o . & "%3AINa ff -n Sac ^ > The Play of Everyman Based on the old English morality play New Version by Hugo von Hofmannsthal Set to blank verse by George Sterling In collaboration with Richard Ordynski A. M. Robertson San Francisco 1917 A. M. Robertson San Francisco, 1917 Copyright by Richard Ordynski January. 1917 All Right! Reserved PREFACE It is to Mr. Richard Ordynski that I am indebted for the privilege and pleasure of setting to English blank verse Hugo von Hofmannsthal's version of "that play of all time," "Everyman." "Everyman" in the original is a stiff and raw fabric, but destined, perhaps, to outlast many a more gor- geous woof. However, one needs but to read it in its English form to realize the extent to which von Hof- mansthal has vivified and humanized the play, adding thereto powerfully of the dramatic and emotional ele- ments. The appeal of "Everyman" to the medieval mind must have been vast, for it was a child's mind, and therefore one to be moved far more greatly by things seen than by things preached. But though the moral pill was deftly enough sugar-coated for the audience of those distant days, "Everyman" can but seem a somewhat crude and unconvincing affair to the pampered and sophisticated public of today. I may perhaps compare it to the stark simplicity of a board- walk, though it has, for that matter, all the directness of such a structure, what of its deadly sincerity. But when, over fifteen years ago, I saw the leading char- acter presented by an actress of charm and talent, it required all of that lady's skill to hold me and my friends. Von Hofmannsthal has obviated such a need, and his version affords an agreeable and interesting con- trast to the bleak and not always intelligible passages of the elder drama. He has, as it were, curved and widened the walk, given it vistas and a decent amount of greenery, and all this without losing sight of his goal a goal needed no less by the man of today than by the knight, man-at-arms or peasant of old years. He followed the plan of the English "Everyman," with its rhymed lines, but I have thought it better to make use of blank verse, the breakable lines of which lend an articulation, flexibility and suspense not read- ily accessible to one who would use the other (and monotonous) form. Moreover, following Mr. Ordyn- ski's valuable suggestions, I have somewhat amplified the play by the addition of the characters of War and a Workman, as well as by the lines in which the Par- amour takes her leave of Everyman and those in which the Debtor and the Workman assist Good Deeds. The scene of the Paramour's departure is of especial value, I think, in the appeal and coherence of the play. GEORGE STERLING. Los Angeles, Dec. 29th. 1916. Everyman Everyman CHARACTERS THE PROLOGUE THE LORD GOD THE ANGEL DEATH FAITH GOOD DEEDS THE DEVIL MAMMON WAR EVERYMAN EVERYMAN'S MOTHER FRIEND PARAMOUR THE THIN COUSIN THE FAT COUSIN THE STEWARD THE COOK THE POOR NEIGHBOR THE DEBTOR THE DEBTOR'S WIFE WORKMAN GUESTS SERVANTS BOYS MUSICIANS ANGELS A MONK This version presented for the first time, on January 9th at the Trinity Auditorium Los Angeles, California, by Richard Ordynski and Aline Barnsdall with the following cast. CHARACTERS The Prologue Marjorie Day The Voice of God Death Clyde McCoy The Devil Percival Vivian Faith Veda McEvers Good Deeds Violette Wilson War Harold Skinner Mammon James H. Finlayson Everyman Gareth Hughes Everyman's Mother Kirah Markham Friend Irving Pichel Paramour Ann Andrews The Little Cousin Margaret T. Alln The Fat Cousin Athol Hayes The Steward Bruno Schuman The Cook Miriam Meredith A Monk Gordon Thomas The Poor Neighbor George Warren The Debtor Ford Tarpley The Debtor's Wife Irene Bevans Workman Phillip Gastrock A Servant George Hackathorn Guests The Misses Vemon. Boike, Burgner Collier, Davis, Holmes, Ingham, Moore, Rottman. Messrs. McCullough, Nieto, Sleeper, Vickers. Servant* Miss LeClerq, Miss Lee, Mr. Williams Officers Mr. Curran, Mr. James Pages Miss Riley, Miss Dunaway Musicians Miss Margrage, Miss Barnes Angels Miss Goodall. Miss Hopkins, Miss Michaels, Miss Price Everyman PROLOGUE Listen, good people, to this holy play ; 'Tis a performance for the rich and poor. The small, the great, the children and the old; And you shall learn that earthly days and deeds Are frail as they are fleeting. You shall see When and through whom the final summons came To one, like you, a mortal. So take heed And treasure in your hearts the lesson here. Which we, in all simplicity, will show. Secure you sit to-day, who shall one day Go forth on that same road as EVERYMAN. THE LORD GOD O men! vile men! how long shall I endure The hardness of your hearts? Forgetting Me, Dreading Me not, ye live the lives of beasts. Basely sin-soaked, blind to My light and law. And know Me not your God. The world alone Enthralls you. Heavenly things beget your scorn. The bond between My majesty and you Ye have forgotten that I gave My blood. Dying upon the Tree that men might live, That I was nailed upon a martyr's cross, That cruel thorns were woven for my crown, That I gave all to you. Now all my laws Ye break. But swiftly shall my judgment come On sinful man. Unerring messenger! io EVERYMAN Stand forth! I have a journey for thee, Death. DEATH: Almighty God, behold thy servant! Say What duty waits, that I may serve Thy will. THE LORD GOD Go thou to Everyman and say that he Must make a pilgrimage upon this day And hour a journey he shall not escape. See that he brings his book of reckoning. And that he neither tarries nor escapes. DEATH Lord, I will roam this whole great earth of Thine, Relentlessly, and seek out small and great All men that cherish Thy commandments not, But lower than the beasts have sunk. All hearts Given to earthly joys my spear shall pierce, And blinded, they shall find not Heaven's gate. Ill shall it be with him on that dread day. Whom Faith and Charity do not befriend! EVERYMAN: (Steps forth from his house, a Servant following.) Haste to my steward. I have word for him. (The Servant returns to the house.) How pleasant is my home to look upon! How costly and how prominent! Show me Another one as rich in all the land! What wealth of furnishings in many rooms! What coffers and what retinue of serfs ! EVERYMAN n Money besides is mine, and country seats, And fertile farms that bring me goodly rents. My factories, aroar with all their wheels. Bellow at dawn to summon to their tasks Unnumbered men. And deep in many mines My toilers sweat, far from the wholesome day. Oh, be my future happy as my past! (Enter STEWARD.) Steward, go bring a well-filled bag of gold. For I forgot it. Mark you this besides: A splendid feast I order for to-day: Kindred and guests are coming. Send the cook, And bring the gold yourself. (Steward goes within. Cool? enters at once.) Cook, I command A sumptuous feast to-day. COOK: Must every course. Then, be prepared afresh? EVERYMAN: Plague take you, yes! Nothing warmed-over for a board like mine! COOK: From yesterday at least enough remains For two cold courses. EVERYMAN: Dolt ! Impertinent ! la EVERYMAN Shall I eat beggars' food> (Coofc goes within. Steward appears. Gr've* bag to Everyman. ) See that you keep Strict watch on all the servants, man and maid. They please me not at all. (The POOR NEIGHBOR appears, approaching anx- iously. EVERYMAN'S FRIEND also approaches, with qulclf steps.) It is for that I've set you o'er the rest. But go! here comes My friend. (Exit Steward.) You've made me wait too long. But now We'll go and see that property beyond The city gates. I think it could be made A pleasure-garden. FRIEND: Order and 'tis done! He who can pay, needs only say! POOR NEIGHBOR: Kind sir. Is this the house of wealthy Everyman? O sir! I beg you in my poverty! Give alms to a poor man! FRIEND: (To Everyman.) Now, as I said, We must make haste: we cannot linger long. EVERYMAN 13 POOR NEIGHBOR: (Stretches his hands beseechingly.) Everyman! have pity! FRIEND: Do you not Recall his face? EVERYMAN: I? Who is he? POOR NEIGHBOR: I stretch My hands to you, O Everyman ! for I Knew better days, and was your neighbor once, Before they took my home away from me. EVERYMAN: (Giving him a coin.) Enough ! POOR NEIGHBOR: (Does not ta^e coin.) A stingy offering! EVERYMAN: Say you so? Odds truth! POOR NEIGHBOR: Had I a brother's share therefrom, 1 should be well and happy. 14 EVERYMAN EVERYMAN: You? Therefrom? POOR NEIGHBOR: Because of this, O Everyman! I kneel Before you. Do but share that bag with me! EVERYMAN: (Laughs) Merely that? FRIEND: What a man has, he keeps a grip upon; You'd have a thousand beggars round your neck, Elsewise. A hundred thousand! POOR NEIGHBOR: But you are So rich! Why, if you gave me half the purse. You'd still have all the coffers in your house. And rents and interest. EVERYMAN: Man, who are you That you should prate of coffers and of rents Or of my income? FRIEND: I should be ashamed! EVERYMAN: Quit, man ! For you are greatly in the wrong, EVERYMAN 15 If still you dream that I could please myself In sharing this with you. 'Tis mine no more, But must be paid to-day as purchase-price Upon a pleasure-garden. So 'tis pledged, And he who sells the garden will not wait. POOR NEIGHBOR: Well, pay him every penny. You have but To say a word and they will bring you more; For if you have one purse, you must have ten. Send quickly for another now, and share This purse with me, if you're a Christian man! EVERYMAN: And were another brought, 'twould not be free. In this hard battle against death and sin, Still must my money toil for me, must still Go far afield, and send back interest, That all my dues be mine indeed. Behold! My houses cost me greatly, what of horse And hound and servants and a thousand things That are in keeping with my state; for I Have pleasure-gardens, fish ponds, game-preserves, That need more looking-after than a child. One must improve estates, and where so much Goes out, the more there must be to come back. Oh! easily 'tis said, "That man is rich." But have you thought what cares we rich men have? From far and near come flowing claims and needs. So that one cannot cross the street but what One meets an outstretched hand. Well, even that One must expect, but still, no pampering! 16 EVERYMAN Things must be done just so, for there are rules. Let poor as well as rich observe. To each His own: this law the beggar violates. For look you: were I to divide my wealth Among the needy, there would be for each I swear, this single shilling, this one coin! Take then your own just portion, man, and go! (Neighbor takes $hilling and goes.) FRIEND: You gave him what was just. Money, God knows, Makes brains! EVERYMAN: Come, let us hasten, for the day grows old. (Enter DEBTOR, led by TWO OFFICERS, and fol- lowed by WIFE and CHILDREN, in rags.) FRIEND: What mother's son is this they hale along, Arms crossed? A debtors' prison is his goal, No doubt. Uncareful one! Now he'll have time On bread and water to consider things, Or hang his wretched carcass on a nail. You tried to make a rhyming game of life: Lending and spending rhyme too well, you see! DEBTOR: One must have care with life's broad ledger, else The account goes wrong. EVERYMAN: Now whom have you in mind? EVERYMAN 17 DEBTOR: The one who asks. EVERYMAN: I do not even know Whom you may take me for. DEBTOR: Shame would be mine, If I were in your shoes! EVERYMAN: You give hard words Without good cause. If life's awry with you, Am I to blame? DEBTOR: What flinty words are these, For mine that are so soft! EVERYMAN: Who deals you them? DEBTOR: You, in an evil hour! EVERYMAN: I know you not, Even by sight! DEBTOR: Nevertheless your heel Is on my neck. 1 8 EVERYMAN EVERYMAN: That were a strange event, And I unwitting of it! DEBTOR: Yet your name Brings me to jail. EVERYMAN: Now by my patron Saint, How can this be? DEBTOR: You are that Everyman At whose complaint the law lays hold on me; I were not dragged to prison save for you. EVERYMAN: (Becoming reserved) I, innocent, wash now my hands of this. DEBTOR: These serviceable tools believe that they Harry my flesh and soul, but it is you Whose will they work. You bring this shame on you. And should feel humbled to the very ground. EVERYMAN: Why, in the first place, got you into debt? You reap but what you sow. My money has No eyes. It works without regard to you Or even me. Your only just complaint EVERYMAN 19 Is that you were unready when the debt Fell due. DEBTOR: He jeers and mocks at my despair. So, that is to be rich! The heart of such Knows naught of God's commands. His coffers hold The pledges of the poor, yet does he keep The poor in neediness and misery! DEBTOR'S WIFE: Be merciful! Tear up the accursed pledge, Nor send my children's father to a jail! They never did you harm. Have you, alas! No honor and no conscience? Can you, then, List to the orphan's curse unmoved? Do you Think not on that more dreadful Book of Debts That opens when life ends? EVERYMAN: Woman, you prate Of things beyond your understanding. This I do not out of malice; care and thought Were given ere we ordered this complaint. Why, money is the same as other goods, And has an equal right before the law. FRIEND: 111 were it with the world were things not so! DEBTOR'S WIFE: But money is mere metal that we grant ao EVERYMAN In mercy as a loan to fellow-men. DEBTOR: Money is not at all as other goods. 'Tis curst and magical, and he whose hand Reaches for it shall close upon disgrace And harm immedicable to his soul. The name of Satan's net in this sad world Is money. EVERYMAN: What a slanderous fool you are! You do not know my use to fellow-men. You feign a scorn of money, yet it is A godly thing to you. You say 'tis naught; But you are like the fox that cried, "Sour grapes!" He who belittles what is not his own Finds no believers in his honesty. DEBTOR: This my misfortune grants me that I see The devil's trap, and loose my soul from it. From money's trap. FRIEND: Loosed are you from that trap. And for that freedom all your freedom lose. EVERYMAN: He who invented money was most wise. Believe me. Money lifts the world above AH mean exchange and barter, and each man EVERYMAN ai In his own sphere is as a lesser God. Through money he does much; and quietly. With small a-do, he rules a hundred lands. Being regent of them all. And naught so high Or swift that money cannot compass it. It buys the land and all the serfs thereon This by the precious and eternal right. Ordained by Christ, of our great Emperor. Yea! that, for money, one may ever buy! Beyond this power I know no other power. And all men must bow down in reverence To what I hold before you in this hand. DEBTOR'S WIFE: Swift in the devil's praises! Man, your jaw Works like a preacher's! Mammon's filthy purse You honor as a holy Tabernacle! EVERYMAN: Honor where honor's due! I blaspheme not The power I feel existant. FRIEND: Enough ! DEBTOR: (As officers ta^c him aivap) My own, my dearest wife, Of what avail your weeping? Mammon's claws Sink in my soul. Why gave I him my life? Now life is over. (They ta^e him att>aj>.) 33 EVERYMAN DEBTOR'S WIFE: Stand you there like stones? Is't possible? Where shall I shelter now My children? EVERYMAN: (To Friend) For my sake go quietly And look into this matter. The man goes To prison: there's no help for that. But I Will grant the wife a shelter. What she needs For mere existence she and her small brood I'll give her, through my steward. They shall go Into seclusion, where I cannot hear Her wails, nor know the fullness of her need, For such things are disgusting. So it goes: One lives on quietly and decently. With nothing very bad upon one's mind. Then all at once one finds the devil to pay: You're in a mess, not even knowing why! Why should my sweet tranquillity be spoiled And I dragged into this vile quarrel mixt With this gaunt rogue's misfortune? He has made His bed: now let him lie in it! He cries "Oh!" and "Alas!" Just so B follows A. What then did he expect? It has been so Since Adam's time: it is no modern thing. On the shoulders of his very creditor He wants to pile his burden! But I say Endurance, patience, gave me power to lend. He took my money swift enough, and now He calls me "devil!" Honestly, I say. EVERYMAN 23 It wearies me! But twilight's on the land. And we have still the pleasure-park to see. Do me a favor, friend, and that at once: Make the first payment for me, since delay Means trouble. I desire this pleasure-park And house thereon for a sweetheart of mine: It soon will be her birthday. FRIEND: Shall I find Her with you in the evening? Well, I'll bring The bill of sale there, duly made to your Instructions. EVERYMAN: Many thanks, good friend! They urge That I come quickly. 'Tis the only place In all the world where nothing galls my bliss. The love she brings is perfect happiness: So would I bind her with this birthday gift, That each may see the other's gratitude Revealed as by twin mirrors. FRIEND: In what way Will you do this? EVERYMAN: I shall make speedily the garden, then Place midmost there a lordly pleasure-house. This I shall build after my own design, Half-open to the airs, with onyx shafts. Fountains and lovely bronzes shall be there, 34 EVERYMAN And dawn and twilight from surrounding lawns Shall waft the fragrance of unnumbered flow'rs. Carnation, rose and lily shall abound, And wall and arch of woven greenery, Where even by noon's heat shall we find shade Hidden from sunlight in that peaceful place. There too, in closes sheltered from the wind. And girt with flowers, a statue shall be set. Gazing forever in a brimming pool That flows from marble water-cool and smooth The rippling bed of crystal for a nymph. FRIEND: Be sure that this will be a costly thing. Nor shall its like be found with ease. EVERYMAN: I will Present it to my dearest one, and take Her hands in mine, and lead her to the spot. There in that lovely garden shall she see Her mirrored face, she who delights me so, Even as such a garden, with its warmth And gracious shade. (WORKMAN approaches.) FRIEND: But see that sorry knave! He spoils the very air! Will you permit Such creatures in your presence? WORKMAN Everyman ! EVERYMAN 35 Great master, Everyman! give ear to me A little, I beseech you! Heavy toil Has stolen youth and grace from me, but I Am still your fellow man. EVERYMAN: What would you here? WORKMAN Age comes upon me, and my hand grows slow. My labor is too much for me. From dawn To dark I slave for you, as I have slaved Since boyhood. Grant a pittance for mine age. And rest from labor in a humble cot. Far from the city's noise and smoke! EVERYMAN: Get hence! Back to your toil ! So long as you have strength. That long shall I have need of all your days. These laborers! For what, think you, am I Set over you by justice and the Lord? Unless there be a master, who shall toil? Unless you toil, our scheme of life dissolves. And all's confusion! From your myriad tasks Spring art and science and all pleasant things Wisdom and beauty and all human ease. God grant I blot no instant of your work! WORKMAN Your yoke is very heavy. Know you not How hard a thing it is to sweat and toil 36 EVERYMAN A whole life through, and find when age has come An empty larder and a fireless hearth? We are as buffers between you and pain. Enduring heat and cold and weariness, That heat and cold and weariness be not Your portion. At the banquet-board of life Gorge not yourselves: we too would eat the bread Our hands have earned. Be mindful of our need. We ask so little and we give so much! EVERYMAN: Continue then, to give! It well may be That in the future better things shall come, And briefer toil be yours. But I am set Lord of to-day, and see no present need To abate the labor. Get you to your task! WORKMAN: God grant you clearer sight and kinder heart! (Exit Workman.) (Lullaby music is heard.) EVERYMAN: What is it that I hear? What simple strains Are those? The cradle music of old years Hides me a moment from the moment's care. I seem a child again and hear once more Forgotten accents. Holy memories Bring to my heart a mother's tenderness. But say, can this be she? I've little time, Yet really do not like to run away. EVERYMAN 27 EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: (Entering. ) Oh ! I rejoice, my dear and only son. To see you here! My heart has been full sore To see your own so set on worldly things, And with so little time for me. EVERYMAN: Night air Is treacherous, dear mother, and your health So delicate! It troubles me to see You out-of-doors: is not in-doors the best? EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: And will you come and stay with me? EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: To-night I cannot. EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: Do not let it vex you, then, That I should keep you by the wayside. EVERYMAN: Ah! My only thought is of your health. Perhaps Another time were better. EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: Do not mind About my health: I've one foot in the grave. 28 EVERYMAN I care not for the present, but for my Salvation everlasting. Nay! frown not. My son, at this my preachment. Would it, then. Be burdensome if I should question you Whether your soul is dedicate to God? You step back with impatience, and increase Your sins of conscience, who should rather look Within, and meekly see your God aright. Think ! if a message came from Him to you. Ere morning, with the summons that you go And render the account of all your life Before the terrors of His judgment-seat! EVERYMAN: My mother, I have no intent to jeer. Though knowing how priests love to threaten us. 'Tis their one earthly aim, to rail against Our money, that that money may be theirs. How well they know to grasp it! It is grief, Recalling how they fill the hoary heads Of old sick folk with dark and gloomy thoughts. EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: Darkness is otherwhere! Such thoughts are light Oh! brightest radiance! The righteous man Has courage from the issues of this life And pure rejoicing at the hour of death. Becoming then aware of happiness. If sons would think of their last hour, the hearts Of mothers were less burdened down with woe. EVERYMAN ag EVERYMAN: We are good Christians, for we go to church, Give alms, and do our duty. EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: How shall it be When the last trumpet sounds, and you must give Such strict account as shows your wealth has bought Eternal death or else eternal life? My son, it is a grievous thing to die, But a more grievous thing to die forever. EVERYMAN: I still am young, and is it likely then That I shall say farewell to earthly joys? EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: And will you bury in the sand your head, To hide the sight of Death's approach, my son? Lo! he may come to-morrow! EVERYMAN: I am fresh In heart and limb, and will enjoy to-day. Penance and meditation well may wait A time more fitting. EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: Like the shifting sand Life changes; but the mind is slow to change. 30 EVERYMAN EVERYMAN: What doleful talk! I have no time to-day, As I've already told you. EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: My dear son! EVERYMAN: But otherwise I am obedient, And at your service. EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: Ah! my talk is sad To you, which makes it doubly hard to me. I have a dark presentiment, my son, I shall not trouble you for many days With admonitions. I shall burden you But little longer. Soon the last farewell Must pass between us two. You will remain Behind, my child who would not heed advice. And so I say I do not wish to preach Be sure of that. But ah! to your Lord God Be grateful, for his mercy, and the seven Great holy sacraments. Each is our aid, And we so weak! So marvellous their help On the uncertain journey of this life! EVERYMAN: What would you that I do? EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: My son, you are EVERYMAN 31 A comely man, fit for a woman's love. Our Saviour knows man's needs, and knows as well To shape the common things of earth to man's Salvation. He has made a sacrament To turn the lust of man to holiness. Will you, to serve that lust, estrange yourself From holy matrimony? EVERYMAN: Oh! I've heard All that before! EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: And is your heart unchanged? EVERYMAN: The right time has not come for it. EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: And yet Death is so near already ! EVERYMAN: Well, I don't Say "no." Nor, for that matter, "yes." EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: Sol Must live my life in fear? EVERYMAN: Well, as to that, To-morrow is another day. 3 EVERYMAN EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: Who knows If he will see it? EVERYMAN: Trouble not yourself; You'll see me married yet. EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: My dearest son. For those words will I bless you evermore! Ah! how I thank you, and rejoice that such Fair words are on your lips ! EVERYMAN: Nor do I speak In idle chatter. EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: God be praised your will Is not against this thing! A little word Can fill a mother's heart with happiness; And though your good intentions are but weak. Yet are they good, not evil, and your speech Has lifted from my mind a heavy load. EVERYMAN: Good-night, then, mother mine, and gentle sleep Be yours! EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: Good-night to you, my darling son! EVERYMAN 33 Your words are as a music in my heart More beautiful than flutes and tender chime Of silvern cymbals. In these latter days Strange sights and signs are with me. These I take To be a portent of my early death. (Eat) EVERYMAN: Why, I too hear a music such as that! Shall I too have that portent? Nay I think The cause is natural, though to me unknown. Yet now it falls not only on the ear But on the eye. (PARAMOUR comes on, accompanied by players and boys carrying torches.) Oh! 'tis my light o' love! My heart is hot for her. Musicians too! This is a merry crowd that comes for me! PARAMOUR: The one who makes us wait becomes by that The worthiest guest. With cymbal and with torch We'll have to lead him to his duty. EVERYMAN: You Dim all the torches with your own fair light! Sweeter your voice than any flute! To-night All this is like soft balsam to a wound. PARAMOUR: It seemed to me, before I drew so near, 34 EVERYMAN Another one had grieved you, and your brow And your bright cheeks were clouded as with pain. EVERYMAN: Oh! am I then so dear to you, my Sweet, That you have eyes for this? I can but feel, So madly have I lived in my few years, I should seem old and broken in your sight. PARAMOUR: You wound me by such words! I had not thought You could say that. I hate these callow youths. You are my lover and my darling one! EVERYMAN: At heart I feel as young as any youth, And, if a boy no longer, all the more Is my free spirit young and sensitive. PARAMOUR: A youth is raw, loves crudely, but a man Is gentle and great-hearted. So he draws All women to him by his tenderness And poise of soul. EVERYMAN: Had one his death in mind, And, sunk in melancholy, should behold Your loveliness, he'd pity his own pain. PARAMOUR: The very word affrights! Ah! Death is like EVERYMAN 3$ A wicked serpent hidden under flow'rs. Never let it be wakened! EVERYMAN: Love, do I Bring sorrow to you? Let us bury it In flowers, nor have a serpent in our thoughts. And yet two serpents sweetly may embrace. PARAMOUR: Serpents embrace? And who, then, may they be? EVERYMAN: Your two dear arms wherein I long to rest! (She kisses him and places on his head a gay wreath that a boy hands her. Other boys go by strewing flowers and sweet-scented herbs. A table comes up through the floor, lighted and richly covered. Everyman and Paramour go to the staircase that leads upward. The guests, ten youths and ten maidens, enter from both sides, dancing and singing.) FIRST SINGER: A friend invites us, Everyman his name. A right good sort he is, and has as well A loving sweetheart. Loneliness he hates, So bids us here, and merrily we come. Now sing we one and all, my comrades brave! (They sing.) SONG A thousand flowers to crown the feast. 36 EVERYMAN And laughter evermore! Sing till the sun is in the East, For Love is at the door! Bring golden wine and ruddy wine To brim our glasses o'er! Let joy be yours and joy be mine, For Love is at the door! A toast to you, companions dear, And bliss unknown before ! Farewell to care, farewell to fear, For Love is at the door! EVERYMAN: Welcome to all, for all can show me soon The last funereal honors! A MAIDEN: What a way To welcome us! FAT COUSIN: Confound it, Everyman, What sort of greeting call you this? Saint Pan! What ails you? PARAMOUR: What's your trouble, dear? EVERYMAN: The mood Came on me for no reason. Heartily I welcome you! EVERYMAN (A clash of steel is heard and WAR enters.) Who's here? WAR: Come now with me O Everyman ! I've other work for you Than love and feasting. EVERYMAN: Tell me more. WAR: The king Has planned a war and needs you in his ranks. Come quickly; bid farewell to home and kin! FAT COUSIN: Why break our peaceful days? WAR: Peace makes you fat. THIN COUSIN: What! Would you mar our dear prosperity, And we so comfortable? WAR: All things end! War follows upon peace as peace on war! EVERYMAN: Why is this war? 38 EVERYMAN WAR: 'Tis the king's will. He deems His honor has been slighted. EVERYMAN: Let him then Himself avenge that honor. WAR: Such is not The use of kings: when one has vexed a throne, The humble must allay, with blood and tears, That injury. EVERYMAN: What folly! I go not! WAR: Stay then! A mightier than I shall come. And at his summons shall you hasten forth. (.) PARAMOUR: Good riddance ! Now be seated as you like. And servants, pass the wine around. Why stand And stare so strangely? (They seat themselves.) EVERYMAN: All are in their shrouds! EVERYMAN 39 PARAMOUR: What ails you? Are you ill? EVERYMAN: Ah-ha-ha-ha ! A foolish thought! I'll drink a cup of wine: It clears the brain of mildew. PARAMOUR: Sit you down. Say a kind word to them. EVERYMAN: Folk, can this be The house you sought? You all look strange to me. (Silence. ) THIN COUSIN: Odds Truth, my cousin Everyman, would you That we go hence again? FAT COUSIN: Easier to say Than do, when you've so good a cook, and when The blood is warm with wine. I'm happy here! EVERYMAN: Well, only this: it popped into my mind, As you came in, how I could buy you up, Each one, and then sell each and all again, With no more fuss than if I broke an egg. 40 EVERYMAN A GUEST: Why this rude speech? A MAIDEN: What means he? PARAMOUR: Is this meant Also for me? (Everyman looJfs at her.) A GUEST: Truly a rich man's speech, Insolent, arrogant! PARAMOUR: Fearful is your gaze, And very strange! Why punish me like this? Oh, speak! EVERYMAN: My love, far be it from my thoughts To punish you! I love you, O desire Of all my soul! I did but chance to think How that sweet face would look and how you'd act, If you were told that I this hour must die. PARAMOUR: For Christ's dear sake, what mean you? Dearest one And lover true! I am beside you now Look on me, who indeed am yours today As I shall be forever! EVERYMAN 41 EVERYMAN: Did I, then, Request that you stay with me evermore, Be my companion there as here? would you Go with me to that final place and share Mine icy bed? It would be pain to me If this dread question brought you to my feet, Fainting and senseless. Yet, if still I tempt Your faltering steps along that awful path, Would not your blood stand frozen in your veins? Oh! it would be a double death to me The gall and vinegar of martyrdom If then with my own eyes I should behold Your vows meant nothing! If your hands unclasped From these cold hands, and your false lips withdrew From mine, refusing me the final kiss Alas! (He sighs.) PARAMOUR: Dear guests and cousins, my beloved seems So strange today! I know not what to do: Give me your counsel. (Everyman stares in front of him and removes garland from his head.) See, he sits aloof, Sadly, and says strange things. Oh! ne'er before Saw I him so. I know not what befalls. THIN COUSIN: Plague take this silly melancholia ! My cousin, 'tis but that, and if 'tis not, 43 EVERYMAN Why, what's amiss? FAT COUSIN: I say it's all within A dryness of the brain. My sire oft had The same complaint. Drink bravely, and the wine Will moisten the dry brain. A MAIDEN: Put in his wine Some magic: hellebore, violets or hemp. FAT COUSIN: Here, boys! Make hot the wine, so that it steams! Put cinnamon and ginger in it, too! (At the back they maf(e the o?ine g/on in a pan.) ANOTHER MAIDEN: I've heard folks say there is a magic stone Found in the swallow's gizzard. It is used By great physicians. Chelidonius 'Tis called. THIN COUSIN: No, Chalcedon. I've heard of it: A sovran cure for melancholia. A THIRD MAIDEN: I think he should be cured by sympathy. There is some hidden malice here. Were my Beloved ill like this I'd surely try A cure of mine. EVERYMAN 43 SECOND MAIDEN: What would you try? THIRD MAIDEN: It is A secret that, if known to common folk, Would lose its charm. SECOND MAIDEN: And where got you this lore? THIRD MAIDEN: Suffice you that I got it. Not for you The secret! But I'll whisper in her ear. (Rises and whispers in Paramour's ear. At the same time, further dorvn the table, several talk os follows.) A GUEST: All this is from high living. It must be His blood's too thick. A poor and needy man Would not have melancholia. A MAIDEN: Why do not Our music-makers drive our sorrow hence With mirth of trumpet and of violin? ANOTHER MAIDEN: Let's sing! The sick are often cured that way. A GUEST: But let the song be modest, surely. 44 EVERYMAN ANOTHER GUEST: She Sings only gently, and with tenderness. ANOTHER GUEST: Know you the song beginning in this wise? "In sweetest joys, so fly the hours." Methinks Should he hear that, he'd not be sick for long. FIRST MAIDEN: No! stop! are we, then, priests? What good is there In holy songs for us? GUEST: 'Tis not a priest's! The very watchmen sing it on the walls At sunrise. FIRST MAIDEN: Well, I know another song Less like it. ANOTHER MAIDEN: What? GUEST: (Kissing her.) Oh! "When it rains it's wet!" OTHER MAIDEN: "The woods are full of greenery. But for my lover I am sad. EVERYMAN 45 He rode away, my darling lad, And who in songs shall woo poor me?" ANOTHER GUEST: (Repeats it mockingly.) "Are woods so full of greenery? And where is your beloved gone?" (Meanwhile Everyman has drunk the cup of hot iptne, and looks happier.) EVERYMAN: Be gay, my cousins and my cherished guests! I've not been very well, but this good wine Has brought me to my senses. Greeting now. To one and all ! It was as though my heart Had turned to very lead, but stronger now Burns my desire to live. How glad am I We're all together ! I could weep for joy, My heart's so full. I have no words for it. This world's so full of things beyond all price. And glad am I to be amid them. Yes, Friendship and love : the two are worth so much ! He who has both needs naught beside. Add wine And music's voice, and lo! the cup o'erflows! I love you well, sweet guests, and pray that you Enjoy the moment fully, holding close And tenderly your dear ones. Ah! make use Of this fair hour with all your faculties With hands and eyes and hearts and kissing mouths! Let me not need entreat you more, dear guests! And you, beloved cousin: sing to us! 46 EVERYMAN FAT COUSIN: Alack! alas! my skinny brother's called! Now comes the eternal song about "cold snow!" (They sing with laughter.) THIN COUSIN: (Sings.) "Dear Mrs. Love, hast thou no concern? I'm in misery: feel me burn! Cold, cold snow indeed thou art, To melt with the fire of my choking heart! Dear Mrs. Love, come along with me, And all that heart shall be full of glee!" (All sing. The dull tolling of a bell is heard. Everyman pushes his glass away.) EVERYMAN: What bell is that? It can mean nothing good, Methinks, so loud and fearsome is the sound! Now terror strikes my heart! Why tolls that bell. And at this hour? A GUEST: I hear none, far or near. ANOTHER GUEST: Has any heard the sound of bells? A MAIDEN: Of bells? Who talks of bells? EVERYMAN 47 ANOTHER GUEST: It is not time for Mass. PARAMOUR: I pray you, cease not singing! A GUEST: Has a soul Heard a bell ring? ANOTHER GUEST: (Smiling.) Not for my soul it rang! PARAMOUR: Let not the song be interrupted, friends ! EVERYMAN: I prithee, take no heed! Now all is well, Nor hear I still that tolling. FAT COUSIN: It all comes From sluggish blood. I'll order swift for you Some more hot wine. EVERYMAN: Thanks, cousin! Never mind. (He seats himself again. Paramour drafts nearer to him. The others sing at the foot of the table: "The woods are full of greenery," etc. During the singing, Every- man's Friend comes in and seats himself at the table. 48 EVERYMAN Suddenly many voices are heard, calling.) VOICES: Everyman ! Everyman ! Everyman ! EVERYMAN: (Jumping up full of fear.) God! who calls for me like this? From where Am I thus called? Ah! never, never more Shall joy be mine! FRIEND: Everyman, I am here! PARAMOUR: See, Everyman! here's your dear comrade! EVERYMAN: Oh! Tell me, dear friend, what awful voices cry, And call for Everyman so terribly? THIN COUSIN: Some echo of our singing caught your ear, EVERYMAN: Nay ! nay ! it was cried fearfully and strong. Not softly! Thus: "Everyman! Everyman!" More terrible than that: familiar 'twas. Yet strange, as from the kingdom of the fiends. And now, because my soul has heard that cry, 1 never shall be comforted ah, nay! And list! Again! Oh, God! hear you it not? How terribly they call for Everyman! ( The same call as before is heard. ) EVERYMAN 49 PARAMOUR: I hear no voice. FAT COUSIN: Nor I. THIN COUSIN: No tiniest echo ! FRIEND: (Goes nearer to Everyman.) Your ears deceive you. You are ill indeed. Should you not now retire? EVERYMAN: My strength returns. Beholding you. I shall not hear that cry Again. Be seated, friend! Dear guests, feast well, And be your happiest! Tomorrow I Will fare to the physician, that this ill Come back no more. PARAMOUR: Yes, sweetheart! Promise that! For I should die of worriment and fear To see you thus again. (All continue feasting and making love. Everyman rises anxiously.) EVERYMAN: Now, for God's sake, My dearest, tell me why the lights grow dim, 50 EVERYMAN And who that is who comes upon me now! No mortal being paces with such gait ! (Death appears in the distance. Exeunt most of the guests.) DEATH: Ho! Everyman! And is your heart so glad! Have you forgotten utterly your God? EVERYMAN: What ask you at this hour? What your concern? Who are you and what will you? DEATH: I am sent From your Creator's majesty for you Sent in great haste, and therefore am I here! EVERYMAN: (Clutching at his heart.) What! sent for me? (With scorn.) Indeed, a pretty tale! DEATH: And as you give Him little reverence, So He, remembering on His heavenly throne. Shows like concern for you. EVERYMAN: (Following him with downcast eyes.) What would my God Of me? EVERYMAN 51 DEATH: That do I here announce: He wills That now you settle your account with Him. EVERYMAN: Oh! I am ill-prepared for such account! Nay! Must it be? Alas! despair is mine! But you I know you not: declare to me Your nature and your title. DEATH: I am Death Each man I summon, and no man I spare. EVERYMAN: What! Will you give no respite even to me? And worse: to catch me merry, and unwarned! Odds truth! You do not play the game! 'Twill bring You little honor. Let me tell you now I'm unprepared. The ledger of my life Is far from ready. Give me ten years more. And it shall be in order, that no fear May worry me, I swear to you on God ! So, out of God's good mercy, let me stay And put accounts in order! DEATH: Neither cries Nor prayers avail: the journey must be made And now. 52 EVERYMAN EVERYMAN: O God of mercy, on thy th-rone, Have pity on my dire distress! O Death, Shall I have no companion, none but you, Upon this journey? Must I leave this earth Without a comrade I, who never yet Have been without companions here below > DEATH: Companionship ends now. Wring not your hands: 'Tis useless. Hasten! Go before God's throne And know your just deserts. Poor fool ! to dream That life and wealth were utterly your own! EVERYMAN: Indeed I thought so truly. DEATH: Nay, not so! Your wealth was but a loan, which now, you gone, Another shall inherit; and full soon That other's hour shall strike, and he in turn Shall bid farewell to all and wander forth. Yea! I corne quickly! EVERYMAN: Just a day! This night! This hour ere sunrise, that, in penitence I may hear holy words and be prepared The better to go with you ! EVERYMAN 53 DEATH: Who are you To ask delay of Death? Say when I spared A victim? When I find the one I seek, Without a warning swiftly at his heart I strike. EVERYMAN: Now must I weep! Alas! DEATH: To weep Is loss of time. EVERYMAN: Woe's me! How now shall I Begin? Ah! had I but a little hour A single hour to find a comrade in! To think that I, a mother's child, must go Alone before my Judge! DEATH: Oh! dream you then That such a one exists? There is no man But would refuse such service! EVERYMAN: Not alone Before the Judge! Ah! grant a little time. For speech and counsel! For the sake of Christ! For God's dear mercy! 54 EVERYMAN DEATH: Greatly care not I, And leave you for a space. But mark! Waste not A second's time, but use it carefully, As best becomes a Christian. (Becomes invisible.) EVERYMAN: (Approaching his friend.) Dearest friend. You know FRIEND: I know indeed, good Everyman, And was scarce ten feet distant when Death came. I heard all things you talked of, and my heart Was in my throat. A merry man you were Sound to the core until this fatal day; But gazing on you now, oh ! I could weep ! EVERYMAN: Accept my thanks, good friend. FRIEND: How may I be Of aid? Tell me at once! EVERYMAN: Truly you are A faithful friend: I've always found you so. FRIEND: So shall you ever find me! Be assured EVERYMAN 55 That were your journey all the way to Hell, Here will you find a fellow-traveler, Ready to go with you. EVERYMAN: Now may God grant That I prove worthy of a friend like this! FRIEND: Speak not of being worthy! It were shame If words alone were mine, not deeds. EVERYMAN: My friend! FRIEND: Speak freely then. Speak frankly. I will stand As your true comrade in the final hour. (Everyman is about to open his mouth.) Sorely your sorrow hurts me. May all cares Of earth decay! Has someone injured you? Then must you be avenged, and by this hand, Grasping the blade! Yea! though I die for it! EVERYMAN: Saint Paul ! It is not that. FRIEND: Then must it be Your wealth. It is a heavy care to you, Since you lack heir of your own blood. 56 EVERYMAN EVERYMAN: Nay, friend, It is not that. FRIEND: No need for many words. For you have trust in me: the will you've made Is in safe hands, I'm sure, and leaves your wealth All to your sweetheart. EVERYMAN: Nay, my best of friends! But listen! FRIEND: Spare your tongue, dear Everyman, For but few words will make me understand. EVERYMAN: A very different matter troubles me A graver thing indeed ! FRIEND: Out with it now. And swiftly! There is comfort in a friend. EVERYMAN: Ah, yes! You are my friend! FRIEND: Then why not speak? EVERYMAN 57 Perchance your time drawn short. EVERYMAN: Alas! That were Most sorrowful of all! FRIEND: Then, Everyman, Speak promptly! Else, where would our friendship be? EVERYMAN: Ah! if I opened to you all my heart, And your turned back made that appeal but vain, Then tenfold were my sorrow and despair! FRIEND: That which I say, I do! EVERYMAN: I thank my Lord! A far, far journey is ordained to me One long and difficult. Nor is that all; For I before my Maker and my Judge Must give account of all my wealth and life. Wherefore come thou with me, my faithful friend, As lately was your promise! FRIEND: God! what's this? To make and break a promise that were shame! I blush to think of it. 58 EVERYMAN EVERYMAN: My friend! FRIEND: And yet, Ere start of such a journey I should need Much thought. EVERYMAN: Much thought ! You even promised me That, dead or living, you would leave me not. Although the road led straightway unto Hell! FRIEND: Aye ! aye ! such was my speech, with hand on heart ; But. truth to tell, this is no time for jests: The occasion is most serious. Tell me, please: The journey started, when would we return? EVERYMAN: Oh ! never ! never ! till the Judgment Day ! FRIEND: Then by God's death, if that the message was, Here stick I ! On that journey go I not ! EVERYMAN: You will not go? FRIEND: I stay here! I am frank, You know, and freely tell you all my thoughts: EVERYMAN 59 On such a journey, for no living soul Would I go forth! Not for my father's sake, God rest him! EVERYMAN: Christ ! you promised otherwise ! FRIEND: Well know I that I promised you to go. And in good faith enough. You ever were Good company where women are concerned. And were such sport in prospect, I should fail You never, not so long as God should give Us light by day and torches light by night And that's the truth! (Begins to go.) EVERYMAN: Now does my need begin Of you! Now need I you in truth, good friend! FRIEND: Good friends or no, now take I never step Henceforth with you! EVERYMAN: (Taking him by the arm.) Nay, for God's mercy go A little way! FRIEND: (Tears himself anay.) 60 EVERYMAN Not I ! I will not put One foot before the other! No, not for New festal robes! Had you more time to spare, I would not let you wait alone: as 'tis, I cannot tarry longer. (Over his shoulder.) Heaven grant A speedy trip, and at the journey's end Your best well-being! Now must I make haste! EVERYMAN: (A step after him.) Whither away, my comrade? Would you leave Me all alone? FRIEND: What else? God keep your soul! EVERYMAN: Farewell, my friend! Heavy my heart for you! Your health for aye! We shall not meet again! FRIEND: You too, farewell, O Everyman! Farewell Unto the last! Your hand! Ah! parting hurts! I know that now! (Exit.) EVERYMAN: Alas ! where shall I find Help in this world? He was my friend so long As I was merry. Now full plain he shows EVERYMAN 61 His little sympathy. Ever I had A sense of this, but would not let it sway My mind, until this hour. Now falls the stroke. 'Tis always thus: so long as Fortune smiles One shall have many friends. When Fortune turns Her back, then watch them scatter! Ah! it seems So dreadful ! Fear and sorrow choke me ! Christ ! (Turns to Paramour.) Say you will come with me! PARAMOUR: What, go with you. And youth still glad and singing in my heart. And beauty still supreme on face and form. And all life's joys to lure me? Did I go I'd lose that pleasure-garden that you gave, And all the thousand raptures of my days. I'll dance with you on all the roads of bliss, But on the Lonely Road I will not go! So ask me not. Love's over now. Farewell ! (.) EVERYMAN: Ah, God! Was ever misery like mine? My very love forsakes me! (He becomes anare of his Cousins near by, and his face lights up.) But there stand My blood relations. Cousins dear, pray you. Remain with me! You have come just in time. There is no lovelier saying in the world Than this: "Like draws to like." And this you prove 6a EVERYMAN Today. With word and deed, in this dark hour. Be you my boon companions! FAT COUSIN: Be you still My cousin Everyman! And that is all That needs be said. Be kinsman still of mine! EVERYMAN: You will not leave me? FAT COUSIN: Not a word ! Who'd dream To leave you in the lurch? That were a shame! THIN COUSIN: Whatever fares, deep sorrow or full joy, We would share both with you. FAT COUSIN: Ah! True! Well said! You see how faithfully we stand. EVERYMAN: Great thanks, My kinsmen! FAT COUSIN: And because we are your kin EVERYMAN: You saw the Messenger that came. He came EVERYMAN 63 At the Great King's command. FAT COUSIN: Yes, yes, I know. Cousin Everyman, but find the matter such As lies beyond my mending. EVERYMAN: He commands That I do make a journey. FAT COUSIN: So 'tis told. EVERYMAN: And from this journey FAT COUSIN: Now, as said before, "Like draws to like." EVERYMAN: And from this journey I, Full well I know, shall nevermore return. FAT COUSIN: Never? Well, out of nothing, nothing comes. EVERYMAN: Dear cousin, hear you me? FAT COUSIN: You do not speak 64 EVERYMAN To one who's deaf. THIN COUSIN: God's truth, that's true enough! EVERYMAN: I never shall return! FAT COUSIN: But did you hear The Messenger aright? EVERYMAN: I? Him? FAT COUSIN: The words He said, and what he meant? Did you catch all Aright? EVERYMAN: Did I ? FAT COUSIN: Just so! That's what I said. A most unwelcome guest, eh, cousin? THIN COUSIN: Yes! I mean I pray to God FAT COUSIN: You mean the same EVERYMAN 65 As I. Yes, as I said, God be with you, Everyman! which is all that I can say! EVERYMAN: cousins, stay and listen! THIN COUSIN: Have you, then, Some other wish? Announce it, cousin dear. EVERYMAN: There must I render my account, and find A watchful Enemy whose single thought Is my destruction. Ah! with all your ears Listen to me! FAT COUSIN: But tell me what account? EVERYMAN: The account of all my earthly deeds, and how My days were spent. Yea! and what sins were mine, By night and day, through all my guilty years. And so, for Christ's sake, lift your hearts in prayer And help me solve this thing! THIN COUSIN: What! do you mean The road afar? Nay, cousin Everyman! 1 go not as your fellow-traveler Thereon! I ralher in a gloomy cell For all my years would live on prison fare. 66 EVERYMAN EVERYMAN: Oh! that I never had been born! Oh! never Shall I know happiness again if now You twain desert me! FAT COUSIN: Nay, man! What is this? Be of light heart! Assert yourself! Be firm! I tell you, once and for all, you shall not drag Me down with you ! (Starts to go.) EVERYMAN: (To Thin Cousin.) But Cousin, will not you Set forth with me? THIN COUSIN: Saint Clare! I find I've got Cramp in the toes a grievous malady! It came a-sudden. FAT COUSIN: (Remains standing and speafys over his shoulder.) Plague us not, for we Cannot be tempted! I've a sweetheart home Who loves to travel: she might suit you should You see her. You are welcome to her. She Might go with you. EVERYMAN: Declare now your intent! EVERYMAN 67 Will you desert me in my misery? There's this one thing that I must know: will you Go with me or go not? FAT COUSIN: I stick at home. But luck to you, dear Everyman! God speed. Until we meet again! (Cousins start to go.) EVERYMAN: O Saviour Christ! Are all things at an end? They promised me So much! And now they break their plighted word! THIN COUSIN: ( Turns and approaches Everyman. ) 'Tis not our use, nor seems it fair and right. To ask a person forth on such a trip. Your body-servants should suffice: ask them. Your kindred should be far too dear to you. EVERYMAN: My body-servants! That's a fine idea! What use are they? I should have little help From them! (He looJfs around.) Is there an end, now, to the feast? Have all the revellers left the banquet-hall? (He goes up to the table. A few who are sitting and drink- ing notice him, jump up and flee. The table disap- pears.) 68 EVERYMAN Is there no other aid, and am I lost Alone in all the world? Has God so planned? Designs He so, that I be wholly stripped And weak, as though already in my grave? I, with the blood still warm in every vein? I, whom my servants in all things obey? I, with my wealth of houses and of gold? Up! Sound the fire-alarm! Ye lazy scamps, Loaf not about the house! Come quickly! Come! {Steward hastens out with several servants.) I must essay a journey speedily On foot at that: no carriage. All must go These servants. All my money-coffers, too. They must be borne. 'Twill be like going forth To war. I'll be in need of all my wealth. STEWARD: The heavy money-coffers? EVERYMAN: Yes! Make haste With no more talk! (Servants bring chest out carefully.) I've called you for a trip. And see you show obedience! The way Is strange and very far, and needs thereon Only the most trustworthy folk. This is A secret, and I hope you keep it one. SERVANT: Painfully heavy is this chest! EVERYMAN flg STEWARD: Obey The master's will ! EVERYMAN: Now set we forth, most still And secretly. (Death comes from the distance.) FIRST SERVANT: Look! look! A devil! Look! He signs to us to halt! STEWARD: Nay! it is Death, The dreadful one! In all his power he comes. (Servants leave chest standing and run. Steward runs loo.) DEATH: O fool! Soon comes your hour, and still you stand All unprepared! You know not how to find The right companionship. Soon will you doubt, And curse yourself! ( Vanishes. ) EVERYMAN: O God! how dread I death! Cold is my brow with sweat of my despair! Say, can the soul be murdered in the flesh? What comes on me swiftly? I have found Some comfort ever in my darkest hours. And ne'er been wholly left alone, a peor 70 EVERYMAN And pitiable fool ! Ever I had A rock on which to hold, and clung thereto With all my strength. Are all my powers gone, My mind deranged already, that I fail To know me who I am? rich Everyman, Who thought to live forever! Everyman! This is my hand and this my garment. There My treasure stands, the gold that was my strength And ever swiftly won me my desire. Surely before mine eyes I see my wealth: Could I remain by it, no fear were mine. No grim anxiety; but now, alas! Sudden I realize I must go forth! The messenger was here, the summons cried, And now must I go hence! (Throws himself on the chest.) Not without you! You must go forth with me! Oh! not for aught Would I leave you behind! You must go hence With me unto another House! So come! Come quickly with me out of this! (Chest springs open. MAMMON rises from it.) MAMMON: Ho ho! What ails you, Everyman? You seem to be In mighty haste, and meanwhile white as chalk! EVERYMAN: Who, then, are you? EVERYMAN 7* MAMMON: You know me not, and yet Would drag me with you? Lo! of all your wealth Am I the keeper guard of all you own On earth! EVERYMAN: Your countenance does please me not, Nor gives me bravery. Yet all the same Must you go with me. MAMMON: Where's the sense in that? What needs be done, that can we here perform. Behold my might! Say what oppresses you: Then can I be of aid. EVERYMAN: 'Tis otherwise, This time: I have been summoned. MAMMON: Yes and by? EVERYMAN: (With downcast eyes.) There came for me a Messenger. MAMMON: And so For that you must go hence? A messenger! And come to summon you! A sudden thing! I never heard the like before! 72 EVERYMAN EVERYMAN: And you Go also: thus I order! MAMMON: Not a step! I've too much comfort here. EVERYMAN: But you are mine! My all! My property! MAMMON: 7 yours P Ha-ha ! Don't make me laugh! EVERYMAN: You would rebel ? Vile thing! Accursed one! MAMMON: (Pushing him aside.) Be not too sure of me: I care not for your wrath! The thing's reversed: I am the giant now, and you the dwarf! You are the servant now, my little man! Dreamed you 'twas ever otherwise? That were But self-deception and a fool's idea. EVERYMAN: I had you at my orders. EVERYMAN 73 Within your soul. My servant. I let you dance. And slave. MAMMON: And I reigned EVERYMAN: You were, in house and street, MAMMON: At the end of a held string EVERYMAN: You were my body-servant MAMMON: No! you were my brave jumping-jack. EVERYMAN: But I alone dared touch you. MAMMON: I alone Could lead you by the nose. Poor knave ! Raw fool ! Oh! fool of fools? Why look you, Everyman: I stay behind on earth, and where go you? The strength I placed in you, the giant power. What have you made of it? a spectacle, A glittering show, a fashioned pompousness, A lustful, cursed fury! He was but A bladder blown by me, and that he soared And still can soar, is due alone to me. 74 EVERYMAN This is what gave him courage to exist. (Lifts a handful of money from chest, and lets it fall back again.) Back whence it came it falls: there also ends Your happiness! Soon too your senses five Shall wither, till you know me not again. I was but lent you for this earthly day. And go not on your journey. I? Depart? Nay, I remain! You shall go forth, alone. In want and fell despair. In vain for you The stretching out of hands! In vain for you To wail or gnash your teeth! You shall go forth Naked and bare as when you reached this world ! (Bows dorvn. .Chest shuts. Everyman speechless. A long pause. GOOD DEEDS becomes visible, liffe a sick person stretched on a wretched pallet. She raises herself a little and calls in a feeble voice.) GOOD DEEDS: Everyman ! (He pays no attention.) Do you not hear me, Everyman? EVERYMAN: (To himself.) It is as though one called. The voice is weak, Yet very clear. Now, God forbid it be My mother! She is feeble, old and frail: May she be spared this sight! For pity's sake May it not be my mother ! EVERYMAN 75 GOOD DEEDS: Everyman ! EVERYMAN: Oh! be it who it may, I have no time For worldly matters and annoyances. GOOD DEEDS: Do you not hear me, Everyman? EVERYMAN: It is Some ill and weakly woman. What care I? At such a time she must fend for herself. GOOD DEEDS: To you, O Everyman! do I belong. Behold me lying here because of you! EVERYMAN: How can that be? GOOD DEEDS: (Half raises herself. ) I am the deeds you did. Behold me! EVERYMAN: Mock me not, for at this hour I am a dying man! GOOD DEEDS: Draw near to me 76 EVERYMAN This little way. (Sinfe back.) EVERYMAN: Unwilling gaze I no IP Upon my mortal deeds: they are no sight For me. GOOD DEEDS: Most weak am I, and must lie here: Were it but possible, I'd run to you. EVERYMAN: I want no other person's cares. I have Enough of fear and misery for myself. GOOD DEEDS: Yet need you me. The way is fearsome far, And you have no companion. EVERYMAN: I must go That way alone. GOOD DEEDS: Nay ! I will go with you, For I am yours. (Everyman looffs toward her.) GOOD DEEDS: It is great grief to me, A heavy burden on my soul, that you Have given me no thought, since, but for you, EVERYMAN 77 I could move swiftly, and in all events Be at your side. EVERYMAN: (Goes to her.) Good Deeds, most ill it fares With me this hour. Oh! for some good advice! For any aid! GOOD DEEDS: (Tries hard to raise herself on her crutches.) I have heard, Everyman, That you before your Saviour have been called And the tremendous Judgment. Go not forth Alone, I say, unless you would be lost! EVERYMAN: Will you go with me? GOOD DEEDS: Will I go with you? You ask me that, O Everyman? EVERYMAN: (Gazing into her eyes.) You look At me so longingly! In all my life Melhinks, no man nor woman lover, friend Gazed on me with such eyes. GOOD DEEDS: Oh! Everyman! That you at this late hour should turn unto 78 EVERYMAN Mine eyes and mouth! EVERYMAN: You have a careworn face. And pale, but rich in loveliness to me. The more I look on you, so much the more My heart is moved. Now tender are my thoughts. Yet so confused I do not know myself. It is as though your eyes so gleamed that they Could lighten mine. Great blessing and great peace Would come to a poor man. But surely I Have failed, and now it all is but a dream! GOOD DEEDS: Had you but known I'm not unbeautiful, And, faithful at my side, remained away From evil and the world draw near, my voice Is low had you gone out among the poor, Full brotherly, in reverence, and had you Begun to cherish holy grief and pain. Your heart had grown, and I, so feeble now, I should have been transfigured in your sight. This would have been to you a heavenly Cup, A Chalice with God's mercy brimming o'er. And set in invitation to your lips! EVERYMAN: Oh! and I might have never seen your face, So blind was I ! What creatures of the dark Are we, alas! when such can be our doom! GOOD DEEDS: I was a chalice set before your sight EVERYMAN 79 A chalice filled by Heaven to the brim. There was no taint of earthliness therein. And therefore seemed I little in your eyes. EVERYMAN: Oh! I could tear them out! I would not be So fearful of the darkness then, for they Have led me on to bitterness of woe, Falsely, and all life long. GOOD DEEDS: Alas! your lips Must now be parched forevermore! Your thirst Desired the world for drink: now is the cup Refused. EVERYMAN: Therefore do I already feel Within these veins a thirst more terrible. My senses rave! This is my life's reward! GOOD DEEDS: So bitter is repentance! So it burns! These are the sufferings you should have known. Could now your heart experience them, what bliss It were for us! EVERYMAN: (Prostrates himself.) Let me be ground to dust From head to heel, if in this mortal frame One fibre lives that cries not wild with woe 8o EVERYMAN And deep repentance! To re-live my days! But no! Another chance! It cannot be! Nay, though I fear and shriek, I shall not live A second life! Now my torn bosom knows. Unknown till now, the meaning of those words, "Lie down to die! The knell has struck! All ends. GOOD DEEDS: (On her nees.) Shall this repentance flaming and immense Not free me from the ground? For I would rise Unto my feet, and stand by him this hour! (Falls to ground.) Oh! I am ill and feeble! EVERYMAN: O'er our deeds Merciless justice hangs! Ah! leave me not To face my Judge alone! Not that! Not that! Surely I should be lost! Oh! help you me To render my account to Him the Lord Of life and death, King of Eternity! Else am I lost forever! GOOD DEEDS: Everyman ! EVERYMAN: Leave me not without counsel! GOOD DEEDS: Know you then I have a sister, gentle but austere. EVERYMAN 8i A guide from guilt to mercy, Faith her name. Let us appeal to her: could she be moved By humble prayer, she might abide with you, And with you go before the throne of God. EVERYMAN: Hasten! Time flies! For God's sake summon her! GOOD DEEDS: It may be she will turn from you, and then You must go to the grave uncomforted. Yet would she give you of her help, could you Talk with her rightly. EVERYMAN: If one had no tongue, Fear and necessity would give him one. (FAITH enters.) GOOD DEEDS: Needless were it to talk so loud. I feel My sister comes. Dear sister, deep distress Is on this mortal: will you stay with him At death? For all my strength goes out of me. Feeble, I cannot aid him in his need. (Falls back.) FAITH: (To Everyman.) For all your life have you held me in scorn. Scorning God's word as well. Now, at death's hour. Is there a different tenor to your speech? 8a EVERYMAN EVERYMAN: I believe! I believe! FAITH: The speech is poor! EVERYMAN: God! have mercy! deeply I believe In the twelve articles and all that they Embrace! Established are they unto me, And holy! FAITH: 'Tis the poorer part of faith: Build not too much on such a penitence. Have you so poor contrition? EVERYMAN: I believe In God's long sufferance, if one repent In time. But I am sunk so deep in sin His mercy cannot reach me. FAITH: (Takes a step nearer him.) Are you. then, So deeply drowned in lust, so steeped in sin, That now your lips are barren of the word Which might forever save your forfeit soul? (Kneels before him.) EVERYMAN: 1 believe! EVERYMAN FAITH: Do you believe in Jesus Christ, Come to us from the Father? Like ourselves A mortal man, of mortal woman born, Who for your sake poured out His precious blood And has arisen from the dead, that you With God His Father might be reconciled ! EVERYMAN: Yea! I believe! All this He did for us, He calmed His Father's wrath, and on the Cross Died in His blamelessness, to bring mankind Salvation everlasting. Yet I know The good alone shall take avail of this, Whose righteousness and piety shall gain For them the life eternal. But behold My deeds! Alas! the mountain of my sins Crushes me down! God cannot pardon me. Being the All-High Judge! FAITH: And are you such A doubting Christian? Know you not the depth Of God's great mercy? EVERYMAN: Surely, terribly, God punishes! FAITH: He pardons without measure! 84 EVERYMAN EVERYMAN: Pharaoh He slew! On Sodom and Gomorrah Rained He His fire! FAITH: And gave His only Son To this sad world. From Heaven He sent Him forth That He be born a man, and so no man Be lost that one and all, e'en to the last Might find eternal life. "Lo! I am come," He said, "to save the sinner, and not him Who needeth no repentance!" So He spake Who cannot lie. If you believe ere death Then is your sin forgiven, and God's wrath Is stilled. EVERYMAN: Your words are gentle. Oh! I feel As I were born anew ! So long as I Draw breath on earth, so long do I believe That through the Christ our Lord I may be saved ! FAITH: Because you do believe, go hence and wash Your soul from sin! EVERYMAN: Where is there such a Spring Oh holy water? Oh! to reach it soon! (A Monff becomes visible above.) FAITH: A holy man awaits you, by whose help Your soul shall yet be purified. Return, EVERYMAN 85 This done, clad all in white, and I will take Your hand and go with you I, you, good deeds! So shall you gain in strength. EVERYMAN: (On his knees.) Eternal God! Oh! Beatific Vision! Road of Truth, And heavenly Light! Here at my final hour I cry to Thee, and wailing fills this mouth! O Savior dear, pray my Creator now That He be merciful unto the end. When the dark Enemy draws near from Hell And Death's appalling clutch is at my throat! Pray that He take my soul above, that I Through thy sweet intercession may approach, O Christ, thy seat at His right hand, and go With Him in glory! Let this be my pray'r. For thou upon the Cross hast saved our souls! (He lies in prayer upon his face. Organ sounds louder; at the same time, in the darkness, Everyman's Mother crosses over, as to early Mass, her servant carrying a torch. She pauses.) SERVANT: Madame, why stand you still, and at this hour? What ails you? Are you ill? Were it not best That you return unto your home and bed Than hasten to this early Mass? EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: Are we 86 EVERYMAN So late? Is Mass beginning now? I hear Marvellous ringing, as though angels sang. SERVANT: In no wise are we late, nor do I hear Sounds loud or low. EVERYMAN'S MOTHER: I hear, and in my heart I know they are the angelic songs that rise About God's throne ! It is for my dear son ! At this good hour his soul is healed, and he Is reconciled unto the Lord our God. Now joyously and willingly I die. My prayer is heard. I know that I shall stand Before my God, before my Savior's throne. And find my dear son there. Now lettest Thou Thy servant journey forth in peace ! Amen ! SERVANT: Madame, will not you come? Time flies. 'Tis dark! (They pass on.) FAITH: May God be with you, Everyman! And as I call you forth this hour and bid you go Before your Saviour, so be your account Made errorless, and free from earthly guilt. GOOD DEEDS: Alas ! I fain would rise but am too weak ! (Enter DEBTOR and WORKMAN.) EVERYMAN 87 DEBTOR: Now suffer that we help you rise. WORKMAN: Our limbs Are strong, yours feeble. GOOD DEEDS: Who am I that you Should aid me now? Am I not strange to you? Have I been kind to you that you to me Should proffer kindness? It is in my heart That you have had but wrongs from Everyman. DEBTOR: Hard was his hand on me, but now a Hand More terrible is on him: I forgive, For that is first among a Christian's needs. WORKMAN: We toilers are a poor and simple folk, Nor hoard our wrongs, but cheerfully forgive. (Good Deeds throws her crutches ara\) and approaches him. ) FAITH: O Everyman, prepare yourself for joy! For now in truth are your good deeds made straight, And free from all the burden of your sin! GOOD DEEDS: See! It is I your friend, O Everyman! 88 EVERYMAN I bless you, who have freed me from my pain. And will go with you, wheresoe'er it be. EVERYMAN: Ah ! dear Good Deeds ! I weep for very joy To hear your voice ! FAITH: Now must you sorrow not. Nor longer weep. Nay! now indeed rejoice. And show a happy spirit. From His throne God sees you healed. EVERYMAN: I seek no more delay Nor lingering. My friends, we shall go forth Together, for I shall not part from you. (He goes up and follows after monk. Faith and Good Deeds persist in praying.) DEVIL: (Comes bounding in.) Hold, Everyman! Stop, Everyman! Halt, halt! Come hither, comrade! Here I stand, who came To fetch you. I am here. Ho, Everyman! He's gone within! He must be very deaf. And in both ears! Why enters he that house? Ye others, hale him forth, and I meanwhile Will wait outside. Catch him and bring him here! It may be he will keep me waiting long. Let him! I fear not that: he's in my clutch, Body and soul, as never man before. EVERYMAN 89 FAITH: Hold! DEVIL: (Does not hear.) I must pass! FAITH: Not here the way! DEVIL: It is. For I have business there. FAITH: Here for your kind There is no way. DEVIL: A woman, quarrelsome! I can evade her. FAITH: (Gets in his ivap again.) Here's no way for you ! DEVIL: On business must I stand beside yon door. So that, when he I seek comes forth, I then Can take him with me on a certain way. FAITH: I will not argue with you. 90 EVERYMAN DEVIL: Nor will I With you. But I will pass. GOOD DEEDS: Here is no way For you. DEVIL: (Closes up his ears.) Noise! Noise! A pest! GOOD DEEDS: (Gets in his Ufa]).) No way! DEVIL: No way? No way? Is there no way? No ground on which My feet may stand? No place to leap? Then I Forthwith will make a way! (Tries to go through by force.) FAITH: (Stepping forward.) Would you, then, use Your very fists? Disturb our holy pray'rs? Behold who comes to aid us! (Angel comes from above.) DEVIL: Ha-ha-ha! So all our gentle friends are in the game! They whose sole task it is to lounge and gape. EVERYMAN 91 From morn till nightfall, while their betters go About their duty with all urgency, With eagerness and great expense of strength! (Good Deeds and Faith do not loolf at him, but prop v>ith folded hands.) Hell's bottom! Is there any doubt in this? Shall there be argument? Incredible! Lives there on earth a soul that would deny. Here to my face, this man is lost to me? This mighty glutton! This great tank of wine! This woman-hunter and adulterer! This tempter, loose in word and deed, with less Belief than a black heathen has, and more Forgetful of his God than are the brutes Of field and stye! This waster of the goods Of widows and of orphans! This oppressor! This hater! (Springs up.) Where are words to picture him? They fail me, such a sinful beast is he! Yet they refuse him to me, when that I Would grasp him, twist his neck, and yell to him: "Abase thee, mortal clay, and die!" Yea! thus Cold-bloodedly I'd wait for him, and seize His soul for Hell! And shall you then not fear My wrath, my gnashing jaws, my doubled fist? Shall you not see that justice and the right Stand armed at my side? FAITH: At your side None stands. You have already lost the game, And God ere now has balanced in His scales 92 EVERYMAN The penitence and debt of Everyman, To find what should eternally be paid. DEVIL: How shall that be? Shall then an hour outweigh The habits of a life? Shall one wax fat. And, calmly and deliberately, base His life on sin, and, day and night, upbuild The ramparts of his guilt, then, at the last, Find the substantial and considered pile A thing a single blow can overwhelm? FAITH: Yea ! thus Repentance works ! She has a strength, A fire to recreate the ruined soul From sin's own dust and ashes! DEVIL: Woman's tricks And chatter! Wash my fur and wet it not! Wish-washy twaddle! I could spit with hate! Proofs! Proofs! Give proofs! Show me one word or deed To put him in the right before a judge! FAITH: Before that Judge to Whom he goes today. Your right would go for nothing. It is based On earthly fraud and pretense, and by Time Has limitation, tangled in Time's mesh .... Where ring those bells? (One heart from rvithin the death-bells. .Good Deeds and Faith fall to their nees.) EVERYMAN 93 GOOD DEEDS: Eternity begins! DEVIL: (Closing his ears.) Enough! I quit! O leave him! I go home! Pamper your pet! I shudder with disgust! (Good Deeds and Faith have raised themselves.) A happy case, as clear as day, and yet A hair is in the soup, and all's a waste! Fearless and merry step I to the front And call me heritor of this damn'd soul, To hear: "No thoroughfare! No thoroughfare!" Prison and lash to you, you long-robed things! The very heathen had allowed my claim It would have been mere justice! Now they shout: "No thoroughfare!" these women! Hell is hot, And here he comes white-robed, arch hypocrite! And whining for his sins ! The world is bad, Stupid and mean! Here might alone is right! The world is rank injustice, and full oft Would injure us sincere and clever folk! (Exit Everyman comes from above, in long white robe, a pilgrim's staff in his hand, and his face deathly white, but transfigured. Approaches the two.) GOOD DEEDS: See I not Everyman draw near? 'Tis he! He has made peace with God, and strengthened us For a sure flight to Heaven. 94 EVERYMAN EVERYMAN: Give me now Your hand. I have received the sacrament. Blessed be you that have done this for me And given me your counsel! Oh! be thanked That you so faithfully, with fervent pray'r, Have waited for me! Let us now begin, Our journey. Lay you each upon this staff A hand, and follow me unto the grave! GOOD DEEDS: From off this staff, until the journey's end, I will not lift my hand! FAITH: By you I stand As once by Judas Maccabeus! (The}) go up. .Death has appeared and goes behind them They stand at the grave.) EVERYMAN: (Shuts his eyes.) Now Must I go to the midnight of the grave! My God, be merciful to me! FAITH: I stand Faithful to you. GOOD DEEDS: I too come, Everyman. EVERYMAN 95 EVERYMAN: God and His holiness be with me now! On Him I cry for mercy! GOOD DEEDS: (Helps him into his grave and then goes to him.) Let the end, O Lord! be peaceful unto us who come To Thy pure Realm of joy! EVERYMAN: (In grave. Only head and shoulders visible.) Because that you Have ransomed me, care for my soul, that I May not be lost, but on the final Day May join with you the ranks of the redeemed! FAITH: Now ends his earthly fate! Naked and bare He goes before his Judge. His deeds alone Shall welcome him and be his witnesses. Methinks I hear angelic voices sing, Afar and clear, as in their heavenly Home They bid the poor soul enter unto peace! (Angels singing.) The End. 1 WC University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library "flfr "from which it was borrowed. QL JW*16 * HOV m 1C > Vf _ I ^ > VJ UC SOUTHERN REGIONAl. UBRAflY FACILITY A 000140821 =o g