannequin, C. Auszug von einer Eeisebeschreibung nach L., etc. 1637. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Bistorie, etc. Vol. II. Scholz, J. M. A. Travels in . . . the L.n Desert . . . 1821. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819, etc. Vol. VIII. Libyan Desert. — Hoskins, G. A. Visit to the Great Oasis of the L. D., etc. 1837. Liefland. — See LivoxLi.. Liege. — Vander Maelen, P. Statistique . . . de L., etc. Brussels, 1830. • Dictionnaire Geographique de la Province de L., etc. Brux., 1831. Vaux, H. del. Dictionnaire Geographique . . . de la Province dc L. Liege, 1835. Lieu-Kieu Islands. — Hall, B. Account of a Voyage ... to ... the Great Loo-Choo Island, etc. 1818. Macleod, J. Voyage of H.M.S. Alceste to . . . the Island of Lewchew, etc. 1819. — ■ SiEBOLD. P. F. DE. Nippon. Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan . . . mit . . . den Liukiu Inseln. Ley den, 1832. Parker, P. Journal of an Expedition ... to Japan, witli a visit to Loo-Choo. 1838. SiEBOLD, P. F. von. Nippon. Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan . . . den Liukiu-Inseln, etc. Leyden, 1852. ■ Smith, Bp. G. Narrative of a Visit to Lewchew ... in 1850, efe 1853. Halloran, a. L. "Wae Tang Jin. Eight Months' Journal kept . . . during visits to Loochoo, etc. Land., 1856. Habersham, A. W. My last Cniisc . . . Visits to the . . . Loo-Choo Islands, etc. Phil., 1857. 270 Lien-Kieii Islands — LitJniania. Lieu-Kieu Islands. — Gras, M. A. le. Eenseignements hydro2;raphiqiies sur les lies . . . Loii-Tchou, etc. Par., 1859. ■ ■ lies Lieou-Kieou. Eyriks. Vol. XIII. Giialle, F. Voya2;e , . . by the Lequeos ... to Acapulco, 1582-84. Haklutt. Vol." III. Liguria. — Ligure. Descrizione delle Eiviere dello Stato Ligure. Genova, 1780. Lima. — Helms, A. Z. Travels from Buenos Ayres ... to L. 1806. Smyth, "W., and Lowe, F. Narrative of a Journey from L. to Para, etc. 1836. Scarlett, Hon. P. C. South America . . . comprising a Journey ... to ... L., etc. 1838. Smith, A. Peni as it is: a Piesidence in L., etc. 1839. Lima. A True . . . Eelatiou of the . . . Earthquake ... at L. ... on the 28th October, 1746, etc. 1848. PouAUD Y Paz-Solban, M. Picsumen de las Observaciones Meteo- rologicas hechas in L. . . . 1869 . . . Sobre la posicion geografica de L. Lima, 1870. Von unserer Peise nach L. Piickreise von L. nach Quito, etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeiue Historie, etc. Vol. IX. Beschreibuneen . . . von . . . L., etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie,- etc. Vol. XV. Helms, A. Z. Travels from Buenos Ayres . . . to L., etc. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. V. Limbourg. — See Limburg. Limburg. — Vaxder Maelex, P. Statistique . . . de L., etc. Brussels, 1830. Dictionnaire Geographique du L. Brux., 1835. Lipari Islands. — Dolomieu, D. de. Voyage aux lies de L., etc. Bar., 1783. Hovels Peisen durch ... die L. schen Inseln, etc. Gotha, 1797. Lipetsk. — See Lipetzk. Lipetzk. — Struve, 0. Determination des Positions Ge'ographiques de . . . L., etc. St. Bet., 1843. Lisbon.— Baillie, M. L. in 1821-23. 1825. Hadfield, W. Brazil . . . including notices of L., etc. 1854. Valdez, F. T. Da Oceania a Lisboa viagem. Bio de Jan., 1866. Almeyda, F. de. Voyage from L. to India, etc. Kerr. Vol. VI. Navegacao de Lisboa a Ilha de S. Thome, etc. Portugal. Col- lecao de ISIoticias, (tc. Vol. II. Alvarez, P. Navigatione da L. in Calicut. Pamusto. Vol. I. Navigatione da L. all' Isola di San Thome, etc. Pamusio. Vol. I. Lisbona. — See Lisbox. Lithuania. — Henry IV., King. Voyage into Prussia and Letto, 1390. Haklityt. Vol. 1. LitJiuania — London. 271 Lithuania. — Gna?:iiino, A. Descrittione della Sarmatia Europea . . . L., itr. Eamusio. Vol. II. Liukiu Inseln. — 'See Lieu-Kieu Islaxds. Liverpool. — Telford, T. Eeports . . . and Plans, for improvins the lioad from London to L. 1829. Liverpool. — The Stranger in, etc. Liverp., 1831. ■ ■ Laird, W. Letters on the Export Coal Trade of L. Liverp., 1850. Burton, E. F. Wanderings . . . from L. to Fernando Po. 1863. • BouLT, J. Further Observations on the alleged Submarine Forests on the Shores of L. Bay, etc. Liv., 1866. ■ Speculations on the former Topography of L., etc. Liv., 1866. Livonia. — Ferber, J. J., and Fischer, J. B. Physische Erdbeschreib- uug von Kurland und Xaturgeschichte von Liefland. -R('/«, 1784. Straussen, J. J. Pieise durch . . . Liefland . . , 1647-1673. Struye, W. Eesultate der in . . . 1816 bis 1819 ausgefiihrten astronomisch-trigonometrischen Verniessung Livlands. *S'^. Pet., 1844. Hjokth, J. Descrij^tion des Cotes. . . . de la Livonie, etc. Par., 1855. Guagnino, A. Descrittione della Sarmatia Europea . . . L., etc. PiAMUSIO. Vol. II. • Salvo, Marquis de. Travels . . . through . . . L., 1806. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VI. See also Narva. Livomo. — See Leghorx. Loanda. — Cooley, W. D. Dr. Livingstone's Pieise vom Fluss Liambcy nach L. ... beleuchtet. Gotha, 1855. LoangO. — A Description of . . . Laongo, etc. Astley. Vol. III. Proyart's History of L., etc. Pinkerton. Vol. XVI. Of the Province of Engoy and other Eegious of L., etc. Purchas. Vol. IL Eine Beschreibung der Konigreiche L., etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. IV. "J Lobeid. — Cuny, C. Journal de Voj'-age de Siout a El-Obe'id 1857-58, etc. Par., 1863. Lochaber. — Darwin, C. Observations on the Parallel Eoads of . . . parts of L., etc. 1839. Locris. — Gell, Sir W. Itinerary of Greece ; containing . . . Pontes in L. . . ., etc. 1819. Lombardy. — Barrow, J. Tour in Austrian L., etc. 1841. Eay, J. Travels through . . . L., etc. Harris, J. Vol. II. and Venice. — Lombardo Veneto. Elenco Alfabetico dei Comuni . . . appartcnenti al Eegno Lombardo-Veneto. Mil., 1819. London. — IMontemont, A. Londres, Voyage a cette Capitale, etc. Paris. London Docks, Ecasons in favour of the. 1797. 272, London — Loreto. London. — Pennant, T. The Journey from Chester to L., etc. Lond., 1811. Turnpike Eoads. Reports of the Commissioners of the Metropolis Turni^ike Eoads N. of the Thames. 1827-28. Telford, T. Ee^Dorts . . . and Plans, for improving the Eoad from L. to Liverpool. 1829. Howard, L. The Climate of L., etc. Lond., 1833. Booth, A. The Stranger's Intellectual Guide to L., etc. 1839. Bo-WERBANK, J. S. A History of the Fossil Fruits & Seeds of the L. Clay. Lond., 1840. Cunningham, P. Handbook for L., etc. 1849. New York. Plan for shortening the time of Passage between New York and L. Portland, U. S., 1850. Eafn, C. C. Eemarks on a Danish Runic Stone, from the eleventh century, found in . . . L. Copenh., 1854. Barlow, P. "\Y. On some . . . Features of the . . . L. Basin, etc. 1855. Burn, J. H. Descriptive Catalogue of the L. . . . Tokens, etc. 1855. London. Reports ... on the Metropolis Water Supply, etc. 1856. Macneill, T. Water Supply of L., etc. London, 1866. B., M. V. From L. to Lahore. Lond., 1888. Eavenstein, E. Gr. Eeisehandbuch fiir L., etc. Hildhurgh., 1870. Hareborne, W. Voyage overland from Constantinople to L., 1588. Haklutt. Vol. II. An Itinerary from L. to Constantinople . . . 1794. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. I. Londonderry. — Sampson, G. V. Statistical Survey of the County of L., etc. Dull, 1802. Colby, CoL. Ordnance Survey of the County of L. -D?(W., 1837. PoRTLOCK, J. E. Eeport on the Geoloecy of . . . L., etc. Duhl, 1843. Long River. — La Hontan, Baron de. Eeise auf dem langen Flusse, 1688. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVI. Loo-Choo Islands. — See Lieu-Kied Islands. Lope Gonsalvo, Cape. — See Lopez, Cape. Lopez, Cape. — Africa. Renseignements sur la partie de la Cote entre le Cape Negro et le Cap L. Far., 1850. The Coast from Old Kalabar Eiver to Cape Lope Gonsalvo. Astley. Vol. III. Lord Howe Island. — Hill, E. S. L. H. I. Official Visit, etc. Sydney, 1869. Lord's Island. — Pickering, J. Memoir on the language and inhabitants of L. I. (Jamh., U. S., 1845. Loreto. — Eaimondi, A. — Apuntes sobre la Provincia Litoral de L. (Peru.) Lima, 1862. Lorraine — Lnsitaiiia. 273 Lorraine. — Eazoumowsky, Count G. de. CEuvres. Contenant, Voyage j\Iiueralogi;ique . . . a. . . . L., etc. Lausanne, 1784. Lossini. — See Osero. Lota. — Barrio, P. del, Noticia sobre el Terreno Carbonifero de Coronel i L. Santiago, 1857. Lough. Neagh. — Barton, R. Lectures . . . upon . . . L. N., etc. Dull., 1751. Louisburg. — Shirley, W. Letter . . . with a Journal of the Siege of L., etc. 1746. Louisiade Archipelago. — Macgillivray, J. Narrative . . . including Discoveries . . . in . . . the L. A., etc. 1852. Louisiana. — Laval, P. Voyage de la Louisiane, 1720, etc. Par., 1728. • Louisiana, The present State of, etc. 1744. Pike, Z. M. Exploratory Travels through . . . the Interior of L., etc. 1811. Bradbury, J. Travels in . . . Upper L., etc. Liver., 1817. Bache, a. D. Additional Notes of . . . Tidal Obervations ... at Cat Island, L, Xew Hav., 1852. Pike. Voyage dans I'ouest de la L. . . . 1805-7. Eyries. Vol. IX. ■ Charlevoix, P. de. Eeise nach L. ... 1721-22. Voyages ami Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVI. Perrin Du Lac. Travels through the Two L. s. ... 1801-3. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VL See also Red River. Lou-Tchou, Islands. — See Lieu-Kieu. Low Archipelago. — Parchappe, ]\r. and Marck M. de la. Observa- tions . . . faites en 1853, dans I'Archipel des Pomotous. Par., 1857. Low Countries. — See Netherlands. Loyalty Islands. — Grimoult, ]\T. Renseignements Nautiques sur . . . les Isles L. Par., 1859. Chambeyron et Banare, mm. Instructions Nautiques . . . Suivies d'une Note sur les lies L. par M. Jouan. Par., 1869. Lucayan Islands. See Bahama Islands. Lucca. — Lucca, Guida . . . per la Citta di. Lucca, 1829. Lucerne. — Businger. Itineraire et description . . . de L. Lucerne, 1815. Lucknow. — Rees, L. E. R. Personal Narrative of the Siege of L., etc. 1858. Lupones. — See Philippine Islands. Ludlow. — MuRCHisoN, Sir R. I. Note on the relative position of the Strata, near L., containing the Ichthyolites described by Sir P. Egerton. 1857. Lueg. — Schmidl, a. a. Die Grotten und Hohlen von . . . L., etc. Wien, 1854. Lugano, Lake of. — Bertolotti, D. Viaggio ai . . . Laghi di . . . L., <-tr. Coino, 1825. Luristan. — De Bode, Baron C. A. Travels in L., etc. 1845. Lusitania. — See Portugal. 2, 74 L- uxemburg — Madagascar. Luxemburg. — Razoumowskt, Count G. de. CEuvres. Conteuant, Yoya.o;e Mineralogique . . . . de Bruxelles a . . . L., etc. Latisanne, 1784. ■ Van Kampen, N. G. Staat-en Aardrijkskundige besdirijvins; van liet . . . Groot-Hertogdom L. Eaurhm, 1827. Vander Maelen, p. Statistique . . . de L., etc. Brussels, 1830. — LuxEMBOtTRG Railway Company, Eeport, etc. 1846. Lybia. — 'S'ee Libya. Lycia. — Fellows, Sir C. Account of discoveries in L. 1841. Spratt, T. a. B. and Forbes, E. Travels in L., etc. 1847. Fellows, Sir C. Travels and Eesearches . . . more particularly in ... L. 1852. See also Xanthus. Lydia. — Eexnell, J. Illustrations ... of the . . . Retreat of the Ten Thousand ... to ... L. 1816. Lynyan. — Blanford, W. 'J\ On the neighbourhood of L., etc. in Sind. India Geological Survey. Memoirs. Vol. VI. Lyons. — Fournier, C. I. N. Guide de I'l^tranger a L. 1826. M. Maas. — See Meuse. Macao. — Andrade, J. I. ]\Iemoria ... da entrada . . . dos Inglezes na cidade de M. Lish., 1835. Gualle, F. Voyage from . . . Acapulco . . . to M. . . . 1582- 84. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Brown, A. Extracts of a Journal . . . sayling divers times to . . . M., etc. 1617-22. Purchas. Vol. il. Macassar.— Stavorinus, J. S. Voyage . . . k M. 1774-78. Par., 1800. Rhodes, A. Reise nach . . . M., etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. X. See also Celebes. Macau. — See Macao. Macedonia. — Lucas, P. Voyage de, dans ... la Macedoine, etc. Par., 1712. Holland, H. Travels in . . . M., etc. 1819. Tafel, T. L. F. De Via Militari Romanorum Egnatia, qua Illyri- cum, M. et Thracia jungebantur, etc. Tubingce, 1842. Spencer, E. Travels . . . through . . . M., etc. 1851. Belon, Mr. Remarks in . . . Creta . . . Journey . . . wherein the Gold and Silver jNIines of M., etc. are described. Ray, J. Pouqueville, F. C. II. L. Travels in . . . M. . . . 1805. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. IV. Madagascar.— Tellez, B. Travels . . . Voyage to M. . . . by F. Cauche. 1710. Flacourt, E. de. Histoire de . . . M. Par., 1758. RooHON, Abbk. a Voyage to M., etc Lond., 1792. Madagascar — Madeira. 275 Madagascar. — Wintertox, East Indiamax. A Narrative of the Loss of tlie Winterton ... on the coast of M. in 1792, etc. Edin., 1820. Copland, S. History of . . . M., etc. 1822. Dbtjry, R. The pleasant . . . Adventures of R. D., diirins . . . Captivity on . . . M., etc. XancZ., 1826. OwEX, W. F. W. Narrative of Voyage to explore the shores of . . . M., etc. 1833. Ellis, W. History of M. 1838. MooRE, VV. Log-Book of the . , . Eliza Scott . . . during; her Voyage ... to M., etc. 1838-39. La VERDANT, D. Colonisation de M. Par., 1844. Jehexne, Capit. Sur Nossi-Be, Nossi-Mitsiou, Bavatoube (Cote N. O. de M.). Par., 1847. Freeman, J. J. Tour in S. Africa, with notices of . . . M., etc. 1851. Ellis, W. Three Visits to M., etc. 1858. Three Visits to M., etc. Lond., 1859. Lacaille, L. Connaissance de M. Par., 1863. Macleod, J. L. M. and its People. 1865. Oliver, S. P. M. and the Malagasy, etc. Lond., [1865.] Ellis, W. M. revisited, etc. Lond., 1867. Oliver, S. P. Les Hovas at autres tribus caracte'ristiques de M. Quernesey, 1869. Boothby, R. A brief discovery ... of M., etc. Churchill. Vol. vin. Inverarity, D. Memoir of a Chart of the N.W. Coast of M., 1803, etc. Dalrymple, A. Collection of Nautical Memoirs, etc. Account of an Expedition of the Portuguese from India to M., 1613. Kerr. Vol. VIL Rochon, Abbd. Voyage to M., etc. Pelham. Vol. 11. Rochon's Voyage to M. Pinkerton. Vol. XVI. Discorso d'un gran Capitano di Mare Francese . . . sopra . . . di San Lorenzo [M.], etc. Ramusio. Vol. TIL Isola Rennefort. Reise nach . . . M., 1665, 66. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. VIII. See also Tamatave. Madeira.— Sloane, H. Voyage to . . . M., etc. 1707. BowDiTCH, T. E. Excursions in M., etc. 1825. Driver, J. Letters from M., in 1834. 1838. PuRDY, J. Brasilian Navigator . . . with . . . Directions for . . . M., etc. 1844. Dix, J. A. A Winter in M., etc. N. Y., 1851. Harcourt, E. V. Sketch of M., etc. 1851. White, R. M., its Climate and Scenery, etc. Lond. and Mad., 1851. T 2 276 Madeira — Madrid. Madeira. — Wilde, W. K. Narrative of a Voyage to M., etc. Dubl., 1852. ■ Griffin, J. A plain . . . system of . . . Astronomy ... in- cluding a Journey from London to M., etc. 1854. Hadfield, W. Brazil . . . including notices of . . . M., etc. 1854. TuKNBTTLL, W. The Mariner's Daily Assistant . . . with the Journal of a Voyage from London to M., etc. 1854. Kerhallet, C. p. de. Description Nautique de Madere, etc. Par., 1858. Norie, J. W. A Complete Epitome of . . . Navigation ... in- cluding a Journal of a Voyage from London to M., etc. Lond., 1864. Oliveira, B. Letters upon . . . the climate and general history of . . . M. Lond., 1864-5. — Grabham, M. C. The Climate and Resources of M., etc. Lond., 1870. ■ Nichols, T. Description of . . . M., etc. Astley. Vol. L Voyage of Macham, the first discoverer of . . . M.,1344. Haklutt. Vol. II. Carteret, Capt. Voyage from Plymouth to M. . . . 1766-69. Hav^kesworth, J. Vol. I. Discovery of M. Kerr. Vol. II. Nicols, T. Beschreibung der Canarischen Eylande imd M. . . . 1560. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. II. , River. — Silva Coutinho, J. M. de. Annexo P. . . . Relatorio da Exploracao do Rio M., etc. [1865.] Keller, J. and F. Relatorio da Exploracao do Rio M., etc. Rio de Jan., 1869. Fonseca, J. G. da. Navegacjao feita da Cidade do Gram Para, at^ a Bocca do Rio da M., 1749. Portugal. Collecfao de Noticias, etc. Vol. IV. Madera. — See Madeira. Madison. — Madison, Charter of the City of. Mad., 1856. Draper, L. C. M. the Capital of Wisconsin, etc. Mad., 1857. Madras. — Hamilton, F. Journey from M. through . . . Mysore, etc. 1807. Heber, Bishop. Narrative of a Journey ... to M., etc. 1829. Madras, Meteorological Observations made at, etc. Mad., 1841-54. GoLDiNGHAM, J. and Taylor, J. G. Meteorological Register kept . . . at M. . . . 1822-43. Mad., 1844. India. Selections from the Records of the M. Government. Mad., 1855, etc. Prior, J. Voyage . . . to M. . . . 1810-11. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. I. M., a Visit to . . . 1811. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. V. Madrid.— Madoz, P. Die. Geol. Estad. Hist. M., He Madr., 1848-50. Madrid — Magalkaens, Straits of . 277 Madrid.— Madrid. Annario del Eeal Observatorio de M. . . . 1862. Modr., 1861. Madura. — Selberg, E. Ecis naar Java en bezoek op het Eiland Madura, etc. Amst, 1846. Beschreibung der Konigreiche . . . M., etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeiue Historie, etc. Vol. XVIII. — See also Cumbum Valley. Madure.— 'See Madura. Mae-khan, River. — See Mekong. Maes. — See Meuse. Magalhaens, Straits of.— Gamboa, P. S. de. Viase al Estrecho de Magallanes en . . . 1579 y 1580. ^ Mad,:, 1768. Magalhaens. Eelacion del ultimo viage al Estrecho de Magallanes de la Fregata de S. M. Santa Maria de la Cabeza, etc. Madr., 1788. Magellan, Strait of. Viage. Eelacion del ultimo Viacje al Estrecho de Magallanes . . . 1785 y 1786, etc. Madrid, 1788-93. Macdouall, J. NaiTative of a Voyage . . . through the Straits of M. . . . in 1826-27. "l833 Voyage of the Delight ... to the Streights of Magellan, 1589. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. Winter, J. Voyage into the South Sea by the Streight of Magellan, 1577. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. Weert, S. de. Eemarkable Voyage to . . . the Streights of Magellan, 1598-1600. Harris, J. Vol. 1. Byron, Comm. Voyage . . . up the Streight of Magellan . . . 1764-66. Hawkesavorth, J. Vol. 1. Carteret, Capt. Voyage . . . through the Streight of Ma- gellan . . . 1766-69. Haw-kesworth, J. Vol. I. Weert, S. de. Voyage to the . . . Straits of Magellan, 1598. Kerr. Vol. X. Adams, W. Voyage by the M. Streights to Japon, 1598- 1611. PUECHAS. Vol. I. Ellis, J. A Briefe Note ... in bis Voyage through the Strait of M. . . . 1593. Purchas. Vol. IV. Le Maire, J. Eeise eine neue Durchfahrt Sndwlirts unter der Magellanischen Strasse zu entdecken, 1615-16. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XL Frogers Eeise . . . nach der JMagellanischen Strasse, 1695- 96. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XII. Wood, H. Eeise durch die Magellanische Strasse. Voy- ages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XII. Quiroga, P. Eeise nach der Kiiste des Magellanischen Laiides, 1745-46. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc Vol. XVI. Cordova, A. de. Voyage of Discovery to the S. of M., etc. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. II. 278 Magallanes, Strait of — Malabar. Magallanes, Strait of.— -"^ee Magalhaens. Magellan, Strait of.— 'See Magalhaens. Maggior Spagna.— 'See Mexico. Magindanao. — Forrest, T. Voyage to New Guinea . . . including an account of M., etc. 1780. — ■■ Sumatra, . . . Mindanao, etc. Eyries. Vol. XIT. Carteret, Capt. Voyage . . . to . . . Mindanao . . . 1766-69. Hawkesworth, J. Vol. I. Magne. — 'See Maina. Magnesia.— Strickland, H. E. Ancient Colossal Statue near M. 1842. Magyar Nemzet.— 'See Hungary. Magyarorszdg. — 'See Hungary. Mahavillaganga. — Brooke, B. Extracts from the Journal of an Excur- sion to explore the M. Colombo, 1833. Mahratta Country. — Broughton, T. D. Letters written in a M. Camp during . . . 1809, etc. Land., 1813. Marshall, T. Statistical Reports on the . . . S.n M. C, etc Bomb., 1822. Beencastle, Dr. A Voyage to China; including a Visit to the . . . M. C, etc. Land., 1850. Mahren. — 'See Moravia. Maiella. — See Maiello. Maiello. — Tenore e Gussoni. Viaggio . . . alia Maiella. Mailapur.— -See St. Thome. Main, River. — Meidinger, H. Statistische Uebersicht der Mainschiff- fahrt . . . im 1840, etc. Franhf. a. 31, 1841. Maina. — Morritt, Mr. Account of a Journey through . . . M., in the Morea, 1795. Walpole, R. Memoirs, etc. Maine.— Jackson, C. T. On the Geology of the Bublio Lands ... of . . . M., etc. Bost., 1838. Agassiz, L. Glacial Phenomena in M. Bost., 1867. Maire, Le, Straits of —/See Le Maire. Mairwara. — Dixon, C. J. Sketch of M., etc. 1850. Maissur, Maisur. — 'See Mysore. Ma-kiang, River.— See Mekong. Malabar. — Bald.s;us, P. Naauwkeurige Beschryvinge van M., etc. Aimt., 1672. Hamilton, F. Journey . . . through . . M., etc. 1807. Mignan, R. Notes , . . during a tour through a part of M., etc. Bombay, 1834. Baldajus, P. A true . . . description of . . . M., etc. Churchill. Vol. in. Almeyda, F. de. Voyage . . . with an account of . . . M. Kerr. Vol. VL Malabar — Maldive Islands. 279 Malabar. — Buchanan's Journey through . . . M. Pinkerton. Vol. VIII. Dellon. Eeise nach . . . der M. ischen Kiiste, 1670-72. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. X. Beschreibung der M. ischen Kiiste. Voyages and Travels. Allge- meine Historie, etc. Vol. XII, ■ Schouten, G. Eeisen nach . . . M. ischen Kiiste . . . 1658-65. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XII. Zusatz zu der Beschreibung von M. Voyages and Travels. All- gemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVIII. Malacca. — Anderson, J. Observations on . . . restoration of . . . M. to . . . Dutch, etc. P. of W. 1., 1824. Ckoockewit, J. H. Banka, M. ... in 1849-50. Te Sgrav., 1852. Cameron, J. Our Tropical Possessions . . . being a descriptive Account of . . . M., etc. Lond., 1865. Jagor, F. Singapore, M. . . . Eeiseskizzen. Berl., 1866. — — — Lancaster, J. Memorable Voyage ... as far as . . . M. . . . 1591. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Matelief, C. Eeise . . . 1605-8. Seefahrt bis nach M., etc. Voy- ages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. VIII. - Ehodes, A. Eeise nach . . . M., etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. X. - Straits of. — Newbold, T. J. Political and Statistical Account of the British Settlements in the Straits of M., etc. Lond., 1839. Berncastle, Dr. A Voyage to China ; including a Visit to . . . the S. of M., etc. Lond., 1850. Weg, welchen Man nehmen muss, um durch die Strassen von M. . . . zu kommen. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVIII. Malaghetta Coast. — See Grain Coast. Malakka. — See Malacca. Malay Archipelago.— ^^ee Archipelago. Islands. — Habersham, A. W. My last Cruise . . . Visits to the M. . . . I., etc. Phil, 1857. Peninsula. — See Malaya. Malaya. — Earl, G. AV. The Eastern Seas . . . comprising . . . visits to . . . the Malay Peninsula, etc. 1837. Moor, J. H. Notices of . . . M. P., etc. Singapore, 1837. See also Banca. — Colong. — Malacca. — Quedah. — Perak. — Sa- langor. Maldive Islands. — Moresby, E. Nautical Directions for the M. I., etc. 1840. Laval, F. Pirard de. Voyage to the East Indies . . . Shipwreck amongst the M., etc., 1601-11, Harris, J. Vol. I. — — Pyrard de Laval, F. Voyage to . . . the M. . . . 1601-11, etc. PURCHAS. Vol. II. 28o Maldive Isla^ids — Manan. Maldive Islands. — Pirard de Laval, Francis. A description of the Mai- diva L, 1601. YoYAGES and Teayels. The World displayed. Vol. X. Malipur.— >? Menak. Afdnasardzuar, Lake — Manilla. 281 Mdnasar6war, Lake. — Lloyd, Sir AV. Narrative . . . And Captain A. Gerard's account of an attempt to penetrate . . . to . . . Lake M., etc. Lond., 1840. Steachet, H. Narrative of a Journey to the Lakes . . . Cho-Mapan, or M., etc. Calc, 1848. Manche, — Mojtster, P. Memoire sur les Courants de la M., etc. 1835-39. Keller, F. A. E. Expose du regime des Courants observees . . . dans la M., etc. Far., 1855. "White, M., and Pukdat, J. Portulan des Cotes de la M., etc. Far., 1855. Kiycr, J. W. Pilote de la M., etc. Far., 1869. Manchester. — See also Maxcunium. Manchooria, Manchuria. — See Mandchooria. Mancunium. — Black, J. Memoir on the Roman Garrison at M., etc. Edinh., 1856. Mandchooria.— Palmer, A. H. Memoir . . . on the present state . . . of . . . M., etc. Wash., 1848. CoLLiKs, P. McD. A Voyage . . . with . . . incidental notices of M., etc. N. ¥. and Lond., I860. Fleming, G. Travels on Horsehack in Mantchu Tartary, etc. Land., 1863. AViLLiAMSOX, A. Journeys in . . . Manchuria, etc. Lond., 1870. Mandchuria. — See Mantjchooria. Mandinga.— '9ee Mandixgo. Manding'O. — Maxdingo. Yocabulary of the M. Language. MS. 1837. Macbrair, R. M. Grammar of the M. Language, etc. Portuguese sent to . . . East Indies by Land, with . . . account of M., etc. Astley. Vol. I. Account of the M. s. Astley. Vol. IL Mangi. — Nicolo di Conti. Voyage to . . . M., etc. Pttechas. Vol. IIL Mangischlak. — See Mangishlak. Helmersex, G. VON". Geognostiche Bemerkungen iiber die Halbinsel Mangyschlak, etc. St. Fet., 1848. Mangkassar.— /See Macassar. Mangyschlak.— 'S^ee Masgishlak. > Manihi. — Kulczycki, A. Determination des Longitudes . . .Observations pour , . . M., etc. Far., 1851. Manikesocke. — Of the Provinces of Bongo . . . M., etc. Purchas. Vol. IL Manilla. — Mac Micking, R. Recollections of M., etc. 1851. Gualle, F. Voyage from . . . Acapulco ... to ... il. 1582- 84. Hakluyt. Vol. IIL Brown, A. Extracts of a Journal , . . saylins, divers times . . . to . . . M. s, etc. 1617-22. Purchas. Vol. II. 282 Manitch^ River — Marmorice. Manitcll, River. — Helmersex, G. von. Geosnostisclie Bemerkungen liber die Steppengesend zwischen den Fliissen Samara . . . und M., etc. St. Pet., 1846. Mankassar. — See Macassar. Mantcliu Tartary, Mantchuria. — See Maxdchookia. Manytsch, River. — See Maxttch. Maoris. — Shoetlaxd, E. Xew Zealand Exhibition, 1865. A short Sketch uf the M. Eaces. Dunedin, 1865. Mar Maggiore.— /See Black Sea. Mar Oceano. — See Pacific Ocean. Maragnon, River. — See Amazon. Maranham. — Lago, A. P. B. do. Survey of the Coast of . . . M., etc. 1821. Estatistica historica-geografica da Proviucia do M. Lishoa, 1822. Memorias para a Historia da Capitania do M. . . . 1614. Portugal. CoUeccao de Xoticias, etc. Vol. I. Maranjon, Maranon. — -See Amazon. Marathon. — Squire, Col. The Plain of M., etc. Walpole, R. Memoirs, etc. Marava. — Beschreibung der Kbnigreiche . . . M., etc. Voyages and Tkavels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVIII. - Marawyny. — See Maeoni. Margarita. — Parker, W. Voyage to M. ... 1596-97. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. Sherlev, Sir A. Voyage to ... M. ... 1596. Hakltjyt. Vol. IV." Maria Island. — Mortimer, G. Observations . . . durmg a Voyage to . . . ^l. I., etc. Lmd., 1791. Marianne Islands. — See Ladrone Islands. Marienbad. — Grieben, T. Grieben's Eeise-Bibliothek. Xo. 38 . . . M., etc. Berl, 1861. Marienburg. — Rosenheyn, M. Die M., etc. Leipz., 1858. Mariestadt. — See Skaraborg. Marietta. — Sargent, W. Plan of an ancient Fortification at M., Ohio, etc. Marignan. — See Marignana. Marignana. — Beschreibung von . . . der Insel M., etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVI. Marmora, Sea of. — Lechevalier, J. B. Voyage de la Propontide, etc. Par., 1800. PuRDY.J. New Sailing Directory for , . . the S. of M., f^c. 1834. Gkas, M. A. Le. Sailing Directions for the . . . S. of M., etc. 1855. Marmorice. — Hume, Dr. Extracts . . . and a description of the Bay of M., etc. Walpole, R. Travels, etc. Marocco — Maskat. 283 Marocco. — -See Morocco. Maroni.— Relation . . . and . . . Observations of the Eiver of Marwin, efc. PURCHAS. Vol. IV. Marony. — -See ]Maroxi, Marowyne. — 'See Maroki. Marquesas Islands. — ViNCENooN-DuMouLtN, C. A. and Desgraz, C. lies Marquises ou Xouka-Hiva. Histoire, geographie, etc.. Par., 1843. Melville, H. Tvpee ; a narrative of . . . Residence among the Natives ... of the M. 1., ttc. 1847. Gaussin, p. L. J. B. Du Dialecte . . . des lies Marquises, etc. Par., 1853. Marrawini.— 'See Maroni. Marseilles.— Chardox, M. Tableau . . . de M., etc. Mars., 1829. Tableau des JS'oms anciens et nouveaux . . . de M. Mars., 1830. Martaban. — Mexdez Pinto, F. Historia Oriental de las peregrinaciones de F. Mendez Pinto . . . en . . . Martauao, etc. Madrid, 1627. Baker, T. T. The recent operations of the British Forces at . . . M. Lond., 1852. Martauan. — 'See Martaban. Martinique. — Moxkier, P. Description Nautique des Cotes de la M., etc. Par., 1828. Eeisen nach M. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XVIL Martyr Islands. — See Florida Kays. Marwin. — See Maroni. Maryland. — Ducatel, J. T. Report on the New Map of M., 1834. Anrnqi., 1834. Ducatel, J. T. and Alexander, J. H. Reports ... on the New Map of M., 1835-6. Bait, 1835-37. Annual Report of the Geologist of M., 1837 and 1838, etc. Annap., 1837-8. Maryland. Message ... in relation to the Intersection of the Boundary Lines of M., etc. Wash., 1850. Kennedy, J. C. G. History and Statistics of . . . M., etc. Wash., 1852. Graham, J. D. Reports in relation to the . . . Boundary Lines of . . . M., etc. Chicago, 1862. Mas-Afuera. — Carteret, Capt. Voyage ... to M. ... 1706-69. Hawkesworth, J. Vol. I. Masafuero. — »S'ee Mas-Afuera. Mas-a-Tierra. — See Juan Fernandez. Maskat. — Carter, H. J. Geological observations on the Igneous Rocks of M., etc. Bombay, 1851. 284 Massachusetts — Mauritius. Massachlisetts. — Hitchcock, E. Eeport on the Geology . . . of M. Amherst, 1833, Report on a Re-examination of the . . . Geology of M. Bost, 1838. Jacksox, C. T. On the Geology of the Public Lands ... of M., etc. Bost., 1838. Massachusetts. Reports of the Commissioners on the Zoological Survey of the State. Bost., 1838. Massachusetts. Eeport and Resolves in relation to the N. E.n Boundary. Bost, 1838. Massachusetts. Abstract of the . . . School Returns for 1838-9 and 1845-(). Bost., 1839-46. AusTix, J. Y. Annual Eeport of . . . M. Wash., 1840. Massachusetts. Abstract of the Returns of Inspectors and Keepers of Jails, etc. Bost., 1840. ■ Massachusetts. Documents relating to the State Prison. Bost., 1840. Palfrey, J. G. Annual Reports of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in M., 1844-46. Best., 1845-6. Chickeeing, J. Statistical View of the Population of M. from 1765 to 1840. Bost., 1846. • Massachusetts. Abstract of the Census . . . 1855, etc. Bost., 1857. Massachusetts. Abstract of the Census, 1865, etc. Bost., 1867. • Massachusetts. Returns of the Railroad Corporations in M., 1866, etc. Bost., 1867. Gould, A. A. Report on the Invertebrata of M., etc. Bost., 1870. Massangana. — Description of the divers Nations ... in Brasill . . . also . . . M., etc. PuECHAS. Vol. IV. Masulipatam. — Ixdia. Reports of the . . . effects of the Godavery and Krishna Annicuts, in . . . M., etc. Madras, 1858. Voyage ... to M. Kerr. Vol. VIII. Floris, P. W. Extracts of his Journal . . . 1610-15. Voyage to . . . M., etc. PURCHAS. Vol. I. Report of W. Nicols, which travelled by land from Bramport to M. . . . 1612. PUECHAS. Vol. I. Masulipatan. — See Masulipatam, Mataram. — See Jocjacaeta. Materan. — See Jocjacarta. Matto Grosso. — Bolivia. Notizen iiber den Minenbetrieb in . . . M. G., etc. Berl, [1867.J Maulevrier. — Walckenaeb, Baron C. A. and Jomaed. Rapjiort sur un Pied Remain trouv^ dans la forgt de M., etc. Far., 1839. Mauritius. — Mauritius. A Voyage to . . . M., etc. Loud., 1775. Grant, C. Viscount de Vaux. The History of M., etc. Bond., 1801. Matiritms — Mecca . 285 Mauritius, — Flinders, M. Voyage to Terra Australis . . . with an Account of the . . . M., ttc. 1814. Mauritius, Papers relating to the Colonial Trade of the. 1825. Papers . . . relative to the Slave Trade at the ]\[. . . . 1811-25. 1826. A Return of the Dependencies of, eifc. 1826. — BouTON, L. Travaux de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de llle Maurice, etc. Port Louis, 1846. Pridham, C. England's Colonial Empire. Vol. T. The M., etc. 1846. Freeman, J. J. Tour in S. Africa, with notices of . . . M., etc. 1851. Mauritius, A Transport Voyage to the, etc. 1851. jSIouat, F. J. Eough IS'otes of a trip to . . . the M., etc. Cede, 1852. Beaton, P. Creoles and Coolies; or Five Years inM. Land., 1859. Mauritius, Eeport of ... a Census of . . . April, 1861. 3Iaur., 1861. West Indies. Eeturn showing the number of Immigrants and Liberated Africans admitted into . . . the M., 1847-60. 1861. Fleming, F. P. M. ... being an account, etc. Lond., 1862. Guignes, M. de. Observations on . . . the Isle of France. Pix- kerton. Vol. XI. Beschreibung der Eylande Bourbon und Frankreich. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. X. St. Vincent, J. B. G. M. Bory de. Voyage to ... I Isle of France] 1801-2, etc. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. II. Prior, J. Voyage ... to the . . . Isles of . . . France, etc. 1810-11. VoYAGES^and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. I. See also Port Louis. Mawooshen. — The King's Patent . . . for the plantation of New Scotland . . . with a description of M. ... 1602-9. Purchas. Vol. IV. May en Island.— See Jan Ma yen. Mayomba.— Of the Provinces of Bongo, M., etc. Purchas. Vol. II. Mayotta. — Jehenne, Capit. Eenseignements Nautiques . . . sur I'lle M. iVr., 1843. Maze. — See Meuse. Mecca. — Galland, M. Eecueil des Bits et Ceremonies du Pdlerinage de la Mecque, etc. Amst., 1764. Burton, E. F. Personal Narrative of a Pilsrrimage to . . . M. 1855. Maltzan, Baron H. de. P^lerinage a la Mecque, etc. [I860.] Aucapitaine, Baron H. Etude sur la Caravane de la ^Mecque, etc Par., 1861. 286 Mecca — Mediterranean Sea. Mecca, — Avkil, A. d'. L'Arabie contemporaine, avec la description du r'elerinage de la Mecque. Par., 1868. Journey from Grand Cairo to M. Ray, J. Itineraire de Constantinople k la Mecque, etc. Voyages and Travels. Eecueil, etc. Vol. II. Pitts, Joseph. Of the Religion of the Mahometans, with a descrip- tion of M. ... 1678. Voyages and Tkavels. The World dis- played. Vol. XVII. Meccah.— /See Mecca. Meched. — ^ee Mesched. Media. — Buckingham, J. S. Travels in . . . M., etc. 1830. Straussex, J. J. Reise durch . . . ]\Iedien . . . 1647-1673. Qotlia, 1832. Cartwright, J. The Preacher's Travels . . . through . . . M., etc. Churchill. Vol. VII. Chardin, Sir J. Travels . . . through . . . M. ... 1672. Harris, J. Vol. II. Borough, C. Reports of sist voyage into . . . M. . . . 1579-81. PURCHAS. Vol. III. Of the . . . Medes . . . and of their Religions. Purchas. Vol. V. Medina. — Burton, R. F. Personal Karrative of a Pilgrimage to El-M., etc. 1855. Pitts, Joseph. Of the Religion of the Mahometans, vdth a descrip- tion of . . . M. 1678. Voyages and Travels. The World dis- played. Vol. XVII. Mediterranean Islands. — Alfred, the Great. A description. . . of the M. I., etc. 1855. Sea. — PuRDY, J. Xew Sailing Directory for the . . . W. em Divi- sion of the M. S., etc. Crescentio, B. Nautica Mediterranea. Eoma, 1607. ToriNO DE San Miguel, V. Derrotero de las Costas de Espafia en el Mediterraneo, etc. Madr., 1787. Sandwich, John, Earl of. Voyage round the M. in 1738-39, etc. Loud., 1799. Dessiou, J. F. Le Petit Neptune Fran9ais . . . for . . . the . . . M., etc. 1805. Lamalle, M. Dureau de. Geographic physique . . . de la Medi- terranee, etc. Far., 1807. GoRGOGLioNE, S. Portulauo del Mare MediteiTaneo. Legh., 1815. Richardson, R. Travels along the M. ... 1816-17-18, etc. Lond., 1822. PuRDY, J. New Sailing Directory for . . . the E. ern. . . . Division of the M. S., etc. 1834. Temple, Sir G. T. Excursions in the M., etc. 1835. Fairbairn, H. a Letter ... on the . . . advantages of a Steam Passage to the East Indies, by the Gulf of Mexico ... as cxjnipared with the proposed Route by the . . . M. S. 1837. Mediterranean Sea — Mekran. 287 Mediterranean Sea. — Flotte d'Akgen90n, Comte M. de. Nouvcau Portvilaa de la ]\rediterranee, etc. Toulon, 1839. Wellsted, J. E. Travels . . . along the Shores of the . . . M., etc. 1840. Mediteekaxeax, The Shores and Islands of the, drawn from Nature by Sir G. Temple, etc. Land, 1843. Yetch, J. Inqnirj" into the means of establishing a Ship Naviiia- tion between the M. and the Eed Seas. 1843. • Smyth, Admiral "W. H. The M., a Memoir, etc. 1844. PuKDY, J. Sailing Directions for . . , the M. S., etc. 1846. Barth, H. "Wanderungen durch die Kiistenlander des Mittel- meeres, etc. Berl, 1849. Christmas, H. Shores and Islands of the M., etc. 1851. Darosdeau, M. B. Tableau General des Phares et Fanaux des C6tes de la Mediterranee, etc. Par., 1852. ■ Wilde, W. Pi. Narrative of a Voyage . . . along the Shores of the M., etc. Dub?., 1852. Ainsworth, W. Eeport on . . . Telegraphic Communication between the M. S. and . . . Persian Gulf. 1856. Mediterranean. The Lighthouses of the M. . . . Corrected to 1856. 1856. Denham, H. M. Hydrographic Notices . . . M. S., etc. 1856-59. Mediterranean. The Lights of the M. . . . Corrected to 18.57, 58, 59. ^ 1857-59. ScHATJB, F. Magnetische Beobachtungen in Ostlichen Theile des Mittelmeeres, ausgefiihrt in 1857. Triesf, 1858. DuNSTERViLLE, E. The Admiralty List of the Lights of the ]\r. . . . Corrected to 1860, 61, 62. 1860-62. Gras, M. a. le. Phares de la Mer Mediterranee . . . Corriges 1862, 63. Far., 1862-63. Geas, a. Le. Conside'rations gene'rales sur la Mer Mediterranee, etc. Far., 1866. Medway. — Purdy, J. and Findlay, A. G. New Piloting Directory lor the . . . M., etc. 1846. North Sea. Mer du Nord. IV*. Partie . . .La M., etc. Par., 1864. Foster, C. Le N. and Topley, W. On the Superficial Deposit of the Valley of the M., etc. 1865. Meerut. — Delhi Railway. Opening of the Vl. and Umballa Section, lir. Loral, 1869. M^jico. — See Mexico. Mekinez. — 'S'ee Mequinez. Mekong, River.— Thorel, C. Notes Me'dicales du Voyage d'Exploration du M., etc. Par., 1870. Mekran.— Boss, E. T. Notes on M. 1865. Ross, E. C. Rejiort on a . . . Route through M., etc. 1865. 288 Mekraii — Merrimac^ River. Mekran. — Ross, E. C. Keport on the Coast of M. from Cape Jask to Gwadur. 1867- Melbourne. — Smyth, E. B. Results of Meteorological Observations . . . M., etc. Melh., 1855, 6. Stoney, H. B. Victoria ; with a description of . . . M., etc. 1856. Abbott, F. Results ... To which is added a Meteorological Summary for . . . M., etc. Hoh. Town, 1866. Cringle, T. pse^id. Australian Sand-bar Harbours . . . with hints on the Sea Defences of M. Melh., 1866. Neumayer, G. Discussion of the Meteorological and Magnetical Observations made at . . . M. . . . 1858-63. Mannheim, 1867. On the Lunar Atmospheric Tide at M. 1867. NicHOLLS, C. F. Probability of a Deep Lead of Gold round M. Melh., 1869. Meliapor. — -See St. Thome. Melite. — -See Malta. Melos.— 'See MiLO. Memel River. — See Niemen. Memphis. — Drovetti, Chev. Lettre sur une nouvelle Mesure du Coud^e trouvee k M. Par., 1827. Menam-Kong, River.— fi'ee Mekong. Menan, Grand. — Shortland, P. F. Bay of Fundy Pilot . . . including the G. M. Island. 1857. Mendana Islands.— /See Marquesas Islands. Mengrelie. — See Mingrelia. Mentz. — Browne, E. Voyage ... to Holland, with a Journey . . . through the Electorates "of . . . M. . . . 1668. Harris, J. Vol. II. Mequinez. — Comelin, F. P. de la Motte, and Bernard, J. Voyage to Barbary . . . M., ei^c. 1725. WiNDUS, J. A Journey to M. . . . in . . . 1721. Lond., 1725. Windhuss's Journey to M. Pinkerton. Vol. XV. Windus, Mr. A Journey to M. . . . 1V20. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. XVII. Mer d'Allemagne.— /See North Sea. Mer de Baffin. — See Baffin's Bay. Mer des Antilles.— -See Caribbean Sea. Mer du Sud. — >S'ee Pacific Ocean. Mer Glaciale. — 'See Arctic Ocean. Mer Polaire. — See Arctic Ocean. Mer Vermeille. — See California, Gulf of. Meroe.— Cailliaud, F. Voyage k M., etc. Par., 1826. ■ ■ HosKiNS, G. A. Travels in Ethiopia . . . illustrating . . . the ancient . . . M. 1835. Merrimac, River. — Thoreatt, it. D. A Week on the Concord and M. Rivers. Bost. and Camh., 1849. Mers du Nord — Mexico. 289 Mers du Nord. — Bee Arctic Ocean. Mers Polaires. — See Arctic Ocean. Mersey. — Boult, J. Further Observations on the alleged Submarine Forests on the Shores of . . . the River M. Liv., 1866. Mesched. — Truilhier, Capit. Memoire descriptif de la Route de Tehran >i Meched, etc. Par., 1841. Sedillot, M. Notice sur une Carte Routiere de M. a Bokhara, etc. Par., 1852. Meschid. — Bee Mesched. Mesene. — See Messexia. Meshed. — See Mesched. Mesopotamia. — Dapper. Nankeurige Beschryving van . . . M., etc. Amst., 1680. PocooKE, R. Description of . . . M., etc. 1743-45. Buckingham, J. S. Travels in M., etc. 1827. Frasek, J. B. Travels in . . . M., etc. Lond. [1835 ?] Ainsworth, W. F. Travels . . . in . . . M., etc. 1842. Fletcher, J. P. Notes . . . and Travels in M., etc. 1850. Badger, G. P. The Nestorians . . . witli ... a Mission to M., etc. 1852. ■ Clement, A. Souvenirs d'un Sdjour en Mesopotamie. [1865 ?] Biddulph, W. Travels of four Englishmen . . . into . . . M. . . . in 1600 and 1611. Churchill. Vol. VII. Cartwright, J. The Preacher's Travels . . . through . . . M., etc. Churchill. Vol. VJI. Rauwolf, L. Journey into . . . M., etc. Ray, J. Messenia. — Reinaud, M. Memoire snr le Commencement et la Fin du Royaume de la Mesene, etc. Par., 1861. Sibthorp, Dr. Journal relating to . . . M., etc. Walpole, R. Travels, etc. Mesurado, Cape. — Phillips, Capt. Journal of . . . Voyage ... to Cape Mounseradoe, etc. Churchill. Vol. VI. Meta, Mount. — Tenore e Gussoni. Viaggio alia M., etc. , River. — Michelena y Rojas, F. Exploracion Oficial ... del M., cfr. Bruaelas, 1867. Meta Incognita. — A general 1 . . . description of . . . M. I. Hak- luyt. Vol. III. Voyages ... for the finding of a N.W. Passage ... to M. T., etc. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Meuse. — Van Rhun, A. Beschrijving van de Hydrograp. Kaart der Zee- gaten van . . . de Maas. 1839. Mexican Sea. — See Mexico, Gulf of. Mexico.— Mexico. Geographical Positions, etc. MS. GoMARA, L. de. Historia de M., etc. Anvers, 1554. Gage, T. Nouvelle Relation des voyages dans la Nouvelle Espagne, etc. Amst, 1695. U 290 Mexico. Mexico. — Gage, T. Survey of the Spanish West Indies . . . Also . . , Voyage . . . to . . . M., efc 1702. Chappe d'Auteroche, J. Voyage . . . k travers le Mexique, etc. Par., 1772. Auteroche, Abbe Chappe d*. A Voyage . . . with . . . descrip- tion of the Author's Route through M., etc. Land., 1778. Clavigero, F. S. History of M., eifc. 1787. Humboldt, A. von. Essai politique sur ... la Nouvelle Espa<:ne. 1811. Pike, Z. M. Exploratory Travels through ... the N.E.n Pro- vinces of New Spain, in 1805-7. 1811. Bullock, W. Six Months ... in M., etc. 1825. Hall, B. Extracts from a Journal written on the Coasts of . . . M. in 1820-22. Edin., 1825. SoLis, A. DE. Historia de la Conquista de M., etc. Par., 1827. Beaufoy, M. Mexican Illustrations, etc. 1828. Ward, H. G. M. in 1827. 1828. GrIberg, Count J. Recueil de Voyages . . . and Historical Researches on the Conquest of ... M. ... in the thirteenth Century, by J. Ranking. 1829. Thompson, G. A. Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala from M. 1829. BuRKART, J. Aufenthalt und Reisen in M., etc. Stuti., 1836. Latrobe, C. J. The Rambler in M., 1834. 1836. Nebel, C. Voyage . . . dans la partie la plus interessante du Mexique. Par., 1836. America. Message from . . . President . . . concerning the Boundary between the U. S. and M. Phil., 1837. Mexico. Diario del Gobierno de la Republica Mejicana. 1839-40. FooTE, H. S. Texas and the Texans . . . including a History of . . , Events in M., etc. Phil, 1841. Falconer, T. Expedition to Santa Fe. An Account of its journey . , . through M., etc. A\ Orleans, 1842. Barca, C. de la. Life in M., etc. 1843. Diaz del Castillo, C. B. The Memoirs of . . . containing the discovery ... of M., etc. Lond., 1844. Mater, B. M. as it was, and as it is. N. Y., 1844. Prescott, W. H. History of the Conquest of M., etc. Lond., 1844. Ruxton, G. F. Adventures in M., etc. Lond., 1847. ■ Wislizenus, a. Memoir of a Tour to Northern M., etc. Wash., 1848. Lyon, G. F. Journal of a Residence ... in ... M. in 1826, etc. Wash., 1849. Smith, M. I>., and Hardcastle, E. L. F, Survey of the A^alley of M. Wash., 1849. Mexico. 291 Mexico.— Mayeb, B. M., etc Ilartf. U. S., 1852. Robertson, W. P. Visit to M., etc. 1853. WiLSox, E. A. M. and its Religion, with Incidents of Travel, etc. Lond., N. Y., 1856. Emory, W. H. Report on the United States and Mexican Eoundary Survey, etc. Wash., 1857. Olmsted, F. L. Journey through . . . the Border Country of . . . M. 1857. Brasseub de Bourbourg, E. C. Histoire des Nations civilise'es du Mexique . . . duraut les siecles anterieurs a C. Colomb, etc. Par., 1857-59. • DoMENECH, E. IMissionary Adventures in . . . J\I., etc. 1858. Tempsky, G. F. von Mitla. A Narrative of ... a Journev in M., etc. 1858. ■ ■ Fbobel, J. Seven Years' Travel in . . . Northern M., etc. 1859. Wilson, E. A. A New History of the Conquest of M., etc. Lond., 1859. Hill, S. S. Travels in . . . M. I860. Tylor, E. B. Anahuc, or M. . . . Ancient and Modern. 1861. Lempriere, C. Notes on M. in 1861 and 1862, etc. Lond., 1862. Saussure, H. de. Coup-d'ceil sur I'Hydrologie du Mexique, etc. Geneve, 1862. Valois, a. de. Mexique . . . Notes de Voyage. Par. [1862.] A^iRLET d'Aoust, M. Coup-d'ceil generale sur la topographic . . . du Mexique, etc. '" Par. [1865.] Bullock, W. H. Across M. in 1864-5. Lond. and Cam., 1866- Mexico. The Republic of M. restored. Mexico, 1867. Bodenham, R. Voyage to . . . IM., 1564. Haklttyt. Vol. 111. Chilton, J. Voyage to all the principall parts of Nueva Espanna, etc. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Hawkins, Sir J. Voyages to Nueva Espanna . . . 1562-68. Hak- luyt. Vol. III. Hawks, H. Voyage to Nueva Espanna . . . 1572. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Philips, M. Voyage, 1568 . . . to M., etc. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Tomson, R. Voyage into New Spaine, 1555. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Champlain, S. Narrative of a Voyage to . . . M. in 1599-1602 . . . Edited by N. Shaw. 1859. Hakluyt Soc. Pub. Vol. XXIII. The conclusion of H. Cortes's Expedition ... to the reduction of . . . M., 1520-21. Harris, J. Vol. II. Cortes, H. Expedition for the reduction of New Spain, 1518. Harris, J. Vol. II. • Diaz del Castillo. History of the discovery ... of M., etc. Kerr, Vol. IV. F. Cortez. Ddcouverte du M. Lahakpe, J. Vol. IX. u 2 292 Mexico. Mexico. — Mexiiiue. Hernandez de Cordove. Lahakpe, J. Vol. IX. Mexique. Prise de M. Kouvelle - Esf asne, etc. Laharpe, J. Vol. X. Acosta, J. Mexican Antiquities, etc. Puechas. Vol. III. Of the Ancient Superstitions of the Mexicans, etc. Pue- chas. Vol. III. Cortes, H. Conquest of M. . . . 1518-30. Puechas. Vol. UI. Gomara, F. L. de. Eelations of . . . Mexican Citie and Temple, etc. Puechas. Vol. III. Historic of the Mexican Kation . . . 1324-1502. Puechas. Vol. III. Divers Expeditions from M. . . . by divers Spaniards in a hundred yeeres s[)ace. Puechas. Vol. IV. Gusman, N. di. Relation of New Spaine, 1530. Puechas. Vol. IV. Of New France . . . New Spaine . . . and of their Religious. Puechas. Vol V. Alvarado, P. Lettere due a F. Cortese, del discoprimento nella Nuova Spagna. Eamusio. Vol. I. Cortese, F. Relationi seconda, terza e quarta . . . della . . . Nuova Spagna, 1519-24. Ramusio. Vol. 111. D'un Gentil' huomo del F. Cortese, Relatione della gran Cittk del Temistitan Messico, e d' altre Cose della Nuova Spagna. Eamusio. Vol. 111. Godoi, D. Lettera a F. Corttse, del discoprimento nella Nuova Spagna. Ramusio. Vol. III. Gusman, N. Relatione dell' imprese fatte in acquislare molte Pro- vincie e Ciita nella Maggior Spagna, 1530. Eamusio. VoL III. Mendozza, A. Lettera del discoprimento della Terra Firma della Nuova Spagna . . . 1539. Eamusio. Vol. III. Ixtlilxochitl, F. d'Alva. Cruaut^s horribles des Conque'rants du Mexique, Memoire, 1519-24. Teexaux-Compans. Vovages. Vol. VIII. Eecueil de Pieces relatives k la Conquete du Mexique, 1518-87. Ternaux-Compans. Voyages. Vol. X. Zurita, A de. Eapport sur les . . . Chefs de la Nouvelle-Espagne. Teenaux-Compaks. Voyages. Vol. XL Second Fecueil de Pifeces sur le Mexique, etc. Teenaux-Compaks. Voyages. Vol. XVI. Histoire de I'Empire Mexicain representee par figures. Thevenot. Vol. IV. Eelation du Mexique . . . par Thomas Gages. Thevexot. Vol. IV. Beschreibung von M., etc. Voyages and Teavels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XIII. - Cortez, F. Reise, Entdeckung . . . des Reiches M., 1518-22. A'^otages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. VoL XIII. Mexico — Mik rones ia . 293 Mexico. — Orijalva, J. Eeise nnd allererste Entdeckung Neuspaniens, 1517-18. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XIII. Savcdra, A. Reise nacli M., 1526. Voyages and Travels. AU- gemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVIII. The Conquest of M., by Hernando Cortes. 1518. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. II. Sve also ACAPULCO. — GuATULCO. — TEHTJA>rTEPEC. , Gulf of. — Fairbalbn, H. a Letter ... on the . . . advantages of a Steam Passage to the ICast Indies, by the G. of M., etc. 1837. Smith, J. W. Report to the Mexican Gulf Railway Company. Liverp.', 184i7. — PuRDY, J., and Findlat, A. G. Colonibian Xaviuator. Vol. II. Sailing Directory for . . . the Mexican Sea, etc. 1848. Andrews, I. D. Report on . . . the G. of M., etc. Wash., 1853. Varnhagen, F. a, de. Vespuce et son premier Voyage ; ou Xotice d'uue deconverte . . . primitive duGolfe du Mexique . . . en 1497 et 1498. Par., 1858. ScHOTT, C. A. Xew Discussion on the distribution of the Magnetic Declination on the Coast of the G. of M. Wash., 1861. — — Gras, M. A.Le. Phares . . . du Golfe de Mexique. Cor- riges 1862, 63. Far., 1862, 63. Manuel de la Navigation . . . dans le Golfe du M. 1862-3. — Gras. A. Le. Phares . . . du Golfe du Mexique. Far., 1869. King, W. Voyage to the Bay of M., 1592. Hakluyt. A"ol. IV. ilichelson, W. and Mace, W. Voyage to the Bay of M., 1589. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. , New. See New Mexico. Michigan. — Peck, J. M. Guide for Emigrants to . . . M., etc. Bost., 1836. Blois, J. T. Gazetteer of . . . M., etc. Detroit, 1838. Graham, J. D. Report of the Harbours, &c. in . . . M., etc. Wash., 1857. , Lake. — Graham, J. D. Report on the Harbours of Lake M. Wash., 1857. A Lunar Tidal Wave in Lake M. demonstrated. rhil, I860. Rejiort on the Tmiirovemcnt of the Harbours of Lakes M., etc. Wash., I860. Middlesex. — Middleton, J. View of the Agriculture of M., etc. Lond., 1807. Mikronesia. — Kittlitz, F. II. v. Dcnkwiirdigkeiten einer Eeise . . . nach ^likromsien, etc. Gotha, 1858. 294 Milan — Mississippi^ River. Milan.— Sesti, B. G. Piante delle Citth,, etc. di Milano. Mil., 1707- • Bossi, L. Guida di Milano. Mil., 1818. Guide des liltrangers a M., etc. Mil., 1819. Carta, J. B. Description . . . de M. Mil, 1819. Milan. Notizie statisticlie della Provincia di M. . . . 1818. Milano, 1819. ZucoLi, L. Descrizione di Milano. Mil., 1841. Milford Haven. — Page, T. lleport on tlie eligibility of M. H. for Ocean Steam iSinps, etc. 1859. Milo. — Leycesteb, Lieut. Greek Inscriptions discovered in . . . Santorin and M. Milyas. — Spratt, T. A. B. and Forbes, E. Travels in . . . M., etc. 1847. Mina, Castle of. — See Saint George del Mina. Minch. — 'See Minsk. Mindanao. — -See Magindanao. Mindoro Sea. — Belcher, Sir E. and Bate, W. T. China Pilot . . . Observations on . . . the Sulu and M. Seas, etc. 1859. Mingrelia. — Spencer, E. Travels . . . including a Tour througli . . . M., etc. 1838. Montpereux, F. D. de. Voyage ... en Colchide, etc. Far., 1839. Kadde, G. Berichte, etc. (Jahrg. I. Eeisen im Mingrelischen Hochgebirge, etc.) Tiflis, 1866. Chardin, Sir J. Travels . . . through . . . M. . . . 1672. Harris, J. Vol. 11. De la Colchide ou Mengrelie. Thevenot. Vol. I. Chardin, Sir J. Travels through M. . . . into Persia. 1671. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. XV., XVI. Minnesota. — Pope, J. Pieport of an Exploration of the Territory of M. Wash., 1850. Owen, D. D. lieportof a Geological Survey of . . . M., etc. Phil., 1852. Oliphant, L. M. and the Far West. 1855. Minorca. — Armstrong, J. History of . . . M. 1752. Minsh, Little.— Otter, H. C. Scotland, N.W. Coast. Little M. 1859. Inskip, G. H. Instructions Nautiques sur . . . le Petit M., etc. Far., 1862. Mississippi, River. — Chaix, P. Le Bassin du M. au seizieme sifecle. Pike, Z. M. Exploratory Travels . . . from St. Louis, on the M., to the Source of that Iliver, etc. 1811. Schoolcraft, H. R. Travels in . . . the M. Valley, etc. N. Y., 1825. Flint, T. History and Geography of the M. Valley, etc. Cinciii., 1832. Mississippi, River — Missouri, River. 295 Mississippi, River. — Cummings, S. The Western Pilot, containing Charts of the . . . M., etc. Cincin., 1840. Nicollet, J. N. Report intended to ilhistrate a Map of the Hydrographical Basin of the Upper M. R. Wash., 1843. Falconer, T. On the discovery of the M., etc. 1844. Mabr, R. a. Observations on the M. . . . at Memphis, etc. . Wash., 1853. Whipple, A. AV. Report of Explorations for a Railway Route . . . from the M. ... to the Pacific Ocean. Wash., 1854. Schoolcraft, H. R. Summary Narrative of an . . . Ex- pedition to the Sources of the M. ... in 1820, etc. Phil., 1855. • America. Reports of . . . Surveys ... for a Railroad from the M. to the Pacific, etc. Wash., 1855-60. Mollhausen, B. Diarj' of a Journey from the il. to the . . . Pacific, etc. 1858. Humphreys, A. A. and Abbot, H. L. Report upon the M. River, etc. Phil., 1861. Foster, J. W. The M. Valley, etc. Chicago, Loud, 1869. Pike. Voyage aux sources du M., 1805-6. Etkles. Vol. IX. Ashe, T. Travels . . . 1806, for . . . exploring the . . . ]\I. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. X. Missouri. — Peck, J. M. Guide for Emigrants to . . . M., etc. Bost., 1836. Wetmore, a. Gazetteer of the State of M., etc. St. Louis, 1837, Shumakd, B. F. and Swallow, G. C. Descriptions of New Fossils, from . . . M., etc. St. Louis, 1858. Swallow, G. C. Geological Report of the Country along the . . . S.W. Branch of the Pacific Railroad, State of M., etc. St Louis, 1859. Schoolcraft, H. R. Journal of a Tour into the Interior of M. . . . 1818-19. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. IV. See also Fort Leavenworth. , River. — Lewis, and Claeke, Capts. Travels to the Source of the M. . . . in 1804-6. 1814. Travels to the Source of the M. ... in 1804-(l. 1815. Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Geological Report of the elevated country between the M. and Red Rivers. Wash., 1835. UxioN Pacific Railroad: the great National Highway between the M. R. and California, etc. Chicago, 1868. Hayden, F. V. Geological Report of the Exploration of the . . . M., etc. Wash., 1869. Brack enbridge. Voyage au M., 1811. Eyries. Vol. IX. Lewis et Clarke. Voyage aux sources du M. . . . 1801-6. Eyries. Vol. IX. Lewis and Clark, Capts., and others. Travels . . . exploring the M. . . . 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VI. 296 Missouri, River — Moldavia. Missouri, River.— Perrin Du Lac. Travels . . . among the Savage Nations of the M. . . . 1801-3. VoyaCxES and Travels. A Collec- tion, etc. 1805. Vol. VI. Misti. — See Arequipa, Volcano of. Mistir. — 'See MoNASTiB. Mitis. — Gould and Dowie. Instructions for making ... M. ... in the Eiver St. Lawrence. • 1832. Mittelmeer. — -See Mediterraneak Sea. Mocha.— M. Account of the King of M, and of his Country. Churchill. Vol. VI. Sixth Voyage, in IGIO . . . Transactions at M., etc. Kerr. Vol. VIII. Voyage of the Ann-Royal from Surat to M., 1618. Kerr. Vol. IX. Heynes, E. Voyage from Surat to M. . . . 1618. Purchas. Vol. I. • Peise von Aden nach M., etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XI. Mocka.— »'5'et> Mocha. Moenemoezi. — Cooley, W. D. Inner Africa laid open . . . with the routes to . . . M., etc. 1852. Moeris, Lake. — Bellefonds, L. de. Me'moire sur le lac M. Alex., 1843. BoRRER, D. A Journey . . . with . . . M. Linant de Bellefonds Meinoire sur le lac M. 1845. Mogadore. — Morocco. Observations on . . . Morocco . . . 1830. Memo- nuuUim respecting . . . M., etc. MS. Lempriebe, W. Tour from Gibraltar to . . . M., etc. 1791. Beaumier, a. Itineraire de M. a Maroc, etc. Far., 1868. Mogan. — Jordan ou Jourdain Catalani, P. Mirabilia descripta, sequitur de . M.. etc. Voyages and Travels. Pecueil, etc. Vol. IV. Mogodor. — See Mogadore. Mogul Country.— -See India. Moha. — See Mocha. Mokha.— >See Mocha. Moldavia. — Carra, M. Histoire de la Moldavie, etc. Neuchatel, 1781. Thornton, T. The Present State of . . . M., etc. Lond., 1807. Hagemeister, J. DE. Commerce of . . . M., etc. 1836. Demidqff, a. de. Travels in ... M. during 1837. 1837. . Elek, P. G. A'Moldvai Magyar Telepekrol. Biiddn,\^Z%. Spencer, E. Travels . . . including a Tour through . . . M., etc. 1838. Macarius, Travels of . . . Pt. T. ... M., etc. 1849. Lbger, E. Trois Mois de sdjour en Moldavie. Far., 1861. Austel, H. Voyage . . . through M. ... 15b6. IIakluyt. Vol. II. Moldavia — Molucca Islands. 297 Moldavia. — Campeuliausen, Baron. Travels through . . . M. ... V6<)'>. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, e^c. 1805. Vol. VIII. Moldvai. — ^'ee Moldavia. Mole, River.— Thorne, J. Rambles by Eiveis ; the . . . M., etc. 1847. Molucca Islands. — Forrest, T. Voyage to . . . the M., etc. 1780. KoLF, D. H. rieizedoordeu . . . zuidelijkeuMolukschen Archi|)el, etc. Arnst., 1828. KoLF, D. H. Voyai^es through . . . the M. n Archmelago, etc. 1840. Van DER Hart, C. Reize . . . naareenigederMoluksche Eilanden, in 1850. Te' Sgravenhaye, 1853. Saris, J. Voyage to the . . . Molukkos ... in 1611. Astley. Vol. I. Voyage of . . . D. Middleton to . . . the Molukkos in 1607. Astley. Vol. I. Camper, M. de K. du. Remarques sm- ies . . . Moluques, etc. 1821-25. Eyries. Vol. XII. The prosperous . . . Voyage to Java . . . performed by 8 ships of Amsterdam . . . whereof 4 went forward . . . for the M., 1598-99. Hakluyt. Vol. V. Middleton, Sir H. Voyage to . . . the Maluco Islands . . . edited by B. Corney. Itt55. Hakluyt See. Pub. Vol. XIX. iMiddleton, D. Voyage to . . . the M., 1607. Kerr. Vol VIIL Second Voyage in 1604 . . . to . . . the M. Kerr. Vol VIII. Expediciones al Maluco. Viage de Magallanes y de Elcano, anos 151t-24;. Navaeette. Coleccion. Vol. IV. Expediciones al M. Viages de Loaisa, y de Saavedra, anos 1522-37. Navarette. Coleccion. Vol. V. Rebello, G. Informafao das Cousas de Maluco. Portugal. Col- lec9ao de Aoticias, etc. Vol. VI. Albuquerque's Exploits, and the first Knowledge of the M. Purchas. Vol. I. Fitz-Herbert, H. Pithy description of the chiefe Hands of . . . M. s., 1621. Purchas. Vol. I. Middleton, Sir H. Voyage to the M. s. ... 1620. Purchas. Vol. I. Schot, A. Discourse of the present state of the M. s. Purchas. Vol. I. Gactan, J. Relatione del discoprimento dell'Isole Molucche . . . 1542-45. Ramusio. Vol. I. Ulioa, F. Navigatione per discoprire 1' Isole delle Specierie . . . 1532-39. Ramusio. Vol. III. lieschreibung der Moluckischeii Insel. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeinc Historic, etc. Vol. VIII. 298 Molucca Islands — Mont Bla^u. Molucca Islands. — Zusatz zur Beschreibung der Moluckischen Inseln. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XVIII. Molukkos, Moluksche Eilanden, Moluques. — -See Molucca Islands. Mombaca. See Mombas. Mombas. — Emery, Lieut. J. B. Letters ... on the Geography of M., etc. MS. 1833-34. Mombasah, Mombassa.— '§66 Mombas. Monastir. — Guberxatis, E. de. Lettere . . . sulle province di Susa e M., etc. Firenze, 1867. Mongolia. — Timkowski, G. Travels of the Eussian Mission throush M. . . . 1320-21, etc. 1827. Voyage a Peking a travers la Mongolie, en 1820 et ls21, etc. Par., 1827. Prissep, H. T. Tibet, Tartary, and M., etc. Lond., 1852. Atkixsox, T. W. Oriental . . . Siberia . . . Adventures in . . . M., etc. 1858. PuMPELLY, Pi. Xotice of an Account of Geological Observations in . . . M. [1866.] Williamson, A. Journeys in . . . E. n M., etc. Lond., 1870, Ysbrants Ides, E. Travels . . . through the Countries of the :\Iou-ul Tartars . . . 1692-95. Harris, J. Vol. II. Monmouthshire. — Hassall, C. General View of the Agriculture of . . . M., etc. ' Lond., 1812. WiLLETT, M. History, Antiquities, and Scenery of M., etc. Chepstoiv, 1813. MuRCHisoN, Sir R. I. The Silurian System, founded on Geological Eesearches in . . . M., etc. 1839. Monomopata. — Account of . . . M., from De Faria y Sousa. Astley. Vol. 111. A Description of the . . . Hottentots ... of M. Astley. Vol. IIL M. Laharpe, J. Vol. III. Beschreibung . . . worinnen eine Nachricht von . . . M. enthalten ist. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. V. Monongahela.— Ashe, T. Travels . . . 1806, for . . . exploring the . . . M., etc. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. X. Mont Blanc. — Pictet J. P. Itm^raire des Valle'es autour du M.-B. Geneva, 1818. Howard, W. Narrative of a Journey to the summit of M. B., made in July, 1819. Baltimore, 1821. Fellows, Sir C. Ascent of M. B. 1827. Sherwell, Capt. M. Ascension ... a la premiere Sommite de M. B. en 1825, etc. Par., 1827. AuLDJo, J. Ascent . . . of M. B. 1828. Mont Blanc — Montenegro. 299 Mont Blanc— AuLDjo, J, Ascent ... of M. B, 1830. WiLiiRAHAM, E. B. Ascent of M. B. in 1830. 1832. Baery, M. Ascent of M. B., etc. Edin., 1836. Maxget, J. L. Chamounix, le M. B., etc. Geneva, 1843. • Sexe, M. Le Relief du M.-B., etc. Geneve, 1844. Delergs, Le Comm. Notice sur les Altitudes du M.-B. et du Mont- Rose, etc. Versailles, 1851. Smith, A. M. B., etc. 1860. Barrow, J. Expeditions on . . . M. B., etc. 1864. Glaciers. Expeditions , . . including an ascent of M. B., etc. 1864. Favre, a Recherches Ge'ologiques dans les parties . . . voisiues du M. B., etc. Par., Geneve, 1867. Saussure's Attempts to reach the summit of M. B. Pinkerton. Vol. IV. Buet. Glaciers. Expeditions . . . including an ascent of . . . M. r.., dc. 1864. Muet. Barrow, J. Expeditions on . . . M. M. 1864. Perdu. Ramond, L. Voyages au M.-P., etc. Par., 1801. Ramond's Journey to the summit of M. P. Pixkerton. Vol. IV. Rose. — See Monte Rosa. Monte Pisano. — Pugaard, C. Memoire sur les calcaires plutonises . . . du M. P. Par., I860. Rosa. — Ulrich, M. Die Seitenthaler des Wallis uud der M. Zurich, 1850. Delcros, Le Cojim. Notice sur les Altitudes du Mont-Blanc et du Mont-Rose, etc. Versailles, 1851. Schlagistweit, a. and H. Observations sur la Hauteur du j\Iont- Rose, etc. Turin, 1853. — - Epreuves de Cartes Ge'ographiques . . . du Mont-Rose, etc. Leips., 1854. Hixchliff, T. W. Summer Months among the Alps, with the Ascent of M. R. 1857. Barrow, J. Expeditions on ... M. R., etc. 1864. Glaciers. Expeditions . . . including an ascent of . . . M. R., etc. 1864. Santo. — See Athos, Mount. Video. — Davie, J. C. Letters . . . describing , . . M. V., etc. 1805. Vidal, E. E. Picturesque Illustrations of . . . M. V., etc. 1820. Montecatini. — Gr^berg, Codnt J. Cenni storici .... sulla . . . Cava di Caporciano, presso M., etc. Firenze, 1847. Montenegro. — Wilkinson, Sir J. G. Dalraatia and M., etc. 1848. WiNGFiELD, W. F. 'i'oiir in . . . M., etc. 1859. 300 Montenegro — Morea. Montenegro. — Strangford, Viscountess. The R.u Shores of the Adriatic . . . with a visit to M. Lond., 1864. Sommibrcs, T^. C. Vialla de. Travels in M. . . . 1806. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. IV. Monterey. — Blake, W. P. Notice of remarkable Strata . . . in . . . M., etc. Wash., 1855. Montgomery. — Murchison, Sir R. I. The Silurian System, foimded on Geological Kesearches in . . . M., etc. 1839. Montpellier. — Fischer, C. A. Letters written during a Journey to M., iSOl. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. 111. Montreal. — Canada. Estimates of the Expense of . . . Water Communi- cations . . . between M. and the Ottawa, etc. 1828. Greig, W. Hochelaga depicta ; or the history ... of M., etc. Moid., 1839. Montserrat. — Englandische Inseln. Reisen . . . in . . . M., etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XVII. Mooab. — See MouAB. Moon, Mountains of the. — Beke, C. C. Essay on the Sources of the Nile in the M. of the M. Edin., 1848. Cooley, W. D. Claudius Ptolemy . . . and the authen- ticity of the M. of the M. " Land., 1854. BEiiE. C. T. On the . . . " M. of the M.," etc. Edin., 1861. Moorzook.— /See Mourzuk. Moravia. — Schwon, F. J. — Topographic vom Markgrafthum TVIahren. Wien, 1793-4. Spencer, E. Travels . . . including a Tour through . . . M., etc. 1838. Kohl, J. G. Austria . . . M., etc. Lond., 1844. Browne, E. Voyage ... to Holland, with a Journey . . . through M. . . . 1668. Harris, J. Vol. II. De Brie, J. Appendix to Stolberg's Travels, extracted from a Journey in M. ... in 1804. Pelham. Vol. II. Morea. — Morea. Memorie istorico geografiche della M., etc. Venezia, 1687. Dapper. Naukeurige Beschryving van M., etc. Amst., 1688. Castellan, A. L. Lettres sur la Moree, etc. Par., 1808. Gell, Sir W. Itinerary of the M., etc. 1817. Narrative of a Journey in the M. 1823. Leake, W. M. Travels in the M. Lo7id., 1830. GiFPARD, E. A Short Visit to . . . the M. Lond., 1837- Leake, W. M. Peloponnesiaca, a supplement to Travels in the M. Lond, 1846. ■ ScuAun, C. Excursion en Moi-ee, en 1840. Geneve, 1859. Pouqueville, F. C. H. L. Travels through the M. . . . 1798-1801. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. III. Morea — Mo7'occo. 3 o i Morea. — Morritt, Wx. Account of a Journey through . . , Maina, in the M., 1795. Walpole, K. Memoirs, e^c. Morgenland.— 'Sefi East. Morgenlandisches Meer.— ^See Red Sea. Morlachia.— Duteus, J. Y. Travels in . . . M., in 1806. Pelham. Yul. II. Morocco. — Morocco. Observations on the W.n Coast of . . . M. . . . 1830, etc. MS. Addison, L. West Barbarv ; or a short Narrative of the Revolu- tions of . . . M., etc. ' Oxf., 1671. Tellez, B. Travels of the Sieur Mouette in . . . M., etc. 1710. Chenier, M. The present state of the Empire of M., etc. Lond., 1788. - Lempriere, W. Tour from Gibraltar ... to M. 1791. - Saugnier, M. Relations de plusieurs voyao;es ... a Maroc, etc. Par., 1792. - Dambekger, C. F. Travels . . . from the Cape of Good Hope to M., etc. ^ 1801. - Jacksox, J. G. Account of . . . M., etc. 1809. An Account of . . . M,, etc. Lond., 1814. - Ali Bey. Travels in M.. etc. 1816. - Beauclerk, G. a Journey to Marocco, in 1826. Lond., 1828. - Caillie, R. Travels . . . across the Great Desert to M., etc. 1830. - Brooke, Sir A. de C, Bart. Sketches in . . . M. 1831. - GrIberg, Count J. Das Sultanat Mogh'rib-ul-Aksk, oder Kaiser- reich Marokko, etc. Siutt. u. Ttih., 1833. - Specchio . . . del' Impero di Marocco. Geneva, 1834. Prospetto del Commercio di Marocco. Firenze, 1835. - Scott, Colonel. A Journal ... of Travels in M., etc. Lrnid., 1842. - L'RQUHABT, D. The Pillars of Hercules ; or, a narrative of travels in Spain and M., etc. Loud., 1850. - Power, Y^ T. Recollections . . . including Peregrinations in . . . M., etc. Lmd., 1853. - DuBBiEU, X. The present state of M., etc. 1854. - Snider-Pellegrini, A. Du Developpement du Commerce de I'Algdrie . . . precede d'Observatiobs sur . . . le Maroc. Par., 1857. - YixcENDON-DuMOULiN, C. A., aud Kerhallet, C. p. de. Dfscrip- tioii Nautique de la Cote N. du Maroc. Par., 1857. - Murray, Mrs. E. Sixteen Years ... in M., etc. 1859. - Richardson, J. Travels in M., etc. 1860. MoNTEFioRE, Sir M. Narrative of a Mission to . . . M., 1863-64. 1S64. 302 Morocco — Mosque to Kingdom. Morocco. — Oliveiea, B. A Visit to the Spanish Camp in M., durins; the late War. Lond., 1865. RoHLFS, G. Tagebuch seiner Eeise durch M. nach Tuat 1864. Gotha, 1865. Beaumier, a. Itine'raire de Mogador a Maroc, etc. Par., 1868. Lambert, P. Notice sur la Ville de Maroc. \_Par. 1868. J RoHLFS, G-. Reise durch Marokko, etc. Bremen, 1868. H.02;an, E. Voyage ... to the Emperour of M., 1577. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Roberts, H. Voyage and Ambassage to MuUy Hamet, Emperor of M., 1585. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Hogan, E. Accoimt of the Embassy to M., 1577. Kerr. Vol. Vil. Roberts, H. Account of the Embassy ... to M., 1585. Kebr. Vol. VII. Lempri^re's Tour to M. Pinkertox. Vol. XV. Morone. — Texore e Gussoni. Viaggio . . . al M., etc. Morrone. — 'See Morone. Moschovia, Moscovia.— >S'ee Russia. Moscow. — Ides, E. Y. Three Years' Travels from M. ... to China, ttc. Lond., 1706. Macmichael, W. Journey from M. to Constantinople, etc. Lo-nd., 1819. Keppel, Hon. G. Personal Narrative of a Journey from India . . . by . . . M., etc. 1827. Straussen, J. J. Reise durch . . . Moskau . . . 1647-1673. Gotha, 1832. ScHNiTZLER, J. H. M. : Tableau statistique, etc. St. Pet., 1834. Abbott, Capt. J. Journey from Heraut to . . . M., etc. 1843. ■ Struve, 0. Determination des Positions Geographiques de . . . M., etc. St. Pet., 1843. Hill, S. S. Travels ... to M. 1854. Horsey, Master J. Voyage over land from M. ... to England, 1584. Hakluyt. Vol I. Jenkinson, A. Voyage from . . . M. ... to Boghar in Bactria, 1558. Hakluyt. Vol. I. Hobbs, G. Travaile from Musco to Spahan, 1620. Purchas. Vol. I. Jenkinson, A. Voyage from . . . M. . . . to . . . Boghar . . . 1558. Purchas. Vol III. Reinbeck, G. Travels . . . through M. ... 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VI. Macmichel, W. Journey from M. to Constantinople, 1817-18. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. I. Moselle.— QuiN, M. J. Steam Voyages on . . . the M., etc. 1843. Mosqueto Kingdom, Mosquito Shore.— 'See Mosquito Territory. Mosquito Territory — M^isardu. 303 Mosquito Territory. — Mosquito, Nicaragua and Costa-rdca. 1850. Bard, S. A. Adventures on the M. Shore. 1857. Mosqueto Kingdom in America, a familiar description of the, etc. Churchill. Vol. VI. Mostar. — Wilkinson, Sir J. G. Dalmatia and Monteuegro, with a Journey to M., etc. 1848. Motimbas. — Of the Provinces of Bongo . . . M., etc. Purchas. Vol. II. Mouab. — Raise von Aden . . . nach M., etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgeraeine Historie, etc. Vol. XI. Moulmein. — McLeod, W. C. Copy of Papers relating to . . . Eoute . . . trom ]\[. to . . . China, etc. Loud., 1869. Mounseradoe, Cape.— i'ee Mesurado. Mourzouk. — See MouRzuK. HoRNEMAN, F. Travels from Cairo to M. ... in 1797-8. 1802. KiCHARDSON, J. Travels in the Great Desert . . . including a de- scription of . . . M. 1848. Mozambique. — Bowditch, T. E. Account of the Discoveries of the Portu- guese in . . . M., etc. 1824. Macleod, J. L. Travels . . . with a Narrative of a Residence in M. I860. Voyage dans . . . I'Afrique. M. Thoman.-Salt. Eyries. Vol. XIV. Prior, J. Voyage ... to M. ... 1813. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. II. Channel. — Barxard, Lieut. A Three Years' Cruize in the M. C, etc. Loud., 1848. NoLLOTH, M. S. Notes during a Cruise in the M. Lond., 1857. Horsey, A. F. R. de. Rentier . . . comprenant les iles du Canal de M., etc. Far., 1866. Muab. — See Mouab. Mukran. — See Mekran. Muneepoor. — Bekghaus, H. Asia . . . Memoir zur P>klarung , . . der reduzirten Karte von . . . Muniper, etc. Ootltu, 1832-35. Munich. — Lamont, .J. Ueber das Magnetische Observatorium der Konigl. Steniwarte bei M. Miinch., 1841. KuHN, C. Ueber das Klima von Miinchen. Miinch., 1854. Muniper. — See Muneepoor. Murau. Germany. Anzeize, etc. Hohenmessungen in der Gegend von M. ... Von Dr. F. Rolle. Muropue. — Cooley, W. D. Inner Africa laid open . . . with the routes to the M., etc. 1852. Murray River. Kinloch, A. The M. R., etc. Adel., 1853. Murzuk. See MouRzuK. Musa Wadi.— See Petba. Musardu. — Anderson, B. Narrative of a Journey to M., etc. N. Y., 1870. 304 Muscat — Naples. Muscat. — Shaik Mansur. History of Seyd Said, Sultan of M., etc. Lond., 1819. MUSCO. — «S'ee Moscow. Muscovia, Muscovy. — See Eussia. Mushed. — See Mesched. Muttra. — LoNGBRiDGE, J. A. The Ilooghly and the M., etc. 1864. Mysore.— Home, Mr. Select Views in ^T., etc. L>or- vations on N. Z. Lond., 1834. New Zealand, The British Colonisation of, etc. 1837. Polack, J. S. N. Z., being a Narrative of Travels, etc. 1838. MooRE, W. Log-Book of the . . . Eliza Scott . . . during her Voyage ... to N. Z., etc. MS. 1838-9. - SwAiNSON, W. Observations on the Climate of N. Z., etc. Loml, 1840. - DiEFFENBACH, E. N. Z. and its Native Population. 1841. - Drury, Capt. Eevised Sailing Directions ... for the N. part of . . . N. Z. Auckl, 1841. - EiTTER, C. The Colonization of N. Z., etc. Lond., 1842. - Terry, C. N. Z. : its advantages, etc. 1842. - Dieffexbach, E. Travels in N. Z., etc. 1843. - SuTTOB, G. The Culture of the Grape- Vine and the Orange in . . . N. Z. 1843. - Wakefield, E. J. Adventure in N. Z., from 1839 to 1844, et<\ 1845. - Wood, J. N. Z. and its Claimants, etc. 1845. - FiTZ-PoY, Rear-Adml. 1\. Remarks on N. Z. 1846. - New Zealand, On the British Colonization of, etc. Lond., 1846. - Power, W. T. Sketches in N. Z., etc. 1849. - Africa. The Lights of . . . N. Z. Corrected to 1849, 51, 52, .".(I, 57, 58, 59. 1849-59. - Australia. Report of . . . Proceedings . . . for . . . cstaMish- ment of Steam Communication with . . . N. Z. 1850. - BoYD, A. St«un to . . . X. Z. 1850. 3 1 6 Neiv Zealand. New Zealand.— India. First Eeport ... on Steam Communications witli ... X. Z. Lond., 1851. Melville, H. The present state of Australia, including . . . N. Z., etc. 1851. Power, W. T. Recollections . . . including Peregrinations in . . . N. Z. Lond., 1853. Taylor, R. Te Ika a Maui, or N. Z. and its inhabitants, etc. Lond., 1855. • Cooper, J. R. N. Z. Settler's Guide, etc. 1857. PusELEY, D. The Rise and Progress of ... N. Z., etc. 1858. Fenton, F. D, Observations on the state of the Aboriginal Inha- bitants of X. Z. Auckl, 1859. Richards, G. H. and Evaxs, J. F. N. Z. Pilot. 1859. Thomson, A. S. Story of N. Z., etc. 1859. New Zealand, Statistics of, for 1853-62 . . . including ... a Census . . . taken Dec. IC, 1861. Auckl, 1859-63. DuNSTERVXLLE, E. The Admiralty List of the Lights of . . . N. Z. Corrected to 1860, 61, 62. ' 1860-62. New Zealand, Papers relating to the Recent Disturbances in, etc. 1861. New Zealand. Census . . . Dec. 1861, etc. Auckl., 1862. Yates, J. On the excess of Water in the Region . . . about N. Z., etc. 1862. Gras, M. a. le. Phares . . . de . . . NouveUe Zelande. Coriiges 1862, 63. Par., 1862, 63. Heywood, B. a. a Vacation Tour . . . through . . . N. Z., etc. 1863. New Zealand Government, The, and the Maori War of 1863-4, with especial reference to the confiscation of Native Lands, etc. 1864. Novara, Frigate. Reise der Osterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde, etc. (Geologischer Theil. Bd. 1. Geologic von Neu-Secland . . . von Dr. F. von JHochstetter.) Wien, 1864. Wilson, J. A. Remarks on Australian and N. Z. Climatolo.v, raithwaite, S. Supplement to Sir J. Ross's second Voyage in search of a N.-W. P. 1835. HuisH, R. The last Voyage of Capt. Sir J. Ross ... for the discovery of the N.-W. P., etc. 1835. Ross, Capt. Sir J. Narrative of a second Vovage in search of a N.-W. P., etc. ' 1835. M'Clure, R. le M. Discovery of the N.-W. P. . . . 1850-54, etc. 1856. OsBOBN, S. Discovery of the N.-W. P. by H. M. S. Investigator, etc. 1856. Armstrong, A. Personal narrative of the discovery of the N.-W. P., etc. 1857. Brown, J. The N.-W. P., etc. 1858. A Sequel to the N.-W. P. I860. - Milton, Viscount, and Cheadle, W. B. The N.-W. P. by Land, etc. Lond., [1865j. - Jame.«?, Capt T. Strange . . . Voyage in his intended discovery of the N.-W. P. . . . in 1631-32, etc. Churchill. Vol. IL - Gatoube, J. Voyage into the N.-W. P. Churchill. Vol. VL - Cabot, S. Voyage ... for the discovery of a N.-W. P. . . , 1497. Hakluyt. Vol. in. - Davis, J. Voyages for the discovery of a N. W. P., 1585-6. Hakluyt. Vol. IH. - Gilbert, Sir H. Discourse to prove a passage by the N. W. to Cataya, etc. Hakluyt. Vol. IIL 326 North- West Passage — Norway. North- West Passage. — Rimdall T. Narratives of Voyages towards the X.W., in seaicli ut a Passage . . . 1496 to 1631, e^c. 1849. Hakluyt boc. Tub. Vol, V. James, Capt, T. Voyage for the discovery of a passage into the South Seas, by the N.-W. . . . 1631-33. Harris, J. Vol. II.. P!iiU)snphical motives for seeking a passage into the South Seas, by the N. W. . . . with the History of the Attempts . . . for . . . 130 years. Harris, J. Vol. II. Frobisher's Three Voyages for the discovery of the N.-W. P., in 1576-78, etc. Pinkerton/ Vol. XII, Abstract of . . . Journall for the Discoverie of the N.-W. P., 1610. Purchas, Vol, III. r>affiu, W. A briefe . , . relation of , , . the tift Voyage, for the discovery of a passage in the N.-W., 1616. Purchas, Vol. III. True Relatioia of , . . the fourth Voyage for . . . the N.-W. P., 1615. PCJRCHAS. Vol. Ill, Cabot, Sir S., and others. Voyages to the N.-AV,, 1497-1583. Purchas. Vol, III. Knight, J. Voyage for the discovery of the N,-W. P., 1606. Purchas, Vol, III. Second Voyage for finding a passage ... by the N.-W., written by H. Hudson, 1608. Purchas. Vol.^III. Weymouth, G. Voyage ... for the discovery of the N.-W. P. . . . 1602. PUBCHAS. Vol. III. Neue Reisen gegen Nordwest ; Weimouth, 1602. — Hudson, 1607-10. —Button, 1612. —Baffin, 1616. — Fox, 1631. — James, 1631, etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol XVII. Keisen der Diinen und Spanier zur Entdeckung einer Fahrt durch Norden ; ^lunk, 1619.— D'Agailar, 1602.— De Fonte, 1640. Voyages and '1'ravels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XVIJ. Reisen gegen Nordwest, etc. Cabot, 1497. — Frobisher, 1579. — Davis, 1585-87. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XVII. The Voj-aue of Captain Thomas James for the discovery of a N.-W. P. . . . 1631. — Ellis, Henry. Voyage for the discovery of a N.-W. P. . . . 1746. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. X, Northern Dwina.— 'S'ee Dwina. Northern Ocean. — See Arctic Ocean. Norvegia. — See Norway. Norway. — Vera, G. di. Tre Navigationi fatte dagli Olandesi e Zelandesi, . . . nella Norvegia, etc. Venet, 1599. PoNTOPPiDAN, Bp. E. Natural History of N., etc. 1755. Mumsen, J. Reise nach Norwegen im 1788. Hamh., 1789. Brooke, Sir A, de C, Bart. Travels through . . . N., etc. 1823. Forsell, C. Sverige och Norwege eller Skandinavien. Stock., 1826. Wilson, W. E. Travels in N., etc. Lond., 1826. Norway. 327 Norway. — Everest, R. A Journey through N., etc. Lond., 1829. Elliott, C. B. Letters from . . . N., etc. 1832. Barrow, J. Excursions in . . . N., etc. 1834. • Faye, a. Udtog af Norges Riges Historie. Christ., 1834. Price, E. N. Views . . . and Journal. 1834. Inglis, H. D. a Personal Narrative of a Journey through N., etc. Lond., 1835. Clarke, E. D. Travels in . . , N., etc. 1838. Bremner, R. Excursions in . . . N., etc. 1840. MiLFORD, J. X., and her Laplanders, in 1841, etc. Lcmd., 1842. Norway, Statistiske Taheller vedkommende AnderviisningsvEesenets Tilstand i Norge . . . 18-iO. Christ., 1843. ToExnE, M. B. Norges Statistik. Christ, 1848. RoAS, AV. A. Yacht Voyage to N., etc. 1849. RoQUETTE, M. DE LA. Norvfege. Extrait, etc. Par., 1849. Munch, P. A. Symbolse ad Historiam Antiquiorem rerum Norvegi- carum. Christ., 1850. Laing. S. Journal of a Residence in N. during 1834-36. 1851. Pfeipfer, J. Journey to Iceland, and Travels in . . . N., etc. 1852. Forbes, J. D. N. and its Glaciers, etc. Edin., 1853. Norway. Beretning om Kongeriget Norges okonomiske Tilstand. Christ, 1853-58. Forester, T. Rambles in N., etc. 1855. BuNBURY, S. A. A Summer in . . . N., etc. 1856. Metcalfe, F. Oxonian in N. 1856. NosWAY. Statistiske Tabeller for Kongeriget N., etc. Christ., 1856-59. Brace, C. L. The Norse-Folk ; a visit to . . . N., etc. 1857. HoRBYE, J. C. Observations sur les Phenomenes d'Erosion eu Norvege. Christ., 1857. Norway and Sweden, A Long Vacation Ramble in, by X. and Y. Camb., 1857. ScHUBELER, F. C. Uebcr die geographiscbe Verbreitung der Obst- baume ... in Norwegen. Hamb., 1857. —. Helmersex, G. von. Geologische Bemerkungen auf einer Reise in . . . N. St Pet., 1858. Metcalfe, F. Oxonian in Thelemarken, or Notes of Travel in S.W.n N. 1858. ■ MuRCHisoN, Sir R. L The Silurian Rocks and Fossils of N., etc. 1858. Taylor, B. Northern Travel . . . Pictures of ... N. 1858. Sars, M. and Kjerulf, T. Jagttagelser over den Postpliocene eller Glaciale Formation i en del af det sydlige Norge. Christ, 1860. 328 Norway — Norway^ Coast of . Norway. — Vibe, A. Hoidemaalinger i Norge fra Aar 1774 til 1860. Chrht., 1860. Statistical Tables. S. T. Part VII. . . . N., etc. 1861. ScHUBELEK, F. C. Synopsis of the Vegetable Products of K, etc. Christ., 1862. HoLMBOE, C. A. Norske Vagtlodder fra Fjortende Aarhundrede. Christ, 1863. Sars, G. 0. Xorges Ferskvandskrebsdyr, etc. Christ., 1865. Kjerulf, T. The Terraces of X., etc. Lond., 1870. MoHN, H. Institut Meteorologique de Norvege. Temperature de la Mer entre ITslande . . . et la Norvege. Christ., 1870. Malgr), King. Voyage to . . . N., 580. Hakluyt. Vol. I. Octher. Voyage to the N. parts beyond N., about 890. Hakluyt. Vol. T. A Voyage . . . containing an Account of . . . N., etc. Harris, J. Vol. 11. Qiiirini, P. Voyage . . . into N., 1431. Kerb. Vol.1. • Nowel, T. Travels in ... N. ... in 1801. Pelham. Vol. II. CoS(;\-> Travels in N. Pes'kerton. Vol. VI. Ancient Commerce betwixt England and N., etc. Purchas. Vol. III. Qniriuo, P. Shipwracke of, on the Coast of N., 1431. Purchas. Vol. III. ■ Veer, G. de. Voyages of W. Barents . . . behind N. . . . 1594-96. Purchas. Vol. III. Xavigationi fatte da gli Olandesi . . . nella Noruegia . . . 1594- 97. Kamusio. Vol. III. Schouteu, G. Reisen nach . . . Norwegen, 1658-65. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc.. Vol. XII. Uallberg, Barou Von. Sentimental Sketches, written during a Journey through . . . N., about 1820. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. V. Pontoppidon, E, The Xatural History of N. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. XX. , Coast of. — Kerguelen Tremarec, M. de. Eelation d'uue Voyage . . . aux. Cotes . . . de Xorwege, etc. Par., 1771. Norway. Beskrivelse tel Kaartet over den Norske Kyst. Christ., 1835-59. Belgium. Belccian . . . and Norwegian Lighthouses, cor- rected to 1843, 51, 54, 57-59. 1843-59. Norway Pilot. Part I. From the Naze to the Kattegat, etc. 1854. Long, Baron de. Pilote Norvegien, etc. Par., 1858. M'Dougall, G. F. Directions . . . including a description of . . . the Coast of N., etc. 1858. Dunsterville, E. The Admiralty List of the . . . Nor- wegian Lights. Corrected to 1860. 1860. Norway^ Coast of — Nova Scotia. 329 Norway, Coast of. — Norie, J. W. Guide du Marin . . . sur les Cotes ouest de Ncirwege, etc. Par., 1863. Thoyox, M. Eenseignements sur quelques Moniliases de la Cote . . . de Norvege. Par., 1865. Norwegian Pilot. Den Norske Lods, etc. Erist., 1867-68. Norw^ge. — See Norwat, Norwood. — Weatherhead, G. H. An Account of the Beulah Saline Spa at N., etc. 1832. Nossi-Be. — Jehense, Capit. Sur N.-B., etc. Par., 1847. Nossi-Mitsiou. — Jehenxe, Capit. Sur . . . N.-M., etc. Par., 1847. Nouka-Hiva, Islands. — See Marquesas Islands. Nouveau Continent, Nouveau Monde.— .See America. Nouvelle-Ecosse. — See I^ova Scotia. Nouvelle-France — 5'ee Canada. — Galles Meridionale.— -See New South "Wales. Nova Britannia.— AS'ee New Britain. Francia.— See Canada. Scotia. — Nova Scotia. Copies of Communications ... on the subject of the Shubenaccadie in N. S. 1830. r>ANisTER, J. W. On Emigration to ... N. S., etc. 1831. BoucHETTE, J. The Briiirih dominions in N. America . . . a . . . description of ... N. S., etc. 1832. New Brunswick. Report of the Directors of the New Brunswick and N. S. Land Company. Land., 1832. Lyell, Sir C. Travels . . . with Geological Observations on . . . N. S. 1845. PuRDY, J. and FiNDLAY, A. G. British American Navigator. Sailing Directory for . . . N, S., etc. 1847. PooLE, H. On the Meteorology of the Albion Mines, N. S. 1854. Bayfield, Admiral H. W. N. S. Pilot . . . including Halifax Harbour. 1856. Maritime Positions ... on the S. Coast of N. S., etc. 1857. N. S. Pilot . . . including Sable Island. I860. — ■- Gras, M. a. le. Routier . . . de la Nouvelle-Ecosse. Par., 186L Outram, J. A Hand Book of Information for Emigrants to N. S. Halifax, 1864. Heatherington, a. a Practical Guide for . . . the Gold Fields of N. S. Montreal, 1868, Brown, R. A History of the. . . Discovery . . . of . . . N.S., etc. Lond., 1869. Heatherington, A. 1860-1869. The Gold Yield of N. S. Lond., 1870. 33 o Nova Scotia — N^ibia. Nova Scotia. — The King's Patent ... for the plantation of N. S. . . . 1(J02-'J. PURCHAS. Vol. IV. Semlia. — S'ee Nova Zembla. Zembla. — Vera, G. di. Tre Navigation! fatte dagli Olandesi . . . doue scopersero ... la Nuova Z., etc, Venet., 1599. Baer, K. E. von. Expedition a Novaia Zemlia, etc. ist. ret., 1837, 38. Ueber das Klima von Nowaja-Semlja, etc. St. Pet., 1857. A^'eer, G. de. True Description of three Voyages ... by the Dutch in 1 594-96 ; with their . . . residence of ten months in Novaya Zemlva. . . . Edited by C. T. Beke. 1853. Hakluyt See. Pub. V(.l. XIII. ■ History of . . . N. Z. 1585-1746. Harbis. J. Vol. II. ■ A Voyage . . . containing an Account of . . . Z., etc. Harris, J. Vol. II. Islande . . . Nouvelle-Zemble . . . Climat, mineraux, animaux. Laharpe, J. Vol. XVI. '1 bird Voyage toward N. Z. ... 1609, etc. Purchas. Vol.111. Navigationi fatti da gli Olandesi . . . dove scopersero . . . la N. Z. . . . 15^94-97. Ramusio. Vol III. • Flawes, W. Journal of a Voyage from N. Z. to England. Voyages. Account of several late, etc. Von dem Russischen Neulande oder Nova Semlia. Voyages and Travels, Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XIX. Novaia Zemlia. — Novaya Zemlya.— ^ee Nova Zembla. Novogorod. — Struve, 0. Determination des Positions Geographiques de N., etc. St. Fet., 1843. Southam, T. and Sparke, J. Voyage . . . from Colmogro to N. ... 1566. Hakluyt. Vol. I. Novogrod. — See Novogorod. Nowaja-Semlja.— See Nova Zembla. Nubia. — Norden, F. L. Travels in Egypt and N., etc. 1757. Light, H. Travels in ... N. ... 1814. Lond., 1818. BuRCKHARDT, J. L. Travels in N. 1819. Belzoni, G. Narrative of . . . Operations . . . in . . . N., etc. 1822. Irbv, Hon. C. L. and Mangles, J. Travels in ... N. ... 1.S17 and 1818. 1823. Henniker, Sir F. Notes during a Visit to . . . N., etc. 1824. Madden, R. R. Travels in . . . N., etc. 1829. RtJppEL, E. Reisen in Nubien, etc. 1829. GrIberg, Count J. Tableau . . . de la Nubie, etc. Oennaio, 1830. Ru88ELL, Bp. M. N. and Abyssinia, etc. Edin., 1832. Nubia— Ob, River. 331 Nubia.— BoUKCHiER, W. Narrative of . . . Journeys across the N.n Desert, etc. 1834. jMadox, J. Excursions in . . . N., etc. 1834. RoMEB, Mrs. Pilgrimage to . . . N., etc. 1846. Peel, W. A Ride through the N.n Desert. 1852. l^'gypte. Nubie. Eyries. Vol. XIV. Burckhardt, M. Some Account of the Travels of, in . . . N., etc. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. II. Nueva Espanna.— /See Mexico. Nueva Galicia. — Espejo, A. pe. Voyage from the Valley of S. Bartholo- mew, in N. G., to New Mexico, 1582. Hakluyt. Vol. Til. Ulloa, F. de. Vovage by the Coasts of New G. . . . into the Gulte of California . ." . 1539. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Vasquez de Coronado, F. Voyage from N. G. to Cibola . . . 1540. EJakltjyt. Vol. III. Nunf'z, K. Relatione . . . della N. G., 1527-36. Ramdsio. Vol. III. Numidia. — Davis, N. Ruined Cities within N.n . . . Territories. Lond., 1862. • Of iEgypt . . . N. ... and of their Religions. Purchas. Vol. V. Nuneham. — Oxford University and City Guide : to which is added a descriiition of . . . N., etc. Oxf., 1831. Nuova Spagna.— ^See Mexico. Nuremberg. — Mainbeegeb, C. Une Semaine a N., etc. Ntir., 1838. Mayer, F. Niimberg im neunzehnten Jahrhundert, etc. Numb., 1843. Nyassa, Lake. — Cooley, W. D. Inner Africa laid open . . . with the routes to . . . Lake N., etc. 1852. IjIvingstone, D. and C. Narrative ... of the discovery of the Lakes Shirwa and N., etc. Lond., 1865. o. Oasis. — HoRXEMANN, F. Vovage . . . augmente . . . d'uu Memoire sur les 0. . . . par L. Langl^s. Par., 1803. Henniker, Sir F. Notes during a Visit to . . . the 0., etc. 1824. Rennell, J. The Geographical System of Herodotus examined . . . with dissertations on . . . the ()., etc. 1830. Richardson, J. Travels in the Great Desert . . . including a de.-*cription of the 0., etc. 1848. , Western.— »9ee Dakhel. Oatakamund. — Mwnan, R. Notes . . . including an account of the topograpiiy of ()., etc. Bombay, 1834. Oaxaca. — Gage, T. Survey of the Spanish West Indies . . . Also . . . .lourney through Guaxaca, etc. 1702. Ob, River. — Burrough, S. Voyage towards the River of 0. . . . 1556. Hakluyt. Vol. I. 332 Ob ^ River — Ogdcnsburgh. Ob, River.— Voyage to Sibier and the River 0. ... in a letter written to Gerardus Mercator, Hakluyt. Vol. I. Cherry, F., and Lyndes, T. Report, touching a warme Sea to the S.-E. of the River 0. Puechas. Voh III. Description of . . . Catay . . . and of the great river O. Puechas. Vol. III. Marsh, A. Notes concerning the discovery of the River of 0., 1584, etc. PuRCHAS. Vol. III. Pursglove, W. Travell from Pechora ... to the River 0., etc. Puechas. Vul. III. Ob^id, El. — See LoBEiD. Oberkrain. — See Carniola, Upper. Oberwolz.— Germany. Anzeige, eifc— Hohenmessungen in der Gegend von . . . O. . . . Von Dr.^F. RoUe. Obi.— Logan, J. R. The Rocks of Pulo Ubin, etc. Singapore, 1846. Oceania.— RiENZi, G. L. D. de. Ocdanie . . . Revue geographique, etc. Par., 1836. EicHTHAL, G. d'. M^moire sur I'histoire primitive des Races Oceanieunes, etc. Par., 1843. Lopes de Lima, J. J. Ensaios sobre a Statistica dos Possessoes Portuguezas . . . na 0., etc. Lisboa, 1844-62. EicHTHAL, G. d'. Etudes sur I'histoire primitive des Races Oceaniennes, .tc. Par., 1845. FoY, R, Renseignements Nautiques sur quelques Ports de I'Oceanie, etc. Par., 1866. Valbez, F. T. Da 0. a Lisboa viagem. Bio de Ja?i.,1866. Johnston, A. K. Atlas of the British Empire in . . . 0. . . . with . . . ktterpress. Min. and Lond., [1870]. Ocha, Mount. — Hawkins, Mr. An Account of the discovery of a very autient Temple on Mount 0., etc. Walpole, R. Travels, etc. Oche, Mount. — See Ocha, Ochozk. — See Okhotsk. Ochus. — See Tedzen. Odense. — Simonsen, Vedel. Bidrag til 0. Byes Aeldre Historie. Odense, 1842. Odessa. — Koch, C. Crimea and 0., etc. 1855. Oesterreichische Monarchie.— 6Ve Austria. Oetscber. — Schmidl, A. A. Die Hohlen des O. Wien, 1857. Oetzthal. — Geemany. Anzeige, etc. — Das O.er Eisgebiet. Von K. Sonklar. Sonklae, C. a. von. Die O.er Gebirgsgruppe, etc. Ootha, I860. SoNKLAR, K. von. Die O.er Gebirgsgruppe, etc. Gotha, 1861. Ogdensburgh. — Peters, C. H. F. Report on the Longitude and Latitude of 0. 1865. Oggersheim — Ontario^ Lake. ^iZ?) Oggersheim. — Speyer. Bcricht und Vollstiindiges Messungs- Protocoll, sammt alien Berechnnngen iibcr die im Jahre 1819 zwischen Speyer und 0. gemessene Grund-Linie. MS. 1819. Ohio. — Bradbury, J. Travels in . . . 0., etc. Liver., 1817. Peck, J. M. Guide for Emigrants to . . . 0., etc. Bost., 1836. Mather, W. Second Annual Report on the Geological Survey of ... 0. Columbus, 1838. Miclmux, F. A. Travels . . . in . . . O. . . . 1802. Yotages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. I. River. — Cummings, S. The Western Pilot, containing Charts of ihe 0., etc. Cincin., 1840. Perrin Du Lac. Travels . . . along the 0. . . . 1801-3. ■■& Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VI. Ashe, T. Travels . . . 1806, for . . . exploring the . . . 0., etc. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. X. Ohosaka. — See Osacca. Okavango, River.— Andersson, C. J. The 0. River, etc. 1861. Okhotsk. — Erman, A. Ueber Ebbe und Fluth an den Ochozker und Kamtscbatkischen Kiisten des Grossen Oceans. 1845. — , Sea of. — MoNTRAVEL, M. L. de Tardy de. Instructions . . . sur la Mer . . . d'O. Par., 1857. Gras, M. a. le. Renseignements hydrographiques sur . . . la Mer d'O. Par., 1859. Okotsk, Sea of. See Okhotsk. Olancho. — Wells. W. V. Explorations and Adventures in . . . the Gold Regions of 0., etc. N. Y., 1857. Olasz Nemzet. — See Italy. Olinchy. — Macaulay, H. Directions for entering the Harbour of 0., ttc. Dalrymple, a. Collection of Nautical Memoirs, etc. Olympus, Mount.— TozER, H. F. Researches . . . including Visits to Mounts . . . 0., etc. Land., 1869. Oman, Gulf of.— Constable, G. C, and Stiffe, A. W. La Pilote du Golfo Persique, comprenant le Golfe d'Omman, etc. Par., 1866. Omderman.— Marno, E. Von Dabbeh nach 0., etc. Wien, [1870.] Omman.— -See Oman. Onega, — M'Dougall, G. F. Directions for . . . the White Sea, including • . . O., etc. 1858. Onondaga. — Bartram, J, Observations on . . . 0., etc. 1751. Geddes, G. Report on . . . 0., etc. Albany, I860. Ontario, Lake.— Bartram, J. Observations on . . . Lake 0., etc. 1751. Long, J. Voyas^es and Travels . . . with an account oi the Posts situated on . . . Lake 0., etc. Lond., 1791. Canada. Estimates of the Expense of . . . Water Com- munications . . . from Lake Erie to Lake O. 1828. 334 Ontario^ Lake — Oregon. Ontario, Lake. — Graham, J. D. Report on the Improvement of the Harbours of Lakes . . . O., etc. TFos^., I860. , Province of. — Carling, J. Dominion of Canada. Emigration to the rrovince of 0. Tom?i!(o,''l869. Oormiah. — ^ee Urumiyah. Ooroomeyah. — Bee Urumiyah. Oosooree. — /See Ousotjri. Ophir. — Joctans i^osteritie seated in the E. parts of Asia, amongst them O. . . . where . . . now is . . . Pegu, etc. Pttrchas. ^'ol. I. Of the Gold, Silver, Gemmes . . . which Salomon's Fleet brought from 0. PuRCHAS. Vol. I. Of 0., divers opinions weighed and censured, etc. Purcras. Yol. T. Probable conjectures of the Course taken in the Ophirian Voyage, etc. PuRCHAS. Vol. I. Salomons, King. Navie sent from Eziongeber to 0., etc. Purciias. Vol. I. Ophrynium. — Calvert, F. Contributions to . . . Ancient Geogi-aphy . . . Investigations relative to . . . 0., etc. 1861. Oran. — Comelin, F. P. de la Motte, and Bernard, J. Voyage to Bar- bary . . . with . . . exact draughts of . . . 0., etc. Bttgeaud, M. Memoire sur notre Etablissement dans la Province d'O., etc. Par., 1838. MoRiciERE et Bedeau. Projets de Colonisation pour les Provinces d'O. ct de Constautine. Par., 1847. Orange River. — Holden, W. C. Historv of . . . the O.-R, SoverelL'ntv, etc. ' 1855. Orcades. — See Orkney Islands. Oreb. — -See Horeb. Orebro. — Topografiska och Statistiska Uppsiifter om Liin. Stock},., 1844. Erdmann, a. Beskrifning ofver Dalkarlsbergs Jernmalmsfiilt uti . . . O Lan. Stockh., 1858. Oregon.— Gushing, Mr. Territory of 0. Report, etc. Wash., 1839. Greenhow, R. The History of 0, etc. Post., U. S., 1844. MoFRAS, DuFLOT DE. Exploration da Territoire de TO., etc. Par., 1844. Falconer, D. The 0. Question, etc. 1845. Fremont, J. C. Rej ort of the Exploring Expedition to . . . <>. ... in 1843-4. ' ^rash., 1845. Sturgis, W. The 0. Question. Post., 1845. Oregon Question. The 0. Question, etc. loud., 1845-46. — NicoLAY, C. (i. The 0. Territory, etc. Lond., 1846. Wallace, E. J. The O. Question determined, etc. 1846. Coke, Hon. H. J. A Ride ... to 0., etc. 1852. Fremont, J. C. Life . . . and Adventuies in . . . ()., etc. y. r., 1856. Orenherg — Or muz. 335 Orenberg. — Metendorff, Baron G. de. Voyage d' 0. a Boukara . . . 1820, etc. Fur., 1826. JouKOVSKY, J. Eeview of remarkable events in the Province of 0. Russ. St. Pet., 1832. Meyendorff, Baron G. de. Journey of the Russian Mission from 0. to Bokhara, etc. Madras, 1840. • Berdmore, S. Eeport on the Inzer Estate, situate in the Govern- ment of 0., etc Lond., 1865. Orenbourg, Orenburg.— See Orenberg. Ordnoque. — See Orinoco. Orfah. — Notice sur la Carte generale des Paschaliks de . . . Orsa, etc. Voyages and Travels. Eecueil, etc. Vol. II. Organ Mountains. — Hinchliff, T. W. South American Sketches, or a Visit to . . . the O. M., etc. 1863. Orient. — See East. Orinoco, River. — Hippisley, G. Narrative of the Expedition to the O., etc. 1819. Robinson, J. H, Journal of an Expedition 1400 miles up the 0., etc. 1822. Humboldt, A. von. Tableaux de la Nature . . . les Cataractes de I'Orenoque, etc. Par., 1828. Michelena y Eojas, F. Exploracion Oficial . . . del 0., etc. Bruselas, 1867. Appun, C. F. Unter den Tropen. Wanderungen ... am 0., etc. Jena, mil. Barbot, J. Description of the . . . Oronoque, etc. Churchill. Vol. V. Robinson, J. H. Voyage h, I'Orenoque, 1818-19. Eyries. Vol. IX. Sparrey, F. Description of . . . the . . . 0., 1G02. PURCHAS. Vol. IV. Reisen auf dem 0., etc. Voyages and Travels. Allge- meine Historic, etc. "Vol. XVI. Orissa. — Sterling, A. An Account ... of 0. Proper, or Cuttack, etc. See also Khondistan. Orkney Islands. — Kerguelen Trkmarec, M. de. Relation d'nne A'oyage . . . aux Cotes . . . des Orcades, etc. Par., 1771. Gorrie, D. Summers and Winters in the O.s, Lond., 1868. Orkney Islands. Handbook to the 0. I, Kirkwall [1868 1. Malgo, King. Voyage to . . . 0. . . . 517. Hakluyt. Vol I. Brand's Description of the 0., etc. Piskebton. Vol. III. Ormus. — See Ormuz. Ormuz. — Fitch, R. The long . . . voyage of ... to 0., etc. 1583-1591. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Relation of the War of 0. . . . 1622. Kerr. Vol. IX. Fitch, 1!. Voyage to O. . . . 1583-91. 1'urchas. Vol. 11. 336 Or muz — Ottawa . Onnuz. — Monoxe, E. Journal of the late 0. business. Purchas. Vol. II. Newbery, J. Letters relating to his . . . last Voyage into . . . 0., 1583. Purchas. Vol. 11. Newberie, J. Two Voyages. One . . . to . . . O. . . . 1580- 82. PUKCHAS. Vol. II. Pinder, W. Eelation of 0. businesse, 1620-21. Purchas. Vol. IT. Eelation of the Kings of 0., etc. Purchas. Vol. II. Pielation of 0., and of the late taking thereof, etc. Purchas. Vol. II. Wilson, T. Letter . . . containing many particulars of the 0. Warre, etc. Purchas. Vol. II. Oronoque, River.— See Orinoco. Oropia — Finlay, G. Piemarks on llie Topoi^raphy of 0. and Diacria. Athens, 1838. Orosz Nemzet. — See Piussia. Orpha. — 'S'ee Orfah. Orrhai. — See Orfah. Orsa. — See Orfah. Orua, Oruba. — See Aruba. Osacca. — Kampfers, E. Eeise nach . . . 0., e^c. 1690-91. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XI. , Gulf of. — CoREA. Description Hydrographique . . . du Golfe d'O., etc. Far., 1861. Osacka, Osaka.— See Osacca. Osero. — PoRTis, A. Travels ... to wliich are added . . . Observations on . . . O., etc. Lond., 1778. Osmanen-Reicli.- See Turkey. Ost-See.— See Baltic Sea. Ostiaks. — Besondere Nachricht von deu Ostiaken. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XIX. Oswego. — Bartram, J. Observations on . . . 0., etc. 1751. Otagiti, — See Tahiti. Otago. — Thomson, J. T. Sketch of the Province of 0. Dunedin, N. Z., 1858- LiNDSAV, W. L. On the Geology of the Gold-Fields of O., etc. 1862. Otaheite. — See Tahiti. OtrantO. — Casotti, F. Delia ricchezza pubblica o privata della Terra d'O., etc. Nap., 1861. Ottawa. — Canada Estimates of the Expense of . . . Water Communi- catious . . . between Montreal and the O., etc. 1828. Ottawa, tlie future Cai>ital of Canada, etc. Lond., 1858. Canada, Upper. Remarks . . . containing a description of . . . O. 'i'crrilory. Quebec, 1861. Oltazua, River — Pacific Ocean. 2)^1 Ottawa, River. — Logan, Sir W. E. Plans of various Lakes and liivers between Lake Huron and the . . . O., etc. Toronto, 1857. Ottoman Empire.— See Turkey. Otuquis. — Bach, M. Descripcion . . . de 0., etc Buen. Aires, 1843. Kerst, S. G. Die Plata-Staaten und die Wichtigkeit der Provinz 0., etc. Berl, 1854. Ouachita. — See Washita. Ouad§,y. — See Wadat. Oude.— Sleeman, Sib W. H. Joui-ney tbruugh ... O. in 1849-50, etc. 1858. Rees, L. E. p.. 0., its Past and its Future. 1859. Ougoria. — Pursglove, W. Travell from Pechora to . . . 0,, etc. Pubchas. Vol. IIL Ouolofs. — See Jalofs. Ousouri. — Maack, R. Journey along the Valley of the Usuri. Buss. St. Bet., 1861. Ouze, River.— Rennie, Sir J. River 0. Outfall Improvement. Bond. [1839.J Overijssel. — See Overyssel. Overyssel. — Laet, J. de. Belgii Confoederati Respublica : seu . . . Trans- isal. . , . descrij^tio. Lugd. Bat., 1630. Owhyhee. — See Hawaii. Oxford. — Oxford University and City Guide, etc. Oxf., 1831. OXUS. — Wood, J. Personal Narrative of a Journey to the Source of the River 0., etc. 1841. ZiMMERMANN, C. Dcnkschrift iiber den untern Lauf des (\ zum Karabugas Haff, etc. BerL, 1845. P. Pacific Ocean. — IvTavarette, M. F. de. Examination . . . and Notices of the princijial Expeditions ... in search ... of a communication between the Atlantic Oct an and the South Sea. IIS. Bort. Hawkins, Sir R. The Observations of, in his Voyage to the South Sea, 1593. ' 1622. Sharp, Capt. B. and others. Voyages and Adventures in the South Sea, etc. 1684. South Seas. A View of the Coasts, Countries, and Islands within the limits of the South-Sea Company, etc. 1711. Frezier, M. Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux Cotes de • Chili . . . 1712-14. Amst., 1717. Herrera, A. de. Uistoria iieneral de los hcchos de los CastcUanos en las Islas y Tierra Fiime del Mar Oceano. Madr., 1730. Frezier, M. Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux Cotes du Chily . . . 1712-14, itc. Bur., 1732. Z ^^^ Pacific Ocean. Pacific Ocean. — James, T. The dangerous Voyage of, in his intended Discovery of a N.-W. Passage into the South Sea, etc. 1740. DoBBS, A. Eemarks upon Capt. Middleton's . . . Voyage for dis- covering a passage from Hudson's Bay to the South Seas, etc. 1744. ■ FoKSTER, J. R. and G. Characteres Generum Plantarum, qaas in itinere ad insulas Maris Australis coUegerunt, etc. 1776. Ceozet, M. Journaux de Nouveau Voyage a la Mer du Sud, etc. Par., 1783. Cook, Capt. J. and King, J. Voyage to the P. 0. ... 1776-80. 1784. CoLNETT, J. Voyage . . . into the P. 0., etc. 1798. Mackenzie, A. Voyages ... to the Frozen and P. Oceans, in 1789 and 1793, etc. 1801. Saktchef, Capt. Voyages along the . . . Arctic and P. 0. . . . 1785 to 1793. Buss. ^ St. Pet., 1802. Burnet, J. Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea or P. 0. 1803-17. Humboldt, A von. and Bonpland, A. Piecueil d'Observations de Zoologie . . . faites . . . dans la Mer du Sud, en 1799-1803. 1811. Lewis, and Clarke, Capts. Travels ... to the P. 0. in 1804-6. 1814. ■ Travels ... to the P. 0., in 1804-6. 1815. - Kotzebue, 0. VON. A Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea . . . 1815-1818, etc. Land., 1821. - Krusenstern, a. J. DE. Eecueil de Me'moires . . . pour servir d'exphcation a I'Atlas de I'Ocean Pacifique. St. Pet., 1824-27. - Pitman, R. B. On the Practicability of joining the Atlantic and P. Oceans by a Ship Canal, etc. 1825. - Dillon, P. Narrative . . . of a Voyage to the South Seas, etc. 1829. - Maw, H. L. Journal of a Passage from the P. to the Atlantic, etc. 1829. - Beechey, F. W. Narrative of a Voyage to the P., etc. 1831. - Drake, Sir F. Lives and Voyages of Drake . . . and Dam]iier : including . . . earlier Discoveries in the South Sea, etc. Edin., 1831. - Morrell, B. Narrative of Four Voyages to the ... P. 0., etc. N. Y., 1832. - Pacific Ocean. Three Years in the P., etc. 1835. - Circumnavigation of the Globe . . . and progress of Discovery in the P. O., etc. Edin., 1836. - Pacific Steam Navigation Comj)any, Plan of the intended operations of the. Qlas(j., 1836. - Steam Navigation, Documents relating to. Lima, 1836. - Reynolds, J. N. Address on the subject of a Surveying . . . Expedition to the P. 0., etc. N. Y., 1836. - Fairbaien, H. a Letter ... on the , . . advantages of a Steam Passage to the East Indies, by . . . the P. 0., etc. 1837. Pacific Ocean. 339 Pacific Ocean. — Scarlett, Hon. P. C. South America and the P., dc. 1838. Wheelwright, W. Statements and Documents relative to the Establishment of Steam Navigation in the P., etc. 1838. Mercer, Hon. C. F. Eeporton the . . . connection of the Atlantic and P. Oceans by , . . Lake Kicaiagua, etc. Wa&li., 1839. - Wheeler, D. Extracts from the Letters and Journals of ... in . . . some of the Islands of the P. 0., etc. 1839. - Angelis, p. de. Historical sketch of Pepys' Island in the S. P. O. Buen. Aires, 1842. - Pendleton, N. G. On Military Posts from Council Bluffs to the P. 0. Wash., 1842. - Beechet, F. W. Voyage . . . towards the North Pole . . . 1818 ; with a summary of . . . early attempts to reach the P., etc. 1843. - Wheelwright, W. Eeport on Steam Navigation in the P., etc. 1843. - Meinicke, C. E. Die Siidseevolker und das Christenthum, etc. Prenzlau, 1844. - Erman, a. Ueber Ebbe und Fluth an den Ochozker und Kamt- schatkischen Kiisten des Grossen Oceans. 1845. - MoRO, G. Eeport of the Communication between the Atlantic and P. Oceans through the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. 1845. - MoRO, G. Communication between the Atlantic and P. Oceans through . . . Tehuantepec. Additional Observations, etc. 1845. - Garay, J. DE. An Account of . . . Tehuantepec . . . with pro- posals for ... a communication between the Atlantic and P., etc. 1846. - Hale, H. Migrations in the P. 0., etc. 1846. - CotXLTiER, J. Adventures in the P., etc. Dubl., 1847. - Melville, H. Omoo : a narrative of adventures in the S. Seas. 1847. - Carmichael-Smyth, E. On . . . the construction of a . . . Railway between the Atlantic and the P., etc. 1849. - LiOT, W. B. Panama . . . Considerations upon the . . . Com- munication between the Atlantic and P. Oceans. 1849. - EocKWELL, J. A. Eeport on Canal and Eailway Eoutes between the Atlantic and P., etc. Wash., 1849. - AValpole, Hon. F. Four Years in the P. . . . 1844-48. 1849. - Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Official Eeport ... on the com- munications between the Atlantic and P., etc. Wash., 1850. - Cheever, H. T. Life in the Sandwich Islands ; or the Heart of the P., etc. 1851. - DouLL, A. Employment . . . for the IMillion, based upion . . . Eailway Communication from the Atlantic to the P., etc. Land., 1851. - Findlay, a. G. Directory for the Navigation of the P. 0., etc. Lonz., 1820. Pannco. — Hortop, J. Travels to the North of P., 1586. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Philips, M. Voyage, 1568, a little to the north of P., etc. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Papal States. — See States of the Church. Papua, Papue.— &e New Guinea. Paquin.— /See Peking. Para. — Smyth, W. and Lowe, F. Narrative of a Journey from Lima to P., etc. 1836. Fonseca, J. G. da. Navegagao feita da Cidade do Gram Para, ate' a Bocca do Rio da Madeira, 1749. Portugal. CoUecfao de Noticias, etc. Vol. IV. Roteiro da Viagem da ... P. ate a's ultimas Colonias dos Dominios Portuguezes em os Rios Amazonas e Negro. Portugal. Colle9ao de Noticias, etc. Vol. VI. Par^, River. — Lane, J. C. Report of the Surveys of the ... P., etc. N. Y., 1856. Paraba, River. — Schnirdel, H. Travels, from 1534-54 . . . Expedition up the ... P., etc. Purchas. Vol. IV. Parabol, River.— /See Paraba. Parsetonium. — Scholz, J. M. A. Travels in the Countries between Alex- andi ia and P., etc. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819, etc. Vol. VIIL Paraguay. — Paraguay. Descripciou de la Provincia del P.-Conquisia. MS. Charlevoix, Father. The History of P., etc. Dublin, 1769. AzARA, F. de. Apuntamieutos para la historia natural . . . del P., etc. Mad., 1802. Davie, J. C. Letters from P., etc. 1805. AzARA, F. UE. Voyages . . . contenant la description . . . du P., etc. Par., 1809. DoBRiznoi-'FKR, M. Account of the Abi])oues, an Equestrian Peo])le of P., etc. 1822. Paraguay — Paris. 349 Paraguay. — Renggeb and Longchamps. The Reign of Dr. J. G. R. rle Fmiicia in P., etc. 1827. RoBEBTsoN, J. p. and W. P. Letters on P., etc. 1838. Mansfield, C. B. P. ... in 1852-53, etc. Camh., 1856. Page, T. J. La Plata . . . and P., etc. N. Y., 1859. Demersay, L. a. Histoire physique . . . du P., etc. Par., 1860. Graty, a. M. dtj. La Re'publique du P. Brux., 1862. QuENTiN, C. An Account of P., etc. Lond., 1865. Paraguay. La Guerra del P. Buen. A., 1867. Hutchinson, T. J. The Paiand; with incidents of the P.n War, etc. Lond., 1868. Thompson, G. The War in P., etc. Lond., 1869. Sepp, F. F. A. and Behme, A. Account of a voyage from Spain to Paraquaria. Churchill. Vol. IV. Techo, F. N. del. History of . . . P., etc. Churchill. Vol. IV. Dalrymple, A. Catalogue of Authors ... on ... P., etc. Dal- eymple, a. Collection of Nautical Memoirs, etc. Powell, D. The Republic of P. Galton, F. Vacation Tourists ... in 1862-3. Parahiba.— SiLVA Coutinho, J. M. de. Annexo P. . . . (Relatorio sohre a exploracao dos valles do P. e Pomha . . . pelos engenheiros J. e F. Keller, 1864.) [1865.] Paramaribo. — Surinam. Dagverhaal van eene Reis naar P., etc. Amst., 1842. Waller, J. A. Voyage in the West Indies . . . with some notices . . . relative to ... P. ... 1807. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. IlL Parana. — Wheelwright, W. Introductory Remarks ... P. and Cordova liailway, Report, etc. 1861. Techo, F. N. del. History of . . . P., etc. Churchill. Vol. IV. , River. — Robertson, J. P. and W. P. Letters . . . comprising Travels on the Banks of the P., etc. 184SL , Hinchliff, T. W. South American Sketches, or a Visit to ... the P. 1863. . Hutchinson, T. J. The P., etc. Land., 1868. , Schnirdel, H. Travels, from 1534-54 . . . Expedition up the River of P., etc. Pubchas. Vol. IV. Paraquaria. — See Paraguay. Paria.— Duddeley, Sir R. Voyage to . . . the Coast of P. ... 1594, 5. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. Paris. — Itineraire des bateaux a vapeur de P. au Havre, etc. Far. Paris. View of P. and Places adjoining, 1701. Chappe d'Auteroche, J. Journey into Siberia . . . and Level of . . . roads from P. to Tobolsky. 1770. Picquet, C. Table alphabe'tiquc . . . des Rues . . . de P., etc. Par., 1805. 3 5 o Paris — Patagonia. Paris. — CnviEB, Bakon G. and Brongniart, A. Essai sur la Geographic mineralogique des environs de P. Par., 1811. Frank, G. Viaggio a Parigi, etc. Milano, 1813. Paris. Eecherches Statistiques sur la Ville de P., etc. Par., 1823-29. Gardner, A. K. P. Illustrated. 1847. Paris. Eeports on the P. Universal Exhibition. Lond., 1856. Lister's Journey to P., 1698. Pinkerton. Vol. IV. Kotzebue, A. von. Journey . . . through Switzerland to P., 1804. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. I. Holcroft, T. Travels ... to P. Voyages and Travels. A Collec- tion, etc. 1805. Vol. II. Parium. — Hunt, Dr. Journey from P. to the Troad . . . 1799. Walpole, K. Memoirs, etc. Parnassus. — Sibthorp, Dr. P. and the Neighbouring District, 1794. \\'alpole, E. Memoirs, etc. Paro, River. — See Ucayala. Parry Islands. — Markham, C. E. Franklin's Footseps ; a Sketch ... of the P. isles, etc. Lond., 1853. Parthenon. — Wilkins, Mr. On the Sculptures of the P. "Walpole, E. Travels, etc. Parthia. — Cartwright, J. The Preacher's Travels . . . through ... P., etc. Churchill. Vol. VII. Of the . . . Parthians . . . and of their Eeligions. Purchas. Vol. V. Passaroean, Passaroewang, Passaruang. — ^ee Passoeroean. —- DoMis, H. I. De Eesidentie P. op het Eiland Java, s' Grav., 1836. Pastosersk. — Gourdon, "W. Later Observations, in his wintering at Pusto- zera, 1614-15, etc. Purchas, Vol. III. Patagonia. — Falkner, T. Descrii^tion of P., etc. Hereford, 1774. Byron, J. Narrative of . . . Distresses suffered ... on the Coast of P., 1740-46. Lond., 1832. DouviLLE, J. B. Trente Mois de ma Vie . . . suivie . . . d'line description de . . . P. Par., 1833. Macdouall, J. Narrative of a Voyage to P. . . . in J 826-27. 1833. • FitzEoy, Eear-Adml. E. Sailing Directions for . . . P., etc. 1848. Bourne, B. F. The Captive in P., etc. Bast., 1853. Snow, W. P. Two Years' Cruise off . . . P., etc. 1857. ■ St. Andre, M. D. de. Eenseignements Nautiques sur les Cotes de Patagonie. Par., 1862. Cox, G. E. Viaje en las Eejioncs Scptentrionalcs de la P., 1862, 63. Sunt, de Chile, 1863. Byron, Comm. Voyage ... to ... P. ... 1764-66, Hawkes- WORTH, J. Vol. I. Patagonia — Pegii . 351 Patagonia. — Wallis, Capt. Voyage to the Coast of P. ... 1766-68. Hawkesworth, J. Vol. I. Patane. — See Patani. Patani. — Voyage to ... P., etc Kerr. Vol. VIII. ■ Pving, Capt. Voyage ... to P. and Japan. Kerr. Vol. IX. Floris, P. W. Extracts of liis Journal . . . 1010-15. Voyage to ... P., etc. PURCHAS. Vol. I. Brown, A. Extracts of a Journal . . . sayling divers times ... to .... P. . . 1617-22. PuRCHAS. Vol. II. Patania, Patany.— &e Patani. Patapilly. — /See Pullypatti. Patmos. — Sibtliorp, Dr. Voyage ... P., etc. Walpole, Pi. Travels, etc. Whittington, Mr. Discovery of the Remains of the Acropolis of P. Walpole, R. Travels, etc. Patna. — Tambulus, his Navigation to . . . Palimbothra, etc. Purchas. Vol. I. Pe-che-li, Gulf of. Dexham, H. M. Hydrographic Notices . . . Direc- tions for the . . . Gulf of Pe-Chile, etc. 1856-59. Pe-Chile, Gulf of.— >See Pe-che-li. Pechora. — 6'ef Petchora. Pedir. — Bennett, G. Wanderings in ... P. Coast, etc. 1834. Peermede. — Markham, C. R. Chinchona Cultivation . . . Expedition . . . from P. to the Cunibun Valley, etc. 1865. Pegu. — Mendez Pinto, F. Historia Oriental de las peregrinaciones de F. Mendez Pinto . . . en . . . Peguu, etc. Madrid, 1627. Sprte, R. n. F. and C. H. F. The British and China Railway . . . through P., etc. 1858. RpRYE, R. Commerce with Western and Interior China . . . across British P., etc. 1860. Sprye, R. and R. H. F. Aerial Telegraph to Hong-Kong . . . and a new commerce . , . across E.u-P., etc. Loud., 1862. The Westem-Inland-Provinces of China Proper . . . con- sidered in connection with British-Eastern-P., etc. 1862. Fitch, R. The long . . . voyage of .... to ... P., etc. 1583- 1591. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Vovage to PuUicatt . . . Narrative of . . . Occurrences in P., etc. Keur. >o1. Vlll. Balbi's Voyage to P. Pinkerton. Vol. IX. Fitch's Voyage to P., etc. Pinkerton. Vol. IX. Balbi, G. Voyage to P. ... 1570-83. Purchas. Vol. II. Pimenta, N. Indian Observations . . . principally relating to . . . P. 1597-99. Purchas. Vol. II. Beschreibung der Konigreiche Golkonda imd P. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. X. See also Ophir. 352, Pegue — Pelio7i, Mount. Pegue. — 'S'ee Pegu. Pei Ho. — Denham, H. M. Hydrographic Xotices . . . Directions for the P. H., etc. 1856-59. Peiraeus. — Eafn, C. C. Inscription Runique du Piree, interpretee. Co'penli., 1856. Pekin. See Peking. Peking. Baerow, Sir J. Travels . . . from P, to Canton. 1804. TiMKOwsKi, G. Travels of the Russian Mission to . . and Resi- dence in P. in 1820-21, etc. 1827. TiMKOVSKi, G. Voyage a P. a travers la Mongolie, in 1820 ct 1821, etc. Par., 1827. RiPA, Father. Memoirs of, during Thirteen Years' Residence at . . . v., etc. 1844. Fortune, R. Yedo and P. : a Narrative, etc. Lond., 1863. • Peking. Descriptive Kotes on P., etc. SJiangh., 1866. Lamprey, J. Notes of a Journey in the N.-W. Neighbourhood of Pekin. Lond., [1867.] Journey of A. Gaubil . . . from Kanton to P. in 1722. Astley. Vol. III. Travels of five French Jesuits from Ning po fu to Peking in 1687. Astley. Vol. III. Journey of J. Bouvet . . . from, P. to Kanton ... in 1693. Astley. Vol. III. Journey of J. de Fontancy . . . from P. to Kyang Chew, etc. Astley. Vol. III. Ysbrantsldes, E. Travels ... to ... P. ... 1692-95. Harris, J. Vol. II. Xicolo di Conti. Voyage to . . . Cambalu (P), etc. Purchas. Vol. III. Pontoia, Father D. Letter written in P. . . , 1602, e^c, Purchas. Vol. III. Report of a Mahometan Merchant which had been in Cambalu (P.) 1598. Purchas. Vol. III. , Gulf of. Staunton, Sir G. Authentic Account of an Embassy to China . . • with a relation of a Voyage to the . . . G. of P. 1797. Pelew Island. — Neue Eriaiiterungen iiber die Insel Palaos, 1721-32. Voy- ages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. A^ol. XVIII. Zusatz zu der Entdeckung der Palaos . . . 1710. Voyages and 'J'ravels. Allgemeiue Historic, e^c. Vol. XVIII. Islands. — Keate, G. Account of the P. I., etc. 1803. Mac Cluer. Voyage aux iles Pekou, 1796-93. Eyries. Vol. II. Wilson, Capt. Naufrage de I'Antilope, sur les iles Peleoii, 1783. Eyries. Vol. IL Pelion, Mount. — Tozi'iu, IT. F. Researches . . . including Visits to Mouuta Ida . . . and P., etc. Lond., 1869. Pelopo?ines2is — Perico. 2)S2> Peloponnesus— *?ee Morea. Peluse, Bay of. — Philigret, Capit. Canal Maritime de Suez. Ohserva- tioiis hydrograpliiqiies dans la Bale de P. Par., 1857. Pelusium. — Spkatt, T. A. B. A Dissertation on the true position of P., etc. Land., 1859. Pemba. — See Bamba. Pembroke, — Mukchison, Sir E. I. The Silurian System, founded on Gpo- loLncal Researches in . . . P., etc. 1839. Penang. — -Spe Prince of Wales Island. Peninsula EspaSola. — -See Spain. Peninsule Hispanique.— A?ee Spain. Penjab. — See. Punjab. Pennine Alps.— ^S'ee Alps. Pennsylvania.— Bartram, J. Observations on . . . P., etc. 1751. Rogers, A. D. Geology of P. First to Sixth Annual Reports. Harrisb., 1836-42. Ingersoll, J. R. Address at the Annual Meeting of the P. Coloni- zation Society, etc. Fhil., 1838. — — Pennsylvania. Report of the Board of Canal Commissioners. Earrisb., 1838. Taylor, R. C. Two Reports on . . . the Dauphin and Susque- hanna Coal Company, and ... the Stonv Creek Coal Estate, P., etc. Phil, 1840. Maryland. Message ... in relation to the Intersection of the Boundary Lines of . , . P., etc. Wash., 1850. Kom, J. G. Travels . . . through ... P., etc. Lond., 1861. Graham, J. D. Reports in relation to the , . . Boundary Lines of . • - P., etc. Chicago, 1862. Bache, a. D. Records of a Magnetic survey of P., etc. Wash., 1863. Pentapole Libyque. — See Pentapolis. Pentapolis. — Beechey, F. W., and H. W. Proceedings . . . compre- hending an account ... of the Ancient Cities composing the P 1828. Monte Cassiano, le R. P. Pacifique de. Relation succincte de la Pentapole Libyque, etc. Voyages and Travels. Recueil, etc. Vol. TI. Pepper Coast. — See Grain Coast. Pepys" Island.— Angelis, P. de. Historical Sketch of P. I., etc. Buen. Aires, 1842. Pera. — Freizer. Reisen an den Kiisten von P., 1713. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XV. Perak.— Anderson, J. Observations ... the result of a . . . Mission to • • . r-, etc. P. of W. ]., 1824. Perico. — Reise aus dem Hafen P. nach Guayaquil, etc. Voyages and Travei-s. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. IX. 2 A 354 Perigord — Persia . Perigord. — Lartet, R., and Christy, H. Reliquia? Aquitanicaj ; Leing Con- tributious to the Archa_^ology and Pala3ontology of P., tic. Lond., [1865]. Perim Island. — Falconer, H. Descriptive Catalogue of . . . Fossil Re- mains . . . from ... P. I,, etc. Calc, 1859. Permia. — Ides, E. Y. Three Years' Travels . . . Thro' ... P., etc. Lond., 1706. Ysbrants Ides, E. Travels . . . through ... P. . . . 1692-95. Harris, J. Vol. II, Pursglove, W. Travell from Pechora to P., etc. Purchas Vol. III. Pemambuco. — Peniston, W. M. Public Works in P., etc. 1863. Ijancaster, J. Voyage to . . . Femambuck in Brasil, 1594. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. • Prior, J. Vova!ie ... to ... P. ... 1813. Voyages and Travels, New. "1819. Vol. II. Perouse Islands. — Perrot, A. M. Rapport sur le Plan des lies Wanikoro, ou de La P., grav^ ])ar M. Caplin. Paris. Persepolis. — Francklin, W. Observations . . . Together with a short Account of . . . P., etc. Lond., 1790. Buckingham, J. S. Travels . . . including . . . Researches in . . . the Ruins of P. - 1830. Price, W. Journal . . . Also a Dissertation upon the Antiquities of P. 1833. Rich, C. J. Narrative of ... a Visit to ... P. 1836. LiJwENSTERN, I. Remarques sur la deusieme Ecriture Cnnei forme de P. Par., 1850. Fergusson, J. The Palaces of ... P. restored, etc. Lond., 1851. Vaux, AV. S. W. Nineveh and P. ; an historical Sketch, etc. 1851. Franklin, W. Observations on . . . the Remains of the Palace of P. Pelham. Vol. II. Relation des Antiquitez de P., traduite d'Herbert. Thevenot. Vol. I. Persia. — ^Monteith, W. Notes on Georgia . . , also a description of the Frontier of . . . P., etc. Ritter, C. Die Stupa's oder die Architektonischen Denkmale an der grossen Konigstrasse zwi.schen Indien, Persien, etc. Berlin. Valle, p. della. Viaggi . . , Parte prima (seconda) La P., etc. Venetia, 1681. Struys, J. Les Voyages de, en . . . Perse, etc. Lyon, 1682. Chardin, Sir J. Travels into P., etc. 1686. Thevenot, M. de. Travels into . . . P., etc. 1687. Kaempfer, E. Amoenitatum exoticarum . . . fasciculi V. quibus continentur varite relationes . . . rerum Persicarum, etc. Lemgovice, 1712- Mandelslo, J. A. de. Voyage . . . de Perse aux hides Orientnles, etc. Amst., 1727. Persia. 2>SS Persia. — Olearius, A. Voyages trts-curieux . . . faits en . . . Perse, etc. Amst., 1727. Russia. A Journey through Russia into P., by two English Gentle- • men, 1739, etc. ^ 1742. Ha N" WAY, J. Historical Account . . . with . . . Travels . . . into P„ etc. 1753. Persia. An Historical Account of the present Troubles of, etc. 1756. Zend-Avesta, onvrage de Zoroastre, contenant . . . plusieurs traits imix)rtans relutifs k I'ancieune Histoire des Purses, etc. Par., 1771. Ives, E. Voyage . . . from P. to England, etc. 1773. HiSTOiRE des Decouvertes . . . dans plusieurs contr^es . . . de la Perse. Lausanne, 1784. Frakcklin, W. Observations made on a Tour from Bengal to P. . . . 1786-7, etc. Lond., 1790. FoKSTER, G. Journey . . . through ... P., etc. 1798. OusELEY, W. Epitome of the Ancient History of P., etc. 1799. ■- — Chardix, Sir J. Voyages en Perse, etc. Par., 1811. MoRiER, J. Journey through P. . . . 1808-9. 1812. KiNNEiR, J. M. A Geographical Memoir of the P.n Empire. Lond., 1813. Elphinstone, Hon. M. Account of . . . Caubul, and its De- pendencies in P., etc. 1815. MoRiER, J. A Second Journey through P., etc. Lond., 1818. KoTZEBUE, M. VON. Narrative of a Journey into P. . . . in 1817, etc. 1819. OusELEY, Sir W. Travels in ... P. in 1810-12. 1819. Jaubert, p. a. Voyage ... en Perse . . . 1805 et 1806, etc. Par., 1821. Porter, Sir P. K. Travels in . . . P., etc. Lond., 1821, 22. Freygan, M., and Mme. Letters from the Caucasus . . . with ... a Journey into P. in 1812, etc. 1823. Eraser, J. B. Travels . . , with notices on the Geology and Commerce of P. 1826. Alexander, Sir J. E. Travels . . . through P., etc. 1827. Persia, Sketches of, etc. 1827. Malcolm, Sir J. Histoiy of P., etc. 1829. Buckingham, J. S. Travels in . . . P., etc. 1830. Alcock, T. Travels in . . . P., etc. 1831. Stocqueler, J. H. Fifteen Months' Pilgrimage through ... V.,(tc. 1832. Straussen, J. J. Picise durch . . . Persien . . . 1647-1673. Gotha, 1832. Gordon, P. Fragment of the Journal of a Tour through P. in 1S20. 1833. 2 A 2 2^6 Persia. Ppr«?ia — Price. W. Journal of Travels of the British Emhassy to P., etc 1833. Beydges, Sib H. J. Account of . . . Mission to ... P. in 1807- 11, etc. 1834. BuRNES, Sir A. Travels . . . from India to . . . P., etc. 1834. Eraser, J. B. Historical . . . Account of P., etc. Edin., 1834. Smith, E., and Dwight, H. G. 0. Missionary Researches . . . including a Journey . . . into ... P., etc. 1834. CoNOLLT, A. Journey . . . through ... P., etc. 1838. ■ Eraser, J. B. Winter Journey ... to Tehran, with Travels through ... P. 1838. Persia. Correspondence relating to P. . . . 1834-39. 1839. EowLER, G. Three Years in P., etc. 1841. Osculati, G. Kote d'un Viaggio nella P. . . . 1841-42. Monza, 1844. Shahamet All The Sikhs and Afghans, in connection with India and P., etc. 1847- Jones, J. E. Narrative of a Journey through ... P., etc. Borah., 1849. Stkuve, O. R^sultats Ge'ographiques du Voyage en Perse en 1838-39. St. Pet., 1851. CuRzoN, Hon. R. Armenia ... the Erontiers of ... P. 1854. Stuart, Lieut.-Col. Journal of a Residence in Xorthem P., etc. 1854. Eerrier, J. p. Caravan Journeys ... in P., etc. 1856. • Sheil, Lady. Glimpses of Life and Manners in P. 1856. Wagner, M. Travels in P., etc. 1856. Binning, R. B. M. Journal of two years' Travel in P., etc. 1857. Hell, X. H. de. Extrait du Voyage ... en Perse . . . 1846-8, etc. Par., 1859. Barrier de Meynard, C. Dictionnaire geographique . , . de la Perse, etc. Par., 1861. Berchet, G. La Repubblica di Venezia e la P. Torino, 1865. EiLiPPi, E. DE. Note di un Viaggio in P, nel 1862. Milano, 1865. Khanikoff, N. DE. Memoire sur I'Ethnographie de la Perse. Par., 1866. PoLLiNGTON, ViscouNT. Half round the Old World ... a Tour in ... P., etc. Lond., 1867. Persia. Banking in P. Land., 1868. Cartwright, J. The Preacher's Travels . . . through ... P., etc. Churchill. Vol. VJI. Perse. Olivier. Malcolm. Morier, etc. Eyries. Vol. XIV. Alcock, T., and others. Voyage into P., 1563. Hakluyt. Vol. I. Banister, T., and Ducket, G. Voyage into P., 1569. Hakluyt. Vol. I. Persia. 357 Persia.— Burrough, C. Sixth Voyage into P., 1597. Hakluyt. Vol. I. Edwards, A., and others. Voyage into P., 1568. Hakluyt. VoL I. Jenkinson, A. Voyage . . . into P. . . . 1561. Hakluyt. Vol. I. Johnson, R., and others. Voyage into P., 1565. Hakluyt. Vol.1. Coustantine, the Great. Voyage to . . . P. . . . 339. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Odoricus, Frier B. Voyage to , . . P. . . . about 1325. Hak- luyt, Vol. 11. Venomanuus, L. Navigation and Voyages to . . . P. . . . 1503. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. Varthema, L. di. Travels in . . . P. . . . 1503 to 1508. . . . Edited ... by G. P. Badger. Hakluyt Soc. Pub. Vol. XXXII. Mandelfloe, J. A. de. Remarks . , . made in his passage from . , . P. through ... the Indies, 1638, Harris, J. Vol 1. Chardin, Sir J. Travels . . . into P. Proper, 1672. Habkis, J. Vol. II. Description of . . . P., etc. Harris, J. Vol. II. View of the P.n History, etc. Harris, J. Voh II. Contarini, A. Journey from . . . Venice to . . . P., 1473-6. Kerr. Vol. II. Varthema, L. Voyages and Travels in ... P. ... in 1503-8. Kerb. VoL VII. Franklin, W. Observations made on a Tour from Bengal to P., in 1786-7, etc. Pelham. Vol. II. Chardin's Travels in P., Extracts from. Pes'kerton. Vol. IX. Forster's Travels, Extracts from, concerning the N. n parts of P. Pinkertox. Vol. IX. Francklin's Tour in the S. of P. Pixkerton. Vol. IX. Persia. Description, from Harris's Collection. Plkkerton. Vol. IX. Valle, P. delle. Travels in P., Extracts from. Pixkerton. Vol. IX. Mildenhall, J. Travailes ... in ... P. .. . 15i)9. Purchas. Vol. I. Salbanke, J. Voyage through . . . P. . , . 1609. Purchas. Vol. I. Barthema or Vertoman, L. Travels into . . . P. . . . 1503. Purchas. Vol. II. Newberie, J. Two Voyages. One . . . to . . , P. . . . 1580-82. Purchas. Vol. II. Sherley, Sir R. A briefe memorial of the Travels of, in P. Pur- chas. Vol. II. Sherlie, Sir A. Travels into P. . . . 1599. Purchas. Vol. II. Silva Figueroa, Don G. Letter . . . touching matters of P., 1619. PUKCHAS. VoL II. 358 Persia — Persian Gulf. Persia. — Borough, C. Reports of sixt voyage into . , . P. . . . 1579-81. PUBCIIAS. Vol. III. Of the . . . Persians . . . and of their Religions. Purchas. Vol. V. Barthema, L. Itinerario dell' Egitto . . . P., etc. Ramusio. Vol. I. Barbaro, J. Viaggio . . . neUa P., 1436-87. Ramusio. Vol. IT. Contarino, A. Viaggio nelLi P., 1473-77. Ramusio. Vol. II. Viaggio d'lm Mercante che fu nella P., 1507-20. Ramusio. Vol. II. Zeno, C. Viaggio in P. . . . 1450. Ramusio. Vol. II. Extrait . . . d'un Me'moir de M. de Hammer sur la Perse, etc. Voyages and Travels. Recueil, etc. Vol. II. Jordan on Jourdain Catalani, P. Mirabilia descripta, sequitur de . . . Regno Persidis, etc. Voyages and Travels. Recueil, etc. Vol. IV. The Travels of the Ambassadors from . . . Holstein into ... P. 1635. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. XIII., XIV. ■ The Travels of Mr. Jonas Hanway . . . into P. . . . 1743. Voy- ages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. XIV., XV. Chardin, Sir J. Travels . . . into P. 1671. Voyages and Travels. The World dispb.yed. Vol. XV., XVI. /See also Casbin. Shiraz. Persian Gulf. — Morier, J. A Second Journey . . . with a Journal of the voyage ... to the P. G., ei!c. Lond., 1818. Shaik Mansur. History of Seyd Said . . . together with an account of the Countries and People on the Shores of the P. G., etc. Loud., 1819. Berghaus, H. Asia . . . Memoir zur Erkliirung . . . der redu- zirten Karte von . . . Persischer Golf, etc. Gotluc, 1832-35. Beke, C. T. On the . . . advance of the Land at the head of the P. G. 1835. On the former extent of the P. G., etc. 1836. Wellsted, J. R. Travels . . . along the Shores of the P. G., etc. 1840. Fontanier, v. Voyage dans . . . le Golfe Persique, etc. Far., 1844. AiNswoRTH, W. Report on . . . Telegraphic Communication between the Mediterranean Sea and ... P. G. 1856. Constable, C. G., and Stiffs, A. W. Memorandum on the recent Surveying Operations in the P. G., etc. 1862. Pelly, L. Remarks concerning the Pearl Oyster-beds [of the P. G.] 1865. Constable, G. C, and Stiffe, A. W. La Pilote du Golfe Persi(|ue, etc. Par., 1866. Nearchus. Voyage . . . u[) the P. G., etc. Harris, J. Vol. I. Persian Gulf — Peru. 359 Persian Gulf. — Salbankc, J. Voyage through . . . the P. G. ... 1009. lURCHAS. Vol. I. Corsali, A. Lettcra . . . della Navigatione del . . . Sino Persico . . . 1517. Ramusio. Vol. I. Peru. — Vega, G. de la. Commentarios Reales, que tratan . . . de los Yucas ... del P., tie. Lisb. y Cordova, 1609-17. Skinner, J. The Present State of P., etc. 1805. Mathison, G. F. Narrative of a Visit to . . . P., etc. 1825. Giiln.ERG, Count J. Rccueil de Voyages . . . and Historical Pie- searches on the Conquest of P. ... in the thiiteeuth century, by J. Ranking. 1829. Temple, E. Travels in . . .P., etc. 1830. PoEPi'iG, E. Reise in . . . P., etc. Leipz., 1835. Pacific Ocean. 'Ihree Years in the Pacific ; containing Notices of ... P., etc. 1835. Peru. Pacto y Ley Fundamental de la Confederacion P.-Boliviana. 1837. Smith, A. P. as it is, etc. 1839. Sutcliffe, T. Sixteen Years in Chile and P. from 1822 to 1839, etc. Lond. [1841. J TscHUDi, J. J. VON. Travels in P. during 1838-42, etc. 1847. FiTzRoY, Rear-Adml. R. Sailing Directions for . . .Y.,etc. 1848. Lima. A True . . . Relation of the . . . Earthquake ... at Lima . . . 1746. With a description of . . . P. in general, etc. 1848. Peru. Arancel de la Republica del P., etc. Lima, 1852. ■ WeddI'XL, H. A. Apercu d'un Voyage dans . . . laBolivie, et . . . les parties voisines du Perou. Fan's, 1852. Voyage dans ... la Bolivie, et . . . les parties voisines du Peroii, etc. Far., 1853. Markham, C. R. Cuzco ... a Visit to ... P. Land., 1856. Bollaert, W. Antiquarian . . . Researches in . . . P., etc. 1860. Hill, S. S. Travels in P., etc. 1860. Peru. Documentos . . . que acreditan la posesion del P. sobre los Territorios de Quijos y Canelos, etc. Lima, I860. Markham, C. R. Travels in P., etc. Land., 1862. Paz Soldan, M. Geografia del P., etc. Far., 1862. Geographie du Perou, etc. Far., 1863. I\LvRKHAM, C. R. Contributions towards a Grammar ... of Quichua, the language of the Y'ncas of P. Lond., 1864. Spruce, R. Notes on the Valleys of Piura and Chira in Northern P., etc. Lond., 1864. Paz Soldan, M. F. Historia del P. Tndependente . . . 1810-1822. Lima, 1868. SyuiER, E. G. The Primeval Monuments of P. compared With those in other parts of the World. 1870. 360 Peru. Peru.— Chilton, J. Voyage ... to divers places in P., 1568. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Betagh, Capt. Observations on ... P. ... 1720. Harris, J. Vol. I. . I'izarro, F. Th(' History of the discovery ... of P., 1524, eSyd., 1862. Prince Edward's Island. — Bouchette, J. The British dominions in N. America . . . a . . . description of . . . P. E., etc. 1832. Prince of Wales Island. — Anderson, J. Observations on . , . Pinangr, etc. p. of W. I., 1824. Prince of "Wales Island, Exposition of the political and commercial relations of the Government of, with the . . . E. Coast of Sumatra, etc. P. of W. L, 1824. Cameron, J. Our Tropical Possessions . . . being a desciiitive Account of . . . P., etc. Lond., 1865. Princes' Islands. — Sibthorp, Dr. Voyage ... P. I., etc Walpole, R. Travels, etc. Prome. — Eraser, A. Note ... on a proposal ... to promote the con- struction of a Railway from Rangoon to P. Pangoon, 1867. Promised Land. — See Palestine. Propontis, Propontide. — >See Marmora, Sea of. Providence, U.S. — Eedfield, W. C. Eeplies to Dr. Hare's Objections . . . with some evidence of the Whirling Action of the P. Tornado of Aug. 1838. iV. r., 1842. Pruang. — Strachey, H. Narrative of a Journey to . . . the Valley of P., in Tibet, etc. Calc, 1848. Prusa. — ^See Brusah. Prussia. — Chaxjchard, Capt. Geographical . . . description of ... P., etc. Lond., 1800. FoRSTER, F. Statistisch- Topographisch- Historische Uebersicbt des Preussischen Staats. Perl., u. Leip. Eberhard, L. D. Wegweiser durch die Preussischen Staaten. Perl., 1831. Elliott, C. B. Letters from ... P., etc. 1832. Murray. Haud-Book for 'J'ravellers . . . through ... P., etc. Lond., 1836. BELGnxM. Belgian . . . Prussian . . . Lighthouses, corrected to 1843, 51, 54, 57-59. 1843-59. Laing, S. Notes ... on ... P., etc.. 1854. Undine. Our Cruise in the Undine . . . through ... P., etc. Lond., 1854. Prussia — Pugefs Sound. 371 Pnissia. — Hjorth, J. Description des Cotes . . . de la P., etc. Par., 1855. Prussia. Tabellen und amtliclie Nachrichten iiber denPreussischon Staat, etc. Berl, 1858. DuNSTERViLi.E, E. The Admiralty List of the . . . Prussian . . . Lights. Corrected to 18G0. 1860. Statistical Tables. S. T. Part VII. ... P., etc. 1861. Prussia. Erliiuterungen zu der Karte iiber die Production . . . der mineralischen Brennstoife in Preussen, in 1862. Berl., 1863. Prussia. The History of P. ... to the Occupation of Hanover, 1867, etc. Lond., 1869. Henry IV., King. Voyage into P. and Letto, 1390. Hakluyt. Vol. I. Thomas . . . Duke of Glocester. Voyage into P., 1391. Hak- luyt. Vol. L Benjamin, the Son of Jonas. Peregrination of . . . and relations of . . . P., etc. PuRCHAS. Vol. n. Guagnino. A. Descrittione della Sarmatia Europea . . . P., etc. Ramusio. Vol. 11. Carr, J. A Northern Summer ; or. Travels . . . through . . . P. . . . 1804. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. HI. Puebla de los Angelos. Gage, T. Survey of the Spanish West Indies ... Also .. . Voya'^e . . . to . . . Ciudad de los A., etc. 1702. Puerto Cabello.— Parker, W. Voyage to ... P. de Cavallos . . . 15'JG-U7. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. de Cavallos. — See Puerto Cabello. Escoces.— Parsons, J. West India Directory, Sailing directions from P. E. to Sasardi, etc. 1854. Rico.— TuENBULL, D. Travels in the West . . . with Notic(>s of P. It , etc. 1840. Pert, Sir T., and Cabot S. Voyage to . . . San Juan de P. P., 1516. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Newport, C. Voyage to ... S. Juan de P. R. . . . 1591. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. Drake, Sir P. His Voj^age, 1595 . . . with the Sjianish account of D.'s Attack on P. ll ; edited ... by W. D. Cooley. 1849. Hakluyt Soc. Pub. Vol. IV. Pert, Sir T., and Cabot, S. Vovage to ... P. P., about 151(i. Kerr. Vol. VI. "' ^ Cumberland, Earl of. Voyage to S. John de P. E. Purchas. Vol. IV. Layfield, E. Large Relation of the P. R. Voyage, etc. Purchas. Vol. IV. Ponce, J. Reisc nach Borriquen oder P. P. . . . 1508-9. Voyages nnd Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XIII. Pugefs Sound.— MoNTGOMERiE, J. E., and Horsey, A. F. R. de. A few wtmls collected from . . . the Indians in the neighbourhood of . . . !'• S- 1848. 2 V, 2 3 7 2^ Puglia — Pu7ijab. Puglia. — See Apulia. Pulicat. — "Voyage to PuUicatt, etc. Kerr. Vol. VIII. Floris, P. W. Extracts of his Journal . . . 1610-15. Voyage to Paleacatte, etc. Purchas. Vol. I. Pulkowa. — -See BuLKA. Pullicatt. — See Pulicat. Pullypatti. — Voyage to . . . Patapilly, etc. Kerr. Vol, VIII. Pulney Hills. — Markham, C. Pi. Chinch ona Cultivation ... on the P. H., etc. 1865. Pulo Ubin.— See Obi. Punjab. — Macartney, J. Memoir of a Map of the P., e^c. MS. Wyld, J. Notes on Map of . . . P., etc. Malcolm, Lieut.-Col. Sketch of the Sikhs . . . who inhabit the Provinces of the Penjab, etc. Lond., 1812. HiiGEL, Baron C. von. Kaschmir und das Reich der Siek. Stutt., 1840-41. MoORCROFT and Trebeck. Travels in the Himalayan Provinces of . . . the P. . . . 1810 to 1825. 1841. Zxmmermann, C. Der Kriegs-Schauplatz in Inner-Asien, oder Bemerkungen zu der Uebersichts-Karte von . . . dem Penjab, etc. Berl, 1842. Barr, "W. Journal . . . including Travels in the P., etc. Lond., 1844. Masson, C. Narrative of Journeys in . . . the P., etc. 1844. • Thornton, E. Gazetteer of the . . . P., etc. 1844. HiiGEL, Baron C. von. Travels into Kashmir and the P., etc. 1845. VoN Orlich, L. Travels in India, including . . . the P., etc. 1845. Lal, Mohan. Travels in the P., etc. 1846. Edwardes, H. B. a Year on the P. Frontier, etc. 1851. Honigberger, J. M. Thirty-five Years in the East. Adventures . . . relating to the P., etc. 1852. PuNJAUB. General Report upon the Administration of the Punjaub Proper, for 1849-51, etc. Lond., 1854. Andrew, W. P. The Punjaub Railway, etc. 1857. Punjaub. An Account of the formal commencement of the Punjaub Railway at Lahore, etc. 1859. Diary. The Diary of a Hunter from the P. to the Karakorum Mountains. Loiid. and Norw., 1863. India. Tables of Heights in . . . the P., etc. Calc, 1863. ■ Scinde Railway. Scinde Railway . . . the P. Railway . . . Reports of the Directors . . . Sept., 1863. 1863. AValker, J. T. Tables of Heights in . . . the P., etc. Cede, 1863. Punjab — Qiieda. 373 Punjab. — India. Selections from the Eecords of the Government of the P. tU:. 1868, <:tc. Neil, A. Annual Report on Meteorological Observations, registered in the V. 1868. Lodiana, 1869. Punjab. Ee^wrt on the Sanitary Administration of the Panjab, 186'J. Lahore, 1870. Punjaub. — See Punjab. Purus, River. — Silva Coutinho, J. M. de. Relatorio da exploracao do Kio P. 1862. Considerafoes geraes sobre os rios que descem da cordilheira dos Andes . . . cachoeiras do P., etc. 1863. Pustozera.— -See Pastosersk. Puteoli. — See PozzuoLi. Pu Teon Shan.— -See Puto. Puto.— Halloran, a. L. Wae Yang Jin. Eight Months' Journal, kept . . . during visits to . . . Pootoo. Lond., 1856. Puy, Le. — DouE, J. M. B. de. De la Frequence compar^e des Vents suiKjrieurs et inferieurs sous le climat du P. en Velay, etc. Versailles, [1851.] Puy en Velay. — See Puy, Le. Puzzuoli. — See PozzuoLi. Pyrenees. — Pyrenees. Essai sur la Mine'ralogie des Monts-P. Far., 1784. Eamond, L. Observations faites dans les P., etc. Par., 1789. Pasumot, F. Voyages Physiques dans les P. en 1788 et 1789, etc. Par., 1797. Eamond, L. Voyages au ]\Iont-Perdu, et dans la partie adjacente des Hautes-Pyrenees. Par., 1801. Dralet, M. Description des P., etc. Par., 1813. Eamond, L, Travels in the P., etc. 1813. Palassou, M. Histoire Naturelle des P., etc. Pau, 1815-19. Coraboeuf, M. Les Ojie'rations Geode'siques des P. Par., 1831. Chausenque, M. Les P., etc. Par., 1834. Paris, T. C. Letters from the P., etc. Lond., 1843. Taine, H. Voyage aux P., etc. Par., I860. ViGNOLES, C. International Exhibition of 1862. . . . IVIudel of the Passage of the Tudela and Bilboa Eaihvay across the Chain of the Cantabrian P., etc. Lond., 1862. See also Mont Perdu. Quebec. — Silliman, B. Tour to Q., 1810. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. VII. Queda. — See Quedah. 3 74 Quedah — Ragusa. Quedah. — Osborn, S. Q., or Stray Leaves from a Journal in Malayan AVaters. 1857. Queen Charlotte Islands.— Inskip, G. H. Q. C. I. . . . Sailing Directions, etc. 1856. Carteret, Capt. Voyage . . . to . . . Q. C. I. . . . 1766-69. Hawkesworth, J. Vol. I. Queensland. — Pugh, T. P, Brief Outline of the . . . Colony of Q. Brisbane, 1861. Heywood, B. a. a Vacation Tour . . . throusli . . . Q., etc. 1863. Allen, C. H. A Visit to Q., etc. Lond., 1870. Quelpaert. — Plamel, H. Pieisen einiger Holliinder nach Korea, nebst . . . ihrem Schiffbruche an . . . Q., 1658-68. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. VI. QuijOS. Peru. Documentos . . . que acreditan la posesion del Peru subre los Territories de Q., etc. Lima, I860. Quiloa. — Prior, J. Voyage ... to ... Q. ... 1813. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. II. Quinsai. — See Quinsay. Quinsay. — Monfart. Continuation of the Jesuites Acts . . . in C. . . . Of Hanceu or Q. . . . 1618. Purchas. Vol. III. Nicolo di Cunti. Voyage to . . . Q., etc. Purchas. Vol. III. Quisai. — See Quinsay. Quito. — Quito. Memoria sobre las oscilaciones de la Brujula en Q., etc. Quito, 1868. Velasco, J. de. Histoire du Eoyaume de Q. Ternaux-Compans. A^oyages. Vol. XVIIL, XIX. Beschreibung der Provinz Q., etc. Voyages and Travels. All- gemeine Historic, etc. Vol. IX. ■ Dieses begrei ft die Reise von Guayaquil nach . . . Q,.,etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. IX. Beschrcibungen . . . von . . . Q., etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgetiieine Historic, etc. Vol. XV. Quivira. — Vasquez de Cnroiiado, F. Voyage . . . to . . . Q. . . . 1.540. Hakluyt. Vol. III. R. Radnor. — Murchison, Sir 11. 1. The Silurian System, founded on Geolo- gical Researches in . . . R., etc. 1839. Raffles' Bay. — Earl, G. W. Observations on . . . the establishment of a Settlement in the vicinity of R. B. 1836. Ragusa. — Wilkinson, Sir J. G. Dalmatia and Montenegro. . . . History of . . . R., etc. 1848. Wtngfieli), W. F. Tour in Dalmatia . . . with . . . Sketch ... of R. 1859. Austel, H. Voyage . . . to R. . . . 158(). Hakluyt. Vol. II. Rairoa — Ravenna. . 375 Rairoa. — Kulczycki, A. Determination des Longitudes . . .Observations pour . . . R., etc. Par., 1851. Rajahmundry.— India. Reports of the . . . effects of the Godavery and Krishna Annicuts, in R., etc. Madras, 1858. Rdjast'han. — See Eajpootana. Rajpoot States. — 'See Rajpootana. Rajpootana. — Tod, J. Annals and Antiquities of Rajast'hau, etc. 1829. Boileau, a. W. E. Tour through the W. States of Rajwara in 1835, etc. Calc, 1837. Medlicott, H. B. The Boundary of the Vindhyan Series in R. India, Geological Survey. Records, etc. Vol. I. Rajwara. — See Rajpootana. Raka.a, River. — Haast, J. Report on the Headwaters of the . . . R. Christch., 1866. Rdkas Tal. — See Cho-Lagan. Ramea. — Drake, G. Voyage to the Isle of R., 1593. Hakluyt. Vol. III. The first discovery of the Isle of R. . . . 1591. Hakluyt. Vol.111. — Leigh, C. Voyage to . . . the Isle of R., 1597. Hakluyt. Vol. 111. Ram^urh. — Ball, V. On the R. Coal Field. Ikdia Geological Survey. Memoirs. Vol. VI. Rami'sseram. — Cordiner, J. Description of Ceylon . . . and a Journey to R. in 1804. 1807. Rangoon. — Baker, T. T. The recent operations of the British Forces at R., etc. Land., 1852. Fayrer, J. Abstract of the Meteorological Register kept at R. from May, 1852, to April, 1853. liamjvov, 1853, Sprye, R. H. F. and C. H. F. The British and China Railway ; from . . . R., etc. 1858. Sprye, R. and R. H. F. The Western-Inland Provinces of China Proper . . . considered in connection with . . . R. 1858. Sprye, R. and R. H. F. The Westem-Inland-Provinces of China Proper . . . considered in connection with . . . R. Loud., 1862. China. Memorial . . . on . . . Commerce with the West uf China from . . . R. 1864. • Williams, J. M. Memorandum on Railway Communication with Wn. China . . . from . . . R., etc. Loud., 1865. Fraser, a. Note ... on a proposal ... to promote the con- struction of a Railway from R. to Prome. Eanfjoou, 1867. Williams, J. J., and Luard, C. H. Copies of . . . Survey Report . . . respecting R., etc. Loud., 1867. Rascien. — See Rashan. Rashan. — Thoemmel, G. Geschichtliche . . . Beschreibung . . . der . . . Rascien. Wien, 1867. Rati en. — See Rh.etia. Ravenna.— GiNANNi, F. Isloria . . . delle Pinette Ravennati, etc. Iiomu, 1774. 376 R Dames — Red River. R'D^mes. — See Ghadamis. Recca. — Schmidl, A. A. Ueber den unterirdischen Lauf der E. 1851. Red River. — Featherstonhaugh, G. W, Geological Report of . . . the elevated country between the Missouri and R. Rivers. PFasA., 1835. Marcy, R. B., and M'Clellan, G. B. Exploration of the R. R. of Louisiana, in 1852, etc. Wash., 1854. Pope, J. Report of Exploration . . . from the R. R. to tie Rio Grande. Wash., 1854. Hind, H. Y. Narrative of the Canadian E. R. Exploring Exp3dition of 1857, ttc. 1858. Dawson, S. J. Report on . . . the Country between Lake Superior and the R. R. Settlement, ttc. ToroKfo,1859. Head, Sir E. Papers relative to the Exploration . . . letween Lake Superior and the R. R. Settlement. 1859. ■ Lewis and Clark, Capts., and others. Travels . . . exploriag the . . . R. R. . . . 18li5. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, ttc. 1805. Vol. VI. , Sea. — LoBO, Father J. Voyage to Abyssinia . . . with a descrip- tion of the Coasts of the R. S., ttc. 1735. Irwin, E. A Series of Adventures in . . . the R. S., etc. Valentia, Viscount. Voyages and Travels to . . . the R. S . . . 1802-6. 1811. Belzoni, G. Narrative of . . .a journey to the Coast of th( R. S., etc. 1822. Elwood, Mrs. Col. Journey Overland . . . by . . . the 1. S. to India. ISSO. Elliott, R, Views in the East ; comprising . . . the Shores :)f the R. S., etc. 183J. Bourchier, W. Narrative of . . . Shipwreck ... in the R. S|, etc. 1834 Ehrenberg, C. G. Natur und Bildung der . . . Corallenbiinke ii Rothen Meer. Berl., 1834 Fairbairn, H. A Letter ... on the . . . advantages of a Steaiii Passage to the East Indies, by the Gulf of Mexico ... as compared with the proposed Route by the R. . . . S. 1837, Beke, C. T. On the Passage of the R. S. by the Israelites, etc. 1838. Hericourt, C. R. de. Considerations . . . sur le Golfe Arabique, etc. Par., 1841. Moresby, R., and Elwon, T. Sailing Directions for the E. S. 1841. Robinson, F. Refutation of Lieut. Wellsted's Attack upon Lord Valentia's \Vork upon the R. S., etc. 1842. Vetch, J. Inquiry into the means of establishing a Ship Navigation between the Mediterranean and the R. Seas. 1843. Fontaniek, V. Voyage dans I'lnde . . . par ... la Mer Rouge. Far., 1844. Red Sea, 377 Red Sea. — Hericourt, C. E. d'. Second Voyage sur Ics deux rives de la Mer Rouge, etc. Par., 1846. — Lautuke, Count d'Escayrac de. De I'influence que le Canal des deux Mers exercera sur la Commerce . . . de la Mer Rouge, etc. Par., 1855. Beke, C. T. The French and English in the R. S. 1862. Foy, R. Renseignements Nautiques sur quelques Ports . . . de la Mer Rouge. Par., 1866. ScHWEiNFURTH, G. Pflauzeu-geographische Skizze . . . der Ufer- lauder des Eotheu Meeres. [Gotha, 1868.] Macgregor, J. The " Rob Roy " on the . . . R. S., etc. Lond., 1869. Description of the . . . R. S., etc. Astley. Vol. I. - Dounton, Lieut.-Gen. N. Journal of . . . Voyage to the R. S. ... in 1610. Astley. Vol. I. - Middleton, Sir H. Voyage to the R. S. ... in 1610. Astley. Vol. I. - Saris, J. Voyage to the R. S. in 1611. Astley. Vol. I. - Biddulph, W. Travels of four Ena;lishmen . . . into . . . the R. S., in 1600 and 1611. Churchill." Vol. VII. - Bissell, A. Voyage ... to the R. S. . . . 1798-99. Dalbymple, A. Collection of Nautical Memoirs, etc. - Eighth Voyage, in 1611 . . . Occurrences ... in the E. S., etc. Kerr. Vol. VIII. Middleton, Sir H. Journey to Zenan . . . Voyage from the R. S. to Surat, etc. Kerr. Vol. VIII. - Voyages des Anglais . . . dans la Mer Rouge, etc. Laharpe, J. Vol. I. - A briefe narration of the . . . Discoverie of the R. S. Purchas. Vol. I. - Of Ezion Geber . . . and the R. S., etc. Purchas. Vol. I. - Arriano. Navigatione del Mar Rosso, fino all' Indie Orientali, etc. Ramusio. Vol. I. - Corsali, A. Lettera . . . della Navigatione del Mar Rosso . . . 1517. Ramusio. Vol. I. - Ramusio. Discorso sopra la Navigatione dal Mar Rosso, fino all' Indie Orientali : scritta per Arriano. Ramusio. Vol. I. - Viaggio scritto per un Comito Venetiano, dal Mar Rosso fino al Diu . . . 1537-8. Ramusio. Vol. I. - Valentia, Viscount. Voyages and Travels to . . . the R. S. ... 1802-6. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. XI. Voyages and Travels to . . . the R. S. . . . 1802-6. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1810. Vol. IV. - Erste Reiscn der Franzosen nach dem gliicklichen Arabicn durch das Morgenliiudische Mcer, 1708. Voyages and Travels. AUgemoinc Historic, etc. Vol. XI. 278 Ree, Lough — Rhodos. Ree LOTlgh. — Wolfe, J. Sailing Directions, etc., with some Hydrographic Notices of L. E., etc. 1850. Reggio, in Lombardy. — Affarosi, D. C. Notizie istoriche della Cittk di E.', etc. Padova, 1755. Regnum Davidicum.— 5'fe Palestine. Reich der Siek.— 'See Punjab. Reichenau. — Julius, W. A. Semmering und E. Fiihrer, etc. Wien, 1858. Repiiblica Mejicana.— >See Mexico. Rdpublique Franpaise.— ^See France. Repulse Bay. — Lyon, G. F. A brief Narrative of an unsuccessful attempt to reach E. B., etc Land., 1825. Respublica Batavica.— -See Holland. Reunion. — 'S'ee Bourbon, Island of. Rey, River. — Perkins, G. Eelacion de la Espedicion a el E. en el Chaco. Ilosario, 1867. Rhadames. — Set Ghadamis Rlisetia. — Mannert, K. Germania, E. . . . nach den Begriffen der Griechen uud Komer, etc. Leipz., 1820. Steub, L. Ueber die Urbewohner Eatiens, etc. Mwich., 1843. Rhamnus. — Stuart, J. and Eevett, N. The Antiquities of Athens . . . E., etc. 1825-33. Eaikes, Mr. Journal through parts of . . . E., etc. Walpole, E. Memoirs, etc. Rhat. — See Ghat. Rlieinbayern. — 'S'ee Bavaria, Ehenish. Rhenish Bavaria. — See Bavaria, Ehenish. Rhine. — Encjelmann, J. B. Eesume de I'histoire . . . des Villes prin- cipalis (111 EhiU. Jleidelb. Libert, l'Abbe Voyage pittoresque surle Eh in, eic. Francf. s. I. M., 1807. Ehine. An Autumn near the E., etc. Lond., 1821. ■ ToMBLESON, W. Tombleson's Views of the E,, etc. Lond,, 1832. MuKKAY. Hand-Book for Travellers . . . along the P., etc. Land., 1836. Quix, ]M. J. Steam Voyages on . . . the E., etc, 1843. Graham, W. The Jordau and the E., etc. 1854. Nobiling. Nachrichten iiber den Zustand des Eheinstroms inner- halb des Preussischen Gebietes, etc. BtvJ., 1856. , Upper.— Tombleson, W. Tombleson's U. E. Lond., [1840 V] Rhodes. — Dapper. Beschryving van . , . Ehodos, etc. 1688. Wilde, W.E. Narrative of ... a Visit to ... E.,eic., I>«fW. 1852. ■ Greaves, J. Account of the Latitude of . . . E. Eay, J. Rhodos. —'S'ee Ehodes. Rho7ie — Rio Negro. 379 Rhone. — Hannibal. Dissertation sur le passage du 11. et dcs Alpes ]iar Aiinibal, dc Far., 1821. Paedoe, Miss. Tlie River and the Desart; or, EecoUections of the E., etc. Lond., 1838. Desjaedins, E. E. et Danube, etc. Par., 1870. Riazan. — Steuve, 0. De'termination des Positions Ge'ographiques de . . . E., etc. St. Pet., 1843. Ricllborougll. — Battely, J. Opera posthuma, Antiquitates Eutujiinffi, etc. Oxon., 1745. Righi. — BusiXGER. Itine'raire du Mont-R., etc. Lucerne, 1815. Rimouski. — Gould and Dowie. Instructions for making . . . E., in the Eiver St. Lawrence. 1832. Rio Bravo del Norte. — Emory, "W. H. Notes of a Military Eeconnois- sance . . . including parts of the D. N., etc. N. Y., 1848. Webster, J. D. Eeport of a Survey of the Gulf Coast at the Mouth of the Eio Grande. Wash., 1850. Parke, J. G. Report of Explorations for ... a Railway . . . between Dona Ana on the Eio Grande, and Pimas Villages on the Gila. Wash., 1854. Pope, J. Report of Exploration . . . from the Red River to the Rio Grande. Wash., 1854. Uhde, a. Die Lander am untern R. B. del N. Eeidelb,, 1861. Rio das Velhas. — See Velhas. Rio de Janeiro. — Navarro e Campos, Sr. Itinerary of a Journey . . . in 1808, Irom Bahia to R. de J. MS. Portug. ■ — HiNcncLiFF, T. W. South American Sketches, or a Visit to R. J., etc. 1863. Michelena y Rojas, F. Exploracion Oficial , . . Viaje a R. de J., etc. Bruselas, 1867. Byron, Comm. Voyage . . . toR.de J. . . . 1764-66. Hawkes- WORTH, J. Vol. I. Nodal, G. de. Reise nach R. J., etc. 1618. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. VoL XVIII. Prior, J. Voyage . . . to . . . R. de J. . . . 1813. Voyages and Travels, l^ew. 1819. Vol. II. Rio de la Hacha. — Stntthalterschaften R. de la H. und St. Martha. Voyages and Teavels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVI. Rio de la Plata. —See La Plata. Rio Dulce. — Sherley, Sir A. Voyage ... 30 leagues up R. D. . . . 15'J6. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. Rio Grande del Norte. — See Eio Beavo del Norte., Rio Grande do Sul. — See Sao Pedro do Eio Grakde. Rio Janeiro. — See Eio be Janeiro. Rio Negro, — Wallace, A. E. Narrative of Travels on the . . . Eio N., etc. 1853. Michelena y Eujas, F. Kxiiloraciou Oficial . . . del . . . K -\., etc. Brusdas, 1867. 380 Rio Negro — Rome. Rio Negro. — Eoteiro da Viagem da . . . Para at^ a's ultimas Colonias dos Domiuios Portuguezes em os Kios . . . N. Portugal. CoUecfao de Noticias, etc. Vol. VI. Rio Sestro. — Account of tlie Inland Countries between Sierra Leona and li. S. ASTLET. Vol. U. Rioja Minor. — Davie, J. C. Letters . . . describing . . . Pi. M.. etc. 1805. Rion. — Eadde, G. Berichte, etc. (Jahrg. I. Eeisen. ... in ... E., etc.') Tijiis, 1866. Ripon. — EiPON. The Tourist's Companion ; being a . . . description . . . of E., etc. Rijo., 1828. Ritzeblittel. — Abendroth, Sesator. E., etc. Eamh., 1818. River of Canada. — Hee Saint Lawrence. Rocciamelone. — Gastaldi, B. Alcuni dati sulle Punte Alpini situate fra la Levanna ed il R. Torino, 1868. Roche-M^lon. — See Eocciamelone. Rock, River. — Abert, Col. J. J. Eeports ... for the improvement of the . . . E., etc. Wash., 1840. Rocky Mountains. — James, E. Account of au Expedition ... to the E. M., in 1819, 20, etc. 1823. Cox, E. Adventures . . . including ... a residence of Six Years on the W. side of the E. M., etc. 1831. Fremokt, J. C. Eeport of the Exploring ExiJedition to the E. M. in 1842, etc. Wash., 1845. Euxtok, G. F. Adventures in Mexico and the E. M. Lond., 1847. — — — • Coke, Hon. H. J. A Eide over the E. M., etc. 1852. Stansbury, H. Exploration . . . including a Eeconnoissance of a New Eoute through the E. M. Fhil., 1852. Marcou, J. Geology of N. America; with Eeports on . . . the R. M., etc. Zurich, 1858. Notes pour servir a une description geologique des Montagnes Eocheuses. Geneve, 1858. Blakiston', T. W. Eeport of . . . Exploration of . . . the E. M. in 1858. Woolwich, 1859. Burton, E. F. City of the Saints, and across the E. M. to California. 186L Milton, Viscount, and Cheadle, W. B. The North-West Passage by Land. Being ... a Eoute ... to British Columbia ... by one of the Northern Passes in the E. M. Lond., [1865.] Long, E. H. Voyage de Pittsbourg aux Monts Eocailleux. Eyries. Vol. IX. Roknia. — Faidherbe, General L. Eecherches anthropologiques sur les Tombeaux Me'galithiques de E. Bone, 1868. Romania. — See Eoumania. Rome. — Marlianus, B. Urbis Eomae Topographia, etc. Basileae, 1550. Adam, A. Eoman Antiquities. Edinh., 1797. Rome — Roumania. 381 Rome-. — Uggeri, A. A. Journee pittoresque des Edifices de R. Ancienne. Ronm, 1800. Edifices de R. Antique, etc. Bomce, 1816. Vasi, M. di. Itinerario ... da Roma a Napoli, etc, Roma, 1816. Stendhall, Count de. R. ... in 1817. 1818. NiBBY, A. Viaggio Antiquario ne'coutorni di R. Roma, 1819. Vasi, M. di. Itinerario di Roma antica e moderna. 1819-20. Kelsall, C. Classical Excursion from R. to Arpino. Geneva, 1820. Fea, C. Description de R. Rome, 1821. — Venute. Descrizione topografica delle Antichita di Roma. Roma, 1824. Rome in the Nineteenth Century. Edin., 1826. Cell, SieW. Topography of R,, e«c. 1834. Gibbon, E. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, etc. 1836. Yates, J. On the Limes Rhseticus and Limes Transrlienanus of the Roman Empire. 1852. Smith, W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, etc. 1856. Burgess, R. On the Egyptian Obelisks in R, etc. 1858. ScAEPELLna, C. Sulli Terremoti avvenuti in Roma . . . 1858 e 1859, etc. Roma, I860. Reixaud, M. Relations Politiques et Commerciales de I'Empire Romaiu avec I'Asie Orientale . . . pendant les cinq premiers siecles, etc. Par., 1863. FoRCHHAMMEB, P. W. Die Griindung Roms. Kiel, 1868. MissoN, M, Arrival at R., to his departure out of Italy. Harris, J. Vol. II. Kellsall, C. Classical Excursion from R. to Aqjino, 1820. Voy- ages and Travels, Kew. 1819. Vol. IV. Romelia. — See Roumania. Rona. — Mackenzie, Sir G. Accomit of Hirta and R. Pcstkebton. Vol. TIT. Rosario. — Rosario. Breve Noticia y documentos relatives a la Colonia Agricola del R. Oriental, etc. Montevideo, [1859.] Argentine Railway. Central Argentine Railway from R. to Cor- dova, etc. 1863. Ross. — MuRCHisoN, Sir R. I. Supplementary Remarks on the Strata of the Oolitic Series ... in ... R., etc. 1827. Rouen. — Licquet, T. R. Pre'cis de son Histoire, etc. Rouen, 1831. Roumania. — Macarius, Travels of . . . Pt. 1 . . . Romelia, etc. 1849. Moltke, Baron von. The Russians in . . . Rumelia in 1828-29. 1854. Jackson, J. Journej'^ ... in 1797, through . . . Romelia, etc. Pelham. Vol. II. 382 Rtigen — Russia. Rugen.— RuGEN, A Tour through . . . A Collection, etc. 1805. >ol. V. 1805, etc. Voyages and Travels. EuGEK, A Tour through . . . 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1810. Vol. VI. Rumburg. — Dresden und die umliegende Gegend bis . . . R., etc. Dresd., 1804. Rumelia. — See Eoumaxia. Russia. — Eemax, A. Beitrage zur Klimatologie des Eussischen Eeiches. Mayeeberg, Bakon A. de. Iter in Moschoviam . . . annoM-DCLXi., etc. !MoxTEiTH, W. Notes on Georgia . . . also a descri^jtion of the Frontier of E., etc. Wesselowsky, C. Tabellen iiber mittlere Temperaturen im Euss- ischen Eeiche. Wyld, J. ISTotes on the Distribution of Gold throughout . . . R. Vera, G. di. Tre Navigatioui fatte dagli Olandesi . . . nella . . . Moscovia, etc. Venet., 1599. Struys, J. Les Voyages de, en Moscovie, etc. Lyon, 1682. Olearius, a. Voyages tres-curieus . . . faits en Moscovie, etc. Amst., 1727. Strahlenberg, p. J. VON. Das Xord-und Ostliche Theil von Europa und Asia, in so weit solches das gantze Eussische Eeich . . . begreiffet . . . vorgestellet, etc. Stockh., 1730. EussiA. A Journey through E. into Persia, by two English Gentle- men, 1739, etc. " 1742. Hanway, J. Historical Account . . . with . . . Travels . . . through E., etc. 1753. EussiA. Authentic Narrative of the E.n Expedition against the Turks by Sea and Land. 1772. Lepechin, I. Tagebuch der Eeise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Eussischen Eeiches in 1768-9, etc. Altenburg, 1774. CoxE, W. Travels into . . . R., etc. 1784. GiiELiN, S. G. Eeise durch Eussland, etc. St. Pet., 1784. HisToiRE des Decouvertes . . . dans plusieurs contrees de la E., etc. Lausanne, 1784. Pallas, P. S. Voyages en differentes Provinces de I'Empire de Eussie, etc. Par., 1789-93. Plescheef, S. Survey of the E.n Empire, etc. Lond., 1792. Chaxteeau. Voyage ... en Eussie . . . 1788 et 89. Ilamh., 1794. Georgi, J. G. Geographisch-physikalische . . . Beschreibunir des Eussischen Eeichs. Konigsb., 1797. FoRSTER, G. Journey . . . into E., by the Caspian Sea. 1798. Georgi, J. G. [A Eussian Translation of G.'s ' Eussland,' etc.] [St. Pet.] 1799. Levesqde, p. C. Histoire de Eussie, etc. Hand), et Brunsiv., 1800. Russia. 383 Russia. — CoxE, W. Account of the . . . Commerce between R. and Cliina, 1804. MacGill, T. Travels in . . . E., dc. 1808. Porter, R. K. Travelling Sketches in R., etc. 1809. Cochrane, J. D. Narrative of a pedestrian Journey through R., eic. 1824. GeIberg, Count J. L'Em2:)ire Russe compare aux principaux ('tats du Monde, par Balbi, etc. 1829. ScHNiTZLER, J. H. Statistique et Itineraire de la Russie. Par., 1829. Alcock, T. Travels in R., etc. 1831. Elliott, C. B. Letters from . , . R., etc. 1832. Stocqueler, J. H. Fifteen Months' Pilgrimage through . . . R., etc. 1832. Russia. Hydrogi-aphie de I'Empire de Russie. &t. Pet., 1833. VsEVOLOJSKY, N. S. Dictionnaire Geographique-Historique de . . . R., etc. iSt. Pet., 1833. Barrow, J. Excursions in . . . R., etc. 1834. ScHNiTZLEK, J. H. Russie . . . Tableau statistique, etc. Par., 1835. Kreeft, C. First R.n Railroad, etc. 1837. Krusenstern, a. J. DE. LTnstruction publique en Russie. Warsaw, 1837. KuPFFER, A. T. Observations Meteorologiques et Masnetiques faites dans I'Empire de Russie, 1835, 36. ^8t. Pet., 1837. CoNOLLY, A. Journey . . . through R., etc. 1838. Elliott, C. B. Travels in . . . R., etc. 1838. ■ Bremner, R. Excursions in the Interior of R. 1839. • Bulgabin, T. Russlands-Geschichte. Pign, 1839. Russlands-Statistik. Pigu, 1839. MiGNAN, R. Winter Journey through R., etc. 1839. KuPFFER, A. T. Annuaire Magnetique et Mete'orologique du Corps des Inge'nieurs des ^Silines de Russie. St. Pet., 1839-46. Baer, K. E. von, and Helmersen, Count ton. Beitrage zur Kennt- niss des Russischen Reiches, etc. St. 'Pet., 1839-58. Adelung, F. Ueber die altereu auslandischen Karten von Russland, St. Pet., 1840. Karpinski, Capt. On the Gold- Washings in R. St. Pet., 1840. Keumann, C. F. Russland und die Tscherkessen. Stutt. tmd Tub., 1840. Zimmermann, C. Geographische Analyse cines Ycrsuches zur Dar- stellung des Kriegstheaters Russlauds gegen Chiwa. BerL, 1840. Erman, a. Archiv fiir wissenschaftliche Kunde von Russland. Berl, 1841-52. 384 Russia. Russia. — MtJLLEB, G. F. and Pallas, P. S. Conquest of Siberia, and the History of the Transactions . . . between E. and China from the earliest period. 1842. Kohl, J. G. E., efc. 1843. Steuve, W. Table des Positions Geographiques principales de Eussie. iit Pet., 1843. Adelung, F. ton, Rritisch-literarische Ubersicht der Eeisenden in Eussland bis 1700, etc. St. Pet., Leii^., 1846. KuPFFER, A. T. Eesume des Observations Meteorologiques faites en Eussie. 8t. Ptt., 1846. Steuve, F. G. W. and 0. W. Expe'dition Chronometrique . . . pour la determination de la Longitude Geographique de I'Observatoire Central de Eussie. . St. Ptt., 1846. Hamel, J, Tradescant der Aeltere 1618 in Eussland. 1847. EoNAY, J. Jellemisme, vagy az . . . Orosz . . . Nemzet . . . Jellemzese, etc. Gyorott, 1847. KuPFFEE, A. T. Annales de I'Observatoire Physique Central de Eussie, etc. St. Pet., 1850-64. Bode, A. Notizen gesammelt auf einer Forstreise durch einen Theil des Europaischen Eusslands. St. Pet., 1854. Chesnet, F. E. Eusso-Turkish Campaigns of 1828 and 1829. 1854. Cole, J. W. E. and the Eussians, etc. 1854. CuEZON, Hon. E. Armenia . . . the Frontiers of E., etc. 1854. CusTiNE, M. de. E., etc. 1854. GoLOViN, I. The Nations of E. and Turkey, etc. 1854. Hamel, J. England and E., etc. 1854. Latham, E. G. The Native Eaces of the E.n Empire. Lond., 1854. M'Cttlloch, J. E. E. and Turkey, etc. 1854. Eussia. Observations on the Climate of E. Puss. St. Pet., 1854. Spencer, E. Turkey, E., etc. 1854. Belgium. The Belgian . . . Eussian . . . Lights. Corrected to 1854, 57-59. 1854-59. Haerison, E. Nine Years' Eesidence in E., from 1844 to 1853. 1855. Seymour, H. D. E. on the Black Sea and Sea of Azof, etc. 1855. Tegoborski, M. L. de. Commentaries on the Productive Foi-ces of E. 1855. ■ Vesselowsky, C. Du Climat de la Eussie. St. Pet., 1855. Haxthausen, Baeon von. The E.n Empire, etc. 1856. MiLNEE, T. E. ; its Eise and Progress, etc. 1856. Petachia, Eabbl Travels of ; who, in the . . . Twelfth Century visited . . . E., etc. 1856. MuRCHisoN, Sir E. I. The Silurian Rocks and Fossils ... of the Baltic Province of R., etc. 1858. Russia. 385 Russia. — Russia. By a recent Traveller. 1859. Six Years' Travel in E., by an English Lady. 1859. Sala, G. A. Journey due North, being Notes of a Residence in E. in 1856. 1859. DuNSTERVTLLE, E. The Admiralty List of the . . . Russian . . . Lights. Corrected to 18G0. I860. — • Reineke, M. Description ]i ydrographique des Cotes Septentrionales de la Russie, etc. Par., 1860-62. Struve, 0. Ueber einen vom General Schubert an die Akademie oericl)teten Antrag, betreffend die Russibch-Scandinavische Meridian- Gradmessung. 1861. '■ • Statistical Tables. Part VIL E., etc. 1861. Gerstfeldt, Herr. Der A'erkehr Riisslauds mit Westasien. [1862.] • Blaramberg, Lieut. Gen. Catalogue of Trigonometrical and Astro- nomical Positions determined in the R. Empire ... up to 1860. Russ. St. Pet., 1863. - Russia. Catalogue of Trigonometrical and Astronomical Positions determined in the R.n Empire ... to 1860, etc. St. Pet., 1863. Geographical Dictionary of the R.n Empire, etc. Buss. St. Pet., 1863. Helmersen, G. vox. [Explanatory Notes on the Geological Map of E.] Puss. [St.'Pet.] 1865. • Lumley, J. S. Report on the Tea Trade of R., etc. Lond., 1867. PollingtoNj Viscount. Half round the Old World ... a Tov.r in R., etc. Lmd., 1867. Helmersen, G. von. Studien iiber die Wanderblocke und die Diluvialgebilde Russlands. St. Pet., 1869. Trench, F. The Russo-Indian Question historically . . . con- sidered, etc. Lond., 1869. Voyage and Travels of A Jenkinson from R. to Boghar ... in 1557. Astley. Vol. lA^. ■ Muscovy, a description of, etc. Churchill. Vol. VII. Jenkinson, A. Voyage into R 1557. Hakluyt. Vol. I. Voyage through R. . . . 1561. Hakluyt. Vol. I. — - — - Third Voyage into R., 1566. Hakluyt. Vol. I. Fourth Voyage into R., 1571. Hakluyt. Vol. I. Herberstein, Baron S. von. Notes upon E Translated and edited ... by R. H. Major. 1851-52. Hakluyt Soc. Pub. Vol. X. XF. • Russia at the Close of the Sixteenth Century. Edited by E. A. Bond. 1856. Hakluyt Soc. Pub. Vol. XX. Ysbrants Ides, E. Travels from Muscovy . . . to . . . China . . . 1692-95. Harris, J. Vol. II. Finhand and E. 1849. Murray. Hand -Book for Northern Europe. Pt. II. 2 c 386 Riissia. Russia. — Tooke, W. View of the E. n Empire. Pelham. Vol. IT. ■ Willoughby, Sir H. and others. Voyages to the N. n parts of E., etc. PiNKERTON. Vol. I. ■ Coxe's Travels in E. Pinkerton. Vol. VI. Benjamin, the Son of Jonas. Peregrination of . . . and relations of ... E. PfTRCHAS. Vol. II. — Sherley, Sir A. Voyage . . . thorow E. ... 1601. Purchas. Vol. II. — The beginning of the English Discoveries towards the North . . . also Voyages by E., eic. Purchas. Vol. III. — The first voyage ... in which . . . Muscovia was discovered . . . 1553. Purchas. Vol. III. — Fletcher, G. Treatise of E. ... 1588. Purchas. Vol. III. — Jenkinson, A. First Voyage . . . toward . . . E., 1557. Purchas. Vol. III. — Eussia, The late changes and manifold alterations in . . . 1570- 1615. Purchas. Vol. ill. — Veer, G. de. Voyages of W. Barents . . . behind . . . Muscovia . . . 1594-96. Purchas. Vol. III. — Campense, A. Lettera intorno le Cose di Moscovia. Eamusio. Vol. II. — Guagnino, A. Descrittione della Sarmatia Europea . . . Moscovia, etc. Eamusio. Vol. II. — Jovio, P. Historico delle Cose della Moscovia. Eamusio. Vol. IE. — Sigismondo Libero Barone in Haberstan. Commeutari della Moscovia et della E., 1559. Eamusio, Vol. II. — Navigationi fatte da gli Olandesi . . . nella . . . Moscovia . . • 1594-97. Eamusio. Vol. III. — Jenkinson, A. Eeise aus Eussland nach . . . Bokhara, 1557. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. Vll. — Carr, J. A Northern Summer; or. Travels . . . through . . . E. . . . 1804. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. III. — Seume, J. G. Tour through . . . E 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VII. — Campenhausen, Baron. Travels through several Provinces of the E. n Empire . . . 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VIII. Travels through several Provinces of the E. n Empire. Voyages and Travels. A Colkction, etc. 1810. Vol. III. - Seume, J. G. Tour through . . . E. ... 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. ISIO. Vol. VI. - The Travels of the Ambassadors from . . . Holstein into Moscovy . . . 1635. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. XIII. XIV. - The Travels of Mr. Jonas Ilanway . . . through E. ... 1743. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. XIV., XV. Russia^ Central — Sahara. 387 Russia, Central. — Helmersen, G, von. Die Steinkohlen des mittleren Paisslands, dc. St. Pet., 1867. , East.— Spottiswoode, W. A Tarantasse Journey through E. n. R. in 1856. 1857. , European. — Murchison, Sir R. I., and others. On the Geological Structure of the Central and Southern Regions of R. in Europe, etc. 1842. The Geology of R. la Europe, etc. Lond. and Par., 1845. Struve, F. G. W. Ueber den Fliicheninhalt der 37 Westlichen Gouvernenients und Provinzen des Europiiischen Russlands. St. Pet., 1845. Russia. Explanation of the Agricultural and Statistical Atlas of E. R. Russ. St. Pet., 1851. , North. — Satjeb, M. Account of a geographical . . . Expedition to the JSi. n parts of R., etc. 1802. — •, South. — Caspian Sea. Description . . . d'un Voyage fait 178i dans la partie meridionale de la Russie. Par., 1793. . Goebel, and others. Reise in die Steppen des Siidlichen Russlands. Borpat, 1838. ■ Brooks, S. Russians of the South. 1854. ■ Demidoff, A. de. Travels in S. R. ... during 1837. 1855. Rutupia. — See RiCHBOROUGH. S. Sabine, River.— Graham, J. D. Observations ... of the Magnetic Decliuation at two positions on the River S., etc. Phil., 1846. Sable Island. — Bayfield, Admiral H. W. Nova Scotia Pilot . . . including S. I. 1860. Saffi. — Beaumier, a. Itineraire de . . . Maroc k Saffy, etc. Par., 1868. Saffy. — See Saffi. Saghalien. — Siebold, P. F. von. Nippon. Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan . . . Krafto, etc. Leyden, 1852. — BiCKMORE, A. S. The Aiuos, or Hairy Men of . . . S., etc. New Haven, 1868. Saghalin. — See Saghalien. Saguenay.— Car tier, J. Voyages to . . . S., 1534, 40. Hakluyt. Vol. 111. La Roche, J, F. de. Voyage ... to ... S., 1542. Hakluyt- Vol. III. Cartier, J. Voyages . . . to . . . S. . . . 1534-37. Kerr. Vol. VI. , River. Saguenay. Hints for entering the River S., etc. 1840. Sahara.— *See Desert, Great. 2 c 2 388 Samt Atigustlne — Saint Helena. Saint Augustine. — Finch, W. Observations . . . touching . . . S. A., etc. PUKCHAS. A^'ol. I. Bernard, Mount. — Manget, J. L. Chamounix . . . et les deux St. B.s. Geneva, 1843. Cassian. — Richthofex, F. F. von. Geognostische Beschreibung der Umgegeud von . . . Sanct C, etc. Gotha, I860. ' Catherine, Mount. — Hakant, K. Gesta ... do ... Sv. Katerioy, etc. v. Praze, 1854. ■ Lord John of Holland, Earle of Huntington. Voy- age to ... S, Katheiius Mount, 1304, Hakluyt. Vol. 11. Christopher. Sloane, H. Voyage to ... S. C.s, etc. 1707. ■ Reisen und Niederlassungen in der Insel St. C, 1627. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVII. Clair, Lake. — Graham, J. D. Report on the Improvement of the Harbours of Lakes ... St. C, etc. Wash., I860. Croix. — Patten, R. Report on the Locating Survey of the S. C. and Lake Superior Railroad. Madison, 1856. Domingo. — See Hayti. Sainte Alousie. — 'See Santa Lucl4.. Saint Elias, Mount. — See Ocha. Eustatius. — See EusTATius. ■ • Genevifeve. — Vincent, M. C. Report on the St. G. Glass-Sand Property, etc. Land., 1869. George Del Mina. — Towrson, W. Three Voyages to . . . Castle D. M., in 1555-57. Aistley. Vol. I. Three Voyages to . . . the Castle of M. ... 1555-57. Hakluyt. A^ol. II. - George's Channel. — Monnier, P. Memoire sur les Courants de . . . Canal de St. G., etc. 1835-39. HuDDART, J. Piloting Directory for . . . S. G. C, etc. 1837. Pass. — Logan, P. Journal of a Journey from Brisbane Town to St. G. P., etc. Syd., 1826-30. - Germain. — Paris. Itineraire . . . de Paris au Havre . . . pre- cede' dime JS'otice historique sur le chemin de fer de Paris a S.-G. Par. - Gothard. — Lardy, C. Essai sur la Constitution Geognostique du St. G. Lausanne, 1832. - Helen. — M'Cord, J. S. Meteorological Observations made on the Island ot St. H. in the River St. Laurence, etc. Montreal, 1842. - Helena. — Beatson, Major-Gen. A. Tracts relative to . . . St. H. 1816. Brooke, T. H. History of the Island of S. H., etc. Lond., 1824. Leigh, W. H. Reconnoitering Voyages . . . including visits to . . . St. H., etc. Lond., 1839. Reconnoitering Voyages . . . including visits to . . . St. H., etc. 1840. Sami Helena — Sai7tt Lawrence, River. 389 Saint Helena.— Maurititts. A Transport Voyage to the Maiiritins . . . toucliina; at . . . St. H. 1851. Prior, J. Voyage . . . to . . . St. H. . . . 1813. Voy- ages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. II. James of Compostella.— See Santiago de Compostella. John. — Davie, J. C. Letters from Paraguay, describing ... St. J., ttc. 1805. de Ulhua. — Hee San Juax de Ulloa. • ■ Kilda. — Mackenzie, Sir G. Account of Hirta and Rona. Pinker- ton. Vol. III. ■ ■ Martin's Voyage to St. K. Pikkertox. Vol. III. Kitt's. — -See Saint Christopher. Laurence, Island of.— >See Madagascar. Lawrence, County. — Hough, F. B. History of St. L. and Franklin Counties, etc. Alhai,y, 1853. Gulf of. — Wellesley, Hon. W. Private Letter Book of H.M.S. Sapphire during her Voyage . . . to . . . G. of St. L , etc. 1830-33. Bayfield, Admiral H. W. Sailing Directions for the G. ... of St. L. 1837. Purdy', J., and Findlay, A. G. British American Navigator. Sailing Directory for . . . the Gulf and River of St. L. etc. 1847. Bayfield, Admiral H. W, Maritime Positions in the Gulf ... Si, L., etc. 1857. St. L. Pilot, etc. 1860. - Pilote du Golfe ... St. Laurent, etc. Par., 1863. Cartier, J. Voyages to . . . the Gulfe of S. L. . 153i, 40. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Voyage of the Grace ... up the Gulfe of S. L. . 1594. Hakluyt. Vol. IlL -, River. Long, J. Voyages and Travels . . . with an account of tlie Posts situated on the River S. L., etc. J.ond., 1791. Mackenzie, A. Voyages ... on the River St. L. . . . in 1789 and 1793, eCc. 1801. Gould and Dowie. Instructions for making Gaspe ... in the River St. L. 1832. Bayfield, Admiral H. W. Sailing Directions for the . . . River of St. L. 1837. Maritime Positions in the . . . River St. L., etc. 1857. ■ St. L. Pilot, etc. 1860. Pilote . . . du fleuve Saint-Laurent, ifr. Far., 1863. Cartier, J. Voyages ... up the River of Canada . 1534, 40. Hakluyt. Vol. III. 390 Saint Lawrence, River — Saint Vincent. Saint Lawrence, River. — Notes and Observations . . . for . . . the Eiver Canada. Haklutt. Vol. III. Louis.— Tarver, M. St. L., its Early History. &t. Louis, 1849. , Island.— Se'uegambie, lies St. L. et Gorge. Eteies. Vol. X. , Durand, J. P. L. Voyage . . . from ... St. L. to Galam, 1785-86. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. IV. Mary. — Davie, J. C. Letters from Paraguay, describing ... St. M., etc. 1805. • Paul, Island.— Prior, J. Voyage . . . to . . . St. P. . . . 1810-11. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. I. Peter, River. — Keating, W. H. Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. P.s River, etc. 1825. Petersburg.— Wraxall, N. A Tour through ... St. P. 1776. Keppel, Hon. G. Personal Narrative of a Journey from India . . . by . . . St. P., etc. 1827. Granville, A. B. St. Pet., etc. 1828. Abbott, Capt. J. Journey from Heraut to . . . St. P., dc. 1843. Galitzin, Prince E. La Finlande ; Notes . . . pendant une excursion de St. P. a Tornea. Par., 1852. Jermann, E. Pictures from St. P., etc. 1852. Helmersen, G. von. Die Alexandersaule zu St. P. \ St. Pet., 1862. St. Petersburg, Voyage to, in 1814, etc. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. ^ Vol. II. ThomS,. — See St. Thome, Madras. Saint Thomas, Island of.— Phillips, T. Abstract of a Voyage . . . to . . . the Island of St. T. . . . in 1693. Astley. Vol. II. Phillips, Capt. Journal of . . . Voyage ... to ... the Island of S. T., etc. Churchill. Vol. VI. Navegacao de Lisboa si Ilha de S. Thome, etc. Portugal. Collec9ao de Noticias. etc. Vol. II. Navigatione da Lisbona all' Isola di San Thome, etc. Kamusio. Vol. 1. Phillips, T. Beschreibuug einer Reise . . . nach ... St. T. . . . 1693. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. IIL Saint Thome, Madras. — Mendez Pinto, F. Historia Oriental de las perecTinacioues de F. Mendez Pinto . . . en . . . Caiaminam, etc. Madrid, 1627. Haiens de la. Reise . . . 1670-72 . . . Verrichtungen zu St. Thomji. Voy'ages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. VI II. Saint Vincent. — Edwards, B. Historical Survey of . . . Saint Domingo . . . Also a Tour through ... St. V., etc. 1801. Parker, W. The Taking of St. V. . . . 1601. Pubchas. A^ol. IV. Saint Vincent, Province — Samara. 391 Saint Vincent, Province.— >See Sao Paulo. Sakae, Sakair. — See Osacca. Sakhalian.— /See Saghalien. Salado, River. — Hutchixson, T. J. Buenos Ayres . . . with extracts from a diary of S. Exploration, etc. Lond., 1865. Salamas. — Smith, E., and Dwight, H. G. 0. Missionary Researches . . . including ... a Visit to the Nestorian . . . Christians of . . . Salmas, etc. 1834. Salamias. — See Salamas. Salamina.— See St. Thome. Salangor. — Anderson, J. Observations . . . the result of a . . . Mission to . . . Salengore, etc. F. of. W. J., 1824. Saldanha. — Dounton, N. Journal . . . 1611-12. Their coming to S., ate. Purchas. Vol. I. Saldanha Bay. — Raymoxd, W. S. B. Harbour, its special capabilities tor Colonization. Lond., 1867. Down ton, Capt. N. Journal . . .between S. B. and Socotora, etc. Kerr. Vol. VIII. Saldania. — See Sai-danha. Sale, Salee. — See Sallee. Salem. — Dykes, J. W. B. S., an Indian Collectorate. Lond., 1853. Salengore. — See Salangor. Sallee. — Autekoche, Abbe Chappe d'. A Voyage . . . Also a Voyase to . . . S. By M. de Cassini. Land., 1778. • Lempriere, W. Tour from Gibraltar to . . . S., etc. 1791. Salmas.— See Salamas. Salomon Islands. — A Fragment concerning the discovery of the Islands of S. Chdrcuill. Vol. IV. Salop. — See Shropshire. Salt Lake. — See Great Salt Lake. Salta. — Andrews, Capt. Journey . . . through . . . S,, etc. 1827. Salvador. — Bailt, J. Central America . . . S., etc. 1850. ■ Squier, E G. Notes on . . . San S., etc. N. K, 1855. Brasseur de Bourbourg, E. C. Apercus d'un Voyage dans . . . San S., etc. ' Par., 1857. Scherzer, K. von. Travels in . . . San S. 1857. Tempsky, G. F. von Mitla. A Narrative of ... a Journey in . . . S., etc. 1858. Salzburg. — Schmidl, A. A. Das Kaiserthum Oesterreich. Daa P>zher- zogthum (k'sterreich mit S., etc. Stuttg., 1838, 39. Samana. — Dominican IiEPublic, the . . . and a Glance at , . . S., cfr. FhiL, 1852. Samara. — Helmersen, G. von. Die Bohrversuche zur Entdeckung von Sieinkohlen auf der S. halbinsel, etc. 1867. 392- Samara^ River — San Juan de Ulloa. Samara, River. — Helmersen, G. von. Geognostische Bemerkungen liber die Steppengegead zwisclaen den Flussea S., Wolga, etc, at. Pet, 1846. Samarang. — Stavorinus, J. S, Voyage . . . k S. . . . 1774-78. Far., 1800. Samarcand. — Vambery, A. Travels ... to ... S., etc. Loml., 1864. Clavijo, E. G. de. Narrative of the Embassy of, to . . . S., 1403-6. Translated, with notes ... by C. K. Marldiam. 1859. Hakluyt 8oc. Pub. Vol. XXVI. Samaria. — Biddulph, W. Travels of four Englishmen . . . into . . S. in 1600 and 1611. Churchill. Vol. VII. " Sam.en. — Ferret, A., and Galinier. Voyage . . . dans les provinces . . . du S., etc. Pur., 1847. Samoeds. — See Samoiedia. Samoiedia. — Johnson, E. Landing among the Samoeds, 1556. Hakluyt. Vol. I. A Voyage . . . containing an Account of . . . S., etc.. Harris, J. Vol. II. Samoiedes et Ostiaks, par un Anonyme. Laharpe, J. Vol. VIII. Samoiedia, a new account of, etc. Pinkerton, Vol. I. Description of . . . S. . . . 1612. Purchas. Vol. III. Neue Nachricht von Samyedien, etc. Voyages and Travels. AU'j.emeine Ilistorie, etc. Vol. XIX. Samoyedes. — See Samoiedia. San Antonio, Cape. — Hawkins, Sir J. Voyages to . . . the Cape of S. Anton . . . 1562-68. Hakluyt. Vol. 111. San Diego. — Emory, W. H. Notes of a Military Eeconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth . . . to S. D. N. I'., 1848. CooKE, P. St. G. Official Journal of a March . . . to S. D. in Upper California. M^ash., 1849. Whipple, A. W. Eeport of an Expedition from S.-D. to the Colorado, etc. Wash., 1851. Blake, W. P. Observations on . . . the Coast of California, from Bodega Bay to S. D. Wash., 1855. San Domingo de Palenque. — Del Eio, A. Description of the Euins of an Ancient City discovered near P., etc. 1822. Warden, M. Description des Euines decouvertes pres de P., etc. Voyages and Travels. Eecueil, etc. Vol. II. San Francisco. — Benjamin, J. B. Eeise in . . . S. F. Hannov., 1862. San Juan, River. — Mercer, Hon. C. F. Eeport on . . . Intcr-Occanic connection ... by the way of . . . the Eiver St. J. Wash., 1839. 'J'rautwine, J. C. Eough Notes of an Exploration ... of the . . . S. J., etc. Phil., 1854. San Juan de Puerto Rico.— /See Porto Eico. San Juan de Ulloa. — Gage, T. Survey of the S]ianish West Indies . . . Also . . . Voyage . . . to S. John do IHhua, etc. 1702. San Juan de Ulloa — Santa Fe. 393 San Juan de Ulloa.— Boilcnham, R. Voyage to S. J. de Ullua . . . 1504. tiAKLUYT. Vol. 111. San Lorenzo, Island. — See Madagascar. San Marino. — Brizi Aretino, 0. Quadro . . . della . . . Republica rli a. M. Firenze, 1842. Balci, A. S. M. 1846. San Remo. — ^Daubeny, H. The Climate of S, R., etc. Lond., 1865. San Salvador, State of.— See Salvador. San Thom^. — -See Saint Thomas, Island of. San Vicente. — See Sao Paulo. Sanaga. — See Senegal. Sanchi. — Fergusson, J. Tree and Serpent Worship . . . From the sculptures of the Buddhist Topes at S., etc. Load., 1868. Sancta-Crux. — See Brasil. Sancti Edmundi Burgus.— See Bury Saint Edmund's. Sancto Domingo del Darien.— See Darien, Province of. Sandwich Islands. — Mortimer, G. Observations . . . during a A^oyane to ... S. I., dc. Lond., 1791. Mathison, G. F. Narrative of a Visit to . . . the S. I., etc. 1825. ■ Ellis, W. Narrative . . . with Piemarks on . . . the S. I. 1826. Sandwich Islands. Voyage of H.M.S. Blonde to the S. I. . . . 1824-25. Lond., 1826. Jarves, J. J. History of the S. T., etc. Bost. U. S., 1843. Simpson, A. The S. I. Progress of Events, etc. 1843. ■ Cheever, H. T. Life in the S. I., etc. 1851. Coke, Hon. H. J. A Pide . . . with a glance at . . . the S. I., dc. 1852. Ellis, W. Polynesian Researches, during a residence of nearly eight years in the . . . S. I. 1853. Hill, S. S. Travels in the S. . . . I. 1856. Santa Catliarina. — Brito, P. J. M. de. Memoria . . . sohre . . . S. C , etc. Lisb., 1829. Santa Cruz. — Morocco. Observations on . . . Morocco . . . 1830 . . . Description of S. C, etc. MS. Lempriere, W. Tour fiom Gibraltar to ... S. C, etc. 1791. Santa Fh. — Falconer, T. Expedition to S. F. An Account, etc. N. Orleans, 1842. Kendall, G. W. Narrative of an Expedition . . . from Texas to S. F., etc. lond., 1845. Cooke, P. St. G. Official Journal of a March from S. F. . . .to San Diego, etc. Wash., 1849. Simpson, J. H. Report of the Route from Fort Smith . . . to S. F., etc. Wash., 1850. 394 Santa Fe — Sapienza. Santa Ffe. — Perkixs, G. Las Colonias de S. F., etc. Rosario de S. F., 1864. Santa Fe. Eedstro oficial de la Provincia de S. F., etc. S. F., 1861 • BusTiNZA, J. DE. Memoria sobre . . . los Terrenos cedidos a la empresa del Ferro-Carril Central Avgeutino en . . . S. F. Rosario, 1866. Santa Th de Bogota.— >S'ee Bogota. Santa Lucia. — Breex, H. H. St. L., etc. 1844. Xicol, J. True Relation of the . . . Massacre of . . .67 men in S. L. . . . 1605. PuRCHAS. Vol. IV. Pieisen nach . . . Insel St. L., dc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeiue Historie, etc. Vol. XVII. Santa Maria. — Julian, A. La Perla de la America, Provincia de S. M., reconocida, etc. JMadr., 1787. Santa Martha. — -Pizarro, F. Reisen ... an der Kuste von St, M. . . . 1524-41. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XV. — Statthalterschaften Rio de la Hacha und St. M. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeiae Historie, etc. Vol. XVI. Santa Maura. — Dapper. Xaukeurige Beschryving van . . . S. M., etc. Amst., 1688. Santiago. — Andrews, Capt. Journey . . . to S. de Chili, etc. 1827. Sherley, Sir A. Voyage to . . . S. J. . . . 1596. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. ■ Beschreibungen . . . von . . . Sant Jago. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XV. Santiago de Compostella. — Wey, W. The Itineraries of W. Wey ... to Saint James of Compostella, a.d. 1456, etc. Lond., 1857. Santo Stefano. — Dapper. Beschryving van . . . S. S., etc. 1688. Santorin.^LEYCESTEB, Lieut. Greek Inscriptions discovered in ... S. and ^lilo. Sao Francisco, River.— Liais, E. E.xploracao dos Rios S. F. e Das Valhas. [Rio de Jan., 1863.] • BuKTOX, R. F. Explorations . , . Also, Canoeing down 1500 miles of the . . . S. F., e'c. Lond., 1869. Sao Paulo. — Gaspar, F. Memorias para a historia da Capitania de S. Vicente, hoje chamada de S. P., etc. Lisb., 1797. • AuBERTiN, J. J. Eleven Days' Journey in ... S. P., etc. Lond., 1866. Joseph de Anchieta. Epistola quamplurimamm Rerum Xaturalium, qufe S. Vincentii (nunc S. Pauli) Provinciam incolimt, sistens descrip- tionem. Portugal. Collec9ao de Noticias. Vol. I. Sao Pedro do Rio Grande.— Vereker, Hon. H. P. British Ship- iiiar,tei's lland-Book to Rio Grande do Sul. 1860. Sapienza. — Leake, W. M. On the claim to the Islands of Ccrvi and S. Lond., 1850. Saratoga springs — Savoy. 395 Saratoga Springs. — Meade, W. An . . . Inquiry into the chemical properties, &c., of the Mineral "Waters of . . . S., etc. Phil., 1817. De Veaus, S. The Traveller's Own Book to S. S., etc. Buff., 1841. Sarawak. — Brereton, C. D. An Address, with a proposal for ... a Cliiuch ... at S., etc. 1846. Low, H. S., its Inhabitants, etc. 1848. Sardinia. — Chauchard, Capt. Geographical . . . description of . . . S., etc. Lond., 1800. Smyth, Admiral W. H. Sketch of the present state of ... S. 1828. Casalis, G. Diccionario geografico . . . degli Stati di . . . Sardegna. Torino, 1840-46. Biosdelli, B. SuUo stato attuale della Sardegna. Mil., 1841. Ttsdale, J. W. The Island of S., etc. Lond., 1849. Hogg, J. On the Sicilian and Sardinian languages. 1856. Forester, T. Eambles in . . . S., etc. 1858. Marmora, Couxt A. de la. Itineraire de . . . Sardaijjne, etc. funn, I860. Sardis. — Rekkell, J. Illustratrons ... of the . . . Expedition of Cyrus from S. to Babylonia, etc. 1816. Sark. — See Serk. Sarmatia. — Guagnino, A. Descrittione della S. Europea, etc. Eamtjsio. Vol. I. M. di Micheovo. Descrittione delle due Sarmatie. Kamusio. Vol. II. Sasardi. — Parsons, J. "West India Directory. Sailing directions from Tuerto Escoces to S., etc. 1854. Saskatchewan. — Hixd, H. Y. Narrative of the . . . S. Exploring Expe- dition of 1858. 1858. Dawson, S. J. Eeport on . . . the Country between . . . the Pied Piver Settlement ... and S. Toionto, 1859. Saugor Island. — Prinsep, G. A. Sketch of the . . . S. I. Society and its Lessees. Calc, 1831. Saugur Island. — See Saugor Island. Saumur. — Bodin, J. F. Recherches historiques sur . . . S. Saum., 1812. Savannah. — Seward, "W. Journal of a voyage from S. to Philadel|ihia, etc. Loud., 1740. Save. — Seen, Die, der "Vorzeit in Oberkrain und die Felsenschliffe dcr Save, von F. B. M. Laihach, 1863. Savoy. — BouRRiT, M. Journey to the Glaciers in . . . S., etc. Norwich, 1776. Description des . . . Glaciers de Savoye. Geneve, 1785. Beaumont, J. F. A. Description . . . de la Savoie. Far., 1802-6. oq6 Savoy — Scandinavia. Savoy.— Forbes, J. D. Travels through the Alps of S., etc. Edin., 1843. Norway . . . with Excursions in the High Alps of . . . S. Edin., 1853. . St. John, B. Subalpine Kingdom ; or, Experiences ... in R., etc. 1856. Favbe, a Memoire sur les terrains liasique et keuperien de la S. Geneve, 1859. Eecherches Geologiques dans les parties de la Sayoie voisiues du Mont Blane, etc. Far., Geneve, 1867. Savoye. — See Savoy. Sawakin.— Hamilton, J. Sinai . . . "Wanderings . . . from S. to Chartum. 1857. Saxon Switzerland.— /S'ee Saxony. Saxony. — Saxony. Nachtrag zu dem Yerzeichnisse der im Konigreiche Sachseu . . . abzuhaltenden Messen . , . 1836-40, etc. . Charpentier, J. F. W. Mineralogische Geographie der Chur- saeclisischen Lande. Leip., 1778. . . LiNDAU, W. A. Vergissmeinnicht. Ein Taschenbuch fiir den Besuch der sachsischen Schweiz, etc. Dresd., 1823. ■ Elliott, C. B. Letters from . . . S. 1832. . Saxony. Uebersicht der im Konigreiche Sachsen bestehenden offentlichen Gelehrtenschulen, etc. Dresd., 1835. . Mittheilungen des Statistischen Vereins fiir . . . Sachsen. 1834-46, etc. Dresd., 1835-49. Alphabetisches Orts-Verzeichniss des Konigreichs Sachsen. Dresd., 1837. Saxony. Uebersicht der im Jahre 1836 in . . . Sachsen. . . statt- gefundenem Getreide-und Victualienpreise, etc. Drtsd., 1837. Saxony. AUgemeine Uebersicht des Konigreichs Sachsen in Statis- tischer Beziehung. Leipz., 1839. — ScHiFFNER, A. Beschreibung von Sachsen, etc. Stuttg., 1840. MuRCHisoN, Sir Pi. I. On the development of the Permian Svstem in S., etc. 1849. Saxony. Statistische Mittheilungen aus . . . Sachsen, etc. Dresd., 1851. Browne, E. Vovage ... to Holland, with a Journey . . . through . . . S. ... 1668. Harris, J. Vol. II. Saypan.— Byron, Comm. Voyage ... to ... S. ... 1764-66. Hawkes- worth, J. Vol. 1. Scandaroon, Scanderun.— -See Iskanderun. Scandinavia. — GRARER(i, Count J. Scandinavie vengee de I'accusation d'avoir produit les peuples barbares qui detruisirent I'Empire de Rome. Lyons, 1822. FoRSELL, C. Sverige 09h Norwege aller Skandinavien. Stockh., 1826. Clarke, E. D. Travels in . . . S., etc. 1838. Scandinavia — Scotland. 397 Scandinavia. — Nilsson, S. Report on the primitive Inhabitants of S., etc. Load., 1848. • • Lloyd, B. S.n Adventures, etc. 1854. Struve, 0. Ueber einen vom General Schubert an die Akademie gerichteten Antrag, betreffend die Eussisch-Scandinavische Meridain- Giadmessung. 1861. Scarborough.— AixswoRTH, W. The S. Guide. York, 1811. Scarpanto. — Dapper. Beschryving van . . . Karpathos, etc. 1688. Schaffhausen. — GemXlde deb Schweiz . . . S., etc. Bern, 1834-38. Schantaren. — See SHA^•TAR Islands. Schettland. — See Shetland Islands. Schiringsheal.— Bell, W. Ein Yersuch den Ort S. . . . enthaltend, etc. 1847. Forster, J. E. Eemarks on the situation of S., etc. Kerr. Vol. I. Schleswig-Holstein.— -S'ee Sleswick and Holstein. Schneeberg.— Embel, J. X. Schilderung der Gebirgs-Gegenden um den S. in Uesterreich. M'ien, 1803. Schmidl, a. a. Der S. in unter Oesterreich. Wien, 1831. Schonbrunn. — Schokbrunn's Pfianzengarten und Menagerie. Wien, 1856. Schwalbach.— Gexth, A. The Iron Waters of S., etc. Wiesb., 1855. Schwetzingen. — Schwetzingen, Description du Jardin de. Schwyz. — Gemalde der Schweiz . . . S., etc. Bern, 1834-38. Sciacca. — See Xacca. Scilly Islands. — Troutbeck, J. Sui-vey and present state of the S. Islands. Sherhorne. Heath, E. Natural . . . Account of the Islands of S. 1750. Heath's Account of ... S. Pinkerton. Vol. II. Scinde. — See Sinde. Scio. — Bodexham, R. Voyage to . . . Ohio, 1550. Voyage . . . to . . . Ohio, about 1534. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Another Voyage unto . . . Chio. 1535. Hakluyt. Vol. II. • Jordan ouJourdainCatalani, P. Mirabiliadescripta, sequiturde . . . Insula Chio, etc. Voyages and Travels. Eecueil, etc. Vol. IV. Scioto. — Volxey, C. F. Tableau . . . des Etats-Unis . . . suivi d'eclair- cissemens . . . sur la Colonie Franfaise au S., etc. Far., 1803. Sciringes-heal. — See Schiringsheal. Sclavonia. — See Slavonia. Scotland. — Betts, J. Exercises on . . . S., etc. Glaisher, J. On the Meteorology of S., etc. Sinclair, Sir J. The Statistical Account of S., etc. Edin., 1791. Faujas Saint- Fond, B. Voyage ... en Ecosse, etc. Far., 1797. Travels in . . . S., etc. 1799. Murray, Hon. Mrs. S. Guide to the Beauties of S., e^c. 1799. 098 Scotland. Scotland. — Ma we, J. Mineralogy . . . with a description of . . . Mines in . . . S., etc. 1802. . Scotland, Highlands of. The Traveller's Guide through S., etc.. Edin., 1811. Gary, J. Itinerary of the Great Eoads throughout . . . S. 1812. Frank, G. Viaggio . . . per una gran parte . . . della Scozia, etc. Milano, 1813. Webster, D. Topographical Dictionary of S. Edin., 1817. Sinclair, Sir J. Analysis of the Statistical Account of S., etc. Lond., 1826. Scotland. Fourteenth Eeport . . . relative to . . . Roads and Bridges in S., etc. 1828. Sedgwick, A. and Murchison, Sir R. T. On the Structure . . .of the Deposits . . . between the Primary Eocks and the Ooolitic Series in the N. of S. 1828. • Scotland, Highlands OF, Journal of a Tour through the . . . 1829. Norton Hall, 1830. — Scottish Tourist and Itinerary, etc. Edin., 1834. . Teignmouth, Lord. Sketches of the Coasts and Islands of S., etc. 1836. Scotland, Highlands of. Topographical . . . Gazetteer of S. Qlasfj., 1842. Scotland. Eeport. . . on the Harbours of S. 1848. Johnson, A. K. Historical Notice of the progress of the Ordnance Survey in S. Edin., 1851. ■ - ■ Morchison. Sir R. I. Memoirs on the Geology of S., etc. S., etc. 1851-62. Worsaae, J. J. A. Account of the Danes and Norwegians in . . . 1852. ■ • Scotland, Highlands of. Letters on the Ordnance Survey of S., etc. 1853. Black's Picturesque Tourist of S. Edinh., 1859. ■ Otter, H. C. Scotland N. W. Coast, etc. 1859. Murchison, Sir R. I. Supplemental Observations on the Order of the Ancient Stratified Eocks of the N. of S. 1860. James, Sir H. Ordnance Survey. Abstracts of the principal Lines of Spirit Levelling in S. 1861. • Frickmann, M. Instructions pour la navigation de la Cote Ouest d'Ecosse. Par., 1869. MoHN, H. InstitutMetdorologique de Norvege. Temperature de la Mer entre I'Islande, I'Ecosse, etc. Christ., 1870. ■ Ravenstein, E. G. Reisehandbuch fiir . . . Schottland. Eildhurgh., 1870. Gonzales. Voyage to England and S. Pinkerton. Vol. II. Pennant, T. Two Tours in S. Pinkerton. Vol. III. Scotland — Senegal. 399 Scotland.— Gleanings of a AVanderer, in . . . S. . . . 1804. Voyages aud Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. II. Saussure, L. A. Xecker de. Travels in S., etc. Votages and Travels, New. 18J9. Vol. VI. — -, Western Islands of.— /See Hebrides. Scozia. — See Scotland. Scythia. — Rennell, J. The Geographical System of Herodotus examined . . . with dissertations on . . . the Expedition of Darius Hystaspes to S., etc. 1830. • Of the . . . Scythians . . . and of their Religions. Purchas. Vol. V. Sebastopol. — Porter, Major W. Life in the Trenches before S. 1856. Segestan, Segistan.— See Seistan. Seine, Department of the. — Paris, Recherches Statistiques sur . . . le Departement de la S. Far., 1823-29. Inferieure. — Noel, S. B. J. Premier Essai sur le departement de la S. I., etc. llouen, 1795. , River. — Quin, M. J. Steam Voyages on the S., etc. 1843. Seis Alp. — RiCHTHOFEN, F. F. VON. Geognostische Beschreibung der Umgegend von . . . der Seisser Alpe, etc. Gotha, I860. Seistan. — Segistan, owero il Corso del Fiume Hindmend sccondo Abu Ishak-el-Farssi-el-Isstachri, etc. Milano, 1842. Sejistan. — See Seistan. Selbome.— White, G. Natural History of S. 1813. Seleucia. — Mignan, R. Travels . . . with Observations on the Sites of . . . S., etc. 1829. Semmering. — Julius, W. A. S. und Reichenau. Fiihrer, etc. Wien, 1858. Senega. — See Senegal. Senegal. — Sauqnier, M. Relations de plusieurs voyages . . . au S., etc. Par., 1792. Thevenot, J. P. E. Traite des Maladies des Europeens . . . au S., etc. Far., 1840. Panet, M. Instructions . . . pour le Voyage de M. Panet du S. en Algdrie. Par., 1849. Snider-Pellegrini, A. Du Developpement du Commerce de I'Algerie . . . et d'une Route . . . au S. par Tombouctou, etc. Par., 1857. Faidherbe, L. Notice sur la Colonic du S., etc. Par., 1859. Hutchinson, T. J. Ten Years' Wanderings . . . from S. to Gaboon. 1861. Jannequin, C. Abstract of a Voyage ... to the Kingdom of S., etc. ASTLEY. Vol. II. Le Maire, Sieur, Voyages of, to . . . S., etc. Churchill. Vol. VIIL Voyages au S. ... Cadamosto, A. Brue. Laharpe, J. Vol. I. 400 Senegal — Senegambia. Senegal. — Voyages an S. jusqu'k Sieira Leone. Laharpe, J. Vol. 11. ■ Adamson's Voyage to S., ttc. Pinkertox. Vol. XVI. • Briie, A. Dritte Eeise nach Sanaga, 1715. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeiue Historic, ttc. Vol. II. Eine JSTachriclit von dem Lande gegen Norden von Sanaga, ttc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. II. Jannequin, C. Auszug von einer Reisebeschreibung . . . nach . . . Sanaga . . . 1637. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, ttc. Vol. U. Durand, J. P. L. Vovage to S., ttc. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, ttc. 1805. Vol. IV. Durand, J. P. L. Voyage to S., 1785-86. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, ttc. 1810. Vol. I. • , River. — Mollien, G. Travels ... to the Sources of the S. and Gambia, etc. 1820. Bouet-Villaumez, Count E. Description Nautique des Cotes. . . comprises entre le S. et TEquateur. Par., 1846. Voyages of Pi. Piainolds and T. Dassel to the ... S. ... 1591. ASTLEY. Vol. I. Account of the Country to the N. of the Sanaga, etc. AsTLEY. Vol. II. Brue, A. Description of the . . . Sanaga, ttc. Astley. Vol. II. First Voyage up the Sanaga in 1627. Astlky. Vol. II. Second Voyage up the Sanaga. . . in 1698. Astley. Vol. 1 1. Third Voyage up the Sanaga in 1715, ttc. Astley. Vol. II. Voyages . . . containing ... an account of the Sanaga, etc. Astley. Vol. II. Mollien, M. Voyage aus sources du S. ... 1818. Eyries. Vol. XI. Rainolds, R. and Dassel, T. Voyage to the . . . Senega . . . 1591. Hakluyt. Vol. 111. Voyage to the S. . . . 1591. Kerr. Vol. VII. Briie, A. Beschreibung des Flusses Sanaga, ttc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, ttc. Vol. II. Reise auf der Sanaga, 1697. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, ttc. Vol. II. Le Maire. Reise nach . . . der Sanaga . . . 1682. Voy- ages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, ttc. Vol. III. A Description of the Countrv up the S. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. ifSll. Senegambia. — Brunner, S. Reise nach Senegambien, etc. Bern, 1840. Senegambie, lies Saint Louis et Goree. Eyrles. Vol. X. See also Galam. — Timbo. Sennaa?^ — Skanno?i. 401 Sennaar. — Poscet, Monsieur. A Voyage to -^Ethiopia . . . Desciibini;; . . . likewise. . . S., ttc. Loud., 1709. DoxGOLA. Narrative of the Expedition to. . . S., e^c. 1822. Cailltaud, F. Voyage . . . de S. k Syouah, etc. Pur., 1826. Werne,F. African Wanderings : or an Expedition from S. to Tiika, etc. 1852. Sennir. — See Senxaar. Serbal, Mount. — Hogg, J. Remarks on Mount S., etc. 1849. Sercq. — See Serk. « Seringapatam. — Beatson, Majob-Ges. A. View of the. . .siege of S. 1800. Serio. — Poxte, G. M. da. Osservazioni sul Dipartimento del S. Bergamo, 1803. Serk.— GuERxsEY. The Guernsey Island Pilot . . . S., etc. Lond., 1863. Servia.— BouE, A. Les Serbes et les Croates. Patox, a. a S., the youngest Member of the European Family, etc. Lond., 1845. Ranke, L. History of S., etc. 1847. Spescer, E. Travels. . . through . . . S., etc. 1851. Kiss, K. Hunyadi Janos Utolso Hadjarata Bulgar es Szerborszaiban l4:54:-beu, etc. Fest, 1858. Erdy, J. A Boszna es Szerb Regi £rmek. Pest^ 1857. — — -— Aebdthxot, G. Herzegovina . . . with a brief account of S., e^c. 1862. Greive, W. T. The Church and People of S. Galtox, F. Vaca- tion Tourists ... in 1S62-3. Se-Shan. — Knight, S. The Coals from S,-S., etc. Shanghai, 1867. Sestos, River.— 'See Sestro. Sestro, River. — Towrsou, W. Three Voyages to , . . the River Sestos, 1555-57. Hakluyt. Vol. U. Sevier, River. — Beckwith, E. G. Report of Exploration . . , from the Mouth of the Kansas to S. River, etc. Wash., 1854. Seville. — Cerquero, J. S. Memoria sobre la posicion geografica de Sevilla. S. Fernando, 1832. Sewalik Mountains. — Falconer, H. Descriptive Catalogue of . . . Fossil Remains . . . from the S. Hills, etc. Cole, 1859. Seychelles. — Mauritius. Pajiers . . . relative to the Slave Trade at . . . the S. . . . 1811-25. 1826. Prior, J. Voyage ... to ... S. ... 1810-11. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. I. Sh.an States. — Williams, J. M. Memorandum on Railway Communica- tion with . . . the . . . S. S. from . . . Rauguou, etc. Lond., 1865. Wakefield Chamber of Commerce. Direct Commerce with the S. S. ... Memorial, etc. Lond., 1869. Shannon. — Wolfe, J. Sailing Directions for the Lower S., etc. 1843. 2 D 402 Shanse — Siam. Shanse. — Eichthofen, Baeon F. F. von. Reports on the Provinces of . . . S. ShaiKjh., 1870. Shantar Islands. — Middendokff, A. T. von. Bericht uber die Beend- igung der Expedition , . . auf die Schantaren, etc. St. Pet., 1845. Sheeraz. — See Shieaz. Shetland Islands. — Sinclair, C. S. and the Shetlanders. London. Kerguelen-Tremaeec, M. de. Eelation d'une Voj'age . . . aux Cotes . . . de Schettland, etc. Par., 1771. - HiBBERT, S. Description of the S. I., etc. Edin., 1822. - Brand's Description of ... S. Pinkerton. Vol. III. Shillong.— Medlicott, H. B. Geological Sketch of the S. Plateau. India, Geological Survey. Eecords, etc. Vol. 11. Shiras, Shirau, Shirauz. — See Shieaz. Shiraz.— Waring, E. S. A Tour to S., etc. 1807. Rich, C, J. Narrative of ... a Visit to S,, etc. 1836. Pelly, L. Remarks on a recent Journey to S., etc. Bomb., 1863. Warin?, E. S. Tour to S. . . . 1802, etc. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VI. Shirwa, Lake. — Livingstone, D. and C. Narrative of . . . the dis- covery of tlie Lakes S. and Nyassa, etc. Lond., 1865. Shoa. — Hericouet, C. R. d'. Consid^-ations . . . sur . . . le Eoyaume de Choa. Par., 1841. IsENBERG, C. W. and Krapf, J. L, Journals of ... in S., etc. 1843. Johnston, C. Travels . . . through . . . Adal to ... S. 1844. Hericourt, C. R. d'. Second Vovage . . . dans . . . le Eoyaume de Choa. " Par., '1846. Shropshire. — Plymley, J. General View of the Agriculture of S., etc. MuRCHisoN, Sir E. I. The Silurian System, founded on Geological Eesearches in . . . Salop, etc. 1839. Botfield, B. S., its History, etc. 1860. Siam. — Mendez Pinto, F. Historia Oriental de las peregrinaciones de F. Mendez Pinto . . . en . . . Sornao, que vulgarmente se llama S., etc. Madrid, 1627. Chaumont, Mons, de. Eelation de I'ambassade de, k la Cour . . . de S. Par., 1687. Mandelslo, J. A. DE. Voyage . . . Contenants une description . . . de S., etc. Amst., 1727. Finlayson, G. The Mission to S. ... in 1821-2, etc. Lond., 1826. Crawfurd, J. Journal of an Embassy to . . . S., etc. 1830. Earl, G. W. The Eastern Seas . . . comprising . . . visits to . . . S. etc. 1837. MoOB, J. H. Notices of . . . S., etc ■ . Singapore, 1837. Siaiu. 403 Siam.— Pallegoix, Mgr. Di-scriptiun du Royaume Thai ou S., etc. Lagny, 1854. BowRiKG, Sir' J. The Kingdom ... of S., etc. 1857. Sprye, R. H. F. and C. H. F. The British and China Railway ; from . . . Ra,ngoon . . . to S., etc. 1858. MouHOT, H. Travels in the central parts of Jndo-China (S.), ttc. Loud., 1864. Bastian, a. Die Yoelker des Oestlichen Asien,' etc. (Vol. 3. Reisen in S. . . . 1863.) Leipz., 1866, 67. Grehan, a. Le Royaume de S. Par., 1868. Marten, N. Voyage of Capt. A. Hippon to ... S. in 1611. ASTI-EY. Vol. I. A lull . . . relation of the . . . Revolution in ... S., ttc. Churchill. Vol. VIII. Sa, p. de. Description ofS. Churchill. Vol. Vlll. Fitch, R. The long . . . voyage of . . . to . . . S., ttc. 1583- 1591. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Voyage to . . . S., etc. Kerr. Vol. VIII. Observations sur le Royaume de S., tirees des Memoires de Forbin. Laharpe, J. Vol. V. Voyage du Pere Tachard a S. Laharpe, J. Vol. V. Partie Orientale des Indes. S. Laharpe, J. Vol. VI. Turpiu's History of S. Pinkerton. Vol. IX. Floris, P. W. Extracts of his Journal . . . 1610-15. Voyage to . . . S., etc. PURCHAS. Vol. I. Relation du Royaume de S. par Schouten, etc. Thevenot. Vol. I. Comte et Fontaney. Reise von S. nach Ning po fu, etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. V. Beschreibung des Kbnigreichs S. Voyages and Travels. Allge- meine Historie, etc. Vol. X. Chaumont, Ritter von. Reise nach S., 1685. Voyages and Tra- vels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. X. Fontenay, P. von. Reise von S. nach China, 1686. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. X. Occum Chamnam. Reise nach R. und Portugall, 1684-86. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. X. Tachard, G. Reise nach S., 1685. Voyages and Travels. Allge- meine Historie, etc. Vol. X. De Challes. Letzte Nachricht von dem Schicksale der Franzosen zu y., 1090-91. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc Vol. xvni. Des Farges. Bericht von deuen 1688 in S. vorgefallenen I!eichs- veranderungen. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVI if. Forbin, G. von. Auszug aus der Reisebeschreibung- in S., 1685-88. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVIII. 2 1) 2 404 Siam — Siberia. Siam. — See also Bangkok. , Gulf of — PiiCHARDS, J. China Pilot. Appendix, Xo. I. Gulf of S., etc. 1858. Siberia. — Ides, E. Y. Three Years' Travels . . . Thro' . . . S., etc. Land., 1706. Strahlenberg, P, J. vox. Das Nord-und Ostliche Theil von Europa imd Asia, in so weit solches . . . Siberien . . . be^reitlet . . . vorgestellet, etc. btockh., 1730. Chappe d'Auteroche, J. Journey into S., etc. 1770. AxTiDOTE. The Antidote ; or an enquiry into ..." A Journey into S., made in MDCCLXI., etc.'' ' Lond., 1772. Sarychef, Capt. Voyages along the N.E. Coast of S. ... 1785 to 1793. Buss. St. Pet., 1802. CoxE, W. Account of . . . the Conquest of S., etc. 1804. DoBELL, p. Travels in ... S. etc. 1830. Ledyard, J. Travels ... in S., etc. 1834. Wrangell, F. vok Reise langs der Xordkuste von S. . . . 1820-24, etc. Btrlin, 1839. Middendorff, a. T. vox. Geognostische Beobachtungen auf seiner Keise durch Sibirien, etc. 1840. Cottrell, C. H. Recollections of S., etc. 1842. ]\IuLLEB, G. F. and Pallas, P. S. Conquest of S., etc. 1842. Ebmax, a. Travels in S., etc. 1848. Palmer, A. H. Memoir ... on the nresent state ... of S., etc. Wash., 1848. Hill, S. S. Travels in S. 1854. Habersham, A. W. My last Cruise . . . Visits to ... S., etc. Phil., 1857. Atkixsox, T, W. Oriental and Western S., etc. 1858. Troxsox, J. M. Karrative of a Voyage to . . . S., etc. 1859. Colliss, p. McD. a Voyage . . . with a Land Journey through S., etc., X. Y. and Land., I860. Middexdorff, a. T. von. Sibirische Reise, etc. St. Pet., I860. Uber die Nothwendiskeit von Vorbereitungen fiir den Emp- fang vorweltlicher Siberischer Riesenthiere. 1860. - Schmidt, F. B. [Historical summary of the physico-geographical investigations of the Chief of the Physical Division of the S.n Expedi- tion, etc.] Puss. St. Pet., 1866. - Voyage to Sibier ... in a Letter written to Gerardus Mercator, Hakluyt. Vol. I. - A Voyage . . . containing an Account of . . . S., etc. Harris, J. Vol. li. - Ysbrants Ides, E. Description of S. Harris, J. Vol. II. Travels . . . through . . . S. . . . 1692-95. Harris, J. Vol II. - Sib^rie. Voyage de Gmelin. Laharpe, J. Vol. VIII. Siberia — Sicily. 405 Siberia. — WiUoughby, Sir n. and otbers. Voyages to ... S. Pinkerton. Yul. I. Description of . . . S. . . . 1612. Purchas. Vol. III. Relation of two Russe Cossacks Travailes out of S. to Catay . . . 1619. Purchas. Vol. III. Chappe d'Auteroche, Abt. Auszug aus Reise nach Sibirien, 1760- 61. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XIX. Gmelin. Auszug aus dem Tagebuclie ... in Sibirien. 1733-43. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc.. Vol. XIX. Reise nach Kanitschatka durcli Sibirien. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XIX. Sarytschew, G. Account of a Voyage ... to the N.-E. of S. ... 1785. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. V. Voyage ... to the K.E. of S. Vol. II. Voyages and Travels. A' Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VI. Voyage of discovery to the X.E. of S., 1785. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1810. Vol. VI. Ste also Berezow. , East. — Hoffman, E. Reise nach dem Goldw'aschen Ost-Sibiriens. St. Pet., 1847. BuLYCHEF, I. Travels in E. S. Buss. St. Pet., 1856. Hansteex, C, and Due, Lieut. Resultate magnetischej . . . Beobachtungen auf einer Reise nach dem ostlichen Sibirien . 1828-30. Christ., 1863. Radde, G. Reisen im Siiden von Ost-Sibirien . . . 1855- 1859, etc. St. Pet., 1863. -, West. — Fedorow, "W. Vorlaiifige Berichte ueber die von ihm . . . in West-Sibii'ien ausgefiihrten astronomisch-geographiachen Arbeiten, etc. St. Pet., 1838. MiDDEXDORFF, A. T. VON. Voyage Scientifique dans la Sib^rie Occidentale. 1844. Sibier.— 'See Siberia. Siclien. — Murchison, Sir R. I. On the Slaty Rocks of the S., etc. 1851. Sicily. — Fazello, T. Historia di Sicilia, etc. Palermo, 1628. Callejo y Angulo, p. del. Description . . . de Sicile, etc. Amst., 1734. Byng, Admiral Sir G. An Account of the Expedition of the British Fleet to S. . . . 1718-20, etc. Lond., 1739. Amico e Statella, V. M. Lexicon topographicum Sictilum, ete. "Pan. et Oatan., 1757-60. Brydone, p. Voyage en Sicile et a Malthe, etc. Amst., 1776. Bernouilli, J. Xachrichten von Italien . . . Sicilien, etc. Leipz., 1782. Stolberg, Count F. L. zu. Reise in . . . Sicilien. Koniysb. u. Leip., 1794. Hovel's Reisen diirch Sizilien, etr. Gotha, 1797. 4o6 Sicily — Sierra Leone. Sicily — Chaughard, Capt. Geograpliical . . . description of . . . S., etc. Lond., 1800. Dessiou, J. F. Le Petit Neptune Franjais . . . with the N. Coast of S., etc. 1805. . Brydone, p. a Tour through S. and Malta, etc. Lond., 1806. HoARE, Sir R. C. Classical Tour in ... S. 1819. Ortolani, G, E. Nuovo Dizionario , . . della SiciUa, etc. Palermo, 1819. HuauES, T. S. Travels in S., etc. 1820. ■ WelZj'G. de. Saggio su i mezzi da moltiplicare prontamente le ricchezze delle Sicilia. Fariyi^ 1822. Smyth, Admiral W. H. Memoir descriptive of . . . S., etc. 1824. Knight, H. G. The Normans in S., etc. Lond., 1838. Ebn Khaldoun. Histoire . . . de la Sicile, sous la domination Musulmane, etc. Par., 1841. Hogg, J. Catalogue of Sicilian Plants ; with some Piemarks on . . . S. Lond., 1842. On some Grecian Antiquities observed in S. 1847. On the Sicilian and Sardinian laut'uages. 1856. Amari, M. Bibliotheca Araho-Sicula, etc. Lips., 1857. Cleghorx, H. Notes on the Botany ... of ... S. Edin., 1870. Eay, J. Travels through . . . S., etc. Harris, J. Vol. II. Stolberg, Count F. L. Travels through . . . S. Pelham. Vol. II. Benjamin, the Son of Jonas. Peregrination of . . . and relations of . . . S., etc. PURCHAS. Vol. II. Collins, F. Voyages to . . . S., etc., 1796-1801. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. X. A^oyages to . . . S.. etc. 1796-1801. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1810. Vol. VI, Hoare, Sir R. C, Classical Tour through . . . S., 1790. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. I. Russell, G. Tour through S., 1815. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. I. Gourbillon, M. Travels in S. . . . 1819. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. IV. Frobin, Count de. Recollections of S., 1820. Voyages and Travels. New. 1819, etc. Vol. IX. -See also AcRiE. Sidon. — Boxak, H. The Land of Promise ... a journey from Beersheba to S. 1858. Siebenbiirgen.— /See Transylvania. Sierra Leone.— Falconbridge, A. M. Two Voyages to S. L., etc. Lcmd., 1794. Sierra Leone — Silesia. 407 Sierra Leone. — Sierka Leone. Accounts relating to . . . the Colon v of S. L. 1825. Sierra Leone. Report of the Commissioners of Inquiry into the State of the Colony of S. L. 1827. Sierra Leone. Papers relating to the Colony of S. L. 1830. Sierra Leone. Report from the Select Committee on ... S. L., etc. 1830. Shreeve, "W, W. S. L. ; the principal British Colony on the W. Coast of Africa. 1847. Poole, T. E. Life in S. L., etc. 1850. Cada Mosto, A. da. Voyage of ... P. de Cintra to S. L. Astlet. Vol. I. — Account of the Inland Countries between S. L. and Rio . . . Sestro. Astlet. Vol. II. ■ The Customs . . . common to the Inhabitants of Bulmberre or S. L. ASTLEY. Vol. II. Voyages . . . sur les Cotes d'Afrique jusqu'a S. L. Cadamasto, A- Brue. Laharpe, J. Vol. I. Voyages au Senegal jusqu'k S. L. Laharpe, J. Vol. II. Finch, W. Observations . . . touching S. L., in 1607, etc. Pur- CHAS. Vol. I. Cintra, P. de. Reise . . . nach S. L., 1462. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. II. Atkins, H, Beschreibung von S. L., 1721. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. III. Barbot, J. Beschreibung von S. L., 1678. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. III. Finch, "W. Beobachtungen iiber S. L., 1607. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. III. Labat. Beschreibung von S. L. 1728. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. III. Villault de Bellefond. Beschreibung von S. L., 1666. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. III. Nevada. — Marcou, J. Geology of JST. Ajnerica; with Reports on ... the S. N., etc. Zurich, 1858. Whitney, J. D. The Yosemite Guide-Book . . . and the afljficcnt Region of the S.'N., etc. Camh., 1869. Sihun. — See Slr-Dabla. Si Kiang. — Denham, H. M. Hydrographic Notices . . . Directions for the S. K., etc. 1856-59. Silesia. — Martint, F. W. Handbucb fur Reisende nach dem Schlesischen Riesengebirge, etc. Breslau, 1812. Spencer, E. Travels . . . including a Tour through . . . i^., etc. 1838. Austel, H. Voyage . . . through . , . S. . . . 15S6. Hakluyt. Vol. II. 4o8 Silesia^ Upper — Sinai, Mount. Silesia, Upper. — Hammards. Reise durch Obcrsclilesien . . . nach der Ukraine. Gotha, 1787. Mauve, C. Erlantenmgen zu der Flotzkartedes Oberschles- ischen Steinkohlengebirges zwischen Beutlien, Gleiwitz, tie. Bresl., I860. Silhet. — Duvaucel, A, Voyage dans le S. Eyries. Vol. XIV. Simcoe, Lake. — Head, G. Forest Scenes ... on the Borders of Lakes Huron and S. 1829. Simplon, Department of the.— Schixer, M, Description du D^- ])artement du S., etc. Sion, 1812. Sina. — See China, Sinai. — Borrer, D. A Jonmey from Naples to Jerusalem, by way of . . . the Peninsula of S., etc. 1845. Lepsius, R. a Tour from Thebes to the Peninsula of S., 1845. 1846. Hogg, J. Remarks on . . . the Sinaic Inscriptions. 1849. FoRSTER, C. The One Primeval Language traced . . . from the Rocks of S., etc. 1861. Lepsius, R. Discoveries in . . . the Peninsula of S., in 1842-45, etc. 1852. Hogg, J. Further Xotice respecting the Sinaic Inscriptions. 1854. LoTTiN DE Laval, M. Voyage dans la Peninsule Arabique du R., etc. Par., 1855-59. FoRSTER, C. The Israelitish authorship of the Sinaitic Inscriplions vindicated, etc. 1856. Hamilton, J. S., the Hedjaz, and Soudan, etc. 1857. — - Stanley, A. P. S, and Palestine in connection with their historv. Lend., 1857. • Fraas, 0. Aus dem Orient. Geologische Beobachtungen . . . auf der S.-Halbinsel, etc. Stuttgart, 1867. 1'vrwhitt, R. St. J. Sinai. Galtox, F. Vacation Tourists . . . in 1862-3. -, Mount. — Bartlett, "\V. H. Forty days in the Desert ... a Journey ... to ]\Iount S., etc. Clogher, Robert, Bishop ok. A Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount S., etc. Lond., 1753. - • Maundrell, H. Journey . . . from Grand Cairo to Mount S., etc. 1810. Henniker, Sir F. Kotes during a Visit to . . . M. S., etc. 1824. Laborde, N. L, de. Journey ... to Mount S., etc. 1836. Beke, C. T. On . . . the situation of Mount S. 1838. RoBisPON, E. Biblical Researches in . . . Mount S., etc. 1841. Sinai, Mount — Singapore. 409 Sinai, Mount.— Hogg, J. On the Geography ... of the Peninsulfi of Mount >., etc. Edinh., 1850. Claytox, Bp. E. Journal from Grand Cairo to M. S., elc. Lond., 1853. Haraxt, K. Gesta ... do ... S., etc. V. Praze, 1854. Beke, C. T. a few words ... on ... the position of Mount S. 1862. Cairo, Journey from, to Mount S. Pinkertok. Vol. X. Mount Sinai . . . described out of . . . Breidenbach, etc. PORCHAS. Yol. II, Fazakerley, J. N. Journey from Suez to Mount S. Wal- POLE, K. Travels, etc. Sinde. — Pottinger, H. Travels in . . . S., etc. 1816. BuRNES, J. A Narrative of a Visit to the Court of S., etc. Edin. and ].ond., 1831. Brunton, J. Description of the . . . S. Railway, etc. 1839. BuRXES, Sir A. Leech, Lord, and Woods; Eeports ... on Scinde, etc. Calc, 1839. Outram, J. Rough Notes of the Campaign in S. ... in 1838-9. 1840. Jervis, T. B. Review of a Narrative of the CamiDaign ... in S. . . . 1838-39. Bomb., 1841. Postans, T. Personal Observations on S., etc. 1843. Thorntox, E. Gazetteer of ... S., etc. 1844. Von Orlich, L. Travels in India, including S., etc. 1845. Burton, R. F. Scinde ; or the Unhappy Valley. 1851. Napier, Sir W. History of General Sir C. Napier's administration of Sind, etc. Loud., 1851. Elliott, Sir H. Appendix to the ' Arabs in S.,' etc. Cape Town, 1853. Andrew, AV. P. The Scinde Railway, etc. 1856. -i India. Geological Papers on W.n India, including . . . S., efr. Bomb., 1857. India. Tables of Heights in S., etc. Calcutta, 1863. Scinde Railway . . . Reports of the Directors . . . Sept. 18()3. 1863. Walker, J. T. Tables of Heights in S., etc. Calc, 1863. Burgess, J. Memorandum . . . with lists of the Rock-Excavations, Temples, &c. in Sindh, etc. Bombay, 1870. Sindhy. Eyries. Vol. XIV. Sindh, Sindhy.— SVe Sixde. Singapore. — Bennett, G. Wanderings in . . . S., etc. 1834. Earl, G. W. The Eastern Seas . . . also an Account of . . . S., etc. 1837. 4 1 o Singapore — Sleswick. Singapore. — Parker, P. Journal of an Expedition from S. to Japan, etc. 1838. Davidson, G. F. Trade and Travel . . . Recollections of . . . S., etc. Lond., 1846. Waghorn, T. Two Letters on the extension of Steam Navii^ation from y. to Port Jackson, etc. 1846, 47. Berncastle, Dr. A Voyage to China ; including a Visit to . . . S., etc. Lond., 1850. Elliott, C. M. Meteorological Observations made ... at S., 1841- 45. Madras, 1850. Cameron, J. Our Tropical Possessions . . . being a descriptive Account of S., etc. Lond., 1865. Jagor, F. S. ... Reiseskizzen. Bed., 1866. Singbhum. — ^ee Singhbhoom. Singllbhooni. — Ball, V. On the Occurrence of Gold in the District of S., etc. India, Geological Survey. Records, etc. Vol. II. Sino Persico. — See Persian Gulf. Sioot. — See SiuT. Siouah.— £i'ee Siwah. Siout. — See SiUT. Sir. — See Sir-Daria. Sir-Daria.^LoBYSEviTscn, T. La Ligne Militaire du Syr-D. St. Pet., 1865. Sirhind. — Lloyd, Sir W. Narrative of a Journey . . . via . . . S., etc. Lond., 1840. Siria.— -See Syria. Siriana. — Ides, E. Y. Three Years' Travels . . . Thro' . . . S., etc. Lond., 1706. Ysbrants Ides, E. Travels . . . through . . . S. ... 1692-95. Harris, J. Vol. 11. Siut.— CuNY, C. Journal de Voyage de S. k El-Obdid 1857, 58, etc. Par., 1863. Drovetti. Itinerary . . . from S. to Dongolah, etc. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. VII. Siwah. — Siouah, Fezzan, et Interieur de I'Afrique. Eyries. Vol. XIV. Scholz, J. M. A. Travels in ... S. ... 1821. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819, etc. Vol. VIII. Skaraborg. — Topografiska och Statistiska Uppgifter om S.s Lan. Stockh., 1845. Skardo. — See Iskardoh. Sla. — See Sallee. Slavonia. — Safarik, P. J. Slowansky Narodopis. Praze, 1849. Dutens, J. V. Travels in ... S. ... in 1806. Pelham. Vol. II. Sleswick. — Sleswick. On Nationality and Language in ... S. or South Jutland. Copenh., 1848. Sleswick — Sommath. 411 Sleswick. — Rafn, C, C. Inscriptions Rnniques du Slesvick Meridional interjiretees, ttc. Copenh., 1861. and. Holstein. — Scott, C. H. Danes and the Swedes ... in- cluding Scliieswig-H., etc. 1856. Paton, J. On the Sea Dykes of Sclileswig and H., etc. Land. On reclaiming Land, etc. Smyrna. — Price, W. Joiirnal of Travels of the British Embassy to . . . S., etc. 1833. Vernon, F. Travels ... to S. Pay, J. Browne, W. G. Price of Commodities at S., in 1780, 1790, 1800, and 1812. Walpole, P. Travels, etc. Snake Island. — See Anguilla. Soane Valley. — Hooker, J. D. Observations made ... in the S. V., etc. Calc, 1848. Soborg. — Frederick VII. , King of Denmark. Vestiges d'Asserbo et de S., decouverts par . . . Frederic YII., etc. Copenh., 1855. Socatora. — See Socotra. Society Islands. — Ellis, W. Polynesian Researches, during a residence of nearly eight years in the S. ... I., etc. 1853. Hill, S. S. Travels in the . . . S. 1. 1856. Socotora. — See Socotra. Socotra. — Wellsted, J. P. Travels . . . including ... a Tour on the Inland of S. 1840. Ward, C. Y. Pilote du Golfe d'Aden, Sokotra, etc. Par., 1866. — ' Downton, N. Journal . . . between Saldanha Bay and S., etc. Kerr. Vol. VIII. Eighth Voyage, in 1611. . . . Occurrences at S., etc. Kerr. Vol. VIII. Dounton. N. Journal . . . 1611-12. Their coming ... to S., etc. PURCHAS. Vol. I. Finch, W. Observations . . . touching . . . S., etc. Purchas. Vol. I. Sodom. — Saulct, F. de. Narrative . . . including an account of the dis- covery of the Sites of S. and Gomorrah, etc. 1854, Sokotra. — See Socotra. Solor. — Benachbarte Eylande um Timor und S. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XVIII. Solothurn. — GemXlde der Schweiz. . . . S., etc. Bern, 1834-38. Somali.— Ward, C. Y. Pilote du Golfe d'Aden . . . C6tes de S., etc. Far., 1866. Somers' Islands. — See Bermuda Islands. Somma, Mount. — Scacchi, A. Sopra le specie di SiHcati del Monte di S., '•^^■- Nap., 1852. Sonime, Department of the. — Somme, Department of the. Notions gdn^rales sur la Geologie . . . de la S. Abbeville [1857.] Somnath.— Burgess, J. Notes of a Visit to S., etc. Bombay, 1869. 412 Sonde — Sound. Sonde.— See Sunda. Sondmbr. — Strom, H. Physisk . . . Beskrivelse over Fogderiet S., etc. Soroe, 1762. Sonora. — Bartlett, J. R. Personal . . . explorations ... in ... S., efc. N. Y., 1854. • MowRY, S. The Geography and Piesources of . , . S., etc. San F. and N. Y., 1863. Malte-Brun, V. A. La S. et ses Mines, etc. Par., 1864. Sooloo. — See SuLu Islands. Soongaria. — Ledebour, C. F. vox. Reise durch ... die Soongarische lvirj,isen-Steppe. Be7-l, 1829. Soria. — See Stria. Somao. — -See SiAM. Sorrento. — Pugaard, C. Description geologique de la Peninsule de S., etc. Copenh. et Leip., 1858. — Notice sur les calcaires plutonis^s de la Pe'ninsule de S. Par., 1859. Soudan.— Hodgson, W. B. Remarks on the recent Travels of Dr. Barth in . . . S. Lyon, G. F. Narrative . . . with geographical Notices of S., etc. 1821. Hodgson, W. B. Notes on . . . the S., etc. N. Y., 1844. — Churi, J. H. Sea Nile . . . and Nigritia, etc. Lond., 1853. — Lauture, Count d'Escatrac de. Le De'sert et le S. Etudes, etc. Par., 1853. — Tremeaux, M. Voyage an S. Oriental . . . 1847-48. Par., 1853. — St. John-, B. Travels of an Arab Merchant in S., etc.. Lond., 1854. — Brun-Rollet, M. Le Nil Blanc et le S., etc. Pur., 1855. — Lauture, Count d'Escayrac de. Me'moire sur le S., etc Par., 1855-56. — Hamilton, J. Sinai, the Hedjaz and S., etc. 1857. — ^ Cuny, C. Observations ge'u^iales sur le Memoire sur le S. dc JI. le Comte d'Escayrac de Lauture. Par. 1858. — Petherick, J, Egypt, the S., etc. Edin. and Lond., 1861. — Stuckle, H. Le Commerce de la France avec le S. Par., 1864. — Heuglin, M. T. von. Reise nach . . . Ost-Sudan, etc. Jena, 1868. See also Hotjssa. Sound.— LovENORN, Chev. de. New Sailing Directory for the . S , etc. 1844. Sound. Letters on the S.-Dues Question, etc. N. Y., 1855. Octher. Second Voyage into the S., etc. Hakluyt. Vol. L Wolstans. Navigation into tlie East Sea, or the S.. etc. Hakluyt. Vol. I, Sotingaria — Spain. 413 Sonngaria. — ^ee Sooxgaeia. South.— Keisen nach den Sudlandern, Pelfart, 1629.— Tasmann, 1642-3. — Danipier, 1699-1700. Iteise zweyer Franzosischen Schiffe nadi den S. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine IJistorie, etc. Vol. XII. Solis, J. Diaz de. Letzte Eeise uiid Entdeckungen nach Siiden, 1516. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Histoiie, etc. Vol. XIII. Gonneville, B. P. Erste Entdeckung der Siidlichen Welt, 1504. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVIII Vesputius, A. Erste Entdeckung der Siidlichen Welt, 1502. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVIII. Vlaming, W. Reise nach den Sudlandern, 1696. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVIII. South African Republic— /See Transvaal Eepublic. South Pole. — BiscoE, J. Journal of a Voyage towards the S. P. . . . 1830-32. MS. Cook, Capt. J. Voyage towards the S. P., etc. 1777. Voyages dans THemisph^re Austral, etc. Par., 1778. Weddell, J. Voyage towards the S. P., 1822-24, etc. 1827. D'Urville, Admiral J. D. Expedition au Pole Antarctique, etc. Par., 1840. Voyage au Pole Sud . . . pendant 1837-40, etc. Par., 1843. South Sea.— See Pacific Ocean. South Sea Islands.— >S'ee Polynesia. Southampton. — Bullar, J. Hints to assist . . . Visitors . . . in S., etc. South., 1846. Spa. — Spa. Le Guide des Curieux qui visitent les Eaux de S. Verviers, 1814. . BiLDERBECK, L. VON. Wcgweiser fiir . . . Aachen . . . nehst einem Ausfiug nach S. Aachen, 1825. Spa. Guide aux Eaux et aux Jeux de S. Spa, 1865. Spahan.— >See Ispahan. Spain.— Martyr, P. De rebus Oceanicis . . . Item de rebus . . . His- panicis opuscula. Colonke, 1574. Laet, J. DE. Hispania, etc. Lugd, But., 1629. Gage, T. Survey of the Spanish West Indies . . . Also . . . Voyage from S. to S. John de TJlhua, etc. 1702. Vayrac, Abbe de. Etat present de I'Espagne. A7nnt., 1719. Bowles, W. Introduccion a la Historia Natural y a la Geografia . . . de Espaiia. Madr., 1775. Dillon, J. T, Travels through S., etc. Lond., 1782. 'J OFiNO de San Miguel, V. Derrotero de las Costas de Espafia en el I^Iediterraneo, etc. Madr., 1787. TowNSEND, J. A Journey through S. in 1786-87, etc. Lond., 1792, 414 Spain. SDain. — Spain. Ordenanza General de Correos, Postas, Caniinos, ttc. *^ Madrid, 1794. BouBGOiNG, J. F. Tableau de I'Espagne moderne. Far., 1797. Fischer, F. A. Travels in S. in 1797 and 1798. 1802. Spaix. Diccionario Geografico Historico de EspaSa. Madrid, 1802. Labokde, Count A. de. View of S., ttc. 1809. Jacob, W. Travels in the South of ... S. 1811. ToFiNO DE San Miguel, V. Espana Maritima, or Spanish Coasting Pilot, ttc. 1814. ■ Murphy, J. C. History of the Mahometan Empire in S., etc. 1816. America, Spanish. Outline of . . . War . . . between S. and Spanish America, etc. 1817. Antillon, I. Geographic . . . de I'Espagne, etc. Par., 1823. Spain. Atlas del Itinerario Descriptivo de Espana, ttc. Valencia, 1826. MiNANO, S. DE. Diccionario . . . de Espana y Portugal. Madr., 1826-28. Laborde, Count A. de. Itineraire descriptif de I'Espagne, etc. Par., 1827-30. SucHET, LE Marechal. Memoires sur ses campagnes en Espagne 1808-14. PO'T., 1828. Cabanes, F. X. DE. Guia general . . . de Espaiaa. Mad., 1830. Brooke, Sir A. de C, Bart. Sketches in S., etc. 1831. Beckford, W. Italy ; with Sketches of S., ttc. 1834. Cook, S. E. Sketches in S. in 1829-32. 1834. Wellington, Duke of. Despatches, during his . . . Campaiirns in . . . S., ebi<\ ncere Cajie Espartel . . . 1593. Hakluyt. Vol. HI. Spartivento, Cape. — Dessiou, J. F. Le Petit Neptune P'raucais . . . tlie Coast of Italy, from the River Var to Cape S., etc. 1805. Spencer's Gulf. — Shdemaxn, C. W. Vocabulaiy of the Parnkalla Lan- guage, spoken by the Natives inhabitina; the Western Shores of S. G., etc. Add., 1844. Spetsbergen. — See Spitzbergen. Speyer. — Speyer und Oggersheim. Bericht und Vollstandiges Messungs- Pi'otocoU, sammt alien IJerechnnngen liber die im Jahre 1819 zwischen S. und ( )ggersheim ^'.emessene Grund-Liuie. MS. 1819. Spice Islands. — Se-i Molucca Islands. Spitzbergen. — Fabvre, Capit. Retour en I'rance de . . . la BecJurche ; Rapport sur la seconde canipagne . . . au lSi)itzbt'rg. Fa7\, 1839. ■ I^UFFERIN, Lord. Letters . . . bein^- an Account of . . . S., efr. 1857. Ltndhagen, D. G. Geografiska Ortobestanimningar i>a Spetsbergen af Piof, A. E. Nordenskioki, etc. StockJi., 1863. KoRDENSKiOLD, A. E. Geoi^rafisk och geognostisk r>eskrifning olVer Nordostra Delarne af Spetsbei-gen, etc. Stockh., 1863. -^ Two Journals . . . Tlie second, kept ... in 1633-4 . . . al S. Churchili,. Vol. 11. Veer, G. de. True Desci-iption of three Voyages . . . \>y the Dutch in 1594-96; with their discovery of S. ... Edited bv C. 'V. P.eke. 1853. Hakluyt Soc. I'ub. Vol. XIII. Collection of Documents on S. and Greenland. Edited . . . bv A. White. 1855. Hakluyt Soc. Pub. Vol. XVllL History of . . . S. ... 1585-1746. Harris, J. Vol. TI. Rackstrom's Voyaue to S. Pinkerton. Vol. I. Spitzbergen, Journal of seven Seamen left at. Pinkerton. Vol. I. Marten, F. Observations made in S., etc. 1711. Vovagks. Account of several late, etc. Hcschreibung . . . von S. Voyages and Travels. All'^emcinc Historic, P/r. Vol. XVI!. •, East. — St^hlin, J. voN. An Accovmt, etc. (Adventures of Four i\ussian Sailors ... on the desurt Islaml of East-S. Ry P. L. Le Roj'', etc.) Loud., 1774. 2 E 41 8 Spitzbergen^ East — Stone. Spitzbergen, East. — Le Roy's Narrative of Four Russian Sailors cast upon the Island of E. S. rKKERTON. Vol. I. Sea. — See AncTic Ocean. Spoleto. — Spoleto. [Istoria]. Orazione Academica. Spol., 1836. Stafford. — Murchison, Sib R. I. The Silurian System, founded on Geolo- gical Researches in . . . S., etc. 1839. Staten Island. — FitzRoy, Reae-Adml. R. Sailing Directions for . . . S. I., etc. 1848. States of the Church. — Calindri, G. Saggio statistico-storico del Stato Poutificio. Perugia, 1829. Murchison, Sir R. I. On the Earlier Volcanic Rocks of the Papal States, etc. 1850. Rav, J. Travels through . . . the Ecclesiastical State, etc. Harris, J. Vol. II. Stato Pontificio. — See States of the Church. Stenosa. — Sibthorp, Dr. Voyage . . . S., etc. Walpole, R. Travels, etc. Steppes. — PoTOCKi, Count J. Voyage dans les Steps d'Astrakhan et du Caucase,eSee Styria. Stockholm. — Wraxall, N, A Tour through . . . S., etc. 1776. Stone. — Smyth, Admiral W. H. Letter on a " Double Faced " Brass in S. Church, etc. I860. Sto7ie — Stiez^ Isthmus of. 419 Stone. — Smyth, Admikal W. II. A Word more on the " Double-FiK^ed" Brass in S. Church, dc. 1861. Styria. — Kleyle, F. F. Ruckerinnerunsien an eiue Reise in . . . Steyer- mark . . . 1810. " Wien, 1814. Sedgwick, A., and Murciiison, Sir R. I. A Sketch . . . with Sections . . . through the Tertiary Deposits of S., etc. 1831. Weidmann, F. C. Darstellungen aus dem Steyermiirkischen Ober- lande. Vienna, 1834. ScHMiDL, A. A. Pas Kaiserthum Oesterreich . . . Das Erzher- zogthum Steiermark. Stuttg., 1838, 39. Kohl, J. G. Austria . . . S., etc. Lond., 1844. — Browne, E. Journej' . . . through S., etc. Haeris, J. Vol. II. Salvo, Marquis de. Travels . . . through . . . S. . . . 1806. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VI, -, Lower. — Ball, B. Schloss Hainfeld ; or a Winter in L. S. 1836. Sudetes. — Assmann, C. G. De Itinere per Montes Sudetos, etc. Viteb., 1789. Suez. — Dassy, G. F. Notes on S., etc. Comtrmt., 1859. Voyage of Don S. de Gama, from Goa to S. in 1540, etc. Astley. Vol. I. Voyage of Soleyman Basha, from S. to India . . . 1539. Astley. Vol. I. Castro, J. de. Voyage of Don S. de Gama from Goa to S., in 1540, etc. Kerr. Vol. VI. Particular Relation of the Expedition of Solyman Pacha from S. to India, etc. Kerr. Vol. VI. Castro, J. Voyage which the Portngals made from India to Zoez, 1540-41. Purchas. Vol. II. Fazakerley, J. N. Journey from S. to Mount Sinai. Walpole, R. Travels, etc. — , Isthmus of. — Merewether, W. L. [Report on places lately visited, between Aden and S.] Renxell, J. The Geographical System of Herodotus examined . . . with dissertations on the . . . Canal of S., etc. 1830. Latronne. LTsthme de S. Le Canal . . . sous les Grecs, les Romains et les Arabes. Par., 1841. Galloway, J. A. Communication with India . . . with remarks on . . . the S. Railroad. 1844. Suez. Societe d'Etudes de ITsthme de S. . . . Travaux . . . Rapport, etc. Far., 1847. Lesseps, F. de. The I. of S. Question. 1855. — — New Facts and Figures relative to the I. of S. Canal, etc. ^ 1856. Percement de I'lsthme de S. Rapport, etc. Far., 1856. 2 E 2 420 Suez^ Isthmtis of — Stilu Islands. Suez, Isthmus of. — Suez. Compagnie Universelle du Canal Maritime 'de S. Firmau de Concession, etc. Par., 1856. Griffith, C. D. Speech on the . . . S. Canal, etc. 1857. Lesseps, F. de. Inquiry into the opinions of the Com- mercial Classes of Great Britain on the S. . . . Canal. 1857. - Paleocapa, p. Observations sur le discours prononce par M. Stephenson, de I'lsthme de S. Par., 1857. Philigret, Capit. Canal Maritime de S. Observations hydrographiqnes, etc. Par., 1857. Saint-Hilaire, J. B. Egypt and the Great S. Canal, etc. 1857. DuPiN, Baron C. Canal Maritime de S. Deux Rapports, etc. Par., 1857-58. Conrad, F. W. Canal de S. ; etat de la question. La Haye, 1858. KoTSCHY, T. Die Vegetation und dor Canal . . . von S. Wien, 1858. - Scarpellini, E. Memorandum di la Scienzia — I'lstmo di S., etc. Eoma, 1858. Spratt, T. a. B. An Inquiry into . . . the Practicability of the S. Canal. Lond., 1858. Contnck, F. de. Du Percement de I'lsthme de S., etc. Havre, 1859. Lange, D. a. The I. of S. Canal question, etc. 1859. Badger, G. P. Visit to the I. of S., efc 1862. Hawkshaw, J. Report ... on the S. Canal, etc. Westminster, 1863. Oliveira, B. a Few Observations upon the Works of the I. of S. Canal . . . 1863. 1863. Lavali.et, a. Extrait . . . Communication . . . sur les Travaux . . . de I'lsthme de S. Par., 1866. Suez, Compagnie Universelle, etc. Assemblee generale des Actionnaires . . . Rapjjort de M. F. de Lesseps, etc. Par., 1866. Richards, G. H., and Clarke, A. Report on the Maritime Canal, connecting the Mediterranean . . . with the Red Sea, etc. 1870. Suira. — See Mogadore. Sulden. — Sonklar, C. A. von. Der neuerliche Ausbruch des Suldner- gletschers in Tirol. Wien, 1857. Sulou. — See SuLU Islands. Sulu Islands. — Forrest, T. Voyage to New Guinea . . . including an account of . . . Sooloo, etc. 1780. Berghaus, H. Asia . . . Memoir zur Erklarung . . . der rcdu- zirten Karte von , . . S. Ins., etc. OotJia, 1832-35. Moor, J. H. Notices of the . , . Sulus, etc. Singapore, 1837. Sumatra . . . Sulou. EvRifcs. Vol. XII. SmIu Sea — Stipe rior, Lake. 42, i Sulu Sea.— Belchek, Sir E., and Bate, W. T. China Tilot . . . Ubservatious on . . . tlie S. and Mindoro Seas, etc. 1859. Sumatra.— Marsden, W. Remarks on the Sn. Languages. 1780. History of S., dc. 1811. Heyne, B. Tracts ... on India . . . also an Account of S. 1814. Prince of Wales Island, Exposition of the political and com- mercial ilelations of the Government of, with . . . the E. Coast of S., ttc. Prince of W. I., 1824. Anderson, J. Mission to the E. Coast of S., in 1823, etc. Edin., Lond., 1826. Moor, J. H. Notices of . . . S., etc. Singapore, 1837. MuLLER, S. Berigten over S., etc. Amst., 1837. Boelhouwer, J. C. Herinneringen van mijn verblijf o]> S.'s Westkust gedurende . . . 1831-34. s'Grav., 1841. MiCHiELS, A. V. Neerlands Souvereiniteit over de schoonste en rijkste gewesten van S. Amst., 1846. KoRTHALS, P. W. Topographische Schets van een Gedeelte van S. Leyden, 1847. Sumatra. Java, etc. Eyries. Vol. XII. Peyton, W. Voyage ... in 1G15. Occurrences ... at S., etc. Kerr. Vol IX. Discorso d'uu gran Capitano di Mare Francese . . . sopra . . . S. Ramusio. Vol. III. Beaulieu, A. Peise . . . 1619-21 . . . Beschreibung der Insel S. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. X. See also Priaman. Summatra. — See Sumatra. Summer Islands.— 'See Bermuda Islands. Sunda Islands. — Thunberg, C. P. Voyages au Japon, par , . . les ties de la Sonde . . . 1770-1778, etc. Far., 1796. , Straits of. — Berncastle, Dr. A Voyage to China ; including a Visit to . . . the Straits of . . . S., etc. Lond., 1850. Hong-Kong. Directians for . . . Passage to Hong-Kona, through S. S., etc. ^ 1857. Sunderland. — Johnson, E. J. Sailing Directions from S. Point to Ber- wick, etc. 1836. Sunium. — Stuart, J. and Eevett, N. The Antiquities of Atheus . . . S., etc. 1825-33. Superior, Lake. — Schoolcraft, H. R. Summary Narrative . . . Report of the Copper Mines of Lake S., etc. Phil, 1855. Patten, R. Report on the Locating Survey of the St. Croix and L. S. Railroad. Madison, 1856. Head, Sir E. Papers relative to the Exploration . . . between L. S. and the Hed River Settlement. 1859. Kohl, J. CJ. Kitchi-Gami. Wanderings round Lake S. 1860. 4^2 Superior, Lake — Surinam. Superior, Lake. — Hector, J. On tlie Geology of the Country between L. IS. and the Pacific Ocean, etc. 1861. Surat. — OsBECK, P. A Voyage . . . Together with a Voyage to Suratte, by 0. Toreeu, etc. Lond., 1771. Stavorlnus, J. S. Voyage ... a Surate, en 1774-78. Par., 1800. Dounton, Lieut.-Gen. N. Journal of . . . Voyage to . . . S. in 1610. ASTLEY. Vol. I. Middleton, Sir H. Voyage to ... S. in 1610. Astley. Vol. I. Bernier, F. Voyage to S., etc. Churchill. Vol. VIII. • Wynne, A. B. Geological Notes on the S. Collectorate. India, Geological Survey. Records, etc. Vol. I. Finch, W. Observations of, who accompanied Capt. Hawkins to S., etc. Kerr. Vol. VIII. Middleton, Sir H. Journey to Zenan . . . Voyage from the Red Sea to S., etc. Kerr. Vol. VIII. Elkington, T. Voyage to S., etc. Kerr. Vol. IX. Swan, R. Journal of a Voyage to S. and Jasques, 1660. Kerr. Vol. IX. Tenth Voyage, in 1612 ... to S., etc. Kerr. Vol. IX. Voyage of tbe Ann-Royal from S. toMokha, 1618. Kerr. Vol. IX. Childe, A. Journal from England to S. . . . 1616. Purchas. Vol. I. Dounton, N. Journal . . .1611-12. Their coming to Saldania . . . and after that to S. Purchas. Vol. I. Heynes, E. Voyage from S. to Moha . . . 1618. Purchas. Vol. I. Hores, W. Discourse of his Voyage from S. to Achen . . . 1618-19. Purchas. Vol. I. Swan, R. Extract of a Journal of a Voyage to S., etc. Purchas. Vol. I. Ovingtou, J. ReisenachS. . . . 1690-93. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. X. Rhodes, A. Reise nach . . . S., etc. Voyages and Travels. AU- gemeine Historic, etc. Vol. X. Tavernier. Reiseu . . . 1665-66 . . . von Surata nach Goa, dc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XI. Surata, Surate, Suratte. — See Surat. Surinam. — Stedman, J. G. Narrative of . . . Expedition against the re- volted Negroes of S. ... 1722-27, etc. 1796. Surinam. Aanteekeningen, betrekkelyk de Kolonie S. Arnhem, 1826. Lans, W. H. Bijdrage tot de Kennis der Kolonie S. s'Grav., 1842. Surinam. Dagverhaal van eene Reis naar Paramaribo en verdere omstrcken in . . . S. Amst., 1842. Surinam. Verzameling van Stukken aangaaiidc de Surinaamschc Aangelcgenheden, etr. s'ijravenh., 1845. Surinam — Sweden. 423 Surinam. — Raders, Baron R. F. van. De Vestiging van Nederlanders te Surinam e aanbevolen. s'Orav., 1854. Warren, G. Description of S., upon the Continent of Guiana, etc. Churchill. Vol. VIII. See also Paramaribo. Surrey.— Stevenson, W. General View of the Agriculture of ... S. 1809. Susa. — Jackson, J. G. An Account of . . . S., etc. Lond., 1814. Gubernatis, E. de. Lettere . . . sulle province di S., etc. Firenze, 1867. Notice of some remarkable Monuments of Antiquity discovered on the Site of the Ancient S., etc. Walpole, R. Travels, etc. Susiana. — Loftus, W. K. Travels ... in ... S., etc. 1857. ("artwright, J. The Preacher's Travels . . . through . . . . S., etc. Churchill. Vol. VII. Susoo. — See Susu. Susu. — Susoo Language, A Grammar and Vocabulary of the . . . the Names of some of the S. Towns, etc. Ediit,., 1802. Sutherland. — Murchison, Sir R. I. Supplementary Remarks on the Strata of the Oolitic Series ... in ... S., etc. 1827. Sutlej. — See SuTLUJ. Sutluj. — Hugel, Baron C. von. Das Kabul-Becken und die Gebirge zwi- schen dem Hindu Kosch und dem Sutlej. Wien, 1850. Svecia. — See Sweden. Sv. Katerina. — See Saint Catherine, Mount. Swali. — Francisco, D. Examination of, taken in Swally Roade . . . aboord the Gift, Feb. 20, 1614. Purchas. Vol. I. Swally. — See Swali. Swan River. — Gowen, J. R. Hints on Emigration to . . . the S. and Canning Rivers, etc. 1829. Swan River Settlement. Copies of the Correspondence of the Colonial Department, etc. 1829. Banister, J. W. On Emigration to . . . the S. R. 1831. Swan River Settlement, Returns relative to the, etc. 1831. Irwin, F. C. State and position of . . . S. R. Settlement. 1835. MooRE, Hon. G. F. Evidences of an Inland Sea, collected from the Natives of the S. W. Settlement. Dubl., 1837. Sweden. — Murchison, Sir R. I. On the Superficial Detritus of S., etc. Sweden. Svecia, sive de Sueconmi. Regis Dominiis et opibus. Commentarius Politicus. Lugd. Bat., 1631. Denmark. An Account of ... S. : as it was in . . . 1688, (tc. Loud., 1738. Whitelocke, Sir B. A Journal of the Swedish Ambassy in 1653 and 1654, from . . . England, etc. Land., 1772. CoxE, W. Travels into . . . S., etc. 1784. 42^4 Sweden. Sweden. — Acerbi, J. Travels through S. ... to the North Cape, etc. 1802, Porter, E. K. Travelling Sketches in . . . S., etc. 1809. Thomson, T. Travels in S. in 1812. 1813. Brooke, Sir A. de C, Bart. Travels throngh S., etc. 1823. Sweden, Guide through. Gothenburg, 1824. FoRsELL, C. Sverige och Norwege eller Skandinavien. Stock., 1826. Wilson, W. R. Travels in . . . S., etc. Lond., 1826. • Brooke, Sir A. de C, Bart, Winter in ... S. 1827. Nilsson, S. I'etrifacta Suecana . . . descripta, etc, Lond., Goth., 1827. Everest, II. A Journey through . . . part of S., e^c. Lo7id., 1829. Ki.iAoiT, C. B. Letters from . . . S., etc. 1832. Forsell, C. Statistik ufver Sverige. Stock., 1833. Barrow, J. Excursions in . . . S., etc. 1834. Inglis, H. D. a Personal Narrative of a Journey through part of S., etc. Lond., 1835, - Clarke, E. D. Travels in . . . S., etc. 1838, - Laing, S. Tour in S. in 1838, etc. 1839. - Bremner, Pi. Excursions iu . . . S. 1840, - PossART, p. A. F. K. ■ Handbuch fiir Reisende in S. Pforzheim, 1841, - Belgium. Belgian . . . Swedish . . . Lighthouses, corrected to 1843, 51, 54, 57-59. 1843-59, - MuRCHisoN, Sir R. L On the Silurian Rocks ... in ... S., etc. 1847, - Sweden. Rambles in S. . . . by Sylvanus. 1847. - Ross, W. A. Yacht Voyage to ... S. 1849. - Pfeikfer, I. Journey to Iceland, and Travels in S., etc. 1862. - BuNBURY, S. A. A Summer in . . . S , etc. 1856. - ScoTT, C. H. Danes and the Swedes ... a Visit, etc. 1856. - Beskow, B. v. Cm forflutna tiders Svenska Ordboks-fdretag. titock., 1857. - Brace, C. L. The Norse-Folk; a visit to . . . S. 1857, - Norway and S., A Long Vacation Ramble in, by X. and Y. Camb., 1857. - Helmersen, Gr. VON. Geologische Bemerkungen auf einer Reise in S., etc. St. Pet., 1858. - Taylor, B. Northern Travel . . . Pictures of S., etc. 1858. - DuNSTERVJLLE, E. The Admiralty List of the . . . Swedish . . . Lights. Corrected to 1860. 1860. - ZiEGLER, J. M. Notiz iiber Ausbcutung einer Wnlduiig in Schweden. Wtntert., 1860. Sweden — Switzerland. 425 Sweden. — Edlund, E. MeteorologiskaJakttagelseri Sverige . . . 1859-61. iitock., 1860-63. Statistical Tables. . . . Part. VII. . . . S., etc. 1861. Erdmann, a. Sveriges Geologiska U ndersbkning, ttc. Stockh., 1862. Marryat, H. One Year in S., etc. Lond., 1862. ISwEDEN. Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning, ttc. StocM., 1862-64. Erdmann, a. Expose des Formations Quaternaires de la Suede. Stockh., 1868. Story, J. Travels through S., etc. Churchill. Vol. VII. An lm[iartial Account of . . . S., etc. Harris, J. Vol. II. Nowel, T. Travels in . . . S., in 1801. Pelham. Vol. II. Portia's Travels in S. Pinkertos. Vol. VI. Kiittuer, C. G. Travels through . . . S. . . . 1798-99. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. I. — Carr, J. A Northern Summer ; or. Travels . . . through . . . S. . . . .1804. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. III. Seume J. G. Tour through . . . S. . . . 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805, Vol. VII. MacdonaU, J, Travels through . . . part of S., 1809. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. XI. Travels through . . . part of S., 1809. Voyages and Travels. A Collection,' e^c. 1810. Vol. VI. Seume, J, G. Tour through . . . S. . . . 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. "1810. Vol. VI. Hallberg, Baron Von. Sentimental Sketches, written during a Journey tlirough . . . S. . . . 1820. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. V. A description of S. Voyages and Travels. The World displayed. Vol. XX. Switzerland.— Heer, O. Recherches sur le Climat . . . du Pays Ter- tiaire, etc. Winterthur. Switzerland. [An Article from an Encycloptedia.] Ebel, J. G. Anleitung auf die niitzlichste und genussvollste Art in der Schweitz zu reisen. Zurich, 1793. Coxe, W. Travels in S., etc. 1794. Stolberg, Count F. L. zu. Reise in . . . der Schweiz, etc. KdniS'ee Tabriz. Tabriz. — Fbeshfield, D. W. Travels . . . including Visits to . , .Tabreez, etc. Lond., 1869. Tadmor. — See Palmyea. Taff Vale.— Merewethee, Mr. Serjeant. Speech ... on the T. V. Eaihvay Bill. 1840. Tafilelt.— Jackson, J. G. An Account of . . . T., etc. Lond., 1814. EoHLFS, G. Eeise . . . Exploration der Oasen von T., etc. Bremen, 1868. TaSUS, River. — Biddlecombe, G. Directions for entering the . . . T. 1848, 1854. Tahiti.— Garnier, J. Excursion autour de ITle de T. EoDEiGUEZ, M. Eelacion diaria, Viage de la Isla de Amat, alias Otagiti, 1774. IIS. MoETiiiEE, G. Observations . . . during a Voyage to . . . Otahe;ite, etc. Lond., 1791. KuLCZYCKi, A. Determination des Longitudes . . . Observations pour . . . Taiti, etc. Par., 1851. Gaussin, p. L. J. B. Du Dialecte de T., etc. Par., 1853. Bligh, G. Voyage a Taiti ... 1787-89. (Second Voyage. 1792-3.) Eyries. Vol. III. Edwards, Capt. Voyage ... a Taiti pour saisir les revolt^s du Bounty . . . 1790-92. Eyeies. Vol. III. Wallis, Capt. Voyage to . . . Otaheite . . . 1766-68. Hawkes- WOETH, J. Vol. I. Eelation d'un Voyage a ITle d'Amat ou Taiti, etc. Voyages and Teavels. Eecueil, etc. Vol. IV Taiti.— See Tahiti. Tai-Wan. — See Formosa. Takau-Kon. — Eichabds, J. China. Harbours of . . . T.-K., etc. 1855 Talca — Tartar)'. 431 Talca. — DoMEYKO, D. I. Viaje a las Cordilleras de T., etc. 1849. Talomeco. — GrIbeeg, Count J. Eecueil de Voyages . . . and Historical Eesearclies on the Conquest of . . . Q\, in the thirteenth Century, by J. Kaukiug. 1829. Taman. — Abich, H. Einleiteude Grundziige der Geologie der Halbinsehi Kertsch und T. St. Pet., 1865. Karten und Profile zur Geologie der Halbinseln Kertsch und T., etc. Tiflis, 1866. Helmebsen, G. von. Die . . . Xaphthaquellen . . . bei . . . T. 1867. Tamatave. Oliver, S. P, Madagascar . . . With Sketches in tlie Pro- vinces of T., etc. Lond. [1865.] Wilkinson, T. The Trip from T. to the Capital. [1867.] Tamise. — 'See Thames. Tampico. — Fisher, G. Memorials of, relating to the Expedition of General Mexia against T. in 1835, etc. Houston, Tex., 1840. Tana. — See Azov. Tangier. — Lempriere, W. Tour from Gibraltar to T., etc. 1791. Tanjore. — India. Reports of the . . . effects of the . . . Coleroou An- nicuts, in T., etc. Madras, 1858. Beschreibung der Kbnigreiche Tanjur, etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. XVIII. Tanjur. — *S'ee Tanjore. Tanna. — See Azov. Tannassari. — See Tenasserim. Tapliss. — Dresden und die umliegende Gegend bis . . . T., etc. Dresd., 1804. Taptee. — Blanford, W. T. On Geology of the T. and Lower Nerbudda A' alleys. India, Geological Survey. Memoirs, etc. Vol. VI. Taraki. — See Saghalien. Taranaki. — Hector, J. Report on the Petroleum found at T. 1866. Tarasp. — Killias, E. The Mineral Waters and Baths of T., etc. Coire, 1866. Taroa. — Kulczycki, A. Determination des Longitudes . . . Observations pour . . . T., etc. Par., 1851. Tarrakai. — See Saghalien. Tarshish. — Of Tharsis . . . whether it be the same with Ophir, etc. I'URCHAS. Vol. I. Tartar Steppes. — See Steppes, Tartar. Tartaria. — See Tartary. Tartary. — Vera, G. di. Tre Navigationi fatte dagli Olandesi . . . nella . . . Tartaria, etc. Venet., 1599. Mendez Pinto, F. Historia Oriental de las peregrinacioues de F- Mendez Pinto ... en ... Tartaria, etc. Madrid, 1627- Struts, J. Les Voyages de, en . . . T., etc. Lyon, 1682. 43 2 Tartary. Tartary.— Ides, E. Y. Three Years' Travels . . . Thro" . . . Great T., etc. Lond., 1706. Oleaeius, a. Voyages trfes-curieux . . . faita en . . . Tartaiie, (tc. Amst., 1727. Strahlenbebg, p. J. vox. Das Nord-und Ostliche Theil vou Euroi"»a und Asia, in so weit solches das gantze Piussische Eeich mit . . . der grossen Tatarey . . . begreiffet . . . vorgestellet, etc. StocJch., 1730. Eadcliffe, W. The Natural History of East T., etc. Lond., 1789. ■ Elphixstoxie, Hox. M. Account of . . . Caulml and its Depen- dencies in . . . T., etc. 1815. R^MUSAT, A. Recherclies sur les langues Tartares, etc. Far., 1820. Stkaussex, J. J. IJeise durch. ... die Tatarei . . . 1647-1673. Gotha, 1832. Burkes, Sir A. Travels . . . from India to . . . T., etc. 1834. ScHOTT, W. Versuch iiber die Tatarischen Rprachen. Berl., 1836. Carpin, J. Du Plan de. Relation des Mongols ou Tartares, etc. Par., 1838. Hue, M. Recollections of a Journev through T. ... 1844-46, etc. 1852. Prixsep, H. T. Tibet, T. and Mongolia, etc. Lond., 1852. Hue, M. Souvenirs d'un Voyage dans la Tartaric . . . 1844-46. Par., 1853. Christianity in . . . T., etc. 1857-8. CoLLixsox, Admiral. The Coasts of China and T., efe 1858. Troxsox, J. 3tl. Narrative of a Voyage to . . . T., etc. 1859. Sprte, R. Commerce with . . . T., etc. 1860. 'J orrens, H. D. Travels in . . . T., etc. Lond., 1862. Travels of J. de Piano Carpini . . . into T. in 1246. Astley. Vol. IV. Travels of Marco Polo into T. in 1272. Astley. Vol. IV. Travels through T. . . . to . . . China. Astley. Vol. IV. Voyage of a certaine Englishman into Tartaria . . . 1243. Hakluyt. Vol. I. Mandevil, Sir J. Voyage ... to ... T. ... 1322-1355. Hakluyt. Vol. II. D'Orle'ans, Pere P. J. Historj- of the . . . two journeys into T. of . . . F. Verbiest . . . edited by the Earl of EUesmere, etc. 1854. Hakluyt Soc. Pub. Vol. XVII. Rubruquis, W. de. The remarkable 1'ravels of . . . into T. and China, 1253. Harris, J. Vol. I. Ilaitho, Prince of Armenia. Travels iu T., 1254. Kerr. Vol. I. Piano Carpini, J. de. Travels in T., 1246. Kerr. Vol. 1. Rubruquis, W. de. Travels in T., about 1253. Kerr. Vol. I. Tartary. 433 Tartary.— Schildtberger, J, Travels into T., 1394. Kebr. Vol. I. Sketch of the Revolutions in T. Kerr. Vol. I. Travels of an Englishman in T., 1242. Kerr, Vol. I. ■ Bacon, E. Tartarian . . . Relations, etc. Purchas. Vol. III. The beginning of the English Discoveries towards the North . . . also Voyages . . . thorow divers Regions of Tartaria. Purchas. Vol. III. Broniouius de Biezerfedea, M. Description of Tartaria, efc. Purchas. Vol. III. Chaggi Memet. Travels and observations in the Country of the Great Can. Purchas. Vol. III. Goes, B. Travels . . . thorow the Tartars Countrie, 1603. Pur- chas. Vol. III. Historic of Ayton . . . especially touching the Tartars. Purchas. Vol. III. Mendez Pinto, F. Observations of ... T. ... 1521-45. Pur- chas. Vol. III. Relations touching the Tartars, taken out of . . . Roger Wendover and Matthew Paris. Purchas. Vol. III. Veer, G. de. Voyages of "W. Barents . . . behind . . . Tartaria . . . 1594-96. Purchas. Vol. III. Of the . . . Tartarians . . . and of their Religions. Purchas. Vol. V. - — Alcuini. Due Viaggi in Tartaria, 1247. Ramusio. Vol. II. Guagnino, A, Descrittione della Sarmatia Europea . . . de tutti Tartari campestri. Ramusio. Vol. 11. Hayton Armeno. Dell' origine e successione de' Gran Cani Impera- dori Tartari, 1253-1303. Ramusio. Vol. II. Marco Polo. Viaggi delle cose de Tartari . . . 1250, eic. Ra- musio. Vol. II. Navigationi fatte da gli Olandesi . . . nella . . . Tartaria . . . 1594-97. Ramusio. Vol. III. ■ Ascelin, Mbnch. Reisen des, und seiner Gefahrten, zu den Tartarn, 1247. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. VII. Carpini, J. de Piano. Reisen nach der T., 1246. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. VII. Marco Polo. Reisen in die T , 1272. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. VII. Pinto, F. M. Reise nach . . . T., etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. X. Carpin, J. du Plan de. Relation des Mongols ou Tartares, pendant 1245-47, etc. Voyages and Travels. Recueil, etc. Vol. IV. Jordan, ou Jourdain Catalani, P. Mirabilia descripta, sequitur de . . . Magno Tartaro, etc. Voyages and Travels. Recueil, etc. Vol. IV. 2 F 434 Tartary — Tasmania. Tartary. The Travels of the Ambassadors from . . . Holstein into . . . T. 1635. YoYAGES and Travels. The World displayed. Yol. xiii., xiY. Asiatic. — Wagner, J. C. Das machtige Kayser-Eeich Sina, nnd die Asiatische Tarlavey vor Augen gestellet, etc. Augsl., 1688. . Chinese. — Du Halde, J. B. Description , . . de la Tartaric Chinoise, etc'. La Eaye, 1736. A Description of ... C. T., etc. Loud., 1738. Staun'Tox, Sir G. Authentic Account of an Embassy to China . . . including . . . part of C. T., etc. 1797. Markham, F. Shooting in ... C. T., etc. Lond., 1854. Atkinson, T. W. Oriental . . . Siberia , . . Adventures in ... C. T., ttc. 1858. . Description of T. subject to China, etc. Astlet. Yol. IV. Tartaric Chinoise, etc. Laharpe, J. Yol. YIII. Beschreibung von der Tartarey, die imter Chma gehbret. YoTAGES and Travels^ Allgemeine Historic, etc. Yol. Yll. ^ Crimean.— Spencer, E. Travels in . . . Krim T., etc. 1837. , East.— Description of ... E. T., etc. Astley. Vol. lY. Yerbiest, F. Eeise in die ostliche Tartarey, 1682. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. VII. ^ Independent. — Tartaric Independante, etc. Laharpe, J. Vol. Ylll. T., accounts of I. Pinkerton. Vol. IX. ^ Little.— Petachia, Rabbi. Travels of ; who, in the . . . Twelfth Century, visited . . . L. T., etc. 1856. Whittington, Mr. Account of a Journey through part of Little T., etc. Walpole, R. Travels, etc , Mantchu.— -See Mandchooria. , Mongol. — See Mongolia. Siberian.— Cochrane, J. D. Narrative of a pedestrian Journey through . . . S. T., etc. 1824. ^ West.— C4erbillon, J. F. Travels into W. T. . . . between 1688 and 1698. Astley. Yol. lY. Beschreibung . . . der westlicben Tartarey, etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. VI. Gcrbillon, J. F. Reisen in die westliche T. . . . 1688-98. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. VII. Tarudant. — See Terodant. Tasmania.— MiLLiGAN, J. Vocabulary of Dialects of Aboriginal Tribes Qf 'p^ . Tasmania. Wentwortii, W. C. Statistical . . . description of . . . Van Diemen's Land. 1819. Field, B. Geographical Memoirs . . . and . . . Meteorology of . . . Van Diemen's Land. 1825. Tasmania — Tasmans PeninsiUa. 435 Tasmania. — Banister, J. W. On Emigration to . . . Van Diemen's Land, dc. 1831. New South Wales. Copies of the Royal Instructions to the Governors of . . . Yan Diemen's Land ... as to the . . . dis- IX)sing of Crown Lands. 1831. Van Diemen's Land. Copies of all Correspondence . . . on . . . the Military Operations lately carried on against the Aboriginal In- habitants of Van Diemen's Land. 1831. BiscHOFF, J. Sketch of the History of Van Diemen's Land, etc. 1832. Breton, Lieut. Excursions in . . . Van Diemen's Land, dc. 1834. Montagu, J. Statistical Returns of Van Diemen's Land, from 1824-35, etc. Ilohm-t T., 1836. Frankland, G. Report on the Transactions of the Survey Depart- ment of Van Diemen's Land, etc. Bob., 1837. Tasman, a. J. Sketches of Tasman's Peninsula, etc. V. D.s L., 1837. Montagu, J. Statistical Returns of Van Diemen's Land, from 1824 to 1839, etc. Ilobart T., 1839. ■ — "Wheeler, D. Extracts from the Letters and Journals of ... in . . . Van Diemen's Land, etc. 1839. Strzelecki, p. E. de. Physical description of . . . Van Diemen's Land. 1845. Africa. The Lights of ... T. ... Corrected to 1849, 51, 52, 56, 57, 58, 59. 1849-59. Meredith, Mrs, C. My home in T., during . . , Nine Years. 1852. Tasmania. T.n Contributions to the Universal Exhibition of Industry at Paris, 1855. Tasman., 1855. Stoney, H. B. Residence in T., etc. 1856. Puseley, D. The Rise and Progress of . . . T., etc. 1858. Hull, H. M. The Experience of Forty Years in T., etc. LonJ., 1859. Dunsterville, E. The Admiralty List of the Lights of . . . T. ... Corrected to 1860, 61, 62. 1860-62. Whiting, G. The Products and Resources of T., etc. Hohart Town, 1862. Gras, M. a. le. Phares . . . de . . . Terre de Van Diemen . . . Corriges 1862, 63. Par., 1862, 63. Heywood, B. a. a Vacation Tour . . . through . . . T., etc. 1863. Gould, C. Report upon . . . Gold in . . . Van-Diomen's I.anrI, etc. 1864. — BoNWiCK, J. The last of the T.ns, etc. Lond., 1870. Hull, H. M. T. in 1870, etc. Hoh. T., 1870. Tasman's Peninsula.— 'SVe Tasmania. 2 F 2 436 Tafarei — TeJmantepcc. Tatarei. — See Tartary. Taunus, — Ehine, An Autumn near the . . . Avith a Tour in the T. Moun- tains in 1820, etc. Lond., 1821. Taurida. — Pallas, P. S. Tahleau physique et topographique de la Tauride, etc. &t. Pet., 1795. See also Crimea. Tauris. — See Tabriz. Tawa.— Blanford, W. T. On the Coal Seams of the T. Valley, etc. India, Geological Survey. Eecords, etc. Vol. I. Tawat.— /See Tuat. Tay. — SoRBY, H. C. On the Terraces in the Valley of the T., etc. Edin., 1856. Taywan. — See Formosa. Tchadda, River.— >See Chadda. Tcherkessia. — See Cikcassia. Tchoka. — See Saghalien. Tebriz. — See Tabriz. Teco. — See Ticoo. TecTianapa. — See Tehuaxtepec. Tedjen. — See Tedzex. Tedmor. — See Palmyra. Tedshen. — See Tedzen. Tedzen. — Zimmermaxn, C. Denkschrift iiber ... die Stromhahu Ochus oder T. der Neueren, zur Balkan-Bay. BerL, 1845. Telieran. — Fraser, J. B. "Winter Journey from Constantinople to T., etc. 1838. Truilhier, Capit. Memoire descriptif de la Route de Tehran k Meched, etc. Far., 1841. Vamberv, a. Travels . . . from T., etc. Lond., 1864. Teliuailtepec. — Orbegozo, J. de. Pieconocimiento del Istmo de T. en 1825. Jalapa, 1831. Garay, J. de. Eeconocimiento . . . de T., etc. 1844. Survey of . . . T., etc. 1844. MoRO. G. Communication between the . . . Oceans through . . . T. Additional Observations, etc. 1845. Report of the Communication between the . . . Ocpans through . . . T. 1845. Gabay, J. de. An Account of . . . T., etc. 1846. LiOT, W. B. Panama . . . T., etc. 1849. Chaloxer and Fleming. The Mahogany-Tree . . . with notices of the projected . . . communication of ... T. Liverj)., 1850. Dale, R. Notes of an Excursion to the Isthmus of T., etc. 1851. Williams, J. J. Report .... upon the location of the T. Railway and Carriage Road across the Isthmus, etc. [N. P.] 1870. Relation of the Haven of Tecuanapa, etc. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Tell lis — Terra Finna. 437 Tellus. — (See World. Telmessus. — Wilde, W. R. Narrative of ... a Visit to . . . T., dr. Bull., 1852. Tempe.— Hawkins, Mr. On . . . tlie Vale of T., etc. Walpole, R. Memoirs, etc. Tenasserim. — Relation des Roj-aumes de . . . Tannassari . . . par wilhem Mothoid, etc. Thevekot. Vol. I. Teneriffe. — Mortimer, G. Observations . . , during a Voyage to . , . T., etc. Lond., 1791. Wilde, W. R. Narrative of a Voyage to . . . T., etc. Dull., 1852. Smyth, C. P. Report on the T. Astronomical Experiment of 1856. Lond. and Edin., 1858. T., an Astronomer's Experiment, etc. Lond., 1858. Oliveika, B, Letters upon the capabilities of . . . T. as a AVinter Residence, etc. Land., 1864-5. Fritsch, K. von, and others. Tenerife geologisch topographisch dargestellt, etc. Winterthur, 1867. Fritsch, K. von, and Reiss, W. Geologische Beschreibung der Insel Tenerife, etc. Winterthur, 1868. St. Vincent, J. B. G. M. Bory de. Voyage to . . . [T.] 1801-2. tfc. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. II. Tennessee. — Bradbury, J. Travels in . . . T., etc. Liver., 1817. Safj ord, J. M. Geological Reconnoissance of the State of T. Nashville, 1856. Jklichaux, F. A. Travels ... in ... T., 1802. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. I. Cornelius E. Tour in . . . T., etc. 1818. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. III. Teplitz. — Hofer, C. E. Beschreibung . . . (von T), etc. Prag, 1798. Grieeen, T. Grieben's Reise-Bibliothek. No. 38 . . . T., etc. Berl, 1861. Terceira. — De Chaste's Voyage to T. Pinkerton. Vol. I. Of certaine notable . . . accidents that happened in T. ... 1589-92. PURCHAS. Vol. IV. Tercera. — See Terceira. Terodant. — Lempriere, W. Tour from Gibraltar to . . . Tarudant, etc. 1791. Terra Australis. — See Australia. Terra del Fuego. — Weddell, J. Voyage . . . to T. del F., etc. 1827. Macdouall, J. Narrative of a Voyage to . . . T. del F in 1826-27. 1833. Snow, W. P. Two Years' Cruise of T. d. F., etc. 1857. Terra Pirma. — Hawkins, Sir J. Voyages to the Coast of T. F. . . . 1562-68. Hakluyt. Vol. III. 438 Terra Firma — Texas. 1576. along the Coast of T. F. . . . 1596. 1711. Terra Pirma.— Barker, A. Voyage to the Coast of T. F. Hakluyt. Vol. IV. ■ Sherley, Sir A. Voyage . Hakluyt. Vol. IV. Ursino, A. Eelatioa concerning the Coast of T. F. . . . 1581. PUBCHAS, Vol. IV. Von der Eeise von Cartagena nach T. F., etc. Voyages and Tbavels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. IX. Besehreibungen ... von ... T. F., etc. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XV. Terra Incoflfnita.— Tasman, J. Discoveries on the Coast of the S. T. I. \ uVAGES. Account of several late, etc. Terra Nova, — See Neweoukdi-asd. Terre Australe.— /See Australia. Terre du Pretre Jean.— /See Abyssinia. Terre-Neuve. — /See Newfoundland. Terres Australes.— /See Australia. Territoire Chinois.— /See China. Tessin. — Gemalde der Schweiz . . , Tetuan. — Morocco. Observations on Description of . . . T., etc. MS. Tevere. — See Tiber. Notes of a Journey through T T.. etc. Morocco Bern, 1834-38. . 1830 . . . Texas.— Falconer, T. 1841 and 184 J. in Edwards, C. T. and Coahuila, etc. Edward, D. B. The History of T., etc. Holley, Mrs. M. A. T. Texas. A Visit to T., etc. The War in T., etc. Ellis, S. The Emigrant's Guide to T., etc. Hunt, R S. and Randel, J. F. Guide to . . Bonnell, G. W. Topographical description of T., etc. Austin, Tex., 1840 Leclerc, F. Le T. et sa Revolution. Moore, F. Description of T., etc. N. Y., 1834. Cincm., 1836. Lexington, 1836. N. Y., 1836. Phil, 1836. New Orl., 1839. T. N. Y., 1839. - FooTE, H. S. T. and the Texans, etc. - Ikin, a. T. ; its History, etc. - Kennedy, W. T., etc. - America. Message of . . . President Boundary between the U. S. and . . . T. - Falconer, T. Expedition to Sa.nta Fe. from T., etc. Par , 1840. Phil, 1840. Phil, 1841. 1841. 1841. , . , in relation to . . . Wash., 1842. An account of its journey N. Orleans, 1842. MA.ILLARD, N. D. History of T., etc. 1842. Texas — TJiessaloiiica. 439 Texas. — Kendall, G. W, Narrative of an Expedition . . . fnm T. to Santa Fe, etc. I.ond., 1845. PuRDY, J. and FiNDLAY, A. G. Colombian Navigator. Vol. I. Sailing Directory for . . . T., etc. 1847. Smith, E. Account of a Journey through N.-E.ii. T., itc. 1849. Baktlett, J. R. Personal . . . explorations ... in T., etc. N. Y., 1854. Olmsted, F. L. Journey througli T,, etc. 1857. Cordova, J. de. T., her capabilities and resources, etc. Manchester, 1858. DoMENEcn, E. Missionary Adventures in T., etc. 1858. Marcou, J. Geology of N. America ; with Reports on the Prairies of . . . T., etc. Zurich, 1858. Texel. — The prosperous . . . Voyage to Java , , . performed by 8 ships of Amsterdam from T. . . ." 1590-99. Hakluyt. Vol. V. Texell. — See Texel. Tezcuco. — Ixililxochitl, F. d'Alva. Histoire des Chichimiiques, ou des anciens Kois de T., etc. Teenaux-Compans. Voyages. Vol. Xll. XIII. Thai.— /See SiAM. Thames. — Laurie, Pi. H. and Whittle, J. New Piloting Directorv for the . . . T., etc. Loud., 1816. ■ Purdy, J. and Findlay, A. G. New Piloting Directory for the . . . T., etc. 1846. Thorne, J. Rambles by Rivers ; the T., etc. 1847. North Sea. Mer du Nord. IV* Partie. La Tamise, etc. Far., 1864. , N. Z. — New Zealand Geological Survey. Abstract Report . . . Together with Reports on . . . T. Gold Fields, etc. Well, 1869. New Zealand Geological Sukvey. Second Report on the T. Gold Fields, etc. Well, 1869. Tharsis. — See Tarshish. Thebais. — Irwin, E. A Series of Adventures in the course of a . . . Route through the Desarts of T., etc. Lond., 1780. Relation du Voyage . . . de la Theba'ide fait en 1668 par les Capucins Missionaires en Egypte. Thevenot. Vol. IV. Thebes. — Lepsius, R. A Tour from T. to the Peninsula of Sinai, 1845. 1846. FoacHHAMMEK, P. W. Topograpbia Thebarum Heptapylarum. Kilice., 1854. Cailliaud, F. Travels in the Oasis of T. . . . 1815-18. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. VII. Therouanne. — Ellis, Sir H. Representation of the Siege of Therouenne, in France, a.d 1553. Thessalonica. — Tafel, T. L. F. De T. . . . dissertatio geographicn. Berlin, 1839. 440 Thessaly — Tibet. Thessaly. — Gell, Sir W. Itinerary of Greece; containing . . . Eoutes in . . . T. 1819. Holland, H. Travels in . . . T., etc. 1819. Browxe, E. Travels throusjli Hungary into T., etc. Harris, J. Vol. II. PouQUEviLLE, F. C. H. L. Travels in ... T., 1805. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. IV. Thibet. — 'See Tibet. Thoricus. — Stuart, T. and Revett, N. The Antiquities of Athens . . . T., etc. 1825-33. Thrace. — Pococke, E. Description of . . . T., etc. 1743-45. Tafel, T. L. F. De Via Militari Eomanorum Egnatia, qua llly- ricum, Macedonia et Thracia jungebantur, etc. Tubingoe, 1842. Spencer, E. Travels . . . through . . . T., etc. 1851. Biddulph, W. Travels of four Englishmen . . . into . . . T. ... in 1600 and 1611. Churchill. Vol. VII. Thua Thien. — See Hue. Thurgau. — Gemalde der Schweiz . . . T., etc Bern, 1834-38. Thiiringerwald. — Murchison, Sir E. I. and Morris, J. On the Pateozoic . . . Rocks of the T., eic. 1855. Thuringia. — Richter, E. Das Thiiringische Schiefergehirge. 1869. Tian-schan.— ^ee Tien-Shan. Tibbet.— -See Tibet. Tiber. — Cialdi, A. Xavigazione del Tevere, etc. Roma, 1845. Sul Tevere, etc. Roma, 1847. Tiberias, Lake of. — Seetzen, M. Brief Account of the Countries adjoining the L. of T., etc. Bath, 1810. Tibet. — Du Halde, J. B. A Description of . . . T., etc. Lond., 1738. Turner, S. Account of an Embassy to . . . T., etc. 1806. Hoffmeister, W. Travels in Ceylon . . . and ... to the borders of Thibet, etc. Edin., 1848. Hooker, J. D. Elevation of the Great Table Land of T, 1849. Hue, M. Recollections of a Journey through . . . T. ... 1844- 46, etc. 1852. Prinsep, H. T. T., Tartary and Mongolia, etc. Lond., 1852. Thomson, A. S. Western Himalaya and T., a . . . Journey, etc. 1852. Hoc, M. Souvenirs d'un Voyage dans . . . le T. ... 1844-46. Par., 1853. Maekham, F. Shooting in . . . T., etc. Land., 1854. Stracey, H. Physical Geogi-aphy of Western T. 1854. Hue, M. Christianity in ... T. 1857-8. Sprye, E. Commerce with . . . T., etc. 1860. Knight, Captain. Diary of a Pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet. Land., 1863. Tibet — Timbo. 441 Tibet.— ScHLAGisTWEiT, E. Buddhism in T., etc. Leipz., 1863. Description of Korea . . . and T. Astley. Vol. IV. Description of Tartary . . . T,, etc. Astley. Vol. IV. Travels through Tartary, T., and Bukharia to . . . China. Astley. Vol. IV. Travels through T., to and from China, by several Missioners. Astley. Vol. IV. T. et Boutan. Bogle, Turner, Eyries, Vol. XIV, Thibet. Laharpe, J. Vol. VIII. T., a description of. Pinkertox. Vol. VII. T., Travels through, by several Missionaries. Pixkerton'. Vol. VII. Beschreibung von . . . T. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. VI. Beschreibung von T., etc. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol, VII. Desiderius, H. Eeisen nach T., 1714. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. VII. • Horaz della Penna, Bruder. Nachricht vom Anfange . . . der Capucinermission in T., 1741. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. VII. See also Cho-Lagan. Manasarowar.-Pruaxg. , Little.— Leitxer, G. \V Results of a Tour in ... L. Thibet, etc. Lahore, Lond. [1868.] Ticoo. — Hores, W. Discourse of his Voyage from Surat to . . . Teco . . . 1618-19. PURCHAS. Vol. I. Tidikelt, — PiOhlfs, G. Eeise . , , Exploration der Oasen von , , . T., dr. Bremen, 1868. Tien- Shan.— Ostex-Sacken, Baron F. R. v. d., and Euprecht, F. J. bertum Tianschanicum. Botanische Ergebnisse einer Eeise, etc. St. Fet., 1869. Tien-Tsin Ho.— /See Pei Ho. Tigr6, Abyssinia. — Ferret, A., and Galinier. Voyage . . . dans les provinces du T., etc. Par., 1847. Tigre, River.— -See Tigris. Tigris.— D'Anville, J. B. L'Euphrate et le Tigre. Par., 1779. EicH, C. J. Narrative of ... a Voyage down the T., etc. 1836. Chesney, F. E. Expeditions for the Survey of the . . . T., in 1835-37, etc. 1850. Weissexborx, H. J. C. Ninive . . . mit Eiicksicht auf die neuesten Ausgrabungen im T.thale. Erfurt, 1851. Tiguex. — Vasqucz de Coronado, F. Voyage ... to . . . T. ... 1540. Hakluyt. Vol. III. Timbo.— Watt et Winterbottom. Voyage a Timbou, 1794. Eyries. Vol. X. 44 2 Tinibou — Tivoli. Timbou.— '^ee TiMBo. Timbuctoo. — Jacksox, J. G. Account of . . . T., etc. 1809. An . . . interesting account of T., efc i-orac?., 1814. ■ Adams, E. The Narrative of; who . . . resided several months in the City of T., etc. 1816. — EfLEY, J. Loss of the American \ir\% Commerce . . . witli an account of T., etc. 1817. - Shabeexy, El Hage Abd Salam. Account of T., etc. 1820. - Caillie, E. Travels through Central Africa to T., etc. 1830. - Gkaberg, Count J. Yiaggio del Signor . . . E. Caillie' k Tom- bucti:i, etc. " 1830. - SxiDER- Pellegrini, A. Du De'veloppement du Commerce de I'Algerie . . . et d'une Eoute . . . au Senegal par Tombouctou, etc. Par., 1857. - Jobsou, E. Voyage for . . . the Golden trade of Tombiito in 1620-21. ASTLEY. Vol. II. - Two briefe Eelations concerning . . . Tombuto and Gago . . . written in 1594. Haklutt. Vol. III. Jobson, E. Eeise zur Entdeckung . . . des Goldhandels in Tom- buto, 1620-21. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. III. Timoan. — Byron, Conim. Voyage ... to ... T. ... 1764-66. Hawkesworth, J. Vol. I. Timor. — Bligh, W. Xarrative of . . . Voyage . . . from Tofoa . . . to T., etc. ' 1790. Beschreibung des Evlandes T. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XII. Benachtbarte Eylande um T. und Solor. Voyages and Travels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. XVIII. Tingoesia. — Description of ... T. ... 1612. Purchas. Vol. III. Tinian. — Mortimer, G. Observations . . . during a Voyage to . . . T., etc. LoncL, 1791. • Byron. Comm. Voyage ... to ... T. ... 1764-66. Hawkes- worth, J. Vol. I. Wallis, Capt. Voyage to ... T. ... 1766-68. Hawkesworth, J. Vol. I. Tiperah. — See Tipper ah. Tipperah. — Tavernier. Eeisen nach . . . Tipra . . . 1652. Voyages and 'I'ravels. AUgemeine Historie, etc. Vol. X. , Independent. — Lane, C. Extracts from a Eeport by, on a portion of 1. T., etc. Dehra Boon, 1863. Tipra. — See Tipperah. Tipuani. — Weddell, H. A. Voyage ... on Visite au District aurifere ^1^ T. Par., 1853. Tivoli. — Cabbal, S. e Re, F. del. Monumenti autichi . . . di T. }i^ Tstkn-Tanc-Kiano. Tsieji-Tano--Kiancr^ River — Turkestan. 447 Tsien-Tang-Kiang, River.— Macgowan, D. J. The P^agre of the T.-T. lliver. 1853. Tskenis-Tsquali.— /SeeTsKHENis-TsTHALi. Tskhenis-Tsthali.— Radde, G. Berichte, etc. (Jahrg. T. Eeisen . . . m . . . Tskenis-Ts-iuali, etc.) Tiflis, 1866. Tuat. — EoHLFs, G. Tagebiich seiner Reise durch Marokko nach T., 1864. Gotha, 1865. Malte-Brun, V. A. Eesume' historique et geographique de I'ex- ploration de G. Eohlfs an Touat, etc. Par., 1866. Eohlfs, G. Eeise . . . Exploration der Oasen von . . . T., etc. Bremen, 1868. Tucuman. — Andrews, Capt. Journey . . . through . . . T., etc. 1827. Techo, F. N. del. History of . . . T., etc. Chukchill. Yul. IV. Tula. — Strute, 0. Determination des Positions Geographiques de . . . Toula. St. Pet., 1843. Tulare Lakes. — Blake, W. P. On the Eate of Evaporation on the T. L. of California. Wash., 1856. Tunbridge Wells. — Brittox, J. Descriptive Sketches of T. W.. etc. 1832. Tunis. — Temple, Sir G. T. Excursions in . . . T. 1835. Peysonnel et Desfoktaixes. Voyages dans les Eegences de T., etc. Par., 1838. DuNAXT, J. H. Kotice sur la Eegence de T. Oeneve, 1858. Gubernatis, E. de. Lettere sulla Tunisia, etc. Firenze, 1867. Davis, W. A True . . . description of . . . T., etc. Churchill. Vol. VII. Henry IV. Voyage \\ith an Armie ... to T. in Barbary. Hakluyt. Vol. II. Tunisia. — See Tunis. Tunkin.— /See Tonqufx. Tur.— *See Tor. Turchia. — See Turkey. Turcomanie, Turcomie.— See Turkestan. Turin. — Paroletti, M. T. et ses Curiosites, etc. Turin, 1819. — - T., a la portee de TEtranger, etc. Turin, 1838. Turkestan. — Mouraviev, N. Voyage en Turcomanie . . . 1819-20, etc. Par., 1823. BuRSLEM, E. Peep into Toorkisthan. 1846. ■ Lal, Mohan. Travels in . . . T., etc. 1846. Ferrier, J. P. Caravan Journeys . . . in . . . T., etc. 1856. Pashino, p. I. [T. in 1866.] Eussian. [St. Pet.] 1868. Description of . . . T. Astley. Vol. IV. Mouraviev, N. Voyage en Turcomie, etc. Eyries. Vol. XI Y. T. Laharpr, J. Vol. VI IT. 448 Turkestan — Turkey. Turkestan. — Beschreibung des Landes T. Voyages and Tbavels. Allge- meine Historie, etc. Vol. VII. Turkestan, Eastern.— Hayward, G. W. I. Vocabularies ... IV. Ke-calculated Elevations of Towns ... in E.n T. Lahore, 1870. Turkey. — Hogg, J. Further Account of . . . Antiquities in T., etc. On some ancient Assyrian and Egyptian Sculptures . . . inT. EJs-OLLES, R. The Generall Historie of the Turkes, etc. Lond., 1603. Saxdys, G. AEelationof a Journey begun . . . 1610. Containing; a description of the Turkish Empire, etc. 1615. Thevenot, M. de. Travels into . . . T., etc. 1687. Lucas, P. Voyage fait en 1714 dans la Turquie, etc. Amst., 1720. Gallanp, M. Recueil des Kits et Ceremonies . . . auquel on a joint divers e'crits relatifs . . . aus . . . Turcs. Amst., 1764. Eton, W. Survey of the Turkish Empire, etc. Lond., 1799. SoxxiNi, C. T. Travels in ... T. 1801. Thornton, T. The Present State of T., etc. Lond., 1807. Macgill. T. Travels in T., etc. 1808. Hamilton, "W. Eemarks on several parts of T., etc. 1809. HoBHOUSE, J. 0. Journey through . . . T. in Europe and Asia, etc. 1813. Alt Bey. Travels in . . . T., etc. 1816. Walpole, E. Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic T.., etc. Lond., 1817. Laurent, P. Classical Tour through . . . T, ... in 1818-19. 1821. GrIberg, Count J. L'Empire Eusse compart aux principaux etats du Monde . . . Quadro . . . della . . . Turchia . . . nel 1829. 1829. Madden, E. E. Travels in T., etc. 1829. Alcock, T. Travels in . . . T., etc. 1831. Straussen, J. J. Eeise durch die Tiirkei . . . 1647-1673. Gotha, 1832. Temple, Sib G. T. Travels in . . . T., etc. 1836. NiEBUHR, C. Eeisebeschreibung . . . durch . . . T., etc. Haml., 1837. Elliott, C. B. Travels in ... T. 1838. Spencer, E. Travels . . . including a Tour through . . . T,, etc. 1838. Murray. Hand-Book for Travellers in . . . T., etc. Lond., 1840. Damer, Hon. Mrs. G. L. D. Diary of a Tour in . . . T., etc. Lond., 1841. Davy, J. Notes ... on ... T. 1842. Haun-Hahn, Countess I. Travels in T., etc. 1845. Turkey. 449 Turkey. — Tchihatcheff, P. de. L'Asie Mineure et I'Empire Ottoman, e'tat actuel, ttc. Par., 1850. Turkey. Frontier Lands of the Christian and the Turk, etc. 1853. Barker, W. B. Practical Grammar of the Turkish lan2;uage, dc. 1854. Carlisle, Earl of. Diary in Turkish . . . Waters. 1854. Chesney, F. R. Russo-Turkish Campaigns of 1828 and 1829. 1854. CuRZON, Hon. R. Armenia . . . the Frontiers of T., etc. 1854. ■ — Golovin, I. The Nations of Russia and T., etc. 1854. M'CuLLOCH, J, R. Russia and T., etc. 1854. Porter, Sir J. T., its History, etc. 1854. Smyth, Admiral W. H. Year with the Turks, etc. 1854. Spencer, E. T., etc. 1854. Stuart, Lieut.-Col. Journal of a Residence in ... T. 1854. Wyld, J. Geographical . . . Notes to accompany . . . Maps of the Ottoman Empire, etc. 1854. — JocHMUs, A. Der Syrische Krieg und der Verfall des Osmanen- Reiches seit 1840. . Frankf. a. M., 1856. AVoRTABET, G. M. Syria . . . or T. in the Dependencies. 1856. Lauture, Count d'Escayrac de. La Turquie, etc. Par., 1858. Hell, X. H. de. Extrait du Voyage en Turquie . . . 1846-8, etc. Par., 1859. Pollington, Viscount. Half round the Old World ... a Tour in . . . T., etc. Lend., 1867. MiLLiNGEN, F. La Turquie sous le regne d' Abdul-Aziz, etc. Par., 1868. Tozer, H. F. Researches in the Highlands of T., etc. Lond., 1869. MiLLiNGEN, F. Slavery in T. The Sultan's Harem. Lmd., 1870. Daulphinois, N. N. Navigations . . . made into T. Churchill. Vol. VII. Turkish Empire, a General Account of. Churchill. Vol. VIL Voyage of five marchant Ships of London into T. . . . 1586. Hak- LUYT. Vol. II. Thevenot, J. Account of the Customs ... of the Turks, etc. Harris, J. Vol. IL Salbanke, J. Voyage through . . . part of T. ... 1609. Purchas. Vol. I. Newberie, J. Two Vovages. One . . thorow T., 1580-82. Purchas. Vol. II. Of the . . . Turkes . . . and of their Religions. Purchas, Vol. V. Forbin, Count de. Travels in ... T. ... 1817, 18. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. L 2 G 45 o Turkey — Tyre. Turkey. — Jordan ou Joiirdain Catalani, P. Mirabilia descripta, sequitur de . . . Turquia. Votages and Travels. Eecueil, etc. Vol. IV. Carlyle, J. D. Letters during his Residence in T. Walpole. Me- moirs, etc. , Asiatic. — Asie Tuvqne. Eyries. Vol. XIV. , European. — Burgo, G. B. de. Viaggio di cinque anni in . . . Euroi^a del Turco, etc. Milano, [1686.] Alexander, Sir J. E. Travels . . . throusli . . . E. T., etc. " 1827. Bou6, A. Turquie d'Europe, etc. Par., 1840. Struve, F. G. W. Astronomisclie Ortsbestimmungen in der Europaischen Tiirkei, etc. St. Fet., 1845. Spencer, E. Travels in E. T., etc. 1851. Bou:fi, A. Itineraire dans la Turquie d'Europe. Vienne, 1854. Macintosh, A. F. Military Tour in E. T., etc. 1854. Valentini, Baron de. Description of the Seat of War in E. T.,«#c. 1854. Cobtambert, E, Eapport sur ... la Turquie d'Europe, etc. Par., 1857. Sibthorp, Dr. Remarks relating to the Natural History of parts of E. T. Walpole, R. Travels, etc. Turkie. — 'See Turkey. Turkistan. — See Turkestan. Tuscany. — Graberg, Count J. Atlante geografico-fisico ... del Gran- ducato di Toscana, del A. Z. Orlanditii. TozETTi, J. T. Voyage Mineralogique ... en Toscane. Par., 1792. Marenigh, J. Guide de Florence et d'autres villes . . . de Tos- cane. Flor., 1822. Repetti, E. Dizionario geografico . . . della Toscana, etc. Firenze, 1833-45. Graberg, Count J. Dizionario Geografico . . . della Toscana, di Repetti. 1835. Memorie sul bonificamento della Maremme Toscane, del F. Tartini. Firenze, 1839. MuRCHisoN, Sir R. I. On the Vents of Hot Vapour in T., etc. 1850. SiMONiN, L. La Toscane et la Mer Tyrrhenienne. Iiltudes, etc. Far., 1868. Ray, J. Travels through . . . T., etc. Harris. J. Vol. 1\. Tuzla. — See TouzLA. Twat.— "Sfee TuAT. Two Sicilies. — See Naples and Sicily. Tyre, — Wilde, W. R. Narrative of . . .a Visit to . . . T., etc. Bull, 1852. Tyre — Umballa. 45 1 Tyre.— William, Arctb. of Tyre. Voyage to ... T. ... 1130. Hak- LUYT. Vol. II. Tyrol. — Taylor, J. Travels ... to India, in 1789, by . . . the T,, etc. 1799. Wolf, P. P. Geschichte, Statistik und Topograpbie von T. Miinchen, 1800. - Sternberg, C. G. vox. Reise durcb T., etc. Wien und Triest, 1811. - ScHMiDL, A. A. Das Kaiserthum Oesterreich. Die gefiirstete Grafschaft T. mit Vorarlberg. Stuttfj., 1837. - Barrow, J. Tour . . . through . . , T., etc. 1853. - White, W. On Foot through the T. in 1855. 1856. - Sonklar, K. von. Der neuerliche Ausbruch des Suldnergletschers in T. Wien, 1857. - Misson, M. Travels through . . . T. ... 1687-88. Harris, J. Vol. II. - Salvo, Marquis de. Travels . . . through the T. . . . 1806. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VI. -, North.— Barrow, J. Tour in ... N. T., etc. 1841. Tyrone. — Portlock, J. E. Eeport on the Geology of . . . parts of T., etc. Duhl, 1843. Tyrrhenian Sea. — Thiebaut de Berxeaud, A. A Voyage to . . . Elba ; with notices of the other Islands in the T. S., etc. Loud., 1814. SiMONiN, L. La Toscane et la Mer Tyrrhenienne. Etudes, etc. Par., 1868. U. Ubin. — See Obl Ucayala, River. — Michelena y Rojas, F. Exploracion Oficial . . . Arriba de las bocas del Ucayali, ,etc. Bruselas, 1867. Ucayle, River. — See Ucayala. Udine. — Venerio, G. Osservazioni Meteorologiche fatte in U. ... 1803- 42. Udine, 1851. Udskoi. — MiDDENDORFF, A. T. VON. Bericht iiber die Beendigung der Expedition nach U. Ostrog, etc. St. Pet., 1845. Udskoy. — See Udskoi. Ukraine. — Hammards. Reise durch Oberschlesien . . . nach der U. Gotha, 1787. Beauplan, Sieur de. Description of U., etc. Churchill. Vol. I. Mr. A short account of the U., etc. Harris, J. Vol. II. Ulloa, San Juan de. — See San Juan de Ulloa. Umarawutty. — Fergusson', J. Tree and Serpent AVorship . . . From the sculptures of the Buddhist Topes at . . . Amravati, etc. Lond., 1868. Umballa. — Delhi Railway. Opening of the Meerut and U. Section, etc. Lond., 1869. 2 G 2 452- Ummcj^apoora — United States of America. Ummerapoora. — Cox, H. Journal of a Residence . . . at . . . Amarapurah. 1821. Ytjt.e, H. Xarrative . . . with . . . Xotes on the Geological Features of . . . the Country N. of . . . Amarajjoora, bv T. Oldham. ■" C'a/c, 1856. Ungern. — See Hukgaky. United Kingdom.— /See Great Britain. United States of America. — America. Inquiries respecting the . . . Indian Tribes of the U. S. Fitch, A. The most pernicious species of U. S. Insects, etc. Hall, J. Maps and Plates of the Geological Sections of the U. S. of A. IS. Y. Hassler, F. K. Report on the Survey of the Coast of the U. S. . . . 1837-39. Washington. Redfield, W. C. Observations on the Hurricanes ... of the . . . Coast of the U. S. Winterbotham, W. Historical . . . View of the . . . U.S., etc. 1795. Volxey, C. F. Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats-I^nis d'Amerique, etc. Par., 1803. Morse, J. Report of the Secretary of War of the U. S., on Indian Affairs, comprising a Tour in 1820, etc. New-Haven, 1822. America. Excursion through the U. S., etc. 1824. America. General outline of the U. S., etc. Phil., 1824. De Roos, Hon. F. F. Personal Narrative of Travels in the U. S., etc. 1827. Darby, W. View of the U. S., etc. Phil, 1828. Watertox, C. Wanderings in . . . the X.-W. of the U. S., etc. 1828. America. A connected view of the . . . Internal Xavigation of the U. S., etc. Phil., 1830. Flint, T. History and Geosjaphy of the . . . U. S., etc. Cincin., 1832. Darby, W. and Dwight, T. A New Gazetteer of the U. S., etc. Bartf., 1833. • Finch, J. Travels in the U. S., etc. 1833. PoussJN, G. T. Travaux d'Ameliorations Interieures. !6tats-Unis . . . Ib24-31. Par., 1834. Abdy, E. S. Journal of a Residence and Tour in the U. S., etc. Lond., 1835. Hassler, F. R. Second and third volumes of . . . documents relating to the Survey of the U. S. . . . 1834-1836. N. Y., 1835. Tyson, J. R. Discourse on the Surviving Remnant of the Indian Race in the U. S. Phil, 1836. America. Message from . . . President . . . concerning the Boundary between the U. S. and . . . Mexico. Phil, 1837. United States of America. 453 United States of America.— Mitchell. Travellers' Guide throudi the U. S. F}dl., 1837. RocHELLE, M. Rotrx DE. JEtats-Unis d'Am^riciue j Histoire et De- scription, etc. Par., 1837. Mitchell. Accompaniment to Reference and Distance Map of the U. S., etc. Phil, 1839. America. Commerce and Navigation. Wash., 1840. Gallatin, A. The Right of the U. S. of A. to the N. E. Boundarv, etc. N. Y., 1840. Tanner, H. S. American Traveller, or Guide through the U. S. P/u7., 1840. Description of the Canals and Raikoads of the U. S., etc. N. r., 1840. America. Message of . . . President ... in relation to . . . Bouudary between the U. S. and . . . Texas. Wash., 1842. HiNTON, J. H. The History and Tojiography of the U. S., etc. 1842. LciWENSTEEN, I. Les Etats-Unis et la Havane, etc. Par., 1842. Gallatin, A. Memoir on the N. E. Boundary [claimed by the U. S.], etc. X. i:, 1843. Haskel, D. and Smith, J. C. A complete . . . Gazetteer of the U. S., etc. N. Y., 1843. • Falconer, T. On . . . the S.-W., Oregon, and N.-W. Boundary of the U. S., etc. 1844. Murray, H. The U. S. of A., their History, etc. Edin., 1844. Bache, a. D. Reports of . . . Superintendent of . . . Coast Survey, etc. Wash., 1844-62. Lyell, Sir C. Travels . . . with Geological Observations on the U. S., etc. 1845. ■ Wilkes, C. Narrative of the U. S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-42. Phil, 1845. Graham, J. D. Observations of the Magnetic Dip, at several positions ... of the U. S., etc. Phil, 1846. PuRDY, J., and Findlay, A. G. Colombian Navigator. Vol. I. Sailing Directory for . . . the E. and S. Coasts of the U. S., etc. 1847. Lyell, Sir C. Second Visit to the U. S., e'c. , 1849. Pearce, J. A. Speech on the Coast Survey of the U. S. Wash., 1849. M'Arthur, W. p. and Bartlett, AV. A. U. S. Coast Surviy. Sailing Directions for the W.n Coast, etc. Wash., 1850. America. Lighthouses, Beacons, and Floating Lights of the U. S., corrected to 1850. Phil, 1851. America. Table of Post Offices in the U. S., etc. Phil, 1851. Bache, A. D. Notices of the W. Coast of the U. S., etc. Wash., 1851. 454 United States of America. United States of America —Williams, W. Traveller's . . . Guide througli the U. S., etc. ^«W-. loOl. ScHOOLCEAFT, H. K. Historical . . . Information respecting the . . . Indian Tribes of the U. S., etc Phil., 1851-53. Amebica. Keport of . . . Superintendent of . . . Coast Survey, etc. Wash., 1852-61. America. The Seventh Census, etc. Wash., 1853. America, Ukited States. The Seventh Census of the TJ. S., etc. Wash., 1853. Andrews, I. D. Keport on the . . . Cotton crop of the TJ. S. Wash., 1853. De Bow, J. D. Seventh Census of the U. S., 1850, etc. Wash., 1853. Melsheimer, F. E. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of the U. S., etc. Wash., 1853. Eobertson, W. p. Visit to Mexico, by the . . . U. S., etc. 1853. De Bow, J. D. Statistical View of the U. S., etc. Wash., 1854. Bache, a. D. Tide Tables for the principal seaports of the U. S. ^. r.,1855. CooLiDGE, K. H. Army Meteorological Register, from 1843, etc. Wash., 1855. PoEY, A. Sur les Tempetes Electriques . . . aux :^tats-Unis, etc. Versailles, 1855. Weld, C. R. Vacation Tour in the U. S., etc. 1855. Bache, A. D. The Tides of the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of the U. S., etc. ^ew Hav., 1856. DuNSTERTiLLE, E. The Lighthouses . . . and Floating Lights of the U. S. Corrected to 1856. 1856. Flags, E. Report of the Commercial Relations of the U. S. PFas/i., 1856. Havek, S. F. Archajology of the U. S., etc. Wash., 1856. Murray, Hon. A. M. Letters from the U. S., etc. 1856. Shaw, J. Ramble through the U. S., etc. 1858. Emory, W. H. Report on the U. S. and Mexican Boundary Survey, etc. Wash., 1857. Murray, Hon. H. A. Lands of the Slave and the Free ; or . . . the U. S., etc. 1857. Olmsted, F. L. Journey through ... the Border Country of the U. S. and Mexico. 1857. Philipps, J. M. The U. S. and Cuba. 1857. Bache, A. D. On the heights of the Tides of the U. S., etc. 1858. Davidson, G. Directory for the Pacific Coast of the U. S. Wash., 1858. Varnhagen, F. a. de. Vespuce et son premier Voyage ; on Notice d'une decouverte . . . primitive . . . des Cotes des Etats-Unis en 1497 et 1498. Par., 1858. United States of America — Ural^ River. 455 United States of America. — America. Admiralty List of . . . Lights of the L. S. Curructed to 1858, 59, 61. 1858-6L Feobel, J. Seveu Years' Travel in . . . the Far West of the U. S. 1859. Warren, G. K. Memoir to accompany the Map of the Territory of the U. S., etc. Wasli.. 1859. DuNSTERViLLE, E. The Admiralty List of the Lighthouses . . . and Floating Lights of the U. S. Corrected to 1860. 1860. Jewett, C. C. Notices of Public Libraries in the U. S. of A., etc. II «s/i., 1861. Olmsted, F. L. Journeys and Explorations in the Cotton Kintidom, etc. Lmd., 1861. Benjamin, J. B. Keise in den ostlichen Staaten der Union, etc. Hannov., 1862. GiLLiss, J. M. Astronomical and Meteorological Observa:tions made at the U. S. Kaval Observatory, during 3861. Wash., 1862. MussoN, E. Letter ... on Slavery in the S. em States, etc. 1862. Gras, M. A. Le, Phares . . . des Etats Unis, 1802, G4. I'ar., 1862-64. America, United States. Pieport of the Superintendent uf the Coast Survey . . . 1861-64, 1866. Wash., 1862-69. List of Distances, e 1841. CoDAZzi, LE Col. Rapport sur les Travaus Geograpliiques . . . dans la V. 1841. "WAPPics, J. E. Die Republiken von StLdamerika . . . Part I. V. Oottingen, 1843. Eastwick, E. B. V. : or Sketclies of life, etc. Lond., 1868, Paez, R. Travels and Adventures . . . First series : Life in the Llanos of V. Lond., 1868. Appun, C. F. Unter den Tropen. Wanderungen durch V., etc. Jena, 1871. Las Casas, B. de. Briefe Narration ... of Y., etc. Purchas. Yol. lY. Pizarro, F. Reisen ... an der Kiiste von ... Y. ... 1524:- 41. N'oYAGES and Teavels. Allgemeine Historie, etc. Yol. XY. Venice. — Sansovino, F. Yenetia . . . descritta, etc. Ven., 1663. Coro>st:lli, J. Isolario dell' Atlanta Yeneto. Yen., 1696. FoEMALEONi, Y. Saggio suUa Nautica antica de' Yeneziani, etc. Yen., 1783. Tayloe, J. Travels ... to India, in 1789, by . . . Y., etc. 1799. Zaela, p. Sulle aatiche Mappe Idro-Geografiche lavorate in Y., etc. ^f^'^v 1818. , QuADEi, A. Huit Jours k Yenise. Ven., 1825. Otto Giorui a Yenezia, etc. Yen., 1826. - Yenice. Guida per I'Arsenale di Yenezia. Yen., 1829. - QuADEi, A. Otto Giorni a Yenezia. Yen., 1830. - Pepe, Lieut.-Gex. Scenes and Events in Italy . . . including the Siege of Y. 1850. - Berchet, G. La Repubblica di Yenezia e la Persia. Torino, 1865. - Yacasi, Baron C. Delia Lagima di Yenezia, etc. Firenze, 1867. - Austel, H. Yoyage by Y. to Ragusa . . . 1586. Hakluyt. Yol. II. - Browne, E. Journey from Yienna to Y., etc. Harris, J. Yol. II. - Ray, J. Travels through . . . the State of Y., etc. Haeeis, J. Yol. II. Venice — Victoria. 459 Venice. — Barbaro, J. Travels from V. to Tanna . . . 1436, Kerk. Vol. I. Contarini, A. Journey from ... V. to ... Persia, 1473-6. Kkrr. VoL II. Vernon, F. Travels from V. through Istria. Eay, J. , Gulf of. — 'See Adriatic Sea. Venise. ^'ee Venice. Vera Cruz. — Iberri, J. I. Prospectus of a Navigable Canal between V. C. and Alvarado. N. Y., 1827. Vera Paz. — Gage, T. Survey of the Spanish West Indies . . . Also . , . Journey through ... V. P., etc. 1702. Veragua. — Eosescoat, M. de. Piecounaissance hydrographique des Cotes Occidentales du Centre Amerique, Province de V., etc. Par., 1857. Veraguas. — See Veeagua. Vermejo, River. — Sokia, P. Informe del Comisionado de la Sociedad del Kio Bermejo, a los Senores Accionistas. Buen. A., 1831. Arenales, J. ■ Noticias . . . sobre el . . . Rio Bermejo, etc. Buen. A., 1833. Kerst, S. G. Die Plata-Staaten und die Wichtigkeit des Eio Bermejo, etc. Bed., 1854. Vermilion Sea. — See Califoenia, Gulf of. Verona. — Veeona, Guida e Compendio Storico della Citta di, etc. Verona, 1825. Vesteras. — See Westeras. Vesuvius. — ArrLDJO, J. Sketches of V., etc. 1833. ScACCHi, A. DeUa humite e del Peridoto del Vesuvio Memoria. AV> 1852. Soi^ra le specie di Silicate ... del Vesuvio, etc. Nap., 1852. LoBLEY, J. L. Mount V., etc. Lond., 1868. Veygatz. — 'See Vaigats. Vicliy. — MuRCHisox, Sir E. I. On the . . . Origin of the Mineral Springs of V. 1851. Vichy. V., its Mineral Waters, etc. Par., [1870. J Victoria.— HoPKixs, E. On . . . the Gold Fields of V. Melh., 1853. Sidney, S. The Three Colonies of AustraHa ... V., etc. 1853. Archer, W. H. Statistical Eegister of V., etc. Melh., 1854. New South Wales and V. Despatches relative to the Discovery of Gold, ei!c. 1855. Wathen, G. H. The Golden Colony ; or V. in 1854, etc. 1855. Campbell, W. Observations on the discovery of Gold in V., etc. Mm., 1856. Stoney, H. B. V. : with ... its principal Cities, etc. 1856. Smyth, E. B. " V. Meteorological Reports, etc. Mdb., 1856-58. 460 Victoria — Vienna. Victoria. — Victoria. Meteorological Eeports, etc. 1856-58. MeTb., 1856-58. Mueller, F. The Plants indigenous to ... V. Mell., 1860-62. Archer, W. H. Statistical Notes on . . . V., etc. Melb., 1861. Victoria. Catalogue of the V.n Exhibition, 1861, etc. Melh., 1861. Victoria. Report of the Government Botanist and Director of the Botanic and Zoological Garden. Melb., 1861. Victoria. The Victorian Government Prize Essays. 18G0. Melb., 1861. Selwyx, a. E. C. V. Geological Survey. Eeports, etc. Melb., 1862. Heywood, B. a. a Vacation Tour . . . through V., etc. 1863. Selwyn, a. E. C, and Ulrich, G. H. F. Intercolonial Exhibition Essays, 1866. Notes on the Physical Geography . . . and Mine- ralogy of V. Melb., 1866. Victoria. Mineral Statistics of V. for . . . 1867. Mdb., 1868. Algar, F. a Hand-book to the Colony of V. Lond., 1869. Booth, E. C. Homes away from Home, and the Men who make them in V. Land., 1869. Neumayer, G. Eesults of the Magnetic Survey of ... V. ... 1858-64. Mannheim, 1869. Palls. — Baines, T. Explorations . . . from Walvisch Bay to . . . the V. F. Lond., 1864. Chapman, J. Travels . . . with . . . visits to . . . the V. F. Lond., 1868. , Lake.— Swayne, G. C. Lake V. : a Narrative of Explorations, etc. Edin. and Lond., 1868. Vienna. — Towxson, E. Travels . . . with a short account of V. in 1793, 1797. Bright, E. Travels from V. through Lower Hungary, etc. Edinb., 1818. Pezzl, J. Beschreibung von Wien, etc. Wien, 1826. Balbi, a. Essai . . . sur les Biblioth^ques de Vienne. Vienna, 1835. ■ ScHMiDL, A. A. Wien's Umgebungen auf zwanzig Stunden in Om- kreise, etc. Wien, 1835. . Kohl, J. G. Austria. V., etc. Lond., 1844. ScHJiiDL, A. A. Wien und seine nachsten Umgebungen in male- riscben Original- Ansichten, etc. W ien, 1847. Baton, A. A. The Goth and the Hun : or ... V. in 1850. 1851. ScHMiDL, A. A. Wien und seine nachsten Umgebungen, etc. Wien, 1858. HoRNES, M. Die Fossilen MoUusken des Tertiasr-Beckens von Wien. Wien, 1859-62. Vienna — Virginia. 4^1 Vienna.— ViEKNA. Bericht. iiber die Erhebungen der Wasser-Versorgiincrs- Commission des Gemeinderathes der Stadt Wien. Wien, 1864. Browne, E. Journey from V. to Venice, etc. Harris, J. Vol. II. Vindhya Hills.— Hooker, J, D. Observations made . . . on the Kymaon Branch of the V. H. Calc, 1848. Medlicott, H. B. The Boundary of the V.n Series in Eajpootana. India, Geological Survey. Kecords, etc. Vol. J. Vindya Hills.— ^See Vindhya Hills. Virgin Islands.— Layfield, E. Large Kelation . . . with a description of . . . tlie Virgines . . . 1596-98. Purchas. Vol. IV. Virginia.— Jefferson, T. Notes ou the State of V. Lond., 1787. Smith, Capt. J. The True Travels ... of Capt. J. Smith . . . The General Historie of V., etc. Fdchm., V. S., 1819. Blundell, B. The Contributions of J. L. Peyton to the History of V. . . . reviewed. Lond., 1868. Maury, M. F. Physical survey of V., etc. Richmond, 1868. Norwood, Col. Voyage to V. Churchill. Vol. VI. Voyages and Navigations of the English to V., etc. (First-fifth Voyage, 1584-90.) Hakluyt. Vol. 111. V. richly valued. Hakluyt. Vol. V. Strachey, W. The Historie of Travaile into V. Britannia . . . Edited ... by R. H. Major. 1849. Hakluyt Soc. Pub. Vol. VI. v.. Discovery of, and Voyages to. Pinkerton. Vol. XII. Smith's History of V., etc. Pinkerton, Vol. XIII. Archer, G. Letter touching the . . . Fleet . . . which arrived at V. . . . 1609. Purchas. Vol. IV. Argal, Capt. S. Voyage from James Towne in V. to seek the He of Bermuda . . . 1610. Purchas. Vol. IV. Argal, Sir S. Briefe intelligence from V. . . . about 1624. Purchas. VoL IV. ArgoU, Sir S. Letter touching his Voyage to V. . . . 1613. Purchas. VoL IV. Canuer, T. Relation of the Voyage made to V., by Capt. B. Gilbert, 1603. Purchas. Vol. IV. The First Plantation of English Colonies in V. ... 1514-90. Pur- chas. Vol. IV. Gosnol, Capt. Voyage to the N. part of V., 1G02. Purchas. Vol. IV. Hamor, R. Notes of V.n Affaires . . . 1614. Purchas. Vol. IV. Letters of Sir T. Dale and A. Whitaker, from James Towne in V., 1614, etc. Purchas. Vol. IV. Part of the first Patent granted by His Majestic for the plantation of v., April, 1606. Purchas. Vol. IV. Percy, G. Observations gathered out of a Discourse of the Plantation of the Southerne Colonic in V. by the English, 1606. Purchas. Vol. IV. 462, Virginia — Vorarlberg, Virginia. — Fringe, M. Voyage for the discovery of the N. part of V., 1603. PURCHAS. Vol. iV. Proceedings of the English Colonic in V. ... 1606-10. Purchas. Vol. IV. Eosier, J. Extracts of a V.n Voyage made by Capt. G. Weymouth, 1604. Purchas. Vol. IV. Notes of . . . Mace's Voyage to V., 1602. Purchas. Vol. IV. Smith, Capt. J. Description of V., about 1606. Purchas. Vol. IV. Stoneman, J. Voyage of H. Challons, intended for the N. Plantation of v., 1606, eic. Purchas. Vol. IV. Strachy, W. True reportorie of . . . Sir T. Gates ... his coming to v., 1610. Purchas. Vol. IV. V.n affaires since 1620-24. Purchas. Vol. IV. V.'s Verger : or a discourse showing the benefits . . . from Ame- rican-English Plantations, etc. Purchas. Vol. IV. Of New France, V and of their Eeligions. Purchas. Vol. V. Cornelius, E. Tour in V. . . . 1818. Voyages and Travels, New. 1819. Vol. III. Britannia. — See Virginia. Water. — Windsor. The Koyal Windsor Guide, with a brief accoimt of ... V. W., etc. Windsor. Visapour, Visapur.— 5'ee Beejapoor. Vistula. — Braumuller, J. G. Der wichtigste Kanal in Europa . . . ver- mittelst der Weichsel, etc. Berl., 1815. Schmid, Von. Hydrotechnische Beschreibung des Weichselstroms, etc. Berl., 1858. Spittel. Der Weichselstrom von Montauerspitze bis zur Miindung. Berlin, 1862. Viti.— -See Fiji. Vitipour. — See Beejapoor. Volga.— MiJLLER, F. H, Historisch-geographische Darstellung des Strom- systems der Wolga. Berl, 1839. HEiiMERSEN, G. VON. Gcognostische Bemerkungen iiber die Steppen- gegend zwischen den Fliissen Samara, Wolga, etc. St. Pet., 1846. Oliphant, L. The Eussian Shores of the Black Sea . . . with a Voyage down the V., etc. 1854. Chaix, p. Des Canaux qui unissent a la Ne'va le Bassin du V. Geneve, 1856. Volta, River. — Gonsalvo, L. Beschreibung der Kiisten von Eio da V. bis an das Vorgebirge. Voyages and Travels. Allgemeine Historic, etc. Vol. IV. Voltore, Mount. — Palmieri, L. and A. Scacchi, della regione vulcanica del Monte V. Nap., 1852. Vorarlberg. — Schmidl, A. A. Das Kaiscrthum Oesterreich. Die gefiirstete Grafschaft Tirol mit V. Stuttg., 1837. Vorarlberg — Wales. 463 Vorarlberg. — Bergmann, J. Untersuchungen iiber die freien Walliser . . . in ... V. Wim, 1844. LiNTH, A. E. V. D. Geologische Bemerkungen iiber das Nurdliche v., etc. Zurich, 1853. Voronez. — Stkuve, 0. Determination des Positions G^ographiques de . . . Voroneje, etc. ^ St. Pet., 1843. Var : Voronej — Voroneje. — Voronezh — Voroniej. Vosges. — Joanne, A. Collection des Guides-Joanne ... V., etc. Par., 1868. W. Waday. — Ebn-Omar El-Tounsy, Cheykh Mohammed. Voyage an Oimday, etc. Par., 1851. Wadi Tor.— -.'?ee Tob. Wady Feiran.— 'See Feiran, Wadi. Waigatz. — -See Vaigats. Wai-ho, River.— 'See Thames, N. Z. Wales. — Betts, J. Exercises on . . . England and W., etc. Ogilby, J. Britannia ; or . . . W. ... surveyed, etc. 1698. Owen, J. Britannia Depicta ... an actual Survey of . . . W., etc. 1764. MuDGE, W. AND Dalby, J. Trigonometrical Survey of . . . "W. . . . 1784 to 1799. 1799-1801. Mawe, J. Mineralogy . . . vrith a description of . . . Mines in . . . W., etc. 1802. Baldwin, Archbishop. Itinerary through "W., A. D. 1588, etc. 1806. N'icHOLSON, G. Cambrian Traveller's Guide. Stourport, 1808. Cary, J. Itinerary of the Great Roads throughout . . . Vi., etc. 1812. CoNYBEARE, W. D. AND PHILLIPS, W. Outlines of the Geolo<:y of England and W., etc. Lond., 1822. Carlisle, N. Historical Account of . . . Charities in . . . W., etc. 1828. Patersgn's Roads in England and W. ... improved by E. Mogg. 1829. Bell, J. Xew . . . Gazetteer of . . . W., etc. Glasg. 1837-38. MuRCHisoN, Sir R. I. Map of the Silurian Region and adjacent Counties of . . . W., etc. 1839. Parliamentary Gazetteer of England and W., etc. Load., Edin., Glasg., 1843. Onwhyn. Guide to K and S. W., etc. 1853. Black's Picturesque Tourist of England and W. Min., 1854. James, Sir H. Ordnance Survey. Abstracts of the principal Lines of Spirit Levelling in England and W. 1861. 464 Wales — Wassanah. Wales. — Kavenstein, E. G. Denominational Statistics of England and W. Lond., 1870. Malkin's Tour througli W. Pixkekton. "Vol. II. Skrine's Tour through W. Pixkertox. Vol. II. W., a Tour in . . . 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. IV. W., a Tour in . . . 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection etc. 1810. Vol. I. , North.. — EoscoE, T. Wanderings and Excursions in N. W, Lond., 1853. Gleanings of a "Wanderer in . . . N. W. ... 1804. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. II. South. Young. A. Six Weeks' Tour through the S. n Counties of . . . W. 1768. Da VIES, W. General View of ... S. W., etc. Lond., 1815. EoscoE, T. Wanderings and Excursions in S. W., etc. Lmid., 1854. Wallachia. — Cabra, M. Histoire de la . . . Valachie, etc. Neuchatel, 1781. Thoexton, T. ITie Present State of ... W. Lmd., 1807. Hagemeistee, J. DE. Commerce of . . . W., etc. 1836. Demidoff, a. de. Travels in ... W. ... during 1837, etc. 1855. Jackson, J. Journey ... in 1797, through . . . W., etc. Pelham. Vol. II. Campenhausen, Baron. Travels through . . . W. ... 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VIII. Wallis.— See Valais. Walvisch Bay. — Baixes, T. Explorations . . . from W. B. to Lake Ngami, etc. Lond., 1864. Chapmax, J. Travels . . . with Journeys ... to W. B., etc. Lond., 1868. Wanikoro, Islands.— /See Peeottse Islands. Wardhouse. — 'S'ee Wardhtjys. Wardhuys. Burrough, S. Voyage from Colmogro ... to Wardhouse . . . 1557. Hakluyt. Vol. I. Warsaw.— Pieinbeck, G. Travels . . . through . . . W. . . . 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VI. Warwickshire. — Murchison, Sib E. I. and Strickland, H. E. On the Upiier Formations of the New Pied Sandstone System in , . . W. 1837. Washita. — Lewis and Clark, Capts. and others. Travels . . . exploring the . . . W. ... 1805. Voyages and Travels. A Collection, etc. 1805. Vol. VI. Wassanah. — Riley, J. Loss of the American brig Commerce . . . With an account of . . . W. 1817. M'^aiertown — Wesl Indies. 465 Watertown. — Watertowx, Wisconsin, ('itv of : its . . . Statistics. Wat., 1856. Watling Street. — Maclauchlan, H. Memoir written during a Survey of the W. S., He. 1852. Weichsel, River. — See Vistula. Wellesley, Province. — Camerox, J. Our Troincal Possessions . . . beiuuc a descriptive Account of . . . Province W., etc. Lond., 1865. Wellington. — Wood, J. Twelve Months in \V., Port Nicholson, etc. 1843. Channel. — Mangles, J. Illustrated Geography and Hydrography. W. C. Section. " 1851. M'CoRMiCK, R. Narrative of a Boat £xi)edition up the W. ('. in 1852, etc. 1854. Weltevreden.— GiBsox, W. M. 'Vhe Prison of W., etc. N. T., 1855. Wereld.— .See World. West. — JuLiEx, S. Memoires sur les contrees Occidentales, traduits ... en Chinois, en Tan 648, etc. Pur., 1857. Hall, E. H. The Great W., etc. Lond., 1867. Westeraas. — '^ee AYesteras. Westeras. — Topografiska oeh Statistiska Uppgifter om . . . W. Lan. Stockh., 1842. West Indies. — Redfield, W. C. Observations on the Hurricanes . . . of the W. I., etc. Mabtyb, p. De rebus Oceanicis et Novo Orbe, decades tres, etc. Coloiiice, 1574. The Decades of the Newe Worlde, or W. India, etc. 1585- LisscHOTEN, J. H. vak. Discoursc of Voyages into the E. and W. I. Lond., 1598. Benzoni, H. Novse Novi Orbis Historije,e:w>:v'>y>TV'.'!y>'