THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW GIFT OF Law Library Georgia State Library GOBER'S GEORGIA FORM BOOK AND PROCEDURE A COLLECTION OF LEGAL FORMS WITH ANNO. TATIONS FROM THE REPORTS OF THE SUPREME COURT AND THE COURT OF APPEALS OF GEORGIA ON QUESTIONS RELAT* ING TO FORMS AND PROCEDURE PREPARED FOR THE USE OF THE JUDICIARY; THE BAR, THE OFFICERS OF COURT, AND BUSINESS MEN Executio juris non habet injuriam BY GECX F. GOBER, A. M. ATTORNEY AT LAW ATLANTA ATLANTA THE HARRISON COMPANY 1917 T COPYRIGHT, 1917 BY THE HARRISON COMPANY vfi DEDICATED TO ALICE BLACKWELL GOBER MY WIFE THE AUTHOR PREFACE The work of preparing this volume has developed out of all proportion to what I anticipated in the outset. The great trouble under our system is that there are so many things that are not fixed and determined. Our system of pleading provides that a party must plainly, fully and distinctly set forth his cause of action, and this leaves the form to be passed upon under the discretion of about one hundred trial judges in the City and Superior Courts, and this discretion, in many instances, is con- trolled by individual and particular ideas. For this reason, a form must be broad, since a precise and exact form needs its author to defend it when it is passed upon under such discretion. For this reason, it has been thought a better plan to present as much as possible forms that have been used, and to a certain extent have met with the approval of the profession, rather than to present radical changes. It is hoped that the first part of the book, which is intended especially for Justices of the Peace, contains some things that, being ready at hand, will be of great service to the bar in all the Courts. This refers to the chapters upon disqualification of judges, qualification of jurors, continuances and evidence. These matters could not be treated exhaustively, since such a course would have extended the size of the volume beyond what was contemplated. It was found utterly impracticable to embody any great amount of substantive law in the work, since this would have carried it beyond all bounds. The author hopes that his work on Pleading and Practice, which will soon be pub- lished, will supply much that he would have been glad to have included in this book. The author wishes to acknowledge his obligation to H. B. Skillrnan, Esq., for his help and assistance in the arrangement of the book and the making of the index. Mr. Skillman made the index to Park's Code, and he has no superior in this country in such work. Also, I have had throughout the preparation of the book the efficient aid and help of Mrs. Ted Trennor Pierson, my secretary, who has worked faithfully from start to finish in the undertaking, and to whom I am under many obligations for her services as an able, painstaking and efficient stenographer. In writing the last lines that go into this volume, allow me to say, in the language of our Code, that the object of all legal investigation is the discovery of the truth. Right was made before the law and exists independent of the law. Right is founded upon truth. A thing or transaction never happened in two ways. It is either one way or another way. ' Truth is fixed and will remain eternal as the mountains. No one should be imposed upon by a counterfeit of truth, which is often presented p] easing as the fabled mermaid on the water, beautiful as a fair- haired maiden in aspect, but having below the scaly form of an ocean monster. Judges and juries should search and strive for the truth; the highest duty of a lawyer is to respect and bow to it; courts should recognize the truth. Human transactions are measured by human experience and human nature, and it sometimes requires the wisdom of Solomon to discover it. Every man exercising a judicial function should remember the motto of this great State and never swerve in his devotion to it, Wisdom, Justice and Moderation. GEO. F. GOBER. Atlanta, Ga., April 17, 1917. PART I. Procedure and Practice in Justice Court. CODER'S Georgia Form Book and Procedure PART I PROCEDURE AND PRACTICE IN JUSTICE COURT (NOTE: Code references herein are equally applicable to the Code of 1910 and to Park's Annotated Code of Georgia, 1914, except in those instances where specific reference is made to the latter Code. Georgia Supreme Court Reports are indicated by the use of a /. Thus a refer- ence to volume 100, page 25, will read 100/25. Georgia Court of Appeals Reports are indicated by the abbreviation App. Thus the reference 17 App. 34 means volume 17, page 34, of the Court of Appeals Reports. Parallel citations are made to the Southeastern Reporter by the use of the abbreviation S. E., they appearing in parentheses immediately fol- lowing the official report citation.) CHAPTER I DISQUALIFICATION OF JUDGES. SECTION 1. WHEN JUDICIAL OFFICER is DISQUALIFIED. In the trial of cases the question frequently arises whether the presiding judge is disqualified under the law to try it. This is to be determined by section 4642 of the Code, which is as follows : "^"o judge or justice of any court, no ordinary, justice of the peace, nor presiding officer of any inferior judicature or com- mission, can sit in any case or proceeding in which he is pecu- niarily interested, or related to either party within the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity, nor of which he has been 2 DISQUALIFICATION OF JUDGES of counsel, nor in which he has presided in any inferior judi- cature when his ruling or decision is the subject of review, without the consent of all the parties in interest: Provided that in all cases in which the presiding judge of the Superior Court may have been employed as counsel before his appoint- ment as judge, he shall preside in such cases if the opposite party or counsel agree in writing that he may preside, unless the judge declines to do so." SEC. 2. How DEGREE OF RELATIONSHIP is DETERMINED. The question of relationship is very comprehensively treated in the case of Short v. Mathis, 101/288 (28 S. E. 918), by Judge Cpbb in his opinion in that case, in which he says: ''The degree of relationship referred to in the section of the code above quoted is to be ascertained according to the rules of the canon law. Wetter v. Habersham, 60 Ga. 193. " 'The method of computing these degrees in the canon law, which our law has adopted, is as follows: We begin at the common ancestor and reckon downwards; and in whatsoever degree the two persons, or the most remote of them, is distant from the common ancestor, that is the degree in which they are related to each other.' 2 Black. Com. mar. p. 206. The com- mon ancestor in the present case is the great-grandfather of Judge Butt and the great-great-grandfather of W. E. Butt, the legatee. From the common ancestor to Judge Butt, the great- grandson, would be three degrees ; from the common ancestor to W. E. Butt, the legatee, would be four degrees, and this being the longer line would fix the degree of relationship. Therefore the legatee would be related to the judge within the fourth degree, and the judge would be disqualified to preside, under the section of the code above quoted. Judge Butt and W. E. Butt would be fourth cousins. "Fifth cousins equally removed from the common ancestor are also related to each other within the fourth degree of con- sanguinity. Fifth cousins when not equally removed from their common ancestor are not related within the fourth degree. The annexed diagram illustrates the degrees of relationship above discussed." COMMONoANCESTOR. ELDREDGE C. BUTT W, E. BUTT (LEGATEE), WM. M. BUTT W. B. BUTT (JUDGE) o 4 DISQUALIFICATION OF JUDGES SEC. 3. RELATIONSHIP OF JUDGE TO COUNSEL. "A judge who x is related within the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity to counsel for the applicant in an application for alimony in which an allowance for counsel fees is asked is disqualified from presiding in the % case ; and this is true notwithstanding counsel have a binding contract with the applicant which obli- gates her to pay 'them fees commensurate with their services, independently of whether the application for alimony and coun- sel fees is successful or not." 115/259 (1) (41 S. E. 616). SEC. 4. DUTIES OF JUDGE OF SUPERIOR COURT. "When duties are imposed on a judge of a superior court as an officer, another judge of the superior court has no power to issue a mandamus to compel the performance of such duties." 134/ 844 (1) (68 S. E. 736). SEC. 5. POLITICAL ACTIVITY. "The allegation that a judge is active in aiding one faction of a political party in a county to gain control of the party and the politics of the county, in order to further his political purposes and interests and those of a faction with which he is in sympathy, does not disqualify him from passing on an application to enjoin the registrars from filing a registration list alleged to have been prepared by them with the names of certain persons opposing such faction ille- gally left off for the purpose of gaining such control, and to compel them by mandamus to place such names on the registra- tion list." 134/844 (2a) (68 S. E. 736). SEC. 6. MAYORS. "A mayor is not disqualified to try one accused of a violation of a city ordinance, notwithstanding in the event of a conviction a portion of the fine imposed is to be paid to him as costs." 9 App. 203 (70 S. E. 967). SEC. 7. PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE OF JUDGE. "A judge should not be disqualified from presiding in a cause because he may personally know some fact which may be under inquiry in the case. However, neither judge nor juror can use such personal knowledge as a factor in solving the judicial problem." 128/ 293 (57 S. E. 493). SEC. 8. JUDGMENT is VOIDABLE BUT NOT VOID. "If a judge who is disqualified presides and renders judgment, the judgment is not void, but merely voidable. In such a case if the judge is disqualified generally, and the court of which he is the lawful judge has jurisdiction of the person of the de- DISQUALIFICATION OF JUDGES 5 fondant and of the subject matter of the suit, he ought to retire from the bench if he is disqualified-; if he does not the judgment is not void, but voidable. In the case of the judge pro Jiac vice, unless he has been selected in accordance with the statute, he has no right to go upon the bench at all, and what might be errors, subject to review in the qualified judge, are swallowed up in the greater consideration that such an incumbent hasn't even the right to commit errors." 4 App. 197 (61 S. E. 30). SEC. 9. SUGGESTION OF DISQUALIFICATION. "The disquali- fication of a judge by reason of relationship to the prosecutor must, if known to the accused or his counsel, be suggested before verdict, and if not then urged, will not be cause for a new trial. Even if under the facts of this case, the judge was disqualified, it was too late to raise the question for the first time on the motion for a new trial." 117/15 (43 S. E. 438). SEC. 10. POLICE COMMISSIONERS. "Where the charter of a city vests the authority in such a board to select, control and discipline the police force of the city, and no provision is made for disqualifying a member from acting in a case where he may be biased or prejudiced against the policeman on trial, an objec- tion can not be properly made to a member of a board partici- pating in the trial on 'this ground." 125/18 (2) '(53 S. E. 811). SEC. 11. WHERE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE is DISQUALIFIED. "When a justice of the peace is disqualified from presiding, and there is no other justice of the peace in his district who is qualified, any justice of the peace of the county is qualified to issue all process and to preside in his district and if a justice of the peace is sued under such circumstances, the suit may be located in any adjoining district. Any justice or notary ex- officio justice of the peace may preside in any district of their county in all cases when the justice or notary of such district is disqualified." Code, 4669. SEC. 12. WHERE THERE is No JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. "Where there is no justice of the peace in any district where a defendant resides, and there is one and he refuses to serve gen- erally or in any particular case, t|ie suit may be located in any adjoining district." Code, 4670. SEC. 13. TRANSFER OF SUIT TO ADJOINING DISTRICT. "If suits are already commenced and are suspended for want of a 6 DISQUALIFICATION OF JUDGES justice of the peace to preside or competent jury to try such cases, such suits shall be removed to the adjoining districts, unless the 'evil is removed within sixty days, or upon the fact being made to appear to the court by affidavit of either party to such suits." Code, 4672. SEC. 14. TRANSFER OF SUITS TO COUNTY SITES. "If, from any cause all such suits can not be located or presented in some adjoining district, they may be commenced or removed to the justice's district which embraces the county site." Code, 4673. SEC. 15. POWERS OF JUSTICE, ETC. "The justices of the peace and constables of any district where a suit is thus begun or removed have the same power that those officers have in the proper districts." Code, 4674. SEC. 16. DISQUALIFICATION OF JUDICIAL OFFICERS. "The statutory grounds of the disqualification of a judicial officer are exhaustive, as contained in the Civil Code, 4642." 11 App. 783 (3) (76 S. E. 165). SEC. 17. PREPARATION OF CONTRACT BY JUDOE AS ATTOR- NEY. "The fact that the presiding judge may have prepared, as an attorney at law, a form from which was drawn a contract, the validity of which was involved in a pending case, does not, under any of the provisions of the section of the code above referred to, render the judge disqualified to try the case." 11 App. 783 (4) (76 S. E. 165). SEC. 18. DUTY OF JUDGE TO DISQUALIFY. It is the duty of the judge when he is disqualified in a case to make it known to the court, and he owes this much not only to his office but to himself. It frequently happens that matters come up and it does not occur to him, and counsel for either side have the right to present the matter to the court. In such a case the following would be a suitable form: JOHN JONES ^| SUIT FOR DAMAGES. vs. V IN SUPERIOR COURT. WILLIAM SMITH. ) TERM, 19 In the above stated case counsel for the defendant shows to the court the following facts : 1. That the Hon , Judge of the Superior Court of County, is disqualified in said case in that he is related within the fourth degree of consanguinity to the plain- DISQUALIFICATION OF JUDGES 7 tiff, John Jones, and for this reason, under the statute, he is not competent to sit as a judge in said case. Counsel for defendant stands ready to show these facts to the court. JOHN DOE, Attorney for Defendant. -OR JOHN JONES } SUIT FOR DAMAGES. vs. V IN SUPERIOR COURT. GREAT AMERICAN RAILROAD, j TERM, 19. ... In the above stated case, counsel for the plaintiff shows to the court the following facts : 1. That the Hon , Judge of the Superior Court of County, is disqualified in said case, in that he is related within the fourth degree of consanguinity to , and the said is a stockholder in the defendant company, and for this reason, under the statute, he is incompetent to sit as judge in said case. Counsel for plaintiff stands ready to show these facts to the court. JOHN DOE, * Attorney for Plaintiff. Whatever the grounds of disqualification are, they should be presented to the court in limine, since if such is not done, the party would lose the right to object on such ground. SEC. 19. WHEN THE JUDGE is DISQUALIFIED. "When from any cause the judge of the superior court is disqualified from presiding, he shall procure the services of a judge of another circuit to try the said cause, if he has to appoint an adjourned term for that purpose." Code, 4855. SEC. 20. JUDGE PRO HAG \ 7 icE. "When, fromvany cause, the judge of the superior court or any city court is disqualified from presiding in any civil case, and has failed to procure the services of a judge to try said cause, then the parties litigant, by consent, may select any attorney of this State to try said case, and the attorney so selected, when the consent is entered on the minutes, shall exercise all the functions of a judge in -that case." Code, 4856. SEC. 21. IMPEACHMENT. "If any judge does not comply with the provisions of section 4855 within a reasonable time, 8 DISQUALIFICATION OF JUDGES when it is in his power to do so, it is a ground of impeach- ment," Code, 4857. SEC. 22. JUDGE APPOINTED BY CLERK, WHEN. "In all cases mentioned in the preceding sections, when the case or cases are reached in their order on the dockets, without an agree- ment by the parties, then it shall be the duty of the clerk of the superior court, or in his absence the deputy clerk, to select some compjetent attorney practicing in that court, who shall likewise have authority and preside in said case as aforesaid." Code, 4858. SEC. 23. FORMS OF ORDERS APPOINTING JUDGE PRO HAC VICE. WILLIAM JONES ") SUIT FOR DAMAGES. vs. > IN SUPERIOR COURT. WILLIAM SMITH. ) TERM, 19 In the above stated case, it having been determined by the Hon , Judge of the Superior Court of County, that he is disqualified therein by reason of the fact that he is related within the fourth degree of consanguinity to the plaintiff; it is ordered that he be, and he is, hereby disqualified therein, and counsel for plaintiff and defendant having agreed upon Richard Roe, an attorney practicing in this court, to pre- side as Judge. Pro Hac Vice in said case, it is further ordered, considered and adjudged that he be, and he is, hereby appointed as said Judge Pro Hac Vice in said case with the powers of the Judge to hear, determine and dispose of this case. Judge Superior Court, County. WILLIAM JONES 1 SUIT FOR DAMAGES. vs. VlN SUPERIOR COURT. WILLIAM SMITH. ) TERM, 19 In the above stated case it having been made to appear that the lion , Judge of the Superior Court of County, is disqualified to preside in said case by reason of the fact that he is related within the fourth degree of consanguinity to the plaintiff therein, it is ordered and determined that he is disqualified to hear and determine said case, and the parties having failed to agree upon an attorney to preside therein as Judge Pro Hac Vice, and said case having been reached in its order upon the docket, it is ordered that the clerk of the Superior DISQUALIFICATION OF JUDGES 9 Court appoint some competent attorney who practices in this court to preside in said case, with the authority of the Judge to try the same. Judge Superior Court County. WILLIAM JONES ") SUIT FOR DAMAGES. vs. V!N SUPERIOR COURT. WILLIAM SMITH. ) TERM, 19 In conformity with the order of the Hon , Judge of the Superior Court of County, who has held himself disqualified to try the above stated case, and the said case having been reached in its order upon the docket, and coun- sel in said case having failed to agree upon a Judge Pro Hac Vice to preside in said case and try same, and it being my duty to appoint a competent attorney to preside therein, I hereby nominate and appoint Richard Smith, a competent attorney practicing in this court, to preside in this case, and to hear and determine same. Clerk Superior Court County. SEC. 24. INTEREST OF ATTORNEY RELATED TO JUDGE. An attorney whose contract with his client provides that he is to be paid a certain sum in all events, and a larger sum if the attor- ney's client is successful, has no such interest in the subject- matter of the litigation as to disqualify the judge, who is a brother of the attorney, from presiding in the cause. 91 S. E. 37. "In a claim case, if one of the counsel for the plaintiff in fi. fa. has a contingent fee and is related to the presiding judge within the fourth degree of consanguinity, this raises a dis- qualification on the part of the judge to preside in the case. Roberts vs. Roberts, 115/259 (41 S. E. 616, 90 Am. St. R. 108) ; Short vs. Mathis, 101/287 (28 S. E. 918)." 141/407 (1) (81 S. E. 115). SEC. 25. RELATIONSHIP TO PERSON INTERESTED IN RESULT OF SUIT. "Three persons, alleging themselves to be policy- holders and creditors under contracts issued by a mutual life insurance company organized under the laws of this State, instituted an equitable action, for themselves and all others similarly situated, against the company to enjoin it from further transaction of business, appoint a receiver, and marshal the. 10 DISQUALIFICATION OF JUDGES assets of the company. When the petition was presented to the judge, an order was passed, ex parte, appointing a temporary receiver, and a rule issued directing the defendant to show cause at a certain time and place why the prayers of the petition should not be granted. The ground for equitable relief was alleged insolvency of the company and improper administration of its affairs. On the interlocutory hearing the defendant moved that the judge recuse himself on the ground of his relationship to three separate persons alleged to be interested in the result of the suit. It appeared that Mrs. Best, one of the persons referred to, was related to the judge by affinity within the degree prohibited by law, and that the interest which she had was that resulting from the fact that she was the beneficiary named in a policy issued by the company on the life of her husband, which was of force at the date of the application for a receiver and at the time of the trial. Held : "1. The interest of the beneficiary above named was a pres- ent pecuniary interest within the contemplation of section 4642 of the Civil Code of 1910, and was so involved in the present litigation as to render the judge disqualified from presiding. It was erroneous to hold to the contrary. "2. The judge being disqualified upon this ground, it is un: necessary to deal with the subject of disqualification by reason of his alleged relationship to other persons, and no ruling is made with respect to his disqualification based on his relation to them. "3. The judge being disqualified, all that was done upon the interlocutory hearing of the case was entirely nugatory, and it is unnecessary to pass upon the questions raised upon the rulings and adjudications made pending the hearing. "4. The effect of the ruling made in the first headnote is to remand the case and vacate the order granted at the interlocu- tory hearing." 142/765 (83 S. E. 656). SEC. 26. DISQUALIFICATION OF JUDGE, WAIVER, ETC. The headnotes in the case of Shuford, executrix vs. Shuford et al., 141/407 (81 S. E. 115), are. as follows: "1. In a claim case, if one of the counsel for the plaintiff in fi. fa. has a contingent fee and is related to the presiding judge within the fourth degree of consanguinity, this raises a dis- qualification on the part of the judge to preside in the case. Roberts vs. Eoberts, 115 Ga. 259 (41 S. E. 616, 90 Am. St. E. 108) ; Short vs. Mathis, 101 Ga. 287 (28 S. E. 918). DISQUALIFICATION OF JUDGES 11 "2. Such disqualification can be urged on behalf of either party in the case, and the judge should not preside over objec- tion coining from either side, duly made. "3. Disqualification of a presiding judge on account of relationship to a party or to one of the attorneys who has a contingent fee in the case may be waived, expressly or impliedly. A party will not be permitted, with knowledge of such disquali- fication, to try his case before a judge so disqualified, take the chance of winning his suit, and then for the first time raise the question of disqualification. If counsel know of such disqualifi- cation, he should make the point in limine. Civil Code, Sect. 4642 ; Shope vs. State, 106 Ga. 226 (32 S. E. 140) ; Tindall vs. Nisbet, 133 Ga. 114, 1132, (39 S. E. 450, 55 L. K. A. 225) ; Hadden vs. Thompson, 118 Ga. 207 (2), 208 (44 S. E. 1001) ; Brown vs. Holland, 111 Ga. 817 (35 S. E. 643). "4. That the presiding judge on Monday morning called the cases and set them for trial during the week, announcing also that cases in which he was disqualified would be tried at a special term to be held at a later date, and -that this case was called and set down for trial on Thursday, without any sug- gestion of disqualification being then made, was not alone suffi- cient to operate as a waiver of such disqualification. "(a) There was no affirmative action taken by a party to the case or by counsel, at the time when the case was set down for trial, which amounted to a waiver of disqualification. Espe- cially is this true in view of the fact that different code sections provide more than one way in which a judge or judge pro hac vice may be obtained for the trial of a case in which the regular presiding judge of the circuit is disqualified. Civil Code, 4855-4858. "5. If the making of a motion for a continuance on the day when the case was set for trial, and before it was reached in its order, by counsel for the plaintiff in fi. fa., with knowledge of the disqualification of the presiding judge, and the overruling of such motion would otherwise have operated as a waiver of such disqualification, yet, where it then appeared that the plaintiff in fi. fa. was dead, and no party had been made in his stead, so that in fact there was no plaintiff in fi. fa. before the court against whom a binding ruling or adjudication could be made, the making of the motion for a continuance and its over- ruling in such circumstances would not operate as a valid pro- 12 DISQUALIFICATION OF JUDGES ceeding and adjudication in the cause, or prevent counsel from then raising the point of the disqualification of the judge. Ray vs. Anderson, 114 Ga. 975 (41 S. E. 60). "6. After the motion for a continuance, made as indicated in the -preceding headnote, had been overruled, if the disqualifi- cation of the presiding judge was urged, before further steps were taken in the case, the point should have been sustained. "7. After the judge had overruled the objection to his pre- siding on the ground of his disqualification and ordered the case to proceed to trial, the fact that counsel raising the objection, subject thereto, suggested of record the death of the plaintiff in fi. fa., and moved that his executrix and a person claiming to hold a transfer of the judgment and execution be made parties plaintiff, did not operate as a waiver of the disqualification. "8. Where under such circumstances the executrix of the plaintiff in fi. fa. was made a party, and the objection to the judge's presiding on account of his disqualification was again at once raised, it was error to refuse to entertain it and allow any showing to be made in support thereof. "9. Inasmuch as the presiding judge was disqualified to try the case or to pass orders therein, and under the facts stated in the preceding headnotes his disqualification was not waived, the trial thereafter went for naught. His action in the premises should be set aside and the case reinstated as it stood before he made any ruling in regard to it. "10. Since the ruling complained of in the cross-bill of exceptions, was void on account of the disqualification of the judge, it is unnecessary to rule upon the merits of the case." SEC. 27. DISQUALIFICATION OF NOTARIES PUBLIC. From the case of Southern Iron and Equipment Company vs. Voyles, 138/258 (75 S. E. 248), we have: "1. A notary public is disqualified from attesting a deed or bill of sale, so as to entitle it to record, if he is pecuniarily or beneficially interested in the transaction. "2. A stockholder of a corporation bears such financial rela- tion to it that he is disqualified, on account of interest, from attesting as a notary a deed or bill of sale to which the corpora- tion is a party. "3. Where a corporation sells property and takes from the vendee a conditional bill of sale, reserving title in the vendor until the purchase-price is paid, and the vendee's signature is attested by a notary public who is a stockholder of the corpora- QUALIFICATION OF JURORS. 13 tion, and where the conditional bill of sale is recorded, in a contest between the conditional bill of sale and a junior lien such record will not give the conditional bill of sale priority over the younger lien, if the disqualification of the notary was known to the official of the corporation conducting the transac- tion, although such disqualification may not appear on the face of the paper. "4. A junior attachment levied on the property embraced in the conditional sale thus illegally recorded, but founded on a debt antecedent to the conditional bill of sale, has priority of lien over the conditional bill of sale." CHAPTER II QUALIFICATION OF JURORS. SECTION 28. RIGHT OF PARTY TO IMPARTIAL JURY. "In civil as well as criminal cases jurors may be placed upon their voir dire and examined as to their impartiality, but in such ex- amination the questions should be limited to the partiality or impartiality of the jurors in reference to the particular case and the parties thereto." 122/338 (1) (50 S. E. 142). "In a civil cause it is good cause of challenge that a juror has expressed an opinion as to which party ought to prevail, or that he has a wish or desire as to which should succeed." Penal Code, 859. "A juror related by consanguinity or affinity to either party to a cause within the ninth degree is disqualified from sitting in the case. This was expressly decided in Ledford vs. State, 75 Ga. 857, and our examination has failed to discover any ruling of this State to the contrary." 2 App. 574, 575 (59 S. E. 311). SEC. 29. WHAT DEGREE OF RELATIONSHIP DISQUALIFIES JURORS. The rule as to the disqualification of jurors is differ- ent from that of judge. The disqualification of a judge is meas- ured by the Canon law, while the disqualification of a juror is measured by the civil law. Where a juror is related to either party to a cause within the ninth degree of relationship under the civil law, he is disqualified from sitting in the case. This can be illustrated by the following diagram showing how the relationship is calculated. Under the civil law, you place the 14 QUALIFICATION OF JURORS party and juror in his proper place in the diagram and then from one of them count up to the common ancestor and then on the other side down to the other party and this will give the relationship. Take the diagram next hereinafter and take Charles Doe and Peter Doe. You begin at Charles Doe and count up each degree to Adam Doe and then to Adam Doe from Peter Doe, and you find that the relationship is within the sixth degree. If you are counting under the Canon law, you would count from the one most remote up to the common ancestor and this would be the degree of relationship, and in this particular case Charles Doe would be related to Peter Doe within the fourth degree, since he is four degrees removed from the common ancestor. This will appear from the diagram on the opposite page. SEC. 30. A PAKTY HAS A RIGHT TO PURGE THE JURY. This being a right that is fixed by law, either party may claim it and the first thing to be done is for the judge to state to the jury the names of the parties to the case and a general outline of the case with the issues raised and then the jury should be given a preliminary oath which may be in the following form : "You shall true answers make to such questions as may be asked you by the court or its authority, touching your com- petency as jurors, so help you God." The questions to be propounded are largely within the dis- cretion of the court. They may be extended or not as he deems proper and some or all of the following might be asked. These questions may be propounded to the jury as a body or they may be called up one by one and asked the questions. This is a matter entirely within the discretion of the judge. The ques- tions may be as follows: "Is your mind perfectly impartial between the plaintiff and defendant in this case?" "Have you any prejudice or bias resting on your mind either for or against the plaintiff or defendant ?" "Have you formed or expressed an opinion as to which party to the cause ought to prevail ?" "Have you a wish or desire as to which party to the cause should succeed ?" SEC. 31. EACH PARTY HAS THE RIGHT TO AN IMPARTIAL -I i i;y. "In civil cases and cases of misdemeanors in the superior court, each party may demand a full panel to twenty-four com- petent and impartial jurors from which to strike a jury, and when one or more of the regular panel of traverse jurors is ADAM DOE JOHN DOE JON OF ADAM DOE PETER DOE iON OF JOHN DOE COMMON ANCESTOR HENRY DOE SON OF ADAM DOE MARK DOE SON OF HENRY DOE CHARLES DOE SON OF_ MARK DOE 16 QUALIFICATION OK JURORS absent, or for any reason disqualified, the presiding judge, at the request of counsel for either party, shall cause the panel to be filled by tales jurors to the number of twenty-four before requiring the parties, or their counsel, to strike a jury." Penal Code, 858. SEC. 32. MAKING UP PANELS AND STRIKING JURY. "The judges of the superior courts, at each term, shall from the petit jurors, have made up two panels of twelve jurors each, which shall be known and distinguished as panels 'number one' and 'number two' ; all cases in said courts shall be tried by one or the other of said panels, if the parties can agree upon a panel. If the parties can not agree upon a panel, the clerk shall furnish the parties or their attorneys a list of both panels, from which the parties or their attorneys may strike alternately until there shall be but twelve left, which shall constitute the jury to try the case. In all cases the plaintiff shall have the first strike." Penal Code, 857. SEC. 33. JURORS SIXTY YEARS OF AGE NOT DISQUALIFIED. That a person is over sixty years of age does not disqualify him to serve as a grand juror, but he has a right to claim his age as a privilege. 75/747. That a juror is over sixty years of age, does not disqualify him in a civil case. 4 App. 771 (62 S. E. 533). The fact that a juror, in a criminal case, is over sixty years of age is not a ground of challenge for cause. 141/ 82 (80 S. E. 850). SEC. 34. RELATIONSHIP BY AFFINITY. Marriage relates the husband to the wife's kindred, but does not relate any of his kindred to hers, consequently, the third or fourth cousin of the husband of the decedent's sister was not, for that reason, incompetent as a juror. 89/527 (15 S. E. 748) ; 139/719 (78 S. E. 181) ; 141/510 (81 S. E. 444). The same rule applies to a brother or son-in-law of a stockholder in a railroad company when the railroad company is a party to the suit, 73/713. A person who is related by affinity to the wife of the propounder of a will is not a qualified juror. 72/80. Where a witness is directly interested in the result of a suit, his half-brother is not a competent juror. 71/818. Because the step-daughter of one of the jurors married the brother of one of the parties to the case will not disqualify the juror. 9/513. A juror is not dis- qualified by reason of the fact that he is a brother of the wife of the defendant's brother, who actively assisted in the defense of the divorce suit. 119/239 (46 S. E. 106). The nephew QUALIFICATION OF JURORS 1-7 of the husband of an aunt of a party who is plaintiff in a suit arising out of a somewhat similar transaction as that which brought about the suit on trial, is not disqualified as a juror. 139/556 (77 S. E. 790). That a first cousin of a juror married a sister of the plaintiff, did not make the juror kin by affinity to the plaintiff so as to disqualify the juror. 139/556 (77 S. E. 790) ; 142/146 (82 S. E. 562). A kinsman of a brother- in-law of a party is not akin to the party and therefore not disqualified to act as a juror. 91/513 (18 S. E. 315) ; 142/145 (82 S. E. 562) ; 144/227 (87 S. E. 277). A brother-in-law of a bankrupt who prior to his bankruptcy has had an interest in the shares of the corporation, is not a competent juror to sit in the case of which that corporation is a party. 15 App. 69, 70 (82 S. E. 588). A cousin of the son-in-law of the prin- cipal witness of the plaintiff (a corporation) would not dis- qualify him as a juror. 17 App. 458 (87 S. E. 698). SEC. 35. JURORS RELATED ARE INCOMPETENT. When jurors are so related to the party litigant that they are not impartial, they should be removed from the jury before the striking begins. 2 App. 305 (58 S. E. 538). Where a suit in which a corporation is engaged and the son of one of the stock- holders is upon the jury, and that fact is not known at the time of the trial, he is disqualified, and a new trial ought to be granted. 60/650. A juror, who is a cousin of one of the parties, is incompetent to sit on the trial of a cause in which his kinfolks are parties. 47/538. The party who moves for a new trial, on the ground 'that the juror is related to one of the parties to the case, must not only allege what the relationship is, but that he had no knowledge of it before the case went to trial. 39/660. The son of the first cousin of a party to a suit is not a competent juror. 65/304; 63/165. The relationship which disqualifies a party to act as juror extends to the ninth degree. 75/857. The "ninth degree" referred to in the 75th Georgia is calculated according to the civil law. 115/259, 261 (41 S. E. 616); 2 App. 574, 577 (59 S. E. 311). That one of the jurors is related to the party who lost the suit, is not a good ground for a new trial. 104/174 (30 S. E. 651). A juror is not disqualified because of his being brother of the county commissioner, in a suit against the county, when the commissioner is not pecuniarily interested in the result of the suit. 123/205 (51 S. E. 328), 18 CONTINUANCES SEC. 36. OBJECTION PROPER DEFECTUM NOT GOOD AFTER VERDICT. "That a juror's name is not on the jury list or in the jury box is not cause for a new trial, when the point is raised for the first time after verdict. Being an objection propter defectum, it should be discovered and urged before ver- dict. Somers vs. State, 116 Ga. 535 (42 S. E. 779) ; Jordan vs. State, 119 Ga. 443 (46 S. E. 679)." 138/464 (75 S. E. 604). "While the fact that the names of some of the jurors in a justice's court did not appear on the jury list may have been good ground for challenge before the jury had been im- paneled, yet where no objection was made before the trial and no ruling made thereon, it can not be taken advantage of by certiorari 'after verdict. Mitchell vs. Bradberry, 76 Ga. 15. This objection is propter defectum, and comes too late after verdict. Jordan vs. State, 119 Ga. 443 (43 S. E. 679)." 11 App. 815 (76 S. E. 391). That a juror at the time of the trial was not a resident of the county in which the trial took place, is a proper ground for objections, propter defectum, and must be made before the trial. 105/640 (31 S. E. 557). The question as to whether a traverse juror who served at the pre- ceding term is disqualified is one of propter defectum. 131/498 (62 S. E. 806) ; 1 App. 518 (57 S. E. 1021) ; 125/277 (54 S. E. 167). It is not a ground for a new trial, that one of the jurors had not been a resident of the county for six months before the trial took place. 57/329. To raise the question of a juror being unnaturalized is one of propter defectum and comes too late, after a verdict in the trial has been rendered. 64/453. CHAPTER III CONTINUANCES. (See forms, Part II, pages 374, 375.) SECTION 37. BUT ONE CONTINUANCE AT COMMON LAW. "No trial in any civil cause shall be had at the first term (except expressly provided for by law), and no cause whatever, depend- ing in any of the courts of this State, shall be continued more than one term at common law, at the instance of the same party, for any cause whatever." Code, 5710. CONTINUANCES 19 SEC. 38. ATTENDANCE ON THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY BY PARTY OR COUNSEL. "It shall be the duty of the judge of any court of this State to continue, on or without motion, any case in such court when any party thereto or his leading attorney shall, when the case is reached, be absent from the court by reason of his attendance as a legislator on the General Assembly, unless the party in such absence of his leading attorney or such leading attorney in such absence of such party shall, on the call of the case, announce ready for trial." Code, 5711. SEC. 39. BY WITNESSES. "Any person summoned to serve as a witness in any case in the courts of this State shall be excused by the judge from attendance on such courts during his absence from the court by reason of his attendance as a legis- lator upon the General Assembly; and in all criminal cases in the courts of this State, it shall be the duty of the presiding judge, on motion of either the State or defendant, to continue such case when it shall appear that a material witness is absent from the court by reason of his attendance upon the General Assembly; and in all civil cases in the courts of this State, it shall be the right of either party thereto to have taken the inter- rogatories, as provided by law, of any person desired to be used as a witness in such case, and who is a member of the General Assembly, when the session of the General Assembly conflicts with the session of the court in which such case is to be tried : Provided, that the provisions of this and the preceding section shall not apply to the Supreme Court of this State." Code, 5712. SEC. 40. AMENDING PARTY, WHEN ENTITLED TO CONTINU- ANCE. "The party amending pleadings or other proceedings in any of said courts shall not be entitled to delay or continuance on account of such amendment, except by leave of the court to enable him to make such amendment." Code, 5713. SEC. 41. CONTINUANCE CHARGED TO AMENDING PARTY, WHEN. "When any amendment shall be made to the pleadings or other proceedings in the cause, if the opposite party will make oath, or his counsel state in his place, that he is surprised by such amendment, and that he is less prepared for trial, and how, than he would have been if such amendment had not been made, and that such surprise is not claimed for the purpose of delay, the case may be continued in the discretion of the judge, and charged to the amending party." Code, 5714, , 20 CONTINUANCES SEC. 42. CONTINUANCE FOE ABSENCE OF WITNESSES. "In all applications for continuances upon the ground of the absence of a witness, it must be shown to the court that the witness is absent; that he has been subpoenaed; that he resides in the county where the case is pending ; that his testimony is material ; that such witness is not absent by the permission, directly or indirectly, of such applicant ; that he expects he will be able to procure the testimony of such witness at the next term of the court; and that such application is not made for the purpose of delay, but to enable the party to procure the testimony of such absent witness; and must state the facts expected to be proved by such absent witness." Code, 5715. SEC. 43. ADMISSION OF FACTS. "No continuance shall be allowed in any court on account of the absence of a witness, or for the purpose of procuring testimony, when the opposite party is willing to admit, and does not contest the truth of, the facts expected to be proved ; and the court shall order such admission to be reduced to writing." Code, 5716. SEC. 44. WHEN ABSENCE OF A PARTY Is CAUSE FOR CON- TINUANCE. "If either party shall be providentially prevented from attending at the trial of any cause, and the counsel of such absent party will state in his place that he can not go safely to trial without the presence of such absent party, such cause shall be continued, provided his continuances are not exhausted." Code, 5717. SEC. 45. CONTINUANCE FOR ABSENCE OR ILLNESS OF COUN- SEL. "The illness or absence, from providential cause, of counsel where there is but one, or of the leading counsel where there are more than one, shall be a sufficient ground for continuance: Provided, the party making the application will swear that he can not go safely to trial without the services of such absent counsel, and that he expects his services at the next term, and that said application is not made for delay only." Code, 5718. SEC. 46. WHEN CASE Is NOT REACHED. "A cause not reached at the trial term stands over as continued." Code, .5719. SEC. 47. CONTINUANCE IN CASES SENT BACK FROM THE SUPREME COURT. "When any cause shall be sent back to the superior court by the Supreme Court, the same shall be in order for trial; and if the continuances of either party pro exhausted, the superior court may grant one continuance to said party, as the ends of justice may require." Code, 5720. CONTINUANCES 21 SEC. 48. DILIGENCE REQUIRED. "In all cases, the party making an application for a continuance, must show that he has used due diligence." Code, 5721. SEC. 49. CONTINUANCE FOR NON-RETURN OF INTERROGA- TORIES. "When a commission issues to examine a witness, it not having been returned shall be no cause for a continuance, unless the party seeking the continuance will make the same oath of the materiality of the testimony as in the case of an absent witness ; and the party must show due diligence in suing out and having the same executed." Code, 5722. SEC. 50. CONTINUANCE ON THE APPEAL. "No appeal case shall be continued more than twice by the same party, except, for providential cause, and for which it may be continued as often as justice may require." Code, 5723. SEC. 51. COUNTER-SHOWING AND DISCRETION OF THE COURT. "All applications for continuance are addressed to the sound legal discretion of the court, and, if not expressly pro- vided for, shall be granted or refused, as the ends of justice may require. And in all cases in the courts of the State, the presiding judges may, in their discretion, admit a counter- showing to a motion for a continuance, and, after a hearing, may decide whether the motion shall prevail." Code, 5724. SEC. 52. No CONTINUANCE FOR TERM, WHEN. "No con- tinuance shall be granted in any of the courts in this State, which have a continuous session for thirty days or more, over the objection of the adverse party, where the cause for the same can be obviated by a postponement to a later day during the term; but it shall be the duty of the presiding judge, whenever a motion and a proper showing for a continuance is made by either party at any time, to set the case down for a later day during the same term, if it shall be practicable thereby to avoid the continuance of the case." Code, 5725. SEC. 53. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONTINUANCE TO BE MADE, ETC. "The judges of the superior, city, and county courts are required, upon the continuance of any case, to enter the date of such continuance upon their dockets opposite each case, and in open court to make public announcement of such continuance." Code, 5726. SEC. 54. No COSTS TO WITNESS AFTER CONTINUANCE. "Witnesses in making claims or proofs of claims for costs for attendance must give the date they attended, and shall not 22 CONTINUANCES charge or receive pay for any day after the docket shows the case was continued, nor for any day before the continuance on which he did not attend." Code, 5727. SEC. 55. JUSTICE COURTS. "All continuances shall be from term to term, except when in the discretion of the court it is better to continue to a day or from day to day in the term for which the case was assigned for trial." Code, 4698. "If either party is not ready for trial at the time and place designated in the summons, the justice or commissioned notary public may continue the case upon a sufficient legal showing. But neither party shall be entitled to more than one continuance, unless it be from providential cause." Code, 4736. SEC. 56. THE RULES AS TO CONTINUANCE. Cases are car- ried to the higher courts where continuances are refused, and we have decisions upon these. In those cases where the con- tinuance is granted, there can not be any decision upon the granting of a continuance by the higher courts, for the reason that the case is still pending in the court below and can not be carried there. For this reason, in the decided cases, it is only incidentally as a matter of history that a reference is had to cases that have been continued in the decisions in the upper court. Unless a showing for continuance comes squarely within some provision providing for a continuance, the matter of con- tinuance is within the discretion of the presiding judge. It is a fact that lawyers had better make their arrangements to try cases rather than to continue them. The law favors the diligent and where a party has been diligent and has done all that he could to have a case ready for trial, a fair judge moved with the desire to have a case tried on its merits, will, as a general proposition, do about the right thing under the circumstances and the matter not only is but should be left to his discretion. SEC. 57. DISCRETION OF COURT. Application for continu- ance and postponement of cases are addressed to the sound legal discretion of the court ; and unless the facts show that the dis- cretion exercised in a particular case was manifestly and legally unsound, it will not be disturbed. Code, 5724. SEC. 58. DILIGENCE. "Even if in a case at law the judge has a discretion to continue a case more than one time for any cause at the instance of the same party, it would have been an abuse of discretion to grant a continuance in the present case; CONTINUANCES 23 and it was therefore error to sustain a ground of a motion for a new trial assigning error upon the refusal to grant a con- tinuance. "The rule laid down in the Code with reference to a con- tinuance for the non-return of interrogatories is as follows: 'When a commission issues to examine a witness, it not having been returned shall be no cause for a continuance, unless the party seeking the continuance will make the same oath of the materiality of the testimony as in the case of an absent witness, and the party must show due diligence in suing out and having the same executed.' Civil Code, 5136. The showing in the -present case seems to comply with the requirements of the law, except as to the diligence exercised by the defendant in securing the return of the interrogatories. We think it was fatally lack- ing at this point. It was certainly not an act of diligence to rely upon the opposite party to pay the fees of the commis- sioners, even though such commissioners were nominated by him. The law gives the right to the opposite party to select two commissioners, one of whom must act in the execution of the interrogatories; but we know of no law which authorizes the party suing out the interrogatories taken out in his own behalf. Even if the judge has any discretion to grant a second continuance in a case at law, at the instance of the same party (Civil Code, 5126), we think that the showing in this case was insufficient, and that the granting of a new trial, which was in effect the granting of a second continuance, was an abuse of discretion." 123/110, 112 (51 S. E. 33). "There was no abuse of discretion in refusing a continuance for the purpose of enabling the defendant to procure the testi- mony of witnesses residing in Boston, Massachusetts, the show- ing for continuance indicating laches, since there was no effort to procure this testimony until eight days before the case was called for trial, and no reason was shown for this delay." 11 A pp. G45 (75 S. E. 1059). SEC. 59. ILLNESS OF PARTY. "The grant or refusal of a continuance is a matter addressed to the sound discretion of the presiding judge ; and his decision will not be reversed, unless such discretion has been abused. "Under the facts of this case, there was no error in refusing a continuance. "The grant or refusal of a continuance is a matter as to which the presiding judge must exercise a sound discretion ; and his decision will not bo reversed, unless such discretion has 24 CONTINUANCES been abused. It was not so in this case. The motion to con- tinue was based on the ground that J. L. Gable, one of the defendants, and who was also desired as a witness for the other two defendants, and had been subpoenaed by them, was sick and unable to attend the trial. The evidence offered in support of the motion was an unsworn certificate of a doctor that Gable was sick and unable to attend the trial, and the testimony of one of the defendants, Biles, that on the morning of the day before the trial, J. L. Gable was sick in bed, that it was ex- pected to prove by him that J. E. Gable was of sound mind when he made the deed involved in the controversy, that he received value for the land, and that when it was conveyed by J. L. Gable to Hardy and Biles, they paid full value therefor, and there was no collusion on the subject. It was stated that J. L. Gable was not absent by leave or consent of the other two defendants, that they expected to have him present at the next term of the court, that the motion was not made for delay only, but for the purpose of procuring his testimony, and that they had no other witness at court by whom they could prove these facts, and no other witness as intimately and well acquainted with J. E. Gable as J. L. Gable was. Counsel for the defend- ants stated that he could not go safely to trial without the presence of the absent defendant. It appeared, however, that the case was continued at the preceding term of the court on account of the absence of the same defendant and witness ; that ho was a practising physician ; and that no effort had been made to procure his testimony by interrogatories. The presiding judge had before him the case, the parties, the situationj and the surrounding and attendant circumstances. He declined to grant a second continuance for the absence of the same witness, who was also a party, and whose evidence could have been taken by interrogatories, but was not so taken. In this, we can not say that he erred. The suit was commenced on August 29, 1905. Some nineteen months had elapsed, and at least a part of the delay had been caused by the same party and witness. Civil Code, sections 5126, 5138, 5135, 5297 and subsection 2 ; Purge vs. Hamilton, 72 Ga. 570 (lOa) ; Camp vs. Britt, 121 Ga. 466 (49 S. E. 296)." 130/689-691 (61 S. E. 595). "That a party was providentially prevented from attending court, and that her counsel stated in his place that he could not go safely to trial without her presence, was not, without more, sufficient to constrain the trial judge to grant to such party a fifth continuance, when it appeared that at least three of the CONTINUANCES 25 previous continuances had been predicated upon her absence on account of sickness. Certainly under such circumstances, the question of granting another continuance was, even under sec- tion 5131 of the Civil Code, a matter within the discretion of the judge. See, in this connection, Mitchell vs. Mitchell, 40 Ga. 11." 110/274 (34 S. E. 600). "Both as to the refusal of the court to grant another con- tinuance on account of the illness of one of the parties defendant, and as to the direction of a verdict in favor of the plaintiff, this case is controlled by the decision of this court in Stanford vs. Security Co., 110 Ga. 274 (34 S. E. 600). Not only does it appear that the case had several times been continued because of the illness of this party, but that at the preceding term the court had announced that the case would not be again continued on that account, and that interrogatories for him should be sued out if his testimony was desired." 121/466 (49 S. E. 286). SEC. 60. ILLNESS OF COUNSEL. "A motion for continuance on the ground of counsel's illness, like all other motions of the same nature, is addressed to the sound discretion of the court. When counsel whose illness is the ground of the motion is in court, and personally makes the motion, the court may take into consideration his physical appearance and the mental and physi- cal vigor displayed in making the motion, in determining whether the ends of justice require a continuance of the case. Where such a motion is overruled, and the case is conducted to a conclusion by the same counsel, and the court certifies that the case was managed with his usual ability, the reviewing court can not say that the trial court abused his discretion in refusing to continue the case on this account." 141/594 (81 S. E. 849). SEC. 61. ABSENCE or WITNESS. "Motions for continuance are in the discretion of the presiding judge, and unless that discretion has been abused and the ends of justice demand it, this court will not interfere with the ruling of the court below. "It will not necessitate a new trial that the court refused a continuance, on the ground that a witness had not been exam- ined by interrogatories and was under promise to be present and her presence was desirable, where it appears that such witness was desired to testify on the question of undue influ- ence, and that if her testimony were had, it would not, and ought not, to change the verdict. 26 CONTINUANCES "We hesitated much on the denial of the continuance, in view of the fact that some heirs at law had but recently been made parties, and one witness on the question of undue influence had not been examined by interrogatories, and was under prom- ise to be present, and her presence was very desirable, as stated by counsel. But in the light of the rule that motions to con- tinue are much within the discretion of the presiding judge, and unless that discretion has been abused and the ends of justice demand it, the rule is inflexible that this court will not interfere, and having carefully examined the evidence which counsel hoped to procure, and failing to see a probability of a change of -the verdict on undue influence, or that there ought to be a change of it on that evidence, we do not see how, without departing, from a long current of authority from First Kelly down, we can control the discretion of the presiding judge. Nor do we see that the other point is stronger, to wit, that certain clients had just been made parties. They lived in other states ; they could not have been of much use on the issue of undue influence ; most, if not all, were infants ; the great issue in the case was upon legal questions on the admissibility of the testi- mony of Mr. Alexander, on the admissibility of testator's state- ments, on the words and figures of the will and codicil, whether plain or ambiguous, upon which questions it is quite difficult to see how strangers and infants could throw' much light and contribute much strength to so able an array of counsel as rep- resented the caveators, especially as it is not hinted that either absent client was a lawyer." 72/570, 636. "Where a motion is made to continue the trial of a case because of the absence of a witness, the judge may consider the evidence expected to be given by the absent witness, in connec- tion with the pleadings, for the purpose of determining the materiality of the evidence, and if he finds that the testimony of the absent witness would be either immaterial or inadmissi- ble, he should refuse the motion. The plea in this case made the testimony of the absent witness immaterial as to some part of it, and inadmissible as to the other part, and there was no error in refusing the continuance. Richter vs. State, 4 Ga. App. 274 (61 S. E. 147) ; Butler vs. Ambrose, 51 Ga. 152." 10 App. 415 (73 S. E. 350). When the postponement of a case was requested on the ground of the absence of a witness served with a subpoena duces tecuin, it was not abuse of discretion to refuse the request, when it CONTINUANCES 27 appeared that the witness was a resident of the county and was not served with the subpoena duces tecum ten days prior to the trial of the case. Code, 5844. SEC. 62. ABSENCE OF COUNSEL. "The postponement of the trial of a case to a later date in the term is in the sound dis- cretion of the judge, and his refusal to postpone will not^ be controlled unless his discretion is manifestly abused. Lyles vs. State, 130 Ga. 294 (60 S. E. 578). "The postponement of the trial of a case on account of the absence of counsel therein, who is, without leave, engaged in the trial of a case in a court of a different circuit is in the discretion of the court, and a postponement for such case is not favored." 137/209 (73 S. E. 400). "The postponement of the trial of a case on account of the absence of counsel therein, who is, without leave, engaged in the trial of a case in a court of a different circuit, is in the discretion of the court, and a postponement for such cause is not favored. Kennedy vs. Dukes, 137/209 (73 S. E. 400). Especially is this true where at a previous trial this attorney, for whose absence without leave another postponement is asked, agreed with the trial court, that if another postponement was had, he would be certain to try the case at the next term." 12 App. 22 (76 S. E. 751). SEC. 63. ABSENCE or PAETY. "Where it is uncontradicted that the absence of a party to a cause is due to the fact that he is at home, where his presence is necessary, for the reason that 'his wife is likely to be confined at any minute,' and his counsel makes the requisite statement that he (counsel) can not safely go to trial without the presence of the absent party, and espe- cially when it is shown, in addition, that the absent party is a material witness, the ends of justice require that a continuance be had. Civil Code (1910), 5717. Under such circumstances, the continuances of such a party are not exhausted, although the case may previously have been continued by reason of the absence of his counsel in the General Assembly, and in another instance continued by agreement. The judge erred in refusing to continue the case, and the subsequent proceedings in the trial were therefore nugatory." 11 App. 495 (75 S. E. 841). "The showing for a continuance, in so far as it related to the application made by counsel for one of the several defendants, and which was based on the absence of their client, being in all respects regular and complete, and there being no counter show- 28 CONTINUANCES ing, and it not appearing from the bill of exceptions or the record that any previous continuance had been granted the defendant, or that the case could proceed to trial against the other defendants alone, it was error to overrule the motion to continue, made by counsel on the ground of their client's absence." 116/211, 215 (42 S. E. 519). "It appearing, without contradiction, that one of the parties to the cause was detained at his home on account of the extreme illness of his child, and that his attendance upon the child was necessary, it was error to refuse to continue the case, after his counsel had stated in effect that his presence was absolutely necessary to enable counsel to proceed with the trial." 13 App. 135 (78 S. E. 860). "The ground of the so-called motion for a new trial, relating to the absence of the movant when the case was tried, was in effect a motion to set aside judgment, made at the term at which the judgment was rendered ; and since it was shown to the court that the defendant was providentially prevented from attending court, by an illness which rendered it impossible for her to leave her home, and that she had previously filed a meritorious defense, which, if supported by evidence, would have relieved her from any liability upon the notes which were the basis of the suit, the judgment should have been set aside, in order that the defendant might be heard on the substantial issue raised by the pleadings. "Proof that the defendant was a married woman who was not separated from her husband, was, without more, not suffi- cient to disprove or impeach the statement in her affidavit that she had no one by Avhom she could send a physician's certificate or otherwise notify her counsel that she was physically unable to attend the court. Even if there be a presumption that every husband does his duty, the duty of making a showing for a continuance for his wife in a suit upon a note, evidencing a debt which was originally the debt of the defendant's first husband, is not imposed by law upon the second husband as the successor to the marital offices of his predecessor." 13 App. 347 (79 S. E. 184). SEC. 64. SURPRISE. "Material amendments to the plead- ings, made pending trial, may entitle the defendant to a con- tinuance upon the ground of surprise. In such cases, the party should formally move the court for a continuance, and declare that he is surprised and less ready to proceed with the trial ; whereupon the court, looking to the nature of the amendment CONTINUANCES 29 and to all the history of the case, should exercise a sound dis- cretion in refusing or granting a postponement or continuance. Such a discretion is reviewable; and in this case no abuse appears." 4 App. 61, 62 (60 S. E. 810). "At the opening of the trial, the plaintiff offered a slight amendment to the petition, for the purpose of avoiding the effect of certain special demurrers which had been filed. The court allowed the amendment. One of the attorneys for the defendant thereupon stated that he was surprised, and moved a continuance of the case. The judge stated that the court would pass the case till a later day during the term ; this post- ponement the defendant declined. The court asked counsel to state specifically wherein he was surprised; but counsel chose to stand upon his previous general statement that he was sur- prised. 'When any amendment shall be made to the pleadings or other proceedings in the cause, if the opposite party will make oath, or his coimsel state in his place, that he is surprised by such amendment, and that he is less prepared for trial, and how, than he would have been if such amendment had not been made, and that such surprise is not claimed for the purpose of delay, the case may be continued in the discretion of the judge, and charged to the amending party.' Civil Code, 5128 [5714]. From a perusal of the terms of the statute just quoted, it is palpable that there was no error in refusing a continuance under the circumstances. Indeed, after examining the amend- ment, we are satisfied that the surprise expressed was of that purely technical nature that does not admit of investigation under the proving of 'how and why.' ' 4 App. 276, 279 (61 S. E. 505). "A motion for continuance based upon the ground of surprise is effective unless the court is advised in the showing for con- tinuance wherein and in what respect the movant is not pre- pared to proceed with the trial, and how or why he will be better prepared to meet the issue in the event the court should continue the case upon his motion." 12 App. 837, 838 (79 S. E. 58). "Afotions for continuances on the ground -of surprise occa- sioned by an amendment, to the opposite party's petition are addressed to the sound legal discretion of the trial judge. It will never be held to be an abuse of discretion to overrule a motion for continuance based on this ground, when neither the movant nor his counsel states how and wherein he is less pre- pared to go on with the trial, so as to give the court an oppor- 30 CONTINUANCES tunity to exercise a sound legal discretion. Civil Code (1910), 5714; G. F. & A. Ry Co. vs. Sasser, 4 Ga, App/276." 11 App. 358 (75 S. E. 518). "Upon the allowance of the amendment, the defendant moved for a continuance on account of it. Movant did not comply with the statute which requires him to state on oath, or his counsel to state in his place, that he is surprised by such amend- ment and that he is less prepared for trial, and how, than he would have been if such amendment had not been made, and that such surprise is not claimed for the purpose of delay. Motions of this kind are in the discretion of the judge (Civil Code, 5714), and there was no abuse of discretion in over- ruling the motion." 139/395 (77 S. E. 557). "The copy of the note sued on, attached to the petition, con- tained the clause that it was payable 'at the 4th National Bank of Atlanta, Ga., for value received, with interest after date until paid, at 8% per annum.' By an amendment to the petition, this clause was stricken, and in lieu thereof the follow- ing inserted: 'At the 3rd National Bank of Atlanta, Ga., for value received, with interest at 6% per annum,' etc. (1) The amendment was properly allowed. Chapman vs. Skellie, 65 Ga. 125 (1). (2) Overruling a motion to continue on the ground of surprise because of the allowance of the amendment was not an abuse of discretion in the absence of a showing that the movant was less prepared to go to trial. Ga. Fla. & Ala. By. Co. vs. Sasser, 4 Ga. App. 276 (2) (61 S. E. 505)." 10 App. 522 (73 S. E. 854). SEC. 65. MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL. "A rule nisi was granted on a motion for a new trial and ordered served, and the motion set to be heard at the next regular term of the court, and when it was duly called at that time, it appeared that the rule nisi had not been served, nor service waived, and no excuse for failure to serve was shown. Held, that the judge did not abuse his discretion in dismissing the motion for want of service. McMullen vs. Citizens Bank, 123 Ga. 400 (51 S. E. 342); Smedley vs. Williams, 112 Ga. 114 (37 "S. E. Ill) ; Connor vs. State, 7 Ga. App. 83 (66 S. E. 482)." 13 App. 595 (79 S. E. 482). SEC. 66. JOINT PARTIES. "A joint obligor has the right to require contribution on the part of his co-principals, towards a payment required of him, but for which each obligor is equally liable. Consequently, an action upon a promissory note, brought CONTINUANCES 31 against two or more defendants, as joint makers, can not, with- out the consent of all the parties, be tried piecemeal; and a showing for continuance which requires a postponement as to one of the joint obligors operates to continue the case as a whole and as to all of the defendants.". 4 App. 368 (61 S. E. 516). SEC. 67. AGREEMENT OF COUNSEL. "The discretion of the justice of the peace in refusing to grant a continuance of a case, on the written agreement of the attorneys for both parties that the case should be continued, will not be interfered with by this court, especially when the exercise of such discretion by the justice of the peace has, on certiorari, been approved by the judge of the superior court." 1 App. 221 (57 S. E. 915). SEC. 68. CONSENT TO TKIAL. "In a justice's court a suit upon an unconditional contract in writing may be tried at the first term, although a plea be filed, if the plaintiff be present and willing to proceed to trial. Even at the first term, the defendant can not continue the case as a matter of right. "This decision is conversant merely about the meaning of one word the w r ord 'consenting.' The plaintiff sued in a jus- tice's court upon an unconditional contract in writing. The defendant's counsel appeared at the first term and filed what amounted to a plea of the general issue. The plaintiff insisted upon an immediate trial of the case, and the court, over objec- tion of defendant's counsel allowed him to proceed. He ob- tained a judgment, and the defendant sought by certiorari to set the same aside, and the ground that under the law the case was not triable, over his objection at the first term. The judge of the superior court overruled the certiorari, and error is assigned to that ruling. "Civil Code, 4133-4135, governing the practice in such cases, are as follows : " '4133. All cases before a justice of the peace stand for trial at the time and place designated in the summons, and shall be then and there tried, unless continued according to law. " '4134. Whenever the defendant in the justices' courts on an unconditional contract in writing makes defense, he shall make such defense at the first term. " '4135. When such defense is thus made, the cause shall stand for trial at the next term (subject, however, to continu- ance as provided by law) ; provided, that said cause may be 32 EVIDENCE tried at the term when said plea is filed, if the plaintiff or his attorney is present consenting thereto.' ' 2 App. 137 (58 S. E. 307). "The defendant was not entitled to a continuance of the case on the ground of surprise caused by the amendment, where he failed to comply with the requirements of the Civil Code, 5714, by stating that he was not only surprised, by such amendment, but that he was less prepared for trial, and how, than he would have been if such amendment had not been made, etc." 143/786 (85 S. E. 1036). CHAPTER IV EVIDENCE. SECTION 69. SCOPE OF CHAPTER. It could not be expected that there would be given here the law of evidence beyond the procedure. Evidence itself would make a volume. However, as a part of procedure, there will be given some general princi- ples. SEC. 70. DEFINITION OF EVIDENCE. Evidence is the "means by which any fact which is put in issue, is established or dis- proved." 10/567. " 'The word evidence, in legal acceptation, included all the means by which any alleged matter of fact, the truth of which is submitted to investigation, is established or disproved. This term and the word proof are often used indifferently as synon- ymous with each other; but the latter is applied by the most accurate logicians to the effect of evidence, and not to the medium by which truth is established.' Greenleaf Ev., vol. 1, sec. 1." 77/181, 190 (3 S. E. 199). SEC. 71. OBJECT OF EVIDENCE. "The object of all legal investigation is the discovery of truth. The rules of evidence are framed with a view to this prominent end, seeking always for pure sources and the highest evidence." Code, 5728. SEC. 72. SUNDRY DEFINITIONS. "Competent evidence is that which is admissible. Sufficient evidence is that which is satisfactory for the purpose. Cumulative evidence is that which is additional to other already obtained. Direct evidence is that which immediately points to the question at issue. Indirect or circumstantial evidence is that which only tends to establish the EVIDENCE 33 issue by proof of various facts, sustaining by their consistency the hypothesis claimed. Presumptive evidence consists of infer- ences drawn by human experience from the connection of cause and effect, and observation of human conduct." Code, 5729. SEC. 73. AMOUNT OF MENTAL CONVICTION. "Moral and reasonable certainty is all that can be expected in legal investi- gation. In all civil cases the preponderance of testimony is considered sufficient to produce mental conviction. In criminal cases a greater strength of mental conviction is held necessary to justify a verdict of guilty." Code, 5730. SEC. 74. PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE. "By preponder-' ance of evidence is meant that superior weight of evidence upon the issues involved, which, while not enough to wholly free the mind from a reasonable doubt, is yet sufficient to incline a rea- sonable and impartial mind to one side of the issue, rather than to the other." Code, 5731. SEC. 75. How DETERMINED. "In determining where the preponderance of evidence lies, the jury may consider all the facts and circumstances of the case, the witnesses' manner of testifying, their intelligence, their means and opportunity for knowing the facts to which they testified, the nature of the facts to which they testified, and the probability or improbability of tbeir testimony, their interest or want of interest, and also their personal credibility so far as the same may legitimately appear from the trial. The jury may also consider the number of the witnesses, though the preponderance is not necessarily with the greater number." Code, 5732. SEC. 76. SAME RULES IN ALL COURTS AND CASES. "Gener- ally the rules of evidence are the same in all the courts of this State, and upon every trial the exceptions exist only by express statute." Code, 5733. SEC. 77. MATTERS JUDICIALLY RECOGNIZED. "The exist- ence and territorial extent of States, their forms of government, and symbols of nationality, the laws of nations, and general customs of merchants, the admiralty and maritime courts of the world and their seals, the political constitution and history of our own government, as well as the local divisions of our own State, the seals of the several departments of the government of the United States, and of the several States of the Union, and all similar matters of public knowledge are judicially recog- nized without the introduction of proof." Code, 5734. 34 EVIDENCE SEC. 78. PRESUMPTIONS OF LAW AND FACT. "Presump- tions are either of law or of fact. The former are conclusions and inferences which the law draws from given facts. The latter are exclusively questions for the jury, to be decided by the ordinary test of human experience." Code, 5735. SEC. 79. ESTOPPELS. "Presumptions of law are sometimes conclusive, and an averment to the contrary will not be allowed. These are termed estoppels, and are not generally favored. Among these are the presumptions in favor of a record or judg- ment unreversed; of the proper conduct of courts and judicial officers acting within their legitimate sphere; of other officers of the law, after lapse of time has rendered it dangerous to open the investigation of their acts in regard to mere formalities of the law; of ancient deeds, and other instruments more than thirty years old, when they come from the proper custody, and possession has been held in accordance with them; recitals in deeds, except payment of purchase-money, as against the grantor acting in his own right, and sui juris, and his privies in estate, blood, and in law; the landlord's title, as against his tenant, while tenant in possession ; solemn admissions made in judicio, and other admissions upon which other parties have acted, either to their own injury or the benefit of the persons making the admissions; and similar eases where it would be more unjust and productive of more evil to hear the truth than to forbear the investigation." Code, 5736. SEC. 80. PRIMA FACIE PRESUMPTIONS. "Other presump- tions of law, such as of innocence, and in some cases of guilt, of continuance of life for seven years, of a mental state once proved to exist, and all similar presumptions, may be rebutted by proof." Code, 5740. SEC. 81. JURY RIGHT TO INFER, WHAT. "In arriving at a verdict, the jury from facts proved, and sometimes from the absence of counter-evidence, may infer the existence of other facts reasonably and logically consequent on those proved." Code, 5743. SEC. 82. MUST BE RELEVANT. "The evidence must relate to the questions being tried by the jury, and bear upon them either directly or indirectly. Irrelevant matter should be ex- cluded." Code, 5744. SEC. 83. CHARACTER AND CONDUCT OF PARTIES. "The gen- eral character of the parties, and especially their, conduct in EVIDENCE 35 other transactions, are irrelevant matter, unless the nature of the action involves such character and renders necessary or proper the investigation of such conduct." Code, 5745. SEC. 84. BURDEN or PROOF. "The burden of proof gener- ally lies upon the party asserting or affirming a fact, and to the existence of whose case or defense the proof of such fact is essential. If a negation or negative affirmation be so essential, the proof of such negative lies on the party so affirming it." Code, 5746. SEC. 85. CHANGING ONUS. "What amount of evidence will change the onus or burden of proof, is a question to be decided in each case by the sound discretion of the court." Code, 5747. SEC. 86. BEST EVIDENCE. "The best evidence which exists of the fact sought to be proved must be produced, unless its absence is satisfactorily accounted for." Code, 5748. SEC. 87. FAILURE TO PRODUCE EVIDENCE. "Where a party has evidence in his power and within his reach, by which he may repel a claim or charge against him, and omits to produce it, or, having more certain and satisfactory evidence in his power, relies on that which is of a weaker and inferior nature, a pre- sumption arises that the charge or claim is well founded ; but this presumption may be rebutted." Code, 5749. SEC. 88. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EVIDENCE. "Primary evidence is such as in itself does not indicate the existence of other and better proof. Secondary evidence is such as from necessity in some cases is substituted for stronger and better proof." Code, 5750. SEC. 89. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE TESTIMONY. "The ex- istence of a fact testified to by one positive witness is to be believed, rather than that such fact did not exist because many witnesses who had the same opportunity of observation swear that they did not see or know of its having transpired. This rule does not apply when, two parties having equal facilities for seeing or Hearing a thing, one swears that it occurred, the other that it did not." Code, 5751. SEC. 90. WRITTEN EVIDENCE. "Written evidence is con- sidered of higher proof than oral ; and in all cases where the parties have reduced their contract, agreement, or stipulation to writing, and assented thereto, it is the best evidence of the same." Code, 5752. 36 EVIDENCE SEC. 91. WILLS AND RECORDS. "Copies of records of judi- cial proceedings, and wills admitted to probate, are admitted as primary evidence, when properly authenticated. In all other cases a copy is secondary evidence." Code, 5753. SEC. 92. OFFICER DE FACTO. "An officer de facto may be proved by his acts, without the production of his commission or appointment." Code, 5754. SEC. 93. STERN'S UNITED STATES AND STAFFORD'S OFFICE CALENDAR. "Stem's United States calendar and Stafford's office calendar are admissible, in proof of dates for the space of time covered respectively by them, without further proof." Code, 5755. SEC. 94. ROSTER OF GEORGIA SOLDIERS AS EVIDENCE. "When the roster of Georgia soldiers, sailors, and marines who served in any part of the army of the State, or the navy thereof, from 1861 to the surrender in 1865, shall be completed and certified by the majority of the board of the Georgia Soldier Roster Commission, as prescribed by law, it shall be accepted an prima facie evidence of the truth thereof." Code-, 5756. SEC. 95. INSCRIPTIONS ON MONUMENTS, ETC. "Inscrip- tions on walls, monuments, and other fixed objects may be proved by copies established as such." Code, 5757. SEC. 96. OTHER EXCEPTIONS. "Other cases of necessity or manifest convenience, resting on like principles of reason and justice, may be made exceptions to the general rule." Code, 5758. SEC. 97. SECONDARY EVIDENCE, WHEN ADMITTED. "In order to admit secondary evidence, it must appear that the pri- mary evidence for some sufficient cause, is not accessible to the diligence of the party. This showing is made to the court, who will hear the party himself on the question of diligence and the inaccessibility of the primary evidence." Code, 5759. SEC. 98. DEGREES THEREIN. "There are degrees in secon- dary evidence, and the best should always be produced. Thus a duplicate is better than a copy, and an examined copy than oral evidence." Code, 5760. SEC. 99. EXISTENCE OF ORIGINAL. "The existence of a genuine original is essential to the admissibility of a copy. The amount of evidence to show such existence must vary with the circumstances of each case. Where no direct issue is made upon the fact, slight evidence would be sufficient." Code, 5761. EVIDENCE 37 Ssc. 100. HEABSAY EVIDENCE. ''Hearsay evidence is that which does not derive its value solely from the credit of the witness, but rests mainly on the veracity and competency of other persons. The very nature of the evidence shows its weak- ness, and it is admitted only in specified cases from necessity." Code, 5762. SEC. 101. SOMETIMES ORIGINAL EVIDENCE. "When, in a legal investigation, information, conversations, letters and re- plies, and similar evidence are facts to explain conduct and ascertain motives, they are admitted in evidence, not as hearsay, but as original evidence." Code, 5763. SEC. 102. PEDIGREE, How PROVED. "Pedigree, including descent, relationship, birth, marriage, and death, may be proved either by the declarations of deceased persons related by blood or marriage, or by general repute in the family, or by genealo- gies, inscriptions, 'family trees,' and similar evidence." Code, 5764. SEC. 103. PROOF OF IDENTITY. "Concordance of name alone is some evidence of identity. Residence, location, owner- ship of property, and other like facts may be proved. Reason- able certainty is all that can be required. In civil suits parties are generally relieved from the onus of proving identity, as it is a fact generally more easy to disprove than to establish." Code, 5765. SEC. 104. RES GESTAE. "Declarations accompanying an act, or so nearly connected therewith in time as to be free from all suspicion of device or afterthought, are admissible in evidence as part of res gestae." Code, 5766. SEC. 105. DECLARATIONS OF PERSONS IN POSSESSION. "Dec- larations of a person in possession of property, in disparagement of his own title, are admissible in evidence in favor of any one, and against privies. Declarations in favor of his own title are admissible to prove his adverse possession." Code, 5767. SEC. 106. OF DECEASED PERSONS. "The declarations and entries of a person, since deceased, against his interest, and not made with a view to pending litigation, are admissible in evi- dence in any case." Code, 5768. SEC. 107. BOOKS OF ACCOUNT. "The books of account of any merchant, shopkeeper, physician, blacksmith, [farmer, 38 EVIDENCE dairyman, planter] or other person doing a regular businese and keeping daily entries thereof may be admitted in evidence as proof of such accounts, upon the following conditions. "1. That he kept no clerk, or else the clerk is dead or other- wise inaccessible, or for any other reason the clerk is disqualified from testifying. "2. Upon proof (the party's oath being sufficient) that the book tendered is his book of original entries. "3. Upon proof (by his customers) that he usually kept correct books. "4. Upon inspection by the court, to see if the books are free from any suspicion of fraud." Park's Annotated Code, 1914, 5769. This law was founded on the Act of December 23, 1843, which was in this language: "that from and after the passing of this Act physicians, blacksmiths and all other persons in the practice of any regular craft, shall be allowed to sue for and recover judgment in the civil courts of law in this State on open accounts in their favor upon the production and proof of their books of account in the same manner and on the same terms as is now authorized by existing law in cases where trades- men, and merchants are parties plaintiff in said court." The Code of 1861 has this law in this form: "The book of accounts of any merchant, shop-keeper, physician, blacksmith or other person doing a regular business and keeping daily entries thereon, may be admitted in evidence as proof of such accounts upon the following condition." This law remained in the Code with little alteration until the Act of 1910, which added "farmer, dairyman and planter," so that it now reads: "The books of account of any merchant, shop-keeper, physician, blacksmith, farmer, dairyman, planter or other person doing a regular business and keeping daily entries thereof may be admitted in evidence as proof of such account, upon the following condition :" In some of the early decisions, the word "craft" is used as defining or limiting those whose books could go in evidence under this law. It will be seen that this is stricken out now, and under the decision in 113 Ga. 262 (38 S. E. 834), "Books of account other than those doing a regular business and keep- ing daily entries thereof who are not merchants, shop-keepers, physicians or blacksmiths, are not admissible to prove an ac- count." Since this decision, the Act of 1910 was passed, and in the enumeration there would be added "fanner, dairyman, EVIDENCE 39 planter," and of course all others doing a regular business and making daily entries could prove their accounts in the same way. SEC. 108. PROOF OF CORRECTNESS OF BOOKS, "To author- ize a recovery upon shop books, where the entries are made in the hand-writing of the party, the plaintiff, among other things, must prove by his customers, that he kept correct books. And it is no compliance with the rule, for the witnesses to state, that they considered their accounts reasonable admitting, at the same time, that they had never examined the items, and could not say that the services charged were actually rendered. "Before the books of the party can be admitted in evidence, they are to be submitted to the inspection of the court ; and if they do not appear to be a register of the daily business of the party, and to have been honestly and fairly kept, they are to be excluded. Explanatory evidence may be offered ; and if the objections are prima facie accounted for, the books should be submitted to the jury letting the objections go, under the charge of the court, to their credit, rather than to their com- petency. "Books, per se, are not sufficient to charge the defendant with the debts and accounts of third persons." 8/74. SEC. 109. PRESUMPTION OF SALE OF GOODS. "The plaintiff brought suit against defendant on account, in which were charged articles as sold to defendant 'per Pate' and 'per' others. In proof of the account, plaintiff introduced his book of original eu tries in evidence, and proved that he kept correct books ; "Held, in the absence of proof to the contrary, that the pre- sumption was that the goods so charged were sold to defendant." 31/346. SEC. 110. PERSON TO WHOM GOODS WERE CHARGED. "The suit being upon an open account, and the defense being that the goods were purchased by the defendant's father and should have been charged to him, evidence of the plaintiff's clerk that the defendant proposed to him to open an account, that the witness replied that he would see the plaintiff about it, that he did see the plaintiff who authorized him to let defendant have the goods desired, was admissible, although such authority was given in the absence of the defendant. "Had such evidence been rejected, it would not have altered the result in this case. 40 EVIDENCE "The plaintiff's books were admissible to show to whom the goods were in fact charged. "They were also admissible to show the sale of some of the goods, which was made and entries thereof written by the plaintiff himself; the books having been proved to be books of original entry and correctly kept, that the plaintiff had a clerk would not render such entries inadmissible. "Nor were they rendered inadmissible by the fact that the books had formerly been used by a firm of which plaintiff was a member, and after the retirement of the other partner, had continued to be used by the plaintiff. Nor does it matter that they were identified by a clerk and not by the plaintiff himself. "Where, one opened an account for groceries to be furnished to his father, the duty was upon him to notify the grocer when he refused to be longer responsible, and was not on the latter to refuse further credit without additional authority." 66/211, 212. SEC. 111. REFRESHING RECOLLECTION FKOM BOOKS. "The evidence as set out in the answer of the magistrate was sufficient to authorize the Verdict in the plaintiff's favor. It was not erroneous to refuse to reject testimony of the plaintiff and his clerk, that they had refreshed their recollection as to the cor- rectness of the account by examination of the books in which the account was charged, and, after having so refreshed their recollection, they would swear that the account was correct." 14 App. 244 (80 S. E. 676). SEC. 112. BOOKS WHICH ARE ADMISSIBLE. " 'Books of account of others than those doing a regular business and keep- ing daily entries thereof, who are not merchants, shop-keepers, physicians, or blacksmiths, are not admissible in evidence to prove an account.' Bass vs. Gobert, 113/262 (38 S. E. 834)." 142/447 (83 S. E. 104). It will be noted that this opinion makes no reference to the Acts of 1910, page 57, which amended the section of the Code putting therein "farmer, dairyman and planter." The Acts of 1910 were not codified in the Code of 1910 and independent of this decision the Act of 1910 is of force. SEC. 113. LEDGERS. "That a book is kept in ledger form is not a valid objection to its admission as a 'book of original en- tries,' under section 5769 of the Civil Code. "Even if the book offered in evidence in this case was not a book of original entries, it was properly admitted in corrobora- EVIDENCE 41 tion of an admission by the defendant that he was indebted to the plaintiffs in an amount approximately the same as that claimed by them. Whether the plaintiffs' witnesses who testi- fied to the correctness of the entries be considered as clerks or as partners, their testimony as to the correctness of the books was admissible. "As a general rule, the testimony of persons who have knowl- edge of the facts from which the books are made up is, as to those facts primary evidence, and the books themselves are admissible only by way of corroboration. The provisions of the .code are designed to admit books of original entries as direct and primary evidence in cases such as those where per- haps the fact of the delivery of specific articles included in an account, or the performance of particular services, can not otherwise be definitely proved, and in similar cases." 13 App. 238 (79 S. E. 44). SEC. 114. MEMORANDA COPIED FKOM BOOKS. "The plain- tiff, while on the stand as a witness, made use of certain memo- randa which had been copied from his books, relating to the amount of the receipts and expenses of his business. Error is assigned on the refusal of the court to allow his counsel to ask him 'if he would swear positively from the memoranda to the correctness of the items thereon; the court ruling that the wit- ness could use the memoranda to refresh his recollection, but must then swear from his recollection as thus refreshed, and not from the memoranda. The witness would have sworn positively from the memoranda to the correctness of the items thereon.' The question was in the terms of the Civil Code, 5284, on which counsel for the plaintiff in error relied. That section is as follows : 'A witness may refresh and assist his memory by the use of any written instrument or memorandum, provided he finally speaks from his recollection thus refreshed, or is willing to swear positively from the paper.' Apparently this code section is not based on any statute, but is a codification of the general law existing before its adoption. Its provisions are quite broad, but we think it does not cover memoranda which a witness does not know to be true and which he has never known to be true. It includes any written instrument or memorandum, and it is not essential that the memoranda should have been made by the witness himself. 1 Gr. Ev. (16th ed.) 439 a (2). It is essential, however, that he should at some time have had personal knowledge of the correctness of the memoranda." 118/ 427, 430 (45 S. E. 317). 42 EVIDENCE SEC. 115. COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN ATTORNEY AND CLI- ENT. "The Civil Code, 5198 [5785] declares that certain admissions and communications are, from public policy, to be excluded as evidence. Among these are communications between attorney or counsel and client. Section 5271 [5860] of the same code gives the rule more explicitly. Its provisions are, that 'Xo attorney shall be competent or compellable to testify in any court, for or against his client, to any matter or thing, knowledge of which he may have acquired from his client, by virtue of his relation as attorney or by reason of the anticipated employment of him as attorney, but shall be both competent and compellable to testify, for or against his client, as to any matter or thing, knowledge of which he may have acquired in any other manner.' Section 5199 [5786] further enlarges the rule relat- ing to privileged communications, and declares that 'Communi- cations to any attorney, or his clerk, to be transmitted to the attorney pending his employment, or in anticipation thereof, shall never be heard by the court.' The rules established by those sections of our code are, in their effect the same as existed at common law, except that under the common-law rule the attorney could not be compelled to testify as to communications, nor to disclose papers or letters, or entries made by .him in that capacity, while our statute goes to the extent of declaring that the attorney shall not be competent or compellable to testify for or against his client. Lord Chancellor Brougham declared that the rule was not founded on any particular importance which the law attributes to the business of legal professors, or any particular disposition to afford them protection, but out of re- gard to the interests of justice which could not be upheld, and to the administration of justice which could not go on, without the aid of men skilled in jurisprudence, in the practice of the courts, and in matters affecting rights and obligations which form the subject of judicial proceeding; and that if such communications were not protected, no man would consult a professional adviser with a view to his defense, nor safely go into a court either to obtain redress or to defend himself. 1 Myl. & K. 102 ; Id. 94, 95. Mr. Greenleaf, in the 1st volume of his Law of Evidence, 239, says that this privilege is not personal to the attorney, but is a rule of law for the protection of the client. Mr. Weeks, in his Treatise on Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, 144, gives the general rule established by the weight of authority on this subject of follows : 'An attorney is privileged from giving evidence of any confidential communication made to him by his EVIDENCE 43 client, or concerning which he has been informed in his profes- sional capacity as attorney for the client. The privilege is that of the client, and not that of the attorney.' The same author (151) says, on authority, that the rule does not extend to information acquired by him in any other way than by such confidential communication by the client ; and Mr. Best, in his work on the Principles of Evidence, 581, says that the privi- lege does not extend to matters of fact which the attorney knows by any other means than confidential communications with his client, though if he had not been employed as attorney he proba- bly would not have known them. It appears that Mr. Key was an attorney, that he was employed as such by the deceased at the time the deed w T as w r ritten. It is thereby established that the relation of client and attorney did exist at the time the deed was executed between Stone and the intestate. "It is, however, contended that, inasmuch as the privilege which the law allowed is for the benefit of the client and not counsel, the rule relates only to confidential communications existing because of such relation; that inasmuch as the com- munication made by the client to the attorney, was in the pres- ence of the other party to the contract, it was not in law such a confidential communication as could not be given in evidence by the attorney. There seems to be very much force in this contention. The idea which seems to be involved in the estab- lishment of the rule is not that of mere secrecy. It is not that the client has imparted to the attorney information about a matter which is to be concealed from the public, but is founded on altogether a different principle. Having respect solely to the free and unembarrassed administration of justice, and to the security of all men in the enjoyment of their civil rights, no man is under a legal obligation to disclose facts or circum- stances which would render questionable his demand for a par- ticular right, or impair his defense to another's demand. Origin- ally, suitors and defendants appeared personally before the tribunal which interpreted and administered the law. Subse- quently, however, when the application of legal principles and the forms of procedure became more implicated and intricate, the services of persons having knowledge of the one and skill in the other came into demand, and, to fully protect the rights of parties litigant, the procurement of the services of person-; skilled in the, law became universal. No man being compelled himself to disclose the weakness of his case, it followed, almost as a necessary consequence, that the person who represented 44 EVIDENCE him and presented that case would not do so. If it were other- wise, the free administration of justice would be restricted and the ascertainment and enforcement of rights endangered. There- fore when, in order to obtain the measure of his rights, the client resorted to a representative who could better judge the merits of his case, and disclosed to him the facts upon which the ascertainment of his rights must depend, the law of public policy put a seal upon the lips of his counsel just as effectually as the interest of the client placed a ban upon his own dis- closure ; and, to the credit of the profession be it said, as a rule almost without exception, the private matters of the client com- municated to counsel are held sacred. There is no reason why an attorney may not be called as a witness to give evidence of facts within his knowledge. In the administration of justice the courts will compel him so to do, and to place before the jury his knowledge of any fact in issue, except as to those which his client, depending on him for advice and direction, has seen fit to communicate in order to obtain the full measure of his rights. These are deemed confidential in the interest of the client, and privileged for his protection, but when communicated to other persons and when others are allowed the same opportunities of knowledge that the attorney possesses, the confidential relation necessarily does not exist, and the privilege does- not attach." 111/48-51 (36 S. E. 321). "A communication which was made by a prisoner under arrest, to an attorney who it is at the time anticipated will be employed to represent the cause of the person making such com- munication, can not, on the trial either of the person making the communication, or of another, be proved by the testimony of the attorney. Civil Code, 5199." 114/111, 112 (39 S. E. 948). "Testimony of a client as to advice given to him by his coun- sel is incompetent, and, on timely motion, should be excluded. Communications between attorney and client are 'excluded from public policy.' " Civil Code, 5785. 17 App. 198 (86 S. E. 425). SEC. 116. WOMEN WITNESSES. As a general rule, women can not be compelled to attend court in a civil case upon a subpoena. A case can not be continued for the absence of a woman witness who has been subpcened and does not attend. This, however, is a matter within the discretion of the court. In such case, the interrogatories of the woman witness should be taken. In a case where there are special reasons why a EVIDENCE 45 woman witness should attend, application can be made to the judge of the court and he has the power to compel her attend- ance upon a proper showing made. There should be some special reason set forth in such application, and the necessity of her attendance should be made to appear. Such application should be made in writing to the judge, the reasons set forth and verified by affidavit when he would have a right to issue the proper order. "The plaintiff had the right to take the testimony of a female witness by interrogatories. If the defendant had desired to have her examined before the court and jury, the judge had power to compel her presence, and doubtless would have done so upon proper application, and the assignment of sufficient reasons for the necessity of her attendance." 83/351 (9 S. E. 683). "That the court refused to compel two female witnesses to come into court and testify, or to continue the case that their interrogatories might be taken, was not error where it was not properly shown what the witnesses would testify, or that their testimony was material. If, upon good reasons shown why it is necessary for such witnesses to attend in person, what they will testify, and the materiality of such testimony, the court is satisfied that it is necessary, in furtherance of justice, for them to attend, an order should be issued requiring them to do so. But while the statvite permitting the interrogatories of such witnesses to be taken does not exempt them from attendance upon court, its provisions should be followed unless it be shown to the court that it is necessary to have their personal attend- ance." 85/298 (11 S. E. 706). SEC. 117. PKODUCTION OF BOOKS, ETC., MAY BE COM- PELLED. "The several courts shall have power on the trial of any cause cognizable before them respectively, on notice and proof thereof being previously given by the opposite party or his attorney, to require either party to produce books, writings, and other documents in his possession, power, custody, or con- trol, which shall contain evidence pertinent to the cause in question, under circumstances where such party might be com- pelled to produce the same by the ordinary rules of proceeding in equity." Code, $5837. SEC. 118. PAPER IN COURT. "As a general rule (subject to exceptions for privilege), where it is shown that a paper which would be evidence material to the issue is in the court, 46 EVIDENCE it is the duty of the judge to require the production of such documentary evidence instanter. And it is the duty of the court, where the alleged holder of such paper is there present, to grant a proper request for an investigation to determine whether such paper is in fact in court, and whether its produc- tion shall be required." 1 App. 514 (58 S. E. 63). SEC. 119. PAPEE SURREPTITIOUSLY SECURED. "Ejectment was brought by certain persons as trustees of a church; the defendant died; when the case was called, his executor, though a year had not elapsed, was voluntarily made a party ; during the trial, counsel for plaintiffs stated that a deed made to the church, or former trustees thereof, had been supposed to be lost, but had been found by the deceased defendant, and was in possession of counsel for defendant; he introduced a witness who swore that the deceased defendant had told him about a year previously of the finding of the deed, and charged him to keep it secret, which he had done until since the trial began; counsel for plaintiffs moved to require counsel for defendant to deliver the deed ; the court refused to do so, or to require counsel for defendant to answer questions as to his possession ; plaintiffs then moved for a continuance to give time for a notice to pro- duce ; it was refused : "Held, that this was error. Wherever a paper is in court belonging to one party and surreptitiously secured and secreted by the other, and handed to counsel, not to prepare a legitimate defence by the use of a link in the title, but to keep under cover of privilege and confidence, semble that its instant delivery to the party to which it belonged should be ordered." TO/779, 780. SEC. 120. BOOK IN POSSESSION OF WITNESS. "Where a witness referred to a book in his pocket as containing a state- ment of an account which was material to the issue then being tried, it was error in the court not to require the same to be produced." 55/223. SEC. 121. PAPER BELONGING TO WIFE FOR USE AGAINST HUSBAND. "The production of a paper belonging to a wife, and which is in the custody either of herself or her attorney, can not be compelled for the purpose of using the same as evidence for the State in the trial of a criminal case against her husband by serving a subprena duces tecum, or other process, either upon the wife or the attorney, or upon both. Under such EVIDENCE 47 circumstances, the paper in question is so far inaccessible as that secondary evidence of its contents is admissible." 100/41 (28 S. E. 26). SEC. 122. NOTICE TO PRODUCE PAPERS. "The notice re- quired by the preceding section shall be in writing, signed by the party seeking the production of the books or other writings, or his attorney, and served on the adverse party or his attorney, when returnable to the superior courts, ten days, and when returnable to a justice's court, five days, before the production of the books or other documents shall be required : Provided, such party resides in the county where the suit is pending; if out of said county and within one hundred miles, fifteen days ; if over one hundred miles and less than two hundred miles, twenty days ; and if beyond the limits of this State, sixty days." Code, 5838. SEC. 123. FORM OF NOTICE TO PRODUCE. (See, also, Part II, pages 663, 664, 665.) r ""I Tx THE JUSTICE COURT OF THE JOHN DOE -r\ n ~\r n I DISTRICT, G. M., OF COUNTY, T, TERM, 19 RlCHARD KOE SUIT ON ACCOUNT. To JOHN DOE: You are hereby notified and required to produce at the Term, 19. ., of said Court, which is held on the .... day of , from day to day, and from term to term, until said case is disposed of, a certain note made by John Smith to Richard Roe, endorsed by Richard Roe, to you, dated , 19. ., for the sum' of Fifty ($50.00) dollars, principal, with interest from date, at eight (8) per cent., and signed by John Smith, and due thirty days after date, said note then and there on the trial of said case to be used as material and pertinent evidence for the defendant in said case. This , 19. .. RICHARD ROE. GEORGIA, COUXTY. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, Richard Roe, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that ho has reason to believe that the note called for in the above notice to produce is or has been in existence; that it is in the possession, power or control of John Doe, and that it is material to the 48 EVIDENCE issue in the above named and stated case, and he makes this statement in order to render said notice available. RIG HARD ROE. Sworn to and subscribed before me. this . 19. . J. P. Or, the party's attorney can make his statement in his place and append it instead of the affidavit: GEORGIA, COUNTY. Comes now , and states in his place that he is attorney for Richard Roe in the above named and stated case, and that he has reason to believe that the said note called for in the aobve notice is or'has been in existence and that it is in the possession, power or control of John Doe, and that it is material to the issue in the above named and stated case, and he makes this statement in order to render said notice available. This ,19... Attorney for Richard Roe. It will be noticed that the usual practice is to make out the notice without the affidavit of the party or the statement of the attorney in his place, and that upon the refusal of the party notified to produce as required, then the affidavit is made or the statement of the attorney. The strict letter of the law s'ays before this notice is available, these things must be done. It is certainty the safer rule to follow the letter of the statute. A copy of the notice should be made and an affidavit of service made thereon by the party serving it, which might be in this form: GEORGIA, COUNTY. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, William Smith, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that he served the original notice, of which the within is a true copy, on John Doe personally on , 19 ... WILLIAM SMITH. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this . 19. . J. P. The better plan and the one that is usual amongst attorneys is to procure an acknowledgment of service on the original one EVIDENCE 49 from the opposing counsel, and such acknowledgment of serv- ice may be in this form : GEORGIA, COUNTY. Due and legal service is hereby acknowledged of the within notice to produce and all other and further service, and notice is hereby waived. This , 19 ... Attorney for John Doe. In such case it is usual and proper to give the opposing counsel a copy of the notice so that he may know what his client is expected to produce. SEC. 124. FURTHER PROCEDURE ON NOTICE TO PRODUCE. On the call of the case, it is usual before the party seeking the production of the books or papers, to call upon opposing coun- sel to respond to the notice. If he produces the evidence called for, that is an end of the matter. In some jurisdictions, an oral response is made to the motion where the evidence called for is not produced, but the better plan is to make a re- sponse in writing. Some judges go to the extent of requiring a written response to be made and filed before the call of the case. However, if a written response is to be made, it should be ready at the time the call for the production of the papers is made, and in such case the following might be used as a response : ^ IN THE JUSTICE COURT OF THE . JOHN DOE T\ n n DISTRICT, G. M., OF COUNTY, vs. > T' -, ft -r, -r, TERM, 19 ... RICHARD ROE c . J SUIT ON ACCOUNT. Now comes John Doe, the plaintiff in the above named and stated case, and in response to the notice served upon him by Richard Roe, the defendant, to produce upon the trial of said case a certain note made to Richard Roe by William Smith, on , 19. . ., for $50.00 principal, and due 19. ., this affiant says that said note is not in, the possession, power or control of affiant, and was not at the time of the serv- ice of said notice, and has not been since said time, and affiant makes this as a response in full to said notice. JOHN DOE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this , 19... J. 'P.' 50 EVIDENCE SEC. 125. SUFFICIENCY OF DESCRIPTION. "The notice to produce, calling for the garnishee's stock-book, cash book, origi- nal book or books of entry, journal and ledger, showing the ac- count of the defendant with the garnishee, and any and all books showing the relation of the defendant to the garnishee, is too extensive in range, and in part too vague in description. The court, before peremptorily requiring the production of such books, should be satisfied of the necessity for them; and none should be required to be produced except those (if any) showing dealings between the garnishee and the defendant.' 85/431 (11 S. E. 775). "But the order of the court in the present case was illegal for another reason. The notice served upon the defendants required the production of all 'contracts, agreements, deeds, and liens made between you, and also all deeds and muniments of title imder which you claim the lot in dispute or any inter- est or part thereof.' We think the latter part of the notice was sufficiently definite. The rule is that the description is sufficiently definite if the party who is called on to produce o* 1 what he must give an inspection of, and if the court can deter- mine the propriety of allowing the discovery or inspection sought. Applying this rule, a notice to produce all the titles and papers under which you claim title to a particular lot of land shows on its face that the inspection ought to be allowed. On the other hand, a notice to produce all the contracts, agree- ments, deeds, and liens made between the defendants was cer- tainly too vague and uncertain in description and too extensive in range. It seeks a roving investigation into all the papers made between the defendants', without even intimating that an inspection, if allowed, would disclose anything to the plaintiff's advantage. It was just such a notice as was given in the case of Parish vs. Weed Co., [79/682 (7 S. E. 138) ] cited supra, where the defendant was called on to produce 'all books and papers touching business transacted in Georgia and all receipts by attorneys, etc., connected with its business in Savannah.' It was there held that this notice was too vague in description, and too extensive in range, to require a response. The descrip- tion in the notice must be with sufficient particularity to enable the court to determine the propriety of compelling the produc- tion sought, and it must also appear that the evidence to be thus acquired would be competent and tend to prove the exist- ence of the claim made by the party requiring production. * * * The court could not tell whether the papers called EVIDENCE 51 for in the first part of the notice would aid the plaintiff in es- tablishing its case; and it was absolutely impossible to deter- mine whether all the contracts, deeds, etc., made between the defendants, would have been material evidence on the trial of the case. The order of the court, therefore, in requiring the production of all the papers called for in the plaintiff's notice, was too broad, in not being limited to the documents which were sufficiently described. Ilamby Mines vs. Findley, 85 Ga. 431 [11 S. E. 775]. It would have been competent, how- ever, for the court to have specified such of the writings as should have been produced. It was no ground of objection to the entire notice that part of it did not describe the documents called for with sufficient particularity. Parish vs. Weed Co., supra." 104/395, 401 (30 S. E. 878). SEC. 126. PEREMPTORY ORDER. The answer of the party notified to produce papers, books or documents, if the judge should determine that such party is in default and that he has in his possession, power or control, the evidence called for by the notice and that the same is material, in such case it is the duty of the judge to make a peremptory order reciting the fact that the defendant notified has failed to comply with the notice to produce and after giving such party reasonable opportunity to order the production of such evidence. In making this order it is the duty of the judge to determine what particular part of the evidence called for the party serving the notice has a right to have produced. He must determine what portion of it has been properly described and identified as well as what is material. Then he must give the party in default reasonable opportunity to produce it. The judge has before him the notice to produce as well as the answer of the party notified, and this would seem to be all the pleading that is necessary upon which to base the order. Then the following might be a proper order: T P. ^ IN THE JUSTICE COURT OF THE DISTRICT, G. M., OF COUNTY, TERM, 19 RICHARD ROE A J SUIT ON ACCOUNT. It being made to appear to the Court that Richard Roe, the defendant in the above named and stated case, served upon the plaintiff, John Doe, in due time a notice to produce a certain letter described in the notice, and it further appearing that said letter is in the possession, power and control of the said 52 EVIDENCE John Doe, and that he fails and refuses to produce the same as called for by said notice, it is ordered that the said John Doe is in contempt of this Court, and that he produce said document in Court, at nine o'clock, A. M., on : . . . . ., 19. ., as in default the Court will give judgment against said plaintiff, John Doe, as in case of nonsuit. This , 19. J. P. If the plaintiff at the time fixed in the order should fail and refuse to produce the document called for, then it would be the duty of the Court on motion of defendant to pass a further order which might be in the following form : "^ IN THE JUSTICE COURT OF THE JOHN DOE T\ r\ -\r n DISTRICT,, G. M., OF COUNTY, vs. }>- T -m T-, -,-, IERM. 19. ... RICHARD ROE . J SUIT ON ACCOUNT. In the above named and stated case, the plaintiff, John Doe, having been required by peremptory order to produce the let- ter called for in the notice, and he having been adjudged in contempt of this Court, and having been ordered to produce said letter on this day and at this term, and having failed so to do, on motion of defendant it is ordered that judgment be, and is hereby, rendered against the plaintiff as in case of non- suit, and said case is hereby dismissed and judgment is rendered in favor of the defendant against the plaintiff for dollars and cents, costs of suit. This , 19... J. P. SEC. 127. CONSEQUENCES OF FAILURE TO PRODUCE PAPERS. ''If the plaintiff or his attorney, being so notified, shall fail or refuse to comply with such order, the court shall, on motion, give judgment against such plaintiff as in case of nonsuit ; and if the defendant shall fail or refuse to comply therewith, the court, on motion, shall give judgment against such defendant as in case of judgment by default." Code, 5839. SEC. 128. CONTINUANCE. "In case of the service of any notice, as aforesaid, when it shall appear to the satisfaction of the court, by an affidavit of the party or otherwise, that such party has used due and proper diligence, and can not procure the books, writings, or other documents required, the cause may be continued at the instance of the party notified." Code, 5840. EVIDENCE 53 SEC. 129. AFFIDAVIT OF NON-KESIDEXT. "When the party notified resides without the limits of this State, but in one of the States or Territories of the United States, such party may make the oath required before a commissioner of this State, resident in such State or Territory, or before any officer of such State or Territory in which the party notified may reside, who is authorized by the laws of such State or Territory to administer an oath, which shall be sufficient: Provided, the official character of the officer attesting said affidavit shall be properly proved by the certificate of the Governor, the secre- tary of State, the chancellor, or the keeper of the great seal of the State or Territory in which such affidavit is made." Code, 5841. SEC. 130. NOTICE, How MADE AVAILABLE. "Before the notice provided for in the preceding sections shall be available, the party giving it, or his agent, must make oath (or his attor- ney state in his place) that he has reason to believe that the paper required is or has been in existence ; that it is in the pos- session, power, or control of the person notified, and that it is material to the issue." Code, 5842. SEC. 131. COURT HAS POWER TO COMPEL THE PRODUC- TION OF ANY PAPER OR DOCUMENT IN THE POSSESSION OF ANY PERSON PRESENT IN COURT. "The notice to produce having been perfected by proof which fulfilled the requirements of section 5842 of the Civil Code, the court did not err in refus- ing to strike the notice. "The trial court has the power to require, and should require, the production of any pertinent documentary evidence which may illustrate the issue, and which is within the power or cus- tody of any person then personally in court, except where the disclosure is prevented by privilege ; and inasmuch as the de- fendant's counsel did not expressly claim or otherwise insist upon his privilege, the ruling requiring him to produce certain papers mentioned in the notice to produce were inadmissible, the court is harmless, because, after the papers were produced the court did not permit the introduction of any writing except original papers." 12 App. 392 (77 S. E. 316). In the opinion, of which the above are headnotes, it is said : "The defendant excepted pendente lite to the rulings of the trial judge upon a notice to produce which the plaintiff had caused to be served upon the defendant's counsel. The notice to produce was signed, but was not sworn to by the plaintiff or 54 EVIDENCE his counsel, and upon that ground, and for the reason that there was no statement that the papers required by the notice were in existence or in tlie custody or control of the defendant, as well as upon the ground that the notice was otherwise defective, the defendant moved to strike and dismiss it. In certifying the ex- ception to his ruling upon the motion to strike the notice to produce, the court states that when the motion to strike the notice was made, counsel for the plaintiff arose and stated in his place the facts required under section 5842 of the Civil Code of 1910, and thereupon the Court held the notice good. We think this ruling was a proper disposition of the motion to strike, which was in effect a general demurrer; and the other special objections to the notice were not meritorious. "Exception is also taken to the court's ruling in passing a peremptory order requiring counsel, upon whom the notice to produce had been served, to produce such papers as he had of those included in the motion to produce. From the certificate of the trial judge it appears that after the court's refusal to strike the notice, one of the counsel for the defendant refused to state whether or not the papers mentioned in the notice were in his possession or control, either in his office or elsewhere, and thereupon the court peremptorily required the said coun- sel to produce these papers within a reasonable time. It ap- pears that the peremptory order was passed at the morning session of the court, but counsel was not required to produce the papers until the afternoon session. We find no error in this ruling. The court had the right to assume from counsel's refusal to respond to the notice and deny the custody and con- trol of the papers if he did not have them, that they were in his custody or control, and, as was ruled in Moore vs. Central Ry. Co., 1 Ga. App. 514 (58 S. E. 63), the trial court has the power and should require the production of any pertinent docu- mentary evidence which may illustrate the issue, and which it is within the power of any person then personally in court to produce. The trial judge certifies that after a recess the papers were produced, and so it is questionable whether the exception can be considered at all." SEC. 132. WHEN NOTICE is UNNECESSARY. "Notice to produce is not necessary when the action is brought to recover the paper or set it aside." Code, 5843. SEC. 133. PRODUCTION OF PAPERS, REQUIRED BY SUB- POENA DUCES TECUM. "When any deed, writing, or other EVIDENCE 55 document which it may be necessary to use as testimony in any case may be in the possession of any person resident in this State who is not a party to the cause, the clerk of the court, or justice of the peace, in which the cause is pending, shall, upon application of the party or his attorney desirous of using such testimony, issue a subpoena duces tecum, directed to the person having such book or other document in his possession, requir- ing him to appear and bring with him into court the paper de- sired to be used as testimony. Said subpoena shall be served upon such person, if a resident of the county where such case is pending, ten days, and if not a resident of such county, twenty days, when returnable to the superior courts; when returnable to a justice court, five days. Service shall be by a sheriff, constable, or some private person ; and the official re- turn of the sheriff or constable, or the affidavit of such private person, shall be sufficient evidence that the same was duly served. But in all cases the judge may require the summary production of any book or document by subpoena duces tecum, where the witness is able to produce it and where the ends of justice require such summary production." Code, 5844. SEC. 134. PENALTY FOE FAILUBE TO OBEY SUBPOENA DDCES TECUM. "When a subpoena shall be issued and served as provided in the preceding section, and the person whose at- tendance is thereby required shall fail to comply with the re- quisitions thereof, the court shall, on motion, issue an attach- ment against such defaulting person, returnable to the next term of said court, and shall fine such person in a sum not ex- ceeding three hundred dollars, unless he shall make a sufficient excuse for such failure to be judged of by the court; but such person shall nevertheless be subject to an action at the instance of the party by whom he was subpoenaed, for any damages which such party may have sustained by reason of such failure : Provided, that if the person so subpoenaed shall, within ten days after the service of such subpoena, deliver to the party at whose instance the subpoena was sued out, or his attorney, or file in the office of the court, or justice of the peace, from which such subpoena issued, the paper the production of which is required by stich subpoena, or shall deliver to the said party or his attorney, or shall file in the said office, his affidavit that the said paper 'is not in his power, custody, possession, or con- trol, and that it was not at the time of serving said subpoena, then such delivery and filing of the paper so sought as afore- 56 EVIDENCE said, or of such affidavit, shall be considered a full and com- plete compliance with the requisition of such subpoena duces tecum." Code, 5845. SEC. 135. SECONDARY EVIDENCE. "In all cases pending in any court, where any party shall pursue the course in this Chapter pointed out, and is unable thereby to procure such book or other document, such party shall be permitted to go into parol evidence- of the contents." Code, 5846. SEC. 136. WHEN TRANSCRIPT OF BOOKS MAY BE USED. "When any person shall be served with subpoena duces tecum to produce books in his possession, to be used as testimony on the trial of any cause, as hereinbefore provided, if such per- son will make oath that he can not produce the books required without suffering a material injury in his business, and shall also make, or cause to be made out, a full transcript from such books of all the accounts and dealings with the opposite party, and have such transcript examined and sworn to by an im- partial witness and produce the same in court, it shall be a com- pliance with the notice or subpoena duces tecum." Code, 5847. SEC. 137. "WHEN BOOKS MAY BE EXAMINED BY COMMIS- SIONERS. When the transcript provided for in the preceding section shall be produced in court, if the adverse party is dis- satisfied therewith, and will swear that he believes that the books contain entries material to him which do not appear in the transcript, the court will grant him a commission to be directed to certain persons named by the parties and approved by the court, to cause the adverse party to produce the books required (he being sworn that the books produced are all that he has or had that answer to the description in the notice), and to examine said books and to transmit to the court a full and fair statement of the accounts and entries between the par- ties under their hand, which shall be sealed up and transmitted to the court as in case of interrogatories; which statement, when received by the court, shall be deemed a compliance with the notice of subpoena duces tecum." Code, 5848. SEC. 138. FORM OF SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM. (See, also, Part II, page 797.) GEORGIA, COUNTY. To John Smith, Greeting: You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the Justice EVIDENCE 57 Court of the .... District, G. M., of .... County, at the usual place of holding said court, on the .... day of , 19. ., at nine o'clock, A. M., and from day to day, and term to term, until said case is disposed of, then and there to be sworn as a witness, and to bring with you, to be used as evidence for the plaintiff, one certain letter with the envelope in which it was contained, dated , 19 . . . , and written to you by Richard Roe. Said letter to be used as evidence by the plaintiff in the case of John Doe vs'. Richard Roe, suit on ac- count in said Court pending. Herein fail not. Witness my hand and official signature, this , 19. .. J. P. In preparing a subpoena duces tecum, great care must be taken to describe fully the document sought to be produced. In the aobve subpoena, it would be better to state some part of the contents of the document so as to identify it; in this CMSC said document might be described as "being the letter that Richard Roe wrote you in reference to the account that John Doe held against Richard Roe." Where books are sought, or other documents, they should be described so as to identify them. It is best to make an original and a copy of the subpoena duces tecum. Where the service is by the sheriff or constable, the original should be served upon the witness and a return of service made upon the copy and return to Court. In this way, the Court would be in possession of the contents' of the original served. The following might be a proper return of service: GEORGIA, COUNTY. I have this day served John Smith personally with the origi- nal subpoena duces tecum, of which the within is a true copy. This ,19... L. C. Or, if served by the sheriff, let the sheriff sign this return. Where the service is made by a private person, the evidence of service upon the copy might be in this form : GEORGIA, COUNTY. Personally came before the undersigned, attesting officer, John Doe, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that he served John Smith personally with the original subpoena duces tecum, 58 EVIDENCE on , 19 . ., and that the within is a true copy of said original subpoena. JOHN DOE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 19. ., J. P. SEC. 139. SUBPOENA TO WITNESS. "When the attendance of any person resident in the county is required as a witness in any court, the clerk of such court (or, if there be no clerk, the presiding judge or justice) shall, on application, issue a writ of subpoena, directed to such person, requiring him to appear and testify in the case stated, and at the time stated. Such subpoena shall be served on the witness personally, by any per- son capable of proving the same, at least one day before the trial of the cause. The witness so summoned shall attend the court from term to term until the case is tried. And if there be an appeal or new trial, notice of the fact, without a new subpoena, shall be sufficient to require the attendance of the witness. The witness fee shall be seventy-five cents per diem." Code, 5849. SEC. 140. FORM or SUBPOENA IN JUSTICE COURT. GEORGIA, COUNTY. To John Smith, Greeting: You are hereby commanded, that laying all other business aside, you be and appear at the Justice Court to be held in and for the District, G. M., of said county, at the usual place of holding said court, at ten o'clock, A. ML, on , 19. ., and thereafter, from day to day, and from term to term, until said case is finally disposed of, to be sworn as a witness for the plaintiff in the case of John Doe vs. Richard Roe, in said court pending, the s'ame being a suit on an ac- count. Herein fail not under the penalty of the law. Witness my hand and official signature, this , 19.. J. P. SEC. 141. FORM OF SUBPOENA IN COURT OF INQUIRY. GEORGIA, COUNTY. To John Smith, Greeting: You are hereby commanded laying all business aside, to be and appear at the Court of Inquiry to be held by the under- EVIDENCE 59 signed Justice of the Peace at the Courthouse in the city of j on the .... day of , 19 . . , at nine o'clock A. M., then and there to be sworn as a witness for the State, in the case of the State vs. Richard Roe, charged with the offense of a misdemeanor and to not depart thence without leave of the Court. Herein fail not. Witness my hand and official signature, this the .... day of , 19.. J. P. SEC. 142. SEKVICE OF SUBPOENA. A subpoena may be served by the sheriff, constable or any" private person. In a civil suit, pending in a justice court, it must be served three days before the time of trial. In a court of inquiry it must be served at least one day before the time of trial. SEC. 143. PAYMENT OF FEES. "The payment of the fees of a witness shall not be demanded as a condition precedent to an attendance. But at the close of each term, or any term, the witness may make affidavit before any justice of the peace, or clerk of the court, of the number of days he has attended on such subpoena for which his fees are due, which affidavit, when countersigned by the clerk (or, if no clerk, the judge) and attached to the subpoena, shall have the force and effect of an execution against the property of the party at whose in- stance he was subpoenaed (unless in behalf of the State)." Code, 5850. SEC. 144. EXCESSIVE CLAIM. "A witness who shall claim more than is due to him forfeits all his fees, and shall pay to the injured party, in addition thereto, four times the amount so unjustly claimed." Code, 5851. SEC. 145. FAILURE TO ATTEND. "The court may proceed by attachment to compel the attendance of a witness who fails to obey the precept, and also to punish him by a fine not ex- ceeding three hundred dollars. In addition thereto such a witness shall be liable in damages to the person causing him to bo subpoenaed, for his failure to attend." Code, 5852. SEC. 146. WITNESS IN IMPRISONMENT. "The writ of habeas corpus ad testificandum may be issued by the superior court to cause the production in court of any witness under legal imprisonment." Code, 5853. 60 EVIDENCE SEC. 147. FREEDOM FROM ARREST. "Witnesses are pro- tected from arrest on any civil process while going to or return- ing from and attending on any court, and the officer who shall hold him imprisoned after seeing his' subpoena, or being satis- fied of the fact, shall be liable for a false imprisonment." Code, 5854. SEC. 148. N"o FEES IN CERTAIN CASES. "A witness shall not receive any fees whatever for attendance on a subpoena, if the cause at any time is continued for his absence, or if he is absent at the trial: Provided, such absence in neither case arose from providential causes; nor shall any witness receive fees from both parties in the same case, but shall be paid equally by each, unless one shall be cast in all the cost." Code, 5855. SEC. 149. COURT DECIDES COMPETENCY. "The competency of a witness must be decided by the court." Code, 5856. SEC. 150. RELIGIOUS BELIEF. "Religious belief goes only to the credit." Code, 5857. SEC. 151. WHO ARE COMPETENT TO TESTIFY. "No person offered as a witness shall be excluded by reason of incapacity,, for crime or interest, or from being a party, from giving evi- dence, either in person or by deposition, according to the practice of the court, on the trial of any issue joined, or of any matter or question, or on any inquiry arising in any suit, action, or proceeding, civil or criminal, in any court or before any judge jury, sheriff, coroner, magistrate, officer, or party having, by law or consent of parties, authority to hear, receive, and examine evidence ; but every person so offered shall be competent, and compellable to give evidence on behalf of either or any of the parties to the said suit, action, or other proceeding, except as follows : "1. Where any suit is instituted or defended by a person insane at time of trial, or by an indorsee, assignee, transferee, or by the personal representative of a deceased person, the op- posite party shall not be admitted to testify in his own favor against the insane or deceased person, as to transactions or communications with such insane or deceased person. "2. Where any suit is instituted or defended by partners, persons jointly liable or interested, the opposite party shall not be admitted to testify in his own favor as to transactions or communications solely with an insane or deceased partner, or person jointly liable or interested. EVIDENCE . 61 "3. Where any suit is instituted or defended by a corpora- tion, the opposite party shall not be admitted to testify in his own behalf to transactions or communications solely with a deceased or insane officer or agent of the corporation. "4. Where a person not a party, but a person interested in the result of the suit, is offered as a witness, he shall not be competent to testify, if as a party to the cause he would for any cause be incompetent. "5. ISTo agent or attorney at law of the surviving or sane party, at the time of the transaction testified about, shall bo allowed to testify in favor of a surviving or sane party, under circumstances where the principal, a party to the cause, could not testify; nor can a surviving party or agent testify in his own favor, or in favor of a surviving or sane party, as to trans- actions or communications with a deceased or insane agent, under circumstances where such witness would be incompetent if deceased agent had been principal. "6. In all cases where the personal representative of the deceased or insane party has introduced a witness interested in the event of a suit, who has testified as to transactions or com- munications on the part of the surviving agent or party with a deceased or insane party or agent, the surviving party or his agent may be examined in reference to such facts testified to by said witness." Code, 5858. SEC. 152. No OTHER EXCEPTIONS. "There shall be no other exceptions allowed under the foregoing paragraphs." Code, 5859. SEC. 153. EVIDENCE or ATTORNEY AS AGAINST CLIENTS. "No attorney shall be competent or compellable to testify in any court in this State, for or against his client, to any matter or thing, knowledge of which he may have acquired from his client, by virtue of his relations as ^attorney, or by reason of the anticipated employment of him as attorney, but shall be both competent and compellable to testify, for or against his client, as to any matter or thing, knowledge of which he may have acquired in any other manner." Code, 5860. SEC. 154. IN CASES OF ADULTERY AND BREACH OF MAR- RIAGE CONTRACT. "Nothing contained in section 5858 shall apply to any action, suit, or proceeding in any court, instituted in consequence of adultery, or to any action for breach of promise of marriage." Code, 5861. 62 EVIDENCE SEC. 155. IDIOTS, ETC. "Persons who have not the use of reason, as idiots, lunatics during lunacy, and children who do not understand the nature of an oath, are incompetent wit- nesses:" Code, 5862. SEC. 156. DRUNKARDS. "Drunkenness, which dethrones reason and memory, incapacitates during its continuance." Code, 5863. SEC. 157. EVIDENCE THROUGH INTERPRETER. "No physical defect in any of the senses incapacitates a witness. An in- terpreter may explain his evidence." Code, 5864. SEC. 158. DECISION BY INSPECTION. "The court must, by examination, decide upon the capacity of one alleged to be incompetent from idiocy, lunacy or insanity, or drunkenness, or childhood." Code, 5865. SEC. 159. OBJECTION TO COMPETENCY, WHEN TAKEN. "The objection to competency, if known, must be taken before the witness is examined at all. It may be proved by the witness himself, or by other testimony; if proved by other testimony, the witness is incompetent to explain it away." Code, 5866. SEC. 160. COMPETENCY, How RESTORED. '"Any act which, in the judgment of the court, removes the ground of incompe- tency, will restore the competency of the witness." Code, 5867. SEC. 161. SUBPOENA ISSUED BY JUSTICE OF PEACE. "Either one of the justices of the peace of the district in which a suit is pending may issue a subpoena, directed to any witness whose testimony may be desired by either party in any case, which subpoena shall be served on the witness three days before the day of the trial." Code, 4731. SEC. 162. WITNESSES TO ATTEND JUSTICE COURT. "Any witness failing to attend the justice's court, after being duly served with a subpoena, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding ten dollars, which may be collected by execution, unless good cause be shown for such failure at or before the next court day after the default ; and such witness shall also be liable to a suit for damages at the instance of the party injured by his default,, in any court having cognizance of the same." Code, 4764. SEC. 163. COSTS OF WITNESSES OF ADVERSE PARTY. "No party plaintiff or defendant shall be liable for the costs of any witness of the adverse party, unless -such witness was subpoenaed, sworn, and examined on the trial of said cause (or the plaintiff voluntarily dismisses his cause before trial) ; and no party shall INTERROGATORIES 63 be liable for the costs of more than two witnesses to the same point, unless the court shall certify that the question at issue was of such a character as rendered a greater number of wit- nesses necessary to a single point." Code, 5990. SEC. 164. OATH OR AFFIRMATION. "The sanction of an oath, or affirmation equivalent thereto, is necessary to the recep- tion of any oral evidence. The court may frame such affirma- tion according to the religious faith of the witness." Code, 5868. SEC. 165. WITNESSES, How EXAMINED. "The regular mode of conducting the examination of a witness shall be as follows : First, the witness shall be examined by the party introducing him, "and then cross-examined by the other party ; after which the original party may further interrogate the witness to ex- plain the direct or rebut the cross-examination ; and if any new matter be thus elicited, the opposite party may further examine the witness as to such new matter. In all cases in which more than one attorney is retained on either side, the examination and cross-examination shall be conducted by one of the counsel only ; and at the opening of the case both parties shall state to the court to which attorney the examination and cross-examina- tion of witness is confined." Code, 6318. SEC. 166. TREATMENT OF WITNESSES. "It is' the right of a witness to be examined only as to relevant matter; and to be protected from improper questions, and from harsh or insulting demeanor." Code, 5870. SEC. 167. CROSS-EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES. "The right of cross-examination, thorough and sifting, belongs to every party as to the witnesses called against him. If several parties to the same case have distinct interests, each may exercise this right." Code, 5871. CHAPTER V INTERROGATORIES. (See Part II, pages 569-577.) SECTION 168. FORM. "The following shall be the form of a commission to take testimony by interrogatories: 64: INTEBEOGATOBIES Georgia, County. By His Honor, one of the judges of the court for the county and State aforesaid. To . and , Esquires Greeting : Whereas, There is a certain matter of controversy now de- pending in the court for said county between and ; and whereas is a material witness in said suit, and can not attend our said court in person, without manifest inconvenience: Now know ye, that we, reposing special trust and confidence in your prudence and fidelity, have appointed you ; and you, or any two or more of you, are hereby authorized and required to cause said personally to come before you, and, after being duly sworn, to examine concerning the said suit, agreeably to the interrogatories hereunto annexed; and the answers to the same being plainly and distinctly writ- ten, you are to send the same, closed up under your hands and seals, to our said court, to be held on the day v of next, together with this writ. Witness the Honorable , one of the judges of said court, this day of " Code, 6289. SEC. 169. WITNESSES' NAMES. "The names of the witnesses intended to be examined by commission shall be distinctly specified in the notice served upon the adverse party, preparatory to issuing the commission." Code, 6290. SEC. 170. TIME ALLOWED FOR RETUEX. "The time to be allowed for the return of commissions from any part of the United States of North America, if less than one hundred miles distant from the place of trial, shall be twenty days ; if a greater distance and less than five hundred miles, thirty days ; if a greater distance, forty days ; to any part of the West Indies or South America, eighty days ; or to any part of Europe, one hundred and twenty days, unless, in the discretion of the court, a longer time shall be allowed." Code, 6291. SEC. 171. COMMISSION NOT REGULAR, "In cases of com- missions returned not executed or directed according to rule, either party in the cause shall, upon five days notice to the adverse party or his attorney, be permitted to return the com- mission and its contents (except the answers of the witness, which shall remain in the clerk's office) to the commissioners, to be properly executed and directed." Code, 6292. INTERROGATORIES 65 SEC. 172. COMMISSIONS BY MAIL. "When commissions are returned by mail, to entitle the party to open the same, the postmaster, his deputy, or assistant must indorse upon the back : 'I certify that I received this package from A. B., one of the commissioners.' The usual abbreviations of initials of Christian names of the commissioners, witnesses, attorneys, clerks, magis- trates, and postmasters shall be sufficient." Code, 6293. SEC. 173. LEADING QUESTIONS. "No exception to a written interrogatory, on the ground that it is a leading question, shall prevail, unless it be filed with the interrogatories before the issuing of the commission." Code, 6294. SEC. 174. AGREEMENT TO TAKE INTERROGATORIES. Where the commission is waived and the interrogatories are taken by agreement, such agreement should be endorsed on the original interrogatories at the time of the service of the copy. Frequently, however, in such case the original interrogatories after the sign- ing of the agreement are turned over to the opposite party making out his cross-interrogatories. Such agreement might be in the following form: Due and legal service is hereby acknowledged and copy re- ceived of the within interrogatories; commission, filing, notice of filing are hereby waived, and it is agreed by and between the parties that these interrogatories shall be executed by. ., as sole commissioner, and returned to the justice of the peace either by hand or by due course of mail without any formality of transmission, and it is further agreed by John Doe to file his cross-interrogatories within five days from this date. This ,19 RICHARD ROE, JOHN DOE. SEC. 175. CROSS-INTERROGATORIES. If the commission is not waived, it is the duty of the opposite party to file his cross- interrogatories, where the suit is in a Justice Court, within five days from the time of the service, or if the case is in the Superior Court, within ten days from the time of service, and also to name two commissioners, the other party having the right to name one. One of the commissioners named by the opposite party must act unless a good and sufficient reason be shown for his failure. In the selection of commissioners, care should be to name disinterested persons who would be fair and 66 INTERROGATORIES impartial and in no way connected with the case either as a witness or by interest; the commissioner should stand fair and impartial between the parties like a judge. In the preparation of cross-interrogatories, it is best to state the case first, and make this statement after the statement of the case, to wit: Cross-interrogatories propounded by John Doe, plaintiff, to John Smith, for whom direct interrogatories have been filed by Richard Roe. SEC. 176. FORM OF INTERROGATORIES. Georgia, County. T y, ^ IN THE JUSTICE COURT OF THE DISTRICT, G. M., OF COUNTY, TERM, 19 RICHARD ROE J SUIT ON ACCOUNT. Original interrogatories to be propounded to John Smith, a material witness for the defendant, who resides out of the County of and in the County of , in said State. DIRECT INTERROGATORIES. 1st Interrogatory. Where do you reside and do you know the parties to the above named and stated case ? 2nd Interrogatory. What conversation if any did you ever have with John Doe in reference to an account that he held against Richard Roe? If you answer that you had a conversation, state when and where and what, if anything, he said to you in reference to the account. 3rd Interrogatory. What, if anything, did he ever state to you in reference to holding a note against you transferred to him by Richard Roe, and state what consideration, if any he stated, he paid for this note and how he came into possession of it? 4th Interrogatory. What, if anything, did he say in reference as to whether or not the account he held against Richard Roe had been settled, and if he stated anything upon this subject? State what it was. INTERROGATORIES 67 5th Interrogatory. State what, if anything, he said as to whether or not Richard Roe owed you anything upon the account. State fully and explicitly what he said upon this subject. Plaintiff's Attorney. SEC. 177. SIGNATURE, FILING, NOTICE, ETC. These inter- rogatories should be filed with the justice of the peace and notice should be given at the time of filing to John Doe, of the filing, and after they have remained with the justice of the peace for five days after the serving of such notice of the filing with a copy of the interrogatories served on John Doe, then the de- fendant Richard Roe can apply to the justice of the peace for a commission to three commissioners to execute the interroga- tories. The plaintiff, John Doe, in the meantime, would have a right to file cross-interrogatories and also to name two of the commissioners. The form of the notice to be served upon John Doe, might be in this form: Georgia, County. ^1 In the Justice Court of the JOHN DOE ^. , . ^ Dist., , of County, VS ' -p Term, 19... RICHARD ROE -*,. J feuiT ON NOTE. To John Doe, Plaintiff: . In the above named and stated case, you are hereby notified that I have this day filed with , Justice of the Peace in and for the District, G. M., of County, interrogatories to be propounded to John Smith, a material witness in my behalf, who resides in County, a copy of which interrogatories is hereto attached, and that at the expiration of five days I will apply to said Justice of the Peace for a commission and the appointment of com- missioners to execute said interrogatories and if you desire to name two of the commissioners, you will give their names to the Justice of the Peace and also file with him whatever cross- interrogatories you desire. This , 19 RICHARD ROE, Defendant. The interrogatories can be signed by defendant's attorney if he has an attorney, and the cross-interrogatories can be prepared and signed by the attorney for John Doe if he has an attorney. 68 INTERROGATORIES The entry of service of the interrogatories upon John Doe should appear and might be in this form, and placed upon the back of the original interrogatories: Georgia, County. Before me, , J. P., personally came Richard Roe, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that on the day of , 19 . . . . , he served John Doe personally with a copy of the original interrogatories hereto attached for John Smith, a resident of County, and also with the original notice of time of filing, of which a true copy is hereto attached. RICHARD ROE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of , 19 J. P. This affidavit with the copy of the notice should be attached to the original interrogatories and filed with them in the Court. SEC. 178. INTERROGATORIES OF WITNESSES WITHOUT COM- MISSION. Interrogatories of a witness may be taken by agree- ment without a commission. This agreement may be varied in almost any part as to the conditions under which they are taken and the commissioners. One commissioner may take them by agreement or more than one. It is usual in such case to make an agreement that the interrogatories may be executed by some party as sole commissioner. In such case, the following form may be used : Georgia, County. JOHN DOE 1 COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES vs. V IN SUPERIOR COURT, RICHARD ROE ) TERM, 19. .. In the above named and stated case, it is hereby agreed by the parties thereto, ihat the interrogatories of John Smith, a witness for the plaintiff, and a resident of County, be taken and he be examined by as sole com- missioner, and that he return the same to the clerk of the Supe- rior Court of County by due course of mail without any other formality. This agreement may be varied in any way that the parties may agree upon. Two commissioners may be named or three INTERROGATORIES 69 if it is so desired. Such agreement takes the matter out of the statute. It is necessary usually that the agreement shall be followed. The following form of caption will, if followed in substance, be sufficient: Georgia, County. JOHN DOE j COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES vs. V IN SUPERIOR COURT RICHARD ROE ) TERM, 19 .... In the above named and stated case, due and legal service is hereby acknowledged of the interrogatories of John Smith, a resident of County in the above named and stated case, commission, filing is hereby waived, and copy of interrogatories has been received. We consent to cross said iuterrogatories and return the same to plaintiff's counsel within five days from this date. This , 19. ... Attorney for Defendant. The form of return provided by Code, 5903, is as follows: "State of Georgia, County. "By virtue of an agreement between the parties or counsel in the case of vs , pending in the court of (county or district, as the case may be), the undersigned, acting as commissioners, have caused A. B., a witness in said case, to come before us, who, being duly sworn true answers to make to the annexed interrogatories, deposes and answers as follows : "To first interrogatory, he answers, etc. "To second interrogatory, he answers, etc. "To first cross-interrogatory, he answers, etc. "To second cross-interrogatory, he answers, etc. "Answered, subscribed, and sworn to before us, this day of '. , 19 "E. F,, COMMISSIONER, (Seal). "G. H., COMMISSIONER, (Seal). "A. B., Witness." A substantial compliance with the same shall be sufficient to let the answers go to the jury, if legal on other grounds, and to give legal sanction to thp oath administered as aforesaid. 70 DEPOSITIONS WITHOUT COMMISSION CHAPTER VI DEPOSITIONS WITHOUT COMMISSION. (See Part II, pages 569-577.) SECTION 179. DEPOSITIONS WITHOUT COMMISSION, How TAKEN. "Whenever it is legal to examine witnesses on Avritten interrogatories by commission, the testimony of such witnesses may "also be taken, without a commission, before a notary public or any officer authorized to issue attachments, if taken within this State, or, if taken without this State, before any officer or the State or county where the deposition is taken, authorized by the laws of this State to attest deeds or take acknowledg- ments. The officer shall not be of counsel, to either of the parties, nor interested in the event of the case." Code, 5905. SEC. 180. NOTICE, ITS CONTENTS AND How GIVEN. "A reasonable notice, not less than ten days, must first be given in writing by the party, or his attorney, proposing to take such deposition, to the opposite party or his attorney of record, which notice shall state the name of the witness, and the time and place of the taking of his deposition; and whenever by reason of the absence from the county and want of an attorney of record, or by other reason, the giving of the notice herein required shall be impracticable, it shall be lawful to take such depositions as there shall be urgent necessity for taking, upon such notice as the judge of the court for which the deposition is to be taken shall think reasonable and direct." Code, 5906. SEC. 181. WITNESS COMPELLED TO APPEAR; How EXAM- INED. "The witness may be examined and cross-examined as in open court. Any person may be compelled to appear and depose, in the same manner as witnesses may be compelled to appear in court." Code, 5907. SEC. 182. TESTIMONY, How TAKEN. "Every person depos- ing as provided in the preceding section shall be sworn to testify the whole truth, and carefully examined. His testimony shall be reduced to writing by the officer taking the deposition, or by himself in the officer's presence; but the officer may employ a disinterested stenographer to take down and write out the testi- mony. The testimony, after it has been reduced to writing, shall be subscribed by the deponent.." Code, 5908. DEPOSITIONS WITHOUT COMMISSION 71 SEC. 183. DEPOSITIONS, How DELIVERED. "Every depo- sition taken under the preceding sections of this article shall be retained by the officer taking it until he delivers it with his own hands into the court for which it is taken; or it shall, with a certificate of the reasons for taking it, and of the want of interest of the officer, and of the stenographer if one be em- ployed, and with the notice, if any be given to the adverse party, be sealed up and directed to such court, and remain under his seal until opened in' court. But if the reasons for taking the deposition cease to exist before the trial, such depo- sition shall not be used in the case." Code, 5909. SEC. 184. FORM OF NOTICE. JOHN DOE ^ COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES vs. V IN SUPERIOR COURT EICHARD KOE j TERM, 19. ... To Richard Roe and his Attorney, George R. Brown: You are hereby notified that on the day of . . , 19. . . ., at ten o'clock, A. M., in Room of the Building, in the City of , before , a Justice of the Peace in and for County, I will proceed to take the evidence of John Smith, a material witness for the plaintiff, who resides in County, and this notice is given you that you may be present and cross- examine said witness, if you so wish. This day of , 19 Attorney for Richard Roe. The better plan is to get an acknowledgment of service on this notice, but if this can not be done, it should be" made in duplicate and one served on the party notified ; the other should be returned to the officer before' whom the deposition is taken with an affidavit upon it of the service. SEC. 185. DEPOSITIONS TAKEN WITHOUT ORDER OR COM- MISSION. "In all counties of this State, either party litigant in any court of record in any such county may, without any order or commission, take the deposition of any witness or wit- nesses in said case, whether resident in the county or not, upon giving the opposite party five days notice of the time and place, with the names of the witnesses : Provided, that the commis- sioner before whom the evidence under this section is to be taken shall have power, on notice being given to the opposite party or his attorney, or on subpoena duces tecum being served 72 DEPOSITIONS WITHOUT COMMISSION five days previously to the hearing, to require any witness or party to produce, at the hearing, books, writings, and other docu- ments in his possession, power, custody, or control. Any witness or party refusing to produce, appear, or answer, without legal excuse, shall be guilty of contempt; and upon certification of said act by the commissioner to the judge in whose court the case is pending, the judge shall punish the same as though com- mitted before him." Code, 5910. SEC. 186. NOTICE TO TAKE DEPOSITIONS UNDER CODE, 5910. JOHN DOE ^ ACTION FOB DAMAGES, vs. V IN . SUPERIOR COURT, RICHARD ROE j TERM, 19 .... To John Doe, or his Attorney, : In the above named and stated cause, you are hereby notified that on the day of , 19 . . . . , at ten o'clock, A. M ., in Room , in the Building, in the City of , before , a Commissioner appointed by the Judge of the Superior Court of the Circuit, and whose appointment as such Commissioner has been spread upon the minutes of said Court, I will take the evidence of John Smith, a material witness for the defendant in the above named and stated case, and you are hereby notified to be present at said time and place, where you will have the right to cross-examine said witness, if you should so wish. This , 19 .... Attorney for Richard Roe. Under this section, five days' notice of the time and place of hearing must be given the opposite party and the original notice with the evidence of service upon it must be returned to the Commissioner and by him sent to the Court where the evidence goes after it is taken. SEC. 187. DEPOSITIONS, BY WHOM TAKEN. "Such deposi- tions shall be taken before any commissioner appointed by the judge of the superior court of said county for the purpose of taking such depositions and the appointment entered on the minutes ; or, in case of failure to appoint or there is a vacancy in the office of commissioner, the clerk of the superior court is hereby authorized as an ex-officio commissioner to take such dep- DEPOSITIONS WITHOUT COMMISSION 73 ositions. All witnesses shall be examined in the county of their residence, and before the commissioner or ex-officio com- missioner of such county." Code, 5911. SEC. 188. FORM OF CAPTION, CERTIFICATE, ETC. "The caption and certificate of the return of such cases may be sub- stantially as follows: T T T -r, t AZARIAH ENNIS. LEWIS LEWIS, J. P. 5/569. SEC. 222. ORDINARY MUST CERTIFY TO FILING, ETC. "When such oath is taken and filed and such bond given, such ordinary shall issue to such constable a certificate of such facts and make an entry thereof on his minutes, which certificate shall answer as his commission." Code, 4692. SEC. 223. ADDITIONAL SURETY. "Constables may be com- pelled to give additional bonds upon complaint made on oath before the ordinary, if after the hearing such ordinary so or- ders it done and upon failure to do so, they shall be removed by such ordinary." Code, 4693. SEC. 224. MAY BE RULED IN JUSTICE'S COURT. "They are liable to rule, attachment, and penalties in their respective districts ; but in default of any justice of the peace in such dis- trict, or if there are such who refuse to serve, they may be ruled before any justice's court of an adjoining district, or the supe- rior court." Code, 4694. SEC. 225. MAY BE RULED IN SUPERIOR COURT. "It is optional with parties to rule constables before the superior court of their respective counties, in term time, on the same terms that justices of the peace are ruled." Code, 4695. SEC. 226. SPECIAL DUTIES. "It is their duty "1. To attend regularly all terms of the justice's court in their respective districts. "2. To attend all terms of the superior courts of their re- spective counties, when summoned by the sheriff for that pur- pose. "3. To give receipts for notes or other liquidated demands placed in their hands for collection. (A constable may in his official capacity receive notes and other liquidated demands for collection, and is subject to rule if he fails to pay over the proceeds of the collection to the person entitled thereto. 5 App. 421 (63 S. E. 517). CONSTABLES 85 "4. To pay over money promptly as collected to the party entitled thereto ; and in cases of conflicting claims to any money, to repprt the same to the next justice's court of the district where they are amenable, for its order in the premises. (Where all collections made on processes from a justice's court by the constable thereof were, pursuant to an agreement between him and the justice of the peace, delivered, when made, to the latter, who on every Saturday distributed all amounts thus collected, .and all amounts collected by the justice of the peace and his clerk during the week, to the parties entitled thereto; held, that the amount due the constable, embraced in the collections made by him, which were held for him by the justice of the peace, could be subjected to the debts of the constable, by serv- ing garnishments on the justice of the peace. 131/563 (62 S. E. 989).) "5. To execute and return all warrants, summonses, execu- tions, and other processes to them directed by lawful authority. ("It is no ground for an affidavit of illegality that a fi. fa. from a justice's court was levied by a constable outside of the dis- trict where the judgment was entered, and outside of the county of defendant's residence, when it appears that the property levied on was found in the bailiwick of the officer making the levy nor was it necessary that the fi. fa. should have been backed by a magistrate of the county of the defendant's residence, to authorize the levy made in this case." 70/647. "When a Mag- istrate's execution is lost, and its contents proven, and also the levy on the land by a Constable, and a return of the same to the Sheriff, the Court will presume that there was also on it, the Constable's entry of 'no personal property to be found/ &c. The general rule is, that when an officer is required to do an act, the omission to do which would make him guilty of a culpable neglect of duty, it ought to be intended that he has duly per- formed it, unless the contrary is made to appear." 6/188. "It. is the duty of the Constable to make an entry of service on the summons or warrant, in writing, and sign such return." 9/471. "Under section 4142 of the code, the constable of a militia dis- trict other than that from the justice's court of which an execu- tion issued, may levy the same upon the property of the de- fendant in execution in any militia district of the same county, although at the time there was a lawful constable in the latter district," 99/459 (27 S. E. 717). "Prior to the passage of the act of 1869, which is incorporated in section 4142 of the code, 86 CONSTABLES executions issued from justices' courts, being addressed to all and singular the constables of the county within which they were issued, might be well executed within his own bailiwick by any constable in any district within the county; for by sec- tion 478 of the code it was made the duty of constables to execute and return all warrants, summons, executions, and other process to them directed by lawful authority. The act of 1869, to which reference has above been made, was entitled, 'An act to extend the jurisdiction of constables in the several counties' in this State.' It provides, 'That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be lawful for any constable of the several counties of this State to execute and return any process issued by a justice of the peace or notary public of said counties, but he shall return the said process to a justice of the peace re- siding in the militia district where the defendant or defendants resided at' the time of issuing said process.' The effect of this act was to extend the territorial area of the constable's jurisdic- tion so as to enable him to execute process of magistrates' courts in districts other than his own. So that, possessing au- thority, before the passage of the act, to execute such process is- sued from any justice's court in the county within the limits of his own bailiwick, the effect of the act was to enable him to execute such process in any bailiwick within the limits of the county. The execution of this process, in so far as levy and seizure of the property is concerned, is consistent with the other provisions of the code prescribing the duties of the constable ; but when it comes to the sale of the property seized under such an execution, the statute requires that the place of sale shall be at the court ground of the bailiwick of the constable. Code, 4172, .4172 (a). The case of Divine v. Bailey, 62 Ga. 235, is readily distinguishable from the one now under considera- tion, for the reason that in that case the question was upon the validity of the sale. The seizure was made under an execu- tion issued from one justice's court by the constable of another, who undertook to sell the property at the court ground of yet another militia district. So that, \vhile in so far as the mere seizure of the property was concerned he was acting within the limits of his constabulary authority, when he undertook to effectuate the seizure by making a sale he selected a time and place different from that proscribed by law. This court could, and did, therefore, in that case properly hold that the sale was void. The question under consideration in that case was JURISDICTION OF THE JUSTICE COURT 87 whether the sale was void, and the conclusion which we reach in the present case is in perfect harmony with the doctrine ap- plied in that. We are not inclined to agree altogether with (he line of reasoning adopted by the court in stating the con- siderations which induced its conclusions, and are, therefore, not inclined to extend the doctrine of that case beyond the neces- sary limits of the question expressly decided by it. In the present case an 1 execution was issued from one district, which \vas levied upon land in the district from which the judgment issued, by a constable residing in another district, and a claim interposed by a third person. The question, therefore, is upon the validity of a levy, and not upon the validity of a sale." 99/460 (27 S. E. 717). "6. To perform such other duties as are or may be required of them by law, or which necessarily appertain to their offices." Code, 4696. SEC. 227. PERSONS ACTING AS CONSTABLES AFTER TERM OF OFFICE EXPIRES. "If any constable exercises the duties of his office after removal from the district where he was elected or ap- pointed, he is subject to a fine of fifty dollars for every such act, to be recovered before any justice of the county in which lie resides, by any one suing for the same - - one half to the use of such person, the other half to the use of the county." Code, 4697. CHAPTER IX JURISDICTION OF THE JUSTICE COURT. SEC. 228. CIVIL JURISDICTION. "They have a general and original jurisdiction : "1. In all civil cases arising ex contractu, and in cases of injuries or damages to personal property, where the principal sum claimed does not exceed one hundred dollars, and in cases where the debt has been larger and the balance due is not more than said amount. "2. Of contests for the mere possession of personal prop- erty. "3. Of forcible entries and detainers, or either, with the aid of a jury of twelve men, as prescribed by this Code. 88 JURISDICTION OP THE JUSTICE COURT "4. Of all other causes when jurisdiction is constitutionally given them, in their capacity as courts of justice." Code, 4665. SEC. 229. LIMITS OF JURISDICTION. "Their civil jurisdic- tion extends over persons resident of their respective districts and itinerant persons, and to persons of other districts in cer- tain particular cases provided for in this Code." Code, 4667. SEC. 230. SUITS ON SEVERAL NOTES FOR SAME DEBT. "The justices' courts have jurisdiction of all suits brought on two or more promissory notes, or other evidences of debt, not exceeding one hundred dollars principal each, although given between the same parties for one and the same debt or consid- eration." Code, 4709. SEC. 231. TEN DAYS RESIDENCE GIVES JURISDICTION. "Ten days residence of a party within a militia district shall be sufficient to give the justice's court of such district jurisdic- tion of suits against him." Code, 4710. SEC. 232. CO-OBLIGORS SUED IN EITHER DISTRICT. "When a bond, note, bill, open account, or other evidence of debt shall be against several persons residing in different counties or dis- tricts, the plaintiff shall have his option to bring suit on such demand in either of such counties or districts." Code, 4711. SEC. 233. SUIT AGAINST MAKER AND INDORSER, WHERE BROUGHT. "The maker and indorser of a promissory note, or other evidence of debt, not exceeding one hundred dollars prin- cipal, may be sued in the district of the maker's residence and the indorser may be served with process in the same manner as that prescribed in the case of joint contractors." Code, 4714. SEC. 234. IN CASE OF CO-OBLIGORS. "In case where suit is brought against joint obligors or joint promisors, or other joint debtors, and in cases where the justice of the peace is a party, and in cases where there is no justice in the district of the defendant's residence, in all these and like cases, the con- stable of the district in which suit is brought may serve all processes on all the parties, and do all other legal acts required of him in the progress of such suit, in any district of the county." Code, 4719. SEC. 235. WHERE DEFENDANTS RESIDE IN DIFFERENT COUNTIES. "In suits in the justices' courts of this State against joint obligors, joint contractors, copartners, joint trespassers, makers and inclorsers of promissory notes, drawers, acceptors, JURISDICTION OF THE JUSTICE COURT 89 and indorsers of foreign and inland bills of exchange, or other like instruments, if any of the defendants reside out of the county, the justice of the peace shall issue a second original and copy for such other county or counties, and forward the same to any constable of the county where such defendant may reside, who shall serve the copy and return the second original with his entry thereon to the justice of the peace before whom the suit is brought." Code, 4720. SEC. 236. DECISIONS RELATING TO JURISDICTION. "The Constitution declares that justice's courts shall sit at fixed times and places. Const, art. 6, sec. 7, par. 2 (Civil Code (1910), Section 6524). By section 4705 of the Civil Code it is declared that 'All judgments of such justices rendered, in any civil cause, anywhere else than at the place for holding their courts lawfully appointed are void.' No provision is made for holding such courts by agreement at other places than those fixed by law. Accordingly, the trial and verdict in this case were not merely irregular, but, by the positive terms of the statute, were void." 143/554 (85 S. E. 861). A justice's court has no jurisdiction to foreclose a material man's lien or lien for work done on real property. 142/590 (83 S. E. 239). Parties can not by consent make a valid judgment where the same has been rendered otherwise than at the regular fixed place. 144/292 (86 S. E. 1085). When the cause of action is ambiguous, the same should be so construed as to uphold the jurisdiction of the justice's courts. 17 App. 53 (86 S. E. 258). "The amount in controversy which fixes the jurisdiction of a justice's court is 'the principal sum claimed.' Civil Code, 4665 (1). "Where, by a construction favorable to the jurisdiction of a justice's court over the subject-matter of a plea in recoupment interposed to a suit on contract, it reasonably appears that the defendant seeks to recover damages arising under the contract, for a breach of warranty, rather than for a tort by an action for deceit, such damages arising under the contract may be set up in extinguishment of the plaintiff's demand ex contractu, and a recovery had, if warranted by the evidence, for the excess of the demand of the defendant over that of the plaintiff, pro- vided such balance does not exceed the jurisdiction of the court. 90 "No notice to a plaintiff of the filing of a plea of recoup- ment by the defendant, claiming damages in excess of his de- mand on an unconditional contract in writing, is necessary to authorize the trial of a case in a justice's court at a term subse- quent to that at which the plea is filed and in the absence of the plaintiff without legal excuse. One who brings a suit in any forum competent to render a legal and binding judgment must at his peril follow up the subsequent proceedings in the case, and is bound by the action of the court therein, where the court acts within its jurisdiction and the proceedings are other- wise legal." 17 App. 779 (88 S. E. 703). Jurisdiction as to amount in suit on note including attor- ney's fees is determined without any reference to such fees, where no notice, as required by law, is alleged. 17 App. 450 (87 S. E. 679). A verdict is not authorized unles's a summons has been issued. 17 App. 699 (87 S. E. 1092). A plaintiff is not required nor is he bound to claim all the damages that he is entitled to and thereby prevent a justice court having jurisdiction. 16 App. 388 (85 S. E. 615) ; 127/ 778 (56 S..E. 1026). A justice's court has no jurisdiction to foreclose a lien on real estate. 15 App. 369 (83 S. E. 448). An attempt to foreclose a lien may be cured by amendment striking all reference thereto. 15 App. 455 (83 S. E. 896). "In practically all cases arising in justice's courts, there arc no pleadings from which the issue between the parties can be accurately ascertained, and in such cases, the issue raised is raised by the evidence adduced on the trial." 15 App. 814 (84 S. E. 211). You can waive the tort and sue on the contract ex contractu in a justice's court. 14 App. 597 (2) (81 S. E. 800). All the facts necessary to give a court jurisdiction need not appear on the face of the execution. 14 App. 380 (80 S. E. 909). "A justice's court has no jurisdiction of an action of tort un- less the alleged wrong consisted of injuring or damaging per- sonal property belonging to the plaintiff. Such a court, there- fore, can not lawfully entertain or try a suit against a defendant for fraudulently removing property subject to a lien held by the plaintiff, or for conspiring with another so to do." 105/88 (31 S. E. 736). JURISDICTION OF THE JUSTICE COURT 91 "A summons in a justice's court required the defendant to appear and 'answer the demand of B. H. Stripling in an action for damages for breach of contract in the sum of $100.' At- tached to the summons was a statement of the alleged cause of action, in which $100 was set forth as damages for the breach of a contract. Following this was an itemized statement show- ing damages in different amounts, resulting from various causes, the aggregate amount being $132.50. Following this statement were these words: 'To amount written off and unclaimed, to bring case within J. P. jurisdiction, $32.50.' Held, That the suit was within the jurisdiction of the justice's court." 127/ 778 (1) (56 S. E. 1026). "Where a running account continued through several con- secutive years, being added up at the end of each year, the credits subtracted, and the balance carried forward to the next year, and, after the account had thus continued for several years, the aggregate balance was more than one hundred dollars, the creditor could not divide it into two parts, and thus bring each within the jurisdiction of a justice's court. Although the creditor might have sued at the end of each year, if the balance at the end of the year was charged up on the next year's account, and' this was continued through several years without a settle- ment, the whole became but one account and but one indebted- ness." 72/147. "Where one sold to another on credit two bills of merchandise on different days- in two consecutive months of the same year, the presumption, in the absence of any proof to the contrary, was that the demand arising upon the two sales constituted one entire and indivisible account in favor of' the seller against the purchaser; and this being so, the former could not divide the same into two separate accounts predicated respectively upon the two sales, so as to bring actions thereon within the jurisdic- tion of a justice's court. "Where two such actions were brought and a plea in abate- ment for want of jurisdiction was filed, the burden of proof was upon the plaintiff to show that the two alleged accounts were not one and the same account, but that they arose upon distinct and separate transactions." 97/802 (25 S. E. 369). "Where by agreement an account for goods sold on the same day was divided into four distinct parts, due on different days, the creditor had a right of action on each as it fell due, and if 92 JURISDICTION or THE JUSTICE COURT he waited until all had fallen due, he might sue on them sepa- rately or unite them, and he was not compelled to unite them so as to prevent the jurisdiction of a justice's court. " 'Liquidated,' as used in section 447 of the Code, as to dividing claims so as' to bring them within the jurisdiction of a justice's court, is equivalent to settled, acknowledged or agreed. "Where suits were brought on open accounts in a justice's court, and personal service had, if the defendant failed to appear and defend, cases were properly considered in default, and judgments were properly rendered without proof of the ac- count." 76/631. "A running book account, all the items of which have matured at the time of the suit can not be split into separate parts, with- out the consent of the defendant, for the purpose of bringing each part within the jurisdiction of a justice's court; the ac- count constitutes one demand, and all the items thereof must be included in a single suit. If the running account thus indi- visible is divided into separate parts, a recovery upon one part would ordinarily be a bar to a subsequent action for any items of the account not included within the first suit. "Where a running account containing debits and credits is divided into two parts and a suit is brought on each part, and to the first suit a plea to the jurisdiction is filed in the court in which the suit originated, on the ground that the account has been improperly split into two parts for the purpose of giving the court jurisdiction, which it otherwise would not have of the entire account, and this plea is decided against the defendant on the necessary ground that the account was, as a matter of law, divisible, and he acquiesces in such adverse decision, al- though the decision was erroneous, he is estopped from renewing the same objection to the second suit, brought against him for the items of the account not included within the first suit." 9 App. 733 (72 S. E. 174). "A justice's court has no jurisdiction of an action for dam- ages to realty. "Fences permanently affixed to land constitute a part of the realty; and, as a general rule, unmatured crops growing upon lands belonging to the owner of the crops are to be regarded as part and parcel of the land. "It follows that a justice's court has no jurisdiction of an action for damages' alleged to have been occasioned by the negli- COMMENCEMENT OF SUITS IN JUSTICE COURTS 93 gence of a railway company in setting fire to and burning fences enclosing the plaintiff's land, and causing damage to his pasture and to a crop of unmatured cotton growing in his field." 98/ G26 (25 S. E. 638). CHAPTER X COMMENCEMENT OF SUITS IN JUSTICE COURTS. SECTION 237. WHAT Is A CAUSE OF ACTION. It is not every claim that a plaintiff has against a defendant that can be brought on an account. The statute says the justice of the peace shall attach to the summons a copy of the note, account, or cause of action. The cause of the action may not be an account, and in such case the plaintiff, where it is not on an account, must set forth in his cause of action such facts as' will show an obliga- tion of a money demand on the part of defendant to the plaintiff. "Relatively to the law of pleading, a cause of action is some particular right of the plaintiff against the defendant, together with some definite violation of that right." 120/785 (48 S. E. 318). Where the suit is upon a note, it appears that the defendant, the maker of the note is under contract to pay the money. So in a suit upon an account, where an account is made out against the defendant, the court can see that the plaintiff is insisting on the contract on the part of defendant to pay for the property bought. When the suit is brought upon a cause of action, there must be attached to the summons a statement of facts that shows the defendant is under some legal responsibility to the plaintiff. SEC. 238. SUITS, How COMMENCED. "All suits before jus- tices of the peace and notaries public, who are ex-officio justices of the peace, shall be commenced by written summons, which shall be issued and signed by the justice of the peace or notary public of the district in which the suit is brought, and shall be directed to any lawful constable of the county in which the suit is commenced, commanding the defendant to appear at the time and place of trial, which time and place shall be specified in said summons, and such justice of the peace or notary public shall attach a copy of the note, account, or cause of action sued on, to said summons at the time the same is issued." Code, 4715. 94 COMMENCEMENT OF SUITS IN JUSTICE COURTS SEC. 239. WHAT Is COMMENCEMENT OF SUIT. "The date of the issuing of the summons shall be considered the commence- ment of the action." Code, 4716. SEC. 240. SUMMONS, AND FORM THEREOF. Georgia, County. JOHN DOE } Suit in Justice Court of the VS. / District, G. M., of said County, EICHARD ROE ) . Term, 19 .... To All and Singular, the Constables of said County, Greeting: The defendant, of said District and County, is hereby com- manded to be and appear at the next regular term of the Justice Court in and for said district to be held on the day of , 19. . . ., at ten o'clock, A. M., at the usual place of holding the Justice Court in said district at the court- house in the city of , then and there to answer plaintiff's 1 demand upon a certain note, a copy of which is hereto attached. And in default thereof, the Court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Herein fail not. Given under my hand and official signature this the day of , 19 ..., J. P. The law says that the time and place must be specified in the summons. Of course there is no trouble about specifying the date. It has been the practice to specify the place simply by saying, "at the usual place of holding the justice court in and for said district." It is necessary in the city where the courts of the justice of the peace and the notary public are held at different places to specify the exact locality. It is better in any summons to specify "at the court house in said district." The summons should read this way : "to be and appear at the usual place of holding justice courts in and for said district at the court house." There is no direct adjudication on this point as to the form of a summons, but there is no reason why the statute should not be followed, since when the summons is right there could be no question raised about it. The law says "to each summons shall be attached a copy of the note, account or cause of action sued on." Suppose the cause of action sued on is a note that has provisions for attor- ney's fees. It has been decided that where a note contains a provision for attorney's fees and there is no reference made to this in the summons and no notice given, that it is a suit simply COMMENCEMENT OF SUITS IN JUSTICE COURTS 95 for the principal amount. Take, for instance, a note for $100.00 together with all costs of collection, including 10% attorney's fees, and a copy of the note is attached containing this pro- vision, the result is that it is a suit for the $100.00. Again, if the note is for $80.00 and contains a provision for attorney's fees as above set forth, and is intended to collect the attorney's fees, the proper practice here would be to state in the summons "to answer plaintiff's demand on a certain note and claim for attorney's fees thereon, a copy of which said note and said claim are hereto attached." Then attach to the copy note a claim for attorney's fees which may be in this form : "In addi- tion to the principal and interest on said note plaintiff claims ten per cent, attorney's fees on the principal and interest thereof, he having given the defendant notice in writing of his intention to sue this' note to this term of the court, and that he would claim said attorney's fees on the principal and interest unless said note was paid on or before the return day of said court." The form of a proper notice to the defendant of his intention to claim attorney's fees on said note appears in Part II, page 175. Coming back to a suit upon the note for $80.00, the summons would be as follows: JOHN DOE "| In the Justice Court of the ............ vs. V District, G. M., of ................ EICHAED ROE j County, .............. Term, 19 .... To All and Singular, the Constables of said County, Greetings: The defendant, Richard Roe, of said district and county, is hereby commanded to be and appear at the usual place for holding the Justice Court of the ........... district, G. M., of said County, at the court house in .................. , on the ............ day of .................... , 19 ...... , at ten o'clock, A. M., then and there to answer plaintiff's de- mand on a certain note and claim for attorney's fees thereon, a copy of which said note and claim are hereto attached. In default, the Court will proceed as to justice may appertain. Given under my hand and official signature this ........ day of ........ . ...... 19 ....... Attach to this summons a copy of the note and also a copy of the claim for attorney's fees. This notice of intention to sue and claim of attorney's fees can be made in manifold, and one of these served upon the 96 COMMENCEMENT OF SUITS IN JUSTICE COURTS; defendant ten days before the return day, and the other one copy as evidence of the contents of the notice served, and the same may be put in evidence as has been decided in 6 App. 275 (65 S.'E. 35). Where no attorney's fees are claimed, even though expressed in the note, a party can sue on the note with such provision in it and pay no regard whatever to the attorney's fees. In such an event he would be entitled to a judgment for the principal and interest due on the note and the cost of the suit. SEC. 241. SUIT ON NOTE BY PETITION IN JUSTICE COURT. A suit on a note may be brought in the justice court by petition, and this is a safe way of filing said suit where attorney's fees are claimed. In such case this form of petition might be adopted : To the Justice Court of the District, G. M., of said County, , J. P. The petition of John Doe as plaintiff against Richard Roe, defendant, shows: 1st. That on the day of , 19 , Richard Roe made and executed to plaintiff a certain promis- sory note for the sum of Dollars, principal debt, with interest at per cent, per annum from date, due , 19 ...., which note contains a pro- vision that in case said note is' sued or collected through an attorney, the defendant agrees to pay all costs of collection, including ten per cent, attorney's fees. 2nd. That the defendant refuses and fails to pay said note, and that on , 19. . . ., plaintiff served defendant personally with a notice in writing of his intention to bring suit on said note to the term, 19. . . ., of said court which sits on the day of 19..:., and that unless the defendant paid said note on or before the return day of said court which was on , 19. . . ., that in such event plaintiff would claim the attorney's fees expressed in said note according to the terms thereof, copy of which said notice is hereto attached and made a part of this petition. 3rd. Defendant having failed to pay said note plaintiff brings this his suit to said term of said court, and prays that summons issue according to law commanding the defendant to be and appear at said term to answer plaintiff's demand. COMMENCEMENT OF SUITS IN JUSTICE COURTS 97 To this petition attach copy of note and notice. It will be noticed that this petition is paragraphed. It is not necessary to paragraph a petition to the justice court, but it is simply an orderly way of making a petition. It must be remembered that where a petition is filed in the justice court, the summons can not be dispensed with, but the petition is simply attached to the summons and the reference to the peti- tion in the summons might be in this language: "to answer plaintiff's' demand on a certain promissory note and claim for attorney's fees as shown by petition and copy of note hereto attached." SEC. 242. SUMMONS IN SUIT ON ACCOUNT IN JUSTICE COURT. In a suit on an account in a justice court, the summons should read : "To answer plaintiff's demand on a certain account for the sum of Dollars, a copy of which is hereto attached." The summons in such case may be in the form appearing in Part II, p. 173. The plaintiff need not verify the account attached to the sum- mons unless he sees proper, but it is a better plan, since in such case the defendant must meet the account by a counter-affidavit denying the justice and fairness of said account, of the whole or any part of such account. The defendant will not be allowed to introduce evidence in his defense, unless such counter-affidavit is filed. Where he files the counter-affidavit, the plaintiff is required to offer additional evidence in proof of the account before the court is authorized to give judgment therefor. Where the affidavit is filed to the account, and is met by a counter affidavit filed by the defendant, the question comes then upon the trial for the justice to determine as to whether the defendant owes the account or not, or as to whether there is any part of it that he does not owe. The statute further provides that a plaintiff can not verify an account by an affidavit where the suit is against an adminis- trator or executor upon the contract made by the intestate or dead man during his life time. Where the defendant does not owe the account or any part of it, under the statute which has been quoted, if he seeks to defend the case, he is compelled to file a counter-affidavit to such account. In such case, the form of the affidavit may be as follows : 98 COMMENCEMENT or SUITS IN JUSTICE COURTS' Georgia, : County. In the Justice Court of the. . District, G. M., of, County, Georgia. Term, 19 JOHN DOE vs. RICHARD ROE SUIT ON ACCOUNT. Personally appeared before the undersigned attesting officer, Richard Roe, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that for answer in the above named and stated case, defendant denies the justice and fairness of said account, and says that he is not indebted to the plaintiff upon the account sued on in any sum whatever. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of , 19 .... ,J.P. This counter-affidavit must be filed at the first term. If for any reason the case is not tried at the first term, this counter- affidavit might be filed at any time subsequently, provided the jiistice has not rendered judgment in the case. It is the duty of the justice where there is personal service and the account is verified, to render ju'dgment at the first term in the absence of a counter- affidavit. The defendant, after judgment is ren- dered against him, can not appeal the case and file the affidavit subsequently, on the appeal. He is concluded by the judgment. SEC. 243. SUMMONS, How SERVED. "All summonses' shall be served upon the defendant either by giving him a copy of the same in person, or by leaving such copy at his usual and most notorious place of abode, at least ten days before the trial." Code, 4717. SEO. 244. SUMMONS, BY WHOM SERVED. "The summons may be served by the constable of the district in which the suit is commenced, or if there be no such constable, or if he be a party to or interested in the case, such summons may be served by any. constable of the county ; and it shall be lawful for any constable of the several counties of this State to execute and return any process issued by a justice of the peace or notary public of said counties, but he shall return the said process to a justice of the peace residing in the militia district where the defendant c/ defendants resided at the time of issuing said process." Code, 4718. TRIAL AND JUDGMENT 99 SEC. 245. SHERIFFS MAY EXECUTE JUSTICE COURT PROC- ESSES. "Sheriffs or other deputies may serve or execute all summonses, executions, or other processes issued from justices' courts, as such processes may now be served or executed by constables, and for such services shall receive the same fees as are now allowed constables: Provided, that while it shall be legal for the sheriff to serve justice court processes, he shall not be entitled to charge the defendant, or losing party, any greater fees than those now allowed by law to constables for like service ; but if the party wishing any process, mesne or final, served and executed will pay to the sheriff, in advance, the difference in the fees now allowed to constables for such services and that allowed sheriffs for serving papers issued from the superior courts, the sheriff shall be bound to serve such process." Code, 4915. SEC. 246. FORM OF ENTRY OF SERVICE. The constable should endorse upon the summons a return of service, which may be in this form: Georgia, County. I have this day served Richard Roe personally with a true copy of the within summons. This , 19. ... , L. C. OR: Georgia, County. I have this day served the defendant, Richard Roe, with a true copy of the within summons by leaving the same at his usual and most notorious place of abode. This 19 , L. C. When the constable has served the summons and made his return upon it, he should return the original summons to the justice of the peace. CHAPTER XI TRIAL AND JUDGMENT. SECTION 247. CASKS, WHEN TRIED. "All cases before a justice of the peace stand for trial at the time and place desig- nated in the summons, and shall be then and there tried, unless continued according to law." Code, 47-'!-!. 100 TRIAL AND JUDGMENT SEC. 248. DEFENSE AT FIRST TERM. "Whenever the de- fendant in the justices' courts on an unconditional contract in writing makes defense, he shall make such defense at the first term." Code, 4734. "Since the passage of the act of October 16th, 1891 (Acts of 1890-91, vol. 1, p. Ill), it is not, in a justice's court, essen- tial to the right of amending a plea and making a defense to a suit upon an unconditional contract in writing that the de- fendant should in writing, at the first term, file his defense. Appearance and marking the name of himself or counsel on the docket is in that court equivalent to filing the general issue, and thereafter any other proper matter of defense may be set up by amendment." 95/714 (22 S. E. 653). The defendant in a justice's court, when sued on an uncondi- tional contract in writing, must appear and make his defense at the first term, either by pleading or by the marking of his name, or that of his attorney, on the docket. Civil Code, 4134 ; 95/714 (22 S. E. 653) ; 110/791 (36 S. E. 75). "When no defense whatever is made at or before the first term to a suit in a justice's court on an unconditional contract in writing, no plea can be filed on an appeal to a jury from the judgment rendered in favor of the plaintiff. The justice did not err in dismissing the appeal." 6 App. 154 (64 S. E. 493). "It is too late, on the trial of an appeal in the superior court from a judgment rendered in a justice's court upon an uncon- ditional contract in writing, for the defendant to file a plea, when it affirmatively appears that no defense whatever was made in the lower court at or before the first term of the case." 110/ 791 (36 S. E. 75). "When a suit is brought on an unconditional contract in writing, in a justice's court, and the defendant appears at the first term and files a plea, and the case is appealed to the superior court and such plea is there stricken, it is error for the judge to enter judgment against the defendant without the verdict of a jury." 125/43 (53 S. E. 767). "In Stanton vs. Burge, 34 Ga. Rep. 435, it was held that a plea of non est factum might be filed at a subsequent term of the court by way of an amendment to the defendant's pleadings, and the same ruling was made in Akin vs. The Ordinary of Bartow County, 54 Ga. Rep. 59." 60/51. "The plea of non est factum may be filed after the first term, as an amendment to an answer duly filed." 7 App. 153 (66 S. E. 546). TRIAL AMD JUDGMENT 101 SEC. 249. TRIAL TERM. "When such defense is thus made, the. cause shall stand for trial at the next term (subject, how- ever, to continuance as provided by law) : Provided, that said cause may be tried at the term when said plea is filed, if the plaintiff or his attorney is present consenting thereto." Code, 4735. SEC. 250. CONTINUANCES. "If either party is not ready for trial at the time and place designated in the summons, the justice or commissioned notary public may continue the case upon a sufficient legal showing. But neither party shall be entitled to more than one continuance, unless it be from providential cause." Code, 4736. SEC. 251. JUSTICE TO GIVE JUDGMENT. "When cases are tried, the justices of the peace shall render judgment therein according to the law and the facts of each case, and such judg- ment shall be enforced by execution unless prevented by appeal or other lawful means." Code, 4737. SEC. 252. JUDGMENTS, WHEN VOID. "All judgments of such justices rendered, in any civil cause, anywhere else than at the place for holding their courts lawfully appointed are void." Code, 4705. "It is the proper practice for a Justice of the Peade not only to render, but to write out his judgment at the court-ground before he adjourns his court." 81/199 (6 S. E. 277). "Where a note was sued upon in a justice court, and a judg- ment rendered at the house of the justice, instead of at the regular court room, both the judgment and execution founded thereon were void." 66/595. "A judgment rendered by a justice of the peace at the regular time and place of holding his court, but which was written out and signed at some other time and place in the district, is not void. The word 'rendered,' as used in section 462 of the code (Civil Code (1910) 578), refers to the making up and an- nouncement of the judgment, and not to the clerical act of reducing it to writing." 11 App. 361 (75 S. E. 335). SEC. 253. DEFENDANT MAY PLEAD AS IN SUPERIOR COURT. "The defendant may appear at the- time and place specified in the summons served upon him, and plead any matter of defense to the action which would be allowed to suits in the superior courts." Code, 4726. TRIAL AND JUDGMENT "Where, to a suit in a justice's court, the defendant pleaded a set-off, plaintiff could defend against such plea by showing that the claim on which it was based had been settled, without further pleadings for that purpose. "There are no pleadings in a justice's court, except the sum- mons and a copy of the account, note or cause of action sued on: the defendant may plead any matter of defence which would be allowed to suits in the superior court, and there no special pleadings are admitted." 7/366. SEC. 254. NECESSITY OF WRITING. Pleas of payment and failure of consideration and other pleas in justice courts, except non est fact-urn, to the jurisdiction, and dilatory pleas, need not be filed in writing. But the forms next following are given so that they may be used if desired. Other pleas may be found from the index in the second part of the 'book. SEC. 255. DILATORY PLEAS, AND ISToN EST FACTUM. "All dilatory pleas must be filed in the first instance, unless the failure to do so is shown to be the result of unavoidable cause ; and all dilatory pleas, and pleas of non est factum, must be verified by the affidavit of the defendant at the time of filing the same.'"' Code, 4727. Where a suit is brought upon a promissory note and a plea of non est factum is filed, the burden is upon the plaintiff to show the execution of the note by the defendant before the note can go in evidence. If the defendant swears to the note to the best of his knowledge and belief, the plaintiff can put his note in evidence without first showing its execution, but the defend- ant would still be allowed to show in defense that he never ex- ecuted the note or authorized any other person so to do for him. Form of plea of non est factum may be as follow r s : "^ Suit on note in the Justice Court of the JOHN DOE District, G. M., vs * . '. County, Georgia. RICHARD ROE J Terai) 19 Now comes Richard Roe, defendant in the above named and stated case, at the first term, and for plea and answer therein, says : This defendant, Richard Roe, did not sign the note sued on nor authorize any other pers'on so to do for him, and the same is not his act and deed, and of this he puts himself upon the country. Defendant's Attorney. TRIAL AND JUDGMENT 103 Before me, the undersigned attesting officer, personally came Richard Roe, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the facts and things set out in the foregoing plea are true. RICHARD ROE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of ,19 , J- P. "Where suit was brought on a promissory note in a justice's court, the plea of non est facturn should have been filed at the first term: and where it was not filed until the second term, there was no error in striking it on demurrer on the ground that it was filed too late." 79/761 (4 S. E. 879). SEC. 256. PLEAS IN SUITS ON ACCOUNTS. "Whenever a suit may be brought on an open account and the same is verified by the plaintiff as provided by law, the plea shall either deny that the defendant is indebted in any sum or shall specify the amount in which the defendant admits he may be indebted, and shall be verified as required by law." Code, 4728. SEC. 257. CONTRADICTORY PLEAS. "The defendant in a suit in a justice's court may file contradictory pleas. "The provision in the practice act of 1895 (Civil Code, 5057), as amended by the act of 1897 (Acts 1897, p. 35), requiring that an amendment to a plea containing new facts shall have affixed thereto an affidavit that the new facts were not omitted from the original plea for the purpose of delay, has no application to a suit in a justice's court. "A pleading in a suit in a justice's court which purports to amend a p'lea theretofore filed, if sufficient in itself to constitute a complete answer to the suit, may, in accordance with the liberal rules of practice of force in that court, be treated as a new and distinct plea, without reference to the original plea." 125/676 (54 S. E. 753). SEC. 258. PLEA OP SET-OFF. "Debts, as a general rule, must be mutual between the same parties at the commencement of the action, to be set off against each other. Every plea of set-off must set out the demand as plainly as if sued on." Code, 5668. The following form may be used: (State the case). Now comes the defendant in the above named and stated case, and, for plea and answer thereto, says that at the time of 104 TRIAL AND JUDGMENT the beginning of said suit plaintiff was indebted to defendant upon an open account (or a note or whatever the claim may be)", a copy of which is as follows: (Here set out a copy of the account and note or cause of action.) This defendant prays that the same may be set off against the plaintiff's claim, if any he has, and that judgment be ren- dered in favor of defendant for the remainder and costs of suit. Defendant's Attorney. If the plaintiff sues upon an account and it is verified and it is desired to contest the justice and fairness of the account, a counter-affidavit should be filed where a plea of set-off is filed. SEC. 259. PLEA OF FAILURE OF CONSIDERATION. (State the case). Now comes Richard Roe, defendant in the above named and stated case and for plea and answer therein says that the note sued on was given for the purchase money of a certain bay horse about ten years old, called Ben, which plaintiff sold to defend- ant; that plaintiff warranted the title to said horse and that the next day after defendant got possession of the horse he was levied on by ...................... , L. C., of said district and county, by virtue of a fi. fa. in favor of John Jones against the plaintiff John Doe, and was. sold at constable's sale to satisfy said execution against said plaintiff. This defendant says that the title to said horse, the same being the consideration of said note, has totally failed, and of this plaintiff puts himself upon the country, and prays to be discharged hence with his reason- able costs. Defendant's Attorney. Before me, .... ................. , J. P., personally came Richard Roe, who, being duly sworn, on oath says the facts and things stated in the foregoing plea, are true. RICHARD ROE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the ...... day of ........... , 1 9 .... SEC. 260. PLEA OF PARTIAL FAILURE OF CONSIDERATION. (State the case.) Now comes Richard Roe, the defendant in the above named and stated case, and for plea and answer therein says that the TRIAL AND JUDGMENT 105 consideration of the note sued on was for the purchase money of a certain bay hdrse, called Ben, about six years old, which plaintiff sold to defendant, and plaintiff represented at the time of said sale, and as an inducement for defendant -to purchase said horse, that said horse was perfectly sound and healthy and was a good work horse and capable of doing full work, whereas in fact the said horse was not sound, in that (state whatever defect existed). This defendant says that by reason of said unsoundness and defects as hereinbefore set out, the value of the horse was re- duced at least one-half, and this defendant pleads the said amount as a partial failure on consideration in said suit, and prays that the plaintiff's demand be reduced by said amount. Defendant's Attorney. Before me, .................... , J. P., personally came Richard Roe, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the facts and things stated in the foregoing plea, are true. RICHARD ROE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the ...... day of ............ , 19. . . ............................ , J- P. SEC. 201. PLEA OF PAYMENT. "\ Suit on note in the Justice Court of the ................... District, G. M., RICHAD ROE lerm, 19 .... Now comes the defendant in the above named and stated case, and for plea and answer therein, says: That he paid to the plaintiff on the note sued on on the .... day of .................. , 19. . . ., the sum of $ .......... in cash, for which no credit is entered on said note ; also on the ......... day of ................... , 19 . . . . , he paid the plaintiff the sum of $ ............ in cash, for which no credit is entered on said note, and this defendant prays that he be allowed said credits. Defendant's Attorney. Georgia, County. Before me, , J. P., personally came 106 TRIAL AND JUDGMENT Richard Roe, the defendant, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the facts and things stated in the foregoing plea, are true. RICHARD ROE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the ...... day of ........... , 19 ____ ' SEC. 262. PLEA TO THE JURISDICTION. ^ Suit on note in the Justice Court of the JOHNDOE ................... District, G. M, fTQ ^ ' .................. County, Georgia. RICHARD ROE * Now comes Richard Roe, the defendant in the above named and stated case, at this the first term, and for plea, says : This defendant, Richard Roe, shows that he is not a resident of the ............ District, G. M., of said county, and was not and had not been at the time of the service of the summons in the above named and stated case upon him, and that the Justice Court of the .......... District, G. M., of said county has no jurisdiction of his person, but defendant shows that he is a resident of the ............ District, G. M., of said county, and that the Justice Court of this said district has jurisdiction of the person of this defendant, and of the subject matter of said case. Defendant's Attorney. Before me, ..................... , a Justice of the Peace, in and for said county, personally came Richard Roe, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the facts and things stated in the foregoing plea, are true. RICHARD ROE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the ...... day of .......... , 19 ____ ............................ , - . SEC. 263. DOCKETS FURNISHED TO JUSTICES AND NOTARIES. "The ordinaries, or other tribunal having control of county matters, shall furnish, at the expense of the county, good and durable dockets to each justice of the peace and notary public ex-officio justice of the peace, in their respective counties. Said dockets shall not cost more than two dollars each." Code, 4677. TRIAL AND JUDGMENT 107 SEC. 264. DUTIES, ETC., OF JUSTICES. "Justices of the peace have authority, and it is their duty "6. To keep a docket of all causes brought before them, in which must be entered the names of the parties, the returns of the officer, and the entry of the judgment, specifying its amount and the day of its rendition. "7. To carefully file away and label all papers appertaining to any cause, and all fi. fas. and other process returned, after being satisfied, entered 'nulla bona,' or have otherwise dis- charged their functions." Code, 4679. "In an action upon administrators' bond, the original justice court summons of a suit against them was not admissible to show the rendition of a jiidgment against them as such. The judgment should have appeared on the justice's docket." 84/ 147 (10 S. E. 598). "In justices' courts 'resort must be had to the docket entry, and to it alone, in order to determine in a given case whether or not there was a valid and lawful judgment.' ' 3 App. 561 (60 S. E. 319). "There is no such officer created by law as a clerk of a justice's court. "If a justice of the peace enters his judgment on the docket, it is not void, because unsigned. But an entry purporting to be a judgment, entered merely by a person employed by the justice of the peace to do clerical work, and known as his clerk, which judgment is not signed by the justice, is not a judgment, but a mere memorandum." 128/119 (57 S. E. 229). "There is no law requiring the signature of a justice of the peace to a judgment entered by him on his docket. A signature by initials did not, therefore, avoid such judgment." 67/725. "An attorney at law for a party in whose favor a verdict is rendered on the trial of an appeal in a justice's court can enter in behalf of his client a judgment on such verdict any time within four days after the adjournment of the court; and if such judgment conforms to the verdict, the justice has no alter- native but to transcribe the same upon his docket." 108/205 (33 S. E. 903). "The docket of the justice of the peace, in whose court a judgment is rendered, ought to furnish the evidence of the service of a summons on the defendant, as required by the statute; but the next best evidence, is the production of the 108 TKIAL AND JUDGMENT summons, if that can be found; but if that can not be found, after due search and inquiry, then parol evidence of proof of service, is admissible." 12/425. SEC. 265. OATH OF WITNESS IN CIVIL CASES. "The follow- ing shall be the form of oath administered to witnesses in civil cases: 'You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that the evidence you shall give the court, on the issue pending, shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help you God.' ' Code, 6317. (NOTE: Previous to the Convention of the Superior Court Judges in 1907, there was no prescribed oath for a witness in a civil case. The author of this book was a member of that Convention and he wrote and proposed the above form of oath which was adopted.) SEC. 266. SEPARATE EXAMINATION. "In all cases either party has the right to have the witnesses of the other party examined out of the hearing of each other. The court will take proper care to effect this object as far as practicable and con- venient, but any mere irregularity shall not exclude the wit- ness." Code, 5869. "When the witnesses have been put under the rule and one of them disobeys the order of the court and remains in the court- room while the other witnesses testify, he is not thereby dis- qualified as a witness. Civil Code, 5280 [5869] ; McWhorter vs. State, 119 Ga. 55 (6). The fact that he has heard the evidence, may go to his credit or subject him to proceedings for contempt, but does not disqualify him. 121/358 (49 S. E. 290). "It has repeatedly been held that it is within the discretion of the trial judge to allow a witness to testify who has violated the rule for the sequestration of witnesses." 135/584 (69 S. E. 114). "Where witnesses have been put 'under the rule,' at the re- quest of counsel, it is not error for the court to receive testimony from a witness who was not sworn and sequestered, but who remained in the court-room and heard the testimony of the other witnesses and the defendant's statement." 15 App. 713 (84 S. E. 159). SEC. 267. WHAT Is AN ACCOUNT. An account is a detailed statement of items of debt and credit, or debt arising out of contracts between the parties. The w r ord "account" has no clearly defined legal meaning. It includes goods sold and de- livered, or consigned to be sold, money had and received, work done, or materials furnished. TRIAL AND JUDGMENT 109 SEC. 268. OPEN ACCOUNTS. "All actions upon open ac- counts', or for the breach of any contract not under the hand of the party sought to be charged, or upon any implied assumpsit or undertaking, shall be brought within four years after the right of action accrues." Code, 4362. SEC. 269. ACCOUNT STATED. An account stated is an agree- ment between the parties who have had previous transactions, fixing the amount due in respect of such transactions and prom- ising payment of balance due. 103/262 (29 S. E. 872) ; 6 App. 734, 735 (65 S. E. 788). SEC. 270. MUTUAL ACCOUNTS. "In order to make such a mutual account as will prevent the statute of limitations from beginning to run from the date of the last item thereof, there must be an indebtedness on both sides. Mere entries of credits of partial payments are not sufficient." Code, 4363. "A mutual account is one based on a course of dealing wherein each party has given credit to the other on the faith of the indebtedness to him." 74/555. Partial payments on a debt or open account and crediting the same thereon, does not render the account mutual between the parties. 80/1 (5 S. E. 290); 95/527 (20 S. E. 498). The fact that there is an indebtedness on both sides is not sufficient to create a mutuality which will remove the bar of the statute. It must also appear that the circumstances were such that each party relied on the indebtedness of the other to himself as a basis of credit, whereby neither account became due until the mutual dealings cease. 3 App. 510 (60 S. E. 126). SEC. 271. ACCOUNTS, How PROVED. "When suit is brought upon an open account in a justice court, each account may be proved by the written affidavit of the plaintiff, and, when as proved, shall be received in evidence as if proved in open court ; nevertheless, if the defendant will file his affidavit denying the justice and fairness of the whole or any part of such account, the court shall not give judgment in favor of the plaintiff for that part of the account so denied and controverted, unless sup- ported by other proof. In all cases when such affidavit to prove the account is made, there shall be personal service upon the defendant before judgment is given for the plaintiff under the provisions of this section. In all cases where a counter affidavit is filed by the defendant, and the plaintiff is not present, it shall be the duty of the justice of the peace to continue such 110 TRIAL AND JUDGMENT case until the next term of said court. Nothing in this section contained shall apply to suits against administrators and execu- tors on contracts of their deceased testators and intestates." Code, 4730. SEC. 272. AFFIDAVIT AND FORM OF ACCOUNT. In suits on accounts in justice courts, the plaintiff may verify his account by affidavit. The defendant has a right to appear at the first term and file counter-affidavit denying the account or so much of it as he denies is just and proper. This affidavit must be filed at the first term and where it is not filed and there is per- sonal service upon the defendant. It has been held as shown in the citations hereinafter that where this counter-affidavit is filed at the first term and not sworn to, it may be amended at the next term by verifying the counter-affidavit. Where there is judgment rendered against the defendant without the filing of the counter-affidavit, in such case the defendant has no right to appeal the case to a jury in either the justice court or the superior court, and in such case his appeal would be either dis- missed or he would not be allowed to offer evidence to support his defense. The defendant would have a right to file a plea if such plea denies the justice and fairness of the account or any part of it and this plea though w r ould have to be sworn to and filed at the first term. This procedure may be illustrated by the following: , Ga., Sept. 1, 1916. RICHARD ROE TO JOHN DOE, Dr. 1916 July 1st, To one suit of clothes $25.00 " 10th, " " hat 5.00 " 20th, " six shirts 9.00 " 25th, " one pair shoes 5.00 Total $44.00 Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, John Doe, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the above named and stated account is just and true and unpaid, and that the defendant, Richard Roe, owes plaintiff, John Doe, the sum and amount claimed therein, to wit, $44.00. JOHN DOE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of.. ,19 , J. P. TRIAL AND JUDGMENT 111 As to the form of an account to be attached to a summons in a justice court, attention is called to the case of Mayer vs. Southern Express Company, 17 App. -744 (88 S. E. 403), de- cided March 24th, 1916. "Since the passage of the act of 1881 (Acts of 1880-1, p. 66) codified as section 4715 of the Civil Code of 1910, the plaintiff in an action in a justice's court must set forth his cause of action with some degree of certainty, and then must recover upon the case as laid, and not upon a different and distinct ground of liability. The cause of action in this case was not set forth so definitely or with such certainty as to fairly apprise the defendant of the nature of the plaintiff's demand, and thus enable the defendant to properly prepare a defense, or confine the plaintiff to one particular claim. "Mayer brought suit in a justice's court against the Southern Express Company. Attached to the summons was the follow- ing statement : 'Southern Express Company. - Bought of Daniel Mayer, Sept. 4, 1912, to 328 # pork spoiled in transit, @ lOc, $32.80.' The defendant demurred generally to the summons, and demurred specially on the grounds that it was not alleged why and in what way the defendant was indebted to the plaintiff; that the point from whence the pork was shipped or its destination, the time of its arrival at destination, or the time of its delivery to the plaintiff was not alleged; and that it was not alleged how the pork sued for was 'spoiled,' or how it became spoiled. The plaintiff thereupon amended the state- ment attached to the summons, by adding the following: 'Said shipment of meat was made by J. T. Stewart and was shipped from Camilla to Albany, Georgia, and arrived on September 3, 1913, and was not delivered until September 4, 1913, about eight o'clock, A. M.' The defendant still insisted upon its demurrer after this amendment had been allowed, and the jus- tice of the peace sustained the demurrer and dismissed the action. A. writ of certiorari was thereupon sued out, and upon the hearing the judge of the superior court overruled the cer- tiorari." Court of Appeals affirmed this judgment. SEC. 273. COUNTER AFFIDAVIT. Counter affidavit in such case may be as follows: 112 TRIAL AND JUDGMENT ^ Suit on account in Justice Court, JOHN DOE TV , . , ^ -*f .................... District. G. M., vs. ft RICHARD ROE ............ J ..................... Term, 19 ... Now comes Richard Roe, the defendant in the above named and stated case, at the first term, and in answer to said suit on said account filed this his counter affidavit thereto and on oath says: Defendant does not deny getting a suit of clothes and shoes' which amount in the aggregate to the sum of $30.00 for which defendant is indebted to plaintiff, but defendant denies getting the other items set out in said account, to wit, the shirts and hat as therein set out and charged, and he is not indebted therefor, and for these reasons this defendant denies the justice and fairness of said account. RICHARD ROE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the ....... day of ......... , 19 .... SEC. 274. DECISIONS RELATING TO ACCOUNTS. "Suit on an unverified account may be met by an unverified plea. But where a suit on an unverified account has been personally served, and the same is met by no defense whatever, the de- fendant's silence is to be treated as an admission of the correct- ness of every item in the account, and the plaintiff is entitled to judgment on the call of the docket and without the case being assigned for trial." 119/777 (47 S. E. 170). "The plaintiff having verified his account, and the defend- ant's answer not being verified, it was not error to strike the answer and enter judgment for the plaintiff; the defendant not offering to amend 'by verifying." 10 App. 278 (73 S. E. 350). "This was a suit in a justice's court upon an open account verified by the affidavit of the plaintiff. When called for trial, no counter affidavit was filed, and the case was in default, and judgment was rendered for the plaintiff. Subsequently the de- fendant appeared and filed a plea, and entered an appeal from the judgment to a jury in the justice's court. When "the appeal was reached for trial the justice struck the plea because filed too late, and dismissed the appeal. On certiorari the justice was sustained. Held, no error. Civil Code (1910), 4630; Odell v. Meacham, 114 Ga. 910 (41 S. E. 41); Rockmore v. Cullen, 94 Ga. 648 (21 S. E. 845)." 10 App. 321 (73 S. E. 534). TRIAL AND JUDGMENT 113 "Where in a suit in a justice's court, upon an open account which was proved by the affidavit of the plaintiff, the defend- ant's answer had not been verified by affidavit, the judge of the superior court properly held, upon certiorari, that it was error for the magistrate, over the objection of the plaintiff, to allow the defendant to introduce evidence in support of such unsworn plea. Civil Code, 4130, [4370]. "Inasmuch, however, as such plea may be amended by swear- ing to it (Barnes v. Coker, 112 Ga. 137 (37 S. E. 104) ), it was error for the judge of the superior court, upon certiorari, to enter up final judgment for the plaintiff. The case should have been remanded for retrial in the justice's court." 122/32 (49 S. E. 800). "Where the plaintiff's account is proved by affidavit as pro- vided in the Civil Code of 1895, 4130 [1910, 4730], and the defendant has filed a general denial not sworn to, the case, so far as the defendant is concerned, is in default, and the direction of a verdict by the magistrate is harmless error. If an offer to amend the defendant's plea by adding the required affidavit had been made before any testimony was offered, the amendment should have been allowed, and the right of surmort- ing the defense by testimony would have followed, Coffee v. McCaskey Register Co., 7 App. 425 (66 S. E. 1032). But in response to a suit on account verified by an affidavit as provided by the Civil Code of 1895, 4130 [1910, 4730], the defendant must likewise swear to his answer ; and failing thus to answer, the defendant is not entitled to introduce any evidence, for the reason that he has no plea.". 8 App. 177 (68 S. E. 871). "Under the act of September 26th, 1883, when the plaintiff in a suit upon an open account in a justice's court has duly proved his account by written affidavit, the introduction of that affidavit in evidence to the jury on the trial of an appeal taken by the defendant, is conclusive upon the right of the plaintiff to recover, imless the defendant has filed his written affidavit denying the justice and fairness of the whole or some part of the account. An unsworn plea will not suffice as a substitute for the affidavit required of the defendant by the statute, nor will a sworn plea unless the oath xthereto be in writing." 94/ 648 (21 S. E. 845). "The statute required the defendant's answer to be verified. Civil Code (1910), 4728. But the verification could be added by amendment. Ward v. Frick Co., 95 Ga. 804 (22 S. E. 899) ; Rodgers v. Caldwell, 122 Ga. 279 (50 S. E. 95) ; Patton 114 TRIAL AND JUDGMENT v. Bank of LaFayette, 124 Ga. 967 (72 S. E. 247). Inasmuch as the original answer contained a general denial of any indebt- edness to the plaintiff, this was enough to amend by." 12 App. 63 (76 S. E. 760). "A sued B in a justice's court 'in an action of debt due on an account.' The evidence showed that B's liability was based on an agreement made with A to pay for the property repre- sented by the account, in the event of its destruction by fire while A's house was occupied by B's servant. A fully per- formed his part of the contract, and nothing remained to be done by B, except to pay for the property which was destroyed by fire while the house was occupied by his servant. Held, that such an action was purely brought although there was an express contract between the parties on the subject-matter from which the debt arose. The contract in question was evidence of the debt. Johnson v. Quin, 52 Ga. 485 ; Hill v. Balkcom, 79 Ga. 444 (5 S. E. 200) ; Tumlin v. Bass Furnace Co., 93 Ga. 599 (20 S. E. 44)." 1 App. 212 (58 S. E. 137). "A claim for overcharges in freight paid to a common carrier may be sued on in a justice's court as an open account, under the Civil Code, 4130 [4730] ; and when, in such a suit, the account was proved by the affidavit of the plaintiff, and there had been personal service upon the defendant, and the defendant had filed a general denial not sworn to, it was not error, 011 motion, to strike such plea and enter up judgment for the plaintiff." 1 App. 662 (57 S. E. 968). "The justice of the peace did not err in dismissing the suit. The account attached to the summons was upon its face barred by the statute of limitations; and it \vas not verified by the affidavit of the plaintiff, so as to require the court to continue the case until the next term of the court." 8 App. 223 (68 S. E. 951). "The provisions of the Civil Code, 4130 [4730], permitting the verification of an account by the plaintiff, necessarily and impliedly include the right to verify it by any duly authorized agent of the plaintiff whose knowledge of the facts peculiarly qualifies him to make the necessary affidavit. An attorney at law is such an agent as can properly prove a plaintiff's account, if the facts necessary to prove it rest in his personal knowledge." 7 App. 425 (66 S/E. 1032). "A statement of an account which contains or upon which is icdorsed an acknowledgment of indebtedness is admissible either as original proof or in corroboration of other testimony showing TRIAL AND JUDGMENT 115 the defendant's indebtedness. Proof of the indebtedness of a municipal corporation is not necessarily confined to the contents of its minutes. A creditor of a municipal corporation may prove his debt by evidence other than the minutes of the munici- pality, or even by credible testimony which is in direct conflict with the minutes. His right to recover can not be defeated by the mere failure of the municipal corporation to keep correct minutes of its proceedings." 6 App. 59 (65 S. E. 310). "Section 4130 [Code 1910, 4730] of the Civil Code, which provides the mode of proof and defense in a suit in a justice's court upon an open account, does not apply to an 'action for damages and loss or destruction of goods' by a common carrier, although an itemized list of the articles and their values is attached to the summons and sworn to as correct." 119 Ga. 21 (47 S. E. 712). "In the absence of any objection thereto upon the ground of incompetency or informality, the correctness of an account due to a corporation may be verified by the affidavit of one who, in signing the affidavit, purports to be the bookkeeper of the cor- poration." 9 App. 128 (70 S. E. 602). "Where in an action in a justice's court upon a sworn account there was service upon the defendant by leaving a copy of the summons and account at her most notorious place of abode, and defendant did not appear or plead, and judgment was rendered in favor of the plaintiff, such judgment is conclusive as against an affidavit of illegality based upon the ground that plaintiff had introduced no evidence save the verified account; and that judgment could not legally have been rendered by default, be- cause there had been no personal service upon the defendant. Greene v. Oliphant, 64 Ga. 565." 121/281 (48 S. E. 917). "A plaintiff can not avail himself of the privileges of the rule by setting out, in the form of an account, a cause of action which in fact is not a liability on account, but of some other nature. Caudell v. Southern Ry. Co., 119 Ga. 21 (45 S. E. 712) ; Lowe Co. v. Central Ry.' Co., 123 Ga. 712 (51 S. E. 653). In suits upon unconditional contracts in writing, where the defendant does not appear or plead at the first term, the magistrate should render judgment for the plaintiff without further proof than the writing itself. In cases of unliquidated damages the plaintiff must introduce enough testimony to show a prima facie right to recover, before he is entitled to a judg- ment, although the defendant does not appear or plead. Mad- 116 TRIAL, AXD JUDGMENT dox v. Central Ry. Co., 1 Ga. App. 46 (4), (57 S. E. 1062). The court, therefore, erred in not sustaining the certiorari." 3 App. 241 (59 S. E. 717). "This being a suit in a justice's court, on an account proved by the written affidavit of the plaintiff, where the defendant filed no counter-affidavit denying the justness and fairness of the account, or any part thereof, the justice should have given judgment in favor of the plaintiff; and, on certiorari, a final judgment should have been entered by the judge of the superior court in favor of the plaintiff. Civil Code (1910), 4730." 12 App. 575 (77 S. E. 878). "The E. E. Lowe Company brought suit against the Central of Georgia Railway Company, in a justice's court, upon an 'account' for the loss of a hay-press and for certain freight over- charges. A copy of the statement of 'account' was attached to the summons and verified by the affidavit of E. E. Lowe. The item in reference to the hay-press was as follows: " 'Sept. 23, 1903, 1 hay-press shipped to A. Faber Freight prepaid, 9/16 4.70 Sharpes, Fla 29.70.' "Annexed to the statement was the following affidavit: " 'Personally appeared before me E. E. Lowe, president of the E. E. Lowe Co., who deposes and says the above account is correct, true, and unpaid. This the 16th day of March, 1904. " and treasurer of a corporation is not, by virtue of his office, clothed with authority to sign an appeal bond and enter an appeal in behalf of the corporation. It may be conceded that the decision relied on sustains the position taken by counsel, and that the appeal in the present case could not, on its face, be said to have been entered by an authorized agent of the defendant. A corporation can, of course, act only through an agent, and any officer authorized so to do by the corporation may enter an appeal on its behalf. If, therefore, a person undertakes to enter an appeal in behalf of a corpora- tion, it should appear that he has been clothed with authority to act for the corporation and bind it by the appeal so entered. 126 APPEALS But section 5005 of the Civil Code expressly provides that any agent of the corporation managing the case may enter the ap- peal. We do not think that it is absolutely essential that the appeal itself should recite that the person acting for the corpora- tion was the agent managing the case." 11 App. 204 (75 S. E. 108). COSTS Certificates as to payment of costs not sent up, no cause for dismissing appeal. 68/194; 116/817 (43 S. E. 72) ; 120/417 (1), (47 S. E. 942). Provisions as to costs is for the benefit of officers of court, and opposite parties have no concern therein. 116/817 (43 S. E. 72); 120/1001 (48 S. E. 345). Appellee can not have appeal dismissed for non-payment of costs. 122/32 (49 S. E. 800). Justice may refuse to enter appeal before payment of costs. 116/818 (43 S. E. 72). DAMAGES For frivolous appeals, provisions as to, not apply in claim cases, but only to cases in which a money verdict has been rendered. 111/505 (36 S. E. 597). DEFENDANTS Joint defendants; judgment against one sus- pended by appeal from judgment as to the other. 5 App. 847 (64 S. E'. 114). DISMISSAL Not affected by magistrate's judgment in favor of defendant for costs, where plaintiff introduced testimony and failed to prove case ; plaintiff could appeal as matter of right. 7 App. 313 (6 S. E. 809). Appeal dismissed when certiorari is remedy. 126/45 (54 S. E. 821). Where justice's court dismisses for want of sufficient evidence, appeal lies. 114/164 (39 S. E. 860). Where justice tries case and dismisses the suit, plaintiff may, nevertheless, enter an appeal for the reason that the judgment is adjudicative as to the merits of the matter in controversy. 113/115 (38 S. E. 308). DOCKET On appeal, docket of justice may be introduced in evidence. While Code provides for exemplifications of the dockets of magistrates to be introduced, yet does not prohibit introduction of the original dockets themselves. 126/45 (54 S. E. 821). EXECUTION From justice court for less than $50 levied on property worth more, either party to claim case may appeal. 54/663; 117/508 (43 S. E. 1002). 118/830 (45 S. E. 684), JOINT DEFENDANTS One defendant not joining in appeal can amend the appeal and plead in the appeal court. 69/752 ; 99/166 (25 S. E. 398); 106/522 (1), (32 S. E. 634). CLAIMS 127 JUDGMENTS Plea filed in justice's court to suit on uncondi- tional contract in writing, and such plea stricken on appeal, verdict should be taken. 125/43 (2), (53. S. E. 767). Appeal suspends, but does not vacate judgment. 125/95 (53 S. E. 580). Since Act of 1826, judgment must be entered on appeal against principal and surety. 108/208 (33 S. E. 903). Judg- ment appealed from need not be set forth in appeal. 9 App. 841 (72 S. E. 443). Judgment without jury on appeal in superior court error, although suit be on unconditional contract and plea be stricken. 125/43 (53 S. E. 767), JURISDICTION Lacking in lower court, proper procedure was to dismiss appeal, not set aside judgment. 6 App. 808 (65 S. E. 1093). Of superior court on appeal, how limited; no larger than that of inferior judiciary. 120/1081 (48 S. E. 437). PARTIES All brought up by appeal from judgment as to one. 5 App. 847 (64 S. E. 114). Appeal by partnership must be in the name of the firm. 118/514 (45 S. E. 314). PLEA Too late where no defense at first term of justice court. 6 App. 154 (64 S. E. 493). TIME Within the time allowed by law, recited in bond, sufficient. 120/417 (47 S. E. 942). Timely entry of appeal must affirmatively appear. 102/579 (27 S. E. 677). Appeal too late, not excused by habit of justice to close his office early in the afternoon. 110/265 (34 S. E. 279). CHAPTER XIII CLAIMS. (See Part II, pages 355-360.) SECTION 293. CLAIMS TO BE ON OATH, "When any sheriff or other officer shall levy an execution or other process on prop- erty claimed by a third person not a party to such execution, such person, his agent or attorney shall make oath to such prop- erty." Code, 5157. SEC. 294. Boxr> AXD SECURITY FOR DAMAGES. "The person obtaining such property, his agent, or attorney, shall give bond to the sheriff, or such other officer as the case may be, with good and sufficient security, in a sum not larger than double the 128 CLAIMS amount of the execution levied, the amount of the bond shall be double the value of the property levied upon, at a reasonable valuation to be judged by the levying officer, conditioned to pay the plaintiff all damages which the jury on the trial of the right of property may assess against him in case it should appear that said claim was made for the purpose of delay only." Code, 5158. SEC. 295. SALE MUST BE POSTPONED, WHEN. "Affidavit and bond being made and delivered as required in the preceding section, it shall be the duty of the sheriff, or other levying officer, to postpone the sale of said property until otherwise ordered." Code, 5159. SEC. 296. FORTHCOMING BOND MAY BE GIVEN, ETC. "In all cases where a levy is made upon property that is claimed by a third person, and such persons shall desire the possession thereof, it shall be the duty of the sheriff or other levying officer, to take bond with good security for a sum equal to double the value of the property levied on, to be estimated by the levying officer, for the delivery of such property at the time and place of sale, provided the property so levied upon shall be found subject to such execution; Provided that it shall not be lawful to require or take a forthcoming bond for real estate." Code, 5160. SEC. 297. BONDS MADE PAYABLE, TO WHOM. "The claim bond shall be made payable to the plaintiff in execution, and the forthcoming bond shall be made payable to the sheriff." Code, 5161. SEC. 298. BOND RECOVERABLE ON FAILURE. "Bond and security 4}eing given as provided for in the previous section, it shall be the duty of the sheriff or other levying officer, to leave such property in the possession of such claimant; and in case the said claimant or his security should fail to deliver said prop- erty, said bond shall be made recoverable in any court having cognizance of the same." Code, 5162. SEC. 299. PARTNER OR JOINT OWNER MAY CLAIM FOR ALL. "One of several partners or persons jointly interested may make the affidavit and execute the bond in the name of the firm or persons jointly interested, who shall be bound thereby as though each individual had signed it himself." Code, 5163. SEC. 300. CLAIMS MAY BE MADE IN FORMA PAUPERIS. "In all cases where the claimants are unable to give bond and secu- rity as required in this article, in claim cases, it shall and may CLAIMS 129 bo the privilege of such claimants to file, in addition to the oath required in section 5157, an affidavit as follows: % A. B., do swear that I do not interpose this claim for delay only ; that I bona fide claim the right and title to the same; that I am advised and believe that the claim will be sustained; and that from poverty I am unable to give bond and security as now required by law.' And when said affidavit shall have been made and delivered to the levying officer, the same shall suspend the sale in the same manner as if bond and security had been given." Code, 5164. SEC. 301. PROPERTY, How DISPOSED OF. "If the property levied on be personal, and the claimant unable to give a forth- coming bond, it shall be the privilege of the plaintiff in fi. fa. to give such bond, and upon such bond being given to be ap- proved by the levying officer, it shall be the duty of the levying officer to deliver said property to said plaintiff; but in no event shall plaintiff be allowed any compensation for keeping said property." Code, 5165. SEC. 302. DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY WHERE No BOND Is GIVEN. "In the event the claimant is unable, and the plaintiff neglects or refuses to give said bond for the forthcoming of the property, the claimant may apply to the ordinary and procure an order for the sale of the same, and when said order has been granted, it shall be the duty of the levying officer to advertise the time and place of sale at not less' than three public places, to be selected in different parts of the county in which the sale is to take place, for fifteen days immediately preceding the time of sale ; and on the day of sale, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 1 P. M. said property shall be sold, and the money arising from such sale shall remain in the hands of the levying officer, subject to the order of court upon the final hearing of the claim." Code, 5166. SEC. 303. WHERE CLAIM TO BE RETURNED. "When an execution issued from the superior court shall be levied upon personal property, and claimed by a person not a party to such execution, as provided in this Code, it shall be the duty of the levying officer to return the same, together with the execution, to the next term of the court from which said execution issued ; but should such execution be levied upon real property, and the same shall be claimed in the manner aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the officer making the levy to return the same, together 130 CLAIMS with the execution and the claim to the next term of the supe- rior court of the county in which the land so levied upon shall lie." Code, 5167. SEC. 304. TRIED BY PETIT JURY. "The court to which a claim shall be returned shall cause the right of property to be decided on by a jury at the first term thereof, unless continued as other cases at common law." Code, 5168. SEC. 305. OATH IN CLAIM CASES. "Every juror, on the trial of the claim of property either real or personal, shall be sworn, in addition to the oath usually administered, to give such damages, not less than ten per cent, as may seem reason- able and just, to the plaintiff against the claimant, in case it shall be sufficiently shown that such claim was made for delay only, and such jury may give a verdict in the manner aforesaid, by virtue whereof judgment may be entered up against the claimant and his security for the damages so assessed by the jury and the costs of the trial of the right of property." Code, 5169. SEC. 306. BURDEN OF PROOF ON PLAINTIFF. "Upon the trial of all claims provided for in this chapter, the burden of proof shall be upon the plaintiff in execution in all cases where the property levied on is, at the time of such levy, not in the possession of the defendant in execution." Code, 5170. SEC. 307. CLAIM NOT TO BE WITHDRAWN. "Whenever a claim of property is made in terms of this Code, and returned to the proper court by the sheriff or other levying officer, the claimant shall not be permitted to withdraw or discontinue his said claim more than once, without the consent of the plaintiff in execution, or some person duly authorized to represent such plaintiff; but such court shall proceed to the trial of the claim of such property, and it shall be the duty of the jury to assess damages accordingly." Code, 5171. SEC. 308. DAMAGES, WHERE CLAIM is DISCONTINUED. "Whenever a claim may be dismissed for insufficiency, or is withdrawn, plaintiffs in execution shall have full power to have a case made up and submitted to the jury, charging that said claim was filed for the purpose of delay, and upon proof of the same defendant and claimant having the same power to resist the case as in claim cases where damages are claimed the jury, under instructions from the court, may give damages as in cases where the claim is not withdrawn but submitted for trial to the CLAIMS 131 jury; said cases so submitted shall be tried at the time of the disposal of the claim if the parties are ready, but continuances shall be granted as in other cases." Code, 5172. SEC. 309. No SECOND CLAIM RECEIVED AFTER PROPERTY FOUND SUBJECT. "No second claim shall be received and re- turned to court by any sheriff in any case where a claim has already been filed by the same claimant and a verdict had find- ing the property subject; and no subsequent claim shall be received from any person who holds under a conveyance from the first claimant, made subsequently to the filing of the first claim upon the trial of which the property has been found sub- ject." Code, 6270. SEC. 310. How DAMAGES ARE TO BE ASSESSED. "Upon the trial of claims to property which may be pending in the superior court, when damages shall be found by the jury, the said damages shall be assessed upon the whole amount then due upon the execution, provided the value of the property in dis- pute exceeds the amount of the execution, and upon the value of the property when the value of the property is less than the execution levied." Code, 5173. SEC. 311. CLAIMS AND ILLEGALITIES AGAINST Fi. FAS. FROM COURT OF ORDINARY. "Whenever an execution issued from a court of ordinary shall be levied upon personal property, and a claim to said property or an affidavit of illegality be interposed, it shall be the duty of the sheriff, or other levying officer, to return the same, together with the execution and all other papers', to the next term of the superior court of the county from which the fi. fa. was issued, but if said levy shall have been made upon realty, then the fi. fa. with the claim or illegality papers, shall by the levying officer be returned to the next term of the superior court of the county where the land lies, and the same shall be tried as is now provided for the trial of claim and illegality cases." Code, 5174. SEC. 312. ORIGINAL Fi. FA. IN CLAIM CASES MAY BE WITHDRAWN. "The plaintiff in execution, in all claim cases', shall have the right to withdraw the original fi. fa. from the files of the court, by making application therefor, in person, or by attorney, to the clerk of the court, if there be a clerk, or to the court if there be no clerk; upon application being made, such clerk or court shall make a true copy of such fi. fa. with all entries thereon, and shall certify the same to be true; which 132 CLAIMS certified copy shall be filed with the claim papers in lieu of the original fi. fa. and an entry of the filing made thereon." Code, 5175. SEC. 313. CLAIMS AT EXECUTOR'S SALE. "When an execu- tor, administrator, guardian or other trustee shall advertise that it is his intention to apply for leave to sell any real estate as the property of his testator, intestate, ward, or cestui que trust, or has obtained such order, it may be lawful for any person claiming such real estate either by himself, his agent, or attor- ney, to file in the court of ordinary an affidavit claiming said property, a copy whereof shall be served on such executor, ad- ministrator, guardian, or trustee, as the case may be, previously to the day of sale." Code, 5176. SEC. 314. TRIED IN COUNTY WHERE LAND LIES. "Affidavit having been made and filed, and notice having been given as required in the preceding section, it shall be the duty of such ordinary to transmit such claim affidavit to the next term of the superior court of the county where the land lies; and the right of property shall be there tried upon an issue made up in the same manner and under the same regulations, restrictions and penalties' as are now provided for the trial of claims to property levied on by execution." Code, 5177. SEC. 315. CLAIMS TO PERSONALTY, WHERE TRIED. "When any executor, administrator, guardian, or other trustee shall advertise to sell any personal property as the property of his testator, intestate, ward, or cestui que trust, and the same shall be claimed on oath, and the claim affidavit shall have been filed and served as required in the first section of this chapter, it shall be the duty of the ordinary to transmit such claim affidavit to the superior court next to be held after such claim is filed in the county where such executor, administrator, guardian or trustee resides." ' Code, 5178. SEC. 316. CLAIM POSTPONES SALE. "When a claim has been interposed as provided in the preceding sections', the sale of the property advertised and claimed shall be postponed until after the termination of the claim case." Code, 5179. SEC. 317. CLAIMS IN JUSTICE'S COURTS, WHEN AND How INTERPOSED. "When an execution rendered by a justice of the peace, or notary public who is ex-officio justice of the peace, shall be levied upon personal property, which is claimed by any CLAIMS 133 person who is not a party to the ej;ecution, the claimant, his agent, or attorney shall make oath that the property levied on is' the right and property of the claimant, and shall also give bond and security in double the amount of the execution, which bond, the levying officer is empowered to take, payable to -the plaintiff or assignee of the execution, as the -case may be, with condition to pay all costs and damages which the said plaintiff or assignee may sustain, in case it shall appear that such claim was frivolous and intended for delay only; which bond, on breach of the conditions thereof, shall be recoverable in any court having cognizance of the same." Code, 4750. SEC. 318. WHEN, WHERE, AND How TRIED. "When the claim affidavit is made and the bond given, as directed in the preceding section, the constable shall postpone the sale of the property, and return the papers to the justice of the peace or notary public who issued the execution ; and it shall be the duty of such justice or notary public to cause an issue to be made up, and try the right of property according to law, at the next regular term of the justice court held by said justice of the peace or notary public, occurring after ten days from the filing of s'aid claim." Code, 4751. SEC. 319. CONTINUANCE. "Upon good cause shown on oath, a claim case may be continued one time by each party, and no longer." Code, 4752. SEC. 320. PAUPER AFFIDAVIT. Georgia, County. I, , do swear that I do not interpose this claim for delay only ; that I bona fide claim the right and title to the property levied on; that I am advised and believe that the said claim will be sustained, and from poverty I am unable to give bond and security as required by law. , Claimant. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ,19.... , J- P. SEC. 321. FORTHCOMING BOND OF CLAIMANT. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents', that we, , as principal, and , as security, are bound unto , constable of said county, in the sum of Dollars, for the payment of 134 CLAIMS which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administra- tors, jointly and severally, by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated, this ................. , 19. ... The condition of the foregoing obligation is such, that, Whereas, the said ................... , constable, has on the ........ day of ................ , 19 . . . . , levied a certain fi. fa', issued from the justice court of the ........... district, G. M'., of said county, in favor of ......... against ......... , upon one gray mare mule, about six years old, named "Nell," upon which the said .............. has interposed his claim. Now, therefore, should the said ............... deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the said. ............. , constable as aforesaid, the said gray mare mule, at the time and place of sale, provided said property shall, upon the trial of the right of property, be found subject to said fi. fa., then this bond to be void; otherwise of force. ............................ , Principal (SEAL) ............................ . , Security (SEAL) Taken and approved this ........................... ., L. C. SEC. 322. FORTHCOMING BOND OF PLAINTIFF IN Fi. FA. Georgia, ...... ......... County. Know all men by these presents, that we, ............... , as principal, and ....................... , as security, are held and firmly bound unto .................... , constable of said county, in the sum of .................. Dollars, for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors' and administrators, jointly, severally and firmly, by these pres ents. Signed, sealed and dated this .................. , 19 .... The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that, Whereas, the said .......... . ....... , constable as afore- said, having on the ........ day of ............... , 19 . . . . , by virtue of an execution issued from the justice court of the ............. District, G. M., of said county, levied upon one gray mare mule, about six years old, named "Nell," as the property of ..................... , to which said property ..................... has interposed his claim, and being unable t-o give a forthcoming bond for the same, and the said ......................... , the plaintiff, having elected to give bond and receive possession of said property. CLAIMS 135 Now, therefore, should the said ................ deliver or cause to be delivered said gray mare mule, above described, at the time and place of sale, provided the said mule, upon the trial of the right of property, be found subject to s'aid execution, and if not found subject, then to said ........... ........ , constable as aforesaid, or his successor in office, at the termina- tion of said claim case, to be disposed of according to law, then this bond to be void ; otherwise of full force. ............................ , Principal (SEAL) ............................. , Security (SEAL) Attested and approved this ........... ............................ , L. C. SEC. 323. ISSUE TENDERED. And now comes ................. , the within mentioned plaintiff, by his attorney, and says that the property levied upon as the property of the defendant, and claimed by the claimant, is not the property of the claimant but is the property of said defendant and subject to the execution in favor of plaintiff levied thereon; And of this he puts himself upon the country. This ..................... , 19.... ....................... , Attorney for Plaintiff. Rule 14 of the Superior Court was repealed by the Conven- tion of Judges in 1911. This rule provided that if an issue was not tendered by the plaintiff in fi. fa. within five minutes, that the levy should be dismissed. This is no longer the law, and need not be regarded in the trial of a claim case. SEC. 324. ISSUE JOINED. And the claimant doth the like, and says that the property levied on is not subject to said execution. ....................... ". . , Claimant's 1 Attorney. SEC. 325. VERDICT. We, the jury, find .the property subject. This ............... ......... ,19 ____ ....................... , Foreman. SEC. 326. JUDGMENT. Whereupon, it is considered and adjudged by the court that the fi. fa. proceed against the property levied upon, and that the plaintiff in fi. fa. and ................... . ., as security, 136 CLAIMS have and recover of the claimant, , the sum of dollars and cents, costs. Judgment signed this , 19 .... , J. P. Plaintiff's Attorney. SEC. 327. JUDGMENT FOR DAMAGES AND COST. Whereupon, it is considered and adjudged by the court that the plaintiff in execution do recover against the claimant, and , as security, the sum of dollars for his damages, and the sum of and cents for his costs, in this behalf expended. Judgment signed this , 19...- , J. P. Plaintiff's Attorney. SEC. 328. AMENDMENT OF CLAIM. "When an execution is levied upon mortgaged property, and a claim is interpos'ed, the claimant can not, upon the trial of the issue amend the claim by alleging that the mortgagor is not indebted to the mortgagee, nor will he be allowed to introduce testimony tending to show it. Ford vs. Fargason, 120 Ga. 606 (48 S. E. 180) ; Wash, vs. Bank, 99 Ga. 592 (27 S. E. 167). Consequently, the court did not err in overruling the amendment offered." 16 App. 382 (85 S. E. 354). SEC. 329. BURDEN OF PROOF. "Upon the introduction of an execution with an entry of levy thereon showing that at the time of the levy, the property was in the possession of the de- fendant named in the execution, the burden was' upon the claim- ant to prove his title." 16 App. 424 (85 S. E. 617). "Where a levy is made upon property found in the possession of the defendant in fi. fa., and a claim is filed thereto, the burden of proof rests upon the claimant. Where property levied upon and found in the possession of the defendant in fi. fa. was a bale of cotton, and there was evidence from which the jury could find that the title to a part of the cotton in the bale was in the defendant in fi. fa. and a part in the claimant, but the bale of cotton at the time of the levy was in the possession of the defendant in fi. fa., it was not error for the court to charge the jury that the burden was upon the claimant to show what CLAIMS 137 part was subject and what part was not subject, and that upon his failure to do so, it would be the duty of the jury to find all of the cotton subject." 9 App. 496 (71 S. E. 807). "Where in a claim case it appears that the claimant is in possession of the property levied on, the burden of proof is on the plaintiff in execution to show either title or possession in the defendant in execution, since the debt of the former became a lien on property of the latter." 107/264 (33 S. E. 73). "In a claim case, where the plaintiff in fi. fa. proved that the defendant in fi. fa. was in possession of the property levied upon and exercising ownership thereof just before the levy was made, this was sufficient to make out a prima facie case and to shift the burden of proof; for the presumption is that when title is proved to exist, in a certain person, it remains in him until the contrary is shown." 8 App. 824 (70 S. E. 157). SEC. 330. OBJECTION TO JURISDICTION. "Jurisdiction being waived as to person and the subject-matter, as between the plaintiff and the defendant, a valid judgment was rendered. Thereafter the defendant himself could make no objection for lack of jurisdiction, and the claimant could not make an attack on the judgment except upon some ground which could at that time be urged by the defendant. 'A defendant who has had his day in court can not go behind the judgment for the purpose of showing that it ought never to have been rendered, nor will a claimant be allowed any such right.' Ansley Co. vs. O'Byrne, 120 Ga. 618, 620 (48 S. E. 228). The judgment in this case is not void as to the claimant, since no objection to it was made at the time of its rendition. The case of Suydnam vs. Palmer, 63 Ga. 547-548, does not apply." 16 App. 618 (85 S. E. 939). SEC. 331. ADMISSION OF POSSESSION BY CLAIMANTS. "After the close of the evidence and before the charge to the jury, the claimants offered to admit the possession of the prop- erty by the defendant in fi. fa. at the time of the levy, for the sole purpose of obtaining the opening and concluding arguments before the jury. The proposed amendment amounted only to an admission by the claimants against their interest, arid there was no harmful error in refusing to allow the amendment ; nor did the court err thereafter in declining to allow the claimants to open and conclude the argument." 16 App. 699 (86 S. E. 46). SEC. 332. RIGHT OF PURCHASER OF CROPS FROM LAND- LORD. " 'Although the special lien of a landlord, for rent on 138 CLAIMS crops made upon land rented from him dates from the maturity of the crops, and is superior in dignity to the lien of an older common-law judgment against the tenant, yet where the rent is payable in money and the tenant delivers the whole or a portion of the crops to the landlord in payment or satisfaction of the rent debt, the landlord takes the same subject to the lien of the older judgment, and can not resist the enforcement thereof by claiming the property, but must assert the priority of his' lien for the rent by foreclosing the same and claiming the proceeds of the sale.' Duncan vs. Clark, 96 Ga. (22 S. E. 927) ; Light- ner vs. Brannon, 99 Ga. 606 (27 S. E. 703) ; Hall vs. Mc- Gaughey, 114 Ga. 405 (40 S. E. 246). One who subsequently purchases such crops from a landlord who has bought them from his 1 tenant under such circumstances as above stated is in no better position to maintain a claim to the property than the landlord himself." 17 App. 46 (86 S. E. 94). SEC. 333. NON-APPEARANCE OF CLAIMANT. "The proper practice in a claim -case, where the claimant fails to put in an appearance, is either to dismiss the claim, or to have the plaintiff make out his case and take a verdict finding the property sub- ject to the execution ; and where the entry of levy on the execu- tion recites that at the time of the levy, the property levied upon was in the possession of the defendant in execution, this' would make out a prima facie case in behalf of the plaintiff in fi. fa., and would cast the burden upon the claimant, and, in the absence of the claimant, would entitle the plaintiff in fi. fa. to a verdict finding the property levied upon subject." 10 App. 320 (73 S. E. 597). SEC. 334. PRIMA FACIE CASE. "In a claim case where the plaintiff in fi. fa. seeks to make, out a prima facie case by show- ing possession in the defendant, it is incumbent on him to show such possession at the time of the rendition of the judgment, or at the time of the making of the levy, or at some time interme- diate between the judgment and the levy. "In such a case where the levying officer amended his entry of levy by adding thereto, after the words 'defendant in fi. fa.' the words 'being in possession of the property levied upon' ; and where the plaintiff in fi. fa. on the trial introduced also the testimony of witnesses which, as it appears in the record, is somewhat ambiguous and renders it uncertain whether the de- fendant was in possession either at the time of the rendition of the judgment, Or at the time of the making of the levy, or CLAIMS 139 between those dates, the presiding judge correctly refused to dismiss the levy, but erred in directing a verdict in favor of the plaintiff. He should have submitted the case to the jury to de- termine what was the fact in regard to such possession." 134/ 477 (68 S. E. 69), SEC. 335. HOMESTEAD PEOPERTY. "The setting apart of a homestead does not divest the head of the family of the legal title to the property. It only appropriates the property to a particular use, for the benefit of certain beneficiaries, and dur- ing a specified time. Where property which has been set apart and exempted is subjected to a levy, a claim may be interposed by the head of a family in his' own name. It is not necessary that the claimant denominate himself as trustee or head of the family, if it appears from the allegations of the claimant's affi- davit that the property levied upon has in fact been exempted and set apart for use as homestead property. 'In the nature of things, the head of a family must represent the interests of the beneficiaries in all actions' where the title to the exempted prop- erty is involved, and it makes no difference whether he be described as the head of a family, or as trustee, or as agent, or simply designated by his own name.' " 9 App. 1 (70 S. E. 349). SEC. 336. PAYMENT OF EXECUTION. "This was a claim case in a justice court. The levy was dismissed upon the ground that the execution had been fully paid off, there being entries of levies which were sufficient in amount to discharge the execution in full. The execution did show a number of entries of levies upon personal property, which were unexplained. No evidence at all was introduced at the trial to show the value of the prop- erty embraced in these levies. This was absolutely essential to the determination of the question as to whether the levies un- explained were sufficient to raise a presumption of payment; and for this reason, the justice of the peace erred in dismissing the levy, and the certiorari should have been sustained." 127/ 203 (56 S. E. 300). SEC. 337. OPENING AND CONCLUDING ARGUMENT. "In a claim case, where the claimant admits a prima facie case for the plaintiff in fi. fa., and assumes the burden of proof, he is entitled to open and conclude the argument before the jury, although the plaintiff in fi. fa. may not have introduced any evidence." 127/338 (56 S. E. 434). 140 ILLEGALITIES SEC. 338. GROUNDS OF ATTACK oisr EXECUTION. "In a claim case, the claimant may attack the execution on any ground which could then be urged by the defendant in fi. fa." 120/618 (48 S. E. 228). CHAPTER XIV ILLEGALITIES. (Forms are set out in Part II, pages 461-465.) SECTION 339. ILLEGALITY IN JUSTICES' COURTS. "When an issue is made by an affidavit of illegality and returned to any justice court, it shall be tried at the next term of said court after said illegality has been returned to said court for five days." Code, $4756. SEC. 340. ILLEGALITY, How TAKEN. "When an execution against the property of any person shall issue illegally, or shall be proceeding illegally, and such execution shall be levied on property, such person may make oath in writing, and shall state the cause of such illegality, and deliver the same to the sheriff, or other executing officer, as the case may be, together with bond and good security for the forthcoming of such property, as pro- vided by this Code." Code, 5305. SEC. 341. No ILLEGALITY UNTIL AFTER LEVY. "E"o affi- davit of illegality shall be received by any sheriff, or other executing officer, until a levy has been made." Code, 5306. SEC. 342. ILLEGALITY, How RETURNED AND TRIED. "When the levy shall have been made, and affidavit and bond delivered to the officer as herein provided, it shall be the duty of siich officer to suspend further proceedings on such execution, and return the execution, affidavit, and bond to the next term of the court from which the execution issued ; and it shall be the duty of said court to determine thereon at the first term thereof, unless the plaintiff or his attorney desire to controvert the facts contained in said affidavit, in which case an issue shall be joined, which issue shall be tried by a jury at the same term, unless good cause is shown for a continuance." Code, 5307. SEC. 343. DAMAGES FOR DELAY ONLY. "Upon the trial of an issue formed on an affidavit of illegality filed in the superior courts, the jury trying the case shall have power to assess such damages, not exceeding twenty-five per cent, as may seem reason- ILLEGALITIES 141 able and just, upon the principal debt, provided it shall be made to appear that such illegality was interposed for delay only. And whenever an illegality may be dismissed for insufficiency or informality, or is withdrawn, plaintiffs in execution shall have full power to proceed, as is provided in this Code in cases where claims may be dismissed or withdrawn." Code, 5308. SEC. 344. PEOPEKTY MAY BE SOLD UNDER OTHER EXECU- TIONS. "When an execution has been levied on property, and an affidavit of illegality filed to stay proceedings thereon, the property so levied on shall be subject to levy and sale under other execution, and the officer making the first levy shall claim, receive, hold, and retain such amount of the proceeds of the sale as the court shall deem sufficient to pay the execution first levied, including interest up to the time of the court at which said illegality shall be determined ; and any bond given by the de- fendant on filing such affidavit shall be released and discharged so far as relates to the property sold." Code, 5309. SEC. 345. WHO MAY FILE ILLEGALITY. "An affidavit of illegality may be filed by an attorney in fact, or an executor, administrator, or other trustee." Code, 5310. SEC. 346. W T HEN ILLEGALITY CAN NOT Go BEHIND JUDG- MENT. "If the defendant has 1 not been served, and does not appear, he may take advantage of the defect by affidavit of illegality; but if he has had his day in court, he can not go behind the judgment by an affidavit of illegality." Code, 5311. SEC. 347. BURDEN OF PROOF. "On the trial of an affidavit of illegality, the burden is on the plaintiff in fi. fa. to make a prima facie' case by putting in evidence an execution, fair on its face, and a legal levy thereon. When this is done, the burden is shifted from the plaintiff to the defendant to support his alle- gation of the illegality of the execution or levy, but in such a case the plaintiff still retains the right to open and conclude the argument. Civil Code, 6271 ; Bertody vs. Ison, 69 Ga. 317." 17 App. 578 (87 S. E. 842). S-EC. 348. AMENDMENT OF AFFIDAVIT OF ILLEGALITY. "The proffered amendment to the affidavit of illegality was fatally defective, first, because, in the affidavit supporting it, the affiant failed to swear that he did not know of the existence of this ground when the original affidavit of illegality was made; and further, the ground is itself without merit, because the affidavit seeks to go behind the judgment, and, while attempting to show no record of service, does not allege that the defendant company 142 ILLEGALITIES * had not in fact been served with process or had not had its day ill court. Civil Code, 5311 ; Bird vs. Burgsteiner, 108 Ga. 654 (34 S. E. 183) ; Cobb vs. Pittman, 49 Ga. 579. The justice of the peace, therefore, properly refused to allow the amendment and correctly dismissed the illegality on demurrer ; and the judge of the superior court did not err in refusing to sanction the cer- tiorari." 17 App. 756 (88 S. E. 413). SEO. 349. EXCESSIVE LEVY AS GROUND FOR ILLEGALITY. "An excessive levy is no ground for illegality. Manry vs. Shepperd, 57 Ga. 68 (7) ; Pinkston vs. Harrell, 106 Ga, 102, 106 (2), (31 S. E. 808, 71 Am. St. R. 242). "Nor would the fact that the advertisement was irregular be a sufficient ground for a stay of the execution, but the remedy of the defendant in execution would be against the officer. Jef- fries vs. Bartlett, 75 Ga. 230 (3a) ; Treadwell vs. Beauchamp, 82 Ga. 736 (9 S. E. 1040)." 17 App. 786 (88 S. E. 701). SEC. 350. FORTHCOMING BOND; HOMESTEAD. "No forth- coming bond is required upon the filing of an affidavit of ille- gality interposed to a levy on realty. The provisions of section 5305 of the Civil Code apply to levies upon personalty only. This section of the code and section 6040 should be construed together. "A defendant can not, by affidavit of illegality, attack a judg- ment for any cause that he could have s'et up as a defense in the original suit. Civil Code, 5311; Butler vs. Hall, 7 Ga. App. 777 (68 S. E. 331). In this case, the alleged lack of service upon a co-defendant should have been pleaded in the original suit, and was not a sufficient ground for an affidavit of illegality. "Where the affidavit of illegality alleges that the judgment debt has been discharged in a court of bankruptcy, it is error to dismiss the affidavit because of failure to set forth or attach a copy or an abstract of the record of the proceedings, in that court. It is not necessary that the affidavit shall contain -this, but it should be submitted as evidence upon the trial. "A homestead exemption set apart by a court of bankruptcy is no more subject to be levied on than if it had been s'et apart by the ordinary of the county. Ross vs. Worsham, 65 Ga. 624 ; Evans vs. Rounsaville, 115 Ga. 684 (42 S. E. 100). "Where a homestead is being levied on, and the fi. fa. fails to show upon its face a lien superior to the homestead, and GARNISHMENTS 143 where the plaintiff in fi. fa. has not filed the affidavit required by section 3400 of the Civil Code, the levy is proceeding ille- gally." 16 App. 472 (85 S. E. 791). SEC/ 351. SECOND AFFIDAVIT. "A second affidavit of ille- gality is not maintainable if based on the same facts that the first affidavit was based upon. The fact that the first affidavit was dismissed, without a trial of the issues raised or attempted to be raised by it, does not make an exception to the rule." 15 App. 680 (84 S. E. 175). CHAPTER XV GARNISHMENTS. (See Part II, pages 475-483.) SECTION 352. WHAT Is A GARNISHMENT. A garnishment is a proceeding whereby a creditor who has a judgment or a suit pending against his debtor can have applied to his debt any amount owed by a third person to his' -debtor or any property or effects in the hands of a third person so applied. It is really a suit by the creditor in the name of the defendant against a third person to apply any debt owed the debtor or any property or effects of his to the satisfaction of the creditor's claim. In such garnishment proceeding, the creditor occupies' the place of his debtor and stands in his shoes so far as any recovery can be had. The person garnisheed can set up any claim he has against the debtor whom he owes and take it off of the amount that he owes 1 the debtor. In making his answer, the question is as to what he owes the debtor or what property or effects he had in his hands at the time of the service of the summons of garnish- ment or what he has become indebted to him up to the making of the answer or what property or effects he had in his hands at the time of the service of the summons of garnishment or what property and effects has come into his hands up to the time of making his answer. SEC. 353. REGULATIONS. "In cases where suit is pending, or where judgment has been obtained, the plaintiff shall be entitled to the process 1 of garnishmeiit under the following regu- lations." Code, 5265. 144 GARNISHMENTS SEC. 354. AFFIDAVIT BY AGENT OB ATTORNEY. "When the affidavit is made by the agent or attorney at law of the plaintiff, he may swear according to the best of his knowledge and belief, and shall have power to sign the name of the plaintiff to the bond, who shall be bound thereby in the same manner as though he had signed it himself." Code, 5266. SEC. 355. AFFIDAVIT AND BOND BY ONE OF A FIRM, ETC. "When the debt for the recovery of which the garnishment is sought is 1 due to copartners, or several persons jointly, any one of said copartners or joint creditors may make the affidavit and give the bond in the name of the plaintiff, as prescribed in cases of attachment." Code, 5267. SEC. 356. GARNISHMENT, How OBTAINED. "The plaintiff, his agent, or attorney at law shall make affidavit before some officer authorized to issue an attachment by this Code, stating the amount claimed to be due in such action, or on such judg- ment, and that he has reason to apprehend the loss of the same or some part thereof unless process of garnishment do issue, and shall give bond, with good security, in a sum at least equal to double the amount sworn to be due, payable to the defendant in the suit or judgment, as the case may be, conditioned to pay said defendant all costs and damages that he may sustain in consequence of suing out said garnishment, in the event that the plaintiff fails to recover in the suit, or it should appear that the amount sw r orn to be due on such judgment was not due, or that the property or money sought to be garnished was not subject to process of garnishment." Code, 5268. SEC. 357. How AND BY WHOM ISSUED, ETC. "When such affidavit has been made and bond given, it shall be the duty of the officer before whom the same is made, or any other officer authorized by this Code to issue attachments, to whom the same bond and affidavit may be delivered, upon the request of the plaintiff, his agent, or attorney at law, to issue a summons of garnishment, directed to the person sought to be garnished, requiring him to appear at the next term of the court where such suit is pending, or where such judgment was obtained; but if the next superior court shall be held within less than ten days from the time such summons shall issue, then the garnishee shall be required to appear at' the next court thereafter, then and there to depose on oath what he is indebted to, or what property and effects he has in his hands~ belonging to, the de- fendant, or had at the time of the service of the summons of GARNISHMENTS 145 garnishment; and also what he has become indebted to the defendant, or what property and effects he has received or got possession of belonging to the defendant, between the time of the service of said summons and the time of making his return ; and upon such affidavit, bond, and summons of garnishment being delivered to any officer authorized by law to levy an attach- ment, it shall be his duty to serve such summons of garnishment upon the person to whom it is directed, if to be found in his county, and to make an entry of such service, and of his actings and doings in the premises, nppn the affidavit and bond, and return the same to the court to which the person summoned as garnisliee is required to appear; and all subsequent proceedings shall be the same as in this Code prescribed in relation to gar- nishment in cases of attachment. Summons of garnishment may issue under the provisions of this' section, from time to time, before trial, without giving additional bond." Code, 5269. SEC. 358. GARNISHMENT UPON CORPORATION, How SERVED. "Service of a summons of garnishment upon the agent in charge of the office or business of the corporation in the county or dis- trict at the time of service shall be sufficient." Code, 5270. SEC. 359. GARNISHEE'S ANSWER MUST INCLUDE WHAT. "In all cases of garnishment, whether the same be by attachment ' or by garnishment at common law, it shall be the duty of the garnish ee to answer what property, money, or effects of the defendant he had in his hands at the date of the service of the summons of garnishment, and also w r hat property, money, or effects of the defendant may have come into his or her hands' at any time from the date of said service to the date of the answer ; and said garni shee shall also answer what he or she owes the defendant at the date of the service, and also Avhat he or she may have become indebted to the defendant at any time between the date of the service of the summons and the answer thereto." Code, 5271. SEC. 360. WHAT Is SUBJECT TO GARNISHMENT. "All debts owing to the defendant, and all property, money, or effects of the defendant coming into the hands of the garnishee at or within the times designated in the preceding section, shall be subject to process of garnishment, whether the garnishee had anything in his hands or was' indebted anything to the defendant at the date of the service of the summons or not." Code, 5272. SEC. 361. INDKBTKDXESS ACCRUING AFTER SERVICE OF SIM- MONS. "Whenever a summons of garnishment is served oil any 146 GARNISHMENTS person, and such person, after the date of such service, becomes indebted to the defendant, such subsequent indebtedness imme- diately upon its accruing shall become subject to the lien of such garnishment, and no payments made by the garnishee to the defendant, or to his order, after the date of the service of the garnishment, shall defeat the lien of such garnishment. The service of a summons of garnishment shall in all cases operate as a lien on all the garnishee's indebtedness at the date of the service and also on all future indebtedness accruing up to the date of the answer, and such lien shall not be defeated by any payments by the garnishee or overdrafts by the defendant or other arrangements between the defendant and the garnishee." Code, 5273. SEC. 362. DOES NOT AFFECT EXEMPTIONS. "The preceding section shall not operate to change or alter the laws exempting from the process and liabilities of garnishment the daily, weekly, or monthly wages of journeymen mechanics and day-laborers." Code, 5274. SEC. 363. GARNISHMENTS ON JUDGMENTS IN COURT OF ORDI- NARY. "In all cases where judgment has been, or may hereafter be, obtained in the courts' of ordinary of this State, the plaintiff in such judgment shall be entitled to process of garnishment, as in other cases of garnishment at common law, and the pro- ceedings in such cases shall be the same as though such judgment may have been obtained in the superior court: Provided, how- ever, that the person sought to be garnished shall be directed and required to answer at the next term of the superior court of the county wherein the garnishee resides' ; but if the next term of the superior court shall be held within less than ten days after, the summons issues, then the garnishee shall be required to appear and answer at the next term of the court thereafter." Code, 5275. SEC. 364. GARNISHMENTS AGAINST PERSONS IN OTHER COUNTIES. "The plaintiffs named in the foregoing s'ection shall have power to garnish persons in counties other than the county wherein their judgments are or may have been obtained, as in other cases of garnishment at common law ; and the defendants in such judgments and claimants to the money or property in the hands of the garnishee shall have the right to dissolve such garnishments, or to claim said money or property, in the same manner as in other cases of garnishment at common law." Code, 5276. GARNISHMENTS 147 SEC. 365. GARNISHMENT- AGAINST PERSONS RESIDING OUT OF THE COUNTY. "When any of the persons sought to be gar- nished reside in a different county from the one where suit is pending or in which judgment was obtained, it shall be the duty of the officer taking such affidavit and bond, or any officer of the county where such suit is pending or where such judgment was obtained, authorized by this Code to issue an attachment, to whom said bond and affidavit may be delivered, to make out a copy thereof and certify the same to be true, and to deliver said certified copy to the plaintiff, his agent, or attorney at law ; and upon such certified copy being delivered to any officer authorized to issue an attachment, of the county where the person sought to be garnished resides, it shall be the duty of such officer to issue summons of garnishment for such person as he may be directed by the plaintiff, his agent, or attorney at law, requiring him to appear at the next superior or justice's court of said county, according as such suit is pending or judgment was obtained in the superior or justice's court, then and there to depose according to the provisions of the previous sections ; but if the said superior court shall be held within less than twenty days, or said justice's court shall be held within less than ten days, from the time such garnishment is'sues, the garnishee shall be required to appear at the next court thereafter." Code, $5277. SEC. 366. GARNISHMENT IN ANOTHER COUNTY. "When any of the persons sought to be garnished reside in a different county from the one where suit is pending or in which judgment was obtained, the plaintiff, his agent, or attorney at law may make affidavit and give bond in any county in the State, before any officer authorized to issue an attachment under this Code, and it shall be the duty of the officer taking such affidavit and bond to make out a copy thereof and certify the same to be true, and to issue summons of garnishment for such person as he may be directed by the plaintiff, his agent, or attorney at law, re- quiring him to appear at the next superior or justice's court of the county of the garnishee's residence, according as such suit is pending or judgment was obtained in the superior- or justice's court, then and there to depose according to the pro- visions of law; and it shall be the duty of the officer serving such summons to return or transmit the certified affidavit and bond, together with his actings and doings thereon, to the supe- rior or justice's court of the county in which such suit is pend- ing or judgment w r ae>' obtained, and to return the original affidavit 148 GARNISHMENTS and bond to the court where such person is summoned to appear, with his actings and doings thereon; and all subsequent pro- ceedings shall be the same as prescribed by this Code in relation to garnishment in cases of attachment, where the garnishee resides out of the county in which the attachment is returnable. This section shall not be so construed as to repeal the preceding section, but as providing an additional mode of obtaining gar- nishment against persons residing out of the county where suit is pending, or in which judgment was obtained; and so much of said section as relates to the time in which service of sum- mons of garnishment shall be made returnable to the superior or justice's court is hereby made a part of this section." Code, 5278. SEC. 367. How ISSUED, SERVED, AND RETURNED, ETC. "Upon such certified copy of affidavit, bond, and summons' of garnishment being delivered to any officer authorized by law to levy an attachment, it shall be his duty to serve the summons upon the person to whom it is directed, and to return the said copy affidavit and bond to the court where such person is sum- moned to appear, together with his actings and doings entered thereon, and all subsequent proceedings shall be the same as prescribed by this Code in relation to garnishment in cases of attachment, where the garnishee resides out of the county in which the attachment is returnable." Code, 5279. SEC. 368. DISSOLUTION or GARNISHMENTS. "In any case when garnishment has been issued, the defendant may dissolve such garnishment upon filing in the clerk's' office of the court, or with the justice of the peace, where suit is pending or judg- ment was obtained, a bond with good security, payable to the plaintiff, conditioned for the payment of the judgment that shall be rendered on said garnishment. The plaintiff may enter up judgment upon such bond against the principal and securities, as judgment may be entered against securities upon appeal, whenever said plaintiff shall obtain the judgment of the court against the property or funds' against which garnishment was issued." Code, 5280. SEC. 369. ANSWER OF GARNISHEE AND JUDGMENT. "The garnishee shall file his answer stating what amount he was in- debted to the defendant, or what effects he had in his hands be- longing to defendant, at the time of the service of such summons, and what he has become indebted to the defendant, or what effects have come into his hands belonging to the defendant, between the GARNISHMENTS 149 time of the service of such summons and the making of his answer; and in the event the court shall decide that the fund or property in the hands of the garnishee was subject to garnish- ment had the garnishment not been dissolved, then the court shall render judgment against the defendant and his securities ; and in case the garnishee fails or refuses to file the answer provided for in this section, judgment by default may be en- tered against him for such an amount as may have been obtained by judgment against the defendant, which judgment may be enforced against the garnishee, notwithstanding a bond to dis- solve the garnishment may have been filed by the defendant ; and upon such judgment being entered, judgment may be had for the amount thereof against the defendant and the sureties on the bond given to dissolve the garnishment." Code, 5281. SEC. 370. CLAIMANTS MAY DISSOLVE GARNISHMENT. "When- ever any process of garnishment is served upon any person, based upon suit, attachment, or judgment, and there shall be money or property of any kind or description in the hands of the garnishee, or that shall come into his hands so as to fall within the operation of the summons of garnishment so served as aforesaid, which is claimed to be the property or money of any person not a party to the proceeding upon which said gar- nishment is based, said claimant may dissolve said garnishment by filing in the clerk's office of the superior court of any county, or of any city court, or in the office of any justice of the peace or notary public, according as said garnishment may be return- able to the superior, city, justice's, or notary public's court, a bond with good security in twice the amount of the sum claimed upon said suit, attachment, or judgment, to be approved by said clerk, or said justice of the peace or notary public, conditioned to pay to the plaintiff the sum that may be found due to said defendant upon the trial of any issue that may be formed upon the answer of the garnishee, or that may be admitted to be due in said answer, if untraversed." Code, 5282. SEC. 371. TRAVERSE, ETC., ON ANSWER OF GARNISHEE. "The garnishee, upon answering, shall be discharged from all further liability, and the plaintiff's remedy shall be upon the bond so executed as aforesaid ; the plaintiff or claimant, or both of them may traverse said answer, and the issue upon said traverse shall be submitted to a jury as other issues upon the answer of garnishee; if said garnishee fails to answer within the time required by the laws of this State, judgment shall be 150 GARNISHMENTS had against him, and he shall be liable thereon, notwithstanding any bond that may have been executed by any claimant of the fund or property in his hands." Code, 5283. SEC. 372. NOTICE OF TRAVERSE MUST BE GIVEN. "When an answer of garnishment is traversed, if the proceedings be in a justice's court, notice of such traverse shall be given in writing to the garni&hee if such garnishee be accessible, if not, then to his agent or attorney of record, at least five days before the trial of such garnishment, and in any other courts at least ten days before the trial of such garnishment." Code, 5284. SEC. 373. SERVICE ON ATTORNEY OR AGENT OF NON-RESI- DENT CORPORATION. "If the garnishee be a non-resident cor- poration, service of notice of traverse upon any duly authorized agent or the attorney of record of such corporation shall be sufficient." Code, 5285. SEC. 374,. WHEN NOTICE NOT NECESSARY. "If the gar- nishee, his agent, or attorney of record, as hereinbefore provided, be inaccessible, notice of such traverse shall not be necessary, and any judgment taken against the garnishee shall be valid; but in all other cases any judgment taken against the garnishee without service of such notice of traverse shall be void." Code, 5286. SEC. 375. SERVICE,, How PERFECTED. "The service of notice of traverse shall be perfected by the plaintiff, his agent, or attorney of record, or by the proper officer of said court, either by serving the garnishee, his agent, or attorney of record in pers'on or by leaving a copy of such notice of traverse at the most notorious place of abode of such garnishee, his agent, or attorney, or by acknowledgment of service." Code, 5287. SEC. 376. THE FUND OR PROPERTY TO BE DELIVERED TO CLAIMANT. "The garnishee shall pay over or deliver any money or property to the claimant upon the dissolution of the garnish- ment in manner aforesaid, unless prevented by other legal proc- ess." Code, 5288. SEC. 377. CLAIMANT Is PARTY TO SUBSEQUENT PROCEED- INGS. "The claimant of any fund or property, to whom the same may have been paid or delivered upon the dissolution of the garnishment in the manner before prescribed, shall be a party to all further proceedings upon said garnishment; and judgment shall be had instanter upon said bond for any sums GARNISHMENTS 151 or the value of any property that may be found to have "been in the hands of said garnishee, liable to the operation of said sum- mons of garnishment." Code, 5289. SEC. 378. MONEY RAISED BY GARNISHMENT, How DIS- TRIBUTED. "All money raised by virtue of the process of gar- nishment under this Code shall be paid over to the creditors of the defendant, according to the priorities now established by law the expenses of the moving creditor being first paid pro rata by the judgment creditors receiving the benefit of his dili- gence." Code, 5290. SEC. 379. GARNISHEE LIABLE FOR INTEREST, WHEN. "As a general rule, a party who is prevented from paying over money by process of law is not liable for interest; but if a garnishee resists the payment of the fund in his hands', or controverts his indebtedness, he is liable for interest thereon but he may re- lieve himself from interest by paying the fund into court." Code, 5291. SEC. 380. JUDGMENT. "The plaintiff shall not have judg- ment against the garnishee until he has obtained judgment against the defendant." Code, 5292. SEC. 381. ANSWER OF GARNISHEE. "The garnishee must, in his answer, admit or deny his indebtedness, or that he has or had effects in his hands belonging to defendant ; and if he is unable to do so, his inability must appear in his answer, together with all the facts plainly, fully, and distinctly set forth, so as to enable the court to give judgment thereon." Code, 5293. SEC. 382. GARNISHEE RELIEVED FROM COST OF ANSWER. "In all cases where process 1 of garnishment shall be served upon any person, and such person shall make a true answer to the garnishment, as now required by law, and shall pay the sum due to the defendant into court, or shall turn over and deliver up any personal property of the defendant that he may have in his possession, as required by law, or shall answer truly that he owes the defendant nothing, if the garnishee shall have to incur any expense in making his or her answer to the garnishment, or in turning over said personal property, the amount so incurred shall be taxed in the bill of costs, under the approval of the court, and be paid by the party cast in the suit, as' other costs are now paid." Code, 5294. SEC. 383. REMEDIES AGAINST GARNISHEE. "Whenever the garnishee shall answer that he has money or currency in his control belonging to the defendant in the principal suit, or the 152 GARNISHMENTS fact shall be ascertained in the manner provided by law, the plaintiff, in addition to other remedies now existing, shall have the same remedy to enforce the delivery of such money or cur- rency as exists under section 5098 of this Code, to enforce the delivery of property or effects; and all the provisions of said section as it exists, and shall exist, shall apply to garnishments at common law." Code, 5295. SEC. 384. COLLATERALS NOT SUBJECT TO GARNISHMENT. "Collateral securities in the hands of a creditor shall not be the subject of garnishment at the instance of other creditors." Code, 5296. SEC. '385. ATTORNEY AT LAW Is SUBJECT TO GARNISHMENT. "An attorney at law, who has money or other effects in his hands belonging to the defendant, shall be subject to be garnished." Code, 5297. SEC. 386. EXEMPTION OF -WAGES. "All persons shall be exempt from the process and liabilities of garnishment on one dollar and twenty-five cents per day of their daily, weekly, or monthly wages and on fifty per cent, of the excess thereof, whether in the hands of their employers or others. All wages 1 above the exemption herein provided for shall be subject to garnishment, and garnishee in making answer shall state spe- cifically when the wages therein referred to were earned by defendant and whether the same were earned as daily, weekly, or monthly wages." Acts 1914, p. 62. (Park's Annotated Code, 1914, 5298). SEC. 387. CREDITORS PROHIBITED FROM TRANSFERRING CLAIMS TO PARTIES WITHOUT THE STATE. "Whoever assigns or transfers or sends out of this State, by himself or agents, any claim for debt against a resident of this State, for the purpose of having the same collected by proceedings in attachment or by garnishments in courts outside of this State, with intent to deprive a resident of this State of the right to have his wages exempt from garnishment as provided by the laws of this State, where the creditor and debtor and person or corporation owing the money intended to be reached by such proceedings are within the jurisdiction of the courts of this State, thereby seeking to evade said law and defeat the public policy of this State, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." Code, 5299. SEC. 388. DAMAGES, RIGHT TO RECOVER. "And the person whose personal earnings are so attached or garnished shall have a right of action before any court of this State having jurisdic- GARNISHMENTS 153 tion, to recover the amount attached and any costs paid by him in such attachment proceedings, together with all damages which he or they may sustain thereby, particularly such damages as may result to such person or persons because of any loss of employment by them, or discharge or suspension from work, because of any levy of such attachment or garnishment proceed- ings, either from the person so assigning, transferring, or send- ing such claim but of the State to be collected, as aforesaid, or the person to whom such claim may be assigned, transferred, or sent, as aforesaid, or both, at the option of the person bring- ing such stilt. The money thus recovered shall not be subject to garnishment." Code, 5300. SEC. 389. PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE. "The assignment, trans- fer, or sending of such claim to a person not a resident of this State, and the commencement of such proceedings in attachment outside of this State, shall be considered prima facie evidence of the violation of the two preceding sections." Code, 5301. SEC. 390. SALARY OF OFFICERS, WHEN SUBJECT. "All cor- porations in this' State, except municipal corporations, shall be liable to garnishment for the salaries of their officers, in all cases where such salary exceeds the sum of five hundred dollars per annum." Code, 5302. SEC. 391. .WHEN LEGATEES, ETC., ARE SUBJECT TO GAR- NISHMENT. "As a general rule, the interest of a legatee or distributee is not the subject of garnishment issued against an executor or administrator; but if the legacy has been assented to by the executor, and such legacy is not defeated by debts against the estate, and when there has been a final settlement by the administrator, and there remains in his hands a fixed bal- ance, such legacy or the interest of the distributee or heir may be reached by process of garnishment at the instance of a creditor of such legatee, distributee, or heir at law, as the case may be." Code, 5303. SEC. 392. EXECUTORS, ETC., MAY BE GARNISHED, WHEN. "In every case a garnishment may be issued against an executor or administrator for a legacy or distributive share, or for any debt or demand owing by said estate to any other person, if the creditor will swear in* addition to the oath required in ordi- nary cases that his debtor resides without the State, or is insolvent. In such cases the executor or administrator shall not 154 GARNISHMENTS be compelled to answer the garnishment until the estate in his' hands is sufficiently administered to enable him safely to answer the same." Code, 5304. SEC. 393. AFFIDAVIT FOB GARNISHMENT. Georgia, County. Before me, . . , J. P., in and for the District, G. M., of County, personally came John Doe, the affiant, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that Richard Roe is indebted to him in the sum of ($ ) dollars for principal debt, ($ ) dollars for interest to judgment, ($ ) dollars, attorney's fees, and dollars and cents for costs of suit, in favor of affiant against said Richard Roe, on a judgment obtained in the Justice Court of the District, G. M-., of County, at the term, 19 , before , J. P., and affiant apprehends the loss of said amounts or some part thereof unless process of garnishment do issue. JOHN DOE. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the day of ,19 - , J- P. SEC. 394. GARNISHMENT BOND. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents that we, John Doe, as prin- cipal, and John Smith, as security, are bound jointly and sev- erally unto Richard Roe, in the just and full sum of ($ ) dollars, subject to the conditions hereinafter stated : Signed with our hands and sealed with our seals, this the day of ,19 The condition of the above obligation is as follows : John Doe has this day made affidavit before , J. P., that Richard Roe is indebted to him in the sum of ($ ) dollars, for principal, interest, cost and attorney's fees, upon a certain judgment obtained by John Doe against Richard Roe in the Justice Court of the District, G. M., of said county, at the term, 19. . . ., wherein John Doe was plaintiff and Richard Roe was defendant, and said affidavit being made for the purpose of obtaining the process of garnishment. GARNISHMENTS 155 Now, should the said John Doe pay said Richard Roe all costs and damages that he may sustain in consequence of suing out said garnishment, should it appear that the amount sworn to be due on said judgment was it not in fact due, or should it appear that the property or money sought to be garnished was not subject to process of garnishment, then this 1 bond to be void, otherwise of full force and effect. JOHN DOE (Principal) (L. S.) JOHN SMITH (Security) (L. S.) Executed in the presence of and approved by me: ' ..... ...................... -, - . SEC. 395. AFFIDAVIT FOE GARNISHMENT IN SUIT PENDING. Georgia, ............... County. Before me, ..................... , J. P., in and for the .......... District, G. M., of said County, personally came John Doe, the affiant, who, being duly sworn, on oath says he has now pending in the Justice Court of the ......... District, G. M., of said County a certain suit against Richard Roe, re- turnable to the ............ term, 19. . . ., the same being a s'uit upon a note for ................. ($ ........ ) dollars, principal debt, dated .................... , 19 . . . . , and due ...................... . . , 19 . . . . , with interest from date at ............ per cent, per annum-, with a provision therein for the collection of ......... per cent, attorney's fees in the event said note is placed in the hands of an attorney for collec- tion or by suit, and said amounts are due in said suit, and affiant apprehends the loss of the said sum or some part thereof unless' process of garnishment do issue. JOHN DOE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the ...... -day of ............. , 19 ____ ............................. ,J.P. SEC. 396. BOND. Georgia, .............. County. Know all men by these presents, that we, John Doe, as prin- cipal, and John Smith, as' security, are held and firmly bound jointly and severally unto Richard Roe in the just and full sum of ................ ($ ........ ) dollars, subject to the con- ditions hereinafter stated. Signed with our hands and sealed with our seals, this the ...... day of. . , .......... . , 19 ..... The conditions of the above obligation are as follows: 156 GARNISHMENTS Whereas, John Doe has on this day made before , J. P., in and for the District, G. M., of s'aid county, an affidavit to obtain the process of garnishment in a certain suit he has pending before said Justice of the Peace in said district, wherein he claims that said Richard Roe is indebted to him in said suit in the sum of dollars ($ ) and cents, for principal, interest and attorney's' fees, said suit being returnable to the , term, 19. . . ., of said Justice Court. Now should the said John Doe pay said Richard Roe all costs and damages that he may sustain in consequence of suing out said process of garnishment, in the event that he shall fail to recover in said suit or it should appear that the property or money sought to be garnished was not subject to process of garnishment, then this bond to be void, otherwise of full force and effect. JOHN DOE (Principal) (L. S.) JOHN SMITH (Security) (L. S.) Signed in the presence of and attested by me: , J. P. (NOTE: It will be noted from the statute that the amount of the bond shall not be less than double the amount sworn to be due. The bond should be at least double the amount sworn to be due and may be more.) SEC. 397. SUMMONS OF GARNISHMENT. -r^i . ,.. 1 Suit on note in Justice Court of JOHN DOE. Plaintiff, ,, TV , , r\ -\/r f I the District. G. M., of VQ r RICHARD ROE, Defendant ^' rp J J . Jr., lerm, 19 .... Georgia, County. To John Jones, a Resident of said District, Garnishee: You are hereby required to be and appear at the Justice Court of the District, G. M., of said County, at the usual place of holding said Court at the Court-house in said district on the day of , 19 . . . . , at ten o'clock, A. M., to answer on oath what you are indebted to said Richard Roe, the defendant, or what property and effects you have received or gotten possession of belonging to the said de- fendant between the time of the service of this summons and the time of making this your answer. This the day of ,19 J.P. GARNISHMENTS 157 SEC. 398. RETURN OF SERVICE. Georgia, County. Have this day served John Jones, garnishee, personally with a summons of garnishment returnable to the term of the Justice Court of the District, G. M., of County. This the day of , 19 L. 0. SEC. 399. BOND TO DISSOLVE GARNISHMENT. Georgia, County. Know all men that we, Richard Roe, as principal, and Peter Jones 1 , as security, are held and firmly bound unto John Doe in this obligation to pay to him whatever judgment may be rendered against John Jones, garnishee, in a certain garnish- ment proceeding in the case of John Doe vs. Richard Roe, pending in the Justice Court of the District, G. M., of said county, which suit was returnable to the term, 19. . . ., of said court, the said John Doe having sworn in said affidavit to secure said garnishment that Richard Roe was 1 indebted to him in said suit in the sum of ($ ) dollars and cents, and John Jones having been served as garnishee in said case, which, if said principal shall do, this bond to be void, otherwise of full force and effect. Witness our hands and seals, this day of ,19 RICHARD ROE, (Principal) (L. S.) PETER JONES, (Security) (L. S.) Executed in the presence of and approved by me: SEC. 400. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF GARNISHMENT. JOHN DOE vs. Suit on note in the District, G. M., RICHARD ROE of County, Term, 19 ... AND JOHN JONES, Garnishment. Garnishee. , Georgia, County. To John Jones, Garnishee: You are hereby notified that the garnishment sworn out in the above named and stated ease by John Doe, as plaintiff, and 158 GARNISHMENTS in which you have been served as garnishee, has been dissolved by the said Richard Roe by giving bond as provided by law, and the fund or property sought to be garnished is hereby re- leased subject to the order of Richard Roe, and you are relieved from any further liability except you are required to make your answer. This , 19 .... J. P. SEC. 401. GARNISHEE MUST ANSWER, WHEN. "When a process of garnishment is issued out, returnable to any justice's court and served upon the garnishee, it shall be the duty of the garnishee to answer at the term to which the garnishment is made returnable. And in case of failure so to answer, the justice of the peace shall enter a default against the garnishee, and. shall enter up judgment in favor of the plaintiff against the garnishee, for such an amount as may have been obtained by judgment against the defendant, or for such amount as may thereafter be recovered in the pending- suit. After judgment obtained, and when the garnishee appears and answers that he is indebted to or has effects in his hands belonging to the de- fendant, the court shall proceed as prescribed in section 5098 of this Code." Code, 4753. SEC. 402. ANSWER OF GARNISHEE. JOHN DOE vs. RICHARD ROE and JOHN JONES, Garnishee. Suit on note in the Justice Court of the District, G. M., of said County, Term, 19 Garnishment. Georgia, County. Before me, , J. P., in and for the District, G. M., of said County, personally came John Jones, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that he was served with summons of garnishment in the above named and stated case on , 19 . . . . , and ordered to answer therein at this term of Court. Affiant says that at the time of this service of said summons of garnishment he was not indebted to said Richard Roe, defendant, and has' not become indebted to him since the service of said summons up to the time of this answer, and that at the time of said servjce of summons of garnishment this defendant had not in his posses- sion or control any property, money or effects' of the said Richard GARNISHMENTS 159 Roe, nor has any come into his possession since the service of said summons of garnishment up to the time of this 1 answer. This garnishee asks a reasonable sum, to wit, the sum of dollars for the cost of making this answer. JOHN JONES. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of , 19 , J..P. SEC. 403. ANSWER WHERE DAILY, WEEKLY OR MONTHLY WAGES ARE GARNISHED. JOHN DOE ] a ., . ,, TV , . , Suit on note in the District, TTQ G. M., of said County, RICHARD ROE Term, 19 -, . , Garnishment. JOHN JONES, Garnishee. . Georgia, ............ County. Before me, ..................... , J. P., in and for the ............ District, G. M., of said County, personally came John Jones, who, being duly sworn, on oath says' that in answer to the summons of garnishment served upon him on the ...... day of ................ , 19 . . . . , in the above named and stated case, that at the time of the service of said summons of garnishment he was indebted to Richard Roe in the sum of ................... dollars for wages for his services as a laborer for ........... days during the month of .......... , 19. . . ., at ............. dollars per day, and that since the service of said summons up to the time of this answer he has not become further indebted to the said Richard Roe, and that at the time of the service of said summons of garnishment this affiant had no property, or effects of the said Richard Roe in his possession or control, and since said time up to the time of this answer no property or effects has come into his hands 1 as the property of the said Richard Roe. JOHN JONES, Garnishee. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the ...... day of ............. , 19 ____ ............................ , - . SEC. 404. EXPENSE OF ANSWERING AS PART OF COSTS. "If a garnishee truly answers that he owes the defendant nothing, and if he had incurred any expenses in making such answer, the amount so incurred shall be taxed in the bill of costs under the 160 GARNISHMENTS approval of the court, and shall be paid by the party cast in the suit, as other costs are now paid. A judgment is necessary to approve it ; and where, in such a case, the expenses of answering were fully proved, and no contesting testimony was offered, a judgment for the amount s'o proved was proper. 53 Ga., 28; Code, 3549." 74/401. "While the Code, 3549, provides for taxing the plaintiff in garnishment with the expense incurred by the garnishee in 'making' a true answer to the garnishment, it authorizes no allowance for counsel fees incurred for. the purpose of upholding the answer against a traverse of the same, though the finding of the jury be against the traverse and in favor of the answer. The expense of litigating the truth of an answer is' not com- prehended in the expense of making it, but is additional thereto." 82/556 (9 S. E. 282). A. sues B. in a justice court and garnishees C. ; C. answers and denies the indebtedness ; has the right to a judgment against the party cast in the suit as against A. and B., as to the expense of making his answer. Or if C. answers, admitting the indebt- edness or that he has property or effects in hands belonging to B. and turns the same over to the court, in this case he would be entitled to the expenses of making his answer as against the party cast in the suit. If under such circumstances, C. answers, admitting the indebtedness or that he has property or effects in his hands or such has come into his hands' since the summons of garnishment, but he neither pays the money into court nor turns the property over to the court, in such case he would not be entitled to the expense of making his answer. This is the rule that is deduced from the Code and decisions in the matter. Of course the amount of such expenses must be determined and approved by the court. SEC. 405. TEAVEKSE OF ANSWER OF GARNISHEE. JOHN DOE, Plaintiff 1 . . , T\S_A_S_I Ibuit on note in the District, G. M., of County, vs. RICHARD ROE, Defendant Term, 19 Garnishment. JOHN JONES, Garnishee. Georgia, County. Now on this the day of , 19. . . ., comes John Doe, plaintiff in the above named and stated case, and traverses the answer filed this day by John Jones, garnishee in said case, and says' that the said answer is riot true, and GARNISHMENTS 161 plaintiff files this traverse and prays that the same may be tried and determined by the court. This the day of , 19.. Attorney for Plaintiff. "A traverse of a garnishee's answer is sufficient if it merely denies the truth of the answer. The traverse may be amplified at the option of the plaintiff, but nothing more is necessary to bring in question the liability of the garnishee to a garnishing creditor than an unqualified, though general, denial of the truth of the garnishee's answer." 3 App.. 101 (59 S. E. 440). See also 21/240. SEC. 406. NOTICE OF TRAVERSE TO GARNISHEE. JOHN DOE, Plaintiff 1 ., . . ._. , . , buit on note in the District, G. M., of County, Term, 19 Garnishment. vs. RICHARD ROE, Defendant and JOHN JONES, Garnishee. Georgia, County. To John Jones, Garnishee: You are hereby notified that your answer as garnishee in the above named and stated case filed in the said Justice Court on the day of , 19 . . . . , has been traversed by the plaintiff, and said traverse alleges that the answer you made in said case was not true. This traverse will stand for trial in said court after five days from the service of this notice at the present or next term. This the day of , 19 JOHN DOE, Plaintiff. SEC. 407. JUDGMENT ON ANSWER OF GARNISHEE. JOHN DOE, Plaintiff vs. RICHARD ROE, Defendant and JOHN JONES, Garnishee. Suit on note in the Justice Court of the District, G. M., . County, Term, 19. Garnishment. In the above named and stated case John Jones, the garnishee therein, having answered that at the time of the summons of said service of garnishment on the day of , 19. . . ., he was indebted to the defendant, Richard Roe, in the sum of ($ ) dollars for 162 GARNISHMENTS days service of the said Richard Roe, during the month of , 19 . . . . , at dollars per day, and that he has not received or gotten possession of any property or effects of the said Richard Roe in his possession or control, and that since the service of said summons of gar- nishment he has not become indebted to the said Richard Roe, and that no property or effects of the said Richard Roe has come into his hands or possession since the service of said sum- mons of garnishment, and that it appearing that John Doe has recovered judgment at this term against Richard Roe upon the note sued upon for the sum of ($ ) dollars, principal debt, and ($ ) dollars for interest to judgment, and ($ ) dollars for attorney's fees, it is considered, ordered and ad- judged that the plaintiff, John Doe, do recover of defendant, John Jones, the sum of ($ ) dollars and cents, the amount liable to garnishment on said answer with interest thereon at seven (7) per cent, per annum from this date, and the further sum of dollars and cents, costs of garnishment. This , 19 J. P. -OR JOHN DOE, Plaintiff vs. RICHARD ROE, Defendant and Suit on note in the Justice Court of the District, G. M., of County, Georgia, ,Term, 19 JOHN JONES, Garnishee. J Garnishment. In the above named and stated case, the garnishee, John Jones, having answered that at the time of the service of said summons of garnishment on , 19. . . ., he was indebted to the defendant, Richard Roe, in the sum of ($ ) dollars, and that he has not become further indebted since the service of said summons of garnishment, and that he did not and has not received any property or effects of the said Richard. Roe at any time hereto- fore in his possession, and the said John Jones having further paid said money into court along with said answer, it is con- sidered, ordered and adjudged that the said John Jones be discharged as garnishee in said case and that he have judgment SALES BY CONSTABLES 163 for the sum of $ for expenses for making his answer, to be paid by Richard Roe, the party cast in said suit. J. P. SEC. 408. JUDGMENT OF DISCHARGE OF GARNISHEE. JOHN DOE, Plaintiff vs. RICHARD ROE, Defendant and JOHN JONES, Garnishee. Suit on note in the Justice Court of the District, G. M., of County, Georgia, ,Term, 19 Garnishment. In the above named and stated case, John Jones having filed his answer, wherein he denies any indebtedness to Richard Roe or that any property or effects was or has been in his possession since the service of said summons of garnishment up to the time of the making of the answer, and said answer not having been traversed, it is considered, ordered and adjudged that the said John Jones be, and he is, hereby discharged as garnishee, and it is further ordered that the said John Jones recover for the use of the officers of the court against John Doe, dollars and cents, costs of said garnishment, and also the further sum of $ for his expenses of making said answer. This the day of , 19 . ... 'j.'p.' CHAPTER XVI SALES BY CONSTABLES. (See Part II, pages 367-373.) SECTION 409. EXECUTIONS, LEVIES, AND SALES. "In all cases when no appeal lies or none is entered, a justice of the peace, or commissioned notary public, shall issue execution after the expiration of four days (Sundays excepted), and the levy shall be advertised ten days, in case of personal property, before the day of sale, which advertisement shall designate the time and place of sale, and shall give a reasonable description of the prop- erty to be sold, and shall be posted in three public places' in the county, and the sale shall be at the place of holding justice's court in his district, and between the hours of ten o'clock a. m. 164 SALES BY CONSTABLES and four o'clock p. m. In case the levy is upon real estate, it shall be turned over to the sheriff of the county and disposed of as now directed by law." Code, 4765. SEC. 410. TIME AND PLACE OF CONSTABLES' SALES. "Con- stables and bailiffs in the State shall be required to sell the prop- erty of defendants in execution on the regular monthly court days of their respective districts at the place of holding such courts, after advertising the s'aid property for ten days prior to such sale, and any other sales on any other days shall be abso- lutely null and void, and vest no tile to the property in the purchaser: Provided, nevertheless, that the provisions of this section shall not be construed so as to prevent the sale of prop- erty ordered to be sold by the justice of the peace, as live stock or perishable property, and likely to deteriorate in value ; such sales, when made, shall be valid and binding." Code, 4766. SEC. 411. LAND MAY BE LEVIED ON, WHEN. "No constable shall levy on any land unless there is no personal property to be found sufficient to satisfy the debt, which fact must appear by an entry on the execution to be levied by a constable of the county where such execution was issued, or where the property to be levied upon may be found : Provided, that the defendant shall have the right in all cases to point out any portion of his property in his possession he may think proper ; and should he point out land to be levied upon, the above entry of 'no personal property' may be omitted." Code, 4767. SEC. 412. BANK AND OTHER STOCK, How LEVIED UPON. "When any constable shall have any execution placed in his 1 hands against any person who is the owner of any shares or stock in any bank, or other corporation, or joint-stock company in this State, he shall, on the application of the plaintiff, his agent, or attorney, indorse a levy on said execution of the num- ber of shares belonging to the defendant, and make a return of the same to the sheriff of the county in which he lives', which said sheriff shall proceed to advertise and sell the same as re- quired by law. When the constable levies an execution in which the sheriff is a party, or in which he is interested, he may pro- ceed to sell the property as a sheriff is authorized to do." Code, 4768. SEC. 413. FORM OF EXECUTION FROM JUSTICE COURT. Georgia, County. To any Lawful Constable of said County: You are hereby commanded of the goods and chattels, lands SALES BY CONSTABLES 165 and tenements of Richard Roe, you cause to be made, by levy and sale thereof, the sum of ( $ ) dollars for principal debt, . . . . dollars and cents, for interest to judgment, with interest upon the principal sum at per cent, per annum, from , 19...., and dollars and cents for costs of suit, and thirty-five (35c) cents for this' writ, together with all future costs, which John Doe recovered before me against Richard Roe on the day of 19. . . . , in and at the Justice Court of the District, G. M., of County, and have you the said several sums of money at the next Justice Court to be held in and for said dis- trict, to render to the said John Doe, and have you then and there this writ. Given under my hand and seal, this' the day of ,19 j. P. SEC. 414. LEVY. Georgia, County. I have this day levied the within fi. fa. upon one certain bay horse about eight years old, named Ben, of medium size, as the property of the defendant, Richard Roe, and the same being in his possession at the time of the levy. This , 19. ... L. C. SEC. 415. ADVERTISEMENT. Georgia, County. Will be sold on the regular monthly court day of the Justice Court of the District, G. M'., of said County, the same being on the day of , 19 . . . . , at the place of holding said court, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P. M., one certain bay horse, about eight years old, of medium size, named Ben, said property being levied upon as the property of Richard Roe, the defendant, by virtue of an execution issued from the Justice Court of the District, G. M., of said County, in favor of John Doe against Richard Roe, defendant. This the day of 19 ..'. , L. C. SEC. 416. FORTHCOMING BOND. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents that we, Richard Roe, as 1 principal, and John Smith, as security, are held jointly and 166 SALES BY CONSTABLES severally bound unto , L. C., in the just and full sum of one hundred ($100.00) dollars, subject to the condition hereinafter stated. Signed with our hands and sealed with our seals, this the day of , 19. ... The condition of the above obligation is as follows : , L. C. of s'aid County, has this day levied a certain fi. fa. issued from the Justice Court of the District, G. M., of said County, at the term, 19. . . ., in favor of John Doe against Richard Roe upon one certain bay horse, of medium size, about eight years old, named Ben. Now, if the said Richard Roe, or any one for him, shall have and produce said horse at the time and place of sale, and then and there deliver him over to the said , L. C., then this bond to be void, otherwise of force. RICHARD ROE, Principal (L. S.) JOHN SMITH, Security (L. S.) Attested and approved by me : , L. C. PART II. Civil Forms. PART II CIVIL FORMS (NOTE: The use of the mark designates sections, of the Code of 1910. Where P. C. is also used the Penal Code is meant. These refer- ences are equally applicable to Park's Annotated Code of Georgia, 1914, as the section numbers therein are the same as those in the Code of 1910, except where new matter was inserted.) ABATEMENT OF ACTIONS. PLEAS IN ABATEMENT. 4331-4338, 5678. JOHN DOE ^ vs. > RICHARD ROE ) And now comes the defendant and prays judgment of the said petition, because he says 1. That at the time of the filing of this suit the said plaintiff was prosecuting, and is still prosecuting, an action in the Supe- rior Court of county for the same claim and cause of action, and between the same parties. 2. That the defendant in this action was duly served in the former action, and the same is now pending in said court undis- posed of. 3. That the allegations in the petition still pending in Supe- rior Court as aforesaid refer to and describe substantially the same facts, and count upon the same claim and cause of action, as sued upon in the present action. 4. That the allegations' of said former suit substantially set forth a good cause of action against this defendant, which will authorize a recovery against him, if the plaintiff therein shall make out his case. 170 ABATEMENT OF ACTIONS 5. That the said Superior Court of county, in which said former action was brought, has jurisdiction of the case heretofore filed therein by said plaintiff against said defendant, under the allegations of the declaration in said case. And this the defendant is ready to verify. Wherefore he prays judgment of the said petition and that the same may be quashed. * Defendant's Attorney. [NOTE; The above form can be readily adapted by the pleader to the cases in which a plea of abatement is proper, such as former recovery, misjoinder, or nonjoinder, pleas to the jurisdiction, pleas denying ex- istence of partnership, objection to want of process, premature bringing of suit, suits by informers, etc.] Allegations in paragraph 5 of the above form were upheld in 115/171 (1) (41 S. E. 699). Plea in abatement is dilatory plea; must be filed at first term and must be sworn to. 120/530 (48 S. E. 128). See 4727, 5641. Error to strike plea at hearing in vacation before return term. 145/111 (88 S. E. 584). Lis PENDENS. 4431, 5 GTS. (State the case.) And now comes the defendant in the above stated case, and for plea says : 1. That on the day of , 19. . . ., plaintiff filed his petition returnable to the term, 19. . . ., of court, in said State, said court having jurisdiction of the person and subject matter thereof. 2. That the action in the last court aforesaid is between the same parties, and for the same cause of action as that alleged in the present petition, and is still pending therein, undetermined. Wherefore, the defendant says that the plaintiff has no right to maintain or pros'ecute the present action, and says that the same should abate, and that the same be dismissed at plaintiff's cost. And this the defendant is ready to verify. Defendant's Attorney. ACCORD AND SATISFACTION, AND RELEASE 171 ACCORD AND SATISFACTION, AND RELEASE. 4326-4330. PLEA OF ACCORD AND SATISFACTION. 1 Complaint on note. vs. > In Superior Court, J Term, 19 Comes now the defendant in the above named and stated case, and for plea says' : That previous to the filing of this suit plaintiff and defendant entered into an agreement to this effect : The note sued on was given for the purchase price of a certain pair of mules ; that on the day of , 19. . . ., the plaintiff agreed to take back said pair of mules at the price of four hundred ($400.00) dollars, upon the condition that the defendant would pay him in addition thereto, the sum of one hundred ($100.00) dollars in cash, which amount the defendant paid to the said plaintiff on said day of , 19. . . ., and returned said pair of mules, and in this 1 way said note sued on was fully settled and extinguished. All of which defendant stands ready to show and verify, and prays to be dismissed hence with his reasonable cost. Defendant's Attorney. Or And now comes the defendant and for [further] plea in this behalf says' that-the claim and cause of action alleged in the petition has been fully settled and extinguished, for that the plaintiff and the defendant, on the day of , 19. . . ., entered in an agreement subsequent to the agreement sued on, the intention and effect of which was to satisfy the former one, the plaintiff agreeing to accept the same in dis- charge and satisfaction, and the latter agreement has been ex- ecuted. A copy of said subsequent agreement is hereto attached. And this the defendant is ready to verify, wherefore he prays judgment, if the said plaintiff ought to have or maintain his aforesaid action thereof against him. Or For that the defendant on the day of , 19...., made and executed a new promise to the plaintiff, 172 ACCORD AND SATISFACTION, AND RELEASE. founded new consideration, to wit: (State what the considera- tion was), a copy of which is hereto attached. PLEA OF RELEASE. JOHN DOE 1 o , j? Suit for Damages. vs. L-r c , In Superior Court, N ORTHWESTERN RAILROAD rp I lerm, 19. ... COMPANY J Now comes the defendant in the above named and stated case, and for plea and ans*wer says: That on the day of , 19 . . . . , previous to the filing of the present suit, the plaintiff entered into an agreement, in writing, with the defendant, through its proper officer and agent, a copy of which agreement is hereto attached, whereby the plaintiff released the defendant from any and all liability and damages for the alleged injuries sued for, upon the condition and consideration that defendant should pay to him the sum of dollars; and that in pursuance of said agreement, the defendant paid said amount to plaintiff, and thereby the said cause of action sued on has 1 been fully settled and extinguished. And this defendant sets up this agreement as against the plaintiff's suit, and prays to be dis- missed hence with his reasonable cost. Defendant's Attorney. (NOTE: Under our procedure the petition of the plaintiff must be answered, and it is usual to file a plea of this kind at the end of it; in such cases the plea can be marked as a numbered paragraph, and begun with: "And for further plea and answer, defendant says.") Consideration. Plea not averring that plaintiffs obtained any advantage, or that defendant gave any new consideration or additional security or executed the agreement by paying the amount agreed upon, was insufficient. 81/808 (10 S. E. 390). "Estopped" not used in one place in plea here did not make plea in- sufficient. 74/717. Facts in plea may be sufficient to set up accord and satisfaction, though, technically, plea would not be called one of accord and satisfaction. 35/216, 218; 74/717. ACCOUNTS 173 Terms. Plea which does not set up either the terms of the settlement or its agreed result as to discharge or satisfaction sets forth no defense. 94/649 (3) (21 S. E. 901). Plea must allege facts sufficient to put plaintiff upon notice of the exact terms of the agreement, and when and with whom it was entered into. 108/211 (33 S. E. 857) ; 131/237 (62 S. E. 81). Unless plea sets out time and parties, and terms of settlement, so that it can be readily understood, it ought to be stricken on demurrer. 137/250 (73 S. E. 400). Uncertainty of plea here made it impossible to say whether pleader meant to plead accord and satisfaction. 80/534 (7 S. E'. 84). ACCOUNTS. SUMMONS IN SUIT ON ACCOUNT IN JUSTICE COURT. Georgia, County. JOHN DOE ) . J In the Justice Court of the District RICHARD ROE CL M., of County. To any Lawful Constable of said County: The defendant, Richard Roe, of said district and county, is hereby commanded to be and appear at the next term of the Justice Court to be held in and for said district, at the usual place of holding said court at the court-house in the city of , on the day of , 19 . . . . , at ten o'clock, A. M., to ans"wer the complaint of John Doe in an action upon an account for dollars, a copy of which said account is hereto attached. Herein fail not. - Witness my hand and official signature, this the day of ,19 J. P.' (NOTE: To the above summons attach a copy of the account.) AFFIDAVIT FOR PROOF OF ACCOUNT WHICH MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE ACCOUNT. Georgia, County. In person appeared before the undersigned attesting officer, John Doe, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the above 174 ACCOUNTS and foregoing account against Richard Roe for the sum of dollars is just and true as it stands stated, and is unpaid. JOHN DOE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of , 19 COUNTER AFFIDAVIT. (NOTE: If the defendant wishes to defend this suit, he must appear at the court at the time fixed in the summons for his appearance, and have his name marked on the docket, or his counsel, and must also file a counter affidavit, the form of which may be as follows:) Georgia, County. JOHN DOE ^ - I In the Justice Court of the District, RICHARD ROE J <>. M., of County. ' Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, Richard Roe, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that he is the defendant in the above named and stated case, and files this his counter affidavit to the account therein sued on, and admits that he is indebted for a portion of the articles sued for, to wit, all of the same except the item of dollars, for. ....'., and the item of dollars, for , and this de- fendant denies said account as to that portion of the same, amounting in the aggregate to dollars. RICHARD ROE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of , 19 .... SUMMONS IN SUIT ON NOTE IN JUSTICE COURT. Georgia, County. JOHN DOE ] ... ^. . L feint on note in the District, RICHARD ROE J G ' M '> of Comit ^ To any Lawful Constable of said County : The defendant, Richard Roe, of said district and county, is hereby commanded to be and appear at the usual place of hold- ACCOUNTS 175 ing the Justice Court at the court-house in the city of . , on the day of , 19. . . ., at ten o'clock, A. M., then and there to answer the complaint of John Doe in a suit upon a promissory note for dollars and a claim for attorney's fees thereon, a copy of which said note and claim is hereto attached. Herein fail not. Witness my hand and official signature, this the day of.. , 19.. J. P. COPY OF $ ,191... On , 19 . . . . , I promise to pay to the order of John Doe, dollars, for value received, with interest at 8 per cent, per annum, from date. And each of us, whether maker, security or endorser on this note, hereby waives and renounces for himself and family, any and all homestead and exemption rights to which he or they may, in any event be entitled under any provisions of the con- stitution or laws, state or federal; and each further waives demand, protest and notice of demand, protest and non-payment. And in case this note has to be collected by suit, or placed in the hands of an attorney for collection, I agree to pay all costs of collection, including ten per cent, attorney's fees. Witness my hand and seal. KICHAED ROE. (L. S.) The plaintiff, John Doe, being the -holder of said note, claims the attorney's fees as expressed therein by reason of the fact that on the day of , 19 . . . . , he served the defendant, Richard Roe, personally, with a notice in writing that unless said note was paid on or before the return day of said Justice Court of the District, G. M., of county, that he would so claim said attorney's fees. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT TO RECOVER ATTORNEY'S FEES ON NOTE. 4252. Georgia, County. To Richard Roe: You are hereby notified that a certain purchase-money note 176 ACCOUNTS made by you to me, dated , 19 . . . . , for the sum of dollars, with interest from date at 8 per cent., and which includes a provision for the payment by you of attorney's fees in the event that said note would be collected by suit or placed in the hands of an attorney for collection, is past due and unpaid, and it is my intention to bring suit thereon in the Justice Court of the District, G. M., of county, to the term, 19. . . ., of said court on said note, and that unless said note is paid on or before the return day of -said court, which return day is on the day of , 19. . . ., then in such case I will claim the attorney's fees as expressed therein. This , 19. ... JOHN DOE. SUIT ON ACCOUNT IN CITY COURT OK. SUPERIOR COURT. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of John Doe, as plaintiff, against Richard Roe, as defendant, alleges: 1st. That Richard Roe is a resident of said county. 2nd. That defendant is indebted to plaintiff in the just and full sum of dollars, besides interest, upon an account which is now due, a copy of which is hereto attached, marked "Exhibit A," and made a part of this petition. 3rd. That defendant fails and refuses to pay said sum or any part thereof. Wherefore, plaintiff brings suit, and prays that process may issue, requiring defendant to be and appear at the next term of Superior Court, to answer petitioner's complaint. Plaintiff's Attorney. (To this petition attach a copy of the account. An account in the superior court can not be proved by an affidavit, as in a justice court.) COMPLAINT IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OR CITY COURT ON PROMISSORY NOTE PROVIDING FOR ATTORNEY'S FEES. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of John Doe, as' plaintiff, against Richard Roe, as defendant, alleges: ACCOUNTS 177 1st. That John Doe is a resident of said county. 2nd. That on the day of , 19 , the defendant made to plaintiff a certain promissory note for the sum of dollars, with interest from date at per cent, per annum, which said note contained a provision that if said not was collected by suit or placed in the hands of an attorney for collection, the defendant would pay per cent. attorney's fees, together with s'aid principal and interest, a copy of which said note is hereto attached, and marked "Exhibit A." 3rd. That on the day of , 19. . . ., plaintiff served defendant personally with a notice in writing that it was his intention to bring suit on said note to the term, 19. . . ., of superior court, and that unless the defendant paid said note on or before the return day of said court, which was on the day of , 19 . . . . , that in such event he would claim the attorney's fees as 1 expressed in said note, a copy of which said notice is hereto attached, and marked "Exhibit B," and that the defendant has failed and refused to pay said note or any part thereof. Wherefore, plaintiff prays that process may issue requiring the defendant to be and appear at the next term of the superior court of said county to answer your petitioner's complaint. Plaintiff's Attorney. Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, John Doe, plaintiff in petition hereinbefore set out, and who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the facts stated in said petition are true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. JOHN DOE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of , 19. ... Clerk, Superior Court. "EXHIBIT A." $ , 19.... , 19 . . . . , I promise to pay to the order of , dollars, for value received, with interest at per cent, per annum, from date, until paid. And each of us, whether maker, security or endorser 178 ACCOUNTS on this note, hereby waives and renounces, for himself and family, any and all homestead and exemption rights to which he or they may, in any event be entitled, under any provisions of the constitution or laws, state or federal; and each further waives demand, protest and notice of demand, protest and non- payment. And in case this note has to be collected by stiit, or placed in the hands of an attorney for collection, I agree to pay all costs of collection, including ten per cent, attorney's fees. Witness my hand and seal. RICHARD ROE (L. S.) (NOTE: It has been the practice where a note is sued upon, with notice given for attorney's fees, to file simply general denial. Where there is no affidavit to the petition, this can be done, and it carries the case over if it is regularly placed on the trial calendar. By making the affidavit as is made to this petition, any answer or plea the defendant makes, must be sworn to. See Code, 5543. As to proof of the service of the notice given of intention to sue and proof of the service of the same by manifold copy, see Savannah Bank- ing and Trust Company vs. Purvis, 6 App. 275 (6) (65 S. E. 35), which reads: "Where notices are executed in duplicate or otherwise in manifold and one or more of the copies are served while another is retained, the copy so retained is admissible as primary evidence upon an issue as to the service of the notice notwithstanding the production of the copies served has not been called for by a notice to produce or otherwise.") MANIFOLD COPY OF NOTICE FOR ATTORNEY'S FEES. 4252. "EXHIBIT B." Georgia, County. To Richard Roe: You are hereby notified that I am the holder of the note made by you to me on the .... day of , 19 . . . . , for the sum of dollars, with interest from date at per cent, per annum, wherein there is a provision that if said note has to be collected by suit, or placed in the hands' of an attorney for collection, you are obligated to pay a further sum of per cent, as attorney's fees, said note being due , 19 . . . . , and it is my intention to bring suit on said note to the , term, 19. . . ., of superior court, and that unless you pay the said note on or before the return day of said tenn of said court, which is on the day ACCOUNTS 179 of , 19. . . ., that I will claim in said suit the attorney's fees as expressed in said note. This day of ,19.... JOHN DOE. Amendments. All affidavits that are the foundation of legal proceedings, and all counter-affidavits, are amendable. See 5706. Unsworn plea amendable. 112/138 (37 S. E. 104). Contract in writing explana- tory of items of account may be set up by amendment. 125/148 (54 S. E. 193) ; 13 App. 25, 26 (78 S. E. 688). When bill of particu- lars is improperly headed, defect is amendable. 15 App. 280 (1) (82 S. E. 918). Amendment showing in detail how goods were sold to defendants was mere elaboration of petition, and was properly allowed. 18 App. 416 (2) (89 S. E'. 491). Attorney's fees. Notice of intention to sue, required by 4252 as condi- tion precedent to recovery of attorney's fees, must disclose holder of note in whose behalf payment is demanded. 7 App. 645 (3) (67 S. E. 896) ; 14 App. 300 (80 S. E. 723) ; 17 App. 517 (87 S. E. 770). Notice naming term of court preceding term to which suit is re- turnable, not sufficient. 15 App. 133 (82 S. E. 772). Notices were held sufficient in the following cases: 128/414 (57 S. E. 704); 141/578 (81 S. E'. 892) ; 13 App. 309 (79 S. E. 165) ; 14 App. 80 (80 S. E. 301) ; 17 App. 463 (87 S. E. 701). Where petition alleges that notice has been given, it is unnecessary to attach to petition copy of such notice. 140/603 (3) (79 S. E. 540). Allegation that plain- tiff had caused written notice to be served, together with prayer for recovery of attorney's fees, was sufficient to show that notice based on section 4252 was notice of intention to sue on note and seek to recover attorney's fees according to its terms. 140/653, 654 (4) (79 S. E. 539). Fact that carbon copy of notice served differed in certain immaterial respects from notice actually served did not render such copy objectionable as immaterial and irrelevant. 141/ 840 (82 S. E. 246). In absence of demurrer, statement in petition that defendants had been notified of suit in writing ten days before filing same, in connection with allegation that defendants in their note, copy of which was attached to petition, promised to pay attorney's fees, was sufficient basis for recovery of such fees. 13 App. 119 (2) (78 S. E. 862). Allegation that in terms of law peti- tioner gave notice of intention to sue, and that defendant failed to pay, was sufficient, in absence of special demurrer, to authorize proof authorizing recovery of attorney's fees. 14 App. 293 (2) (80 S. E. 699). Bill of particulars. Superior Court rule 10 (6269) is superseded by the pleading act of 1893 (5628). 144/646 (2) (87 S. E. 915). "Cause of action sued on" may be contained in summons itself or copy attached. 118/411 (45 S. E. 306). Certainty. Some degree of certainty is required. 17 App. 744 (88 S. E. 403). Payment. Plea that account was paid by decedent was properly stricken where it failed to allege when and to whom payment was made, and averred that defendant could not make such allegation, because of want of sufficient information, except that decedent paid his board monthly, as was his habit, and that he had ample money to pay his debts. 14 App. 298 (80 S. E. 698). 180 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS Summons which requires defendant to answer suit upon account is not so defective as to be subject to dismissal merely because it also requires defendant to answer "plaintiff's demand to establish a lien upon real estate." 15 App. 455 (1) (83 S. E'. 896). Verified account requires verified plea. 10 App. 278 (73 S. E. 350). See 4728. Denial not under oath, as to account sworn to, not defense. 14 App. 218 (80 S. E. 680). ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS. 3935-4105. I. APPOINTMENT AND QUALIFICATION: LETTERS. II. BONDS. III. SALES BY. IV. ADMINISTRATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ESTATES PAYMENT OF DEBTS YEAR'S SUPPORT. V. RETURNS, INVENTORY, APPRAISEMENT, ACCOUNT AND COMMISSION. VI. SUITS, BY OR AGAINST. VII. DISMISSION, RESIGNATION AND REMOVAL. VIII. WILLS. (See title Wills.) IX. FOREIGN EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS. I. APPOINTMENT AND QUALIFICATION: LETTERS. TEMPORARY ADMINISTRATION. 3935-3938. APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. 3935. Georgia, County. To , Ordinary of said County : The petition of , a citizen of the United States, residing in said State, shows that departed this life on or about the day of , 19 . . . . , a resident of said county, intestate, leaving an estate of real and personal property of the value of dollars; the realty worth about dollars ; and the personalty worth about dollars; the said estate is unrepresented, and it is ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 181 necessary for the purpose of collecting and taking care of the effects of said deceased that temporary letters of administration should be granted thereon; that petitioner is' entitled under the law to be appointed administrator because he is a son of de- ceased (or state other ground). Wherefore, petitioner prays an order appointing petitioner temporary administrat. . . .on said estate. Residing at, , ORDER OF APPOINTMENT. COURT OF ORDINARY, County. At Chambers, , 19 .... The petition of for temporary letters of administration on the estate of , deceased, having been duly filed, and it appearing that said deceased died a resident of said county, intestate; that said applicant is a citizen of this State, and lawfully qualified for said adminis- tration, and that it is necessary that such letters should issue for the purpose of collecting and taking care of the effects of the said deceased until permanent letters are granted ; it is, therefore, ordered that the said be, and is, hereby appointed temporary administrat. ... on said estate, and that letters as such issue to upon giving bond and security in the sum of dollars, and taking the oath as the law requires. , Ordinary. OATH OF TEMPORARY ADMINISTRATOR. Georgia, County. I, , do solemnly swear that I will well and truly perform the duties of temporary administrator upon the estate of , deceased, to the best of my ability ; so help me God. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 19 Ordinary. 182 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS BOND OF TEMPORARY ADMINISTRATOR. 3936. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, that we, , as principal, and . '. , as security, are held and firmly bound unto , the Ordinary of said county and his successors in office, in the just and full sum of $ , subject to the conditions hereinafter set out, and as against this bond and any liability incurred thereunder, each of us for himself and family waives and renounces all rights of homestead and exemption that he may have under or by virtue of the Constitution and laws of this State. Signed with our hands and sealed with our seals, this day of ,19 The condition of the above obligation is as follows : has this day been appointed temporary administrator upon the estate of , late of said county, deceased. Now if the said shall collect and take care of the effects of the said , deceased, and turn the same over to the permanent administrator when one is appointed, and in every way truly and faithfully discharge his duties as such temporary administrator according to law, then in such case this 1 bond to be void, otherwise of full force and effect. ....' :....(L. S.) Principal. ....(L. S.) Security. Executed in the presence of and approved by: Ordinary. TEMPORARY LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, County. By , Ordinary for said county. Whereas , late of said county, deceased, died intestate, having whilst lived and at the time of death, considerable property within the said State ; and it being ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 183 right and necessary that the property of the said deceased should be collected and taken care of, until a citation in due form of law can issue, and it be ascertained to whom the right of admin- istration doth appertain. I do, therefore, hereby constitute and appoint with full power, by the tenor of these presents, to collect and take care of the moneys, goods, chattels and other property of the said deceased, and the same safely to keep until it can be ascertained to whom the right of administration doth belong ; and thereupon the said immediately to deliver up the said moneys, goods, chattels and other property to whomsoever the court shall commit the administration of the estate of said deceased, agreeably to law. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto affixed my signature as ordinary for said county, and seal of office, this day of , 19 , Ordinary. ORDER APPOINTING TEMPORARY ADMINISTRATOR PENDING APPEAL ON PROPOUNDED WILL. 3938. County Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 The court of ordinary of said county having, at this regular term, in the matter of the will of , propounded by and caveated by : , refused to admit said will to probate; and appeal having been taken from the decision of the court to the Superior Court of county, and the circumstances of the case requiring a temporary administrator on the estate of until such appeal is disposed of, and , one of the next of kin and a suitable person, having filed his petition praying the court that he be appointed such temporary administrator, it is ordered that he be, and is, hereby vested with such administration, upon his giving bond and security in the sum of dollars, said to be his security, and that letters temporary issue to him, after giving such bond and security, and taking the usual oath. , Ordinary. 184 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS DE BONIS APPLICATION FOR ADMINISTRATION DE BONIS NON. 3939. Georgia, County. To , Ordinary of said County : The petition of , of said State, shows that , late a resident of s'aid county, died on the day of , 19. . . ., intestate, leaving in said State real and personal estate worth dollars ; that one was by the court of ordinary of said county appointed administrator on the estate of on the day of , 19. . . ., and died intestate, leaving a part of the estate of said unadministered. Peti- tioner alleges that he is the next of kin of said and, as such, prays' that a citation may issue, requiring all per- sons interested to show cause at the next term of the court of ordinary for said county why letters of administration should not be granted to your petitioner upon the unadministered estate of said This day of , 19 , Petitioner. ORDER FOR CITATION TO ISSUE. Court of Ordinary, Countv, Georgia. ;..., 19 The above petition of to administer the estate of unadministered by his late administrator being read and considered, ordered that the citation issue as prayed for. , Ordinary. CITATION FOR ADMINISTRATION DE BONIS NON. 3939. Georgia, County. To all whom it may concern : of said State, having applied to me for letters of administration de bonis non on the estate of , of said county, this is to cite all and singular the heirs and creditors of to be and appear at the term, ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 185 19. . . .., of said court, and show caus'e, if any they can, why letters of administration de bonis non should not be granted on the estate of said Witness my official signature. Ordinary of County. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION DE BONIS Georgia, County. By , Ordinary of said county. of said county, in which died resident, and having been duly appointed by the court of ordinary, administrat .... on said estate, which said administrat .... has' also departed this life before finishing the administration of estate, and said court having at a regular term thereof appointed administrat .... de bonis non, on condition of giving bond and security named in said order and taking the usual oath; and said having fully complied with the directions of the court: This is to show that said is fully empowered and required by law to do all and singular the duties of admin- istrat. . . . de bonis non of the estate of deceased ; to administer, according to law, the estate remaining unadmin- istered by the former administrat. ... of and in all respects is authorized to discharge the duties and exercise the power given by law to an administrator de bonis non of the estate of \Yitness my hand as 1 ordinary, and seal of said court, this day of , 19. ... , Ordinary. LETTERS or ADMINISTRATION DE BONIS NON WITH WILL ANNEXED. 3940. Court of Ordinary, County, Georgia. Term, 19 By the Court of Ordinary for said County. To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: Know ye, that on the day of , 19. . . ., after petition and proper citation, was appointed 186 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS administrator de bonis non cum testamento annexe of the estate of . . . . , late of said county, deceased, and that on the day of , 19 . . . . , the said departed this life, intestate, leaving said estate partially admin- istered, and that by petition to this court, and after proper citation and publication of the same, applied to this court for letters of administration de bonis non cum testamento annexe, and that after due and proper proceeding, the said was appointed as such administrator, and then and thereupon, having taken the proper oath and having filed his bond as required by the order of appointment, now by virtue of these presents, the said is legally author- ized to administer the estate of the said , deceased, remaining unadministered according to the tenor and effect of said will and testament of said , deceased, a copy of which will is hereto attached, and according to law and fully and truly to discharge all the duties of such administrator, and to render a true and correct account to this court of his acts and doings yearly and every year until his administration is fully complete. Witness my hand and the official seal of said court, this. . . . day of ,19 (SEAL) Ordinary of County. APPLICATION FOR ADMINISTRATION, WITH WILL ANNEXED. 3940, 3941. Georgia, County. To , Ordinary of said County : The petition of of said State, shows that , late a resident of said county, died on the day of , 19 . . . ., owning real and personal estate to the value of dollars, and testate; that the will of said was duly proved and admitted to record in. solemn form at the term, 19. . . ., in said county by the Court of Ordinary, and one was appointed executor of said will, and continued as such executor until the day of , 19 . . . . , when he died intestate, leaving the will unexecuted; that your petitioner is' a son of , deceased, and is entitled to administration, with the will annexed^ of the estate of and there- ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 187 fore prays a citation to issue in his behalf, calling upon all persons interested to show cause why administration, with the will annexed, on the estate of should not be granted as prayed for, at the term, 19. . . ., of the said court of ordinary. , Petitioner. [NOTE: If the executor named in the will did not appear to qualify and execute the same, that fact should be alleged in lieu of what is alleged in the above form.] ORDER FOR CITATION TO ISSUE. Court of Ordinary, County, Georgia. Term, 19 The above and foregoing petition of for letters of administration de bonis non with the will annexed, on the estate of , late of county, deceased, coming on for hearing, and having been considered, ordered that citation issue as prayed for. Ordinary. CITATION FOR ADMINISTRATION, WITH WILL ANNEXED. Georgia, County. To all whom it may concern : of said State, having applied to me for letters of administration de bonis non with will annxed, on the estate of , late of said county, deceased, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of said to be and appear at term, 19. . . ., of the court of ordinary of s'aid county, and show cause, if any they can, why letters of administration de bonis non, with the will annexed, should not be granted to said on the estate of Witness my official signature this day of , 19. .. ,,.,..,.., , , Ordinary. 188 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, WITH WILL ANNEXED. 3940. Georgia, County. By the Court of Ordinary for said County. To all whom these presents shall come Greeting: Know ye, that on the day of , in the year of our Lord 19. . . ., the last will and testament of , late of said county, deceased, was 1 exhibited in open court, and proved and admitted to record in solemn form, a copy of which is hereunto annexed, and administration of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits of said deceased was granted to as administrat . . . . , with the will annexed, and having first taken the oath and performed all other requisites required by law by order of said court, and by virtue of these presents, is legally authorized to administer the goods, chattels, rights and credits of the said deceased according to the tenor and effect of the said will and testament, and according to law, and he is hereby required to render a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased, and appraised and return to this court according to law, and to render a true and correct account to this court of his actings and doing yearly, and every year until his administration is fully completed. Witness my hand, and the official seal of said court this day of , 19 , Ordinary. APPLICATION FOR ADMINISTRATION BY ONE SELECTED BY NEXT OF KIN. 3943(3). Georgia, County. To , Ordinary of said County : The petition of of said State, shows that died intestate on the day of , 19. . . ., a' resident of said county, owning at the time of his death real and personal estate in said State worth about dollars, and that said left as his next of kin , ? his widow, . . . , , ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 189 and , his children, all of full age and residents of s'aid county, and an estate entirely solvent; that said next of kin have, by their writing annexed to this petition, selected your petitioner to administer on said estate; wherefore, your petitioner prays citation to issue as usual, calling upon all inter- ested to show cause, if any they can, at the term, 19. . . ., of this court, why letters of administration should not be granted on the estate of , aforesaid, to your petitioner. This' day of ,19 , Petitioner. SELECTION BY NEXT OF KIN. 3943(4). We, the undersigned, being a majority of the next of kin of , who died on the day of , 19 . . . , in the State of Georgia and county of , intestate, and we being also equally related and interested in the distri- bution of estate, being his children, select , of said State and county as our choice to administer the estate of , and pray the court of ordinary of said county to appoint him, he giving the neces- sary bond and security for his administration. This day of , 19 ORDER FOR CITATION TO ISSUE. Court of Ordinary, County. Term, 19 The petition of , for permanent letters' of administration on the estate of , late of said county, deceased, coming on for hearing, it is ordered and ad- judged that the order for citation prayed for be granted, and that the same be published as required by law. This day of , 19 Ordinary. 190 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS CITATION FOR PERMANENT LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, County. To all whom it may concern: of said State, having, in proper form, applied for permanent letters of administration on the estate of , late of said county, deceased, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of , deceased, to be and appear at the court of ordinary of said county, at the term, 19. . . ., and show cause, if any they have or can, why permanent letters of administration should not be granted to said on said estate. Witness my official signature this day of , 19. .. Ordinary. ORDER FOR. LETTERS TO ISSUE. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 Citation having been duly issued and published, requiring all and singular the next of kin and creditors of , deceased, late of said county, to appear at this' term, and show cause, if any they had or could, why permanent letters of administration should not be granted to , of said county, and the parties so cited making no valid objection thereto, it is ordered by the court that letters of administration issue to as administrator of , deceased^ upon his giving bond and security in the sum of dollars, with , security, and taking the usual oath of office. , Ordinary. PERMANENT LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, County. By the Court of Ordinary for said County. Whereas , deceased, late of said county, died intestate, having while he lived, and at the time of his death, divers estates, real and personal, within said county, and the Court at the Term, 19. . . ., thereof, having ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 191 issued a citation calling upon all persons concerned, to be and appear at the term of the said court, and show cause, if any they could or had, why permanent letters should not be granted to , and why he should not be appointed, and no cause having been shown to the contrary, and the said having given bond and security, and taken the oath, as required by law, the court hereby grants unto the said as administrator full power, by the tenor of these presents', to lawfully administer the entire estate, both real and personal of said deceased, which to in his lifetime and at the time of his death did belong, and to ask, demand, sue for, recover and receive the same, and to pay the debts in which the deceased stood bound, so far as the assets of said estate may extend, according to law, and then the bal- ance, if any, to pay over to the legal heirs and distributees of said deceased, and to do and perform all other duties as such administrat. . . . devolved upon him by the laws of this State. Witness my hand as ordinary, and the seal of said court, this day of , 19 , Ordinary. Selection must be made in writing. 72/776. When one creditor alone selects one of two contestants, selection need not be made in writ- ing. 61/164. CREDITOR'S APPLICATION. 3943 (3, 6). APPLICATION BY CREDITOR FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, County. To , Ordinary of said County : The petition of of said State shows that of said county, late a resident thereof, died intestate on the day of , 19. . . ., owning real and personal estate in said State worth dollars ; that said at the time of his death was insolvent, and your petitioner is a creditor of said and entitled to the administration on estate ; wherefore your petitioner prays that citation may issue in his behalf, calling upon all persons interested to show cause, if any they can or have, why letters of administration should not be 192 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS granted to him on said estate at the term, 19. . . ., of said court of ordinary. , Petitioner. ORDER FOR CITATION TO ISSUE. Court of Ordinary, ....... County, Georgia. Term, 19 The petition of for permanent letters of administration on the estate of , late of said county, deceased, coming on for hearing, it is ordered and ad- judged that the order for citation prayed for be granted and that the same be published as required by law. This day of , 19 Ordinary. CITATION. Georgia, County. To all whom it may concern: of said State, having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of , late of said county, deceased, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and heirs of to be and appear at the term of court, 19. . . ., and show cause, if any they can, why permanent letters of administration should not be granted. Witness my official signature this day of , 19. .. Ordinary of County. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR. 3952-3968. ORDER APPOINTING ADMINISTRATOR. Georgia, County. By the Ordinary of said County. It appearing to the court that is a citizen of said county, that he has attained the age of twenty-one years. ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 193 and has been a resident of s'aid county for one year, it is ordered that said be, and he is, hereby appointed county administrator for said county, to hold said office until the first Monday in March, 19 . . . . , and until his successor is appointed and qualified, upon his giving bond payable to the ordinary of said county for the benefit of all concerned with good security, to be judged of by said ordinary, in the sum of five thousand dollars', conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duty as county administrator, as required by law. Let this order be entered on the minutes of the court, and the original placed in the possession of said county administrator. Witness my hand and seal of office this. . .day of , 19. . Ordinary of County. [NOTE: Order appointing, should be placed on minutes. 3954. Where an estate is unrepresented, and not likely to be represented, the ordinary is required to vest the administration in the county adminis- trator. 3957. The clerk of the Superior Court is eligible to this office. 3955. Separate letters of administration upon each estate placed in the hands of the county administrator are required. 3958.] APPLICATION TO VEST ADMINISTRATION IN COUNTY ADMINIS- TRATOR. 3957, 3958. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County: The petition of showeth that departed this life on or about the day of , 19. . ., a resident of said county, intestate, leaving an estate in said county of real and personal property of the probable value of dollars, and that said estate is unrepresented, and not likely to be represented. Petitioner is Wherefore, petitioner prays an order directing that citation be issued herein and published as the law requires; and that if no good cause be shown to the contrary, administration upon said estate be vested in the county administrator of said county, or some other fit and proper person. 194: ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS ORDER FOR CITATION TO ISSUE. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 Upon reading the foregoing petition, it is ordered that cita- tion therein be issued and published as required by law. , Ordinary. CITATION. Georgia, County. To whom it may concern: , by petition in due form, having represented to me that , late of said county, deceased, died, leaving an estate of realty and personalty, and that the same is not represented, and is not likely to be, this is to cite the creditors and next of kin of said , deceased, to be and appear at the term, 19. . . ., of the Court of Ordinary of county, to show cause, if any they have or can, why the administration of said estate should not be vested in , the County Adminis- trator, or some other fit and proper person. This day of , 19 Ordinary. ORDER VESTING ADMINISTRATION IN COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR. Court of Ordinary, County. Term, 19 The petition of averring that the estate of , deceased, is unrepresented, and not likely to be represented and praying that letters of administration on the estate of said deceased be vested in the county administrator of said county or some other fit or proper person, having been duly filed; and it appearing that citation therein was issued and published according to law, requiring all concerned to appear at this term, and show cause, if any they could or had, why said letters should not be granted ; and it also appearing that said deceased died a resident of said county on or about the day of , 19. . . ., intestate, and no objection ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 195 H being offered thereto; it is therefore ordered by the court that administration on said estate be, and it is, hereby vested in , county administrator of said county, and that letters issue to him as provided by law. , Ordinary. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT AS ADMINISTRATOR. 3965-3968. APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT OF CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT AS ADMINISTRATOR. Georgia, County. To , Ordinary of said County : The petition of shows that he is a son of , late of said county, deceased ; that said died in said county on the day of , 19 . . . . , intestate, leaving in said county a valuable estate, consisting of real and personal property, worth the sum of dollars, which said estate is' not represented and not likely to be represented, and is wasting; that your petitioner is interested in said estate as an heir at law of said ; wherefore your petitioner, in con- sideration of the premises, asks your Honor to issue the usual citation, where no person applies for letters of administration on the estates of deceased intestates, calling on all persons interested to show -cause why the clerk of the superior court of said county, or some other fit and proper person, should not at the term, 19 . . . . , of said court, be appointed as administrator on the estate of said This day of 19 , Petitioner. ORDER FOR CITATION TO ISSUE. Court of Ordinary. .Term, 19 It being made to appear by satisfactory proof that , late of county, Georgia, died intestate, and no one 196 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS applies for administration on his estate, or is likely to apply, whereby great loss and injury is daily accruing to the next of kin and creditors ; that there is an estate, real and personal, of said decedent in said State and county, worth dollars, which should be taken care of; it is hereby ordered that citation issue, in terms of the law, requiring all persons' inter- ested to show cause at the term, 19. . . ., of this court, why administration of said estate should not be vested in the clerk of the superior court or some other fit person. Ordinary. [NOTE: The clerk of the Superior Court is appointed when there is no county representative. 3965. Rules to guide discretion of ordinary. 3968.] CITATION. (NOTE: The usual citation should be issued and published, as in other cases.) ORDER VESTING ADMINISTRATION IN THE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 Whereas, at the term, 19. . . ., of this Court, an order was passed on the petition of % that , late of said county, had departed this life intestate, and his estate, real and personal, in said State, of the value of dollars, and that said estate was not represented, and was not likely to be represented, and was wasting, for want of representation thereon, and directing cita- tion to issue, calling upon all persons interested to show cause at this term, if they could, why administration of said estate should not vest in the clerk of the Superior Court of said county, and it now appearing that said citation has been legally pub- lished, and all the necessary preliminary steps have been taken which are required in such cases where administration is 1 vested in the clerk of the Superior Court, and no valid objection having been offered to such proceedings, it is therefore ordered that , clerk of the Superior Court of said county ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 197 be, and he is, hereby vested with administration on the estate of , deceased, and take the usual oath of office. Ordinary. [NOTE: It is not the duty of the court of ordinary to require the clerk of the superior court to give bond on such appointment in the first instance. See 106/855 (33 S. E. 43).] PERMANENT LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. 3969-3982. APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT LETTERS. 3969. Georgia, County. To , Ordinary of said County: The petition of shows to the Court the following facts: 1. That was a resident of county, and died therein on the day of , 19. . . ., leaving in said county personal property of the value of dollars, and real property of the value of dollars ; that said left a widow, , and the following children : , , and , all residents of said county. 2. That your petitioner believes, and so far as he knows, the said died intestate, and it is necessary that permanent letters' of administration be granted on his said estate for the purpose of collecting up and taking charge of and distributing the same according to law. 3. That petitioner, being a son of the deceased, has been selected by his remaining heirs at law as a suitable and proper person to be appointed permanent administrator on said estate : Wherefore, petitioner prays that a proper order be made and citation issue and be published calling upon the heirs and creditors and all persons interested to appear at the term, 19. . . ., of the court of ordinary of county, to show cause, if any they have or can, why your petitioner should not be granted permanent letters of administration on said estate. Petitioner. 198 ADMINISTRATOR AND EXEC u TOES AGREEMENT OF HEIRS FOR SELECTION OF ADMINISTRATOR. Georgia, County. day of , 19 We, the undersigned, being a majority of the next of kin of , late of said county, deceased, hereby agree that our brother, , may be appointed perma- nent administrator of the estate of our deceased father, , and we ask for his appointment. ORDER FOR CITATION. 3970. Georgia, County. Court of Ordinary, day of , 19 The foregoing petition of to be appointed permanent administrator of , late of said county, deceased, having been presented to me, and the recital of facts therein appearing to be true, it is ordered that citation issue as prayed. This day of , 19. ... Ordinary. CITATION. 3970. Georgia, County : To all whom it may concern: having in due form applied to me for permanent letters of administration, upon the estate of , late of said county, deceased ; this is to cite all and singular the next of kin and creditors of the s'aid , deceased, that said application will be heard before me at the regular term, 19. . . ., of the court of ordinary of county. Witness my hand and official signature, this day of ,19 Ordinary. ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS CAVEAT TO APPLICATION. 199 In the Court of Ordinary, County, term, 19. ... In the matter of the appoint- ment of a permanent admin- istrator on the estate of , late of said county, deceased. Comes now , a daughter of the said , late of said county, deceased, at this term, 19. . . . } and files this her caveat to the appointment of as' permanent administrator on said estate, and for grounds of caveat, shows : 1. That said , the applicant, is not a citizen of the State of Georgia. 2. That said is a minor and is not yet twenty-one years of age. 3. That said is wholly and utterly incom- petent for said trust. (Here the caveat may set out any ground that may exist as a reason why the appointment should not be made as prayed.) 4. Caveatrix stands ready to verify each and every one of the grounds hereinbefore set out and asks the court that some other suitable person be appointed. JUDGMENT ON CAVEAT. Application for permanent let- , . ters of administration on the ' a PP llcant I est ate of , v ' . . | deceased. In the court of , caveatrix. j- r n ordinary of County, term, 19 .... The above and foregoing case coming on for a hearing, and after a trial it is ordered that the caveat thereto be not sus- tained and that the applicant, , having been selected by a majority of the next of kin, be and he is hereby appointed permanent administrator of the estate of , late of said county, deceased, and that he give bond in the sum of dollars, in terms of the law as such admin- 200 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS istrator, and that upon taking the oath and making said bond, that letters of administration do issue to him, as prayed. It is further ordered that for the use of the officers of court do recover of , caveatrix, the sum of dollars' and cents, costs of the caveat. This day of , 19 .... Ordinary. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. 3971. Georgia, County. Before me, , Ordinary of said county, personally came , who, being duly sworn, on oath says that having been appointed permanent administrator on the estate of , late of said county, deceased, that he will well and truly discharge the duties of such appoint- ment as administrator to the best of his ability. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 Ordinary. BOND OF ADMINISTRATOR. 3972-3977. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, that we, , as principal, and. and , as securities, are held and firmly bound unto , Ordinary of said county, and his successors in office, in the just and full sum of dollars, and as against this' obligation or any liability incurred thereby, each of us hereby, for himself and family, waive and renounce any and all right of homestead and exemptions that may exist under the laws of Georgia, or to plead the same against this obligation or any liability there- under. Signed with our hands and sealed with our seals, this day of ,19 The condition of the above obligation is as follows 1 : Whereas on the day of , 19. . . ., ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 201 was appointed by the court of ordinary of ......... county, permanent administrator of the estate of. ............. , late of said county, deceased, and his bond having been fixed by the Hon ............... , Ordinary of said county, at ......... dollars ; now, should the said .............. well and truly and faithfully discharge his duty as such administrator accord- ing to the law in such cause made and provided, then this 1 obligation to be void ; otherwise of full force and effect. Principal ................ ' ........... ;..(L. S.) Security ............................ ; ..(L. S.) Security Executed in the presence of and approved by me, this ..... day of ........ , 19. .. Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, County. By the Court of Ordinary for said County. Whereas, , late of said county, deceased, died, a resident of said county, intestate, having while. . . .lived, and at the time death, divers estates, real and personal, within the said State and county, by means whereof the full disposi- tion and power of granting the administration of the estate of the said deceased, and also a final dismission from the same, to the court aforesaid does of right belong; and the court desiring that the same might be well and truly administered, and legally disposed of, did, at a regular term thereof, grant an order vesting the administration of said estate in and ho having given bond and security, and having taken the oath as therein required, the court hereby grants unto said as administrat . . . full power, by virtue of these presents, to lawfully administer the entire estate, both real and personal, of said deceased, which to in lifetime and at the time of death did belong; and to ask, demand, sue for, recover and receive the same, and to pay the debts in which the deceased stood bound, so far as assets will extend, according to law, and then the balance, if any, to pay 202 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS over to the legal heirs and distributees of said deceased, and to do and perform all other duties as such administrat. . .devolved upon by the laws of this State. Witness my hand as ordinary, and the seal of said court, this day of , 19 [SEAL] , Ordinary. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. Georgia, County. All creditors of the estate of , late of county, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment to me. ,19.... Administrator of , deceased. Administration not necessary, when. 3964. Citation should issue to "All concerned." 3970. 123/329 (51 S. E. 423). Citation is indispensable. 12/526; 117/723 (45 S. E. 42). Interest of applicant must appear in application. 56/146; 113/1006 (39 S. E. 474); 115/967 (42 S. E. 262). Nonresident of county, allegation that deceased was, not affirmatively show want of jurisdiction. 89/441 (15 S. E. 535). BOND FOR TITLE. APPLICATION TO REQUIRE ADMINISTRATOR TO MAKE TITLES ON. 4016-4020. PETITION OF HOLDER OF BOND. 4016. Georgia, County. To Hon , Ordinary of said County : The petition of shows the following facts : 1. That on the day of , 19 , , of said county, made and executed to your petitioner a bond for title, a copy of which is hereto annexed and marked "Exhibit A," wherein lie obligated himself to make to petitioner good and sufficient title in fee simple to lot of land . . . . , in the . district, and section of ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 203 . . county, upon the payment of a certain note made on said day for the sum of dollars, and due day of , 19 . . . . , with interest from date at per cent, per annum. 2. That on the day of , 19 , the said died, and at the term, 19 . . . . , of the court of ordinary of county, was appointed permanent administrator on the estate of the said 3. That on the day of , 19. . . ., petitioner paid to , as administrator of said , deceased, the said sum of dollars, together with interest thereon at per cent, per annum, and thereby fully satisfied said note, which said note petitioner stands ready to show to the court as being fully paid off. Petitioner further shows that the heirs at law of the said , are , , , and , each and all of whom are of full age and are residents of said county of 5. Petitioner shows that no deed has been made to him in pursuance of said bond, and he brings this petition asking the court for a proper order, after due notice to the said adminis- trator and the said heirs, requiring said administrator to make said deed in the terms of said bond, and the obligation of the said therein set out and made. Petitioner. RULE NISI. Court of Ordinary, Term, 19 The above and foregoing application, having been considered by me, it is ordered that , as administrator of the estate of , deceased, and , , and , heirs at law of the said , deceased, show cause before me at the term, 19. . . ., of the court of Ordinary of county, why the prayer of the petition should not be had and allowed, and the deed made in pursuance of said bond. Let , administrator, be served fifteen days 204 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS with a copy of petition and this order, and the said heirs at law be notified by publication of the notice to them in (name of paper). This day of , 19 Ordinary. NOTICE TO HEIRS AT LAW. 4017. Georgia, County. having applied to the ordinary by petition asking that , as administrator of the estate of . . , deceased, late of said county, be required to make to him a deed to lot of land, No in the district and section of county, in pursuance of a bond for title made by to the said in his life time, the said alleging that he has fully met his obligations in said bond. This is to notify , , and , heirs at law of the said , deceased, to be and appear at the term, 19. . . ., of the court of ordinary of county, and show cause, if any they have or can, why the said administrator should not be required to make said deed as prayed for by the said . . . , , petitioner. Ordinary. RULE ABSOLUTE. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 ^ vs. as administrator Petition of of the estate of , f for order re q" irin g adminis- deceased, and , , trator to make deed. and , heirs at law. This case coming on for a hearing, and it appearing that all respondents therein have been properly notified, and no objec- ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 205 tions having been filed to the application, it is ordered that the said , as administrator of the estate of , deceased, do, and he is hereby required to make to a deed conveying good and sufficient title to lot of land No in the district and section of county, according to the terms of the bond for title of , deceased. It is further ordered that it appearing that the purchase money of said land being due before the death of said , and the petitioner, , not having paid the same at the time it became due, but having paid the purchase money after the death of the said - , that judgment be and the same is hereby rendered against for the sum of dollars and cents, the cost of this proceeding. This day of , 19. ... Ordinary. DEED OF ADMINISTRATOR IN PURSUANCE OF ORDER. Georgia, County. This indenture made and entered into this the day of , 19. . . ., between , as adminis- trator of the estate of , late of said county, deceased, party of the first part, and , of said county, party of the second part, Witne&'seth: That whereas, on the day of , 19 . . . . , made his bond for title to , wherein he obligated himself to make good and sufficient title in fee simple to lot of land, No , in the district and section of county, and so known and described upon the plan or map of said county, said lot con- taining acres of land, more or less, upon the payment by the said of a certain promissory note in the slim of dollars, with interest from date at the rate of per cent, per annum, and whereas the said on the day of , 19. . . ., paid to the party of the first part, the amount of said note with interest, and afterwards by petition to the court of ordinary of county, and after due notice to the party of the first part, and the heirs at law of the said , deceased, 20,3 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS the court of ordinary at the term, 19. . . . , ordered and adjudged that the party of the first part should make a deed according to the terms of said bond. Now, therefore, in consideration of the premises, and obedi- ence to the order of the court of ordinary, and in the further consideration of the sum of dollars, in hand paid, at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said party of the first part sells and conveys, and by these presents, does sell and convey, unto the said . . , party of the second part, all that tract or parcel of land, situated, lying and being in the county of , and known upon the plan or map of said county as lot of land, Xo in the district and section of county, containing acres, more or less. To have and to hold the said premises conveyed unto the said , to his own proper use, benefit and behoof, together with all the rights, members and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, forever in fee simple. In witness whereof the said party of the first part, as admin- istrator of the said , deceased, has hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal, the day and year first above written. (SEAL) Administrator of , deceased. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: , J. P. RETURN OF ADMINISTRATOR AFTER MAKING OF DEED. TTQ Petition for the making of : ' Admr. I deed, upon the bond for title of > deceased, and of the intestatf?j ? ...... . . , and , deceased, term, 19 . . heirs at law of said , deceased. Comes now , administrator of , deceased, and shows to the court that, in pursuance of the order granted in the above named and stated matter at this term of ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTOES 207 the court, the undersigned, as administrator of , deceased, has made to a deed to lot of land, No , in the district and section of County, Georgia, containing acres, more or less'; and this return is made in compliance with said order. Administrator of , deceased. ORDER TO FILE RETURN. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 , as administrator of , deceased, having made returns to this court of the title made by him, under a bond given by , deceased, to , in which he fully stated the situation of the land, its boundaries, and enclosing in his returns 1 the original bond of , deceased, to , ordered that the same be filed in this court. , Ordinary. IT. BONDS OF ADMINISTRATORS. TEMPORARY ADMINISTRATOR, 3936. (See form, ante, page 182.) PERMANENT ADMINISTRATOR. 3972-3977.- (See form, ante, page 200.) ADMINISTRATOR. 3953. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents : That we, , county administrator, principal, and and , as securities, are jointly and severally held and firmly bound unto , Ordinary of said county, and his successors in office, for the benefit of all concerned, in the just and full sum of dollars ; and as against the payment of this obligation or any liability thereon, each of us, for himself 208 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS and family, waives and renounces any and all right of home- stead or exemption that we may have under the laws of Georgia, and to plead the same against this obligation or any liability thereunder. Signed with our hands and sealed with our seals, this ...... day of .............. , 19 ____ The condition of the above obligation is as follows : ........ ............ has on the ...... day of ............ , 19 . . . . , been appointed by the Hon ............ , Ordinary of ....... county, as 1 county administrator of said county for the term of four years next following, and until his successor is appointed and qualified. Now, if the said ............ shall faithfully discharge his duty as county administrator as required by law, then this bond to be void, otherwise of full force and effect. Principal, ........................... ....(L. S.) Security. ........................ ....... (L.S.) Security. Signed in the presence of and approved and attested by me, this ........ day of.. , 19.. Ordinary. APPROVAL OF BOND. Court of Ordinary. .............. having tendered bond in the sum of ...... ........ dollars, as administrat ... of the estate of ......... , deceased, with ...... ............ as suret. . . ; said bond is approved and ordered to be filed. .......................... , Ordinary. JUSTIFICATION OF OBLIGORS IN BOND. Georgia, County. In person before me came and , the said proposing to give bond as principal, and the ADMINISTRATORS AXD EXECUTORS 209 said as security, for the administrator of the estate of , who, being duly s'worn, depose and say, on oath, that they are each of them worth the sum of dollars over and above all their just debts and liabilities, and allowances by law of exemption and homestead. Principal, (L. S.) Security, (L. S.) Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of ,19 Ordinary of County. SECURITY, APPLICATION FOR RELIEF OF. 3050, 3052, 3976. Georgia, County. To lion , Ordinary of said County : The petition of , security for , administrator upon the estate of , deceased, respectfully shows that your petitioner heretofore, to wit: on the day of f 19 . . . . , became the security upon the administration bond of , who took out letters of administration upon the estate of , deceased, which administration bond is for the sum of dollars. And your petitioner avers that he conceives himself in danger of being injured by his s'ecurityship as aforesaid, in consequence of the neglect of said administrator. Wherefore, your petitioner prays for relief from securityship, according to the statute in such case made and provided. This. . . .day of , 19. .. Attorney for Applicant. ORDER ON APPLICATION TO STRENGTHEN BOND OF ADMINIS- TRATOR. In the Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 .... 1 ' ;> administrator f App i ication to strengthen bond of the estate of of administrator . Jate ot said county, deceased. The above named and stated matter coming on for a hearing, and it appearing that the respondent, , adminis- 210 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS trator of , deceased, has been served with a copy of the petition in said application, as ordered therein, by the sheriff of said county, more than ten days before this term of the court, and after hearing evidence therein: It is ordered that the said , as administrator of the said , deceased, be, and he is, hereby required to give a new bond as such administrator, to be approved of by me, within ten days from this date ; and on his failure so to do, that he be removed from his said trust. Ordinary. SECURITY BOND WHEN ADMINISTRATOR GIVES. 3976. Georgia, County. Know all men that we , principal, and , security, are held and bound unto , ordinary, and his successors in office, in the sum of dollars, for the payment of which we bind ourselves', our heirs and assigns, jointly and severally, this. . . .day of , 19. .. The condition of this bond is such that, whereas , appointed administrator of . , deceased, has been required by the court of ordinary of said county, for certain causes, stated in an order pass'ed by said court, to give new bond and security; now, if said has performed all the duties of administrator of , deceased, and will perform all the duties of such administrator, then the above bond will be null and void; else to remain in full force and virtue. Witness our hands and seals. Principal. (L. S.) Security. (L. S.) Signed in the presence of and approved by , Ordinary. APPLICATION TO REQUIRE ADMINISTRATOR TO GIVE ADDITIONAL SECURITY. Georgia, County. To the Hon , Ordinary of said County : The petition of shows the following facts' : ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 211 1st. At the term, 19. . . ., of this honorable court, was appointed permanent administrator of the estate of , late of said county, deceased. 2nd. Petitioner is an heir at law of the said and one of the distributees of said estate. 3rd. That upon the appointment of , as administrator of said estate, his security, , has become insolvent, and has left the state, and has left no property or effects here to make good his bond. 4th. That about dollars worth of property went into the hands of said , as such administrator, and, up to this time, he has made no distribution of said estate. 5th. Petitioner prays the court that the said , a? such administrator, give an additional bond to be approved by Your Honor to take care of all persons interested in said estate, whether creditors or distributees. Wherefore, petitioner prays' that the said administrator, , be cited to appear at the term, 19. . . ., of this Honorable Court, to show cause, if any he has or can, why the prayer of your petitioner should not be had and allowed. Petitioner. ORDER. Office of Ordinary of County. At Chambers, day of , 19. ... The foregoing petition of has been read and considered : It is ordered that the said , administrator of , late of said county, deceased, be, and he is, hereby cited to appear and show cause at the term, 19. . . ., of this court, why the prayer of the petition should not be had and allowed. Let him be served with a copy of the petition and this order at least ten days before the term of this court. This day of , 19 Ordinary of County. 212 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS RULE NISI. Office of the Ordinary of County. , Georgia, , 19 .... , having applied to me by petition to be relieved as surety upon the bond of , as administrator of the estate of , late of said county, deceased, upon the grounds and for the reasons set out in said petition; It is ordered that be served at once with a copy of said petition and this order, and he is hereby cited to appear at the term, 19. . . ., of this court, and show cause if any he has, or can, why the prayer of said petition should not be had and allowed. Ordinary. RULE ABSOLUTE. , surety Application to be relieved as surety upon the bond of . . as adminis- vs. j , > trator 01 administrator of , deceased. deceased ' Term, 19... day of , 19... The above named and stated case coming on for a hearing and the allegations in the petition having been sustained by evidence : It is ordered that , as surety upon the bond of the respondent, , as administrator of the estate of , deceased, be, and he is, hereby relieved and discharged as surety upon said bond from any other and further liability thereon. It is further ordered that the said give other and further sufficient security on s'aid bond, or, in default ADMINISTEATORS AND EXECUTOES 213 thereof, that he be discharged from his trust; the same to be done within ten days from this date. Ordinary. Attestation. Approval on minutes sufficient, though bond not attested. 43/340. Failure to recite giving of bond, in order appointing administrator, not invalidate. 72/725. Name of deceased misrecited, not invalidate bond. 85/555 (11 S. E. 616). III. SALES BY ADMINISTRATOR. 4021-4039. PERISHABLE PROPERTY, SALE OF. 4021-4023. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said county : The petition of , administrat. . .of the estate of , late of said county, deceased, shows that certain personal property of said estate is' of a perishable nature, and likely to waste or deteriorate in value, and that it is consistent with the interest of said estate that said property be sold at as early a day as practicable. Petitioner therefore prays an order authorizing to sell said property. , Petitioner. ORDER GRANTING LEAVE TO SELL. 4022. Court of Ordinary. At Chambers, this'. . .day of , 19. ... Upon reading and considering the petition of , administrat. . .on the estate of , deceased, for leave to sell the personal property of said estate, and it appearing that said property is of a perishable nature, and likely to waste and deteriorate in value, and that it is consistent with the inter- est of said estate that said property should be sold at as early a day as practicable, it is 'ordered that said administrat. . .bo, and is, hereby granted leave to sell the said property, at public outcry, between the hours of ton o'clock, a. m., and four o'clock, 214: ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS p. m., after giving notice of such sale by written or printed advertisements for at least ten days, at the three or more public places in said county. ,, Ordinary. NOTICE OF SALE. Georgia, County. By virtue of an order of the court of ordinary granted at chambers , 19. . . ., will be sold at public outcry at on the day of , 19 . . . . , within the legal hours of sale, the following personal property of the estate of , deceased, to wit : Terms Administrator. TEMPORARY ADMINISTRATOR, APPLICATION BY, FOR LEAVE TO SELL PERISHABLE PROPERTY. Georgia, ............ County. To Honorable ............... , Ordinary of said County : The petition of .............. , temporary administrator of the estate of ................ , late of said county, deceased, shows that certain personal property, consisting of ........... ..... a .............................................. > belonging to the estate of said deceased, is of a perishable nature, and is likely to deteriorate in value, and that it is to the interest and advantage of the estate that said property be sold. Your petitioner prays for an order authorizing ............ to sell said property. ............................ , Petitioner. ............ Court of Ordinary. Upon reading and considering the foregoing application, it is ordered that said ............... , temporary administrator, ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORY 215 have leave to sell the personal perishable property belonging to the estate of , deceased, after giving notice of such sale by written advertisement for ten days at three or more public places in said county (and in the , published in said county). , Ordinary. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL PERSONAL PROPERTY. Georgia, County. To the Honorable , Ordinary of said County : The petition of , administrator of the estate of , deceased, shows that it is necessary for the purpose of paying the debts and making division among the heirs of said deceased to sell the personal property belonging to said estate. Petitioner therefore prays an order authorizing to sell said personal property. Said personal property consists in. This day of , 19 , Petitioner. Court of Ordinary. Upon reading and considering the foregoing application, it is ordered that said , administrator, have leave to sell the personal property belonging to the estate of , deceased, after giving notice of such sale by written advertise- ment for ten days at three or more public places in said county (and in the , published in said county). , Ordinary. NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Georgia, County. By virtue of an order of the court of ordinary of said county, granted at the Term, 19. . . ., will be sold before the court-house door of said county, on the first Tuesday in , next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property of 216 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS the estate of , deceased, to wit : . . . Terms Administrator. BILL or SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY SOLD BY ADMINISTRA- TOR. AT PUBLIC SALE. Received, this .... day of , 19 . . . , from , the sum of dollars, in payment of ; sold as the property of , late of said county, by me, as administrator of , in pursuance of an order of the court of ordinary of county, on the first Tuesday in , 19 . . . . , at the usual place of public sale in said county, between lawful sale hours, s'aid .... being then and there the highest and best bidder for the same. In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal. : [L. S.] As administrator of Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of INSOLVENT PAPERS. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL INSOLVENT PAPERS. 4025. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said county : The petition of ., as administrator of the estate of , deceased, shows that, after due dili- gence, the following described evidences of debt due the estate of said deceased remain uncollected, and are deemed insolvent or doubtful, to wit : Wherefore, petitioner prays an order authorizing to sell said evidences of debt as insolvent papers. Administrator. ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 217 AFFIDAVIT OF ADMINISTRATOR. In open court came , administrator of t)ie estate of , and being duly sworn says' the facts stated in the above petition are true. Administrator of Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 19 , Ordinary. ORDER OF COURT. Upon reading and considering the foregoing application, it is ordered that said petitioner be, is, hereby granted leave to sell said papers, in the manner prescribed by law. , Ordinary. ADVERTISEMENT OF SALE OF INSOLVENT OR DOUBTFUL NOTES. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. / Take notice, that I, as administrator of the estate of , late of county, Georgia, deceased, will sell at the court- house door in said county, between the lawful hours of sale, to the highest bidder, on the day of , 19. . . ., in pursuance of the order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, the following notes, considered by me as insolvent, and so adjudged by said court, to wit, (specify the note or notes'). Terms of sale : Administrator. RETURN OF SALE OF INSOLVENT OR DOUBTFUL NOTES. , administrator of . : , returns to the Court of Ordinary as proceeds of his sale of insolvent or doubtful notes of and , on the first 218 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTOKS Tuesday in , 19 . . . . , the sum of dollars. Said notes' being as follows (here describe them). Administrator of Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,19.... , Ordinary. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 The return of , administrator of , to this court, of his sale of insolvent or doubtful notes of said , being in open court, and considered by the court, ordered that the same be allowed, and in the settlement of the estate of said , that he be charged with the proceeds of said s'ale, instead of the amount called for by notes so sold. , Ordinary. ACCOUNT OF SALE OF PERSONALTY. Account sale of personalty of the estate of , deceased. Sold by , administrator of said estate, after due and legal advertisement, on the day of , 19 . . . . , between the legal hours of sale, at public outcry, at pursuant to order of the Court of Ordinary of County, the terms of such sale being Property Sold Purchaser Price Georgia, County. Personally before me came , administrator of ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 219 the estate of , who, being duly sworn, says that the within and foregoing sale bill is just, true, and correct. Administrator. Sworn to and subscribed before me Ordinary. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND. 4026. Georgia, County. To the Hon , Ordinary of said County : The petition of , as administrator of the estate of , late of said county, deceased, shows : That the real estate of said deceased consists of lots of land, lumbers , and , in the district, and section of county, each lot containing ...... acres, more or less ; and that for the purpose of paying debts and distribution, it is neces'sary to sell said lands. Wherefore, petitioner prays for an order of citation, and that citation issue calling upon the creditors and heirs 'at law of , to be and appear at the term, 19. . .'. , of the court of ordinary of county, to show cause, if any they have or can, why the leave to sell said lands shall not be had and allowed. Administrator of , deceased, Petitioner. ORDER FOR CITATION. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 The application of , as administrator of , deceased, to sell the real estate of said intestate, coming on for a hearing: It is considered, ordered and adjudged that an order of cita- tion be and the same is hereby made, and that citation issue and be published, as required by law, calling upon the next of kin 220 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS and creditors of said , deceased, to show cause, if any they have or can, at the term, 19. . . . , of the court of ordinary of county, why the leave prayed for should not be granted. Ordinary. CITATION. 4026. Georgia, County. To whom it may concern : Notice is hereby given that , as administrator of , deceased, having applied to me by petition for leave to sell the real estate of said , deceased; and that an order was made thereon at the term, 19. . . , for citation, and that citation issue; all the heirs at law and creditors of the said , deceased, will take notice that I will pass upon said application at the term, 19 . . . , of the court of ordinary of county; and that unless cause is shown to the contrary, at said time, said leave will be granted. This day of , 19. ... Ordinary. ORDER GRANTING LEAVE TO SELL REAL ESTATE. 4026. In re Application ^ of , as I Court of Ordinary, administrator of , f Term, 19 .... deceased, to sell real estate. J The above named and stated matter coming on for a hearing, and it appearing that an order for citation was made, and that citation issued, which has been published as the law requires, and no cause being shown to the contrary, and no objections being made; It is considered, ordered and adjudged that , as administrator of the estate of , late of said county, deceased, be, and he is, hereby granted leave to sell the real estate of said , deceased, which is as follows, to wit : lots of land, numbers , and in the district and section of county, ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS ,221 I Georgia, each of said lots containing forty acres, more or less. Said sale to be made and had according to the law in such cases made and provided. This day of , 19. ... Ordinary. ADVERTISEMENT BY ADMINISTRATOR FOR SALE OF LAND. 4028. By virtue of an order from the court of ordinary of ....... county, will be sold, at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in ............ , 19. . . ., at the court-house door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, the tract of land in said county (describe the land), containing ......... acres, more or less. A credit of ............ months will be allowed to purchasers, giving their notes well secured for their purchases. , Administrator of. CAVEAT TO APPLICATION OF ADMINISTRATOR TO SELL LAND. , applicant! In the Court of Ordinary of vs. f county, , caveator' Term, 19 .... Now comes , one of the heirs at law, and a son of , late of said county, deceased, at this term, 19. . . ., of the court of ordinary of county, and caveats the application of , administrator, asking for leave to sell the lands of , late of said county, deceased, and for grounds' of objection, says : 1. Said left no debts, and the said admin- istrator, , has sold and disposed of the personal property of the said. ...... ... . . ; and that after paying the funeral expenses and doctors' bills of the said , and after placing a suitable monument over the grave of the said , there still remains in the hands of the said , as administrator, a sum of money belonging to said estate in the amount of dollars, or other large sum, and that for these reasons, it is not necessary to sell said lands for the paying of debts ; and that each and all of the heirs 222 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS of the s'aid have agreed upon a distribution in kind of the said real property, and that for this reason, there is no necessity to sell said lands, and the said administrator has no right to said order divesting the title of the heirs at law to the said real property, and for this reason, the said order applied for should be refused. 2. Caveator further shows that the debts of the estate having been paid, that the title to said real property is in the heirs, and that the said administrator has no right to sell the same for distribution, and the s'aid administrator has no concern therein or therewith, and for this reason said application should be refused. Caveator. ORDER OVERRULING CAVEAT TO APPLICATION TO SELL. Court of Ordinary of County. ..Term, 19.. , , applicant vs. ,, caveator Application of , as administrator of , late of said county, deceased, to sell the land of the said deceased. The above named and stated case coming on for hearing, and the application therein having been caveated by , upon objections set out in his 1 caveat, and after hearing evidence therein and considering the same : It is ordered and determined that said objections be not sus- tained, and the same are hereby overruled ; And it is further ordered that the said , as administrator of the estate of the said , late of said county, deceased, having filed his 1 petition and application to me for leave to sell said lands, and an order having been made for citation therein, and citation having issued and published as required by law, leave to sell said lands as prayed for be, and the same is, hereby granted, said lands being described as' fol- lows, to wit: Lots of land, Nos , and , in the district and section of County, each lot containing forty acres, more or less, and the said ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS , administrator, will first advertise said lands' according to law, previous to sale. Ordinary. APPEAL TO THE SUPERIOR COURT. In the Court of Ordinary of County, Term, 19. .. , applicant, . vs I Application by , as caveator. administrator of , late of said county, deceased, to sell the lands of the de- ceased. Now comes , the caveator in the above named and stated case, and being dis'satisfied with the judgment of the Ordinary rendered therein, which was adverse to him, and having paid all the costs that have accrued in said case, and now on this day of , 19. . . ., within the time prescribed by law, enters this his appeal to the Superior Court, and brings as his security, and they, , principal, and , as security, acknowledge themselves held and firmly bound unto the appellee, , as administrator, of the estate of .......... late of said county, deceased, for such further costs as may accrue by reason of such appeal in said case. Signed with our hands and sealed with our s'eals, this the day of , 19 (L. S.) Principal. ...(L. S.) Security. Executed in the presence of, and approved by me, this .... day of , 19 ... Ordinary. I hereby certify that , the appellant, has paid all of the costs that have accrued in said case appealed, to wit, the sum of dollars and cents, and that 224 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS the appeal bond was filed, and appeal entered this day of , 19 Ordinary of County. APPEAL IN FORMA PAU PERIS. , applicant, 1 Georgia, County. vs. r Court of Ordinary, , caveator. * Term, 19 .... Application by , as administrator of the estate of , late of said county, deceased, to sell lands of deceased, and order granted by Ordinary the day of , 19 Before me, , Ordinary of said county, personally came , who, being duly sworn, on oath says that he is dissatisfied with the judgment rendered against him in the above named and stated case, and that on this the. . . .day of , 19. . . ., he enters his appeal in said case to the superior court ; and affiant on oath says that I am advised and believe that I have good cause of appeal, and that owing to my property, I am unable to pay the costs or give the security required by law in cases of appeal. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 Ordinary. APPEAL BY CONSENT. , administrator I In the Court of Ordinary, vs. County, , caveator-' , 19 .... Both parties consenting thereto in open court, and waiving the judgment of the court on the matter in dispute in said case, it is ordered by the court that said case be appealed, by consent, to the superior court, and it is ordered that the clerk of this ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 225 court transmit to said superior court in due form all the papers relating to said case and this appeal. Ordinary. ADVERTISEMENT FOR ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Georgia, County. By virtue of an order of the court of ordinary of county, granted upon the application of , as administrator of the estate of , deceased, late of said county, to sell the lands of the said , deceased, for the purpose of paying debts and distribution, there will be sold before the court-house door, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, in the city of , between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in , 19. . . ., as the property of the said deceased, the following described lands, to wit : Lots of land, numbers , and in the district and section of county, each lot containing forty acres, more or less, terms of sale, cash. This day of , 19 Administrator of , deceased. APPLICATION BY ADMINISTRATOR TO SELL WILD LANDS. 4024. Georgia, County. To the Honorable , Ordinary of said County : The petition of , as administrator of the estate of , late of said county, deceased, shows: 1st. That in his life time owned certain wild and uncultivated lands, as follows: Lot of land number in the district and section of county, containing acres', more or less; lot of land number in the district and section of county, containing acres, more or less ; and lot of land, number in the district and section of county, containing acres, more or less. 2nd. Petitioner shows that said lands lie outside of county, the county of administration. 226 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 3rd. Petitioner shows that it would be preferable to sell lands at private sale ; that it would be to the advantage of said estate so to do, and for this reason he asks the granting of a proper order for such sale. Wherefore, petitioner prays that an order of citation be made, and that citation issue calling upon the heirs at law and creditors' of the said to show cause, if any they have or can, at the term, 19. . . ., of the court of ordinary of county, why such leave should not be granted as prayed for. Administrator of , deceased. ORDER FOR CITATION TO ISSUE. Court of Ordinary, County. Term, 19 The petition of , as administrator of , deceased, having been filed and coming on for a hearing, it is ordered that citation issue and be published as the law directs. This , 19.... Ordinary. CITATION. Georgia, County. To whom it may concern : Notice is hereby given that , as administrator of , deceased, has filed in the Court of Ordinary a petition asking leave to sell certain wild and uncultivated lands of deceased. The heirs at law and creditors of the said , deceased, will take notice and show cause before me in the court of ordinary of county at the term, 19. . . ., if any cause they have or can, why said order should not be granted as prayed for. This , 19. ... Ordinary. ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 227 ORDER GRANTING LEAVE TO SELL WILD LANDS. 4024. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 In re application of , administrator of , deceased, to sell wild lands: The application of , as administrator of the estate of , late of said county, deceased, to sell certain wild lands at private sale, coming on for a hearing and there being no -objection filed thereto, it is considered, ordered and adjudged that the said private sale of said lands is prefera- ble and to the interest of said estate, and the said is hereby granted leave to sell the wild lands of said estate at private sale, the said lands being as follows: (Describe lands as in application to sell), and, to make deed and title thereto as fully and completely as the said , deceased, could have done in his life time. Ordinary. LANDS DIVIDED BY COUNTY LINES, APPLICATION FOR SALE OF. 4031. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County: The petition of , administrator of , shows that , late of said county, at the time of his death, on the day of , 19 . . . . , owned a valuable tract of land, divided by the county lines of said county and the county of , described as follows : that it is necessary to sell land for the payment of debts and distribution ; that he wishes an order to sell said land in either county, as may be most advantageous to the creditors and heirs of said , therefore your petitioner prays that a citation may issue, as is usual in cases of application to sell real 228 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS estate, calling upon all persons interested to show cause why he should not have leave to sell said tract as prayed for. This day of 19 Administrator of Court of Ordinary, County. ..Term, 19 The foregoing petition being filed with me, and it appearing that the citation as prayed for should be granted, ordered that the citation issue, as usual, except as to the mode of sale, and as to that the citation issue requiring all persons concerned to show cause, at the time of hearing the citation, why a sale may not be in either county, as the administrator may deem best. Ordinary of County. [NOTE: The citation should be published, and the order for leave to sell granted at a regular term, fully describing the lands.] PROPERTY HELD ADVERSELY. 4033. 4033. "An administrator can not sell property held ad- versely to the estate by a third person; he must first recover possession." CLAIM TO LAND ORDERED TO BE SOLD. 4034, 5176-5179. Georgia, County. Personally appeared before the undersigned, , who, being sworn, says, that a certain tract of land, to wit, lot number in the district of said county, contain- ing acres (for which an order of sale has been obtained from the Court of Ordinary of said county, by , administrator upon the estate of , deceased), and which tract of land is advertised by the administrator to be sold on the day of , 19 . . . . , is not the property of the estate of the deceased, but is the property of deponent. Sworn before me this 19 .. ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 229 CERTIFICATE OF ORDINARY. I do hereby certify that the within claim of was filed in the court of ordinary of county , 19...-, by .. Given under my hand and official signature, this day of '. ,19 , Ordinary. SERVICE OF ADMINISTRATOR. Served a copy of the within claim on , admin- istrator of , this day of , 19. . . ., by handing the same to him in person. Sheriff of County. ADMINISTRATOR'S DEED. 4030, 4032. Georgia, County. This indenture, made and entered into, this the day of , in the year 19 ... .^ between , the duly constituted and appointed administrator of , late of said county, deceased, of the first part, and , of said county, of the second part, witnesseth : That heretofore on the first Monday in , nineteen hundred and , upon the application of the party of the first part, and after an order for citation to issue, and the publication of the citation according to law in such case, the Honorable Court of Ordinary of county granted to party of the first part leave to sell the lands- of , late of said county, deceased, for the purpose of paying debts and distribution. And after the granting of the said order, the said party of the first part advertised the sale of said lands herein conveyed once a week for four weeks, pre- vious to the first in , 19 . . . . , in the , the newspaper in which the county advertise- ments of county are published, and that on the day of , 19 . . . . , between the legal hours of sale on said day, the said party of the first part did put up and expose for sale the lands hereinafter conveyed by public 230 ADMINISTBATOKS AXD EXECCTORS outcry to the highest bidder, when and at which time, the said party of the second part, ...... being the highest and best bidder, for and at the sum of dollars, the said lands were knocked off to him as the purchaser at said sale. Now, therefore, in consideration of the premises, and in the further consideration of the sum of dollars pur- chase money in hand paid, at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said party of the first part has sold, bargained and conveyed, and by these presents does sell, bargain and convey, unto the said , his heirs and assigns, all that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the county of , and described upon the plan or map of said county as lots of land, numbers , and , in the district and section of said county, each of said lots containing forty, acres, more or less, together with all the rights, members and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise apper- taining, to and his proper use, benefit and behoof forever. To have and to hold the same to the said , his heirs and assigns in as full and ample a manner as the same was possessed or enjoyed by the said , deceased, in his life time. In witness whereof, the said party of the first part has here- unto set his hand and affixed his seal, the day and year first above written. .-; (L. S.) Administrator of , deceased. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: J. P. ACCOUNT OF SALES. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of Said County : Account sales of real estate and personal property of the estate of , deceased, by , administrator of said estate. Sold on first Tuesday in 19.. ADMINISTRATORS AM> EXECUTORS 231 (Specify the property sold the purchasers, and the amount, together with the terms of sale.) Terms of sale : Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 Ordinary. Blanks in deed. Where administrator executed deed and left blanks for names of grantees to be afterwards filled in by attorney em- ployed by heirs to represent estate, and where such names were filled in before delivery of deed to purchasers, who were ignorant of circumstances attending its execution, deed operated to pass title of grantor to grantees. 144/1 (3) (85 S. E. 1007). Caveat to application for leave to sell, what sufficient. 117/113 (43 S. B. 423). Order, sufficiency of description of land in. 47/195. Sufficient here to put on inquiry as to size of lot of land. 69/506. Recitals necessary in order for sale by administrator d. b. n. c. t. a. 8/236. Particular lots should be described. 4/152. Petition of administrator for order to sell should set forth that sale is necessary for payment of debts or for purpose of distribution, but omission of such allegation is amendable defect, cured by judgment granting leave to sell. 145/102 (3-a) (88 S. E'. 682). Recitals in deed. Order of sale must be produced; recital in deed not sufficient. 40/479. Notice in ordinary's order as having been -given by administrator, need not be stated in deed. 16/67. When power to sell proved, presumed from recitals that prescribed forms fol- lowed. 40/482. Mere recitals in deed that order to sell was granted is not sufficient. 141/419 (2) (81 S. E. 196). Title. Administrator's deed, made pursuant to sale under order, is inadmissible as muniment of title, unless accompanied with order. 141/653, 654 (3) (81 S. E. 1119). IV. ADMINISTRATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ESTATES PAYMENT OF DEBTS YEAR'S SUPPORT. 3997-4015, 4040-4061. RULES OF DISTRIBUTION. 4040. 4040. "After the payment of expenses of administration and the debts of the deceased, the balance of the estate, both real 232 ADMINISTEATORS AND EXECUTORS and personal, stands subject to distribution among the heirs at law of the deceased, according to the relationship hereinbefore prescribed." YEAR'S SUPPORT. 4041-4051. PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF APPRAISERS. 4041. Georgia, County. To the Honorable , Ordinary of said County : The petition of respectfully shows that , late of said county, departed this life on the day of , 19 . . . . , leaving your petitioner, his widow, and minor children surviving him; and she prays your honorable court, in conformity with the statute in such case made and provided, to appoint five discreet and proper persons to act as appraisers in setting apart to your peti- tioner and her minor children as aforesaid the sum necessary, in their judgment, for support and maintenance for the space of twelve months from the date of administration of said estate of your petitioner and her children, either in money or such property as may be selected by your petitioner at a fair valuation to be made by said appraisers. And also to set apart a sufficient amount of household furniture for the use of your petitioner and her children. And, further, to require said ap- praisers to return to said court for record their proceedings in the premises. , Petitioner. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE OF NOTICE BY ADMINIS- TRATOR. Georgia, County. I, , administrator of the estate of , deceased, do hereby acknowledge due and legal service of notice of the application of and her children for twelve months' support. This day of , 19 , Administrator. ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 233 RULE NISI WHERE SERVICE NOT ACKNOWLEDGED. Court of Ordinary. The foregoing application read and considered. Ordered that , administrator of said estate, show cause before the Court of Ordinary for said county, on the day of , 19. . . ., why said application should not be granted as prayed. Let him be personally served with a copy of said application and of this order at least ten days before said date. This day of , 19 , Ordinary. ORDER APPOINTING APPRAISERS. Court of Ordinary. At Chambers , 19 .... Upon the foregoing application of , the widow of , deceased, for the appointment of appraisers to set apart to said widow and her minor children a sum necessary for their support and maintenance for the space of twelve months, out of the estate of said , deceased, and also to set apart for the use of said widow and children a sufficient amount of household furniture. It is ordered that be, and they are, hereby appointed appraisers, and they, or a majority of them, are hereby empowered to set off and assign to the said , widow of , deceased, late of said county, and her minor children, out of the estate of the said deceased, a sum necessary for the support and maintenance of said widow and children for the space of twelve months ; and also a sufficient amount of household furniture for the use of said widow and children. And the said sum so set apart as aforesaid to be either in money or such property as the widow may select, at a fair valuation, to be made by said ap- praisers; and if, upon a just appraisement of the estate, the same does not exceed dollars, you will set the whole apart. 234 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS Further ordered, that said appraisers return to me for record all their proceedings in the premises. Given under my hand and official signature, this day of ,19.... , Ordinary. OATH OF APPRAISERS. Georgia, County. Before me, , Ordinary of said County, personally came , commissioners appointed to lay off a year's support for , and each, being duly sworn, on oath says that he will discharge his duty as such commissioner justly, fairly and to the best of his ability. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of , 19 Ordinary. RETURN OF APPRAISERS. 4043. Georgia, County. To the Court of Ordinary of said County : We, the undersigned, appointed by the Ordinary of county to assess a sum necessary for the support and mainte- nance of the widow and minor children of for twelve months from the date of administration of the estate of , and also to set apart that amount of money, or such property as may be selected by the widow, at a fair valuation, to be made by us, and to set apart for the widow a sufficient amount of household furniture for the use of the widow and children, report to the Ordinary of said county that after due investigation of the circumstances of estate, we assessed as the sum of money necessary for the sup- port and maintenance of the widow of and said children, for twelve months from date of administration of the estate of , dollars ; and as ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 235 the widow selected of the value of dollars, we set apart the remainder in money for said widow's and said children's support and maintenance ; and we further set apart to the widow, for the use of the widow and children, all the household furniture of In witness whereof we have -hereto set our hands and seals, this day of , 19 .... [L. S.] [L. S.] [L. S.] [L. S.] [L. S.] [NOTE: The report of the appraisers may be caveated for any good and sufficient reason.] ORDER FOR CITATION TO ISSUE. 4043. Court of Ordinary. At Chambers, ,19 .... It appearing that the appraisers appointed to set apart a year's support for , widow of , late of said county, deceased, have filed their return. It is ordered that citation issue and be published as provided by law. , Ordinary. CITATION. (Usual form of citation to be used.) ORDER ALLOWING RETURN. Court of Ordinary. , Term, 19 The report of the appraisers appointed to set apart to the widow and minor children of the provision allowed by law, being read, and the court being satisfied that the same is in due form, and properly made, and citation having been issued and published, and no objection being filed, it is ordered that the same be allowed and admitted to record, and stand as the judgment of this court. , Ordinary. 236 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS COMPROMISE OF CONTESTED OR DOUBTFUL CLAIMS. 4004-4006. APPLICATION FOR ORDER TO COMPROMISE. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County: The petition of , administrator of , shows that as such administrator he holds a claim, to wit: a promissory note, given the day of , 19. . . . , by to , in the sum of and due the day of , 19 . . . . , which note has long been due and remains unpaid, and which your peti- tioner believes can not be paid in full by said for the reason that Petitioner believes the same should be compromised as a doubtful debt, and informs your honor that the same can be compromised for , which amount all of said creditors are willing to accept from him in discharge of their claims. Besides this, as your petitioner affirms, the said debt of estate on is doubtful of collection because of Your petitioner believes this defense may be made out, and therefore believes the debt doubtful, and is of the opinion that the same should be compromised on the offer made by Your petitioner now, in consideration of the premises, prays an order to allow him to compromise said claim, for the reasons aforesaid. , Administrator. Subscribed and sworn to as true before me this day of , 19. ... ,J.P. ORDER TO COMPROMISE. Georgia, County. Office of Ordinary. The above and foregoing petition of ". , as administrator of , deceased, to compromise the claim therein set forth on being read, and sufficient proof being shown to me that the petition ought to be granted, ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 237 it is therefore ordered by me that he be, and is, hereby allowed to compromise said claim on This day of ,19 Ordinary. RETURN OF COMPROMISE CLAIM. Georgia, County. In person before me came , as administrator of , and being duly sworn, says that, in com- pliance with the order granted by the Ordinary of said county on the day of , 19. . . ., to compromise the claim of estate on said order granted at request for reasons set forth in his petition to said Ordinary, he did compromise said claim for dollars, being per cent, thereof, which settlement so made was made by him in good faith and to the best interest of the parties interested in estate, and which compro- mise and settlement he now returns and claims a credit for as such administrator. Administrator of , deceased. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 19 , Ordinary. ORDER TO RECORD RETURN. Ordinary's Office, Term, 19 Georgia, County. The above and special return of: , administrator of , deceased, of his compromise of a claim set forth in his petition being made, and no objection being filed to the same, ordered that it be allowed and recorded with the petition and order preceding it. , Ordinary. 238 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTOES TITLES TO HEIRS PROCEEDINGS TO COMPEL ADMINISTRATORS TO MAKE. $4018. To the Ordinary of County: The petition of and , heirs of , shows unto the court that in his lifetime, on the day of , 19. . . ., made and delivered to his bond for titles in and to a certain tract of land, in which it was agreed by , then in life, that upon payment of he would make titles to a certain tract of land lying (describe the land), that said. died on the day of , 19. . . ., having appointed one his executor ; that said sum stipulated for in said bond has been paid, part during the life- time of said and part to , adminis- trator of , wherefore your petitioner prays a rule nisi may issue in their behalf against , administrator of , requiring him to appear at the next term of this court, to show cause, if any he can, why he should not make titles in and to said land to your petitioners, who aver that they are the heirs at law of , deceased. RULE NISI. Court of Ordinary, Term, 19 The foregoing petition of and , being read to the court, and the facts therein stated shown to be true, ordered by the court that said , administrator of , deceased, show cause, if any he can, at the next term of this court, why he should not make to said and titles to the land set forth in said petition, and that a copy of this rule and of said petition be served on said days before the next term of this court. , Ordinary. ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 239 RULE ABSOLUTE. Court of Ordinary, Term, 19 It appearing to the court that a rule nisi taken at the last term of this court in favor of and vs , administrator of , deceased, has been duly served on said , requiring him to show cause, if any he could, why he , as administrator of , should not make and titles to a certain tract of land (describe the land), and said . . .' having shown no cause to the contrary, ordered by the court that , administrator of ., deceased, proceed at once to make titles of said land to and , Ordinary. DEED OF ADMINISTRATORS TO HEIRS. Georgia, County. This deed, made this day of , 19. . . ., between , administrator of ......... deceased, of the one part, and and , heir of , of the other part, witnesseth that, whereas said in life, bound himself to make titles to to a certain tract of land (describe it), and died before making the title, and whereas the condition on which the title of said land should be made to has been performed, and said and , heir of , deceased, have filed their petition and obtained an order from the proper Court of Ordinary after due notice, requiring said , as administrator of , deceased, to make title in said land to said and , now, in consideration of the premises, and in order to comply with said bond, and for value received of said and said , administrator of , deceased, has granted, bar- gained and sold, and by these presents doth bargain, grant, sell and convey to said and all the said tract of land, with all its rights and privileges. 240 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS In witness whereof, said , administrator of , deceased, has hereto set his hand and seal, day and year above stated. ;-. (L. S.) Administrator of Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of ,J.P. ELECTION OF WIDOW. 3931 (3), 5249 (3), 5250-5252. Georgia, County. To , Administrator of the estate of . . , deceased : You are hereby notified that instead of dower in the real estate of my deceased husband, ,1 hereby elect to take a child's part therein. Widow of , deceased. DIVISION IN KIND. 4057-4061. PETITION. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County: The petition of , as administrat ... of the estate of , deceased, shows that all the debts of said estate have been paid, and that now has in hand the following property of said estate, to wit : That the parties interested in said estate as heirs and distribu- tees are That a distribution of said estate in kind is practicable, and . . . therefore prays for the granting of an order for such division of said property, and the appointment of three or more freeholders of said county to appraise and impartially divide said property according to law. , Administrat . . . ADMINISTRATORS A.\D EXECUTORS 241 CITATION. 4057". Georgia, County.. Court of Ordinary, Chambers, , 19. ... To adminiutrat ... on the estate' of , deceased, having duly filed petition, praying an order for a division in kind of the property of the estate of said , deceased, you are hereby cited to be and appear at the Ordinary's office of said county on the day of , 19 . . . . , and show cause, if any you have, why the order prayed for in said petition should not be granted. , Ordinary. We hereby acknowledge due and legal service of the within petition, order and citation, waive copies of the same and all other or further service or notice herein. This day of ,19 I have this day served, minors, personally with a copy of the within. This , 19 Deputy Sheriff County, Ga. GUARDIAN AD LITEM. Court of Ordinarv, County. Term, 19 It appearing from the return of the sheriff, entered hereon, that the within named minors, to wit : i have each been personally served with a copy of this proceeding and that have no guardian. It is ordered that be, and is hereby appointed guardian 242 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS ad litem for said minor, .to represent herein, and that he be duly served with notice of this appointment, and that upon acceptance of the same he be notified of this proceeding, and make answer hereto. , Ordinary. ACCEPTANCE BY GUARDIAN AD LITEM. I hereby accept the foregoing appointment, acknowledge service and notice of said proceeding, as provided by law. Guardian ad litem for . . ORDER APPOINTING APPRAISERS. 4058. ., Administrat. . vs. Petition for division in kind, etc., of estate of said de- ceased. Heirs and distributees of. ... , , deceased. - It appearing that. all the heirs and distributees of said deceased, have been notified of this proceeding as required by law, and no objection being- filed, or cause shown to the contrary ; and it appearing that said division in kind is practicable : It is, therefore, ordered that a division in kind of the property named in said petition be had, and , freeholders of said county, are hereby appointed appraisers, to appraise and impartially divide said property according to law. It is further ordered that said appraisers make return of their actings and doings in the premises to the ordinary's office of said county on or before the day of , 19 .... , Ordinary. OATH OF APPRAISERS. 4058. Georgia, County. You do swear that you will faithfully and impartially dis- ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 243 charge your duties as appraisers of the estate of. deceased, in the hands of , administrat . according to law. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 19 , Ordinary. RETURN OF APPRAISERS. 4059. Georgia, County. By virtue of an order of the court of ordinary of said county, to us directed, to make a fair division in kind of the estate of , deceased, now in the hands of , administrat. . ., among lawful heirs and distributees, we proceeded this day to make said division, after being first lawfully sworn to perform said duty, and the' following is the result : Given under our hands and seals, this the day of ,19.... [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] FINAL ORDER. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19.... Upon considering the foregoing return of the appraisers in the matter of the division in kind of the estate of , deceased, and it appearing that it was carefully made and filed and no objection having been made thereto, it is ordered by the court that the said return be, and is, hereby made the judgment of the court; and that it, with the other proceedings therein, be spread upon the minutes of this court. , Ordinary. [NOTE: Refunding bond may be demanded by the administrator, before delivering property to distributees. 4061.] 244 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS PAYMENT OF DEBTS. to Dr. 19 Date. ,19.... To $ Georgia, County. Personally, before me, came , and, being duly sworn, says the above account of dollars is just, due and unpaid. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of.'. , 19 ' RECEIPT TO ADMINISTRATOR. Received of , administrator of , this day of , 19 . . . . , the sum of , in full payment of the above account. NOTE SIGNED BY MARK AND NOT ATTESTED, AFFIDAVIT TO. Georgia, County. Personally, before me, came , who, being duly sworn, says the above note, signed by the mark of , and not attested by any witness, is a genuine note given by , and is a just demand on estate. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 , , Ordinary. ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 245 RECEIPT ON NOTE. Received on the within note from , admin- istrator of , deceased, the maker of the within note, this day of , 19 . . . . , the sum of dollars, in full of the same. To divest title of decedent by allowance of year's support, land must be so described as to indicate that particular tract was intended to be set apart. Description here was too indefinite to be capable of enforcement. 145/325 (1) (89 S. E. 208). Description here con- taining nothing more definite than "ninety-five acres of land valued at 250" was invalid for want of sufficient description. 144/231 '(3) (86 S. E. 1089). V. RETURNS, INVENTORY, APPRAISEMENT, AC- COUNT AND COMMISSION. 3983-3996. INVENTORY AND APPRAISEMENT. 3983-3991. ORDER APPOINTING APPRAISERS. 3983. Court of Ordinary, County. At Chambers, , 19 .... Ordered, that > freeholders of said county, be, and they are, hereby appointed appraisers of the estate of , deceased, and that the usual warrant issue. , Ordinary. WARRANT OF APPRAISEMENT. 3983. Georgia, County. By the Ordinary for the county aforesaid. To These are to authorize you, or any three or more of you, to 246 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS repair to all such parts and places as you shall be directed unto by , administrat ... of all and singular the lands, goods and chattels, rights and credits of , deceased, wheresoever any of the lands, goods or chattels of the said deceased are, or do remain, within the said parts or places, and which shall be shown unto you by the said administrat. . ., and there view and fairly and justly appraise and value all and every the said lands, goods and chattels, being first sworn to make a true and perfect inventory and appraisement thereof, and cause the same to be returned under your hands, or any three or more of you, to the said administrat. . . within sixty days from the date hereof. In testimony whereof I hereunto affix my hand and seal, this ...' of , 19 , Ordinary. OATH OF APPRAISERS. You do swear that you will faithfully discharge your duties as appraisers of the personal property of , deceased, as shall be produced to you by , administrat. . . of the said deceased's estate, and the real estate of said deceased in county, and that you will return the same certified under your hands, unto the said administrat. . . within the time prescribed by law. [SEAL.] [SEAL.] [SEAL.] Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 RETURN OF APPRAISERS. 3989. Georgia, County. Inventory and appraisement of all the personal property and real estate lying in said county belonging to the estate of , deceased : . ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 247 CERTIFICATE OF APPRAISERS. We, the undersigned appraisers, do certify that having been first sworn by and before each other according to law, that the within and foregoing is a true inventory and appraisement of all the estate of .............. , deceased, so far as the same was produced before us by the administrat. . . of said deceased, to the best of our judgment and understanding. Given under our hands and seals, this ............... day of.. .................... 19 ____ [L. S.] [L. S.] [L. S.] ; ....[L. S.] Appraisers. INVENTORY AND APPRAISEMENT BY ADMINISTRATOR. 3984. Of the estate of , deceased. I Dollars I Cents 248 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. 3984. Georgia, County. You do swear that the foregoing is a true and just return of all the property of , deceased, and that the above inventory contains a true account of all the goods and chattels, rights and credits, and of the land lying in said county, of said deceased, within your hands, possession or knowledge; so help you God. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 , Ordinary. Ordered, that the foregoing appraisement be recorded , 19.... , Ordinary. ANNUAL RETURNS. 3992-3996. ANNUAL RETURN. In account with estate of DR. To cash from. it K (I it (( (( CR. By cash paid. As per voucher No. 1. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 , Ordinary. ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 249 ORDER OF ORDINARY. 3993, 3994. Court of Ordinary, County. Chambers, 19 .... The within return and its vouchers, having been carefully ex- amined and found correct, and having remained on file in this office for thirty days, and no objection filed thereto, the same is allowed; and it is ordered that said return, together with its vouchers, be recorded as the law requires. , Ordinary. EULE NISI FOR NOT MAKING KETURNS. Georgia, County. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 It appearing to the court, from an examination of the dockets of this court, that , administrator of the estate of , deceased, has failed to make annual return, in the time required by law, and that no excuse has been presented to this court for said default : It is therefore ordered, that said administrator as aforesaid, make return as required by law, by the term, 19. . . ., of this court, or. show cause for said default ; else such further action will be taken as is authorized by law; and it is further ordered that a copy of this rule be served on said at least ten days before said court. , Ordinary. RULE ABSOLUTE, WHERE FAILURE TO MAKE RETURN. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 The rule nisi taken at the last term of the court against , administrator of , deceased, having been duly served by the sheriff of this county, and the answer of , administrator, being in court, and showing that he is now willing and ready to make his annual returns, 250 ADMINISTRATORS ANI> EXECUTOES and omitted his duty from forgetfulness alone, ordered that said , administrator, pay the cost of said rule nisi, which is hereby discharged. , Ordinary. CAVEAT TO RETURN OF ADMINISTRATOR. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 And now comes , next of kin of , and caveats the return made on the day of , 19 . . . . , by , administrator of , deceased, and says the same should not be admitted to record and sanctioned by this court, because he says the same is illegal in this (specify the objectionable items and cause of objection thereto) ; all of which he is ready to prove, and prays the same may not be allowed. i Attorney of Cavetor. ,19.. ORDER OVERRULING CAVEAT. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 The return of , administrator of , deceased, made on the day of , 19. . . ., having been filed in the office thirty days, as required by law, and the caveat of to it having been considered, ordered that said caveat be overruled, and the return allowed in full and admitted to record. , Ordinary. AFFIDAVIT OF SECURITY TO, WHERE THE ADMINISTRATOR HAS REMOVED FROM THE STATE. 3995. In person, before me, came , security of , , administrator of , removed to the ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 251 State of , and being sworn, says the above return is just and true. , Security. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 , Ordinary. NON-RESIDENT ADMINISTRATOR, RETURN OF. 3995. ORDER OF ORDINARY. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 It appearing to the court that the foregoing return of , a non-resident administrator, has been duly proved by the affidavit of , security on the bond of , and is accompanied by the proper vouchers and is correct and has been filed in the office the necessary time required by law, ordered that it be admitted to record. , Ordinary. EXTRA COMPENSATION. 4067. PETITION FOR ALLOWANCE OF. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County: The petition of , as administrator of deceased, shows to the court that, as administrator of , deceased, in the control and management of the land of , his intestate, he has spent a great deal of time and labor in (state the nature and extent of the services) ; that the commis- sion allowed by law will not be sufficient compensation for such services, and he prays the court to allow him such extra com- pensation for the services as may be just and proper. Administrator of Came into open court , administrator of 252 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS deceased, and being duly sworn, says the above facts are true. Administrator of Sworn to in open court before me, this day of , 19 , Ordinary. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 The application of , administrator of deceased, for extra compensation for managing the lands of estate, being before the court, and the proofs being made to the court of the nature and extent of these services, it is ordered by the court that said , administrator of , deceased, be allowed for his services the sum of dollars per annum, dating from death. , Ordinary. COMMISSIONS; FORFEITURE. 4069. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County : The petition of , administrator of , deceased, shows that he was actually prevented from making his annual return for 19. . . ., at the time required by law, on the estate of , deceased, because of , and prays an order of the court to save him from forfeiture of the commission on this return so omitted, and which he has inade now at the first opportunity given him. Administrator. I.;.' ; ,19.... Came into open court , administrator of , deceased, and being duly sworn, says the facts stated in said petition are true. Administrator of Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 ,...,..,,..., Ordinary. ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 253 ORDER RELIEVING ADMINISTRATOR. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 The petition of , administrator of , deceased, to be saved by special order of this court from for- feiture commission, for not making his annual returns in 19. . ., at the time required by law, being read and considered by the court, and the same being shown to the court to be true, it is therefore ordered that he be allowed his commission on the re- turns, which he failed to make at the proper time, in 19. . . ., but has since made, and that he shall be exempt from forfeiture of commission for not making his annual returns in 19. . . ., at the time required by law. , Ordinary. FINAL RETURN. In account with estate of . . . . , DR. To cash from. OR. By cash paid. As per voucher No. 1. Administrator of , deceased. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 , Ordinary. 254 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS ORDER ALLOWING FINAL RETURN. Court of Ordinary, County. Chambers, 19. ... The within return and its vouchers, having been carefully examined and found correct, and having remained on file in office for thirty days, and no objection filed thereto, the same is allowed ; and it is ordered that said return, together with its vouchers, be recorded as the law requires. , Ordinary. Account and settlement: Citation to account only pleading necessary. 71/11 (2); 142/257 (82 S. E. 651). Answer of administrator to petition for, not objectionable because no schedule of returns attached thereto. 113/824 (3) (39 S. E. 291). Returns of administrators must be under oath. 137/516 (6) (73 S. E. 747). VI. SUITS BY OR AGAINST ADMINISTRATORS. $4081-4088. PLEAS OF ADMINISTRATOR. UNQUES ADMINISTRATOR. 4086. vs. as administrator of the estate of. .In Superior Court Term, 19 And now comes the defendant in the above-stated case, and for plea says : that he is not now, nor has ever been, executor of the last will and testament (or the administrator of the estate) of , deceased. And of this he puts himself upon the country. Defendant's Attorney. ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS PLENE ADMINISTEAVIT. 4086. 255 vs. In Superior Court Term, 19 as administrator of the estate of, And now comes the defendant in the above-stated case, and for plea says, that as the administrator of the estate of , deceased, after more than twelve months had elapsed from the date of his letters of administration upon the estate of said de- ceased (notice within the said twelve months having been given to creditors of said deceased, in terms of the law to present such claims or demands as they or any of them had against said estate as required by law), and before any notice of the claim sued on in this case was given to this defendant, as the administrator of said deceased, he has fully administered all of the assets of said estate that came into his hands, by collecting the same together, paying the just debts due by said estate, and the costs of administration, and making distribution among the distribu- tees of said estate, of the remainder, according to law. And of this he puts himself on the country. Defendant's Attorney. PLENE ADMINISTRAVIT PRAETER. 4086. as administrator of the estate of. In Superior Court .Term, 19 And now comes the defendant in the above-stated case, and for plea says, that as the administrator of the estate of , deceased, he has fully administered said estate, according to law except as to the following property, to wit: (Here describe the property or money still in hand to be administered), and that since lie had notice of plaintiff's demand, he has had none other of the property or effects belonging to said estate in hand 256 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS to be administered than the property or effects hereinbefore set forth. And of this he puts himself upon the country. Defendant's Attorney. PLEA OF STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS. In Superior Court as administrator of the estate lerm, 1 of Now comes the defendant in the above named and stated case, and for plea and answer therein, says: That said suit is barred by the statute of limitations for the reason that the note sued on is dated the day of , 19. . . ., and due on the day of , 19. . . . ; and defendant's intestate died on the day of , 19. . . ., and letters of administration were granted to this defendant on the day of , 19 . . . . ; and that counting out the time from the death of the intestate up to the time of the grant- ing of letters of administration and the twelve months thereafter from which this defendant was relieved from suit, more than six years elapsed from the time said note became due, up to the time of the filing of this suit ; and 'defendant pleads the statute of limitations against the claim of plaintiff. Defendant's Attorney. Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, , as administrator of the estate of , deceased, and being duly sworn, on oath, says that the facts and things set forth in the foregoing plea are true. Administrator of , deceased. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 19 , J. P. [NOTE: This plea can be made to meet an account or any other form of indebtedness, where the statute of limitations would lie under the law.] ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 257 PLEA OF REVOCATION OF LETTERS. 4086. vs. Superior Court .Term, 19 as administrator of the estate of And now comes the defendant in the above stated case and for plea says that pending the present action, his letters of administration were revoked by the court of ordinary of county upon due and legal order passed by said court on the day of , 19. . . ., and the administration of said estate committed to another, to wit, to , to whom all the assets of said estate which came into defendant's hands have been delivered. And of this he puts himself upon the country. Defendant's Attorney. JUDGMENT AGAINST ADMINISTRATOR. 4088. vs. In Superior Court as administrator of lerm, 1.9. . . . deceased In the above named and stated case, the jury having found a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for the sum of dollars and cents, and costs of suit ; It is considered, ordered and adjudged that the plaintiff, , do recover of the defendant, , as administrator of the estate of , deceased, the sum of dollars, for principal debt, and dollars interest to judgment, with interest on the principal debt from this date at the' rate of per cent, per annum; and dollars costs of suit, to be levied on the goods, lands and tenements in the hands of the said , as administrator of , deceased, if to be found, and if not to be found, then of the lands, goods and tenements of the said , administrator. Judgment entered up this day of , 19. ... Attorneys for Plaintiff. 258 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS JUDGMENT WHERE PLEA OF NE UNQUES, PLENE ADMINIS- TEAVIT OR PLENE ADMINISTRAVIT PRAETOR Is FILED AND FAILS. 4088. (State the case.) Whereupon, it is considered, ordered and adjudged by the court that the plaintiff do have and recover of as the administrator of , deceased, the sum of dollars and cents, as principal, '. dollars and cents interest to judgment, and dollars and cents for costs of suit, to be levied, in the first instance of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of the said , deceased, if to be found, and if not to be found, then of personal goods and chattels, lands and tenements of the said This day of , 19 Plaintiff's Attorney. JUDGMENT QUANDO ACCIDERINT. 4088. (State the case.) - Whereupon, it is considered, ordered and adjudged by the court here that the plaintiff do have and recover of the de- fendant the sum of dollars for his principal debt, the sum of dollars for his interest up to this date, and the sum of dollars for his costs and charges, in this behalf laid out and expended ; to be levied as to the sum of dollars, of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of the testator [or intestate] now in the hands of the defendant, to be administered, and as to the balance, to be levied of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of the testator [or intestate] which shall hereafter come to the hands of the defendant to be administered. This day of , 19 Plaintiff's Attorney. JUDGMENT WHERE PLEA OF PLENE ADMINISTRAVIT Is SUSTAINED. (State the case.) Whereupon, it is considered, ordered and adjudged by the court that the plaintiff, , do have and recover of the defendant, , as the administrator of , deceased, the sum of dollars and cents prin- cipal, dollars and cents interest to judgment, and .*. .dollars and cents for costs, to be levied of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of the said , deceased, that may hereafter come into the hands of.' , administrator, to be administered. This day of , 19 Plaintiff's Attorney. Descriptio personae. "Administrator" or "executor" after name, treated as descriptio personae, when and when not. 54/537; 69/289; 116/8 (42 S. E. 381); 117/788 (45 S. B. 61), 842 (1) (45 S. E. 221); 121/773 (2) (49 S. E. 782); 138/751 (76 S. E. 49); 140/326, 330 (78 S. E. 912); 143/214 (84 S. E. 538), 721 (85 S. E 1 . 895); 145/616 (89 S. E. 689) ; 13 App. 504, 505 (79 S. E. 480), 744 (79 S. E. 746). See Code, 3570. Plene administravit filed in suit by "administrator" is plea by him as an individual. 117/842 (45 S. EL 221). Plea which fails to allege that administrator did not have notice of claim when estate admin- istered, is insufficient. 121/773 (49 S. E. 782). VII. DISMISSION, RESIGNATION AND REMOVAL. 3978-3982, 4089-4100. REMOVAL OF ADMINISTRATOR. APPLICATION BY NEXT OF KIN FOR REMOVAL OF ADMINISTRATOR. Georgia, County. To the Court of Ordinary of said County : Petition of shows that , adminis- trator of the estate of , late of said county, deceased, is unfit for the trust reposed in him, because the said 260 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS administrator, wastes and mismanages the estate of the said in this (State the particulars of such mismanage- ment, or specifically state some other ground set forth in Code, 3978). Petitioner shows that he is interested in said estate, being a distributee thereof. Wherefore petitioner prays the court to pass an order citing said administrator to answer said charge at the regular term of the court, and that upon the hearing of his returns the court in its discretion do revoke the letters of administration of the said , as administrator as aforesaid. This day of 19 Petitioner. RULE NISI. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 , as heir at law of , having filed his petition in due form charging , adminis- trator of , deceased, with mismanagement of estate, in this : (State the irregularity) and said having proved to the satisfaction of this court that there is sufficient ground to issue a rule nisi, therefore it is ordered that said , as such administrator of , deceased, show cause at the next term of this court why he should not be removed from his administration on account of such mismanagement, and that a copy of said rule be served on him ten days before the next term of said court. . . . , Ordinary. ANSWER TO RULE. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19. ... And now at this term comes , administrator of , deceased, and for answer to a rule nisi taken against him at the last term of the court, at the instance of , an heir at law of , says that the facts stated in said petition, on which said rule nisi ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 261 is founded, are not true, and that said nisi ought to be discharged at the cost of said . . Administrator of. ORDER TO DISCHARGE RULE. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 The rule nisi issued against , administrator of , deceased, having been served, and the same coming on for a hearing, and proof having been submitted by both parties thereto, ordered that said rule nisi be discharged at the cost of said petitioner. , Ordinary. ORDER TO REVOKE LETTERS. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 A rule nisi having been taken against , adminis- trator of , deceased, at the instance of , heir at law, calling upon him to show cause why said , as such administrator, should not be removed from his adminis- tration of estate, on the ground set forth in said rule nisi ; and it appearing that said rule has been duly served, and that said , administrator of , deceased, from the proofs submitted by both parties, has been guilty of the mismanagement charged against him by , therefore it is ordered by the court that the letters of as such administrator, be revoked. This day of , 19 , Ordinary. FINAL SETTLEMENT CITATION OF ADMINISTRATOR TO. 4073. PETITION TO CITE ADMINISTRATOR TO A SETTLEMENT OF His ACCOUNT. Georgia, County. To the Court of Ordinary of said County : The petition of , of. 262 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS shows that at the term, 19. . . ., letters of administra- tion were granted by the Court of Ordinary of said county to on the estate of ; that more than one year has expired from the grant of said letters of adminis- tration to ; that said administrator has sold out the estate of and has paid all his debts, and your petitioner (as one of the next of kin of the deceased intestate) is entitled to his share of said estate; so in order to ascertain the same your petitioner prays that a settlement of account as administrator may be had at the term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held day of , 19. . . ., and that citation issue to said administrator requiring him to be then and there present and make a full settlement of the estate of in his hands as administrator, as said court will then and there make an account of the estate of in his, the hands of , his administrator. of , Deceased. RULE Georgia, ............ County. At Chambers, this ..... day of ......... , 19. ... The foregoing petition of ................ , heir at law of ................. , for a settlement of the administration of ............ , as administrator of the estate of ............ , deceased, at the ........ term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, having been duly filed, and it appearing to be just and proper, it is ordered that a citation issue to said ............ , as such administrator, to be and appear at ........ term of said court and make a full settlement of his administration of the estate of ............ , deceased, and that this order operate as the citation required, when a copy of the same and petition are served on ............ ten days before the ......... term of said Court of Ordinary. ........................... , Ordinary. ORDER APPROVING SETTLEMENT. Court of Ordinary for the county of State of Georgia, Term, 19 .... It appearing to the court at this term at which ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 263 was duly cited by an order passed at the term, 19. . . ., of said court, and served on him, to appear and settle the estate of in his hands as administrator, that there is due the said , as appears from an accounting by said , the sum of dollars ; it is, therefore, ordered that said settlement so made by at this term be, and is, hereby adjudged as correct, and that the same be recorded upon the minutes of this court; and it is further ordered that as of recover of said , as such administrator of , said sum ; and it appearing that said has in his hands the following property of estate, which, on the close of his administration belongs to (here describe it), it is ordered that he deliver up the same within ten days from this time to , Ordinary. ORDER TO Snow CAUSE WHY THE ADMINISTRATOR SHOULD BE ATTACHED FOR DISOBEDIENCE TO SAID ORDER. Georgia^ County. Court of Ordinary, Term, 19 .... It being shown to the court that , as administrator of , deceased, has not complied with the order passed at the term, 19. . . ., of this court, upon an accounting and settlement of estate, to surrender to of the following property (here describe it), set forth in said order, it is ordered that said , as such administrator, appear before me at the term, 19. . . ., of said Court of Ordinary, and show cause, if any he can, why he should not be attached for contempt in not obeying the order aforesaid, and that a copy of this order be served on him ten days before said. term, 19. . . ., of said court. , Ordinary. FINAL RECEIPT OF DISTRIBUTEE. Georgia, County. Received this day of , 19 . . . . , of , administrator of , deceased, late of said county, dollars, in full, entire and complete 264 ADMINISTKATOES AND EXECUTORS satisfaction of all the above right, claim, interest, property or demand I now have, or might have, in and upon the estate, real and personal, of said , deceased. And said , administrator, as aforesaid, of any and all further claim on my part against said estate. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, the day and year above written. [L. S.]. of , Deceased. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of ., J. P. REFUNDING BOND. 4060, 4080. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents that we, and , his securities, are bound to , administrator of , late of said county, deceased, in the sum of dollars, for the payment of which we bind ourselves and our heirs jointly and severally. Signed and sealed this day of , 19. ... The condition of the above bond is this, that whereas , administrator of , has through proper persons appointed by the Court of Ordinary divided amongst the several distributees of estate, his , and said has received from , as administrator of , deceased, his distributive share, it being ; now, should said pay his part of any debt and claims which may be hereafter established against said , as administrator of , deceased, then this bond to be void; else remain in full force. , Principal. [L. S.] , Security. [L. S.] Executed in the presence of, and approved by me, this day of , 19. ... , Ordinary. ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 265 DISMISSION AND RESIGNATION. 4089-4100. PETITION FOR DISCHARGE OF ADMINISTRATOR. 4089. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County: The petition of , administrat. . .of , deceased, shows that he has fully discharged all the duties of such administrat. . . ; that he has paid all the debts of his intes- tate ; has turned over the residue on his books to the lawful heirs of ; he, therefore, prays the usual* citation may issue, requiring all persons interested to show cause, if any they can, why he should not be discharged from his administration, and while such citation is running, his proceedings as such administrator may undergo a thorough revision by this court. This day of , 19 Administrator. ORDER OF CITATION. Georgia, County. Court of Ordinary. Term, 19 The petition of , as administrator of , deceased, having been filed, setting forth that he has fully administered as administrator of , deceased, late of said county, all the property and effects of said deceased, according to law, and praying for letters of dismission as such administrator ; It is ordered that citation issue and be published according to law, notifying the heirs at law and the creditors of the said deceased to be and appear at the term of this court, and show cause, if any they have or can, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. Ordinary. 266 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS CITATION. Georgia, County. , administrat. . .of , deceased, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrat . . should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in , 19 .... , Ordinary. ORDER OF DISMISSION. Court of Ordinary, Term, 19 It appearing to the court that the citation for a discharge from his administration of estate, has been duly issued and published, and it also appearing to the court from a thorough examination of all the proceedings of said administrat. . .of estate, that he has fully and faithfully administered said estate, and is legally entitled to a discharge from his administration, and no sufficient objection, being offered to his dismission, this court orders that he be dis- charged from his administration of estate, and that letters of dismission issue to him accordingly. Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION FROM ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, County. By the Honorable the Ordinary of said County. To all whom these presents shall come or be made known Greeting : Whereas , administrat. . .of the estate of , deceased, has made application for the dismis- sion thereof; and on examination of the inventory and return of said estate having found all and singular the property of said estate, which came to the hands of said , ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 267 well and truly administered, as appears by the vouchers lodged in office, and citation having issued in terms of the law, calling on those interested to file exceptions, if any they had, why the said should not be dismissed from such adminis- tration; and no sufficient objection having been filed, and the Court of Ordinary of said county having at its regular term on the day of , 19. . . . , by order, discharged said from said administration, and ordered letters of dismission to issue : We do, therefore, in pursuance of the powers vested in us, and by virtue of said order, issue these letters of dismission from the administration aforesaid, to the said to show his discharge whenever he may be called in question. Given under my hand and seal of office this day of.. . 19.. Ordinary County. REMOVAL OF ADMINISTRATION FOR FAILURE TO GIVE BOND. $3949-3951. Georgia, County. To the Court of Ordinary of said County : The petition of shows that , administrator of the estate of , late of said county, deceased, was appointed administrator of said estate, and is acting as such without having been required to give bond, with good and sufficient security conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duty as such administrator as required by law. Petitioner is interested in said estate, being a distributee thereof. Petitioner names , of said county, as a fit and proper person who is willing to take the administration and, give bond and security. Wherefore petitioner prays the court to pass an order requir- ing said , as administrator as aforesaid, to give bond, in a sum equal to double the amount of the said estate, payable to the Ordinary for the benefit of all concerned, and conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duty as such admin- istrator, and in default thereof that he be removed from his trust as administrator for the said estate. This day of , 19 , Petitioner. 268 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS RULE NISI. Court of Ordinary, Term, 19 , having filed his petition to this the term of said court alleging that , the administrator of the estate of , deceased, has been appointed administrator of said estate, and is acting as such, without having been required to give bond and security in terms of the law, and praying that said be required to give bond and security, or in default thereof that he be removed from the administration of the said estate; it is ordered that he be served with a copy of said petition ten days before the time of hearing, and that he show cause on the day of , 19. . . ., if any he has or can, why he should not give bond and security in terms of the law, or in default thereof be removed from the administration of said estate. This day of , 19 , Ordinary. ORDER OF REMOVAL. (NOTE: The order of removal should state the facts and require the giving of the bond at a time within 15 days, or in default, that he be removed. See 3951.) RESIGNATION OF ADMINISTRATOR. 4095. PETITION TO BE ALLOWED TO RESIGN. 4095. Georgia, County. To the Honorable , Ordinary of said County : The petition of respectfully shows that on the day of , 19. . . ., he was appointed by the Court of Ordinary for said county as administrator upon the estate of , late of said county, deceased; that he qualified accordingly and entered upon the discharge of the duties of said trust, and that he has continued to act as adminis- trator as aforesaid until now. Petitioner has not yet fully administered upon said estate, but he desires to resign his said trust because (state the reason ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS 269 for desiring to resign). Petitioner names as a suitable person qualified and entitled, and willing to accept the trust. The next of kin of said intestate are and Wherefore petitioner prays that citation may issue to said and to said next of kin, to appear and show cause why said order should not be granted. this day of ,19 , Administrator. Read and considered. Let citation issue as prayed. This day of , 19 , Ordinary. CITATION. Georgia, County. , administrator upon the estate of , late of said county, deceased, having filed his petition to be allowed to resign his said trust, this is to cite and the next of kin of the intestate, to wit, , to show cause before the Court of Ordinary for said county, on the first Monday in , 19. . . ., why an order allowing such resignation should not be granted, and appointed in his stead. This day of , 19 , Ordinary. OKDER FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION TO ISSUE. Georgia, County. By the Court of Ordinary for Said County. Whereas, , administrator upon the estate of , deceased, applied for leave to resign his trust as administrator, as aforesaid, on account of (State the reason for resigning). And whereas, it appears that the petitioner has given the notice required by law. And it appearing that it will be to the interest of said estate that said administrator should lie allowed to resign. It is, therefore, ordered, that said admin- istrator and his securities be discharged from all further liability after having fairly settled his accounts with his successor and filed with the said Ordinary the receipt in full of such successor. 270 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTORS And it is further ordered that the usual commissions be allowed the said retiring administrator up to this date ; and that after settlement with his successor, letters of dismission do issue to said administrator, according to law. Ordinary. BOND OF SUCCESSOR. Georgia, County. We, , as principal, and , as security, both of the county and State aforesaid, acknowledge ourselves held and bound unto ., Ordinary of said county, for the benefit of all concerned, in the sum of dollars, subject to the following condition: The condition of the above obligation is as follows : Whereas , late administrator of the estate of , has resigned his- trust. And whereas, said has been appointed administrator, as successor of said (who has adjusted, with the Ordinary, his accounts, touching his administratorship). Now, should the said faithfully discharge his duties as such administrator, as required by law, this obligation to be void ; otherwise of full force and effect. Signed with our hands and sealed with our seals, this day of , 19 Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Executed in the presence of and approved by me, this day of 1 9 .... Ordinary. IX. FOREIGN EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRA- TORS. 3880, 4101-4105. Certificate of judge to letters of foreign administrator must show that he presided in the court from which the record comes; clerk's certificate to this effect not sufficient. 118/874 (2) (45 S. E. 672). AFFIDAVITS 271 AFFIDAVITS. (NOTE: The proper affidavits in the different proceedings will be found under the proper heads in this volume.) ORDINAKY AFFIDAVIT. Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, , the subscriber, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that (Here state what particular matter is desired to be set out as facts.) Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ,19 ., J. P. [NOTE: Attention is called here to the duty of an officer taking an affidavit to swear the witness at the time that he signs the jurat. A proper way to do this is to say to the affiant, having him to hold up his hand: "You do solemnly swear that the facts stated in this affidavit are true, so help yon God." An affidavit taken by administering the oath, "You do solemnly swear that the facts stated in his affidavit are true to the best of your knowl- edge and belief," is not a sufficient compliance with the law. For a party to sign an affidavit and the officer to simply sign the jurat, is not the taking of an affidavit in the proper form. The affiant could not be convicted of perjury on it and on such trial he would be allowed to show that he did not swear to the affidavit. However, where the officer signs the jurat, the presumption is that the proper oath was admin- istered. If the affidavit is to be used in a judicial proceeding, it is best to state the case at the beginning. This is absolutely necessary in cases of injunction before the affidavit can be used. In a case of injunction the affidavit should be in the following form:] INJUNCTION. {Application for injunction and relief. In Superior Court, Term, 19. .. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer , who, being duly sworn, on oath says that he makes this affidavit to be used as evidence for tin- plaintiff on the hearing, whenever it may be, of the injunction applied for 272 APPEALS before the Judge of the Superior Court in the above named and stated case, and that (Here set out the evidence of the witness fully and explicitly). Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 , J. P. Administration of oath is necessary. 94/461 (19 S. E. 247); 14 App. 30 (79 S. E. 930), 294 (80 S. E. 728), 314 (80 S. E'. 724). Attorneys, authority. 4955. Attorney making affidavit must do so in his own name, and not by signing name of client. 142/200 (82 S. E. 563). "Best of his knowledge and belief," commits affiant to almost nothing. 77/256 (3 S. E. 10). "Best of his knowledge and belief" does not supply place of positive statement of actual facts where such state- ment is necessary. 15 App. 293, 300 (82 S. E. 942). In forma pauperis. Since Act of 1897 (p. 32), use of word "or" instead of "and" makes affidavit fatally defective. 107/235 (33 S. E. 48); 111/838 (36 S. E. 99); 113/129 (38 S. E. 303); 114/349 (40 S. E. 241). "Intituled in the cause," affidavit not being, rejected when. 97/399 (23 S. E. 823). Proxy: Swearing is personal, can not be done by proxy. 142/200 (82 S. E. 563). APPEALS. 4998-5018. APPEAL AND BOND FROM JUSTICE COURT. vs. Suit on note in Justice Court of the District, G. M., of County. Term, 19 , and judgment for plaintiff for $ , principal debt, with interest and costs, on day of ,19... Now conies the defendant in the above named and stated case, and being dissatisfied with the judgment rendered against him therein, and first having paid all costs that have accrued in said case, on this the day of , 19. . . ., APPEALS 273 enters this his appeal to a jury in the Superior Court, within the time prescribed by law, and brings .......... , as security, and they, .............. , as principal, and ............. , as security, hereby acknowledge themselves held and firmly bound jointly and severally unto the plaintiff, ............. , for the eventual condemnation money in said case. Signed with our hands, and sealed with our seals, this ...... day of ............... , 19 ____ ..................... Principal [L. S.] ..................... Security [L. S.] Executed in the presence of and approved by me, this ..... day of ........ , 19. ... ' I hereby certify that the appellant, ................ , has paid all the costs that have accrued in the above named and slated case, wherein the appeal is entered, bond filed and appeal entered this ........ day of . . .......... , 19 .... . J. P. APPEAL AND BOND TO JURY IN JUSTICE COURT. vs. Suit on note in the Justice Court of the. .... .District, G. M., of County. Term, 19 , and judgment for plaintiff for , principal debt, with interest and costs, on the day of ,19... Now comes the defendant in the above, named and stated case, and being dissatisfied with the judgment rendered against him therein, and first having paid all costs that have accrued in said case, on this the day of , 19. . . ., enters this his appeal to a jury in the Justice Court within the time prescribed by law, and brings as security, and they, as principal, and , as security, hereby acknowledge themselves held and firmly bound jointly and severally unto the plaintiff, , for the eventual condemnation money in said case. 274 APPEALS Signed with our hands and sealed with our seals, this day of ..................... ,19 ____ Principal. ............................ ....(L.S.) Security. Executed in the presence of and approved by me, this ..... day of ........ , 19. ... ............................. ,J.P. I hereby certify that the appellant, ................. , has paid all the costs that have accrued in the above named and stated case, wherein the appeal is entered, bond filed and appeal entered this ...... day of ............ , 19 .... APPEAL IN FORMA PAUPERIS. 5010. Georgia, County. Suit on note in the Justice Court of the District, G. M., of County. Term, 19 . . . . , and vs. judgment rendered for plaintiff for $ , prin- cipal, besides with interest and costs, on day of ,19.... In the above named and stated case, comes now . , the defendant, and being dissatisfied with the judgment against him, enters on this the day of , 19 . . . . , his appeal in said case to a jury in the superior court, and being duly sworn, on oath says that he is advised and believes that he has good cause of a'ppeal, and, that owing to his poverty, he is unable to pay the costs or give security required in cases of appeal. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of , 19 , ,J.P. The foregoing affidavit filed and appeal entered this the day of ,19 , J. P. ARBITRAMENT AND AWARD 275 Affidavit in forma pauperis must be in disjunctive. 107/235 (33 S. E. 48); 111/838 (36 S. E. 99); 113/129 (38 S. E 1 . 303); 114/349 (40 S. E. 241). Amendment of bond permissible, where opposite party not prejudiced. 17 App. 446 (1-a) (87 S. E. 709). See Code, 5707. Obligee's name left blank, bond good, when. 122/856 (50 S. E. 930). Partner's affidavit that he enters "his appeal" is not appeal by firm. 118/514 (45 S. E. 314). Proxy, affidavit can not be made by. 99/637 (26 S. E. 60); 142/200 (82 S. E, 563). Statute was substantially complied with, where bond was made payable to a named company, "in the above-stated case," referring to case in which that company was named as plaintiff. 18 App. 616 (89 S. E. 1100). ARBITRAMENT AND AWARD. 5019-5054. SUBMISSION. 5021. Georgia, -. County. This agreement made and entered into this day of , 19 . . . . , between , of the county of , and , of the county of , both of said State. Witnesseth: That there exists between the above named parties certain differences and disputes in reference to (here set forth true and accurate statements of the matters in contro- versy submitted, and any other matters that may be pertinent to said submission) The said contends that The said contends that For the purpose of satisfactorily adjusting said differences and disputes, it has been agreed by the said parties that the matters in dispute between them, touching the several contentions above mentioned, be submitted to , chosen by said , and , chosen by said , and , selected by the aforesaid arbitrators chosen by the parties. Let the arbitrators, after they have made up their award, furnish each of the parties with a copy thereof, and return the original award to the Superior Court of said county, to be en- tered on the minutes of said court. 276 ARBITRAMENT AND AWARD CHOICE OF THIRD ARBITRATOR. 5032. We, the undersigned, chosen as arbitrators by and , under the foregoing submission, in order to carry o.ut the same, choose, as the third arbitrator Given under our hands and seals this. . .day of , 19. . : [L.S.] [L.S.] OATHS OF ARBITRATORS. 5037. Georgia, County. We, and each of us, do solemnly swear that we will impar- tially determine the matters of controversy existing between and , touching , according to law and the justice and equity of the case without favor or affection to either party. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 , J. P. [NOTE. The arbitrators may administer this oath to each other, 5037, or subscribe same before any officer of this State qualified to administer an oath.] ORDER APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING. 5034. We, the undersigned arbitrators, selected as above stated, under the articles of submission as above stated by the arbi- trators and by the parties, do hereby appoint as the time and place for trying the matters so referred to us under the fore- going submission, the day of , 19 . . . . , at . . . . , in county, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. This day of ,19 ARBITRAMENT AND AWARD 277 NOTICE GIVEN BY ARBITRATORS TO THE PARTIES. 5034. Georgia, County. To and : You are hereby notified that the undersigned arbitrators will meet (state the time and place of meeting), for the purpose of hearing and determining the matters in controversy existing between you, touching. . . . This.'. day of ,.., 19 Arbitrators. [NOTE. Ten days' notice of the time and place of meeting should be given to the parties (5034), unless waived by agreement, in which case the order appointing the time and place, should recite, "The parties now agreeing before us to the time and place above indicated and waiv- ing all further or other notice."] AWARD OF ARBITRATORS. 5046-5048. Georgia, County. We, the undersigned, chosen as arbitrators to decide the mat- ters submitted in the foregoing articles of reference, signed by and , being first duly sworn, having given proper notice of the time and place of meeting, having also given said matters due consideration, and heard both parties under oath as to the facts of said dispute and differences, and the evidence adduced, do decide and agree as follows, to wit: (1) We find and award ." (2) We further find and award This day of , 19 Arbitrators. [NOTE. Arbitrators failing to agree, any two of them may make the award, and when made it has the same force and effect as if made by all three of them. 5046.] 278 ARBITRAMENT AND AWARD JUDGMENT OF THE COUKT. Superior Court, County. Term, 19 In the matter of controversy touching , between and ' , submitted in writing to the arbitration of , and , who have proceeded to make their award, and have filed the same with the Clerk of this Court; it is, on motion, ordered that said award be received and entered on the minutes and be made the judgment of this court, and that execution issue accordingly, and further that be allowed to enter up judgment against. for the costs. Judge Superior Court County. Plaintiff's Attorney. SUBMISSION WHEN SUIT is PENDING. 5054. Georgia, County. Whereas, there is pending in Superior Court the case of against , the same being an action of complaint, and whereas all parties are desirous of settling said controversy without further litigation and delay, they have hereby agreed to submit said controversies to the judgment and award of , chosen by , and cfrosen by , and , chosen by the aforementioned arbitrators. When the said arbi- trators shall have decided upon their award, and reduced the same to writing, the same shall be returned by them, or one of them, to the Superior Court of county, to be made the judgment thereof, as provided by law. This day of , 19 [NOTE. The arbitrators should make oath, and give notice to the parties, as suggested in the preceding forms.] ARBITRAMENT AND AWARD 279 SUBMISSION AND AWARD. } Complaint in Court No , Term, 19.. Whereupon it is ordered and adjudged by the court that the award in this case be entered on the minutes of said court, and be made the judgment thereof, and that , the , have leave to enter up judgment against .for the sum of dollars and cents principal, with interest and cost of same, as found by said arbitrators. Judge Superior Court County. Plaintiff's Attorney. EXCEPTIONS TO AWARD. 5049. } Arbitration and award. Award re- turned to Superior Court of County, Term, 19 The award of the arbitrators in the above stated case having been returned to the said court, and entered upon the minutes thereof, as provided by law, now comes , one of the parties thereto, at the term to which said award is returned, and on oath says that the award was the result of accident (or, mistake, or the fraud of some one of the arbitrators or is other- wise illegal set out particularly the ground of exception). Wherefore, deponent prays that the court shall cause an issue to be made up and the same to be tried by a special jury, and that the said award may be vacated or set aside, as provided by law. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 Judge Superior Court. 280 ARBITRAMENT AND AWARD PETITION IN ACTION ON AWARD. ' L Award in Superior Court Term, 19.... The petition of shows to the court the following facts : (1) That on the day of .,19 , there existed between the plaintiff and defendant, a resident of said county, certain differences and disputes, touching- (state the matter of controversy). (2) On the day of , 19 , the plaintiff and defendant mutually agreed in writing to submit the matters in dispute to arbitrators. (3) A copy of said submission is hereto attached, (or, with- out attaching the copy, the plaintiff may state fully the substance of the same). (4) That under said submission arbitrators were selected, to wit, , , (5) That the said arbitrators, after due notice, met at the time and place notified therein, and after hearing evidence, rendered the following award: (Set out a copy of the award.) (6) That the said award was made in pursuance of the submission and conformed to the same in material respects. (7) That the same was made within the time limited (if there was such time), and with the formality required by the submission. (8) That the sum of dollars awarded to your petitioner has not been paid by the defendant or any part thereof, but he has wholly failed to perform the award, and the plaintiff brings this action to recover the amount of said award, to wit, the sum of dollars with interest and costs. Wherefore, petitioner prays that process may issue requiring the defendant to be and appear at the next term of said court to answer to petitioner's complaint. Petitioner's Attorney. [NOTE. The form of the above petition was approved in 112/438, 440 (37 S. E 1 . 755).] ASSIGNMENT 281 Certainty in award is essential. 8/8; 69/100, 726; 71/860. Clerical error disregarded, when. 117/388 (43 S. E. 726). Misnomer in middle name of referee, not vitiate award. 81/265 (7 S. E'. 173). Oath: Ground for setting award aside that oath administered to arbi- trators was different from that prescribed by statute. 113/166 (38 S. E. 315). Oath not essential when submission under common law. 113/1088 (39 S. E. 489). Exceptions to award should be under oath. 59/459; see 76/692. Petition in action on award need not set forth evidence on which award was based, nor need a copy of the award be attached. 112/438 (37 S. E. 755). Defendant may plead that matter was not brought before the arbitrators, without filing copy of testimony. 54/500. Seal: Award of land which submission directs to be in writing need not be under seal. 8/8. Signing by umpire alone, or by umpire and one of the arbitrators, is good. 73/92. ASSIGNMENT. 3230-3248. ARTICLES OF ASSIGNMENT. Georgia, County. This indenture, made this day of , 19. . . ., between , of , in said county and State, of the first part, and , of , of the second part. Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of , to him in hand paid by the party of the second part, the said party of the first part has granted, assigned, transferred and set over, and by these presents does grant, assign, transfer, set over and convey, unto the said party of the second part, the following articles and items of property, to wit: (here set out fully and in separate items the notes, accounts, etc., and each and every item and article of property assigned), amounting to the sum of dollars in the aggregate, together with all the sums of money, either principal or interest, which may be collected from all or any of the persons, firms or corporations before mentioned, as the debtors or in anywise liable to the party of tlio first part by means of the said (notes, accounts, debts, balances, claims and demands) as aforesaid ; hereby giving and granting to the said 282 ASSIGNMENT party of the second part, heirs and assigns, full power and authority to ask, demand and receive, sue for and recover to own use, the sum of dollars, with interest thereon, and to give all necessary receipts, discharges and acquittances, for the same or any part thereof. To have and to hold the said (notes, accounts, debts, balances, claims and demands) as aforesaid, unto the said party of the second part, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said , .... heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, the said party of the first part has here- unto set hands and affixed seal, the day and year above written. [L. S.] IL. S.] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of , J. P. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE. Georgia, County. For and in consideration of the sum of dollars, cash in hand paid (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged), I, , do by these presents assign and set over to , of , without recourse on me, the within lease, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said , his heirs, executors and administrators. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, this day of , 19 .... - [L. S.] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of , J. P. No special form of words is necessary, under Code, 3653, if language used shows intention of owner to transfer chose in action. 132/498 (64 S. B. 264); 14 App. 520 (1) (81 S. E. 595). See 17 App. 451 (87 S. E. 754). ATTACHMENT 283 ATTACHMENT. 5055-5126. AFFIDAVIT. 5074. Georgia, County. Before me, the subscriber, a in and for said county, , personally appeared , and on oath says that. is indebted to him in the sum of ^dollars, and that the said resides out of the State (or, state any other ground of attach- ment) . Sworn to before me, this day of ,19 , J. P. [NOTE. It is safer to state the ground in the exact language of the Code. The affidavit may be made by the party, his agent or attorney, or one partner or joint creditor, and may be made before some judge of the Superior Court, judge of the county court, or justice of the peace, or notary public ex-officio J. P., 5056, 5058.] BOND. 5074. Georgia, County. We , principal, and , security, acknowledge ourselves bound unto in the sum of dollars (double the debt sworn to), subject to the following conditions: That the said , principal, is seeking an attach- ment against the said , which is now about to be sued out, returnable to the term of the court of the county aforesaid ; now, if the said shall pay all damages that the said may sustain, and also all costs that may be incurred by him in consequence of suing out such attachment, in the event that the said shall fail to recover in said case, then this bond to be void, otherwise of full force and effect. Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Executed in the presence of the under- signed, this day of 19. ... J- P. 284 ATTACHMENT AFFIDAVIT BY ATTORNEY AT LAW. Georgia, . County. Before me, the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace in and for said county, , personally appeared , and on oath says that he is the attorney at law for in the present proceeding, and that resides out of the State, and that to the best of afljant's knowledge and belief is indebted to in the sum of. . .dollars. Attorney at Law for, Sworn to and subscribed before the under- signed this day of , 19. ... , J. P. BOND. Georgia, County. We, , principal, and , security, acknowledge ourselves bound unto in the sum of dollars, subject to the following conditions: That the said , principal, is seeking an attach- ment against the said , which is now about to be sued out, returnable to the term of the Superior Court of the county aforesaid ; now, if the said shall pay all damages that the said may sustain and also all costs that may be incurred by him in consequence of suing out such attachment, in the event that the said shall fail to recover in said case, then his bond to be void, otherwise of full force and effect. Principal [L. S.] By his Attorney at Law .". Security [L. S.] Executed in the presence of the under- signed, this day of , 19. ... ATTACHMENT 285 WRIT OF ATTACHMENT. 5074. Georgia, County. To All and Singular the Sheriffs and Constables of said State : You are hereby commanded to attach and seize so much of the property of as will make the sum of dollars and all costs, and also to serve such summons of garnish- ment as may be placed in your hands, and that you make return of this attachment, with your actings and doings entered thereon, to the term of the Superior Court of said county, to which court this attachment is hereby made returnable. Hereof fail not. Witness my hand and seal this. . .day of , 19. ... [L. S.] LEVY. Georgia, County. Executed the within and foregoing attachment on this date in this county at o'clock, M., by levying the same on , as the property of the defendant, , and said property being found in his possession. This day of. ..." , 19 Sheriff. RETURN OF OFFICER. Georgia, County. Executed the within and foregoing attachment on this date in this county at o'clock,. . . .M., by serving the following summonses of garnishment which were placed in my hands by , J. P., to wit, one summons of garnishment upon and one upon , being personal upon each garnishee, and I make this my return thereof. Sheriff. 286 ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT FOR PURCHASE MONEY. 5083-5087. AFFIDAVIT. 5085. Georgia, County. Personally came before me, , the undersigned, a justice of the peace, in and for said county, , who, being duly sworn, on oath says that is justly indebted to him in the sum of .dollars for the purchase price of lot of land, No in the district and section of county, containing forty acres, more or less, which is now in the posses- sion of said ; that said debt is now due, and affiant makes this affidavit that an attachment may issue in said case against said for the purchase price of said property! Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 J. P. BOND. 5085. Georgia, County. We, , principal, and , security, acknowledge ourselves bound unto in the sum of dollars, subject to the following conditions: That the said , principal, is seeking an attach- ment against the said , which is now about to be sued out, returnable to the term of the superior court of the county aforesaid ; now if the said shall pay all damages that the said may sustain, and also all costs that may be incurred by him in consequence of suing out such attachment, in the event that the said shall fail to recover in said case, then this bond to be void. (L.S.) Principal. .....(L. S.) Security. Executed in the presence of the under- signed, this , 19 .... J. P. ATTACHMENT 287 WRIT. 5086. Georgia, County. To All and Singular, the Sheriffs and Constables of said State, Greeting : You are hereby commanded to attach and seize for the pur- pose of making the sum of dollars purchase money and all costs, lot of land, number in the ...... district and section of County, containing forty acres, more or less, and at present in possession of , defendant in attachment, and that you make return of this attachment, with you acts and doings entered thereon, to the term, 19. . . ., of the superior court of said county, to which term this attachment is hereby made returnable. Hereof fail not. Witness mv hand and seal this day of , 19. ... .' (L.S.) RETURN OF OFFICER. Georgia, County. I have this day levied the within attachment upon lot of land, No in the district and section of County, containing forty acres, more or less, as the property of . . , defendant, who is in possession, and I have given him actual notice of this levy by serving him personally with a copy in writing of this levy. This , 19 Sheriff, 1 DECLARATION IN ATTACHMENT. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of , plaintiff in attachment, alleges as follows: 1st. That . .is indebted to him in the sum of dollars besides interest, on a certain note dated , 19 . . . . , and due , 19 . . . . , a copy of which is hereto attached and marked "Exhibit A." 288 ATTACHMENT 2nd. The defendant has failed and refused to pay said note or any part thereof. 3rd. That said note was given as the purchase price of lot of land, No in the district and section of County, containing forty acres, more or less, in the making of which trade .executed to said a bond for title conditioned to make good and sufficient deed upon the payment of said note. 4th. That upon the refusal of said to pay said note, petitioner took out an attachment for the purchase money of said lot of land on the day of , 19 . . . . , before ., a justice of the peace of said county, which said attachment was made returnable to the term, 19. . . ., of superior court, and which attach- ment was levied by , sheriff of said county, on the. .... .day of , 19. . . ., upon the said described property, and the said , sheriff, gave the said . . actual notice of the levy of said attachment, by serving him personally with a copy of said levy in writing. Wherefore, petitioner files this his declaration in said attach- ment and prays judgment for his said debt, interest and costs, and also that said land be sold to satisfy the said debt, principal and interest, and that the proceeds be applied in said way. Attorney for Petitioner. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT. Georgia, County. ' I Attachment in Superior Court, Term, 19 .... You are hereby notified that an attachment sued out by me against you on the day of , 19 . . . . , returnable to the term of the superior court of said county, was on the day of , 19 .... levied by , lawful sheriff of said county, on the following property as your property, to wit: Lot of land, Number in the district and section of County, containing forty acres, more or less ; that at the term of said court, the same ATTACHMENT 289 being the term to which said attachment was made returnable, a declaration was filed as required by law, and the said attach- ment is now pending in said court. This , 19. ... By his Attorney at Law, [NOTE. Make out original and copy of this notice given to the sheriff; have him serve the defendant in attachment with the copy; make the following entry on the original, and return the original to the clerk of the superior court, where it shall be filed.] Georgia, County. I have this day served the defendant in attachment, , personally, with a true copy of the within notice. This , 19 Sheriff. RETURN OF OFFICEE. Georgia, County. I have this day levied the within judgment upon lot of land, Number in the district and section of County, containing forty acres, more or less, as the property of , defendant, who is in possession, and I have given him personal and actual notice of this levy this day in writing. This day of , 19. ... "Sheriff." TO DEFENDANT. Plaintiff in Attachment, vs. Attachment in Superior . Court, returnable to Term. 19 Defendant in Attachment. To : You are hereby notified that I have this day levied the above named and stated attachment against you upon lot of land, Number. . , .in the. . . .district and. , . . .section 290 ATTACHMENT of County, containing forty acres, more or less, and said attachment has been made returnable to the term, 19. . . . , of Superior Court. This day of , 19 Sheriff. (NOTE. It would not be necessary to put this levy upon the execution docket where the plaintiff in attachment has retained the title as security, but in all other cases it is necessary to enter this levy on the execution or attachment docket of the clerk of the superior court within ten days, in order to make the levy good against third persons. See Code, 5077.) JUDGMENT. L Attachment in Superior Court, Term, 19 This case coming on for a hearing, and the same being upon an unconditional contract in writing, and there being no issuable plea filed on oath, judgment is rendered without the interven- tion of a jury, and judgment in attachment is hereby rendered in favor of , plaintiff in attachment, against , defendant in attachment, for the sum of dollars, principal debt, and dollars and cents, interest to judgment, and dollars, costs, and lot of land, Number , in the district, and section of county, containing forty acres, more or less, and it is ordered that said land be sold and the proceeds thereof be applied on said attachment, with the lien of the attachment dating from ,19 It being made to appear that the plaintiff in attachment gave to the defendant in attachment, , notice of the pendency of the attachment and the proceedings had thereon on , 19. . . ., it is further considered, ordered and adjudged that have a general judgment against , and judgment is hereby rendered in favor of against for the sum of dollars, principal debt, and dollars and. cents, interest to judgment, with 8% interest on the principal debt from this date, and dollars, ATTACHMENT 291 costs of suit. Judgment signed this day of, 19.. Judge of the Superior Court. DEED OF PLAINTIFF IN ATTACHMENT TO DEFENDANT IN AT- TACHMENT FOR PURPOSE OF LEVY WHERE BOND FOR TITLE HAS BEEN GIVEN AND PLAINTIFF IN ATTACHMENT HAS RETAINED TITLE. Georgia, County. This indenture made this the day of , 19. . . . , between , party of the first part, and , party of the second part, and each of said parties being residents of county, witnesseth : Whereas, on , 19 . . . . , executed to , his promissory note for dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of 8% per annum for the purchase money of lot of land, number in the district and section of county, and , on , 19. . . ., took out an attachment against the said for the purpose of collecting the said purchase money, which said attachment has been levied by , sheriff, of said county, upon said land, and actual notice of said levy has been given to the said Now, therefore, in order to enforce said attachment, and for the purpose of the sale of said land, and in consideration of the premises and in consideration of one ($1.00) dollar, hereby sells and conveys, and by these presents does sell and convey, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, all the following described property, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land known and described upon the land map of county as lot of land, Number in the district and section of county, containing forty (40) acres, more or less, with all the rights, members and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any- wise appertaining thereto. To have and to hold the above described property, together with all the rights and members thereunto belonging, to the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever, in fee simple. 292 ATTACHMENT And the said party of the first part, the above described property, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and against all and every other person or persons, shall and will warrant and forever defend by virtue of these presents. In witness whereof, the said party of the first part has here- unto set his hand and affixed his seal, the day and year above written. (SEAL) (SEAL) Signed, sealed and delivered in the pres- ence of: ,, J. P. ATTACHMENT AGAINST FRAUDULENT DEBTOR. 5088-5093. Georgia, County. To Honorable , Judge of the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of respectfully shows : 1st. That , of said county, is indebted to petitioner in the sum of dollars on a certain promissory note dated , 19 . . . . , and due , 19 . . . . , together with interest from date at the rate of 8% per annum, a copy of which said note is hereto attached marked Exhibit "A." 2nd. That the said is threatening to conceal his property liable for the payment of said debt for the purpose of avoiding the payment of same. Wherefore, your petitioner prays the issuance of an attach- ment by your honor against all the property of the said liable to attachment. Petitioner's Attorney. AFFIDAVIT OF PETITIONER. Georgia, County. Personally appeared before me, , who, ATTACHMENT 293 being duly sworn, upon oath says that the statements contained in the foregoing petition are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this of ,19 j. p. ORDER FOR ATTACHMENT TO ISSUE. Office of Judge of Superior Court, At Chambers, , Ga., 19 .... The above and foregoing petition for attachment coming on for a consideration, it is considered, ordered and adjudged that the said petition be granted and the attachment issue as prayed therein. This , 19 .... Judge of the Superior Court. (NOTE: Any justice of the peace or officer authorized under law, after the granting of the foregoing order, can issue the attachment and take the bond. No one but the judge of the superior court can issue an attachment in said case, but after he issues the attachment, that is, orders the issuing of the attachment, any officer authorized by law can issue the attachment and take the bond.) PETITION FOR REMOVAL, OF ATTACHMENT. 5091. Georgia, County. To Hon . . . , Judge of the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of respectfully shows : 1st. That on the day of , 19. . . ., at the instance of , an attachment, without a hearing on the part of your petitioner, was issued by your Honor against the property of petitioner, which was, by the sheriff of said county, on the said day of , 19. . . ., levied upon the following property of your petitioner, to wit: , located in , in the town of , Georgia. 2nd. Your petitioner avers that in truth and in fact he has not concealed, nor has he threatened to conceal, and he does not conceal, any of his property liable for the payment of his debts, for the purpose of avoiding the payment of the same, or for any 294 ATTACHMENT other purpose. But on the contrary, your petitioner fully in- tends to pay said note, and in truth and in fact, is using every honest endeavor to raise the funds for that purpose. Wherefore, petitioner prays that said attachment may be dis- missed and removed. Petitioner's Attorney. ORDER OF COURT. The foregoing petition read and considered : Let the plaintiff in attachment show cause before me, at Judge's Chambers in the court-house of said county, on the day of , 19. . . ., why the prayer of the foregoing petition should not be allowed, and the attachment therein mentioned be removed. Let the petitioner in attachment be served with a copy of the above petition, and of this order, on or before the day of .,19 This day of ,19 Judge Superior Court, Circuit. JUDGAIENT OF COURT ON HEARING OF ATTACHMENT. Defendant in Attachment .-a: A ,, Fraudulent debtors attachment. Plaintiff in Attachment Superior Court. vs y In Equity. Hearing , 19 , This case coining on to be heard before me at chambers, pur- suant to order granted, rafter hearing the evidence and argument of counsel, it is ordered and adjudged by the court that the property attached as the property of the defendant, to wit : . . . . , be sold, and that the plaintiff recover out of the proceeds of the sale thereof the sum of dollars, principal, with interest to date at the rate of 8% per annum, and all future interest on the principal sum at the rate of 8% per annum, together with the further sum of dollars and cents as costs of suit. This , 19 .... Judge Superior Court. ATTACHMENT 295 DKCJ.AKATKKX ix ATTACHMENT. 5102. Georgia, . . .' County. To the Superior Court of Said County : The petition of respectfully shows : 1st. That is indebted to him in the sum of dollars, besides interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, on a certain promissory note dated , 19 . . . . , and due , 19 . . . . , bearing interest from the date thereof, a copy of said note being hereto attached, marked Exhibit "A." 2nd. That said defendant has not paid the said note, or any part thereof. 3rd. Petitioner further shows that in order to enforce the collection of said note he did, on the day of , 19 . . . . , sue out before Hon , judge of the superior court of said county, an attachment against the said , returnable to the term, 19 . . . . , of said court, which attachment was, by the sheriff of said county, levied upon the following property, as the property of the de- fendant, to wit : Wherefore, your petitioner prays judgment for his said debt, and for the sale of the property levied upon as aforesaid, and that the proceeds arising therefrom shall be applied to the pay- ment and satisfaction of said debt. Petitioner's Attorney. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT. 5103. Plaintiff in Attachment vs. Attachment -In Superior Court, Term, 19 Defendant in Attachment . To : You are hereby notified that an attachment sued out by me against you on the day of , 19. . . ., returnable to the term of the superior court of county, 296 ATTACHMENT was, on the day of , 19 . . . . , levied by the sheriff of this county upon the following property, as your property, to wit : ; that at the term, of said court, the same being the term to which said attachment was made returnable, a declaration was filed as required by law, and the said attachment is now pending in said court. This day of , 19. ... Plaintiff in Attachment. KEPLEVY BOND. 5113, 5114. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, that we , principal, and , as security, acknowledge our- selves jointly and severally bound unto in the sum of dollars, for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally by these presents : The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that, whereas, the said has applied for and obtained an attach- ment under the hand and seal of the superior court of said county, in favor of the said against , returnable to the term, 19. . . . , of said court, and the said attachment being for the sum of . . .dollars, and which attachment the sheriff of said county has this day levied upon as the property of the said Now, therefore, should the said pay to the said plaintiff, , the amount of the judgment and costs that he may recover in said case, then this obligation to be void ; else of full force and effect. (SEAL) Principal. (SEAL) Security. Taken and approved by me, this day of , 19 Sheriff. ATTACHMENT 297 TRAVERSE OF GROUND OF ATTACHMENT. 5106. In the Justice Court of the , District, G. M., of Plaintiff in Attachment vs. County. Defendant in Attachment ^ And now comes the defendant in the above stated case, at this the return term of said attachment, being the term to which said attachment was returned, and denies the truth of the state- ments in the affidavit made for attachment in the above stated case, to wit : that defendant is about to remove without the limits of the county, and traverses said allegation. On the contrary, he says that he is now, and has been a resident of this county for more than five years, and that it is his intention to remain a resident of this county. And of this the defendant puts himself upon the country. Defendant. ADVERTISEMENT OF LEVYING OFFICER. Georgia, . . County. Will be sold on the day of , 19. . . ., before the court-house door in the city of , in the county of , Georgia, between the lawful hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, now located at in said city of , Georgia, levied on as the property of to satisfy an attachment in favor of , returnable to the superior court of County, Georgia, at the term, 19. . . ., thereof. On account of the expense of moving said same will be sold at the time and place aforesaid, and delivery made on the premises of said By order of the lion , Judge of said court, this day of , 19. ... Sheriff. 298 ATTORNEYS AT LAW Affidavit in attachment for purchase money stating that defendant "is indebted" is equivalent to word "due," employed in 5085 of the Code. 13 App. 743 (79 S. E. 946). Affidavit stating grounds equivocally may be amended. 144/105, 106 (86 S. E. 234). Amend- ment allowed as to references to defendants as individuals or as a firm. 144/348, 350 (87 S. E. 278). Affidavit must contain descrip- tion of property, and such description sworn to positively. 74/526. Affidavit must show debt due. 77/45. Affidavit must be positive as to ground. 87/724 (13 S. E 1 . 744). Notary public may take affidavit. 44/454. Affidavit not looked to, in aid of declaration. 113/261 (38 S. E. 856). Declaration amendable by adding address to superior court. 143/185 (84 S. E. 540). Not necessary to allege that defendant has re- plevied property seized. 145/233 (2) (88 S. E. 930). Amendment allowable to show jurisdiction of defendant. 13 App. 276, 278 (79 S. E. 167). Amendment of declaration. 119/648 (2) (46 S. E. 859). Declaration should allege levy on specified property. 66/575 (2). Form pursued, where one prescribed; if not, substantial compliance with all legal requirements necessary. 18/283. Identity of party in writ uncertain, affidavit and bond may be looked to. 94/260 (2) (21 S. E. 460). Traverse need not be verified. 47/359. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 4930-4083. KILE AGAINST ATTORNEY FOR FAILING TO PAY OVER MOXKY COLLECTED. 4954. PETITION FOR RULE NISI. Georgia, County. To the Hon , Judge of the Superior Court of said County: 1. The petition of shows, that on the day of , 19. . . ., the petitioner placed in the hands of , an attorney at law, residing in said State and county, a certain note signed by , dated , payable one year after date, for the sum of $1,000.00, besides interest at the rate of 1% per annum from the date of said note. 2. That said , as his attorney at law, agreed with petitioner that he would collect said note and pay over the proceeds thereof when collected to your petitioner, after deduct- ing therefrom the sum of per cent, of the amount collected a- attorney's fees. 3. That your petitioner's said attorney on the day of , 19 . . . . , collected from said ATTORNEYS AT LAW 299 note, principal and interest, to wit, the sum of dollars, for and on account of your petitioner. 4. That the said , attorney as aforesaid, illegally and wrongfully failed and refused, although a legal demand in writing was made upon him therefor, to pay over to your petitioner the whole or any part of said sum so collected, without just warrant or authority, and without petitioner's con- sent, and still retains the same, contrary to law. Wherefore, your petitioner prays that a rule nisi may issue against said , attorney as aforesaid, requiring him to show cause, on the first day of the next term of said court, to be held in and for said county, on the day of next, if any he has, why he does not pay over to petitioner the money so collected as aforesaid, and why said rule should not be made absolute, or in default thereof that he be attached for contempt. Attorney for Petitioner. Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, , petitioner in the above and foregoing petition, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the facts and things stated in the foregoing petition are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of , 19 EULE NISI. Georgia, County. In the Superior Court of said county, term, 19. ... It appearing by the petition of that on the day of the said : placed in the hands of the said , an attorney at law, residing in said county, for collection, a certain note signed by for the sum of $1,000.00 besides interest, as more fully described in the foregoing petition, and that the said , as attorney as aforesaid, in due course collected said note, principal and interest, to wit, the sum of $ , from the said , the maker thereof ; and it further appearing that after legal demand made in writing upon the said 300 ATTORNEYS AT LAW for the proceeds of the collection so made as aforesaid, the said failed and refused to pay over to said the said sum so collected, or any part thereof. It is, therefore, ordered, that the said , attorney as aforesaid, show cause at the next term of the Superior Court of said county, to be held in and for said county, on the day of ...., 19 . . . . , if any he has, why he has not paid over the sum alleged to have been collected by him or any part thereof, and why this rule should not be made absolute, and in default of such showing that he show cause why he should not be attached for contempt. It is further ordered that the said , attorney as aforesaid, be served with a copy of said petition and of this order days before the next term of said court. Judge Superior Court Circuit. Petitioner's Attorney. RULE ABSOLUTE. ' ' ' \ Rule against Attorney in , Superior Court. It appearing to the court that a rule nisi in the above stated case was issued from said Superior Court, and that a copy of the petition and the said rule has been served upon attorney at law, resident in said county, requiring him to show cause why he has not paid over the money collected by him from . at the instance of as his attorney at law, or in default thereof, that said rule nisi be made abso- lute and that he show cause why he should not be attached for contempt ; and it further appearing that the said , attorney at law as aforesaid, has failed to show any lawful cause why he has not paid over to the said the money so collected as aforesaid. It is, therefore, ordered by the court that the said attorney as aforesaid, be, and he is, hereby required and ordered to pay over to the said or his lawful attorney, the said sum of dollars principal and dollars interest, or in default thereof that he be attached for contempt of court and be committed by the sheriff of this court AUDITORS 301 to the county jail of said county until he purges himself of this contempt. Granted this day of , 19. ... Judge Superior Court Circuit. Petitioner's Attorney. ATTACHMENT FOB CONTEMPT. Georgia, County. To the Sheriff of said County, or His Lawful Deputies: A rule absolute having at the term, 19. . . ., of the Superior Court of said county, held on the day of , 19 . . . . , been granted against. , an attorney at law, requiring him to pay over to or his attorney, the sum of dollars principal, and dollars interest to the date of said rule, or in default thereof that he be attached for contempt, and he having made default; This is, therefore, to command you to arrest the body of the said , attorney as aforesaid, and commit him to the county jail of said county, there to be confined and safely kept, without bail until he purge himself of contempt aforesaid, by paying over the aforesaid sums of money to the said plaintiff or his lawful attorney. Witness the Hon. , Judge of said court, this day of , 19 Clerk Superior Court County. AUDITOKS. 5127-5140. APPLICATION FOK APPOINTMENT OF AUDITOR. JOHN DOE *] Suit on note in Superior Court, vs. and pleas of payment and usury by RICHARD ROE J defendant. To the Honorable. , Judge of the Superior Court: The petition of John Doe in the above named and stated case shows to the court the following facts : 302 AUDITORS In the above named and stated case, the defendant therein has filed pleas of payment and usury which involve matters of account and matters of law, and your petitioner shows that said case is a proper one to be. referred to an auditor. Wherefore, your petitioner prays that an order requiring the- defendant in said case to show cause before your Honor in vaca- tion why an auditor should not be appointed therein to pass upon the said matters of account and all questions in said case. Attorney for Plaintiff. OKDEB OF JUDGE TO SHOW CAUSE WHY AUDITOR SHOULD NOT BE APPOINTED. Office of Judge of Superior Court. At Chambers, Ga., , 19 .... The above and foregoing petition having been presented to me, it is ordered that the defendant, , show cause before me on the day of , 19. . . ., at nine o'clock, A. M., at Chambers, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be had and allowed. Let the defendant be served ten days before the hearing with a copy of this petition and order. Judge of the Superior Court. Due and legal service of the within and foregoing petition and order is hereby acknowledged and all other and further service is hereby waived. This , 19. ... Attorney for Defendant. ORDER OF JUDGE APPOINTING AUDITOR. Office of Judge of Superior Court. At Chambers, Ga., , 19 .... The above and foregoing application for the appointment of auditor, coming on for a hearing and after considering the same, it is considered, ordered and adjudged that be, and is, hereby appointed auditor in said case to pass upon all questions of law and fact involved in said case and to determine AUDITORS 303 the same and report his findings to this court twenty days before the next term thereof. Judge of the Superior Court. OATH OF AUDITOR. Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, , who, being 'duly sworn, on oath says that he has been appointed auditor in the case of vs , pending in superior court, and affiant says that he will render a true report therein, according to law and the evidence, without favor or affection to either party. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of * . . . ., 19. ... Clerk of Superior Court. NOTICE GIVEN BY AUDITOR. (State the case.) To Each of the Parties Hereto, or Their Counsel : You are hereby notified that I shall hear the above stated case, under the order of reference to me as auditor, on the day of , 19 . . . . , at my office in the town of , in said county, at o'clock, . . . . M. This day of , 19 Auditor. Due and legal service of the within and foregoing notice of hearing is hereby acknowledged and all other and further service is hereby waived. This the day of , 19. ... Defendant's Attorney. 304 AUDITORS REPORT OF AUDITOR. 5131-5134. (State the case.) The above stated case having been referred to me as auditor, on the day of , 19 . . . . , by the Hon , Judge of the Superior Court of county, to investigate and to pass upon all questions of law and fact arising upon the pleading, and the evidence adduced on the hearing thereof, do hereby report the result of my investigation, and the findings of the auditor are as follows : 1. Defendant's counsel moved to strike the amendment of the declaration contained in the record, which ha.d been previ- ously allowed by the court in open court. This motion the auditor disallowed, as being without authority to entertain such motion. 2. . Plaintiff moved to amend the declaration filed in said case, so as to claim attorney's fees, which motion the auditor allowed, over the objection of defendant's attorney that the court could not entertain such motion. 3. The plaintiff demurred to that part of the defendant's plea of payment, in which the defendant set forth, at the con- clusion of said plea, that "at divers other times, the defendant made divers other payments on said note, aggregating in the sum of $375.00," the auditor sustained said demurrer and struck that portion of the defendant's plea, -holding that the amend- ment must give the dates and amounts of each of such payments and to whom same were made. 4. After hearing the defense and argument of counsel, I find that the main questions involved are questions of fact. I further find that the plaintiff has proved his claim to the satis- faction of the auditor. I further find that there is no usury in said note. I, therefore, find in favor of the plaintiff on the issues of fact in the case, and against the defendant the sum of $ principal, and $ , interest, and $ , being 10% for attorney's fees, with costs of suit. 5. I classify my findings 1, 2, 3, as above set forth, as findings of law, and those set forth in par. 4, as my findings upon questions of fact. AUDITORS 305 I attach to this report a copy of the evidence adduced on the trial. This day of , 19 Auditor. Award so indefinite and uncertain as not to be capable of enforcement, void. 107/354 (33 S. E. 406); 120/442 (47 S. E. 951). Items composing findings should be so specified that party desiring to except may be enabled to ascertain what have been allowed and what disallowed. 133/193 (65 S. E. 416); 144/69 (86 S. E. 236). Sufficiency of report as to clearness in statement, classification of rulings and findings. 118/530 (45 S. E. 421). EXCEPTIONS TO AUDITOR'S REPORT. 5135-5139. And now comes the defendant and, as matter of law, excepts to the ruling and judgment of the auditor as set forth in par. 3 of his report sustaining the demurrer of the plaintiff to the portion of the defendant's plea of payment, and striking this portion of said plea. The part of the plea referred to is in the following words: "At divers other times the defendant made divers payments on said note, aggregating in the sum of $375.00." Defendant says said allegation was sufficiently defi- nite and precise to meet the requirements of the law, and that the auditor erred in striking the same. 2. Defendant further excepts as matter of fact, to the finding of the auditor as set forth in par. 4 of his report, and particu- larly to that portion of the auditor's report in which he finds generally in favor of the plaintiff, a certain specified sum, without specifying therein the portion of the evidence, or other- wise identifying the items of payment plead allowed or dis- allowed by him in the calculation resulting in the finding of such balance. Wherefore, petitioner prays the court that his exceptions may be sustained and the report of the auditor be disallowed. (Green v. Valdosta Guano Co!, 121/131 (2), 135; 48 S. E. 984). Defendant's Attorney. 306 BAIL, IN ACTIONS FOR PERSONALTY Classified as "exceptions of law" and "exceptions of fact," exceptions should be. 122/135 (50 S. E'. 35). General exceptions, not distinctly pointing out error complained of, without legal merit. 104/42 (30 S. E. 513) ; 113/742 (39 S. E. 287) ; 124/165 (52 S. E. 65). Testimony excepted to should be set out. 119/983 (47 S. E. 582); 125/159 (53 S. E. 1004). Verification of grounds of exception to report. 119/983 (47 S. E. 582). JUDGMENT OF THE COURT. The exceptions filed by the defendant to the findings of the auditor in the within case having been considered, after argu- ment heard thereon, it is ordered that the defendant's excep- tions to par. 3 of the auditor's report be overruled. It is further ordered that the defendant's exception to par. 4 of the. auditor's report be overruled, and this being a case at law, it is ordered that the questions of fact arising thereon be tried by jury. This day of , 19 Judge of the Superior Court. BAIL IN ACTIONS FOK PERSONALTY. 5150-5156. PETITION. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of John Doe, as plaintiff, against Richard Roe, as defendant, shows the following facts: 1st. That Richard Roe is a resident of said county. 2nd. That Richard Roe is in possession of a certain Jersey bull of a mouse color of medium size about five years old, having the two hind feet white, known by the name of "Jerome Del- mas," and of the value of $200.00, to which said bull plaintiff claims title. 3rd. Plaintiff further shows that said bull is of the value of $5.00 per month for hire. 4th. Plaintiff further shows that he has demanded possession of said bull from defendant and which demand the defendant has refused previous to the bringing of this suit. BAIL IN ACTIONS FOR PERSONALTY 307 Wherefore, plaintiff prays process may issue requiring the defendant to be and appear at the next term of Superior Court to answer plaintiff's suit. Attorney for Plaintiff. AFFIDAVIT. 5150. Georgia, County. In person before the undersigned, a in and for said county, came , who on oath says, that he has this day instituted an action of trover against . ., of said county, returnable to the next term of the Superior Court for said county, to recover a certain Jersey bull, of mouse color, of medium size, about five years old, having the two hind feet white, known by the name of "Jerome Delmas," and of the value of two hundred dollars. That the said bull is now in the possession, custody or control of the said , and that deponent has reason to apprehend that the said bull has been or will be eloigned or moved away, and will not be forthcoming to answer the judgment, execution or decree that shall be made in said case; that he claims for the reasonable hire of the said bull from the day of , 19. . . ., to the day of , 19 . . . . , the sum of dollars, and that he does verily and bona fide claim said prop- erty above described. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 J. P. (or Notary Public and ex-officio J. P.). (NOTE: The affidavit having been made, it should be filed in the office of the clerk of the court, and a copy thereof attached to the original petition and also to each copy or copies issued thereon.) Description of property must be such as to make it capable of identifi- cation and seizure. 108/342 (33 S. E, 974). Insufficient description of money, see 139/756 (78 S. E. 172), 108/342 (33 S. E. 974), 115/580 (41 S. E. 987). 308 BAIL IN ACTIONS FOB PERSONALTY BAIL BOND. Georgia, County. We, , as principal, and , as security, acknowledge ourselves jointly and severally bound unto , his heirs and assigns, in the sum of dollars, for the true payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, -firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this day of , 19. ... The condition of the above obligation is as follows : having instituted his action against for the recovery of a certain Jersey bull, of mouse color, of medium size, about five years old, having the two hind feet white, known by the name of "Jerome Delmas," and of the value of two hundred dollars, and the hire of said bull from the day of last past, to the day of , 19. . ., of the value of dollars, which action is returnable to the next term of the Superior Court of said county, and he having made oath that he has reason to apprehend that the said personal property has been or will be eloigned or moved away, and will not be forthcoming to answer the judgment, execution, or decree that shall be made in said case; Now should the said produce or cause to be produced and forthcoming the said bull, to answer the judgment, execution or decree that may be rendered in said case, and shall well and truly pay the eventual condemnation money, whatever it may be, then this bond to be void, otherwise of force. Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Executed in the presence of and approved by me this day of , 19 .... Sheriff. BOND WHERE PLAINTIFF TAKES POSSESSION OF THE PROPERTY. 5151. Georgia, County. . We, , principal, and , security, acknowledge ourselves jointly and severally bound unto BAIL IN ACTIONS FOB PERSONALTY 309 in the sum of dollars, subject to the following conditions : having instituted his action returnable to the next .term of the Superior Court of said county, for the recovery of a certain Jersey bull, of mouse color, of medium size, about five years old, having the two hind feet white, known by the name of "Jerome Delmas," of the value of dollars, and required bail of the said and , sheriff of said county, having seized said bull, and the said having failed to give the bond required by law in such cases made and provided ; and the said , plaintiff in the action aforesaid, desiring to take said bull into his possession : Now if the said shall produce or cause to be produced and forthcoming the said bull, to answer the judgment, execution, or decree that shall be made in said case, then this bond to be void, else of force. Witness our hands and seals this. . . .day of , 19. ... , Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Executed in the presence of and approved by me, this day of , 19. ... Sheriff. PETITION OF DEFENDANT CONFINED UNDER BAIL PROCESS. 5154. (State the case.) Georgia, County. To the Hon .' , Judge of Superior Court of said County : 1. The petition of shows that he is now imprisoned in the common jail of said county, under bail process sued out by , which process is made returnable to the term, 19. . . ., of the Superior Court of said county. 2. That on account of his poverty he is neither able to give bond and security required by law, nor to produce the property, and can show these facts as satisfactory reasons for its non- production, to wit : 310 BAIL IN ACTIONS FOE PERSONALTY 3. That before he ever heard or knew that had or claimed any title to, or interest in, the bull, the subject- matter of said suit, petitioner bona fide sold said bull to one , who has removed the same beyond the reach of petitioner so that he can not produce him. 4. Petitioner further shows, that at the time said bail pro- ceedings were sued out, the said bull was not in his possession, custody or control, and had not been for more than days before that time. 5. That petitioner has caused a copy of this petition to be served upon the plaintiff. 6. Petitioner comes now and traverses the allegation of said affidavit, and prays the granting of a rule nisi calling upon the plaintiff to show cause, if any he has or can, after five days service, why petitioner should not be discharged from custody on his own recognizance whereof. Attorney for Petitioner. AFFIDAVIT TO PETITION. Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, Richard Roe, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the facts and things stated in the foregoing petition are true. RICHARD ROE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of , 19 , J. P. ORDER FOR-RULE TO SHOW CAUSE. Office of Judge of Superior Court. At Chambers, Ga., , 19 .... The above and foregoing petition having been presented to me, it is ordered that the same be heard on the day of , 19. . . ., at nine o'clock, A. M., and that the plaintiff, Richard Roe, show cause at said time why the prayer of said petition should not be had and allowed. Let BANKS 311 Richard Roe be served with a copy of said petition and this order at least five days before said hearing. Judge of the Superior Court. Due and legal service of the within and foregoing petition and order and all other and further service is hereby waived. This the. . . .dav of. . , 19. . Attorney for John Doe, Plaintiff. BANKS. 2262-2366. AFFIDAVIT OF PROPOSED COEPOEATOBS. Georgia, County. Before me personally appeared the undersigned petitioners, who on oath depose and say that $15,000 of the capital sub- scribed to the , for which bank deponents are now seeking incorporation by the Secretary of State, has actually been paid in by the subscribers, and that the same is in fact held and is to be used solely for the business and purposes of the said corporation. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of ,19 [SEAL.] Ordinary ....,.... County. APPLICATION FOE BANK CHAETEE. Georgia, County. To the Honorable , Secretary of State, Atlanta, Ga. : The undersigned, whose names, signed by each of them, and residences, are hereto attached, bring this our petition, in pur- suance of the Code, and respectfully show: 312 BANKS 1st. That we desire to form a corporation for the purpose of carrying on the business of banking. 2d. The name and style of the proposed corporation shall be ". 3d. The location and principal place of business shall be the of , county of and State of Georgia. 4th. The amount of capital stock is dollars ($ ) divided into shares of each. 5th. The purposes and nature of the business of the proposed corporation shall be that of a bank, with continuous succession for the term of thirty years, with the right of renewal for a like term. To sue and be sued. To have and use a common seal, and at pleasure to alter the same. To appoint such officers and agents as the business of the corporation requires, prescribe their duties, fix their compensation, and remove them at pleas- ure. To make such by-laws as may be necessary or proper for the management of its property and regulation of its affairs. To hold, purchase, dispose of and convey such real and personal property as may be necessary for its uses and business. To discount bills, notes or other evidences of debt; to receive and pay out deposits, with or without interest ; to receive on special deposit money or bullion or foreign coins, or stocks or bonds or other securities; to buy or lend money upon personal security, or upon pledges of bonds, stocks or negotiable securities ; to take and receive security by mortgage, or otherwise, on property, real or personal ; and generally to do and perform all such other matters and things not hereinbefore enumerated as are or may be- incident to the business of banking. We herewith enclose the charter fee of $ , and pray to be incorporated under the laws of this State. Signed: Petitioners. (NOTE: Each incorporator must sign his name here and state place of residence. Any number, not less than three, may form a corpora- tion.) BANKS 313 PUBLICATION OF DECLAKATION AND AFFIDAVIT. 2264. [NOTE. The declaration and affidavit shall be published by the sub- scribers in the official organ of the county in which it is proposed to do business, once a week for four weeks; the Secretary of State will fur- nish a certified copy of same to the subscribers, upon application.] OKDINABY'S CERTIFICATE. 2265. Georgia, County. I, , Ordinary of said county, do certify to the fact of the publication of the foregoing copy of declaration and affidavit certified by lion , Secretary of State, and that the same has been published in the newspaper, the same being the official organ of said county, once a week for four weeks, as provided by law. Witness my hand and seal of office, this day of .., 19 Ordinary of County, Ga. CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION. 2265. State of Georgia. Office of Secretary of State. Whereas, and having filed 'in the office of the Secretary of State a certain declaration in writing signed by each of them, seeking the formation of a corporation to be known as (state the name of proposed bank), with its principal office in to exist for the period of thirty years, and having fully complied with all the requirements of the law, in such case made and provided, I , Secretary of State, do hereby certify that the subscribers, their associates and successors are hereby made and constitute a body politic and corporate under the name and style of as designated, in the declaration filed herein, and that such cor- poration has the capacity and powers conferred, and is subject to all the duties and liabilities imposed by law, as well as clothed with full authority by and under the name aforesaid, to exercise all of the powers and privileges of such corporation, as defined 314 BANKS and set forth in the Code, subject to the provisions of the Con- stitution of this State, and all the laws, rules and regulations governing such corporations of force at the date of this cer- tificate, or that may hereafter become of force, either by con- stitutional or statute law. In witness whereof these presents have been signed by the Secretary of the State, at Atlanta, Georgia, this day of ' ,19 [SEAL.] Secretary of State. BANKER'S STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF BANK. 2288, 2289. (INSTBUCTIONS: Bankers will please fill out the following form. In making out report fill out all items just as called for, writing word none wherever no amount is to be entered. This report must be re- turned in 10 days. Mail to State Treasurer and State Bank B'xaminer, of Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia.) BANKS BANK EXAMINER'S REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The.. Located at 315 Ga. RESOUBCES LIABILITIES Demand Loans, Time Loans, Overdrafts, See Schedule, Overdrafts, secured by Cotton, Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank, Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures, Other Real Estate, Due from Banks and Bankers in this State, Due from Banks and Bankers in other States, Capital Stock Paid In, Surplus Fund, Undivided Profits, less Cur- rent Expenses, Interest and Taxes Paid, Due to Banks and Bankers in ' this State, Due to Banks and Bankers in other States, Due Unpaid Dividends, Individual Deposits, subject to Check, Savings Deposits, Demand Certificates, Gold, I Time Certificates, Silver, Nickels, etc., f Certified Checks, Cashier's Checks, Clearing House, I Due to Clearing House, Advances on Cotton, I Notes and Bills Rediscounted, Profit and Loss, Other Resources, Bills Payable, Other Liabilities, Unearned Interest, Total, Total, LOANS AND DISCOUNTS In Suit, In Judgment, Loans past due, Loans past due 12 months or more, Doubtful, Worthless, Loans short or long, Remarks: I HEREBY CERTIFY, That I have counted Cash and Cash Items after the examination and herewith receipt , Examiner, for ame as per this statement. , Cashier. 316 BANKS LOANS EXCEEDING TEN PER CENT. OF CAPITAL AND SURPLUS NAME SECURITY AMOUNT OVERDRAFTS SECURED. HOW ? UNSECURED Standing 12 Months or over, Standing 12 Months or over, II Q H II II Temporary, Officers and Directors, Temporary, Officers and Directors, Total, Total, REDISCOUNTS AND BORROWED MONEY. (Including Certificates of Deposit Representing Borrowed Money.) (Where money is borrowed by rediscounts or otherwise, give the name of the bank from which it is borrowed, amount, security, time and rate of interest paid.) FROM WHOM BORROWED SECURITY AMOUNT REMARKS BANKS 317 LISTS OP BONDS AND STOCKS OWNED BY THE BANK Number of Bonds or Shares Name of Corporation Issuing Bonds or Stock Amount at which Car- ried on Books Estimated Market Value LOANS EXCEEDING TEN PER CENT. OP CAPITAL TO OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Are these loans approved in writing by a majority of the Directors as the Law requires? NAME SECURITY LIABILITIES OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS (Give names of all Officers and Directors whether indebted to the Bank or not) | Liability as Number of Shares of Stock Owned Name and Position Liability as Payers (Firm and Individual) Endorsers or Guarantors (Firm and Overdraft (Firm and Individual) Individual) President, Vice-Pres't, Cashier, Asst. Cashier, Financial Agent, Director, 318 BANKS TRUST COMPANIES. 2815-2821 (e). NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ORGANIZE. 2816. To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given of our intention to organize a trust company, the names of the proposed corporations being and . , the name of the proposed trust company is to be ' , and the location of the same at , county, State of Georgia. A declaration in writing, signed by each of the proposed corporators, will be filed in the office of the Secretary of State on the day of , 19 .... [NOTE. The notice of intention to organize, above set forth, must, previous to filing the declaration, be published at least once a week for four weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published in the city in which the principal office of the proposed corporation will be located.] APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. 2815. Georgia, County. To the Honorable , Secretary of State, Atlanta, Ga. : The undersigned [not less than five], whose names, signed by each of them, and residence are hereto attached, bring this our petition, in pursuance of, and respectfully show: 1st. That we desire to form a corporation for the purpose of carrying on the business of a trust company. 2d. The name and style of the proposed corporation shall be 3d. The location of the principal business thereof shall be the of county of and State of Georgia. 4th. The amount of capital stock is dollars ($ ), divided into shares of dollars each ; all of which shares have been subscribed. And that ....thousand ..dollars (at ..least $25,000) of the BANKS 319 capital stock subscribed has been actually paid in by the sub- scribers and the same is in fact held and is to be used solely for the business and purposes of the corporation. 5th. The nature of the proposed corporation shall be that of a trust company, with continuous succession for the term of thirty years, with the right of renewal for a like term; to sue and be sued ; to have and use a common seal, and at pleasure to alter the same ; to appoint such officers and agents as the business of the corporation requires, prescribe their duties, fix their compensation, and remove them at pleasure; to make such by- laws as may be necessary or proper for the management of its property and regulation of its affairs. To hold, purchase, dispose of and convey such real and personal property as may be necessary for its uses and in the regular conduct of its busi- ness; to buy or sell foreign or domestic exchange, or other negotiable paper; to lend money upon personal security, or upon pledges of bonds, stocks or negotiable securities; to take and receive security by mortgage, deed or otherwise, on prop- erty, real and personal, and generally to do and perform all such other matters and things not hereinbefore enumerated as are or may be incident to the business of a trust company. We herewith enclose a check for $50.00, and pray to be incor- porated under the laws of this State. Signed : whose place of residence is the city of , county, Georgia. whose place of residence is the city of , county, Georgia. \vhose place of residence is the city of , county, Georgia. whose place of residence is the city of. county, Georgia. whose place of residence is the city of county, Georgia. Petitioners. (NOTE: At least five persons must sign the application.) 320 BANKS AFFIDAVIT OF SUBSCKIBEBS. Georgia, County. Personally before the undersigned came and being (at least three) of the petitioners who on oath say that the sum of thousand dollars (at least $25,000) of the capital stock sub- scribed to the Trust Company, for which company deponents are now seeking incorporation by the Secre- tary of State, has been actually paid in by the subscribers and that it is in fact held and is to be used solely for the business and purposes of the corporation. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this of , 19 (SEAL) , Ordinary of County. BANKS REPORT OF BANK EXAMINER. 2293-2297. 321 President. Cashier. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF The T^nrateH at At the Close of Busin Date of Charter ess 19 .... Rpsrnn Rnsinpss BESOURCES LIABILITIES Demand Loans, Time Loans, Overdrafts, secured, Overdrafts, unsecured, Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank, Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures, Other Real Estate, Due from Banks and Bankers in this State, Due from Banks and Bankers in other States, Currency, $ Capital Stock Paid in, Surplus Fund, Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses, Interest and Taxes Paid, Due to Banks and Bankers in this State, Due to Banks and Bankers in other States, Due Unpaid Dividends, Individual Deposits, subject to Check, Savings Deposits, Demand Certificates, Time Certificates, Certified Checks, Cashier's Checks, Due to Clearing House, Notes and Bills Rediscounted, Bills Payable, including Time Certificates representing Borrowed Money, Other Liabilities (Itemized) Gold, $ "V Silver, Nickels, etc, $ / Cash Items, $ V Clearing House, $ [ Advances on Cotton, $ \ Profit and Loss, ) Other Resources (Itemized) Total, Total, LOANS AND DISCOUNTS In Suit, In Judgment, TOTAL, Doubtful, Worthless, TOTAL, STATE OF GEORGIA, . . COUNTY President T. . . . -Pnshfpp nf the nl Jove the the this sent ters my ther tade con- ank, 1 or law. named bank, do solemnly swear, that above Statement Is true, and that Schedules on the other pages of Statement fully and correctly repre the true state of the several mal contained therein, to the best of knowledge and belief and do fur swear that since the last return n to the State Bank Examiner of the ditlon of the Bank, that the B through Its officers, has not vlolate< evaded any obligation Imposed by Sworn to and subscribed be- fore me this day of , 19.. We, the undersigned, Directors above Bank, certify to the genuine of the signatures of the officers. Dlrei of DCSS :tor. ?tor. [Seal] . .Dire 322 BANKS Schedule A. LIABILITIES OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. Number of Shares of Stock Owned Name and Position President. Vice-Pres. Cashier. Asst. Cashier. Director. Liability as Payers (Firm and Individual) Liability as Endorsers or Guarantors (Firm and Individual) Overdraft (Firm and Individual) Schedule B. LOANS EXCEEDING 10% OF CAPITAL TO OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. List Individual and Firm Loans Separately. NAME SECUBITY AMOUNT Loans to Officers and Directors unsecured: BANKS 323 Schedule C. LOANS EXCEEDING TEN PER CENT. OF CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. NAME SECURITY AMOUNT Schedule D. OVERDRAFTS. SECURED UNSECURED Standing 12 Months, or over, Standing 6 Months, or over, Standing 3 Months, or over, Temporary, Officers and Directors, How Secured: Standing 12 Standing 6 Standing 3 Temporary, Officers and Months, or over, Months, or over, Months, or over, Directors, TOTAL, TOTAX, Schedule E. LIST OF BONDS AND STOCKS OWNED BY THE BANK. Be explicit in stating whether U. S., State, County, Municipal, R. R., or Bonds of other Public Service Corporations, or other Bonds, and also if Stocks of any Corporation are held and name of Corporation. Number of Bonds or Shares Name of Corporation Issuing Bonds or Stock Amount at Which Carried on Books Estimated Market Value Schedule F. DUE BY BANKS AND BANKERS. (Verify all balances, stating all discrepancies. State whether bank receives interest on balances, and give rate, and the name of bank or banks paying it.) State whether Correspondent Banks or Collec- tion Banks only. NAME OF BANK LOCATION AMOUNT Rate Per Ct. REMARKS 324 BANKS Schedule G. DUB TO BANKS AND BANKERS. (Verify all balances, stating all discrepancies. State whether bank pays interest on balances, and if so, what rate? To whom paid? Are amounts due on open accounts, on demand, or time certificates of deposit? Are they secured by collaterals, or not?) State whether Correspondent Banks or Collection Banks only. NAME OF BANK LOCATION AMOUNT REMARKS Schedule H. RE-DISCOUNTS AND BORROWED MONEY. (Where money is borrowed by re-discounts or otherwise, give the name of bank from whom it is borrowed, amount, security, time and rate of interest paid. State whether minutes show that Directors author- ized the transactions.) FROM WHOM BORROWED SECURITY AMOUNT Rate Per Cent. REMARKS Schedule I. BANKING HOUSE AND OTHER REAL ESTATE. LOCATION Amount at which Carried on Books Estimated Value Was It Taken for Debt, or Not? Schedule J. CAPITAL STOCK. Was Capital Stock paid in Cash? Are shares paid in full? Have any certificates been issued where stock has not been paid in full? Were Shareholders' notes taken in payment of Capital Stock, or increase of Capital? State whether notes are still in Bills Receivable, renewed, or unpaid? Has Stock Certificate Book been verified? Has Stock Ledger been verified? Does the Bank hold any of its own shares as collateral? How many? Does it own any of its shares? How obtained and for what purpose? Have all surrendered certificates been properly cancelled? BANKS 325 Schedule K. SALARIES AND BONDS. Salary of President, $ Bond? Custodian? Salary of Vice-Pres., $ Bond? Custodian? Salary of Cashier, $ Bond? Custodian? Salary of Asst. Cashier, $ Bond? Custodian? Salary of Teller, $ Bond? Custodian? Salary of Bookkeeper, $ Bond? Custodian? Salary of Financial Agt., $ Burglary Insurance, $ Fire Insurance, $ N Schedule L. MEETINGS OF DIRECTORS AND SHAREHOLDERS. How often does the Finance Committee meet? How often do the Directors meet? How often do the Stockholders meet? Loans made by whom? Are excessive loans to officers approved in accordance with the law? Do you compensate Directors for attendance upon meetings? Are accurate minutes kept of all meetings? Has the Bank been audited as the law requires? Does audit appear in detail on Minute Book? Has copy been sent to State Bank Examiner? Did any Directors aid in the examination? Has list of Stockholders, etc., been sent to State Bank Examiner? Is Capital Stock Impaired? How much? Has the Bank legal reserve of 25%? Answers to questions given by? Schedule M. CASH AND CASH ITEMS. (Briefly describe these items and state for what purpose they are carried.) $ Check of President. Check of Vice-President. Check of Cashier. Check of Asst. Cashier. Checks of Depositors. Checks on other Banks. Cash long or short. $ Overs or shorts carried on Individual or Gen'l Ledger. 326 BANKS Schedule N. DISPOSITION OF EARNINGS. Date Gross earnings for six or twelve months, DISPOSITION OF PROFITS Expense, Interest Paid, Dividend, Surplus, Bad debts charged off, Undivided profits, Decrease in values, Profit and loss, Schedule O. INDIVIDUAL, DEPOSITS. (Give information as to amount of interest paid on balances, time certificates, etc. State whether certificate book is properly kept. State whether certificates are issued for the purpose of borrowing money, giving list with amount, time, interest, and how secured. Report on all discrepancies under this head.) Interest Paid on Balances, $ Individual Ledger, Short or Long, $ How often are Pass Books Balanced? Time Certificates of Deposit, Short or Long, $ Demand Certificates of Deposit, Short or Long, $ Certified Checks, Short or Long, $ Cashier's Checks, Short or Long, $ Amount Due the State, if a Depository, $ Savings Ledger, Short or Long, $ When is Interest Credited? Rate% Rate% Rate% Rate% Schedule P. BANKS STATEMENT OF CASH. 327 DR. Due Demand Deposits: Subject to Check, $ Demand Certificates, $ Unpaid Dividend, $ Certified Check, $ Cashiers Check, $ Due Clearing House, $ Total, $ . Due Banks and Bankers in this State, $. Due Banks and Bankers not in this State, $. Total $. CR. Cash on Hand, $ Amount of Bonds and Stocks, present value, $ Due from Banks and Bankers in this State, $ Due from Banks and Bankers not in this Stated Total $. Twenty-five (25) per cent, of Demand Deposits $. REMARKS 328 BILLS AND NOTES BILLS OF SALE OF PERSONALTY Certificate made and filed for purpose of organizing banking associa- tion is evidence of truth of facts it recites, and evidence that company was duly organized; from time of filing, association becomes a corporation or quasi corporation; it is revocable for fraud. 16 App. 820, 821 (8) (86 S. E. 644). Chartered bank. Company incorporated mainly for the purpose of exercising, and vested with, the powers usually conferred upon companies authorized to act as guardian, receiver, or other trustee, is not a "chartered bank," merely because it may be empowered to exercise, as a mere incident to the main object of incorporation, some of the functions of a bank. 13 App. 314 (2) (79 S. E. 170). Judicial cognizance taken here that certain institution was a "chartered bank." 15 App. 520, 521 (5) (83 S. E. 891). Contracts. Charters of banks are contracts. 19/325. BILLS AND NOTES. (See Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange, post, pages 710-724.) BILLS OF SALE OF PERSONALTY. 3298, 3299, 3306-3308. FOKM OF BILL OF SALE. Georgia, County. This agreement witnesses that for and in consideration of the sum of dollars to him in hand paid by , the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, has bargained and sold, and does hereby bargain, sell and deliver unto the said (Here describe the property). . The said does hereby warrant the title to said In witness whereof the said has hereunto set his hand and seal, this day of , 19 .... . [SEAL.! J. P. BILL OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY TO SECURE DEBT. 3306. Whereas, I, , am indebted to in the sum of dollars, evidenced by my promissory BILLS OF SALE OF PERSONALTY 329 note dated the day of , 19. . . ., and payable the day of , 19. . . . , with interest thereon from at the rate of per cent, per annum. Now, therefore, in order to secure the payment of said note, 1 hereby bargain, sell, transfer and deliver* to the said , his administrators, executors and assigns, the following personal property, to wit: (describe the property sold). This day of , 19 J. P. [*NOTE. If possession is to be retained by the maker of the bill of sale the word "deliver" in the above form should be stricken and the word "convey" inserted; in which case the following words should be added to the form: "The delivery of said property to said is hereby dispensed with and the same is to remain in my possession, and I am to have the use and possession of the same until default on my part to pay said note or interest when due. My possession of said property, until said note is paid, is to be that of a bailee for hire, the holder of said note to be paid as hirer of said property, and upon default as aforesaid I bind myself to deliver said property to said as such bailee."] BOXD TO RECOXVEY PERSONALTY HELD AS SURETY UNDER BILL OF SALE. Georgia, County. I hereby acknowledge myself, my heirs, executors and admin- istrators held and firmly bound unto in the sum of dollars (double the value of the property), subject to the following conditions: The condition of the above obligation is as follows : Whereas, the said obligee heretofore on the day of , 19. . ., made and delivered to the obligor a certain bill of sale conveying thereby the title to certain personal property described as fol- lows: (Here put in the description of the property), to secure the payment of a certain promissory note, dated the day of , 19 . . . . , for the sum of $ principal, with interest thereon at the rate of per cent, per annum, together with the condition for payment of attorney's fees in the event said note is collected by suit or placed in the hands of an attorney for collection, the said note being in:idc by the 330 BILLS OF SALE OF PERSONALTY obligee to the obligor, and due on the day of , 19 Now if the said obligee shall well and truly pay said note at the time it becomes due, according to the tenor and effect thereof, then this bond to be void, otherwise of force and effect. This the day of , 19 FOB THE PURCHASE MONEY WITH TITLE RESERVED. $100.00 , GJL, ,19 Six months after date, I promise to pay to the order of John Doe, the sum of one hundred ($100.00) dollars, with interest from date at eight per cent, per annum, together with all costs of collection, including ten per cent, attorney's fees in the event said note is collected by suit, or placed in the hands of an attor- ney for collection. This note is given for the purchase money of one certain bay horse about nine years old and weighing about one thousand pounds, named "Bob," and, to secure the payment of this note, together with interest, costs and attorney's fees, the payee hereof reserves as security therefor the title to said horse, and the title thereto is to remain in the said payee until this note is fully paid and discharged. It is further understood and agreed that in the event said horse should die or in any way be damaged or injured previous to the payment of this note, that the maker thereof and pur- chaser of said horse shall lose the same, and the said loss shall not be charged to the payee of this note nor shall in any way lessen or affect his liability thereon. And I, the maker of this note, and each security and endorser thereof, for himself and family, hereby waives and renounces all right that he may have to homestead or exemption under the laws of Georgia, or to plead the same against this note or any renewal thereof. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, the day and year first above written. (L. S.) (L. S.) Signed, sealed and delivered in the pres- ence of : J.'P.' BONDS BONDS FOB TITLE 331 [NOTE. In order for the reservation of title to be valid, as against a third person, it must be in writing, and executed and attested in the same manner as mortgages on personal property. 3318. It must be recorded within thirty days of its date, and is otherwise governed by the laws relating to the registration of mortgages. 3319.] BONDS. [NOTE: Forms of official bonds, and such bonds as are required in legal proceedings, will be found under the specific topics.] BONDS FOR TITLE. 3306, 4213-4215. FORM OF BOND. I. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, That , of the county and State aforesaid, part. . of the first part , held and firmly bound unto , part . . of the second part, heirs and assigns, in the penal sum of dollars, for the payment of which well and truly to be made, the said part. . of the first part hereby bind heirs, execu- tors and administrators, jointly, severally and firmly by these presents. Signed with hand. ., and sealed with. ..... seal . . , this ...... day of , 19 .... The condition of the foregoing obligation is, That whereas the said part. . of the first part ha. . . this day agreed to sell to the said part. . of the second part a certain tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the _ . . . > for the consideration of the sum of dollars, said sum to be paid as follows : dollars, this day paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and dollars payable on the .... day of , 19 . . . . , and dollars payable on the day of , 19 . . . . , for which deferred payments the said part . . of the second part ha . . given promissory notes, dated this day, bearing interest at the rate of per cent, per annum from this date until paid, and 332 BONDS FOR TITLE stipulating that said part. . of the second part shall pay attor- ney's fees and cost of suit, as therein provided, said notes to become due as above stated. Now if the said part. . of the second part shall well and truly pay the said several sums of money at the times specified, then the said part . . of the first part bound to make and execute to the part . . of the second part or assigns a .good and sufficient title to the above described lot or parcel of land ; but on. failure of the said part . . of the second part to pay the said sums of money, or either of them, at the times specified, then the said obligation to be void and of no effect. In witness whereof, the said part . . of the first part ha . . hereunto set hand., and affixed seal.., the day and year above named. [SEAL.! Signed, sealed and delivered in the pres- ence of: J. P. FORM OF BOND. II. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, That I, John Doe, of the county and state above named and stated, am held and firmly bound unto Richard Roe, his heirs and assigns, in the just and full sum of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars subject to the conditions hereinafter stated. Signed with my hand and sealed with my seal, this the day of . . , 19. ... The condition of the above obligation is as follows : Whereas, the said John Doe has this day sold to Richard Roe, lot of land, Number , in the district and section of county, for and at the purchase price of dollars, of which amount the said Richard Roe has this day paid dollars, leaving as balance of purchase price the sum of dollars, for which the said Richard Roe has executed his four certain promissory notes, bearing even date, and containing a stipulation to pay ten (10) per cent, attorney's fees and costs of collection in the event said note is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection or collected by suit, one of said notes to be due twelve BONDS FOR TITLE months from date, and another one due two years from this date, another one due three years from this date, and another one due four years from this date ; said notes being a series. Now, it is expressly agreed by the obligee in this bond, and so provided in the notes, that if any one of the said notes should become due and remain unpaid for as much as sixty days, then each and all of the remaining notes shall become due and pay- able at the option of the obligee in this bond, and if the said Richard Roe shall pay to the obligor in this bond, or the holder of said notes, the several sums provided therein, according to their tenor and effect at the time specified therein, then the obligor herein binds himself, his heirs and assigns, to make to the said Richard Roe good and sufficient titles with deed of warranty in and to said lot of land, Number , in the district and section of county, containing forty (40) acres, more or less, which if the said obligor shall do, then this bond to be void, otherwise of full force and effect. In witnesseth whereof, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal, this the day of , 19 IL. S.1 Signed, sealed and delivered in the pres- ence of J. P. ASSIGNMENT OF BOND FOE TITLES. Georgia, County. For value received, I hereby transfer and assign to the within bond for titles, together with all and singular my rights and interest in and by virtue of the same. This day of , 19 334 BRIDGES SALE OF LAND FOR PURCHASE-MONEY. 3330, 6037-6039. Land held under bond for titles is not subject to execution sale as the property of the holder of the bond, until he is vested with the title. 101 Ga. 258. Lien of transferee of purchase-money note not enure to his benefit, he taking the note without endorsement or guaranty of payment by the payee, and without any conveyance of title to the land to him. 105 Ga. 377. Measure of damages for breach of bond. 4401. PETITION FOR ORDER FOR ADMINISTRATOR TO MAKE TITLES ON BOND OF INTESTATE. 4016-4020. (See ante, pp. 202-207.) BEIDGES. 744-781. BRIDGE CONTRACTOR'S BOND. 389-389 (b), 748-750. Georgia, County. We, , as principal, and , as security, both of said county and State, acknowledge our- selves held and bound unto , the ordinary of said county, and his successors in office, in the sum of dollars, subject to the following conditions: The condition of the above obligation is as follows: That whereas, at the letting out of the building of a bridge, across , near the town of , in said county, said became the lowest bidder, at and for the sum of dollars; now, should the said faithfully, well and truly perform his said contract in building said bridge, and shall also keep the same in good repair for years (according to -the stipulations entered into and filed in the office of said ordinary) from the date of this obliga- tion, then the same to be void, otherwise of force. This day of , 19 Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Executed in the presence of and approved by me : Ordinary. CERTIORARI 335 CERTIORAKI. 5180-5205. PETITION FOR CERTIORARI. 5183. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of .shows that at the term of the court of said county, district, G. M., there carne on to be tried before , then and there presiding, the case of vs , being an action upon The (verdict or judgment) was adverse to your petitioner, and he is dissatisfied therewith; and now, within thirty days from the final determination of said cause, petitioner having complied with the requirements of law in such cases, presents this petition for writ of certiorari, in which petition he now here proceeds plainly, fully and distinctly to set forth the nature of said cause ; what occurred on said trial ; and the errors com- plained of. 1. At the appearance term of said court defendant filed the pleas of and of , copies of which pleas are hereto attached, and marked "Exhibit A" and ''Exhibit B." respectively. 2. The case being called for trial, both parties announced ready, whereupon the defendant moved to dismiss said case upon the ground that , The Court overruled the said motion and the cause proceeded to trial. 3. Plaintiff offered in evidence , to the introduction of which the defendant objected, on the ground that The objection was overruled and said received in evidence, whereupon the plaintiff closed. Defendant being sworn as a witness testified, as follows: Plaintiff being sworn as a witness testified, as follows:... 4. There being no further evidence, the court entered up judgment (or, the jury found a verdict) in favor of plaintiff against defendant for $ , besides interest and cost of suit. 336 CERTIORARI Petitioner avers that said court erred in and also in and in entering up judgment as aforesaid, all of which rulings and findings of said court the petitioner assigns as error. Wherefore, in order that said errors may be reviewed and corrected, petitioner prays that the State's writ of certiorari may issue, directed to , in terms of the law, requiring him to certify and send up all the proceedings in said case to the ^. . . .term, 19. . . ., of the Superior Court of said county, that such judgment may he rendered therein as may seem in accordance with law. And your petitioner will ever pray. Petitioner's Attorney. Application for writ must be within thirty days after final determina- tion of the case; returnable to next Superior Court, if twenty days after; otherwise to next succeeding term, 5188; if thus "applied for" in time and sanction obtained, the petition may be filed at any time within three months from date of judgment. 4365; 143 G'a. 572 (85 S. E. 760). Application should show on its face that it was presented in time. 113 Ga. 114 (38 S. E. 304). AFFIDAVIT. 5184. Georgia, County. I , do solemnly swear that the petition for certiorari is not filed in the case for the purpose of delay only, and I verily believe I have good cause for certiorari ; and that the facts stated in the foregoing petition, so far as they come within my own knowledge, are true, and so far as they are derived from the knowledge of others, I believe them to be true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of .., 19 BOND. 5185. Georgia, County. In the case of vs , in the justice court of said county, District, G. M., CKETIOKAKI 337 said , being dissatisfied with the rendered therein, and desiring to.certiorari said case, brings. . . and tenders him as security ; and thereupon the said , principal, and said , security, acknowledge themselves jointly and severally bound to said , heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, for the eventual condemnation money and all future costs in said case, for the payment of which they bind them- selves, their heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these presents. Witness their hands and seals, this day of ,19.... Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Executed in the presence of and approved by me, this day of , 19 .... ,J.P. Approval of bond must be by officer whose decision is to be reviewed. 13 App. 5, 7 (78 S. E. 684). Approval not shown by certificate of magistrate that petitioner "has given bond as required by law." 16 App. 571 (85 S. E, 766); 17 App. 366 (86 S. E. 945). Attestation of bond may be by any attesting officer. 13 App. 5, 7 (78 S. E. 684). "Money" omitted after word "condemnation" not make bond void. 14 App. 29 (80 S. E. 25). Personal appearance, bond given by one convicted in recorder's or mayor's court of violation of ordinance must be conditioned for. 18 App. 729 (90 S. E. 372). See Park's Ann. Code, 1914, 5191 (a). Petition reciting that petitioner complied with requirements of the law not sufficient to show that bond was filed. 17 App. 345 (86 S. E. 823). Amendments not allowable. 15 App. 618, 619 (83 S. E'. 1102) ; 18 App. 453 (89 S. E. 535). CEBTIFICATE. 5185. Georgia, County. I, , the magistrate who presided in the case to which the foregoing petition and bond refer, hereby certify that all costs which have accnied on the trial of said case have been paid by said , the petitioner for certiorari, and that he has given bond and security as re- quired by law. ,J.P. 338 CERTIORARI AFFIDAVIT IN FORMA PAUPERIS. 5187. Georgia, County. Personally came before me , who, on oath, says that the foregoing petition for certiorari is not filed in this case for the purpose of delay only; that he is advised and believes he has good cause for certioraring the proceedings to the Superior Court, and that, owing to his poverty, he is unable to pay the cost or give security, as required by law, and that the facts stated in the foregoing petition, so far as they come within his own knowledge, are true, and, so far as derived from the knowledge of others, he believes them to be true. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 19 "And" instead of "or" used, affidavit is invalid. 3 App. 437 (60 S. E. 202); 14 App. 721 (82 S. E. 307); 18 App. 453 (89 S. E. 535). SANCTION OF WRIT. 5188. At Chambers, Superior Court, ,Ga., day of ,19 The foregoing petition for writ of certiorari being presented, the same is, upon consideration thereof, sanctioned: Let the writ of certiorari issue as prayed. This day of , 19 WRIT OF CERTIORARI. 5188. Superior Court of County. Georgia, County. : ...,19.... To , (Notary Public and ex-officio Justice of the Peace) in and for the Dist., Georgia Militia: Whereas, alleges, by his petition for CERTIORARI 339 certiorari, that at the term of your court, 19. . . ., judgment was rendered against him in favor of vs for the sum of dollars ; with which judgment your petitioner is dissatisfied. And whereas, said ha. . . complied with the requirements of the law in cases of application for certiorari. Now, therefore, you are hereby notified and required to certify and send up to the Superior Court, to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in next, under your hand and seal, all the facts and proceedings in this case, in your court aforesaid. Witness, the Honorable , judge of said court. Clerk Superior Court, County, Ga. SERVICE. 5189. Due and legal notice of the sanction of the writ of certiorari in the within and foregoing case, and of the time and place of hearing, acknowledged : All other or further notice and service waived. This day of , 19 Attorney for Defendant in Certiorari. NOTICE OF SANCTION. 5190. Georgia, County. To , or his attorney: You are hereby notified that in the case of . vs , in (the justice court of county, district, G. M.), the same being an action upon , in which judgment was rendered for the on the day of , 19 . . . . , the said has filed a petition for the writ of certiorari, and that the same has been sanctioned by the pre- siding judge of the Superior Court of said county, and that the '340 CERTIORARI "time and place of the hearing of said case will be at the next term of the Superior Court, at the court house in said county. Attorney for Plaintiff in Certiorari. Notice should be given at least ten days before beginning of term of court to which returnable. 13 App. 599 (79 S. E. 586). AFFIDAVIT AS TO SERVICE OF NOTICE. Georgia, . County. Before me came , who, on oath, says that he served a written notice, of which the foregoing is a copy, upon on the day of , 19 .... Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of.... , 19 ANSWER TO WRIT OF CERTIORARI. 5195. 1 Complaint on note in Justice's vs. r Court District, G. M., J County. Judgment (or verdict as the case may be) for plaintiff , term, 19 .... To the Superior Court of said County: Comes now , justice of the peace, in answer to the writ of certiorari in the above stated case, sued out by the defendant therein and directed to me, replying specifically to the allegations in the said petition, says : 1. It is true that an action was brought to the term, 19. . . ., of the justice's court of the district, G. M., of county, by said plaintiff against said defendant, said action having been tried at the term, 19. . . ., of said court, at which time judgment was rendered in favor of the plaintiff against the defendant in the sum of dollars. 2. The pleas of payment and of the statute of limitations were filed at the appearance term of said case. CERTIORARI 341 3. That at said term said case came on to be tried, and that the defendant moved to dismiss the same upon the ground that the summons bore date of the day of , 19. . . ., was made returnable on the day of , 19 . . . . , which said motion was overruled by respondent, who presided as justice of the peace at the trial of the case. 4. That the defendant objected to the introduction as evi- dence of the note sued upon on the ground that said note had a subscribing witness thereto, who was not produced to prove the execution of said note, and no cause was shown to the court why said subscribing witness was not produced. Which said objec- tion was overruled by respondent and the note admitted in evidence. 5. That on the trial of said case testified as follows, etc., etc. [Set out here fully and distinctly all the facts and circumstances connected with the case, as appearing in the evidence on the trial thereof, so as to fully meet the require- ments of the petition for certiorari.] True copies of all the proceedings in said case are hereby certified as true and sent up. All of which is respectfully submitted. Given under my hand and official seal, this day of 19 EXCEPTIONS TO ANSWER TO WRIT. 5196. ' 1 Certiorari, Superior Court, Term, 19 And now comes the defendant in the certiorari, by , his attorney, before the call of the above stated case, and excepts to the answer of , the Justice of the Peace in the above stated case, and for cause of exception says: 1. That said answer is incomplete and not full, in this ; that it fails to set out the testimony of , a witness sworn upon the trial of said case. Who testified as follows: [Here set out substantially the testimony of the witness left out of the answer.] 2. [State all further grounds of exceptions.] W T herefore the said prays that the foregoing 342 CERTIOEARI exceptions be sustained, and that .-, the Justice of the Peace aforesaid, be required to complete and make fuller his answer in the particulars mentioned. Attorney for Defendant in Certiorari. Exceptions must be filed in writing, and notice given, before case is called in its order for hearing. 15 App. 617 (83 S. E. 1102). NOTICE OF EXCEPTIONS TO ANSWER OF MAGISTRATE. In Superior Court, Term, 19 Plaintiff in Certiorari vs. Certiorari. Defendant in Certiorari To , Defendant in Certiorari, Or , his Attorney : You are hereby notified that I, as attorney for the plaintiff in certiorari, have this day filed exceptions to the answer of , J. P., who presided in said case in the court below, a copy of which said exceptions are hereto attached, and that said exceptions were filed previous to the calling of said case in its order and at this the return term of said certiorari. This day of ,19 Attorney for Plaintiff in Certiorari. TRAVERSE TO ANSWER. 5200. , Superior Court, Certiorari , . from Justice's Court, District, G. M., of. , County. And now comes the plaintiff (or defendant, as the case may be) in certiorari in the above stated case, by his attorney,. . . . , at the return term of said certiorari, and before the hearing thereof, and traverses the truth of the answer and says that (Insert all of the allegation or allegations of the CERTIORARI 343 answer sought to be denied) is not in fact true. Of which he puts himself upon the country. This day of , 19 Attorney for Plaintiff in Certiorari. Georgia, County. In person appeared , the plaintiff in certiorari in the above stated case, who on oath says that the statements contained in the foregoing traverse are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 19 .J.P. Where answer was paragraphed, traverse saying that "allegations in the answer as follows, to wit: Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 is not in fact true, of which he puts himself upon the country," while subject to grammatical criticism, sufficiently complies with Code, 5200. 18 App. 288 (89 S. E. 342). JUDGMENT OF THE COURT. * I Certiorari in Superior vs r Court, Term, 19 Upon hearing the above stated case, it is ordered by the court, that the certiorari be sustained,* and that the judgment rendered in the court below be set aside, and a new trial had therein. And it is further ordered that the plaintiff in certiorari be allowed to enter up judgment against the defendant for the costs. Judge of Superior Court. [*NOTE. If the certiorari is not sustained the order should be "that the certiorari be overruled and dismissed. Let the defendant in cer- tiorari have leave to sign up judgment in this court against the plaintiff in certiorari, and his security on bond for the sum recovered in the court below by the said plaintiff in certiorari, to wit, the sum of dollars, together with the costs in this court."] JUDGMENT FOR COSTS. Whereupon, it is adjudged by the court that plaintiff in certiorari, recover of , defendant 344 CHARTERS in certiorari, the sum of dollars and, cents for costs. This day of , 19 Attorney for Plaintiff in Certiorari. CHARTERS. 2192-2202, 2822-2861. SUPERIOR COURT CHARTERS. 2822-2861. PETITION FOR CHARTER. I. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of John Doe and Richard Roe, of said county, shows to the court the following facts : 1st. Petitioners, together with their associates, desire to be incorporated under the name of the Company, for the period of twenty years, with the right to renew said charter at the expiration of said time. The object of said cor- poration is pecuniary gain and to carry on and maintain a general mercantile business in the city of , and to buy and sell goods, wares and merchandise, cotton, corn and any other article or articles that may be dealt in by the said corporation, and to make contracts, borrow money, loan money, to sue and be sued, and do any and all acts that may be neces- sary in the operation of said business. 2nd. The principal place of said business will be in the city of , in said county of 3rd. The capital stock of said corporation shall be dollars, divided into shares of dollars each, and they desire to begin in business when ten per cent, of the capital stock is paid in. 4th. Petitioners desire that said corporation may have the right to elect a Board of Directors by a vote of its stockholders, and to elect a President, Vice-President and Secretary and Treasurer by said Board of Directors, and to have and make all proper and necessary by-laws, rules and regulations that are CHAETERS . 345 necessary and may be proper for the carrying on of said busi- ness, and also to have and use a common seal. Wherefore, petitioners file this their petition in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, and pray that after the same has been advertised as required by law, that the Court by proper order grant this petition. Attorney for Petitioners. Filed in office, this i day of 1 . 19 .... Clerk Superior Court. Georgia, County. Office of Clerk of Superior Court of County. I, , Clerk of the Superior Court of County, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application for charter, as the same appears of file in this office. This day of , 19 Clerk of Superior Court. PETITION FOR CHARTER, II. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of , of County, Georgia, and , of , State of , respect- fully shows : 1. That they desire for themselves, their associates and suc- cessors, to be incorporated and made a body politic under the name and style of , for the period of twenty years. 2. The principal office of said company shall be in the city of , State and county aforesaid, but petitioners de- sire the right to establish branch offices within this State or elsewhere, whenever the holders of a majority of the stock may so determine. 3. The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain to itself and its shareholders. 4. The business to be carried on by said corporation is .... 346 . CHARTERS 5. The capital stock of said corporation shall be thousand dollars ($ ), with the privilege of increasing same to the sum of thousand dollars ($ ) by a majority vote of the stockholders, said stock to be divided into shares of one. hundred ($100.00) dollars each. Ten per cent, of the amount of capital to be employed by them has been actually paid in. [Petitioners desire the right to have the subscriptions to said capital stock paid in money or property to be taken at a fair valuation.] [Petitioners further desire to issue common and preferred stock in such proportion as the stockholders may determine.] (See "Preferred Stock," post, p. 347.) 6. Petitioners desire the right to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to have and use a common seal, to make all necessary by-laws and regulations, and to do all other things that may be necessary > for the successful carrying on of said business, including the right to buy, hold, and sell real estate and personal property suitable to the purposes of the corpora- tion, and to execute notes and bonds as evidence of indebted- ness incurred, or which may be incurred, in the conduct of the affairs of the corporation and to secure the same by mortgage, security-deed, or other form of lien, under existing laws. 7. They desire for said incorporation the power and authority to apply for and accept amendments to its charter of either form or substance by a vote of a majority of its stock outstand- ing at the time. They also ask authority for said incorpora- tion to wind up its affairs, liquidate and discontinue its busi- ness at any time it may determine to do so by a vote of two- thirds of its stock outstanding at the time. 8. They desire for the said incorporation the right of re- newal when and as provided by the laws of Georgia, and that it have all such other rights, powers, privileges and immunities as are incident to like incorporations or permissible under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be incorporated under the name and style aforesaid with the powers, privileges and im- munities herein set forth, and as are now, or may hereafter be, allowed a corporation of similar character under the laws of Georgia. [NOTE. The clauses embraced in the brackets in par. 5, above, may be omitted if desired.] CHARTERS 347 PREFERRED STOCK. [In lieu of par. 5 of the last form the following may be inserted:] The capital stock of the company shall consist of shares of the par or face value of $ per share, and shares of preferred stock of the par or face value of $ per share. The rights of holders of preferred stock shall be set forth, and determined by the by-laws to be adopted by the corporation at its first meeting held for organization. Such parts of said by-laws as relate to the rights of preferred stock- holders shall not thereafter be altered, amended or rescinded without the unanimous consent of all of said preferred stock- holders present and voting at such meeting. Filed in office this day of , 19. .. Clerk. Georgia, .......... County. Office of Clerk of Superior Court of ........ County. I, ............ , Clerk of the Superior Court of ......... County, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application for charter, as the same appears of file in this office. This ......... day of ........ , 19. .. Clerk of Superior Court. AGREEMENT AND STOCK SUBSCRIPTIONS. Georgia, County. The premises herein considered are as follows: John Doe, Richard Roe and John Smith have applied to the Superior Court of County and obtained at the Term, 1917, of said court a charter for the Atlanta Gas Producer Company, granted to them and their associates, wherein the capital stock of said Company is to be $100,000, divided into shares of stock of $100.00 each, making in all, one thousand (1000) shares; the object of said Company being to manufac- ture producer gas for sale, and to supply the same for pecuniary gain, to such person or persons as may contract for and use the same. Now, the undersigned being conversant with the terms 348 CHARTERS of said Charter and the object of said proposed corporation, and desiring to associate ourselves with the incorporators as stockholders in said Company, hereby aerree and do subscribe for the several numbers of shares set opposite our signatures hereinafter. It being hereby agreed and expressly understood that this subscription shall be collected by and payable to such person or persons as may be appointed or designated upon the organization of the Company as the proper person to receive the same, and to be paid in as follows: Ten per cent, thereof upon the organization of the Company, and the remainder in such installments and at such times as may be afterwards de- termined upon and called for by the directors of the Company, and it is further expressly understood and agreed that there are no conditions, contracts, agreements or release in reference to this subscription outside of what appears on the face of this contract. This.. . 19.. BY-LAWS. BY-LAWS OF THE . . . . COMPANY OF GEORGIA. AETICLE I. MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS. SECTION 1. The annual meeting of the stockholders of this company shall be held at the principal office of the company in the city of on the first (Wednesday) after the Monday of in each year, at twelve o'clock noon on that day (unless such day be a legal holiday, in which case the meeting shall be held at the same hour on the next day following, that is not a legal holiday), for the election of directors, and the transaction of such other business as may then properly come before said meeting. A written or printed notice of time and place of such meeting shall be given by the CHARTERS 34r9 secretary, by delivery of or by mailing such notice to each stock- holder, addressed to him at his usual place of business, or such address as may appear on the books of the company, at least ten days previous to such meeting, and in such other manner, if any, as may be prescribed by law. If for any reason the annual election shall not be held as hereinbefore provided, it may be held on any subsequent day to be fixed by the Board of Directors. SEC. 2. Special meetings of the stockholders may be called at any time by the president or Board of Directors, and the president shall call a special meeting whenever he is requested in writing so to do by the stockholders representing one-third of the capital stock. Such request may specify the time, place and object of the proposed meeting. A written or printed notice of the time, place and object of every special meeting shall be given by the secretary by delivery of, or by mailing such notice to each stockholder, addressed to his usual place of business or such address as may appear on the books of the company, at least ten days previous to such meeting and in such other manner, if any, as may be prescribed by law. SEC. 3. At said meeting of the stockholders a majority in interest of the stockholders shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, except as otherwise provided by law, and except that a less number may adjourn a meeting. At said meeting of stockholders, each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for each share of stock standing in his name on the books of the company, and such vote may be cast by the stockholder in person, or by proxy, properly authorized by written or printed appointment, executed by stockholder him- self, or by his duly authorized attorney. ARTICLE II. DIRECTORS. SECTION 1. The entire general charge of the affairs of the company shall be managed and conducted by directors, to be elected by the stockholders for this company at the time and place fixed by the by-laws. They shall hold office for one year and until their successors are elected. 350 CHARTERS A majority of the Board of Directors at a meeting duly assem- bled shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the act of a. majority of the directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the board. Any vacancy or vacancies in the board may be filled for the period until the next election by the remaining directors. SEC. 2. A regular meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held on the day of and immediately after the annual meeting for the election of directors, provided a majority of the directors elected at said meeting shall be present. They shall organize and proceed to the election of officers as hereinafter provided. SEC. 3. Special meetings of the directors may be called at any time by the president, or shall be called by him or by the secretary, upon request in writing, signed by two of the direc- tors, specifying the time and place and object of the proposed meeting. SEC. 4. A written or printed notice of the time, place and object of every special meeting of the Board of Directors shall be given the secretary, by delivery of, or by mailing such notice to each director, addressed to him at his usual place of business, or such address as may appear on the books of the company, at least three days before the time named for the meeting. SEC. 5. Each director shall be entitled to a fee of $ for punctual attendance at each meeting of the Board of Direc- tors or of any committee thereof. ARTICLE III. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. SECTION 1. The Board of Directors shall, at each annual meeting, elect three of its members \vho shall constitute an Executive Committee, which Executive Committee shall possess all the powers and authority when the Board of Directors is not in session, which the Board of Directors does, or can provide when in session, by virtue of the articles of organization of this corporation. The Executive Committee shall keep the returns of all its transactions, which shall be read at each meeting of the Board of Directors, and the Board of Directors, at such meeting shall have the power to disapprove, rescind and annul CHABTEBS 351 any act or transaction of the Executive Committee, and all the acts and transactions of the Executive Committee not disap- proved, rescinded or annulled, shall be held and taken to be approved and confirmed by the Board of Directors. SEC. 2. The Executive Committee may fix the time and place of holding its regular meeting, and after such time and place shall have been fixed, no notice of such regular meeting shall be necessary. SEC. 3. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the president whenever he shall think proper, and he shall call such meeting whenever requested in writing to do so by two of the members of the Executive Committee. A written notice of the time, place and object of -any special meeting of the Executive Committee shall be given by the secretary, by delivery of or by mailing such notice to each mem- ber, addressed to his usual place of business, or such address as may appear on the books of the company, at least three days before the time named for the meeting. AETICLE IV. v OFFICERS. SECTION 1. The officers of the company shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer, to be elected by the Board of Directors at a meeting for organization held after the annual meeting of the stockholders, or of any meeting held in lieu of said meeting, for such purpose. Each of such officers shall serve for the term of one year, and until the election of his successor. The Board of Directors may also appoint an assistant secretary, a superintendent, and such other officers, agents and employees as they may deem necessary. All officers, agents, or employees, so appointed, shall be removable at the pleasure of the directors. Any vacancy in any office may be filled by the Board of Directors. (a) The office of secretary and treasurer may be consolidated in one person, in which case he shall discharge the duties of both officers, as defined in articles VI and VII hereof. 352 CHARTERS ARTICLE V. PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT. SECTION 1. The president shall preside at all meetings of the corporation, and of the Board of Directors, and shall sign all certificates of stock, and all notes and obligations of the cor- poration, unless otherwise directed by the Board of Directors, and all contracts and instruments, when authorized by the directors or Executive Committee, and generally shall perform all duties usually incumbent upon such officers, and such as may be required of him by the Board of Directors. He shall make annual reports of the condition of the company, and submit the same to the stockholders at their Annual meeting. The vice-president shall perform all the duties of the president in his absence, and such other duties as may be required of him by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VI. TREASURER. SECTION 1. The treasurer shall receive and have the custody of all moneys and securities of the corporation, shall pay such dividends as may be declared from time to time by the Board of Directors, and do and perform all such duties as may be required of him by its Board of Directors, and such other duties as usually devolve upon such oflScers. He shall deposit funds to the credit of the company in such banks or trust companies as the Board of Directors shall direct, and shall disburse the same under the direction of the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee. He shall sign all cer- tificates of stock, when signed by the president. SEC. 2. He shall keep regular books and full accounts, show- ing all his receipts and disbursements, which books and accounts shall be open at all times to the inspector or president, or of any member of the board. At the end of each fiscal year, he shall submit to the directors detailed statements of his receipts CHARTERS 353 and disbursements, and shall also from time to time, at request, make reports to the president as to the financial condition of the company. SEC. 3. The directors may require the treasurer to give such security for the faithful performance of his duties as they shall from time to time determine. ARTICLE VII. SECRETARY. SECTION 1. The secretary shall have the care and custody of the books of said corporation, give the necessary notices of all the meetings of the stockholders, board of directors and Executive Committee, and keep and retain the proceedings of all such meetings. He shall have the custody of the seal of the company, and shall affix the same to all instruments requiring the seal, when authorized by the Board of Directors or the Executive Com- mittee. He shall keep such other books and returns, and perform all such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Board of Directors, the president, or the Executive Committee. ARTICLE VIII. CAPITAL STOCK. SECTION 1. Subscriptions to the capital stock shall be paid in at such times and in such installments as the Board of Direc- tors may, by resolution, require. SEC. 2. Certificates of stock shall be issued, in manner pre- scribed by law, to each stockholder, showing the number of shares to which he is entitled. Each certificate shall be signed by the president and treasurer, and have the corporate seal affixed thereto. SEC. 3. Stock shall be transferable only by entry upon the books of the company upon surrender of the outstanding cer- tificate or certificates therefor, with the assignment thereof duly executed. Each certificate, surrendered upon the transfer of 354 CHARTERS stock, shall be at once cancelled and pasted on the margin or stub in the book from which it was taken when issued. SEC. 4. In case of any application for the issue of a new certificate of stock in place of one or more claimed to have been lost or destroyed, the same shall be referred to the Board of Directors, who shall determine whether to grant such applica- tion, and the terms, if any, upon which it is granted. SEC. 5. Preferred stock. For form defining and regulating the rights of preferred stockholders, see Frost's Incorporation and Organization of Corporations, (1906), pp. 517-518. ARTICLE IX. DIVIDENDS. SECTION 1. Dividends may be declared and paid out of the surplus profits of the company as often and at such times as the directors may determine. ARTICLE X. SEAL. SECTION 1. The common seal of the company shall be in the following form: (Attach impression of it.) ARTICLE XI. 1 BY-LAWS. SECTION 1. These by-laws may be altered or amended and additional by-laws adopted by a majority vote at any meeting of the stockholders in the notice of which the proposed amend- ment or new by-laws shall be set forth at large. On motion, it was voted to adjourn. Attest : Secretary of the Meeting. CHATTEL MORTGAGES CLAIMS 355 JUDGMENT GRANTING CHARTER. Superior Court, Term, 19 .... The above and foregoing petition by and for a charter for the Company coming on for a hearing, and it appearing that the same has been published as required by law, and the object of said petition coming within the purview of the law, it is considered, ordered and adjudged that the prayer of the said petition be, and the same is hereby granted, and the Company is hereby chartered as a corporation, with perpetual succession for twenty (20) years from this date, with the right to renew said charter at the end of said time by conforming to the law, and the said Company has the right to sue and be sued, to contract and be contracted with, to have and use a common seal, to carry on the business of such Company as set out in said petition, and to begin business when ten (10%) per cent, of the capital stock is paid in. The further prayers of the petition are also granted. Let this judgment be filed and recorded in this court, and the same is hereby declared, along with said petition, by a certified copy thereof, to be evidence of said incorporation and its charter. This day of , 19 Judge of Superior Court. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. (See Mortgages, post.) CLAIMS. 5157-5179, 6272. CLAIM AFFIDAVIT. 5157. Georgia, County. Before me, a in and for said county, in person came , who on oath says that [specify the property levied on] lately, on the ...... .day of , 19. . . ., levied on by , sheriff of said county, under and by virtue of in favor of against , issued 356 CLAIMS from the , as the property of defendant , is not the property of said defendant, but is the property of affiant . . ., [Deponent sign] Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of ., 19 . P. and ex-officio J. P. BOND. $5158. Georgia, ........ County. Know all men by these presents, that we, .............. , as principal, and ............... , as security, are held and bound unto ............. , plaintiff in fi. fa., in the sum of ..... ... dollars, for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this .......... day of .................. , 19 ____ The condition of this obligation is as follows : ............ , (sheriff of said county), having on the ...... day of ......... , 19. . . ., by virtue of an execution, issued from the .......... court of ............. levied upon [a parcel of land ......... (describe realty and personalty in levy) . . . . ..... tyi n i n said county and adjoining the lands of .............. on the east, .............. on the south, ............. on the west, and .................. on the north, the place whereon the said ............ ... .now resides, containing two hundred acres, more or less ; and ...... horse mules, both of medium size .... years old] , as the property of the said .............. , to which said property the said .............. has interposed his claim. !N~ow, should the said ............. . . .well and truly pay to the said ............... , plaintiff, all the damages which the jury on the trial of the right of property may assess against him, in case it should appear that said claim was made for the purpose of delay only, then this bond to be void, otherwise of force. ..................... Principal [L. S.] ..................... Security [L. S.] Executed in the presence of and approved by me, this. . . .day of ........ , 19. ... , CLAIMS 357 AFFIDAVIT iflr FORMA PAUPERIS. ^5164. Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, , the subscriber, who, being sworn, on oath says: I, , do swear that I do not interpose this claim for delay only ; that I bona fide claim the right and title to the same; that I am advised and believe that said claim will be sustained, and that from poverty I am unable to give bond and security as now required by law. Sworn to and subscribed before me this. . . . .day of ,19 Claimant. FORTHCOMING BOND. 5160. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, that we, , as principal, and , as security, are bound unto , sheriff [state name of levying officer] of said county, in the sum of. dollars, for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and adminis- trators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this ..."... day of , 19 .... The condition of this obligation is as follows : , (sheriff as aforesaid), having on the day of , 19. . . ., levied a certain fi. fa. issued from the court of said county in favor of against , upon , to which said has interposed his claim. Now should the said deliver, or cause to be delivered, said to said at the time and place of sale; provided said property levied upon shall upon the trial of the right of property be found sub- ject to said fi. fa., then this bond to be void, otherwise of force. Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Executed in the presence of and approved by me, this .... day of , 19 .... ,J.P. 358 CLAIMS FORTHCOMING BOND OF PLAINTIFF IN Fi. FA. 5165. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, that we, , as principal, and , as security, are held and bound unto , sheriff of said county, in the sum of dollars, for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated day of ,19 The condition of the above obligation is as follows : , sheriff as aforesaid, having on the day of . . , 19. . . ., levied a certain execution issued from the court of said county, in favor of said against upon , as the property of said , and having interposed his claim to said ,. ., and being unable to give a forthcoming bond for the same, and the said having elected to give the bond and receive possession of the property. Now should the said , plaintiff in execution, deliver, or cause to be delivered, said at the time and place of sale ; provided, said. . . ., shall, upon the trial of the right of property in the same, be found subject to said execution, and if not found subject, then to the said sheriff, or his successor in office, at the termination of said claim case, to be disposed of according to law, then this bond to be void, otherwise of force. Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Approved : , Sheriff. ISSUE TENDEKED. 6272. And now comes , the within mentioned plaintiff, by , his attorney, and says that the property levied upon as the property of the defendant, and claimed by the claimant, is not the property of the claimant but CLAIMS 359 is the property of said defendant, and is subject to the execution in favor of the plaintiff levied thereon. And of this he puts himself upon the country. This day of ,19 . Plaintiff's Attorney. [NOTE. "An issue must be tendered within five minutes after the announcement of ready by both parties, or the levy will be dismissed, in the discretion of the court." 6272.] ISSUE JOINED. And the claimant doth the like, and says that the property levied on is not subject to said execution. Claimant's Attorney. OATH OF JURY IN CLAIM CASES. 5169. [The following oath should be administered to the jury on the trial of the claim of property either real or personal:] In addition to the oath you have already taken you do further swear that you will give such damages, not less than ten per cent., as may seem reasonable and just, to the plaintiff against the claimant, in case it shall be sufficiently shown that such claim was made for delay only. So help you God. VERDICT. 5169. We, the jury, find the property subject. This day of., , 19 Foreman. JUDGMENT. 5169. Whereupon, it is considered and adjudged by the court that the fi. fa. proceed against the property levied upon, and that the 360 CLERK OF COURT plaintiff in fi. fa. recover of the claimant, , the sum of dollars and cents, costs in this behalf expended. Judgment signed this day of , 19. ... Plaintiff's Attorney. Judge Superior Court County. JUDGMENT WHERE DAMAGES ARE FOUND. Whereupon, it is considered and adjudged by the court here that the plaintiff in execution do recover against the claimant, . . . ., , and his security, , the sum of dollars for his damages, and the sum of dollars for his costs, in this behalf expended. Judgment signed this day of , 19 .... Plaintiff's Attorney. Abstract of title not required to bet set out by claimants. 138/862 (2-a) (76 S. E. 378). Claimant can not, upon trial of issue, amend claim by alleging that mortgagor is not indebted to mortgagee. 16 App. 382 (2) (85 S. B. 354). CLERK OF COURT. 4878-4901 (e). OATH. 4889. I do swear that I will truly and faithfully enter and record all the orders, decrees, judgments, and other proceedings of the superior court of the county of , and all other matters and things which by law ought by me to be recorded ; and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and per- form all the duties required of me, to the best of my under- standing. So help me God. Clerk of Superior Court. CLERK OF COURT 361 BOND OF CLERK. 4890. Georgia, County. We, . . . ., , as principal, and and , as securities, acknowledge ourselves held and bound to , Governor of said State for the time being, and his successors in office, in the sum of three thousand dollars, subject to the following conditions : The condition of the above obligation is such whereas, the above bound was on the day of , 19. . . ., elected clerk of the., court of said county and State : now should said faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all and singular the duties required of him by law, as clerk aforesaid, according to the trust reposed in him, then the above obligation to be void; otherwise, of force. Witness our hands and seals this day of , 19. ... i Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] , Security [L. S.] Attest : BOND OF DEPUTY CLERK. Georgia, . . . ., County. We, , as principal, and and , as securities, acknowledge ourselves held and bound to , , clerk of the court of the county aforesaid, in the sum of thousand dollars, subject to the following conditions: The condition of the above obligation is such whereas, the above bound has this day, by , clerk of the . court of the county aforesaid, been appointed deputy of the said , now, should the said faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all and singular the duties required of him by law, as the deputy clerk of the court of said county, 362 CLERK OF COURT according to the trust reposed in him, then the above obligation to be void; otherwise, of force. This. . . .day of , 19. .. Witness our hands and seals. Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] , Security [L. S.] Attest : SCIRE FACIAS TO MAKE PARTIES. Georgia, County. To all and singular the Sheriffs of said State: } Complaint returned to the term, 19 . . . . , of the court of said county. Whereas , plaintiff in the above case, died, pending said action of , and his death has been suggested of record. And whereas. has been duly appointed of the estate of said : . Therefore, you are hereby commanded to serve said with a copy hereof, and let him show cause at the next term of said court, if any he has or can, why he should not be made party defendant in said action of , and said action proceed. Witness the Honorable ,......., Judge of said court, this day of , 19. ... , Clerk. CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY OF OFFICER. Georgia, County. I, , , Clerk of ^ the Superior Court in and for said county, and keeper of the records and seals of the same (said court being a court of record), do certify that , an acting , was, at the time of taking said acknowledgement, duly elected, appointed, commissioned and qualified as such, and that he is legally authorized to take CLERK OF COURT 363 acknowledgements, and that his official acts are entitled to full faith and credit. " In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court, at this day of , 19 , Clerk. CERTIFICATE OF CLERK TO EXEMPLIFICATION OF RECORD. Georgia, County. ss. I, , clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of with the original record thereof, now remaining in this office, and the same is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of such original record, and that said court is a court of record. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court, this the day of , ,19 Clerk Superior Court County. Georgia, County. ss : I, , judge of the Superior Court of the circuit, and presiding judge of the Superior Court in said county, do hereby certify that the above attestation sub- scribed by , as clerk of said court, is sufficient and in due form of law, and that his signature thereto is genuine. Witness my hand and official signature, this the day of , 19 Judge Superior Court Circuit. Georgia, County. ss : I, , clerk of the Superior Court in and for said county, hereby certify that the above attestation of , judge of the Superior Court of the circuit, is his genuine signature, and that he is judge of said court, and said certificate is in due form of law. Given under my hand and seal of office this the day of ,19 Clerk Superior Court County. 364 CONSIDERATION CONSIDEKATION. PLEA OF TOTAL FAILURE OF CONSIDERATION. I. 4250, 4301, 5675. , 1 Complaint on note in Superior vs. r Court of County. ,.J ..Term, 19.. Now comes the defendant in the above named and stated case and for further plea and answer thereto, says : 1st. That the note sued on was given for the purchase price of a certain house and lot in the city of , in said county, (here describe the property) and for no other considera- tion, and that said note was made and given on the day of.. , 19. . . ., as alleged in said petition. 2nd. Defendant alleges that the plaintiff made to him, de- fendant, a warranty title to said property, a copy of which is hereto attached and marked "Exhibit A." 3rd. Defendant further shows that on the day of , subsequent to the said sale and without any notice previously to this defendant, and without any knowledge on his part that such lien existed, the sheriff of said county levied upon said property and sold it at sheriff's sale on the day of , 19. . . ., to satisfy an execution issued from the superior court of said county, in favor of ,. .against the defendant, and the proceeds of said sale were applied on the said execution against the said defendant. 4th. Defendant alleges that the consideration for said note sued on has wholly, utterly and entirely failed and said property has been taken away from this defendant, and this defendant pleads this total failure of consideration against said note and prays to be dismissed hence with his reasonable costs. Defendant's Attorney. Georgia, ,. . County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, , the subscriber, who, being duly sworn, on CONSIDERATION 365 oath says that the facts and things set out in the foregoing plea and answer are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of , 19 J. P. PLEA OF TOTAL FAILURE OF CONSIDERATION. II. (See 72 Ga. 66, 67.) "Defendant says the consideration for which the note for the one 6 H. P. Scofield engine was given has entirely failed, because he says plaintiffs warranted said engine to be full six horse power, and to be in good condition, in all which plaintiffs were mistaken, the engine not being full six horse power, nor was it in good condition, but was a source of annoyance and expense to defendant almost from the time he first bought it until it finally broke down entirely, and is now worthless. And of this he puts himself upon the country. And for further plea in this behalf, defendant says action on, etc., because he says the consideration of the gin note has failed, because he says the gin was represented as a good gin, when, on the contrary, the ribs of said gin were made of inferior soft metal, and wore out the first season." (The above plea was held to be substantially a plea of partial failure of consideration.) PARTIAL FAILURE OF CONSIDERATION PLEA OF. (State the 'case.) And for further answer in this behalf the defendant herein named, says : 1. That the consideration of the alleged claim and contract sued on has partially failed in this, that the defendant herein agreed and promised to pay the said plaintiff the sum of dollars for a certain horse, the price of which is the foundation of the claim sued on. 2. The defendant alleges that the plaintiff represented said horse to be sound and well, and this defendant, relying on said 366 CONSIDEBATION representation, and believing the same to be true, bought said horse of the plaintiff at and for the agreed price aforesaid. 3. Defendant alleges that at the time of said purchase said horse was, without the knowledge of this defendant, diseased in both of his eyes, by reason of which he lost the sight of one of his eyes altogether within a few days after the purchase afore- said, and the sight of the other eye became and was and is so seriously affected as practically to destroy the value of the said horse. 4. Defendant alleges that by reason of said defect said horse is not worth more than the sum of dollars. And this the defendant is ready to verify. Defendant's Attorney. (NOTE: If suit is in superior court on note, this plea must be verified.) ILLEGALITY OF CONSIDEBATION, PLEA SETTING UP. 4286. I Suit on note in Superior Court, Term, 19 Now comes the defendant in the above named and stated case and not waiving his demurrer hereinbefore filed, answering said petition for answer, says: 1st. The consideration of the note sued on was for the pur- chase of gallons of whiskey, amounting in the aggregate to $ , for which said note was given on the day of , 19 . . . . , in the city of Atlanta, and for no other consideration, and this defendant alleges that said sale was illegal, unlawful and contrary to law, the said note having been given since the passage of the Prohibition Act by the Legislature of Georgia, approved the day of , 19. . . ., and this defendant pleads said illegality of considera- tion as against said note sued on, and prays to be dismissed hr-nce with his reasonable costs. Attorney for Defendant. Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, CONSTABLES 367 , the subscriber, who being duly sworn, on oath says that the facts and things set out in the foregoing petition, are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 J. P. Allegation of consideration necessary in suit on executory simple con- tract; must be alleged with reasonable explicitness. 145/461, 470 (89 S. B'. 581). Allegation that agreement was "valid and binding" not sufficient to show consideration. 16 App. 448 (1-a) (85 S. E. 613). Failure of consideration. Plea here failing to aver that plaintiff pur- chased note with notice of failure of consideration properly stricken on demurrer. 145/494 (1) (89 S. E. 613). Plea of total failure includes plea of partial failure. 17 App. 535 (2) (87 S. E. 825). Mere allegation that note is wholly without consideration amounts to nothing more than plea of general issue, and is too vague and indefinite to constitute proper plea. 18 App. 45 (2) (88 S. E. 825). Illegality of consideration not proper matter for demurrer unless the illegality thereof affirmatively appears in instrument, or from alle- gations of petition. 16 App. 432, 435 (85 S. E. 622). Want of consideration not proper matter for demurrer unless the ille- gality thereof affirmatively appears in instrument, or from allega- tions of petition. 16 App. 432, 435 (85 S. E. 622). Plea here sufficiently charged, in absence of special demurrer, that note was without consideration. 13 App. 392, 393 (6) (79 S. EL 237). Plea admitting that part of services for which note was given and cash consideration paid were in fact rendered by plaintiffs failed to show entire absence of consideration; necessary to allege that services were entirely worthless. 16 App. 297 (85 S. E. 205). CONSTABLES. 4680-4697. BOND OF CONSTABLE. 4691-4693. Georgia, County. We, , as principal, and and , as sureties, acknowledge ourselves held and bound unto , Ordinary of said county, and his successors in office, in the sum of five hundred dollars*, for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, and oach of us for himself and family hereby waives and renounces all rights 368 CONSTABLES to homestead or exemption under the Constitution or laws of this State, as against this obligation. The condition of this bond is such, that if the said principal obligor shall faithfully discharge the duties of his said office as constable of said county to which office he was, to wit, on the day of , 19. . . ., duly elected (or appointed), during the time of his continuance in office, as required by law, then this bond to be void, else of force. Witness our hands and seals this day of , 19 ... Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Executed in presence of Filed in office, examined and approved this. day of , 19 [*NOTE. $200.00 for constables outside of incorporated towns. 4691.] Bond payable to commissioners of roads and revenues of Fulton County was made to proper payees. 141/345, 346 (80 S. E. 1001). OATH OF CONSTABLE. 4689. Georgia, County. I, , do swear that I will duly and faithfully perform all the duties required of me as constable of the county of according to the best of my ability and under- standing. I do further swear that I am not the holder of any public money due this State, unaccounted for; that I am not the holder of any office of trust under the government of the United States, nor of either of the several States, nor of any foreign State; and that I am otherwise qualified to hold said office according to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of Georgia; that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of this State. So help me God. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 , Ordinary. CONSTABLES 369 SERVICE BY CONSTABLE. Served the defendant, , personally with a copy of the within summons. This day of , 19 ... , , L. C. Served the defendant, ,.' , by leaving a copy of the within at his usual and most notorious place of abode. This day of ,19 , L. C. ENTRY OF NULLA BONA. Due search made and no property found upon which to levy the within fi. fa. This day of , 19 ' , L. C. ENTRY OF CONSTABLE BEFORE LEVYING ON LAND. Due search made and no personal property found sufficient to satisfy the within execution. This day of , 19 , L. C. LEVY BY CONSTABLE ON LAND WHERE THERE Is No PERSONAL PROPERTY. Georgia, County. There being no personal property of the defendant to be found in this county sufficient to satisfy this fi. fa., I have this day levied the same on [describe the land levied on], as the property of defendant, and given ,. ., the person in possession, written notice of said levy as required by law. This day of , 19 , Constable. [NOTE. After making the levy on land, the constable must turn over the fi. fa. and notice to the sheriff, for further procedure.] 370 CONSTABLES NOTICE OF LEVY. Georgia, . . . . County. To : YQ.U are hereby notified that I have this day levied a fi. fa. issued from the justice's court, of the district, G. M., of said county, in favor of against , on [describe the land as in the entry of levy], as the property of the defendant, and have turned over the fi. fa. and notice to the sheriff of said county, and said land will be by him sold at the time and place required by law. This., day of , 19 , Constable. [NOTE. The person in possession of the land levied on, must be served with the above notice within five days after the levy is made.] LEVY ON SHAKES OF STOCK. 6035, 6036. Levied the within fi. fa. upon shares of the capital stock of the , as the property of the defendant, and notice of the same given to , president. "Property pointed out by plaintiff (or plaintiff's attorney)." This day of , 19 , L. C. [NOTE. All entries of levies upon property, both real and personal, should particularly describe it, and show that it was levied on as the property of defendant.] CONSTABLE'S SALE. Georgia, County. Will be sold on the day of. . , 19. . . ., between the usual hours of sale, at., , the regular place of holding the justice court in and for the district, G. M., of said county, the following described property, to wit : levied on as the property of. . . ., to satisfy a issued from the justice's court aforesaid, in favor of This day of ,19 , L. C. CONSTABLES 371 COSTS AND FEES OF CONSTABLE. 6004-6006. (See Costs and Fees, post, p. 384.) RULE AGAINST CONSTABLES. 4657, 5354. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of said County : brings this 1 petition against , a lawful constable of ,. .district, G. M., of said county, and alleges the following facts: , 1 is a lawful constable of district, G. M., of said county, and was such on the day of .-, 10.-.. 2. On said day of , , 19. . . ., a certain fi. fa. in favor of vs for dollars principal, dollars interest, and., dollars cost of suit, lately issued from was placed in the hands of the said , as constable as aforesaid, for the purpose of levying the same, and collecting the money due thereon, and said fi. fa. has ever since continuously been in the hands of said constable. 3. That on the day of , 19 , the said , received and collected in his official capacity as constable the sum of dollars, being the principal, interest and costs due on said fi. fa. 4. That said , constable as aforesaid, has hitherto wholly neglected and refused to pay over to petitioner or his attorney, the sum so collected as aforesaid. 5. That on the day of , 19. . . ., peti- tioner's attorney made formal and legal demand in writing upon the said , constable, to pay over the money so collected by him in his official capacity as aforesaid and to which your petitioner was lawfully entitled, but the said refused to pay over the same, or any part thereof, and still doth refuse and neglect to do so. Wherefore, petitioner prays a rule nisi directed to the said requiring him to show cause, if any he has, why he should not pay petitioner the money due on said fi. fa., or why in default thereof he should not be attached for contempt. Petitioner's Attorney. 372 CONSTABLES DEMAND. 5343. Georgia, County. To , Constable of the District, G. M. : I hereby make demand upon yon for the money collected by you upon a certain fi. fa. in my favor against for dollars principal, . . . dollars interest, and dollars costs, issued from the term, 19 . . . . , of the court of said county, or else take notice that I shall claim of you twenty per cent, per annum thereon from this date, until so paid, and pray an attachment for con- tempt to issue against you as provided by law. This day of , 19 AFFIDAVIT AS TO SERVICE. 5344. Georgia, County. Personally comes. . .1 , who, being duly sworn, deposes and says that at. . . ., in said county, on the day of , 19 . . . . , he did personally serve , constable of the district, G. M., of said county, with a written demand of which the foregoing is a copy. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ..... .day of , 19 EULE NISI. 5346. The foregoing petition against , constable of the , district, G. M'., of said county, read and considered. Ordered that the said show cause as prayed before the Superior Court of said county on the day of , 19 Let a copy of said petition and of this order be served upon said forthwith. This day of , 19.... , J. S. C.. ..C. CONSTABLES 373 RULE ABSOLUTE. 5347. I Rule. In Superior Court, term, 19 The defendant in the above stated case, having been duly served with a copy of the petition filed in this case and of the rule nisi thereon, and having failed to show cause as required, ordered that the said rule be made absolute, and that he pay to the plaintiff instanter the amount due on said fi. fa., to wit, dollars, and that on failure to do so he be subject to execution or an attachment for contempt as provided by law. This day of , 19 , J. S. C.. ..C. [NOTE. A constable may be ruled by the judges of the Superior Courts, ordinaries, and justices of the peace, upon application, either in term time or vacation, as provided in 5346.] ATTACHMENT FOR CONTEMPT. 5350. Georgia, . . . ., County. To the Sheriff of said County and his Lawful Deputies: A rule absolute having at the term, 19. . . ., of the court of said county, held on the day of , 19 . . . . , been granted against , constable of the district, G. M., of said county, requiring him to pay over (instanter) to or his attorney, the sum of dollars, principal, the sum of dollars, interest to the date of said rule, and the further sum of dollars, costs, or in default that he be attached, and he having made default: These are, therefore, to command you to arrest the body of said constable as aforesaid, and commit him to the jail of said county, there to be confined and safely kept, without bail, until he purge himself of the contempt aforesaid, by paying over the aforesaid sums of money (with twenty per cent, interest thereon) to the said . . .or his lawful attorney. Witness the , judge of said court. This the day of ,19 , Clerk. 374 CONTINUANCE CONTINUANCE. 5710-5727. AFFIDAVIT TO CONTINUE ON ACCOUNT OF ABSENCE OF WITNESS. In order that there may be no mistake as to the facts, it is sometimes better to make a motion for a continuance by pre- senting the facts in an affidavit. In such case, the following may be used as a form : Georgia, County. JOHN DOE \ Complaint on note in Superior vs. f Court. RICHARD ROE J Term, 19 .... Before me, the undersigned attesting officer, personally came Richard Roe, who, being duly sworn, on oath says, that he is the defendant in the above named and stated case, and that he is not ready for trial therein on account of the absence of William Jones, who resides in said county and who has been subpo3naed ; that he expects to prove by said witness that on the day of , 19 . . . . , before the filing of said suit, he paid to the plaintiff, John Doe, on said note the sum of fifty ($50.00) dollars in cash, and that no other person was present at the time of said payment except plaintiff and defendant and the said William Jones, and affiant has no other witness by whom he can show this fact, and that he has pleaded this payment as a credit on said note, and that said evidence is material; that said witness is not absent by the permission, directly or indirectly, of affiant; affiant expects to obtain the testimony of said witness at the next term of this court, and that this application is not made for the purpose of delay, but for the purpose of enabling affiant to obtain the testimony of said absent witness, and affiant makes this affidavit for the pur- pose of making a showing for a continuance in said case. RICHARD ROE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 J. P. CONTINUANCE 375 AFFIDAVIT FOR CONTINUANCE ON ACCOUNT OF ILLNESS OF COUNSEL. (State the case.) Before me, the undersigned attesting officer, personally came Richard Roe, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that he is not ready for trial in the above named and stated case, on account of the absence of , who is his leading counsel in said case ; that said is at this time suffering from an attack of pneumonia and is unable to attend this court at this term, and affiant says that he can not go safely to trial without the service of said absent counsel and he expects the services of his said counsel at the next term of this court, and affiant further says that this application for continuance is not made for the purpose of delay only. RICHARD ROE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 J. P. AFFIDAVIT FOR CONTINUANCE ON ACCOUNT OF THE ILLNESS OF THE PARTY. (State the case as above.) Before me, the undersigned attesting officer, personally came , who, being duly sworn, on oath says that he is a practising physician and as such has been in attendance upon Richard Roe for the last ten days ; that he saw Richard Roe this morning and that at this time said Richard Roe is confined to his bed with an attack of pneumonia and is unable on account of his condition to attend court, and will be unable to attend court for the next fifteen days; affiant makes this affidavit to be used on a showing for continuance in the above named and stated case. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the. . . .dav of.. 19. . J. P. (NOTE: In addition to this affidavit, counsel for defendant must state in his place: "I state in my place that I am attorney for Richard Roe, 376 CONTRACTORS the defendant in the case of John Doe vs. Richard Roe, complaint pending in this court, and the defendant is sick and unable to attend court, as is shown by the affidavit of Dr herewith pre- sented, and I, as attorney for Richard Roe, can not go safely to trial in said case without the presence of Richard Roe, the defendant." Where an affidavit is made for the purpose of continuance, it does not deprive the other side of the right to swear and cross-examine the party making the affidavit on oath as to the facts set forth in the affidavit if he is present in court.) CONTRACTORS. MECHANIC'S CLAIM OF LIEN ON REAL ESTATE. 3353. Georgia, County. The undersigned, , a mechanic, claims a ^ien upon a certain building and the real estate connected there- with, said house and premises heing' described as follows: (de- scribe house and premises), and owned by , and situated in said county. Said lien is claimed for carpenter's work done by the undersigned upon said building. The amount for which the undersigned claims this lien is $ And now, within three months since the completion of the work, the undersigned asserts his lien therefor and records the same in the office of the clerk of the superior court of the county where said property is situated, as aforesaid, pursuant to law. PETITION TO FORECLOSE LIEN ON REAL ESTATE. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of Said County: as, plaintiff, brings this complaint against . . . , as defendant,, and alleges : 1. Defendant is a resident of said county. 2. On the day of ,. ., 19 , plaintiff, in consideration of dollars, to be paid to him by defendant, upon the completion of the contract, contracted with the defendant (for building, repairing, or improving, or for materials or machinery put up or furnished, as the case may be), upon certain real estate in said county belonging to de- CONTRACTS 377 fondant, a copy of which contract is hereto attached and marked "Exhibit A," as a part of this petition. Said building and real estate may be described as follows: 3. Plaintiff substantially complied with his said contract, as above set forth, and finally completed the same on the day of , 19 . . . . , whereupon said sum of dollars became due and payable. 4. Plaintiff claims a lien upon said real estate for said sum of dollars, and shows that within three months from the completion of his said contract aforesaid, he recorded his claim of lien upon said real estate, as required by .law, in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of . . . county, a copy of which is attached hereto and marked "Exhibit B," as part of this petition. 5. And now, within twelve months after his said claim aforesaid became due, plaintiff brings this action for the amount thereof. Wherefore he prays: (1) A general judgment against defendant for the amount of his said debt aforesaid; (2) and a special judgment against said real estate setting up said lien for the amount of his said debt. (3) (Add the usual prayer for process.) Petitioner's Attorney. CONTRACTS. 4216-4402. (NOTK: Every contract that is worth making should be put in writing and made in duplicate so that each party can have a copy of it. This prevents any misunderstanding or dispute as to its terms.) GENERAL FORM OF CONTRACT. Georgia, ,. .County. This contract, made and entered into this day of , 19 . . . . , between , party of the fir.- 1 |>arl, and , party of the second part, both parties of said State and county, witnesseth : 378 - CONTRACTS That the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of $ (here set out exactly what the party of the first part undertakes to do). And the said party of the second part hereby agrees as follows : (Here set out what the other party undertakes and agrees to do.) This contract and agreement is made in duplicate, and each duplicate, it is agreed, shall be original evidence of the contract. In witness whereof said parties have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals, the day and year first above written. '. (L. S.) (L. S.) (NOTE: In a contract of this kind, where there can be no dispute as to the signature, it is more convenient not to have any witness, for the reason that if it is to be put in evidence, it would have to be proved by the witness, whereas one of the parties to it could prove the execution independent of a witness: However, if the contract is im- portant, the safe rule would be to have it executed in the presence of a justice of the peace or notary public.) SIIOET FORM OF CONTRACT. Georgia, County. This contract made this the ..... day of , 19 . . . . , between and , is as follows : (Here state fully the contract and agreement made. It had better be too full than not to be full enough. The main rule is, to set out the facts as to what is agreed to by each party.) This* contract is made in duplicate and each duplicate it is agreed shall be original evidence of the contract. In witness whereof said parties have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first above written. (L. S.) (L. S.) Plea of non est factum must be verified. 142/48, 49 (3-a) (82 S. E. 441). Attorney of defendant who does not reside in county may make oath to plea of non est factum to best of his knowledge and belief. 143/396 (84 S. E'. 965); 17 App. 126 (1) (86 S. E. 455). Execution of instrument sued on need not be proved, unless denied by plea of non est factum. 17 App. 648 (4) (87 S. E. 1090). CORPORATIONS COSTS AND FEES 379 CORPORATIONS. CHARTERS. (See ante, pp. 344-355.) PLEA OF NUL TIEL CORPORATION. (State the case.) And now comes the defendant in the above stated case, and for plea says : 1. That said case is proceeding in the name of , and that there was not at the commencement of this action, nor is there now any such corporation as the , named as plaintiff in the petition. 2. Defendant avers that plaintiff was not a de facto corpora- tion, nor did the persons claiming to compose the alleged cor- poration, at the commencement of this action, nor at any of the times named in plaintiff's petition claim in good faith to be a corporation. Wherefore, defendant prays judgment of the said action, and that the same be dismissed. And of this he puts himself upon the country. Paper purporting to be charter of alleged corporation and attached to defendant's plea can not be considered as proof of incorporation, unless tendered in evidence and admitted for that purpose. 18 App. 128 (1) (88 S. E. 921). COSTS AND FEES. 5980-6017 (c). FEES OF CLERKS OF SUPERIOR COURT. 5995. 5995. (5397). The clerks of the superior courts of this State shall be entitled to charge and collect the following fees for official duties performed by them, to wit: For filing and 1 docketing suit $2 00 For copying and issuing process , 2 00 380 COSTS AND FEES For each copy after first copy $ 50 For entering verdict or judgment on minutes 2 00 For filing all pleas in any case 50 For recording proceedings in civil cases, per hundred words 15 For issuing fi. fa , 50 For entering fi. fa. on execution docket 25 For each subprena issued , 15 For writ of partition of land and recording proceedings in the case , 5 00 For exemplification of record, per hundred words 15 For recording articles of partnership under law regulat- ing limited partnership 5 00 For recording incorporation of joint-stock or any other incorporated company ,. 5 00 For proceeding to forfeit charter . 10 00 For furnishing and certifying any process, order, etc., for publication 1 00 For recording liens and mortgages and deeds, per hun- dred words 15 For trials of nuisances and recording proceedings 5 00 For issuing commissions to examine witness 1 00 For recording any instrument or writing not specified, per one hundred words , 15 For recording each homestead of personalty, per one hun- dred words 15 For recording each petition of realty and personalty, per one hundred words , 15 For recording plat of homestead 1 00 For each certificate of record of homestead 50 For every foreclosure of mortgage on personalty, whole service , 3 00 For every foreclosure of mortgage on realty, whole service 6 00 For every claim case 3 00 For every illegality case ,. . 3 00 For every certiorari case (covers all services, 117/519; 43 S. E. 850) 3 00 For docketing each motion 50 For recording motions, per hundred words 15 For every rule versus sheriff or other officer, whole service 3 00 For every appeal case, whole service ,,,,,..,,, 3 00 COSTS AND FEES 381 For every appeal case, settled before verdict $1 50 For recording and copying proceedings in equitable pro- ceedings and bills of exceptions to the Supreme Court, per one hundred words 15 For issuing writ of injunction in equity 3 00 For entering remittitur from Supreme Court 1 00 For certificate and seal, each 50 For scire facias to make parties , , 1 50 For each copy 1 00 For recording order on minutes, each 75 For issuing jury scrip, each 10 For inspection of books, when their aid is required 25 For each day's service in attending upon the court 3 00 For change of name, recording proceedings 5 00 For examination of record and abstract of result 1 50 For declaration of intention to become a citizen of the United States , 2 50 .For recording and taking oath to become a citizen, upon minutes, including certificate of naturalization .... 2 50 FEES OF SHERIFF. 5997. "5997. (5401). The sheriffs of this State shall be entitled to charge and collect the following fees for official duties per- formed by them, to wit : For serving copy of a process and returning original, per copy $2 00 If suit for another county, to be paid in advance ... 2 00 For summoning each witness , 50 For summoning jury and attending trial to assess dam- ages for right of way. . ., 5 00 For service in every case before a jury 1 25 For each levy on fi. fa 2 00 For search and return of nulla bona 1 00 For serving summons of garnishment, or rule against garnishee < 1 00 If more than one, for each additional copy 1 00 For summoning jury to try case of nuisance. . . ....;.. 3 50 For summoning juries at each term of Superior Court. .10 00 382 COSTS AND FEES For commissions on sales of property, on sums of fifty dollars or less, 5 per cent. On excess above fifty dollars up to five hundred and fifty dollars, 2^ per cent. For all sums exceeding five hundred and fifty dollars, on excess, l 1 /^ per cent. No commission shall be charged unless property is actually sold. For making out and executing titles to land $3 50 If presented by purchaser 1 00 For executing bill of sale to personal property, when de- manded by purchaser , 1 00 For forthcoming bonds 1 00 For executing process against tenant holding over, or in- truder upon land to dispossess him 3 50 For taking and returning counter-affidavit when summary process to dispossess tenant or intruder is resisted . . 2 00 For settling each execution in his hands, settled without sale 2 00 For settling execution from justice's court 1 00 For keeping a horse or mule, per day , 50 For keeping each head of cattle, per day 15 For keeping each head of sheep, hogs, or goats, per day. 05 For levying an attachment 2 00 For following property out of county with attachment, for every mile going and returning. ...,.., 05 For attendance on superior courts, not to exceed twenty days per annum, per day (112/132 ; 37 S. E. 120) . 5 00 For each day more than twenty 2 00 For attendance on courts of ordinary, per day 2 00 For attendance at elections as required by law, per day ..200 The per diem for attendance on courts and elections, and service in summoning jurors, shall be paid by the county." FEES OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE AND NOTARIES PUBLIC, WHO ABE Ex-OrFicio JUSTICES. 6002. "6002. (5403.) Fees of justices of the peace, etc. The following shall be the fees for justices of the peace, and notaries public : For each original summons $ 35 For affidavit and bond to obtain attachment, and issuing the attachment . 1 70 COSTS AND FEES 383 For entering up judgment in each case $ 35 For trial of case when same is litigated. . . ., 35 For issuing each execution 35 For affidavit to obtain possessory warrant and making out the same 1 25 For trying same 2 00 For making out interrogatories and certifying same. ... 1 25 For making out recognizance and returning same to court 35 For each subpoena for witness 15 For each search warrant issued 75 For each affidavit when there is no case pending 30 For answering every writ of certiorari to superior court . 50 For presiding at a trial of forcible entry or detainer, or both, each trial 1 00 For presiding at a trial for right of way 1 00 For issuing a rule to establish lost papers. 35 For trying the same 35 For presiding at trial of nuisance 1 00 For witnessing any paper 25 For affidavit and bond to obtain garnishment 75 For issuing summons of garnishment 30 For each additional copy of garnishment 10 For settling cases before judgment 25 For claim affidavit and bond 50 For trying same , 35 For certifying transcript, same fee as clerk. For entering an appeal to the superior court 50 For each distress warrant 75 For taking testimony in criminal cases 1 25 For issuing order to sell perishable property 25 For each lien foreclosed and placed on docket 1 00 For entering appeal 30 For drawing jury and making out list 30 For each case tried by said jury 30 For issuing commissions to take interrogatories 50 For bail-trover affidavit, summons and trial 1 25 For backing fi. fa 35 For rule nisi vs. officer 35 For trying the same 35 For judgment on same 35 384 COSTS AND FEES For attachment for contempt against officer of court for failure to comply with any lawful order or process of the court $ 50 For issuing warrant to dispossess intruders or tenants holding over 1 75" FEES OF CONSTABLES. 6004. "6004. ( 5404. ) The fees of constables shall be as follows : For serving a warrant, or attachment $ 50 For serving each additional copy 30 For copying and serving each original summons 35 For summoning each witness 30 For attending court, for each judgment rendered by a justice of the peace or notary public 35 For attending each trial on a day different from regular court day 35 For levying fi. fa. and advertising 35 For settlement of fi. fa. when property is sold 30 For return of nulla bona 30 For summoning jury in inquest 1 00 For collecting execution issued by coroner 75 For keeping a horse, mule, ass, or ox per day 50 For each head of neat cattle, per day 15 For each head of sheep, goats or hogs, per day 05 For all sales made by him, amount on sales 6*4 For attending grand jury, per day 1 00 For serving warrant in criminal cases 1 25 For keeping and maintaining prisoner before examination not exceeding twenty-four hours 75 For serving rule to establish lost papers 35 For every additional copy 30 For following property with attachment out of county, going and returning, per mile 05 For levying each distress warrant 50 For taking bond in civil cases 50 For taking bond in criminal cases 1 00 For executing search warrant 75 For serving garnishee 35 For each additional copy 25 DECLARATIONS OR PETITIONS 385 For summoning jury $ ~ 50 For attending trial on appeal 30 For executing warrants against intruders or tenants hold- ing over 1 25" JUDGMENT FOR COSTS. vs. Court, Term, 19 The above case having been .... .by the . . .in said case, it is ordered and adjudged by the court that the do have and recover of and from the ,. .for use of officers of court, the sum of dollars, for costs in said case. Judge , DECLARATIONS OR PETITIONS. COMMENCEMENT OF PETITIONS. INFANT SUING BY NEXT FRIEND. , , as next friend of , an infant under twenty-one years of age, as plaintiff, brings this suit against the Company, a corporation of said State and county, as defendant, and respectfully shows: 1. That 2. That . PARTNERS SUING PARTNERS. and , partners trading under the name of & , as plaintiffs, bring this suit against and 386 DECLARATIONS oft PETITIONS , of said county, doing business under the 1 name of i & .. ^ ...... . , as defendants^ and show to the court: 1. That .;,.....;.;,....;...., v .;....:.; 2i Tnat .,;>.-.... k , . . k , as executor of the estate of . . . . , , deceased, as plaintiff, brings this suit against , of said county, as defendant, and shows to the court: 1. That 2. That . SUIT OF ADMINISTRATOR WITH WILL, ANNEXED. , as administrator, with the will of ., , deceased, annexed, of all and singular the goods and chattels of the said , deceased, as plaintiff, brings this his petition against , of said county, as defendant, and respectfully shows to the court: 1. That 2. That . SUIT BY ASSIGNEE OF CHOSE IN ACTION. , suing for the use of , assignee, plaintiff, brings this his petition against , of said county, as defendant, and shows to the court : 1. That 2. That . SUIT BY GUARDIAN. ,. ., as guardian of , as plaintiff, brings this his petition against '. , of said county, as defendant, and shows to the court: 1. That 2. That . DECLARATIONS OR PETITIONS 387 SUIT BY RECEIVER, 1 , plaintiff, was on the day of , 19. . . ., appointed temporary receiver of the Company, a corporation organized under the laws of said State, and having a place of business in said county, and he now has in his possession, custody and control the assets of said corporation. SUIT AGAINST RAILROAD- COMPANY. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of said County: , as plaintiff, brings this his complaint against the Southern Railway, as defendant, and shows to the court : 1. That said Southern Railway is a railroad corporation, and owning and operating a line of railroad running through said county, and has an agent and office for the purpose of transacting business in said county. 2. That defendant has injured and damaged plaintiff in the sum of dollars by reason of the following facts, to wit: 3. That 4. That Wherefore, plaintiff prays that process issue directed to said Southern Railway requiring it to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county, then and there to answer petitioner's complaint. Petitioner's Attorney. DOMESTIC CORPORATION SUED. shows that is a corpora- .tion organized under the laws of said State, and having its principal office and place of business in said county of Amendment. Where plaintiff was designated as "Farmers & Merchants of B." petition was amendable by inserting the word "Bank," so as to make it read "Farmers & Merchants Bank of B." 145/163 (88 S. E. 973). 388 DECREES DEEDS Caption. It Is generally recognized that petition must contain title or caption (the terms being synonymous), and that the title or caption shall include the name of the court in which the case is to be tried, the county in which the action is brought, and the name of the parties. The caption is a part of the petition. 18 App. 190, 191 (89 S. E. 169), 281 (89 S. E. 344). City court. Amendment here inserting words "of Sparta" in first line of petition, so that it should read, "To the city court of Sparta, of said county," was not error. 18 App. 317 (1) (89 S. E. 344). Demurrer, petition to be subject to, must be entirely lifeless. 16 App. 813 (1) (86 S. E. 455). Special demurrer goes to structure merely, and it must distinctly and particularly specify wherein defect lies. 18 App. 159 (88 S. E. 995). Description of party. As against appropriate demurrer, suit brought in name which imports neither natural person nor corporation, nor partnership, is mere nullity. 14 App. 106 (1) (80 S. E. 294); 18 App. 533 (89 S. E. 1054). See 15 App. 142 (4) (82 S. E. 784). Dismissal. Where petition shows on its face that no legal judgment can be rendered thereon, motion to dismiss it may be entertained at any time before verdict. 17 App. 59 (1) (86 S. E. 272). Form of action. Not necessary that plaintiff, in his petition, classify his form of action. 14 App. 147, 149 (80 S. E. 519). Knowledge and belief. Allegation of certain material facts as true "to the best of the plaintiff's knowledge and belief" is not proper allegation in common-law pleading. 143/762, 763 (4) (85 S. E. 922). Paragraphs. Petition not paragraphed would evidence such disregard of requirements of law that same should be dismissed on motion. Petition which makes paragraph of every sentence, without refer- ence to substance, would also evidence such disregard of spirit of law that it should be dismissed. True course lies between these two extremes. 119/667 (46 S. E. 853); 18 App. 618 (1) (90 S. E. 88). Signature. Where petition is unsigned, defect may be cured by amend- ment. 141/493, 495 (81 S. E. 223). DECREES. (See Judgments and Decrees, post.) DEEDS. 4179-4215. ATTESTATION OF DOMESTIC DEED. 'Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of" Notary Public, county of.,. State of. . DEEDS 389 ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY MAKER OF EXECUTION OF DEED. Georgia, County. Personally came before me, the undersigned attesting officer, , the subscriber, who being duly sworn, on oath says that he is the maker of the foregoing and hereto attached deed, that he made and executed the same at the time and place as it purports, and that and then and there signed said deed as witnesses, and affiant delivered said deed at said time to the grantee as recited in the attestation. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the.. ..dav of.. , 19.. J. P. Attorney at law prosecuting to judgment suit upon note, payment of which is secured by conveyance by debtor, does not thereby become incompetent as attesting witness to deed executed in pursuance of statute and reconveying to debtor property for purpose of levy and sale under such judgment and execution based thereon. 141/329 (80 S. E. 996). Where person in individual capacity was one of two grantors, and in capacity as trustee of church was one of the grantees, his attestation as justice of the peace of such deed, along with unofficial witness, was not sufficient to authorize deed to be recorded. 144/845 (1) (88 S. E. 199). Although deed may not be properly attested or probated to authorize its record, nevertheless this will not prevent it from conveying title as against grantor and his heirs. 145/215 (1) (88 S. E 1 . 947). Attestation is requisite to prepare deed for record, but deed without witnesses is good as con- veyance between the parties. 91/577 (3) (18 S. E. 830); 87/85 (13 S. E. 216); 104/230 (30 S. E. 802). CERTIFICATE or CLERK TO NOTARY'S AUTHORITY. (Deed executed out of State.) State of , County of . . I, , clerk of the .court in and for said county, and under which the notary hereinafter named holds his appointment, (or, I, . .- , the Secretary of State of State or Territory, where the notary 390 DEEDS holds his appointment under the Governor) do hereby certify that ., by and before whom the foregoing acknowledgment was taken, was at the time of taking the same, a notary public in and for the county of , State aforesaid, regularly commissioned and authorized by law to attest deeds and take acknowledgments thereof. Witness my hand and official seal this day of , 19.... Clerk Court County, [Clerk's Seal] State of CEKTIFICATE OF CLEKK TO XOTARY'S AUTHORITY. (Notarial act in State.) State of , County of I, , clerk of the court for the county of . . . ., , State of , said court being a court of record, do hereby certify that the above signature, purporting to be the signature of , a notary public in and for the county of , State of , is the true and genuine signature of the said , and at the time of the attestation of the foregoing deed by him. he was a notary public for said State and County, authorized to attest deeds. Clerk, Court, County. [NOTE. Where the official witness attesting the deed is a judge of a court of record his official character should appear under his name, and the clerk of the court of which he is judge fehould attach his certificate and the seal of such court, of the genuineness of the signature of such judge. In which case the form of the clerk's certificate should be as follows:] CLERK'S CERTIFICATE TO SIGNATURE OF JUDGE. State of , County of I, , clerk of the court, for the county pf , State of , said court being a court of record, do hereby certify that the above signature, DEEDS 391 purporting to be the signature of , a judge of the mun afoi'oaid, is the true and genuine signature of the said , and that he is judge of said court. Witness my hand and official seal. . . .day of 19. ... Clerk of the., Court of [Clerk's Seal] County, State of PROBATE OF WITNESS. Georgia, County.. Personally before the undersigned, a justice of the peace in and for said county, came , who on^oath says, that lie saw sigflj seal and deliver the within deed, for the purpose therein mentioned, that deponent sub- scribed the same as a witness in presence of said , and he saw said do so likewise. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 POWER OF ATTORNEY TO EXECUTE DEED. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents that I, , of the said State and county, for divers good causes and considera- tions me hereunto moving, have made, ordained and appointed, and by these presents do make, ordain and appoint , of said State and county, my true and lawful attorney ; for me and in my name and for my own proper use and benefit, to [here state fully and particularly the object for which the power of attorney was made]. And to have, use and take, all lawful ways and means, in my name, or otherwise, that may be found necessary or proper, in the execution of this power of attorney. To do all the lawful acts and things whatsoever, concerning the premises, as fully in every respect as I myself might or could do were I personally present at the doing thereof; hereby ratify- ing and confirming, and, by these presents, allowing whatsoever 392 DEEDS my said attorney shall, in my name, lawfully do or cause to be done, in and about the premises, by virtue of these presents. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, this day of , 19 .... [L.S.] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of (NOTE: When a deed of conveyance of realty is executed under a power of attorney, the attorney should sign thus: By.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. .''.'.'.'.'.'''.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'....' .'.'..[L. S.] (His attorney in fact.) The power of attorney should be attached to the deed and recorded with it.) WABRANTY DEED. I. (4193-4197. Georgia, County. This indenture, made this day of , 19. . ., between , of the county of , of the first part, and , of the county of , of the second part, Witnesseth, That the said part. . of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of dollars, in hand paid, at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha. . granted, bar- gained, sold, and conveyed, and by these presents do. . grant, bargain, sell, and convey, unto the said part. . of the second part, heirs and assigns, all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of , State of To have and to hold the said bargained premises, together with all and singular the rights, members and appurtenances thereof, to the same being, belonging or in anywise appertaining to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said part. . of the second part, heirs, executors and administrators in fee simple. And the said part. . of the first, heirs, executors and administrators, the said bargained premises unto the said part. . of the second part heirs, executors, administrators and DEEDS 393 assigns, against said part. . of the first part, heirs, executors and administrators, and all and every other person or persons shall and will warrant and forever defend by virtue of these presents. In witness whereof, The said part . . of the first part ha ... hereunto set hand . . and affixed seal, the day and year first above written. [SEAT.] [SEAT.] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of WARRANTY DEED. II. Georgia, County. This indenture, made this day of in the year of our Lord, one thousand, nine hundred and , between , of the county of , State of ? of the first part, and , of the county of , State of , of the second part, witnesseth : That the said part . . of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of dollars in hand paid at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha. . granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents do. . grant, bargain, sell, alien, convey and confirm unto the said part . . of tlifi second part, heirs and assigns, all that tract or parcel of land, situated, lying and being in (The important thing in the drawing of a deed is to fully and particularly describe the land conveyed, so as to identify it, and so that any one may take the deed and go and locate the land from the description therein.) To have and to hold the said bargained premises, with all and singular the rights, members and appurtenances thereof to the same being, belonging, or in anywise appertaining, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said part. . of the second part, heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, in fee simple; and the said part. . of the first part for heirs, executors and administrators, the said bargained premises, 394 DEEDS unto the said part. . of the second part, heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, against the part. . of the first part, / heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and all and every other person or persons, whatsoever, shall and will warrant and forever defend by virtue of these presents. In witness whereof, the said part. . of the first part, ha. . hereunto set hand. ., affixed seal. ., and delivered these presents the day and year first above written. (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: QUIT CLAIM DEED. Georgia, County. This indenture, made this day of , 19. . . ., between of- the county of , of the first part, and , of the county of , of the second part : Witnesseth, That the said of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of dollars, in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha. . bargained, sold, and by these presents do. . remise, release and forever quit claim to the said , heirs and assigns, all the right, title, interest, claim or demand the said has or may have had in and to [describe the land] With all the rights, members and appurtenances to the said in any wise appertaining or belonging. To have and to hold the said to the said so that neither the said nor heirs, nor any other person or persons claiming under , shall at any time, by any means, or ways, have, claim or demand any right or title to the aforesaid , or its appurtenances, or any rights thereof. DEEDS 395 In 1 witness whereof, the said ha . . hereunto set hand . . and affixed seal, on the day and year first above written. [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of DEED OF GIFT. Georgia, County. This indenture made this day of , 19. . . . , between and , ooth of the County and State aforesaid. Witnesses that the said for and in considera- tion of the sum of five dollars and of the natural love and affection has for (his son) said hereby gives, grants and conveys to the said heirs and assigns, the following property, to wit: in said county, together with all the rights and privileges there- unto belonging forever, in fee simple. In witness whereof the said hereunto set hand and seal, the day and year above written. ...: ' EL. s.] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: ,J.P. EXECUTOR'S DEED UNDER PUBLIC SALE. I. Georgia, County. Pursuant to the last will and testament of , late of said county, deceased, after public notice made in the newspaper, published in the city of ; on the first Tuesday in (being the day of said month), 19. . . ., I, , duly constituted 39,6 DEEDS executor of the last will and testament of said '. . . , deceased, did put up and expose to sale, to the highest bidder, at , in said county, between the legal hours of sale, the lot of land described below. When , of said county, being the highest and best bidder, said lot of land was knocked off to him, at and for the price of dollars. Now, therefore, this indenture, made and entered into this day of , 19 . . . . , between said executor, as aforesaid, of the one part, and said , of the other part, witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the sum of. . . . dollars, cash in hand paid (at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged), said , executor, as aforesaid, hath granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents, doth grant, bargain, sell and convey (so far as the office of executor authorizes him) unto the said , his heirs and assigns, all that lot of land, situate, lying and being [describe the land conveyed], with all the rights, mem- bers and appurtenances to said lot of land, in anywise apper- taining or belonging. To have and to hold said lot of land, unto him, the said , his heirs and assigns, in the same manner in which it was possessed and held by the said , deceased. In testimony whereof the said , executor, as aforesaid, hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal, the day and vear above written. [L. S.] As Ex'r of the estate of , Dec. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: , J. P. EXECUTOR'S DEED UNDER PUBLIC SALE. II. Georgia, County. This indenture made this the day of , in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and , between , as executor of the estate of . , late of said county, deceased, and , of said county, witnesseth ; That whereas, party of the first part is the duly qualified DEEDS 397 executor of the estate of , late of said county, deceased, and by the terms of the will of the said deceased, he was given authority to sell and dispose of the real estate of said estate, either at public or private sale, and party of the first part, deeming it advisable to sell the same at public sale, and in pursuance of law did advertise said land once a week for four weeks previous to the first Tuesday in , 19. . . ., in the , as is required for sheriff's sale, and. on said first Tuesday in , 19. . . ., between the legal hours of sale, party of the first part did expose the land herein- after described for sale at public outcry, at which time was the highest bidder at and for the price of dollars, and said land was then and there knocked off to the said at said price as the purchaser of said land, all of which was done by the said party of the first part in pursuance of 'his power under said will. Now therefore, party of the first part, for and in considera- tion of the sum of dollars to him in hand paid, at and before the delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and con- veyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and con- vey, unto the said , party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the county of , and known on the plan or map of said county as lot of land, Number in- the district and section of said county, containing forty (40) acres, more or less, together with all the rights, members and appurtenances to said lot of land, in anywise appertaining or belonging. To have and to hold the said lot of land unto him, the said . ., his heirs and assigns, as fully and completely and in the same manner in which it was possessed and held by the said , deceased. In testimony whereof, the said , executor as aforesaid, hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal, the day and vear above written. (L. S.) As executor of the estate of , deceased. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: J. P. 398 DEEDS EXECUTOR'S DEED AT PRIVATE SALE UNDER AUTHORITY CONTAINED IN WILL. I. Georgia, County. This indenture, made and entered into this day of , 19...., between , as executor of the last will and testament of , late of said county, deceased, party of the first part, and , part . . of the second part, of the county of , State of Witnesseth, That the said party of the first part, by virtue of the power and authority vested in him by said will (which has been duly probated and recorded in said county) : Now, therefore, the said party of the first part, in considera- tion of the premises and for the further consideration of the sum of dollars, to. him in hand paid, at and before the sealing and delivering of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and hereby does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said part. . of the second part, heirs and assigns, the following described tract or parcel of land lying and being in, To have and to hold the same, together with the rights, mem- bers and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, to said part . . of the second part own proper use, benefit and behoof forever, in as full and as ample a manner as the same was possessed or enjoyed by the said , deceased, in his lifetime. In witness whereof, The said party of the first part has here- unto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. [SEAL] [SEAL] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: EXECUTOR'S DEED AT PRIVATE SALE UNDKR AUTHORITY CONTAINED IN WILL. II. Georgia, County. This indenture, made the day of , 19. . . ., DEEDS 390 between , as the executor of the last will and testament of , late of said county, deceased (said executor being authorized by said will to sell land, herein- after described, of said deceased, at private sale), and of the county and State aforesaid, Witnesses, that for and in consideration of the sum of dollars, to him in hand paid, as executor as aforesaid, does hereby sell and convey unto the said , his heirs and assigns, a certain tract of land, the same being the property of the estate of said deceased, and situated in said county, to wit : [here describe the land] containing acres, more or less. To have and to hold the said premises nnto the said , his heirs and assigns, in as complete a manner as said deceased had and held the same. In witness whereof, the said executor has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first" above written. ; [L.S.] Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: ,' J.'R DEED TO WILD LANDS SOLD BY ADMINISTRATOR AT PRIVATE SALE. Georgia, County. This indenture, made the day of , 19. . . ., between , as the duly constituted administrator of the estate of , late of said county, deceased, and Witnesseth, that in pursuance of an order of the court of ordinary of said county, authorizing said admin- istrator to sell at private sale certain wild, uncultivated lands, hereinafter described, belonging to the estate of said deceased, that said administrator, for and in consideration of the sum of dollars, to him in hand paid as said administrator, does hereby sell and convey unto the said , his heirs and assigns, a certain tract or lot of land, the same being wild and uncultivated lands, and the property of said deceased, lying in county, State aforesaid, to wit: [here describe the laud], containing acres, more or less. To have and to hold said lands to him, the said , his heirs and assigns, in as complete a manner as said deceased had and held the -ame. 400 DEEI>S In witness whereof the said administrator has hereto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. [L. S.] As Administrator Estate of , Deceased. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: , J. P. GUARDIAN'S DEED. Georgia, County. This indenture, made the day of , 19. . . ., between . . , as guardian for , and . Witnesses, that, in pursuance of an order of the court of Ordinary of said county, regularly granted at the term, 19. . . ., of said court, authorizing said guardian to sell certain real estate of his said ward ; the said guardian legally advertised for sale, on the first Tuesday in , 19. . . ., in the , a newspaper published in said county, in which sheriff's sales are published, the tract or parcel of land hereinafter described, as the property of said ward, and on the day of , 19 . . . . , within the legal hours of sale, he exposed said lands for sale at the court-house door in said county according to law, when the same was bid off by the said , he being the highest and best bidder, at and for the sum of dollars. Now, the said , as guardian aforesaid, in consideration of said dollars to him in hand paid, does hereby sell and convey to the said , his heirs and assigns, the aforesaid lands, lying in county, to wit: [describe the land], containing acres, more or less. To have and to hold said lands to him, the said , his heirs and assigns, in as complete a man- ner as the said ward had and held the same. In witness whereof the said , as guardian aforesaid, has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. [L. S.] As guardian of Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: ,, J. P. . DEEDS .401 PARTITION DEED. Georgia, ............ County. This indenture, made this the ...... day of .............. 19 . . . . , between ............... and . . . . ........... , both of the county and State aforesaid. Witnesses, that the said ................... and ......... bring tenants in common of a certain tract of land, lying in said county [here particularly describe the land], containing ......... acres, more or less, and having made partition of the same between themselves, by establishing a line, beginning at ............ and running across said land in a [specify the direction] to ............... , which said line is intended to separate the respective interests of the parties to this instrument in said tract or parcel of land, .................. taking and receiving all on the south side of said line, and .............. taking and receiving all on the north side of said line. Now, in consideration of the advantages each of the parties to this instrument is to derive from the partition aforesaid, the said ................. hereby releases and relinquishes all claim and conveys all the right, title and interest he has in and to that portion of said tract of land lying on the north side of said line, to .............. , his heirs and assigns, forever in fee simple; and the said ................ hereby releases and relinquishes all claim, and conveys all the right, title and interest he has in and to that portion of said tract of land lying on the south side of said line, to ............... , his heirs and assigns, forever in fee simple. In witness whereof the said. . . . ........ and. ........... have hereto set their hands and seals, the day and year above written. ...... ..... . ..................... [L. S.] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: , J. P. TRUST DEED. Georgia, County. This indenture, made and entered into this day of , 19 . . . . , between , of said 402 DEEDS State and county, of the one part, and , of the same place, of the other part. Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the natural love to [his infant daughter] , of said State and county and for and in consideration of the sum of five dollars, cash in hand paid by said at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the re- ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, said hath bargained, sold, granted and conveyed, and by these presents doth bargain, sell, grant and convey unto the said for the use, benefit and advantage, in tmst for said for life, for her sole and separate use, and on her decease, to such child or children, of representative of child or children, as she may leave in life, to wit: all that lot of land [describe the land conveyed], with all the rights, members and appurtenances to said lot of land belonging, or in anywise appertaining. To have and to hold the above described property to him, the said in trust for said and her children, as above specified, forever. In witness whereof the said hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal, the day and year above written. ' IL. s.] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: , J. P. OF LEVY BY SHERIFF. Georgia, County. To , owner of [describe the land] in the district of said county : You are hereby notified that I have this day levied a fi. fa. issued from the court of in favor of , plaintiff, against , defendant, upon the aforesaid lot of land, as your property. And you are further notified that said lot of land will be sold at legal sale by me on the first Tuesday in next. This day of , , 19 .... , Sheriff [L. S.] DEEDS 403 SHERIFF'S DEED. Georgia, County. This indenture, made this, the day of . . , 19. . . ., between , sheriff of said county, and , of the county of Witnesses, that the said , sheriff as afore- said, by virtue of an execution issued from the court of said county in favor of against . . . ., , did on the day of , 19. . . ., levy upon a tract of land lying in said county of , and herein- after more fully described as the property of the said ; that he advertised said land, as required by law-, for sale on the first Tuesday in , 19. . . ., in the. . . , a newspaper published in said county of in which the sheriff's advertisements are published, and that at said time he offered said tract of land for sale, according to law, when the same was bid off by , he being then and there the highest and best bidder, at and for the sum of ........ dollars. Now, the said , sheriff aforesaid, in con- sideration of the sum of dollars, to him in hand paid, does hereby sell and convey unto the said , his heirs and assigns, the said land, to wit: [here describe the l?nd], containing acres, more or less. Together with all and singular the rights, members and appur- tenances thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand of the said in law, equity or otherwise, whatsoever, of, in or to the same: To have and to hold the said premises, and every part thereof, unto the said , heirs and assigns, in as full and ample a manner as the said or , heirs and assigns, did hold and enjoy, and might have held and enjoyed the same, had it not been seized and sold under the execution aforesaid. In witne-ss whereof, the said , sheriff afore- said, hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal, the day and year first above mentioned. [L.S.] Sheriff of County. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: 404 DEEDS SHERIFF'S TAX DEED. Georgia, . .- County. Whereas, , the sheriff of said county, did on the day of , 19 . . . . , levy a writ of fieri facias, issued by , tax-collector of said county, against , for State and county taxes for the year 19. ... upon that certain tract, parcel and lot of land, and the improvements thereon, in said county of , State of Georgia, to wit: [describe the land], levied upon as the property of , and after due and legal publica- tion (as required by law), being made in the. , a newspaper published in said county of in which sheriff's sales are published, of the sale of said tract, parcel and lot of land as above described, to satisfy the tax fieri facias aforesaid, the said sheriff proceeded on the '. . .day of , 19 . . . . , the same being a day of sale, for the sale of the same according to law, at the court-house door in said county,* when said property was then offered for sale, and , being then and there the highest bidder at and for the sum of dollars and cents, the said property was then and there knocked off to . Now, this indenture, made and entered into, this the day of , 19 . . . . , between , sheriff aforesaid of county, of the one part, and , of the county of , and State of , of the other part. Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the sum of dollars, and cents, cash to him in hand paid by said at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, the said , sheriff aforesaid, has granted, bargained and sold, and doth by these presents grant, bargain and sell unto the said , heirs and assigns, (so far as the office of sheriff authorizes him to sell) all that tract, parcel and lot of land in said county, and the 'improvements thereon as above described. To have and to hold the above granted premises unto , (*NOTE: When execution is issued against property not returned, see 1168.) DEEDS 405 the said , heirs and assigns, in as full and ample a manner as the same was held and possessed by the said when the said property was levied upon and sold. In witness whereof the said , sheriff of county hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal, the day and year first above written. [L.S.] Sheriff of said County. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: LOAN DEED WITH POWER or SALE. (Shy lock Form.) Georgia, County. This indenture, made the day of , 19. . . . , between , of the county of and State of Georgia, of the first part, and , of the county of and State of , of the second part: Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of dollars in hand paid, at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, alien, convey, and confirm unto the said party of the second part heirs and assigns, all that tract or parcel of land, situate in the city of being part of land lot number in the district of county aforesaid, and which is bounded and described as follows : Beginning at To have and to hold the said bargained premises with all and singular the rights, members and appurtenances thereto apper- taining, or belonging to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the first part, , heirs and assigns, in fee simple ; and the said party of the first part hereby covenants that is lawfully sci/.cd ;m > _ j -. and , each of whom, being duly sworn, on oath says that he has been appointed by the Honorable , Judge of the superior court, as one of the commissioners to lay off and admeasure the dower of in the estate of , late of said county, deceased, and each one on oath says that "I do solemnly swear that I will duly and impartially execute the law r s, to the best of my understanding. So help me God." Commissioners. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of , 19 J. P. RETURN OF COMMISSIONERS. 5261. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of Said County: We, the undersigned, commissioners appointed by the Hon- orable , Judge of the Superior Court, to lay off and admeasure the dower of , widow of , late of said county, deceased, in the property of which he died seized and possessed, after having been duly sworn according to law, entered upon the said lands described in said writ, with the county surveyor of said county, whom we called to our aid and assistance, and we did on the day of , 19 . . . . , survey, admeasure, lay off and assign to what we considered, having due regard for the quantity, shape and valuation, to be one-third of said lands, to wit, (describe land), a plat of said lands having been made by the said , county surveyor of said county, and hereto attached as a part of this return. In 436 DOWER i ''.'." this service, we spent one day, to wit, the. . . . day of , 19. . . ., and the county surveyor was also engaged with us one day in the performance of this service and execution of this writ This. . , 19. . Commissioners. ORDER MAKING RETURN OF COMMISSIONERS JUDGMENT OF COURT. 5264. Superior Court, .Term, 19. ... In the matter of the application of for dower in the estate of her husband, , late of said county, deceased, and the return of the commissioners. The return of the commissioners in the above named and stated matter having been made to the court, and there being no objection filed thereto, and the same having been considered, it is ordered that the same be, and the same is hereby, made the judgment of the court, and that the said have a life estate in (describe land). Let the clerk of this court issue the proper writ pursuant hereto, directing the sheriff to put the said , in possession of said lands. Judgment is hereby rendered against , as administrator of the estate of , late of said county, deceased, to be levied of the lands and tenements of , late of said county, deceased, in the hands of the said , administrator, to be administered, the sum of two ($2.00) dollars per day for each of the said commissioners, and also the further sum of five ($5.00) dollars for . ; ; county surveyor, for his services in said matter. This , 19 .... Judge of the Superior Court. DOWER 437 WBIT OF POSSESSION FOE DOWER LANDS. 5264. Georgia, County. To the Sheriff of Said County or his Lawful Deputy : In pursuance of the judgment of the superior court of said county, rendered on , 19 . . . . , and during the regular term thereof, on the application of , widow of the late , of said county, deceased, for her dower interest in his estate, you are hereby commanded forthwith, to put the said in possession of (describe the land), which said lands were set apart by judgment of the superior court, as the dower interest of the said in the lands and tenements of which , late of said county, died seized and possessed. You will make proper returns of your acts and doings in the premises as soon as this writ is executed. This , 19 Clerk of the Superior Court. RETURN OF THE SHERIFF. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of said County: In obedience to the writ directed to me, or my lawful deputy, 1 have this day put in possession of (describe the land), as directed by the judgment and the writ issued thereon from Superior Court. This , 19. .. Sheriff. CAVEAT AND OBJECTIONS TO RETURN OF COMMISSIONERS. 5262. Superior Court Term, 19 In the matter of the return of the commissioners on the applica- tion of , as the widow of , late of said county, deceased. Now come and , heirs at law of , deceased, and traverse the return of 438 EJECTMENT the commissioners appointed by this Honorable Court to lay off and admeasure the dower interests of in the estate of , and say that said return is not true in the following respects, to wit: It is not true that the said lands laid off as dower are not more than one-third in valuation of the lands and tenements of the said. . . . . . . ., deceased, of which he died seized and possessed, for the reason that (set out the reason), and these traversers say that said return is unjust and inequitable and is not fair to these traversers, who are heirs at law of the said And all this these traversers stand ready to prove and verify. or Attorney for and ,. . Now comes and joins issue upon the facts set out in the traverse of and . . .* , and says that the same are not true. EJECTMENT. 5574-5590. COMPLAINT FOR LAND AND MESNE PROFITS. 5575-5580. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of Said County. The petition of against , as defendant, alleges: 1st. That the defendant, , is a resident of said county. 2nd. That the defendant is in possession of lot, of land, No in district and section of said county, to which your petitioner claims title. 3rd. That the said defendant has received the profits of said land since the day of ". ., 19. . . ., of the yearly value of $ 4th. The said defendant refuses to deliver to plaintiff the possession of said land or to pay him the yearly profits thereof. EJECTMENT 439 5th. Plaintiff annexes hereto an abstract of his title under which he claims such land. Wherefore, plaintiff prays process may issue requiring the defendant to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county to answer your petitioner's complaint. Petitioner's Attorney. To this petition, attach an abstract of title relied on by the plaintiff. (NOTE: The above form is the short form of an action to recover realty as set forth in the Code of 1882-3, except that it is paragraphed. The Supreme Court in the case of Dugas vs. Hammond, 130 Georgia, 87, has decided by a majority decision of that Court that this form was not repealed by the Neal Act or by the fact that it was left out of the Codes of 1895 and 1910. The better plan is to frame the petition under the Neal Act, set out exactly what the plaintiff claims in short paragraphs, the title he relies on, and in this way resolve the case into as few issues as possible.) DISCLAIMER OF TITLE. (State the case.) And now conies the defendant in the ejectment suit above stated, at this the first term of the court, and disclaims any claim or title, or right of possession in or to the premises in dispute. This day of ,19 Defendant. PETITION IN ACTION OF EJECTMENT. (Common Law Form.) Georgia, County. To the Honorable the Superior Court of said County : The petition of John Doe respectfully shows that Richard Roe, of said county, has injured and damaged your petitioner dollars. For that the said Richard Roe, with force and arms, entered into a certain tract or parcel of land of your petitioner, with the appurtenances, situate, lying and being in the. . 440 EJECTMENT and known and distinguished in the plan of said by number , containing , which. . had demised to your petitioner for a term which is not yet expired, and ejected him, your petitioner, from his said tract or parcel of land, with the appurtenances. And also, that the said Richard Roe, with force and arms, entered into a certain other tract or parcel of land of your petitioner, with the appurtenances, situate, lying and being in the aforesaid, and known and distinguished in the plan of said by number , containing which had demised to your petitioner for a term which is not yet expired, and ejected him from his said last mentioned farm and lot of land, with the appurtenances. And other wrongs the said Richard Roe then and there did, to the great damage of your petitioner, and against the peace and dignity of this State. And thereupon your petitioner, by his attorney, , complains that, whereas, the said heretofore, to wit: on the day of , in the year 19 . . . . , to wit : In the and county aforesaid, had demised to your petitioner the said tenements, with the appurtenances first above mentioned, to have and to hold the same to your petitioner and his assigns, from the day and year aforesaid, for and during and unto the full end and term of .years from thence next ensuing, and fully to be complete and ended. By virtue of which said last mentioned demise your petitioner entered into the tenements, with the appurtenances first above mentioned, and became, and was thereof, possessed for said term, so to him thereof granted as aforesaid, and your petitioner being so thereof possessed, the said Richard Roe, afterwards, to wit: On the day of , in the year aforesaid, to wit : In the year nineteen hundred and , with force and arms, etc., entered into the said tenements, with the appurte- nances first above mentioned, in which your petitioner was inter- ested in manner and for the term aforesaid, which is not yet expired, and ejected him, your petitioner, from his said farm and lot or part of land, with the appurtenances. And also, that whereas the said on the day of in the year 19 . . . . , in the and aforesaid, had demised to your petitioner the said tenements, with the appurtenances secondly above men- tioned, to have and to hold the same to your petitioner and his assigns, from the day and year last aforesaid, for and during EJECTMENT and until the full end and term of fifty years from thence next ensuing, and fully to be complete and ended. By virtue of which said last mentioned demise, your petitioner entered into the said tenements, with the appurtenances secondly above men- tioned, and became, and was thereof, possessed for the last mentioned term, so to him thereof granted as aforesaid. And your petitioner being so thereof possessed, the said Richard Roe afterwards, to wit: on the day of , the year last aforesaid, with force of arms, etc.', entered into the tenements, with the appurtenances secondly above mentioned, in which your petitioner was so interested in manner and for the term last aforesaid, which is not yet expired, and ejected him, your petitioner, from his said farm and lot or tract of land, with the appurtenances. And other wrongs the said Richard Roe then and there did, to the great damage of your petitioner, and against the peace and dignity of this State. And, also, for the said Richard Roe hereupon, to wit: on the said day of in the year nineteen hundred and , with force and arms, broke and entered into a certain farm of your petitioner, to wit : A certain tract, or parcel of land with the appurtenances, situate, lying and being in the and county aforesaid, and known and distinguished in the plan of said by number , containing acres, and ejected and expelled, put out and removed your petitioner, from his posses- sion and occupation thereof, and kept and continued him so expelled and removed for a long space of time, to wit : From the day and year last aforesaid hitherto, and still continues so to do. And during all that time took and had and received to the use of him, the said Richard Roe, all the issues and profits of the said tenements, being of great yearly value, to wit: To the yearly value of , and still continues so to have and receive the same. Whereby your petitioner, during all the time aforesaid, not only lost the issues and profits of the said tenements, with the appurtenances, and is still losing the same, but was and still is deprived of the use and means of cultivating the same. And did necessarily lay out and expend, and still continues to lay out and expend, divers large sums of money, amounting in the whole to a large sum, to wit : The sum of in about recovering possession of the said tenements, with the appurtenances, to \\ it : In the county aforesaid: And other wrongs the said Richard Roe then and there did, to the great damage of your petitioner, and against 442 EJECTMENT the peace and dignity of this State. To the damage of your petitioner dollars, as first aforesaid. Where- upon your petitioner brings suit, and prays that process may issue, requiring the said Richard Roe, personally or by attorney, to be and appear at the next Superior Court to be held in and for said county , . . then and there to answer your petitioner in an act of ejectment, and for mesne profits. Plaintiff's Attorney. (NOTE: For another common law form in ejectment, see Cody vs. Quarterman, 12 Ga. 386, 390.) PROCESS. Georgia, ,:. . . . County. To the Sheriff of said County Greeting : The defendant, Richard Roe, is hereby notified, personally or by attorney, to be and appear at the next Superior Court to be held in and for said county, on the Monday in , 19. . . ., then and there to answer the plaintiff's demand in an action of trespass and ejectment and for mesne profits, as in default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the honorable ., judge of said court, this , 19 , Clerk. NOTICE TO APPEAR. To : I am informed that you are in possession of, or claim title to, the premises in the accompanying writ mentioned or some part thereof; and I, being sued in this action as a casual ejector only, and having no claim or title to the same, do advise you to appear at the said term of said court, by some attorney of said court, then and there by rule of said court to be made defendant in my stead; otherwise I shall suffer judgment therein to be entered against me by default, and you will be turned out of possession ,19..., Yours, etc., RICHARD ROE. EJECTMENT 443 PLEA OF DEFENDANT. demise of I Trespass and Ejectment and for vg * f Mesne Profits. .'...., Deft, J Term, 19.... And the said defendant, by , his attorney, comes and defends the force and injury, when, etc., and says, that he is not guilty of the supposed trespass and ejectment, above laid to his charge, in manner and form as the said hath above thereof complained against him. And of this the defendant puts himself upon the country, etc. Defendant's Attorney. VERDICT OF JURY. We, the jury, find in favor of the plaintiff, the premises in dispute. We further find the sum of . . . dollars for mesne profits and the costs of suit. This day of , 19 , Foreman. JUDGMENT OF THE COURT. Whereupon, it is considered by the court here, that the plaintiff do recover against the defendant, lot of land number in the district of county, with its appurtenances, and that a writ of possession issue therefor, in favor of the plaintiff. And it is further ordered, that the plaintiff do recover against the defendant, the sum of dollars for mesne profits, and the further sum of dollars for his costs in this behalf laid out and expended. Judgment signed this day of ,19 Plaintiff's Attorney. 444 EJECTMENT WRIT OF POSSESSION. on the demise of vs. , Deft. To the Sheriff of said County Greeting : Whereas, the plaintiff has, lately in our Superior Court for said county, by the judgment of said court, recovered of the defendant lot of land number in the district of said county, (with its appurtenances,) containing acres, agreeably to original survey; which premises have been held by defendant unjustly, and of which he has been convicted, as appears to us of record. And for as much as it is adjudged in said court, that the plaintiff have execution upon his said judgment against the said defendant, according to the force, .form and effect of his said recovery; therefore, we command you, that without delay, you deliver to the plaintiff, full and quiet possession of the said premises so recovered, with the appurtenances. We also command you, that of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of the defendant, in your county, you cause to be made the sum of dollars, which in our same court, were adjudged to the plaintiff as mesne profits of said premises, against the defendant; and the further sum of dollars for costs and charges, by the plaintiff, in that behalf, expended ; whereof the defendant is convicted as appears to us, of record. And have you those moneys before our said court, on the Monday in next, to render unto the said plaintiff for his damages aforesaid ; and have you then and there, this writ. Witness, the honorable , judge of said court, this day of , 19. ... , Clerk. RETURN BY THE SHERIFF. Executed the within writ by putting the plaintiff in quiet possession of the premises therein mentioned, on the day of , 19. . , . And have raised the suni of EJECTMENT 445 dollars (by the sale of the defendant's property) ; which sums of money 1 have now in court, subject to its order. This day of ,19 , Sheriff. PETITION TO RECOVER REALTY UNDER THE NEEL ACT. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of John Doe, as plaintiff, against Richard Roe, as defendant, alleges: 1st. That Richard Roe, the defendant, is a resident of said county. 2nd. That Richard Roe is in possession of lot of land, 1ST umber . . .in the district and section of said county, containing acres, more or less, to which plaintiff has and claims title. 3rd. The abstract of the title, under which plaintiff claims said land, is hereto attached. 4th. That on the day of , 19 , John Smith made to plaintiff a title in fee simple to said land, and plaintiff went into actual possession of the same under said title and held the same until , 19. ... 5th. That on said , 19. . . ., the defendant entered upon said land with force and arms and took possession of the same against the will of plaintiff and without his consent, and has been in possession of said land since said time, and has received the rents, issues and profits thereof. 6th. The deed that plaintiff received from John Smith on , 19 . . . . , was recorded by plaintiff in the clerk's office of the Superior Court of said county on the ". day of , 19 7th. That on the day of , 19 , the said John Smith, grantor in plaintiff's deed of , 19. . . ., made and executed to the said Richard Roe, another deed to said lot of land and which was recorded in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court on , 19 .... 8th. The yearly rents, issues and profits of said land are of the value of dollars per year. 9th. That plaintiff and defendant held title to said land under a common grantor, John Smith, and plaintiff's deed was first recorded. 446 EJECTMENT 10th. Plaintiff brings suit for the recovery of said land and the rents, issues and profits of the same for the four years next preceding the filing of this suit and up to the time of trial, and he prays judgment accordingly. Wherefore, plaintiff brings suit and prays that process may issue, requiring the defendant to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county to answer your petitioner's complaint. Attorney for Plaintiff. (NOTE: If the plaintiff so wishes, he can verify this petition by attaching an affidavit thereto that the facts stated in it are true to the best of his knowledge and belief, and in this way he can compel the defendant to verify his answer in the same way. The great point in a suit of this kind is to endeavor to present the issue and thus get every other point in the case out of the way. This form can be adapted to any state of facts.) Abstract of title amended by alleging estoppel in pais. 121/216 (48 S. E. 925). Complaint for land (in short form) can not be dismissed on demurrer to abstract of title. 82/637 (9 S. E. 667) ; 123/327 (5) (51 S. EL 423). Duty to annex. 98/416 (25 S. E. 516) ; 115/101 (41 S. E. 272). Trespass to land, action to enjoin, at instance of true owner; abstract need not be attached to declaration. 123/326 (51 S. E. 418); 126/43 (54 S. E. 814). Amendment adding abstract of title is allowable. 61/449 (1). Abstract of title is amendable. 120/529 (48 S. E. 129). Petition may allege facts showing title instead of having abstract attached. 129/744 (59 S. E. 778). Description should be with such definiteness that in event of recovery by plaintiff sheriff could execute writ of possession from description given. 141/403 (1) (81 S. E. 194); 137/258 (73 S. E. 380). In- sufficient description may be cured by amendment, where it ap- pears that description in original petition and that in amendment refer to same land. 141/403, 404 (2-a) (81 S. E 1 . 194). See 141/639, 640 (81 S. E. 1035). Plea must be filed setting out value of land, of mesne profits, and of permanent improvements. 130/596 (61 S. E. 465). Value of per- manent improvements must be alleged with certainty. 116/28 (4) (42 S. E. 258). Verdict may be amended by addition of proper words showing that it was for recovery of land and rent, or mense profits. 143/621 (1) (85 S. E. 867). Verdict not describing any particular part of land included in description in petition, so as to adjust it to the evi- dence, was erroneous. 138/605 (2) (75 S. E. 671). Plaintiff can not elect to take money verdict, under Code, 5588, where it is ad- mitted that improvements exceed mense profits. 115/496 (13) (42 S. E. 8). EQUITY 447 EQUITY. 5508, 5538-5562. SKELETON PETITION IN EQUITY FOR RELIEF, INJUNCTION, RECEIVER, ETC. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of , as plaintiff, against , as defendant, alleges : 1st. That the defendant is a resident of said county. (The great thing to do in drawing a petition in equity is to state the facts plainly, fully and distinctly and to make the petition in short paragraphs. It is best to charge the main facts relied on in separate paragraphs so that the defendant may be compelled to answer these separate charges pointedly and separately. Remember to state facts and not conclusions of facts. This may make the petition longer, but it will make it better. If a receiver or injunction is prayed for, the prayer should be put in the petition and the special reasons upon which it is asked.) Wherefore, plaintiff prays that process may issue, requiring the defendant to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county to answer petitioner's complaint. Attorney for Plaintiff. VERIFICATION OF PETITION. 5542-5546. Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, , the subscriber, who being duly sworn, on oath says that the facts and things stated in the foregoing peti- tion are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of ,19.... '* ' \ J. P. 4-48 EQUITY DEFENSES TO PETITION. 5630, 6285. (NOTE. Defendants in equity may demur, plead or answer, and may file one or all of these defenses at one time. In all cases, demurrer, plea or answer shall be disposed of in the order named, and at the first term unless continued.) DEMURRER TO EQUITABLE PETITION. } Petition for injunction and equita- ble relief in the Superior Court of County, Term, 19 Now comes the defendant in the above named and stated case at this the appearance term and, before filing his answer therein, files these his general demurrers thereto, and for grounds thereof, says: 1st. Defendant demurs to said petition, upon the ground that the allegations therein show no cause of action against this defendant and there is no cause of action set out in said petition. 2nd. Defendant demurs to said petition, upon the ground that said petition does not set out any matter or thing of equity or equity jurisdiction and that upon the allegations therein the plaintiff is not entitled to the equitable relief prayed for. Wherefore, defendant prays that these his grounds of de- murrer be inquired of by the court and that said petition be dismissed. Attorney for Plaintiff. DEMURRERS, GENERAL AND SPECIAL. "| Petition for injunction and equita- vg ' I ble relief in the Superior Court of County, Term, 19 Now comes the defendant at the appearance term of said case and, before filing his answer therein, files these his grounds of demurrer thereto, and for cause of demurrer, says : EQUITY 449 GENERAL DEMURRERS. 1st. Defendant demurs to said petition upon the ground that the allegations therein show no cause of action against this defendant and there is no cause of action set out in said petition. 2nd. Defendant demurs to said petition, upon the ground that said petition does not set out any matter or thing of equity or equity jurisdiction and that upon the allegations therein the plaintiff is not entitled to the equitable relief prayed for. SPECIAL DEMURRERS. 1st. Defendant demurs to said petition upon the ground that upon the allegations therein, is a necessary party to said petition, for the reason (state here how and in what way he is a necessary party.) (Remember that a special demurrer is a critic; it itself must be free from criticism, and it must point its finger to the defect complained of. Any number of special demurrers may be added upon proper grounds.) Defendant prays that each of these grounds of demurrer be inquired of by the court, and that in the absence of proper amendment, the said petition be dismissed. Attorney for Plaintiff. ANSWER TO PETITION IN EQUITY. } Petition for injunction and re- ceiver, etc. Tn o ' n Superior Court, Term, 19 Now comes the defendant in the above named and stated case at this the appearance term, and not waiving his demurrers herein filed and his right of demurrer, answering said petition, for answer, says : 1st. Defendant admits that he is a resident of said county. (Here- answer the paragraphs separately, either admitting or denying them or stating in the answer to any particular para- 450 ESTRAYS graph, where it is proper, "for want of sufficient information, the defendant can neither, admit or deny the allegations in Para- graph ") The defendant having fully answered plaintiff's petition, prays to be dismissed hence with his reasonable costs. Attorney for Defendant. VERIFICATION OF ANSWER. 5542-5546, 6319. Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, the subscriber, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that what is contained in the foregoing answer in so far as concerns his own acts and deeds, is true, and that which relates to the act or deed of any other person, he believes to be true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 J. P. ESTRAYS. 2001-2013. DESCRIPTION AND APPRAISEMENT OF ESTRAYS. 2002. Georgia, County. This is to certify that has this day exhibited to the undersigned, two freeholders of the militia district of said county, a certain , said to have been taken up within said district as an estray. The following is a description of said animal; [Describe the animal giving a particular description of its marks, natural and artificial brands, stature, age and color.] We estimate said animal to be worth dollars. This day of , 19 , Freeholder. . Freeholder. ESTRAYS 451 AFFIDAVIT OF TAKEK-UP. 2002. Georgia, County. Before me, the undersigned, the Ordinary of said county, personally came , who on oath says that on the day of . N , 19 .-..., deponent took up upon his own freehold (or the highway thereto) a certain estray, to wit, a in the militia district of said county; that on the day of , 19. . . ., being within five days of the time of his taking up of said as aforesaid, he exhibited said animal to two freeholders of said militia district, who took down in writing a particular description of said animal, and annexing thereto their appraisement of its value; and now within five days of the date of making such description and appraisement, said deponent hands same to said ordinary. Deponent further swears that the marks and brands of said estray are correct, as stated in the foregoing certificate, and have not been altered or disfigured to his knowledge since he took it up. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 19 Ordinary. ADVERTISEMENT OF ESTRAY. 2003, 2011. Georgia, County. The following is a copy of the appraisement and description of an estray which has been handed to the undersigned : (Copy here the appraisement and description above alluded to.) This day of , 19 Ordinary. (NOTE. The ordinary should post substantial copies of said appraise- ment and description at the court-house door for sixty days, at the place of holding justices' court in the district where the estray was taken up, and in the public gazette where the sheriff advertises sales. 2003. When the appraised value of the estray is $20 or less it is the duty of the taker up to hand the description and appraisement to the 452 ESTRAYS justice of the peace, or notary public and ex-officio justice of the peace in the district where taken up, and make affidavit before him, before whom further proceedings are had. 2011.) ESTEAY NOTICE BY THE ORDINARY. Office of the Court of Ordinary. Georgia, County. All persons interested are hereby notified, that , of the district, G. M., tolls before , the ordinary of said county, as an estray, a about years of age ; valued by and . ., freeholders of said county and district, to be worth dollars. The owner of said estray is required to come forward, pay charges, and take said away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. A true extract from the Estray Book. This day of , 19 Ordinary. ADVERTISEMENT or SALE OF ESTRAY. 2004. Georgia, County. Will be sold before the court-house door of said county, on the Tuesday in next at the regular hour for conducting sheriff's sales, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, one certain animal, to wit: (Describe the animal as in the description and appraisement). Said animal is sold as an estray, taken up by one and now in his possession. Its appraised value is. $25. This day of ,19.. .. , Sheriff. (NOTE. Where the appraised value is $20 or less the sale is by the constable of the district, after ten days' notice. 2011.) ORDER OF SALE. Georgia, County. It appearing from the certificate of freeholders, that the estray ESTKAYS 453 taken up by , on his freehold , in the district, G. M., on the day of , 19 . . . . , is not of sufficient value to pay the ordinary expenses in matters of estrays: Ordered, that the constable of said district sell the same on the freehold where taken up, after ten days' notice posted at the court-house door of said county and at the place of holding justice's courts in said district; and that he make due return of such sale to me. This day of , 19 Ordinary. AFFIDAVIT OF OWNER. 2006. Georgia, County. Personally before the undersigned, the ordinary of said county, comes , and, on oath, says that a certain animal (give description here as in the description and appraisement) lately taken up by one as an estray, is the property of deponent. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 19 Ordinary. BOND OF OWNEK. 2006. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, that we, , as principal, and , as security, acknowledge ourselves held and bound unto , the ordinary of said county (or justice of the peace in and for district, G. M., of said county, as the case may be) in the sum of dollars, upon the condition that if the said shall answer any demand that may be proven thereon against him within two years, in respect to the animal 454 EXECUTIONS mentioned in the foregoing affidavit, then this bond to be void, else of force. Principal [L. S.] Security [L, S.] Attested and approved this day of , 19 , by Ordinary. COUNTER AFFIDAVIT. 2007. Georgia, County. Personally before me came , who on oath says that a certain. [describe the animal] that was on the day of . , 19 . . . . , taken up as an estray, is not the property of , but is the property of deponent. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 19. ... Ordinary. EXECUTIONS. 5305-5311, 6018-6077. SUPERIOR COURT Fi. FAS. 6018. Georgia, County. To All and Singular the Sheriffs of this State and their Lawful Deputies : We command you, That of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of you cause to be made the sum of dollars and cents, principal, and the further sum of dollars and cents, for interest due to the day of , 19 . . . . , and also the further sum of dollars and cents, for attorney's fees; and also the further sum of dollars and cents, for protest fees ; and also the further sum of dollars and cents, for costs, with interest on the principal sum from the. . . . .day of , EXECUTIONS 455 19. . . . , at per cent per annum, which at our Superior Court for said county, to wit : on the day of , 19. . . ., , as plaintiff, recovered against said , as defendant, for principal, interest and costs ; and that you have the several sums of money before the court of said county on the Monday in next, with this writ to render to the said plaintiff the principal, interest and cost aforesaid. Witness, the honorable , judge of said court, this day of , 19. ... , Clerk. INDORSEMENTS UPON EXECUTION COST BILL, ETC. FEE BILL. CLERK. 5995. Filing and docketing $ 2 00 Process and copy 2 00 Copies Pet. for Serv Extra copies at 50c Filing plea, 50c 50 Demurrer and order, $1.25 1 25 Recording at 15 cts. per 100 words Verdict and judgment 2 00 Subposnas for plaintiff Subposnas for defendant Motion new trial and order 1 25 Brief, evidence and order 1 25 Order new trial 75 Bill exceptions and order 1 25 Copy bill exceptions and records Two certificates and seals 2 00 Eemitter 1 00 Judgment on remitter 2 00 Fi. fa. 75 SHERIFF. 5997. Serving defendant $ Attendance . 1 25 456 EXECUTIONS WITNESS. Superior Court. Term, 19 vs. Fi. FAS. Judgment day of , 19 , Principal Interest Attorney's Fees , Protest Fees , Clerk Sheriff Witness Minutes Page , Execution docket Page , ENTERED ON GENERAL, EXECUTION DOCKET. ~No Page this the day of ,19 , Clerk. , Plff's Atty. Suit No. . Term CITY COURT Fi. FA. Georgia, County. To All and Singular the Sheriffs of this State, and their Lawful Deputies : We command you, That of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of you cause to be made the sum of dollars and cents, principal, and the EXECUTIONS 457 further sum of .dollars and. cents, for interest up to the day of , 19. . . . ; and also the further sum of dollars and cents for protest fees; and also the further sum of .dollars and cents for cost, with interest on the principal sum from the day of , 19 . . . . , at per cent, per annum; which at our city court of to wit: on the day of , 19 . . . . , , as plaintiff, recovered against said , as defendant, for principal, interest and costs ; and that you have the several sums of money before the city court of on the next, with this writ, to render to the said plaintiff the principal, interest and cost aforesaid. Witness the honorable , judge of said court, this day of , 19. ... . Clerk. COUNTY COUKT Fi. FA. Georgia, County. To All and Singular the Sheriffs of said State and their Lawful Deputies and County Court Bailiffs, Greeting: You are hereby commanded, That of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of you cause to be made the sum of dollars and cents, principal, dollars and cents, interest to judgment, with interest on the principal debt from the day of , 19 . . . . , the date of judgment, Avhich recovered against before me, at a couf t held in and for said county, on the day of , 19 .... And, also, the further sum of dollars and cents, for costs thereon and all further costs that may accrue. And have you the said sums of money, together with this execution, on or before the day of , 19. . . ., at the court aforesaid, to render in satisfaction for said debt and costs. Given under my hand and seal, this day of ,19 (L. S.) Judge of County Court of County. 458 EXECUTIONS STATE AND COUNTY TAX Fi. FA. Georgia, County. To All and Singular the Sheriffs and Constables of this State Greeting : You are hereby required, That of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of you cause to be made by levy and sale sufficient thereof to make the sum of dollars and cents, the amount of State and county tax for the year 19. . . ., also the further sum of fifty cents for this fi. fa., and a sufficient amount to cover interest on said principal tax at the rate of seven per cent, per annum from , 19 . . . . , until settled, together with all costs that may hereafter accrue ; and have you the said sums of money to be paid to me upon collection thereof, to be rendered to the State and county the principal, interests and costs aforesaid ; and have you then and there this writ. Given under my hand and official signature, this day of ,19 (L. S.) Tax-Collector County. LEVY OF Fi. FA. Georgia, County. Levied the within fi. fa. on the following described property, to wit : in the district of county, Georgia levied on as the property of to satisfy fi. fa. in favor of State of Georgia, and county of against said for State and county taxes for the year 19 ... , Ga., ,19 Served , 19 , Sheriff. TRANSFER OF Fi. FA. For and in consideration of the sum of dollars EXECUTIONS 459 the tax, cost and interest due the within fi. fa,, I hereby transfer and assign the same to This day of , 19 , Sheriff. JUSTICE COURT Fi. FA. 4765-4769. Georgia, County. In the Justice Court of the District, G. M. To any Lawful Constable of said County Greeting: You are hereby commanded to levy on and sell a sufficiency of the property of to make the sum of dollars, principal, dollars, interest to date of judgment, at per cent, per annum, and all future interest at the same rate dollars, attorney's fees, and dollars, cost of this suit, and thirty-five cents for this writ, which several sums were adjudged against him upon at the J. P. court held in and for the district, G. M., said county, on the day of , 19 . . . . , in favor of And have you said sums of money, together with this execution, at the court aforesaid at the next term thereof after said money can lawfully be made, to render in satisfaction of said debt and costs. Given under my hand and seal, this the day of ,19 ,J.P. REPLEVY BOND. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, That we, , as principal, and , as security, both of said county, are held and firmly bound unto in the sum of dollars, for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated, this the day of , 19 The condition of the foregoing obligation is as follows : . . . . having this day obtained an execution for the sum of dollars against the said 460 EXECUTIONS upon an affidavit foreclosing a lien, in which said affidavit said claims that he has a laborer's lien upon , which said property has this day been seized by , legal constable in and for the district, G. M., of said county, by virtue of said execution, and said . .having filed a counter-affidavit thereto. Now, should the said well and truly pay to the said the eventual condemnation money, whatever it may be, then this obligation to be void, else of full force and effect. Principal (L. S.) Security (L. S.) Executed in the presence of LEVY FORM OF. 0026. 6026. (5421.) Form of levy. "The officer making a levy shall always enter the same on the process by virtue of which such levy is made, and in such entry shall plainly describe the property levied on, and the amount of the interest of defendant therein." PRINCIPAL AND SECURITY FORM OF EXECUTION AGAINST. 4758. Georgia, County. To any Lawful Constable of said County Greeting: You are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of , principal, and , security, you make or cause to be made the sum of dollars, principal, the sum of dollars, interest to judgment, with interest on principal debt at per cent, per annum from day of , 19. . . ., to date of judgment, and the sum of dollars, cost of suit, which several sums were recovered by against the said , as principal, and , as security, on the day of EXECUTIONS , 19. . . ., in the justice's court held in and for district, G. M., of said county. And have you the said several sums of money at the .next justice's court to be held in and for said district, to render to the said And have you then and there this writ. Given under my hand and seal this. . . .day of , 19. .. ,J.P. ILLEGALITY. 5305-5311. AFFIDAVIT OF ILLEGALITY. 5305. JOHN DOE vs. ItlCIIAKD ROE In the Justice Court of the District, G. M., County, Term, 19 Execution for $ , principal, $ . interest to judgment, and $ , attor- ney's fees and costs of suit, Georgia, County. Before me, , a justice of the peace in and for said county, personally came Richard Roe, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that he is the defendant in the above named and stated case and that the execution therein has been levied by , L. C., on one certain bay horse, as the property of affiant, and affiant says that the said execution did issue illegally and is proceeding illegally against him for the following reasons, to wit: 1st. Affiant has never had his day in court, was never served with any process or other notice of the pendency of the suit whereon said execution is based, nor did he waive service nor did he appear in or defend said suit. (Or, affiant may state any other grounds as to why the fi. fa. issued illegally against him or is proceeding illegally against him, being careful to state the facts and not conclusions.) RICHARD ROE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of , 19 ,J.P. 462 EXECUTIONS AFFIDAVIT OF ILLEGALITY AND TRAVERSE OF SHERIFF'S RETURN. Georgia, County. ~} Illegality of execution from the vs. Superior Court of 3 County, Term, 19. . . Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, who by law has authority to administer an oath, the subscriber, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that an execution in favor of against , the affiant, which issued from the Superior Court of said county upon a judgment rendered therein at the Term, 19. . . . , of said court, has been levied upon a certain (here describe the prop- erty), as the property of defendant, issued illegally against affiant and is proceeding illegally against him, for the following- reason : this affiant was never served with a copy of said petition and process in said suit, and he never waived service thereof and he never appeared and plead therein and never authorized any person to do any one or all of these things for him, and affiant has never had his day in court in this case. Affiant further says that since the last term of said court, it has come to his notice that in said case that , the sheriff of said county, made a return of service on the petition in said case that he served this affiant personally with a copy of said petition and process on the day of , 19 . . . . , and affiant says that said return is untrue, and he hereby traverses the same and he prays the court to make said , sheriff, a party to this case by proper order. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 J. P. ORDER OF JUDGE MAKING SHERIFF PARTY. Illegality of execution from the vs. [ Superior Court of County, Term, 19 ... The defendant in the above named and stated case having filed his affidavit of illegality therein upon the grounds therein EXECUTIONS 463 stated, and therein traversing the return of service by the sheriff and praying that the sheriff be made a party to said proceeding, it is therefore ordered that , sheriff, be and he is hereby made a party to said traverse and said illegality. Let him be served at once with a copy of this order. This day of , 19 .... Judge Superior Court. Due and legal service is hereby acknowledged of the within and foregoing order and all other and further service and notice is hereby waived. 'Sheriff (NOTE: If the return traverse is made by a deputy-sheriff, the sheriff must be made a party to the traverse. The better plan would be to make both the sheriff and the deputy-sheriff parties to the traverse.) TRAVERSE OF GROUNDS OF ILLEGALITY. 5307. Now comes John Doe, and traverses the truth of the facts alleged in said affidavit of illegality, and says that the same are not true and that the fi. fa. should proceed. JOHN DOE. JOINING ISSUE. Now comes the affiant, Richard Roe, and says that the grounds stated and alleged in said illegality are true, and joins issue thereon. RICHARD ROE. (NOTE: If the levy is upon personal property, the usual form of a foreclosure bond can be given. If the levy is upon realty, there is no necessity of any bond.) VERDICT OF THE JURY. We, the jury, find the issue in favor of the plaintiff in execution. This day of , 19 , Foreman. 464 EXECUTIONS JUDGMENT OF THE Couirr. vs. [ Fi. fa. and issue joined on ille- ) gality. The above issue having been submitted and tried, at the present term, and the jury having returned their verdict, upon said issue, in favor of plaintiff in execution, it is therefore, on motion, ordered and adjudged by the court that the illegality filed in said case, be overruled and dismissed, and that said fi. fa. proceed. And it is further ordered that the plaintiff in fi. fa. do recover from the defendant dollars for his costs and charges, in this behalf sustained. Judgment signed this day of , 19. ... Attorney for Plaintiff in Fi. Fa. FORTHCOMING BOND. ^6040-6043. (To accompany affidavit of illegality by defendant in fi. fa.) Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, That we, , principal, and , security, acknowledge our- selves jointly and severally bound nnto , sheriff of said county, in the sum of dollars, subject to the following conditions : The condition of the above obligation is such that Whereas, The said , sheriff as aforesaid, has lately levied an execution issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of against upon certain property, to wit: [describe the property], as the property of said , to which said execution and levy the above named principal has filed his affidavit of ille- gality, as provided by law ; Now, should the said , principal, well and truly deliver said property so levied upon at the time and place of sale, in the event that said illegality shall be dismissed by EXECUTIONS 465 the court, or withdrawn, then this obligation to be void, else of full force and effect. Witness our hands and seals this. . . .day of , 19. .. Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Approved and attested hy Sheriff. COST EXECUTION AGAINST PLAINTIFF. 5992. Georgia, County. To any Lawful Constable of said County: It appearing to the court that an execution in favor of against issued from the justice's court of the district, G. M., of said county, has been returned with the entry thereon by the proper officer, that there is no property of the defendant out of which satisfaction of the execution can be made: These are, therefore, to com- mand you, that of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements, of the said you cause to be made the sum of dollars, costs in said case, and thirty-five cents for this fi. fa., together with all future costs. And have you the said sums of money at our next justice's court, to be held in and for said district, to be disposed of according to law ; and have you then and there this writ. Herein fail not. Given under my hand and official signature this day of ..., 19 , J. P. BON A ENTRY. Georgia, County. Diligent search made, and no property of defendant found upon which to levy the within fi. fa. This day of , 19.... , Sheriff. 466 EXECUTIONS LEVY ON LAND NOTICE OF. 6031, 6033. [To be served on defendant, and also on tenant in possession, if any, within five days after the levy. 6031, 6033.] Georgia, County. To : You are hereby notified that on the day of , 19. . . ., a fi. fa., issued from the court of said county in favor of against was levied by the undersigned upon the following land, situate in said county, to wit: (describe the land as in the levy), as the property of and that the same will be advertised to be sold on the first Tuesday in ...... next. This day of ,19 , Sheriff. STAY OF EXECUTION FORM OF BOND. 4760, 6044-6046. vs. In the Justice's Court for the District, G. M., of County, State of Judgment for Plaintiff of dollars, principal, dollars interest, and dollars, cost of suit. And now comes the defendant in the above stated case, within the time required by law, and having paid the costs, brings and tenders him as security, and demands a stay of execution for sixty days. And the defendant and said acknowledge themselves jointly and severally bound unto the said plaintiff for the amount of said judgment, as to both principal and interest in the terms of the statute in such case made and provided. This day of , 19 Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Executed in the presence of and approved by me ,J.P. EXECUTIONS 467 PERISHABLE PROPERTY APPLICATION FOR SALE OF. 6068. Georgia, County. To , Justice of the Peace of the District, G. M., of said County: The application of shows that on the day of , 19. . . ., an execution, issued from the justice's court of said district, in favor of against was, by the constable of said district, levied on the following property, to wit: (here describe the property levied on), which property is of a perishable nature (or liable to deteriorate in value from keeping, or there is expense attend- ing the keeping of the same) ; that the said the defendant in fi. fa., fails to replevy said property, and the same remains in the hands of the levying officer. Wherefore, applicant prays for an order for the sale of said property in terms of the statute in such cases made and provided. This day of , 19 Applicant. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT IN Fi. FA. 6069. (State the case.) To , or his Attorney : You are hereby notified that I will, on the day of , 19 . . . . , apply to , justice of the peace of the district, G. M., of county, for an order to sell certain property, to wit: (here describe the property levied on) which property was, on the day of , 19 . . . . , levied on by virtue of a fi. fa. issued from the justice court of the district, G. M., county, in favor of against yourself, and that said application will be heard by the said at in said county, on the day of , 19 Applicant. 468 EXECUTIONS ORDER OF SALE OF PERISHABLE PROPERTY. 6068. It appearing- to the court upon the application of this cfay heard that on the .day of , 19. ... an execution issued from the justice court of district, G. M., in favor of against was by levied on the following property, to wit : (here describe the property levied on.) And it further appear- ing that said property is of a perishable nature or liable to deteriorate in value from keeping (or there is expense attending the keeping of the same) and that the said the defendant in fi. fa., fails to replevy said property, and the same remains in the hands of the levying officer. It is therefore ordered that the said property be advertised and sold in terms of the statute in such cases made and provided. This day of , 19 ,J. P. ADVERTISEMENT OF SALE OF PERISHABLE PROPERTY. 6069. In pursuance of an order granted by , J. P., of the district, G. M., of county, there will be held before the court house door in (the place for holding court for said district) on the day of , 19. . . ., within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit : (here describe the property. ) Said property levied on as the property of by virtue of a fi. fa. issued from the justice's court of said district in favor of against This day of ...,19 , L. C. CONTROL OF EXECUTION BY SURETY PAYING IT OFF. 3558-3561, 6046. ENTRY BY COLLECTING OFFICER. Received day of , 19 . . . . , the whole amount of this execution, principal, interest and cost, amount- EXECUTIONS 469 ing to dollars of one of the securities; and the control given to him, according to law. , Sheriff. ORDEK OF THE COURT. vs. and Fi. Fa. from Superior Court, returnable to Term, 19. ... Principal debt, $ Interest, Cost, It appearing to the court here, that and were bona 'fide securities on the note, the foundation of the plaintiff's demand, and in no way interested in the consideration thereof. And it appearing that said has been compelled to pay off said -fi. fa. It is ordered, that said have the control of said fi. fa. for the purpose of collecting by levy and sale, from said the proportionable share due by said on said fi. fa. This day of , 19 Attorney for , SURETY AOAIXST PRINCIPAL. vs. and Fi. Fa, from Superior Court, returnable to Term, 19. ... Principal debt, $ Interest, Cost, It appearing to the court that was security on the note, the foundation of the above fi. fas., and in no way interested in the consideration of said note. That separate actions were brought on said note against and said That the fi. fa. against said has been paid off and discharged by said It i> therefore hereby ordered, that said have the control of the judgment rendered against said 470 EXECUTIONS and the execution issued therefrom, in said cause for the pur- pose of remunerating himself out of his property. This day of , 19 Attorney for. SURETY AGAINST CO-SECURITY. (State the case.) It appearing to the court that and were co-securities on the note, the foundation of the plaintiff's demand, and in no way interested in the consideration of said note. ' That separate actions were brought against said co- securities, and that -. one of said co-securities, has paid off the said debt. It is hereby ordered, that said have the control of the execution obtained in said cause, against said for the purpose of collecting out of him his pro rata part of said debt. This day of ,19 Attorney for, "Amount of interest," return should show; where return fails to state any interest whatever in defendant, levy defective. 113/G95 (39 S. E. 455). "Backing" of execution in justice's court required before levy in another county; what is meant by "backing." 113/93 (2), 95 (38 S. E. 319). Sufficient "backing" under Code, 4760, authorizes levy in another county. 121/305 (48 S. E. 956). Descriptio personae. Execution against A. W. S., "exec." was against him individually. 119/666 (1) (46 S. E. 872). Execution appear- ing on face to be against party in representative capacity is valid though the word "as" not prefixed to word "administrator." 55/209. Illegality. Affidavit not sworn to, but only "witnessed" by notary, is invalid. 141/687 (82 S. E. 32). Not error in refusing to reopen case for amendment, after judgment, where entry of service not traversed. 143/129, 130 (84 S. E. 553). Affidavit filed by defendant in mortgage foreclosure proceeding is amendable to same extent as are ordinary pleas. 13 App. 632 (79 S. K 755). Where affidavit alleged that defendant was never served with process or any notice of pendency of suit, court did not err in refusing to allow it to be amended by traverse, offered after several terms of court had intervened. Affidavit will not take place of traverse of officer's return. 15 App. 162 (82 S. E. 803). Second affidavit is not main- tainable if based on same facts that first affidavit was based upon. 15 App. 680 (84 S. E. 175). Where affidavit alleges that judgment debt has been discharged in court of bankruptcy, error to dismiss EXECUTORS EXEMPTIONS FEES FERTILIZERS 471 affidavit because of failure to set forth or attach copy of abstract of record of proceedings in that court. 16 App. 472 (3) (85 S. E. 791). Amendment of affidavit, fatally defective, in not stating that ground added thereby was not known to affiant when original affidavit was made. Amendment merely amplifying ground of illegality allowed, without oath as to want of knowledge at time of filing original affidavit. 17 App. 688 (87 S. E. 1092). Allegation that deponent "is advised and believes" that debt upon which judg- ment was rendered has been settled in full by principal, is insuffi- cient. 18 App. 780 (4) (90 S. E. 722). Judgment. Execution should follow the judgment; but although it may misstate date of judgment, if it so describes nad identifies the judgment as to make certain the legal authority of the court which caused it to be issued, this is sufficient to authorize the sheriff to levy on and sell the land of the defendant in fi. fa. 143/164 (84 S. E'. 480). Levy of land void for uncertainty which fails to describe land with such precision as to inform purchaser what he is buying, and enable officer selling to place purchaser in possession. 100/486 (2), 492 (28 S. E. 219). Misdescription in naming of plaintiff in fi. fa. will not invalidate execu- tion, when. 106/268 (32 S. E. 124); 107/802 (33 S. E. 684). Seizure. Levy of sheriff need not recite actual seizure. 109/180 (1) (34 S. E. 353). EXECUTORS. (See Administrators and Executors, ante.) EXEMPTIONS. (See Homestead and Exemptions, post.) FEES. (See Costs and Fees, ante.) FERTILIZERS. 1771-1799. . ILLEGALITY OF CONTRACT PLEA SETTING UP. (State the case.) And now comes the defendant in tho above stated case, and for plea says: 1. That the consideration of the contract sned on in said case was commercial fertilizers, and that the sacks or packages 472 FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER containing said fertilizers had not on them, nor any of them, the marks or brands of an inspector of fertilizers, and that the same were not tagged as required by law. And of this he puts himself upon the country. Defendant's Attorney. FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER. 5395-5405. FORM OF AFFIDAVIT. 5395. Georgia, ............ County. Personally appeared before me, ............... , a justice of the peace in and for the ........... district of said county, ............... , who upon oath says that on the ...... day of ............ , 19. . . ., he was in the peaceable, legal and quiet possession of a certain house and lot in the town of ...... and in the ......... district, G. M., of said county, known as the ......... . ..... , ..... house and lot, and designated as lot No .......... in the plan of said town, and that on the day and year aforesaid, ................. , of said county, with menaces, force and arms, violently and without authority of law, took possession of said house and lot, and doth now forcibly detain the same without authority of law. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ...... day of ............... , 19 ____ , FORM OF PRECEPT FOR SUMMONING JURY. 5396. To , Constable for District, G. M. : You are hereby commanded immediately to summon the following named twelve jurors, to wit: , , , , etc., to be and appear before me at , the place of holding court in and for the district, G. M., in said county, on the day of next, by 10 o'clock a. m., then and there to inquire into and try a certain case of forcible entry and FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER 473 detainer pending between and and have yon then and there this writ. Witness my hand and official signature this day of , 19. ... , J.P. FORM OF SUMMONS TO DEFENDANT. 5395. Georgia, County. To , of said County : Whereas, on the day of , 19. . . ., appeared before me and made oath that on the day of , 19. . . . , he was in the legal, peaceable and quiet possession of a certain house and lot in the town of. in said county, known as the house and lot, and designated as lot No in the plan of said town, and that on the day and year aforesaid you did with menaces, force and arms, violently and without authority of law, take possession of said house and lot, and doth still forcibly detain the same without authority of law. Wherefore, you are hereby notified and required to be and appear at in said county (the place of holding court in and for the .district, G. M.,) on the day of , 19. . . ., by 10 o'clock a. m., when and where the question of forcible entry and detainer between and yourself will be submitted to the con- sideration of a jury as provided by law. A copy of said affidavit is hereto attached. Witness my hand and official signature, this day of , 19. ... , J. P. OATH OF JURY. 5399. You shall well and truly inquire whether A. B. has made any forcible entry into the lands or tenements of C. D., and him ejected therefrom, or forcibly detained the lands or tenements of the said C. D., and a true verdict give according to the facts as they may appear to you in evidence. So help you God. 474 FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER VERDICT OF JURY. We, the jury, find a forcible entry and detainer as to the defendant and the possession of the lands and tenements in dispute in favor of the plaintiff. This day of , 19 , Foreman. JUDGMENT OF THE COURT. Whereupon it is considered, ordered and adjudged by the court that the defendant has been guilty of forcible entry and detainer of the premises mentioned in the proceedings. And it is further considered that the plaintiff have quiet and peaceable possession of said premises, and that a writ of possession issue accordingly. And further, that the plaintiff recover of the defendant dollars cost of suit, for which let execution issue. Judgment signed this day of , 19 .... ,J.P. WRIT OF POSSESSION. 5400. Georgia, County. By , a justice of the peace for said county. To , Sheriff of said County : Whereas , lately in a justice court, held in terms of the statute for that purpose, by the judgment of said court, recovered of , of said county, possession of a certain house and lot situated in the town of , in said county, known as the lot, and designated in the plan of said town as lot No , which said premises have been and are still unjustly withheld from the said by the said , whereof he is convicted by the verdict of a jury. And it having been adjudged by said court that the said ! have execution upon his said judgment against the said in accordance with his recovery ; therefore, you are hereby commanded that, without delay, you deliver to the said possession of the GARNISHMENT WHERE SUIT is PENDING, ETC. 475 said premises, and that you make return of your actings and doings in reference to the matters herein commanded forthwith, and return this writ. Witness my hand and official signature, this day of ,19.... ,J.P. RETURN OF SHERIFF. Executed the within writ by putting in quiet possession of the premises therein mentioned. This day of ,19 Sheriff of County, Ga. Affidavit and summons are sufficient if they allege that at a certain time defendant forcibly entered on land described, in possession of plaintiff, and forcibly detained it; need not describe manner, means or nature of force used. 86/271 (12 S. E 1 . 412). Bond for "all future costs" sufficient in certiorari. 75/847. Warrant on face showing entry more than three years before and con- taining no allegation o forcible detainer was demurrable. 48/408. GARNISHMENT WHERE SUIT IS PENDING OJl JUDGMENT HAS BEEN OBTAINED. 5265-5304. AFFIDAVIT. 5268. State of Georgia, County. In person before me came , who on oath says that is indebted to in the sum of dollars, and cents principal, dollars, attorney's fees, interest and cost upon that ha. . commenced suit thereon in action pending in and returnable to the term. 19. . . ., of the court (or upon a judgment obtained at the term, 19. . . ., of the court) 476 GAKNISHMENT WHERE SUIT is PENDING, ETC. and that affiant has reason to apprehend the loss of said sum or some part thereof unless process of garnishment do issue. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 ' ,J.P. [NOTE. If the affidavit is made by an agent or attorney at law of the plaintiff he may swear "according to the best of his knowledge and belief." 5266.] BOND. $5268. Georgia, County. We the undersigned, ...., principal, and , suret . . , acknowledge ourselves bound unto , the defendant named in the foregoing affidavit, in the sum of [double the amount sworn to be due] . . .dollars, conditioned to pay to the said defendant. . all costs and damages that . .he. . may sustain in consequence of suing out said garnishment sought by the principal . . in said affidavit, in the event that the plaintiff. . fail. . to recover in the suit, or it should appear that the amount sworn to be due on such judgment was not due, or that the property or money sought to be garnished was not subject to process of garnish- ment. Signed and sealed this day of , 19 .... Principal [L. S.} .Surety [L. S.] Tested and approved by me : J- P. [NOTE. Agent or attorney at law of plaintiff making the affidavit, may sign name of plaintiff to bond. 5266.] SUMMONS OF GARNISHMENT. 5269. (State the case.) Georgia, County. To , , Garnishee: You are hereby required to appear at the term of court to be held in and for . . . . on the . . GARNISHMENT WHERE SUIT is PENDING, ETC. 477 day of , 19. . . . , [where said suit is pending, or, where said judgment was obtained], then and there to depose on oath what you are indebted to, or what property and effects you have in your hands belonging to , the defendant, or had at the time of the service of this summons of garnishment upon you ; and also what you have become indebted, or what property and effects you have received or got possession of, belonging to the said defendant, between the time of the service of this summons, and the time of making your return. This day of , 19.'... , J. P. RETURN OF SERVICE OF GARNISHMENT. 5269. Georgia, County. On this day of , 19. . . ., at the hour of M., I have served summons of garnishment based upon the within affidavit and bond upon ;.-.. .personally. Deputy Sheriff, County, Ga. RETURN OF OFFICER LEVYING ATTACHMENT. Georgia, County. I have this day levied the within attachment upon , more or less, as the property of the defendant. And have served personally with a summons of garnishment, returnable to the term of the court of said county. This day of , 19 .... , Sheriff. ENTRY UPON BOND AND AFFIDAVIT OF GARNISHMENT. Georgia, County. I have this day served personally with a summons of garnishment, returnable to the term of the court of said county. This. . . .day of , 19 , Sheriff. 478 GARNISHMENT WHERE SUIT is PENDING, ETC. ANSWER TO SUMMONS or GARNISHMENT. 5269, 5271, 5272, 5293, 5298. (State the case.) Georgia, County. Before me the undersigned, a notary public and ex-officio justice of the peace in and for the district, G. M., of said county, personally came , who being duly sworn, in answer to a certain summons of garnishment heretofore served upon him in the above stated case, deposes and says on oath: Deponent says that at the date of the service of the summons of garnishment upon him in this case, he was indebted to the defendant dollars [or that he was indebted to the defendant nothing], and that he has property and effects in his hands belonging to the said defendant, or had at the time of the service of said summons of garnishment upon him, to wit [describe the property in hand] : [or, that he now has no property in his hands belonging to said defendant, and had none at the time of the service of said summons of garnish- ment upon him] ; that deponent has become indebted to the defendant between the time of the service of the summons of garnishment and the time of making this his answer dollars [or nothing, as the case may be] and during said interval he has received and got possession of property and effects belonging to the defendant, to wit [describe the property if any or nothing.] [If the amount due by garnishee is for the wages of an employee or servant, the following clause should be inserted in the answer: That , the defendant, was employed by this affiant, as a laborer, at the wage of two ($2.00) dollars per day, and the said sum represents his wages for days, so employed by affiant. (See Acts 1914, p. 62, or 5298, Park's Ann. Code, 1914.) ] Sworn to and subscribed before me, this .day of , 19 Notary Public and ex-officio J. P., District, G. M. GARNISHMENT WHERE SUIT is PENDING, ETC. 479 DISSOLUTION OF GARNISHMENT. 5280, 5281. BOND DISSOLVING GARNISHMENT. 5280. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, that we, principal, and , security, acknowledge our- selves jointly and severally bound to in the sura of dollars subject to the following conditions : Whereas the said has sued out process of garnishment against the said returnable to the Superior Court of county, based upon a suit pending [or, upon "a judgment obtained," as the case may be,] in such court, for the sum of dollars; Now should the said make unto the said full payment of the judgment that shall be rendered on said garnishment, or should the said do so for him, then this bond to be void, else of full force and effect. Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Executed in the presence of, and approved by me: ST. P. and ex-officio J. P. BOND TO DISSOLVE GARNISHMENT BY DEFENDANT. 5280. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, that we, , as principal, and , as surety, are held and firmly bound unto , plaintiff, in the just and full sum of $ (which shall be double the amount sworn to be due in the suit or double the amount sworn to be due on the judgment), subject to the conditions hereinafter stated. The condition of the above obligation is as follows: , as plaintiff, has sued out a garnishment against , defendant, in a certain suit (or upon a certain judgment stating when and where obtained) now 480 GARNISHMENT WHERE SUIT is PENDING, ETC. pending in the court of of said county, and returnable to the term, 19-. . . ., thereof. Now if the said , principal, and , surety, shall well and truly pay to the said , plaintiff in garnishment, the sum and amount of the judgment rendered in favor of said plaintiff in said garnishment, and the costs thereon, then in such case this bond to be void, otherwise of full force and effect. In witness whereof we have here- unto set our hands and affixed our seals, this the day of , 19 Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Executed in the presence of and approved by me: (J. P. or Clerk of Superior Court as the case may be.) FORTHCOMING BOND GIVEN BY CLAIMANT. Georgia, County. We, , as principal, and , security, acknowledge ourselves bound unto , plaintiff, in the sum of. dollars, subject to the following condition: Whereas, an attachment in favor of against , returnable to the . . . .court of the county aforesaid, at the term, 19. . . ., has been levied upon , which has been claimed by N"ow should the said deliver said to the levying officer, at the time and place of sale ; provided, said should be found subject to said attachment, then this bond to be void, otherwise, of force. This day of , 19. ... Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Executed in the presence of and approved by me: GARNISHMENT IN ATTACHMENT CASES 481 GARNISHMENT IN ATTACHMENT CASES. 5094-5101. JUDGMENT WHERE GARNISHES ANSWERS THAT HE Is INDEBTED, ETC. 5098. (State the case.) It appearing to the court that , garnishee in said case, is indebted to the defendant, , in the principal sum of dollars, and the sum of dollars, interest. It is, therefore, ordered and adjudged by the court, that the said recover of the said .the said sums of dollars principal, and dollars, interest. Judgment signed day of , 19 .... Judge S. C................C. i Plaintiff's Attorney. JUDGAIENT ON BOND DISSOLVING GARNISHMENT. 5280. (State the case.) The plaintiff, , having heretofore obtained the judgment of the court against the property [or, "funds"] against which garnishment was issued, It is considered and adjudged that the plaintiff do recover of the defendant, , and the surety upon his bond to dissolve garnishment, to wit dollars, principal, dollars, interest, and costs. " Judge's. C.'.'.'.'.".''.'/.'.'.'.'/.'.'.C. TRAVERSE. 5099. (State the case.) And now comes, , the plaintiff, at this term of the court at which the answer of , 482 GARNISHMENT IN ATTACHMENT CASES garnishee, was made, and not being content with the answer of said garnishee, denies the truth of the same. NOTICE BY PLAINTIFF TO GAKNISHEE OF TEAVEESE OF ANSWEE. (State the case.) You are hereby notified that the answer filed by you as garnishee in the above-stated case, was, to -wit, on the day of , 19. . . ., traversed by the undersigned, the plaintiff in said action, and that the trial of said garnish- ment will be had on the. .... .day of , 19. ... Plaintiff. [NOTE. The notice should be served at least five days before the trial of the garnishment, if in a justice court, at at least ten days before such trial if the proceeding is in any other court. 6223, supra.] AFFIDAVIT AS TO SEEVICE. Georgia, County. Personally before me came , who on oath says that on the day of , 19 . . . . , he personally served a copy of the foregoing notice on , the garnishee above named. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 Notary Public and ex-officio J. P., District, G. M., of County. DISMISSAL OF GAENISHMENT. Clerk's Office Superior Court, County, Ga. To , Garnishee : . This is to certify, that the plaintiff's attorney has ordered me GARNISHMENT IN ATTACHMENT CASES 483 to dismiss the garnishment in the case of vs , and that the same is hereby dismissed. Given under my hand and seal of office, this day' of ,19 , Clerk. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Georgia, County. Garnishment in Court of To , Garnishee : You are hereby notified that the defendant in the case herein- after stated has given a satisfactory bond for the dissolution of garnishment in the case of . . vs and that said bond has been duly approved by me. You are therefore released from all further liability in said garnishment suit, with the exception that it is necessary for you to file your answer. Witness my hand and seal of said court, this the day of , 19 Clerk Superior Court County. Affidavit. Attorney swearing "that affiant has reason to apprehend," etc., sufficient; affidavit defective, when. 126/114 (54 S. E. 938). Affidavit and bond sufficient in this case. 123/224 (51 S. E. 318). Agent may verify answer in behalf of corporation if he can and will depose positively to facts stated. 8 App. 114 (68 S. E. 622). Amendment of answer of garnishee is permissible, unless the alleged answer is a nullity. 15 App. 293, 294 (3) (82 S. E. 942). Error to allow amendment for purpose of curing omission to comply with Code, 5304. 14 App. 360 (2) (80 S. E. 854). Variance between amount claimed in original suit and that claimed in affidavit is amendable. 4 App. 526 (2) (62 S. E'. 97). Answer. Garnishee failing to set up exemption of wages which he owes defendant sued, is not protected from suit by defendant. 125/104 (54 S. E. 68). Not error in allowing second answer, when. 1 App. 430 (57 S. E. 1047). Attorney may make statements necessary to obtain garnishment. 126/114 (54 S. E. 938). Backing ft", fa. not necessary in order that summons may issue thereon in another county. 6, App. 405 (2) (65 S. E. 165). Equitable pleading in superior court; when necessary aid to garnish- ment proceedings. 127/626 (56 S. E. 742). Exemptions. Garnishee must set up exemption. 125/103 (54 S. E. 68). 484 GUARDIAN AND WARD GUARDIAN AND WARD. 3031-3116. PETITION OF NATURAL GUARDIAN. 3032. Georgia, County. To Hon , Ordinary of said County : The petition of shows that is the father of minor . . . residing in said county; that said minor. . . ha. . . an estate of probably dollars coming to .from estate. Petitioner prays an order appointing guardian of the property of said minor . . . , Petitioner. ORDER. Court of Ordinary. Upon reading and considering the petition of ............. , the father of ................... , it is ordered that the said ............... be and he is, hereby appointed guardian of the property of said minor . . . , and that ................... give bond and security, as required by law, in the sum of ............... dollars, and take and subscribe the oath as required by such guardians. ......................... . . ., Ordinary. BOND OF NATURAL GUARDIAN. 3032. Georgia, County. Know all Men by these Presents: That we, and , are bound unto , ordinary of said county, and his suc- cessors in office, in the sum of dollars, for payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs and assigns, jointly and severally. Signed, sealed and delivered this. . . .day of , 19. ... The condition of the above bond is such, That if said , the natural guardian of child to whom recently there has the sum of GUARDIAN AND WARD 485 dollars, shall faithfully discharge his duties according to law, as guardian of said minor, then the above bond to be null and void, else to remain in full force and effect. [L. S.J : [L. S.] [L. S.] Executed in the presence of and approved by me: Ordinary. APPLICATION BY THIRD PERSON FOR GUARDIANSHIP OF MINOR OVER FOURTEEN. 3035. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County : The petition of , a resident of said State, respectfully shows that is a minor above the age of fourteen years, residing in said county; that there is coming to him from the estate of property, both real and personal, of the probable value of dollars; that petitioner desires to be appointed guardian of the person and property of said minor, and that said minor has selected your petitioner as such guardian. A writing signed by said minor, declaring said choice, is attached to this application. Wherefore petitioner prays that an order be passed sanction- ing such selection and appointing petitioner guardian of the person and property of said minor. Petitioner. I hereby select as guardian of my person and property. This day of , 19. ... ORDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN. Court of Ordinary, Term, 19 The foregoing application of to be appointed 486 GUARDIAN AND WARD guardian of , a minor, coming on to be heard, and the facts therein alleged being shown to the court to be true and the selection of said by said minor appear- ing to be judicious, it is ordered that said. be, and he is, hereby appointed guardian of the person and property of said upon his giving bond and security in the sum of dollars, and taking the oath of office. In open court, this day of , 19 .... Ordinary. APPLICATION BY MINOR OVER FOURTEEN YEARS TO HAVE GUARDIAN APPOINTED OF His OWN SELECTION. 3035. The petition of , a resident of said county, and a minor child of , recently deceased, respectfully shows to the court that he is over fourteen years of age; that he desires to have a guardian appointed for him- self, to take charge of his person and property in said State; that he has selected as such guardian his friend and relative, , and prays the court to sanction his choice, and appoint said his guardian, said residing in said State. This day of , 19 PETITION BY MINOR FOR REMOVAL OF GUARDIAN AND APPOINTMENT OF ANOTHER. The petition of , a minor child of , shows to the court that he is fourteen years of age, and resides in said county, that he is not satisfied with his present guardian, but desires his removal and wishes the court to appoint as guardian of his person and property in said State, , a resident of said State, who consents to act. GUARDIAN AND WARD 487 PETITION FOR LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP OF MINOR UNDKI; FOURTEEN YEARS. 3046. APPLICATION. Georgia, County. To , Ordinary of said County: The petition of , a resident of said State. shows that , of said county, aged respectively years, are the children of , late of said county, deceased, and that they are entitled to receive from the estate of their . each the sum of dollars, in and that it is necessary that they should have a guardian appointed to take charge of their per- sons and property. Wherefore, petitioner prays that citation may issue and be published in terms of the law, and if no sufficient reason be shown to the contrary that he be appointed the guardian of said minors. Petitioner. ORDER FOR CITATION. 3046. Court of Ordinary: Term, 19 Upon reading and considering the foregoing petition, ordered that citation issue as required by law. Ordinary. CITATION. 3046. Georgia, County. To All Whom it May Concern : , a resident of this State, having in due form applied to the undersigned for the guardianship of the person and property of ". , minor children of , late of said county, deceased, notice is hereby given that application will be heard at the 488 GUARDIAN AND WARD next court of ordinary for said county, on the first Monday in , 19 Witness my hand and official signature, this day of , 19.... Ordinary County. ORDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN. 3047. Court of Ordinary, Term, 19 Upon reading and considering the application of for letters of guardianship for , minors, residing in said county, and it appearing that citation issued and was duly published, and no objection having been filed ; and appearing to be a proper person to be appointed guardian, it is ordered that said be, and he is, hereby appointed guardian of the person and property of the said minor. . ., and that letters of guardianship issue to upon taking and subscribing the oath and giving bond and security as required by law in the sum of dollars. This day of , 19 , Ordinary. OATH OF GUARDIAN. 3047. Georgia, . County. I, , do solemnly swear that I will well and truly perform the duties required of me as guardian of , and faithfully account with my said ward. . for. estate. So help me God. Guardian. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of .'.., 19 Ordinary County. GUARDIAN AND WARD 489 BOND OF TEMPORARY GUARDIAN. 3046. Georgia, County. Know all Men by these Presents : That we, , principal, and , securit. . . ., are held and firmly bound unto ordinary for said county, and his successors in office, in the just and full sum of dollars, for the payment of which sum to the said ordinary as aforesaid, and his successors in office, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this. . . .day of , 19. . . The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas the said has been appointed temporary guardian of Now, if the said do well and truly demean self and faithfully discharge duties as guardian aforesaid, agreeably to temporary letters of guardianship bearing even date herewith, and agreeably to law in such case made and provided the above obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. And we hereby waive and renounce all benefit of homestead of realty and ex- emption of personalty, under the laws of force in this State, as fully and completely as we are authorized to do under said laws. ., Principal [SEAL] Security [SEAL] Security [SEAL] Executed in the presence of and approved by me, this the. . . . day of , 19 ... Ordinary. OATH OF TEMPORARY GUARDIAN. Georgia, County. I do solemnly swear that I will well and truly perform the duties required of me as temporary guardian, and, faithfully account with my ward for estate. So help me God. Guardian. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , , 19 Ordinary County. 490 GUARDIAN AND WARD LETTERS TEMPORARY GUARDIANSHIP or PROPERTY. Georgia, County. By the Ordinary of said County. To , Greeting: Whereas , minor . . of , possessed, in own right, of considerable estate by means whereof the power of granting the temporary guar- dianship of the property of the said to me is manifestly known to belong ; and for the better securing the estate of the said minor . . and the integrity and confidence reposed in you and in pursuance of an order lawfully appointing you and your compliance there- with, I do hereby commit the temporary guardianship of the property of the said to you the said you assenting thereto by your acceptance of these letters: Herein charging you, That you inquire into and take charge of estate, both real and personal, and all other things do which by law you ought to do, for said ward-. . ; of all which a true and perfect account you shall render to the court of ordinary of said county, according to law, in every year during your continuance in office, and turn over the said assets to the permanent guardian, when appointed. Witness my hand as ordinary, and seal of the said court, this day of , 19. ... Ordinary. BOND OF GUARDIAN. 3047. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, that we, , principal, and . , surety, are held and firmly bound unto. , ordinary of said county, and his successors in office, in the sum of dollars, payable by the said , or either of them, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, jointly and severally, to be void on condition that the said shall faith- fully' discharge all the duties of guardianship for the person GUARDIAN AND WARD 491 and property of as the law requires of him, otherwise to remain in full force, power and virtue. Witness our hands and seals, this day of , 19. ... Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Security [L. S.]' Executed in the presence of and approved by Ordinary County. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. 3046. Georgia, County. To All Whom it May Concern: Whereas, Application has been made in proper form for the appointment of a guardian of the person and property of , a minor residing in said county, child of , late of said county, deceased, and has been, by order duly passed, appointed guardian, and has given the bond required and qualified as such, Now, know ye, that the said is, by these presents, authorized, empowered and directed to receive, collect and take charge of the estate, both real and personal, of the said and to do all other things which are required of him by law, as guardian of said minor, with all the authority and powers usual in such cases. Witness my hand and seal of office this day of." , 19 Ordinary. PETITION TO BE RELIEVED AS SURETY. 3052. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County: The petition of , security on the bond given b} for the guardianship of the estate of 492 GUARDIAN AND WARD , shows that the said desires to be relieved as such security, for the following reasons, to wit : [State misconduct of guardian in the discharge of his trust, or other reason why surety desires to be relieved.] CITATION. $3052. The foregoing petition of , security of , guardian of , praying to be relieved from such suretyship, read and considered. Ordered, that show cause at the next term of this court, to be holden on the day of next why said application should not be granted. Let a copy of said petition, and of this order be served upon said ten days before the next term of this court. This day of , 19 Ordinary. ORDER RELIEVING SURETY. Court of Ordinary, Term, 19 A rule nisi having heretofore duly issued upon the petition of , security upon the bond of ,. . ., as guardian of , praying to be relieved from such suretyship, and said rule having been duly served upon said after hearing the evidence, Ordered that said. be discharged from all future liability as such security from the time new and sufficient security shall be furnished by said , and said is hereby required to give such new security or be discharged from his trust. This day of , 19 Ordinary. GUARDIAN AND WARD 493 SALES FOR REINVESTMENT. 3064, 3065. PETITION OF GUARDIAN. Georgia, County. To the Hon , Judge of the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of shows : 1. That he is the guardian of. . . ., , heretofore duly appointed as such guardian in said county. 2. That he desires to sell for reinvestment at private sale the following property, the same being a part of the personal estate of his said ward, to wit : shares of the stock of 3. Said stock pays no dividend, an4 for some time past has paid none, and is continually fluctuating in value, on account of the fact that and said investment has become a precarious one. 4. Petitioner desires to invest the proceeds of such sale in to wit: [describing them.] 5. Petitioner shows that notice of his intention to make this application has been published once a week for four weeks in the newspaper, being the newspaper in which county advertisements are usually published, as required by law. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 Notary Public County, Georgia. ADVERTISEMENT PRELIMINARY TO PETITION. 3065. Georgia, County. After four weeks' notice, pursuant to law, a petition, of which a true and correct copy is subjoined, will be presented to the Hon , judge of the Superior Court, at the court house in said county, on the day of , 19 [Attach copy of petition referred to.] 494 GUARDIAN AND WARD ORDER TO SELL. 3065. At Chambers, , Ga., . . . .day of , 19. ... The foregoing petition of , guardian of , for leave to sell for reinvestment certain of the property of said to wit : read and considered. And it appearing, after careful examination into the matter, and by evidence other than the verified petition, that the order prayed for should be granted. Ordered that said , guardian, be, and he is, hereby authorized to sell said property [here the order should fix the terms, time and place, specifying whether the sale shall be public or private, and whether for cash or on credit, etc.] Ordered further, that he do make report of such investment as required by law. Ordered further, that these proceedings be entered on the minutes of the Superior Court of said county, and that said guardian pay the cost of these proceedings out of the trust funds. This day of , 19 j.s.c.. '.'.c. ENCROACHMENT ON CORPUS. 3060. PETITION OF GUARDIAN. Georgia, County. I'o the Ordinary of said County: The petition of , guardian of , respectfully shows that the property he holds as such guardian of is entirely insufficient for his maintenance and education; that the annual profits of whole estate of in petitioner's hands amounts to the sum of ....... dollars; that said necessary annual expenses amount to. dollars ; that the welfare of said and his best interest will be promoted by selling a portion of property, and applying the proceeds judiciously to the education and other necessary ex- penses of the said GTTARDIAN AND WARD 495 Wherefore your petitioner prays leave to sell off a portion, to wit (here describe the portion) of said estate in his hands and direction as to how the same shall be appro- priated. ORDER TO ENCROACH ON CORPUS. Court of Ordinary, Term, 19 The foregoing petition of , guardian of , read and considered. It appearing from the return of said , as guardian, and from his statement made before me on oath as to the actual value and income of the property of said ........ that the annual profits thereof are insufficient for proper support and maintenance, it is ordered by this court that said guardian be, and he is, hereby authorized to sell belonging to said minor, at the usual time and place, giving the usual notice, and that he apply from the net proceeds of said sale the sum of dollars annually until the same is exhausted. This day of , 19 Ordinary. FINAL EECEIPT. 3083. This is to certify that , guardian of the undersigned , has this day paid over to said the sum of dollars, in cash, and has also turned over to said the following property, to wit , and said money and property have this day been received and accepted by said in full settlement of all claims on the part of said against his said guardian. In witness whereof, the said has set his hand and seal, this the day of. . . ; . ., 19. ... Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of N. P. and ex-officio J. P County, Ga. 496 GUARDIAN AND RESIGNATION OF GUARDIANSHIP. 3085. PETITION. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County : The petition of , guardian of , shows that he desires to resign his trust as such guardian, for the following reasons, to wit: [set forth the reasons] and that , of said county, is a suitable person, willing to accept said trust. Wherefore petitioner prays to be allowed to resign his said guardianship. CITATION. The foregoing petition read and considered. Ordered that and , nearest of kin of and , show cause before me at the next term of this court to be holden in and for said county on the day of , 19. . . ., why the relief prayed for in this petition should not be granted. Let a copy of said petition and of this order be served upon said named persons at least ten days before said next term of our court This day of , 19 Ordinary. ORDER ACCEPTING RESIGNATION. Georgia, County. Court of Ordinary for Said County, Term, 19 , guardian of , having filed in this court his petition praying to be allowed to resign his trust, and the facts alleged in said petition being shown to the court to be true, and and , nearest of kin to said , and , the person named in said petition as a suitable person, willing to accept said trust, having been duly cited to appear as required by law, and the said signifying his willingness GUARDIAN AND WARD 497 to accept the same, and this court being satisfied that such change of guardian will not be detrimental to the interests of said ward, and no good cause being shown against it, ordered that the resignation of as guardian aforesaid, be accepted as prayed, and that he be discharged from his trust on the following condition viz. : that he shall forthwith deliver all property and pay all money held by him as such guardian, upon a fair settlement of his accounts to his successor, and that he file with the ordinary the receipt in full of his successor. And . is hereby named as successor to said , guardian as aforesaid. Let letters of guar- dianship issue to said upon his taking and subscribing the oath and giving bond in the sum of dollars. This day of , 19 Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. 3086. PETITION FOR LETTERS. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County: The petition of , guardian of , shows to the court that he has fully executed the trust devolved on him, that he has complied with all his legal obligations as guardian of , and prays the court to order the usual citation to issue, in order that he may obtain letters of dismission from such guardianship. Guardian of. ORDER FOR CITATION TO ISSUE. Court of Ordinary The above petition of that he may obtain letters of dismission from his guardianship, having been read and considered by me, ordered that the usual citation issue. Ordinary. 498 GUARDIAN AND WARD CITATION. Georgia, County. , guardian of , having applied to me for a discharge from his guardianship of this is therefore to notify all persons concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in next, else will be discharged from his guardianship as applied for. Ordinary, County. ORDER AUTHORIZING LETTERS. Court of Ordinary, Term, 19. ... The petition of , guardian of , for dismission from his guardianship, having been duly filed, and citation issued and served in proper time for disposal at this term of the court, and it appearing to the court from a strict examination of returns, accounts, and vouchers, that he has fully and fairly executed his trust as guardian of and there being no valid objection offered why he should not be dismissed from his guardianship : It is ordered by the court, That he be, and is hereby dis- charged from said guardianship, and that letters of dismission, as usual in such cases, be issued to him. Ordinary, County. PETITION TO SET ASIDE LETTERS. To the Ordinary of County : The petition of , formerly a ward of , a guardian under the jurisdiction of this court, shows to the court that at the term, 19. . . ., said obtained from your court an order of discharge from his guardianship of your petitioner, and a further order to the clerk of your court to issue to him letters of dismission, which letters were duly issued by said clerk, and which letters GUAKDJA.X AM) \YARD 499 and discharge your petitioner prays may be set aside on the following grounds, to wit : that [set out the facts claimed to authorize the setting aside of the letters of dismission] In order to set aside such discharge and letters of dismission, he prays that a rule nisi be issued by the court calling on said to show cause why his discharge and letters of dismission should not be set aside. Petitioner. RULE NISI. Court of Ordinary, Term, 19 The above petition of to set aside the discharge granted to , guardian of , and to revoke his letters of dismission, being read and con- sidered, it is ordered by the court that said show cause, at the next term of the court, why his said discharge and letters of dismission should not be set aside and annulled, for the reasons stated in said petition^ and that a copy of the said petition and of this rule be served on him, ten days before the next term of this court. Ordinary. RULE ABSOLUTE. Court of Ordinary, Term, 19 A rule nisi having been taken at the last term of this court, calling on , former guardian of , to appear at this court and show cause why his discharge from his guardianship of the person and property of should not be set aside, and his letters of dismission revoked, for reasons stated in petition of and it now appearing that said rule has been properly served, and having made the facts stated in his petition fully appear to the court, and offering no sufficient answer to the said charge and evidence adduced in support thereof, it is there- 500 fore ordered by this court that said letters of dismission be, and the same are, revoked, and that this discharge be, and the same is, set aside. Ordinary. INVESTMENT OF TRUST FUNDS. PETITION or GUARDIAN FOR LEAVE TO INVEST IN LANDS. 4008. To the Honorable , Judge of Superior Court County, Ga, : The petition of , guardian of , shows to the court that he has surplus funds in hand not neces- sary for the support and maintenance of said ; that it would be to the advantage of to invest the same in land, and employ thereon ; that the- amount of said funds is dollars ; therefore he prays the court to allow him to invest said sum in tract of land of said This day of , 19 Guardian of, ORDER GRANTING PETITION. Office, Judge Superior Court. At Chambers, day of , 19 .... Tlie foregoing petition of , guardian of , to invest dollars surplus funds of in land, being read in this court, and the court being satisfied, from the facts shown to it, that the prayer of the petition should be granted, it is ordered by the court that the said have leave to invest said dollars, as prayed, having the title to the same executed to said This day of , 19 Judge's.' C.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.C. GUARDIAN AND WARD 501 DEED TO MINORS WHEN THE GUARDIAN INVESTS UNDER ORDER OF COURT. Georgia, County. This deed, made this the day of ". ., 19. . . ., between , of the one part, and and , minors of , of the other part, witnesseth that, whereas the judge of the superior court of said county, by an order passed this day of , 19. . . ., did authorize , as guardian of and , to invest the sum of dollars in the purchase of for the benefit of said minors, and said , as such guardian, having paid me said sum, now, therefore, in consideration of the premises, and for the sum aforesaid so paid me, I, , have bargained, granted, sold and conveyed, and do by these presents bargain, grant, sell and convey to said and . . . [describe the land] . . . ; and the right and title of said land to said. and I will forever warrant and defend. In witness whereof I have hereto set 'my hand and seal. [L.S.] In presence of DEED OF GUARDIAN TO PURCHASER AT PUBLIC SALE. Georgia, County. The judge of the superior court of the county aforesaid, having on the day of , 19 . . . . , ordered the sale of of , a minor, under the guardianship of , and , the guardian of having given notice of such sale in the as to time and place of the same, as the law requires, and having duly exposed said for sale, in pursuance of said advertisement, at the court house door of said county during the lawful hours of sale on the day 502 GUARDIAN AND WARD of , 19. . . . , and one , having then and there bid off [he being the highest and best bidder for the same], at the sum of dollars, to be paid twelve months after date; now, therefore, this deed, executed , 19 . . . . , between , guardian of and , witnesseth that said , as guardian as aforesaid, for and in consideration of the sum of dollars, secured, to be paid by the note of said and others, hath granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and doth by these pres- ents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto said . . . '. said so sold as aforesaid [here describe the property], to have and to hold the same, with its rights and appurtenances ; and said as such guardian aforesaid, covenants that in all respects he has pursued the law in selling In witness whereof said , as guardian as aforesaid, hath hereto set his hand and seal, day and year written above. ' [L. S.] As Guardian of In presence of ,, J. P. Bond. Substantial compliance with provisions of Code, 3047, sufficient. 2 App. 525 (58 S. E. 777). Descriptio personae. The following quoted words in deed conveying certain realty to C. "as guardian of" F., minor, are not merely descriptio personae, and C. was created a trustee for the minor named. 144/732 (1) (87 S. E. 1055). Oath. Substantial compliance with provisions of Code, 3047, sufficient. 2 App. 525 (58 S. E. 777). Petition of minor suing by guardian need not allege when guardian appointed nor by what court. 128/394 (2) (57 S. E. 722). Returns. Pleading attacking duly allowed returns should specify items and grounds of attack. 89/656 (1) (15 S. E. 906). Settlement. Petition alleging that petitioner is 21 years of age, and that defendant was her guardian, and asking that defendant be cited to appear for account and settlement, substantially complied with Code, 3076. 69/724 (1). HABEAS CORPUS 503 HABEAS CORPUS. 2972, 3022, 3022 (a), 4850 (1, 4) ; 1290-1316 P. C. (In case of wife or child.) PETITION FOR WRIT AT COMMON LAW. 2972 ; 1292 P. C. Georgia, County. To the Honorable , Judge of the Superior Court of said County: The petition of shows the following facts: 1. Your petitioner is the legitimate father and sole surviv- ing parent of ~ , a female child of the age of years, and , a female child of the age of 2. Petitioner shows that now and for some time past one of said county has taken away from your petitioner and illegally detaining in his possession and from the custody of your petitioner the person of the said and minor daughters of your petitioner as aforesaid, harboring and restraining the said children at the residence of the said defendant, in said county. 3. Petitioner avers that he did, to wit, on the day of - , 19. . . ., demand the said children from the said and since that time has frequently applied to the said for the same, and has endeavored to induce her to deliver to your petitioner the persons of the said children. 4. Petitioner avers that nevertheless the said fails, neglects and refuses to deliver said children to your peti- tioner as in duty bound. 5. Petition shows that the defendant, is the aunt of said children, being the sister of their deceased mother, and the cause or pretence of her restraint of them is that [state the claim of the defendant.] 6. Petitioner avers that said detention and restraint of and his minor children aforesaid, is illegal, because he is the father of said children and entitled as such to their control and custody and to their services and the proceeds of their labor, and he has not at any time by 504 HABEAS CORPUS contract or otherwise released his right to said the defendant herein. Wherefore, petitioner prays your Honor to grant to your petitioner the State's writ of habeas corpus, directed to said commanding and requiring her to produce the persons of the said minors, to wit : and before your Honor, at such time and place as to your Honor shall seem meet and proper, to the end that what appertains to justice may be done. Petitioner's Attorney. AFFIDAVIT OF PETITIONER. 1293 P. C. Georgia, County. In person appeared before the undersigned, a in and for said county, , the petitioner named in the foregoing petition, who on oath says, that the facts stated in the above petition are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 19 ,J.P. FORM OF WRIT. 1295 P. C. Georgia, -County. To : You are hereby commanded to produce the body of , alleged to be illegally detained by you, together with the cause of the detention, before me, on the day of , at the , then and there to be disposed of as the law directs. Given under my hand and official signature, this the day of '. .., 19 Judge Superior Court. ENTRY OF SERVICE BY OFFICER. 1297 P. C. Georgia, County. Served the within writ by delivering a copy thereof to, HABEAS CORPUS 505 personally [or by leaving a copy thereof at the house of where said and are now detained.] This day of , 19 [Official designation.] ENTRY OF SERVICE BY CITIZEN. Georgia, County. comes before the undersigned, an officer authorized to administer oaths, and on oath says that on the 1 day of , 19. . . . f he served the defendant with a copy of the within writ, personally [or by leaving a copy thereof at the house of said where said and are now detained.] Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 19 [Official designation.] AFFIDAVIT FOR SEIZURE OF PERSON DETAINED. 1298 P. C. (State the case.) comes before the undersigned, an officer au- thorized to administer oaths, and on oath says that he has reason to apprehend that the defendant, in the above stated case, who is detaining or holding the said in custody, will re- move him beyond the limits of the county, or conceal him from the officers of the law unless the body of the said be arrested to be brought before the court. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 [Official designation.] 506 HABEAS CORPUS PRECEPT FOR THE ARREST OF THE BODY OF THE PERSON DE- TAINED. 1298 P. C. Georgia, County. To the Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, or any Legal Constable of said County : the applicant for the foregoing writ of habeas corpus, having filed, along with his petition therefor, his affidavit that he has reason to apprehend that will remove and beyond the limits of the county, or conceal them from the officers of the law, you are hereby commanded to search for and arrest the bodies of and so detained, and bring them before me, to be disposed of as I may direct. Herein fail not. Witness my hand and official signature this day of ,19 Judge Superior Court. RETURN OF CUSTODIAN TO WRIT. 1299, 1300 P. C. } Habeas Corpus before the Honora- ble , Judge of the Superior Court of County. At Chambers, , 19 .... Now comes , respondent in the above named and stated case, and for answer to the same, says : 1st. This respondent admits the allegations in the first Paragraph of plaintiff's petition. 2nd. Answering Paragraph Two of said petition, respondent says that the said named minors have been in the custody and control of this respondent since , 19. . . ., and are now in her custody, and she denies that said custody is illegal or unlawful as will hereinafter appear. 3rd. Answering Paragraph Three of petition, this respondent admits that petitioner has demanded the custody of said minors and that she has refused said demand, and such refusal was based on the grounds hereinafter set out. HABEAS CORPUS 507 4th. This respondent admits that she has refused to deliver said children to petitioner, but denies that she is in duty bound so to do. 5th. This respondent admits that she is the aunt of said children, and her cause of their custody is hereinafter set out. 6th. This respondent denies the allegation in Paragraph Six of the petition, and for further plea and answer thereto, says that , the petitioner, delivered said and to this respondent when was only years old, and only years old, in consideration that this respondent would supply the care and attention of a mother of said children [respondent being the aunt of said children], and educate and maintain them until they arrived respectively at the age of years. Respondent alleges that she has faithfully given all care and attention to the said minors and since she received them into her family, and is both able and willing to provide and care for them and educate them as she stipulated with the plaintiff she would do when the said children were delivered to her. Respondent admits the custody of the said minors, to wit and and now produces their bodies before the court to be disposed of according to law. This day of , 19 Respondent's Attorney. AFFIDAVIT TO RETURN. 1300 P. 0. Georgia, County. In person appeared before the undersigned, , and on oath says that the statements contained in the foregoing return are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me this. . . . day of . . . . , 19 . . . [Official designation.] 508 HOMESTEAD AND EXEMPTIONS JUDGMENT or. 1307 P. C. (State the case.) Upon hearing the evidence in the above stated case, it is considered, ordered and adjudged by the court, that the custody of . . and be, and the same is, hereby awarded to It is further ordered that the costs of these proceedings be paid by It is further ordered that these proceedings be recorded on the minutes of the court. This day of , 19 HOMESTEAD AND EXEMPTIONS. 3377-3425, 6582-6590. (Constitutional Homestead.) APPLICATION FOR HOMESTEAD, AND EXEMPTION OF PEK- SONALTY. 3378. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County: The petition of , a resident of said county, shows : First, that he is the head of a family, consisting of himself, his wife, and five minor children, to wit, (state names and ages), and that he desires, under the Constitution of Georgia and the statutes in reference thereto, to have laid off and set apart as a homestead for the use of said family on or out of acres of land, the property of petitioner, situated in said county, and described as follows, to wit: containing acres, more or less, a portion of the whole of said acres of land not to exceed in value dollars. Second. Petitioner also desires to have exempt and set apart the personal property embraced in schedule A, hereunto attached, HOMESTEAD AND EXEMPTIONS 500 to which reference is made as a part of this his petition. Said schedule contains a minute and accurate description of all the personal property belonging to your petitioner. Schedule B, hereunto attached, contains a correct list of the names and post offices of the creditors of petitioner. Third. Your petitioner prays that an order may issue to the county surveyor of said county requiring him to lay off and make a plat of a homestead for said family out of and from said acres of land and make return thereof in accordance with law. Fourth, your petitioner asks that the usual notice in such cases may issue and be published as required by law, and your petitioner will ever pray. Petitioner. SCHEDULE OF ALL THE PROPERTY BELONGING TO 3378. at the time of making the foregoing application for homestead and exemption. Realty acres of land, more or less, a full description of which is given in the foregoing petition. SCHEDULE A. (Personalty.) SCHEDULE B. LIST OF CREDITORS. Names. Postoffice Address. 510 HOMESTEAD AND EXEMPTIONS i AFFIDAVIT TO PETITION. Georgia, County. In person comes before me , who on oath says that the statements contained in the foregoing petition are true; that the schedules contain a minute and accurate descrip- tion of all the real and personal property owned by applicant, and that the list of creditors thereto attached is complete, and their postoffices correctly given, so far as they are known to applicant. Petitioner. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 Ordinary. OBJECTION TO SCHEDULE BY CREDITOR OF APPLICANT. Georgia, County. In the Court of Ordinary of said County. And now comes , a creditor of , whose name appears in the list of creditors, and objects to said schedule and now specifies in writing the ground of his objec- tion to be that said schedule is lacking in sufficiency and fulness in this [state the defect.] [Or, for fraud in the preparation and rendering of said schedule in this ] '[Or, that the value of said personalty is too low, being valued at dollars, when the same is well and reasonably worth the sum of dollars.] [Or, that said survey was not properly made (stating the impropriety therein).] [Or, that the value of the premises so platted as a homestead is stated as estimated to be of the value of dollars, when in truth and in fact said premises are worth the sum of dollars.] Wherefore, said . . ., prays that appraisers may be appointed to examine the property in question, and to value HOMESTEAD AND EXEMPTIONS 511 the same, and make return of their finding under oath as required by law. This day of , 19. ... Creditor. APPLICATION FOB ORDER TO COUNTY SUBVEYOR. 3378 (4). Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County: The petition of shows that he has applied in terms of the law for the setting apart of a homestead, which said -application is now pending in said court. Petitioner prays that an order be passed directing the county surveyor to lay off the homestead of petitioner allowed by the Constitution of Georgia, and to make plat of the same as required by law. This day of , 19 Petitioner. ORDINARY'S ORDER TO SURVEY. 3378 (4). Georgia, County. In the Court of Ordinary for said County. To , County Surveyor of said County : of said county, having applied to me for the setting apart of a homestead under the Constitution of Georgia, and the laws passed in pursuance thereto. You are hereby ordered to enter upon the following lands of the said to wit, [set out a description of the land as in the grant or deed], and lay off for a homestead of realty for the said and family either the whole of said lands or so much thereof as will not exceed in value the sum of dollars, and make a plat thereto, and return same to me, together with your estimate of the value of said land so laid off by you, on or before the day of , 19 . . . . , under oath, as prescribed by law. Given under my hand and official seal this day of !., 19 [SEAL] Ordinary of ^ . County. 512 HOMESTEAD AND EXEMPTIONS NOTICE TO BE SERVED BY APPLICANT FOB HOMESTEAD AND EXEMPTION UPON EACH CREDITOR. Georgia, County. To : You are hereby notified that I have applied to the Ordinary of said county for the setting apart of homestead and exemption out of my property, as the head of a family, for the benefit of myself and family, and that said application will be heard by the Ordinary at his office on the day of , 19. . . ., at nine o'clock A. M. And I give you this notice as one of my creditors. This. ., day of , 19 Applicant. CERTIFICATE AS TO NOTICE. 3381. Notice published, and written notice mailed to as required by law, this day of . . . ., 19. . Ordinary. AFFIDAVIT AS TO GIVING NOTICE. 3382. Georgia, County. Personally came before me the undersigned, , who upon oath says that he has given notice in writing to personally of the filing of his application for homestead and exemption and of the day of hearing the same and that said notices were served by him on the day of , 19 Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 Ordinary. HOMESTEAD AND EXEMPTIONS 513 AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON SERVING NOTICES. 3382. Georgia, County. Personally before me came , who, on oath says that as agent of , applicant, he has given notice in writing of the filing of the application of for homestead and exemption, and of the date of hearing the same, to each of his creditors residing in the county personally, and that said notices were all served on or before the day of , 19 [Or, that deponent served such notices by leaving a copy at the residence or house of business of his creditors.] Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 Ordinary. AFFIDAVIT OF APPLICANT AS TO PREPARATION OF NOTICES AND FURNISHING THE SAME TO THE ORDINARY FOR CREDITORS OUTSIDE OF THE COUNTY. Georgia, .County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, . . . , the subscriber, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that he is the applicant for homestead and exemption for himself and family now pending before the Ordinary, and that on the day of , 19. . . ., more than fifteen days before the time set for the hearing, he prepared and delivered to the Ordinary written notices of the time and place of hearing of said application, for each of his creditors residing outside of the county and that he delivered said notices to the Ordinary together with a stamped envelope for each notice for the purpose of the Ordinary mailing said notices to each of said creditors. Said creditors' names and postoffice addresses being as follows: (here set out the names and post- office addresses of the creditors served in this way.) Applicant. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of , 19. ... Ordinary. 514 HOMESTEAD AND EXEMPTIONS RETURN OF SUEVEYOR. 3387. Georgia, County. And now comes , county surveyor of said county, who on oath states that in obedience to an order of the ordinary of said county, of date day of , 19. . . ., to him directed, he did on the day of , 19 . . . . , proceed to lay off a homestead of realty for and family out of the land named in said order. A correct plat of the said land so laid off as a homestead as aforesaid is hereto attached. The value of said realty platted by the deponent for exemption is, as estimated by deponent dollars. County Surveyor. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 Ordinary. APPROVAL OF SURVEYOR'S RETURN BY ORDINARY. 3388. Approved this day of , 19 .... Ordinary of County. APPOINTMENT OF APPRAISERS. 3388. Georgia, County. Office of Ordinary of said County. To , and : Whereas, , a creditor of , whose application for homestead is pending before me, has made objection to the schedule, etc. [state what the objection is, as set out in the foregoing form], and Whereas you are deemed to be disinterested parties, you are hereby appointed to examine the said property concerning which HOMESTEAD AND EXEMPTIONS 515 the objection is made, and to value the same, and to make a return of your finding in reference thereto under oath, as required by law. Witness my hand and official signature this day of.. , 19.. Ordinary. RETURN OF APPRAISERS. 3388. We, the undersigned appraisers, appointed by the ordinary as before set forth, having examined the property concerning which the objections are made, find the value of the property to be dollars, and the personalty to be dollars. As to other grounds of objections made we find [set out the finding]. Appraisers. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 Ordinary of County. SALE OF HOMESTEAD FOR REINVESTMENT. 3397. PETITION. + ~~ Georgia, County. To the Honorable , Judge of the Superior Court of said County: The petition of and , his wife, respectfully shows 1. Petitioners are residents of said county. 2. Petitioners show that heretofore, to wit, on the day of , 19. . . ., a homestead in real property and an exemption of personalty was set apart to the said in terms of the law by the ordinary of said county. 3. A copy of the proceedings under which said homestead and exemption were granted is hereto attached, marked exhibit A, and the same is made a part of this petition. 516 HOMESTEAD AND EXEMPTIONS 4. Petitioners desire that the homestead so set apart in the land aforesaid be sold for reinvestment, for the following rea- sons, to wit Wherefore, the premises considered, petitioners pray that an order of sale of the said property may be granted, that proceeds of said sale shall be reinvested upon the same uses, according to the statute in such cases made and provided. This day of , 19 Plaintiff's Attorney. ORDER FOR SALE OF HOMESTEAD PROPERTY. Georgia, County. Office of Judge of Superior Court. At Chambers, , 19 .... The above and foregoing application having been presented to me, and after considering the same, it is considered, ordered and adjudged that the same be granted, and is hereby appointed commissioner to sell said property described in said petition at private sale, and said commissioner shall report said sale to me before such sale is perfected for confirma- tion, and it further appearing that there are no liens upon said property, it is ordered that the purchaser have and take said property under said sale in fee simple, divested of any right of homestead or exemption thereto, and said commissioner upon said sale is ordered to hold the proceeds of said sale subject to the further order of this court for re-investment, which said re- investment shall be for the same uses and benefits as the original homestead and so held by said family. It is further ordered that said applicant pay the costs of this proceeding, and that the same be recorded on the minutes of the clerk of the superior court. This the. .... .day of , 19. ... Judge of Superior Court. CONFIRMATION OF SALE. Georgia, County. Office of Judge of Superior Court. At Chambers, , 19 .... , commissioner appointed to sell the home- HOMESTEAD AND EXEMPTIONS 517 stead property upon application of . and , his wife, under an order heretofore made on the day of , 19 . . . . , having reported to me that he can sell the said homestead property for the sum of $ to , the same to be paid in cash, it is ordered that said sale be and the same is hereby confirmed, and the said , commissioner, is hereby ordered to execute good and sufficient deed in fee simple to the purchaser of said property. Judge of Superior Court. LEVY AND SALE OF HOMESTEAD AFFIDAVIT. 3400. Georgia, County. Before me the undersigned, an officer of said State authorized to administer oaths, personally appeared , who on oath says that he is the plaintiff in execution for the sum of . .. dollars, principal, dollars, interest to date of judgment, and dollars, cost of suit, predicated on a judgment recovered by deponent against in the court of county, on the day of , 19. . . ., and deponent is seeking to proceed with the same. That a homestead of realty and personalty has been applied for and set apart out of the property of the said defendant in execution, as provided for in the Constitution and laws of this State. That there is no property except the homestead aforesaid on which to levy. That to the best of affiant's knowledge and belief the plaintiff's debt falls within one of the classes for which said homestead is bound under the Constitution, to wit, that said debt is for the purchase-money of said property [or otherwise, as the case may be.]* Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 J. P. of County. [*NOTE. 6583 of the Constitution subjects property set apart as a homestead or exemption "for taxes, for purchase-money of the same, 518 HOMESTEAD AND EXEMPTIONS r V. "" for labor done thereon, for material furnished therefor, or for removal of incumbrance thereon."] COUNTER AFFIDAVIT. 3400. Georgia, . . County. Personally before the undersigned, an officer of said State authorized to administer oaths, came , of said county, who on oath says that a certain affidavit made by , alleging that the homestead of deponent was subject to a certain execution for dollars principal, besides interest and cost*, predicated on a judgment rendered in favor of said against deponent, in the court of county, on the day of 19. . . ., was untrue, in this, to wit [set out the facts showing the falsity]. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of.. , -. , 19 J. P County. INDEMNIFYING BOND. vs. Georgia, County. Fi. fa. issued from court, and levied upon the property of defend- ant in fi. fa. by and property claimed as exempt from levy and sale. We, , principal, and , security, hereby acknowledge ourselves jointly and severally held and bound unto , constable aforesaid, in the full amount of whatever damages may be recovered of said by reason of his proceedings to sell the prop- erty levied upon as aforesaid, for which amount, we bind our- selves, our heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these presents. HOMESTEAD AND EXEMPTIONS 519 Witness our hands. and seals, this day of , 19.... Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Executed in the presence of SCHEDULE OF EXEMPT PROPERTY. 3416-3425. (Statutory Homestead.) Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County ': The following is the schedule of property of , who is a citizen of said county ; a debtor, and the head of a family, consisting of himself, his wife , and minor children, to wit : aged. and aged , claimed to be exempt from levy and sale, for the use and benefit of his said wife and family, under the laws of the State of Georgia. 1. The following described real estate (describe the land). 2. The following described property, which is in his posses- sion, to wit: . (NOTE: The applicant should set out and describe the property which he claims to be exempt. It is not enough to set out a list of all the property that the statute allows him, where he has no such property. If the property is in the hands of an officer it would still be, in contemplation of law, in his possession to such an extent as to allow him to file the schedule, and claim it under this provision.) AFFIDAVIT OF APPLICANT. Personally appeared , the applicant for exemption above set out, who, on oath, says that the same is a true and correct schedule of property, which is claimed to be exempt to deponent and family under the laws of the State of Georgia, which deponent prays may be recorded as provided by law. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 .. J. P. 520 HUSBAND AND WIFE Georgia, County. I, , ordinary of said county, do certify that the foregoing is the original schedule of property of , claimed to be exempt by . . . under the laws of the State of Georgia, and the same is recorded in my office. Given under my hand and seal of office this day of , 19 [SEAL] Ordinary. Affidavit for sale of homestead property must show that there is no other property on which to levy. 95/788 (23 S. E. 79). Amendment converting proceedings by wife for exemption of hus- band's property into exemption of property as that of wife as head of family, not allowed. 109/704 (35 S. E. 139). Application. Judgment setting apart homestead can not in collateral proceeding be attacked for mere irregularities in application for homestead, which are amendable and are cured by judgment. 13 App. 268 (1) (79 S. E. 160). Slight misnomer of partnership creditor in list furnished ordinary will not vitiate proceedings. 80/595 (7 S. E 1 . 135). Description of homestead property must be definite, to prevail over title of bona fide purchaser without actual notice. 1 App. 425 (58 S. E. 124). Schedule. Amendment of schedule so as to include omitted items of assignment. 145/325 .(89 S. E. 203). The ordinary is not re- quired to enter his approval on schedule of property filed by debtor. 145/184 (3) (88 S. E. 949). Amendment allowed which adds to schedule something omitted. .84/199 (10 S. E. 723). Survey. Affidavit of surveyor not complying with statute, and schedule required not attached to application, homestead invalid. 135/103 (68 S. E. 1022). "Northeast" instead of "Northwest," in return of surveyor's plat, was clerical error. 101/388 (29 S. E'. 18). HUSBAND AND WIFE. 2929-3011. MARRIAGE. 2929-2943. 2932. (2413.) Prohibited degrees. Marriages between persons related by affinity in the following manner are pro- hibited, viz. : A man shall not marry his stepmother, or mother- in-law, or daughter-in-law, or stepdaughter, or granddaughter HUSBAND AND WIFE 521 of his wife. A woman shall not marry her corresponding rela- tives. Marriages within the degrees prohibited by this section are incestuous. LEVITICAL DEGREES. Table of kindred and affinity wherein whosoever are related are forbidden in Scripture and our laws to marry. A man may not marry his 1. Grandmother. 2. Grandfather's wife. 3. Wife's grandmother. 4. Father's sister. 5. Mother's sister. G. Father's brother's wife. 7. Mother's brother's wife. 8. Wife's father's sister. 9. Wife's mother's sister. 10. Mother. 11. Stepmother. 12. Wife's mother. 13. Daughter. 14. Wife's daughter. Son's wife. 15. KJ. Sister. A woman may not marry her 1. Grandfather. 2. Grandmother's husband. 3. Husband's grandfather. 4. Father's brother. .". Mother's brother. 6. Father's sister's husband. 7. Mother's sister's husband. 8. Husband's father's brother. 9. Husband's mothef's bro- ther. 10. Father. 11. Stepfather. 12. Husband's father. 13. Son. 14. Husband's son. lf>. Daughter's husband. 16. Brother. 17. Wife's sister. 18. Brother's wife. 19. Sou's daughter. 20. Daughter's daughter. 21. Son's son's wife. 22. Daughter's son's wife. 23. Wife's son's daughter. 24. Wife's daughter's daugh- ter. 25. Brother's daughter. 26. Sister's daughter. 27. Brother's son's wife. 28. Sister's son's wife. 29. Wife's brother's daughter. 30. Wife's sister's daughter. 17. Husband's brother. 18. Sister's husband. 19. Son's son. 20. Daughter's son. 24. Son's daughter's husband. 22. Daughter's daughter's hus- band. 23. Husband's daughter's son. 24. Husband's son's son. 25. Brother's son. 26. Sister's son. 27. Brother's daughter's hus- band. 28. Sister's daughter's hus- band. 29. Husband's brother's son. .'!<). Husband's sister's son. 522 HUSBAND AND WIFE MABKIAGE LICENSE. 2936. Georgia, County. To any Judge, Ordained Minister of the Gospel, Justice of the Peace, or Other Person Authorized to Solemnize: You are hereby authorized and empowered to join and in the holy state of matrimony, according to the Constitution and laws of this State; and for so doing this shall be your sufficient license. And you are hereby required promptly to return this license to me, with your certificate thereon, of the fact and date of this marriage. Given under my hand and seal this day of , 19 [SEAL.] Ordinary. CERTIFICATE. Georgia, County. I certify that and were joined in matrimony by me this day of , 19* ... Minister of the Gospel. Eecorded this the day of , 19 .... , Ordinary. DIVORCE AND ALIMONY. 2944-2991. FORM OF GROUNDS. MENTAL INCAPACITY AT THE TIME OF MARRIAGE. 2945 (2). Petitioner shows that at the time of the marriage of the said petitioner with the said said was a lunatic, mentally incapable of contracting marriage. FORCE, FRAUD, ETC.' 2945 (4). Petitioner shows that the said marriage between petitioner and . is utterly void, and without binding force, because petitioner did not consent thereto voluntarily and the said pretended marriage was procured by fraud practiced by the HUSBAND AND WIFE 523 defendant upon the said petitioner, in this that at the time of the said marriage petitioner was drunk, and his drunkenness was brought about by the contrivance of the defendant to induce petitioner's consent thereto, and petitioner's consent was ob- tained by reason of said fraud and drunkenness. (2933, 2935.) PREGNANCY AT THE TIME OF MARRIAGE. 2945 (5). Petitioner shows that at the time of his said marriage with the defendant as aforesaid, that defendant was pregnant by some man other than the plaintiff and said pregnancy was unknown to the plaintiff at the time of the marriage. DESERTION. 2945 (7). Petitioner shows that on the day -of , 19. . . ., more than three years before the filing of this libel, the said without just cause wilfully deserted your petitioner and has from the time of said desertion, continuously persisted in the same, and resided apart from her. CONVICTION OF FELONY. 2945 (8). Petitioner shows that at the term, 19. . . ., of the Superior Court of county, Georgia, the defendant was convicted for an offence involving moral turpitude, to wit, of the offence of and under such conviction defendant was sentenced by the court to imprisonment in the penitentiary for the term of two years [or longer, as the case may be]. 2946. (2427.) Discretionary grounds. In case of cruel treatment or habitual intoxication by either party, the jury, in their discretion, may grant either a total or partial divorce. CRUEL TREATMENT. 2946. Petitioner shows that she was very affectionate and kind to her said husband from the time of marriage until the />24 HUSBAND AND WIFE day of , 19. . . ., and that during that time her said husband had not the least cause to complain of your peti- tioner; notwithstanding this the said defendant has treated petitioner in a cruel and inhumane manner, so as to make it impossible for her to continue her habitation with him and in consequence thereof, on the day last mentioned, she separated from the defendant and has ever since refused to renew her cohabitation with him; petitioner specifies in part, the acts constituting the cruel treatment of the defendant towards her as follows: [Describe the acts of cruelty with particularity, giving the time and place and circumstance of each.] HABITUAL INTOXICATION. 2946. Petitioner shows that defendant, disregarding his duties to- ward her as her husband has been guilty of habitual intoxication and has continued in a state of drunkenness for a period of months last past, during which said period he has much neglected his business, frequently absenting himself dur- ing the entire night from home, and while present in the home frequently cursing petitioner, and using to her vulgar and coarse and degraded expressions, often threatening petitioner with violence, and for the most part failing to supply the necessaries of life for the use of petitioner and defendant's children, all the result of habitual intoxication upon the part of the de- fendant during the period aforesaid. PETITION FOR DIVORCE. 2951. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of Mary Doe, as plaintiff, against John Doe, as defendant, alleges: 1st. That John Doe is a resident of said county. 2nd. That plaintiff is a resident of said county and State and has been for more than twelve months previous to the filing of this suit. 3rd. That on the day of , 19 , plaintiff and defendant were married in said county, and lived together as husband and wife up to and until the . .day HUSBAND AND WIFE 525 of , 19. . . ., when and at which time the defendant abandoned and deserted plaintiff, and has wilfully and continuously lived separate from plaintiff since said time without any fault or excuse on the part of plaintiff. 4th. That whilst plaintiff and defendant lived together, plaintiff made defendant a true and affectionate wife and gave him no cause for complaint. 5th. That defendant is a healthy, able-bodied man about thirty years of age, is a carpenter by trade and is capable of earning and does earn dollars per day in said way. 6th. That there was born to plaintiff and defendant as the issue of said marriage, one child, named Henry Doe, now about years of age, and now in the custody of plaintiff. 7th. That since defendant abandoned and separated himself from plaintiff, he has not contributed to the support of plaintiff, nor to said child, and plaintiff has by her own w r ork had to support herself and said minor. 8th. That neither plaintiff nor defendant has any property. 9th. Plaintiff asks the court to grant her a divorce from said plaintiff, and she also asks for permanent alimony for the support of herself and also for the support of said child until he is twenty-one years of age, or until he is able to earn his own living. Also, plaintiff asks for temporary alimony in the sum of." dollars per month for the support of the said child, and also a reasonable sum for her attorney's fees for her attorneys for filing and prosecuting this suit, to wit, the sum and amount of dollars. Wherefore, plaintiff prays that process may issue, requiring the defendant to be and appear at the next term of Superior Court to answer petitioner's suit. Plaintiff's Attorney. At Chambers, , Ga., , 19. ... The above and foregoing petition has been read and con- sidered. Let it be filed and the defendant served, and let him show cause before me at Chambers at my office in the court- house in the city of , at nine o'clock, A. M., on , 19 . . . . , why the prayer for temporary alimony and counsel fees should not be had and allowed. Judge of Superior Court. 526 HUSBAND AND WIFE FORM OF PROCESS. Mary Doe ") Petition for divorce vs. In Superior Court, John Doe 3 Term, 19 The defendant, John Doe, is required personally or by attor- ney to be and appear at the next term of Superior Court to be held on the second Monday in , 19 . . . . , then and there to answer plaintiff's suit, as in default thereof the court will proceed as to justice may appertain. Witness the Honorable , Judge of the Superior Court, this , 19 .... Clerk of Superior Court. OKDEK OF JUDGE ALLOWING ALIMONY AND COUNSEL FEES. Office of Judge of the Superior Court. At Chambers, , Ga., , 19 .... Marv Doe 1 Application for divorce and temporary ^ I alimony and -counsel fees. John Doe In Superior Court, J lerm, 19 .... The above named and stated case coming on for a hearing, and after hearing the evidence thereon and argument, it is con- sidered, ordered and adjudged that the defendant, John Doe, do pay to the clerk of this court on or by the day of 19. . . ., and monthly thereafter, until further order, the sum of dollars per month, for the support and main- tenance of Mary Doe, his wife, and also the further sum of dollars per month for the support and mainte- nance of his said child, Henry Doe, during the minority of said child, the said sum to be turned over by the clerk to Mary Doe, and also on said day of to said clerk the sum of dollars for counsel fees for , and the remaining sum of a fee of dollars on the day of the term, 19. . . ., of this court, all of which is so ordered. Judge of Superior Court. HUSBAND AND WIFE 527 PETITION FOR RULE ABSOLUTE AND ATTACHMENT. Georgia, County. To the Honorable , Judge of the Superior Court : The petition of Mary Doe shows to your Honor the following facts : 1st. That on the day of , 19 . . . . , your Honor passed an order in the application of petitioner for alimony against her husband, John Doe, that he should pay on the, day of , 19 . . . . , for her support and maintenance, the sum of dollars to the clerk of this court, and also the further sum at the said time of dollars, on the day of , for the support and maintenance of his said child, Henry Doe. Said John Doe was served with said petition for alimony and was in court at the time said order was made and had notice of the same. Your petitioner asks an order calling upon the said John Doe to show cause, if any he has or can, why he has not paid said alimony, and in default of a good and sufficient excuse, that he show further cause why he should not be attached for contempt, in disobeying the order of this honorable court. Attorney for Petitioner. ORDER NISI. Mary Doe ^ Application for order to show cause and vs. attachment for contempt in John Doe Superior Court, , 19 ... The above and foregoing petition, having been presented to me, and after consideration, it is considered, ordered and ad- judged that the respondent, John Doe, show cause before me at chambers, at my office in the courthouse in the city of , on the day of , 19 . . . . , at nine o'clock, A. M., why the prayer of petition should not be had and allowed, and why he should not be attached for contempt for his failure to obey the order granted on , 19. . . ., requiring him to pay alimony as set out in said petition. Let him be served at once with a copy of this order. Judge of Superior Court. 528 HUSBAND AND WlFE ABSOLUTE. Mary Doe "| Order to show can so and attachment for vs. contempt in Superior Court, John Doe , 19 The above and foregoing case coming on for a hearing, and it appearing that the defendant has been served as required in said order, and he failing to show good and sufficient cause to the contrary, it is ordered that said rule be made absolute and that the said John Doe is in contempt of this court, and that on his failure to comply with said order of , 19. . . ., instanter, that he be and he is hereby committed to the common jail of county by the sheriff, then and there to be safely and securely kept in custody until he complies with said order of , 19. . . ., and purge himself of the contempt of this court. The sheriff will execute this order. This ,19 Judge of Superior Court. PETITION FOE DIVORCE. 2951. (Another Form.) . Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of ., of said county, shows: 1. That on the day of , 19 . .* . . , plaintiff and one , of said county, then a single woman, intermarried in due form of law, to wit, in county, State of (a) That your petitioner and said lived together as husband and wife until the day of 19. . . ., your petitioner in the meantime performing all of the duties of a faithful and affectionate 2. Petitioner was then, and has been since, a bona fide resident of the State of Georgia twelve months next before the filing of this application. 3. Petitioner avers that heretofore, to wit, on or about the day of , 19. . . ., said did commit the offence of adultery with one , and that as soon as the said criminal conduct of the said . , HUSBAND AND WIFE 529 came to the knowledge of petitioner instantly separated from and lias not condoned said offence. 4. That on divers days and times since last mentioned date and the filing of this action defendant has committed, adultery with the said 5. Petitioner further shows that the issue of said marriage now living are one boy named aged y ears > and one girl named aged years. 6. Petitioner hereto attaches a schedule on oath of all the property owned or possessed by the plaintiff and defendant at the time of this application [or at the time of the separation, if the parties have separated], which said schedule distinguishes the separate property of the wife. Wherefore, petitioner prays (1) That a total divorce from defendant, that is to say a divorce a vinculo matrimonii upon legal principles, be granted between the petitioner and the said (2) That the custody of the two children above mentioned be awarded to petitioner. (3) That defendant be enjoined from disposing of and in any manner encumbering the property mentioned in the schedule hereto attached, until the further order of this court. Wherefore, petitioner prays that process may issue directed to the defendant requiring to be and appear at the next Superior Court to be held in and for said county, to answer your petitioner's petition for total divorce. Petitioner's Attorney. (NOTE. If the petitioner is the wife and she desires alimony the following clauses may be added to the above petition:) 7. Petitioner prays that the name which she bore before her marriage to wit .be restored to her. 8. That a reasonable provision for permanent alimony be made for her support and the support of the children above mentioned out of the property of the defendant. 9. That defendant be required to pay a reasonable sum into court to defray the expenses of this action, and for counsel fees, and that he pay to petitioner such further sums for temporary alimony for the support of herself and her children during the pendency of these proceedings as may seem just to the court. 530 HUSBAND AND WIFE SCHEDULE. Schedule of property owned and possessed by and ...."* at the time of filing the above petition. Property of [Specify the items.] Property of [Specify the items.] Georgia, County. Personally appeared before the undersigned who on oath says that the foregoing is a true and correct schedule of the property owned or possessed by the parties at the time of the application [or at the time of the separation, if the parties have separated]. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of.. ,19.. Clerk Superior Court County. CITATION BY THE CLERK. (NOTE: To the petition should be attached the process, as in ordinary cases.) SHERIFF'S RETURN. I have this day served the defendant, personally (or by leaving a copy at the residence of ) with a copy of the within petition and process. This day of , 19 Sheriff. [Or] I have made diligent search for the defendant named in the foregoing petition and return that the defendant does HUSBAND AND WIFE not reside in said county of This, of ,19 Sheriff. ORDER TO PERFECT SERVICE. Petition for divorce in Superior Court Term, 19. . . . It appearing to the court by the return of the sheriff in the above stated case that the defendant does not reside in said county, and it further appearing that does not reside in this State : Ordered by the court that service be perfected on the defend- ant by the publication of this order twice a month for two months before- the next term of this court, in the public gazette of said county in which sheriff's sales are ordinarily published. This day of , 19... And it is so ordered. JudgeS. C C. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION". Mary Doe ~} Petition for divorce vs. In Superior Court, John Doe Term, 19 To the defendant, John Doe: The plaintiff, Mary Doe, having filed her petition for divorce against John Doe, in this Court, returnable to this term of the Court, and it being made to appear that John Doe is not a resi- dent of said County, and also that he does not reside within the State, and an order having been made for service on him, John Doe, by publication, this, therefore, is to notify you, John Doe, to be and appear at the next term of Superior Court to be held on the Monday in ..'...., 19 ..., then and there to answer said complaint. Witness the Honorable , Judge of the Su- perior Court. This , 19. ... Clerk. 532 III SBAND AND Wil'E ANSWER AND CROSS-PETITION. Mary Doe ) Petition for divorce vs. In Superior Court, John Doe Term, 19 .... Now comes the defendant in the above named and stated case and for answer therein, says : 1st. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph One. 2nd. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph Two. 3rd. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph Three as to the fact that plaintiff and defendant were married and lived together until the day of , 19 . . . . , but denies that he has wilfully and continuously deserted her since that time, and defendant denies that said separation was without any fault on the part of the plaintiff. 4th. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph Four. 5th. Defendant denies that he is a healthy and able-bod iod man; on the contrary, he alleges that for the past three or four years his health has been bad and that during that time and up until now, he has been in failing health and has been unable to work more than one-half of the time. Defendant admits that he is a carpenter and that during the time that he is able to work he receives $3.00 per day for his work. 6th. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph Six. 7th. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph Seven. 8th. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph Eight. 9th. Defendant denies that the plaintiff is entitled to the prayers or any one of the prayers as set forth in Paragraph Nine. 10th. For further plea in this behalf, this defendant alleges that the defendant is an habitual drunkard ; that previous to the time of the separation, she was habitually drunk and took no care and had no care for her household duties and did not per- form them ; that she gave no care or attention to the said child, Henry Doe, and that this defendant had to provide for him by getting defendant's mother to care for him, but that subsequently plaintiff took said child away from defendant's mother and took him into her own custody; that plaintiff refused to cook for defendant and prepare his meals, and for that reason he had to get his meals elsewhere ; that on the date of the alleged separa- tion, the plaintiff assaulted and beat defendant with a piece of stove wood and cruelly treated him ; that defendant is afraid to HUSBAND AND WIFE 533 live with the said plaintiff for foar that she will kill him as she has often threatened to do, and defendant files this his cross-bill, and, upon the facts and allegations set out in this paragraph, he pravs that the court grant him a total divorce from the plain- tiff. Defendant having fully answered plaintiff's petition, prays that the matters hereinbefore set out may be inquired of by the country. Defendant's Atty. VERDICT A VINCUIX). 2957. (First verdict.) We, the jury, find that sufficient proofs have been submitted to our consideration to authorize a total divorce ; that is to say, a divorce a vinculo matrimonii, upon legal principles between the parties in this case. This day of ,19 Foreman. (Second verdict.) We the jury, etc. [Find as above, and add] : We fix the rights and disabilities of the parties as follows: We award that out of the schedule property dollars be allowed to plaintiff, as permanent alimony. We allow to each of the minor children for their per- manent support dollars per month during the mi- nority of each child, to be paid to their mother, said plaintiff, the title of the balance of the property to remain unchanged. We return to the plaintiff her former name, to wit. We. further find that the petitioner may marry again but that the defendant shall not. This day of 19 J. S. C.. C. 534 s HUSBAND AND WIFE DECREE OF COURT FOR TOTAL DIVORCE. -,.- ^ Petition for total divorce in Su- Mary Doe . ~ " perior Court, T T Vv Term, 19. . , and ver- John Doe ,. , ,. , . ,.~ j diet ior plaintm. In the above named and stated case, two concurrent juries in this Court, at different terms, having found a verdict for the plaintiff, granting a total divorce, it is considered, ordered and adjudged by the Court that the marriage entered into between the parties heretofore, be, and the same is hereby, annulled and dissolved, and the said Mary Doe has the right to marry again, and that the said John Doe labor under the disability of not being able to marry again as found by the jury. Also that the plaintiff, Mary Doe, have her name changed from Mary Doe to her maiden name, Mary Roe, as prayed in the petition; the custody of the minor child, Henry Doe, is awarded to his mother. Also that the plaintiff do recover of the defendant the sum of $ for permanent alimony for her own support and maintenance, and also the further sum of $ per month for the support and maintenance of Henry Doe until his majority, said amount to be paid to the Clerk of this Court and by him paid over to plaintiff for his use on the first day of each month, beginning 19. . . ., and monthly thereafter. Judge of Superior Court. It is further ordered that the plaintiff, for the use of the offi- cers of Court, do recover of the defendant, the sum of dollars and cents, cost of this case. Decree signed and entered this .... day of , 19 Judge of Superior Court. VERDICT A MENSA. We, the jury, find that sufficient proofs have been submitted to our consideration to authorize a partial divorce between the parties; that is to say, a divorce a mensa et thoro. This day of ,19 Foreman. HUSBAND AND WIFE 535 JUDGMENT A MENSA. Whereupon, it is ordered and decreed by the court, upon the verdict in this case, that a divorce a mensa et thoro, that is to say, from bed and board, be declared and established between the parties. It is further ordered that the defendant pay the sum of. ... dollars and cents, costs of suit. This day of , 19 JudgeS. C C. REMOVAL, or DISABILITIES. 2966-2969. PETITION. 2966. GEORGIA, County. To the Superior Court of Said County: 1. The petition of shows that heretofore, to wit, on the day of , 19- . . . , then the wife of petitioner, filed her petition to the Superior Court of said county for divorce, the same being made return- able to the. term, 19. . . ., of said court. 2. The grounds alleged for divorce in said case were [state the grounds]. 3. That after two concurrent verdicts at different terms of the court, a final decree of total divorce was made in said suit at the term, 19. . . ., of said court. 4. Petitioner shows that by the last verdict aforesaid the marriage relation between and your petitioner as to the said marriage was totally dissolved, yet the disabilities of your petitioner were not removed and was so expressed in the decree, and that he is still laboring under the disabilities imposed upon him by reason of his intermarriage with the said , who is still in life, and who resides in said county. Petitioner prays that the disabilities fixed by said decree now resting upon, him under and by virtue of said verdict may be removed, and that he be permitted to marry again as if said marriage with the said had never been solem- nized. Petitioner's Attorney. 536 HUSBAND AND WIFE NOTICE OF APPLICATION. 2966. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of John Doe shows to the Court the following facts : 1st. That on the day of , 19 , Mary Doe,. the then wife of petitioner, filed her suit in the Su- perior Court of said County for divorce against petitioner, and that subsequently on the day of , 19. . . ., at the regular term of said Court, a second verdict was obtained in said case, the tenor and effect of said verdict is that sufficient proofs have been submitted to the jury to authorize a total divorce between the parties ac- cording to the legal principles, that is to say, a total divorce a vinculo matrimonii, and said verdict found further that the said Mary Roe be allowed to marry again, but that petitioner was left under disability without the right so to do. 2nd. Petitioner further shows that the ground for divorce set out in said petition by Mary Roe was that petitioner had wilfully and continuously deserted her. 3rd. Plaintiff further shows that said Mary Roe is a resi- dent of this county, and petitioner prays that she be served with a copy of this petition twenty days before the next term of this Court, to which the same is returnable, at which time petitioner will show to the court that he has published a notice of this application for sixty days previous to said term, as required by the law, and that the prayer of this petition be granted and the disabilities of petitioner be removed and that he be allowed to marry again. JOHN DOE. (NOTE. Notice of said application must be published for sixty days before the first day of the term of the court to which it is returnable, in the newspaper in which the legal advertisements of the ordinary or sheriff are published, stating where and when the same is to be heard. If the divorced person still lives in the county he or she shall be served personally with notice of such application twenty days before said term. 2966.) NOTICE TO BE PUBLISHED. Georgia, County. To Whom it May Concern: John Doe hereby gives notice that at the, HUSBAND AND WIFE 537 term of Superior Court of said County, to be held on the Monday in , 19 . . . . , he will apply to said Court by petition to be relieved of his disabilities placed upon him by the verdict of the jury in the case of Mary Doe vs. John Doe, in a suit for divorce by Mary Doe against John Doe tried at the term, 19. . . ., of said Court, wherein a total divorce was granted between the parties, and petitioner, John Doe, was left under the disability of not being allowed to marry again, and John Doe publishes this notice as required by law. This day of , 19. .. JOHN DOE. VEKDICT OF THE JURY. 2968. We, the jury, find in favor of the petitioner and that his dis- abilities be removed and he be allowed to marry again as prayed. Foreman. JUDGMENT. 2968. Whereupon, it is considered, ordered and adjudged by the court that the petitioner, , be released of the disabilities imposed upon him by his intermarriage with and that he be permitted to marry again, as though no marriage had ever existed between him and said It is further ordered that the said pay the cost of this proceeding. This day of , 19.. J. S. C ..C. PETITION FOR PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY ALIMONY WHERE No SUIT FOR DIVORCE PENDING. 2986. To the Honorable , Judge of the Superior Court of Said County : The petition of Mary Doe, as plaintiff, against John Doe, as defendant shows: 1st. That John Doe is a resident of said county. 538 HUSBAND AND WIFE 2nd. That on the day of , 19 , plaintiff and defendant were married in the City of , in said State and county. 3rd. That plaintiff and defendant lived together as husband and wife until on or about the day of , 19. . . ., at which time the defendant wilfully deserted plaintiff and has continuously abandoned her since said time. 4th. That during the time they lived together, plaintiff made defendant a faithful and affectionate wife, and defendant abandoned her without any cause or reason on her part. 5th. That there was born to plaintiff and defendant as the issue of said marriage, one child, Henry Doe, at this time years of age, who is in the custody and possession of plaintiff. 6th. That defendant is an able-bodied, healthy man, years of age; that he is capable of earning and does earn as a railroad engineer the sum of dollars per month ; that plaintiff has no property of her own and no means of sup- porting said child, except by her own work and labor. Yth. That plaintiff and defendant are now living apart and are in a bona fide state of separation. 8th. Plaintiff brings this petition asking for permanent alimony against the said defendant for the support of herself and child, to wit, the sum of dollars per month for her own support and maintenance, and the sum of dollars per month for the support and maintenance of said child until its majority or until it becomes of sufficient age to become self-supporting, and also the further sum of dollars as reasonable attorney's fees for counsel for the filing and prose- cution of this suit. Wherefore, plaintiff prays that process may issue requiring the defendant to be and appear at the next term of Superior Court, to answer plaintiff's syit, and also that an order be made requiring the defendant to show cause after proper notice why in the meantime he should not pay temporary ali- mony and attorney's fees as herein prayed. Plaintiff's Attorney. ORDER NISI. At Chambers, , Ga., , 19 .... The above and foregoing petition has been read and consid- HUSBAND AND WIFE 539 ered. Let it be filed and let the defendant be served and show cause before me at Chambers in the courthouse at Georgia, on the day of , 19 . . . . , at nine o'clock, A. M., why the prayer for temporary alimony and counsel fees should not be had and allowed as prayed. Judge of the Superior Court. (NOTE: Process should be attached to this petition in the regular way as in any other suit and the defendant served.) ORDER TO PAY ALIMONY AND COUNSEL FEES. At Chambers, , Ga., . , 19 . . . "Mary Doe } Application for temporary alimony in vs. Superior Court, John Doe J , . , 19 The above named and stated case coming on for a hearing for temporary alimony and attorney's fees, and after hearing evi- dence thereon, it is considered, ordered and adjudged that the de- fondant, John Doe, do pay to the Clerk of the Superior Court of County on or by the day of , 19. . . ., and on the first day of each month thereafter, as tempo- rary alimony as prayed in plaintiff's petition, the sum of dollars, for the support and maintenance of Mary Doe, and also the further sum of dollars, for the support and maintenance of Henry Doe, the child of plaintiff and defendant in plaintiff's custody and possession; said sums of money to be turned over when paid to the plaintiff; and also the further sum of dollars for counsel fees for , attorney for plaintiff, for filing and prosecuting said petition, dollars of said counsel fees is to be paid to the Clerk of the Su- perior Court on the first day of each month, beginning on the first day of , 19 . . . . , and monthly thereafter until the same is paid. Judge of the Superior Court. 540 HUSBAND AND WIFE APPLICATION FOR ATTACHMENT FOB CONTEMPT FOE REFUSAL, TO PAY TEMPORARY ALIMONY. -p. 1 Application for temporary alimony in I Superior Court, and order T , vs Yv made . . . , 19 . . . . , for John Doe * the same. To the Honorable , Judge of the Superior Court: The petition of Mary Doe shows to your Honor the follow- ing facts: 1st. That the above named and stated case came on for a hearing on the day of , 19 . . . . , and your Honor ordered John Doe to pay to the Clerk of this Court on or by the first day of , 19 . . . . , the sum of dollars per month for the support and maintenance of your petitioner and also the further sum of dollars for counsel fees for filing and prosecuting this suit, dollars of which was to be paid to the Clerk of the Court on or by the first day of , and dollars per month thereafter until said amount is paid. Your petitioner shows that said John Doe has utterly failed and refused to comply with said order and still continues and refuses to com- ply with the same. Wherefore, your petitioner prays an attachment for contempt against the said John Doe, to show cause why he has not com- plied with said order, and in default of such just and proper cause that he be attached for contempt. This day of ,19.... Attorney for Petitioner. ORDER Mary Doe ] Application for temporary alimony in ' L ............ Superior Court, and order John Doe ade ................ > 19 ""> for * the same. The above and foregoing petition has been read and consid- ered. Let the defendant be served and let him show cause be- fore me at the courthouse in ................ , Georgia, on the ...... day of ................ , 19.. . ., at nine o'clock, HUSBAND AND WIFE 541 A. M'., or so soon thereafter as counsel can be heard on said date, why he has not complied with the order made on , 19. . . ., and in default of sufficient excuse and reason why he has not complied with said order, let him then and there show further cause why he should not be attached for contempt in failing to comply with said order. This day of , 19 Judge of the Superior Court. RULE ABSOLUTE. Mary Doe vs. I" Attachment for contempt. John Doe To the Sheriff or His Lawful Deputy: The above and foregoing matter coming on for a hearing be- fore me this date, and respondent therein having been served and having failed to show any sufficient reason why he has not complied with the order of , 19. . . ., as set out in the petition, it is considered and adjudged that the said John Doe is in contempt of this Court in failing and refusing to comply with said order, and the sheriff is hereby ordered to arrest the body of the said John Doe and commit him to the common jail of County, then and there to be kept until he complies with said order and until he purges himself of this contempt. This day of ,19 Judge of the Superior Court. EXEAT. 2986, 5459-5463. PETITION. (NOTE: There has grown to be a practice in this State of putting in the petition for divorce and alimony a paragraph asking for the issuing of the writ of ne exeat, and such writ is ordered to issue, requiring the defendant to give bond to pay the judgment rendered in the case. In such case, the judge has a right to require the defendant to give bond not to remove from the State, but he has no authority to require that the defendant give bond to answer the judgment made in the case where there is no question of the removal of property. See 138/1 (74 S. E. 785). If such a paragraph is desired it may be in the following form : ) 542 HUSBAND AND WIFE I * "Plaintiff further shows that the defendant has threatened to leave the State and is now preparing so to do, and that un- less the writ of ne exeat issues, he will not be present to abide the judgment made herein, for which reason plaintiff prays your Honor to grant such writ requiring the defendant to be personally present and abide said judgment. ORDER FOR WRIT OF XE EXEAT ON APPLICATION FOR TEMPO- RARY ALIMONY. Mary Doe ^ Petition for divorce. vs. In Superior Court John Doe ) Term, 19 The petition in the above named and stated case, having been presented to me, and after consideration thereof, it is con- sidered, ordered and adjudged that the defendant, John Doe, show canse before me at my office in the courthouse on the .... clay of , 19. . . ., at nine o'clock, A. M., why the prayer of petition should not be had and allowed, and tempo- rary alimony and counsel fees be granted petitioner as prayed. It is further ordered that the writ of ne exeat issue, and that in default of a bond by the defendant not to remove beyond the jurisdictional limits of the State, and to be in court when re- quired by its order, to answer the judgment therein, that in such case he be committed to the common jail of said county there to be safely and securely kept by the sheriff, without bail. This the clay of ,19 Judge of Superior Court. WRIT. Georgia, County. In Superior Court. vs. Suit for Divorce, Alimony, J ~Nc Exeat, &c., To the Sheriff of Said County : For certain cause made known to his Hon , Judge of the Superior Court of said county, in the complaint of HUSBAND AND WIFE 543 the said ............ against the said ............ , he has this day granted an order requiring that the defendant should give bond and security in the sum of ........ dollars not to re- move beyond the jurisdictional limits of the State, and to be and appear when required by the order of the Court to answer any judgment therein, and in default thereof he shall be kept in your custody until the said order shall have been complied with and be by you confined in the common jail of said county, without bail until the further order and decree of said court. You are therefore commanded to arrest the body of the said ............ and being arrested to safely keep him until he enters into bond and security in the said sum of ............ dollars not to depart the State without the order of said court and to be and appear when required by the order of the Court to answer any judgment that may be made therein, in default thereof to confine him in the common jail of said county ac- cording to the statute in such cases, made and provided. Witness the Honorable ................ , Judge of the Su- perior Court of ............ County, this the ...... day of Clerk Superior Court .......... County. Alimony. Petition for temporary alimony is amendable by adding prayer for attorney's fees. 130/365 (1) (60 S. E. 863). Petition for alimony for support of wife and family dependent on husband, pending divorce suit, may be filed in vacation. 109/465 (34 S. E. 562). Amendment alleging voluntary separation properly dis- allowed in absence of offer to strike allegation of petition that there was no voluntary separation. 133/539 (66 S. E. 243). Notice of proceedings for alimony must be in writing with personal serv- ice; leaving such notice at place of abode is not sufficient. 116/471 (42 S. E. 727). Divorce. General averment that defendant's acts of lewdness and de- bauchery occurred within three years from execution of deed, with- out showing any reason why more definite allegation could not be made, was subject to special demurrer 141/448, 450 (5) (81 S. E. 118). Libel brought by husband, based on cruel treatment, held sufficient to withstand general demurrer, where it alleged that defendant slapped face of libelant, and would have done other serious violence had petitioner not held her by reason of superior physical strength, and that defendant called petitioner vile names. 145/886 (89 S. E. 1045). Action on ground of habitual intoxication was not amendable by adding ground of cruel treatment, though facts alleged in amendment same as those in petition. 112/854 (38 S. E. 330). Schedule describing property as "city lot in Atlanta, worth $5000," was sufficient to put everybody on notice, if there be in fact but one such lot. 44/437. 544 INJUNCTION Marriage. Issuance of blank marriage licenses to one wholly unauthor- ized to determine rights of parties to receive them are illegal, and ordinary could not recover amount received by such person for licenses. 69/T&4. INJUNCTION. 5490-5505. PETITION FOR INJUNCTION AND EQUITABLE RELIEF. (See form, ante, page 447.) Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of John Doe, as plaintiff, against Richard Roe, as defendant, alleges: 1st. That Richard Roe is a resident of said County. 2nd. (Here state plainly, fully and distinctly in orderly paragraphs the cause of complaint and the ground upon which the relief is sought. It is better to have too many paragraphs than not enough. It is well to make the paragraphs short and pointed, charging some particular phase of the case. In this way a defendant may be required to answer specifically upon every contested point.) Wherefore, to the end that justice may be done, plaintiff prays the granting of the State's most gracious writ of injunc- tion, directed to the said Richard Roe, enjoining and restrain- ing him from (here set out the particular restraint asked for and the acts sought to be enjoined.) Also that plaintiff have judgment against the defendant for (here set out what if any judgment or relief is asked). Also that process issue requiring the defendant to be and ap- pear at the next term of Cobb Superior Court to answer your petitioner's complaint. Plaintiff's Attorney. VERIFICATION OF PETITION. 5544. Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, INJUNCTION 545 John Doe, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the facts and things set out in the foregoing petition, are true. JOHN DOE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of .... , 19.. J. P. [NOTE. 5544 requires that the bill be verified positively by the petitioner, or supported by other satisfactory proofs. If petitioner can not verify all the facts in the bill positively he should distinguish in his bill such allegatons of facts as are upon his information and belief, and as to these allegations he should support the same by other satis- factory proofs.] OEDEB FOR TEMPORARY INJUNCTION. Office of Judge of Superior Court. At Chambers, Ga., , 19 .... The above and foregoing petition has been read and consid- ered. Let it be filed and the defendant served, and let him show cause, if any he has or can, before me at chambers, at , Georgia, on the day of , 19. . . ., at nine o'clock A. M., or so soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, why the prayer of the petition should not be had and allowed. Until then and further order, the defendant, or any one for him or acting with him, is hereby enjoined and restrained as prayed in the petition. Judge of Superior Court. AFFIDAVIT TO BE USED AS EVIDENCE ON THE HEARING OF INJUNCTION. John Doe ~\ Petition for Injunction. vs. y In Superior Court, Kichard Roe ) Term, 19 Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, John Smith, the subscriber, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that he makes this affidavit to be used on the hearing of the injunc- tion in the above named and stated case before the Honorable 546 INJUNCTION , Judge of the Superior Court, when and whenever said hearing may be- had. Affiant on oath says (here set out the evidence of the witness which should be material and admissible under the rules of evidence.) JOHN SMITH. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of . . . ,19.. J. P. BOND MADE BY PLAINTIFF ON" ORDER OF JUDGE. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, that, , principal, and . . . .' and , sureties, are held and firmly bound unto. in the sum of dollars for the payment of which they bind themselves, each for himself, and their heirs, executors and ad- ministrators firmly by these presents. Sealed with thdir seals and dated this day of ,19.... The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas, having in the Superior Court of county filed his petition for injunction against the said and having obtained a grant of injunction, therein, as prayed for in said petition, from said court. Now, if the said should abide the decision of the said court, and pay all damages and costs which shall be adjudged against him in case the said injunction should be dissolved then these presents shall be void ; otherwise to remain of force. Principal [SEAL.] Security [SEAL.] Security [SEAL.] Taken and acknowledged before me, this day of , 19 Clerk of the Superior Court County. INJUNCTION 547 MOTION TO DISSOLVE INJUNCTION. 5502. (State the case.) And now comes , the defendant herein named, and moves the court to dissolve the temporary injunc- tion or restraining order on the following grounds, to wit : This the day of , 19 Attorney for (NOTE: Motion to dissolve an injunction should be supported by affidavits.) NISI. vs. Petition in Equity in Court, Term, 19 Motion to set aside the temporary in- junction and restraining order here- tofore made in said case. The defendant in the above named and stated case, having presented to me a motion to set aside and vacate the temporary order heretofore made therein, it is ordered that the plaintiff he served with a copy of this motion and order, and let him show cause before me at Chambers in the city of , on the day of , 19. . . ., at nine o'clock, A. M., why the said motion should not be granted as prayed. Judge of Superior Court. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF MOTION. We have notice of the above motion, and waive all further or other notice or service thereof. Attorney for Complainant. 548 INJUNCTION ORDER OVERRULING MOTION TO DISSOLVE. (State the case.) This case coming on to be heard this day of , 19. . . ., on motion of the defendant to dissolve a temporary injunction or restraining order granted in this case, it is ordered that the said motion be, and the same is, hereby overruled. This day of , 19 J. S. G.. . .0. ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO DISSOLVE INJUNCTION AND SUB- STITUTING BONDS FOR INJUNCTION. (State the case.) This case coming on to be heard this day, and the same having been duly considered, it is ordered and adjudged that said tem- porary order of injunction be set aside upon said defendant giving and filing with the clerk of this court a good and sufficient bond in the sum of dollars, conditioned that he shall abide the decision of said court and pay all damages and costs, which shall be adjudged against the said defendant by reason of [state the act or acts complained of], and this bond to relate back to the day of , 19 . . . . , when the order for injunction was first made. "j.'s.'c.'. .'.ii MOTION TO VACATE INJUNCTION OR RESTRAINING ORDER. ,. Petition for Injunction in Court, Term, 19 The motion to dissolve the restraining order heretofore granted in the above named and stated case coming on for a hearing this day before me, and after a hearing thereon, it is considered, ordered and adjudged that the said motion be INJUNCTION 549 granted, and that the interlocutory order hereinbefore granted in said case be set aside and vacated. This day of ' , 19 Judge of Superior Court. ORDER FOR INTERLOCUTORY INJUNCTION AFTER THE HEARING. vs. Petition for injunction in, Superior Court, Term, 19 . . . , and set for a hear- ing on this the day . of ,19.... The application for an injunction in the above named and stated case coming on this day for a hearing, and the petition therein having been served, and the defendant having appeared and filed an answer thereto, and after hearing evidence and argument thereon, it is considered, ordered and adjudged that the injunction be and the same is hereby granted as prayed. This day of , 19 Judge of Superior Court. SHORT FORM OF ORDER FOR INTERLOCUTORY INJUNCTION. "j Petition for injunction in "I Superior Court, 19 . . . . , and set for a hearing on ' ' J this the .... day of 19 .... This case coming on for a hearing, it is considered, ordered and adjudged that the injunction be granted as prayed. This the day of , 19 Judge of Superior Court. Abstract of title need not be attached to petition in action to restrain trespass, if plaintiff alleges himself to be owner. 123/323 (51 S. E. 416), 326 (51 S. B. 418). Affidavit. Attorney swearing to petition, that to his own knowledge the recitals of facts therein are true; sufficient. 123/453 (3) (51 S. E. 346). 550 INSANITY AND LUNATICS Petition need not allege irreparable damages in terms; it is sufficient if facts set out show such damage. 126/805 (55 S. E. 933). Peti- tion to restrain trespass which does not contain requisite allega- tions to come within Code, 5493, denied. 106/758 (2) (32 S. E. 854). Plaintiff, in proceeding to enjoin trespass, is not required to plead his muniments of title as condition precedent to their intro- duction in evidence. 138/646 (1) (75 S. E. 1051). Verification of petition for interlocutory injunction can not be ques- tioned after hearing on merits. 114/346 (40 S. E. 231). INSANITY AND LUNATICS. 3089-3106. EXAMINATION OF CAPACITY TO MANAGE ESTATE. Section 3092 of the Code, as amended by Act August 14, 1915, (Acts 1915, p. 20), provides as follows: "Upon the petition of any person, on oath, setting forth that another is liable to have a guardian appointed (or is subject to be com- mitted to the Georgia State Sanitarium), the ordinary, upon proof that ten days' notice of such application has been given to the three nearest adult relatives of such person, or that there is no such relative within this State, or where such notice is waived in writing by such relatives, and affidavit is made by any one of such relatives or other person, that such person is violently insane, and is likely to do himself bodily injury, and where the truth of such affidavit has been verified in writing by a practicing physician appointed by the ordinary to examine such person, shall issue a commission directed to any eighteen discreet and proper persons, one of whom shall be a physician, requiring any twelve of them, including the physician, to ex- amine by inspection the person for whom guardianship (or commitment to the Sanitarium) is sought : provided, that in all lunacy cases the legal number of jurors shall be six, one of whom shall be a physician, unless twelve are demanded by the party being tried, or by some one of his relatives or friends ; and to hear and examine witnesses on oath, if necessary, as to his. condition and capacity to manage his estate, and to make return of such examination and inquiry to the said ordinary, specifying in such return under which such classes they find such person to come. Such commission shall be sworn by any INSANITY AND LCNATICS 551 officer of this State authorized by the laws of this State to administer an oath, well and truly to execute said commission to the best of their skill and ability, which oath shall be returned with their verdict." PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN FOR IDIOT. 3092. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County: The petition of shows that , of said county, is an idiot, and incapable of managing his own affairs, and therefore liable to have a guardian appointed under the law in such cases made and provided. That the said is entitled to a considerable estate, consisting of , and that by reason of his idiocy and want of mental capacity he is incapable of managing his said estate. Ten days' notice of this application has been given to the three nearest adult relatives of the said , to wit, and and [naming them-], all of said county. Wherefore, petitioner prays that your Honor issue a com- mission in terms of the statute directed to eighteen discreet and proper persons, one of them being a physician, requiring any twelve of them, including the physician, to examine by inspec- tion the person of the said , for whom guardianship (or commitment to the asylum) is sought, and if upon examination and the hearing of the evidence by the said commissioners said should be found to be an idiot, that your Honor appoint some discreet person as guardian of the property of the said Petitioner's Attorney. Where two adult and married daughters instituted proceedings in court of ordinary, in accordance with Code, 3089 et seq., without his knowledge, to have guardian appointed for him, appointment of receiver of property of father and granting of injunction against interference with property in receiver's hands was erroneous, in action by the father, where the children had no interest in the property. 144/249 (86 S. E'. 932). 552 INSANITY AND LUNATICS OATH OF PETITIONER. 3092. Georgia, County. Personally appeared before me, the undersigned, an officer of said State authorized to administer an oath, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the statements con- tained in the foregoing petition are true. Petitioner. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 ,J.P. NOTICE TO RELATIVES. 3092. Georgia, County. To , and , the three nearest adult relatives of , who is alleged to be an idiot: You are hereby notified that on the day of .' . , 19. . . ., I filed with the court of ordinary of said county a petition for a commission to issue for the purpose of inquiring into the alleged idiocy of for the purpose of having a guardian appointed for him, and that the hearing will be had thereon on the day of , 19. . . . Petitioner. V AFFIDAVIT AS TO NOTICE. Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned, a justice of the peace in and for said county who being duly sworn, says that he served , and each with a copy of the above notice on the day of , 19 .... Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 ,J.P. INSANITY AND LUNATICS 553 ORDER Office of the Ordinary of County. At Chambers, , 19 .... In the matter of the petition of for the appointment of a guardian for , alleged to be an idiot. The above and foregoing petition having been presented to me, and it appearing that and and , , the three nearest adult relatives of the said alleged idiot, have had notice of this application, it is ordered that , the alleged idiot, be served with a copy of the said petition and this order personally by the sheriff at least ten days before the hearing, and that the said , alleged idiot, and the said and and , the said three nearest adult relatives, show cause before me at my office on the day of , 19 . . . . , at nine o'clock, A. M., why the prayer of the said petition should not be had and allowed and a commission be appointed to examine into the mental condition of the said , alleged to be an idiot, and a guardian appointed for him as prayed. Ordinary. APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN AD LITEM. Court of Ordinary of At Chambers, , 19 .... In the matter of the petition for the appointment of a guar- dian for , alleged to be an idiot. The above named and stated matter coming on for 'a hearing on this date, and it being made to appear by the return of the sheriff that he served , the alleged idiot, personally with a copy of the petition and the former order nisi, calling upon him and his three nearest adult relatives to show cause on this day why the order should not be made appointing a commission to inquire into and report upon the alleged inca- pacity of mind of the said , alleged to be an Jidiot, and it further appearing to be just and proper that a guardian ad litem should be appointed for the said , the alleged idiot, it is therefore considered, ordered and adjudged 554 INSANITY AND LUNATICS that , of said county, be, and he is, hereby appointed guardian ad litem to appear and represent the said , alleged to be an idiot, in this proceeding. Let said guardian ad litem make response to this order. Ordinary. ACCEPTANCE BY GUARDIAN AD LITEM. In person came , who has been appointed guardian ad litem of , alleged to be an idiot, and he hereby accepts said appointment and undertakes to appear and represent the said in the pending proceeding. This day of , 19. ... Guardian ad litem. COMMISSION FOR EXAMINATION OF ALLEGED IDIOT. 3092. Georgia, County. Office of Ordinary. At Chambers, , 19 .... In the matter of the application of for the appointment of a commission to examine into and report upon the alleged idiocy of , and for the appointment of guardian for him, etc. In the above named and stated matter, it appearing that the three nearest adult relatives of said , alleged idiot, to wit, and and , have had more than ten days notice in writing of this proceed- ing, and that , the alleged idiot, has been served with a copy of the petition and order herein more than ten days before this hearing, and that has been appointed guardian ad litem for the said alleged idiot and has accepted said trust, and the matter coming on regularly for a hearing, it is ordered that the following named persons be, and they are, hereby appointed a commission to examine into the mental condition of the said , alleged idiot, to inspect his person and make proper findings and report to me, and to constitute said commission, to wit : IXSAXITY A\I> LrxATics 555 To , M. D., and to and (insert the names of seventeen other "discreet and proper per- sons") or any twelve of you: You are hereby required to examine by inspection the person of for whom guardianship [or commitment to the asylum] is sought, and to hear and examine witnesses on oath, if necessary, as to the condition and capacity of the said to manage his estate, the said being alleged to be an idiot. And after having made a thorough and perfect investigation, touching the alleged idiocy of the said you are directed to make return of such examination and inquiry to the ordinary of the' said county, specifying in such your return, whether or not the said is an idiot, and under which class you find the said to come. Herein fail not. Given under my hand and seal this day of , 19 ~. Ordinary (SEAL) JURORS IN LUNACY CASES. 3092. (NOTE: In cases of lunacy, jury shall consist of six, unless relative or party shall demand twelve.) OATH OF THE JURY. 309: Georgia, County. You, and each of you, do swear that you will hear and duly execute the commission to you directed [touching the idiocy of ] to the best of your skill and ability. So help you God. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 Officer authorized to administer oaths. 556 INSANITY AND LUNATICS RETURN OF COMMISSIONER. 3093. Georgia, County. To , Ordinary of said County : The report of the undersigned commissioners appointed to examine by inspection the person of of said county, alleged to be an idiot, and to inquire into the mental condition of the said shows, that in pursuance of the requirements contained in the commission directed to them for that purpose, to wit, on the day of , 19 .... they caused said to be brought before them and personally examined him by inspection, and heard and examined witnesses on bath as to his mental condition and capacity to manage his estate. That upon the inspection of the said as aforesaid, and the examination of and as witnesses, the undersigned commissioners came to the con- clusion, and are satisfied, that the said is an idiot, and incapable of managing his estate. Respectfully submitted, this day of , 19. ... [NOTE. The physician and at least eleven of the commissioners should sign said report. The finding should show whether the person examined is a lunatic, insane, an idiot, or habitual drunkard, if either one of them is his true condition.] ORDER THEREUPON. Georgia, County. In re , alleged to be an idiot. It appearing to the court by the return of the commissioners appointed to examine into the idiocy of of said county, that said is an idiot : It is further ordered that of said county, be, and he is, hereby appointed guardian of the person and property of the said And it is further ordered, that letters of guardianship do issue to said upon his taking the oath and giving bond and security as in such cases made and provided. This day of , 19 Ordinary. INSANITY AND LUNATICS 557 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN FOR PERSON UNABLE TO MANAGE His PROPERTY OR FOR ONE LIABLE TO BE SENT TO STATE SANITARIUM. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County : The petition of . . ., of said county, alleges the following facts: 1st. That , of said county, hereinafter called respondent, is liable on account of mental incapacity to have a guardian appointed for him and to be sent to the State Sanitarium. 2nd. That respondent is possessed of real and personal prop- erty of the value of dollars, and on account of his mental condition the same is going to waste and he is unable to manage and take care of it. 3rd. That and and of said county, are the three nearest adult relatives of the said respondent, and petitioner prays that after ten days notice to said nearest adult relatives and after service upon the respondent, that your Honor appoint a commission of eighteen persons, one of whom shall be a practising physician, who by a personal inspection of the person of said respondent, and after hearing evidence as to the mental condition of the said respondent, to make a finding and report the facts to your Honor, and that a guardian be appointed for the said respondent, and such other proceedings be had in the premises as are in conformity to law. Petitioner. AFFIDAVIT TO PETITION. Georgia, County. Before me, , ordinary of said county, personally came , the subscriber, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the facts and things stated in the foregoing petition, are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this . .day of , 19 Ordinary. 558 INSANITY AND LUNATICS ORDER NISI. In the matter of the petition of for the appointment of a guardian for , and other prayers. Court of Ordinary, At Chambers, , 19 .... The foregoing petition has been read and considered. Let it be filed and let ' , the respondent, and t , and , the three nearest adult relatives, show cause before me at my office on the day of , 19 . . . . , why the prayer of petition should not be had and allowed, and why the commission should not be appointed as prayed. Let , respondent, be served by the sheriff with a copy of the petition and this order at least ten days before said hearing, and the said three nearest adult relatives given ten days notice in writing of the time and place of the said hearing, which notice may be given by delivering to each of said nearest adult relatives in person a copy of the petition and this order. Ordinary. ORDER FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN AD LITEM AFTER PERSONAL SERVICE UPON ALLEGED INSANE PERSON BY SHERIFF. Court of Ordinary. At Chambers, , 19 .... In the matter of the petition of for the appointment of a guardian for , and the appointment of commission to examine his mental condition. In the above named and stated matter, it being made to appear that , the respondent therein, has been served personally with a copy of the petition and order in the above named and stated case calling upon him to show -cause on this date as to why a commission should not be appointed to examine him as to his mental condition and capacity to manage his affairs and as to why he should not be committed to the Sanitarium and it appearing that he has been served by the sheriff with a copy of said petition and the said order nisi more than ten days before this hearing, and it further appearing INSANITY AND LUNATICS 559 that , and , his three nearest adult relatives, have also had more than ten days notice of this proceeding and the time and place of hear- ing, and that it is necessary and proper that a guardian ad litem be appointed for the said respondent, to represent him in this proceeding, it is considered, ordered and adjudged that '. .is hereby appointed guardian ad litem to appear for and represent, the said , respondent, upon this hearing of said proceeding. Let the said guardian ad litem be notified and make proper response to this order. This day of , 19 .... Ordinary. ORDER FOR COMMISSION TO ISSUE. Court of Ordinary Chambers, 19 .... Upon hearing the foregoing petition, duly filed, and it appear- ing that the notice of the same required by law has been given, and no reason being offered to the contrary, it is ordered that the usual commission issue, directed according to law. , Ordinary. COMMISSION. Georgia, County. To 1 , M. D. 10 2 11 3 12 4 13 5 14 6 15 7 16 8 17 : 9 18 Greeting: having made petition, on oath, to the ordinary of said county, alleging that , of said county, is and is subject to be committed to 560 INSANITY AND LUNATICS the Georgia State Sanitarium, you are hereby required, or any twelve of j r ou (one of whom must be a physician), after first being duly sworn well and truly to execute this commission to the best of your skill and ability, to have the said personally brought before you, to examine by inspection, and to hear and examine witnesses on oath, if necessary, as to condition, and to make return of such examination and inquiry to the said ordinary, specifying in said return under which class you find the said to come. Witness my hand and seal, this the. . . . day of , 19 . . [SEAL] , Ordinary. NOTICE OF HEARING. Court of Ordinary, at Chambers. To : You are hereby notified that on the day of , 19. . . ., the case of vs , charged as a lunatic, will be heard by the commissioners ap- pointed by the court. This day of , 19 .... Commissioners. VENIRE FACIAS. Georgia, County. To the Sheriff of said County or his Deputies : You are hereby commanded to summon a jury of eighteen men named in the annexed commission (one of whom must be a practicing physician), and cause them to assemble at county aforesaid, at o'clock on the .... day of , 19 . . . . , then and there to execute said commission and make return thereof. This the day of , 19 , Ordinary. INSANITY AND. LUNATICS 561 AFFIDAVIT OF JUEOES. County. We, and each of us, do swear that we will well and truly execute this commission to the best of our skill and ability. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ,19 , Ordinary. FINDING OF JURY. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County : By virtue of the annexed commission to us directed, we, the undersigned, first being sworn and having made such examina- tion by inspection and proof as the law requires, report that we do find the said to be a and a fit subject for the Sanitarium ; and having on the trial inquired into the fact of the residence of the said we further find that was, at and before the said trial, and still is, a resident citizen of the State of Georgia, and not introduced into the State or county for the purpose of being sent to the Georgia State Sanitarium. This day of , 19 JUDGMENT. Court of Ordinary, Chambers, , 19. ... Whereupon, it is considered, ordered and adjudged that the said is a or person of unsound 562 INSANITY AND LUNATICS mind, and that as such be committed to the Georgia State Sanitarium and there confined until discharged according to law. APPLICATION OF PERSON RESTORED TO SANITY. 3097. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County : 1. The petition of . . .of said county, shows that your petitioner was heretofore, to wit, on the day of , 19 . . . . , declared to be of insane mind, according to proceedings of record in said county in said court of ordinary, and therefore unable to manage his affairs. 2. That letters of guardianship, dated the day and year aforesaid, issued to , of said county, as guardian of the person and property of your petitioner. 3. That said , by virtue of said letters of guardianship, has had possession of your petitioner's person and property from the date of said letters of guardianship from thence hitherto. 4. Petitioner avers that he has been restored to sanity and capacity, so as to be capable of managing his own estate. Wherefore, your petitioner prays that he may be examined as to his present sanity, and his capacity to manage his affairs. Petitioner further prays that said letters of guardianship, issited to said as aforesaid, may be canceled and revoked, and that said may be ordered and required forthwith to deliver over to your petitioner all prop- erty, money and effects belonging to petitioner in his hands as guardian. This day of ...... 19 .... Petitioner's Attorney. REVOCATION OF LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. 3097. NOTICE TO GUARDIAN. Georgia, County. To , Guardian of : Take notice that I shall apply to the court of ordinary of said county, at the next ensuing term thereof, to be held on the day of , 19. . . ., for the purpose of having the letters of guardianship heretofore issued to you by INSANITY AND LUNATICS 563 said court, appointing you my guardian [having been heretofore adjudged to be an insane person] canceled and revoked. This day of , 19 Petitioner. ISSUE. 3098. Georgia, County. And now at this term of the court comes , guardian of , by his attorney , and controverts the averments in said petition, and says that has not been restored to sanity and capacity, and still continues to be of insane mind, and wholly incapable of managing the affairs of his estate. And of this the defendant puts himself upon the country. This day of , 19 Defendant's Attorney. PRECEPT FOE SUMMONING JURY. 3098. Georgia, County. To the Sheriff of said County and his lawful Deputy : You are hereby commanded and required to summon [insert- ing the names of eighteen persons, one of them a physician, competent to serve as jurors] to be and appear before me at in said county on the day of , 19. . . ., at o'clock, A. M., of that day, then and there to be sworn as jurors to try the issue of insanity pending between and then and there to be submitted. Herein fail not under the penalty of the law. Given under my hand and official seal this day of '. ., 19 Ordinary. OATH OF THE JURY. 3098. You shall well and truly try the issue of insanity pending between . . . . and . , . . now to be sub- 564 INSANITY AND LUNATICS mitted to you as jurors, and a true verdict give, without favor or affection to either party. So help you God. VERDICT OF THE JURY. 3098. We, the jury, find the issue in favor of the plaintiff. This day of , 19 Foreman. JUDGMENT OF THE COURT. Whereupon it is considered, ordered and adjudged by the court that is sane in mind and capable of managing his affairs, it is further ordered that the letters of guardianship formerly granted to as guardian of said be, and the same are, hereby canceled and revoked. It is further ordered that the said guardian forthwith deliver over to the said all of the property, money and effects in his hands, belonging to the said This day of ,19 Ordinary. AFFIDAVIT FOR COMMITMENT OF INSANE PERSON. 3101. Georgia, County. Personally before me, the ordinary of said county, came , who on oath says that of said county, is insane, and that he has no guardian [or, that his guardian, on notice, refuses and fails to confine his said ward]. Deponent further says that , the insane person aforesaid, for the public safety [or other good and suffi- cient reason], should no longer be left at large. Deponent makes this affidavit, that a warrant, as in criminal cases, may issue for the arrest of said insane person, and that he may be INSANITY AND LUNATICS 565 brought before the ordinary of said county, according to the statute in such cases made and provided. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of . ., 19 , Ordinary. WARRANT. Georgia, County. To any Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, Coroner, Constable, or Marshal of said State, Greeting : having this day made oath before me that of said county is insane and has no guardian [or that his said guardian, on notice, refuses and fails to confine his said ward], and that for public safety [or other good and sufficient reason] the said , the insane person as aforesaid, should no longer be left at large. These are, therefore, to command you to arrest the said and bring him before me at the court house in said county by o'clock, A. M., on the day of , 19. . . ., to be dealt with as the law directs. This day of , 19 , Ordinary. [NOTE. When the ordinary is unable to act for any cause, the judge of the Superior Court may administer the oath and issue the warrant, and conduct the investigation of the facts, and may commit the insane person to the lunatic asylum and if necessary cause him to be com- mitted temporarily to jail until he can be removed to the asylum. 3101.] CERTIFICATE OF THE CLERK. Georgia, County. I, , clerk of the court of ordinary of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing pages is a true and perfect exemplification of the proceedings on record in the office in the court of ordinary of said county, in the case of vs , a pauper lunatic of said county, shown on the trial of the issue of lunacy. 566 INSANITY AND LUNATICS A true extract from the minutes of the said court, this day of ,19 [Official Seal.] Clerk. COMMITMENT TO JAIL PENDING REMOVAL TO ASYLUM. 3101. Georgia, County. To the Sheriff of said County: , having been adjudged a pauper lunatic, you are hereby commanded to convey said to the Georgia State Sanitarium at Milledgeville, Georgia, and meantime that you commit him to the common jail of said county, to be there safely kept, until his removal to the lunatic asylum as aforesaid. This day of , 19. ... Ordinary. JUDGMENT. 3101. Georgia, County. In re. application for commitment of to the Georgia State Sanitarium. On an investigation of the facts of this case, it is considered and adjudged that ; of said county, is a pauper lunatic, and that he be committed to the Georgia State Sanita- rium at Milledgeville, Georgia, and it appearing to be necessary, the said not being a fit person to be left at large, it is further ordered that he be temporarily committed to the common jail of said county until he can be removed to said asylum. This day of , 19. ... Ordinary. COMMITMENT TO GEORGIA STATE SANITARIUM. 3101. Georgia, County. To the Keeper of the Georgia State Sanitarium at Milledgeville, Georgia : having on the day of 19. . . ., been adjudged to be a lunatic by the ordinary of said INTEBEST AND USURY 567 county and ordered to be committed to the lunatic asylum, you are, therefore, authorized and directed to receive said into said asylum, and him there safely keep until dis- charged by law. I certify that the said is a pauper, and, further order that the expenses of such confinement and of these proceedings shall be paid out of the county funds of said county [or, it further appearing that the said has an estate, it is ordered that the expenses of such confinement, and the cost of these proceedings be paid out of said estate]. This day of , 19 Ordinary. INTEREST AND USURY. 3426-3445, 56T4. PLEA OF USUKY. 3428, 3438, 5674. (The following form applies to law as it stood before passage of Acts '191 6, p. 48.) (State the case.) And now comes the defendant and for [further] plea says: 1. That on the. . . .day of , 19. . . ., defendant borrowed of plaintiff the sum of dollars, to be paid months after that date. 2. That on the day of , 19 . . . . , as evidence of said indebtedness, defendant executed and delivered to the plaintiff the note here sued on, for the sum of dollars, being dollars, in excess of the principal sum borrowed as aforesaid, said note being made payable months after the date thereof. . 3. That the defendant agreed with plaintiff to pay him per cent, per annum interest, being per cent, in excess of the legal rate, and the sum of dollars, in excess of the amount borrowed, was added in the face of said note to cover interest at the usurious rate aforesaid. 4. That dollars of the amount specified in said note is usurious, and plaintiff's demand should be reduced by said sum. And of this defendant puts himself upon the country. Defendant's Attorney. 568 INTEKEST AND USURY PLEA OF USUKY UNDER ACTS 1916, p. 48. For further plea and answer, the defendant shows the follow- ing facts. 1st. Said note sued on is for the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars, with interest after maturity at the rate of eight (8%) per cent, per annum; that plaintiff loaned defendant the sum of four hundred fifty ($450.00) dollars for six months, and that in said note is embraced ten (10%) per cent, interest, making the sum of fifty ($50.00) dollars for interest for six months upon four hundred fifty ($450.00) dollars loaned, which said fifty ($50.00) dollars is usurious, and defendant shows these facts to the court,, and says that under the law the plaintiff i? entitled to a judgment for the sum >f only four hundred fifty ($450.00) dollars, the amount loaned, he having forfeited all interest and usury under the law. -OR And for further plea and answer, the defendant shows the following facts: 1st. The note sued on is for five hundred ($500.00) .dollars, with interest from date at the rate of ten (10%) per cent, per annum, and this defendant shows -that said rate of interest is usurious, and that for this reason the plaintiff forfeits all inter- est, and the plaintiff is entitled to a judgment for only the amount loaned, to wit, the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars. (NOTE: These pleas should be sworn to.) -OR- The defendant might reach the last note by a special demurrer in this form : !ln the Superior Court of County, / Term, 19... Now comes the defendant in the above named and stated case at this the appearance term, and, before answering therein, files this his demurrer to the petition therein, and for grounds of demurrer, says: 1st. Plaintiff sues defendant upon a note for five hundred ($500.00) dollars, with interest from date at ten per cent. (10%) per annum, and this defendant shows that said rate of interest is usurious, and that under the law plaintiff is not entitled to any interest, and he prays the court to strike from INTERROGATORIES AND DEPOSITIONS 569 said petition all claim of interest on the part of the plaintiff, as under the law the plaintiff has forfeited the same. Attorney for Defendant. Assignment. Defense of usury is in assignor or his privies, not in his debtor. 126/192 (55 S. E. 22). Bankruptcy. Debtor's trustee in bankruptcy is representative of debtor, and defense of usury is as available to trustee as to debtor himself. 17/246 (1) (87 S. B. 694). Blanks in plea of usury. 91/508 (2) (18 S. E. 131); 124/543 (52 3. E. 927). Deed. Plea of usury to avoid deed does not require same particularity as such plea to action for money. 104/318-(2) (31 S. E. 215). Demurrer. Defect in substance in plea of usury may be taken ad- vantage of by general demurrer or oral motion to strike. 124/541 (52 S. E. 927). Personal plea, plea of usury is. 17 App. 246 (1) (87 S. E. 694). Statute. Plea of usury which fails to comply with Code, 5674, is fatally defective. 142/609 (83 S. E. 272); 124/541 (52 S. E. 927). A similar degree of specification is required where it is sought by independent action to recover usury alleged to have been paid by debtor of creditor. 142/609 (83 S. E. 272). Striking plea. Plea of usury may be stricken on oral motion, where it fails to set forth facts required by statute. 138/62 (1) (74 S. E. 790). INTERROGATORIES AND DEPOSITIONS. 5886-5923, 6289-6294. INTERROGATORIES. 5889. (State the case.) Original interrogatories to be propounded to a material witness for the and who resides in the county of State of First direct interrogatory. Do you know the parties to this case? Second. Where do you reside? Third. [Propound as many questions as desired, making them "sufficiently explicit to inform the opposite party of the nature of the testimony sought and expected, and yet not liable to the objection of being leading questions."] Attorney for 570 INTERROGATORIES AND DEPOSITIONS ENTRY OF CLERK. Filed in the office of the clerk of the court of , county, the day of , 19 .... Clerk. NOTICE TO BE SERVED ON ADVERSARY PARTY. (State the case.) To .: You are hereby notified that I have this day filed in the office of the clerk of the court of county, original interrogatories for as a witness in the above stated case, and that at the expiration of ten days I shall apply for a commission in terms of the law for an examination of said witness. A copy of said interrogatories is hereto attached. This day of , 19 Attorney for, ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF FILING AND WAIVER. 5903. Notice of the filing of the within interrogatories acknowl- edged ; copy and all further or other notice of the time of filing waived. Let commission issue instanter. This day of ,19 Attorney for, .COMMISSION FOR INTERROGATORIES. 6289. Georgia, County. By his Honor. . . . f , one of the judges of the court for the county and State aforesaid. To , and , Greeting : Whereas, There is a certain matter of controversy now de- pending in the court for said county, between . . . . and . . INTERROGATORIES AND DEPOSITIONS 571 t And whereas is a material witness in said suit and can not attend our said court in person without mani- fest inconvenience: Now know ye, That we, reposing special trust and confidence in your prudence and fidelity, have appointed you, and you or any two or more of you are hereby authorized and required to cause said personally to come before you, and after being duly sworn, to examine concerning the said suit, agreeably to the interrogatories hereunto annexed ; and the answers to the same being plainly and distinctly writ- ten, you are to send the same, closed up under your hands and seals to our said court to be held on the day of next, together with this writ. Witness, the Honorable , one of the judges of said court, this day of , 19. ... "Clerk." INSTRUCTIONS TO GUIDE IN TAKING TESTIMONY. First. Fill the blank in the commission with the names of the persons officiating as commissioners. (Two may act. Less than two will not suffice.) Second. Take a separate sheet of paper, state the case pre- cisely as it is at the head of the interrogatories. Then write the following formula: State of , County of By virtue of a commission from the Honorable the court of county, to us directed, we have caused [insert the name of witness or witnesses] the witness in said commission named to come before us, and being duly sworn, true answers to make to the interrogatories to said commission annexed, deposes and answers as follows: To the first interrogatory, he answers [and so with the rest of the answers. When all are answered, both direct and cross- interrogatories, let the witness subscribe them. Then the com- missioners will observe the following form at the end of the answers:] Answered, sworn to and subscribed before us, this day of , 19 Commissioner. [L. S.] Commissioner. [L. S.] 572 INTERROGATORIES AND DEPOSITIONS Then annex the answers to the interrogatories, seal all up in one packet, put as many seals on the envelopes as there are commissioners, let each commissioner write his name across the seal, adding the word "Commissioner." Direct the package: "To the clerk of county of county, Georgia." If the packet is to be sent by mail, let the post- master certify as follows: "Received this package from , one of the commissioners , Postmaster at " State the case on the outside of the envelope, just as it is in the caption of the interrogatories. (NOTE. 1. No party, or his counsel, or agent, or other person in his behalf, can be present at the execution of the commission. 2. No person who would be incompetent as a juror on account of relationship, and no attorney of either of the parties, clerk, or agent paid to discharge this duty can be a competent commissioner. 3. Witnesses may write out their answers only in presence of the commissioners, and by their consent, AND IN NO OTHER WAY. 4. All written memoranda, that a witness answers from, must be sent with the commission, and the fact certified by the commissioners.) NOMINATION OF COMMISSIONERS. and are hereby nominated as suitable and competent persons to execute the within inter- rogatories. This day of , 19. . . . Attorney for, OATH OF WITNESS. You do solemnly swear that you will true answers make to the interrogatories put to you in the case pending in the Honorable court of county, in which is plaintiff and is defendant. So help you God. [NOTE. The foregoing oath may be administered by one of the commissioners.] RETURN OF COMMISSIONERS. 5903. State of . . . , County of By virtue of the commission duly issued, and to us directed INTERROGATORIES AND DEPOSITIONS 573 [or, by virtue of an agreement between the parties, or counsel hereto attached] in the case of vs pending in the court of .county [or, district, as the case may be,] the undersigned, acting as com- missioners, have caused a witness in the said case, to come before us, who being duly sworn true answers to make to annexed interrogatories, deposes and answers as follows : To the first interrogatory he answers. To the second interrogatory he answers. Etc., etc. Witness. Answered, sworn to and subscribed before us this day of , 19 Commissioner. [SEAL.] '. . . . Commissioner. [SEAL.] Commissioner. [SEAL.] CERTIFICATE OF TRANSMISSION. 5898. NOTE. A postmaster or express agent receiving a package from one of the commissioners should make the following entry thereon: I certify that I received this package from , one of the commissioners, to be forwarded by due course of mail [or express, as the case may be]. This day of , 19.... Postmaster, or express agent at I certify that this package was received by due course of mail [or express] this day of , 19. ... Postmaster at. RECEIPT OF CLERK OR J. P. 5900. NOTE. The following entry should be made of the package when received : Received the within package in open court of or from , postmaster at [or, from 574 INTERROGATORIES AND DEPOSITIONS . . . , express agent at ] upon the usual oath, with leave to open this day of , 19.. Clerk. NOTICE OF TAKING DEPOSITIONS. vs. No In . . . Court Term, 19 To the or , Attorney : You are hereby notified that, on the day of , 19 . . . . , beginning at . . o'clock, M., at building, in Georgia, we will proceed to take the depositions of before , commissioner of Superior Court, on behalf of the in the above entitled cause, and will continue from day to day until said examination is completed. You are notified to be present and cross-examine said witness. This day of ,19 Attorney for. ACKNOWLEDGMENT or SERVICE. Due and legal service of the above notice hereby acknowl- edged, copy received and further notice waived. This day of ,19 Attorney for. INTERROGATORIES AND DEPOSITIONS 575 SUBPOENA. Georgia, County. In. . . .Court. vs. To , Greeting : You are hereby commanded, That, laying all other business aside, you personally be and appear at the building, at , Georgia, before , commissioner, to take your depositions at o'clock, . . .M., on the day of , 19. . . ., then and there to be sworn as a witness for the in the above stated case. Herein fail not under penalty of the law. Witness my hand and seal, this day of , 19 (L. S.) Commissioner. RETURN OF COURT COMMISSIONER. 5910-5917. (State the case.) The deposition of , a witness for the in the above stated case, taken upon notice given on the day of , 19 . . . . , at in the presence of The said witness, being first duly sworn, deposes as follows: [The commissioner will state what questions, with answer made by the witness immediately afterwards, and conclude as follows:] The foregoing depositions were taken before me, as stated in the caption, and the answers reduced to writing by me, or by the witness in my presence and I certify that I am not interested in the case nor kin or counsel to either party. This day of , 19 Official Commissioner. 576 INTERROGATORIES AND DEPOSITIONS ARREST OF- WITNESS REFUSING TO APPEAK AFFIDAVIT OF PARTY. Georgia, County. In person appeared before the undersigned , who, after being sworn, says that he has commenced his action of in the Superior Court of the county of in said State, against , which action is now pending in said court. That a commission with certain inter- rogatories thereunto annexed, issued from said court, in con- formity to law, to take the testimony of , of the county of , a material witness in said case, on the part of deponent. That said commissioners have required the personal attendance of said in order that his testimony might be taken ; but said without any legal excuse, fails [refuses or neglects, as the case may be,] to appear before said commissioners for the purpose aforesaid. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 .,J. P. ORDER OF THE JUDGE THEREUPON. Georgia, County. To All and Singular, the Sheriffs and Constables of said Whereas, I have been informed by the affidavit of that he has commenced his action of in the Superior Court of the county of against , which action is now pending in said court. That a commission with certain interrogatories thereunto an- nexed, issued from the Superior Court of the county of in conformity to law, to take the testimony of , of the county of , a material witness in said case, for the deponent. That said commission has been delivered to and as commissioners. That said commissioners have required the personal attendance of said in order that his testimony might be taken, but that said y without legal excuse, fails to appear before the said commissioners for the purpose INTRUDERS aforesaid : volt and each of yon are therefore hereby commanded .to arrest the body of the said and bring him before me at in said county, by o'clock of the day of that he may be dealt with as the law directs. Herein fail not. Given under my hand and official signature. This day of ,19 j.s.c.. .'.a INTRUDERS. 5380-5384. AFFIDAVIT TO REMOVE INTRUDER. 5380. Georgia, County. Before me, , an officer of said State authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared , who on oath says that he does in good faith claim the right of possession to a lot or parcel of land and the tenements thereon, to wit, a house and lot in in said county, designated as lot No in the plan of said and known as the house and lot, and that said parcel of land and the tenements thereon is in the possession of another person, to wit, one , who does not in good faith claim a right to such possession and yet refuses to abandon the same. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , -19 [Official designation.] COUNTER AFFIDAVIT. 5380. Georgia, County. Before me , sheriff of said county, person- ally appeared , who, upon oath, says that he does in good faith claim a legal right to the possession of a certain lot or parcel of land and the tenements thereon in in said county, and designated as lot No 578 INTRUDERS in the plan of said town, and known as the house and lot, being the property described in the affidavit of this day exhibited to deponent by said sheriff, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this k day of./. , 19 Sheriff of County. [NOTE. The sheriff, under 5381, may administer the above oath.] JOINDER OF ISSUE. 5382. Comes now the affiant and says that the facts set up in the counter affidavit are not true, and joins issue thereon, and says that affiant is entitled to the property as set out in affiant's affidavit. Attorney for Affiant. Comes now the respondent and joins issue, and says that the facts set out in his counter affidavit are true. And this he prays may be inquired of by the court. Attorney for Kespondent. VERDICT. 5383. We, the jury, find the issue in favor of , with costs of suit. This day of , 19. ... Foreman. JUDGMENT. 5383. Whereupon, it is considered, ordered and adjudged by the court that the said is entitled to possession of a lot or parcel of land and the tenements thereon, to wit, of a house and lot in the town of county, Georgia, designated in the plan of said town as lot No . . , and known as the house and lot; and that the clerk of this court issue a writ of habere facias possessionem in favor INTRUDERS 5Y9 of said against for said house and lot. It is further ordered that the said recover of the said . . the sum of dollars and costs of suit. This. .-. . . .day of , 19. ... Attorney for , Affiant. WRIT OF HABERE FACIAS POSSESSIONEM. 5384. Georgia, County. To all and singular the Sheriffs of this State and their lawful Deputies : Whereas, , at the term, 19 . . . . , of the Superior Court of said county, recovered by the judgment of the said court, of one , a certain house and lot in the town of , in said county, designated in the plan of said town as lot No , and known as the house and lot, which said house and lot has heretofore been, and still is, unjustly withheld from the said by said And forasmuch as it is ordered and adjudged by the court that the said have execution upon his said judgment against the said according to the force and form and effect of his said recovery. Now, therefore, you are hereby commanded to proceed forth- with to put the said in full and quiet possession of said house and lot with the appurtenances thereto belonging, and to make return hereof to the term, 19 . . . . , of said Superior Court, in what manner you have executed this writ. You are also commanded that of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of the said .you make or cause to be made the sum of dollars, which in said court was adjudged to the said as costs in this behalf, whereof said stands convict as appears to us of record. And have you said sums of money before this court on the day aforesaid to render to the said for his costs aforesaid. And have you then and there this writ. Witness the honorable , judge of the said court, this day of , 1 9 .... Clerk. 580 JUDGMENTS AND DECREES JUDGMENT WHERE ISSUE Is FOUND AGAINST THE PLAINTIFF. 5383. Whereupon, it is considered, ordered and adjudged by the court that the defendant, , do have and recover of the plaintiff, , the sum of dollars and cents, costs in this behalf laid out and expended. This...... day of ,19 Defendant's Attorney. Affidavit may be made before any officer authorized to administer an oath. 123/456 (51 S. E. 381). County judge is authorized to administer oath and to hear and determine issue made by counter- affidavit. Id. Affidavit should sufficiently describe land to enable sheriff to identify 'premises. GO/523. Amendment of affidavit and counter-affidavit not amendable under Act of 1854. 60/524. Counter-affidavit should state that occupant bona fide claims legal right to possession. 38/29 (2). Counter-affidavit that defendant "does in good faith claim a legal title to the possession" was sufficient. 73/261. Judgment should declare that plaintiff is entitled to possession and that writ of possession do issue including fi. fa. for costs. 123/457 (51 S. E. 381). JUDGMENTS AND DECEEES. 5934-5979. JUDGMENT ON ORDINARY MONEY VERDICT. 5934. Whereupon, it is considered, ordered and adjudged by the court, that the plaintiff, , do have and recover of the defendant, , dollars, principal, and dollars, interest, (together with future interest upon said, principal at the rate of eight per cent, per annum), and dollars, costs of court. This day of , 19 Attorney for. JUDGMENTS AGAINST PRINCIPAL AND SURETY OR INDORSER, Whereupon, it is considered, ordered and adjudged by the court, that the plaintiff, , do have and recover JUDGMENTS AND DECREES 581 of the defendant, , as principal, and , as security (or indorser, as the case may be), the sum of dollars and cents, as principal, dollars and cents, as interest to date of judgment, and the sum of dollars and cents for costs of suit, with interest on the principal debt at per cent, per annum from date of judgment. This day of , 19 Plaintiff's Attorney. JUDGMENT ON UNCONDITIONAL, CONTRACT IN WRITING. 6.296. vs. There being no issuable defense filed on oath in this case, judgment is rendered by the court for the plaintiff against de- fendant for dollars and cents as principal, dollars and cents as interest, and dollars and cents for costs of suit, with interest on the principal debt at per cent, per annum from date of judgment. This day of. . , 19 Judge of Superior Court. JUDGMENT FOR PLAINTIFF WHERE DAMAGES FOUND IN PER- SONAL ACTION is LESS THAN TEN DOLLARS. 5984. Whereupon it is considered, ordered and adjudged by the court, that the plaintiff do have and recover of the defendant the sum of . dollars, and the further sum of [same amount] dollars for costs. This day of 19 Plaintiff's Attorney. 582 JUDGMENTS AND DECREES JUDGMENT AGAINST PLAINTIFF FOR BALANCE OF COST. (State the case.) Judgment having been entered up in favor of plaintiff against the defendant for the sum of dollars, the amount of costs to which said plaintiff is entitled, it is considered, ordered and adjudged by the court that defendant do have and recover of the plaintiff the sum of dollars and cents, balance of costs in this case for the use of the officers of the court. This the day of , 19 Plaintiff's Attorney. ORDER TO ENTER JUDGMENT AGAINST ATTORNEYS OF RESIDENT PLAINTIFF. 5993. (State the case.) It appearing to the court that instituted an action of. . returnable to the term, 19. . . ., of said court in favor of against ; and it further appearing that said is a non- resident of this State, and has been cast in his said suit : It is ordered by the court that defendant's counsel have leave to enter up judgment against. , the plaintiff's attorney, for the costs of the officers of court in said case. This'. day of , 19 JUDGMENT THEREON. 5994. Whereupon it is considered, ordered and adjudged by the court, that the defendant, , recover of , the plaintiff's attorney, the sum of dollars and cents, for the costs of the officers of court, in the case of against This day of , 19. ... Defendant's Attorney. JURISDICTION 583 Amendment. Court may, at term at which rendered, amend judgments, for cause appearing. 16 App. 596 (85 S. E. 940). By proper order a judgment may be amended so as to conform to pleadings, and this may be done even after issuance of execution and without notice to defendant. 16 App. 466 (1) (85 S. E. 679). Form of judgment in city court suggested. 14 App. 329, 332 (80 S. E. 913). Oral announcement of judgment is not a judgment, when. 126/353 (55 S. E. 31). Setting aside. Motion, resting upon something presented as an excuse by the movant, should set out a valid and legal defense, and the motion itself should disclose the nature and character of the de- fense, which should be legally a meritorious one. 15 App. 822, 829 (84 S. E. 312); 18 App. 368 (2) (89 S. EL 493). Motion to set aside judgment is amendable by adding other grounds. 126/499 (7) (55 S. E. 251). JURISDICTION. 5663-6667. PLEA TO THE JURISDICTION. 5665-5667. Georgia, : County. rln the Superior Court of County, Term, 19 And now comes the defendant in the above stated case, at this the appearance term, in his own proper person, and says that this court ought not to have or take further cognizance of the suit above stated, because, he says, that at the time of the commencement of the said suit, to wit, on the day of , 19 . . . . , and from thence hitherto, the defendant resided in the county of in said State, and is now a resident of said county of and is not a resident of the county of and that the Superior Court of county has jurisdiction of this case, and this court has not. And of this he puts himself upon the country. AFFIDAVIT TO PLEA. 5667. Georgia, County. , the defendant in the above stated case, 584 JURY AND JURORS in person, appeared before the undersigned, and makes oath and says that the facts stated in the foregoing plea are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , , 19 ,J.P. PLEA TO THE JURISDICTION IN JUSTICE'S COURT. (State the case.) And now comes the defendant at the appearance term, and on oath says that he , the said defendant, does not now, nor at the time of the commencement of said suit, nor for many months before ?he commencement thereof, reside in county, Georgia, but that he resided at ...... .in county, Georgia, in the district, G. M., of said last named county, and that the justice's courts of said district and county have jurisdiction of the case, and that the justice's court of the district, G. M., of county, has no jurisdiction. (NOTE: This plea must be verified, and affidavit may be same as in preceding form.) Motion. Question as to jurisdiction can not be raised by motion, but must be by plea, where summons does not show cause of action split so as to bring it within jurisdiction. 102/550 (28 S. E. 225). Paragraphs of petition need not be specifically answered, where de- fendant relies upon plea to jurisdiction alone. 9 App. 38 (70 S. E. 257). Personal, plea is, and must be sworn to by defendant filing it. 136/21 (70 S. E. 639). Plea to jurisdiction must be sworn to by defendant. 122/279 (2) (50 S. E. 105). It must appear in such plea that there is another court in this state, which has jurisdiction of the case. Id. Where plea was stricken, and Supreme Court held that court erred, defendant can not subsequently urged defenses to merits of case without waiving objection to such jurisdiction. 137/300 (73 S. E. 507). Denial of paragraph in petition alleging defendant's residence in county where suit was brought was not equivalent to plea to the jurisdiction. 4 App. 360 (61 S. E 1 . 552). "Want of jurisdiction," as used in Code, 5665, refers to jurisdiction of the subject-matter involved in the suit, and not to the person. 12 App. 147 (76 S. E. 1055); 132/630 (64 S. E. 790); 18 App. 395 (2) (89 S. E. 442). JURY AND JURORS. 4831 (x)-4831 (cc) ; 811-884, 996-1005 P. C. JURY AND JURORS 585 SET FOR SUMMONING GRAND JURORS. 827 P. C. .................. Court. Grand and Traverse Jurors Drawn for ........ term, 19 ---- , by his Honor .......... , Judge of the said court, on ...... day of ........ , 1 9 .... GRAND JURORS. 2 17 3 18 4; 19 5 20 6 21.* 7 22 8 23 9 24 10 25 11 26 12 27 13 28 14 29 15 30 TRAVERSE JURORS FIRST WEEK. 1 19 2 20 3 21 4 " 22 5 23 6 24 7 25 8 26 9 27 10 28 11 29 12 30 13 31 14 32 15 33 16 34 17 35 18.. 36 JURY AND JURORS 1 TRAVERSE JURORS SECOND WEEK. 19 2 20 3 21 4 22 5 .... 23 6 24 7.' 25 8 26 9 27 10 28 11 29 12 .... 30 13 31 14 32 15 33 16 34 17 35 18 36 VENIRE FACIAS. Georgia, County. To the Sheriff of said County : You are hereby commanded to summon the persons whose names appear in the foregoing panels, to be and appear at the court, to be held in and for said county on the Monday in next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of that day, to serve as grand and traverse jurors at the term, 19. . . ., of said court, they having been duly drawn according to law, and have you then and there this precept with your return thereon, as to how you have executed the same. Herein fail not. Witness the Honorable , judge of said court, this day of , 19. ... Clerk. OATH or WITNESS BEFORE THE GRAND JURY. 838 P. C. "The evidence you shall give the grand jury on this bill of indictment [or presentment, as the caSe may be here state the JURY AND JURORS 587 case] shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help you God." SELECTION OF TALES GRAND JURORS. 867 P. C. Georgia, ............ County. In the Superior Court of said County. ............ Term, 19 ____ It appearing to the court that in the investigation by the grand jury of the case of the State vs .................. that are as grand jurors disqualified, by reason of relationship to the defendant ............ , whereby the grand jury is reduced to ............ qualified jurors, it is ordered that the sheriff summon ............ qualified jurors to be sworn and to serve on said grand jury in said case. J. S.C. [NOTE. The judge, in his discretion, may draw the requisite number of tales jurors, from the jury boxes. 867 P. C.] ORDER OF COURT. The sheriff having summoned as tales jurors to serve in the case of the State vs It is ordered that the disqualified grand jurors be excused from service in said case, and that the aforesaid tales grand jurors be sworn to serve in said case to complete a panel of eighteen competent grand jurors. This day of , 19 J. S. C.. !.C. AFFIDAVIT OF DEFAULTING JUROR. Georgia, . County. In person appeared before the undersigned , who, being sworn, says on oath that he was summoned to attend the Superior Court as a grand juror at the last term of said court; that he made default in not attending said court, for which default he has been fined; that his reason for not attend- 588 JUSTICES AND JUSTICE COURTS ing said court was that he was sick and entirely unable to attend [or state any other fact relied on to excuse the default]. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 Clerk Superior Court . CHALLENGE TO THE ARRAY. 998 P. C. The State ^ In Superior Court of vs. County, Term, 19. .. J Indictment for Now comes the defendant in the above named and stated case before plea and arraignment therein, and when and at the time the panel of jurors empaneled to try him are put upon him, he challenges the array of said jurors and says that the same should not be put upon him and try his case, and for grounds thereof says: (Here state the grounds of challenge, which may be "for any cause going to show that it was not fairly or properly empaneled, or ought not to be put upon him.") This defendant insists that he is entitled to a fair and proper jury, and for each and all of the reasons hereinbefore set out, he insists that this panel should be quashed. Attorney for Defendant. JUSTICES AND JUSTICE COURTS, 4648-4775. SUMMONS IN JUSTICE COURT. 4715. Georgia, County. In the Justice's Court of the. vs. District, G. M., County, Ga. To any Lawful Constable of said County Greeting: The defendant, , of said district and county is hereby commanded to be and appear, personally or JUSTICES AND JUSTICE COURTS 589 by attorney, at the next justice's court, to be held in and for the district, G. M., of county, Georgia, at the court house of said district, by 10 o'clock A. M., on the day of . , 19 . . . . , to answer to plaintiff's demand in an action upon a. . . (attach note, account, or cause of action sued on) , a copy of which is hereto attached, or in default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Herein fail not. Given under my hand and official signature, this day of , 19 , J. P. (NOTE: Here attach copy of note, account or cause of action sued upon. The original may be attached to summons and copy of it attach- ed to copy or copies given to constable to serve.) COUNTER-AFFIDAVIT TO SUIT ON ACCOUNT. 4730. (State the case.) Personally appeared before me , the defendant named in the above stated case, who, on oath says that the foregoing account is not just and fair, in whole or in part, and defendant does not owe the same or any part thereof [or, if in part just, specify what part'is just, and what part is not due and owing]. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 ' BREACH OF CONTRACT. to Dr. On the day of , 19. . . ., the said defendant made a written contract with plaintiff to sell him 500 bushels of prime corn at ninety cents per bushel, to be delivered to plaintiff at on the day of , 19.... Defendant failed and refused to comply with this contract, and plaintiff, by reason thereof, was compelled to go into the open market and buy said corn and pay one dollar and 590 JUSTICES AND JUSTICE COUKTS five cents per bushel for it, being the market price of it on that day to plaintiff's damage $75.00. A copy of said contract is attached. [If the contract, was verbally made state substantially what it was, the breach, the date thereof, and resulting damage.] DAMAGES TO PERSONALTY. to Dr. Plaintiff was the owner of twenty sheep on the day of , 19. . . . , in said county. Defendant was on that day the owner of a dog, not being at the time on the premises of the owner or possessor or other person having charge thereof, but suffered to go at large. Said dog on the day aforesaid attacked plaintiff's sheep, at that time in plaintiff's pasture in said county, and killed twelve of them, each of the value of five dollars, and maimed five of them to their injury four dol- lars apiece, and all to the plaintiff's damage $80.00. Or, That the defendant, in said county on the day of , 19. . . ., did unlawfully and wrongfully shoot and kill one bay horse four years old named the property of plaintiff, and worth $90.00, all to the damage of plaintiff in that sum. Or, The defendant railroad is a corporation of said State, having an office and place of doing business in said district, county and State as aforesaid. On the day of , 19. . . ., defendant company killed one mouse-colored mare mule, six years old, the property of plaintiff, and of the value of one hundred dollars, by negligently and carelessly causing and suf- fering one of its locomotives to collide with said mule on a public road crossing in said district and county. All to plaintiff's damage $100 as aforesaid. [NOTE. Let the constable serve the defendant by serving any officer or agent with a copy of the summons, or by leaving a copy at the place of transacting the usual and ordinary business of the 'company within the jurisdiction of the court.] JUSTICES AND JUSTICE COURTS 591 ACTION TO RECOVER VALUE OF MULE. to Dr. Plaintiff owned and was in possession of a certain tan-colored mare mule named , two years old. Defendant, in said county, on the day of ,-. ., 19. . .'., seized said mule and took her into his possession wrongfully depriving plaintiff of the possession thereof: The defendant so negligently kept stabled and fed said mule and so over-worked the same that by reason thereof she sickened and died, to wit, on the day of , 19 . . . . , prior to the bring- ing of this suit; said mule was of the value of $75.00. De- fendant refuses to pay plaintiff the same or any part thereof. All to the damage of the plaintiff $75.00 as aforesaid. ENTRY OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS. 4717, 4718. Georgia, County. I have this day served the defendant, , with a copy of the within summons, by handing the same to him in person [or, by leaving the sanie at his usual and most notorious place of abode]. This day of , 19 Constable. JUDGMENT IN JUSTICE COURT. Judgment is hereby rendered by the court for the plaintiff against the defendant for dollars, principal debt, and dollars, interest to judgment, with interest on said principal debt from day of , 19 . . . . , to day of . . , 19. . . ., date of judgment, at! per cent, per annum, and dollars for attorney's fees and costs of suit. This day of , 19 , J. P. 592 JUSTICES AND JUSTICE COURTS SUBPOENA FOR WITNESS. Georgia, County. To ".: You are hereby required to be and appear at the usual place of holding justice courts in and for the district, G. M., of said county, on the day of , at o'clock, A. M., then and there to be sworn and testify as a witness in the case of against , pending in said court. Herein fail not under the penalty of the law. Witness my hand and official signature, this day of , 19 J. P. JURY SUMMONS IN JUSTICE'S COURT. Georgia, County. To : By virtue of the precept to me directed, you are hereby com- manded to appear before the presiding justice at the next justice court, to be held in and for the district, G. M., in and for the county of , on the day of , 19. . . ., at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to be sworn 'as a juror. , J. P. OATH OF JURY. 4744. "You shall well and truly try the causes depending between the parties at variance, and true verdict give according to equity and the opinion you entertain of the evidence produced to you, to the best of your skill and knowledge, without favor or affection to either of the parties, provided the case or cases submitted shall not be withdrawn from your consideration ; so help you God." JUSTICES AND JUSTICE COURTS 593 FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE OF PERSONALTY. AFFIDAVIT. Georgia, County. Before me, the undersigned, an officer authorized to admin- ister oaths in this State, comes , who, being duly sworn, says on oath that , of district, G. M., of said county, is indebted to him on the annexed mortgage the sum of dollars principal, and dollars interest to date, which amounts are now due, and which the said , the mortgagor therein, though frequently requested so to do, fails and refuses to pay. Affiant makes this affidavit for the purpose of foreclosing said mortgage. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 (Official designation.) (NOTE: The party desiring to foreclose can annex the original mortgage to his affidavit, or if he sees proper, he can attach a copy to the affidavit and in such case he should attach to this copy an affidavit, the form of which may be as follows:) Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, , the subscriber, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the copy mortgage hereto attached is a true copy of the original mortgage which affiant holds, and which he desires to foreclose. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of.. , 19 AFFIDAVIT WHERE DEBT Is NOT DUE. Georgia, County. Before me, the undersigned, an officer authorized to admin- ister oaths in this State, comes , who, being 594 JUSTICES AND JUSTICE COURTS duly sworn, says on oath that , of the district, G. M., of the said county, is indebted to him on the mortgage annexed hereto, the sum of dollars principal, with interest thereon from the .... day of , 19. . . ., at the rate of per cent, per annum until paid, which sum will become due on the day of , 19. ... Deponent further swears that the said * "is actually removing (or about to remove) beyond the limits of said county." Affiant makes this affidavit for the purpose of foreclosing said mortgage. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 (Official designation.) [*NOTE. Any of the ordinary grounds for attachment may be in- serted in the affidavit such as the defendant "absconds," "resides out of the State," "is causing his property to be removed beyond the limits of the State," "conceals himself," "resists legal arrest," or "is seeking to remove the said property beyond the limits of the State."] AFFIDAVIT WHERE MORTGAGOR RESIDES WITHOUT THE STATE. Georgia, County. Before me, the undersigned, an officer authorized to admin- ister oaths in this State, comes , who, being duly sworn, says on oath that , a non-resident of said State, is indebted to him on the mortgage annexed hereto, the sum of dollars, principal, and. .' dollars, interest to date, which amounts are now due and un- paid, and that the property mentioned in the said mortgage is in said county, and he makes this affidavit for~the purpose of foreclosing said mortgage. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 (Official designation.) JUSTICES AND JUSTICE COURTS ,595 MORTGAGE Fi. FA. To All and Singular the Constables of said State, Greeting : You are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels of of the district, G. M., of said county to wit -. [describe the property as set out in the mortgage] you cause to be made the sum of dollars and cents for principal, and dollars and cents as interest to the day -of , 19 . . . . , (and all future interests at the rate of eight per cent, per annum), and dollars and cents costs of suit, which said amounts are due on the foreclosure of a mortgage on said property made before me this day of , 19 And have you the said sums of money, together with this writ, at the justice's court aforesaid, at the next term after said money can be law- fully made to be rendered to the said as his principal, interests and costs as aforesaid. Given under my hand and official signature, this day of ,"l9 (Official designation.) REPLEVY BOND IN SUCH CASES. Georgia, County. Know all men by these' presents, that we, , as principal, and , as security, acknowledge ourselves held and firmly bound unto , plaintiff in fi. fa. in the sum of dollars, for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and adminis- trators, jointly and severally by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this day of , 19. ... The condition of this obligation is as follows : [gi ye official designation of levying officer] , of said county, having levied upon certain personal property, to wit : [describe the property as in the entry of levy] as the property of the said by virtue of a certain chattel mortgage fi. fa. issued out of the court of county aforesaid, upon the foreclosure of a certain mortgage 596 JUSTICES AND JUSTICE COURTS executed by the said by the said ; and the said having filed an affidavit of illegality thereto. Now, should the said return the said mort- gaged property when called for, by. . . [give official designation of levying officer] ... as aforesaid, then this bond to be void, else of force. This day of..' , 19 Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Executed in the presence of and approved by me , J. P. FI. FA. IN FORMA PAUPERIS IN ILLEGALITY PROCEEDINGS. (State the case.) Mortgage Fi. Fa. returnable to Term, 19. . . ., of the Court of County. Illegality of Execution. Georgia, County. Personally before me, , a justice of the peace in and for said county, came , who, being duly sworn, says on oath that he has been advised and believes that his grounds of illegality sworn to in the above- stated case will be sustained, and that from poverty he is unable to give bond and security required by law in such cases. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 [NOTE. For form of affidavit of illegality and subsequent proceedings thereof, see ante, pages 461-464.] JUDGMENT AGAINST PRINCIPAL AND SURETY. (State the case.) Judgment is hereby rendered by the court for the plaintiff, , against the defendant, , as principal, and and , as sureties, for the sum of dollars and cents, principal debt, and the further sum of dollars and JUSTICES AND JUSTICE COUETS 597 cents, interest, with interest on the principal debt from day of , 19. . . ., to day of , 19. . . ., date of judgment, at per cent, per annum, with costs of suit. This day of , 19 J. P. CLAIM. Georgia, County. Personally before me, the undersigned, a justice of the peace in and for said county, comes , who being duly sworn, on oath says that a certain . . . [describe the property as in levy] . . . , levied on by , L. C., as the property of , by virtue of a fi. fa. issued from the justice's court of the district, G. M., of said county, in favor of . . .- against , is the right and property of deponent, and is not subject to said fi. fa. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 .,J. P. CLAIM BOND. (See ante, page 356.) FORTHCOMING BOND. (See ante, page 357.) Amendment to plea may be treated as a new and distinct plea without reference to the original plea, if such amendment constitutes com- plete answer. 125/G7G (54 S. E 1 . 753). Exhibit. Where suit is not on note or account, copy of cause of action should be attached, and where neither the summons nor the ex- hibit shows nature of the claim, suit will be! dismissed. 121/275 (48 S. E. 940). Form. Distinctions as to forms of action observed in superior court do not obtain in justice's court. 15 App. 811, 814 (84 S. E. 211). 598 LANDLORD AND TENANT Pleading. Great nicety of pleading is not required; pleadings are gen- erally sufficient if defendant is informed thereby of nature of the plaintiff's demand against him. 17 App. 744, 745 (88 S. B. 403); 15 App. 455, 456 (83 S. B. 896); 13 App. 416 (79 S. E. 226). All of pleadings required in justice's court is a summons to which is attached, at time of issuing it, cause of action sued on. 15 App. 811, 814 (84 S. E'. 211). Summons. "To the defendant" named in caption, not in body sufficient. 127/6 (55 S. E. 1032). Verification. Where plaintiff verified his account, unverified answer was properly stricken and judgment entered for plaintiff. 10 App. ' 278 (73 S. E. 350). Verification may be added by amendment. 12 App. 62 (86 S. E. 760). Plea to jurisdiction must be verified. fl/208; 17/573. Verified plea to unconditional contract is not required. 125/43 (53 S. E. 767). Writing. ' Plea of breach of warranty or recoupment to attachment for purchase money need not be in writing. 122/318 (50 S. E, 92). Pleas are not ordinarily required to be in writing. 125/43 (53 S. E. 767). See Code, 4739). LANDLORD AND TENANT. 3690-3715. NOTE CHEATING LANDLORD'S SPECIAL LIEN. 3348 (2), 3702. Georgia, County. , 19 .... $ On or before the , 19 , promise to pay , landlord, or order, dollars, for supplies, money, stock, farming utensils, etc., fur- nished by him for the purpose of making the crops of the present year, on the premises occupied by me as the tenant of said in county, Georgia, and of necessity in the making of such crops. I hereby waive all rights of homestead and personalty and of either, as against this note ; and should the same be collected by an attorney or by law, I bind myself and contract to pay all costs of suit, and ten per cent, attorney's fees on principal and interest, to be covered with and in the same manner as said principal and interest. And should this obligation not be paid at maturity, it is to draw interest from date at eight per cent, per annum until paid. In consideration of the advances for which the above note is given I hereby give to the said or order, a lien on my entire crops to be grown the present year, and on my stock of all kinds, consisting of LANDLORD AND TENANT 599 and agree that said lien may be enforced as a lien or mortgage at the option of the holder. I hereby covenant that I will not otherwise encumber said crops and stock by lien or mortgage, and that there is no previous lien or mortgage existing on the same except And I further contract and specially agree, as a part of the consideration upon which said advance is made, that the first cotton, corn or other produce I get ready or have for market is to be tendered, or a sufficiency thereof, to the holder of this obligation, in settlement of same at market price of such produce. Witness hand. . and seal. . [SEAL,.] [SEAL.] Executed in presence of ,J.r. LANDLORD'S ENDORSEMENT. 3348 (2), 3372. Tenant. For value received, I hereby assign, transfer and endorse the within tenant's obligation to , or order, under and according to the provisions of Civil Code, 3348 (2), relating to transfer of landlord's liens. This day of , 19 Landlord. I guarantee the payment of within obligation, and hereby waive my claim for rent until this debt is paid. Landlord. SPECIAL CONTRACT OF TENANT CREATING LIEN OF LANDLORD FOR SUPPLIES FURNISHED. 3348, 3702. (Another form.) Georgia, County. A special lien is hereby created by me, the undersigned, in favor of my landlord, , and his assigns, upon all the crops that shall be raised during the year upon the lands rented by me for the said year from said The special lion hereby created is given him for the purpose of 600 LANDLORD AND TENANT securing payment of any debt not exceeding dollars that I may contract with the said for supplies, money, stock, farming utensils, or other articles of necessity to make crops furnished during said year upon the lands rented as aforesaid, the debt for which is to become due on the day of ,19 ASSIGNMENT OF FOREGOING LIEN. 3348 (2). For value received I hereby assign and transfer to , the lien created by the within contract. This day of , 19 FORECLOSURE OF LANDLORD'S LIEN FOR SUPPLIES. 3366, 3702. Georgia, County. Personally before me, , the undersigned, an. officer of said State authorized to administer oaths, came , who, being duly sworn, says on oath that, in the year 19 .... affiant rented certain lands in county, to wit acres situated [give general description of land] for the purpose of making a crop thereon, and that during said year, and during the existence of said contract of renting, affiant as landlord furnished to as his said tenant [specify the supplies, money, stock, farming utensils and provisions furnished to tenant] for the purpose of making a crop, all of the aggregate value of dollars, all of said articles so furnished as afore- said, being articles of necessity to make crops. Affiant says that after said sum of dollars became due, to wit, on the day of , 19 . . . . , he demanded payment thereof of his said tenant the said , and that said then refused and still refuses to pay the same. Affiant makes this affidavit within one year after said debt for supplies as aforesaid became due, and for the purpose of foreclosing his special lien as landlord upon the crops raised by his said tenant, the said , upon lands rented as aforesaid, for the said year of , to wit [describe the crops against which the lien is sought to be foreclosed]. LANDLORD AND TENANT 601 Affiant prays that an execution may issue for said amount of dollars, and the costs as provided by law. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of. ,19 ,J.P. EXECUTION ISSUED UPON FOREGOING AFFIDAVIT. 3366 (4). Georgia, County. To All and Singular the Sheriffs of said State and their Lawful Deputies : You are commanded that of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of one , of said county, and of the property of the said , to wit [describe the property on which the special Hen is claimed as set out in the affidavit], now stored and kept [describe where such property is situated] , being the crops of lands rented by said of said for the year , you make or cause to be made the sum of dollars, which , for the purpose of foreclosing his special lien as landlord, made affidavit before me this day is due and owing to him from the said , his tenant, for supplies, money, stock, farming utensils and provisions, furnished said tenant by him, the said , during said year of for the purpose of making the crop on the land aforesaid rented to the said by the said and of necessity to make such crop for the year , together with all interests which may become due on said dollars, and dollars costs of suit. And have you the said sums of money, together with this writ at the next Superior Court of said county, to render unto the said his principal, interest and costs aforesaid. Witness the Honorable , judge of said court, this day of , 19 .... '' Clerk.' [NOTE. If the amount is within the jurisdiction of the justice's court, the writ should be directed to the constables of said county, and made returnable to the proper court of the militia district, and affidavit made before the justice of the peace.] 602 LANDLORD AND TENANT FORECLOSURE OF ASSIGNED LIEN FOR SUPPLIES. Georgia, County. Personally before me, the undersigned, , a justice of the peace in and for said county, came , who, being duly sworn, says on oath that on the day of , 19. . . . , one , of the district, G. M., of said county, executed and delivered to. ... a certain contract in writing, a copy of which is hereto attached. That on the day of , 19. . . ., the said assigned to affiant the lien created by said contract in words and figures as follows which will be found endorsed on back of said contract [set out the assignment] : Affiant shows that during said year 19. . . . said furnished the said the following articles, to wit: [describe the articles supplied], of the aggregate value of dollars, said articles being such as were of necessity to make the crop, and being furnished by the said for the purpose of making a crop for the year 19. ... upon the lands rented by the said from the said for the said year. Affiant avers that said sum of dollars is due, and that since it became due he demanded payment of the same from the said and that said refused and still refuses to pay the same or any part thereof. Affiant makes this affidavit within one year from the time said dollars became due for the purpose of foreclosing the special lien covered by the contract aforesaid and the assign- ment thereof to him. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 FORECLOSURE OF LANDLORD'S LIEN FOR SUPPLIES, WHERE DEBT Is NOT DUE. (The foregoing form may be used striking out therefrom the allegation that the debt is due and inserting in lieu thereof the following:) LANDLORD AND TENANT 603 Affiant shows that the said sum of dollars is not yet due, but that the said is removing [or about to remove] his crop from the premises of affiant, and that he has demanded payment of the said sum of dollars after information received by affiant that said is removing [or about to remove] said crop, as aforesaid, and that the said refused when so demanded as aforesaid, and still refuses to pay said dollars, or any part thereof. SKELETON FORM OF CONTRACT WITH EMPLOYEE, TENANT OR CROPPER. 3712. Georgia, County. This indenture witnesses, that , as employer [landlord or landowner], and , as employee [or cropper] have agreed and contracted, and hereby agree and contract, as follows: [State what the contract is.] The foregoing contract duly executed before me, this day of , 19. ... ,J.P. LEASE CONTRACT FOR CITY PROPERTY. Georgia, County. This agreement, made and entered into this day of , 19 . . . . , between , of the first part, and , of the second part, both of said county: Witnesseth : That the said party of the second part has this day rented and leased from the said party of the first part a certain house and lot [describe the property] known as Number street, for the term of commencing on the day of , 19. . . ., and ending on the day of , for which the party of the second part agrees to pay said party of the first part dollars per month, in advance; and on his failure to pay the same 604 LANDLORD AND TENANT i promptly, when due, said has the right and option to declare this lease void, cancel the same, and take pos- session of the premises. Said party of the second part hereby waives and renounces for himself and family any and all homestead and exemption rights he may have under or by virtue of the laws of this State or of the United States, as against any liability that may accrue under this contract. Said party of the second part further agrees to repair at his own expense any damage to water pipes caused by freezing, or any neglect of said party of the second part, and to pay the water rent on said premises ; and not to sublet the premises, or any part thereof, without the written consent of said and he further agrees that he will deliver said premises at the expiration of the lease in as good repair as when first received, natural wear and tear excepted. Said party of the first part agrees that should the premises above described be destroyed by fire or so damaged as to become untenable, the rent shall cease from the date of the fire. Lessor reserves the privilege to put a card "For Sale" on said property at any time, and to put a card "For Rent" on said property thirty days before the termination of this contract, and to enter upon said premises at any time for the purpose of making repairs and improvements thereon, or upon the building of which said premises constitute a part ; or to enter upon said premises to repair or improve lessor's adjoining property, if any. Lessee. . agree. . to pay ten per cent, attorney's fees on any part of said rental that may be collected by suit or by an attorney after the same is past due; and to be responsible for all damages to said premises, or to the property of lessee's other tenants in said building or adjoining building, caused by the overflow or breakage of waterworks in said premises during this lease. [Signed in duplicate.] In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, the day and year first above written. [SEAL.] [SEAL.] Executed in the presence of LIENS 605 WARRANT AGAINST TENANT HOLDING OVER. 5386. (See Dispossessory Warrant, ante, pages 425-428.) DISTRESS WARRANT. 5390-5394. (See Distress Warrant, ante, pages 428-430.) LIENS. 3329-3376. CONTRACTOR'S LIEN. 3329, 3352, 3353. FORM OF DECLARING CLAIM OF LIEN ON REAL ESTATE. 3353. Georgia, County. "A. B., a mechanic, contractor, materialman, machinist, manufacturer, or other person (as the case may be), claims a lien on the house, factory, steam-mill, machinery or railroad (as the case may be), and the premises or real estate on which it is erected or built, of C. D. (describing the houses, premises, real estate or railroad), for building, repairing, improving or furnishing material (or whatever the claim may be)." MATERIAL MAN FURNISHING MATERIAL AT INSTANCE OF CONTRACTOR. 3352 (2). , a materialman engaged in the business of furnishing material for the improvement of real estate, claims a lien upon the building, and the premises or real estate upon which it is erected, of which said real estate 12 described as follows, to wit: [describe the realty.] Said lien is claimed by the undersigned for furnishing ma- terial used in the construction and erection of said building and the improvement of said real estate, to the amount of dollars, besides interest which said material was furnished by the undersigned to and at the instance of a contractor employed by the owner and engaged in the con- struction and erection of said building and in the improvement of said real estate. This lien is recorded within three months after said material was furnished by the undersigned. This day of , 19 606 LIENS CLAIM OF LIEN ON REAL ESTATE,, FORM OF DECLARING. 3353 (2). A. B., a mechanic, (contractor, materialman, machinist manufacturer, or other person, as the case may be), claims a lien on the house, factory, steam-mill, machinery or railroad (as the case may be), and the premises or real estate on which it is erected or built, of . . . [describing the houses, premises, or real estate or railroad] . . .for building, repairing, improving or furnishing material (or whatever the claim may be), which claim is asserted and recorded within three months since the completion of the work in the office of the clerk of the superior court of the county in which such real estate is located. [NOTE. The claim of lien must be recorded within three months after the completion of the work, or within three months after such material or machinery was furnished, in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court in the county where such property is situated. This applies to all mechanics of every sort (who have taken no personal security therefor), for work done or material furnished in the build- ing, repairing, or improving the real estate of their employer; all con- tractors, materialmen and persons furnishing materials for the im- provement of real estate; all contractors for building factories, or fur- nishing material for the same or machinery for the same; all me- chanics and manufacturers of machinery (including corporations), who may furnish or put up in any county of this State any steam mill or other machinery, or who may repair the same; and all contractors to build railroads. Each of the persons named have a special lien on such real estate, factories or railroads. 3352. The action for the recovery of the amount claimed must be commenced within twelve months from the time the same shall become due. 3353 (4).] VERDICT SETTING UP LIEN. We, the jury, find for the plaintiff the sum of dollars, principal debt, dollars interest, and costs of suit. We further find that the plaintiff's lien as be set up and established upon the property described in the petition for the amount of this verdict. This day of ,19 Foreman. LIENS 607 JUDGMENT THEREUPON. Whereupon it is considered, ordered and adjudged by the court that the plaintiff do have and recover of the defendant the sum of dollars, principal debt, dollars, interest, and dollars, costs of suit. It is further considered, ordered and adjudged by the court that the plaintiff's lien as a to the amount of said principal, interest and costs, be set up and established upon the following property: [describe the prop- erty as described in the petition to foreclose. This day of.' , 19 Attorney for Petitioner. EXECUTION UPON THE ABOVE JUDGMENT. Georgia, County. To All and Singular the Sheriffs of this State, and their Deputies : We command you, that of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of more especially of. .-. [describe the .special property which is the subject of the lien, as described in the petition to foreclose]. . .you cause to be made the sum of dollars and cents, principal, and the further sum of dollars and cents for interest due to the day of , 19. . . ., and a].-o the further sum of dollars and. cents for attorneys' fees ; and also the further sum of dollars and cents for costs, with interest on the prin- cipal sum from the day of , 19. . . ., at per cent, per annum, which at our Superior Court for suid county, to wit : on the day of . . ., 19. . . ., , as plaintiff, recovered against said , as defendant for principal, interest and costs ; and that you have the several sums of money before the court of said county on the first Monday in next, with this writ to render to the said plaintiff the principal, interest and cost aforesaid. Witness the honorable , judge of said court, this day of , 19. ... , Clerk. 608 LIENS FORECLOSURE OF LIEN ON PERSONALTY GENERAL FORM UNDER. 3366. Georgia, County. Before me, , the undersigned, an officer of this State authorized to administer oaths, personally appeared , who, on oath, says that affiant is a , that of said county, is indebted to affiant as such in the sum of dollars for. . . (here state grounds and nature of lien.) That said amount is due and unpaid, the same having become due on the day of ,19 That on the day of , 19. . . ., he made a personal demand for payment of the same upon the said , and that said then and there refused and still does refuse to pay the same. Deponent has completed and performed his contract as afore- said. Wherefore, deponent now comes, within one year after said debt became due, and makes this affidavit for the purpose of foreclosing his lien upon the said and prays that an execution may issue as provided by law. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 ' EXECUTION THEREUPON. 3366 (4). Georgia, County. To All and Singular the Sheriffs of said State and their Lawful Deputies : You are hereby commanded that of the goods, chattels, lands and tenements of , of said county, and of certain personal property, the property of the said , to wit : . . . [describe the property on which the special lien is claimed, as in affidavit] . . .you make, or cause to be made, the sum of dollars and cents, principal, the further sum of dollars and .cents, interest up to the day of , 19 . . . . , and also the further sum of. . .dollars and. , . .cents LIENS 609 for costs, which one for the purpose of fore- closing on said property his lien as this day made oath before me, was due and owing to him from the said And have you the several sums of money at the court of in said county, to be held on the day of , 19. . . ., to render to the said , his principal, interest and costs, as aforesaid. And have you then and there this writ. Witness the honorable , judge of said court, this day of , 19. ... , Clerk. COUNTER-AFFIDAVIT. 3366 (6, 7). Plaintiff in fi. fa. vs. Foreclosure of lien. Execution from . . . . Court of . Principal, $ Defendant in fi. fa. Personally appeared before me, , a justice of the peace for said county, , and tenders this his counter-affidavit, and on oath says: 1. That he is not indebted to plaintiff in the sum claimed, nor in any sum whatever. 2. [or] That the debt, the collection of which is sought to be enforced by the suing out of the execution in the above- stated case, is not yet due. 3. [or] Affiant denies that any demand for payment of said debt was made upon him as required by law. 4. [or] Affiant says that the demand made upon him for the payment of said debt was made before the same became due. 5. [or] Affiant says that more than twelve months had elapsed since said debt became due, and the making of the affidavit to enforce the collection of the same. 6. [or] Affiant denies that the said faithfully performed and completed his contract in this : [Set out the particulars in reference to the breach of contract by plaintiff in fi. fa.] Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 610 LIENS MECHANIC'S CLAIM OF LIEN ON PERSONALTY, RECORD OF. 3354. "A. B., mechanic, claims a lien on .... [here describe the property] ... of C. D., for work done and material furnished in manufacturing or repairing (as the case may be) the same." FORECLOSURE OF LABORER'S LIEN IN .JUSTICE'S COURT. 3334. Georgia, County. Personally came , who, on oath, says he is a laborer; that as sucli laborer he was recently employed by of said county, to work and labor at the following rate of wages That he himself did the work according to contract, and com- pleted said contract of labor, and of the amount earned by him the sum of dollars is now due and unpaid; that he has demanded the payment of said sum from his said em- ployer since the same became due, and the same was refused: Wherefore deponent prays that execution may issue for the principal sum last above named, with legal interest from and all cost of suit. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 J. P District, G. M. EXECUTION. Georgia, County. To All and Singular the Constables of said County, Greeting: You are hereby commanded, that of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of you cause to be made by levy and sale dollars, principal, dollars, interest to date and cost of this suit, which sum was adjudged against him upon an affidavit foreclosing a laborer's lien matle before , J. P., for the LIENS 613 district, G. M., on the day of , 19. . . ., by the affiant whose name is subscribed to the foregoing affidavit a? plaintiff in favor of such party. And have you this writ at the term, 19. . . ., of the justice's court for the district, G. M., to be held on the day of , 19, . . ., to render an account of your actings and doings thereon. Given under my hand and seal, this the. . , 19. ... J. P District, G. M. LEVY BY OFFICER. Georgia, County. Executed the within lien by levying on the following described property, to wit : (said property pointed out by the plaintiff. . ) as the property of the defendant this day of ,19 , L. C. LABORER'S SPECIAL LIEN. 3335, 3339. AFFIDAVIT TO FORECLOSE. Georgia, County. Personally appeared before me, the undersigned attesting officer, , the subscriber, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that he contracted with , of , said county, at and for the sum of to labor for him .- from the day and year aforesaid in the capacity of That he has faithfully performed and completed the said contract of labor ; and that there is now due to him and unpaid for said labor performed as aforesaid from the said the sum of dollars, as principal, and dollars, as interest. That the product of said labor is That after the same became due, to wit *. on the day of , 19. . . ., he made a personal demand upon the said debtor for the payment thereof, which . . he . . then and there refused. , 612 LIENS This affidavit is made within twelve months from the time said debt became due, for the purpose of foreclosing his lien as such laborer on said described property. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 Notary Public and ex-officio Justice of the Peace. EXECUTION. Georgia, ............ County. To All and Singular the Sheriffs and Constables of said County : The foregoing affidavit having been made before me, you are therefore hereby commanded that of said property of said debtor, described in said affidavit, you make by levy and sale the said sum of ............ dollars, as principal, .......... dollars, as interest to this date ; and one dollar, cost of this fore- closure. And have you said sums of money together with this writ, at the justice's court to be held in and for the ......... district, G. M., of said county, on the .......... in ......... , 19 . . . . , to render to the said ................. his principal, interest and cost aforesaid. Given under my hand and official seal, this .............. , 19 ____ Notary Public and, ex-officio Justice of the Peace. BOARS, BULLS, JACKS AND STALLIONS LIEN OF OWNERS or. 3329 (12), 3361. Georgia, County. , as the owner of a stallion known by the name of , claims for the service of said stallion upon a certain sorrel mare, the property of , of said county, a lien upon the get of said stallion, begotten upon LIENS 613 said mare on the day of , 19. . . ., and he hereby asserts and records his lien thereon. This day of , 19 [NOTE. 3361 covers also jacks, and blooded or imported bulls or boars; and to make the lien operative it must be recorded in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of the county wherein the owner of the mother resides within six months after the performance of the services.] AFFIDAVIT FORECLOSING LIEN. Georgia, County. Personally before me, , an officer authorized to administer oaths, came , who on oath says that of the district, G. M., of said county, is indebted to him in the sum of dollars for the service of a certain stallion known by the name of , said service having been performed by the said stallion on the day of , 19 . . . . , upon a certain sorrel mare, the property of the said at the time of said service, affiant being the owner of said stallion at that time. Affiant avers that agreed to pay the sum of dollars for said service and said sum became due on the day of , 19. . . ., and that he has since demanded payment thereof of the said , who was the owner of said get at the time of said demand, who refused, and still refuses to pay the same or any part thereof. Affiant caused to be recorded in the office o f the clerk of the Superior Court of county (wherein the owner of the mother of said get resided at the time of said record), to wit: on the day of , 19. . . ., his lien upon the get of said stallion, which get is. . . [describe it] Affiant further avers that he makes this affidavit within one year from the time said debt became due, and also within one year from the birth of said get, and for the purpose of fore- closing his lien upon said get. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 ,J.P. 614 LIENS EXECUTION THEREUPON. 3366 (4). Georgia, County. To All and Singular the Constables of said County: You are hereby commanded that of . . , of the district, G. M., of said county, and of a certain .... [describe the get] . . . , said colt being the issue of a certain sorrel mare, property of said , you make or cause to be made the sum of dollars, principal debt, which. for the purpose of foreclosing his lien on the get of a certain stallion known by the name of against said this day made affidavit before me is due and owing to him for the service of said stallion upon said mare ; also the further sum of dollars interest, and dollars costs. And have you the said several sums of money at the next court to be held in said on the day of , 19. . . ., to render to the said his principal, interest and costs as aforesaid. And have you then and there this writ. Given under my hand and official signature this day of ,19.... . J. P. SAWMILLS LIENS FOE LOGS, ETC., FURNISHED TO. 3358, 3366 (3). AFFIDAVIT. Georgia, County. Personally before me, , an officer authorized to administer oaths, came , who on oath says that during the year he furnished to a sawmill owned by one , of the district, G. M., of said county, said mill situated at [describe the timber, logs, provisions, and other articles furnished to carry on the sawmill work], the articles furnished as aforesaid, being of the aggregate value of dollars. Affiant avers that said sum of.. dollars is due and unpaid, and that after it became due he demanded payment thereof of said , the owner of said sawmill, and that said LIENS 615 demand was refused ; afliant makes this affidavit within one year from the time said debt became due, for the purpose of fore- closing his lien on said mill and on [specify the number of feet of lumber, etc.] now stored in the yard of said mill, .said lumber being the product of said mill. (L. S.) Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 .,J.R EXECUTION THEREON. 3366 (4). Georgia, County. To All and Singular the Constables of said County: You are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of , of the district, G. M., of said county, and of a certain sawmill situated at in said county, and known as , and upon feet of lumber now stored in the yards of said mill, said lumber being the product of said mill, you make or cause to be made the sum of . . dollars, which for the purpose of foreclosing his lien for timber, logs, etc., furnished the said mill, this day made affidavit before me, is due and owing to him from said , the owner of said mill, and also the sum of dollars interest, and dollars costs. And have you the said several sums of money at the next term of the court of the district, G. M., of county, to render unto the said And have you then and there this writ. Given under my hand and seal this day of , 19.... , J. P. [NOTE. Liens of pawnees, innkeepers, boarding-house keepers, livery- stable men, and attorneys at law in possession of personal property for fees shall be satisfied according to the provisions of 3530, that is to say, that the person in possession of the property, after the debt be- comes due and remains unpaid, and after thirty days' notice to the pawnee of his intention to sell may sell in public to the highest bidder, in case where there is no notice of conflicting lien; if there is a con- flicting lien, the mode of foreclosure pointed out in 3366 shall be pursued.] 616 LIENS STEAMBOAT LIEN FORECLOSURE OF. 3355, 3366. AFFIDAVIT. Georgia, County. Personally before me, the undersigned, an officer authorized to administer oaths, comes , who, being duly sworn, says on oath that he was an employee on the steamboat named , navigating the river in said state, affiant's employment being as on said boat ; affiant claims against the owners of said boat for wages due him for personal services rendered by him, in the capacity afore- said, from the day of , 19 . . . . , to the day of , 19 . . . . , the sum of dollars, the same being for days of labor at the agreed compensation of dollars per day. Affiant on the day of , 19. . . ., after said debt became due, made a demand for the payment thereof upon , the owner of said boat (or upon the agent of the owner of said boat), and payment of said de- mand was refused. And now, within one year after the said debt became due, the said comes and prosecutes his said claim; said steamboat is now lying at in said county. Affiant asks that his lien against said steamboat for his wages as aforesaid may be enforced as provided by law. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 (Official designation.) EXECUTION THEREUPON. 3366 (4). Georgia, County. To All and Singular the Constables of said County: You are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of , and of the steamboat named , now lying at , in said county, you make, or cause to be made, the sum of dollars, principal debt, which for the purpose of fore- closing his lien as an employee in the capacity of on said steamboat, this day made affidavit before me is due and owing to him, as employee as aforesaid, by said , LIENS 617 owner of said boat, and also the sum of dollars, interest, and the sum of dollars, costs of suit. And have you said several sums of money at the court to be held in and for of said county on the day of , 19 . . . . , to render to said his principal, interest and costs as aforesaid. And have you then and there this writ. Given under my hand and official seal, this day of , 19 , J. P. STEAM MILL, FORECLOSURE OF LABORER'S LIEN ON. 3329 (10), 3357, 3366 (3). AFFIDAVIT. Georgia, County. Personally before me, the undersigned, an officer authorized to administer oaths, came , who, being duly sworn, says on oath that , of , in said county, is indebted to him in the sum of dollars for labor performed as on the steam mill owned by situated in said county, from the day of , 19 . . . . , to the day of , 19 . . . . , at dollars per day. Deponent avers that as such he faithfully performed and completed his contract of labor, and since the said dollars became due him, to wit: on the day of , 19. . . ., he demanded payment thereof of the said , said demand having been then and there refused. Deponent makes this affidavit within one year from the time the said dollars became due, and for the purpose of foreclosing his special lien as a laborer upon the now stored in said mill, said being the product of deponent's labor, per- formed as as' aforesaid. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 618 LIENS EXECUTION THEREUPON. 3366 (4). Georgia, County. To All and Singular the Constables of said County : You are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of , of , in said county, and also of and , now stored in the steam mill of the said in said county, the product of the labor of one , you make, or cause to be made, 'the sum of dollars, principal debt, which said for the purpose of foreclosing his lien as a laborer in the capacity of at said steam mill against said this day made affidavit before me, is due and owing to him for labor performed as aforesaid, from the day of , 19. . . ., to the day of , 19. . . ., the sum of dollars, interest, and dollars, costs. And have you said several sums of money at the next court to be held in and for in said county, on the day of , 19 . . . . , to render to the said his principal, interest and costs aforesaid. And have you then and there this writ. Given under my hand and seal, this day of ' ,19 . J. P. REPLEVYBOND. 3366(8). Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents : That we, , principal, and , security, acknowledge our- selves jointly and severally bound to in the sum of. ... [double amount claimed] . . .dollars, subject to the following conditions : Whereas, the said has sued out a proceeding for the foreclosure of an alleged lien upon personal property, the amount claimed in said proceeding being dollars: and whereas execution has issued thereunder and been levied by , deputy sheriff of .county, upon the following described personal property, to wit : [describe the property as in affidavit]. LIENS 619 Now, should the said pay to the said the amount of the judgment and costs that he may recover in said case, or should the said do so for him, then this bond to be void, or else of full force and effect. Principal [L. S.] Security [L. S.] Attest: Sheriff of County, Ga. Affidavit. Foreclosure of gen'eral laborer's lien upon realty can not be by affidavit. 84/570 (10 S. E. 1095). Upon personalty may be foreclosed by affidavit under Code, 3366. Id.; 135/171 (68 S. E. 1106). Amendment to petition to foreclose materialman's lien on certain realty, naming as defendants two individuals, only one of whom was named as party to contract, by alleging that other defendant also entered into contract, was proper. 15 App. 239 (2) (82 S. E. 936). Defect caused by attempt to foreclose lien on real estate in same proceeding with action on an account was cured by amend- ment striking all reference to foreclosure of lien. 15/455 (2) .(83 S. E. 896). Affidavits in proceeding to foreclose laborer's liens and final process was amendable. 14 App. 294 (3) (80 S. E'. 728). Petition here was not amendable by adding count alleging that materials furnished and work done were at instance and with con- sent of both contractor and owner. 143/840 (1) (85 S. E. 1018). Not permissible to amend so as to substitute undisclosed principal, in place of agent, as defendant. 125/338 (54 S. E. 169). Assignment. Claim of lien by mechanic may be assigned in writing. 141/644 (2) (81 S. E. 849). Bill of particulars. Ground for special demurrer where petition did not set forth bill of particulars or itemized account of materials furnished, or when claim of lien was filed. 141/682 (2) (81 S. E. 1119). Counter-affidavit. Where counter-affidavit is filed, foreclosure affidavit became pleading, not evidence. 127/706 (56 S. E. 995). Petition for foreclosure of mechanic's lien is not subject to general demurrer in that it did not allege that person designated as true owner made contract, where copy of contract attached as exhibit does not mention name of true owner but refers to alleged agent as owner. 141/644 (3) (81 S. E. 849). Allegation that materials were put up by contractor on real estate, under his contract to construct building, was sufficient allegation that materials were used in improvement of property. 141/682 (2-a) (81 S. E. 1119). Summons requiring defendant to answer suit upon an account is not so defective as to be subject to dismissal merely because summons also requires defendant to answer plaintiff's demand to establish a lien upon real estate. 15/455 (1) (83 S. E. 896). 620 LIMITATIONS OF ACTIONS Lis PENDENS LIMITATION OF ACTIONS. 4354-4388, 4495-4498. PLEA OF STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS. (State the case.) And for further plea and answer, the defendant in the above stated case says, that the right of action of the plaintiff, on the cause of action sued on, if any he ever had, accrued more than years next before the commencement of this suit, and that his right of action thereon, if any he ever had, is, .there- fore, barred by the statute of limitations. And of this he puts himself upon the country. Attorney for Defendant. Demurrer is proper where bar of statute appears on face; otherwise, plea is proper. 129/700 (2) (59 S. E. 905). Necessity. Plea is necessary where allegations of declaration do not affirmatively show bar. 93/320 (2) (20 S. E. 242). New promise, being basis of suit, it must be alleged. 130/79 (60 S. E. 253). The new promise should be alleged with sufficient certainty to enable defendant to plead intelligently. 66/334. Where old promise is basis of suit, not necessary to allege new promise. 14/661 (3). Nonsuit. Where action is barred by statute, demurrer or special plea in bar, not motion for nonsuit, is proper. 102/248 (3) (29 S. E. 430). Personal plea, plea of statute is. 9 App. 393 (2) (71 S. E, 589). See 131/409 (62 S. E. 322). Writings relied upon must be set out either literally or in substance. 119/50 (3) (45 S. E. 785). LIS PENDENS. PLEA. 4331, 56Y8. (State the case.) And now comes the defendant in the above stated case, and for plea says: 1. That on the day of , 19 , plaintiff filed his petition returnable to the term, 19. . . ., LOST PAPERS 621 of court, in said State, said court having jurisdiction of the person and subject matter thereof. 2. That the action in the last court aforesaid is between the same parties, and for the same cause of action as that alleged in the present petition, and is still pending therein, unde- termined. Wherefore, the defendant says that the plaintiff has no right to maintain or prosecute the present action, and says that the same should abate, and prays that the same be dismissed at plaintiff's cost. Defendant's Attorney. LOST PAPERS. 4191, 5312-5328. PETITION TO ESTABLISH OFFICE PAPER LOST. 5312. Georgia, County. To the .Court of said County: The petition of respectfully shows that a certain office paper, to wit, a certain original petition [or, answer, declaration, plea, bill of indictment, special presentment, or other office paper, as the case may be,] appertaining to a certain cause now pending in said court has been lost. An exact copy of said lost office paper [or a substantial copy, if an exact copy can not be had] , including all entries that were thereon, is hereto attached. Wherefore, petitioner prays that this copy of said office paper be established by the court instanter. This day of , 19 Attorney for Petitioner. JUDGMENT ESTABLISHING LOST OFFICE PAPER. The within petition of , being a petition to 622 LOST PAPERS establish a lost office paper, to wit, a , coining on to be heard, and it satisfactorily appearing to the court that the original is lost and that the copy thereto attached is a correct copy of said lost office paper, it is ordered that the said copy be, and is, hereby established in lieu of the lost original, with all of its force and effect. This day of , 19 J. S. C.. ..C. PETITION TO ESTABLISH LOST DEED, NOTE, OK OTHER DOCU- MENT NOT AN OFFICE PAPER. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of County : brings his petition against , and alleges the following facts : 1. The said , the defendant herein, is a resident of said county. 2. Your petitioner is the owner of a certain bond (check, warranty deed, promissory note, etc., as the .case may be), now lost or destroyed, of which said .the defendant, was the maker. A substantial (and as petitioner believes, a literal copy of said bond) [or other document as before speci- fied], as near as petitioner can recollect, is hereto attached, duly sworn to and made a part of this petition. (a) Said bond [check, promissory note, etc.] is unpaid, and the same is lost or destroyed. 3. Petitioner prays that the clerk of this court issue a rule nisi in terms of the law calling upon the said defendant to show cause, if any he has, why the copy aforesaid, should not be established in lieu of said lost or destroyed original. This day of ,19 Attorney for Petitioner. For petition to establish lost deed, see ante, pp. 422, 423. [NOTE. A copy of the instrument sought to be established should be attached to the petition.] LOST PAPERS 623 OATH TO COPY. Georgia, County. Personally before me, the undersigned , an officer authorized to administer oaths under the laws of this State, came , who on oath says that the foregoing is a true, and correct copy in substance, as near as he can recollect of the bond [check, deed, promissory note, or other instrument as the case may be], lost or destroyed. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ,19 (Official designation.) RULE NISI. $5314. (State the case.) Motion to establish copy of in the Superior Court, Term, 19. ... To : A petition in writing having been presented to me by , in which he alleges that a certain bond [check. deed, promissory note, or other instrument, as the case may be,] made and executed by you to him, dated the day of , 19 . . . . , and due the day of , 19. . . ., annexing to his said petition a sworn copy thereof. You are, therefore, called upon to show cause, if any you have, at the Superior Court to be held in and for said county, on the day of , 19. . . ., why said copy sworn to as aforesaid should not. be established in lieu of said lost or destroyed original. Witness the honorable , judge of the said court. This day of , 19 .... ...'. , Clerk. 624 LOST PAPERS RULE ABSOLUTE. 5316, 5317. (State the case.) Motion to establish copy of lost , Superior Court, Term, 19 .... The above petition coming on regularly to be heard, and the rule nisi in the above stated case, issued in terms of the law, having been duly served, and no good and sufficient cause having been shown why the copy sworn to and attached to the petition should not be established, in lieu of the lost or destroyed original, It is ordered that the said copy attached to said petition be, and the same is, hereby established in lieu of said lost or destroyed original. Let the clerk of this court furnish the established copy to the petitioner with a certified indorsement thereon and the date and term when this rule absolute was granted; provided, that all cost of this proceeding be paid. Let this order absolute be placed on the minutes of the court. This day of , 19 Judge Superior Court. FINAL ORDER. (State the case.) The within petition coming on to be heard, and it appearing that was duly served with notice thereof [or, that the said was a non-resident of this State and that service thereof has been perfected by publication of the rule nisi for months before this term of this court in the a newspaper in which the official advertise- ments of the sheriff are published in this county] , and the said having failed to show any sufficient cause why the application of should not be granted : it is ordered that the copy. set forth in the petition, be, and the same is, hereby established in lieu of the lost or destroyed original. This day of , 19 LOST PAPER 621 DEED LOST PETITION TO ESTABLISH. 4191. (See ante, pages 422, 423.) PROCEEDINGS TO ESTABLISH COPY OF PRIVATE PAPER IN JUSTICE'S COURT. 5323. Georgia, County. To the Honorable , one of the Justices of the Peace for the Militia District of said County: The petition of shows that he is the owner of a certain lost , which one . , of said county, executed and delivered to your petitioner on the day of , 19 . . . . , which may, according to law, as petitioner is advised, be sued on and collected in the justice court, and which said has been lost or destroyed. (a) A copy in substance of the lost paper is hereto attached and marked Exhibit A. Wherefore, petitioner prays a rule nisi may issue, calling upon said to show cause, if any he has, why said copy should not be established in lieu of the lost original. Petitioner. AFFIDAVIT TO PETITION. Georgia, County. Personally before me, , the undersigned, aK officer of said State duly authorized to administer oaths, came , who upon oath says, that the statements contained in the foregoing petition are true, and that a copy of attached to said petition is a true copy, in substance, as near as he can recollect, of the said paper, now lost or destroyed, of which he, the petitioner, was the owner and . , . . the maker. Petitioner. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19.... , J- P. 626 LOST PAPERS EULE NISI. 5323. Georgia, County. In the Justice Court of the District, G. M., of said County. To of said County: having presented to the undersigned, one of the justices of the peace of the militia district of said county, a sworn copy of the lost , whereof you appear to be the maker, for the purpose of establishing the same, a copy of which is hereto attached, you are hereby called upon to show cause, if any you have, before the justice court for said district at on next, why the aforesaid copy should not be established in lieu of the lost original. This day of /19 J- P. RULE ABSOLUTE. (State the case.) Proceedings to establish copy of in the justice court of the district, G. M., of said county. This case coming on to be heard, the same being a petition to establish a lost , and it appearing that a rule nisi has been served as required by law, and no sufficient cause being shown why copy set forth in the petition of the said should not be established in lieu of the lost original. It is hereby ordered and adjudged that a copy of attached to said petition, be, and the same is, hereby set up and established in lieu of the lost original. This .day of , 19 J. P. CERTIFICATE OF JUSTICE TO COPY. Georgia, County. I certify that the foregoing paper was this day established in my court, as a true copy of lost original. 'This day of . . '. , 19 , J. P. 627 LUNATICS. See Insanity and Lunatics. MANDAMUS. 5440-5450. PETITION. 5440. Georgia, County. vg > Superior Court, Term, 19 To the Honorable, the Superior Court of said County : The petition of .respectfully shows as follows, to wit: 1. The petitioner is an incorporation duly incorporated un- der the laws of the State of Georgia with its principal office in the city of in said county, and is engaged in the business of 2. The which is hereby named as defendant in this action, is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of , engaged in the business of within the State of Georgia, and having an office and agent and conducting business in the said county of 3. 4, etc. [Set out in orderly paragraphs the facts out of which the claim to have a mandamus issue arises.] Wherefore, your petitioner names as defendant hereto, and respectfully prays: 1. That this court will issue a mandamus nisi directed to the said .', requiring it to show cause at a time and place to be designated by the court not less than ten days, nor more than thirty days from this date why a mandamus should not be issued against it requiring it to [set out the thing or things whicli it is sought to have the respondent do]. 2. That on the hearing the mandamus may be made absolute and the defendant be required to. . . [state the acts relator seeks to have respondent perform] . . . 3. That process may issue directed to the said defendant requiring it to be and appear at the time and place designated 628 MANDAMUS by the court to answer this complaint and abide the further order of the court. This day of , 19 Attorney for Petitioners. AFFIDAVIT TO PETITION. Georgia, County. In person before the undersigned, , an officer authorized to administer oaths, came , .who on v oath says that he is [secretary and treasurer of ], the petitioner named in the foregoing petition: that he has read said petition and knows the contents thereof; that the facts therein stated so far as concerns the acts and deeds of are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 (Official designation.) ORDER OF THE COURT THEREUPON. j. Petition for Mandamus in the Superior Court of County. The petition of the plaintiff in the above-entitled cause having been read and considered, the same is hereby sanctioned and ordered filed and defendant served; and it is further ordered that the defendant named, to wit: the .be and appear before me at the court house in the city of , Georgia, on the day of.- , 19 . . . . , at o'clock, M., or so soon thereafter as can be heard, then and there to show cause why a mandamus absolute should not be issued against it as prayed for in the petition. Dated and signed this day of , 19 .... , J. S. C C. Filed in office this. . . .day of , 19.... , Clerk. MANDAMUS 629 PROCESS. Georgia, County. I vs. r Mandamus in. ... ' Superior Court. To the Sheriff of said County, or his Deputy : The defendant is hereby required,, personally or by attorney, to be and appear at the Superior Court to be held in county, on the day of , 19 . . . . , then and there to answer the plaintiff's complaint, to which this process is annexed, as in default thereof said court shall proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the honorable , judge of the said court, this day of , 19 .... , Deputy Clerk. ENTRY or SERVICE. Georgia, County. Served the defendant, the , a corporation, by serving personally , the superintendent, its agent in charge of its office and business in said county. This day of , 19 Sheriff. [NOTE. The plaintiff may demur or answer. If an answer is filed it may begin and end as follows:] ANSWER. Georgia, County. Now comes the respondent in the above-stated case, and makes answer to the said rule, and for cause why mandamus should not issue as said applicant claims is its clear and legal right to have respondent do, says: 1, 2, etc. (Each paragraph of the petition should be answered as in ordinary suits.) 630 MANDAMUS 3. This respondent having fully set out in this answer the facts, it now prays the court to deny a mandamus absolute. Attorney for Respondent. AFFIDAVIT TO ANSWER. Georgia, County. In person before the undersigned, an officer authorized to administer oaths, came , an officer of the said , who on oath says that he knows the things .and matters set up in the foregoing answer, and the facts set out in said answer are true. Deponent avers that he has authority to make this affidavit and that it is his duty to inform himself of the matters and things set out in the above answer. Deponent is of the respondent. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 (Official designation.) RULE ABSOLUTE. *!*'*/ Mandamus in Superior j Court, Term, 19.... The above-stated case coming on to be heard at this term of the court on the petition of the plaintiff for mandamus and the ainendment thereto and the rule issued thereon against the defendant to show cause why mandamus absolute should not be granted, and there being no issue of fact : And the defendant having filed its demurrer to said petition and having also filed its answer thereto: And the cause having been argued by counsel and the court being fully advised in the premises, it is thereupon considered, ordered and adjudged by the court as follows, to wit: 1. That the demurrer of the defendant to the petition of the plaintiff be and the same is hereby overruled. 2. That the prayers of the plaintiff's petition be granted, and that a mandamus absolute be granted, and the defendant is MARRIAGE MORTGAGES 631 hereby commanded to [insert here the thing required of the defendant to be done]. 3. That in order to allow the defendant to file a bill of exceptions and take this case to the Supreme Court, this order and judgment shall not become of effect until twenty days from and after this date. In open court, this day of , 19. ... j. s. cV. '.'.'d (NOTE: Where there is an issue of fact, such issue must be sub- mitted to a jury.) MARRIAGE. 2929-2943. (See Husband and Wife, ante, pages 520, 522.) MORTGAGES. 3256-3305. MORTGAGE WITH WAIVER OF HOMESTEAD. 3256, 3257. Georgia, County. In consideration of the sum of dollars, to paid, as well for the better securing the payment of the debt hereinafter mentioned of the county of hereby sells and conveys unto of the county of and his assigns, the following described realty, to wit : with all the rights and appurtenances to said property belong- ing: To have and to hold said property to said and his assigns forever. And warrants the title to said property against the lawful claims of all persons ; but this conveyance is made for the following purpose, and none other : indebted to said in the sum of dollars, which is evidenced by a certain promissory note made by . to , or his order, the day of , 19. . . ., and due the day of , 19 . . . . , for the sum of dollars, principal debt, with interest from at the rate of per cent, per annum, and which note contains 632 MORTGAGES a provision that if said note is collected by suit or is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection, that the maker will pay all costs of collection, including ten per cent, attorney's fees on said principal and interest, and this conveyance is made to secure the payment of that debt. I hereby waive and renounce for myself and family any and all homestead and exemption rights that I may have under the Constitution or laws of this State, as against the debt above mentioned. Now, if shall pay said debt, with its interest, when it shall become due, then this deed to be void ; but if should not thus pay the same, then this deed to be of force, and the right to foreclose the same for said principal debt and interest, and the cost and expense of collec- tion, including ten per cent, attorney's fees, shall exist. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, this day of , 19 .... [SEAL] [SEAL] Signed, sealed and delivered in the pres- ence of: (two witnesses.) PROBATE FOR RECORD. Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, who by law has authority to administer an oath, , the subscriber, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that he was present and saw , the maker, sign, seal and deliver the within, foregoing and attached mortgage for the purposes therein set out at the time therein specified, and that by request of said maker, affiant signed the same at said time as a witness, and , the other witness thereto, by request of the maker signed the same as a witness, then and there, and said maker signed in the presence of said witnesses and the witnesses signed in the presence of the maker, and of each other. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 (Official designation.) MORTGAGES 633 CLERK'S ENTRY. Filed for record this day of , 19. . . ., at o'clock, a. m. Recorded in book folio , on the day of , 19. ... Clerk Superior Court County. MORTGAGE WITH WAIVER OF HOMESTEAD AND POWER OF SALE. Georgia, County. This indenture, made the day of . , 19. . . . , between , of the county of , of the first part, and , of the county of of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said part. . of the first part, as well as for the better securing to the part. . of the second part, the fnithful payment of the debt which is hereinafter more fully described as justly due to the part. . of the second part, in man- ner hereafter mentioned, and in consideration of the sum of one dollar to the part. . of the first part in hand paid by the part . . of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, ha. . granted, bargained, sold, aliened and confirmed, and by these presents do. . grant, bargain, sell, alien and con- firm unto the said part. . of the second part, and to heirs and assigns, forever, all , together with all and singular the edifices, buildings, rights, members, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belong- ing or in anywise appertaining; and all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever of the said part. . of the first part of, in or to the same, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders thereof. To have and to hold the said premises hereby granted and released, with the rights, members, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto be- longing, and every part and parcel thereof, unto the said part. . of the second part heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said part. . of the second part, heirs and assigns forever. And for the consideration aforesaid, the said for and family for any and all other person or persons claiming in and through do hereby solemnly waive 634 MORTGAGES and renounce in favor of said debt evidenced as aforesaid all right of homestead or exemption in and to any and all the prop- erty hereby conveyed, and do covenant and agree not to take, nor consent to the taking or attempting to take any homestead or exemption not allowed by law, or Avhich may hereafter be allowed, against the debt aforesaid.- Upon condition, nevertheless, that if the said of the first part, heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, shall faithfully pay to the said part. . of the second part, executors, administrators or assigns a certain promissory note bearing date the day of , 19 . . . . , payable the day of , 19 . . . . , made and executed by the said , said note being for dollars, principal, and bearing eight per 'cent. per annum interest after maturity, according to the tenor and true intent and meaning of said note, then this present indenture, and the estate hereby granted, and every article and clause herein contained, as well as the said shall cease and become utterly void. And it is hereby mutually covenanted and agreed between the parties to these presents that if default shall be made in the payment of the debt agreed to be paid to the said at any time or times on which the same shall be due, or any part of the principal or interest thereof, that then and thenceforth it shall be lawful for the part. . of the second part, heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, to grant, bargain, sell and dispose of the said hereby granted premises, and all benefit and equity of redemption of the said part . . of the first part, or assigns therein, at public sale, during the legal hours of sale, at the court house in county, to the highest bidder for cash, after advertising the time and terms of sale in the or some other newspaper published in said county, once a week for weeks, and to execute convey- ances to the purchasers, as fully as the part. . of the first part could do, rendering the overplus of the purchase-moneys to be obtained for the same, if any overplus there shall be, after full satisfaction of the principal and interest to be due on such in manner aforesaid, and after payment of the charges of advertisement and sale, and the cost of foreclosing the same, and commissions unto the said , part . . of the first part ; or, if the said part . . of the second part elects, this mortgage may be foreclosed by suit, in the ordinary manner provided by law. MORTGAGES 635 In witness whereof the said hereunto set .... hand. . and seal. . the day and year first above written. [SEAL.] [SEAL.] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: [SEAL.] , [SEAL.] PETITION TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE ON REALTY. 3276. Georgia, County. To the Honorable the Superior Court of said County : The petition of. shows that on the day of , 19. . . ., , of county, made and executed to your petitioner his certain deed of mortgage of that date, conveying to your petitioner for the securing the payment of a certain promissory note for the sum of dollars, due the day of , 19...., with interest after maturity at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, yet your petitioner avers that the said , although so indebted, and to pay said sum of money often requested, has not paid the same, nor any part thereof, but wholly refuses to pay the same : Wherefore, your petitioner prays the order of this court requiring the said , to pay into this court by the first day of the next term thereof, principal, interest and costs due on said and that in default thereof the said mortgage be foreclosed and the equity of redemption therein barred in terms of the statute. Plaintiff's Attorney. Term, 19 RULE NISI. 3276. Georgia, County. In the Superior Court V8 ' Term, 19.. It being represented to the court by the petition of that by deed of mortgage dated the day of , 19 . . . . , conveyed to the 636 MORTGAGES said for the purpose of securing the payment of a certain promissory note made by the said to the said , due on the day of , 19 . . . . , for the sum of dollars, with interest after maturity at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, which is now due and unpaid. It is ordered that the said do pay into this court by the first day of the next term the principal, interest and costs due on said , or show cause, if any he has, to the contrary, or that in default thereof foreclosure be granted to the said of said mortgage, and the equity of redemption of the said therein be forever barred, and that service of this rule be perfected on said according to law. Judge Superior Court. RULE ABSOLUTE. Georgia, County. (In the Superior Court, Term, 19.. Whereas, at the term, 19. . . ., of this court, a rule nisi was granted in the above case, requiring the defendant to pay to the plaintiff the principal, interest and costs due on a certain promissory note, given by on the day of , 19 . . . . , to the said , and to become due on the day of , 19. . . ., for the sum of dollars and cents, to secure the full and lawful payment of which the said had executed on the day of , 19 . . . . , to deed of mortgage, conveying to said the following property, to wit : or show cause to the contrary, if any ha. . . why said money should not be paid as aforesaid, or in default thereof, that said mortgage be foreclosed, and the equity of redemption therein forever barred ; and whereas, a copy of said rule has been served upon said defendant, according to law; MORTGAGES 637 Now, therefore, it appearing to the court that the said .... ha. . . wholly failed and refused to pay said money so due as aforesaid, as required by said rule nisi, and ha. . shown no cause to the contrary: It is ordered and adjudged by the court that the equity of redemption in said mortgaged prem- ises be, and the same is, hereby forever barred and foreclosed, and that the said do recover of the said the sum of ' . . . . dollars and cents for principal, and the sum of dollars and cents, interest to date of judgment, and interest from this date on principal debt at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, and costs of suit, and that execution issue against the mortgaged premises for the sums aforesaid. Judgment signed this day of , 19. ... Judge Superior Court Circuit. SUPERIOR COURT MORTGAGE Fi. FA. Georgia, County. To All and Singular the Sheriffs of said State and their Lawful Deputies Greeting : We command you, that of the certain goods and chattels, lands and tenements of , to wit : you cause to be made the sum of dollars and. . . . cents, for principal, and dollars and. .... .cents, as interest, up to the day of , 19. . . ., and also the further sum of dollars for attorney's fees, and also the further sum of dollars and cents for costs, with interest from date of judgment at eight per cent. per annum on the principal sum, from the day of , 19 . . . . , recovered against the said , and said above described property, by the foreclosure of a mortgage thereon, made by the said to the said for principal, interest and costs; and that you have the said several sums of money before the Superior Court for said county on the Monday in next, to render to the said for principal, interest and costs, as aforesaid ; and have you then and there this writ. 638 MORTGAGES Witness the honorable. , judge of said court, this day of , 19. ... , Clerk. NOTE AND CHATTEL MORTGAGE. 3286. .., 19, after date .... promise to pay . . or , dollars, value received, with interest until paid at per cent, per annum, with all costs of collection, including per cent, attorney's fees if this note is collected by suit or is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. Each of us, whether principal, security, guarantor, indorser, or other party hereto, hereby sev- erally waives and renounces, each for himself and family, any and all homestead and exemption rights, either of us, or the family of either of us, may have under or by virtue of the Con- stitution or the laws of Georgia, any other State or the United States, as against this debt or any renewal thereof. Given under the hand and seal of each party. [L. S.] [L. S.] Witness : Georgia, County. Know all Men by these Presents : That I stand indebted to , of the county of , and State of , in and by my promissory note, bearing even date herewith, payable to or bearer, in the sum of dollars, as by reference to said note will fully appear; and for and in con- sideration of said debt and for the better securing the payment thereof, and for the further sum of one dollar to me in hand paid by said at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, I have granted, bargained and sold, and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell unto said , his heirs and assigns, the following property, to wit : . MORTGAGES (539 and as against the said debt for myself and family hereby, for the consideration aforesaid, I waive and renounce all right and benefit of and to any present or future exemption and home- stead under the present or future homestead and exemption laws of the State of Georgia, or of the United States, and the Con- stitution thereof, in said property. And further, for said consideration upon default of payment of said debt according to the terms thereof, then I authorize and empower said to foreclose this mortgage in the usual form, or to sell said property from time to time, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay said debt and all ex- penses of sale, at public outcry, for cash, on any lawful sale day for sheriff's sales at the time and place of sheriff's sales of like property under mortgage executions from the Superior Courts of said State, first giving notice of such sale and the time, terms and place thereof, in the public gazette in which sheriff's sales for the county where such sale is to be made are advertised, and as often and for such period of time as is required for such sheriff's sales, and from the proceeds of such sale or sales to pay said debt, with interest due thereon and expenses of said sale or sales and account to said for the surplus, if any. And I further authorize and empower the said upon said sale or sales to receipt for the proceeds thereof and execute to the purchaser a conveyance thereof in fee simple in my name, and T hereby constitute and appoint him irrevocably my attorney in fact, to do and perform as heretofore mentioned, for the consideration aforesaid, to have and to hold said property unto the said his heirs and assigns, to his and their own use, benefit and behoof forever. Provided, always, that if I, my heirs or representatives, shall pay up and discharge said debt according to the terms thereof, then this mortgage and said power of attorney, together with said debt, shall be void and of no effect. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this the day of , 19 .... ' [L. S.] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: 640 MORTGAGES AFFIDAVIT TO FORECLOSE CHATTEL MORTGAGE. 3286. Georgia, County. Before me, , the undersigned, an officer of this State authorized to administer oaths, personally came. . . . , who, having been sworn, on oath says that he is the holder of a mortgage to which this affidavit is attached; that the maker of said mortgage, is a resident of county, and is indebted to deponent on said mortgage in the sum of dollars, principal, dollars interest to date, and .dollars attorney's fees (as 'stipulated in the said mortgage), and that the amount of said several sums is now due, and he makes this affidavit for the purpose of foreclosing said mortgage. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19.... (Official designation.) MORTGAGE EXECUTION ON PERSONALTY. 3286. Georgia, County. To All and Singular the Sheriffs or their Lawful Deputies of this State: You are commanded that of the personal property of to wit : you make by levy and sale the sum of dollars and cents, principal, and the further sum of dollars and cents, as interest up to the day of , 19. . . ., with interest on the principal sum thereafter at the rate of per cent, per , and attorney's fee, which by the affidavit of appears to be due to on a mortgage on said property made by said on the day of , 19 . . . . , to , which said mortgage, with said affidavit annexed, is of file in this office. You will also make the sum of. dollars and cents costs of this foreclosure, and all the further cost that accrues. And have you the said several sums of money before the Superior Court for said county on the Monday MORTGAGES 641 in next, to render to the said for principal, interest and costs aforesaid, and have you then and there this writ. - Witness the honorable , judge of said court, this day of , 19. . . . , Clerk, S. C. JUSTICE COURT FORECLOSURE MORTGAGE Fi. FA. Georgia, ............ County. ........................ Mortgagee. ........................ Mortgagor. Personally appeared before me, ............... , a justice of the peace in and for said county, the affiant, whose name is hereto subscribed, who on oath says that he is .............. , the mortgagee aforesaid, and that the mortgagor aforesaid is indebted to said mortgagee on the annexed mortgage in the sum of ............. dollars, principal, and ............. dollars, interest to date, which amounts are now due, and that said mortgagor resides in said county, and he makes this affidavit for the purpose of foreclosing this mortgage. ............................. , Affiant. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ...... day of ............... , 19 ____ Georgia, ............ County. To All and Singular the Constables of said State : You are hereby commanded, that of certain personal property of the mortgagor, named in the foregoing affidavit, which affida- vit is hereby referred to and made a part of this writ, to wit: you cause to be made the sum of .......... dollars, principal, ............ dollars, interest to date, and all future interest at the rate of ......... per cent, per annum, and all costs, which sums the aforesaid mortgagee lately before me recovered of the aforesaid mortgagor on the foreclosure of a mortgage given by the aforesaid mortgagor to the aforesaid mortgagee, said mort- gage dated ................. , 19 .... And have you said sums of money at the justice's court of the ......... district, G. M., said State and county, to which court this fi. fa. is made returnable, said court to be held on the ..... ......... , 19. . . ., to render to said mortgagee his principal, 642 MORTGAGES interest and costs .aforesaid ; and have you then and there this writ. Given under my hand and official signature, this day of , 19.... Justice of the Peace District, G. M. ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE. Georgia, County. For value received I hereby transfer and assign to the within mortgage and the debt which it was made to secure, together with all the rights, interests and privileges belonging to me under and by virtue thereof. This day of.... , 19 [SEAL,.] ILLEGALITY TO CHATTEL MORTGAGE Fi. FA. 3289, 3300. vs. Georgia, County. Chattel mortgage fi. fa. issued from Superior Court county, on the day of , 19. . . $ principal, $ interest. $ attorney's fees. $ costs. Before me, , of said county, an officer of said State authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared , who % on oath says that the above described fi. fa., heretofore levied upon property of deponent, is proceeding illegally, for the following reasons, to wit: *Deponent is not indebted to plaintiff in any amount, and the mortgage foreclosed is utterly void and without considera- tion for that: [allege specific defense.] Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 ... . . Notary Public County, Ga. *[NOTE. The defendant may avail himself of any defense that he could have set up in an ordinary suit upon the demand secured by the mortgage, and show that he is not justly indebted to the plaintiff in the sum claimed in the affidavit of foreclosure. 3289.] MORTGAGES 643 REPLEVY BOND OF DEFENDANT IN MORTGAGE Fi. FA. 3301. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, that we, , principal, and , security, acknowledge our- selves jointly and severally .bound unto , the plaintiff, in the sum of dollars, subject to the following conditions : Whereas, the said has foreclosed a mortgage on personalty against ; . , and has caused execution to issue on the day of , 19 . . . . , from the court of said county, which said execution issued for the sum of dollars, principal, dollars, interest, dollars, attorney's fees, and dollars, costs, and was on the day of , 19 . . . . , levied by , of said county, on the following personal property, to wit . . . [describe the property] ... as the property of the said defendant. Now, if said , principal, shall return the said described property, so levied on, when called for by the levying officer, or if the said shall do so for him, then this obligation to be void, else of full force and effect. Witness our hands and seals, this day of , 19 Principal [L. S.] Security jl* S.] Executed in the presence of and approved by me: ,J.P. PAUPER AFFIDAVIT. 3301. Georgia, County. } Illegality to chattel mortgage fi. fa. issued from Superior Court, County, on the day of , 19 Before me, , of said county, an officer of said State duly authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared , who on oath says that he, defendant in the above named and stated case, is unable from poverty to give the bond and security required by law in above stated case, 644 MORTGAGES and that he has been advised and believes that his grounds of illegality will be sustained. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 Notary Public, County, Ga. AFFIDAVIT BY CREDITOR CONTESTING MORTGAGE. 3304. Georgia County. ~\ Chattel mortgage fi. fa. issued from vs. Superior Court County, 3 on the. . . .day of , 19. ... Before me, ... * , of said county, an officer of said State duly authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared , who on oath says that he is a creditor of the mortgagor, who is the defendant in the above- described mortgage fi. fa., the said defendant being indebted to deponent in the sum of." dollars, principal, and dollars, interest to date, upon an open account for merchandise. A true and correct copy of said account is hereto attached marked "Exhibit A." [Attach -copy to this affidavit accordingly.] Deponent makes this affidavit for the purpose of contesting the validity and fairness of said mortgage. The grounds upon which deponent relies to defeat said mort- gage are as follows : Said mortgagor is not, and was not at the time said mortgage was made, indebted to the mortgagee in any sum whatever. Said mortgage does not represent any bona fide indebtedness upon the part of the mortgagor to the mortgagee, but was made solely with intent to hinder, delay, and defraud creditors, the said mortgagee being the wife of the mortgagor, and having taken said mortgage with notice that it was made with the intent aforesaid. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this .. day of , 19 Notary Public County, Ga. MORTGAGES 645 BOND. 3304. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, that we, , principal, and , security, acknowledge our- selves jointly and severally bound unto , of county, to the extent hereinafter stated, and subject to the following conditions : Whereas, the said has foreclosed a mortgage on personalty against , and has caused execu- tion to issue on the day of , 19. . . ., from the court of said county, which said execution was on the .... day of , 19 . . . . , by , sheriff of said county, levied upon the following personal prop- erty, to wit: [describe the property] .... And whereas, the said has this day filed with said levying officer his affidavit contesting the validity and fairness of said mortgage. Now, should the said , principal, pay to the said all costs and damages incurred by the delay occasioned by said contest in case the issue be found against the contestant, then this bond to be void, else of full force. , Principal [L. S.] , Security [L. S.] Executed in the presence of and approved by , : Sheriff, County, Ga. ADVERTISEMENT OF SALE UNDER POWER OF SALE CONTAINED IN MORTGAGE. Georgia, County. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in the mortgage executed by to on the day of. , 19 . . . . , and recorded in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of count v, in book , in folio , the undersigned will sell, at public sale, at the court house in said county, during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following prop- erty, to wit. . . [describe the property as described in the mort- gage]... for the purpose of paying a certain promissory note bearing date the. . . .day of , 19. . . ., and payable 646 MORTGAGES on the day of , 19 . . . . , and made and executed by the said , said note being for dollars, principal, stipulating for interest from maturity at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, the total amount due on said note being dollars, principal, and dollars, interest, together with the costs of this proceeding as provided in such mortgage. A conveyance will be executed to the purchaser by the undersigned, as author- ized in the said mortgage. This day of , 19 .... Mortgagee. EQUITABLE FORECLOSURE UPON REALTY. 3305. (NOTE: The advantage of foreclosing a mortgage in equity is that a general judgment may be had at the same time, and also there is less trouble in reference to attorney's fees, and service upon defendant does not have to be so long.) PETITION. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of , as plaintiff, against , as defendant, shows the following facts : 1st. That defendant is a resident of said county. 2nd. That on the day of , 19 , the defendant made and executed to plaintiff a certain promissory note for the sum of dollars, with interest thereon from said date at per cent, per annum, containing a pro- vision for the payment of per cent, attorney's fees on said principal and interest, in the event said note was collected by suit or placed in the hands of an attorney for collection, and said note to become due on day of , 19 . . . . , a copy of which said note is hereto attached and. marked "Ex- hibit A." 3rd. That of even date with the execution of said note defendant made and executed to plaintiff a certain mortgage to secure the payment of same upon the following described prop- erty, to wit: Lot of land, No , in the district and section of said county, containing acres, more MORTGAGES 647 or less, and which said mortgage recited the provisions herein- before set out in said note, a copy of which said mortgage is hereto attached and marked "Exhibit B." 4th. That defendant has failed and refused to pay said note, ;mE NISI TO SHOW CAUSE. vs. Coniplaint in Superior Court Term, 19 Verdict for plaintiff on the. . . . day of , 19. . . ., for $ and costs of suit. The above and foregoing motion having been presented, it is ordered that the plaintiff, , be served, and show cause before me in this court instanter, or so soon as counsel can be hea"rd, why the said motion should not be granted, and a new trial had therein as prayed. This day of ,19 /- Judge Superior Court. Due and legal service is hereby acknowledged on the within and foregoing order and motion, copy and all other and further service and notice is hereby waived. This day of , 19 Attorney for Respondent, (NOTE: While the point has never been decided in Georgia, the safe plan is to present the judge with the motion, take the above order nisi, and serve respondent's counsel, or get the acknowledgment of service of the respondent's counsel upon it as above set out. In that way, the respondent is in court and can be heard upon, and will be bound by, any other or further order in the case. There may be a question as to a judge passing an order before the other party is served, extending time in the perfecting of the motion. Then if time is desired, take the following order after respondent has been served, as above set out.) NEW TRIAL 653 ORDER GIVING TIME FOR THE PERFECTING OF MOTION. Movant vs. Motion for a new trial in, Superior Court, Term. 19. Respondent In the above named and stated case, the movant having made a motion for a new trial therein, and the stenographer not having had time to write out the evidence so that the movant can file his brief of evidence, it is considered, ordered and adjudged that said motion be, and the same is, hereby continued until the day of , 19. . . ., at. . . .o'clock, A. M., at the court house, to be heard by me in vacation then and there, and that the movant, , have until said time to make out and present to the court a brief of evidence in said case, and to amend said motion, and such right shall be extended and continued to the time of the hearing, if for any reason said motion is not heard at said time, with the right to movant to file said brief upon the hearing or whenever said brief is ap- proved. It is further ordered that a supersedeas be granted and allowed in said case until the final disposition of this motion. This day of .'. ., 19 Judge of Superior Court. AMENDED MOTION. Movant vs. Motion for a new trial in 'Superior Court, Term, 19. . . ., and set for a hearing before the Honorable , Judge of the Superior Court, this day of , 19. ... Now comes the movant in the above named and stated e;is'- on this the day of , 19 , the time and date set for the hearing thereof, and by leave of the court first had, amends his motion heretofore filed, by adding thereto the following grounds: 654 NEW TRIAL 1st. Because upon the trial of said case the court erred in the following point and particular : What happened is as fol- lows: (Here set out plainly, fully and distinctly what the specific thing is that is complained of. State facts and not conclusions. Any number of grounds can be added to meet the different grounds of alleged error.) 2nd. Because upon the trial of said case the court charged the jury as follows: (Here set out the portion of the charge complained of which should be a correct and fair statement of the charge alleged to be error), which said charge movant insists was error, for the following reasons : (Here set out the reasons). Movant prays that these grounds of motion for new trial be considered by the court, and that a new trial be granted upon each and all of the same. Attorney for Movant. At . 19.. The above and foregoing amended motion is hereby allowed, and it is ordered that the same be filed. Judge Superior Court. ADDITIO'NAL GROUNDS OF MOTION. (NOTE: The grounds of a motion may be stated in any desirable and proper manner, the rule being that they should be plainly, fully and distinctly set forth. The following forms may be used:) 3. Because the following material evidence was illegally admitted to the jury by the court over the objection of movant, to wit: [set out the evidence claimed to have been illegally admitted.] Movant objected to the admission of such evidence at the time the. same was offered and did then and there urge the following grounds of objection thereto : [set out the objections that were actually made and urged at the trial.] Which objections the court then and there overruled. 4. Because, during the progress of the trial movant moved the court to rule out the following material evidence introduced by the adverse party: [set out specifically what the evidence NEW TRIAL 655 was, in the ground itself, without reference to the brief of evidence or any other parts of the record], and then and there did urge the following groimds of objection to the said evidence : [set out what objections were actually made and urged at the trial], which said objections the court then and there overruled and allowed the evidence to remain before the jury. 5. Because the following material evidence offered by movant was illegally withheld from the jury against the demand of the movant, to wit : [set out specifically the evidence claimed to have been illegally withheld]. 6. Because the court refused to allow the witness while on the stand, to answer the following questions propounded to him by movant, to wit: [set out what the questions were], movant insisting that the witness if permitted to answer would answer as follows: [set out the answers expected], and that the judge was then and there informed as to what the answer of the witness would be if he had allowed him to answer at all. 7. Because the court erred in charging the jury as follows, to wit: [set out the language used by the court claimed to con- stitute error, particularly pointing out in \vhat the error con- sisted]. 8. Because the court erred in refusing to give in charge the following request to charge, the same having been submitted in writing before the jury retired to consider of their verdict, to wit: [set out copy of the request to charge]. The part of the charge requested should embrace but one subject-matter and the entire contents of the request upon the point in question should be all correct and applicable to the facts. If part is sound law and part bad, the whole may be refused. 9. Because, since the rendition of said verdict certain ma- terial evidence, not merely cumulative or impeaching in its character, but relating to new and material facts, has been dis- covered by the movant, said evidence being in substance as follows, to wit. : [set out the evidence claimed to be newly dis- covered] . 10. Because, during the progress of the trial the trial judge erred in this that he did intimate or express an opinion to the jury as to what had (or had not, as the case may be,) been proved, as follows, to wit : 656 NEW TRIAL 11. Because, during the progress of the trial the presiding judge erred in that he did intimate or express to the jury his opinion as to what had [or "had not," as the case may be,] been proved in the following portion of his charge to the jury, to wit: [set out the extracts from the charge claimed to be erroneous, pointing out what was intimated or expressed therein, as claimed by movant]. Whereupon, movant prays that these, his grounds for new trial, be inquired of by the court, and that a new trial be granted him. This day of ,19 Attorney for Movant. APPROVAL OF MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL. The recital of the facts contained in the foregoing motion for new trial, and amendments thereto, are hereby approved as true and correct. This day of , 19 .... Judge Superior Court. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE. 6080. Service of the within motion for new trial and rule nisi there- upon acknowledged and copy and all other or further service or notice waived. This day of '. . ., 19. ... <. Attorney for ORDER ENLARGING TIME FOR SUBMITTING AMENDMENTS, FILING BRIEF, FIXING TIME OF HEARING, ETC. vg ' ' Verdict and judgment for Term 19 of Court. The having a motion for a new trial in said case, on the grounds therein stated, and said grounds having been approved by the court, and it appearing that it is impossi- ble to make out and complete a brief of the testimony in said NEW TRIAL 657 case before adjournment of court: It is ordered by the court that said motion be heard and determined on the day of , 19 . . . . , in vacation at , and that movant may amend said motion at any time at or before the final hearing. If for any reason said motion is not heard and determined at the time and place above fixed, it is ordered that the same shall be heard and determined at such time and place in vacation as counsel may agree upon, under approval of the court, and upon failure to agree, then at such time and place as the pre- siding judge may fix on the application of either party, of which time and place the opposite party shall have at least five days' notice. If for any reason this motion is not heard and determined before the beginning of the next term of this court, then the same shall stand on the docket until heard and determined at said term or thereafter. It is further ordered that the movant have until the hearing, whenever it may be, to prepare and present for approval and filing a brief of the evidence in said case, and the presiding judge may enter his approval thereon at any time, either in term or vacation, and if the hearing of the motion shall be in vacation, and the brief of evidence has not been filed in the clerk's office before the date of the hearing, said brief of evidence may be filed in the clerk's office at any time within ten days after the motion is heard and determined. This day of :..., 19 Judge Superior Court. APPROVAL, OF BRIEF OF EVIDENCE. (State the ease.) The foregoing pag 68 ? constituting the brief of the evidence in this case, is hereby approved as a true and correct brief of the evidence adduced upon the trial of the above-stated case. Let the same 1x3 filed as part of the record herein. This day of , 19. ... J. S. bV. ..C. 658 NEW TRIAL AGREEMENT OF COUNSEL AS TO BRIEF OF EVIDENCE. We agree that the foregoing pages is a true and correct brief of the evidence adduced in the. trial of the case of. vs therein referred to. This day of , 19 Counsel for. Counsel for, Approved and ordered filed as part of the record. , Judge. ORDER REFUSING MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL. This motion for new trial coming on regularly to be heard, after argument had, it is considered, ordered and adjudged that a new trial be, and the same is, hereby refused [or "granted," as the case may be], and judgment is hereby rendered in favor of against , for the use of the officers of the court for dollars and cents, costs of this motion. This day of , 19 J.S.C.. ..C. NEWLY DISCOVERED EVIDENCE. 6086. AFFIDAVIT. (State the case.) Georgia, County. Personally appeared , the applicant for a new trial in the above stated case, and and , his counsel, and being all of his counsel, each of whom on oath says that he did not know of the evidence set out in the ground of the motion for a new trial herewith filed before the trial of the case therein stated, and NONSUIT NOTARIES PUBLIC 659 that the same could not have been discovered by the exercise of ordinary diligence. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 (Official designation.) (NOTE: If the newly discovered evidence is the testimony of a witness, there should also be attached to the motion an affidavit by persons who know the witness, stating that they know him, where he resides, that he is of good character, and that his evidence is entitled to credit.) Amendment of motion for new trial may be allowed at any time before final disposition of motion. 122/250 (50 S. E. 105). Evidence. Ground of amendment to motion, "that the court erred in allowing the introduction of the mortgage fi. fa., over objection of defendant's counsel, the objection being that it does not " can not be considered, the objection not being set out. 16 App. 813 (3) (86 S. E. 455). See 125/577 (54 S. E. 677). Motion should set forth enough to enable court to decide question without refer- ring to other parts of record. 121/437 (49 S. E. 292). Evidence must be literally or in substance set forth in motion or attached thereto as an exhibit. 136/664 (1) (71 S. E. 1117). Documentary evidence must be set out in motion or attached as an exhibit. 12 App. 494 (77 S. E. 672), 756 (78 S. E. 475). Instructions. Grounds of motion complaining that certain excerpts from charge of court are not adjusted to the evidence or to the contentions of the parties, without specifying wherein they are not so adjusted, was not sufficiently specific to be considered. 16 App. 350 (2) (85 S. E. 361). Verification of grounds of motion. 121/162 (48 S. E. 904). Treated as not verified, when. 125/577 (54 S. E. 677). NONSUIT. See Abatement of Actions, ante. NOTARIES PUBLIC. (COMMERCIAL, 616-625.) (COMMISSIONED, 4649-4679.) PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT. Georgia, County. To the Honorable , Judge of the Superior Court of said County: Par. 1. The petition of respectfully shows, 660 NOTARIES PUBLIC that he is a citizen of said county, and that he has attained to the age of twenty-one years (or is an attorney at law). Par. 2. Petitioner shows that he desires to be appointed a commercial notary public for said county, under the provisions of law. Par. 3. The petitioner herewith submits a certificate of his good moral character. Par. 4. Wherefore, he prays the granting of an order ap- pointing him such notary public and directing the clerk of the Superior Court of said county to issue to him a certificate of his appointment, upon his taking and subscribing the oath pre- scribed by law. And your petitioner will ever pray. , Petitioner. Georgia, County. To the Hon , Judge of the Superior Court of said County: We, the undersigned, citizens of said county, certify unto your Honor that we know personally , the applicant in the foregoing petition, that he is of good moral character, and qualified under the laws for the position of Notary Public. This day of , 19 [L. S.] [L. S.] JUDGE'S APPOINTMENT. At Chambers, , 19 .... Read and considered, and it appearing that , the applicant, is twenty-one years of age (or is an attorney at law), and is of good moral character, it is hereby ordered that said be, and he is hereby, appointed notary public as prayed for, for the term of four years next following, and the clerk of the superior court of said county of will issue a certificate of appointment to the applicant upon his taking and subscribing the oath prescribed by law. Judge of Superior Court. NOTARIES PUBLIC 661 OATH BEFORE CLERK. I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will well and truly perform the duties of notary public for the county of to the best of my ability; and I further swear (or affirm) that I am not the holder of any public money belonging to the State unaccounted for; so help me Godi [L. S.] Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 Clerk of Superior Court of said County. COMMISSION. Georgia, County. Clerk's Office of Superior Court of said County. having taken and subscribed before me the oath prescribed by law for notary public, by virtue of the order of the Hon , judge of the Superior Court of said county, he is hereby commissioned a notary public for said county, under the laws made and provided for such purposes, for a term of four years from this date, unless his appointment should be sooner revoked. Witness my official signature and seal of office, this day of , 19 Clerk of Superior Court of said County. CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AS TO OFFICIAL CHARACTER OF NOTARY. Georgia, County. I, , clerk of the Superior Court in and for said county, the same being a court of record, and being the court under which the notary hereinafter named holds his ap- pointment, do hereby certify that , by and before whom the foregoing acknowledgment was taken was, at the time of taking the same, a notary public in and for the 662 NOTARIES PUBLIC county of , regularly commissioned and authorized by law to attest deeds and take acknowledgments. Witness my hand and official seal, this. . . .day of '. . . , 19.... , Clerk. NOTARY PUBLIC AND EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Georgia, County. In the Superior Court of said County. Term, 19 The grand jury at this term of the court having so recom- mended, it is ordered that be, and he is hereby, appointed notary public and ex-officio justice of the peace in and for the district, G. 1VL, of said county, to fill vacancy caused by Ordered further, that the clerk of this court enter this order on the minutes, and transmit a certified copy thereof to the governor that a commission may issue as provided by law. This day of , 19 Judge Superior Court Circuit. Georgia, County. I certify that the foregoing is a true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of said county. Witness my hand and seal of office, this day of ,19 , Clerk. OATH OF THE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. 4663. "I do swear that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal rights to the poor and the rich, and that I will faithfully discharge all the duties incumbent on me as a justice of the peace for the county of agreeably to the Constitution and laws of this State, and according to the best of my ability and understanding. So help me God." (NOTE: Besides the above oath, the oath required of all civil officers must be taken. See 2G9.) NOTICE TO PRODUCE PAPERS 663 Attorney at law, being notary public, can not qualify party to affidavit for attachment and take bond and issue attachment in case in which he is employed. 37/678. See Code, 621 (4), 4955. Disqualification. Notary public is not disqualified from administering an oath to his father and attesting an affidavit made by the latter. 145/93, 94 (2) (88 S. E. 680). Notary may attest deed to secure loan, where he represents the lender in the negotiations. 122/440 (50 S. E'. 382). Presumption as to place of attestation of instrument rebutted by officer's signature. 145/531, 533 (89 S. E. 512). NOTICE TO PRODUCE PAPERS, ETC. 5837-5843, 6304. FORM OF NOTICE.. Georgia, County. . . Court. Term, 19.... To Or , Attorney for : You are hereby notified to produce and have upon the trial of the above stated cause, at the term, 19. . . ., of court, and from term to term thereafter until the same is finally disposed of, the documentary evidence men- tioned in the subjoined, memorandum marked "Exhibit A," the .same to be used as evidence pertinent to the cause in question, for the This day of , 19 Counsel for, EXHIBIT A. 664 NOTICE TO PRODUCE PAPERS ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE. Due and legal service of the within notice acknowledged. Copy and all further or other service waived. This day of , 19 Attorney for [NOTE. Notice shall be in writing, signed by the party seeking the production of the document or writings, or by his attorney; when re- turnable to the Superior Court ten days, and when returnable to the justice court five days, before the production of the document or other books, shall be required. 5838. Before the notice shall be available, the party giving it, or his agent, must make oath, or his attorney state in his place, that he has reason to believe that the paper required is or has been in existence; that it is in the possession, power, or control of the person notified; and that it is material to the issue. 5842.] EXCULPATORY AFFIDAVIT. 6304. (State the case.) Georgia, County. Personally before me, the undersigned attesting officer, came , who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the notice to produce certain books or papers [describe same as contained in the notice] was served upon him on the day of , 19. . . . ; that affiant was at that time not a resident of county, but was a resident of county in said State [or temporarily absent from the county of his residence] at the time said notice was served; that the said books or papers [describe same] are not now nor have been in the possession, power or control of affiant since the service of such notice. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of r..., 19 (Official designation.) [NOTE. When the party notified resides in the county wherein the case is pending, he may make the affidavit in open court, and it shall be held as sufficient compliance with the notice. 6304.] ORDINARY 665 AFFIDAVIT OF PARTY TO RENDER NOTICE AVAILABLE. 5842. (State the case.) Georgia, County. Personally before me, -the undersigned, a judicial officer of said State, , the in the above-stated case, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that he has reason to believe the paper required is or has been in ex- istence; that it is in the possession, power or control of the person notified to produce it, and that it" is material to the issue. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 (Official designation.) [NOTE. The above oath may be made by the agent of the party giving it, or his attorney may make statement in his place. 5842.] Defective notice. Notice is not so because it does not specifically call for the production of the paper from "term to term." 121/250 (1-b) (48 S. E. 970). Description. Technical description is not necessary to have papers produced; and very general description is effectual to compel their production. 22/559, 562. Peremptory order must be given by court to produce books or papers specified before there can be a failure or refusal to "comply with such order," as provided by Code, 5839. 114/622 (40 S. E. 796); 3 App. 34, 38 (59 S. E. 209). Subpoena duces tecum, sufficiency of, is not material question after document has been produced thereunder. 129/143 (58 S. E. 1055). ORDINARY. 4776-4827. CERTIFICATE OF ORDINARY TO COPY. Georgia, County. In the Court of Ordinary. I, , ordinary of said county, and ex-oflicin clerk of the court of ordinary, certify that the attached ;m Complaint. To the Sheriff of said County, or his Deputy, Greeting: The defendant, , is hereby required, per- son ally or by attorney, to be and appear at the court, to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in , 19 . . . . , then and there to answer the plaintiff's complaint, to which this process is annexed, as in default thereof said court will proceed, as to justice shall appertain. Witness the honorable , judge of said court, this day of ,19 , Clerk. ENTRY OF SERVICE PERSONAL. 5563. Georgia, County. I have this day served the defendant, personally with a copy of the within petition and process. This..' day of , 19 Deputy Sheriff. ENTRY or SERVICE BY LEAVING COPY. Georgia, County. I have this day served the defendant, , by 704 PROCESS AND SERVICE leaving a copy of the within writ and process at his residence. This day of , 19 Sheriff. SERVICE ON CORPORATION. 2258-2261. Georgia, County. Served the defendant, , a corporation, by serving personally , the president of said corporation, with a true copy of the within writ and process this day of , 19. ... Sheriff. OK Georgia, County. Served the defendant, . . . , a corporation, by leaving a true copy of the within writ and process at the place of transacting the usual and ordinary public business of said corporation, in county, Georgia. This. day of , 19 Sheriff. ENTRY OF SERVICE ON MINOR. 5565. Georgia, . County. I have this day served the defendant, , a minor, Avith a copy of the within petition and process by deliver- ing said copy to said minor personally. This ,day of , 19 . Sheriff. GUARDIAN AD LITEM, ORDER APPOINTING. 5565. It appearing to the court that a minor, has been personally served with a copy of the petition and process in the above stated case, and that he has no regular guardian, PROCESS AXD SERVICE 705 it is ordered that .................... be, and he is, hereby appointed guardian ad litcm for said minor in said case. This ...... day of ............ , 19 ____ J.S.C. AGREEMENT or GUARDIAN AD LITEM TO SERVE. 5565. I, , hereby agree to serve as guardian ad litem for , pursuant to the foregoing appoint- ment. This day of , 19. ... ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. 5554. It appearing to the court that , the defendant named in the foregoing petition, resides out of the State of Georgia, and it is necessary to perfect service on him by publication, it is ordered that service be perfected by publica- tion twice a month for two months in the paper in which the sheriff's advertisements are printed. This day of , 19 'j.'s'c.'. ..d CITATION BY CLERK. ) In the Superior Court of vs. County, Term, 19 .... \ Petition for equitable relief. To , defendant : You are hereby commanded . to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county, to be held on the Monday in , 19 , and make your answer in the above named and stated case, as required by the order of said court. Witness the Honorable , Judge of the Superior Court, this day of , 19. ... f . . Clerk of Superior Court. 706 PROCESSIONING Acknowledgment of service may be made before declaration or petition is filed; where issue of second original and process is waived, not necessary that acknowledgment of service be written upon second original. 17 App. 578 (87 S. EL 842). Amendment of entry of service showing that officer had served G. per- sonally with a copy, etc., so as to show that service was on the S. Lumber Company by serving G., the general manager, was not error. 140/569 (79 S. E. 462). See 13 App. 14 (78 S. E. 687). An irregularity in the direction of the process of a suit is amendable. 18 App. 448 (89 S. E. 536). Amendment allowed here in order to remove equivocal features and give symmetry to the record. 143/490 (85 S. E. 705). Where return of service is merely ir- regular or incomplete, it is amendable and should be treated merely as defective proof of service. 16 App. 783 (86 S. E. 464). Definition. Process, in broad sense, includes means whereby court compels appearance of defendant before it or compliance with its demands, and in fact includes any and every writ, rule, order, notice, or decree that may issue in or upon any action, suit, or legal proceeding. 15 App. 329, 331 (83 S. E 1 . 198). Dismissal. Where numerous defendants appeared and answered, the court properly refused to dismiss the entire suit because process was defective. 143/224 (84 S. E. 547). Return. Where service is denied, officer's return must be traversed and officer made a party. 16 App. 448, 449 (85 S. E. 613). Service. Defendant is not bound by judgment, where he has not been served with process directed to him, unless he has by express or implied waiver dispensed with necessity for process. 16 App. 574 (85 S. E. 819). Omission of word "usual" from entry as to service by leaving copy at defendant's "most notorious place of abode," was not fatal, though used in statute governing service. 17 App. 409 (87 S. E. 147). Statute should be construed to require per- sonal service, unless contrary in intention plainly appears. 123/319 (51 S. E. 416). Signature of clerk's assistant, not his deputy, irregular, not void. 126/132 (54 S. E, 959). PROCESSIONING. 3817-3826. PETITION. 3818. Georgia, County, To , , and , Processioners of the District of said County : The petition of shows that he is the owner of lot of land, No in the district and section of said county, 'and in the militia district of said county, and that the line on the west of said lot between petitioner and , who is the adjoining land owner, is in dispute, and that the line on the PROCESSIONING 707 north side of said lot between petitioner and , the adjoining landowner, is in dispute, and petitioner asks that said disputed line be surveyed and marked anew by you as processioners with the county surveyor. Petitioner says that and , adjoining landowners, are residents of said county and State. Petitioner asks that you fix a day to trace and mark said lines after the giving of ten days' notice, as required by law, to said adjoining land- owners. Petitioner. NOTICE TO ADJOINING LANDOWNERS. 3818. Georgia, County. To and , residents of Georgia : The petition of filed with us shows to us that he is the owner of lot of land, No. . * in the district and section of said county, and lying in the militia district of said county, and that you are the adjoining landowners thereto and that the lines around said lot of land on the west and north are in dispute, and asks us as processioners with the county surveyor to trace and mark said lines anew. You will take notice that we, or a majority of us, with the county surveyor, will proceed to trace and mark anew said lines as prayed for in said petition on the day of , 19. . . ., at. . . .o'clock, A. M. This day of , 19 Commissioners. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE. Georgia, County. Before me, , an officer authorized to administer an oath, personally came , who, being duly sworn, on oath says that on the day of , 19 . . . . , he served and 708 PROCESSIONING each personally with a notice, a copy of which is hereto attached. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 v ' ,J.P. RETURN OF PROCESSIONERS. 3825. Georgia, County. To , Ordinary of said County : The undersigned processioners for the district, G. M., of said county, having been applied to by , the owner of lot of land, ~No in the district and section of said county, to trace and mark anew the lines on the west and north sides of said lot of land, did appoint the day of , at ten o'clock, A. M., 19. . . ., as the time to trace and mark said lines pur- suant to law, and then and there it being made to appear that ten days' written notice of the time and place had been given to and , the adjoining landowners on the west and north of said lot of land, each on the day of , 19. . ., at ten o'clock, A. M., with the county surveyor did proceed to trace and mark anew said disputed lines, and as our finding and return, we hereto attach a plat made by said surveyor and duly certified, which properly repre- sents the service made and the lines traced and marked anew by us and said surveyor. This the day of , 19. ... Commissioners. (Hereto attach the "plat made by the surveyor.) CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR. Georgia, County. I, , county surveyor of said county, do certify that the plat hereto attached correctly represents the survey of the lands of } and the courses and distances of the lines marked by processioners of the PROCESSIONING 709 district, G. M., of the said county under my service made on the day of , 19. . . ., which is referred to in the return of the processioners. Witness my hand and official signature, this the day of , 19 County Surveyor. PROTEST TO RETURN OF PROCESSIONERS. 3823. Georgia, County. To , Ordinary of said County : Comes now on this fhe day of '. , 19 . . . . , and states as true the following facts : That on the day of ,19 , ,, , and , processioners of the district, G. M., of said county, after having given me, as an adjoining landowner, ten days' notice in writing of their intention, as such processioners with the county surveyor, to trace and mark anew the line on the west. side of lot of land, No , in the district and section of said county, owned by , and upon his application proceeded to trace and mark anew said line on said west side of said lot of land, I being the adjoining land- owner thereto, traced and marked said line by starting at a stone corner in the southwest corner, and they traced and marked a straight line from said point to a certain stone corner at the northwest corner of said lot of land, and I, as such adjoining landowner, file this my protest to said line, and say that the same is not the right and true line between said lot of land and my adjoining land on the west, for the reason that there is a fence one rod to the east of said southwest corner from which said processioning started said line so traced and marked anew, and that said fence runs due north one rod to the east of said line so traced to a point on the north side one rod east of the stone corner which said processioners have made as the north end of said line between said lot of land and my adjoining land, and this protestant shows that the said one rod of land to the east of said line so traced and marked anew extending across said lot of land has been in the open, actual, notorious and exclusive possession of this protestant for more than seven years previous tc the marking and tracing of said line and has been cultivated 710 PROMISSORY NOTES, ETC. by this protestant up to said fence during said time, and that said fence is the true line between the said lot of land and the adjoining lands on the west owned by protestant, and this pro- testant shows that the said processioners with the county sur- veyor took no notice of, nor had any regard in the marking and tracing of said line anew for this protestant's possession and .rights as hereinbefore set .out. This protestant protests the return of the commissioners, and files this his protest thereto, and said line as traced and marked anew by the processioners with the county surveyor. Now, on the above named day and date, and within thirty days from the time of the filing of the same with the Ordinary, he files this protest with the Ordinary and prays that the same, together with the proceedings in said matter, be returned to the Clerk of the Superior Court by your Honor, and that such other and further proceedings be had in the matter as are in con- formity with the law. This the day of , 19. .. Protestant. Georgia, County. The above and foregoing protest filed with me this day of ,19 Ordinary. Office of Clerk of Superior Court. The within protest, together with the other proceedings in said matter, having been delivered to me by the Ordinary, are filed in my office this day of , 19. ... Clerk of Superior Court. PKOMISSORY NOTES AND BILLS OF EXCHANGE. 4269-4294 (b). COMPLAINT IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OR CITY COURT ON PROMISSORY NOTE PROVIDING FOR ATTOE>:^Y'S EEES. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of said County : The petition of John Doe, as plaintiff, against Richard Roe, as defendant, alleges: PROMISSORY NOTES, ETC. 711 1st. That John Doe is a resident of said county. 2nd. That on the day of , 19 . . . . , the defendant made to plaintiff a certain promissory note for the sum of. dollars, with interest from date at per cent, per annum, which said note contained a provision that if said note was collected by suit or placed in the hands of an attorney for collection, the defendant would pay per cent. attorney's fees, together with said principal and interest, a copy of which said note is hereto attached, and marked "Exhibit A." 3rd. That on the day of , 19 . plaintiff served defendant personally with a notice in writing that it was his intention to bring suit on said note to the ...... term, 19. . . . , of superior court, and that unless the defendant paid said note on or before the return day of said court, which was on the day of , 19 . . . , that in such event he would claim the attorney's fees as expressed in said note, a copy of which said notice is hereto attached, and marked "Exhibit B," and that the defendant has failed and refused to pay said note or 'any part thereof. Wherefore, plaintiff prays that process may issue requiring the defendant to be and appear at the next term of the superior court of said county to answer your petitioner's complaint. Plaintiff's Attorney. Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, John Doe, plaintiff in petition hereinbefore set out, and who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the facts stated in said petition are true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. JOHN DOE. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of , 19. ... Clerk Superior Court. "EXHIBIT A." $ ,19.... ,19....,! promise to pay to the order of , dollars, for value received, with interest at per cent, per annum, from date, until paid. And each of us, whether maker, security or endorser on 712 PROMISSORY NOTES, ETC. this note, hereby waives and renounces, for himself and family, any and all homestead and exemption rights to which he or they may, in any event be entitled, under any provisions of the con- stitution or laws, State or federal; and each further waives demand, protest and non-payment. And in case this note has to be collected by suit, or placed in the hands of an attorney for collection, I agree to pay all costs of collection, including ten per cent, attorney's fees. Witness my hand and seal. RICHARD ROE. (L. S.) (NOTE: It has been the practice where a note has been sued upon, with notice given for attorney's fees, to file simply general denial. Where there is no affidavit to the petition this can be done, and it car- ries the case over if it is regularly placed on the trial calendar. By making the affidavit as made to this petition, any answer or plea the defendant makes must be sworn to. See Code, 5543. , As to proof of the service of the notice given of intention to sue and proof of the service of the same by manifold copy, see Savannah Bank- ing and Trust Company v. Purvis, 6 App. 275 (6) (65 S. E. 35), which reads : "Where notices are executed in duplicate or otherwise in manifold and one or more of the copies are served while another is retained, the copy so retained is admissible as primary evidence upon an issue as to the service of the notice notwithstanding the production of the copies served has not been called for by a notice to produce or otherwise.") MANIFOLD COPY OF NOTICE FOR ATTORNEY'S FEES. 4252. "EXHIBIT B." Georgia, County. To Richard Roe : You are hereby notified that I am the holder of the note made by you to me on the day of , 19 . . . . , for the sum of dollars, with interest from date at per cent, per annum, wherein there is a provision that if said note has to be collected by suit, or placed in the hands of an attorney for collection, you are obligated to pay a further sum of per cent, as attorney's fees, said note being due , 19. . . ., and it is my intention to bring suit on said note to the term, 19. . . ., of superior court, and that unless you pay the said note on or before the return day of said term, of said court, PROMISSORY NOTES, ETC. 713 which is on the day of , 19 . . . . , that I will claim in said suit the attorney's fees as expressed in said note. This day of ,19 JOHN DOE. PLEA OF NON EST FACTUAL 4295. (State the case.) And now comes the defendant in the above-stated case at this the appearance term of said case, and for plea says that the note (or other instrument in writing sued on, as the case may be) sued on in the above-stated case, was never made, signed, nor executed by him, nor by any other person by him so author- ized to do, and the same is not his act or deed. And of this he puts himself upon the country. Defendant. AFFIDAVIT. Georgia, County. Personally before me, the undersigned, an officer authorized to administer oaths, came , who on oath says that the statements contained in the foregoing plea are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 (Official designation.) (NOTE: The denial must be on oath and filed at the first term after service perfected. 4295.) PROMISSORY jSToTE WITH WAIVER OF HOMESTEAD. A.' ... after date, promise to pay to the order of , dollars, at , for value received. With interest after maturity until paid at per cent. per annum, with all costs of collection, including ten per cent. 714 PROMISSORY NOTES, ETC. as attorney's fees, if collected by law or through an attorney at law. Each of us, whether principal, security, guarantor, en- dorser, or other party hereto, hereby severally waives and renounces each for himself and family, any and all homestead and exemption rights either of us, or the family of either of us, may have under or by virtue of the Constitution or laws of Georgia, any other State, or the United States, as against this debt or any renewals thereof, and each further waives demand, protest, and notice of demand, protest and non-payment. Given under the hand and seal of each party. [L. S.] '[L. S.] Due.. REAL, ESTATE COUPON NOTE. No. On the day of , for value received, .... promise to pay , or order, dollars, in gold coin of the United States of the present standard of weight and fineness, or its equivalent, with interest from date, in gold coin aforesaid, at the rate of per cent, per annum until paid. And if this note is not paid at maturity and is put into the hands of a lawyer for collection, I agree to pay ten per cent, in addition to the principal and interest as attorney's fees. For the interest accruing before maturity, coupons dated this day are hereto attached, payable This note is given for the repayment of a loan made to under- signed by said , which is secured by deed, of even date, to certain land situated, lying and being in , this note being made pursuant to terms and conditions of said deed. hereby agree to keep all buildings on the property this day deeded to secure this note, insured for the sum of at least $ in some responsible insurance company, acceptable to payee, with loss, if any, payable to , as interest may appear at time of loss It is expressly agreed that time is of the essence of this con- PROMISSORY NOTES, ETC. 715 tract, and therefore that if either of said interest coupons should not be promptly paid at its maturity, or should any tax or assess- ment accruing against said property become delinquent or liable to have execution issued therefor, or should the insurance above contracted to be maintained be allowed to lapse , then, and in that event, said principal sum, together with all arrearages of interest thereon, shall at once become due and collectable at law, at the option of the holder thereof. And each of us, whether surety, guarantor, endorser or other party hereto, severally waives and renounces each for himself and family, any and all homestead or exemption rights which each or either of us, or the family of either of us, may have by virtue of the Constitution or laws of the State of Georgia or any other State or the United States, as against this debt or any part thereof, or any renewal thereof. Witness hand . . and seal . . [SEAL.] [SEAL.] COUPON. $ ,19.... On the day of , 19 . . . . , I promise to pay to the order of , dollars, at , with interest at the rate of eight per cent. per annum after maturity, being the interest due on that day on the promissory note hereto attached, of even date herewith, for $ , subject to all the conditions of said note. No. PROMISSORY NOTE WITH WAIVER OF HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION. $ , 19.... after date, T promise to pay , or order, dollars for value received, with interest from at the rate of per cent, per annum, with all costs of collection, including ten per cent, on principal and interest as attorney's fees. And each of us, whether prin- cipal, security, guarantor, endorser or other party hereto, do 716 PROMISSORY NOTES, ETC. hereby waive and renounce for self and family all right and benefit of the homestead exemption provided for by the Consti- tution and laws of Georgia. Witness my hand and seal. [L. S.] No.: GOLD COIN NOTE. $ , Ga., , 19 months after date, promise to pay to the order of , dollars, in gold coin of the United States, or its equivalent, for value received With interest after until paid at per cent. per annum, with all costs of collection, including ten per cent, as attorney's fees, if collected by law or through an attorney at law. Each of us, whether principal, security, guarantor, endorser, or other party hereto, hereby severally waives and renounces each for himself and family, any and all homestead of exemption rights either of us, or the family of either of us, may have under or by virtue of the Constitution or laws of Georgia, or any other State or the United States, as against this debt or any renewal thereof; and each further waives demand, protest and notice of demand, protest and non-payment. It is also expressly agreed and understood if this note is not paid when due, and shall remain unpaid, or any part of it remain unpaid, for thirty days thereafter, that all other notes out- standing, bearing even date with these presents, and given for the same intent and purpose as this note, shall, at the option of the holder, become due and collectable time being the essence of this contract. [Seal.] [Seal.] Due.. PURCHASE MONEY NOTE UNDER BOND FOR. TITLES. $ , 19.... On or before months after date, promise to pay , or order, dollars, in , value received, being part of purchase money PROMISSORY NOTES, ETC. 717 for , as per bond for titles this day given, with interest from date, at the rate of per cent, per annum until paid, and all costs of collection, including ten per cent, attorney's fees. And each of us, whether maker or endorser, hereby severally waives and renounces, for himself and family, any right to the benefit of the homestead exemptions provided for by the Consti- tution and laws of the State of Georgia, or United States, as against this note. It is also expressly agreed and understood that if this note is not paid when due, and shall remain unpaid, or any part of it remain unpaid, for ninety days thereafter, that all our other notes outstanding, bearing even date with these presents, and given for the same intent and purpose as this note, shall at the option of the holder become due and collectable time being of the essence of this contract. Given under the hand and seal' of each party. .,.' '. . . [SEAL.] . . . . [SEAL.] Due ,19 RETAINING TITLE. $.......... .,19.... after date, promise to pay to , or , dollars, value received, being for part of purchase money for , with interest until paid at per cent, per annum, with all cost of collection, including ten per cent, as attorney fees, if collected by law or through an attorney. It is understood and agreed that the title to the above de- scribed property is to remain in said until the full amount of purchase money is paid. And each of us, whether principal, security, guarantor, en- dorser or other party hereto, hereby severally waives and re- nounces each for himself and family, any and all homestead or exemption rights either of us or the family of either of us may have under or by virtue of the Constitution or laws of Georgia, any other State or the United States, as against this debt or any renewal thereof. And each further waives demand, protest and notice of demand, protest and non-payment. : [L.S.] [L.S.] Witness : . 718 PROMISSORY NOTES, ETC. COLLATERAL NOTE. ..,19, promise to pay to the order of ... at , dollars, for value received, with interest at the rate of per cent, per annum from until paid. To secure the prompt payment of this note, or any other indebtedness due or to become due the holder of this note here pledges the following collateral, now in possession of said It being hereby agreed that other collaterals of equal value may be substituted for the above with the consent of said or the holder of the note, which collaterals, when so substituted, shall be subject to this pledge. And represent and covenant that have full power and authority to pledge such collaterals. And hereby constitute , or the holder of this note, jointly and severally attorney or attorneys to collect, sell, or otherwise dispose of the whole or any portion of said collaterals either at public or private sale, and without notice to of any intention to sell, either for the pur- pose of paying said note when due, or in case margins shall not be furnished when required. And authorize the said , or the holder of this note, to become a purchaser on its own account at any such sale or sales ; and for that purpose in name to sign and execute any transfer, conveyance or instrument in writing, whether un- der seal or otherwise, which may be necessary or lawful in the premises. In case of default hereby agree to pay ten per cent. attorney's fees and cost of court that may be incurred in secur- ing the rights of said or the holder of this note, and collecting any amounts or balance which may remain unpaid under this instrument; which fees and costs shall be a part of indebtedness herein created, and be paid by said or holder of this note, from proceeds of such sale or sales. And to further secure the payment hereof, each of us, whether maker or endorser, hereby expressly waives any and all exemp- PROMISSORY NOTES, ETC. 719 tion rights secured to us by the Constitution and laws of Georgia, or of the United States. Witness our hands and seals. [L.S.] [L. S.] Signed in the presence of JOINT AND SEVERAL NOTES. months after date we, or either of us, promise to pay , or order [or bearer], dollars, for value received, with interest from at the rate of per cent, per annum until paid. This .day of , 19 NOTE BY PRINCIPAL AND SECURITY. months after date, we, or either of us, promise to pay , or order [or bearer], dollars, for vdlue received, with interest from at the rate of per cent, per annum until paid. This day of .,19 , Principal. , Security. CREDIT ENTERED ON NOTE, FORM OF. Paid on the within note dollars. This day of ,19 [NOTE. In order for the credit entered to arrest the running of the statute of limitations the same must be in the handwriting of the maker of the note or else signed by him or by some one by him duly authorized.] 720 PROMISSORY NOTES, ETC. CONDITIONAL SALE Georgia, County. $ , 19.... after date, promise to pay to the order of , with interest after at the rate of eight per cent, per annum until paid, to be paid annually, and if not so paid to be counted as principal ; and costs of collection, including ten per cent, of principal and interest as attorney's fees. Value received. And each of us, whether maker, or endorser, as to this debt, expressly waives and renounces all right to the benefit of home- stead and exemption under the Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia. In testimony whereof this note is signed and sealed. This note is given for the purchase money of now sold to me by the payee. And it is expressly agreed as part of the terms of said sale that the title to said property is to remain and be in the payee or his assigns until this note and expenses of collection are fully paid off and discharged. And in consideration of the premises, and in consideration of the fact that I am intrusted with the custody of the property, I further assume the risk df its safe keeping, and agree to pay for the same although it may be lost or destroyed or injured, or may die. If I fail to pay for the said property, and the holder of this note shall elect to retake the same, then and in that event I agree 1 to pay him for the hire thereof from this date for the time I shall keep it. Witness my hand and seal, this , 19. ... [L. S.] [L. S.] Signed, scaled and delivered in the presence of ., J. P. FARM RENT NOTE. Lbs. ,19 By the day of , 19 . . . . , promise PROMISSORY !\OTKS, ETC. 721 to pay .................. , or order, at any warehouse ill the city of .......... that may be designated by said ............ .......... pounds of lint cotton, to class middling, packed in good merchantable bales, free of charge to said ............. , for rent for the year 19. ... of the following described lands, situated in ............ county, Georgia, to wit, ........... and known as the ................ place. The payee nor his assigns to be liable for any repairs on the premises. And ............... hereby waives all benefit of the home- stead and exemption laws of Georgia, as against the payment of this note; and agrees in case the same is collected by suit or through an attorney, to pay ten per cent, thereon as attorney's fees, and all costs of suit. Witness ............ hand . . and seal . . ............. : ................. [L. s.] Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of ........................... ....... . J. P. RENT NOTE WITH LIEN. By the day of ,19 ,1 promise to pay , assigns or bearer, for rent of . . . [describe the land] . . .for the year 19 , with interest from maturity, at eight per cent, per annum, with all costs of collection, including ten per cent, on principal and interest as attorney's fees. The lien of my said landlord shall attach and date at the time of the making of this note. I waive and renounce all right to benefits of homestead and exemption under the laws of Georgia as against this debt. Witness my hand and seal this day of , "" ' [L.S, [L. S.] Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of . J. P, 722 PROMISSORY NOTES, ETC. CERTIFICATE OF PROTEST. 5822. Georgia, County. I, , a notary public in and for said county, do hereby certify that on the day of , 19. . . ., I duly presented to for payment a certain for dollars, principal, dated the day of , 19 . . . . , made by said , and indorsed by , and demanded payment of the same ; that payment thereof was refused and that said paper Was on the same date protested by me for non-payment. And I further certify that on the same date, to wit, on the day of , 19 . . . . , I gave written notice of the non-payment thereof to by depositing the said notice, postage prepaid, in the post office at , duly inclosed in an envelope directed to the said at , Georgia, where the said resides. Witness my hand and seal of office this day of ,19.... [SEAL] Notary Public, County, Georgia. NOTICE OF PROTEST. 4280. Georgia, ............ County. To .................. , Indorser : Take notice that a certain ................ for the sum of .......... dollars, principal, dated the. . . . day of .......... , 19 . . . . , payable the ...... day of ............ , 19 . . . . , made by ............... , and endorsed by you, has this day been protested by me for non-payment, payment having been first duly demanded and refused. As indorser of the same you will be held liable for the amount, with interest, damage and costs. Notary Public. Attorney's fees. Notice of intention to sue, required by 4252 as con- dition precedent to recovery of attorney's fees, must disclose holder of note in whose behalf payment is demanded. 7 App. 645 (3) (67 S. E. 896); 14 App. 300 (80 S. E. 723); 17 App. 517 (87 S. E. 770). Notice naming term of court preceding term to which suit is returnable, not sufficient. 15 App. 133 (82 S. E. 772). Notices PROMISSORY NOTES, ETC. 723 were held sufficient in the following cases: 128/414 (57 S. E. 704); 141/578 (81 S. E. 892); 13 App. 309 (79 S. E. 165); 14 App. 80 (80 S. E. 301); 17 App. 463 (87 S. E. 701). Where petition alleges that notice has been given, it is unnecessary to attach to petition copy of such notice. 140/603 (3) (79 S. E. 540). Allega- tion that plaintiff had caused written notice to be served, together with prayer for recovery of attorney's fees, was sufficient to show that notice based on section 4252 was notice of intention to sue on note and seek to recover attorney's fees according to its terms. 140/653, 654 (4) (79 S. E. 539). Fact that carbon copy of notice served differed in certain immaterial respects from notice actually served did not render such copy objectionable as immaterial and irrelevant. 141/840 (82 S. E. 246). In absence of demurrer, state- ment in petition that defendants had been notified of suit in writing ten days before filing same, in connection with allegation that de- fendants in their note, copy of which was attached to petition, promised to pay attorney's fees, was sufficient basis for recovery of such fees. 13 App. 119 (2) (78 S. E. 862). Allegation that in terms of law petitioner gave notice of intention to sue, and that defendant failed to pay, was sufficient, in absence of special de- murrer, to authorize proof authorizing recovery of attorney's fees. 14 App. 293 (2) (80 S. E. 699). Blanks. Note payable to order and issued with a blank for the payee's name may be filled up by any bona fide holder with his own name as payee, and it is a good promissory note as to him from its date. 140/398 (2) (78 S. E. 841). Date of payment omitting year, how construed. 1 App. 63 (57 S. E. 911). Indorsement in blank, effect of. 122/70 (49 S. E'. 809). Bona fide holder. Not necessary for plaintiff's petition to allege from whom note sued on was purchased, especially in absence of de- murrer. 18 App. 263 (89 S. E. 450). Consideration. When sealed note is sued on and petition nevertheless recites the consideration, it is permissible for plaintiff to strike, by amendment, the allegation as to consideration. 17 App. 495 (87 S. E. 716). Mere allegation that note is wholly without considera- tion amounts to nothing more than a plea of general issue, and is too vague and indefinite to constitute a proper plea of failure of consideration. 18 App. 45 (2) (88 S. E. 825). Plea here was not sufficient to charge notice of failure of consideration. 145/494 (89 S. E. 613). Copy. Code, 5541, is substantially complied with when, in suit against maker of large number of notes, copy of one is attached to the petition, and it is alleged that all of the other notes are exactly like it "in form and substance, except as to dates of maturity, which are one month apart in succession." 16 App. 146 (84 S. E. 616). Descriptio personae. The abbreviations and letters, "Treas.," and "V. P.," following names respectively of two indorsers, are mere words of description, and obligation incurred by such indorsers is personal. 14 App. 729 (83 S. E, 314). Entries on back of note may be relied on by defendant to suit, but may be explained. 122/249 (50 S. E. 95). Execution. Note which is basis of suit need not have its execution proved where no plea of non est factum has been filed. 16 App. 95, 96 (3) (84 S. E. 591); 18 App. 445 (3) (89 S. E. 635). Not error to admit in evidence notes sued on, though their execution 724 RECOUPMENT RES JUDICATA was not proved by attesting witnesses, when defendants had filed no plea of non est factum. 16 App. 14, 15 (7) (84 S. E. 483). "For value received," a patent ambiguity explainable by parol. 127/34 (56 S. E. 86). Indorsement. Plea denying transfer, assignment, or indorsement of certain drafts from the original payee to the plaintiff, in absence of demurrer, must be treated as such a compliance with Code, 4299, as to put plaintiff on proof of indorsements. 14 App. 645 (82 S. B. 51). Plea necessary, to require proof of indorsement. 17 App. 170, 192 (86 S. E. 4S4). Non est factum. Plea under oath denying allegation that plaintiff is bona fide holder of note, for value and before maturity, is not the equivalent of a plea of non est factum as to the indorsement. 13 App. 35 (78 S. E. 772). Plea must be verified. 142/48 (3-a) (82 S. E. 441). Plea of non est factum is subject to be stricken when it does not unequivocally deny that the notes sued on are the act and deed of defendant. 18 App. 161 (89 S. E. 77). Seal must be recited in body of note and appear after signature. 126/311 (55 S. E. 62); 127/441 (56 S. E. 631). Not make note a sealed instrument, without a recital for that purpose in the body of the note. 125/801 (54 S. E. 697). Writing. To enable holder of promissory note payable to another to assert successfully the rights of a bona fide purchaser for value, it must appear that the "payee formally indorsed or assigned it in writing to the holder. 13 App. 492 (79 S. E. 359). RECOUPMENT. 4350-4353. (See Set-Off and Recoupment, post.) REFERENCE TO AUDITORS. 5127-5149. (See Auditors, ante.) RELEASE. (See Accord and Satisfaction, and Release, ante.) RES JUDICATA. PLEA. 4335, 5678. (State the case.) And now comes the defendant and for plea and answer says : 1. That on the day of , 19. . . ., in an action in the court of said county, between ROADS 725 , the plaintiff, and , the defendant, a judgment was rendered in favor of said plaintiff against said defendant, for the sum of dollars. A copy of said judgment is hereto attached. 2. Defendant avers that said action, in which the said judg- ment was rendered, was between the same parties, and for the same cause of action as that now alleged in plaintiff's petition, and said judgment was a full and final adjudication of the claim and cause of action now sued on. And of this the defendant puts himself upon the country. Defendant's Attorney. ROADS. 628-743. (See Bridges, ante, page 334.) APPLICATION FOR NEW ROAD. 640. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County: The application of the undersigned [set out the names of the applicants], citizens of said county, respectfully shows that it will be a public utility, and the convenience of the traveling public, and the people of the neighborhood will be greatly pro- moted by the establishment of the new road, commencing [par- ticularly describe the proposed road, its commencing point, its course, by what residences and through whose lands it will run, and its points of convergence with another public road, etc.]. Wherefore, your petitioners pray the appointment of three road commissioners, residing as near where such road is intended to pass as possible, to make a review of said contemplated road ; and if they find such new road of public utility, to proceed to mark it out, and to make their report to the ordinary of said county that it was laid out and marked conformably to law. (NOTE: Section 640 also applies to an alteration in an old road. If an alteration is desired, the foregoing petition can easily be adapted, by describing the old road, and setting out the changes desired to be made by the new one.) 726 ROADS APPOINTMENT OF REVIEWERS. Georgia, ............ County. ......... Court of Ordinary, at Chambers, .................... and [set out the other petitioners], having filed their application, showing that the establishment of a new road, commencing [describe the road as in the applica- tion] will be of public utility, and the convenience of the travel- ing public, and the people of the neighborhood will be greatly promoted by the establishment of the new road proposed ; it is hereby ordered that ................. , ................. and .................. , road commissioners, residing as near where such road is intended to pass as possible, be and they are hereby appointed reviewers of said contemplated road, and that they examine into the same, and if they find that such road will be of public utility, and the convenience of the traveling public, and the people of the neighborhood will be greatly promoted by its establishment, they are hereby directed and required to lay out and mark the same conformable to law, and make their report thereof to this court, under oath, that it was so laid out and marked. Witness my hand and seal of office this ...... day of ....... , 19 ____ [SEAL] ................................ Ordinary. REPORT OF REVIEWERS. Georgia, County. To the Court of Ordinary of said County : The undersigned, appointed for the purpose of reviewing the road petitioned for by. and others, said road commencing [describe the road as in the within order of ap- pointment], have performed the duty assigned them, having m'ade the examination required by law, and now find and report under oath that the contemplated road will be of public utility, and the convenience of the traveling public, and the people of the neighborhood will be greatly promoted by its establishment ROADS 727 and that they have laid out and marked said road conformably to law. This day of , 19 Reviewers. AFFIDAVIT TO REPORT. 640. Georgia, County. The undersigned, , and , came in person before the undersigned, and, after being duly sworn, say that the statements contained in the foregoing petition are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 , Ordinary. CITATION OF ORDINARY. 641. Georgia, County. To All Whom it may Concern : Take notice that and [set out the names of the applicants] have applied for an order seeking the establish- ment of a new road, which has been laid out and marked con- formably to law by commissioners duly appointed, and a report thereof made on oath by them, said road commencing [describe the road as set out in the report of the reviewers] ; now, if no good cause be shown to the contrary by persons interested in this matter, the order will be granted by the undersigned, at the office of the ordinary in said county, on the. , day of , 19. . . ., establishing said new road. This day of... , 19 Ordinary. [NOTK. The above citation must be published for thirty days at the door of the court house, and in the public gazette if there is one in the county.] 728 ROADS NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. 642. Georgia, County. To : and others have applied for a new road, commencing at [describe the road as set out in the report of the reviewers] , which has been marked out through jour land by commissioners duly appointed, who have filed their report on oath. The application and report of commissioners for said road will be heard at my office on the day of , 19. . . ., next, by which time you must put in your claim for damages or be ever after estopped. If no legal cause is shown to the contrary, an order for said road will be finally granted. This day of , 19 Ordinary. ORDER ESTABLISHING THE ROAD. 641. Georgia, ............ County. Ordinary's Office of said County, at Chambers, . Upon the report of the reviewers appointed to lay out and mark the contemplated new road commencing [describe the road as set out in the report of the reviewers], and the under- signed, ordinary of said county, on the investigation had, being willhig to grant such road, and citation having been duly pub- lished, according to law, and .......... , the owners, residing on the land which said road goes through, having been legally served in writing with the notice required by law, it is further ordered that said road be, and the same is, hereby established as one of the public roads in said county, and it is further or- dered that the clerk of this court furnish the commissioners of the .......... road district of said county with a certified copy of this order; and said commissioners are directed and required to have said road opened, an overseer appointed, and hands ap- portioned for said road. This ...... day of ............ , 19 ____ Ordinary. ROADS 729 SUMMONS OF ROAD HANDS BY OVERSEER. 651, 652. Georgia, County. To ': You are hereby notified to be and appear at by o'clock. . . .m., on the day of ,19 , for the purpose of working the public road leading from to , and bring with YOU the following implements: LIST OF DEFAULTERS RETURNED BY OVERSEER. 653. Georgia, County. To the Commissioners of Roads in and for Road District in said County: At a working of the road, of which the undersigned is over- seer, commencing on the day of , 19 , and continuing for days, the following are defaulters [set out the names of the defaulters and the number of days of the default]. This day of ,19 Overseer. OVERSEERS' WEEKLY REPORT. For week ending , 19. ... Road Name of Defaulters. Dist. Where Reside. Number. 730 EOADS NUMBER TRIED AND FINED, OR OTHERWISE DISPOSED OF. Attested by two witnesses : Approved by two Comm'rs. Overseer. NOTICE TO DEFAULTERS. 667. Georgia, County. To : You are hereby notified to be and appear at a sitting of the board of road commissioners in road district at in said district, on the day of , 19. . . ., to answer for your default as a road hand at a recent working of the road, of which I am overseer. This' day of , 19 Overseer. EXCUSE OF DEFAULTER. 667. Georgia, County. In re , road defaulter. And now comes , and for excuse for not attend- ing at , on the day of , 19 , for the purpose of working the public road leading from to , says that there was no written summons served upon him as required by law, nor was he otherwise notified to appear and work said road. This day of , 19 Georgia, County. Personally before me, one of the commissioners of roads for road district of said county, came , who ROADS 731 on oath says that the statements contained in the foregoing are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 , Commissioner. OATH OF WITNESS. You do solemnly swear that you will true answers make to all questions that you will be asked by the commissioners touch- ing the non-performance of road duty ; so help you God. JUDGMENT OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Georgia, County. At a sitting of the commissioners of roads in and for the .... road district in said county, held at , in said county, in case of default, it appears that , after being duly notified, made default in working on the road to which he was assigned. And it appearing that said has been duly notified to attend a sitting of the board of commissioners this day to answer said default, and said. having failed to appear. And it appearing that said has been a de- faulter for days : Ordered that said pay a fine of dollars for each day of his default for non-performance of road duty. Witness our hands and official signatures this day of ,19.. Commissioners. WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS. Georgia, County. To , Constable in and for District, G. M. : We command you that of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of , of said district, you cause to be made the sum of dollars, the amount of fines imposed upon 732 ROADS the said for his default in non-performance of road work ; whereof the said is convicted and lia- ble, and the said sum being collected within ten days thereafter you are required to pay over to the undersigned or one of them. Witness our hands and official signatures this day of.. . 19.. Commissioners. APPLICATION TO APPORTION ROAD. 662. Georgia, County. To , and ......... Road Commissioners of the Road District : makes this application to the road commission- ers above named for an equal and just portion of the public road leading from to , in the road district, in said county, to be apportioned to him and his hands on petitioner's farm. -Petitioner and his said hands, to wit, [name the several hands] will faithfully work and keep in good repair the equal and just portion of said road appor- tioned to him and his said hands. This day of , 19 ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION. Read and considered. It is hereby ordered that , the applicant in the foregoing petition, be assigned that portion of the public road leading from to , in the road district, in said county, beginning at the and extending to '. . , a distance of miles and yards, the same to be by him faithfully worked and kept in good repair by himself and his hands, to wit, [set out the names of the hands.] Commissioners. ROADS 733 PETITION FOR DAMAGES. 678. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary of said County: The petition of , one of the owners through whose land the proposed new road hereinafter mentioned will be laid out, feeling aggrieved by reason of the laying out of the said proposed new road, respectfully shows: 1.' That and other citizens of said county, pray- ing for the granting of an order, have filed an application in writing with the ordinary of said county, praying for the grant- ing of an order for the establishment of a new road commenc- ing [describe the road as in the application]. 2. Petitioner shows that said contemplated road as estab- lished will run through his land, and that he will thereby be injured to the Amount of dollars. Wherefore, he prays that a warrant may issue under the hand of the ordinary, directed to the sheriff of said county, requesting him to summon from the vicinage through which said proposed road will run a jury of freeholders to try such question of dam- age, as required by law. WARRANT TO THE SHERIFF. 678. Georgia, County. To , Sheriff of said County : having petitioned in writing the ordinary of said county, alleging that he as one of the land owners through which the roads run will be damaged in the sum of dollars by the opening of said proposed new road, commencing [describe the road as in the foregoing petition]. You are there- fore directed and required to summon from the vicinage through which said proposed road as established will run, a jury of twelve competent freeholders who, after being duly sworn by some justice of the peace, shall truly and impartially assess any dam- age the said , as owner aforesaid, will sustain by means of said new road, and the justice of the peace who admin- isters said oath shall preside over their deliberations. Witness my hand and seal of office this day of , 1"9.... [SEAL] Ordinary. 734 ROADS OATH OF JURY. 678. You, and each of you, do swear that you will truly and im- partially assess any damages will sustain by means of a proposed new road over the lands of the said , to be opened upon the petition of and others ; so help you God. TRIAL OF QUESTION OF DAMAGE, NOTICE OF. 681. Georgia, County. To , and , Commissioners of the Road District : You are hereby notified to attend at [naming a con- venient house near by where the hearing may be had] , in said county, on the day of , 19 . . . . , when and where a question of damage to , the owner of lands through which said proposed new road will run, consequent upon the opening and establishing of the new road proposed to be run, said road commencing [describe the road as in the petition], at which time the question of damage to the said will be submitted to a jury. This day of , 19 ' 'Sheriff. ' [NOTE. 681 requires the sheriff to notify the justice of the peace of the district where the road lies, and also the owner of the land, and a notice similar to the foregoing shall be served upon them.] VERDICT. We, the jury, find for the plaintiff the sum of. dollars damages, and costs of suit. This day of , 19 Foreman. OR We, the jury, find against the claim of for damages. Foreman. [NOTE. It is the duty of the jury to inspect the road and land in ROADS question unless already familiar with it and swear any witnesses that the owner or any person on the part of the county may effer as to their .opinion of the damage sustained.] ORDER FOR DAMAGES. Georgia, County. Office of Ordinary of County. In re claim for damages, caused by opening of new road through his land. It appearing to the court that the question of damage in the above stated case was submitted to be tried by' a jury of free- holders, consisting of , as foreman, and eleven others, on the day of , 19. . . ., and the said jury by their verdict having found that the said will be damaged in the sum of dollars by the opening of said new road over his land ; Ordered that the said do have and recover of the county of the sum of dollars for his damages, and the county treasurer of said county is hereby directed to pay over the said amount to the said This day of , 19 Ordinary. [NOTE. If the ordinary is satisfied that the damages found transcend the utility of the proposed road, or that part of it to which the verdict relates, he may revoke the road altogether, or order the same altered, so as to avoid the land so damaged or make the owner an offer of such compensation as the ordinary may think just.] NOTICE TO NEGLIGENT OVERSEER. 690. Georgia, County. To , Overseer of the Road Leading from to , through the Road District : Whereas, we have received information that from your negli- gence and inattention, the road of which you are the overseer is now, and has been for some time past, in bad order and out of repair, you are hereby notified and required to be and appear before said road commissioners at . , in said district, 736 ROADS on the day of , 19 . . . . , to answer your default. Given under our hands and official sig- natures, this day of . . . ., 19. . . . Commissioners. INSPECTORS or KOADS AND BEIDGES. '729(8), 739-743. APPOINTMENT or ROAD OVERSEERS. 729(1). Georgia, County. Board of District Commissioners, , 19. . . Ordered, that be, and he is, hereby appointed overseer of the public road passing through the road district of county [here describe the road]. Said overseer is hereby invested with all the authority given to such overseers and is required to do and perform all the things and duties of overseers of said road. Said overseer is allowed the hands of said , and [name the several hands apportioned to him]. Commissioners. SUMMONS TO APPEAR BEFORE GRAND JURY. 731. Georgia, County. In the Superior Court of said County. .Term, 19 To : The grand jury of said county, on the. .... .day of , 19 . . . . , at the regular term of the Superior Court. having presented you for neglect of duty as road commissioner, ROADS 737 you are hereby commanded to be and appear at the next Supe- rior Court for said .county, to be held on the. . . .day of , 19. . ., to answer said accusation. This day of , 19. ... Clerk Superior Court County. NOTICE TO DEFAULTER. 701-703. Georgia, County. To " : It being made to appear to me that you have failed to pay the commutation road tax when demanded by , the officer appointed by the authorities to make such demand, and have failed and refused to appear at the time and place ap- pointed to work, when summoned and notified by , the officer whose duty it was to give said summons and notice by the rules of the authorities having charge of the public roads (or who shall fail or refuse to do faithful work as ordered by the officers in charge of the work when he has appeared), you are hereby commanded to be and appear before me, at my office in the courthouse in said county, at nine, o'clock, A. M., on the day of , 19. . . ., and then and there show cause why you should not be fined or imprisoned for such fail- ure. Let be served with a copy of this order at least ten days before said time of trial. This day of , 19 Ordinary. COMMITMENT BY COMMISSIONER. Georgia, County. To the Jailer of said County : having been arrested and brought before us and convicted of default of duty as a road hand of the road district of said county and by us to be imprisoned in the common jail of said county for the full term of days, you are therefore commanded to receive the said and 738 ROADS him safely keep and confined in the common jail of said county from the day he is delivered to you. Given under our hands and official signatures, this day of ..,19.... Commissioners. COMPLAINT BY CITIZEN AGAINST ROAD COMMISSIONER. 732. Georgia, County. To the Ordinary [Judge of the County Court, or Board of Com- missioners of Roads and Revenues] of said County : 1. The petition of shows that he is a citizen of the road district of said county, and that and and are road commissioners for the road district. 2. Petitioner shows that said commissioners are guilty of neglect of [state in what particulars the neglect consisted]. 3. Petitioner prays that a summons may issue in writing, di- rected to such defaulting commissioners, commanding them to be and appear before , ordinary of said county, at the usual place of sitting on the day of , 19. . ., to answer the accusation in this petition above contained and to show cause, if any they have, why they should not be fined or imprisoned according to the statute in such case made and pro- vided. Petitioner. Georgia, County. Personally before me, the undersigned, came , the petitioner in the above petition named, who on oath says that the facts set forth in the foregoing petition are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 , Ordinary. ROADS 739 SUMMONS OF ORDINARY. 732. Georgia, County. To : You are hereby notified to be and appear before the under- signed, the ordinary of said county, at the usual place of sitting, on the day of , 19 , at 9 o'clock, a. m., to answer the accusation contained in the foregoing petition, and to show cause,' if any you have or can, why you should not be fined or imprisoned for neglect of duty as therein prayed for. Herein fail not, as in default thereof the said , ordi- nary, will proceed according to the statute in such cases made and provided. This day of , 19 Ordinary. [NOTE. A copy of the above petition and summons should be served by the sheriff or his deputy upon the commissioner complained against, at least twenty days before the day of hearing.] JUDGMENT THEREUPON. 732, 733. Georgia, County. Office of the Ordinary of said County. Complaint of , charging with neglect of duty as road commissioner. It appearing to the court that on the day of , 19. . . ., , a citizen of -said county, filed his petition in writing to the ordinary of said county making complaint against , and , road commissioners appointed for road district of said county, for neglect of duty, in the particulars in said petition specified, and the said , and , road commissioners as aforesaid, having been summoned in writ- ing, and duly served according to law with such summons, call- ing upon them to appear before the undersigned this day, to answer the accusation in said petition contained, and said having failed to show any satisfactory cause why they should not be punished as aforesaid. It is ordered that said , and each be fined in the sum of dollars [not less than ten 740 RULES AGAINST OFFICERS dollars nor more than two hundred dollars], and in default ol the payment of the fine above imposed, that the said , and be confined in the common jail of said county for the space of days, as provided by law. And it is further ordered that the said , and be, and they are, hereby removed from office. This day of , 19 Ordinary. KULES AGAINST OFFICERS. 5341-5354. MONEY RULE DEMAND. 5343. Georgia, County. To , of said County : I hereby make demand upon you for the money collected by you upon a certain fi. fa. in favor of against for dollars, principal dollars, interest, dollars, attorney's fees, and dol- lars, costs, issued from the term, 19. . . ., of the court of the district, G. M., said county, or in de- fault take notice that I shall also claim of you twenty per cent, per annum interest on amount due on said fi. fa. This day of , 19 .Plaintiff in Fi. Fa. AFFIDAVIT AS TO SERVICE. 5344. Georgia, County. Personally comes. , who, being duly sworn, deposes and says, that on the day of , 19. . . ., he did personally serve of said county, with a written demand, of which the foregoing is a copy. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 ,J.P. RULES AGAINST OFFICERS RULE NISI. 5346. (General form.) Georgia, County. vs. The foregoing petition against , of said count?, read and considered. Ordered that he show cause as prayed. before the. court of said county, on the day of , 19. . .^.. Let a copy of said petition and of this order be reserved upon the said forthwith. This day of , 19 j. P. RULE ABSOLUTE. 5347. Georgia, County. vs. The defendant in the above-stated case, having been duly served with a copy of the petition filed in the case and of the rule nisi, and having failed to show cause as- required, ordered that the said rule be made absolute, and that he pay to the plain- tiff instanter the amount due on said fi. fa., to wit, dollars and twenty per cent, per annum interest thereon, and that on failure to do so, he be subject to execution or attach- ment, as provided by law. This day of ,19 RULE AGAINST SHERIFF. 5342. (State the case.) Georgia, County. To the Honorable , Judge of the Superior Court of said County: brings this his petition against , sheriff of said county, and alleges : 742 RCLES AGAINST OFFICERS i 1. On the day of , 19. . . ., a certain fi. fa. for dollars, lately, to wit, on the day of , 19. . . ., issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of petitioner against , was placed in the hands of said defendant sheriff, and has ever since, con- tinuously, been in his hands. 2. The said , sheriff as aforesaid, has had said fi. fa. in his hands long enough to have made the money due thereon. 3. Petitioner has upon more than one occasion pointed out to said sheriff property of the defendant in said fi. fa. more than sufficient to satisfy the same upon which to levy the same. 4. Said defendant sheriff has never yet made the money upon said fi. fa., nor any part of said money. Wherefore, petitioner prays a rule nisi directed to the said defendant requiring him to show cause why he should not pay over to petitioner or his attorney, instanter, the money due on said fi. fa. or why, in default thereof, he should not be attached for a contempt. Attorney for plaintiff in fi. fa. ATTACHMENT. Georgia, County. To the Coroner of said County : A rule absolute having at the term, 19 . . . . , of the Superior Court of said county, held on the day of , 19. . . ., been granted against , sheriff of said county, requiring him to pay over (instanter) to or his attorney, the sum of . . dollars, principal, the sum of dollars, interest to the date of said rule, and the further sum of dollars, costs, or in default that he be attached, and he having made default : You are therefore commanded to arrest the body of the said , sheriff as aforesaid, and commit him to the common jail of said county, there to be confined and safely kept, without bail, until he purge himself of the contempt aforesaid, SALES 743 by pay ing over the aforesaid sums of money to the said , or his lawful attorney. Witness the honorable , judge of said court, this day of , 19 Judge of Superior Court. SALES. PRIVATE, 4106-4143. PUBLIC, 6051-6077. CONTRACT AND ESCROW DEED. 4183. Georgia, County. This contract made and entered into this day of , 19 . . . , between , party of the first part, and , party of the second part, each party being of said State and county, witnesseth: Whereas, said party of the first part has this day entered into an agreement with party of the second part, whereby party of the first part sells to the said party of the second part, the fol- lowing described property : [here describe the property] , at and for the price and sum of $ , of which $ is this day in hand paid to the party of the first part by the party of the second part, and the remainder, to wit,' the sum and amount of $ '. ., is to be paid on or by the day of ,19.... !N"ow the party of the first part herewith this day makes and executes his escrow deed in and to said property and conveying the same to the said party of the second part, and by agreement of the parties, said deed is to be deposited with ... the cashier of bank, to be held by him in escrow, and when the said party of the second part shall pay to said cashier $ , the remainder of said purchase money, then in such case the said cashier is to deliver said escrow deed to said party of the second part, and said sale and conveyance is to be then and thereby fully completed and consummated. But if the said party of the second part shall fail within said time, that said deed is to remain in escrow as agreed, to pay to 744 SALES the said cashier the said remainder of the said purchase money, then in such case the party of the first part shall have the right to take said deed out of escrow and to keep the money hereto- fore paid by party of the second part to him as part of the pur- chase money, and all right and interest of the said party of the second part in and to this contract shall terminate and be at an end. This contract is made in triplicate, each one of which shall be original evidence of this contract. In witness whereof said parties have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals, the day and year first above written. ........................ ....... (L.S.) Signed, sealed and delivered in the pres- ence of: ..J. P. (NOTE: Deed placed in escrow can be drawn as ordinary warranty deed.) EECEIPT OF HOLDER FOR ESCROW DEED. Georgia, County. < ,19...-. I, , cashier of bank, of the city of , in the state of , having read over the foregoing contract and agreement, hereby acknowledge re- ceipt of said deed, and agree and undertake to hold said deed in escrow according to the terms therein set out, and to deliver said deed upon the conditions only as therein agreed. My re- ceipt is made in triplicate, each one of which shall be original evidence of the same, and I acknowledge that I have received one of the triplicate copies of said contract between the parties. Cashier. PETITION TO SELL PERISHABLE PROPERTY. 6068. Georgia, County. To , Judge of the Superior Court: The petition of shows to your Honor the follow- ing facts : 1. That a fi. fa. issued from the superior court of said county SALES 745 in favor of petitioner against , at the term, 19 . . . . , of said court, and the same has been levied by the sheriff of said county upon certain property which is liable to deteriorate in value, and there is attendant expense in keeping the same, to wit [here set out and describe the property] . 2. Petitioner shows that defendant in fi. fa. has failed to replevy said property, and the same now remains in the hands of the said sheriff. Wherefore, petitioner prays that your Honor grant an order requiring the defendant to show cause before your Honor, after three days' notice to him, why an order should not be passed authorizing the sheriff to sell said property after having adver- tised the same for ten days as provided by law. Attorney for plaintiff in fi. fa. AFFIDAVIT. Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, , the subscriber, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the facts and things stated in the foregoing petition are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19.... ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. Office of Judge of Superior Court. At Chambers, , 19 .... The foregoing petition having been considered, it is ordered that , the defendant in fi. fa,, show cause before me at my office in the courthouse on the day of , 19 , at nine o'clock, a. in., why the prayer of petition should not be had and allowed, and an order made for the sale of s:iM property as prayed. ,linli;-f Siipei'ior Court. 746 SALES ORDER FOR SALE. 6068. Office of Judge of Superior Court. At Chambers, , 19 .... The above and foregoing petition coming on for a hearing, and it appearing that said property is liable to deteriorate in value, and that there is expense attending the keeping of the same, and the defendant in fi. fa. having been served with a copy of the petition and my former order days before this hearing, it is considered, ordered and adjudged that , the sheriff be, and he is, hereby directed, after days' ad- vertisement according to law, to sell said property at the court- house door at the usual place of sheriff's sales. Judge Superior Court. OPTION TO PURCHASE. Georgia, County. Received of the sum of dollars, and in consideration thereof I hereby agree and bind myself that if the said shall at any time within . from this date pay to me the sum of dollars, then, upon the payment of said amount, I bind myself, my heirs and assigns, to execute to said , or his assigns, good and sufficient warranty titles in and to the following described lands : . .... This option to purchase shall expire if the money is not paid within from this date. In testimony whereof, I have set my hand and affixed my seal, this day of , 19. ... [L.S.] Conditional sale. Contract here between a sewing machine company and another was held to be a contract of conditional sale with title reserved in the company, though the contract is called, throughout, a "rent contract," or a "lease," and all the payments to be made were designated as "rent."" 17 App. 517 (87 S. E. 719). Description of land in contract of sale is sufficiently definite where premises are so described as to indicate the grantor's intention to sell a particular lot of land. 145/65 (1) (88 S. E. 960). Contract which does not identify articles is not contract for sale of goods. SCIEE FACIAS 747 128/698 (58 S. E. 200). Thing sold is not identified where pur- chaser had the right to select one or more of four kinds of roofing 12 App. 537, 539 (77 S. E. 829). Duress. Plea must state fact constituting duress 1 ADD 800 (57 S. E. 944). Option to buy, contract for, not unilateral. 123/190 (57 S. E. 285). Effect of paper reciting that A. had rented certain lands of B., "with the refusal to buy it," etc. 123/201 (51 S. E. 436). Resale. Notice of intention to resell need not state time and place. 126/834 (56 S. E. 88). SCIRE FACIAS 5609-5611, 5692, 5975-5979, 6514. ORDER FOB Sci. FA. TO ISSUE. 5609. (State the case.) Complaint in Superior Court. Returnable to the Term, 19. . . ., of said county. It appearing to the court that , the defendant in the above-stated case, departed this life on the day of , 19. . . ., and that his death has been suggested of record, and that , on the day of , 19. . . ., duly qualified as executor of the estate of said deceased, it is .ordered that the writ of scire facias issue requiring said to show cause before me, at judge's chambers, at nine o'clock on the day of , 19. . . ;, at the court house of said county, why he should not be made a party to said cause. This day of ,19 (NOTE: The rule may issue either in term time or vacation, and the answer thereto may be heard in term of vacation. 5601). WRIT. (State the case.) Complaint in Superior Court. Returnable to the Term, 19 , of said county. To All and Singular the Sheriffs of said State: The defendant, , having departed this life dur- 748 SCIRE FACIAS ing the pendency of the above-stated case, and his death having been suggested of record, and having duly quali- fied as executor of the estate of said deceased, on the day of , 19 . . . . ; you are, therefore, hereby commanded to serve the said with a copy hereof, and let him be and appear before the undersigned in vacation, at chambers, on the day of , 19. . . ., at nine o'clock, a. m., to show cause, if any he has, why he should not be made a party defendant to said action and the case proceed against him as executor as aforesaid. Witness the honorable ., judge of the Superior Court for said county, this day of , 19 .... Clerk, (NOTE: The clerk should make out copies of the sci. fa., which should be served personally by the sheriff of the county in which the party to be notified may reside, twenty days before the date fixed for the hearing, if at chambers, or twenty days before the sitting of the court to which it is made returnable, and the original returned to the clerk of the court from which it issued; an original and copy shall issue in each county in which any party to be notified may reside. 5976. If the defendant, or party to be notified, resides out of this State he should be served with scire facias, by publication in some public gazette of this State twice a month for two months previous to the term of the court to which sci. fa. is made returnable. 5977.) ORDER MAKING EXECUTOR A PARTY DEFENDANT. (State the case.) Complaint in Superior Court. Returnable to the Term, 19 .... It appearing to the court that , executor of the estate of , deceased, has been duly served with a scire facias in the above-stated case, requiring him, as executor as aforesaid, to show cause before me in vacation at judge's cham- bers, on the day of , 19. . . ., at nine o'clock, a. m., why he should not be made a party defendant in the said cause; and no sufficient cause appearing why he should not be made a party defendant in lieu of , the deceased defendant ; . it is, therefore, ordered that said , executor as aforesaid, be, and he is, hereby made a party defend- SCIBE FACIAS 749 ant, and said cause is ordered to proceed against him as such executor. This day of , 19 J.S.C.. '.'.C.' PETITION FOR SCIKE FACIAS TO REVIVE DORMANT JUDGMENT. Georgia, .County. To the Superior Court of said County : 1. The petition of shows that on the day of , 19. . . ., being at the regular term, 19. . . . , of the Superior Court of said county, a judgment was entered in his favor against for the sum of dollars, attorney's fees, and dollars, costs of suit, upon which said judgment afterwards, to wit, on the day of , 19. . . ., execution was issued by the clerk of said Superior Court, \vhich execution was placed in the hands of the sheriff of said county, who returned said execution, to wit, on the day of , 19. . . ., with an entry of nulla bona endorsed thereon. 2. Petitioner shows that more than seven years have elapsed since said entry was endorsed on said execution, and that said judgment is now dormant. 3. Petitioner shows that the principal, interest, attorney's fees and costs, for which judgment was returned and execution issued as aforesaid have not been paid nor any part thereof. Wherefore, petitioner prays that writ of sci. fa. may issue and be served on said , requiring him to show cause at the next term of the Superior Court to be held in and for said county, on the day of , 19 , why said judg- ment should not be revived. Attorney for Petitioner. WRIT. 5978. (State the case.) Scire Facias to revive dormant judgment. Returnable to the Term, 19 To All and Singular the Sheriffs of said State: The defendant, , is hereby required, personally 750 SCIKE FACIAS or by attorney, to be and appear at the next court to be held in and for said county, on the day of , 19 . . , to show cause why a certain judgment, rendered in favor of the said on the day of , 19. . . ., at the regular term, 19. . . ., of Superior Court against said for the sum of dollars, principal, dollars, interest to date of judgment, dollars, attorney's fees, and dol- lars, costs of suit, should not be revived as provided by law, as in default of sufficient cause the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the honorable , judge of the said court, this day of , 19. ... "Clerk'.' ORDER REVIVING DORMANT JUDGMENT. 5978. (State the case.) Judgment rendered the term, 19. . ., of the Supe- rior Court. Principal, $....; interest, $ .... to date of judgment ; attorney's fees, $....; and costs of suit, $ .... It appearing to the court in the above-stated case that scire facias was duly issued and served upon. . , the de- fendant in said judgment named, and no sufficient cause having been shown why said judgment should not be revived, it is hereby considered, ordered and adjudged by the court that said judg- ment be, and the same is, hereby revived, for the sum of dollars, principal, dollars interest to date of judgment, dollars, attorney's fees, and dollars, costs of suit, with lien from this date, and let execution issue accord- ingly. Ordered further, that plaintiff do have and recover of the said defendant the sum of dollars, the cost of this proceeding. This day of , 19 Judge Superior Court. Amendment to scire facias to conform to rule nisi, by substituting city court for superior court, in the recital of the condition of the bond, was proper. 17 App. 691 (87 S. E. 1096). SET-OFF AND RECOUPMENT 751 SET-OPF AND RECOUPMENT. 4339-4353, 5668-5673. PLEA OF SET-OFF. (State the case.) And now comes the defendant in the above-stated case and for plea says : That at the time plaintiff commenced the above-stated action against the defendant, said plaintiff was, and still is, indebted to the defendant in the sum of dollars, besides interest upon the open account, a copy whereof 'is hereto attached, and defendant prays that said sum may be set off against the plain- tiff's demand, in diminishment thereof pro tanto. [Or, defendant prays that said sum may be set off against plaintiff's demand, and that he may recover judgment against the plaintiff for the amount of the excess of his said demand over that the plaintiff sued on.] Attorney for Defendant. PLEA OF RECOUPMENT. (State the case.) And now comes the defendant in the above-stated case, and for plea says : 1. That on the day of , 19. . . ., the plain- tiff sold and delivered to the defendant bushels of corn, the price of which is the subject-matter of this action, at and for the sum of dollars per bushel, as stated in the above petition. 2.' That said contract was in writing, a copy of which is hereto attached, marked "Exhibit A," said corn being intended to be used by the defendant as seed corn with which to make his crop for the year 19. . . ., and the plaintiff being expressly notified of the special use to w r hich said corn was to be applied. (a) That said plaintiff impliedly warranted said corn to be merchantable and reasonably suited to the use intended. 3. Defendant avers that supposing said corn to be sound and merchantable and reasonably suited to the use intended, defend - ant did, in due season plant said corn, having carefully and skill- 752 SHERIFFS fully prepared his ground for that purpose ; that said corn was old, damaged and unsound, and that owing to its damaged con- dition it failed to come up, or yield any crop, but that the same was wholly lost to the defendant. (a) Defendant shows that he incurred a cost of dollars in plowing and preparing his fields for the reception of said seed corn, and for labor in planting the same. (b) That the rent of the said defendant's land, which per- force lay idle for said year of 19. . . ., because of the failure to raise a crop thereon from said seed corn so planted as afore- said was worth the sum of dollars, all to the damage of the defendant in the aggregate sum of dollars, for which sum defendant prays judgment over against said plaintiff. Attorney for Defendant. Assignment. Debt of plaintiff to another than defendant can not be pleaded without alleging assignment. 18 App. 414, 415 (89 S. E. 339). Distress warrant, plea of set-off to alleging against plaintiff in such warrant items of indebtedness apparently independent of the rent contract and not alleged to be connected with it, is not allowable. 143/181 (84 S. E. 438). Plea. Set-off must be pleaded; agreement of plaintiff to allow a cer- tain credit on account could not be proved without such plea. 18 App. 447 (89 S. E. 533). Set-off may be contested without plea in reply. 18 App. 258 (89 S. E'. 381). Plea must specify items of damage which defendant seeks to set up by way of recoupment. 118/836 (45 S. E. 675). Allegations in plea of recoupment must be specific and certain. 124/671 (53 S. E. 205). SHERIFFS. 4902-4920, 6026-6050. JURY SUMMONS, SUPERIOR COURT. Georgia, County. To : By virtue of the precept to me directed, you are hereby com- manded to appear before the presiding judge, , at the next Superior Court, to be held at the court house, in the city of , in and for the county of , on SHERIFFS 753 the day of , 19. . ., at o'clock in the fore- noon of that day, to be sworn as a petit juror. Sheriff. JURY SUMMONS, CITY COURT. Georgia, County. To : By virtue of the precept to me directed, you are hereby com- manded to appear before the presiding judge, honorable at the next city court, to be held at the court house, in the city of , in and for the county of , on the .... day of , 19. . ., at o'clock, in the forenoon of that day, to be sworn as a petit juror. ''Sheriff.' JURY SUMMONS FOR COURT OF ORDINARY. Georgia, County. To : By virtue of the precept to me directed, you are hereby com- manded to appear before the presiding judge, honorable at the ordinary's court, to be held at the court house, in the city of , in and for the county of , on the. . . . day of , 19. . . ., at o'clock that day, to be sworn as a juror. Sheriff. CERTIFICATE AS TO BAILIFF'S SERVICES. This is to certify, that has served as bailiff upon the present term of the Superior Court of county days, to wit : on the of , 19. . . ., and that no other certificate has been 754 SHERIFFS issued for the same. This day of , 19. . . . Deputy Sheriff. Approved : j. s. a. !!c.' SERVICE OF NOTICE OF LEVY ON LAND. I have this day served . . , the defendant and ten- ant in possession, with a copy of notice of this levy This day of ,19 Deputy Sheriff. ADVERTISEMENT OF SALE OF LAND LEVIED ON. 6062, 6063. Will be sold at the court house door in said county on the first Tuesday in , 19. . . . , within the legal hours of sale, to wit: all that certain tract [describe the land levied on], with improvements thereon, said land levied on as the property of , to satisfy an execution issued on the day of , 19. . ., from the court of in said county, in favor of against This day of ,19 "Sheriff.' PAUPEK AFFIDAVIT OF PLAINTIFF, AS TO INABILITY TO PAY AD- VERTISEMENT FEES. 6064. Georgia, County. ""I Fi. fa. returnable to (State the case.) \- term > l9 ' ' >P ri P al > * ; j in ' terest, $ ; attorney s fees, J $ ; and costs, $ In person before the undersigned, came , who on oath says that he desires the above-stated fi. fa. to proceed against the property of the above-named defendant, and that SHERIFFS 755 owing to his poverty he is unable to pay the costs of the adver- tisement. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 (Official Designation.) ENTRY WHERE PROPERTY is CLAIMED. having claimed the property described in the foregoing levy and his claim having been sustained, the said levy is dismissed. This day of ,19 Sheriff. ENTRY WHERE PROPERTY WAS EXEMPTED. The defendant in fi. fa. having caused the property described in the foregoing levy to be set apart under the homestead and exemption laws of this State, and having exhibited to me a cer- tified copy of the schedule of the property so set apart, the said levy is therefore dismissed. This day of ,19 Sheriff. SHERIFF'S BILL OF SALE. ,Ga., ,19... vs. r In court of No. Term, 19... Mr Bought of , Sheriff At public sale, sold under and by virtue of a fi. fa. issued in above stated case, the following property, to wit : SHERIFF'S DEED. (See ante, page 403.) 756 SHEKIFFS RECEIPTS. Georgia, County. After due and legal advertisement as required by law, the property described in the attached levy was exposed for sale at public outcry before the court house door, in city of ..'..." , county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in , 19. . , ., within the legal hours of sale, when and where the same was knocked down to , for the sum of dollars, he being the highest and best bidder, and the receipt of said sum is hereby acknowledged. This *. .., 19 Deputy Sheriff. Received of ., sheriff, the sum of dollars This , 19 Plaintiff's Attorney. Appropriated the following sums to the payment of costs and expenses : Clerk's cost, dollars ; sheriff's services on fi. fa., dollars; sheriff's commission on the sale of the property, dollars ; sheriff's deed to property, dollars ; sheriff's levy, dollars ; advertis- ing fee, dollars ; total, dollars. This '..., 19.... Deputy Sheriff. Received of , sheriff, the sum of dollars in full of the clerk's cost on this fi. fa. This , 19 "c. s.'c. Appropriated the sum above mentioned to the payment of sheriff's cost and expenses on this fi. fa. Deputy Sheriff. Deed made to above named purchaser This , 19 Sheriff. TAX AND TAXATION 757 ENTRY OF PAYMENT BY SHERIFF WHERE SECURITY DESIRES TO CONTROL Fi. FA. Received of , as the security of , the sum of dollars, being the principal, interest, attor- ney's fees, and all costs due on the within fi. fa. This day of ,19 Sheriff'.' ENTRY OF DISMISSAL ON ORDER OF PLAINTIFF. The foregoing levy dismissed by the order of the plaintiff. This day of ,19 Sheriff. TAX AND TAXATION. 504-540, 862-885, 914-1262. ORDER LEVYING TAX FOR COUNTY PURPOSES. 513, 514. Georgia, County. By , ordinary of said county, sitting for county purposes. [Or by (set out names of county commissioners), commis- sioners of roads 'and revenues for" said county, sitting for county purposes.] It is hereby ordered that cents on the $100 of the taxable property of said county as per digest of 19. ... be, and the same is, hereby levied, and that the same be collected by the tax collector, for the following purposes, to wit: 1 cents on the $100 to pay the legal indebted- ness due, or to become due during the year 19. ... or past dur. 2 cents on the $100 to build or repair court- house or jail, bridges or ferries, or other public improvements, according to contract. 3 cents on the $100 to pay sheriffs, jailers, or other officers' fees, that they may be legally entitled to, out of the county. 4 cents on the $100 to pay coroners' fees that may be due them by the county for holding inquests. 758 TAX AND TAXATION 5 cents on the $100 to pay the expenses of the county, for bailiffs at court, non-resident witnesses in criminal cases, fuel, servant's hire, stationery and the like. 6 cents on the $100 to pay jurors a per diem compensation. 7 cents on the $100 to pay expenses incurred in supporting the poor of the county, and as otherwise prescribed \)y law. 8 cents on the $100 to pay charges for educa- tional purposes, to be levied only in strict compliance with the law. 9 cents on the $100 to pay the principal of the public debt, falling due the present year, and to provide a sink- ing fund for future installments for the bonded debt of said county. (a) cents on the $100 to pay any other lawful charge against the county [specifying what the charge is.] Making in the aggregate the said sum of cents on the $100 on the taxable property of said county, for county pur- poses for the year 19. ... This day of ,19 Ordinary. [Or the signature of the several county commissioners where that tribunal has charge of county matters.] OATH OF TAX RECEIVER. 1195. "I swear that I will truly and faithfully perform the duties of the receiver of the returns of taxable property, or of persons or things specially taxed in the county to which I am appointed, as required of me by the laws, and will not receive any return but on oath or affirmment, and will before receiving returns care- fully examine each, and will to the best of my ability carry out all the requirements made upon me by the tax law. So help me God." NOTICE BY RECEIVER OF TAX RETURNS. 1197 (3). Georgia, County. The undersigned, receiver of tax returns, in and for said county, will attend at , on the day of , TAX AND TAXATION 759 19 . . . ., in the district, G. M., of said county, for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the present year. This day of , 19 Tax Receiver. [NOTE. It is the duty of the receiver to give ten days' notice in writing of the several times and places at which he will attend in the several militia districts in the county for the purpose of receiving tax returns, and to attend at such places at least three times in the time allowed in which to make returns. 1197 (3, 4). And also to keep a standing advertisement as to the day or days when he will be at the county site for such purposes. 1197 (5).] OATH OF TAX-COLLECTOR. 1206. "I, the undersigned, tax-collector of the county of do swear that I will faithfully discharge the duties required of me by law as tax-collector, and that I will search out and make a true return of all defaulters, and all property not found on the tax receiver's digest, or not returned to the clerk of the superior court by the fifteenth of August, and that I will pay over all taxes collected by me, as required by law. So help me God." NOTICE BY COLLECTOR TO TAXPAYERS. 1211 (6). Georgia, County. The undersigned, the tax-collector of said county, will attend at , in the district, G. M., on the day of , 19. . . ., for the purpose of receiving the taxes due in said district. This day of ,19 Tax Collector. The receiver is also bound to give ten days' notice of the days when he will be at the court house for the purposes of receiving taxes. 1211 (6). 760 TAX AND TAXATION TAX-COLLECTOR'S Fi. FA. 1229. Georgia, County. By , tax-collector of said State and county. To All and Singular the Sheriffs and Constables of this State : You, and each of you, are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels (if any to be found), otherwise of the lands and tenements, of , you cause to be made the sum of dollars, the amount of the tax due the State of Georgia by said for the year 19. . . ., by reason of the non-payment of the tax of the said , as aforesaid, as appears to me from the digest of the receiver of the tax re- turns. And the sum of dollars, the costs and charges incurred by the said in consequence of the non- payment of the tax aforesaid. Herein fail not. This day of ,19 ' T.'C. RETURN BY THE SHERIFF. No personal property to be found on which to levy this fi. fa. This day of ,19 ' 'Sheriff. LEVY ON LAND. Levied this fi. fa. on lot of land [describe it], in the district of county, as the property of the defend- ant; and have given , the tenant in possession, notice of said levy. This day of. ,19 ' 'Sheriff. ADVERTISEMENT OF SHERIFF. Georgia, County. On Tuesday the day of , 19. . . ., will be sold at the courthouse door, between the lawful hours of sale, lot TAX AND TAXATION T<51 of land [describe it], in the district of said county, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to satisfy the State tax of for the year 19 . . . . , amounting to dollars, principal, dollars interest, and dollars, cost. Said lot of land contains acres, and is well improved. This day of , 19 Sheriff. TAX DEED, $885, 1176. Georgia, County. This indenture, made this the day of , 19. . ., between v ., commissioner, appointed by board of commissioners of roads and revenues of said county, at the term, 19. . ., sitting for county purposes, to make sale of certain lands sold for taxes due the county of , and bid in and held by said county for one year, and the owners having failed to redeem the same: Now, therefore, I , commissioner aforesaid, having advertised according to law the real property hereinafter described, did put up and expose to sale on the day of , 19. . . ., before the court- house door in the town of , county, be- tween the legal hours of sale, the following real property, to wit : Levied on and sold and bid in by county, on the day of , 19 . . . , as the property of , under the tax fi. fa. for State and county taxes of said for the year 19. . ., when , being the highest and best bidder, the same was knocked down to at and for the sum of dollars. Now, this deed witnesseth, that the said , com- missioner, for and in consideration of the sum of dollars to him in hand paid, at and before the sealing and de- livery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, the said , commissioner as aforesaid, does hereby bargain, sell and convey unto the said all claim, ownership or title that the said county of may or does have in and to the said above described real prop- erty, as heretofore belonging to the said Y62 TENDER In testimony whereof, said , commissioner afore- said, has hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year above written. [Seal.] Commissioner. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Allegation that within one year after tax said plaintiff tendered to one who had taken title under the purchaser, "the amount of the pur- chase-price of the property at the sale, plus ten per cent, interest thereon from date," was demurrable in that it did not show the amount of the purchase-price or of the tender; so also allegation that as matter of fact the tender was of almost double the amount of the purchase-price, in that it did not show the amount of such tender. 145/652, 653 (7) (89 S. E. 821). TENDER. 4322-4325. PLEA. (State the case.) 1. And now comes the defendant in the above stated case, and for plea and answer says that he owes plaintiff dollars on the account [or note] sued on, and no more. 2. That on the day of , 19 . . . . , in the store of the plaintiff, at . . , in said county, before the commencement of this action, defendant tendered said amount to the plaintiff in legal tender notes of the currency of the United States [or in gold and silver coin of the United States] in payment of said sum, which tender was refused. 3. Defendant avers that he has always been, and is still, ready and willing to pay said sum to the plaintiff, and now ten- ders it and has the same in court [or now pays the same into court], and this the defendant is ready to verify. Alternative tender. Allegation in regard to tender by plaintiff to de- fendant of "either of said mentioned amounts" (two amounts previously stated) was vague and indefinite as to whether plaintiff tendered each of these amounts or made an alternative tender. 141/825 (3) (82 S. E. 132). TIMBER AND TURPENTINE 763 Evidence of a tender of a cash payment and notes for property was admissible to show plaintiffs right to property, without formally pleading tender. 139/334 (77 S. E. 172). Specific performance. Mere statement in prayer of offer and willing- ness on part of plaintiff to pay balance due for a half interest in land did not amount to an allegation of tender, or present suffi- cient excuse for failure to make tender, so as to furnish a basis for a prayer for specific performance. 141/114 (2-a) (80 S. B, 625). Time. Plea should show time of making tender and a continuing and present readiness to pay. 54/498. TIMBER AND TURPENTINE. 1815-1843. TIMBER LEASE. Georgia, County. This indenture, made this day of , 19 . . . . , between , of the county of , and the State of , of the first part, and , of the county of , and State of. , of the second part: Witnesseth, that the said part. . of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum hereinafter mentioned, ha. . granted, bargained, demised, sold and leased, and by these presents do. . grant, bargain, demise, sell and lease to the said part. . of the second part, heirs and assigns, all and singular, the timber suitable for purposes, growing on the follow- ing described lots of land, to wit : t The said part. . of the second part paying to the said part. . of the first part the following sum for the use and privilege of said timber, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, to wit: And it is expressly understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the said part. . of the second part is to have free use and enjoyment of the timber fw the purposes aforesaid in the said lots of land for and during the term of years from the. .... .day of x 19.... the said part. , of the first part, ....... .heirs, execu-. 764: TIMBER AND TURPENTINE tors and administrators, the free an'd uninterrupted use and enjoyment of said timber for the time aforesaid and for the purpose aforesaid, unto the said part. . of the second part, heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, against, the said part . . of the first part, heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, against the said part. . of the first part, heirs, executors, administrators and all and every person or persons whatever, shall and will warrant and defend by virtue of these presents. In witness whereof, the said part. . of the first part ha. . hereunto set hand and affixed seal the day and year first above written. [SEAL.] [SEAL.] [SEAL.] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: TURPENTINE LEASE. Georgia, County. This indenture, made this day of , 19. . ., between , of the county of and State of , of the first part, and , of the county of and State of , of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said part! . of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of dollars, to in hand paid at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha . . granted, bargained, leased and conveyed, and do . . by these presents grant, bargain, lease and convey, unto the said part. . of the second part, heirs and assigns, at the rate of , all of the timber upon the following described tract of land for the purpose of boxing, working and otherwise using said timber for turpentine purposes : TIMBER AND TURPENTINE 765 To have and to hold, box, work and otherwise use said timber for turpentine purposes unto the said part. . of the second part, heirs and assigns. And it is hereby expressly cove- nanted and agreed that the said part. . of the second part may commence boxing, working, or otherwise using the said timber for turpentine purposes, or any portion thereof, at any time that the said part. . of the second part may desire, and shall have the right to continue to box, work, or otherwise use the said timber and every other portion thereof for the full term of three (3) years, beginning, with reference to each portion of the timber, from the time only that the boxing and working of each portion is commenced, it being the intention of the parties that this lease shall continue to operate until all of the timber and each and every part thereof has been boxed, worked and otherwise used for turpentine purposes for the full period of three (3) years. And it is hereby further covenanted and agreed that the said part . . of the second part, heirs and assigns, shall have the free and unrestricted .right to enter upon, occupy and use the said land for the purpose of boxing, working and otherwise using the timber thereon for turpentine purposes, as aforesaid, during the continuance of this lease. And it is further covenanted and agreed that said part. . of the second part may have the right at any time to assign this lease in whole or in part, and that any assignee of this lease shall have the same right of assignment, and that all the rights and privileges of said part . . of the second part shall vest in whomsoever may succeed to the interest hereby conveyed to said part . . of the second part. And the said part. . of the first part for heirs, executors and administrators, the said granted and leased timber with the right to box, work and otherwise use the same for turpentine purposes unto the said part. . of the second part, heirs and assigns, will forever warrant and defend. In witness whereof, the said part. . of the first part ha. . hereunto set hand and seal, the day and year first above written. (SEAL) (SEAL) Signed, sealed and delivered in the pres- ence of: 766 TROVER TROVER. 4483, 4484, 4514-4517. ACTION IN TROVER. Georgia, County. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of shows : First. That of said county is in possession of certain property, to wit : of value of dollars, to which your petitioner claims title. Second. That said refuses to deliver the above described property to your petitioner or pay him the profits thereof. Third. That the yearly value of said property is dollars. Wherefore, petitioner pra*ys that process may issue requiring the said to be and appear at the next superior court of said county to answer petitioner's complaint. Petitioner's Attorney. BAIL AFFIDAVIT. Georgia, County. In person appeared before the undersigned authority -. . .who on oath, says that he is about to commence an action of trover against , of said county, returnable to the next term of the court of said county, to recover the following property, to wit : , the same being the property of petitioner, and of the value of dollars; that said property is now in the possession, custody and control of the said and that he has reason to apprehend that said -property will be eloigned and moved away, and will not be forthcoming to answer the judgment that may be made in said case ; that he claims for the hire of said property from the day of to the day of the sum of dollars, TROVER Y67 and that he does verily and bona fide claim said described property. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of , 19 (Official designation.) PROCESS. Georgia, County. vs. To the Sheriff of said County, or his Legal Deputies : The defendant, , is hereby required per- sonally or by an attorney, to be and appear at the next court, to be holden in and for said county on the day of next, then and there to answer the plaintiff's complaint, to which this process is annexed, as in default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the honorable ., judge of said court, this the day of , 19. ... , Clerk. SHERIFF'S RETURN. I have this day served the defendant, , per- sonally with a copy of the within writ, this the day of ,19.... Sheriff County, Ga. -ORr- I have this day served the defendant, , with a copy of the within writ by leaving the same at the residence of the defendant. This day of , 19 Sheriff, County, Ga. 768 TROVER BAIL BOND FOR PLAINTIFF. Georgia, ....... County. We, , as principal, and , as security, acknowledge ourselves bound unto in the sum of dollars, subject to the following conditions : having instituted his action returnable to the next term of the court of said county, for the recovery of certain personal property, to wit : , and of the value of dollars, and required bail of said , and , of said county, having seized said property, and the said having failed to give the bond required by law in such cases provided, and the said desiring to take said property into his possession. Now, should said produce or cause to be produced and forthcoming the said property to answer the judgment that may be entered in said case, and shall well and truly pay the eventual condemnation money, whatever it may be, then this bond to be void. Witness our hands and seals, this the day of , 19.... , Principal (SEAL) , Security (SEAL) Executed in the presence of and approved by Sheriff. BAIL BOND FOR DEFENDANT. Georgia, County. We, , as principal, and , as security, acknowledge ourselves jointly and severally bound unto , his heirs and assigns, in the sum of dollars, for the payment of which we bind our- selves, our heirs, executors an$ administrators, by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this the day of . . . , , 19 The condition of the above obligation is as follows : having instituted his action against for the recovery of certain personal property, to wit : . , and of TROVER 769 the value of dollars, and the hire of said property from the day of to the day of , of the alleged value of dollars, which action is returnable to the next term of court of said county, and he having made oath that he has reason to believe that said property will be eloigned and moved away, and will not be forthcoming to answer the judgment that may be made in said case. Now, should the said produce or cause to be produced and forthcoming the said above described personal property, to answer the judgment that may be made in said case, and shall well and truly pay the eventual condemna- tion money, whatever it may be, then this bond to be void, else of force. , Principal (L. S.) , Security (L. S.) Executed in the presence of and approved by me Sheriff. JUDGMENT ON ELECTION OF PLAINTIFF TO TAKE AN ALTERNATIVE VERDICT. (State the case.) Whereupon it is considered, ordered and adjudged by the court that , the plaintiff in the above stated case, do have and recover of , the defendant therein, the sum of dollars and cents, principal debt, and dollars and cents, costs of suit ; which said principal debt may be discharged upon the delivery of the property in controversy to the plaintiff within davs from this date. This "day of , 19 Plaintiff's Attorney. JUDGMENT ON THE ELECTION OF PLAINTIFF TO TAKE PROPERTY RECOVERED. (State the case.) , Whereupon, it is considered, ordered and adjudged by the court that , the defendant in the above-stated case, deliver to.' , the plaintiff therein, the 770 TRUSTS AND TRUSTEES property in controversy ; and it is further ordered and adjudged that the said plaintiff do have and recover of the said defendant the sum of dollars and cents for costs. This day of ., 19 Plaintiff's Attorney. Amendment. Defect in petition in that it did not set out with suffi- cient specification the articles of personalty sued for was cured by amendment here. 145/674 (1) (89 S. E. 747). Petition here which prayed for judgment for value of property with interest from date of unlawful conversation was an action ex delicto, and could not be changed by amendment into an action ex contractu. 145/847 (90 S. E. 63). Where, by an amendment, defendant struck from his answer all admissions dispensing with proof, burden was upon plaintiff to show either demand and refusal, or conversion, by defendant. 17 App. 529 (1) (87 S. E. 808). Amendment tendering sum as due defendant, not allowable, when. 127/488 (56 S. E. 622). Cause of action stated, where petitioner alleged possession by defend- ant's ownership by plaintiff, refusal to deliver by defendant, and value of property, and identified it. 123/257 (51 S. E. 314) ; 125/827 (54 S. E. 697). Demand for property was implied from allegation of refusal to deliver same. 15 App. 678, 679 (5-a) (84 S. E. 165). Not necessary to allege that plaintiff, before suit, demanded possession of defendant and that defendant refused to comply, where petition alleges that defendant is in possession, and it does not appear that he lawfully acquired such possession. 139/736 (78 S. E. 123). Title. Petition containing no averment that title was not in defendant, or that defendant was not entitled to possession, or that plaintiff had either the title or right of possession, no cause of action was set forth. 17 App. 469 (1) (87 S. E. 692). TRUSTS AND TRUSTEES. 3728-3791. APPLICATION FOE APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE. Georgia, County. To the Honorable , Judge of the Superior Court of the Circuit : 1. The petition of , of said county, shows that , her husband, on the day of -...., 19 . . . . , purchased, as trustee, from one , a certain tract of land lying in said county. TRUSTS AND TRUSTEES 771 (a) The beneficiaries named under said trust, were peti- tioner, and and , her children, as will more fully appear by reference to the copy of the deed executed by the said to petitioner's husband, as trustee as aforesaid, which is hereto attached and marked "Exhibit A," and made a part of this petition. 2. Petitioner shows that subsequently, to wit, on the day of , 19 . . . . , the said , trustee as aforesaid under due authority of law, sold said land to one for the sum of '..... dollars. 3. Petitioner shows that said died on the day of , 19 . . . . , leaving to his credit as trustee as aforesaid the sum of dollars on deposit in the bank of , the same being the proceeds of the sale of said land. 4. That at the time of the death of the said there were living, the children of petitioner, to wit : [state their names and ages] , and. there being a vacancy in the trust, it is to the interest of the said estate that a trustee shall be appointed. 5. Petitioner shows that , of said county, is a suitable and proper person to be appointed as trustee, and she prays an order appointing him trustee for her and her said children, of the fund aforesaid, and to hold the same to the same uses as under the deed executed by petitioner's husband to the said was set out and declared. This day of , 19 Petitioner's Attorney. CONSENT OF BENEFICIARIES TO APPOINTMENT. Georgia, County. We, the undersigned, the beneficiaries named in the foregoing application, unite in the selection of as trustee, in the place of , deceased. This day of , 19 772 TRUSTS AND TRUSTEES ORDER APPOINTING TRUSTEE. p ^o-fft ") Application for appointment of trustee. [ In the Superior Court of County, 3 at Chambers, . . . . , 19. ... Read and considered : It appearing to the court that it is to the interest of the trust estate mentioned in the foregoing appli- cation that a trustee shall be appointed to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of 7 , and it further appearing that is a suitable and proper person to be appointed as such trustee, it is further ordered that said be, and he is, hereby appointed trustee, in accordance with the terms and provisions of the trust deed men- tioned in the foregoing petition and attached thereto, upon his giving bond, with good security, in the sum of dollars, payable to, and approved by, the ordinary of said county. And upon his filing such bond, the said is directed and authorized to take charge of the funds, standing to the credit of , as trustee, deceased, in the bank of , and to administer the same according to the law and the terms of the trust. Let these proceedings be returned tc the clerk of the Superior Court of the county of , and be recorded in the book of minutes of said court. J.S.C.. ..C. (NOTE: If cestui que trustent are minors, they must be served by the sheriff with a copy of the petition and order nisi calling on them to show cause, and guardian ad litem appointed for each of them before the order is taken upon the trustee.) BOND OF TRUSTEE. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, that the undersigned,. . . . . . , as principal, and . . . , and , as securities, are held and firmly bound unto , ordinary of said county, and his successors in office, in the sum of dollars, for the true payment of which the undersigned bind themselves, their heirs and assigns, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this day of , 19. ... The condition of the foregoing TRUSTS AND TRUSTEES 773 obligation is as follows: Should the said well and truly perform all his duties as trustee of and and agreeably to law, and the order of his appointment as before set forth, then this bond to be void, else of force. , Principal [SEAL] , Security [SEAL] , Security [SEAL] Executed in the presence of and approved by Ordinary. APPLICATION FOR SALE OF TRUST PROPERTY AND REINVEST- MENT OF TRUST FUNDS. 3T55-3T65. Georgia, County. To the Honorable , Judge of the Superior Court of said County: The petition of respectfully shows : 1. That heretofore, to wit, on the day of , 19 . . . . , , . . , then of the county and State of , executed and delivered to petitioner his deed for a certain tract or parcel of land [describe the land as set out in the deed, or will, as the case may be,], to be held by petitioner in trust for the sole use, benefit and advantage of [set out the names of the beneficiaries], as will more fully appear by refer- ence to the copy of said trust deed [or will] hereto attache I, marked "Exhibit A," and made a part of this petition. 2. That the beneficiaries of said trust are as follows: [set out their names and ages, and places of their respective rrn dences]. 3. That petitioner desires to sell certain of said property, covered by said trust deed [or will], [here describe the property desired to be sold for reinvestment]. 4. Petitioner shows that the sale of the said lands, and the reinvestment of the proceeds thereof, in is to the interest of the beneficiaries of said estate, and petitioner presents the following reasons as justifying and requiring the change of investment now sought: [set out fully the reasons for making the proposed change]. 774 TRUSTS AND TRUSTEES Wherefore, petitioner prays an order authorizing him, as trustee as aforesaid, to sell and dispose of said trust property, either by public or private sale, as may seem to petitioner best for the interest of the said cestui que trust, and that petitioner may be permitted to invest the proceeds of the said sale in the purchase of the property hereinbefore described under the same conditions and limitations, and for the same uses and trust imposed by the deed of trust [or will] as aforesaid [and that a guardian ad litem be appointed to protect the interest of and hereinbefore mentioned in this proceeding, and who are minors]. This day of Petitioner's Attorney. AFFIDAVIT OF TRUSTEE. Georgia, County. Personally before the undersigned, an officer authorized to administer oaths in this State, came , who on oath says that the statements in the foregoing petition are true, and that in his opinion the disposition of the trust property as therein prayed for is for the best interests of the cestui que trust. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 (Official designation.) Descriptio personae. Suffix to signatures, "Trustees of B. S. & D. of .Hebrews^ No. 52," is but descriptio personae. 143/513 (1) (85 S. E. 708). Where library trustees made a personal loan of a donation of money made to a municipality for library purposes, taking a note payable to J., W. and M., "library trustees, their successors, or order," the words "library trustees," in suit brought by the payees in their own name, with the added words "librarv trustees," were mere words of description and surplusage. 145/768 (1) (89 S. E. 840). Express trust must be in writing, but petition to enforce it need not allege it was. 121/548 (49 S. E. 593). Mortgage. Application for order to mortgage need not contain a copy of the trust deed or other instrument by which trustee was appoint- ed. 104/417 (30 S, E. 895). TRUST COMPANIES USURY WILLS 775 TRUST COMPANIES. (See ante, page 318.) USURY. 3427, 3428, 3436-3445. PLEA. ^ (See Interest and Usury, ante, p. 567.) WILLS. 3827-3928. SHORT FORM OF WILL. 3846-3852. Georgia, County. I, John Doe, of said county, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make this my last will and testament, hereby revoking any and all others that I have heretofore made. ITEM 1. It is my will and desire that my body be buried in a Christian-like manner, the place and details of which I leave to my wife. ITEM 2. It is my will and desire that all of my just debts be paid as soon as practicable after my death. ITEM 3. I will, bequeath, and devise all of my property, both real and personal, of whatever kind and wherever situated, to my wife, Mary Doe, to be hers absolutely and in fee simple forever. ITEM 4. I hereby make my wife, Mary Doe, executrix of this will, and I relieve her from making any inventory of my property or appraisement, or from giving any bond, and she is required only by this will to probate the will, and she is further relieved from making any returns of her acts and doings to any court whatever. This day of , 19. ... JOHN DOE. (SEAL). Declared, published, signed and sealed by John Doe as his last will and testament, in the presence of the undersigned as witnesses, he first signing in our presence, and we then, at his special instance and request, signing in his presence and in the presence of each other. This day of , 19 .... RICHARD ROE. , JOHN SMITH. SAM JONES. 776 WILLS ANOTHER FORM OF WILL. Georgia, County. I, John Doe, of said State and county, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all others that I have heretofore made. ITEM 1. It is my will that my body be buried in a decent and Christian-like manner in the cemetery of said county, upon the lot that I have heretofore provided. ITEM 2. It is my will and desire that my just debts be paid as soon as practicable after my death. ITEM 3. I will, bequeath and devise all of my property, both real and personal, of whatever kind and wherever situated, to my beloved wife, Mary Doe, for her use and benefit for and during her natural life, or until she should marry again, if she should so wish, and she has the right to sell, borrow money on, dispose of, do anything in reference thereto that she may deem proper, without any order of court, and without the consent, control or interference with her by any other person, subject only to the obligation upon her to pay the taxes, keep the prop- erty insured and preserve it in such way as she may deem best and proper, without any liability to any other person for waste or mismanagement. ITEM 4. At the death of my said wife, or at the time she should marry again, if she should so far forget my memory and wish so to do, it is my will and desire that all of my property, both -real and personal, not disposed of by my said wife and not used by her under the provision of Item 3 of this will, be sold by my executor hereinafter named, and the proceeds of the same be divided between my said wife and my four children, to wit, Sarah Doe, Richard Doe, Frank Doe and Henry Doe, share and share alike, under this provision my wife and each one of said children to receive one-fifth of my estate, and in the event any one of my said children should die leaving children, then such child or children to have and take the one-fifth share going to its parent, per capita, as between themselves, if more than one child of such deceased parent. ITEM 5. It is my will and desire, and I so intend, that the provision made in Item 3 of this will for my wife, and the jnterest therein conveyed to my wife, shall be in lieu of dower and year's support, and before taking under said item I enjoin my wife to file an express renunciation of her right to dower WILLS 777 and a year's support, and in the event that she should fail and refuse so to do, then this will shall be effective in the same way and to the same extent as if she had died or married again, and the property is then and at that time to be disposed of as' pro- vided in Item 4 of this will. ITEM 6. I hereby name and appoint my wife, Mary Doe, as executrix of this will, and I hereby expressly relieve her of making any inventory or appraisement of my estate, or from giving any bond or making any returns to any court, and all that is required of her under this will is to probate the same, and then enter upon and take charge of all my property, as provided in Item 3 of this will. This day of , 19 JOHN DOE. (SEAL). Signed, sealed, declared, and published by John Doe as his last will and testament, in the presence of the undersigned as witnesses thereto, being called individually and specially by John Doe as witnesses to this will, he first signing the same in our presence, and we then signing as witnesses in his presence and in the presence of each other. This day of ,19.... RICHARD ROE, SAM JONES, FRANK JONES. ANOTHER FOJRM OF WILL. Georgia, County. I, , of said State and county, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and annulling all others, by me heretofore made. 1. I desire and direct that my body be buried in a decent and Christian-like manner, suitable to my circumstances and condition in life. 2. I desire and direct that all my just debts be paid without unnecessary delay, by my executor hereinafter named and ap- pointed. 3. I give, bequeath and devise to my wife, , the lot of land, with the improvements thereon situate on street, in the city of , being the family residence, with all the rights, members and appurtenances to the said lot of T78 WILLS land in anywise belonging, free from all charge and limitation whatever ; to her own proper use, benefit and behoof forever, with full power to dispose of the same by will or otherwise as she may deem proper. I also give and bequeath to my said wife, in the same unreserved manner, all my household and kitchen furniture of every sort whatsoever, and my carriage and horses. 4. I give, bequeath and devise to my said wife, for and during her natural life my five-story brick building on street, an the city of , known as the "Marble Build- ing," giving and granting to my said wife the rentals thereof, after paying all expenses, including insurance and repairs on said building, for and during her natural life as aforesaid, with remainder over, at her death, to my son, , and my daughter, , in equal parts, share and share alike. If either my son or daughter herein mentioned shall die before this will takes effect, leaving no wife and no child or children, then the entire estate in remainder hereby created is to go to the survivor of them, and if one of them be dead leaving child or children, such child or children are to take per stirpes in lieu of their deceased parent. 5. I give and bequeath to my said son, , my wearing apparel, guns, gold watch and chain, and all other of. my personal effects of the like kind, to be his absolutely without accountability in the general distribution of my estate. 6. I give and bequeath to my said son, , and my said daughter, , all of the residue of my estate, both real and personal of every sort soever, not herein- before specially devised, in equal shares, share and share alike. 7. I hereby constitute and appoint my wife, , the sole executrix of this my last will and testament, and I expressly confer upon her power, as such, to administer my estate, excusing her from giving any bond, or making any re- turns to the ordinary, and I expressly confer upon her the full authority and power to sell any part of my estate, not herein- before specially devised, at public or private sale, with or with- out notice, as she may deem best, and without any order of court, making good and sufficient conveyances to the purchaser and holding the proceeds of the said sale to the same uses and trusts as hereinbefore declared in the several items of this my will. I further hereby expressly confer upon her the authority and power to borrow money for the use of the said estate, in any instance where she may think it necessary and proper, arid to secure the same by lien, mortgage, security deed, or trust WILLS 779 deed, OT other form of security to or upon any part of my estate, not hereinbefore specially devised ; this she may do without the order of any court. This day of , 19 (SEAL) Signed, sealed, declared and published by as his last will and testament, in the presence of us, the under- signed, who subscribe our names hereto in the presence of said testator, after he had signed his name thereto, and at his special instance and request, and in the presence of each other. This day of , 19. ... CODICIL. 3837. Georgia, County. Whereas, I, , did on the day of , 19. . . ., sign, seal, declare and publish my last will and testament, in the presence of , and , who signed the said will and testament as witnesses. And whereas, I am desirous of adding an additional bequest and devise in the said will, I, therefore, make and publish this codicil to said will and testament: 1. I hereby give, bequeath and devise unto , my daughter mentioned in my will, my solitare diamond ring, and five shares of stock in the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company, to be hers absolutely, without accountability in the administration and distribution provided in the residuary clause of my said will. 2. In the event , my said wife, after qualifying as executrix, shall marry, or depart this life, then and in that event I appoint , my son, sole executor of my estate, in the place of his mother, conferring upon him generally the same authority and power in reference to all parts of my said estate as are conferred therein upon my said wife. 3. The special bequests and devises made to , my wife, in the paragraph of my original will, I intend and declare to be in lieu of dower and year's support, in 780 WILLS the event that my said wife should elect to take under my said will and codicil. (NOTE: The codicil should be executed with the same formality, as the original will. It is not necessary that the witnesses to the codicil be the same persons, but the attestation clause above set out may well be followed, in tot verb.) PROBATE IN COMMON FORM. 3855. PETITION. Georgia, County. To the Honorable , Ordinary of said County : The petition of , a resident of said State, shows that , late of said county, died testate on the day of , 19 . . . . , after having made his last will and testament, in which petitioner, is named as executor. Petitioner produces said will in court, and prays that the same may be admitted to record upon proof thereof in com- mon form, and that letters testamentary do issue to him, accord- ing to the statute in such case made and provided. This day of , 19 AFFIDAVIT OF SUBSCRIBING WITNESSES. Georgia, County. Before me, the undersigned, ordinary of said county, came , whose name appears as a subscribing witness to the within writing purporting to be the last will and testa- ment of , who, being duly sworn, on oath says that he, together with and , on the day of , 19. . . ., subscribed the said will as a witness thereto, at the special instance and request of the said , the testator therein, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, as did also the said arid , after he, the said testator, had signed his WILLS 781 name thereto. That the said , in their presence freely and voluntarily signed and published the same as his last will and testament, and at the time of said signing and attesta- tion, he was of sound and disposing mind and memory. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of . . ., 19 , Ordinary. ORDER OF PROBATE. In Re ) Probate of will in common form. I At chambers. The foregoing petition of , praying probate in common form of the will of , deceased, and further praying that letters testamentary do issue to him, being supported by the affidavit annexed thereto of , one of the witnesses to the said will, and the contents of said petition appearing to be true, it is ordered by the court that said will be admitted to record as satisfactorily proven in common form. Let letters testamentary issue to the said , the executor named in said will, upon his taking and subscribing the usual oath of office. This day of , 19.... Ordinary. PROBATE OK WIM, IN SOLEMN FORM. 3856, 3859-3868. PETITION. Georgia, County. To the Honorable , Ordinary of said County: The petition of , a resident of , in this State, shows that , late of said county, died in said county, on the day of , 19. . . ., leaving real and personal property therein, after having made Y82 . WILLS and published his last will and testament, in which petitioner is nominated as executor thereof. 2. - Petitioner herewith presents said last will and testament of said deceased, and shows that the following named persons are the heirs and all the heirs of said testator, to wit: [set out the names, ages and places of residence of the several heirs, and the name and residence of his widow, if any.] 3. Petitioner prays leave to prove said will in solemn form, and to that end that , and , the heirs at law of said deceased, late of said county, be cited to appear at the next court of ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in , 19 . . . . , and show cause, if any they have, why said will should not be* proven in solemn form, and admitted to record as the last will and testament of the said , deceased, and why letters testamen- tary should not issue to , the petitioner, according to the statute in such case made and provided. Petitioner. ORDER DIRECTING CITATION TO ISSUE. 3859. The petition of -. , the nominated executor of , late of said county, deceased, asking for the probate of the will of the said testate in solemn form, having been presented -and considered, it is ordered that the heirs at law named therein, to \vit: (Set out the names and residences of the widow, if any, and the heirs at law) , be served with a copy of said petition and this order at least ten days before the next term of this court, and that they then and there show cause, if any they have or can, why the prayer of said petition should not be allowed and said will proven in solemn form, as prayed. Ordinary. [NOTE. If any of the heirs mentioned in the petition are non-resi- dents, the following clause should be added to the order: And let , a non-resident of the State of Georgia, be served by publication of the said citation once a week for weeks, in the , a newspaper published in the city of State and county aforesaid, in which the sheriff's advertisements are published.] WILLS 783 CITATION. j n j^ e ) Court of Ordinary of County. >- Petition for probate of will in solemn 3 form. To , heir at law : . . having applied, as executor, for probate in solemn form of the last will and testament of , of said county, you, as one of the heirs at law of said , being a non-resident of this State, are hereby required to be and appear at the court of ordinary for said county on the first Monday in , 19 . . . . , when said application for probate will be heard, and show cause, if any you have or can, why the prayer of the petition should not be had and allowed. This day of , 19 Ordinary, and ex officio C. C. O. GUARDIAN AD LITEM, ORDER APPOINTING. 3860. Court of Ordinary. At Chambers, , 19 .... It appearing to the court in the matter of the petition of . . . for probate in solemn form of the last will and testament of , deceased, that heirs at law of said deceased, minor and minor have no regular guardian, and that they have each been personally served by the sheriff with a copy of the petition and order of citation : It is, therefore, ordered by the court that be, and is hereby, appointed guardian ad litem, to represent said minors in this litigation. This day of ,19 Ordinary. ACCEPTANCE OF APPOINTMENT. Georgia, County. Having been appointed guardian ad litem, to represent. 784 WILLS minor. . .in the matter of the probate of the last will and testa- ment of , deceased, in said court, I hereby accept said appointment, and I agree to represent said minor. . in said proceeding. I waive all further service or notice. This day of , 19 CAVEAT. Georgia, County. In re. petition of for probate in solemn form of the will of And now at this term of the court comes , an heir at law of said deceased, and enters his caveat to the above stated petition, and objects to the admission to record of said will, upon the following grounds, to wit: 1. For that said , at the time of making said pretended will [and codicil], was not of sound and dispos- ing mind and memory. 2. For that also, the said did not execute the said pretended will [and codicil] freely and voluntarily, but was moved thereto by undue influence and persuasions over him by and it is, therefore, not his will. 3. 4, etc. (Here state any and all grounds of caveat plainly, fully and distinctly. State facts and not conclusions of fact.) And all this the caveator is ready to verify. Attorney for Caveator. ORDER PROBATING WILL IN SOLEMN FORM. Georgia, County. j n j^ ~} Court of Ordinary of said County. [ Petition of for probate in J solemn form of the will of The above stated petition coming on regularly to be heard, and it appearing that the parties at interest, all of whom are residents of this State, to wit, WILLS 785 and , the heirs at law, being all of the heirs of said deceased, were duly served personally with legal notice of said application and the time of hearing, at least ten days before the term of this court, at which said notice required them to appear [or, and it further appearing that , a party at interest, and a non-resident of this State, was duly served by publication of citation once a week for. . ". weeks in the newspaper, a newspaper published in said county in which the sheriff's advertisements are published], and it further appearing to the satisfaction of this court by the testi- mony of all the subscribing witnesses, that the paper offered for probate is the last will and testament of , as alleged by the propounder in his petition, and that the said , the testator, was of sound mind and dispos- ing memory at the time he signed and executed the same, and no legal and sufficient cause being shown why said paper should not be proven and admitted to record as the last will and testa- ment of the said deceased as prayed : It is, therefore, ordered and adjudged by the court that the same be set up and established as the last will and testament of the said deceased, and be admitted to record as such. Ordered further that letters testamentary do issue to , the executor named in said will, upon his taking the oath required by law. This day of , 19 , Ordinary. OATH OF EXECUTOR. 3887. I, , do solemnly swear that this writing contains the true last will of the within named , deceased, so far as I know and believe, and that I will well and truly execute the same in accordance with the laws of the State. So help me God. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. Georgia, County. To Whom it may Concern : Whereas, at the regular term of the court of ordinary for 786 WILLS said county on the day of , 19 ... . r the last will and testament of. ... , late of said county, deceased, was duly proven and admitted to record, and it was ordered that letters testamentary issue to , the executor named in said will, upon his taking the oath of office ; and the said having taken said oath, these are, therefore, to authorize the said , and he is hereby authorized and required, to do and perform all the duties imposed upon him by the said will and the laws of said State. Given under my hand and official seal this day of ,19.... [Seal of Office.] Ordinary and Ex-off. Clerk. NUNCUPATIVE WILL. 3925-3928. Georgia, County. We, , and [name of at least three witnesses must be set out], were present on the day of , 19. . . ., at the residence of , in said county, where he had been resident for the space of more than ten days, next before the making of said will, during the last illness of the said About hours before his death the said , being in perfect possession of his mental faculties, as appeared to us, called upon the bystanders, and upon the undersigned in particular to remember and take notice of what he was about to say: When he said "that it had been his intention for some time past to make his will in writing, and thereby dispose of his property, but he had neglected to carry his intention into execu- tion, and that now it was not practicable. That he wished us to understand and bear witness that it was his last will and desire that should have and take possession of all his personal estate, of every kind and description, to her own proper use, benefit and behoof. That she was nearly destitute and had several small children to provide for; that she had been kind to him during his illness ; and that he desired and requested WILLS 787 that his friend would see that his wishes and desires in this regard be fully carried out." That immediately after the use in substance of the above language said died. This day of , 19 [NOTE. The application for probate must be made within six months after the death, and the substance of the testamentary disposition must be reduced to writing within thirty days after the speaking of the same.] AFFIDAVIT OF WITNESSES. Personally before me, the undersigned, an officer authorized to administer oaths, came , and , who, being duly sworn, say that the writing hereto attached contains the last request and verbal disposition of the personal property of , deceased, late of said county, and is just and true in all its particulars. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 (Official designation.) NOTICE TO HEIRS. 3927. Georgia, County. To , Widow of , Deceased : Whereas, has this day filed in my office a writing purporting to be the nuncupative will of , deceased, late of said county ; in which will it appears that the said was appointed executor. And whereas, the said has signified to me that he shall move for letters testamentary : Therefore, you, widow of the said deceased, are hereby notified to be and appear in said court at the next term thereof to contest the probate of said will if you desire to do so. Witness mv hand and official seal this. . . .day of , 19 (Official Seal) Ordinary. [NOTE. The same notice must be given to all heirs at law as re- quired on probate in solemn form of other wills. 3927. All property, real and personal, may be passed by nuncupative wills properly made and approved. 3928.] ORDER OF THE COURT. Georgia, County. Court of Ordinary, ......... Term, 19 .... Whereas, heretofore, to wit, on the day of , 19 . . . . , filed in the office of the ordinary of said county a writing purporting to be the nuncupative will of , deceased, late of said county. And at the same term of said court, the court directed process to issue calling upon , widow of deceased, to appear at this term, which has been duly served. And whereas, no objection has been filed against the proceed- ings in this case, and the witnesses having been examined in open court: It is therefore, ordered, that this will be set up and declared duly proven, and that the same be recorded. Let letters testamentary be issued to said , as executor of said will. This day of , 19 Ordinary. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY UNDER NUNCUPATIVE WILL. Georgia, County. By , Ordinary of said County. To All Whom These Presents Shall Come : Know ye, that on the day of , 19, WILLS 789 the nuncupative will of , deceased, was ex- hibited in open court; having boon previously filed in my office; and in proper form of law approved and ordered to be recorded, a copy of which is hereto attached. And administration of the estate of said , deceased, was granted unto , as executor of said will. The said , having taken the oath and performed all the other requisites required by law, is, by these presents, legally authorized to administer the estate of said deceased, conferred by said will, according to the tenor and effect thereof, and according to law. And the said executor is hereby required to make a true and perfect inventory and appraisement of the property of said deceased, and to make returns thereof according to law ; and to render true and correct account to said court of ordinary of his actings and doings yearly touching said estate, until the administration thereof is fully complete. Given under mv hand and official seal, this day of ". ., 19 (Official Seal) Ordinary. PRODUCTION or WILL, PETITION TO COMPEL. 3862. Georgia, County. To the Honorable , Ordinary of said County : 1. The petition of shows that died in said county on the day of , 19. . . ., possessed of real and personal property, and leaving a will in which petitioner is named as executor. 2. Said will was left with one for safe keeping; and soon after the death of said testator, to wit, on the day of , 19. . . ., petitioner applied to said for said will, and requested of him that he file the same with the ordinary of said county for probate. 3. Petitioner shows that said has neglected to comply with said request, therefore petitioner prays that process may issue directed to the said , requiring him to show cause, if any he has, why he should not file said will with said ordinary, or oji failure to do so that he be attached for contempt, and fined, or imprisoned until the same shall be 790 WILLS delivered, according to the statute in such case made and pro- vided. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 , Ordinary. RULE Read and considered ; ordered that ................. show cause before me on the ...... day of ............ , 19 . . . . , at ........ o'clock, A. M., at the court house in said county, why he should not file said will as prayed, or on failure to do so be fined or imprisoned until the same shall be delivered con- formably to law. Let a copy of said petition and this order be served upon ............... instanter. This ...... day of ............ , 19 ____ Ordinary. SERVICE. I have this day served personally with a copy of the above petition and rule. This day of , 19 , Sheriff. RULE ABSOLUTE. Georgia, County. Petition for Rule, etc. A rule nisi having heretofore issued, to wit, on the day of , 19. . . ., upon the petition of duly filed and verified, requiring to show cause this day why he should not file the will of witlr the ordinary of said county for probate, and it appearing that said was on the day of , 19. . . ., duly served by the sheriff of said county, with a copy of said petition and rule, and that he has made no answer thereto [or, failed to show any sufficient reason for not producing said WILLS 791 will], ordered that the sheriff of said county seize the said and imprison him in the common jail of said county until the said will of. . . , deceased, be delivered as aforesaid. This day of , 19 Ordinary. BOND, PETITION TO COMPEL EXECUTOR TO GIVE. 3891. Georgia, . County. To the Honorable , Ordinary of said County: 1. The petition of shows that he is a legatee under the will of , deceased, late of said county, and , the duly qualified executor of said will, is mismanaging the estate of his testator in this, to wit: [here set forth the acts of mismanagement] Wherefore, petitioner ' prays that a rule nisi may issue re- quiring said executor to show cause, if any he has, why he should riot be required to give bond and security for the faithful performance of his duties as executor, or in default thereof be removed from said trust. This. . . .day of , 19. ... RULE (State the case.) Read and considered : Ordered that the said be and appear at the next term of this court, to be held on the Monday in , 19 .... and show why he should not be required to give bond and security, as prayed for in said petition for the performance of his duties as executor of said will. Let a copy of said petition and of this order be served personally upon the said at least ten days before the next term of said court. This day of , 19 Ordinary. 792 WILLS JUDGMENT. (State the case.) The above case coming on regularly to be heard after due and legal notice to defendant, upon hearing and evidence, and the argument of counsel, and it appearing that said , executor, as aforesaid, has mismanaged said estate : It is therefore ordered that the said , executor, as aforesaid, give bond and good security in the sum of dollars, on or before the day of , 19. . . ., and that in default thereof his letters testamentary be revoked. Ordered further, that the said pay the sum of dollars and cents, the costs of this proceeding. This day of , 19 .... Ordinary. DISMISSION FROM EXECUTOKSHIP. 3892. PETITION. Georgia, County. To , Ordinary of said County : The petition of shows the following facts: 1st. That at the term in the year of the court of ordinary of said county, your petitioner qualified as executor upon the estate of , then late of said county, deceased, and letters testamentary were issued to your petitioner. 2nd. Your petitioner shows that he has fully discharged all of his duties as such executor, as is shown by his returns and vouchers of file in your office, and he asks that an order of citation be made, and that citation issue and be published, requiring all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any they have or can, against the granting of letters of dismis- sion from said trust, and that letters of dismission be granted. Petitioner. WILLS 793 OKDER FOR CITATION. Court of Ordinary, Terra, 19. ... , as executor of the estate of late of said county, deceased, having filed in this court his petition asking to be dismissed from his trust as such executor, and therein reciting that he has fully discharged all of his duties under such trust, and upon examination it so appearing, it is ordered that citation issue and be published calling upon all persons to be and appear at the next term of this court, and show cause, if any they have or can, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted and the said executor dismissed from his trust as prayed, and letters of dismission be issued. This day of , 19 Ordinarv. CITATION. Court of Ordinary. Term, ,19.. , as executor of the estate of , late o'f said county, deceased, having filed in this court his peti- tion for letters of dismission as such executor of said estate in due form, and alleging that he has fully performed all of his duties as such executor, this is to cite all persons whomsoever to be and appear at the term of the court of ordinary of said county, to show cause, if any they have or can, why the prayer of said petition should not be had and allowed and the said executor receive letters of dismission as prayed. Ordinary and ex-officio Clerk of Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, County. By the Honorable, the Ordinary of said County. To All Whom These Presents Shall Come or be Made Known Greeting : . Whereas , execut ... of the last will and testa- 794 WILLS ment of , deceased, has made application for dis- mission from said executorship, and on examination of the ap- praisement and inventory of the estate of , de- ceased, having found all and singular the property of said estate which came to the hands of said well and truly administered, as appears by the vouchers lodged in office: We do, therefore, in pursuance of the powers vested in us, hereby discharge, exonerate and dismiss the said from the executorship 'as aforesaid. Given under my official signature, this day of , 19 Ordinary County. Amendment. Action seeking to set up rights under will is amendable by alleging that plaintiffs were suing as legatees, instead of heirs at law. 126/148 (54 S. E. 977). Attestation. Where there is an attestation clause to instrument offered for probate as a will, reciting all the facts essential to its due execu- tion as a will and it is shown that the alleged testator and those whose names appear as witnesses actually affixed their signatures to the paper, presumption arises that it was executed as prescribed by law. 140/119 (4) (78 S. E. 823). See 144/801 (4) (187 S. E. 1046). Attestation is not good, when alleged testator did not sign until after witnesses had signed. 125/386 (54 S. E. 90). Attested by only two witnesses, void; not aided by judgment of probate. 123/144 (51 S. E. 491). Attorney may attest will for his client. 8 App. 91 (68 S. E. 651). Blanks. Item of will is not necessarily void because it does not contain name of beneficiary to whom it was the intention of the testator a legacy should be given. 145/856, 857 (2) (89 S. E. 1084). Caveat to probate is amendable. 142/352 (82 S. E. 1065). Copy not attached to petition, no cause for demurrer, when. 126/768 (56 S. E. 81). Foreign will, executed in accordance with law of other state, having but two witnesses, not convey realty in Georgia. 122/398 (50 S. E. 131), 887 (50 S. E 1 . 997). Mark, illiterate person need not make, in order to execute valid will; authority for scrivener to sign is sufficient. 127/175 (56 S. E. 289). Reformation. Will can not be reformed by adding to it. 122/183 (50 S. E, 41). Revocation must be as formal as execution, and attested by three witnesses. 122/396 (50 S. E. 131). WITNESSES 795 WITNESSES. 5849-5884. SUBPOENA. 5849. Georgia, County. To , Greeting : You are hereby commanded, that laying all other business aside you be and appear at the Court in and for the county aforesaid, on the Monday in next, from day to day, and term to term, until said case is disposed of, then and there to be sworn as a witness for the in the case of against , there pending. Fail not, under the penalty of the law. Witness the honorable , judge of said Court, this day of , 19 " Clerk.' SUBPOENA COUKT IN SESSION. Georgia, County. To . . . , Greeting : You are hereby commanded, that laying all other business aside, you be and appear at the Court, in and for the county aforesaid, now in session, from day to day, and term to term, until said case is disposed of, then and there to be sworn as a witness for the in the case of against , there pending. .Fail not under penalty of the law. Witness the honorable , judge of said court, this day of ,19 " Clerk.' AFFIDAVIT AS TO ATTENDANCE. (Icorgia, County. Before the undersigned authority in and for said county, per- sonally appeared who, being first duly sworn, 796 WITNESSES savs on oath, that at the time of the service of the attached / / subpoena npQn him he was not, and is not now, a resident of the county of , but that he is a resident of the county of , said State ; that deponent, at the term, 19. . . ., of the Superior Court of the county of. , attended said court as a witness for the State on said attached subpoena the following days , for which service he is entitled to $2.00 per day, making for said attendance dollars, and that he on reaching his home will have traveled in going to and from said court by the nearest practicable route miles, and that his actual traveling expenses in going to and returning from said court will be dollars. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ,19 Clerk. I hereby certify to the attendance and mileage as set out in the above and foregoing affidavit, this day of , 19 . . .-. [L.S.] Solicitor-General . , . . Circuit, SUBPCENA FROM COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Georgia, County. To , Greeting : You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the next court of county commissioners in and for said county on the first Tuesday in , 19 . . . . , at ten o'clock, a. m., then and there to be sworn as a witness for the in the case of against for Herein fail not under penalty of the law. Witness hand and official signature day of , 19.. County Commissioners. WITNESSES 797 SUBPCKNA DUCES TECUM. 5844-5846. Georgia, County. To , Greeting : You are hereby required to be and appear at the to be held in and for said county, on the Monday in next, from day to day, and term to term, until said case is disposed of, and to bring with you into said court a certain [here describe, with sufficient particularity to identify them, the several books, papers, letters or documents desired], to be used as evidence by the in a certain case pending in said court between said vs Herein fail not under penalty of the law. Witness the honorable , judge of said court this day of ,19.. .. Clerk. (NOTE: Service shall be made upon residents of the county ten days, and upon non-residents twenty days before the trial, where the case is pending in the Superior Court, and five days before in justice court cases. It may be made by a sheriff, constable, or private person, and the official return of the sheriff or constable, or the affidavit of such private person, shall be sufficient evidence that the same was duly served. But the judge may require summary production, in certain cases. 5844). RULE AGAINST DEFAULTING WITNESS. RULE NISI. Georgia, County. Superior Court, term, 19 . . It appearing to the court that ha. . .been duly subpO3naed to appear and testify at this term of this court as witness. . for the State in the case of the State vs. , charged with the offense of And it further appearing to the court that said witness, .ha. . failed and refused to obey said subprena. .and ha. .failed to ap- pear and answer when called as witness, .in said case: It is therefore ordered by the court that the said show cause [instanter, or] at the next term of this court why 798 WITNESSES he should not pay a fine of dollars for contempt of this court in failing and refusing to obey said subprena. . It is further ordered that a copy of this rule be served on . , said witness . . [immediately, or] at least ten days before the next term of this court. Judge Superior Court Circuit. . . Solicitor-General. RULE ABSOLUTE. Georgia, County. Superior Court, term, 19 .... It appearing to the court that the above rule nisi has been duly served upon , the witness. . named therein, and the said witness. . having failed to render a satisfactory reason for absence "when called," ete. : It is therefore ordered by the court that the said rule be made absolute against said witness . . for dollars. And it is further ordered that the sheriff of this county arrest and imprison in the common jail of this county said witness, .until said fine and the cost of this proceeding shall be fully paid. Judge Superior Court Circuit. Solicitor-General. PART III. CRIMINAL FORMS. PART III. CRIMINAL FORMS. (NOTE: The use of the mark designates sections of the Code of 1910. Where P. C. is also used the Penal Code is meant. These refer- ences are equally applicable to Park's Annotated Code of Georgia, 1914, as the section numbers therein are the same as those in the Code of 1910, except where new matter was inserted.) CRIMINAL WARRANT IN JUSTICE COURT. AFFIDAVIT. 905 P. C. Georgia, County. Personally came , who on oath says that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, did, on the day of , in the year , in the county aforesaid, commit the offense of , and this deponent makes this affidavit that a warrant may issue for his arrest. Affiant. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ,19 J. P. WAEBANT. 906 P. C. Georgia, County. To any Sheriff, Deputy-Sheriff, Coroner, Constable, or Marshal of said State, Greeting: makes oath before me that on the day of , 19'. . . . , in the county aforesaid, did commit the offense of You are therefore com- manded to arrest the body of the said and bring him before me, or some other judicial officer of this State, to be dealt \\ith as the law directs. You will also levy on a sufficiency of 802 CRIMINAL WARRANT IN JUSTICE COURT the property of said to pay the costs in the event of his final conviction. Herein fail not. J.P. CONSTABLE'S RETURN ENDORSED ON WARRANT. Georgia, County. Executed the within and foregoing warrant by arresting. . . ., the defendant and have him present in court, this day of , 19 Constable. ORDER OF COMMITMENT. The State I Before C T ur < L, of J. P-, day of , 19 Warrant for [Offense]. After hearing the evidence in the above-named and stated case, it is ordered that the defendant, , be bound over to answer the offense of at the next term of the Court of said county, and that he give a bond with good and sufficient security in the sum of $ , conditioned for his appearance at the said term, from day to day, until the said case is disposed of, to answer the said offense charged in said warrant. Or in default of the giving of such bond, that he be committed to the common jail of said county to answer said charge, and until he is discharged therefrom by proper order of the Court. Witness my hand and official signature, this day of ,19 COMMITMENT. (CODE FORM.) 939 P. C. Georgia, County. having been arrested on a warrant for the offense of and brought before me, after hearing CRIMINAL WARRANT IN JUSTICE COURT 803 evidence it is ordered that he he committed for trial for the offense of And the jailer of said county (or any other county, if necessary) is required to receive and safely keep him until discharged by due process of law. Witness mv hand and official signature, this day of ,;i vv j.p.' BFT/L, OF COSTS. Aggregate. Issuing warrant $1.25 Arrest 1.25 Keeping prisoner 75 Trial 1.25 Issuing. . . .subpoenas, 15c. each Summoning witnesses, 30c. each Examining witnesses, 30c. each . Attendance 35 Taking preliminary bond 1.00 Taking appearance bond 1.00 Commitment 35 Total WITNESSES FOR THE STATE. Name ' Residence , Name Residence , Name Residence , Name Residence , Name Residence Name Residence Name Residence . 804 WARRANT FOR GOOD BEHAVIOR RECOGNIZANCE IN J. P. COURT. Georgia, County. We, , principal, and , security, acknowledge ourselves bound unto , as Governor of Georgia., and his successors in office, in the sum of dollars, for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, by these presents, waiving all right to homestead and exemption of per- sonalty by virtue of existing laws. Signed and sealed, this day of , 19. ... The foregoing bond is subject to this condition : The above bound is charged upon the. oath of with the offense of , and now, if the said/ shall appear at the justice's court, to be held in and for the. district, G. M., county aforesaid, on the day of. , 19. . ., at. . . .o'clock. . .m., and from day to day and from term to term, to answer said charge, and shall not depart thence without leave of said court, then this bond to be void. , Principal [Seal.] , Security [Seal.] , Security [Seal.] Attested and approved by: J. P. WARRANT FOR GOOD BEHAVIOR. 1317 P. C. AFFIDAVIT. Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned, a justice of the peace, , the subscriber, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that of said county, has threatened to kill or do bodily harm to of said county, and that the said threats with other acts of the said are such as to justify the belief of affiant that the said will do bodily harm to the said , and affiant makes WARRANT FOR GOOD BEHAVIOR 805 this affidavit that a warrant for the good behavior of the said be issued. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ,19 J. P. WARRANT. Georgia, County. To any Lawful Officer: Whereas, the above complaint has this day been made before me, these are, therefore, to command you that you forthwith ar- rest the body of the said and bring before me, or some other judicial officer of this State, to be dealt with according to law. Given under my hand and official signature, this day of ,19.... J.P. ENTRY OF ARREST. Georgia, County. I have this day of , 19 . . . , executed the within warrant by arresting the defendant , and brought him before , J. P., for trial. ' c.' c. BOND. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, That we, , principal and , security, are held and firmly bound unto , Governor of the State of Georgia, for the time being, and his successors in office, in the sum of dollars, for the payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this day of ,19 806 PEACE WARRANT The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas the said has been arrested and brought before me, under and by virtue of a warrant issued upon the affidavit of , praying bond for good behavior against said , and the court being satisfied that probable cause for requiring such bond for good behavior does exist. Now, if the said shall be and appear at the next Supe- rior Court, to be held in and for said county, on the Monday in , to do and perform whatever may be en- joined upon by said court, and in the meantime shall do nothing unlawful to the said , then this obligation to be void, else of full force and effect. , Principal [L. S.] , Security [L. S.] Executed in the presence of and approved by me J. P. PEACE WARRANT. 1320 P. C. AFFIDAVIT. Georgia, County. Before me, in person, came , who, being duly sworn, deposes and says that is in fear of death or some bodily harm to be done, or procured to be done to by Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 J. P. WARRANT Georgia, County. To any Lawful Officer of said County, Greeting: Whereas, has made this affidavit before me as required by law, that is in fear of bodily injury, to be done or procured to be done to by PEACE WARRANT 807 These are therefore to command you that you forthwith ar- rest the said -. . . .and bring before me to find surety to keep the peace towards this State and all the citizens thereof, and especially towards the said , and also to appear at the Superior Court to abide any decree then made. Given under my hand and official signature, this dav of ,19 f> 'j.'p.' ORDER OF JUDGE. Georgia, ~. County. The State vs. Upon hearing the evidence in the above-stated case, it is ad- judged by the court that the defendant, . . , give bond and security in the sum of dollars to keep the peace toward family and property, or in default thereof that he be committed. This day of , 19 J.P. District, G. M. BOND. Georgia, County. We, , as principal, and , as secur- ity, agree jointly and severally to pay , Governor of Georgia, and his successors in office, dollars, upon condition that said fails to keep the peace as against , her family and property. Witness our hands and seals this day of , 19. . , Principal (L. S. ) , Security (L. S.) Executed in the presence of and approved by me J. P. District, G. M. 808 SEARCH WARRANT SEARCH WARRANT. $1325 P. C. AFFIDAVIT. Georgia, County. Personally came < , who being duly sworn, on oath says that certain personal property, to wit, has recently been taken from his possession by criminal means, and carried away, and that he verily believes, and has probable cause to believe, that the said property is now concealed in a dwelling [or, office; or store, etc.] occupied by located at , in the county of , said State. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ,19 J. P. WARRANT. Georgia, County. To any Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, Coroner, Constable, or Marshal of said State, Greeting: having made oath before me that certain per- sonal property, to wit, , has recently been taken from his possession by criminal means, and carried away, and that he verily believes that the said property is now concealed in a house occupied by , located at , in the county of , said State: You are hereby commanded to enter said house and make dili- gent search for said property above described, and if you find the same, or any part thereof, bring the same, together with the said , before me, or some other judicial officer of this State, to be dealt with as the law directs. Witness my hand and official signature this day of , 19.. RECOGNIZANCES 809 RECOGNIZANCES. To APPEAR AND GIVE EVIDENCE IN SUPERIOR COURT. 940, 961 P. C. Georgia, County. We, , as principal, and , as secur- ity, both of the county and State aforesaid, acknowledge our- selves bound unto his Excellency , Governor of said State, for the time being, and his successors in office, in the sum of dollars, subject to the following conditions: Whereas, at the term of the superior court of county, the Honorable judge of said court, re- quired to give bond in the sum of dollars, conditioned for his appearance to testify as a witness for the State in the case of State vs , charged with. , in said court pending. Now, therefore, if the above bound personally be and appear at the next superior court, to be held in and for said county on the Monday in next, and from day to day, and term to term, thereafter, then and there to give evi- dence in said case, so pending in said court, and not depart thence without leave of the court, then this obligation to be void ; otherwise, of force. This day of . . ., 19 , Principal (L. S.) , Security (L. S.) Approved : J. P. APPEARANCE OF ACCUSED IN SUPERIOR COURT. 947 P. C. Georgia, County. Know All Men by these Presents: That we , principal . . and , securi- 810 RECOGNIZANCES ties, are held and firmly bound nnto his Excellency , Governor of said State, and his successors in office, in the penal sum of dollars, for the true payment whereof we hind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed with our hands, sealed with our seals, and dated this day of. , ,19 The conditions of the above obligation are such, That if the above bound shall personally be and appear at the next Superior Court of county, to be held on the Monday in next, from day to day, and from term to term, then and there to answer to an indictment for the offense of , with which he stands charged, and shall not depart thence without the leave of said court, then the above obligation to be null and void; else remain in full force and virtue. And the better to secure the payment of this bond, in the event of forfeiture, we each, for ourselves and families, and as the head of our respective families, renounce and waive all right and benefit of homestead and exemption under the Con- stitution and laws of this State, as against this obligation. , Principal (L. S.) , Security (L. S. ) , Security (L. S. ) , Security (L. S. ) Approved by J. P. APPEARANCE OF ACCUSED IN COURT OF INQUIRY. 947 P. C. Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, that we, , as principal, and , as security, are held and firmly bound unto , Governor of said State, and his suc- cessors in office, in the just and full sum of dollars, subject to the condition hereinafter stated, and against the obli- gation of this bond each of us, whether principal or security, hereby for himself and family waives and renounces any and RECOGNIZANCES 811 all right of homestead and exemption under the Constitution and laws of this State. Signed with our hands and sealed with our seals, this day of ,19 The condition of the above obligation is as follows: The above bound having been arrested by , lawful constable of said county, on a warrant issued by me for , and brought before me sitting as a court of in- quiry at , this day, and not being ready for trial, has asked the postponement of the same, which has been granted to the day of , 19 , Now if the said bound should be and appear be- fore me at on said day and until said case is dis- posed of and not depart thence without the 'leave of the Court, then and in such case this bond to be void, otherwise of full force and effect. , Principal (L. S.) , Security (L. S. ) Executed in the presence of and approved by me : J. P. JUSTIFICATION OF SECURITY. Georgia, County. Before me in person came , who being sworn, deposes and says that he is security on the within bond ; and that he owns in his own right and name real estate lying in said county of the value of hundred dollars, the amount of said bond, over and above the sum of sixteen hundred dollars, which may be claimed as exempt from levy and sale for debts under the Constitution and laws of this State, and all debts and other liabilities. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ,19 Sheriff. 812 RECOGNIZANCES (*" - - - I V X. FORFEITURE OF RECOGNIZANCE. RULE NISI. Georgia, County. Term Superior Court of said County. Governor vs. Forfeiture of Recognizance. Securities. This day came , Solicitor-General of the circuit, who prosecutes for the State of Georgia, and shows that heretofore, to wit, on the day of , 19 . . . . , as principal, and , as securities en- tered into an obligation before , sheriff of the Superior Court for said county, by which they acknowledged themselves to owe and be justly indebted to , Governor of said State, and his successors in office in the sum of dollars, to be void on condition that the said principal make his personal appearance before the next Supe- rior Court to be held for said county of , and from day to day, and term to term, until said case is disposed of, to answer for the offense of with which he stands charged Now on this day the said , being solemnly called to come into court to answer said charge and the said securities, his bail, having been warned to present the body of their principal, w'hom they engaged to be present this day to answer said charge, and the said parties respectively having wholly made default, it is" therefore considered by the court that the said principal and the said securities forfeit their recognizance, and that the said , Governor, recover against said , principal, and , securi- ties, the sum of dollars, the amount of their obli- gation so forfeited as aforesaid, unless at the next term of this RECOGNIZANCES 813 court they show sufficient cause why this order should not be made final and scire facias is ordered to issue. Judge Superior Court Circuit. Solicitor General. SCIKE FACIAS. Georgia, County. To All and Singular the Sheriffs of this State and thei* Lawful Deputies, Greeting: Whereas. . . ._ , principal, and , security, did, on the day of , 19 . . . . , before make and enter into their certain obligation of that date com- monly called a , signed with their hands and sealed with their seals, and attested by , and which is now here in court, ready to be shown, whereby the said , principal, and , security, acknowledge themselves firmly bound unto , Governor of the State of Geor- gia, for the time being, and his successors in office, in the sum of dollars, for the payment of which they bind themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these presents, and which said was subject to, and had there unto a certain condition in substance and to the effect following, that is to say: That whereas an indictment for the offense of had been found against him the said , principal, at the term, 19 , . . , in Superior Court, and said defendant was arrested and gave bond conditioned that if the said should be and appear at our Superior Court of said county on the day of , 19. . . ., and from day to 'day, and term to term, to answer for the offense of , and should not depart thence with- out the leave of the court, until the said cause should be finally disposed of, then the said bond or obligation was to be void, else to remain in full force and effect. And whereas, at the term of the Superior Court of the county aforesaid, to wit, on the. day of. , 19. . . , the said being thrice duly called in open court, and fail- ing to appear, and the said , security of the said principal, his said appearance bond as aforesaid being duly called and required to produce the body of the said 814 RECOGNIZANCES in court, and failing so to do, it was thereupon ordered, considered and adjudged by the court that their said be forfeited to the State, and that scire facias should issue thereon, in terms of the law, all of which by the records of said court reference being thereunto had will more fully and at large appear. These are therefore to command you, and each of you, that you make known to the said if to be found in your bailiwick, that they, and each of them, be and appear in terms of the law, at the next term of the Superior Court to be held in and for the county of on the Mon- day in next, then and there to show cause why final judg- ment should not be entered up against them, or either or any of them, on their said so forfeited to the State, in favor of said State for the amount thereof, with interest and cost. Witness the Honorable , judge of said court this day of ,19 "Clerk. ENTRY OF SERVICE. I have this day served the defendant with a copy of this writ, by... i This day of , 19. ... "Sheriff/ RULE ABSOLUTE. Governor, etc. Superior Court. vs. .Term, 19 It appearing to the court that a rule nisi was granted in this case at the term, 19. . . ., of said court, requiring the said defendants, , to show cause at the next term of said court why their bond should not be forfeited ; and it further appearing that a scire facias was duly issued and INDICTMENT 815 served, and that said defendants have shown no sufficient cause why said bonds should not be forfeited. It is, therefore, on mo'tion of the solicitor-general, ordered by the court that said rule nisi be made absolute, and that judgment be entered against the said defendants for the sum of dollars and cents, and cost of suit, in favor of , Governor of said State, and his successors in office, and that said plaintiff recover from said defendants said sum with cost. Judge Superior Court Circuit. Solicitor-General. INDICTMENT. GENERAL, FORM. 954 P. C. Georgia, County. In the Superior Court of said County. The grand jurors selected, chosen and sworn for the county of to wit : 1 . . Foreman. 2 14. 3 15, 4 16, 5 17, G 18, 7 19, 8 20, 9 - 21, 10 22. 11 23. 12 24. 13.. 25. In the name and behalf of the citizens of Georgia, charge and accuse with the offense of , for that the said did on the day of , 19. . ., in the county aforesaid 816 INDICTMENT contrary to the laws of said State, the good order, peace and dig- nity thereof. Prosecutor. Solicitor-General. Term, 19. ... Accessory before fact, in indictment of, it is not necessary to state manner of committing offense. It is sufficient to charge generally that he feloniously, wilfully and unlawfully did procure, counsel, and command the principal to commit it. 14 App. 158 (1) (79 S. E. 71). Allegations of fact in body of indictment must show that accused did all of those acts which the statute prescribes shall be a crime if done. 16 App. 312 (1) (85 S. E. 284). Amendment. Indictments and presentments are not amendable. 17 App. 143, 144 (86 S. E. 415). Clerical error. Where it appears upon face of indictment that one not qualified to act as grand juror did participate in finding and return- in the bill, it may be shown that writing the name of such grand juror in indictment was a clerical error. 141/1 (80 S. E. 314). The use of the term "frunk" instead of the word "drunk," in in- dictment for sale of liquor, was a clerical error. 14 App. 544, 547 (81 S. E. 910). Conclusion of pleader. Allegation that an act which of itself is in- trinsically lawful was done unlawfully, unless by explanatory state- ment it is specifically pointed out in what manner the act was done unlawfully, is a mere conclusion of the pleader. 17 App. 205 (86 S. E. 452). Conjunctive allegations. Allegation of several forbidden things in one count, using "and" where statute has "or," not double. 1 App. 700 (58 S. E. 67). See 123/17 (51 S. E. 11). Counts. As to misdemeanors, different counts charging offenses of same nature may be joined in one indictment. 18 App. 201 (1) (89 S. E. 178). Formal defect. Indictment returned July 8, 1915, showed upon its face that the writing of the date of the offense alleged therein, to wit, "2nd day of June, in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and , with force and arms," had not been completed by the drawer of the indictment; and it may be assumed that this omission in the date was a mere lapsus pennae. 17 App. 750 (2) (88 S. E. 410). Names of grand jurors not appearing in indictment, it should be quashed on motion, though endorsement, "True bill," was followed by signature and the word "Foreman." 14 App. 451 (81 S. E. 391). Offense is characterized in indictment not by the name given it therein, but by criminal acts therein alleged to have been com- mitted. 17 App. 414 (1) (87 S. E. 147). Particularity. In a broad sense, an indictment in which the essential elements of the crime charged are set out with such particularity as will fully apprise accused of the exact nature of the offense and the manner in which it was committed is sufficient. 17 App. 337, 338 (5) (86 S. E. 784). DEMAND FOR TRIAL 817 Place. Only in an indictment under a statute which makes the charac- ter of the place an essential element of the offense must the place at which the crime was committed be described with particularity. 15 App. 348 (1) (83 S. E. 198). Special presentment is treated as an indictment. 127/61 (65 S. E. 131). Surplusage. Allegations which are too general and indefinite to set forth a crime may be treated as surplusage if there are other averments which sufficiently allege the commission of an offense. 12 App. 86 (76 S. E. 779); 18 App. 87, 89 (88 S. E. 996). No aver- ment can be rejected as surplusage which is descriptive either of the offense or of the manner in which it was committed. 16 App. 311 (3) (85 S. E. 267). Time. Indictment naming neither day nor month is defective and should be quashed on special demurrer. 15 App. 511 (2) (83 S. E'. 866). DEMAND FOR TRIAL. $983 P. C. The State ") In the Superior Court of vs. County Term, 19 . Indictment for. . Now comes , the defendant in the above named and stated case, at this the term said indictment was found (or at the next term after said indictment was found as the case may be), and there being jurors empaneled and qualified to try said case at this time, defendant makes this his demand for trial and asks that the same be placed upon the minutes and that he be tried at this term or at the next term of this Court, or in de- fault of such trial, that he be fully acquitted and discharged of said offense. This day of ,19 Attorney for Defendant. Superior Court. Term, 19 The above 'and foregoing having been presented, and the same being true, said demand is allowed. Let it be placed upon the minutes. This day of , 19 Judge of the Superior Court. 818 COPY OF ACCUSATION, ETC. COPY OF ACCUSATION AND LIST OF NAMES OF WITNESSES UPON WHOSE TESTIMONY CHARGE IS FOUNDED. 8 (2), 970 P. C. DEMAND. The State "} In the Superior Court of vs. f County.- Term, 19 .... Indictment for To , Solicitor-General. As the 'defendant in the above-named and stated case, I hereby make demand upon you, as Solicitor-General, for a copy of the bill of indictment in said case, and a list of the names of the witnesses upon whose testimony such charge is founded, and who were sworn and gave evidence thereon before the grand jury. RESPONSE OF SOLICITOR-GENERAL. The State ~\ In the Superior Court of vs. County Term, 19 .... J Indictment for To , Defendant : In response to your demand for a copy of the indictment and list of witnesses upon whose testimony the charge in the above- named and stated case is founded, and who were sworn and gave evidence thereon before the grand jury, I furnish herewith a copy of the indictment and also a list of the witnesses who were sworn and gave evidence thereon before the grand jury as fol- lows : [Here set out the names of the witnesses.] This day of , 19 Solicitor-General. Unless there is something in the charter to the contrary, it is not necessary, it is not necessary that a person accused of violation of a municipal ordinance shall be furnished with a written accusation or statement of the charge made against him. 15 App. 511 (1) (83 S. E. 866). Demand for indictment not allowable in criminal court of Atlanta. 126/84 (54 S. E. 931). DEMURRERS TO INDICTMENT 819 DEMURRERS TO INDICTMENT. 975 P. C. GENERAL DEMURRER. The State ") In the Superior Court of vs. County Term, 19 ... 3 Indictment for. . Now comes the defendant in the above-named and stated case and before arraignment and before pleading to the indictment therein, and demurs thereto, .and for grounds of demurrer, says: 1st. This defendant demurs to said indictment upon the ground that the allegations therein do not charge this defend- ant with any offense under the law, and under the allegations therein the defendant is not guilty of any offense under the laws of this State. 2nd. This defendant demurs to said indictment upon the ground that there is no offense under the laws of this State charged against defendant therein, and the allegations of said indictment do not set out and charge an offense under the laws of this State against defendant. 3rd. This defendant demurs to said indictment upon the ground that the allegations therein are not sufficient to charge this defendant with a violation of any offense under the laws of this State, and said indictment is wholly insufficient in law. This defendant prays that each and all of the foregoing grounds of demurrer be examined into by the Court and that said indictment be quashed upon each and all of said grounds. Attorney for Defendant. SPECIAL DEMURRER. State ~\ In the Superior Court of County. Indictment for at the term, 19 .... Now comes the defendant in the above-named and stated case before arraignment and before pleading therein, and files these his demurrers to said indictment, and for grounds of demurrer, says: 1st. This defendant demurs to said indictment upon the ground that there is no allegation of any date charged therein, 820 SPECIAL PLEAS at which time the defendant committed the offense alleged in the charge, and this defendant prays the Court that said indict- ment be quashed upon this ground. or This defendant demurs to said indictment upon the ground that the charge therein set out and alleged is one for larceny from the house and there is no allegation in said indictment of the value of said property, or that it is of any value, and on this ground this defendant prays that said indictment be quashed. This defendant demurs to said indictment upon the ground that there are no names of the grand jurors set out in said indict- ment, and it does not appear who the grand jurors are, and who it is that makes the charge against the defendant, and on this ground this defendant prays that said indictment be quashed. or This defendant demurs to said indictment upon the ground that the same contains two counts, and the first count does not close in proper form, in that the allegation "contrary to the laws of said State, the good order, p'eace and dignity thereof" is omitted from the end of said count, and the first count not being in proper form and being insufficient in law, on this ground this defendant prays that the said first count be quashed. (NOTE: Any objection as to the form of the indictment must be taken by special demurrer in writing previous to pleading and arraign- ment or waiver of arraignment, and these forms can be varied to suit any particular case.) SPECIAL PLEAS. $975-979 P. C. PLEA OF MISNOMER. 979 P. C. The State ~\ In the Superior Court of vs. - County Term, 19 .... ; 3 Indictment for Now comes defendant in the above-named and stated case be- fore arraignment and before pleading therein, and files this his special plea to said indictment, and says : This defendant has been indicted under the name of , as set out and charged in said indictment, and he alleges that SPECIAL PLEAS 821 such name is not his true name and that he has never been known and called by said name, but that his true name is , by which he has always been known and called, and he files this his plea of misnomer to said indictment, sub- mits it to the Court and prays that said indictment be quashed. Defendant's Attorney. Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned officer . .- , the subscriber, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the facts and things stated in the foregoing plea, are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 Clerk Superior Court. Plea of misnomer must be filed before arraignment. 140/864 (80 S. E. 315). PLEA IN ABATEMENT ON GROUND OF DISQUALIFICATION OF GRAND JURORS. The State ~} In the Superior Court of vs. ' County Term, 19 . j Indictment for. . Now comes the defendant in the above-named and stated case, and, before arraignment and plea therein, files this his special plea thereto, and says : 1st. Defendant was arrested on a bench warrant that issued from said Superior Court on an indictment found at the term, 19. . . ., thereof, charging defendant with the offense of trespass. Defendant had no knowledge of the pendency of said matter before the grand jury, being not guilty of the charges therein, and knew nothing of them until said arrest. It appears from the names of the grand jurors set out in said indictment and who served and acted in finding said indictment, that was one of the grand jurors who acted in findkig said bill, and it further appears that the said the said juror who acted in finding said bill as set out and charged in such in- dictment, is the owner of the land upon which the trespass is 822 SPECIAL PLEAS alleged to have been committed, and this defendant submits to the Court that the said. , juror, wa s not a qualified juror to act in such case, and this defendant never had any notice of the pendency of the said matter before the grand jury and knew nothing of said matter before the grand jury and knew nothing of said prosecution until said indictment was found, and he had no opportunity to challenge said , , the al- leged owner of said land as a grand juror, and for this reason this defendant files this his plea to said indictment upon said ground and prays that the same be quashed. Attorney for Defendant. (Attach verification.) PLEA OF AUTRE Fois ACQUIT. 63G4; 11 P. C. The State ] ^ the Superior Court of . vg County Term, 19.... Indictment for assault with intent to murder. Now comes the defendant in the above-named and stated case, and, before arraignment and pleading therein, files this his special plea thereto upon the following ground: This defendant was indicted at the term, 19. . . ., of this court, for the offense of assault and battery upon one , and at said term was tried and acquitted of the charge in said indictment. The said indictment for assault and battery was found upon the same facts and the same transaction upon which the present indictment for assault with intent to murder is framed, which charges an offense of assault with intent to mur- der upon , the same person named in the indict- ment for assault and battery as assaulted and beaten, and this defendant charges and alleges that having been tried and ac- quitted of the offense of assault and battery upon , and the said alleged assault and battery having happened at the same time upon the same person and being the same transaction upon which he is indicted for the offense of assault with intent to murder, this cfefendant pleads said former trial and acquittal of the charge of assault and battery in bar to this indictment for assault with intent to murder, and prays that he be dis- charged. SPECIAL PLEAS 823 This defendant submits hereto with this special plea a copy of the said indictment for assault and battery, with the verdict of the jury thereon finding him not guilty, as a part of this plea. Attorney for Defendant. Georgia, County. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, , the subscriber, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the facts and things set out in the foregoing plea, are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ,19 Clerk Superior Court. PLEA or AUTRE Fois CONVICT. (The above plea can be varied, and if the plea of autre fois convict is proper, the plea can be changed to meet such a state of facts.) PLEA OF FORMER JEOPARDY WHERE MISTRIAL DECLARED. The State ") Indictment for highway robbery. In vs. Superior Court. J ..Term, 19.. Conies now the defendant, , in the above-named and stated case, and, before plea and arraignment therein, files this his special plea thereto and alleges : 1st. That on the day of 19 . . . . , in the Superior Court of County this defendant was placed on trial in this Court upon said indictment for the offense alleged therein and charged, and that after having waived ar- raignment therein and filing a plea of not guilty therein and after the issue in said case was made up and submitted to the jury and after evidence had been heard thereon, the Judge pre- siding in said case, the Honorable , declared a mis- trial in said case over the protest and without the consent of this defendant, and without any legal and sufficient reason therefor, and this defendant having been placed in jeopardy upon said charge in this Court, which said Court at said time had jurisdic- 824 SPECIAL PLEAS tion of said offense, this defendant pleads said former jeopardy in bar and further prosecution on said indictment, and prays the Court that this his plea be sustained and that he be dis- charged from any other and further prosecution and liability in said case. This defendant attaches hereto a copy of the indict- ment in this case, together with the waiver of arraignment thereon and the plea of not guilty filed by this defendant on said former trial. Attorney for Defendant. Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, the defendant, who, being duly sworn, on oath says that the facts and things stated in the foregoing plea, are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 19 Accusation. Plea of former jeopardy which does not set forth a copy of accusation on which it is alleged the accused was previously tried, is fatally defective, and may properly be stricken on de- murrer pointing out that defect. 14 App. 577 (1) (81 S. E. 797). Copy of ordinance. Plea setting up that accused had already been con- victed by the recorder of a certain municipality of the same offense, but which failed to set out a copy of the ordinance under which he had been convicted, was properly stricken on demurrer. 13 App. 74 (78 S. E. 859). Indictment. Under the practice prevailing in Georgia, it would seem that if the plea of autre fois convict showed a valid verdict upon a good indictment it would not be demurrable merely because it was not alleged that a valid judgment of conviction had been enter- ed up on the verdict. 14 App. 276 (4) (80 S. E. 688). Necessity. Plea is necessary in order to set up former jeopardy; evi- dence as to former jeopardy was properly rejected in absence of such plea. 17 App. 447 (87 S. E. 602). Sufficiency of facts. Plea is good, where the facts required to support the second indictment would have been sufficient to convict under the first. 13 App. 733, 735 (80 S. E. 14). INSANITY. 9Y6 P. C. The State ~\ In Superior Court of vs. r County Term, 19 .... 3 Indictment for murder. Now comes the defendant in the above-named and stated case, and, before plea and arraignment therein, files this his special plea in said case, and says : ARRAIGNMENT 825 At this time of trial this defendant alleges and says that he is now insane, and has not sufficient mental capacity and mind to make his defense, and to advise his counsel as to his defense, and the facts upon which it is founded to enable them to pre- pare and make the same, that he is not guilty of the offense charged against him in said indictment, and he prays that the facts set up in this plea may be inquired into by the Court and that such further proceedings may be had as are in conformity to law. Attorney for Defendant. ARRAIGNMENT. 968-974 P. C. WAIVER, AND PLEA. The defendant, , waives formal arraignment, and pleads not guilty. This day of , 19 Defendant's Attorney. Solicitor-General. FORM OF ARRAIGNMENT. The Solicitor-General will say: "John Doe, stand up. You have been indicted by the grand jury of this county for the offense of Listen to the reading of the indict- ment." The Solicitor-General will then read the indictment, and will then say: "How say you, John Doe, are you guilty or not guilty?" [Here the defendant will make his plea, which will be recorded by the Solicitor-General on the indictment as fol- lows: "The defendant, being formally arraigned, pleads not guilty, this day of ,19 "] Then the Solicitor-General will say: "These good men and true, whose names you have heard called, and whose names you 826 JURY AND JURORS will hear called again, are those who are to pass between you and the State of Georgia upon this, your trial for on this indictment. If you would challenge them or any one of them, challenge them when they come to be sworn and be- fore they are sworn, and you shall be heard." Formal arraignment not required where indictment was read over to accused by the solicitor-general, and plea of "not guilty" entered. 125/739 (54 S. E. 667). Misdemeanor case, what arraignment sufficient in. 125/739 (54 S. E. 667). Waiver of arraignment on one trial applies also to subsequent trial granted on defendant's motion. 17 App. 252 (87 S. E. 705). JUKY AND JUKORS. CHALLENGE TO ARRAY. 998 P. C. The State In Superior Court of. vs. > County Term, 19 .... ) Indictment for Now comes the defendant in the above-named and stated case before plea and arraignment therein, and when and at the time the panel of jurors empaneled to try him are put upon him, he challenges the array of said jurors and says that the same should not be put upon him and try his case, and for grounds thereof, says : [Here state the grounds of challenge, which may be "for any cause going to show that it was not fairly or properly em- paneled, or ought not to be put upon him."] This defendant insists that he is entitled to a fair and proper jury, and for each and all of the reasons hereinbefore set out, he insists that this panel should be quashed. Attorney for Defendant. PRELIMINARY OATH TO JURORS. 1001 P. C. You shall true answers make to such questions as may be asked you by the Court or its authority touching your compe- OATH OF WITNESSES VERDICT OF JURY 827 tency as jurors in the case of State of Georgia vs , charged with the offense of , so help you God. QUESTIONS ON VOIR DIRE. 1001 P. C. 1. Have you, from having seen the crime committed or from having heard any of the testimony delivered on oath, formed and expressed any opinion in regard to the guilt or innocence of the prisoner at the bar ? 2. Have you any prejudice or bias resting on your mind either for or against the prisoner at the bar? 3. Is your mind perfectly impartial between the State and the accused? [The following to be asked in capital cases:] 4. Are you conscientiously opposed to capital punishment ? OATH OF JURY. 1003, 1005 P. C. You shall well and truly try the issue formed upon this bill of indictment between the State of Georgia and charged with the offense of . . . , and a true ver- dict give according to the evidence, so help you God. OATH OF WITNESSES. 1006 P. C. The evidence you shall give the Court and jury upon the trial of this issue between the State of Georgia and charged with the offense of '., shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God. VERDICT OF JURY. 1059 P. C. We, the jury, find the defendant guilty [or not guilty, as the case may be]. This day of , 19 Foreman. 828 BENCH WARRANT BENCH WARKANT. 957 P. C. To All and Singular the Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs, Constables and Coroners of said State, Greeting: At the term, 19. . . ., of the Superior Court of said County, the grand jurors found a true bill against for the offense of You, and each of you, are therefore commanded, in the name of the State, to arrest the said defendant, , and bring him before me to be dealt with as the law directs. Herein fail not. Given under my hand and official signature this day of ,19 Judge Superior Court Circuit. Solicitor-General. BOND.' Georgia, County. Know all men by these presents, That we, principal, and , securities, are held and firmly bound unto His Excellency , Governor of said State, and his successors in office, in the penal sum of dollars, for the true payment whereof we bind ourselves, our heirs, exec- utors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed with our hands, sealed with our seals, and dated this day of ,19 The condition of 'the above obligation is such, That if the above bound principal shall personally be and appear at the next Superior Court of said county to be held on the Monday in next, from day to day, and from term to term, then and there to answer to an indictment for the offense of (returned by the grand jury of said county as true), and shall not depart thence without the leave of said court, then the above obligation to be null and void, else to remain in full force and virtue. And the better to secure the payment of this bond, in the event of forfeiture, we, each fpr ourselves and families, and as the head of our respective families, renounce and waive all right and benefit of homestead and exemption ACCUSATION IN CITY OR COUNTY COURT 829 under the Constitution and laws of this State, as against this obligation. , Principal (Seal. ) , Security (Seal.) , Security (Seal. ) , Security (Seal.) Executed in presence of and approved by Sheriff. ENTRY OF ARREST. Georgia, County. I have this day executed the within warrant by arresting the defendant and have him in my custody. This , 19.... Sheriff, County. ACCUSATION IN CITY OR COUNTY COURT. 790 (b> 790 (eee) P.C. AFFIDAVIT. Georgia, County. Personally came , who, on oath, says that to the best of . .knowledge and belief did on the day of , 19 . . . . , in the county aforesaid, commit the offense of , for that the said at the time aforesaid and in the county aforesaid, did then and there unlawfully and with force and arms and deponent makes this affidavit that an accusation may be made against the said. . . in the court of said county. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of , 19 Judge of Court. 830 ACCUSATIONS IN CITY OK COUNTY COURT ACCUSATION. Georgia, County. In the Court of said County. I, , in the name of the State of Georgia, charge and accuse , of the county and State aforesaid, basing said accusation upon the above and foregoing affidavit, with the offense of For that the said on the day of , 19 . . . . , in the county aforesaid, did then and there unlawfully and with force and arms contrary to the laws of said State, the good order, peace and dignity thereof. County Court. This day of , 19.... Prosecutor. WAIVER OF DEFENDANT. The defendant waives arraignment, indictment, presentment of -grand jury, the two days' notice, accusation and list of witnesses, and pleads guilty. Defendant's Attorney. DEMAND FOR JURY. The defendant demands the jury allowed by law. Defendant's Attorney. VERDICT. We, the jury, find the defendant guilty. This day of , 19 Foreman. Affidavit. Accusation in city court must be founded on affidavit definite- ly charging an offense. 16 App. 2G8 (2) (85 S. E'. 262). Accusa- tion must follow affidavit, and proof must conform to both. 16 BASTARDS 831 App. 191, 192 (84 S. E. 839), 268 (2) (85 S. E. 262). Where a court is empowered by statute to try misdemeanor upon written accusation founded on affidavit, a valid affidavit is essential. 17 App. 143 (4) (86 S. E. 415). Wife can not sign an accusation, charging another woman with adultery committed with her hus- band. 14 App. 614 (81 S. E. 912). Amendment to accusation relates back to the time of filing the original accusation. 16 App. 34 (2) (84 S. E. 494). Accusations are amend- able up to the time that issue is joined. 17 App. 143, 144 (86 S. E. 415). Punctuation. Even if failure here to punctuate properly a criminal accusation were good ground for demurrer, accused, by his failure to demur, waived his right to object. 16 App. 194 (84 S. E. 833). BASTARDS. 3026-3030; 682, 683, 1330-1336 P.O. PROCEEDINGS FOR BASTARDY WARRANT. 1331 P. C. AFFIDAVIT. Georgia, County. Personally appeared before me, in and for said county, , an unmarried woman, who upon oath says that she is pregnant with a bastard child [or has been delivered of a bastard child, as the case may be], which child it is probable will become chargeable to the county aforesaid, and that is the father of said child. [L.S.] Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day of , 19 ..J. P. WARRANT. Georgia, County. To the Sheriff or any Constable of said County: , an unmarried woman, having made oath before me that she is pregnant with a bastard child [or has been delivered of a bastard child, as the case may be], which child it is probable will become chargeable to said county, and that , . is the father of said child : You are therefore 832 BASTARDS ' _"r hereby commanded to arrest the body of the said and bring him before me to be dealt with as the law directs. Given under my hand and official signature this day of , 19 . .J. P. JUDGMENT REQUIRING BOND OF BASTARD CHILD'S FATHER. 1332 P. C. Georgia, County. having been arrested and brought before me upon a warrant charging him with bastardy, issued at the instance of , the mother of a certain bastard child, which warrant charges said with being the father of said child, after hearing evidence, it is ordered that the said give security for the maintenance and educa- tion of said child until it arrives at the age of fourteen years [and (where the child is unborn) "for the expense of lying-in with such child, boarding, nursing and maintenance while the mother is confined."] ..J. P. BOND FOR MAINTENANCE AND EDUCATION OF BASTARD CHILD. 1332 P. C. Georgia, County. Know all Men by these Presents: That we, , principal, and , security, acknowledge ourselves jointly and severally bound to , ordinary of said county, and his successors in office, in the sum of dollars, subject to the following conditions : Whereas, has made affidavit before , justice of the peace for said county, charging said with being the father of her bastard child now of the age of [or "yet unborn," as the case may be] , upon the hearing whereof the said justice required said to give security for the maintenance of said child, pursuant to law. Now, should the said duly provide for the maintenance and education of said child until it arrives at the BASTARDS 833 age of fourteen years [and (where the child is yet unborn) "also the expense of lying-in with such child, boarding, nursing and maintenance, while the mother is confined by reason thereof], then this bond to be void, else of full force and effect. Witness our hands and seals this ...... day of ............ , 19.... ..................... , Principal (L. S. ) ..................... , Security (L. S.) Executed in the presence of and approved J. P. JUDGMENT REQUIRING BOND FOR APPEARANCE. 1332 P. C. Georgia, County. having failed and refused to give the security required in the foregoing order, after having been required so to do, it is ordered that he give bond and security in the sum of ....'. dollars, to appear before the next Superior Court of said county to answer such complaint as may be then and there alleged against him touching the premises, and in default of said bond, that he be committed to jail to then and there answer such complaint as may be found touching the premises. This day of , 19 ..J. P. BOND FOR APPEARANCE. 1332 P. C. Georgia, County. We, , principal, and , security, acknowledge ourselves jointly and severally bound to his Excel- lency , Governor of Georgia, and his successors in office, in the sum of dollars, subject to the following conditions : Whereas, .has heretofore made, before , J. P., an affidavit charging with being the father of her bastard child, upon the hearing whereof the said was required to give bond, pursuant to law, which he has failed to do : Now, should the said. appear before the next Superior Court of said county, to be held on the 834 EXTRADITION OF FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE Monday in ............ , 19. . . ., and from day to day and term to term thereafter, to answer such complaint as may be then and there alleged against him touching the premises, and not depart thence without leave of the court, then this bond to be void. Witness our hands and seals this ...... day of ............ , 19 ____ .................... , Principal (L. S.) .................... , Security (L. S.) Executed in the presence of, and approved J. P. EXTRADITION OF FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE. 1352-1359 (c) P. C. Rules for practice and forms adopted by the Interstate Extra- dition Conference, at its session held in New York, August 24, 1887. PREAMBLE TO ADOPTION OF RULES FOE PRACTICE AND FORMS. We, the undersigned, delegates to an Inter-State Extradition Confer- ence, appointed by the Governors of the several States and Territories, and assembled at New York City, this 24th day of August, 1887, hereby certify that after deliberation, the following rules and forms have been adopted, and we recommend the use of the same in all cases of inter- state extradition: Charles H. Phelps, California; Tilton E. Doolittle, Connecticut; Alex- ander B. Hagner, District of Columbia; T. J. Simmons, W. W. Mont- gomery, Boykin Wright, Georgia; J. K. Edsall, Illinois; Almon A. Strout, Maine; Edgar J. Sherman, Massachusetts; Milo D. Campbell, Michi- gan; Moses E. Clapp, Minnesota; William Lease, Nebraska; Daniel Barnard, New Hampshire; Goodwin Brown, New York; Theodore F. Davidson, North Carolina; Charles E. Prior, Ohio; C. W. Stone, W. S. Kirkpatrick, Pennsylvania; Edwin S. McGuinness, Rhode Island; W. K. Bachman, South Carolina; John W. Stewart, Vermont; Henry W. Flourney, Virginia; L. J. Rusk, Wisconsin. RULES OF PRACTICE. The application for the requisition must be made by the district or prosecuting attorney for the county or district in which the offense was committed, and must be in duplicate original papers or certified copies thereof. EXTRADITION OF FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE 835 The following must appear by the certificate of the district or the prosecuting attorney: (a) The full name of the person for whom extradition is asked, to- gether with the name of the agent proposed, to be properly spelled, in Roman capitals, for example, JOHN DOE 1 , (b) That in his opinion the ends of public justice require that the alleged criminal be brought to this State for trial at the public expense. (c) That he believes he has sufficient evidence to secure the con- viction of the fugitive. (d) That the person named as agent is a proper person, and that he has no private interest in the arrest of the fugitive. (e) If there has been any former application for the requisition of the same person, growing out of the same transaction, it must be so stated, w'ith an explanation of the reason for a recond request, to- gether with the date of such application, as near as may be. (f) If the fugitive is known to be under either civil or criminal arrest in the State or Territory to which he is alleged to have fled, the fact of such arrest and the nature of the proceedings on which it is based must be stated. (g) That the application is not made for the purpose of enforcing the collection of a debt, or for any private purpose whatever, and that if the requisition applied for be granted, the criminal proceedings shall not be used for any of said objects. (h) The nature of the crime charged, with a reference, when prac- ticable, to the particular statute denning and punishing the same. (i) If the offense charged is not of recent occurrence, a satisfactory reason must be given for the delay in making the application. 1. In all cases of fraud, false pretenses, embezzlement or forgery, when made a crime by the common law, or any penal code or statute, the affidavit of the principal complaining witness or informant that the application is made in good faith, for the sole purpose of punishing the accused, and that he does not desire or expect to use the prosecution for the purpose of collecting a debt, or for any private purpose, and will not directly or indirectly use the same for any of said purposes, shall be required, or a sufficient reason be given for the absence of such affidavit. 2. Proof by affidavit of facts and circumstances satisfying the Execu- tive that the alleged criminal has fled from the justice of the State, and is in the State on whose Executive the demand is requested to be made, must be given. The fact that the alleged criminal was in the State where the alleged crime was committed at the time of the commission thereof, and was found in the State upon which the requisition was made, shall be sufficient evidence, in the absence of other proof, that he is a fugitive from justice. 3. If an indictment has been found, certified copies, in duplicate, must accompany the application. 4. If an indictment has not been found by a grand jury, the facts and circumstances showing the commission of the crime charged, and that the accused perpetrated the same, must be shown by affidavits taken be- fore a magistrate (a notary public is not a magistrate within the mean- ing of the statutes), and that a warrant has been issued and duplicated certified copies of the same, together with the returns thereto, if any, must be furnished upon an application. 836 EXTRADITION OF FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE 5. The official character of the officer taking the affidavits or deposi- tions and of the officer who issued the warrant must be duly certified. 6. Upon the renewal of an application, for example: On the ground that the fugitive has fled to another State, not having been found in the State on which the first was granted, new or certified copies of papers in conformity with the above rules must be furnished. 7. In the case of any person who has been convicted of any crime, and escapes after conviction, or while serving his sentence, the applica- tion may be made by the jailer, sheriff, or other officer having him in custody, and, shall be accompanied by certified copies of the indictment or information, record of conviction and sentence, upon which the per- son is held, .with the affidavit of such persons having him in custody, showing such escape, with the circumstances attending the same. 8. No requisition shall be made for the extradition of any fugitive except in compliance with these rules. APPLICATION OF- SOLICITOR-GENERAL FOR REQUISITION. 1357 P. C. State of Georgia, County. To His Excellency, , Governor of Georgia : The petition of , Solicitor-General of the judicial circuit, who is the prosecuting officer for said circuit, respectfully shows: 1. That [set out his name in full, and not by initials] alias is charged in an indictment found true by the grand jury of Superior Court, and returned into said Court on the day of , 19. . . ., and now of file in said court, with the offense of as will fully appear by reference to the duly certified copy of said indictment, and of the several entries thereon, hereto attached and made a part of this petition, and the said is a fugitive from justice, having fled to the State of 2. Petitioner shows that in his opinion the ends of public justice require th'at said , fugitive from justice as aforesaid, be brought to this State for trial, at the public expense. 3. Petitioner believes that he has sufficient evidence to secure the- conviction of the said of the crime mentioned in said indictment. 4. Petitioner names , sheriff of county, Georgia, as agent for the State, and says that he is a proper person to receive said fugitive, and return him to EXTRADITION OF FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE 837 Georgia, and that the said has no private interest in the arrest of the said , fugitive as aforesaid. 5. Petitioner shows that a former application for a requisi- tion for the same person, growing out of the same transaction, was made on or about the day of , 19. . . ., upon the Governor of , and that no requisition was issued thereupon by the Governor of because the said , fugitive as aforesaid, could not be found in that State. [If there was no former application, this clause may be omitted.] 6. Petitioner shows that the said , fugitive as aforesaid, is now under criminal arrest in the State of , to which he is alleged to have fled, as hereinbefore stated, being under arrest there, as petitioner is informed and believes, for the offense of committed in the State last afore- said. [This paragraph may be omitted is not according to the facts.] 7. Petitioner shows that this application is not made for the purpose of enforcing the collection of a debt, or for any private purpose whatever, but that if the requisition now applied for be granted, the criminal proceedings shall not be used for any such object. 8. The nature of the crime charged sufficiently appears by reference to the certified copy of the indictment hereto attached, and of the particular statute of Georgia defining and punishing the said crime is hereto attached marked "Exhibit B." 9. Petitioner shows that the offense charged in the said indictment is therein alleged to have been committed on the day of , 19. . . ., and that months have intervened between that date and the date of the present application, and that the reason for the delay in making this application is that the authorities of the State of Georgia did not know, and were not able to ascertain, the State to which the said fugitive as aforesaid, fled, until the day of , 19 .... [If no considerable delay appears this paragraph may be omitted.] Wherefore, petitioner prays the granting of a requisition in terms of the law, according to the law in such case made and provided. This day of ,19 Solicitor-General Circuit. 838 EXTRADITION OF FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE AFFIDAVIT OF PROSECUTOR. 1357 P. C. Georgia, County. rpi Q, ~1 Indictment in Superior Court Ine btate . n , , I oi County, for the offense of ' J Term, 19 Personally came before the' undersigned attesting officer, who by the law has authority to administer oaths, , who, being duly sworn, on oath says that he is a resident of said county, and is the prosecutor upon the indictment in the above named and stated case; affiant says that application is about to be made to the Governor of Georgia, for a requisition upon the Governor of , for the purpose of returning said defendant to this State for the purpose of trial on said indictment; affiant says that the said requisition is wanted for the sole purpose of punishing the accused, and not in any way to collect a debt or money, or to enforce the payment thereof. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ,19 J. P. (NOTE: This affidavit must be made in duplicate.) CERTIFICATE OF CLERK TO MAGISTRATE'S AUTHORITY. State of Georgia, County. I, , Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, which court is a court of record, do hereby certify that is a duly commissioned justice of the peace in and for said State and county, and that he was commissioned on the day of , 19 . . . . , and that his commission as such justice of the peace expires with the day of , 19. . . ., and that he resides in said county of I further certify that I am acquainted with the signature of the said , as such justice of the peace, to the instrument hereto attached ; that the same is genuine, and that, under the laws of Georgia, he is authorized to attest instruments EXTRADITION OF FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE 839 for record, take acknowledgments and administer oaths and to issue warrants for arrests of criminals. In witness of all which I hereunto subscribe my name 'and affix the seal of this court, this the day of , 19.... Clerk of the Superior Court of Co., Ga. CERTIFICATE OF, THE CLERK TO COPY OF THE BILL OF INDICTMENT. State of Georgia, County. I, , clerk of the Superior Court of said county, which court is a court of record, do hereby certify that the grand jury of said court, at the term thereof, did find as true, and return into court, a bill of indictment against , charging him with the offense of , and that the copy hereto attached is a true copy of said indict- ment, and of the several entries thereon, as the same appears of file in this office. In witness whereof I hereunto subscribe my name and affix the seal of this court. This day of , 19 [Official Seal] Clerk Superior Court County. [NOTE. The Governor of Massachusetts, in refusing a requisition upon the application of the Governor of Georgia, under date of June 14, 1907, held the papers not to be complete and desired that "a sworn statement shall be made that the alleged criminal was in the State where the alleged crime was committed at the time of the commission thereof, and is found in the State upon which the requisition was made, and that he is a fugitive from justice." It is suggested, that the follow- ing affidavit be attached as an exhibit to the Solicitor-General's petition filed with the Governor:] State of Georgia, County. Personally before the undersigned, an officer authorized to administer oaths, came who, on oath, says that he is familiar with the contents of the bill of indictment against found true by the grand jury of Superior Court at the term, 19. . . ., thereof, and now of file in the clerk's office of said county, and that the offense therein charged was committed in the State and county 840 HABEAS CORPUS aforesaid, and that said , the accused herein mentioned, is now to be found in the State of upon which a requisition is made, and that he is a fugitive from justice from the State of Georgia.* Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ,19 *This affidavit may be covered by the certificate of the clerk of the Superior Court, as to the official character of the magistrate attesting it. A commercial notary public will not do. HABEAS CORPUS. 1290-1316 P. C. PETITION. 1292 P. C. Georgia, County. To the Honorable , Judge of the Superior Court of said County: The petition of shows : 1. Your petitioner is illegally restrained of his liberty, by being confined in the common jail of said county. 2. The person restraining the liberty of the said is the sheriff and jailer of said county, and the place of detention is at the common jail of said county. The cause or pretence of said restraint by the said is under and by virtue of a bench warrant, from which it appears that the indictment was found against your petitioner by the grand jury of the Superior Court of the said county, at the last term thereof, for the offense of , in which case was prosecutor. A copy of said warrant is annexed to this petition. 3. Petitioner avers that he is detained by said sheriff and jailer as aforesaid, and now offers to give bail in the sum of dollars, which is a reasonable and sufficient sum in a case of the character pending against the petitioner. (a) Said sheriff and jailer as aforesaid refuses to receive said bond and security, though good and sufficient in the law, and still holds your petitioner in confinement requiring him to give bail in the sum of dollars, which your petitioner avers is excessive. HABEAS CORPUS 841 Wherefore, petitioner avers that his further restraint is illegal and prays your Honor to issue State's writ of habeas corpus directed to said sheriff and jailer as aforesaid, requiring him to bring your petitioner before your Honor, at the time and place to be specified in the writ, for the purpose of examining into the case of the detention. Petitioner. AFFIDAVIT TO PETITION. Georgia, County. Personally comes , who, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the allegations contained in the foregoing petition for writ of habeas corpus are true. Petitioner. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ,19 J. P. WRIT. 1295 P. C. Georgia, County. To You are hereby commanded to produce the body of alleged to be illegally detained by you, together with the cause of the detention, before me, on the day of at then and there to be disposed of as the law directs. .Let a copy of this order be served upon the solicitor-general, if he is in the county, and if not, upon , the prosecutor, three days before the hearing. Given under my hand and official signature, this the day of , 19 Judge Superior Court. 842 HABEAS CORPUS RETURN TO THE WRIT BY SHERIFF AND JAILER. 1299 P. C. Georgia, County. In obedience to the within writ and acting under the authority of the same, I have taken the body of the within named from the common jail in said county, and now have him before the honorable , judge of the Superior Court of the said county. And for cause of the detention of the said and his imprisonment in the said jail, I assign and state that on the day of , 19. . . ., the said petitioner was brought and committed to the said jail by , a of the court of said county, by virtue of a bench warrant issued out of the said court, which is here produced, and the same annexed to this answer. By the terms of said warrant the respondent herein was required before releasing the said to exact of him good and sufficient security in the sum of $1,000. Respondent shows that the petitioner herein detained tendered bond and security of only the sum of dollars, refusing to tender more, on the ground that the amount of bail exacted was unreasonable and excessive. The respondent herein refused to accept such tender. Respondent therefore assigns the premises aforesaid as the cause of the detention and imprisonment of said in said jail. All of which is respectfully submitted. Sheriff and Jailer of County, Ga. AFFIDAVIT TO ANSWER. Georgia, County. And now comes , the sheriff and jailer mentioned in the foregoing petition, and on oath says that the statements contained in this, his return to the petition aforesaid, are true. Sheriff and Jailer of County, Ga. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of ,19 J. P. GAME LAWS 843 Corporation. Writ should not be directed to 'a corporation; yet, where it is, and the person is produced, cause of the detention will be in- vestigated. 117/306 (43 S. E. 780). Demurrer. After the writ is issued and the respondent has appeared in answer to it, the sufficiency of the petition can not be tested by a demurrer. 16 App. 208, 210 (84 S. E. 980). Information and belief. Fact that averments of petition were made on information and belief is not ground for quashing writ or refusing to issue it. 117/306 (43 S. B. 780). Return to writ may be amended at any time before final disposition of the case; amendment stating mere formal averments of legal con- clusions on facts stated in return need not be under oath. 120/670 (48 S. E. 170). Technicalities. Writ of habeas corpus is a "writ of right," and its beneficial effects ought not to be dissipated by subtle objections and technical niceties, and the technical rules of the pleading are not applicable to such a proceeding. 16 App. 208, 210 (84 S. E'. 980). Verification of return by person other than one .making it did not re- quire the discharge of the applicant held under sentence of court. 136/72, 80 (70 S. E. 781). GAME LAWS. (Acts 1911, p. 137, and Acts 1912, p. 113, as amended by Acts 1916, p. 114. See Park's Ann. Code Supp., 1917, 2158(a)-2158(j); 594(a)-594(p) P. C.) The following laws relating to the protection of game, birds and fish are taken from bulletin number 6, issued by the Department of Game and Fish in December, 1916. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, That the department of game and fish be established, to be in charge of the game and fish commissioner, who shall be appointed by the governor, and the term of whose office shall be for a period of two years, beginning September 1, 1911, or until his successor is appointed and qualified. Any vacancy in the office by oath or otherwise, shall be filled by appointment of the governor. SEC. 2. Said commissioner shall receive a salary of not exceeding $2,000.00 per annum, payable alone out of the fund hereinafter mentioned, and provided by virtue of this act, and he shall give his entire time to the service of the State as such game and fish commissioner. SEC. 3. Said commissioner shall give bond in the sum of $4,000 payable to the governor of the state, with two or more solvent securities, conditioned for the faithful performance of 844 GAME LAWS the duties of his office and a proper accounting of all moneys that may come into his hands as commissioner. He shall keep a public record correctly disclosing all moneys received and expended, the number of hunters' licenses, the number of wardens employed, with their names, 'and counties in which they serve. Also the name of each person prosecuted for viola- tion of this act, the amount of fines imposed and collected in each case, and all such information as may be necessary to the affairs of the department. The books and accounts of said com- missioner shall be 'audited in the same way as other books and accounts of the other departments of the state are audited. He shall have a seal of office. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of said commissioner to see that the laws now or hereafter enacted for the protection, propaga- tion and preservation of game animals, game birds and fish in this State are observed, and that violations of said laws are promptly and speedily prosecuted. It shall be his duty to seize or cause to be seized game birds, or other animals and fish caught or killed at a time or in a manner, or which have been shipped, contrary to the provisions of this act. Such game or fish so seized shall be donated to some charitable institution in this State, except live game birds, animals or fish, which shall be liberated. He shall, with wardens and deputy wardens and ex-officio wardens, be authorized to serve all criminal processes for violations of this act which could be served by the sheriff and constables of this State. SEC. 5. He shall appoint game and fish wardens and deputy wardens in each county of this State, such appointees to hold their office for the term of two years, unless sooner removed for cause by the commissioner. Such wardens and deputy wardens shall enforce all the provisions of this act, and all other laws in reference to game and fish in their respective counties. Such wardens and deputy wardens shall receive three dollars per day while acting under the special directions of the commissioner with reference to the discharge of their duties, which sum shall be paid out of the game fund provided for by this act. Each county warden shall receive one-fourth of all fines and forfeitures and penalties collected in the county in which he holds office imposed for violation of any of the game and fish laws of this State where he does not furnish the evidence necessary to convict. If he does arrest, or cause the arrest, and furnish the evidence necessary to convict, then he shall have three-fourths of such fines, forfeitures and penalties. GAME LAWS 845 Any person arresting or causing to be arrested offenders under any of the game and fish laws of this State and furnishing the evidence necessary to convict such offenders, shall receive one- half of fines, forfeitures and penalties imposed and collected from such offenders and legal fees paid to constables. The remaining portion of fines imposed and collected shall be for- warded to the State game commissioner and by him turned into the treasury to the credit of the game protection fund. The county warden shall receive twenty-five cents for each county license issued by him, one dollar for each state license and three dollars for each non-resident license issued by him. All county wardens shall keep a record in the office of the clerk of the court in their respective counties, which record shall be open to the public, giving names of all parties holding resident, county and state license and non-resident state license issued by him. This record shall also show the names, offenses and fines imposed on all persons convicted for a violation of the fish or game laws of this state in the county of his jurisdiction. SEC. 6. Any resident of the State may procure a license to hunt in his resident county upon the payment of the sum of one dollar. License to such resident shall be issued authorizing him to hunt throughout the State upon payment of three dollars. License shall be issued to non-residents of the State upon the payment of the sum of fifteen dollars, which shall authorize such non-resident to hunt throughout the State. All license shall bear the date of issuance if the license is issued in the open season, and shall authorize the person named therein to hunt during the then open season, and if issued in the closed season, shall authorize such person to hunt during the next succeeding open season. Such license shall be signed by the commissioner and countersigned by the game warden of the county in which the license is issued and numbered. It shall contain the residence, age, sex and postoffice address of the person to whom issued ; also state race, approximate height and weight, and color of the applicant's hair and eyes. The license fees, less the warden's fee, shall be remitted by the warden to the commissioner not later than the first of the following month. A person may hunt and fish in the open season in his own militia district or on his own land without a license. Tenants and their families by and with permission of the owner of the land shall be permitted to hunt and fish on the lands leased and rented by them without a license. All licenses shall terminate one year from the date on which the same were issued. All 846 GAME LAWS persons privately owning ponds shall fish at any time and in any manner they desire in said pond. SEC. 7. No person shall hunt or fish upon the lands of another with or without license without first having obtained permission from such land owner. Any person violating this section is hereby declared to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished as prescribed in section twelve of this act. SEC. 8. All moneys received by the commissioner arising under this act shall constitute a fund known as the game pro- tection fund, and shall be devoted to the payment of the salary of the commissioner, his necessary incidental expenses and the salary of the game wardens and deputy wardens when acting under the special instructions from him. Such salaries and expenses shall not be a charge upon the state funds, nor payable out of any other fund than the game protection fund. ~No voucher for said salaries or expenses shall be paid unless there shall be at the time sufficient money to the credit of said fund in the treasury. If there should be any money in the treasury at the end of the year to the credit of the game protection fund the amount so remaining shall become a part of the public school fund of the State. SEC. 9. The clerk of each court in which prosecutions may be instituted for violations of this act shall promptly report to the commissioner the result of said trial and the amount of fines, forfeitures and penalties collected, which said sum shall, after the deductions mentioned in section 5 of this act, be forwarded to the game commissioner and be placed to the credit of the game protection fund. SEC. 10. It shall be the duty of the various judges of the superior courts to specially mention in their charges to their respective grand juries the provisions of this act. SEC. 11. The following shall be deemed game birds and animals: Quail, commonly known as Bob White Partridges; doves, snipe, woodcocks and curlews, wild turkeys, grouse, pheasants, deer, squirrels, duck and marsh hens. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall prohibit the hunting or sale of migratory ducks, provided that no one person shall kill more than fifty ducks in any one day, and the season for shooting migratory ducks is between September 1st and April 20th. SEC. 12. Any person who shall purchase, or sell, or export for sale, or offer to sell any of the game birds or animals named in Section 11 of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, punished by a fine of not less than ten or more GAME LAWS 847 than one hundred dollars and all costs for each offense, or to work on the public works not less than ten (10) nor more than ninety (90) days, and any one or more of these punishments may be ordered in the discretion of the judge; provided that any person may have in his possession at any time any of the birds or wild animals of this state, or the plumage, skin or body thereof for propagation, or scientific purposes, or for pets, pro- vided that such person shall register with the commissioner of game and fish of this State the number and variety of such birds or animals, which he may have in his possession, and how acquired, and that such birds or other wild animals are used only for propagation or scientific purposes or for pets, and provided further that such person may sell such birds or other animals alive to be used for said purposes, and when so doing, he shall report promptly to the commissioner of game and fish of this State the number and species of birds and wild animals sold, and to whom sold, and that the person buying or otherwise acquiring such birds or other wild animals shall promptly re- port to said commissioner the person from whom he purchased or obtained such birds or animals, and the number and species thereof so acquired, and setting forth that they are to be held and kept only for propagation or scientific purposes, or for pets, and provided further that any such person who shall fail to comply with the above regulations shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor; provided further that the commissioner of game and fish may in his discretion issue licenses or permits to any person or persons to take any of the birds or wild animals or the plumage, skin or body thereof, or the nests or eggs of the same for propagation or scientific purposes, or for pets, under such regulations and restrictions as may be imposed by said com- missioner of game and fish ; provided further that such licenses or permits may be issued by the said commissioner of game and fish upon the payment of a fee of one dollar, and that the same may be revoked at the pleasure of the said commissioner at any time, and that such permits or licenses, unless sooner revoked shall be good for one year from the date of issuance; provided further that any person may transport or ship from any point within this State to any other point within this State birds or wild animals alive for propagation or for scientific purposes, and that the transportation companies may accept such ship- ments, and that both the shipper and the transportation company accepting such shipments shall on the same day that the ship- ment is made report to the commissioner of game and fish of 848 GAME LAWS this State the number and species of such birds or wild animals shipped, and to whom and by whom shipped ; provided that any violation of the provisions of this section shall be punished as provided in said section 12 as amended. SEC. 13. Any person who shall transport or ship, or offer to transport or ship, any of the game birds or animals men- tioned in section 11 of this act, without the limits of the State, or from the county in which the game was killed, into another county in this State, or who shall sell or offer for sale, or pur- chase or offer to purchase any part of the plumage, skin or body of any of the game birds or animals mentioned in section 11, or who shall take or wilfully destroy the nests or eggs of any of the said birds, except as provided in section 12 of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be punished as prescribed by section 12 of this act; provided, it shall be lawful for any person duly authorized to hunt, to personally transport, openly, the game actually killed by him, from the county in which it was killed to any county of this State, or without the State, but the person killing said game must in each instance accompany the game so killed. Each person hunting shall carry with him his license and exhibit the same promptly upon the request of any game warden or deputy warden, or ex-officio warden. SEC. 14. Any person who shall hunt, kill or destroy, by any means whatever, or who is in possession of the following named birds or animals, except between the following dates, except as provided in section 12 of the act approved August 21, 1911, as amended, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished as prescribed in section 12 of this act: quail, commonly known as Bob White Partridges; wild turkey gob- blers and plovers, from November 20th to March 1st following; woodcock and summer or wood duck from September 1st to January 1st following; doves from August 1st to August 31st, and from November 20th to March 1st following; deer from October 1st to December 1st following; cat squirrel from Octo- ber 1st to March 1st following of each year, provided that no person shall kill more than fifteen (15) cat squirrels in any one day. It shall be unlawful any time of the year to scatter upon the lands of any person whether it be the owner of the land or not, any corn, wheat or grain, or to bait for the purpose of drawing to the lands where such bait is scattered or placed, game birds or doves, for the purpose of shooting or allowing to be shot at, or killed such game birds or doves at or near the GAME LAWS 849 lands so baited, and it shall be unlawful for any person to shoot at or kill any dove or other game bird at, upon, or over or near any land baited or baited field or land. It shall be unlawful for any person to kill any fox squirrel prior to January 1, 1918, and for violations of these provisions of this section such person or persons shall be punished as is prescribed by section 12 of the act approved August 21, 1911, as amended. Provided, that this shall not prevent the killing of squirrels while destroying corn or other cultivated vegetation. SEC. 15. During the open season no one person shall be authorized to kill more than two (2) deer, nor more than two (2) wild turkeys during any one season, nor more than twenty- five (25) game birds of any one species in any one day. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as prescribed in section 12 of this act. SEC. 16. Any person who shall catch or kill any wild pheasant, grouse, or fawn, or any imported game birds or game animals prior to December 1, 1916, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction, punished as is prescribed in sec- tion 12 of this act. SEC. 17. Any person who shall at any time kill or capture or wound any game bird or animal by the use of pitfall, dead- fall, snare, trap, pen or other device, or by the use of any poison, drug or explosive, or who shall hunt, catch, or kill any game birds or animals at night shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, punished as prescribed in section 12 of this act. SEC. 18. Any person who shall hunt, without first obtaining a license, except upon his own land, or in his own militia dis- trict, or who lends or transfers his license to another, or who shall hunt upon the lands of another without first having ob- tained his consent to do so, except persons following hounds in pursuit of foxes or deer, or any other animal not mentioned in tjbis act in or upon or through the unenclosed or uncultivated lands of another, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, punished as prescribed in section 12 of this act. SEC. 19. Any common carrier who shall ship, or transfer, or carry any game birds or animals without the limits of this State, except as herein provided, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction, punished as prescribed in section 12 of this act ; provided,- the terms of this section shall not apply to game in the personal possession of the party killing the same ; provided, such party has obtained a license then of force. 850 FISH LAWS SEC. 20. Any agent or employee of a common carrier who shall receive any game bird or animal for shipment without the State, or from one county to another county within this State, except as herein provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, punished as is prescribed in section 12 of this act. SEC. 21. Any warden, deputy warden or ex-officio warden who shall fail to perform any act or duty placed upon him by this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be punished as prescribed in section 12 of this act. SEC. 22. All moneys received by the commissioner arising from the provisions of this act shall be deposited in the State treasury to the credit of the game protection fund, and said fund shall not be drawn upon or used for any purpose save such as is designated in this act. SEC. 23. It shall be unlawful for any person in this State to kill, catch or have in his possession any wild non-game bird, or to take or destroy the nests or eggs of any non-game birds or to have the same in his or her possession. Such persons violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, punished as is prescribed in section 12 of this act; provided this section shall not apply to the following birds : English sparrows, owls, hawks, eagles, crows, rice birds and field or meadow lark; except persons may ship into this State birds mounted for millinery. SEC. 24. The game commissioner and wardens shall see that the laws pertaining to fish are rigidly enforced. SEC. 25. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. SEC. 26. That it shall be lawful to kill buzzards at any and all times of the year. See 590 Criminal Code, 1911. If any person shall hunt or catch o'possum between the first day of March and the first day of October of each year, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. . GEORGIA CHART. OPEN SEASONS. Deer, either sex ....'. October 1st to December 1st Cat Squirrels October 1st to March 1st O'Possum . . October 1st to March 1st GAME LAWS 851 Quail or Bob White, Wild Turkeys, Plovers November 20th to March 1st Doves August lst-31st inc., Nov. 20th to March 1st Woodcock, Wood or Summer Duck . . September 1st to Jan. 1st Migratory Duck (Nat'l Law, Nov. 1st to Feb. 1st) September 1st to April 20th Snipe National Law, November 1st to February 1st Marsh Hens National Law, Sept. 1st to Dec. 1st BAG LIMIT. Deer 2 in one season Cat Squirrels 15 in one day Quail, Doves, Summer or Wood Duck, Woodcock, Snipe and all Game Birds except Migratory Ducks 25 in one day Migratory Ducks 50 in one day Absolute protection is given, for a period of years, to Fox Squirrels, Fawns, Pheasants, Grouse and all imported Game Birds and animals. ~ LICENSE FEES. To Residents good in home county only, $1.00. To Residents, good in any county in state, $3.00. To Non-Residents, good in any county, $15.00. FISH LAWS. (Criminal Code, 1911.) SEC. 600. No person shall inhabit, occupy, or reside in any vessel, ark, or flat on any river of this State, which shall not be engaged in the lawful commerce of said river in the carriage of goods or produce to or from market unless owned by the pro- prietors of the shores, or their lessees ; provided, nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the owners of the land on said rivers, or their lessees, from taking fish in the river opposite their banks ; but no seine shall be permitted to be used in said 852 FISH LAWS river either by such owners or lessees, from twelve o'clock Sat- urday night to twelve o'clock Sunday night ; and provided also, that every lease or license to fish shall be recorded within ten days after the granting thereof in the clerk's office of the su- perior court of the county where the land lies. A violation of any of the foregoing provisions shall be punished as a mis- demeanor. SEC. 601. No person, other than the proprietors of the shores and banks of salt creeks, estuaries, and rivers (or -such person as shall be by such proprietor authorized), shall take fish, or attempt to do so, with any line, net, or contrivance, on any estuary, or river, where an artificial shell-reef, beds or fish- ing grounds have been constructed within one hundred yards thereof. Nor shall one proprietor construct or use such places opposite the shore or bank of another proprietor beyond the center of creek, estuary, or river opposite his own shore or bank. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 602. If any person shall put any trap, wire, trot-line, set-line, or other like contrivances, for catching fish for sale, in any of the lakes or other waters of the State, upon or within the lands of another, without the written consent of the owner thexeof, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 603. If any person shall place in the waters of any river or creek, or any fresh water drain any dam, trap, net, seine, or other device for catching fish, unless the main channel of sueh stream is left open for a space of ten feet for rivers and one-third of the channel of creek, at low-water mark, unob- structed for the free passage of fish up or down such stream, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and the sheriff of the county, upon complaint of persons in the territory of such ob- struction shall have authority to break open any dam, net, or other obstruction that may be placed in such waters in violation of this section. This section does not apply to dams for milling or manufacturing purposes. The words "low-water mark". shall not apply to fresh water mains. SEC. 604. If any person shall use firearms, dynamite, or other explosive or destructive substances for the purpose of kill- ing fish, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 605. If any person shall use nets, seines, or other con- trivances covering, extending to, or obstructing more than one- half of the stream, for catching or taking shad in any of the streams of this State, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. FISH LAWS 853 SEC. 606. There shall be a "closed time" for the rivers in which shad are caught, of forty-eight hours: commencing at sunrise on Saturday morning of each week, and ending at sun- rise On Monday morning of the next week during which "closed time" no shad or other migratory fish shall be caught by nets, wires, pounds, or any other means whatever; neither shall such nets, wires, pounds, or other apparatus be left in said rivers during said "closed time." The meshes of nets or other appa- ratus for catching said fish shall not be less than five inches. SEC. 607. No shad shall be taken, except between the first day of January and the twentieth day of April of each year ex- cept for spawning purposes, to carry out the provisions of the law for propagating fish. SEC. 608. A violation of either of the two preceding sec- tions shall be a misdemeanor. SEC. 609. If any person shall seine or net fish in any of the streams in which mountain trout exist, or be placed, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 611. Any person who shall directly by himself, or by aiding or abetting others, put walnut hulls, walnut leaves, devil shoestring, or any poisonous substances whatever of any kind in any waters, either running streams or standing waters, such as lakes, ponds, or eddy places in any river or creek within the limits of this State, which will be likely to drive away or poison the fish therein by contaminating said waters, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 612. If any person shall catch or take any fish with seine, net, gig, or spear, or like device from any of the waters of this State, between the first day of February and the first day of July in each year, except with hook and line, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 613. In the case of shad the above prohibition as to dates shall apply only between the 15th of April and the 1st of July. SEC. 614. Whoever shall catch any shad or other fish, or use for the purpose of catching shad or other fish, in any of the waters of this State, any net or nets known as drift-nets, be- tween the hours commencing at sundown on Thursday of each week and ending at sunrise on Monday morning of the next week, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Above repealed by act of November 27, 1915, only as apply- ing to the salt waters of this State. 854 FISH LAWS SALT WATER FISH LAWS. "-An Act for the protection and propagation of fish, shrimp, prawn, oysters, turtles, terrapins and other crustaceans in this State; providing how the same may be taken and caught from the salt waters of this State; providing for a license for the taking and catching of the same; the appointment of special inspectors to enforce the provisions of this Act, prescribing their duties, and to provide penalties for a violation of this Act, and for other purposes." SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Act, all of the beds of all salt waters, bays, rivers, estuaries and shores of the sea, and the waters overlying the same, within this State and not already conveyed by special grant or compact, according to law, shall continue and remain the property of the State of Georgia, and subject to the special provisions of this Act may be used in common by the people of this State for the purpose of fishing, taking and catching oysters, shrimp, prawn, turtles, terrapins and other shell fish, and no grant shall hereafter be issued by the county authorities in any county in this State to pass any estate, title or interest of the State in or to any natural oyster bed, rock, or shoal, whether the said bed, rock or shoal shall be bare or not, except in compliance with the provisions of this Act. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That after the passage of this Act, so far as the authority of the said State shall extend, oysters, clams and other fish, crabs, shrimp, prawn, turtles and terrapins, and other crustaceans found in the salt waters of this State, suitable for food, shall be considered fish, and it shall be the duty of the Department of Game and Fish, as established by the Act of August 21, 1911, to enforce the laws of the State of Georgia for the pro- tection of the same. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That after the passage of this Act the said Game and Fish Com- missioner shall have authority to employ not exceeding three inspectors to carry into effect the provisions of the laws of this State for the protection of game and fish ; said inspectors shall receive salaries not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month, as may be ordered by the Commissioner. They shall take oath and give bond in the sum of one thousand dollars FISH LAWS 855 ($1,000.00) for the faithful performance of their duties. These inspectors shall have authority to carry out the provisions of this Act and to arrest persons violating the provisions thereof, or any of the laws of said State covering the protection of game and fish. SEC. 4. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the State Game and Fish Commissioner shall have author- ity to purchase or lease launches for the use of the inspectors, while in active service of the Department, and for carrying out the provisions of this Act. Said State Game and Fish Com- missioner is hereby empowered and directed to employ such other help as he may deem necessary in carrying out the pro- visions of this Act and the other laws of the State for the pro- tection of game and fish. Compensation for such service to be paid out of funds derived for the protection of game and fish. SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That all boats and vessels engaged in taking oysters for purpose of sale from any of the beds in this State, whether the .same be private or public beds, shall before beginning operation, first secure a license from the said Commissioner of Game and Fish, and for this pur- pose the owner, captain or agent of said vessel must present in writing an application setting forth the name and descrip- tion of said vessel, the name and postoifice address of the owner and captain, the number of the crew, and such further data as the Commissioner shall deem necessary, and thereupon said Commissioner shall register said vessel and issue necessary li- cense, upon payment of the cost thereof. All licenses shall be graduated according to the oyster-carrying capacity of each boat or vessel, and shall be as follows: A license tax of one dollar per ton or fraction of a ton is hereby levied on each such vessel or boat of five tons or over net register. On all other such boats propelled by sail or power, a license tax of five dollars for each boat is hereby levied, and on all such skiffs, batteaux, and other boats not propelled by sail or power, a license tax of three dollars is hereby levied. License shall be issued by the Commissioner on blanks pro- vided for that purpose. The owner of any such vessel desiring to catch or take oysters under the provisions of this Act shall first obtain from the Commissioner of Game and Fish a license for said boat, said license shall have effect for twelve months from the first day of 856 FISH LAWS the month in which it is issued, and no vessels shall be used for catching and fishing for oysters in the waters of this State, un- less so licensed. Each license shall state the name of the appli- cant, the name of the vessel, and the license, under the pro- visions of this Act, shall not be used except upon vessel so mentioned in said license. Said Commissioner shall have the right to use and expend the moneys received, under the pro- visions of this Act, for carrying out the provisions of the Act so far as such expenditure may be necessary, and the residue, if any, shall, from time to time, be paid into the Treasury of the State, to be applied as other surplus funds in the Game and Fish Department under existing laws. SEC. 6. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall be unlawful for any person, except owners and their authorized agents and employees, to take, catch, or tong oysters, from any of the private or public beds of this State between sunset and sunrise. Any person violating the pro- visions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 7. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the passage of this Act, it shall be unlaw- ful to take or catch any fish, within the definition of that term as in this Act expressed, from any of the salt waters of this State, by the use of any device whatever between the first day of May and the first day of August of each year. Provided, that the foregoing penal provisions shall not be construed to prohibit the taking, by any person, of such fish, with a cast net or hook and line, nor shall it apply to or pro- hibit the use of hand-drawn seines not more than thirty feet in length, when used in catching prawn and shrimp for bait, or other fish to be sold in local retail trade by the persons taking the same, or to be used for the personal consumption of the fish- erman. Nor shall the same apply to the taking of crabs. SEC. 8. It shall be unlawful for any person to catch or take any of the above mentioned fish for commercial purposes from the salt waters of this State, within the time above men- tioned, otherwise, without first obtaining a license from the Commissioner of Game and Fish, as hereinafter provided. Any person desiring to catch or take any such fish from the salt waters of this State, except in the manner as aforesaid shall first obtain from the Commissioner of Game and Fish a license FISH LAWS 857 therefor; said license shall have effect for twelve months from the first day of the month in which it is issued. The fee for such license shall be one dollar per ton or fraction of a ton on each boat or vessel of five tons or over net register. On all boats propelled by sail or power, the same being under five tons net register, a license tax of five dollars for each such boat is hereby levied, and on all such skiffs, batteaux and other boats not propelled by sail or power a license tax of three dollars on all such boats is hereby levied. SEC. 9. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any person not a citizen of this State shall take or catch any oysters, fish, shrimp, prawn, turtle, terrapin or other crus- tacean from the salt waters of this State in any manner what- soever, for the purpose of selling, that he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 10. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the expense of salaries of the inspectors, or any other ex- pense authorized to be incurred, shall be paid out of the fund arising from the operation of the game and fish laws of this State, and that any residue, if any, shall be turned into the State Treasury from time to time to be applied as other surplus funds in the Game and Fish Department under existing laws. The Commissioner of Game and Fish shall have authority to provide such rules and regulations as may be needful in carry- ing into effect the game and fish laws of this State, provided, that same be not inconsistent with the laws of this State. The robbing or breaking up of turtle and of terrapin nests, or the destroying of the eggs of the same, or the turning over of turtles and allowing them to remain so turned is forbidden, and any person guilty of the same shall be punished as for a misde- meanor. SEC. 11. Bt it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That any person violating any of the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 12. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act, and all laws prohibiting the taking of salt water fish at any other sea- son of the year than as herein expressed be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved November 27, 1915. 858 FISH LAWS SAW DUST, FLOATING INTO STKEAMS PROHIBITED. An Act to prohibit the floating of saw dust into any of the streams of this State, and for other purposes. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Act, it shall be unlawful to float saw dust into any of the streams of this State. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That any person or persons or corporations violating the provisions of Section 1 of this Act be punished as for a misdemeanor. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall not go into effect in any county until it has been recommended by two grand juries of the county. SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are, hereby re- pealed. Approved August 19, 1911. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. State or Georgia. , 19 To County Warden ") County License ) Please issue to me r State License ) Non-Resident License ) for which I hand you herewith $ My age is Sex ; Race ; My height is feet inches ; Weight ; Color of hair ; Color of eyes ; My postoffice address is And I agree not to abuse the rights conferred by said license or infract any of the laws of this State, intended for the protection of game and fish. 'p.* b"!!" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.!!!'. (Kindly indicate your street or R.F.D.) RECEIPT TO APPLICANT FOB LICENSE. Received from $ together with appli- cation for license for boat named . , The owner or FISH LAWS 859 agent is The Captain's name is , of Georgia. Number of crew This receipt to serve in lieu of license for not exceeding ten days, or until license may be received from Commissioner of Game and Fish, and in the event of it developing that there are any material misrepresentations contained in said Appli- cation, and because of such misrepresentations the said Com- missioner should refuse or decline to issue license, fee above acknowledged will be returned, less fifty cents to cover cost applying to such case. Authorized by Commissioner to Issue this Receipt. County. , 19, . INDEX [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] ABATEMENT OF ACTIONS. Lis pendens, plea, 170, 619. Pleas in abatement, 169, 170. Criminal case, 820. Justice court, plea on appeal, 124. ABSENCE. Continuance for absence of coun- sel, party or witness, 19, 20, 25, 27. ACCORD AND SATISFACTION. Plea, 171. ACCOUNT. Administrator, final settlement, 261- 263. Sales, 218, 230. Books, evidence, 37-40. Decedent's estate, against, 244. Definition, 108. Stated, definition, 109. ACCOUNT, ACTION ON. Affidavit for proof of account, 173. Commencement in justice court, 173, 174. Superior or city court, 176. Complaint in superior or city court, 176. Copy of note sued on, 175, 177, 711. Counter affidavit, 98, 111, 174, 589. Justice court, answer, 97, 98. Decisions relating to, 112-117. Evidence, 109. Limitation of actions, 109. Pleas, 103. Summons, 97, 173, 174. Verification, 97, 98, 110. Limitation of actions, 109. Manifold copy of notice for attor- ney's fees, 178, 712. Mutual accounts, limitations, 109. Note providing for attorney's fees, 175, 178, 710-712. Notice to defendant to recover at- torney's fees on note, 175, 178, 712. ACCUSATION. City or county court, affidavit, 828. Demand for jury, 829. Form, 829. Verdict, 829. Waiver, 829. Demand for copy, 817. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. See Attestation. Bill of exceptions, service, 691, 697. Deeds, execution of, 389. Injunction, motion to dissolve, 547. Notice to produce papers, service, 664. ACTIONS. Commencement of declaration or petition, 385-387. What is cause of action, 93, 94. ADJOURNMENT. Depositions, proceedings for taking, 73. ADMEASUREMENT. Dower, 433-437. ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECU- TORS. Account against estate, 244. -Affidavit, 244. Receipt to administrator, 244. Accounting, see Final settlement, post. Action, Judgment against administra- tor, 257, 258. Plea plene administravit sustained, 259. Quando acciderint, 258. Plea of ne .unques administra- tor, 254. Plene administravit, 255. Plene administravit prae- ter, 255. Revocation of letters, 257. Statute of limitations, 256. Annual returns, affidavit of security where administrator has re- moved from State, 250. Caveat to, 250. 862 INDEX t REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECU- TORS ConVd. Annual returns Cont'd. Form, 248. Non-resident administrator, 251. Order of ordinary, 249, 251. Order overruling caveat, 2.50. Rule absolute for not making, 249. Rule nisi for not making, 249. Appeal, temporary administration pending, 183. Application for administration, 180, 184, 188, 191, 193, 195, 196. Bond, Additional security, application to require, 210. Order, 211. Rule absolute, 212. Rule nisi, 212. Approval, 208. Compelling executor to give, 791, 792. County administrator, 207. Justification of obligors, 208. New security, 210. Order on application to strengthen, 209. Permanent administrator, 200. Refunding, 264. Relief of security, application, 209. Removal for failure to give, 267, 268. ' Successor of administrator re- signing, 270. Temporary administrator, 182. Strengthening, 209-212. Bond for title, application to require administrator to make, 202- 207. Deed in pursuance of order, 205. Notice to heirs, 204. Order to file return, 207. Petition of holder of bond, 202. Return after making deed, 206. Rule absolute, 204. Rule nisi, 203. Caveat to application for adminis- tration, 199. Citation, county administrator, 194. Creditor's application, 192. De bonis non, administration, 184. ' With will annexed, admin- istration, 187. ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECU- TORS ConVd. Citation Cont'd. Permanent administration 190, 198. Superior court clerk, 195, 196. Clerk of superior court, see Supe- rior court clerk, post. Commencement of declaration or petition, executor suing, 386. Suit by administrator with will annexed, 386. Commissions, forfeiture, 252, 253. Compensation, extra, allowance, 251, 252. Forfeiture of commissions, 252, 253. Compromise of claims, 236, 237. County administrator, application to vest administration in, 193. Bond, 207. Citation, 194. Order appointing, 192. For citation, 194. Vesting administration, 194. Creditor, application for letters, 191. Citation, 192. Order for citation, 192. De bonis non, application for ad- ministration, 184. Citation for administration, 184. Letters of administration, 185. Order for citation to issue, 184. Will annexed, application for administration, 186. Citation for administration, 187. Letters of administration, 185, 188. Order for citation to issue, 187. Deed, bond for title of intestate, 205. Private sale, 398. Public sale, 395, 396. Returns, deed made in pursu- ance of order, 206. Discharge, citation, 266. Order of citation, 265. Dismission, 266, 269. Petition for, 265. Dismission, citation, 793. Letters, 266, 793. Order, 266, 269. For citation, 793. Petition, 792. Distribution of estates, rules, 231. INDEX 863 [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECU- TORS Cont'd. Division in kind, Appraisers, appointment, 242. Oath, 242. Return, 243. Citation, 241. Final order, 243. Guardian ad litem, acceptance, 242. Appointment, 241. Petition, 240. Dower, administratrix applying for, 432. Election of widow, 240. Extra compensation, order allowing, 252. Petition for allowance, 251. Final return, 253, 254. Final settlement, final receipt of distributee, 263. Order approving, 262. Order to show cause for disobeying, 263. Petition to cite administrator, 261. Rule nisi, 262. Foreign, 270. Garnishment, 153. Heirs, agreement for selection, 198. Illegality proceedings, filing affida- vit, 141. Insolvent papers, sale, 216, 217. See Sales, post. Inventory and appraisement, certifi- cate of appraisers, 247. Oath of administrator, 248. Appraisers, 246. Order appointing appraisers, 245. Return of appraisers, 246. Warrant, 245. Judgment, compelling executor to give bond, 792. On caveat to application for administration, 199. Lands, sale, 219-225, 227-230. See Sales, post. Letters, de bonis non, 185. De bonis non, with will annex- ed, 185, 188. Dismission, 266, 793. Next of kin, 188-190. Permanent, 190, 200. Agreement of heirs for se- lection of administrator, 198. ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECU- TORS Con t'd. Letters Cont'd. Permanent Cont'd. Application, 197. Bond of administrator, 200. Caveat to application, 199. Citation, 190, 198. Judgment on caveat, 199. Notice to debtors and creditors, 202. Oath of administrator, 200. Order for citation, 198. Order for letters to issue, 190. Temporary, 180, 182. Testamentary, 785, 788. Next of kin, selection by, 188-190. Notes, doubtful, sale, 217. Signed by mark and not attest- ed, aflidavit, 244. Receipt, 245. Notice, debtors and creditors, 202. Sale of perishable property, 214. Title under bond, proceeding to require making, 204. Oath of executor, 785. Permanent administrator, 200. Temporary administrator, 181. Payment of debts, 244, 245. Permanent administration, 190, 197- 202. Pleas, see Action, ante. Removal, application by next of kin, 259. Failure to give bond, 267, 268. Order to revoke letters, 261. Rule nisi, 260. Answer to, 260. Order to discharge, 261. Resignation, bond of successor, 270. Citation, 269. Order for letters of dismission, 269. Petition, 268. Sales, claim of title, 132. Insolvent papers, advertise- ment, 217. Aflidavit of administrator, 217. Application to sell, 216. Order of court, 217. Return, 217. Lands, account, 230. Adversely held, 228. Advertisement, 221, 225. Appeal from order, 223, 224. 864 INDEX [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] ADMINISTRATOKS AND EXECU- TORS Cont'd. Sales Cont'd. Lands Cont'd. Application to sell, 219. Caveat to application, 221. Citation, 220. Claims, 228, 229. Deed, 229. Divided by county lines, 227. Order for citation, 219. Order granting leave to sell, 220. Order overruling caveat, 222. Perishable property, application to sell, 213, 214. Notice, 214. Order granting leave to sell, 213. Temporary administrator selling, 214. Personal property, account of sale, 218, 230. Application to sell, 215. Bill of sale, 216. Notice, 215. Wild land, application to sell, 225 Citation, 226. Deeds, 399. Order for citation, 226. Order of court, 227. Scire facias, order making executor party defendant, 748. Suits, see Action, ante. Superior court clerk, application for appointment, 195. Citation, 196. Order for citation, 195. Order vesting administration, 196. Temporary administration, applica- tion for letters, 180. Bond for administrator, 182. Letters, 182. Oath of administrator, 181. Order of appointment, 181. Pending appeal on pro- pounded will. 183. Title to heirs, deed, 239. Petition to compel making, 238. Rule absolute, 239. Rule nisi, 238. Wild lands, sale, 225-227. See Sales, ante. ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECU- TORS Cont'd. Year's support, acknowledgment of service of notice, 232. Citation, 235. Oath of appraisers, 234. Order allowing return, 235. Order appointing appraisers, 233. Order for citation, 235. Petition for appointment of ap- praisers, 232. Return of appraisers, 234. Rule nisi where service not ac- knowledged, 233. ADOPTION. Child, 671-673. See Parent and Chjld. , ADULTERY. Witnesses, competency, 61. ADVERTISEMENT. Administrator, sale by, 217, 221, 225. Attachment, levy of, 297. Estrays, 451. Sale, 452. Execution levy, 165. Sale, 164, 754. Guardianship funds, reinvestment, 493. Mortgage, under power in, 645. Tax sales, 760. AFFIDAVITS. See Counter Affidavits. Account, actions on, 97, 98, 110. Proof of, 173. Accusation in city or county court, 828. Annual return of administrator re- moved from state, 250. Attachment, 283, 284, 292. Bail, actions for personalty, 307, 310. Trover, 766. Banks, proposed corporators, 311. Bastard, service of notice of legiti- mation proceedings, 670. Warrant, 830. Certiorari, 337, 338, 340. Chattel mortgage, creditor contest- ing, 644. Foreclosure, 593, 594. Pauper affidavit, 643. Claims of title, 127, 355. Constable, rule against, 372. INDEX 865 [REFERENCES ABB TO PAGES.] AFFIDAVITS ConZU Criminal warrant, 800. Decedent's estate, account against, 244. Dispossessory warrant, 425. Distress warrant, 428. Estrays, owner, 453. Taker-up, 451. Forcible entry and detainer, 472. Garnishment, Code sections, 144, 147. Entry upon, 477. Forms, 154, 155, 475. Service of notice of traverse of answer, 482. Good behavior, warrant for, 803. Grand juror, defaulting, 587. Habeas corpus, criminal case, 840, 841. Petitioner, 504. Return of custodian of person detained, 507. Seizure of person detained, 505. Homestead, levy and sale, 517. Notice of application, 512, 513. Petition for, 510, 519. Illegality: See Illegalities. Injunction, use as evidence, 271, 545. Verification of petition, 544. Insane person, commitment, 564. Guardianship proceedings, 552, 557. Intruders, removal, 577. Jurisdiction, plea to, 583. Liens, foreclosure, 608, 610, 611, 613, 614, 616, 617. Lost papers, establishment pro- ceedings, 625. Mandamus proceedings, 628, 629. Money rule, service, 740. Mortgages, foreclosure, 640, 647. New trial, newly discovered evi- dence, 658. Non est factum, plea of, 713. Notice in processioning proceeding, service, 707. To produce papers, 664, 665. Nuncupative wills, witnesses, 787. Ordinary form, 271. Peace warrant, 805. Perishable property, petition to sell, 745. Possessory warrant, 675. Requisition for extradition of fugi- tives from justice, 837, 838. AFFIDAVITS Con t'd. Search warrant, 807. Trust company, subscribers to stock, 320. Trustee, sale of property, 774. Wills, subscribing witnesses, 780. AFFINITY. Disqualification of jurors, 16. AFFIRMATION. Witnesses, 63. AGE. Jurors, disqualification, 16. AGENTS. Garnishment, making affidavit and bond, 144, 147. Illegality proceedings, filing affi- davit, 141. Power of attorney, 702. To execute deed, 391. ALIMONY. See Divorce and Alimony. ALTERNATIVE VERDICT. Trover, judgment, 769. AMENDMENTS. Claim cases, 136. Continuance because of, 19. Illegality proceedings, affidavit, 141. Justice court, on appeal, 124. New trial, motion for, 653. AMOUNT IN CONTROVERSY. Justice court, jurisdiction, 87, 88, 117, 118, 124. ANIMALS. Estrays. See Estrays. Liens of owners of boars, bulls, jacks, and stallions, 612-614. ANSWER. Administrator, rule nisi in proceed- ings to remove, 260. Certiorari, 340-342. Divorce proceeding, 532. Equitable petition, 449. Garnishee, 144-148, 151, 152, 158-160, 478. Traverse, 149, 150, 160, 481, 482. Habeas corpus, criminal case, 841. Mandamus proceedings, 629. 866 INDEX [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] APPEAL. Bond, 272, 273. Continuance on, 21. In forma pauperis, 274. Justice court: See Justices and Justice Courts. Propounded will, temporary admin- istration pending, 183. APPEARANCE. Garnishee, time, 144, 146, 147. APPRAISAL. Decedent's estate, 242, 243, 245-248. Estrays, 450. Homestead, 514, 515. Year's support, 232-234. APPROVAL. New trial, motion for, 656. ARBITRAMENT AND AWARD. Action on award, petition, 280. Agreement to submit, 275, 278. Award of arbitrators, 277. Choice of third arbitrator, 276. Exceptions to award, 279. Hearing, order appointing time and place of, 276. Judgment of court, 278, 279. Notice by arbitrators to parties, 277. Oaths of arbitrators, 276. Pendency of suit, agreement for submission, 278. Petition in action on award, 280. Submission agreement, 275. Suit pending, 278. ARRAIGNMENT. Form, 824. Waiver, and plea, 824. ARRAY. Challenge to jurors, 588, 825. ARREST. Bench warrant, 827, 828. Interrogatories, refusal of witness to appear, 576. Warrant for good behavior, entry, 804. Witness, freedom from, 60. ASSIGNMENT. Articles of, 281. Bonds for title, 333. Claims, to defeat exemption of wages, 152, 153. ASSIGNMENT Cont'd. Commencement of declaration or petition, suit by assignee of chose in action, 386. Landlord's lien, 600, 602. Lease, 282. Mortgages, 642. ATTACHMENT. Advertisement of levying officer, 297. Affidavit, 283, 284, 286, 292. Attorney at law, contempt, 301. Making affidavit and giving bond, 284. Bond, 283, 284, 286, 296. Constables, contempt, 373. Counsel fees and alimony, non-pay- ment in divorce proceedings, 527, 540. Declaration, 287, 295. Fraudulent debtor, affidavit, 292. Order of court, 293. Petition, 292. Garnishment in aid of, 480-482. Judgment, 290, 294. Justice court, appeal, 124. Levy, 285. Notice to defendant, 289, 295. Purchase money, affidavit, 286. Bond, 286. Declaration, 287. Deed where bond for title given, 291. Judgment, 290. Notice to defendant, 288, 289. Return of officer, 289. Writ, form, 287. Return, 287. Removal, order of court, 294. Petition for, 293. Replevy bond, 296. Return of officer, 285, 287, 289. Rule against officers, 742. Traverse, 297. Witnesses, compelling attendance, 59, 74. Writ, form, 285. Levy, 285. Return, 285. ATTESTATION. Deeds, 388. Wills, 775, 777, 779. ATTORNEY AND CLIENT. Absence of counsel, continuance for, 19, 20. INDEX 867 [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] ATTORNEY AND CLIENT Cont'd. Attachment, affidavit and bond, 284. Contempt, attachment for, 301. Continuance, absence of counsel, 19, 20. Agreement of counsel, 31. Illness of counsel, affidavit, 375. Fees, complaint on note providing for, 710. Divorce proceeding: See Di- vorce and Alimony. Garnishment, affidavit and bond by attorney, 144, 147. Illness of counsel, continuance for, 20, 25. Judge preparing contract, disqualifi- cation, 6. Related to counsel, disqualifica- tion, 4, 9, 10. Judgment against attorney of non- resident plaintiff, 582. Justice court, entry of appeal, 120, 124. Manifold copy of notice for attor- ney's fees on note, 178, 712. New trial, agreement as to brief of evidence, 658. Note providing for attorney's fees, 175, 178, 710-712. Notice to defendant to recover at- torney's fees on note, 175, 178, 712. Privileged communications, 42, 61. Rule against, attachment for con- tempt, 301. Petition, 298. Rule absolute, 300. Rule nisi, 299. ATTORNEY IN FACT. Deeds, execution, 391. Illegality proceedings, filing affi- davit, 141. Power of attorney, 702. AUDITORS. Application for appointment, 301. Exceptions to report, 305. Judgment of court, 306. . Notice given by, 303. Oath, 303. Order appointing, 302. To show cause, 302. Report, 304, 305. AUTRE FOIS ACQUIT. Plea, 821. AUTRE FOIS CONVICT. Plea, 822. AWARD. See Arbitrament and Award. BAIL IN ACTIONS FOR PER- SONALTY. Affidavit, 307. Bond, 308. Petition, 306. Affidavit, 310. Defendant confined under bail process, 309. Order for rule to show cause, 310. BAIL TROVEE. Affidavit, 766. Bond, 768. BAILIFFS. Sheriff's certificate as to services, 753. BANKS. Charter, affidavit of proposed cor- porators, 311. Application for, 311. Certificate of incorporation, 313. Ordinary's certificate, 313. Publication of declaration and affidavit, 313. Examiner's report, 321-327. Statement of condition of, 314-317. Trust companies, affidavit of sub- scribers to stock, 320. Application for charter, 318. Notice of intention to organize, 318. BASTARDS AND BASTARDY. Appearance of putative father, bond for, 832. Judgment requiring bond, 832. Legitimation of bastard, affidavit as to service of notice, 670. Notice to mother, 670. Order of court, 671. Petition, 670. Maintenance and education, bond, 831. Judgment requiring bond, 831. Warrant, affidavit, 830. Form, 830. 868 INDEX [BEFERENCES AEB TO PAGES.] BENCH WARRANT. Bond, 827. Entry of arrest, 828. Form, 827. BEST EVIDENCE. Necessity of producing, 35. BILLS AND NOTES. See Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. BILL OF EXCEPTIONS. See Practice in Supreme Court. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. See Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. BILLS OF SALE OF PERSON- ALTY. Administrator, 216. Bond to reconvey personalty, 329. Debt, bill of sale to secure, 328. Form, 328. Note for purchase money with title reserved, 330. Sheriff, 755. BIRDS. Laws relating to, 842-850. BLACKSMITHS. Books of account as evidence, 37- 40. BOARS. Liens of owners, 612-614. BONDS. See Forthcoming Bonds; In Forma Pauperis ; Principal and Surety. Administrators, additional security, 210-212. Approval, 208. Justification of obligors, 208. New security, 210. Order on application to strengthen, 209. Permanent, 200. Refunding bond, 264. Relief of security, application, 209. Removal for failure to give, 267, 268. Strengthening, 209-212. BONDS Cont'd. Administrators Cont'd. Successor of administrator re- signing, 270. Temporary, 182. Appeal, 272, 273. Justice court, 118, 120, 121, 125. Attachment, 283, 284, 286, 296. Bail, actions for personalty, 308. Trover, 768. Bastards, appearance of putative father of, 832. Maintenance and education, 831. Bench warrant, 827. Bridge contractors, 334. Certiorari, 336. Chattel mortgage, creditor contest- ing, 645. Claims of title, 127-129, 356. Clerk of court, 361. Constables, 82, 84, 367. Dispossessory warrant, 426. Distress warrant, 430. Estrays, owner of, 453. Execution, stay, 466. Garnishment, Code sections, 144, 147. Dissolution, 148, 149, 157, 479, 481. Entry upon, 477. Forms, 154, 155, 476. Guardian, natural, 484. Permanent, 490. Relief of sureties, 491, 492. Temporary, 489. Homestead, levy and sale, 518. Illegality proceedings, 140. Injunction, 546. Substitution for, 548. Peace warrant, 806. Possessory warrant, judgment, 677. Property taken by defendant, 678. Property turned over to plain- tiff, 677. Reconveyance of land, 408, 414, 419. Personalty, 329. Replevy, chattel mortgage foreclos- ure, 595, 643. Execution, 459. Lien foreclosure, 618. Supersedeas, 698-700. Title, for: See Bonds for Title. Trustee, 772. Warrant for good behavior, 804. INDEX 869 [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] BONDS FOR TITLE. Administrator, requiring making of title, 202-207. Assignment, 333. Attachment, deed, 291. Forms, 331, 332. Purchase money note under, 716. BOOKS. Account, evidence, 37-40: Compelling production in court, 45- 58. Ledgers, admissibility in evidence, 40. Refreshing memory from, 40, 41. Transcript as evidence, 56. BREACH OF MARRIAGE PROM- ISE. Witnesses, competency, 61. BRIDGES. Contractor's bond, 334. BRIEF OF EVIDENCE. New trial, motion for, 656-658. BULLS. Liens of owners, 612-614. BURDEN OF PROOF. Changing, 35. Claim cases, 130, 136. Illegality proceedings, 141. Party having, in general, 35. BY-LAWS. Corporations, 348-354. CALENDAR. Stafford's office calendar, admissi- bility in evidence, 36. Stern's United States calendar, ad- missibility in evidence, 36. CAPTION. Interrogatories, agreement to take, 69. CAUSE OF ACTION. What is, 93, 94. CAVEATS. Administrators, annual return, 250. Application for permanent let- ters, 199. To sell lands, 221. - Dower, return of commissioners, 437. Wills, probate proceedings, 784. CERTIFICATES. Banks, incorporation of, 313. Certiorari, 337. Clerk of court, extradition proceed- ings, 837, 838. Interrogatories, transmission, 573. Lost papers, copy established, 626. Marriage, 522. Notary public, moral character, 660. Official character, 661. Ordinaries, to copies, 665. Transcript of record, 666. Protest, 722. Sheriff, bailiff's services, 753. Surveyor, processioning proceed- ings, 708. CERTIORARI. Affidavit, 336. Answer to writ, 340. Bond, 336. Certificate, 337. Costs, judgment for, 343. Exceptions to answer to writ,. 341. Notice of, 342. In forma pauperis, affidavit, 338. Judgment of court, 343. Justice court, 122. Notice, affidavit as to service, 340. Exceptions to answer to writ, 342. Sanction. 339. Petition. 335. Possessory warrant, notice, 679. Rules, 684, 685. Sanction of writ, 338, S39. Service of writ, 339. Traverse to answer, 342. Writ, form of, 338. CHALLENGES. Jury, array, 588, 825. CHARACTER. Evidence, relevancy, 34. Notary public, certificate of moral character, 660. CHARTERS. Banks, 311, 313. See Banks. Superior court charters, agreement, 347. By-laws, 348-354. Judgment granting, 356. Petition for, 344, 345. Preferred stock, 347. Stock subscription, 347. ' 870 INDEX [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] CHATTEL MORTGAGES. See Mortgages. CHOSES IN ACTION. Commencement of declaration or petition, suit by assignee, 386. CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. Definition, 32. CITATION. Administration, county administra- tor, 194. Creditor's application, 192. De bonis non, 184, 187. Discharge of administrator, 265, 266. Dismission of executor, 793. Division of estate in kind, 241. Permanent, 190, 198. Resignation of administrator, 269. Superior court clerk, 195, 196. Clerk of court, 705. Divorce proceedings, 530. Guardianship proceedings, 487. Dismission from guardianship, 497, 498. Resignation of guardian, 496. Ordinary, road proceedings, 727. Wills, probate, 783. Year's support, 235. CITY COURTS. Accusation in, 828, 829. Demand for jury, 829. Execution, 456. Jury summons, 753. CLAIMS. Decedent's estate, compromise, 236, 237. CLAIM OF TITLE. Admission of possession, 137. Affidavit, 127, 355. Amendment, 136. Bond, 127-129, 356. Burden of proof, 130, 136. Compensation for keeping property 129. Costs, 136. Crops purchased from landlord, 137. Damages, 130, 131, 136. Executor's sale, 132. Forthcoming bond, 128, 129, 133, 134, 357, 358. Garnished property, 146, 149, 150, 480. CLAIM OF TITLE Cont'd. Grounds of attack on execution, 140. Homestead, 139. In forma pauperis, 128, 133. Affidavit, 357. Issue joined, 135, 359. Tendered, 358. Joint owner, 128. Judgment, 135, 136, 359. Damages found, 360. Jurisdiction, objections to, 137. Jury trial, 130. Justice court, 132, 133, 597. Non-appearance of claimant, 138. Oath, jurors, 130. Necessity, 127. Opening and concluding argument, 139. Ordinary, court of, 131. Partner, 128. Payment, 139. Prima facie case, 138. Return, 129. Sale, failure to give bond, 129. Postponement, 128. Second claim, 131. Sheriff's entry, 755. Tender of issue, 135. Trial, 133-135. By jury, 130. Verdict, 135, 359. Withdrawal, 130. Original fi. fa., 131. CLERKS OF COURT. Administrator, clerk of superior court acting as, 195, 196. Bond, 361. Certificate, authority of officer, 362. Bill of exceptions, 897, 698. Exemplification of record, 363. Extradition proceedings, 837, 838. Notary's authority, 389, 390. Transcript of record, 698. Deputy, bond, 361. Fees, 379. Indorsement on execution, 455. Interrogatories, receipt, 573. Judges, appointed by, when, 8. Oath, 360. Scire facias to make parties, 362. CODICILS. Form, 779. COLLATERAL NOTE. Form* 718. INDEX 871 [REFERENCES ABB TO PAGES.] COMMENCEMENT. Declaration or petition, 385-387. COMMISSION. Depositions without commission, 70-74, 574, 575. See Depositions without Commission. Interrogatories, 570-572. See Inter- rogatories. Lunacy proceedings, 554-556, 559. Notary public, 661. COMMISSIONS. Administrators, forfeiture, 252, 253. COMMISSIONERS. Court, return of interrogatories, 575. Dower, assignment, 433-435. Lunacy proceedings, 554-556. Police, disqualification, 5. Roads, complaint against, 738. Judgment against, 739. Judgment of, against default- ers, 731. Summons to, 736, 739. COMMITMENT. Criminal warrant, 801. Insane persons, 564-566. Possessory warrant, defendant, 676. COMMON LAW. Continuances, number, 18. Ejectment, petition, 439. Habeas corpus, petition, 503. COMMUNICATIONS. Privileged, 42, 61. COMPENSATION AND FEES. See Costs and Fees.' Administrators, extra compensa- tion, 251, 252. Claimant of property, compensation for keeping same, 129. COMPETENT EVIDENCE. Definition, 32. COMPROMISE. Decedent's estate, claims against, 236, 237. CONDITIONAL SALES. Note, 720. CONDUCT. Evidence, 34. CONSENT. Beneficiaries, appointment of trus- tee, 771. Trial, continuance, 31. CONSIDERATION. Illegality, plea of, 366. Justice court, plea of failure of con- sideration, 102, 104. Partial failure, plea of, 104, 365. Total failure, plea of, 104, 364, 365. CONSTABLES. Advertising levy, 165. Sales, 164. Appointment, 80-82. Bonds, 82, 84, 367. Contempt, attachment for, 373. Criminal warrant, return, 801. Duties, 84. Election, 79. Entry before levy on land, 369. Nulla bona, 369. Fees, 384. Levy of execution, 165. Land, 369. Notice, 370. Shares of stock, 370. Nulla bona, entry of, 369. Number 79. Oath, 81, 82, 84, 368. Removal, 79. Rule against, attachment for con- tempt, 373. Code sections, 84. Demand, 372. Affidavit of service, 372. Petition, 371. Rule absolute, 373. Rule nisi, 372. Sales, advertising, 164. Corporate stock levied on, how, 164. Forthcoming bond, 165. Land levied on, when, 164. Notice, 370. Time and place, 164. Service by, 369. Term of office, 79. Acting after. 87. Vacancy in office, 79. CONTEMPT. Attorney-at-law, attachment, 301. Constables, attachment, 373. Counsel fees and alimony, non-pay- ment in divorce proceeding, 527, 540. INDEX [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] CONTEMPT Cont'd. Interrogatories, refusal of witness to appear, 576. CONTINUANCE. Absence of counsel, 19, 20, 27. Party, 19, 20, 27. Witnesses, 19, 20, 25, 44, 374. Affidavits for, 374, 375. Agreement of counsel, 31. Amendments, effect, 19. Appeal, on, 21. Claim cases in justice court, 133. Common law, number, 18. Consent to trial, 31. Counsel, absence, 19, 20, 27. Agreement, 31. Illness, 20, 25. Affidavit, 375. Counter-showing to motions for, 21. Depositions, proceedings for taking, 73. Diligence, necessity, 21, 22. Discretion of court, 21-23. Docket entry, 21. General Assembly, absence of coun- sel, party, or witness in attend- ance upon, 19. Illness of counsel, 20 25. Affidavit, 375. Illness of party, -20, 23. Affidavit, 375. Interrogatories, non-return as ground, 21. Joint parties, 30. Justice courts, 22. Claim cases, 133. Motion, service of rule nisi, 30. Number at common law, 18. Party, absence, 19,' 20, 27. Illness, 20, 23. Affidavit, 375. Production of papers, pending, 52. Public announcement, 21. Rules, 22. Supreme Court, absence of coun- sel, party or witness, 19. Cases sent back from, 20. Surprise, 28, 32. Term of court, beyond, 21. Trial term, case not reached at, 20. Witnesses absence, 19, 20, 25, 44, 374. Pay for attendance after, 21. CONTRACTS. Action for breach in justice court, 589. CONTRACTS Cont'd. Bridges, bond of contractor, 334. Fertilizers, plea of illegality, 471. General form, 377. Judgment on, 581. Landlord and tenant, between, 603. Creation of landlord's lien, 599. Sale, 743. Short form, 378. CONTRACTORS. Bond of bridge contractor, 334. Liens, 605, 606. Mechanic's lien on real estate, claim, 376. Petition to foreclose, 376. CONVICTS. Divorce, conviction of felony as ground, 523. COPIES. Accusation, demand, 817. Response of solicitor-general, 817. Evidence, admissibility in, 36. Lost papers, establishment: See Lost Papers. Ordinaries, certificates, 665. CORONERS. Justices of the peace, acting as, 78. CORPORATIONS. See Banks. Charters, 344-355. See Charters. Commencement of declaration or petition, suit against, 387. Garnishment, 145, 150, 153. Nul tiel corporation, plea, 379. Service of process, 704. Stock, levy on, 370. COSTS AND FEES. Certiorari, judgment for, 343. Claim cases, 136. Clerks of superior court, 379. Commissioners taking depositions, 74. Constables, 384. Execution against plaintiff, 465. Indorsement, 455, 456. Garnishment proceedings, 151, 159. Judgment for costs, 385. Non-resident plaintiff, against attorney of, 582. Jurors, 120. Justices of the peace, 382. Appeal, 126. INDEX 873 [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] COSTS AND FEES Cont' d. Notaries public, ex-officio justices of the peace, 382. Ordinaries, 667-669. Sheriff, 381. Witnesses, 59, 60, 62. After continuance, 21. COUNSEL. See Attorney and Client. COUNTER AFFIDAVITS. Account, action on, 98, 111, 174, 589. Dispossessory warrant, 426. Distress warrant, 429. Estrays, ownership, 454. Homestead, levy and sale, 518. Intruders, removal, 577. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR. Bond, 207. Order appointing, 192. Vesting administration in, 193, 194. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Subpoenas, 796. COUNTY COURTS. Accusation in, 828, 829. Demand for jury, 829. Execution, 457. COUNTY TAXES. Order levying, 757. COUPONS. Notes with coupons, 412-414, 714, 715. COURTS. See City Courts; Clerks of Court; County Courts; Court of Inquiry; Justices and Justice Courts; Ordinaries; Practice in Supreme Court; Superior Courts. COURT COMMISSIONER. Interrogatories, return, 575. COURT OF INQUIRY. Subpoenas, form, 58. CREDITS. Entry on note, 719. CROPS. Contract between landlord and cropper, 603. Lien of landlord for furnishing supplies, 598-602. CROSS-EXAMINATION. Witnesses, 63. CROSS-INTERROGATORIES. Commission to take testimony, 65, 67. CROSS-PETITION. Divorce proceeding, 532. CRUEL TREATMENT. Divorce, grounds, 523. CUMULATIVE EVIDENCE. Definition, 32. DAIRYMEN. Books of account as evidence, 37- 40. DAMAGES. Claim cases, 130, 131, 136. Garnishment, wrongful, 152. Illegality proceedings, 140. Justice court, frivolous appeal, 126. Road, establishment, 733-735. DATES. Stafford's office calendar, admissi- bility in evidence, 36. Stern's United States calendar, ad- missibility in evidence, 36. DE BONIS NON. Administration: See Administra- tors and Executors. DE FACTO OFFICERS. Evidence, 36. DEATH. Declarations by deceased persons as evidence, 37. DECEDENT'S ESTATES. See Administrators and Executors. DECLARATIONS. Evidence, admissibility, 37. DECLARATIONS OR PETITIONS. Adoption of child, 671. Attachment, 287, 295. Award of arbitrators, action on, 280. Bastard, legitimation of, 670. Certiorari, 335. Commencement, administrator with will annexed suing, 386. 874 INDEX [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] DECLARATIONS OE PETITIONS Cont'd. Commencement Cont'd. Assignee of chose in action suing, 386. Corporation, domestic, sued, 387. Executor suing, 386. Guardian suing, 386. Infant suing by next friend, 385. Partners suing partners, 385. Railroad company sued, 387. Receiver suing, 387. Constable, for rule against, 371. Corporate charter, for, 344, 345. Demurrers to, 448, 449. Divorce, 524, 528. Ejectment, 439. Equity, 447-450. Habeas corpus, common law, 503. Criminal case, 839. Homestead, application for, 508. Injunction, 544. Lost papers, establishment, 422, 621, 622, 625. Mandamus, 627. Mechanic's lien, foreclosure, 376. Mortgage foreclosure, 635. Natural guardian, 484. Ne exeat, divorce and alimony pro- ceeding, 541. Notary public, appointment, 659. Perishable property, sale of, 744. Processioning proceedings, 706. Scire facias to revive dormant judg- ment, 749. Trover, 766. Verification, 447. Wills, compelling production, 789, 790. Probate, 780, 781. DECREES. See Judgments and Decrees. DEEDS. Acknowledgment of execution, 389. Administrator, land, 229. Under bond for title of intes- tate, 205. Wild land, 399. Attachment, bond for title given, 291. Attestation of domestic deed, 388. Bond to reconvey, 408, 414, 419. Certificate of clerk to notary's au- thority, 389, 390. Signature of judge, 390. DEEDS Cont'd. Executor, private sale, 398. Public sale, 395, 396. Gift, 395. Guardian, 400. Loan deed with power of sale, 405. Cancellation clause, 411. Lost, establishment, 622. Oath to copy, 422. Petition, 422. Rule absolute, 423. Rule nisi, 423. Notice of levy by sheriff, 402. Partition, 401. Power of attorney to execute, 391. Probate of witness, 391. Promissory note, loan deed, 412. Quit claim deed, 394. Reconveyance, bond, 408, 414, 419. Security deed, under Code, 416. Warranty deed to secure loan, 405, 411. Sheriff's deed, 403. Tax deed, 404. Shylock form, 405. Tax deeds, 404, 761. Trust, 401. Wards, to, 501. Warranty deed, 392, 393. To secure loan, 411. Wild lands, 399. DEFAULT JUDGMENT. Affidavit on application to open, 424. Form of judgment on opening, 424. DEFAULTERS. Road, 729-737. See Roads. DEFINITIONS. Account, 108. Account stated, 109. Circumstantial evidence, 32. Competent evidence, 32. Cumulative evidence, 32. Direct evidence, 32. Evidence, 32. Hearsay evidence, 37. Indirect evidence, 32. Preponderance of evidence, 33. Presumptive evidence, 32. Primary evidence, 35. Secondary evidence, 35. Sufficient evidence, 32. INDEX 87! [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] DEGREES. Relationship, disqualification of judges, 1-4. Disqualification of jurors, 13. Marriage, 521. Secondary evidence, 36. DELAY. Frivolous appeal, justice court, 126. Illegality proceedings, damages, 140. DELIVERY. Depositions, 71. Garnishee, by, 151. DEMAND. Accusation, for copy of, 817. Jury, city or county court, 829. Money rule against officer, 740. Municipal corporation, on, before suit, 650. Trial, by accused, 816. Witnesses, for list of, 817. DEMURRERS. Equitable petition, 448, 449. Indictment, 818. DEPOSITIONS WITHOUT COM- MISSION. See Interrogatories. Acknowledgment of service of no- tice, 574. Adjournment of proceedings, 73. Attachments, 74. Compelling appearance of witnesses, 74. Contempt, failure of witness to ap- pear, 71. Delivery, 71. Fees of commissioner, 74. Notice, 70-73, 574. Oath of witnesses, 70, 73. Officer before whom taken, 70, 72. Order of examination, 73. Postponement of proceedings, 73. Powers of commissioner, 74. Return, 73.. Scope of examination, 73. Seal, 71. Signing, 70. Subpoena, 575. Duces tecum, 71. Writing, reducing to, 70. DESERTION. Divorce, grounds, 523. DIAGRAMS. Judges, relationship, 3. Jurors, relationship, 15. DILATORY PLEAS. Justice court, 102. DILIGENCE. Continuances, affecting right to, 21, 22. DIRECT EVIDENCE. Definition, 32. DISCLAIMER. Ejectment proceedings, 439. DISCRETION OF COURT. Continuance, 21-23. DISMISSAL. Appeal from justice court, 120, 126. Garnishment, 482. Sheriff's entry, 757. DISMISSION. Administrator, 266, 269. Executor, 792, 793. Guardian, 497-499. DISPOSSESSORY WARRANT. Affidavit, 425. Bond, 426. Counter affidavit, 426. Judgment, 427. Verdict, 427. Writ of possession, 427. DISQUALIFICATION. Constables, 81. Judges: See Judges. Jurors: See Jury and Jurors. Justices of the peace, 76, 77. DISSOLUTION. Garnishment, bond, 157, 479, 481. Code sections, 146, 148-150. Notice, 157, 483. Injunction, 547, 548. DISTRESS WARRANT. Affidavit, 428. Bond, 430. Counter affidavit, 429. Levy, 429. Warrant, 429. DISTRIBUTION. Decedent's estate: See Administra- tors and Executors. 876 INDEX [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] DIVISION. Decedent's estate, 240-243. Partition deed, 401. DIVOECE AND ALIMONY. Answer to petition, 532. Attachment, failure to pay alimony, 527, 540. Citation by clerk, 530. Contempt, non-payment of alimony, 527, 540, 541. Counsel fees, order allowing, 526. Order nisi, 538. Order to pay, 539. Petition, 524, 537. Cross-petition, 532. Cruel treatment, 523. Decree a mensa, 535. Total divorce, 534. Desertion, 523. Felony, conviction of, 523. First verdict, 533. Force, fraud, etc., 522. Form of grounds, 522-524. Habitual intoxication, 524. Mental incapacity, 522. Ne exeat, order, 542. Petition, 541. Writ, 542. Order, allowing alimony and coun- sel fees, 526. Nisi, 527, 538. To perfect service, 531. Petition, 524, 528. Alimony where no suit for di- vorce pending, 537. Cross-petition, 532. Ne exeat, 541. Rule absolute and attachment, 527. Pregnancy, 523. Process, 526. Publication, service by, 531. Removal of disabilities, judgment, 537. Notice of application, 536. Notice to be published, 536. Petition, 535. Verdict, 537. Return by sheriff, 530. Rule absolute, 528, 539, 541. Schedule of property, 530. Second verdict, 533. Service, order to perfect, 531. publication, 531. Verdict a mensa, 534. A vinculo, 533. DOCKETS. Continuance, entry, 21. Execution, entry, 456. Justice court, evidence on appeal, 126. Furnishing, 106. DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE. See Evidence. DORMANT JUDGMENT. Scire facias to revive, 749, 750. DOWER. Admeasurement, writ of, 434. Application, 431. By widow who is administra- trix, 432. Copy of notice to non-resident heirs, 433. Election of widow, 240. Notice of intention to apply for, 431. To non-resident heirs, copy, 433. Oath of commissioners, 435. Order appointing commissioners, 433. Return of commissioners, 435. Caveat and objections to, 437. Order making return judgment of court, 436. Sheriff, 437. Writ of admeasurement, 434. Possession, 437. DRUNKARDS. Witnesses, competency, 62. DRUNKENNESS. Divorce, grounds, 524. EJECTMENT. Common law form of petition, 439. Complaint for land and mesne prof- its, 438. Disclaimer of title, 439. Judgment of court, 443. Mesne profits, complaint for, 438. Notice to appear, 442. Petition in action of, 439. Under Neel Act, 445. Plea of defendant, 443. Process, 442. Return by sheriff, 444. Verdict of jury, 443. Writ of possession, 444. INDEX 877 [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] ELECTION. Dower, widow, 240. Verdict in trover, judgment, 769. ELECTIONS. Constables, 79. Justices of the peace, 75, 76. EMPLOYEES. Contract between employer and em- ployee, 603. ENTEY. See specific heads. EQUITY. Answer to petition, 449. Demurrers to petition, general, 449. General and special, 448. Special, 449. Injunction, skeleton petition, 447. Petition, answer, 449. Answer, verification, 450. Defense to, 448. Demurrer to, 448, 449. Skeleton form, 447. Verification,, 447. Receiver, skeleton petition, 447. Skeleton petition, 447. Verification of answer, 450. Petition, 447. ESCROW DEED. Form, 743. Receipt of holder, 744. ESTOPPEL. Presumptions of law, 34. ESTRAYS. Advertisement of, 451. Sale, 452. Affidavit of owner, 453. Counter affidavit, 454. Taker-up, 451. Appraisement, 450. Bond of owner, 453. Description and. appraisement, 450. Notice by ordinary, 452. Order of sale, 452. EVIDENCE. See Depositions without Com- mission; Interrogatories; Witnesses. Account books, 37-40. Attorney and client, communica- tions between, 42, 61. Best, necessity of producing, 35. EVIDENCE Con t'd. Books, account, 37-40. Compelling production, 45-58. Refreshing memory from, 40, 41. Transcript, 56. Burden of proof, 35. Character of parties, 34. Circumstantial evidence, definition, 32. Competent evidence, definition, 32. Conduct of parties, 34. Copies, admissibility, 36. Court of inquiry, subpoena in, 58. Cumulative evidence, definition, 32. Dates, 36. De facto officers, 36. Declarations, deceased persons, 37. Persons in possession, 37. Res gestae, 37. Definitions, 32, 33, 35, 37. Depositions: See Depositions with- out Commission. Direct evidence, definition, 32. Estoppels, 34. Failure to produce, presumption, 35. Hearsay, 37. Identity, proof of, 37. Indirect evidence, definition, 32. Inferences, 34. Inscriptions on monuments, etc., 36. Interpreters, evidence through, 62. Interrogatories: See Interrogato- ries. Judicial notice, 33. Justice court, subpoena in, 58, 62. Ledgers, 40. Mental conviction, amount re- quired, 33. Negative, 35. Notice to produce papers, form, 47- 50, 53, 54. Object of, 32. Officer de facto, 36. Paper in court, 45, 53. Surreptitiously secured, 46. Pedigree, 37. Positive, 35. Preponderance, definition, 33. Determination, 33. Presumption, failure to produce evi- dence, 35. Law and fact, 34. Prima facie, 34. Presumptive evidence, definition, 33. 878 INDEX [EEFEBBNCES ARE TO PAGES.] EVIDENCE Cont'd. Primary evidence, 35. Production of books and papers, compelling, 45-58. Records, primary evidence, 36. Refreshing memory from books, 40, 41. Relevancy, 34. Res gestae, 37. Roster of Georgia soldiers, sailors, and marines, 36. Rules, same in all courts and cases, 33. Secondary evidence, 35, 36, 56. Stafford's office calendar, admissi- bility, 36. Stern's United States calendar, ad- missibility, 36. Sufficient evidence, definition, 32. Transcript of books, 56. Wills, primary evidence, 36. Witnesses: See Witnesses. Written, best evidence, 35. EXAMINATION. Witnesses, 63. Cross-examination, 63. Depositions, 73. Separate, 108. EXAMINERS. Banks, report, 321. EXCEPTIONS, BILL OF. See Practice in Supreme Court. EXCHANGE, BILLS OF. See Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. EXECUTION. City court, 456. Claims by third persons: See Claim of Title. Clerk's fees, indorsement, 455. Control by surety paying, entry by collecting officer, 468. Order of court, 469. Surety against co-surety, 470. Surety against principal, 469. Cost execution against plaintiff, 465. County court, 457. Entry on docket, 456. Nulla bona, 465. Illegality, affidavit of, 140, 141, 143, 461, 462. EXECUTION Cont'd. Illegality Cont'd. Amendment of affidavit, 141. Attorney in fact filing affidavit, 141. Bond, 140. Burden of proof, 141. Chattel mortgage fi. fa., 596, 642. Damages for delay, 140. Excessive levy as ground, 142. Forthcoming bond, 140, 142, 464. Homestead, 142. Joining issue, 463. Judgment, 141, 464. Justice court, 140. Levy to precede, 140. Order making sheriff party, 462. Return, 140. Sale of property, 141. Second affidavit, 143. Traverse, 463. Sheriff's return, 462. Trial, 140, 141. Trustee filing affidavit, 141. Verdict of jury, 463. Indorsements, costs and fees, 455. Justice court, 459. Landlord's lien, foreclosure, 601. Levy, 164, 165, 460. On land, notice, 466. Tax fi. fa., 458. Liens, foreclosure, 608, 610-612, 614- 616, 618. Judgment setting up, 607. Mortgage foreclosure, 595, 637, 640. Notice of levy on land, 466. Nulla bona entry, 465. Perishable property, sale of, see Sale, post. Principal and security, against, 460. Replevy bond, 459. Sale of perishable property, adver- tisement, 468. Application, 467. Notice, 467. Order, 468. Sheriff's fees, indorsement, 455. Stay, bond, 466. Superior court, 454. Tax fi. fas., 458, 760, 761. Witness' fees, indorsement, 456. INDEX 879 [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] EXECUTORS. See Administrators and Executors. EXEMPLIFICATIONS. Records, certificate of clerk of court, 363. EXEMPTIONS. See Homestead and Exemptions. Garnishment, 146, 152, 153. EXTRADITION OF FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE. Affidavit, presence of fugitive in State, 838. Prosecutor's affidavit, 837. Requisition, application for, 835, 836, 838. Certificate of clerk to copy of bill of indictment, 838. Magistrate's authority, 837. Rules, 833-835. FACT. Presumptions, definition, 34. FAILURE OF CONSIDERATION. Justice court, pleas, 102, 104. Partial, plea of, 365. Total, plea of, 364, 365. FARM RENT NOTE. Form, 720. FARMERS. Books of account as evidence, 37- 40. FEES. See Costs and Fees. Counsel fees, divorce proceeding: See Divorce and Alimony. FELONY. Divorce, conviction as ground, 523. FERTILIZERS. Illegality of contract, plea, 471. FIERI FACIAS. See Execution. FILING. Interrogatories, 67. FISH. Laws relating to, 850-858. FORCE. Divorce, grounds, 522. FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DE- TAINER. Affidavit, 472. Judgment, 474. Jury, oath, 473. Precept for summoning, 472. Summons, 472. Verdict, 474. Justice court, jurisdiction, 87. Precept for summoning jury, 472. Return of sheriff, 475. Summons to defendant, 473. Verdict, 474. Writ of possession, 474. FORECLOSURE. Landlord's lien, 600-602. Liens: See Liens. Mortgages, equitable foreclosure on realty, 646-648. Personalty, 640-645. Realty, 635-637. FORFEITURES. Recognizances, 811-813. FORMER JEOPARDY. Plea, 821, 822. FORTHCOMING BONDS. Claims of title, 128, 129, 133, 134, 357, 358. Execution sales, 165. Garnishment proceedings, 480. Illegality proceedings, 140, 142, 464. FRAUD. Divorce, grounds, 522. FRAUDULENT DEBTORS. Attachment, 292, 293. FRIVOLOUS APPEAL. Damages, 126. FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE. Extradition: See Extradition of Fugitives from Justice. GAME. Laws relating to, 842-850. GARNISHMENT. Accrual of indebtedness after serv- ice of summons, 145, 146. Administrators, 153. Affidavits, Code sections, 144, 147. Entry upon, 477. Form, 154, 155, 475. 880 [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] GARNISHMENT Cont'd. Affidavits Cont'd. Service of notice of traverse of answer, 482. Agent, affidavit and bond by, 144, 147. Answer by garnishee, Code sec- tions, 144-147, 151, 152. Forms, 158, 159, 478. Traverse, 149, 150, 160, 481. Assignment of claim to defeat ex- emption of wages, 152, 153. Attachment, in aid of, 480-482. Return of officer levying, 477. Attorney, affidavit and bond by, 144, 147. Exemption of money in hands of, 152. Bonds, Code sections, 144, 147. Dissolution of garnishment, 148, 149, 157, 479. Entry upon, 477. Forms, 154, 155, 476. Forthcoming, 480. Claim of property, 146, 149, 150, 480. Corporation, exemption of officers' salaries, 153. Notice of traverse, 150. Service on, 145. Costs, expense of answering, 159. Garnishee not liable, when, 151. Daily wages, answer of garnishee, 159. Exemption, 152, 153. Damages for wrongful garnishment, 152. Delivery of property by garnishee, enforcing, 151. Discharge of garnishee, judgment, 163. Dismissal, 482. Dissolution, 146, 148-150, 157, 479, 483. Entry upon bond and affidavit, 477. Evidence, transfer of claim to de- feat exemption of wages, 153. Executors, 153. Exemptions, 146, 152, 153. Forthcoming bond, 480. Interest, liability, 151. Issuance, 144. Judgment, answer of garnishee, 161, 162. Bond, 148, 150, 151. Dissolving garnishment, 481. GARNISHMENT Cont'd. Judgment Cont'd. Discharge of garnishee, 163. Indebtedness admitted, 481. Jury trial, issue on traverse, 149. Laborers' wages, exemption, 152. Transfer of claim to defeat ex- emption, 152, 153. Legatees, 153. Monthly wages, answer of gar- nishee, 159. Exemption, 152, 153. Non-residents of county, 146-148. Notice of dissolution, 157, 483. Traverse of answer, 150, 161. Officers authorized to issue, 144, 147. Ordinary, judgment of, 146. Parties, claimants, 150. Partner, affidavit and bond by, 144. Property subject, 145, 146. Return, 144, 147, 148, 157, 477. Service of notice of traverse of an- swer, 150. Summons on garnishee, 144, 145, 148, 477. Summons, 144, 145, 147, 148, 156, 476. Time for garnishee to appear, 144, 146, 147. Of notice of traverse of an- swer, 150. Transfer of claim to defeat exemp- tion of wages, 152, 153. Traverse of answer of garnishee, 149, 150, 160, 481. Notice to garnishee, 482. Trial of issue on traverse, 149. Wages, answer of garnishee, 159. Exemption, 152. Transfer of claim to defeat ex- emption, 152, 153. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Continuance for absence of coun- sel, party or witness in attend- ance on, 19. GENERAL DEMURRERS. Equitable petition, 449. Indictment, 818. GEORGIA STATE SANITARIUM. Commitment to, 564-566. GIFTS. Deeds. 395. INDEX 881 [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] GOLD COIN NOTE. Form, 716. GOOD BEHAVIOR. Warrant, 803, 804. GRAND JURY. Affidavit of defaulting juror, 587. Oath of witness before, 586. Plea in abatement on ground of disqualification, 820. Precept for summoning, 585. Tales jurors, selection, 587. Venire facias, 586. GUARDIAN AND WARD. Application for guardianship of minor over 14, 485. Minor's application, 486. Order appointing guardian, 485. Application for guardianship of minor under 14, 487. Citation, 487. Order appointing guardian, 488. For citation, 487. Bond of guardian, 490. Natural guardian, 484. Relief of surety, citation, 492. Order, 492. Petition, 491. Temporary guardian, 489. Commencement of declaration or petition, suit by guardian, 386. Deeds of guardian, 400. To minors, 501. To purchaser at public sale, 501. Dismission, letters of, citation, 498. Order, 498. Of citation, 497. Petition, 497. Rule absolute, 499. Rule nisi, 499. Petition to set aside, 498. Encroachment on corpus, order, 495. Petition, 494. Final receipt, 495. Insane persons: See Insanity and Lunatics. Investment of trust funds, deed to lands invested in, 501. Order, 500. Petition, 500. Letters of dismission, 497-499. Guardianship, 490, 491. GUARDIAN AND WARD Cont'd. Natural guardian, bond, 484. Petition and order thereon, 484. Oath of guardian, 488. Temporary guardian, 489. Petition of natural guardian, 484. Order thereon, 484. Receipt, final, 49&. Removal of .guardian, petition by minor, 486. Resignation, citation, 496. Order accepting, 496. Petition, 496. Sales for reinvestment, advertise- ment preliminary to petition, 493. Order, 494. Petition, 493. Temporary guardian, bond, 489. Letters, 490. Oath, 489. GUARDIAN AD LITEM. Agreement to serve, 705. Appointment, 241, 242. Idiots, 553, 554. Insane persons, 558. Order appointing, 704. Wills, probate proceedings, 783. HABEAS CORPUS. Affidavit for seizure of person de- tained, 505. Petitioner, 504. To return of custodian, 507. Common law, petition at, 503. Criminal case, affidavit to answer, 841. Affidavit to petition, 840. Petition, 839. Return to writ, 841. Writ, 840. Entry of service by citizen, 505. By officer, 504. Judgment, 508. Petition, common law, 503. Criminal case, -839. Precept for arrest of body of per- son detained, 506. Return, affidavit, 507. Custodian, 506. Service, entry by citizen, 505. Entry by officer, 504. Witnesses in imprisonment, 59. Writ, form, 504. 882 INDEX [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] HABERE FACIAS POSSESSION- EM. Writ, 579. HABITUAL INTOXICATION. Divorce, grounds, 524. HEARSAY EVIDENCE. Definition, 37. HIGHWAYS. See Roads. HOMESTEAD AND EXEMPTIONS. Application for Constitutional homestead, affidavit to peti- tion, 510. Notice served by applicant, 512. Order to survey, 511. Petition, 508. Schedule of property, 509. Objection to, 510. Appraisers, appointment, 514. Return, 515. Claim of title, 139. County surveyor, approval of re- turn, 514. Petition for order to, 511. Return, 514. Illegality proceedings, 142. Levy and sale, affidavit, 517. Counter affidavit, 518. Indemnifying bond, 518. List of creditors, 509. Mortgage, waiver in, 631, 633. Notice of application to set apart homestead, 512. ' Affidavit, 512. Certificate, 512. Preparation of notice, affidavit, 513. Service, affidavit, 513. Order to survey, 511. Petition for, 511. Reinvestment, sale of homestead for, 515, 516. Sale of homestead for reinvest- ment, confirmation, 516. Order, 516. Petition, 515. Schedule of exempt property, 509, 510, 519. Sheriff's entry where property was exempted, 755. Statutory homestead, affidavit of applicant, 519. Schedule, 519. Waiver in note, 713, 715. HUNTING. Game laws, 842-850. HUSBAND AND WIFE. Alimony: See Divorce and Ali- mony. Divorce: See Divorce and Ali- mony. Marriage: See Marriage. Paper belonging to wife as evi- dence against husband, 46. IDENTITY. Proof of, 37. IDIOTS. See Insanity and Lunatics. ILLEGAL CONSIDERATION. Plea of, 366. ILLEGAL CONTRACTS. Fertilizers, plea, 471. ILLEGALITIES. Execution, affidavit of, 140, 141, 143, 461, 462. Amendment of affidavit, 141. Attorney in fact filing affidavit, 141. Bond, 140. Burden of proof, 141. Chattel mortgage fi. fa., 596, 642. Damages for delay, 140. Excessive levy as ground, 142. Forthcoming bond, 140, 142, 464. Homestead, 142. Joining issue, 463. Judgment, 141, 464. Justice court, 140. Levy to precede, 140. Order making sheriff party. 462. Return, 140. Sale of property, 141. Second affidavit, 143. Traverse, 463. Sheriff's return, 462. Trial, 140, 141. Trustee filing affidavit, 141. Verdict of jury, 463. ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN. See Bastards and Bastardy. ILLNESS. Counsel, continuance, 20, 25, 375. Party, continuance, 20, 23, 375. INDEX 883 [ REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] IMPANELING JURY. Statutory provision, 16. IMPEACHMENT. Judges, 7. IMPRISONMENT. Witnesses, habeas corpus ad testi- ficandum, 59. IN FORMA PAUPERIS. Affidavit of inability to pay fee for advertising execution sale of land, 754. Appeal, 274. Certiorari proceedings, 338. Chattel mortgage foreclosure, 643. Claims of title, 128, 133, 357. Justice court, appeal, 124. Supersedeas bond, 700. INDICTMENT. Certificate of clerk of court to, in extradition proceedings, 838. Demurrers, 818. General demurrer, 818. General form, 814. Misnomer, plea, 819. Special demurrer, 818. INDIRECT EVIDENCE. Definition, 32. INDORSEMENTS. Executions, costs and fees, 455, 456. Judgment against indorser, 580. INFANTS. See Guardian and Ward; Guar- dian ad Litem. Commencement of declaration or petition, suit by next friend, 385. Witnesses, competency, 62. INFERENCE. Jury may infer what, 34. INJUNCTION. Affidavit, 271. Used as evidence on hearing, 545. Bill of exceptions, 693. Bond, 546. Dissolution, acknowledgment of motion, 547. Bonds substituted for injunc- tion, 548. Motion, 547. INJUNCTION Cont'd. Dissolution Cont'd. Order granting motion, 548. Order overruling motion, 548. Rule nisi, 547. Interlocutory injunction after hear- ing, order for, 549. Short form, 549. Petition, 447, 544. Verification, 544. Restraining order, vacation, 548. Temporary, order for, 545. Vacation, motion, 548. Verification of petition, 544. INSANITY AND LUNATICS. Commitment of insane person, affi- davit, 564. Certificate of clerk, 565. Jail, to, pending removal to State sanitarium, 566. State sanitarium, to, 566. Warrant, 565. Examination of capacity to manage estate, 550. Guardian for idiot, ad litem, ap- pointment, 553, 554. Affidavit as to notice, 552. Commission for examination of alleged idiot, 554. Notice to relatives, 552. Oath of petitioner, 552. Order nisi, 553. Petition, 551. Return of commissioners, 556. Order thereupon, 556. Guardian for person unable to man- age estate, ad litem, order for appointment, 558. Affidavit to petition, 557. Commission, 559. Examination of capacity, 550. Judgment, 561. Jury, affidavit, 561. Finding, 561. Notice of hearing, 560. Order for commission, 559. Order nisi, 558. Petition, 557. Revocation of guardianship, . 562-564. Service on alleged insane per- son, 558. Venire facias, 560. Jury in lunacy proceedings, num- ber, 555. Oath, 555, 561. 884 INDEX [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] INSANITY AND LUNATICS Cont'd. Plea of insanity, criminal case, 823. Restoration to sanity, petition for examination, 562. Revocation of guardianship, issue, 563. Judgment, 564. Notice to guardian, 562. Oath of jury, 563. Precept for summoning jury, 563. Verdict of jury, 564. Witnesses, competency, 62. INSCRIPTIONS. Monuments, etc., copies as evi- dence, 36. INSOLVENT PAPERS. Sale by administrator, 216, 217. INTEREST. Garnishment proceedings, liability, 151. Pleas of usury, 567, 568. INTERLOCUTORY INJUNCTION. Order, 549. Short form, 549. INTERPRETERS. Evidence through, 62. INTERROGATORIES. See Depositions without Com- mission. Acknowledgment of filing and waiver, 570. Affidavit, arrest of witness refusing to appear, 576. Agreement to take, 65, 68. Arrest of witness refusing to ap- pear, 576. Caption of agreement to take, 69. Certificate of transmission, 573. Code form, 63, 64. Commission, 570. Contempt, witness refusing to ap- pear, 576. Continuance for non-return, 21. Court commissioner, return, 575. Cross-interrogatories, 65, 67. Entry of clerk, 570. Filing, 67. Forms, 63, 64, 66, 68, 69. Instructions to guide in taking tes- timony, 571. Irregular commission, 64. INTERROGATORIES Cont'd. Leading questions, 65. Mail, return of commission by, 65. Nomination of commissioners, 572. Notice, 64, 67, 570. Oath of witness, 572. Order to arrest witness refusing to appear, 576. Original, form, 569. Receipt of clerk or justice of the peace, 573. Return of commissioners, 64, 65, 69, 572. Court commissioner, 575. Signature, 67. Time for return of commissioners, 64. INTOXICATION. Divorce, grounds, 524-. INTRUDERS. See Ejectment. Removal, affidavit, 577. Counter affidavit, 577. Joinder of issue, 578. Judgment, 578. Where issue is found against plaintiff, 580. Verdict, 578. Writ of habere facias posses- sionem, 579. INVENTORY. Decedent's estate, 245-248. INVESTMENT. Guardianship funds, 500, 501. Trust funds, 773, 774. JACKS. Liens of owners, 612-614. JEOPARDY. Plea of former jeopardy, 821, 822. JOINT AND SEVERAL NOTE. Form, 719. JOINT PARTIES. Continuance, 30. JUDGES. Disqualification, clerk appoints judge, when, 8. Code section determining, 1, 6. Compelling another judge to perform duty, 4. Contract prepared by judge as attorney, 6. INDEX 885 [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] JUDGES Cont'd. Disqualification Cont'd. Diagram showing relationship, .3. Duty of judge to disqualify, 6. Form, 6. Impeachment, 7. Judgment voidable, 4. Justices of the peace, 5. Mayors, 4. Notaries public, 12. Personal knowledge, 4. Police commissioners, 5. Political activity, 4. Pro hac vice, form of order ap- pointing, 8. Selection of judge, 7. Procuring services of another judge, 7. Relationship, counsel, 4, 9, 10. Determination of degree, 2. Party to cause, 11. Person interested in result of suit, 9. Suggestion of, 5. Transfer of suit to adjoining justice's district, 5, 6. County site, 6. Waiver, 10. Signature, clerk of court's certifi- cate as to, 390. JUDGMENTS AND DECREES. Administrator, against, 257, 258. For, 259. On caveat on application for permanent letters, 199. Attachment proceedings, 290, 294. Attorney for non-resident plaintiff, 582. Auditor's report, exceptions to, 306. Award of arbitrators, 278, 279. Bastards, requiring appearance of putative father, 832. Requiring bond for mainte- nance and education of, 831. Certiorari, 343. Claim cases, 135, 136, 359, 360. Contract in writing, on, 581. Costs, 385. Against plaintiff for balance of, 582. Damages recovered less than ten dollars, 581. Dispossessory warrant, 427. Dormancy, scire facias to revive, 749, 750. JUDGMENTS AND DECREES Cont'd. Dower, 436. Ejectment, 443. Forcible entry and detainer, 474. Garnishment, answer of garnishee, 161, 162. .Bond, 148, 150, 151. Discharging garnishee, 163. Indebtedness admitted, 481. Habeas corpus, 508. Illegality proceedings, conclusive- ness in, 141. Indorser, against, 580. Intruders, removal, 578, 580. Justice court, 591. Appeal, 126, 127. Principal and surety, 596. Liens, setting up, 607. Lost papers, establishment, 621. Lunacy proceedings, 561, 564. Money verdict, on, 580. Mortgages, foreclosure, 648. Principal and surety, against, 580. Remittitur, 701. Res judicata, plea, 724. Road commissioner, against, 739. Trover, 769. Unconditional contract in writing, on, 581. JUDICIAL NOTICE. Scope, 33. JUDICIAL SALES. See Sales. JURISDICTION. Affidavit to plea, 583. Claim cases, objections, 137. Justices of the peace, 78, 87-93. See Justices of the Peace. Plea, 583. Justice court, 102, 106, 584. JURY AND JURORS. Affidavit of defaulting juror, 587. Challenge to array, 588, 825. Compensation, 120. Demand, city or county court, 829. Diagram showing relationship, 15. Disqualification, age, 16. Relationship, affinity, 16. Degree, 13-15, 17. Diagram, 15. Drawing, 118, 119. Impartial jury, right of party to, 13, 14. Lunacy proceedings, 555, 561, 563. 886 INDEX [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] JURY AND JURORS Cont'd. Oath, 119, 826. Justice court, 592. Lunacy proceedings, 555, 561, 563. Preliminary, 825. Witness before grand jury, 586. Objection propter defectum, 18. Panels, making up, 16. Precept for summoning grand jurors, 585. Purging, right of party, 14. Questions on voir dire, 826. Striking, 16. Summons, city court, 753. Court of ordinary, 753. Justice court, 592. Precept, 472. Superior court, 752. Tales grand jurors, order of court, 587. Selection, 587. Trial, claim cases, 130, 133-135. Issue on traverse to garnishee's answer, 149. Venire facias, 586. JUSTICES AND JUSTICE COURTS. See Judges. Accounts, actions on: See Ac- counts, Action on. Appeal, abatement, plea of, 124. Amendments, 124. Answer, 124. Attachment, 124. Attorney, authority, 120, 124. Bonds, 118, 120, 121, 125. Certiorari or appeal, 122. Corporation taking, 120, 125. Costs, 126. Damages, frivolous appeal, 126. Dismissal of case, 120, 126. Docket as evidence, 126. Entry by attorney, 120, 124. Establishment of lost papers, 120. Form, 272. In forma pauperis, 124. Joint contractors taking, 120. Joint defendants, 126. Judgment, 126, 127. Jurisdiction, 127. Jurisdictional amount, 117, 118, 124. Jury, compensation, 120. Default of jurors, 119. JUSTICES AND JUSTICE COURTS Cont'd. Appeal Cont'd. Jury Cont'd. Drawing, 118, 119. Form, 273. Oath, 119. Right, 118. Parties, 127. Partners taking, 120. Pleas, 117, 127. Right of, 117. Time, 127. Authority, 107. Bills and notes, petition in suit on, 96. Plea of non est factum, 102. Summons in suit on, 95. Cause of action, what is, 93, 94. Chattel mortgages, foreclosure, 641. Claim cases: See Claim of Title. Commencement of suits, 93-99. Constables appointed by, 80-82. Continuances, 22, 99, 101. Contract, action for breach, 589. Contradictory pleas, 103. Coroner, acting as, 78. Counter-affidavit in action on ac- count, 98, 111, 589. Criminal warrant, 800-803. Damages to personalty, suit for, 590. Defenses, pleading, 101. Time to make, 100, 101. Dilatory pleas, 102. Disqualification, 76, 77. Dockets, furnishing, 106. Duties, 107. Election, 75, 76. Entry of service of summons, 591. Evidence, accounts, 109. Execution, advertising levy, 1C3, 165. Advertising sale, 164. Form, 164, 459. Levy, 165. Sale, 163-166. Time of issuance, 163. Failure of consideration, plea, 102, 104. Fees, 382. Foreclosure of chattel mortgage, affidavits, 593, 594. Fi. fa., 595. In forma pauperis, 596. Replevy bond, 595. Illegality to execution, 140. INDEX 887 [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] JUSTICES AND JUSTICE COURTS Cont'd. Interrogatories, receipt, 573. Judgment, 591. Against principal and surety, 596. Duty to render, 101. Place of rendering, 101. Jurisdiction, amount in controver- sy, 87, 88. Appeal to superior court, 117. Bills and notes, 88. Co-obligors, 88. Decisions of court relating to, 89-93. Ex contractu actions, 87. Forcible entry and detainer, 87. Limits, 78, 88. Plea to, 102, 106, 584. Possession of personalty, 87. Residence of parties, 88. Territorial limits, 78, 88. Jury, appeal to, see Appeal, ante. Oath, 592. Summons, 592. Limitation of actions, accounts, 109. Lost papers, establishment, 625, 626. Mule, action to recover value of, 591. Non est factum, plea, 102. Notaries public, ex officio, appoint- ment, 74, 75, 662. Commission, 75. Dockets furnished, 106. Malpractice in office, 74. Number, 74. Oath, 662. Removal, 74. Term of office, 74. Number, 74. Oath of witnesses, 108. Open accounts, time to sue on, 109. Payment, plea, 102, 105. Petition in suit on note, 96. Pleas, 102-106, 584. Powers, 78. Qualifications, 75. Removal of suits, 78. Ruling, 75. Service of summons, 98, 99. Entry of, 591. Set-off, plea of, 103. Sheriffs, execution of process, 99. Subpoenas for witnesses, 58, 62, 592. JUSTICES AND JUSTICE COURTS Cont'd. Summons, account, action on, 97. Commencement of actions, 93. Entry of service, 591. Form, 94, 95, 97, 588. Jury, 592. Service, 98, 99. Term of office, 74. Time action considered commenced, 94. Trial, continuances, 22, 99, 101. Time, 99, 101. Vacancy in office, 75. Verification of account, 97, 98, 110. Written pleas, necessity, 102. JUSTIFICATION. Security on recognizance, 810. KNOWLEDGE. Judge, disqualification because of personal knowledge of fact, 4. LANDLORD AND TENANT. Assignment of lease, 282. Lien, 600, 602. City property, lease contract, 603. Claim cases, 137. Contract with tenant, 603. Lease contract for city property, 603. Lien of landlord, assignment, 600, 602. Execution, 601. Foreclosure, 600-602. Note creating, 598. Special contract creating, 599. Note creating landlord's special lien, 598. Endorsement, 599. Rent, 720, 721. Supplies, lien, assignment, 600, 602. Execution, 601. Foreclosure, 600-602. Special contract creating, 599. Timber lease, 763. Turpentine lease, 764. LAW. Presumptions, definition, 34. LEADING QUESTIONS. Interrogatories, 65. LEASE. See Landlord and Tenant. LEDGERS. Evidence, admissibility in, 40. 888 [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] LEGATEES. Garnishment, exemption, 153. LEGISLATURE. Continuance for absence of counsel, party, or witness in attendance on, 19. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. See Administrators and Executors. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. Dismission from guardianship, 497- 499. Forms, 490, 491. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. Form, 785, 786. LEVITICAL DEGREES. Relationship, 521. LEVY. Particular writs. See specific heads. LICENSES. Fishing, 857. Marriage, 522. LIENS. Affidavit, foreclosure of lien, 608, 610, 611, 613, 614, 616, 617. Boars, owners of, 612-614. Bulls, owners of, 612-614. Contractors, 605, 606. Declaring claim of lien on real es- tate, 605, 606. Execution, foreclosure of lien, 608, 610-612, 614-616, 618. Judgment setting up lien, 607. Foreclosure, boars, bulls, etc., lien on, 612-614. Laborer's lien, 610-612, 617, 618. Logging liens, 614, 615. Personalty, 608, 609. Replevy bond, 618. Steamboat liens, 616. Jacks, owners of, 612-614. Judgment on verdict setting up lien, 607. Laborer's lien, foreclosure, 610-612, 617, 618. Landlord, assignment, 600, 602. Execution, 601. Foreclosure, 600-602. Note creating, 598. Special contract creating, 599. Materialman, 605, 606. LIENS Cont'd. Mechanic's, claim, 376. Personalty, record of claim, 610. Petition to foreclose, 376. Rent note with, 721. Replevy bond, foreclosure of lien, 618. Sawmills, lien for logs furnished to, 614, 615. Special lien of laborer, 611, 612. Stallions, owners of, 612-614. Steamboats, 616. Steam mill laborer's lien on, G17, 618. Verdict setting up lien, 606. LIMITATION OF ACTIONS. Account, action on, 109. Plea of statute of, 620. By administrator, 256. LIS PENDENS. Garnishment, 475-480. See Garnish- ment. Plea, 170, 619. Submission to arbitration, 278. LOAN DEEDS. Bond to reconvey, 407, 413, 418. Cancellation, 410, 417, 418. Power of sale, 405. Promissory note, 411. LOGS. Liens for logs furnished sawmill, 614, 615. LOST PAPERS. Affidavit to petition to establish copy, 625. Certificate of justice to copy estab- lished, 626. Deeds, establishment, oath to copy, 422. Petition, 422, 622. Rule absolute, 423. Rule nisi, 423. Judgment establishing office paper, 621. Justice court, appeal of proceedings to establish instrument, 120. Proceedings to establish copy of private paper in, 625, 626. Notes, establishment, 622. Oath to copy, 623. Order, establishment proceedings, 624. INDEX 889 [REFERENCES ARK TO PAGES.] LOST PAPERS Cont'd. Petition, establishment of docu- ment not an office paper, 622. Establishment of office paper, 621. Rule absolute, establishment pro- ceedings, 624, 626. Rule nisi, establishment proceed- ings, 623, 626. LUNATICS. See Insanity and Lunatics. MAGISTRATES. See Justices and Justice Courts. MAIL. Commission to take testimony re- turned by, 65. MANDAMUS. Affidavit to answer, 630. Petition, 628. Answer, 629. E*ntry of service of process, 629. Order of court, 628. Petition, 627. Process, 629. Rule absolute, 630. MANIFOLD COPY. Attorney's fees on notes, notice, 178, 712. MARINES. Roster as evidence, 36. MARRIAGE. See Husband and Wife. Alimony: See Divorce and Ali- mony. Certificate, 522. Divorce: See Divorce and Alimony. Levitical degrees of relationship, 521. License, 522. Prohibited degrees of relationship, 520. MASTER AND SERVANT. Contract between, 603. MATERIALMEN. Liens, 605, 606. MAYOR. Disqualification as judge, 4. MECHANIC'S LIENS. Claim, 376. Record, 610. Foreclosure, 376, 610-612, 617, 618. MEMORANDA. Refreshing memory of witnesses, 40, 41. MENTAL CAPACITY. See Insanity and Lunatics. MERCHANTS. Books of account as evidence, 37- 40. MESNE PROFITS. Complaint for, 438. MINORS. See Guardian and Ward; Guar- dian ad Litem. Commencement of declaration or petition, suit by next friend, 385. Witnesses, competency, 62. MISNOMER. Plea, criminal case, 819. MISTRIAL. Former jeopardy, plea, 822. MONEY RULE. Demand, 740. MONUMENTS. Inscriptions on, copies as evidence, 36. MORTGAGES. Advertisement of sale under power, 64. Assignment, 642. Chattel mortgage and note, 638. Foreclosure, affidavit, 593, 594, 640, 644. Bond on contest of mort- gage, 645. Fi fa., 595, 640. Illegality to fi. fa., 596, 642. Justice court, 641. Pauper affidavit, 596, 643. Replevy bond, 595, 643. Equitable foreclosure on realty, af- fidavit, 647. Decree, 648. Petition, 646. Verdict, 648. Fi. fa., superior court, 637. Foreclosure on realty, equitable, 646-648. Fi. fa., 637. Petition, 635. Rule absolute, 636. Rule nisi, 635. 890 INDEX [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] MORTGAGES Confd. Homestead, waiver of, 631, 633. Note and chattel mortgage, 638. Power of sale, 633, 645. Probate for record, 632. Record, clerk's entry, 633. Probate for, 632. Sale, power of, 633, 645. Waiver of homestead, 631, 633. MOTIONS. Continuance, service of rule nisi, 30. Injunction, dissolution, 547. Vacation, 548. New trial, 651, 653, 656, 658. MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS. Demand on, before suit, 650. MUTUAL ACCOUNTS. Limitations, 109. NE EXEAT. Divorce and alimony proceedings, 541, 542. NE UNQUES ADMINISTRATOR. Plea, 254. NEEL ACT. Ejectment, petition, 445. NEGATIVE EVIDENCE. Weight, 35. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS. See Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. NEW TRIAL. Acknowledgment of service of mo- tion, 656. Affidavit, newly discovered evi- dence, 658. Amended motion, 653. Approval of motion, 656. Brief of evidence, agreement of counsel, 658. Approval, 657. Order enlarging time for filing, C56. Grounds, 652, 653. Motion, 651, 653. Acknowledgment of service, 656. Amendment, 653. Approval, 656. Giving time to perfect, 653. Order refusing, 658. NEW TRIAL Con t'd. Newly discovered evidence, affi- davit, 658. Order enlarging time for submit- ting amendments, filing brief, etc., 656. Giving time to perfect motion, 653. Refusing motion, 658. Rule nisi to show cause, 652. NEWLY DISCOVERED EVI- DENCE. New trial, affidavit, 658. NEXT FRIEND. Commencement of declaration or petition, infant suing by, 385. NON EST FACTUM. Plea, action on note, 713. Justice court, 102. NON-RESIDENTS. Fish laws relating to, 856. License, 857. Game license, 844, 850. Garnishment, 146-148. Heirs, dower, 433. Judgment against attorney of non- resident plaintiff, 582. Process, service by publication, 705. NONSUIT. Non-production of papers, 52. NOTARIES PUBLIC. Certificate, moral character, 660. Clerk of -court's certificate as to authority, 389, 390. Official character, 661. Commission, 661. Disqualification, 12. Fees, 382. Judge's appointment, 660. Justices of the peace ex officio, ap- pointment, 74, 75, 662. Commission, 75. Dockets furnished, 106. Malpractice in office, 74. Number, 74. Oath, 662. Removal, 74. Term of office, 74. Oath, 661. Petition for appointment, 659. NOTES. See Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. INDEX 891 [REFERENCES ARH TO PAGES.] NOTICE. Administrator, proceeding to re- quire making of title under bond for title of intestate, 205. Sale by, 214, 215, 217, 221, 225. Arbitrators, by, to parties, 277. Attachment, to defendant in, 288, 289, 295. Attorney's fees, manifold copy, 178, 712. Notes, recovery, 175, 178, 712. Auditors, by, 303. Bastard, legitimation proceedings, 670. Certiorari, exceptions to answer to writ, 342. Sanction of, 339. Commission to take testimony, 64, 67. Decedent's estate, debtors and cred- itors of, 202. Depositions, taking, 70-73, 574. Dower, intention to apply for, 431. Non-resident heirs, 433. Ejectment, to appear, 442. Estrays, taking up, 452. Execution, levy on land, 466. Garnishment, dissolution, 157, 483. Traverse of answer, 150, 161. Homestead, application for, 512. Creditors, to, 512. Idiots, guardianship proceedings, 552. Insane persons, hearing of guar- dianship proceedings, 560. Interrogatories, 570. Landowners, road proceedings, 728. Levy on land by constable, 370. Nuncupative wills, probate, 787. Possessory warrant, certiorari, 679. Processioning proceedings, 707. Production of papers, 47-50, 53, 54. Protest, 722. Road overseer, 735. She'riff, levy by, 402. Taxpayers, to, 759. Tax returns, 758. Trust company, intention to organ- ize, 318. NOTICE TO PEODUCE PAPERS. Acknowledgment of service, 664. Affidavit to render notice available, 665. Exculpatory affidavit, 664. Form, 663. NUL TIEL CORPORATION. Plea, '379. NTJLLA BONA. Constables, entry by, 369. Execution, entry, 465. NUMBER. Constables, 79. Continuances, 18. Justices of the peace, 74. NUNCUPATIVE WILLS. Affidavit of witnesses, 787. Letters testamentary, 788. Notice to heirs, 787. Order of court, 788. OATHS. See Affidavits. Administrators, inventory and ap- praisement, 248. Permanent, 200. Temporary, 181. Appraisers, decedent's estate, 242, 246. Arbitrators, 276. Auditors, 303. Claims of title, 127. Clerk of court, 360. Constables, 81, 82, 84, 368. Dower, commissioners to assign, 435. Executors, 785. Guardian, permanent, 488. Temporary, 489. Jurors, 119. Criminal case, 825, -866. Justice court, 592. Lost papers, copy, 422, 623. Notary public, 661. Ex officio justice of peace, 662. Tax collector, 759. Receiver, 758. Witnesses, 63, 108. Criminal case, 826. Depositions, 70, 73. Grand jury, before, 586. Interrogatories, 572. OFFICE PAPERS. Lost papers, establishment, 621-624. OFFICERS. Particular officers: See specific heads. Rules against: See Rules Against Officers. 892 INDEX [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] OPEN ACCOUNTS. See Account; Account, Action on. OPEN SEASON. Game, hunting, 849. OPENING AND CLOSING. Claim cases, 139. OPTIONS. Purchase of land, 746. ORDERS. Particular orders: See specific heads. ORDINARIES. Bank charter, certificate, 313. Certificate to copy, 665. Transcript of record, 666. Claim cases in courts of, 131. Fees, 667-669. Garnishment, judgment, 146. Jury summons, 753. Subpoena for witness, 666. OYSTERS. Laws relating to, 853-858. PANEL. Jury, making up, 16. PARENT AND CHILD. Adoption of child, consent of mother, 672. Objection by relatives, 673. Order of court, 672, 673. Petition, 671. Bastards: See Bastards and Bas- tardy. PARTIES. Absence, continuance for, 19, 20, 27. Garnishment, 150. Illness, continuance for, 20, 23, 375. Joint, continuance, 30. Justice court, appeal, 127. Scire facias to make, 362. Order making executor party defendant, 748. PARTITION. Deed, 401. PARTNERSHIP. Claims of title by partner, 128. Commencement of declaration or petition, partners suing partners, 385. PARTNERSHIP Cont'd. Garnishment, affidavit and bond by partner, 144. PAUPER AFFIDAVITS. See In Forma Pauperis. PAYMENT. Decedent's estate, debts, 244, 245. Execution, 139. Plea, 674. Justice court, 102, 105. PEACE WARRANT. Affidavit, 805. Bond, 806. Form, 805. Order of judge, 806. PEDIGREE. Proof, 37. PENAL CODE. Forms, etc., 800-858. PERISHABLE PROPERTY. Sale, 744-746. Administrator, 214, 215. Execution, 467, 468. PERSONAL PROPERTY. Mortgage: See Mortgages. Sale by administrator, 215, 216, 230. PETITIONS. See Declarations or Petitions. PLACE. Execution, sale, 164. PLANTERS. Books of account as evidence, 37-40. PLEAS. See Answer. Abatement, 169. Criminal case, 820. Accord and satisfaction, 171. Autre fois acquit, 821. Autre fois convict, 822.' Consideration, illegality of, 366. Partial failure, 104, 365. Total failure, 104, 364, 365. Criminal cases, 819-823. Ejectment, defendant in, 443. Former jeopardy, 821, 822. Illegality of consideration, 366. Contract for fertilizers, 471. Insanity, 823. Jurisdiction, to, 583, 584. INDEX 893 [REFEUENCES ARE TO PAGES.] PLEAS Cont'd. Justice court, 102-106. Appeal, 117. Limitations, statute of, 256, 620. Lis pendens, 170, 619. Misnomer, criminal case, 819. Ne unques administrator, 254. Non est factum, action on note, 713. Justice court, 102. Nul tiel corporation, 379. Payment, 674. Plene administravit, 255. Plene administravit praeter, 255. Recoupment, 751. Release, 172. Res judicata, 724. Revocation of letters of adminis- tration, 257. Set-off, 751. Settlement, 171. Statute of limitations, 256, 620. Tender, 762. Usury, 567, 568. PLEADING. See Declarations or Petitions. Amendment, continuance because of, 19. Answers: See Answers. Demurrers, equitable petitions, 448, 449. PLENE ADMINISTRAVIT. Plea, 255. PLENE ADMINISTRAVIT PRAE- TER. Plea, 255. POLICE COMMISSIONERS. Disqualification as judges, 5. POLITICAL ACTIVITY. Judge disqualified, 4. POSITIVE EVIDENCE. Weight, 35. POSSESSION. See Dispossessory Warrant. Writs, dispossessory warrant, 427. Dower, 437. Ejectment, 444. Forcible entry and detainer, 474. POSSESSORY WARRANT. Affidavit, 675. Bond where defendant takes pos- session of property, 678. POSSESSORY WARRANT Cont'd. Bond Cont'd. Where property is turned over to plaintiff, 677. Commitment of defendant, 676. Entry where property can not be found, 676. Judgment in reference to bond, -677. Notice of intention to certiorari, 679. Warrant, 676. POWER OF ATTORNEY. Deeds, execution, 391. Form, 702. POWER OF SALE. Deed, with, 405. Cancellation clause, 411. Mortgage, in, 633, 645. PRACTICE IN SUPREME COURT. Bill of exceptions, acknowledgment of service, 691, 697. Clerk's certificate, 697, 698. Dismissal of petition on oral motion, 695. Entry of time of filing, 697. Exhibit, 693. Identification of exhibit by judge, 693. Injunction proceedings, 693. Judge's certificate, 690, 695. Motion for new trial filed, 685. Pendente lite exceptions, 696. Refusal of motion for new trial, 689. Transcript of record, clerk's certificate, 698. Without motion for new trial, 691. Certiorari rules, 684, 685. Code provisions, 680-683. Continuance for absence of counsel, party or witness, 19. Remittitur, judgment, 701. Supersedeas, 701. Bond, civil case, 698. Criminal case, 699. Pauper affidavit, 700. PRECEPT. Habeas corpus, arrest of body of person detained, 506. Jury in lunacy proceedings, sum- moning, 563. PREGNANCY. Divorce, grounds, 523. 894 INDEX [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] PREPONDERANCE. Evidence, 33. PRESUMPTIONS. Fact, 34. Failure to produce evidence, 35. Law, 34. Prima facie, definition, 34. PRESUMPTIVE EVIDENCE. Definition, 33. PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE. Presumption, 34. PRIMARY EVIDENCE. Definition, 35. PRINCIPAL AND AGENT. Garnishment, affidavit and bond by agent, 144, 147. Illegality proceedings, filing affi- davit, 141. Power of attorney, 702. To execute deed, 391. PRINCIPAL AND SURETY. See Bonds. B'xecution against, 460. Control by surety paying, 468- 470. Sheriff's entry where se- curity desires to control, 757. Judgment against, 580. Note by, 719. PRIVATE SALES. See Sales. PRIVILEGED COMMUNICA- TIONS. Attorney and client, 42, 61. PRO HAC VICE. Judges, 7, 8. PROBATE. Deeds, witnesses, 391. Mortgage, for record, 632, 633. Wills, common form, 780, 781. Nuncupative wills, 786-788. Solemn form, 781-784. PROCESS AND SERVICE. Certiorari, writ of, 339, 340. Citation by clerk, 705. Constables, by, 369. Corporation, 704. PROCESS AND SERVICE Con t'd. Deposition, notice of taking, 574. Divorce, 526, 531. Ejectment, 442. Entry of service, leaving copy, 703. Minor, 704. Personal, 703. Publication, order, 705. Form of process, 703. Garnishment, notice of traverse of answer, 150. Summons, 144, 145, 148. Return, 477. Guardian ad litem, agreement to serve, 705. Order appointing, 704. Habeas corpus, writ, 504, 505. Homestead, notice of application, 513. Justice court process, 98, 99. Mandamus proceedings, 629. Money rule, affidavit, 740. New trial, motion for, 656. Notice of legitimation proceedings, 670. Levy on land, 754. To produce papers, 664. Scire facias, entry, 813. Summons, justice court, 591. Trover, 767. Wills, petition and rule to compel production, 790. PROCESSIONING. Affidavit of service of notice, 707. Certificate of surveyor, 708. Notice to adjoining landowners, 707. Petition, 706. Protest to return of processioners, 709. Return of processioners, 708. PRODUCTION OF PAPERS. Compelling, for use in evidence, 45- 58. PROMISSORY NOTES AND BILLS OF EXCHANGE. Affidavit, plea of non est factum, 713. Attorney's fees, complaint on note providing for, 710. Manifold copy of notice for, 178, 712. Notice to defendant to recover, 175. 178. INDEX 895 [KEFEKEXCKS ARE TO PAGES.] PROMISSORY NOTES AND BILLS OF EXCHANGE Cont'd. Bond for title, purchase money note under, 716. Certificate of protest, 722. Collateral note, 718. Complaint on note providing for at- torney's fees, 710. Conditional sale note, 720. Copy of note sued on, 175, 177. Coupon note, real estate, 714, 715. Credit entered on note, 719. Decedent's estate, claim against, 244, 245. Farm rent note, 720. Gold coin note, 716. Homestead, waiver, 713, 715. Indorser, judgment against, 580. Joint and several note, 719. Justice court, jurisdiction of action on, 88. Petition in action on, 96. Summons in action on, 95. Landlord's special lien, creating, 598. Lien, rent note with, 721. Loan deed, 412. Lost, establishment, 622. Manifold copy of notice for attor- ney's fees, 178, 712. Non est factum, plea, 713. Notice of protest, 722. To defendant to recover attor- ney's fees on note, 175, 178. Plea of non est factum, 713. Principal and surety, note by, 719. Protest, certificate, 722. Notice, 722. Purchase money, reserving title, 330. Under bond for title, 716. Real estate coupon note, 714, 715. Rent notes, 720, 721. Title, note retaining, 717. Waiver of homestead, 713, 715. PROOF. See Evidence. PROTEST. Certificate, 722. Notice, 722. Processioners' return, 709. PUBLIC OFFICERS. De facto, evidence, 36. Particular officers: See specific heads. Rules against: See Rules Against Officers. PUBLIC REVENUE. See Tax and Taxation. PUBLIC ROADS. See Roads. PUBLIC SALES. See Sales. PUBLICATION. Banks, affidavit, etc., of corpora- tors, 313. Divorce proceedings, service, 531. Service of process, 705. PURCHASE-MONEY. See Sales. Attachment for, 286-291. Conditional sale note, 720. Note under bond for title, 716. PURGING. Jury, right of party, 14. QUALIFICATIONS. Constables, 81. Judges : See Judges. Jurors: See Jury and Jurors. Justices of the peace, 75. QUIT CLAIM. Deed, 394. RAILROADS. Commencement of declaration or petition, suit against, 387. RECEIPTS. Escrow deed, holder, 744. Fishing license, to applicant for, 857. Guardian, 495. RECEIVERS. Commencement of declaration or petition, suit by, 387. Petition, 447. RECOGNIZANCES. Appearance of accused in court of inquiry, 809. Of accused in superior court, 808. To testify in superior court, 808. Criminal warrant, 803. Forfeiture, entry of service, 813. Rule absolute, 813. Rule nisi, 811. Scire facias, 812. Justification of security, 810. 896 INDEX [REFEKENCES ARE TO PAGES.] RECONVEYANCE. Bonds to reconvey, 408, 414, 419. RECORDS. Copies, primary evidence, 36. Exemplifications, certificate of clerk of court, 363. Mortgage, probate for record, 632, 633. RECOUPMENT. Plea, 751. REFERENCE. Auditors, to: See Auditors. REFRESHING MEMORY. Witness, use of books, 40, 41. REINVESTMENT. Guardianship funds, 493, 494. Homestead property, 515, 516. Trust funds, 773, 774. RELATIONSHIP. Degrees, marriage, 521. Judge disqualified, 2-4, 9-11. Jurors disqualified, 13-18. RELEASE. Plea, 172. RELEVANCY. Evidence, requirement, 34. RELIGIOUS BELIEF. Witnesses, competency affected by, 60. REMITTITUR. Judgment on, 701. REMOVAL. Administrator, 259-261, 267, 268. Attachment, 293, 294. Disabilities, divorce proceedings, 535-537. Guardian, 486. Intruders, 577-580. See Intruders. REMOVAL FROM OFFICE. Constables, 79. Justices of the peace, 74. REMOVAL OF ACTIONS. Justice courts, 78. RENT. See Landlord and Tenant. REPLEVY BOND. Attachment, 296. Chattel mortgage foreclosure, 595, 643. Execution, 459. Lien, foreclosure, 618. REPORTS. Auditors, 304, 305. REQUISITIONS. Extradition of fugitives from jus- tice, 835-838. RES GESTAE. Evidence, 37. RES JUDICATA. Plea, 724. RESIDENCE. See Non-Residents. Jurisdiction of justice court de- pendent on, 88. RESIGNATION. Administrator, 268-270. Guardian, 496. RESTRAINING ORDER. Vacation, 548. RETURNS. Administrators, annual return 248- 251. Final return, 253, 254. Attachment, 285, 287, 289. Commission to take testimony 64, 65, 69, 572. Decedent's estate, appraisers, 243, 246. Depositions, 73. Divorce proceedings, 530. Dower, commissioners, 435-437 Sheriff, 437. Ejectment, sheriff, 444. Forcible entry and detainer, sheriff, 475. Garnishment proceedings, 144 147, 148, 157, 477. Habeas corpus, criminal case, 841. Custodian of person detained, 506. Homestead, appraisers, 515. Idiots, guardianship proceedings, 556. Interrogatories, commissioners, 64, 65, 69, 572. Court commissioner, 575. Processioners, 708. INDEX 897 [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] REVIEW. See Appeal; Certiorari; Practice in Supreme Court. REVIEWERS. Roads, 726, 727. REVOCATION. Guardianship, insane person, 562- 564. ' . Letters of administration, plea, 257. ROADS. Application for new road, 725. Appointment of overseer, 736. Reviewers, 726. Apportionment of road, application, 732. Order granting application, 732. Citation of ordinary, 727. Complaint by citizen against com- missioner, 738. Damages, notice of trial of ques- tion of, 734. Oath of jury, 734. Order for, 735. Petition, 733. Verdict of jury, 734. Warrant to sheriff, 733. Defaulters, commitment, 737. Commutation tax, notice, 737. Excuse of, 730. Fieri facias, 731. Judgment of board of commis- sioners, 731. List, 729. Notice to, 730. Oath of witnesses, 731. Weekly report of overseer, 729. Judgment against commissioner for neglect of duty, 739. Notice to land owners, 728. Negligent overseer, 735. Order establishing, 728. Reviewers, appointment, 726. Report, 726, 727. Summons of ordinary to commis- sioner, 739. Of road hands, 729. To commissioner to appear be- fore grand jury, 736. ROSTER. Soldiers, sailors, and marines, evi- dence, 36. RULE ABSOLUTE. Particular proceedings: See spe- cific heads. RULES AGAINST OFFICERS. Affidavit, service of money rule, 740. Attachment, 742. Constable, 84, 371-373. See Con- stables. Demand, money rule, 740. Justices of the peace, 75. Money rule, demand, 740. Rule absolute, 741. Rule nisi, 741. Sheriff, 741. RULE NISI. Particular proceedings: See spe- cific heads. SAILORS. Roster as evidence, 36. SALES. Administrators: See Administra- tors and Executors. Attachment for purchase-money, 286-291. Bills of sale of personalty, 328-330. Sheriff, 755. Conditional, note, 720. Constables, by: See Constables. Contract and escrow deed, 743. Escrow deed, 743. Receipt of holder, 744. Estrays, 452. Execution, perishable property, 467, 468. Guardianship funds, reinvestment, 493, 494. Homestead property, for reinvest- ment, 515, 516. Option to purchase, 746. Perishable property, affidavit to pe- tition to sell, 745. Order, 746. To show cause, 745. Petition to sell, 744. Power in mortgage, 633, 645. Tax sales, 760. Trust property, application, 773, 774. SALT WATER FISH. Laws relating to, 853-856. SANCTION. Certiorari, writ of, 338, 339. 898 INDEX [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] SATISFACTION. Plea, 171. SAW DUST. Floating into streams, 857. SAWMILLS. Liens for logs furnished, 614, 615. SCHEDULES. Alimony, proceedings for, 530. Exempt property, 509, 519. SCIEE FACIAS. Dormant 'judgment, order, 750. Petition to revive, 749. Writ, 749. K Order making executor party de- fendant, 748. To issue, 747. Parties, making, 362. Recognizances, forfeiture, 812. Writ, 747, 749. SEALS. Depositions, 71. SEARCHES AND SEIZURES. Affidavit, 807. Warrant, 807. SECONDARY EVIDENCE. Admissibility, 36, 56. Definition, 35. Degree, 36. SECURITY. See Principal and Surety. SECURITY DEEDS. Code, under, 416. Warranty deed, 405, 411. SEPARATE EXAMINATION. Witnesses, 108. SEQUESTRATION. Witnesses, 108. SERVICE. See Process and Service. SET OFF. Justice court, pleas, 103 Plea, 751. SETTLEMENT. Administrator, final, 261-263. Plea, 171. SHERIFFS. Advertisement of sale of land levied on, 754. Pauper affidavit as to inability to pay fees, 754. Bill of sale, 755. Certificate as to bailiff's services, 753. Deeds, 403, 404. Dower, return, 437. Ejectment, return, 444. Entry of dismissal on order of plaintiff, 757. Payment where security de- sires to control fi. fa., 757. Where property is claimed, 755. Where property was exempted, 755. Fees, 381. Indorsement on execution, 455. Forcible entry and detainer, return, 475. Jury summons, city court, 753. Ordinary, court of, 753. Superior court, 752. Justice court process, service, 99. Notice of levy by, 402. Pauper affidavit as to inability to pay advertisement fees, 754. Receipts, 756. Rule against, 741. Service of notice of levy on land, 754. Tax deed, 404. Trover, return, 767. SHOPKEEPERS. Books of account as evidence, 37- 40. SIGNATURES. Depositions, 70. Interrogatories, 67. SOLDIERS. Roster as evidence, 36. SOLICITOR GENERAL. Response to demand for copy of ac- cusation and list of witnesses, 817. SPECIAL DEMURRERS. Indictment, 818. SPECIAL PLEAS. Criminal cases, 819-823. INDEX 890 [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] STAFFORD'S OFFICE CALEN- DAR. Evidence, admissibility in, 36. STALLIONS. Liens of owners, 612-614. STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS. Account, action on, 109. Plea of, 620. By administrator, 256. STAY. Execution, bond, 466. STEAMBOATS. Liens, 616. STEAM MILLS. Laborer's lien on, 617, 618. STERN'S UNITED STATES CAL- ENDAR. Evidence, admissibility in, 36. STRIKING JURIES. Right of parties or attorneys, 16. SUBPOENAS. Witnesses, Code sections, 58, 59. County commissioners, 796. Court in session, 795. Court of inquiry, 58. Court of ordinary, 666. Deposition, 575. Justice court, 58, 592. SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM. Depositions, 71. Production of papers, compelling, 54-57. Witnesses, 797. SUBSCRIPTIONS. Corporate stock, 347. SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE. Definition, 32. SUGGESTION. Disqualification of judge, 5. SUMMONS. Account, action on, 97, 173, 174. Forcible entry and detainer, de- fendant, 473. Jury, 472. Garnishment, 144, 145, 147, 148, 156, 476. SUMMONS Cont'd. Grand jurors, precept for summon- ing, 585. Jury, city court, 753. Court of ordinary, 753. Precept, 472. Superior court, 752. Justice court, account, action on, 97. Commencement of action, 93. Entry of service, 591. Form, 94, 95, 97, 588. Jury, 592. Service, 98, 99. Road commissioner, 736, 739. Hands, 729. SUPERIOR COURTS. Charters, grant, 344-355. See Char- ters. Defenses in justice court same, 101. Executions, 454. Jury summons, 752. SUPERSEDEAS. Bond, 698-700. Form, 701. SUPPLIES. Landlord's lien, 599-602. SUPREME COURT. See Practice in Supreme Court. SURPRISE. Continuance for, 28, 32. SURVEYS. Homestead, 514. Processioning proceedings, certifi- cate of surveyor, 708. TAX AND TAXATION. Deed by commissioner, 761. Sheriff, 404. Fi. fa., form, 458, 760. Levy, 458, 760. Return by sheriff, 760. Sale, advertisement, 760. Deed, 761. Notice by collector to taxpayers, 759. By receiver of tax returns, 758. Oath of tax collector, 759. Tax receiver, 758. Order levying tax for county pur- poses, 757. Tax deed, 404, 761. 900 INDEX [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] TEMPORARY INJUNCTION. Order for, 545. TENANTS. See Landlord and Tenant. TENDER. Plea, 762. TERMS OF COURT. Continuance beyond, 21. TERMS OF OFFICE. Constables, 79. Justices of peace, 74. TERRITORIAL LIMITS. Justice court, jurisdiction, 78, 88. TIMBER. Lease, 763. Saw mills, lien for logs furnished to, 614, 615. TIME. Actions, beginning of: See Limita- tion of Actions. Delay, frivolous appeal, 126. Illegality proceedings, dam- ages, 140. Execution, sale, 164. TITLE. Bonds: See Bonds for Title. Claim of: See Claim of Title. Heirs, making to, 238, 239. Note retaining, 717. TRANSCRIPTS. Books, evidence, 56. Record, ordinary's certificate, 666. TRANSFER OF CAUSES. Adjoining justice's district, 5, 6. County site, 6. TRANSMISSION. Interrogatories, certificate, 573. TRAVERSE. Attachment, 297. Certiorari, answer, 342. Garnishment, answer, 149, 150, 160, 481, 482. TRIAL. Claim cases, 130, 133-135. Demand by accused, 816. Garnishment, issue on traverse, 149. Illegality proceedings, 140, 141. TROVER. Alternative verdict, judgment, 769. Bail affidavit, 766. Bond, 768. Election to take alternative ver- dict, judgment, 769. To take property, judgment, 769. Judgment, 769. Petition in action, 766. Process, 767. Sheriff's return, 767. TRUSTS AND TRUSTEES. Affidavit of trustee, sale of prop- erty, 774. Application for appointment of trustee, 770. Sale of trust property, 773, 774. Bond of trustee, 772. Consent of beneficiaries to appoint- ment of trustee, 771. Deeds, 401. Illegality proceedings, filing affi- davit, 141. Order appointing trustee, 772. Reinvestment of trust funds, ap- plication, 773, 774. TRUST COMPANIES. Affidavit of subscribers to stock, 320. Application for charter, 318. Notice of intention to organize, 318. TURPENTINE. Lease, 764. USURY. Pleas, 567, 568. VACANCIES IN OFFICE. Constables, 79. Justices of the peace, 75. VACATION. Injunction, motion, 548. Restraining order, 548. VENDOR AND PURCHASER. See Sales. VENIRE FACIAS. Grand jury, 586. VERDICT. Alternative, judgment in trover, 769. INDEX 901 [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] VERDICT Con t'd. City or county court, 829. Claim cases, 135, 359. Criminal case, 826. Dispossessory warrant, 427. Divorce proceedings, 533, 534. Ejectment, 443. Forcible entry and detainer, 474. Intruders, removal, 578. Liens, setting up, 606. Lunacy proceedings, 561, 564. Money, judgment on, 580. Mortgages, foreclosure, 648. VERIFICATION. See Affidavits. VOIR DIRE. Questions to jurors, 826. WAGES. Garnishment, exemption, 152, 153. WAIVER. Accusation in city or county court, 829. Arraignment, 824. Homestead, in mortgage, 631, 633. In note, 713, 715. Interrogatories, notice, 570. Judges, disqualification of, 10. WALLS. Inscriptions on, copies as evidence, 36. WARRANT. See Dispossessory Warrant; Distress Warrant; Possessory Warrant. Bastardy, affidavit, 830. Form, 830. Bench, bond, 827. Entry of arrest, 828. Form, 827. Criminal warrant in justice court, affidavit, 800. Commitment, 801. Constable's return, 801. Form, 800. Order of commitment, 801. Recognizance, 803. Good behavior, affidavit, 803. Bond, 804. Entry of arrest, 804. Form, 804. Insane person, commitment, 565. WARRANT Con t'd. Peace, affidavit, 805. Bond, 806. Form, 805. Order of judge, 806. Search, affidavit, 807. Form, 807. WARRANTY DEEDS. Forms, 392, 393. Loans, to secure, 405, 411. WIDOWS. Dower: See Dower. WILD LANDS. Sale by administrator, 225-227, 399. WILLS. See Administrators and E'xecu- tors. Attestation, 775, 777, 779. Codicil, 779. Forms, 775-779, 786. Letters testamentary, 785, 788. Nuncupative will, 786. Affidavit of witnesses, 787. Letters testamentary, 788. Notice to heirs, 787. Order of court, 788. Oath of executor, 785. Primary evidence, 36. Probate in common form, affidavit of subscribing witness, 780. Order, 781. Petition, 780. Probate, nuncupative will, 786-788. Probate in solemn form, caveat, 784. Citation, 783. Guardian ad litem, 783. Order, 784. Directing citation to issue, 782 Petition, 781. Production, petition to compel, 789. Rule absolute, 790. Rule nisi, 790. Service of petition and rule, 790. Short form, 775. Temporary administration pending appeal on propounded will, 183. WITHDRAWAL. Claim, 130. Fi. fa., claim case, 131. 902 INDEX [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] WITNESSES. See Depositions without Com- mission; Evidence; Interrog- atories. Absence, continuance for, 19, 20, 25, 44, 374. Adultery, competency of witnesses, 61. Affidavit as to attendance, 795. Continuance for absence, 374. Affirmation, 63. Arrest, freedom from, 60. Attachment to compel attendance, 59, 74. Breach of marriage promise, com- petency of witnesses, 61. Competency, 60-62. Continuance for absence, 19, 20, 25, 44, 374. Cross-examination, 63. Deeds, probate, 391. Demand for list, by accused, 817. Depositions: See Depositions with- out Commission. Drunkards, competency as wit- nesses, 62. Examination, 63. Separate, 108. Fees, 59, 60, 62. After continuance, 21. Excessive claim, 59. Indorsement on execution, 456. Habeas corpus ad testificandum, imprisoned witnesses, 59. Idiots, competency as witnesses, 62. Infants, competency as witnesses, 62. Insane persons, competency as wit- nesses, 62. Interrogatories: See Interroga- tories. Lunatics, competency as witnesses, 62. Nuncupative wills, affidavit, 787. Oaths, 63, 108. Criminal case, 826. Grand jury, before, 586. Recognizance to compel appear- ance to testify, 808. Religious beliefs of witnesses, 60. WITNESSES Cont'd. Rule against defaulting witnesses, 797, 798. Separate examination, 108. Service of subpoena, 59. Subpoenas, Code sections, 58, 59. County commissioners, 796. Court in session, 795. Court of inquiry, 58. Court of ordinary, 666. Deposition, 575. Duces tecum, 797. Depositions, 71. Production of papers, com- pelling, 54-57. Justice court, 58, 592. Service, 59. Women witnesses, 44. Treatment, 63. Wills, 775, 777, 779. WOMEN. Witnesses, subpoenaing, 44. WHITS. Attachment: See Attachment. Certiorari: See Certiorari. Dower, admeasurement, 434. Habeas corpus, 829-841. See Habeas Corpus. Habere facias possessionem, 579. Injunction: See Injunction. Mandamus: See Mandamus. Ne exeat, divorce and alimony pro- ceedings, 541, 542. Possession, dispossessory warrant, 427. Dower, 437. Ejectment, 444. Forcible entry and detainer, 474. Scire facias, 747-750. See Scire Facias. WRITTEN INSTRUMENTS. Best evidence, 35. YEAR'S SUPPORT. Decedent's 'family, 232-235. See Administrators and Executors. A 000688388 8