THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES -/ 3 PUEITANISM IN POWEE AN ARGUMENT IN THEEE BOOKS. PURITANISM IN POWER. AN ARGUMENT IN THREE BOOKS. BY CLEMENT WISE. Ov yap ev \6yw rj fiacriXeia TOV Oeov, aXX' ev Svvd/j,ei. 1 Cor. iv. 20. LONDON : KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., .LTD., 1890. JOHN WEIGHT AND OO., PRINTERS, BRISTOL. CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION - - - vii XI BOOK I. UNIVERSALISM BY A CALVINIST. CHAP. I. THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD 3 16 II. GOD'S HIDDEN TREASURE 17 28 III. MODERN EVANGELICAL PRACTICE - 29 43 IV. THE TESTIMONY OF SCRIPTURE - 44 56 V. THE TESTIMONY OF SCRIPTURE, CONTINUED - 57 80 VI. ETERNAL COMPENSATION - 81 91 BOOK II. A NATIONAL CHURCH BY A DISSENTER. I. A NATIONAL CHURCH - 95 128 II. THE SPURIOUS VOLUNTARYISM OF THE FREE CHURCHES - 129 167 III. THE PROGRESS OF RITUALISM 158 173 iv. THE LORD'S SUPPER _ - 174 183 V. THE LORD'S SUPPER, CONTINUED - 184 191 VI. SACRAMENTS CONSIDERED - 192 203 VII. THE SACRAMENTAL PURGE 204 212 VIII. THE RITUALISM OF THE NATIONAL CHURCH - 213 --223 IX. THE RITUALISM OF THE NATIONAL CHURCH, CONTD. 224 228 X. INTERLUDE. FATHER ANGELUS - 229 234 XI. THE RITUALISM OF THE NATIONAL CHURCH, CONCLD. 235 243 XII. THE NATIONAL CHURCH OF THE FUTURE - 244 252 BOOK III. COMMUNISM BY A CONSERVATIVE. I. INTRODUCTORY - 255 273 II. . EXPLANATIONS AND CAVEATS - - 274 280 629825 VI CONTENTS. CHAP. PAGES III. PRELIMINARY OBJECTION'S TO ANY FUNDAMENTAL CHANGES IN SOCIETY UPON SCRIPTURAL GROUNDS CONSIDERED - 281285 IV. PROPOSITIONS IN ARGUMENT - 286288 V. POVERTY IN THE UNITED KINGDOM UNXK( KSSARY - 289805 VI. POVERTY NOT NECESSARY, CONTINUED 306323 VII. POVERTY NOT NECESSARY, CONCLUDED - 324334 VIII. PROPOSITIONS (a) AND (b) DEFENDED 335350 IX. PROPOSITION (c) DEFENDED - 351358 X. THE MORALITY OF BUSINESS. PARENTHETICAL 359369 XI. INTERLUDE. THE JUDGMENT OF THE DEMOCRACY 370331 XII. PROPOSITIONS Cd), (e), (f) (ride CHAP, iv.) CON- SIDERED 382390 XIII. THE TRUE BABYLON. PARENTHETICAL - 391405 XIV. INTERLUDE. ST. PETER SITS AT THE GATES - 406413 XV. PROPOSITIONS (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) DEFENDED 414-418 XVI. PROPOSITION (6) DEFENDED 419426 XVII. PROPOSITION (7) DEFENDED - 427436 xvin. PROPOSITION (8) DEFENDED 437441 XIX. APPEAL TO YOUNG MEN. PARENTHETICAL 442453 XX. METHODS BY WHICH THESE TWO COMPANIONSHIPS MUST NOW SET TO WORK 454466 XXI. SUMMARY 467478 APPENDIX. (it) ON THE PURITAN USE OF THE STAGE - - 481 492 (It) ON WOMEN AND THEIR POLITICAL ENFRANCHISEMENT 493 501 fc) TO THE ELECTORS, TOUCHING THE NEXT APPEAL TO THE COUNTRY .... 502 512 INTRODUCTION. EELIGTON, which to the ignorant means captivity, and which priests have used to scare men into tendering gifts and homage, is in reality the gladdest thing in life gladder than the song of birds and freer than their flight. Religion ever blows the trump of Jubilee ; and Faith, Hope and Charity in choral unity start the soul upon a song of which it never tires, though longing for its practice to be perfected. God revealed Himself to the Jews as a blaze of glory, bright but scorchless, and as a fire from heaven, which descended to annihilate not life but death. For among the precious significances of ordered sacrifice let us not lose sight of this that with the sin the trophies of mortality were put away, the spectacle of suffering innocence being so abhorred that twice a day altar fires removed it from the gaze of heaven. We have indeed only to take one step behind appearances in order to recognise that nature is unceasingly busy upon a kindred task. She assaults not life but death. No sooner has the former taken wing, than all the energies of our foster-mother are employed to trans- mute the mortal relics into instruments of living growth. And when the Just One suffered for the Vlll INTRODUCTION. unjust, the loveliness of self- surrender was so involved in the lovelessness of the curse endured, that the eye of Heaven closed in pain and the earth shuddered at the climacteric of its vanity and chronic cross. A fire perpetually burns in the universe to put away death. Our God is a consuming fire. Never did angels appear to men as messengers from God but they lifted fainting knees with the soothing salutation, " Fear not." It is the echo of a perpetual waterfall in heaven, the chime of the stream that makes glad God's cities everywhere. " Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people." The angels' salutation to the shepherds is the jubilee note which this book shall sound at its commencement, and desires to leave ringing in the reader's ears at its close. Glad tidings is the character of all its thought. To read more happily Nature's large enigmas, and some- what to penetrate the darkness that is neighbour to the light in the written Revelation are its object ; and con- nected with this to show that Religion , by which is meant that new and blessed life which the Spirit of the Lord Jesus breathes upon us, is the largest boon of God to man, and requires for its witness and symbolic testimony a church which is national as well as indi- vidually spiritual whose teaching may be a parable to the masses, but one to which they may listen gladly, INTRODUCTION. IX owning its reign against their evil wills, while its inner meaning and mystery and its absolute inperative are disclosed alone to the elect, and open to them boundless prospects for the multitude, in proportion as they realise that they themselves are privileged first-fruits unto God. To show that the distinction between the Church and the World is in reality a distinction between two ranks and orders of saved persons, and descriptive of two paths and processes towards kindred but dissimilar redemption blessings: that retribution is incident to both, and may enter as largely into the salvation of the Church as of the World. That evil exists not to perplex or baulk the safe and blessed march of human destiny, but to make salvation sure ; seeing that it is salvation for the creature to know God, and without the knowledge of evil God never can be known, either in the saving awfulness of His retribution, or the redeem- ing mercy of His forgiveness. To emphasize the truth that Christ is Lord, and that all Satanic forces are really working under His control for the secure establish- ment of His kingdom. To vindicate for ecclesiastical establishments the right to set forth, in the universality of their scope and ministrations, the blessed truth that hrist's kingdom will one day be co-extensive with mankind, and will not even then abolish the distinction between elect and multitude, but will constitute the saints the guardian angels, teachers, and rulers of an X INTRODUCTION. immature but progressively happy world. That every knee will one day bow in subjection to Christ, and every tongue shall confess that Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. That into the New Jerusalem, in which the elect shall walk as citizens, the saved nations of that brighter day shall delight to bring their glory and their honour, and depart in peace to dwell outside in blessing. That as then they shall be " saved nations," so now proleptically are the outsiders saved and every child of man, however much Satan may have marked him for his own, is unable to escape the eager quest of the Shepherd and Bishop of all souls, who tasted death for each and every member of His flock, and shall not be despoiled of aught for which He died. Further, that Christ's kingdom is near at hand, and behind the thunders of war may be heard the heralds of God's chariot of peace, and in the intervals of human groans and cries the sweet chanting of bells that hail the advent of a righteous rule. That it behoves men to be joyful, on account of the things which are coming upon the earth ; for the Day of the Lord is at hand, and the Day of the Lord is the jubilee of the world the charter of human rights, the pledge of human progress, and the sanction of human felicity. That the preparation for that Day is now, and that immediately must be undertaken that deep and radical reform of social conventions, which in these last days INTRODUCTION. XI have shown themselves capable of as much injustice, oppression, misery and moral ruin as ever irresponsible power at earlier periods produced among its helpless subjects. That the solution of all problems, political and social, is to be found in the Bible that glorious Book defamed in proportion as it is not read, and- comprehended only as it is revered. And that to solve the problems which philosophers continually declare to be insoluble, men have simply to set the Bible in the judgment-seat, and boldly determine that its principles and ethics, its com- mands and examples shall overrule the traditions of centuries, and set at nought the dicta of philosophers, falsely so-called. Finally, in rallying the Church to an expectant atti- tude respecting the proximate Advent of Her Lord, on which the successful completion of these fundamental changes hangs, the remaining object of this treatise is attained. BOOK I. DXIVERSALISM BY A CALVINIST. PURITANISM IN POWER. CHAPTER I. THE CHUECH AND THE WOELD. THAT wherever the Christian Eevelation is made known the hearers of the new doctrine begin to be separated into two classes, believers and unbelievers, the Church and the World, is a fact which needs only to be stated in order to be accepted. What takes place when Christ is preached is only what occurs in connection with the preaching of all faiths in which there is a ray of the true light, men differentiate themselves at once into those who walk in the light and those who walk away from it. But what is observable in relation to this fact is, that in scripture it is everywhere recognised ; and that there, notwithstanding explicit recognition of inevitable and ordered alienation of the Church from the World, and the instinctive hostility of the latter, there runs throughout the history and the prophecies of Eedemption a consistent declaration of participation by the World in certain bless- ings, which if inferior in kind and late in occurrence as compared with those which the Church is to enjoy, are yet great gifts pledges doubtless of still greater to follow, and all of them due to, and parts of, the purchased possession of Christ. Before commencing the support of this contention, I pause to point out that such Protestant churches as 4 PURITANISM IN POWER. have caught sight of the wide reach of gospel blessings seek to exemplify their faith by rendering the require- ments of church membership eas}- and easier to neophytes and general worshippers. Those evangelical communions which formerly required of candidates testimony, public and private, of their having undergone a specific altera- tion in the set attitude and experience of their souls God ward, are now content to apply unmeaning and nominal tests. They have determined that the gate of admission to church fellowship shall no longer l>c straight or the way narrow ; and as a consequence we have churches among the Congregationalists and even Baptists widely differing from either traditional prece- dent or New Testament conformity often little better than a mixed medley of persons, the majority of them sure only of one thing, that they have done what was right and proper in joining themselves to a numerous lot of well-to-do people, who, if cold and stand-off, perhaps have a right to be so on account of their money. This arises from a wilful ignoring of the meaning and reality of conversion, the name and thing alike being apparently tabooed by the new school of theology which the Nonconformist colleges are producing. But to anyone who knows anything at all about it, the conversion of a soul is as real and great a miracle as the creation of a globe ; nay, greater, in the degree in which to create spirit and to mould wills, is a higher work for Divinity than to fling stones inscribed with law upon the planetary plane. And yet it has become the custom to depreciate and ignore distinctions which in very truth eternally separate the children of men into two classes and no more : the only caste which the Christian is per- mitted to recognise among the brotherhood of mankind being, the caste of " The Church of the First-born," and the caste of the Later-born the caste of those who have tasted of the powers of the world to come and been THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD. 5 miraculously changed thereby, and the caste of those who have been the subjects of no such change, and there- fore never comprehend it. In the way in which the masses are evangelized we see the same infirm grasp of the mighty truth of conversion. There is a lowering of the standard of the claims of Christ and a base sort of apology for introducing the paramount matter at all. God forsooth must be recom- mended to His creatures' acceptance. An audience is begged, just for a moment, ten minutes at farthest, to listen to the voice of God after they have encored Belinda Trill. The managers of the entertainment often upon a Sunday evening seem to feel it encumbent upon them to apologize for venturing to intrude the Deity upon a company which has just been thrilled by a melody, and appear to appeal to the people to bear them witness that the tit-bits of religious instruction now to be endured have been well wrapped up in a concert pro- gramme. The Gospel, when it is presented, seems to have cut away from it everything that could offend susceptibilities. Instead of a rousing call to " Hear, People, what the Lord thy God saith unto thee, stand trembling and abashed before the Judge of all the Earth," we have a preparation of soothing syrup. If the text be " Do this and Live" the "don'ts" are minimised, the "does" are neglected, and the "mays" are enlarged. But all such devices of winning over the masses to the side of Christ are utterly vain ; souls world-drugged sleep on, while those that are sick can easily tell the difference between medicine and syrup, and they will not turn from the healing draught because it is necessarily bitter. Those who feel no sin-sickness are only maintained in their indifference by a method of evangelizing the world, which consists in hiding under a bushel of "attractions" the very Light which it is the business of the church to b PURITANISM IN POWER. hold aloft in its solitary grandeur a method too which entirely lacks apostolic sanction and example. All the while the deep internal thirst of the few who, in all ages and all countries, find themselves strangers among the many, remains unsatisfied . To them it is not an easy Gospel that either convinces or allures. Let its summons be never so dread and uncom- promising ; lets its claims be never so absolute and its requirements never so high, it will answer to expectation and to need in proportion as it exacts much and sur- renders nothing to the crudity of unregenerate nature. In the mongrel evangelical churches of the present day the pilgrims and strangers find themselves alone. Vain is the attempt to mingle together those two incongruous and for ever immiscible elements the Church and the World. What God has separated let no man join together. The unscriptural proceeding has destroyed the sanctifying influence of the church ami prevented it receiving its due quota of converts from the World. Those who do come into communion are for the most part maintained in a false security and hypocriti- cal conformity to forms and ceremonies which in their cases have no meaning. It may be well here to dwell upon the phenomena which the two classes respectively present. It is matter of common knowledge and observation that there is an order of man called " Christian " in the narrow Evangelical sense who is of an entirely different type from the ordinary man of the world. He and his kind are evidently in possession of a secret, or in a con- spiracy of hypocrisy which is an enigma to everyone else. Strange to their former companions, and, it may be, to their former selves, they are welcomed as old congenial associates by Sectaries who never saw them before, but between whom and them there is evidently understand- ing and agreement, mutual and complete. THE CHURCH AND THR WORLD. 7 Objects of suspicion and aversion to the people who are not in their secret, they are all the while seeking to use scraps of time and strength, saved from devouring occupations, in a way which may witness to their desire to follow humbly in the footsteps of the Servant and the Son of Man. The phenomenon repeats itself in every generation : is a persistently recurring factor in the evolution of the series of humanity : and is therefore an everlasting witness to the truth of its foundations and the divinity of its source. The private history of the Christian of past genera- tions is continually repeating itself in every succeeding one. Now as formerly then as now, men, women, and even children, at different stages of their life's history, become as if they had heard a voice from heaven which no one else had heard, and seen a sight which no one else had seen. It is as if the cross, like a huge magnet, were moving ever o'er the sons and daughters of men, and here and there, from palace, cottage, workshop and mine, souls discover their affinities to God and their disaffinities to the sinful world, and cry, glancing upwards, " Lord, God, we waited for Thee. Now Thy cross has con- quered us. Oh, give us to be extended upon Thy cross of loving self-sacrifice for evermore ! " Such is the external witness, the objective view. Internally, subjectively, the revolution is not less complete. To the man who has been Cross-electrified, life's enigma has received its solution, its purpose clears itself from everything trivial and subordinate, conflicting voices of desire are silenced, and one, sweet but awful imperative, sounds in the religious consciousness the Master's voice, which never can be neglected without infinite distress and certain loss. The True and the Highest having been perceived and welcomed, a light is set up in the under- 8 I'l TJTANISM IN POWER. standing of the soul, by which the relative importance of all worldly things can he truly estimated. A shifting, a re-adjustment, a re-casting takes place of all former estimates, comparisons, values and selections. The whole group of motly facts and possibilities common to human existence falls into position, duly graded in relative importance to that True and that Highest which the new-born soul welcomed as made known. In this newly established order those earthly objects which will advance the disciple in his new-found know- ledge establish for themselves the highest claim and win his readiest preference, while those less, or least adapted to that end are proportionally disesteemed. There is, in short, Light, full and clear upon human duty, and in that light, peace with God, though there may be plentiful tribulation in the world. The one great unsettled concern having been so blessedly settled, God's child. amid all his sorrows, has an inward peace, constant, deep and undisturbed. God is his joy. God is his stay. God is his reward. His sleep is peaceful as an infant's, broken by smiles sometimes, visions of light and kisses of comfort after some exceeding pain. Care for the future, whether in this world or the next, he has cast upon his never failing Friend. He feels, he knows, that the world is at his feet, that to him, poor, feeble, witless combatant, it yet will turn its kinder side and leave him quite enough, aye, vastly more than will suffice to carry him to a world where the bread that perisheth is not known. The common and ordinary ambitions of men are by him contentedly resigned, while he seeks rather con- sistently to pursue that pilgrim path which so many generations of Christians have trod before him, and without shipwreck to faith or following, to end his songs of Zion in Zion itself, where Lord and subject, Master and servant, Father and child, shall meet in joy together. With the man of the world, how different ! Originally THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD. 9 standing upon the same ground of the absence of all merit to the one has been granted a revelation which has electrified his whole being, and altered for evermore his moral attitude towards all existing things to the other that revelation has been denied. The things that constitute life to the one are simply unknowable incon- ceivable to the other. While that revelation from ubove is suspended, held in abeyance, deferred, the attitude of the happy elect towards the unprivileged world is clearly indicated by the Saviour Himself ; it should be one of sorrowful sympathy, leading to earnest prayer under persecution for their forgiveness, after His own example upon the cross. The typical man of the world has no standard by which he judges of the importance of pursuits and aims. He is swayed by no mastering impulse, impelled by no undeviating current, attracted by no polar scar. As far as the objects which engage his attention go, and into which he throws his energies, he lives a hand-to-mouth existence, not knowing or caring to what he may give himself to-morrow. He gyrates and darts about like an insect, being able to give no reasonable account of his repose at one moment, or his intense activity the next. He wants to kill time, to evade thought, to postpone death, to enjoy himself if he can. He believes in what he can catcli with his hands and try with his teeth, and that it would be a pleasant enough world if it were not for the canting Christians. He leans towards the men and the things that are condemned by the Church, and if he is confronted by a principle that is stricter than his own, by a disinterestedness that he cannot comprehend, by a zeal for God which is to him the sure mark of hypocrisy, immediately the whole man bristles up in an attitude of hostile suspicion. " You must get at the back of these Christians and you will find something." It is the old Roman and the modern Chinese superstition 10 PURITANISM IN POWER. over again. " They are crucifying babies, they are boiling babies' eyes for soup." Go to the "All-night " meetings of the Salvation Army and you will find the blessing that is popular. You have not gone far enough. Try again ! He brings his sound old head, stocked with all manner of methods and maxims for managing men, to accomplish the glorious object of advancing the interest of No. 1, and he thanks society for presenting him with some difficulties and problems in the use of this burglar's tool chest. He likes the " wicked world " because it is wicked. He will meet craft with craft, knowledge with better knowledge, law with law. He will do as he is done by. Parry and thrust, thrust and parry. If he could only thrust those d d meek-eyed Christian sneaks out of the world, he could be happy enough. And he brings his old seasoned body to bear all the indulgences that flesh can compass, making it know every artful device for correcting excess and recuperating energy. In the last stages of decline he will still clutch the cards with which he played the game of life, and while he refuses the parson with disgust, would catch an expiring gleam of satisfaction if the undertaker were admitted so that he might do him in the bargain for his coffin. It is thought by the simple that to the worldling there comes, or will come, ere the end, some startling and ter- rible revelation of eternal things. That is a mistake the exception, not the rule. The worldling dies as the beast dies, without an intimation of what shall be hereafter. If the worldling be a woman, she will throughout deal with things as she finds them, and cherish no desire to make them worse or better. She despises those who are not " up to " others and who will not avenge insults with usury. To gain victories is her passion, to prove herself more than a match for the cleverest rogues. Incapable of respect for any who are morally better than THE CHUECH AND THE WORLD. 11 herself, she can admire a bold criminal, almost love such a one, if that sentiment in any worthy sense could find a lodgment in her breast. But for the milksops who will not give blow for blow, hatred for hatred, she has un- feigned contempt, could set her heel upon them with cold white face while she bent her head to catch up her hair. She is descended from that past order of females who, though professing Christianity, could shrug their shoulders, mince crumbs between their teeth, and cry " Hoity-toity ! what is the world coming to ? " when they could no longer send small boys up crooked chimneys, and who were amazed that the Government should make such a fuss over the blacks in Jamaica when the " blacks" that came from smoky chimneys and the want of climbing boys were an evil of such magnitude. This class of woman is utterly insensible to the misery she can occasion through the indulgence of an unbridled tongue and temper and a selfishness that makes one gasp. No light from the eternal world ever fell upon her conscience, and she is sincerely incapable of feeling that she ever committed a single sin. About the sins of her neighbours and the demerits of everybody in general, however, she is full and will talk on by the hour. It would be a real disappointment to her if it could be demonstrated that any of her charges were not true ; they ought to be true, if they are not. Here, as in the other case, it would be a great mistake to suppose that some wonderful apocalypse will take place at last, and that the soul crushed beneath its sense of a cruel and worthless life ^Yill plead hard for mercy. Nothing of the kind. In the presence of death and in the prospect of judgment this heart is perfectly unawed. The soul has lost all spiritual susceptibilities, if it ever had any ; its walls have no windows, or its windows have become darkened by the dust of earth ; moral paralysis has set in, feeling is lost. 12 PURITANISM IN POWER. If suddenly, before such a one, the veil that hides it from the invisible should be withdrawn, and the spirit assume an investiture answering to the earthly body, we could almost hear the shrill cackle rising in the vaults of Heaven, as it calls the shining ranks of angels to witness that never in all its born days did it do anything amiss : but as for other people, she would ask them to listen since in eternity there was plenty of time while she brought her railing accusation against the remaining millions of mankind ! The angels blush and sovereign Love and majestic Righteousness motions that the creature be removed, even as one would treat a puppy, when, speechless with sorrow and indignation, you beheld it fly at an open bible and tear out Isaiah ! These are the extremes ; vast is the number of those who occupy a medium position, not hostile to good, but incapable of following it or making sacrifices for it with the conscientious zeal of a voluntary disciple of Christ. In some cases the apparatus of moral instincts seems to want nothing in correctness and completeness when compared with Christian convictions ; nothing except the motive power which will compel their practical manifesta- tion when self-interest would leave them idle. See that man amiable, able, ready to do any friend a good turn, and especially leaning in sympathy towards those who have a failing which has cost them friends elsewhere. Resorted to for information, for immense power of work, and for the faithful and efficient discharge of everything undertaken a man, the type of thousands, who in his day serves his generation well and as a father, a man of office, public and private, and as a citizen leads a career of unquestioned usefulness which many an acknowledged follower of Christ might envy, and in many respects worthily copy. And yet this man, though just and humane, more just and humane than THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD. 13 ever the constitution of society allows him to make manifest, will through life cherish a deep-rooted suspicion and aversion towards the members of Christ's Church. Sunday is to him a white elephant. .The intense exercise of his mental faculties and the dissipating excitement of large business and official duties, lead him to crave for something analogous upon the day of rest. What is offered him is something with which he has not a grain of sympathy nor the power of comprehending it. He has no acquaintance with that which causes the hymn to brighten the eye of the singer and the prayer to lift the worshipper above the surroundings of the pew ; attendance at church or chapel is a tiresome con- cession to a stupid custom, and preaching a weariness of the flesh. The Sunday is a day of intolerable tedium, mercifully alleviated by business letters in the morning, and by the dropping in of an old friend in the evening, who with his pleasant familiar face will turn on the homely cheerful current of secular talk a talk that will of course concern itself with anything and everything in the world except Man's Future and Man's God. If the old friend should not turn in, perchance some regardful son will turn out to pay a visit to his venerable father ; will sing him a good rollicking drinking song to cheer him up, and clap him on the back, if the old man in his crazing chorus should reach high A. Such is the " Day of da,ys " to the man of the world. This type in the woman of the world exhibits less of justice and humanity, in both of which the sex are deficient, and a yet greater narrowness of sympathy and intellect. The woman will not be brought to confess sin, or to wear any yoke. The strong point of the weaker sex is that they are faultless. Some of them are of minds so petty that a subject so great and noble as Eeligion cannot possibly be squeezed into them. They seem capable of calling upon nurses to 14 PURITANISM IN POWER. neglect the dying upon babes to remain unborn the sun itself to pause upon its burning axle-tree while they prove to the listening universe that they are right in respect to the number of muffins. Possibly heredity here also, extending back to many generations, may account for the impossibility of belief. For the woman may be most regular in her attendance at places of worship, since such is the proper thing, but every message from book or preacher flies past her to find some other mark. Or we may take another type a woman of more mind, and more genial and attractive than the kind we have been considering. Clever and accomplished, she has a keen relish for all worldly amusements and all worldly devices. At the same time she is without a particle of vice, and evinces a winning readiness and a most serviceable helpfulness on behalf of all friends and relatives. Outside this circle however she knows nothing of obligation. The world beyond of suffering humanity is to her simply a part of the constitution of the universe. Being made so, it would be the maddest thing in the world to hope to alter it. At all events, she will never allow the thought of it to shade her cheerfulness, or abate her enjoyment of every worldly assembly and every decent vanity to which she may get access. She is a good and clever manager of her house, and gains the affection of her children, who always love ready and cheerful people. And, indeed, a nice creature she is in every way, except that in her composition a religious soul seems to have been left out. There is no "aching void," no comprehension of the want, no prayer for Peace and Light. In addition, we may point to the men of Arts and genius, who are wholly and solely devoted to the exercise of some faculty with which they are abnormally endowed. Eeligious observances the Christian calendar even an THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD. 15 enemy at the gates will not stop these moonstruck chil- dren from playing upon their single string. The fiddler will scrape, and the painter will paint, if permitted, up to the blast of the last Trump. The musician feels that it is his calling in life to work at playing, while the painter believes it is his to find his exhausting play in working. The mechanician must invent Sundays and week-days alike ; and if by chance he finds himself in church, his wits will work the whole time about remedying the ven- tilation, or guessing how the roof is hung, or perchance hammering away at the same problem which kept him awake all night long. And yet what a debt do the greater kind of such men lay the world under ! What treasures of art, music and invention are their legacies to after generations ! Say it is all self pleasing, ambition and necessity, you cannot deny the solid utility of their lives, or refuse to allow that industry was their virtue, and wonderful development of original faculty their achievement. Many indeed have prostituted their powers to base em- ployment, and all of them would be the better for being St. Cecilias and St. Lukes, but none the less they serve their day and generation, and contribute to the world's advancing march, and, as real though unconscious ser- vants of the Church and of the World, must stand acquitted of having entirely missed life's end. And was it not Watts who got his first fruitful notion concerning the steam-engine when sitting in a Scotch kirk '? This great benefactor of his species never was a religious man. To the day of his death he satisfied his intellect with machines, and his emotions with bosh novels. We can discern, then, amid an infinite variety of inter- vening species, at all events, three main types of men of the world. 16 PURITANISM IN POWER. (a,) Those who are avowedly hostile to the church. (b,) Those who simply don't comprehend (the largest class) . (c,) Those whose master faculty concerned with matter blinds them to the world of spirit. Now the above three types are mainly found among the middle classes. They are discernible, but only sparely and with less distinctness in the lower classes. Confining ourselves, then, to the middle classes we can understand the contentment of the orthodox Puritans among them at the proofs here afforded of the conformity of scriptural declaration to actual fact. Here are classes of persons as easily distinguishable from the church as antelopes from serpents and monkeys from men. The- ology is triumphant. The Bible and observation testify to the same truth. There are only two classes of man- kind : the one the favourites of Heaven children of the Kingdom ; the other, the rejected foes children of wrath. 17 CHAPTER II. GOD'S HIDDEN TKEASUliE. WHEN a theology has been formulated by a privileged class, among a privileged order, and founded upon examples and experiences peculiar to that order ; and when the privileged class does not in its examples, and cannot in its experiences, conform to the experiences and the condition of the great masses of mankind -then that theology is not likely to stand the test of examin- ation, either by Kevelation or the facts of life and con- sciousness. Evidently the analysis we have made so far does not exhaust the classes into which mankind may be even superficially divided. We have got so far as (a,) Alien ; (/>,) Foreign ; (c,) Pagan ; all distinct and without com- plexity, but a class larger perhaps than the three put together has not yet been named. We mean the King Saulites the men who are prophesying among the pro- phets to-day, and to-morrow are seeking for David to tune away an evil spirit. The men whom God elects to honour, and finally, so far as this life is concerned, disowns and condemns to dishonour who are in and of the church to-day, and in and of the world to-morrow who are swayed by two conflicting influences, summoned by two Lords, and are not held in constant service by either of the masters who seek to master them. The struggle proceeds throughout life, it is the accentuated experience of all men the emphasized manifestation of the grounds of moral responsibility the demonstration that proba- tion is the fact of life which is essential to moral education to the inward knowledge of Good and Evil, and to the true knowledge of the Character of God. 18 PURITANISM IN POWER. The same struggle which in the Saulites commonly appears to end disastrously is in a less acute or less balanced form common to all men. But the former, fatally dowered with special communications from the opposed kingdoms of Light and Darkness, are set forth for an example ; and the now glorious, now tragic inci- dents of their history form the theme of moralists, and point many a tale. The Saulites thus come in as a class siii r/cneris, which cannot be referred to either the Church or the World, for they are alternately found in both. They resemble the seafaring population of our ports, who are landsmen or seamen according to circumstances, but who do not on that account abolish the distinction or add a third to the dual residential division of mankind into dwellers upon sea and dwellers upon land. But larger far than any of the groups of manifested Church and Worldsrnen is the immense sea of human beings whose moral quality is undeveloped whose will has never had fair pla} r unto whom the Great Revealer of what is in Man has never consciously drawn nigh upon whom neither the shadow nor the glory of the Cross has streamed a group about whom the class which made Theology knew next to nothing, either by experience or imaginative sympathy. The late Henry Dunn wrote much about a "third class," by which he appears to have meant a species of neutral person, neither good nor bad, who perpetually halted between two opinions, or was devoid of any a Saulite without effective communication with either of the opposed king- doms of Light and Darkness, to whom, consciously, moral action seemed as impossible as physical motion to an oyster. This rather uninteresting class possessed great attractions for the late Henry Dunn, who believed that these human oysters might be found to hold pearls when examined upon another strand. And it was their claims upon a rational Theology that led him to promulgate GOD'S HIDDEN TREASURE. 1{) his view that there was another probation for all men, and that Hades resounded with the preaching of the Gospel. While cordially agreeing with the inference, we think his adherence to the commonly accepted view of Church and World, hut with the addition of a third class, a mistake. And his third class does not really describe or comprehend that largest portion of mankind of which we have begun to speak, viz., those who have not been in contact with the Christian Eevelation at all, and about whose moral quality it could not therefore be said that they are neutral, since the great dividing and deciding test has never been applied. When, therefore, we have discovered two genera among the upper, middle, and lower-middle classes of a Christian country corresponding to the scriptural defini- tions of Church and World, and when we have ac- knowledged that the Saulites are movable quantities in cither, there yet remains the largest portion of man- kind undistinguished. We have found nothing specially applicable to the heathen world, and nothing applicable to the dense unprivileged populations of our great cities nothing applicable to the majority of mankind who pass away in infancy and early years. Of the heathen world I will here only say that I believe it, like the world at large, to be constantly under God's care, and that in dim degree Church and World are separable within it, even amid the shadows of lalse and partial religous lights. What I maintain of the heathen world is, that the bulk of it, as also the bulk of the race in all lands, likewise the great majority of those who pass away as infants* or children, constitute a human territory whose c I do not say nil infants, because some are born incomplete, and immortality cannot te predicated of living human matter, only of living men. 20 PURITANISM IN POWER. moral quality is unknown even to itself, and can only be foreknown by God. The gospel, and the gospel alone, orthodox theologians will allow, reveals man to himself, as well as God to man. Those peoples to whom the gospel never comes, and those stratifications in the Christian masses at home down to whom gospel blessings never filter, do not and cannot on that account know themselves or be known by others to belong to either Church or World. They may appear evidently to be born to do evil to point downwards as inevitably as the sparks fly upwards ; but that is common to all men ; for all men at the period of moral consciousness, if unassisted by the grace of God, tend downwards. Their true moral quality is only discernible when Christ being preached, whether by Providence, Evangelist, or Book, is inwardly revealed that is the test the refiner's fire the summons heard. This vast human territory, which passes into eternity with its moral quality unrevealed in Time, must surel}- contain many rich lodes of precious ore, wealthy mines of choicest jewels, known to God alone. It will be admitted that this is presumably so in the case of infants and children departing early from this world, and who could give no sign of moral quality, their characters being undiscovered to themselves and unknown to any human being. It need not be presumed, it is demonstrated regarding adults in heathen countries and the heathen of Christian lands the masses who in the main are sacrificed on the shrine of modern com- mercial progress. It can be demonstrated, we say, for what do we find ? The missionary goes to a heathen people in whose level of morality he sees little that differs from his own Christian land, the custom of polygamy excepted, and he preaches Christ. In due time for it never fails, if persevered in men start out from their fellows, drawn GOD'S HIDDEN TREASURE. 21 to that uplifted cross whose magic magnetism lifts every spirit that is left truly free, free from the working of heredity, free from the pressure of the life around them, free from influences from the nether world. One after another converts come, and it is demonstrated that among these heathen masses are the souls of martyrs, apostles, and prophets ; or let this glorious gospel of the grace and love of God be preached at home, amid the slums, and straightway humanity becomes then discovered to itself and revealed to earth and heaven. Men listen ; are startled as though a chime dropped from the belfry of heaven. They are caught, moved, transformed. The cursing carter no longer terrorises his home. The smith beats out new music upon the anvil of his daily lot. Let Mather go to found a mission among the Fishers of the North Sea, and soon it is discovered that among these outcasts the gold and jewels that have exhibited themselves elsewhere turn up here also. The ore was there all the time, for when Mather starts his mission what do we find ? " It's just five years since I first tried to take the right " road. Some of my friends was goin' on board the " ' Thomas Gray,' and they came to my ship, and I didn't " know what they could want me for. But I went with " them, and some friends spoke to us about God and His " love, and when they was done, I felt myself of a sudden " so full like of the love of God that I stood up there and ' ' then and gave myself to God . And that very same " night my wife, who is now a good Christian woman, was " on her knees praying for me and hopin' God would " make me lead a better life ; and afore she was done God " came to her heart, and she writes to me and says that " she had found God and would I try to do the same ? " And when I got to my vessel, I writes to her and says, I ' ' had given my heart to my Father and I would try to be 22 PURITANISM IN POWER. " a better man and lead a better life. And her letter and " rny letter crossed each other, and I gets hers the same " morning as she has mine. And she writes and says that " she sat down in the kitchen and had a cry for a good long "hour, because she was full of joy. I was not one of " the best, I wasn't ; my house was, as I may say, a hell t: upon earth, and my children was afraid of me, and they " were right, for I was bad and cruel in the drink. But it " is all changed now, and I have kept on the good road as " well as I could, and we are happy. I trust, my friends, " that I shall go on trying to be a good man till the Lord " Jesus is pleased to call me, and that is all I can say." Similarly sudden the conversion of a child, whose conscience mission preachers had roused but had not quieted. " I was walking down a street," she says, " about seven o'clock one morning (I can Fee the place so "well), feeling utterly hard and cold, my soul bereft of " anything like love to God, when suddenly the question " flashed across my mind, coming straight from heaven I " believe, ' Why don't you love Me? ' And almost immedi- " ately a strange power took possession of me and light " flooded my soul, while a voice, still and soft, seemed to " murmur, ' We love Him because He first loved us.' " I looked about bewildered. The street was quite " still. There was not even a milkman yet to disturb the " quiet. A strange transformation had taken place in my " heart, that was sure, for I was no more cold and hard as 'before, but felt literally 'illuminated' with love and " light. Yes ! I knew what it was to love God, really and " truly, for the first time ! " Somehow or other I had an idea that the devil would " come and tell me I was dreaming, and that my "conversion was not a fact. So, wishing to settle the " matter as clearly as possible, and catching sight just " then of a piece of brass let into the pavement, marking 'a spot where some martyrs had been burned to death GOD'S HIDDEN TREASURE. 23 " in the Beformation days, I went forward to it and, " standing there, gave myself over to the Lord." (Major Adelaide Cox, in All the World, October, 1888.) Now this vast tract of human beings who are not discovered to themselves, not classifiable under either Church or World, and whose free choice and destiny only God foreknows, would, if a third class be asserted, seem to offer itself for that distinction ; but we say rather that it is no class at all can be ranged under none, the doers of righteousness and the workers of iniquity in heathen and semi-Christian countries not- withstanding, for such self-classification does not prove more than consciousness of responsibility and retribution, or a partial regime of grace under enormous dis- advantages ; it does not bespeak an effectual and absolute differentiation of the men by a new creation on the one side, and a declared rejection on the other, as the preaching of the cross does. Hence w r e can call this vast tract of human beings mankind morally unclassed and unclassifiable until the gospel reaches them; we still discern but two classes existing, Church and World polarities induced among the unclassified by the magnetism of the cross. Theologians have made a profound difficulty of the delay that has taken place in making the Gospel cognis- able to the entire mass of mankind, but the difficulty rests upon the assumption that the work of Christ which the Eevelation of Jesus Christ to John teaches us is the theme of heaven's song, is only operative and applicable here, in the Time state, an assumption for which there cannot be produced the shadow of a Scripture proof. Infants and young children, if they are to join in heaven's worship, must have a knowledge of the Song of the Lamb communicated to them, must indeed come under the same indispensable dominion of Faith, Love, and free service, which are the gates and realities of salva- '24 PURITANISM IN POWER. tion to adults. And the masses in heathen lands, with the degraded victims of a high civilization shut out from the lamp and from the crutch of knowledge and of material progress these must also know what others know ; have equality of opportunity afforded them for worshipping and serving the Christ of God, before He can say to them, "I never knew you;" "Depart from Me, ye workers of iniquity." Will anyone say that had not Mather started the North Sea Mission the souls who slipped from icy decks into the devouring waters, or who during life had heard of the Saviour's name only in connection with an oath, would have gone into perdition, where for ever that saving knowledge could not come ? He or she who holds that view must have odd notions of Justice and of God. Ilather do we say that it is amongst this tract of unclass- ified humanity that the largest fruit of the Redeemer's Cross and Passion will be found. The proof of it lies in the specimens of Christians that are produced when the Gospel claims its own. No truer descendants of the apostles are to be found than what that unconsidered tract of humanity furnishes, so long as they are left to work as voluntary evangelists in their own sphere, and are not taken out of it and ruined by becoming paid, professional agents. Heavenly bloom and beauty too often perish then. It has been the ignorant and clumsy resource of those who felt the necessity of declaring something in reference to departed infant children, and also of giving to the Saviour the majoiity of souls for His portion, to point to the millions of babes who die in infancy as the obvious preserves by which Satan's victories are to be redressed and surpassed. But what a poor, weak makeshift is this ! " Jesus came " to seek and to save that which was lost, not that which had never straved. GOD'S HIDDEN TREASUEE. 25 Let us suppose our country fits out a costly expedition to put down Arab slave trading in Africa. Should we have a right to be satisfied if the Arabs were left in possession of their captives, and the expedition boasted of success because a large territory, not visited by the Arabs at all, was believed to be secure from attack ? The expedition went to seek and to save that which was lost, and, lo ! it returns leaving the lost to perish, and shouting over the fact that an inaccessible range of mountains cut off the slave dealers from some millions of a very feeble folk, whom forsooth it would claim as having rescued from the enemy ! No honour is given to Christ by such a theology as that. And as if the perfectly neutral quality of a babe's soul, which had never exercised itself in a single moral act, could possibly commend itself to the sympathy of the Saviour equally with the storm-beaten, battered soul of the poor father and mother, upon whom had lain for long years the bitter strain and struggle of life at low water mark. The father and mother, both of them, victims of an unrighteous condition of Trade, Commerce, and Society, both of them robbed in their wages and both of them indispensable servers of their day and genera- tion fined by the School Board, out of wretchedly insufficient earnings, for not sending their children to school wiien the bairns had nothing to eat for their break- fasts, or their assistance was urgently wanted at home ; assailed by temptations peculiar to chronic poverty, while other temptations common to all men are sharpened and weighted by the same impecuniosity. Are we to be told that the parents will undoubtedly go to perdition, while the babe, a little lump of pure unadulterated selfishness, which never did a stroke or suffered a wrong, or fought a battle, or performed a service that this piece of moral pro- toplasm will as certainly shine in glory as its poor, battered, victimised and suffering parents will as certainly 2ti PURITANISM IN POWER. shiver in hell '? This really laughable travesty of Justice and triumph of spiritual discernment must be placed to the credit of the theologians ! But what are the conclusions to which we are con- ducted? They are as follow : (1,) That the two classes into which the Scriptures divide mankind have their counterparts in all countries where the Cross is preached and the Church is revealed among men. (*2,) That in all countries the largest class consists of men whose religious choice has never been evoked, and who, though by nature tending downwards, are all of them salvabh by the same agency which creates the Church of Christ. That until these have clearly experi- enced and definitely rejected the powers of the world to come put forth for their Salvation, they are not spiritu- ally classed, and that in this unclassed, undetermined condition the vast majority of the human race go out from this life to enter upon the next. Not indeed with- out any appeal from Nature, instinct, or conscience, but such appeals, so wanting in completeness and so beclouded by error, as to constitute no sufficient test, such as the sword of the Spirit accompanying the preaching of Christ supplies. And that in this territory of unclassed man- kind lies hidden from every eye but that of the Eternal the purest gold, the richest treasure of Apostles, Prophets, Martyrs unrevealed. (3,) That the terms Church and World are relative rather than absolute terms are not descriptive of two moral species of mankind, but arise from the subjective perception by one class the Church of alienation in its deepest sympathies and convictions from the prevailing sentiment surrounding it. The perception of the Church may at any time be only partially right, but while it is real and clear, although a faulty one, then its perception of "World" is relatively a true one, and supplies all GOD'S HIDDEN TREASURE. 27 the discipline and the state of conflict which the existence of Church and World was designed to afford. Church and World conie into existence wheresoever and whensoever the Gospel is preached. In an inferior degree Church and World are facts in all lands, Moham- medan and heathen as well as Christian. The Greek and Roman civilizations knew the distinction the Hindoo and Chinese civilizations know it now. It is not foreign to the tribes of Africa. But in the perfect, absolute and Christian sense, Church and World came into existence only with the entrance of Gospel light. Then all that is not lighted is World to the illuminated, and rightly so ; but such a subjective revelation of the nega- tive and vacuous condition of other souls carries with it no Scripture authority for pronouncing judgment upon them is not to be understood as objectively true ; it simply summons the individual disciple to separate him- self from those who would hinder him in walking in the light that for the time is his guide. Christians assured of this that in true following of their Light is Salvation, have rushed to the conclusion that all those not helpful to them in doing likewise must of necessity come short of Salvation, an error gross and lamentable as the infirmity and limitation of the spiritual faculty even in the greatest saints. But when it is once perceived that the "World" stands simply for "not Church," and that "Church" stands for all men everywhere who have received a light from the Father of their spirits which to them- selves is superior to the current perceptions of their fellow-men, then the relative character of these terms prevents any mistaken notion of them as unerring and comprehensive significants, under which all mankind, by the verdict of fallible Christian professors, can be truly ranged. Church and World are not a true and absolute differ- 28 PURITANISM IN POWER. entiation of the masses of mankind. Such a coarse analysis could never proceed from the Divine mind. A true analysis of the spiritual stages of development existing in the world at any one period, would involve their assignment to hundreds of thousands of ranks and orders. But as the message of the Gospel is one, so the result of preaching it is necessarily the creation of two classes only those who believe and avow it, and those who do not : the class of receivers having an objective existence as believers, and bringing forth fruits new and strange to men naturally : the class of non-believers having also apparently an objective existence, as such, but really only a subjective existence to the believers : for whereas Christian consciousness is a sure guide, and by its decisions we shall all be judged, human judgment as to the state of others is most liable to err, and Christ has expressly warned His followers not to pronounce it. 29 CHAPTEK III. MODERN EVANGELICAL PRACTICE. THE distinction that we have been considering between the " Church " and the " World " has been recognised as fundamental to the true conception and ordering of church life by all evangelical communions up to recent times. Ecclesice striving to conform themselves to apostoh'c models have made it a principal object to realise the dis- tinction in the admission of members, and in after church discipline. The calling of Christians to be pilgrims and strangers in a world foreign to their sympathies and hostile to their views a world to which they were to die in order that they might be truly alive to God this was a con- stant theme of pulpit instruction, and members of the evangelical branch of the Church of England, with all evangelical Nonconformist Churches, exemplified the doctrine in puritanical abstinence from the modes of dissipating time and distracting thought which were cus- tomary among those that stood " without." Not dead to noble literature or the charms of dramatic representation could its poisonous seasoning be ab- stracted ; not soulless with regard to music or art, they yet eschewed whatever in these involved a perilous pro- pinquity to standing in the way of sinners and sitting in the seat of the scornful. They were content to be con- sidered sour, morose, unsocial, hypocritical, so long as they felt they were not forfeiting the right to sit in the heavenlies with Christ Jesus so long as they knew they were "come unto mount Sion and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumer- able company of angels, to the general assembly and 30 PURITANISM IN POWER. church of the Firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect. And to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel " Abel the iirst martyr to the enmity of the world. They were content to hear constantly ringing in their ears the Apostle's counsel : " Finally, brethren, whatso- ever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, what- soever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report ; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do : and the God of Peace shall be with you." (Phil. iv. 8, 9.) And if any should deride their satisfaction with such visionary entertainment, and mistake the distaste of a heavenly palate for the constraints of a miserable fear, they would at any time be ready to witness for their substantial reward and present enjoyment, being ready to say with Christian in " Pilgrim's Progress " when temp- ted by Apollyon, " To speak truth, I like His service, His wages, His servants, His government, His company and country better than thine; therefore leave off to persuade me further ; I am His servant and I will follow Him." And in acting thus, the past Evangelicals (for the order is nearly extinct) only gave effect in another form to that unquenchable desire for a nearer and holier com- munion with God than an unguarded and promiscuous intercourse with men admitted of, which led to the institution of Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods, living in unworldly seclusion from the tide of sin and folly that rolled around the monastery and convent walls. The Church of Itome in its marvellous policy of adap- tation to all human aspirations that would not threaten its authority, provided in the monkeries and nunneries MODERN EVANGELICAL PRACTICE. 31 for the felt need of men and women who in Protestant times would simply have joined themselves to some dissenting communion, or " sat under " the lowest of the low Church clergymen. And there is no part of the system of Rome which deserves so great a respect from Protestantism; none which approaches so nearly the primitive Puritan practice of separation from the godless world, as that conventual and monastic system, in despising and con- temning which Protestantism has wantonly cut itself off from the finest tradition of the early Christian ages, and landed us in this nineteenth century in the exhibition of a religious practice which is neither pilgrimage nor war- fare, neither exclusive devotedness to Christ nor avowed conformity to the world ; neither church nor world nor devil wholly, but a decent patchwork of God and Mammon mixed, which is as likely to shield sinful souls from blame as the garments of mixed woollen and linen were to escape the disapproval of the Jewish priests. The fruit of the ancient Puritan practice was such as the Church has not been able to attain under any other system. The withdrawal of the individual professor from the world, and his voluntary association only with Christians in the technical puritanical sense, necessarily begat a certain appearance of indifference to the interests of the wider circle of mankind. But in reality it was never so. The sure and certain effect of men coming into vital fellowship with the second Adam is a truer and deeper sympathy with the entire race. Hence these narrow puritanical psalmsingers, so-called, were found stirring up the world to a sense of the iniquity of the slave traffic, and were ever the first champions of any cause that was appealing to heaven for justice. Wilberforce and Knibb, Clarkson and Buxton, Newton and Cowper, were Evan- gelical Puritans. 32 PURITANISM IN POWER. True it was that the craft of Mammon rendered their victory nugatory so far as the welfare of the Freedmen was concerned ; for the eyes of good men had not then been opened to the really bitterer bondage of free labourers when left to treat unorganized with unassail- able capitalist employers. That, however, does not invalidate the worth of their active testimony for righteousness. All that can be said is that, since they were not pecuniarily interested in the traffic, their philanthropy was cheap. We have plenty of cheap philanthropy still among men of very inferior disinterestedness. The human sense of justice and natural heart of sympathy will show itself ready to decry oppression everywhere but in England. If it is gently hinted " Look at home," then the eye suddenly loses its power of vision and the tongue is paralyzed to the root. Modern civilization rests like all previous ones upon slavery, and therefore is not Christian. This in passing. Beautiful were the characters which this puritanical system produced. Men and women so living grew up into types of holy heavenly character, peaceful, calm, such as are not to be found in the present day except among men of very advanced age. Grant that the calm was to a great extent due to their being unmoved, unagitated by the clamorous call to heed the world without. God's time for that had not come ; the Puritan character had first to leave its witness, bear its fruits, and strike its roots in the national conscience. Jewish isolation must precede the scattering of evan- gelists and the resounding din of the Glad Tidings. The Church, like a garden walled around, did bring forth fruits, the like of which we do not see to-day. What reverence ! What dignity ! How the tongue moved in the stately measure of the sacred writers. What refinement of thought and manner, the two being intimately associated. What holy elevation in the MODEBN EVANGELICAL PEACTICE. 33 religious exercises. How select the reading. How choice the companionship. How holy, how exquisitely happy the sabbath days, which to others who are not in the secret would appear charged with the insupportable tedium of gloomy ascetics. Child life grew sweetly under the Puritan roof; dissociated from harmful fellowships, like Israel lost in the wilderness ; made to feel with salutary and peaceful awe that God was every- where, and not alone at Beulah, Swallow lane. Narrow as the cloister life of monks, it was yet bright with visions pure and lovely, and stretching into far eternity. How steadily did the lamp of piety burn in the hushed air of sanctity and peace that walked with the elders as they trod together the straight and narrow path ; no flickering of the flame; no twisted revelation of foul smoke ; onward through Emmanuel's land they marched, guarding the child life given them with an awful sense of responsibility ; witnessing death with a dread and solemn mindfulness of the momentous issues of life, but laying their youthful offspring in the grave with a faith which had little support from their creed. In expectation of maternity the Puritan mother was often with her bible ; after childbirth bearing herself with the humble thankfulness of one who had been respited from the Great Assize. How tender, how reverent, how godly ! How worthy of a being like man and of a Being like God, and of that sacred and wondrous thing the physical world, was Puritan life in the married relation. It is all passed away : the sabbath sanctity ; the rare flavour of the holy day. How shocked was the spirit of childhood, reared in such an atmosphere, by anything that ill-comported with the hallowed sanctities of such a home ! When relations belonging to the " world " rushed in, in 3 84 PURITANISM IN POWER. gay garments, in the quiet of the sabbath afternoon, and untwined a rigmarole about assemblies, balls and routs, untwisting out of their set every thread of composed reflection upon themes of a different order, and putting an unusual constraint upon the Christian courtesy of the household heads how with the loud talk and laugh and slam of the doors, the little group in the glooming parlour would feel that the "world" was indeed shut out, and circling round the fire in order to call back the vanished G-enius of the day, the reverend sire and his beloved mate would raise a hymn together, launching the notes with a reverend humility, as truly unworthy to sing praises so high, while the children gladly joined, nor felt the day at all a weariness, or any hankering after making one of the discordant company that had gone. Very humdrum all of it in the estimation of those who are not in the secret to those to whom solitude brings its skeleton, and to whom company, and giddy company, is the most welcome distraction of thought. But to Puritans young and old to whom God was ever near to be alone was only to be nearer. To have the thoughts left free was for them instantly to use their liberty in flying home home to God man's final rest, " in his enjoyment to be blessed." Stupid indeed to those not in the secret, but in that glooming room, within the ancient garments of the sire, and behind the plain folds of the soberly draped matron, there were holy flames of love and faith always burning illumining the con- sciousness of God, exalting with their revelations every view and operation of the mind, in a manner at once incomprehensible to the world and a reprover of its ignorant notion that Puritanism is not joy and peace in believing. And when from amidst the circle of the Puritan household one of the children stepped out to join the Church, how solemn and orderly were all the proceed- MODEEN EVANGELICAL PEACTICE. 35 ings. Men of repute, sound in the faith and godliness, would be deputed to visit and speak with the candidate, who, with a trembling sense of utter unworthiness, would speak with intensity of conviction of the call that God had given him or her. The visitors report to the Church ; the Church, with a thrill of joy, desires of the candidate a few confirmatory words. These in the case of a female are falteringly given ; by the male, often with detail of absorbing interest. A few testing questions are put and answered, and the ordeal of Baptism awaits the neophyte. A few days after in a crowded chapel the congregation are circling round the Baptistry. They sing : " Around Thy grave, Lord Jesus, Thine open grave we stand, With hearts all full of gladness To keep Thy blest command ; So Thee in faith we follow, And trace Thy path of love, Through the strange solemn waters Up to Thy throne above. " Lord Jesus ! we remember The coldness of Thy tomb, The silence and the darkness, The grave clothes in the gloom : After Thy cross and passion, The deep sleep came at last ; O'er the eternal radiance The mortal shadow passed. " But now Thou art arisen ! Thy travail all is o'er ; Once Thou for sin hast suffered, And Thou wilt die no more ! Crowned with immortal honour, Because of that dark bed ; Give us to share Thy triumph, Thou First-born from the dead ! 36 PURITANISM IN POWER. " Into Thy death baptized, O let us with Thee die : And clothe us with Thy risen life, And wholly sanctify ; So freed from the old nature, And ransomed by Thy blood, May we pass on to glory, Alive with Thee to God." And then the candidates before the crowd make holy witness of their faith and consecration. Descending to the flood their bodies were laid in the cold tomb, where, symbolically, life unto sin and self was left behind, and rising again unto Resurrection life, evermore they walk in holy joy in the name of the Father, Son and Spirit, to take their place among the children of the First-born from the dead. Hallelujah ! The impressiveness of the cere- mony was here often marred by a long and untimely polemic, but as often by a loving exhortation to come out from the world and do likewise. Since those days the method of reception, the require- ments from candidates, have all been altered in the direction of affording increased facilities. A busy minister enters a family of young persons and suggests that the children should be communicants as well as the parents. Formerly all was left to the initia- tion of the candidate ; now the prompting conies unso- licited from without (in many cases, we do not say all,) scruples are removed, objections to the ordeal of visita- tion by members and testimony before the assembled Church are met by the minister undertaking that his own report will suffice, and these safeguards may be dispensed with. The pathway is further smoothed by altering the day of the observance of the Baptismal rite from Sunday to Wednesday, when the audience will be so much fewer. Alas ! for the days of namby-pamby, and my blessing and yours too, Reader, with it, upon the Salvation Army, to whom uncomplaining endurance of MODERN EVANGELICAL PEACTICE. 37 hardship is not strange, and who, when suffering wrongfully, make no parade of their grievances, and lodge no claim for compensation. In this paltry and equivocal manner a number of young people, whose hearts have never been seriously affected towards God or against the World, are induced to believe that they have passed the strait gate and entered upon the narrow way. They are numbered with a number of professed followers of Christ, the majority of whom we may charitably suppose have really under- gone a change, corresponding to the symbolism of the Baptismal waters, but others of whom, like those just brought in, are unable to avow a real bond of sympathy. And having only the dimmest notion of that order of thought which reigns supreme in the hearts of the truly converted, they are led to give up further strivings after the knowledge of Divine things, if ever they seriously entertained them, and by their perfunctory service and their worldly worship add to the general unreality that pervades every department of the modern evangelical and non-evangelical Nonconformist Churches. The lack of genuine vitality is made up by fussiness. The active- minded minister has to read the announcement of coming events. They supply engagements for every evening and two afternoons in the coming week. If there are Bible classes it is well, and if a prayer meeting it is also well, but both are getting rare in these days. The most melan- choly announcement of all is the soiree or church tea meeting a meeting which might be made a truly valuable exercise if the assembly would commence throwing the pew cushions and hassocks at each other, and knocking off some of the Deacons' wigs, but which, as usually gone through, is far more depressing than a funeral. It is intended to furnish an opportunity for the church and congregation to manifest brotherly love one towards another. 38 PURITANISM IN POWER. Brotherly love indeed ! Yes ! After cautious enquiry has been made concerning the stranger's heavenly acquaintance ? No ; verily ! But after his profession, his income and his social standing ; then, if satisfactory, brotherly love galore ! Meanwhile we will listen sym- pathetically to the missionary declaiming against caste in India, and pray for its downfall there, while we work for its maintenance here. Among the announcements is not unfrequently one about the laying the foundation stone of a New Congre- gational or Wesleyan church. Stones, we should say, for by a happy thought it has been remembered that the Church is built upon the foundation of the Apostles, of whom there were twelve, and that, therefore, twelve foundation stones laid by twelve notabilities, credited truly or untruly with having long purses, may by God's blessing result in twelve purses being laid down at the same time. Why it should have escaped notice that the Church is not only built upon the Apostles but also upon the Prophets we cannot say ; probably it has not escaped attention, but upon consideration was ignored. Certain of the Prophets are reported to have written about other profits with an "f," and to have made odious comparisons between them and righteousness. No one questions that middle class voluntary Dissent builds its churches out of, and upon, its profits ; it would stretch credibility to assert that they are invariably built upon the foundation of the heroic denouncers of fraud and champions of the oppressed, who in the Jewish days heralded the coming of the Just One. The ordinary course of church ministration has been changed to meet the indeterminate and mixed character of the church and congregation. It used to be considered that for Christians to meet together for prayer and mutual exhortation to love and good works was apostolic. The " exhortation " found MODERN EVANGELICAL PRACTICE. 39 favour with few professional preachers, as it seemed to trench upon their special function, but the prayer meeting for voluntary supplication had the approval of all pastors until the free churches became altered in their constitu- ents. Taste for and power in free prayer then declined, and the church members did nothing in the way of following the apostolic counsels. They delegated all to the one- man pastorate. The prayer meeting in many, if not most, Nonconformist churches has ceased to be, or it is only kept up by small associations within the church, say, of Sunday school teachers or lay missionaries who having earnest work on hand and being thoroughly united in carrying it on, feel the need and the * joy of praying together for its prosperity. Together with the prayer meeting, morning Sunday schools have in many churches been discontinued, and this has been further improved upon by a general consent to attend to Public Worship only once in the day. The general failure of spiritual appetite and determin- ation to consult ease and indulgence have further led to an outcry against long prayers and long sermons, so that it has quite become the fashion to recommend churches and church services on account of the light strain they will impose upon the attention of the congregation. That is to say, the recommendation of religious worship is now the abundance of the music and the paucity of instruction and appeal. The less of God the better. While in the secular world all vendors of utilities appeal for custom upon the ground of the quantity they will give for the money, and when newspapers challenge patron- age on the score of the many columns of news (and pap) they supply, the Christian ministry appeals for support on the ground that at such and such places of spiritual refreshment the supply afforded is the scantiest possible. "Here," they virtually say, " are the meagreest prayers, the shortest sermons, and the least reading of the 40 PURITANISM IN POWER. Scriptures." But how utterly hollow is the pretence that these accommodations to " the age " are indications of "progress," instead of lamentable decay ! And how untrue it is that men are really unable to bear the strain of long discourse, and after a long week's work ought to be spared it. Let Gladstone, at Bingley Hall, refute the pretension. There eighteen thousand people crushed and jammed themselves together in an unventilated market, the occupants of the top rows of the gallery literally bent against the slant of the ceiling, young men fainting from heat and pressure, handed along limp over the heads of survivors there did these eighteen thousand people listen for nearly two hours to the closely reasoned speech of the veteran orator, upon a question that concerned none of them so intimately as that of life and death, God and eternity. Listened with intense appreciation and sustained attention so much so that nature exhausted with standing, with heat, with atten- tion, with crush, did not fly for relief the moment the orator had ended, but on the contrary burst into one majestic tribute of admiration and enthusiastic devotion. It was almost as if the four winds of heaven had been let loose, and the fountains of the great deep had been broken up. The people recognised reality upon the platform. A real heart in real sympathy with the masses, and bent upon the inauguration of another path in social legislation. Against obloquy, against scorn, against antipathy, standing to lead the vast army of the uncon- sidered populace, to further economical enfranchisement, first of all in Ireland, and then in England it was this that drew the thousands to Bingley Hall ; and instead of asking the preacher to be short, they lamented when he ceased. It has ever been so with earnest men who are known disinterestedly to take up, advocate and live for the MODERN EVANGELICAL PRACTICE. 41 cause of the people. They will have followers. When the cause of Eighteousness is proclaimed to be the cause of God, neither music nor brevity need commend the preacher. The appeal to the masses is made upon similar principles. They are provided with a maximum of music of entertainment, and a minimum of God. Since God is not in the thoughts of the multitude day by day, it is assiduously made known that the audience will not be asked to entertain the conception for longer than ten minutes. What an attraction ! The God whose glories fill eternity whom eternity cannot exhaust the effulgence of whose gloiy waxes with the cycles of the worshipping life of heaven He shall be apologised for as an unwelcome intrusion upon the secular vacuity of the crowd ! It is guaranteed that God shall not be on view for fifty minutes of the hour. But it is not thus that crowds are interested. There was a preacher who drew multitudes after him, without any attractions. He made God first himself nothing. What you want, People ! is not music, not recreation, primarily. Your want is Eeligion. This I present to you in bidding you "Bepent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." The concessions made to the world in the quantity of no- God are liberally conceded also to the professing church. The service is minced up into as many attractive morsels as possible, and the sermon is cut down from forty minutes to twenty-five or twenty. Not only shortened, but spiced and pointed, not so much to entice the heart as tickle the ear. Such, however, is the impatient spirit of a people who will daily read about twenty columns of the newspapers, buying two or three evening editions after the morning one, that sermons of twenty minutes upon God are felt to be wearisome, and the innovation is advocated of forty minutes or longer 42 PURITANISM IN POWER. upon politics, science or anything else. It is indeed most true that God is in politics and science, but He is not in either as He is self declared in Jesus Christ. We are persuaded that it is not of Jesus Christ that men are tired. He never fails to draw. The congregations of to-day are weary of sermons which are neither honest and telling exposures of an unchristian civilization nor clear, devout and exalting expositions of the glorious gospel. Being neither one thing nor the other, they are without appeal to the uneasy, aching, vexed and wind- tossed people ; and although the attendance in the evening is not wholly discarded, it is in large cities very much reduced, and the abstention is increasing. The churches themselves have lost their former power as nurseries of Christian character. They are a mob of miscellaneous people, gathered one scarcely knows how or why under the banner of some popular preacher the vital element residing chiefly in the band of Sunday school teachers, whose operations are seldom sympa- thetically regarded by the Church. A heterogeneous congeries of middle-class people, half of whom know not wherefore they are come together ; and yet many of them pressed ignorantly into service a pious remnant, it may be, through lack of wealth possessing but a trifling influence ; such Churches, in which discipline is practically never exercised, perform no office of intrinsic and special value as religious agencies. Their raison d'etre has gone. The atmosphere grows daily more worldly and the isolation of members one from another daily more marked. The wealth of the people and style of the services daily more oppressive and forbidding to the humble-minded and the humbler placed. The old Puritan-simplicity has departed, and the old Puritan-strength with it ; the net characteristic of Church operations in the present day being signified by the term Religion* dusipation. MODERN EVANGELICAL PRACTICE. The consequence of all this is that the very design of an elect church has been frustrated. Its value to the world was to consist in its severe example of godly pilgrimage, maintained by association in nurseries for spiritual growth and culture. Instead of preserving their purity and ancient strength the Nonconformist churches have attempted to leaven the world by stripping the salt of its special savour, with the result that the World has affected the Church much more than the Church has affected the World, and that as really power- ful spiritual forces those churches have been on the decline for many years. 44 CHAPTER IV. THE TESTIMONY OF SCEIPTUEE. WE have been considering the Scripture evidence and the evidence of fact for the existence of two classes of mankind the Church and the World. And we have shown how injurious are the consequences of any failure to recognise this distinction in the theory, constitution and practice of Christian churches. We have now to enquire whether this separation of mankind under the present dispensation into two classes implies separation in eternal destiny. Whether the existence of an elect church and its destiny was to be the final issue of the incarnation of the Son of God, and whether His title of Saviour of the World is a misnomer or not. Whether the master key to the meaning of the Scriptures is not Salvation, and the salvation of all men, and whether the elect church presuming it to be as different from the world as angels from men has not given to it a ministry to the world, corresponding to that angelic ministry which is given to those who are heirs of the church's salvation. The church being appointed to minister to the world, not alone as the potential provider of its own succession, but as to those whose birthright is not conferred only because it is not claimed, who have not entered upon their inheritance because their heirship is postponed. What we have to look into the Scriptures for is, whether social as well as individual salvation is the theme, and whether the latter, as exhibited in the elect church, is not to be contributory to the former. Whether the historical portions are not a setting forth of the preliminary design which is contributory to the primary, the primary object being the salvation of the whole THE TESTIMONY OF SCRIPTUKE. 45 world. Whether punishment and doom, earthly and heavenly, are not indications of God's determination never to give up the reformation and redemption of His creatures, there being a salvation by fire as well as by grace a salvation, inferior but real, vessels of wrath fitted for destruction, destined to come out of the potter's fire reclaimed, and from the pit of clay re-made into a per- manent shape of beauty and meetness for the Master's use. Whether the Incarnation does not imply salvation of the entire human family, instead of an insignificant portion only, and w r hether the language used in Scripture indica- tive of the condition of the wicked, is not necessarily true of their present condition, without of necessity implying fixity in misery for ever. Whether the de- struction of the ungodly does not imply a Divine mind operating to destroy ungodliness, the satisfaction sought being the destruction of their sin, which, when accom- plished by punitive separation from God and His chosen, must entitle them to subordinate rank in the company of the Redeemed. Whether God is not the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever, and w r hether place and time can have anything to do with altering the permanent attri- butes of His character. Whether man is not constantly under the Divine training, and whether, since faith and repentance are both of them gifts from heaven, it is not certain that the deprivation of these gifts, experienced by unbelievers now, must be followed by a bestowment of the same at a later period, when the lesson of their banishment has been learned. Now the master key to the Biblical theme we find in Romans, chapters v. and vi., where the parallelism between the first and second Adam is complete. It is an offence to all fair and honest interpretation of clear language, to distort these passages so as to make them yield a sense certainly not expressed and therefore evidently not intended. 46 PURITANISM IN POWER. It is significant that in the earliest chapters of the Bible we have the Church and the World revealed in Cain and Abel, and an explicit proof of God's care of the world and the maintenance of educative discipline over it, in the fact that Cain besought God, and God affixed a mark to his forehead to be a protection against anyone attempting to slay him. We have guilty Cain's selfish prayer answered, and God's patronage bestowed. The salvation of Noah was not of himself alone, but joined with seven other persons, and with beasts of the earth also, suggestive of the incorporation with man- kind of the inferior creation in the redemptive scheme of God. Lot's daughters and the city in which they took refuge are spared for Lot's sake ; and when Abraham is blessed it is said, " In thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed." " All the families," it is needless to point out, can never be recognised in the wretchedly few who represent the elect church at present. But still more significant is the way in which the lineal descendants of the Father of the Faithful, and of the other ancient types of Christ, are made, as it were, to travel outside of the seed of the promise and to include individuals from surrounding unprivileged and heathen nations nations expressly excluded from that light which was vouchsafed to the Jews only. The first instance is that of Abraham's firstborn, Ishmael. Because of the barrenness of Sarah, according to the custom of the tribe and the day, Sarah's maid Hagar, an Egyptian, was given Abraham to raise up seed. But Egypt, in Scripture, stands as the representa- tive of the World in contrast to the Church, which is set forth by Israel. Thus the very first child born unto the Father of the Faithful was, under Divine guidance, to be a proof of the designed incorporation of the World in the blessings promised to the Church. THE TESTIMONY OF SCKIPTURE. 47 Accordingly Ishmael, though he had not the same blessing as Isaac, was yet blessed in a limited and inferior degree. And Ishmael is a type a type like Esau of the worldly man who lives in and for the world, and cares not for the higher spiritual blessings. It is significant, also, that Hagar and Ishmael are separated from Abraham's house, and from the further light and privilege that would otherwise have come to them. It is decreed that these two classes of men should exist. It is decreed that the veil should be cast over the hearts and minds of alien peoples, until the same God who has appointed unto men their habitations and their spiritual privileges shall see fit to remove it consistently with human free agency. Note that there is a special Providence over those whom God cuts off from sharing the privileges of the elect. Abraham's own firstborn is on the point of perishing for lack of water, when an angel appears to show the mother a spring. May we not hope and believe that that thirsting nigh unto death of the benighted heathen world for something more satisfactory than their corrupt human systems, will be met in the angelic world by a direction to the Eiver of Life, clear as crystal, which flows from the throne of God and of the Lamb ? When Sarah dies, the wife of the Father of the Faithful is indebted to the generous offer of the people of the land the reprobate Hittites for a burying place. Ephron would have made Abraham a present of the cave of Machpelah. This however Abraham would not allow ; but in the land of strangers, and by the courtesy of the heathen, the Father of the Faithful had a burying place sealed to him. All through the sacred history, and down to our times, the indebtedness of the church for benefits and services rendered by the world is manifested. When Isaac marries there is a repetition of the en- 48 PURITANISM IN POWER. forced inclusion of strange blood into the line of the chosen seed. Two nations struggle together in Rebekah's womb the Church and the World, hostile and incapable of understanding one another from the dawn of life to its close, but both necessarily destined to blessing, though blessing of a different order and degree. When Jacob supplanted his brother in a manner so mean that it reveals God's purpose to involve yet glorify His character by singling out for His salvation the most despicable of men and nations, Esau cried out, " Hast thou not a blessing for me, even me, my Father?" And he had a blessing. This whole matter of blessing is very significant of the federation of mankind and the federal character of the gospel scheme. The blessings were real and effective that the Patriarchs bestowed upon their offspring, and they were granted irrespective of faith or an} r spiritual qualification. They were blessed because they were sons of the faithful Patriarch, and the faith of the father was rewarded upon the children even without their being required to exercise faith of the same or any kind. As in these days we say in an evan- gelical appeal, " What you require to know is that God loves you," so then the motive to good works on the part of the descendants of the Patriarchs was this, " Knoir and remember always that God has pronounced His blessing upon you. Let that shame you." Jacob being promised Rachel is defrauded by his father-in-law and compelled to marry Leah also. Here again some additional alien blood is brought into the direct line, proof after proof being afforded that Abraham is not to be a father of blessing to one select race alone, but must loop in now and again outsiders so that the seed shall be complicated with the blood of all nations. Here again fresh departures take place ; Rachel is barren, Leah bears. Rachel gives unto Jacob Bilhah THE TESTIMONY OF SCRIPTURE. 49 her maid, who bears. In due time Leah, ceasing to bear, Zilpah is given to Jacob, and bears him several sons. Now we know not of what race Bilhah and Zilpah were, but since Sarah had an Egyptian for a maid, it is not improbable that their handmaids w r ere either Egyptians or natives of the country, in which case we have further proof that the world is to be incorporated with the church in Abraham's promised blessing. The very fact that the blessing came originally unsought and un- deserved, a free gift of the divine favour, is an indica- tion of the nature of the designs of God which warrants our cherishing the largest hopes in reference to the entire world. Mark further the singular history of Jacob's descend- ants. Joseph is carried into Egypt to save life, the life of the world ; though unhappily being a son of Jacob, he drove a desperate hard bargain with the people on behalf of Pharaoh, a hard bargain which is typical of all business transactions, and was in itself bad morality and utterly false to the Christian ideal. The imperfection of all human types to set forth the character of Christ was never more strikingly manifested than by this transaction, which fastened the doom of virtual slavery upon the Egyptians from that generation until now. But note Joseph's career. He marries a daughter of Poti-pherah, priest of On. He was providentially cut off from marrying one of his father's relatives. He was compelled to form an alliance with Egypt, the type of the world ; and what is especially noteworthy, the descendants of this alliance are by Jacob incorporated with the sons whom he blesses on his death-bed, and they became part of the twelve tribes. Egyptian blood mingles with the seed of the promise and is blessed with that seed. Joseph brings his two children and places his eldest next his father's right hand. Jacob, however, 4 50 PURITANISM IN POWER. crosses his hands, and places his right hand upon the head of the youngest. Throughout the record we perceive this determination to cross man's expectations and to exalt the humble and the meek, to pass by what is highly esteemed among men, and to crown with divine favour those wiio in this life are condemned to an inferior lot. The Jewish people as a nation illustrated the same rule of procedure, for it was a nation ever inconsiderable and despised ; nevertheless, the seal of God's favour was upon it, betokened as much by fearful judgments as by seasons of prosperous peace ; what the world contemned God exalted to be the channel of divine communication and the vesture of the Incarnate Word. To resume. The seed of Jacob multiply in Egypt, and it is in the highest degree unlikely that intermarriages did not take place between Israel and her future masters. It is certain that subsequently those masters would claim master's privileges of their helpless slaves, and that so on the most extensive scale the seed of the world would be intermingled with the promised seed. We now arrive at a time when Moses appears upon the scene. Educated in the court of Pharaoh; skilled in all the science of the time, and with prospects of heirship to the throne, this man, nurtured in a palace (it is the history of most philanthropists), is led by his very luxuries to look with additional sympathy upon the sufferings and toil of his kindred. The lawgiver gives law to himself and slays one of the oppressors. He felt he was called to judge among the people and to let the oppressed go free. It was an act against the world which drove him into the wilderness of Sinai and to the house of a priest of that place who was destined never upon earth to know his God as Moses was to know Him. And he marries THE TESTIMONY OF SCEIPTUKE. 51 one of this priest's daughters. Here another loop from the heathen is taken into the line of Christ. And note the dependence of the Church upon the World. Note what conspicuous benefit Jethro conferred upon Moses, when, upon coming out to see him, as his son-in-law led the people past, he perceived that the work was too much for him, and counselled him to appoint seventy elders who should judge the smaller matters, only bringing the weightier ones to him. Who inspired Jethro to do this ? It is a notable thing alto- gether. Moses who had direct inspiration from God how to act, is providentially left to learn a lesson from the world made dependent upon the world for valuable counsel on a practical, not a spiritual matter. It is the way of the world. It can show Moses how to save his body, not his soul. But then Jethro says " Farewell ! " and retires to his twilight knowledge of God. He will not hear the thunders of Sinai, when the atmosphere trembled to bear the holy commandments. He will remain a Priest of On, giving sundry wise counsels to his people alway. Shall he have no reward ? Two sons of Moses have sprung from his daughter. Jethro's blood is mingled with the promised seed. We have already seen the dependence of the Church upon the World in the case of Sarah's grave, and, in passing, may say if the covenant made with the barbarous Hittites was so sure that Jacob and Joseph could after- wards have their bones laid in the same place, how much more reason have we to rely upon the covenant made by God with Abraham, that in him should all the families of the earth be blessed. Joseph, we have seen, was indebted to Pharaoh for promotion and provision for his father and his brethren. Moses was carefully trained in all the wisdom of Egypt. For forty years Midian pro- vided him with a home. Now there was One who said, even a cup of cold Water given to a disciple, in the name 52 PURITANISM IN POWER. of a disciple, should in no wise lose its reward. Can we believe that those who ministered to Christ's ancestors will be forgotten by Him, even though "the name of a disciple" was barely perceived? Pursuing the same theme, we find David in his extremity succoured by Achish, king of Gath, who gave him Ziklag for a city, where he dwelt a year and four months. When Solomon commences to build, it is Hiram, king of Tyre, who furnishes timber and skilled workmen. Thus the Temple in which the Divine glory was to dwell was built of materials contributed by neighbouring idol- aters ; and when it is opened, Solomon prays that not alone petitions from the Jews might have favour, but also the plaint of the stranger. The cruel institution of slavery is softened by the con- sideration that through its means the outlying heathen were brought into contact with the chosen people, and became in a sense ministers to them, a ministry that the God of the Jews is not likely to ignore. We may pass at once to the history of Jesus. As an Infant, He accepted the gifts of the Magi, those wise men from the far east, who, like the Queen of Sheba departing from Solomon, after depositing their gifts, had to return to their own country without even a word of wisdom or of love to ponder from the lips of the Greater than Solomon, whom they were to know no more. They saw His star in the east and they worshipped Him, and now "go back, simple men, with the incense of the stable in your nostrils, much good may your travail do you." A Babe in the food-trough of oxen ! Thus early would He signify that He gives His flesh for the life of the world. But the star of the Babe has set. It is the star of the King that the wisest now watch for. The Holy Child received the protection of Egypt, the type of the world, and grew to manhood under the government, however unrighteous, of Pagan Rome. He THE TESTIMONY OF SCRIPTURE. 53 drank of water raised for Him by the woman of Samaria, and communicated in return the living stream. The most beautiful of His parables is that of the Good Samaritan. He was continually making reference to the world- wide scope of His salvation, and to His judgments as going beyond, and therefore their " destructiveness " limited to this life. Having lost a disciple at the fare- well feast, He found another beside Him on the cross, that so, in fellowship with the World, He who as Infant received the spices of the wise, might as Man die in the grateful incense of a fool redeemed ; and He went before him into Paradise, that the poor World's outcast might have a royal welcome there. His gospel was delayed in its appearance until the world was prepared, by Greek philosophy and by Roman jurisprudence, to embody the message in adequate ter- minology and in orderly civil life. Thus the Pagan civilizations, as well as the ethical training of the Jewish race, paved the way for Christian progress. The apostles profited by Roman protection against Jewish persecution. Instances abound in the Acts of the manner in which the Pagan outsiders incidentally furthered the progress of the Evangel, and even the barbarous people of Melita are requisitioned to show favours to the infant Church, and exhibit to the shipwrecked mariners and prisoners " no little kindness." They linked the apostle to a Roman soldier; was it that both should hereafter be linked in glorious liberty ? The Pagan feats in arts and arms and law were certainly immense. I feel the full force of the criticism that the Gospel makes triumphs as signal among savage tribes as ever it makes among the semi- civilized communities of China and India, or did in the civilization of the ancient world ; but my answer to that is, that the mission-preaching of to-day to savage tribes is the consequence of its introduction into the world when the World had furnished the cradle for the 54 PURITANISM IN POWER. infant Church. I do not feel the force of the suggestion that God uses the World as His instrument and then casts it away. It is not so that we expect the benign Governor of the universe to act. Even accidental, un- designed co-operation with a work of signal benefit to mankind is usually recognised by earthly sovereigns as worthy of acknowledgment. The hut that gives shelter to the prince when hunting the chamois in the Alps, was not built for that purpose by the peasant, but the sover- eign, having used it, will make some acknowledgment. The smack that conveys a retreating king from his rebellious subjects was not built for the purpose, but, being used and actually helpful, it is right to recognise the service. And so when the Lord's cause prospered by reason of preparations made for it by the intellects and efforts of Pagan nations, although made without any knowledge of the great purposes their achievements would subserve, we can scarcely imagine that the Divine Father will simply use the instrument and destroy it afterwards. That of course is possible to sovereignty simply, but Sovereign is God's lowest title. We revert now to our original investigation the manner in which the World was taken up into the seed of Abraham. And what do we find with regard to Judah, the head of the tribe from which our Lord sprang ? This Patriarch, who shines as the mediator for Joseph among his angry brethren, and as the son who could not bear that his father Jacob should lose Benjamin, also revealed in other relationships the prostitution of a tender nature and the reverse of the self-denying mood. His peculiarity was a liking for Gentile companionship a taste for the World ; and this led him astray more than once. First, when he took to wife the daughter of a Canaanite, who bore him wicked sons, cursed by Canaanite heredity, and next when hastening to his THE TESTIMONY OF SCRIPTURE. 55 friend the Adullamite, he shamefully sinned in the matter of Tamar, incognito. The issue of Tamar, who we have every reason to believe was of Canaanite extraction, was Pharez, and Pharez stood in the direct line of our Lord's ancestry. It was the tribe thus distinguished by its special alliances with heathendom that was selected to give birth to the Saviour of the World. He took not on him the nature of Abraham alone, but grasping, like Samson, the twin pillars that support the House of Humanity laying hold on the one hand of the seed of Canaan, and on the other of that of Israel mighty to save both Church and World He stands, bowed in humility, not for destruction, but for salvation the Church's one foundation and the World's derided but solitary hope. But even this was not sign enough. The sinful nation of Moab must also be brought into relationship with our Lord. We have it in the story of Euth. And yet again the Hittites must be looped into the royal line the heavy sin of David being overruled to effect this purpose. It is interesting to note how the nations concerned in the previous history of Israel appear again upon the scene at our Saviour's advent and appear for blessing. The Samaritans were the poor Babylonians settled in the Holy Land at the time the Jews were carried away captive. These were blessed by the ministry of our Lord. The proselytes of Arabia, assembled at Pentecost, no doubt furnished a contingent to the baptized. The Ethiopian eunuch stands for Midian and Moab, only Egypt is left out. Enough has been said to show that the sin of man enters into the very scheme of man's redemption, and that by the terms of the Abrahamic covenant, expanded and expressed by patriarchal conduct, the 56 PURITANISM IN POWER. World is heir of blessing, an heir of God, though not a co-heir with Christ or His Church; the families of the world blessed hi Abraham, though not with the special blessing of the chosen tribe ; and that the Church herself like her Lord is heir of heathen blood pledge and token of a redemption wide as the one blood from which all nations spring. No greater libel was ever published than when Pilate affixed upon the Cross, " This is Jesus the King of the Jews." He was much more than that. In the veins which emptied themselves for the healing of the world ran reputedly the blood of Egyptian, Canaanite, Moabite, Hittite the vilest sinners and the greatest saints. " To this end was I born," said He to Pilate, "and for this purpose came I into 'the World that I might be a King." Yea, verily, King of the entire families of the World. 57 CHAPTER V. THE TESTIMONY OF SCKIPTUEE Continued. GOD'S care for the World, as well as for the Church, is throughout Scripture history abundantly displayed. Perhaps the most impressive of all proofs of this is given in the history of the Gibeonites and the vengeance inflicted upon Saul's house on account of their ill treat- ment. When the land languished under famine for three years, and the seven sons of Saul fell together to fertilise the fields, then was it made awfully clear that there is a God watchful of all unrighteousness and sure to avenge it. But the care of God for the World is shown on the largest scale in the history of Joseph ; there we find that one of the royal line is, by the malice of his brethren, sold into Egypt, where he becomes the means, not only of saving the lives of the brethren who would have slain him, but also the lives of the Egyptians in the years of drought. He was God's ordained Saviour of Church and World alike, His special work in the world was just that, and if there is any blessing in good and righteous govern- ment (although the way in which the ownership of the land was handed over to Pharaoh is a mystery greater than the Trinity) then the Providence which gave to Egypt Joseph, to Israel Moses, and to Babylon Daniel, was a Providence which gave unmistakable proof of its interest in the welfare of the World. The Babylonish captivity was a reversal of the bless- ings which Jewish slavery brought to the slaves. Here the people blessed were the masters, for surely many must have been elevated in their notions of God and duty by the songs of the captives, when they hung their harps upon the willows by the waters of Babylon and wept when they 58 PURITANISM IN POWER. remembered Zion. God's judgments upon the heathen nations the burden of so many prophecies attest the inextinguishable interest that God maintains in the moral condition of "His offspring." Why should His Prophets have the burden of Judgment given them to utter, if it were not to teach us something more than the anger of God against sin '? These heathen nations were providentially debarred from the light of Sinai and the Mercy Seat, and yet they are to be and were judged. The conviction is borne upon us that salvation must be the ultimate object of their judgment, that their judg- ment must be of the nature of that which the Apostle Paul inflicted upon Hymenseus and Alexander, that they might learn not to blaspheme. It can never be rationally maintained that God evinces an absorbing interest in the morals of His children up to the point of chastising them expressly upon moral grounds, but that He deliberately places out of their reach the possibility of the chastise- ment being productive of any benefit, by making it eventuate in utter, actual and final destruction. Nevertheless such a conception of the Divine procedure is entertained by those Christians who hold " conditional immortality " views, a conception that shocks more minds than are attracted to it, as possibly truer than the dogma of endless judgments. Nothing is more distinctive of Christ's life and teaching than His apparent determination to go outside what was expected of Him and to act in defiance of orthodox propriety. He was continually shocking public opinion by trans- gressing the limits of " respectable " companionship, and by the declaration of eternal hope for characters who were popularly obnoxious and piously damned. Nay, further, He explicitly damned the people who of all others deemed themselves saints. Thus He opens the eyes of clamorous Bartimeus and immediately afterwards made the extortionate Zaccheus THE TESTIMONY OF SCKIPTURE. 59 His repentant disciple. He speaks of the Gentiles as being preferred before the Jews, and of those who should come from the east and the west and the north and the south, to sit down to the banquet of heaven while the children of the Kingdom are shut out. He further offended every religious and social prejudice by choosing for His companions poor fishermen of Galilee ; by showing Himself gracious to sorrowing, sinful women ; by bidding a toll collector .become a chosen disciple, and by making friends of a Syrophce- nician. It was the expansiveness of His charity, His >w-Jewishness that made Him so hated of the Jews. And when, having finished the work that was given Him to do, He started the disciples upon theirs, His commission was, " Go ye into all the World, and preach the Gospel to every creature" The Gospel the glad tidings was something with which every creature had to do. Not a puzzle, a problem, a trap, a Sphinx's riddle " solve or die" but a Herald of Joy. "Behold, we bring you glad tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people : for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." It was news of blessing which it is as impossible for every creature to escape as it is to escape the punish- ment due to sin and the miserable consequences of unbelief. He that believeth not is condemned already, judged at once ; but let any creature turn again to the Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, and straightway he is saved. Undoubtedly the Apostolic commission and the Church's present function have reference to the peculiar character of the present dispensation, in w r hich the Church the first-fruits is to be gathered out from the World ; but why is it to be gathered out ? What is the meaning of thousands of years elapsing in the preparation of this costly instrument, the Church a 60 PURITANISM IN POWER. Church that for its perfecting requires that it should live and work among hostile and ignorant contemporaries, that the World should surround it and that the World should remain the World until the dispensation runs its course ? What object can there be but this that every creature to whom the Gospel is sent should by the Church's co-operation with her Head finally obtain and enjoy it ; the few as first-fruits now, the many as the harvest hereafter '? When we come to consider the great main doctrines of the New Testament and the Gospel scheme, we shall see that they irresistibly lead to the conclusion that the World will ultimately share in its own proper degree in the blessings first of all conferred upon the Church. We will take a few of the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith as understood by Protestants. (1,) The Incarnation of the Son of God. (2,) That Jesus Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost, and to destroy the Devil and all his works. (3,) That by grace we are saved through faith, and that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God. (4,) That Jesus Christ came into the world to call out of it an Elect Church, which should be a kind of first- fruits of His creatures. (5,) That Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever, and is the Saviour of the World. Let us take them in order : (1,) The Incarnation of our blessed Lord is the charter of universal salvation. There were Fathers of the ancient church who mooted the question whether the Incarnation would not have taken place in any case, apart from the creation of man having issued in sin. Whether it was not the primary object of creation to bring many sons unto glory, the Incarnation being a step consequent upon creation and implied in it ; THE TESTIMONY OF SCKIPTUKE. 61 and certain moderns, unknown to fame, but of profound insight, have continued the speculation with a regard to sin being prior to the material universe, and have considered that for the expulsion of sin from that universe an Incarnation and conquest over the Evil-one in human nature were inevitable. We need not do more than mention this speculation ; enough is afforded us with Scripture warranty in the fact that Jesus Christ took not on Him the nature of angels, but took on Him the seed of Abraham, in whose seed all the families of the earth were to be blessed. We have already shown how many and various were the bloods that entered into the Messianic ancestry, but we dwell upon St. Paul's emphatic declaration that God has made of one blood all men to dwell upon the face of the earth, and then remembering that Jesus Christ was partaker of this flesh and blood, we are irresistibly led to the conclusion that His incarnation is the pledge of the Eedemption of the whole : and not alone of the human race, but of that entire creation of which man is the flower and crown. The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof the Lord's for redemption, advance- ment, progression, exaltation, until what is now the " foot-stool " becomes the jewel of the hand and the diadem of the brow. The elixir of eternal life has been dropped into the veins of humanity, the anointing oil has descended upon the head of the race and ran down to the skirts of Creation's garment all is for triumph and victory. " Behold I make all things new." Proleptically it is a saved world now. Christ the Lord has come. God was manifest in the flesh. The Lord is risen indeed. "Lift up your heads, ye gates, and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of Glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory ? The Lord strong and mighty, He is the King of Glory !" 62 PURITANISM IN POWER. (2) That Jesus Christ came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost, and to destroy the works of the Devil. One would imagine that those who held and preached this doctrine could not stop short of the conclusion that, since the entire race is lost, the entire race will ultimately be found. The lost condition of mankind is not ques- tioned, neither should the power of the seeking Saviour to effect His object. Who will limit the Holy One ? Those blessed lips have uttered parables expressly prohibitive of the notion that the Good Shepherd seeking His sheep will fail to find them, or owning His lost coinage will be careless about recovering it. Especially is the idea counteracted by the other Scriptures which teach that Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the Devil. Now that part of the Devil's evil work which the Incarnate Saviour would especially aim to destroy is undoubtedly his hold upon men's souls to their spiritual destruction. Christ came to destroy that hold of the Devil upon men's souls, hence the certainty that His victory will be complete. He will divide the spoils that He has taken. It will of course be objected that the declaration of Christ's purpose to seek and to save that which was lost applies to this life only. But where, we would ask, is the authority for this dogma ? It has no Scriptural warrant whatsoever. It may be said, " It needs none, it is self-evident that the Gospel message is a message to men in the flesh. Its ' believe ' and ' believe not ' apply to this life only, and it is implied that Repentance and Faith are impossible in the life tc come, and if possible would avail nothing to remit the consequences of not exercising them here and now." If that be indeed so, then we will boldly say that the Almighty has in the conditions of human existence, in the constitution and ordering of human affairs, con- THE TESTIMONY OF SCEIPTURE. 63 structed a trap of fiendish efficacy for the destruction of immortal souls. It would be impossible for any but a God to imagine or execute a plan so perfectly adapted, not to save, but to destroy. For what do we find ? We have in the human race to-day, not a herd freshly thrown upon the fields from the hands of the Creator, but the accurate product of the sins, follies, ignorances, mistakes and calamities of all preceding generations. Not a cast of the eye, a curl of the lip, a flashing thought, an evil desire, a debasing tendency, a mon- strous delusion, a crass stupidity, a tone of voice, a gait of carriage, an instinctive capacity, or an instinctive incapacity, a habit of mind, a skill of hand, a com- petence or incompetence, a bias to sense, or a bias to spirit, an upward or a downward look, but comes upon each successive generation in strict obedience to law, the direct irreversible inheritance of all the past back to the first ancestor unto whom a human spirit was imparted. In the sense, then, that God, as supreme, is the Author of human history, the Creator of each unit of each generation is responsible for the way in which he is handicapped for the race. Mankind is a tree the idea is hackneyed, but not its application. If the Boot be evil, so are the branches. What has been done to save the root in its first planting and aftergrowth? Putting the sacred history of a chosen tribe on one side, an answer honouring to God it is difficult to find. We can only judge of the difficulty by a comparison of human standards of duty. What follows is written in deepest reverence and fullest faith that we have only truly to believe in Jesus Christ as the express image of the Father's glory, in order to escape any sinister consequences from the honest contemplation of the facts ; for such faith conveys an assurance that nothing earthly can disturb, that the glorious future contains the remedy and the 64 PURITANISM IN POWER. explanation of the past, and that faith's vision, clarified by love, is never deceived when it holds to the perception that right and wrong in God and man are necessarily the same, and that it is permissible, humbly and reverently, by that light to judge of the future destiny of others as well as of present duty for ourselves. We proceed, then, to ask what would any society, Pagan or Christian, say of the father who would cast his children upon an island and leave them to forage for their food ? That, however, is how God has placed the human race. God Himself only knows how many wars, atrocities, animosities, treacheries, and crimes of all des- criptions, have been due to the simple but most pregnant fact, that with life God has made no provision for its support, but left His children in a situation the safest possible to breed division, injustice, hatred, variance, wars, and oppressions of all description. The struggle for existence remains to this hour the tragic factor of the bloodiest and saddest pages of history. This struggle was God's appointment for the Root of which we are the branches. Again, what would be thought by any human tribunal of the father, who, being all-wise himself, and deliberately placing his children in a situation where, above all things, knowledge was salvation, made no provision for their instruction, but left them to forage for knowledge as they were left to forage for food, and to die in myriads alike from ignorance and from want? But that is the situation in which the Root was placed of which we are the branches. What would be thought of the father who, knowing the infinite supremacy of the moral over the material, and that his personal dealing with his children was necessary to bring them to his own mind in the matter, yet studiously kept himself aloof from the bulk of his family, and only vouchsafed a revelation of his will to an THE TESTIMONY OF SCRIPTURE. 65 insignificant portion of it, the rest being left to dubious lights of their vain and sinful imaginations, only mitigated by imperfect guesses on the part of a few superior but orphaned intelligences? Yet that is the situation in which the Koot was placed of which we are the branches. What would be thought of a Government which should send out a colony of its subjects, making no provision for their support, no attempt at enlightening them as to the country they were placed in, the proper treatment of its soil, the way to obviate or abate its pests and plagues and to combat its diseases, neither any provision for literary or religious culture, but simply left them alone, shot like rubbish upon a waste plot, and then from the eyrie of its own ordered and civilized kingdom waited to see what would come of it, meantime complacently counting the bones of the fallen? Yet such has been the treatment of the human race of which we are the descendants, beneath the eye of heaven. The calm, wise, philosophic Christian heart has a stay against the dreadful disquietude of such enquiries, in its undoubted acquaintance with the real character of God and its unshakable faith in His blessed prophecy of the future. Let the bloodless Scientist step forth and assay the riddle ! Even he will tell us " All has been for the best." In the seeming lawlessness and want of all foresighted benevolent design there was really a law of progress working, which albeit at the cost of the suffering and the wrongs of myriads has conducted the race to its present height of material supremacy and insight into nature's modes. Had this nineteenth-century prophet been born 6000 years ago, and been inspired to see this present century, he would have soothed the calamities of his era by testifying that the future will explain the evil present. 66 PURITANISM IN POWER. " Calm yourselves, poor mortals, and endure your heavy disabilities, all will be justified in after ages by the discovery of the the telephone, and by the multiplication of men like ME." And in like manner the humble Christian, contemplat- ing the fact that the tree of humanity was planted and reared under conditions immediately most evil and only long subsequently beneficial, and that over the greater number of mankind even now the evil reigns and the nascent good has not developed he perceiving amid the disflowered branches of a languishing root one blooming cluster, the saved Church, and above all the Rose of Sharon, is bold to predict health and beauty for the entire assemblage, when the longer fruitfumess of the future will make the long barrenness of the past to be forgotten. Like the Scientist, he says the future will justify the past. The possibilities of human nature, the destiny of human souls is never hung upon the brittle thread of human life, opening upon a scene in which everything is against its prosperous march. The child we have seen is born the heir of all the races' errors in the past, while only in Christian lands can it be added, and also heir of godly tendencies through pious ancestry. As the education of the child commences at the mother's breast, whether the child's future is to be blessed or banned, depends to an enormous extent upon the kind of parents it has, and not less upon the opportunities they possess of giving it a chance for knowledge and for virtue. Let anyone consider to what a complete and irreversible extent children are moulded by the example, as well as influenced by the heredity of parents, and they will discern in the lack of fitness in these first guardians of human life ample reasons for the multiplied failures that follow. It is, to be sure, gloriously true that the creative might of the Holy Spirit drives right through THE TESTIMONY OF SCRIPTURE. 67 and against all the native opposition to His victory that arises from this or any other cause ; but that only points more evidently to the one conclusion to which we would conduct the reader. Man is set by God himself in an evil condition from which nothing but His own grace and power can relieve him. Man cannot choose his mother or his father, and yet upon these depend the first mouldings of his plastic infancy. The child cannot remedy his father's dis- ability to give him a fair chance. For the unfitness of the mother, and the lack of resources in the father, God is responsible, as well as for all the darkness brooding over the nation, all the regnant cruelty of the material superstition and the flagrant iniquity of the national laws. At the same time, in spite of all these oppressive disadvantages, He can reach down and save His own with His Almighty arm, and He alone can do it. The question, then, becomes one of God's willingness to save the lost ; and if we do not see them saved in this life, whether God has condemned His will to incessant and irreparable mortification through the operation of infinite contingencies affecting the tenure of mundane existence, such being also His decree. Those contingencies, consider them ! Beginning with the ignorant mother's want of knowledge as to the right treatment of diseases and accidents, or the want of means to procure the right remedies when known ; and next attending upon the entrance upon " life " in the learning of a trade and the pursuit of it when learnt. Instruc- tive and suggestive are the figures adduced by Govern- ment Inspectors, and statistics showing how much human life is abbreviated, or, in the orthodox view, chances for salvation abridged, by the various unhealthy trades. The cry of the manufacturer in the potteries is, " We need the influx of strong bodies from the country, for our operatives die out in the third generation." What 68 PURITANISM IN POWER. tales could Sheffield tell of premature decline ! What early graves dot the cemeteries in linen-spinning Ulster ! What chronic bronchial affections attack the dust- breathing employes, whether through fraudulent adul- terations of cloth in Manchester, or unavoidably in mills and collieries. The Life Insurance Companies and the Accident Assurance Companies are guided by accurate statistics when they raise the premiums upon workmen's lives, and refuse to insure men in certain employments at all. But are we to suppose that the everlasting destiny of a human being depends in any way upon his accidental choice of a trade, or that to the grievous misfortune of being the conscript of civilization is attached the graver loss of a shorter chance for eternity ? Of course this topic might be indefinitely enlarged. We might go on to ask, can our chances for salvation be made to depend upon whether we are able to see through a stone wall or not, so as to detect defective drain pipes and unsus- pected cesspools at the foot of stair-cases. We lose three children by it. One was our grief, and departed in darkness. Shall we decide that the cesspool cut off for ever his chance of repentance ? We are quite able to rise above the secondary causes and the immediate agencies, and to touch by faith Him whose hand is upon the springs of all the forces in the universe, and causes the intricate loom to work out the pattern of His choice. That does not really affect the point of our contention, which is, that if in this life only have men a chance of knowing their Eedeemer, then, as before stated, the Almighty has, in the conditions of human existence, in the constitution and ordering of human affairs, con- structed a trap of fearful efficacy for the destruction of immortal souls. It would be impossible for any but a God to imagine or execute a plan so perfectly adapted not to save but to destroy. If this mortal life of ours means an3 r thing, it is for THE TESTIMONY OF SCRIPTURE. 69 Education men were made, and for a Creator to propose the education of immortal creatures, and yet to expose that education to the infinite chances of human freedom, acting amid uncontrollable forces, foreseeing that at best and farthest the period of such education would be absolutely incomparable with the Eternity during which its incompleteness was to rule, is a conception utterly incredible to a thoughtful mind. It might be properly asked, can the training and educa- tion of an immortal being possibly be accomplished in so short a period as seventy years one fourth of which is childhood, and one-tenth decay ? Who will dare to say that the choicest saint that ever lived had not something more to learn to make his just spirit perfect ? And yet it is dogmatically laid down as among the unchallenge- able statements of Scripture that human education ends with life below. If so, the society of heaven must be excessively raw scarcely agreeable to all of us. But if it be said the spirits of the just do go on to perfection in another state, but the lost go on to be further lost, I marvel that in the Godhead there should be no resources enabling the seeking Saviour to continue His quest after His lost sheep when they have passed hence into another world. I know I can be met here by the text, " It is appointed unto men once to die, and after death the judgment." What, however, does this signify more than saying to the sinner, " To-day you are committing a sin, you will be judged to-morrow ? " We are always being judged. To- morrow judges to-day. To-day we suffer or rejoice on account of yesterday. The morrow that follows the life of to-day must be a morrow of judgment, absolutely must be so. But what is this but also to say that education does not end here. I am judged to-day, not for the sake of judgment, but for the sake of education, and when life's day being over I am judged in Eternity, the object still 70 PURITANISM IN POWER. is education. The judgments of God are the world's great hope as well as awful warning. The judgments of God evince His determination that His children shall not escape Fatherly chastisement, shall not be plucked out of His hands by their own self-will, but in spite of themselves endure the discipline which makes for sonship, and learn obedience through the things they are made to suffer. What should we think of a monarch who should address his "son and heir" thus: "I desire you to be " educated for your high calling, but it all depends upon "the use you make of the next week, and it will be " necessary for you to have instruction from a minister " of mine who is on his way from a far country. If my " minister should arrive in time, and you receive well the " instruction he imparts, your education will be con- " tinued throughout the rest of your youth. If on the " other hand, by any chance, he should not arrive within " next week, or if arriving, you should not immediately " understand his lessons, I will stop any further attempt " to educate you. You shall not only be disinherited, I " will also cast you out of my palace to herd with the " untaught animals of the field?" Such is the grotesque gospel of, for instance, the China Inland Mission a noble institution, nobly originated, sustained and led, only equalled in apostolic fervour by their Jesuit prede- cessors, but with a gospel little less tainted by human misconception than was theirs. When our Saviour said, " Think not that those upon whom the Tower of Siloam fell were sinners above others in Jerusalem, Verily I say unto you that, unless ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish," He declared that the falling of the tower upon the victims was unrelated to their spiritual deficiency, but that there was a perishing vitally related to the want of repentance. Let them beware of in- THE TESTIMONY OF SCEIPTURE. 71 curring that. Nothing is uttered excluding the idea of repentance in another state. The China Inland Mission- ary, however, stands before the Chinese convert, whose eyes are brimming with tears, and virtually says to him : " We arrived here 19th September last, and have made " you a new creature in Christ Jesus. Had we arrived " earlier we should perhaps have saved your father, who " you say died on the 17th. As it is, he is now consum- " ing in the everlasting burnings. No! not 'consuming,' " doomed to endure the torments in unending keenness. " We found on arriving and preaching to you that the " truth met with a ready acceptance on your part, so we "judge that it might have been also in the case of your " father; but owing to the freshet in the river we arrived " too late to preach to him, and now his eternal " destiny is fixed. Were there any preaching of the " gospel after this life, and your father were privileged " to hear, very likely he would repent and believe, but "God has made no such provision for immortal souls. " Their destiny depends upon the degree in which the " Church can cope with the task of evangelising the " World and upon the brief flicker of existence here." This is the doctrine virtually preached in China, where ancestors are worshipped and where the joy of the convert at his own deliverance is awfully dashed by consuming grief at the fate of beloved relatives who have gone before. " Oh ! why did you not come sooner ? " they mourn. (3,) That by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God. This declaration of man's impotence to save himself and God's plenitude of power and goodwill to save him the cardinal doctrine of the Calvinistic theology, if rightly regarded, should set at rest for ever the question of Universalism. It is expressly stated as belonging to the character of 72 PURITANISM IN POWER. God that He is no respecter of persons. It is also expressly stated that He wills to save an Elect Church whose salvation depends, not upon anything they have done or can do, but entirely upon the free favour and pre- vailing grace of God Himself. No possible faith in the Righteousness of God can consort with a belief in His deliberate intention to save a few expressly by the bestowment of Divine Power, and to withhold that aid from others in order that they may be condemned. The conception is repugnant alike to reason and to feeling. The God who could act so would not be able to save those whom He is said to save, because being Himself unrighteous He could not possibly become the imparter of righteousness to others. The only possible Saviour of men is one who Himself is Righteous; so that any rational faith in the salvation of the Elect must depend upon a faith that God's scheme of salvation embraces the World also. In truth, the more it is considered, the more evidently it will appear that the salvation of the Elect Church is the charter and guarantee of the ultimate salvation of the World. Every saved man is a voice crying in the wilderness that all men will one day be saved, whiclj is only echoing Christ's own words, " And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me." A lifting up which implies presenta- tion to all men, so that there must be a preaching of the Cross in the life to come. If salvation- is God's gift, and God is love ; if His grace is not exhaustible ; if He who has taught us to return good for evil, and to love our enemies, may be counted upon to set us a perfect example of obedience to these precepts in His own conduct then the ultimate salvation of the race is attached to the character of God Himself. Let that character be once truly appre- hended and any doubt or fear, lest all men should not come ultimately to know and love Him, must disappear THE TESTIMONY OF SCRIPTURE. 73 in the radiance of a conception no less true than glorious. (4,) That Jesus Christ came into the world to call out of it an Elect Church, which should be a kind of first- fruits of His creatures. Our consideration of the preceding thesis led us to deal with the inferences world-ward which necessarily flow from the election of a saved Church but much remains to be said. As Christ was the first-fruits from the dead, so the believers under gospel preaching and the Spirit's ministry are the first-fruits of dead humanity. They are the sheaves betokening the harvest. For, as before argued (and decided upon the ground of God's character), since all the possibilities of repentance, faith and salvation depend upon the Sovereign dispensation of Divine Grace, why may not all humanity be privileged to receive the same gifts from God '? The freedom, so-called, of the human will will here be brought forward to invalidate any argument drawn from the Will of God being revealed as anxious and able to save men. This doctrine of the freedom of the human will is responsible for more fundamental misconceptions respect- ing the nature and being of man God's power to save him and his future destiny, than any other metaphysic that has entered into theology. The Sovereignty of God is confronted by another sovereignty superior to it, and we are assured that in the vast majority of cases man's will will prevail to frustrate the purpose of the Divine Will to save him. The possibility of so setting at defiance the purposes of the Creator is conceived to be essential to the respon- sibility of the creature. But that is the merest assump- tion. We see every day that moral responsibility can be recognised and be fruitful in shaping conduct when the 74 PURITANISM IN POWER. issues of a limited freedom are by no means either irreversible or eternal. Will any one say that there can be no moral responsi- bility in home or school unless the contrariety of the children to the will of the authority extends to complete frustration of the will of the parents and the intention of the schoolmaster '? And in civil law will the threat of no lesser punishment than death avail to keep men from evil ? Let us bring these idle theological speculations to the test of reason to the daylight of Lay common sense. We say that the facts of existence warrant the follow- ing dicta : (1,) That no human will is absolutely free, its freedom is that of a tethered bird, it has its divinely imposed limits preventing it escaping its master's hands. (2,) Limited freedom is all that is necessary to establish moral responsibility and to conduce to moral education. (3,) God never designed to entrap His creatures into self-destruction by endowing them with a faculty that must prove their ruin; but on the contrary, watches over His creatures with the design of saving them even from the consequences of their own sins, ignorances, and follies, the whole object being training and education with ultimate redemption in view. First-fruits imply after-fruits. (4,) Man's will being influenced by God's Holy Spirit and by Satan's evil spirit is, pro tanto, not free in any single act of obedience or disobedience. His responsi- bility is never complete, absolute only partial. His will is never more free than is requisite to his arriving at a true knowledge by experience of the nature of Good and Evil. When we come to look at the results of the preaching of the Gospel to the poor, we see what a glorious future THE TESTIMONY OF SCEIPTURE. 75 there is for the triumph of Christ over what superficially appears the alienated will of men. The trophies made in the Home Mission fields are fre- quently of characters who had the worst of reputations, and were the terror of their neighbourhoods. These men and women, when " saved," become the very brightest ornaments of the Christian profession, and are in their proper persons proof positive of the innate capacity, the intrinsic possibilities residing in every human spirit of putting on the likeness of Christ. The question occurs, if this is so in such cases, will the chances be denied to others, simply because either mission agents never visited them, or because they have passed from this room of God's school-house into another '? And here we may profitably consider the last named accepted doctrine of the orthodox. (5,) That "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, to- day, and for ever." We turn for argument again to the terror of a godless neighbourhood. At a certain point in his history he hears of the love of Jesus and becomes a changed man. Soon after he is struck down by a falling crane and killed. Now, if he had not heard the story of Jesus' love before the accident, the orthodox would say, he has surely perished in his sins. But the accident having being postponed, he finds a loving Saviour who redeems him. I would seriously ask, how does such a view consort with the assertion that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever ? What eternal differ- ence can it make to the Saviour whether His sheep return to the flock on the 12th September or the 30th October? And what conceivable warrant have we for saying that Jesus Christ is not the same on 30th October as on 12th September? and that His character, ador- able when presented to men in Time, is no longer adorable 76 PURITANISM IN POWER. when in Eternity they come into actual acquaintance with it '? It is but faintly men can set forth the fulness of Christ's sympathy and love here, hut the souls departed this life are brought into nearer and clearer acquaintance with that glorious Being. What was the consequence when men possessed with devils met with Christ on earth ? They cried out, and the Saviour bid their evil guests depart. He is the same to-day as He was then ; and poor souls going out of this life under the domination of evil agencies, will only go to encounter the same loving Lord of all principalities and powers, who lives to unbind every yoke and to set every captive free. When we remember the rock-like steadfastness of those men whom the city missionary has converted, their tender sense of their past lives as wasted, and their earn- est endeavour to make the remainder compensate in some degree for that waste, we are entitled to expect that the same feelings would animate them if Christ, meeting them unconverted upon the shores of Eternity, were to change them suddenly into His own dear followers. They would then look back upon their past, their day on earth, and find in it the strongest reason for showing themselves the worthiest disciples in another world. That recollec- tion would never forsake them, but be an abiding stimulus to make the life beyond more gloriously new. Should any refuse to credit God with such intentions, 1st him bethink him of what he may have seen some day in the slums of a great city. A circle of the ragged and the poor gathered round about a street performer (and my blessing with yours, Reader, upon all harm- less street performers, who for a few moments in the dark and dreary days of the poor smooth away a crumple of care and afford the children a chance for a smile and a pirouette upon the pavement). Well, let THE TESTIMONY OF SCKIPTURE. 77 the reader bethink him of such a circle, and in the midst of it a man causing a canary in a cocked hat to fire a pistol and a poodle to dance and walk in and out of the performer's legs as he paces round in a manner that excites the astonishment and amusement of all. A man in the crowd who is dining off his pipe, after trudging London in vain for work, lifts it from between his teeth, and a timid smile, like a lost sun-ray that finds itself alone upon the dark storm-cloud, steals upon his countenance for a moment, while the careworn child, whose ears are stinging from the furious blow of her poverty-vexed mother, forgets her trouble for a moment and lets the beer jug dangle from her finger. It is not given to many to lead a life so useful as that of the humble professor. What patience is implied in the training of those humble animals ! How man}^ times did he try and try again before he succeeded in bending them to his will and making them new creatures, never thinking to destroy them, but persisting in looking for ultimate success and finally accomplishing his desire. Now, shall we credit God with less patience or more, a weaker or a stronger will, a greater or a lesser power, an energy sustained by a purer or more selfish motive ? The whole argument rests upon the view which is taken that life is a school, that this brief stage of it differs in that respect not at all from the entire remainder, and that God as the Teacher will ever exercise a marvellous patience and a persistent will. Or think again of the unwearied efforts of the mechanical inventor or the scientific investigator. What a heroism of patience, what a constant victory over chagrin, disappointment and wasted means and labours ! How many the studied arrangements which have to be abandoned, and how immortal seems the hope which beckons on to new contrivances, new experiments, new laborious scrutiny and theorising so as finally to win 78 PURITANISM IN POWER. the new tool for the service of mankind, or to bring to the birth for the first time the blushing product of an elemental marriage never before consummated ! But the popular idea of God is as of one who lacks all the qualities which make a worker great and worthy. One who in his impatience at the want of immediate success ends the experiment by breaking his instruments and throwing away his subject ; and heedless of the unknown possibilities of good latent in human nature, marches about in the laboratory of this world, smash- ing his apparatus, damning his raw material, and swearing that the brief and wholly inadequate experi- ments of Time shall never be renewed ! Against this utterly preposterous but popular delusion we set the precious revelation that " Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever." If that means anything, it means this, that the Saviour who never confronted sin or calamity without pronouncing for its cure, will assuredly display the same character in all departments of this universe and towards mankind in all stages of their life's history. This life or the next, this world or another, can make no difference to Him. He is the Saviour of the world for ever and for ever, and we can certainly form no adequate conception of the glorious results of the preaching of the gospel that continually proceeds in Hades. The river of human souls that we have been taught to believe is pouring daily down to the abyss of destruc- tion is in reality pouring in this great volume to meet with new and fairer opportunities than this life ever afforded. It is due to the mass of men that a further probation be granted them. What is for the most part granted them here is no fair probation at all, it is only paltering with truth to assert that it is otherwise. There must be a Gospel probation for all men, and if that probation comes not here it must be afforded elsewhere. THE TESTIMONY OF SCRIPTURE. 79 Now there is a passage of New Testament Scripture which expresses this view of the everlasting relationship of man to God. I allude to Acts ii. 47, " And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved," or as the Revised Version more correctly renders it, " such as were being saved." Humanity, we say, is always "being saved," whether in heaven, earth, or hell. We have already noticed the crude and ignorant notion that saints going out of this life with a plentiful efflorescence of deficiencies and defects in their characters will suddenly and magically blossom into perfect angels. They will assuredly be judged and suffer loss for their inconsistencies, and will have to go on in Christ's school, learning lessons and making further progress. And the sinners that are damned are damned because it is the only treatment that for the time will do them any good. They have not yet learned the exceeding bitterness and exceeding folly of sin. They have not been humbled sufficiently to cry for mercy, and hence are damned as the first process to their after redemption. And now look up to the starry heavens and behold the parable in which all this truth of God is luminously revealed. There you will perceive the eyes of heaven looking down in orbs of varying splendour upon our dark world, some burning intensely with undimmed lustre, others veiled in haze melting into bluer depths. The glabrous nebulae, the wandering disintegrated comet, the steadfast constellations and the orderly progressive planets the astronomer will tell us that each and all are either worlds or in the process of becoming so : they are all in the various stages of "being saved." Some indeed are mere vortices of raging fires, in which storms of flame and unimaginable convulsions succeed one another perpetually. Others have passed through this stage of lawless law and are quieting down to a condition in which vegetable life can presently appear. Others, 80 PURITANISM IN POWER. again, give indications of similarity to our world, and are possibly the abode of intelligences like man. But all are destined to tread the same pathway to ultimate honour and higher usefulness ; the very centres of tempestuous and burning disorder being meanwhile available for the light and warmth, the life and guidance, the order and beauty of countless smaller and dependent orbs. They are all in the process of being made into worlds, but an elect few have already become so, and they are the first-fruits or prophecies of the ultimate worldship of the rest. 81 CHAPTER VI. ETEENAL COMPENSATION. THE thought must often have crossed the minds of devout Christians that the question to be considered in reference to the destiny of the majority of mankind is not the question of Eternal Punishment, but rather of Eternal Compensation. It has been the misfortune of theology unavoidably perhaps that its framers have been men whose position and experiences have been far removed from those of the "common herd," so called. A professor of theology implies a person who has had resources, patronage, privilege, and promotion. It is not from such upper circles as those that a true theology can ever spring. We want a miner of Eisenach to supple- ment the theology of the friend of Electors and the betrayer of the peasants' revolt preachers in the courts rather than Court preachers not Governors of Geneva or Presidents of Theological Seminaries, American or European, but voices from the deep we want men who have done more than taste the common lot men who have lived it. A carpenter's son will do for us, Him of Galilee. Perhaps the theology of such a one will differ from that of the Professors. If we would clear our minds of cant we would honestly acknowledge that to the majority of human beings life is not a blessing, but a curse, and that were it not for men's shrinking from the unknown possibilities of the hereafter, suicides w r ould be taking place every hour. In fact, as all sensible persons will acknowledge, it is the bitterness of human life that sustains the passion for opiuni and strong drink; and the temporary forgetfulness, which indulgence in these induces, is itself a species of suicide. G 82 PURITANISM IN POWER. It will perhaps be allowed that to children brought into the world tainted with incurable disease, causing anguish every day, life is not a blessing, and that to healthy children, reared in homes where poverty is incurable, and deepens with the growth of the family, only the invincible spirits and hopes of childhood pre- serve them until the period when they, too, will fly for relief to the suicide of the dram. Let it be remembered that if the former are to be counted by thousands, the latter must be counted by millions. It will be admitted that nothing can exceed the hopeless woe of a wholly ill-assorted marriage ; and yet these are far more common than the well-assorted ones, and, considering the perfectly fortuitous manner in which life-long unions are brought about, are likely to continue to furnish the major portion of the misery of mankind. Who can estimate the wretchedness of the home where there is a drunken father or a drunken mother, a ruinous son or a worthless daughter? But these are to be counted by millions. What shall we say of the Arab slave-train, driven to the African coast, each individual in it with as good a natural title to a blessed life as the Archbishop of Canterbury? W T hat of the doomed existence of women, but especially widows, in India and China ? Here we come upon hundreds of millions ! And what of the monotonous starvation endured by the cultivators of the soil in almost every country under the sun, the creators of wealth everywhere since the world began being stripped to the bone by the plundering classes. We say the question forced upon our consideration, in reference to these and similar, is not one of everlasting punishment, but of eternal compensation. Is the race, as a race, never to know health, competence, and justice ? What about the prevalence of false, cruel, and debasing superstitions ? What about the national exclusion, as in China, of the precious day-light of real knowledge ? What about that ETERNAL COMPENSATION. 8 most ancient of all institutions, the continued vigorous prosperity of unrighteous and corrupt governments? What oceans of unavoidable human misery are implied in the bare mention of these things ! Truly the free grace and favour of God are not at all discernible in the course and ordering of this world. Man the privileged classes excepted, pays dearly for everything he is per- mitted to enjoy, and the rain that blesses one quarter of the world is paid for by the drought and discomfiture of a neighbouring continent. When it comes to the last each man pays for his suffering life by his death. It is the same in the lower orders of creation, most evidently in those creatures that minister to man. The quiet browsing of the happy beasts ; the gambols of the cows at eventide, surfeited with succulent grass and sunshine ; the frisky life of lambs ; the free roaming over downs ; the huge contentment of the shaggy sheep, as he chews the cud and weighs the problems of this mighty world, while a crow equally sage and happy settles on his shoulder to whisper a solution in his ear all has to be paid for to the uttermost farthing. It is paid for when the dazed beasts leave the peaceful fields for ever, are driven down the maddening streets, beaten into the railway truck, are shunted on sidings, lowing unavailingly for water or, with a storm of blows, are jammed down the steamer's gangway, in the hold gore one another when the billows beat the hull, are lifted out, or poked and beaten or tail twisted out, half dead, and lick thick puddles as they pass to slaughter. Paid for to the uttermost farthing by the silvery sheep when bitten by the shearer's clip, when barked at and leaped at by a ubiquitous dog for hours together, flung by the ferryman one on the top of the other, packed toge- ther on the steamer's deck under a sweltering sun, so that the sailors walk upon their staggering backs, while their unavailing bleat serenades the passengers. Paid 84 PURITANISM IN POWER. for to the uttermost, by the important hen with its bustling happy brood, and the goslings whose pond is all their own, and the handsome duck swirled by the river's current, and the sage goose whose common rights his outstretched neck shows he is amazed you should dis- pute. All has to be paid for the chanticleer's gay crow : the morning scatter of sufficient food; the grateful rescues from the practical jokes of cat and dog ; the attentions of the children to their farm-yard pets all is paid for, when the feet are tied together and the living bundle is handled like a log, when, crushed down under the netting in the long railway journey, a despairing neck or crested head struggles through an opening and is dumb with astonishment at the new world of cruelty and barbarism that has surprised its early youth. Grace, gift, favour are nowhere apparent but in the gospel. Search and see among the dicta of heathen philosophers if they have a word to say on behalf of the brute; but the same Book which reveals the infinite love of God in Christ, says that the threshing ox shall not be muzzled, that the bird shall not be robbed of her brood, that the kid shall not be seethed in its mother's milk, that the ass shall not strain under the same yoke with an ox. We have another Book than creation in which to discern the lineaments of God. It is therefrom we are commissioned to preach the gospel to every creature ; for whereas in nature and in the ordering of the world's present affairs, it is pay, pay, pay no joy gratis anywhere : in the gospel of God's Son it is free grace, free love, free favour. Pardon for nothing, love for nothing, life for nothing. For nothing, did I say ? Ah ! no ; not for nothing the cost was hea\y, but God provided it. To look closer home, there are six particulars in which the masses of men seem placed in circumstances entitling them to compensation (1,) Evil homes ; (2,) Evil ETERNAL COMPENSATION. 85 trades ; (3,) Economical robbery ; (4,) Physical and mental disability ; (5,) Innocent ignorance ; (6,) Cosmic calamity. Evil Homes. It is true of all life, especially of human life, that the commencement influences the whole subse- quent career. The influences of home are permanent ; every repetition of an evil example is a retracing by the graver of a line which is already a life-mark. Day succeeds day, and the potter's clay of the unformed child-character is being moulded into a shape which it should never have been pressed into. Granted that the individual personality is free and supreme, and under influences of grace and power from on high can set at defiance the laws of causation and tendency ; can make the sun stand still till the battle against evil ends in its favour ; granted that thus it is with God's elect how about the rest ? And whether the issue be so or not, the miserable scenes of evil homes hang about the neck of memory keepsakes that cannot be given away. This is the fate of perhaps one-half the population of the most Christian country. Is there a more pitiable spectacle conceivable than that of the daily deterioration of noble and aspiring natures, under the friction, the assaults, the miasmatic influences, the stifling deprivations of cruel and evil ^ ad stinting and starving homes? (2,) dvil Trades. I want to know if it is necessary to cut short the once healthy lives of millions of working people by 10, 15, 20, and 30 years, making the major portion of the life that is lived a deepening and incurable disease ? I want to know if that is necessary, which I deny, or, what is the same thing, if it is, and has been, the means by which a wondrous civilization is main- tained if there shall be no compensation for it to the victims? Upon the orthodox assumption that there is no after-probation, this abridging of human probation upon the scale that actually occurs is a prodigious thing. 86 PURITANISM IN POWER. Do the wealthy manufacturers, who are the mainstay of the nonconformity which teaches this, adequately realise that the everlasting destiny of their " hands " is probably hung upon the degree of ventilation, or the degree of adulteration in the factory ? Do the caterers for fashion realise it when they set about introducing a perfectly needless but novel article compounded with poisons, and in the production of which children and girls are abso- lutely slain? I want to know, if, for the loss of health and the loss of life, there is to be no compensation especially since other people have been compensated for their trouble in slowly killing their workpeople the employer by his profits and the public by wearing a fashionable colour! What a noble altar on which to be sacrificed ! But there are needful and necessary labours, as well as others, wholly vain, in which life is damaged and destroyed. Is there to be no compensation for the men who walk the sewers to save the city from a plague, or lose their lives in tunnelling, and quarrying, and mining ; in navigating and carrying; in milling, paint-making, flax spinning, potterying, cutlerying, and glass blowing? It is not only the employers who are responsible for making the best of a bad business ; God also is respon- sible, by whose ordination all things happen. Will He ignore or accept His responsibility, above all things, to do justice and judgment in the universe ? We believe He will, as being the Just One. (3,) Economical Robbery. It can no longer be doubted by those who have given any attention to the subject, that the best distinctive characterization that could be named for the working classes is that they are the robbed classes. This indeed might be truly stated of entire nations under a corrupt Government ; they, as subjects, are all robbed ; they labour and toil, and bring to the birth, only that those who toil not, nor spin, may ETERNAL COMPENSATION. 87 snatch it from them. The useful classes everywhere are robbed by the useless. This is a universal law. In almost every working man, woman, or child you behold a victim of robbery. To go into the details of this robbery would be nauseating robbery by false measure- ment and false weight, robbery by fines, robbery by "truck," robbery in hours, robbery in price of raw material given to be worked up, robbery in quality of same, robbery in nonpayment for slight defects, robbery in rent, robbery in deferring settlements, robbery in compulsory sick and benefit funds ; the seaman robbed in his victuals, and robbed of his safety in a bogus Plimsoll's mark. From the first moment he is able to be of service in the world, to the last in which his powers fail him ; the working man and others just above him all, in short, who are helplessly dependent upon em- ployers, landlords, capitalists, are robbed. It is the commonest and most universal experience of those who are the backbone of the State. Seven men out of every twelve are victims of robbery. If all had what they worked for and what was really due to them, there would be no poor and fewer rich, none of the misery and degrada- tion of poverty, none of the mischiefs of illgotten gain. Now there was One who commended a man called Zaccheus, because he said, "And if I have defrauded any, I will restore him fourfold." Those people who are defrauded in this life, and who will never get com- pensation here, will not God undertake to see them righted? Is He not the supreme Knight-errant, whose eyes run to and fro throughout the world, noting every helpless captive, registering every wrong with purpose to deliver, to judge, to compensate ? (4,) Physical and mental disability. Physical whether inherited sins of the fathers coming upon the children, or by accidents occurring through the guilty negligence of others, or, for it does happen, wholly unavoidable in HS PURITANISM IN POWER. some necessary calling. Mental whether congenital and constitutional, or occurring through shock, distress, or lack of educational advantages. In no single case where life-long burden, mortification, contempt, hostility, disparagement, abuse, mean advantage-taking, cruel suffering, and deprivation of the goods of life, follow upon the innocent but hapless entail of physical or mental disability, can we believe the righteous Ruler of the world will ignore a claim to compensation? Some of the most golden hearts and noblest natures in the world, through some fatal mental or physical defect, rather hinder than help when they call upon their powers to do their best in the service of others. How bitter the cup which such are called upon to drink ! The bars of disability confine the soaring eagle ; the sword of the knight-errant snaps at every stroke. But methinks I can see that the strongest and most joyful angels of the future, w r hose brows are beaded with the diamond sweat, which is their crown for serviceable work, will be the transfigured men and women who now travail in the battle of their physical or mental defects. With glad surprise they will feel the bold pinion grow upon their shoulders, so that the work beyond their reach on earth shall be found, absorbed, wrought upon, inbreathed and breathed into, beyond a critic's scorn by the new powers of the compensating world to come. (5,) Innocent Ignorance. It is truly a shocking con- templation the hordes of human beings, who innocently suffer from their ignorance. Inexpressibly pathetic when the mother, seeking to relieve the wailing child, admin- isters a remedy which only aggravates the disease. Think of the terrible penalties that attend the innocent trans- gressions of ignorant children, who cannot be always under their parents' eyes, especially among the poor. Wickedness, it may be said, has slain its thousands, but ignorance its tens of thousands. Now there is nothing ETERNAL COMPENSATION. 81) morally chargeable against men for not earlier, or better, or more universally discerning the laws of the terrible machinery amidst which we live. Men of science are God's messengers sent to bless us by turning everyone of us away from our ignorant transgressions, and we bless God for them ; but their words have not reached to the ends of the earth as yet ; and when Governments would heed them, they are weakened by the obstructions of powerful vested interests. Surely the Loving and Just One is not indifferent to suffering that is not due to sin ; suffering that smites the babe, the child, the good, the pure, the Saint, who have not had the means of interpreting some occult precept of the veiled Demiurge, and simply for that are .smitten by his pitiless sword. There must be compensation for the victims of unimmoral ignorance we say there must be, simply on the ground that God is just. (6,) Cosmic Calamity. The flood, the earthquake, and the storm. The plague, pestilence, and famine. The drought the doing of the sun spots, the envelope of comets' tails, some day perhaps a crash into a more solid body. It is evident that knowledge, holiness all fail man here. He is a fly upon the wheels of nature and a fly that has no wings. Not one of the seeming adventitious woes of the world come without our Father " Verily, verily I say unto you, not a sparrow falleth to the ground without your Father," and the "very hairs of your head are numbered." Oh ! rolling- sun, there is a might that is mighter than yours. There is a love more enduring than your fires, for they will go out, but that will illumine eternity ! There is an axis upon which all things turn, and that is the Justice of God's throne. Therefore do we look for compensation to the victims of cosmic calamity. The millions of Chinese who perished through the bursting banks of " China's sorrow " first flood, then famine following upon it. The robbery 90 PURITANISM IN POWER. by nature of the painful Agriculturist's reward ; his har- vest, duly earned, withheld ; shall not the Lord of the harvest judge for these things by paying the husbandman in the world to come ? There is nothing so absolutely verifi- able in history as the " Power that makes for righteous- ness." Judgment long delayed reward long postponed befalls at length. It is the same God yesterdaj 7 , to-day, and for ever ; and He who lets no wrong be done by man to man without its sure revenge, will never allow an injury to be inflicted by the natural work of His hands without awarding compensation in the future. If He employs cosmic calamity as an instrument in the myste- rious march of human progress and moral training (and who can doubt it '?) He will acknowledge liability for the compensation of those who, as individuals, suffer for the benefit of the race. The view opened up by these considerations is of the most cheering character. We contemplate the future state as a permanent court for the reparation of human wrongs and sufferings ; and as the individuals are legion, whose causes must of necessity be pleaded before the Just and Holy God, we have guaran- tees for felicitous awards countless in number, and ever- lasting in their duration. But where, the astonished reader may gasp out, where have you scriptural warrant for all this ? Briefly, in the words of the Saviour Himself "Blessed are ye that mourn, for ye shall be comforted. Woe unto you that laugh now, for ye shall weep. Blessed are ye that hunger now, for ye shall be filled." Irrespective of moral desert, the determination of God to redress and compensate for earthly inequalities oi opportunity and happiness is everywhere apparent. ' He everywhere hath sway, And all things own His might ; His every act pure blessing is His path unsullied light." ETERNAL COMPENSATION. 91 Stick to that. No thought like that hut has its basal fact in God. It has flashed from the Father of Lights with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. Are the multitudes who mourn now many, and who innocently hunger many? Then you can measure the laughter and the plenty of the other world. God has reserved His best wine till the last. We, here at the table of this world, are feasting upon the dregs only of His Fatherly love. The sensitive conscience of the Christian will ever constrain him to cry out that mercies surpass all his deserts, and in such holy light as is given him to live by, so will he. But to all men the dread responsibility of that light is not communicated, and of the sorrowing victimised masses it may certainly be said that they are jointly and severally summoned by the Sermon on the Mount to sit down in some ante-chamber of the Kingdom of Heaven, where the angels shall be bidden to bear out now the wine that has been kept until the last, and where the Governor of the feast will explain the parable of their lives and lead them into the glorious riches of His gospel truth. Amen. BOOK II. A NATIONAL CHURCH, 95 CHAPTER L- A NATIONAL CHUECH. IF, as we have endeavoured to show in the preceding pages, salvation is for all men, although there are "first-fruits," ordained to be the first recipients, and in a higher degree than the "after-fruits" if that is true, then it follows that a church organization for nations, as well as freely associating eclectic churches for the "first- fruits," is the fitting embodiment of the idea, and the proper instrument for affecting the practical religious results of that ordained procedure. A national church, so far from being non- scriptural in idea, is the main thought of Scripture. For the universal kingdom of Christ is the ultimate of its entire contents, and in the various references to this glorious consummation, it would appear that mankind will preserve its divisions into families and kindreds and nations and kingdoms, the " saved nations " (saved as nations) being subject with their kings to the kingdom which is over all. Ordinances for religious worship and teaching a vehicle for the religious sentiment, and an instrument for religious culture would necessarily enter into the polity of the saved nations, and be the special care of the subject rulers. That the nations will be judged and that the ever- lasting kingdom will be established upon the destruction of Christ's enemies is indeed abundantly evident, but it is no less clear that the issues of judgment are inex- pressibly glorious. If we look into the prophetic Book of Psalms what cheering prospects are unfolded. "All the ends of the world shall remember and turn 96 PURITANISM IN POWER. unto the Lord : and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. For the kingdom is the Lord's, and he is the governor among the nations." Ps. xxii. '27, 28. " Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive : thou hast received gifts for men ; yea, for the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell among them." Ps. Ixviii. 18. " The Kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts. Yea, all kings shall fall down before him : all nations shall serve him Prayer also shall be made for him continually; and daily shall he be praised All nations shall call him blessed Let the whole earth be filled with his glory." Ps. Ixxii. 10, 11, 15, 17, 19. "All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, Lord, when they hear the words of thy mouth. Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the Lord : for great is the glory of the Lord." Ps. cxxxviii. 4, 5. "All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, Lord; and shall glorify thy name." Ps. Ixxxvi. 9. "Arise, God, judge the earth; for thou shalt inherit all nations." Ps. Ixxxii. 8. It is in the light of such passages that we understand their apparent converse. "Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen that have not known thee, and upon the kingdoms that have not called upon thy name." Ps. Ixxix. 6. " The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God." Ps. Ix. 17. Judgment is evidently mercy's herald. Bunyan's dream may be reversed, Then I saw that even from the gate of hell there was a way that led unto the Mercy Seat, where the Son of Man judges man. The point, however, of these references is, that National A NATIONAL CHUKCH. 97 Churches are implied throughout ; the mention of Kings identifies the ruling authority of the nations, and their worship must be indicative of a national act expressed through organised religious facilities. If we turn to the Prophets the national idea is still predominant. "And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob ; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths : for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people : and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks : nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord." Isaiah ii. 2-5. "Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon His kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this." Isaiah ix. 7. "In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the Land of Egypt : for they shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a Saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them. And the Lord shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know the Lord in that day, and shall do sacrifice and oblation; yea, they shall vow a vow unto the Lord and perform it. In that day 7 98 PURITANISM IN POWER. shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land : Whom the Lord of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt un- people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance." Isaiah xix. 19-21, 24, 25. "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth : for I am God, and there is none else. I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear. In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory. "- Isaiah xlv. 22, 23, 25. "Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee because of the Lord thy God, and for the Holy one of Israel; for he hath glorified thee." Isaiah Iv. 5. "And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kin^s to the brightness of thy rising. The nation and king- dom that will not serve thee shall perish ; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted. The people also shall be all righteous: they shall inherit the land for ever. A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the Lord will hasten it in his tirne."- Isaiah Ix. 3, 12, 21, 22. " And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord."- Isaiah Ixvi. 23. "From the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same my name shall be great among the Gentiles ; and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name } and a pure offering, for my name shall be great among the heathen, saith the Lord of hosts." Malachi i. 11. In the New Testament the national idea is not obliterated by the predominant insistence of the New Revelation upon the relation of true religion to every man's A NATIONAL CHURCH. 99 soul. That indeed is fundamental to all religion, and was the special herald of the dispensation in which a spiritual kingdom was to be founded, scattered among world powers, until the period of incubation passed the kingdom of heaven upon earth should spring to the touch of Christ's returning feet, and commence its lasting worldly sway. The national idea, so far from being lost sight of, is emphasized and its scope made universal. Old Testa- ment prophecy dealt with nations bordering upon the Jewish, and by whom the chosen people were historically affected ; the new Eevelation lifts up its disciples' necks to behold a vista far beyond that the heavenly dove flying over the floods of iniquity to discover fruit unto God upon other hills of Zion, far, far away. This was the note of the herald angel, the teaching of the parables, the commission to the Apostles, the burden of the tongues of fire, the prophecies of the Epistles. The key note of the Gospel is Cltrist the King; not over hearts alone over principalities and powers, reveal- ing His Lordship over laws of nature and the unseen spirits of the under world, arid only declining the robe of worldly empire because the time to wear it was not yet. He deprived Himself of power before kings, only that He might take it again, and received condemnation at the bar of their iniquitous tribunals, in order that He might hereafter judge the world in righteousness, and rule the people in equity through ecclesiastical and civil courts, the very opposite of those by which He suffered. He broke down the Jewish "hedge" and made the inflated fanatics know that Abraham's blessing to all other nations was contained in Him. He sent His disciples forth to preach His Gospel to every creature poured His Spirit of Pentecost upon proselytes as well as colonists, and bade His disciples be of good cheer, because He would be with them to the end of this Age, when He 100 PURITANISM IN POWER. would come again to restore the kingdom unto Israel, and through the spiritual Israel, a righteous Rule to the ends of the wide world. " Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold : them also I must bring" (not abolish- ing their otherness their nationality), " and they shall hear my voice : and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." John x. 16. Yes, other sheep in every national variety many nations, but one fold ; and Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ one Shepherd the Shepherd and Bishop of all souls. "And the angel said to them, Fear not : for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people." Luke ii. 10. " I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness : there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matt. viii. 11, 12. (Compare with the foregoing, Rom. xi. 26: "And so all Israel shall be saved.") " Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof." Matt. xxi. 43. " One is your Master, even Christ : and all ye are brethren." Matt, xxiii. 8. "0 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, . . your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.*' Matt, xxiii. 37-39. " And this Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations ; and then shall the end come." Matt. xxiv. 14. " Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost : Teaching them to observe all things A NATIONAL CHUKCH. 101 whatsoever I have commanded you : and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the age." Matt, xxviii. 19, 20. " For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man and a holy, and observed him ; and when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly. "- Mark vi. 20. " The woman was a Greek, a Syrophenician by nation ; and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter. But Jesus said unto her, Let the children first be filled (first-fruits) : for it is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it unto the dogs. Yes, Lord : yet the dogs under the table eat of the children's crumbs. And he said unto her, For this saying go thy way; the devil is gone out of thy daughter " (after-fruits) .Mark vii. 26-29. " Verily I say unto you, I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God." Mark xiv. 25. " He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest : and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David : And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever ; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy ; As He spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever." Luke i. 32, 33, 54, 55. (Similarly Zacharias Luke i. 68-79.) " A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel." Luke ii. 32. " Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth." Luke xi. 2. " Ye are they who have continued with me in my temptations. And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me ; That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel." Luke xxii. 28-30. 102 PURITANISM IN POWER. " Thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day : And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." Luke xxiv. 46, 47, 48. " Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." John i. 29. "We have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world."- John iv. 42. " Now is the judgment of this world : now shall the prince of this world be cast out. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." John xii. 31, 32. " Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word ; that they all may be one ; as thou Father art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me." John xvii. 20, 21. " Feed my lambs. Shepherd my sheep. Feed my choice flock." John xxi. 15, 16, 17. "He (Caiaphas), being high priest that same year, prophesied that Jesus should die for the nation ; And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad." John xi. 49, 51, 52. " For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." Acts ii. 39. " Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the cove- nant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed." Acts iii. 25. " Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons : but in every A NATIONAL CHUKCH. 103 nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him." Acts x. 34, 35. " Send men to Joppa, and call for Simon, whose sur- name is Peter ; Who shall tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved." Acts xi. 13-15. "And to this agree the words of the prophets ; as it is written, After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up: that the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called, saith the Lord, who doeth all these things. "- Acts xv. 15 17. '' God hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation ; That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might find him, though he be not far from every one of us." Acts xvii. 26, 27. " Be it known therefore unto you, that the Salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it." -Acts xxviii. 28. "Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also." Eom. iii. 29. "... blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved." Eom. xi. 25, 26. "For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God." Eom. xiv. 11. " That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel." Eph. iii. 6. "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth ; and that every tongue should confess that 104 PURITANISM IN POWER. Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."- Phil. ii. 10, 11. "And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven." Col. i. 20. " I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men ; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour ; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus ; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. Whereunto I am ordained a preacher and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not ;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity. I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. "- 1 Tim. ii. 1-8. These passages, cursorily selected, are only offered to show that individualism is not the predominant note in Scripture, that the order of the Divine concept is the nation, the tribe, the family, the man, and then from the man back again to the nation a saved family of nations being the object consistently contemplated. The calvinistic theology contemplates the man only, and is not unscrip- tural so far, but in resting at the point of the individual it comes wofully short of the scriptural scope and idea. Wofully short too of accomplishing the non-individual aims of Scripture in the readiest manner and on the most extensive scale possible. Make the man right, say the evangelicals, and by-and- bye the family, the tribe, and the nation will right them- selves. It is only theoretically true. The reigning A NATIONAL CHUKCH. 105 world powers, as hisbory abundantly testifies, are able to stamp out the divine fire when burning only among individuals, and were the scientific atheistic spirit in England to-day to grasp the reins of power, it would soon indict religious enthusiasm as inimical to its secular prosperity, and put the mission preacher and district visitor among the disturbers of the peace. Practically the righteous Nation must be aimed at it is God's procedure and by Providential aids it must be historically born before it becomes. We have God selecting Abraham, not to rest alone in him, but that he might become the Father of a chosen people and a source of blessing to all other nations. When his seed came into degraded suffering bondage in Egypt, Moses might make individual converts, but that would never have saved the nation. The entire people must be lifted out of ungodly conditions and placed under an ecclesiastical and civil polity framed for its culture and growth in real greatness. This was done miraculously ; the age of miracles is passed, though it is returning upon us, and in the night will batter at our doors ; but to the eye of faith there is even now a burn- ing bush and an awful whisper, and the rod of Moses is tendered to the Church's hands. The prophets who criticised the nation were after all its product ; and the departures they denounced were not aberrations from codes and customs which were the spontaneous creation of associated individuals disciples of Moses, but they were departures from a law framed for a nation before it was one ; framed for a nation whose legacy of institu- tions provided for it ab extra, maintained the piety and hopes of one of its tribes, which finally gave birth to a man, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, who alone fulfilled the law and made it honourable, and alone surpassed it. We say, then, the order of the Divine procedure is from the man to the nation, and from the nation to the man, 106 PURITANISM IN POWER. the nation acting upon the man and the man reacting upon the nation, so that the prophets horn within the nation's borders shall wax in greatness and not wane. It is of course to the Jewish polity we must look for the triumphant vindication of a National Church, and with that, of the doctrine of universalism to which it is logically allied. The mere fact that God should have selected a nation in its totality to be a chosen people, unto whom to com- municate knowledge of the Divine will, is itself a declaration of the Divine purpose to save the world. For why take an entire people if the calvinistic individ- ualism exhausts the Divine mind upon the matter. If half a tribe had been selected and the other eleven and a half tribes been left in heathen darkness, it would be con- sistent with Evangelical theology. Instead, we have special religious knowledge imparted to the entire nation, with provision for letting no child or slave remain in ignorance, Church privileges open to all, a special priesthood avail- able for all, ordinances and sacrifices enjoined upon and made suitable for all. To all alike, we say, were given saving ordinances, the first of which was Moses himself. Moses, the Saviour of the Jews, was the Saviour -of the entire people. He did not leave a single Jew behind in Egypt. This i'act is of immense significance. It is the purpose of Christ to lead the whole world from the bondage of sin, through the wilderness of retribution, into the promised land of eternal felicity. The Paschal Lamb was slain in every household, its blood was sprinkled on every lintel and door-post, and it was effectual to ward off the Angel of Death from every Israelite. We say the dealing of God with the Jews is indicative of His purpose and method in regard to the entire human race. And in order that this purpose might be clearly apparent, Egypt is made temporarily reprobate, but the Prophets explicitly declare A NATIONAL CHURCH. 107 that the good things first given to Israel shall afterwards be shared by her and Assyria ; similarly when ten tribes are lost on account of their sad departure from the holy ordinances committed to them, and when the remnant for a like reason endure the captivity in Babylon, the captives are returned to their native kingdom ; and respecting the lost sheep, we have parables of our Lord in which to read their future fate and the explicit declara- tion of the Apostle, that "all Israel shall le saved." What more could be done or said to reveal to us the bearing of the parable of Jewish history upon the true interpretation of Gospel promises, and the true ecclesiastic polity for Christian states ? When our Lord stood in Nazareth and proclaimed deliverance to the captive, and the opening of the prison house to them that are bound, He proclaimed that His Gospel was not for the righteous, but for sinners, for nations judged and sent into captivity, for criminals cast into prison. The very sections of mankind that the Pharisee and the Calvinist alike dismiss to the mercies of God's sword, He the rejected of His family and kinsmen said should taste the acceptable year of the Lord. The words had gone forth from those blessed lips, which it were bootless to think of staining with blood by dashing Him headlong from the height before His hour had come. He surveyed the wide receding purple of the plain, the stains of Lebanon covered by God's snow, the glistening silver of the summer sea a landscape, wide and glorious as His promise and, lo ! their captive was delivered from their hands ! It is a poor and faulty philosophy which would arbitrarily cut off the New Testament from all connection with the Old, and maintain that with the institutions and scheme of the latter we have now nothing to do. It is easily said, but it is amazingly crude and questionable. How can it be conceived of the immutable Jehovah that 108 PURITANISM IN POWER. His declared mind and will for the religious and civil polity of a people have undergone so complete an alteration that He has so completely left former things behind and severed every Christian fruit from every Jewish root, that the two economies are to be regarded as antithetically unrelated, and the detailed record of Jewish institutions and history occupying so large a portion of revelation are to be viewed as having no practical lessons for us to-day? We cannot so conceive of the All- wise Jehovah. How much more agreeable to right reason is it to enter upon the examination of God's dealings with His chosen people with the holy expectation that therein we may find revealed to us the eternal principles which should underlie the civil and religious polity of every nation under the sun in the belief that God has not revealed Himself as a God of individuals only, but a God of nations, and as He has given us Divine direction as units, and as families, so also as nations, and that looking into the history of a chosen nation with this object we shall have clear guidance upon the questions of national education and religious ordinances, also upon the land laws, master and servant, treatment of brutes, with commerce and banking. Not expecting to find per- fection in the institutions given to a people in a very immature state of development, but clear direction upon principles, which continually applied under the broader and brighter beams of the Christian revelation should advance nations in righteousness and consequent happiness, and make them one by one so many chosen homes of God. The Jewish dispensation is frequently and correctly spoken of as a temporal one. And this is one of the most evident principles underlying its polity. Its great lesson for us and for all rulers is that "the Lord is for the body." A clear revelation is made of God's intimate con- cern in the temporal welfare of His creatures; He has A NATIONAL CHURCH. 109 not placed them here as upon a spring board from which they are to leap into heaven, but as upon meadow amid whose green pastures they are to lie and feed, blessing the God who made and bountifully provided for them, and then taught by sun and shower, by drought and plenty, be taken to the higher and the better land beyond. God magnifies and glorifies this human life of ours, almost to the apparent exclusion of any life beyond, in the whole of the Jewish economy and history. This is the logical order earth life comes first ; attention to that is the first need of man. I am for that, said the God of the Jews. My people shall have manna and water from the rock. I will not put them off when dying for thirst by promising them heaven as a compensation. Follow My example, ye rulers. Feed your people first. Board schools come after that unless you want my curse to fall, where infants without breakfast nod or swoon upon your Board School forms. And the manna fell just enough for each enough for all no more. Follow that, ye rulers, saith the Most High God. Mountains of wealth and ditches of penury are not My order. That spirit is from beneath and not from above. My order the eternally divine order is equality of privilege for all the sons of men. Settled in Canaan, the land shall not be heaped together in private hands, but return to the inheritance of families at the year of jubilee. Touching is the tender thoughtfulness for the poor the stranger and the slave. There is indeed one patronised class that runs through all history. Blessed are they who belong to it, the class of the poor, the suffering, and the wronged God is their Patron God will avenge them and that right early. The principle of national patriotism stands out boldly in the Jewish economy and history. The people were to cherish then* traditions, love their own, and while just and merciful to strangers ever remember that 110 PURITANISM IN POWEK. the seed of Abraham, their brethren, had first claim upon their care. A lesson for all nations this, and standing neatly at right angles with the national blessings con- ferred upon us by the Cobden School. The Englishman to-day expatriates his children, sighs for the Chinese to take their place, and sweetens his cup of satisfaction with continental rather than colonial sugar. Education was free and religious. It was conducted at every feast : in the home, and by the nations' priests and scribes. Keligious ordinances were provided by a special national endowment for all the people, high and low, religious and profane ; discipline was exercised, sudden, miraculous and dread, but that very discipline in cutting them off from the family recognised the offenders as children. The institution of the Jewish Sabbath is one of the foundation principles for the polity of nations that has done more for the happiness of mankind than any other custom handed down from antiquity. It is a custom which has made the character and the pre-eminence of Englishmen and will lend grit and integrity, sobriety, stability and reverence, as well as joy and satisfaction to every nation which keeps it in the Jewish spirit. To keep a seventh day as a Saturnalia is not Jewish and still less Christian. Woe be to that people who having a pearl placed within their hands cast it to the swine. Woe to England if she looks sneakingly across the channel for an additional gloss to her day of rest, instead of finding it in the smiles of her white slaves released from the toil of bearing congregations to popular preachers, and firing the furnaces and serving the shifts of factories that know not Moses. He who said that the sabbath was made for man would be the first to enforce the sermon from Mount Sinai against the modern practice. If working men are beguiled into advocating the opening of museums and picture galleries on Sundays, .A NATIONAL CHUBCH. Ill innocent in itself as the licence may appear, the results in augmented street traffic and in a breach of the national sentiment, which is the only guarantee for the retention of the toilers' privilege, will speedily awaken them to the folly of their course. Perish your pictures, your science and your curiosities, if to see them on Sunday, instead of upon Saturday half-holidays, work- men must forego a clearer vision of nature and of God, and the knowledge which surpasses science, all now depending upon the retention of a Puritanical Sunday. To the Jew the Sabbath, no less than his other religious Feasts, was a day of joy. We can little comprehend the gladness with which the tribes went up from the four corners of their little land to worship at Jerusalem. The periodical picnics would excite the family happily for weeks beforehand. The tribal fellowship, the national patriotism, the faith and fidelity to their religious tradition, were all maintained and intensified by these seasons of recurring joy. Business and marketing were united to the religious and the social purpose. Happy indeed are the people whose God the Lord is. Maintaining fealty to Moses, the dew of blessing rested on their branches, their cattle multiplied upon the hills, and the clusters swelled beneath the verdant vine. No nation was permitted to insult their State and liberty. But heathendom, covetousness, and pleasure made them fail, the Sabbaths and the Feasts were violated and unprized, until, year by year, Ichabod writ large was on her altars, and the majesty and glory, the liberty, and the very existence of the Jewish state were gone. Now r the further value of this institution of the Jewish Sabbath consists in this that it implies a National Church. For how, it may be asked, could national obedience be rendered to the prescribed keeping of reli- gious feasts without a National Church, of which each subject of the State was also a member ? 112 PURITANISM IN POWER. It may be said that the Sabbath cannot now be truly and wholly kept in any part of England where the Parish Church is in ruins, other places of worship non-existent, and neighbouring ones inaccessible. Best for the body is a keeping of the Sabbath, and so is a sober family festival, when the wage-earner, released from servitude, can once a week dine with his family. These are blessings in which the horses upon the common also share ; but we want more than they. And so we come to the last and greatest respect in which Jewish polity is a beacon to the nations. The nation of the Jews had a divinely instituted National Church. To imagine that the Jewish Church has no eternal and abiding significance that its identity with the entire nation was not meant to teach us anything, is too crudely conceived to call for serious refutation. The mind and will of God manifested in the institu- tions provided for a chosen people cannot be summarily dismissed from the controversy by conjectures and assumptions of that kind. The Jewish people were set for a sign, and everything that belonged to them was significant ; if anything, their National Church system most of all. And here is no question of types and shadows that have passed with the advent of the things they heralded: nor of the institution of a priestly tribe and sacrificial functions which in the Christian development would necessarily disappear. It is with these, as attached and in- separable from the realized principle of a National Church Establishment for the Jewish nation, that we alone have to deal. And we ask why this principle of a National Church is not to be placed in the same category with the prohibition cf making slaves of brethren ; with the pro- visions against the accumulation of land by individuals ; with the institution of a seventh clay's religious festival ? Why should not the principle of the institution of a A NATIONAL CHURCH. 113 National Church be also regarded as a model to Christian people for all time ? It will help us to answer this question to remember that in addition to the individual life, there is the family life, the municipal life, and the national life ; that God deals with mankind in all these relations, and that His judgment of men thus incorporated is not affected by exceptions in the conduct of individual members of the corporation, provided those members are subordinate. The family is judged by the acts of its head, the city by those of its representative rulers, and the nation by its national deeds. In each case there may be individual exceptions and protesters against the conduct which ensures the blessing or the curse, but that does not affect the result, which is regulated by the federal behaviour. (The compensation to individuals who are innocently implicated being referred to a future state.) These relationships, it is true, belong to the Time state. Eeligion is also for the Time state. It has been man's marked peculiarity in every clime and in all time. He is constituted a religious animal. Eeligion is as necessary to his human existence as food. It is the first duty of nations to provide for their children, not only as animals, but men. Have we facts to go upon in declaring that God deals with man in the family, the municipal, and the national relationships ? Surely we need not hesitate here. His- tory, sacred and profane, is crammed with examples. The question is, Did Christ when He came to inaugurate a new dispensation also dissolve all the primary and fundamental bases of society, and mean that henceforth religion should concern itself solely with segregated atoms of humanity, each disciple, as it were, literally seated in the heavenlies, effectually separated from the world, and having his own damp cloud, single harp, and separate palm, or was it intended to be a new and living 8 114 PURITANISM IN POWER. force energizing and transforming every existing group and future combination of men existing as co-partners in the Globe ? Was the new religion simply the erection of a spiritual kingdom which should hover above and about the earthly kingdoms as a flame surrounds its wick, or was it finally to penetrate the wick and make it too luminous ? Did it come as the Eedeemer of Men before they were angels and the Salvation of human life before it was done with ? and, Did it bring invitations to the world at large and proclaim a Divine goodwill to deliver man from every evil, both in this world and the next ? We cannot answer these questions in the only way that reason suggests, without corning to the conclusion, that the principle of a National Church was a living and abiding principle in Judaism which Christianity never meant to destroy ; but only allowed to be buried like a seed for a period, in order that it might afterwards have a more glorious resurrection. To argue the contrary is virtually to cease to recognise the importance or even the suitability of family worship, or, sooth to say, public worship of any sort; for the doors are customarily open, and, were they not, into the selectest circle of elected disciples a Judas might enter. Is this so or not ? Is it the case that in most congrega- tions of dissenters the gathering is quite as promiscuous as any which may be found in an established church '? And is it the case that Sunday Schools are opened and closed by religious exercises in which few but the teachers seriously partake, while it is obvious they cannot possibly be dispensed with ? If these things are so, the grounds upon which Church establishments are objected to, as inconsistent in their design and realization with the spiritual nature of a true Church, are necessarily traversed, and the practical value of the contention reduced to nil. While, on the other hand, if there be any value in public worship (as few will dispute there is A NATIONAL CHURCH. 115 in family and Sunday School worship), then, in the attempt to furnish the entire nation with facilities for its observance, a national scheme must be incomparably more efficient than any competing voluntary enterprises. We assume then (a,) That the Christian religion is intended to be taught to and observed by all men. (b ,) And that it is the will of its Divine Founder that for its propagation and right observance every teaching and worshipping facility that can be afforded by the family, the school, the town and county authority, and the nation should be used for that end. (c,) That this will may be inferred from, and was unquestionably exemplified by, the institution of the Jewish Church. And we say that in the attempt to furnish the entire nation with facilities for the teaching and observance of Christ's religion, a national scheme must be incomparably more efficient than any competing voluntary enterprises. It must be so, in the first place, because for the com- plete and efficient occupation of the ground, national revenues will alone suffice. It is so, in the second place, because no single sect of the numerous brood pretends to have obtained the popular suffrage or, we will say, to have attracted con- vinced disciples, in a clearly predominant degree. As the free churches are at present constituted and worked (we for the time exclude consideration of the Wesleyans and their offshoots) they have necessarily be- come the religious homes of members of the middle class, to the exclusion of their more numerous poorer brethren. This is broadly true of the towns where Dissent is strongest. And the reason is not far to seek, it is one indigenous to the voluntary system, incapable of elimina- tion under our present conditions, and while fraught with mischief to the religious life of the existing members 116 PURITANISM IN POWER. dooms any attempt to spread the system universally to absolute and merited failure. That reason is in brief That the expensiveness of the Free Church Organization and Pastorate is such, and the luxury and accessories of worship have become so advanced, that the voluntary taxation submitted to can only be supported by the comparatively rich. The accumulation of riches for the purpose of their display is one of the chief crying sins of the time, but when their display takes the form of a rivalry in religious liberality and philanthropic doles, then the sins of avarice and pride are made to wear the appearance of heavenly virtue, and for this virtue both the genuine and the spurious sort alike depending upon wealth the Free Churches afford an unbounded opportunity. An opportunity which is nevertheless insufficiently availed of, for notwithstanding that by a natural process the chief men in every " strong " congregation are the rich men, the general condition of Free Church finance is one of anxious struggling to make both ends meet, and as the struggle increases a pious desire is chronically enter- tained that more hearts (or purses) may be opened, and that the multitudes which are prayed for to flock in may in the main have been prosperous in trade. From struggling churches, many of them hopelessly involved in debt, and depending for existence upon the chance display of gifts of startling magnitude from Societies were gold goes farther than godliness to secure a sympathetic fellowship from places luxuriously equipped to provide a sumptuous sipping of Gospel sweets, the multitudes of toiling, struggling, defrauded and often despairing peoples turn self-respectingly away, and by the patronage of some " strong " congregations are offered Mission Halls instead, receptacles for that painful poverty which it is desirable should not needlessly molest A NATIONAL CHURCH. 117 the comfort of the mother Church. In order to complete this scheme for reaching the masses and doing national work to Mission Halls will have to be added Bagged Kooms ; and thus at the end of nineteen centuries we find the communion of Saints preceded by a sorting of them into first, second, and third class, and a request that they will be seated in the several compartments ! But, oh ! when He who planed away the inequalities of planks went forth from Nazareth with shavings creeping after Him and clinging lovingly to His robe, to preach the Kingdom of His Father God, He never dreamt of that ! And neither have the founders of National Churches ever dreamt of it. As a hen spreadeth herself to gather her brood beneath her wings the lordly pile of the National Church lifts itself above the murky dwellings of the populous parish, and invites the lowliest as well as the wealthiest within its doors. The child of the gutter who has never trodden grass beneath its feet may there "consider the lilies" as they bloom upon the altar. A vision of grandeur and of beauty expands itself in gem-like window, mysterious roof and storied fresco, and sordid poverty is regaled with sight of spotless linen, as the righteousness of Saints, worn by Billy Tucker the news boy and Sam who was once in jail, and Tommy Lamkin the carpenter's son, with others who now in state majestical parade from the vestry to the chancel, and raise sweet song to Him who "putteth down the mighty from their seat, and exalfceth the humble and the meek, who filleth the hungry with good things and sendeth the rich empty away." But this by the way. Our point at present is, neither the predominating sovereigns, nor the sparse pence of the Free Church congregations can suffice for national work. The Churches are continually driven to their wits' end not a. long way in many cases to meet the demands made upon them. What with the competition in organs, in steeples 118 PURITANISM IN POWER. and in bribing popular preachers to stay who have got a higher bid for their eloquence, they know not which way to turn to meet the treasurer's deficit, much less can they con- template setting up the same chronic impecuniosity and harassing struggle for trade existence in every corner of England, though limiting their aim, to the provision of second and third class accommodation only. And this brings us to the consideration of the second reason, why competing voluntary systems can never compete with, or do, the work of a National Church. No single sect has such a preponderance of adherents, relatively to the population, as to invest the attempt to make it nationally acceptable with any prospect of success, even if the financial position were not, for the same reason an insuperable barrier. The singular part of the business has now to be exposed. The position, as above stated, is frankly accepted by denominational leaders, and all they ask is that England may be left to be partitioned between them. They profess each one to be a depositary of some vital truth which it is so necessary to emphasize and illustrate that it would be treason to strike their several flags and abandon their badges, and yet when they come to a village of 500 inhabitants where there are already four conventicles besides the Parish Church they will forbear to add a fifth to the number. But why should that precious interpretation of Scripture which brought into existence a powerful denomination with a great tradition be denied to these villages ? Why should pre- cious souls suffer by this treason to truth ? In reply it may be said We do, indeed, alone possess the only correct card showing the way to Zion, but we leave these good people to find their way by more circuitous routes, and pray that they may not take an entirely wrong turning. But here we are brought into great amazement. How dare depositaries of a vital truth, which they are ap- A NATIONAL CHURCH. 119 pointed to witness as against the sister churches, forbear their witness before four competing denominations, and how can they defend the principle of regulating their witness by the financial possibilities of different localities ? And why should the denizens of wealthier towns be privileged by the safest and best direction, while villagers, because poor villagers, must be left with only a partial illumination ? Either the denominational distinction is vital and essential, or it is not. If essential in the town, it is equally so in the village ; if not in the village, it can be dispensed with in the town. By their methods of plant- ing themselves for the propagation of their views, the several denominations implicitly surrender their several raison d'etre. But it was never so with the founders of a National Church. Her dogmas and doctrines once settled and defined, cultured and adequate expounders and defenders of her faith shall be placed in every hamlet aye, even in every wilderness as well as spread in every quarter of every town. The result of handing over England to voluntaryism w r ould be precisely analogous to that which we see attending the present economical cultivation of the soil. Only those districts would be put under cultivation which promised to bring additional strength to the de- nomination or, in economical language, would "pay." Eegardless of the fact that it is the duty, as it is also the interest of every Christian state to submit every human heart, as well as every allotted and cultivable tract of land, to the test, whether it can only bring forth weeds or not, and that the worst soil of human nature can, by Gospel grace, be transmuted to the best, we should see England with great waste patches, except where, as in Worcestershire, a single denomination, prompted by a layman, has determined that colporteurs shall do, to the 120 PURITANISM IN POWEK. extent of their means and power, that duty which the lack both of parochial and free church agency had left undone. The Jewish Church being one with the state Moses, the Legislator, being an inspired prophet of God, and .kings frequently uniting to their office Priestly functions, were meant to teach this great lesson to the nations that there is really no distinction between the sacred and the secular. All things secular, so called, are really sacred legislation most obviously so. The strange idea has, however, possessed the minds of muddled moderns that the true conception of a State is the incalculably mean one of a glorified policeman and rate collector, and that to neither or both of these func- tionaries can be properly committed the care of Christ's Church. Let us regard the question, as we are entitled to regard it, in reference to the free self-governing state of England and then ask, May not a nation justly expect to groan under unjust laws if religion has not entered into the principles of its legislation ? and how is practical religion to permeate legislation if our legislators are not religious men ? and if, perceiving that, we pack Parliament with religious men, how can Parliament be deemed unfitted to deal with matters of religion ? This confusion about things sacred and secular is really little creditable to the acumen or common sense of Christian thinkers, and is especially to be wondered at in men who are constantly declaiming against the dedi- cation and consecration of people, places, and buildings to religious uses as a matter of superstition. They, on their part, would absolutely rail off the holy work of legislating for a nation and call it secular nothing truly sacred but what pertains to the four walls of a con- venticle. Whereas Religion is perpetually crying in deaf ears the sentiment of the Pagan Poet, " Nothing that A NATIONAL CHURCH. 121 belongs to humanity is foreign to me. Everything human falls within my province." Streets are to be swept as in God's sight, for that His children should suffer sickness through the neglect of a Municipality is a challenge to His rod. The water must be pure that His children are given to drink pure as the mountain fountain of which Moses was the engineer. The people must be fed this is primary. God took His children to a land of plenty, not of scarcity a good land not a vile starveling inheri- tance, such as our laws, because deemed a secular instead of a sacred business, have made for great masses of our people. To educate the nation is a sacred thing, and cannot possibly be done as it should be done, unless religion be made its basis and its crown. To teach the people trades is also sacred, not secular. They are not to be taught to adulterate. They are not to be poisoned and mauled quite needlessly. Nobody is to be mulcted in a premium for giving a boy to add to the profit of a master, and no apprentice's labour is to be beautifully exploited by being charged for as journey- man's work, without the boy or the parent getting a share. To legislate for hours of labour and for employer's liability is sacred, not secular ; there is, properly speak- ing, nothing secular in any branch of legislation, because man is a sacred being for whom Christ died. To abolish the iniquitous robbery called "truck" is a holy and a sacred thing more holy far than the con- struction of the Athanasian Creed unless, indeed, amended so as to read, " Whosoever will be saved must believe that he who enslaves the spending of a man's wages and sweats sweaters' pay will, without doubt, perish everlastingly." To crack upon the head, without hope of resurrection, the crazy and hypocritical pretence 122 PURITANISM IN POWER. that there can ever be freedom of contract between wealth and want, is a sacred, not a secular thing. To rescue crews and captains of "ocean tramps " from, the deplorable alternative of going to sea in an overladen coffin or being left without employment, is a sacred, not a secular w T ork, and so is a purging and revolution of that system of insurance which protects capital at the expense of life, and of that unfettered licence in loading which permits unhallowed risks to be run and human beings to be sacrificed on no nobler altar than that of competitive carrying. What a huge waste of time, energy and money is repre- sented by the whole machinery of Insurance Fire, Life, and Marine. The same being true of Sick and Burial Clubs. Unless a Commonwealth is capable of taking upon itself the redemptions that these societies accomplish and so doing away with the temptation to murder upon the high seas, to arson, and to the massacre of thousands of innocents for the sake of burial fees, it is not worthy to be called a Christian Commonwealth. The Nation should be the only Insurance Company. To draw attention to these things is a sacred, and not a secular, duty, as is also the furthering of legislation that would do away with the house farmer and permit the industrious poor to retain such a proportion of their wages after payment of rent as the wealthier classes are able to do. To preach in season and out of season that the codes and conventions of " Business " can by no constraints or apologies whatever be reconciled with the laws of the Kingdom of God, is a sacred, and not a secular task ; and that the men, who in Parliament shall legislate with this in view, are in advance of the morality of the Pulpit and fully competent to take in hand both the doctrine and the government of the Church. They would probably deem that, to establish throughout the length and breadth of the land teachers and preachers of this. A NATIONAL CHURCH. 123 holy doctrine Christianity recovered and applied men who should be independent of wealthy supporters and removed from want, is the first necessity, as it is the alone saving health of nations. Why should it be deemed that a representative assem- bly to which Christians, in the vital puritanical sense, have the best reason to enter, should be unable to decide upon religious questions any the less, because they are daily applying religious doctrine in the work of righteous legislation ? In order to prove that their principles are right, do the Liberationists want to deplete the House of Commons of its Christian members, and to reduce the functions of Parliament rigidly to those of the watchman and tax gatherer ? They are behind the age, and know not what they are talking about. Law-making is as holy to-day as when it was thundered from Sinai, and the first and last qualifi- cations for a Parliamentary candidate are not an avowal of party-faith (save the mark !), not enlistment in any of the idly tournarnenting ranks Tory, Liberal, Eadical Eed Eags pick-locks to the Treasury no ! none of that simply the faith of a Christian and a pledge to make it operative and powerful in every branch of law. Am I to be told that men of this stamp are moved by the Spirit when they meet in a chapel vestry and decide to heighten the steeple to compete with the neighbouring church, but that of necessity they leave the Spirit behind them when they enter St. Stephen's to debate upon the teaching, the housing, the health, wealth, and salvation of the people? Is God ruling as Head of His church in the crowded, or scanty, church meeting whose every member is a subject of the nation, yet not ruling as Head of His church in that assembly where laws are made for the subjects of the nation ? The contention is illogical and 124 PURITANISM IN POWER. absurd, unspiritual and unreal, unphilosophical and untrue. The only rational faith of a Christian is that Christ as Head of His Church militant in the world is exercising His Headship on its behalf in every corner of the globe. That He makes His Headship imminent everywhere, from the highest State functionary to the lowest ; in the meanest as in the most exalted legislative assembly ; that He really and absolutely inspires, directs, controls every- thing that touches the interests of His spiritual kingdom, and is presiding in every council where those interests are involved. That Father who notes the fall of a sparrow and counts the very hairs of our head takes some interest presumably in every piece of law-making and adminis- tration throughout the world. Least of all could this be questioned when the branch of a nation's polity under consideration is that of its National Church. And so in the election of Bishops by the Sovereign. It is a vain and atheistic conception, consistent only with the denial of God in history and an abandonment of faith in a Divine Providence, to hold for a moment that every cotu/c d'elire is not indited by a Divine hand as truly as ever the tablets of Moses. He who with equal concentration of creative energy and Fatherly concern spins a planet or turns the spindles in a spider, overrules the vote of Mary Barton, when Little Bethel is electing a pastor, and gives the final turn to the battle between Queen and Premier as to who shall be Primate of England. Either that or infidelity. And the truth of this position is not invalidated by a reference to the sale of the Empire by Eoman Soldiers or the schemes of a Medici to plant a Pope in the Vatican, any more than it would be by an allusion to the Jewish people as rejectors of the King whom God had sent them. In the plan and ordering of this world's history the A NATIONAL CHURCH. 125 counsel of God stands fast, and every Divine principle whatsoever when sent current in the rnuddy ways of wordly life suffers prejudice in its course. We therefore revert to the original question, leaving the reader to supply the answer. Is the Jewish Church a lesson for nations or is it not'? and is the history of its partial failure and that of others in modern times any disproof of the divinity of the principle, or barrier to the belief that it will one day be brilliantly vindicated ? One thing is clearly noticeable in these latter days, the National idea is in the ascendant, and the failure of the Free Churches is everywhere confessed. At the same time a remarkable National Establishment for Education has come into existence ; has silenced the querulous opposition of its opponents by a splendid success and taken a position from which it will never be overthrown. The Board Schools are the complete and sufficient vin- dication of a National Church, and suggest the direction in which reform of the latter should be undertaken. These schools are churches, partially, provided by the nation wherever required, and have shown themselves capable of shutting up competing voluntary schools. The latest and the best appliances for education are always at command, the teachers are a trained efficient body, and by almost general consent prayer, praise, and the reading of God's word form part of the daily exercise. Here then we have the ordinances of public worship provided and supported by the nation for the nation, and the subtlest casuist, the most dissident dissenter, dare not say that the principle of a National Establishment is not implicit in the system. Will they venture to say, " Oh ! but they teach no creed." Why it is from the Free Churches themselves that we hear every week, "We hold no creed and will have none formulated." The Baptists have reduced 126 PURITANISM IN POWER. their creed to the two words "believers' immersion": if asked, believers in what? no one will dare to formulate an answer. If the Baptists are nebulous, emitting some light, the Congregationalists are hazy, emitting none ; from them it is utterly impossible to extract a creed, so that from neither of these wings of the Free Church army can any argument consistently proceed against a National Establishment, when at the sani3 time they concede the inestimable benefits of our Board School system. To teach the people to read and sum is to provide them with a valuable defence against the robbery to which they are constantly exposed. To teach them to read in an age of halfpenny newspapers and penny awfuls, without at the same time introducing them to the noblest library in the world, which to know is a Liberal education we mean the Bible is not to be characterized as a grievous mistake, but rather as an inexcusable crime. And as the general voice of the nation, instinctively right and kind, brusquely filliped the Nonconformist leaders in spite of the logical inconsistency, and decided that the Bible the children shall have ; the leaders were obliged to swallow their logic and summon a pious resignation, while the whole ground for objecting to a National Establishment crumbled beneath their feet. The current of Education has been washing away the foundations of the Liberation Society ever since it began to run. The children are being taught what it is the first necessity for a human creature to know 7 , and taught it at the National expense. It can never be a sufficient answer to say that a religious book in the Board School is superfluous, since it may be found in another Free School on Sundays, because to leave the book out of the Board School is explicity to declare to the children that it is a Book that can be dispensed with for the uses of daily life. Instead A NATIONAL CHURCH. 127 of being placed at the top it would by that course be dropped to the lowest place of ignominy : happily the nation, left to decide the matter apart from the dissenting drum, has saved the Bible and its own witness for Christianity. In the establishment and working of Board Schools the nation has joyfully, unanimously and distinctly declared that it is in favour of providing for its children means of grace and ordinances of worship out of funds levied by common consent. It has shouldered to the wall those sinister friends of Christianity, who would begin their mission by blackballing the best of books and would aim to make education a means of the moral elevation of the masses, while depriving the moral teacher of a standard of appeal, and compelling him to raise his children's thoughts no higher than the cane. It is an unworthy insinuation, obviously unwarranted by facts, to allege that to the Board School cannot safely be committed the teaching of religion, since none but a religious man can do it without injury. Of course, dogmatic teaching is not in the question but, apart from that, who will be bold enough to say that the ranks of Board School teachers do not contain a large minority, perhaps a majority of religious men in the vital puritanical sense? And if that be the case, to such extent the objection does not apply, while of the remaining body of teachers it might be said, if not enlightened and convinced Christians, they are put in the best way of becoming so, by being required daily to use those words w r hose entrance giveth life to the soul. Have the advocates of secular instruction ever con- sidered what injuriousness they would inflict upon religiously-minded teachers by prohibiting the simple liturgy now in use ? We find then that the case for a National Establish- ment has received unexpected and enormous succour in 123 PURITANISM IN POAVER. the very hour of its seeming extremity by the conduct of the nation in reference to its education. It can no longer be denied that the English people are prepared to provide national funds for a universal system of Bible reading and Christian worship that the Board Schools are nurseries of the Christian faith Established Churches, minus sacraments. And here also we see illustrated the place, function, and origin of a Xational Voluntaryism. There is an individual and there is a national voluntaryism. The latter ensues upon every act of a freely elected legislative assembly. The national will as to Education found expression in an Act of Parliament, and not less in the by-laws as to Bible reading which the freely elected School Boards enacted. Voluntaryism in religious matters is hence removed from its prescriptive confinement to individual decisions and made to feel that the collective fiat is no less its home. Let the constituents of a legislative assembly be truly representative of the religious sentiment of a nation, and who will challenge its State enactments as in conflict with the principle of a Free Church in a Free State? There is no conflict when the representation is real. The Board Schools are in reason and in fact, voluntary schools and a State Church may be a voluntary Free Church. Indi- vidualism is retiring before Collective Man, and the progress of really representative institutions is making hash of the old distinctions between Church and State.* :;: NOTE. Mr. Halley Stewart, M.P., is reported to have said, " There is no difference between Church life aud Political life, both have for their object the elevation of humanity. If party conflict be objected to, so must the strife of sects." 129 CHAPTER IL THE SPUEIOUS VOLUNTABYISM OF THE FEEE CHURCHES. VOLUNTARYISM ! it is of the very essence of Christianity. Alone among religions, that of Jesus Christ asks nothing from the worshipper ; only the acceptance of a gift, precious and costly beyond measure. All the giving and the cost are on the side of God. To beggared and help- less man are only left a tearful eye and ready heart. Enough ! When the Lord and Master sent forth the twelve to preach His Kingdom, He bade them take the wages offered by the grateful, and no more. Devils deserted their human tenements at a word. Lepers grew ruddy as the cherry. The dead arose. What is the price? cried the joyful people. We will borrow what we cannot pay, though Jehovah knows the interest is high. Bring us a loaf and one or two small fishes. Thanks be to God and Thee. Now as touching the price ye spake of, the Master said unto us, " Freely ye have received, Freely give " but that the workman was worthy of his meat, John the Baptist took nothing from you, neither does Jesus Christ. We go far hence to-night, knowing not where we shall lay our heads, but Peace be to this house in His name. When Paul and Barnabas received their commission to the Gentiles at the hands of Peter, James and John, who seemed to be pillars, no charge was laid upon them to organize ecclesiastical revenues only this, that they should remember the poor (saints at Jerusalem), which also Paul was forward to do. So that He who was God's Free Gift to men, ministered to them freely while on earth, offered Himself freely upon the cross, and breathed 0. 130 PUKITANISM IN POWEE. Himself freely into His ministers and messengers that they might exhibit everywhere the unbought largess of His soul. A simple bubbling well, amid the grass, said, " Taste me." The peasants tasted, it was bitter then sweet it made them well. The Lord of the soil saw them coming through His fields by night and bearing away the water in larger and yet larger jars, so He put up gates which swung open at the touch of a child, He made walks across His fields to guide the people's feet in ways of peace and safety straight to the wholesome water. He walled it round for cleanliness and protection, and then bade them cast away fear and doubt and come both day and night. What is the price? It is "without money and without price." The Master said unto me, "Freely ye have received, Freely give." Had we divining rods and knew how to use them, possibly beneath many a hard and apparently hopeless tract of earth the rod would reveal to us running streams of health. But we all carry about with us divining rods with which to touch, not earth, but heaven. Let us but touch the heart of God with one true prayer, and forth- with will be set gushing in our own hearts wells of water springing up unto everlasting life, which not the absence of any church organization or membership, nor the want of church ordinances, nor deprivation of any sacrament can do anything effectually to suppress. This artless, simple, costless thing the unbought love of God in Christ, has been seized hold of by self-appointed spiritual Lords over God's heritage, who verily are not careful to spare the flock. The rent veil has been busily stitched up by ecclesias- tical fingers, and a toll-collector placed at the corners. The gateway to God made of the Cross has been captured by interested persons, and now instead of swinging freely open is turned into a turnpike. That poor people SPUKIOUS VOLUNTARYISM. 131 should "get the gospel for nothing" is the sorest tribu- lation of the beneficed ministers of the so-called " Free " churches. They turn in their study chairs in misery and vexation, if they find that a zealous city missionary has got a congregation to attend his services Sunday morning and Sunday evening, without being burdened with pew-rents or member's subscriptions ; and minis- terial persecution will never quit that man until he has been seduced by a Eeverend title and a white cravat to quit the wilderness of sin in which he was a blessing, for a superior neighbourhood, where he can " sell " the "truth" and work the collecting boxes on his own behalf with some prospect of success. The same determination that the Gospel shall never be offered freely stains the record of Missionary proceedings abroad. At first the Gospel God's free gift is worthily represented by a man who seeks the souls of his hearers, not their tribute. But if and .when a convert is seen to be touched by a prophet's fervour, and in any spare time left him by his daily avocation preaches with great success among, his countrymen, hands must be laid upon that man, the plague of allowing the Gospel to be got for nothing must be stopped, the native church must be told its duty, which is, that every company of believers should burden themselves with the support of a brother in idleness secular idleness who should minister to them in holy things ; and this is henceforth made the chief end, the apex, the pinnacle of excellence in the missionary edifice, the providing of native churches with native pastors who are saddled for their support upon those churches, and it would be a miracle if fervour and success did not forsake them at the change. The boast of the Missionary Societies should be not in the number of Pastors who have been put upon the natives, but in the number of native evangelists who are working without money and without price, shepherding 132 PURITANISM IN POWER. the people all the more successfully because they are manifestly seeking, not theirs, but them. Times have indeed changed since the days of the Apostles. Then if the earth was taxed, Heaven was free ; but now the toiler straightens his tired back to bear first the demand of the landlord for his share of the produce, then the no less imperious claim for interest on necessary loan, afterwards the officer of the Civil Euler, dunning for his tax, and when the threshing floor is almost clean swept, there succeeds the smooth unquestioning application of the Gospel vendor and his rattling money box. This comes of the unfortunate persuasion so gratefully re- ceived by many that Jesus Christ came into the world to add another to the genteel professions. But the mark of True Churches will ever be, that they conform to the command given to the twelve : " Freely ye have received, freely give." The one persistent aim should be to make the Gospel " without money and without price," all gifts being gathered for the poor saints only. The religion of Jesus Christ was never sent into the world to add to the intolerable burdens which chartered villainy has laid upon the poor. It came into the world to undo every burden unrighteously imposed and to do so without fee. How different, alas ! have been the aims and methods of the so-called "Free" churches. They have ended in making the Gospel one of the costliest luxuries of the age, and the farther they have gone, the more candidly have they let it appear that to compass the religious needs of the whole people does not enter into their programme. It is contrary to the genius of the Free Churches to remember the poor which Paul was so forward to do. They avowedly cater for prosperous people, for upon secular prosperity they depend ; it is the very breath of their life. One has only to read attentively the speeches of the leaders of Nonconformity and to take stock of the reports SPURIOUS VOLUNTARYISM. 133 of the state of their churches in the colonies to perceive that the great body and mass of the people are entirely left out of their calculations ; they propose nothing re- garding them ; they do not even mention them. We can almost hear them say in every page, " That class, "you know, we don't contemplate. God has given us "the fat pastures of the middle class. It is perhaps a " matter of thankfulness that God, in His mysterious " Providence, has raised up the Eitualists and the Salva- " tion Army to take up the work that class, you know " which we have always neg , I meant to say " negatively supported." Why they should be so mightily content with a system which places beyond their reach the greater part of the nation, and why they should think divine the church principles and order which compel them to "neg " that greater part, belongs doubtless to Faith as it does not to reason. But the reason why they should rest on social inequality and desire its maintenance is plain. Voluntary churches are nothing if not wealthy. Everything about them calls for coin and coin everlast- ingly, and they are by long practice skilfully expert in making the cause of coin appear to be the cause of Christ, so that the nourishing condition of a church is estimated, not so much by attendance or devoted work, but mainly by the amount of its subscriptions. To roll up debts heedless of their power to discharge them to plunge into all kinds of superfluous alterations, addi- tions, and attractions, and then (because the sum is not large enough to make a strong appeal to the public with) to conjure up yet another luxury, and to christen the whole outlay by the sacred epithet, the " cause of Christ " this is one of the stock methods of the free churches. And after a congregation has nobly struggled to reduce the debt, making sacrifices for the poorest and smallest of causes the selfish adornment of worship 134 PURITANISM IN POWER. (for if the church was truly free and open, without pew rents, it would be a different thing) the weaned and harassed people find their toil is the toil of Sisyphus, and all has to be begun over again. For their leaders having a firm faith that the chapel screw should be always turning; that it keeps the people together to cast a net of debt about their shoulders ; and the Pastor having an ignorant notion that they are for the most part "making money like anything," and that the fever of " covetousness " must be checked by a Godly treat- ment of perpetual bleeding ; whereas, in truth, the permanent condition of the " pew " is, for the most part, one of desperate struggle to " keep up appearances," and that, not at all from choice, but bitter necessity, for to hold on at all, the lie must be kept up I say the leaders who, being men of substance, are ever ready at the shep- herd's call to harass the flock, take care that some new plea for further outlay shall immediately be found, and not the church, but the world also, shall be made to know by another bevy of collectors how much they are doing for the " cause of Christ." Now voluntaryism, to be genuine, should not suffer an appeal. The true voluntaryism seeks the objects of its benevolence. It enquires which of the innumerable company of professional charities, which of the infinite number of distressed families and individuals has claims upon its gifts, and " in secret," according to the Master's command, it bestows. The spurious voluntaryism is the result of appeal, of artifice, of dunning, of leech sticking, not seldom of flattery and cajolery. It offers to blow a trumpet for the almsgiver, and not only to let the left hand know, but the whole country (or rather the whole denomination, which is certainly not all the country). It asks not whether the desired donor is a Christian, but if he can be got at, caught, and to what extent bled, and the best SPUEIOUS VOLUNTARYISM. 135 methods of attacking him on his weak side. It would have the person appealed to spared the trouble of enquiry as to priority of claims, of decision after conviction ; it would precipitate judgment by the bold assertion that this, THIS is the cause of Christ be it new organ, new stoves, or new varnish (the last painter having so adul- terated his wares that after the people had sat down they could not get up again, but had to sing sitting " Here for ever would we be"), and so having prevailed the foraging party consisting of a minister (a faultless harmony in black and white), a popular alderman, celebrated for his oil, and a breezy whirl-away successful Evangelical, whose large business powerfully influences every request he makes to the expectant satellites of his rolling concern, take their departure with chuckling satisfaction, and at the door-step meet a rival troop on similar depredation bent. With a joke they pass them by, and, lo ! on the opposite side of the street they see a column advancing from the very preserves they had planned to descend upon next. After a pious and parlia- mentary objurgation upon the copious eloquence of one of their colleagues, which had detained them so long, they now with chastened spirits consider whether they should wait upon the angry bee to-day, or leave him till next week when he may have filled his thighs again with honey. Alas ! for the weighted bee, it flies low and slow ; in order that it may mount upward the voluntary churches are ready to strip it bare. Meanwhile, huddled into a corner of the office first entered, has been standing long, waiting for justice, not charity, a group of dusty toil-marred men, who have come to prefer a suit against some miserable scrimping of their usual pay. The faultless harmony in black and white has brushed past them on going out, the effulgent alderman and the effervescing Evangelical Maecenas, if they noticed them at all, would only do so as men notice 136 PURITANISM IN POWER. an unwelcome whiff from a noxious manufacture a manufacture which is necessary to our commercial greatness as it would appear is also the manufacture of widows and orphans for, cowering behind the soiled and battered group is another tearful suitor, the widow of a chief mate, who told his friend ere he left the port that it was impossible, without fine weather, his over- loaded steamer should reach her destination. The respectable foragers for charity having departed trium- phant, it is now the turn for helpless poverty to plead for justice. The loud-voiced wrangle commences. It is deemed impertinence for Labour to urge its case. What case could poverty ever have ? It is ever, unless organized, submission or starvation. The widow is, perhaps, re- minded of the act of God, who is apparently held responsible for submerging Plimsoll's mark; at all events for the present all these suitors are finally bundled out and go empty away. A portion of the trumpeted alms that went out with the first party would have made them all glad. Next morning the same office is Fluttered by a litter of ladies, for the attractions of sex are brought in to solidify argument, and finally some Sisters of Mercy, with white wings flapping above a blue sea of serge, come with a basket neither do they depart empty away, and that very night they carry alms to some of the very houses to which justice was denied. Going home from the worry, and the stress, and th<- strain of the daily battle, business men are next way- laid by a guerilla army of little children sent out to beg for the missionary societies, and the shillings that would have paid for needed milk in the families of defrauded labour are extracted by a handsome boy in a velvet suit, because he is a neighbour's son in the lofty crescent. How pleased must the Lord of the harvest be with all these goings on. He was called the Just One. SPURIOUS VOLUNTARYISM. 137 One of the most successful means of replenishing the ever deficient treasury of the Free churches is by the application of the . business screw. A trader having large dealings with wholesale merchants, or wholesale people soliciting business with smaller traders, employ the screw in the one case, or suffer themselves to be bled in the other, with a practical end in view. To say that the religion of Jesus Christ in the system of the Free churches gains any credit thereby, is against reason and against truth. It is viewed as a part of the farce of Life, an addition to the threads of falsity, hum- bug, and cant, with which the warp and woof of modern society is so abundantly furnished. Is it necessary to allude to bazaars, when certain people make up for a long abstinence from godless amusements by a senseless carnival, upon a pious plea. Bazaars, in the furnishing of which womankind exhausts itself in the solution of the problem how to make the greatest number of the most useless articles, and to commit the greatest number of murders of flying moments for the gloiy of God who gave us life. Bazaars in which indeed " the price of a thing is what it will bring" and commercialism enjoys an apotheosis, its most objectionable principles being piously practised in the interest of Christianity. In this case, however, the sport, although originally provided by the labours of the poor, is not made at their expense, and as the fun of plundering one another is not attended by any awkward reflections, Bazaars are indeed felt to be " as good as a play," and furnish a needed vent for spirits that have suffered depression by an overdose of sermons and tea fights. Another prominent means of replenishing the hungry Exchequer of Voluntaryism is found in the doctrine that the Divine blessing and favour upon our business schemes and enterprises are to be secured by 138 PURITANISM IN POWER. timely and sufficient sacrifices upon God's altar. The extent to which this doctrine is believed in and practised is almost incredible. The poor Italian peasant who pays his priest to bless his crop, whether or no he has applied the right manure or sown the right seed, is a reasonable and moral being in comparison with the Company promoter who conceives the notion that God will influence investors to believe his prospectus on account of a previous tribute from the wages of unrighteousness. The same superstition will lead men to give donations when they are head over ears in debt donations which would amuse the persons who have loaned to them all the capital they possess, were it not that they too ven- ture a pious hope that such liberality may give them an additional security. And untaught by experience after experience, that God disowns all such impious attempts to chain them to their immoral chariot of progress they will go on in the very spirit of the Neapolitan saint worshipper, who imagines his fault lay only in his choice of the altar, and disregarding the leaven of un- righteousness within the scheme having tried the shrine of chapel building, ministerial salaries, Sunday schools, Salvation army and Dr. Barnardo they will look out for the latest canonized novelty and believe that will at last help them in their new raid upon the public especially if they can get upon the Board of Directors " a really Christian man." These extraordinary combinations of the Evangelical theology with the wordly aim and spirit are mainly due to the way in which Voluntaryism is vaunted and worked. A ministry entirely dependent upon the gifts of the wealthy readily evolves the maxim, "Get all you can and give all you can," while the laity delightedly catch up a saying absolutely at right angles, in its first member, with the Master's precept, and make practical comment upon it in this wise, " Get all you can without SPURIOUS VOLUNTARYISM. 139 being righteous overmuch, and if you fall over the line you can condone your sin by giving all you can." The whole absurdity arising from the diligently propagated belief that the world is to be saved by money, and that if only Christians would consecrate their substance in sufficient degree the world would be won to Christ in a generation (this class of speaker and writer always ignore the fact that each generation comes into the world blank barbarians, and that thus no permanence is possible in the results of Christian labour). Now the idea that the world is to be saved by money is absolutely foreign to the entire teaching of Christ and His Apostles and opposed to all ecclesiastical history. " Thy money perish with thee," is the indignant rejoinder of the Apostle when a blinded deceiver thought to purchase the powers and companionship of the Holy Ghost by his unlawful gains. " Lay not up for your- selves treasures upon earth," is the emphatic precept of the Master. Ye must not be as the Gentiles, one exercising lordship over the other. One is your Master, even Christ, and all ye are brethren. The Primitive Church made its marvellous conquests over the debased subjects of the Eoman Empire, not by means of its money, but its martyrdoms. With the genesis of any great historical movements in religion, money has never yet been connected. It was Wycliffe's "poor priests" that sowed the seeds of the Eeforrnation in England, and the German Eeformer himself only ceased to be spiritually powerful when he basked under the patronage of the great, and abandoned the peasants' cause. It is the plutocracy of the Free Churches which is to-day destroying them lifting them annually at a greater distance from the masses of the people and making them more and more frankly admit, that in the nature of things, their sphere as voluntary churches must remain among the moneyed classes, 140 PURITANISM IN POWER. while commoner agencies, worked by proxy at a distance from the people themselves, and by money donated by the wealthy members, is to fill up what is seen to be the enormous gulf between a National provision for religious nurture and the only system open to Nonconformity. But what a travesty of Christ's idea ! To make wealth the line of separation ! And not alone a separation between Church and World, but likewise between poor Christian and rich Christian ! If pressed and pushed into a corner upon this question, honest dissenters would be obliged to confess that it appears absolutely necessary to the existence of society and to the growth of fine specimens of " robust '' Christianity (meaning by " robust " champions of the Liberation Society) that there should exist a great inferior substratum of socially lost humanity which should furnish the materials for cheap labour, upon which our commercial greatness and the Voluntary system in fact depend, and in the correction of whose vices, together with charitable ministration to whose distresses, the prosperous middle-classes gathered into Nonconformist Churches are exercised in the Christian virtues. It is the basest and paltriest conception that ever found shelter in a human brain, and the most unchristian. The clergyman who, with his curates, lives in the pain- fully depressing desert of slums which constitute his parish, and deems all men, women, and children within its area the flock which Christ has given him to feed who calls and owns them members of the Church of England because Christ died for all men, and who visits them all, seeking not theirs, but them ; and for experience sake will take up his abode in a common lodging-house, to fall sick in the same impure atmosphere which its inmates breathe, and to have the wastrels offering with awkward kindness, eggs for his breakfast table to make SPURIOUS VOLUNTARYISM. 141 him stronger that Parochial system and that man have caught a glimpse of the Divine ideal, out of sight nearer the true one than anything voluntaryism has displayed. The denial of hope and honour to that portion of the body corporate which is " the more necessary " was never Christ's idea ; and it was His chief claim to recognition as the Messiah that under His ministry the poor had the Gospel preached unto them. The com- munion which He established for the remembrance of His death till He came again, had as its central idea the equal participation by His followers of everything necessary alike for the -body as the soul. Until that day, when in the name of Christ economical justice shall be done to the masses, we will reverence and uphold that system which at all events embodies the Divine idea of religious equality as opposed to the Nonconformist Churches in which the same is patently outraged. Let it be remembered there can be no wealth without correlated poverty (the small accumulations of thrift and abstinence to make provision against age and accident of course excluded). There can be no great gains apart from the possession of an inheritance in- juriously large the oppressive use of evil laws a gambling pursuit of business or iniquitous dealing as between producer or consumer. The fair reward of exerticn of brain or muscle will never yield either wealth or want. The Free Churches in basing their prospects of success upon their power to attract the rich piety of the country, and to induce it perpetually to disgorge in relief of want and in sustenance of missions, are postu- lating the permanence of that reign of unrighteousness which it was the very purpose of Christ to overthrow. Of course the Free Churches are not entirely composed of wealthy persons; but for those members who are not, the atmosphere is likely to be neither agreeable nor wholesome. 142 PURITANISM IN POWER. The fact is the general insincerity and falseness of modern life extend to the gifts of the sanctuary. People give out of proportion to their means because it is expected of them ; and when they are at their wits' end to meet their obligations, they are yet found putting down their names for sums which they owe elsewhere. It may be said that is a matter for individual con- science with which the system has nothing to do ; but I say that it is the voluntary system as worked which popularizes the notion that the measure of the good Christian is the length of his purse and his readiness to empty it for all that Nonconformity requires. There are always a number of vulgar people who are allowed prominence on account of their money, and these persons anxious to make a display of their means are for ever discovering some "cause of God" a presentation bust; silver tea service ; purse of money and everyone who does not follow at a decent distance the large figures of Mr. A. or Mr. B. are made to feel that they have dis- appointed the collectors, or, worse still, they have been detected and it is whispered about in the flagrant delinquency of being poor. This practical inquisition into means, this tyranny of a prying curiosity into circumstances, tested perpetually by appeals for subscriptions to fads, goes on perpetually in Dissenting Chapels. And it is always " the cause of God." It is the cause of God to pay one's debts, to help one's aged parents, to relieve widows and orphans, to minister to the sick, and at one's own expense freely to preach the Gospel. Above all, it is the cause of God to withhold one's hands from bribes, and to cleanse one's soul from lies ; which may often be found an impossible task to those who spread their peacock's tail of guineas to amaze beholders. The consideration which the wealthy and withal generous member meets with, is matched by the uncom- SPUKIOUS VOLUNTARYISM. 148 promising and complete drop which is administered to the brother who has offended by becoming poor. Perhaps he departed for one of the colonies, in the odour of becoming substantiality. Being in that con- dition acceptable to both God and man, the Church and congregation made a great tea-meeting for him, and bade him farewell with worthy and genuine good feeling. A few years elapse and the feted individual is again a worshipper in the chapel. No congratulatory groups attend his entry no tea-meeting hails his return he is quietly dropped. But if he was of any strength to the " cause " before, he is far more likely to be a strength to it now. For in the wilderness he lost a child, his house was burned down, and locusts devoured his crops. It was after the last protection had been stripped away that God's own arms came round about his soul to warm it ; but he is dropped, and with his spiritual riches he hies elsewhere, for the place that knew him knows him no more. It is the determination to go expensively to work that swings the door inwards for the successful -man, and outwards for the poor unfortunate. The denomination must keep up with the times ; and it is always ready to clap a full-blown church apparatus and organization upon any humble group of Christians who may have spontaneously commenced Christian fellowship and work. And how often has this very thing spoiled it all, and prevented all after-growth ! The little gathering of humble persons are renting a room the meetings are full of enthusiasm the Sunday School crowded. But, alas ! it is determined to make a " stated place of worship of it " to erect a grand stone chapel, with five or six foundation stones : and no sooner is this done than the spirit of the thing evaporates. The group is lost in a building too large for it a freezing formality creeps into the services, and the newly-formed 144 PURITANISM IN POWER. church commences a long dragging existence ; pulling money out of poor people, harassed tradesmen, and bewildered business men, who know not whether they are standing on their heads or on their heels whether they are not virtually bankrupt when they give large sums away. Not that we would have religious edifices of all degrees of inferiority to suit the social differences prevailing. We would rear the fretted roof, emblazon the windows, and lift the spire. We would have the sweet and solemn sounds of choir and organ ; albeit such things are subordinate throughout to prayer, to teaching, and to work, which are the best parts of worship. But such provision it belongs to national resources to make. It is perfectly true that real spiritual culture is independent of these aids to devotion, and that the elaboration of the means may obscure and obstruct the end. This is not our present consideration, but rather we desire to point out that the ends to be served b}' noble buildings and im- posing ceremonials are suitable to a National Church, dealing with the masses of the people; while the smaller and scattered companies of the pilgrim church are only hindered in their special work and function by being led to come after, at an immense distance, the august cere- monial of the National Establishment. The noble cathe- dral we know and the Parish church with its village of the dead, embosomed in green, gathered beneath its ivy- mantled tower, and the spreading yew we know but what are these ? These pigmy cathedrals ? this Brum- magem Parish church? this hybrid conventicle and minster ? announcing, too, its anthems beforehand, like any first-class National Establishment. It is so remark- ably suggestive of Susan's attempt to dress up like her mistress on Sunday afternoons ; and when it makes drafts upon Susan's purse, which she is unable to meet without withdrawing aid from her young sister and aged mother, SPURIOUS VOLUNTARYISM. 145 Susan is in many ways injured by the useless imitation. When it is the case of a wealthy free church spending its ample means freely, it suggests the difference between the brand new country seat of the retired speculator and the neighbouring towers which have reflected the suns of centuries. The objection we take to the voluntaryism of the Free Churches as spurious no less applies to the Salvation Army. This organization has grown and thriven because it was the first uncompromising declared effort to reach the masses whom the middle-class shop-gospellers were natively incompetent to deal with. They let down the Gospel net in strange waters and brought up everywhere a marvellous number of strange fish men and women wanting, natively, in culture, refinement, and often in the power to read, who yet, under the culture of God's Spirit, became teachers and preachers of remarkable pith and power. When they had spelt out in a corner the easiest words of a text, the meaning of the long words which baffled them flashed upon them, and they could discourse upon the inner and spiritual truth of the passage with more power and perhaps more truth than the learned commentator. Human life was their school. They spake only of what they knew. But the grand movement has been marred by the money question by the idea that Salvation Army barracks and training schools, and bands, and bonnets and watches were essen- tials to the progress of the work. The captains and majors were thrown upon the district " invaded" for their supplies, only an inadequate quota being guaranteed, the result being a truly necessary, but not the less deplorable concentration of attention on the part of the officers to the collection part of the business, which, in season and out of season, is sure to be introduced. Expensiveness cannot here be charged. The officers fare poorly, live plainly, and the buildings are unadorned. 10 146 PUfllTANISM IN POWER. But why buildings at all? unless the rental of any water-tight roof in wintry weather. Why brass bands ? Why so many paid officers ? Not a meeting in room or street but is closed by a collection, letting the people be sure of one thing, that these men and women desire from them something more than surrender of their hearts to Christ. WTien by the Eailway Arches at Plymouth a circle is made on Sunday morning, the brass instruments and two drums facing a bevy of Salva- tion lasses, and the spaces between filled up by some curious children and vacant sailors ; when the Boss of the business, straddle-legged, marches up and down like a skipper upon the deck of a rolling vessel ; when a quondam general servant pirouettes within the ring, almost bringing her fists into the faces of the interested listeners as she darts from side to side ; w r hen she tells of the famishing children of the drunkard rushing at her three buns, and makes the groundless prediction, confidently, that if they will come to Christ they will never be out of work (although the year book of every denomination will show a number of pious pastors who are out of harness), some good impression will probably be made, but it is certainly not improved upon by the finale of the meeting. The big drum is whirled into the centre of the ring, and the object of the effort appears now to be silver not souls ; or, leastways, coppers ; for the Boss, appealing to some dozen children and fifteen saunterers, suggests that they should at least have five shillings from such a meeting, whereupon four halfpennies are bounced from his pocket and hop upon the drum-head to encourage the others ; a few more copper tokens are aimed from the crowd, and the Boss, showing his disappointment, appeals again. It is remarkably like the proceedings at some street circus performance " Only another halfcrown, ladies and gen- tlemen, and up goes the donkey." The four coppers SPURIOUS VOLUNTARYISM. 14? from the Boss's pocket is not the least singular part of the affair, for what he has given he will surely take back again, the gathering being for local sustenance. It would fluster the deacons if the congregation, after putting money in the plate, came and asked to take it home again. Now you may search from Genesis to Eevelation and will not find anything that can be twisted or tortured into a sanction for these specimens of voluntaryism. Christ and His Apostles knew nothing of this sort of money question. In the days when Christianity was leavening the Koman Empire with a power that brought down pre- sently the whole system of its idolatry, Christians placed no faith in the magic of money, and would have refused any such aid if tendered by their pagan neighbours. Our Lord had much to say about men getting rid of their possessions, but never asked that the surrender should benefit Himself, His disciples, or His propaganda only the poor so much otherwise, that when He sent forth His twelve to preach the kingdom He forbade them taking any money with them, and inferentially would forbid them receiving any. The voluntary hospitality of those who gladly heard their word was to be their sole support. This was necessary to itinerant evangelists ; had they been commissioned to settle in several districts we cannot doubt but what they would have been com- manded to work for an ensample to their flock, and that they might the better comprehend the common burden and know the prevalent economical injustice. The propagation of the new Faith, however, demanded itinerants at that stage ; and even afterwards when churches had been planted and were to be sustained in the ordination of Timothy, and Paul's recommendations as to bishops and elders there is nothing provided for support, the inference being that the matter was no part of a divinely constituted order, but was left to the 148 PURITANISM IN POWER. free determination of bishop and people, the warning being given that this matter would give rise to the most grievous corruption and oppression in latter days, " grievous wolves" making their appearance who would " not spare the flock." St. Paul, who counted it to be his chief glory that he had made the gospel free because he would not be a burden to anyone, undertook in the chivalry of his noble disposition the defence of those who are not so scrupulous. Is it not so always ? The apologists for those who are content with a lower ideal of duty, and appear to be unjustly assailed, are generally those who have adopted and subjected themselves to a rule that would exclude criticism and attack. And so chival- rous Paul puts in his word for those who are "working not at all " in the burdensome worldly way, but only in the sweet ministry of Christ's word. His master had taught him to work while he preached the kingdom. Christ, when he left the carpenter's bench, although His ministry forced Him to itinerate, never gave up work and w r ould not suffer it in His disciples. To prepare for it, He got up when it was day, and retired from it when the sun was setting. It must never be forgotten or over- looked that the ministry of Christ was twofold, to the bodies and to the souls of men, and that He and His disciples worked hard at curing the one, whether they succeeded or not in vitalizing the other. The carpenter of Nazareth became the heaven-endowed Physician and Surgeon with a train of assistant physicians and surgeons who went about Palestine without carriages and without fees, preaching the Kingdom of God and healing the sick. It has been the habit of preachers and com- mentators to regard all this work for the salvation of men's bodies as quite beside the main purpose of the Eevelation of Jesus Christ, which is made out to be exclusively a scheme for the redemption of man as soul SPURIOUS VOLUNTARYISM. 149 and spirit an egregious error which the consideration of a temporal economy over the Jews for two thousand years should have saved even careless enquirers from falling into. But this by the way. Christ and His disciples were more than brain-workers, they were a hard-working ambulance corps, and almoners upon oc- casion to starving people. Brain work is in a way harder than manual work, but is seldom attended by any equal subjection of mind and body to irksomeness and painful constraint, or as in modern civilization to conditions positively injurious to health and life. It is therefore that our sympathising High Priest did not release Himself from anything of the kind, but trained His disciples to manual and mental exercises in the service of complete humanity which left them scarcely any time to eat. The passage frequently referred to as substantiating the claim of teachers of divine truth to be supported by the labours of other men is that in Eomans xv. 26-27, when the Apostle Paul tells of those in Macedonia and Achaia whom it pleased to make a certain contribution for the poor saints at Jerusalem, adding, " and verily their debtors they are, for if they have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister to them in carnal things." Now it is evident at a glance that this passage establishes nothing to the point, for in the first place the poor saints at Jerusalem neither in person nor by proxy had ministered to the Gentiles of Macedonia and Achaia, they were too poor either to go themselves or to send others. What the Apostle has in view is the contribution made by the Jewish world to the Gentile world of a special divine revelation of which they were constituted the trustees, and since the Gentile had nothing comparable to it to render the Jewish world in return neither its arts, science, nor philosophy being able to weigh against a single Psalm of David's, to say nothing of his greater Son he justly says, and 150 PURITANISM IN POWER. " verily their debtors they are." It is but meet to remember that nation in temporal things, from whom such splendid spiritual gifts proceeded. He himself as, not only a Jew, but also an Apostle and the actual messenger of the glad tidings, would naturally have had the first claim, but he renounces all idea of it, and will convey the whole fruit to the poor at Jerusalem, whose claim is just and justly met, according to his Master's precept. The other passage is in 1 Cor. ix. 14, "Even so hath the Lord ordained that they who preach the gospel should live of the gospel." The reference is obviously to itinerant preachers missionaries some of them " leading about a sister and wife," and giving trouble and causing controversy in consequence. As we have already said, the claim of the itinerant preacher is one that cannot obviously be refused, as only knife grinders, gipsies, and umbrella menders are understood to be in possession of peripatetic professions. The Apostle claims for those who had something new and true of priceless worth to communicate that they should not be hindered in their calling by the want of things necessary, they were to receive hospitality a living as they went from place to place, but this is not the same as establish- ing the claim of a resident presbyter. Such claim has no place in the instructions thereon to Timothy. The free churches, then, to vindicate their claim to the name, must furnish free preachers of the gospel and free pastors likewise, taking the oversight of the flock, " not for the sake of filthy lucre," but willingly in fulfilment of a sacred charge to " Feed Christ's sheep." It dare not be alleged as against the possibility of laymen engaged in the ordinary associations of life undertaking the pastorate, that they would have no time for visiting, for, in truth, the neglect of visiting is the great defect everywhere alleged against Nonconformist ministers and a portion of the SPURIOUS VOLUNTARYISM. 151 clergy. Lay pastors would perchance meet their flocks in the way of business upon the exchange, at the quay, in the streets, at the office, in the factory, and if physicians, in the sick-room dearly beloved Lukes. Then, without ever going to the homes at inconvenient hours, the pastor and flock would meet in the highways of the world and could interject into the stream of necessarily sordid, although often nobly comprehensive and intensely interesting commercial surveys and discussions, those themes of higher and eternal moment, the consideration of which, just at those moments of commercial exchange, is a far more effective method of exalting business by righteousness, than leaving the reference to be made on an especial day, set apart from business, and by a man totally unacquainted with it. And the intelligent sympathy of the lay pastor would be so much more tender and true and just. For harsh- ness, narrowness, and unjustness for heartless ignoring of the special difficulties of struggling competitive existence in a world full of the evil which chartered selfishness and unescapable tyranny have filled it, com- mend me to the professional ecclesiastic. From the height of his secured income and accorded privileges he looks down upon storm- tossed humanity, and deals out to it the ethics of the Academy. Upon the Bench he is the severest of magistrates, and in private his want of sympathetic comprehension of what the situation of others demands is the measure of his ignorance of what the common lot really is. I mean these remarks to apply especially to the Nonconformist ministry ; there are numerous splendid examples to the contrary in the Establishment, where men have made it their duty to know something of that life of the masses which Non- conformist ministers leave out of contemplation except at a distance ignorantly and uncharitably to denounce it. The Lay Pastor need want neither in scholarship nor 152 PURITANISM IN POWER. eloquence if these be considered essential to the husbandry of souls. Some of the greatest orators of our time have not been professional ministers, and in this age of education literary attainments are getting commoner every day. What, according to the pro- fessional estimate, would be lacking to them would be the aids and instructions of the Theological denominational College Colleges founded to accentuate matters of mint, and tithe, and cummin, not to insist upon those weightier matters upon which agreement between Christians is fundamental and necessary. This final adornment of the denominational Theology seems to be getting out of the good graces of the Denominational Leaders them- selves, who of late apologize for the existence of Theological Colleges by eager explanations that they exist to protest against the necessity of Creeds ! A curious reason for going to the expense of endowing and maintaining them. Now, it will be found upon a candid examination that no great religious teacher has ever risen who did not depart from the teaching of his Theological College using that term in the broadest sense, as indicative of his alma-mater in religious knowledge. Augustine and Origen, Arnold of Brescia, Donatus, Luther, Calvin, Zwingle, Wycliffe, Wesley not to mention McLeod Campbell, Jukes, Erskine of Lirlathen, Eobertson of Brighton, Edward White, Henry Dunn, and others who have followed in their train, such as Canon Farrar all of them modified or discarded the teaching of their Theological Colleges. They were spiritual lumin- aries, and owed none of their light to the Academies which were instituted to crystallize theology. The Theological College that is open to every man is that ancient one in which Enoch walked, and which conducted him to God its alumini are the called, chosen, and faithful disciples of Christ its Theological tutor is the SPURIOUS VOLUNTARYISM. 153 Holy Spirit, who is perpetually fresh, original, advanc- ing, suffering neither conscience, affections, nor intellect to know pause, or to rest and be thankful ; but ever to reach forward to the things that are before, forgetting the things that are behind. There is room, then, for yet another fellowship and missionary organization one which shall be established expressly to assert the fact that the Gospel is the gift of God, and therefore is freely preached to all men. The fundamental basis of the fellowship, which might be fitly named the Companionship of Christ's Ambassadors, should be (1,) All preaching and teaching of the glorious Gospel to be absolutely free. (2,) All the ambassadors meeting expenses out of the means provided by their own honest labour (as Sunday school teachers and local preachers now do). (3,) Any gifts offered to be absolutely refused as payment for preaching Christ's Truth, the offerers being recommended rather themselves judiciously to relieve the poor. (4,) Pastoral duty to be undertaken in the same spirit and upon the same terms. (5,) Clear evidences of a " New Birth " (which is a thing as definite, perceptible, and demonstrable as a lighted candle) to be the sole credentials for companion- ship. (6,) Criticism, censure, and excommunication to be founded upon moral departures, and no other ; such moral declension to include slackness in the work, and the evident preferential pursuit of the ordinary worldly ambitions. It is believed these conditions will exclude the in- tellectually, physically, and spiritually unfit. For the Companionship would set it forth as the object of its existence, its purpose to teach certain things taught by 154 PURITANISM IN POWER. the original Apostles things which they knew, and the knowledge of which was their essential qualification: e.g., (a) The Supernatural Being and character of Christ Jesus, as God manifest in the flesh. (6) That God commended His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us the Just for the unjust, to bring us unto God that so the matchless love of the Good Shepherd, in giving His life for the wandering sheep, should reconcile the world unto Himself, and be the sanction of His own Apostles* precept, that we should likewise lay down our lives for the Brethren. (c) Christ's glorious resurrection and ascension to- the right hand of the Majesty on high where He ever liveth to make intercession for us, and to grant repent- ance and remission of sins. (d) The declaration of the ascension angels, that as- He went up so shall He in like manner come again, to judge the world in righteousness and rule the people hi equity to set up the first and last Just Kingdom upon earth. (e) The Power of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter Regenerator, Sanctifier, Revealer. (/) That by grace are we saved, through Faith, and that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God. (g) That consequently we are justified by our Faith and not by works, which without Faith are impure and imperfect, and utterly inefficacious for Salvation. (h) For Salvation consists in the heavenly impartation of a new and supernatural life the gift of God in Christ which necessarily works by love, and produces- fruits incomparably more divine than those wrought under a sanction of legality, which lack the vital principle of Repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. (?) That the Lord Jesus Christ will associate His- SPURIOUS VOLUNTARYISM. 155 followers with Himself in the judgment of the World, and the establishment and ordering of His everlasting Kingdom. These are the fundamental things which the Apostles knar. Knew far more truly than the philosopher knows the properties of the air we breathe or the " solid " ground beneath our feet. For, in fact, the only thing that man can positively know is God. Of God he can make sure and predicate with certainty His attributes, that He is love and that in Him is no darkness at all ; but there is not a single " element " the entire attributes of which have been or can be disclosed to the physicist's torturing examination. God our Father is perpetually offering Himself to us for our examination. Prove me ! Prove me ! Try me ! Know me ! Taste and see that the Lord is good, and that His tender mercies are over all His works. And whereas when we moved by the captivating view of nature's surface, lift the veil and penetrate her secret working, are struck with wonder, but also disappointment, and the more we know of her, the more our moral displeasure deepens to disgust with the knowledge of God it is just the other way. We commence with our doubts, and go on to rejoice in Him as a son with his father, as a soldier with his captain, as a man with his friend, and He tells us that this disappointing immoral nature is no revelation of His real character that it is a necessary stage in the evolution of the Permanent Perfection, and, being imperfect, is destined duly to disappear and give place to all things new. So that the knowledge of the Scientist is concerned with the transitory and imperfect, while the child of God alone can reach a true knowledge of anything, and that of God the Perfect and the Eternal. The Companionship of Christ's Ambassadors might therefore truly style themselves the New Gnostics, and oppose to the uncertain gropings and hesitating 156 PURITANISM IN POWER. apologetics of the Materialists, the strong song of clear- sighted faith and love in Him that is True. " We know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an under- standing, that we may know Him that is true, and we are in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life." Since the Companionship of Christ's Ambassadors would put it forth, that they existed to teach the things they knew, of course no one who did not know those things would offer to join the fellowship. The scientist scorns to attempt to speak of that of which he knows nothing or next to nothing. This fact, that only Gnostics could be admitted, would dispense with creed. The men who could not preach Jesus Christ crucified and raised again, and that He is the Saviour of all men, especially of those that believe, because they had no certain knowledge of it, would of course keep aloof, and with them the whole body of Unitarians and semi-Unitarians, atonement-deniers, works-justifiers, and sacerdotal- sacrament-mongers. These children of God He suffers to be involved in confusion and error, to be encompassed by doubts and difficulties, and to be drawn away from the simplicity and sufficiency of Christ, and while thus their light is obscured, they have no life-giving message for men. The man that is in doubt ought for ever to hold his peace. The only men who are entitled to speak and to be heard are the men who know, and the Christians, in the vital puritanical sense, are the only men who, in religion, know anything. "We speak that we do know"; it is the tone of Apostleship to the end of time. Into this fellowship the scarcely literate Salvation Army captain could be welcomed. He or she, like the last real convert in India, China, or Africa, would speak the same things as the whole Church of God would know them, not having been taught them by men, except SPUKIOUS VOLUNTARYISM. 157 mediately, but by God. He or she would doubtless preach hell torments for all who did not believe ; that is only their limited grasp of a grand fundamental verity the absolute certainty of retribution for sin about which we all know far more than about the law of gravitation. That limited conception will clear itself and correct itself in time, as the preachers know more of the love of God and what His retribution is designed to effect ; the Com- panionship will make even the preaching of a crude hell fire no barrier to fellowship. The one requisite will be ability to talk in the language of saved Christians of their own deficiency and Christ's sufficiency, and to show forth their faith and regeneration by their new fruit unto holiness. Now who will join us ? I appeal to men and women everywhere who know that they are in Him that is True, to show forth the everlasting freeness of His love by pro- claiming it freely to all men. No pews, no tolls, no pay, no begging, no purse, no scrip. The pilgrim's staff, the loins girt, the feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace ; no special garb, but jewellery abjured and cleanliness remembered to be next to godli- ness. Forsake your luxurious lolling pews for the delightful learning that comes from imparting what you know. Strew God's deserted garden with your happy faces and make it echo with your earnest words : "Freely ye have received, freely give." Heaven itself will receive a deeper tone of joy, and the Lord who freely offered Himself up without spot to God for us all, will hail with a "well done, good and faithful servant," those who make it clear to the world that He came to free it from every yoke the taxes of the "voluntary" churches most of all. 158 CHAPTER III. THE PROGRESS OF RITUALISM. KING HAL had coarsely cut the country free from Rome and left the common people to the kindly protection of the law and the neglect of the elect. Lollardism driven inwards had been burrowing with its leaven underground, but presently rose ferment- ing to the surface, and king and statesmen perceiving the strength and genuineness of the irrepressible move- ment, hooked it to their private chariots of avarice and licence and broke from Vatican restraints. The unfettered spirit of Lord Cobham was stalking through the land, shaking his red-hot chains to encourage his followers and to bind his foes, but the untoward result of the blossoming of Wycliffe's tree was that the lenient landlordism of the Abbey was exchanged for that of the rapacious Lord, and Emmanuel's land was vomit- ing forth paupers to hang for robbery or the guilt of starving. Protestantism went on, and the Lord Protector Somerset providentially punished the Papacy for its unconscionable robbery of poor England in first-fruits, tithes, and annates, by grabbing them for the Crown and for himself. Rome has been ever since affectionately desirous of the return to the true fold of that sheep whose shearing was so profitable. Protestantism went on, and a hatred of Rome (not the world) became the religion of Englishmen. It was a prejudice not without its value. A nation with a preju- dice against things that look evilward, and towards those that look good ward, or, still better, God ward, may be saved by its prejudices as the Jews were. But while railing against Babylon, England itself was THE PEOGKESS OF KITUALISM. 159 building Babel's towers and with Babylonian slaves, for Babylon, with its luxury laid in servitude, stands ever in contrast to Jerusalem the city of the free, the equal, and the endowed. And so the new Babylonianism, lengthening its cords and strengthening its stakes, went on to accomplish the deeper degradation of the masses ; and the Church, which exposed the Papal indulgences once granted to the laity, allowed its clergy to dispense indulgences to themselves. In Wales Sunday sent one village to wrestle with another, and the Parson, fetched from the tavern, and commencing " Dearly beloved brethren," would startle to their holes three starved mice, his most attentive hearers. The Nonconformists had gone out of her and slunk into the back streets, with even less interest in the people than the Church. At length the Spirit took a two-edged sword the Brothers Wesley and hewed the devil out of his strongholds in the neglected land. Whitefield and Berridge, Cowper and Newton, Wilber- force and Lady Huntingdon, kept watering the protestant soil, but only where Wesleyanism brought into the new reformation the comprehensive organization which the Establishment suggested, did anything like a glimpse of the new Jerusalem appear, and in the church itself "Low" meant high above the common people, and " High '' meant low. Mary Unwin let it appear that the gulf which separated her from Mary the maid was some- thing as insuperable as that which divided Lazarus from Abraham, and when Cowper threw a blanket to the Olney poor at Christmas time, haggard children danced about like witches in Macbeth. We see the common people in the etchings of Eowlandson and Gilray as well as their pastors and masters Hogarth's " March of the Guards to Finchley," and his moral series. It was not a pleasing representation, and factory labour was to make the reality more offensive than the 160 PURITANISM IN POWER. caricature. Protestantism went on, without having given a word of direction to Howard to reform the prisons, or Raikes to rake the children from the gutter, or Romily to humanize our Draconian code, or Brougham to bring the lamp of knowledge to the people's darkness. The church people congratulated themselves that if the people did not go with them to prayers, neither did they themselves go with the multitude to do evil, and the dissenters kept " marching through Emmanuel's land to fairer worlds on high." It was at such a time that a silver voice arose Sunday after Sunday in the lofty aisles of Oxford's University church. It spoke with the quiet penetrating worshipping fervour which has ever since distinguished the best specimens of the High Anglican school. It cast forth a string of vocal and intellectual pearls and paused, then cast forth another string. It was a passing bell, chiming the requiem of complacent evan- gelicalism in the Protestant Church of England, and the key note of the new teaching was this, which John Henry Newman read with rapt and peculiar emphasis, " Jerusalem which is from above is free, which is the mother of us all." Falling into the error of supposing that there can ever be such a thing as authority in matters of faith, since faith is something that can never be made, im- posed, imparted or received, but only begotten, the new men were struck by the nonsensical character of a pact or compromise between Crown and Clergy as to things to be believed and taught, and naturally turned to the unbroken tradition of Peter's chair as offering superior vouchers for valid supremacy to anything that had assumed to rule the church in England, hence they commenced laboriously, and it must be added, dis- ingenuously, to prove that the Anglican branch was still in things spiritual one with the Catholic church. THE PKOGKESS OF RITUALISM. 161 It had not struck them that formal sacramental union, with an ecclesiastical authority assuming to represent Christ's See on earth, was positively nothing in com- parison with the only real spiritual junction which faith effects when it receives and adores the invisible Lord and Head of His body the Church ; that consequently it is a matter of comparative indifference, except for practical liberty and progress, in what way any nation may attach its organized Christianity to the machinery of the State. It is impossible for the State to make the creed, abstractedly as a State, but the people composing the State having agreed together under guidance of Peter's king invisible, such creeds, defensive against positive and negative error as may for the time suffice, may cheerfully be subscribed to, always in subjection to that allegiance which conscience owes to Christ. Whatever theorizers may say, God does use nations and kings and kingly power and organized national instrumentality for the spiritual interests of His kingdom. It is impossible for a church militant to exist on any other terms. She being in the world, the Kuler of the world will make any power or dominion which His wisdom may select the instruments of His will concerning her. And to make a stand at an abstract idea yclept "the State," and maintain that State interference and control vitiate the cardinal principle of the relations that should exist between the secular and the spiritual autonomy, is to cast confusion upon the nature of that concrete thing the State, which, when free, is nothing other than the church itself in its capacity as legislative guardian of the common interests, and when legislating with reference to the church, having special reasons for expecting divine illumination and guidance. All of course depends upon the State being free, but we are entitled to discuss this question entirely with reference to the situation of England in the present day, and without reference, for 11 162 PURITANISM IN POWER. instance, to Russia, where the Lutheran faith has recently been proscribed. We are considering a Nation truly free, and a Church truly free, and the union and incorporation of two free things must consist with the maintenance of freedom in each. The pouits that attracted the new men most were undoubtedly: (1,) The blissfulness of resting the weary, question-haunted soul upon a foundation of authority unimpeachable because Divine (an authority, by the way, offering itself daily for such decisive ending of doubt to every man having power to pray). (2,) That fascinating and imperishable ideal of a Divine authority set up over all earthly kings and princes, whose function should be the guardianship of justice and virtue the wide world over, and the extirpation of evil by the propagation of the Christian verities the Catholic adding and the dispensing of sacramental grace denied by Puritans. It is this central idea of a Kingdom of Heaven upon Earth into which all men are brought by God's covenant of love in Christ, and from whose blessed constraints and privileges they only deprive themselves by constant striving against grace it is this which the Church of England before Newman's time practically ignored, and which Nonconformists have always consistently denied but it is an idea essentially divine it is an idea which its false embodiment in the Papal system can never deprive of Scriptural authority, or impugn the final accomplishment in integrity and perfection. Those who " know that they are in Him that is true " are bound to proclaim unto all men that an everlasting High Priest is daily presenting the merits of His own sacrifice on their behalf that a Divine Intercessor and Mediator and Advocate is always in attendance before the Altar and the Throne that is withdrawn into the highest Heavens that a Holy Spirit's energies shed THE PROGEESS OF RITUALISM. 163 down from above, and not communicated by Episcopal or any other hands, is constantly dropping upon thirsty souls, renewing the soil of their heavenly graces, and presenting the perfume of their praises and their prayers, together with those of the whole Church, to the Father and Redeemer of all and these great and eternal truths should be made manifest to the multitude by a national organization for worship, teaching, and work, in which no single member of the nation is to be considered as wanting in claim for membership and attentive care. The callous or, more truly, despairing indifference of men to the unjust oppressions of their fellows arises from a failure to recognise aright their equal participation in God's covenant of love " How can I suffer my brother thus to be wronged, for whom, equally as for me, Christ died ? " This idea the Papacy in the days of its prime efficiency worked for the release of the serf and the mitigation of middle-age oppressions of all kinds. The Reformation set Protestants free of the idea that all men had a sanctuary from the man- slayer in the privileges of the Church. Unless vitally united to Christ in the Puritan sense, they were under His wrath, and being under God's eternal wrath, their temporary suffer- ings at the hands of wicked men being so inconsiderable an amount of what it was their lot to endure, were scarcely worth a charitable effort to remove. Here was logical room for the apathy of bands of Pilgrims " marching through Emmanuel's land to fairer worlds on high." If the masses are cut off from God's covenant of grace if Hell is their portion for ever it matters little to abstract from their portion an inappreciable fragment of duration. Proceed then, my lordly spoliators; enclose the common lands, abolish the Abbey alms without a substitute ; let prisoners hang or rot in gaol ; what is all that compared with what God is going to inflict upon them ! 164 PURITANISM IN POWER. Hence Newman is listened to ; he surely has a diviner idea than that ; he, too, knows that he is in Him that is true. And a Church authority above kings and princes is not that, too, absolutely Divine an adumbration of the rule of Christ and His Saints over the whole world ? Church authority and Church privileges, both had been wounded if not invalidated at the Keformation ; the diseases of human society demanded their restoration the Oxford School would do it. Of course the intellect and spiritual intelligence of the country perceived the drift and meaning of the moment, while the superficial multitude only caught at gowns, genuflexions, and altar candles. Even at the present day it is amazing to see men like Canon Farrar speaking as though ceremonialism in the High Church signified no more than display, and deplor- ing that divisions should arise upon matters of triviality. There is nothing trivial in a single piece of symbolism introduced in defiance of the Protestant rubrics, each and all have their definite and significant bearing upon the Catholic position that God's delegated authority in the world is centred in the one True Church that to this all men and all humanly constituted authorities must bow 'that the one True Church has supernatural powers vested in her Priesthood which are for the salva- tion of the world. It is to these positions every item in the innovations points white gown for black, eastward position, depth of prostration all intended to exalt that wondrous priesthood which at will can call the Omni- present from the universe and fix Him in a spot of dough , and after administrating a final ta-ta to the miracle (a curiously familiar sequel to the preceding adorations), dons a mobcap, having for the present done with humility, and parades its covered crown before the bare- headed congregation. THE PBOGBESS OF RITUALISM. 165 Quietly the poison worked. The exaltation of sacerdotal authority requires for its supplement the apotheosis of those who believed in it. Hence the calendar of saints. And lest the scriptural all-sufficiency of Christ should overshadow the authority which He committed to His man-mediatorial Church, the Virgin is brought into the scheme of the human mediatorship, and that most blasphemous horror is consummated the implied affirma- tion that the Heart of the Eternal Saviour who loved His Church before the foundation of the world, and loves it eternally by the necessity of His Being, requires to be moved to compassion by the intercession of a Creature ! Give us the Hymn Book we will lead the people gradually insert "mother dear" compose a "crisp Litany " in her honour. By the multiplication of Altars, the Central and Supreme, as Protestants hold, is dimmed in glory, and the jewels on the Pontifical tiara have room to shine. Divine simplicity spake thus: "If any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." Catholic authority introduces a Heavenly heirarchy and an army of intercessors, and will profes- sionally guide the soul to the most successful pleaders in the Court of Heaven. Confession follows the supernatural Priesthood with the keys auricular confession youthful contamination the shock of Innocence the inception of evil thought and habit not imagined before, by men who should sow holy thoughts in the heart, as God sows stars in the sky. Abomination ! And with confession comes the creeping of that leprous veil over the transparent honesty of the Protestant English character. The eye acquires a covert glance, speech acquires reserve, the thoughts acquire the Jesuit's tortuous course. Alas ! for the old English name and fame when its open- eyed free youth take to answering the catechising, and 166 PURITANISM IN POWER. submitting to the authority of the quack physicians of souls. Family secrets divulged, family spies introduced the interests of a Mother Church the salvation of dear Protestant souls paramount what mischief incalculable is here ! Let us confront it with Divine simplicity. " If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." And with confession and absolution of sins and the imposition of penance come the analysis of sins into mortal and venial, and the classi- fication of these into various degrees. Anything more destructive of the true spiritual consciousness, and more at variance with fundamental truth in the region of the soul's actual relationship to God cannot be conceived. Men's sins altogether escape analysis, definition, esti- mation, outside the court of the individual conscience. There is one alone that can judge truly regarding them, and that is God. Sins are entirely relative to light, to conditions and to privileges matters inscrutably hid from fellow-mortals and incapable of being dealt with by any theological faculty. Sins are relative to the cultivation of the conscience and the religious progress of the race. Under the tutelage of the Spirit the area of known duty grows daily like a cloud, and with it sun-tipped with light from on high the shadows of failure under the new responsibility. This generation has not the same conscience as the last ; the truth and number of its intuitions have increased. The next generation will have a higher conscience than the present. Such is the painful but allotted climb of man, when once he catches the Father's voice, " Thou art My son, this day have I begotten thee." It is well to be a bird and scream over the wild sea waves with the joy of absolute freedom from law and conscience and physical constraint. It is well to note a THE PROGRESS OF RITUALISM. 167 comrade's fall under the shot of a passenger's gun, and immediately to turn and rend your lately flying and now dying partner. This is well for those who with all their flying will find no resting place above the clouds. The Court of Borne if it is to define a people's Faith (a solecism in thought) or draw up a quantitative and qualitative analysis of its sins, must be omniscient, infallible, possess indeed all the attributes of Deity sit in session every day and issue new editions every hour. There is palpably no qualitative difference in sins the quality of all is the same disobedience through defect of love. The Irish emigrant when crossing the Atlantic produces upon the merry deck a piece of treasured turf. Standing upon it with one foot and flourishing a shillalagh he shouts out, " Erin for ever ! I have found ye once more." It is only a small piece of turf, but most truly a bit of his native soil. What is the " smallest " sin, so called, but a fragment of the bog in which Humanity is planted ? Sin is the product of two realities, occult to any extraneous human authority, viz., the knowledge by God of the creature and the knowledge by the creature of God. It is an infinite thing, undefinable, like God Himself. Wesleyan doctrines of perfection ! are ye the offspring of amazing simplicity, or the proof of the blinding and indurating power of dogmatic theology? Hunt the rainbow, my Wesleyan friends, and the horizon ! " I suppose, Fred, the curates of St. Mary have asked you to confession ? " " Sir, I never confide my private affairs to another." Could anything exceed the Jesuitical character of that answer ? The question for Englishmen to consider is indeed not alone the certainty of simple gospel verities perishing under the spread of High Anglican influence not alone 168 PURITANISM IN POWER. the supplanting of spiritual by sacramental grace and the sense of fellowship with the Living Lord by the adoration of an Idol Mystery not alone the creation of a priestly caste claiming authority by virtue of spiritual functions and supernatural powers. Not the affront done to the Majesty on High and His co-equal Son by the establishment of creature worship and the de- preciation of the Lord's sympathy and the intercessory power of the Great High Priest. Those are terrible corruptions and dangers indeed, but another evil truly national and not less deplorable would be the certain alteration of the national character, incalculably for the worse, by Catholic qualifications of the Lie. The moral characteristic which most clearly reveals the creed and worship in all countries, is the encouragement or other- wise given to the Lie in speech in affirmations or denials, in integrity of motive in the habit of going straightforwardly or crookedly. Now it is matter of common knowledge that truth flourishes most in Protestant soil and the Lie finds in Catholic countries its congenial habitat. There are exceptions it is true, such as the Dissenting Principality of Wales, but what is written is broadly true. The Saxon and the Scot have ever been in the van of the truth- speaking Protestant nations, and the Catholicising of England would in- fallibly change that proud and precious national character. Language would become the veil of thought : the priestly casuist would be ever at hand to reduce the qualms which the more unsophisticated conscience of the confessor would own. The free, open, simple-minded, honest Scot and Saxon would debase themselves with some of the shifty insincerities of the Catholic Celt, who under the long tutelage of the Papal faith, abetting ceaseless plots against a Protestant Kule, has made of Ireland a place where the verification of facts is im- possible, and the search for truth has to be pursued THE PROGRESS OF RITUALISM. 169 upon evidence unstable as a morass and with bottomless contradictions awaiting it. Let it be for ever remembered that Protestant Truth and National Truth go together. It has long since been observed that the congregations of the High Churches have a peculiar physical type. They seem to be a gathering of all the low facial angles and splay feet. So that the three divisions of the Anglican Church might be styled the Short, the Sound, and the Silly the " Short " standing for the Evangelicals, whose creed is sound so far as it goes, but short of the whole truth the " Sound " for the Broad Church, which is relatively the soundest of the three and the third standing for the Kitualists which it is impossible not to style Anserine. In addition to these presumptive evidences of religious hue we shall have the far more lamentable indication supplied by the spice of Jesuistry injected into artless natures. Happily, however, there are indications that the Bitu- alistic or, rather, Komanist revival has reached its limits, and that we may anticipate a healthy reaction. The pull of the High Church was undoubtedly being felt beyond the bounds of the Establishment. All the dis- senting bodies yielded something to the tendency. Ministers resumed gowns that had been discarded. They retreated into the apse, accompanied by the deacons when attending to the Lord's Supper. Services became floridly musical in certain chapels a Liturgy, in others an anthem, and in very many the Psalms for the day were regularly introduced ; and even the Quakers were stirred into the occasional indulgence of a hymn. The only insoluble and incorruptible order of public worship was that of the Plymouth Brethren, who left the organized churches alone, and copied nothing. But they were always much given to explanations of Jewish ritual and to plans of Solomon's Temple, and they 170 PURITANISM IN POWER. allowed their souls, when wearied of harping upon one string, a sop to their chordal aspirations by frequent attendance at the vespers of the Parish Church. This addition to the beauty, if not to the power of Nonconformist worship, was going on when the Ritualists took steps backward to primitive simplicity ; began the monotonous howlings of the Gregorian Chant and the abomination of a Quaker-like "plain song." The Priest, moreover, in gorgeous garments going to a pulpit which, with an affectation of humility, was made of kitchen skewers. These, however, are innocent matters mere shell The body, the kernel, was the distinct sacerdotal claim which the ritual betokened. And for the acute develop- ment of this, the action of the Liberation Society is largely responsible. Instead of attending to their own business and awaiting the downfall of the Establishment in God's good time, as a result of their own growing spiritual influence over the people, the Nonconformist ministers for the people were ever in the mass, quite lukewarm kept hammering away at the prerogatives of the Establishment, with the acerbity of persons per- sonally injured, and the perseverance of the most disin- terested searchers after truth ; with the result, that after forty years' wandering in the wilderness of apathetic popular support, their expensive propaganda has left them farther from the promised land than ever, and from being assailants they have been turned into alarmed and anxious apologists for their very existence. With the threat of disestablishment ever dangling before them, it was natural that the Church of England should seek to ground upon its ecclesiastical traditions, its reasons for occupying quite a unique position among the sects, should disestablishment eventually occur. "We should fall altogether in line with the sectaries," they may be imagined to have said, " should we abandon THE PROGRESS OF RITUALISM. 171 "our Catholic holding; but if we assert an unbroken " apostolical succession and full inheritance in the super- " natural gifts and powers reserved to those in valid "orders, we shall still be pre-eminent although discon- "nected from the State; we may indeed, with fuller " liberty, and walking off with the spoils of the disendow- "rnent settlement, blossom into complete conformity " with Eome, and arrive at such authority among the " masses, that practically the Mother Church shall be " above the State, and the fullest claims of Denison " and Lincoln be appeased." The Catholic revival is largely the child of the Liberationist propaganda. Happily, however, as we were saying, there are signs that sacerdotal progress has reached its limit, and from the Church of England itself help is coming from the faithful Episcopate in the north. The Protestant Cathedrals of Liverpool and Manchester, amid teeming populations, send forth no uncertain sound. Canon Eawstorne, preaching in Manchester Cathedral, on Whit Sunday, 1889, uncompromisingly demolishes sacerdotal exclusiveness. After asserting that the tongues of fire rested upon the whole company present, and not alone upon the Apostles, he thus proceeds : " The event of Pentecost was, in fact, an ordination on " the most splendid scale, and with the most enduring "effects an ordination of every single Christian then "present, and of every single Christian to the end of " Time, to be one of that Koyal Priesthood which is " qualified (as the same St. Peter said in later years, not " forgetful of Pentecost) to offer up spiritual sacrifices " acceptable unto God, through Jesus Christ, to show " forth the praises of Him who hath called them out of " darkness into His marvellous light. . . . Nor was " there any function of the Church so apparently sacer- "dotal that the whole body of the Church (or what we 172 PUEITANISM IN POWER. " now call the laity) did not take part in it. If there " were an officer or minister of the Church to be ap- " pointed, the election was made in the midst of the " disciples and by them ; when discipline had to be " exercised all took part in the trial ; the verdict given, " and the sentence passed were those of the majority ; the " forgiveness or absolution of the offender upon repen- " tance was also the work of all. Even when a question " of doctrine was at issue, the whole Church, as well as " the Apostles and Elders, was admitted to the delibera- tion. And public teaching and public officiating " continued free at least to the male sex all might " prophesy, one by one, so that all may learn, and all be " comforted, and ' the men ' might pray in every place, " lifting up holy hands, without wrath and disputing." This is but the echo of the late Bishop Lightfoot's position. In words still more distinct and emphatic he resumes " And the word will begin to spread again far faster " than it has done for many, many centuries, wherever " the truth becomes recognised again, that the Pentecost " fire has fallen upon all, so that, as Tertullian says, the " Church exists complete wherever two or three members " of it are met, saltern laid, though only laymen. When " the Church regains the consciousness that everyone of " its members is a priest, and may exercise sacerdotal " functions when occasion calls for them, then the " Church will go complete wherever Christians go able " to perform all its functions, able to propagate itself, and " it will be smitten with the curse of barrenness no more.'' The position taken in this last paragraph even goes beyond what most Nonconformist ministers are prepared to concede, the small remnant of Rome being clung to in the claim exclusively to baptize and to dispense the Lord's supper. The consistent evangelicalism of Bishop Ryle of Liverpool is well known. The See of Gloucester and THE PKOGKESS OF EITUALISM. 173 Bristol is, or rather was, also a marked example of fidelity to protestant standards. Hereford and Wor- cester stand somewhat midway. Notwithstanding, the strength and popularity of the High Anglican section are the most obvious features of the Church in Eng- land to-day. If we listen attentively on some still Sunday morning when we are late for service, and watching with only half a mind a swarm of tadpoles in the sunny shallows of a field pond, we may hear the High Anglicans throughout England twisting round on their heels towards the altar at every doxology, and twisting back again in the satisfaction of a meritorious performance, as if the points of the compass had any relation to conscience and to God. And you may wonder how long it may take to turn those tadpoles into frogs. There is however a point of the compass to which God would have us look, not for worship, but for work. It is because the High Anglican party have steadfastly turned and looked at the "East End" in all our towns, and found it impossible as they beheld humanity there to say, " Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost ; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. Amen." It is because of this and its practical consequences in zealous devotion to the outcast flocks, that the High Anglicans hold their ground and will maintain it, until their example has altered the attitude of the Puritan star-gazers, and they commence the realization of Christ's kingdom upon earth. As the key and centre of the sacerdotal claims in the corrupted Christian church are found in the unnatural development given to the simple rite in which our Lord wished His passion to be remembered until He came again to reap its fruits our next chapter will concern itself with what that ordinance really was what it did, and what it did not imply. 174 CHAPTER IV. THE LOED'S SUPPER. EVEN the lizard upon the rock knew that something unusual was in the air. It had palpitated with the bleat- ing of lambs for days hundreds of lambs thousands of lambs tens of thousands of lambs. Vultures, poised in the empyrean, had gloomily watched the long trains of caravans wending their way to the sacred metropolis ; and as one after another turned the point at which a confined prospect of bulging slopes gave way to the extended panorama of the holy city the domes and towers of Herod's temple, o'er-topped by the castle of Antonia a burst of praise issued from a hundred lips. Company after company and psalm after psalm suc- ceeded breaking upon the air, as on a summer's day the long Atlantic swell breaks, in cheerful thunder on the shore. The sun was westering to the inland sea, and long, sharp and prone fell the shadows from the vaunting towers down to Kedron's hidden trickle. Gehenna, sunk in gloom, had its rising vapours touched into a sullen glow, while Upper Olivet, right up to the cedars which seemed pilgrims from Lebanon rooted to the spot, stood in Hoods of gold. Many were the groves and gardens then. The city might be high-pitched Torrington, looking out on woods and bowers. Where now are rock and rubbish outside the modern walls, houses and orchards clustered down the steep. Away towards the north and west was a spreading suburb of which not a trace remains, and all was seething with a fervent life. The lizard on the rocky highway is now splashed with dust, and gives one leap, while the surging clatter of the THE LORD'S SUPPER. 175 caravan passes down creak of buckskin greasy scrape upon the saddle pad of camel's bossy foot agile tread of ass straining and jingling of the towering furniture, with an occasional long slide upon the steep descent, followed by the drivers' shouts, drowning the chatter of an animated and brightly coloured company, gay with the pleasure of the annual pilgrimage, and glad of the opportunity of combining the business of a fair with attention to a sacred and traditional festival. Like all the cruel countries of Europe, Jerusalem had not tender wreathing mists, and all its features stood out with the rigid distinctness of the moral law. But nature has attempted some compensation in granting to such parts the dim uncertain olive, which would, if it could, look sweetly veiled in blue. This evening clumps of these trees are rimmed with brighter hues as the slanting sunbeams search out and shock their modesty. Gray is the limestone of the city's base ; gray are the triple tiers of the temple courts where now the bleating is less strenuous ; blue are the shadows on the marble gates whose Corinthian columns are gold-flecked upon the west. But here in front, on either side the descending caravan and all around, the great mass of purpling heights is confronted by a foreground rioting in colour. The ground has broken out in festival. Lively in the sun is the thin spring grass, and in and out among corn field and meadow and verdant slope run flaring companies of the poppy, flox, gladiolus and holly-hock ; the ground is sprinkled with pimpernel and white moon-daisies ; bands of marigold add to the gay garniture, and all these giddy flowers lay their checks against the ash- white sepulchres W 7 hich bestrew the lower slopes, and will not in after years be able to prevent the beholder from recalling the blood of sprinkling and the great drops of Gethsemane. The tents are thick white tents. Aquilla and Priscilla have made some of them with pre-Christian honesty. 176 PURITANISM IN POWER. White men, white women oh ! it is an innocent crowd by its garments ! What thronging at the gate ! The intensity of satisfaction at again beholding the holy city felt by the aged is as nothing compared to the joy which fills the breast of him who sees it for the first time. This youth dismounting from the caravan is absorbed in strong emotion ; his dark blue eye flashes light ; it is his first glimpse of the home of his Imperial race, and it is beneath the heel of the conqueror ; the great square towers of Antonia look down upon the sacred rites in the temple enclosure. Forty years hence and the blood of this beardless boy will be sprinkled on the lintels of this gate. What a din there is ! A confused intermingling of the languages of Syria, Greece, and Borne, and the patois of Galilee and Samaria. Make way for the Pharisee ! Two roguish youths inadvertently rush him against Mildred, the Egyptian fishmonger, who also looks like a leper, whereat the Rabbi turns in abhorrence, and the laughing eyes of the miscreants are hidden in his broad phylacteries. Toot-;i- toot ! somebody more fortunate is giving alms at the street corner, bless him ! What a surging throng mounting the ascent to the court of sacrifice ; and equally dense the crowd that is descending, each having upon his shoulders a lamb that had been slain. For the trumpet had sounded, and the evening sacrifice had been offered, and again the blare of the Levites proclaimed that the Passover Lambs were to be offered, whereupon, admitted twenty at a time, each representative of the household had put the knife to the victim's throat, and the end priest of a row with golden flagons, facing another row with silver ones, had caught the crimson flood, and commenced to hand it onwards to the altar, receiving from the next above him an empty flagon in return. Thus for hours had the line of priests been THE LORD'S SUPPER. 177 carrying the innocent blood, chanting antiphonically the while, and the bleating in the pens was looser and less loud. Above the varied crowd rose here and there the bust of a Roman officer, calm, stern and cynical. His was the race which had learnt the secret of Empire in allowing to the tributaries full play for their superstitions. Let the priests but teach the people to render unto Caesar the things that are Csesar's, and they will back up their religious ceremonies as though Tiberius were the object of their worship. And yet the conquerors and conquered had a bond of affinity in the common deficiency in arts. The practical worldliness of the Roman compelled him to borrow the Fine Arts from Greece, and the spiritual unworldliness of the Hebrew had left him destitute of their rudiments. The God-sense deadened the aesthetic by the superior beauty of the Holy One. The people of the earthen Altar had made their temple square ! Could anything artistically good come from a cube ? It was when the rabble shouted " Crucify Him ! " that Archi- tecture heard the word for which it waited, and the miraculously perfect temple plan was laid, in which height and length, and breadth and depth, and the mutual co- operation of every stone in the building in giving comfort, aid and support to its fellow, gave to the world an emblem of Divine and human love sermons in stones, of which the eye and heart of Christendom never tire. But now some 150,000 eviscerated and spitted creatures have been borne to earthen ovens, and the blood of sacrifice has purchased for the offerers the Feast of Joy. The streets are clearing, lights are twinkling, the upper rooms are filling. To men from Bethany, how looks the City now ? Down out of sight a blood-red line lies on the offing of the Mare Magnum. The mounting shadows have finally engulfed the highest slopes, and Olivet, black and pale, faces the Temple towers tipped with flame. The last belated searcher for spinning 12 178 PURITANISM IN POWER. pennies from yesterday's overturn gives up the que^t. No more bleating from the Temple Courts there is but one more spotless Lamb to sacrifice. Sadly and slowly, slowly and sadly walks the group from Bethany. The Master is in front pondering moodily the followers come behind. A crisis is at hand they feel it ; but oh ! what doubts and fears have intruded upon their former mounting prospects. They had divided the Kingdom among themselves down to settling their places at the Eoyal table or rather they had begun at the finish and now when popular acclaim had hailed their Lord and Master King, He had let the echoes die away and talked of crucifixion, and something stranger resurrection. Moreover, instead of the elate spirit of the conqueror, He is bowed with a troubled spirit, and they durst not speak to Him. Unseen, unrecognised they pass beneath the green and darkening sky, and now have followed to the indicated house, entered the court- yard, mounted the stairs, and passed into the furnished room. With the kingdom still in view, and notwith- standing tormenting doubts and fears, the old strife for precedence has recommenced, when lo ! He who yester- day lifted His small scourge and swept the Temple clean of traffickers He who spilled the tables piled with gold and silver, mixing all oxen, sheep and doves together, and with each man's money pile overturning all his hopes of profit driving the money changers off with the stinging suggestion that they were thieves and robbers this wondrous Being whom none dared to restrain any more than a storm, now takes unto Himself a towel, girds Himself as slaves are wont, and commences to wash the feet of His disciples. Taught by this, they finally are seated in a natural order. To add brightness to the feast, it was customary t" put gay cloths upon the couches. The Master in the central seat of honour may have reclined upon stuffs of THE LORD'S SUPPER. 179 Tyrian purple, and Judas below Him pressed a leopard's skin. John was above his Master. It was one of the traditions by which the Rabbins had made void the law, that the Keepers of the Passover, instead of standing in the attitude and apparel of Pilgrim departure, should have followed a Roman custom, and reclined luxuriously at the table. Our Lord in the closing days of a worn-out dispensation made no altera- tion, and the unauthorized posture allowed of the long discourses of that memorable hour. But in truth it was a new departure that the world was soon to take. Avenging Justice, passing over the accumulated guilt of the Piace, was to smite the Shepherd's head the First- born Son of God and of Redeemed Humanity, and let the flock go free. He, too, who was born upon the census taking the preliminary of new and oppressive taxing yokes, was now laying in His blood and buried Body the edifice of liberty to the captives of unjust Governments and emancipation of Labour from the whip and scourge, the law and yoke of Almighty Mammon. It might have been the hour of heavenly intoxication of divinest rapture. But how could that be with those who, having known that Just One three whole years, were told the rest of their dark journey must be unattended by that splendour ? Israel's yoke, too ! Israel's yoke ! The gibe of the heathen ! When would the Kingdom be restored ? For over fifteen hundred years now they had been celebrating this Passover a perpetual remembrance of God's deliverance of enslaved labour from Egyptian bondage ; and now the very precincts of the Holy Courts were invaded by the heathen conqueror, and his heavy tribute galled the necks of every class. How near seemed the accomplishment of their dreams ! Every month and every miracle widened the prospect and advanced their expectations. Here was a King who owned no servitude 180 PURITANISM IN* POWER. to Nature. There had been monarchs who, after sub- duing many nations, were bidden by a vile ulcer in their stomach to resign their crown. But here was one who could yoke the winds to His chariot, and visiting the battlefield of a triumphal victory, could speak into existence the lost limbs of the crippled, and stamping the ground, recruit his regiments from the dead. Would not Israel be avenged ? But mingled with all these da}' dreams were the strange starlight glories of His spiritual thought, He had opened to them already the gates of a New Kingdom the Empire of Love. Just now He had washed their unwilling feet, and rebuked their strife for Lordship. Peter was convinced that He ruled in their hearts, and as a Teacher simply, bereft of earthly power and wealth, could command their lives. A new Kingdom had then already been established. They twelve No ! What was that the Master said ? One of them should betray Him '? Oh, impossible ! With the full confidence of present loyalty, and yet with sad mysterious dread, for of late they had begun to learn that only one human heart could be depended upon they severally put the query, "Is it I?" Peter beckons to John ; John leans back on his Master's breast, where his locks have risen and fallen as sea birds on an ocean swell, and, lifting his sad eyes, looks and whispers the enquiry, "Who is it, Lord?" The Master takes a bunch of herbs, dips them in the sweet fruit sauce and hands to Judas next behind. Sunk in sorrow now aggravated by this harassing con- jecture the disciples relapse into inattentive contem- plation But a door has clapped the air is lighter a wave of balm seems to have comforted all hearts a star falling from the sky, behind the lattice window, lifts the lids of Peter, and looking round he counts eleven and the Lord. Now can the feast begin ! " With desire have I desired THE LORD'S SUPPER. 181 to eat this Passover with you before I suffer : For I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God." The deliverance from the Egyptian yoke was good ; it has been cele- brated it revealed God's perpetual mind towards economical injustice and oppression. But there are other yokes from which that and all similar proceed, which He had come into the World to save His children from. So when the third Passover Cup had been reached, the Feast was merged into a memorial of this Greater Good this deliverance of the World from its deadness towards God, and its consequent deadness towards brother man. The foundations of the New Era must be laid in self-sacrifice. " This is my body, broken for you: eat ye all of it" a brother's equal share of the necessary of life is handed round. Likewise the cup, after He had blessed it, " This cup is the New Testament in my blood: drink ye all of it" divide it amongst yourselves. " I will not henceforth drink of the fruit of the vine, until I drink it new with you in my Father's Kingdom. I appoint unto you a Kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me ; that ye may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel." " Now is the Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in him." " A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another ; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." Up into the stillness of that sacred chamber, where choking hearts heard only their own beating and the Master's voice, there crept the far-off sounds of gather- ing tumult in the streets blows and cries and execra- tions ; it rose like wind, clamoured near the doors, and passed away some Samaritan beaten by the Jews. 182 PURITANISM IN POWER. " Verily, verily, I say unto you, That ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice : and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy. And ye now therefore have sorrow : but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you." The sound of crushed clamour comes from the Castle of Antonia. The Procurator is feasting with his friends, and Emilius Rufinus, drunk with Falerian wine, and enraged that his slave has failed to procure the sturgeon he desired, has flung his dagger at him, and it neatly stuck between his ribs whereat the Cappadocian slave- cook plucks it out and flies at the throat of his Master, until the guard has rolled his head beneath the table. " righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it : that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them." They have sung a hymn together and passed out into the night, descending almost deserted streets, which echo with the hum of words and chants from every dwelling down to the black depths of Kedron, and along till the favourite garden is reached home of the retiring Olive, meet place for solitude and prayer. Did the Master blame His sorrowing disciples for submitting to the urgency of exhausted nerve and feelings? Did He with irony address them " Sleep on now, and take your rest"'? Ah, surely no! These are the comments of men ignorant of more than the shallows of an average heart. Words and deeds, to which after-ages will refer, are rightly pitched in a key unnatural to contemporary uses. Lights are twinkling in the High Priest's palace. Lights are twinkling in the barrack towers. Lights THE LORD'S SUPPER. 183 are descending the steep, and issuing from the gate. The tramping is partly irregular and partly the measured tread of the legions, and one foot leads to the well-known spot, not so far from the Potter's field. # * * * She was not there before ! No, she had rushed out of a cloud in white amazement ! 184 CHAPTER V. THE LOED'S SUPPER Continn^L IT is passing strange that an ordinance so simple, and to the unsophisticated mind so clear and natural in its intention, should have been made the ground for theories the most monstrous and irrational, affronting the under- standing and conflicting with the essential spirituality of the Gospel scheme, while running counter to every apostolic reference and exposition, and to every index afforded by the practice of the primitive church. Not so strange, however, if we remember that the ingenuity of fallen man has ever been exercised to discover some escape from the consequences of his fall, or, let us say, the appointed conditions of his earthly discipline ; and that the possibility of establishing a privileged order, which by virtue of supernatural powers and prerogatives should creditably sustain pretensions to live without common labour by taxing the toiling flock, was altogether too potent a temptation to fail of supplying plausible supports to corrupt interpretations of our Lord's lan- guage, and the historical realization, to the world's woe, of the order of a professional Christian Priesthood. What that professional Christian Priesthood has done to confound men's notions of the exquisite reasonableness of Christ and Christianity what it has done to enslave the understanding, to poison conscience, to blind moral perceptions, to frustrate and discount the God-given intuitions of souls innocent of the Priestly perversions- let the humiliating record of ecclesiastical history attest, and the degrading superstitions of the Greek and Roman churches in the present day confirm. A beholder of what passes for religion among the inhabitants of Russia and South America, not to speak of nearer home, must THE LORD'S SUPPER. 185 be haunted by the query : Has Christianity, so repre- sented, done anything for the elevation of mankind, or the reverse ? Now the basal foundation of all Christian Priestly assumption, whereby claims are made to yield up the contents of the burdened heart and of the pocket treasure, whether light or weighty the bottom pretension rests just upon a fraudulent and ridiculous interpretation of the nature and design of the simple and natural observance which our Lord instituted and commended as always accessible to bring Himself to memory, and to set forth the love which His Spirit and example beget in His disciples. In these days, when a flood of Sacramentalism is rolling over the Protestant Church of England and removing the landmarks of the Reformers and of Evan- gelical theology, it is of prime importance to draw attention to the absolute vacuum that exists in Scripture in place of any breath of inspiration favouring the heathenish notions that have been imported into the essential character of the institution. Obviously the vantage ground that its perversion affords to Priestly pretensions is enormously efficacious. The men who can bless a wafer into the body, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ can do anything. The ignorant masses will have them to bless their horses and mules into good behaviour, their cows into fountains of milk, and their fields into certain productiveness. Their Priests will be able to get rain for them, as well as unseal the obdurate fountains of God's mercy, and open the fast doors of the heart of Christ that is, they may be got to do these things if properly paid for it. Behold the prostration of the befooled masses of Christendom at the foot of the Priest ! To get at the heart of the ordinance we must bear in mind the dual nature of man and his heirship in both the material and spiritual worlds. It being the purpose 18G 1TIUTAN1SM IN POWER. of Christ to redeem humanity that is, man in the first stage of existence necessarily his redemption as heir of the material world must accompany, if it do not precede, his redemption as heir of the spiritual. In reason, and in experience, a degree of emancipation from bondage in the material sphere must precede man's emancipation from spiritual thralls, and the All-wise God evidenced His sanction of this view when He did not attempt a moral renovation of Israel until He had first brought them out of Egypt. The Passover was the celebration of man's redemption from economical subjection his restoration to dignity and freedom in the material world ; no longer with bent head and anguished heart, unable to attend to the words of Moses or of Christ, even when they speak of corning deliverance, but standing erect, able to look up at the heavens and hail the Star of Bethlehem. The Lord's Supper took up into itself all the signifi- cance of the Passover, and added thereto man's redemption from the bondage of sin and his introduction to the glorious liberty of the children of God. And this by the memorial of a Divinely perfect Life, attaining its consummation in an example of Infinite Love and unsurpassable unselfishness. It is the unphilosophical severance of Judaism from Christianity that is responsible for the obscuration of the Passover in the superimposed ordinance of the Supper. The organic connection and vital continuity of the two dispensations should never be lost sight of. To the Jews it was given to bear in perpetual remem- brance the glorious deliverance the Almighty had effected for them from Egyptian bondage. It was their first and principal Feast truly a feast of first-fruits since they were first of the nations to be delivered from economical oppression b}' the stretched-out arm of God. The words of the prayer, according to the Mishna, could be used by THE LORD'S SUPPER. 187 the poor of all countries: "He brought us forth from bondage into freedom, from sorrow into joy, from mourning to a festival, from darkness to a great light, and from slavery to redemption. Therefore let us sing before Him, Hallelujah ! " The unity in privilege and destiny of the Commonwealth was set forth in the extreme care taken that the corporate completeness and soundness of the slain victim should not be infringed not a bone of it must be broken. There were forty stripes for the offender against this rule. All in the room must be partakers of the Lamb, whose unbroken integrity set forth the oneness in life and death, in self- sacrifice and in privilege, which should characterize Humanity when redeemed. And when He who, at the time when Palestine was moved from end to end about the taxing, and those injurious assessments which gave spoils to court families and fortunes to rascally publicans when the "Just" One, reputed Son of Joseph, "a just man and devout," appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself it was the sin of selfish domination and unbrotherly un- kindness as well as forgetfulness of God that He set Himself to slay. It was the Passover He selected as the appropriate root and source of the New Feast of Brotherly Love and memorial of Brotherly Sacrifice. Christians were meant to take up the Jewish Passover and remember it for ever. The memory of the Deliverer born amidst the taxing to set His people free the memory of Him in whose presence Zaccheus shelled his selfishness as a serpent sheds his skin, was to produce like reformation in respect of certain practices among His little flock until the Lord should come again to set up for ever His world- wide dominion of absolute equit}\ Not a bone of Him was broken He died intact that He might redeem the world intact, and allow of no rupture of the earthly from the heavenly inheritance, of the physi- 188 PURITANISM IN POWEIl. cal from the spiritual, of the body from the soul of man, in the affair of redeeming His own dear race and children. The "right discerning of the Lord's Body" was the due perception of it as broken for the brethren a sacrifice for their sins and the benefits of that sacrifice and great example held in memory to be the appropriate spiritual food of their souls, continually resorted to : even as natural food the broken bread must furnish bodily support. Matter for matter ; spirit for spirit. That the reception of the actual flesh and blood of our Lord should have any effect upon the spirit of man is one of those conceptions which defy rational vindication. But the physical element in the Feast is all important. It was the Divine intent to leave an everlasting memorial of the right of brethren to equal portions in the common worldly inheritance of the race. The Agape the Love Feast of Humanity, is postponed for its final and complete realization, until the Lord shall come again but until then, when Christ shall eat and drink it new with His followers in the Kingdom of His Father, its coming is set forth in every communion service. The offence of the Corinthian Church, for which St. Paul rebuked it, was that instead of making the Supper an adumbration of Fraternity in Equality, they introduced class distinctions and outraged its essential principle. The rich shamed the poor by the prodigality of their display : and while one was hungry another was drunken. This was not to discern the Lord's body, unbroken in its structure though broken in its flesh, that all might be forgiven ; and that selfishness slain in His followers by the example of the Head, should never sanction as a Christian order of Society hunger for the many and repletion for the few. They who thus remember our Lord eat and drink damnation to them- selves, not discerning the Lord's body. It is amazing how even clear-headed Protestant THE LORD'S SUPPER. 189 dissenters have allowed a glamour of the Sacramental system of Rome to infect their view of the simple ordinance. As if it mattered what the elements were ! The very glory and excellence of the institution lie in its accessibility to all at any time. The common and ordinary food of the country will ever serve. Bread-fruit and cocoa-nut milk in the South Pacific. Blubber and train oil in Lapland. What acrimonious feuds have arisen about fermented wine among babes in spiritual understanding, while the infants have raised not the least objection to fermented bread ! It was of course perfectly immaterial what the elements were, so long as they were wholesome solids and liquids, the common food of the people. For the charm of the institution consists in this, that every household meal, or public banquet, could be turned into an Agape a supper of the Lord. Small chance of Christ being forgotten when every meal may bring Him specially to remembrance. And how enormously powerful for goqd might be the recollection, if attached by habitual practice, to the table observances. Would it not tend to stop contention, to rebuke vanity, to stay slander, to urge to earnest, holy and Christ-like living? And how inspiring and comforting to impart this meaning, whether the feast be a welcome or a Fare-thee-well, " Welcome Brother ! for our Lord has bid us all sit down at the Gospel feast. Fare-thee-well, Brother ! it is only till the Lord shall come." And the humblest may use his solitary meal so as to bring Another to his company. The Dock Labourer under sentence of the " sack," may, while he munches bread and cheese and drinks chicory from his can, as he sits upon the lumber of the quay, remember One who never dismisses from His service those who love His work, and who has gone to prepare a place for him from which he will never be discharged. 190 PURITANISM IN POWER. Not only as regards the elements, likewise as regards administration silly superstitions linger where they might least be expected. Wesleyan Local Preachers may preach, and Congregationalist and Baptist lay preachers may divide the Word of Life, from the pulpit but for the blessing and distribution of the "consecrated"' elements only an ordained minister is deemed the proper officer. It is a torn hem from the Romish tucker whicli grown men might be expected to have discarded. At one little gathering of Christians it was desired that a communion service should be held on the occasion of the visit of an old friend. Trouble, however, appeared in the countenances of the Elders and it was announced regretfully by one of the number that the communion service must be dispensed with, as, although Bread was present, a certain good brother had forgotten the Wine. The President pro iempore, however, was unable to perceive the insoluble nature of the problem, as a goblet of good clear water confronted him upon the table. Avowing his conviction that water would do as well, if not better than Wine, the service was duly proceeded with, and appeared to lack nothing in comforting stimulus; nevertheless the membership cast furtive glances at one another when it was over and seemed much to question the regularity of its proceedings. The more serious of them them of the straiter sort, seemed possessed of a doubt as to whether they had not really " broken a dog's neck, eaten a mouse, and taken the broth of abominable things between their teeth ! ' ' Now, in view of all and sundry, these childish super- stitions, let it be noted that the Passover was the abnegation of the official priest, and that it w r as the festival in which priestly functions devolved upon the Laity. The victims were slain, not by the Levites, but by the heads of households severally. It is true the blood was jerked at the foot of the altar by a Priest, but the offering up THE LORD'S SUPPER. 191 the slaying of the victim was effected by an uncon- secrated man. The festival, however, consecrated him he did so by a perpetual ordinance of Jewish law. And the Priestly function of teaching was also in this festival to be undertaken by the household head. Children asked him what it signified, and he taught them of God's great deliverance from economical subjection. It was meet then that the Christian dispensation, which was to be distinguished by the Priesthood and Kingship of all Believers, should be ushered in by an ordinance dove- tailed into the Jewish Passover, when every householder became a teaching priest, and celebrated the deliverance of his people from an oppressive King. Little more remains to be said but the obvious need of the present age is a revival of Judaism, for the pur- pose of concentrating Religious thought upon worldly Righteousness, and a revival of Quakerism, to separate Ritualism from Religious thought. 192 CHAPTER VI. SACRAMENTS CONSIDERED. To get rid of the Priest, then by which God forbid that I should mean the student of Holy Writ, the curate of souls, or the Gospel Evangelist but that character and function which has been falsely imported into, and imposed upon, the Ministers of Christ's Truth and servants of His Church to get rid of the Priest we must get rid of the Sacraments. Succession to the Apostolic miraculous powers and authority by magical manual transmission The entire Papal scheme and tradition under which the Kingdom of God upon earth is conceived of as a pro- vision of human conduits for the mechanical distribution of Divine grace by means of things called Sacrament-, administered by persons called "priests," to obedient sons of the Church called " laity " The comparative subordination and disparagement of the Canon of Scripture, the exaltation of Church authority, the Fathers, Tradition, and the Apocrypha The with- holding of the Bible from the common people, the subordination of teaching to ceremonies, and of sermons to sacraments all these things hang together, and rest as upon their foundation and warranty upon a view of two simple symbols and helps to the plantation of Christianity everywhere, which view has not a shadow of Scriptural authority, and is at polar variance with the very nature and essentials of Religion. In the name of common honesty and common sense, where did the ecclesiastical conception of a " Sacrament " come from ? The name and thing are alike absent from the Scriptures Judaism was innocent of Sacraments. The rite of circumcision was a sign and nothing else ; SACRAMENTS CONSIDERED. 198 no pretence is made that it communicated a spiritual gift. The Paschal Lamb ! It was mutton and nothing more strengthened limbs about to march into the desert but as to conveying a distaste for Sin, or con- firming faith in the living God, the human race in the days of Moses had not advanced so far in folly as to imagine it. It would be a curious way of curing people prone to idolatry to provide them with a fetish to begin with. The Eomish idea of a Sacrament, which in various degrees still tarnishes the purity of Protestant con- ceptions, except perhaps among the Baptists and Quakers, is, that a Sacrament is a Divinely instituted rite in the observance of which the subjects (voluntary or involuntary) are brought into a new relationship with God, or become the recipients of a peculiar donation from the Holy Spirit not otherwise conferred. Now, nothing of this kind was known to Judaism. The Jews stood in a peculiar relationship to God prior to any single institution, under the Levitical economy. As heirs of Abraham, their election among mankind by God's free grace universally stood, whether they were circumcised or not, or never kept a feast. The only Sacrament in the Eomish sense they knew was God Himself. He was the sole source of spiritual power and of miraculous energy in the physical sphere. Circum- cision was a sign, and nothing more, of a prior fact. The Passover a memorial, and nothing more, of a grand national deliverance. As for the morning and evening sacrifices, the Scape Goat, and the various presentations in thanksgiving or for trespass, they were signs and symbols, deep, solemn, and affecting ; but their entire value lay not in themselves but in the great spiritual realities of Eepentance, Faith, and Obedience, which were prior to and inseparable from their due observance. Moses, in Midian, could do without one of them. He was closer to God for the absence of them, but for 13 194 PURITANISM IN POWER. the poor, crude, degraded slaves of Egypt, they were designed as helps, symbolic teaching and discipline. Never, however, were they permitted to imagine that the victims upon the altar, or the sprinkled blood, were in themselves channels of a magical moral influence, or that, multiply sacrifices as they might, they could gain the Divine favour while neglecting the essentials of a heart that was circumcised and a will that was sacrificed. With what awful indignation did the inspired Prophets, speaking for Jehovah, repudiate a ritualism from which the essentials of worship were absent. " To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the Lord, I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts ; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats. Bring no more vain oblations ; incense is an abomination unto me ; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with ; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth : they are a trouble unto me ; I am weary to bear them. And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you : yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear : your hands are full of blood." Isaiah i. 11, 13-15. Then follow terms of salvation without any sacra- mental reference whatever. " Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord : though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow ; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land : but if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword : for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it." Isaiah i. 18-20. Similarly Micah. "Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the high God? Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old ? SACEAMENTS CONSIDERED. 195 Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil ? Shall I give my lirst-born for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of nay soul? He hath showed thee, man, what is good ; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God ? " Micah vi. 6-8. If the sacramental idea was unknown to Judaism, was it introduced by Jesus Christ ? It is sufficient to point to the gospels passim for the answer to this question. The baptism of John to which He submitted was a testimony to the truth and righteousness of John's teaching, and a sanction of the rite as a practical method of testing obedience and confirming vows eminently useful in the propagation of any creed. As to the descent of the Holy Spirit that ensued, this marks the baptism of the Lord from every other ; for Christian baptism is a sign and symbol of a prior spiritual experience, the essential precedes the symbol. In the case of our Lord, the special manifestation of Divine favour was subsequent, not prior, to the ordinance. Moreover, it was John's baptism of repentance, and not into the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit, hence it has no bearing upon the " sacrament " of His own baptism. We do not find that he anywhere required His disciples to be baptized before they followed Him. From the record it does not appear that any of the Apostles were baptized.* If His baptism were a sacrament "in the Eomish sense," evidently our Lord's first business would be to make His disciples and especially His apostles submit themselves to it ; but the thought of a " sacramental " rite nowhere appears in any portion of His expressed requirements. It is true Jesus and His disciples did baptize, but they took it up or left it alone just as seemed expedient or * NOTE. The baptism of two of the Apostles, by the Fore- runner, and of Paul, by Ananias, is not to the point. 196 PURITANISM IN POWER. convenient ; it was clearly a non-essential, merely a help to children in the faith. The Sermon on the Mount is absolutely innocent of sacramentalism. And when we come to the Lord's Supper, as we have already seen, nothing but the perverse ingenuity of a prejudiced understanding could import into the Passover feast, rebaptized and endowed with new and higher indications, anything more sacra- mental than belonged to the original festival ; which the more clearly appears when we enquire, what did the Apostles do in reference to the so-called sacraments? Did they make baptism, or rather repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ the essentials to discipleship ? If their preaching produced the latter, did they insist upon immediate attention to the former ? We have the clearest evidence that while ready at all times to baptize true believers, they never made the matter an essential. Being simply a sign and symbol ; having secured the fruit the substance, they were indifferent as to the shadow, except in so far. as it appeared helpful to con- firming the converts in the new way. Paul thanks God that he was " sent not to baptize, but to preach the gospel," and as to the Lord's Supper, its common and social and unecclesiastical character was its most apparent feature. The early disciples met together to take a love-feast which had two delightful references. It celebrated their deliverance from the bondage of triumphant selfishness into the freedom of a real Brother- hood, in which the needs and rights of all were under common guardianship, and it also celebrated their deliverance from the bondage of sin and death, through the unselfish sacrifice of their dear and glorious Elder Brother who had opened to them the gates of Immor- tality, and who was coming to eat and drink with them again in the Kingdom of His Father. We nowhere find the Apostles making attention to this SACEAMENTS CONSIDERED. 197 festival a test of discipleship. It is recommended as helpful, never spoken of as an essential. The essentials were all implied in the fact of discipleship, neither is the ordinance of the Supper ever spoken of as a means of grace differing from any other occasion for the exercise together of mutual love and faith and hallowed recollection and worship. The Master's spiritual presence might be expected anywhere, where hearts with one accord were swept by repentance, watered with tears, and adorned by obedience. Then love, having opened the doors and windows in comes the Master to fill them all with joy. Neither Peter nor Paul makes the " Sacraments " the burden of his Epistles ; so far from that, they appear to be studiously ignored. It will not do to say they are con- stantly implied, for Paul is never occupying himself with planting fit administrators of " Sacraments" among the infant churches. He appoints deacons and elders chiefly, and when presbyters, gives them no special charge either about baptism or the Lord's Supper, as witness the Epistles to Timothy. Were St. Paul possessed by the modern fancies, the Epistles to Timothy would be found urging attention to the observance of the Lord's Supper as the great end and object of his own ordination and the discipleship of his converts. There is absolutely no mention of it at all. Not only does not the word " Sacrament" or anything equivalent to it occur in either Testament, there is also an entire absence of such termin- ology as "administering the ordinance," "celebration," " eucharist." The Scriptural term is " Communion," which expressly guards against the assumption of any to be a "celebrant" or an administrator in the assembly. In short, the absence of the Sacrificing Priest and of the "Sacramental" notion is the conspicuous feature of the New Testament. And accordingly we find that Churches get along 198 PURITANISM IN POWER. under the most diverse views as to the frequency with which it is expedient to observe the Lord's Supper. In Scotland it is mostly quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly. In Papal countries it may be several times daily. In Eussia it is obligatory only once a year, and the most extraordinary preparations are made in anticipation. Among Protestant Dissenters it is either weekly or monthly. Now does not common sense decide the' Churches themselves being judges that an ordinance which may be attended to or not with such an extra- ordinary laxity as to its recurrence, cannot be an essential, but -ever a symbol merely? Would it do to say, " You may pray daily, it is true, but really need not do so more than once a year " '? And the same with repentance and obedience. If proof were needed that all the essentials of Church membership and all its proper fruits can abound without any " Sacraments " at all, it is to be found in the little groups of Christians ministered to by City Missionaries. There may be seen some of the most glorious instances and convincing evidences of the reality of saving faith men and women having "put on" Christ, and walking in the beauty of a new and holy life, while never (under the silly and jealous restraints imposed upon City Missionaries by professional and ordained Ministers) allowed the opportunity of either Baptism or Communion. It may, however, be con- fidently said they are never a penny the worse for the deprivation. Communion among the Wesleyans means " a penny a week and a shilling a quarter " given, not received and among other Dissenters it means to a poor servant girl, for instance, that she is henceforth to undertake her share of the Church's obligations (pecuni- ary, not Godward), so that whatever spiritual efficacy is supposed to attach to the " Sacraments," they must at all events be paid for, and the character of free grace is taken from. them. SACRAMENTS CONSIDERED. 199 I would advise all the little groups of Christians to which Town and City Missionaries preach the Gospel to go on cheerily without the Sacraments having got the Thing, they would be children to cry for the Shadow, especially when it appears to be taxed, and what God made a wide and open door has a toll gate put across it. In fact, this opportunity for the toll gate lies at the root of the whole of the rubbish about " Sacraments " things of purely human invention of which the Scriptures know nothing, except this That what the " Sacraments," so-called, profess to do for men, One Man, the Incarnate God Jesus Christ, has once and for ever accomplished by the sacrifice of Himself, " the Just for the unjust, to bring us unto God." This, although there is no Scripture warranty for the term, is the Great Sacrament for the Eace which we celebrate in the Supper. And, furthermore, there is provided for men a " Sacrament" of Baptism, which is by the Holy Ghost Himself, and the Gracious Spirit of God, blowing through the world where it listeth, needeth not to wait for font, water, priest or sponsor, but just opens blind eyes and kisses into life dead souls, and says " It is finished." The symbol may follow, but it is non- essential Salvation is already based, rooted in the Eternal. Allusion jnust be made to the Society of Friends, who exhibit a Home missionary zeal, and an evangelical fervour as genuine as any other body of Christians, and yet not one of them having anything to do with "the means of grace " elsewhere accounted of such value. We conclude, then, that Scripture has nothing to say about " Sacraments." They exist in the Church with- out warranty in her oracles or sanction from her Head. Two practical methods of securing the faith of converts was commended to the Apostles that is all. The Apostles, by their recorded acts and by their written 200 PURITANISM IN POWER. epistles, regarded them as practical, but supplementary not fundamental and made no breach of their Saviour's command in using or neglecting them at will. But upon the essentials the Apostles did insist, and made them the sole qualifications for Christian membership, these essentials being "Repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. And was not this strictly in harmony with the manner of the injunctions given. The Commission to the Apostles was first to preach ; the baptizing is evidently secondary in thought and place. The words, " Do this in remembrance of me, and as oft as ye eat this bread and drink this cup," etc., evidently leave all to Love as to frequency or to means. The essential thing is the remembrance and the Brotherly Communion ; both can be realized, disconnected from an ecclesiastical rite. To the devout Christian the remembrance of his Lord is the natural bent and poise of his spirit. Let circumstances bend and beat it downwards and away from its native position, immediately, when released, it flies back to one true centre its loving remembrance of Christ. It is superfluous to such a man to go to a set ordinance to remember Christ ; his last mental glance at night is there his first thoughts at waking mount upward there. The remembrance of his Lord is like a singing river in his soul, that goes on night and day for ever and for ever. If, however, it be thought that it is expedient to make practical use of the symbols for the better main- tenance of a vigorous hold on the essentials, and for the public exhibition to the world of suggestive and signifi- cant ordinances, let both Baptism and the Lord's Supper be attended to in the spiritual manner ; and as for the unscriptural and unwarranted sprinkling of Infants, let it continue dissociated from water, which, as so applied and to an involuntary subject, has no meaning whatever; SACRAMENTS CONSIDERED. 201 let it be continued in an ordinance of the public Dedica- tion of new born children to the service of the Lord and the benefits of the Christian Commonwealth. This is entirely in harmony with Jewish precedent the dedi- cation in the temple, and with Christian thought, which expressly includes children in blessings secured by parents without abolishing their individual responsibility. The ordinance of the Lord's Supper might be more impressively observed by a nearer approach to the mode of the original institution. Let a number of tables, suitable to the accommodation of groups of twelve to fifteen persons each, be duly ranged in the place of meeting. Upon the spotless cloth will be placed a central plate containing small rolls of bread, and a flagon hold- ing water, milk, or wine, as the company may prefer the teetotalers will of course choose their own tables and the non-abstainers theirs, but possibly grace may enable a strayed brother to taste what is given without creating a disturbance, although he may have got acci- dentally into the wrong box. Then a Presiding Elder, having been previously appointed for the several tables, and all being assembled, let all rise and repeat solemnly and loudly together the Apostles' Creed, followed by meditation, seated. TJae Presiding Elder at each table shall then say : " Ye are clean, but not all. Verily, verily, I say unto you, one of you hath betrayed the Lord." Followed by heart searching and painful meditation, each sighing within his sinking but penitent spirit, "Lord, is it I?" Then the Elders at each table should read 1 Cor. xii. 23 33, and afterwards, in the following chapter, which is a commentary upon the meaning of " discerning the Lord's body," beginning at the 12th verse : " For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body : 202 PURITANISM IN POWKR. so also is Christ," down to the 25th, 26th, and 27th verses, which read : " That there should be no schism in the body ; but that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it : or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Now ye are the body of Christ and members in particular." The discerning of the Lord's body is therefore perceived to be a double star, one revolving round the other. We behold the body of our Lord broken upon the Cross for His body the Church, that out of the disintegrating warring elements of individualistic selfish existence might be evolved a new Commonwealth, jointed and unbroken in its mutual love and sanctified by the Faith that is in Him. Together with or in place of 1 Cor. xii. might be read Eph. iv., commencing with the 4th verse : " There is one body," and ending with the 16th verse: "Maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love." Then may follow thanks for the elements and the Prayer of Consecration as in the Church of England Prayer Book, substituting for the phrase, " may be par- takers of His most blessed Body and Blood," "may be partakers of His most blessed Spirit." The Presiding Elder shall then break the little loaves upon the central plate, saying, in the tender and majestic cadences of the Liturgy, " Take and eat this in remem- brance that Christ died for thee, and feed on him in thy heart by faith with thanksgiving." Each little group at the several tables will then reach forth hands to the central dish and take a brother's portion. Likewise, also, the cup. From the flagon the Elder will pour it into the common chalice and say, " Drink this in remem- brance that Christ's Blood was shed for thee, and be thankful. For as oft as ye eat this bread and drink this cup ye do show forth the Lord's death till he come." SACRAMENTS CONSIDERED. 203 The Supper being thus partaken, the Presiding Elder shall read John xiv., first three verses, and add, "Brethren, our Elder Brother, the Lord Jesus Christ that great Shepherd of the sheep has said that He will come again and keep this feast new with us in His Father's kingdom." Then shall all the congregation, at all the tables, standing, say: "Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus." And, having sung a hymn, the assembly will disperse. CHAPTER VII. THE SACRAMENTAL PUEGE. IF, then, the Puritans of England really believe that there is no Royal road to Heaven that there are no obtainable substitutes for the painful and thorny paths of repentance, self-denial and perpetual spiritual conflict that no Society exists upon Earth divinely constituted to absolve sinners in the room of Christ and further to connect Salvation with priestly efficacy in the magical transmutation of matter into Divine corporeity, to be believingly received for the cleansing of body and soul. If travesties of the Truth of this kind are deplored by -them as over- spreading the land through the spread of the Romish heresy within the pale of the Anglican Church- then their duty as Patriots and Christians is clear, viz., to flock into the National Church for the claiming of Parishional rights and to agitate in and out of Parliament for a binding compulsion upon the clergy to adhere to the original doctrinal foundations, and where these are faulty to have them puritanically amended. It is futile to say that this would be inconsistent with the true principles of the relationship of the Church to the State. Here at once we get boggled by the absurd conception of the State as an abstract entity, which in some mysterious, unintelligible and miraculous manner exists apart from the people and to the necessary prejudice of religion ; whereas the common sense view of Church and State is that the State is the People adjudicating upon the sum total of the National interests and the Church is the People adjudicating upon Religious interests only. Instead, then, of weakly waiting for Disestablishment, which would simply mean a barren and contemptible vie- THE SACRAMENTAL PURGE. 205 tory for the redress of purely imaginary social grievances if the Puritans of England are Puritans and men, they will simply lay hold of the Church of England and make it what they will. So long as she is a National Church, connected with the State, they can do this. If they succeed in disestablishing her, they will have economically established and endowed, with the compensations due to existing interests, the most powerful Popish propaganda at present existing in Europe. We avow this because abundant proof could be adduced that the mass of the people are and were soundly protestant at heart, but have been stealthily drawn into the Piomish net by an active, able and zealous band of Proselytizers. It would be most unchristian to ignore the piety of these men. It is astonishing what a lot of top-hamper the religion of Jesus Christ will bear without utterly crushing out its vital principle. We see fish able to swim the sea which carry a whole colony of parasites; and the towering ash, which spreads its transparent fingers to the sun, may fancy it has something to glory in, in the shock of dark, insidious, baleful ivy, which hides and swells its trunk. Neither is it necessary to deny varieties to piety, and that there is to be found among the cloistered, cultured sacramentalists a caste of Christian character an exquisite flavour of meek and peaceful sanctity which reveals a quality caret to the "robust " aggressive political Protestants of the Day. Puritans may learn much, very much, from the ecclesiastical system and doctrines they are bound to disavow and in great part to destroy. Let them store the honey while they extract the sting. We say, then, that it is the present pressing duty of Puritans to flock bodily into the National Church, and having obtained Parliamentary Eeforms, conferring powers upon the Parishioners to elect their Pastors, we should speedily '206 PURITANISM IN POWER. see a volt-face throughout the length and breadth of England. Because the existing cowed, defeated, and compromising section of Evangelicals within the Estab- lishment would then be reinforced by the whole of the Wesley ans, the Congregationalists, the Baptists, and the Salvation Army, also, God willing, by the Plymouth Breth- ren, and all sensible Quakers. With this accession to the ranks, the high Anglican party would be nowhere, and they would very properly turn their eyes towards the Tiber. This exodus from the meeting-houses would not necessarily close any of them. The congregations would remain members of the various sects, and at the same time English Churchmen. Their attendance at the National Church, already very customary and daily extending, would then be larger and more frequent ; but not exclusive ; except as they sincerely preferred that indefinable charm which accompanies solemn, soothing, peaceful worship in august and hoary fanes, redolent with comprehensive charity and the sacred memories of a nation's past. The man who cannot find God out- side the boundaries of his own paltry sect has scarcely nibbled at that great thing Religion. God can break through the thicket of the grossest Ritualism, and transform it into a burning bush where Moses waits. The Puritans of England having then come to a sense of their duty, and flocked back again into the home of Wycliffe and Latimer and made that home by the help of their own Parliament, what they mean it shall be, to a grateful and rescued nation we should presently see a pleasant spectacle. With pious reverence and decent care the parishioners would proceed to remove those Popish symbols and those altar adornments, which had perverted the celebration of the Feast of Love, human and Divine. The altars themselves would be wheeled out from their East End recesses, and brought forward among the congregation, to be known henceforward as THE SACRAMENTAL PUKGE. 207 useful tables only. The reverent sound of the saw would be heard piously cutting down the rood from the screen ; saws for wood, stone and metal would be solemnly used to bring down the Virgin Mary everywhere from her perch. Pictures of the Crucifixion as well as the Crucifixes would be carefully removed, and every candle, small or tall, not wanted to enlighten our darkness, would be put into the bag. Altar cloths, with Eomish legends, would be lifted off with jealous care, and the bundle of eucharistic vestments with its weight of gold and silver thread would be unceremoniously chucked out into the cart. Silly, tawdry, and theatrical flags would be fetched from aloft and go after the vestments. Mass Bells and Thuribles, Naviculas, Dalmaticas, Maniples, Stoles and Birettas would, with all the scarlet linen of the acolytes, add to the now bulky accumulations. At this point it would be necessary to make some national preparations for the Funeral Pyre ; and to make the occasion memorable, the selection of some central spot, where the entire pile could be consumed together with appropriate ceremonial, would commend itself to the Protestant leaders. Since it would be found that the south had suffered more than the north from the Papal Invasion, that solitary plain, which in Wiltshire holds the dumb signals of former Priestly domination, would offer itself as most appropriate for the holocaust. Thither, therefore, it would be designed that trainloads of discarded Ecclesiastical properties should proceed. But first a rate would have to be arranged with the Eailway Companies. Being invited to tender their charges for the carriage of the sundries the lynx-eyed traffic managers would be for drawing fine distinctions and charging more for Virgin Marys than for other Saints, and refusing to take altar candles at the scheduled figure for lay dips. After prolonged contro- versy an all-round figure for "Popish lumber" is 208 PURITANISM IN POWER. arranged, and one chairman of a prosperous Eaihvay Company, known as a Protestant Champion, induces his Board to carry the lumber for nothing ; whereupon a rival Company, not to be outdone, offers, in addition, to tip it into the sea. A healthy religious sentiment thus discovering itself among most of the Companies, in due time the unique traffic is accommodated upon miles of trucks, and steams towards Stonehenge from every branch Eailway in the kingdom. No one's susceptibilities were to be shocked, the white feather of the Locomotive was to be a banner of Peace, and as it steamed with an apologetic cough through the glades and groves of sweet Eden England, the engineers had instructions to whistle softly as on Sundays. Great expectations would be excited at the various roadside stations by these strange arrivals, and sundry persons would be observed to take off their hats as the trains ran in. Papal historians of this, to them, unhappy period, when the Nonconformists, by flock- ing into the National Church, spoiled their game for the conversion of England, when it was on the point of success, might afterwards relate that a horse being required to draw a truck out of a siding was presently found to be blind. It would be more to the purpose if it could be related that truck 666, full of Virgin Marys, being put off at the village of Clacton with a hot box, it was noticed that during its stay all the women in the place forgot to brawl, and slander, and clack lies. As might be expected there would be quite a congestion at Salisbury miles of Popish lumber blocking the line and delaying the transport of troops to Portsmouth, which w r ould excite the utmost energy of the officials to get rid of the rubbish speedily. And yet the labourers could not be speeded ; they involuntarily paused as some of them lifted a tarpaulin and gazed upon the calm sweet face that looked down upon the treasured Child : others were ready to chuck vestments into the lorry, but THE SACRAMENTAL PURGE. 209 when it came to crucifixes they struck work and who could blame them ? Strong are the laws of association. Young kids, however, issuing from the Eailway Companies' offices, men who had formerly assisted in shunting thirty- nine or forty articles of the Church of England, volun- teered to continue the discharge, and secretly conveyed some sacred ornaments to a covert place of safety. Barring such trivial exceptions as these, the whole mass of meretricious adornment, symbolism and frippery, the entire apparatus of magical man mediation and saintly hierarchical worship is finally conveyed with a multitude of candles which no man can number, straight to the magical circle of stones which are a perpetual memorial of a fallen superstition and an extinct caste. It is a solemn day for England when the entire mass, piled high and even higher than the neighbouring spire of Salisbury, is ready for ignition and awaiting the sacrilegious torch. Who could have imagined that the Papacy had made such progress in free Protestant England a mountain had arisen upon the plain ? Did anyone plead for works of art ? They were pointed to the sailing clouds above them, and to the girdle of rolling land cushioned with purple woods, and it w r as said, "The highest beauty is ever with you, new every morning and fresh every evening." The pile seemed never to be completed though the hour had struck. " Thanks ! breathless messenger ! you have brought us a rosary from the Virgin's chapel of the vicar of St. Chad's. Well, for Faber's sake, we will forgive him." " Now to the Lord a noble song Wake every heart, wake every tongue ; Hosanna to the Eternal Name, And all His boundless love proclaim. " See when it shines in Jesus' face, The brightest image of His grace, God in the person of His Son Has all His mightiest works outdone. 14 210 PURITANISM IN POWER. " The spacious eartli and spreading flood Proclaim the wise and powerful God ; And His rich glories from afar Sparkle in every rolling star. " But in His looks a glory stands, The noblest labour of thy hands ; The pleasing lustre of His eyes Outshines the wonders of the skies. " Grace ! 'tis a sweet, a charming theme ; My thoughts rejoice at Jesus' name I Ye angels, dwell upon the sound ; Ye heavens, reflect it to the ground. " Oh ! may we live to reach the place Where He unveils His lovely face ; There all His beauties to behold And sing His name to harps of gold." The great multitude, spreading out in a radius of near half a mile, takes up the noble song, and it rolls away in a mighty cadence like the chanting of the sea, making the ground to shake and the heavens to drop an un- witting tear. If not the Archbishop of Canterbury, then the presid- ing elder reads Psalm xcvii. : "The Lord reigneth ; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof. Clouds and dark- ness are round about him : righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne. A fire goeth before him, and burneth up his enemies round about. His lightnings enlightened the world; the earth saw and trembled. The hills melted like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the w r hole earth. The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory. Confounded be all they that serve graven images, that boast themselves of idols : worship him, all ye gods. Zion heard, and was glad; and the daughters of Judah rejoiced because of thy judgments, Lord. For thou, Lord, art high above all the earth : thou art THE SACRAMENTAL PURGE. 211 exalted far above all gods. Ye that love the Lord, hate evil ; he preserveth the soul of his saints ; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked. Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart. Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous ; and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness." " Now shall we light such a candle in England as the Papacy never shall put out." The pile is fired just as the sun, parting a bank of cloud in twain, looks from a boiling sea of gold, and adds his ruby to the mounting glow. It cracks, it splits, it shakes, trembles, collapses ; the top, the sides, the jumbled paraphernalia, are speedily all in one red burial blent. High and yet higher ascends the burning incense smoke, straight up and up, until it begins to spread like a ghostly palm tree, and its pendent crown is fingered by the wind and braids the peeping stars within its mesh. The nestled sheep have kneeled and risen, ears pricked, eyes anxious, and huddled together as blasts of light and darkness fall upon them. Owls and bats have fled scared away, but all the winged insects of the plain which that day were visiting the expanse of flowery field, are here to-night in swarms and myriads, careering among the sparks and rushing intoxicated by a delusive glory into a con- suming fire. All that night the Semaphore ; its fragrance visited the most distant towns, and ships at sea watched in awe the burning mountain. " clap your hands, all ye people : shout unto God with a voice of triumph. For the Lord most high is terrible : he is a great king over all the earth. He shall subdue the people under us, and the nations under our feet. He shall choose our inheritance for us, the excellency of Jacob whom he loved. . ... The princes of the people are gathered together, even the 212 PURITANISM IN POWER. people of the God of Abraham : for the shields of the earth belong unto God : he is greatly exalted." And all that night through every Parish Church in England moonbeams streamed upon everything that was seemly, beautiful and of obvious use. No vase of flowers was touched, no sculptor's art dishonoured, which was dissociated from a creed corrupt. The old original fair and cheerful countenance of the healthy daylight Protestant faith settled once again upon every darling focus of the nation's hope, and the " Princes of the people " speeding homeward knew that English Pro- testantism was for ever saved. 213 CHAPTER VIII. THE RITUALISM OF THE NATIONAL CHURCH. To purge the land of Sacramentalism is not to purge it of Ritualism. Ritualism has its due place in both civic and religious functions. The avenues to the soul are many, and the desirable emotion that is not evoked by one sense may be excited by another. The train of thought and feeling that is stagnant before a pictorial reminder may be unsealed and set flowing by the first bars of a sacredly associated tune. It is therefore the Quakers and Brethren come to be injuriously ascetic in the matter of aids to worship and ceremonial procedure. If we have two legs it seems a work of supererogation to use one only, and the man who offers to play me upon one string when his instru- ment has four is a fool for his pains. The Rainbow offers to me the choice of many colours, why therefore should I confine myself to Quaker's drab, which also is not there ? I will rather take counsel of the infinite variety and matchless splendour of the material universe and rejoice in the revelations of the thought of God. The Ritualism of the National Church will be as grand and impressive as ever was conceived, and vastly more practical and instructive. There will be baptizings every Sunday, on a truly comprehensive scale, because most of the people will require to be done over again every seven days ; the ceremonies attaching to these will however be private. We may preach as we will about the masses never entering churches, but if the masses were to issue from their highly rented dens, carrying colonies in the children's hair and infection in the children's rags, 214 PURITANISM IN POWER. difficulties insuperable would arise as to the gladness of their reception. We are supposing a resettlement of the Church before a resettlement of the social economy of the nation, and hence having to deal with the mon- strously diseased condition of things in which we are now economically placed, the Baptistry of the National Church will be placed outside, and consist of spacious baths, hot and cold. The Bell for Baptism, Infant and Adult, for all who will apply, rings at half-past nine. The first process is to strip them of their filthy rags, which are marked and ticketed, and sent to the scalding tank in the beginning, for due completion by drying and pressing and mending afterwards, so that at the close of the service they are received again fit to wear and not contagious. After divesting themselves of these the candidates for Baptism are received into the hot and cold water compartments. Worthy women are ready with sponges to dab into the children's eyes and cleanse their matted hair and wipe their worn and ulcered feet after their lustrations have been complete. Like attentions are paid to adults by attendants upon the separated sexes. Then sweet lavender, otto of roses, and other unguents are sprinkled upon them, and they are ready to put on the Church's beautiful garments for worship. Beautiful, that is, in their simplicity, consisting of the altogether lovely Protestant, not Romish surplice, which falls into folds of matchless grace and dignity ; the only decoration being a fillet of pale blue, to distinguish the worshippers from the officiating choir and ministers, whose fillet will be of gold, with purple hoods. For the women and elder girls a cap and pendant veil falling behind would also be provided ; the fragrant heads of the anointed children could display their curls uncovered. Complete woollen undersuits would have to be kept for use by those whose garments were being cleansed and repaired. THE RITUALISM OF THE NATIONAL CHUECH. 215 The first practical sermon will thus have been preached upon the text, " Cleanliness is next to Godliness " and in every Parish the Church Baths or Baptistry will adjoin the Porch. It would of course be the case that not everyone would -require to be baptized, but all would require to doff the garments of vanity for those of simplicity, or to cover the shame of their vain glory by a surplice of white and a fillet of blue. The ladies would no longer distract the atten- tion of worshippers by the towering follies, the extravagant wings, or the ridiculous diminution of their head gear. All would be taken off before the Porch was passed, and the cap and veil and surplice, levelling all ranks and orders and distinctions, alone be worn. The coachman and the earl, the washerwoman and the countess, the bumptious financier, the lordly landowner, the prosperous merchant, the great manufacturer, the skilled musician and the fashionable doctor, not forgetting the famous pleader and the Lord Mayor, would be undistinguishable in their surplices of white and fillets of blue from the crowd of every rank, order and degree, in which they were lost as raindrops in a shower. How joyful are the silver bells ! Before the Lord of the whole earth these busy bees and drones, whose honev getting has been so disproportionately stored, are here for worship ; at all events, in equal want of mercy and for- giveness. And how by the simple act of putting off their meretricious adornments are not the women enabled to get quit of self-consciousness and to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, while the poor having cast off their filthy garments, and mechanics got rid of the external defilements of their trades, and all appearing sweet and clean in the robes of beautiful simplicity belonging to the Sanctuary none challenging notice or distinction on account of dress before another, and all exhaling from their persons and attire the mingled scents 216 PURITANISM IN POWER. of flowers and fragrant herbs, there is presented the fore- taste, for a flash of time, of that coming period when the incense of a human family equal in privilege, dignity, and worthiness shall ascend up to Heaven continually. Mindful of the benumbing effect of continual repetitions, and yet of the soothing power of sacred reminiscence, the Parliamentary Reformers of the National Church will take care to add to the liturgical services, while ordering that each in turn shall rule a week together. The first week of the four shall know only the present venerable form intact. Then in successive weeks the three new Liturgies, each one, however, comprising the General Confession, Absolution, Apostles' Creed, and Litany, with the Prayer of St. Chrysostom. These new forms could be refreshed by additions at the end of every ten years, and the Prayer Book kept within bounds by the subtraction of the Psalms, Epistles and Gospels of the day, the new version of the Bible being used instead. Then might the Cathedral Chapters wear a less blase appearance when they march in to the daily services. Presbyterians like Principal Tulloch, and Nonconformists, to whom the service is fresh, are invari- ably struck by its classic dignity, restfulness, majestic- pathos and truly God-like comprehensiveness but there is only one piece of literature that will bear incessant reiteration without losing its impressiveness, and from the exhaustless resources of Holy Scripture the Prayer Book should be reinforced. The Artist who being struck by a noble scene sits down to paint it, finds its sway over his faculties abate as his labours are protracted, and it is a common experience that should a gust of wind blow dowi i his easel, in the picking up of his flying picture upon a new and accidental spot, he finds that there, not where his kicked down camp stool rests is the spot he should have chosen but all the same he may be mis- taken, and the new love daily worshipped would decay THE RITUALISM OF THE NATIONAL CHURCH. 217 into common-place and staleness. The truth is God has made us to be charmed by the various, the contrasted, and the new. He has also given us to find rest in the habitual and to be governed in our emotions by laws of association. A due regard to both requirements will make of the new Prayer Book an oratorio in which there will be a constantly recurring theme the present dearly beloved form, but likewise hebdomadal recurring change. Needless to say the execrable retrogression to shrieking inconsequential Gregorian howlings, and the repulsive poverty of " plain song " would end with the stoppage of the downgrade Rome wards. The matchless richness of our English Protestant harmonies would flood all Parish Churches as they still do our exquisite Cathedrals. The English Protestant Choral Cathedral Service has no rival and no second in the World. But it is in the Church as the Nation's Judgment Seat that her unique value would be found. Until the blessed time when the repression of Truth-speaking shall cease in consequence of the evolution of a Co-operative Com- monwealth, under which none will be tempted to deal unjustly with his brother until then the National Church would perform the invaluable function of being the Public Reprover and Truth Teller. What iniquities are now done in the dark, and none ever will denounce them publicly. The Poor have no friends to speak for them, but the National Church would be the friend of all the oppressed and the candid friend of the oppressor. It is bootless to deal out in sermons general denuncia- tions of vices without making particular applications and giving detailed examples such are simply passed on to our next neighbour. " I thowt a said^whot a owt to 'a said, an' I coom'd awaay." There should be a naming of names and a giving of 218 PURITANISM IN POWER. facts. At present the Kail way Companies expose to Public view the names of persons convicted of riding without tickets, and cases in the courts of Law come to public knowledge through the open courts, and in too much detail and with no discretion through the Press. But apart from these channels there is no institution for upholding to Public reprehension the doers of wrong in the various cases which never could constitute ground for legal process, or where the costliness of Justice must necessarily exclude the needy from its benefits. It is here the National Church would find its work. It would speak from the housetops, denouncing to Public execra- tion the falseness, the meanness, the rapine and the nauseous humbug of competitive commerce, as well as the common catalogue of crimes to which reprobation has been hitherto mistakenly confined. Into the ears of the National Ministers would come tales from all quarters, and from the pulpit the criminal authors and their deeds would be denounced name by name and fact by fact. How utterly incapable are the voluntary Free Churches of fulfilling such a function! There the object is to make everything comfortable for everybody, so that everybody may "make the best of both worlds"; money making must in no wise be interfered with, for upon the making of money and the purchase of indulgences in commercial sins by "ransom-gifts," and charities, the whole success of the voluntary system depends. Only a National Church independently established upon the national exchequer can speak with unfettered authority, and she would commence her Commination Service by lighting a series of candles upon a tier of shelves. These represent a number of persons whose church standing and privileges are to be pronounced forfeit, by reason of various acts of iniquity. THE RITUALISM OF THE NATIONAL CHURCH. 219 The church is crowded from end to end, none know- ing upon whom the thunder-clap will fall. Devouring gloom swallows up the vaulted roof, and only a spare jet here and there helps the congregation to their places. At the altar end the towering cluster of candles reveal a choir clad in black, and officiating ministers also in black. They have chanted the Penitential Psalms and read passages from the Prophets and St. James. Then the presiding officer ascending the dais commences the special function of the day. The lihiwdilan Tin Plate Company after signing an agreement to restrict the make of tin plates, so that the ring of Liverpool buyers may no longer turn the trade round their little fingers, are convicted and denounced for working surreptitiously at night and exceeding the stipulated out-put, thus playing false with all their colleagues and injuring the prospects of improved returns to the associated masters, and better wages in consequence to the various hands. " We can only extinguish the candle of the resident manager, but I will give you, with his name, those of the Board of Directors, and these gentlemen are now cautioned that they must intervene to stop the scandal." Then follow the names, John Sly, &c., &c., and an extinguisher symbolically cuts off the manager from the children of light and the congregation of the just. The Patent " Ever-striking Match Company, Limited." This Company, after signing an agreement to a certain scale of pay, have been discovered guilty of keeping the promise to the ear and breaking it to the hope by now ordaining that a gross shall mean thirteen dozen instead of twelve, and that in addition to finding paste and twine the workers are to be charged so much for living near the factory, instead of having to lose their time by walking in from a distance, as so many others have to do. The bottom note of the organ trembles through the 220 PURITANISM IN POWER. building as the partners' names are uttered, and three candles are extinguished on the altar. The Right Honourable Courtly Knight having engaged a governess, speaking live languages, to teach ten children, and suddenly dismissing her without compen- sation because she fell ill, his candle is put out from the congregation of the just. A.B. being bankrupt and his bankruptcy being proved to be due to the heedless extravagance of his wife and children, who made purchases without his knowledge and consent, and indulged in guilty and foolish rivalry with their neighbours, their candles are put out from the congre- gation of the just, while that of the injured man remains. P.Q., for working his factory Sunday after Sunday and only allowing his hands one Sunday in three, is hereby cast out from the congregation of the just ; like- wise 'his daughters, for living in utter sloth and frivolity, while their " hands " cannot call the Sunday their own, must and hereby are made to share his condemnation. E.S., for pernicious adulteration of beer, and T.U. for poisonous properties in aerated waters, are cut off from the company of the faithful. V.W., for inveterate bounce, bunkum, and plain lying in all manner of trade advertisements is similarly condemned. X. Y. and Z. three workmen the first a plumber, for making work for the undertaker, instead as. he intended for himself, when called on to repair a sanitary mischief ; the second a painter, for engaging to put two coats of paint before the varnish and only putting one ; and the third a glazier, for "accidentally on purpose" breaking three panes of glass when required to repair one ; these, though tempted by slackness of work, being old offenders, are cut off from the congregation of the just. Lady Flare for continual harshness and injustice to her maid is hereby extinguished. The Clydach Coal an