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( v )iie>tion- for Law Students on the Third Edition of 'ph.-ii, Barrister /. cloth. ')o\\d'- New Chancery Practice, containing the i, with the late-t (.'a>es. In l'2ino. Koust^s Copyhold Enfranchisement Manual, l8-").'3. in i . ( "th. ^Varivn's Law and Practice of Election Commit i In royal l'2iuo. ]">*. cloth. WarrenV Manual of the Parliamentary Election Law 'I'd Kingdom; with the Practice of the Registration of Electors. 1 vol. Itoval ]-.' -loth. :\v of Corporations in (Jriu-ral, as well H"\al Svo. -2(i.v. boards. Manual of tin- New Patent Law. Post - Tr;tii>l{jtion of Pothicr's Partner-hip. loth. Scriven on the Law of Copyhold, Customary Free- hold, and Ancient Demesne Tenure. Fourth Edition, by H. Stalman, Esq., Barrister at Law. 2 vols. Royul 8vo. '21. 10s.' boards. Greening's Forms of Pleadings and Proceedings under the Common Law Procedure Act. Second Edition, with the Practice and Pleading Rules of 1852 and of 1853. In 12mo. 10s. 6d. boards. Quain and Holroyd's New Common Law Practice under the Act of 185-2. In i'2mo. 7s. Gd. cloth. Baker on the Law and Practice of Coroner, with Forms. 12mo. 14s. cloth. Wills on the Principles of Circumstantial Evidence. Third Edition. 8vo. 9s. boards. Coote's Practice of the Ecclesiastical Courts, with Forms, &c. 8vo. 28s. boards. Hertslet's Collection of Commercial Treaties and Con- ventions between Great Britain and Foreign Powers. 8 vols. 8vo. s/. 5s. boards. Moore's Solicitors' Book of Practical Forms. In 12mo. 7s. (jd. cloth. Moore's Country Attorneys' Pocket Remembrancer. Second Edition. 12mo. 7s. cloth. Moore's Instructions for preparing Abstracts of Titles. Second Edition. In 12mo. 6s. cloth. Keyser on the Law of the Stock Exchange. In 12mo. 8.v. cloth. Pulliiig's Law and Usage of Mercantile and Joint Stock Companies' Accounts. In 12mo. 9.v. boards. Kennedy's Code of Chancery Practice, with all the Orders from 1S14 to the present time, and the New Acts and Orders, 1852-3: complete with Indexes. 2 vols. in 12mo. 19s. 6d. cloth. Archer's Index to the Unrepealed Statutes connected with the Administration of the Law. In 8vo. 5s. boards. Da\ 7 is's Manual of Evidence in the New County Courts. 12mo. 8s. boards. Oke's Magisterial Synopsis : comprising Summary Convictions and all Proceedings before Justices out of Sessions. Tin; Fourth Edition. 8vo. 21s. cloth. Oke's Magisterial Formulist, being a Companion Book of Forms to the above. 8vo. 21s. cloth. Oke's System of Solicitors' Bookkeeping, with Forms of the Account Books recommended. 8vo. 5s. cloth. THE A COMPLETE COLLECTION FOEMS AND PEECEDENTS FOR PRACTICAL USB IN ALL MATTERS OUT OF QUARTER SESSIONS; ADAPTED TO Outlines of jForms in Jerbis's (11 & 12 VICT. cc.42, 43). AN INTRODUCTION, EXPLANATORY DIRECTIONS, VARIATIONS, AND NOTES, (BROUGHT DOWN TO 12 & 13 VICT.) BY GEORGE C. OKE, AUTHOR OF "THE MAGISTERIAL SYNOPSIS." LONDON : HENRY BUTTERWORTH, 7, FLEET STREET, iiato ttoofesdtrr and Vublisfirr ; HODGES AND SMITH, GKAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. 1850. LONDON: C. ROWORTR AND SONS, DELL YARD, TEMPLE HAH. PREFACE. A CONSOLIDATION of the Practice before Magistrates out of Quarter Sessions having taken place by Jervis's Acts, 11 & 12 Viet. cc. 42, 43, which have now been in operation more than a year, the necessity for a publication containing a complete Collection of Forms and Precedents for practical use in all matters in a separate volume, distinct from the Practice, founded upon the Outlines of Forms in those Statutes, has been gene- rally acknowledged by the Magistracy and their Clerks, and recently expressed to me by letter and otherwise. Some of the reasons with which this was urged are these : 1. That the uniformity in the present Practice requires uniformity and consolidation in the Forms of Pro- ceedings. 2. That the majority of the Forms in the Books of Prac- tice, published previous to the passing of Jervis's Acts, being so dissimilar in their features and construction, are not now to be depended upon, and that none, unless in the same features as those Acts, should be used. 3. That the Forms given in the old Works are so mixed up with the repealed Law and Practice as to be useless. 4. That the Books alluded to are necessarily deficient in the quantity and variety of Forms required for use, especially in the Statements of Offences (Summary and Indictable), and Special Sessions Matters. 5. That such Collection should be in a distinct volume from the Practice, as most convenient for daily use, and therefore might be used as a companion to " The a2 1G81700 IV PREFACE. Magisterial Synopsis," or with any other Book 01" Practice on the subjects. 6. That by having the General Blank Forms or Outlines in Jervis's Acts printed with proper spaces for varia- tions to suit particular exigencies, the requirements of Statutes, and the local additions, and marks to distin- guish one class of Forms from another, Magistrates and Magistrates' Clerks will be enabled so to vary * such General Forms according to the directions to be given in such Collection as to suit the circumstances of almost every case, without having recourse to the expensive mode of purchasing printed Special Blank Forms under each title or for each subject. Acting upon these very cogent reasons, and to remedy the inconvenience alluded to, I took upon myself the task of compiling the present Collection (numbering nearly 1800 Pre- cedents*), adapting and remodelling the Forms in the several Books of Practice, and those obtained from other sources, to the General Outlines or Forms in Jervis's Acts in all cases where that could be accomplished, making numerous addi- tions and variations necessary in the variety of matters within the cognizance of Justices of the Peace out of Quarter Sessions, drawing others not before published in any shape, and arranging the whole in the Three like practical Divisions or Classes of the subjects as in the Second Edition of the "Synopsis," subdivided into convenient Chapters; and in doing which I have used infinite care and pains, being fully aware of the responsibility attaching to the use of a Form ; but in my labours I received great assistance and encouragement from Forms and Communications sent me by the following acting Magistrates and Clerks, and many valuable suggestions from others, to whom I take this opportunity of tendering respectfully my thanks: H. B. Bence, Esq., Thorington Hall, Saxmund- ham ; Thomas J. Arnold, Esq., one of the Magistrates of the Police Court, Worship Street; Mr. T. Coombs, jun., Dorches- ter; Mr. W. Craven, Halifax; Mr. Wigley, Aberayron; and 972 in Part I. (Summary Convictions and Orders) ; 401 in Part II. (In- dictable Offences); and 418 in Part III. (Other Proceedings out of Sessions). PREFACE. V Mr. H. L. Penprase, Assistant Clerk to the Justices of Truro. I am also under some obligation to the following works and publications from which a large portion of the Forms has been collected and adapted, viz.: Burn's Justice, 28th and 29th edit.; Archbold's J. P. 4th edit. (1846); Arch. Cr. Ev. & PI. by Jervis; J. Stone's Petty Sessions, by Westoby; S. Stone's Hand-book of Informations, 2nd ed.; Bench Formulist (1846); Shelford on Highways (1845) ; Justice of the Peace ; Law Times; Robinson's Formularies; Toone's Magistrate's Manual, 4th ed. ; and other smaller works on distinct statutes, as well as to a few of the blank Forms published by Messrs. Shaw and Sons, Fetter Lane; and I have generally, throughout the following pages, referred in the Forms given to the Books of Practice as well as to my " Synopsis" it being no part of the present work to supersede the necessity of referring to such books for further information ; but where no such reference is given to a work or other authority, the Forms have been either entirely remodelled and adapted to those in approved use, in the manner before mentioned, or have not before been published. In the two Chapters of General Forms (Chap. I. of Parts I. and II.), there is a large number of original useful Forms not given in Jervis's Acts, and which appear for the first time in this Collection ; and the greater part of those in Chap. II. of Part II. formed a portion of an Appendix of Forms to a MS. " Analysis of Indictable Offences," prepared by me in the year 1846 for publication, but abandoned. At the conclusion I have added a few " Miscellaneous Forms," not strictly belonging to either of the three classes into which the work is divided, but some of them having appeared in other magisterial books, it has been deemed necessary to insert them to render the work complete. As to the size and bulk of the present work, I have en- deavoured to compress it within moderate limits, but at the same time to make it complete, as well as practical in the arrangement of the several parts composing each of the va- rious Precedents ; and I have not deemed it necessary, in giving numerous Special Forms, to swell the work by setting them out or repeating them at full length each time they VI PREFACE. are introduced or incorporated with the General Form, but I have instead referred to the General Form to be used, and stated the requisite variations or additions to be made in it. In Special Sessions Matters, and others, not within the operation of Jervis's Acts (and comprised in Part III.)* where the Forms are necessarily various and dissimilar in frame, it has been found impossible by any means to shorten many of them re- quired for frequent use, and that alone has increased the bulk of the work over the anticipated size; but this it is hoped will be compensated by having a complete work of Precedents, to which facility of reference is given by a copious Index and a Table of Contents. In conclusion, I would refer the reader to the " Introduction" which precedes the Forms. G. C. O. NEWMARKET, 8th February, 1850. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS, pp. 1, 2. 1. ON THE PROVISIONS IN JERVIS'S ACTS AS TO FORMS, p. 211. What 11 & 12 Viet c. 43 (Summary Convictions and Orders) applies to, 2; exception clause, 3; what 11 & 12 Viet c. 42 (Indictable Offences) applies to, 4 ; special provisions applicable to the forms as to the place of justices exercising jurisdiction, 4, 5 ; backing of warrants, 6 ; relative to indictable offences only, 6, 7 ; when convictions and orders in Jervis's Act, c. 43, to be used, 7 ; other forms, 9 ; provisions as to objections to forms, 8 ; effect of variances between information and evidence in summary convic- tions, 8 ; information or complaint recommended to be in writing in all cases, 9 ; the protection of justices in the use of forms, 9 11 ; general provisions as to form of action, notice, &c. 9, 10 ; par- ticular provisions applicable to the acts of justices, 11. 2. ON THE ARRANGEMENT OF THIS COLLECTION OF PRECEDENTS, pp. 12, 13. Arranged in three parts, 12; the necessary variations made in the forms throughout, 13 ; forms in matters within the exception clause of 11 & 12 Viet c. 43. . 13. 3. THE MANNER OF USING THE FORMS, AND THE PROVISIONS OF JERVIS'S ACTS THEREON, p. 1422. First, as to summary convictions, p. 14 18 ; Secondly, as to indictable offences, p. 18 20; points in preparing other forms not given, 2022. PART I. SUMMARY CONVICTIONS AND ORDERS. CHAP. I. GENERAL FORMS OR OUTLINES. ** The figure, asl, before the description of theForm,is the number prefixed to it. SECT. 1. INFORMATIONS AND COMPLAINTS, p. 2326. 1. Information or complaint, with or without oath, with variation when substantiated by another person than the informant, prosecutor viii Contents. or complainant, 23 ; description of justices, 23, 24 ; 2. Depesition on charge or complaint substantiated on a warrant being granted on disobedience to a summons, 24 ; 3. Information at the suit of an informer, 25 ; 4. Information for a second offence, 25 ; 5. In- formation for a third offence, 25 ; 6. Information against an aider or abetter, with or without the principle, 26; 7. Information against a counsellor or procurer, 26. SECT. 2. THE PROCESS TO ISSUE TO DEFENDANTS, pp. 26, 27. 8. Summons to the defendant upon an information or complaint, 26 ; 9. Deposition of the constable or other person of the service of the summons, 26 ; 10. Warrant where the summons is dis- obeyed, 26 ; 11. Warrant in the first instance, 27 ; 11 a. Indorse- ment in backing a warrant, 27. SECT. 3. REMANDING DEFENDANT, AND TAKING BAIL, p. 2830. 12. Warrant of committal for safe custody during an adjournment of the hearing, 28 ; 13. Recognizance for the appearance of the defendant where the case is adjourned or not at once proceeded with, 28 ; 14. Notice of such recognizance to be given to the defendant and his surety, 29 ; 15. Certificate of nonappearance to be indorsed on the defendant's recognizance, 29 ; 16. Warrant to remand a defendant when apprehended, 29 ; 17. Notice to the complainant or informant of defendant's apprehension, and of day of hearing, 29. SECT. 4. OF COMPELLING WITNESSES' ATTENDANCE, &c. p. 30 33. 18. Deposition that a person is a material witness, 30 ; 19. Summons of a witness, 30 ; 20. Deposition of constable, or other person, of service of the last summons, 30 ; 21. Warrant where a witness has not obeyed a summons, 31 ; 22. Warrant for a witness in the first instance, 31 ; 23. Commitment of a witness for refusing to be sworn or to give evidence, 31 ; 24. Information to ground a sum- mons or warrant against a witness not attending to give evidence (where the particular statute imposes a penalty for such neglect) in order to convict him, 32 ; 25. Conviction thereon, where the statutes require it, 32 ; 26. Commitment thereon, 32 ; 27. The like information as No. 24, ante, for refusing to be examined on oath or affirmation, 33 ; 28. Conviction thereon, 33 ; 29. Commit- ment thereon, 38. SECT. 5. THE HEARING AND ADJUDICATION, &c. p. 33 45. 30. Minutes of proceedings at the hearing with adjudication, 33; 31. Order of dismissal of an information or complaint, 34; 32. Certificate of dismissal, 34 ; 33. Minute of order of dismissal for service, 35 ; 34. Warrant of distress for costs upon an order for dismissal of an information or complaint, 35 ; 35. Indorsement in backing a warrant of distress, 36 ; 36. Constable's return to a warrant of distress, 36 ; 37. Warrant of commitment for want of distress in the last case, 37 ; 38. Warrant of commitment of com- plainant for costs, immediate on confession of no goods, &c 37 ; 39. Conviction for a penalty to be levied by distress, and in default of sufficient distress, imprisonment, 38 ; 40. Conviction for a penalty, and, in default of payment, imprisonment, 39 ; 41. Conviction when the punishment is by imprisonment, 39 ; 42. General conviction, embodying the three last, 39 41, appli- cable for a draft where necessary, and to several offenders, and numerous variations, 40, 41 ; 43. Conviction on the view of a justice, 42 ; 44. Order for payment of money to be levied by distress, and, Contents. ix in default of distress, imprisonment, 42 ; 45. Order for payment of money, and, in default of payment, imprisonment, 43 ; 46. Order for any other matter where the disobeying of it is punishable with imprisonment, 43 ; 47. General order, embodying the three last, 4446, applicable for a draft where necessary, and certain prac- tical variations, 44, 45. SECT. 6. ENFORCING CONVICTIONS AND ORDERS, p. 4661. 1. Enforcing Convictions on Informations. 48. Warrant of commitment on a conviction where the punishment is by imprisonment, 46 ; 49. Warrant of distress for costs upon a conviction where the offence is punishable by imprisonment, 46 ; 50. Warrant of com- mitment for want of distress, 47 ; 51. Commitment forthwith for an additional term for the costs upon a conviction where the offence is punishable by imprisonment, on confession of no goods, &c., by the defendant, 48 ; 52. Warrant of commitment upon a conviction for a penalty in the first instance, 49 ; 53. Warrant of distress upon a conviction for a penalty, 50 ; 54. Commitment forthwith upon a like conviction, where the distress would be ruinous, or on defendant confessing he has no goods, 50 ; 55. Re- cognizance of a defendant to appear on the return of a distress warrant for penalty and costs, 51 ; 56. Indorsement in backing a warrant of distress, 51 ; 57. Constable's return to a warrant of distress, 52 ; 58. Warrant of commitment for want of distress, 52 ; 59. Commitment of a defendant for a consecutive period where convicted on the same day of two or more offences, 52 ; 59 a. Com- mitment upon a conviction for a second or subsequent offence, adapted to where imprisonment only adjudged, or where a penalty imposed, and imprisonment in default of payment, 53. 2. Enforcing Orders on Complaints. 60. Minute of order for service before enforcing, 54; 61. Warrant of commitment on an order where the disobeying of it is punishable by imprisonment, 55 ; 62. Warrant of distress for costs upon an order where the disobey- ing of the order is punishable with imprisonment, 55 ; 63. War- rant of commitment for want of distress, 56 ; 64. Commitment forthwith for an additional term for the costs upon an order, 56 ; 65. Warrant of commitment on an order in the first instance, 57 ; 66. Warrant of distress upon an order for the payment of money, 57 ; 67. Commitment upon a like order where the distress would be ruinous, or on defendant confessing he has no goods, 58 : 68. Recognizance of a defendant to appear on the return of the distress warrant, and notice thereof, 51, 59 ; 69, 70. Indorsement in backing distress warrant, and constable's return, 36, 59; 71. Warrant of commitment upon an order for want of distress, 59 ; 72. Liberate or discharge of a defendant from gaol on pay- ment of amount for which he was committed, &c. 59. 3. Enforcing Costs on Dismissal of Information or Complaint, p. 34 37. 4. Enforcing Costs of Conveyance to Gaol. 73. Distress warrant on offender's goods, 60 ; 74. Gaoler's receipt for a defendant, 61 ; 75. Committing justice's order on the county treasurer for con- stable's expenses of conveying a defendant to gaol, with variation where amount included in the commitment under Jervis's Act, and not paid, 61. SECT. 7. OF THE APPLICATION OF PENALTIES, &c, p. 62. 76. Account of the clerk of the justices at petty sessions, and of the keeper of the gaol or house of correction, 62 ; 77. Register of con- victions and orders under 11 & 12 Viet c. 43.. 62. x Contents. SECT. 8. OF APPEAL, &c. p. 63-65. 78. Notice of appeal against a conviction or order, 63 ; 79. Recognizance to try the appeal, &c. 63 ; 80. Notice of such recognizance to be given to the defendant (appellant) and his surety, 64 ; 81. Certifi- cate of clerk of the peace that the costs of an appeal are not paid, 64 ; 82. Warrant of distress for costs of an appeal against a con- viction or order, 64 ; 83. Warrant of commitment for want of distress in the last case, 65. CHAP. II. SPECIAL FORMS, OR STATEMENT OF OFFENCES, &C. Aiders and Abettors, 66. Alehouses, p. 66 72; I. Offences against the licence, No. 1 to 11; II. Other offences, No. 12 to 22 ; III. Proceedings on charge of a third offence, and on appeal, No. 23 to 33. Apprentices, p. 72 77; I. Offences by apprentices, No. 1 to 12 ; II. Of- fences by masters, No. 13 to 28. Assault, pp. 77, 78 ; Forms No. 1 to 9. Beerhouses, p. 78 86; I. Offences against the licence, No. 1 to 13 ; II. Offences as to hours, No. 14 to 22 ; III. Other offences, No. 23 to 46 ; IV. Proceedings against sureties of beerhouse keeper, No. 47 to 50 ; V. Proceedings on appeal against conviction for a third offence, No. 51. Bread and Flour, p. 8690 ; Forms No. 1 to 23. Bricks and Tiles, pp. 90, 91 ; Forms No. 1 to 4. Burning, by servants, p. 91 ; Forms Nos. 1, 2. Butter, p. 91 ; Forms Nos. 1, 2. Bye Laws, of boroughs, pp. 91, 92 ; Forms Nos. 1, 2. Chimney Sweepers, p. 92 ; Forms No. 1 to 3. Coals, p. 92; Forms Nos. 1, 2. Combination, pp. 92, 93 ; Forms No. 1 to 4. Commons, &c. p. 93 95 ; Forms No. 1 to 11. Constables, p. 9599; I. As to parochial constables, No. 1 to 4; II. As to county constables, No. 5 to 8; III. As to borough constables, No. 9 to 14; IV. As to special constables, No. 15 to 21 ; V. As to constables on rivers, canals, &c., No. 22 to 24 ; VI. As to con- stables under Lighting and Watching Act, Nos. 25, 26. Copyright of Designs, pp. 99, 100 ; Forms No. 1 to 3. Corn Returns, pp. 100, 101 ; Forms No. 1 to 3. County Courts, p. 101 ; Forms No. 1 to 3. Cruelty to Animals, p. 101104 ; Forms No. 1 to 14. Dead Bodies, pp. 104, 105 ; Forms No. 1 to 3. Dissenters, pp. 105, 106 ; Forms No. 1 to 5. Distress, pp. 106, 107 ; Forms No. 1 to 7. Dogs, pp. 107, 108; Forms No. 1 to 6. Drunkenness, p. 108110; I. Proceedings upon a first offence, No. 1 to 6 ; II. Proceedings for a second offence, No. 7 to 10. Fireworks, p. 110 ; Forms No. 1 to 5. Fisheries, pp. 110, 111 ; Forms Nos. 1, 2. Frames, p. 111. Contents. xi Game, p. Ill 120; General observations, &c. pp. Ill, 112; I. Trespass in search of, No. 1 to 8 ; II. Killing without certificate, No. 9 to 16 ; III. Killing on Sunday, Sec., Nos. 17, 18; IV. Killing out of season, No. 19 ; V. Selling without certificate, Nos. 20, 21 ; VI. Buying, &c., unlawfully, No. 22 to 24; VII. Offences by licensed dealers, &c., No. 25 to 30; VIII. Offences by occupiers, No. 31 to 33 ; IX. Night poaching, No. 34 to 40 ; X. Sporting without certificate, Nos. 41, 42. Gaming Houses, p. 120122 ; Forms No. 1 to 8. Gunpowder, p. 122 ; Forms No. 1 to 6. Health (Public) Act, 1848, p. 123 ; Forms Nos. 1, 2. Highways, p. 123 131 ; I. Offences by surveyors, No. Ito4; II. Offences by collector, No. 5 to 7 ; III. Offences by owners and drivers of carts, &c., No. 8 to 24 ; IV. Nuisances, No. 25 to 51 ; V. Other offences, Nos. 52, 53. Horse Slaughtering, p. 131133 ; Forms No. 1 to 16. Inclosures, p. 133. Jurors, p. 133. Juvenile offenders, p. 133140; Forms No. 1 to 31. Larceny, p. 140145; I. Of animals, No. 1 to 16; II. Of trees, fences, &c., No. 17 to 23 ; III. Accessories and receivers, No. 24 to 27. Lighting and Watching Act, pp. 145, 146 ; Forms No. 1 to 8. Malicious Injuries, pp. 147, 148 ; I. To trees, plants, fences, &c., No. 1 to 4; II. To any other property, Nos. 5, 6; III. Accessories, Nos. 7, 8. Manufactures, &c., p. 149 156 ; I. As to artificers, manufacturers, miners, &c., No. 1 to 6 ; II. As to workmen in the cotton, fustian, hat, linen, woollen, flax, hemp, mohair, silk, fur, leather, or iron manu- factures, and Dyers, No. 7 to 17 ; III. As to workmen in the cotton, flax, linen, mohair, silk, or woollen hosiery manufactures, No. 18 to 24 ; IV. Regulations as to mines, No. 25 to 29. Master and Servant, p. 156 160 ; I. As to false characters of Servants, No. 1 to 5 ; II. As to misbehaviour by servants in husbandry, &c., and masters, No. 6 to 17. Military Law, pp. 160, 161 ; Forms No. 1 to 3. Navigable Rivers and Canals, pp. 161, 162 ; Forms No. 1 to 6. Nuisances and Diseases Prevention Act, 1848, p. 162 164; Forms No. 1 to 4. Overseers, p. 164 ; Forms No. 1 to 5. Pawnbrokers, p. 164170 ; I. Offences of pawnbrokers, No. 1 to 22 ; II. Illegal pawning, forging duplicates, &c., No. 23 to 27. Poor, p. 170175; General observations, &c., pp. 170, 171; I. Offences by overseers, No. 1 to 7 ; II. Offences by workhouse master, &c., No. 8 to 10 ; III. Offences in workhouse, &c., No. 11 to 22. Poundbreach, pp. 175, 176 ; Forms No. 1 to 4. Printers, p. 176 ; Forms Nos. 1, 2. Promissory Notes, p. 177 ; Forms Nos. 1, 2. Railways, p. 177179 ; I. Offences by servants of railway companies, No. 1 to 6 ; II. Offences by other persons, No. 7 to 19. Seamen, p. 179; Forms Nos. 1, 2. Seditious Meetings, p. 180; Forms Nos. 1, 2. Sheep, p. 180 ; Forms No. 1 to 4. Ship's Ballast, p. 181 ; Forms Nos. 1, 2. Ship's Passengers, p. 181 ; Forms Nos. 1, 2. xii Contents. Ship's Register, pp. 181, 182 ; Forms No. 1 to 5. Sunday, p. 183 ; Forms No. 1 to 4. Swearing, pp. 183, 184 ; Forms No. 1 to 3. Theatres, pp. 184, 185 ; Forms No. 1 to 3. Turnpike Roads, p. 185201; I. Offences by toll collector, No. 1 to 15 ; II. Offences as to tolls, No. 16 to 44; III. Offences by drivers, owners, &c. No. 45 to 66 ; IV. Nuisances and other offences, No. 67 to 111. Vaccination, pp. 201, 202 ; Forms No. 1 to 3. Vagrants, p. 202210; I. Idle and disorderly persons, No. 1 to 13; II. Rogues and vagabonds, No. 14 to 30; III. Incorrigible rogues, No. 31 to 35. Weights and Measures, p. 210213 ; I. Offences by inspectors, No. 1 to 5; II. Offences by dealers and others, No. 6 to 20. Wreck, pp. 213, 214. CHAP. III. FORMS APPLICABLE TO THE OFFENCES, &C. TO WHICH THE 11 & 12 VICT. c. 43 (JERVIS'S ACT) DOES NOT EXTEND. Apprentices, p. 215. Beerhouses, p. 215. Customs, p. 215218; Forms in the Schedule to 8 & 9 Viet c. 87, No. 1 to 6 ; Table of Fees in Schedule (A.) of 12 & 13 Viet. c. 90. Excise, p. 218 246; I. Information, No. 1 to 9; II. Summonses, notices and subpoena, No. 10 to 17; III. Convictions, Nos. 18, 19; IV. Warrants and return to levy warrants, No. 20 to 28 ; V. Body and search warrants, &c., and commitment, No. 29 to 37. Factories, p. 246249 ; I. Forms in the Schedule to 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 103, No. 1 to 4; II. Forms in the Schedule to 7 Viet. c. 15, No. 5 to 7. Game, p. 249. Hawkers and Pedlars, p. 249251 ; Forms No. 1 to 9. Master and Servant, p. 251. Post Horses, p. 251253. Post Office, pp. 254, 255. Smuggling, p. 255. Wreck and Salvage, p. 255-257 ; Forms No. 1 to 9. PART II. INDICTABLE OFFENCES. CHAP. I. GENERAL FORMS OR OUTLINES. * The Figure, at 4, before the Description of the Form, is the Number prefixed to it. SECT. 1. As TO PREFERRING THE CHARGE, pp. 258, 259. 1. Information and complaint for an indictable offence, 258 ; 2. Infor- mation against an accessory after the fact to a felony witli the principal, 259 ; 3. The like, without the principal, or where Contents. xiii principal unknown, 259 ; 4. Information to ground search warrant for stolen goods, 259 ; 5. Dying declaration before a justice in cases of personal injuries to the declarant, 259. SECT. 2. THE PROCESS TO ISSUE AGAINST OFFENDERS, p. 260264. 6. Warrant to apprehend a person charged with an indictable offence, 260 ; 7. Summons to a person charged with an indictable offence, 260 ; 8. Deposition of the constable of the service of the summons, 260 ; 9. Warrant where the summons is disobeyed, 260 ; 10. In- dorsement in backing a warrant, 261 ; 11. Search warrant for stolen goods, 261 ; 12. Warrant to apprehend a person charged with an indictable offence committed on the high seas, or abroad, 261 ; 13. Certificate of indictment being found, 291 ; 14. Warrant to apprehend a person indicted, 262; 15. Deposition that the person apprehended is the same who is indicted, 262 ; 16. Warrant of commitment of a person indicted, 262 ; 17. Deposition that the person indicted is the same who is in custody for some other offence, 263 ; 18. Warrant to detain a person indicted who is already in custody for another offence, 263 ; 19. Warrant of apprehension of foreigners committing offences in France, &c., and escaping to this country, 263 ; 20. Warrant of committal of person apprehended, 264. SECT. 3. OF REMANDING OR BAILING ACCUSED BEFORE OR DURING EXAMINATION, p. 264266. 21. Warrant remanding prisoner, 264 ; 22. Order to bring up accused before expiration of the remand, 265 ; 23. Recognizance of bail instead of remand, on an adjournment of examination, 265 ; 24. Notice of such recognizance, 266 ; 25. Certificate of non- appearance to be endorsed on the recognizance, 266. SECT. 4. Or COMPELLING WITNESSES' ATTENDANCE, &c. p. 266 268. 26. Deposition that a person is a material witness, 266 j 27. Summons of a witness, 266 ; 28. Deposition of constable of service of the summons, 267 ; 29. Warrant where a witness has not obeyed a summons, 267; 30. Warrant for a witness in the first instance, 267 ; 31. Commitment of a witness for refusing to be sworn or to give evidence, 268 ; 32. Commitment of a witness for refusing to be sworn or to give evidence, who attends without a summons, 268. SECT. 5. THE PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION, p. 269 273. 33. Depositions of witnesses, 269 ; 34. Re-examination of the wit- nesses, 269 ; 35. Memorandum where the accused does not make a statement, 269 ; 36. Memorandum to be written on documents produced in evidence, 270 ; 37. Statement of the accused, 270 ; 38. Commitment for trial, 270 ; 38 a. Commitment for trial where accused brought up on remand, 271 ; 39. Certificate of consent to bail by the committing justice, 271 ; 40. Register of persons com- mitted or held to bail, 272 ; 41. Warrant to convey the accused before a justice of the county, &c., in which the offence was committed, 272 ; 42. Order for payment of the constable's ex- penses, 272. SECT. 6. OF BINDING OVER PROSECUTOR AND WITNESSES, &c. p. 273 276. 43. Recognizance to prosecute or give evidence, 273 ; 43 a. The three conditions in one form, 274 ; 44. Notice of recognizance, 274 ; 45. The like, with variation, where there is a surety for a witness, 274 ; 46. Commitment of witness for refusing to enter into the recognizance, 275 ; 47. Subsequent order to discharge the witness, 275, 276. xiv Contents. SECT. 7. OF BAILING ACCUSED AFTER EXAMINATION, p. 276280. 48. Recognizance of bail, 276 ; 49. Notice of such recognizance, 277 ; 50. Certificate of consent to bail by the committing justice, 277 ; 51. Warrant of deliverance on bail being given, 277 ; 52. The like, on recognizances of sureties being taken, conditional on accused entering into his own, 277 ; 53. Recognizance of bail upon habeas corpus, 278 ; 54. Notice of bail, 278 ; 55. Complaint of bail, in order that accused might be committed in discharge of their recognizance, 278, 279; 56. Warrant thereon, 279; 57. Commitment on surrender of bail, 279 ; 58. The like, where apprehended by the bail without warrant, 280. SECT. 8. OF COSTS ATTENDING PROSECUTION, &c., p. 280284. 59. Gaoler's receipt to the constable for the prisoner, and justice's order thereon for payment of the constable's expenses in executing the commitment, 280, 281 ; 60. Gaoler's certificate of the amount of money found on accused, on receiving him in gaol, 281 ; 61. Order on gaoler to pay constable the expenses of conveying accused to gaol out of money found on accused, 281 ; 62. Examining magistrate's certificate of expenses incurred by the prosecutor in felonies, previous to committal of accused, 282 ; 63. Minute of allowance for expenses on trial, 283; 64. Instructions for in- dictment, 284. CHAP. II. STATEMENTS OF INDICTABLE OFFENCES FOR USE IN THE GENERAL FORMS IN CHAPTER I. Abduction, p. 285 ; Forms Nos. 1, 2. Abortion, p. 285 ; Forms Nos. 3, 4. Accusing of crime, p. 286. Affray, p. 286 ; Forms Nos. 5, 6. Agents, pp. 286, 287 ; Forms No. 8 to 11. Arms, p. 287 ; Forms No. 12 to 15. Arson, p. 287291 ; Forms No. 16 to 33. Assault, p. 291293 ; Forms No. 34 to 49 a. Attempts to murder, &c., pp. 293, 294 ; Forms Nos. 50 55. Attempts to commit crimes, p. 294 ; Forms Nos. 56, 57. Bankrupts, p. 294. Bigamy, p. 294. Blasphemy, p. 295. Bribery, p. 295 ; Forms Nos. 60, 61. Burglary, p. 295 ; Forms No. 62 to 64. Carnally knowing female children, p. 296 ; Forms Nos. 65, 66. Cattle, p. 296 ; Forms No. 67 to 69. Child stealing, p. 296 ; Forms Nos. 70, 71. Church or meeting house, p. 297 ; Forms No. 72 to 74. Challenge, pp. 297, 298 ; Forms No. 75 to 77. Clergymen, p. 298. Coin, p. 298301 ; Forms Nos. 79 to 99. Compounding, p. 301. Concealing birth, p. 301. Conspiracies, pp. 301, 302 ; Forms No. 102 to 104. Constable, p. 302; Forms Nos. 105, 106. Cruelty, p. 302. Contents. . xv Dead bodies, p. 302 ; Forms Nos. 108, 109. Declaration, p. 303. Disobedience, p. 303. Disorderly house, p. 303305; Forms No. 112 to 117. Dissenters, p. 305. Elections, p. 305; Forms Nos. 118, 119. Embezzlement, p. 305. Entry (forcible) and detainer, pp. 305, 306; Forms Nos. 121, 122. Escape, prison-breach, and rescue, p. 306 308 ; Forms No. 123 to 133. Explosive substances, p. 308. Extortion, p. 308. False imprisonment, p. 308. False pretences, pp. 308, 309 ; Forms Nos. 137, 138. Felony, p. 309. Fish, p. 309. Forgery, p. 309312 ; Forms No. 141 to 161. Friendly societies, p. 312. Game (night poaching), pp. 312, 313 ; Forms No. 163 to 166. Gaming, p. 313. Housebreaking, pp. 313, 314; Forms Nos. 167, 168. Indecency, p. 314; Forms Nos. 169, 170. Larceny, p. 314318 ; Forms No. 171 to 208. Letter (threatening), p. 318 ; Forms No. 209 to 212. Libels, pp. 319, 320 ; Forms No. 213 to 217. Maintenance, p. 320. Malicious injuries, p. 320 324; Forms No. 219 to 254. Manslaughter, p. 325. Murder, pp. 325, 326 ; Forms No. 256 to 263. Nuisances, pp. 326, 327 ; Forms No. 264 to 270. Oaths (unlawful), pp. 327, 328 ; Forms No. 271 to 274. Perjury, p. 328 ; Forms No. 275 to 277. Personation, p. 329 ; Forms No. 278 to 281. Piracy, pp. 329, 330 ; Forms Nos. 282, 283. Polygamy, p. 330. Post office, pp. 330, 331 ; Forms No. 285 to 294. Poundbreach, pp. 331, 332. Queen, p. 332 ; Forms Nos. 296, 297. Railways, pp. 332, 333 ; Forms No. 298 to 300. Rape, p. 333. Receiving goods, p. 333 ; Forms Nos. 302, 303. Rescue, p. 333. Reward, p. 333. Riot, pp. 334, 335 ; Forms No. 305 to 310. Sacrilege, p. 335; Forms Nos. 311, 312. Seamen (merchant), pp. 335, 336 ; Forms Nos. 313 to 315. Smuggling, pp. 336, 337 ; Forms No. 316 to 325. Sodomy, pp. 337, 338 ; Forms No. 326 to 328. Soliciting to the commission of an offence, p. 338. Spring guns and man traps, p. 338. xvi Contents. Stage coaches, p. 338. Stocking frames, p. 339 ; Forms Nos. 332, 333. Subsequent felony, p. 339. Treason, p. 339 ; Forms Nos. 334, 335. Wife, p. 339. Women, p. 340. PART III. OTHER PROCEEDINGS OUT OF SESSIONS. CHAP. I. FORMS FOR USE IN SPECIAL SESSIONS MATTERS. Outlines of general forms for convening special sessions, pp. 341, 342. Alehouses, p. 342349. Billiards, p. 349. Constables (borough, special), p. 349 to 351. Constables (high), p. 351. Constables (parochial), p. 352 to 361. Constables (special), pp. 361, 362. Game, pp. 362, 363. Highways, p. 363 to 379. Hundred, pp. 380, 381. Jurors, p. 382. Poor, p. 382 to 392. Theatres, p. 392 to 394. CHAP. II. FORMS FOR USE IN MATTERS TO BE DONE IN PETTY SESSIONS, OR BY ONE JUSTICE. Alehouses, p. 395. Apprentices, p. 395 401. Bastards, p. 402418. Books, p. 419. Church rates, p. 419. Constables (special), p. 419422. Constables (county), p. 423. Constables (parochial), p. 423 425. Constables (borough), p. 425. Constables (under Lighting and Watching Act), p. 426. Constables (on navigable rivers and canals), p. 426. Corn declaration, p. 426. Corporation, pp. 426, 427. Dissenters, pp. 427, 428. Friendly Societies, p. 428432. Forcible entry and detainer, p. 433. Game, pp. 433, 434. Contents. xvii Gaming houses, p. 434. Health (Public) Act, 1848, p. 434-436. Highways, p. 436443, Inclosures, pp. 443, 444. Landlord and tenant, p. 444 447. Light and Watching Act, p. 447 449. Loan societies, p. 449. Lunatics, p. 449460. Master and servant, pp. 460, 461. Mutiny, p. 461464. Nuisances removal, and diseases prevention, p. 464470. Oaths, pp. 470, 471. Pawnbrokers, pp. 472, 473. Poor, p. 473485. Post horses, p. 485. Post office, p. 485. Prize fights, p. 485. Railways, p. 485487. Rates, p. 487492. Riots, p. 493. Seamen, pp. 493, 494. Ships' passengers, p. 494. Sureties, pp. 495, 496. Tithes, rent-charges and church rates, p. 496 499. Turnpike roads, p. 499502. Weights and measures, p. 502. Wreck and salvage, pp. 502, 503. Miscellaneous forms, p. 504 506. Index, pp. 507-543. ADDENDA ET ERRATA. PAGE 4. Insert in note (j) "also 5 Geo. 4, c. 96." 63. Add the words " or Order " to the description of Form 78. 70. Form 24, instead of" No. 13" read " No. 14." 26, instead of " No. 13, ante, p. 28 " read " No. 14, ante, p. 29." 71. 29, insert in the description of the Form, after the word " witness," " to be bound in recognizance to." 77. Insert a Form "26o" as follows: " Transferring or Discharging Parish Apprentice without Consent of Justices. Id. s. 10.] did put away and transfer unto M. B. [or " did discharge and dismiss from his service"] a parish apprentice named J. Y., then bound to the said A. B. as apprentice, by the overseers of the poor of the parish of aforesaid, without the consent of two justices of the peace required in that behalf, contrary, &c." 79. Form 5, last line, for "p. 66" read "p. 67." 89. ,, 14, Jirst line, for "producing," read "providing." 101. 3, second line, for "55," read "58." 107. 4 should be numbered "7." 119. Insert the number "41" before "information," &c. fourth line from bottom. 124. Form 5, insert, before the words "contrary, &c." in last line, "by notice in writing under the hand of the said C. D., three days before the said refusal [or neglect], according to the said statute." 250. Form 4, first line, for "containing," read "continuing." 292. 42, ./n st line, for " with intent to commit felony," read " with intent to carnally know a girl under ten years of age." 365. Form 7, add at foot, "vide Form 8, post, p. 384, where items dis- allowed in accounts." 380. First line, insert " or " between the words " person " and " his." 448. Twelfth line from bottom of page, for " then," read " their." JFormulfst INTRODUCTION. PREVIOUS to the passing of the acts, known as Jervis's Acts (a), Preliminary in the session of 1848, for facilitating the performance of the duties of justices of the peace out of sessions with respect to summary convictions and orders, and indictable offences, which give in their schedules general outlines or forms in those matters for the use of magistrates, there was great diver- sity in the frame and features of such instruments, then in use, and in the various Books of Practice upon the subject, and which was greatly increased " by the omission of the legisla- ture to make proper general regulations, by the dissimilarity of the forms and directions which they did provide in particular cases (ft), and by many cases being left without any such pro- Co) 1 1 & 12 Viet. c. 43 (Summary Convictions and Orders) ; 1 1 & 12 Viet, c. 42 (Indictable Offences), both passed on the 14th of August, 1848, but taking effect from the 2nd of October. 1848. (6) Previous to the 3 Geo. 4, c. 23 (totally repealed by s. 36 of 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43), convictions were drawn up with great particularity, setting forth all the proceedings the evidence, examination and cross-examination of wit- nesses for the defendant as well as the prosecutor or complainant ; the 3 Geo. 4, c. 23, gave a general form of conviction applicable to all cases where the statute creating the offence gave no particular form ; but still this general form was unnecessarily prolix, as setting out the appearance or nonappearance of the defendant, the evidence, &c., and in modern legislation it was customary to give a form of conviction omitting the evidence altogether and otherwise short- ening it in many points ; but in doing this they went to another extreme, namely, omitting to state in the adjudication for what length of time the de- fendant was to be imprisoned in case he did not pay the penalty, or what was to be done in that event, while some went the length of omitting an adjudica- tion altogether. (See note of Archbold to Jervis's Acts, p. 149, 2nd edit) Some also were unnecessarily long in the application of the penalty, &c. (vide 7 & 8 Geo. 4, cc. 29, 30). The comprehensive body of forms of convictions, orders, &c. given in Jervis's Acts, are admirably practical as general outlines, and contain all that is necessary to be shown and stated in the simplest cases the variations necessary in other cases are shown in the following collection. 2 Introduction. visions at all (c) ;" but now, from the general nature and ap- plication of the statutes referred to, the outlines given in them can, with such variations and additions as are necessary to be made to comply with the particular and numerous require- ments of the statute or statutes in certain matters and the exi- gencies of the case, be adapted (and which is the especial purpose of the present collection) practically to almost every variety of form required in the discharge of the manifold duties of justices of the peace out of sessions, thereby securing that great desideratum in legal proceedings of this nature unifor- mity informs, as well as in practice. Divisions of this For the sake of simplicity, we will divide these Introductory introduction. Remarkg into Three Divisions : 1. On the Provisions in Jervis's Acts as to Forms. 2. On the Arrangement of this Collection of Precedents. 3. The Manner of Using the Forms, and the Provisions of Jervis's Acts thereon. 1. ON THE PROVISIONS IN JERVIS'S ACTS AS TO FORMS. l."0n the Pro- Although the acts alluded to do not render it imperative to vision m Jervis's uge tne severa i f onns given in the schedules, yet, inasmuch as Acts as to i j i Forms. it is provided by the 32nd section of the 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43, and the 28th section of the 11 & 12 Viet. c. 42, that those forms, or forms to the same or the like effect, shall be deemed good, valid and sufficient in law, and all other published forms being so dissimilar in their frame and features (cT) that they cannot with safety be now used in practice, it will be more pru- dent, and has become the practice in petty sessions, to adopt those which are thus legalized in all matters, using the outlines given as the framework on which to erect others of special or rare occurrence, or in special sessions matters. What 11 & 12 Jervis's Act (11 & 12 Viet. c. 43), relating to summary con- Vict. c. 43 victions and orders, applies, with some exceptions hereafter (Summary Con- victions and Orders) applies (c) y he Bench Formu i ist> published by Knight, 1846, p. 3. (d) Vide note (b) for instance, and also Bench Formulist, pp. 12, 21, 23, 27, 28, 67, 73, 125, 168, 197, 209, wherein the order and relation of the several parts of these instruments are inverted in the case of warrants and other forms directed to persons to execute or obey, they commencing with a com- mand telling them what they are to do, and then explaining the cause. Why not adopt the order of the events in all cases and circumstances, as is done in Jervis's Acts ? On the Provisions in Jervis's Acts as to Forms. noticed, to " all cases where an information shall be laid before " one or more of her Majesty's justices of the peace for any " county, riding, division, liberty, city, borough or place within " England or Wales, that any person has committed or is sus- " pected to have committed any offence or act within the juris- " diction of such justice or justices for which he is liable by " law, upon a summary conviction for the same before a justice " or justices of the peace, to be imprisoned or fined, or other- " wise punished," and also to " all cases where a complaint " shall be made to any such justice or justices upon which he " or they have or shall have authority by law to make any " order for the payment of money or otherwise" (s. 1), and which section, after providing for the issue of the summons and its service in such cases, contains a proviso that nothing in the statute " shall oblige any justice or justices of the peace " to issue any summons in any case where the application for " any order of justice is by law to be made ex parte (e) ;" but the 35th section excludes from its operation several matters : it Exception enacts, " That nothing in this act shall extend or be construed clause - " to extend To any warrant or order for the removal of any poor person who is or shall become chargeable to any parish, township or place (_/*) ; Nor to any complaints or orders made with respect to lunatics, or the expenses incurred for the lodging, maintenance, medicine, clothing, or care of any lunatic or insane person (g) ; Nor to any information or complaint or other proceeding under or by virtue of any of the statutes relating to her Majesty's revenue of excise or customs, stamps, taxes, or post-office (A) ; (e) Mr. Archbold has, in a second edition of Jervis's Acts, note, p. 136, given his opinion as to the applicability of the 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43, to certain specified cases, and so have the editors of " The Magistrate." These will be noticed in their proper places in this collection. With respect to the orders referred to in the proviso which can be made ex parte they are the following : orders of removal of paupers and lunatics, (excepted however from the operation of the act by s. 35) ; on overseers for con- stables and justices' clerks' fees (5 & 6 Viet. c. 109, s. 17); on county trea- surer (27 Geo. 2, c. 3, s. 1 ; 1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 41 , s. 13 ; 1 1 & 12 Viet, c 42, ss. 22, 26; 10 & 11 Viet. c. 82, s. 15); on railway company (1 & 2 Viet, c. 80). (/ ) The statutes excepted by this are : 4 & 5 Will. 4, c. 76 ; 8 & 9 Viet, c. 117 ; 9 & 10 Viet, c.66; 10 & 11 Viet. c. 33 ; 11 & 12 Viet. c. 31 ; 11 & 12 Viet. c. Ill ; 12 Viet. c. 13; and 12 & 13 Viet c. 103; having reference to the subjects in Part III. of this collection, and the " Synopsis." (g) The statutes on this subject are : 8 & 9 Viet. cc. 100, 126 ; and 9 & 10 Viet. c. 84 ; 1 & 2 Viet c. 1 4 ; and 3 & 4 Viet. c. 54, having reference also to subjects in Part III. ; also 12 & 13 Viet. c. 103. (h) The following are a few of the statutes having reference hereto, several B2 Introduction. What 1 1 & 12 Viet. c. 42 (in- dictable of- fences) applies to. Special provi- sions applicable to the forms as to the place of justices exer- cising jurisdic- tion ; relative to sum- mary convic- tions and orders and indictable offences. Nor shall any thing in this act extend or be construed to extend to any complaints, orders or warrants in matters of bastardy made against the putative father of any bastard child, save and ex- cept such of the provisions aforesaid as relate to the backing of warrants for compelling the appearance of such putative father, or warrants of distress, or to the levying of sums ordered to be paid, or to the imprisonment of a defendant for nonpayment of the same (i) ; Nor shall anything in this act extend to any proceedings under the acts of parliament regulating or otherwise relating to the labour of children and young persons in mills or factories (;')." As to the other of Jervis's Acts (11 & 12 Viet. c. 42), it ap- plies, without exception, to " all cases where a charge or coin- " plaint shall be made before any one or more of her Majesty's "justices of the peace for any county, riding, division, liberty, " city, borough or place within England or Wales, that any " person has committed or is suspected to have committed any " treason, felony, or indictable misdemeanor, or other indict- " able offence whatsoever" (s. 1). In addition to the above provisions there are the following special ones, applicable to the use of the adapted forms as to the place where justices may exercise their jurisdiction in sum- mary convictions and orders as well as in indictable offences. In the 11 & 12 Viet. c. 42 (relating to indictable offences) there are the following, but those contained in sections 5, 6 and 7 of that statute are by the 6th section of the 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43, to apply to summary convictions and orders those pro- visions are: 1. Where a justice of the peace for any county, riding, division, liberty, city, borough or place, shall be also justice of the peace for a county, riding, division, liberty, city, borough, or place next adjoining thereto or surrounded thereby, it shall and may of which are referred to in Chap. 3 of Part I. and Chap. 2 of Partlll. : 1 Will. 4, c. 64 ; 4 & 5 Will. 4, c. 85 ; and 3 & 4 Viet. c. 61 (Beerhouses) ; 8 & 9 Viet. c. 87 (Smuggling) ; 9 & 10 Viet. c. 99 (Wreck and Salvage) ; 50 Geo. 3, c. 41 (Hawkers and Pedlars) ; 2 & 3 Will. 4, c. 120 (Post Horses) ; 1 Viet. c. 36, and 10 & 11 Viet. c. 85 (Post Office) ; 11 & 12 Viet. c. 121, and 12 & 13 Viet, c.40 (Excise) ; and 12& 13 Viet. cc. 29 and 90 (Customs). (i) The statutes upon the subject here referred to are: 4 & 5 Will. 4, c. 76, ss. 59, 76 ; 2 & 3 Viet. c. 85, ss. 1, 2 ; 7 & 8 Viet. c. 101 ; and 8 & 9 Viet. c. 10, which are contained or referred to in Part III. of this collection and of the " Synopsis." 0') The statutes upon the subject are : 42 Geo. 3, c. 73 ; 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 103 ; 7 & 8 Viet. c. 15; 8 & 9 Viet. c. 29; 9 & 10 Viet. cc. 18, 40; 10 & 1 1 Viet. c. 29. On, the Provisions in Jervis's Acts as to Forms. be lawful for such justice of the peace to act as such for the one county, &c. whilst he is residing or happens to be in the other such county, &c. in all matters and things hereinbefore or here- after in this act mentioned (11 & 12 Viet. c. 42, s. 5). 2. Any justice or justices of the peace acting for any county at large, or for any riding or division of such county, may act as such at any place within any city, town or other precinct, being a county of itself, or otherwise having exclusive jurisdic- tion, and situated within, surrounded by, or adjoining to any such county, riding or division respectively (id. s. 6); but a proviso thereto states that nothing in this act contained shall extend to give power to the justices of the peace for any county, riding or division, not being also justices for such city, town or other precinct, or not having authority as justices of the peace therein, or any constable or other officer acting under them, to act or intermeddle in any matters or things arising within any such city, town or precinct, in any manner whatso- ever. 3. Section 7 relates to detached parts of other counties; and, after reciting that " doubts have arisen whether the powers given to justices by the 2 & 3 Viet. c. 82 (/c) are applicable to cases of summary jurisdiction, and to acts merely ministerial," enacts " that all the acts of any justice or justices, and of any constable or officer in obedience thereto, shall be as good in relation to any detached part of any county which is surrounded, in whole or in part, by the county for which such justice or justices acts or act, as if the same were to all intents and purposes part of the said county." The following are not in Jervis's Acts, but in other authori- ties not before noticed : 4. A justice of one county, &c. must act within it (Paley, Conv. 17; 2 Arch. J. P. 30); and the matter in question must have arisen in his county, but residence in the county for which he is then acting is not necessary to give jurisdiction. 6. For offences committed by paupers in a union workhouse, the 7 & 8 Viet c. 101, s. 57, authorizes a justice of the county (fc) The 2 & 3 Viet. c. 82, s. 1, after reciting that the administration of justice was hindered by the distance of divers detached parts of counties in England and Wales from the body of the counties to which they severally belong, enacted, " That it shall be lawful for any justice or justices of the peace acting for any county to act as a justice or justices of the peace in all things whatsoever concerning or in anywise relating to any detached part of any other county which is surrounded, in whole or in part, by the county for which such justice or justices acts or act. Vide also 2 fit 3 Will. 4, c. 64, s. 2(5, aud Schedule M. ; and 7 & 8 Viet. c. 61, s. 1. 6 Introduction. where the workhouse is situated to commit the offender to the gaol of the county, &c. in which the parish is situate, to which he was chargeable when he committed the offence. Vide also 11 & 12 Viet. c. 110, and 12 & 13 Viet. c. 103. Backing of war- The following, in ss. 11 15 of 11 & 12 Viet. c. 42, by s. 3 rants of appre- o f fa Q \\ & 12 Viet. c. 43, apply to summary convictions and hension and , ,. . .. , , , commitment. orders as well as indictable oliences : 7. Upon proof of the handwriting of a justice to a warrant, a justice of any county or place in England or Wales may indorse the warrant, and authorize its execution within his jurisdiction (8.11). 8. English warrants may be backed in Ireland, and vice versa, in the event of parties escaping (s. 12). 9. English warrants may be backed in the isles of Man, Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney or Sark, and vice versa (s. 13) ; but there is no provision for backing Scotch or Irish warrants in those islands. 10. English or Irish warrants may be backed in Scotland (s. 14). 11. Scotch warrants may be backed in England or Ireland (s. 15). Distress war- rants in sum- Warrants of distress for penalties, &c. may be backed maryconvic- ,-,, & in Viet o 43 s \h tions and orders. V 1J ICI< c> *> s ' Iy > Relative to in- The following apply to indictable offences exclusively : dicta ble of- fences only. 1. Justices are authorized to issue a warrant and commit for trial any person charged with having committed an indictable offence within their jurisdiction, no matter where such person shall reside or be ; 2. Or, for offences out of their jurisdiction, if the person charged be or be supposed or be suspected to be within it (II & 12 Viet. r 42 ] 25; o Saunders, 2nd ^ The information [or " complaint"] of C. D., of the parish of ed. pp. 85, 99, to wit. S , in the \county~\ of , labourer, I GI > Oke's If preferred by an attorney or agent, say: " by D. E., his duly authorized )sl ?', n on agent [or ' attorney'] in this behalf." taken [upon oath, if so required] before me, the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace, Justice of county or borough] in and for the said [count]/] of C., at N., in Descriptions of the same [county]. justices. Of two adjoining counties, tyc.] of and for the counties [or " ridings, divi- sions, liberties, or city, or borough"] of C. and S., being next adjoin- ing counties [or " ridings, divisions," &c.] [or " surrounded by the said county of C."], at N., in the said county [or " borough," &c.J of S. When acting for a detached part of another count]/] of and for the county of C., and acting for the county of S. at N., in the said county of C., the parish where the offence [or " matter of complaint"] hereinafter mentioned was committed [or " arose"], being a detached part of the said county of S., and surrounded in part [or " in whole"] by the said county of C. 24 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. A stipendiary magistrate] in and for the [here insert the district or place], being a stipendiary magistrate for the said [district, fyc.~\, siding in open court, and having by law the power to do acts usually required to be done by two or more justices of the peace. A metropolitan police magistrate'] in and for the county of Middlesex, one of the police magistrates of the metropolis, sitting at the police court, Great Marl borough Street, in the parish of St. James, Westminster, within the metropolitan district. Of a divisional petty sessions] in petty sessions in and for the division of N., in the said county of C., at N., in the same division and county. this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- dred and fifty, who saith* that [he hath just cause to suspect and believe, and doth suspect and believe that] A. B., of the parish of L., in the said county of C., labourer [within the space of , the time within which the information or complaint must be laid, last past, to wit], on the day of instant, at the parish of C., in the county aforesaid,** did [Here set out the offence, Sfc. in the manner described in either of the special forms of statements of offences applicable in Chap. II. of this portion oj the collection.] contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided. C. D. [or " D. E."] %* If a warrant is granted in the first instance upon the above in- formation, insert here : " The matter of the above information is now substantiated before me, the said justice [or ' me the said police magistrate, sitting at the said police court as aforesaid,' or ' me the said stipendiary magistrate, sitting in open court as aforesaid'], by the oath of the [above-named C. D.] L. M., of the parish of D., in the county of S., farmer." C.D. [or"D. E."] Taken [and sworn] before me, the day ^ and year and at the place above men- > tioned, J. S. j Vide s. 2 ; Arch. p. 101 ; Saund. p. 89 ; Oke's Syn. p. 20,21. 2. Deposition on Charge or Complaint substantiated on a Warrant being granted on disobedience to a Sum- mons (a). (Not in Jervis's Act.) County of } The matter of the within information [or " complaint"] , /was on this day of , 1850, substantiated before to wit. Jme the within-mentioned justice [or "the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of C."J at N., in the said county of C., by the oath of the within-named C. D., [or " L. M., of the parish of D., in the said county of S. farmer."] C. D. [or L. M."] Before me, J. S. (a) Sect. 10 of 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43. This would not be required if the information or complaint was originally taken upon oath, according to the pro- visions of the statutes giving cognizance of the offence or matter. It may be on a separate paper, and annexed to the information or complaint; but it is more convenient to have it printed on its back. CHAP, i.] Sect. 1. Informations and Complaints. 25 3. Information at the Suit of an Informer. (Not in Jer vis's Act.) County of "^ Be it remembered, that on this day of , in C. ^the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and to wit. J fifty, C. D,, of the parish of C., in the county of C. [Za- bourer], in his proper person cometh before me the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of C. (6), and now giveth me the said justice to understand and be informed, that one A B., of the parish of L., in the county of C. [labaurer], within the space of now last past, to wit, on the day of , at the parish of C., in the county aforesaid, did, [Here set out the offence in the manner described in either of the statements applicable in Chap. II. of this portion of the collec- tion.] contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, whereby and by force of the said statute the said A. B. hath forfeited a sum of money not exceeding pounds for the said offence (the same being his [first] offence) to be paid and applied according to law ; And thereupon the said C. D. prayeth judgment in the premises and that the said A. B. may be caused to appear before the justices aforesaid to answer the said information, and make his defence thereto. ** Vide the asterisks at conclusion of form 1, for a form to be in- serted here where a warrant granted in the first instance. Exhibited [and sworn] before me the day and ) year and at the place above-mentioned, j C. D. J.S. 4. Information for a Second Offence (c). (Not in Jervis's Act.) [Proceed with offence complained of as in No. 1, to the conclusion, and then add:] And also that he the said A. B. heretofore and before the commission of the said last-mentioned offence, to wit, on the day of last, at N., in the county aforesaid, was duly convicted before [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, for that he the said A. B., on &c. at &c. [here describe the offence as in the jirst conviction], contrary, &c. : And that the said A. B. was thereupon ad- judged for his said last-mentioned offence to be imprisoned [or as the case may be, stating correctly the terms of the former adjudication.] 5. Information for a Third Offence. (Not in Jervis's Act.) [Proceed as in No. 4, adding thereto at the end the Jirst offence committed, the last offence complained of then standing first in the information.] (b) Vide other descriptions of justices in body of information, form 1, ante, p. 23. (c) Instead of averring the former conviction in the formal manner here shown, it may be open to doubt whether stating the previous conviction in general terms is not sufficient in the information, i. e. " the same being his [second] offence ;" but an express and formal averment in the conviction must be made. 26 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. Vide s. 5 ; 6. Information against an Aider or Abettor, with or without Arch. p. 113 ; the Principal. (Not in Jervis's Act.) Oke's Svn D 1*5 [Proceed with offence against the principal as in No. 1 or 3 t o the con- clusion, and then add :] And that F. G., of &c. was then and there pre- sent [" wilfully," or as the statute may be], aiding and abetting the said A. B. to do and commit the said offence, contrary to the form of the sta- tute in such case made and provided. Vide s. 5 (id.) 7. Information against a Counsellor or Procurer. (Not in Jervis's Act.) [Proceed with offence against the principal as in No. 1 or 3 to the con- clusion, and then add:] And that F. G., of &c. before the said offence was committed as aforesaid, to wit, on the day of aforesaid, at the parish of [aforesaid], did [" wilfully," or as the statute may be], counsel and procure the said A. B. to do and commit the said offence, contrary, &c. Vide s. 1 ; Arch. p. 95 ; Saund. p. 85 ; Oke's Syn. pp. 20-23. Vide s. 2 ; Arch. p. 101 ; Saund. p. 89 ; Oke's Syn. pp. 20, 21. SECT. 2. THE PROCESS TO ISSUE TO DEFENDANTS. 8. Summons to the Defendant upon an Information or Complaint (A). To A. B. of [labourer], Whereas information hath this day been laid [or " complaint hath this day been made"] before the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for that you [here state shortly the matter of the information or complaint] : These are there- fore to command you, in her Majesty's name, to be and appear on , at o'clock in the forenoon, at , before such justices of the peace for the said county as may then be there, to answer to the said informa- tion [or " complaint"], and to be further dealt with according to law. Given under my hand and seal this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) 9. Deposition of the Constable or other Person of the Service of the Summons. (Not in Jervis's Act.) ) The deposition of J. N., constable of the parish of C., in to wit. i the said [county], taken upon oath before me the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county] of C., at N., in the same [county], this day of , 1850, who saith, that he served A. B. mentioned in the annexed [within] summons, with a dupli- cate thereof, on the day of last personally [or " by leaving the same with N. O. at the said A. B.'s usual place of abode at N , in the county of S."] J. N. Before me, J. S. 10. Warrant where the Summons is disobeyed (B). To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said [county] of . Whereas on last past information was laid [or " complaint was made"] before the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the CHAP, i ] Sect. 2. Process to issue to Defendants. 27 peace in and for the said county of , for that A. B. [ J. S. The condition of the within-written recognizance is such, that if the said A. B. shall personally appear on the day of instant, at o'clock in the forenoon at , before such justices of the peace for the said [county] as may then be there, to answer further to the inform- ation [or " complaint"] of C. D. exhibited against the said A. B., and to be further dealt with according to law, then the said recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue. CHAP, i.] Sect. 3. Remanding Defendant, and taking Bail. 29 14. Notice of such Recognizance to be given to the Defendant Vide s. 3 (id.) and his Surety. Take notice, that you A. B. are bound in the sum of , and you L. M. in the sum of , that you A. B. appear personally on at o'clock in the forenoon at , before such justices of the peace for the said county as shall then be there, to answer further to a certain in- formation [or " complaint"] of C. D., the further hearing of which was adjourned to the said time and place, aud unless you appear accordingly the recognizance entered into by you A. B., and by L. M. as your surety, will forthwith be levied on you and him. Dated this day of , 184 . J.S. 15. Certificate of Non-appearance, to be indorsed on the vide s. 3 (id.) Defendant's Recognizance (F). I hereby certify that the said A. B. hath not appeared at the time and place in the said condition mentioned, but therein hath made default, by reason whereof the within-written recognizance is forfeited J.S. 16. Warrant to remand a Defendant when appreliended (H). Vides. 13 ; To W. T. constable of , and to the keeper of the [house of cor- Saund. p. 104' rection] at . Oke's Syn. p. ' Whereas information was laid [or " complaint was made"] before the 25. undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for that [4'f- as in the summons or warrant]: And whereas the said A. B. hath been apprehended under and by virtue of a warrant upon such information [or " complaint"] and is now brought before me as such justice as aforesaid : These are therefore to command you the said constable, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to convey the said A. B. to the [house of correction] at , and there to deliver him to the said keeper thereof, together with this precept ; and I do hereby command you the said keeper to receive the said A. B. into your custody in the said [house of correction], and there safely keep him until next, the day of instant, when you are hereby commanded to convey and have him at at o'clock in the forenoon of the same day, before such justices of the peace of the said [county] as may then be there, to answer to the said information [or " complaint"] and to be further dealt with according to law. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord at in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) 17. Notice to the Complainant or Informant of Defendant's vide s. 13 (id.) Apprehension, and of Day of Searing. (Not in Jervis's Act.) Court of Petty Sessions for the division of N., the day of 1850, at N. We beg to give you notice, that A. B., against whom a warrant was issued on your information [or " complaint"], has been apprehended and brought this day at the place above named, and ordered by a justice to 30 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. be brought up at tbe same place on next, at twelve o'clock at noon, on the hearing of the said information [or " complaint"], when and where you are required to attend. Your's, &c. To Mr. C. D. of . I. G. and B., clerks to the justices. Vide s. 7 ; Arch. p. 115 ; Saund. p. 97 ; Oke's Syn. p. 2731. SECT. 4. OF COMPELLING WITNESSES' ATTENDANCE, &c. 18. Deposition that a Person is a material Witness. (Not in Jervis's Acts.) County of } The deposition of J. N., of the parish of C., in the said C. > county [J'armer], taken on oath before me the undersigned, to wit. j one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of C., at N., in the same county, this day of , 1850, who saith that E. F., of the parish of C. aforesaid [grocer], is likely to give material evidence on the behalf of the [prosecutor, or " complain- ant," or " defendant," in this behalf,] touching the matter of the annexed [or " within"] information [or " complaint"] ; And that this deponent verily believes that the said E. F. will not appear voluntarily for the pur- pose of being examined as a witness [or if a warrant be granted in the first instance, " without being compelled so to do"]. Before me, J. S. J. N. Vide s. 7 (id.) 19. Summons of a Witness (G. 1). To E. F. of , in the said [county] of . Whereas information was laid [or " complaint was made"] before the undersigned [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for that [Sfc. as in the summons] : and it hath been made to appear to me upon [oath] that you are likely to give material evidence on behalf of the [prosecutor, or "complainant," or "defendant"] in this behalf: These are therefore to require you to be and appear on at o'clock in the forenoon, at , before such jutices of the peace for the said [county] as may then be there, to testify what you shall know concerning the matter of the said information [or " com- l aint"].* If a document is required also, insert here, although no statute gives justices authority to compel the production thereof': And you are further required to bring with you the following docu- ments, viz. [here describe them shortly], which likewise appear to me to be material evidence in this behalf. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) 20. Deposition of Constable, or other Person, of Service of the last Summons. (Not in Jervis's Act.) [Proceed as in Form No. 9, ante, p. 26, adding at the conclusion : " and at the same time tendered [or 'paid'] to the said E. F. the sum of , for his costs and expenses in that behalf."] CHAP, i.] Sect. 4. Compelling Witnesses' Attendance, fyc. 31 21. Warrant where a Witness has not obeyed a Summons Vide s. 7 (id.) (G2). To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said [county] of . Whereas information was laid [or " complaint was made"] before the undersigned [one} of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county'] of , for that [$c., as in the summons] ; and it having been made to appear to me upon oath that E. F. of in the said [county] [labourer], was likely to give material evidence on behalf of the [prosecutor], I did duly issue my summons to the said E. F., requiring him to be and appear on , at o'clock in the forenoon of the same day, at , before such justices of the peace for the said \county] as might then be there, to testify what he should know concerning the said A. B., or the matter of the said information [or "complaint"]:* And whereas proof hath this day been made before me upon oath of such summons having been duly served upon the said E. F., and of a reason- able sum having been paid [or " tendered"] to him for his costs and expenses in that behalf: And whereas the said E. F. hath neglected to appear at the time and place appointed by the said summons, and no just excuse hath been offered for such neglect : These are therefore to command you to take the said E. F., and to bring and have him on , at o'clock in the forenoon, at , before such justices of the peace for the said [county] as may then be there, to testify what he shall know concerning the matter of the said information [or " complaint".] Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) 22. Warrant for a Witness in the first instance (G. 3). To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the [county] of . Whereas information was laid [or " complaint was made"] before the undersigned [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for that [#c., as in the summons] ; and it being made to appear before me upon oath that E. F. of , [labourer], is likely to give material evidence on behalf of the [prosecutor] in this matter, and it is probable that the said E. F. will not attend to give evi- dence without being compelled so to do : These are therefore to com- mand you to bring and have the said E. F. before me on , at o'clock in the forenoon, at , or before such other justices of the peace for the said county as may then be there, to testify what he shall know concerning the matter of the said information [or "complaint"]. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) 23. Commitment of a Witness for refusing to be sworn or to give Evidence (G. 4). To W. T., constable of , in the said [county] of , and to the keeper of the [house of correction] at . Whereas information was laid [or " complaint was made"] before the undersigned [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for that [Sfc., as in the summons] ; and one E. F. 32 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. now appearing before me such justice as aforesaid, on at , and being required by me to make oath or affirmation as a witness in that behalf, hath now refused so to do [or " being now here duly sworn as a witness in the matter of the said information [or ' complaint'], doth refuse to answer certain questions concerning the premises which are now here put to him"] without offering any just excuse for such his refusal: These are therefore to command you the said constable to take the said E. F., and him safely convey to the [house of correction] at aforesaid, and there deliver him to the said keeper thereof, together with this precept; and I do hereby command you the said keeper of the saiA[house of correction] to receive the said E.F. into your custody in the said[/;ouse of correction], and there imprison him for such his contempt for the space of days, unless he shall in the mean time consent to be examined and to answer concerning the premises ; and for your so doing, this shall be your suffi- cient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) 24. Information to ground a Summons or Warrant against a Witness not attending to give Evidence (where the parti- cular Statute imposes a Penalty for such Neglect}, in order to convict him. (Not in Jervis's Act.) (a) [Proceed to the asterisk* as in the form of information, No. 1, ante, p. 23, then thus] : that information [Sfc., proceed as in No. 21, ante, to the asterisk *, then] : that the said E. F. was served with a duplicate of such summons by this informant, on the day of instant, per- sonally [or " by leaving the same with N. O., at the said E. F.'s usual place of abode"] at N., in the county of S. [and if the statute requires n tender], and at the same time tendered [or " paid"] to the said E. F., the sum of for his costs and expenses in that behalf, and that the said E. F. hath [" wilfully," or as the statute may be,] neglected [or " refused"] to appear at the time and place appointed by the said sum- mons, and no just [or " reasonable"] excuse hath been offered for such neglect [or " refusal"], contrary, &c. 25. Conviction thereon, where the Statutes require it. [Proceed as in either of the forms, No. 39 (I 1), or No. 40 (I 2), ac- cording as the penalty is to be recovered, stating the offence as in the above information in the past tense.'] 26. Commitment thereon. This is easily framed from the conviction (25). (a) The statutes by which a penalty is imposed on a witness not attending in obedience to a summons, will be found in Oke'S Synopsis, 2nd edit., 2nd column of Chap. II. of Part I. with the penalty, and a reference to the sections. It would appear that the punishment of imprisonment "for not exceeding seven days, unless the witness shall in the mean time consent to be examined, and to answer concerning the premises," enacted by sect. 7 of 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43, would be cumulative upon such penalty. This information might be made by the constable who served the summons on the witness. CHAP, i.] Sect. 4. Of compelling Witnesses' Attendance, fyc. 33 27. The like Information as No. 24, ante, for refusing to be examined on Oath or Affirmation(b). (Not in Jervis's Act.) [Proceed to the asterisk* in the form of Information, No. 1, ante, p. 23, then thus :] That on the day of last, information was laid [or " complaint was made"] before J. L., Esquire, one of her Ma- jesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county'] of , by C. D., of &c., that [4-c., as in the summons to the defendant in the case~\, that one E. F. appeared on this day of , before L. M., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county'] of , at N., in the same [county], as a witness in that behalf, and being required by the said last-mentioned justice to make oath or affirmation as a witness, refused and still doth refuse so to do [or " being then and there duly sworn as such witness, refused and doth still refuse to answer certain questions concerning the premises which were then and there put to him"] without offering any just excuse for such his refusal, contrary, &c. 28. Conviction thereon. [The same as 25, ante, adapted to above Information, 27.] 29. Commitment thereon. [ Thit is easily framed from the Information 27, and Conviction (c).] SECT. 5. THE HEARING AND ADJUDICATION, &c. 30. Minutes of Proceedings at the Hearing, with Adjudica- Vide Oke's Sy- tion (d). (Not in Jervis's Act.) ""Sfc^ d ed " C. D. against A. B. 4th day of January, 1850, at N. Before the Rev. J. T. B., clerk, and .1 . D., Esquire. The defendant appeared on a [warrant] granted by J. D. M., Esquire, charging him with assaulting and beating, at L., on the 3rd instant, one C. D. Defendant, on being asked what he has to say, pleads guilty, or " complainant on his oath saith ." E. F., of , labourer, on his oath saith or " complainant does not appear, and defendant attends with his wit- nesses." Adjudications.'] 1. On dismissal. Dismissed, with costs, viz. fees for summonses to two witnesses, 4s., two witnesses' attend- ance, 5s.=9s., to be paid [forthwith'] or levied by distress, or in default imprisonment for fourteen days, unless costs of distress and conveying to prison be paid. (6) In some cases, where the statute allows it, the conviction might be imme- diate on the refusal, without an information or summons being previously taken. (c) If no conviction is required by the particular statute, the Commitment No. 23, ante, p. 31, may be easily adapted to a pecuniary penalty punishment. (d) These minutes may be either written on a separate paper, signet] by the convicting justice or justices, and annexed to the information, or on the back of the information or summons or warrant, or in a separate book for that sole purpose. D 34 Vide s. 14 ; Arch. p. 133; Saund. p. 108; Oke'sSyn.p.40. Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. 2. Where imprisonment only. Convicted: To be imprisoned, with hard labour for two calendar months. Costs, 14s. 6d., to be paid forthwith, levied by distress, and in default imprisonment for fourteen days additional, and to pay costs of commitment and conveyance to prison, 18s. 6d. 3. Where a penalty. Convicted: To pay penalty 5s., damage [or "value"] Is., and costs 14s., (clerk's fees 10s. 6d., constable 3s. 6rf.,) forthwith [or " on or before the 12th instant"], to be recovered by distress, and in default one calendar month's imprisonment with hard labour, unless sooner paid, with costs of distress and conveyance to gaol. [For the form of the terms of an adjudication on a complaint, vide form No. 60, post, Minute of Order for Service, which will be similar.'] 31. Order of Dismissal of an Information or Complaint (L). County of -\ Be it remembered, that on information was laid [or >" complaint was made"] before the undersigned, [one] of her to wit. 3 Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for that [4'C. as in the summons to the defendant'], and now at this day, to wit, on , at (e), both the said parties appear before me in order that I should hear and determine the said information [or "complaint"], [or "the said A. B. appeareth before me, but the said C. D., although duly called, doth not appear] ; whereupon the matter of the said information [or " complaint"] being by me duly considered, [it manifestly appears to me that the said information [or " complaint"] is not proved, and*] I do therefore dismiss the same, [and do adjudge that the said C. D. do pay to the said A. B. the sum of , for his costs in- curred by him in his defence in this behalf; and if the said sum for costs be not paid forthwith [or " on or before "], I order that the same be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said C. D., and in default of sufficient distress in that behalf, I adjudge the said C. D. to be imprisoned in the [house of correction] at , in the said county [and there kept to hard labour'] for the space of , unless the said sum for costs, and all costs and charges of the said distress [and of the com- mitment and conveying of the said C. D. to the said [house of correction] ] shall be sooner paid. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county'] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) * If the informant or complainant do not appear, these words may be omitted. 32. Certificate of Dismissal (M). Vide s. 14 (id.) I hereby certify, that an information [or "complaint"] preferred by C. D. against A. B., for that [tyc. as in the summons] was this day con- sidered by me, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the [county'] of , and was by me dismissed [with costs]. Dated this day of , 185. J. S. (e) If at an adjournment, insert here : " To which day the hearing of this case hath been duly adjourned, of which the said C. D. had due notice." CHAP, i.] Sect. 5. The Hearing and Adjudication, fyc. 35 33. Minute of Order of Dismissal for Service under Sect. 17. (Not in Jervis's Act.) (/) Division of N., Cambridgeshire. No. At a petty sessions of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, holden at N. in and for the said division, the 4th day of January, 1850. C. D., Complainant, against A. B., Defendant. It is adjudged and ordered,* that the information [or " complaint"] in this case, for [state shortly the charge^, be dismissed with costs, the said C. D. not appearing [or " the said information"] [or " complaint not being proved"] ; and that the said C. D. shall forthwith [or " on or before the day of next"] pay to the said A. B. the sum of nine shil- lings for his costs incurred in his defence, to be recovered by distress, and in default the said C. D. to be imprisoned for , unless sooner paid [with the costs of distress and of conveyance to gaol]. I., G. and B. Clerks to the Justices of the said Division. * Referred to in form No. 60, post. 34. Warrant of Distress for Costs upon an Order for Vide s. 18 ; Dismissal of an Information or Complaint (Q. 1). Arch. p. 151 ; To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said Qke'sSyn p 36. [county'] of . Whereas on last past, information was laid [or " complaint was made"] before the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county'], for that \_fyc. as in the order of dis- missal'] ; and afterwards, to wit, on , at (g), both parties appearing before me in order that I should hear and determine the same, [and the several proofs adduced to me in that behalf being by me duly heard ond considered, and it manifestly appearing to me that the said information [or "complaint"] was not proved(A),] I therefore dismissed the same, and adjudged that the said C. D. should pay to the said A. B. the sum of for his costs incurred by him in his defence in that behalf; and I ordered that if the said sum for costs should not be paid [forthwith], the same should be levied of the goods and chattels of the said C. D. ; [and I adjudged that in default of sufficient distress in that behalf, the said C. D. should be imprisoned in the [house oj correction] at , in the said [county'], [and there kept to hard labour'] for the space (/) This minute should be issued in duplicate, and the time and mode of serving indorsed upon it by the person who served it, and retained by the clerk to the justices. (g) If the order of dismissal were made at an adjourned hearing, insert here : " To which day the hearing of this case was duly adjouraed, of which the said C. D. had due notice." (A) If the informant or complainant do not appear, these words are to he omitted, and inserted as in the order of dismissal, No. 31 : " The said A. B. appearing before the said justice, but the said C. I)., although duly called, not appearing." D2 36 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Vide s. 19 ; Arch. p. 152; Saund. p. 114; Oke'sSyn.p.61. of , unless the said sum for costs, and all costs and charges of the said distress, and of the commitment and conveying of the said C. D. to the said [house of correction'], should be sooner paid] : * And whereas the said C. D., being now required to pay unto the said A. B the said sum for costs, hath not paid the same or any part thereof, but therein hath made default (i) : These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to make distress of the goods and chattels of the said C. D.; and if, within the space of days next after the making of such distress, the said last-mentioned sum, together with the reasonable charges of taking and keeping the said distress shall not be paid, that then you do sell the said goods and chattels so by you distrained, and do pay the money arising from such sale to , the clerk of the justices of the peace for the division of , in the said [county], that he may pay and apply the same as by law directed, and may render the overplus (if any), on demand, to the said C. D., and if no such distress can be found, then that you certify the same unto me, to the end that such pro- ceedings may be had therein as to the law doth appertain. Given under my hand and seal this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) * Referred to in No. 37, post. 35. Indorsement in Backing a Warrant of Distress (N. 3). Whereas proof upon oath hath this day been made before me, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said to wit. ) [county"] of , that the name of J. S. to the within warrant subscribed, is of the handwriting of the justice of the peace within men- tioned : I do therefore authorize W. T., who bringeth to me this warrant, and all other persons to whom this warrant was originally directed, or by whom the same may be lawfully executed, and also all constables and other peace officers of the said [county] of , to execute the same within the said [county] of . Given under my hand this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and . J. B. Vide s. 2 ; Arch. p. 156; Saund. p. 116; Oke'sSyn.p.62. 36. Constable's Return to a Warrant of Distress (N. 4). 71, W. T., constable of , in the [county] of , do hereby certify to J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of to wit. )the peace for the said [county^, that by virtue of this warrant I have made diligent search for the goods and chattels of the within- mentioned C. D., and that I can find no sufficient goods or chattels of the said C. D. whereon to levy the sums within mentioned. Witness my hand this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and . W. T. (i) As a minute of the order under sect. 17 must be served before the issue of this distress warrant, this recital should he altered as in other forms in Jervii's Act, as follows: " And whereas, after the making of the said order of dismissal, a copy of the minute thereof was duly served upon the said C. D., but the said C. D. did not then pay, nor hath he paid, the said sum of for costs, or any part thereof, but therein hath made default." CHAP, i.] Sect. 5. The Hearing and Adjudication, fyc. 37 37. Warrant of Commitment for Want of Distress in the last vide s. 26; Case (Q. 2). Arch. p. 172; To the constable of , and to the keeper of the [house of correction] o^" s gvii p 36. at in the said [county'] of . Whereas [4-0., as in the form No. 34, ante, 25, to the asterisk,* and then thus] : And whereas afterwards, on the day of -, in the year afore- said, I the said justice issued a warrant to the constable of , commanding him to levy the said sum of for costs by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said C. D. : And whereas it appears to me as well by the return of the said constable to the said warrant of distress as otherwise, that the said constable hath made diligent search for the goods and chattels of the said C. D., but that no sufficient distress whereon to levy the sum above mentioned could be found : These are therefore to command you the said constable of to take the said C. D., and him safely convey to the [house of correction] at aforesaid, and there deliver him to the said keeper thereof, together with this precept ; and I do hereby command you the said keeper of the said [house of correction] to receive the said C. D. into your custody in the said [house of correction] there to imprison him [and keep him to hard labour] for the space of , unless the said sum, and all costs and charges of the said distress, [and of the commitment and conveying of the said C. D. to the said house of correction,] amounting to the further sum of , shall be sooner paid unto you the said keeper, and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, this day of in the year of our Lord , at in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) MEM. To be placed in the margin of the form, s, d. Costs ordered Distress Warrant and Charges of distress Commitment and conveyance to gaol .... Total.... 38. Warrant of Commitment of Complainant for Costs, im- mediate on Confession of no Goods, $c. (Not in Jervis's Act.) To the constable of the [ parish] of , and to the keeper of the [common gaol ] at in the said [county] of . County of } Whereas on the day of information and complaint > was laid before the undersigned of her Majesty's to wit. ) justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of, [or " counties of and , being adjoining counties"] for that A. B. of the [parish] of in the [county] of , did, on the day of , at the [ parish] of , in the [county] of aforesaid [here set out the offence as in the order of dismissal or summons,] contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided : and afterwards, to wit, on the day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , at the , in the said [county"] of [to which day the hearing of this case was duly adjourned, and of which the said C. D. had due notice] both parties appearing before the undersigned [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of , in order that should hear and determine the same [or " the said A. B. appearing before [me] the undersigned [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of , but the said C. D., although duly called, 38 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. not appearing"] : And the several proofs adduced to [me] in that behalf, being by [me] duly heard and considered, and it manifestly appearing to [me] that the said information and complaint was not proved, [I] there- fore dismissed the same, and adjudged that the said C. D. should pay to the said A. B. the sum of pound , shilling , and pen , for his costs incurred by him in his defence in that behalf, and [/] ordered that if the said sum for costs should not be paid forthwith, [or " on or before the day of "] then, inasmuch as it was [then and] now made to appear to me the said justice [or " the undersigned as such justice as aforesaid"] that the issuing of a warrant of distress in this behalf would be ruinous to the said A. B. and his family, [or " that the said A. B. hath no goods or chattels whereon to levy the said sum for costs by distress,"] [I] adjudged that'.the said C. D. should be imprisoned in the said [common gqoi,] at in the said [county] of , [and there kept to hard labour,] for the space of , unless the said sum for costs and the costs and charges of the commitment and conveying of the said C. D. to the said [common gaol] should be sooner paid: And whereas after the making of the said order of dismissal a copy of the minute thereof was duly served upon the said C. D., but the said C. D. did not then pay, nor hath he paid, the said sum of pound , - shilling and pen , for costs, or any part thereof, but therein hath made default : These are therefore to com- mand you the said constable of the [parish] of to take thesaidC. D. and him safely convey to the [house of correction] at aforesaid, and there deliver him to the said keeper thereof, together with this precept ; and [ I] do hereby command you the said keeper of the said [house of correction] to receive the said C. D. into your custody in the said [house of correction,] there to imprison him [and keep him to hard labour] for the space of , unless the said sum and the costs and charges of the com- mitment and conveying of the said C. D. to the said [house of correction,] amounting to the further sum of , shall be sooner paid unto you the said keeper, and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , at in the [county] of aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) _MEM. To be placed in the margin of this form. s. d. Costs ordered Commitment Conveyance to gaol Vide s. 14 ; Arch. p. 133; Saund. p. 108 j Oke's Syn. pp. 40,47; ands. 17; Arch. p. 148; Saund. p. 113 ; and Oke's Syn. p. 47. 39. Conviction for a Penalty, to be levied by Distress, and in Default of sufficient Distress, Imprisonment (I. 1). I Be it remembered, that on the day of in the year to wit. 5 of our Lord , at in the said [county], A. B. is convicted before the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, for that [he the said A. B , fyc., stating the offence, and the time and place when and where committed ] ; and I adjudge the said A. B. for his said offence to forfeit and pay the sum of [stating the penalty, and also the compensation, if any,] to be paid and applied according to law, and also to pay to the said C. D. the sum of for his costs in this behalf; and**if the said several sums be not paid forthwith [or "on or before next"]* 1 order that the same be levied by distress and sale of CHAP, i.] Sect. 5. The Hearing and Adjudication, fyc. the goods and chattels of the said A. B., and in default of sufficient distress* I adjudge the said A. B. to be imprisoned in the [house of correction] at in the said county [there to be kept to hard labour] for the space of , unless the said several sums, and all costs and charges of the said distress, [and of the commitment and conveying of the said A. B. to the said house of correction] shall be sooner paid. Given under my hand and seal, the day and year first above mentioned, at in the [county'] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) * Or where the issuing of a distress warrant would be ruinous to the defendant or his family, or it appears that he has no goods whereon to levy adistress, then, instead of the words between the asterisks,** say, " then inasmuch as it hath now been made to appear to me [that the issuing of a warrant of distress in this behalf would be ruinous to the said A. B. and his family," or, " that the said A. B. hath no goods or chattels whereon to levy the said sums by distress], I adjudge," $c., as above, to the end. 40. Conviction for a Penalty, and in default of Payment, (id.) Imprisonment (I. 2). 1 Be it remembered, that on the day of in the year to wit. J of our Lord , at in the said [county], A. B. is convicted before the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, for that [he the said A. B., fyc., stating the offence, and the time and place when and where it was committed] ; and I adjudge the said A. B. for his said offence to forfeit and pay the sum of [stating the penalty, and the compensation, if any,] to be paid and applied according to law, and also to pay to the said C. D. the sum of , for his costs in this behalf; and if the said several sums be nat paid forthwith [or " on or before next,"] I adjudge the said A. B. to be imprisoned in the [house of correction] at in the said [county], [and there to be kept to hard labour] for the space of , unless the said several sums [and the costs and charges of conveying the said A. B. to the said house of correction,] shall be sooner paid. Given under my hand and seal, the day and year first above mentioned, at in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) 41. Conviction when the Punishment is by Imprisonment, #c. (I. 3). ) Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the year to wit. S of our Lord . , in the said [county] A. B. is convicted before the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county,] for that [he the said A. B., Sfc., stating the offence, and the time and place when and where committed] ; and I adjudge the said A. B. for his said offence to be imprisoned in the [house of correction] at , in the said [county,] [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of , and I also adjudge the said A. B. to pay the said C. D. the sum of for his costs in this behalf; and if the said sum for costs be not paid forth- with [or " on or before next"] then* I order that the said sum be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said A. B. ; and in default of sufficient distress in that behalf* I adjudge the said A. B. to be imprisoned in the said [house of correction] [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of , to commence at and from the termination of 40 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. his imprisonment aforesaid, unless the said sum for costs shall be sooner paid. Given under my hand and seal, the day and year first above men- tioned, at in the county aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) * Or where the issuing of a distress warrant would be ruinous to the defendant or his family, or it appears that he has no goods whereon to levy a distress, then, instead ofthe wordsbetween the asterisks,** say, " inasmuch as it hath now been made to appear to me [that the issuing of a warrant of distress in this behalf would be ruinous to the said A. B. and his family," or " that the said A. B. hath no goods or chattels whereon to levy the said sum for costs by distress], I adjudge," &c. 42. General Conviction, embodying the three last, 39 41 (I. 1 I. 3), applicable for a Draft where necessary, and to several Offenders, and numerous Variations (A). (Not in Jervis's Act.) County of ~\ Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the > year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , at to wit. I , in the county of , A. B. is [or " A. B. and E. F. are severally"] convicted before the undersigned, of her Majesty's justices ofthe peace for the said [county] of If description of division, fyc. here necessary, or a certain character is given by the statute to a defendant on conviction, here insert " in petty sessions in and for the division of in the said [county] of ;" or " of being a rogue and vagabond within the intent, &c." as the case may be. for that he the said did If the conviction does not take place within the time prescribed for laying the information, show that the information was laid in time hy insert- ing here " within , [the time allowed for laying information] next before the laying of the information on which this conviction is founded, to wit." on the day of , at the parish of , in the said county of , If it be necessary to describe the occupation, fyc. of the defendant, to bring him within the meaning of the particular statute, here insert '' then and there being an alehouse keeper," or as the case may be, and then state the act constituting the offence complained of. contrary to the form ofthe statute in such case made and provided. Here insert the usual averment of a previous conviction, if necessary ; as " And whereas it is now duly proved before [me] the said justice, that the said A. B. was heretofore, to wit, on the sixteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, duly convicted before J. S. Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of S., for that he the said A. B. did, on the day of , at the [parish] of , in the said [county] of [state the offence as in the previous conviction,] and the said A. B. was thereupon adjudged for his said last mentioned offence to [state the adjudication correctly.] (fc) Where the penalty or punishment is adjudged different to each defend- ant, a separate conviction is recommended. CHAP, i.] Sect. 5. The Hearing and Adjudication, fyc. 41 And adjudge [each of them] the said for his said [first Adjudication of mentioned] offence (the same being his [second] offence) * to forfeit and Penalty. pay the [mitigated penalty or] sum of * Vide C. where this referred to, Here describe the penalty, compensation, ofc. and jar what, as in the follow- _ ost ing, under Peel's Acts : " such sum appearing to [me] to be a reason- able compensation for the said damage, injury and spoil so committed as aforesaid;" [or, " over and above the amount of the injury so done as aforesaid"], [or, " the value of the article so stolen as aforesaid"], and for the said injury so done [or, " article so stolen"] the further sum of ." to be [respectively] paid and applied according to law, and [each of them] also to pay to [the said] , the prosecutor, the sum of , for h costs in this behalf; and if the said several sums be not paid forth- with [on or before the day of next] I [we] A- order that the same be levied by distress and sale of the goods and A- Where pe- chattels of [each of them] the said , and in default of sufficient nalty, &c. to be distress [or instead, from the word " forthwith," or " next," as the case leviedby dis- may be, " then, inasmuch as it hath now been made to appear to tr ss ( . .) that the issuing of a warrant of distress in this behalf would be ruinous to [each of them] the said and his family;" or "that [each of them] the said hath no goods or chattels whereon to levy the said sums by distress"], adjudge [each of them] the said to be imprisoned in the [common gaol\ at , in the said [county] of [there to be kept to hard labour], for the space of . [And if any other special matte* 1 in the adjudication, insert it here]. If a, cumulative term adjudged, here insert, " to commence at and from the termination of a certain other term of imprisonment, for an offence of which the said is this day duly convicted, and now stands committed, under a certain warrant, signed by , the said justice and dated this day." unless the said several sums, and ah 1 costs and charges [of the said dis- tress and] of the commitment and conveying of [each of them] to the said [common gaol] shall be sooner paid. A- B- adjudge [each of them] the said to be imprisoned in the g. Where pe- [common goof] at , in the said [county] of [and there to be nalty and im- kept to hard labour], for the space of [and if any other special prisonment in matter in the adjudication, insert it here], unless the said several sums default of pay- [and the costs and charges of the commitment and conveying of [each of m ent (I. 2.) them] the said to the said [common gaol] ] shall be sooner paid [respectively and severally] by the said . g. C- follow from the asterisk * at the commencement of the adjudication, thus : . Where the " to be imprisoned in the [common gaol] at , in the said [county] punishment is of [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of [and if by imprison- any other special matter in the adjudication, insert it here] ; and ment only also adjudge [each of them] the said to pay [the said] , (! 3-) the prosecutor, the sum of for h costs in this behalf; and if the said sum for costs be not paid forthwith [on or before the day of ], then order that the said sum be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of [each of them] the said , and in default of sufficient distress in that behalf [or, instead from the word " then," say, " inasmuch as it hath now been made to appear to that the issuing of a warrant of distress in this behalf would be ruinous to [each of them] the said and his family ;" or, " that [each of them] the said hath no goods or chattels whereon to levy the said sum for costs by distress"], adjudge [each of them] the said to be imprisoned in the said [common gaol] [and there kept to hard labour] for the 42 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. space of - , to commence at and from the termination of his imprison- ment aforesaid, unless the said sum for costs, and all costs and charges [of the said distress and] of the commitment and conveying of [each of them] the said - to the said [common gaol] shall be sooner paid. C Given under my hand and seal the day and year first above mentioned, at - aforesaid. J.S. (L.S.) 43. Conviction on View of a Justice (I}. (Not in Jer vis's Act.) > Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the year to wit. i of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty, I, G. H., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , personally saw A. B., of the [parish] of , in the same [county] [here state the offence seen committed], contrary, &c. Whereupon it is considered and adjudged by [me'] the said justice, that the said A. B. be convicted, and he is by me accordingly hereby convicted of his said offence upon my own view as aforesaid, according to the form of the statute aforesaid in that case made and provided : and I adjudge the said A. B. for his said offence [conclude as usual.'] Vide s. 14, (Arch. p. 133; Saund. p. 108 ; and Oke's Syn. pp. 40-47); and s. 17, (Arch. p. 148 ; Saund. p. 113; and Oke's Syn. P- 47.) 44. Order for Payment of Money to be levied by Distress, and in default of Distress, Imprisonment (K. 1). 1 Be it remembered, that on complaint was made before to wit. ] the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for that [stating thejacts entitling the complainant to the order, with the time and place when and where they occurred] ; and now at this day, to wit, on at the parties afore- said appear before me the said justice [or, " the said C. D. appears before [me~] the said justice, but the said A. B., although duly called, doth not appear by himself, his counsel or attorney, and it is now satisfactorily proved to me, on oath, that the said A. B. has been duly served with the summons in this behalf, which required him to be and appear here at this day before such justices of the peace for the said [county] as should now be here, to answer the said complaint, and to be further dealt with according to law"] ; and now, having heard the matter of the said complaint, I do adjudge the said A. B. to pay to the said C. D. the sum of forth- with [or, " on or before next," or as the statute may require], and also to pay to the said C. D. the sum of for his costs in this behalf; and if the said several sums be not paid forthwith [or " on or before next"] * I hereby order that the same be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said A. B. ; and in default of sufficient distress in that behalf* I adjudge the said A. B. to be imprisoned in the [house of correction] at in the said [county], [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of , unless the said several sums, and all costs and charges of the said distress [and of the commitment (I ) Vide Oke's Synopsis, 2nd edit., for the offences respecting which a con- viction may take place upon the view of a justice. CHAP, i.] Sect. 5. The Hearing and Adjudication, fyc. 43 and conveying of the said A. B. to the said [house of correction] shall be sooner paid. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) * Or where the issuing of a distress warrant would be ruinous to the defendant or his family, or it appears that he has no goods whereon to levy a distress, then, instead of the words between the asterisks**, say, " then, inasmuch as it halh now been made to appear to me [that the issuing of a warrant of distress in this behalf would be ruinous to the said A. 6. and his family," or, " that the said A. B. hath no goods or chattels whereon to levy the said sums by distress], I adjudge," $c. 45. Order for Payment of Money, and in default of Pay- (Id.) ment, Imprisonment (K. 2). l Be it remembered, that on complaint was made before to wit. J the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of for that [stating the facts entitling the complainant to the order, with the time and place when and where they occurred] ; and now at this day, to wit, on , at , the parties appear before me the said justice, [or, " the said C. D. appears before me the said justice, but the said A. B., although duly called, doth not appear by himself, his counsel or attorney, and it is now satisfactorily proved to me on oath that the said A. B. has been duly served with the summons in this behalf which required him to be and appear here on this day before such justices of the peace for the said [county] as should now be here, to answer the said complaint, and to be further dealt with according to law"]; and now, having heard the matter of the said complaint, I do adjudge the said A. B. [to pay to the said C. D. the sum of forth- with, or " on or before next," or as the statute may require], and also to pay to the said C. D. the sum of for his costs in this behalf; and if the said several sums be not paid forthwith [or " on or before next"], I adjudge the said A. B. to be imprisoned in the [house of correc- tion] at , in the said [county] [there to be kept to hard labour] for the space of , unless the said several sums [and the costs and charges of conveying the said A. B. to the said [house of correction] ] shall be sooner paid. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) 46. Order for any other Matter where the disobeying of it is (Id.) punishable with Imprisonment (K. 3). ) Be it remembered, that on complaint was made before to wit. \ the undersigned {one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of for that [stating the facts entitling the complainant to the order, with the time and place when and where they occurred], and now at this day, to wit, on , at , the parties afore- said appear before me the said justice, [or " the said C. D. appears before me the said justice, but the said A. B., although duly called, doth not appear by himself, his counsel or attorney, and it is now satisfactorily proved to me upon oath that the said A. B. has been duly served with the summons in this behalf, which required him to be and appear here at 44 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. this day before such justices of the peace for the said [county] as should now be here, to answer to the said complaint, and to be further dealt with according to law"] ; and now, having heard the matter of the said complaint, I do therefore adjudge the said A. B. to [here state the matter required to be done] ; and if upon a copy of a minute of this order being served upon the said A. B. either personally, or by leaving the same for him at his last or usual place of abode, be shall neglect or refuse to obey the same, in that case I adjudge the said A. B., for such his disobedience, to be imprisoned in the [house of correction] at , in the said [county] [there to be kept to hard labour] for the space of [unless the said order be sooner obeyed, if the statute authorize this] ; and I do also adjudge the said A. B. to pay to the said C. D. the sum of for his costs in this behalf; and if the said sum for costs be not paid forthwith [or " on or before next"], I order the same to be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said A. B. [and in default of sufficient distress in that behalf, I adjudge the said A. B. to be imprisoned in the said house of correction] [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of , to commence at and from the termination of his imprison- ment aforesaid, unless the said sum for costs shall be sooner paid. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord, , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) 47. General Order, embodying the three last, 44 46 (K. 1 K. 3), applicable for a Draft where necessary, and certain Practical Variations. (Not in Jervis's Act.) County of 1 Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the Syear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty, at to wit. J N., in the county of , complaint was made before the undersigned [or " J. S. Esquire"] [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the [said] county of . [If description of division, fyc. liere necessary, or a certain character is given by the statute to a defendant, here insert " in petty sessions in and for the division of in the said county of ."] Recital of com- f r that [here state the facts, by reciting the complaint entitling the cow- plaint, plainant to the order] : And now at this day, to wit, on the day of A earance or ' m tne y ear ^ our krd one thousand eight hundred and fifty, at N., nonappearance * n tne count >' f aforesaid, the parties aforesaid appear before me, the said of defendant. justice [or " me, the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of "], [or " the said C. D., the complainant, appears before me, the said justice"] [or " me, the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of . ; but the said A. B., although duly called, doth not appear by himself, his counsel or attorney, and it is now satisfactorily proved to me, on oath, that the said Proof of service A. B. has been duly served with the summons in this behalf, which of summons. required him to be and appear here at this day before such justices of the peace for the said county as should now be here to answer the said com- Elaint, and to be further dealt with according to law"] : And now, having eard the matter of the said complaint,* I do adjudge the said A. B. to where this re- pay to the said C. D. the sum of [here describe the compensation, &c. ferred to. and for what] forthwith [or " on or before the day of next," or as Adjudication of the particular statute may reyuire], and also to pay to the said C. D., the CHAP, i.] Sect. 5. The Hearing and Adjudication, #c. 45 complainant, the sum of for his costs in this behalf: And if (m) upon a copy of a minute of this order being served upon the said A. B., either personally or by leaving the same for him at his last or most usual place of abode, the said several sums be not paid forthwith [or " on or before the day of next"] I hereby A- order that the same be levied by distress and sale of the goods and A- Where sum chattels of the said A. B., and in default of sufficient distress in this to be levied by behalf [or, instead from the word " forthwith," or " next," as the case distress (K. 1.) may be; " then, inasmuch as it hath now been made to appear to me that the issuing of a warrant of distress in this behalf would be ruinous to the said A. B. and his family;" or " that the said A. B. hath no goods or chattels whereon to levy the said sums by distress"] I adjudge the said A. B. to be imprisoned in the , at , in the said county of [there to be kept to hard labour] for the space of , unless the said several sums, and all costs and charges [of the said distress and] of the commit- ment and conveying of the said A. B. to the said common gaol shall be sooner paid. A- B- adjudge the said A. B. to be imprisoned in the common gaol g. Where sum, at in the said county of [and there to be kept to hard &c. and impri- labour] for the space of , unless the said several sums [and the costs sonment in de- and charges of the commitment and conveying of the said A. B. to the fault of pay- said [common gaol] ] shall be sooner paid. B ment (^. 2.) C- [J'ollow from the asterisk* at the commencement of the adjudication, C- When the thus : " I do therefore adjudge the said A. B. to [here state the matter punishment is required to be done] and if upon a copy of a minute of this order being " v im P nson - served upon the said A. B., either personally or by leaving the same for him at his last or most usual place of abode, he shall neglect or refuse to obey the same, in this case I adjudge the said A. B. for such his disobe- dience to be imprisoned in the [common gaol] at , in the said [county] of [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of , un- less the said order be sooner obeyed [if the statute authorize this] : And do also adjudge the said A. B. to pay to the said C. D., the complainant, the sum of for his costs in this behalf: And if the said sum for costs be not paid forthwith [on or before the day of next], I order the same to be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said A. B., and in default of sufficient distress in that behalf [or instead, from the word " forthwith" or " next," say, " inasmuch as it hath now been made to appear to me that the issuing of a warrant of distress in this behalf would be ruinous to the said A. B. and his family," or " that the said A. B. hath no goods or chattels whereon to levy the said sum for costs by distress], I adjudge the said A. B. to be imprisoned in the said [common gaol] [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of , to commence at and from the termination of his imprisonment aforesaid,, unless the said sum for costs, and all costs and charges [of the said distress and] of the commitment and conveying of the said A. B. to the said [commow gaol] shall be sooner paid. C- Given under my hand and seal, the day and year first above mentioned, at aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) (m) These words following, relative to a minute of the order being served, are only in the form, K. 3, of 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43 (No. 46, ante, p. 43) ; and sect. 17 of that statute, which requires such minute to be served before enforcing an order by distress or commitment, applies to all orders. 46 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. SECT. 6. ENFORCING CONVICTIONS AND ORDERS. Vide sect 24 ; Arch. p. 165; Saund. p. 120; and Oke's Syn. p. 56. 1. Enforcing Convictions on Informations. 48. Warrant of Commitment on a Conviction where the Punishment is by Imprisonment (P. 1). (a) To the constable of and to the keeper of the [house of cor- rection] at , in the said [county] of . Whereas A. B., late of [labourer'], was this day duly convicted before the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for that [stating the offence as in the con- viction], and it was thereby adjudged that the said A. B. for his said offence should be imprisoned in the [house of correction] at in the said [county] [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of : These are therefore to command you the said constable of to take the said A. B., and him safely convey to the [house of correction} at aforesaid, and there to deliver him to the keeper thereof, together with this precept ; and I do hereby command you the said keeper of the said [house of correction] to receive the said A. B. into your custody in the said [house of correction], there to imprison him [and keep him to hard labour] for the space of , and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) Vide s.24 (id.) 49. Warrant of Distress for Costs upon a Conviction where the Offence is punishable by Imprisonment (P. 3). To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said [county] of . Whereas A. B. of [labourer], was on last past duly con- victed before the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, for that [stating the offence as in the convic- tion], and it was thereby adjudged that the said A. B. for his said offence should be imprisoned in the [house of correction] at in the said county [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of ; and it was also thereby adjudged that the said A. B. should pay to the said C. D. the sum of for his costs in that behalf ; and it was thereby ordered that if the said sum of . for costs should not be paid [forthwith] the same should be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said A. B. ; [and it was adjudged that in default of sufficient distress in that behalf the said A. B. should be imprisoned in the said [house of correction and there kept to hard labour] for the space of , to com- mence at and from the termination of his imprisonment aforesaid, unless the said sum for costs, and all costs and charges of the said distress, and of the commitment and conveying of the said A. B. to the said [house of (a) If the conviction takes place after the expiration of the time limited for laying the information, or it be a second conviction, adapt this form to the spe- cial alterations shown in the General Form of Conviction, No. 42, ante, p. 40. Where several offenders, it may be easily adapted, instead of a commitment for each. CHAP, i.] Sect 6. Enforcing Convictions and Orders. 47 correction], should be sooner paid :] and whereas the said A. B., being so convicted as aforesaid, and being required to pay the said sum of for costs, hath not paid the same or any part thereof, but therein hath made default:* These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to make distress of the goods and chattels of the said A. B., and if within the space of days next after the making of such distress the said last-mentioned sum, together with the reasonable charges of taking and keeping the said distress, shall not be paid, that then you do sell the said goods and chattels so by you distrained, and do pay the money arising from such sale to the clerk of the justices of the peace for the division of in the said [county"], that he may pay the same as by law directed, and may render trie surplus (if any), on demand, to the said A. B., and if no such distress can be found, then that you certify the same unto me, to the end that such proceedings may be had therein as to the law doth appertain. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at in the [county] aforesaid. J.S. (L.S.) ' Referred to in No. 50, infra. 50. Warrant of Commitment for want of Distress (P. 5). To the constable of and to the keeper of the [house of correc- tion] at in the said [county] of . Whereas [fyc. as in the last form to the asterisk *, and then thus] : And whereas afterwards, on the day of in the year aforesaid, I, the said J. S., issued a warrant to the constable of commanding him to levy the said sum of for costs, by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said A. B. : And whereas it appears to me, as well by the return of the said constable to the said warrant of distress as otherwise, that the said constable hath made diligent search for the goods and chattels of the said A. B., but that no sufficient distress whereon to levy the sum above mentioned could be found : These are therefore to command you the said constable of to take the said A. B., and him safely to convey to the [house of correction'] at aforesaid, and there deliver him to the keeper thereof, together with this precept : And I do hereby command you the said keeper of the said [house of correction] to receive the said A. B. into your custody in the said [house of correction], there to imprison him [and keep him to hard labour] for the space of , unless the said sum, and all costs and charges of the said distress [and of the commitment and conveying of the said A. B. to the said [house of correction] ], amounting to the further sum of , shall be sooner paid unto you the said keeper, and for your so doing this shall be your suffi- cient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at in the [county] aforesaid. J.S. (L.S.) MEM. To be placed in the margin of this form. j. d. Costs ordered Distress warrant and charges of distress .... Commitment and conveyance to gaol Total.... Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. 51. Commitment forthwith for an additional Term for the Costs upon a Conviction, where the Offence is punishable by Imprisonment, on Confession of no Goods, $rc., by the De- fendant (J). (Not in Jervis's Act.) To the constable of the parish of , and to the keeper of the [common gaol ] at in the said [county] of . County of } Whereas A. B. [and E. F.], late of the parish of in > the county of , was [were] on this day duly convicted to wit. 3 before the undersigned, of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of [counties of and , being adjoining counties], for that the said did on the day of , at the parish of . in the county of aforesaid (b) [here set out the offence as in the conviction], contrary to the form of the sta- tute in such case made and provided : And it was thereby adjudged that [each of them] the said A. B. [and E. F.] for his said offence should be [severally] imprisoned in the [common gaol], at in the said county of [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of : And it was also thereby adjudged that [each of them] the said A. B. [and E. F.] should pay to the said C. D., the prosecutor, the sum of for his costs in that behalf; and it was thereby ordered, that if the said sum of for costs should not be paid forthwith, then, inasmuch as it was then and now is made to appear to me [us] that the issuing of a warrant of dis- tress in this behalf would be ruinous to [each of them] the said A. B. [and E. F.] and his family [or " that each of them"] the said A. B. [and E. F.] hath no goods or chattels whereon to levy the said sum for costs by distress, it was adjudged that [each of them] the said A. B. [and E. F.] should be [severally] imprisoned in the [common gaol], at ,in the said [county] of [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of , to commence at and from the termination of his imprisonment aforesaid, unless the said sum for costs [and the costs and charges of the commitment and conveying of [each of them] the said A. B. [and E. F.] to the said [common gaol] should be sooner paid :] And whereas the said A. B. [and E. F.] being so convicted as aforesaid, and being required to pay the said sum of for costs, hath not paid the same or any part thereof but therein hath [each of them] made default: These are there- fore to command you the said constable of the [ parish] of to take the said A. B. [and E. F.] and safely convey to the [common gaol] at aforesaid, and there to deliver h to the keeper thereof, to- gether with this precept ; and I do hereby command you the said keeper of the said [common gaol ] to receive the said A. B. [and E. F.] into your custody, in the said [common gaol] and [each of them] there to imprison h [and keep h to hard labour] for the space of , to commence at and from the termination of the imprisonment aforesaid [which h the said A. B. [and E. F.] is [are! now undergoing under the said con- viction] unless the said sum [and the costs and charges of the commit- ment and conveying [each of them respectively] him to the said [common gaol], amounting to the further sum of each] shall be sooner paid unto you the said keeper; and for your so doing this shall be your suffi- (h) This would be a separate instrument from the warrant of commitment (No. 48) for the offence. Vide proviso in s. 19 of 1 1 & 12 Viet. c. 43, and the form of conviction (No. 41, 1. 3.), ante, p. 39, which apply to such cir- cumstances. CHAP. I.] Sect. 6. Enforcing Convictions and Orders. 49 cient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, this day of one thousand eight hundred and , at in the [county'] of aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) MEM. To be placed in the margin of the form. s. d. Costs ordered Commitment and conveyance to gaol Total .... [Each] .... 52. Warrant of Commitment upon a Conviction for a Penalty vide s. 23 ; in the first instance (0. 1). (c) Arch. p. 161 ; To the constable of , and to the keeper of the [house of correc- Sa " n p ,' I 19 /i on ] at in the said {county} of . J Whereas A. B., late of [labourer], was on this day duly convicted before the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty 'sjustices of the peace in and for the said [county"], for that [stating the offence as in the conviction] ; and it was thereby adjudged that the said A. B. for his said offence should forfeit and pay the sum of [Sfc.,as in the conviction], and should pay to the said C. D. the sum of for his costs in that behalf; and it was thereby further adjudged, that if the said several sums should not be paid [forthwith], the said A. B. should be imprisoned in the [house of correc- tion"] at in the said county [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of , unless the said several sums [and the costs and charges of conveying the said A . B. to the said [house of correction] ] should be sooner paid : and whereas the time in and by the said conviction appointed for the payment of the said several sums hath elapsed, but the said A. B. hath not paid the same or any part thereof, but therein hath made default : These are therefore to command you the said constable of to take the said A. B., and him safely to convey to the [house of correction] at aforesaid, and there to deliver him to the keeper thereof, together with this precept ; and I do hereby command you the said keeper of the said [house of correction] to receive the said A. B. into your custody in the said [house of correction], there to imprison him [and keep him to hard labour] for the space of , unless the said several sums [and the costs and charges of conveying him to the said [house of correction] amounting to the further sum of ] shall be sooner paid ; and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at in the [counfy] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) MFM. To be placed in the margin of the form. s. d. Fine Value or damage Costs Commitment and conveyance to gaol Total .... [Each] .... (r) The variations in this form can be readily made to suit cases under the Larceny and Malicious Injuries Acts, where a sum for damage on the article is adjudged with a penalty, as well as to several offenders, from the general form of conviction (No. 42\ ante, p. 40. A deposition of the constable or other person of nonpayment of the amount adjudged, would be advisable to be taken where time is given for payment. E '50 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Vide s. 19; Arch. p. 152; Saund. p. 114 ; and Oke's Syn. p. 61. 53. Warrant of Distress upon a Conviction for a Penalty (N. 1). To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said [county] of . Whereas A.B., late of [labourer], was on this day [or "on last past"] duly convicted before the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of , for that [stating the offence as in the conviction], and it was thereby adjudged that the said A.B. should for such his offence forfeit and pay [fyc. as in the conviction], and should also pay to the said C.D. the sum of for his costs in that behalf; and it was thereby ordered that if the said several sums should not be paid [forthwith], the same should be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said A.B. ; and it was thereby also adjudged that in default of sufficient distress the said A.B. should be imprisoned in the [house of correction] at , in the said county [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of , unless the said several sums, and all costs and charges of the said distress, and of the commitment and con- veying of the said A.B. to the said [house of correction], should be sooner paid : and whereas the said A.B. being so convicted as aforesaid, and being [now] required to pay the said sums of and hath not paid the same or any part thereof, but therein hath made default :* These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to make distress of the goods and chattels of the said A.B. ; and if within the space of days next after the making of such distress the said sums, to- gether with the reasonable charges of taking and keeping the distress, shall not be paid, that then you do sell the said goods and chattels so by you distrained, and do pay the money arising by such sale unto , the clerk of the justices of the peace for the division of , in the said [county], that he may pay and apply the same as by law is directed, and may render the overplus, if any, on demand, to the said A.B. ; and if no such distress can be found, then that you certify the same unto me, to the end that such further proceedings may be had thereon as to the law doth appertain (d). Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) Vide s. 19 (id.) 54. Commitment forthwith upon a like Conviction, where the Distress would be ruinous, or on Defendant confessing he has no Goods. (Not in Jervis's Act.) To the constable of the parish of , and to the keeper of the common goal at , in the said [county] of . County of } Whereas A.B., [and E. F.] late of the parish of , in > the [county] of , was [were] on this day duly convicted to wit. 3 before the undersigned [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for that h , the said A .B. [and . F.] did on the day of , at the parish of , in the county of aforesaid, [here set out the offence], contrary to the form of the (d) If the defendant is detained until the return of this warrant, a verbal order to that effect will do, or the following may be inserted at this place: *' And whereas the said A.B. not having given sufficient security by recognizance or otherwise to my satisfaction for his appearance on the return of this warrant, I do hereby further order you to keep and detain the said A.B. in safe custody until the said return shall be made, and then bring him before me the said justice." CHAP, i.] Sect. 6. Enforcing Convictions and Orders. 51 statute in such case made and provided : and it was thereby adjudged that [each of them] the said A.B. [and E.F.] should for such his offence [severally] forfeit and pay [here state the penalty and the compensation, if any'], and [each] should also pay to the said C.D. the sum of for his costs in that behalf; and it was thereby ordered that if the said several sums should not be paid forthwith, then, inasmuch as it hath been made to appear to me [us] that the issuing of a warrant of distress in this behalf would be ruinous to [each of them] the said A.B. [and E.F.] and bis family, or that [each of them] the said A.B. [and E.F.] hath no goods or chattels whereon to levy the said sums by distress, it was thereby also adjudged that [each of them] the said A.B. [and E.F.] should be [severally] imprisoned in the common gaol, at , in the said [county'] of , [and there kept to hard labour} for the space of , unless the said several sums [and the costs and charges of the commitment and conveying of [each of them] the said A. B. [and E. F.] to the said common gaol] should be sooner paid : and whereas the said A. B. [and E. F.] being so convicted as aforesaid, and being now required to pay the said sums of and hath not paid the same or any part thereof, but therein hath [each of them] made default: These are therefore to command you, the said constable of the parish of , to take the said A.B. [and E.F.] and h safely convey to the common gaol at aforesaid, and there to deliver h to the keeper thereof, together with this precept; and I do hereby command you, the said keeper of the said common gaol, to receive the said A.B. [and E.F.] into your custody, in the said common gaol, [and each of them] there to imprison h , [and keep h to hard labour] for the space of , unless the said several sums [and the costs and charges of the commitment and conveying [each of them re- spectively] him to the said common gaol, amounting to the further sum of each] shall be sooner paid, and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , at , in the county of aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) MEM. To be placed in the margin of the form. s. d. Fine Damage Costs -. Commitment and conveyance to gaol .... Total.... 55. Recognizance of a Defendant to appear on the Return Vide s. 20 ; of a Distress Warrant for Penalty and Costs. (Not in Arch. p. 156; Jervis's Act ^ Saund ' P' ] 16 ' ervis s Acl v Oke's Syn. p. [Proceed as in the form of recognizance, No. 13 (E.), ante, p. 28, 62. altering the condition thereof as follows : instead of "to answer," &c. say " being the day appointed for the return of a certain warrant of dis- tress this day issued by me, the said justice, to levy on the goods and chattels of the said A.B. certain sums adjudged to be paid by him and to be so levied ; and to be further dealt with," &c. The notice of this recog- nizance would be similar to the form No. 14, ante, p. 29.] 56. Indorsement in backing a Warrant of Distress. [This will be found, ante, p. 36, No. 35 (N. 3).] E2 52 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. 57. Constable's Return to a Warrant of Distress. [This will be found, ante, p. 36, No. 36 (N. 4).] Vides. 21; Arch. p. 157 ; Saund. p. 117 ; Oke's Syn. p. 63. 58. Warrant of Commitment for Want of Distress. (N. 5). To the constable of ,and to the keeper of the [house of correction] at , in the said [county'] of . Whereas [&x. as in the foregoing distress warrant, No. 53, to the asterisk , and then thus :] and whereas afterwards, on the day of , in the year aforesaid, I, the said justice, issued a warrant to the constable of , commanding him to levy the said sums of and by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said A.B. : and whereas it appears to me, as well by the return of the said constable to the said warrant of distress as otherwise, that the said constable hath made diligent search for the goods and chattels of the said A.B., but that no suf- ficient distress whereon to levy the sums above-mentioned could be found: These are therefore to command you, the said constable of , to take the said A.B., and him safely to convey to the [house of correction] at aforesaid, and there deliver him to the said keeper, together with this precept; and I do hereby command you, the said keeper of the said [house of correction], to receive the said A.B. into your custody in the said [house of correction], there to imprison him [and keep him to hard labour] for the space of , unless the said several sums, and all the costs and charges of the said distress, [and of the commitment and con- veying of the said A.B. to the said [house of correction] ], amounting to the further sum of , shall be soon6r paid unto you the said keeper ; and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) Vide s. 25 ; Arch. p. 171 ; Saund. p. 121 Oke's Syn. p. 54. 59. Commitment of a Defendant for a consecutive Period where convicted on the same Day of Two or more Offences. (Not in Jervis's Act.) To the constable of the parish of , and to the keeper of the common gaol at , in the said [county] of . County of } Whereas A.B., late of the parish of , in the [county] Jof , was on this day duly convicted before the under- to wit. 3 signed, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , [ [counties] of and being adjoining [counties] ], for that he, the said A.B., did, on the day of , at the parish of , in the [county] of [here state the offence], con- trary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided; and it was thereby adjudged that the said A.B. for h said offence* should for- feit and pay the sum of [here state the penally, and compensation, if any], to be [respectively] paid and applied according to law, and also to pay to the said C.D. the sum of for h costs in that behalf; and it was thereby further adjudged and ordered that if the said several sums should not be paid forthwith, the same should be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said A. B. ; and it was thereby also adjudged that in default of sufficient distress the said A.B. should be imprisoned in the common j?aol at , in the said [county] of , [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of , to commence at and from the termi- nation of a certain other term of imprisonment for an offence of which the CHAP i.] Sect. 6. Enforcing Convictions and Orders. 53 said A.B. is this day duly convicted, and now stands committed under a certain other warrant, signed by the said justice, and dated this day, and delivered to the said keeper herewith, [unless the said several sums, and all costs and charges of the said distress, and of the commitment and con- veying the said A.B. to the said common gaol] should be sooner paid; and whereas the time in and by the said conviction appointed for the pay- ment of the said several sums hath elapsed, and the said A.B. being now required to pay the same, hath not paid the same or any part thereof, but therein hath made default; and inasmuch as it hath now been made to appear to me, the said justice, that the issuing of a warrant of distress in this behalf' would be ruinous to the said A. B., [or " that the said A. B. hath no goods or chattels whereon to levy the said sums by distress;"] These are therefore to command you, the said constable of the parish of , to take the said A.B., and A safely to convey to the common gaol at aforesaid, and there to deliver h to the keeper thereof, together with this precept; and I do hereby command you, the said keeper of the said common gaol, to receive the said A.B. into your cus- tody in the said common gaol, there to imprison h [and keep h to hard labour'] for the space of , to commence at and from the ter- mination of the said other term of imprisonment above mentioned, [unless the said several sums, and the costs and charges of the said distress, amounting to the sum of , and of the commitment and conveying A to the said common gaol, amounting to the further sum of , shall be sooner paid,] and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , at , in the [county] of aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) MEM. To be placed in the margin of the form, s. d. Fine Value or damage Costs Charges of distress Commitment and conveyance to gaol Total.. NOTE. Where imprisonment only is adjudged, omit the portions within the brackets [ ] from the asterisk *, and the form will be applicable. If a penally adjudged, it will suit without alteration. Where the penalty is not to be recovered by distress, erase the words which are in italic. 59 a. Commitment upon a Conviction/or a Second or subsequent Offence, adapted to where Imprisonment only adjudged, or where a Penalty imposed, and Imprisonment in Default of Payment, (Not in Jervis's Act.) To the constable of the parish of , and to the keeper of the [house of correction] at , in the said [county"] of . "* Whereas A. B., late of [labourer'], was this day duly .. ^ convicted before the undersigned, [owe] of her Majesty's jus- 3tices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for that he, the said A. B., on the day of , at the parish of , in the said [county] of , did [here state the offence], contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided ; and whereas it is 54 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. duly proved before [me], the said justice, that the said A. B. was hereto- fore, to wit, on the day of , in the year of our Lord , duly convicted before I. P. Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the [county'] of , for that he, the said A. B., on tbe day of , in the year of our Lord , at the parish of , in the said [county] of , did [here state the former offence as in the conviction proved], contrary, &c. ; and the said A. B. was thereupon adjudged for his said last mentioned offence to [state the terms of the adjudication of im- prisonment or penalty] ; and it was thereby adjudged by me, the said jus- tice first named, that the said A . B. for his said [second] offence, of which he has been so convicted this day as aforesaid, [A should forfeit and pay the sum of [here state the penalty, and compensation, if any, as in the consolidated form of conviction, No. 42, ante, p. 40], to be paid and applied according to law, and also to pay to the said C. D., the prosecutor, the sum of for his costs in this behalf; and it was thereby further adjudged that if the said several sums should not be paid forthwith, the said A. B. B] s\\a\\ be imprisoned in the [house of correction] at , in the said [county] of , [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of , [C unless the said several sums, and the costs and charges of the commitment and conveying the said A. B. to the said [house of correc- tion] should be sooner paid; and whereas the said A. B. being now required to pay the said several sums, hath not paid the same, or any part thereof, but therein hath made default DJ 5 These are therefore to com- mand you, the said constable of the parish of , to take the said A.B. and him safely convey to the [house of correction] at aforesaid, and there to deliver him to the keeper thereof, together with this precept; and [ I] do hereby command you, the said keeper of the said [house of correc- tion], to receive the said A. B. into your custody in the said [house of correction], there to imprison him [and keep him to hard labour] for the space of [ unless the said several sums, and the costs and charges of the commitment and conveying him to the said [house of correction], amounting to the further sum of , shall be sooner paid f]; and for your so doing, this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under [my] hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) %* Where imprisonment only is adjudged, omit the portions between Hie Utters A * B' C to D) au d E * F> an( ^ *' (e form will be applicable. If a penalty adjudged, it will suit without alteration. 2. Enforcing Orders on Complaints. 60. Minute of Order for Service under s. 17, before enforcing. (Not in Jervis's Act (a).) [Proceed as in form No. 33, ante, p. 35, to the asterisk *, stating the terms of the adjudication us in either of the following :] 1. On Dismissal. Same as form No. 33, p. 35. 2. Where Imprisonment only. That the said A. B., who does [not] appear, do [here state the matter shortly required to be done] forthwith [or "on or before the day of "], and (a) This minute should be issued in duplicate, and the time and mode of service indorsed upon it by the person who served it, and retained by the clerk to the justice. CHAP i.] Sect. 6. Enforcing Convictions and Orders. 56 on disobedience to be imprisoned, with hard labour, for , and to pay to the said C. D. for costs ; and in default of distress for that sum, the said A. B. to be imprisoned for an additional term of , unless sooner paid. 3. Where a sum of money. That the said A. B., who does [not] appear, shall forthwith [or " on or before the day of "] pay to the said C. D. the sum of , and also for costs [to be recovered by distress] ; and in default the said A . B. to be imprisoned, with hard labour, for , unless sooner paid, with the costs of [distress and] conveyance to gaol. 61. Warrant of Commitment on an Order where the Disobey- Vide s. 24 ; ing of it is punishable by Imprisonment (P '. 2). Arch. p. 165; To the constable of , and to the keeper of the [house of correc- oke'sSvn D 66 tion] at , in the said [county] of . Whereas on last past complaint was made before the undersigned [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of for that [4'C., as in the order], and afterwards, to wit, on , at the said parties appeared before me [or as it may be in the order], and thereupon having considered the matter of the said complaint, I adjudged the said A. B. to [<"> us in the order], and that if, upon a copy of the minute of that order being duly served upon the said A. B., either personally, or by leaving the same for him at his last or most usual place of abode, he should neglect or refuse to obey the same, it was adjudged that in such case the said A. B. for such his disobedience should be im- prisoned in the [house of correction] at , in the said county [and there kept to hard labour], for the space of [unless the said order should be sooner obeyed] : And whereas it is now proved to me that after the making of the said order a copy of the minute thereof was duly served upon the said A. B., but he then refused [or "neglected "] to obey the same, and hath not as yet obeyed the said order : These are therefore to com- mand you, the said constable of , to take the said A. B., and him safely to convey to the [house of correction] at aforesaid, and there to deliver him to the keeper thereof, together with this precept ; and I do hereby command you, the said keeper of the said [house of correction], to receive the said A. B. into your custody in the said [house of correction], there to imprison him [and keep him to hard labour] tor the space of , and for so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J.S. (L.S.) 62. Warrant of Distress for Costs upon an Order wliere tlie vide s. 24 (id.) Disobeying of the Order is punishable with Imprisonment To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said [county] of . Whereas on last past complaint was made before the undersigned [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of for that [Sfc., as in the order], and afterwards, to wit, on , at , the said parties appeared before me, as such justice as aforesaid [or as it may be in the order], and thereupon, having considered the matter of the said complaint, I adjudged the said A. B. to [fyc., as in the 56 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. order] ; and that if upon a copy of the minute of that order being served upon the said A. B., either personally or by leaving the same for him at his last or most usual abode, he should neglect or refuse to obey the same, I adjudged that in such case the said A. B. for such his disobe- dience should be imprisoned in the \house of correction] at , in the said [county], [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of [unless the said order should be sooner obeyed] ; and I thereby also adjudged the said A. B. to pay to the said C. D. the sum of for his costs in that behalf; and I ordered that if the said sum for costs should not be paid [forthwith], the same should be levied of the goods and chattels of the said A. B ; and in default of sufficient distress in that behalf I thereby adjudged that the said A. B. should be imprisoned in the said [house of correction], [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of , to com- mence at and from the termination of his imprisonment aforesaid, unless the said sum for costs, and all costs and charges of the said distress, and of the commitment and conveying of the said A. B. to the said [house of correction'] should be sooner paid : And whereas after the making of the said order a copy of the minute thereof was duly served upon the said A. B., but the said A. B. did not then pay, nor hath he paid the said sum of for costs, or any part thereof, but herein hath made default*: These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to make distress of the goods and chattels of the said A. B., and if within the space of days next after the making of such distress the said last-mentioned sum, together with the reasonable charges of taking and keeping the said distress, shall not be paid, that then you do sell the said goods and chattels so by you distrained, and do pay the money arising from such sale to , the clerk of the justices of the peace for the division of , in the said [county~\, that he may pay the same as by law directed, and may render the overplus, if any, on demand, to the said A. B., and if no such distress can be found, then that you certify the same unto me, to the end that such proceedings may be had therein as to the law doth appertain. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) * # * Vide forms 35 and 36, ante, indorsement to execute distress war- rant in another jurisdiction, and the constable's return of nulla bona. 63. Warrant of Commitment for Want of Distress (P. 5). [Proceed as in form 50, ante, p. 47, but reciting the form No. 62 to the asterisk *, then to the end as form 50. 64. Commitment forthwith for an additional Term for the Costs upon an Order where the Disobeying of the Order is punishable with Imprisonment on Confession of no Goods, tyc. by the Defendant. (Not in Jervis's Act.) [This would be similar to form No. 51, ante, p. 48, but reciting as directed for form 63, supra.'] CHAP, i.] Sect. 6. Enforcing Convictions and Orders. 57 65. Warrant of Commitment on an Order in the first vide s.23 ; instance (O. 2). Arch. p. 161 ; To the constable of , and to the keeper of the [house of cor- ^ u d 'P' ll *! ft ' rection] at , in the said [county-] of . Whereas on last past, complaint was made before the under- signed, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of for that [fyc., as in the order], and afterwards, to wit, on , at , the parties appeared before [me] the said justice [or as it may be in the order], and thereupon having considered the matter of the said complaint, I adjudged the said A. B. to pay to the said C. D. the sum of on or before the day of then next, and also to pay to the said C. D. the sum of for his costs in that behalf; and I also thereby adjudged that if the said several sums should not be paid on or before the day of then next, the said A. B. should be imprisoned in the [house of correction] at , in the said [county], [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of , unless the said several sums [and the costs and charges of con- veying the said A.B. to the said house of correction] should be sooner paid : And whereas the time in and by the said order appointed for the payment of the said several sums of money hath elapsed, but the said A. B. hath not paid the same or any part thereof, but therein hath made default () : These are therefore to command you, the said constable of , to take the said A. B. and him safely convey to the said [house of correction] at aforesaid, and there to deliver him to the keeper thereof, together with this precept ; and I do hereby command you the said keeper of the said [house of correction,] to receive the said A. B. into your custody in the said [house oj correction,] there to imprisoa him [and keep him to hard labour] for the space of , unless the said several sums [and costs and charges of conveying him to the said house of correc- tion, amounting to the further sum of ,] shall be sooner paid unto you the said keeper ; and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) 66. Warrant of Distress upon an Order for the Payment of vide s. 19 ; Money (N. 2). Arch. p. 152 ; To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said " U ' ' [county] of . Whereas on last past, a complaint was made before the undersigned [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of , for that [4r., as in the order], and afterwards, to wit, on at , the said parties appeared before me [or as in the order], and there- upon having considered the matter of the said complaint, I adjudged the said A. B. to [pay to the said C. D. the sum of on or before the then next], and also to pay to the said C. D. the sum of for his costs in that behalf; and I thereby ordered that if the said several sums should not be paid on or before the said then next, the same should (a) There is no mention made in this statutory form of the minute of the order being served as in forms No. 61 (P. 2), and No. 62 (P. 4) ; the words used in those forms should therefore be inserted, although s. 17 of the 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43, states that such minute shall not form any part of the warrant of commitment or of distress ; viz., " although a copy of the minute of the taid order was duly served upon the said A. B." 58 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said A. B. ; and it was adjudged that in default of sufficient distress in that behalf, the said A. B. should be imprisoned in the [house of correction] at , in the said county, [and there kept to hard labour} for the space of , un- less the said several sums, and all costs and charges of the distress, [and of the commitment and conveying of the said A. B. to the said [house of correction] ], should be sooner paid : and whereas the time in and by the said order appointed for the payment of the said several sums of and hath elapsed, but the said A. B. hath not paid the same, or any part thereof, but therein hath made default : (6)* These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to make distress of the goods and chattels of the said A. B. ; and if within the space of days after the making of such distress the said last mentioned sums, together with the reasonable charges of taking and keeping the said distress, shall not be paid, that then you do sell the said goods and chattels so by you distrained, and do pay the money arising from such sale unto , the clerk of the justices of the peace for the division of in the said [county] that he may pay and apply the same as by law directed, and may render the overplus, if any, on demand, to the said A. B. ; and if no such distress can be found, then that you certify the same unto me, to the end that such proceedings may be had therein as to the law doth ap- pertain (c). Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) Vide s. 19 (id.) 67. Commitment upon a like Order where the Distress mould be ruinous, or on Defendant confessing he has no (roods. (Not in Jervis's Act.) To the constable of the parish of $ and to the keeper of the [house of correction], at , in the said [county] of . ? Whereas on the day of , a complaint was made be- to wit. S fore the undersigned [or " J. P., Esquire,"] one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county'] of , by C. D. of &c., that A. B. of &c., did, on the day of , at the parish of , in the said [county] of , [here set out the matter of complaint as in the order], and afterwards, to wit, on the day of , the parties appeared before [me] the said justice, [or as it may be in the order], and thereupon having considered the matter of the said complaint, I adjudged the said A. B. to pay to the said C. D. the sum of , on or before the day of then next, and also pay to the said C. D. the sum of for his costs in that behalf; and I also thereby adjudged that if the said several sums should not be paid forthwith [or " on or before the day of next,"]* then inasmuch as it hath been made to appear to [me] that the issuing of a warrant of distress in this behalf would be ruinous to the said A. B. and his family, [or " that the said A. B. hath no -goods or chattels whereon to levy the said sums by distress,"] it was thereby also adjudged that the said A. B. should be imprisoned in the [common gaol] at , in the said [county] of , [and there kept to hard labour] for the space of , unless the said several sums [and the costs and charges of the commitment and convey- (6) Here insert the words referred to in note (a), ante, p. 57, as having been omitted from the form No. 65 as well as this. (c) Add here the form of direction to detain the defendant till the return of this distress warrant, as given in the note (rf) to form No. 53, ante, p. 50. CHAP, i.] Sect. 6. Enforcing Convictions and Orders. 59 ing of the said A. B. to the said [common gaol~\ should be sooner paid : and whereas although a copy of the minute of the said order was duly served upon the said A. B., the said A. B. hath made default in payment of the said sums, and hath not paid the same or any part thereof: These are therefore, &c. [conclude as form No. 54, ante, p. 50.] * Referred to in form No. 71. 68. Recognizance of a Defendant to appear on the Return of the Distress Warrant, and Notice thereof. (Not in Jervis's Act.) [This will be similar to form No. 55, ante, p. 51.] 69, 70, Indorsement in backing Distress Warrant, and Con- stable's Return of Nulla Bona. [Forms No. 35 and 36, ante, p. 36.] 71. Warrant of Commitment upon an Ordarfor Want of Distress. (Not in Jervis's Act.) [Proceed to the asterisk * inform No. 67, ante, then thus :] the same should be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said A. B.. and it was adjudged that, in default of sufficient distress in that behalf, the said A. B. should be imprisoned in the [house of correction] at in the said county of , [and there to be kept to hard labour] for the space of , unless the said several sums, and all costs and charges of the distress [and of the commitment and conveying of the said A. B. to the said [house of correction] ] should be sooner paid : and whereas after the making of the said order a copy of the minute thereof was duly served upon the said A. B., but the said A. B. did not then pay, nor hath he paid the said sum of for costs, or any part thereof, but therein hath made default; and whereas afterwards, on the day of , in the year aforesaid, I, the said justice, issued a warrant to the constable of , com- manding him to levy the said sums of and , by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said A. B., and whereas it appears to me, as well by the return of the said constable to the said warrant of distress as otherwise, that the said constable hath made diligent search for the goods and chattels of the said A. B., but that no sufficient distress whereon to levy the sums above mentioned could be found : These are therefore, &c. [conclude as inform No. 58, (N. 5), ante, p. 52.] 72. Liberate or Discharge of a Defendant from Gaol on Qke's Syn. Payment of Amount for which he was committed, fyc. (Not 2d ed. p. 55. in Jervis's Act.) ) To the keeper of the [house of correction] at , in the to wit. 1 said [county~\ of . These are to command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to dis- charge out of your custody one A.B., of, &c., if detained for no other cause than what is mentioned in the warrant of commitment dated the 60 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. day of , upon which he was taken and committed to your said custody, the sums of money therein mentioned having been duly paid. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , A. D. 1850, at in the [county] of aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) 3. Enforcing Costs on Dismissal of Information or Complaint. [The forms applicable hereto are Nos. 31, ante, p. 34, to No. 38, ante, p. 37.] XM 2. n J 4 Enforcing Costs of Conveyance to Gaol. 70 ' 7it 73. Distress Warrant on Offender's Goods. (3 Jac. 1, c. 10, s. 1.) (Not in Jervis's Act.) \ To the constable of the parish of , in the [county] of to wit. i . Whereas by warrant under the hand and seal of me, J. S., Esquire, one [or " us J. S. and F. G. Esquires, two"] of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county] of , bearing date the day of last, A. B., of &c. was committed to the [house of correction] at , in the said [county] of , for [here state the offence as in the commit- ment], he, the said A. B., having means or ability to bear his own reason- able charges for so conveying or sending him to the said [house of correc- tion], and the charges of those appointed to guard him thither : and whereas M. N., constable of the parish of , in the [county] of aforesaid, who in obedience to such warrant conveyed the said A. B. to the said [house of correction], hath made oath before me [us] the said jus- tice, that the said A. B. refused at the time of his commitment and send- ing to the said [house of correction] to defray the said charges of convey- ing him as aforesaid, and did not then pay nor hath since paid the same, which said charges amount to the sum of : These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to make distress of such and so much of the goods and chattels of the said A. B. as shall satisfy and pay the said sum of , being the charges aforesaid, the appraisement to be made by four of the honest inhabitants of the parish where such goods and chattels shall be ; and I [we] do hereby order and direct the goods and chattels so to be distrained to be sold and disposed of at the expiration of four days from the time of taking such distress, unless the said sum of , together with the reasonable charges of taking and keeping such distress, shall become paid, returning the overplus, if any, on demand, to the said A. B.; and if no sufficient distress can be found, then that you certify the same unto me [us] to the end that such further proceedings may be had thereon as to the law doth appertain. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) CHAP, i.] Sect. 6. Enforcing Convictions and Orders. 61 74. Gaoler's Receipt for a Defendant, (a) (Not in Jervis's Act.) County of\ I hereby certify, that I have this day received from M. N., > the constable of the parish of , the body of A. B , together to wit. ) with a warrant under the hand and seal of J. S. Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the [county] of ; and that the said A. B. was sober at the time he was so delivered into my custody. Dated this day of , 1850, o'clock. C. O. Keeper of the common gaol at . To Messrs. I. J. & B., Clerks to the justices of the N. division. 75. Committing- Justice's Order on the County Treasurer for Constable's Expenses of conveying a Defendant to Gaol (27 Geo. 2, c. 3, s. 1), mith Variation where amount included in the Commitment under Jervis's Act (11 < 12 Viet. c. 43), and not paid. (Not in Jervis's Act.) To Thomas Hall Fisher, Esq., treasurer of the said [county~] of . County of 1 Whereas application hath been this day made to me, the 5 undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and to wit. 3 for the [county~\ aforesaid, by M.N., one of the constables of the parish of , in the same [county] of , to allow of the reason- able expenses of his conveying A. B. to the common gaol at [Chesterton], in and for the said [county'], who was by me committed to the said gaol on the day of , from N. [14 miles] for [state the ojfence shortly'] ; and [it having been duly made appear to me, the said justice, that the said A. B. hath not money nor goods within the said [county] sufficient to bear the charges of h self and those who conveyed h to the said gaol, and] I having examined into the expenses thereof, and made due enquiry into the premises, do hereby ascertain and allow the reason- able expenses thereof at the sum of pound, shillings and pence, which I hereby order and require you, the treasurer of the said [county], forthwith to pay to the said M. N. [the said sum of having been inserted in the warrant of commitment for the offence aforesaid, and the said A. B. having been imprisoned for the full term therein ordered, without paying the amount thereof (6) ]. Given under my hand and seal this day of , in the year of our Lord 1850. J. S. (L. s.) N. B. Indorse on the back the constable's receipt for the amount. (a) This receipt is similar to that contained in the 1 1 & 12 Viet. c. 42, (Indictable Offences,) and required to be given by ihe gaoler; no such receipt is required in summary convictions and orders ; the receipts are kept by the justice's clerk, and on which he should indorse the amount of the order made on the county treasurer. It is recommended that the gaoler should not give this receipt till after the expiration of the defendant's imprisonment, in cases where the costs of his conveyance to gaol are included in his commitment; and if de- fendant pays such costs, the gaolor should certify on the back of the receipt that the defendant has paid them ; ihe constable would then produce such receipt and certificate to the magistrate's clerk, who would obtain payment of the amount from the gaoler and pay the constable, instead of an order being made on the county treasurer, for the gaoler is by the 31st sect, of 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43, re- quired to pay all sums received by him forthwith to the magistrate's clerk. (6) When this last paragraph between brackets is to remain, omit the previous portion between brackets. Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. se o -. . "fcj O i: .2 p u O Reasons of Nonpayment or other Observations. correction."^ Reasons of Nonpayment or other bservations. m * a) a) o js o ~ o ||^ 1 | ^1 1 $ gt2 "2 J2 >* o " : b bo c 1 a, J> o bS ** o's 2 t M r-n o | to 1 s Names of convicting Magistrates o JS 1 a ! !l 1 s- iT| .s 1 g (X rt S " R o 1' 3 4-> 01 C3 O , 3 ~e l| Punishment when Fine not paid. e above gaol ** .j ^> * * l rt e %, ^ . s -5 s o > ^ a 5 > o S 0^ . QJ -2 -^ a * -^3 S 5 a TO j^ 2 S. (S O) PENALTI eeper oft? y sessions < is c O'fl jiji *c k ^^ a. r3 C-* .s- i i rH o'y " * " S, o &.! fc 2 s ! o ^-5 M O s *^ * > o o oo M^ .> 1 1 *" *^x o L 1 je o t> -a 4 *T CD t*> ^"i 3"^ ^ ".- ^ S, 0^ en . > f^ g 3 (S , |--f "g. o "" S &C <;.S s fe o S % B -.SB, S -g ft SJ r ft, ftl OQ 'S ' o o o n S *s 8 O 5* ^i "s g 111 a '5 > * J H * to ^ D >, 'a S g ^"3 c .H S J s N^ m c > o .> . "*- t> o " ' j .8 &. K no S |l C* c"o , 3 St3 M 'S 6 lilS g'S-S I i S' - '^"c ^ : n 1! - 9> Cl *^ '3 o> 6 5 d $ " 3 -o 1 1 Op 5 1 O "1> ^ ** " oT I^Isl 1 ^1 1^ 0> 1 q> O Z ^ ^ Q^ u O) ^ ** o .2 43 *3 3 3 3 -= s- s -l c 2 is"5 Q S f,^ 1 ^ w z ' 3944 ill ^ o S}!ld3i .. " w -2J S x. CHAP, i.] Sect. 8. Of Appeal, #c. 63 SECT. 8. OF APPEAL, &c. 78. Notice of Appeal against a Conviction. (Not in Jervis's Act.) (d) To C. D. of &c., and [the names and additions of the parties to whom the notice of appeal is required to be given.] Take notice, that I the undersigned A. B., of &c., do intend to enter and prosecute an appeal at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at , in and for the [coimfy] of , against a certain conviction [or " order"] bearing date on or about the day of instant, and made by [you] J. S., Esquire, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county] of [or " for the counties of Cam- bridge and Suffolk, being adjoining counties"] whereby I the said A. B. was convicted of having [or " was ordered to pay "] [here state the offence as in the conviction, information or summons; or the amount ad- judged to be paid, as in the order, as correctly as possible] : And further, take notice that the grounds of my appeal are, first, that I am not gnilty of the said offence ; secondly, that the formal conviction drawn up and returned to the sessions is not in law sufficient to support the said con- viction of me the said A. B. [together with any other grounds, care being taken that all are stated, as the appellant will be precluded from going into any other than those stated.] Dated this day of , 1850. A. B. MEM. If this notice be given by several defendants, or by an attorney, it can easily be adapted. 79. Recognizance to try the Appeal, fyc. (Not in Jervis's Act.) [Proceed as in the form of recognizance, No. 13, ante, p. 28 (E), stating the condition thus:] The condition of the within- written recognizance is such, that if the said A. B. shall, at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at , in and for the said [county] of , enter and prosecute an appeal against a certain conviction bearing date the day of instant, and made by me the said justice, whereby he the said A. B. was convicted, for that he the said A. B. did on the day of , at the parish of , in the said [county] of [here set out the offence as stated in the conviction] ; and further, that if the said A. B. shall abide by and duly perform the order of the court to be made upon the trial of such appeal, then the said recognizance to be void, or else to remain in full force and virtue. (rf) Vide " Foot's edition of the General and Quarter Sessions Courts Pro- cedure Act" (12 & 13 Viet. c. 45), as to its application to summary convictions and orders, and the requirements as to grounds of appeal, &c. 64 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. 80. Notice of such Recognizance to be given to the Defendant (Appellant) and his Surety. (Not in Jervis's Act.) Take notice, that you, A. B., are bound in the sum of pounds, and you, L. M. [and N. O.] in the sum of [each], that you the said A. B., at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to he holden at , in and for the said [county'] of , enter and prosecute an appeal against a conviction dated the day of instant, whereby you, A. B., were convicted of [stating offence shortly'], and abide by and perform the order of the court, to be made upon the trial of such appeal ; and unless you prosecute such appeal accordingly, the recognizance entered into by you will forthwith be levied on you. Dated this day of , 1850. J. S. Vide sect. 27 j Arch. p. 174; Saund. p. 122; Oke's Syn. p. 76. Vide sect. 27, (id.) 81. Certificate of Clerk of the Peace that the Costs of an Appeal are not paid (R). Office of the clerk of the peace for the [county'] of . [Title of the Appeal.] I hereby certify that at a court of general quarter sessions of the peace holden at , in and for the said [county] on last past, an appeal by A. B. against a conviction [or "order"] of J. S. Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county], came on to be tried, and was then heard and determined, and the said court of general quarter sessions thereupon ordered that the said conviction [or " order"] should be confirmed [or " quashed"] and that the said [appellant] should pay to the said [respondent] the sum of for his costs incurred by him in the said appeal, and which sum was thereby ordered to be paid to the clerk of the peace of the said county on or before the day of instant, to be by him handed over to the said [respondent] ; and I further certify that the said sum for costs has not, nor has any part thereof, been paid in obedience to the said order. Dated the day of , 184 . [Signature.] [Deputy] clerk of the peace. 82. Warrant of Distress for Costs of an Appeal against a Conviction or Order (S. 1). To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said [county] of . Whereas [fyc., as in the warrants of distress, No. 53, ante, p. 50, or No. 65, ante, to the end of the statement of the conviction or order, and then thus:] And whereas the said A. B. appealed to the court of general quarter sessions of the peace for the said [county] against the said con- viction [or " order"], in which appeal the said A. B. was the appellant, and the said C. D. [or " J. S., Esquire, the justice of the peace who made the said conviction or order"] was the respondent, and which said appeal came on to be tried, and was heard and determined, at the last general quarter sessions of the peace for the said county holden at on , and the said court of general quarter sessions thereupon ordered that the said conviction [or " order"] should be confirmed [or " quashed"], and that the said [appellant] should pay to the said [respondent] the sum of for his costs incurred by him in the said appeal, which said sum was to be paid to the clerk of the peace of the said [county] on or before the CHAP, i.] Sect. 8. Of Appeal, $c. 65 day of one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, to be by him handed over to the said C. D. : And whereas the [deputy'] clerk of the peace of the said [county] hath, on the day of instant, duly certified that the said sum for costs had not then been paid : * These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to make distress of the goods and chattels of the said [A. B.], and if within the space of days next after the making of such distress the said last-mentioned sum, together with the reasonable charges of taking and keeping the said distress, shall not be paid, that then you do sell the said goods and chattels so by you distrained, and do pay the money arising from such sale to , the clerk of the justices of the peace for the division of in the said [county], that he may pay and apply the same as by law directed, and if no such distress can be found, then that you certify the same unto me, to the end that such proceedings may be had therein as to the law doth appertain. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord at , in the [county~\ aforesaid. J.N. (L. s.) 83. Warrant of Commitment for Want of Distress in the Vide sect. 27 ; last Case (S. 2). Ar ch. P- * 74 ; Saund. p. 122; To the constable of , and to the keeper of the [Iiouse of cor- Qke's Syn. rection] at in the said [county'] of . p. 76. Whereas [* aS* 2nd *' A PP rentice misbehaving (6). (20 Geo. 2, c. 19,8.4; 4 Geo. 4, c. 34, Offence 1.' ?' i r 4 Ge ' 4 ' C> 29 ' St ^ : ~ then bein S an apprentice to the said C. D. in his trade of a , upon whose binding out no premium [or no larger sum than twenty-five pounds, to wit, the sum of ten pounds only] was paid [or contracted to be paid], and being then and there employed as such apprentice at the said parish of , was then and there in the service of his said apprenticeship guilty of a certain misdemeanor [or miscarriage, or certain ill behaviour] by then and there refusing to (a) Some stages of the proceedings under this title were supposed, in the second edition of "The Magisterial Synopsis," not to be within the provisions of Jerviss Act (11 & 12 Viet. c. 43). Vide Mr. Archbold's opinion to the contrary, 2nd edition, p. 138, note. Those processes which are within that statute are here adapted to the general forms or outlines given in it. (6) If the complaint be not made by the master, say, E. F. of F., the steward [or manager or agent] of C. D. of, $r. CHAP, ii.] APPRENTICES. 73 work [or disobeying the lawful commands of the said C. D., his master, Oke's Synop. setting out the particular work or command, as the case may be~\, [or by * nc * e P* ^ then and there absconding from the said C. D.'s service without his con- sent and without just cause], contrary, &c. Form to be used in enforcing the Conviction. (No. 41 (I. 3), ante, p. 39] ; Commitment, No. 48 (P. 1), ante, p. 46, and for costs, Distress Warrant, No. 49 (P. 3) 51, pp. 4648. 2. Warrant or Discharge of Apprentice instead of Committal. (20 Geo. 2, c. 19, s. 4 ) To C. D. of, &c. and A. B. of, &c. Proceed as in general form of commitment, No. 48 (P. 1), ante, p. 46, by reciting A. B.'s conviction of the offence in Form 1, supra, to the adjudication, and then thus: and we the said justices do order and adjudge that you the said A. B. be forthwith discharged from your ap- prenticeship to you the said C. D., and from the indentures in that behalf between you; and we the said justices do by this our warrant discharge you the said A. B. accordingly, and do hereby certify the same in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided.* Given under our hands and seals, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) J. P. (t. s.) 3. Order to refund Part of Premium where Apprentice discharged. (4 Geo. 4, c. 29, s. 2.)] This may be made a part of the original order of discharge, form No. 2, supr-a, by inserting at the asterisk * : And we the said justices, taking into consideration the circumstances under which you the said A. B. are so discharged, do hereby further order and adjudge *, in pursuance of the same statute, that you the said C. D. shall forth- with [or on or before the day of next] refund and pay to the said A. B. the sum of , being the whole [or part] of the premium paid upon the binding or placing out of you the said A. B. as such apprentice, [and also the sum of for his costs in this behalf], and if the said several sums be not paid forthwith [follow to the end of form No. 44, ante, p. 42.] 4. Distress Warrant upon Master's Goods for Premium ordered to be refunded. To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said [county'] of . Whereas by a certain order under the hands and seals of , two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of , bear- ing date the day of , reciting that, &c. [recite A. B.'s conviction as in the general form of commitment, No. 48 (P. 1), ante, p. 46, down to the adjudication, then thus :] and the said justices did thereby order and adjudge that the said A. B. be forthwith discharged from his apprentice- ship to the said C. D., and from the indentures in that behalf between them, and the said justices did, by that their warrant, discharge the said A. B. accordingly, and did thereby certify the same in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided ; and taking into consideration the circumstances under which the said A, B. was so discharged, they the said justices did thereby further order and adjudge [follow to the end of form 3, supra, from the second asterisk *, then say, of which said order 74 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke'sSvnoo the said C. D. had due notice; then recite non-payment :] These are 2nd ed. p. 256. therefore, &c. [follow to the end of form No. 53 (N. 1), ante, p. 50.] N.B. This warrant should be signed and sealed in petty sessions. 5. Commitment in Default of Distress.] This can be easily adapted from the form No. 4, supra, and form No. 58 (N. 5), ante, p. 52. 6. Order abating Wages of Apprentice. (4 Geo. 4, c. 34, s. 1.)] Proceed as in form No. 2, then thus : And we the said justices do order and adjudge that the sum of - , [part of] the wages due and payable from the said C. D. to the said A. B., as such his apprentice, shall be abated therefrom, and we do abate the same accordingly. Given, &c. [as form No. 2, ante, p. 73.] Id. Offence 2. Id. OffenceS. 7. Complaint for Misbehaviour of Parish Apprentice. (32 Geo. 3, c. 57, s. 13.)] then being an apprentice to the said C. D. in his trade of a -- , and bound as such apprentice to him by the parish of -- , in the [county] aforesaid, and upon which binding out no premium, &c. [con- clude as inform No. 1, ante, p. 72.] 8. Discharge of Parish Apprenticed] This will be the same as form No. 2, ante, but reciting the offence as altered by form No. 7, supra. 9. Commitment of Parish Apprentice in addition to his Discharge. (Id.)] This will be the same as the general form No. 48, (P. 1), ante, p. 46, and after reciting his conviction, recite the adjudication of discharge, and then the imprisonment.] 10. Complaint of Apprentice absenting and refusing to make Satisfaction to his Master. (6 Geo. 3, c. 25, s. 1.)] then being an apprentice to the said C. D. in his trade of a - , and with whom he the said C. D. did not receive the sum of ten pounds, and before the term of his appren- ticeship was expired, absent himself from the service of the said C. D., his said master, without his leave, and that he the said A. B. hath since, to wit, on the - day of - , at - , refused to serve the said C. D., his said master, and hath then and there refused to make satisfaction to the said C. D. for the loss he hath sustained by the said absence of him the said A. B. from the service of the said C. D., his said master as afore- said, contrary, &c. 11. Order or Determination of the Justice as to the Amount of Satisfac- tion. (Id.)] Proceed us inform of order No. 45, (K.2), ante, p. 43, reciting the complaint No. 1 0, supra, and after the amount ordered say, as satisfaction for the loss so by the said C. D. sustained as aforesaid, by reason of the said absence of the said A. B. from the service of the said C. D. as aforesaid, then to the end. 12. Commitment of Apprentice on refusing to make Satisfaction on Justices' Determination (Id.)] Proceed us in general form No. 65, (0. 2), ante, p. 57, reciting complaint No. 10, and order No. 11, supra, with the fact of non-payment, then thus : And whereas the said A. B. hath not given security to make such satisfaction, according to the said adjudication, determination and order of me the said justice as aforesaid: CHAP, ii.] APPRENTICES. 75 These are therefore, &c. [then follow to the end of general form No. 61, Oke's Synop. (P. 2), ante, p. 55.] 2d ed. p. 256. II. OFFENCES BY MASTERS. 13. Complaint for Misusage, Refusal of Provisions, Cruelty, fyc. (20 Id. Offence 4. Geo. 2, c. 19, s. 3 ; 4 Geo. 4, c. 29, ss. 1, 2, and 33 Geo. 3, c. 55, s. 1.)] misuse and illtreat the said C. D. [or was guilty of cruelty to the said C. D., or as the, case may be], by then and there turning the said C. D. out of his house without just cause, and refusing to receive him again when thereunto requested, [or, by then and there refusing to teach the said C. D. the trade of a , as he could and ought to have done], [or, by then and there requiring the said C. D. to work for an un- reasonable time, to wit, fifteen hours a day, and threatening to punish the said C. D. if he refused so to do], [or, by then and there requiring the said C. D. to do other work than that of his trade of a , to wit, [state the work re- quired], and beating him for refusing so to do], he the said C. D. being then and there an apprentice to the said A. B. in his trade of a *, and no premium [or the sum of only] having been paid [or contracted to be paid] upon his binding out as such apprentice, and being then and there employed as such apprentice at the said parish of , contrary, &c. 14. Warrant or Certificate of Discharge of Apprentice, (20 Geo. 2, c. 19, s. 3), and Order for refunding Premium, (4 Geo. 4, c. 29, s. 2.)] This will be the same as form No. 3, ante, p. 73, adapting it to the complaint No. 13, supra. 15. Distress Warrant upon Master's Goods for Premium ordered to be refunded.] This will be the same as form No. 4, ante, p. 73. 16. Commitment in Default of Distress.] This will be the same as Form No. 5, ante, p. 74. 17. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Money Penalty, under 33 Geo. 3, c. 55, s. 1. (Conviction, No. 39 (I. I), ante, p. 38] ; Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 5052. 18. Complaint for Misusage, Sfc. of Parish Apprentices. (32 Geo. 3, c. Id. Offence 5. 57, s. 11.) Proceed as in Form No. 13, supra, and insert at the aste- risk * and bound as such apprentice to the said A. B. by the parish of , in the county of aforesaid. 19. Order discharging Apprentice, and to Master to pay Sum for again placing out Apprentice, to deliver up Clothes, and Sum of Money on refusal. (32 Geo. 3, c. 57, s. 11.)] Proceed as in Form No. 2, ante, p. 73, adapt- ing it to the complaint, No. 18, supra, to the end, then thus: And we the said justices do further order and adjudge that the said A. B. shall, on , 7g Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. deliver up to the said C. D. all his clothes and wearing apparel now in the 2nd eel. p. 256. possession and under the control of the said A. B., or in case the said A. B. shall refuse to deliver up the same, then that the said A. B. shall pay unto the said C. D. the sum of : And we the said justices do further order and adjudge that the said A. B. shall forthwith pay unto the church- wardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of aforesaid (to which parish the said C. D. doth belong), or to some or one of them, the sum of , to be by them, or some or one of them, applied for the again placing and binding out the said C. D. or otherwise, as by an order in that behalf, to be hereafter made, they shall be ordered and directed, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided : And if the said several sums be not paid forthwith, [follow to the end of form No. 44, ante, p. 42.] 20. Distress Warrant thereon.'] Same as Form No. 15, ante, p. 75. 21. Commitment in Default.] Same as Form No. 16, ante, p. 75. 22. Forms to be used in enforcing the Money Penalty under 33 Geo. 3, c. 55, s. 1.] Same as No. 17, ante, p. 75. 23. Application of Master previous to Discharge of Parish Appren- tice where Master is insolvent, 4' c - (32 Geo. 3, c. 57, s. 8).] that one A. B. of , was, on the day of , in the year of our Lord , bound an apprentice to this complainant the said C. D., in his trade of a , by the parish of , in the [county] of aforesaid, and now is such apprentice, and that he the said C. D. has lately become insolvent [or is so reduced in his circumstances as to be unable to employ and maintain the said apprentice A. B.] and therefore he, the said C. D., requests that the said A. B. be discharged from his apprenticeship, 24. Discharge of Apprentice thereon. (Id.)] Proceed by reciting ap- plication No. 23, then: And we J. L. and J. P., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the said [county'] of , at , in the same [county'], this day of , in the year of our Lord , having duly inquired into the matters of the said al- legations in the said application of the said C. D. the said master, and finding the same to be true, do hereby adjudge that the said A. B. be forthwith discharged from his apprenticeship to the said C. D., and from the indentures in that behalf between them; and we the said justices do by this our warrant discharge him the said A. B. accordingly. Given under our hands and seals this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county! aforesaid. J. L. (L.S.) J. P. (L. s.) 25. Recognizance of Overseers of the Poor to prosecute by Indictment a Muster for llltreatment of a Parish Apprentice. (32 Geo. 3, c. 57, s - .I 1 -)] Proceed in the General Form No. 13, (E.), ante, p. 28, the con- dition being : The condition of the within-written recognizance is such, that whereas C. D. of &c. hath this day made complaint on oath before us, that A. B. of &c. [here- xlate the complaint of ill treatment by the master], if therefore they the said E. F. and G. H., as such overseers as aforesaid, do and shall produce the said C. D. or other material evidence, and ap- CHAP, ii.] APPRENTICES ASSAULT. 77 pear at the next court of oyer and terminer or general gaol delivery, [or Oke's Synop. court of general quarter sessions of the peace,] and there prefer or 2nd ed. p. 256 cause to be preferred a bill of indictment for the offence aforesaid against the said A. B., and there also duly prosecute such indictment, then the said recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue. 26. Master wilfully abandoning a Parish Apprentice and removing 1 Arch. J. P. above 40 Miles. (56 Geo. 3, c. 139, s. 8.)] being a person to whom a 4th ed. p. 104. child named J. Y. had been before then bound apprentice by the over- seers of the poor of the parish of , and whilst the said J. Y. was so hound to him 'as aforesaid, did on the day of last past, and within three calendar months next before the information in this behalf was exhibited, remove his residence to M. in the county of N., being forty miles and upwards from the parish wherein he the said A. B. resided when the said J. Y. was so bound apprentice as aforesaid, and took the said J. Y. to M. aforesaid, without an order in that behalf being made by two justices of the peace, either for the continuance of the said ap- prentice with the said A. B., or for the discharge of such apprentice, or for the binding or assigning of such apprentice to any other person [or did wilfully abandon and leave the said J. Y. without giving a written notice to the churchwardens or overseers of the poor of the said parish in which the said J. Y. then resided, of his the said A. B.'s intention to remove his residence or establishment of business, pursuant to the statute in that case made and provided,] contrary, &c. 27. Neglecting to perform Conditions of Indenture inserted by Poor ,., , , . Law Commissioners. (7 & 8 Viet. c. 101, s. 12.)] being a person to whom . g*i a child named J. Y. had been before then duly bound apprentice by in- offences 1 2. dentures by the guardians of the N. union, in the counties of C. and S. pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, did then and there wilfully refuse [or neglect] to perform certain terms [or certain con- ditions] inserted in the said indentures, under and by virtue of a certain order of the Poor Law Commissioners prescribed in that behalf to be in- serted in indentures for binding out poor children, by then and there [here negative the condition or terms'], contrary, &c. 28. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction. (No. 39, (1. 1), ante, p. 38 ; for the offences described in Forms No. 26, 27] ; Dis- tress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (^N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 5052. ASSAULT. 1. Common Assault or Battery. (9 Geo. 4, c. 31, s. 27.)] unlawfully jj offence assault and beat [or assault only'] one [or the said] C. D., contrary, &c. 2. Certificate of Dismissal of Complaint."] This would be as the general form No. 32 (M.), ante, p. 34, but in the plural number, and adding at the conclusion: as we deemed the offence not proved, [or we found the assault and battery to have been justified, or we found the assault to have been so trifling as not to merit any punishment.] 3. General Form to be used in enforcing the. Conviction. (No. 40, (I. 2), ante, p. 39] ; Commitment, Form No. 52, (O. 1), ante, p. 49. 78 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke'sSynop. 4. To prevent Seamen, SfC. from Working. (Id. s. 26.)] unlawfully 2nd ed. p. 84. and with force hinder one [or the said] C. D., a seaman, [or keelman, as Id.Offences2,3. the case may be,"] [or unlawfully beat one C. D. a seaman, &c. with intent thereby then and there to deter and hinder him the said C. D. from working at or exercising his said lawful trade, business, and occupation of seaman [or as the case may be] as aforesaid,] contrary, &c. Id. Offence 4. 5. To prevent Sale of Corn, fyc. (Id.)] unlawfully beat one [or the said] C. D., with intent thereby then and there to deter and hinder him the said C. D. from selling [or buying] certain wheat in the market of , in the said county, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 5. 6. To stop Conveyance of Corn, fyc. (Id.)] unlawfully beat one [or the said] C. D., he the said C. D. then and there having the care and charge of certain wheat whilst on its way to the market town of , in the county aforesaid, with intent thereby then and there to stop the con- veyance of the said wheat, contrary, &c. 7. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Convictions.] No. 41, (1.3), ante, p. 39, described in Forms Nos. 4, 5, and 6; Commitment, No. 48 (P.), ante, p. 46, and for Costs, No. 4951, ante, p. 4648. Id. Offence 6. 8. Assault on Board a Ship. (7 & 8 Viet. c. 112, s. 44.)] On &c. at , in the kingdom of , did unlawfully assault and beat [or as- sault only] one [or the said] C. D., the said C. D. then and there being on board a certain ship belonging to one E. F., a subject of her Majesty, and now arrived [or touched] at the port of , in the territory of , near which I the said justice reside, contrary, &c. 9. General Form to be used in enforcing the Conviction. (No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39] ; Commitment, No. 52 (O. 1), ante, p. 49. BEERHOUSES. I. Offences against the Licence. II. Offences as to Hours. III. Other Offences. IV. Proceedings against Sureties of Beerhouse Keeper. V. Proceedings on Appeal against Conviction for a Third Offence. I. OFFENCES AGAINST THE LICENCE. P- 86. 1. For mixing Drugs, Sfc. in Beer, Sfc. (1 Will. 4, c. 64, s. 13.)] Offence 1. being then and there a beerhouse keeper, and duly licensed to sell beer, ale and porter by retail [not] to be drunk and consumed in his house and premises there situate, under the provisions of the statutes in that case made and provided,* was then and there guilty of disorderly conduct : [or did transgress and neglect, or was a party in transgressing and neglecting, or did allow to be transgressed and neglected, the conditions and provisions specified in the said licence of the said house and premises] : for that he the said A. B. did then and there* mix [or cause to be CHAP, ii.] BEERHOUSES. 79 mixed] a certain drug [or pernicious ingredient!, to wit in certain Oke's Synop. beer [or ale, porter, cyder or perry], then and there being in a certain 2nd ed. p. 86. cask in the said house and premises so licensed as aforesaid, against the tenor of his said licence, and contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided. N.B. In describing the place of committing the offence, show it to be " within the division of ." 2. Diluting or adulterating Liquor. (Id.)] Proceed as No. 1, supra, Id. Offence 2. to the second asterisk*, and then thus: fraudulently dilute [or deteriorate, or adulterate] with water [or as the case may be,] certain beer [or ale, porter, cyder, or perry], to wit, one gallon of beer, against, &c. [conclude as form No. 1.] 3. Selling adulterated Liquor. (Id.)] Proceed as No. 1, supra, to the Id. Offence 3. second asterisk *, and then : sell to one E. F. certain beer [or as the case may be], to wit, one gallon of beer, which had been theretofore fraudu- lently diluted [or deteriorated, or adulterated,] by some person unknown [or by the said A. B.], mixing therewith a certain quantity of a certain drug [or as the case may be], to wit, a quart of , he the said A. B. then and there well knowing that the said beer had been so fraudulently diluted [or as the case may be], against, &c. 4. Not using Standard Measure. (Id.)] Proceed as in form No. 1 to Id. Offence 4. the second asterisk *, and then:] in selling to one E. F. a certain quantity of beer, to wit, one gallon, use a certain measure as a gallon which was not then and there of the legal standard, but, on the contrary, was then and there less, to wit, one pint less than the legal standard, against, &c. 5. Permitting Drunkenness. (Id.)] Proceed as inform No. 1 to the Id - Offence 5. second asterisk *, and then describe offence as in Jorm No. 4, tit. Ale- houses, ante, p. 66. 6. Permitting disorderly Conduct. (Id.)] Proceed as inform No. 1 to the second asterisk*, and then describe offence as inform No. 5, tit. Alehouses, ante, 67. 7. Suffering unlawful Games. (Id.)] Proceed to the second asterisk * Id. Offence 6. in No. 1, supra, and then describe the offence as inform No. 6, tit. Ale- houses, ante, p. 67. 8. Suffering Gaming. (Id.)] Proceed to the second asterisk* in No. 1, supra, and then describe offence as inform No. 7, tit. Alehouses, ante, p. 67. 9. Permitting Persons of notoriously bad Character to assemble. (Id.)] Id. Offence 7. Proceed to the second asterisk* in No. 1, and then describe offence as in No. 8, tit. Alehouses, ante, p. 67. 10. Not maintaining good order. (Id.)] Proceed to the second aste- Id p. 88. risk* in No. 1, and then describe the offence as in either of the forms No. Offence 8. 1 1 and 15, tit. Alehouses, ante, pp. 67, 68. 11. Summons to Defendant.] This would be in the usual form No. 8 (A), ante, p. 26. By sect. 10 of 4 & 5 Will. 4, c. 85, the justice may re- quire the party to produce his licence for the aforegoing offences : there might be added at the end of the summons these words : " And have you 80 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. Oke's Synop. then and there your said licence to be by you produced at the hearing of the 2nd ed. said information." 12. Forms 1o be used in enforcing the Conviction.'] No. 39 (1. 1), ante, p. 38; Distress Warrant, $c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 5052, to be issued after seven days from conviction. The conviction should show it to have taken place before the justices " acting in petty sessions in and for the division of , in the same county;" and if a second or third offence, the averment of the previous conviction, as shown in the general consolidated form, No. 42, ante, p. 40. 13. Adjudication disqualifying Offender from selling Beer, fyc.for Two Years, on conviction for a Third offence. (1 Will. 4, c. 64, s. 13.)] Proceed in the usual manner in the conviction No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38, with the adjudication of the penalty and its recovery, then add: And we the said justices do hereby further adjudge that the said A. B. shall be dis- qualified from selling beer, ale, porter, cyder and perry by retail, for the space of two years next ensuing the date hereof. \_lf the justices think fit] : And also we do hereby further adjudge that no beer, &c. shall be sold by retail by any person or persons whomsoever in the house an;l premises mentioned in the said licence of the said A. B. Id. Offence 12. p. 88. Id. Id. Id. II. OFFENCES AS TO HOURS. 14. Keeping open after Eleven o'clock at Night within the Bills of Mortality. (3 & 4 Viet. c. 61, s. 15.)] Proceed to the. first asterisk * in form No. 1, ante, p. 78, and then thus: did keep open his said house and premises so licensed as aforesaid for the sale of beer after the hour of eleven of the clock at night, to wit, at o'clock at night, in the said parish of , and the said house and premises not being within the cities of London or Westminster, or within the boundaries of any of the boroughs of Marylebone, Finsbury, the Tower Hamlets, Lambeth or Southwark, as defined by the statute in that behalf*, but being within the bills of mortality, against, &c. 15. The like, within a Town Corporate or Place containing a Population exceeding 2500. (Id.)] Proceed to the first asterisk* inform No. 1, ante, p. 78, then to the second asterisk* in form No. 14, supra, and then thus: but being within the town corporate [or city, cinque port, or parish] of , the population of which, according to the last parlia- mentary census, exceeds two thousand five hundred persons, against, &c. 16. The like, within a country parish containing a Population exceed- ing 2500. (Id.)'] Proceed to the first asterisk * inform No. 1, ante, p. 78, then to the second asterisk* inform No. 14, supra, and then thus: but the said parish of , having a population, according to the last par- liamentary census, exceeding two thousand five hundred persons, against, &c. 17. The like, within a Mile from a Polling Place for a Town having 2500 Inhabitants. (Id.)] Proceed to the first asterisk* in F arm No. 1, ante p. 78, then to the second asterisk * in Form No. 14, supra, and then thus: but the said house and parish being within one mile, measured as directed by the statute in such case made and provided, from a certain polling place, to wit, , used at the last election for the [town] of , the same [town] having a population which, according to the last par- CHAP, ii.] BEERHOUSES. 81 liamentary census, exceeding 2500 persons, and returning a member [or Oke's Synop. members] to serve in parliament, against, &c. 2nd ed. p. 88. 18. Keeping open after Ten o'Clockat Night in other Places. (Id.)] Pro- Offence 13. ceed to the first asterisk * in Form No. 1, ante, p. 78, and then : did keep open his said house and premises, so licensed as aforesaid for the sale of beer, after the hour of ten o'clock at night, to wit, at o'clock at night, the said parish of , and the said house and premises not being within the cities of London or Westminster, or within the boundaries of any of the boroughs of Marylebone, Finsbury, the Tower Hamlets, Lam- beth or Southwark, as defined by the statute in that behalf, and not being within the bills of mortality, and the said house of the said A. B. not being within any city, cinque port, town corporate, parish or place, the population of which, according to the last parliamentary census, exceeds 2500 persons, and not being within one mile, measured as directed by the statute in such case made and provided, from any polling place used at the last election for any town having the like population, and returning a member [or members] to serve in parliament, against, &c. 19. Selling or retailing Beer during the Times mentioned in Forms No. 14 to 18, supra. (Id.)] Proceed to the first asterisk * in Form No. 1, ante, p. 78 : did sell to one E. F. a certain quantity of beer [or as the case may be~\, to wit, one quart, after [or before] the hour, &c. [conclude as either of those forms, or Form No. 20, infra7\ 20. Keeping open before Five o' Clock in the Morning. (Id.)] Pro- ceed to the first asterisk* in the Form No. 1, ante, p. 78, and then : did keep open his said house and premises, so licensed as aforesaid for the sale of beer, before the hour of five o'clock in the morning, to wit, at o'clock, against, &c. 21. Keeping open during the Time Alehouses closed (i. e. now the After- jj^ Offence 14. noon Divine Service.) (Id.)] Proceed to the first asterisk * in Form- No. 1, ante, p. 78, and then describe the offence as in Form No. 9, tit. Alehouses, ante, 67. 22. Opening House or selling before Half-past Twelve o'Clock on ic. in Beer sold. (Id.)] . Proceed to the first 30, 3J. asterisk* in Form No. 1, ante, p. 78, and then thus : did then and there mix [or cause to be mixed] three ounces of a certain drug [or pernicious ingredient] called , with the ale in a certain cask in his said house and premises, one gallon of which said ale the said A.B. afterwards, to wit, on the day of , then and there in his said house and pre- mises did sell to one E. F., contrary, &c. Id. Offences 41. Fraudulently diluting or adulterating Beer. (Id.)] Proceed to 32, 33. the first asterisk* in Form No. 1, ante, p. 78, and then thus: did then and there fraudulently dilute [or adulterate] certain ale in a certain cask in his said house and premises, by then and there mixing a certain quan- tity, to wit, one gallon of water therewith, one gallon of which said ale the said A. B. afterwards, to wit, on the day and year last aforesaid, then and there in his said house and premises did sell to one E. F , contrary, &c. 42. Adjudication on a second Offence, described in Forms Nos. 39, 40, 41, supra, disqualifying for Two Years. (Id.)] This will be the same as the first portion of Form No. 13, ante, p. 80, omitting the word further. Id. Offence 34, 43. Person convicted of either of the Offences described in the Forms p. 92. Nos. 39, 40, 41, supra, and disqualified from selling, selling in any Place. (Id.)] having been theretofore A, to wit, on the day of , in the year of our Lord , duly convicted before J.S. and J. P., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , of a certain offence, to wit \_here describe the offence CHAP, ii.] BEERHOUSES. 85 as tn either of the Forms Nos. 39, 40, 4J, as the case may be, as for a Oke's Synop. second offence, and then thus : and the said justices did thereby adjudge 2nd ed. p. 92, that the said A. B. for his said second offence should be disqualified from Offence 34. selling beer, ale or porter by retail for the term of two years next ensuing such conviction B. did on the day of aforesaid, at the parish of aforesaid, and during the said term of two years, sell to one E. F. [or to a person unknown] in the house and premises mentioned in the said licence of the said A. B. as aforesaid, [or in a certain house situate at , in the parish of , afore- said], certain ale, to wit, one quart of ale, by retail, contrary, &c. 44. Other Person selling on Premises during Period disqualified. Id. Offence 35. (Id.)] and during the term of two years hereinafter mentioned sell to one E. F. [or to some person unknown] certain ale, to wit, one quart of ale by retail, on the premises of one M. N. at , in the parish of aforesaid, who had been theretofore [here insert the, matter between the A and B in the Form No. 43, supra, and then proceed:] he the said A. B. well knowing that he the said M.N. was so convicted as aforesaid, and that it was not lawful to sell ale as aforesaid, contrary, &c. 45. Selling after having been convicted of Felony and thereby disquali- fied, or of selling Spirits without Licence. (3 & 4 Viet. c. 61, s. 7.)] having been theretofore, to wit, on the day of , in the year of our Lord *, at the general quarter sessions of the peace holden at , in and for the said [county'] of , lawfully convicted of felony, to wit, [here describe the offence as in the clerk of the peace's certificate], [or, from the asterisk *, duly convicted before J. S. and J. P. Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the [county] of , of a certain offence, to wit, [here describe the offence of selling spirits without licence as in the previous con- viction, then thus :] and thereby for ever thereafter disqualified by virtue of the statute in such case made and provided from selling beer and cider by retail,] did on the day and year first aforesaid, to wit, on the day of , at the parish of aforesaid, sell to one E. F. [or to a person un- known,] in a certain house and premises of him the said A. B. there situate, certain beer, to wit, one quart of beer by retail, contrary, &c. As to harbouring county police constables, and as to soldiers' billets, see Forms No. 16, 17, 18, ante, p. 68, 69, tit. Alehouses. 46. Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. 39 (1. 1), ante, p. 38, in either of the foregoing Cases.] Same as No. 12, ante, p. 80. IV. PROCEEDINGS AGAINST SURETIES OF BEERHOUSE KEEPER. 47. Information to ground Summons to Sureties to show cause why the Penalty in Bond should not be paid to satisfy Penalty on Conviction. (1 Will. 4, c. 64, s. 19.)J that on the day of , in the year of our Lord , a certain excise licence was granted to A. B., of the parish of , in the county of , to sell beer, ale and porter by retail, at the parish of aforesaid, and that at the time of receiving such licence as aforesaid by the said A. B., together with E. F. and F. G., both of the parish of aforesaid, as his sureties, did enter into a cer- tain bond to the commissioners of excise [or of inland revenue,] in Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. the penal sum of , conditioned for the payment by the said A. B., or by the said E. F. and F. G. as his sureties as aforesaid, of any penalty or sum of money, not exceeding the sum aforesaid, which should be in- curred for any offence against a certain act of parliament, intituled " An Act to permit the general Sale of Beer and Cider by Retail in England," by the said A. B., or for the said sum of pounds, in case such pe- nalty should exceed the said sum ; that more than one calendar month now last past, to wit, on the day of last, at a petty session ot her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the division of N., in the county of , the said A. B. was duly convicted before us the said jus- tices, for that he the said A. B. on the day of , at the parish of aforesaid, did [here describe the offence and adjudication as in the conviction] ; and that he the said A. B. hath not as yet paid the said penalty of , or any part thereof. 48. Summons to the Sureties. (Id.)] This would be in the usual general Form, No. 8 (A.), ante, p. 26, adding at the conclusion, instead of and to be further dealt with according to law, these words, "and to show cause why the penalty mentioned in the said bond should not be paid by you the said E. F. and F. G., or so much thereof as should be sufficient to pay the penalty so incurred by the said A. B. as afore- said."] 49. Order and Adjudication upon Sureties for the Penalty. (Id.)] Proceed as in the Form of order No. 44 (K.I), ante, p. 42, to the end of recital of complaint (47, supra~), then, on non-appearance, recite the service of summons, to answer the said complaint and to show cause why [4~c. as in summons 48, supra ; then the adjudication of the sum within fourteen days from the date hereof, and the distress in default, 4'C. 50. Forms of enforcing the Order, No. 49.] Distress Warrant, Sfc. No. 66 (N.2)fo 71, ante, p. 5759. V. PROCEEDINGS ON APPEAL AGAINST CONVICTION FOR A THIRD OFFENCE. 51. Recognizance of Constable or Peace Officer to give Evidence at Quarter Sessions, and Notice, (1 Will. 4, c. 64, s. 16); or to prosecute under, s. 18.)] These may be easily drawn from the Forms No. 27, ante, p. 70, or No. 32, ante, p. 72. BREAD AND FLOUR. J ke> ^ n- 2nd For / en s beyond the Bills of Mortality, and Ten Miles of the Royal p 92 " lf Exchange. (6 & 7 Will. 4, c. 37). 1. Selling,fyc. Bread not marked. (Id. a. 20.)] being then and there a baker, beyond the weekly bills of mortality, and ten miles of the Royal Exchange,* did expose for sale [or make, or sell] certain bread, to wit, two loaves of bread of the weight of eight pounds, made partly of rye meal [or peas, or beans,] the said loaves, and each and every of them not being then and there marked with the letter M., contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, [or as in the information given by s. 19 of the statute, contrary to CHAP, ii.] BREAD AND FLOUR. 87 the statute made in the seventh year of King William the Oke's Synop. Fourth, intituled " An Act to repeal the several Acts now in 2nd ed. p. 92, force relating to Bread to be sold out of the City of London Offence 1. and the Liberties thereof, and beyond the Weekly Bills of Mor- tality and Ten Miles of the Royal Exchange ; and to provide other Regulations for the Making and Sale of Bread, and for preventing the Adulteration of Meal, Flour and Bread, beyond the limits aforesaid."] 2. Special Adjudication in Conviction, (No. 39 (I. l),ante, p. 38. (Id.)] the sum of per pound weight of the said bread, being in the whole the sum of . 3. Adulterating Bread. (Id. s. 8.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form Id. Offence 2. No. 1, supra, then thus: did, in the making of certain bread for sale beyond the said limits, use a certain mixture [or ingredient], to wit, , in the making of such bread, contrary, &c. [as Form No. 1 .] 4. Adulterating Flour, <<. (Id. s. 9.)] Proceed to the asterisk * in Id. Offence 3, Form No. 1, supra, then thus : did put into certain corn [meal or flour], p. 94. to wit, wheat, then and there being ground [or dressed, bolted or manu- factured] for sale, a certain ingredient [or mixture], to wit, , not being the real and genuine produce of the corn [or grain] so ground, contrary, &c. [as No. 1.] 5. Selling, Sfc. Flour, fyc. adulterated, or one sort for another. (Id. Id. Offences 4, s. 9.)] Proceed to the asterisk * in Form No. 1, supra, then thus: did 5. knowingly sell to one E. F. [or offer or expose for sale in his shop there], certain meal [or flour],* to wit, ten pounds weight of rye as and for the meal [or flour] of wheat, he the said A. B. then and there well knowing that the said meal [or flour] was not the meal of wheat, contrary, &c. las No. 1.] [or from the second asterisk *, with a certain ingredient called mixed therewith, contrary, &c.] 6. Information to ground Search Warraat for adulterated Bread or Flour. (Id. s. 11.)] that he the said C. D. hath reasonable cause to sus- pect and doth suspect that A. B. of, &c., miller [or mealman, or baker] hath in his house [or mill, shop, stall, &c., as the case may be] situate at , in the parish of aforesaid, beyond the weekly bills of mor- tality, and ten miles of the Royal Exchange, certain meal [or flour, or dough, or bread] wherewith certain mixture [or ingredient] called , and not allowed by law, hath been mixed up or put into, [or a certain mixture [or ingredient] called , intended to be used in or for adulterating meal [or flour, dough, or bread,] ] contrary, &c. [as No. 1.] 7. Search Warrant thereon."] Proceed in the usual Form (No. 11 of Chap. I. Indictable Offences) by reciting the Information, No. 6, and then thus : These are therefore to command you in her Majesty's name, at a reasonable time in the day time, on the day of instant, to enter into the house [or mill, or as the case may be~\ of the said A. B., situated at aforesaid, and to search and examine whether any mix- ture or ingredient, not the genuine produce of the grain, the meal or flour there shall import or ought to be, shall have been mixed up with 88 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. or put into any meal or flour in the possession of the said A. B., either in the grinding of any grain at the mill, or in the dressing, bolting or manufacturing thereof, whereby the purity of any meal or flour is or shall be in anywise adulterated, or whether any mixture or ingredient other than is allowed by law shall have been mixed up with or put into any dough or bread in the possession of the said A. B., whereby any such dough or bread is or shall be in anywise adulterated ; and also to search for any mixture or ingredient which may be intended to be used in or for any such adulteration or mixture ; and if any such be found, then that you seize the same, and with all convenient speed thereafter carry and bring the same before me, or to the nearest justice of the peace within the limits aforesaid, to be disposed of as he in his discretion shall think proper. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) Oke's Syn. 2nd 8. Having Ingredient for adulterating. (Id. s. 12.)] Proceed to the ed. Offence 6, asterisk * in Form No. 1, ante, p. 86, and then thus: did have in his p. 94. bakehouse [or as the case may be] there a certain ingredient called , and which, after due examination, I hereby adjudge to have been deposited there for the purpose of being used in adulterating bread [or flour, meal or dough] contrary, &c. [as No. 1, ante, p. 86.] 9. Advertisement of Offender's Name for Newspaper. (Id.)] ADULTERATED FLOUR. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the statute in that case made and provided, that on the day of instant, A. B., of No. , in Street, in the town of , in this county, baker, was duly con- victed before one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county] of having in his bakehouse [or as the case may be~\ there a certain ingredient called , and which, after due examination, was adjudged to have been deposited there for the purpose of being used in adulterating bread [or as the case may be~], contrary, &c. [as No. 1, ante, p. 86.] I. G. and B., Clerks to the Justices. %* This advertisement may be easily adapted to a conviction upon Form No. 3. 10. Obstructing the Search for adulterated Flour, fyc. (Id. s. 13.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 1, ante, p. 86, if the offender be the party whose premises are searched ; if otherwise, then thus* :] did obstruct and hinder [oppose or resist] one C. D. in making search in the bake- house of [him the said] A. B. [of &c.] for mixtures and ingredients other than are allowed by the statute in such case made and provided, and which then and there were intended for the adulteration of bread [or as the case may be, see s. 12], contrary, &c. [as No. 1, ante, p. 86.] Id. Offence 7. Id. Offence 8. 11. Opposing carrying away Ingredients seized. (Id.)] Proceed as directed in Farm No. 10, to the sec and asterisk*, then thus: did oppose and resist the carrying away of certain ingredients [or mixture] called , then and there lawfully seized by one C. D., as being other than are allowed by the statute in such case made and provided, and which then and there were intended for the adulteration of bread [or as the case may be, see s. 12], contrary, &c. [as No. 1, ante, p. 86.] CHAP, ii.] BREAD AND FLOUR. 89 12. Not selling by Weight. (Id. s. 4.)] Proceed to the asterisk * in Oke's Synop. Form No. 1, ante, p. 86, then thus : did sell to one E. F. a certain loaf of 2nd ed. p. 94, bread otherwise than by weight, to wit, for the sum of for the said Offence 9. loaf, the said loaf not being then and there such bread as is usually sold under the denomination of French or fancy bread, or rolls, contrary, &c. las No. 1, ante, p. 86.] 13. Not using Avoirdupois Weight. (Id. s. 5.)] Proceed to the asterisk Id. Offence 10. * in Form No. 1, ante, p. 86, then thus: did sell to one E. F. a certain loaf of bread, by weight other than the avoirdupois weight of 16 oz. to the pound, according to the standard in the Exchequer, to wit, by a weight of 14 oz. to the pound only, contrary, &c. [as No. 1, ante, p. 86.] 14. Not producing Scale and Weights, fyc. (Id. s. 6.)] Proceed to the Id. Offence 11, asterisk * in Form No. 1, ante, p. 86, then thus: did neglect to fix and 12. did not fix or cause to be fixed in any conspicuous part of his shop there on or near the counter [or did not then and there fix in any part of his shop there] any beam and scales with proper weights, or other sufficient balance, [or did neglect to provide and keep for use, and did not provide and keep for use, in his shop there a proper beam and scales, and proper weights or balance,] as required by the statute in that behalf, contrary, &c. [as No. 1, ante, p. 86.J 15. Using false or incorrect Beam. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk * in Id. Offence 13. Form No. 1, ante, p. 86, then thus : did then and there use and have in the sale of certain flour to one E. F. a certain incorrect and false beam [or scale, or balance], to wit, a , which on examination then duly had was found to be and was then incorrect, contrary, &c. [as No. 1, ante, p. 86.] 16. Using false Weights. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. Id. 1, ante, p. 86, then thus: did then and there use in the sale of five loaves of bread to one E. F. a certain false weight as and for a four-pound weight, which said weight was not of the weight of four pounds, accord- ing to the standard in the Exchequer, but, on the contrary thereof, was less, to wit, two ounces less than such weight, contrary, &c. [as Form No. 1, ante, p. 86.] 17. Delivering Bread without being providedwithScales,SfC. (Id.s. 7.)] Id. Offence 14, Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 1, ante, p. 86, thenthus: and then 15, 16. and there conveying and carrying out and delivering bread for sale in a certain cart drawn by a horse [or mule or ass],* did not then and there carry or provide, and was not then and there provided with such cart a [correct] beam and scales, with proper weights, in order that the bread sold might be weighed by the purchaser thereof, [or, and which said weights were then and there deficient in their due weight, according to the standard in the Exchequer, to wit, four-pound weight, deficient by ounces,] [or from the second asterisk*, say: did then and there refuse to weigh a loaf of bread, there purchased by one E. F., in the presence of the said E. F.] contrary, &c. [as Form No. 1, ante, p. 86. J 90 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. and ten miles of the Royal Exchange, did on the said day, being the 2nd ed. p. 96, Lord's Day, commonly called Sunday, and within six days from the date Offences 17 hereof, 23. make [or bake] certain bread, to wit, ten loaves, or, after half past one of the clock in the afternoon of the same day, sell [or expose for sale, or permit, or suffer to be sold, or exposed for sale] in his shop there, certain bread, or [rolls or cakes] to wit, or bake [or deliver], or permit or suffer to be baked or delivered, two dishes of meat [or one pudding, pie, tart, &c.] or, by then and there [here describe the manner in which the defend- ant otherwise exercised his calling,'] contrary, &c. [conclude as Form No. 1, ante, p. 86.] Id. Offence 24, 19. Opposing Execution of Act. (Id. s. 16.)] did then and there 25. resist [or make forcible opposition against] one E. F., then and there em- ployed in the due execution of the provisions of the statute made in the seventh year of King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act" [here set out the title as in conclusion of Form No. 1, ante, p. 86], by then and there [here describe the act complained oj"\, contrary, &c. [as No. 1, ante, p. 86.] Id. Offence 26. 20. Complaint by a Master convicted, that the Penalty incurred was oc- casioned by the wilful Neglect of his Journeyman. (Id. s. 13.)] Proceedto the asterisk* in the General Form No. 1, ante, p. 86, and then thus: that he the said C. D. was, on the day of last, charged with and con- victed of the following offence, to wit, [here describe it as in the conviction with the adjudication] ; that he the said C. D. hath paid the said penalty and costs, amounting to the sum of ; that the said offence was occasioned by [or through] the wilful act [or neglect or default] of one A. B. of , &c., a journeyman [or servant] of the said C.D. 21. Warrant thereonJ] This will be in the usual Form, No. 11 (C.), ante, p. 27, reciting the above complaint. 22. Order for the Money.'] This will be in the Form No. 45 (K. 2), ante, p. 43. 23. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Convictions, (No. 39 (1. 1), ante, p. 38] -^Distress Warrant, $c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, pp. 5052. BRICKS AND TILES. 1. Making Bricks of improper Size. (17 Geo. 3, c. 42, ss. 1,2.)] did make for sale 10,000 bricks, which were less than eight inches and a half long [or two inches and a half thick, or four inches wide], to wit, eight inches long [or two inches thick, or three inches wide] only, con- trary, &c. 2. The like, Pan Tiles. (Id.)] did make for sale 8,000 pan tiles, which were less than nine inches and a half wide [or half an inch thick], to wit, nine inches wide [or quarter of an inch and half a quarter thick] only, contrary, &c. 3. The like, other Tiles. (17 Edw. 4, c. 4.)] did make for sale CHAP, ii.] BRICKS AND TILES BYE-LAWS. 91 8,000 plain tiles, which were less than ten inches and a half long [or six inches and a quarter broad, or half an inch and half a quarter thick], to wit, ten inches long [or six inches broad, or half an inch thick] only, contrary, &c. [or, did make for sale 400 roof or cres tiles which were less than thirteen inches long [or half an inch and half a quarter thick], with convenient depth, to wit, twelve inches long [or half an inch thick] only, contrary, &c. [or, did make for sale 20 gutter and cover tiles, which were less than ten inches and a half long, with convenient thickness, breadth and depth, to wit, ten inches long] only, contrary, &c. 4. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. 39 (1. 1), ante, p. 38] ; Distress Warrant, 4~c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 5052. BURNING, BY SERVANTS. 1. Negligently setting Fire to a Dwelling-House. (6 Ann, c. 31, and Toone, 4th edit. 14 Geo. 3, c. 78, s. 84.)] then being servant to one C. D., the prosecu- p. 175. tor, did negligently [or carelessly] fire [or cause to be fired] a certain dwelling-house [or outhouse or building] there situate, in the occupation of the said C. D., her master, contrary, &c. 2. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39], omitting the words in the adjudication of the penalty and im- prisonment, " unless the said several sums, &c. shall be sooner paid." Com- mitment, No. 52 (O. 1), ante, p. 49, omitting the same words as in the conviction, from the adjudication, and in the direction to the keeper of the gaol. BUTTER. 1. For selling in a Tub not marked. (36 Geo. 3, c. 86, s. 1.)] then, 1 Burn's Jus. being farmer and seller of butter, did pack for sale and sell to one E. F. 29th ed. p. 516. a quantity of butter, of the weight, to wit, of pounds, in a tub and vessel, whereon the Christian and surname of the said A. B. was nowhere branded with iron, or otherwise marked on the outside [or as the case may be}, contrary, &c. 2. General Form to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. 39 (1. 1), ante, p. 38] ; Distress warrant, $c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 5052. BYE-LAWS OF BOROUGHS. 1. Offending against. (5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 76, s. 90.)] did unlawfully S. Stone's Hand suspend an article of dress, to wit, a shirt, over the causeway of a certain Book of Infor- street there, called High Street, for the purpose of then and there drying mations, p. 24. the same [or as the offence may be~\, contrary to the bye-law for the said borough, in that behalf duly made at a meeting of the council of the said borough, held on the day of , 18, and which said bye- law was, at the time of the commission of the said offence and still is in 92 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. force for the said borough, and contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided. 2. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. 39 (I. 1 ), ante, p. 38.] ; Distress warrant, 4-c.'No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 5052. liook, p. 28. CHIMNEY SWEEPERS. Oke's Syn. 2nd 1. Allowing a Person under Twenty-one to sweep (3 & 4 Viet. c. 85, ed. s. 2.)] did compel [or knowingly allow] one E. F., then being a person Offences 1, 2, under the age of twenty-one years, to wit, of the age of twelve years, to P- 96- i ascend [or descend] a certain chimney of one F. G. for the purpose of S. Stone s Hand ^hen an( j t nere sweeping [or cleaning or coring] the same [or extinguish- ing fire therein], contrary, &c. 2. Making Chimney of wrong Construction. (Id. s. 6.)] then being a master builder [or master workman], did then and there make and cause to be made a certain chimney [or flue] in the house of one F. G. there [here describe how it deviates from the regulation of the act, as with an angle therein less obtuse than an angle of 120 degrees, and not bein^ a chimney built at an angle with any other chimney of 90 degrees or more, having therein proper doors or openings not less than six inches square], contrary, &c. 3. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Convictions, (No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38]; Distress warrant, SfC., No. 53 (N.I) 58, ante, pp. 5052. COALS. Oke's Syn. 2nd 1- Selling Coals by Measure. (5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 63, s. 9.)] did un- ed. p. 98. lawfully sell to one E. F. certain coals [or slack, culm or cannel,] to wit, one bushel of coals [or as the case may be] by measure, contrary, &c. 2. General Forms as in last title, No. 3, supra. COMBINATION. Id. Offences 1, 1. Forcing a Workman to leave Work, fyc. (6 Geo. 4, c. 129, s. 3.)] 2, 3, 4, p. 98. did, by violence to the person [or property] of the said C. D., the complainant, by then and there [here describe the violence,] [or did by threats or intimidation,] that is to say, by [here state the particulars,] [or did by molesting or obstructing the said C. D.] * force [or endeavour to force] the said C. D., a journeyman carpenter [or as the case may be,] who was then and there hired and employed by one E. F., in the trade of a carpenter as aforesaid, to depart from his said hiring and employment, [or to return certain work upon which he was then and there em- ployed, to wit, , before the same should be finished ; [or from the asterisk * above] prevent [or endeavonr to prevent] the said C. D., not then being hired or employed, from hiring CHAP, ii.] COMBINATION COMMONS. 93 himself to, [or from accepting work from,] one E. F. in the trade Oke's Synop. of a carpenter] 2nd ed. p. 98, contrary, &c. [or contrary to the act made in the sixth year of the reign Offences 14. of King George the Fourth, intituled " An Act to repeal the Laws re- lating to the Combination of Workmen, and to make Provisions in lieu thereof."] 2. Forcing a Workman to belong to a Club, SfC. (Id.)] did use and Id. Offence 5. employ violence to the person [or property] of the said C. D., the com- plainant, a carpenter [or threats, or intimidation] by then and there [here describe the violence and threats, 4"C.] [or did molest [or obstruct] the said C. D., the complainant, a car- penter, by ], for the purpose of then and there forcing [or inducing] the said C. D. to belong to a certain club [or association] called , [or as the case may be, vide s. 3], contrary, &c. 3. Forcing a Master to alter his Mode of Trade, $c. (Id.)] Proceed Id- Offence 6. to the asterisk * in Form No. 1, supra, and then thus : force [or endea- vour to force] the said C. D., the complainant, who then and there car- ried on the trade and business of , to limit the number of his apprentices to two [or as the case may be], contrary, &c. 4. General Forms to be used in enforcing a Conviction, (No. 41 (I. 3), ante, p. 39] ; Commitment, and for Costs, No. 48 (P. 1) 51, ante, pp. 4648. COMMONS, &c. 1. Turning out scabbed Sheep. (38 Geo. 3, c. 65, s. 1.)] did turn Id. Offences 1, out [or keep or depasture] divers, to wit, ten sheep and ten lambs, upon 2, p. 98. a certain common waste land [or forest, chase, wood, moor, marsh, heath, or as the case may be~] there, called , the said several sheep and lambs being then and there [or having been within six calendar months previous thereto, to wit, on , at ], infected with a certain disorder called scab [or mange], contrary, &c. [or contrary to an act made in the thirty-eighth year of the reign of King George the Third, intituled " An Act for preventing the Depasturing of Forests, Commons and open Fields, with Sheep or Lambs infected with the Scab or Mange, in that part of Great Britain called England."] 2. Complaint to a Justice fora Warrant to remove Sheep, $c. infected. Id. Offence 3, (Id. s. 3.)] that the said C. D. hath divers, to wit, sheep upon a (adapted ^from certain common waste land [or as the case may be] there, called , Williams's Pre- now depasturing and entitled to be depastured, and that there are also cedents). on such place divers others, to wit, sheep, the property of F. G. [or persons unknown] there also depastured, which the said C. D. hath rea- sonable ground to believe, and doth believe, are infected with the scab [or mange, or are thereon,] contrary to the provisions of the act, &c. [title, Sfc. as in Form No. 1, supra.] 3. Warrant thereon to drive same to the next Pound, $c. (Id.)] Pro- ceed as in the general Form, No. 11 (C.), ante, p. 27, reciting the com- plaint, No. 2, supra, and then thus : These are therefore to command 94 (From Wil- liams's Prece- dents.) Oke's Syn. 2nd ed. p. 98, Offence 4. Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to drive the said sheep so infected as aforesaid from off the said common to the common pound called , in the said parish, there to he examined by the said complainant C. D., [or by you the said constable], after six hours previous notice of such examina- tion shall be given by the said C. D. to the said F. G., as required by the said act; and that you certify and report to me the result of such examination. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , at aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) 4. Notice to the Owner from the Complainant of the Examination. (Id.)] To Mr. F. G. Take notice, that at or soon after the expiration of six hours from the time of your being served with this notice, certain sheep of yours now depasturing on the common called , suspected to be infected with the mange, will be impounded in the common pound called pound, situate in the parish of , in the county of , there to be exa- mined by virtue of a warrant under the hand and seal of J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, ob- tained on my complaint exhibited on oath before the said justice, in pur- suance of the statute in such case made and provided. Dated day of , 1850. Yours, &c. day morning, 11 o'clock. C. D. 5. Complaint, by the Owner, of Expenses incurred, where the Sheep are not infected. (Id. s. 3.)] Recite the complaint, No. 2, supra, then thus: that on the day of , it was duly proved to the satisfaction of me, the said justice, that the said sheep were not kept on such lands contrary to the provisions of the said act, and were thereupon driven back to the place from whence they were taken ; that the said C. D. hath incurred the costs and damages of by reason of the said removal, examination and driving back as aforesaid. 6. Order of Justice for Expenses."] This will be the same as the ge- neral Form, No. 44 (K.I), ante, p. 42. 7. Justice's Adjudication that Sheep be detained and marked. (Id. s. 4.) \ Upon the report upon the oath of C. D., this day of to wit. J , in the year of our Lord , at , in the county aforesaid, made unto me, J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of , respecting certain sheep detained [or impounded] in , in the parish of , in the said county, by virtue of a warrant under my hand and seal, I do hereby adjudge that the said sheep, belonging to F. G. [or the owner or owners thereof being unknown], appearing to me to be infected [or having within the space of months immediately previous to the date hereof been infected] with the scab [or mange], be impounded and detained and be marked forth- with, according to the direction of an act, &c. [title, 4 - c. in Form No. 1, ante, p. 93.] Given under my hand and seal the day and year first above men- tioned, at aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) 8. Recovery of Expenses of Marking, 4~c. (Id.)] These can be readily made a part of the conviction for the offence 1, 2, Form No. 1, ante. CHAP, ii.] COMMONS, &c. CONSTABLES. 9. 9. Cutting out Marks made by Justice's Order. (Id. s. 5.)] did cut Oke's Synop. out [or destroy, or alter] a certain mark in the ear of a certain sheep, his 2nd ed. property, to wit. the letter S., marked thereon by order of a justice, in Offence 5, pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, the said mark P* *"" not having been thereon for so long a space of time as six calendar months previously, contrary, &c. [as Form No. 1, ante, p. 93.] 10. Noi marking Sheep. (Id. s. 2.)] being then and there the Id. Offence 7. owner of twenty sheep, which he the said A. B. then turned out upon a certain common waste land [or as the case may be~] there, called , did not cause the said twenty sheep, or any of them, to be marked with initial letters of the Christian and surname of him the said A. B., or with such marks with which the said sheep respectively had, for the three pre- ceding years, been usually marked, but had neglected then and there so to do, contrary, &c. [as Form No. 1, ante, p. 93.] 11. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Convictions, (No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38, and the Orders for Money ;] Distress Warrant, Sfc. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, pp. 5052; Distress Warrant, SfC. upon Orders, No. 66 (N. 2) 71, ante, pp. 57, 59. CONSTABLES. I. As to Parochial Constables. IT. As to County Constables. III. As to Borough Constables. IV. As to Special Constables. V. As to Constables on Rivers, Canals, fyc. VI. As to Constables under Lighting and Watching Act. I. As TO PAROCHIAL CONSTABLES. 1. Refusing to attend and be sworn. (5 & 6 Viet. c. 109, s. 13.)] Oke's Syn. 2nd then being a person qualified and liable to serve, was duly appointed at ed. Offences 1, a special petty sessions of her Majesty's justices of the peace holden in 2, p. 100. and for the division of N., in the said county of C., to serve the office of constable for the said parish of during the year then next following, by virtue of the statute in that behalf, [or by virtue of an act made and passed in the sixth year of the reign of her present Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled " An Act for the Appointment and Payment of Parish Constables "], and that the said A. B. was afterwards duly summoned to appear on the day of , at N., in the said division, to be sworn and to take upon himself the said office, but that the said A. B., although so sum- moned as aforesaid, did at the time and place last aforesaid refuse [or neglect, without reasonable cause] to altend and be sworn as such con- stable, and did not then and there find a qualified substitute to be sworn in his stead, contrary, &c. [or contrary to the form of the statute afore- said]. 2. Refusing to act. (Id.)] then being duly appointed and sworn as Id. Offences. 3,4. 96 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. a constable for the said parish of , by virtue of the statute in that 2nd ed. p. 100. behalf, [or by virtue, &c. [as in Form No. 1],] did then and there refuse [or wilfully neglect] to act in the execution of his said office, to wit, [here describe the neglect, fyc.~\ contrary, &c. [or contrary to the form of the statute aforesaid.] Id. OffenceS. 3. Neglecting Duty, or disobeying Justice's Warrant or Order (a}. (Stone's Hand. (33 Geo. 3, c. 55, s. 1.)] being then a constable for the said , was book p. 29 ) tnen an d there guilty of disobedience of a certain lawful warrant [or order] of J. P. Esquire, then being one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said , [or of certain neglect of duty], for that, hereto- fore, to wit, on the day of last, he the said J. P. then and still being one of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the said , did make a certain warrant [or order] in writing, under his hand and seal, in the words following : [here set out the warrant or order ; or after the word " seal," say " bearing date the day of , thereby commanding the said A. B. forthwith to apprehend one E. F. and to bring him before some one or more of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said , for having [here describe the offence, fyc. set forth in the warrant]}; and which said warrant [or order] was afterwards, to wit, on the day of last, delivered to the said A. B., then and still being one of the constables for the said , to be by him exe- cuted in due form of law ; and that although the said A. B. could, might, and ought to have executed the said warrant, yet the said A. B., so being constable as aforesaid, not regarding the duty of his said office, did not then and there execute the said warrant as aforesaid, or otherwise how- soever, but wilfully neglected so to do, and therein made default, to the great hinderance of public justice, contrary, &c. 4. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Convictions, (No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38]; Distress Warrant, $c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 5052. II. As TO COUNTY CONSTABLES. Oke's Syn. 2nd 5. Neglecting Duty. (2 & 3 Viet. c. 93, s. 12.)] being then one of 102 6 18> the < ! onstables for the [west division of the] said county of , duly appointed by virtue of an act passed in a session of parliament held in the second and third years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act for the Establishment of County and District Constables by the Authority of Justices of the Peace,"* was then and there guilty of neglect [or violation] of duty in his said office, by then and there [here state the particular neglect, or as in Form No. 3, ante], contrary to the form of the same statute. 24 p 104 6 ' Persons fraudulently taking Exemption from Toll as a County Con- stable. (3 & 4 Viet. c. 88, s. 1.)] not then 'being a constable for , [proceed as in Form No. 5, supra, to the asterisk, then thus :] did frau- dulently claim [or take] the benefit of an exemption from the toll, to wit, the sum of , then payable on a certain turnpike road there situate, in respect of a horse [or as the case may be], [see the exemption allowed, p. 226, note, Oke's Syn. 2nd ed.], which the said A. B. was then and there riding on the said turnpike road, by then and there [here (a) The order of a justice should be always in writing; and therefore in this case, if a verbal order be disobeyed, it will be advisable for it to be reduced into writing^, before proceeding against the constable for disobeying it. CHAP, ii.] CONSTABLES. 97 stale the means or pretensions, as pretending to E. F., the collector of tolls Oke's Synop. at the said gate, that he the said A. B. was a county constable for the 2nded. p. 88. [west division] of the county of , whereas the said A. B. was not in fact a county constable as aforesaid, and was not then and there en- titled to such exemption, contrary to the form of the statute aforesaid. 7. Assaulting or resisting County Constable, or promoting or encou- raging another to do so. (2 & 3 Viet. c. 93, s. 8, extending 1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 41, s. 11.)] These will be the same as the Forms No. 18, 19 and 20, post, but describing the constable as in the Form No. 5, ante, p. 96. 8. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. 39 (I.I), ante, p. 38]; Distress Warrant, &c., No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, p. 5052. III. As TO BOROUGH CONSTABLES. 9. Neglecting Duty or disobeying Orders. (5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 76, s. 80.)] Id. Offences 33, then being one of the constables for the said borough of T., duly appointed 34, p. 104. by the watch committee of the said borough, by virtue of an act made and passed in the session of parliament held in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to provide for the Regulation of Municipal Corporations in England and Wales,"* was then and there guilty of a neglect of his duty as such con- stable [or disobedience of a certain lawful order], to wit, by [here state the particulars as in Form No. 3, ante, p. 96], contrary to the form of the same statute. 10. Assaulting Borough Constable. (Id. s. 81.)] did assault and beat Id. Offence 35, the said C. D., the complainant, he being then one of the constables for p. 106. the said borough of T., duly appointed [&c. as in Form No. 9, supra, to the asterisk *, and then :] and being then and there in the due execution of his duty as such constable, contrary to the form of the same statute. 11. Resisting Borough Constable. (Id.)] did resist the said C. D.,the Id. Offence 36. complainant, he being [<$< as in No. 10 and 9], by then and there [here describe the act of the defendant, although it may not perhaps be necessary to do so], contrary to the form of the same statute. 12. Aiding or inciting another to assault or resist. (Id.)] did aid [or Id. Offences 37, incite] one E. F. and divers other persons unknown then and there being 38. [or one E. F. then and there being in the lawful custody of the said C. D., the complainant] to assault [or resist] the said C. D., he being then, [4'C. conclude as directed in No. 11, supra.] 13. Assaulting Borough Special Constable. (Id. s. 83.)] This will be the same as No. 10, supra, describing the constable as being one of the special constables for the said Borough of T., duly appointed by virtue of an act passed in a session of parliament held in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to provide for the regulation of Municipal Corporations in England and Wales," and being then and there, [6fc. as in No. 10, supra.] 14. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38] ; Distress Warrant, &c., No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, p. 5052. 98 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. Oke'sSynop. IV. As TO SPECIAL CONSTABLES. Offence 39,' 15. Refusing to take the Oath. (1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 41, s. 7.)] having p. 106. been theretofore, to wit, on the day of , at W., in the division of N., in the said county of , by J. S. and J. P., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the said division, by virtue of the statute made and passed in a session of parliament held in the first and second years of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act for amending the Laws relative to the Appointment of Special Constables, and for the better Preservation of the Peace," duly appointed as a special constable for the parish of in the said division and county for one calendar month then next [or as the case may be],* did on the day and year first aforesaid appear before the said J. S. and J. P., Esquires, as such justices as aforesaid, and the said A. B. being by them then and there required to take the oath appointed by the same statute to be administered to persons so appointed special constables aforesaid, then and there refused to take the said oath, con- trary to the form of the statute aforesaid. Id. Offences 40, 16. Refusing to attend to take the Oath. (Id.)] having been thereto- 41. fore [4~c., as inJurmNo. 15, supra, to the asterisk*, then thus :] and being afterwards duly summoned and required by the said justices to appear on the day of , being the day first aforesaid for the purpose of then and there taking the oath appointed by the said statute to be administered to persons so appointed special constables as aforesaid, but that the said A. B., although so summoned and required as aforesaid, did neglect [or refuse] to appear at the time and place for which he was so summoned as aforesaid, for the purpose of taking the said oath, con- trary to the form of the statute aforesaid. Id. Offences 43, !? Refusing to serve, or to obey Orders. (Id. s. 8.)] then being a 44, 45. special constable duly appointed for the said parish of , and having taken the oath prescribed by the statute made and passed [fyc. as in Form No. 15, supra], and being then and there duly called upon to serve as such special constable, and then and there neglect [or refuse] to serve as such special constable, [or, being lawfully ordered and directed by J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the said county, to [here set out the order or direction], did then and there neg- lect [or refuse] to obey the same order and direction, and did not obey the same], contrary to the form of the statute aforesaid. Id. Offence 46. 18. Assaulting Special Constables. (Id. s. 11.)] did assault the said C. D., the complainant, he being then one of the constables for the parish of , in the said [county'], duly appointed by virtue of an act passed [4~c. as inform No. 15, supra~], and being then and there in the due execution of his office as such constable, contrary to the form of the same statute. Id. Offence 47. 19. Resisting Special Constable. (Id.)] did resist the said C. D., the complainant, he being [4 - c. as in No. 18], by then and there [here describe the defendant's act], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 48. 20. Promoting or encouraging another to assault or resist. (Id.)] did promote [or encourage] one E. F. and divers other persons unknown, then and there being, [or one E. F. then and there being in the lawful CHAP. ii.J CONSTABLES COPYRIGHT. 99 custody of the said C. D., the complainant] to assault [or resist] the said Oke's Syoop. C. D., he being then, &c. [conclude as directed in No. 19, supra.] 2nd ed. 21. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. 39 (I.I), ante, p. 38]; Distress Warrant, &c., No. 53 (N.I) 58, ante, p. 50 52. V. As TO CONSTABLES ON RIVERS, CANALS, &c. 22. Neglecting Duty. (3 & 4 Viet. c. 50, 8. 4.)] then being a con- Id. Offence 48, stable duly appointed to act upon and along a certain canal [or navigable P- 106. river] called , under an act passed in a session of parliament held in the third and fourth years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act to provide for the Keeping of the Peace on Canals and Navi- gable Rivers," was then and there guilty of a certain neglect [or breach] of duty in his said office of constable, by then and there \hrre set out the neglect or breach of duty], contrary to the form of the same statute. 23. Assaulting or resisting such Constables, or aiding or inciting any Id. Offence Person so to do. (Id. s. 6.)] These offences are to be stated in the same 51 54, p. 108. manner as in like offences with regard to Borough Constables, Forms No. 10, 11 and 12, ante, p. 97, but describing the constable as in the Form No. 22, supra. 24. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Convictions, (No. 41 (1.3), ante, p. 39, or No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38] ; Commitment, &c., No. 48 (P. 1) 51, ante, p. 4648, or Distress Warrant, &c., No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, p. 50 52. VI. As TO CONSTABLES UNDER LIGHTING AND WATCHING ACT. 25. Assaulting or resisting such Constables, or promoting or encouraging Id. Offence another to do so. (3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 90, s. 41.)] These offences are to be 5557, p. 108. stated in the name manner as the like offences relating to Special Con- stables, Forms No. 18, 19 and 20, ante, p 98, but describing the constable as being then one of the constables for the said parish of , duly appointed under an act passed iti a session of parliament held in the third and fourth years of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to repeal an Act of the eleventh Year of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, for the Lighting and Watching of Parishes in England and Wales, and to make other Provisions in lieu thereof," and, &c. 26. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Convictions, (No. 40 (1.2), ante, p. 39, where imprisonment in default of payment of penalty, or No. 39 (I.I), ante, p. 38, where penalty to be levied by distress]. Commitment, No. 52 (O. 1), ante, p. 49, or Distress Warrant, $c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, p 5052. COPYRIGHT OF DESIGNS. 1. Selling Article as registered when not so. (5 & 6 Viet. c. 100, ss. 7, Id. Offence 3, 8; 6 & 7 Viet. c. 65, s. 4).] did unlawfully sell to one E. F. a certain p. 108. article of manufacture, to wit, an article called a " palletot," as a regis- tered article, the same not being then registered either according to the pro- visions of a certain act passed in a session of parliament held in the fifth H 2 100 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. and sixth years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act to 2nd ed. p. 108. consolidate and amend the Laws relating to the Copyright of Designs for ornamenting Articles of Manufacture," or according to the provisions of a certain other act passed in a session of parliament held in the sixth and seventh years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act to amend the Laws relating to the Copyright of Designs,"* and contrary, &c. Id. Ofience 4, 5. 2. Advertising as registered, or after Expiration of Copyright. (Id.)] did unlawfully advertise for sale a certain article, [4'C., follow to the asterisk* in Form No. 1, supra, and then in the case of the copyright being expired], the copyright in the said article having expired on the day of last, contrary, &c. 3. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38]; Distress Warrant, &c.' No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, p. 5052. 2 Burn's Jus. 29th ed. p. 22. Id. CORN RETURNS. 1. Corn Dealer not making Declaration required by 5 Viet. c. 14, ss. 23, 39] then and for calendar months previously being a dealer [or as the case may be"] in British corn at [within] the said city [or town] of , in the said county of , being one of the cities [or towns] named in the schedule annexed to a certain act passed in the fifth year of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled, " An Act to amend the Laws for the Importation of Corn/'* and dealing in British corn during the period aforesaid, did not, before he so dealt in British corn as afore- said, make or deliver, at or within the said city [or town] of , to the mayor or chief magistrate of the said city [or town], or any of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county [or riding, or division, as the case may be'], in which the said city [or town] is situated, the de- claration in writing subscribed with the hand of the said A. B., in the form and manner as bv the said act in that behalf required, contrary, &c. 2. The like, for not making the Returns required by sect. 25. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 1, supra, then thus:~\ and having made the delaration in that behalf required by the said act, did on divers days and times during the week ending on and including the day next preceding the first market day hereafter mentioned, to wit, on the day of first aforesaid, and on divers days and times afterwards, at [or within] the said town [or city], deal in British corn, and did buy divers, to wit, one thousand parcels of divers, to wit, one hundred sorts of British corn, at and for divers prices, from divers persons, by divers weights and measures; nevertheless the said A. B. did not, on [Tuesday] the day of last, being the first market day of the week ending the day of , holden within the said town [or city], return or cause to be returned to the officer of Inland Revenue acting as inspector of corn returns for the said town [or city] of , at the place ap- pointed for receiving such returns [or to the continuing inspector of corn returns for the said town [or city] of ; or to the inspector of com returns for the said city of Oxford, or the town of Cambridge, as the case may be] an account in writing signed with the name of the said A. B., of the amount of each and every parcel of each respective sort of British corn CHAP, ii.] CORN RETURNS-CRUELTY, &c. 101 by him bought during the week ending on and including the day next preceding such first market day as aforesaid, with the price thereof, and by what weight or measure the same was so bought by him, with the names of the sellers of each of the said parcels respectively, and with the names of the person or persons, other than the said A. B., for or on ac- count of whom the same was so bought and sold, in the form and manner as required by the said act, contrary, &c. 3. General Form to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. 39 (1. 1), ante, p. 38] ; Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 55, ante, p. 5052. COUNTY COURTS. 1. Assaulting Bailiff". (9 & 10 Viet. c. 95, s. 114.)] did unlawfully Oke'sSyn. 2nd assault [the said] C. D. [the complainant], he being then an officer [or ed. Offences 1, bailiff] of the County Court of Cambridgeshire, at Newmarket, holden 2 and 3, p. 110. under an act passed in a session of parliament held in the ninth and tenth years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act for the more easy Recovery of Small Debts and Demands in England,"* and being then and there in the due execution of his duty as such bailiff as aforesaid, contrary, &c. 2. Making Rescue of Goods levied. (Id.)] did unlawfully rescue [or attempt to make rescue] from [the said] C. D. [or out of a certain build- ing there of the said A. B.J certain goods then before duly levied by the said C. D., a bailiff acting under and by virtue of the process of the County Court of Cambridgeshire, at Newmarket, holden, [#c. follow to the asterisk* in Form No. 1, supra'], contrary, &c. 3. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38] ; Distress Warrant, &c'. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, p. 5052. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. 1. Conviction given in Sect. 23 of 12 # 13 Viet. c. 92 (a). ) Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the year to wit. t of our Lord , A. B. is brought before me [or us] C. D., &c. a justice [or justices] of the peace for the [here insert the county, borough, or other jurisdiction of the justice or justices'], and is charged before me [or us] with having [here describe the offence], contrary to the provisions of a certain act [here insert the title of this act(b)~], and it ap- pearing unto me [or us] upon the confession of the said A. B. [or upon the oath of a credible witness or witnesses, as the case may be~], that the said A. B. is guilty of the said offence, I do therefore adjudge the said A. B. [here insert the adjudication, and in the case of a secotid or subse- (o) Vide sect. 17 of 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43 (Jervis's Act) hereon, ante, p. 7. What is the use of encumbering the statute book with any new forms, or such one as this is? If this kind of law making is to continue in subsequent sessions, we shall have the same difficulties in practice as before Jervis's acts passed. Jervis's Act gives a much better form for all purposes. (6) The title, with the year of the reign omitted here, will be seen in Form No. 2. 102 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. quent offence, add these words, the same being the second [or any sub- sequent] offence against the provisions of the said act]. Given under my [or our] hand [or hands (c)] at [here insert the place where the justice or justices may be], the day and year first above written. 2. Beating, Illtreating, #c., or causing same. (12 & 13 Viet. c. 92, s. 2.)] did cruelly beat [or ill treat, overdrive, abuse, or torture], [or cause, or procure to be cruelly beaten [or illtreated, overdriven , abused, or tortured], a certain animal, to wit, a horse [or mare, gelding, &c., see interpretation clause, sect. 29], by then and there [here describe the iUtreatment, $c., as "violently beating the same about the head and ears with a large stick"], contrary to the provisions of a certain act passed in a session of parlia- ment held in the thirteenth year of the reign of her present Majesty, in- tituled, "An Act for the more effectual Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- mals." 3. Keeping Cockpit or Place for Bull-baiting, Sfc. (Id. s. 3.)] did keep [or use, or act in the management of] a certain place, to wit, a pit there for the purpose of fighting [or baiting] bulls [bears, badgers, dog, cock,] [or did permit [or suffer] a certain place, to wit, a pit [or room] there to be used for the purpose, &c.], [or did encourage [or aid, or assist] by then and there [describe the defendant's act] at the fighting [or baiting] of a certain bull, [ffc.~\ there being fought in a certain place, to wit, a yard there,] contrary, &c. [as in Form No. 2.] 4. Persons guilty of Cruelty, and thereby doing Damage. (Id. s. 4.)] did by cruelly beating [or illtreating, over-driving, abusing, or torturing] a certain animal, to wit, an ox, do certain damage and injury to the said ox, to wit, [describe the injury \, to the amount of , [or thereby cause certain damage and injury to be done to one E. F. there being [or to certain property of one E. F. there, to wit, six panes of glass] to the amount of ], contrary, &c. [as in Form No. 2, ante.] 5. Not feeding Cattle impounded. Id. s. 5.)] impound [or cause to be impounded] a certain animal, to wit, one mare, in the common pound there, and on that day, and also on the day of instant, did refuse [or neglect] to provide and supply the said mare with a sufficient quantity of fit and wholesome food and water, and did not do so, con- trary, &c. [as in Form No. 2, ante.] 6. Complaint for Recovery of Cost of Food supplied by a Stranger to Cattle impounded without Food. (Id. s. 6.)] a certain animal, to wit, a mare, the property of E. F., was impounded [or confined] in the common pound there, and continued confined there without fit and sufficient food and water for more than twelve successive hours, to wit, fifteen hours ; that the said C. D., the informant, supplied the said mare with fit and sufficient food and water for days while it continued confined as aforesaid ; and that the reasonable cost of such food and water is the sum * > which the said C. D. prayeth may be ordered to be paid by the (c) There is no sealing it appears necessary here, for the first time. CHAP, ii.] CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. 103 said A. B., the owner of the said mare, to the said C. D., according to the provisions of a certain act, &c. [conclude as in Form No. 2, ante, p. 102*] 7. Order thereon.'] This seems to be necessary. The Form will be the general one, No. 45 (K. 2), ante, 43 ; and the commitment, No. 65 (O.2), ante, p. 57. 8. Improperly conveying Animals. (Id. s. 12.)] did convey [or carry, or cause to be conveyed or carried] certain animals, to wit, ten oxen, in [or upon] a certain vehicle, to wit, a , in such a manner [or position], to wit [here describe the manner], as to subject the said oxen to unne- cessary pain and suffering, contrary, &c. [as in Form No. 2, ante, p. 102], the said offence being the said A. B.'s [first] offence. 9. Obstructing Constable or Keeper of a Pound. (Id. s. 20.)] did unlawfully obstruct [or hinder, molest, or assault] the said C. D. [the complainant], he then being a constable for the said parish of [or the keeper of the common pound there], and in the exercise of the power given him under or by virtue of a certain act passed [#c. as in Form No. 2, ante, p. 102,] contrary to the form of the same statute. 10. Summons to Proprietor of public Vehicles to produce the Driver, fyc. Id. s. 22.)] This should be in the usual Form of Summons, No. 8 (A.), ante, p. 26, reciting the complaint made against the driver to the justice, as follows : Whereas complaint hath this day been made before the under- signed, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , that A. B., of, &c., then being the driver [or con- ductor] of a certain hackney [or stage carriage, or cart, waggon, or van], did on the day of , at the parish of aforesaid [here describe the offence of the driver], contrary, &c. : and that you the said E. F. are the proprietor [or owner] of such hackney [or stage carriage, or such cart, &c.] : These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, to produce the said A. B., the said driver, so that he be and appear on, &c. [conclude as in General Form, No. 8 (A.), ante, p. 26.] 1 1 . Complaint of Proprietor of Carriage (who has paid the Penalty for the Driver's offence} against the Driver for the same. (Id.)] that he the said E. F. [the complainant] was on the day of last duly adjudged by one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , to pay the penalty of and for costs for a certain offence of which one A. B. was then and there convicted, for that he the said A. B., of &c., on the day of , at the parish of afore- said, then being the driver, &c. [as in Form No. 10, supra,wilh description of the offence as in the driver's co/iuic/iora],the said E. F. being the pro- prietor [or owner] of the said hackney carriage [or cart] ; and that he the said E.F. hath duly paid the said penalty and costs, amounting together to the sum of , and that the said A.B., the said driver, refused [or neglected] to be produced and appear pursuant to the summons in that behalf issued to the said E. F., the proprietor, and the said E. F. there- fore prays that the said A. B. may be ordered to pay the said sum of to the said E. F. 12. Order for Payment by the Driver. (Id.)] This seems to be necessary. The General Form, No. 45 (K. 2), ante, p. 43, and the com- mitment, No. 65 (O. 2), ante, p. 57, will apply. 13. Proprietor refusing to produce Driver. (Id. s. 22.)] that E. F., 104 Vide sect. 18. Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. of, &c., on the day of last, then being the proprietor [or owner] of a certain hackney [or stage] carriage [or cart, &c.] hereinafter men- tioned, was duly summoned by J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's jus- tices of the peace in and for the said [county~\ of , to produce one A. B. of, &c., so that he be and appear here on this day before such jus- tices of the peace for the said [county'] as might then he there, to answer to a certain complaint made before the said justice against the said A. B., and to be further dealt with according to law, for that he the said A. B., on the day of , at the parish of aforesaid, then being the driver, &c. [state the offence as in Form No. 10, supra] ; but the said E. F.hath now here failed to produce, and hath not produced, the said A. B., the said driver, without any satisfactory excuse allowed by me the said justice, contrary, &c. [as in Form No. 2, ante, p. 102.] 14. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Convictions, (No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39, where a penalty imposed, or No. 41 (I. 3), ante, p. 39, where imprisonment only adjudged] ; Commitment, No. 52 (O. 1), ante, p. 49; or commitment, &c. for costs, No. 48 (P.I) 51, ante, p. 4648.] DEAD BODIES. Oke's Syn. 2nd 1. Not giving Notice to Churchwarden of finding.] 48 Geo. 3, c. 75, ed. Offence 1, S s. 3, 4.)] found a certain dead body of a man unknown cast on shore P- '12. from the sea, in the parish of aforesaid [or in aforesaid, the same being an extra-parochial place], and did not, within six hours after he so found the same as aforesaid, give notice thereof to any of the churchwardens or overseers of the said parish [or to the constable or headborough of the said extra-parochial place], or cause such notice to be left at the last or usual place of abode of any of them, contrary, &c. Id. Offences 2, 2. Churchwarden, Sfc. not removing or burying the Body. (Id. s. 7.)] 3, 4. being churchwarden [or overseer, or constable] of the said parish of , having, on the day of instant, at aforesaid, been served with notice that the dead body of a certain man unknown was cast on shore from the sea, and was then lying within the bounds of the said parish, did not, within twelve hours after the said notice was so served upon him as aforesaid, cause the said body to be removed from the said shore to some convenient place prior to the interment thereof, [or did neglect [or refuse] after removing the said body from the said shore, for days, to cause it to be decently interred in the churchyard [or burial ground] of the said parish of ,] contrary, &c. N.B. The general forms for enforcing the conviction No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38, are distress warrant, &c. No. 53 (N 1) 58, ante, p. 5052. Toone, p. 173, 3. Order for reimbursing Overseers the Expenses of interring a Dead 4lh ed- Body. (Id. s. 6.) To the Treasurer of the county of . to wit. I. J. C. Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of , having inquired into and ascertained on path the payments, costs and expenses, in the account annexed, amount- ing to , incurred by the overseers of the poor of the parish of in the said county, by reason of a dead body of a certain man unknown having been found cast on shore from the sea of the aforesaid parish, on CHAP ii.] .DEAD BODIES -DISSENTERS. 105 the day of last, and interred by the said overseers at the like sums as in cases of burials made at the expense of the said parish, do hereby order you forthwith, on sight hereof, to pay A. B., overseer of the poor of the said parish, the said sum of , according to an act passed in the forty-eighth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Third, intituled " An Act for providing suitable Interment in Church- yards or Parochial Burial Grounds for such dead Human Bodies as may be cast on Shore from the Sea in Cases of Wreck or otherwise," and the same shall be allowed you in your accounts. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord 18 . J. C. (L. s.) DISSENTERS. 1. Permitting Meeting in a Place not certified. (52 Geo. 3, c. 155, 2 Burn's Jus. s. 1.)] (a) then being the occupier of a certain dwelling-house [or place] 29th ed. p. 258. there situate, did knowingly permit [or suffer] a meeting, congregation and assembly of persons to the number of more than twenty, to wit, thirty persons, besides the immediate family and servants of the said A. B., to meet and to be held in his said dwelling-house for the purpose of religious worship in other manner than according to the liturgy and practice of the Church of England, the said dwelling-house in which the said meeting, congregation and assembly was held not then having been certified to the bishop of the diocese, or to the archdeacon of that archdeaconry, or to the justices of the peace at their general or quarter sessions of the peace for the county in which the said meeting was held, nor registered in the said bishop's or archdeacon's court, nor recorded at the said general or quarter sessions, contrary, &c. 2. Preaching without Consent of Occupier. (Id. s. 3.)] then being a teacher [or preacher], and having duly made, taken and subscribed the oaths and declarations by the statute in that behalf required, did then and there teach [or preach] in a certain meeting, congregation and assembly of persons to the number of more than twenty, to wit, thirty persons (besides the immediate family and servants of E. F., the occupier of the premises hereinafter mentioned, in which the said meeting, congregation and assembly was had), in a certain house of the said E. F., there situate*, without the consent of the said E. F., the occupier thereof, contrary, &c. 3. Preaching before required Oatht taken. (Id. s 5.)] then being a teacher [or preacher], did then and there teach, [#c. follow to the aste- risk * in Form No. 2] before he had made, taken and subscribed the oaths and declaration required by the statute in that behalf to be taken, made and subscribed, before he the said A. B. should be permitted or allowed to teach or preach in any such congregation or assembly for religious worship, and the said A. B. having refused to attend to make, take and subscribe the same as required by a justice in that behalf, con- trary, &c. 4. Preaching in Registered Building with Door bolted, fyc. (Id. s. (a) This form of statement of the offence is adapted from that in R. v. Hall, 1 T. R. 320, which arose on a conviction under the repealed statute 22 Car. 2, c. 1, wherein the conviction was affirmed. 106 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. 11.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 2, supra, and then thus: the door of the said house [or place] being then and there bolted [or bolted, or fastened with ] so as to prevent, and which did prevent, one C. D., the complainant, from entering therein during the said meet- ing, assembly and congregation, contrary, &c. 5. General Forms to be. used in enforcing the Conviction, No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38]; Distress Warrant', &c. No. 53 (N. l)-58, ante, p. 5052. DISTRESS. Oke's Syn. 2nd 1. Tenant clandestinely removing Goods. (11 Geo. 2, c. 19, ss. 1, 4.)] ed. Offence 1, being then and there tenant from year to year [or as the case may be] p. 112. to the said C. D. [the complainant] of a certain tenement and lands there situate, at the yearly [or weekly] rent of , payable half-yearly [or as the case may be~\, and the said A. B. being then indebted unto the said C. D. for certain arrears of rent for the said demised premises, to wit, the sum of , then and still due and payable, did fraudulently [and clandestinely] remove, convey away, and carry off from the said premises divers of his goods and chattels, not exceeding the value of fifty pounds, to wit, of the value of , in order to prevent the said C. D., the landlord of the said premises from then and there distraining the same for the said arrears of rent so due and payable as aforesaid, contrary, &c. Observations.'] The complaint may be by E. F. of, &c. bailiff, [ser- vant or agent] of C. D. of, &c. [the landlord], and the justice must be described as residing near the place where the goods and chattels hereinafter mentioned were removed, [or where the goods hereinafter mentioned were found], and not being inter- ested in the lands and tenements whence such goods and chattels were removed. Id. Offence 2. 2. Person aiding and assisting. (Id.)] Proceed as in No. 1, to its conclusion, and then add: and that on the day of aforesaid, at the parish of aforesaid, E. F. of, &c., did wilfully and knowingly aid and assist the said A. B. in fraudulently [and clandestinely] removing, conveying away and carrying off the said goods [or concealing the said goods], contrary, &c. 3. Order for Payment of Double Value. (Id.)] This will be the same as General Order No. 44 (K. 1), ante, p. 42, reciting the complaint, No. 1 or 2, supra, to have been made in writing, with, this variation in the statement oj the. appearance, and the justices hearing the complaint, repeat as in the complaint description as not being interested, as in the " Observations" above, and in the adjudication say We do adjudge the said A. B. to be guilty of the offence charged against him as aforesaid ; and where an aider, and that the said E. F. is also guilty of the offence charged against him as aforesaid, and do order and adjudge him [or them] to pay to the said C. D. or to his bailiff, servant or agent, the sum of , (being double the value of the goods and chattels so removed, conveyed away and car- ried off as aforesaid, as appears to us on due inquiry in that behalf,) and also to pay to the said C. D. the sum of for costs, &c. [conclude as in General Form No. 44 (K. 1), ante, p. 42.] 4. Taking excessive Charges on Distresses for Rent, c. (57 Geo. 3, c. 93, s. 2.)] then being employed to make a distress upon the goods CHAP, ii.] DISTRESS DOGS. 107 and chattels of the said C. D. [the complainant], for and in respect of Oke's Synop. an arrear of rent due to one E. F. [or certain poor rates, &c., or as the 2nd ed. p. 112. case may be], not exceeding in amount the sum of twenty pounds, to wit, the sum of , did then and there make such distress accordingly [and proceed to a sale thereof, if so], and did afterwards, to wit, on the day of instant, at the parish of aforesaid*, retain [or take and receive] from the said C. D. [out of the produce of the goods and chattels so distrained upon and sold for such arrears of rent [or us the case may be] as aforesaid, if a sale] certain costs and charges [other than and] greatly exceeding in amount the respective costs and charges allowed by the statute in that case made and provided, [or if for matters not done, say, from the asterisk * : make and take and receive from the said C. D. certain charges for matters mentioned in the statute in that case made and provided, and not really done in respect of the said distress], that is to say, [here state the particular sum overcharged or charged, as the case may be, with what it was paid for], contrary, &c. 5. Order of Dismissal of Complaint.] Although a short form is giv by the statute, that in Jervis's Act, Mo. 31 (L.), ante, p. 34, should given be used. 6. Order of Treble Amount taken.] A short form of this order is also given in the statute, but the General Form, No. 44 (K 1), ante, p. 42, should be used, merely adding to it, by stating, after the amount ad- judged to be paid, " being treble the amount of the monies so unlawfully taken as aforesaid." 4. General Forms to be wed in enforcing the Orders for Payment.'] Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, p. 5052. DOGS. 1. Stealing a Dog. (8 & 9 Viet. c. 47, s. 2.)] did unlawfully steal, ld offence 1 take and carry away a certain dog, to wit, a spaniel, of the value of two p/H4. pounds, the property of one C. D. [or the said C. D.], contrary, &c. 2. Complaint to ground Search Warrant for a Stolen Dog. (Id. s. 5.)] j,j t Offence 2 Proceed in the usual Form No. 1, ante, p. 23, and then: that he the said C. D. [the complainant] hath lately lost a certain dog, to wit, a spa- niel of a black and tan colour, and that he has just cause to suspect, and doth suspect and believe, that A. B., of the parish of aforesaid [labourer], hath stolen the same, and that the same dog is now in the possession [or concealed on the premises, or as the case may be] of the said A. B., situate at aforesaid. 3. Search Warrant thereon.] Proceed in the usual Form No. 11 of Chap. I. of Indictable Offences, post, by reciting the complaint, No. 2, supra, and then thus : These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, to make diligent search for the said dog in the said premises of the said A. B., and if you shall find it therein, then that you bring the same, and also the body of the said A.B., before me, or some other of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said 108 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. [county} of , to answer to the said complaint, and to be further 2nd ed. p. 114. dealt with according to law. Offence 2. 4. Having a Stolen Dog in Possession, found by virtue of a Search Warrant. (Id. s. 3.)] a certain dog, to wit, a spaniel, the property of one C. D. [or the said C. D. the complainant] (by a certain ill-disposed person unknown, then lately before unlawfully stolen, taken and carried away), was found in the possession [or in the dwelling-house] of the said A. B. there situate, by virtue of a certain search warrant theretofore in that behalf duly granted, he the said A. B. then and there well knowing the said dog to have been unlawfully stolen, taken and carried away, contrary, &c. 5. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Convictions, (No. 41 (1.3), ante, p. 39;] or where imprisonment only adjudged, or No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39, where a penalty imposed ; Commitment, &c. No. 48 (P.I), ante, p. 46; and for Costs, Distress Warrant, &c. No. 49 (P. 3) 51, ante, p. 46 48, in the former; or Commitment, No. 52 (O. 1), ante, p. 49, in the latter case. 6. Variation in Conviction No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39] in the ad- judication say, to forfeit and pay the sum of , over and above the value of the said dog, and for the said dog the further sum of , to be respectively paid and applied, &c. DRUNKENNESS. I. Proceedings upon a First Offence. II. Proceedingsfor a Second Offence. I. PROCEEDINGS UPON A FIRST OFFENCE. Id. p. 114. ! For beiTI S Drunk. (21 Jac. 1, c. 7, ss. 1, 3.)] That A. B., of , &c. was, on the day of instant, at the parish of , in the said [county] of , drunk, contrary, &c. 2. Variations in the General Form of Conviction, No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38.] In the. adjudication, say, after the sum of five shillings, the penalty, according to the said statute ; the time of payment to be within one week, according to the statute aforesaid ; in default of dis- tress the defendant shall be set in the stocks of the said parish of , there to remain for the space of six hours ; and omit the words unless the said several sums, &c. shall be sooner paid. 3. Conviction on View.'] Vide General Form, No. 43, ante, p. 42. 4. Distress Warrant."] Vide General Form, No. 53 (N. 1), ante, p. 50. 5. Commitment to the Stocks in default of Distress, or on Confession.] The General Forms, No. 58 (N. 5), ante, p. 52, or No. 54, ante, p. 50, must be adapted to the variations above, (No. 2), in the conviction, but directed only to the constable, and the command being shortly this : These are, therefore, to command you, the said constable of the parish of , to take the said A. B., and him set in the stocks of the said parish of CHAP, ii.] DRUNKENNESS. 109 , there to remain for the space of six hours ; and for your so doing, Oke's Synop. this shall be your sufficient warrant. 2nd ed. p. 114. 6. Warrant to the Churchwardens (if they are not present at the Con- viction, or the Offender makes Default by not appearing), to receive the Penalty (a). To the Churchwardens of the parish of , in the said \county.~] } Forasmuch as A. B., of, &c., in the said [county], is con- to wit. ji victed before [me] the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's jus- tices of the peace for the said [county] ; for that lie, the said A. B., was, on the day of last, at the parish of , in the said [county], drunk, contrary to the statute in such case made, whereby he hath forfeited the sum of five shillings to the use of the poor of the said parish : These are therefore to require you to demand and receive of and from him, the said A. B., the said sum of five shillings, to be by you accounted for to the use aforesaid; and if he shall refuse or neglect to pay the same by the space of one week after such demand made, that then you certify to me such refusal and neglect, to the end that such proceeding may be had thereupon as to justice doth appertain. Given under my hand and seal, the day of , in the year of our Lord, , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) II. PROCEEDINGS FOR A SECOND OFFENCE. 7. Information for being Drunk.] State the last offence committed, as in the Form No. 1, ante, p. 23, and then as in the General Form of Infor- mation for a Second Ojftnce, No. 4, ante, p. 25. 8. Recognizance to be of good Behaviour."] Proceed as in the Form No. 13 (E.), ante, p. 28, the condition being as follows: the condition of the within written recognizance is such, that whereas the within bounden A. B. is this day duly convicted before the justice within mentioned, for that he the said A. B. was, on the day of instant, at the parish of , in the [county] aforesaid, drunk, contrary, &c. (the same being his second conviction), and it was thereby adjudged, that the said A. B., for his said offence, should be bound in a recognizance, with two sureties, in the sum of ten pounds, according to the statute aforesaid, to be of good behaviour for the space of then next ensuing ; if therefore he, the said A . B., shall be of good behaviour for the space of now next ensuing, then the said recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue. 9. Notice thereof.] This will be the same as No. 14, ante, p. 29, altering it to the condition of the recognizance, No. 8, supra. 10. Commitment in Default of Recognizance. (2 Hawk. c. 16. s. 2.)] Proceed as in the General Form No. 48, ante, p. 46, by reciting the con- viction for the second offence ; then the averment of the previous conviction asin the General Form nf Conviction, No. 42, ante, p.40,andthen thus:] and it was thereby adjudged, that the said A. B.. for his said first-men- tioned offence, of which he is now duly convicted before me (being his (a) This Form is given in nearly all the books of practice ; but as no de- mand of a penalty is necessary before enforcing, where the conviction is regular and proper, it is difficult to see the use of it ; it is inserted in this collection for those who wish to practise extreme caution in their proceedings. 110 Summary Convictions and Orders [PART i. Oke's Synop. second conviction of drunkenness), should be bound in a recognizance, 2nd ed. p. 114. with two sureties, in the sum of ten pounds, according to the statute afore- said, to be of good behaviour for the space of then next ensuing : and whereas the said A. B. hath refused to enter into such recognizance, and to find such sureties as aforesaid ; These are therefore [4r.,s General Form No. 48, ante, p. 46, adding, after the term of imprisonment], unless he in the meantime shall become bound in such recognizance, with such sureties as aforesaid, in the manner and for the term above mentioned ; and for your so doing, &c. N.B. The. costs of these proceedings, where the party is committed, would seem to be recoverable as in cases where the punishment is imprisonment only. (General Forms No. 49 (P. 3) 51, ante, p. 4648.) FIREWORKS. Id. p. 114. 1. Making or Selling. (9 & 10 Will. 3, c. 7, s. 2.)] did make [or cause to be made, or give, sell, or offer to sale] unto one E . F. certain fireworks, to wit, ten squibs, [or certain cases, to wit, two cases [or moulds] for making ser- pents], contrary, &c. 2. Permitting Fireworks to be thrown from a House into the Street, fyc. (Id,)] did permit certain fireworks, to wit, ten squibs, to be cast, thrown and fired out of and from the dwelling-house of him the said A. B. there situate, into a certain public street [or highway, road or passage] there, called , contrary, &c. 3. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction, No. 39 (1. 1), ante, p. 38, for the above Offences.'] Distress Warrant, &c., No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, p. 5052. 4. Casting Fireworks into Street, 4" c - (Id- s. 3.)] did throw, cast and fire certain fireworks, to wit, twenty rockets, into a certain public street [or house, shop, river, highway, road, or passage] there situate, called , contrary, &c. 5. General Form for enforcing the Conviction for this Offence, No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39.] Commitment, No. 52 (O. 1), ante, p. 49. FISHERIES. Id. p. 116 ^1. Destroying Salmon, ^c., with Lime, Sfc. (58 Geo. 3, c. 43, s. 3.)] Offences? 10. did pursue [or take, kill or destroy] certain salmon [or salmon trout (11 & 12 Viet. c. 52, s. 2)], to wit, three salmon, then and there being in a certain river there situate [or there running between [or forming] the bounday of the said [county~] of C. and the adjoining [county'] of S.], contrary, &c. [or did seek and endeavour to take [or kill or destroy, pursue, hurt or injure certain salmon, &c.], to wit, three salmon, then and there being in [ ], by then and there laying and using cer- tain hot lime in the said river [or state the means as the case may be~], contrary, &c. CHAP, ii.] FISHERIES-FRAMES-GAME. Ill 2. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction, No. 39 Oke's Synop. (I. 1), ante, p. 38.] Distress warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, p. 2nd ed. p. 116. 50 52. The variation in either of the forms, when a second conviction, will be as directed in the general consolidated form of conviction, No. 42, ante, p. 40. FRAMES. Not returning Frame after Notice. (28 Geo. 3, c. 55, s. 1.)] Then being a frame-work knitter, renting and taking to hire a stocking frame of [the said] C. D. [and if the fact, with a certain machine to be employed therewith, called ] did then and there refuse to yield up and re-deliver the said stocking- frame [with the said machine therewith let] to the said C. D., after four- teen days previous notice for such purpose before then duly given, ac- cording to the statute in that behalf, although the said A. B. was then and there requested so to do by the said C. D., but hath therein made de- fault, contrary, &c. The general forms to be used in enforcing the conviction, No. 40, (I. 2) ante, p. 39, will be commitment, No. 52 (O. 1), ante, p. 49. GAME. I. Trespass in Search of. Id. p. \\Q. II. Killing without Certificate. 127. III. Killing on Sunday, fyc. IV. Killing out of Season. V. Selling without Certificate. VI. Buying, 4'C. unlawfully. VII. Offences by Licensed Dealers, fyc. VIII. Offences by Occupiers. IX. Night Poaching. X. Sporting without Certificate. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. The Information for all of the offences (excepting offences Nos. 19,20, Oke's Syn.,2d ed. p. 120, Forms No. 15 and 16, post) in the first eight divisions of this title may be drawn in the General Form No. 3, ante, p. 25 (a), adding at the foot or indorsing on the back, the Deposition of the witness to the offence, required by the 6 & 7 Will. 4, c. 65, s. 9, to be made by another person than the in- former, as follows : " And E. F. of the parish of , in the said county of , a cre- dible witness in this behalf, cometh also in his proper person before me the said justice, on the day and year first above men- tioned, after the exhibiting of the above [within] information, but before any proceeding had or taken thereupon, either for (a) The published forms drawn by Mr. Greaves may still safely be used, although since Jervis's Act, (11 6c 12 Viet. c. 43,) they are unnecessarily long, especially the Information ; the statements, or mode of describing the offences, have in this collection, however, been taken generally from those forms, as they do not admit of abridgement. 112 Oke's Synop. 2nd ed. Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. summoning the said A. B., the party accused, or compelling his appearance to answer the same, and upon his oath duly deposes and swears that the charge contained in the said information is true and correct." The Summons would be in the General Form No. 8 (A.), ante, p. 26, the only variation being to add after the usual recital of the information : " And whereas after the exhibiting of the said information, but before any proceeding had or taken thereupon, the matter and charge contained in the said information is now duly deposed to before me, the said justice, upon the oath of E. F., of the parish of , in the said county of , a credible witness, according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided." The warrant, where the summons is disobeyed, and also the warrant in the first instance (b), will also be the same as the General Forms No. 10 (B.) and 11 (C.), ante, pp. 26, 27, placing the variation as directed for the summons, supra. The conviction, as well as the necessary forms to be used in enforcing them, are the same without exception as in the General Forms in Jervis's Act, the description of the offence, as here shown, being all that is wanting, with names, dates, and sums, to perfect them. The information for the offences under the ninth division (" Night Poaching'') of this title, as well as for those described in Forms No. 15 and 16, post, may be drawn in the General Form No. 1, ante, p. 23, on oath, without any deposition by another person, the statute 6 & 7 Will. 4, c. 65, s. 9, applying only to offences prosecuted under the 1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 32. The other forms will be the same as the General Forms in Jervis's Act, with the exception of the special variations hereafter shown in particular cases. I. TRESPASS IN SEARCH OF. Offences 1,2, 1. In Search or Pursuit alone. (1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 32, s. 30.)] did p. 118. unlawfully commit a certain trespass by entering [or being] in the day time of tha same day upon a certain * piece of land in the possession and occupation of F. G. there, in search [or pursuit] of game, [if known, say, to wit, a partridge, or woodcocks, snipes, quails, landrails, and conies,] there, without the licence or consent of the owner of the land so trespassed upon, or of any person having the right of killing the game upon such land, or of any other person having any right to authorize the said A. B. to enter or be upon the said land for the purpose aforesaid, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 3. 2. The like, to the Number of Five or more. (Id).] did, together with other persons as yet unknown, [or together with E. F., F. G., and other persons as yet unknown,] to the number of five and more, unlaw- fully commit, &c. [follow as in Form No. 1, supra, to the end.~] Id. Offence 4. 3. Trespasser refusing to tell his Name, SfC. (Id. s. 31.) ] was found on a certain piece of land in the possession and occupation of F. G. there [or upon a certain forest [park, &c.,] belonging to her Majesty, called (b) Before the passing of Jervis's Act it was necessary, in order to authorize the issue of this warrant, for the witness to depose " that the party was likely to ahscond," (] fit 2 Will. 4, c. 32, s. 41 ) ; but now only an oath, ' substan- tiating the matter of such information'' is necessary, (see 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43, s. 2, Arch. ed. p. 101 ; Saund. ed. p. 89 ; and Oke's Syn. 2d ed. p. 21.) CHAP. ii.J GAME. 113 ] in the day-time of the same day, there in search [or pursuit] of Oke's Synop. game, [or woodcocks, &c.] there, without due licence and authority for 2nd ed. p. 118. that purpose, and that the said A. B. was then and there required by the said F. G., then being the occupier of the said land, [or by G. H., being then the servant [or game-keeper] of the said F. G., then being the occupier of the said land,] forthwith to quit the said land whereon he was so found, and also to tell his Christian name, surname, and place of abode; and that the said A.B. did then and there, after being so required as aforesaid,* offend, by then and there refusing to tell his real name [or place of abode], contrary, &c. 4. Giving an illusory Description. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk * in Id. Offence 5. Form No. 3 above, then: offend, by then and there giving such a general description of his place of abode as was illusory for the purpose of dis- covery, to wit, that it was in London [or as the case may be], contrary, &c. 5. Continuing or returning upon the Land. (Id.)] Proceed to the Id. Offence 6. asterisk * in Form No. 3, supra, then : offend, by then and there wil- fully continuing [or returning] upon the said land for a long space of time, to wit, [half an hour], contrary, &c. 6. Trespassers found armed and using Violence. (Id. s. 32.)] to- Id. Offences?, 8. gether with other persons as yet unknown, [or together with E. F., F. G., and other persons as yet unknown,] to the number of five and more, were found on a certain piece of land in the possession and occupation of F. G. there, [or upon a certain forest [or park, &c.,] belonging to her Majesty, called ,] in the day-time of the same day, there in search [or pursuit] of game [or woodcocks, &c.] there, without due licence and authority for that purpose, the said A. B. [or one of the said persons, to wit, E. F.] being then and there armed with a gun, and that the said A.B. [or one of the said several persons, to wit, E. F.] then and there, by violence [or intimidation or menace], to wit, [describe the violence, Sfc.~] did then and there prevent [or endeavour to prevent] the said C. D. [or one G. H., being then the servant of the said I. K., the occupier of the said land, [or as the case may be,~\ from approaching the said A. B., and the said other persons, so then and there found as aforesaid, for the purpose of then and there requiring them to quit the said land whereon they were so found, [or requiring them to tell their Christian names, surnames, and places of abode respectively,] con- trary, &c. 7. Aiding or abetting in last described Offence. (Id.)] Proceed with Id. Offence 9. offence against the principal or principals as above, then describe the aiding as in the general form of information, No. 6, ante, p. 26. 8. In Search, or Pursuit, in her Majesty's Forests, #c. (Id. s. 33.)] Id. Offence 10. Proceed to the asterisk * in the Form No. 1, ante, p. 112, and then thus: forest [or park, chase, or warren] there called , in search [or pursuit] of game there, without being duly authorized so to do, contrary, &c. II. KILLING WITHOUT CERTIFICATE. 9. Killing or taking Game without Certificate. (Id. s. 23.)] did id. Offence 11 unlawfully kill [or take] certain game, to wit, one partridge, he, the said p. 120. A. B., not being then and there authorized so to do for want of a game certificate, contrary, &c. 134 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PAKT i. Oke's Synop. 10. Using a Dog, Snare, Sfc., to take Game. (Id.)] did unlawfully 2nd ed. p. 120. use a certain dog, to wit, a greyhound, for the purpose of then and there Id. Offence 12. searc hing for [or taking] [or a certain gun, for the purpose of then and there killing] [or a certain engine or instrument, to wit, a snare, for the purpose of then and there taking] , game, [if known, say, to wit, one hare] on certain land in the occupation of one E. F., there situate, he, the said A. B., not being then and there authorized so to do for want of a game certificate, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 13. 11. Officers in the Army taking, c. Game. (12 & 13 Viet. c. 10. a. 93.) (Mutiny Act.)] being then and there an officer in her Majesty's army, did then and there take [or kill, or destroy,] certain game, to wit, one hare, without any leave in writing for so doing had or obtained from the person entitled to grant such leave, contrary, &c. Id. Offences 14, 12. Laying Poison to kill Game. (1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 32, s. 3.)] did 15. put [or cause to be put] certain poison, [or poisonous ingredients], to wit, , in certain open [or inclosed] ground there called , where game then usually resorted, [or in a certain highway there called ,] with intent thereby then and there to destroy [or injure] the said game, contrary, &c. Id. Offences 16, 13. Taking Eggs, or destroying them in the Nest. (Id. s. 24.)] did 17. wilfully take out of a certain nest, [or destroy in a certain nest,] then being found upon certain land there called , [or in the occupa- tion of one E. F.] seven eggs of a certain bird of game, to wit, a partridge, [SfC. or eggs of a swan, wild duck, teal, or widgeon,] he, the said A. B., not having then and there the right to kill game upon the said land, and not having then and there permission so to do from any person having such right, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 18. 14. Having Eggs in Possession. (Id.)] did knowingly have in his house there situate [or shop, possession, or control,] seven eggs of a cer- tain bird of game, to wit, a partridge, &c. [or eggs of a swan, wild duck, teal, or widgeon,] which had been theretofore wilfully taken out of a cer- tain nest upon certain land there, called , [or in the occupation of one E. F.,] he, the said A. B., then and there well knowing the said eggs to have been so taken as aforesaid, and not having then and there per- mission so to do from any person having such right, contrary, &c. Directions for Convictions (No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39) for Offences de- scribed in Forms No. 13 and 14, supra.~] Add after the amount adjudged for thewhole of the eggs: being after the rate of [five shillings] for every egg so taken [or destroyed, or had] by the said A. B. as aforesaid. Id. Offence 19. 15. Killing or taking Hares or Conies in Warrens in the Day-time. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, s. 30.)] did unlawfully and wilfully in the day- time of the same day, to wit, about the hour of o'clock in the -noon, take [or kill] certain hares [or conies,] to wit, three hares, for conies, J then and there found in a certain warren [or ground] of one E.F. there situate, (not being any sea-bank, or river-bank, in the County of Lincoln, so far as the sea extended, or within one furlong of such bank,) and then lawfully used for the breeding [or keeping] of hares [or conies], contrary, &c. CHAP, ii.] GAME. 115 16. Setting Snares for taking Hares, fyc. in Warrens. (Id-)] did Oke's Synop. unlawfully and wilfully set [or use] a certain snare [or engine.] to wit, 2nd ed. p. 120. , for the purpose of then and there taking hares [or conies] in a cer- Offence 20. tain warren [or ground] of one E. F. there situate, [4~c. follow to the end of Form No. 15, ante.] III. KILLING ON SUNDAY, &c. 17. Killing or taking Game on Sunday or Christmas Doy. (1 & 2 Id. Offence 21, Will. 4, c. 32, s. 3.)] being Sunday [or Christmas Day], did kill [or p. 122. take] certain game, to wit, one hare, contrary, &c. 18. Using a Dog, Engine, fyc. on Sunday, fyc. (Id.)] being Sunday Id. Offence 22. [or Christmas Day], did use a certain dog, to wit, a greyhound, for the purpose of then and there taking [or a certain gun [or net, or engine, to wit, a snare,] for the purpose of then and there killing] [certain] game, [to wit, one hare], contrary, &c. IV. KILLING OUT OF SEASON. 19. Killing or taking between certain Dates. (Id. a. 3.)] being be- Id. Offence 23 tween the 1st of February last and the 1st of September last [or instant], 28. did kill [or take] two partridges, [or pheasant, or black game (if between 10 December and 20 August, add : " not being in the county of Somerset or Devon or in the New Forest in the county of Southampton,") or grouse, com- monly called red game, or any bustard,] there, contrary, &c. [See Oke's Syn. 2nd edit. p. 122, for the times]. V. SELLING WITHOUT CERTIFICATE. 20. Uncertiftcated or unlicensed Person selling. (Id. s. 25.)] not Id. Offence 29. having obtained and not having a game certificate, and not being then and there a person duly licensed to deal in game according to the statute in that behalf, did then and there sell [or offer for sale] certain game, to wit, two partridges, to one E. F., contrary, &c. 21. Certificated Person selling to an unlicensed Person. (Id.)] being id. Offence 30. then and there authorized to sell game by virtue of a game certificate, did then and there sell [or offer for sale] certain game, to wit, two partridges, to one E. F., he the said E. F. not then and there being a person licensed to deal in game according to the statute in that behalf, contrary, &c. Directions for Convictions (No. 40 (1.2), ante, p. 39, for Offences described in Forms No. 20, 21, supra.~\ Add after the amount adjudged for the whole of the birds, " being after the rate of [one pound] for every head of game so sold by the said A. B. as aforesaid." VI. BUYING, &c. UNLAWFULLY. 22. Buying Game from anunlicensed Person. (Id. s. 27.)] not being id. Offence 31, then licensed to deal in game according to the statute in that behalf, did p. 122. then and there buy certain game, to wit, two partridges, from one E. F., he the said E. F. not being then and there a person licensed to deal in i 2 116 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. game according to the statute in that behalf, and not having then affixed 2nd ed. p. 122. to the outside of the part of his house [or shop or stall] a board purport- ing to be the board of a person licensed to deal in game, contrary, &c. Id. Offences 32, 23. Unlicensed Person buying or selling Birds of Game ten Days after 33. lawful Time. (Id. s. 4.)] not then being a person licensed to deal in game according to the statute in that behalf, did then and there* buy [or sell] certain birds of game, to wit, two partridges, after the expiration of ten days from the first day of February [or as the case may be, with other birds of game'} in the year aforesaid, to wit, on the s'aid day of , contrary, &c. Id. Offence 34. 24. Unlicensed Person having Possession after forty Days. (Id.)] Proceed as in Form No. 23, supra, to the asterisk*, and then : knowingly have in his house [or shop, stall, possession or control] there situate, certain birds of game, to wit, two partridges, the same not being then and there kept in a mew or breeding-place, after the expiration of forty days from the first day of February [or as the case may be, with other birds <>fgume~\ in the year aforesaid, to wit, on the said day of , contrary, &c. Directionsfor Convict ions. ~\ These will be similar to those above under Division V. of this title, except it should be " so bought [or sold or found, as the case may be~\ as aforesaid." VII. OFFENCES BY LICENSED DEALERS, &c. Id. Offence 35, 25. Licensed Dealer buying from an uncertificated or unlicensed Person. p. 124. (Id. s. 28.)] being then licensed to deal in game according to the statute in that behalf, did then and there buy [or obtain] certain game, to wit, two partridges, from one E. F., he the said E. F. not being then and there authorized to sell game, for want of a game certificate and for want of a licence to deal in game, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 36. 26. Selling without Board outside his Shop. (Id.)] being licensed to deal in game according to the statute in that behalf, did then and there * sell [or offer for sale] certain game, to wit, two partridges, to one E. F. at his house [or shop or stall] there situate, without such a board as required by the statute in that behalf being then affixed to any part of the outside of the front of the said house [or shop or stall], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 37. 27. Affixing Board to more than one House, c. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 26, supra, and then: affix [or cause to be affixed] such board as is by the statute in that behalf required to be affixed to part of the outside of the front of his house [or shop or stall] to more than one house [or shop or stall], to wit, to a house situate in street, in the parish of aforesaid, and to another house situate in street, in the same parish, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 38. 28. Selling at any other Place than where Board is affixed. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk * in Form No. 26, supra, and (hen : sell certain game, to wit, two partridges, to one E. F. at a certain place, to wit, a house [or as the case may be~\ in street, in the parish of afore- said, being other than the house [or shop or stall] where such board as required by the statute in that behalf had been affixed by the said A. B., contrary, &c. CHAP, ii.] GAME. 117 29. Selling or having Possession of Birds of Game ten Days after late- Oke's Synop. ful Time. (Id. s. 4.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 26, supra, 2nd ed. p 124. and then: buy [or sell], Offence39 41. [or knowingly have in his house [or shop, stall, possession or control] there,] certain birds of game, to wit, two partridges, after the expiration of ten days from the first day of February [or as the case may be in the case of other birds], in the year aforesaid, to wit, on the said day of , contrary, &c. Directions for Convictions (No. 40 (I. 2) ante, p. 39,) for Offences de- scribed in Forms No. 25 29, supra.] These are similar to those given above under Division VI. of this title. 30. Unlicensed Person assuming to be licensed. (Id. s. 28.)] not Id. Offence 42. being then and their licensed to deal in game according to the statute in that behalf, did then and there assume and pretend that he was then and there a person licensed to deal in game, by then and there affixing a board with the words "A. B., licensed to deal in game," to part of the outside of the front of his house [or shop or stall] there situate, [or by then and there exhibiting in the window of his house [or shop or stall] there situate, a certain paper purporting to be a certificate of [three~\ of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said , authorizing the said A. B. to deal in game, which certificate was false and forged], contrary, &c. VIII. OFFENCES BY OCCUPIERS. 31. Pursuing, killing or taking Game, where not entitled. (Id. Id. Offence 43. s. 12.)] then being the occupier of a certain piece of land there situate, called , and the right of killing the game upon such land then being by the statute in that case made and provided given to [the said] C. D., the landlord [or lessor] thereof, in exclusion of the right of the said A. B., the occupier of such land, [or if the offence be contrary to his lease, instead of and the right, &c., say, the exclusive right of killing the game upon such land then having been and being specially reserved by or granted to and then belonging to C. D., the lessor [or landlord] thereof], did then and there * pursue and kill [or take] certain game, to wit, two partridges upon such land without the authority of the said C. D., his landlord, as aforesaid, contrary, &c. 32. Giving permission to any other Person to do so. (Id.)] Proceed Id. Offence 44. to the asterisk* in the Form No. 31, supra, and then : give to one E. F. permission to pursue [or kill or take] game upon the said land, without the authority of the said C. D., the landlord [or lessor] as aforesaid, contrary, &c. Direction for Conviction (No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39,) for Offence described in Form No. 31, supra.] Add, after the total amount adjudged for the pursuit as well as the killing or taking, the sum of for such pursuit as aforesaid, and after the rate of [one pound] for the head of game so killed [or taken] as aforesaid, to be respectively paid and applied, &c. 118 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. Oke's Synop. 33. General Form to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. 40, 2nd ed. p. 124. (1. 2), ante, p. 39),for all the foregoing Offences] ; Commitment, No. 52, (O. 1), ante, p. 49. IX. NIGHT POACHING. Offence 45. 34. Taking or destroying Game or Rabbits by Night. (9 Geo. 4, c. 69, s. 1.)] about the hour of in the night of the same day, by night unlawfully did take [or destroy] certain game, to wit, two par- tridges, [or take [or destroy] one rabbit,]* in a certain close of land called , in the occupation [or the property] of C. D., [or in certain open land called , in the occupation [or the property] of C. D.], [or in a certain wood called , in the occupation [or the property] of C. D.] there situate, contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, (the same being his [first] offence), [or add the averment of a previous conviction, us in the General Form No. 4, ante, p. 25.] Id. Offence 46. 35. The like on a Public Road, Highway, S?c. (Id. and 7 & 8 Viet, c. 29, s. 2.)] Proceed to the asterisk * in Form No. 34, supra, and then : in [or on the side of ] a certain public road [or public highway or public path], [or at a certain opening or outlet or gate], from a certain close called , in the occupation [or the property] of C. D., into a certain public road [or public highway or public path], there situate, leading from to [or called the lane,] con- trary, &c. [as in No. 34, supra.] Id. Offence 47, 36. Entering by Night on Land with Gun to take or destroy Game. p. 126. (9 Geo. 4, c. 69, s. 1.)] about the hour of in the night of the same day, by night unlawfully did enter and was in a certain close of land called , in the occupation [or the property] of C. D., [or wood called , in the occupation [or the property] of C. D.], [or open land, the property of C. D.] there situate, with a certain gun [or net or engine, to wit, a snare,] for the purpose then and there by night as afore- said of taking [or destroying] game [if known, say, to wit, partridges] there, contrary, &c. [as in Form No. 34, supra.] 37. Convictions for Offences described in the Forms No. 35, 36, supra, whether for a First or Second Offence.] These will be the same as the General Form No. 41 (I. 3), ante, p. 39, adding, after the words " for the space of ," the following as to the sureties : " and at the expiration of such period to find sureties by recognizance, himself in the sum of pounds, and two sureties in the sum of pounds each, or one surety in the sum of pounds, conditioned that the said A. B. shall not so offend again for the space of next following ; and we further adjudge the said A. B., in case he shall not find such sureties as aforesaid, to be further imprisoned and kept to hard labour for the space of unless such sureties shall be sooner found ; and we also adjudge the said A. B. to pay to the said C. D. the informant the sum of for his costs," &c. [as in No. 41, ante, p. 39, to the end.] 38. General Forms to be used in enforcing the altered Conviction, (No. 37, supra.)] Commitment, No. 48 (P. 1), ante, p. 46, adding in the command to the keeper of the gaol, after the words "for the space of CHAP. ii.J GAME. 119 ," the following as to the sureties : "and if at the expiration of such Oke's Synop. period the said A. B. shall not find sureties by recognizance, himself in 2nd ed. p. 126. the sum of pounds, and two sureties in the sum of pounds each, or one surety in the sum of pounds, conditioned that the said A. B. shall not so offend again for the space of next following, then that you the said keeper further imprison the said A. B. in your custody in the said [house of correction], and him there keep to hard labour for the space of , unless such sureties shall be sooner found ; and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant." The Forms for the recovery of the costs upon the conviction will be, Distress Warrant, No. 49 (P. 3j, ante, p. 46; Commitment in Default, No. 50, ante, p. 47, and Commitment forthwith for an additional term for the costs, No. 51, ante, p. 48 (a). 39. Recognizance of Offender and Sureties not so to offend again, to be vsed on a Conviction for a First or Second Offence.] This will be the same as the General Form No. 13 (E.), ante, p. 28, the condition being as follows : The condition of the within written recognizance is such, that whereas the said A . B. was on the day of last duly convicted by and before J. P. and J. L., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of , for that he the said A. B., on the day of , at the parish of in the same county [here describe the offence as in the conviction], contrary, &c. (the same being his [first ] offence) ; if therefore he the said A. B. shall not so offend again for the space of next following, then the said recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue. 40. Notice thereof to Offender and Sureties, or Surety, .] Take notice that you A. B. are bound in the sum of pounds, and you L. M. [and M. N.] in the sum of pounds [each], that you A. B. do not offend again for the space of next following, by committing the offence of [here describe it shortly,] of which yoa the said A. B. was on the day of last duly convicted (the same being your [Jirsf] offence) ; and in case you A. B. do so offend again before the expiration of next following, the recognizance entered into by you A. B. and L. M. [and M. N.] as your surety [or sureties] will be forthwith levied on you and him [or them.] Dated this day of , 1850. J. S., Justice of the peace for the county of . X. SPORTING WITHOUT CERTIFICATE. ** The forms under-mentioned are only for use where a justice it also a commissioner of taxes, but not for commissioners, the proceedings of the latter not being within Jerms's Act. Information on 52 Geo. 3, c. 93, Sched. (L.), s. 12.] The information id. p. 260. and complaint of C. D., of the parish of , in the county of C., sur- Offence 4. veyor of taxes of and for the said county of C. [or assessor of the same parish,] made before the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the (a) This will be rather a long Form, in consequence of the special matter relating to the sureties being inserted, but it cannot be shortened. 120 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. peace for the said county of C., and also one of the commissioners for 2nd ed. p. 260. executing an act made and passed in the fifty-second year of the reign of King George the Third, intituled, " An Act for granting to his Majesty certain new and additional Duties of Assessed Taxes, and for consolidating the same mith the former Duties of Assessed Taxes," and the several other acts relating to the duties of assessed taxes, acting as such commissioner in the district of N., in the county aforesaid, who saith, that A. B., of the parish of , in the county aforesaid, heretofore and within three calendar months before the date of this information, to wit, on the day of , at the parish of , in the district and county aforesaid, did use a certain in a certain , not being a warren or inclosed ground, for the purpose of taking and killing conies there, he the said A. B. then and there not being the proprietor or tenant of the said lands, nor doing the said act by the direction or command of the proprietor or tenant thereof, [or did use a certain for the purpose of taking or killing game there,] without having obtained such certificate as is directed by the statute in that case made and provided, in order to an assessment for the year wherein the said A. B. did so use such , contrary, &c. 42. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. 39 (1. 1), ante, p. 38, for the offences described in Form, No. 41, supra] ; Dis- tress Warrant, &c., No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 5052. GAMING HOUSES. Id. p. 126, 1' Keeping common. (8 & 9 Viet. c. 109, s. 4.) ] did unlawfully Offence 1. keep a certain common gaming house, at , in the parish aforesaid, and in the said common gaming house for lucre and gain, unlawfully and wilfully did cause and procure divers idle and evil disposed persons to frequent and come to play together at a certain unlawful game of , called , and then and there in the said common gaming house un- lawfully and wilfully did permit and suffer the said idle and evil disposed persons to be and remain playing and gaming at the said unlawful game called , for divers large and excessive sums of money, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 2. 2 - Keeping Billiard Table, <-c. without Licence. (Id. s. 11.)] did un- lawfully keep in his house there situate a public billiard table [or bagatelle board, or as the case may be,~\ for public use without being duly licensed so to do, and the said A. B. not then holding a victualler's licence for the house where the said billiard table was so then and there kept and used, contrary, &c. 3. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Convictions, (No. 41 (1.3), ante, p. 39; or No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38; Commitment, No. 48 (P. 1), ante, p. 46; or Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 5052. Id. Offences Offences against the Tenor of Billiard or Bagatelle Licence.'] These -12, and 16. offences are nearly similar to those in an Alehouse Licence, (tit. Alehouses, ante, p. 66) ; but the defendant may be described as " then being duly licensed to keep a house for public billiard playing at No. , in Street, in the said parish, pursuant to the provisions of the statute in that behalf." CHAP, ii.] GAOLS AND HOUSES OF CORRECTION. 121 Oke's Syn. 2nd GAOLS AND HOUSES OF CORRECTION. ed. P :i28. 1. Carrying Liquors into Prison (4 Geo. 4, c. 64, s. 40.)] did, in Offences 1,2. contravention of the existing rules, carry [or bring] [or attempt or endeavour to carry or bring] into a certain prison there situate, to which the act of parliament made and passed in the fourth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled, " An Act for consolidating and amending the Laws relating to the Building, Repairing, and Regulating of certain Gaols and Houses of Correction in England and Wales," to wit, the gaol at , in and for the said [county] of , certain spirituous and fermented liquor, to wit, one quart of gin, contrary, &c. 2. General Form to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39] ; Commitment, No. 52, (O. 1), ante, p. 49. 3. Keeper of Prison permitting Liquors to be sold or brought into. (Id.)] Id. Offences then being the keeper of a certain prison there situate, to wit, the gaol 35. at , in and for the said [county] of , did sell [or use, lend, or give away,] [or knowingly permit, or suffer to be sold, or used, lent, or given away,] in such prison to one E. F. [or to be brought into such prison,] certain spirituous and fermented liquor, to wit, one quart of gin, con- trary, &c. 4. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38]; Distress Warrant, No. 53, (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 50 52. 5. Conveying Articles into Prison against Rules. (2 & 3 Viet. c. 56, u, p. 130. s. 22.)] did convey, Offences 6, 7. [or attempt, by then and there throwing over the wall [or as the case may be~\, to introduce into a certain prison there situate, to wit, the gaol at , in and for the said [county'] of , a certain letter [or as the case may be,] to one E. F., a prisoner therein confined, the same not being allowed by the rules to be observed in the said prison, contrary, &c. 6. The Form to be used in enforcing the conviction will be the same as No. 2, supra. 7. Assaulting Officer of Prison in Execution of Duty. (5 & 6 Viet. Id. Offences c. 98, s. 25.)] then being a prisoner confined in a certain prison there 8 10. situate, to wit, the gaol of and for the said [county] of , and under sentence of imprisonment [i/ 'so], did then and there assault [or violently resist, or aid, or incite one E. F. to assault or resist] [the said] C. D., then and there being an officer, to wit, , of the said prison [or of a certain prison there situate, to wit, the gaol of and for the said [county] of ,] and in the due execution of his duty as such officer, contrary, &c. 8. The Form of Conviction for the last described offence will be either No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38, where a penalty, fyc. to be levied by distress, if offender not under sentence; or No. 41 (I. 3), ante, p. 39, where imprison- ment only adjudged and offender under sentence, the variation in which 122 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. would be, after the term of imprisonment, say, in addition to the term of 2nd ed, p. 130. , remaining unexpired of the original sentence of the said A. B. The Commitment under the conviction No. 41 will be No. 48 (P. 1), ante, p. 46; and for No. 39, Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 50 52. GUNPOWDER. 1. Carrying more than 25lbs. by Land. (12 Geo. 3, c. 61, s. 18.)] convey in a certain carriage at the same time by land, to wit, in a van called the "Daily Van," at the said parish of , a certain quantity of gunpowder, to wit, two half barrels, containing together and in the whole lOOlbs. weight of gunpowder or thereabouts, all the said gunpow- der not being then and there entirely closed in a leather bag, commonly called a saltpetre bag, and the said carriage in which the aforesaid gun- powder was so conveyed by land not then and there having a complete covering of wood, painted cloth, tarpaulin or wadmill tilts over all the gun- powder therein contained, which said gunpowder and the barrels con- taining the same were then and there seized and detained by one I. F., one of the constables of the said parish of , contrary, &c. 2. The Conviction would be in the Form No. 41 (I. 3), ante, p. 39, the adjudication being : to forfeit all the said gunpowder so conveyed and detained as aforesaid, and the barrels, to wit, two half barrels, in which the same was contained, to be disposed of according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, that is to say, to the use of the aforesaid I. F., the person who seized and detained the same ; then follow the adjudication, of costs, which would be recovered by the Gene- ral Forms No. 49 (P. 3) 51, ante, pp. 4648. 3. Using Mill for making Gunpowder contrary to Act. (Id. s. 1.)] did use a certain mill there situate for the making of gunpowder, the said mill not being a mill or place wherein the manufacture of gunpow- der was actually carried on at the time of the commencement of a certain act passed in the twelfth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Third, intituled " An Act to regulate the Making, Keeping and Carriage of Gunpowder within Great Britain, and to repeal the Laws heretofore made for any of those Purposes," nor wherein it hath since become lawful to carry on such manufacture by licence for that purpose obtained, contrary, &c. 4. The Conviction would be in the General Form No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38, stating the adjudication to be : to forfeit pounds weight of gunpowder in the said mill by him manufactured, and also the sum of shillings for every pound weight of the said pounds weight of gunpowder, to be disposed of and distributed according to law. 5. Making Gunpowder with a Pestle Mill. (Id. s. 2.)] did, for the making of gunpowder there, use a certain mill then and there worked with a pestle, and commonly called a pestle mill, contrary, &c. 6. General Forms to be used in enforcing the convictions (No. 39 (1. 1), ante, p. 38,) for offences described in Nos. 3 and 5.] Distress warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, pp. 5052. HEALTH (PUBLIC) ACT, 1848 HIGHWAYS. 123 Oke's Synop. HEALTH (PUBLIC) ACT, 1848. 2nd ed. 1. Form of Conviction given in the Schedule (E). (11 & 12 Viet. pp> 130 ~ 135 ' c. 63, s. 130.) County of ) Be it remembered, that on the day of , [or Borough, &c.] > in the year of our Lord , A. B. is convicted be- to wit. 3 fore me [or us] , one [or two] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county [or borough, &c.] of , [here describe the offence generally, and the time and place when and where committed, in the words of this act, or as near thereunto as mat/ be], con- trary to the Public Health Act, 1848; And I [or we] do adjudge that the said A, B. hath forfeited for his said offence the sum of [amount of penalty adjudged'], and that he do pay to C. D. the further sum of as for his costs in this behalf. Given under my hand and seal [or our hands and seals] the day and year first above written. (Signed) (L.S.) (L.S.) 2. The Forms to be used in enforcing such Conviction would be the General Forms in Jervis's Act, 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43, in Chap. I. of this Collection. HIGHWAYS (). I. Offences by Surveyors. II. Offences by Collector. III. Offences by Owners and Drivers of Carts, 4*c. IV. Nuisances. V. Other Offences. I. OFFENCES BY SURVEYORS. 1. Neglecting Duty. (5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 50, ss. 8, 20.)] then being Id. p. 136. the surveyor [or district surveyor, or assistant surveyor] of the highways Offences I, 2. for the said parish of , did then and there neglect his duty as such surveyor, by then and there [here describe the neglect complained o/], as required to do by an act passed in a session of parliament held in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to High- ways in that part of Great Britain called England," contrary, &c. [or contrary to the statute made in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to conso- lidate and amend the Laws relating to Highways in that part of Great Britain called England."] 2. Surveyor not accounting. (Id. s. 42.)] That A. B. of, &c. was at Id. Offences 6 a meeting of the inhabitants of the parish of , in the said [county'], and 7. duly held on the day of , duly appointed and elected to serve the office of surveyor of the highways for the said parish for the year then (a) Many of the Forms under this title have been taken and adapted from " Stone's Hand Book of Informations," 2nd ed. 124 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. next ensuing, according to the statute in that behalf. That C. D., of, 2nd ed. p. 136. &c., was duly appointed and served the office of surveyor of highways for the said parish for the year preceding, and that the said C. D. did leave and cease to hold the said office on the appointment of the said A. B. in manner aforesaid. That notice of such election of the said A. B. was given to the said A. B. and C. D., according to the directions of the statute in that behalf, on the day of , and that the said C. D. did not within fourteen days after leaving his said office, and hatli not at any time since, delivered to the said A.B. certain money [or as the case may be], to wit, , then and still due from him to the said A. B., as such surveyor, but, on the contrary, hath neglected so to do. contrary, &c. Id. Offence 17. 3. Leaving Heaps of Stone, fyc. (Id. s. 56.)] then being the sur- veyor of the highways for the said parish of , did cause to be laid a heap of stone [or straw, or as the case may be~\ upon a certain highway there situate, called , and did then and there allow the same to remain there at night, to wit, at o'clock of the night of the said day, to the danger [or personal damage] of persons passing thereon, all due and reasonable precautions not having been then and there taken by the said A. B. to guard against such danger, contrary, &c. 4. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. ,39, (I. 1), ante, p. 38, for the above described offences]; Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 5052. II. OFFENCES BY COLLECTOR. Id. p. 138. 5. Not rendering Account. (Id. s. 38.)] then being collector of the Offences 20 rates made for the maintenance of the highways of the said parish, 23. and duly appointed by and under the statute in that behalf, did then and there refuse [or wilfully neglect] to render and give to C. D., the surveyor of the said parish a true and perfect account in writing, as required by the statute in that behalf so to be rendered and given, of all monies received by the said A. B. as such collector, by virtue of the said act [or us the case may be], the said A. B. having been theretofore thereunto duly required by the said C. D., the said surveyor, contrary, &c. 6. The Conviction will be in the Form No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39, stating the imprisonment in default of the payment to be " imprisoned in the , at , in the said [county'], and there to be kept to hard labour for the period of , or until he shall have given a true and perfect account as aforesaid [or delivered such list as aforesaid : or de- livered up such books, papers and writings], or given satisfaction in respect thereof to the said C. D., the said surveyor." 7. Commitment.'] This will be the General Form No. 52 (O. 1), ante, p. 49, reciting the conviction and adjudication as in Form 6. III. OFFENCES BY OWNERS AND DRIVERS OF CARTS, &c. 1 1. p. 138. 8 - Owner using Waggon without Name. (Id. s. 76.)] then being the Offences 24, 25, owner of a certain waggon [or cart, or carriage], did use the same [or allow the same to be used] on a certain highway there situate, called 26. CHAP, ii.] HIGHWAYS. 125 , the said waggon [or as the case may be~] not having then and there Qke's Svnop. his name painted thereon, as required by the statute in that behalf, 2nd ed. p 138. [or did suffer his name andidescriptiou, theretofore painted thereon as required by the statute in that behalf, to become illegible], [or did paint [or caused to be painted] on the said waggon, or as the case may be, a certain false and fictitious name [or place of abode, or trade], to wit, the name of J. M., of ], contrary, &c. 9. Driver acting for Two Carts. (Id. s. 77.)] did unlawfully act as Id. Offence 27. the sole driver of two carts [or waggons], drawn by one horse each, on a certain highway there situate, called , the horse of the hinder cart not being then and there attached by a rein not exceeding four feet in length to the back of the cart which was then and there the foremost, contrary, &c. 10. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction for the offences described in Forms No. 8 and 9, No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38] ; Distress Warrant, &c., No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 5052. 11. Driver or Owner riding without Guide. (Id. s. 78.)] then Id. Offence 28. being the driver [and owner, if so] of a certain waggon [or cart, or car- riage] on a certain highway there situate, called ,* did then and there ride upon the said waggon [or as the case may be'} on the said high- way, not having then and there any other person on foot or on horseback to guide the same, the said waggon not being such a carriage as is driven with reins, and is then conducted by some person holding the reins of all the horses drawing the same, contrary, &c. 12. Negligently causing Damage. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk* Id. Offence 29. in Form No. 11, supra, then: did then and there by negligence [or wilful misbehaviour], to wit, [here describe the particularnegligence~\, cause certain hurt and damage to one [or the said] C. D., then being [or pass- ing] upon such highway, [or to certain goods, to wit, then conveyed in a certain cart there passing [or being] on such highway], by then and there [here describe the hurt or damage], contrary, &c. 13. Quitting the Road. (IA.)~\ Proceed to the asterisk' 1 in Form Id. Offence 30. No. 11, supra, and then : did then and there unlawfully quit the said highway and go on the other side of the hedge [or fence] inclosing the same whilst the said waggon was then and there passing upon such high- way, so that he the said A. B. could not have and had not then and there the direction and government of the horses [or cattle] then and there drawing the same, contrary, &c. 14. Beingat improper Diatunce. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Id. Offences 31, No. 11 : was then and there negligently [or wilfully] at such a distance, 32. to wit, fifty yards from such waggon [or in such a situation] whilst the same was then passing upon the said highway, that he the said A.B. could not have and had not then and there the direction and government of the horses [or cattle] then and there drawing the same, contrary, &c. 15. Leaving Cart on Road. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form Id. Offence 33. No. 11, then : did then and there leave (he said cart thereon for a long and unreasonable space of time, to wit, one hour, so as then and there to obstruct the passage of the said highway, contrary, &c. 126 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Svnop. 16- Driving without Owner's Name and refusing to discover it. (Id.)] 2nd ed. p". 138. Proceed to the asterisk * in Form No. 11, then : and the said waggon not having then and there the owner's name painted and remaining legible thereon as required by the statute in that behalf, did then and there refuse to discover the true Christian name and surname of the owner or principal owner of such waggon, although the said A.B. was then and there required so to do, to wit, by one C. D., contrary, &c. Id. Offence 35. 17- Not keeping proper side. (Id.)] then being the driver [and owner, if so,'] of a certain waggon [or of certain horses, mules, to wit, six horses, or as the case may be], on a certain highway there situate, called ,* and then and there meeting another waggon [or as the case may be~\, to wit, the [gig] of one C. D., did not then and there keep his said waggon [or horses, or as the case may be], on the left or near side of the said road, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 36. 18. Preventing another passing. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 17, and then: did then and there wilfully prevent one [or the said] C. D., the informer, from passing a certain waggon [or horses] then and there under the care of the said A. B. upon the said highway, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 37. 19. Hindering another. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 11, ante, and then: did then and there by negligence [or misbe- haviour], to wit, by then and there [Acre describe the particular negli- gence] unlawfully prevent [or hinder, or interrupt] the free passage on the said highway of a certain other carriage there, to wit, the of one [or the said] C.D., [or the free passage on the said highway of [the said] C. D.], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 38. 20. Not keeping on the left Side. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 11 ante, and then: did not then and there keep his said waggon [or as the case may be] on the left or near side of the said road, for the purpose of then and there allowing the free passage thereon of one C. D. [or of a certain other waggon, to wit, of one C. D.], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 39. Id. 21. Driving furiously. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 11, ante, and then: did then and there drive the same furiously thereon, so as then and there to endanger the lives and limbs of passen- gers on the said highway, contrary, &c. 22. Riding furiously. (Id.)] did ride a horse [or as the case may be] furiously on a certain highway there situate, called , so as, &c. [as in Form No. 21 ]. 23. Commitment of a Driver committing either of the Offences described in Forms No. 11 22, and taken before a Justice and refusing to discover his name. (Id. s. 78)]. and to the keeper of the [common gaol] To the constable of at . Whereas J. N., constable of the parish of , in the county of , hath this day brought before me, J. S. Esq., one of her Majesty's justices CHAP. II.] Description. Height . . . Colour of Hair ,, of Eyes Age, apparently Complexion Distinctive Marks Dress HIGHWAYS. 127 of the peace in and for the said county of , at N. Oke's Syn. in the same county, a man whose name is not known, 2nd ed. p. 142. but the description of whose person is stated in the margin hereof, and on oath charged him with having on the day of , at the parish of , in the said county, then being the driver of a certain waggon on a certain highway there situate, called , then and there [here state the offence'], and that he the said J. N. saw the said offence so committed by the said man unknown ; and the said man unknown being by me the said justice now required to dis- cover his name, doth refuse so to do ; and in pursuance of the statute in that behalf, I have adjudged that he shall be committed to the [common gao/j at , in the said county, there to be kept to hard labour for the space of : These are therefore to command you the said constable of the parish of aforesaid, to take the said man unknown and him safely convey, &c. [follow to the end of the General Form No. 48, ante, p. 46]. 24. General Form to be used in enforcing the Conviction (No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39), for the offences described in the Forms No. 11 22 (a).] Commitment No. 52 (0. 1) ante, p. 49. IV. NUISANCES. 25. Making Encroachments. (Id. s. 69.)] did encroach on a certain Id. Offences 40, public carriageway [or cartway] there situate, called , by then and 41. there making [or causing to be made] a certain building [or hedge, ditch, or fence], to wit, a cowshed, within fifteen feet from the centre of the said carriageway [or cartway], contrary, &c. 26. Sinking Pit, or erecting Steam Engine within twenty-Jive Yards. Id. Offences 42, (Id. s. 70.)] did sink a certain pit [or shaft] 44. [or did erect, or cause to be erected, a certain steam engine, or gin, or a certan machine called a , or certain machinery at- tached to a certain engine,] [or did erect a certain windmill,] within the distance of twenty -five yards [or if a windmill, fifty yards] from a certain public carriageway [or cartway] there situate, called , the said pit [or shaft, or engine, or as the case may be,~\ not being then and there within any house or other building, or behind any wall or fence, sufficient to conceal or screen the same from such carriageway, so that the same might not be dangerous to passengers, horses, or cattle, con- trary, &c. 27. Burning Limestone, Bricks, fyc. within fifteen Yards. (Id.)] did Id. Offence 45. make [or cause to be made] a fire for burning [or calcining] ironstone [or limestone, bricks, clay, or for the making of coke] within the dis- tance of fifteen yards from a certain, &c. [conclude as in No. 26]. (a) It has been generally thought that the person committing any of the offences described in these Forms may be convicted on the " view of a Justice " alone, and frequently so acted upon ; but if such power was intended, it is not expressed in the section 78 ; for, after. describing the offences, that sect, enacts, that " every person so offending in any of the cases aforesaid, and being con- victed of any such offence, either by his own confession, the view of a Justice, or by the oath of one or more credible witnesses, before any two justices of the peace, shall, &c." So that the view of a justice in such cases may be substituted for the usual proof on oath before any other two justices. 128 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. 28. Hiding on Footpath. (Id. s. 72 .)] did with a certain horse [or as 2nd ed. p. 142. ^ e case mu y foj on which he was then and there riding, wilfully ride Id. Offtnce 46. upon a certain footpath \_or causeway] by the side of a certain highway there situate, called , then and there set apart and made for the ac- commodation of foot passengers, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 47. 29. Leading or Driving on Footpath. (Id.)] did wilfully lead [or drive] a horse [or ass, mule, swine, cattle, or a certain carriage, to wit, a waggon, truck, or sledge], which he was then and there leading [or driv- ing], upon a certain footpath [or causeway] by the side, &c. [conclude as in No. 28.] Id. Offence 48. 30. Tethering on Highway. (Id.)] did tether a certain horse [or ass, sheep, mule, pig, or ox,] on a certain highway there situate, called , so as to suffer the said horse [or as the case may be,] so tethered, to be thereon, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 49. 31. Damaging Fence, 4"C. (Id.)] did cause certain damage and in- jury to be then and there done to a certain highway there situate, called ') [or to a certain fence, or post, rail, wall, on the side of a certain highway there situate, called ,] by then and there [here describe the damage], thereby doing damage to the said highway [or as the case may be,] to the amount of , con- trary, &c. Id. Offence 50. 32. Obstructing Footway. (Id.)] did wilfully obstruct the free pas- sage of a certain public footway there situate, called , by then and there placing a box of thereon, and suffering the same to be and remain thereon for a long and unreasonable time, to wit, two hours, and without just cause, [or by then and there standing thereon, and refusing to move on, being required so to do, and thereby preventing one C. D. [or divers persons] to pass thereon,] contrary, &c, Id. Offence 51. 33. Injuring the surface of Highway. (Id.)] did wilfully destroy [or injure] the surface of a certain highway there situate, called , by then and there digging up the same for a certain distance, to wit. [or as the case may be], and thereby doing injury to the said highway to the amount of , contrary, &c. Id. Offence 52. 34. Damaging Posts, Blocks, Sfc. or Stones, &c. (Id.)] did wilfully [or wantonly] pull up [or cut down, remove, or damage,] certain posts, [or blocks, or stones], to wit, three posts, then and there fixed by the sur- veyor of the highways for the said parish of , for marking the boun- daries of a certain highway there situate, called , [or as the case may be], and thereby doing damage to the amount of , contrary, &c. Id. Offence 53. 35. Cutting down the Banks. (Id. s. 72.)] did dig [or cut down] a certain bank on the side of a certain highway there situate, called , the said bank being then and there the security and defence of the said highway, thereby doing damage to the amount of , contrary, &c. CHAP ii.] HIGHWAYS. 129 36. Damaging Stones, #c- on Bridges. (Id. a. 72.)] did break [or Oke's Synop. damage, or throw down], 2nd ed. p. 144. [or injure, or deface, by then and there [stating the injury, 29, s . 26.)] did unlawfully and wilfully course [or hunt, snare, carry Offences 1-4. away> Qr k ; U) or woundj -j [or attempt to kill or wound,] certain deer, to wit, one fallow deer, of the value of pounds, then and there kept and being in a certain uninclosed part of a certain forest [or chase or purlieu] there situate, called , contrary, &c. Id. Offences 5, 6. 2. Complaint for Search Warrant for Venison or Engine, $c. (Id. ss. 27, 63.)] Proceed in the usual Form of information or complaint, No. 1, ante, p. 23, and then thus : that he the said C. D. hath reasonable cause to suspect, and doth suspect and believe, that A. B. of, &c. hath in his possession [or on his premises, situate at , and with his knowledge,] a deer, or some part thereof, [or a snare or engine for the taking of deer]. 3. Search Warrant thereon ] Proceed in the usual Form No. 11. of Chap. I. Of Indictable Offences, post, by reciting the complaint No. 2, supra, and then thus: These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, to make diligent search for the said deer [or snare or engine, as the case may be~\ in the said premises of the said A. B., and if you shall find it therein or in his possession, then that you bring the same and also the body of the said A. B. before me or some other of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county'] of , to answer to the said complaint, and to satisfy the said justice that he came lawfully by the said (a) The charges of the constable for conveying the offender to gaol would not be included here, but an order made in the usual manner on the county treasurer, under 27 Geo. 2, c. 3, s. 1, for the amount. CHAP, ii.] LARCENY. 141 deer [or if a mare, that he hath a lawful occasion for such snare, and that Oke's Synop. he did not keep the same for any unlawful purpose], and to be further 2nd ed. p. 152. dealt with according to law. 4. Statement of the Offence of having Deer or Engine for the Convic- tion. (Id. s. 27.)] had in his possession [or on his premises, situate at aforesaid, and with his know- ledge], a part of a deer, to wit, , [or a snare, 4 - c.] ; and that upon the said part of the said deer [or snare] being found in the possession [or on the said premises] of the said A. B. as aforesaid, by virtue of a certain search warrant duly granted in that behalf, and the said A. B. being examined before me the said justice now here, the said A. B. doth not satisfy me the said justice that he came lawfully by the said deer, [or where a snare has been found, that he hath or then had a lawful occasion for such snare, and that he did not keep the same for any unlawful purpose], but hath altogether failed in doing so, contrary, &c. 5. Complaint for a Summons against Person through whose hands Venison Id. Offence 7. passed. (Id. s. 27.)] Proceed in the usual Form of information No. 1, ante, p. 23, and then : that lately upon part of a deer, to wit, the hind quarter thereof, being by virtue of a search warrant duly granted in that behalf, found in the possession [or on the premises] of one A.B. of, &c., at , and the said A. B. being thereupon, to wit, on the day of , instant, brought before me the said justice [or J. P., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of ,] I was in- formed and given to understand that you the said E. F. had had possession thereof. 6. Summons thereon to E.F.~\ Proceed in the usual Form No. 8 (A.), ante, p. 26, reciting the complaint No. 5, supra, and instead of to answer, &c., say: to satisfy me or the said justices that you have come lawfully by the said part of the said deer, and to be further dealt with, &c. 7. Statement of Offence for Conviction. (Id. s. 27.)] after stating offence similar as in complaint No. 5, supra, say: and that the said E. F., although duly summoned, hath not appeared here at this day and place, as thereby required, or shown unto or satisfied me that he came lawfully by the said deer, contrary, &c. 8. Setting Engines, fyc.for Deer. (Id. s. 28.)] did unlawfully and jj offences 8 wilfully set [or use] a certain engine [or snare] called , for the pur- 9 JQ. pose of then and there taking [or killing] deer in a certain part of a cer- tain forest [or chase, or purlieu] there situate, called , [or in a certain fence or bank dividing a certain forest, called , from certain land called , adjoining thereto, [or in certain inclosed land there situate, in the occupation of one E. F., and in which inclosed land deer were then and usually kept], contrary, &c. 9. Destroying Fence of Land where Deer kept. (Id.)] did unlawfully Id. Offence 11. and wilfully destroy a certain part, to wit, twenty feet, of the fence of certain land then and there called [or in the occupation of E. F.], then in the occupation of one E. F., there situate, wherein deer were then and there kept, contrary, &c. 142 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. 10. Stealing Beast or Bird not Larceny at Common Law. (Id. s. 31.)] 2nd ed. p. 154. did steal, take and carry away one bird [or beast], to wit, a parrot, Offence 12. of tbe value of , the property of [the said] C. D., the complainant, which was then and ordinarily kept in a state of confinement, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 13. n. The Complaint and Search Warrant for the stolen Beast or Bird may be easily drawn from the Form No. 2 and 3, ante, p. HO. 12. Statement of Offence of having in Possession for the Conviction. (Id. s. 32.)] had in his possession [or on his premises, situate at aforesaid] a certain bird, to wit, a parrot, of the value of , the property of [the said] C. D., the complainant, which had been theretofore and ordinarily kept in a state of confinement, and which had then lately before been unlawfully stolen, taken and carried away, by some person un- known, the said bird [or the plumage of the said bird] having been found therein by virtue of a certain search warrant theretofore in that behalf duly granted, he the said A. B. then and there well knowing the said bird to have been unlawfully stolen, taken and carried away, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 14. 13. Killing, ftc. House Doves or Pigeons. (Id. s. 33.)] did unlaw- fully and wilfully kill [or wound or take] one house dove [or pigeon] of the value of , the property of [the said] C. D., the complainant, then and there being found [and if so, at a distance from and straying from the place where the same did usually roost and build], contrary, &c. Id. Offences 15, 14. Taking, fyc. Fis/i in Private Water, not belonging to a Dwelling- 16- house. (Id. s. 34)] did unlawfully take [or destroy] [or attempt to take or destroy, by then and there using and drawing nets for that purpose, or as the case may be~\ five fish called perch, of the value of sixpence, then and there being found in certain water, to wit, a pond [or stream] there situate, the pri- vate property of one [or the said] C. D., the complainant, [or wherein one [or the said] C. D., the complainant, then had a pri- vate right of fishery], and not running through or being in any land adjoining or belonging to the dwelling-house of any person being the owner of such water, or having a right of fishery therein, contrary, &c. Id. Offences 17, 15. Angling in the Day Time in Water adjoining a Dwelling-house. (Id. s. 34.)] did by angling in the day time, to wit, about the hour of o'clock in the forenoon of the same day, unlawfully and wilfully take [or destroy] [or attempt to take or destroy] five fish called perch, of the value of sixpence, then and there being found * in certain water there running through and being in certain land belonging [or adjoining] to the dwelling-house of one [or the said] C. D., the complainant, the said C. D. being then and there the owner of the said water [or the said C. D. having then and there a right of fishery in thd said water], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 19. 16. Angling in other Water. (Id. s. 34.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 15, supra, then: in a certain pond [or stream] of water there situate, the private property of one [or the said] C. D., the com- plainant, [or wherein one [or the said] C. D., the complainant], had a private right of fishery], and not running through or being in any land CHAP, ii.] LARCENY. 143 adjoining or belonging to the dwelling-house of any person being the owner of such water, or having a right of fishery therein, contrary, &c. II. OF TREES, FENCES, &c. 17. Stealing, $c. Trees, Shrubs, $c. of Value of Is. (Id. s. 39.) did Oke's Synop. steal, take, and carry away, 2nd ed. p. 156. [or did cut, break, root up, or destroy, or damage, with intent then Offences20 and there to steal, take, and carry away], 22. a certain [part of a certain] ash tree [or as the case may be], [to wit, five branches thereof, if a part,] of the value of one shilling at the least, to wit, two shillings, the property of one [or the said] C. D., the prosecutor, then and there growing, [or tf no stealiag, say here, and thereby doing injury to the said C. D. to the amount of one shilling at the least, to wit, two shillings, and leave out, of the value of one shilling at the least, to wit, two shillings], contrary, &c. 18. Stealing, Sfc. Fences, Stiles, Gates, fa. (Id. s. 40.)] did steal, take, Id. Offences 23 and carry away 25. [or did cut, or break, or root up, or throw down, with intent then and there to steal, take, and carry away], [part of ] a certain dead [or live] fence, [or a certain wooden post, pale, or a rail set up and used as a fence, or a certain stile or gate], to wit, pieces of wood of the value of , the property of one [or the said] C. D., the complainant, [or if for injuring, say here, and thereby doing injury to the said C. D. to the amount of , and leave out, of the value of contrary, &c. 19. Complaint for a Search Warrant, to search for stolen Trees, Fences, Id. Offence 26. <$T., to value of 2s. (Id. ss. 41, 63.)] Proceed in the usual form of information No. 1, ante, p. 23, and Men: that he, the said C. D., hath reasonable cause to suspect, and doth suspect and believe that A. B. of, &c., hath in his possession [or on his premises situate at , and with his knowledge,] certain ash trees, to wit, six ash trees, [or fence, &c..] of the value of two shillings at the least, to wit, three shillings, the property of the said C. D., which were lately, to wit, on the day of , at the parish of aforesaid, by some person unknown, stolen, taken, and carried away, being then and there growing, contrary, &c. 20. Search Warrant thereon.] This will be similar to the Form No. 3, ante, p. 140. 21. Statement of the Offence of having stolen Trees, Sfc. t for the Con- viction. (Id. s. 41.)] For that a certain [beech tree] of the value of two shillings at the least, to wit, three shillings, was found on the premises [or in the possession] of the said A. B. there situate, by virtue of a certain search warrant theretofore in that behalf duly granted, he, the said A. B., well knowing the said [tree] to be on his premises aforesaid, and that he, the said A. B., being now here brought before me, the said justice, doth not show unto or satisfy me, the said Justice, that he came lawfully by the said tree, but hath altogether failed in so doing, contrary, &c. 144 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. 22. Stealing, 6>-c., Plants, Fruits, fyc. in Gardens, $c. (Id. s. 42.)] 2nd ed. p. 156. did steal, take, and carry away, Offences 27, 28. [ or destroy, or damage, with intent then and there to steal, take, and carry away,] certain fruit, [or plant, root, or vegetable production,] to wit, one peck of apples, of the value of , the property of one [or the said] C. D., then and there growing in a certain garden [or orchard, nursery-ground, hot- house, green-house, or conservatory,] of the said C. D. there situate, [or if for an injury, say here, and thereby doing injury to the saidC.D. to the amount of , and leave out, of the value of ,] contrary, &c. Id. Offences 29, 23. Stealing, $c., Roots or Plants, $c., growing elsewhere. (Id. s. 43.)] 30. did steal, take, and carry away [or destroy, or damage, with intent then and there to steal, take, and carry away,] certain cultivated roots [or plants] used for the food of man, [or beast, or for medicine, or distillery, or dyeing, or for or in the course of a certain manufacture, to wit, ,J to wit, ten , of the value of , the property of one [or the said] C. D., then and there growing in certain inclosed [or open] land of the said C. D. there situate, and not being a garden, orchard, or nursery-ground, [or if for an injury, say here, and thereby doing injury to the said C. D. to the amount of , and leave out of the value of ,] contrary, &c. III. ACCESSORIES AND RECEIVERS. Id. p. 158. 24. Aiding and abetting, fyc., in the Commission of Offences. (Id. s. Offence 31. 62.)] These offences may be described as in the General Forms No. 6 or 7, ante, p. 26. Id. Offence 32. 25. Knowingly receiving. (Id. s. 60.)] did then and there receive one oak tree [or as the case may be], of the value of , the property of one [or the said] C. D., the complainant, then lately before unlawfully stolen by some person unknown [or by one E. F.,] from certain land of the said C. D., on which the same was then and there growing, he, the said A.B., then and there well knowing the said tree to have been unlawfully come by, contrary, &c. 26. Discharge from a First Conviction. (Id. s. 68.)] The conviction will be in the regular form to the end of the adjudication, and then thus: but this being the first conviction of the said A. B., I do discharge him there- from on payment forthwith of the following sums, ascertained by me for damages and costs, that is to say, to C. D., the party aggrieved, for damages ; and to the said C. D. for his costs. 27. Discharge from Custody, where Offender discharged from Conviction after Committal. (Id.) To the keeper of the [house of correction] at , in the said [county] of . Whereas A. B., late of , &c., was on the day of duly convicted before me, the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , and committed to your custody LARCENY LIGHTING AND WATCHING. 145 in the said [house of correction], for that he, the said A. B., did on the Oke's Synop. day of , at the parish of , [state the offence and the adjudi- 2nd ed. p. 158. cation, and then] and whereas the said A. B. hath made satisfaction to the said C. D., the party aggrieved, for his damages and costs occasioned by the said offence, as ascertained this day by me at the sum of , and hath accordingly paid the same, and I, the said justice, have discharged him, the said A. B., from his said conviction, (the same being his first conviction,) pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided: These are therefore to command you, the said keeper, forthwith to dis- charge the said A. B. out of your custody for the cause aforesaid, and no other, and for your so doing, &c- The Convictions will be in the General Forms, No. 41 (I. 3), ante, PRACTICAL p. 39, where imprisonment with or without whipping adjudged ; and No. OBSERVATIONS. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39, where penalty and sum for value or damage ad- ; udged, and imprisonment in default of payment. The necessary variations in Conviction No. 41 will be : Where Whipping adjudged.] Insert after the term of imprisonment, " and also that the said A. B.. after the expiration of four days from the date thereof, and before the expiration of the said term of imprisonment, shall be once [or twice] publicly [or privately] whipped. " Where for a Second Offence.] Insert the averment of the previous conviction as given in the General Consolidated Form of Con- viction No. 42, ante, p. 40. The necessary variations in Conviction No. 40 will be : Where for a second Offence.] Insert the averment of the previous conviction as given in the General Consolidated Form of Convic- tion No. 42, ante, p. 40. Where Sum adjudged for Value or Damage, in addition to the Penalty.] Insert in the adjudication, " to forfeit and pay the sum of , over and above the amount of the injury so done [or the value of the article so stolen] as aforesaid, and for the said injury so done [or articles so stolen] the further sum of , to be respectively paid, &c." The General Forms for enforcing the convictions will be : Where Imprisonment with or without Whipping adjudged.] The Form of commitment for the offence No. 48 (P. 1), ante, p. 46; and the Distress Warrant, &c., for the costs, No. 49 ( P. 3) 51 , ante, p. 46 48, each adapted to the conviction above. Where Penalty, or Damage, or Value adjudged.] The Form of com- mitment No. 52 (O. 1), ante, p. 49, adapted to the conviction above. LIGHTING AND WATCHING ACT. 1. Damaging Lamps, $c. (3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 90, s. 55.)] did wil- Oke's Synop. fully break [or throw down, spoil or damage] a certain watchhouse [or 2nd edit. p. 158. watchbox, lamp, lamp iron, lamp post, pale, rail, chain, or as the case may Offence 1. be,] then and there being erected, put up and fixed by the inspectors duly appointed and acting under and by virtue of an act passed in a session of parliament held in the third and fourth years of the reign of his late L 146 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to Repeal an Act 2nd ed. p. 158. of the eleventh year of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, for the Lighting and Watching of Parishes in England and Wales, and to make other provisions in lieu thereof," contrary to the form of the same statute. Id. Offence 2. 2. Extinguishing Light of Lamp. (Id.)] did wilfully extinguish the light of a certain lamp then and there being and then put up and fixed by, &c. [conclude as Form No. 1 .] 3. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Convictions, No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38, or No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39, for the above described offences, as the case may be.'] Commitment No. 52 (0. 1), ante, p. 49, where penalty not recovered by distress, and where so recovered by the Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, p. 5052. Id. Offence 3. Id. p. 160. Offence 9. 4. Complaint of Clerk of Inspectors for Recovery of Damage from Person carelessly breaking Lamps, fyc. (Id. s. 56.)] Proceed in the General Form of Information No. 1, ante, p. 23, and then : that on the day of last, at the parish of , in the [county~\ aforesaid, A. B., of the parish of aforesaid, did carelessly [or accidentally] break a certain lamp [or lamp iron, or post, or as the case may 6e], then and there being put up and fixed by [tfe^Jbllaw to end of Form No. 1, supra, then :] that the amount of the damage [or injury] so done, is the sum of , and the said A. B. hath not made satisfaction to the said in- spectors for the same, although demand thereof was on the day of made by the said C. D., the complainant, on the said A. B. 5. Summons thereon.] This will be in the General Form No. 8 (A.), ante, p. 26, reciting the complaint No. 4, supra. 6. Award or Order for Payment of Amount of Damage. (Id. s. 56.)] This will be in the General Form No. 44 (K. 1), ante, p. 42, enforced by the Distress Warrant, &c. No. .66 (N. 2) 71, ante, p. 5759. 7. Watchmen, Sfc. refusing to deliver up Clothing on Resignation or Removal. (Id. s. 40.)] theretofore being a watchman [or as the case may be] for the said parish of , and duly appointed under an act passed [4"C., here insert title, fyc. of act as in Form No. 1, supra"], did then and there resign [or was then and there removed from] his said office of watchman [or as the case may be], and did neglect [or refuse], and doth still neglect [or refuse] to return to the said inspectors certain clothing [or arms, ammunition, or weapons], provided for his use as such watchman, the property of the said inspectors, to wit, [here describe the articles], contrary to the form of the same statute. 8. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38, for the last described offence} ; Distress Warrant, &c., No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, p. 5052. Vide further tit. " Constables," ante, p. 99, and in Part III. tit. " Constables (under Lighting and Watching Act)," post. CHAP, ii.] MALICIOUS INJURIES. 147 MALICIOUS INJURIES. 2nd I. To Trees, Plants, Fences, &c. II. To any other Property. III. Accessories. I. To TREES, PLANTS, FENCES, &c. 1. Damaging Trees, Shrubs, fyc'. to amount of Is. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, Id. Offences c. 30, s. 20.)] did unlawfully and maliciously cut [or break, bark, or 1,2. root up,] [or destroy, or damage] certain trees [or part of a certain ash tree], to wit, three ash trees, the property of one [or the said] C. D., the complainant, then and there growing on certain land there situate [in the occupation of the said C. D.] and thereby doing injury to the said C. D. to the amount of one shilling, at the least, to wit, two shillings, contrary, &c. 2. Damaging Plants, Fruits, SfC. in Gardens, $c. (Id. s. 21.)] did Id. Offences 3, unlawfully and maliciously destroy 4. [or damage with intent then and there to destroy the same] certain plants [or roots, fruit, or vegetable production], to wit, ten cauli- flowers, the property of one [or the said] C. D., the complainant, then and there growing in a certain garden [or orchard, nursery ground, hot- house, greenhouse, or conservatory] [in the occupation] of the said C. D. there situate, and thereby doing injury to the said C. D. to the amount of' , contrary, &c. 3. Damaging Roots, Plants, $c. growing elsewhere. (Id. s. 22.)] Id. p. 162. did unlawfully and maliciously destroy Offences 5, 6. [or damage with intent then and there to destroy the same] certain cultivated roots [or plants] used for the food of man [or beast, or for medicine, or for distilling, or dyeing, or for or in the course of a certain manufacture, to wit, ], to wit, ten , the property of one [or the said] C. D., then and there growing in certain open [or inclosed] land [in the occupation] of the said C. D. there situate, not being a garden, orchard, or nursery ground, and thereby doing injury to the said C. D. to the amount of , contrary, &c. 4. Damaging Fences, Stiles, Gates, Sfc. (Id. s. 23.)] did unlawfully Id. Offences 7, and maliciously cut [or break, or throw down] 8. [or destroy] [a certain part of] a certain fence [or wall, stile, or gate] there, to wit, a quickset hedge [or as the case may be], the property of one \or the said] C. D., the complainant, then and there being, thereby doing injury to the said C. D. to the amount of , contrary, &c. PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. The Convictions for the above described offences will be in the General Forms, No. 41 (I. 3), ante, p. 39, where imprisonment with or without whipping adjudged, and No. 40 (1. 2), ante, p. 39, where a penalty and sum for damage imposed. The neces- sary variations in conviction No. 41 will be as under tit. " Larceny," ante, p. 145. The necessary variations in Conviction No. 40 will be : Where for a second offence.] Insert the averment of the previous conviction as shown in the General Consolidated Form of Con- viction, No. 42, ante, p. 40. L 2 148 Oke's Synop. 2nd eel. p. 162. Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. Where sum adjudged for damage in addition to penally.'] Insert in the adjudication, "to forfeit and pay the sum of over and above the amount of the injury so done as aforesaid, and for the said injury so done, the further sum of , to be respec- tively paid," &c. The General Forms for enforcing the Convictions will be as stated under tit. "Larceny," ante, p. 145. II. To ANY OTHER PROPERTY. Id. Offence 9. 5. Damaging any other Real or Personal Property. (Id. s. 24.)] did wilfully [or maliciously] commit damage, injury and spoil to and upon a certain window, the property of one [or the said] C. D., the complain- ant, then and there being, by then and there breaking three panes ofcglass therein, and the wood [or leadwork] thereof, [or upon certain grass and herbage laid for mowing, then and there growing in a certain close of one [or the said] C. D., there situate, by then and there walking and trampling upon and breaking down the same [or by then and there playing thereon at a certain game called cricket], [or upon a certain fence or ditch, duly made and done for the pur- poses of the inclosure of the said parish of , under the provisions of the statute in that case made and provided, by then and there breaking down the same], [or upon a certain allotment, set out by the valuer duly appointed in the matter of the inclosure of the said parish of , under the provisions of the statute in that case made and provided, to one C. D., and duly directed to be made and entered upon by the saidC.D.], and thereby doing injury to the said C. D. to the amount of , con- trary, &c. 6. The Conviction for either of the offences described in the Form No. 5, supra, will be in the General Form No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39, the only variation being to insert in the adjudication, to forfeit and pay the sum of , [such sum appearing to me to be a reasonable compensation for the said damage, injury and spoil, so committed as aforesaid], to be paid, &c. Thejorm to be used in enforcing such conviction will be the Commit- ment No. 52 (O. 1), ante, p. 49. III. ACCESSORIES. 7. hiding, Abetting, Sec. Offenders. (Id. s.31.)] These offences may be described as in the General Forms No. 6 or 7, ante, p. 26. 8. Discharge of Offender from a first Conviction, and from Custody (Id. s. 34.] These Forms, where necessary, will be nearly the same as Forms No. 26 and 27, tit. " Larceny," ante, p. 144. CHAP, ii.] MANUFACTURES, &c. 149 MANUFACTURES, &c. I. As to Artificers, Manufacturers, Miners, fyc. II. As to Workmen in the Cotton, Fustian, Hat, Linen, Woollen, Flax, Hemp, Mohair, Silk, Fur, Leather, or Iron Manufactures, and Dyers. III. As to Workmen in the Cotton, Flax, Linen, Mohair, Silk, or Woollen Hosiery Manufactures. IV. Regulations as to Mines. I. As TO ARTIFICERS, MANUFACTURERS, MINERS, &c. 1. Making illegal Contract under Truck Act. (1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 37, Oke's Synop. ss. 1, 2, 9.)] then being the employer of one [or the said] C. D. [the 2nded. p. 164. complainant], an artificer employed in the manufacture [or trade, oroccu- Offence 12. pation] of , [as the case may be], did.then and there [if by an agent, say, by the agency of one E. F., his servant or foreman] * enter into a certain illegal contract with the said C. D., to wit, that the wages [or part, to wit, two shillings a week of the wages, or as the case may be~\, to become payable in respect of such employment, from the said A. B. to the said C. D., should be* paid by the said A. B. otherwise than in the current coin of this realm, to wit, in bread, [or from the second asterisk*, laid out and expended at a certain shop at , in the parish of aforesaid, kept by the said A. B. [or by one E. F.J, for the sale of grocery and other articles], contrary to the provisions of the act to prohibit the payment of wages in goods. 2. Making illegal Payment. (,9.)] Proceed to the first asterisk* id. Offence 3. ire Form No. 1, and then : unlawfully pay to the said C. D. certain wages then due and payable in respect of such employment by the said A. B. to the said C D., to wit, two shillings, otherwise than in the current coin of the realm, to wit, in four loaves of bread, the said loaves not being victuals dressed or prepared under the roof of the said A. B., and there consumed by the said C. D., contrary, &c. [as in No. 1.] N. B. The Conviction for the above described offences will be in the General Form No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38; and in the case of a second or subsequent offence inserting the averment of the pre- vious conviction as in the General Consolidated Form of Con- viction No. 42, ante, p. 40. The Forms for enforcing will be Distress Warrant, &c. No. 5358, ante, p. 50 52. 3. Colliers or Miners working contrary to their Contracts. (39 & 40 Id. Offences 4. Geo. 3, c. 77, s. 3.)] enter into a certain contract [or agreement] with 5. [the said] C. D., the complainant, in writing, for- the raising of certain coal [or as the case may be} from a certain mine there situate, and did afterwards, to wit, on the day of , at the parish of afore- said,* wilfully, and to the prejudice of the said C. D., the owner of the said coal mine, raise [or get or work ; or caused to be raised, got or worked] a certain, to wit, tons of the said coal in a different manner than in his stipulation aforesaid in respect thereto, and contrary to the directions and against the 'will of the said C. D. [or of one E. F., the agent of the said C. D., and then and there having the care of the said coal mine], contrary, &c. 150 Oke's Synop. 2nded. p.164. Offence 6. Id. p. 166. Offences 7, 8. Id. Offence 9. Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. 4. Desisting from Engagement. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Fotm No. 3, then: desist from [or refuse to fulfil] the said engagement so entered into as aforesaid, contrary, &c. N.B. The Conviction for the offences described in Forms No. 3 and 4, supra, will be in the General Form No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39, enforced by the Commitment No. 52 (0. 1), ante, p. 49. 5. Fraudulently stacking Coal, fyc. (Id. s. 4.)] then being employed by [the said] C. D. in a certain coal [or iron] mine there situate, called , [or as the case may be'],* did wall [or stack] [or caused to be walled or stacked] a certain quantity, to wit, tons of coal [or as the case may be~] in the said mine, in a certain false [or fraudulent manner], to wit, - [here describe if], with an intent then and there to deceive the said C. D. his employer, contrary, &c. 6. Removing Ironstone, fyc. fraudulently. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk * in Form No. 5, then : did take [or remove] a certain quantity, to wit, fifty pounds weight of ironstone [or iron ore], then being in a certain level in the said mine, with intent then and there to defraud one E. F., who theretofore had raised the same, contrary, &c. N. B. The Conviction for the offences described in the Forms No. 5 and 6, supra, will be the General Form No. 41 (I. 3), ante, p. 39, enforced by Commitment No. 48 (P. 1), ante, p. 46, and the costs by Distress Warrant, &c. No. 49 51, ante, p. 46 48. II. As TO WORKMEN IN THE COTTON, FUSTIAN, HAT, LINEN, WOOLLEN, FLAX, HEMP, MOHAIR, SILK, FUR, LEATHER, OR IRON MANUFACTURES, AND DYERS. Id. p. 166. 7. Embezzling, fyc., Materials or Tools. (22 Geo. 2, c. 27, s. 1, and Offences 10, 11, 17 Geo. 3, c. 56, s. 16.)] being then and there a person hired and 12. employed by [the said] C. D., the complainant, to prepare and work up certain manufactures made of wool, to wit, work up fifty pounds weight of sheep's wool into worsted tops, did then and there unlawfully purloin [or embezzle, secrete, sell, pawn, exchange, or unlawfully dispose of,] part of the said wool, that is to say, ten pounds weight of the said wool, of the value of , with which he the said A B. had been entrusted by the said C. D., contrary, &c. Id. Offence 13. 8. Not returning unused Materials. (Id. s. 7.)] being then and there a person intrusted by [the said] C. D., the complainant, with certain woollen [or as the case may be~] materials, to wit, twenty pounds weight of woollen yarn, in order then and there to manufacture, prepare, and work up the same into stockings,* and having then used ten pounds weight of such materials in the manufacturing of the same, did then and there neglect [or delay] for the space of eight days, to wit, for fifteen days after the said ten pounds weight of materials were so manufactured, to return so much, to wit, ten pounds weight of the said materials, of the value of , as was not used as aforesaid by the said A. B., although the said A. B. was, on the day of last, required so to do by the said C. D., then being the ownei of such materials, contrary, &c. N.B. The Conviction for the offences described in the Forms No. 7 and 8, supra, will be in the General Form No. 41 (I. 3), ante, p. 39, with this addition to the adjudication (and if a second or subsequent offence, the averment of previous convictions in No. 42, ante, p. 40) : and also that the said A. B. shall during CHAP, ii.] MANUFACTURES, &c. 151 sucb imprisonment be once publicly whipped." The Conviction Oke's Synop. is enforced by the General Forms No. 48 51, ante, p. 46 48. 2nd ed. p. 166. 9. Refusing inspection by Owner. (17 Geo. 3, c. 56, s. 15. )J Proceed Id. Offence 14. to the asterisk * in Form No. 8, supra, then : did then and there refuse to allow the said C. D., as such owner thereof, to enter the shop of the said A. B. there situate, in order then and there to inspect the state and con- dition of the said materials, contrary, &c. N.B. The Conviction, fyc. will be the same as under Forms No. 1 and 2, ante. p. 149. 10. Receiving Materials in a fictitious Name. (Id. s. 9.)] did, in a id. Offence 15. certain fictitious name, to wit, in the name of G. H., unlawfully receive (From 5 Burn's from one C. D. certain materials of [leathern manufacture,] to wit, , Jus. 29th ed. in order to be manufactured, contrary, &c. p. 937.) 11. Giving such Materials to others. (Id.)] being then and there Id. p. 168. employed by one C. D. to deliver certain materials of [leathern] manu- Offences 16. 17. facture, to wit, , to one G. H., a workman, to be by him, the said G. H., prepared and wrought up, did then and there unlawfully and de- signedly deliver the same to one J. J., who was then and there another and different person than the person to whom such materials were ordered and intended to be delivered by the said C. D., the owner thereof, con- trary, &c. N.B. The Cojiviction, $c ., will be the same as stated under Forms No. 5 and 6, ante, p. 150. 12. Selling, 4'C., wrought or unwrought Materials. (Id. s. 5.] did sell Offences 18 [or pawn, pledge, or as the case may be,} 20. [or knowingly offer to sell, &c., as (lie case may be,} to one E. F., certain unwrought materials, to wit, , which had been theretofore purloined [or embezzled] from one F. G., contrary, &c. N.B. The Conviction, Sfc., is the same as for offences described in Forms No. 7 and 8, ante, p. 150. 13. Buying Materials from a Workman. (22 Geo. 2, c. 27, s. 2, and Id. Offences 21, 17 Geo. 3, c. 56, s. 3.)] did unlawfully buy [or receive, or accept, or 22. take, as the case may be,~\ of and from one E. F., of &c., certain woollen materials, to wit, ten pounds weight of sheep's wool, the property of [the said] C. D., the complainant, he the said E. F. then being a person hired and employed by the said C. D. to prepare and work up manufactures made up of wool, to wit, to work up sheep's wool into worsted tops, and the said A. B. then and there well knowing that the said E. F. was so hired and employed, and the said A. B. not having first obtained the consent of the said C. D., contrary, &c. 14. Buying embezzled Materials. (Id.)] did unlawfully buy [or as the Id. Offence 23. case may be} ten pounds weight of woollen yarn, of the value of , the property of [the said] C. D., the complainant, from one E. F., the said yarn having been before then unlawfully purloined [or embezzled] by one F. G. [or by some person unknown], and the said A. B. then and there well knowing the same, contrary, &c. N. B. The Conviction for the offences, if a first offence, described in Forms No. 13 and 14, supra, will be in the General Form No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39, where penalty adjudged; or if whipping, 6fc., No. 41 (I. 3), ante, p. 39, with this variation : after stating the adjudication of imprisonment for three days, 152 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. insert, " and we do also hereby order that the said A. B. shall, 2nd ed. p. 168. within the said period of three days be once publicly whipped in the market [or other public] place of the parish wherein the said [house of correction] shall be situated." The Conviction No. 40 is enforced by the Commitment No. 52 (O. 1), ante, p. 49 ; and No. 41, by Commitment, &c., No. 48 (P. 1), ante, p. 46 ; and the Costs, by Distress Warrant No. 4951, ante, p. 4648. Id Off ce 24 *> Having purloined Leathern, %c., Materials in Possession, without giving good Account thereof. (17 Geo. 3, c. 56, s. 10.)] [CompUiint on Oalh for Search Warrant.] that he hath cause to suspect and doth suspect, that a quantity of purloined and embezzled materials used in the worsted, woollen, cotton, mohair, or silk manufactures, are concealed in the dwelling-house [or as the case may be], in the possession and occu- pation of A. B., of, &c., situate at , in the said county of . 15 a. Search Warrant. To the constable of the township of , in the riding of the county of York, and all bailiffs and constables within the said riding, and their lawful deputies. > Whereas C. D., of the township of , in the said riding, to wit. J inspector of worsted yarn, hath this day made information and complaint upon oath before us, whose names are hereunto subscribed and seals affixed, two of her majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said riding, that he hath cause to suspect and doth suspect, that a quantity of purloined and embezzled materials, used in the worsted, woollen, cotton, mohair, or silk manufactures, are concealed in the dwelling-house, out- houses, yard, garden, or other place or places in the possession and occu- pation of A. B., of the township of Sowerby in the said riding, waste dealer, and our warrant being prayed to search the said premises for the said materials : We do therefore, in pursuance of the statute in that behalf made, authorize and command you, and each of you, to whom this our warrant is directed, to enter in the day time and search the said dwelling- house, outhouses, yard, garden, or other place or places in the possession and occupation of the said A. B., and if on such search any materials sus- pected to be purloined or embezzled, in the manufactures aforesaid, shall be found, that then you do seize the same, and bring them, together with the person or persons in whose house, outhouses, yard, garden, or other place or places the same shall be found, before any two justices of the peace acting for the said riding, to the end that the same may be disposed of, and the guilty party or parties dealt with according to law. Given under our hands and seals, at Halifax, in the said riding, the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and . J. S. (L. s.) J. P. (L. s.) 15 b. Conviction (a).'] for that, on the day of , at, &c., T. Y. and M. N., Esquires, two of her Majesty'sjustices of the peace in and for the said county, upon complaint made to them upon oath by one I.J., being a credible person, that there was cause to suspect that certain pur- loined and embezzled materials of [leather] were concealed in the dwel- ling-house of the said A. B., at aforesaid, by virtue of a warrant under their hands and seals pursuant to the statute in such case made and (a) This Form was held good in Davis v. Ke$t, 6 C. & P. 167. CHAP, ii.] MANUFACTURES, &c. 153 provided, did cause the said dwelling-house to be searched in the day time ; and that upon such search, under tlie said warrant, certain mate- rials used in the manufacture of [leather], to wit, [two skins of leather], suspected to be purloined and embezzled, were found in the same dwelling- house ; and the said materials so found as aforesaid, and the said A. B. were thereupon, to wit, on the said day of , brought before us the said J. K. and L. M., and the said A. B. being so brought before us the said last-mentioned justices * did not then, or at any other time, give any account to the satisfaction of us the said justices how he came by the said materials, contrary, &c. And we adjudge, &c. Variation in above Conviction, where the Justices appoint a Time for Defendant to produce Persons to account for the Defendant's Possession of the Materials, under s. 12.] Proceed as in the preceding Form to the *, and then thus : did request of us to appoint a reasonable time to produce one E. F., whom he alleged to be the person duly entitled to sell and dis- pose of the said materials, of and from whom he bought and received the same, and also one G. H., a credible witness, to prove the sale and delivery thereof; and we did therefore appoint the said day of , being a reasonable time, for the purpose aforesaid ; and we did issue our sum- monses to the said E. F. and G. H . to appear before us on the said day of to be examined and give evidence on oath as to the matter aforesaid ; on which said day of the said E. F. and G. H. did appear before us, and, being sworn and examined, did severally depose that they had not any knowledge of the said materials so found in the said dwelling-house of the said A. B. as aforesaid; and the said A. B. did not give any account to the satisfaction of us the said justices how he came by the said materials, contrary, &c. And we adjudge, &c. 15 c. Another Statement of Offence for having embezzled Materials in Possession. (17 Geo. 3, c. 56, ss. 10, 11, 14.)] unlawfully had in his possession in his dwelling-house there situate certain materials used in the worsted and woollen manufactures, to wit, ten pounds weight of sheep's wool, commonly called twils, and twenty pounds weight of sheep's wool, commonly called worsted waste, then and there suspected to have been theretofore unlawfully purloined and embezzled, contrary, &c. N. B. The Conviction for offence described in Forms No. 15 or 15 c will be in the General Form No. 39 (1. 1), ante, p. 38, enforced by Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 58, ante, p. 50 52. 16. Neglecting Work, ^c. (17 Geo. 3. c. 56, s. 8.)] then being a Oke's Synop. person hired [retained or employed] by one {or the said] C. D., the com- 2nd ed. p. 170. plainant, * to work up [or prepare] certain manufactures made up of wool, Offence 30. to wit, to work up fifty pounds weight of sheep's wool into worsted tops for the said C. D., his master, did .wilfully neglect [or refuse] the perform- ance of the said work for more than eight days successively, that is to say, from the day of , to the day of , contrary, &c. 17. For taking in Work for others. (Id. s. 8.)] being hired, re- Offence 31. tained, and employed by C.D., having then and there taken in certain (From 5 Burn's materials, to wit, , for manufacture from the said C. D., his master, J us - 29th ed. did afterwards and whilst he had such materials for manufacture as afore- P 4 936.) said, to wit, on, &c., at, &c., take in certain other materials, to wit , for manufacture from one E. F., another master of the said A. B., con- trary, &c. N.B. The Conviction for the offences described in the Forms No. 16, 17, supra, will be in the General Form No. 41 (1.3), 154 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. ante, p. 39, enforced by Commitment No. 48, ante, p. 46, and 2nd ed. p. 170. costs by Distress Warrant, &c. No. 4951, ante, p. 46 48. Id. Offences 33 _ 35. Id. Offence 37. III. As TO WORKMEN IN THE COTTON, FLAX, LINEN, MOHAIR, SILK, OR WOOLLEN HOSIERY MANUFACTURES. *8. Persons entrusted with Materials, selling, fyc. same. (6 & 7 Viet. c . 40, s. 2.)] then being a person entrusted by one [or the said] C. D. with certain woollen [or linen, cotton, flax, mohair, or silk] materials,* to wit, three pounds weight of - , of the value of - , for the purpose of being prepared [or worked up, or manufactured] into certain articles of hosiery, to wit, - , by the said A. B., and by other persons to be em- ployed by him,* [or if so, omit the matter between the asterisks * *, and say, to wit, five pairs of stockings, of the value of - , for a certain pur- pose and work, incidental to the manufacture of articles of hosiery, to wit, the seaming of stockings], did then and there sell [or pawn] to one E. F. [or purloin, embezzle, secrete, exchange, or fraudulently dispose of] the same materials, con- trary, &c. 19. Neglecting to return Materials for fourteen Days. (Id. s. 3.)] This may be readily framed from No. 8, ante, p. 150. N. B. The Conviction for the offences described in Forms No. 18 and 19, supra, will be in the General Form No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38, enforced by Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 58, ante, p. 50-52. Id. p. 172. Offence 38. Id. Offences 39, 40. 20. Buying Materials from a Workman. readily framed from No. 13, ante, p. 151. (Id. s. 4.)] This may be 21. Other Persons selling or pawning Materials. (Id. s. 5.)] This may be readily framed from No. 14, ante, p. 151. N. B. The Conviction, &c. will be the same as under Nos. 18, 19, supra. Id. Offence 41. 22. Notjinishing Work by time agreed on. (Id. s. 7.)] then being a person intrusted by one [or the said] C. D., and contracting to prepare [or work up, or manufacture] by himself, and by other workmen to be em- ployed under him, certain woollen [or as the case may be] materials, to wit, , of the value of , with articles of hosiery, to wit, , did not then and there prepare [or work up, or manufacture] the said mate- rials and return the same within seven clear days after the time agreed upon between the said A. B. and the said C. D., to wit, on the day of last, [or if no time was agreed upon, say : within seven clear days after being required so to do, and which ended on the day of last], he the said A. B. not being prevented by any reasonable and sufficient cause, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 46. 23. Absenting himself from Employment. (Id. s. 7.)] That A.B., of &c. did lately, to wit, on or about the month of last, at the parish of , in the said [county] of , contract and engage to do and per- form certain work in the manufacture of woollen [or as the case may be] CHAP, ii.] MANUFACTURES, &c. 155 hosiery, to wit, in the manufacture of , and that the said A. B. after- Oke's Synop. wards, to wit, on the day of instant, at the parish of afore- 2nd ed. p. 172. said, did without reasonable and sufficient cause absent himself from the said work without giving such notice, to wit, a week's notice, as had been agreed upon between the said C. D. and the said A. B. for determining the said contract and engagement, contrary, &c. 24. Receiving Materials in a fictitious Name. (Id. s. 5.)] This may Id. Offence 47. be readily framed from No. 10, ante, p. 151. N.B. The Conviction for the offences described in the Forms No. 22 24, supra, will be in the General Form No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39, enforced by Commitment No. 52 (0. 1), ante, p. 49. IV. REGULATIONS AS TO MINES. 25. Owner employing Female therein. (5 & 6 Viet. c. 99, s. 1.)] Id. p. 174. then being the owner of a certain colliery [or mine] there situate, called Offences 50, 51. , did then and there* employ a certain female person, to wit, one E. F., within the said colliery [or mine], [or did then and there permit a certain female person, to wit, one E. F., to be therein, for the purpose of working therein], the said E. F. not having been employed within the said colliery [or mine] at or before the passing of a certain act, made in a session of parlia- ment held in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act to prohibit the Employment of Women and Girls in Mines and Collieries, to regulate the Employment of Boys, and to make other Provisions relating to Persons working therein," contrary, &c. 26. Employing Boy under Ten Years of Age. (Id. s. 2.)] Proceed as Id. Offence 52. in No. 25 to the asterisk*, then: employ one E. F., a male person, then being under the age of ten years, to wit, of the age of years, within his said colliery, the said E. F. not having attained the age of nine years at the time of the passing, &c. [insert title, fyc. in No. 25], and not having been at or before the passing of such act employed within such colliery, contrary, &c. 27. Permitting Boy under Ten to be in Colliery. (Id. s. 2.)] Proceed Id. Offence 53. as in No. 25 to the asterisk*, then : permit one E. F., a male person, then being under the age of ten years, to wit, of the age of years, to work therein [or to be therein for the purpose of working therein], the said E. F. not having attained, &c. [conclude as directed in No. 26. J 28. Parent misrepresenting Age. (Id. s. 6.)] that T. B., son of Id. Offence 55. A. B., of , &c., was lately, to wit, on the day of last, at the parish of , in the said [county] of , employed within a certain colliery [or mine] there situate, called , by one [or the said] C. D., the owner thereof, the said T. B. being then and there a male per- son under the age of ten years, to wit, of the age of years, and not having attained the age of nine years at the passing of a certain act made in a session of parliament held, &c. [insert title as in Form No. 25, swpra], and not having been, at or before the passing of such act, employed within such colliery [or mine], and that the said T. B. was then and there so employed within the said colliery [or mine], on the representa- tion of the said A. B,, the parent of the said T. B., that he was above the said age of ten years, and under the bond jide impression and belief, on 156 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop the part of the said C. D., that he was not under the age of ten years; 2nd ed. p. 174. and that the said A. B. did, on the day of last, at the parish of aforesaid, wilfully misrepresent the age of the said T. B. to the said C. D., by then and there falsely representing to him that the said T. B. was ten years of age on the day of , the said A. B. then and there well knowing, as the fact was, that the said T. B. was then under the age of ten years, to wit, of the age of nine years, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 56. 29. Paying Wages at Public House. (Id. ss. 10, 12.)] then heing the owner of [or being then and there employed and entrusted to pay certain wages in respect of work and labour done in and about] a certain mine [or colliery] there situate, called , did then and there pay to one E. F., at a certain licensed public house [or beershop] there situate, known by the sign of the , certain money, to wit, the sum of , as and for wages in respect of work and labour done by the said E. F. in and about the said mine [or colliery], contrary, &c. N.B. The Conviction for the offences described in the Forms No. 2529, supra, will be in the General Form No 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38, enforced by Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 58, ante, pp. 5052. MASTER AND SERVANT. T. As to False Characters of Servants. II. As to Misbehaviour by Servants in Husbandry, fyc. and Masters. I. As TO FALSE CHARACTERS OF SERVANTS. Dice's Synop. 1. Personating Master, and giving False Character of a Servant. 2nd ed. p. 174. (32 Geo. 3, c. 56, s. 1.)] that on &c., at &c., one E. F. having offered Offence 1. himself to be hired as a servant into the service of [the said] C. D., A. B., ( From 5 Burn's O f ? & Cij did then and there falsely personate one F. G., the late [master] * IU Q9ff l ^' ^ ^ sa '^ ^' ^'' an ^ ^ t ^ ien an( * f here P ersona lly [or m writing] give p. 928, &c.) t jj e ga j^ c ^ a f a j se an( j counter f e it character of the said E. F., con- trary, &c. Id. p. 176. 2. Falsely asserting that a Servant was in a particular Service, Sfc. Offences 2, 3, (Id. s. 2.)] that A. B., of &c., on &c., at &c., did knowingly and wilfully pretend [or did falsely assert to the said C. D. in writing] that one E. F. had been hired and retained by him the said A. B. as a servant, whereas in truth and in fact the said E. F. was never hired or retained by him the said A. B. as a servant ; [or that one E. F. had been hired and retained by him the said A. B. as a servant, and had served him the said A. B. for the space of years; whereas in truth and in fact the said E. F. had been retained by and had served the said A . B. as such servant as aforesaid for the space of [one year and two months] only] ; [or that one E. F. had been hired and retained by the said A. B. in the situation and capacity of a [footman], and had served him the said A. B. as a [footman] as aforesaid, whereas in truth and in fact the said E. F. never was hired or retained by him the said A. B. in the situation or capacity of a [footman], or served him the said A. B. as a [footman], but was hired and retained by and served the said A. B. in the capacity of a [labourer] only], contrary to the form, &c. CHAP, ii.] MASTER AND SERVANT. 157 3. Falsely asserting that the Servant was discharged, or that he had not Oke's Synop. been hired in a previous Service. (Id. s. 3.)] that A. B., of &c., on &c., 2nd ed. p. 176. at &c., did knowingly and wilfully pretend [or did falsely assert to the Offences 4, 5. said C. D. in writing] that one E. F., formerly a servant of the said A. B., was discharged by the said A. B., and had left his service on, &c., whereas in truth and in fact the said E. F. was discharged by and had left the service of the said A. B. on, &c. [some other day~], [or that one E. F. had not been hired or employed in any previous service ; whereas in truth and in fact the said A. B. then well knew that the said E. F. had previously been hired and em- ployed in the service of one G. H.; and whereas in truth and in fact the said E. F. had previously been so hired and em- ployed in the service of the said G. H.J, contrary, &c. 4. Servant offering himself with a false Certificate of Character. (Id. Offences 6, 7, 8. s. 4.)] that A. B., of &c., on &c., at &c., did offer himself as a servant to the said C. D., * he the said A. B. then and there asserting and pre- tending to the said C. D. that he had served in the service of one G. H., whereas in truth and in fact he had never actually served in the service of the said G. H . [or from the asterisk 9 , with a false, forged and counterfeited cer- tificate of character, purporting to be the certificate of one G. H., and stating that, &c. ; whereas in truth and in fact the same was not the certificate of the said G. H., and whereas in truth and in fact the said E. F. had never actually served in the service of the said G. H. [or as the case may be, negativing the statement in the character], [or that A. B., of &c., on &c., at &c., then lately having been in the service of one G. H. as a servant, and having received from the said G. H. a certficate of his character, did add to [alter in, efface or erase from] the said certificate the following [words, date, &c.], that is to say [sef out the alterations], [and did offer himself as a servant to the said C. D. with such certi- ficate of character], contrary, &c. 5. Pretending not to have been in Service. (Id. s. 5.)] that A. B., of Id. Offence 9. &c., on &c., at &c., having theretofore been hired and retained in the service of one G. H. as a servant, did, when offering to hire himself to the said C. D. as a servant, falsely and wilfully pretend not to have been hired or retained in such service as a servant, whereas in truth and in fact the said A. B. was previously hired and retained in the service of the said G. H. as a servant, contrary, &c. N.B. The Conviction for the offences described in the above Forms No. 1 5 will be in the General Form No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39, enforced by the Commitment No. 52 (0. 1), ante, p. 49. II. As TO MISBEHAVIOUR BY SERVANTS IN HUSBANDRY, &c., AND MASTERS (a). 6. Servants Misbehaving, l$c. (20 Geo. 2, c. 19, s. 2 ; 31 Geo. 2, Id. p. 262. c. 11, s. 2.)] being then and there a labourer employed by [the said] Offence 1. (a) It must here be noticed, that in the second edition of " The Magisterial Synopsis" the offences for which the Forms are here given were supposed not to 158 Summary Convictions and Orders [PART i. Oke's Synop. C. D., the complainant, at the parish of aforesaid (wherein the said 2nd ed. p. 262. C. D. doth inhabit), in the capacity of a servant in husbandry, [or artificer, handicraftsman, miner, collier, keelman, pitman, glass- man, or potter], was then and there in his said service guilty of a certain misdemeanor [or miscarriage, or ill behaviour] by then and there [here describe it], con- trary, &c, N.B. The Conviction will be in the General Form No. 41 (I. 3), ante, p. 39, adding the adjudication of corporal punishment (14 East, 605), after the term of imprisonment, as " there to be corrected and whipped [once] during the said imprison- ment." The Commitment, &c. will be No. 48 51, ante, pp. 4648. 7. Conviction and Abatement of Part of Wages for Misbehaviour in lien of Imprisonment. (Id.)] Proceed as in the General Form of Conviction No 41 (1.3), ante, p. 39, reciting the adjudication of abatement of wages thus, instead of adjudication of imprisonment and corfs : I do therefore adjudge the said A. B. for his said offence to be punished by abating the sum of , being the whole [or a part] of the wages due to the said A. B. for his said service, according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided. Given, &c. 8. Conviction and Discharge of Servant for Misbehaviour in lieu of Imprisonment (6). (Id.)] Proceed as directed for the conviction and abate- ment, No. 7, supra, then : I do therefore adjudge the said A. B. to be discharged from his said service and employment, according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided. Given, &c. Id. Offence 2. 9. Servant not commencing Service under written Contract. (4 Geo,4, c. 34, s. 3.)] that A, B., of &c., did on the day of , at the parish of , in the said [county'] of , contract with [the said] C.D., the complainant, to serve him in the capacity and employment of a servant in husbandry, [or artificer, calico printer, handicraftsman, miner, collier, keelman, pitman, glassman, or potter], for the term of , from the day of , at and for the wages of , the said contract being in writing and signed by the said A. B. be within the operation of Jervis's Act (11 & 12 Viet. c. 43). Vide 12 J. P. 636, 653, 667. Mr. Archbold, however, in his second edition of Jervis's Acts, ?. 137 (note), is of opinion that the statute 4 Geo. 4, c. 34, s. 3, is wizhin the 1 & 12 Viet. c. 43 : and so is Mr. Saunders (p. Ill of No. 8, April 2, 1849.) of " The Magistrate." Mr. Archbold also observes (id. p. 138), " There is a third class of cases where justices are enabled to make an order, but that order is not to be enforced by warrant of distress or commitment ; such as the order under the Master and Servants Act, 4 Geo. 4. c. 34, s. 3, already mentioned, to discharge the servant or to abate his wages ; such as the order discharging an apprentice, under stat. 20 Geo. 2, c. 19, s. 3, and the like. These cases are evidently within the act so far as the act is applicable to them, that is to say, up to the making of the order inclusive." i The complaints may be made on behalf of the master by his " steward, manager or agent.' 1 (6) This discharge must be given under the hand and seal of the justice gratis, and it might be by way of recital of the conviction, as in the General Form of Commitment, No. 48, ante, p. 46, omitting the adjudication of the im- prisonment and costs ; or a duplicate of this "Conviction and Discharge." CHAP, ii.] MASTER AND SERVANT. 159 and the said C. D., the contracting parties ; and that the said A. B. did Oke's Synop. not at any time enter into or commence his said service according to his 2nd ed. p. 262. said contract, contrary, &c. 1 0. Having entered upon Contract, absenting or neglecting to fulfil Id. Offence 3. same. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk * in Form No. 9, supra, and then : [or state the time for which hired, if conformable to the fact, thus : (Adapted from from thence from week to week, until his contract should de- S. Stone's termine by either party putting an end to the same on Satur- Hand-book, day in any week [and if so, add by either of them giving to PP- 73, 74, the other of them one week's previous notice of his intention so '^ a " e( "t.) to do] ; And that the said A. B. having entered upon such service accordingly,* did afterwards, to wit, on the day of , at the said parish of [where the said A. B. was then and there employed], without notice, and before the term of bis said contract was completed, unlawfully, without the said C. D.'s consent, and without just excuse, absent himself from his said service, and hath from thence neglected to fulfil his said contract, contrary, &c. 11. The like, in another Form. (Adopted in re Walker, 1 Ver. R. 15.)] that C. D., of &c., did contract with this informant to serve him in the capacity of a collier for an indefinite period, determinate never- theless on either of the said contracting parties giving to the other of them fourteen days' previous notice of his intention to determine the said contract ; and that the said C. D. did enter the service of this informant, and did continue to serve him, this informant, and to be em- ployed by him as a collier under and according to the said contract, at the parish of , in the said county of , so being then and there in the service of this informant as a collier, until the day of instant, and the terms of the said contract being then subsisting and in- complete, he, the said C. D., did misconduct and misdemean himself in his said service, to wit, did neglect his work and refuse to go to it on being requested by this informant so to do, whereby divers other persons em- ployed in the coal-pit of this informant were prevented proceeding with their ordinary employment, and this informant sustained great loss and damage, contrary, &c. 12. Servant guilty of any other Misconduct. (4 Geo. 4, c. 34, s. 3.)] Id. Offence 5. Proceed to the second asterisk* in Form No. 10, supra, and then: was afterwards, to wit, on the day of , at the said parish of (where the said A. B. was then employed by the said C. D.), in the exe- cution of the said contract and otherwise respecting the same, guilty of a certain misconduct [or misdemeanor], in this, to wit, that he the said A. B. did then and there, and before the term of his said contract was completed, unlawfully [here describe the misconduct, SfC.~], contrary, &c. N.B. The Conviction and abatement .of wages for either of the offences described in Forms Nos. 9 12, will be in the same instrument and in the General Form No. 41 (I. 3), ante, p. 39, adding, after the term of imprisonment in the adjudication, " and that the sum of shall be abated from the wages of the said A. B., the same being a proportionable part of his wages for and during the said time he shall be so confined in the said house of correction as aforesaid, according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided." The Commit- ment, &c. will be Forms No. 48 (P. 1) 51, ante, pp. 4648, adapted to the above conviction. 160 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. 13. Conviction and abatement of Wages for Misbehaviour, Sfc. in lieu of 2nd ed. p. 262. Imprisonment and abatement. (Id.)] This will be as directed for Form No. 7, ante, p. 158. 14. Conviction and Discharge of Servant from Contract for Misbe- haviour, 4~c. in lieu (f Imprisonment and abatement of Wages. (Id.)(c)] Proceed as directed for the conviction and abatement, No. 7, ante, then : I do therefore adjudge the said A. B. to be discharged from his said contract, service and employment, according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided. Given, &c. Id. Offences 6, 15. Artificer absenting from Service. (6 Geo. 3, c. 25, s. 4.)] These 7. may be readily framed from Forms Nos. 10 and 12, ante, p. 159. The Conviction will be in the General Form No. 41 (I. 3), ante, p. 39, en- forced by the Commitment No. 48 (P. 1), ante, p. 46. Id. Offence 8. 16. Master ill-using, Sfc. Servant. (20 Geo. 2, c. 19, s. 2 ; 31 Geo. 2, c. ll,s. 3.)] that on the day of last, at the parish of , in the said [county] of (wherein A. B., hereinafter mentioned, doth now inhabit), he the said C. D. was hired and employed by A. B., of &c., to serve him the said A. B. in the capacity and employment of a servant in husbandry, [or artificer, handicraftsman, miner, collier, keelman, pitman, glass- man, or potter], for the term of , from the day of last, at and for the wages of , and that he the said C. D. afterwards, to wit, on the day of , at the parish of aforesaid, entered into the said service accordingly, and hath continued therein hitherto ; and that the said A. B., his said master, during the continuance of the said service and employment, to wit, on the day of , at the parish of aforesaid, unlawfully did [here describe the misusage, refusal of necessary provisions, cruelty or other illtreatment complained of.'] 17. Conviction of Master thereon and Discharge of Servant (c).] Proceed as in the General Form of Conviction No. 41 (I. 3), ante, p. 39, but instead of the adjudication of imprisonment and costs, say I adjudge and order, in pursuance of the statute in that case made and provided, that the said C. D., for the said offence of the said A. B. his said master, be discharged, and do hereby discharge the said C. D. from his said service and employment. Given, &c. Offences 6 7 MILITARY LAW. 1> Offi cer or Soldier forcibly entering a House for Deserters without Jtt ? tice s Warrant. (Annual Mutiny Act, 12 Viet. c. 10, a. 87.)] then being an officer [or soldier] in her Majesty's - regiment of - , did then and there forcibly enter [or break into] [or give orders to one^E. F. to forcibly enter or break into] the dwelling-house of one"[or the said] C. D. there situate, under pre- tence of searching for a deserter, he the said A. B. not having then and there any warrant of a justice of the peace authorizing him so to do, con- trary, &c. (c) Vide note (6), ante, p. 158. MILITARY LAW NAVIGABLE RIVERS, &c. 161 2. Billet Master taking Money. (Id. s. 92.)] then being a con- Oke's Synop. stable employed in billeting soldiers in the said parish by virtue of the 2nd ed. p. 178. statute in that behalf, did then and there unlawfully receive [or demand Offence 10. or agree for] the sum of from one E. F., then being an alehouse- keeper, and a person duly licensed to sell exciseable liquors by retail in his house and premises there situate, and liable under the statute'in that behalf to receive soldiers duly billeted upon him, in order then and there to excuse the said E. F. from receiving certain soldiers in her Majesty's regiment of , then on actual service in the said parish, con- trary, &c. 3. Detaining Clothes, SfC.from Soldiers. (Id. s. 90.)] did knowingly Id. Offence 13. detain [or buy, exchange or receive] certain regimental necessaries, [or arms, ammunition, clothes, or military furniture], to wit, , from one E. F., a soldier, in [or a disserter from] her Majesty's regiment of , contrary, &c. N. B. The Conviction for the above described offences will be in the General Form No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38, enforced by the Distress Warrant No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 5052. NAVIGABLE RIVERS AND CANALS. 1. Being found in Possession of Instruments for procuring Liquors. Id. Offences 1, (3 & 4 Viet. c. 50, s. 7.)] was found on board of a certain boat [or 2. vessel] of one E. F., then and there being upon [a certain lock or dock belonging to] a certain canal [or navigable river] there called , [or found in and upon a certain lock, or dock, warehouse, wharf, quay, or bank, of arid belonging to a certain canal or navigable river there called ], he the said A. B. having then and there in his possession,* to wit, in his pocket [or under his control, to wit, in ], a certain instrument [or tube] called a , for the purpose of then and there unlawfully obtain- ing certain wine [or spirits, liquors or goods], to wit, , the property of one G. H., then and there being, contrary, &c. 2. Being found in Possession of Skin, fyc.for carrying away Liquors. (Id.) Proceed to the asterisk* in form No. 1, supra, then : to wit, in his pocket, a certain utensil [or skin, or bladder,] called a , for the purpose of then and there unlawfully carrying away [or secreting] certain wine, [or spirits, liquors, or goods,] to wit, , the property of one G. H. then and there being, contrary, &c. 3. Piercing Casks, 4c- (Id. s. 8.)] did bore [or pierce, break, cut Id. Offence 3. open, or injure by then and there ] a certain cask [or box, or pack- age], to wit, a hogshead containing wine [or spirits, or liquors,] to wit, , the property of one G. H., then and there being on board of a certain boat [or vessel, or waggon] of one E. F. on a certain navigable river [or canal] there called [or then and there being in and upon a certain warehouse, or" wharf, quay, or bank, of and belonging to a certain navigable river, or canal, there called ,] with intent then and there feloniously to steal [or unlawfully obtain, or injure] the contents, [or part of the contents] of the said hogshead [or as the case may be], contrary, &c. M 162 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Ok 's Svnon 4 - Cutting open Roll of Goods in Warehouse. (Id.)] did cut open 2nded p. 178. [or break, pierce, or injure by then and there ,] a certain roll of goods [or box, case, sack, wrapper, or package], to wit, a roll of calico, the property f one G. H., then and there being in a certain warehouse [or wharf, quay, or bank] belonging to a certain navigable river [or canal] there called , with intent then and there feloniously to steal [or un- lawfully obtain, or injure] the said roll of goods, [or as the case may be~], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 4. 5. Drinking Liquors. (Id.)] did unlawfully drink a certain quantity, to wit, one pint of wine [or spirits, or liquor, to wit, ,] of the value of . the property of one G. H., then and there being in a cask on board of a certain boat [or vessel, or waggon,] of one E. F., then and there being on a , [or in a cask in and upon a certain warehouse, or wharf, quay, or bank, of and belonging to a] certain navigable river [or canal] there called , contrary, &c. 6. Spilling Liquor. (Id.)] did wilfully spill [or allow to run to waste] a certain quantity, to wit, one gallon of brandy, [or as the case may be], of the value of twenty shillings, the property of one G. H., &c. [ris in Form No. 5, supra, to the end, and then add : thereby doing injury to the said G. H. to the amount of twenty shillings, contrary, &c. N.B. The Convictions for the offences above described will be, if a penalty imposed, General Form No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38, the only variation being where value adjudged in offences No. 3 and 4, in addition to the penalty, and then refer to title " Lar- ceny," ante, p. 145, for the adjudication ; if imprisonment only adjudged, General Form No. 41 (I. 3), ante, p. 39 ; No. 39 being enforced by Distress Warrant, &c. Nos. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 50 52 ; and No. 41 by Commitment, &c. Nos. 48 (P. 1) 51, ante, pp. 4648. W. p. 178. Offence 1. NUISANCES AND DISEASES PREVENTION ACT, 1848. 1. Owner or Occupier not complying with Justice's Order for Cleans- ing, 4-c. Premises. (11 & 12 Viet. c. 123, s. 1.) (a)] that the owner [or occupier] of a certain dwelling-house [or building, or of certain pre- mises] situate at , in the said [county'] of , did not within such time after due service thereof for of a true copy thereof,] on him ac- cording to the statute in such case made and provided as therein is speci- fied, comply with a certain order in writing under the hands and seals of J. L. and J. S., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county'] of , bearing date the day of last, whereby the said justices, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, did order him the said owner [or occupier] of a (a) The complaint is to be made by or on behalf of the town council, or any Irustees or commissioners for the drainage, paving, lighting, or cleansing, or ma- naging or directing the police of any city, town, borough, or place, or by any other body of a like nature, or by any commissioners of sewers, or guardians of he poor, or some committee thereof temporarily or permanently appointed in this behalf by such town council, trustees, commissioners, guardians, or other body. CHAP, ii.] NUISANCES, &c. PREVENTION ACT. 163 dwelling-house [or building, or of certain premises] situate at afore- Oke's Synop. said, within hours from the service of the said order [or a true copy 2nd ed. p. 178. thereof,] on him, according to the statute in such case made and pro- vided, to cleanse [or whitewash, or purify,] the said dwelling-house [or building] then being in such a filthy and unwholesome condition as to be a nuisance to [or injurious to the health of ,] [or to cleanse, cover, or fill up, or , a foul and offensive drain, or ditch, gutter, privy, cesspool, or ashpit, or ], [or to remove a pigstye, or an accumulation of dung, or offal, filth, refuse, or matter, upon the said premises then constructed or kept, so as to be injurious to the health of , [or of persons living in the premises first aforesaid ; or of the occupiers ad- joining the premises first aforesaid ; or of persons living in the neighbourhood of the premises first aforesaid , or so as to be a nuisance to ] as it may be in the justices' order], but to comply therewith after due service thereof, [or of a true copy thereof,] on him, according to the statute in such case made and provided, did make default, and in such default for the space of, to wit, days, did continue, contrary, &c. 2. Wilfully violating Directions of General Hoard of Health, (Id, Id. p. 180. s. 16.)] did wilfully violate a certain direction [or regulation] duly made Offence 4. by the General Board of Health under and by virtue of the statute called the " Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Act, 1848," duly published and then in force in the said parish of , that is to say, a direction [or regulation] of the said General Board of Health, bearing date the day of , in the year of our Lord , that [here state the direction or regulation], by then and there permitting [state the mode in which the. direction or regulation has been violated], after due notice given to him in this behalf by the guardians of the poor of the N. union, within which the said parish of is included, con- trary, &c, 3. Occupier refusing to comply with a Justices Order requiring him to Id. Offence 5. permit the necessary Works to be executed. (Id. s. 16.)] that A. B. of &c., the occupier of certain premises, to wit, a dwelling-house, [or building, or as the case may be,~] situate [here insert a description to identify the premises], in the parish of , in the said [county'] of , did not within a reasonable time after the making thereof against him, according to the statute in such case made and provided, comply with a certain order in writing, under the hand and seal of E. F,, Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , bear- ing date the day of , in the year of our Lord , whereby the said justice, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and pro- vided, did require and order the said A. B. to permit one [or the said] C. D., the complainant, the owner of the said dwelling-house [or as the case may be,'] to execute certain necessary works required to be executed in the manner required by the statute in that case made and provided, that is to say, to cleanse [or whitewash, or purify the said dwelling-house or building, or cleanse a foul and offensive drain, ditch, gutter, privy, cesspool, or ashpit, which existed upon the said premises, or as it may be in the order,~\ and which the said A. B. before then prevented the said C, D. from doing ; but to comply therewith after due service thereof [or of a true copy thereof ] on him according to the statute in such case made and provided, did refuse, and in such refusal for the space of days, doth continue, contrary, &c. M 2 164 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. Oke's Synop. 4. The Conviction for the above described offences will be in the Ge- 2nd ed. p. 178. neral Form No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38, with this variation for offences 1 and 5, in the adjudication, viz. " to forfeit and pay the sum of , being after the rate of per day during the continuance of such de- fault [or refusal] as aforesaid, to be paid, &c." The Conviction will be enforced by the General Forms of Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 5052. Oke's Synop. 2nd ed. p. 180. Offence 1. Id. Offence 2. Id. Offence 3. Id. Offence 4. OVERSEERS. 1. Refusing to return List of Constables, Sfc. (5 & 6 Viet. c. 109, s. 9.)] then being one of the overseers of the poor of the said parish of , did neglect [or refuse] to sign and return the list of persons liable and qualified to serve as constables for the said parish of , made out by the inhabitants of the said parish in vestry duly held, to the clerks to the justices of the peace acting in and for the division of N., in the said county of . 2. [or did neglect to make out, sign and publish a true copy of the list of persons, &c.] ; 3. [or did knowingly leave out of the list of persons, &c. the name of one A. B., being a person who ought to have been included therein] ; 4. [or did knowingly make a false return of a particular which ought to have been comprised in the list of persons, &c. by [here insert the false particular.'] 5. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction (No. 39, (I. I), ante, p. 38] ; Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 5052. PAWNBROKERS. I. Offences by Pawnbrokers. II. Illegal Pawning, forging Duplicates, fyc. I. OFFENCES BY PAWNBROKERS. Oke's Synop. 1. Neglecting to attend Justice's Summons with Books, c. (39 & 40 nd ed. p. 182. Geo. 3, c. 99, s. 25.)] then exercising the business of a pawnbroker, was, inences 1, 2. upon a complaint before then duly made upon oath to one J. L. Esquire, (Stone's Hand- one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of book, p. 90.) respecting a certain information against the said A. B. for having offended against the statutes in force relating to pawnbrokers, to wit, [here briefly describe the offence against the pawnbroker, or as the occasion may be], which in the judgment of the said justice made the production of a certain book [or note], voucher, memorandum, duplicate, [or paper] to wit , which then ought to have been in the custody and power of the said A. B. necessary, duly summoned to attend with the said book [or as the case may be] before the said justice at a petty sessions of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , to be held at in the said [county] of , on the day of at o'clock, CHAP, ii.] PAWNBROKERS. 165 [or to attend with the said book [#c.] on at o'clock in Oke's Synop. ^the forenoon, at in the said [county'] of , before such 2nd ed. p. 182. justices of the peace for the said [county J as might then be there] ; and that the said A. B., at the time and place last aforesaid, when and where he was so summoned to attend as aforesaid, did neglect [or refuse] to attend with the said book [or as the case may be], according to the said summons, [or did neglect or refuse to produce the said book [or as the case may be~] in its true and perfect state, according to the said sum- mons]; and did not then and there show good cause for such neglect [or refusal] to the [my] satisfaction [of the said justice], but on the contrary thereof made default therein, contrary, &c. 2. Buying, fyc. Goods in course of Manufacture. (Id. s. 11.)] then Id. Offence 3. exercising the business of a pawnbroker, did then and there knowingly take in as a pledge and pawn, for the sum of , then lent to one E. F., certain goods, to wit, six pairs of worsted goods of frame work knitted fabric [or as the case may be~\, the property of [the said] C. D., the com- plainant, then and there plainly intended for the composing and manu- facturing of the said goods into stockings, after the same goods had been put into a course of manufacture [or into a state for the process and ope- ration of seeming, turning, straitening and legging to be thereupon per- formed], and the said goods not being then and there completed and finished for the purpose of wear or consumption, and which said goods theretofore had been and still were entrusted by the said C. D. to the said E. F. [or to one G. H.J to manufacture and work up [or to wash, scour iron, mend, manufacture, work up, finish, or make up], contrary, &c. 3. Buying, <'C. Linen or Apparel. (Id. s. 11.)] then exercising the business of a pawnbroker, did then and there knowingly take in as a pledge and pawn for the sum of then lent to one E. F. certain linen [or apparel], to wit, three sheets, the property of [the said] C. D., the complainant, which said linen had been theretofore and then was entrusted by this informant to the said E. F. to wash [or scour, iron, or mend], contrary, &c. 4. Application of Borrower against Pawnbroker for not delivering j being a paid officer, to wit, the workhouse master [or assistant overseer], employed by and under the authority of the guardians of the N. union in the counties of C. and S., did then and there purloin and embezzle [or wilfully waste, or misapply] certain monies [or goods, or chattels], to wit, six shillings [as the case may be], then belonging to the said guar- dians and union, contrary, &c. 5. The variation in the Conviction (No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38,) for the last described offences, would be, in the adjudication, " to forfeit and pay the sum of , and also the further sum of , being treble the amount of the money [or value of the goods] so embezzled [or as the case way be] as aforesaid, to be respectively paid, &c." Id. Offence 23. 6. Acting in relation to Applications in Bastardy. (7 & 8 Viet, c. 101, s. 7.)] then being an officer of the guardians of the N. union, in the counties of C. and S., to wit, a relieving officer, did receive from one E. F. certain money, to wit, six shillings, in respect of a certain bastard child of the said E. F., for whose maintenance an order of petty sessions had been theretofore made by her Majesty's justices of the peace, and the payments for which were to be made to one A. S., the mother of the said child, contrary, &c. 7. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction (No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38] ; Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, pp. 5052. Id. pp. 192, 194. Offences 45 47. II. OFFENCES BY WORKHOUSE MASTER, &c. 8. Carrying Spirits into Workhouse, contrary to Rules. (4 & 5 Will. 4, c. 76, s. 93.)] then being the master of the workhouse of the N. union, in the counties of C. and S., did then send, carry [or introduce] into, [or sell, use, lend, or give away in], [or knowingly permit, or suffered to be carried or brought, or intro- duced, or sold, used, lent, or given away in], the said workhouse there situate, certain spirituous and fermented liquor, to wit, one pint of rum, contrary to the rules, orders and regulations of the commissioners for administering the poor laws applicable to the said workhouse, contrary, &c. 9. Order of Justices that Salary of Officer offending be stopped for Payment of Penalty. (Id. s. 93.) To the board of guardians of the N. union, in the counties of C. and S. Whereas A. B., of &c. [recite conviction of master] : And whereas you the said guardians having made due application to us in this behalf that the sum of now due to him the said A. B. as salary in respect of his employment as such master of such workhouse may be retained and applied for the use of the said union in [part] payment of the said penalty, do by this our order, made in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, direct you the said guardians of the said N. CHAP, ii.] POOR. 173 union so to retain and apply the said sum of so due to him the said oke's Synop. A. B. as aforesaid. 2nd ed. p. 194. Given under our hands, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at in the [county'} aforesaid. J.S. J.L. 10. General Form to be used in eiiforcing the Conviction, (No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39), for Offence described in Form No. 8, supra] ; Com- mitment No. 52 (0. 1), ante, p. 49. III. OFFENCES IN WORKHOUSE, &c. 11. Bringing Spirits into Workhouse. (Id. s. 92.)] did carry and Id. p. 194. bring [or introduce], Offences 54, 55. [or attempt or endeavour to carry and bring, or introduce], into a certain workhouse of the N. union there situate, a certain quantity of spirituous liquors, to wit, one pint of rum, without any order in writing of the master of the said workhouse in that behalf, contrary, &c. 12. The conviction and commitment for the last described offence will be the same as No. 10, supra. 13. Special Description of Inmates.'] then being a person maintained Vide Note 143, [or relieved] in a public workhouse, to wit, the workhouse of the N. union, Synop. p. 194. in the counties of C. and S., situate in the said parish of E , in the said county of S., established for the relief of, maintenance and employ- ment of the poor of the said union, and then chargeable (a) to the parish of D. in the said county of C., and included in 7&8 Viet. the said union, c. 101, s. 57. (b) [or on the common fund of the said union, by reason of being 11 & 12 Viet. exempt from removal, under some provision of the act passed c. 40, s. 9 (con- in the tenth year of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled tinned by 12 & " An Act to amend the Laws relating to the Removal of the 13 Viet. c. 103, Poor,"] s - 1. til1 30th (c) [or by reason of being a destitute wayfarer, or wanderer, ^P u 185 ^.) or foundling,] (d) [or by reason of an accident occurring to him the said A. B. while within the parish of D. in the county of C., and included in the said union, and not having a legal settlement in the same parish.] 14. Damaging or Embezzling Clothes. (50 Geo. 3, c. 50, s. 4.)] Oke's Synop. Proceed as the case may be, by stating either of the descriptions of the de- 2nd ed.p. 194. fendantasis applicable, in the manner directed by Form No. 13, supra, Offences 56 then : did then and there embezzle, 58. [or wilfully waste, or spoil, or damage], certain clothing [or goods, or materials], committed to his care, to wit, , there being, [or take, or carry away from the said workhouse, without permission of the keeper, certain clothing [or goods, or materials] provided for the use of the poor therein, to wit, ], contrary, &c. Id. p. 196. 15. Regular Inmates refusing to Work, or Misbehaving, SfC. (55 Offences 59 61. 174 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. Geo. 3, c. 137, s. 3.)] Proceed by stating either of the descriptions (a), 2nd ed. p. 196. (b) or (d) in No. 13, ante, then : did then and there refuse to work at a certain work, occupation and employment, to wit, , suited to his age, strength, capacity, [or was then and there guilty of drunkenness], [or was guilty of certain misbehaviour, to wit, by then and there shouting, fighting, swearing, and thereby disturbing the inmates of the said workhouse], contrary, &c. . Id. Offences 62 16. Occasional Poor refusing to work, fyc. (5 & 6 Viet. c. 57, s. 5.)] 64. Proceed as in No. 13, ante, by describing the defendant as in (c), then: and while in the said workhouse, did then and there within four hours from the hour of breakfast, to wit, the hour of in the morning of the said last mentioned day, being the morning succeeding his admission into the said workhouse,* refuse [or neglect] to perform a certain task of work, to wit, , being a task of work suited to his age, strength and capacity, such task of work having been prescribed by a certain order duly made by the guardians of the poor of the said union, bearing date the day of , in the year of our Lord , and approved of by the poor law commissioners, [or from the asterisk, * did then then and there wilfully destroy or injure his own clothes, to wit, , by burning [or tearing] the same] ; lor from the asterisk,* did then and there wilfully damage, to wit, by burning certain property in the said workhouse of the [said] guardians of the poor of the said union, to wit J, contrary to the statute made in the sixth year of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act to continue until the Thirty-first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, and to the end of the then next Session of Parliament, the Poor Law Commission; and for the fur- ther Amendment of the Laws relating to the Poor in England;" and the said A. B. for his said offence being by virtue of the statute last aforesaid an idle and disorderly person within the intent and meaning of the statute made in the fifth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled " An Act for the Punishment of Idle and Disorderly Persons, and Rogues and Vagabonds in that Part of Great Britain called England." Id. Offence 69. 17. Absconding from Workhouse, with Clothes, $c. (55 Geo. 3, c. 137, s. 2.)] Proceed as in No. 13, ante, by stating either of the descriptions of the defendant (a), (b), (c) or (d), as applicable, and then : did then and there desert and run away from the said workhouse, and did then and there carry away with him certain clothes [or linen, goods or things], to wit, , of the value of , belonging to the guardians of the poor of the said union, before then provided for the use of the poor of the said workhouse, and then [respectively] branded with the words " N. Union Workhouse," contrary, &c. 18. The Conviction for the offences described in Forms No. 14 to 17, supra, will be in the General Form No. 41 (I. 3), ante, p. 39. 19. The Commitment will be in the General Form No. 48, (P. 1), ante, p. 46, with these variations : Where Defendant is chargeable to a Parish (No. 13, ante,(a)), of a County different to that in which the Workhouse where Offence committed is aituated and committed to the former. (7 & 8 Viet. c. 101, s. 57.)] Say in the adjudication of imprisonment, " in CHAP, ii.] POOR POUNDBREACH. 175 the common gaol at C., in and for the said county of C., in Qke's Synop. pursuance of the authority in me vested by the statute in such 2nd ed. p. 196. case made and provided." Where Defendant is chargeable on the Common Fund by reason of Irremovability. (No. 13 (b), ante.) (11 & 12 Viet. c. 110, s. 9.)] Say in the adjudication of imprisonment, " in the common gaol at C., in and for the said county of C., in pursuance of the authority in me vested by the statute in such case made and provided, the said A. B. having been residing in the parish of D., in the said county of C., at the time of his admission into the said workhouse." Where Defendant is chargeable on the Common Fund by Reason of being a Wayfarer, fyc., or having met with Accident, fyc. (No. 13, (c) or (d), ante.) (11 & 12 Viet. c. 110, s. 9.)] Say in the adjudication of imprisonment, "in the common gaol at C., in and for the said county of C., in pursuance of the authority in me vested by the statute in such case made and provided, the major part of the union aforesaid being comprised within the said county of C." 20. Buying, 6?c. Parish Goods. (55 Geo. 3, c. 137, s. 2.)] did Id. Offences 65 knowingly buy [or take in pawn, exchange or receive] certain wearing 67. apparel [or goods, clothes, linen, tools, utensils, materials, or things or provisions], to wit, , of the value of , of the goods of the guardians of the poor of the N. union, in the counties of C. and S., the said A. B. then and there well knowing the said wearing apparel [or as the case may be] to have been provided for the use of the poor received into the work- house of the said union, situate in the parish of E., in the said county of S., and the said wearing apparel being then marked [stamped or branded] with the words " ," contrary, &c. 21. Obliterating the Marks or Stamps on Apparel, if c. (Id.)] did Id. Offence 68. unlawfully cause to be obliterated [or defaced] a certain mark [or stamp], to wit, the words " ," then and there being on certain clothes, to wit, , of the value of , of the goods of the guardians of the poor of the N. union, in the counties of C. and S., and before then provided for the use of the poor received into the workhouse of the said union, situate in the parish of E., in the said county of S., contrary, &c. 22. General Form to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. 40, (I. 2), ante, p. 39]; Commitment, No. 52, (O. 1), ante, p. 49. POUNDBREACH. 1. Releasing Cattle impounded for straying on inclosed Land. (6 & 7 Oke's Synop. Viet. c. 30, s. 1.)] Did release, 2nd ed. p. 198. [or attempt to release, by then and there ], Offences 1, 2. a certain horse [or ass, sheep or swine], [or certain cattle, to wit, two cows], before then lawfully seized for the purpose of being impounded, in con- sequence of the said having been found wandering [or straying, or lying and being depastured] on certain inclosed land [in the occupation] of [the said] C. D., [the complainant,] there situate, and without the Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Svnop consent of the'said C. D., the owner [or occupier] thereof,* from the 2nd ed. p. 198. pound and place, to wit, the common pound of the said parish of , and situate therein, where the said was then and there impounded, contrary, &c. 2. The like, on the Way to the Pound. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 1, supra, and then : and which said was then on the way to [or from] a certain pound and place, to wit, the common pound situate in the said parish of , for the purpose of being then and there impounded, contrary, &c. Id. Offences 3, 3. Damaging the Pound, S,-c. (Id.)] did pull down [or damage, or 4. ' destroy,] a certain pound and place, [or did damage the lock, or bolt, belonging to and which fastened a certain pound and place,] to wit, the common pound of the said parish of , and situate therein, wherein a certain horse [or as the case may bej] was then and there im- pounded, having before then been lawfully seized, in consequence of having been found wandering [or straying, or lying and being depastured,] on certain inclosed land [in the occupation] of the said C. D. [the com- plainant,] there situate, and without the consent of the said C. D., the owner [or occupier] thereof, contrary, &c. 4, General Form^to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39] ; Commitment, No. 52 (O. 1), ante, p. 49. PRINTERS. 2 Arch. J. P. 1. Using a Printing Press or Types without Notice, $c. (39 Geo. 3, tit. Sedition, 4th c. 79, ss. 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32.)] did, contrary to an act of the thirty- ed. p. 448. ninth year of the reign of King George the Third, intituled, " An Act for the more effectual Suppression of Societies established for seditious and treasonable Purposes, and for better preventing treasonable and seditious Practices," keep [or use] a printing press [or types for printing, or carrying on the business of a letter founder, or maker or seller of types, or printing presses], not having given such notice, and obtained such certificate as by the said act is required [or in , being a place not specified in any notice given by the said A. B. in pursuance of the said act, whereupon he had obtained such certificate as by the said act is required ; or not keeping an account of a person to whom the said A. B. sold printing types, or a printing press, as the case may be ; or not printing his name, &c., as the case may require ; or not keeping a copy of a paper printed by him for hire, reward, gain, or profit, to wit, a paper [describing if], which the said A. B. printed, &c. ; or not producing a copy of a paper printed, &c., or specifying any other offence against the act, and the time and place when and where the same was committed.] 2. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction, (No. 39, (I. I), ante, p. 38)] ; Distress Warrant, &c., No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 5052. CHAP, ii.] PROMISSORY NOTES. 177 PROMISSORY NOTES. 1. Issuing Notes under Twenty Shillings. (48 Geo. 3, c. 88, ss. 1, 3.)] did publish and utter [or did negotiate, or transfer,] a certain promissory note [or bill of exchange, or draft, or undertaking in writing,] for the payment of a sum of money less than the sum of twenty shillings, to wit, eighteen shillings, the same being then and there negotiable [or transfer- able], contrary, &c. 2. General Form, SfC., as in No. 2, under title " Printers." RAILWAYS. I. Offences by Servants of Railway Companies. II. Offences by other Persons. I. OFFENCES BY SERVANTS OF RAILWAY COMPANIES. 1. Engine Driver, fyc., being drunk. (3 & 4 Viet. c. 97, s. 13 ; 5 & 6 Oke's Synop. Viet. c. 55, a. 17.)] then being an engine driver [or waggon driver, 2nded.p. 198. guard, porter, servant,] in the employment of the railway company,* Offence 1. was then and there found drunk, he the said A. B. being then and there employed upon the [branch] railway there situate [called the branch], belonging to the said company [or to a certain other railway company called , or by one E. F., in conducting traffic upon the said railway belonging to the said company], contrary, &c. 2. Committing Offence against Bye-Law. (Id.)] Proceed to the as- Id. Offence 2. terisk* in Form No. 1, then : did then and there commit a certain offence against a certain bye- law [or rule, or regulation] duly made by the [said] railway company, by virtue of an act made and passed in a session of parliament held in the and years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act, fyc.," and then and still in force, to wit, by then and there [here describe the offence^, contrary, &c. 3. Doing or omitting to do any Act whereby Life endangered. (Id.)] j Id. p-204. II. OFFENCES BY OTHER PERSONS. 7. Obstructing Inspector of Railways. (3 & 4 Viet. c. 97, s. 6.)] did wilfully obstruct one E. F., then upon a certain railway called the - railway, by then and there - , he the said E. F. then and there being duly authorized to inspect the said railway, and the station, works, and buildings thereon, and in the execution of his duty as such inspector, con- trary, &c. 8. Obstructing Officer of Railway. (Id. s. 16.)] did wilfully ob- struct [or impede] one E. F., then being in the execution of his duty upon a certain railway there situate, called the - Railway, by then and there [describe the obstruction], he the said E. F. being then an officer [or agent], to wit, a - of the [said] - Railway Company, and being then and there in the execution of his duty upon the said railway, [or in one of the stations [works or premises] connected with the said railway], contrary, &c. 9. Trespassing upon Railway. (Id.)] did wilfully trespass upon a certain railway, [or upon a certain station [or premises] connected with a certain railway], there situate, called - , and did then and there refuse to quit the same upon a request to him for that purpose made by one E. F., an officer [or agent], to wit, a porter, of the said railway company, contrary, &c. 10. Aiding or assisting Offender. (Id.)J This Form will be drawn in the manner directed in the General Forms Nos. 6 and 7, ante, p. 26. 11. General Form to be used in enforcing the Conviction (No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39, for the Offences described in Forms Nos. 7 10]; Commit- ment No. 52 (O. 1), ante, p. 49. 12. Injuring Boards of Eye-Laws, $c. (8 Viet. c. 16, s. 146.)] did then and there pull down [or injure], [or obliterate the letters and figures on] a certain board, then and there put up and affixed on the premises of a certain railway company there called the - Company, as required by the statute in that case made and provided, for the purpose of publishing the bye-laws of the said company, contrary, &c. 13. Obstructing Persons in setting out the Line. (8 Viet. c. 20, !4.)] did then and there wilfully obstruct one E.F., then and there acting under the authority of a certain railway company, called the - CHAP. ii.j RAILWAYS SEAMEN. 179 Railway Company, in the lawful exercise of the power of the said company Oke's Synop. in setting out the line of the railway of the said company there situate, 2nd ed. p. 204. [or did then and there pull up [or remove] certain poles or stakes, to wit, ten poles, then and there driven into the ground for the purpose and in the lawful exercise of the power of a certain railway company called the Railway Company, in setting out the line of the railway of the said company there situate], contrary, &c. 14. Passsenger travelling in Carriage without having paid Fare. (Id. Id. Offences 47, s. 103.)] did travel [or attempt to travel] in a certain carriage, then 48. being in and upon a certain railway there situate, called , belonging to the Railway Company, he the said A.B. not having previously paid his fare, and with intent to avoid the payment thereof, contrary, &c. 15. Travelling beyond Distance for which Fare paid. (Id.)] then Id. p. 206, being a passenger in a certain carriage in and upon a certain railway Offence 49. there situate, called , belonging to the Railway Company, and having paid his fare from L. to C., being a distance of fifty-six miles, did knowingly and wilfully * proceed in the said carriage by the said railway beyond such distance, to wit, to the station of E., being sixty-six miles from L. aforesaid, without previously paying the additional fare for the said additional distance of ten miles, and with intent to avoid the pay- ment thereof, contrary, &c. 16. Refusing to quit Carriage on arriving at end of Journey. (Id.)] Id. Offence 50. Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 15, and then : refuse [or neglect], on arriving at C. aforesaid, to quit the said carriage, contrary, &c. 17. Offending against Bye-Laws. (Id. s. 109.)] did unlawfully Id. Offence 52. [here state the offence'], contrary to the bye-law in that behalf duly made and published by the said railway company pursuant to the provisions of an act made and passed in a session of parliament held in the and years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act," 4'c, and which said bye- law was, at the time of the commission of the said offence, and still is in force, contrary, &c. 18. Injuring Boards of Bye- Laws, $c. Penalties. (Id. s. 144.)] Id. Offences 57 These offences may be described similarly to those in Form No. 12, 59. ante, p. 178. 19. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction (No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38)]; Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, p. 5052. SEAMEN. 1. Master not having a written Contract as to Wages, 4~c. (7 & 8 Viet. Id. p. 208. c. 112, s. 4.)] that A. B., late of &c., mariner, on &c., at &c., being Offence 1. then and there master [or owner, as the case may be], of a certain vessel called , belonging to , a subject of her Majesty, and then bound on a certain voyage, to wit, from , in England, and proceeding to parts beyond the seas, to wit, to , did carry E. F. a seaman (not being an apprentice) as one of his crew [or complement], and not as an apprentice on board the said vessel, he the said A. B. not having first made or entered into any agreement in writing with the said E. F. for or N 2 180 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. Oke's Synop. in respect of the wages of the said E. F. for the said voyage or otherwise 2nd ed. p. 208. in manner and form as by the statute in that hehalf is directed, con- trary, &c. 2. General Form to be used in enforcing the Conviction (No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39)] ; Commitment No. "52 (O. 1), ante, p. 49. SEDITIOUS MEETINGS. 2 Arch. J. P. 1. For an unlawful Combination and Confederacy. (39 Geo. 3, c. 79, 4th ed. p. 454. ss. 2, 8.)] did contrary to an act, &c. [set forth the title, Sfc. as in Form No. 1, tit. " Printers," ante, p. 176,] become a member of, [or directly, or indirectly maintain a correspondence or intercourse with,] [or by contribution of money, aid, abet, or support,] a certain society [describing it], which society is an unlawful combination and confederacy within the intent and meaning of the said act. 4 2. The Conviction for the above described offence may be either in the Form No. 41 (I. 3), ante, p. 39, where imprisonment only adjudged; or No. 89 (I. I), ante, p. 38, where a penalty imposed ; the former enforced by Commitment No. 48 (P. 1), ante, p. 46, and the Costs by Distress War- rant, &c. No. 4951, ante, pp. 46 48 ; and the latter by Distress War- rant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 5052. SHEEP. Oke's Synop. 1.. Bringing infected Sheep, fyc. into a Market, fyc. (11 & 12 Viet. 2ndecJ. p. 210. c. 107, s. 1 (a).j did bring [or attempt to bring] certain sheep [or Offence 1. lambs, oxen, bulls, cows, calves,] to wit, twenty sheep [or as the case may be,] into a certain open market there situate, to wit, the market of N., he the said A. B. then and there well knowing the said sheep [or as the case may be,] to be infected with or labouring under a certain contagious and infectious disorder known as the sheep pox or variola ovina, contrary, &c. Id. p. 212. 2. Depasturing infected Sheep, fyc. on a Forest, <$r. (Id. s. 2.)] did Offence 2. * urn out > keep, and depasture certain sheep, to wit, three score of sheep, upon a certain uninclosed forest [or as the case may be~] t he the said A. B. then and there well knowing, &c. [as in Form No. 1.] Id. Offence 3. 3. Publicly exposing for Sale Meat unfit for human Food. (Id. s. 3.)] did publicly expose [or offer] for sale in a certain public market there situate, to wit, the market place of the town of N., certain meat, to wit, part of a calf, the same being then and there unfit for human food, con- trary, &c. 4. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction No. 39 (1. 1) ante, p. 38] ; Distress Warrant, &c.*No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 50 52. (a) This statute will expire on the 1st Sept. 1850. CHAP, ii.] SHIP'S BALLAST, PASSENGERS, &o. 181 SHIP'S BALLAST. 1. Throwing Ballast, $c. into a River, <-c. (54 Geo. 3, c. 159, s. 11.)] From 5 Burn's being then and there master and a person having the charge of a certain J us - 29th ed. private vessel, called , did cast, throw, empty, and unlade, and cause P- ''*. and procure to be cast, thrown, emptied, and unladen from and out of the said vessel, a large quantity, to wit, tons of ballast, gravel, earth, and rubbish into a certain navigable river of the kingdom there, called the [Thames], so as to tend to the- injury and obstruction of the naviga- tion of the said river, contrary, &c. 2. General Form to be used in enforcing the Conviction No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39] ; Commitment No. 52 (O. 1), ante, p. 49. SHIP'S PASSENGERS. 1. Master of Ship under Two Hundred Tons carrying more than Twenty From 5 Burn's Persons between Great Britain and Ireland without Licence. (4 Geo. 4, Jus. 29th ed. c. 88,s. 1.)] being then and there the [master and a person having p. 1021. the charge and command] of a certain ship and vessel called , then and there employed in the conveyance of passengers between Great Britain and Ireland, being of less than two hundred tons burthen, to wit, of the burthen of one hundred tons, did unlawfully have and take on board, carry and convey, a greater number of passengers than twenty, to wit, [fifty] persons as passengers in and by the said ship and vessel, from a certain port in England, called , to a certain port in Ireland, called , no licence for the conveyance of passengers having been then pre- viously granted to the said owner or master, or commander of the said ship and vessel, according to the directions of the statute in that behalf made and provided, contrary, &c. 2. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction No. 39 (I.I) ante, p. 38] ; Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 50 52. As to the conveyance of passengers in Merchant ships, vide 12 Sf 13 Viet. c. 33, which repeals the previous statutes on the subject, (viz. 5 & 6 Viet. c. 107 ; 8 & 9 Viet. c. 14 ; 10 & 11 Viet. c. 103; 11 & 12 Viet. c. 6.) SHIP'S REGISTER. 1. Detaining a Certificate of Registry. (3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 55, s. 27.)] From 5 Burn's that he the said A. W. [the complainant] together with D. W., on Jus. 29th ed. the day instant, were and still are owners of a certain p. 1017. vessel called [The Resolution] now in the port of London, and that P. S. of &c. then had in his custody and possession the certificate of the registry of the said vessel, and that they the said A. W. and D. W. then were and still are desirous of transferring of their property in the said vessel, and of procuring an indorsement of such transfer to be made on the said certificate by C. C., being the collector, and C. A., being the con- troller of the port of London, being the port where the said vessel is regis- tered, and they being the proper officers of the customs in that behalf, Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. for which purpose occasion then required and still requires that the said certificate should be delivered up to the said collector and controller ; and that the said A. W. did on the said day of instant, at in the county aforesaid, for and on behalf of himself and the said D. W. so being such owners of the said vessel as aforesaid, demand and require of the said P. S. to deliver up to them, the said collector and controller, they then and there being the proper officers of the customs in that behalf, the said certificate of the registry of the said vessel, and which he then had in his custody as aforesaid, for the purpose of the said collector and con- troller indorsing thereon the said transfer of the said A. W. and D. W.'s property in the said vessel ; but the said P. S. then and there wilfully and wrongfully detained and refused to deliver up the said certificate to the said collector and controller, for the said purpose aforesaid, on the occa- sion required as aforesaid, or for any other purpose whatever; and the said P. S. still wilfully retains the said certificate, contrary, &c. From 2 Arch. 2. The like, in a shorter Form,] that A. B., late master of a certain J. P. 4th ed. p. ship called , having, whilst he was so master of the said ship as 502. aforesaid, to wit, on the day of , in the year aforesaid, at in the county aforesaid, received and obtained the certificate of the re- gistry of the said ship, did afterwards, to wit, on the day of now last past, at in the said county, wilfully detain the said certifi- cate> and refuse to deliver up the same to the officers of her Majesty's customs then and there demanding the same, for the purposes of the said ship, as occasion did then require, contrary, &c. N.B. The complaint must be made on oath by the owner, &c., to the justice, and the justice should be described as, " residing near the place where the detainer and refusal hereinafter mentioned were made." 3. Warrant thereon. (Id.] This will be in the General Form No. 11, (C), ante, p. 27, but instead of, " to answer, &c." say, "to be examined by me touching such detainer and refusal." 4. Justice's Certificate of Detainer, Refusal and Conviction, in order that Customs' Officers may register Vessels de novo. (3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 55, s. 27.)] I, the undersigned J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of , do hereby certify to the offi- cers of her Majesty's customs at , in the same county, that A. B., of, &c. was this day duly convicted by and before me of having, on the day of , at in the said county, unlawfully detained the cer- tificate of registry of a certain ship called , the property of C. D., of , merchant, granted by the said officers, and refused to deliver up the same on demand made for the purposes of the said ship, as occasion did then require. Dated this day of , 1850. J. S. 5. General Form to be used in enforcing the Conviction (No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39] ; Commitment No. 52 (O. 1), ante, p. 49. CHAP, ii.] SUNDAY SWEARING. 183 SUNDAY. 1. Trading on Sunday. (29 Car. 2, c. 7, s. 1.)] the same being the Oke's Synop. Lord's day, commonly called Sunday, and the said A. B, being then and 2nd ed. p. 216. there a [butcher], and being then above the age of fourteen years, did Offence 1. then and there do and exercise certain worldly labour, business and work in his ordinary calling of [butcher] aforesaid, upon the said Lord's day, by then and there selling to one E. F. a leg of mutton, the same not being a work of necessity or charity, contrary, &c. 2. The, like, in another form. (Reg. v. Barton, No. 7 of The Magis- Id. trate, p. 101 ; 13 Just. Peace, 120; 18 Law J. 56, M. C.; 3 Bit. & Par. New Mag. Cas. 101.)] for that he the said Robert Barton, within ten days now last past, to wit, on the eighth day of October, in the year aforesaid, at the parish of Eynsham, in the said county, being then and there above the age of fourteen years, and being then and there a dealer in fruit, did then and there do and exercise certain worldly labour, busi- ness and work of his ordinary calling of dealer in fruit aforesaid, upon the Lord's day, to wit, the day aforesaid, by then and there selling to one Thomas Smith a certain quantity of fruit, to wit, one hundred walnuts, the same not being a work of necessity or charity, against, &c. 3. Publicly crying Wares, fyc. on a Sunday. (Id.)] the same being Id. Offence 2. the Lord's day, commonly called Sunday, did then and there, in a certain street called , publicly cry [or show forth, or expose to sale] certain wares [or merchandize, fruit, herbs, goods or chattels], to wit, , upon the said Lord's day, contrary, &c. 4. Travelling on Sunday. (Id. s. 2.)] the same being the Lord's day, Id. Offence 3. commonly called Sunday, and the said A. B. being a drover [or horse courser, waggoner, &c.], did then and there travel with certain beasts, to wit, twenty head of oxen [or with his common stage waggon and three horses], on the open Queen's highway, into and through the said parish of , contrary, &c. N.B. The penalties for the above described offences are recovered in the same manner and under the same adapted Forms as directed in proceedings upon a first offence in tit. " Drunkenness," ante, p. 108. SWEARING. 1. Cursing and Swearing. (19 Geo. 2, c. 21. s. 1.)] did profanely Oke's Synop. curse [one] profane curse in these words, to wit, 2nd ed. pp.216, [or profanely swear [one] profane oath in these words, to wit, 218. he the said A. B. then being a labourer [or above a labourer and under the degree of a gentleman, to wit, a grocer, [or of or above the degree of a gentleman, to wit, an esquire], contrary, &c. 2. The Conviction of a labourer, common soldier, or common seaman, will be in the General Form No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39, with these varia- tions: Where adjudged to be imprisoned for Ten Dayi\,say, " And if the said several sums be not paid immediately, or security given for the 184 Oke's Synop. 2nd ed. pp. 216, 218. Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. same to my satisfaction, I adjudge, &c. ;" and omit the words, " unless sooner paid." Where set in the Stocks on nonpayment,'] say, " And if the said several sums be not paid immediately, or security given for the same to my satisfaction, I adjudge the said A. B. to be publicly set in the stocks of the said parish of , for the space of ," and omit the words, " unless sooner paid." The Commitment thereon would be the General Form No. 52 (O. 1), ante, p. 49, adapted to the above altered Convictions, but adding in the recital of nonpayment these words, " and also hath refused to give satis- factory security to pay the same." 3. The Conviction of a person above a labourer, but under the degree of a gentleman, and also of a person of or above the degree of a gentle- man, will be in the General Form No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39, with these variations: Say in the adjudication: "And if the said sum of [the penalty], be not paid immediately, or security given for the same to my satisfaction, I adjudge the said A. B. to be imprisoned in the house of correction at , in and for the said county of , and there to be kept to hard labour for the space of ten days," omitting the words, " unless sooner paid." ' ' And if the said sum of (being the charges of the information and conviction, as ascertained by me), be not paid at the expiration of the said imprisonment, or security given for the same to my satisfaction, I adjudge the said A. B. to be further imprisoned in the said house of correction, and there to be kept to hard labour for the space of six days, over and above the said term of ten days." The Commitment thereon would be in the General Form (No. 52 (0. 1), ante, p. 49, adapted to the above altered Conviction, but adding to the recital of nonpayment these words, "and also hath refused to give satisfactory security to pay the said sum of [the penalty'], or the said sum of , for such charges aforesaid." THEATRES. Oke's Synop. 1. Keeping House without Licence. (6 & 7 Viet. c. 68, s. 2.)] did 2nd ed. p. 218. then and there keep a certain house [or other place] of public resort there Offence 1. situate for the public performance of stage plays, to wit, , without authority in that behalf, by virtue of any letters-patent, or a licence from the Lord Chamberlain or her Majesty's justices of the peace for the divi- sion in which the said house is situated, as required by the statute in that case made and provided, and did continue the same for successive days thereafter, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 2. 2. Performing in unlicensed House. (Id. s. 1 1 .)] did then and there for hire act and present a certain stage play, to wit, , in a certain place, to wit, , the said place not being a patent theatre or duly licensed in that behalf, contrary, &c. 3. The Conviction for the offences described in the preceding two Forms will be in the General Form No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38, altering the adju- dication thus: " to forfeit and pay the sum of twenty pounds, being after CHAP, ii.] TURNPIKE ROADS. 185 the rate of four pounds for each of the said five days on which the said Oke's Synop. A. B. did so offend as aforesaid, to be paid, &c." This will be enforced 2nd ed. p. 218. by the Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, p. 5052. TURNPIKE ROADS. I. Offences by Toll Collector. II. Offences as to Tolls. III. Offences by Drivers, Owners, fyc. IV. Nuisance and other Offences. I. OFFENCES BY TOLL COLLECTOR. 1. Demanding greater or less Toll, Sfc. than authorized. (3 Geo. 4, c. 126, Oke's Synop. s. 55.)] then being the farmer [or renter or collector] of tolls at a cer- 2nd ed. p. 220. tain gate there, [called the Devil's Ditch Gate] on a certain turnpike road Offence 1. there situate, [called the Newmarket Turnpike Trust]* did then and there take the sum of from one [or the said] C. D. for the toll of a horse on which the said C. D. was then and there riding, [or for the toll of a waggon drawn by two horses which the said C. D. was then and there driving, or as the case may bel, the said sum being a greater [or less] toll, to wit, greater [or less] than what was then authorized or directed by any act of parliament, con- trary, &c. 2. Collector not having his Name on Tollhouse. (4 Geo. 4, c. 95, Id. Offence 2. s. 30.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 1, then : did not place or cause to be placed on the front of the tollhouse of the said gate, at which he the said A. B. was then stationed, his Christian name and sur- name painted in black on a board with a white ground, contrary, &c. 3. Demanding greater or less Toll than authorized. (Id. s. 30.)] Pro- Id. Offence 3. ceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 1, supra, and then : did then and there demand and take the sum of from one [or the said] C. D. for the toll of a horse on which the said C. D. was then and there riding, [or for the toll of a waggon drawn by two horses which the said C. D. was then and there driving, or as the case may be~\, the said sum being a greater [or less] toll, to wit, , greater [or less] than what he the said A. B. was then and there authorized to demand and take by virtue of the powers of any act of parliament, or of the orders and resolutions of the trustees or commissioners made in pursuance of the powers of any such act, contrary, &c. 4. Taking Toll from a Person exempt. (Id.)] Proceed to the aste- jj. Offence 4. risk* in Form No. 1, supra, then : did then and there demand and take from one [or the said] C. D. the sum of , as and for the toll of a horse and cart, of which the said C. D. was then and there the driver on the said turnpike road, the said C. D. being then and there exempt from the payment of such toll by reason of [here set out the ground of exemption], and the said C. D. then and there duly claiming the said exemption, con- trary, &c. 5. Refusing to permit or hindering a Person reading the Inscription on Id. Offences Board. ( Id. s. 30.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 1, supra, and 5, 6. then : did refuse to permit [or suffer] one [or the said] C. D. to read 186 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. 2nd ed. p. 220. Id. Offence 7- Id. Offence 8. Id. Offence 9. Id. Offence 10. Id. Offence 11. [or did hinder, by then and there , one [or the said] C. D. from reading] a certain inscription on the board, purporting to contain the Christian and surname of the said A. B., then and there placed on the front of the toll- house at which the said A. B. was then and there stationed, contrary, &c. 6. Refusing to tell his Name. (Id. s. 30.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 1, supra, then : did then and there refuse to tell his Christian and surname to one [or the said] C. D., who then and there demanded the same, on the said C. D. then and there paying the said A. B. the sum of as and for the toll of a horse [or as the case may be], contrary, &c. 7. Giving a false Name. (Id. s. 30.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 1, supra, then: did then and there give a false Christian and surname, to wit, the name of E. F. in answer to a demand then and there made by one [or the the said] C. D. for the said A. B. to tell him his Christian and surname, and which demand was made by the said C. D. on his then and there paying the said A. B. the sum of as and for the toll of a horse on which the said C. D. was then and there riding, contrary, &c. 8. Refusing to give a Ticket. (Id. s. 30.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 1, supra, and then : did then and there refuse [or omit] to give to one [or the said] C. D. a ticket denoting the payment of the sum of , then and there paid by tbe said C. D. to the said A. B. as and for the toll for a horse and gig, and naming and specifying the tollgate at which such ticket had been delivered, and the tollgate (if any) freed by such payment, as the said A. B. should and ought to have done, con- trary, &c. 9. Detaining Passenger after paying Toll. (Id. s. 30.)] Proceed to the asttrisk* in Form No. 1, supra, and then : upon the legal toll, to wit, , being then and there paid [or tendered] to him as and for the toll of a horse on which one [or the said] C. D. was then and there riding on the said turnpike road, did then and there unnecessarily detain [or wil- fully obstruct, hinder or prevent] the said C. D. from passing through the said turnpike gate for a long time, to wit, half-an-hour, by then and there [set forth the obstruction], contrary, &c. 10. Using abusive Language to Trustee or Passenger. (Id. s. 30.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 1, supra, then: did then and there make use of scurrilous and abusive language to one [or the said] C. D., being then and there one of the trustees [or commissioners] of the said road, [or a traveller, or passenger], who was then and there passing on the said turnpike road, by then and there [here describe the words used], contrary, &c. 11. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction (No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38]; Distress Warrant, &c., No. 53 (N. 1) 58, pp. 5052. 12. Complaint against Lessee or Farmer of Tolls for Penally incurred by Toll Collector who absconds after Conviction.' (3 Geo. 4, c. 126, s. 54.)] that A. B., of &c. was on the day of instant duly convicted before me the said justice, for that he the said A. B., then being [Sfc., state offence as in either of the Forms No. 1 10 applicable], CHAP. II.] TURNPIKE ROADS. 187 and was by me adjudged to forfeit and pay the sum of , and also the Oke's Synop. sum of for costs : that the said A. B. hath since his said conviction 2nd ed. p. 220. absconded and absented himself so as not to be found : that C. D. of is the lessee [or farmer] of the tolls of the said gate, under whom the said A. B., at the time of committing the offence aforesaid, acted. 13. The like, where Toll Collector absconds before Conviction. (Id.)] that A. B., of &c., did, on the day of , at the parish of , in the county of , then being [state offence as in either of the fore- going Forms No. 1 10 applicable], and thereby incurred the penalty of : that the said A. B. hath since, to wit, on the day of instant, absconded and absented himself, and still absents himself, and is not to be found : that C. D., of &c., is [conclude as in No. 12.] 14. Summons thereon.] This will be in the General Form No. 8 (A.), ante, p. 26, reciting the Complaint No. 12 or 13, supra. 15. Order on Lessee or Farmer for Payment of Penalty. (Id. s. 54.)] This will be in the Form No. 44 (K. 1), ante, p. 42, enforced by Dis- tress Warrant, &c. No. 66 (N. 2) 71, ante, p. 5759. II. OFFENCES AS TO TOLLS. 16. Unloading at Gate. (3 Geo. 4, c. 126, s. 20.)] did unload and Id. p. 224. cause to be unladen certain goods [or wares, or merchandize], to wit, , Offence 22. from a certain cart [or waggon, or carriage] then and there being on a certain turnpike road there situate called [and if the owner, say : and of which said cart the said A. B. was then the owner], at [or before the same came to] a certain turnpike gate, called the gate, [or a certain weighing machine] there erected by virtue of an act made for the repair of the said turnpike road, in order then and there to avoid the payment of the duties then and there payable for overweight, contrary, &c. 17. Loading after passing Gate. (Id. s. 20.)] did load [or lay] Id. Offence 23. upon a certain cart [or waggon, or carriage], then and there being on a certain turnpike road there situate, called [and if the owner, say, and of which said cart the said A. B. was then the owner], after the same had passed a certain turnpike gate, called the gate, [or a certain weighing machine] there erected by virtue of an act made for the repair of the said turnpike road, certain goods [or wares, or merchandize], to wit, , then and there taken [or unladen] from a certain other cart [or horse, or car- riage] there belonging to [or hired, or borrowed by] the said A. B., in order then and there to avoid the payment of the duties then and there payable for overweight, contrary, &c. 18. Unloading to pay less Toll. (Id. s. 20.)] did unload certain Id. Offence 24. goods [or wares, or merchandize], to wit, , from a certain cart [or waggon, or carriage] [and if the owner, say, of which the said A. B. was then and there the owner], then and there being on a certain turnpike road there situate called , in order to carry considerable quantities of goods, to wit, , through a certain turnpike gate [or weighing machine] there, called , on one and the same day, and thereby pay less toll at such turnpike gate [or weighing machine] than would have been paid if such goods [or wares, or merchandize] had not been so unladen, con- trary, &c. 188 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's SvnoD 19t Driver not waiting for other Carriages to be weighed. (Id. s. 20.)] 2nd ed p 224 then being the driver [and owner, if so] of a certain waggon [or cart] Offence 25. ' n a certain turnpike road there situate, called ,* did not then and there wait a reasonable time, to wit, minutes, whilst a certain carriage of one [or the said] C. D., the complainant, was being weighed at a certain weighing engine there, and which said last-mentioned carriage had come to the said weighing engine before the said waggon [or cart] of which the said A. B. was then and there the driver, in order then and there to avoid [or evade] the weighing of such waggon, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 26. 20 - Refusing to remove from Weighing Machine. (Id. s. 30.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No 19, supra, then: did then and there refuse [or delay] to remove [or drive] the said waggon [or cart] from a certain weighing machine there, in order by such refusal [or neglect] then and there to impede [or delay] the weighing of a certain other waggon [or cart], to wit, of one [or the said] C. D., then and there being on the said turnpike road, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 27. 21. Turning out of Road. (Id. s. 20.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 1 9, supra, then : did then and there turn [or drive] out of the said road, in order then and there to avoid [or evade] the weighing of the said waggon [or cart], contrary, &c. Id. p. 226, 22. Going off Road. (Id. s. 41.)] did with a certain horse [or Offence 28. cattle, beast, or carriage] go off [or pass from] a certain turnpike road there situate, called , through [or over] certain land [or ground] near [or adjoining thereto], such land not being a public highway, and the said A. B. not being then and there the owner or occupier, or ser- vant, or one of the family of the owner or occupier of such land [or ground], with intent then and there to evade the payment of the toll, to wit, the sum of , then and there payable under the act of parlia- ment for the repair of the said road, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 29. 23. Owner or Occupier permitting Person to go over Land. (Id. s. 41.)] then being the owner [or occupier] of certain land [or ground] near [or adjoining] to a certain turnpike road there situate, called , did then and there knowingly and willingly permit [or suffer] one E. F., with a certain waggon [or cattle, beast, or carriage] to go [or pass] through [or over] such land, the said land not being a public highway, and the said E. F. not being then and there the owner or occupier, or the servant, or one of the family of the owner or occupier of such land [or ground], with intent then and there to evade, &c. [conclude as in No. 22, supra.] Id. Offences 30, 24. Giving or receiving Tickets from other Persons than Collectors. (Id. s. 41.)] did gire to [or receive from] one E. F., [or some person unknown], the said E. F. [or such person unknown] not being then and there collector of the tolls at a certain turnpike gate [or weighing machine] there called , on a certain turnpike road there situate called , a certain note [or ticket] directed to be given by the collector of tolls at the said gate, with intent then and there to evade, &c. [conclude as in No. 22, supra.] Id. Offence 32. 2i >- Forging or altering Ticket. (Id. s. 41.)] did forge [or counterfeit or alter] a certain note [or ticket] directed to be given by the collector of tolls at a certain turnpike gate [or weighing machine] there called CHAP, ii.] TURNPIKE ROADS. 189 , on a certain turnpike road there situate called , and which Oke's Synop. said note [or ticket] so forged is in the words and figures following, that 2nd ed. p. 226. is to say [copy it verbatim], [or where altered, say, and which said note [or ticket] so altered is in the words and figures following, that is to say [copy it verbatim], the words and figures not having been in the note [or ticket] given by such collector], with intent then and there to evade, &c. [conclude as in No. 22, supra.~\ 26. Fraudulently, $c. passing through Gate. (Id. s. 41.)] didfraudu- Id. Offence 33. lently [or forcibly] pass through a certain toll gate there called , on a certain turnpike road there situate, called , with a horse [or cattle, beast or carriage], on which the said A. B. was then riding, without pay- ing the toll, to wit, the sum of , then and there payable for the said horse, by reason whereof the payment of the said toll was then and there avoided, contrary, &c. 27. Leaving Horse upon Road. (Id. s. 41.)] did leave upon a Id. Offence 34. certain turnpike road there situate called , a certain horse [or cattle, beast or carriage] on which the said A. B. was then previously riding [or as the case may be~], by reason whereof the payment of certain toll, to wit, the sum of , payable at a certain toll gate on the said road, called , was thereby avoided, contrary, &c. 28. Taking off Horse. (Id. s. 41.)] did take off [or cause to be Id. Offence 35. taking off ] a certain horse [or beast or cattle, to wit, two oxen] from a certain carriage, to wit, a waggon, then and there being on a certain turnpike road there situate called , before having passed through a certain toll gate there called , whereby the payment of the toll, to wit, the sum of , then and there payable at the said toll gate, was then and there evaded, contrary, &c. 29. Adding another Horse. (Id. s. 41.)] after having passed through Id. Offence 36. a certain toll gate called , on a certain turnpike road there situate called : , with a certain waggon then drawn by two horses, and having paid at such gate the toll payable in respect of a waggon drawn by two horses only, did afterwards, to wit, on the day last aforesaid, and whilst the said waggon was passing along the said turnpike road, put another horse to the said waggon, and did then and there draw therewith upon the said turnpike road, so as to increase the number of horses drawing the said waggon after the same had passed through the said toll gate, whereby the payment of part of the toll, to wit, the sum of then and there payable at the said toll gate, was then and there evaded, contrary, &c. 30. Doing any oilier Act to evade. (Id. s. 41.)] did [here describe Id. Offence 37. the act with particularity], with intent then and there to evade the pay- ment of the toll, to wit, the sum of , then and there payable at a certain toll gate [or weighing machine], there on a certain turnpike road there situate, and whereby the payment of the said toll was then and there evaded, contrary, &c. 31. Fraudulently claiming or taking E tempt ion tinder General Act. id pp 226 228 (Id. s. 36.)] did claim [or take] the benefit of an exemption from the Offences 38 39.' toll, to wit, the sum of , then payable at a certain toll gate there called , on a certain tunipike road there situate called , in re- spect of a horse which the said A. B. was then and there riding [or as Ike 190 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. case may be] on the said turnpike road, by certain fraudulent [or 2nd ed. pp. collusive] means then and there made use of by the said A. B., to wit, 226, 228. I here describe the particular means, as by then and there fraudulently pre- tending to the said C. D., the collector of tolls at the said gate, that the said A. B. was then and there going to his proper parochial church, whereas the said A. B. was^iot in fact then and there going to the said church], and the said A. B. was not then and there entitled to such ex- emption, contrary, &c. Id. p. 228. 32. Claiming Exemption under a Local Act. (9 Geo. 4, c. 77, s. 17.)] Offence 40. This will be the same as No. 31, supra, but concluding, " contrary to the statute made in the ninth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled ' An Act to amend the Acts for Regulating Turnpike Roads.' " Id. Offence 41. 33. Refusing Weighing of Carriage. (3 Geo. 4, c. 126, s. 22.)] then being the owner [or driver] of a certain loaded waggon [or cart or carriage] on a certain turnpike road there situate, called ,* did then and there refuse to allow the same to be weighed at a certain weighing machine there, although the said A. B. was then and there lawfully required so to do, and the said waggon [or as the case may be] was not then and there weighed, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 42. 34. Resisting Tollkeeper in Weighing. (Id. s. 22.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 33, supra, then: did then and there resist one [or the said] C. D., being then and there the gatekeeper [or toll collector], in weighing the said waggon [or as the case may be], at a certain weighing machine there, by then and there [describe the resistance], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 43. Id. Offence 44. Id. Offence 45. 35. Evading Measurement of Wheels. (Id. s. 11.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 33, supra, then: did then and there turn [or drive] out of the said road, in order then and there to avoid [or evade] the measuring of the wheels of such waggon [or as the case may be], con- trary, &c. 36. Refusing Measurement of Whtels, fyc. (Id. s. 11.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 33, supra, then : did then and there refuse to allow the wheels of such waggon [or as the case may be] to be measured, and the construction thereof examined, although the said A. B. was then and there required so to do by one [or the said] C. D., a collector of tolls on the said road [or as the case may be], and the said wheels were not then and there measured and the construction thereof examined, con- trary, &c. 37. Attempting to pass before Measurement, if required. (Id. s. 11.)] Proceed to the asterisk * in Form No. 33, supra, then : did then and there attempt to pass through a certain toll gate [or bar] there called , before the wheels of the said waggon [or as the case may be] had been measured and the construction thereof examined, such measurement and examination having been required by one [or the said] C. D., who was then and there the lessee of the tolls on the said road, [or a trustee or commissioner or [the deputy of] the collector of the tolls of the said road], [or a person acting by the authority of the trustees or commissioners or lessee of the tolls of the said road], contrary, &c. CHAP, ii.] TURNPIKE ROADS. 191 38. Obstructing Collector in making Measurement. (Id. s. 11.)] Oke's Synop. Proceed io the asterisk* in Form No. 33, ante, then: did then and 2nd ed. p. 228. there hinder [or obstruct] one [or the said] C. D., being then and there Offence 46. the lessee of the tolls on the said road, [or a trustee or commissioner, or [the deputy of] the collector of the tolls of the said road], [or a person acting by the authority of the trustees or commissioners, or lessees of the tolls of the said road], in measuring the wheels of the said waggon [or as the case may be~\, and in examining the construction thereof, by then and there [describe the hinderance and obstruction], such measurement and examination having been then and there required by the said C. D., contrary, &c. 39. Passing without Paying Toll. (Id. s. 139.)] did pass through Id. Offence 47 a certain turnpike gate [or rail, chain or fence], called , there set up by authority of parliament, on a certain turnpike road there situate, called , without then and there paying the toll, to wit, the sum of , appointed to be paid at such gate [or rail, chain, or fence], in respect of a certain cart drawn by two horses, which the said A. B. was then and there driving on the said road, contrary, &c. 40. Complaint against Owner for Recovery of Penalty incurred by his Driver, who has absconded. (4 Geo. 4, c. 95, s. 73.)] that A. B. of &c. did, on the day of , at the parish of , in the said county of , then being the driver, &c. [state offence as in either of the Forms preceding No. 16 39], whereby the said A. B. hath incurred the penalty of ; that the said A. B. had since, to wit, on the day of , absconded and absented himself, and is not now to be found, and that C. D. of, &c. was then and is now the owner of the said waggon [or as the case may be.~\ 41. Summons thereon to the Owner. (Id.)] This will be in the General Form No. 8 (A.), ante, p. 26, reciting the Complaint No. 40, supra. 42. Order thereon on Owner for Payment of Penalty incurred by Driver. (Id.)] This will be in the General Form No. 44 (K. 1), ante, p. 42, adapted to the. Complaint No. 40, supra, but instead of the adjudica- tion there, say and now having heard the matter of the said complaint, and on an examination of the circumstances, and having duly ascertained that such offence was so committed by the said A. B. as aforesaid, and the said C. D. not producing the said A. B., I do adjudge that if the said C. D. do not within ten days produce the said driver A. B., he the said C. D. shall pay to Messieurs I., G. and B., the clerks to the justices of this division, the said penalty so incurred by the said A. B. as aforesaid, forthwith thereafter, and also to pay to the said E. F. the com- plainant, &c. [conclude as in Order No. 44.] 43. The Forms for enforcing the Order No. 42, supra, will be the General Forms of Distress Warrant, &c. No. 66 (N. 2) 71, ante, pp. 57 59. 44. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction (No. 39 (1. 1), ante, p. 38]; Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, pp. 50 52. 192 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. HI. OFFENCES BY DRIVERS, OWNERS, &c. 2nd ed. p. 228. [Vide other offences under Branch " II. Offences as to Tolls," ante.] Offence 48. ^ Riding upon Footpath. (3 Geo. 4, c. 126, s. 121.)] did with a certain horse, on which he was then and there riding, ride upon a certain footpath [or causeway] by the side of a certain turnpike road there situate, called } made and set apart for the use and accommodation of foot passengers, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 49. 46. Driving or Leading on Footpath. (Id. s. 121.)] did lead [or drive] a certain horse [or ass, mule, swine, or cattle, or carriage, or wheel- barrow, truck or sledge, or the single wheel of a certain waggon, cart or carriage, apart therefrom], upon a certain footpath [or causeway], by the side of a certain turnpike road there situate, called , made and set apart for the use and accommodation of foot passengers, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 50. 47. Damaging Footpath or Fences. (Id. s. 121.)] did cause certain injury and damage to be done to a certain footpath [or causeway], [or to the hedge or post, rail, or fence of a certain footpath or causeway], by the side of a certain turnpike road there situate, called , made and set apart for the use and accommodation of foot passengers, by then and there [describe the damage], and thereby doing injury to the amount of , contrary, &c. Id. p. 230. Offences 51 53. 48. Driving upon or damaging or using Footpath to the Prejudice and Annoyance of Passengers. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 24, s. 16.)] did injure [or damage, encumber, ride upon, drive upon or use] a certain public footpath [or causeway], called , by the side of and adjacent to a certain turn- pike road there situate, called , to the prejudice [or annoyance or per- sonal danger] of one [or the said] C. D., then and there travelling thereon, by then and there \_here describe the particular act], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 55. 49. Owner not having Name, fyc. on Waggon. (4 Geo. 4, c. 95, s. 15.)] then being the owner of a certain waggon [or wain, cart or carriage], did then and there use the said waggon, [or allow the said waggon to be used], on a certain turnpike road there situate, called , without the Christian name and surname, and place of abode of the said A. B., or the Christian name, surname, and place of abode of the principal partner or owner thereof, being then painted thereon in one or more straight line or lines upon any conspicuous part of the right or offside of the said waggon, or upon the offside shaft thereof, at full length, in large legible letters, not less than one inch in height, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 56. 50. Painting fie titious Name on Waggon. (Id. s. 15.)] then being the owner of a certain waggon [or wain, cart or carriage], did paint [or cause to be painted] on the said waggon a false name, to wit, the name of , contrary, &c. Id. Offence 57. 51. Not using Skidpans. (3 Geo. 4, c. 126, s. 126.)] that whilst a certain order, duly made by the trustees [or commissioners] of a certain turnpike road there situate, called , at a meeting held on the day of last, was in force, whereby it was ordered, that in all cases where any waggon or cart should descend any hill or hills on the said road with either of the wheels locked, a skidpan or slipper should be used or placed at the bottom of such wheel, during the whole time of its being CHAP, ii.] TURNPIKE ROADS. 193 so locked, in such manner as to prevent the said road from being destroyed Oke's Synop. or injured by the locking of such wheel; and a copy of which said order 2nd ed. p. 230. had been then affixed on all the turnpike gates standing on the said road, for more than thirty days, to wit, on the day of , at the parish of , in the said county of , A. B. of the parish of , in the county aforesaid, acted as the driver of a certain waggon [or cart], down a certain hill there, called Kenwyn Hill, on the said turnpike road, with one of the wheels of the said waggon locked, and without then and there using or having a skidpan or slipper at the bottom of such wheel, so as to prevent the said road from being destroyed or injured by the locking of the said wheel, contrary, &c. 52. Having Charge of Two Carts. (Id. s. 130.)] did act as sole Id. Offence 58. driver of two carts, drawn by one horse each, on a certain turnpike road there situate, called , the horse of the hinder cart not being then and there attached by a rein or reins to the back of the cart which was then and there the foremost, contrary, &c. 53. Driver under Thirteen Years of Age. (Id. s. 131.)] was the owner Id. Offence 59. of a cart [or waggon] then and there travelling on a certain turnpike road there situate, called , then and there driven by a person, to wit, one E. F., who was not then and there of the full age of thirteen years, but under that age, to wit, of the age of twelve years, contrary, &c. 54. Carriers' Dogs not fastened. (4 Geo. 4, c. 95, s. 76.)] then and Id. Offence 60. there having the care of a certain waggon conveying goods for hire on a certain turnpike road there situate, called , and then and there having a dog attending him, did not chain [or fasten] the said dog, and had not the same chained or fastened to the said waggon, contrary, &c. 55. General Forms to be. used in enforcing the Conviction (No. 39, (I. 1), ante, p. 38), for either of the offences described in the Forms No. 4554, ante] ; Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. l)-58, ante, p. 5052. 56. Ridingupon Waggon without Guide. (3 Geo. 4, c. 126, s. 132.) (a)] Id - P- 232 . then being the driver [and owner, if so] of a certain cart [or waggon] Offence 61. on a certain turnpike road there situate, called ,* did then and there ride upon the said cart [or waggon] on the said turnpike road, not having then and there any other person on foot or on horseback to guide the same, and the said cart not being such a light cart as is usually driven with reins, and is then conducted by some person holding the reins of the horse or horses drawing the same, contrary, &c. 57. Negligently causing Damage. (Id. s. 132.)] Proceed to the as- Id. Offence 62. (a) It is generally supposed that a driver committing any of the offences under sect. 132 of the 3 Geo. 4, c. 126, can be convicted on the " view of a justice" alone, and frequently so acted upon ; but no such power is given, as will be seen by these words of the 132d sect. referred to, which, after describing certain offences (No. 61 69 >, enacts, that "every such driver so offending, and being convicted of any such offence either by his own confession, the view of a justice of the peace, or by the oath of a credible witness, before any justice of the peace of the limit where such offence shall be committed, or where such offender shall be apprehended, shall for every such offence forfeit, &c." So that the view of a justice may in such a case be substituted for the usual proof on oath before another justice. O 194 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. terisk * in Form No. 56, then : did then and there by negligence [or 2nd ed. p. 232. w jlf u l misbehaviour], to wit, {here describe it], cause certain hurt [or damage] to one [or the said] C. D., then and there [or to a certain carriage, to wit, a gig, then and there driven by one [or the said] C. D. and] passing [or being] upon such road, by then and there [describe the hurl or damage], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 63. 58. Quitting the Road. (Id. s. 132.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 56, then : did then and there quit the said road and go on the other side of the hedge [or fence] inclosing the same, whilst the said car- riage was then and there passing upon such turnpike road, so that he the said C. D. could not have and had not then and there the direction and government of the horse [or cattle] then and there drawing the same, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 64. 59. Being at improper Distance. (Id. s. 132.)] Proceed to the as- terisk * in form No. 56, supra, then : was then and there wilfully at such distance, to wit, yards from such carriage, [or in such a situation,] whilst the same was then and there passing upon the said turnpike road, that he the said A. B. could not have, and had not then and there, the direction and government of the horses [or cattle] then and there drawing the same, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 65. 60. Driving without Owner's Name. (Id. s. 132.)] did then and there drive [or act as the driver of ] a certain waggon [or cart, postchaise, or carriage let for hire, to wit, a , or wain], on a certain turnpike road there situate, called , the said waggon [or as the case may be] not having then and there the owner's name painted thei-eon as required by the statute in that behalf, [and if owner, say, and the said A. B. being then and there the owner of the said ,] contrary, &c. Id. Offence 66. Id. Offence 67. Id. Offence 68. 61. Refusing to discover Owners Name. (Id. s. 132.)] then acting as the driver [and being the owner, if so] of a certain waggon [or cart, postchaise, or carriage let for hire, to wit, a , or wain], on a certain turnpike road there situate, called , and the said waggon [or as the case may be] not having then and there the owner's name painted thereon, as required by the statute in that behalf, did then and there refuse to dis- cover the true Christian name and surname of the owner or principal owners of such carriage, although then and there required so to do, to wit, by one [or the said C. D.] contrary, &c. 62. Not keeping proper side of Road. (Id. s. 132.)] then being the driver [and owner, if so,] of a certain waggon [or cart, coach, or carriage, to wit, a ], on a certain turnpike road there situate, called ,* and then and there meeting another carriage, to wit, the gig of one [or the said] C. D., did not then and there keep his said waggon [or as the case may be] on the left or near side of the said road, contrary, &c. 63. Preventing Person passing. (Id. s. 132.)] Proceed to the asterisk * in Form No. 62, supra, then .-did then and there wilfully prevent one [or the said] C. D. from passing him [or the carriage under his care] on such road, by then and there [describe the act done], contrary, &c. CHAP, ii.] TURNPIKE ROADS. 195 64. Hindering any other Carriage. (Id. s. 132.)] Proceed to the Oke's Synop. asterisk,* in Form No. 62, supra, then : did then and there by negligence 2nd ed. p. 232. [or wilful misbehaviour], to wit, by then and there [describe it], prevent Offence 69. [or hinder, or interrupt,] the free passage on the said turnpike road of a certain other carriage there, to wit, the gig of one [or the said] C. D., [or free passage on the said turnpike road of one [or the said] C. D., one of her majesty's subjects,] contrary, &c. 65. The Complaint against owner for recovery of penalty incurred by driver who absconds, and the order, SfC., under 4 Geo. 4, c. 95, s. 73, will be the same as the Forms No. 40 43, ante, p. 191. 66. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction (No. 40 (1. 2), ante, p. 39)] ; Commitment No. 52 (O. 1), ante, p. 49. IV. NUISANCES AND OTHER OFFENCES. 67. Damaging Bridge, Walls, Sfc. (3 Geo. 4, c. 126, s. 121.)]~did Id. Offence 70. wilfully pull down [or damage] a certain bridge, called the bridge [or a certain wall, or building, or erection, to wit, a ], then and there made [or then and there repaired, or repairable] by the trustees [or com- missioners] of a certain turnpike road there situate, called , by then and there [describe the injury], and thereby doing damage to the amount of , contrary, &c. 68. The like, under 4 Geo. 4, c. 95, s. 72.] did wilfully cause certain Id. p. 234. damage and injury to be done to the of a certain bridge [or wall, or Offence 71. building, or erection, to wit, a ,] there called the bridge, then and there set up [or erected] by virtue of an act of parliament in that behalf, on part [or by the side] of a certain turnpike road there situate, called , by then and there [describe the injury], thereby doing damage to the amount of , contrary, &c. 69. Hauling Timber, fa. on Road. (3 Geo. 4, c. 126, s. 121.)] did Id. Offence 72. haul [or draw], and cause to be hauled [or drawn] upon part of a certain turnpike road there situate, called , certain timber [or stone, &c.], to wit, one piece of mahogany [or as the case may be], otherwise than upon a wheeled carriage, to wit, upon a , contrary, &c. 70. Suffering Timber to trail. (Id. s. 121.)] did suffer certain Id. Offence 73. timber [or stone, &c.], to wit, three elm trees [or as the case may be], which were then and there carried principally [or in part] upon a wheeled carriage, to wit, a waggon, to drag [or trail] upon a certain turnpike road there situate, called , to the prejudice thereof, and thereby doing damage to the said road to the amount of , contrary, &c. 71. Injuring Surface by Tipsticks, fyc. (Id. s. 121.)] -did use a tip- Id. Offence 74. stick [or joggle, or instrument, to wit, a ,] for the purpose of then and there retarding the descent of a certain cart [or carriage, to wit, a ,] down a hill there in such manner as then and there to disturb [or destroy] and injure the surface of a certain turnpike road there situate, called , and thereby doing injury to the said road, to the amount of , contrary, &c. o2 196 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. Oke'sSynop. 72. Slaughtering Beasts on Road. (Id. s. 121.)] did on a certain 2nd ed. p. 234. [or by the side of, or in a certain exposed situation, to wit, a field, Offence 75. near to a certain] turnpike road there situate, called , kill [or slaughter, singe, scald, burn, dress, or cut up] a certain beast [or swine, calf, lamb, or cattle], to wit, a cow [or pig, or as the case may be], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 76. 73. Obstructing Passenger by projecting Bar, $c. (Id. s. 121.)] then being the driver of a certain horse [or beast, to wit, a ,] on a certain turnpike road there situate, called , then and there carrying certain iron bars [or rod, basket, pannier, &c. or as the case may 6e], did then and there place such bars [4'-]> so that part, to wit, three of the same bars did project more than thirty inches from the side of such horse [or beast], [or did then and there place such bars [4"c.] in such manner [de- scribe the manner] as to obstruct and impede the passage of persons [or a certain carriage, or beast, or horse, of one [or the said] C. D., travelling along such turnpike road], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 77. 74. Encamping or pitching Stalls, SfC. (Id. s. 121.)] then being a hawker [or higgler, or gipsey], travelling with a certain machine, to wit, a [or vehicle, or cart, or carriage], with [or without] a horse [or mule, or ass] did then and there pitch a certain tent [or booth, stall, or stand, or encamp] upon [or by the side of] a certain turnpike road there situate, called , contrary, &c. Id. Offence 78. 75. Blacksmiths' Shops. (Id. s. 121.)] then being the occupier of a blacksmith's shop, situate near to a certain turnpike road there situate, called , and the said shop then and there having a window [or two windows] fronting the said road, did not then and there, by good and close shutters, on the evening of the said last-mentioned day, after it had become twilight, bar and prevent the light from such shop shining into [or upon] the said road, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 79. 76. Making Bonfires. (Id. s. 121.)] did make [or assist in making] a fire, commonly called a bonfire, within eighty feet of the centre of a certain turnpike road there situate, called , contrary, &c. Id. Offence 80. 77. Letting off fireworks. (Id. s. 1 21.)] did set fire to [or did wantonly let off], [or did wantonly throw], a certain squib [or rocket, serpent, or firework, to wit, a cracker,] within eighty feet of the centre of a certain turnpike road there situate, called , contrary, &c. Id. Offence 81. 78. Baiting Bull. (Id. s. 121.)] did bait [or run for the purpose of baiting] a certain bull there, upon], [or on the side of, or in an exposed situation, .to wit, a field, near] a certain turnpike road there situate, called , to the annoyance of passengers on such road, contrary, &c. Id. p. 236. Offence 82. Id. Offence 83. 79. Playing at Game. (Id. s. 121.)] did then and there play at football [or tennis, fives, cricket, or a certain game, to wit, ,] upon &c. [conclude as in No. 78]. 80. Leaving Cart, SfC. on Road for unreasonable Time. (Id. s. 121.)] did leave a certain waggon [or wain, or carriage,] upon [or on the side CHAP, ii.] TURNPIKE ROADS. 197 of] a certain turnpike road there situate, called , without any person Oke's Synop. [or any proper person] in the sole custody and care thereof for a longer 2nd ed. p. 236. time than was then and there neceesary to load [or unload] the same, to wit, hours, and no accident having then and there happened to the said waggon, [or if an accident, say : for a longer time than was then and there necessary to remove the same, to wit, hours after an accident, to wit, , had then and there happened to the said wag contrary, &c. 81. Not placing Cart, SfC. at side during unloading, $c. (Id. s. 121.)] W. Offence 84 did not place a certain waggon [or wain, or carriage] of which he was then and there the driver, on a certain turnpike road there situate, called , during the time of loading [or unloading] the same, [or taking re- freshment], as near to either side of the said road as conveniently might be, but on the contrary thereof did then and there place the said waggon "or as the case may be,~\ within a short distance, to wit, twelve feet, from e centre of the said road, contrary, &c. 82. Laying Dung, $c. on. (Id. s. 121.)] did lay a certain quantity Id. Offence 85. of timber [or stone, hay, straw, dung, manure, soil, ashes, rubbish, or matter], to wit, loads of , upon [or on the side of, or in the footpaths or causeways adjoining], a certain turnpike road there situate, called , to the prejudice of the said road [or footways], [or to the prejudice, or annoyance, or interruption, or personal danger, of one, or the said, C. D., then travelling thereon], contrary, &c. 83. Suffering Filth, $c. to flow on. (Id. s. 121.)] did suffer certain Id. Offence 86. water [or filth, dirt, or offensive matter], to wit, , to run [or flow] into [or upon] a certain turnpike road [or footpath] by the side of a cer- tain turnpike road there situate, called , from a certain house [or building, erection, lands, or premises,] adjacent to such road, to wit, a , then and there in the occupation of the said A. B., contrary, &c. 84. Swine damaging. (Id. s. 121.)] then being the driver of certain Id. Offence 87. pigs, to wit, thirty pigs, upon a certain turnpike road there situate, called , did then and there suffer such pigs to root up [or damage] the said road, [or the fences, hedges, banks, or copse, on one of the sides of the said road], and thereby doing injury to the amount of , contrary, &c. 85. Leaving Block Stones, Sfc. (Id. s. 121.)] after having then and Id. Offence 88. there blocked [or stopped] a certain cart [or waggon, or carriage,] which the said A. B. was then and there driving, in going up a hill there [or rising ground], on a certain turnpike road there situate, called , did then and there suffer to remain and be on the said road the stone [or thing] with which the said cart [or as the case may be] had been then and there so blocked [or stopped], contrary, &c. 86. Damaging Lamp-post, SfC. (Id. a. 121.)] did pull down [or Id. Offence 89. damage, injure or destroy] a certain lamp [or lamp-post] then and there 198 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. put up [or erected or placed] in [or near the side of] a certain turnpike 2nd ed. p. 236. road, [or near the side of a certain tollhouse, called , erected on a certain turnpike road] there situate, called , by then and there throwing a at the same and breaking part of the glass thereof [or as the case may be], and thereby doing damage to the amount of , contrary, &c. Id. Offence 90. 87. Extinguishing Light of Lamp. (Id. s. 121.)] did wilfully extin- guish the light of a certain lamp then and there put up [or erected or placed] in [or near to the side of] a certain turnpike road, [or near the side of a certain tollhouse, called , erected on a certain turnpike road], there'situate, called , contrary, &c. Id. Offence 91. 88. Damaging Table of Tolls. (4 Geo. 4, c. 95, s. 72.)] did wilfully pull down [or break, injure or damage] a certain table of tolls then and there put up [or fixed] at a certain tollgate [or bar] called , thereon, part of a certain turnpike road there situate, called , by then and there [describe the damage], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 92. 89. Obliterating Inscriptions, 6>-c. thereon. (Id. s. 72.)] did wilfully [or designedly] deface [or obliterate] part of the inscription [or letters, figures or marks], to wit, , then and there being on a certain table of tolls [4~c. conclude as in No. 88.] Id. p. 238. 90. Breaking Posts, Fences, 4r. (Id. s. 72.)] did wilfully pull up Offence 93. [or throw down, break, injure or damage] certain posts [or rails or fences], to wit, four posts, then and there put up by order of the trustees [or com- missioners, or the surveyor or surveyors] of a certain turnpike road there situate, called , by the side of the said road, [or at or near to a certain pit or quarry, then used, opened or made, for the getting of stones, or gravel or materials for the purposes of the said road], in order to prevent accidents, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 94. 91. ObstructingWatercourse by Rubbish, 4'c. (Id. s. 72.)] did cast [or throw] a certain quantity, to wit, one barrowful of earth [or rubbish, or matter] into a certain drain [or ditch, culvert, tunnel, or watercourse] before then made by virtue of an act of parliament in that behalf, so as then and there to obstruct the water from running [or draining] off a certain turnpike road there situate, called , contrary, &c. Id. Offence 95. Id. Offence 96. 92. Scraping, Sfc. without Consent. (Id. s. 72.)] without being thereto authorized by the surveyor [or surveyors] for the time being acting under any act of parliament, did then and there shovel up [or scrape, gather, or carry away], a certain quantity, to wit, one barrowful of stones [or gravel, sand, or materials, slutch, dirt, mire, drift, or soil] from off a certain turnpike road [or off the footpath or causeway of a certain turnpike road] there situate, called , contrary, &c. 93. Preventing another passing. (Id. s. 72.)] did wilfully prevent a certain other person, to wit, one [or the said] C. D. from passing him the said A. B. [or from passing a certain carriage under the care of the said A. B.] upon a certain turnpike road there situate, called , by then and there [describe the act done], contrary, &c. CHAP, ii.] TURNPIKE ROADS. 199 94. Making Pits within Thirty Feet. (Id. s. 72.)] did there dig Oke's Synop. [or make or use] a certain pit for sawing of timber [or wood] within 2nd ed. p. 238. thirty feet of the centre of a certain turnpike road there situate, called Offence 97. , the said pit not being then and there inclosed by a fence from the said road, contrary, &c. 95. Not keeping Ditch, $c. Clean. (3 Geo. 4, c. 126, s. 113.)] Id. Offence 99. then being the occupier of certain lands [or grounds] adjoining [or lying near to] a certain turnpike road there situate, called , through which the water hath used to pass from the said turnpike road, did not, after ten days' notice to him in that behalf, duly given, open, cleanse and scour a certain ditch [or watercourse, or drain] for such water to pass without obstruction, as he the said A. B. should and ought to have done, but therein made default, contrary, &c. 96. Encroachments Making Buildings. (Id. s. 118.)] did make Id. p. 240. [or cause to be made] a certain dwelling-house [or building, to wit, a Offence 103. cartlodge, or hedge, or fence, to wit, a batten fence] on [or at the side of] a certain turnpike road there situate, called , so and in such manner as to reduce the breadth and confine the limits of the said road, contrary, &c. 97. Filling up Ditch. (Id. s. 118,)] did fill up [or obstruct] acer- Id. Offence 104. tain ditch, then and there being at the side of a certain turnpike road there situate, called , by then and there [describe the acf], contrary, &c. 98. Building on Waste. (Id. s. 118.)] did make [or cause to be Id. Offence 105. made] a certain dwelling-house [or building, to wit, a cottage, or hedge, or fence, to wit, a batten fence], on certain common [or waste] land on the side of a certain turnpike road there situate, called , within the distance of thirty feet from the centre of the said road, and within three miles from the market town of N. [or within the distance of twenty-five feet from the centre of the said road, and beyond the distance of three miles from any market town], contrary, &c. 99. Injuring Surface of. (Id. s. 118.)] did make a certain drain [or Id. Offence 106. gutter, sink, or watercourse] across a certain turnpike road there situate, called , so as thereby to break up and injure the surface of the said road, [or did break up or injure the surface of a certain turnpike road there situate, called , by then and there [describe howl, contrary, &c. 100. Turning Plough on Ground. (Id. s. 118.)] did then and there Id. Offence 107. plough [or harrow, or break up], the soil of certain land [or ground] there situate, called , [or did in ploughing, or harrowing, or breaking up certain lands ad- jacent, turn his plough, or harrow, in or upon certain land, or ground], within the distance of thirty feet from the centre of a certain turnpike road there situate, called , and within three miles from the market town ofN., [or within the distance of twenty-five feet from the centre of a certain turnpike road there situate, called , and beyond the distance of three miles from any market town], contrary, &c. 200 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. 101. Making other Encroachments. (Id. s. 118.)] did make a certain 2nd ed. p. 240. encroachment on a certain turnpike road there situate, called , by Offence 108. then and there [describe it], the said encroachment so then and there made being within the distance [4-c., conclude as in Form No. 98, ante.] Id. Offence 109. 102. Damaging Mile Stones, Direction Posts, $c. (Id. s. 119.)] did wilfully break [or cut down, pull up, or damage], a certain post [or stone, or board], then and there placed on [or near] the side of a certain turn- pike road there situate, called , denoting the distance of such post [or stone, or board], from the town [or village] of F., [or denoting to what place certain crossings on the said road respec- tively lead], [or denoting and marking the boundaries of the parishes of S. and F.], by then and there [describe how damage done], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 110. 103. Obliterating Letters, Figures, $c. thereon. (Id. s. 119.)] did wilfully obliterate [or deface, spoil, or destroy], certain letters [or figures, or marks], to wit, , then and there inscribed [or painted] on a cer- tain post [or stone, or post, or wall], then and there placed on, &c. [con- clude as in Form No. 102, supra.] Id. Offence 111. 104. Erecting Windmill. (Id. s. 127.)] did erect [or cause to be erected] a certain windmill within the distance of two hundred yards from a certain part, to wit, , of a certain turnpike road there situate, called , contrary, &c. 105. The Conviction for the offences described in the foregoing Forms (No. 67104) will be in the General Form No. 39 (I. 1), ante, p. 38, with these variations in the adjudication, where necessary : Damage.] to forfeit and pay the sum of [the penalty], over and above the amount of the damage occasioned by the said offence as aforesaid, and for the said damage so occasioned, the further sum of , to be respectively paid, &c. Removing Encroachment. (Offences 103 106.)] to forfeit and pay the sum of [the penalty], and the further sum of , being the expenses of removing the said encroachment as ascertained by me the said justice, to be respectively paid, &c. Penalty per Diem. (Offence 110.)] to forfeit and pay the sum of twenty pounds, being after the rate of five pounds for every day the said windmill was so continued on the said turnpike road as aforesaid, to be paid, &c. 106. General Forms to be used in enforcing the last mentioned Convic- tion]; Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, pp. 5052. 107. Poundbreach, Sfc. (3 Geo. 4, c. 126, s. 123; 4 Geo. 4, c. 95, s. 75.)] that on the day of - , at the parish of , in the said county of , one [or the said] C. D. did lawfully seize one horse [or ass, pig, cow, or ox], the property of one E. F. [or of some person unknown], then and there found straying about a certain turnpike road there situate, called , not being such part of the said road as did then and there lead, or pass through, or over any common or waste, or un- enclosed ground; and that he, the said C. D., on the same day, for the cause aforesaid, did impound the said horse [or as the case may be], so Id. p. 242. Offence 112, 113. CHAP, ii.] TURNPIKE ROADS VACCINATION. 201 found as aforesaid, in the common pound of the said parish of , being Oke's Synop. the parish where the said [horse] was so found, 2nd ed. p. 242. [or in , in the said parish of , being the place then and there provided for such purpose by the trustees of the said road], by virtue of the statute in such case made and provided; and that after- wards, to wit, on the day of instant, at the parish of afore- said, A. B. of, &c.* did release, [or attempt to release] the said [horse] from the said pound, where the same was then and there impounded, before the said [horse] had been discharged by due course of law, con- trary, &c. 108. Damaging the Pound, SfC. (Id.)] proceed to the asterisk* in Id. Offences Form No. 107, supra, then : "did pull down [or damage, or destroy] the 114, 115. said pound [or place], [or the lock or bolt belonging to the said pound or place, and with which the same was then and there fastened], wherein the said [horse] was then impounded, and before the same had been discharged by due course of law, by then and there [describe the injury], thereby doing damage to the amount of , contrary, &c. 109. Rescuing before Distress discharged. (Id. s. 123.)] that on the Id. Offences day of last, at the parish of , in the said county of , 116, 117. one [or the said] C. D , then being the collector of tolls at a certain toll- gate called , on a certain turnpike road there situate, called , did take and distrain one cow [or as the case may be], the goods of one E. F., for the sum of , as and for the toll imposed on the said cow by virtue of the act for repairing the said road, and which said sum the said E. F. had neglected and refused to pay ; and that he, the said C. D., on the same day impounded the said cow in the common pound of the said parish of , as a distress for the cause aforesaid, and that afterwards, to wit, on the day of instant, at the parish of aforesaid, A. B. of, &c. did rescue [or release, or attempt to rescue, or release,] the said cow from the said pound, before the distress so made as aforesaid had been discharged by due course of law, contrary, &c. 110. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction (No. 41 (I. 3), ante, p. 39), for the offences described in the Forms No. 107 109, supra]; Commitment for offence No. 48 (P. 1), ante, p. 46; and for costs, Distress Warrant, &c. No. 49 (P. 3) 51, pp. 46 48. 111. Hindering or rescuing Goods distrained. (Id. s. 139.)] This Id. Offence 119. may be easily drawn from the Form No. 50, tit. "Highways," ante, p. 130. The Conviction, &c. for this will be as No. 105, 106, ante, p. 200. VACCINATION. 1. Producing Small Pox. (3 & 4 Viet. c. 29, a. 8.)] did produce [or Id. p. 242. attempt to produce] the disease of small pox in one E. F., by then and Offences 1, 2. there inoculating the said E.F. with certain variolous matter, to wit, [or by then and there wilfully exposing the said E. F. to certain va- riolous matter, to wit, , or to certain matter, &c. impreg- nated with variolous matter, to wit, ,] contrary, &c. 202 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. Oke's Synop. 2. The like, by other means. (Id.)] did wilfully, by certains means, 2nd ed. p. 242. to wit, by then and there [describe the means] produce the disease of small Offence 3. pox in one E. F., contrary, &c. 3. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction No. 41 (I. 3) ante, p. 39] ; Commitment for offence No. 48 (P. 1), ante, p. 46 ; and for costs, Distress Warrant, &c. No. 49 (P. 3) 51, ante, pp. 4648. The Forms should describe the conviction to have taken place before the justices " in petty sessions." VAGRANTS (a). I. Idle and Disorderly Persons. II. Rogues and Vagabonds. III. Incorrigible Rogues. I. IDLE AND DISORDERLY PERSONS. Id. p. 244. 1. Neglecting to maintain Family or Bastard Child. (5 Geo. 4, c. 83, Offences 1,2. s. 3.)] then being a person able to work and thereby wholly [or in part, to wit, by [describe his means'], to maintain himself and his family, or bastard child,] did then and there wilfully neglect [or refuse] so to do, whereby himself and his wife and children [or bastard child], whom he [she] was then and there legally bound to maintain, did then and there become [and still are, if so,] chargeable to the said parish of , [or to the common fund of the N. union, in the counties of C. and S., pursuant to the sta- tute in that behalf, (12 & 13 Viet. c. 103, s. 3,)] contrary, &c. Id. Offence 3. 2. Returning after Removal by Order. (Id.)] that on the day of last past, A. B. of &c. was legally removed from the parish of D., in the county of C., where the said A. B. was then actually charge- able [with his wife and two children], to the parish of G., in the county of S., by an order under the hands and seals of I. S. and J. L., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the said county of C., bearing date the day of last; and that he the said A. B. hath since his said removal, to wit, on the day of instant, returned* to the said parish of D., and did on the day of instant become chargeable to such parish, he the said A. B. not having gained any settlement there, and not having produced any certi- ficate of the churchwardens and overseers of any other parish, township, or place, thereby acknowledging him to be settled there, [or under s. 55 0/74-8 Viet. c. 101, say, from the asterisk*, and became chargeable in a certain asylum, to wit, - , in the said [county] of ,] contrary, &c. Id. Offence 4. 3. Trading without a Licence. (Id.)] then being a petty chapman [or pedlar], did then and there wander abroad and trade, to wit, in selling , without being then and there duly licensed or otherwise authorized by law so to do, contrary, &c. (a) The prosecution for offences numbered in the margin 1,2,3,8, 17, and 18, under this title, should be directed by the guardians by the authority given in the manner stated at pp. 170, 171, tit. " Poor." CHAP, ii.] VAGRANTS. 203 4. Prostitute behaving indecently. (Id.)] then being a common pros- Oke's Synop. titute, did then and there wander in a certain public street [or highway, 2nd ed. p. 244. or certain place of public resort, to wit, ,] there situate, called , Offence 5. and did then and there behave in a riotous [or an indecent] manner, to wit, by then and there [describe the behaviour], contrary, &c. 5. Begging Alms. (Id.)] did wander abroad [or place himself] in Id. Offence 6. a certain public place, to wit, , [or street, highway, court, or pas- sage, called ,] there situate, to beg [or gather] alms, contrary, &c. 6. Causing Child to beg. (Id.)] did cause [or procure] a certain Id. Offence 7. child, to wit, one E. F., of the age of ten years, to wander, &c. [conclude- as in last Form.] 1. Having Money at time of applying for Relief. (Id. and 11 & 12 Id. Offence 8. Viet. c. 110, s. 10.)] then professing himself to be destitute, did apply for relief at the workhouse of the N. union there situate [or to one W. S., the relieving officer of the N. union there being,] the said A. B. having at the time of such application then and there in his possession, and under his immediate control, certain money, to wit, one half a crown, of and regarding which the said A.B. on inquiry duly made by an officer of the guardians of the said union, to wit, C. C., the master [or the said W. S., the relieving officer,] did not then and there make correct and complete disclosure, contrary, &c. 8. Conviction on view for Offences described in Forms No. 3 6, supra.] This will be in the General Form No. 43, ante, p. 42, describing the de- fendant as being convicted before the justice, " of being an idle and disor- derly person within the intent and meaning of the statute made in the fifth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, inti- tuled ' An Act for the Punishment of idle and disorderly Persons, and Rogues and Vagabonds, in that part of Great Britain called England,' that is to say, for that he the said A. B., &c." 9. The Conviction for all of the offences described in the Forms No. 1 7 will be in the General Form No. 41 (I. 3) ante, p. 39, with the special description given in No. 8, supra, and for the offence in Form No. 7, adding to the title of the statute 5 Geo. 4, c. 83, the title of the statute 11 & 12 Viet. c. 110, as follows : " and also of the statute made in a session of parliament holden in the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled ' An Act to alter the Provisions relating to the Charges for the Relief of the Poor in Unions,' that is to say, &c." The averment of the previous conviction (where convicted of a subsequent offence) will be found in the General Consolidated Form of Conviction, No. 42, ante, p. 40. The Forms for enforcing will be Com- mitment for offence, No. 48 (P. 1), ante, p. 46 ; and for the costs of con- viction, Distress Warrant, &c. No. 49 (P. 3) 51, ante, pp. 4648. 10. Whole length Form of Commitment of an Idle and Disorderly Person, a Rogue and Vagabond, or an Incorrigible Rogue. To the constable of the parish of , in the [county] of , and to the keeper of the house of correction at , in the same [county], ) Whereas A. B., of the parish of , in the county of , to wit. i was this day duly convicted before the undersigned, one of her 204 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. [Form No, 16, ante, p. 174, tit " Poor."] Oke's Svnop Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county'} of , of 2nd ed. p. 244. being an idle and disorderly person [or a rogue and vagabond ; or an in- corrigible rogue,] within the intent and meaning of the statute made in the fifth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled " An Act for the Punishment of Idle and Disorderly Per- sons, and Rogues and Vagabonds in that part of Great Britain called England," [add here the title, fyc. of other necessary statutes, under which the conviction takes place, as: " and also of the statute made in the sixth year of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled ' An Act to continue until the Thirty-first day of July, one thou- sand eight hundred and forty -seven, and to the end of the then next Session of Parliament the Poor Law Commission, and for the further amendment of the Laws relating to the Poor in England ;'"] [or as necessary in No. 7, supra : and also of the statute made in the twelfth year of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act to alter the provisions relating to the charges for the Relief of the Poor in Unions ;"] that is to say, for that he the said A. B., on the day of , at the parish of , in the said [county] of , did [here set out the offence,} contrary to the form of the same statute. If convicted If convicted before as an idle and disorderly person, or as a rogue and before. vagabond, say here : the said A. B. having been, as it hath now been duly proved to me, at some former time, to wit, on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred , at N., in the said [county"] of , adjudged to be and duly convicted before J. L., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county] of , [or me the said justice] of being an idle and disorderly per- son [or a rogue and vagabond] within the intent and meaning of the statute [first] aforesaid *, for that he the said A. B. on the day of , at the parish of , in the [county] of , did [here state the offence], and adjudged for his said last mentioned offence to be impri- soned in the house of correction at , in the said [county] of , there to be kept to hard labour for the space of * (a) [a like aver- ment would be necessary where the offender is convicted the third time of a like offence, as also where the second conviction (as a rogue and vaga- bond) was upon a second offence as an idle and disorderly person.] And it was [on this day, if a subsequent offence] thereby adjudged that the said A. B. for his said [first mentioned] offence [of which he is now duly convicted before me] should be imprisoned in the house of correction at , in and for the said [county] of , and there kept to hard labour for the space of : [or if an incorrigible rogue, " until the next general quarter sessions of the peace, to be held at in and for the same [county], to be then and there further dealt with according to law"] : These are therefore to command you, the said constable of the parish of , to take the said A. B., and him safely convey to the house of cor- rection at aforesaid, and there to deliver him to the keeper thereof, together with this precept: And I do hereby command you, the said keeper of the said house of correction, to receive the said A. B. into your (a) This would be readily taken from the conviction received in evidence at the time of committal ; the portion between the asterisks * * may be omitted in a commitment, but not in a conviction. CHAP, ii.] VAGRANTS. 205 custody in the said house of correction, there to imprison him and keep him to hard labour for the space of ; [or if an incorrigible rogue, " until the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be held at in and for the said [county] of , to be then and there further dealt with according to law, and have you him then there, together with this precept"] ; and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, this day of, in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) 11. Information on Oath to ground Search Warrant for Vagrants. (5 Geo. *4, c. 83, s. 13.)] that A. B. &c. is an idle and disorderly person [or a rogue and vagabond, or an incorrigible rogue] within the intent, &c. [describe the statute, fyc. as in Form No. 10, supra], for that he the said A. B., on the day of , at the parish of , in the said [county] of , did [here state the offence], and that he the said informant, C. D., hath reasonable cause to suspect, and doth suspect and believe that the said A. B. is harboured [or concealed] in a certain house in the occupation of one E. F., situate in Street, there kept [or purporting to be kept] for the reception, lodging and entertainment of travellers. 12. Search Warrant t/iereon. To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said [county] of . I Whereas information on oath hath this day been laid before to wit. S me, the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , by C. D., of &c. that [here recite the Information No. 11, supra, then:] These are therefore to command and authorize you in her Majesty's name forthwith, with proper and neces- sary assistants, to enter at any time into the said house of the said E. F., > and to apprehend and bring before me, or any other justice of the peace for the said [county] of , the said A. B., and every other idle and disorderly person, rogue and vagabond, and incorrigible rogue as shall be found therein, to be dealt with according to law. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , jn the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) 13. Convicting Justice's Order to sell Effects, or apply Money found upon Offender towards Costs. (5 Geo. 4, c. 83, s. 8.) To the constable of the parish of , in the [county] of , and to Messrs. I. G. and B., the clerks to the justices of the peace for the [division of N., in the same county] of . County of ^ Whereas A. B., of, &c., was this day duly convicted before, > &c. [recite conviction and adjudication as in a commitment, to wit. ) No. 10, supra], and whereas it now appears to me that the said A. B. had in his possession, upon his being apprehended by you J. N., the said constable, and charged with the said offence, a bundle con- taining certain goods and effects, that is to say [name them], [or whereas there was found upon the said A. B., on his being searched by my order, and in my presence, certain money, that is to say [name the coins], making together the sum of one pound fifteen shillings and sixpence] : 206 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. These are therefore to order and command you, the said constable of ,* to sell or cause to be sold [a sufficient part of] the said goods and effects, and that you do pay the produce of such sale 4o Messrs. I. G. and B., the clerks to the justices of the peace for the [division] of N., in the said [county] ; and I do hereby command you, the said clerks, to pay and apply the same [or, if money only, say front the asterisk * : to pay and apply the said monies so found] for and towards the expense of apprehending and conveying to the said house of correction and maintaining the said A. B. therein during the time for which he is committed as aforesaid, as below specified, that is to say : s. d. Expense of apprehending 4 6 Expense of conveying to house of correction . . 106 Maintenance therein 28 days, at 4%d. per day 0106 1 15 6 Where goods taken, add here:] And that you return the overplus, if any, after deducting the charges of such sale, to the said A. B., and certify unto me what you shall have done in the premises. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) Oke's Synop. 2nd ed. p. 246. Offence 8 a. Id. Offences 9, 10. II. ROGUES AND VAGABONDS. 14. Second Conviction as an Idle and Disorderly Person. (5 Geo. 4, c. 83, s. 4.)] This is drawn in the usual way. Vide the preceding Forms No. 1 7, and the General Form, No. 4, ante, p. 25 [or after describing the offence, say, "the said A. B. having been previously con- victed of being an idle and disorderly person."] 15. Fortune Tellers. (Id.)] did pretend [or profess] to tell fortunes, [or did use certain subtle craft, or means, or device, to wit, ] to wit, by palmistry, to deceive and impose on certain of her Majesty's Subjects, to wit, one C. D. and others, contrary, &c. Id. Offence II. 16. Lodging in Outhouses, $c. (Id.)] did unlawfully wander abroad and lodge in a certain barn [or outhouse, to wit, a stable ; or in a certain deserted, or unoccupied, building, to wit, a ; or in the open air, to wit, in Street ; or under a tent ; or in a certain cart, or waggon, in Street], there situate [or being], the said A. B. not having then and there any visible means of subsistence, and not then and there giving a good account of himself, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 12. 17. Exposing Indecent Exhibition in Street. (Id.)] did wilfully expose to view in a certain street [or road, highway, or public place] there situate, called , a certain obscene print [or picture, or indecent exhibition], to wit, , contrary, &c. Id. Offence 13. 18. The like, in Shop Window, $c. (1 & 2 Viet. c. 38, a. 2.)] did wil- fully expose to view, in the window [or on the counter, or at the door] of a certain shop [or building, to wit, a ], situate in a certain street [or road, highway, or public place] there situate, called , a certain CHAP, ii.] VAGRANTS. 207 obscene print [or picture, or indecent exhibition], to wit, , con- Oke's Synop. trary, &c. 2nd ed. p. 246. 19. Exposing Person. (5 Geo. 4, c. 83, s. 4.)] did wilfully, openly, Id. Offence 14. lewdly and obscenely expose his person in a certain street [or road, public highway, or place of public resort, to wit ], [or expose his person in the view of a certain street or road, &c.] there situate, called , with intent then and there to insult a female, to wit, one C. D., contrary, &c. 20. Exposing Wounds. (Id.)] did unlawfully wander abroad, and Id. Offence 15. endeavour, by the exposure of wounds [or deformities], to wit, , to obtain [or gather] alms, contrary, &c. 21. Collecting Alms under fraudulent Pretence. (Id.)] did unlaw- Id. Offence 16. fully go about as a gatherer and collector of alms, [or did unlawfully endeavour to procure charitable contributions], to wit, [stating the kind~\, under a certain false and fraudulent pretence then and there made by him, to wit, [here describe the pretence], con- trary, &c. 22. Running away, leaving Family chargeable. (Id.)] run away Id. Offence 17. from the said parish of , and did then and there leave his wife [and [or or] children] chargeable to the said parish of , and they are still chargeable thereto [or to the common fund of the N. Union, in the counties of C. and S., pursuant to the statute in that behalf (12 & 13 Viet, c. 103, s. 3,)] [or did run away from the said parish, whereby the wife [and children] of the said A. B. became, on the day of instant and still are chargeable, &c.] contrary, &c. 23. Woman deserting her Bastard Child. (7&8 Viet. c. 101, s. 6.)] Id. Offence 18. did then and there desert one E. F., her bastard child, whereby it then and there [or on the day of instant] became chargeable to the said parish of [or to the common fund, &c., as in No. 22], contrary, &c. 24. Gaming in any public Place. (5 Geo. 4, c. 83, s. 4.)] did play Id. Offence 19. [or bet] in a certain street [or road, highway, or open and public place, to wit, ,] there situate, called , at [or with] a certain table [or instrument of gaming], called , at a certain [pretended] game of chance, to wit, , contrary, &c. 25. Having Picklocks, fyc. with intent, $c. (Id.)] unlawfully had in Id. p. 248. his custody [or possession], to wit, in his , Offence 20. [and if so, add: at the time of his being then and there apprehended by one [or the said] C. D.] a certain picklock [or key, crow, jack, bit, or instrument], to wit, a , with intent then and there feloniously to break into a certain dwelling- house [or warehouse, coach-house, stable, or out-building, to wit, a ] there being, in the occupation of one E. F., contrary, &c. 26. Being armed with Gun, $c., with intent, 4~c. (Id.)] was unlaw- id. Offence 21 fully armed with a certain offensive weapon, to wit, a gun [or pistol, hanger, cutlass, bludgeon], Id. Offence 23. 208 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. Oke's Synop. L and if s > add: at the time of his bei "S then and there apprehended 2nd ed. p. 248. by one [or the said] C. D.] with intent then and there feloniously to steal, take and carry away the goods and chattels of one E. F. then and there being [or us the felonious act may be], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 22. 27. Having Instrument with intent, $c. (Id.)] unlawfully had upon him, to wit, in his , [and if so, add: at the time of his being then and there apprehended by one [or the said] C. D.] a certain instrument, to wit, a knife, with intent then and there feloniously to stab a certain mare, the property of one E. F., then and there being [or as the felonious act may be], contrary, &c. 28. On Premises for an unlawful Purpose. (Id.)] was found in and upon a certain inclosed yard [or garden, area, or dwelling-house, ware- house, coach-house, stable, or out-house, to wit, a ,] there, in the occupation of one [or the said] C. D., for a certain unlawful purpose, to wit, , [describe it as : to steal, take and carry away apples or potatoes then and there growing, or feloniously to steal, take and carry away certain fowls, to wit, two fowls], [or a certain coat, or certain harness, or as the case may be], the property of the said C. D. then and there being, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 24. 29. Reputed Thieves frequenting public Places with intent, fyc. (Id.)] then being a suspected person [or reputed thief], did then and there frequent a certain river [or canal, or navigable stream, dock, basin, or quay, or a certain wharf or warehouse near or adjoining to a certain river, &c.] [or a certain street [or highway or avenue leading to a certain street or highway ; or a certain place of public resort, called ], there situate, with intent, the goods and chattels of a certain person unknown [or of one or the said C. D.], then and there being, then and there feloniously to steal, take and carry away, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 25. 30. Resisting Apprehension. (Id.)] did violently resist one [or the said] C. D., a constable of the said parish of , who was then and there apprehending him by virtue of the statute in that behalf, as an idle and disorderly person, for that he the said A. B. theretofore, to wit, on the day of last, at, &c. [here state offence as in either of the Forms No. 1 7, ante, pp. 202, 203, applicable], and of which said offence the said A. B. was subsequently, to wit, on the day of instant, convicted before J. S. Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county'] of , contrary, &c. N.B. The Forms No. 9 to 13, ante, pp. '203, 205, will equally be re- quired under this division of the title. III. INCORRIGIBLE ROGUES. Id. Offence 26. 31. Vagrants breaking out of Conjinement. (5 Geo. 4, c. 83, s. 5.)] then being an idle and disorderly person [or rogue and vagabond], did then and there break [or escape] out of a certain place, to wit, the house of correction at , in the said [ county] of , in which he was then and therelegally confined under and by virtue of a certain conviction and warrant of J. S. Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county] of , made under the statute passed in the fifth year of the CHAP, ii.] VAGRANTS. 209 reign of, &c. [here insert title of 5 Geo. 4, c. 83, in Form No. 10, ante, Oke's Synop. 204J, dated the day of last, and to which he was committed 2nd ed. p. 248. for the term of , before the expiration of the said term, contrary, &c. 32. Second Conviction as a Rogue and Vagabond. (Id.)] This is Id. Offence 27. drawn in the usual way, vide the preceding Forms No. 15 30, supra, and the General Form No. 4, ante, p. 25 ; or after describing the offence, say: the said A. B. having been previously convicted of being a rogue and vagabond, or having been twice previously convicted of being an idle and disorderly person, or once previously convicted of being an idle and dis- orderly person, and afterwards convicted of being a rogue and vagabond. 33. Resisting Apprehension. (Id.)] This will be the same as No. 30, id. Offence 28. supra, but describing the offender as " a rogue and vagabond," and in the Forms No. 14 29, supra. N.B. The Forms No. 913, ante, p. 203205, will equally apply under this division of the title. 34. Recognizance to prosecute an incorrigible Rogue at the Sessions. (5 Geo. 4, c. 83, s. 9.) (a)] Proceed in the usual Form No. 13 (E.), ante, p. 28, adapting it to one person, and stating the condition thus: The condition of the with in- written recognizance is such, that whereas A. B. of, &c. was this day convicted before me, the justice of the peace within mentioned, of being an incorrigible rogue within the intent, &c. [here state the conviction and adjudication as in that record]. [If an appeal, say here: and the said A. B. having given notice of his intention to appeal against the said conviction, and duly entered into the recognizance directed in that behalf:] If therefore he the said J. N. (who apprehended the said A. B.) shall appear at the next court of general [or quarter] sessions of the peaee to be holden in and for the said [county] of , and there prosecute and give evidence against the said A. B. for the said offence, then the said recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue. The notice hereof will be similar to Form No. 14, ante, p. 29. 35. Convicting Justice's Certificate of Expenses of prosecuting an incor- rigible Rogue, or supporting Conviction appealed against. (Id. s. 9.) (b)] | These are to certify, that J. N., constable of the parish of , to wit. $ in the said [county] of , with J. K. and R. T., attended on the day of , instant, before me the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county'], to give evidence against A.B., duly convicted before me of being an incorrigible rogue under the statute 5 Geo. 4, c. 83, s. 5 ; and that I have ascertained that the sum of one pound seven shillings and sixpence is a reasonable and sufficient sum to reimburse the said J. N. for the expenses bona fide in- curred by reason of attending before me as aforesaid ; and that the sum of ten shillings is a proper compensation to the said J. N., J. K. and R. T. for their trouble and loss of time therein, making together the sum of one (a) The Form No. 42 (0. 1), Chap. I. Of Indictable Offences, post, may be easily altered to this. (6) The Form No. 62 in Chap. I. Of Indictable Offences, post, may be easily altered to this. No certificate is required to be given by s. 9 of the 5 Geo. 4, c. 83, but as the whole costs of the prosecution are allowed as in Felonies, it is advisable to grant one. P 210 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. Oke's Synop. pound seventeen shillings and sixpence, according to the specification and 2nd ed. p. 248. particulars hereunder mentioned. Given under my hand, this day of , 1850. J. S. Particulars above referred to. d. Constable (J. N.), as per bill annexed 4 6 Justices Clerk's fee 1 3 1 7 6 J. K.'s attendance, 1 day, at 5s 5s. Qd. R.T.'s do. do 5 10 1 17 6 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. I. Offences by Inspectors. II. Offences by Dealers and others. I. OFFENCES BY INSPECTORS. Oke's Synop. 1. Stamping Weight without verifying same. (5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 63, 2nd ed. p. 250. s . 29.)] then being an inspector of weights and measures for the said Uffence 1. [county] of ,* did then and there stamp a certain weight [or measure], to wit, a four-pound weight [or us the case may be] of one C. D. without then and there duly verifying the same by comparison with a copy of the imperial standard, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 2. 2. Guilty of Breach of Duty. (Id.) ] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 1, supra, then: was then and there guilty of a breach of his duty as such inspector, in this, to wit, [here describe it], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 3. 3. Otherwise misconducting himself. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 1, supra, then: did then and there misconduct himself in the execution of his said office of inspector, by then and there refusing to stamp a certain weight, to wit, a four-pound weight, of one [or the said] C. D., then and there produced to the said A. B. for that purpose [or as the case may be], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 4. 4. Stamping Weight of Person within a local Jurisdiction. (Id. s. 25.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No 1, supra, then: did knowingly stamp a certain weight [or measure], to wit, a four-pound weight [or as the case may be] of one E. F. then residing within the limits of the division of L., in the county of , and for which another inspector, to wit, one C. D., was then and there appointed, contrary, &c. 5. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction (No. 39 (1. 1 ), ante, p. 38) for the above described Offences! ; Distress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 5052. CHAP, ii.] WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 211 II. OFFENCES BY DEALERS AND OTHERS. 2nd edit p 250 6. Sale by illegal Measure. (5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 63, a. 6.)] did sell to Offence 5. one [or the said] C. D. certain goods, to wit, , by a denomination of measure other than one of the imperial measures, or any multiple or aliquot part thereof, to wit, [describe the denomination of measure}, con- trary, &c. 7. Sale by heaped Measure. (Id. s. 7.)] did sell to one [or the said] Id- Offence 6. C. D. certain articles, to wit, one peck of turnips \or as the case may be] by the heaped measure, contrary, &c. 8. Selling Coals by Measure. (Id. s. 9.)] This Form will be found Id- Offeenc 7. at p. 92, tit. " Coals." 9. Using unauthorized Weights, fyc. (Id. s. 21.)] did use a certain Id. Offence 8. weight [or measure] intended to represent a four-pound weight [or a gallon measure], which upon examination then and there duly had by J. J., the inspector of weights and measures for the said [county] of , was then and there found to be and was then and there light [or unjust], to wit, one ounce light [or as the case may be], contrary, &c. 10. [or did use a certain weight under the weight of fifty-six pounds, to wit, a seven-pound weight, the said weight at the time of the said A. B. so using the same not having been stamped accord- ing to the statute in that behalf, contrary, &c.] 11. Refusing to compare Drinking Cup, fyc. (Id. s. 21.)] that on the Id. Offence 9. day of , at the parish of , in the said [county] of , one [or the said] C.D. did buy of A. B. of, &c. a certain quantity of ale, to wit, one quart of ale by a certain vessel, to wit, a jug [or glass, drink- ing cup, wooden or wicker measure], then and there used by the said A. B. and represented by him as containing the quantity of a quart of imperial measure,* and that the said A. B. did then and there refuse to ascertain and did not then and there ascertain the contents of the said vessel by comparing the same with a stamped measure by law required to be pro- vided by the said A. B., although the said A. B. was then and there re- quired so to do by the said C. D., contrary, &c. 12. Drinking Cup found deficient. (Id. s. 21.)] that on the day id. Offence 10. of , at the parish of , in the said [county] of , one [or the said] C. D. did purchase of A. B. of, &c. [proceed to the asterisk * in last Form, then :] and that the said C. D. did then and there require the con- tents of the said vessel to be ascertained by a comparison with a stamped measure by law required to be provided by the said A. B., and that on such comparison being then and there made, the said vessel was then and there found to be and was then and there deficient in quantity, contrary, &c. 13. Having Possession of unjust Weights, Steelyards, fyc. (Id. s. 28.)] Id. Offence 11. that on the day of instant, at the parish of in the said [_county~\ of , a certain weight [or measure], to wit, a weight [or measure] intended to represent a seven-pound weight [or quart measure], and which said weight [or measure] was then and there light, [or unjust, stating in what respect], to wit, once ounce, was found by [the said] C. D. r , being then and there an inspector of weights and measures for the said p2 212 Summary Orders and Convictions. [PART i. Oke's Synop. [county'] in a certain shop [or warehouse, stall, yard or place] of A. B., 2nd ed. p. 250. grocer, there situate, wherein goods were then and there kept and exposed for sale [or weighed for conveyance or carriage], he the said C. D. being then and there duly authorized* in writing under the hand of J. L., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the said [county'] of , to enter the said shop, and examine, compare, and try the weights there found, contrary, &c. 14. [or that on &c., at &c., a certain steelyard [or weighing machine, called a ], and which said steelyard [or weighing machine] was then and there incorrect and unjust, to wit, [state in what respect], was found by [the said] C. D. [conclude from the first asterisk* in the last form]. Id. p. 252. 15. Neglecting, $c. to produce Weights, fyc. (Id. s. 28.)] at his Offence 12. shop [or store, warehouse, stall, yard, or place] there situate, wherein goods were then and there kept and exposed for sale [or weighed for conveyance or carriage], did, on being then and there requested so to do by [the said] C. D., then being an inspector of weights and measures for the said [county'] of , neglect [or refuse] to produce for examination by the said C. D., according to the statute in that behalf, the weights [or measures, steelyards or weighing machines] of him the said A. B., then in his possession, he the said C. D. being then and there duly authorized, &c. [conclude from the second asterisk* in Form No. 13, supra.~\ Id. Offence 13. 16. Obstructing Examination. (Id. s. 28.)] did obstruct [or hinder] one [or the said] C. D., being then and there an inspector of weights and measures for the said [county] of , in examining the weights [or measures, steelyards, or weighing machines] of him the said A. B. or of one E. F.] at a shop [or as the case may be] of him the said A. B. or E. F.], where goods were then and there kept and exposed for sale, he the said C. D. being then and there duly authorized, &c. [conclude from the second asterisk* in Form No. 13, supra.] Id. Offences 14, 17. Counterfeiting Stamps, fyc. (Id. s. 30.)] did make [or forge, or 15, 16. counterfeit], [or cause or procure to be made, or forged, or counterfeited], [or knowingly act or assist in the making or forging, or counterfeit- ing] a certain stamp [or mark] on a certain weight [or measure], to wit, a five- pound weight [or quart measure], then and there purporting to be the stamp [or mark] then used for the stamping [or marking] of weights [or measures] under the statute in such case made and provided, contrary, &c. 18. Selling Weights, #c. with Counterfeit Marks. (Id. s. 30.)] did knowingly sell a certain weight [or measure], to wit, a five-pound weight [or quart measure], the said weight [or measure] having then and there a certain forged and counterfeit stamp [or mark] thereon, purporting to be the stamp [or mark] then used for the stamping [or marking] of weights [or measures] under the statute in such case made and provided, the said A. B. then and there well knowing the said stamp [or mark] to be then and there forged and counterfeit, contrary, &c. 19. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Conviction (No. 39 (I. 1 ), ante, p. 38), for the Offences described in Forms No. 618, supra] ; Dis- tress Warrant, &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, ante, pp. 5052. Id. Offence 17. CHAP, ii.] WEIGHTS AND MEASURES WRECK. 213 20. A return of forfeitures, levied by the justices of the peace in the county of , acting within the division of , in the said county, in pursuance of the several acts of parliament made for the more effectual prevention of the use of defective weights and false and unequal balances, between the day of , 1 8 , and the day of following ; Offenders' Names. Residence. Sums arising from Forfeitures. Sums arising from Sale of defective Weights and Measures. Date of Conviction. Before whom convicted. *. d. t. d. T r A 1. U. ar Clerks to the justices ivision WRECK. 1. Informationfor Search Warrant for plundered Goods. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, s. 19.)] that a certain ship was on the day of last stranded and cast on shore [or in distress, wrecked, or cast on shore] on the sea coast in the said county of ; and that the following goods belonging to the said ship, to wit, , have since that time been by some person or persons unknown feloniously plundered, stolen, taken and carried away in the county aforesaid; and that the said C. D. hath rea- sonable cause to suspect and doth suspect and believe that A. B. of &c. hath in his possession or on his premises, and with his knowledge, the said goods or part thereof. 2. Search Warrant thereon.'] Proceed as directed in Form No. 3, tit. " Larceny," ante, p. 140. 3. Order that the Goods found be delivered up. (Id. a. 19.) To the constable of the parish of in the said county of . I Whereas by virtue of a search warrant under the hand and to wit. \ seal of [me] J . S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of , authorizing and requiring you to enter into the dwelling-house and premises of A. B. in the said county, and there diligently to search for certain goods belonging to a certain ship before then stranded [or as in the information and warrant'] on the sea coast in the said county of , and which had been feloniously plundered, stolen, taken and carried away ; and whereas certain of the said goods being found by you in the said dwelling-house and premises of the said A. B., to wit, [here enumerate the art icles found], the same, together with the said A. B., were thereupon then and there brought before me the said J. S. as such justice as aforesaid; and it then appear- ing upon evidence before me that the said goods were so in that dwelling- From 2 Arch. J. P. 4th ed. p. 100. 214 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. house and premises of the said A. B. with the knowledge of the said A. B., the said A. B. was thereupon then and there required by me as such justice as aforesaid, to account for his possession of the said goods, but he hath not satisfied me that he came lawfully by the same : I do therefore order and direct you the said constable forthwith to deliver the said goods so found as aforesaid unto [E. F., for the use and benefit of] G. H., the rightful owner thereof. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at in the county aforesaid. J.S. (L.S.) From 2 Arch. 4. Statement of the Offence of having such Goods, for the Conviction. J. P. 4th ed. (Id. s. 19.)] had in his possession, p. 100. [or on his premises, situate at aforesaid, and with his know- ledge] twenty pounds weight of indigo, of the value of fifty shillings, of the goods and merchandize belonging to a certain ship then lately before stranded and cast on shore on the sea coast in the county of afore- said, the property of some person or persons unknown, and which said goods had been by some person or persons unknown feloniously plun- dered, stolen, taken and carried away whilst the said ship was so stranded and cast ashore as aforesaid ; and that upon the said goods and mer- chandize being found in the possession and upon the premises of the said A. B. as aforesaid, by virtue of a certain search warrant, and the said A. B. being carried before me the said J.S. now here as such justice as aforesaid, he the said A. B. doth not show unto or satisfy me the said justice that he came lawfully by the said goods and merchandize, but altogether faileth in so doing, contrary, &c. Id. p. 101. 5. Offering shipwrecked Goods for Sale. (Id. s. 20.)] did offer [or expose] for sale twenty pounds weight of indigo, of the value of fifty shillings, which are reasonably suspected to have been lately before then unlawfully taken from a certain ship, the property of a person or persons unknown, whilst the said ship was stranded and cast on shore on the sea coast in the county of aforesaid; and that the said A. B., although duly summoned by me as such justice as aforesaid, hath not appeared before me or satisfied me that he came lawfully by the said indigo, [or that the said A. B. now appeareth before me, having been duly summoned for that purpose, but doth not show or satisfy me the said justice that he came lawfully by the said indigo], and altogether fails in so doing, contrary, &c. 6. The variation in the General Form of Conviction (No. 40 (I. 2), ante, p. 39), for the offences described in Forms Nos. 4 and 5, supra, will be in the adjudication, " to forfeit and pay the sum of over and above the value of the said goods so found as aforesaid, and for the said goods so found, the further sum of , to be respectively paid, &c. Enforced by the General Form of Commitment, No. 52 (0. 1), ante, p. 49. CHAP. III.] ( 215 ) CHAPTER III. FORMS APPLICABLE TO THE OFFENCES, &c. TO WHICH THE 11 & 12 VICT. C. 43 (JERVIS'S ACT), DOES NOT EXTEND. OBSERVATIONS. The Forms in this Chapter relative to Summary Convictions are (with the exception of the few statements describing the Offences which it has been deemed necessary to give) taken from the Statutes giving cognizance of the particular Offences and matters, those Offences, &c., being exempted from the operation of the 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43, by sect. 35 of that Statute; but where the particular Act of Parliament does not give the required Forms (and where so given has been stated), the General Outlines in Chap. 1 , ante, 23 65, may be safely used. APPRENTICES. The Forms under this tide of the " Synopsis" will be found in Chap. II., ante, pp. 72 to 77. BEERHOUSES. The general and other Forms under the title " Excise" post, p. 218, &c. will apply to the few offences under this title and chapter of the " Synopsis," p. 258. CUSTOMS. FORMS. IN THE SCHEDULE TO 8 & 9 VICT. c. 87. 1 . Information before Justices of the Peace where a pecuniary Penalty is Oke's Synop. inflicted. 2nd ed., tit County of ~\ Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the " Smuggling," > year of our Lord , at , A . B., an officer of customs, P' 276 to 289. to wit. J who is directed by the commissioners of her Majesty's cus- toms to prefer this information, gives us , two of her Majesty's jus- tices of the peace in and for the , to understand and be informed that C. D., within six months now last past, that is to say, on the day of , in the year of our Lord [here state the offence], contrary to the form of the statute in that case made and provided, whereby the said C. D. hath forfeited for his said offence the sum of pounds. 2. Warrant of Commitment to Gaol for a pecuniary Penally. To. A. B., officer of customs, and to the gaoler or keeper of the , at , in the . County of } Whereas C. D. has this day been duly convicted before us, J- , two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for to wit. ) , upon the information of A. B., an officer of customs, who was directed by the commissioners of her Majesty's customs to prefer the same, for that, within six months now last past, to wit, on the day of , in the year of our Lord [here state the offence as in the information] : and whereas we the said justices did adjudge that the said C. D. had forfeited for his said offence the sum of pounds, which said sum of pounds has not been paid : These are therefore to require 216 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. you the said A. B. forthwith to take, carry and convey the said C. D. to the , at , in the , and to deliver him in to the custody of the gaoler or'keeper of the said ; and we the said justices do hereby authorize and require you, the said gaoler or keeper of the said gaol, to receive and take the said C. D. into your custody, and him safely to keep until he shall duly pay the said sum of pounds. Given under our hands and seals at , this day of , in the year of our Lord 3. Conviction for a pecuniary Penalty. County of } Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the > year of our Lord , at , an information was exhi- to wit. ) bited by A. B., an officer of customs, who was directed by the commissioners of her Majesty's customs to prefer the same before us , two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the , against C. D., which said information charged that the said C. D., within six months then last past, that is to say, on the day of , in the year of our Lord [Acre state the offtnce as in the information], con- trary to the form of the statute in that case made and provided, whereby the said C. D. had forfeited for his said offence the sum of pounds, which offence [has been duly proved before us the said justices, or the party has confessed himself to be guilty of, as the case may be] : we the said justices do therefore convict the said C. D. of the said offence, and do adjudge that the said C. D. hath forfeited for his said offence the sum of pounds. Given under our hands and seals at , the day of , in the year of our Lord . 4. Information before Justices of the Peace where the Penally of Hard Labour is inflicted. County of ^ Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the y year of our Lord , at , A. B., an officer of customs, to wit. * who is directed by the commissioners of her Majesty's cus- toms to prefer this information, gives us , two of her Majesty's jus- tices of the peace in and for , to understand and be informed that C. D., within six months now last past, that is to say, on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and [here state the offence], contrary to the form of the statute in that case made and provided, whereby the said C. D. hath for his said offence become liable to be imprisoned in a house of correction, and there kept to hard labour, for any term not leas than six nor greater than nine calendar months. 5. Conviction for the Penalty of Hard Labour. County of ^ Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the /year of our Lord , at , an information was exhi- to wit. ) bited by A. B., an officer of customs, who was directed by the commissioners of her Majesty's customs to prefer the same before us , two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for , against C. D., which said information charged that the said C. D., within six months then last past [that is to say], on the day of , in the year of our Lord [here stutethe offence as in the information], contrary to the form of the statute in that case made and provided, whereby the said C. D. had for his said offence become liable to be imprisoned in a house of cor- rection, and there kept to hard labour for any term not less than six nor greater than nine calendar months, which offence [has been duly proved before us the said justices, or the party has confessed himself to be guilty of, as the case may be~] : we the said justices do therefore convict the said CHAP, in.] CUSTOMS. 217 C. D. of the said offence, and do adjudge that the said C. D. shall for his said offence be imprisoned in the house of correction at , in the county of , and be there kept to hard labour for the period of calendar months. Given under our hands and seals at , this day of , in the year of our Lord . 6. Warrant of Commitment for the Penalty of Hard Labour. To A. B., an officer of customs, and to the gaoler or keeper of the house of correction at , in the county of . Couuty of 1 Whereas C. D. has been this day duly convicted before >us , two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in to wit. j and for the , upon the information of A. B., an officer of customs, who was directed by the commissioners of her Majesty's customs to prefer the same, for that within six months now last past, to wit, on the day of , in the year of our Lord [here state the offence as in the information] : and whereas we the said justices did adjudge that the said C. D should for his said offence be im- prisoned in the house of correction at aforesaid, and be there kept to hard labour for the term of calendar months : These are therefore to require you the said A. B. forthwith to take, carry and convey the said C. D. to the house of correction at , in the , and deliver him into the custody of the gaoler or keeper of the said house of correction ; and we the said justices do hereby authorize and require you the said gaoler or keeper of the said house of correction to receive and take the said C. D. into your custody, and to keep the said C. D. for the said term of calendar months to hard labour. Given under our hands and seals at , this day of , in the year of our Lord . 7. TABLE OF FEES given in Schedule (A.) of 12 # 13 Viet. c. 90. (Vide s. 26.) In Cases summarily disposed of by One Justice. s. d. Convening justices in one or more detention cases on the same day 026 Attendance in each case of detention for the same offence: Where one person detained 050 two ditto 076 three or more ditto 0106 In Cases of Detention and Remand. Convening justice in one or more detention cases on the same day 026 Taking information of officer to ground warrant of detention against one or more persons for the same offence, and oath 026 Warrant of detention for one defendant only 01 6 for each additional defendant .... 6 Convening justice to hear one or more cases on same day ..050 For every summons to witnesses, when required 020 For each information exhibited 026 For each witness examined, where examination does not ex- ceed two folios, and oath 010 For every additional folio beyond two folios 008 Taking down prisoner's reply, if any, to charge 010 Recording conviction or acquittal 026 Warrant of commitment, and copy for revenue solicitor ..040 218 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. . d. Drawing and engrossing conviction on parchment to file, and transmitting same to clerk of peace 060 In Cases where the Parties are proceeded against by Summons. Convening justices to receive information, in one or more cases for same day, when required by complainant ... 2 6 For each information exhibited ,026 Summons for defendant's appearance, and duplicate ... 3 Convening justices in one or more cases on same day, when required by complainant 050 Each summons for witnesses (when required), and duplicate .020 For each witness examined, where examination does not ex- ceed two folios, and oath 010 For every additional folio after the two first 008 Taking statement of party accused, when in writing ... 1 Recording conviction or acquittal 026 Warrant of commitment, and copy for revenue solicitor ..040 Drawing and engrossing conviction on parchment, to file, and transmitting same to clerk of peace 060 GENERAL PROSECUTIONS AT THE INSTANCE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF CUSTOMS. In Cases where Parties are brought before Justices for Offences determinate at Sessions or Assizes. Convening justices, when required 026 Information and oath to ground warrant or summons ... 2 6 Summons to compel party's appearance, and duplicate ... 3 Warrant for apprehension of offender 030 Taking depositions of witnesses, per folio 008 Copies ditto for revenue solicitor, when required, per folio ..004 Warrant of commitment 026 Recognizance to prosecute and give evidence 026 Recognizance to give evidence, whatever the number of wit- nesses included therein 026 For each notice of recognizance to prosecute or give evidence .010 EXCISE. *,* These Forms are taken from the 2nd volume of Burn's Justice, pp. 1013 to 1034, 29th edition. I. Informations. II. Summonses, Notices and Subpoena. III. Convictions. IV. Warrants, and Returns to Levy- Warrants. V. Body and Search Warrants, $c. and Commitment. I. INFORMATIONS. 1 . Formal Parts of Information for Recovery of a Penalty or Penalties and Condemnation of a Seizure, exhibited before one Justice. County of 1 Be it remembered, that on this [first] day of [January], [Essex] Vin the year of our Lord [1830], at [Chelmsford], in the to wit. ) county of [Essex], A. B., being one of his Majesty's officers of excise, now here in his proper person, as well for his present Majesty CHAP, in.] EXCISE. 219 as for himself, exhibiteth to and before me E. F., Esquire, one of his Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of [Essex], wherein the offence (a) hereinafter mentioned was committed, and where the goods, commodities and chattels hereinafter mentioned were seized on information (which same information is commenced and prosecuted by order of the commisioners of excise (6),) and thereby informeth me the said justice that within four months last past, to wit, on the [tenth] day of [September], in the year of our Lord [1829], at [Witham], [here state the offence with certainty, and not in the alternative, and then proceed as follows] : and the said A. B., who sues as aforesaid, prayeth judgment in the premises, and that he may have one moiety of the said penalty and forfeiture, according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and that the said C. D. may be summoned to answer the said premises, and to make defence thereto. Exhibited to and before me, ) A. B. the day and year first above > written, E. F. J 2. Formal Parts of Information for Recovery of a Penalty or Penalties and the Condemnation of a Seizure, exhibited before two Justices. County of ^ Be it remembered, that on this [first] day of [January], in [Essex] Vthe year of our Lord [1830], at [Chelmsford], in the county to wit. ) of [Essex], A. B., being one of his Majesty's officers of excise, now here in his proper person, as well for his present Majesty as for himself, exhibiteth to and before us E. F. and G. H., two of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county wherein the offence hereinafter mentioned was committed, and where the goods, commodities, and chattels hereinafter mentioned were seized on information (which same information is commenced and prosecuted by order of the commis- sioners of excise,) and thereby informeth us, the said justices, that [here state the offence with certainty, and not in the alternative,] whereupon the said A. B. prayeth judgment in the premises, and that he may have one moiety of the said penalty and forfeitures according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and that the said C. D. may be summoned to answer the said premises, and to make defence thereto. Exhibited to and before us the l day and year first above A. B. written, E. F., G. H. 3 3. Formal Parts of Information for the Recovery of a Penalty or Penalties, exhibited before one Justice. County of } Be it remembered, that on this [first] day of [January], in [Essex] Uhe year of our Lord [1830], at [Chelmsford], in the county to wit. 3 f [Essex], A. B., being one of his Majesty's officers of excise, now here in his proper person, as well for his present Majesty as for himself, exhibiteth to and before me E. F., one of his Majesty's jus- tices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], wherein the offence hereinafter mentioned was committed, an information (which same infor- mation is commenced and prosecuted by order of the commissioners of excise,) and thereby informeth me, the said justice, that one C. D. [here state the offence,] whereupon the said C. D. prayeth judgment in the pre- (a) If more than one offence is stated in the information, insert the word "several," and add an s to the word offence. (fr) If the information be exhibited in England, insert the words, " commis- sioners of excise," if in Scotland or Ireland, " commissioner and assistant com- missioners of excise in Scotland," or " Ireland," as the case may be. 220 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. mises, and that he may have one moiety of the said penalty [state the sum], according to the form of the statute in such case made and pro- vided, and that the said C. D. may be summoned to answer the said pre- mises, and to make defence thereto. Exhibited to and before me the 1 A. B. day and year first above writ- s ten, E. F. J 4. Formal Parts of Information for Recovery of a Penalty or Penalties before one Justice for the County, Shire, Division, City, Town, or Place where the Person committing the Offence or Offences is found. [January], in in the county officers of ex- cise, now here in his proper person, as well for his present Majesty as for himself, exhibiteth to and before me E. F., one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], wherein C. D., the person com- mitting the offence hereinafter mentioned is found, an information (which same information is commenced and prosecuted by order of the commis- sioners of excise,) and thereby informeth me, the said justice, that [here state the offence,] and the said C. D. is now found in the said county of [Essex], whereupon the said C. D. prayeth judgment in the premises, and that he may have one moiety of the said penalty and forfeitures ac- cording to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and that the said C. D. may be summoned to answer the said premises and to make defence thereto. Exhibited to and before me -\ A. B. the day and year first f above written, E. F. J 5. Before one Justice for the Condemnation of British Spirits, with Pack- ages, Carriage, and Cattle, and the Recovery of the optional Penalty of 100, applicable to England (a). County of ^ Be it remembered, that on the [first] day of [January], in [Essex] Jthe year of our Lord [1830], at [Chelmsford], in the county to wit. 'of [Essex], A. B., one of his Majesty's officers of excise, now here in his proper person, as well for his present Majesty as for him- self, exhibiteth to and before me E. F., Esquire, one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], wherein the offence hereinafter mentioned was committed, and where the goods, commodities, and chattels hereinafter mentioned were seized, an information (which same information is commenced and prosecuted by order of the commis- sioners of excise), and thereby informeth me, the said justice, that within four calendar months last past, to wit, on the [tenth] day of [September] in the year of our Lord [1829], at [Withamj, in the said county of [Essex], one G. H., being then and there an officer of excise, did seize and arrest, as forfeited, from one C. D., a certain large quantity, to wit, twenty gallons of British spirits, contained in divers packages, to wit, four bottles, and a certain carriage, to wit, a cart, and certain cattle, to wit, one mule, then and there used in the removal of the said spirits ; the same spirits, for that the said C. D. then and there knowingly had in his custody and possession the said spirits, after the same had been re- moved from the place where the same ought to have been charged with the duty payable in respect thereof before either the duty to which the same (a) See 7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 53, s. 69. CHAP, in.] EXCISE. 221 was liable had been charged and paid, or secured to be paid, or such spirits had been lawfully condemned as forfeited ; the said packages, for that the same then and there contained the said spirits so forfeited as aforesaid ; and the said carriage and cattle, for that the same were then and there used in the removal thereof, contrary to the form of the statutes in that case made and provided, whereby and by force of the statutes in that case made and provided, the said spirits then and there became for- feited, together with the said packages containing the same, and the said carriage and cattle then and there used in the removal thereof, and the said C. D., being the person so offending, hath forfeited and lost the sum of 100, the said A. B., who sues as aforesaid, having elected and hereby electing the said penalty of 100 in lieu and instead of treble the value of such spirits, whereupon the said A. B. prayeth judgment in the pre- mises, and that the said C. D. may be summoned to answer the said pre- mises, and to make defence thereto. Exhibited to and before me 1 A. B. the day and year first / above mentioned, E. F. ' 6. Before one Justice for the Condemnation of a Seizure not claimed. County of) Be it remembered, that on this [first] day of [January], in [Essex] , the year of our Lord [1830], at [Chelmsford], in the county to wit. * of [Essex], A. B., being one of his Majesty's officers of excise, now here in his proper person, as well for his present Majesty as for himself, exhibiteth to and before me E. F., Esquire, one of his Ma- jesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], where the goods, commodities and chattels hereinafter mentioned were seized, an information (which same information is commenced and prosecuted by order of the commissioners of excise}, and thereby informeth me, the said justice, that within four calendar months last past, to wit, on the [tenth] day of [September], in the year of our Lord [1829], at [Witham], in the said county of [Essex], one G. H., being then and there an officer of excise, did seize and arrest as forfeited, from a certain person unknown, as well to the said A. B. as to him the said G. H., a certain large quantity, to wit, [twenty] gallons of [British] spirits, contained in divers packages, to wit, [five bottles], and a certain carriage, to wit, a [cart], and certain cattle, to wit, one [mule], then and there used in the removal of the said spirits ; for that the said person so unknown as aforesaid then and there knowingly had in his custody and possession the said spirits, after the same had been removed from the place where the same ought to have been charged with the duty payable in respect thereof, before either the duty to which the same was liable had been charged and paid, or secured to be paid, or such spirits had been lawfully condemned as forfeited ; and for that the said packages then and there contained the said spirits so forfeited as aforesaid, and for that the said carriage and cattle were then . and there used in the removal thereof, contrary to the form of the statutes in that case made and provided, whereby and by force of the statutes in that case made and provided the said spirits then and there became forfeited, together with the said packages containing the same, and the said carriage and cattle then and there used in the removal thereof, whereupon the said A. B. (no one appearing to claim the said goods, commodities and chattels so seized as aforesaid), prayeth judgment in the premises. Exhibited to and before me, ) A . B. the day and year first > above written, E. F. 3 222 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. Exhibited be- fore me this [first] day of [January, 1830.] 7. Before one Justice for Recovery of Double the Value of Duties neglected to be paid. County of ) Be it remembered, that on this [first] day of [January], in [Essex] f the year of our Lord [1830], at [Chelmsford], in the county to wit. 3 of [Essex], A. B., being one of his Majesty's officers of excise, now here in his proper person, as well for his present Majesty as for himself, exhibited to and before me C.D., one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], where the offence hereinafter mentioned was committed, an information (which same information is commenced and prosecuted by order of the commissioners of excise,) and thereby informeth me the said justice, that one E. F., being before and at and after the several times, and at the place in that behalf hereinafter mentioned, a maltster and maker of malt, did within four calendar months last past, that is to say, between the [first] day of [September] now last past, and the [twentieth] day of [October] then next following, to wit, at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex], make divers, that is to say, [ten thousand] bushels of malt, chargeable with certain duties of excise, payable to his Majesty, by the statutes [if duly sought to be recovered is imposed by one statute, cancel the s~\ in that case made and provided ; and the same having been charged upon and incurred by the said E. F., he thereby became indebted to his said Majesty in the sum of [120 : 10 : 6], which [if the payment is accelerated by a demand, insert the words "having been demanded," but if not, and the duties are payable, dash up this blank,~\ having been demanded according to the directions of the statute in that case made and provided, he ought, before the day of exhibiting this infor- mation, to have paid and cleared off, but hath omitted and neglected so to do, contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, whereby and by force of the statute in that case made and provided, he hath forfeited double the value of the said duties, that is to say, the sum of [120: 10 :6], whereupon the said A. B. prayeth judgment in the premises, and that the said C. D. may be summoned to answer the said premises, and to make defence thereto. Exhibited to and before me, -j A. B. the day and year first v above written, E. F. j Of late a printed form of information, or rather informations, against several offenders, for several distinct offences, committed at different times, has been issued, with a form, printed on the back of one conviction against several offenders for several distinct offences. These forms may be used as minutes, and the formal convictions may afterwards be drawn up fully. But it may be safer to adopt at once separate informations and convictions, when time will allow. See the Form of such information, infra, No. 8, and the Form of such conviction, post, No. 19. 8. Against several Persons for several distinct Offences. County of ^ Be it remembered, that on this [first] day of [January], [Essex] >in the year of our Lord [1830], at [Chelmsford], in the to wit. 3 county of [Essex], A. B., one of his Majesty's officers of excise, as well for his said Majesty as for himself, exhibiteth to and before me, E. F., one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], wherein the several offences in the fourth column of the here- under scheme or schedule were respectively committed, and the goods and chattels mentioned in the fifth column of the said scheme or schedule were CHAP. III.] EXCISE. 223 h TS M > O c T3 >- 1 1 :-' s I': , $J~ S 2 -a g S ns 8 -I - T3 .g S r 3 cj o S *" *> S So ,-3 CB <-> Eg .2 .- '" o> c -II EB I* II J= S SiJ 5 G- - - H^ 1 *Sl S'-S Sfl* 1 !!], -5-s^^ - 8*J s 8*S"3 s lues's " I* _- -^ S 'o ^ >S H3 -~ J- co O iJfJ 1 c s na S S 5 s * > s g-5 o,^ 83- = 5 a.". o. o^, w^Ssw^t^ OJ-" 00 oSfrr- l 03 f^ ^ C3 2 i.-'i.'s sl'i^ ^ I 2 C G 13 " *- S^^oS'-^aSo :sS8.2 TSl^ 5 * 3 g gS f i>i * - bcu^S-^osgo^iscsra | 'c -| .S g ', &-5 2 t cT'g O^2 3 cu n3 S 8 3 eu gf ** a, *^ a. cu ^ ^ . Q .-s _ 'S .3 o-S S^! ** .>> 1 ^ s c >> o-^ c a> o> o .S, a> ij'sj'a 5 -s-ia ^'f >L^ > S STS^^O * -2 ^o'^3 3 S .S a>^2 cu w ** aiT3 *> p) .2 ih. a ^B X k . 3C d i c T3 3 * o " e p 5 "> V 3 0, H< S3SJOH o Jnu S "2 1) 4 X a 1 I vs S oo c 'O 3 "3 t PU u u , a S Q o EA3099 o 1 oiny 'uCj | t i 3 V o "o CJ O o rt o | I 9 O o fi fe c ^ to i c O'H kS'* - = B 3 C9 C 3 U _= <* V CO 1 "82! 3 > B * S 1 S . j e C -3 . E ._ e a o t sii S Q "^ r ^ _3 CJ "- 5 "3 CO ^ IM O f! -^ " C "^ 1 o a cu cs I* 5 _ . 8 O t- i " JJ J t? c ' 2 e * - 1 3 "5 224 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. 9. Under Beer Act, 4 $ 5 Will. 4, c. 85, s. 17, for selling Beer, not having an Excise Licence. To C. D. County of } You are hereby to take notice that A. B., officer of excise, [Essex] [having on the day of the date of this summons exhibited to to wit. Jand before me, E. F. Esq., one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], at [ChelmsfordJ, in the said county, an information by order of the commissioners of excise against you, for the forfeiture of 20 of lawful money of Great Britain, for that within four calendar months (a) now last past, to wit, on the [thirtieth] day of [October], in the year of our Lord [1835], at [North Waltham], in the said county of [Essex], you, the said [Sarah Barrett], then and there being a person not duly licensed to sell beer, cyder and perry, as the keeper of a common inn, alehouse, or victualling house, did sell a certain quantity, to wit, [one quart] of beer by retail, to be drunk and consumed in and upon your house and premises where sold, without an excise licence in force, authorizing you, the said [Sarah Barrett] so to do, contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, whereby, and by force of the statute in that case made and provided, you, the said [Sarah Barrett], being the person so offending as aforesaid, hath for the said offence forfeited the sum of [20]. And you will further take notice, that I have appointed that all parties shall be heard of and con- cerning the matter and matters of fact in the said information mentioned and alleged, on the [tenth] day of [January] now instant, at [eleven] of the clock in the [forenoon] of the said day, at the house of W. R., being an inn and public-house known by the sign of the [Bell], at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex] ; at which time and place you are hereby required to be and appear before such of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county as shall be then and there present and have jurisdiction to hear and determine the same, then and there to make your defence in and to the matters contained in the said information ; but, though you fail therein, the said last-mentioned justices (at the time and place in that behalf before mentioned) will proceed to the examination of the matter and matters of fact in the said information mentioned and alleged, and thereupon then and there give judgment and sentence as in and by the statute in that case made and provided is directed. And I do hereby authorize and require any officer of excise to serve this summons (b), and to attend at the time and place in that behalf before mentioned, then and there to make a return of the execution hereof. Given under my hand at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex], this [first] day of [January], in the year of our Lord [1830]. II. SUMMONSES, NOTICES AND SUBPCENA. 10. Formal Paris of Summons for the Recovery of a Penalty or Pe- nalties, and the Condemnation of a Seizure, when Information exhi- bited before one Justice of the Peace for the County, fyc. where Offence or Offences committed (c). To C. D. County of ^ You are hereby to take notice, that A. B., officer of excise, [Essex] >having on the day of the date of this summons exhibited to to wit. Jand before me, E. F., Esquire, one of his Majesty's justices (a) This is requisite by 4 & 5 Will. 4. c. 51, s. 19. (6) The 4 & 5 Will. 4, c. 85, s. 22, prohibits any one but a constable from serving a summons. (c) This is required by the 7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 53, s. 66. CHAP, in.] EXCISE. 225 of the peace for the said county of [Essex], at [Chelmsford], in the said county, an information by order of the commissioners of excise against you, for the forfeiture of the sum of [100], and also for the forfeiture of certain goods and chattels, to wit, [fifty gallons of British spirits], for that [state the legal ground of forfeiture], and also for the forfeiture of the further sum of [100], and also for the forfeiture of certain other goods and chattels, to wit, &c. [name them"], for that [state the legal ground of forfeiture^ : 1 have appointed that all parties shall be heard of and concerning the matter and matters of fact In the said information mentioned and alleged, on the [tenth] day of [January] now instant, at [eleven] o'clock in the [forenoon] of the said day, at the house of W. R., being an inn and public-house known by the sign of the [Bell], at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex] ; at which time and place you are hereby required to be and appear before such of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county as shall be then and there pre- sent, and have jurisdiction to hear and determine the same, then and there to make your defence in and to the matters contained in the said information ; but though you fail therein, the said last-mentioned jus- tices (at the time and place in that behalf before mentioned) will proceed to the examination of the matter and matters of fact in the said informa- tion mentioned and alleged, and thereupon then and there give judgment and sentence as in and by the statute in that case made and provided is directed : And I do hereby authorize and require any officer of excise to serve this summons, and to attend at the time and place in that behalf before mentioned, then and there to make a return of the execution hereof. Given under my hand at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex], this [first] day of [January], in the year of our Lord [1830]. 11. Formal Parts of Summons for the Recovery of a Penalty or Penalties, and the Condemnation of a Seizure, when before two Justices for the County, Ssc. where Offence or Offences committed. To C. D. County of 1 You are hereby to take notice, that A. B., officer of excise, [Essex] > having on the day of the date of this summons, exhibited to to wit. j and before us, E. F. and G. H., Esquires, two of his Ma- jesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], at [Chelms- ford], in the said county, an information, by order of the commissioners of excise, against you, for the forfeiture of the sum of [100], and also for the forfeiture of certain goods and chattels, to wit, [fifty gallons of British spirits] for that [state the legal ground of forfeiture], and also for the forfeiture of the further sum of [100J, and also for the forfeiture of certain other goods and chattels, to wit, &c. [name theni] for that [state the legal ground of forfeiture], We have appointed that all parties shall be heard of and concerning the matter and matters of fact in the said information mentioned and alleged, on the [tenth] day of [January] now instant, at [eleven] of the clock in the [forenoon] of the same day, at the house of W. R., being an inn and public-house known by the name of the [Bell], at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex], at which time and place you are hereby required to be and appear before such of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county as shall be then and there present and have jurisdiction to hear and determine the same, then and there to make your defence in and to the matters contained in the said information ; but though you fail therein, the said last-men- tioned justices (at the time and place in that behalf before mentioned) Q 226 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. will proceed to the examination of the matter and matters of fact in the said information mentioned and alleged, and thereupon then and there give judgment and sentence, as in and by the statute in such case made and provided is directed : And we do hereby authorize and require any officer of excise to serve this summons, and to attend at the time and place in that behalf before mentioned, then and there to make a return of the execution hereof. Given under our hands at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex], this [first] day of [January], in the year of our Lord [1830]. 12. Formal Parts of Summons for the Recovery of a Penalty or Penalties when before one Justice for the County, <"c. where Offence or Offences committed. To C. D. County of ^ You are hereby to take notice, that A. B., officer of [Essex] Jexcise, having on the day of the date of this summons, to wit. 5 exhibited to and before me, E. F., Esquire, one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex] at [Chelms- ford], in the said county, an information, by order of the commissioners of excise, against you, for the forfeiture of the sum of [100] for that [state the legal ground of forfeiture], and also for the forfeiture of the further sum of [100], for that, [state the legal ground of forfeiture] : I have appointed that all parties shall be heard of and concerning the matter and matters of fact in the said information mentioned and alleged, on the [tenth] day of [January] now instant, at [eleven] of the clock in the [forenoon] of the said day, at the house of W. R., being an inn and public-house known by the sign of the [Bell], at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex] ; at which time and place you are hereby required to be and appear before such of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county as shall be then and there present, and have jurisdiction to hear and determine the same, then and there to make your defence in and to the matters contained in the said information ; but though you fail therein, the said last-mentioned justices (at the time and place in that behalf before mentioned) will proceed to the examination of the matter and matters of fact in the said information mentioned and alleged, and thereupon then and there give judgment or sentence as in and by the statute in such case made and provided is directed : And I do hereby authorize and require any officer of excise to serve this summons, and to attend at the time and place in that behalf before mentioned, then and there to make a return of the execution hereof. Given under my hand, at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex], this [first] day of [Janu- ary], in the year of our Lord [1830]. 13. Formal Parts of Summons for the Recovery of a Penalty or Penalties exhibited before one Justice for the County, excise, hath, on the day of the date of this summons, at to wit. ) [Chelmsford], in the county of [Essex], exhibited, by order of the commissioners of excise, to and before me, E. F., Esquire, one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], wherein the offence hereinafter mentioned was committed, and where the goods, commodities and chattels hereinafter mentioned were seized, an information against you for the forfeiture of certain goods, commodities and chattels; that is to say, a certain large quantity, to wit [twenty gallons of British spirits], contained in divers packages, to wit [four bottles], and a certain carriage, to wit, [a cart], and certain cattle, to wit, [one mule], used in the removal of the said spirits, and also the sum of [100]; and thereby informeth me that, within four calendar months last past, to wit, on the [tenth] day of [January], in the year of our Lord [1831], at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex], one J. W., being then and there an officer of excise, did seize and arrest, as forfeited from you, the said C. D., the said spirits, contained in the said packages, and the said carriage and cattle then and there used in the removal of the said spirits; the same spirits, for that you, the said C. D., then and there knowingly had in your custody and possession the said spirits, after the same had been removed from the place where the same ought to have been charged with the duty payable in respect thereof, before either the duty to which the same was liable had been charged and paid, or secured to be paid, or such spirits had been lawfully condemned as forfeited ; the said packages, for that the same then and there contained the said spirits Q2 228 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. so forfeited as aforesaid ; and the .said carriage and cattle, for that the same were then and there used in the removal thereof, contrary to the form of the statute in that case made and provided, whereby, and by force of the statute in that case made and provided, the said spirits then and there became forfeited, together with the said packages containing the same, and the said carriage and cattle then and there used in the removal thereof; and you, the said C. D., being the person so offending, have forfeited and lost the said sum of [100], the said A. B., who sues as aforesaid, having elected and thereby electing the said penalty of [100] in lieu and instead of treble the value of such spirits; and you will further take notice, that J have appointed that all parties shall be heard of and concerning the matter and matters of fact in the said infor- mation mentioned and alleged on the [tenth] day of [February] now instant, at [eleven] of the clock in the [forenoon] of the said day, at the house of W. R., being an inn and public-house, known by the sign of the [Bell], at [Chelmsford], in the county of [Essex], at which time and place you are hereby required to be and appear before such of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county as shall be then and there present, and have jurisdiction to hear and determine the same, then and there to make your defence in and to the matters contained in the said information ; but, though you fail therein, the said last-mentioned justices (at the time and place in that behalf before mentioned) will proceed to the examination of the matter and matters of fact in the said information mentioned and alleged, and thereupon then and there give judgment and sentence, as in and by the statute in that case made and provided is directed ; and I do hereby authorize and require any officer of excise to serve this summons, and to attend at the time and place in that behalf before mentioned, then and there to make a return of the execution hereof. Given under my hand, at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex], this [first] day of [February], in the year of our Lord [1830.] 15. Notice of Hearing of Information, to be affixed on the Outside of the Excise Office, next to the Place of Seizure, when Seizure nut claimed (). To all whom it may concern. County of l Take notice, that A. B., officer of excise, having seized, rT? """"~ 1 /on the [first] day of [January] now instant, at [Chelms- .'ford], in the county of [Essex], divers goods, commodities [Essex] to wit. (a) See the 7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 53, s. 66. 1st. The officer of excise, by whom the seizure was made, must cause this notice to be affixed on some conspicuous part of the outside of the office of excise, next or nearest to the place where such seizure was made, during any market day after the expiration of six days from the day of seizure; and, 2nd, the time appointed in such notice for the hearing of the case must not be less than nine days from the date of such notice, which should be affixed the day it is dated. If it is doubtful which of two market towns is the next to the place of seizure, it will be prudent to request the justice to sign three notices, and to affix one on the outside of the excise office in each of such towns, and, making a memorandum thereof on the third, keep it, to produce and prove at the hearing when the others were affixed. If there is no such doubt, the justice need only be requested to sign two.such notices, one to affix and one to keep to produce at the hearing, and prove when the other was affixed. If any one at the hearing claim the goods, he must, of course, be heard ; and if he tenders any witnesses, they, as well as the witnesses tor the crown, must be examined. CHAP, in.] EXCISE. 229 and chattels, to wit, [twenty gallons of British spirits], [three bottles], [one cart], and [one mule], by virtue of a certain act of parliament relating to the revenue of excise, and no person appearing to claim the said goods, commodities and chattels so seized as aforesaid, and an infor- mation having this day been exhibited at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex], before me, one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], within whose jurisdiction such seizure was made, for the condemnation thereof, that two of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of [Essex], within whose jurisdiction such seizure was made, and who have jurisdiction to hear and determine the matter of the said seizure, will, by virtue of the statute in that case made and provided, on the [seventeenth] day of [January] instant, at [eleven] of the clock in the [forenoon] of the said day, at the house of W. R., being an inn and public-house, known by the sign of the [Bell], at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex], proceed to the hearing and adjudging of the matter of such seizure, and examine into the cause thereof, and give judgment accordingly. Dated at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex], this [eighth] day of [January], in the year of our Lord [1830] 16. Summons on Information before one Justice for Recovery of double the Value of Duties neglected to be paid (a). To C. D. County of } You are hereby to take notice, that A. B., officer of [Essex] > excise, having, on the day of the date of this summons, ex- to wit. j hibited to and before me, E. F., Esquire, one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of [Essex], at [Chemsford], in the said county, an information, by order of the commissioners of excise, against you, for the forfeiture of a certain large sum of money, to wit, the sum of [100], the same being double the value of certain duties of ex- cise charged upon and incurred by you, for that you, being before and at and after the several times, and at the place in that behalf hereinafter mentioned, a [maltster and maker of malt], did, within [four months] last past, that is to say. between the [first] day of [September] now last past, and the [twentieth] day of October then next following, to wit, at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex], make divers, that is to say, [ten thousand] bushels of malt, chargeable with certain duties of excise, payable to his said Majesty, by the statutes in that case made and pro- vided; and the same having been charged upon and incurred by you, you thereby became indebted to his said Majesty in the sum of [50 : 2 : 8] ; which (having been demanded) according to the directions of the statute in that case made and provided, you ought, before the day of exhibiting the said information, to have paid and cleared off; but you have omitted and neglected so to do, contrary to the form of the statute in that case made and provided, whereby, and by force of the statute in that case made and provided, you have forfeited double the value of the said duties; that is to say, the said sum of [100] : I have appointed that all parties shall be heard of and concerning the matter and matters of fact in the said information mentioned and alleged on the [tenth] day of [January] now instant, at [eleven] of the clock in the [forenoon] of the said day, at the house of W. K., being an inn and public-house known by the sign of the [Bell], at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex] ; at which time and place you are hereby required to be and (a) See the 7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 53, s. 66, as to time and mode of service. 230 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. appear before such of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county as shall be then arid there present, and have jurisdiction to hear and determine the same, then and there to make your defence in and to the matters contained in the said information ; but, though you fail therein, the said last-mentioned justices (at the time and place in that behalf before mentioned), will proceed to the examination of the matter and matters of fact in the said information mentioned and alleged, and thereupon then and there give judgment or sentence, as in and by the statute in such case made and provided is directed; and I do hereby authorize and require any officer of excise to serve this summons, and to attend at the time and place in that behalf before mentioned, then and there to make a return of the execution thereof. Given under my hand, at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex], this [first] day of [January], in the year of our Lord [1830]. 17. Summons or Subpcenafor the Attendance of Witnesses to give Evidence before Justices of the Peace (b). To I. K. County of ) You are hereby required by me, E. F., Esquire, one of [Essex] > his Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of [Essex], to wit. ) personally to be and appear on the [tenth] day of [January] now instant, at ("eleven] of the clock in the [forenoon] of the same day, at the house of W. R., being an inn and public-house known by the sign of the [Bell], at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex], before such of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], having jurisdiction in the mattter, as shall be then and there present, and who will then and there hear, adjudge and determine a certain informa- tion there depending, exhibited under a certain act of parliament relating to the revenue of excise, by A. B., officer of excise, who sues as well for his said Majesty as for himself, against C. D., then and there to give evidence, and then and there to testify the truth according to your know- ledge of any facts alleged in such information, or touching or relating thereto; but if you fail therein, you, by the statute in that case made and provided, will forfeit [50]. Dated at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex], this [first] day of [January], in the year of our Lord [1830]. III. CONVICTIONS. 18. Formal Parts of Conviction us given by the 3 Geo. 4, c. 23. County [or as the ^ Be it remembered, that on the - day of - , case may be] >in the year of our Lord - , at - , in the [county] of - . 3 of - , A. B. of - , in the [county] of -- , [labourer, or as the case may be], personally came before us C. D. and E. F., two of his Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county], and informed us that G. H. of - , in the said [county] of - , on the - day of - , at - , in the said [county], did [here set orth the act or w , - ay o - , at - , n te sa county, ere orth the fact for which the information is laid], contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided ; whereupon the said G. H., r bein dul sum See the 7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 53, s. 74. CHAP, in.] EXCISE. 231 us the said justices on the day of , at in the said [county], and having heard the charge contained in the said information, declared he was not guilty of the said offence [or as the case may happen to be, did not appear before us, &c., pursuant to the said summons, or did neglect and refuse to make any defence against the said charge] ; where- upon we, &c., [or, nevertheless we the said justices did proceed to ex- amine into the truth of the charge contained in the said information, and on the day of aforesaid, at the parish of aforesaid, one credible witness, to wit, A. W. of , in the [county'] of , upon his oath deposeth and saith [_//' G. H. be present, nay, in the presence and hearing of the said G. H.], that within three months [or as the case may be] next before the said information was made before us the said justices by the said A. B., to wit, on the day of , in the year , the said G. H. at , in the said [county] of [here state the evi- dence, and as nearly as possible in the words used by the witness ; and, if more than one witness be examined, state the evidence given by each ; or, if the defendant confess, instead of stating the evidence, say], and the said G. H. acknowledged and voluntarily confessed the same to be true; therefore it manifestly appearing to us that he, the said G. H., is guilty of the offence charged upon him in the said information, we do hereby convict him of the offence aforesaid, and do declare and adjudge that he, the said G. H., hath forfeited the sum of , of lawful money of Great Britain, for the offence aforesaid, to be distributed [or paid, as the case may be] according to the form of the statute in that case made and provided. Given under our hands and seals, the day of , in the year of our Lord . C. D. (L.S.) E. F. (L.S.) 19. Conviction, or rather Minutes of Conviction, of several Offenders for distinct Offences. County of } At the time and place appointed for the hearing of the [Essex] J several informations mentioned on the other side of this to wit. -/paper, that is to say, on this [tenth day of January], at [Chelmsford], in the said county of [Essex], the several persons named in the first column of the scheme or schedule on the other side of this paper, and also in the first column of the hereunder scheme or schedule, do or do not respectively appear, as set forth in the second column of the hereunder scheme or schedule; and their said several and respective offences mentioned in the fourth column of the scheme or schedule on the other side of this paper, and also in the third column of the hereunder scheme or schedule, being respectively confessed, proved or not proved, as expressed in the third column of the hereunder scheme or schedule, \ve, justices of the peace for the said county, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do convict, respite or acquit the said several persons of their said several and respective offences, as stated in the fourth column of the hereunder scheme or schedule. It is therefore now here considered and adjudged by us, the said justices whose names are hereunto subscribed, that the said several persons so named as above mentioned (if not acquitted or respited) have, for their said several offences, respectively forfeited the penalties and sums of money mentioned in the sixth column of the here- under scheme or schedule; and that the goods and chattels mentioned in the fifth column of the scheme or schedule on the other side of this paper, and also in the fifth column of the hereunder scheme or schedule, are, for the reasons in that behalf aforesaid, forfeited ; and which said penalties or sums of money, if mitigated, we the said justices have now here mitigated and lessened to the several and respective sums mentioned in the seventh 232 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. o-S Zs "0"= ^*S S c S 1 i eg Seventh Column. OPn 3 > l S3SJOJJ *, rany .-o III a> o o a T3 CO 3 ;- (U U5 ~ QH ^J H CHAP, in.] EXCISE. 233 IV. WARRANTS AND RETURNS TO LEVY-WARRANTS. 20. Warrant by two Justices of the Peace for the Sale of Goods, fyc., condemned (a). To G. H. and J. K., officers of excise, or either of them. County of } An information having been exhibited by A. B., officer of [Essex] > excise, for the condemnation of the following goods, commo- to wit. .Jdities, and chattels, seized and forfeited by virtue of the laws and statutes relating to the revenue of excise, that is to say [enumerate the goods, Sfc., condemned'], and the same having been condemned by two of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], we, two of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], do hereby authorize you, or either of you, to sell the said goods, commodities and chattels publicly to the best bidder, at such time and place, and in such manner, as the commissioners of excise shall order and direct, under and subject to such rules, regulations and provisions as are by any act or acts of parliament in that behalf made and directed. Dated at [Chelms- ford], in the county of [Essex], this [first] day of [January], in the year of our Lord [1830]. 21. Common Levy-Warrant, granted by two Justices, on a Day subsequent to the Hearing, against a Person not stated to be a Trader subject to the Excise Laws, for a full Penalty. To G. H. and J. K., officers of excise, or either of them. County of ~\ We, whose hands are hereunto set, being two of his Ma- [Essex] nesty's justices of the peace for the county of [Essex], do, in to wit. j his Majesty's name, authorize and command you, every or any of you, that ui>on the goods and chattels of C. D. you do levy the sum of [70 : 4s. 5rf.], being a penalty recovered against the said C. D. by A. B., officer of excise, who prosecuted, as well for our sovereign lord the king as for himself, for a certain offence committed by the said C. D. against the laws and statutes of excise, whereof the said C. D. was convicted before and by the judgment of E. F., Esquire, and G. H., Clerk, two of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], on the [tenth] day of [January] last, with all reasonable charges and expenses attending such levy (and which said judgment remains unsatisfied) ; and for levying thereof we do hereby authorize and command you, every or any of you, to seize and take the goods and chattels aforesaid, and either to detain and keep the same in the place where the same shall respectively be found, or to remove the same to the next office of excise ; and if within [six] days next after such seizure the said penalty shall not be paid or satisfied, then and in such case, so soon as conveniently may be after the expiration of the said [six] days, to sell and dispose thereof, or of so much thereof as will be sufficient to levy the said penalty of [70 : 4s. 5d.~], with all reasonable charges and expenses attending such levy, and to deduct the said penalty, charges, and expenses, out of the money arising by such sale, and return the overplus, if any, of the said goods and chattels, or any part thereof, or of the money arising from the sale thereof, or of any part thereof, to the proprietor or proprietors of the said goods and chattels, upon which such levy shall have been made, or to the person or persons who shall be legally entitled thereto, and forthwith to pay the (a) 7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 53, ss. 86, 100. If goods subject to any duty of either excise or customs are condemned, such duty not having been paid, they are not to be sold for home consumption at a less price than the amount of the duty to which they are subject ; 7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 53, s. 101. 234 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. said penalty to the collector of excise for the collection called [Rochester] collection, for the time being, to be by him applied and answered for according to the statute in such case made and provided. And all constables and headboroughs of the said county are hereby required to be aiding and assisting to you in the due execution hereof; but, in case there cannot be found sufficient to levy the said penalty, with all reasonable charges and expenses attending such levy, then and in such case you, by a return of this warrant, are forthwith to certify the same to us, or some other justice or justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], having jurisdiction therein. Given, &c. (6) 22. Common Levy- Warrant, granted by two Justices, on a Day subsequent to the Hearing, against a Person not stated to be a Trader subject to the Excise Laws, for a mitigated Penalty. To G. H. and J. K., officers of excise, or either of them. County of ~* We, whose hands are hereunto set, being two of his Ma- [Essex] >jesty's justices of the peace for the county of [Essex], do, in to wit. 'his Majesty's name, authorize and command you, every or any of you, that upon the goods and chattels of C. D. you do levy the sum of [j670 : 4s. 5d.~] (being a sum of money to which a certain penalty in- curred by him has been mitigated), recovered against the said C D. by A. B., officer of excise (who prosecuted as well for our sovereign lord the king as for himself, for a certain offence committed by the said C. D. against the laws and statutes of excise ; whereof the said C. D. was con- victed before and by the judgment, of E. F., Esquire, and G. H., Clerk, two of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], on the [tenth] day of [January] last), with all reasonable charges and expenses attending such levy (and which said judgment remains unsatis- fied), and for levying thereof, we do hereby authorize and command you, every or any of you, to seize and take the goods and chattels aforesaid, and either to detain and keep the same in the place where the same shall respectively be found, or to remove the same to the next office of excise ; and if within [six] days next after such seizure, the said sum of [70 4s. 5dJ\ shall not be paid or satisfied, then and in such case, so soon as conveniently may be after the expiration of the said [six] days, to sell and dispose thereof, or of so much thereof as will be sufficient to levy the said sum of [70 : 4s. 5rf.], with all reasonable charges and expenses attending such levy, and to deduct the said sum of [70 : 4s. 5d.~\, and the said charges and expenses, out of the money arising by such sale, and to return the overplus, if any, of the said goods and chattels, or any part thereof, or of the money arising from the sale thereof, or of any part thereof, to the proprietor or proprietors of the said goods and chattels upon which such levy shall have been made, or to the person or persons who shall be legally entitled thereto, and forthwith to pay the said sum of [70 : 4s. 5d.~] to the collector of excise for the collection called [Rochester] collection, for the time being, to be by him applied and answered for according to the statute in such case made and provided. And all constables and head- boroughs of the said county are hereby required to be aiding and assisting (6) In order to execute this warrant out of the jurisdiction of the justices granting it, in any other county, shire, division, city, town or place, it is neces- sary that a justice of the peace of such other county, shire, division, city, town or place, should indorse his name on such warrant, and add, after his signature, " one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the [county] of ," as the case may be ; but it is not necessary to prove, in order to justify his indorsing such warrant, the handwriting of the justices granting the same. CHAP, in.] EXCISE. 235 to you in the due execution hereof; but in case there cannot be found suffi- cient to levy the said sum of [70 : 4s. 5d.~\, with all reasonable charges and expenses attending such levy, then and in such case you, by a return of this warrant, are forthwith to certify the same to us, or some other justice or justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], having juris- diction therein. Given, &c. (c) 23. Special Levy-Warrant, granted by the convicting Justices on the Day of Hearing, against a Trader subject to the Excise Laws, convicted in a full Penalty on an Information exhibited within the Jurisdiction where the Offence was committed, for double Duty, or for any other Penalty, for an Offence against the Excise Laws. To G. H. and J. K., officers of excise, or either of them. County of "1 Whereas on this day, C. D., being a person carrying on [Essex] the trade and business of a [maltster and maker of malt], to wit. 3 the same being a trade and business under and subject to the laws and statutes of excise, hath been duly convicted by and before us E. F., Esquire, and G. H., Clerk, two of his majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of [Essex], by the judgment of us the said justices, of an offence heretofore committed in the same county, by him the said C. D., being then a person carrying on the said trade and business, and the same trade and business being then under and subject to the laws and statutes of excise, against a certain act of parliament relating to the revenue of excise, in the penalty of [70 : 4s. 5d.~\, incurred by him for the said offence, under and by virtue of the said act, which said penalty was, by the said conviction and judg- ment of us the said justices, recovered against the said C. D. by A. B., officer of excise, who prosecuted as well for our sovereign lord the king as for himself in that behalf: Now we the said justices do, in his Majesty's name, authorize and command you, every or any of you, that upon all the [malt], and all the materials, preparations, utensils and vessels for making thereof, or by which the said trade and business of a [maltster and maker of malt] has been carried on by the said C. D., in the custody or possession of the said C. D., or of any person or persons to the use of or in trust for the said C. D., and upon all the [malt], and all the materials, preparations, utensils and vessels for making thereof, or by which the said trade and business of a [maltster and maker of malt] has been carried on by the said C. D., which were in his custody or pos- session when the said penalty was incurred, into whose hands soever the same shall have afterwards come, and by what conveyance or title soever the same shall be claimed, and also upon all the goods and chattels of the said C. D., you do levy the said penalty of [70 : 4s. 5d.~\, so recovered against the said C. D. by the said A. B. as aforesaid, whereof the said C. D. stands convicted before us this day, with all reasonable charges and expenses attending such levy ; and for levying thereof, we do hereby authorize and command you, every or any of you, to seize and take the [malt], materials, preparations, vessels, utensils, goods and chattels afore- said, and either to detain and keep the same in the place where the same shall respectively be found, or to remove the same to the next office of excise ; and if within [six] days next after such seizure, the said penalty shall not be paid or satisfied, then and in such case, so soon as conve- niently may be, after the expiration of the said [six] days, to sell and (c) See note (6), ante, p. 234. 236 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. dispose thereof, or of so much thereof as will be sufficient to levy the said penalty of [70 : 4s. 5d.], with all reasonable charges and expenses attend- ing such levy, and to deduct the said penalty, charges and expenses out of the money arising by such sale, and to return the overplus, if any, of the said [malt], materials, preparations, utensils, vessels, goods and chat- tels, or any part thereof, or of the money arising from the sale thereof, or of any part thereof, to the proprietor or proprietors of the said [malt], materials, preparations, utensils, vessels, goods and chattels respectively, upon which such levy shall have been made, or to the person or persons who shall be legally entitled thereto, and forthwith to pay the said penalty to the collector of excise, for the collection called [Rochester] collection, for the time being, to be by him applied and answered for according to the statute in such case made and provided. And all constables and headboroughs of the said county are hereby required to be aiiling and assisting to you in the due execution hereof; but in case there cannot be found sufficient to levy the said penalty, with all reasonable charges and expenses attending such levy, then and in such case you, by a return of this warrant, are forthwith to certify the same to us, or some other justice or justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], having jurisdiction therein. Given, &c. () 24. Special Levy-Warrant, granted by the convicting Justices on the Day of Hearing, against a Trader subject to the Excise Laws, convicted in a mitigated Penalty on an Information exhibited within the Juris- diction where the Offence was committed for double Duty, or for any other Penalty, for an Offence against the Excise Laws. To G. H. and J. K., officers of excise, or either of them. County of } Whereas on this day, C. D., being a person carrying on [Essex] / the trade and business of a [maltster and maker of malt], to wit. * the same being a trade and business under and subject to the laws and statutes of excise, hath been duly convicted by and before us, E. F., Esquire, and G. H., Clerk, two of his Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of [Essex], by the judg- ment of us the said justices, of an offence heretofore committed in the same county by him the said C. D., being then a person carrying on the said trade and business, and the same trade and business being then under and subject to the laws and statutes of excise, against a certain act of parlia- ment relating to the revenue of excise, in the sum of [70 : 4s. 5d.), (being a sum of money to which a certain penalty incurred by him for the said offence, under and by virtue of the said act, has been by us mitigated,) and which said sum of [70 : 4s 5rf.] was by the said conviction and judgment of us the said justices recovered against the said C. D. by A. B., officer of excise, who prosecuted as well for our sovereign lord the king as for him- self in that behalf: Now we the said justices do, in his Majesty's name, authorize and command you, every or any of you, that upon all the [malt] and all the materials, preparations, utensils and vessels for making thereof, or by which the said trade and business of a [maltster and maker of malt] has been carried on by the said C. D., in the custody or possession of the said C. D., or of any person or persons, to the use of or in trust for the said C. D., and upon all the [malt] and all the materials, preparations, utensils and vessels for making thereof, or by which the said trade and (a) See note (A), p. 234. CHAP, in.] EXCISE. 237 business of a [maltster and maker of malt] has been carried on by the said C. D., which were in his custody or possession when the said penalty was incurred, into whose hands soever the same shall have afterwards come, and by what conveyance or title soever the same shall be claimed, and also upon all the goods and chattels of the said C. D. you do levy the said sum of [70 : 4s. 5rf.], so recovered against the said C. D. by the said A. B. as aforesaid, whereof the said C. D. stands convicted before us this day, with all reasonable charges and .expenses attending such levy ; and for levying thereof, we do hereby authorize and command you, every or any of you, to seize and take the [malt], materials, preparations, vessels, utensils, goods and chattels aforesaid, and either to detain and keep the same in the place where the same shall respectively be found, or to remove the same to the next office of excise; and if within [six] days next after such seizure, the said sum of [70 : 4s. 5rf.] shall not be paid or satisfied, then and in such case, so soon as conveniently may be after the expiration of the said [six] days, to sell and dispose thereof, or of so much thereof as will be sufficient to levy the said sum of [70 : 4s. 5rf.], with all reasonable charges and expenses attending such levy, and to deduct the said last mentioned sum, and the said charges and expenses, out of the money arising by such sale, and to return the overplus, if any, of the said [malt], materials, preparations, utensils, vessels, goods and chattels, or any part thereof, or of the money arising from the sale thereof, or of any part thereof, to the proprietor or proprietors of the said [malt], materials, preparations, utensils, vessels, goods and chattels respectively, upon which such levy shall have been made, or to the person or persons who shall be legally entitled thereto, and forthwith to pay the said sum of [70 : 4s. 5d.~\ to the collector of excise, for the collec- tion called [Rochester] collection, for the time being, to be by him ap- plied and answered for, according to the statute in such case made and provided. And all constables and headboroughs of the said county are hereby required to be aiding and assisting to you in the due execution hereof; but in case there cannot be found sufficient to levy the said sum of [70 : 4s. 5d.], with all reasonable charges and expenses attending such levy, then and in such case you, by a return of this warrant, are forth- with to certify the same to us, or some other justice or justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], having jurisdiction therein. Given, 25. Return to be indorsed on a common Levy- Warrant for a full or mitigated Penalty, when no Part of the Penalty has been recovered, to one Justice t for a Body- Warrant. I, G. H., being one of the officers of excise to whom the within war- rant is directed, do hereby certify to E. F., Esquire, one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of [Essex], and within whose juris- diction the within warrant was issued, that I have made diligent search for but cannot find (within the jurisdiction in which the said warrant was so issued) any goods or chattels of the within named C. D. whereon the within mentioned penalty, or any part thereof, can or may be levied, with the reasonable charges and expenses attending such levy. Dated this (b) [first] day of [January], [1830]. (a) See note (b), p. 234. (b) This date must always be the day the body-warrant applied for upon this return is dated. The officer should not be sworn to the truth of this re- turn. He makes the return at his peril, and, if it is false, is answerable for it. 238 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. 26. Return to be indorsed on a common Levy-Warrant for a full or miti- gated Penalty, when Part of the Penalty has been recovered, [ to two Justices, for a Body Warrant for residue. I, G. H., being one of the officers of excise to whom the within war- rant is directed, do hereby certify to E. F. and L. M., Esquires, two of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of [Essex], and within whose jurisdiction the within warrant was issued, that by virtue of the said warrant I have seized and sold divers goods and chattels of the with- in named C. D., and thereon and thereout have levied the sum of [70 4s. 5d.~\ part of the within mentioned penalty, with the reasonable charges and expenses attending such levy ; and I have made diligent search for but cannot find (within the jurisdiction in which the said warrant was so issued) any more or further goods and chattels of the within named C. D., (beyond the goods and chattels already seized and sold as afore- said,) whereon the residue of the said penalty, or any part thereof, can or may be levied, with the reasonable charges and expenses attending such levy. Dated this (a) [first] day of [January], [1830]. 27. Return to be indorsed on a Special Levy-Warrant for a full or miti- gated Penalty, when no Part of the Penalty has been recovered, to one Justice, for a Body- Warrant. I, G. H., being one of the officers of excise to whom the within war- rant is directed, do hereby certify to E. F., Esquire, one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of [Essex], and within whose juris- diction the within warrant was issued, that I have made diligent search for but cannot find (within the jurisdiction in which the said warrant was so issued,) any such [malt], materials, preparations, utensils, or vessels, as is or are in and by the within warrant mentioned and directed to be levied on, or any goods or chattels of the within named C. D. whereon the said penalty, or any part thereof, can or may be levied, with the reason- able charges and expenses attending such levy. Dated this (a) [first] day of [January], [1830]. 28. Return to be indorsed on a Special Levy-Warrant for a full or miti- gated Penalty, when Part of the Penalty has been recovered, to one Justice, for a Body- Warrant for residue. I, G. H., being one of the officers of excise to whom the within war- rant is directed, do hereby certify to E. F., Esquire, one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of [Essex], and within whose juris- diction the within warrant was issued, that, by virtue of the within war- rant, I have seized and sold divers quantities of [malt], materials, prepa- rations, vessels, utensils, goods and chattels in the within warrant in that behalf mentioned, and thereon and thereout have levied the sum of [70 : 4s. 5d.], part of the within mentioned penalty, with the reasonable charges and expenses attending such levy, and I have made diligent search for but cannot find (within the jurisdiction within which the said warrant was so issued) any more or further such [malt], materials, pre- parations, vessels, or utensils as is and are in the said warrant in that be- half mentioned, or any more or further goods or chattels of the within named C. D. beyond the [malt], materials, preparations, vessels, utensils, goods, and chattels already seized and sold as aforesaid), whereon the residue of the said penalty, or any part thereof, can or may be levied, (a) See note (fo), ante, p. 237. CHAP, in.] EXCISE. 239 with the reasonable charges and expenses attending such levy. Dated this (a) [first] day of [January], [1830]. V. BODY AND SEARCH WARRANTS, &c. AND COMMITMENT. 29. Body-Warrant by one. Justice for a foil nr mitigated Penalty, after a Common Levy-Warrant, when no Part of the Penalty has been Re- covered. To G. H. and I. K. officers of excise, or either of them, and to the gaoler or keeper of the common gaol or house of correction of, for, and within the county, shire, division, city, town, or place where this warrant shall be executed. County of "} Whereas E. F. and L. M., Esquires, two of his Majesty's [Essex] ^justices of the peace for the county of [Essex], by their to wit. J warrant under their hands, made and issued within the said county of [Essex], bearing date the [fifth] day of [February], [1830], did require and command you, the said G. H. and I. K., or either of you, to levy on the goods and chattels of C. D. the sum of [70 : 4*. 5d.] being a mitigated penalty recovered against the said C. D. by A. B., officer of excise, who prosecuted as well for our sovereign lord the king as for himself, for a certain offence committed by the said C. D. against the laws and statutes of excise, whereof the said C. D. was convicted before and by the judgment of N. O. [Esq.] and P. Q., [Clerk], two of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], on the [first] day of [January] last, with all reason- able charges and expenses attending such levy ; and whereas you, the said G. H., by a return in writing made on the said warrant under your hand, bearing date this day, have returned to me, R. S., Esquire, one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], whose hand is hereunto set, that you, the said G. H., have made diligent search for but cannot find (within the jurisdiction in which the said warrant was so issued) any goods or chattels of the said C. D., whereon the said penalty, charges, and expenses, or any part thereof, can or may be levied : Now I, the same justice, do, in his Majesty's name, authorize, require, and command you, the said G. H. and I. K., or either of you, to take and arrest the said C. D., and forthwith to convey him to the common gaol or house of correction of, for, and within the county, shire, division, city, town, or place where you, or either of you, shall so take and arrest the said C. D., and there to deliver him, together with a duplicate of this warrant, to the gaoler or keeper of such gaol or house of correction, there to remain and be kept by such gaoler or keeper until satisfaction shall be made of the said judgment, or until he, the said C. D., shall be ordered by the commissioner (6) of excise to be liberated or discharged ; and all constables and other his Majesty's officers are hereby authorized and required to be aiding and assisting to you in the due execution here- of ; and the gaoler or keeper of such gaol or house of correction to which you shall so convey the said C. D., is hereby authorized and required there to receive and take into his custody the said C D., there to remain and be kept by such gaoler or keeper until satisfaction shall be made of the said judgment, or until he, the said C. D., shall be ordered by the (a) See note (b), ante, p. 237. (b) If used in England add an " s" to the word commissioner; if in Scot- land or Ireland insert the words " and assistant commissioners." 240 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. commissioner (a) of excise to be liberated or discharged. And for your, or any, or either of your so doing, as is before to you respectively directed, this shall be to you, any, or either of you respectively a sufficient war- rant and authority. Given, &c. (b). 30. Body-Warrant by two Justices for residue of a full or mitigated Penalty, after a common Levy-Warrant. To G. H. and I. K., officers of excise, or either of them, and to the gaoler or keeper of the common gaol or house of correction of, for, and within the county, shire, division, city, town or place where this warrant shall be executed. County of 1 Whereas E. F. and L. M., Esquires, two of his [Essex] > Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of [Essex], to wit. ) by their warrant under their hands, made and issued within the said county of [Essex], bearing date the [fifth] day of [February], [1830], did require and command you, the said G. H. and I. K., or either of you, to levy upon the goods and chattels of C. D. the sum of [70 : 4s. 5d.], being a mitigated (c) penalty recovered against the said C. D. by A. B., officer of excise, who prosecuted as well for our sovereign lord the king as for himself, for a certain offence committed by .the said C. D. against the laws and statutes of excise, whereof the said C. D. was convicted before and by the judgment of N. O. [Esquire], and P. Q. [Clerk], two of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], on the [first] day of [January] last, with all reasonable charges and expenses attending such levy, and whereas you the said G. H., by a return in writing made on the said warrant under your hand, bearing date this day, have returned to us R. S. and T. U.. Esquires, two of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of [Essex], whose hands are hereunto set, that by virtue of the said war- rant you have seized and sold divers goods and chattels of the said C. D., and therein and thereout have levied the sum of [24 : 3s. 4 [Chelmsford], in the county of [Essex], C. D., being a to wit. j person carrying on the trade and business of a [maltster and maker of malt], the same being a trade and business under and subject to the laws and statutes of excise, was duly convicted by and before E. F., [Esquire], and L. M., [Clerk], two of his Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of [Essex], by the judgment of the said justices, of an offence heretofore committed in the said county by him the said C. D., being at the time of the committing of such offence a person carrying on the said trade and business, and the same trade and business being then under and subject to the laws and statutes of excise, against a certain act of parliament relating to the revenue of excise, in the mitigated (c) penalty of [70: 4s. 5d.] incurred by him for the said offence, under and by virtue of the said act, which said penalty was, by the said conviction and judgment of the said justices, recovered against the said C. D. by A. B., officer of excise, who prosecuted as well for our sovereign lord the king as for himself in that behalf; and whereas the said justices, by their warrant under their hands, made and issued within the said county, bearing date the [fifth] day of [February], [1830], did require and command you, the said G. H. and I. K., or either of you, that upon all the [malt], and all the materials, preparations, uten- sils, and vessels for making thereof, or by which the said trade and business of a [maltster and maker of malt] has been carried on by the said C. D., in the custody or possession of the said C. D., or of any person or persons to the use of or in trust for the said C. D., and upon all the [malt] and all the materials, preparations, utensils, and vessels for making thereof, or by which the said trade and business of a [maltster and maker of malt] "had been carried on by the said C. D., which were in his custody or possession when the said penalty was incurred, into whose hands soever the same should be claimed, and also upon all the goods and chattels of the said C. D., you or either of you should levy the said penalty of [70 : 4s. 5rf.], so recovered against the said C. D. by the said A. B. as aforesaid, whereof the said C. D. stood convicted before them the said justices as in that behalf aforesaid, with all reasonable charges and expenses attending such levy ; and whereas you, the said G. H., by a return in writing made on the said warrant under your hand, bearing date this day, have certified to me, R. S., Esquire, one of (a) See note (6), p. 239. (6) See note (6), p. 237. (c) See note (c), preceding page. R 242 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Essex], whose hand is hereunto set, that you the said G. H. have made diligent search for but cannot find (within the jurisdiction in which the said warrant was so issued) any such [malt], materials, preparations, utensils or vessels as are in and by the said warrant mentioned and directed to be levied on, or any goods or chattels of the said C. D. whereon the said penalty, charges, and expenses, or any part thereof, can be levied : Now I the same justice do, in his Majesty's name, authorize, require and command you, the said G. H. and I. K., or either of you, to take and arrest the said C. D., and forthwith to convey him to the common gaol or house of correction of, for, and within the county, shire, division, city, town or place where you or either of you shall so take and arrest the said C. D., and there to deliver him, together with a duplicate of this warrant, to the gaoler or keeper of such gaol or house of correction, there to remain and be kept by such gaoler or keeper until satisfaction shall be made of the said judg- ment, or until he the said C. D. shall be ordered by the commissioner (a) of excise to be liberated or discharged : And all constables and other his Majesty's officers are hereby authorized and required to be aiding and assisting to you in the due execution hereof; and the gaoler or keeper of such gaol or house of correction to which you shall so convey the said C. D., is hereby authorized and required there to receive and take into his custody the said C. D., there to remain and be kept by such gaoler or keeper until satisfaction shall be made of the said judgment, or until he the said C. D. shall be ordered by the commissioner (a) of excise to be liberated or discharged. And for your, or any or either of your so doing as is before to you respectively directed, this shall be to you, any or either of you respectively, a sufficient warrant and authority. Given, &c.(6) 32. Body-Warrant granted by one Justice for the Residue of a full or mitigated Penalty, after a Special Levy- Warrant. To G. H. and I. K., officers of excise, or either of them, and to the gaolor or keeper of the common gaol or house of correction of, for and within the county, shire, division, city, town or place where this warrant shall be executed. County of ) Whereas on the [first] day of [January], [1836], at [Essex] > [Chelmsford], in the county of [Essex], C. D., being a to wit. ) person carrying on the trade and business of a [maltster and maker of malt], the same being a trade and business under and subject to the laws and statutes of excise, was duly convicted by and before E. F., [Esquire], and [L. M., [Clerk], two of his Majesty's jus- tices of the peace in and for the said county of [Essex], by the judg- ment of the said justices, of an offence heretofore committed in the same county by him the said C. U., being then a person carrying on the said trade and business, and the same trade and business being then under and subject to the laws and statutes of excise, against a certain act of parliament relating to the revenue of excise, in the mitigated penalty of [70 : 4s. 5d.] incurred by him for the said offence under and by virtue of the said act, which said penalty was by the said conviction and judg- ment of the said justices recovered against the said C. D. by A. B., officer of excise, who prosecuted as well for our sovereign lord the king as for himself in that behalf: and whereas the said justices, by their warrant (a) See note ( ft), p. 239. (6) See note (b), p. 237. CHAP, in.] EXCISE. 243 under their hands, made and issued within the said county, bearing date the first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, did require and command you the said G. H. and I. K., or either of you, that upon all the malt and all the materials, preparations, utensils and vessels for making thereof, or by which the trade and business of a maltster and maker of malt had been carried on by the said C. D., iu the custody or possession of the said C. D., or of any person or persons to the use of or in trust for the said C. D., and upon all the malt and all the materials, preparations, utensils and vessels for making thereof, or by which the said trade and business of a maltster and maker of malt had been carried on by the said C. D., which were in his custody or possession when the said penalty was incurred, into whose hands soever the same should have afterwards come, and by what conveyance or title soever the same should be claimed, and also upon all the goods and chattels of the said C. D.. you or either of you should levy the said penalty of one hundred pounds, shillings and pence, so recovered against the said C. D. by the said A. B. as aforesaid, whereof the said C. D. stood convicted before them the said justices as in that behalf aforesaid, with all reasonable charges and expenses attending such levy: and whereas you the said G. H., by a return in writing made on the said warrant under your hand, bearing date this day, have certified to me W. M., Esquire, one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [Kent], whose hand is hereunto set, that by virtue of the said warrant you have seized and sold divers quantities of the malt, materials, preparations, vessels, utensils, goods and chattels in the said warrant in that behalf mentioned, and thereon and thereout have levied the sum of twenty pounds, shil- lings and pence, part of the said penalty, charges and expenses, and that you the said G. H. and I. K. have made diligent search for but can- not find within the jurisdiction within which the said warrant was so issued any more or further such malt, materials, preparations, vessels or utensils as are in the said warrant in that behalf mentioned, or any more or further goods and chattels of the said C. D. (beyond the malt, materials, prepa- rations, vessels, utensils, goods and chattels already seized and sold as aforesaid) whereon the residue of the said penalty, charges and expenses, or any part thereof, can be levied : Now I the said last-mentioned justice do, in his Majesty' name, authorize, require and command you the said G. H. and I. K., or either of you, to take and arrest the said C. D., and forthwith to convey him to the common gaol or house of correction of, for and within the county, shire, division, city, town or place where you or either of you shall so take and arrest the said C.D., and there to deliver him, together with a duplicate of this warrant, to the gaoler or keeper of such gaol or house of correction, there to remain and be kept by such gaoler or keeper until satisfaction shall be made of so much of the said judgment as still remains unsatisfied, and thereby the whole of the said judgment shall be satisfied, or until he the said C. O. shall be ordered by the commissioner (a) of excise to be liberated or discharged : and all constables, and other his Majesty's officers, are hereby authorized and required to be aiding and assisting to you in the due execution hereof : and the gaoler or keeper of such gaol or house of correction, to which you or either of you shall so convey the said C. D., is hereby authorized and required there to receive and take into his custody the said C. D., there to remain and be kept by such gaoler or keeper until satisfaction shall be (a) If used in England, add an " s" to the word " commissioner," and dash up the blank. If used in Scotland or Iieland, insert the words " and assistant commissioners." 244 By collector. By officer au- thorized by col- lector. Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. made of so much of the said judgment as still remains unsatisfied, and thereby the whole of the said judgment shall be satisfied, or until the said C. D. shall be ordered by the commissioner (a) of excise to be libe- rated or discharged ; and for your or any or either of your so doing as is before to you respectively directed, this shall be to you, or any or either of you respectively, a sufficient warrant and authority. Given, &c. %* In order to execute this warrant out of the jurisdiction of the justice granting it, in any other county, shire, division city, town or place, it is necessary that a justice of the peace of such other county, shire, division, city, town or place should indorse his name on such warrant ; and it will be necessary to add after his signature " one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of [as the case may be] ; but it is not necessary to prove, in order to justify his indorsing such warrant, the hand- writing of the justice granting the same. 33. Demand of Payment of Duty in danger of being lost. To Mr. W. M., maltster. The sum of one hundred pounds, five shillings and sixpence having been charged upon and incurred by you as duties on malt imposed by the statute in that case made and provided, I, W. P. (the collector of excise for Rochester collection, in whose collection the trade and business of a maltster was carried on by you at the time such duties were charged upon and incurred by you), do hereby demand of you, under order in that behalf of the commissioners (b) of excise, payment forthwith to me, for his Majesty's use, of the said sum of one hundred pounds, five shil- lings and sixpence; and if the same is not forthwith paid and cleared off according to this demand, you will forfeit and lose double the value thereof. Dated this [first] day of [July], [1830]. (To be signed) W. P., Collector of excise for Rochester collection. %* This demand may be made either personally of the trader or be left at his dwelling-house, or on the premises where the duty or duties demanded were charged or incurred. 34. To Mr. W. M., maltster. The sum of one hundred pounds, five shillings and sixpence having been charged upon and incurred by you as duties on malt imposed by the statute in that case made and provided, I, W. B., officer of excise (au- thorized and directed in that behalf by the collector of excise in whose collection the trade and business of a maltster was carried on by you at the time such duties were charged upon and incurred by you and one of the officers of excise in the said collection), do hereby demand of you (under order in tliat behalf of the commissioners of excise to the said col- lector, and by authority and direction of the said collector to me,) payment forthwith to me of the said sum of one hundred pounds, five shillings and (a) See note (a), ante, p. 243. (6) If used in Scotland or Ireland, cancel the " s" in the word " commis- sioners," and insert " and assistant commissioners." CHAP, in.] EXCISE. 245 sixpence, and if the same is not forthwith paid and cleared off according to this demand, you will forfeit and lose double the value thereof. Dated this [first] day of [August], [1830]. (To be signed) W. B., Officer of Excise. 35. Commitment. To M. S., and to the keeper of the house of correction at , in the county of York. County of y Whereas A. G., of [Tadcaster], in the county of [York], [5fork] ^is and stands convicted this day before me, H. G., Esquire, to wit. Tone of his Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of [York], for that one G. H., being an officer of excise, did, on the [first] day of [February], in the year of our Lord [one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight], at [Tadcaster], in the said county of [York], discover and find in a certain private and unentered place, manufacturing, and in the course of manufacturing, certain goods and commodities for and in respect whereof a duty of excise is imposed, and certain materials and preparations for manufacturing such goods and commodities, to wit, spirits, wort, and wash, made from melasses and molasses, malt, corn and grain, and did at the same time discover in and about such private and unentered place the said A. G. knowingly aiding, assisting, and con- cerned in the manufacturing such goods and commodities, contrary to the form of the statute in that case made and provided, whereby he the said A. G. hath forfeited and lost the sum of [thirty] pounds: And whereas the said A. G. hath refused and neglected to pay the said sum of [thirty] pounds into the hands of the said W. L., being such officer of excise as aforesaid, and who conveyed the said A. G. before me, in pursuance of the said statute, charged with the offence aforesaid: These are therefore to require you the said M. S. to convey the said A. G. to the house of cor- rection at , in the said county of [York], and to deliver him to the keeper thereof together with this warrant; and I do hereby command you the said keeper to receive the said A. G. into your custody in the house of correction, there to remain and be kept to hard labour for the space of [three calendar months], to be reckoned from the date hereof, or until (during the said [three months]) he shall have paid the said sum of [thirty] pounds ; and for so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given, &c. 36. Affidavit to obtain Search Warrant. County of ~\ W. L., of [Maidstone], in the county of [Kent], officer of [Kent] J excise, maketh oath and saith, that he this deponent hath to wit. 'cause to suspect, and doth suspect, that a large quantity of British spirits, the same being goods and commodities forfeited under and by virtue of a certain act of parliament relating to the revenue of excise, are deposited or concealed in some place or places in or about the house, yards, gardens, or outhouses thereunto belonging, of W. M., situate at [Wrotham], in the county of [Kent], for that he, this deponent (), was this morning informed by a person that he has known for some time, that he (the said person) last night assisted in conveying from a private dis- tillery to the said house of the said W. M. about twenty gallons of British spirits, in three casks, and deposited one of such casks in an out- house in the yard at the back of the house, and the other two in the (a) Set forth the ground of suspicion, and if arising from information, add, " and this deponent lastly says, that he believes the said information is true." 246 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART I. cellar of the said house : And this deponent lastly says, that he believes the said information is true. Sworn at Maidstone, the [fifth] ~* day of [April, 1828], before S me . * 37. Search Warrant. County of ") Whereas W. L., officer of excise, hath this day made oath [Kent] ^before me, one of his Majesty's justices of the peace in and to wit. 3for the county of [Kent], that he hath cause to suspect, and that he doth suspect, that (a} a large quantity of British spirits, the same being goods and commodities forfeited under and by virtue of a certain act of parliament relating to the revenue of excise, are deposited and con- cealed in and about the house of W. M., and the yards, gardens, buildings and outhouses thereunto belonging, situate at [Wrotham] in the said county of [Kent], yeoman, setting forth in and by his said oath the ground of his suspicion, and the same appearing to me to be reasonable ground of suspicion, I, therefore, by virtue of the power and authority to me given, do judge it reasonable, and do by this present warrant under my hand, authorize and empower the said W. L., by day or by night (but if between the hours of eleven of the clock at night and five in the morning, then in the presence of a constable or other lawful officer of the peace), to enter into every place in and about the said house, yards, gardens, buildings and outhouses thereunto belonging, and to seize and carry away all such () large quantity of British spirits, and all other goods and com- modities so forfeited as aforesaid that he shall there find deposited and concealed, and all constables, and other his Majesty's officers, are hereby authorized and required to be aiding and assisting to him in the execution hereof, and for so doing this shall be to him and every of them a sufficient warrant. Given, &c. FACTORIES. I. Forms in the Schedule to 3 # 4 Will. 4, c. 103. II. Forms in the Schedule to 7 Viet. c. 15. I. FORMS IN THE SCHEDULE TO 3 & 4 WILL. 4, c. 103. 1. Conviction. County of [town ~\ Be it remembered, that on the day of of , as the case C , in the year , A. B. [describe the may be], to wit. ) offender] was, upon the complaint of C. D. [or upon the view of C. D., one of her Majesty's inspectors of factories], con- victed before E. F., one of her Majesty's inspectors of factories [or justices of the peace (b)~] of and for, &c. [as the case may 6e], in pursuance of an act passed in the fourth year of the reign of his Majesty King William the Fourth, for [describe the offence]. Given under my hand and seal, the day and year above mentioned. (a) Insert the articles suspected to be deposited. (fc) By sect. 45 of 7 Viet. c. 15, the conviction must be before two or more justices ; but the warrant of distress may be issued by one, as well as the com- mitment in default. CHAP, in.] FACTORIES. 247 2. Warrant to distrain for Forfeiture. To the constable, &c. County of J Whereas A. B., of , in the said county, is this day convicted before me, C. D., one of her Majesty's inspectors to wit. j of factories [or justices of the peace (a) in and for the said county], upon the oath of a credible witness [or upon my own view, as the case may be], for that he the said A. B. hath [here set forth the offence, describing it particularly in the words of the statute or rule, as near as can be~], contrary to the statute [or rule, if the offence is against some rule or regulation, or order of an inspector], in that case made and provided, by reason whereof the said A. B. is adjudged to have forfeited the sum of , to be distributed as hereinafter mentioned : These are therefore, in her Majesty's name, to command you to levy the said sum of by distress of the goods and chattels of him the said A. B. ; and if within the space of four days next after such distress by you taken, the said sum of , together with the reasonable charges of taking and keeping the same, shall not be paid, that then you do sell the said goods and chattels by you so distrained, and out of the money arising by such sale that you do pay [according to the award of the justice], returning the overplus, on demand, to him the said A. B., the reasonable charges of taking, keeping, and selling the said distress being first deducted ; and if sufficient distress cannot be found of the goods and chattels of the said A. B. whereon to levy the said sum of , that then you certify the same to me, together with this my warrant. Given under my hand and seal, the day of . C. D. 3. Return of Constable upon Warrant of Distress where no Effects. I, A. B., constable of , in the county of , do hereby certify and make oath, that by virtue of this warrant I have made diligent search for the goods of the within named , and that I can find no sufficient goods whereon to levy the same. As witness my hand, the day of . A. B. Sworn before me, the day and year , C. D. 4. Commitment for want of Distress. To the constable of , in the county of , and to the keeper of the common gaol [or house of correction] at , in the said county. County of ^ Whereas A. B., of , in the said county, was, on the > day of , convicted before me, C. D., Esquire, to wit. ) one (a) of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county [or inspector of factories, as the case may be], upon the oath of a credible witness [or upon my own view, as the case may be], for that he [here set forth the offence], contrary to the statute made in the year of the reign of his Majesty King William the Fourth, for [according to the title of the act, or contrary to a certain rule or order or regulation of her Majesty's inspectors of factories] ; and the said A. B., by reason thereof, hath been adjudged to forfeit and pay the sum of : And whereas on the day of , in the year aforesaid, I did issue my warrant to the constable of to levy the said sum of by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of him the said A. B., and to distribute the same as in my said warrant was mentioned : And whereas it duly appears to me, upon the oath of the said constable, that he hath used his best endeavours to levy the said sum on the goods and chattels of the said A. B., but that (a) See note (b), ante, p. 246. 248 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. no sufficient distress can be had whereon to levy the same : These are therefore to command you, the said constable of aforesaid, to appre- hend A. B., and him safely to convey to the common gaol [or house of correction] at , in the said county, and there deliver him to the keeper thereof, together with this precept; and I do also command you, the said keeper, to receive and keep in your custody the said A. B. for the space of , unless the said sum shall be sooner paid, pursuant to the said conviction and warrant; and for so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, the day of . C.D. II. FORMS IN THE SCHEDULE TO 7 VICT. c. 15. 5. Summons to be issued by an Inspector or Sub-Inspector against a Person who has committed an Offence, (s. 50, and see s. 46 as to Justice's Summonses.) To the constable of . County of 1 Whereas it appeareth to me, I. F., one of her [or borough > Majesty's inspectors [or sub-inspector] of factories, that of .] j A. D., of , in the county [or borough, &c.] of , hath offended against the act made in the year of her Majesty's reign, intituled {here set forth the title of this act (a)], forasmuch as he the said A. D , on the day of , in the year of our Lord, , at , in the county [or borough, &c.] of , did [here set forth the substance of the charge] : These, therefore, are to require you forth- with to summon the said A . D. to appear before such two or more of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the county [or borough, &c.] of , who shall be present at , in the county [or borough, &c.] of , on the day of , at the hour of in the noon of the same day, to answer to the said charge, and to be further dealt with according to law. And be you then there to certify what you have done in the premises. Herein fail not. Given under my hand, this day of , in the year of our Lord, . (Signed) I. F., Inspector [or Sub-Inspector.] 6. Summons of a Witness to be issued by an Inspector, or Sub- Inspector. (Id.) To the constable of . County of ^ Whereas it appeareth to me, I. F., one of her [or borough > Majesty's inspectors [or sub-inspector] of factories, that f ] j A. D., of , in the county [or borough, &c.] of , hath offended against the act made in the year of her Majesty's reign, intituled [here set forth the title of this act (a)], forasmuch as the said A. D., on the day of , in the year of our Lord, , at , in the county [or borough, &c.] of , did [here set forth the substance of the charge], and that B. P., of , in the county [or borough, &c.] of , is a material witness to be examined concern- ing the said charge : These, therefore, are to require you forthwith to summon the said B. P. to appear before such two or more of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the county [or borough, &c.] of , as shall be present at , in the county [or borough, &c.] of , on the day of at the hour of in the noon of the same day, to testify his knowledge concerning the premises. And be you then there to certify what you have done in the (a) " An Act to amend the Laws relating to Labour in Factories." CHAP, in.] FACTORIES HAWKERS AND PEDLARS. 249 premises. Herein fail not. Given under my hand, this day of , in the year of our Lord . (Signed) I. F., Inspector [or Sub-Inspector.] 7. Conviction. County of } Be it remembered, that on the day of [liberty or borough ^ , in the year one thousand eight hundred as the case may be.~] j and , A. B. [describe the offender] is con- victed before us, I. P. and K. Q., two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county [liberty or borough, as the case may be] of , in pursuance of an act passed in the year of the reign of Queen Victoria, intituled [here insert the title of this act (a)], for that he [describe the offence.] Given under our hands and seals, the day and year above writtten. I. P. (L.S.) K. Q. (L.S.) GAME. These Forms are in Chap. II., ante, pp. 119, 120. HAWKERS AND PEDLARS. 1. Conviction given in s. 28 of 50 Geo. 3, c. 41.] Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the year of our Lord. , at , in the county of , A. B. came before me, C. D., one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, residing near the place where the offence hereinafter mentioned was committed, and informed me that E. F., of , in the said county of [here set forth the fact for which the information is laid], whereupon the said E. F., being duly summoned to answer the said charge, appeared before me (and, having heard the charge contained in the said information, acknowledged and voluntarily confessed the facts therein stated to be true), but in his [or her] defence alleged [here setting forth the substance of the defence], or voluntarily confessed the said charge to be true, or did not make any defence against the said charge, whereupon the same was fully proved on the oath of G. H., a credible witness, or said that he [or she] was not guilty of the said offence, whereupon the same was fully proved, on the oath of G. H., a credible witness [or as the case may be\, or did not appear before me pursuant to the said summons, but the said charge was fully proved, on the oath of G. H., a credible witness [or ns the case may be], and therefore it manifestly appearing to me that the said E. F. is guilty of the offence charged in the said information, I do hereby convict him [or her] of the said offence, and do adjudge that he [or she] hath forfeited the sum of , or his [or her] licence, and the sum of of lawful money of Great Britain, to be distributed as the law directs, according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided. Given under my hand and seal, the . 2. Licensed Person' not having Name on Packages, SfC. (50 Geo. 3, Oke's Synop. c. 41, s. 14.)] being then and there a person to whom was granted a 2nd e d. p. 262. Offence 1. (a) See note (a), ante, p. 248. 250 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART 11. Oke's Synop. licence to travel and trade as a hawker, pedlar and petty chapman, under ?od ed. p. 262. and by virtue of the statute in such case made and provided, and who then and there did so trade with and under colour of such licence,* did not cause to he written, painted or printed upon a certain pack [or box, bag, truck, case, cart, waggon, vehicle or conveyance], in which he then and there carried his goods, wares and merchandize, the words " Licensed Hawker," together with the number, name or other mark or marks of distinction written or printed upon his said licence as aforesaid, but therein then and there, and whilst he was so licensed as aforesaid, made default, contrary, &c. Id. Offences 2, 3. Id. Offence 4. Id. Offence 5. Id. Offence 6. Id. Offence 7. 3. Persons not licensed having words " Licensed Hawker " upon Pack. (Id. s. 15.)] not being then and there a person to whom was granted a licence to travel and trade as a hawker, pedlar, or petty chapman, under or by virtue of the statute in such case made and provided*, did unlaw- fully write [or paint, or print] [or did unlawfully cause to be written [or painted, or printed]], on a certain pack [or bag, box, truck, case, cart, waggon, vehicle, or conveyance], in which he then and there carried his goods, wares and merchandize, the words " Licensed Hawker," contrary, &c. 4. The. like, containing same words on Pack, fyc. (Id. s. 15.)] Pro- ceed to the asterisk * in last form, then : did unlawfully keep and con- tinue written [painted or printed] on a certain pack, &c. [conclude as in last form}. 5. Trading without Licence. (Id. s. 17.)] being then and there a hawker, pedlar and petty chapman, and then and there travelling on foot [or with a horse], and going from town to town [or to other men's houses], did then and there trade as such hawker, pedlar or petty chap- man, and did then and there carry to sell, and expose to sale [or did then and there sell to one E. F. for the sum of ] certain goods, wares and merchandize, to wit, divers watches [or as the case may be], without any licence to him before then granted in that behalf, contrary, &c. 6. Trading contrary to Licence. (Id. s. 17.)] Proceed to the asterisk * in Form No. 2, supra, then : did then and there trade contrary to the terms of the said licence in this, to wit, by then and there [here state the act done], contrary, &c. 7. Refusing to produce Licence. (Id. s. 17.)] Proceed to the aste- risk * in Form No. 2, supra, then : did not then and there produce and show his said licence to one [or the said] C. D., upon demand being then and there made for that purpose, by the said C. D. to the said A. B., he the said C. D. being then and there a person duly authorized and appointed to demand such licence by two of the commissioners for licensing hawkers, pedlars and petty chapman, for the time being, under their hands and seals, and produced to the said A. B. [or he the said A. B., being then and there a constable and peace officer for the said [county] of ] [or he the said C. D., being then and there a person to whom the said A. B. did then and there offer goods to sale, to wit, a gold ear-ring] but the said A. B. then and there unlawfully refused to produce or show the same licence to him the said C. D., contrary, &c. HAWKERS AND PEDLARS POST HORSES. 251 8. The Conviction (No. 1, ante) may be enforced by the Distress Warrant, No. 53 (N. 1), ante, p. 50. 9. Commitment of Offender to Prison till Penalty levied on his Goods. (Id. ss. 25, 26.) To the constable of , and to the keeper of the [house of correc- tion'] at , in the said [county'] of . Whereas \_fyc., recite conviction as in Distress Warrant, No. 53 (N. 1), ante, p. 50, then] : and whereas I, the said justice, have this day issued a warrant to the constable of , commanding him to lay the said penalty of by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said A. B. with which he was found so trading as aforesaid : These are therefore to command you, the said constable of , to take the said A. B., and him safely convey to the [home of correction] at aforesaid, and there to deliver him to the said keeper, together with this precept : And I do hereby command you, the said keeper of the said [house of correction], to receive the said A. B. into your custody in the said [house of correction], there to remain until the said penalty and the reasonable charges of taking the said distress shall be levied by such distress and sale as afore- said, or until the same * shall be paid by the said A. B., provided that you do not detain the said A. B. in the said [house of correction] for any longer space of time than three months ; and for your so doing, &c. N. B. If the offender has no goods and no distress warrant issues, omit the recital of the issue of distress warrant, and insert a recital of nonpayment, and omit the portion also between the asterisks ". MASTER AND SERVANT. The Forms under this title are placed in Chap. II. ante, p. 157 160. POST HORSES. FORMS IN THE STATUTE 2 & 3 WILL. 4, c. 120. 1. Information. County of ^ Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the Oke's Synop. Vyear of our Lord , at , in the of , A. B. 2nd ed. to wit. J of &c. [or A. B., an officer of stamp duties, or a collector or p. 266 269. farmer of the duty on horses let for hire, as the case may be] cometh before me, C. D., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said , and informed me, the said justice, that E. O., of hereto- fore, to wit, on the day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the said , did [here state the offence'], contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, whereby the said E. O. hath forfeited for his said offence the sum of . Taken and received by me the day and year first above written. 2. Summons. ToE. O., of&c. County of ^ Whereas an information hath been exhibited before me, \ C. D., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for to wit. J the of , charging that you, the above named E. O., on the day of , at , did [here state the substance of the 252 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART n. Oke's Synop. charge], whereby you have forfeited the sum of : These are there- 2nd edit. fore to require you personally to be and appear before me the said p. 266 269. justice, or before such other of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said as shall be then present at , on the day of , at the hour of , in the noon of the same day, then and there to answer the same information, and to make your defence thereto ; and if you fail to appear accordingly, such proceedings will be taken as if you had personally appeared, and had not made any defence to the said charge. Given under my hand and seal this day of . 3. Conviction. County of ^ Be it remembered, that on the day of , at , vC. D., of &c., was duly convicted before me , one of to wit. J her Majesty's justices of the peace for , in pursuance of an act passed in the third year of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled "An Act," &c. [title of the act (a)], for that the said C. D., on the day of , did [here state the offence as the case may happen to be~], contrary to the form of the statute in that case made and provided ; for which offence I do adjudge that the said C. D. hath forfeited the sum of and {if the justice mitigate the penalty] which sum of I do hereby mitigate to the sum of over and above the sum of for the costs and charges of E. F., the informer, in prosecuting this conviction. Given under my hand and seal, the day of . 4. Warrant of Distress. To the constable of case of mitigation, which hath been mitigated to the sum of ], over and above the reasonable costs and charges of the informer, allowed and assessed at the sum of : Therefore I command you to levy the said sum of , and also the said sum of for the costs and charges aforesaid, making together the sum of , by distraining the goods and chattels of the said E. O., and by seizing and taking all or any of the carriages, horses, harness and other things made subject and liable by the statute in that behalf to be seized and taken, to satisfy the penalty, costs and charges aforesaid ; and if within the space of five days next after such distress taken the said sum of , together with the reason- able costs and charges of taking and keeping such distress, shall not be paid, then I order and direct that you shall sell and dispose of the said goods and chattels which shall be so distrained, seized and taken as afore- said, and shall levy and raise thereout the said sum of , and all rea- sonable costs and charges of taking and keeping and selling the said distress, rendering the overplus, if any, to the owner of the said goods and chattels ; and you are to certify to me what you shall have done by virtue of this my warrant. Given under my hand and seal, the day (Signed) , one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the of . (a) " An Act to repeal the Duties under the Management of the Commis- sioners of Stamps on Stage Carriages and on Horses let for Hire in Great Bri- tain, and to grant other Duties in lieu thereof, and also to consolidate and amend the Laws relating thereto." CHAP, in.] POST HORSES. 253 5. Commitment in Default of Distress. Oke's Synop. 2nd edit. To the constable of , and to the keeper of the common gaol [or p- 266269. house of correction] at , in the said . County of ^ Whereas E. O., of &c , has been duly convicted of a > certain offence, for that [here state the offence as in the con- to wit. ) viction], whereby he hath forfeited the sum of [and in case of mitigation, which hath been mitigated to the sum of ], over and above the reasonable costs and charges of the informer, allowed and assessed at the sum of , making together the sum of: And whereas it has been duly made to appear to me that no sufficient distress can be found whereon to levy the said sum of : Therefore I command you, the constable of to apprehend and take the said E. O., and safely to convey him to the common gaol [or house of correction] at , in the of , and there to deliver him to the keeper thereof, together with this warrant: and I do hereby command you, the said keeper, to receive into your custody in the said gaol [or house of correc- tion] him the said E. O., and him therein safely to keep for the space of , unless the said sum of shall be sooner paid. Given under my hand and seal, the day of . (Signed) , one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said of . 6. Letting for Hire without making Entry in the Weekly Account. (2 Id. p. 266. & 3 Will. 4, c. 120, s. 75.)] that one R. P., of the aforesaid, post- Offence 12. master, duly licensed to let horses for hire, heretofore, and within four calendar months last past, to wit, on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , to wit, at the aforesaid, being then and there such licensed postmaster as aforesaid, and being then and there by law required truly to insert and set forth certain particulars relating to the horse so by him let for hire as hereinafter men- tioned, and applicable to such hiring, in a certain paper theretofore to him delivered according to the statute in such case made and provided, for the purpose of making entries therein of such particulars, and intituled, " Excise Office Weekly Account," did then and there, to wit, on the day of the month and in the year last aforesaid, at the aforesaid, let to a certain person, to wit, a person to the said S. T. [the informer'} un- known, a certain horse for hire, and the same was then and there used for a certain period of time less than twenty-eight successive days, to wit, for one day, for and in respect of which said horse, upon the letting of the same for hire as aforesaid, a certain amount of duty, to wit, the sum of two shillings and sixpence, was then and there, to wit, on the day of the month and in the year last aforesaid, at the aforesaid, by law payable, which said particulars relating to the letting for hire aforesaid, that is to say, the said day of the month and the said month and year on which the said horse was so let for hire as aforesaid, and such amount of duty as was payable as aforesaid, were then and there respectively particulars relating to the said horse so let for hire as aforesaid, and applicable to the said letting for hire, and then and there respectively required to be truly inserted and set forth in the said account by the statute in such case made and provided : Yet that the said R. P., then and there being such licensed postmaster as aforesaid, and well knowing the premises afore- said, did not truly insert and set forth in his Excise Office Weekly Ac- count the said particulars so relating to the said letting for hire, and so required to be therein inserted as aforesaid, but then and there neglected and omitted to insert the same therein, contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, whereby the said R. P. hath forfeited for his said offence the sum of twenty pounds. 254 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART n. POST OFFICE. FORMS IN THE STATUTE 1 VICT. c. 36. 1 . Information. Oke's Synop. County of } Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the 2nd edit. /year of our Lord , at , in the of , A. B. pp. 270 277. to wit. 3of &c. [or A. B., an officer of the post office, as the case may be], cometh before me, C. D., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said , and informeth me the said justice that E. F., of , heretofore, to wit, on the day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the said , did [here state the ojfence], con- trary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, whereby the said E. F. hath forfeited for his said offence the sum of . Taken and received by me, the day and year first above written. 2. Summons. To. E. F., of &c. County of } Whereas an information hath been exhibited before me, Jc. D , Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for to wit. )the of , charging that you the above named E. F., on the day of , at , did [here state the substance of the churge~\, whereby you have forfeited the sum of : These are therefore to re- quire you personally to be and appear before me, the said justice, or before such other of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said as shall be then present, at , on the day of , at the hour of in the noon of the same day, then and there to answer the same in- formation, and to make your defence thereto ; and if you fail to appear accordingly, such proceedings will be taken as if you had personally ap- peared, and had not made any defence to the said charge. Given under my hand and seal, this day of . 3. Conviction. County of 1 Be it remembered, that on the day of , at , >E. F., of &c., was duly convicted before me, , one of to wit. 3 her Majesty's justices of the peace for , in pursuance of an act passed in the first year of the reign of her Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled " An Act," &c. [title of this act (a)], for that the said E. F. on the day of did [here state the offence as the case may happen to be], contrary to the form of the statute in that case made and provided ; for which offence I do adjudge that the said E. F. hath forfeited the sum of , and [if the justice mitigate the penalty], which sum of I do hereby mitigate to the sum of , over and above the sum of for the costs and charges of G. H., the informer, in prosecuting this conviction. Given under my hand and seal, the day of . 4. Warrant of Distress. To the constable of , in the of . County of ^ Whereas E. F., of , has been duly convicted of a cer- Vtain offence, for [here state the offence as in conviction], to wit. ) whereby he hath forfeited the sum of [and in case of (a) "An Act for consolidating the Laws relative to Offences against the Post Office of the United Kingdom, and for regulating the Judicial Adminis- tration of the Post Office Laws, and for explaining certain Terms and Expres- sions employed in those Laws." CHAP, in.] POST OFFICE WRECK AND SALVAGE. 255 mitigation, which hath been mitigated to the sum of ] over and Oke's Synop. above the reasonable costs and charges of the informer, allowed and 2nd edit. assessed at the sum of : Therefore I command you to levy the said pp. 270 277. sum of , and also the said sum of for the costs and charges aforesaid, making together the sum of , by distraining the goods and chattels of the said E. F. ; and if within the space of five days next after such distress taken, the said sum of , together with the reasonable costs and charges of taking and keeping such distress, shall not be paid, then I order and direct that you shall sell and dispose of the said goods and chattels which shall be so distrained, seized and taken as aforesaid, and shall levy and raise thereout the said sum of , and all reasonable costs and charges of taking and keeping and selling such distress, render- ing the overplus, if any, to the owner of the said goods and chattels ; and you are to certify to me what you shall have done by virtue of this my warrant. Given under my hand and seal, the day of . (Signed) , one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said of . 5. Warrant of Commitment in Default of Dittress. To the constable of , and to the keeper of the common gaol [or house of correction ] at , in the said . County of "1 Whereas E. F., of , has been duly convicted of a cer- ^tain offence, for that \here state the offence as in the convic- to wit. J'tion'], whereby he hath forfeited the sum of , [and in case of mitigation, which hath been mitigated to the sum of ], over and above the reasonable costs and charges of the informer, allowed and assessed at the sum of , making together the sum of : And whereas it has been duly made to appear to me that no sufficient distress can be found whereon to levy the said sum of : Therefore I com- mand you, the constable of , to apprehend and take the said E. F. and safely to carry him to the common gaol [or house of correction] at , in the of , and there to deliver him to the keeper thereof. together with this warrant ; And I do hereby command you the said keeper to receive into your custody in the said gaol [or house of correc- tion] him the said E. F., and him therein safely to keep for the space of , unless the said sum of shall be sooner paid. Given under my hand and seal, the day of . (Signed) , one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said of . SMUGGLING. See title " Customs" ante, p. 215, for the Forms taken from the Schedule of 8 & 9 Viet. c. 87. WRECK AND SALVAGE. 1. Conviction given by s. 36 of 9 <" 10 Viet. c. 99.] Be it remem- bered, that on the day of , in the year of our Lord , A. B. is convicted before me [or us], one For two, as the case may be], of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the [here specify the offence, and the time and place when and where committed, as the case may be], contrary to 256 Summary Convictions and Orders. [PART i. an act passed in the year of the reign of Queen Victoria, intituled [here insert the title of this act(a)~\. Given under my hand and seal [or our hands and seals], the day and year first above written. Oke's Svnoo 2. Dealers in Marine Stores not having Names, fyc. over Storehouse. 2nd edit. p. 292. ( 9 & 10 Viet. c. 99, s. 32.)] trade and deal in buying and selling Offence 1 8. anchors [or cables] sails, old junk, old iron, or certain marine stores, to wit, ], without having his name and the words " Dealer in Marine Stores" then and there painted upon the front of his storehouse [or ware- house], there situate, wherein such goods were then deposited, contrary, &c. Id Offenc s 19 **' Declaration previous to Justice, or Receiver of Droils of Admiralty, 20 ' granting a Permit to cut up Cable. (Id. s. 32.)] I, C. D., of the parish of , in the county of , dealer in marine stores, do solemnly and sincerely declare, that on the day of , I bona fide purchased, and without fraud, of one E. F., for the sum of , a certain [part of a] cable, exceeding five fathoms in length, to wit, ten fathoms in length, and called a cable ; that I have no knowledge or suspicion whatever that the said cable has been dishonestly come by, and that I intend to cut up the same : And I make this solemn declaration, conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of an act, made and passed in the sixth year of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intituled ' An Act for the more effectual Abolition of Oaths and Affirmations taken and made in various Departments of the State, and to substitute Declarations in lieu thereof, and for the more entire Suppression of voluntary and extra-judicial Oaths and Affidavits, and to make other Provisions for the Abolition of unnecessary Oaths.' " Made and subscribed at , in the county C. D. of , this day of -- , A.D. 1850, before me, J. S. One of her Majesty's Justices of the Peace, in and for the said county of . 4. Justice's or Receiver's Permit to cut up Cable. (Id. s. 32.) ) Whereas C. D., of the parish of , in the county of , to wit. I dealer in marine stores, hath applied to me, the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace [or undersigned receiver of droits of admiralty], residing near unto his residence, for a permit to cut up a certain cable, and hath produced unto me, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, a declaration duly made by him the said C. D., on the day of instant, before J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of , in the words following, that is to say, [here copy the declaration] : Wherefore this matter being by me duly considered, I the said justice [or receiver] do hereby permit the said C. D. to cut up the said cable in the said decla- ration mentioned. Given under my hand, this day of . J. L. 5. Cutting up Cable without Permit. (Id. s. 32.)] being then and there a dealer in marine stores, and having theretofore purchased of one E. F. a certain [part of a certain] cable, exceeding five fathoms in length, (a) " An Act for consolidating and amending the Laws relating to Wreck and Salvage." CHAP, in.] WRECK AND SALVAGE. 257 to wit, ten fathoms in length, and called a cable, did then and there cut up [or uncant, untwine, or unlay] the said cable, without first obtain- ing a permit from a justice or receiver, as required by the statute in that behalf, contrary, &c. 6. Dealers neglecting to keep Books. (Id. s. 34.)] being then and Oke's Synop. there a dealer in marine stores, and having as such dealer bought divers 2nd ed. p. 294. quantities of old marine stores, did neglect to keep any book containing Offence 24. entries of such old marine stores as were from time to time so bought by him as aforesaid, or containing an account or description of the times when the same were respectively bought by him, or of the names and places of abode of the respective sellers thereof, contrary, &c. 7. Warrant to inspect Books of Dealer. (Id. s. 34.) To A. B. of , dealer in marine stores. > Whereas an advertisement hath appeared in the Cornwall Id. Offence 25. to wit. J Royal Gazette, on the day of instant, stating that [here set out the substance of the advertisement in the second person] ; and whereas C. D. of , hath this day made oath before me, J . S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of , residing near to the storehouse of you the said A. B., that [here state the sub- stance of the oath~\ : These are therefore to command you the said A. B., that you do forthwith produce unto the said C. D. the book or books required by law to be kept by you as such dealer in marine stores, and allow the said C. D. to examine the same, and that you do also produce unto the said C. D. the cable in the said advertisement and permit de- scribed and mentioned, and herein fail you not at your peril. Given under my hand and seal, the day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the county aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) 8. Not allowing Inspection of Books, SfC. pursuant to Warrant. (Id. s. 34.)] for that heretofore, on the day of , by a certain war- rant of J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of , residing near to the storehouse of the said A. B., reciting that an advertisement, &c., and that C. D., of &c., had that day made oath before the said justice, that, &c., it was commanded unto the said A. B. that he should forthwith [fc., state the substance of the Warrant No. 7, supra, in the past tense, third person]; and although the said war- rant was on the day of instant, at the parish of aforesaid, produced and shown unto the said A. B. by the said C. D., and the said C. D. then and there required the said A. B. to produce to him the said books [or cable], and to allow him the said C. D. to examine the said books, yet the said A. B., not regarding the said warrant, or the law in that behalf, did then and there neglect and refuse to produce unto the said C. D. the said books [or cable] in the said warrant mentioned, or any of them, or to allow the said C. D. to examine the said books, or any part thereof, contrary, &c. 9. Not advertising before cutting up Cable. (Id. s. 34.)] being then id. Offence 26. and there a dealer in marine stores, and having then and there obtained from J. L., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of , [or from J. L., receiver of droits of admiralty], a permit to cut up a certain cable, exceeding five fathoms in length, did then and there cut up the said cable, without having previously published, or caused to be published, in any newspaper, an advertisement notifying that he had obtained such permit for the purpose aforesaid, or specifying where such cable was deposited, contrary, &c. S 258 [PART n. PART II. INDICTABLE OFFENCES. CHAPTER I. GENERAL FORMS OR OUTLINES. '.* All the Forms in this Chapter, except where otherwise stated to the contrary, are from the Schedule to Jervis's Act, 11 & 12 Viet. c. 42 ; the Sections placed in the margin of such Forms are where they are referred to in the body of that Statute, and the letter, &c. (as L. 1), after the description of the Form is the same as prefixed thereto in such Schedule. The works referred to also in the margin are the three editions of Jervis's Acts. In the Forms given in that Schedule the Venue is invariably omitted, but it should always be inserted in magisterial proceedings. Videss. 1, 8; Arch. p. 5,25; Saund. p.7,16; Oke's Synop. p. 302, 305. SECT. 1. As TO PREFERRING THE CHARGE. 1. Information and Complaint for an indictable Offence ( A). ^ The information and complaint of C. D. of [yeoman], to wit. S taken this day of , in the year of our Lord 184 , before the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of (a), who saith* that (b) [#c. stating the offence], Sworn before [me], the day and year first above mentioned, at . J . o. (a) The several descriptions of the justice, or magistrate, taking this informa- tion and complaint, as shown in the Form No. 1 (on Summary Convictions), ante, p. 23, will equally apply here, and may be used. (b) If the offender is merely suspected to have committed the offence, and the informant did not see him commit it, insert here : " he hath just cause to believe and suspect, and doth believe and suspect that" then insert the name of the offender, address, &c. if known, or if unknown, his description, as in Form No. 23, tit. "Highways," ante, p. 127, and afterwards set out the offence in the manner described in either of the statements applicable in Chap. II. of this portion of the Collection. If the offence be committed out of the jurisdiction of the justice receiving the information, but the offender be residing within it, add, after the description of the offence : " And that the said A. B. is now residing or being [or is supposed and suspected to be residing or being] at the parish of , in the said [count]/], and within my jurisdiction." CHAP, i.] General Forms or Outlines, 259 2. Information against an Accessory after the Fact to a Vide 11 & 12 Felony with the Principal. (Not in Jervis's Act.) Viet. c. 46, s.2. [Proceed as in No. 1, supra, and after describing the offence of the principal, state thus :] and that E. F. of &c. well knowing the said A. B. to have committed the felony aforesaid, did afterwards, to wit, on the day of instant, at the parish of aforesaid, feloniously receive, harbour, and maintain the said A. B. 3. The like, without the Principal, or where Principal unknown. (Not in Jervis's Act.) [Proceed as in No. 1, supra, to the asterisk*, then thus :] that one A. B. of, &c. [or some person or persons unknown], on the day of , at the parish of , &c. did feloniously [describe the offence of the principal] : And that E. F. of &c. well knowing the said A. B. [or per- son unknown] to have committed the felony aforesaid, did afterwards, to wit, on the day of , at the parish of aforesaid, feloniously receive, harbour, and maintain the said A. B. [or person unknown.] 4. Information to ground Search Warrant for Stolen Goods, vide s. 4; (Not in Jervis's Act.) Arch. p. 19 ; [Proceed as in Form No. 1, to the asterisk *, then thus:~\ that the Qke's SvnoD ' from and out of the dwelling-house [or as the case may be~\ of the said C. D., situate at , in the parish of , in the [county] aforesaid : And that he, this informant, hath probable cause to suspect, and doth suspect, that the said goods, or part thereof, are concealed in the dwelling- house or premises [or as the case may be], in the occupation of A. B., situate at , in the parish of , in the [county'] of . 5. Dying Declaration before a Justice in Cases of personal vide I Arch. Injuries to the Declarant. (Not in Jervis's Act.) J. P. 4th ed. No particular form of this declaration is necessary ; but it may be as well to state in this place that its principal ingredients, in order to its admissibility in evidence against a prisoner, are 1 . The cause of the death of the declarant must be the subject of inquiry. 2. The circumstances of the death the subject of the declaration. 3. It must appear to have been made at a time when the declarant (the deceased) was perfectly aware of his danger, and enter- tained no hope of recovery. If the accused can be brought into the presence of the person injured, the examination should be taken in the usual form ; but if otherwise, the declaration, not on oath, should be taken by a justice in somewhat like the following form: " I, C. D., of , in the [county] of , do hereby solemnly and sincerely declare that [here set out the statement in the very words used"]. Taken before me, at , in the [county] of , this day of , 1850. J.S., one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county'] of . s 2 260 Indictable Offences. [PART n. Vide s. 1 ; Arch. p. 5 ; Saund. p. 7 ; Oke's Synop. p. 305. SECT. 2. THE PROCESS TO ISSUE AGAINST OFFENDERS. 6. Warrant to apprehend a Person charged with an indictable Offence (B). To the constable of and to all other peace officers in the said [county] of . Whereas A.B. of , [labourer], hath this day been charged upon oath before the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of , for that he on , at , did [4 r. stating shortly the offence] (c) : These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to apprehend the said A. B., and to bring him before [me], or some other of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county], to answer unto the said charge, and to be fur- ther dealt with according to law. Given under [my] hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) 7. Summons to a Person charged with an indictable Offence (C). To A. B. of , [labourer}. Whereas you have this day been charged before the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for that you on , at [fyc. stating shortly the offence] (c) : These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, to be and appear before [me] on , at o'clock in the forenoon, at , or before such other justice or justices of the peace for the same [county] as may then be there, to answer to the said charge, and to be further dealt with according to law. Herein fail not. Given under [my] hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) 8. Deposition of the Constable of the Service of the Summons. (Not in Jervis's Act.) [This will be the same as the Form No. 9, on " Summary Convictions," ante, p. 26.] Vide s. l ; Id. 9. Warrant where the Summons is disobeyed (D). To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said [county] of . Whereas on the last past, A. B. of , [labourer], was charged before the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county) of , for that [4~c. as in the summons] ; And whereas [I] then issued [my] summons to the said A. B., commanding him, in her Majesty's name, to be and appear before [me] on , at (c) If the offence were committed out of the justice's jurisdiction, but the offender be within it, add here the words as directed in note (b), ante, p. 258. CHAP, i.] General Forms or Outlines. 261 o'clock in the forenoon, at , or before such other justice or justices of the peace for the same [county] as might then be there, to answer to the said charge, and to be further dealt with according to law : And whereas the said A. B. hath neglected to be or appear at the time and place appointed in and by the said summons, although it hath now been proved to [me] upon oath that the said summons was duly served upon the said A. B. : These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to apprehend the said A. B., and to bring him before [me], or some other of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] to answer to the said charge, and to be further dealt with according to law. Given under [my] hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county'] aforesaid. , J. S. (L. s.) 10. Indorsement in backing a Warrant (K). [This will be found at p. 27, Form No. 11 a.] 11. Search Warrant for Stolen Goods. (Not in Jervis's Act.) Vide s. 4 ; To the constable of the parish of , in the [county] of . s rc j P' , 2 '. [Proceed by reciting the information No. 4, ante, p. 259, to the end, then Qke's Svnop ' thus :] These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, p> 301. forthwith, with necessary and proper assistants, to enter in the day time into the said dwelling-house and premises [or as the case may be~\ of the said A.B, and there diligently to search for the said goods; and if the same, or any part thereof, shall be found upon such search, that you bring the goods so found, and also the body of the said A. B., before me, or some other of the justices of the peace in and for the [county] aforesaid, to be disposed of and dealt with according to law. Given, &c. [as Form No. 9, supra]. 12. Warrant to apprehend a Person charged with an indict- Vide s. 2 ; able Offence committed on the hiqh Seas or abroad (E). Arch - P- 10 ? Saund. p. 10 ; For offences committed on the high seas the warrant may be the same Oke's Synop. as in ordinary cases, but describing the offence to have been committed p. 308. " on the high seas, out of the body of any county of this realm, and within the jurisdiction of the admiralty of England." For offences committed abroad, for which the parties may be indicted in this country, the warrant also may be the same as in ordinary cases, but describing the offence to have been committed " on land out of the United Kingdom, to wit, at , in the kingdom of ," or "at , in the East Indies," or "at , in the island of , in the West Indies," or as the case may be. 13. Certificate of Indictment being found (F). I hereby certify that at [a court of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery, or a court of general quarter sessions of the peace], holdon in and for the [county] of , at , in the said [county] on , a bill of indictment was found by the grand jury against A. B., therein described as A. B. late of [labourer], for that he [$c. staling shortly 262 Indictable Offences. [PART u. Vide s. 3 ; Arch. p. 14; Saund. p. 11 ; Oke's Synop. p. 309. the offence], and that the said A. B. hath not appeared or pleaded to the said indictment. Dated this day of , 184. J. D. Clerk of the indictments on the circuit, or Clerk of the peace of and for the said [county]. 14. Warrant to apprehend a Person indicted (G.) To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said [county] of . Whereas it hath been duly certified by J. D., clerk of the indictments on the circuit, [or clerk of the peace of and for the [county of ] that [&c., stating the certificate] : These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to apprehend the said A. B., and to bring him before [me], or some other justice or justices of the peace in and for the said [county], to be dealt with according to law. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the I county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) 15. Deposition that the Person apprehended is the same who is indicted. (Not in Jervis's Act.) ) The deposition of J. N., of the parish of , in the [county] to wit. J of, constable, taken upon oath before me, the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justice of the peace for the said [county] of , at , in the same [county], this day of , A. D. 1850 : Who saith, I well know A. B., of &c., described in the certificate of J. D., the clerk of the indictments on the circuit [or clerk of the peace of and for the [county] of , now produced and shown to me ; that I never heard mention of any other person of the same name as the said A. B. living at or near the parish of aforesaid ; * that A. B., apprehended [by me] and now here present, is the same person who is charged in the indictment referred to in the said certificate. Taken and sworn before me, the day and year) J. N. and at the place above mentioned. J. LUC oaiu d year"| r. s. ) 16. Warrant of Commitment of a Person indicted (H). To the constable of , and to the keeper of the [common gaol, or house of correction,] at , in the said [county] of . Whereas by [my] warrant under [my] hand and seal, dated the day of , after reciting that it had been certified by J. D. [fyc., as in the certificate], [I] commanded the constable of and all other peace officers of the said county, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to apprehend the said A. B., and to bring him before [me], the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county], or before some other justice or justices of the peace in and for the said [county], to be dealt with according to law : And whereas the said A. B. hath been apprehended under and by virtue of the said warrant, and being now brought before [me], it is hereupon duly proved to [me] upon oath that the said A. B. is the same person who is named and charged in and by CHAP, i.] General Forms or Outlines. 263 the said indictment : These are therefore to command you the said con- stable, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to take and safely convey the said A. B. to the said [house of correction] at , in the said [county'], and there to deliver him to the keeper thereof together with this precept ; and I hereby command you the said keeper to receive the said A. B. into your custody in the said house of correction, and him there safely to keep until he shall be thence delivered by due course of law. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) 17. Deposition that the Person indicted is the same who is in Custody for some other Offence. (Not in Jervis's Act.) [Proceed as in the Form No. 15 to the asterisk*, then thus:] that A. B., now confined in the [common gaol] at -, in the [county] of , is the same person who is indicted and referred to in the said cer- tificate. 18. Warrant to detain a Person indicted mho is already in Custody for another Offence (I). To the keeper of the [common gaol, or house of correction] at , in the said [coitnty~\ of . Whereas it hath been duly certified by J. D., clerk of the indictments on the circuit [or clerk of the peace of and for the county of ], that [4 - c., stating the certificate] : And whereas [I am] informed that the said A. B. is in your custody in the said [common gaol] at aforesaid, charged with some offence or other matter ; and it being now duly proved upon oath before [me] that the said A. B. so indicted as afore- said, and the said A. B. in your custody as aforesaid, are one and the same person : These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, to detain the said A. B. in your custody in the [common gaol] aforesaid until by her Majesty's writ of habeas corpus he shall be removed therefrom for the purpose of being tried upon the said indictment, or until he shall otherwise be removed or discharged out of your custody by due course of law. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) 19. Warrant of Apprehension of Foreigners committing Offences in France, &c. and escaping to this Country. (Given in Schedule to 8 & 9 Viet. c. 120.) To all and each of the constables of the Metropolitan Police Force. Metropolitan "j Whereas the Right Honourable , one of her Police District > Majesty's principal secretaries of state, by warrant to wit. ) under his hand and seal, hath signified to me that pursuant to the [convention made between her Majesty and the King of the French in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, or the treaty made between her Majesty and the United States of America in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, as the case may be], for the apprehension of certain offenders, requisition hath been duly made to him for delivering up to justice A. B., late of , who is charged with having committed the crime of [here specify the offence], within the jurisdiction of [his Majesty the King of the French, or the United States of America, as the case may be] : This is therefore to 264 Indictable Offences. [PART n. command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to apprehend the said A. B., pursuant to an act passed iti the ninth year of the reign of her Majesty, intituled [here insert the title of this act~\, wherever he may be found in England, and bring him before me, or some other magistrate sitting in this court, (o answer unto the said charge, for which this shall be your warrant. Given under my hand and seal at , one of the police courts of the metropolis, this day of , in the year of our Lord . J. P. (L. s.) 20. Warrant of Committal of Person apprehended. (Given in Schedule to 8 & 9 Viet. c. 120.) To A. B., one of the constables of the Metropolitan Police Force, and to the keeper of the at . Metropolitan \ Be it remembered, that on the day of , in Police District /the year of our Lord , A. B., late of , is to wit. ) brought before me, J. P., one of the police magistrates of the metropolis, sitting at the police court in , within the metro- politan police district, and is charged before me, for that he the said A. B., on the day of , at , within the jurisdiction of [his Majesty the King of the French, or the United States of America, us the case may be], did [here state the offence] : And forasmuch as it hath been shown to me, upon such evidence as by law is sufficient to justify the committal to gaol of the said A. B., pursuant to an act passed in the seventh year of the reign of Queen Victoria, intituled [here insert the title of the sixth and seventh Victoria, chapter seventy-five, or six and seventh Victoria, chapter seventy-six, as the case may require], that the said A. B. is guilty of the said offence : This is therefore to command you the said constable, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to convey and deliver the body of the said A. B. into the custody of the said keeper of the , at ; and you the said keeper to receive the said A. B. into your custody in the same , and him there safely to keep until he shall be thence delivered pursuant to the provisions of the said act, for which this shall be your warrant. Given under my hand and seal at , one of the police courts of the metropolis, this day of , in the year of our Lord J. P. (L. s.) Vide s. 21 ; Arch. p. 62 ; Saund. p. 39 ; Oke's Synop. p. 312. SECT. 3. OF REMANDING OR BAILING ACCUSED BEFORE OR DURING EXAMINATION. 21. Warrant remanding a Prisoner (Q. 1). To the constable of , and to the [keeper of the house of correc- tion] at , in the said [county] of . Whereas A. B. was this day [or on the day of ] charged before the undersigned [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for that [4-0., as in the warrant to appre- hend] [and was thereupon remanded until this day, and is now here before me] ; and it appears to me to be necessary to remand the said A. B. [again] : These are therefore to command you the said constable [keeper] in her Majesty's name forthwith to convey the said A. B. to the [house of correction] at , in the said [county] [and there to deliver him to the keeper thereof, together with this precept ; and I hereby command you the said keeper to receive the said A. B. into your custody in the said house of correction], and there safely keep him until the day of CHAP, i.j General Forms or Outlines. 265 instant, when J hereby command you to have him at * at o'clock in the forenoon of the same day before [me], or before some other justice or justices of the peace for the said [county] as may then be there, to answer further to the said charge, and to be further dealt with according to law, unless you shall be otherwise ordered in the meantime. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) N. B. The portions in the above form within brackets [ ] in italic are to adapt it to where a second remand takes place ; the words " and there to deliver, &c." to the word " correction," must be omitted altogether in such a case. 22. Order to bring up Accused before Expiration of the Vide s. 21 ; Id. Remand. (Not in Jervis's Act.) To the keeper of the [common gaol] at , in the said [county] of ) Whereas A. B., of &c. was on the day of corn- to wit. J mitted [by me] to your custody in the said [common gaol], charged with [state offence shortly], and by the warrant in that behalf you were commanded to have him at on the day of now [next], at o'clock in the forenoon, before such justice or justices of the peace for the said [counti/] as might then be there, to answer further to the said charge, and to be further dealt with according to law, unless you should be otherwise ordered in the meantime : And whereas it appears to me, the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , [or the said justice] to be expedient that the said A. B. should be further examined before the expiration of the said remand : These are therefore to order you, in her Majesty's name, to bring and have the said A. B., at [fyc., follow from the asterisk * in Form No. 21, supra, to the end.] 23. Recognizance of Sail instead of Remand, on an Adjourn- ment of Examination (Q. 2). Be it remembered, that on the day af , in the year of our Lord , A. B. of , [labourer], L. M. of , [grocer], and N. O. of , [butcher], personally came before me, one of ner Majesty's jus- tices of the peace for the said [county], and severally acknowledged them- selves to owe to our lady the Queen the several sums following, that is to say, the said A. B. the sum of , and the said L. M. and N. O. the sum of , each of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be made and levied of their several goods and chattels, lands and tenements respectively, to the use of our said lady the Queen, her heirs and succes- sors, if he the said A. B. fail in the condition indorsed. Taken and acknowledged, the day and year first above mentioned, at , before me. J. S. Condition. The condition of the within-written recognizance is such, that whereas the within-bounden A. B. was this day [or on last past] charged before me, for that [#c., as in the warrant] : And whereas the examina- tion of the witnesses for the prosecution in this behalf is adjourned until the day of instant ; if therefore the said A. B. shall appear 266 Indictable Offences. [PART n. before me on the said day of instant, at o'clock in the forenoon, or before snch other justice or justices of the peace for the said [county] as may then be there, to answer [further] to the said charge, and to be further dealt with according to law, then the said recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue. 24. Notice of such Recognizance, to be given to the Accused and his Sureties (Q. 3). - : Take notice, that you A. B., of - , are bound in the sum of - , and your sureties, L. M. and N. O., in the sum of - each, that you A. B. appear before me, J. S., one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the [county] of - , on - the - day of - instant, at - o'clock in the forenoon, at - , or before such other justice or justices of the peace for the same [county] as may then be there, to answer further to the charge made against you by C. D., and to be fur- ther dealt with according to law ; and unless you A. B. personally appear accordingly, the recognizances entered into by yourself and sureties will be forthwith levied on you and them. Dated this - day of - IM - j. s. 25. Certificate of Non-appearance, to be endorsed on the Recognizance (Q. 4). I hereby certify that the said A. B. hath not appeared at the time and place in the above condition mentioned, but therein hath made default, by reason whereof the within-written recognizance is forfeited. J. S. SECT. 4. OF COMPELLING WITNESSES' ATTENDANCE, &c. 26. Deposition that a Person is a material Witness. (Not in Jervis's Act.) Vides. 16; Arch. p. 42 ; Saund. p. 27; Oke's Synop. p. [This will be the same as Form No. 18, ante, p. 30, except that the 314. witness must be stated to be likely to give material evidence for the prosecution only.] 27. Summons of a Witness (L.I). To E. F. of , [labourer]. Whereas information hath been laid before the undersigned [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , that A. B. [4"C., as in the summons or warrant against the accused], and it hath been made to appear to me upon [oath] that you are likely to give material evidence for the [prosecution]: These are there- fore to require you to be and to appear before me on next, at o'clock in the forenoon, at , or before such other justice or justices of the peace for the same county as may then be there, to testify what you shall know concerning the said charge so made against the said A. B. as aforesaid. Herein fail not. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) CHAP, i.] General Forms or Outlines. 267 28. Deposition of Constable of the Service of the last Summons. (Not in Jervis's Act.) [This will be the same as Form No. 9, ante, p. 26, no tender of ex- penses being necessary in indictable offences.] 29. Warrant where a Witness has not obeyed a Summons. (L. 2). To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said [county] of . Whereas information having been laid before the undersigned [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county'] of , that A. B. [Sfc. as in the summons], and it having been made to appear to me upon oath that E. F., of , [labourer], was likely to give material evidence for the prosecution, I did duly issue my summons to the said E. F., requiring him to be and appear before me on , at , or before such other justice or justices of the peace for the same county as might then be there, to testify what he should know respecting the said charge so made against the said A. B. as aforesaid : And whereas proof hath this day been made before me upon oath of such summons having been duly served upon the said E. F. : And whereas the said E. F. hath neglected to appear at the time and place appointed by the said sum- mons, and no just excuse has been offered for such neglect : These are therefore to command you to bring and have the said E. F. before me, on at o'clock in the forenoon, at , or before such other justice or justices of the peace for the same [county] as may then be there, to testify what he shall know concerning the said charge so made against the said A. B. as aforesaid. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) 30. Warrant for a Witness in the first instance (L. 3). To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said [county] of . Whereas information hath been laid before the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , that [4r. as in summons], and it having been made to appear to me upon oath that E. F., of , [labourer], is likely to give material evi- dence for the prosecution, and that it is probable that the said E. F. will not attend to give evidence without being compelled so to do: These are therefore to command you to bring and have the said E. F. before me on , at o'clock in the forenoon, at , or before such other justice or justices of the peace for the same [county] as may then be there, to testify what he shall know concerning the said charge so made against the said A. B. as aforesaid. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) 268 Indictable Offences. [PART n. 31. Warrant of Commitment of a Witness for refusing to be sworn, or to give Evidence (L. 4). To the constable of , and to the keeper of the [house of correc- tion] at , in the said [county] of . Whereas A. B. was lately charged before the undersigned [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for that [6fC. as in the summons], and it having been made to appear to me upon oath that E. F. of was likely to give material evidence for the prosecution, I duly issued my summons to the said E. F., requiring him to be and appear before me on , at , or before such other justice or justices of the peace as should then be there, to testify what he should know concerning the said charge so made against the said A. B. as afore- said; and the said E. F. now appearing before me [or being brought before me by virtue of a warrant in that behalf, to testify as aforesaid], and being required to make oath or affirmation as a witness in that behalf, hath now refused so to do, [or being duly sworn as a witness doth now refuse to answer certain questions concerning the premises which are here put to him,] without offering any just excuse for such his refusal : These are therefore to command you the said constable to take the said E. F. and him safely to convey to the [house of correction] at , in the county aforesaid, and there deliver him to the said keeper thereof, together with this precept ; and I do hereby command you the said keeper of the said [house of correction] to receive the said E. F. into your custody in the said [house of correction], and him there safely keep* for the space of days for his said contempt, unless he shall in the mean time consent to be examined and to answer concerning the premises; and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) 32. Warrant of Commitment of a Witness for refusing to be sworn, or to give Evidence, mho attends without a Summons. (Not in Jervis's Act.) To the constable [as Form No. 31.] Whereas A. B. was this day brought before me, the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for that he, the said A. B., did on the day of last, at the parish of , in the [county] aforesaid, [here state the charge as in the caption of the depositions] : And whereas one E. F. of &c., here in the presence of the said A. B., now under examination before me the said justice on the charge aforesaid, now voluntarily appears as a witness for the prosecution in that behalf, and the said E. F. appearing to me, upon oath, likely to give material evidence for the prosecution, but being required to make oath or affirmation as a witness in that behalf hath now refused so to do, [or being duly sworn as a witness, doth now refuse to answer certain questions concerning the premises, which are here put to him,] without offering any just excuse for such his refusal : These are therefore to command you, [follow in the Form No. 31 to the ast frisk*, then tfins,] until he shall submit to be examined on oath or affirmation, and to answer concerning the premises, and for your so doing, &c. [to end o/'No. 31.] CHAP, i.j General Forms or Outlines. 269 SECT. 5. THE PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION. 33. Depositions of Witnesses (M). (a) Vide ss. 17, 19, J The examination of C. D. of , I farmer-], and E. F. of , Arch. p. 48.63 ; to wit. t [labourer], taken on [oath] this day of , in the year of Saund.p.d our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid, before the undersigned, 01^ S Qiu n [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county] (6), in ' the presence and hearing of A. B., who is charged this day before [me], for that he, the said A. B., on , at , [4~c. describing the offence as in a warrant of commitment.] This deponent, C. D., on his [oath] saith as follows, [Sfc. stating the deposition of the witness as nearly as possible in the words he uses. When his deposition is complete, let him sign it.] And this deponent, E. F., upon his oath saith as follows, &c. (c). The above depositions of C. D. and E. F were taken and [sworn] before me at , on the day and year first above-mentioned. J.S. 34. He-examination of the Witnesses, to be written on the same Paper. (Not in Jervis's Act.) The examination of F. G. of &c. taken on [oath] this day of , in the year of our Lord , at aforesaid, before me, the justice aforesaid, [or the undersigned], [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county], on the re-examination and in the presence and hearing of the said A. B., charged with the offence aforesaid. This deponent, F. G. on his [oath] saith as follows : [proceed as in Form No. 33, supra, and placing a jurat at the conclusion.] 35. Memorandum, to be written where the Accused does not make a Statement. (Not in Jervis's Act.) The above-named prisoner, A. B., after having been duly cautioned, declines [under the advice of his attorney] to make any statement, [or says he has nothing to say.] J.S. [N. B. This should be written after the jurat to the depositions.] (a) Where the accused is brought before the justice without warrant, an information need not be taken, the statement of the charge in the caption of the depositions being sufficient. (b) Where the depositions are taken out of the county where the offence was committed by a justice of that and the adjoining county, where they were taken, erase the word "said," and insert "counties of C. and S., being adjoining coun- ties," then the place of taking them being correctly inserted in the blanks for that purpose, they would show the justices' jurisdiction. (c) Where the accused interposes an observation during the examination of a witness, insert it in this manner: *' The prisoner here voluntarily says 1 ' [put his very words.] The cross-examination should likewise be taken down, as " cross- examined by [Mr. J., Attorney,] for the accused." And where the accused himself cross-examines the witness, the answer as well as the question may be taken down. 270 Indictable Offences. [PART n. Vides. 18; Arch. p. 50 ; Saund. p. 33 ; Oke's Synop. p. 319. Vide s. 25 ; Arch. p. 78 ; Saund. p. 48; Oke's Synop. p. 320. 36. Memorandum to be written on Documents produced in Evidence. (Not in Jervis's Act.) This is the plan [or as the case may be] produced to me, the under- signed, [owe] of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the [county] of , on the examination of A. B., charged with arson, [forgery, &c.] and referred to in the examination of C.D. touching the said charge, this day of ,1850. J.S. 37. Statement of the Accused (N). (d) A. B. stands charged before the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the [county] aforesaid, this day of , in the year of our Lord , for that he, the said A. B., on , at , [SfC. as in the caption of the depositions'], and the said charge being read to the said A. B., and the witnesses for the prosecution, C. D. and E. F., being severally examined in his presence, the said A. B. is now addressed by me as follows : " Having heard the evidence, do you wish to say anything in answer to the charge ? you are not obliged to say anything unless you desire to do so ; but whatever you say will be taken down in writing, and may be given in evidence against you upon your trial;"* whereupon the said A. B. saith as follows : [Here state whatever the prisoner may say, and in his very words, as nealy as possible. Get him to sign it if he will.] A. B. Taken before me at , the day and year first above mentioned. J. S.f * The purport of the proviso in s. 18 of 11 & 12 Viet. c. 42, should also be stated to the accused in the following form : " And you are also clearly to understand that you have nothing to hope from any promise of favour, and nothing to fear from any threat which may have been holden out to you to induce you to make any admission or confession of your guilt ; but whatever you shall now say may be given in evidence against you upon your trial, notwithstanding such promise or threat." t If the accused, after making a statement, calls witnesses to account for his possession of the stolen property, or the like, write as follows at the foot of the statement: " The above-named pri- soner, A. B., after making the above statement in answer to the charge, offers the following witnesses to be examined on his behalf, namely, G. H., of the parish of , in the said county of , labourer, and I. K., of the same parish, farmer, Sfc. The said G.H. on his [oath~] suith as follows:" {stating the words he uses in the usual manner.] 38. Warrant of Commitment (T. 1). To the constable of , and to the keeper of the [house of correction] at , in the said [county] of . Whereas A. B. was this day charged before me, J. S., one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , on the (rf) A separate statement should be used for each accused person, where more than one concerned in the same offence. Vide Mem. No. 35, ante, p. 269, where the accused does not make a formal statement. CHAP. I.] General Forms or Outlines. 271 oath of C. D. of , \Jurma\ and others, for that, [4'C. stating shortly the offence] : These are therefore to command you, the said constable of , to take the said A. B., and him safely to convey to the [house of correction] at aforesaid, and there to deliver him to the keeper thereof, together with this precept ; and I do hereby command you, the said keeper of the said [house of correction], to receive the said A. B. into your custody in the said [house of correction], and there safely keep him * until he shall be thence delivered by due course of law. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) * It will be observed that this commitment does not state whether the accused is to be tried at the assizes or sessions, or where. Although not necessary, it might be advisable, for the guidance of the keeper of the gaol, where the precise nature of the charge cannot be gathered from the short statement of the offence in this form, to insert at this place : " The next court of oyer and tenniner, or general gaol delivery, or [court of general quarter sessions of the peace], to be holden in and for the said [county] of 38 a. Warrant of Commitment of Accused for Trial, where he is brought up on Remand by the Keeper. (Not in Jervis's Act.) (e) To the keeper of the [house of correction] at , in the said [county] of . Whereas A. B. was this day brought up by you, the keeper of the [house of correction], and further charged before me, J. S., one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for that, [fyc. stating shortly the offence], and by me now here ordered to be committed for trial: These are therefore to command you, the said keeper, to take back the said A. B. to the said [house of correction], and there safely keep him in your custody until, &c. [as No. 38.] 39. Certificate of Consent to Bail by the committing Justice, vide s. 23; indorsed on the Commitment No. 38, or 38 a, (S. 3). Arch. p. ?'l ; I hereby certify that I consent to the within named A. B. being bailed Qke's Synop.' by recognizance, himself in , and [two] sureties in each. p. 33). J. S. () The Form No. 38 may be easily altered to this when required. 272 Indictable Offences. [PART n. Vide s. 22 ; Arch. p. 66 ; Saund. p. 41 ; Oke's Synop. p. 324. 40. Register of Persons committed or held to Bail for Indict- able Offences. (Oke's Synopsis, 2nd edit. p. 323.) Name, &c. of Prisoner. Prosecutor and Witnesses. Offence and Date. Date of Examination. Where Committed. Name, &c. Recognizance. Committing Justices. If Bailed. Particulars of Certificate of Expenses. Whether Prisoner con- victed, and the Sentence. Sureties. Amount. Justice. *. d. 41. Warrant to convey the Accused before a Justice of the County, fyc. in which the Offence was committed (R 1). To W. T., constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said [county] of . Whereas A. B., of , [labourer], hath this day been charged before the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for that [4r. as in the warrant to apprehend] : And whereas [I] have taken the deposition of C. D., a witness examined by [me] in this behalf; but inasmuch as [I] am informed that the prin- cipal witnesses to prove the said offence against the said A. B. reside in the [county] of C., where the said offence is alleged to have been com- mitted : These are therefore to command you the said constable, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to take and convey the said A. B. to the said [county] of C., and there carry him before some justice or justices of the peace in and for that [county], and near unto the [parish of D.], where the offence is alleged to have been committed, to answer further to the said charge before him or them, and to be further dealt with according to law; and [I] hereby further command you the said constable to de- liver to the said justice or justices the information in this behalf, and also the said deposition of C D. now given into your possession for that pur- pose, together with this precept. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) 42. Order for Payment of the Constable's Expenses (R 2). To R. W., Esquire, treasurer of the said county of C. Whereas W. T., constable of , in the county of A., hath by virtue of and in obedience to a certain warrant of J. S., Esquire, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of A., taken and conveyed one A. B., charged before the said J. S. with having [Sfc. stating shortly the offence], from , in the said county of A. to CHAP, i.] General Forms or Outlines. 273 in the said county of C., a distance of miles, and produced the said A. B. before me, S. P., one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of C., and delivered him into the custody of by [my] direction, to answer to the said charge, and further to be dealt with according to law : And whereas the said W. T. hath also delivered to [me] the said warrant, together with the information in that behalf, and also the deposition of C. D. in the said warrant mentioned, and hath proved to [me] upon oath the handwriting of the said J. S. subscribed to the same: And whereas [I] have ascertained that the sum which ought to be paid to the said W. T. for conveying the said A. B. from the said county of A. to the said county of C., and taking him before [me], is the sum of , and that the reasonable expenses of the said W. T. in re- turning will amount to the further sum of , making together the sum of : These are therefore to order you, as such treasurer of the said county of C., to pay unto the said W. T. the said sum of , according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, for which pay- ment this order shall be your sufficient voucher and authority. Given under my hand, this day of , 184. J. P. SECT. 6. OF BINDING OVER PROSECUTOR AND WITNESSES, &c. 43. Recognizance to prosecute or (jive Evidence (0. 1). Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the year of our yjje s- 20 Lord , C. D., of , in the township of , in the said county, Arch. p. 55 ; farmer [or C. D., of No. 2, street, in the parish of , in the Saund. p. 37; borough of , surgeon, of which said house he is tenant], personally Oke's Synop. came before me, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said p- 327. county, and acknowledged himself to owe to our sovereign lady the Queen, the sum of , of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be made and levied of his goods and chattels, lands and tenements, to the use of our said lady the Queen, her heirs and successors, if he the said C. D. shall fail in the condition indorsed. Taken and acknowledged, the day and year first above mentioned, at , before me. J. S. Condition to prosecute.] The condition of the within-written recog- nizance is such, that whereas one A. B. was this day charged before me, J. S., justice of the peace within mentioned, for that [SfC. as in the caption of the depositions], if therefore he the said C. D. shall appear at the next court of oyer and terminer or general gaol delivery [or at the next court of general quarter sessions of the peace] to be holden in and for the [county'] of , * and there prefer or cause to be preferred a bill of in- dictment for the offence aforesaid against the said A. B., and there also duly prosecute such indictment, then the said recog- nizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue. Condition to prosecute and give Evidence.] Same as the last form to the asterisk *, and then thus : and there prefer or cause to be preferred a bill of indictment against the said A. B. for the offence aforesaid, and duly prosecute such indictment, and give evidence thereon as well to the jurors who shall inquire of the said offence as also to them who shall pass upon the trial of the said A. B., then the said recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue. T 274 Indictable Offences. [PART n. Condition to give Evidence.'] Same as the lad form but one to the aste- risk*, and then thus: and there give such evidence as he knoweth upon a bill of indictment to be then and there pre- ferred against the said A. B. for the offence aforesaid, as well to the jurors who shall there inquire of the said offence as also to the jurors who shall pass upon the trial of the said A. B. if the said bill shall be found a true bill, then the said recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue. 43 a. The three Conditions of the above Recognizance in one Form. (Not in Jervis's Act.) Proceed from the asterisk* in the "Condition to prosecute," supra, then thus :] and there [prefer or cause to be preferred a bill of indict- ment for the offence aforesaid against the said A. B., and there also duly prosecute such indictment, [and give evidence thereon as well to the jurors who shall then inquire of the said offence as also to them who shall pass upon the trial of the said A. B.] give such evidence as he knoweth upon a bill of indictment to be then and there preferred against the said A. B. for the offence aforesaid, as well to the jurors who shall there in- quire of the said offence as also to the jurors who shall pass upon the trial of the said A. B., if the said bill shall be found a true bill] then the said recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue. 44. Notice of the said Recognizance to be given to the Prose- cutor and his Witnesses (O. 2). > Take notice, that you C. D., of , are bound in the sum to wit. J of to appear at the next court of [general quarter sessions of the peace] in and for the [county] of , to be holden at , in the said [county], and then and there [prosecute and] give evidence against A. B. ; and unless you then appear there, and [prosecute and] give evidence accordingly, the recognizance entered into by you will be forthwith levied on you. Dated this day of 184 . J. S. 45. The like, with Variation, where there is a Surety for a Witness. (Not in Jervis's Act.) Take notice, that you, C. D., of , &c., are bound in the sum of pounds to appear [or for the appearance of L. M., of &c., a minor, or the wife of J. M., of &c., as the case may be], at the next court of general quarter sessions of the peace [or oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery] in and for the said [county] of , to be holden at , in the said [county] of , and then and there to [prosecute and] give evidence against A. B. for [felony], and unless you [he] then appear [appears and prosecute] and give evidence accordingly, the recognizance entered into by you will be forthwith levied on you. Dated this day of , 18. J. S., Justice of the Peace for the aforesaid [county] of . CHAP, i.] General Forms or Outlines. 275 46. Commitment of Witness for refusing to enter into the Vide s. 20 ; Recognizance (P. 1). Arch - P- 55 ; Saund. p. 37 ; To the constable of , and to the keeper of the [house ofcorrec- Oke's Synop. tion] at , in the said [county} of . P 327. Whereas A. B., who was lately charged before the undersigned [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for that [4'c. as in the summons to the witness}, and it having been made to appear to [me] upon oath, that E. F., of , was likely to give material evidence for the prosecution, [I] duly issued [my summons to the said E. F., requiring him to be and appear] before [me] on , at , or before such other justice or justices of the peace as should then be there, to testify what he should know concerning the said charge so made against the said A. B. as aforesaid; and the said E. F. now appear- ing before [me], [or being brought before [me] by virtue of a warrant in that behalf, to testify as aforesaid], hath been now examined by [me] touching the premises, but being by [me] required to enter into a recog- nizance conditioned to give evidence against the said A. B. hath now refused so to do : These are therefore to command you the said constable to take the said E. F., and him safely to convey to the [house of correc- tion] at , in the [county] aforesaid, and there deliver him to the said keeper thereof, together with this precept ; and I do hereby command you, the said keeper of the said [house of correction], to receive the said E. F. into your custody in the said [house of correction], there to imprison and safely keep him until after the trial of the said A. B. for the offence aforesaid, unless in the meantime such E. F. shall duly enter into such recognizance as aforesaid in the sum of pounds, before some one justice of the peace for the said [county], conditioned in the usual form to appear at the next court of [oyer and terminer or general gaol delivery, or general quarter sessions of the peace], to be holden in and for the [county] of , and there to give evidence before the grand jury upon any bill of indictment which may then and there be preferred against the said A. B. for the offence aforesaid, and also to give evidence upon the trial of the said A. B. for the said offence, if a true bill should be found against him for the same. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord, , at , in the [county] aforesaid. 47. Subsequent Order to discharge the Witness (P. 2). To the keeper of the [house of correction] at , in the [county] of . Whereas by [my] order, dated the day of [instant], reciting that A. B. was lately before then charged before [me] for a certain offence therein mentioned, and that E. F. having appeared before [me], and being examined as a witness for the prosecution in that behalf, refused to enter into a recognizance to give evidence against the said A. B., and [I] therefore thereby committed the said E. F. to your custody, and required you safely to keep him until after the trial of the said A. B. for the offence aforesaid, unless in the meantime he should enter into such recognizance as aforesaid : And whereas, for want of sufficient evidence against the said A. B., the said A. B. has not been committed or holden to bail for the said offence, but, on the contrary thereof, has been since discharged, and it is therefore not necessary that the said E. F. should be detained longer in your custody: These are therefore to order and direct you, the said keeper, to discharge the said x2 276 Indictable Offences. [PART n. E. F. out of your custody as to the said commitment, and suffer him to go at large. Given under [my] hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county'] aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) Vide s. 23; Arch. p. 71; Saund. p. 44 ; Oke's Synop. p. 331. SECT. 7. OF BAILING ACCUSED AFTER EXAMINATION. 48. Recognizance of Bail (S. 1). Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the year of our Lord , A. B., of , [labourer], L. M., of , [grocer], and N. O., of , [butcher], personally came before [us] the undersigned, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county], and severally acknowledged themselves to owe to our lady the Queen the several sums following (that is to say); the said A. B. the sum of , and the said L. M. and N. O. the sum of each, of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be made and levied of their goods and chattels, lands and tenements respectively, to the use of our said lady the Queen, her heirs and successors, if he the said A. B. fail in the condition indorsed. Taken and acknowledged, the day and year first above mentioned, at , before us, J. S. J. N. Condition in ordinary Cases.] The condition of the within-written recognizance is such, that whereas the said A. B. was this day charged before [us], the justices within mentioned, for that [fyc., as in the warrant] ; if therefore the said A. B. will appear at the next court of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery [or court of general quarter sessions of the peace] to be holden in and for the [county] of , and there surrender himself into the custody of the keeper of the [common gaof] there, and plead to such indictment as may be found against him by the grand jury, for or in respect of the charge aforesaid, and take his trial upon the same, and not depart the said court without leave, then the said recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue. Condition where the Defendant is entitled to a Traverse.] The con- dition of the within-written recognizance is such, that whereas the said A. B. was this day charged before [me], the justice within mentioned, for that [4 - c-, as in the. warrant or summons] ; if therefore the said A. B. will appear at the next court of general quarter sessions of the peace [or court of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery] to be holden in and for the [county] of , and there plead to such indictment as may be found against him by the grand jury for or in respect of the charge aforesaid, and shall afterwards, at the then next court of general quarter sessions of the peace [or court of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery], surrender himself into the custody of the keeper of the [house of correction] there, and take his trial upon the said indictment, and not depart the said court without leave, then the said recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue. CHAP, i.] General Forms or Outlines. 49. Notice of the said Recognizance to be given to the Accused and his Sail (S. 2). Take notice, that you A. B., of , are bound in the sum of and your [sureties L. M. and N. 0.] in the sum of each, that you A. B. appear, &c. [as in the condition of the recognizance], and not depart the said court without leave ; and unless you the said A. B. personally appear and plead, and take your trial accordingly, the recognizance entered into by .you and your sureties shall be forthwith levied on you and them. Dated this day of , 184. J. S. 50. Certificate of Consent to Bail by the committing Justice, on a separate Paper from the Commitment (S. 4). Whereas A. B. was on the committed by me to the [house of cor- rection] at , charged with [#c. stating the offence shortly] : I hereby certify, that I consent to the said A. B. being bailed by recognizance, himself in , and [two] sureties in each. Dated the day of , 184. J. S. 51. Warrant of Deliverance on Sail being given for a Vide s. 24 ; Prisoner already committed (S. 5). Arch - P- 77 ; y Saund. p. 47 ; To the keeper of the [house of correction] at , in the said oke's Synop. [county] of . p. 333. Whereas A. B. late of , [labourer], hath before [us, two] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county,* entered into his own recognizance, and found sufficient sureties for his appearance at the next court of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery, [or court of general quarter sessions of the peace], to be holden in and for the county of , to answer our sovereign lady the Queen, for that [SfC., as in the commitment], for which he was taken and committed to your said [ house of correction] : These are therefore to command you, in her said Majesty's name, that if the said A. B. do remain in your custody in the said [house of correction] for the said cause, and for no other, you shall forth- with suffer him to go at large. Given under our hands and seals, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) J.N. (L.S.) 52. The like, by committing Justice, on Recognizances of Sure- ties being taken before him, conditional on Accused entering into his own. (Not in Jervis's Act.) (a) Proceed as in Form No. 51, supra, to the first asterisk, * then thus :] found sufficient sureties for his appearance ; [follow to end, then add :] upon his duly entering into his own recognizance in the manner and form mentioned in my certificate indorsed upon the warrant of commitment in this behalf. (a) This is instead of the parchment recognizance, as required by the 23rd section, being transmitted to the keeper. 278 Indictable Offences. [PART n. 53. Recognizance of Bail upon Habeas Corpus. (From Arch. Prac. Cr. Office, 335.) Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the year of the reign of our sovereign lady Victoria, by the grace of God, of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith, I. S. of [fyc. inserting the names and additions of defendant and bail (),] came oefore me J. P., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of , and acknowledged to owe to our sovereign lady the Queen the several sums following, that is to say, the said J. S. the sum off , and the said A. B., C. D., E. F., and G. H. the sum of each of lawful money of Great Britain, to be levied upon their several goods and chattels, lands and tenements, to her Ma- jesty's use, upon condition that if the said J. S. shall personally appear at the next [assizes and sessions of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery, or general quarter sessions of the peace] to be holden in and for the county of , and then and there answer to all such matters and things as on her Majesty's behalf shall then and there be objected against him, and so from day to day, and not depart that court without leave, then this recognizance to be void, or else to remain in full force. Taken and acknowledged the day and year first above said at . Before me, J. P. 54. Notice of Bail, where required to be given. (Not in Jer vis's Act.) C. D. against A. B. for . > Take notice, that W. B. of No. 9, Street, in the of to wit. \ , and R. W. of , will, on next, the day of instant, at o'clock in the forenoon, before such of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county'] of as shall be then pre- sent at the , become bail for the personal appearance of the above- named A. B. at the next [sessions of the peace] to be holden in and for the said [county], there to answer and plead to the indictment preferred and found at the last sessions for [stating offence shortly. ,] Dated this day of , 1850. C. P. solicitor for the said A. B. To Mr. C. D., the prosecutor, [or Mr. O. B., solicitor for the prosecution.] 55. Complaint of Bail for a Person charged with an Indict- able Offence, in order that he might be committed in Dis- charge of their Recognizance. (Not in Jervis's Act.) Proceed in the Form No. 1, ante, p. 258, to the asterisk, * altering it to two complainants, if there be more than one surety, then thus :] that they the said C. D. and E. F. were on the day of now last past, severally and respectively dnly bound by recognizance befor J. P., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county] of , in the sum of each, upon condition that one A. B., of &c. should appear at the next court of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery [or court of general quarter sessions of the peace] to be holdeu in and for (&) There must be four sureties in cases of felony, two in misdemeanor, (Arch. Pr. Cr. O. 331.) CHAP, i.] General Forms or Outlines. 279 the [county] of , and there surrender himself into the custody of the keeper of the [common goof] there, and plead to such indictment as might be found against him by the grand jury for or in respect of the charge of [stating the charge shortly], and take his trial upon the same, and not de- part the said court without leave ; and that these complainants have reason to suspect and believe, and do verily suspect and believe, that the said A. B. is about to depart from this part of the country; and therefore they pray of me the said justice that I would issue my warrant of apprehen- sion of the said A. B. in order that he may be surrendered to prison in discharge of them his said bail. Before me J. P. C. D. E.F. 56. Warrant to apprehend the Person charged. (Not in Jervis's Act.) (a) To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said [county] of , and to C. D. and E. F. severally and re- spectively. ) Whereas you the said C. D. and E. F. have this day made to wit. i complaint to me the undersigned, one of her Majesty's jus- tices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , that you the said C. D. and E. F. were &c. [as in the complaint, No. 55, supra, to the end] : These are therefore to authorize you the said C. D. and E. F., and also to command you the said constable, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to apprehend the said A. B. and to bring him before me, or some other jus- tice or justices of the peace in and for the said [county], to the intent that he may be committed to the [common gaol] in and for the said [county], until the next court of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery [or court of general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the said [county] of , unless he find new and sufficient sureties to become bound for him in such recognizance as aforesaid. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) 57. Commitment of the Person charged, on Surrender of his Sail after Apprehension under a Warrant. (Not in Jer- vis's Act.) To the constable of , and to the keeper of the [house of cor- rection] at , in the said [county] of . l Whereas on the day of instant complaint was made to to wit. S me the undersigned [or J. S.], one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , by C. D. and E. F. of &c., that [as in the complaint, No. 55, supra, to the end], I [or the said justice] thereupon issued my warrant authorizing the said C. D. and E. F., and also commanding the said constables of , and all other peace officers in the said [county] of , in her Majesty's name, forthwith to appre- hend the said A. B. and to bring him [follow to end of warrant, No. 56, supra] ; And whereas the said A. B. hath been apprehended under and by (a) The bail may apprehend their principal without warrant (1 Hale's Sum. 96 ; 12 J. P. 842 ; 13 J. P. 366.) and therefore this warrant is not indispen- sably requisite ; but it may prevent any breach of the peace. 280 Indictable Offences. [PART n. virtue of the said warrant, and being now brought before me the said justice [or me, the undersigned, one, &c.], and surrendered by the said C. D. and E. F., his said sureties, in discharge of their said recognizances, I have required the said A. B. to find new and sufficient sureties to be- come bound for him in such recognizance as aforesaid, but the said A. B. hath now refused so to do : These are therefore to command you the said constable, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to take and safely convey the said A. B. to the said [home of correction] at , in the said [county], and there to deliver him to the keeper thereof, together with this precept ; and I hereby command you the said keeper to receive the said A. B. into your custody in the said [house of correction"], and him there safely to keep until the next court of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery [or court of general quarter sessions of the peace] to be holden in and for the said [county] of , unless in the meantime the said A. B. shall find new and sufficient sureties to become bound for him in such recog- nizance as aforesaid. Given, &c. [as Form No. 56, ante.] 58. The like, where apprehended by the Bail without Warrant. (Not in Jervis's Act.) To the constable of , and to the keeper of the [house of correc- tion] at , in the said [county'] of . J Whereas A.B. of &c. hath been this day brought before me, to wit. > the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , and surrendered in discharge of his bail by C. D. and E. F., who it duly appears to me on the day of last past severally and respectively became duly bound by recognizance before J. P. Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county'] of , in the sum of each, conditioned for the personal appearance of the said A. B. at the next court of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery [or court of general quarter sessions of the peace] to be holden in and for the said [county] of , and there surrender himself into the custody of the keeper of the [house of correction] there, and plead to such indictment as might be found against him by the grand jury for or in respect of the charge of [stating the. charge shortly], and take his trial upon the same, and not depart the said court without leave, they the said C. D. and E. F., as such bail, praying that the said A. B. may be committed in discharge of their said recognizance ; And whereas the said A. B., being by me required to find new and sufficient sureties to become bound for him in such recognizance as aforesaid, hath now refused so to do : These, &c. [to end of Form No. 57, ante.] Oke's Synop. 2nd ed. p. 335338. Vide s. 26 ; Arch. p. 80 ; Saund. p. 49. SECT. 8. OF COSTS ATTENDING PROSECUTION, &c. 59. Gaoler's Receipt to the Constable for the Prisoner, and Justice's Order thereon for Payment of the Constable's Expenses in executing the Commitment (T 2). I hereby certify, that I have received from W. T., constable of , the body of A. B., together with a warrant under the hand and seal of J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the [county] / > and that the said A. B. was [sober, or as the case may be,] at the time he was so delivered into my custody. P. K. Keeper of the house of correction [or common gaol] at '. CHAP, i.] General Forms or Outlines. 281 Constables Expenses. Oke's Synop. s. d. 2nd ed. For conveying the above A. B. from to [by p. 335338. railway] at per mile For conveying him to and from the railway station . . For subsistence of prisoner whilst in custody after com- mitment days, at per day For his lodging nights at per night . . . Constable days at per day, [owe] assistant [if necessary'] days at per day Total To R. W., Esquire, treasurer of the said [county] of . Whereas W. T., constable of , in the county of , hath pro- duced unto me, J. P., one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of (wherein the offence hereinafter mentioned is alleged to have been committed), the above receipt of P. K., keeper of the [house of correction] at : and whereas, in pursuance of the sta- tute in such case made and provided, I have ascertained that the sum which ought to be paid to the said W. T. for conveying the said A. B. from , in the said county of , to the said [house of correction] is , and that the reasonable expenses of the said W. T. in re- turning will amount to the further sum of , making together the sum of : These are to order you, as such treasurer of the said county of , to pay unto the said W. T. the said sum of according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, for which payment this order shall be your sufficient voucher and authority. .Given under my hand this day of , 18 . J. P. Received the day of , 18 , of the treasurer of the [county] of the sum of , being the amount of the above order. 60. Gaoler's Certificate of the Amount of Money found on Accused on receiving him in Gaol. (Not in Jervis's Act.) (a) I also certify that the within-named A. B. had at the time of his deli- very into my said custody the sum of , and that the same is now held by me. P. K. keeper, &c. 61. Order on Gaoler to pay Constable the Expenses of con- vide s. 26 ; veying Accused to Gaol out of Money found on Accused. Arch. p. 80; (Not in Jervis's Act.) S 1 " 1 - P- 49 - To the keeper of the [common goof] at , in the said [county] of > Whereas I the undersigned [or J. L. Esquire], one of her Ma- to wit. fjesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of , did by [my] warrant of commitment dated the day of instant, reciting that A. B. of &c. was that day charged [before me] on the oath of C. D. of &c. and others, for that he the said A. B. did on the (a) This certificate should be indorsed on his receipt for the prisoner (No. 59), and on being produced to any justice, he can grant the order No. 61 on the gaoler to pay the constable his expenses of conveying the accused to gaol. Indictable Offences. [PART n. day O f } at the parish of , [stating shortly the offence'], commit the said A. B. to your custody until he should be thence delived by due course of law: And whereas W. T., constable of the said parish of , hath produced unto me your receipt for the body of the said A. B. in the form required by law, and by your certificate thereupon indorsed it ap- pears to me that the said A. B. had at the time of his delivery into your said custody certain money, to wit, the sum of , and that the same is now held by you ; and, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, I have ascertained that the sum which ought to be paid to the said W. T. for conveying the said A. B. from to the said [common gaol] is : These are therefore to order you the said keeper to pay unto the said W. T. the said last mentioned sum of for such his expenses aforesaid out of the sum so in your hands as aforesaid, ac- cording to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, for which payment this order shall be your sufficient voucher and authority. Given under my hand, this day of , one thousand eight hun- dred and fifty. J. P. [Receipt indorsed as in Form No. 59.] 62. Examining Magistrate's Certificate of Expenses incurred by the Prosecutor in Felonies previous to Committal of Ac- cused, under! Geo. 4, c. 64, s. 22. (Not in Jervis's Act.) (b) The Queen v. A. B., for [felony], ) These are to certify, that C. D., of &c., with his [two] wit- to wit. J nesses, namely E. F. and F. G., attended on the day of instant before the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county] of , the examining magistrate, to give evi- dence against A. B., accused of felony, to wit, [simple larceny, or as the case may be :] And that I have ascertained that the sum of two pounds and sixpence is a reasonable and sufficient sum to reimburse the said C. D. for the expenses bond fide incurred by reason of attending before me as aforesaid ; and that the sum of twelve shillings is a proper com- pensation to the said C. D. and his said witnesses for their trouble and loss of time therein, making together the sum of two pounds twelve shillings and sixpence, according to the specification and particulars here- under mentioned. Given under my hand, this day of , 1850. J. S. Particulars above referred to. s. d. Constable, as per bill annexed 126 Justices' Clerks' Fees 0180 s. d. 2 16 Prosecutor's attendance, 1 day, at 5s. per day 050 Two Witnesses' attendance, 1 day each, at 3s. 6d. per day 070 12 2 12 6 (6) There are various misdemeanors in which the whole costs of prosecution are allowed as in felonies, rendering this certificate necessary ; vide Oke's Synopsis, 2nd ed., pp. 341365, 6th column. CHAP. I.] General Forms or Outlines. 283 ^ fc-5 rf &1 ?8 s. 2.)] did unlawfully make an affray in a certain public street and high- way there, called , to the great terror and disturbance of her Majesty's subjects then and there being. 7. The like.~\ did in a tumultuous manner, and with force and arms, make an affray, to the terror and disturbance of her Majesty's subjects then and there being (wherein the said C. D. was assaulted, beaten and abused by the said A. B., D. E, and E. F., without any just or reasonable cause). AGENTS. Id. Offence 9. 8. Embezzling Stock, Interest, $c. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, s. 49.)] did intrust to the said A. B., then being a banker and agent [or as the case may be], the sum of fifty pounds, [or a certain security for the payment of money, to wit, ], with directions to the said A. B. in writing to apply the said sum of money [or &c.] for a certain purpose then and there specified in the said directions, that is to say [state the substance of the directions'], and that the said A. B. afterwards, on the day of , at the parish of , in violation of good faith, and contrary to the purpose so in the said directions specified as aforesaid, did unlawfully convert to his own use and benefit the said sum of money [or as the case may be~\ so to him entrusted as aforesaid, contrary, &c. 9. The. like, in another form.'] did intrust to [the said] A. B. for safe custody [or for the purpose of ], being then a banker and agent [or as the case may be], a certain promissory note, drawn by one E. F., for the payment of twenty pounds, without any authority to sell, negotiate, transfer or pledge the same; and that the said A. B. afterwards, on the - day of , at the parish of aforesaid, in violation of good faith, and contrary to the object and purpose for which the said promissory note was so intrusted to him as aforesaid, did unlawfully negotiate, transfer and convert to his own use and benefit [or as the case may be], the said promissory note, contrary, &c. CHAP, ii.] AGENTS -ARMS ARSON. 287 10. Embezzling Goods, $c. (5 & 6 Viet. c. 39, s. 5.)] did entrust to Oke's Synop. A. B , being then an agent of him the said C. D., ten bales of cotton, of 2nd ed. p. 340. the value of twenty pounds [or as the case may be] ; and that the said Offence 10. A. B. afterwards, on the day of , at the parish of afore- said, contrary to and without the authority of the said C. D., for his own benefit and in violation of good faith, did unlawfully * make a deposit [or assignment, transfer or delivery] of the said ten bales of cotton with one E. F. as and by way of a pledge, lien, and security for a certain sum of money, to wit, the sum of , then advanced by him the said E. F. to the said A. B., contrary, &c. [or, from the asterisk *, accept of an advance, to wit, the sum of , of one E. F., on the faith of a certain contract then and there made by the said A. B., to deposit, &c.] 11. Assisting therein.'] Proceed as in Form No. 10, supra, to the end, then : and that one F. G. (then being the clerk of the said C. D.), did, on the day and year last aforesaid, knowingly and wilfully act and assist in making such deposit, contrary, &c. ARMS. 12. Training to the Use of. (60 Geo. 3 & 1 Geo. 4, c. 1, s. 1.)] Id. Offence 11. was then and there unlawfully present at and did attend a certain meet- ing and assembly of persons unlawfully holden, without any lawful autho- rity in that behalf, for the purpose of being trained and drilled to the use of arms and to the practice of military exercise and evolutions, he the said A. D. then and there* being present and attending the said meeting and assembly for the purpose of training and drilling other persons then and there present to the use of arms and to the practice of military exer- cise and evolutions, contrary, &c. 13. Aiding or assisting therein. (Id.)] Proceed as in No. 12 to the end, and then : and that [the said] E. F., of &c., did then and there aid and assist in the said training or drilling, contrary, &c. 14. Present for the purpose of being trained. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 12, then: being present and attending the said meeting and assembly for the purpose of then and there being trained and drilled to the use of arms and to the practice of military exercise and evolutions, contrary, &c. 15. Being trained. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 12, supra, then : being trained [or drilled] to the use of arms and to the practice of military exercise and evolutions, contrary, &c. ARSON. 16. Dicelling-house, Person being therein. (7 Will. 4 & 1 Viet. c. 89, Id. Offence 12. s. 2.)] did unlawfully, maliciously and feloniously set fire to a certain dwelling-house of [the said] C. D. there situate, one E. D., (the daughter of the said C. D.,) being at the time of the committing of the said felony in the said dwelling-house, contrary, &c. 288 Indictable Offences. [PART n. Oke'sSynop. 17. Church or Chapel. (Id. s. 3.)] did unlawfully, maliciously and 2nd ed. p. 340. feloniously set fire to a certain church [or chapel], Offence 13. [or to a certain chapel for the religious worship of persons dissenting from the United Church of England and Ireland, to wit, called the chapel, and duly registered and recorded,] there situate, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 13. 18. House, Stable, fyc. (Id. s. 3.)] did unlawfully, maliciously and feloniously set fire to a certain dwelling-house [or stable, coach-house, outhouse, warehouse, shop, office, mill, malthouse, hopoast, barn, or gra- nary, or to a certain building, or erection, to wit, a , used in carrying on the trade, or manufacture of ] of [the said] C. D. there situate, in the occupation of the said A. B. [or C. D., or E. F.], with intent thereby then and there to injure the said C. D. [or E. F.], [or to defraud a certain insurance company called " The Suffolk Amicable Fire Insurance Society"], whereby [stating what] was then and there consumed, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 14. 19. Ship, fyc., or casting same away with intent to Murder, 4~c. (Id. s. 4.)] did unlawfully, maliciously and feloniously set fire to [or cast away, or destroy by certain means, to wit, ,] a certain ship called the Algiers, the property of one C. D. and others then and there, with intent thereby, one E. F., then being in the said ship, then and there feloniously, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought, to kill and murder [or whereby the life of one E. F., then being in the said ship, was then and there greatly endangered], contrary, &c. ** If the offence be committed on the high seas, say at the com- mencement of the form, " on the day of , on a certain voyage on the high seas, out of the body of any county of this realm, and within the jurisdiction of the admiralty of England, did," &c. Id. Offence 1 5. 20. Ship, fyc. incomplete or not. (Id. s. 6.)] did unlawfully, mali- ciously and feloniously set fire to [or destroy by certain means, to wit, ,] a certain ship called the Algiers, the property of C. D. and others [if so, on the high seas, out of the body of any county of this realm, and within the jurisdiction of the admiralty of England] then and there being, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 15. 21. The like, withintent toprejudice Owner or Goods. (Id. s.6.)] did unlawfully, maliciously and feloniously set fire to [or cast away, or destroy by certain means, to wit, ,J a certain ship called the Algiers, the property of one C. D., [on the high seas, out of the body of any county of this realm, and within the jurisdiction of the admiralty of Eng- land, ifso~] then and there being, with intent thereby then and there to prejudice the said C. D., the owner [or part owner] thereof, [or one E. F., the owner of certain goods, to wit, , then and there laden and being on board the said ship], [or one E. F., who had before then underwritten a certain policy of insurance upon the said ship, or on the freight of the said ship, or on certain goods, to wit, , then being on board the said ship, which said policy was then in full force and operation], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 16. 22. Coal Mines. (Id. s. 9.)] did unlawfully, maliciously and felo- CHAP, ii.] ARSON. 289 niously set fire to a certain mine of coal [or cannel coal] of C. D. and Oke's Synop. others, there situate, contrary, &c. 2nd edit. p. 340. 23. Stacks of Corn, 6>-c. (Id. s. 10.)] did unlawfully, maliciously Id. Offence 17. and feloniously set fire to a certain stack of corn, to wit, wheat [or stack of grain, pulse, tares, straw, haulm, stubble, furze, heath, fern, hay, turf, peat, coals, charcoal, or wood, or steer of wood], the property of [the said] C. D. then and there being, whereby the said stack [and divers farm build- ings and produce were destroyed,] contrary, &c. 24. Crops of Corn, standing or cut down. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 30, s. 17.)] Id. Offence 18. did unlawfully, maliciously and feloniously set fire to a certain crop of corn, to wit, wheat [or crop of grain, or pulse], the property of [the said] C. D. then and there standing [or cut down], contrary, &c. 25. A Wood, Heath, 3fC., wheresoever growing. (Id.)] did unlawfully, Id. Offence 18. maliciously and feloniously set fire to a certain part of a certain wood [or coppice, or plantation of trees], called , there situate, [or to certain heath, gorze, furze, or fern, then and there growing], the property of [the said] C. D., contrary, &c. 26. To her Majesty's Vessels of War, or to the Works or Vessels lying Id. Offences 19, in Dock. (12 Geo. 3, c. 24, s. 1, and 59 Geo. 3, c. 69, s. 1.)] These 20. may be readily framed from the Form No. 20, ante, when required. 27. To Farm Buildings. (7 & 8 Viet. c. 62, s. 1.)] did unlawfully, Id. Offence 21. maliciously and feloniously set fire to a crtain hovel [or shed, or fold], [or to a certain farm building, to wit, a barn, or to a certain build- ing, or erection, used in farming land, to wit, ], of [the said] C. D. there situate, and then in the possession of the said A.B. [or C. D., or E. F.], with intent thereby then and there to injure the said C. D., [or to defraud a certain insurance company called the Norwich Union Society], contrary, &c. 28. Hay, $c. or Implements in Farm Buildings. (Id. s. 2.)] did Id. p. 342. unlawfully, maliciously and feloniously set fire to certain hay [or straw, Offence 22. wood, or vegetable produce, to wit, ], [or a certain implement of husbandry, to wit, a ], then and there being in a certain farmhouse [or farm building, to wit, a barn] there situate, the property of [the said] C. D., and in the occu- pation of one E. F., with intent thereby then and there to set fire to the said farmhouse [or farm building], and then and there to injure [fyc. as in Form No. 27, supra.] 29. Information for a Search Warrant for explosive Substances intendtd Id. Offence 23. to be used in attempting to set Fire to any Building, Stack, Vessel, fyc. (9 & 10 Viet. c. 25, a. 12.)] Proceed as in Form No. 1, ante, p. 258, to the asterisk *, then : that this informant hath probable cause to suspect and doth suspect that one A. B., of &c. hath in a certain house [shop, cellar, yard, or place, or vessel,] situate at , certain gunpowder [or explosive, dangerous, or noxious substance, to wit, ,] there made [or kept] for the purpose of being used in committing some offence against the act made and passed in the tenth year of the reign of Queen Victoria, U 290 Indictable Offences. [PART n. Oke's Synop. intituled " An Act for preventing Malicious Injuries to Persons and 2nd ed. p. 342. p r0 perty by Fire or by explosive or destructive Substances." 30. Search Warrant thereon. To the constable of the parish of , in the [county] of . i Whereas information on oath hath this day been laid before to wit. $ me the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , by C. D., of &c., that he hath probable cause to suspect [recite the information, No. 29, supra, then :] These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith, with necessary and proper assistants, to enter in the day time into the said house [shop, or as the case may be,] of the said A. B., where the said is so suspected to be made [or kept] for such purpose as aforesaid, and there diligently to search for the said , and if the same, or any part thereof, shall be found upon such search, which you shall have good cause to suspect to be intended to be used in committing any offence against the said act, that you seize the said so found, and remove the same to some proper place and detain the same, and for the doing of which you are to have the same powers which are given to persons search- ing for unlawful quantities of gunpowder under the warrant of a justice, by an act passed in the twelfth year of the reign of King George the Third, intituled " An Act to regulate the Making, Keeping, and Carriage of Gunpowder within Great Britain, and to repeal the Laws heretofore made for any of those purposes." () Given under my hand and seal, this day of , at , in the [county] of aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) Id. Offence 23. 31. Attempting to set Fire to any Building, Vessel, Stack, Sfc. (9 & 10 Viet. c. 25, s. 7.)] did unlawfully, maliciously and feloniously at- tempt to set fire to a certain building, to wit, a farm building, called , [or vessel, or mine, to wit, a coal mine,] [or to a certain stack of wheat, or steer of wood, or to certain vegetable produce, to wit, ,1 the property of [the said] C. D., and in the occupation of the said A. B. [or C. D., or E. F.] then and there situate*, by then and there throwing a certain ball composed of tinder, rag, and explosive substances [or s the case may be] then and there lighted and on fire, into and upon the said building [or upon certain straw near to, or composing the roof of the said building, or as the case may be] with intent thereby then and there to in- jure the said C. D. [or to defraud a certain insurance company, called the Phcenix Fire Insurance Company,] contrary, &c. 31 a. Throwing explosive Substance near to any Building, with intent to destroy. (Id. s. 6.)] did unlawfully, maliciously, and feloniously place [or throw in, into, upon, against, or near] a certain building, to wit, a , certain gunpowder [or explosive substance, to wit, ,] with in- tent thereby then and there to destroy [or damage] the said , [or certain machinery, working tools, fixtures, goods, or chattels, to wit, , then being therein], contrary, &c. (a) Vide s. 23 of 12 Geo. 3, c. 61 ; 1 Arch. J. P. 4th ed. p. 600 ; and 3 Burn's Justice, 29th ed. p. 421. CHAP, ii.j ARSON ASSAULT. 291 Oke's Synop. 32. Having explosive Substances, or Making same, with intent, fyc. (Id. 2nd ed. p. 342. s. 8.)] did unlawfully and knowingly have in his possession, Offence 24. [or make, or manufacture], certain gunpowder [or explosive substance, or dangerous, or noxious thing, to wit, , or a certain machine, or engine, instrument, or thing, called a ,] with intent by means thereof to [or to enable one E. F. to] unlawfully, maliciously, and feloniously attempt to set fire to a certain building [4c. to the asterisk * in Form No. 31, supra, then :] with intent thereby then and there to injure &c. [as in No. 31 ] Seefurther tit. " Malicious Injuries," post. 33. To a Place of Confinement. (1 Burn's Jus. 29th ed. p. 509.)] did unlawfully, maliciously, and feloniously set fire to a certain building called the [Lower Cells] (the same then and there being the prison of the said borough of T.), by which firing the same building was then and there burnt, consumed, and destroyed, contrary, &c. ASSAULT. 34. Stabbing, Sfc. with intent to maim, resist Apprehension, disable, U. p. 342. tfC. (7 Will. 4 & 1 Viet. c. 85, s. 4.)] did unlawfully, maliciously, Offence 25. and feloniously, with a certain gun, then and there loaded with gun- powder and divers leaden shot, shoot at and against one C. D. [or stab, cut, and wound one C. D. in and upon the right side of the belly and other parts of the belly], [or did by drawing the trigger of a certain loaded arms, to wit, , or by , attempt to discharge the said at and against one C. D.] with intent then and there thereby to maim [or disfigure, or disable] the said C. D. [or to do some grievous bodily harm to the said C. D.] [or to resist and prevent the lawful apprehension, or detainer, of him the said A. B., or of one E. F.], contrary, &c. 35. Sending explosive Substances, or throwing corrosive Fluid, with in- Id. Offence 26. tent to burn, $c. (Id. s. 5.)] did unlawfully, maliciously, and feloni- ously send to [or deliver to, or cause to be taken or received by] one C. D., a certain explosive substance [or dangerous, or noxious thing,] to wit, two drachms of fulminating silver, and two pounds weight of gun- powder, with intent then and there and thereby to burn [or maim, dis- figure, or disable, or to do some grievous bodily harm to] the said C. D., and whereby the said C. D. was then and there grievously burnt [or as the case may 6e] ; 36. [or did unlawfully, maliciously, and feloniously cast upon [or throw upon, or apply to one C. D., by then and there ] one C. D. half a pint of a certain corrosive fluid and destructive matter, called oil of vitrol, with intent, &c. [as in No. 35.] ] contrary, &c. 37. Impeding Persons endeavouring to escape from Wreck. (Id. s. Id. Offence 27. 7.)] did unlawfully and feloniously and by force prevent [or impede] one C. D., who was then and there endeavouring to save his life from a u 2 292 Indictable Offences. [PART n. Oke's Synop. certain ship then and there stranded [or cast on shore, or in distress, or 2nd ed. p. 342. wrecked], contrary. &c. Id. Offence 28. 38. On Deerkeepers by Trespassers. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, s. 29.)] This form will be found in tit. " Juvenile Offenders," No. 4, ante, p. 134. Id. Offence 29. 39. With intent to rob. (7 Will. 4 & 1 Viet. c. 87, s. 6.)] did unlawfully and feloniously assault one [or the said] C. D. with intent then and there feloniously and violently to steal, take, and carry away the monies, goods, and chattels of the said C. D., contrary, &c. Id. Offence 30. 40. Common Assault and Battery. (Arch. Pr. Cr. Office, 448.)] did unlawfully assault, beat, wound, and ill-treat one [or the said] C. D. Id. Offence 31. 41. On Magistrate in case of Wreck. (9 Geo. 4, c. 31, s. 24.)] did unlawfully assault one C. D., and him the said C. D. did then and there strike and beat [or wound], on account of the exercise of his the said C. D.'s duty in and concerning the preservation of a certain vessel then and there in distress [or as the case may be], he the said C. D. being then and there a magistrate, and lawfully authorized in that behalf, con- trary, &c. Id. Offence 32. 42. With intent to commit Felony. (Id. a. 25.)] was then and there guilty of a certain misdemeanor, to wit, that he the said A. B., on the day and year, and at the parish aforesaid, did make an assault upon one C. D., an infant, under the age of ten years, with intent then and there unlawfully and feloniously carnally to know and abuse, contrary, &c. 43. With intent to commit a Rape. (Id.)] did unlawfully make an assault upon one C. D. then and there being, with intent her the said C. D. violently and against her will then and there feloniously to ravish and carnally know, contrary, &c. 44. With intent to commit an unnatural Offence. (Id.)] did unlaw- fully make an assault upon one C. D. then and there being, with intent then and there with the said C. D. feloniously to commit and perpetrate that detestable and abominable crime (not to be named among Christians), called buggery, contrary, &c. 45. With intent to commit a Felony General. (Id.)] did unlaw- fully assault one C. D. with intent [describe the felony as in a commitment for it], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 33. 46. On Peace or Revenue Officers. (Id. s. 25.)] did unlawfully assault and beat one [or the said] C. D., he the said C. D. being then and there a peace officer, to wit, a constable of the said parish of , [or a revenue officer, to wit, an officer of her Majesty's inland reve- nue of excise], and in the due execution of his duty as such constable [or revenue officer] then and there being, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 34. 47. On Persons, to prevent lawful Apprehension by them. (Id.)] did unlawfully assault and beat one [or the said] C. D., with intent thereby then and there to resist and prevent the lawful apprehension [or detention] of him the said A. B. [or of one E. F.] for [having feloniously stolen the goods of one F. G., or as the case may be], contrary, &c. CHAP, ii.] ASSAULT ATTEMPTS TO MURDER. 293 48. In pursuance of Conspiracy to raise Wages. (Id.)] did unlaw- Oke's Synop. fully assault one [or the said] C. D., in pursuance of a conspiracy between 2nd ed. p. 342. him the said A. B. and others to raise the rate of their wages, contrary, Offence 35. fee. 49. On Special or County Constables, Sfc. (1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 41, s. 11 ; Id. Offence 36. 2 & 3 Viet. c. 93, s. 8.)] These will be found in Chap. 2 of Part I. tit. " Constables," No. 18, p. 98, and No. 7, p. 97. 49 a. Provoking a Dog to bite.~\ did unlawfully, and against the peace of our lady the Queen, incite, provoke and encourage a certain dog, of and belonging to him the said A. B , to bite him the said C.D., by means whereof the same dog did then and there grievously bite, lacerate and wound the said C. D. ATTEMPTS TO MURDER, &c. 50. Administering Poison, SfC., stabbing or causing bodily Injury, with Id. Offence 37. intent to murder. (7 Will. 4 & 1 Viet. c. 85, s. 2.)] did unlawfully and feloniously administer to [or cause to be taken by] one C. D., one ounce weight of a certain poison [or destructive thing] called , [or stab, or cut, or wound one C. D. in and upon the right side of the belly and other parts of the body], [or cause unto one C. D. a certain bodily injury, dangerous to life, to wit, , by then and there feloniously "j, with intent then and there and thereby feloniously, unlawfully, and of his malice aforethought, the said C. D. to kill and murder, contrary, &c. 51. Attempting to administer Poison, or shooting at, or attempting to Id. Offence 38. drown, suffocate, SfC. with intent to murder. (Id. s. 3.)] did unlawfully and feloniously attempt to administer to one C. D. a large quantity of a certain deadly poison [or destructive thing], called , to wit, drachms of the said , [or shoot with a certain gun, loaded with powder and divers leaden shot, at and against one C. D.], [or did present, point and level at and against one C. D., certain loaded arms, to wit, a pistol, then and there loaded with powder and one leaden bullet, and then and thereby drawing the trigger of the said pistol [or by , as the case may oe], did unlaw- fully and feloniously attempt to discharge the same at and against the said C. D.], [or attempt to drown [or suffocate, or strangle] one C. D. by then and there [stating how~\ ], with intent, &c. [conclude as in No. 50, supra.] 52. By blowing up Buildings. (9 & 10 Viet. c. 25, s. 2.)] did un- Id. Offence 39 lawfully, maliciously and feloniously, by the explosion of four ounces of gunpowder [or a certain explosive substance, called ] *, destroy [or damage] a certain building, to wit, a , there situate, with intent then and there and thereby feloniously and of his malice' aforethought [the said] C. D. to murder, [or there situate, whereby the life of one C. D. then and there being was then and there endangered], contrary, &c. 53. By explosive Substances. (Id. s. 3.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Id. Offence 39. 294 Indictable Offences. [PART n. Oke's Synop. Form No. 52, supra, then : burn, [or maim, disfigure, or disable, or do 2nd ed. p. 342. certain grievous bodily harm, to wit, - , to], one C. D. then and there being, contrary, &c. Id Offence 39 54 ' ^ sending, fyc. explosive Substances. (Id. s. 4.)] did unlawfully, maliciously and feloniously cause certain gunpowder [or explosive sub- stance, to wit, - ], to explode, [or send or deliver to, or cause to be taken or receivad by one C. D., two drachms weight of a certain explosive substance, or a certain dangerous or noxious thing, called - ], [or cast or throw at or upon, or apply to one C, D., by then and there - , half a pint of a certain corrosive fluid, or destructive, or explosive substance, called - ], with intent then and there and thereby to burn [or maim, disfigure, or disable, or to do some grievous bodily harm to] the said C. D., con- trary, &c. 55. By attempting to blow up Buildings. (Id. s. 6.)] did unlawfully, maliciously and feloniously place [or throw] in, [or into, upon, against, or near] a certain building there situate, called a - , [or vessel called the Algiers], two ounces of gunpowder, [or of a certain explosive substance called - ], with intent then and there and thereby to do bodily injury to one C. D. then and there being, contrary, &c. ATTEMPTS TO COMMIT CRIMES. Id. Offence 40. 56. To commit a Felony at Common Law. (1 Burn's Jus. 304.)] did unlawfully attempt and endeavour to [stating the felony attempted], by then and there [&fc. stating the act done.'] Id. Offence 41. ^7. To commit a Misdemeanor, whether statutable or at Common Law. (Rodrick's case, 7 Car. & P. 795.)] This may be similarly framed. BANKRUPTS. Id DD 342 344 OBSERVATION. The offences referred to in the margin were under Offences 42 ' tne 5 & 6 Victl c - 122 ss - 32 > 34 > 35 > but that statute is repealed in Offences 42 44. this respect by " The Bankrupt Law Consolidation Act, 1849" (12 & 13 Viet. c. 106), and by sect. 256 of the latter the offences by bankrupts are defined, including those in the former statute, and made punishable by suspension or refusal of certificate of conformity, or refusal of protection. BIGAMY. Id. p. 344. 5% Bigamy. (9 Geo. 4, c. 31, s. 22.)] did unlawfully and felo- Offence 46. niously marry and take to wife one E. F., F. G., his former wife, to whom the said A. B. was previously married, being then alive, contrary, &c. %* Insert in the C ommitment, if the second marriage did not take place in the county where the offender is committed: " the said A. B. having been apprehended and taken for the said felony in the parish of , in the said county of ." CHAP, ii.] BLASPHEMY-BRIBERYBURGLARY. 295 BLASPHEMY.- 59. Publishing Blasphemous Libels. (I Hawk. c. 3, ss. 1, 3.)] did unlawfully and wilfully compose, print and publish, and cause and procure to be composed, printed and published, a certain scandalous, impious, blasphemous and profane libel of and concerning the Holy Scriptures and the Christian religion, in which said libel there were and are contained, amongst other things, the words following, that is to say, [set the passage out.] BRIBERY. 60. Constable, taking. (1 Hawk. c. 67, s. 2.)] being then a con- stable of the said parish of , and then having in his custody and pos- session a certain warrant of one J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's jus- tices of the peace in and for the said county of , to apprehend one E. F. to answer a certain charge, to wit, [state the charge as in the war- rant], did then and there unlawfully and corruptly accept of the said E. F. [or of one F. G.] the sum of pounds, if the said A. B. would refrain from executing the said warrant for the space of days from that time. 61. Offering same. (Id.)] did then and there unlawfully and cor- ruptly offer unto one A. B , then being a constable, &c. [as in No. 60, omitting the words did then and there unlawfully and corruptly accept of the said E. F. [or of one F. G.] ] BURGLARY. 62. Entering a Dwelling-house with Intent to commit Felony. (7 & 8 Oke's Synop. Geo. 4, c. 29, 8. 11.)] about the hour of eleven in the night did felo- 2nd ed. p. 344. niously and burglariously break and enter the dwelling-house of one [or Offence 47. the said] C. D. there situate, with intent the goods and chattels of the said C. D. in the said dwelling-house then and there being, then and there feloniously and burglariously to steal, take and carry away, and that the said A. B., so being in the said dwelling-house with such intent as afore- said,* on the day and year aforesaid, about the hour of in the night of the same day, at aforesaid, did wilfully, feloniously and bur- glariously break out of the said dwelling-house, contrary, &c. 63. Being therein and committing a Felony, $c. (Id.)] being in the Id. Offence 47. dwelling-house of one [or the said] C. D. there situate, did feloniously steal, take and carry away one silver watch of the value of of the goods and chattels of the said C. D. [or of one E. F.J, then and there being found, and that the said A. B., so being in the said dwelling-house, and having committed the said felony [conclude from the asterisk* in Form No. 62, supra.] 64. The like, and using Violence to Persons therein. (7 Will. 4 & 1 Id. Offence 48. Viet. c. 86, s. 2.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 62, supra, then : did then and there feloniously assault the said C. D. [or one E. F.] then being therein, with intent in so doing him the said C. D. [or E. F.] then and there and thereby feloniously, wilfully, and of his malice afore- thought to kill and murder, [or did then and there feloniously stab, or cut, wound, or hurt, or strike the said C. D. [or one E. F.], then being therein], contrary, &c. 296 Oke's Synop. 2nd ed. p. 344. Offence 49. Indictable Offences. [PART n. CARNALLY KNOWING FEMALE CHILDREN. 65. Girls under Ten Years of Age. (9 Geo. 4, c. 31, s. 17.)] did feloniously assault one C. D., a girl under the age of ten years, to wit, of the age of nine years, and her the said C. D. then and there feloniously did unlawfully and carnally know and abuse, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 50. 66. Above Ten and under Twelve Years of Age. (Id.)] did unlaw- fully assault one [or the said] C. D., a girl above the age of ten years, and under the age of twelve years, to wit, of the age of eleven years, and her the said C. D. then and there did unlawfully and carnally know and abuse, contrary, &c. CATTLE. Id. Offence 51. 67. Stealing. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, s. 25.)] did feloniously steal, take and drive [or carry] away, one horse [or mare, gelding, colt, filly, bull, cow, ox, heifer, calf, ram, ewe, sheep, or lamb], [of the value of pounds,] of the goods and chattels of one [or the said] C. D., contrary, &c. 68. Killing with Intent to steal. (Id.)] did wilfully and feloniously kill one horse [or as in 67], of the goods and chattels of one [or the said] C. D., with intent then and there feloniously to steal, take and carry away the carcase [or skin, or a certain part of the carcase, that is to say, the inward fat,] of the said , contrary, &c. Id. Offence 52. 69. Maliciously killing, Sfc. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 30, s. 16.)] did un- lawfully, maliciously and feloniously kill [or maim, or wound] certain cattle, to wit, a bay mare [or as the case may be], the property of one [or the said] C. D., contrary, &c. CHILD STEALING. Id. p. 344. 70. Taking or decoying away a Child under Ten Years of Age. (9 Offence 53. Geo. 4, c. 31. s. 21.)] did feloniously and maliciously by force [or fraud] lead [or take, or decoy, or entice away, or detain] a certain male child under the age of ten years, to wit, of the age of eight years, named S. D., the son of one [or the said] C. D , with intent to deprive the said C. D., the parent of the said child, of the possession of the said child, [or with intent, one woollen cloth waistcoat, of the value of and , upon and about the person of the said child then and there being, and the property of the said C. D., feloniously to steal, take, and carry away], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 53. 71. Receiving or harbouring such Child. (Id.)] did unlawfully and feloniously receive [or harbour] a certain male child tinder the age of ten years, to wit, of the age of eight years, named S. D., the son of one [or the said] C. D., who had been theretofore feloniously and maliciously by force [or fraud] led [or taken, decoyed or enticed away or detained], he the said A. B. well knowing that the said S. D. had been so feloniously and maliciously led [or as the case may be~] away, with intent, &c. [as in Form No. 70, supra.'] CHURCH OR MEETING HOUSE -CHALLENGE. 297 CHURCH OR MEETING HOUSE. 72. Disturbing Church. (1 Will & Mary, c. 18, s. 18.)] did con- temptuously [or maliciously] enter and come into a certain church, [or cathedral, or chapel,] established by law, there situate, belonging to the said parish of , [or called ,] wherein a congregation of Protestants were then and there assembled for religious worship, and that the said A. B. did then and there unlawfully disturb and disquiet the said congre- gation by then and there swearing and talking with a loud voice, [or by then and there talking, cursing and swearing with a loud voice, to one C. D., the preacher then in the pulpit,] [or by then and there laughing aloud several times,] contrary, &c. 73. Disturbing Congregation of Dissenters. (52 Geo. 3, c. 155, s. 12 ; Oke's Synop. and see 31 Geo. 3, c. 33, s. 10, as to Roman Catholics; and 9 & 10 Viet. 2nd ed. p. 348. c. 59, as to Jews.)] did unlawfully, wilfully and maliciously, [or con- Offence 79. temptuously] come into a certain congregation of Protestants dissenting from the church of England, then and there assembled for the worship of Almighty God, in a certain meeting house there situate, and the said con- gregation then and there wilfully and of purpose maliciously and contemp- tuously did disquiet and disturb by then and there, [as in Form No. 72, . . supra, or as the case may happen], the said meeting house where the said congregation were so assembled as aforesaid being then, and long before, certified, registered and recorded according to the direction of the statute in such case made and provided, and the doors of the said meeting house not being then locked, barred or bolted, contrary, &c. 74. The like, shorter Form. (From Stone's Hand-book, p. 144.)] did unlawfully disturb a certain meeting and congregation of persons, to wit, a congregation of Protestants dissenting from the church of England, per- mitted by law, and then and there assembled for religious worship in a certain meeting house there situate, and then duly certified, registered and recorded, pursuant to the statute in that behalf, by coming into the said meeting house in a state of drunkenness, and by then talking and swearing with a loud voice, contrary, &c. ** The offender, for the offences described in Forms No. 73 and 74, supra, after proof thereof before any justice by two or more credible witnesses, is to find two sureties, to be bound by recog- nizances in the penal sum of 50, to answer such offence, and in default committed to prison. The recognizances will be in the general Form No. 48 (S. 1), ante, p. 276. CHALLENGE. 75. Provoking to Fight, or send a Challenge. (1 Hawk, c. 63, s. 3.)] did wickedly, wilfully and maliciously utter, pronounce, declare and say [or speak, declare, say and publish] to and in the presence and hearing of one [or the said] C. D., certain provoking, malicious and scandalous words, with intent to instigate, excite and provoke the said C. D. to fight a duel with and against him the said A. B. [or to send a challenge to him, the said A. B., to fight a duel with and against him, the said C. D.] 76. Sending Challenge. (Id.)] did wickedly, wilfully and maliciously compose, write, send and deliver [or cause to be delivered] to one [or the said] C. D. a certain letter and paper writing, containing a challenge to fight a duel with him, the said A. B., against the peace of our lady the Queen . 298 Indictable Offences. [PART n. 77. Taking Challenge. (Id.)] did knowingly, wickedly, wilfully and maliciously carry a certain letter and paper writing containing a challenge to fight a duel with and against one C. D. from one E. F. to the said C. D. CLERGYMEN. 78. Arresting on way to or during Service. (9 Geo. 4, c. 31, s. 23.)] did unlawfully arrest one [or the said] C. D., then being a clergyman, upon a certain civil process, to wit, , while he, the said C. D., as such clergyman, was then and there going to perform divine service in the parish church of the parish of aforesaid ; he, the said A. 13., then and there well knowing that the said C. D. was then and there a clergyman, and was so going to perform divine service as aforesaid, [or while he, the said C. D., as such clergyman, was then and there performing divine service in the parish church of the parish of aforesaid,] contrary, &c. COIN. Oke's Synop. 79. Information to ground Search Warrant for Counterfeit Coin, or 2nded. p. 344. Tools, #c. (2 Will. 4, c. 34, s. 14.)] Proceed as in No. 1, ante, p. 258. to the asterisk *, then : that he hath reasonable cause to suspect, and doth suspect and believe that A. B. of &c. is concerned in the counter- feiting of the current gold [or silver, or copper,] coin of this realm, [or has in his custody or possession counterfeit coin of this realm, or certain instruments, tools or engines adapted and intended for the counterfeiting of the current coin of tin's realm,] at and in a certain dwelling-house of the said A. B., situate at , in the parish of aforesaid. 80. Search Warrant thereon. (Id.) To J. N., constable of the parish of , in the [county] of . { Whereas C. D. of &c. a credible witness in that behalf, hath to wit. S this day made complaint upon oath before the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , that he hath reasonable cause to suspect, and dotk suspect and believe that, &c. [recite Information No. 79, supra, to the end] : These are there- fore to command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith, with necessary and proper assistants, to enter in the day [or night] time into the said dwelling-house of the said A. B. at aforesaid, and there diligently to search for such counterfeit coin, and all tools or implements for making or coining any such counterfeit coin ; and if the same, or any of them, shall be found on such search, you are to seize and carry the same before me, or some other of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the [county] aforesaid, in order that the same may be secured, and produced in evidence against the said A. B., and such other person or persons who shall or may be prosecuted for the offence aforesaid, according to the statute in that behalf made and provided. Given under my hand, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. J. S. STATEMENTS OF OFFENCES. Id. Offence 54. 81. Counterfeiting Gold or Silver Coin. (2 Will. 4, c. 34, s. 3.)] did feloniously, falsely make and counterfeit two pieces of coin resembling [or apparently intended to resemble, or pass for] certain of the Queen's current gold [or silver] coin called sovereigns, [or shillings,] contrary, &c. CHAP, ii.] COIN. 299 82. Gilding or Silvering Coin. (Id. s. 4.)] did feloniously gild, [or Oke's Synop. silver, or wash, colour, or case over with a certain wash] a certain piece 2nded. p. 344. of coin called a farthing, resembling [or apparently intended to resemble or pass for] certain of the Queen's current gold coin, called a sove- reign, 83. [or a certain piece of silver, or copper, or coarse gold, or coarse silver, or a certain metal called , or a certain mixture of metals called ,] being of a fit size and figure to be coined, and with intent that the said piece of silver should be coined into false and counterfeit coin resembling [or apparently intended to resemble, or pass] for a piece of the Queen's current gold coin called a sovereign,] 84. [or a certain piece of the Queen's current silver coin, called a shilling [or file or alter a certain, &c.] with intent to make the said piece resemble [or pass for] a piece of the Queen's current gold coin called a sovereign], 85. [or a certain piece of the Queen's current copper coin, called a penny [or file or alter a certain, &c.], with intent to make the said piece resemble, or pass for, a piece of the Queen's current gold, or silver, coin, called a sovereign, or half-crown], contrary, &c. 86. Impairing Gold or Silver Coin. (Id. s. 5.)] did feloniously Id. Offence 55. impair, diminish and lighten two pieces of the Queen's current gold coin called sovereigns [or shillings], with intent thereby then and there felo- niously to make the said pieces of coin so impaired, diminished and lightened to pass for the Queen's said current gold coin called sovereigns [or shillings] as aforesaid, contrary, &c. 87. Buying, %c. Counterfeit Coin. (Id. s. 6.)] did feloniously sell to Id. Ofience 56. [or buy, receive from, or pay, or offer to] one C. D. two certain pieces of false and counterfeit coin resembling [or apparently intended to resemble, or pass for] certain of the Queen's current gold [or silver] coin called sovereigns [or shillings], at and for a lower rate and value than the same then and there by its denomination did import, and was coined and counterfeited for, to wit, for the sum of , contrary, &c. 88. Importing Counterfeit Coin. (Id. a. 6.)] did feloniously import from beyond the seas into that part of the United Kingdom called Eng- land, two pieces of false and counterfeit coin, each piece thereof resem- bling [or apparently intended to resemble, or pass for] a piece of the Queen's current silver [or gold] coin, called a shilling [or sovereign], he the said A. B. then and there well knowing the same to be false and counterfeit, contrary, &c. 89. Uttering Counterfeit Gold or Silver Coin. (Id. s. 7.)] did un- Id. Offence 57. lawfully utter [or put off] a certain piece of false and counterfeit coin resembling [or apparently intended to resemble, or pass for] certain of the Queen's current gold [or silver] coin, called a , he the said A. B. then and there well knowing the same to be false and counterfeit,* con- trary, &c. 300 Oke's Synop. 2nd ed. p. 344. Id. p. 346. Offence 58. Indictable Offences. [PART u. Id. Offence 59. Id. Offence 60. td. Offence 61. 90. The like [or as in Forms No. 91, 92, 93], a Second Offence. (Id. s.7.)] State the offence as in Form No. 89, supra, but that it was done "feloniously," and then adding at the end: he the said A. B. having before then, to wit, on the day of , at , been duly convicted for having before then, to wit, on &c. at &c. [stating offence'], contrary, &c. 91. Uttering Counterfeit Gold or Silver Coin, and then having others in Possession. (Id. s. 7.)] Proceed as in Form No. 89, supra, to the asterisk*, and then : and he the said A. B., at the time he so uttered [or put off] the said false and counterfeit coin, having in his possession, besides the false and counterfeit coin so uttered [or put off] as aforesaid, two [or one] other pieces of the like false and counterfeit coin, resembling [or apparently intended to resemble, or pass for] certain of the Queen's current gold [or silver] coin called , contrary, &c. 92. Uttering twice within Ten Days. (Id. s. 7.)] Proceed as in Form No. 89, supra, to the asterisk*, and then: and that the said A. B. afterwards, and within the space of ten days thence next ensuing, to wit, on the day of , at the parish of , in the said [county^ of , did unlawfully utter and put off a certain other piece of false and counterfeit coin, resembling [or apparently intended to resemble, or pass for] certain of the Queen's current gold [or silver] coin, called , contrary, &c. 93. Having Possession of Counterfeit Coin with intent to utter same. (Id. s. 8.)] did unlawfully have in his custody and possession two pieces of false and counterfeit coin, resembling [or apparently intended to resemble, or pass for] certain of the Queen's current gold [or silver] coin, called , with intent then and there to utter and put off the same, he the said A. B. then and there well knowing the same to be false and counterfeit, contrary, &c. 94. Making or mending or having Coining Tools. (Id. s. 10.)] did knowingly feloniously make [or mend, or begin or proceed to make or mend, or buy or sell] [or have in his possession], without lawful authority or excuse, one puncheon [or counter-puncheon, matrix, stamp, or die, pattern or mould], in and upon which there was made and impressed the figure of one of the sides, that is to say, the head side [or as the case may be] of a piece of the Queen's current gold [or silver] coin, commonly called a , contrary, &c. 95. [or did feloniously and without lawful authority make, &c. [as in 94], [or have in his custody and possession without lawful excuse], one edger [or edging tool, collar, instrument, or engine] adapted and intended for the working of coin round the edges with grainings apparently resembling those on the edges of a piece of the Queen's current gold [or silver] coin, called a , he the said A. B. then and there well knowing the same edger [or as the case may be~\ to be so adapted and intended as aforesaid, contrary, &c]. 96. [or did feloniously and without lawful authority make, &c. [as in 94], [or have in his custody and possession without lawful excuse] one press for coinage [or cutting engine for cutting by force of a screw, round blanks out of gold, silver or copper], he CHAP, ii.] COMPOUNDING CONSPIRACIES. 301 the said A. B. then and there well knowing such press to be a Oke's Synop. press for coinage [or such engine to have been used, or to be in- 2nd ed. p. 346. tended to be used, for and in order to the counterfeiting of the Queen's current gold and silver coin], contrary, &c. 97. Conveying Tools or Coin, SfC. out of Mint without authority. Id. Offence 62. (Id. s. 11.)] did knowingly and feloniously and without lawful autho- rity, convey out of her Majesty's Mint there situate, one puncheon [or as the case may be], used and employed in and about the coining of coin, [or ten pieces of the Queen's current gold [07- silver] coin, called ]> contrary, &c. 98. Counterfeiting Copper Coin, or making or mending, selling, receiv- Id. Offence 63. ing, or having in Possession, without Authority, any Tools, fyc. for such Coin. (Id. s. 12.)] the Forms for describing either of these offences may be easily framed from those described in Forms No. 81, 87, 88, 9496. 99. Uttering false Copper Coin, or having Possession of Three or more id. Offence 64. Pieces thereof with intent to utter. (Id. s. 12.)] These offences may be easily described by referring to the Forms No. 89, 93. COMPOUNDING. 100. A Felony. (1 Hawk. c. 59, s. 5.)] did unlawfully, knowingly Id. Offence 69. and for wicked gain's sake, compound a certain felony, that is to say, for that one . F. did, on the day of last, at the parish of , in the said [county] of , feloniously steal, take and carry away one silver watch, of the value of , of the goods and chattels of the said C. D., with one F. G., the servant of the said C. D., and then and there did exact, take, receive and have of the said F. G. the sum of , for and as a reward for compounding the said felony, and from desisting from all further prosecution against the said E. F. for the said felony, from which time the said C. D. hath desisted from all further prosecution of the said E. F. CONCEALING BIRTH. 101. Of Child, by burying, lye. (9 Geo.4, c. 34, s. 14.)] being then Id. Offence 71. and there delivered of a certain male child, did, by secretly burying the same, [or by disposing of its dead body by ], unlawfully endeavour to conceal the birth thereof, contrary, &c. CONSPIRACIES. 102. General. (1 Burn's Justice, p. 887, 29th ed.)] that A. B., of id. Offence 72. &c., E. F., of &c., and G. H., of &c., did, on the day of last, at the parish of , in the said [county] of , unlawfully and wick- edly [falsely and maliciously] conspire, combine, confederate and agree together, to [here state the object oj' the conspiracy, according to the sub- stance of the facts]. 103. To Cheat. (Stone's Handbook, p. 145.)] that on &c., at &c., C. D. and E. F. did amongst themselves unlawfully conspire [or, if the warrant be against C. D. only, did unlawfully conspire with one E. F., or with some person or persons at present unknown], by divers false pre- tences and subtle devices, to obtain from A. B. a certain sum of money, 302 Indictable Offences. [PART n. Oke's Synop. to wit, three shillings, the property of the said A. B., and thereby then 2nd ed. p. 346. and there to cheat and defraud the said A. B. of the same, against the peace of our lady the Queen. 104. To accuse of Crime. (Id.)] that on &c., at &c., C. D. and E. F. did, amongst themselves, unlawfully and maliciously conspire and combine falsely to charge and accuse one A. B., that he the said A. B. had then lately before feloniously stolen, taken and carried away a horse, the property of one G. H., against the peace of our lady the Queen. CONSTABLE. Id. Offence 73. 105. Refusing to serve Office. (R. v. Lone, Stra. 820 ; JR. v. Bower, 1 B. & C. 587 ; 2 D. & R. 842.)] being then and there a constable of the said parish of , and duly appointed and sworn to act for the said parish of , under and by virtue of an act passed in the session of parliament held in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of her Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled " An Act for the appointment and payment of Parish Constables" [or as the case may be~\, did unlawfully, wilfully, obsti- nately and contemptuously refuse, and still doth refuse, to take upon him- self and execute the said office of constable of the said parish. Id. Offence 74. 106. Refusing to assist a Constable when called upon (R. v. Brown, 1 Car. & M. 314.)] did unlawfully and without lawful excuse refuse, when duly called upon by one [or the said] C. D., to aid and assist him the said C. D. in quelling an affray then and there unlawfully made, and being in a certain public street and highway there situate, called , by divers evil disposed persons there assembled to the number of [fifty] and more, to the great disturbance of the public peace, he the said C. D. then being one of the constables for the said parish of , duly appointed under an act passed, &c. [here describe the statute tinder which the con- stable is appointed as in No. 105, supra, or any of the others in tit. " Constables," Chap. 2, of Part I., ante, p. 96, &c.], and being then and there in the due execution of his office as such constable, and the said A. B. being then and there present and witnessing the affray aforesaid. CRUELTY. Id. Offence 75. 107. To those of tender Years, under one's control. (2 Camp. 650.)] Vide Dick. Q. S., 5th ed. pp. 353 355, for indictments for such offences. Id. p. 348. Offence 76. (1 Burn's Jus. 29th ed. p. 4 18.) DEAD BODIES. 108. Disinterring. (4 Bl. Com. 236; R. v. Lynn, 2 T. R. 733; 2 Leach, Cr. C. 497, S. C. ; R. v. Gillies, R. & Ry. C. C. R. 366, n.)] did unlawfully and wilfully break and enter the churchyard of and be- longing to the parish church of the same parish there situate, and the grave there in which E. F. deceased had lately before then been interred and then was, did unlawfully, wilfully and indecently dig open, and take and carry away the body of the said E. F. 109. The like, a shorter Form. (Id.)] did unlawfully disinter and dig up the dead body of a man formerly known and called by the name of E. F. [or a man unknown], then and there buried. (See Anatomy Act, 2 $ 3 Will. 4, c. 75, s. 18.) CHAP, ii.] DECLARATION-DISORDERLY HOUSE. 303 DECLARATION. Making a False.] See " Perjury," post. DISOBEDIENCE. 110. Of a Justice's Order. (Vide Dick. Q. S. 5th ed. pp. 288, 454.)] Qke's Synop. Forms, Arch. Crim. Ev. by Jervis, 9th ed. p. 593. 2nd ed. p. 348. Offence 77. 111. Of the Direction or Prohibition of a Statute where no Penalty annexed. (Id.)] * t * For the offences described in Forms 110, 111, supra, it would be advisable to prefer an indictment at the sessions or assizes in the first instance. DISORDERLY HOUSE. Keeping. (25 Geo. 2, c. 36, ss. 5, 6 ; 58 Geo. 3, c. 70, s. 7.) 112. Notice by Two Inhabitants to Constables and Overseers. To J. N., constable of the parish of , in the said [county] of Id. Offence 78. , and to the several overseers of the poor of the said parish. County of 1 We, C. D. and E. F., two of the inhabitants of the said > parish, paying scot and bearing lot therein, do hereby give to wit. i you and each of you notice, that A. B., of the said parish of , doth keep a bawdy-house, to wit, at a messuage and premises in the parish aforesaid ; and we do hereby require you the said constable and overseers forthwith to go with us before some one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , to the intent that such proceedings may be had for the prosecution of the said A. B. for the said offence as in and by the statute made and passed in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Se- cond, intituled " An Act for the better Prevention of Thefts and Rob- beries, and for regulating Places of Public Entertainment, and punish- ing Persons keeping Disorderly Houses," and also in and by a statute made and passed in the fifty-eighth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Third, are directed and required. Witness our hands, this day of , 185 . C. D. E. F. 113. Deposition of Truth of Notice by the Two Inhabitants. County of j C. D. and E. F., of the parish of , in the said [county] Jof . severally make oath and say, that they severally to wit. 7 believe the contents of the notice hereunto annexed (a copy of which they have caused to be served on J. N., constable of the said parish of , and also upon W. S., one of the overseers of the poor of the said parish), to be true in substance and fact. Sworn by the said C. D. and E. F., this N C. D. day of , 185, before me, j E. F. J.S. One of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county]. 304 Indictable Offences. [PART n. 114. Recognizance in 30 to prosecute by Constable or Overseer. Proceed as in the General Form No. 43, (O. 1), ante, p. 273, stating the condition thus : The condition of the within written recognizance is such, that whereas C. D. and E. F., two of the inhabitants of the said parish of , having given notice to the within bounden J. N. [or W. S.], constable [or overseer] of the said parish of , that A. B. of the said parish of doth keep a bawdy house in the said parish and county, and having severally made a deposition on oath of their belief in the truth of the contents of the said notice, and having also severally entered into a recognizance in the penal sum of twenty pounds each before the within mentioned justice, on condition that they shall give or produce material evidence against the said A. B. for the said offence: If therefore he the said J. N. [or W. S.] do and shall prosecute with effect the said A. B. for the said offence, then this recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue. 115. Recognizance in 20 each to give Evidence by the Two Inhabitants. Proceed as in the General Form No. 48, (S. 1), ante, p. 276, stating the condition thus : The condition of the within written recognizance is such, that whereas the said C. D. and E. F., two of the inhabitants of the said parish of paying scot and bearing lot therein, having given notice in writing to J. N. [or W. S.], a constable [or one of the overseers] of the said parish of , that A. B. of the said parish of doth keep a bawdy house in the same parish, and have severally made a deposition on oath of their belief in the truth of the contents of the said notice, and the said J. N. [or W. S.] having also entered into a recognizance in the sum of thirty pounds before the justice within mentioned to prosecute with effect the said A. B. for the said offence : If therefore they the said C. D. and E. F. do give or produce material evidence on the prosecution of the said A. B. for the said offence, then this recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue. 116. Justice's Warrant (after taking the above Recognizances} to bring up Accused to be bound to answer Charge at Sessions or Assizes. To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said [county] of . I Whereas C. D. and E. F., two of the inhabitants of the said to wit. J parish of , paying scot and bearing lot in the said parish, have given notice in writing to J. N., constable of the said parish, and also to W. S. and J. P., overseers of the poor of the said parish, that A. B. of the said parish doth keep a bawdy house in the same parish, and have also severally made a deposition on oath this day before the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county'] ef , that they believe the contents of the said notice to be true, and have also severally entered into a recognizance in the penal sum of twenty pounds each, on condition to give or produce material evidence against the said A. B. for the said offence : These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to bring the said A. B. before me on , the day of , at o'clock in the forenoon, at , to be bound over to appear at the next general quarter sessions of the peace [or assizes of oyer and terminer] to be held in and for the said [county~\, there to answer such bill of indictment as shall be found against him for such offence. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [countyl aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) CHAP, ii.] DISSENTERS ENTRY (FORCIBLE). 305 117. Statement of Offence for the Commitment.] did unlawfully keep and maintain a certain common, ill governed and disorderly house ; and did cause certain persons, as well men as women, of evil name and fame, and of dishonest conversation, to frequent and come together in the said house, and there to be and remain drinking, tippling, whoring, and mis- behaving themselves. DISSENTERS. See title " Church or Meeting House," ante, p. 297. ELECTIONS. 118. Giving false Answers to Returning Officer. (6 Viet. c. 18, s. 81.)] Oke's Synop. being then and there a voter for the [ division of the] county of 2nd ed. p. 348. , for for the city or borough of ], did, at an election then and Offence 80. there nolden for members to serve in parliament for the said [ division of the] county of [or city or borough of ], at the time of tendering his vote at the said election, in answer to the following ques- tion (required on behalf of W. T., one of the said candidates at the said election,) duly put to him by the returning officer, that is to say, " Are you the same person," &c. [or as the case may be], then and there unlaw- fully and wilfully did falsely answer [state the answer'], contrary, &c. 119. Personating Voters. (Id. s. 83.)] did then and there knowingly Id. Offence 81. and unlawfully personate and falsely assume to vote at an election then and there holden for members to serve in parliament for the [ division of the] said county of [or city or borough of ], in the name of one E. F., whose name then and there appeared and was on the register of voters then in force for the [division] county [or city or borough] aforesaid, contrary, &c. EMBEZZLEMENT. 120. By Clerks or Servants. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, s. 47.)] being then Id. Offence 82. and there clerk [or servant], [or in the capacity of a clerk or servant], to one [or the said] C. D., did by virtue of his said employment then and there, and whilst he was so employed, receive and take into his possession certain money [or a certain chattel, to wit, a watch ; or a valuable secu- rity, to wit, a check for eight pounds, in the words and figures following, that is to say [fopy it]], to the amount of eight pounds and upwards, for and in the name and on the account of the said C. D. his master, and the said money feloniously did embezzle, contrary, &c. ENTRY (FORCIBLE), AND DETAINER. 121. Taking Possession. (5 Rich. 2, st. 1, c. 8; 15 Rich. 2, c. 2.)] Id. Offence 86. did forcibly and with strong hand enter into a certain messuage, with the appurtenances there situate, of which one [or the said] C. D. was then seised in his demesne as of fee [or possessed for a certain term of years, whereof divers, to wit, , years were then to come and unex- pired], and the said C. D. from the peaceable possession of the said mes- suage, with the appurtenances aforesaid, forcibly, and with strong hand unlawfully, did expel and put out, contrary, &c. X 306 Indictable Offences. [PART n- Oke's Synop. 122. Keeping Possession. (Id., and see 8 Hen. 6, c. 9.)] did unlaw- 2nd ed. p. 320. fully enter a certain messuage, with the appurtenances there situate, of which one [or the said] C. I), was seised in his demesne as of fee [or possession for a certain term of years, whereof divers, to wit, , years were then to come and unexpired], and the said C. D. from the peace- able possession of the said messuage, with the appurtenances aforesaid, then and there did unlawfully expel and put out, and that the said A. B. then and there hitherto the said C. D. from the possession of the said messuage, wifli the appurtenances aforesaid, with force and arms, and with strong hand, unlawfully and injuriously did keep out, and the said messuage and appurtenances, and the possession thereof, then and there unlawfully and forcibly did hold and detain, and still doth hold and detain, from the said C. D., contrary, &c. Id. Offence 87 (6 Burn's Jus. 29th ed. p. 295.) ESCAPE, PRISON-BREACH AND RESCUE. 123. Returning from Transportation. (5 Geo. 4, c. 84, s. 22.)] having been transported beyond the seas for the term of [seven years], in pursuance of a certain judgment against him for [state shortly the sub- stance of the offence for which he was transported,] feloniously and unlaw- fully, and without any lawful cause or excuse, was, on the day of , and before the expiration of the said term of [seven years], at large at in the said [county~\ of , contrary, &c. 124. Escaping from Gaol. (4 Geo. 4, c. 64, s. 44.) Complaint for a Warrant to apprehend.)] that A. B., being, on the day of instant, at , lawfully in the custody of the said C. D., under and by virtue of a warrant of J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county"] of , for felony [or on suspicion of felony, or as the case may be], hath unlawfully and wilfully escaped from the said gaol, and from and out of the custody of him the said C. D., the keeper thereof, before the expiration of a certain term for which he the said A. B. was ordered to be imprisoned and kept to hard labour therein. 125. Officer having Person in Charge for Felony permitting his Escape. (4 Bla. Com. 130; 1 Hale, 234; 2 Hawk. c. 18, s. 22.)] then having one C. D. in his custody, under and by virtue of a warrant of J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for having feloniously stolen the goods and chattels of one E. F., did unlawfully and negligently [or voluntarily] permit the said C. D. to escape and go at large. 125 a. Breaking Prison, when in Custody fora Capital Offence. (1 Edw. 2, st. 2, c. 1.)] being then lawfully imprisoned in the gaol of , for [stating the capital offence], did then and there feloniously, unlawfully, and injuriously break the said gaol, by means whereof he the said A. B. then and there did escape from the said gaol and go at large whither- soever he would, contrary, &c. %* In the commitment say, if necessary, " and that the place where the said A. B. was apprehended and retaken is in the parish of , in the [county] of aforesaid." 126. Conveying Mask, fyc. into Prison to aid and assist Prisoners to escape. (4 Geo. 4, c. 64, s. 43.)] did then and there unlawfully and feloniously convey into a certain prison there situate, called , a CHAP, ii.] ESCAPE, &c. 307 certain mask [or vizor, or disguise], with intent to aid and assist one E. F. then and there confined in the said prison to escape [or attempt to escape] therefrom, contrary, &c. 127. The like, Instruments to facilitate Escape. (Id.)] did then and there unlawfully and feloniously convey into a certain prison there situate, called , a certain instrument, to wit, a file, heing an instru- ment proper to facilitate the escape of prisoners therein, and did then and there deliver the same to one E. F. [for the use of one F. G.], who was then in custody there for [state the offence concisely], without the consent of the keeper of the said prison, with intent, &c. [as in 126.1 128. For Prison Breaking by Person committed for Trial.'] being then imprisoned in the , at in the said [county] of , under and by virtue of a warrant of commitment of J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the [county] of , [feloni- ously, if not in a misdemeanor] , unlawfully and wilfully did break the said prison, and escape from the same. 129. Rescuing Prisoner from Custody of Constable. (5 Burn's Jus. 29th ed., p. 730.)] whilst [the said] J. N., a constable of the said parish of , was conveying one E. F. to the common gaol at , in the said [county], under and by virtue of a warrant of commitment of J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county], for having feloniously stolen the goods of G. H. [or as the case may be], did unlawfully assault and beat the said J. N., and did then and there feloniously (a), unlawfully and forcibly, and against the will of the said J. N., rescue the said E. F. out of the custody of the said J. N. 130. Aiding a Prisoner in Custody for Treason or Felony to make his Escape while being conveyed to Prison. (16 Geo. 2, c. 31, s. 3.)] did feloniously and unlawfully assist one E. F. to make his escape from the custody of one J. N., a constable, the said E. F. being then and there lawfully in the custody of the said J. N., in order to convey him the said E. F. to prison, under and by virtue of a warrant of J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , for having feloniously stolen the goods of C. D. [or as the case may be], contrary, &c. 131. Rescue of a Prisoner generally. (4 Bla. Com. 131.)] whilst one E. F. was in the lawful custody of one J. N., a constable, under and by virtue of a warrant of one J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said [county] of , [or of one C. O., the gaoler, under and by virtue of a conviction of the said E. F. for felony], unlawfully, forcibly [and feloniously], did rescue the said E. F. out of the custody of the said J. N. [or C. O.], and him the said E. F. did put at large to go whithersoever he would. 132. Pound-Breach. (2 Hawk. c. 21, a. 20.)] did unlawfully and forcibly break a certain pound there, with intent then and there to rescue a certain horse then in the said pound impounded for -, and did then (a) The word feloniously should be omitted it) all cases (excepting murder, see the 25 Geo. 2, c. 37, s. 9; 5 Burn's Just., 29th ed. 729), where the party is not convicted of the offences ; and also in cases where he has been convicted, if the offence be under felony. x 2 308 Indictable Offences. [PART IT. and there unlawfully and forcibly rescue the said horse from and out of the said pound. 133. The like.'] with force and arms, unlawfully and against the Queen's peace, did break and enter the common pound overt of and belonging to the said parish of and to the manor of the same, and thereout unlawfully and forcibly did rescue and lead away one grey gelding, the property of one [or the said] C. D. [or A. B., the offender] therein lawfully impounded by [the said] C. D., the said gelding having been lately taken by the said E. F. or his servants as a distress damage feasant in a certain meadow of the said E. F. at aforesaid, tres- passing and doing damage to the grass therein. (See, however, tit. " Pound-breach," ante, p. 175, Summary Convic- tions.) EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES. Oke's Synop. 134. Having or manufacturing with intent, 2nd ed. p. 348. s. 8.)] This Form is at p. 291, No. 32. Id. Offence 88. (9 & 10 Viet. c. 25, EXTORTION. Id. Offence 89. 135. By a Constable. (1 Hawk. P. C. c. 68, s. 1 ; 2 Salk. 680.)] being then a constable of the parish of in the said [county], unlaw- fully, corruptly and by pretext and colour of his said office, by extortion did extort and receive of and from one [or the said] C. D., then in the custody of the said A. B., the sum of , as and for a fee due to him the said A. B. as such constable, whereas in truth and in fact no fee whatever [or no greater fee than the sum of ] was due to the said A. B. as such constable aforesaid. FALSE IMPRISONMENT. 136. Assault and False Imprisonment. (2 Inst. 589; Arch. Cr. PI. by Jervis, 477.)] did assault and beat one [or the the said] C. D., and did then and there unlawfully and injuriously and against the will of the said C. D., and without any legal warrant, authority, or reasonable or justifiable excuse whatsoever, imprison the said C. D. FALSE PRETENCES. Id. Offence 90. 137. Obtaining Goods, Sfc. by. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, s. 53.)] did unlawfully and knowingly falsely pretend to one [or the said] C. D. that [set out the pretence], by means of which said false pretence the said A. B. did then and there unlawfully obtain from the said C. D. [state what] of the goods and chattels of him the said C. D. with intent then and there to cheat and defraud the said C. D. of the same, whereas in truth and in fact the said A. B. [here negative the false pretence], contrary, &c. 138. The like, another form. (From S. Stone's Handbook, p. 146.)] did unlawfully obtain from one [or the said] C. D certain goods, to wit, ten yards of calico, the property of the said C. D., by means of a certain false pretence then and there made by him, to wit, that he the said A. B. was then the servant of E. F. and had been sent by him to the said C. D. CHAP, ii.] FELONY- FISH FORGERY. 309 for the said goods [setting out the false pretence according to the fact}, Oke's Synop. with intent thereby then and there to cheat and defraud the said C. D. of 2nd ed - P- 348 the same, contrary, &c. FELONY. 139. Misprison of. (4 Bl. Comm. 12; 3 Inst. 36.)] that he the Id. Offence 91. said A. B. being present when a certain person unknown did feloniously [state the felony concealed], at &c., on &c., and well knowing the said person, and intending to obstruct and hinder the due course of law and justice, did unlawfully, wilfully and contemptuously neglect and refuse, and still doth neglect and refuse, to disclose the name and residence of the said person. FISH. 140. Taking or destroying, in private Water adjoining Dwelling-house Id. p. 350. of Owner. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, s. 34.)] did unlawfully and wilfully Offence 92. take [or destroy] ten fish called trout, then and there being in a certain pond [or stream] of water in a certain close adjoining [or belonging] to the dwelling-house of one [or the said] C. D. there situate, whereof the said C. D. was then and there the owner [or wherein the said C. D. had then a right of fishery], contrary, &c. For damaging the ponds, &c. vide tit. " Malicious Injuries," post, Forms No. 239 and 240. FORGERY. 141. Forging a Bill of Exchange. (11 Geo. 4 & 1 Will. 4, c. 66, Id. Offence 93. s. 3.)] did feloniously forge a certain bill of exchange [or promissory note] in writing for the payment of money, purporting to be the accept- ance of one C. D., in the words and figures following [or the indorse- ment of and upon a certain bill of exchange, in writing, for the payment of money, purporting to be the indorsement of one C. D.], with intent to defraud one E. F., contrary, &c. 142. Uttering a forged Bill. (Id.)] did feloniously offer, utter, dis- pose of, and put off a certain forged acceptance of [4~c. as in No. 141], with intent to defraud one E. F., he the said A. B. then and there well knowing the said acceptance [or indorsement] to be forged, contrary, &c. 143. Forging and uttering a Bank Note. (Id.)] did feloniously forge [the indorsement or assignment of and upon] a certain bank note [or Dank bill of exchange, or bank post bill], to wit, a bank note [or as the case may be~\ for the payment of pounds [or divers bank notes], and the said forged bank note then feloniously did offer, utter, dispose of and put off, he the said A. B. then and there well knowing the same to be forged, with intent to defraud the governor and company of the Bank of England, contrary, &c. 144. Forging, Sfc. a Banker's Draft. (Id.)] did feloniously forge [or put off to one C.D., well knowing the same to be forged] a certain warrant and order for payment of money, commonly called a cheque on a banker, purporting to be the order or draft of one E. F. upon Messrs and Company, Bankers, with intent to defraud one E. F. [or C. D.], [or a certain order purporting to be an order for the payment of the 310 Indictable Offences. [PART n. Oke's Synop. sum of by [the said C. D. to the said A. B. [the offender], 2nd ed. p. 350. and purporting to be signed by one G. H., with intent then and there to defraud E. P.], contrary, &c. 145. Forging a Will. (Id.)] did feloniously forge [or offer, utter, dispose of and put off to E. F., well knowing the same to be forged], a certain will and testament [or codicil], purporting to be [a codicil to] the last will and testament of one C. D., with intent to defraud one E. F., contrary, &c. 146. Forging a Deed. (Id. s. 10.)] did feloniously forge [or offer, utter, dispose of, and put off to one E. F., well knowing the same to be forged], * a certain deed purporting to be a conveyance from one L. M. to N. O. of certain real estate situate at , and to have been signed, sealed and delivered by the said L. M., with intent then and there to defraud [the said] E. F., contrary, &c. 147. Forging or uttering a Bond. (Id)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 146, supra, then : a certain bond for the payment of money, to wit, the sum of , purporting to have been signed, sealed and de- livered by one [or the said] C. D., with intent to defraud the said C. D., contrary, &c. 148. Forging, fyc. an Acquittance or Receipt. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 146, supra, then: a certain acquittance and receipt for the sum of [or for certain goods, to wit, ten bales of cotton], purporting to be the receipt of one C. D., with intent to defraud the said C. D., contrary, &c. 149. Forging Sfc, an accountable Receipt. (Id.)] Proceed to the aste- risk* in Form No. 146, then: a certain accountable receipt, to wit, an order for money [or goods, note, bill, or security for payment of money], purporting to be an order from one C. D. to E. F. for the payment of the sum of , [or for the delivery of certain goods, to wit, one shawl], with intent then and there to defraud the said E. F., contrary, &c. d. Offence 94. 150. Purchasing or having a forged Bank Note, 4" c - * re Possession. (Id. s. 12.)] did feloniously and without lawful excuse purchase [or receive] from one C. D. [or had in his possession, well knowing the same to be forged], a certain forged and counterfeit bank note [or bank bill of exchange, or bank post bill, or blank bank note, &c.], to wit, a bank note [or as the case may be~\, for the payment of pounds, [or divers forged and counterfeit bank notes], contrary, &c. 151. Making or having Moulds for making Paper for Bank Notes. (Id. s. 13.)] did feloniously make [or use] without the authority of the governor and company of the Bank of England*, [or knowingly had in his custody and possession, without lawful excuse,] a certain frame [or mould] called a , for the making of paper, with the words " Bank of England" visible in the substance of the paper [or as the case may be], contrary, &c. [The offences under sect. 17 can beframedfrom this.'] CHAP, ii.] FORGERY. 311 152. Using or having Bank Papers. (Id.)] Proceed from the aste- Oke's Synop. risk* in Form No. 151, then: use [or sell, expose to sale, or utter and 2nd ed. p. 350. dispose of,] [or had in custody and possession, without lawful excuse,] certain paper, to wit, pieces, with the words " Bank of England" visible in the substance of the paper [or as the case may be~], contrary, &c. Vide the sections for other offences, which may be readily described from these. 153. Engraving on a Plate, 4-c. a Bank Note, or having same. (Id. s. 15.)] did feloniously, and without the authority of the governor and company of the Bank of England, * engrave upon [or feloniously and without lawful excuse had in his possession] a certain plate [or wood, stone, &c.], a certain promissory note [or bill of exchange, [or blank promissory note, &c.] purporting to be [part of] a bank note, contrary, &c. 154. Using same in Printing. (Id.)] did feloniously use a certain forged and counterfeit plate, &c. [as in 153 to the end, then :] for the making or printing such bank note, contrary, &c. 155. Uttering forged printed Paper, or having same. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 153, supra, then: offer, utter, dispose of, and put off, [or feloniously, and without lawful excuse, had in his possession] a certain paper, upon which a blank bank note [or blank bank bill of exchange, or blank bank post bill, or part of a bank note, &c.], was then and there unlawfully and feloniously made and printed, contrary, &c. 156. Engraving on a Plate, fyc. a Word or Number, Sfc. (Id. ss. 16, 18.)] These may be readily framed from the above. 157. Making false Entries of Stock. (Id. s. 5.)] did feloniously and Id. Offence 95. wilfully make a false entry, Vide Arch. [or alter certain words and figures, that is to say [set them out], in a certain book of account kept by the governor and company of the Jervis, p. 385. Bank of England, in which said book the accounts of the owners of certain stock, annuities and other public funds, to wit, the [state the description of stock] which were then transferable at the Bank of England, were then and there entered, by then and there [describe the false entry'], with intent then and there to defraud the governor and company of the Bank of England [or C. D. or E. F], contrary, &c. 158. Forging and uttering a Transfer of Stock. (Id. s. 6.)] did feloniously forge [or utter, well knowing the same to be forged], a trans- fer of a certain share and interest in certain stock and annuities, to wit, two thousand three hundred and five pounds, three pounds per centum consolidated bank annuities [or as the case may be], then transferable at the Bank of England, and which said transfer purports to be made by one E. F., with intent then and there to defraud the governor and company of the Bank of England [or the said E. F., the owner of the said stock], contrary, &c. 159. Forging a Power of Attorney to sell out Stock. (Id.)] did feloniously forge a certain power of attorney to transfer a certain share and interest in certain stock and annuities, which then were transferable at the Bank of England, which said power of attorney is as follows, that 312 Indictable Offences. [PART n. Oke's Synop. is to say [here set it out~\, with intent then and there to defraud the go- 2nd ed. p. 350. vernor and company of the Bank of England, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 96. 160. Forging an Attestation to a Power of Attorney. (Id. s. 8.)] did feloniously forge the name and handwriting of one E. F. as and pur- porting to be a witness attesting the execution of a certain power of attor- ney to tranfer a certain share and interest of one C. D. in certain stock and annuities, which were then transferable at the Bank of England, to wit, , contrary, &c. 161. Forgery at Common Law. (East's P. C. c. 19; 2 East's P. C. 861,862; Arch. Cr. PL and Ev. 9th ed. by Jervis, p. 399.)] These offences may be described similarly to others ; instead of stating them to have been done " feloniously," say " unlawfully," and omit the words, " contrary, &c." FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. 162. Disobeying Justice's Order. (Under sect. 27 of 10 Geo.4, c. 56.)] that [recite the complaint, issue of summons, and the hearing as in the order, then :] and did thereupon then and there make a certain order in writing under their hands and seals, directed to the said A. B. and E. F., so being stewards of the said society, and all other persons whomsoever, being officers or members of the said society, whereby, after reciting as above recited, it was ordered that [here set forth the adjudicating part of the order] as by the said order duly appears, of which order the said A. B. and E. F. on the day of last had notice : And the said C. D. further saith that the said A. B. and E. F., not regarding the said order nor the said act of parliament, did not nor hath either of them [set forth the act omitted] or in any respect complied with or obeyed the same order, and on the day of instant wholly refused and neglected so to do, contrary, &c. %* Vide observation at foot of No. Ill, ante, p. 303. GAME (NIGHT-POACHING.) Id. Offence 102. 163. Taking or killing Hares or Conies in Warrens by Night. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, s. 30.)] at or about the hour of , in the night of the same day, did unlawfully and wilfully take [or kill] three hares [or conies] then and there in a certain warren there situate [or ground there situate and then lawfully used for the breeding, or keeping of hares, or conies] of one [or the said] C. D., contrary, &c. Id. Offence 103. 164. Taking Game or Rabbits by Night, or using Net, fyc.jbr taking same on Land or public Road, after Two previous Summary Convictions. (9 Geo. 4, c. 69, s. 1 and 7 & 8 Viet. c. 29, s. 1.)] These will be de- scribed in precisely the same manner as in the Forms No. 34 36, title " Game," ante, p. 118, adding at the conclusion, " he the said A. B. having before then been twice previously convicted of the like offence." Id. Offence 104. 165. Offenders found and assaulting Keeper with Gun, SfC. (9 Geo. 4, c. 69, s. 2 ; 7 & 8 Viet. c. 29, s. 1.)] that the said A. B., before and at the time of committing the assault hereinafter mentioned, to wit, on the day of instant, about the hour of , in the night of the same day, at the parish of , in the said [county] of , did by CHAP, ii.] GAMING HOUSEBREAKING. 313 night unlawfully enter and was in a certain close of land, called , in Oke's Synop. the occupation of E. F. [or as the case may be, describing the place as in ^ n " ec ** P* *0. the Forms No. 34 36, tit. " Game," ante, p. 118,] there situate, with a certain gun [or as the case may be,] for the purpose then and there, by night as aforesaid, of taking and destroying game, and was then and there found by one [or the said] C. D., the gamekeeper of the said E. F. who had then and there lawful authority to seize and apprehend him, and that he the said A. B. then and there [with the gun aforesaid] did then and there unlawfully assault and beat, and offer violence towards the said C. D., contrary, &c. 16G. Three or more entering Land, one being armed. (9 Geo. 4, c. 69, Id. Offence 105. s. 9.)] together with divers other persons unknown, to the number of three or more together, about the hour of , in the night of the same day, the said C. D. and the said other persons being then and there respec- tively [or the said C. D. being then and there] armed with a gun [or offen- sive weapon, to wit, a bludgeon, or as the case may be,~] did unlawfully enter into a certain close of land, called , in the occupation [or the pro- perty] of one E. F. [or certain open land called , the property of , or a certain wood, called , in the occupation, or the property of E. F.] there situate, and were then and there, by night as aforesaid, and armed as aforesaid, together unlawfully in the said for the pur- Eose then and there, by night as aforesaid, of taking and destroying game or rabbits] there, contrary, &c. GAMING. 167. Cheating at Play. (8 & 9 Viet. c. 109, s. 17; 7 & 8 Geo. 4, Id. Offence 106. c. 29, s. 53.)] did unlawfully obtain from one [or the said] C. D. cer- tain money, to wit, the sum of pounds, by means of a certain false pretence, to wit, by a certain fraud and unlawful device and ill practice in playing a certain game, called , with cards [or dice] with the said C. D., and winning thereby from the said C. D. to him, the said A. B., the said sum of , with intent thereby then and there to cheat and defraud the said C. D. of the same, contrary, &c. HOUSEBREAKING. 168, Breaking and entering a Dwelling-house, or Building with a Com- jj. Offence 107. munication between them, and stealing therein. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, ss. 12, 13.)] did feloniously break and enter the dwelling-house of one [or the saidj C. D. there situate, [or a certain building, to wit, a , within the curtilage of the dwelling-house of one [or the said] C. D. there situate, occupied therewith, and having an immediate communication between them, or by means of a covered, or inclosed, passage leading from the one to the other,] and did feloniously steal, take, and carry away therefrom six silver tea- spoons, of the value of , of the goods and chattels of the said C. D. then and there being, contrary, &c. 167. The like, a Building within the Curtilage, but no Communication Id. Offence 108. between them. (Id. s. 14.)] did feloniously break and enter a certain building, to wit, a , of one [or the said] C. D. there situate, (the said 314 Indictable Offences. [PART u. Oke's Synop. building being within the curtilage of the dwelling-house of the said 2nd ed. p. 350. C. D. there situate, and by the said C. D. then and there occupied there- with, and there being then and there no communication between the said building and the said dwelling-house either immediate or by means of any covered or inclosed passage leading from the one to the other,) and the said A. B. then and there in the said building six silver tea-spoons, of the value of , of the goods and chattels of the said C. D., feloni- ously did steal, take, and carry away, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 109. 168. Breaking and entering a Shop, Warehouse, 4~c. and stealing there- in. (Id. s. 15.)] did feloniously break aud enter the shop [or ware- house, or counting-house] of one [or the said] C. D. there situate, and did then and there feloniously steal, take, and carry away three silk handkerchiefs, of the value of -, of the goods and chattels of the said C. D. then and there being found, contrary, &c. INDECENCY. Id. Offence 1 10. 169. Exposing person naked to public View. (R. v. Camden, 2 Camp. 89.)] on a certain public and common highway there situate, did wilfully, wickedly, and scandalously expose to the view of divers persons then and there passing and repassing, the body and person of him the said A. B. naked and uncovered, for a long space of time, to wit, for the space of one hour. Id. Offence 111. 170. Printing or publishing indecent Books, #c. (R. v. Curl, 2 Str. 788.)] did unlawfully, wickedly, maliciously, and scandalously sell and utter to one C. D., in a certain open and public shop of him the said A. B. there situate, a certain lewd, wicked, scandalous, and obscene print [or paper] intituled , representing , and which said paper [or print] is contained in a certain printed pamphlet then and there uttered and sold by him the said A. B. to the said C. D., intituled " ." LARCENY. Id. p. 352. 171. Simple, of the personal Goods of another. (Com. Law.)] did Offence 11 3. feloniously steal, take and carry away one silver watch, of the value of , of the goods and chattels of one [or the said] C. D. %* If the offence was not committed where the offender examined and sent for trial, say, " and that the place where the said A. B. car- ried the said goods and was apprehended, is in the parish of , in the said [county~\ of ." Id. Offence 11 4. J 72. Qf Orders, Debentures, Bills, Bonds, &c. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, s. 5.)] did feloniously steal, take and carry away one promissory note [or a certain bond, bill of exchange, warrant, or order], for the payment of the sum of , [or delivery of certain goods, to wit, three bales of cotton], the property of one [or the said] C. D., and the said sum of money payable upon and secured by the same being then due and unsa- tisfied to the said C. D., contrary, &c. Id. Offence 115. 173. Of Deeds, $c. relating to Real Property. (Id. s. 23.)] did unlawfully steal, take and carry away a certain written parchment, the property of one [or the said] C. D., being then and there evidence of CHAP, ii.] LARCENY. 315 [part of] the title of the said C. D. to certain real estate, in which the Oke's Synop. said C. D. then and there had and still hath a present interest, con- 2nd ed - PP- 352. trary, &c. 174. Of Wills or Codicils. (Id. s. 22.)] did unlawfully steal, take Id. Offence 116. and carry away a certain will and testamentary instrument [or codicil] of one C. D., contrary, &c. 175. Fraudulently destroying or concealing Will, Sfc. (Id.)] did un- lawfully, in order to defraud one [or the said] C. D., destroy [or conceal] a certain will and testamentary instrument [or codicil] of one E. F., con- trary, &c. 176. Of Records and other Documents. (Id. s. 21.)] did unlawfully Id. Offence 117. steal, take and carry away a certain judgment roll of her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench, in the treasury of the said court there being then deposited, the said treasury being the place of deposit of the said judg- ment roll for the time being, contrary, &c. 177. Injuring same. (Id.)] did unlawfully and maliciously obliter- ate and injure [or destroy] a certain judgment roll, &c. [conclude as in No. 176, supra.] 178. Deer in inclosed Ground, or killing or wounding same, $c. (Id. Id. Offence 118. s. 26.)] This Form will be found in tit. "Juvenile Offenders" p. 134, No. 5. 179. The like, in uninclosed Ground (Second Offence). (Id.)] The Id. Offence 119. like No. 6, ante, p. 134. 180. Oysters, $c. from Bed of another. (Id. s. 36.)] This Form will Id. Offence 120. be found in tit "Juvenile Offenders," ante, p. 134, No. 8. 181. Using Dredge for taking Oysters. (Id.)] did unlawfully and Id. Offence 121. wilfully use a certain dredge [or net, or as the case may be], within the limits of a certain oyster fishery, called Helford, there situate, the pro- perty of one [or the said] C. D., and sufficiently [marked out and] known as the property of the said C.D., for the purpose then and there of taking oysters [or oyster brood], contrary, &c. 182. Dragging Net on Ground. (Id.)] did unlawfully and wilfully, with a certain net [or instrument, or engine, called ], drag upon the ground and soil of a certain oyster fishery called Helford, there situate, the property of one [or the said] C. D., and sufficiently [marked out and] known as the property of the said C. D., contrary, &c. 183. Dogs(Second Offence). (8& 9 Viet. c. 47,s. 2.)] Describe offence Id. Offence 122. as in Form No. 1, ante, p. 107, tit. " Dogs," adding thereto, " be the said A. B. having been previously convicted of the like oflence." 184. Having Possession of Stolen Dog (Second Offence). (Id. s. 3.)] Id. Offence 123. Describe offence as in Form No. 4, ante, p. 108, tit. " Dogs," adding thereto, " he the said A. B. having been previously convicted of the like offence." 185. Corruptly taking Reward as to Stolen Dog. (Id. s. 6.)] did Id. Offence 124. unlawfully and corruptly take from one [or the said] C. D., certain 316 Indictable Offences. [PART n. Oke's Synop. money and reward, to wit, the sum of , under pretence [or upon 2nd ed. p. 352. account] of aiding the said C. D. to recover a certain dog of him the said C. D., before then unlawfully stolen, taken and carried away, he the said A. B. not having aided in any way the recovery of the said dog, con- trary, &c. Id. Offence 125. 186. Stealing or damaging with intent to steal Trees, $c. growing in Parks, 4-c. Value above 1. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, s. 38.)] This Form will be found under tit. " Juvenile Offenders." ante, p. 135, No. 10. Id. Offence 126. '87. The like, growing elsewhere, exceeding 5. (Id.)] The like, ' No. 11, ante, p. 135. Id. Offence 127. 188. The like, of Value ofls.( Third Offence). (Id. s. 39.)] The like, No. 12, ante, p. 135. Id. Offence 128. 189. The like, Plants, Fruits, ^c. in Gardens, ^c. (Second Offence). (Id. s. 42.)] The like, No. 13, ante, p. 135. Id. Offence 129. 190. The like, Metal, Wood, $c. fired to Houses, Land, or in any public Place. (Id. s. 44.)] -The like, No. 14, ante, p. 135. Id. Offence 130. 191. Stealing, or severing with intent to steal, Ore or Coal from Mines. (Id. s. 37.)] The like, No. 9, ante, p. 134. Id. Offence 131. 192. Workmen in Cornish Mines removing or concealing Ore to defraud Adventurers or other Miners. (2 & 3 Viet. c. 58, s. 10.)] The like, No. 9, ante, p. 135. Id. Offence 132. 193. Stealing from the Person. (7 Will. 4 & 1 Viet. c. 85, s. 5.)] did feloniously steal, take and carry away from the person of [the said] C. D., six pieces of the current gold coin of the realm, called sovereigns, and one gold ring, of the value of , of the monies, goods and chattels of the said C. D., contrary, &c. 194. Robbery from the Person, and by putting in Fear. (Id., and 2 East, P. C. 707; 1 Hawk. c. 34, ss. 8, 9.)] did feloniously make an assault in and upon [the said] C. D., and him the said C. D. in bodily fear and danger of his life did feloniously put, and did feloniously and violently steal, take and carry away from the person of the said C. D., and against his will, six pieces of the current gold coin of the realm, called sovereigns, and one gold ring, of the value of , of the monies, goods and chattels of the said C. D.*, contrary, &c. 195. The like, a shorter Form. (Id.)] did feloniously and violently assault one [or the said] C. D., and thereby put the said C. D. in bodily fear, and sovereigns of the current gold coin of this realm, and one gold ring, of the value of , did then and there feloniously steal, take and carry away from the person of the said C. D.*, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 133. 196. Robbery and Wounding. (Id. s. 2.)] Proceed to the asterisk* in either of the Forms No. 194 or 195, supra, then .-and that the said A. B., immediately before [or after] he so robbed the said C. D. as aforesaid, did feloniously stab [or cut, or wound] the said C. D. in and upon the left side, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 134. 197. Robbery and being armed. (Id. s. 3.)] Proceed to the asterisk* CHAP, ii.] LARCENY. 317 in either of the Forms No. 194 or 195, supra, then: the said A. B., Oke's Synop. being then and there armed with a certain offensive weapon and instru- 2nd ed. p. 352. ment, to wit, a bludgeon, contrary, &c. 198. Robbery, and in Company with one or more other Persons. (Id.)] Id. Offence 134. Proceed to the asterisk* in Forms No. 194 or 195, supra, then : the said A. B. being then arid there in company with one [two] other person, to wit, a person unknown, contrary, &c. 199. Robbery, and using Violence. (Id.)] Proceed to the asterisk* Id. Offence 134. in either of the Forms No. 194 or 195, supra, then: and that the said A. B., immediately before [or after] he so robbed the said C. D. as afore- said, did feloniously beat [or strike, or use personal violence to] the said C. D., contrary, &c. 200. Demanding Property with Menaces, with intent to steal same. Id. Offence 135- (Id. s. 7.)] did with menaces [or by force] feloniously demand of and from one [or the said] C. D. the money [or a certain chattel, to wit, a watch] of him the said C. D., with intent then and there feloniously to steal, take and carry away the same from the said C. D., contrary, &c. 201. Stealing in a Dwelling-house, or a Building communicating there- Id. Offence 136. with, to the Value of 51. or more. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, s. 12.)] did feloniously steal, take and carry away one silver teapot of the value of five pounds, and six silver teaspoons, of the value of respectively, of the goods and chattels of one [or the said] C. D., then being in the dwelling- house of the said C. D. there situate, [or a certain building, to wit, a , within the same curtilage, as the dwelling-house of the said C. D. there situate, and occupied therewith, and having an immediate communication with the said dwelling-house, or having a communication with the said dwelling-house by means of a covered and inclosed passage lead- ing from one to the other], contrary, &c. 201 a. Stealing in a Dwelling-house and putting any one therein in bodily id. p. 354. Fear. (7 Will. 4 & 1 Viet. c. 86, s. 5.)] did feloniously steal, take Offence 137. and carry away six silver, teaspoons, of the value of , of the goods and chattels of one [or the said] C. D., then and there being in the dwelling- house of the said C. D. there situate ; and at the time of the committing of the said felony he the said A. B. did then and there by menaces and threats put the said C.D. [or one M. D.], then being in the said dwell- ing-house, in bodily fear, contrary, &c. 202. From Manufactories to Value of 10s. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, Id. Offence 138. s. 16.)] did feloniously steal, take and carry away yards of cloth, of the value of ten shillings, to wit, of the value of eleven shillings, of the goods and chattels of one for the said] C. D., then and there being in a certain mill and building [or as the case may 6e] of the said C. D. there situate, and while the same were laid, placed and exposed in the said mill and building during a certain stage, process and progress of manufacture, contrary, &c. 203. From Ships in Quay. (Id. s. 17, and 7 Will. 4 & 1 Viet. c. 87, Id. Offence 139. s. 8.)] did feloniously steal, take and carry away from a certain ship called the Algiers, then and there being upon a certain navigable river 318 Indictable Offences. [PART n. Oke's Synop. called the Tamar, pounds weight of indigo, of the value of , of 2nd ed. p. 354. the goods, wares and merchandize of one [or the said C. D.], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 139. 204. The like, stranded. (Id.)] did feloniously, plunder, steal, take and carry away from a certain ship called the , then and there stranded and cast on shore [or as the case may be] twenty pieces of oak plank, being parts of the said ship, [or pounds weight of indigo belonging to the said ship], the property of one [or the said] C. D., [or of a person or persons un- known], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 139. 205. From Docks, Wharfs, $c. (Id.)] did feloniously steal, take and carry away from a certain wharf there situate, and adjacent to a certain navigable river there called the Fal, certain goods and merchan- dize of one [or the said] C. D., to wit, , then and there being, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 140. 206. By Clerks or Servants. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, s. 46.)] being then clerk [or servant] of one [or the said] C. D., did feloniously steal, take and carry away four pieces of the current gold coin of this realm called sovereigns [or one bushel of barley of the value of ] of the monies of and belonging to the said C. D. [or of the goods and chattels of the said C. D.] his master, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 141. 207. By Tenants or Lodgers. (Id. s. 45.)] This will be the same as that for simple larceny, No. 171, ante, p. 314. Id. Offencel43. 208. After a previous Conviction. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 28, s. 11.)] Describe this in the usual manner, stating at the conclusion, if known at the time of committal, " he the said A. B. having before been convicted o^ felony;" but in practice it is not usual to mention the first felony. (2 Arch. J. P. p. 539, 4th edit.) LETTER (THREATENING.) Id. Offence 144. 209. Jo kill any Person or burn House, $c. (4 Geo. 4, c. 54, s. 3.)] did knowingly, wilfully and feloniously send [or deliver] to one [or the said] C. D. a certain letter with a certain fictitious name [or signature], to wit, the name [or signature] of one E. F. [or without any name or signature] thereto subscribed, directed to the said C. D. by the name and description of Mr. C. D., threatening to kill and murder him the said C. D., [or to burn and destroy the house, [or as the case may be,] of the said C.D.], a subject of her Majesty, then and there being, which said letter is as follows, that is to say [here set it out verbatim], contrary, &c. (Vide Form No. 212, post, on 10 & 11 Viet. c. 66, s. 1.) Id. Offence 145. 210. Demanding Money, $c, by Letter without reasonable or probable cause. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, s. 8.)] did knowingly and feloniously send [or deliver] to one [or the said] C.D. a certain letter directed to the said C. D. by the name and description of Mr. C.D., demanding money [or as the case may be] from the said C. D. with menaces, and without any reasonable or probable cause, and which said letter is as follows, that is to say [set it out verbatim], contrary, &c. CHAP, ii.] LETTER (THREATENING) LIBELS. 319 211. Accusing or threatening to accuse of a Crime with a view to extort Oke's Synop. Money, by Letter. (Id., and 10 & II Viet. c. 66, s. 1 .)] did kuow- 2nded.p. 354. ingly and feloniously send [or deliver] to one [or the said] C. D., Offence 146. [or utter to one E. F., 10 & 11 Viet. c. 66, s. 1], a certain letter [or writing] directed to the said C. 1). by the name and description of Mr. C. D., [or directed to one E. F., 10 & 11 Viet. c. 66, s. 1], accusing [or threatening to accuse] the said C. D. [or E. F., or one G. H.] of having committed a certain crime now punishable by law with death [or transportation], to wit, - , [or assaulted one L. M. with intent to commit a rape upon her the said L. M., or attempted, or endeavoured to commit a rape upon one L. M., the wife of the said A. B.], [or a certain infamous crime, to wit, the abominable crime of bug- . . with a view [or intent] thereby to extort [or gain] money from the said C. D. [or E. F.], and which said letter, &c. is as follows [copy it], con- trary, &c. 212. To Kill or Burn, 4-0. (under 10 & 11 Viet. c. 66, s. 1.)] did knowingly and feloniously send [or deliver] to one [or the said] C. D. [or utter to one E. F.] a certain letter [or writing] directed to the said C. D. by the name and description of Mr. C. D., [or directed to one E. F. by the name and description of Mr. E. F.], threatening to murder the said C.D. [or E. F., or one G. H.], [or to burn, or destroy the house, or barn, or building, or rick, or stack of wheat, barley, hay, or straw, or agricultural produce, to wit, - ], of the said C.D. [or E. F., or one G. H.], and which said letter [or writing] is as follows, that is to say [copy it verbatim], contrary, &c. (See tit. " Accusing" where threats not by letter.) LIBELS. 213. Against the Queen. (4 Bla. Com. 123; 60 Geo. 3 & 1 Geo. 4, c. 8, ss. 1, 4.)] did wickedly, maliciously and seditiously write and publish, and cause and procure to be written and published, a certain false, wicked, malicious, scandalous and seditious libel of and concerning our sovereign lady Queen Victoria and her government, according to the tenor and effect following, that is to say [set it out], 214. Against Justice. (1 Russell on Crimes, 223)] did wickedly and maliciously write and publish a certain false, wicked, malicious and scan- dalous libel of and concerning a certain cause between C. D. and E. F., tried at the last assizes for the county of , and of and concerning the jury who tried the said cause, and of and concerning the judge before whom the said cause was tried, according to the tenor and effect follow- ing, that is to say [set it out]. 215. Publishing or threatening to publish Libel upon any Person, SfC. Id, Offence 147. with a view to extort Money. (6 & 7 Viet, c.96, s. 3.)] did unlawfully write and publish, and cause and procure to be written and published, [or threaten to publish, or as the case may be], a certain false, scandalous and malicious libel, containing divers false, scandalous and malicious 320 Indictable Offences. [PART n. Oke's Synop. matters and things touching [the said] C. D., according to the tenor and 2nd ed. p. 354. effect following, that is to say {here set out the libel], with intent then and there and thereby to extort from the said C. D. certain money [or as the case may be'], contrary, &c. Id. Offence 148. 216. Publishing any defamatory Libel. (Id. s. 4.)] did unlawfully write and publish, and cause and procure to be written and published, a certain false and defamatory libel, containing divers false and defamatory matters and things touching [the said] C. D., according to the tenor and effect following, that is to say [here set out the libel], he the said A. B. then and there well knowing the said libel to be false, contrary, &c. Id. Offence 149. 217. Maliciously publishing any defamatory Libel. (Id. s. 5.)] did unlawfully and maliciously publish a certain false and defamatory libel, containing divers false and defamatory matters and things touching [the said] C. D., according to the tenor and effect following, that is to say [set out the defamatory matter], contrary, &c. 5 Burn's Jus. 29th ed. p. 5. MAINTENANCE. 218. Of Suits or Quarrels of others. (1 Hawk. c. 83, ss. 1, 2; 33 Edw. 1, st. 3.)] did unjustly and unlawfully maintain and uphold a certain action which was then depending in the court of our lady the Queen, before the Queen herself, [or in the C. P., " in the court of our lady the Queen, before her justices of the Bench;" or in the Exchequer, " in the court of our lady the Queen, before the barons of her Exchequer at Westminster,"] between C. D., plaintiff, and E. F., defendant, in an action of debt, on the behalf of the said C. D., against the said E. F. MALICIOUS INJURIES. Oke's Synop. 219. To Manufactures, Machinery, Sfc. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 30, s. 3.)] 2nd ed. p. 354. did feloniously, unlawfully and maliciously cut and destroy Offence 150. [ or damage by then and there , with intent then and there feloniously to destroy the same, or to render the same useless,] twenty-five yards of woollen cloth [or a certain warp of silk], of the value of , of the goods and chattels of one [or the said] C. D., in a certain loom [or as the case may be] then and there being, 220. [or a certain loom prepared for and employed in the carding [or as the case may be] of a certain warp of silk, the property of [the said] C. D., then and there being], contrary, &c. 221. Entering any House, fyc. with intent to commit Offence. (Id.)] did feloniously and by force enter a certain house and building of one [or the said] C. D. there situate, with intent then and there certain woollen goods of the said C. D., in a certain loom then and there being, feloniously, unlawfully and maliciously to cut and destroy [or as the case may be], contrary, &c. CHAP, ii.] MALICIOUS INJURIES. 321 222. To Threshing or any other Machine, &x. (Id. s. 4.)] did felo- Oke's Synop niously, unlawfully and maliciously cut [or break, or destroy] 2nd ed. p. 354. [or damage with intent to destroy, or to render useless] Offence 151. a certain threshing machine, [or a certain machine or engine, called a , then and there pre- pared for and employed in the manufacture of , (the same not being prepared for or employed in the manufacture of silk, woollen, linen or cotton goods, or goods of any one or more of those materials, mixed with each other, or mixed with any other materials, or any framework, knitted piece, stocking, hose or lace)] of the value of pounds, the property of one [or the said] C. D., then and there being found, contrary, &c. 223. To Dwelling-house (Person being therein) by Gunpowder or other Id. Offence 152. explosive Substances. (9 & 10 Viet. c. 25, s. l.)j did feloniously, un- lawfully and maliciously, by the explosion of four ounces of gunpowder [or a certain explosive substance, to wit, ], destroy [or throw down or damage] a certain [or part of a certain] dwelling-house in the occupa- tion of one [or the said] C. D., there situate, the said C. D. [or one E. F.], being at the time of the committing of the said felony in the said dwelling-house, contrary, &c. 224. To Trees,&-c. growing in Parks, $c. Injury exceeding 1. (7 & 8 Id. Offence 153. Geo. 4, c. 30, s. 19.)] did feloniously, unlawfully and maliciously cut [or break, bark, root up, or damage, or destroy,] ten oak trees [or sap- lings, or shrubs, or underwood], the property of one [or the said] C. D., then and there growing in a certain * park [or pleasure ground, garden, avenue, or certain ground adjoining or belonging to the dwelling-house of the said C. D ] there situate, and thereby doing injury to the said C. D. to an amount exceeding the sum of one pound, to wit, the amount of two pounds, contrary, &c. 225. The like, growing elsewhere, Injury exceeding 5. (Id.)] Proceed Id. Offence 154. to the asterisk * in Form No. 224, supra, then: close of the said C. D. there situate, and thereby doing injury to the said C. D. to an amount exceeding the sum of five pounds, to wit, the amount of six pounds, contrary, &c. 226. The like, to amount of One Shilling, Third Offence. (Id. s. 20.)] Id. Offence 155. This will be the same as the Form No. 1, tit. " Malicious Injuries," ante, p. 147, adding, "he the said A. B. having previously been twice convicted of the like offence." 227. To Plants, Fruits, SfC. in Gardens, <$< Second Offence. (Id. s. j ( j < Offence 156. 21.)] This will be the same as the Form No. 2, tit. " Malicious In- juries," ante, p. 147, adding, " he the said A. B. having previously been convicted of the like offence." 228. To Hop Binds growing on Poles in Plantation of Hops. (Id. Id. Offence 157. s. 18.)] did feloniously, unlawfully and maliciously cut [or destroy, by then and there ] one thousand hop binds, the property of one [or the said] C. D., then and there growing on poles in a certain plantation of hops of the said C. D. there situate, contrary, &c. 229. To Mines, by Flooding. (Id. a. 6.)] did feloniously, unlawfully u. p. 355. and maliciously cause a quantity of water to be conveyed into a certain Offence 158. mine of one [or the said] C. D. there situate, with intent thereby then 322 Indictable Offences. [PART n. Oke's Synop. and there to destroy [or damage, or hinder, or delay the working of] the 2nd ed. p. 356. said mine, contrary, &c. 230. To Airway, By virtue of a precept under the hands of the majority to wit. J of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of C., acting within and for the division of N. aforesaid, present at a petty session for the said division, held at , in , in and for the said division, on the day of instant, to me directed, I do hereby order * [ Here insert the special matters required to be done, as in the Forms hereafter given under the various titles.] Dated the day of , A.D. 185 . W. Y. High Constable for the hundred of C. in the division of N. 342 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. 3. Notice from one Justice to the other Divisional Justices of a Special Sessions. (7 & 8 Viet. c. 33, s. 7.) Division of N. } I, the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices in the county of C. > of the peace in and for the said county, usually to wit ) acting in and for the said division, do hereby, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, give you notice that a special petty sessions [or as the act in question may term it~\ of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, acting in and for the said division, will be held at the in N., in and for the said division, on the day of next, at the hour of in the forenoon, for* [Here insert the purpose shortly.'] Signed at N. aforesaid, this day of , A.D. 185 . To J. P., Esquire, one of her Majesty's} J. S. justices of the peace in and for the said ( county of C., resident in and usually C acting for the said division. ; 4. Justice's Clerks' Notice to Justice of a Special Sessions. To J. P., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the division of N., in the county of C. We beg to give you notice that a special petty sessions [or as the act in question may term it~] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, acting in and for the said division, will be held at the in N., in and for the said division, on the day of next, at the hour of in the forenoon, for *. [Here insert the purpose shortly.] Dated the day of , A.D. 185 . I. G. and B. Clerks to the justices of the said division. ALEHOUSES. Oke's Svnoo ^' Notice of Application for a new Licence. (9 Geo. 4, c. 61, s. 10.) 2nd ed. p. 369. To the overseers of the poor and the constable of the parish of , and to all whom it may concern. I (a), , now residing at , in the parish of , in the of , and for six months last past having resided at (6) , do hereby give notice, that (c) it is my intention to apply at the , to be holden at , on the day of ensuing, for a licence to sell exciseable liquors by retail, to be drunk or consumed in the house or pre- mises thereunto belonging, situate at (d) , and which I intend to keep as an inn, alehouse, or victualling house. Given under my hand, this day of . [Applicant's signature.] N.B. A copy of this notice to be served upon one of the overseers of (a) State the name and the trade or occupation. (h) If in more than one place, state the different places, together with the county or counties, as the case may be. (c) If application is intended to be made to a special session, state the cause of such application in conformity to sect. 14 of the act. (d) Describe the house intended to be opened, specifying the situation of it, the person of whom rented, the present or late occupier, whether kept or used as an inn, alehouse or victualling house, within three years preceding ; and if so, by whom and under what sign. CHAP, i.] ALEHOUSES. 343 the poor, and upon one of the constables or other peace officers of Oke's Synop. the parish in which is situate the house intended to be opened, and 2nd ed. p. 369. also to be affixed on the door of the house and of the church or chapel, or other conspicuous place, as required by the act. 2. Justices' Appointment of General Annual Licensing Meeting(a). Petty sessions at N., the day of , 18 . (Before J. S., J. P., J. L , and J. N., Esquires.) We the above-named and undersigned, her Majesty's justices of the peace for the division of N., in the county of C., do hereby appoint Tuesday, the day of next, at the hour of in the fore- noon, at N. in the said county and division, to hold the general annual licensing meeting and special session of justices for the said division, for granting licences for keeping inns, alehouses, and victualling houses, to sell exciseable liquors by retail, to be drunk or consumed on the premises, and for the purpose of granting billiard licenses. J. S., J. P., J. L., J. N. 3. Justice's Precept to High Constable. (Id. s. 2.)] Proceed to the asterisk * in General Form No. 1, ante, p. 341, and insert this : you, within five days next ensuing your receiving this precept, to order the several petty constables and other peace officers within your constable- wick forthwith to affix or cause to be affixed on the door of the church or chapel, and where there shall be no church or chapel on some other public and conspicuous place within their respective districts, a notice in writing that a general annual licensing meeting and special session of the justices of the peace acting for the said division will be held at the aforesaid, on the day of next, at the hour of in the forenoon, for the purpose of granting licences to persons keeping or being about to keep inns, alehouses, and victualling houses, to sell ex- ciseable liquors by retail, to be drunk or consumed on the premises in such licences to be specified, and for the purpose of granting billiard licences, and that such petty constables and other peace officers do also forthwith give the like notice in writing of such general annual licensing meeting to, or leave the same at the dwelling-house of, each and every justice of the peace acting for the said division, residing within their respective districts, and likewise to each and every person keeping an inn, alehouse, or victualling house, or who shall have given notice of his CT her intention to keep an inn, alehouse, or victualling house, and to apply for a licence to sell exciseable liquors, to be drunk or consumed on the premises mentioned in such notice within their respective districts, or to apply thereat for such billiard licence. 4. High Constable's Warrant to Petty Constables.'] Proceed to the as- terisk* in General Form No. 2, ante, p. 341, and insert this: that you forthwith affix or cause to be affixed on the door of the church or chapel, and where there shall be no church or chapel on some other public and conspicuous place within your parish, a notice in writing that a general annual licensing meeting and special session of the justices of the peace acting for the said division will be held at the aforesaid, on the day of next, at the hour of in the forenoon, for the purpose of granting licences to persons keeping, or being about to keep, inns, alehouses, and victualling nouses, to sell exciseable liquors by retail, to be drunk or consumed on the premises in such licences to be specified, and for the purpose of granting billiard licences ; and that you do also (a) This appointment should be written in a separate book, called "The Spe- cial Sessions Book,'' and signed, as well as all other proceedings, at or previous to any special sessions. 344 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in Oke's Synop. forthwith give the like notice in writing to, or leave the same at the 2nd ed. p. 369. dwelling-house of, each and every justice of the peace in your parish, acting for the said division, and likewise to each and every person in your parish keeping an inn, alehouse or victualling house, or who shall have given notice of his or her intention to keep an inn, alehouse or vic- tualling house, and to apply for a licence to sell exciseable liquors to be drunk or consumed on the premises mentioned in such notice, or to apply thereat for such billiard licence. 5. Notice from the Petty Constable to Alehouse Keepers or Persons applying for Licences, and to Justices, of Licensing Day. Division of N. Take notice, that a general annual licensing meeting and special session of the justices of the peace in and for the county of Cambridge, acting in and for the said division, will be held at the , in N., in and for the said division, on the day of next, at the hour of in the forenoon of the same day, for the purpose of granting licences to persons keeping or being about to keep inns, alehouses and victualling houses, to sell exciseable liquors by retail, to be drunk or con- sumed on the premises in such licences to be specified, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, and for the purpose of granting billiard licences, at which general annual licensing meeting and special sessions the said justices will also grant billiard licences to such persons as they the said justices shall in their discretion deem fit and proper to keep billiard tables and bagatelle boards, or instruments used in any game of the like kind, and who shall have given due notice of their in- tention to apply thereat for such billiard licence. Dated the day of , A.D. 185. W. T. To Mr. G. S., (Crown Inn), Constable for the parish of , S , or J.S., Esquire, jus- in the hundred of E., in the tice of the peace. said division. 6. Notice of Licensing Meeting for Church Door. Division of N., Cambridgeshire. Notice of sessions for granting alehouse and billiard licences. Take notice, that [#c. this will be the same as the notice No. 5, supra, except that it is not directed to any person.] 7. Alehouse Licence. (Form in act 9 Geo. 4, c. 61, s. 13.) At the general annual licensing meeting [or an adjournment of the general annual licensing meeting] of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting for the division [or liberty, fyc. as the case may be], of N., in the county of C., holden at the , in N., in the said county, on the day of , in the year one thousand eight hundred and , for the purpose of granting licences to persons keeping inns, alehouses and victualling houses, to sell exciseable liquors by retail, to be drunk or con- sumed on the premises. We, being of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting for the said county [or liberty, fyc., as the case may be], and being the majority of those assembled at the said session, do hereby authorize and empower C. D., now dwelling at , in the parish of , in the division and county aforesaid, and keeping [or intending to keep] an inn, alehouse, or victualling house, at the sign of the , in the said parish of , to sell by retail therein, and in the premises thereunto belonging, all such CHAP. I.] ALEHOUSES. 345 exciseable liquors as* the said C. D. shall be licensed and empowered to Oke's Synop. sell under the authority and permission of any excise licence, and to permit 2nd ed. p. 369. all such liquors to be drunk or consumed in his [or her] said house or in the premises thereunto belonging : Provided that he [or she] do not fraudulently dilute or adulterate the same, or sell the same knowing them to have been fraudulently diluted or adulterated ; and do not use in selling thereof any weights or measures that are not of the legal standard ; and do not wilfully or knowingly permit drunkenness or other disorderly con- duct in his [or her] house or premises ; and do not knowingly suffer any unlawful games or any gaming whatsoever therein ; and do not knowingly permit or suffer persons of notoriously bad character to assemble and meet together therein ; and do not keep open his \_or her] house except for the reception of travellers, nor permit or suffer any beer or other exciseable liquor to be conveyed from or out of his [or her] premises during the usual hours of the morning and afternoon divine service in the church or chapel of the parish or place in which his [or her] house is situated, on Sundays, Christmas Day, or Good Friday, but do maintain good order and rule therein ; and this licence shall continue in force from the tenth day of October next until the tenth day of October then next ensuing, and no longer : Provided that the said C. D. shall not in the meantime become a sheriff's officer, or officer executing the process of any court of justice, in either of which cases this licence shall be void. Given under our hands and seals on the day and at the place first above written. [Justices' signatures and seals.] NOTE. By the 11 & 12 Viet. c. 49, s. 1 (passed on the 14th of This note is not August, 1848), you are not to open your house, or sell any fer- in the stat. 9 mented or distilled liquors (or any other articles, s. 3), on Sun- Gep. 4, c. 61. days, Christmas Day, or Good Friday, or any day appointed for a public fast or thanksgiving (except as refreshment for travellers), before half-past twelve o'clock in the afternoon, or before the termination of the morning divine service, if not ter- minated by that time. 8. Form of entering Licences granted in " The Special Sessions Book" (a). , 25th August, 1849. County of C. ~J At the general annual licensing meeting of her Ma- to wit, Vjesty's justices of the peace acting for this division, Division of N . J holden on the- day and at the place above mentioned, for the purpose of granting licences to persons keeping or being about to keep inns, alehouses and victualling houses to sell exciseable liquors by retail, and also for the purpose of granting billiard licences. Parishes. Persons licensed. Signs of Houses. Date of Authority to sell (5 & 6 Viet. c. 44) and Transfers, and to whom. A. B. C. K. B. R. W. M. A. M. H. Plough Red Lioo Star and Garter 9th October, 1849, authority to J. H. ; 30th October, 1849, transfer to J. H. 4th December, 1849, transfer to W. M. Licences signed by J. T. B. ^ maJQ ^ y of the jljstices m r '4 present thereat. (a) See note (a), ante, p. 343. 346 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. 2 d 1 D^STO 9- Justices' Appointment of Special Sessions for transferring, fyc., far the Year ensuing. (Id. s. 4.) [To be written underneath No. 8, ante.] We, the undersigned, the majority of the justices present at the general annual licensing meeting aforesaid, do hereby appoint [six] special session a for the year ensuing to be holden in and for the said division, for the purpose of licensing such persons intending to keep inns, alehouses and victualling houses, theretofore kept by other persons being about to remove from such inns, alehouses, or victualling houses, in the cases and in the manner and for the time directed by the statute in that case made and provided, to be holden on the following days, at the hour of twelve at noon of each day and at this place, viz. 16th October. 2nd April, 1850. 4th December. 4th June, 1850. 5th February, 1850. 6th August, 1850. J. T. B. J. D. M. W. L. 10. Justices' Precept to High Constable to give Notice of Special Ses- sions.'] Proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 1, ante, p. 341, then : do hereby appoint [six] special sessions for the year ensuing, to be holden in and for the said division, for the purpose of licensing such persons intending to keep inns, alehouses, and victualling houses, theretofore kept by other persons being about to remove from such inns, alehouses, or victualling houses, in the cases and in the manner and for the time directed by the statute in that case made and provided, and also for the purpose of transferring billiard licences, and do, by this precept under our hands, appoint the said [six] special sessions to be holden on the respective days hereafter mentioned, at the - , in N., in the said division, at the hour of twelve at noon each, that is to say, On the 1 6th day of October next, On the 4th day of December next, On the 5th day of February, 1850, On the 2nd day of April, 1850, On the 4th day of June, 1850, On the 6th day of August, 1850, and we hereby require you, within five days next ensuing the day on which you shall receive this precept, to order the several petty constables, or other peace officers within your constablewick, to affix, or cause to be affixed, on the door of the church or chapel, and where there shall be no church or chapel, on some other public and conspicuous place within their respective districts, a notice of the said several days, hour and place at which such several special sessions are appointed to be holden as afore- said, and to give to, or leave at the dwelling house of each and every justice of the peace acting for the said division, and of each and every person keeping an inn, alehouse, or victualling house, or a licensed billiard table or bagatelle board, in the said division, or who shall have given notice of his, her, or their intention to keep an inn, alehouse, or victualling house, or a billiard table or bagatelle board, and to apply at any of the said special sessions so to be holden as aforesaid, for a licence to sell exciseable liquors by retail to be drunk or consumed on the pre- mises, or to keep such billiard table or bagatelle board within their re- spective districts, a copy of such notice. Given, &c. [as No. 1, ante, p. 341]. 11. High Constable's Warrant to the Petty Constables.'] Proceed to CHAP, i.] ALEHOUSES. 347 the asterisk* in Form No. 2, ante, p. 341, then : and require you forth- Oke's Synop. with to affix or cause to be affixed on the door of the church or chapel, 2nd ed. p. 370. and where there shall be no church or chapel, on some other public and conspicuous place within your district, a notice in writing that [six] spe- cial sessions of the peace for the year ensuing will be holden in and for the said division on the respective days hereafter mentioned, at the , in N., in the said division, at the hour of twelve at noon each day, that is to say, [here state the days as in Form, No. 10, supra~\, for the purpose of licensing such persons intending to keep inns, ale- houses, and victualling houses, within the said division, theretofore kept by other persons being about to remove from such inns, alehouses, or victualling houses, in the cases and in the manner and for the time directed by the statute in that case made and provided, and also for the purpose of transferring billiard or bagatelle licences, and that you also forthwith give a copy of such notice to, or leave the same at the dwelling- house of each and every justice of the peace acting for the said division living within your district, and to each and every person keeping an inn, alehouse, or victualling house, or a licensed billiard table or bagatelle board, within your district, or who shall have given notice of his, her, or their intention to keep an inn, alehouse, or victualling house, and to apply at any of the said special sessions, so to be holden as aforesaid, for a licence to sell exciseable liquors by retail, to be drunk or consumed on the premises, or to keep such billiard table or bagatelle board within your district. 12. Petty Constable's Notice. Division of N., Cambridgeshire. Notice of Sessions for transferring Alehouse and Billiard Licenses. Notice is hereby given, that [six] special sessions of the peace for the year ensuing will be holden in and for the said division, on the respective days hereafter mentioned, at the in N., in the said division, at the hour of twelve at noon of each day, that is to say, [here state the days as in Form No. 10, supra], for the purpose of licensing persons intending to keep inns, alehouses, or victualling houses within the said division, theretofore kept by other persons being about to remove from such inns, alehouses, or victualling houses, and for the purpose of licensing persons intending to keep billiard tables in the cases and in the manner and for the time directed by the statutes in such case made and provided. Dated the day of , A.D. 185 . f Constable for the parish of W. T. , in the hundred of (. C., in the said division. 13. Notice of Application for Transfer of Licence. (Id. a. 11.) To the overseers of the poor, and the constables of the [parish] of , in the county of , and to all whom it may concern. I, A. B. [or we the executors, &c. of the late A. B.], victualler, being authorized by virtue of the licence granted to me [or him, or her] at the general annual licensing meeting [or special session] held at , on the day of , one thousand eight hundred and , to sell exciseable liquors by retail, to be drunk or consumed in the house or premises thereunto belonging, situate at [here describe the situation of the house~\, and commonly known by the sign of the , do hereby give notice that it is my [or our] intention to apply at the special session to 348 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. be holden at , in the county of , on the day of , one 2nd ed. p. 370. thousand eight hundred and , for permission to transfer the above mentioned licence to C. D. [state his trade or occupation], now residing at , in the parish of , in the county of , and for six months last past having resided at [or in the several parishes of ], in the county of [or counties of], that the said C. D., intending to keep as an inn, alehouse or victualling house, the said house so as afore- said kept by me [or us], may sell exciseable liquors by retail, to be drunk or consumed in the said house or premises thereunto belonging. Given under my hand, this day of , one thousand eight hundred and N. B. A copy of this notice to be served upon one of the overseers of the poor, and upon one of the constables or other peace officers of the parish in which is situate the house kept by the person whose notice it is. 14. Licence granted at a Special Session, in case of Death, Sfc. under s. 14. At a special sessions of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting for the division of N., in the county of C., holden at the , in N., in the said county, on the day of , in the year one thousand eight hundred and , for the purpose of authorizing and empowering persons to open or continue open, in certain cases, common inns, alehouses and victualling houses : We [4x\ proceed to the asterisk * in Form of Licence No. 7, ante, p. 344, and. there insert " as one A. B. duly licensed, but since dead [or who hath removed from the said house, or yielded up the possession of the said house to the said C. D., or who formerly occupied the said house] was licensed and empowered to sell, &c." conclude as in No. 7. 15. Temporary Authority to sell, to be signed at a Petty Sessions. (5 & 6 Viet. c. 44, s. 1.) Division of N. ~i At a petty session of her Majesty's justices of in the county of C. ^the peace in and for the county ofC., holden at to wit. 3 the , in N., in and for the division of N., in the said county, on , the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and . Whereas no special session for the transfer of licences of inns, alehouses and victualling houses in the said division is now holden therein : And whereas application is now made at this petty session by T. T., now dwelling at S., in the parish of S., in the said division, and keeping the inn, alehouse or victualling house situate in the said division and mentioned in the within licence, granted pursuant to the provisions of the statute in that case made and provided, at a special session [or the general licensing meeting] in the within licence mentioned, to transfer the within licence to G. S., of the parish of S., in the division and county aforesaid : We, therefore, the undersigned, being the majority of the justices present at this petty session, by this indorsement under our hands and seals on the within licence so granted as aforesaid, by virtue of the power vested in us by the statute in such case made and provided, after examining upon oath all necessary parties, do authorize the said G. S., being a person not disqualified by the statute in such case made and provided, and to whom it is proposed by such application to transfer such licence, to use, exer- cise and carry on the business of a licensed victualler at the same house and at the same premises mentioned in the within licence, and there to CHAP, i.] BILLIARDS CONSTABLES. sell such exciseable liquors as might heretofore have been lawfully sold and retailed therein ; the same being a case where justices of the peace assembled at a special session are empowered, by the statute in that case made and provided, to transfer or grant licences before the expiration thereof to sell exciseable liquors by retail in the same house or premises, in respect of which any person had been theretofore duly licensed : the authority hereby granted, to continue and be in force until the now next ensuing special session for transferring and granting such licences, which shall be holden for the said division within which such house and premises are situated, and no longer. Given under our hands and seals at the petty sessions aforesaid. [Justices' signatures and seals.'] 349 Oke's Synop. 2nd ed. p. 370. BILLIARDS. The Forms for convening the general licensing meeting in tit. " Ale- houses," ante, have been adapted to billiard licences as well as for trans- ferring them. Licence for Public Billiard playing. (Given by 8 & 9 Viet. c. 109, s. 10.) Oke's Synop. At the general licensing annual meeting [or an adjournment of the 2nd ed. p. 371. general annual licensing meeting, or at a special petty session] of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting for the division [or liberty, fyc. as the case may be~\ of , in the county of , holden at , on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , for the purpose of granting billiard licences, we, being of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting for the said county [or liberty, $c. as the case may be~], and being the majority of those assembled at the said session, do hereby authorize and empower A. L., now dwelling at , in the parish of , to keep a house for public billiard playing at [here specify the house~\, provided that he [or she] put and keep up the words " Licensed for Billiards " legibly painted in some conspicuous place near the door and on the outside of the said house, and do not wilfully or knowingly permit drunkenness or other disorderly conduct in the said house, and do not knowingly allow the consumption of exciseable liquors therein by the persons resorting thereto, and do not knowingly suffer any unlawful games therein, and do not knowingly suffer persons of noto- riously bad character to assemble and meet together therein, and do not open the said house for play or allow any play therein after one and before eight of the clock in the morning, or keep it open or allow any play therein on Sundays, Christmas Day or Good Friday, or on any day appointed for a public fast or thanksgiving, but do maintain good order and rule therein : and this licence shall continue in force from the day of next, until the day of then next following, and no longer. Given under our hands and seals on the day and at the place first written. CONSTABLES (BOROUGH, SPECIAL). 1. Appointment of, yearly, in October. (5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 76, s. 83.) Cornwall. ) At a special petty session of her Majesty's justices Borough and ( of the peace in and for the borough of Truro, in liberties of Truro the county of Cornwall, acting in and for the said to wit. ) borough, holden at the Town Hall in the same bo- rough, on , the day of October, in the year of our 350 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Lord one thousand eight hundred and , for the appointment of special constables for the said borough, of which special petty session due notice has been given to every justice usually acting in the said borough. We, the undersigned justices, present at the said special petty session, in pursuance of an act of parliament passed in the sixth year of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to provide for the Regulation of Municipal Corporations in Eng- land and Wales," do nominate and appoint, from the list of persons returned to us, the following persons, being inhabitants of the said borough (and not legally exempt from serving the office of constable), to act as special constables within the said borough during the year now next following and until other special constables for the said borough of Truro shall be nominated and appointed to act in their stead as special constables of the said borough of Truro, whensoever they respectively shall be required by the warrant of any of the justices of the peace having jurisdiction within the said borough of Truro so to act, but not otherwise, such number of persons being deemed by us, the said justices, necessary (having regard to the extent and population of the said borough of Truro) to act as special constables as aforesaid. Parish. Name. Residence. Calling. Saint Mary Saint Clement Kenwyn A. C. E. A. F. A. Z. Lemon Street New Bridge Street Kenwyn Street Grocer Watchmaker Cabinet Maker Given under our hands at the special petty session aforesaid. W. T. C., Mayor. J. T. N. W. P. K. 2. Summons to Person appointed to take the Oath. (Id.) To C. E. A., of the parish of Saint Mary, within the borough of Truro, in the county of Cornwall. Cornwall. -\ Whereas, at a petty special sessions of her Majesty's jus- Borough /tices of the peace in and for the said borough of Truro, and V acting in and for the said borough, held on the day of Liberties of I October, 18 , at the Town Hall, in and for the said Truro. J borough, for the appointment of persons to act as special constables within the said borough, you the said C. E. A., an inhabitant of the said borough, and in other respects duly qualified, were duly chosen to act as a special constable for the said borough of Truro, whensoever you should be required by the warrant of any of the justices of the peace having jurisdiction within the said borough so to act, but not otherwise : And whereas, in the opinion of me the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace having jurisdiction within the said borough, the ordinary police force of the said borough is insufficient at this time to maintain the peace of the said borough : These are therefore to require you personally to appear before me, or some other of her Majesty's jus- tices of the peace of and for the said borough and liberties, at the Town Hall in the said borough, on the day of , at o'clock in the noon, in order to be administered to you the oath required CHAP, i.] CONSTABLES-CONSTABLES (HIGH). 351 by the statute in such case made and provided to be taken by you for the due execution of your said office of special constable. Herein fail not. Given under my hand and seal the day of , one thousand eight hundred and . W.T.C., Mayor. (L.S.) 3. Oath. This is the same as under 1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 41, tit. " Constables (Special)," post. 4. Certificate of having taken the Oath. Borough of T. We, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the to wit. I said borough, do hereby .certify that C. E. A., of street, in the parish of , in the said borough, hath been duly chosen to act as a special constable for the said borough whensoever he shall be required by the warrant of any of the justices of the peace having juris- diction within the said borough so to act, but not otherwise, and hath this day duly taken the oath before us faithfully to discharge the duties of the said office. Witness our hands, this day of , 185 . W.T.C., Mayor. W. P. K. CONSTABLES (HIGH). 1. Appointment of High Constables in Special Sessions. (7 & 8 Viet. Oke's Synop. c. 33, s. 8.) 2nd ed. p. 371. At a special sessions of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the petty sessions division of N. in the county of C., held at the in N. in and for the said division, on the day of , in the year of our Lord , for the purpose of hearing appeals against the rates of the several parishes within the said division, pursuant to the statute made and passed in the sixth and seventh years of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to regulate Parochial As- sessments" [and if at adjourned sessions, and thence continued by adjournment to the day of at the same place], We the undersigned, the justices present at the said special sessions, do appoint W. Y., of the parish of C., in the division of N. aforesaid, grocer, to be high constable for the hundred of C., the said hundred being wholly situate and included within the limits of the said division, and the said W. Y. is faithfully and truly to execute the office of high constable ac- cording to the directions of the statutes in that behalf made. Given under our hands and seals at the special sessions aforesaid. [Justices' signatures and se/s.] 2. Constable's Oath before the Justices appointing, or before any one Justice of the County. (Id.) You shall faithfully and truly serve our sovereign lady the Queen in the office of high constable for the hundred of C. until another be sworn in your stead, according to the best of your skill and knowledge and the directions of the statutes in that behalf made. So help you GOD. 352 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke'sSynop. CONSTABLES (PAROCHIAL). 1 . Justices' Precept to Overseers, with Instructions. (5 & 6 Viet. c. 109, s. 2.) To the overseers of the poor of the parish of , in the division of N., in the county of C. County of i We, the undersigned, two of her Majesty's justices of the C. 5 peace in and for the said county usually acting in and for to wit. 3 the said division, do hereby, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, require you the said overseers to make out and return to the clerks to her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, usually acting in and for the said division, at their office at N. therein, before the twenty-fourth day of March next, a list in writing of [six] men, being a competent number of men within your parish qualified and liable to serve as constables for the same : and we hereby give you notice, that a petty special session of the peace will be liolden at the petty sessions room in N. in and for the said division, on the day of next, at o'clock in the noon, for the ap- pointment of parochial constables, which special session you are hereby required to attend and verify the list so to be returned by you. Given under our hands this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and . J. T. B. J.D. INSTRUCTIONS. THE OVERSEERS are requested to observe the INSTRUCTIONS underneath, which show the Duties to be performed under the Statute : they should be read at the Vestry. *^* Two kinds of Forms are sent herewith : No. 1 , to be returned to the clerks to the justices; No. 2, to be affixed on the church, &c. 1 . On receiving this precept, you are to summon a vestry, to be held within fourteen days after its receipt ; three clear days' notice of such vestry, after a Sunday, is requisite. 2. The vestry is to make out a list of the number of men above-named who are qualified and liable to serve as constables, with the Christian name and surname, the true place of abode, the title, quality, calling or business of each, written at full length (Form No. 1 is to be used) the vestry may annex to the list the names of any number of men willing to serve, although not qualified ; these should be also put into the space left for that purpose. It should be further noticed, that a constable is only compellable to serve for one year at a time, and cannot be called upon again to serve until every person in the parish, qualified and liable, shall have served by himself or substitute ; therefore, the present constables (whether at a salary or not) are not to be inserted in the list here men- tioned, they not being qualified and liable ; but if it should be any con- stable's turn again to serve, their names should be stated as in Instruc- tion 6. 3. THE QUALIFICATION is : every ablebodied man resident within the parish, between the ages of twenty-five and fifty-five, rated to the poor rate or county rate, on any tenements of the net yearly value of 4 or upwards. No qualification is required for a substitute. 4. THE EXEMPTIONS are : peers, members of parliament, judges, jus- CHAP, i.] CONSTABLES (PAROCHIAL). 353 tices of the peace, deputy lieutenants, clergymen, Roman Catholic priests, Oke's Synop. dissenting ministers following no other secular occupation but that of a 2nd ed. p. 372. schoolmaster, schoolmasters, Serjeants and barristers-at-law, advocates of the civil law actually practising, attorneys practising, and certificated solicitors and proctors, coroners, gaolers and keepers of houses of correc- tion, physicians, surgeons and apothecaries, being members of one of the royal colleges and duly certified, officers in the navy or army on full pay, persons in yeomanry corps, masters of vessels in the buoy and light ser- vice, licensed pilots, officers of customs or excise, sheriffs and sheriffs' officers, high constables, clerks of board of guardians, masters of union workhouses, county or district constables, parish clerks, registrars and superintendent registrars, churchwardens, overseers and relieving officers. 5. THE DISQUALIFICATIONS are : licensed victuallers and beer shop keepers, game keepers, and persons convicted of treason, felony, or any infamous crime. 6. If any person named in the list has served in person or by substi- tute, you are to set against his name, in the column for that purpose, the date of the year of such service. (Vide Instruction 2.) 7. If the parish resolve to have a paid constable (i. e. one payable by a yearly salary), a resolution in the following form should be inserted in the blanks (a) and (6) in the forms : " And the said inhabitants at their aforesaid meeting in vestry did resolve ' That a paid constable shall be appointed for the said parish, at a salary of pounds a year, payable quarterly, (such salary not to include disbursements, or any business re- quired out of the parish, for which he shall be entitled to the fees as settled by the quarter sessions,) and that be recom- mended to the justices as such paid constable.' " Or, if there is at present a paid constable, and the vestry should re- solve to have him no longer at a salary, a resolution, in the fol- lowing form, rescinding his appointment, should be inserted in the blanks (a) and (b) : " And the said inhabitants at their aforesaid meeting in vestry did resolve ' That the resolution, passed by the vestry, at their annual meeting for the returning the list of persons liable to serve as constables in the year 184 , for the appointment of as a paid constable for the said parish, at a salary of pounds a year, be and the same is hereby rescinded," upon which the justices would choose constables for the ensuing year from the list to be returned with this resolution. It must also be observed that, notwithstanding the vestry resolve to have constables at a salary as here alluded to, the list men- tioned in Instruction 2 must also be sent to the justices' clerks, for in case of the death, resignation, or dismissal of both or either of the paid constables, during their period of office, the constables in their stead can only be appointed from the last pre- vious list returned to and allowed at the special petty sessions. 8. True copies of the list (as No. 2), with any resolution passed, must be signed by you, or the chairman of the meeting, and fixed on every church, chapel, and other public place of religious worship within the parish, on the first three Sundays in March next. 9. The original list (as No. 1), with every resolution passed, signed by all the overseers (if there is a collector of rates, or assistant overseer, he must also sign it,) must be returned by post (pre-paid) to the clerks to the justices before the 24th of March. 10. You are to attend the special petty sessions on the day above stated and verify the list. AA 354 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. H. When the constabks-are appointed, a list will be sent you, which 2nd ed. p. 372. y OU are to affix to the door of the parish church. 12. When any constable, during his year of office, dies, or becomes dis- qualified by non-residence or otherwise, you are to give notice to the clerks to the justices. 13. You are not to pay the constables any fees, except under an order from two justices in petty sessions ; and by the statute 1 1 and 1 2 Viet, c. 91, s. 6, the production of the justices' order is sufficient to warrant the amount, when paid, being allowed in your accounts without further in- quiry. N.B. THE PENALTY for every neglect of the directions of the statute is 5. . 18. FEBRUARY . You will receive this precept. Not later than this day you are to affix the notice of the vestry meeting. The vestry should be held on or before this day. 2. List to be returned to Clerks to Justices. (Id. s. 8.) [No. 1.] Parish of , 1 At a meeting of the inhabitants of this parish in the division of N. [ in vestry, held after due summons, the day of 185 . ) , 185, at , for the purpose of making out a list of men residing within the said parish, qualified and liable to serve as constables thereof, to be returned to her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of Cambridge, acting in and for the said division, in pursuance of a precept under the hands of two of her Ma- jesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, acting in and for the said division, The following list was* made out by the said vestry pursuant to the statute : Christian Name and Surname. True Place of Abode. Title, Quality, Call- Date of the Year of ing, or Business, any previous Service. And the said vestry did recommend the following men, being willing to serve the office, to be appointed as constables for the said parish : Christian Name and Sur- name. True Place of Abode. Title, Quality, Calling, or Business. (ft) Chairman. ) Overseers of the poor { of the said parish. I Assistant overseer [or J collector of rates] for ( the said parish. CHAP, i.] CONSTABLES (PAROCHIAL). 355 3. List to be affixed to Church Door. (Id. s. 8.) [No. 2.] Parish of - ^ At a meeting of the inhabitants of this parish in the division of N. Mn vestry, held after due summons, the - day of 185 . J - , 185 , at - , for the purpose of making out a list of - men residing within the said parish, qualified and liable to serve as constables thereof, to be returned to her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of - , acting in and for the said divi- sion, in pursuance of a precept under the hands of two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, acting in and for the said division, The following list was made out by the said vestry pursuant to the statute: Oke's Synop. 2nd ed * P' 372> Christian Name and Surname. True Place of Abode. Title, Quality, Call- ing, or Business. Date of the Year of any previous Service. , And the said vestry did recommend the following men, being willing to serve the office, to be appointed as constables for the said parish : Christian Name and Surname. True Place of Abode. Title, Quality, Calling, or Business. t Chairman. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, that all objections to the foregoing list will, be heard by the justices of the peace of the division of N. at a special petty sessions of the peace, to be held on the day of next, at the , in and for the said division. i Overseers of the poor 5 of the said parish. 4. Notice from one Justice to the other Divisional Justices of the Special Petty Sessions. (Id. a. 1.)] This will be in the General Form No. 3, ante, p. 342, inserting at the asterisk * " for the appointment of paro- A A 2 356 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. ehial constables for the several parishes and places within the said 2nd ed. pp. 372, division." 373. 5. Notice to Justices of Sessions for the Union of Parishes. (Id. s. 4.)] This will be in the General Form No. 3, ante, p. 342, inserting at the asterisk *, " for the purpose of making an order for uniting the parish [or parishes of], [or for annexing the extra-parochial place of ], to the parish of , adjoining thereto, by virtue of the power for such purpose contained in the statute in such case made and provided for the appointment and payment of parish constables." % From Lumley's 5 a. Order of Special Sessions for the Union of Parishes. (Id. s. 4.) County of ^ At a special petty sessions of the peace of her Majesty's ^ justices of the peace in and for the county of , acting to wit. J in and for the division of , in the said county, holden at , in and for the said division, on , the day of , in the year of our Lord , for the purpose of making the order hereinafter mentioned, We, the justices aforesaid, present at the said special petty sessions of the peace holden for that purpose [of which due notice has been given to every justice usually acting within the said division], do, in pursuance of the power and authority vested in us by the statute in such case made and provided, hereby order that the parish [or parishes] of , in the said division, shall be united [or that the extra- parochial place of , in the said division, shall be annexed,] ' to the parish of adjoining thereunto, for the purposes of the act passed in the sixth year of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled, ' An Act for the Appointment and Payment of Parish Constables." Given under our hands and seals at the said special sessions. (L.S.) (L.S.) N.B. A copy of this order is to be sent to the overseers of the parishes or extra-parochial place with the Precept No. 1, ante, p. 352. 6. Memoranda of Allowance of List and Appointments of Persons, to be indorsed at the time of Appointment, fyc. on the- Form No. 2, ante, p. 354.] This list having been duly verified at a [an adjourned] special petty session of the peace, holden in and for this division, at the petty sessions room, in Newmarket All Saints, in and for the said division, on this day of , 185 , for the appointment of parochial constables, and corrected, is allowed by us, the undersigned justices, present thereat. The persons against whose names the letter A is placed in the within list, are those which we the said justices do choose to act as constables, within the parish within named, during the year now next following, and until other constables shall be chosen and sworn to act in their stead as constables for the said parish ; such number of persons being deemed by us the said justices to be necessary (having regard to the extent and population of the said parish) to act as constables as aforesaid. As wit- ness our hands. Substitutes. The said being unwilling to serve the said office of constable in person, and having found one of the said CHAP, i.] CONSTABLES (PAROCHIAL). 357 parish, as his substitute, and willing to serve for him, hath this Oke's Synop. day of , 185 , attended before us, the undersigned 2nd ed. pp.372, justices, assembled at an adjourned special petty session, with 373. his proposed substitute, and we do hereby approve of the said as substitute for the said . As witness our hands. Paid Constable. We the said justices, being satisfied with the amount of salary in the within resolution agreed to be paid, do hereby appoint the person mentioned in the said resolution to act as constable for the parish within named, at the salary of pounds a year; such constable to hold his appointment until he shall resign, or be dismissed for misconduct, by the justices of this division in petty sessions assembled, or until the vestry shall rescind the within resolution at any meeting of vestry holden for making the return of persons qualified and liable to serve as constables for the said parish. As witness our hands. 7. Summons to Constable to take Oath of Office. (Id. s. 12.) To A. B. of the parish of , in the division of N., in the said county. County of j Whereas, at a [or an adjourned] special petty session of f her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, to wit. j acting in and for the said division, held this day, at the in N. in and for the said division, for the appointment of parochial con- stables, you the said A. B. were duly chosen and appointed to act as a constable for the said parish of during the year now next following, and until another shall be chosen, and sworn to act in your stead as a constable for such parish, [or, if a paid constable, to act as a constable for the said parish of , at the salary of pounds a year, to hold your appoint- ment until you shall resign or be dismissed for misconduct by the justices of the said division in petty sessions assembled, or until the vestry shall rescind the resolution for your appoint- ment at any meeting of vestry holden for making the return of persons qualified and liable to serve as constables for the said parish :] These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, to be and appear on , at o'clock in the forenoon, at , before us, in order that the oath required by the statute in that behalf to be taken by you for the due execution of your said office may be administered by us to you, and that you may take upon yourself the said office.* Given under our hands and seals, at the special petty session aforesaid. ' J. T. P. (L. s.) J. D. (L. s.) Take notice, that if you neglect to attend and be sworn as a constable, or to find a substitute, you will be liable to a penalty not exceed- ing ten pounds. 8. Form of Constable's Oath. (Id. 8. 12.) I, A. B., of C., do swear that I will well and truly serve our sovereign lady the Queen in the office of constable for the parish of D. [or parishes of D. E. &c.], for the year now next following, [or until another constable shall be sworn in my stead,] according to the best of my skill and know- ledge. So help me GOD. 358 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. 9. Certificate, of Appointment of Constable, and of Oath of Office. 2nd ed. pp. 372, County of 1 At an adjourned special petty session of her Majesty's 373- ^justices of the peace in and for the county of , acting in to wit. j and for the division of , in the said county, holden at the , in , in and for the said division, on Tuesday, the day of , in the year of our Lord 185 , for the pur- pose of swearing in constables, appointed under and by virtue of the statute passed in the session of parliament, held in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of her present Majesty, inti- tuled, " An Act for the Appointment and Payment of Parish Constables," We, the Rev. J. T. B., clerk, and J. D. and S. Y. B., Esquires, the justices aforesaid, present at the said adjourned special petty session, do hereby certify, that at a [or an adjourned] special petty session of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county acting in and for the said division, held at the , on the day of last, for the appointment of parochial constables, A. B., of the parish of , in the said division [labourer],* was duly chosen by the said last-mentioned justices to act as a constable for the said parish of during the year now next following, and until another shall be chosen and sworn to act in his stead as a constable for such parish. If a paid constable, proceed from the asterisk : * " was duly appointed by the said last-mentioned justices to act as a constable for the said parish, at the salary of pounds a year ; to hold his appointment until he should resign, or be dismissed for mis- conduct by the justices of this division in petty session assem- bled, or until the vestry should rescind the resolution for his appointment, at any meeting of vestry holden for making the return of persons qualified and liable to serve as constables for the said parish." If a substitute, proceed from the asterisk :* "was duly approved of by the said last-mentioned justices, as a substitute for one C. D., of the said parish [fanner], who was theretofore duly chosen to act as a constable for the said parish during the year now next following, and until another shall be chosen and sworn to act in his stead as a constable for such parish." And that we the said justices, assembled as aforesaid, have, in pur- suance of the statute above mentioned, this day caused the oath required by the same statute to be duly administered to him [the said A. B]. As witness our hands and seals at the adjourned special petty session aforesaid. [Justices' signatures and seals.] CHAP, i.] CONSTABLES (PAROCHIAL). 359 10. Form of entering Constables appointed in " The Special Sessions Book" (a). 27th March, 1849. County of C. J At a special petty session held this day, pursuant to precepts and due notice, the overseers were sworn to their returns, and the following persons were ap- pointed or certified as continuing to act as constables for the several parishes respectively under which their names are placed in the table underneath. Bounty of C. V ivision of N. ) Oke's Synop. 2nd ed. pp. 372, 373. Parishes. Persons appointed. Title, Quality, Calling or Business. Date appointed, and by whom. When sworn in and before whom. If paid Constable, the Salary, and when appointed. A F. N Land surveyor 1848 B D J. G R. O., sub- stitute for W. F. G. A Carpenter .... Labourer .... Labourer .... 27th Mar. 1849, J.D.andJ.T.B. n 1845 Same day, J. D. and J. T. B. 3rd April, 1849, J. T. B. and J. D. M. J J.E Fish dealer .... 3d April, 1849, J. T. B. and J. D. M. of a year. Salary a year. Sworn in 10th April, 1849, J.T. B. and J. D. 11. List of Constables appointed for Church Door. (Id. s. 14.) Division of N. parish of B. 1849. A list of the names of the constables duly appointed by her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of Cambridge, acting in and for this division, for this parish, for the year now next following, and until others shall be chosen and sworn to act in their stead as constables thereof, [or of those previously appointed and continuing in office], that is to say : J. G. Carpenter. R. O. (substitute for W. T.), Labourer. i Overseers of the Poor of $ the said Parish. Dated April, 1849. I. G. and B., Clerks to the Justices of the said Division. (a) Vide note (a), ante, p. 343. 360 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. 2nded. pp.372, 373. Oke's Synop. 12. List of Constables appointed. (For Clerk of the Peace and Justices.) (Id. s. 14.) 1849. A list containing the names of all constables appointed in the said division for the year now next following, at a special petty session of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, acting, in and for the said division, holden at the petty sessions room in Newmarket All Saints, in and for the said division, on the twenty-serenth day of March, and by adjournment on the third day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty- nine, for that purpose, with the several parishes for which they have been appointed, as also the paid con- stables and those previously appointed and continuing in office. County of Cambridge. Division of Newmarket. Parishes. Names of Constables. Whether paid Constables or otherwise. A F. N B J. G . 1848, and continuing in of- fice. D J R. O., substitute for W. F. G. A J. E Paid constable appointed 1845, and continuing in office at a salary of a year. a year. I. G. and B., Clerks to the Justices of the said Division. To C. P., Esquire, Clerk of the Peace for the County of C. [or Reverend J. T. B., Clerk, Justice of the Peace.] 13. Summons to the Constable to serve on Vacancy of the Substitute. (Id. s. 16.) To W. F., of the parish of B., in the county of C. County of! Whereas at a special petty session of her Majesty's justices > of the peace in and for the said county, ac{jng in and for the to wit. ) division of N., held at the , in and for the said division, on the twenty-seventh day of March last, for the appointment of parochial constables, you the said W. F. were duly chosen to act as a constable for the parish of B. aforesaid during the year then next following, and until another shall be chosen and sworn to act in your stead as a constable for such parish : And whereas you did attend before the justices at their [adjourned] special petty session held on the third of April last, at the aforesaid, and did propose one R. O. of B. aforesaid as your substitute, who was approved of by the said justices and sworn to act in your stead as constable for the said parish : And whereas the said R. O. is now dead [or become disqualified], as we have been duly informed : These are therefore [fyc. proceed to the asterisk* in Form No. 7, ante, p. 357, and then add~\, during the remainder of this present year of office. Given under our hands and seals at a petty sessions of the peace holden CHAP, i.] CONSTABLES (SPECIAL). 361 in and for the said division of N., at the aforesaid, this day of Oke's Synop. , in the year of our Lord . J. T. B. (L. s ) 2nd ed. pp.372, A. C. (L. s.) 373. 14. Choice of new Constable during the Year of Office. County of C. ) At a special petty session (a) of her Majesty's justices of to wit. I the peace in and for the county of C., acting in and for the division of N., in the said county, holden at the in N., in and for the said division, on the day of , in the year of our Lord , for the appointment of parochial constables, We the undersigned, the justices present at this special petty session, do, by virtue of the power vested in us by the statute in such case made and provided, choose out of the list of persons duly qualified to serve the office of constable in the parish of D. in the said division, returned to the jus- tices in special petty sessions for the said division, on the day of , , by the overseers of the poor of the said parish, and then duly allowed and now in force, C. D., of the said parish of D., to serve the office of constable during the remainder of this present year of office, one A. B , who was at the last named special petty session duly chosen to act as a constable within the said parish during the year now and then next following, and until another constable should be chosen and sworn to act in his stead, being disqualified, [or having since become disqualified, or hath refused or wilfully neglected to attend and be sworn or to find a substitute, or having died.] Given under our hands and seals at the special petty session aforesaid. [Justices' signatures and seals.] CONSTABLES (SPECIAL). 1. Justices' Clerk's Notice convening a Special Sessions for making Oke's Synop. Orders for Payment to Constables. (1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 41, s. 13.)] Pro- 2nded. p. 384. ceed to the asterisk* in the General Form No. 4, ante, p. 342, and there insert : the purpose of making orders on the treasurer of the said county for payment of such reasonable allowances for the trouble, loss of time and expenses incurred by J. N. a [or J. N., N. O. and P. T.] special constable appointed on the day of , for the parish of , in the said division, as to the justices then assembled shall seem proper. 2. Justices' Order in Special Sessions for Expenses, fyc. (Id.) To the Treasurer of the public stock of the said county of C. County of C. ) At a special sessions, held at the in N , in and to wit. 5 f r l ^ e sa 'd count y> on the day of , 1 8 , for the purpose hereinafter mentioned, We the undersigned, being of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, acting in and for the division of N. in the same county, and the major part of the justices present at such special sessions, do, in pursuance of the power vested in us by the statute in this behalf made and provided, hereby order you, the said treasurer, to pay to * J. N., being a person duly appointed a special constable to serve in and for the parish of M., in the said division and county, the sum of for his trouble, loss of time and expenses incurred by him on the day of [or on divers days between the day of and the day of (a) This special petty session must be convened in the same way as the original one. Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. ] in the year aforesaid, at the parish of M. aforesaid, when and where 2nd ed. p. 384. he served as such special constable, being such reasonable allowance for the same as to us the said justices seems proper, + t Referred to in [ or \ff ar s ^ aves su y^ the sum of , being the expenses incurred in tit. Railways, providing him [or them] with staves, [or as the case may be], post. being a necessary article for his [and their] use as such special constable [or constables] . Given under our hands and seals at the special sessions aforesaid. [Justices' signatures and seals.] 3. The like, where Payment is to be made to the Clerks of the Justices for them to distribute (adapted from J. Stone's Petty Sessions by Westoby, 5th ed. p. 424.)] Proceed as in No. 2, supra, to the asterisk*, then : Messieurs I. G. and B., our clerks, the sum of two pounds twelve shil- lings and sixpence, as a reasonable allowance to the several persons whose names are written in the schedule hereunder written for their trouble, loss of time and expenses for and in respect of their services as special con- stables under and by virtue of the said act ; and also the further sum of one pound two shillings and sixpence for and in respect of the expenses incurred in providing staves and other necessary articles for such special constables; And we do further order and direct, that such several sums, when paid to the said I. G. and B. as aforesaid, shall be distributed and paid by them to the said several persons, and in the respective proportions mentioned and set forth in the said schedule hereunder written. The Schedule above referred to. s. d. J. N. five days, at 3s. 6d. per day 0176 N. O. ditto 0176 P. T. ditto 0176 s. d. 2 12 6 J. N. for staff of ofBce 3s. 6d., justices' clerks' fees paid on being appointed 4s. 7 6 N. O. ditto 076 P. T. ditto ,076 Given, &c. [as in No. 2, supra.] 126 3 15 Oke's Synop. 2nd ed. p. 373. GAME. 1. Notice of Special Sessions. (1 & 2 Will 4, c. 32, s. 18 ; 2 & 3 Viet. c. 35, s. 4.)] This will be in the General Form No. 3, ante, p. 342, in- serting at the asterisk,* for the purpose of granting licences to deal in game to persons duly qualified so to do, according to the statute in such case made and provided. 2. Licence to deal in Game. (Schedule to 1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 32.) At a special session of the justices of the peace of the county of [or riding, &c., as the case may be], acting for the division of [or otherwise as the case may be], in the said county, holden at the , at , in the said division [or as the case may be], on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , We, the undersigned, being the majority of the justices acting for the CHAP, i.] GAME HIGHWAYS. 363 said division, assembled at the said special session, do hereby authorize Oke's Synop. and empower A. B. [or A. B. and C. D. being partners], of the parish 2nd ed. p. 373. of D., in the said division, being a householder [keeper of a shop or stall], to buy game from any person authorized to sell game, by virtue of an act passed in the second year of the reign of King William the Fourth, inti- tuled, " An Act to amend the Laws in England relative to Game ;" and we do also authorize and empower the said A. B. to sell at his house, shop or stall any game so bought : Provided that the said A. B. shall affix to some part of the outside of the front of his house, shop or stall, and shall there keep a board having thereon, in clear and legible characters, his Christian and surname, together with the following words, " Licensed to deal in Game." This licence will expire on the day of , one thousand eight hundred and -. Justice of the Peace. Justice of the Peace. Justice of the Peace. HIGHWAYS. 1. Notice of Special Sessions for appointing Special Sessions for the Oke's Synop. Highways for the Year ensuing.'] This will be in the General Form, 2nd ed. p. 373. No. 3, ante, p. 342, inserting at the asterisk,* for the purpose of ap- pointing the days and place or places of holding not less than eight nor more than twelve special sessions for the highways, in and for the said division, in the year then next ensuing, for executing the purposes of the statute passed in the session of parliament held in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled, " An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to High- ways in that part of Great Britain called England," according to the form of the statute aforesaid. 2. Justices' Appointment of Special Sessions for purposes of Highways. (5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 50, s. 45.) (a) N., 27th March, 1849. At a special session for the highways in this division, held this day, the several days hereinafter mentioned were appointed for holding special sessions for the highways for the year ensuing, at the , in N., at the hour of twelve at noon of each day, that is to say, [here state the days.~\ Given under our hands and seals the day and year first above written. J.T. B. (L. B.) J. D. (L..) 3. Justices' Clerks' Notice to Parish Officers of Special Sessions (6). To the surveyors of the highways of the parish of D., in the division of N., in the said county. County of } We do hereby give you notice that her Majesty's justices Sof the peace, acting in and for the said county, present at a to wit. /special sessions for the highways, held in and for the said division, on this day have duly appointed the several days hereinafter mentioned for holding special sessions for the highways, and for executing (a) The constables, overseers and churchwardens, as well as the surveyors, should have one of these notices. (6) This should be written in the "The Special Sessions Book," vide note (a), ante, p. 343. 364 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. the purposes of the statute, made and passed in the fifth and sixth years 2nd ed. p. 373. of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, relative to the highways, for the ensuing year, to be held at the in , in the said division, at the hour of twelve at noon of each day ; that is to say, On Tuesday, the day of April next, On Tuesday, the day of May next, On Tuesday, the day of June next, On Tuesday, the day of July next, On Tuesday, the day of August next, On Tuesday, the day of September next, On Tuesday, the day of October next, On Tuesday, the day of November next, On Tuesday, the day of December next, On Tuesday, the day of January, 18 . On Tuesday, the day of February, 1 8 . On Tuesday, the day of March, 18 . Dated this day of March, 18. T n A -D 5 Clerks to the justices of the 1., (j. and D. \ -j j- I said division. 4. Precept to High Constable to summon Surveyors to pass Accounts and make Return oj State of Roads, $c.~] Proceed to the asterisk* in the General Form, No. 1, ante, p. 341, and then: you forthwith to issue your precepts to the surveyors of the highways of the several parishes [or townships] within your said hundred, according to the form respectively hereunto annexed. Given, &c. [as No. 1, ante. p. 341.] 5. High Constable's Precept to Surveyors. To the surveyors of the highways of the parish of C., in the hundred of C., in the said county. County of "} In pursuance of a precept to me directed, under the hands C., >and seals of two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and to wit. 3 for the said county, acting in and for the division of N., I do hereby give you notice, that a special sessions for the highways will be held at the , in N., in and for the said division, on , the day of next, at the hour of twelve at noon, when and where you are required to appear and produce your accounts, and verify the same on oath before the justices then and there present, and at the same time deliver to the said justices the name and residence of the person appointed to succeed you as surveyor, and also to make a return in writing to such special sessions of the state of all the roads, common highways, bridges, causeways, hedges, ditches, and watercourses appertaining thereto, and of all nuisances and encroachments (if any) made upon the several highways within your said parish, as well as the extent of the different highways which your said parish is liable to repair, what part thereof has been repaired, and with what materials, at what expense, and what was the amount levied during the time you were surveyor of the said parish, according to the form hereunto annexed. Given under my hand, the day of , A.D. 18. W. Y., High Constable. 6. Schedule (annexed thereto) to bejllled up by the Surveyors of Highways, and presented by them with their Accounts to the Magistrates. In Schedule to Act. State of the Roads and Highways Bridges Causeways . ; Hedges and Ditches Watercourses CHAP, i.] HIGHWAYS. 365 State all nuisances Oke's Synop. all encroachments 2nd ed. p. 373. the extent of roads and highways the parish is > liable to repair J what portion thereof has been repaired, and where what materials were used for such repairs . . the expense of such repairs the amount levied during the year 7. Allowance of Accounts. (Id. s. 45.) County of C. } Verified on oath before and allowed by us, her Majesty's to wit. $ justices of the peace of and for the said county of C., at a [or an adjourned] special sessions for the highways (being the special sessions next after the 25th day of March), holden for the division of N. at N., in the same county and division, this day of , 18 . J. S. J.P. 8. Justices' Clerks' Statement from Accounts of Surveyors for Secretary of State. (Form given in 12 & 13 Viet. c. 35.) GENERAL STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE on account of the HIGHWAYS of the parish [township, hamlet, &c.] of , in the county of , for the year ending 25th March, 18, as appearing from the accounts of , surveyor of highways for the said parish [township, hamlet, &c.], allowed by the justices at a special session for the highways, holden at , on the day of . RECEIPTS. s. d. Balance in hand (if any) from last account . . * . . . . Rates or assessments received in money Value of team labour performed by rate payers in lieu of rates Value of other work performed by rate payers in lieu of rates Receipts from turnpike trusts (if any) Other receipts Total income . . EXPENDTIURE. S. d. Balance overpaid (if any) on last account Paid for manual labour for team labour (in money) for materials for tradesmen's bills . . . , . for salaries Value of team labour performed by rate payers in lieu of rates Value of other work performed by rate payers in lieu of rates Payments to turnpike trusts (if any) Other payments Total expenditure . . . . Leaving, on the 25th March, 18 , a balance of, in hand, [or overspent, as the case may be] 366 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. oi <2 --d oo TH -c -a a> . oo BS n f O i-H CL, 03 .5 tjr O ^T"3 g gj > *K S fl) _Q eg "^ ^ ^ CO *^ ! *lfs 1 i 1 * o ^ 5 o ( 3 'S ^ 5o a m K V D-U3 .s| T|| ^ 4% a S 1 ^ H* M CJ _C J3 c o E i sl^J J a*^& c-^11p * 11 rs ,;> * >G u w ** " S* ^ "S^S c * c5 || RECEIPTS. Other Receipts. O Balance in Hand, or Overspent. From Turnpike Trusts. EXPENDITURE. 10 - 11- 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. |1 Value of other Work performed by Rate Payers. 4| Value of other Work perfoihied by Rate Payers. Value of Team Labour performed by Rate Payers. Value of Team Labour performed by Rate Payers. Rates, &c. received in Honey. t-t '~ Balance in hand from last Account. For Tradesmen's Bills. Ill 3 o> o i- | l^.s OS S 'S a| s || jq 1 ^ CHAP, i.] HIGHWAYS. 367 10. Appointment of Surveyor by Justices, where Vestry have not done so, Oke's Synop. Sfc. (Id. s. 11. (Given in Act.) 2nd ed. p. 373. 1 At a special sessions for the highways, held at , in the to wit. i division, &c. of , by , justices "of thp peace for the said county, acting within the said division, &c., on the day of Whereas it hath appeared to us the said justices, on the oath of A. B., an inhabitant of the parish of , that the inhabitants of the said parish in vestry assembled have neglected [or refused] to nominate and elect a surveyor in manner and for the purposes mentioned in a certain act, made and passed in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act," &c. [here set out title of act (a)], [or that the surveyor appointed by the inhabitants of the said parish is dead, or has ceased to possess the qualification required by the said act, or has become disqualified, or has neglected to act, or has refused to carry into operation the duties imposed upon him by the said act], we do therefore hereby appoint you C. D. of , surveyor for such parish, for the year ensuing for for the space of ], with the salary of for your trouble ; and you the said C. D. are faithfully and truly to execute the office of surveyor, according to the directions of the said statute. Given under our hands the day and year first above mentioned. To C. D. E. F. G. H. 11. Information on Oath, where Road out of repair, against Surveyor to show cause. (Id. s. 94.)] Proceed as in the General Form No. 1, ante, p. 23, and then .-that a certain highway, situate in the said parish of , in the division of N., in the said county, called, &c. {here insert a description and length of road, as : beginning at a certain place there situate, called , and extending from thence towards a certain other place called , and containing in length yards, and in breadth yards], was then and still is out of repair, the said part of the said highway being ruinous, miry, deep, broken, and in great decay [or as the case may be], and that E. F. and G. H., the surveyors of the highways of the said parish of , are chargeable with the repair of the said high- ways *. 12. Summons to the Snrveyors to thow cause. (Id. s. 94.)] Proceed as in the General Form No. 8 (A), ante, p. 26, reciting Ike Information, Form No. 10, supra, and after the date of appearance say, " at a special sessions for the highways, in and for the said division." 13. Order of Justices directing an Indictment to be preferred. (Id. s.95.) F rom ghelford, County of C. > At a special sessions for the highways, held at the 2nd ed. p. 233. to wit. i in N., in and for the division of N. in the said county, by her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, and acting within the said division, on , the day of , A.D. 1850. Whereas, on the day of last, information on oath was made unto J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said division, by C. D. of , in the same division, (a) " An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to Highways in that Part of Great Britain called England." Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. farmer, that a certain highway, situate in the parish of , in the 2nd ed. pp. 373, said division called, &c. [recite Information No. 11, supra, to the 374. asterisk*']: And whereas the said E. F. and G. H., the surveyors of the highways of the said parish of , have this day appeared before us J. S. and J. L. ^Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said division, present at this special sessions, in pursuance of a summons issued for that purpose by the said J. S., and we, the said justices, having proceeded to hear the said summons, and the duty and obligation of repairing the said highway being denied before us by the said E. F. and G. H., as such surveyors as aforesaid, on behalf of the inhabitants of the said parish of , we the said justices, in pursuance of the act of parliament in that behalf made, hereby direct a bill of indict- ment to be preferred, and the necessary witnesses in support thereof to be subpoenaed, at the next general quarter sessions of the peace, to be holden in and for the said county, against the inhabitants of the said parish, for suffering and permitting the said highway to be out of repair. Given under our hands and seals, at the special sessions aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) J. L. (L.S.) ' 14. Justices' Appointment of Person to view and report on Highway. (Id. s. 94.) (a). [Caption as in Form No. 13, supra.] Whereas, &c. [recite information as in Form No. 13, supra, then the surveyor's -appearance or non-appearance as follows :] and whereas the said E. F. and G. H., the surveyors of the highways of the said parish of , have been duly summoned to appear here to answer the said infor- mation, and doth not appear accordingly, but the due service on him of the said summons is now here proved on oath before us J. S. and J. L., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said division, present at this special sessions, and it being duly proved to us the said justices, and we find that the said E. F. and G. H. are the surveyors of the highways of the said parish of , and that the same parish ought of right to repair the said highway complained of, and the obligation to repair it not being in question, we therefore proceeded herein according to the statute in that behalf, and do* appoint J. S., of &c., a competent person in this behalf, to view the same highway and report thereon to the justices at an adjournment of this special sessions for the highways to be holden at the place first above-named on the day of next; and we direct the said surveyor and the said informant to attend at the same time and place. Given, &c. [as in No. 13, supra.] 15. Order for Justices themselves to view. (Id.)] Proceed as directed in Form No. 14, supra, to the asterisk*, then: fix the day of next, at the hour of in the forenoon, on which two of us, namely, J. T. B., Clerk, and J. D., Esquire, will attend to view the said highway complained of, and we adjourn this special sessions to the same time and to , being contiguous to the said highway, to record the said view ; and we direct the said surveyor and the said in- formant to attend at the same time and place. Given, &c. [as in No. 13, supra.] (a) This and the following forms have been adapted from those given in " The Bench Formulist." CHAP, i.] HIGHWAYS. 369 Oke's Synop. 16. Justices Order to repair Highway. (Id.) 2nd ed. p. 374. [Caption of" adjourned" special sessions as in Form No. 13, supra.~] Whereas, &c. [recite Information us in Form No. 13, supra, then the surveyor's appearance or non-appearance, as in No. 14, supra, t/ien :] and the said justices in special sessions for the highways, on the day last named, duly found that the said E. F. and G. H. were the surveyors of the highways of the said parish of , and that the same parish ought of right to repair the said highway complained of, and the obligation to repair it not being in question, the said justices, according to the statute in that behalf, did appoint J. I., of &c., [or did fix, &c., as the case may be] : and now here the said E. F. and G. H., and the said C. D. the in- formant, attend the said J. I. also attends and reports to us [state his report], [or now here upon the view of the said justices so appointed] ; and after hearing both parties and their evidence on oath, and on consi- deration of the said matter, we find that the said highway so complained of is not in a state of thorough and effectual repair, and that the said E. F. and G. H. are still such surveyors as aforesaid, and we have there- fore convicted the said E. F. and G. H. in the joint penalty of for the said offence (a) : and for ensuring the speedy reparation of the said highway, we appoint the period or term of , within which period or term the said highway so complained of, shall be thoroughly and effectually repaired by the said surveyors according to the said statute in that behalf: and we further adjourn this special sessions to the day of next, at the , in the said division and county, for the said J. I. further to report. [or for two of us the said justices further to view and record] whether the said repairs are duly and effectually made : and we direct the said surveyors and the said C. D., the informant, to attend at the same time and place. Given, &c. [as in No. 13, supra.] 17. Information on Oath on disobedience of the last Order. (Id.)] Proceed as in the General Form No. 1, ante, p. 23: that by an order made by , justices of the peace for the said county, and acting in and for the said division, at an adjourned special sessions for the highways holden on the day of last, at the in N. in the said county and division, upon the report of J. I. (a competent person who had been duly appointed to view and report upon the after-mentioned highway], [or upon the view of , two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county acting for the said division,] it appeared to the justices at the said special sessions that a certain high- way [describe it] was not in a state of thorough and effectual repair, and for ensuring the speedy reparation of the said highway so complained of, the said justices, at the said adjourned special sessions appointed the period of [state the order N o. 1 6, supra, to the end] ; yet the said surveyors have neglected and made default in making the said repairs within the time so limited, and the said highway so complained of is still out of repair, and that the sum of will be requisite for effectually repairing the same. 18. Summons thereon ] This will be similar to Form No. 12, ante, p. 367, reciting Information No. 17, supra. (o) The Conviction would be in the General Form No. 39 (I.I), ante, p. 38. BB 370 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. 19. Justices' Order to pay Money for Repairs. (Id.)] This will be 2nd ed. p. 374. j n the General Form No. 44 (K. 1), ante, p. 42, placing a caption as in Form No. 13, ante, p. 367, at the top, and reciting Information No. 17, supra. N.B. This order may be enforced by the General Forms No. 66 (N. 2) 71, ante, pp. 5759. 20. Order of Justices fixing Rate for carrying Materials by Rate Payers. (Id. s. 35.) [Caption as in Form No. 13, ante, p. 367.] We, the undersigned justices, present at the said special sessions (being our first meeting in special sessions for the highways after the twenty-fifth day of March in this year) do hereby fix the underwritten rate after which the rate payers of the parish of , in the said division, shall be paid by the surveyors of the highways thereof during the current year for the carrying of the material which maybe required by the said surveyors for the repairs of the highways of the said parish or for taskwork therein, that is to say : s. d. For every cubic yard of material so carried for the purpose aforesaid one mile, the sum of ... For every cubic yard of material so carried for the purpose aforesaid two miles, the sum of ... For every cubic yard of material so carried for the purpose aforesaid three miles, the sum of . . and the like in proportion for every cubic yard of material so carried as aforesaid for any less distance than a mile. Given under our hands and seals at the special sessions above written. J. T. B. (L.S.) J.D. (L.S.) S. Y. B. (L.S.) Adapted from 21. Notice by Surveyor of intention to take Meterials out of inclosed Shelt'ord, 2nd or O p en field Lands. (Id. s. 53.)] I, A. B. surveyor of the'highways ed. p. 220. O f (jjg parish of , in the county of , do hereby give you notice and require you to appear before her Majesty's justices of the peace act- ing in and for the said county, at the , in N. on the day of next, at a special sessions for the highways to be then and there holden, to show cause why materials for making [or repairing] the high- way situate at , and called , shall not be dug, taken, and carried away out of and from certain inclosed land [or grounds and premises], [or under 4 # 5 Viet. c. 51, certain open field land occupied exclu- sively for agricultural purposes], situate at , in the county of , and called close, of which you are the owner and occupier respectively, (that is to say) from and out of the north-west corner of the said inclosure of land adjoining to [as the case may 6e,] according to the directions of an act passed in the session of parliament held in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of his Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act" [see title in note(a~) to Form No. 10, ante, p. 367.] Dated this day of , 185. A. B. Surveyor. To Mr. I. K., the owner, and Mr. L. M. the occupier, of the lands above-mentioned. 22. Consent of Occupier and Owner instead of obtaining Justices' Li- cence.'] I, J. K., [or N. O. the agent of ] the owner of the lands within- CHAP, i.] HIGHWAYS. 371 mentioned, do consent and authorize the surveyor of the highways of the Oke's Synop. parish of within named, to dig, take, and carry away out of and 2nd ed. p. 374. from the said lands the materials required for the purpose within men- tioned, the said surveyor making satisfaction for the same, and also for the damage done to such lands, in the manner directed by the act of parlia- ment in that behalf. Dated the day of , 185. J. K. Witness, N. O. I, L. M., the occupier of the lands within mentioned, do also give the like consent and authority. L. M. 23. Licence from Justices at Special Sessions to dig, fyc. Materialt. (Id. s. 53). In Sched. to Act. To the surveyor of the parish of , in the hundred of , in the said county. J Whereas by an act passed in the fifth and sixth years of the to wit. S reign of King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act," &c. [here set out title of act,] the surveyor is authorized to dig, get, take, and carry away materials lying upon any lands or grounds within the parish for which he is appointed, for the use and benefit of the highways, but not without the consent of the occupier or owner of such lands or grounds, or his agent, or a licence from the justices at a special sessions for the highways : And whereas it appears to us , her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, and acting within the said [hundred, &c.] at a special sessions for the highways assembled, upon the oath of C. D. the said surveyor [or one of the surveyors], that he hath applied to A. B. of for his consent to dig, get, take, and carry away mate- rials from the lands called or known by the names of and in his occupation [or of which he is the owner, or in the occupation of J. K., or of which J. K. is the owner, and the said A. B. his agent] within the said [parish, &c.] for the purposes aforesaid ; and that the said materials are necessary for the repairs of the highways, and that the said A. B. hath refused to permit the same to be dug, got, taken, and carried away; and the said A. B. having been duly summoned to appear before us to show cause why such permission should not be granted, and having appeared before us accordingly [or having sent bis steward or agent, or C. D. on his behalf, to attend us on that occasion, or but not having ap- peared], we have heard what has been alleged, and taken the said matter into consideration, and are of opinion that the said materials are neces- sary and ought to be dug, got, taken, and carried away for the purposes aforesaid : Therefore we do hereby give our licence to the said surveyor [or surveyors] to dig, get, take, and carry away the same accordingly, the said surveyor making satisfaction for the same, and also for the damage done to such lands, in the manner directed by the said act. Given under our hands the day of , one thousand eight hundred and . J- P- K. P. 24. Licence from Justices at a Special Sessions to get Materials in another Parish. (Id. s. 54). In Sched. to Act. 1 At a special session for the highways held at , in the to wit. } hundred, &c. of , in the said county, by justices of the peace for the said county, acting within the said hundred, on the day of . It appearing to us, upon evidence this day received, that sufficient materials cannot conveniently be had within the waste lands, com- B B 2 372 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. mon grounds, rivers, or brooks, nor in the inclosed lands or grounds, 2nd. ed. p. 374. lying within the [parish, &c.] of , in the said hundred, for the repairs of the highways within the said [parish], nor in the waste lands, common grounds, rivers, or brooks, within the [parish] of , adjoining to the said [parish] of , we do hereby give our licence to the surveyor [or surveyors] of the said [parish] of , to search for, dig, get, and carry materials within the inclosed lands or grounds of C. D. within the said [parish] of , to be employed in the repair of the highways within the said [parish] of , it appearing from evidence before us that there are proper materials within the said lands for the purposes aforesaid, lying convenient to the said highways, and that after such materials shall be so taken there will be sufficient left for the use of the highways within the said parish of , upon the said surveyor [or surveyors] making satisfaction for the same, and also for the damage done to snch lands, in the manner directed by the act made and passed in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act," &c. [here set out title of' act,~\ subject to such restrictions as are therein contained. Given under our hands the day and year above written. J. P. R. P. 25. Information to enable Justices to fix Boundaries of Highway lying in two Parishes. (Id. s. 58.) Given in Act, No. 12. County of j At a special sessions for the highways holden &c., J. S., " $ the surveyor [or one of the surveyors] of the parish of A., came before the justices aforesaid and informed them that there is in the said county a certain common highway leading from M. to N., and that there is a certain part of the said highway, that is to say, so much thereof as lies between a certain place called C. and a certain other place called See plan. D., being in length [as the case may 6e],one side of which last-men- tioned part of the said highway adjoining to the parish of A. lies within the said parish of A., and is to be, and of right ought to be, repaired by the said parish of A. [or by fyc., describing the body politic or corporate, t>r person, liable to the repair\ ; and that the other side of the same part of the said high way adjoining to the parish of B. lies within the parish of B., and is to be, and of right ought to be, repaired by the said parish of B. [or by #c.J, and stating that the repair of the said highway is very incon- venient to the parishes aforesaid, and the want thereof detrimental to the public ; and therefore praying that such part of the said highway may be allotted and apportioned for the repair thereof, by the justices aforesaid, to the said several parishes of A. and B. [or to fyc.~\, in the manner directed by an act passed in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act," &c. [set out title of act. ,] (Signed) J. S., one of the surveyors of parish of A. The above application was made to us the day and year first above written. J. P. R. P. 26. Summons to be subjoined to a Copy of the above Information. (Id.) Given in Act, No. 13. To the surveyor [or surveyors] of the parish of B. in the said county, any or either of them. County of ) Whereas a certain information has been given to us, her - $ Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, at a spe- cial sessions for the highways, by J. S. the surveyor [or one of the sur- CHAP, i.] HIGHWAYS. 373 veyors] of the parish of A. in the said county, a true copy whereof is above Oke's Synop. written : These are, in her Majesty's name, to summon you, any or either 2nd ed. p. 374. of you, to appear before us at , in the said county, on the day f , to show cause (if any) why an allotment and apportionment of the highways therein mentioned should not be made according to the pro- visions of the act referred to in the said information. Herein fail not. Given under our hands, this day of . J. P. K.P. 27. Final Order and Adjudication, to be filed with the Clerk of the Peace. (Id.) Given in Act, No. 14. Whereas &c. 1. State the original application. 2. The summons. 3. The appearance, and that the parties were heard, or their non-ap~ pearance. Now we, the justices aforesaid, having fully heard and understood the premises, do declare, adjudge and order that the said highway shall be divided in the following manner, (that is to say) that at the distance of , measuring from the place called C., there shall be erected certain posts or stones, E. and F., on each side of the said highway, and the whole of the said highway from the place called C. to such posts or stones shall be from time to time, and at all times hereafter, repaired by the parish of A. [or by $c.~], and the whole of the said highway from such posts or stones, to the place called D., shall from time to time, and at all times hereafter, be repaired by the parish of B. [or by fyc.~\ In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands, this day of . J. P. (t. 8.) K. P. (L. s.) 28. Summons to show cause why a Highrcay, repaired ratione tenurte, <$r. should not be made a Parish Highway. (Id. s. 62.) From Shelford, p. 225. To A. B., surveyor of the highways of the parish of , in the county of . Whereas application has been made to me, J. P., one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, by E. F. of the parish of , for the purpose of making the following highway a parish highway, and to be repaired in future by the surveyor of the said parish, (that is to say) a certain highway situate in the said parish, and called highway, (and to the repair of which the said E. F. is now liable, by reason of his tenure of certain lands and tenements, situate at O. aforesaid,) [or as the case may be, describing the highway particularly]: These are therefore to require you personally to appear before the justices to be assembled at the next special sessions for the highways, to be holden at , in the said county, &c., on the day of , at the hour of , in noon, &c. in order that the justices may then and there proceed to deter- mine the matter in respect of which the said application has been so made as aforesaid by the said E. F., who is likewise directed to be then and there present, to make good the same. Herein fail not. Given under my hand this day of . ' 3 J. P. 374 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. 29 . Order thereon. (Id. s. 62.) From Shelford, p. 226. [Caption as in Form No. 13, ante, p. 367.] Whereas &c. [state the original application, summons and the appear- ance, and that the parties were heard on their non-appearance. See the last form, and No. 27, ante, p. 373 (14 in Act)~] : Now we, the said justices, having fully heard and understood the premises, and proceeded to hear the said parties and their witnesses, and to examine and determine the matter, have decided, and we do hereby decide, adjudge and order that the said highway shall become and be a parish highway, and be from time to time, and at all times hereafter, repaired by the surveyor of the parish of O. aforesaid ; and we do, by this order under our hands (in pursuance and in exercise of the power vested in us by the said acts), fix, determine and order that the sum of shall be forthwith paid by the said E. F. to the surveyor of the highways of the parish of O. aforesaid, in full dis- charge of all claims hereafter in respect of the repairs of the said highway ; such sum to be recovered, applied and disposed of according to the direc- tions of the said act [or as the case may be\. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands, this day of , 18 . J. P. K. P. 30. Application on Oath to One Justice by Surveyor for Summons to Owner to show cause why his Hedges, fyc., are not cut. (Id. s. 65.)] Pro- ceed as in General Form of Complaint, No. ], ante, p. 23, then : that a certain carriageway [or cartway] situate in the said parish, leading from to , is prejudiced by the shade of certain hedges of C. D. on the right hand side of the said carriageway [or cartway], and extending from to , and by divers trees of the said C. D. on the same side of the said carriageway [or cartway], and adjoining thereto (not being trees planted for ornament or for shelter to any hop ground, house, building, or courtyard of the said C. D.), and growing in and near such hedges of the said C. D., whereby the sun and wind are excluded from such carriageway [or cartway] to the damage thereof. 31. Summons to the Owner to appear at Special Sessions. (Id.)] Proceed as in the General Form, No. 8 (A.), ante, p. 26, reciting the application, No. 30, supra, and instead of " to answer, &c." say to show cause why the said hedges are not cut, pruned, or plashed, and such trees not pruned or lopped in such manner that the said carriageway [or cartway] may not be prejudiced by the shade thereof, and that the sun and wind may not be excluded from such carriageway [or cartway] to the damage thereof. 32. Order (a) for Owner of Land to prune Hedges and cut down Trees. (Id. s. 65.) From Shelford, p. 223. [Caption as in Form No. 13, ante, p. 367.] Whereas application and complaint was, on the day of last, made on oath before J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of C., acting in and for the said division, by A. B., surveyor of the highways of the parish of , in the said county and division, that a certain, &c. [recite application, No. 30, supra, to the end, then :] And whereas it hath been duly proved before us, the (a) If this order be not obeyed, the surveyor will have to lay another infor- mation, and the justices in special sessions make another order for levying the expenses of cutting, &c. CHAP, i.] HIGHWAYS. 375 undersigned, the justices present at the said special sessions, that the said Oke's Synop. C. D., the owner of the land on which the said hedges and trees are 2nd ed. p. 374. growing next adjoining to the said carriageway [or cartway], hath been duly summoned to appear before us at this special sessions to show cause, &c. [as in the summons, No. 31, supra,~] and the said C. D. hath made default in his attendance before us pursuant to the said summons, [or, and whereas the said C. D. having this day appeared before us in pursuance of a summons duly served upon him to answer the said complaint, and the said C. D, not having shown any sufficient cause, &c.] and the said offence having been fully proved before us upon the oath of , &c. : Now we, upon duly considering the circumstances of the case, do hereby order and direct that such hedges be cut, plashed and pruned so as not to exceed the height of from the surface of the land on which the same are situate, and that all such trees as grow in and near such hedges in the lands of the said C. D., adjoining the said carriageway [or cartway] (not being trees planted for ornament or for shelter to any hop ground, house, building, or courtyard of the said C. D.), be pruned or lopped, so that the said carriageway [or cartway] shall riot be prejudiced by the shade thereof, and so that the sun and wind may not be excluded from such carriageway [or cartway] to the damage thereof: And we do further order, that in case the said C. D. shall not comply with this order within ten days after a copy of this order shall have been left at the usual place of abode of the said C. D., or of his steward or agent, that then the said A. B., the surveyor aforesaid, do cut, prune, or plash such hedges, and prune or lop such trees in manner directed by this order, to the best of his skill and judgment, and according to the true intent and meaning of the " Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to Highways in that part of Great Britain called England," and proceed against the said C. D. immediately afterwards for recovery of the penalties and charges he will thereby incur. Given under our hands and seals the day and year first above written. C. D. (L. s.) E. F. (L. s.) 33. Justices 1 Notice to Surveyor to show cause why a poor Labourer should not be excused from Highway Rates. (Id. s. 32.) From Shel- ford, p. 213. To Mr. A. B., surveyor of the highways within the [parish] of , in the said county. > Whereas E. F. of , in your [parish], labourer, hath this . to wit. J day made complaint on oath to us, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, at a special sessions for the high- ways assembled, that he wholly gains his livelihood by daily labour, and that, by reason of his numerous family, he is in very poor and indigent circumstances, and utterly unable to pay or contribute towards any rates or assessments for or in respect of any highways within the said parish, and hath prayed of us, the said justices, that he may be excused from paying the same : We, the said justices, do therefore hereby give you notice to appear before us at , in the said county, on , the day of , at our special sessions for the highways, to be then and there held, to show cause why the said E. F. should not by us be adjudged to be excused from the payment of such rates or assessments accordingly. Given under our hands and seals, this day of , in the year of our Lord at [ Justices' signatures and seals.] 376 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. 34. Order directing Person to be excused. 2nd ed. p 374. c ounty o f Q , We, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the to wit. i said county, at a special sessions for the highways in the division of N. in the same county, assembled, do hereby, on the appli- cation of E. F., of , in the parish of , labourer, who is rated to the rate made for the maintenance of the highways of the same parish, and upon proof by him of his inability, through poverty, to pay or con- tribute towards any such rates or assessments (the surveyor of the said parish having been first summoned to appear on the part of the same parish), order and direct that the said E. F. shall be excused from the payment of the said rate, and we have accordingly struck out his name therefrom. Dated this day of , 185 . y o J. L. 35. Information by Surveyor against Owner of Lands refusing his Con- sent to allow Stones to be gathered thereon. (Id. s. 51.)] Proceed in the General Form No. 1, ante, p. 23, then : that by the statute in such case made and provided, he the said surveyor is authorized to gather stones lying upon any lands or grounds within the said parish, where the highways of which he is appointed surveyor are, for such service and purpose, and to take and convey away so much of the said materials, as by the direction of him the said surveyor shall be thought necessary to be employed in the amendment of the said highways, without making any satisfaction for the said materials, but making satisfaction for all damages done to the lands or grounds of any person or persons by carrying away the same in the manner by the said statute directed, but not without the consent of the owner of such lands or grounds, or a licence for that pur- pose from the justices at a special session for the highways, after having summoned such owner to come before them, and heard his reasons, if he shall appear and give any, for refusing his consent to the same, and that he the said surveyor hath applied to C. D., of the parish of , in the county of , the owner of the lands and grounds called , within the said parish of , where the said highways are, and upon which large quantities and numbers of stones are lying, for his consent to gather such stones and to take and carry away so much and so many thereof as by the discretion of him the said surveyor shall be thought necessary for the purpose aforesaid, and that the said stones are necessary for the amendment of the said highways, and that he hath offered to make satisfaction to the said C. D. for all damage done to the said ur any other lands or grounds of the said C. D. by carrying away the same in the manner by the said statute directed, but that the said C. D. hath refused to give his consent to gather, take and carry away the said stones for the purpose aforesaid. 36. Summons to the Owner.'] Proceed in the General Form No. 8 (A.), ante, p. 26, reciting the information shortly thus : that in pursuance of the statute in that case made and provided, he the said surveyor hath applied to you the said C. D., being the owner of the said lands and grounds called , within the said parish of , where the high- ways are, of which he the said A. B. is appointed surveyor, and upon which large quantities and numbers of stones are lying, for your consent to gather such stones, and to take and carry away so much and so many thereof as by the direction of him the said surveyor shall be thought necessary to be employed in the amendment of the said highways, and that the said stones are necessary for that purpose, and that he hath offered to make satisfaction to you for all damages done to your said or CHAP, i.] HIGHWAYS. 377 any other of your lands or grounds, by carrying away the same in the Oke's Synop. manner by the said statute directed, but that you have refused to give 2nd ed p. 374, your consent to gather, take and carry away the said stones for the pur- pose aforesaid : These are therefore in her Majesty's name to command you the said C. D. to appear before such two or more of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, acting in special sessions for the highways in and for , in the said county, at , in the said and county of , on the day of , at the hour of , then and there to give your reasons, if you have any, for refusing your consent as aforesaid. 37. Licence from Justices at Special Sessions to gather Stones upon inclosed Lands. (Id. s. 51.) To. A. B., the surveyor of the highways of the parish of , in the said county of . Whereas on the day of , one thousand eight hundred and , one of the surveyors of the highways of the parish of , in the county of , exhibited an information before I. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, for that by the statute in such case made and provided, he the said surveyor is authorized to gather stones lying upon any lands or grounds within the parish where the highways of which he is appointed surveyor are, for such service and purpose, and to take and carry away so much of the said materials as by the discretion of him the said surveyor should be thought necessary to be employed in the amendment of the said highways, without making satisfaction for the said materials, but making satisfaction for all damages done to the lands or grounds of any person or persons by carrying away the same in the manner by the said statute directed, but not without the consent of the owner of such lands or grounds, or a licence for that purpose from the justices at a special sessions for the highways, after having summoned such owner to come before them, and heard his reasons, if he shall appear and give any, for refusing his consent, and that he the said surveyor had applied to C. D., of the parish of , in the county of , the owner of the lands and grounds called , situate within the said parish of , where the said highways are, and upon which lands and grounds certain large quantities and numbers of stones were and are lying, for his consent to gather such stones, and to take and carry away so much and so many thereof as by the discretion of him the said surveyor should be thought necessary for the purpose afore- said, and that the said stones were necessary for the amendment of the said highways, and that he had offered to make satisfaction to the said C. D. for all damages done to the said or any other lands or grounds of the said C. D. by carrying away the same in the manner by the said statute directed, but that the said C. D. has refused to give his consent to gather, take and carry away the said stones for the purpose aforesaid. And whereas the said C. D. hath been duly summoned to appear here this day before two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county in special sessions for the highways in and for the said assembled, to give his reasons for refusing such his consent; and the said C. D. having appeared before us, J. S. and J. L., Esquires, two of the justices aforesaid, in special sessions for the highways as- sembled as aforesaid, accordingly, in pursuance of such summons, and not having given any sufficient reasons for refusing his consent in the premises, we therefore, the said last named justices, having heard evi- dence in the premises, and duly considered the same, are of opinion that the said materials are necessary, and ought to be gathered, taken and carried away from the said lands or grounds for the purpose aforesaid, and 378 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in- Oke's Synop. do hereby give our licence to the said surveyor to gather, take and carry 2nd ed. p. 374. away as much and as many of the same stones, as by the discretion of him the said surveyor shall be thought necessary for the purpose aforesaid ac- cordingly, he the said surveyor making satisfaction to the said C. D., and to any other person or persons, for all damages done to the said or any other lands or grounds, by carrying away the same in the manner by the said statute directed. Given under our hands and seals, the day of , at a special sessions for the highways as aforesaid, held at aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) J. L. (L.S.) 38. Order for erecting Direction Posts and Guide Posts. (Id. s. 24.) [Caption as in Form No. 13, ante, p. 367.] From Shelford, TO the surveyor of the highways of the parish of , in the said P- 222> division. You are hereby directed and required forthwith to cause to be erected or fixed in the most convenient place upon the highway lying between and , within the said parish of , where two or more roads meet, a stone or post, with proper inscriptions painted on both sides thereof, in large legible letters, not less than one inch in height, and of a proper and proportionate breadth, containing and directing the towns of and [or other places, as the justices shall think most proper.'] [ Where graduated stones or posts are necessary to prevent accidents from floods, vary it thus : in the most convenient place upon the highway at the approach or entrance on each side of the ford or water called , at , within your liberty, graduated stones or posts, denoting the depth of water in the deepest part thereof through which such highway passes.] [See further as to what he may be directed to do. Id s. 24.] And yon are allowed to charge the reasonable expenses of providing and erecting the same in your accounts. A. B. C. D. 39. Order of Justices at Special Sessions for Surveyor to pay Money to Treasurer of Turnpike Trust. (4 & 5 Viet. c. 59, s. 1 ; 1 2 & 13 Viet. c. 54). Adapted from Shelford, p. 231, and Form in Reg. v. Preston, 1 Magis. p. 67 ; 18 Law J. Rep. (N. S.) M. C. p. 4 ; 12 J. P. 836) (a). [Caption as in Form No, 13, ante, p. 367.] Whereas, on the day and year and at the special sessions aforesaid, information hath, pursuant to the authority in that behalf given in and by an act of parliament made and passed in a session of parliament held in the fourth and fifth years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled, "An Act to authorize for one Year, and until the end of the then next Session of Parliament, the Application of a Portion of the Highway Rates to Turnpike Roads in certain cases," which act has been continued and extended by subsequent enactments, and is now in full force and opera- tion, been exhibited before us the undersigned [names of justices], her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of , and acting at the said special sessions in and for the said division in the same county, by A. B. of , in the county of , the clerk of the trustees named (a) A notice from the clerk of turnpike to the surveyor of highways, and an information (which can be easily framed from the recital of it in this Form), precede this order. The order may be enforced as penalties under the 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 50 (vide s. 2 of 4 & 5 Viet. c. 59), i.e. by distress, after complaint, summons, and inquiry. CHAP, i.] HIGHWAYS. 379 and appointed in or by virtue of a certain act of parliament made and Oke's Synop. passed in a session of parliament held in the and years [title 2nd ed. p. 374. of local act], that a certain road from A. to B. was made under the autho- rity of the said last- recited act; that the said road and additions are known as the Turnpike Trust; that the funds of the said trust are wholly insufficient for the repair of the turnpike roads comprised therein, part whereof lies and is situate within the [parish] of B. in the division and county aforesaid ; that the said part of the said turnpike road so lying in the said [parish] of B. is greatly out of repair ; and that notice in writing of the intention to exhibit the said information so exhibited to us as afore* said was in pursuance of the said first-mentioned act given on the part of the said A. B. as such clerk as aforesaid to C. D. and E. F. the surveyors of the highways of the [parish] of B. duly appointed under or by virtue of an act made and passed in a session of parliament held in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, inti- tuled, "An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to Highways in that part of Great Britain called England," twenty-one days at least before this present special sessions; and the said A. B., as such clerk as aforesaid, prayeth the consideration of us the said justices in this behalf, and that we the said justices may adjudge and order that such portions of the rates or assessments levied or to be levied by virtue of the last- recited act in the said [parish] of B. for the repairs of the highways therein, as to us shall seem meet, shall be paid by the said C. D. and E.F. as such surveyors of the highways as aforesaid, to G. H. of , in the county aforesaid, the treasurer to the trustees of the said Trust, to be wholly laid out in the actual repair of such part thereof as lies in the said [parish] of B. ; and now, after having, pursuant to the said informa- tion and the said first-recited act, examined the state of the revenues and debts of the said Turnpike Trust, and inquired into the state and condition of the repairs of the roads within the same, and ascertained the length of the roads, including turnpike roads, within the said parish of B., and how much of such road is turnpike road, and having duly inquired into the allegations contained in the said information before recited [the said A. B. as such clerk, and also the said C. D. and E. F. as such surveyors of the highways as aforesaid, being present during such examination and inquiry in pursuance of the notice aforesaid], it appears to us, the justices above named and assembled at the said special sessions for the highways, that the inhabitants of the said [parish] of B. have been accustomed to repair all the public highways therein ; that the several allegations con- tained in the said information are trne, and it also appears to us the said justices necessary and expedient for the purposes of the said Turn- pike Trust to adjudge and order as hereinafter mentioned : Therefore we hereby adjudge and order a portion, that is to say, the sum of of the rate or assessment, levied or to be levied by virtue of the said last-recited act for the repairs of the highways therein, by the said C. D. and E. F. as such surveyors of the said [parish] of B. to be by them paid within days from the service hereof, [or on or before the day of next ; or by two equal pay- ments, to wit, the sum of , parcel thereof, on the day of next, and the residue thereof on the day of next], to the said G. H. as such treasurer to the trustees of the said Trust as aforesaid, to be wholly laid out in the actual repair of such part thereof as lies in the said [parish] of B. Given under our hands and seals at the special sessions aforesaid. [Justices' signatures and seals.] Vide tit. " Poor," post, for Forms on appeals against rates. 380 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. HUNDRED. 2nd ed. p. 374. j Examination before a Justice of Person, his Servant, damnified by Rioters, to be taken within Seven Days after Commission of Offence, in order to proceed for Damages either summarily or by Action. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 31, s. 2.) County of C. { The examination of C. D., of the parish of , in the to wit. J hundred of C., in the said county [grocer], taken on oath this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the said county and hundred, before me, the under- signed, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county. This deponent, C. D., on his oath saith as follows: [proceed to state the circumstance of demolishing the property^ and when and where, and what was injured, and the names of the offenders, if known.] Taken and sworn before me, the day and year and at the place first above mentioned. J. S. 2. Recognizance to prosecute Offenders when apprehended. (Id,)] This will be in the. General Form, No. 43 (O. 1 ), ante, p. 273, stating the con- dition thus: The condition of the within written recognizance is such, that whereas, on the day of , at the parish of , in the hun- dred of C M in the said county of C. [state the demolishing of the property and offenders, as in No. 1, supra], if, therefore, he the said C. D. shall duly prosecute the said A. B. and E. F. and F. G. [or the said offenders] when apprehended, and do all other necessary acts and things incident to such prosecution, then the said recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue. 3. Notice to the High Constable of a Hundred or other like District, or to the Peace Officer of a County of a City or Town, or of a Liberty, Franchise, City, Town or Place. (Given in Sect, 8 of Act.) To the high constable [or to , one of the high constables] of, &c. [or to , a peace officer of, &c.] I hereby give you notice that I intend to claim compensation from the inhabitants of [here specify the hundred or other like district, or county of a city, 4r-> or liberty, franchise, c. as the case may ie], on account of the damage which I have sustained by means of [here stale the offence, the time and place where it was committed, and the nature and amount of the damage] ; and I hereby require you, within seven days after your receipt of this notice, to exhibit the same to some two justices of the peace of the county [riding or division] of , residing in or acting for the said hundred, &c. [or if in a liberty, franchise, ^c. where the justices of the county, riding or division have no jurisdiction, then say, to some two jus- tices of the peace of, naming the county of the city, #c.] in order that they may appoint a time and place for holding a special petty sessions to hear and determine my claim for compensation, by virtue of an act passed in the seventh and eighth years of the reign of King George the Fourth, intituled An Act for consolidating and amending the Laws in England relative to Remedies against the Hundred ; and you are required to give me notice of the day, hour and place appointed for holding such petty session within three days after the justices shall have appointed the same. Given under my hand, this day of , in the year of our Lord . (Signed) A.B. CHAP, i.] HUNDRED. 381 4. Notice to be placed on the Church or Ckapel Door, or other con- Oke's Synop. spicuous part of the Parish, Township or Place, as the case may be. 2nd ed. p. 374. (Given in Sect. 8 of Act.)] I hereby give notice that I shall apply for compensation to the justices of the peace at a special petty sessions to be holden at - , on the - day of - next, at the hour of - in the forenoon, on account of the damage which I have sustained by means of [here state the offence, the time and place where it was committed, and the value and amount of the damage, in the same manner as in the preceding forni}. Given under my hand, this - day of - , in the year of our Lord - -. (Signed) A. B. 5. High Constable's Notice to Claimant of Time and Place of holding Special Petty Session. To Mr. A. B., of&c. I hereby give you notice that J. S. and J. L., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of - , have, upon your notice to me, dated the - day of - , claiming compensation from the inhabitants of - under the statute 7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 31, appointed a special petty session to be held on - , the - day of - next, at the hour of - in the forenoon, at the - , in N ., in the said hun- dred, for the purpose of determining your said claim. Given under my hand, this - day of - , in the year of our Lord - . W. Y. 6. High Constable's Notice to Justices. To the Rev. J. T. B., Clerk, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of C., acting in and for the hundred of C. therein. [ This will be similar to Form No. 5, supra.'] 7. Order for Payment of Damage by Treasurer of County. (7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. 31, s. 9.) To the treasurer of the county of C. County of C. > Whereas at a special petty session of her Majesty's jus- 5 ^ c to wit. 5 ^ ces f tne peace for the said county of C., acting for the hundred of C., in the same county, this day held, pursuant to due appointment and notice, at the - , in N., in the said hundred, a certain claim of one A. B., of &c., for compensation from the inhabitants of - , on account of the damage which he had sustained by means of [here state the offence, the time and place where it wai committed, and the nature and amount of the damage, as in the Form of Notice, No. 3, supra,"} is duly heard and determined by us the undersigned, the [major part of the] justices present thereat, by virtue of an act passed [SfC. as in Forni No. 3, supra~\ ; and we the same justices having duly examined the said A. B. concerning the said offence and the said damage, adjudge that the sum of - shall be paid to the said A. B. for the said damage so com- mitted as aforesaid, and also the sum of - , being the costs and charges of the said A. B. expended by him in this behalf, making toge- ther the sum of - : These are therefore to order you, as such treasurer of the said county of C., to pay unto the said A. B. the said sum of - , according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, for which payment this order shall be your sufficient warrant and authority. Given under our hands and seals, at the special petty session above men- tioned. [Justices' signatures and seals.] 382 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. 2nded. p. 375. JURORS. 1. Justices' Clerks' notice to High Constable of Special Petty Sessions for allowing List of' Jurors. (6 Geo. 4, c. 50, s. 10.) To the high constable of the hundred of C., in the said division. Division of N. 1 We do hereby give you notice, that a special in the county of C. /petty sessions for the- division above mentioned will to wit. -)be holden on Tuesday, the day of September now next ensuing, at or about the hour of twelve of that day, at the , in N., in the said county and division, for the purpose of receiving, con- sidering, reforming and allowing the list of men qualified and liable to serve on juries within the several parishes and townships in the said divi- sion, and for other purposes, according to and in pursuance of a certain act of parliament, made and passed at Westminster, in the sixth year of the reign of his late majesty King GeOrge the Fourth, intituled " An Act for consolidating and amending the Laws relative to Jurors and Juries; "* and you the said high constable are hereby required to be present at the time and place aforesaid, to receive the several lists of men qualified and liable to serve on juries as mentioned in the said act, in order that you may deliver the same to the court of quarter sessions to be then next holden. Dated this day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and . I. G. and B., Residing at N., Clerks to the Justices of the Peace for the said division. 2. The like, to Churchwardens and Overseers. (Id.) To the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of , within the said division. Division of N. ^ Proceed to the asterisk * in Form No. 1, supra, then :] in the f and you the said churchwardens and overseers are County of C. {hereby required, at the time and place aforesaid, to pro- to wit. ^ duce the list of men qualified and liable to serve on juries as mentioned in the said act within your said parish, such list to be prepared and made out as directed in and by the said act ; and at the said petty sessions you will be required to answer upon oath such questions touching the said list as shall be put to you by the justices then present. Dated, &c. [s in No. 1.] 3. Notice to Justices by Clerks^] A short Form can be readily framed from the above. 4. Allowance to be written at Foot or on Back of the List from each Parish. County of C. ) Verified on oath before and allowed by us, two of to wit. Jher Majesty's justices of the peace of and for the said county of C., at a [or an adjourned] special petty sessions held for the purpose in and for the division of N., at N., in the same county and di- vision, this day of , 1850. J. L. J. S. POOR. Id. p. 375. 1. Precept to High Constable for returning Lists of Overseers. (43 Eliz. c. 2, s. 1, and 54 Geo. 3, c. 91.)] Proceed as in the General Form CHAP, i.] POOR. 383 No. 1, ante, p. 341, to the asterisk * and there insert : you forthwith, on Qke's Synop. receipt hereof, to issue your warrant to all the petty constables within 2nd ed. p. 375. your said hundred, in the form or to the effect following. 2. High Constable's Warrant to Petty Constables (to be written at foot o/"No. 1.)] Proceed as in the General Form No. 2, ante, p. 341, to the asterisk * and there insert : you immediately upon sight hereof to give notice to all and every the overseers of the poor within your constable- wick, that they make out a list, in writing, of a competent number of sub- stantial householders within their respective districts, and deliver the same to the said justices and other her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, at , in N., in the said county, on the day of next, at the hour of in the forenoon of the same day, to the end that out of the said list the said justices may appoint other overseers of the poor for the year then next ensuing : And be you then there to cer- tify what you shall have done in the premises. Herein fail you not. 3. Notice by one Justice to other Divisional Justices.] Proceed as in the General Form No. 3, ante, p. 342, and insert at the asterisk *, the purpose of appointing overseers of the poor for the several parishes in the said division. 4. Return of the Vestry to the Magistrates (a). Parish of , > At a public meeting of the inhabitant of this parish County of . ) in vestry assembled, held at , on the day of , 185 , pursuant to notice. Resolved, that the persons named in the list hereunder written are .chosen and shall be returned to her Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the division of N., in the county of C., as a competent number of substantial householders, and fit and proper persons to serve the office of overseers of the poor for this parish for the year ensuing. (Signed) A.B.| churchwardens> p' TT' J Overseers. Name. I. K., &c. Inhabitants. THE LIST. Residence. [ Where one or more of the nominees is or are non-resident, then opposite to or under his name and residence in the list, say,'] the said being duly assessed to the relief of the poor of this parish, and being a householder resident in the parish of , within two miles from the church of this parish [or, where there is no church or chapel, resident, &c. within one mile from the boundary of this parish], and he having consented to be appointed to serve as such overseer, we request that he be appointed ac- cordingly. 5. Appointment of Overseers. (43 Eliz. c. 2 ; 59 Geo. 3, c. 12, s. 6.) Id. p. 376. County of C. > We, whose hands and seals are hereunto set and affixed, to wit. J being two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of C. (one whereof is of the quorum), do hereby nominate (a) Adapted from the " Poor Law Formalist," p. 40. 384 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. and appoint. A. B. and C. D., substantial householders within the parish 2nd ed. p. 376. of D., in the said county, [or, where non-resident person appointed, substantial householders within the parish of D., in the said county, and E. F., a house- holder resident in the parish of E., in the same [or in the] county of C., who has consented to the appointment], to be overseers of the poor of the same parish of D., together with the churchwardens thereof, until the 25th day of March next ensuing the date hereof, and fourteen days afterwards, unless other overseers shall be previously appointed in their stead *. Given under our hands and seals, this day of , in the year of our Lord 185. [Justices signatures and sea/s.] 6. The like, where an Overseer dies, Sfc., during the Year. (1 7 Geo. 2, c. 38, s. 3.)] Proceed as in No. 5, supra, adding at the asterisk *, it ap- pearing unto us by the oath of , that A. B., one of the overseers appointed for the said parish for the present year, is dead, [or is removed from the said parish, or is become insolvent.] 7. Form of entering Overseers appointed in " The Special Sessions Book." County of C. } Division of N. ) -, 27th March, 1849. At a special sessions held this day, pursuant to precepts for that purpose, the under-mentioned persons were appointed overseers for the several parishes for the year ensuing. [Adjourned to 3rd April]. Parishes. Date of Appointment. Persons appointed. Justices signing Appointment. A. K. 27th March 3rd April W. F. and A. G. .. J. H. and W. P J. T. B. and J. D. J T. B. and A. C. 8. Allowance of Accounts of Overseers in Parishes where a District Au- ditor not appointed under 7 & 8 Viet. c. 101, s. 32. (50 Geo. 3, c. 49, ss. 1, 4.) County of\ Perused and allowed (being first signed and verified on Voath by A. B. and C. D., churchwardens, and E. F. and G. H., to wit. J overseers of the poor) by us, J. S. and J. L., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of , this day of , in the year of our Lord , at N., in the same county *. [Justices' signatures.] N. B. If the accounts be reduced in amount, say, at the asterisk *, " excepting the item of for in the above accounts, which we have disallowed, [or reduced to the sum of ], because [here assign the reason]." Vide Bench Formulist, p. 423, for example, in R. v. Foucli, 2 Ad. & E. (N. S.) 310. CHAP, i.] POOR. 385 9. Application of Chairman of Board of Guardians for a Summons Oke's Synop. against Overseers for not paying Contribution. (2 & 3 Viet. c. 84, s. 1.) 2nd ed. p. 376. County of C.) The application and complaint of W. B., chairman of to wit. \ the board of guardians of the N. union, constituted by an order of the poor law commissioners, and on their behalf made to us, the undersigned, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of C., and acting within the district, to wit, the petty sessional division of N. in the same county, wherein the parish of S. in the said county is situate, this day of , in the year of our Lord ; that the said board of guardians duly made their order in writing, bearing date the day of last, and directed to the overseers of the poor of the parish of S., in the said county and district, being one of the parishes included within the said union, whereby the said overseers were ordered on the day of to pay to C. E. H. Esquire, on account of the said union, the sum of , as the contribution by the said over- seers of the said parish, of monies required by the said board of guardians for the performance of their duties, which said order was duly served upon A. B., one (a) of the said overseers ; and that the said overseers have neglected to pay the said contribution to the said C. E. H. on account of the said union, and the same is now in arrear ;* whereupon he, the said W. B., applies to us, the said justices, to summon the said A. B., the said overseer, to show cause, at a special sessions to be summoned for such pur- pose, why such contribution has not been paid according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided. Before us J. S. W. B. J. L. 10. Summons to the Overseer upon whom the Order was served (a). To A . B., one of the overseers of the poor of the parish of S. in the county of C. County of C. ) Whereas application and complaint hath this day been to wit. i preferred and made to us, the undersigned, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of C., and acting within the district, to wit, the petty sessional division of N. in the same county, wherein the parish of S. in the said county is situate, by W. B., chairman of the board of guardians of the N. union, constituted by an order of the poor law commissioners, and on their behalf: That [4c. recite application No. 9, supra, to the asterisk*, then]: And the said W. B. thereby applied to us, the said justices, to summon you the said A. B., to show cause at a special sessions to be summoned for such purpose, why such contribution has not been paid according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided : * These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, to be and appear on , at o'clock in the forenoon, at , before such two or more justices of the peace for the said county, acting within the said district, as may then be there at a special sessions summoned for the purpose, to show cause why you have not paid, and neglect to pay, the same, otherwise you shall be proceeded against by default as if you had appeared, and be dealt with according to law (b). (a) See 12 & 13 Viet. c. 103, s. 7. * Referred to in Distress Warrant No. 12. post. (b) As the 2 & 3 Viet, c.84, s. 1, provides that the contribution is to be recovered with costs in like manner as monies assessed for the relief of the poor may be levied and recovered, this and the following form have been adapted to those giveuin 12 & 13 Viet. c. 14, applicable to the recovery of parochial rates. 386 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. Given under our hands and seals, this day of , in the year 2nd ed. p. 376. of our Lord , at , in the county aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) J. L. (i. s.) Take notice that you have already incurred the undermentioned costs, viz. : s. d. Clerks to the justices Chairman of guardians, for obtaining the summons . Constable, for serving summons ....... Ditto, travelling expenses, at threepence per mile . . Total If the amount of these sums, together with the contribution claimed, be paid to C. E. H., the treasurer of the guardians, before the day on which the summons is returnable, all further proceedings will be stopped. 11 One Justices Notice to the other Divisional Justices, or Clerk's Notice, of the Special Sessions.'] Proceed to the asterisk * in either of the General Forms No. 3 and 4, ante, p. 342, and then insert : the pur- pose of hearing a certain application and complaint of W. B., chairman of the board of guardians of the N. union, preferred and made to two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of C., and acting in and for the said division, against A. B., one of the overseers of the poor of the parish of S. in the said union and division, for the arrear and non-pay- ment of the sum of , being the contribution by the said overseers of monies required by the said board of guardians for the performance of their duties, to which special sessions the said A. B. as such overseer has been summoned to show cause why such sum of money and contribution so in arrear as aforesaid has not been paid. 12. Warrant of Distress upon Goods of Overseer. To the constable of the parish of S., in the county of C., and to all other peace officers in the said county. County of C. ) Whereas [4~c. recite Application No. 9, as in Summons to wit. 5 No. 10, supra, to the second asterisk *, then :] and now at this day, to wit, on the day of , in the year of our Lord , at the in N., in the district and county aforesaid, (being a special sessions duly summoned for the purpose,)f the parties aforesaid, that is to say, the said A. B. as such overseer, and W. B., the chairman of the said board of guardians [by G. G., gentleman], and on behalf of the said board, appear before us, the undersigned, [two'] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, and acting within the district aforesaid at such special sessions, [or if the overseer do not appear, say from the obelisk f, the said W. B., the chairman of the said board of guardians [by G. G., gentleman], and on behalf of the said board, appear before us, the undersigned, [two'] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, and acting within the district aforesaid at such special sessions, but the said A. B., the said overseer, although duly called, doth not appear by himself, his counsel or attorney; and it is now satisfactorily proved to us on oath that the said A. B. hath been duly served with the summons in this behalf, which required him to be and appear at this present CHAP, i.j POOR. 387 special sessions here at this day before such two or more justices Oke's Synop- of the peace as should now be here, to show cause why he had 2nd ed. p. 376. not paid and neglected to pay the said sum of money and con- tribution, and to be further dealt with according to law] : And now having heard the matter of the said application and complaint preferred as aforesaid, and it being now duly proved to us upon oath [in the presence and hearing of the said A. B.J that the several allegations in the aforesaid application and complaint of the said W. B. are true ; and the said A. B. now not showing to us any sufficient cause for not paying the said sum of money and contribution : These are therefore to com- mand you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to make distress of the goods and chattels of the said A. B., and if within the space of five days after the making of such distress, the said sum of , and the sum of , for the costs occasioned by such arrear and obtaining this warrant, making in the whole the sum of , together with the reasonable charges of taking and keeping the said distress, shall not be paid, that then you do sell the said goods and chattels so by you distrained, and out of the money arising by such sale you pay the said sum of to the said board of guardians, rendering the overplus on demand to the said A. B., the reasonable charges of taking, keeping and selling the said distress being first deducted ; and if no such distress can be found, that then you certify the same unto us, to the end that such further proceedings may be had herein as to the law doth appertain. Given under our hands and seals, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the county aforesaid, and at the special sessions aforesaid. [ Just ices' signatures and seals.'] N.B. The commitment in default of distress, should there be no goods, will be in the Form (D), in Sched. to 12 & 13 Viet. c. 14, and will be found in tit. "Rates," in Chap. II., post, adapting the recital to the above warrant of distress. 13. Justices' Appointment of Special Sessions for the Year ensuing for hear- ing Appeals against Parochial Rates. (6 & 7 Will. 4, c. 96, a. 6.) (a) N., 27 March, 1849. We, the undersigned justices of the peace, acting in and for thfr petty sessions division of N., do hereby appoint the following days as special sessions for hearing of appeals against the rates of the several parishes in this division for the year ensuing, to be held at the place above-mentioned at twelve o'clock at noon of each day, that is to say : [here state the days.] Given under our hands the day and year first above written. [ Just ices' signatures.] 14. Justices' Precept to Petty Constables to affix Notice. To the constables of the parish of , in the petty sessions divi- sion of N., in the said county. County of C. } We, the undersigned justices of the peace, acting in and to wit. i for the said division, having this day, in pursuance of the statute in that case made and provided, appointed the following [five] days for holding special sessions for hearing appeals against the rates of the several parishes within the said division, viz. [here state the days.] (a) This should be written in " The Special Sessions Book," and is usually done on the day of appointing overseers. Vide note (a), ante, p. 343, see also 12 & 13 Viet. c. 18,8. 1. c c 2 388 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. do hereby require you to affix to or near to the door of your parish 2nd ed. p. 376. church, twenty-eight days at the least before the day of holding each of the said special sessions, one of the notices in the Form sent herewith, applicable to such special sessions, after the same shall have been signed by you. Given under our hands and seals the - day of March, 18 . [Justices' signatures and seals.] 15. Notice sent with Form No. 14, supra, for Church Door (). Division of N. Notice is hereby given, that a special sessions of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of C., acting in and for the said divi- sion, being a petty sessions division for hearing appeals against the rates of the several parishes within the said division, will be held at the - in N. in and for the said division, on - the - day of - next. Dated the - day of - , 185. T N $ Constable of the parish of C. i in the said division. 16. Justices' Clerks' Notice to Overseers of the Special Sessions. To the churchwardens and overseers of the poor [or surveyors of the highways] of the parish of -- , in the petty sessions division of N., in the said county. County of C. I We beg to give you notice that her Majesty's justices of to wit. \ the peace, acting in and for the said division, have this day, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, appointed the following [five] days for holding special sessions for hearing appeals against the rates of the several parishes within the said division, at the - in N. in and for the said division, at the hour of twelve at noon of each day ; that is to say, [here state the days."] and that the said justices have issued their precepts to the constables of your parish duly to fix a notice thereof respectively to or near to the door of your parish church. Dated this - day of March, 185. I.G.a,,dB. 17. Notice of Objection. To the churchwardens and overseers of the poor [or surveyors of the highways] of the parish of D.. in the division of N., in the said county of C., and each and every of them. Take notice, that I, C. D., of D., in the division of N. aforesaid, [grocer], an inhabitant and occupier of a house and land in the said parish of D., and rated as such in the rate hereinafter mentioned, do in- tend at the next special sessions of the peace to be holden pursuant to the statute in that behalf, for the hearing of appeals against the rates of the several parishes in the said division, at the - in N., in and for the said division, on - the - day of - , to commence and prosecute an appeal against a rate made, or appearing to be made, for the relief of the poor [or the maintenance of the highways] of the said parish of (i) So many copies of this notice as there are special sessions days for the year should be filled up and transmitted with the precept to each parish con- stable. CHAP. I.] POOR. D., bearing date the day of last, by you the said church- Oke's Synop. wardens and overseers of the poor [or surveyors of the highways], and 2nd ed. p. 376. appearing to have been allowed by J. S. and J. L., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting for the said county, on the day of , on the following grounds, or some or one of them, that is to say, {here state the grounds, for which see 3 Arch. J. P. 4th ed. p. 187.] And take notice to produce at the hearing of the said objections the rate above-mentioned. Given under my hand this day of , 18 . C. D. 18. Summons to a Witness. (See ss. 70, 74 of 7 & 8 Viet c. 101.) To E. F., of the parish of , in the county of . County of C. > Whereas at a special sessions of her Majesty's justices to wit. $ of the peace for the said county of C., acting in and for the petty sessions division of N., this day held at the in N., in the same county and division, for hearing of appeals against the rates of the several parishes in the said division, pursuant to the statute in that behalf, C. D. of the parish of D., in the said division, has duly entered an ap- peal against a rate made for the relief of the poor [or the maintenance of the highways] of the said parish of D., bearing date the day of last, and the hearing of which said appeal is respited to the next special sessions to be holden at the aforesaid on the day of next ; and the said C. D. having informed me the undersigned, one of the justices present at the said special sessions, that you are a material witness on his behalf upon the matter of the said appeal, hath requested that I will summon you to appear and give evidence thereon : These are therefore to require you to be and appear on , at twelve o'clock at noon, at N. before such justices of the peace of the said county as may then be there in special sessions assembled, to testify what you shall know concerning the matter of the said appeal. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at in the county aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) 19. Rules for regulating the Practice on hearing Appeal* (a). County of C. > At a petty sessions of her Majesty's justices of the peace to wit. \ in and for the said county of C., acting in and for the petty sessions division of N. in the same county, held at the in N. in the same division and county, on the day of , in the year of our Lord , pursuant to notice to all the justices of the said division. It is ordered, That the following rules for regulating the practice of the court of special sessions for hearing appeals against the rates of the several parishes within the said petty sessions division, according to the pro- visions of an act passed in a session of parliament held in the sixth and seventh years of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled, " An Act to regulate Parochial Assessments," shall be observed with respect to and at such special sessions, that is to say, 1. All appeals shall be entered with the clerks to the justices at their office not later than twelve o'clock at noon on the day next before the day of holding the special sessions at which the appeal is to be heard or respited. (a) This has been adapted from Forms given at 2 J. P. pp. 186, 221. 390 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. 2. All appeals shall be entered in " The Special Sessions Book" by 2nd. eel. p. 376. the clerk in the order in which they are received, and be called on for hearing in that order; and if upon calling on such appeal no person shall appear, nor any cause be assigned for continu- ing or adjourning such appeal, the same shall be dismissed. 3. No appeal shall be heard or respited unless made to the first prac- ticable special sessions after the publication of the allowance of the rate in question, unless such special sessions shall be held within twenty-one days after such publication, in which case appeal shall be made to the next succeeding special sessions. 4. No appeal shall be commenced at an adjournment of any special sessions unless such appeal shall have been entered and notice thereof given in the usual manner previousiy to the original special sessions of which it is such adjournment. 5. The order of procedure to be observed at such special sessions shall be as follows: The notice in writing of grounds of appeal, signed by the appellant, to be put in proof to be given, or admission, of its due service on the collector, overseers, or other persons by whom the rate was made, seven days at least before the day of appeal, as required by section 6 of the statute above-named, and notice to be read. After the opening of the appellant's case, the respondents to put in the rate. If the respondents do not attend, or refuse to produce the rate, proof of notice to produce it must be given. An attested copy of the rate may then be read in evidence, or its contents proved by parol testimony. Evidence in support of the appellant's case to be produced. Respondents to state their case and produce their evidence. Appellant to reply upon the whole case. Judgment of quashing, confirmation, or amending rate, with or without costs. 6. No person shall be permitted to address the court in support or defence of any such appeals, or examine witnesses thereon, except the appellants or respondents in person, or their counsel, orattornies, or the duly authorized clerks of such attornies. 7. The following shall be the table of fees (a) which the clerks to the justices shall be entitled to demand on the hearing of appeals, conformably to the practice at the county sessions : s. d. Entering appeal, and calling same .... Adjourning or respiting appeal at the request of the parties, including the order for that purpose Confirming, quashing, or amending rate, and order for that purpose and for costs. . . Reading every document given in evidence . For every oath to each witness For every taxation of costs, including appoint- ment and allocatur [Signatures of the Justices.] I. G. and 13., Clerks to the Justices. (a) These should be in accordance with the Table in force made under the 26 Geo. 2, c. 14. CHAP, i,] POOR. 391 20. Decision of Special Sessions upon Appeal. (From J. Stone's Petty , ke '? Syn ~E~ Sessions, by Westoby, 5th ed. p. 427.) 2nd ed< P* 376 ' [Caption as in Form No. 1, ante, p. 351, tit. " Constables (High)."] We, the undersigned, [two] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, acting in and for the said division (a) then and there present, did, in pursuance of a notice of objection duly given accord- ing to the provisions of the said statute, and verified [or admitted] before us, proceed to hear and determine a certain objection [or certain objec- tions] by way of appeal made by C. D. of the parish of D. in the said county and division [grocer], against a rate made for the relief of the poor [or the maintenance of the highways] of the said parish of D., bear- ing date and made on the day of , in the year , that is to say, [here state the nature of the objection or objections as set forth in the notice] ; and after hearing what could be alleged as well on behalf of the said objector as on behalf of the collector [or overseers, or surveyors] by whom such rate was made, we do hereby order that the said rate be and the same is hereby in all respects quashed [or confirmed ; or that the said rate be amended as follows : that is to say, [here set out the rating to be lowered or raised as the case may be, as by reducing the sum specified under the column of "gross estimated rental " from the sum of to the sum of , and the sum mentioned under the column of "rateable value " from the sum of to the sum of ; and the sum stated under the column of " rate at in the pound " from the sum of to the sum of ] ; and further that the clerk to the justices of this special sessions do amend the said rate accordingly. [And if the justices deem it proper to allow costs on either side, add thefollmcing : and we do hereby further order that the said do forthwith [or on or before the day of next] pay to the said the sum of for and in respect of the costs of the said in prosecuting [or defending] the above-mentioned objection [or objections]. Given under our hands and seals at the special sessions [or adjourned special sessions] aforesaid. [Signatures and seals of at least two justices.'] 21. Order respiting Appeal to the next Special Sessions. County of C.) At a special session, &c. [place Caption as in Form to wit. 5 No. 1, ante, p. 351.J On the application of Mr. G., on behalf of C. D. of the parish of D. in the said division, a person rated to the relief of the poor [or the main- tenance of the highways] of the said parish of D. in and by a certain rate bearing date the day of last, against which said rate the said C. D. has duly entered an appeal : It is ordered that the hearing of the said appeal be respited to the next special sessions to be held in and for this division for that purpose. Given, &c. [as in Form No. 20, supra.] 22. Recognizance on Appeal against Decision of the Special Sessions. (Id. s. 6. )] Procee d as in the Form of Recognizance 'No. 1 3 ( E. ), ante, p. 28, stating the condition thus .-the condition of the within-written recogni- zance is such, that if the said A. B. shall, at the next general [or quarter] sessions of the peace to be holden at in and for the said [county] of , enter and prosecute an appeal against a certain order and decision bearing date the day of instant, and made by [names'] [two] of her Majesty's justices of the peace of and for the said [county] of , acting in and for the division of N. in the same [county] in specal ses- (a) Sfce 12 & 13 Viet. c. 18, a. 1. 392 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART ur. sions, whereby the said justices did order that [state the substance of the order] ; and further, that if the said A. B. shall abide by and duly per- form the order of the court to be made upon the trial of such appeal, then the said recognizance to be void, or else to remain in full force and virtue. THEATRES. Oke's Synop. 1. Application to Clerks to Justices by Manager. (6 & 7 Viet. c. 68, 2nded. s. 5). [From 7 L. T. 354; 10 J. P. 479.] p. 376378. To ]yf essr8 . L (j. and B. clerks to the justices of the peace of the county of C. acting in and for the division of N. in the same county. I, the undersigned C. G., being the actual and responsible manager of a certain company of players carmnonly called or known by the name or style of the Company of Players, do hereb)', in pursuance and by virtue of an act passed in a session of parliament holden in the sixth and seventh years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled, " An Act for regulating Theatres," give you notice that I intend to make applica- tion at a special session, to be holden in and for your said division, to the justices of the peace assembled thereat for a licence to be granted unto me for the performance of stage plays in a certain building called the , situate at , in the division and county aforesaid, for the space of calendar months ; and I request you will, within twenty-one days next after this application, appoint a day for holding a special sessions in the said division for the purpose of granting unto me such licence, and that you will give notice of the holding of such session to each of the justices acting within such division, pursuant to the statute aforesaid. Witness my hand this day of 1 85 . C. G. Signed by the said C. G. in the presence of us the undersigned, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace of and for the said county of C., and acting in and for the said division of N. J. S. J. P. 2. Justices' Clerks' Notice to Justices. (Id.) To the Reverend J. T. B., Clerk, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the division of N. in the county of C. Agreeably to the terms of a notice delivered to us under the statute 6 &7 Viet. c. 68, intituled, "An Act for regulating Theatres," by one C. G., the actual and responsible manager of a certain company of players, commonly called or known by the name or style of Com- pany of Players, of his intention to make application at a special sessions, to be holden in and for the said division, to the justices of the peace assembled thereat, for a licence to be granted to him for the performance of stage plays in a certain building, called the , situate at , in this division and county, for the space of calendar month ; we do hereby give you notice, that a special session of the justices acting in and for the said division will be held at the in N. on the day of next, at the hour of twelve at noon, for the purpose, and pursuant to the statute above-mentioned. Dated this day of , 185 . I G and R * Clerks to the J ustices of 1 VI. (UHl 1 >. v . i 1 I- * { the said division. CHAP, i.] THEATRES. 393 3. Licence of Theatre, and Rulesfur Order, $c. (Id. ss. 3, 5, 9.) Oke's Synop. County of C. \ At a special session of her Majesty's justices of the 376378 to wit. \ peace of and for the county of C., acting for the division of N. in the same county, holden in and for the said division, at the , in N., in the same division, on , the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- dred and , for the purpose of granting licences to houses for the performance of stage plays, in pursuance of the statute made and passed in a session of parliament holden in the sixth and seventh years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act for regulating Theatres." We, the undersigned, being four of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting for the said division, present at this special session, do hereby license, authorize and empower C. G , he being the actual and respon- sible manager of a certain company of players, commonly called or known by the name or style of Company of Players, to have and keep open a certain building, called the , situate at , in the division and county aforesaid, as and for a house and place of public resort for the public performance of stage plays, under the provisions of the statute aforesaid, for the space of calendar months from the date hereof; provided that the said C. G. do observe and keep the rules for insuring order and decency at and in the said theatre so licensed by us the said justices, and for regulating the times during which the said theatre shall be allowed to be open, a copy of which rules is annexed to this licence, pursuant to the statute aforesaid in that case made and provided. Given under our hands and seals at the special sessions above mentioned in open court. [Signatures and seals of at least four justices.] RULES. 1. The theatre shall be closed every Sunday, Christmas Day, Good Friday, and days appointed for a public fast and thanksgiving, and during Lent. 2. The theatre shall be closed every Saturday night at the hour of half- past eleven. 3. No spirituous liquors, wine, ale, beer, porter, cider, perry or tobacco shall be sold or disposed of in the theatre, or upon the premises. 4. Police constables when dressed in uniform, or other constables when not dressed, if known as such to the manager or his servants, shall be permitted to have free egress to the theatre at all times during the time of public performance. 5. The manager shall, to the best of his ability, maintain and keep good order and decent behaviour in the theatre during the hours of public performance. 6. For every breach of the above rules the manager shall forfeit and pay a penalty not exceeding 5. [Signed as in licence.] 4. Recognizance of Manager and Sureties for observing Rules. (Id. 8> 7.)]_T/m will be in the General Form, No. 48, (S. 1). ante, p. 276, with the following condition .-The condition of the within written recog- nizance 'is such, that if the said C. G. shall duly observe and keep the several rules for insuring order and decency at and for regulating the times of opening a certain theatre, situate at , in the division of N., in the said county of C., made and annexed to the licence of the said theatre granted to the said C. G. this day by us, the justices within men- 394 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. tioned, in pursuance of the statute 6 & 7 Viet. c. 68, for the space of 2nd ed. calendar months, during the currency thereof; and shall also duly p. 376 378. pay all penalties which the said C. G. may be adjudged to pay for breach of the said rules, or any of the provisions of the said act,* then the said recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue. 5. Notice of Recognizance ] Take notice that you C. G. are bound in the sum of , and your sureties D. E. and F. G. in the sum of each, that you the said C. G. shall duly observe and keep [fyc. as in the recognizance, No. 4, supra to the asterisk*, and then ] and unless the same be observed, kept and paid accordingly, the recognizance entered into by you and your sureties shall be forthwith levied on you and them. Dated this day of , 185 . [This may be signed by one of the justices granting the licence.] 6. Order rescinding Rules or altering them, or making other Rules, (s. 9.) At a [or an adjourned] special session [4c. as in Form No. 3, supra.] We, the undersigned, being [four] of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting for the said division, present at this [adjourned] special session, do hereby rescind the rules [numbered 1 and 3], made and annexed to the licence of a certain theatre situate at , duly granted to one C. G. on the day of last, in pursuance of the statute aforesaid. [or do hereby alter the rule numbered 6, made and annexed, &c., by inserting, instead of the penalty of 5, the sum of 3 [or as the case may be], [and in case of new rules being made for those rescinded, say : and do make and order the following rules instead, that is to say [litre set them out.] Given, &c. [as in No. 3, supra] 7. Order of two Justices to close Theatre in case of Riot or Breach of the Peace. (Id. s. 9.) To C. G., the manager of a certain theatre situate at , licensed under the statute 6 & 7 Viet. c. 68. Whereas it hath this day been duly proved on oath before us, the undersigned, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of C. usually acting in the jurisdiction where the theatre above mentioned is situate, that a riot and breach of the peace has taken [or is about to take place] in the said theatre [or in the neighbourhood of the said theatre], we do hereby order that the said theatre be closed for the space of from this hour [or the date hereof], and we do hereby order you the said C. G. to close the same accordingly. Given under our hands and seals, this day of , at twelve o'clock at noon. [Justices' signatures and seals] CHAP, ii.] ( 395 ) CHAPTER II. FORMS FOR USE IN MATTERS TO BE DONE IN PETTY SESSIONS, OR BY ONE JUSTICE. Where the matter is within Jervis's Act (11 & 12 Viet. c. 43,) such of the General Forms in Chap. I. of Part I. (pp. 2365,) as are required are referred to or adapted ; where otherwise, new ones are given as the occasion may demand. ALEHOUSES. Vide Temporary Authority to sell, Form No. 1, ante, p. 348. Vide tit. " Riots," post, for orders to close houses in case of riot or tumult. APPRENTICES. I. As to Parish Apprentices. II. As to Apprentices in general. I. As TO PARISH APPRENTICES (a). 1. Order of two Justices for binding out Apprentice. (56 Geo. 3, Adapted from c.l 39, s.l.) Form in 1 Arch. Leicestershire to wit. Whereas J. N. and J. S., overseers of the poor J- P 96. of the parish of A. in the county of Leicester, have this day brought before us, J. P. and N. P., Esquires, (two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county,) one C. D., a poor male [or female] child of the age of years, having a settlement in the said parish, whose parents are not able to keep and maintain him, and the said J. N. and J. S., as such overseers as aforesaid, now propose to us the said justices that they shall bind the said C. D. apprentice to one E. F. of the parish of in the county of , shoemaker, and residing within the distance of forty miles from the parish or place to which the said C. D. belongs, [or residing, or having an establishment in trade, at which it is in- tended that the said C. D. shall be employed, out of the said county, and at a greater distance than forty miles from the (a) The Forms Nos. 1 and 3 to 13 apply to apprentices in parishes not within an union ; the Form No. 2 to apprentices in unions or parishes under guar- dians, the 7 & 8 Viet. c. 101, s. 12, requiring the guardians to bind the person without the interposition of justices. Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. parish of A. to which the said C.D. belongs, and the said parish of A. being more than forty miles from the city of London], with him the said E. F. to dwell and him to serve, until the said C.D. shall attain the age of twenty-one years [adding, if the apprentice be a female, " or until the time of her marriage, which shall first happen"], according to the statutes in such case made and provided : and whereas we the said justices have made the necessary examination and inquiries directed and required by the statute in such case made and provided, and upon such examination and inquiries think it proper that such child shall be bound apprentice to the said E. F. [adding, if he live out of the county and above forty miles from the child's parish, " because we find that " and then specifying their reasons for apprenticing the child out of the county, 4r.] : we, therefore, do hereby declare that the said E. F. is a fit person to whom the said C. D. may be properly bound an apprentice, and hereupon we order that the overseers of the said parish of A. shall be at liberty to bind the said C. D. apprentice accordingly. Given under our hands and seals, at , this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the county aforesaid. [Justices' signatures and seals.'] 2. Indenture of Apprenticeship by Guardians without Premium, and without Justices' consent. (7 & 8'Vict. c. 101, s. 12.)] This Form being very long is not inserted, but one is published by Shaw & Sons, as drawn by Mr. Lumley. 3. Allowance of Indenture by two Justices where the binding Parish is. (56 Geo. 3, c. 139, s. 1.)] From I Arch. J. P. 4th ed. p. 100. We, whose names are hereunder written and seals affixed, justices of the peace in and for the county of aforesaid, whereof one is of the quorum, do consent to the binding of A. B. to be an apprentice according to the intent and meaning of this indenture,* and we sign and seal this our allowance of such indenture of apprenticeship before the same hath been executed by any of the other parties thereto. Given under our hands and seals, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the county aforesaid. [Justices' signatures and se,-ils.] 4. The like, before Justices where the Child is to serve. (Id. p. 101.) This will be the same as Form No. 3, except as notice is required to be given by section 2 to the overseers of the parish where the child is to serve, [insert at the asterisk * " it having been proved upon oath before us, or admitted before us by the overseers of the said parish of B.] that due notice in writing has been given by the overseers of the poor of the said parish of A. to the overseers of the poor of the said parish of B. of such binding being intended." 5. Order of Justices, on Master removing, for continuing, assigning, or discharging Apprentice. (56 Geo. 3. c. 139, s. 8.)] From 1 Arch. J. P. 4th ed. p. 105. Berkshire to wit : Whereas C. D., the master of the apprentice in the within indenture mentioned, is about to remove his residence [or esta- blishment of business] out of the said county of Berks, [or more than forty miles from the parish of wherein the same was when J. Y., the said apprentice, was so bound as within mentioned,] and the said C. D. hath given due notice thereof to the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of , where the said J. Y., the said apprentice, CHAP, ii.] APPRENTICES. 397 now resides : And whereas the said C. D., the said J. Y., and the over- seers of the poor of the said parish of , now appear before us, the undersigned, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of Berks, wherein the said J. Y. is now serving; and we the said justices, having made due inquiry whether it may be fit and proper that the said J. Y. should continue in the service of the said C. D., or be discharged therefrom, or bound or assigned over to any other person, do find that it is fit and proper that the said J. Y. should [#o.] ; and we do hereby order [4"C.j ; [and if the order be to discharge the apprentice, or assign or bind him to another master, the justices may add : " and we do hereby order and require the said C. D. to pay to the sum of , being such part of the premium by him received with the said apprentice as to us seems meet and reasonable, for the purpose of binding [or assigning] him the said J. Y. to another master."] Given under our hands and seals, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the county of Berks aforesaid. [Justices' signatures and seals.] 6. Order on Master dying for Apprentice continuing with Widow, fyc. (32 Geo. 3, c. 57, s. 2.) Form given by the statute. County of } Whereas F. M. [the master], within named, late of the S parish of in the said county, died on the day of , being within three calendar months now last past : we, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county aforesaid, whose names are hereunto subscribed, on the application and at the request of* A. M., widow [or as the case moy be] of the said F. M , living with and being part of the family of the said F. M. at the time of his death, do hereby order and direct that A. P., the apprentice within named, who was in the service and actual employment of the said F. M. at the time of his death, shall serve the said A. M. as such apprentice for the residue of the term of such apprenticeship within mentioned, according to the provisions of an act passed in the thirty-second year of the reign of King George the Third, intituled " An Act for the better Regulation of Parish Apprentices." Witness our hands this day of . [Justices' signatures.] 7. Widow's Acceptance of Apprentice. (Id.)] I, the above named A. M., do hereby declare that the above order is made at my request, and that I do accept the said A. P. as my apprentice, according to the terms and covenants contained in the said indenture, and according to the pro- visions of the said act. Witness my hand the day and year above wrtiten. \ A 1 . 8. The like Order by a separate Instrument. (1 Arch. J. P. 4th ed. p. 107.) County of ) Whereas it appears unto us, two of her Majesty's justices J of the peace for the said county, that A. P. [the apprentice] was bound an apprentice by the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of , in the said county, to F. M. [the master], late of the said parish, and that the said F. M. died on the day of , being within three calendar months now last past : Now we the said two justices, on the application and at the request of [SfC. proceed from the asterisk * in Form No. 6, supra, to the end.] Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. 9. Assignment of an Apprentice by Indorsement on the Indenture or Counterpart. (32 Geo. 3, c. 57, s. 7.) Given in Act. County of \ Be it remembered, that the within named F. M. [the master], \ by and with the consent and approbation of J. P. and K. P., two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, whose names are subscribed to the consent hereunder written, doth hereby assign A. P., the apprentice within named, unto N. M. [the new -master], to serve him during the residue of the term within mentioned; and that he the said N. M. doth hereby agree to accept and take the said A. P. as an apprentice for the residue of the said term, and doth hereby acknowledge himself his executors and administrators to be bound by the agreements and covenants within mentioned on the part of the said F. M. to be done and performed, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, and pursuant to the provisions of an act passed in the thirty-second year of the reign of King George the Third, intituled " An Act for the further Regulation of Parish Apprentices." In witness whereof, we the said F. M. and N. M. have hereunto set our hands, this day of . We, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace above mentioned, do consent thereto. Witness our hands this day of . J. P. K. P. 10. The like, by a separate Instrument. (1 Arch. J. P. 4th ed. p. 109. See R. v. Exmimter, 6 Ad. & El. 598.) County of ) Whereas it appears unto us, J. P. and K. P., two of her i Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, whose names are subscribed to the consent hereunder written, that A. P. was bound an apprentice by the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of to F. M. of the same parish, by indenture bearing date on or about the day of , until the said A. P. should attain his age of twenty-one years: Now be it remembered, that the said F. M., by and with the consent, &c. [and so to the end as before, mutatis mutandis.~\ 11. Overseer or Churchwarden's Complaint against Master of Parish Apprentice for enforcing Covenant for Maintenance. (See 32 Geo. 3, c. 57, s. 6.)] That A. P. [the apprentice] was bound an apprentice by the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of to F. M, [the master], [late] of the same parish, by indenture bearing date on or about the day of , for the term of , and with whom not more than the sum of five pounds, to wit, , was then given as premium, and that the said F. M. hath, during the term of the said apprenticeship, to wit, from the day of last, to the day of instant, refused [or neglected], and still refuses [or neglects] to maintain and provide for his said apprentice A. P., according to the terms of the cove- nant for that purpose in the said indenture, and to reimburse the said churchwardens and overseers the sum of , which they have necessa- rily and reasonably expended for the maintenance and clothing of the said A. P. during the period last aforesaid. 12. Summons to Master.'] This will be in the General Form No. 8 (A), ante, p. 26, reciting the Complaint No. ] 1, supra. 13. It will be advisable to have an Order, which should be in the General Form No. 44 (K. 1), ante, p. 42, and enforced by Distress Warrant, &c. No. 66 (N. 2) 71, ante, pp. 5759. CHAP, ii.] APPRENTICES. 399 Okes Synop. II. As TO APPRENTICES IN GENERAL. 2nd ed. p. 379. 14. Usual Printed Form of Indentwe. This indenture witnesseth, that A. B. doth put himself apprentice to C. D. to learn his art and with him [after the manner of an apprentice] to serve from the until the full end and term of seven years from thence next following to be fully complete and ended : during which term the said apprentice his master faithfully shall serve, his secrets keep, his lawful commands everywhere gladly do ; he shall do no damage to his said master, nor see to be done of others, but to his power shall let or forthwith give warning to his said master of the same ; he shall not waste the goods of his said master, nor lend them unlawfully to any ; he shall not commit fornication nor contract matrimony within the said term ; he shall not play at cards, dice, tables, or any other unlawful games, whereby his said master may have any loss, with his own goods or others during the said term without licence of his said master ; he shall neither buy nor sell ; he shall not haunt taverns or playhouses, nor absent him- self from his said master's service day or night unlawfully, but in all things as a faithful apprentice he shall behave himself towards his said master and all his during the said term : and the said A. B. his said apprentice, in the art of which he useth, by the best means that he can, shall teach and instruct, or cause to be taught and instructed, limiting unto the said apprentice sufficient meat, drink, lodging, and all other necessaries during the said term [if a clause is to be inserted providing for the death of the master, here say : provided always, that the said last-mentioned covenant on the part of the said A. M., his executors and administrators, to be done and performed, shall continue and be in force for no longer time than for three calendar months next after the death of the said A.M., in case he the said A.M. shall happen to die during the con- tinuance of such apprenticeship, according to the provisions of an act passed in the thirty-second year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Third, intituled " An Act for the further Regulation of Parish Apprentices :"] And for the true performance of all and every the said covenants and agreements either of the said parties bindeth him- self unto the other by these presents. In witness whereof the parties above named to these indentures interchangeably have put their hands and seals the day of , and in the year of the reign of our sovereign lord , by the grace of God, of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, king, defender of the faith, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and . 15. Indenture of Apprenticeship to two Masters to serve them consecu- tively in distinct trades. (Adopted in Rex v. Louth, 1 M. & R., M. C., 238; 8 B. & Cres. 247, S. C )] This indenture, made the [1st] day of [May], in the [20th] year, &c., and in the year of our Lord [1820], be- tween J. G., of the parish of Leeds, in the county of York [weaver], and T. F. [woolcomber], of the one part, and B. F., of the parish aforesaid, of the other part, witnesseth, that the said B. F. hath of his own free will, and with the consent of his parents, put and bound himself apprentice to and with the said J. G. and T. F., and with them after the manner of ah apprentice to dwell, remain and serve from the date hereof, for, during and until the term of seven years thence next following to be fully com- pleted and ended, during all which term the said apprentice his said masters well and faithfully shall serve, their respective secrets shall keep, and lawful commands do, fornication or adultery shall not commit, hurt or damage to his said masters shall not do or consent to be done, but to 400 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. his power shall let it and forthwith his said masters thereof warn ; taverns 2nd ed. p. 379. or alehouses he shall not haunt or frequent unless it be about his master's business there to be done ; at dice, cards, tables, bowls, or any such un- lawful games, he shall not play ; the goods of his said masters respec- tively shall not waste, or lend or give to any person, without his master's licence; matrimony within the said term shall not contract, nor from either of his masters' services at any time absent himself, but as a true and faithful apprentice shall order and behave himself towards his said masters and all theirs, as well in words as in deeds, during the said term ; and a true and just account of all his masters' goods, chattels and money com- mitted to his charge, or which shall come to his hands, faithfully he shall give at all times when thereunto required by his said masters, or either of their executors, administrators and assigns ; and the said J. G., for him- self, his executors and assigns, doth covenant, promise and grant by these presents, to and with the said B. F. apprentice, that the said J.G. and T. P., their executors, administrators or assigns, shall and will teach, learn and inform him the said apprentice, or cause him to be taught, learned and informed in the mystery of the trade of stuff- weaving and woolcombing, which the said masters now use, after the best manner or knowledge which he or they may or can with all circumstances thereunto belonging, and also shall find and provide to or for him the said appren- tice sufficient and enough of meat; and that the said J. G. shall find and provide him, meals, drink, washing and lodgings for the first four years (to and not to exceed eight hanks per day, and to have four hanks allowed for looming, to have three days each year for himself, and to have four shillings for a low count if he works any overwork, and so on in propor- tion), the said apprentice to serve the latter three years with T. F. (and not to exceed five pounds per day), the said apprentice to receive one shilling per year wages, and the said J. G. to be absolutely free from the said apprentice at the end of four years from the date hereof, and the said apprentice not to have above three days if he should have to stand for work ; and for the true performance of all and singular the covenants and agreements aforesaid, each of the parties aforesaid doth bind himself unto the other firmly by these presents. In witness whereof, &c. 16. Assignment of Apprentice.] To all to whom these presents shall come: I, A. M. of , send greeting. Whereas my apprentice A. P. hath divers years yet to come and unexpired of his apprenticeship, to wit, whole years from the day of now last past, as by his in- denture of apprenticeship to be sealed doth appear: Now know ye that I the said A. M., for divers good causes and considerations me hereunto moving, have given, granted, assigned and set over, and by these presents do fully and absolutely give, grant, assign and set over unto A. S.of , all such right, title, duty, term of years to come, service and demand whatsoever which I the said A. M. have in or to the said A. P., or which I may or ought to have in him by force and virtue of the said indenture of appren- ticeship: And moreover I the said A. M. do by these presents covenant, promise and agree to and with the said A. S., his executors and adminis- trators, that, notwithstanding any thing by me the said A. M. to be done to the contrary, the said A. P. shall, during the said term of years, well and truly serve the said A. S. as his master, and his commandments lawful and honest shall do, and from his service shall not absent himself during the said term : provided that the said A . S. shall well intreat and use the said A. P., and him the said A. P. in the craft, mystery and occu- pation of a , which he the said A. S. now useth, after the best manner that he can or may, shall teach, instruct and inform, or cause to be taught, instructed and informed, as much as thereunto belongeth or in CHAP, ii.] APPRENTICES. 401 anywise appertaineth, and shall also during the same term find and allow Oke's Synop. unto the said A. P. sufficient meat, drink, apparel, washing, lodging and 2nd edit, p 379. all other things needful or meet for an apprentice. In witness, &c. 17. Oath to be taken by a Muster whose Apprentice has absconded. (Given in Schedule to Army Mutiny Act, 12 Viet. c. 10.)] I , of , do make oath that I am by trade a , and that was bound to serve as an apprentice to me in the said trade, by indenture dated the day of , for the term of years ; and that the said did, on or about the day of -, abscond and quit my service without my consent ; and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the said is aged about years. Witness my hand at , the day of , one thousand eight hundred and . Sworn before me at , this day of , \ one thousand eight hundred and . j 18. Justice's Certificate, to be given to the Muster of an Apprentice. (Id.) ) I , one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for , to wit. J certify, that , of , came before me at , the day of , one thousand eight hundred and , and made oath that he was by trade a , and that was bound to serve as an appren- tice to him in the said trade, by indenture dated the day of , for the term of years ; and that the said apprentice did, on or about the day of , abscond and quit the service of the said without his consent, and that to the best of his knowledge and belief the said appren- tice is aged about years. 19. Apprentice's Complaint against Master for Wages not exceeding 10. (4 Geo. 4, c. 34, s. 2.)] Proceed to the first asterisk* in the General Form No. 1, ante, pp. 23, 24, then .-that he the said C. D. was and is now an apprentice to one A. B., of the parish of , in the said county of , in the business of a , and employed by him at the said parish of ; that no premium \or not more than the sum of 25, to wit, the sum of 20,] was paid or agreed to be paid on his binding out as such apprentice, and that by the indenture of apprenticeship between them the said A. B. agreed to pay wages to the said C. D. at the rate of shillings a week during the [third] year of the said apprenticeship, that being the now current year [or as the case may be], and that the sum of of the wages aforesaid is now justly due and owing to him the said C. D. from the said A. B., and that the said A. B. refuses to pay him the same, contrary, &c. If the master reside at a considerable distance, fyc., and it is on that account desirable to summon the foreman or agent, under sect. 4, add here :] and the said C. D. further saith, that the said A. B. resides at a considerable distance, to wit, [sixty] miles from the said parish of where his said business is carried on [or is absent beyond the seas, or at a considerable distance] ; and that G. A., of the parish of aforesaid, is agent [or foreman] of the said A. B., to whom he entrusts his said business. 20. Summons to the Master or Agent.'] This will be in the General Form No. 8 (A.), ante, p. 26, reciting the Complaint No. 19, supra. 21. General Forms to be used in enforcing the Order for Payment of Wages. (No. 44 (K. 1), ante, p. 42.) Distress Warrant, &c., No. 66 (N. 2)-71, ante, p. 57-59. 402 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. BASTARDS. I. Forms given 74-8 Viet . II. Other Forms. onoo I. Forms given in the Act 8 Viet. c. 10, for Proceedings under pp.38 382. 74-8 Fief. c. 101. I. FORMS IN THE ACT 8 VICT. c. 10, FOR PROCEEDINGS UNDER 7 & 8 VICT. c. 101. 1 . Application by Woman with Child. 7 & 8 Viet. > Application and deposition of , a single woman, residing c. 101, s. 2. to wit. J at in the county [or city, borough, or other place~] of , taken upon oath before me the undersigned , one of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting for the petty sessional division of in the said county [or city, borough, or other place] of , in which she re- sides, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , who upon her oath [or affirmation] saith that she is now with child, and that of , in the county of , is the father of the child with which she is now pregnant, and maketh application for a summons to be served upon the said so alleged by her to be the father of the said child, to appear at a petty session to be holden after the birth of such child for the petty sessional division [or city, borough, or other place} of , in which I usually act, to answer such complaint as she shall then and there make touching the premises. Exhibited and sworn before me the day ( and year first above written. J 2. Summons on Application by Woman with Child. To , of the parish of , in the county of . ) Whereas an application hath been made to me, the under- to wit. \ signed, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county [or city, borough, or other place,] of , by , single woman, residing at , in the petty sessional division of the said county [or city, borough, or other place,] for which I act, now with child, of which child she hath this day duly sworn on oath [or affirmed] before me the said justice that you are the father, for a summons to be served on you to appear at a petty session, according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided : These are therefore to require you to appear at the petty session of the justices holden at , being the petty session for the division [or city, borough, or other place,'] of in which I usually act, on (a) , the day of , at , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , to answer any complaint which she shall then and there make against you touching the premises. Herein fail you not. Given under my hand, at , in the county [or city, borough, or other place,] of , this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty . NOTE. If you neglect to appear at the petty sessions as above stated, the justices, upon proof that this summons has been duly served upon you, or left at your last place of abode, may proceed, if (a) Insert some day when the petty session will be held after the birth of the child, and at such a distance of time that six days at least may elapse after the issuing of the summons and the service on the man, or at his place of abode, before the petty session. CHAP, ii.] BASTARDS. 403 they think fit, at the petty sessions therein named, to make an Oke's Synop. order upon you, as the putative father of the child above refer- 2nd ed. red to, to pay a weekly sum to the said mother for its mainte- PP- 380 382. nance, and other sums for costs and expenses. 3. Application for a Summons by a Woman after Birth. > The information and application of , single woman, re- to wit. J siding at , in the county of , before me, the under- signed , one of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting for the petty sessional division of , in the said county [or city, borough, or other place, as the case may be,'] of , in which she resides, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , who saith, that she hath been delivered of a bastard child since the passing of the act of the eighth year of the reign of her pre- sent Majesty, intituled " An Act for the further Amendment of the Laws relating to the Poor in England," and within twelve calendar months be- fore this day, to wit, on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , and alleges that one , of , in the county of , is the father of such child, and maketh ap- plication to me for a summons to be served upon the said to appear at a petty session to be holden for the petty sessional division [or city, bo- rough, or other place, as the case may be,], in which I usually act, to answer such complaint as she shall then and there make touching the premises. Exhibited before me, the day and > year first above-written. j 4. Summons where the Application is made by Woman after Birth. To , of the parish of , in the county of . J Whereas application hath been this day made to me the under- to wit. $ signed, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county [or city, borough, or other place, as the case may be,] of , by -, single woman, residing at , in the petty sessional division of the said county [or city, borough, or other place,'] for which I act, who hath been delivered of a bastard child since the passing of the act of the eighth year of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act for the further Amendment of the Laws relating to the Poor in England," with- in twelve calendar months from the date hereof, and of which bastard child she alleges you to be the father, for a summons to be served upon you to appear at a petty session of the peace, according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided : These are therefore to re- quire you to appear at the petty session of the justices holden at , being the petty session for the division [or city, borough, or other place,] in which 1 usually act, on (a), the day of , at of the clock in the noon, in the year of our Lord one thou- sand eight hundred and forty , to answer any complaint which she shall then and there make against you touching the premises Herein fail you not. Given under my hand, at , in the county [or city, borough, or other place,] of , this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty . (a) Insert some day, at least six days after the date of the summons, and after the day when the same can be served upon the man, or at his place of abode. DD2 404 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. NOTE. If you neglect to appear at the petty sessions as above 2nd ed. stated, the justices, upon proof that this summon has been duly pp. 380 382. served upon you, or left at your last place of abode, may pro- ceed, if they think fit, to make an order upon you, as the puta- tive father of the child above referred to, to pay a weekly sum to the said mother for its maintenance, and other sums for costs and expenses. 5. Application for a Summons by a Woman after Birth, where the alleged Father has paid Money within Twelve Months after the Birth, - ) The information and application of - , single woman, re- to wit. $ siding at - , in the county of - , before me, the under- signed - , one of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting for the petty sessional division of - in the said county [or city, borough, or other place, as the case may be,~] of - , in which she resides, this - day of -- , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty - , who saith that she hath been delivered of a bastard child more than twelve calendar months before this day, to wit, on the - day of - , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty -- , and alleges that one - , of - , in the county of -- , is the father of such child, and having given proof to me that the said - did within the twelve calendar months next after the birth of such child pay money for its maintenance, maketh application to me for a summons to be served upon the said - to appear at a petty session to be holden for the petty sessional division - [or city, borough, or other place, as the case may be,~\ in which I usually act, to answer such complaint as she shall then and there make touching the premises. Exhibited before me, the day and ) year first above written. j 6. Summons when the Application is made by a Woman after Birth, where the alleged Father has paid Money within Twelve Months after the Birth, To - , of the parish of , in the county of Whereas application hath been this day made to me, the un- to wit. \ dersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county [or city, borough, or other place, as the case may be,\ of - , by - , single woman, residing at - , in the petty sessional division of the said county [or city, borough, or other place,~\ for which I act, who hath been delivered of a bastard child more than twelve calendar months before this day, of which bastard child she alleges you to be the father, and for the maintenance whereof she hath given me proof that you did within the twelve calendar months next after its birth pay money, for a summons to be served upon you to appear at a petty sessions of the peace, according to the form of the statute in such case made and pro- vided : These are therefore to require you to appear at the petty session of the justices holden at - , being the petty session for the division [or city, borough, or other place,~] of -- in which I usually act, on - (a), the - day of - , at - of the clock in the -- noon, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty - , to answer any complaint which she shall then and there make against you touching the premises. Herein fail you not. Given under my hand, at - , in the county [or city, borough, or (a) Insert some day, at least six days after the date of the summons, and after the day when the same can be served upon the man, or at his place of abode. CHAP, ii.] BASTARDS. 405 other place,] of , this day of , in the year of our Lord one Oke's Synop. thousand eight hundred and forty . 2nd ed. NOTE. If you neglect to appear at the petty sessions, as above PP* 380 ~ 382 - stated, the justices, upon proof that this summons has been duly served upon you, or left at your last place of abode, may pro- ceed, if they think fit, to make an order upon you, as the puta- tive father of the child above referred to, to pay a weekly sum to the said mother for its maintenance, and other sums for costs and expenses. 7. Order when Application was made by a Woman with Child. - ) At a petty session of her Majesty's justices of the peace for (7 & 8 Viet. to wit. J the county [or city, borough, or other place, as the case may be~] c. 101, s. 3.) of , holden in and for the division [or city, borough, Vide Notes or other place, as the case may be~] of , in the said county [or below for city, borough, or other place, as the case may be], at , on the alterations ia day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight t ' 1 ' s Form hundred and forty , before us, of her Majesty's justices J nere tne of the peace for the said county [or city, borough, or other place, defendant as the case may be]. Whereas one , single woman, residing at , within this aivision [or city, borough, or other place, as the case may be], being with child, did, on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , make application to , one of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting for this division [or city, borough, or other place, as the case may be], for a summons to be served upon one , of the parish of , in the county [or city, borough, or other place, as the case may be] of , whom she, being duly sworn before the said , upon her oath stated [or affirmed] to be the father of the child with which she was then pregnant ; and the said justice thereupon issued his summons to the said to appear at a petty session to be holden on this day (a) for this division [or city, borough, or other place, as the case may be,] in which the said justice usually acts, to answer her complaint touching the pre- mises ; and whereas the said hath been lately delivered of a bastard child ; and whereas the said having been duly served with the said summons, and appearing in pursuance thereof (b) ; and the said having now applied to us, the justices in petty session assembled, for an order upon the said , according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided ;A and it being now proved to us, in the presence and hearing of the said (c) , that the said child was, since the passing of an act passed in the eighth year of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act for the further Amendment of the Laws relating to the Poor in England," that is to say, on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , born a bastard of the body of the said , and we having, in the presence and hearing of the said (c) , heard the evidence of such woman, and such other evidence as she hath produced, and having also heard all the evidence (a) Where the order is made at an adjourned session, insert here, " the day o f last, from which day the hearing of this case hath been adjourned," and e,rase the words * this day." G. C. O. (6) Insert here, if the defendant do not appear, " six days at least before this day, as is now proved before us," or " the same having been left at his last place of abode six days at least before this day, as is now proved before us," and erase the words in itnlics. (c) Should the defendant not appear, erase the words in italics. 406 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Syaop. tendered by (d) the said , and the evidence of the said , the 2nd ed. mother of the said child, having been corroborated in some material par- pp. 380 382. ticular by other testimony to our satisfaction,B do hereby adjudge the said to be the putative father of the said bastard child ; and, having regard to all the circumstances of this case, we do now hereby order, that the said do pay unto the said , the mother of the said bastard child, so long as she shall live and shall be of sound mind, and shall not be in any gaol or prison, or under sentance of transportation, or to the person who may be appointed to have the custody of such child under the provisions of the said statute, the sum of (e) per week for the first six weeks from the birth of the said child, and from the expiration of such six weeks the sum of(f) per week until the said child shall attain the age of thirteen years, or shall die, or the said shall marry ; and we do hereby further order the said to pay to the said the sum of , being the costs incurred in obtaining this order (g). Given under our hands and seals, at the session aforesaid. NOTES. If the defendant confess the charge, omit the portion between the A. and B, and insert : And the said having now before us heard the said complaint and application against him, and the said having acknowledged and voluntarily con- fessed the same to be true, and it appearing to us from the said complaint and application that the said child was born a bastard of the body of the said , on the day of last, we, &c. In the case of twins, a separate weekly sum should be awarded for each. (9 J. P. 829). In the case of a married woman, she may be described as : " E., the wife of C. D., single woman, and the payments may be adjudged to be made " until the said child shall attain the age of thirteen years, or shall die, or the said C. D. shall again live and cohabit with his said wife E. D., or the said E. D. shall marry again after the decease of the said C. D." G. C. O. 8. Order when Application was made by a Woman after Birth. ? At a petty session of her Majesty's justices of the peace for to wit. j the county [or city, borough, or other place, as the case may be,~\ of , holden in and for the division [or city, borough, or other place, as the case may be,"] of in the said county [or city, borough, or other place, as the case may be] at , on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , before us , her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county [or city, borough, or other place, us the case may be.~] Whereas one , single woman, residing at , within this division [or city, borough, or other place, as the case may be,~\ did, on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , having been delivered of a bastard child within twelve (d) Should the defendant appear by attorney or counsel, it will be then only necessary to erase the word " by" and add " on behalf of;" but should he not appear himself, or by attorney or counsel, then erase the words in italics. (e) Not to exceed five shillings. If the justices decline to allow the payment, from the birth, of any sum, erase the words in italics, and before the word " until" insert the time from which payment is to be made, according to their judgment. (/ ) Not to exceed two shillings and sixpence. (g) If the justices should decide upon allowing such expenses, insert here, " and the sum of ten shillings for the midwife." CHAP, n.] BASTARDS. 407 calendar months prior thereto, make application to , one of her Oke's Synop Majesty's justices of the peace acting for this division [or city, borough, or 2nd ed. other place, as the case may be], for a summons to be served upon one pp. 380382. of . > whom she alleged to be the father of the said child (a) ; and the said justice thereupon issued his summons to the said to appear at a petty session to be holden on this day (6) for this division [or city, borough, or other place, as the case may be'], in which the said justice usually acts, to answer her complaint touching the premises ; and whereas the said having been duly served with the said summons within forty days from this day (c) (d), and now appearing in pursuance thereof and the said having now applied to us the justices in petty ses- sion assembled for an order upon the said , according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided; and it being now proved to us, in the presence and hearing of the said(e) , that the said child was, since [or within six calendar months before] the passing of an act passed in the eighth year of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled, " An Act for the further Amendment of the Laws relating to the Poor in England," that is to say, on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , born a bastard of the body of the said ; and we having, in the presence and hearing of the said (e) , heard the evidence of such woman , and such other evidence as she hath produced, and having also heard all the evidence tendered by (f) , the said , and the evidence of the said , the mother of the said child, having been corroborated in some material particular by other testimony to our satisfaction, do hereby adjudge the said to be the putative father of the said bastard child ; and, having regard to all the circumstances of this case, we do now hereby order, that the said do pay unto the said , the mother of the said bastard child, so long as she shall live and shall be of sound mind, and shall not be in any gaol or prison, or under seutence of transportation, or to the person who may be appointed to have the custody of such bastard child under the provisions of the said statute, the sura of (g) per week for the first six weeks from the birth of the said child, and from the expiration of such six weeks the sum of (a) When the application is made after the expiration of twelve months from the birth, but the alleged father has paid money for the maintenance of the child, for the word " within" substitute the words " more than ;" and after the word '* child'' insert, " and who was proved before the said justice to have paid money for the maintenance of the said child within twelve calendar months after its birth." (6) Or where the order is made at an adjourned session, insert, " on the day of last, from which day the hearing of this case hath been ad- journed," and erase the words " this day." G. C. O. (c) If the order be made at an adjourned session, insert the day of the com- mencement of the session, adding these words, " from which day the hearing of this case hath been adjourned," and erase the words " this day." (d) If the defendant do not appear insert here, " and six days at least before this day [or where adjourned, " before the said day of last." G. C. O.] as is now proved before us," or " the same having been left at his last place of abode six days at least before this day [or where adjourned, " before the day O f last." G. C. O.] as is now proved before us," and erase the words which follow in italics. () Should the defendant not appear erase the words in italics. (f) Should the defendant appear by attorney or counsel, it will be then only necessary to erase the word " by" and add " on behalf of ;" but should he not appear himself, or by attorney or counsel, then erase the words in italics. (g) Not to exceed five shillings. This larger amount for the six weeks can- not be allowed unless the application has been made within two calendar months after the birth. If the application has not been made within this time, 408 Oke's Synop. 2nd ed. pp. 380382. Vide notice of this Recog- nizance, Form No. 21, post, p. 417. (7 & 8 Viet. c. 101. s. 4, and 8 Viet. c. 10, 8.3.) 7 & 8 Viet. c. 101,s.3. Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. per week, until the said child shall attain the age of thirteen years, or shall die, or the said shall marry : And we do hereby further order the said to pay to the said the sum of , being the costs incurred in obtaining this order (a). Given under our hands and seals, at the session aforesaid. Vide " NOTES," at foot of Form No. 7, supra. 9. Common Form of Recognizance, with Condition to Appeal (6). . ) Whereas, by an order under the hands and seals of , as- to wit. j sembled at a petty session of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county [or city, borough, or other place,] of , holden in and for the division [or city, borough, or other place"] of , in the said county, at , on , the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , the said was adjudged to be the putative father of a bastard child, of which one had been then lately delivered, and was ordered to pay to her certain sums of money therein set forth : and whereas the said hath given to the said notice of his intention to appeal against the said order to the general quarter session of the peace to be holden (c) on the day of next, for the county of : Now the condition of this recog- nizance is such, that if the above-named do appear at the general quarter session of the peace to be held at in and for the county [or city, borough, or other place~] of , on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , and then and there try such appeal, and pay such costs as shall be by the said court awarded, then this recognizance to be void. Taken and acknowledged, this day of< , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , at , in the county [or city, borough, or other place] of , before me, the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county [or city, borough, or other place"] . 10. Information of the Mother on Disobedience to the Order (d). } The information and complaint of , of the parish of , to wit. Jin the county [or city, borough or other place] of , single woman, taken upon oath [or affirmation] before me , one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county [or city, borough or other place], the (e) day of , in the year of our Lord one thou- sand eight hundred and forty , who saith, that by an order made under the authority of the statute passed in the eighth year of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act for the further Amendment of the Laws relating to the Poor in England," at the petty session holden in or the justices do not think it right to allow that or any less sum from the birth, erase the words in italics, and proceed thus : " per week from the said day of last, being the day upon which such application was made to the said justice as aforesaid." (oj If the justices should decide upon allowing such expenses, insert here, " and the sum of ten shillings for the midwife." (6) The " Common Form of Recognizance" here meant is clearly what is commonly called the caption ; it may be as Form No. 48 (S. 1 ), ante, p. 276, placing the words " taken, &c." at the foot of the " Caption" instead of at the foot of the " Condition" here given. G. C. O. (c) If the notice of appeal do not set out the day on which the quarter session is to be holden, this recital and the condition must be altered accordingly. (d) The constable should join in this information where he served the order. G. C. O. (e) This must not be before the expiration of one calendar month from the order [i. e. the service. G. C. O.] CHAP, ii.] BASTARDS. 409 and for the division [or city, borough or other place] of , in the county Oke's Synop. [or city, borough or other place'] of , on the day of , in the 2nd ed. year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , by her pp. 380382. Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county [or city, borough or other place], acting for the said division [or city, borough or other place~], , then and there assembled, of , in the county of was adjudged to be the putative father of a bastard child, then latelv born of her body, and that in and by the said order it was ordered that the said should pay to her the said so long as she should live or should be of sound mind, and should not be in any gaol or prison, or under sen- tence of transportation, or to the person who might be appointed to have the custody of such bastard child, under the provisions of the said statute, the sum of per week for the first six weeks from the birth of the said child, and from the expiration of such six weeks, (a) the sum of per week until such child should attain the age of thirteen years, or should die, or she the said mother should marry, and the sum of ten shillings for the midwife, and the sum of for the costs incurred in the obtaining such order. And this deponent further saith, that the said hath had due notice of the said order, and that the said bastard child is now living under the age of thirteen years, and that she the said deponent hath not been married since the said order was made, and that the payments di- rected to be made by the said order have not been made according thereto by the said , and that there is now in arrear for the same the sum of , being the amount of arrears for weeks' payments, and ten shillings for the midwife, and the sum of for the costs incurred in the obtaining such order; and this informant therefore prays justice in the premises. Exhibited and sworn before me, the day and year first ) above written, at , in the county [or city, borough > or other place] of . ) 1 1 . Warrant of Apprehension for Disobedience of Order. To the constable of , in the county [or city, borough or other place] of , and all her Majesty's officers of the peace in and for the said county [or city, borough or other place"], whom these may concern. ! Whereas information and complaint have been made upon oath [or affirmation] before me, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county [or city, borough or other place] of , the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , by , of the parish of , in the county [or city, borough or other place~\ of , single woman, that by an order made under the authority of the statute passed in the eighth year of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act for the further Amendment of the Laws relating to the Poor in England," at the petty session holden in and for the division [or city, borough or other place] of , in the county [or city, borough or other place~\ of , on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , by her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county [or city, borough or other place], acting in and for the said division [or city, borough or other place~\, then and there assembled, , of , in the county of , was adjudged to be the putative father of a bastard child, then lately born of her body, and that in and by the said order it was ordered that (a) If the sum for the fiist six weeks should not have been ordered, erase the words in italics. 410 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. the said should pay to her the said , so long as she should live 2nd ed. and should be of sound mind, and should not be in any gaol or prison, or pp. 380 382. under sentence of transportation, or to such person as might be appointed to have the custody of such bastard child, under the provisions of the said statute, the sum of per week for the first six weeks from the birth of the said child, and from the expiration of such six weeks the sum of per week until such child should attain the age of thirteen years, or should die, or she the said mother should marry, and the sum of ten shillings for the midwife, and the sum of for the costs incurred in obtaining such order ; and that the said had had due notice of the said order, and that the said bastard child is now living under the age of thirteen years, and that she the said mother hath not been married since the said order was made, and that the payments directed to be made by the said order have not been made according thereto by the said , and that there is now in arrear for the same the sum of , being the amount of arrears for weeks payments, and ten shillings for the midwife, and the sum of for the costs incurred in the obtaining such order : These are therefore in her Majesty's name to command you, the said constable, or other officers of the peace, or some or one of you, forthwith to apprehend the said , and convey him before two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county [or city, borough or other place}, to answer the premises, and be dealt with according to law. Given under my hand and seal, at , in the county [or city, borough or other place} of , this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty . 12. Warrant of Distress against the Putative Father. To the constable of , in the county of . I Whereas information and complaint were, on the day of to wit. \ , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , made upon oath [or affirmation] before , one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county [or city, borough or other place}, by , of the parish of , in the county [or city, borough or other place} of , single woman, that by an order made at the petty session holden in and for the division [or city, borough or other place} of , in the county [or city, borough or other place} of , on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , by her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county [or city, borough or other place}, acting in and for the said division [or city, borough or other place} then and there assembled, , of , in the county [or city, borough or other place} of , was adjudged to be the putative father of a bastard child, then lately horn of her body, and that in and by the said order it was ordered that the said should pay to her the said , so long as she should be of sound mind, and should not be in any gaol or prison, or under sentence of trans- portation, or to the person who might be appointed to have the custody of the said child under the provisions of the said statute, the sum of per week for thejirst six weeks from the birth of the said child, and from the expiration of such six weeks the sum of per week until such child should attain the age of thirteen years, or should die, or she the said mother should marry, and the sum of ten shillings for the midwife, and the sum of for the costs incurred in obtaining such order ; and that the said had had due notice of the said order, and that the said bastard child was then living under the age of thirteen years, and that she the said mother had not been married since the said order was made, and that the payments directed to be made by the said order had not been made CHAP, ii.] BASTARDS. 411 according thereto by the said , and that there was then in arrear for Oke's Synop. the same the sum of , being the amount of arrears for weeks' 2nd ed. payments, and ten shillings for the midwife., and the sum of for costs PP- 380382. incurred in obtaining such order : and whereas the said justice, by warrant under his hand and seal directed to the constable of the said parish of , and all her Majesty's officers of the peace in and for the said county [or city, borough or other place], commanded him, or some or one of them, forthwith to apprehend the said , and to convey him before two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county [or city, borough or other place'], to answer the premises, and be dealt with accord- ing to law : whereupon the said being now brought before us, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county [or city, borough or other place], to show cause why the same should not be paid, hath not shown any cause why the same should not be paid ; and the same duly appearing to us upon oath to be due from the said under the said order, together with the further sum of for the costs attending such warrant, apprehension and bringing up of him the said , neverthe- less neglects [or refuses] to make payment of the said sums due under the said order, and the said sums so due for such costs : These are there- fore to require you forthwith to make distress of the goods and chattels of the said , and if within the space of days next after such distress by you taken, the said sums, together with the reasonable charges of taking and keeping the said distress, shall not be paid, that then you do sell the said goods and chattels so by you distrained, and out of the money arising by such sale thereof that you detain the said sums, and also the reasonable charges of taking, keeping and selling the said distress, ren- dering the overplus, if any, on demand, unto the said , and if no suf- ficient distress can be found, that then you certify the same unto us, or unto (a) , two of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting for the said county [or city, borough or other place], to the end that such further proceedings may be had therein as to law doth appertain : And we further order you to make return to this warrant on the day of next, unto us or such justices as aforesaid. And whereas (6) the said not having given sufficient security, by way of recognizance or otherwise, to our satisfaction, for his appearance on the return of this warrant, we do hereby further order you to detain the said , and keep him in safe custody until the said return can be conveniently made, and then bring him before us or such justices as aforesaid. Given under our hands and seals, at , in the county [or city, borough or other place] of , this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty . 13. Recognizance for Appearance at the Return of the Distress Warrant. Recognizance in the common form,* subject to the following condition. Vide Form of ) Whereas the above-bounden , having been apprehended notice of this to wit. J upon a warrant issued under the hand and seal of , one recognizance, of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county [or city, bo- K^'J!' ' rough, or other place] of , upon the information and complaint of . ,' h r ' ,, , , for disobedience to an order made in the petty session holden in aj jn the ~ ral Form, No. (a) If the party give security for his appearance, insert the names of the 43 (. 1) ante justices before whom he is to appear; but should he not find such security, 275. Vide insert the word " any." note /(,). ante, (b) Should the party find security for his appearance on the return of the p> 408. G. C.O. warrant, erase this paragraph. 412 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. and for the division [or city, borough, or other place] of , in the 2nd ed. county of , on the day of , in the year of our Lord one pp. 380 382. thousand eight hundred and forty , by her Majesty's justices of the peace then and there assembled, whereby he was adjudged to be the putative father of a bastard child, lately born of the body of the said , single woman, and ordered to pay certain sums of money as therein set forth ; and having been brought before , two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county [or city, borough, or other place], by virtue of the said warrant, and having neglected [or refused] to make payment of the sums due from him under such order, together with the costs attending such warrant, apprehension, and bringing of him up before such justices, they have, by warrant under their hands and seals, addressed to the constable of the parish of , directed the sum so due, together with such costs, to be recovered by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said , and have made the said warrant returnable on the day of to them, or unto , two justices of the peace acting for the said county [or city, borough, or other place] : Now the condition of this recognizance is such, that if the above-bounden do appear before the justices unto whom the said warrant is made returnable on the day so appointed for the return thereof, to abide the further pro- ceedings thereon, then the same shall be of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force. Taken and acknowledged the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , at , in the county [or city, borough, or other place] of , before me the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county [or city, borough, or other place} of . 14. Warrant of Commitment on Confession of no Goods. To the constable of , in the county [or city, borough, or other place] of , and to the keeper of the common gaol [or house of correction] at , in the county of . ) Whereas information and complaint were, on the day of to wit. J , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , made upon oath [or affirmation] before , one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county [or city, borough, or other place] by , of the parish of , in the county [or city, borough, or other place] of , single woman, that by an order made under the authority of the statute passed in the eighth year of the reign of her present Ma- jesty, intituled " An Act for the further Amendment of the Laws re- lating to the Poor in England," at the petty session holden in and for the division [or city, borough, or other place] of , in the county of , on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , by her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county [or city, borough, or other place] acting in and for the said division [or city, borough, or other place] of , then and there assembled, of , in the county [or city, borough, or other place] of , was ad- judged to be the putative father of a bastard child then lately born of her body ; and that in and by the said order it was ordered that the said should pay to her the said so long as she should live and should be of sound mind, and should not be in any gaol or prison, or under sentence of transportation, or to such person as mght be appointed to have the custody of such bastard child, under the provisions of the said statute, the sum of per week for the first six weeks from the birth of the said child, and from the expiration of such six weeks the sum of per week until such child should attain the age of thirteen years, or CHAP, ii.] BASTARDS. 413 should die, or that she the said mother should marry, and the sum of ten Oke's Synop. shillings/or the midwife, and the sum of for the costs incurred in 2nd ed. obtaining such order ; and that the said had had due notice of the PP- 380382. said order, and that the said bastard child was then living under the age of thirteen years, and that she the said mother had not been married since the said order was made, and that the payments directed to be made by the said order had not been made according thereto by the said , and that there was then in arrear for the same the sum of , being the amount of arrears for weeks payments, and ten shillings for the midwife, and the sum of for costs incurred in obtaining such order : And whereas the said justice, by warrant under his hand and seal, di- rected to the constable of the said parish of , and all her Majesty's officers of the peace in and for the said county [or city, borough, or other place}, commanding him forthwith to apprehend the said and to convey him before two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county [or city, borough, or other place'], to answer the premises, and be dealt with according to law : whereupon the said , being now brought before us, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county [or city, borough, or other place}, to show cause why the same should not be paid, hath not shown any cause why the same should not be paid ; and the same duly appearing upon oath [or affirmation] to be due from the said under the said order, together with the further sum of for the costs attending such warrant, apprehension, and bringing up of him, the said , nevertheless neglects [or refuses] to make payment of the said sums due under the said order, and the said sums so due for such costs : And whereas it appears to us, upon the admission of the said that no sufficient distress can be had upon his goods and chattels for the recovery of the said several sums : These are therefore to command you the said constable of to convey the said to the said common gaol [or house of correction], at , and these are also to command you the said keeper of the said common gaol [or house of correction] to receive the said into the said common gaol [or house of correction], there to remain without bail or mainprize for the term of (a), unless such sum and costs, together with(i) the costs and charges attending the commitment and conveying of the said to the said common gaol [or house of correction], and of the persons employed to convey him thither, be sooner paid and satisfied. Given under our hands and seals, at , in the county of , this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty . 15. Warrant of Commitment in Default of Distress. To the constable of , in the county [or city, borough, or other place} of , and to the keeper of the common gaol [or house of correction] at , at the county of . 1 Whereas information and complaint were, on the day of to wit. \ , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and f or ty f made upon oath [or affirmation] before , one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county [or city, borough, or other place} by , of the parish of , in the county [or city, borough, or other place} of , single woman, that by an order made under the authority of the statute passed in the eighth year of the reign of her present Ma- jesty, intituled " An Act for the further Amendment of the Laws relating (a) Not to exceed three calendar months. (6) Where warrants are issued after the passing of this act, the justices should insert the amount of these costs and charges. 414 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART m. Oke's Synop. to the Poor in England," at the petty session holden in and for the 2nd ed. division [or city, borough, or other place] of , in the county of , pp. 380382. on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , by her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county [or city, borough, or other place] acting in and for the said division [or city, borough, or other place~\ then and there assembled, , of , in the county [or city, borough, or other place] of , was adjudged to be the putative father of a bastard child then lately born of her body, and that in and by the said order it was ordered that the said should pay to her the said so long as she should live and should be of sound mind, and should not be in any gaol or prison, or under sentence of transportion, or to such person as might be appointed to have the custody of such bastard child under the provisione of the said statute, the sum of per week for the first six weeks Jrom the birth of the said child, and from the expiration of such six weeks the sum of per week until such child should attain the age of thirteen years, or should die, or that she the said mother should marry, and the sum often shillings for the midwife, and the sum of for the costs incurred in obtaining such order ; that the said had had due notice of the said order, and that the said bastard child was then living under the age of thirteen years, and that she the said mother hath not been married since the said order was made, and that the payments directed to be made by the said order had not been made according thereto by the said , and there was then in arrear for the same the sum of , being the amount of arrears for weeks' payments, and ten shillings for the midwife, and the sum of for the costs incurred in obtaining such order: And whereas the said justice by warrant under his hand and seal, directed to the constable of the said parish of , and all her Majesty's officers of the peace in and for the said county [or city, borough, or other place] commanded him forthwith to apprehend the said , and to convey him before two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county [or city, borough, or other place] to answer the premises, and to be dealt with according to law : Whereupon the said , being brought before two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county [or city, borough, or other place] to show cause why the same should not be paid, did not show any cause why the same should not be paid ; and the same duly appearing upon oath to be due from the said , under the said order, together with the further sum of for the costs attending such warrant, apprehension, and bringing up of him, but the said neglecting [or refusing] to make payment of the said sums due under the said order, and the said sums so due for such costs, the said justices required the constable of the parish of , in the said warrant mentioned, forthwith to make distress of the goods and chat- tels of the said , and if no such distress could be found, then to cer- tify the same unto them, or unto , two of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting for the said county [city, borough, or other place], to the end that such further proceedings might be had therein as to law appertained : And whereas it appears to us , two of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting for the said county [or city, borough, or other place], by return of the said constable of the said , dated the day of , that he hath made diligent search, but doth not know of nor can find any goods and chattels of the said , by distress and sale whereof the said sums and costs can be recovered, pursuant to the said warrant ; and that the costs incurred by the said constable in attempting to make such distress are shil- lings : and the said is now before us (a) : These are therefore (a) Insert " in custody of the said constable ;" or " according to the exigency of a recognizance duly entered into by him on the day of last." CHAP, ii.] BASTARDS. 415 to command you the said constable of to convey the said to Oke's Synop. the said common gaol [or house of correction] ; and these are also to 2nd ed. command you the said keeper of the said common gaol [or house of cor- pp. 380 382. rection] to receive the said into the said common gaol [or house of correction], there to remain without bail or mainprize for the term of (a), unless such sums and costs, and the aforesaid charges attending the attempt to make the said distress, together with the costs and charges (6) attending the commitment and conveying of the said to the said common gaol [or house of correction], and of the persons employed to convey him thither, be sooner paid and satisfied. Given under our hands and seals, at , in the county of , this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty . MEM. For the margin of this Form for use. (G. C. 0. ) *. d, Due under order Costs of apprehending, &c Costs of distress Commitment and conveyance to gaol Total 16. Appointment of Guardian to the Bastard Child. 7 Whereas the justices assembled at a petty session of her to wit. ) Majesty's justices of the peace for the county [or city, borough or other placd] of , holden in and for the division [or city, borough or other place'] of , in the county [or city, borough or other place'] of , at , on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , by an order under their hands and seals, reciting that one , single woman, residing at , within the said division [or city, borough or other place], did, on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , make application to , one of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting for the said division [or city, borough or other place], for a summons to be served upon one , and the said justice thereupon issued his summons to the said to appear at a petty session to be holden on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , for the said division [or city, borough or other place] in which he usually acted, to answer her complaint touching the premises : (c) and that the said having been duly served with the said summons within forty days from the said day of , and that the said having then applied to the said justices in petty sessions assembled for an order upon the said according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided ; and that it having been then proved to the said justices that the said child was since [or within six signed] one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for to wit. ) the said county of , by C. D., single woman, residing at , in the petty sessional division of , in the said count)', for which I act, who hath been delivered of a bastard child, and of which she alleged A. B., of , in the county of , to be the father, against whom a summons hath been issued to appear at a petty sessions for this division to answer the complaint of the said C. D. touching the premises : And whereas the said C. D. [or A, B.] hath informed me that you are a material witness on her [or his] behalf upon the matter of such charge, and hath requested that I should summon you to appear and give evi- dence thereon: These, &c. [conclude as in General Form No. 19 (G. 1), ante, p. 30.] 18. Warrant on Disobedience of the Summons] This will be the same as the General Form No. 21 (G. 2), ante, p. 31, adapted to the Summons No. 17, supra. CHAP, ii.] BASTARDS. 417 19. Commitment of the Witness for refusing to give Evidence.] This Oke's Synop. may be adapted from the General Form No. 23 (G. 4), ante, p. 31. 2nd ed pp. 380382. 20. Notice of Appeal against an Order in Bastardy (a). (7 & 8 Viet. c. 101, s. 4, and 8 Viet c. 10, s. 3.) To C. D., of the parish of , in the county of . ) Take notice, that I intend to appeal to the general quarter to wit. J sessions of the peace to be holden on the day of next, for the county of , against an order under the hands and seals of I. S., I. L. snd I. P., Esquires, assembled at a petty session of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, holden in and for the division of , in the said county, on the day of instant, whereby I was adjudged to be the putative father of a bastard child, of which you have been lately delivered, and ordered to pay to you certain sums of money therein set forth. Dated this day of , in the year of our Lord . Witness, E. P. A. B. 21. Notice of the Recognizance to Persons bound, applicable to Form of Recognizance 'to Appeal, No. 9, ante, p. 408.] Take notice, that you A. B. are bound in the sum of , and you L. M. [and M. N.] in the sum of [each], that you the said A. B. do appear at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be held at in and for the county of , on the day of next, and then and there try an appeal (of which you the said A. B. hath given notice) against an order made on the day of by her Majesty's justices of the peace, whereby you A. B. were adjudged to be the putative father of a bastard child by one C. D., and thereby ordered to pay certain sums of money therein set forth, and pay such costs as shall be by the said court awarded : and unless you prosecute such appeal accordingly, or abandon the same, and give notice thereof, as required by the statute in that behalf, the recognizance entered into by you will forthwith be levied on you [and him or them.] Dated this day of 185. J. S., Justice of the Peace. 22. Notice to Mother and Justice by Father of his having entered into Recognizance to appeal. (See 8 Vic. c. 10, s. 3.) To C. D., of the parish of , in the county of [and to J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace, and one of the justices who made the order hereinafter mentioned.] Whereas by an order under the hands and seals of J. S., J. L. and J. P., Esquires, assembled at a petty session of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of , holden in and for the division of , in the said county, at , on the day of last, I, the under- signed A. B., of the parish of , in the county of , was adjudged to be the putative father of a bastard child, of which you [the said C. D.] had been then lately delivered, and I was thereby ordered to pay to you [the said C. D.] certain sums of money therein set forth : And whereas 1 have given to you [the said C. D.] due notice of my intention to appeal against the said order to the general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden on the day of next, for the said county of : Now I do hereby give you [the said C. D. and J. S., Esquire] further notice, that I have this day duly entered into a recognizance before J. L., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county [and one of the (o) The Quarter Sessions Procedure Act (12 & 13 Viet. c. 45) does not extend to an order in bastardy. (Vide s. 2.) E E 418 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. said justices who made the said order, if so, and in that case this notice need 2nd ed. only be given to the mother] conditioned for my appearance at the said pp. 380 382. next general quarter sessions of the peace, and then and there to try my said appeal and pay such costs as shall be by the said court awarded. Dated the day of , 185. Witness, E. F. A. B. 23. Notice to Mother and Justice by Father of Abandonment of Appeal. (See sect. 5 of 8 Viet. c. 10.) To C. D., of the parish of , in the county of , and to J. L., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace, and the justice before whom the recognizance hereinafter mentioned was taken. Whereas I, A. B., of the parish of , in the county of , did, on the day of last, duly enter into a recognizance before you the said J. L., Esquire, conditioned for my appearance at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be held on the day of next, for the county of , then and there to try an appeal (of which I the said A. B. had previously given you the said C. D. due notice), against a certain order under the hands and seals of J. S., J. L., and J. P., Esquires, assembled at a petty session of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of , holden in and for the division of , in the said county, on the day of , whereby I was ad- judged to be the putative father of a bastard child, of which you the said C. D. had been then lately delivered, and ordered to pay to you the said C. D. certain sums of money therein set forth : Now I do hereby give you and each of you notice, pursuant to the statute in that behalf, that I abandon the said appeal, and further, that I am [or my attorney E. F. of, &c. is] ready to pay to you the said C. D. the sum now due under the said order, and such costs and expenses as you the said C. D. may have incurred by reason of my said notice of appeal. Dated this day of , 185. Witness, E. F. A. B. 24. Notice of the Recognizance for Appearance at the Return of the Distress Warrant.] This will be similar to the General Form No. 14, ante, p. 29, adapted to the Recognizance No. 13, ante, p. 411. 25. Justices' Clerks' Return of Summons, Applications and Orders to the Clerk <>fthe Peace. (Given in Sched. (A) to 7 & 8 Viet. c. 101, s. 11.) County . Division . Name of the Name of Mother of Bastard applying. Date of Issue of Summons. Date of Petty Sessions. Result of the Application. Putative Father in all cases in which Orders are made. [Here state if the summons was never served, or if the alleged father absconded, or the com- Elaint was abandoned or eard, and the order refused, or, if made, the amount of the order.] I certify the above list to be correct in all particulars. (Signed) A.B. Clerk to the justices. CHAP, ii.] BOOKS CONSTABLES. 419 BOOKS. Order of a Justice for the Restoration of a Book lost from and belonging to a Parish Library. (7 Anne, c. 14, s. 10.) I Whereas C; W., one of the churchwardens of the parish of to wit. i A ., in the said county, hath made oath before me, the under- signed, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, that a certain book called " Cruden's Concordance" hath been taken or otherwise lost out of the parochial library of and belonging to the said parish of A., in the said county, and that he hath this day found the same in the dwelling-house of one E. V., in the said parish and county, and now here produces the said book before me the said justice, and prays my order that the same may be restored to the said parochial library in pursuance of the statute in that case made and provided : And whereas the said E. V. hath been duly summoned to appear before me the said justice to show cause why I should not order the said book to be restored to the said library, but the said E. V. does not appear before me in pursuance of my said summons, nor does he show any cause why the said book should not be restored : Now I the said justice, upon due consideration had of the premises, do hereby adjudge, deter- mine and order that the said book be forthwith restored to the said library. Given under my hand and seal at A. aforesaid, in the said county, this second day of August, A. D. 1849. J. S. (L.S.) N. B. A warrant to search may be granted, and a summons in the common form should precede the above order. CHURCH RATES. Vide tit. " Tithes Rent-charge and Church Rates" post. CONSTABLES (SPECIAL). 1 . Deposition of a credible Witness that a Tumult, 4 - c. has taken place, Oke's Synop. Sfc., and that the ordinary Peace Officers are not sufficient. (1 & 2 2nded- pp.383, Will. 4, c. 41, s. 1. Adapted from 12 J. P. 396.)] 384. I, T. W., of the parish of , in the county of , [farmer'], upon my oath say, that I have reasonable grounds for apprehending and do appre- hend that there will be this day [or on the day of ], a tumult and riot in the said parish of ; and upon my oath aforesaid I further say [here state the grounds. The witness need not confine himself to facts within his own knowledge, but may speak to information and belief, and may produce public newspapers, showing what is expected, and swear to his belief of the contents of such papers, and the justices may ask him questions to elicit information, if they are not satisfied with what he swears of his own accord. The oath need not be in writing, but it is convenient to take it down in writing.] [or if the grounds for asking for the appointment of special constables be the commission of a series of felonious acts in a particular locality, within a short period, describe severally and in the order of time, the offences, and stating them to have been done (if so) " bv some person or persons unknown," and then : " that I ap- prehend such offences will continue to be repeated, and that the inhabitants of the parish and neighbourhood labour under great fear on that account : that the ordinary parish constables E E 2 420 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. ( in number) appointed for preserving the peace in the 2nd ed. said parish are not efficient' or sufficient for the detection and pp. 383, 384. discovery of the offender or offenders, for the preservation of the peace, or for the protection of the inhabitants, and the security of the property in the said parish."] T. W. Sworn before us, two of her Majesty's^ justices of the peace for the said county of , acting in and for the division of in the same county (within which the aforesaid parish of is situated), this day of ,185. J. T. B. J. D. M. 2. Precept for appointing several Special Constables in one Form. J Whereas it hath been made to appear unto me, T.J. A., Esquire, to wit. S one of the magistrates of the police courts of the metropolis, sitting at the police court in Worship Street, in the county of Middlesex, and within the metropolitan police district, [or us the undersigned, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of , acting in and for the division of , in the same county], upon the oath of T. W., of the parish of , in the said district [or division], a credible witness in that behalf, that a tumult and riot may be reasonably apprehended in the said parish of [or in the parish of in the said district [or division]], [or that, &c. stating the facts shortly as in the deposition"] : Now, I [we], the said justice [or justices], being of opinion that the ordi- nary officers appointed for preserving the peace in the said district [or division, or parish] are not sufficient for the preservation of the peace therein and for the protection of the inhabitants and security of the pro- perty in the said district [or division, or parish], do, by this precept in writing under our hands, in pursuance of an act of parliament made and passed in a session of parliament holden in the first and second years of the reign of his late Majesty William the Fourth, intituled, " An Act for amending the Laws relative to the Appointment of Special Constables, and for the better Preservation of the Peace," nominate and appoint the several persons whose names and descriptions are hereunder written, to act as special constables for the preservation of the public peace and for the protection of the inhabitants and security of the property within the said district [or division, or parish] of for the period of from the day of the date hereof [or until the day of ] ; and I [or we] do hereby require such several persons to attend before one or more of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county and [division], for the purpose of being sworn into office at such time and place as shall be appointed for that purpose : Names of Persons appointed. Residence. Description. H. G Street, Carpenter. Clerk. Overseer. Farmer. Wheelwright. Labourer. J. G T. W J. H G.T J. T CHAP, ii.] CONSTABLES. 421 Given under my [or our] hand [or hands] at the police court in Worship Qke's Synop. Street aforesaid [or at , in the county of aforesaid], this 2nd. ed. day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and pp. 383, 384. [Magistrate or Justice's signature.] 3. Form of Precept used, for each Person appointed, at the Police Court, Worship Street. To Mr. , in the parish of Saint , in the county of Middle- sex, and within the metropolitan police district. Metropolitan 1 It having been to appear unto 'me T. J. A., Esquire, Police District > one of the magistrates of the police courts of the metro- to wit. j polis sitting at the police court in Worship Street, in the county of Middlesex, and within the metropolitan police district, upon the oath of , a credible witness, that a tumult or riot may be reason- ably apprehended in the said county and district [and being of opinion that the ordinary officers appointed for preserving the peace in the said county and district are not sufficient for the preservation of the peace therein and for the protection of the inhabitants and security of the pro- perty in the said county and district], I do, in pursuance of an act of par- liament made and passed in the session of parliament holden in the first and secend years of the reign of his late Majesty William the Fourth, inti- tuled, " An Act for amending the Laws relative to the Appointment of Special Constables, and for the better Preservation of the Peace," nomi- nate and appoint you the said as and to act as a special constable for the preservation of the public peace and for the protection of the inhabitants and security of the property within the said parish of Saint and elsewhere within the said district, such appointment to continue in force during the period of two calendar months from the day of the date hereof.* Given under my hand at the police court in Worship Street aforesaid, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thou- sand eight hundred and . [ Magistrate's signature.] %* This Form is easily adapted to a country parish. 4. Precept of Appointment of a Non-resident, under 5 Sf 6 Will. 4, c. 43, s. 1.] This may be in the Form No. 3, supra, inserting at the asterisk * " you being willing to act as a special constable under the pro- visions of the statute above mentioned." 5. Summons to attend and be sworn. To H. G. of Street, in the parish of , in the county of ) Whereas under and by virtue of a precept in writing bearing to wit. * date this day [or the day of instant], under the hands of us the undersigned [or J. T. B. and J. D. M., Esquires], two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of , and acting for the division of in the same county, you are appointed to act as a special constable for the preservation of the peace and for the protection of the inhabitants and security of the property within the said parish of for the period of from the date thereof [or until the day of next] : These are therefore to require you to be and appear on , at o'clock in the forenoon, at , before such justices of the peace for the said county as may then be there, for the purpose of being sworn into office, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided ; and in default of your compliance herewith, you will be liable to a penalty of 422 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. five pounds. Given under our hands and seals, this day of , in 2nded. the year of our Lord , at , in the county aforesaid. pp. 383, 384. [ Just ices' signatures and seals.] 6. Constable's Oath (given in 1 4- 2 Will. 4, c. 41.) I, A. B., do swear that I will well and truly serve our sovereign lady the Queen in the office of special constable for the parish [or township] of , without favour or affection, malice or ill-will : and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved, and pre- vent all offences against the persons and properties of her Majesty's sub- jects ; and that while I- continue to hold the said office, I will, to the best of my skill and knowledge, discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law. So help me God. 7. Certificate of Appointment and of Oath taken, for the Constable. } We, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county to wit. I of , and acting in and for the division of in the same county, do hereby certify that H. G. of street, in the parish of , in the said division, has been duly appointed to act and this day duly sworn to discharge the duties faithfully as a special constable for the preservation of the peace and for the protection of the inhabitants and security of the property within the said parish of , for the period of from the date hereof [or until the day of next]. Witness our hands this day of , 185 . J. T. B. J. D. M. 8. Notification of Appointment, for the Secretary of State and Lord Lieu- tenant of the County. [Date]. Sir [or My Lord], We are directed by the justices acting for the division of N. to inform you [or your Lordship], in pursuance of the provisions of the 1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 41, that under the circumstances detailed in the accompanying copy of deposition they have this day, by precepts in writing under their hands, nominated and appointed H. G., J. G. &c. to act as special constables in the parish [or district] referred to in such deposition for the period of next ensuing, and that the proper oath to execute the said office has been duly administered to them. We have the honour to be, Sir, [or My Lord], Your [Lordship's] very obedient humble servants, I. G. and B. Clerks to the justices. The Right Honourable, Sir Geo. Grey, Bart., M. P. [or The Earl of , Lord Lieutenant.] N. B. The orders for the constables' expenses will be found at pp. 361, 362, ante, No. 2 and 3, as they are required to be made at a special session. CHAP, n.] CONSTABLES (COUNTY & PAROCHIAL.) 423 CONSTABLES (COUNTY.) 1. Oath given in 34-4 Viet. c. 88, s. 16, for Local Constables. .] I A. B. do swear that I will well and truly serve our sovereign lady the Queen in the office of local constable for the parish [or township, &c ] of for the year ensuing, or until another shall be sworn in my stead, according to the best of my skill and knowledge. So help me God. 2. Certificate of Superintendent or Constable having taken the Oath. (2 & 3 Viet. c. 93, s. 8, and 3 & 4 Viet. c. 88, ss. 16, 19.) County of S. ? I [or we] hereby certify, that A. B. hath this day been to wit. $ duly sworn in before me [or us] the undersigned, one [or two] of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of S., in petty sessions assembled for the petty sessional division of L. in the same county, to act as a [local, or as the case may be~] constable within the parish of , in the said county [and division], in pursuance of an act passed in a session of parliament held in the second and third [or third and fourth] years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act for the establishment of County and District Constables by the authority of Justices of the Peace," [or " An Act to amend an Act for the establish- ment of County and District Constables"], the said A. B. having been duly appointed superintendent [or constable] by the chief constable of the said county of S. by virtue of the statute aforesaid. Dated this day of , 185. J. S. CONSTABLES (PAROCHIAL.) 1. Order for Constable's Expenses, or Clerk's Fees. (5 & 6 Viet c. 109, Oke's Synop. s. 17, and see 11 & 12 Viet. c. 91, s. 6 (a) ). 2nd ed. p. 385. County of C. ) At a petty sessions of her Majesty's justices of the peace to wit. S in and for the said county of C., acting in and for the di- vision of N., in the said county, holden at the , in N., in and for the said division, on Tuesday, the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and We, the justices assembled at the said petty sessions, do by virtue of the statute in such case made and provided, hereby order you, the overseers of the poor of the parish of A., in the said division and county, to pay out of the monies in your hands, collected for the relief of the poor of your said parish, unto F. N., a constable appointed under the statute aforesaid for your said parish, [or unto Messieurs I. G. and B., the clerks to the justices of the said division,] the sum of , the same being the amount of the fees and allowances settled according to the statute aforesaid for certain duties performed by the said F. N. [or I. G. and B.] in respect of your said parish as ascer- tained by us, and for which the payment is not by law charged upon the county rate, such payment being under and in accordance with the regu- lations in such behalf of the justices assembled in general quarter sessions (a) It has been said (13 J. P. pp. 261, 769, 798), that this order can be enforced by distress warrant under sect. 19 of the 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43. A complaint and summons should however previously issue, the forms of which are given post, as well as directions for such distress warrant. 424 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. held by adjournment at the county courts in and for the said county of 2nd ed. p. 385. Cambridge, on Friday, the seventh day of June, one thousand eight hun- dred and forty-four. Given under our hands and seals, at the petty sessions aforesaid. [Justices' signatures and seals.] To the overseers of the poor of ) the parish of A. j 2. Complaint of Non-payment (a).] Proceed as in the General Form, No. 1, ante, p. 23, to the asterisk *, then : that he the said F. N. was and is constable of the parish of A., in the division of N., in the said county ; that on the day of last, J. S. and L. S., Esquires, two of the justices then assembled at a petty sessions of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, acting in and for the said division holden at , in N., in and for the said division, made their order in writing, under their hands and seals, directed to the over- seers of the poor of the said parish of A., and by virtue of the statute in such case made and provided did thereby order them the said overseers to pay out of the monies [recite the order at length], of which said order W. F., one of the said overseers, hath had due notice, yet the said W. F. hath neglected [or refused] to pay the said sum of , and the same is still due to the said F. N. 3. Summons thereon to the defaulting Overseer to show Cause.] This wilt be in the General Form No. 8 (A), ante, p. 26, reciting the complaint, No. 2, supra. 4. Distress Warrant on Goods of Overseer. To K. R., one of the constables of A., and to all other peace officers in the said county of . Whereas on last past a complaint was made before J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of , by F. N., of the parish of A., in the said county, constable, that he the said F. N. &c. [recite complaint, No. 2, supra, to the end, then :] and now at this day, to wit, on , the day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the said county of , the par- ties aforesaid appear before us, the undersigned, two [or me the under- signed and one J. L., Esquire, being two] of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, [or if overseers do not appear, the said F. N. appears before us, &c. but the said W. F., although duly called, doth not appear by himself, his consel or attorney, and it is now satisfactiorily proved to us on oath that the said W.F. has been duly served with the summons in this behalf, which required him to be and appear here at this day before such justices of the peace for the said county as should now be here to answer the said complaint, and to be further dealt with according to law :] And now having heard the matter of the said complaint, and the several allegations in the said complaint being duly proved to us upon oath [in the presence and hearing of the said W. F.], and the said sum of not having since been paid, nor any sufficient cause shown for not paying the same : These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to make distress of the goods and chattels of the said W. F. ; and if within the space of five days after the making of such distress the said sum and the sum of for the costs incurred by the said F. N. in ob- taining this warrant, together with the reasonable charges of taking and (a) Vide note (a), ante, p. 423. CHAP, ii.] CONSTABLES (PAROCHIAL.) 425 keeping the said distress, shall not be paid, that then you do sell the said Oke's Synop. goods and chattels so by you distrained, and do pay the money arising 2nd ed. p. 385. from such sale unto Messieurs. I. G. and B., the clerks of the justices of the peace for the division of N., in the said county, that he may pay and apply the same as by law directed, and may render the overplus, if any, on demand, to the said W. F. ; and if no such distress can be found, then that you certify the same unto me, to the end that such proceedings may be had therein as to the law doth appertain. Given under my [or our] hands and seals, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the county aforesaid. [Justice or justices' signatures and seals.] 5. Complaint against a Parish paid Constable for Misconduct. (5 & 6 Viet. c. 109, s. 19.)] This will be in the General Form, No. 1, ante, p. 23, setting forth particularly the facts constituting the misconduct com- plained of. 6. Summons thereon.~\ General Form No. 8 (A), ante, p. 26. 7. Dismissal of Paid Constable. County of C. > At a petty sessions, &c. [as in the caption of Form No. to wit > 1, ante, p. 423.] Whereas F. N., of the parish of A., in the said division, was, at a spe- cial petty sessions of the peace holden at, &c. duly appointed a paid con- stable, to act for the said parish under and by virtue of the statute in that behalf: And whereas, on the day of instant, complaint was made before J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, by W. F., of &c. that [recite the complaint charging the misconduct] : Now we the undersigned, the [majority of the] justices present at the said petty sessions (the said F. N. [not] appearing in obe- dience to a summons in this behalf), having examined into the facts hereinbefore mentioned, and the evidence in support of them [and the defence of the said F. N. thereto], do hereby adjudge the said F. N. to be guilty of the misconduct in his said office so alleged against him, and do hereby dismiss the said F. N. from the office of paid constable for the parish of A., in the said division, for such misconduct. Given under our hands and seals, at the petty sessions aforesaid. [Justices' signatures and seals.] CONSTABLES (BOROUGH.) Certificate of Constable appointed by Watch Committee having taken the Oath. (5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 76, s. 76.) Borough of T. $ I hereby certify that A. B. hath this day been duly to wit. 1 sworn in before me the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said borough of T., to act as a constable for the said borough of T. and also within the county of C., in which the said borough is situated, in pursuance of an act passed in a session of parliament held in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to provide for the Regulation of Municipal Corporations in England and Wales," the said A. B. having been duly appointed constable by the watch committee of the said borough, by virtue of the said statute. Dated this day of . . 185. J. S. 426 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. ,ES (UNDER LIGHTING AND WATCI See tit. " Lighting and Watching Act," post. Oke's Synop. 2nd ed. p. 385. CONSTABLES (UNDER LIGHTING AND WATCHING ACT.) CONSTABLES (ON NAVIGABLE RIVERS AND CANALS.) 1. Oath required by 3 & 4 Viet. c. 50, s. 1.] I, A. B., having been appointed a constable to act upon and along the [name the canal or navi- gable river'] under the provisions of [here insert the title of this act as in Form No. 2, infra,"] do swear that I will well and truly serve our sovereign lady the Queen in the said office of constable, without favour or affection, malice or ill-will, and that I will, to the best of ray power, cause the peace to be kept, and prevent all offences against the peace, and that while I continue to hold the said office I will, to the best of my skill and know- ledge, discharge the duties thereof faithfully according to law. So help me God. 2. Certificate of Oath.] Proceed to the asterisk * in the Form in tit. " Constables (Borough)," supra, then : " third and fourth years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled ' An Act to provide for keeping the Peace on Canals and Navigable Rivers,' the said A. B. having been duly appointed a constable to act upon and along the [name of the canal, 4"C.] by two of her Majesty's justices of the peace by virtue of the same statute." CORN DECLARATION. Given in the 5 Viet. c. 14, s. 23.] I, A. B., do declare that the returns to be by me made conformably to the act passed in the fifth year of the reign of her Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled " An Act to amend the Laws for the Importation of Corn," of the quantities and prices of British corn which henceforward shall by or for me be bought shall to the best of my knowledge and belief contain the whole quantity, and no more, of the British corn bona fide bought for or by me within the periods to which such returns respectively shall refer, with the prices of such corn and the names of the sellers respectively, and to the best of my judgment the said returns shall in all respects be conformable to the provisions of the said act. As witness my hand, this day of 18 (a). CORPORATION. 1. Complaint against Officer of Corporal.jn neglecting to deliver ove Books or Monies, 4r. (5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 76, ss. 60, 65.)] The information and complaint of D. D., the town clerk [or mayor] of the said borough of T., duly authorized in this behalf for a-.d on behalf of [himself and] the council of the said borough, taken [ 1 Residence. i H Residence. Owner or Parish or P Lands Signature o registei When Noti tion (if an; FF 434 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. 3. Notice of Revocation of Authority to kill Hares. (Id. s. 2.) 2nd ed. p. 374. To Mr. C. D. and Messrs. I. G. and B., the clerks to the magistrates for the petty sessions division of N., within which the lands hereinafter mentioned are situate. I, A. B., do hereby revoke the authority given by me to you the said C. D., authorizing you the said C. D. to kill hares, [4 - c. to end of autho- rity], bearing date the = day of last, from the date hereof; and I do hereby give you the said clerks to the magistrates this notice of the said revocation pursuant to the statute in that case made and provided. Dated this day of , 185 . Witness A. B. N. B. The manner of registering will be similar to that stated under the Form No. 1, supra. GAMING HOUSES. Id. p. 392, 393. Warrant to enter, given in 8 # 9 Viet. c. 109. (Vide ss. 3, 6, 8.) To the constable, &c. County of i Whereas it appears to me, J. P., one of the justices of our . J lady the Queen, assigned to keep the peace in the said county, by the information on oath of A. B. of , in the county of \_yeoman~\, that the house [room or place] known as [here insert a description of the house, room or place by which it may be readily known andjound], is kept and used as a common gaming house within the mean- ing of an act passed in the eighth year of the reign of her Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled, " An Act to amend the Law concerning Games and Wagers :" This is, therefore, in the name of our lady the Queen, to require you, with such assistance as you may find necessary, to enter into the said house [room or place], and, if necessary, to use force for making such entry, whether by breaking open doors or otherwise, and there dili- gently to search for all instruments of unlawful gaming which may be therein, and to arrest, search, and bring before me, or some other of the justices of our lady the Queen assigned to keep the peace within the county of , as well the keepers of the same as also the persons there haunting, resorting, and playing, to be dealt with according to law ; and for so doing this shall be your warrant. J. P. Given under my hand and seal at , in the county of , this day of , in the year of the reign of . HEALTH (PUBLIC) ACT, 1848. Id. p. 394. 1. Complaint for Rates. (11 & 12 Viet, c.63, s.3.) ) Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the year to wit. < of our Lord , A. B., one of the collectors for the district of , under and by virtue of the Public Health Act, 1848, complains to the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county [or borough, &c.], that C. D., of &c. hath not paid and hath refused to pay the sum of , duly assessed upon him in and by a cer- tain rate bearing date on or about the day of , in the year of our Lord , although the same hath been duly demanded or him ; wherefore the said A. B. prays that the said C. D. may be summoned to CHAP, ii.] HEALTH (PUBLIC) ACT, 1848. 435 appear before one of her Majesty's justices of the peace to show cause Oke's Synop. why the said sum should not be paid by him. 2nd ed. p. 394. A.B. Made and exhibited before me, at , in the county of , on this day of , 185. E.F. 2. Summons thereon. ToC.D. of . ^ Whereas complaint hath been duly made before one of the collectors for the district of , under and to wit. ) by virtue of the Public Health Act, 1848, that C. D., of &c., hath not paid and hath refused to pay the sum of , duly assessed upon him in and by a certain rate bearing date on or about the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , although the same hath been duly demanded of him : and whereas it appears to me E. F. Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county [or borough, &c.] as well upon the oath of the said A. B. as otherwise, that the said sum of hath been duly demanded in writing of him the said C. D., and that the said C. D. hath refused to pay the same for the space of fourteen days after such demand made and doth refuse to pay the same ; and whereas the said C. D. hath been duly summoned to appear before me to show cause why the same should not be paid by him, and not having shown to me any sufficient cause why the same should not be paid: These are therefore, in her Majesty's name, to command you to levy the said sum of , and also the sum of , the costs of proceeding to obtain this warrant, by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said C. D., and your reasonable charges of taking, keeping and selling the said distress, rendering to him the overplus (if any) on demand ; and if sufficient distress cannot be found of the goods and chattels of the said C. D., that then you certify the same to me, together with this warrant, to the end that such further proceedings may be had therein as to the law doth appertain. Given under my hand and seal, the day of , in the year of our Lord (Signed) E. F. FF 2 436 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. 4. Application and Complaint by Owner where Occupier prevents Execu- 2nd eel. p. 394. tion of Works required. (Id. s. 148.) County of i The application and complaint of A. B., of , [or borough, &c.] , made to me E. F., Esquire, one of her Majesty's jus- to wit. ./tices of the peace in and for the county [or borough, &c.] of , this day of , in the year of our Lord , who saith, that he is owner, within the meaning of the Public Health Act, 1848, of certain premises, to wit, a house* [as the case may be~\, situate in Street [as the case may be], in the parish of , in the said county [or borough, &c.] ; that C. D., the occupier of the said premises, doth prevent the said A. B. from obeying and carrying into effect the provisions of the said act in this, to wit, that he the said C. D. doth pre- vent the said A. B. from [here describe the works generally, according to circumstances, for instance, thus : " constructing and laying down, in connection with the said house, a covered drain, so as to communicate with a [sewer or drain] of the local board of health of the district of [or a sewer, &c.] which the local board of health of the district of are entitled to use [as the case may require], such sewer being within one hundred feet of the said house."]* 5. Summons to the Occupier.'] This may be in the General Form No. 8 (A), ante, p. 26. 6. Order to permit Execution of Works by Owner. (Sched. (F.) of 11 & 12 Viet. c. 63.) County of ) Whereas complaint hath been made to me E. F., [or borough &c.] > Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace to wit. S in and for the county [or borough, &c.] of , by A. B., owner, within the meaning of the Public Health Act, 1848, of certain premises, to wit, a house, &c., [thenfollows verbatim the portion be- tween the asterisks * * in the Form No. 4, supra :] and whereas the said C. D. having been duly summoned to answer the said complaint, and not having shown sufficient cause against the same, and it appearing to me that the said works are necessary for the purpose of enabling the said A. B. to obey and carry into effect the provisions of the said act, I do hereby order that the said C. D. do permit the said A. B. to execute the same in the manner required by the said act. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord, 184 . E. F. (L. s.) HIGHWAYS. Id. p. 396. 1. Complaint by Surveyor of Person not removing Nuisances, pursuant to his Notice under s. 73 of 5 # 6 Will. 4, c. 50. County of) The information and complaint of C. D. [one of the] stir- >veyors of the highways of the parish of , in the said to wit. ) county, made upon oath before me the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, this day of , in the year , at , in the same county, who saith that A. B , of &c., on the day of last, unlawfully and injuriously, and contrary to the statute passed in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to con- solidate and amend the Laws relating to Highways in that part of Great Britain called England," at the parish of aforesaid, did lay, or cause to be laid, certain timber [or as the case may be~] on a certain part of the CHAP, ii.] HIGHWAYS. 437 Queen's highway lying between and , in the same parish, to the Oke's Synop. obstruction and annoyance of the said highway, and the said timber [or 2nd ed. p. 396. as the case, may be~\ did allow to remain thereon as aforesaid for a long time afterwards, to wit, for days thereafter, although before the making of this information, to wit, on the day of last the said infor- mant C. D., as such surveyor of the said parish, duly appointed under and by virtue of the statute aforesaid, did give to the said A. B. notice as is required by the said statute to remove the said [timber]. 2. Summons thereon.'] This may be in the General Form, No. 8 (A), ante, p. 26. 3. Justices Order to survey or to remove the Nuisance. (Id. s. 73.) To C. D. [one of the] surveyor of the highways of the parish of , in the county aforesaid. County ofS Whereas information and complaint were on the I day of last made upon oath before me the undersigned, to wit. J one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, by you the saidC. D. as such surveyor, that A. B. of &c. [recite complaint, No. 1, supra, to the end,] : and whereas the said A. B. having been duly summoned to appear before me or some other of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county in petty sessions assembled for the division of in the same county (within which the said parish of is situated) this day appeared before me the said justice at , in the said division, to answer to the said information and complaint, but hath not shown unto us any good cause why the said [timber] should not be removed and disposed of according to the statute aforesaid ; and the several allegations in the said information and complaint having been now duly proved to me the said justice on oath, and that the said A. B. doth continue to lay the said [timber] in and upon the said part of the Queen's highway as aforesaid ; and the said C. D., as such surveyor, hav- ing now requested me the said justice to grant to him an order in writing to clear the said highway by removing the said [timber], and to dispose of and apply the proceeds as by the said statute is directed : These are therefore, in her Majesty's name, to authorize and require you the said C. D., as such surveyor as aforesaid, forthwith to clear the said part of the said highway by removing the said [timber], and to sell and dispose of the same, and to apply the proceeds arising therefrom towards the repair of the highways within the aforesaid parish of . Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the county aforesaid. J. S. (L. s.) 4. Notice to remove Snow, Sfc. (Id. s. 26.) No. 8 in Sched. to Act] I, A. B., justice of the peace in and for the county of , do hereby give you, the surveyor [or surveyors] of the parish of , notice that the highway leading from to [describing its situation] u obstructed or impeded from the accumulation of snow [or from the falling down of the banks on the side of the said highway, &c. as the case may be], and require you to cause the same to be removed. Dated this day of . A. B. of&c. To C. D. and E. F. &c. Surveyors of the parish of . 438 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. 5. Order of Two Justices for Widening a Highway. (Id. s. 82.) 2nd ed. p. 397. No . J 6 in Sc hed. to Act > We , two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the to wit. \ said county, acting within the [hundred, &c.] of , within the said county, having upon view found that a certain part of the high- way between and , in the [parish, &c.] of , in the said [hundred] for the length of yards, or thereabouts, and particularly described in the plan hereunto annexed, is for the greater part thereof narrow, but may be conveniently enlarged and widened by adding thereto from the lands and grounds of , and , of the length of yards, or thereabouts, and of the breadth of feet, or thereabouts, particularly described in the plan hereunto annexed, which we think will widen and enlarge the same, and be much more commodious to the public, do hereby order that the said highway be widened and enlarged accordingly, and that the surveyor [or surveyors] of the [parish, &c.] of , where the said old highway lies, do forthwith proceed to treat and make agreement with the said and for recompence to be made for the said ground, and for the making such ditches and fences as shall be necessary, in such manner, with such approbation, and by pur- suing such measures and directions in all respects as are warranted and prescribed by the statute made in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act," &c. [title in Form No. 1, ante, p. 436] ; and in case such agreement shall be made as aforesaid, we do order an equal assessment, not exceeding the rate of in the pound, to be made, levied, and collected upon all and every the par- ties liable to the payment of the highway rate in the said [parish, &c.] of , and that the money arising thereupon be paid and applied in making such recompense and satisfaction as aforesaid, pursuant to the directions of the said act. A. B. C. D. 6. Certificate from the said Justices to the Court of Quarter Sessions (a). (Id. s. 82.) No. 17 in Schedule to Act. To the Justices of the peace at their general quarter sessions, to be held at in the said county, the day of , one thousand eight hundred and . We, the within named A. B. and C. D., do hereby certify to the said court of quarter sessions, that we made and signed the within order, and that with our approbation and by our direction the said surveyor [or surveyors] has [or have] treated with the said and for the said lands required for the purposes aforesaid, but was not able to make any agreement for that purpnse with them or either of them, and that he ten- dered to the said the sum of , and to the said the sum of , as a recompence for the said ground, and for the making the said ditches and fences, which he [or they and each of them] refused to receive. A. B. C. D. 7. Notice of Diverting, $c. Highway. (Id. s. 85.) No. 19 in Sched. to Act.] Notice is hereby given, that on the day of next, appli- cation will be made to her Majesty'y justices of the peace, assembled at (a) This is to be written upon the above order, when no agreement can be made. CHAP, ii.] HIGHWAYS. 439 quarter sessions in and for the county of at , for an order for [j/* Oke's Synop. the order be for turning, diverting and stopping up, 6fC. here to state it, and 2nd cd. p. 397. describe the road ordered to be turned, diverted and stopped up; if the order be for stopping up a useless road, here to state it, and describe the road ordered to be stopped up] ; and that the certificate of two justices, having viewed the same, &c. with the plan of the old and proposed new highway, will be lodged with the clerk of the peace for the said county, on the day of next. A. B. } Surveyor [or surveyors] C. D., &c. J of the parish of . 8. Consent from the Owner of the Land through which a new Highway is proposed to be made. (Id. s. 85.) No. 18 in Sched. to Act] I, A. B., of , in the county of , being the owner of the lands de- scribed on the plan hereunto annexed, through which part of a certain highway lying between and is intended to be diverted and turned, in consideration of the sum of , to be paid to me for the said land and soil thereof, do hereby consent to the making and continuing such new highway through my said lands. Given under my hand, this day of , one thousand eight hun- dred and . 9. Outline of Proofs of posting, Sfc. Notices with Verification of Plan. (Vide s. 85.) County of ) The depositions of E. F. of &c., engineer and sur- to wit. \ veyor, and of F. G. of &c., taken and made upon oath before us, J. S. and J. L., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace of and for the said county of , acting in and for the same county, and in and for the petty sessional division of , within which the parish of hereinafter mentioned is situated, at the in , in the said county and division, this day of , in the year of our Lord , upon the matter of the diversion of a certain public road in the parish of in the said county, called the road, which we the said justices viewed on the day of last. The said E. F. upon his oath saith: The plan hereunto annexed, marked A. and signed by me, describes the present highway called , situated in the parish of , part whereof is intended to be stopped up and diverted, and the lands through which the proposed new highway in lieu thereof is intended to be made ; I prepared the same plan, and the metes, bounds and admeasurements marked therein are correct. E. F. The said F. G. upon his oath saith: I saw C. D. and L M., the surveyors of the highways of the parish of , respectively sign the annexed notice marked B., and upon which I have subscribed my name. On the day of last, I affixed a duplicate of that notice, signed by the said surveyors, at the following points marked in the said plan A. hereunto annexed, namely, at C., from whence the said road is proposed to be diverted; at C. and D., being by the side of each end of the part thereof proposed to be stopped up, and at A. and E., being each end of the new highway proposed to be made in lieu thereof. The same notice was inserted in the newspapers of the , , , and days of instant, which papers are annexed hereto, and signed by me. On Sunday, the , , and day of instant, I affixed a like notice on the door of the church of the said parish of . F- G. 440 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. The above depositions of E. F. and F. G. were taken and sworn before 2nd ed. p. 397. us, the day and year and at the place first above mentioned. J. S. J. L. Memorandum to be written on the Plan and other Documents produced before the Justices, and signed by them. County of 1 This is the plan [or notice, or newspaper] marked /[delivered to us and verified and, on the plan only] referred to wit. 'to in the annexed deposition [or depositions] of E. F. [and F. G.], taken and sworn before us, this day of , 1 85 . J . o. J. L. 10. Certificate by Justices of View, $c. (). (Id. ss. 84, 85.) From Shelford, pp. 228, 229. County of 1 Whereas we J. S. and .f. L., Esquires, two of her Majesty's /justices of the peace in and for the county of , acting to wit. J within the hundred of , within the said county, having on the day of now last past, on the application and at the request of the surveyors of the highways of the parish of in the said county, and in the hundred aforesaid, viewed a certain highway, situate in the said parish, extending [Acre describe the road] ; and [names] of aforesaid, the owners of the said lands and grounds through which such new highway was proposed to be diverted and turned as afore- said, having, by writing under their respective hands, consented thereto, we the said justices did [by writing under our hands, bearing date the day of last] direct the said surveyors of the highways of the said parish of , to affix a notice in proper form, in legible characters, at the place and by the side of each end of the said highway, from whence the same was proposed to be diverted and turned as aforesaid, and also to insert the same notice in one newspaper, published or generally circu- lated in the said county of , for four successive weeks next after we the said J. S. and J. L. had viewed the said highway, and to affix a like notice on the door of the church of the said parish on four successive Sundays next after the making such view : And whereas proof of the proper affixing and publication of the said several notices hath been given to the satisfaction of us the said justices ; and whereas a plan hath been delivered to us particularly describing the old and proposed new highway by metes, bounds and admeasurement thereof, which plan hath also been verified before us by a competent surveyor, and is hereunto annexed : Now, therefore, we the said J. S. and J. L., as such justices as aforesaid, do hereby certify that we have viewed the said highway, and that the said highway, extending from the eastern end of bridge aforesaid, in the said parish of , to the hedge of the said wood called wood, situated in the said parish of , may be diverted and turned (that is to say) by raising the existing highway and pursuing its present line or course, &c. [here describe the road] : And we do hereby certify that the said proposed new highway will be more commodious to the public by reason that the said old highway is in some parts thereof narrow and unfit for travelling with horses, carts and carriages, and at times travelling of whatever description thereon is rendered impracticable by reason of the flux of the tides, [or any other reason, as the case may be], whilst the said proposed new highway will at all times be open and ready for the recep- (a) This must be ingrossed on parchment. CHAP, ii.j HIGHWAYS. 441 tion of travellers, and travelling thereon will not be obviated by tides or Oke's Synop. otherwise : And further, that one of the said diversions will join a certain 2nd ed. p. 397. proposed new highway at aforesaid, which is intended to extend to the highway leading from aforesaid to the said parish of , in the said county, whereby the access thereto will be greatly facilitated. Given under our hands, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and . J. S. J. L. 11. Certificate of two Justices that a new Road is completed and in good Repair. (Id. s. 91.) Shelford, p. 240. ) We, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county to wit. J of , acting in and for the said county, do hereby certify that we have this day viewed and surveyed a certain part of a new high- way leading [here describe the roud~\ [indicted] at the last general quarter sessions of the peace for the said county, [ordered to be set out and ap- propriated as a public highway], and that the said part of the said high- way so [indicted] set out and appropriated as aforesaid, is now [completed and put into] in good condition and repair, and likely so to continue. Given under our hands and seals, this day of . J. S. (L.S.) J. L. (L.S.) 12. Allowance of Highway Rate. (Id. s. 27.) County of^v We, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for > the county of , do consent and allow of the foregoing to wit. J assessment. Witness our hands this day of , 1850. J. S. J. L. 13. Recovery of Rates. Vide tit " Rates," post. 14. Complaint of Surveyor against Collector of Rates, for not paying to Surveyor Monies remaining due from him (a~). (Id. s. 38.) County of } The complaint of C. D., of the parish of , in the said Scounty, one of the surveyors of the highways of the said to wit. J parish, made to me the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, this day of , in the year of our Lord , who saith, that A. B., of the said parish of , was heretofore duly appointed collector of the highway rates of the said parish of [for the year then next ensuing] by and under the statute in that behalf, and is now such collector ; that on the day of last the said A. B., as such collector, delivered to the said C. D. an account ot certain monies which he had received by virtue of his said ap- pointment, and there then remained due upon such account from the said A. B. to the said C. D., as such surveyor as aforesaid, the sum of ; that the said C. D., on the day of last, by a notice in writing under his hand given to [or left at the usual place of abode of] the said A. B., required "the said A. B. forthwith to pay to him the said C. D. the said sum of , so remaining due from the said A. B. as such collector as aforesaid ; and that although more than three days hath elapsed since the service of the said notice as aforesaid, yet the said A. B. hath neglected (a) For not rendering an account, vide Form No. 5, tit. " Highwayt," ante, p. 124 ; for surveyor not accounting, Form No. 2, ante, p 123. 442 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. [or refused] to make payment thereof as aforesaid, and the same is still 2nd ed. p. 397. due. 15. Summons to Collector. (Id. s. 38.)] This maybe in the General Form, No. 8 (A), ante, p. 26, "to show cause why the said sum should not be recovered from you, according to the statute in that behalf made." 16. Warrant of Distress. (Id.) To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said county of . Whereas on last past a complaint was made before J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of , by C. D., of the parish of , in the said county, one of the surveyors of the highways of the said parish, that A. B. [//ere recite complaint, Form No. 14, supra, in past tense, to the end] : and now at this day, to wit, on the day of , in the year of our Lord , at the in , in the said county of , the parties aforesaid ap- pear before us, J. L. and J. P., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, [or, if collector do not attend, the said C. D. appears before us, &c., but the said A. B., although duly called, doth not appear by himself, his counsel or attorney, and it is now satisfactorily proved to us on oath, that the said A. B. has been duly served with the summons in this behalf issued by the justices first named, which required him to be and appear here at this day before such justices of the peace for the said county as should now be here, to answer the said complaint, and to show cause why the said sum should not be recovered from him, according to the statute in that behalf made, and to be further dealt with according to law ;"] and now having heard the matter of the said complaint, and it appearing upon the confession of the said collector, A. B. [or it being duly proved on oath before us, that the said complaint before recited is true, and] that the said sum of remains due from the said A. B. ; and the said A. B. not showing to us any sufficient cause why the said sum should not be recovered from him according to the said statute, we have determined and do hereby determine that the said sum of shall be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said A. B., and in default of suf- ficient distress in that behalf the said A. B. shall be imprisoned in the at , in the said county, and there kept to hard labour for the period of , or until he shall sooner have paid the said sum of , or compounded with the said C. D., the said surveyor, for such sum : These are therefore, &c. [.follow to end of Form No. 66, ante, p. 57.] 17. Commitment in Default of Distress. To the constable of the parish of , and to the keeper of the [house of correction] at , in the said county of . Whereas on the day of last a complaint was made before &c. [reciting it as in the Distress Warrant No. 16, supra, then recite the hearing, the adjudication of distress, 4"C.] : And whereas we the said jus- tices issued a warrant to the constable of the said parish of , com- manding him to levy the said sum of by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said A. B. : And whereas it appears to us, as well by the return of the said constable to the said warrant of distress as otherwise, that the said constable hath made diligent search for the goods and chattels of the said A. B., but that no sufficient distress whereon to levy the said sum could be found: These are therefore to command CHAP, ii.] HIGHWAYS INCLOSURES. 443 you, the said constable of , to take the said A. B., and him safely to Oke's Synop. convey to the [house of correction] at aforesaid, and there deliver 2nd ed. p. 397. him to the said keeper, together with this precept ; and we do hereby command you the said keeper of the said [house of correction] to receive the said A. B. into your custody in the said [house of correction], there to imprison him and keep him to hard labour for the period of , or until he shall sooner have paid the said sum of as aforesaid, or com- pounded with the said C. D., the said surveyor, for the same; and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under our hands and seals, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the said county aforesaid. J. L. (L. s.) J.P. (L.S.) 18. Certificate of Justices of Highway, made by Individuals, fyc., having been made in a substantial Manner, $c. (Id. s. 23.) No. 7 in Sched to act.] We, two of the justices of the peace in and for the county of , having viewed a certain highway lately made by A. B. in the parish of , in the said county, situate, &c. [describing its situation and extent], do hereby certify that the same has been made in a substantial manner, and of the width required by a certain act made and passed in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act," &c. [here set out title of act as in Form No. 1, ante, p. 436.] Dated this day of . C. D. E. F. INCLOSURES. 1. Declaration to be made by a Valuer before acting. (Given in 8 & 9 Id. p. 397. Viet. c. 118, s. 38.)] I, , do solemnly declare that I will faithfully, impartially and honestly, according to the best of my skill and judgment, perform all the duties of a valuer in the inclosure of , according to the provisions of an act passed in the year of the reign of her Ma- jesty Queen Victoria, intituled (a). The Jurat may be as in the solemn declaration, tit. " Oaths," post. 2. Justices' Certificate of Formation and Completion of Roads under Local Inclasure Act or General Act. (Id. s. 67, and 41 Geo. 3, c. 109, s. 9.)] Whereas the commissioners appointed by virtue of an act of par- liament passed in a session of parliament held in the [first and second] years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act," &c. [title of local act], did in pursuance of the powers and directions of the said act set out and appoint, [or whereas C. D., the valuer duly appointed and acting in the matter of the inclosure of , in the division of , in the said county of , hath, in pursuance of the instructions duly given to him in that behalf, and of the statute passed in the ninth year of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act," &c. (a), set out and made,] the several public carriage roads, through and over the lands and grounds directed to be divided, allotted and inclosed in the said parish of , by [or in pursuance of] the said act, hereinafter described, that is to say, (a) The title of the 8 & 9 Viet. c. 118, is : An Act to facilitate the In- closure and Improvement of Commons and Lands held in Common, the Ex- change of Lands, and the Division of intermixed Lands, to provide Remedies for defective or incomplete Executions, and for the Non-execution of the Powers of General and Local Inclosure Acts.and to provide for the Revival of such Powers in certain Cases." 444 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. [ one public carriage road, &c. [set it out] as in award, 2nd edit. p. 39*7. one other public carriage road, &c.] : Now we whose names are hereunto subscribed, being two of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the said county of , in which the lands so to be inclosed is situate, having viewed the said several public carriage roads set out and made as aforesaid, do hereby certify that the same have been and are severally and respectively fully and sufficiently formed and completed. Given under our hands and seals, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the county of aforesaid. [Signatures and seals of two or more justices.'] LANDLORD AND TENANT. M. p. 397, 1. Notice of Owner's intent ion to apply to Justices to recover Possession. 398. (In act 1 & 2 Viet. c. 74.)] I, , [owner, or agent to , the owner, as the case may be], do hereby give you notice, that unless peaceable possession of the tenement [shortly describing it], situate at , which was held of me [or of the said as the case may be], under a tenancy from year to year [or as the case may be], which expired [or was determined by notice to quit from the said , or otherwise, as the case may be], on the day of , and which tenement is now held over and detained from the said , be given to [the owner or agent] on or before the expiration of seven clear days from the service of this notice, I, , shall, on next, the day of , at of the clock of the same day, at , apply to her Ma- jesty's justices of the peace acting for the district of (being the dis- trict, division or place in which the said tenement or some part thereof is situate) in petty sessions assembled, to issue their warrant directing the constables of the said district to enter and take possession of the said tene- ment, and to eject any person therefrom. Dated this day of . (Signed) [owner, or agent.] To Mr. . 2. Complaint before two Justices after Notice and at Hearing. (Id.)] The complaint of A. B. owner [or agent, as the case may be], made before us, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace, acting for the district of in petty sessions assembled, who saith that the said A. B. did let to a tenement, situated in the said district, consisting of , for , under the rent of , and that the said tenancy expired [or was determined by notice to quit given by , as the case may be], on the day of , and that on the day of the said A.B did serve on [the tenant overholding] a notice in writing of his intention to apply to recover possession of the said tenement (a duplicate of which notice is hereto annexed) by giving, &c. [describing the mode in which the service was effected], and that notwithstanding the said notice, the said refused [or neglected] to deliver up possession of the said tene- ment, and still detains the same. (Signed) . Taken the day of , before us . 3. Warrant to Peace Officers to take and give Possession. > Whereas complaint hath this day been made before us J. S. to wit. J and J. L., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace CHAP, ii.] LANDLORD AND TENANT. 445 acting for the district of , in petty sessions assembled, by A. B. Oke's Synop. owner [or agent to the owner], who saith that [set forth the com- 2nd ed. plaint to the end], we, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace, in petty pp. 397, 398, sessions assembled, acting for the of , do authorize and com- mand you, on any day within [not less than twenty-one nor more than thirty clear days from the date of this warrant'] days from the date hereof (except on Sunday, Christmas Day and Good Friday), between the hours of nine in the forenoon and four in the afternoon, to enter (by force if needful), and with or without the aid of the owner [or agent, as the case may be], or any other person or persons whom you may think re- quisite to call to your assistance, into and upon the said tenement, and to eject thereout any person, and of the said tenement full and peaceable possession to deliver to the said [the owner, or agent]. Given under our hands and seals this day of . To A. B., and all other constables and peace officers acting for the district of , within which the said tenement is situate. 4. Information or Request of Landlord for Possession where Tenant deserted Premises leaving Rent due. (11 Geo. 2, c. 19, s. 16; 57 Geo. 3, c. 52 (a).) ) The information and complaint of C. D., of the parish of to wit. j , in the county of , taken this day of , one thousand eight hundred and , who saith, that the said C. D. did demise at rack rent the messuage, lands or tenement now or late called , situate in the said parish of , in the county of , aforesaid, and that A.B., of the said parish of , farmer, is the tenant holding the same at such rack rent ; and that on the day of last past there was in arrear and due unto him the said C. D. from him the said A. B., tenant of the said demised premises, one whole year's rent thereof, and that he the said A . B. hath deserted the said demised premises, and left the same unoccupied, so that no sufficient distress can be had to countervail the said arrears of rent ; whereupon he the said C. D. doth request us the undersigned E. F. and G. H., Esquires, two of her Ma- jesty's justices of the peace for the said county, to go and view the said premises, and affix on the most notorious part thereof notice in writing on what day we would return to take a second view, in order that a due remedy may be provided in the premises, according to the statute in that case made and provided. C.D. Taken before us the day and year first above written. E. F. G.H. 5. Notice to be affixed on Deserted Premises. To A. B. [the tenant']. Take notice, that upon the complaint of C. D. of &c. made unto us the undersigned, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of , that you the said A. B. have deserted the messuage, lands or tenement, now or late called , situate in the said parish of , in the said county of , unto you demised at rack rent by the said C. D., and that there is in arrear and due from you unto the said C. D. 'one whole year's rent for the said demised premises, and that (a) This and the Forms No. 5 and 6, infra, are from J. Stone's Petty Ses- sions by Westoby,5th ed. p. 395 397. 446 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. you have deserted and left the same premises unoccupied, so that no 2nd ed. sufficient distress can be had to countervail the said arrears of rent: We pp. 397, 398. the said justices (having no interest in the said demised premises), at the request of the said C. D., have this day come upon and viewed the said demised premises, and do find the said complaint to be true ; and on the day of this present month of we will return to take a second view thereof, and if upon such second view you, or some person on your behalf, shall not appear and pay the said rent in arrear, or there shall not be sufficient distress on the said premises, we the said justices shall put the said C. D. into the possession of the said demised premises, pur- suant to the statute in that case made and provided. Witness our hands, this day of ,in the year of our Lord . [Justices' signatures.] 6. Record of Possession. ) Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the year to wit. \ of our Lord , C. D. of, &c. complained unto us, the under- signed, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of , for that [here recite the complaint No. 4, supra] : Whereupon we, the said justices, at the request of the said C. D. (and not having any interest in the said premises), on the day of last, did person- ally go upon and view the said demised premises, and then and there did find the said complaint to be true, and did there and then affix on the most notorious part of the said demised premises, to wit, [upon the. front door of the. messuage thereto belonging] a notice in writing under our hands, directed to the said A. B., that we the said justices, on this present day of , would return and take a second view thereof: And having so returned and taken a second view of the said premises, accord- ing to the said notice, and he the said A. B. not appearing, nor any person on his behalf, to pay the said rent in arrear, and there being no sufficient distress upon the said premises to countervail such arrear of rent : We the said justices do hereby certify and declare that we have this day put the said C. D. into the lawful possession of the said demised premises, pursuant to the statute in that case made and provided. Given under our hands and seals, this day of , in the year of our Lord . [Justices' signatures and seals.] 7. Complaint on Oath to ground Warrant to aid in Search for Goods. (11 Geo. 2, c. 19, s. 7.)] Proceed in the General Form No. 1, ante, p. 23, and then : that certain goods and chattels of A. B., of, &c., have been within thirty days last past fraudulently and clandestinely conveyed and carried away from , situate and being in the parish of , in the county of , by the said A. B., his servant or servants, agent or agents, or other person or persons aiding or assisting therein to prevent the said C. D. from distraining the said goods and chattels for arrears of rent due from the said A. B. to the said C. D. for the said : And that the said goods and chattels are put, placed and kept in the house, barn, stable, outhouse, yard, close or other place of E. F., situate and being in in the parish of , within the said county of , locked, fastened, or otherwise secured, so as to prevent the said goods and chattels from being taken and seized as a distress for arrears of rent; and that the said C. D. hath a reasonable ground to suspect and doth suspect that the said goods and chattels are in the said house, barn, stable, outhouse, yard, close or other place of the said E. F. CHAP, ii.] LANDLORD AND TENANT. 447 8. Warrant thereon to aid and assist. To all constables and other her Majesty's officers of the peace whom PP- 397, 398. these may concern. ) Wherereas C. D. of, &c., hath this day of ex- to wit. \ hibited his complaint and made oath before me, the under- signed, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of , that certain goods. &c. [recite complaint] : These are therefore to command you, and each and every of you, to aid and assist the said C. D., his steward, bailiff, receiver or other person or persons empowered to take and seize as a distress for rent the said goods and chattels, in the day time to break open and enter into the said house, barn, stable, out- house, yard, close or other place of the said E. F., at aforesaid, and to take and seize the said goods and chattels for the said arrears of rent, according to law. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the county aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) LIGHTING AND WATCHING ACT. 1. Justices' Certificate of Constable appointed by the Inspectors having taken the Oath of Office. (3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 90, s. 42.) County of 1 I hereby certify that I. N. hath this day been duly sworn Jin as a constable of the parish of , in the said county, to wit. 3 before me, the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of , in the same county, in pursuance of an act passed in a session of parliament held in the third and fourth years of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled, " An Act to repeal an Act of the Eleventh Year of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, for the Lighting and Watching of Parishes in England and Wales and to make other Provisions in lieu thereof," the said parish of [or district of the said parish of ], having adopted the said first-mentioned act, so far as relates to watching, and the said J. N. having been appointed a watchman [or patrol, or serjeant of the watch] of the said parish, by the persons duly elected as inspectors under the provisions and for the purposes of the said act Dated this day of , 185. J. S. N.B. The oath would be the same as for parochial constables, Form No. 8, ante, p. 357. 2. Allowance of Inspector's Annual Accounts. (Id. a. 19.) County of 1 The foregoing accounts were verified on the oaths of } and , two of the inspectors of the parish of to wit. 3 in the said county, before us, the undersigned, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, at in the same county, this day of , in the year of our Lord . J . o. J. L. 3. Recovery of Rates for Lighting or Watching. (Id. s. 33.) These will be recovered in the same manner and by the same forms as^other parochial rates. Vide Forms under 12 Vicl. c. 14, in tit. " Rates," post, which will nuuire this variation, instead of " to the relief of the poor, &c." say, " under the provisions of the statute commonly known as the 448 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Lighting and Watching Act, adopted by the said parish [or a part or district of the said parish wherein the said resides, or is liable to be rated], so far as respects lighting [or watching, as the case may be], 4. Complaint of Treasurer or Inspector against Overseers for not paying Amount 0} Inspector's Order. (Id. ss. 38, 32.)] Proceed to the first asterisk* in Form No. 1, ante, pp. 23 24, and then: that the said [or a part or district of the said] parish of have duly adopted the provisions of the act passed, &c. [title, fyc. of act in Form No. 1, supra], so far as respects lighting [or watching]: That the said complainant, C.D., is the treasurer of the said inspectors [or one of the inspectors] duly appointed [or elected] under the said act, and now acting as such in the said parish of : That the said inspectors [or I. K., or K. L., two of the said inspectors] duly made and issued an order in writing under their hands, pursuant to the statute aforesaid, bearing date the day of last, and directed to the overseers of the poor of the said parish of , whereby the said overseers were required to collect and levy, pursuant to the said act, the sum of , being the amount they were authorized to call for in the year commencing on and ending on , for the purposes of carrying into effect the provisions of the said act [or such of the provisions of the said act as relates to lighting or watching], and to pay the same to C. D., the [said] treasurer of the said inspectors, within three calendar months from the delivery of the said order to one of the said overseers: That the said order was duly served upon A. B., E. F., and G. H., then and still being the overseers of the poor of the said parish : And that the said overseers have neglected to pay the said sum to the said C. D., and the same is now in arrear. 5. Summons thereon.] This may be in the General Form No. 8 (A), ante, p. 26, reciting complaint No. 4, supra. 6. Distress Warrant upon Goods of Overseers. To the constables of the parish of , in the county of , and to all other peace officers in the said county. County of ^ Whereas [4~c., recite complaint No. 4, supra, to the end, > then :] and now at this day, to wit, on the day of , to wit. j in the year of our Lord , at the , in , in the said county of , the parties aforesaid, before us, J. L. and J. P , Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the same county : [or if overseers do not attend, say : the said C. D., the said treasurer [or inspector], appears before us &c., but the said A. B., E. F., and G. H., although duly called, do not, nor doth either of them, appear by themselves or himself, then or his counsel or attorney, and it is now satisfactorily proved to us on oath that the said A. B., E. F., and G. H. have been severally duly served with the summons in this behalf issued by the justices first named, which required each of them to be and appear here at this day before such justices of the peace for the said county as should now be here, to answer the said complaint, and to be further dealt with according to law] : And now having heard the matter of the said complaint, and it appearing to us upon due proof in this behalf that the said complaint before recited is true, and that the said sum of money has not been paid, and the said A. B., E. F., and G. H. not showing to us any sufficient cause why the CHAP, ii.] LOAN SOCIETIES LUNATICS. 449 same should not be levied upon their, or either of their, goods and chattels, according to the statute aforesaid : These are therefore &c. [follow to end of General Form No. 66, ante, p. 57.] 7. Complaint against Treasurer and Officers neglecting to account. (Id. s. 26.)] As this clause is similar to that in the Highway Act, 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 50, s. 38, the Forms under this title may be readily framed from those in tit. " Highways :" For not rendering Account Books, fyc. Form No. 5, ante, p. 124. For not paying over Monies, Forms Nos. 14 to 17, ante, p. 441 443. Oke's Synop. 2nd ed. LOAN SOCIETIES. 1. Complaint of Amount due on Notes. (3 & 4 Viet. c. 110, s. 16; 12 & 13 Viet. c. 37.)] Proceed in the General Form No. 1, ante, pp. PP- 39 8, 399 23,24, to thejirst asterisk*, then: that he, the said complainant, C. D., is the treasurer [or duly appointed to make this complaint by the trea- surer] of a certain loan society called , held at , in the said county of , inrolled under and by virtue of a certain act of parlia- ment, intituled " An Act to amend the Laws relating to Loan Societies," and now in force : That A. B. of &c. on the day of last, in the parish of aforesaid, did fail to make full payment in money to the said C. D. as such treasurer, of the sum of , being part of the sum of lent and advanced to , and secured by note bearing date the day of , entered into by the said A. B. and to the said treasurer of the said society, demand in writing having been duly made on the said A. B. for the said sum of , previous to the said day of , by [or on behalf of] the said C. D. as such treasurer of the said society, contrary to the said statute. 2. The succeeding Forms will be as the general ones in Chap. I. of Part I., viz. Summons, No. 8 (A), ante, p. 26; Order, No. 44 (K. 1), ante, p. 42 ; Distress Warrant, No. 66 (N. 2), ante, p. 57; and Commit- ment in Default, No. 71, ante, p. 59. LUNATICS Oke's Synop. 1. Order for the Reception of a Pauper Patient. (Given in Schedule (D) to 8 & 9 Viet. c. 100.) With Statements, and Medical Certificate to PP' accompany it. (S. 48.)] We, the undersigned, having called to our assistance a physician [or surgeon, or apothecary, as the case may 6e], not being the medical officer of the parish or union to which the said A. B. belongs, and having personally examined A. B., a pauper, and being satisfied that the said A. B. is a lunatic [or an insane person, or an idiot, or a person of unsound mind], and a proper person to be confined, hereby request (a) you to receive the said A. B. as a patient into your house [or hospital]. Subjoined is a statement respecting the said A. B. (Signed) C. D. A justice of the peace for the city or borough of , [or an [or the] officiating clergyman of the parish of .] (a) In the Form No. 3, post, given in the 8 & 9 Viet c. 126, the word used is "direct." >_4ni -401. 450 Otlier Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. (Signed) E. F. With (a) the relieving officer of the union or parish of - , j- or w jth( fl ) an overseer of the parish of - .] STATEMENT. Name of patient, and Christian name at length . Sex and age ............ Married, single or widowed ....... Condition of life, and previous occupation (if any) . Previous place of abode ......... Religious persuasion, so far as known .... Length of time insane ......... Whether first attack .......... Age (if known) on first attack ....... Whether subject to epilepsy ....... Whether suicidal or dangerous to others .... Previous places of confinement (if any) .... I certify that to the best of my knowledge the above particulars are correctly stated. [To be signed by the relieving officer or overseer signing the order.] Dated this - day of - , one thousand eight hundred and forty . To , proprietor [or superintendent] of - , [describing the house or hospital by situation and name, if any.] MEDICAL CERTIFICATE. I, G.H., being a physician [or surgeon or apothecary], "duly authorized to practise as such," (b) hereby certify that I have this day personally exa- mined A. B., the person named in the statement and order, and that the said A. 6. is a lunatic [or an insane person, or an idiot, or a person of an unsound mind], and a proper person to be confined. (Signed) G. H. [Place of abode~\. Dated this - day of - , one thousand eight hundred and forty . 2. Justices' Order to bring up a Lunatic. (8 & 9 Viet. c. 126, s. 48.) To I. K., relieving officer [or - , one of the overseers of the poor of the parish of - , in the county of - , such parish not being within an union], of the N. union. - ^ Whereas notice hath been this day given unto me, I. S., to wit. \ Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of - , in which the parish of - , hereinafter mentioned, is situate, by I. K., relieving officer of the N. union [or one of the overseers of the poor of the parish of - , in the county of - ], that within three days next before the giving of such notice he had obtained know- ledge that A. B., of - , in the parish of - , in the said union and county of - , and chargeable to the parish of - , in the said union and county of - , was deemed to be lunatic : I the said justice do thereupon, and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, hereby order and require you the said relieving officer [or overseer] to (a) The word "with" is omitted in the Form No. 3, post, given in the 8 & 9 Viet. c. 126. (6) In the form of medical certificate given in the Schedule (E 1.) to the 8&9 Viet. c. 126, these words "duly authorized, &c.," are expanded, and the meaning given. [Vide Medical Certificate in No. 3, p. 451.] CHAP, ii.] LUNATICS. 451 bring the said A. B. before me or some other one of her Majesty's justices Oke's Synop. of the peace in and for the said county of , at , in the said 2nd ed. county of , on , the day of next, at the hour of pp.399 401. twelve at noon, to be further dealt with according to the provisions of the statute aforesaid. Given under my hand and seal, the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , at , in the said county of . 3. Order for the Reception of a Pauper Patient, given in Schedule (E. No. 1) to 8 & 9 Viet. c. 126, with Statement and Medical Certifi- cate (ss. 48, 49.) I, C. D. [in the case of a justice of the peace; or in the case of a clergy- wan and relieving officer, fyc. We] the undersigned, having called to my [or our] assistance a physician [or surgeon, or apothecary, as the case may be], and having personally examined A. B., a pauper, and I, C. D. [or we, in the case of a clergyman and relieving officer, #c.] being satis- fied that the said A. B. is a lunatic [or an insane person, or an idiot, or a person of unsound or imbecile mind], and a proper person to be confined, I [or we, as the case may be], hereby direct you to receive the said A. B. as a patient into your asylum, hospital or house. Subjoined is a statement respecting the said A. B. (Signed) C.D. A justice of the peace (a) for the city or borough of [or an or the officiating clergyman of the parish of .] (Signed) E. F. The relieving officer of the union or parish of [or an overseer of the parish of .] STATEMENT. Name of patient, and Christian name at length Sex and age Married, single or widowed _ . . . Condition of life, and previous occupation (if any). The religious persuasion, as far as known . . . Previous place of abode Length of time insane Whether first attack . . Age (if known) on first attack Whether subject to epilepsy Whether suicidal or dangerous to others .... Previous places of confinement (if any) .... T certify that to the best of my knowledge the above particulars are correctly stated. [To be signed by the relieving officer or overseer.] Dated the day of , one thousand eight hundred and . To , superintendent of the asylum for the county of [or the lunatic hospital of , or proprietor of the licensed house of ] [describing the asylum, hospital or house.] MEDICAL CERTIFICATE. I, , being a fellow [or licentiate] of the royal college of physicians, in London [or a graduate in medicine of the university of , fyc., or (a) In the case of a lunatic not chargeable (vide s. 49), to be signed by two justices. 002 452 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in Oke's Synop. a member of the royal college of surgeons in London, or an apothecary 2nd ed. (July authorized to practise by the apothecaries' company in London,] pp. 399401. nere by certify that I have this day personally examined A. B., the person named in the accompanying statement and order, and that the said A. B. is a lunatic [or an insane person, or an idiot, or a person of unsound or imbecile mind], and a proper person to be confined. (Signed) [Name.] [P/ace of abode.'} Dated this day of , one thousand eight hundred and . 4. Second Medical Certificate, to be used only in the Case provided for by the 9 & 10 Viet. c. 84, s. 1.] This will be the same as the one supra, adding, after the description, " being, &c." " and a medical officer of the N. union." 5. Order of Justices adjudging Settlement. (8 & 9 Viet. c. 126, s. 48.) [Adapted from Form in Reg. v. Hatfield Peverel, 18 Law J. Rep. (N. S.) M. C. 225.] (a) j Whereas heretofore, to wit, on the day of , by a to wit. $ certain order of I. S. Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of [in which the said union is situate], [or C. D., an officiating clergyman of the parish of , in the union of , and county of , and relieving officer of the said union in which the said parish is comprised, or , one of the overseers of the poor of the said parish], directed to , superintendent of the asylum for the county of [or lunatic hospital of , or proprietor of the licensed house of , describing the asylum, hospital or /iowse], reciting that the said justice [or clergyman and relieving officer, or over- seer of the poor] having called to his [or their] assistance E. F., a physician [or surgeon or apothecary], not being the medical officer of the parish or union to which A. B., a pauper, belonged, and having personally exa- mined the said A. B. was [or were] satisfied that the said A. B. was a lunatic [or an insane person, or an idiot, or a person of unsound or imbecile mind], and a proper person to be confined, the said justice [or clergyman and relieving officer, or overseer of the poor] therefore thereby directed the said to receive the said A. B. as a patient into his said asylum [or hospital, or house], to which order a statement, and also a medical certificate of the said E. F., was subjoined according to the form t Keterred to in o f tne sa j^ s t a t u te in such case made and provided* :f And whereas you the * ' said guardians [or overseer of the poor of the said parish of ] have this day made application unto us, I. S. and 1. L., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county [or borough] of , in which the said asylum [or registered hospital or licensed house is situate, or to which such asylum wholly or in part belongs, or from part of which, to wit, , the said pauper lunatic was sent to the said ] to inquire into the last legal settlement of the said A. B. so ordered to be confined therein as aforesaid : whereupon we, the said justices, having this day found that the said A. B. is now so confined in the said asylum, &c., in pursuance of the said order, did proceed to inquire into his last legal settlement accordingly, and satisfactory evidence being now adduced before us, as well by the oath of G. H., &c., as otherwise, that the last legal settlement of the said A. B. is in the parish of , in the union (a) The order in this case was not directed to any one ; it may, however, be " to the guardians of the poor of the N. union," [or overseers of the poor of the parish of , in the county of , such parish not being within an union.] CHAP, ii.] LUNATICS. 453 of , and county of : We do therefore by this order, under our Oke's Synop. hands and seals, adjudge the last legal settlement of the said A. B. to be 2nd ed. in the said parish of accordingly, [or from the asterisk,* as in pp.399 401. Reg. v. Hatfield Peverel : And whereas in pursuance of the said order, the said A. B. was therefore afterwards, on the day of , in the year aforesaid, conveyed to the house of the said , who there ac- cepted and received the said A. B. into his said house ; and whereas the said A. B. hath ever since been and still is kept and confined as a lunatic in the said house; and whereas we, S. J. S., Esquire, and E. R., Esquire, whose names are hereunto subscribed and seals affixed, being two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of Essex, wherein the said parish of L. B., from which the said A. B. was sent to the said house, is situate, having now, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, and at the complaint and application of the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the said parish of L. B., inquired into the last legal settlement of the said A. B. ; and it now being satisfactorily proved before us, as well by the oaths of, &c., as otherwise, that the parish of H. P., in the said county of Essex, is the place of the last legal settlement of the said A. B., we, the said S. J. S., and E. R., such justices as afore- said, do hereby adjudge that the said parish of H. P. is the place of the last legal settlement of the said A. B.] Given under our hands and seals, the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , at , in the said county [or borough] of . 6. Order of Justices for Expenses of Eramination, fyc., where the Lunatic adjudged to be settled in a different Parish from the Parish from which he was sent. (8 & 9 Viet. c. 126, s. 62 (a) ). To C. E. H., treasurer of the guardians of the N. union in the counties of C. and S. [or to the overseers of the poor of the parish of , in the county of C., such parish not being within an union.] Whereas heretofore [#c. recite order for admission into asylum, Sfc., as in No. 5, supra, to the asterisk,* then :] And whereas by a certain other order of S. J. S. and E. R., Esquires, whose names are thereunto sub- scribed and seals affixed, being two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of , wherein the parish of L. B., from which parish the said A. B. was sent to the said house, is situate, bearing even date with this order, but made and signed previously to the making and signing hereof, after reciting the said first mentioned order, further recited, that the guardians of the poor of the said union of N. had on the said day of , made application to them the said and the said first-named justices, to inquire into the last legal settlement of the said A. B., so ordered to be confined in the said as aforesaid : and that thereupon the said and , on the said day of , having found that the said A. B. was then confined in the said - , m pursuance of the said herein last-mentioned order bearing date the - day of aforesaid, did proceed to inquire into his last legal settlement accordingly, and satisfactory evidence having been then adduced before them as well by the oath of G. H. as otherwise, that the last legal settle- ment of the said A. B. was in the parish of , in the union of-, they the said and did by the said herein first-mentioned order under their hands and seals adjudge the last legal settlement of the said A. B. to be in the said parish of accordingly : And whereas it appear unto us, J. S. and J. L., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices Ca) This form is similar to the one adopted in Keg. v. Halfield Peverel, supra, except the alteration made in the Form No. 5, supra, to adapt u 454 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. peace in and for the said county of , from part of which, to wit, 2nd ed. , the parish of aforesaid, the said lunatic was sent to the said pp. 399 401. as aforesaid [or two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of , being members of the committee of visitors of the said asylum], as well upon the oath of as otherwise, that the said lunatic , in and by the said order of the said and , was and is adjudged to be settled in a parish, to wit, the parish of , in the union and county of , different from the parish, to wit, the parish of , in the union and county of , from which he was sent to such as aforesaid : f And whereas it is now duly proved unto us the said and , as well upon the oath of as otherwise, that the expenses incurred by and on behalf of the said union of , in and about the examination of such lunatic and his conveyance to the said , amount to , and that the monies paid by the treasurer of the said guardians of N., to the said , for the lodging, maintenance, medicine, clothing and care of such lunatic , and incurred within twelve calendar months previous to the date of this our order, to wit, within , amount to : We therefore, the said and , do hereby order you, the said treasurer of the said guardians of N., to pay to the said treasurer of the said guardians of the said sum of , being the expenses incurred by and on behalf of the said union of in and about the said examination and conveyance as aforesaid of the said lu- natic, and also the said sum of , being the monies paid by the said treasurer of the said guardians of to the said for the lodging, maintenance, medicine, clothing, and care of such lunatic , and in- curred within twelve calendar months previous to the date of this our order as aforesaid, to wit, within as aforesaid : and we do also hereby further order you, the said treasurer of the said guardians of N., to pay weekly and every week to the said treasurer [or officer, or proprietor,] of the said asylum, from the day of , one thousand eight hundred and forty , for and during so long time as the said lunatic shall be confined in the said , under the said order as aforesaid, the sum of , the same being duly proved to us upon the oath of the said to be the reasonable charges of the future lodging, maintenance, medicine, clothing and care of such lunatic as aforesaid [and, as in Reg. v. Hatjield Peverel, " or such other weekly sum as the said proprietor of the said house shall hereafter charge for the future lodging, &c."] Given under our hands and seals, the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty , at , in the said county of 7. Order adjudicating Settlement of a Lunatic Pauper, and also for Pay- ment of Costs of Maintenance, embodied in one Instrument, and on Over- seers, although Parish formed part of an Union. [Vide the Form set out 18 Law J. Rep. (N. S.) M. C. HI, Reg. v. Tyrwhitt, Esj.j 8. Order of Justice removing Lunatic, or two Justices, ( Visitors of the Asy- lum,) for Payment of Expenses, where the Settlement is not ascertained. (8 & 9 Viet. c. 126, ss. 57, 61 (a) ). To the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of A., in the county of . ) Whereas by a certain order of one C. D., one of her Majesty's to wit. 1 justices of the peace in and for the county of aforesaid, heretofore made, bearing date the day of , and directed to , (a) This and the following Forms under this title are from 2 Arch. J. P. 137 to 152, 4lh ed. CHAP, ii.] LUNATICS. 455 superintendent of [4c., recite order of removal to asylum, as in Form, Oke's Synop. No. 5, supra, then :] And whereas by virtue of the said order the said 2nd ed. A. B. was afterwards, on the day and year aforesaid, by the churchwardens pp. 399401. and overseers of the parish of A., conveyed from the said parish of A. to the said asylum, and there received by the superintendent thereof, and has been ever since and still is confined in the said asylum : I [or we, &c.] do therefore order the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of A., from which the said A. B. was sent to the said asylum as aforesaid, to pay weekly and every week to the treasurer of the said asylum, the sum of , or such other sum as the committee of the visitors of the said asylum shall hereafter fix, for the reasonable charges of the lodging, maintenance, medicine, clothing and care of the said lunatic A. B., in the said asylum, whilst the said A. B. shall be therein confined, or until further order in this behalf, and which said weekly sum is now fixed by the committee of visitors of the said asylum, and appears to me, the said justice, to be a reasonable charge in that behalf. Given under my hand and seal at , this day, &c. 9. Order of Two Justices adjudging Lunatic to be chargeable to the County, where the Settlement cannot be ascertained. (8 & 9 Viet. c. 126, s. 59.) To the churchwardens and overseers of the parish of A., in the county of , and to the clerk of the peace of the same county. I Whereas by a certain order of C. D., one [#c. recite order of to wit. \ removal to asylum as in Form No. 5, supra, then :] and whereas the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the said parish of A. have complained unto us E. F. and G. H., whose names are hereunto sub- scribed ajid seals affixed, being two, &c. in which the said lunatic was found, that the said A. B. is not settled in the said parish of A., and that it cannot be ascertained in what parish the said A. B. is settled, and have prayed us to adjudge the said pauper lunatic, A. B., to be chargeable to the said county : and whereas J. K., Esq., clerk of the peace for the said county of now appears before us for and in behalf of the said county in pursuance of notice in that behalf to him given by the church- wardens and overseers of the said parish of A. [or whereas it hath been proved to us upon oath that a notice hath been duly served upon J. K., Esq., clerk of the peace of the said county of , by the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of A., requiring him to appear now here before us for the said county ; but the said J. K. doth not appear in pursuance of the said notice, nor doth any person appear on his behalf] : Now we the said justices, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, proceed to inquire into the circumstances of the case ; and it being proved to us upon oath, upon the part and behalf of the said churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the said parish of A., that the said pauper lunatic A. B. is not settled in the said parish of A. ; and that diligent inquiries have been made in what parish the said A. B. is settled, but that the same cannot be ascertained, and the contrary thereof not being shown to us on the part or behalf of the said county,* we do hereby adjudge the said pauper lunatic A. B. to be chargeable to the said county of . Given, &c. 10. The like Order for Expenses. (Id. s. 63.) To the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of A., in the county of , and to the treasurer of the same county. > Whereas by a certain order [4'C. reciting the l*t Form, Mo. to wit. 1 9, to the asterisk *, then:] did thereby adjudge the said pauper 456 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. lunatic A. B. to be chargeable to the said county of : and whereas 2nd ed. complaint hath been made unto us [#c. proceed as in the Form No. 6, pp. 399401. ante, p. 453, from the obelisk f to the end, merely substituting the words " treasurer of the said county of " for the words "treasurer of the guardians of the poor of the said N. union," where they occur], 11. Order of Two Justices adjudicating Settlement where it is after- wards ascertained. (Id. s. 59.)] Whereas by a certain order of C. D., one [4-c. reciting the order of removal to asylum, as in the Form No. 9, supra, then :] and whereas by a certain other order of E. F. and G. H., Esqs., two, &c., in which the said lunatic was found, bearing date, &c., after reciting the said first mentioned order, and reciting that the church- wardens and overseers of the poor of the said parish of A. had complained to them, the said E. F. and G. H., that the said A. B. was not settled [ day of - , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- dred and - , before me the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said - of - , who upon his oath saith, that A.B., who is now brought before me, is a deserter from her Majesty's _ regiment of - , contrary, &c. And the said C. D. thereupon prays that the said A. B. may be dealt with according to law. Before me J. S. c - D - 3. Commitment of Deserter to Gaol. (Id.) To the keeper of the common gaol [or bouse of correction] at - , in the said - . , , _ ) Receive into your custody in the said [common gaol], and there to wit ( safely keep until delivered by due course of law, the body of A . B., brought before me the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the pea J in and for the said - , by C. D., and before me the said justice on the oath of [the said] C. D., a credible witness [as well as upon his own voluntary confession] found to be a deserter from her Majesty s regiment of ; and you the said keeper are to receive the subsistence () The sum due must not exceed 10 to a servant in husbandry, or 5 to other servants. 462 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. of the said A. B. as a soldier in the said regiment, for his said maintenance 2nd ed. p. 402. while he shall be in your custody. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the aforesaid . J. S. (L. s.) 4. Return given in Schedule to Act. (12 Viet. c. 10.) No. Description Return of , committed to confinement at , on the day of , as a deserter from the regiment of . Age Probable Date 1 of Enlistment, and where. ) Height Feet Inches Probable Date 1 of Desertion, and S from what Place, j Complexion Hair Name, Occupa- "^ tion and Address / of the Person by \ whom apprehend- i ed. J 0) Eyes Marks Particulars in the Evidence on which the Pri- > soner is committed. 5 (a) Whether the Prisoner was apprehended or } voluntarily surrendered himself as a Deserter. J 00 Whether the Prisoner confessed before the Ma- gistrate that he is a Deserter. I do hereby certify that the prisoner has been duly examined before me as to the circumstances herein stated, and has declared in my pre- sence that he ["is" or "is not," as the case may be] a deserter from the before mentioned corps. Signature and Address of Magistrate. Signature of Prisoner. Signature of Informant. I certify that I have inspected the prisoner and consider him [" fit " or "unfit," as the case may be; and if unfit, state the cause of unfit- ness] for military service. f Signature of Military Medical \ Officer, or Private Medical {. Practitioner. (a) It is important for the public service, and for the interest of the deseiter, that this part of the return should be accurately filled up, and the details should be inserted by the magistrate in his own handwriting, or, under his direction, by his clerk. CHAP, ii.] MASTER AND SERVANT. 463 The following has been sent from the War Office to Magistrates' Oke's Synop. Clerks with the above Form of Return : 2nd ed. p. 402. The Attention of the Committing Magistrate is particularly requested to the following Memorandum. 1. The particulars given in evidence before the magistrate relating to the apprehension or surrender of the deserter should be fully stated, in order that the Secretary at War may be enabled to decide whether any and what reward should be given for the apprehension ; or whether the deserter is entitled to a favourable report of his case to his commanding officer if he shall have voluntarily surrendered ; or, if having been appre- hended, he shall have confessed his desertion. 2. If a military medical officer be at or near the place, he will inspect the deserter, and report as to his fitness, or unfitness, for military service ; and if the deserter be considered unfit, the cause of his unfitness must be specified ; if there be no military medical officer at or near the place, the deserter should be, in like manner, inspected and reported upon by a private medical practitioner, to whom a fee of 2s. 6d. may be paid by the gaoler, to whose custody the deserter may be committed. 3. The fee upon the commitment of a deserter is 2s., which may also be paid by the gaoler. 4. The subsistence of a deserter, while in custody, is 6d. a day ; this sum, and the fees to the private medical practitioner, and to the magis- trate's clerk, will be repaid to the gaoler by the escort 5. Magistrates are particularly requested to transmit to the Secretary at War, with the least possible delay after the commitment of a deserter, a Description-Return, upon this form, properly filled up, in order that the man may not be unnecessarily detained in civil custody. L. SULIVAN. War Office, 25th April, 1839. 5. Extension of a Furlough by one Justice. (12 Viet. c. 10, a. 50.) ) Whereas A. B., a private in her Majesty's regiment of to wit. J , now absent from his said regiment on furlough, hath this day made oath before me the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said of , that he is unable to travel on account of sickness [or has produced a certificate from R. F., surgeon, stating that he is unable to travel by reason of sickness], and hath for that reason applied to me to extend his said furlough for [not exceeding one month~\ from the date hereof: Now I the said justice, finding it ne- cessary, from the facts so stated and proved, to extend the said furlough, do hereby extend the same for the space of from the date hereof, pursuant to the statute in that case made and provided. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , 185 , at in the aforesaid. J. S. (L. g.) 6. Letter certifying same to the Commanding Officer of the Corp$ if known, or Agent of the Regiment. (Id.) To- . I beg to inform and certify to you that I have this day extended the furlough of A. B., a private in her Majesty's regiment of , for the space of from the date hereof, the cause thereof being that the said A. B. is unable to travel on account of sickness [or that the said 464 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. A. B. has produced a certificate from R. F., surgeon, stating that he is 2nd ed. p. 402. unable to travel by reason of sickness.] 1 am, sir, your obedient servant, J. S. Justice of the peace for the of . The Forms as to apprentices enlisting will be found at p. 401, Nos. 17, 18, tit. " Apprentices." Id. pp. 402 NUISANCES REMOVAL. AND DISEASES PREVENTION. 409. 1. Notice by Two Householders to Guardians. (Sched. A. of 11 & 12. Viet. c. 123) (a). To the town council of the borough of [or guardians of the poor of the union, or of the parish of in the county of , or as the case may be}. We, the undersigned , inhabitants (6) of [insert the parish or place}, and residing at , in [insert the parish or place before men- tioned] aforesaid, do hereby give you notice, that to the best of our know- ledge and belief a dwelling-house [or building] situate at No. in. street in aforesaid [or such other description as may be sufficient to identify the premises'] is in such a filthy and unwholesome condition as to be a nuisance to [or injurious to the health of A. B. or as the case may be~\. [or that upon certain premises, situate at [inserting such a de- scription as may be sufficient to identify the premises'}, there is a foul and offensive drain, ditch, gutter, privy, cesspool, or ashpit, or a drain, &c. kept or constructed so as to be a nuisance to us, or to the occupiers of the premises adjoining the premises afore- said, or as the case may be.] [or that upon certain premises, situate at, &c. swine, or an accumu- lation of dung, manure, offal, filth, refuse, or matter, or as the case may be, are or is kept so as to be injurious to our health, or to the health of A. B., or of the occupiers of the premises adjoining the premises aforesaid, or of persons living in the neighbourhood, or of the persons living in the premises afore- said, or as the case may be.] [or that upon certain premises, &c. swine, &c. are kept so as to be a nuisance to us, &c. as the case may be.] And we hereby required (c) that you will cause such proceedings to be taken as are directed in this behalf by the " Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Act, 1848." Dated this day of , 184. A. B. C. D. 2. Certificate by Medical or Relieving Officer of Existence of Nuisance. (12 & 13 Viet. c. Ill, s. 6.) To the guardians of the poor of the union, [or of the parish of , in the county of , or directors, wardens, or governors or overseers of the parish of , or trustees or commissioners for the drainage, paving, lighting, or cleansing, or managing or directing the police of , as the case may be.] I the undersigned R. F., being a medical [or relieving] officer of the (a) In this and the other Forms given in the Schedules to 11 & 12 Viet. c. 123, the variations applicable to Scotland have been omitted, (fc) Inhabitant householders are meant (see sect. 1.) (c) Sic in act. CHAP, ii.] NUISANCES REMOVAL, &c. 465 union, do hereby certify, that to the best of my knowledge and belief Oke's Synop. a dwelling-house [Sfc. describe the nuisance as in the Form No. 1, supra.] 2nd ed. Dated this day of , 185 . pp. 402409- R. F. 3. Notice of Entry by Public Authorities. To the owner and occupier of the premises [or dwelling-house or building] reputed to be in the occupation of , and situate at No. , in , street in the parish of , in the county of , [or such other description as may be sufficient to identify the premises'], and to all whom it may concern. > Whereas the guardians of the poor of the union [or of the to wit. ) parish of , in the county of , or as the case may be] have received a certificate in writing, dated the day of , and signed by R. F., one of the medical [or relieving] officers of the said union [or parish], [or received a notice in writing in the form contained in the Schedule (A) to the " Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Act, 1848," dated the day of , signed by two inhabitant householders of the parish of , in the said union,] stating that to the best of the knowledge and belief of such officer [or to the best of their knowledge] the said premises [or dwelling-house or building] then was in such a filthy and unwholesome condition as to be a nuisance to [4 - c. describe the nuisance as in the Form No. 1, supra] : And whereas a committee of the guardians [or parish] has been duly appointed by the said guardians for parish] under the " Nuisances Removal and Diseases Preven- tion Act, 1848," for the purpose of taking all such proceedings and doing all such things on their behalf as may be done by a committee appointed under the said act: Now therefore, the said committee of the guardians of the poor of the said union [or parish] do hereby give you notice that at the expiration of twenty-four hours after the delivery or affixing hereof, as directed by the said act, or as soon after as conveniently may be, they will, by themselves, their servants or agents, with or without medical or other assistants, enter the said premises [or dwelling-house or building] and examine the same with respect to the matters alleged in the said certificate [or notice] according to the said statute in this behalf, unless in the meantime it be shown to the satisfaction of the said committee of the said guardians [or parish] that the said certificate [or notice] is with- out foundation [or that the matters complained of have been removed or abated.] Dated the day of , in the year of our Lord .. By order of the said committee of the guardians of the poor of the said union [or parish]. , Clerk. 4. Notice by a Committee, appointed for the Purpose, of intended Entry. To [4-c. as in Form No. 3, supra.'] Whereas [recite certificate or notice as in Form No. 3, supra] : Now take notice, that we the undersigned, being a committee of the said guardians For parish] duly appointed in this behalf, will, at the expiration of twenty- four hours after the delivery or affixing hereof as directed by the said act, or as soon after as conveniently may be, by ourselves, or our servants or agents, with or without medical or other assistants, enter upon the said dwelling-house [or building] and premises, and examine the same with respect to the matters alleged in the said certificate [or notice]. Dated the day of , in the year of our Lord . [Signatures.] HH 466 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. 2nded. 5. Complaint to a Justice by an Officer of Guardians, or a Committee, pp.402 409. in order to obtain a Summons. (11 & 12 Viet. c. 123, s. 1.) \ The complaint of C. D., of the parish of , in the county to wit. /of , being an officer of the guardians of the poor of the union, in which the parish of hereinafter mentioned is in- cluded, to wit, the clerk, and duly empowered by them in this behalf, by virtue of the statute in such case made and provided, [or C. D., E. F. and F. G., being a committee of the guardians of the poor of the union, in which the parish of hereinafter mentioned is included,] made to me the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of , this day of , in the year of our Lord , at in the same county, who saith, that on the day of last a written certificate under the hand of R. F., one of the medical [or relieving officers of the said union], [or written notice in the form contained in the Schedule (A) to the " Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Act, 1848," signed by two inhabitant householders of the parish of ], was received by the said guardians, in and by which said certificate [or notice] the said medical [or relieving] officer [or inhabitant] stated, that [4 - e., as in the certificate or notice] : and thereupon the said guardians, [or the said complainants, being a committee of the said guardians duly appointed in that behalf,] on the day of last, caused a notice in writing under their seal and the hand of the chairman of the said board of guardians, [or under their hands,] to be delivered unto , a person then upon the premises aforesaid [or affixed upon a conspicuous part of the premises aforesaid (there being no person thereon to or on whom the same could be delivered or served)], by which last-mentioned notice, after reciting the certificate first aforesaid of the said medical [or relieving] officer [or inhabitants], it was stated that a committee of the said guardians [or that the said complainants] would at the expiration of twenty -four hours after the delivery or affixing thereof, as directed by the said act, or as soon after as conveniently might be, by them- selves or their servants or agents, with or without medical or other assist- ants, enter upon the said and premises, and examine the same with respect to the matters alleged in the said certificate above mentioned : and the said C. D. [or complainants] further saith, that afterwards, and after the expiration of twenty-four hours from the delivering [or affixing] of the said notice as aforesaid, to wit, on the day of instant, they, in pursuance of the said notice, did enter the said and pre- mises, and did then and there examine the same with respect to the matters alleged in the said certificate [or notice] ; and that upon the said examination the said and premises then and there appeared to them and were in a filthy and unwholesome condition [//ere state some, parti- culars, bringing the case within the description in thejirst section of the act,] whereupon the said prayeth that E. F. the owner [or occupier] of the said premises, may be summoned to answer the said complaint and make his defence thereto. C. D. Before me J. S. CHAP, ii.] NUISANCES REMOVAL, &c. 6. Summons to appear. (Schedule (B) of 11 & 12 Viet. c. 123.) e To the owner [or occupier] of a dwelling-house [or- building, or of PP- 402409. certain premises] situate at [insert such a description as may be sufficient to identify the premises']. County of , " \ Whereas complaint hath been made [or borough, &c. of , f to the undersigned, one of her Ma- or metropolitan police district, f jesty's justices of the peace acting in or as the case may be], to wit. J and for the said county of [or borough &c. of , or one of the magistrates of the police courts of the metropolis holden at , or as the case may be], by the town council of the borough of [or as the case may be~], that a certain dwelling-house [or budding, situate at No., in the parish of [or as the case may bel, in the county of , is in such a filthy and unwholesome condition, &c. [here insert the description of the nuisance as in the Notice No. 1, ante, p. 464] : These are therefore to require you to appear before two of her Majesty's justices of the peace [or one of the magistrates of the police courts of the metropolis, at the court holden at ], on the day *" next > at the hour of , to answer the matter of the said com- plaint. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord 185. J. K. (L. s.) 7. Order for Removal of Nuisances, Sfc. (Schedule (C) of 11 & 12 Viet. c. 123.) To the owner [or occupier] of the dwelling-house [or building, or premises] situate at No. , in street, in the parish of , in the county of [or such other description as may be suffi- cient to identify the premises], and to the town council of the borough of [or to the guardians of the poor of the union, or of the parish of , in the county of , as the case may be], and to their servants or agents, and to all whom it may concern. County of , ^ Whereas on the : day of last com- [4'C. as in No. 6, supra], /-plaint was made before the undersigned [or to wit. ) before J.K., Esquire], one of her Majesty's jus- tices of the peace acting in and for the county of [or before the undersigned, or J. K., Esquire, one of the magistrates of the police courts of the metropolis, or as the case may be] by the town council, &c. [as in the summons No. 6, supra, to the asterisk*]: And whereas the owner [or occupier] of the said dwelling-house, building or premises, having this day appeared before us, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the county [or borough] of for before me, one of the magistrates of the police courts of the metropolis, as the case may be], to answer the matter of the said complaint : [or in case the party charged do not appear, And whereas it hath this day been proved to our [or my] satisfaction, that a true copy of a summons requiring the owner [or occupier] of the said dwelling-house [or building, or premises] to appear this day before us [or me], has been duly served according to the statute in such case made and provided] : and it having been proved [or also proved, as the case may require] that the said dwelling-house [or building] is in such a filthy and unwholesome condition as aforesaid [or that upon the premises aforesaid [or first aforesaid] there is a foul and offensive drain [privy, cesspool, or ashpit, or a drain, &c. kept or con- structed so as to be a nuisance to A. B., SfC, as the case may be], or that H H 2 468 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. upon the premises aforesaid, or first aforesaid, an accumulation of dung, 2nd ed. manure, offal, filth, or refuse, [or as the case may be,] is kept, or a pigstye pp. 402 409. exists, so as to be injurious to health as aforesaid, or so as to be a nuisance to A. B., 4"C., us the case may be] : We [or I] do hereby, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, order the said owner [or oc- cupier] of the said dwelling-house [or building, or premises, or first-men- tioned premises], within hours from the service of this order [or a true copy thereof], according to the statute in such case made and pro- vided, to cleanse [whitewash, or purify] the said dwelling-house [or to cleanse, cover, or fill up, or as the case may require] the said drain [ditch, gutter, privy, cesspool, or ashpit, or otherwise as the case may require], or remove the said pigstye, or accumulation of dung, offal, filth, refuse, or matter, as the case may be], so that the same shall not be injurious to health, or a nuisance, as aforesaid] ; and if this order be not complied with, then we [or I] authorize and require you the said town council [or guardians of the poor] to enter upon the said dwelling-house [or build- ing, or premises, or first-mentioned premises], and to do all such works, matters and things as may be necessary for carrying this order into effect, according to the statute in such case made and provided : And for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under our hands and seals [or my hand and seal], this day of , one thousand eight hundred and . [Signatures.] (L. s.) (L.S.) 8. Application to Two Justices for a Summons for Recovery of Costs and Expenses of obtaining Order for Removal of Nuisances, Sfc. from the Party, (il & 12 Viet. c. 123, s. 3.) ^ The application and complaint of C. D. of &c., on behalf of to wit. i the town council of the borough of , [or the trustees, or commissioners of , or the guardians of the poor of the union, or parish of , in the county of ,] made unto us, the under- signed, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said , at , in the same , this day of , in the year of our Lord , who saith that by an order under the hands and seals of J. K. and L. M., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace of and for the said , bearing date the day of last, reciting that complaint was on the day of then last, made before, &c. [as in the recital of it in the order, No. 7, supra,] and reciting that the said justices having heard the said complaint, and examined the fact and all proper witnesses upon oath, and the subject-matter thereof having been proved on oath to their satisfaction, did, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, order the said owner [or occupier] of the said dwelling-house [building, or premises] thereinbefore described, within hours from the service of the said order, or a true copy thereof, according to the statute in such case made and provided, to cleanse [ the directions are in the order,] so that the same should not be injurious to health [or a nuisance] as aforesaid, and if the said order should not be complied with, then the said justices did authorize and re- quire the said town council [or guardians of the poor, as the case may be,] to enter upon the said premises and to cleanse, Sic. [as the directions are in the order,] and to do all such works, matters, and things as might be necessary for carrying the said order into effect according to the statute in such case made and provided : And the said C. D. further saith, that the said order was duly served on the said , [or affixed upon a conspicu- ous part of the premises aforesaid (there being no person thereon to or CHAP, ii.] NUISANCES REMOVAL, &c. 469 on whom the same could be delivered or served)] in the manner described Oke's Synop. in the said order, but that default was made by the said in obeying 2nd ed. the said order: whereupon the said town council [or guardians of the PP- 402 409. poor] did, by their servants and workmen, enter upon the said premises and did [here describe what was done in the language, used in the order] : and the said C. D. further saith, that the said town council [or guardians of the poor] did incur certain costs and expenses to the amount of in [obtaining the said order, and] in carrying the same into effect, which costs and expenses remain wholly unpaid to the said town council [or guardians of the poor.] C. D. Before us J. S. and J. L. 9. Summons thereon.'] This may be in the General Form, No. 8 (A), ante, p. 26. 10. Order for Payment.] Thig will be in the General Form No. 44 (K. 1). ante, p. 42, enforced by the General Forms as follow: Minute of Order, No. 60, ante, p. 54 ; Distress Warrant, No. 66 (N. 2), ante, p. 57. 11. Application and Complaint by Owner where Occupier prevents Execution of Works required. (Id. s. 16.) County of ~| The application and complaint of A. B. of [or as the case may be,] > , made to me E. F., Esquire, one of her to wit. J Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the of , this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the same , who saith, that he is owner, within the meaning of the " Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Act, 1848," of certain premises, to wit, a dwelling-house * [or building or as the case may be,] situate [insert such a description of the premises as may be suffi- cient to identify them,'] in the parish of , in the said : That C. D., the occupier of the said premises, doth prevent the said A. B. from obeying and carrying into effect the provisions of the said act in this, to wit, that the said C. D. doth prevent the said A. B. from [here describe the works generally according to the circumstances ; for instance, thus : cleansing, or whitewashing, or purifying the said dwelling-house [or building] or cleansing a foul and offensive drain, [ditch, gutter, privy, cesspool, or ashpit,] which existed and exists upon the said premises, or as the case may require] *. 12. Summons to the Occupier.] This may be in the General Form, No. 8 (A.), ante, p. 26. 13. Order to permit Execution of Works by Owners. (Sched. (D.) of 11 & 12 Viet. c. 123.) County of ") Whereas complaint hath been made to me [or as the case may be,] > E. F., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of to wit. J the peace in and for the county [or borough, & C 1 O f 1 [or one of the magistrates of the police courts of the metropolis, or as the case may be,] by A. B. owner, within the meaning of the " Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Act, 1848," of certain premises, to wit, a dwelling-house, &c. [then follow verbatim the portion between the asterisks in the Form No. 11, supra :] And whereas the said C. D. having been summoned to answer the said complaint, and not having shown sufficient cause against the same, and it appearing to me that the said works are necessary for the purpose of enabling the said 470 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PABT in. Oke's Synop. A. B. to obey and carry into effect the provisions of the said act, I do 2nd ed. hereby order that the said C. D. do permit the said A. B. to execute the pp.402 409. same in the manner required by the said act. Given under under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and . E. F. (L. s.) OATHS. Id. p. 410. * Declaration in lieu of Oath, given by 5 if 6 Will. 4, c. 62, s. 18. 1. A. B. [of the parish of , in the county of ,] do solemnly and sincerely declare, that, [Here insert the foots required, 4~c. as in either of the statements No. 2 8, infra, or as the case may be.] And I make this solemn declaration, conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtne of the provisions of an act made and passed in the sixth year of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, in- tituled " An Act to Repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intituled ' An Act for the more effectual Abolition of Oaths and Affir- mations taken and made in various Departments of the State, and to sub- stitute Declarations in lieu thereof, and for the more entire Suppression of voluntary and extrajudicial Oaths and Affidavits,' and to make other Provisions for the Abolition of unnecessary Oaths." A. B. Made and subscribed at , in the county of } , this day of , in the year of / our Lord 185 , before me, one of her Ma- > jesty's justices in and for the said county of I . J. S. ) 2. Statement of Identity by the Party, in case of Misnomer. (Bench F. 460.)] That I am the person who, &c. [describing the party,~] and that I am erroneously named in the original register of births [or baptisms] of the parish of , in the county of , (a true copy from which said register is hereunto annexed, marked A.) : and I do further declare that the names of my parents, or reputed parents, were , of , [state profession,'] and his wife, and that I have always understood and do verily believe that I was born [or baptized] on or about the : and I do also declare that to the best of my know- ledge and belief, the person named and described in the said annexed extract from the said register as " ," relates to the birth [or baptism] of me the said A. B., and to no other person whomsoever, as I never heard mention of any person of the name of " ," living at or near the parish of aforesaid. 3. Memorandum to be written on a Document annexed.] This is the copy of the entry [or extract from the register of , or certificate of , or as the case may be] referred to in the annexed declaration of A. B., made and subscribed before me, this day of , 185 . J. S. 4. Statement of Identity by a third Parly, in Case of Misnomer, (Bench F. 461.)] That A. B. of , erroneously described " " in the original register of births [or baptisms] of the parish of , in the county of (a true copy from which said register is hereunto annexed, marked A.), is the person, &c. [describing the party] ; and I do further declare, that I have well known the said A. B. for years and up- CHAP, ii.] OATHS. 471 wards, and that the names of his parents or reputed parents were , Oke's Synop. of [state profession], and his wife, and that to the best of my 2nd ed. p. 410. knowledge and belief, the person named and described in the said annexed extract from the said registrar as " ," relates to the birth [or baptism] of the said A. B., and to no other person whomsoever, as I never heard mention of any person of the name of" " living at or near the parish of aforesaid. 5. Statement of Identity of Person deceased. (Id. p. 460.)] That A. B. named in , and A. C. D. named in the copy of register of burials, in &c. hereto annexed, are one and the same person, and not divers persons, I having been well acquainted with him for years. 6. Statement authenticating a Signature.] That I am well acquainted with the style and character of the handwriting of C. D. of , and having looked at the several paper writings hereunto annexed, respectively marked A., B., C. and D., I do declare that the names " C. D.," thereunto severally subscribed are, to the best of my judgment and belief, of the proper handwriting of the said C. D. 7. Statement of Correctness of Copy. ~\ That the paper writing here- unto annexed and marked A., contains a true copy of an entry made in the book kept for registering baptisms in the parish of , in the county of , so far as relates to the baptism of , and that I carefully exa- mined and compared the same therewith. 8. Statement of verifying Execution of a Deed, Sfc.] That he this declarant was present and did see C. D. execute the deed now produced to me [or hereunto annexed] marked A, on the day on which the same bears date, and that the name "C. D.," set and subscribed at the foot thereof [and the seal opposite the same name], and the name " A. B." set and subscribed as the witnsss thereto, are of the proper and respective handwriting and seal of the said C. D. and of this declarant. 9. Affirmation or Declaration of a Quaker or Moravian. (Given in 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 49, s. 1.)] I, A. B., being one of the people called Quakers [or one of the persuasion of the people called Quakers, or of the United Brethren called Moravians, as the case may be~\, do solemnly, sin- cerely and truly declare and affirm, &c. 10. Affirmation for those who formerly were Quakers or Moravians. (Given in 1 & 2 Viet. c. 77.)] I, A. B., having been one of the people called Quakers [or one of the persuasion of the people called Quakers, or of the United Brethren called Moravians, as the case may bel, and enter- taining conscientious objections to the taking of an oath, do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm, &c. 11. Affirmation of Separatists. (Given in 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 82, . 1.)] I, A. B., do, in the presence of Almighty God, solemnly, sincerely and truly affirm and declare that I am a member of the religious sect called Separatists, and that the taking of any oath is contrary to my religious belief, as well as essentially opposed to the tenets of that sect ; and I do also in the same solemn manner affirm and declare, &c. 12. Oath on receiving an Information or Complaint.] You C. D. do swear that the contents of this your information [or complaint], signed by you, are true and correct, to the best of your knowledge and I icf. So help you God. 472 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PATIT in. Oke's Synop. 2nd ed. p. 410. PAWNBROKERS. 1. Information on Oath to ground Search Warrant for unfinished Goods. (39 & 40 Geo. 3, c. 99, s. 12.)] Proceed as in the General Form No. 1, ante, pp. 23, 24, to the first asterisk*, then: That on the day of , at the parish of in the county of , he the said C. D. did entrust A. B. of the parish of in the county of , with certain linen [or apparel], to wit, , to wash [scour or mend, as the case may be], the property of him the said C. D. [or if for goods intrusted to work up : part of , to wit, ; or, of a certain branch of , to wit, , of a certain manufacture, to wit, ; or, certain materials, to wit, , the property of h the said , such goods or materials being plainly in- tended for the composing or manufacturing of certain goods, to wit, , after such goods or materials should be put in a state or course of manufacture, or into a state for certain process or operation, to wit, , to be thereupon or therewith per- formed, and before such goods or materials were completed for the purpose of wear or consumption,] and that he the said C. D. hath just cause, and doth suspect that the said linen [or apparel], on the day of , were unlawfully pawned and pledged by the said A. B., and that . F. of the parish of , did, on the said day of , at the said parish of , unlawfully take to pawn and by way of pledge such linen [or apparel] of the said A. B. so entrusted to the said A. B. as aforesaid, and without the privity or au- thority of the said C. D. aforesaid, the grounds of the suspicion of the said C. D. are [stale them briefly], 2. Search Warrant thereon. (Id.) To the constable of the parish of in the county of . ) Whereas information on oath hath this day been made before to wit. J me the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of , by C. D. of, &c., that [recite complaint No. 1, supra] : These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to search within the hours of business, the house, warehouse, and other place of the said . F. so charged as aforesaid, as suspected to have received or taken in pawn and pledge such goods [or materials] as aforesaid, situate at aforesaid : and if the said E. F., or the occupier of the said house, &c. shall, on request made to him to open the same by you, refuse to open the same, and permit the same to be searched, then you are hereby authorized to break open such house within the hours of business, and search for the said goods [or materials], doing no wilful damage ; and if the same or any part thereof shall be found upon such search, that you bring the said goods before me or some other justice of the peace in and for the said county, to be dealt with according to law. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the county aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) 3. Information to ground Search Warrant for Goods unlawfully pawned. (Id. a. 13.)] Proceed as in No. 1, supra, describing the offence thus: That certain goods, to wit, one pair of trousers, the property of him the said C. D., were lately, to wit, on &c., at &c., unlawfully obtained [or taken] from the said C. D. by one A. B., and that the said goods have been by the said A. B. [or some person unknown] unlawfully pawned [or pledged or exchanged] ; and that he the said C.D. hath just cause, and CHAP, ii.] PAWNBROKERS -POOR. 473 doth suspect that E. F., using and exercising the business of a pawnbroker Oke's Synop. at the parish of , in &c., hath taken to pawn and by way of pledge 2nd ed. p. 410. the said goods so obtained [or taken] as aforesaid, and without the privity or authority of the said C. D. as the owner thereof; and the grounds of the suspicion of the said C. D. are [state them briefly.'] 4. Seat ch Warrant thereon. (Id.)] This will be similar to Form No. 2, supra. 5. Award of Satisfaction to the Party injured, when Goods by Neglect, $c. are rendered of less Value than when pawned. (Id. s. 24.) FromToone, 4th ed. p. 627. J Whereas complaint hath been made unto me the undersigned, to wit. \ one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of , upon the oath of C. D., of &c., that he did on the day of , pawn with A. B., of &c., pawnbroker, the following goods, to wit, : And whereas it is proved to my satisfaction upon oath that the said goods so pawned are rendered of less value than the same were at the time of pawning thereof, through the default of the said A. B., to whom the said goods were so pawned : I do, therefore, hereby award the sum of to the said C. D., the owner of the said goods, in respect of the said damage ; and I do hereby direct that the said sum shall be deducted out of the principal and interest, and allowance for warehouse room, which shall appear to be due to the said A. B.,to whom the said goods were so pawned. Given, &c. [as No. 2, supra.] POOR. %* A great many Forms which properly belong to this title, especially Id. those relating to the removal of the poor, &c., have been omitted, because the law of settlement is likely to be soon greatly altered, and to give Forms in its present uncertain state, imperfect though they must be, would be to materially increase the bulk of the work unnecessarily. Those now in use may be had of the regular publishers of such Forms, and for in- formation the reader must refer to the many published works, i. e. 3 Arch. 3. P., 4th ed.; Arch. Removal Act; Lumley's ditto ; Cox's ditto : Arch. Law of Examinations, 1847 ; Symons on Parish Settlements, &c. 1. Appointment of Assistant Overseer by Two Justices. (59 Geo. 3, c. 12. s. 7.) County of } Whereas C. D., of the parish of N., in the said county v [ car penter] was, on the day of last, at , to wit. 5 duly nominated and elected by the inhabitants of the said parish of N. in the same county, then and there in vestry assembled, to be assistant overseer of the poor of the said parish ; and the said inhabi- tants did then and there determine and specify the following duties of overseer of the poor, which by the said C. D. shall be executed and per- formed, that is to say [here specify the duties'] ; and the said inhabitant, then and there did also fix the yearly salary of the said C. D. to be nounds for his execution of the said office, to be paid to him half-yearly, on the 25th day of March and the 29th day of September in every year We therefore, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and pro- vided, do hereby appoint the said C. D., so nominated and elected at 474 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. aforesaid, to be assistant overseer of the poor of the said parish, for the 2nd ed. p. 411. purpose of executing the said duties so specified, and with the said yearly salary so fixed by the said inhabitants in vestry assembled as aforesaid. Given under our hands and seals, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the county aforesaid. [Justices' signatures and seals.] 2. Certificate of Chargeability of Paupers. (Given in sched. to 7 & 8 Viet. c. 101 ; see 11 & 12 Viet. c. 110, s. IT, as to how long in force.) The board of guardians of the poor of the union [or parish of ,] do hereby certify, that on the day of , A. B., and his wife C. B., and his child E. B., became chargeable to the parish of in the said union [or to the said union.] In testimony whereof the com- mon seal of the said guardians is hereunto affixed at a meeting of their board, this day of , 18 . (L.S.) (Signed) W. J., Presiding Chairman of the said Board. (Countersigned) C. D., Clerk [or acting as Clerk] to the Board of Guardians of . 3. Order of a Justice for temporary Relief to a Stranger. (4 & 5 Will. 4, c. 76, s. 54.) To the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of , in the said county. County of -\ Whereas it hath been proved upon oath before me the ^undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for to wit. J the said county, that one C. D., now in your parish,* but not settled nor usually residing there, is now in a state of sudden and urgent necessity and distress [here state some particulars], and that he hath on , the day of instant, applied to you for relief, but that you have refused and neglected to give him the same ; J, the said justice, do therefore order and command you, the said churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of aforesaid, to give to the said C. D. such temporary relief as his case shall require, in articles of absolute necessity, but not in money, and particularly that you forthwith give him [here state anything which in the opinion of the justice should bejurnished to the pauper.] Given under my hand, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the county aforesaid. 4. The like,Jbr temporary Medical Relief. (Id.)] Proceed as in No. 3, supra, to the asterisk *, then : is afflicted with a sudden and dangerous illness [here state some particulars,] and that he hath on the day of instant, applied to you to procure for him medical relief, but that you have refused and neglected to procure the same for him ; I, the said justice, do therefore order and command you, the said churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of aforesaid, to procure forthwith for the said C. D. such medical relief, attendance and assistance as his state of sudden and dangerous illness may require, and particularly that you forthwith [cause the surgeon who usually attends upon the paupers in your parish, or some other skilful medical practitioner, to attend upon and prescribe for the said C. D.] Given, &c. [as No. 3, supra.] 5. Complaint for Relief. (3 Arch. J. P. 217, 4th ed.)] J. S., of the parish of , in the county of , labourer, maketh oath and saith, that [here state the cause or ground Jbr applying for relief,] and that be did, on the day of instant, apply to A. B. and C. D., two of the CHAP, ii.] POOR. 475 overseers of the poor of the said parish, for relief, and that he was by them Qke's Svnoo refused to be relieved. 2nd e(L ' 4 f{ J. S. Sworn at , in the county of \ , this day of , 185, f before me, one of her Majesty's jus- tices of the peace for the said county. ) J. P. 6. Summons to Two of the Overseers. (Id.) To the constable of . i Whereas J. S., of the parish of , in the county of , , to wit. $ labourer, hath this day made oath before me, the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county aforesaid, that [here state the substance of the pauper's affidavit J : These are therefore to require you to summon two of the overseers of the poor of the said parish to appear before me, at , on , the day of next, at the hour of in the forenoon, to show cause why relief should not be given unto the said J. S. [and his family] ; and be you then there to certify what you shall have done in the premises. Herein fail you not. Given under my hand and seal, &c. 7. Order of Relief . (Id. p. 218.) To the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of , in the said county. l Whereas J. S., of the said parish, labourer, hath made oath be- to wit. t fore me the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, that [set ting out the pauper's complaint, but in the past tense'] ; and whereas two of the overseers of the poor of the said parish were thereupon duly summoned to appear before me to show cause why relief should not be given unto the said J. S. and his said family, [and one of them accordingly appeared before me, but did not show any sufficient cause why such relief should not be given ; or, but neither they nor any other of the overseers of the poor of the said parish appeared before me according to the exigency of the said summons, but therein made default] : These are therefore to require and order you, the said churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the said parish, to relieve the said J. S. and his said family [by paying to him the sum of each and every week], so long as the cause for such relief as aforesaid shall continue. Given under my hand and seal, &c. 8. Summons to repay Relief, given by way of Loan. (4 & 5 Will. 4, c. 76, ss. 58, 59 ; 3 Arch. J. P., 4th ed. 227, 228.) To C. D. of , in the said county, labourer. } Whereas application hath this day been made unto me, the to wit. \ undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county aforesaid, by E. F., one of the overseers of the noor of the parish of G. in the said county, for a summons to you the said C. D. to appear before me or such other justice of the peace for the said county, to show cause why an order should not be made requiring you to repay unto the overseers of the poor of the said parish divers sums of money, amount- ing in the whole to the sum of , received by you [or by your wife, A. D.] from them, as relief by way of loan, from time to time, heretofore and within one year before this date : These are therefore to require you, C. D , to appear before me or such others of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county as may be present at , on , at the hour of in the forenoon, to show cause why an order should not be made 476 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. as aforesaid, requiring you to repay to the overseers of the poor of the said 2nd ed. p. 411. parish of G. the said several sums aforesaid. Given under my hand and seal, &c. 9. Order for Payment. (Id.) Whereas, heretofore, on the day of , application was duly made unto J. P. Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county aforesaid, by E. F., one of the overseers of the poor of the parish of G. in the said county, for a summons to C. D. to appear before two justices of the peace for the same county, to show cause why an order should not be made requiring him to repay unto the overseers of the poor of the said parish divers sums of money, received by him [or by the wife of him] the said C. D. from the said overseers, as relief by way of loan, from time to time heretofore and within one year before the date of the said application, and the said C. D. now appearing before us G. N. and H. O., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, and it being now duly proved to us, in the presence and hearing of the said C. D., that the several sums of money aforesaid, amounting altogether to the sum of , was so received by [the wife of] him the said C. D. from the overseers of the poor of the said parish of G. in the said county, as relief by way of loan as aforesaid within the time afore- said, and that the same now remains due and unpaid, and upon examination by us into the circumstances of the said C. D. it appearing to us that he is able [by weekly instalments] to repay the whole [or a part, to wit, ] of the money so received by him [or his wife] as aforesaid, and no suffi- cient cause being shown to us why he the said C. D. should not repay the same: We, the said G. N. and H. O., as such justices as aforesaid, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, do hereby order and direct the said C. D. to repay unto the overseers of the poor of the said parish of G. the said sum of , by instalments of weekly and every week, until the said sum of shall be fully paid]. Given under our hands and seals, &c. 10. Commitment for Non-payment. (Id.) To the constable of and to the keeper of the house of correc- tion at in the said county. \ Whereas by an order under the hands and seals of G. N. and to wit. J H. O., duly made and dated the day of - instant, C. D. of was ordered and directed to pay [by weekly instalments of ] unto the overseers of the poor of the parish of G. the sum of , being [parcel of] the amount of divers sums of money heretofore received by the wife of] the said C. D. from the said overseers as relief by way of aan ; and [although instalments of the same, amounting to , have become due on , &c.l it hath now been proved to us that the same hath been duly demanded of the said C. D., but that the said C. D. hath not paid the same or any part thereof: These are therefore to com- mand you the said constable of aforesaid to take the said C. D., and him safely to convey to the house of correction at , and there to deliver him to the said keeper thereof, together with this precept; and we do hereby command you the said keeper of the said house of correction there to imprison him for the space of [three calendar months], unless the said sum of , so due and payable by virtue of the said order, shall be sooner paid ; and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under our hands and seals, &c. 11. Complaint to attach Wages. (Id. s. 54.)] The information of E. F., one of the overseers of the poor of the parish of [or as the case may 6e], in the county of , taken upon oath before me, the under- signed, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said CHAP, ii.] POOR. 477 county the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Qke's Synop. hundred and fifty, who saith, that [the cost price of] certain relief, to wit, 2nd ed. p. 411. [insert the. kind of relief] given to one C. D., a poor person above the age of twenty-one years, of and belonging to the said parish (who had applied for the same) by the overseers of the poor of the said parish, was and is under the rules, orders and regulations of " The Poor Law Commissioners for England and Wales," directed to be given to the said poor person, by way of loan, from the day of until the day of , when the same was to be repaid, and the said overseers of the poor did relieve the said poor person by [insert the kind of relief], on or from the day of until the said day of inclusive, by way of loan only, [the cost price of] which relief altogether amounts to the sum of , and that he the said E. F. hath applied to the said poor person for repayment of the same, which he hath neglected and refused to pay, and the same still remains due and unpaid ; therefore the said E. F. now applies to me the said justice and prays that the said poor persons C. D., and F. G., of the parish of , in the county of , farmer, the master and employer of the said poor person, may be summoned to appear before two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of , to show cause why any wages now due, or which may from time to time become due from such master and employer to the said poor person, should not be paid over in whole or in part to the said overseers of the poor for repayment of the said loan pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided. E. F. Exhibited and sworn before me, the day and year first above written. 12. Summons to the Man and Master. To C. D. of the parish of in the county of , and to F. G. of the parish of in the county of , farmer, the master and employer of the said C. D. } You are hereby severally required personally to be and appear to wit. i before such two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of as shall be present at in the said county on 1 the day of , at o'clock in the noon, then and there to show cause why any wages now due, or which may from time to time become due, from you the said master and employer to the said C. D., a poor person chargeable to the parish of , should not be paid over in whole or in part to the overseers [or guardians] of the poor of the parish of in the said count)', in payment and discharge of the sum of , being [the cost price of] relief given by way of loan to the said C. D. by the said overseers [or guardians] of the poor in virtue of the rules, orders and regulations of " The Poor Law Commissioners for England and Wales," bearing date the day of , proof upon oath of such relief having been given to the said poor person, and of the said sum still re- maining due and unpaid. Given under my hand, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and . 13. Order to attach Wages.'] Whereas on the day of -last, E. F., one of the overseers of the poor of the parish of , in the county of , gave information upon oath unto J. P., Esquire, one of his Majesty's justices of tbe peace in and for the said county , that [the cost price of], certain relief, to wit [insert the article* given], given to one C. D., a poor person above the age of twenty-one years, of and belonging to the said parish, who had applied for the same, by the over- seers of the poor of the said parish, was, under the rules, orders and re- 478 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. gulations of the Poor Law Commissioners for England and Wales, 2nd ed. p. 411. given to the said poor person by way of loan, from the day of until the day of , when the same was to be repaid; and the said overseers of the poor did relieve the said poor person by [insert the articles given], on and from the said day of , until the said day of inclusive, by way of loan only [insert the cost price], which relief altogether amounted to the sum of , and that he the said overseer of the poor had applied to the said poor person for re- payment of the same which he had neglected and refused to pay, and the same still remained unpaid ; and whereas the said poor person, and F. G. of , in the said county of , the master and employer of the said poor person having been duly summoned to appear before us, the undersigned, two of his Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, to show cause why any wages due, or which may from time to time become due from the said master and employer of the said poor person, should not be paid over in whole or in part to the said over- seeers of the poor for repayment of the said loan pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, and the said F. G. appeared iu pursu- ance of such summons, and hath not shown any cause to the contrary ; and whereas proof upon oath is now given before us, the undersigned justices, that the said sum of hath been given in relief to the said poor person by way of loan as aforesaid, and that [part, to wit, the sum of ], the same still remains due and owing from him to the said overseers of the poor ; and that he is in the employment of the said F. G. as a , at the wages of , and that there is now due [or that on the day of there will be due in intermediate weekly payments], on account of such wages the sum of from the said master and employer of the said poor person to the said poor person : We do therefore, in pursuance of the statute aforesaid, after taking into consideration the circumstances of the said poor person and his family, hereby order and direct the said master and employer of the said poor person to pay the sum of , being the amount of such relief so re- maining unpaid as aforesaid, by weekly [or monthly, or otherwise] in- stalments of , on in each and every week for weeks out of such wages as aforesaid to the said overseers of the poor, or one of them, the first payment thereof to be made on the day of . Given under our hands and seals the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and . 14. Distress Warrant thereon.'] Proceed in the General Form No. 66 (N. 2), ante, p. 57, but first reciting the order, No. 13, supra, then the non- payment. 15. Commitment in Default of Distress.'} Proceed in the General Form No. 71, ante, p. 59, reciting first the order No. 13, supra, then nonpayment, the issue of the Distress Warrant and Constable's return of nulla buna. 16. Assignment of Pension from Chelsea Hospital. (Given in 2&3 Viet. c. 51, s. 3, Scned. D.)] I, [naming the pensioner, and the regiment from which he was discharged,'] do hereby assign to the guardians of the union [or parish of , or as the case may be, the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of ], in which union [or parish] I am now residing, the next payment of my pension at the rate of per diem, granted to me as , and payable from , in order to secure to the said union [or parish] of , the repayment of CHAP, ii.] POOR. 479 the sum of advanced to me by such guardians [or churchwardens Qke's Synop. and overseers] out of the funds of the said union [or parish]. 2nd ed. p. 411. Pensioner. Signed by the above-named , before me, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for , this day of , one thou- sand eight hundred and . Justice. We do hereby certify the above assignment to be made pursuant to act 2 & 3 Viet. c. 51, intituled, "An Act to Regulate the Payment and Assignment in certain Cases of Pensions granted for Service in her Majesty's Army, Navy, Royal Marines and Ordnance," and to be for relief given out of the funds of the said union [or parish] on the day of , at a meeting of the board of the said guardians. A. A., Chairman, A. B., Clerk, [or C. D., the churchwarden, and D. E., the overseer of .] [Vide s. 3, how and to whom this is to be transmitted.] 17. The like, of Greenwich Out-Pension. (Given in 2 & 3 Viet c. 51, s. 3, Sched. E.)] I [naming the pensioner], do hereby assign to the guardians of the union [or parish of , or as the case may be, the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of ], in which union [or parish] I am now residing, the next payment of my Greenwich out-pension at the rate of per annum, granted to me as , and payable from , in order to secure to the said union [or parish] of , the repayment of the sum of advanced to me by such guar- dians [or churchwardens and overseers], out of the funds of the said union [or parish]. [ This is signed and certified as Form No. 1 6, supra."] 18. The like, of any Civil or Military Service (not as Chelsea or Greenwich Out-Pension). (Given in 2 & 3 Viet. c. 51, s. 3, Sched. E E.)] I [naming the person] do hereby assign to the guardians of the union [or parish] of [or as the case may be, the churchwardens and over- seers of the poor of the parish of ], in which union [or parish] I am now residing, the next payment of my [here state whether for pension or allowance in civil or military services (not as Chelsea or Greenwich out- pensioner)'], at per annum, and payable from , in order to secure to the said union [or parish] of the repayment of the sum of , advanced to me by such guardians [or churchwardens and over- seers] out of the funds of the said union [or parish.] [This is signed and certified as the Form No. 16, supra, vide s. 3, how to be transmitted.] 19. Complaint for an Order for Payment of Pension, where Family of Pensioner have become chargeable. (2 & 3 Viet. c. 51, s. 4.) j The complaint of C. D., of, &c., one of the guardians of the to w it. I union [or one of the churchwardens and overseers of the parish of , in the county of , or relieving officer of the union], made on oath to us the undersigned, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of [wherein the said union or parish is situate] this day of , in the year of our Lord , who saitb, 480 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Svnop l ^ a * ^" ^'' ^ ate a - m l ^ e - Dut now as ^ e sa '^ ^' 2nd ed. p. 411. informed and believes, an out-pensioner of the royal hospital at - from the said - , at the rate of - per diem, hath suffered - his lawful wife, and - of his lawful children, namely - , to become chargeable to the said union [or parish] of - , and that they are main- tained at the expense of : per week by the said union [or parish] ; and the said C. D. therefore prays such redress in the premises as is given by the statute in such case made and provided. Taken and sworn before us the day and C. D. year first above written. J. S. J. L. 20. Magistrate's Order for Payment of Pension to Guardians or Parish (embodying the Three Forms given in Schedules F. G. and H. of 2 & 3 Viet. c. 51.) To the Right Honourable the Lords and others, Commissioners of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea [or if a Greenwich out-pension, or any other pension or allmcance, " to her Majesty's Paymaster General."] County of ( Whereas complaint upon oath hath been made unto us, two - i of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the said county, by the - of the union [or parish] of - , in the county aforesaid, that - , late a soldier in the - regiment of - , but now a pensioner of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea from the said regiment, at the rate of - per diem, [or if a Greenwich out -pensioner, that - , a Greenwich out-pen- sioner, No. - , at the rate of - per annum,] [or if receiving any other pension or allowance, that - , a person entitled to [here state whether for pension or allowance in civil or military service, not as Chelsea or Greenwich out-pensioner], at the rate of - per annum,] hath suffered his - to become chargeable thereto, and that - , now maintained by the said union [or parish] at the expense of - per week, and due proof having been given to us of the said - being the lawful wife [or lawful children] of the said - [or that the said - is liable to maintain the said - , as the case may be~\ : Now we do hereby, in pursuance of the statute in that case made and provided, order and direct, that - [one moiety, or two-thirds, as the case may be] of the next payment which shall become due of such pension shall be paid by the said commissioners, [or if a Greenwich out-pensioner, or any other, by her Majesty's Paymaster General,] to the guardians [or churchwardens and overseers] of the said union [or parish] of - , in order that they may retain ana apply the same, or so much thereof as shall have been actually expended as aforesaid, for the use and indemnity of the said union [or parish], paying the overplus (if any) to the pensioner or person entitled thereto. Given under our hands and seals, this - day of - , in the year of our Lord - , at -- , in the county aforesaid. 21. Certificate of Insanity of Pensioner. (2 & 3 Viet. c. 51, s. 5.) County of ^ I, J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace - >for the county of - , do hereby certify to the Lords Corn- to wit. ) missioners of Chelsea Hospital, pursuant to the act 2 & 3 Viet. c. 51, s. 5, that due proof hath been made to me, that - , pen- sioner of - hospital, No. - , at - per annum, is labouring under CHAP. II.] POOR. 481 insanity, and is maintained at the expense of the parish of , in the Oke's Svnop said county [or at asylum, at , in the said county.] Given 2nd ed. p. 411. under my hand, this day of , 1850. J.S. 22. Complaint for an Order of Maintenance upon a Relation. (43 Eliz c. 2, 8 .7; 59 Geo. 3, c. 12, s. 26 ; 4 & 5 Will. 4, c. 76, s. 78. See also 11 &12 Viet. c. 110, s. 8.) ) The complaint of C. D., one of the overseers of the poor of the to wit. i parish of , in the said county, on behalf of himself and the other churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the same parish, made to me [or us] the undersigned, one [or two] of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of , this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the same county, in petty sessions, who saith, that one A. B is now poor and unable to work, so as to maintain or support himself, and is now chargeable to the said parish, and that one C. B., dwelling at the parish of , in the said county of , is the [son] of the said A. B., and is of sufficient ability to relieve and maintain the said A. B. his [father] : The said churchwardens and overseers therefore pray that the said C. B. may be summoned to show cause why an order should not be made requiring him to relieve and maintain the said A. B. his [father.] C. D. Exhibited before us, J. L., J. S. 23. Summons thereon.] This may be in the General Form No. 8 (A), ante, p. 26. 24. Order thereon. (Adapted from 3 Arch. J. P. 203, 4th ed.) J Whereas on the day of last complaint was made to wit. tby C. D., one of the overseers of the poor of the parish of , in the said county, on behalf of himself and the other churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the same parish, to I. S., Esquire, one, &c., that one A. B. [SfC., recite complaint in past tense~\ : and now, at this day, to wit, on , at , the parties aforesaid appear before us the under- signed, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of , in petty sessions assembled in and for the division of , in the same county : [or the said C. D., the said overseer, appears before us, &c., but the said C. B., although duly called, doth not appear by himself, his counsel or attorney ; and it is now satisfactorily proved to us on oath, that the said C. B. hath been duly served with the sum- mons in this behalf, which required him to be and appear here at this day, before such justices of the peace for the said county as should now be here, to answer the said complaint, and to show cause why an order should not be made requiring him to relieve and maintain the said A. B. his [father] : And now, having heard the matter of the said complaint, and we, the said justices, having duly considered what has been alleged and proved before us in this behalf, do adjudge and determine that the said A. B. is poor, and unable to work, so as to maintain or support himself, and that he is actually chargeable to the said parish of , and that the said C. B. is the [son] of the said A. B., and is of sufficient ability to relieve and main- tain the said A. B. his [father] ; and it being proved to us that the said C. B. now dwells within our jurisdiction, to wit, at the said parish of , we do therefore order that the said C. B. shall, upon notice of this our order, pay or cause to be paid to the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the said parish of for the time being, or to some or one 482 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PAIIT in. Oke's Synop. of them, weekly and every week, from this present time, the sum of , 2nd ed. p. 411. for and towards the relief and maintenance of the said A. B. for and during so long a time as the said A. B. shall be chargeable to the said parish of , or until the said C. B. shall be lawfully ordered to the contrary. Given under our hands and seals, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the county aforesaid, and at the petty sessions aforesaid. [Justices' signatures and seals.] 25. Statement of Offence for the Conviction (No. 39 (LI), ante, p. 38), in making Default in paying the Money under the last Order.] That by a certain order of J. S., and J. L., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of , made at a petty sessions holden on , at , for the division of in the same county, reciting that [here set out the reciting part of the order in the past tense, and third person], it was therefore ordered that &c. ; that after the making of the said order, to wit, on &c. at &c., a true copy of the same was personally served upon and delivered unto the said C. B., and the original thereof at the same time shown to him, yet that the said C. B. nevertheless hath not paid unto the churchwardens and overseers of the said parish of for the time being, the said weekly sum of for the weeks respectively ending on the and , amounting in all to , but therein wholly has failed and made default, although the same have often been demanded of him the said C. B., contrary, &c. N.B. This conviction is enforced by the general forms of Distress Warrant &c. No. 53 (N. 1) 58, p. 5052. 26. Order of Two Justices to seize Property of Persons running away, and leaving Family chargeable. (5 Geo. 1, c. 8, s. 1.) See form in 3 Arch. J. P. 4th ed. p. 207. 27. Notice to quit a Parish Cottage. (59 Geo. 3, c. 12, s. 24.) To A. B., of the parish of , in the county of , labourer. ) Under and by virtue of the provisions of an act passed in the to wit. J fifty-ninth year of King George the Third, intituled " An Act to amend the Laws for the Relief of the Poor," we hereby give you notice to quit the parish [or town] house, [or tenement, or dwelling, or as the case may be], belonging to [or provided by, or at the charge of] the pa- rish of , in the county of , for the habitation of the poor thereof, which you have been permitted to occupy in the said parish [or as the case may be, as: into which you have unlawfully intruded yourself], situated at , in the said parish, and deliver up the possession thereof to us, the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the said parish of , or to some or one of us within one month after this notice and demand in writing for that purpose, pursuant to the statute in that case made and provided. Dated this day of , in the year of our Lord . [Churchwardens' signatures.] [Overseers' signatures.] 28. Information for refusing to quit Parish Cottage. (Id.) ( The information and complaint of C.D., one of the overseers to wit. i of the poor of the parish of , in the said county, made on oath before the undersigned, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of , the day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the same county, who saith that A. B., a poor CHAP, ii.] POOR. 483 person residing in the parish of - , in the said county, having been Oke's Synop. permitted to occupy [or having unlawfully intruded himself into] a parish 2nd ed. p. 411. [or town] house, [or tenement, or dwelling, or as the case may be], be- longing to [or provided by, or at the charge of] the said parish of - , situate at - , hi the said parish, has refused [or neglected] to quit the same, and deliver up the possession thereof to the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the said parish of - , within one month after notice and demand in writing for that purpose, contrary to the statute in such case made and provided ; and further, that notice and demand in writing for that purpose, signed by - , the [or major part of the] said churchwardens and overseers of the poor, was, on the - day of - - last, deh'vered to him personally [or, in his absence, affixed on the door, or on - , a notorious part of the said premises] : The said com- plainant therefore prays such redress in the premises as to law does appertain. C. D. Overseer of the poor. Before us j J' 29. Summons thereon.'] This may be in the General Form No. 8 (A), ante, p. 26. 30. Warrant to give Possession. (Id.) To the constables of the parish of - , in the county of - . - > Whereas C. D., one of the overseers of the poor of the parish to wit. \ of - , in the said county of - , did on the - day of - last make information and complaint on oath before the undersigned, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of - -, that A. B. &c. [recite complaint in past tense'} : And whereas we, the said justices, did on the said - day of - issue our summons to the said A. B. to appear before us at - , in the said county of ^ -- , on this - day of - , in the year of our Lord - , at - o'clock in the - noon of the same day,* and the said A. B. hath this day appeared in pur- suance of the said summons, and is now present before us the said justices: [or if defendant does not appear, say from the asterisk * : and the said A. B. not having appeared in pursuance of the said sum- mons, due proof upon oath is now made before us the said jus- tices, by J. N., of the said parish of - , constable, that such summons was, seven days at the least before the time appointed for hearing the said complaint, to wit, on the - day of -, delivered by the said J. N. to the said A. B. [or affixed on the said premises in his absence, as the case may be] ] : And we, J. S., and J. L., the justices aforesaid, present at the , on the _ - day of - , have proceeded to hear upon oath and determine the matter of the said complaint [in the presence of the said A BJ, ar do find and adjudge the same to be true: We do therefore charge and command you, or Lie or one of you, that you forthwith cause possession of premises in question [or such land, s 25] to be delwered to the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the said pansh of- -, or urnler our hands and seals, this day of , in the year of our Lord at , in the county aforesaid. [Justices' '""I'*"" and teals.] n2 484 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. 2nd ed. p. 411. 31. Justices' Order excusing a poor Person from Payment of a Poor's Rate. (54 Geo. 3, c. 170, s. 11.) County of) Whereas application hath been this day made unto us the /-undersigned, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and to wit. ) for the said county, acting for the division of , in which the parish hereinafter mentioned is situated, assembled in petty sessions in and for the said division, by C. D., of the parish of I., in the said division and county, a person rated to the rates or cesses within the said parish, to be discharged therefrom, and due proof having been given of his inability through poverty to pay the sum of , at which he is rated and charged by a certain rate or cess made for the relief of the poor of the said parish, bearing date the day of , one thousand eight hundred and fifty : Now we the said justices, upon such application and due proof as aforesaid, and with the consent of the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the said parish, now here present before us, [or of a person, or persons competent to act under the authority of a certain act, or acts of parliament in such case made and provided, for the ordering, management, control or direction of the poor of the said parish] and by authority of the statute enabling us in this behalf, do hereby order and direct that the said C. D. be excused from the payment of the said sum of , at which he is so rated and charged by the rate or cess for the relief of the poor aforesaid, bearing date as aforesaid, and have accord- ingly struck out his name therefrom. Given under our hands and seals, this day of , one thousand eight hundred and fifty, at , in the county aforesaid. 32. Order for Excusal of several Persons from different Rates at the same Time. (Id.) County of \ We, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said ^county, and acting for the division of therein, on the to wit. 3 application of the persons whose names are mentioned and set out in the schedule hereunder written, being persons duly rated and charged to the relief of the poor of the parish of in the said division, in and by the rates in the said schedule mentioned, and upon proof by them respectively of their respective inability, through poverty, to pay the said rates, amounting to the sums set down opposite their respective names in the said schedule, do, with the consent of the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the said parish, order and direct that the said several persons shall be excused from the payment of the said rates, and we have accordingly struck out their names from the said rates. SCHEDULE. Names of Persons. Rate made the day of 1849. Rate made the day of 1849. Total amount excused. S. d. s. d. s. d. Given under our hands and seals, this our Lord , at , in the county aforesaid. day of , in the year of [Justices' signatures and seals.] CHAP, ii.] POST HORSES -RAILWAYS. 435 33. Allowance of Rate. 2ndtl J.T'l. County of j We, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for 'the said county of , do admit and allow of the foretroins to wit. J assessment. Witness our hands, this day of , 1850. [Justices signatures.] 34. Recovery of Rates.] The Forms in this will be found, post, tit " Rates." 35. Appointment by one Justice of Select Vestry. (59 Geo. 3, c 12 s. 1.] See Form in 3 Arch. J. P. 4th ed. p. 224. POST HORSES. Recovery of Duties.] The necessary Forms are given in the act 2 & Oke's Svnop. 3 Will. 4, c. 120. 2nded. J.414. POST OFFICE. Recovery of Postage. (1 Viet. c. 36, and 10 & 11 Viet. c. 85.)] Id - The necessary Forms are given in the act 1 Viet. c. 36. PRIZE FIGHTS. 1. Complaint to ground Warrant for Apprehension of intended Com- Id. p. 415. batants.] Proceed as in the General Form, No. 1, ante, pp. 23, 24, to the asterisk*, and then : that he the said C. D. hath good ground aud foun- dation for suspecting and believing, and doth suspect and believe, that A. B. of, &c. arid E. F. of, &c. have this day unlawfully and against the peace of our lady the Queen agreed to fight a prize fight [or boxing match] this evening [or on next] at the , in the said county of 2. Warrant.'] This will be in the General Form, No. 11 (C), ante, p. 27, " to apprehend the said A. B. and E. F., and them bring before me the said justice, to find sureties of the peace." 3. 4. The Recognizance or Commitment in Default may be as those Forms given in tit. " Sureties," post. RAILWAYS. 1. Officers not accounting or refusing to deliver up Books.] The Forma under tit. " Highways," ante, pp. 123, 124, Nos. 2 and 5, also p. 441, No. 14 18, may be easily adapted. 2. Certificate of two Justices that whole of Capital hat been subscribed. Id. (8 Viet. c. 18, ss. 16, 17.)] We, J. S. and J. L., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of .assembled and acting together in petty sessions at , in and for the division of in the said county, on the application of the railway company, incor- 486 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. porated by an act of parliament, intituled [here insert the title of the special 2nd ed. p. 415. act], and on production of the subscription deeds of the said company, do hereby, by virtue and in pursuance of the authority vested in us by the said act, certify that the whole sum of [here insert the capital of the company], being the prescribed capital of the said company as provided by the said act, has been subscribed for by persons under a contract binding themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators, for the pay- ment of the several sums by the said persons respectively subscribed. Given under our hands, this day of , in the year of our Lord . J. S. J. L. 3. Nomination of a Surveyor to value Lands purchased from Parties under Disability. (8 Viet. c. 18, s. 9.)] Vide Form in Hodges' Work on Railways, p. 267, Appendix. Id. p. 416, 417- 4. Order on Railway Company for Payment of Special Constables. (1 & 2 Viet. c. 80, s. 1.) To M. N., having the control or custody of the funds of the railway company. County of } Whereas on the day of last, J. S. and J. P., ^Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and to wit. 3for the county of , usually acting for the division of , in the same county, in which the parish of and adjoining parishes, in the neighbourhood of the works of the said railway company, then and now in progress, is situate, did, in pursuance of an act made and passed in the session of parliament held in the first and second years of the reign of his late Majesty William the Fourth, intituled " An Act for amending the Laws relative to the appointment of Special Constables, and for the better Preservation of the Peace," [and of a certain other act made and passed in the session of parliament held in the fifth and sixth years of the same reign, intituled " An Act for enlarging the Powers of Magistrates in the Appointment of Special Constables,"] by precept in writing under their hands, nominate and appoint J. N., J. O. and W. S., resident householders of the said parish of , in the neighbourhood of the said railway works, to act as special constables for the said parish of and adjoining parishes in the neighbourhood of the said works, for the preservation of the public peace, and for the protection of the inha- bitants, and security of the property within the same, for the period of [three] calendar months from the day of the date thereof: And whereas the oath in such case made and provided was on the day and time afore- said duly administered by the justices aforesaid to the said J. N., J. O. and W. S., and they accordingly took upon themselves the execution of the said office : And whereas it hath been made to appear to us the justices aforesaid [or J. L. and J. M., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county aforesaid], usually acting for the division aforesaid, on the oath of three credible witnesses, to wit, L. M., N. O. and P. Q., that the appointment of the said special constables as aforesaid was occasioned by the behaviour and by reasonable apprehension of the behaviour of the persons employed upon the said railway works : Now we, the justices lastly above named, having duly examined into the premises, do hereby, in pursuance of an act made and passed in the ses- sion of parliament, held in the first and second years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act for the Payment of Contables for keeping the Peace near Public Works," order you the said M.N., having CHAP, ii.] RAILWAYS RATES. 487 the controul or custody of the funds of the said railway company, to Oke's Synop. pay to the said J. N., J. O. and W. S., the sum of for their trouble, 2nd ed. loss of time and expenses incurred by them in serving as such special PP- 416, 417. constables, from the day of last, to the day of in- stant, the same being such reasonable allowances for the same as to us the said justices seem proper. Given under our hands and seals, at the , in the division and county aforesaid, this day of , 1850. [Justices' signatures and seals.] N.B. If this order be not made within a month after the appointment of the constables, one must be made on the county treasurer in the usual form, adding at the second asterisk * in the Form No. 2, tit. " Constables (Special)," ante, p. 361, the following words: " no order having been made upon the treasurer or other officer having the controul or custody of the funds of the company making the said railroad for payment of the said allowance, by virtue of the statute in "that behalf made and provided." RATES. FORMS IN THE SCHEDULE TO 12 VICT. c. 14. 1. Complaint of the Overseers or Surveyors against one Rate-payer. (A. 1.) > Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the year to wit. J of our Lord , the [churchwardens and overseers of the poor, or the surveyors of the highways] of the parish of , in the county of aforesaid, by C. D., one of the said [overseers, or sur- veyors], complain to the undersigned [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county'], that A. B. of the said [parish], being a person duly rated and assessed to [the relief of the poor, or the maintenance of the highways] of the said parish, in and by a rate [or in and by several rates made on and on in the several sums of and of ] made on the day of , in the year , in the sum of , hath not paid the same or any part thereof, but hath refused so to do ; wherefore the said [churchwardens and overseers, or surveyors], by C. D. aforesaid, pray that the said A. B. may be sum- moned to appear before two of her Majesty's justices of the peace, to show cause why he hath not paid and refuses to pay the said sum. C. D. Made and exhibited before me , "J at , in the county of , ^ on this day of , 18. J 2. Complaint against several Rate-payers. (A. 2.) I Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the year to wit. J of our Lord , the [churchwardens and overseers of the poor, or the surveyors of the highways] of the parish of , in the [county] of aforesaid, by C. D., one of the said [overseers, or surveyors], complain to the undersigned [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county], that the several persons whose names are mentioned and set out in the schedule hereunder written, being persons duly rated and assessed to [the relief of the poor, or the maintenance of the highways] of the said parish, in and by the rates in the said schedule mentioned, in certain sums set down opposite to their respective names in the said schedule, have not respectively paid the said sums or any part 488 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. thereof, but have respectively refused so to do : wherefore the said [churchwardens and overseers, or surveyors], by C. D. aforesaid, pray that the said several persons may respectively be summoned to appear before two of her Majesty's justices of the peace, to show cause respec- tively why they have not paid and refuse to pay the said sums respec- tively. SCHEDULE. Names of the Rate- payers. Residence. Under Rate dated the 1849. Arrears due under Rate dated the 1848. Total Sum due. A.B [here state it.] d. 1 7 13 s. d. 1 7 d. 2 14 13 18 6 1 8 6 I. K L. M 13 6 14 3 N. P. 14 3 Made and exhibited before me at in the on this day I before me , N county of , f of ,18. f E.F. 3 C.D. 3. Summons upon the Complaint. (B.) To A. B. of . Whereas complaint hath this day been made before the undersigned, [one] of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the [county] of by the [churchwardens and overseers of the poor, or surveyors of the highways] of the parish of in the said [county], that you, being a person duly rated and assessed to [the relief of the poor, or the main- tenance of the highways] of the said parish, in and by a rate made on the day of , 18 , in the sum of , hath not paid the same or any part thereof, but hath refused so to do : These are therefore to com- mand you, in her Majesty's name, to be and appear on , at o'clock in the forenoon, at , before such two or more justices of the peace for the said [county] as may then be there, to show cause why you have not paid and refuse to pay the same, otherwise you shall be pro- ceeded against by default as if you had appeared, and be dealt with ac- cording to law. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. K. F. Take notice that you have already incurred the under-mentioned costs, viz. : s. d. Clerk to the justices Overseer [or surveyor] for obtaining the summons . . Constable for serving ditto 10 Ditto, travelling expenses at threepence per mile . . . Total CHAP, ii.] RATES. 489 If the amount of these charges, together with the rate claimed, be paid to the overseer [or surveyor] before the day on which the summons is re- turnable, all further proceedings will be stopped. 4. Warrant of Distress against one Rate-payer. (C. 1 .) To the overseers of the poor [or to the surveyors of the highways] of the parish of , in the [county] of , and to the con- stable of , and to all other peace officers in the said [county], Whereas on last past a complaint was made before E. F., one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the [county] of , by the [churchwardens and overseers of the poor, or surveyors of the highways] of the parish of in the said [county], that A. B., being a person duly rated and assessed to the relief of the poor [or to the maintenance of the highways] of the said parish in and by a rate made on in the sum of , had not paid the same or any part thereof, but had refused so to do ; and now at this day, to wit, on , at , the parties aforesaid appear before us the undersigned, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county [or the said churchwardens and over- seers, or surveyors, by C. D., one of the said overseers, or surveyors, appear before us the undersigned, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county: but the said A. B., although duly called, doth not appear by himself, his counsel or attorney, and it is now satisfactorily proved to us on oath that the said A. B. has been duly served with the summons in this behalf, which required him to be and appear here at this day before such two or more justices of the peace as should now be here, to answer the said complaint, and to be further dealt with according to law] ; and now having heard the matter of the said complaint, and it being now duly proved to us upon oath [in the presence and hearing of the said A. B.], that an assessment for the [relief of the poor, or the maintenance of the highways] of the said parish of , and for other purposes chargeable thereon according to law, dated the , was duly made, allowed and published, and that the said A. B. is therein and thereby assessed at the sum of -aforesaid; [and that a certain other assessment for the relief, &c., if there be arreart,] * (a) and that the said sum hath been duly demanded of the said A. B., but that he hath not paid, and hath refused and still refuses to pay the same ; and the said A. B. now not showing to us any sufficient cause for not paying the same : These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to make distress of the goods and chattels of the said A. B. ; and if within the space of [five] days after the making of such distress the said sum, and the sum of for the costs incurred by the said [churchwardens and overseers, or surveyors] in obtaining this warrant, together with the reasonable charges of taking and keeping the said distress, shall not be paid, that then you do sell the said goods and chattels so by you distrained, and out of the money arising by such sale you retain the said sums of . and , rendering the overplus, ou demand, to the said A. B., the reasonable charges of taking, keeping and selling the said distress being first deducted ; and if no such distress can be found, that then you certify the same unto us, to the end that such further proceedings may be had herein as to the law doth appertain. Given under our hands and seals, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the county aforesaid. 1 . . F. G. H. (a) Referred to in Form No. 9, post, p. 492. 490 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. 5. Warrant of Distress against several Rate-payers. (C. 2.) To the overseers of the poor or the surveyors of the highways of the parish of , in the [county] of , and to the constables of , and to all other peace officers in the said [county]. Whereas on last past a complaint was made before E. F., one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the [count y] of , by the [churchwardens and overseers of the poor, or the surveyors of the high- ways] of the parish of , in the said [county], that the several persons whose names are mentioned and set forth in the schedule hereunder written, being persons duly rated and assessed to [the relief of the poor, or maintenance of the highways] of the said parish, in and by the rates in the schedule in that complaint and in this warrant underwritten, in cer- tain sums set down opposite to their respective names in the said schedule, had not respectively paid the said sums or any part thereof, but had respectively refused so to do ; and now at this day, to wit, on , at , the said [churchwardens and overseers, or surveyors] by C. D., one of the said overseers, or surveyors, and A. B., I. K. and L. M., some of the said parties in the said schedule mentioned, appear before us, the under- signed, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] ; but the said N. P., although duly called, doth not appear by himself, his counsel or attorney, and it is now satisfactorily proved to us on oath that the said N. P. has been duly served with the summons in this behalf, which required him to be and appear here at this day before such two or more justices of the peace as should now be here to answer the said complaint, and to be further dealt with according to law] ; and now having heard the matter of the said complaint against the said several parties, and it being now duly proved to us upon oath, in the presence of the parties so appearing as aforesaid, that an assessment for [the relief of the poor] of the said parish of , and for other purposes chargeable therein according to law, dated the , was duly made, allowed and published, and that the said several persons whose names are mentioned and set out in the schedule hereunder written are therein and thereby assessed at the sums set down opposite to their respective names in the said schedule, and that the said several sums have been duly demanded of them respectively, but they have not nor hath any of them paid the said sums or any of them, or any part thereof respectively, but they have refused and still do refuse to pay the same respectively, and have not, nor hath any of them, showed to us sufficient cause for not paying the same : These are therefore to command you, in her Majesty's name, forthwith to make distress of the goods and chattels of the several persons whose names are mentioned and set out in the schedule hereuuder written ; and if within the space of five days after the making of such distresses respec- tively the said several sums set opposite to their respective names at which they were so rated and assessed as aforesaid, and the said several sums for costs incurred by the said [churchwardens and overseers, or sur- veyors] also set opposite to their respective names, together with the rea- sonable charges of taking and keeping the said distress in each case, shall not be paid, that then you do sell the goods and chattels of the party so making default so by you distrained, and out of the money arising by such sales respectively you retain the sums so set opposite to the name of each party whose goods you shall have so sold, rendering to him the over- plus, the reasonable charges of taking, keeping and selling the said dis- tress being first deducted ; and if in any of the cases mentioned in the schedule hereunder written no such distress can be found, that then you CHAP. II.] RATES. 491 certify the same unto us, to the end that such further proceedings mav be had herein as to the law doth appertain. SCHEDULE. Names of Rate-payers. Residence. Under Rate dated , 1849. Arrears due under Rate dated , 1848. Costa. Total. A. B (here state it) *. d. 1 7 13 . d. 1 7 . d. 060 020 030 050 t. d. 300 15 1 1 6 1 13 6 I.K L. AI 18 6 14 3 N. P 14 3 Given under our hands and seals, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county] aforesaid. E. F. G.H. 6. Warrant of Commitment in default of Distress. (D.) To the overseers of the poor [or the surveyors of the highways] of the parish of , in the [county] of , and to the con- stable of , and to all other peace officers in the said [county], and to the keeper of the [house of correction] at , in the said [county], Whereas on last past a complaint was made before E. F., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county] of , by the [churchwardens and overseers of the poor, or surveyors of the highways] of the parish of , in the said [county], that A. B., being a person duly rated to the [relief of the poor, or maintenance of the highways] of the said parish, in and by a rate made on , in the sum of , had not paid the same or any part thereof, but had refused so to do ; and afterwards on , at , the parties aforesaid appeared before E. F. and G. H., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county [or the said churchwardens and over- seers, or surveyors, by C. D., one of the said overseers, or surveyors, ap- peared before E. F. and G. H., Esquires, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county ; but the said A. B., although duly called, did not appear by himself, his counsel or attorney, and it was then satisfactorily proved to the said justices that the said A. B. had been duly served with the summons in that behalf, which required him to be and appear there at that day before such two or more justices of the peace as should then be there, to answer the said complaint, and to be further dealt with according to law] ; and then having heard the matter of the said complaint, and it being then duly proved to the said justices upon oath [in the presence and bearing of the said A. B.] that an assessment for the [relief of the poor, or the maintenance of the highways] of the parish of , dated the , was duly made, allowed and published, and that the said A. B. was therein and thereby assessed at the sum of aforesaid, and that the said sum had been duly demanded of the said A. B., but that he had not paid, and had refused and still refused to pay the same, and that the said A. B. then not showing to the said E. F. 492 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. and G. H. any sufficient cause for not paying the same, the said justices thereupon issued a warrant to , commanding them to levy the said sum of , and the sum of for the costs incurred in obtaining that warrant, by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said A. B. : And whereas it now appears to me, the undersigned, one (a) of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said [county], as well by the return of the said to the said warrant of distress as otherwise, that the said hath made diligent search for the goods and chattels of the said A. B., but that no sufficient distress whereon to levy the said sums above mentioned could be found : These are therefore to command you the said [churchwardens and overseers, or surveyors] and constable and peace officers, or some or one of you, to take the said A. B., and him safely to convey to the [house of correction] at aforesaid, and there deliver him to the said keeper, together with this precept : And I do hereby com- mand you, the said keeper of the said [house of correction], to receive the said A. B. into your custody in the said [house of correct ion], there to imprison him for the space of , unless the said sums of and , together with the sum of for the costs attending the said distress, and the further sum of , being the costs and charges of this commitment, and of taking and conveying the said A. B. to prison, making in the whole the sum of , shall be sooner paid unto you the said keeper ; and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county"] aforesaid. J. S. ( L .s.)(a) 7. Complaint for Recovery of Portion of Rate on Party removing, Adapted from 6 J. P. p. 273. (17 Geo. 2, c. 38, s. 12.)] Proceed as in Form No. 1 under this title to the sum, then : that the said A. B. re- moved from the said house and premises leaving the said rate unpaid, and one C. D. came into the same house and premises on the day of , and thence until now has continued therein, and that he the said hath demanded of the said A. B. for the said rate the sum of , being in proportion to the time he so occupied the said house, &c. and of the said C. D. the sum of for the said rate, being in propor- tion to the time he so occupied the same, but they have respectively not paid the same sums, or any part thereof, but hath respectively refused so to do : Wherefore, &c. 8. Summons to both Defaulters.'] This may be as in the Form No. 3, ante, p. 488. 9. Warrant of Distress on both Defaulters.'] This would be as in the Form No. 4, ante, p. 489, to the asterisk *, but reciting the Complaint No. 7, supra, and then : and that the several allegations in the said re- cited complaint are true, and that the said several proportions of and (which said proportions being disputed, was and is now ascer- tained and adjudged by us the said justices, according to the statute in that behalf,) have been respectively demanded of the said A. B. and C. D., but that they have respectively not paid and have refused and still refuse to pay the same respectively; and the said A. B. and C. D. respectively now not showing to us any sufficient cause for not paying the same sums and proportions : These &c. [to end of Form No. 4.] See " Tithes," $c. post. (a) This warrant of commitment must be issued by two or more justices (see the 2nd section of the act, 12 Viet. c. 14). CHAP, ii.] RIOTS SEAMEN. 493 Oke's Synop. RIOTS. 2nd ed. 1. Proclamation in case of Riots. (Given in 1 Geo. 1, st. 2, c. 5, ^' ' s. 2.)] Our sovereign lord [lady] the King [Queen] chargeth and com- mandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse them- selves and peaceably to depart to their habitations or their lawful busi- ness, upon the pains contained in the act made in the first year of King George for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. GOD save the King [Queen]. 2. Justices' Order to close Alehouses in case of Riot. (9 Geo. 4, c. 61, s. 20.) To the keepers of inns, alehouses and victualling houses in the parish of , in the county of , and to each and every of them. It appearing to us the undersigned, two of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the said county of , that a riot or tumult has happened [or is reasonably expected to take place] in the parish of aforesaid, we do hereby, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, order and direct that all and every person licensed under the statute in that behalf to keep and keeping inns, alehouses or victual- ing houses within the said parish of , shall close his house from the hour of on this day, to the hour of on next, of which you and each of you are to take notice accordingly. Given under our hands, this day of , A. D. 1850. [Justices' signatures. ] 3. Order of two or more Justices to close Beerhouses in case of Riot being expected, or of one Justice during a Riot. (1 Will. 4, c. 64, s. 11.)] ?This may be easily drawn from the Form No. 2, supra. See tit. " Hundred," ante, p. 380, 381. SEAMEN. 1. Complaint on Oath for Wages where about to sail. (7 & 8 Viet Id. p. 418. c. 112, s. 14.)] Designation of Justice : " and residing in and near [or near] the place where one A. B. (the defendant) now is [or " where the ship hereafter mentioned ended her voyage hereafter mentioned."] That he was hired by the said A. B., of , in the county of , master [or commander] of a certain ship called the , to serve him as a seamen [or mariner, as the case may be], and not as an apprentice, or master, on board the said ship, from the port and place of , in Eng- land, to the port of , beyond the seas [or in Great Britain, or for the term of , as the case may be], for the wages of per month [as the case may be], and that he the said C. D. has duly performed the said service and hiring for the term of [two months], and that he the said C. !>., on the day of last was discharged from the said hiring and ship by the said A. B., at , in the said county of [or the said hiring and service terminated], and that, although three days from the time of the said [discharge] hath elapsed, and although no agreement hath been made or entered into to the contrary [a* the case may be], he the said A. B. neglects and refuses to pay him the said C. D. the sum of [not exceeding 20], being the wages justly due unto him the said C. D. for the said service, contrary, &c. , and that the said C. D. is desirous of proceeding to sea on another voyage, and in order thereto [or 494 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. any other sufficient cause'], he requires immediate payment of the said sum 2nd ed. p. 418 of . N. B. The above Form will suit for wages in ordinary cases under s. 15, by omitting the portion from the asterisk * to the end. 2. Summons.] The General Form No. 8 (A), ante, p. 26. 3. Order for Payment.] The General Form No. 44 (K. 1), ante, p. 42. 4. Warrant of Distress on Master of Ship.] The General Form No. 66 (N. 2), ante, p. 57, stating in the mandatory part, " to make distress of the goods and chattels of the said A. B., or other person having or taking the charge or command of the said ship or vessel called the ," and if," &c. [as in ordinary cases.] From 5 Burn's 5. Warrant of Distress for the same on the Ship, fyc., in case other Jus. p. 839 1. sufficient Distress be not found, $c.] The General Form No. 66 (N. 2), ante, p. 57, down to and including the recital of nonpayment, then say : "And whereas on the day of [I] the said justice did issue my warrant to the constable of to make distress of the goods and chat- tels of the said A. B., or other person having or taking the charge or command of the said ship or vessel called the , and to levy the said sum of , and to pay the same according to the directions of the statute : And whereas it duly appears unto me the said justice [or the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of ], as well upon the oath of the said constable of as other- wise, that he the said constable has used his best endeavours to levy the said sum of on the goods and chattels of the said A. B. as aforesaid, and other persons having or taking charge or command of the said shi) or vessel called the , but that no sufficient distress can be so found whereon to levy the same : These are therefore to command you in her Majesty's name forthwith to make distress on the said ship or vessel for the service on board which such wages have been and are so ordered to be paid, or on any of the tackle, furniture or apparel thereof; and if within the space of days after the making of such distress the said sum for wages, together with the reasonable charges of taking and keep- ing the said distress, shall not be paid, that then you do sell the said ship, tackle, furniture or apparel thereof so by you distrained, and do pay the money arising from such sale unto , the clerk of the justices of the peace for the division of , in the said county, that he may pay and apply the same as by law directed, and may render the overplus (if any) on demand unto the master or commander or owner thereof; and if no, &c. [follow No. 66 (N. 2), to the end.] 6. Commitment in Default.] This may be in the General Form No. 71, ante, p. 59, the term and condition being: " there to imprison him, and to remain without bail until payment shall be made of the amount of , the wages so awarded as aforesaid, and of the sum of - , being the costs and expenses attending the recovery thereof; and for your so doing," &c. [as No. 71, ante, p. 59, to the end.] SHIPS (PASSENGERS.) 12 & 13 Viet. c. 33. There are various Forms given in the schedule to this act with which justices are concerned, viz., Passengers' List (A. s. 12) ; Passage CHAP, ii.] SHIPS (PASSENGERS)-SURETIES. 495 Broker's Bond (C. s. 44) ; Passage Broker's Licence (D. s. 45) ; Jus- tices' Notice to Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners of Grant- ing Licence (E. s. 45) ; Notice by Applicant for a Licence (F. 8.45); and Notices by Justices of forfeiture of a Licence (G. s. 45.) SURETIES. 1. Complaint by the Party threatened, for Sureties for the Peace.] Oke's Synop. Proceed as in the General Form No. 1, ante, pp. 23, 24, to the asterisk *, 2nd ed. p. 419. then : did threaten the said C. D. in the words or to the effect follow- ing, that is to say {set them out, with the circumstances under which they were used] : and that from the above and other threats used by the said A. B. towards the said C. D. he the said C. D. is afraid that the said A. B. will do him some bodily injury, and therefore prays that the said A. B. may be required to find sufficient sureties to keep the peace and be of good behaviour towards him the said C. D. ; and the said C. D. also saith that he doth not make this complaint against nor require such sureties from the said A. B. from any malice or ill-will, but merely for the preservation of his person from injury. 2. Warrant thereon."] This may be in the General Form No. 11 (C), ante, p. 27, reciting the complaint, No. 1, supra, but adding in the man- datory portion, " and to find sufficient sureties to keep the peace and be of good behaviour towards her Majesty and all her liege people, and especially towards the said C. D., for such term as shall be then enjoined him." 3. Recognizance for the Sessions or a limited Period.] This will be in the fora No. 48 (S. 1), ante, p. 276, with, the following condition: " The condition of the within written recognizance is such, that if [the within bounden] A. B. [of &c.] shall appear at the next court of general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the said county of f to do and receive what shall be then and there enjoined him by the court, and in the meantime [shall keep the peace and be of good beha- viour towards her Majesty and all her liege people, and especially to- wards C. D., of &c., for the term of now next ensuing], then the said recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue. 4. Notice of Recognizance.] This will be similar to the Form No. 49 (S. 2), ante, p. 277, inserting the condition as in Form No. 3, supra. 5. Commitment in Default of Sureties. To the constable of the parish of in the county of , and to the keeper of the common gaol at , in the said county. County of) Whereas, on the day of instant, complaint on Voath was made before the undersigned [or J. L., Esquire J, to wit 3 one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county O f , by C. D. of the parish of in the said county [labourer], that A. B. of, &c. on the day of , at the parish of aforesaid, did threaten [if c. follow to end of complaint, No. 1, supra, in the past tense, then]: And whereas the said A. B was t day brought and appeared before the said justice [or J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county o -j, to answer unto the said complaint : And* I have ordered and adjudged, and do hereby order and adjudge, that the said A. B. shall 496 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. Oke's Synop. enter into his own recognizance in the sum of , with two sufficient 2nd ed. p. 419. sureties in the sum of each, to keep the peace and be of good beha- viour towards her Majesty and all her liege people, and particularly towards the said C. D., for the space of , [or if required to find sureties till the sessions, say from the asterisk *, having been required by me to enter into his own recognizance in the sum of , with two sufficient sureties in the sum of each, as well for his appearance at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be held in and for the said county of , to do what shall be then and there enjoined him by the court, as also in the mean time to keep the peace and be of good behaviour towards her Majesty and all her liege people, and especially towards the said C. D., hath refused and neglected, and still refuses and neglects to find such sureties,] [and inasmuch as the said A. B. hath refused to enter into such recog- nizance, and to find sureties as aforesaid] : These are therefore to com- mand you the said constable of to take the said A. B., and him safely to convey to the common gaol at aforesaid, and there to deliver him to the keeper thereof, together with this precept : and I do hereby command you the said keeper of the said common gaol to receive the said A. B. into your custody in the said common gaol, there to im- prison him * for the space of , unless he in the mean time enter into such recognizance, with such sureties as aforesaid, and for the term above mentioned. Herein fail not. [or from the last asterisk *, until the said next general quarter sessions of the peace, unless he in the meantime find sufficient sureties as well for his appearance at the said sessions as in the mean- time to keep the peace as aforesaid.] Given under my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the county aforesaid. J. S. (L.S.) 6. Liberate on finding Sureties, with Variation where Defendant has to enter into his own Recognizance at the Gaol. To the keeper of the common gaol at , in the said county of . County of 1 Whereas A. B., late of , now in your custody in the > said common gaol, hath before me the undersigned, one of to wit. j her Majesty s justices of the peace in and for the said county [entered into his own recognizance, and], found sufficient sureties, as required by the warrant of commitment, dated the day of , upon which he was taken and committed to your said custody : These are therefore to command you, in her said Majesty's name, if the said A. B. be detained in your custody for no other cause than what is men- tioned in the said warrant, forthwith to suffer him to go at large [upon his entering into his own recognizance, in the manner and form in the same warrant mentioned.] Given, &c. [as in No. 5, supru.~\ TITHES, RENT-CHARGES AND CHURCH RATES. 1. Complaint on 7 # 8 Will. 3, c. 6, ss. 1, 6, and 53 Geo. 3, c. 127, s. 4, for Recovery of Tithes due from other Persons than Quakers. 1 ] Proceed as in General Form No. 1, ante, pp. 23, 24, to the asterisk*, then : That he the said C. D. did, on the day of last, being upwards of twenty days before the day of the date hereof, demand of A. B., of the parish of , in the county aforesaid, farmer, the tithes [or compositions CHAP, ii.] TITHES, RENT-CHARGES, &c. 497 and agreements for the tithes], [offerings, oblations and obventions] which have justly become due within two years now last past, from the said A. B. unto him the said C. D. [or E. F., as lessee as aforesaid], to the value of [not exceeding 10, 5 <$ 6 Will. 4, c. 74, and 4 4- 5 Viet. c. 36] ; and that the said A. B. did upon the said demand refuse, and doth yet refuse to pay, and hath not paid the same, nor any part thereof; and which have not been sued for or begun to be sued for in her Majesty's Court of Exchequer, or in any ecclesiastical court. N.B. The complainant would be, " C. D. of the parish of , in the said county, clerk ;" or under 7 Geo. 4, c. 15, and 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43, s. 10, "by his attorney or agent [or E. F. of &c., lessee of C. D., rector of the said parish of ."] The justice's additional description would be, " not being patron of the church of the said parish of , nor anywise interested in the tithes of the said parish." 2. Summons thereon.'] This will be in the General Form No. 8 (A), ante, p. 26, reciting the complaint supra, and that it was made " in, writing." 3. Order for Payment.] This will be in the General Form No. 44 (K. 1), ante, p. 42, with these variations and additions: JB the statement of the hearing, after the names of the justices, insert, " being neither of us patron of the church of the said parish of , nor anywise interested in the tithes of the said parish." In the adjudication, after the sum, insert: " for the compositions for the tithes and oblations aforesaid [or as a reasonable allowance and compensation for the tithes aforesaid, subtracted and with- held."] The costs can only be 10*. The order need not adju- dicate the mode of recovery in default of payment. 4. Distress Warrant.'] This will be in the General Form No. 66 (N. 2), ante, p. 57, with this variation : instead of the statement of non- payment, insert : " And whereas it appears unto me the undersigned, one &c., that the said A. B. had due notice of the said order by a copy of the minute thereof being served upon him the said A. B. [or left for him at his last place of abode], for the space of ten days and upwards, before the day of the date hereof, but hath refused to pay, and hath not yet paid, the same or any part thereof." 5. Complaint for Recovery of Church Rates from other Persons than Quakers. (53 Geo. 3, c. 127, s. 7.)J Proceed as directed in the General Farm No. 1, ante, pp. 23, 24, to the asterisk*, then: That A. B., of the said parish of , hath refused, and still doth refuse, to pay to him the said C. D., as one of the churchwardens of the said parish, the sum of , being the sum duly rated and assessed upon him the said A. B., iu the churchwardens' rate for the same parish, made the day of last, and which is now justly due from him the said A. B. unto the churchwardens of the said parish, and whereof the validity or the liability of the said A. B. to pay it hath not been questioned in any ecclesiastical court. 6. Summons thereon.] This will be in the General Form, No. 8 (A.), ante, p. 26. 7. Order for Payment.'] This will be in the General Form, No. 44 K K Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. (K. 1), ante, p. 42, describing the justices as " being neither of us patron of the parish church of the said parish of , nor anywise interested in any of the rights, dues, or any payments belonging to the same church." The order need not adjudicate the mode of recovery in default of payment. 8. Distress Warrant.] This will be in the General Form, No. 66 (N. 2), ante, p. 57, adapting it to the order No. 7, supra. 9. Complaint for Recovery of Tithes and Church Rates and Payments due from Quakers only. (7 & 8 Will. 3, c. 34, s. 4; 1 Geo. l', st. 2, c. 6; 53 Geo. 3, c. 127, s. 6; and 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 74.)] Proceed as directed in the General Form, No. 1, ante, pp. 23, 24, to the asterisk *, then as in Form No. 1 as to the designation ojf the complainant and the justice, and then : " That A. B. of the parish of , in the county aforesaid, being a person commonly called a Quaker, hath refused to pay unto the said C. D. the sum of , {not exceeding 50, 53 Geo. 3, c. 127, s. 6,] for the church-rate of [or to compound] [for the tithes and other rights, dues, and payments belonging to] the church of aforesaid, and justly due to the said C. D. from the said A. B. 10. Summons thereon.] This will be in the General Form, No. 8 (A.), ante, p. 26. 11. Order for Payment.'] This will be in the General Form, No. 44 (K. 1), ante, p. 42, describing the justices as in Form No. 7, supra. 12. Distress Warrant.'] This will be in the General Form No. 66 (N. 2), ante, p. 57, with the same variation as directed in Form No. 4, ante, p. 497, omitting the words " for the space of ten days." 13. Complaint for compulsory Contribution to a Kent-Charge. (5 & 6 Viet. c. 54, s. 16.)] Proceed to the" asterisk * in the General Form No. 1, ante, pp. 23, 24, and then: That certain land, numbered in the apportionment of the rent-charge, payable in lieu of tithes under the act for the commutation of tithes in England and Wales, of the parish of , in the county of , and situated within the said juris- diction of the said justice, is by the said apportionment charged with one amount of rent-charge, payable to the rector of the said parish for the time being, that is to say, the sum of ; and that two half-yearly payments of the amount of the said rent-charge charged on the said land numbered in the said apportionment, according to the prices of corn as provided by the said act, became due and payable to the Reverend , he the said then being rector of the said parish, that is to say, one half-yearly payment thereof on the first of April last, amount- ing to the sum of , and another half-yearly payment thereof on the first of October last, amounting to the sum of ; and that the said last-mentioned land at the several times when the said two half-yearly payments became due respectively, did belong to two [or more] land- owners, in several portions, that is to say, one portion thereof to E. F. of , &c. and one other portion thereofto A.B. [or C.D. the complainant]; and that he the said C. D. the complainant, being such owner [or being tenant of the said A. B. the said owner,] of a portion of the said land last-mentioned, did on the day of last pay to the said , the rector of the said parish, the sum of , being the whole of the said two half-yearly payments of rent-charge [or a portion of the said two CHAP, ii.] TITHES, RENT-CHARGES, &c. 499 half-yearly payments of rent-charge greater than his the said C. D.'s just proportion] charged on the said land numbered in the said appor- tionment ; and that the said A. B. did on the day of fast, make demand in writing on the said E. F., he the said E. F. being the landowner [or the tenant of the said , the landowner,] of a portion of the said land, of contribution thereto by serving such demand in writing on personally, the said then being a person occupying and residing on the said land chargeable with the said rent-charge; and that notwith- standing such demand in writing, contribution to the said amount of rent- charge so paid as aforesaid hath been refused [or neglected] to be made by the said E. F. to the said C. D. 14. Summons thereon to E. F.~\ This will be in the General Form, No. 8 (A.), ante, p. 26. 15. Order directing Payment of Proportionby E. F.~] This may be in the General Form, No. 44 (K. 1), ante, p. 42, proceeding from the words " and now having heard the matter of the said complaint," as follows, " we do determine that the just proportion of the said rent-charge so paid by the said C. D. as aforesaid, which ought to be contributed by the said E. F. as the landowner [or tenant of the said , the landowner,] of a portion of the said land numbered in the said apportionment as aforesaid, is the sum of ; and we do adjudge the said E. F. to pay to the said C. D. the said sum of , being what in our judgment is due and payable in respect of such liability to contribution as aforesaid, and also to pay to the said C. D. the sum of for his costs in this behalf." Given under our hands and seals, &c. TURNPIKE ROADS. 1. Warrant from a Justice to enter the Toll-Gate House and remove the Persons therein. (3 Geo. 4, c. 126, s. 50; 4 Geo. 4, c. 95, s. 49,) No. 15 in Sched. to 3 Geo. 4, c. 126. To the constable, [ur headborough, tithingman] of , in the said county. County of } Whereas complaint hath been made unto me A. B., Esquire, Sone of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county, to .wit. 3upon the oath of , and other evidence now produced to me, that C. D., who now inhabits the turnpike or toll-gate house at upon the turnpike road leading from to , and was appointed to collect the tolls there, hath been duly discharged by the trustees of the said turnpike road from any further collecting or receiving the tolls arising at the said gate, and hath refused, and still doth refuse, to quit the possession of the said house, and the saidC. D. having been sum- moned to appear before me this day to show cause why he should not be removed from the said house, and having shown no sufficient cause for that purpose [or not having appeared], I do hereby authorize and require you, with such assistance as shall be necessary, to enter into the raid toll- house or turnpike-house, and buildings belonging thereto, in the day-time, and to remove the said C. D. and all such persons as shall be f therein, together with his and their goods, out of such house and I ings, and to put E. F., the person lately appointed by the trustees to K K 2 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. collect such tolls, into the possession thereof, for which this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, this day of . [This, form may be varied to suit the case of the widow or family of a deceased collector."] 2. Complaint against Officer not accounting. (4 Geo. 4, c. 95, s. 47; 9 Geo. 4, c. 77, s. 14. Adapted from 3 Burn's Just. 770, 29th ed.)] Proceed as in the General Form No. 1, ante, pp. 23, 24, to the asterisk *, stating it to be by " C. D. surveyor, &c., on behalf of the trustees [or commissioners] of the turnpike road [describing if], appointed by or acting under an act passed in the third year of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled, " An Act to amend the General Laws now in being for regulating Turnpike Roads in that part of Great Britain called England;" and also an act passed in the fourth year of the reign of his said late Majesty, intituled, "An Act to explain and amend an Act passed in the third year of the reign of his present Majesty, to amend the General Laws now in being for regulating Turnpike Roads in that part of Great Britain called England," and also an act passed in the year of the reign of his Majesty , intituled, &c. [the local act]," That A. B. of, &c., being one of the officers appointed by the trustees [or commissioners] of the said turnpike road, although thereunto required by the said trustees [or commissioners] hath refused and neglected to pro- duce to such trustees [or commissioners], or to such person and within such time as they the said trustees [or commissioners] appointed and limited for that purpose, and that the said A. B. still refuses and neglects to produce and deliver to them or him true, exact and perfect accounts in writing, under his hand, of all monies * which he has re- ceived to the time when such accounts were required to be delivered as aforesaid by virtue of the said acts, or any or either of them, and how much thereof has been paid or disbursed, and for what purposes, together with the proper vouchers for such payments. [or hath refused and neglected to pay the money due on a certain account [or on certain accounts] produced and delivered by the said A. B. to such trustees [or commissioners] of all monies, &c., as above from the asterisk*.] [or that A. B., &c., being, &c. [as above], did refuse or neglect to deliver up to the said trustees [or commissioners], or to such person as they did appoint for that purpose, within ten days after being thereunto required by the said trustees [or commis- sioners], all the books, papers and writings in his custody or possession relating to the execution of the said acts, or any or either of them.] 3. Summons thereon.] This may be in the General Form No. 8 (A.), ante, p. 26. 4. Distress Warrant for Money found due. To the constable of , and to all other peace officers in the said county of . County of ^ Whereas on last past a complaint was made before > the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace to wit. / in and for the said county of , by C. D. of, &c. : That, &c. [recite complaint No. 2, supra], and afterwards, to wit, on this day of , the parties aforesaid appeared before me the said justice [or the said C. D., as such surveyor as aforesaid, appears before me, the said justice but the said A. B., although duly called, doth not appear CHAP, ii.] TURNPIKE ROADS. 501 by himself, his counsel or attorney, and it is now satisfactorily proved to me upon oath, that the said A. B. has been duly served with the sum- mons in this behalf, which required him to be and appear here at this day before such of the justices of the peace for the said county as should now be here to answer to the said complaint, and to be further dealt with ac- cording to law ; and it is also duly proved and shown to me the said justice, that the said A. B. was and is not to be found]: And there- upon I the said justice did proceed to hear the matter of the said com- plaint in a summary way [and the said A. B. having produced a certain account or accounts of or concerning the matters aforesaid, I proceeded according to the directions of the statute in that case provided to settle the said account or accounts, and the said A. B. having heard the said complaint, acknowledged and voluntarily confessed the same to be true] : And it manifestly appearing to me [upon such confession of the said A. B.] or upon the oath of a credible witness [and upon the inspection of the said account or accounts so produced as aforesaid], that the sum of , being the whole [or part] of the money which has been collected or received by the said A. B. in the behalf and on the account aforesaid, is in the hands of the said A. B., and hath been by him refused and neg- lected to be paid as aforesaid, contrary to the said last-mentioned statute: These are therefore, &c. [as in Form No. 6 (N. 2), ante, p. 57, to the end.] 5. Commitment for Want of Distress for Money found due. To the constable of , and to the keeper of the common gaol at , in the said county of . County of ") Whereas complant, &c. [recite complaint No. 2, tupra, ; then recite the hearing and finding of the justice as in the to wit. * Distress Warrant, No. 4, supra, then a recital of issue of Distress Warrant and Constable's return of nulla bona, as in Form No. 71, ante, p. 59, and conclude as follows:] These are therefore to command you, the said constable of , to take the said A. B. and him safely to convey to the common gaol at aforesaid, and there deliver him to the said keeper, together with this precept : And I do hereby command you the said keeper of the said common gaol to receive the said A. B. into your custody in the said common gaol, there to imprison him and keep him, without bail or mainprize *, until he shall have accounted for and paid the full amount of the said money received by him [or in his hands] as aforesaid, or compounded with the said trustees [or commis- sioners] and paid such composition in such manner as the said trustees [or commissioners] shall appoint ; and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant, provided that the said A. B. shall not for the offence, or on the account aforesaid, be detained in prison for a longer space of time than [six] calendar months. Given under my hand and seal, &c. 6. Commitment for refusing to deliver up Books. To the constable of , and to the keeper of the common gaol at , in the said county of . County of } Whereas complaint, &c. [recite complaint No. 2, ante, D. >500, then recite the hearing and finding of the justice that the to wit. books, 4-c. were refused to be delivered up, then : whereas the said A. B. hath not produced to me the said justice, or the said C. D., the said account [or accounts] of all receipts and pay- ments as aforesaid [or the several vouchers and receipts relating ti accounts respectively [or the books, accounts, papers and wntta custody or power relating to the said act for making or repairing tt 502 Other Proceedings out of Sessions. [PART in. said tunipike road, or the said other acts above referred to], contrary, &c. : These are therefore, &c. [to the asterisk * in Form No. 5, supra, then :] until he shall have delivered up such books, papers, and writings as aforesaid, or made satisfaction thereof to the said trustees [or commis- sioners] : And for your so doing, &c. [to end of Form No. 5, supra.'] WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Justice's Authority to Inspector to enter Shops, 4 - c., to examine Weights, &fc. (From 2 Arch. J. P. 573, 4th ed.) To A. B., inspectors of weights and measures for the district of , and to all others whom it may concern. County of } Whereas you the said A. B. have been duly appointed > and now are an inspector of weights and measures for the to wit. j district of , in the said county of ; now I, J. S., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, do hereby authorize you the said A. B. as such inspector as aforesaid, at all seasonable times to enter any shop, store, warehouse, stall, yard or place whatsoever, within your district and jurisdiction, wherein goods shall be exposed or kept for sale, or shall be weighed for conveyance or carriage, and there to examine all weights, measures, steelyards, or other weighing machines, and to compare and try the same with the copies of the imperial standard weights and measures required and authorized to be provided under the statute in such case made and provided ; and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant and authority. Given under my hand, this day of , in the year of our Lord , at , in the [county~\ aforesaid. J. S. WRECK AND SALVAGE. Oke's Synop. Award and Order of Amount of Salvage. (9 & 10 Viet. c. 99, s. 21.) 2nd ed. p. 421. Adapted from Toone, p. 957. County of "i The award and order of J. S. and J. L., Esquires, two of ^her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, to wit. Jand residing at [or near to] the parish of , in the same county hereinafter mentioned, made this day of , in the year of our Lord 1850, at in the said county. Whereas it hath appeared unto us, the said justices, upon the complaint of C. D. of , in the said county of , that on the day of last, the ship [or vessel] called the , of F., G. H. master, bound from F. aforesaid to J., was stranded at in the parish of afore- said ; and that he the said C. D. at great labour and expense succeeded in saving the crew, landing the cargo, and getting the said ship from the shore where stranded, and that he hath conveyed the same to the port of : And whereas G. H., the said master [or owner, or owners, or his agent, us the case may be,~\ together with the said C. D., is [or are] now present before us, the said justices, for the purpose of having the claims and demands of the said C. D. for such services as aforesaid heard and determined: We therefore, the said justices, having examined into the cause and circumstances of the premises upon oath, and all matters relating thereto, do hereby order and award that he the said G. H. [owner, or agent, or salvors,] shall, upon notice of this our award and order, pay unto him, CHAP, jr.] WRECK AND SALVAGE. 503 the said C. D., the sum of for his services of every description as Oke's Synop. aforesaid. 2nd ed. p. 421 . [or thus, if the ship belongs to one party, one part of the cargo to another, and another part of the cargo to a third party, ajter the word " award'' say : that A., B., C. and D. of as afore- said, being the owners of the said ship [or vessel], shall, upon notice of this our award and order, pay unto him, the said C. D., the sum of ; that E. and F., of the city of , merchants, being the owners of apart of the cargo of the said ship [or vessel], shall, upon notice of this our award and order, also pay unto the said C. D. the sum of ; and that G., H. and I., of , merchants, being the owners of another part of the cargo of the aforesaid ship [or vessel], shall, upon notice of this our award and order, likewise pay unto the said C. D. the sum of for the services of every description rendered by the said C. D. aa aforesaid.] Given under our hands and seals, the day and year first above mentioned, at aforesaid. [ Justices' signatures and seals.} END OF PART III. ( 504 ) MISCELLANEOUS FORMS. 1. Demand of Perusal and Copy of a Warrant from a Constable. Mr. C. D. I do hereby, as the attorney [or agent] of and for A. B., of , according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, de- mand of you the perusal and copy of the warrant by virtue or under colour whereof you did, on or about the day of , assault the said A, B., and apprehend and carry and convey him in custody before E. F., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of . Dated this day of , 18 . Yours, &c. G. H., of , To Mr. C. D. Attorney for the said A. B. 2. The like, as from a Gaoler. Mr. C. D. I do hereby, as the attorney [or agent] of and for A. B. of , ac- cording to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, demand of you the perusal and copy of the warrant of commitment and instrument under which you received into your custody the said A. B., on or about the day of last, and kept and detained him in custody for the space of then next following. Dated this day of , 18 . Yours, &c. G. H., of , Attorney for the said . 3 Recognizance to prosecute Certiorari.~] This will be in the General Form, No. 48 (S. \\ante, p. 276, stating the condition thus: The condition of the within-written recognizance is such, that if he the said A. B. shall prosecute with effect, without any wilful or effected delay, at his own proper costs and charges, a writ ofcertiorari, issued out of the court of our said lady the Queen before the Queen herself at Westminster, to remove into the said court a certain conviction [or order] made by , two of the keepers of the peace and justices in and for the said county of , and shall pay to [the defendant on the application for the writ,'] within one month next after the said conviction [or order] shall be confirmed in the said court, all their full costs and charges to be taxed according to the course of the said court, then the said recognizance to be void, or else to stand in full force and virtue. 4. Justice's Notice of Objection to being sued in a County Court. (11 & 12 Viet. c. 44, s. 10.) No. [on summons], In the County Court of , at . Between A. B., plaintiff, and C. D., defendant. Take notice, that I, the undersigned [attorney or agent for] the above named defendant, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for MISCELLANEOUS FORMS. 505 the county of , having been, within six days hist past, served with a summons from the above court, summoning me to appear at a county court to be holden at , on the day of next, at the hour of in the forenoon, to answer you, the above-named plaintiff, in an action for a certain thing done by me [or him] in the execution of my [or his] office as such justice, do object thereto; and do hereby, in pursu- ance of an act passed in the twelfth year of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act to protect Justices of the Peace from vexa- tious Actions for Acts done by them in Execution of their Office," give you the said plaintiff this written notice, that I object [or he the said defendant objects] to being sued in the said county court for the said a leged cause of action. Dated the day of , 1850. Yours, &c. To. Mr. A. B. the above- C. D. [Attorney or Agent for] the named plaintiff. above-named defendant. 5. Justice's Order to a Constable to make a Return to a Warrant. To I. N., constable of the parish of , in the county of . I hereby order and direct you the said constable to produce unto me the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of [or such other or others of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the same county as shall be present at the in , in the said county] on the day of next, at twelve o'clock at noon, a certain warrant under my [or the] hand and seal [of J. P., Esquire, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county], bearing date the day of , for the apprehension of one A. B. [or requiring you to levy on the goods and chattels of one A. B.], as therein set forth, and to make your return thereto. Herein fail not at your peril. Given under my hand, this day of , 1850. J. S. 6. Statement by Two or more Justices for Alteration, 4 - c., of Petty Sessions Division. (9 Geo. 4, c. 43, s. 1 ; and 6 Will. 4, c. 12.) To I. D., Esquire, clerk of the peace for the said county. County of ) We the undersigned, justices of the peace for the county . J. [or riding or division] of , are of opinion that the several to wit. J parishes of A., B., and C., now forming the whole [or a part] of the A. division of special sessions in the said county [or that the parish of D. in the A. division of special sessions in the said county, and the parish of , in the B. division of special sessions in the said county] would form together a convenient and proper division, [or, from the asterisk*, ought to be annexed to the C. division of special sessions in the said county, for the purpose of forming together one convenient and proper division], within and for which special sessions should henceforth be held ; and that by such proposed change [or changes] of parishes the [two] existing divisions of A. and B. will be altered, and no others ; and that the several justices of the peace of the said county, and usually resident and acting as such within the boundaries of the said proposed new division [or within tne division and the alterations herein proposed] are [set out names'] ; and in pursuance of the statutes 9 Geo. 4, c. 43, and 6 Will. 4, c. 12, we do hereby transmit to you, as clerk of the peace for the said county, this statement in writing, signed by us, in order that the same may be laid before the justices of the peace for the said county at their next general quarter sessions of the peace. Dated this day of , 1850; [Justices signature*.] 506 MISCELLANEOUS FORMS. 7. Application by Justices to Quarter Sessions to hire a Place for holding Petty Sessions. (12 Viet c. 18, s. 2.) To I. D. Esquire, the clerk of the peace for the said county. County of) We, the undersigned, [the majorpart of] the justices of the > peace acting in the petty sessional division of A., in the said to wit. ) county, do, in pursuance of a statute passed in the twelfth year of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled " An Act for the hold- ing of Petty Sessions in Boroughs, and for providing Places for the hold- ing of such Petty Sessions in Counties and Boroughs," by this writing, signed by us, make application that her Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of in quarter sessions assembled, will direct that a fit and proper place be hired for the holding of regular [weekly] meetings of petty sessions of the peace within the said division, and that the expenses thereof and attendant thereon be paid out of the county rate of the said county, Witness our hands, this day of , 1850. [Justices' signatures.'] 8. Justices' Clerks' Notice to High Constables of Parish Officers appointed. To W. Y., high constable of the hundred of C., in the division of N., in the county of C. Sir, We beg to inform you, for your guidance, that the undermentioned persons have been duly appointed overseers of the poor, surveyors of the highways and constables for the respective parishes in your hundred, to act for the year ensuing : Parishes. Overseers. Surveyors returned as appointed in Vestry. Constables. A. W.F.&A.G. W. F. & I. H. F. N. & R. R. N. April, 185. Yours, &c., I. G. and B., Clerks to the Justices of the said division. INDEX. A. Abandoning family, whereby they become chargeable, 202, 207. Abduction of women, 285 ; of a girl under sixteen, 285. Abettors, aiders, counsellors, or procurers in summary convictions, 26. Abortion, procuring, 285 ; using an instrument to cause, 285. Abroad, offences, warrant to apprehend for, 261, 263, 264. Absconding, by apprentices, 72, 73, 74 ; from workhouse with clothes, 174. Absenting by servants in husbandry, &c. 159, 160. Abusing or illtreating cattle, sheep, dogs, &c., see " Cruelty to Animals." Abusing female children, under ten years of age, 296 ; above ten and under twelve years of age, 296. Abusive language by toll collector on turnpike roads, 186. Acceptance of bill of exchange, forging, 309 ; stealing, 314. Accessory in summary convictions, 26. Accessory after the fact, in felony, 259. Account of clerk of petty sessions of fines, &c. received, 62. Accounts, collector of highway rates not rendering, 124; recovery of amount due thereon, 441 443 ; the like, treasurer under lighting and watch- ing act, 448, 449; the like, turnpike roads, 500, 501; treasurer of corporation, 426, 427. Accused in indictable offences, caution to and statement of, 270. Accusing of crime, 286 ; threatening to accuse and thereby extorting money, 338 ; see " Letter, Threatening." Acting plays without licence in unlicensed house, 184. Actions against a justice, form, &c., of, 9, 10 ; notice of objection to being sued in a county court, 504, 505. Adjournment of hearing in summary convictions, commitment on, 28 ; notice to complainant, 29 ; recognizance on bail taken, 28 ; certificate of non-appearance, 29; see further, " Remand," as to indictable of- fences. Adjudication in several instances, mode of stating, 33, 34 ; minute of adjudi- cation on orders for service, 54. Administering drugs to procure abortion, 285. poison with intent to murder, 293. unlawful oaths, 327, 328. Admiralty, warrant for offences within the jurisdiction of the, 261. Adulterating exciseable liquors, by alehouse keepers, 66. by beerhouse keepers, 79. bread and Sour, 87. Advertisement of offender's name under bread act, 88. Affirmation, see " Outfit." Affray, 286 ; see " Prito Fighti." Agent, information or complaint by. 23. 508 Index. Agents, banker or attorney, converting or embezzling stock, interest, &c., 286 ; embezzling goods, 287 ; assisting therein, 287. Aiders, in summary convictions, 26. Alehouses. I. Offences against the Licence Fraudulently diluting or adulterating ex- ciseable liquors, 66; selling adulterated liquors, 66 ; not using stand- ard measure, 66 ; permitting drunkenness, 67 ; permitting disorderly conduct, 67 ; suffering unlawful games, 67 ; suffering gaming, 67 ; permitting persons of notoriously bad character to assemble, 67 ; opening house during afternoon divine service, 67 ; suffering liquor to be conveyed during divine service, 67 ; not maintaining good order, 67 ; forms to be used in enforcing the conviction, 68 ; observa- tions, 67, 68. II. Other Ounces Selling without licence, 68 ; licensed person selling in unlicensed premises, 68 ; not selling by standard measure; 68; not closing house in case of riot, &c. 68 ; harbouring or entertaining county police, 68 ; not receiving billeted soldiers, 69 ; refusing to pay compensation, &c., for stables, &c., for soldiers, 69 ; opening house before half-past twelve on Sunday morning, 69 ; selling before half-past twelve on Sunday morniug, 69; opening for the sale of any other articles on Sunday, 69 ; refusing to admit or not admitting a con- stable, 69 ; forms to be used in enforcing the conviction, 70. III. Proceedings on Charge of a Third Offence, and on Appeal against Con- viction under 9 Geo. 4, c. 61 Recognizance of informer or witness to prosecute at special sessions or at general annual licensing meet- ing, 70; notice of recognizance, 70; recognizance of defendant and sureties to try charge where adjourned to the quarter sessions, 70 ; notice of such recognizance, 70; recognizance of informer or witness to give evidence at the quarter sessions, 70 ; recognizance on appeal against conviction and notice, 63, 64, 71 ; summons of a witness to be bound in recognizance to give evidence on the trial of the appeal, 71 ; warrant where the witness has disobeyed the summons, 71 ; commitment of the witness on refusal to enter into recognizance, 71 ; recognizance of the witness to give evidence on appeal, 72 ; notice of such recognizance, 72. Notice of application for a new licence, 342; justices' appointment of general annual licensing meeting, 343 ; justices' precept to high con- stable, 343 ; high constable's warrant to petty constables, 343; notice from petty constable to alehouse keepers, &c. 344 ; notice for church door, 344 ; alehouse licence, 344, 345 ; form of entering licences granted in the special sessions book, 345; justices' appointment of special sessions for transferring, &c. for the year ensuing, 346 ; pre- cept to high constable to give notice of special sessions, high con- stable to petty constables, and petty constable's notice, 346, 347 ; notice of application for transfer of licence, 347 ; licence granted at a special session in case of death, &c. 348; temporary authority to sell, 348. Alehouses, order for closing in case of riot, 493. Allotments under an inclosure, damaging, 133, 148. Allowance of jury lists, 382 ; of highway rate, 441 ; of poor's rate, 485 ; of surveyors' accounts, 365 ; of overseers' accounts not in union, 384. Allowance, minute of, of expenses on trial at sessions or assizes, 284. Angling in water in private grounds in the day-time, 142 ; in the night-time, 309. Animals, see " Cruelty to Animals." Appeal, notice of, against a summary conviction or order, 63 ; recognizance to try the appeal, 63 ; notice of such recognizance, 64 ; certificate of clerk of the peace that the costs of an appeal are not paid, 64 ; war- rant of distress for costs, 64 ; commitment for want of distress, 65. (For appeals in particular cases, see the titles.) Index. 509 Appearance, certificate of non-appearance on case adjourned in summary con- victions and orders, 29 ; in indictable offences, 266. Application to Queen's Bench for a rule requiring a justice to do an act, 10. Apprehension, assaulting, stabbing, wounding, &c., with intent to prevent, 291. Apprentices (Summary Convictions and Orders.) I. Offences by Apprentices Apprentices misbehaving, 72; forms to be used in enforcing the conviction, 73 ; warrantor discharge of appren- tice instead of committal, 73 ; order to refund part of premium where apprentice discharged, 73 ; distress warrant upon master's goods for premium ordered to be refunded, 73 ; commitment in default of dis- tress, 74; order abating wages of apprentice, 74; complaint for misbehaviour of parish apprentice, 74 ; discharge of parish appren- tice, 74; commitment of parish apprentice in addition to his dis- charge, 74 ; complaint of apprentice absenting and refusing to make satisfaction to his master, 74 ; order or determination of the justice as to the amount of satisfaction, 74; commitment of apprentice on refusing to make satisfaction, 74. II. Offences by Master Complaint for misusage, refusal of provisions, clothing, &c. 75 ; warrant of certificate of discharge of apprentice, 75 : distress warrant on master's goods for premium ordered to be refunded, 75 ; commitment in default of distress, 75 ; general forms to be used in enforcing the money penalty, 75 ; complaint for misusage, &c., of parish apprentice, 75 ; order discharging apprentice, and to master to pay sum for again placing out apprentice, to deliver up clothes and pay a sum on refusal, 75, 76 ; distress warrant thereon, 76 ; commitment in default, 76 ; forms to be used in enforcing the money penalty, 76 ; application of master previous to discharge of parish apprentice, where master is insolvent, &c. 76 ; discharge of apprentice thereon, 76 ; recognizance of overseers of the poor to prosecute by indictment a master for ill treatment of a parish appren- tice, 76 ; master wilfully abandoning a parish apprentice, and remov- ing above forty miles, 77 ; discharging or transferring apprentice with- out consent, see " Errata ;" neglecting to perform conditions of in- denture inserted by poor law commissioners, 77 ; general forms to be used in enforcing the conviction, 77. Apprentices (Petty Sessions Matters.) I. As to Parish Apprentice* Order of two justices for binding out appren- tice, 395; indenture of apprenticeship by guardians without justices' consent, 396 ; allowance of indenture by two justices where the binding parish is, 396; the like, where the child is to serve, 396; order of justices, on master removing, for continuing, assigning or discharging apprentice, 396 ; order to continue with widow, 397 ; widow's acceptance of apprentice, 397 ; the like order, by a separate instrument, 397 ; assignment of apprentice by indorsement. 398 ; the like, by a separate instrument, 398 ; overseer or churchwarden's complaint against master for enforcing covenant for maintenance, summons and order, 398. II. As to Apprentices in general Usual printed indenture, 399; to two masters, to serve them consecutively in distinct trades, 399, 400 ; assignment of apprentice, 400; oath to be taken by a master whose apprentice has absconded, 401 ; justices' certificate to be given to the master, 401 ; complaint against master for wages, summons, order &c. 401. Area of a house, stealing, &c., metal fixed as a fence to, 135, 316. Armed persons trespassing in search of game, and using violence, 113; the like, by night, 312 ; three or more persons doing so, 313. Armed assemblies for aiding in smuggling, 336. Arms of soldiers, detaining, 161. Arms, training to the use of. 287 ; aiding or assisting therein, 287 ; present, for the purpose of being trained, 287 ; being trained, 287. 510 Index. Army, officers in the, taking, &c., game, 114. Arrangement of this collection, 12, 13. Arson ; setting fire to dwelling-house, person being therein, 287 ; church or chapel, 288, house, stable, &c. 288 ; ship, &c., or casting same away, with intent to murder, &c. 288 ; ship, &c., incomplete or not, 288 ; the like, with intent to prejudice owner or goods, 288 ; coal mines, 288, 289 ; stacks of corn, &c. 289 ; crops of corn, standing or cut down, 289 ; a wood, heath, &c., wheresoever growing, 289 ; to her Majesty's vessels of war, or to the works or vessels lying in dock, 289 ; to farm buildings, 289 ; hay, &c., or implements in farm buildings, 289 ; information for a search warrant for explosive sub- stances intended to be used in attempting to set fire to any building, stack, vessel, &c. 289, 290 ; search warrant thereon, 290 ; attempt- ing to set fire to any building, vessel, slack, &c. 290 ; throwing explosive substances near to any building, with intent to destroy, 290 ; having explosive substances, or making same, with intent, &c. 291 ; to a place of confinement, 291. See " Burning by Servants." Articles of the peace, see " Sureties." Ass, illtreating, see " Cruelty to Animals." Assault; common assault or battery, 77 ; certificate of dismissal of complaint, 77 ; general form to be used in enforcing the conviction, 77 ; to pre- vent seamen, &c., from working, 78 ; to prevent sale of corn, &c. 78 ; to stop conveyance of corn, &c. 78 ; general forms to be used in enforcing the convictions, 78; assault on board a ship, 78. (Indictable) ; stabbing, &c., with intent to maim, resist apprehension, disable, &c. 291 ; sending explosive substances, or throwing corrosive fluid, with intent to burn, &c. 291 ; impeding persons endeavouring to escape from wreck, 291 ; on deerkeepers by trespassers, 134, 292 ; with intent to rob, 292 ; common assault and battery, 292 ; on magistrate, in case of wreck, 292 ; with intent to carnally know child under ten years, 292 ; with intent to commit a rape, 292 ; with intent to commit an unnatural offence, 292 ; with intent to commit a felony (general), 292; on peace or revenue officers, 292; on persons, to prevent lawful apprehension by them, 292 ; in pursuance of con- spiracy to raise wages, 293 ; on special or county constables, &c. 293 ; provoking a dog to bite, 293. Asylum for lunatics, removal of paupers, &c., to, see " Lunatics." Attempts to murder, &c. ; administering poison, &c., stabbing or causing bodily injury, with intent, &c. 293; attempting to administer poison, or shooting at, or attempting to drown, suffocate, &c., with intent, &c. 293 ; by blowing up buildings, 293 ; by explosive substances, 293 ; by sending, &c., explosive substances, 294; by attempting to blow up buildings, 294. Attempts to commit crimes ; to commit felony at common law, 294 ; to commit a misdemeanor, whether statu table or at common law, 294. Attorney, information or complaint by, 23. Avenue, stealing, damaging, &c., trees, shrubs, &c., growing in, see " Larceny," " Malicious Injuries." Award under Friendly Societies Acts, enforcing see " Friendly Societies." Award of justices for salvage, 502, 503. B. Backing warrant of apprehension and commitment, 27 ; warrants of distress in summary convictions and orders, 36. Badger, fighting or baiting, 102 ; running for the purpose of baiting on or near highway, 129 ; or on turnpike road, 196. Bagatelle boards, see " Gaming Houses." Index. 5H Bail in summary convictions and orders, on adjournment by ; recognizance, and notice, 28 ; certificate of non-appearance, 29 ; recognizance after hearing till return of distress warrant, 51. Bail, recognizance of, in indictable offences, for accused, where remanded, and notice, 265 ; certificate of non-appearance, 266 ; certificate of con- sent to bail by committing justice on commitment, 271 ; on a sepa- rate paper, 277 ; recognizance for accused's appearance on trial, and notice, 276, 277 ; warrant of deliverance on bail being given for a prisoner, 277; the like, of committing justice, on recognizance of sureties being taken before him, conditioned on accused entering into bis own, 277 ; recognizance of bail upon habeas corpus, 278 ; notice of bail, 278. Bail, complaint of, for a person charged with an indictable offence, in order that he might be committed in discharge of their recognizance, 278 ; warrant to apprehend the person charged, 279 ; commitment of the person charged on surrender of his bail, 279 j the like, where appre- hended by the bail without warrant, 280. Baiting a bull, badger, &c., see " Badger." Bakers, see " Bread and Flour." Bank of England note, forging, &c. 309, 310, 311. Banker, embezzlement by, 286. Banks of highways, digging or cutting down, 128. Banks of rivers or canals, destroying, 322. Bankrupts, observation as to offences by, 294. Barge, stealing from, 317, 318. Barn, setting fire to, 288 ; produce, &c., in 289 ; tumultuously demolishing by rioters, 334 ; remedy against the hundred for, see " Hundred." Bastards (Petty Sessions). I. Forms given in the act 8 Viet. c. 10, for proceedings under 7 f 8 Viet. c. 101 Application by woman with child, 402 ; summons thereon, 402 ; application by a woman after birth, 403 ; summons thereon, 403 ; application where the father has paid money within twelve months after birth, 404; summons thereon, 404; order on applica- tion by woman with child, 405 ; order on application by woman after birth, 406, 407 ; recognizance to appeal, 408 ; information of mother on disobedience of the order, 408 ; warrant of apprehension of father, 409; warrant of distress, 410, 411; recognizance for appearance on return of distress warrant, 41 1 ; commitment on con- fession of no goods, 412 ; commitment in default of distress, 413; appointment of guardian to the bastard child, 415. II. Other form* Summons of a witness, 416; warrant on disobedience, 416; commitment of witness for refusing to give evidence, 417; notice of appeal against an order in bastardy, 417 ; notice of recogni- zance to appeal, 417 ; notice to mother and justice by father of his having entered into recognizance to appeal, 417; notice to mother and justice by father of abandonment of appeal, 418 ; notice of recognizance for appearance at the return of distress warrant, 418 ; justices' clerk's return of orders made, &c. to clerk of the peace, 418. Bawdy-house, see " Disorderly House." Bear-baiting, see " Badger." Beast confined, stealing. 142 ; receiving or having it, 142. Beastiality, see " Sodtuny." Beating or wounding deerkeepers, 134, 292. Beerhouses. I. Offences against the Licence TOT mixing drugs, &c., in beer, flee. 78 ; diluting or adulterating liquor, 79 ; selling adulterated liquor, 79 ; not using standard measure. 79 ; permitting drunkenness, 79 ; per- 512 Index. Beerhouses continued. milling disorderly conduct, 79 ; suffering unlawful games, 79 ; suffer- ing gaming, 79 ; permitting persons of notoriously bad character to as- semble, 79 ; not maintaining good order, 79 ; summons to defendant, 79; forms to be used in enforcing the conviction, 80; adjudication disqualifying offender from selling beer, &c. for two years, on con- viction for a third offence, 80. 1L Offences as to Hours Keeping open after eleven o'clock at night within the bills of mortality, 80 ; the like, within a town corporate or place containing a population exceeding 2500.. 80 ; the like, within a country parish containing a population exceeding 2500. .80 ; the like, within a mile from a polling place for a town having 2500 inhabitants, 80 ; keeping open after ten o'clock at night in other places, 81 ; selling or retailing beer during the same times, 81 ; keeping open before five o'clock in the morning, 81 ; keeping open during the time alehouses closed (i. e. now the afternoon divine service), 81 ; opening house or selling before twelve o'clock on Sunday morning, &c. 69, 81. III. Other Offences Selling without licence, 81 ; not having a descriptive board over door, 81 ; overseer refusing to grant certificate of rating, &c. 82 ; the like, of newly-erected houses, 82 ; overseer falsely cer- tifying house to be rated, 82; overseer or other person falsely ceiti- fying a person to be resident, 82 ; the like, of rent, or annual value, 82 ; the like, granting any certificate false in any other respect, 83 ; forging a certificate, 83 ; producing or making use of forged cer- tificate, 83 ; adjudication of forfeiture of licence granted upon forged certificate upon conviction, 83 ; notice to the excise of adjudication, 83 ; permitting wine or spirits, &c., to be brought into house, 83 ; suffering wine, &c , to be drunk in house, 84 ; selling by other than standard measure, 79, 84; not producing licence lo justice when required, 84 ; selling beer, &c., made otherwise than from malt and hops, 84 ; mixing, &.C., drugs, &c., in beer sold, 84 ; fraudulently diluting or adulterating beer, 84; adjudication on a second offence, 84 ; person, previously convicfed and disqualified, selling, 84, 85 ; other person selling on premises during period disqualified, 85 ; sell- ing after having been convicted of felony and thereby disqualified, or of selling spirits without licence, 85 ; forms to be used in enforcing the conviction, 85. IV. Proceedings against Sureties of Beerhouse Keeper Information to ground summons to sureties to show cause why the penalty in bond should not be paid to satisfy penalty on conviction, 85 ; summons to the sureties, 86 ; order and adjudication upon sureties for the penalty, 86 ; forms of enforcing the order, 86. V. Proceedings on Appeal against Conviction for a Third Offence, 70, 86, 72. Justices' order to close, in case of riots, 493. Begging alms, 203 ; causing child to beg, 203. Betting at games of chance in the street or highways, 207 j cheating at play, 3 ]'3. Bigamy, 294. Billets of soldiers, see " Alehouses " and " Military Law." Billiard tables, see " Gaming Houses." Binding over party to prosecute and witness, recognizance for, 273,274 ; com- mitment of witness for refusing, 275 ; subsequent order to discharge the witness, 275. Bird, confined, stealing, 142 ; receiving or having it, 14"2. Birth of a child, mother concealing, 301. Black game, killing, out of season, 115. Blasphemous libels, publishing, 295, see " Libels." Index. 513 Board of guardians of poor law union, authority by, to their officers to prose- cute, 170, 171 ; notice or certificate to, under Nuisances Acts, 464 ; recovery of contribution from overseers. 385 387, see further " Poor." Bodies, dead, see " Dead Bodies." Bond, forging, 310; stealing, 314. Bonfire, making, near a highway, 129; the like, near turnpike road, 196. Books, order for restoration of, to a parish library, 419. Booth, placing, on highway, 129 ; the like, on turnpike road, 196. Boroughs, offending against bye- laws of, 91 ; assaulting, &c. constables of, 97 ; precept appointing special constables for, in October annually, 349, 350 ; summons to be sworn, 350 ; certificate of oath, 351. Breach of the peace, see " Sureties." Breach of duty as a peace officer, see the various divisions of the title " Con- stubles," punishable summarily; indictable, 302. Bread and flour, for offences beyond the bills of mortality, and ten miles of the Royal Exchange.selling.&c., bread not marked, 86 ; special adjudica- tion in conviction, 87 ; adulterating bread, 87 ; adultering flour, &c, 87 ; selling, &c., flour, &c., adulterated, or one sort for another, 87 ; infor- mation to ground search warrant for adulterated bread or flour, 87 ; search warrant thereon, 87 ; having ingredients for adulterating, 88 ; advertisement of offender's name for newspaper, 88 ; obstructing the search for adulterated flour, &c. 88 ; opposing carrying away ingre- dients seized, 88 ; not selling by weight, 89 ; not using avoirdupoise weight, 89 ; not providing scales and weights, &c. 89 ; using false or incorrect beam, 89; using false weights, 89; delivering bread with- out being provided with scales, &c. 89 ; baking on Sundays, &c. 89; opposing execution of act, 90 ; complaint by a master convicted, that the penalty was occasioned by the wilful neglect of. his journey- man, warrant and order, 90 ; general forms to be used in enforcing the convictions, 90. Breaking and entering, see " Burglary " and " Housebreaking." Breaking down the dam of a fish or mill pond, 322. Breaking down bridges or banks of rivers, 322. Bribery, 295. Bricks and tiles, making, of improper size, 90, 91. Bridge, throwing down stones from, set up by surveyors, 128. Broker, embezzling money, &c. 286. Buggery, see " Sodomy." Building, erecting, on highway, 127 ; the like, on a turnpike road, 199. Building within the curtilage, breaking and entering and stealing therein, 313, 317. Building erected so as to be a nuisance, see " Nuisances." Bull-baiting, see " Badger," " Cruelty to Animalt." Buoy or Buoy ropes, see " Wreck and Salvage." Burglary, entering a dwelling-house with intent to commit felony, 295 , being 'therein and committing a felony, &c. 295 ; the like, and using vio- lence to persons therein, 295. Burning by servants (summary), 91, see " Arson." Bustards, killing, out of season, 1 15. Butcher, trading on Sunday, 188. Butter, selling, in a tub not marked, 91. Li i . 514 Index. Buying counterfeit coin, 299; game unlawfully, 115, 116; the arms or clothes of soldiers, 161. Bye-laws of boroughs, offending against, 91 ; of railways, see " Railways." C. Cabbages, stealing, 144; damaging, 147. Cables, see " Wreck and Salvage." Calf, stealing, 296 ; wounding, &c., 296 ; ill-treating, see " Cruelty to Ani- mals." Canal, damaging bank, &c., of, 322; constables on, see " Constables." Cannel coal, setting fire to mines of, 288 ; stealing from, 134, 316. Caption, of depositions of witnesses in indictable offences, 269 ; of prisoner's statement, 270; of a petty sessions, 423 ; of special sessions, 351, 356, 362, 367, 393. Carnally knowing female children under ten years of age, 296 ; above ten and under twelve years of age, 296. Cart, not having owner's name on, on highway, 124, 126 ; the like, on turn- pike road, 192. Cattle, stealing, 296 ; killing with intent to steal, 296 ; maliciously killing, &c. 296 ; see '' Cruelty to Animals " and "Horse-slaughtering." Cattle, driving them on causeway, 128, 192. Cattle, slaughtering, near a turnpike road, 196. Causeway, see " Footway." Caution to a person accused of an indictable offence embodied in statement, 270. Certificate of non-appearance on recognizance in summary convictions where hearing adjourned, 29: in indictable offences, where remand and examination adjourned, 266. Certificate of dismissal of an information or complaint, 34. Certificate of clerk of the peace that the costs of an appeal are not paid, 64. Certificate of indictment being found to authorize a warrant, 261. Certificate of gaoler of receipt of prisoner, 61, 280 ; of money found on an accused in indictable offences, 281. Certificate of consent to bail by examining justice, on back of commitment for trial, 271 ; the like, on a separate paper, 277. Certificate of justices of viewing highway proposed to be slopped up, 440 ; the like, after order and making of new highway, 443. Certificate, examining magistrate's, of expenses incurred previous to committal of accused for felony, 282. Certificate, sporting without, 119, 120. Certificate of justices of capital subscribed to railway, 485. Certiorari, recognizance to prosecute, 504. Challenge, provoking to send a, 297 ; sending, 297 ; taking, 298. Chapel, setting fire to, 288 ; disturbing congregation in church, 297 ; disturb- ing congregation of Dissenters, 297 ; riotously demolishing, 335. Character of servant, giving a false one, 156; forging or altering same, 157. Chase belonging to the crown, see " Game." Cheating at play, 313. Child, stealing, 296; receiving or harbouring, 296; concealing birth of, 301. Chimney sweepers, allowing any person under twenty oue to sweep, 92 ; making chimney of wrong construction, 92. Christmas-day, not closing alehouses on, 67, 69; the like, beerhouses, 81 ; kil- ling game on, 1 15. Church, see " Chapel." Index. 515 Church rates, recovery of, from others than Quakers, 497, 498; the like, from Quakers, 498. Clergymen, arresting, on way to or during divine service, 298. Clerks to justices, table of fees to, under customs acts, 217, 218. Clerk of petty sessions, monthly account of fines, &c-, received by, 62. Clerks, larceny by, 318 ; embezzlement by, 305. Club, forcing a workman to belong to, 93. Coaches, stage, furiously driving and injuring persons, 338. Coals, selling by other than weight, 92. Coal mine, stealing from, 134, 316; setting fire to, 288. Cockfighting, keeping a house or place for, 102. Codicil to a will, forging, 310; stealing, destroying or concealing, 315. Coin; information to ground search warrant for counterfeit coin, or tools, &c. 298 ; search warrant thereon, 298 ; counterfeiting gold or silver coin, 298 ; gilding or silvering coin, 299 ; impairing gold or silver coin, 299 ; buying counterfeit coin, 299 ; importing counterfeit coin, 299 ; uttering counterfeit gold or silver coin, 299; the like, a second offence, 300; uttering counterfeit gold or silver coin, and then having others in possession, 300 ; uttering twice within ten days, 300 ; having possession of counterfeit coin with intent to utter same, 300 ; making, or mending, or having coining tools, 300 ; conveying tools or coin, &c., out of Mint without authority, 301 ; counterfeiting copper coin, or making, or mending, selling, receiving or having in possession, without authority, any tools, &c., for such coin, 301 ; uttering false copper coin, or having possession of three or more pieces thereof with intent to utter, 301. Colliers, see " Manufactures, fyc." Collector of rates for highways, not rendering account, 124, 441, 442. of tolls on turnpike road, see " Turnpike Roads." Colt, stealing, &c. 296 ; wounding, 296 ; see " Cruelty to AnimaU." Combination, forcing a workman to leave work, &c. 92; the like, to belong to a club, &c. 93 ; the like, master to alter his mode of trade, &c. 93. Commitments (in summary convictions and orders) ; for safe custody of de- fendant during an adjournment of the hearing, 28, 29; of a witness for refusing to be sworn or to give evidence, 31 ; the like, for a penalty for not attending to give evidence, &c. 32, 33 ; of com- plainant for want of distress for costs on dismissal, 37 ; the like, on confession of no goods, &c. 37 ; of defendant, on a conviction, where the punishment is by imprisonment, 46; the like, on an order, 55; the like, for want of distress for the costs on a conviction, 47 ; on an order, 56; the like, forthwith, on confession of no goods, &c. 48, 56; for a penalty in the first instance, 49; on an order, 57; upon a conviction where the distress would be ruinous, 60; on an order, 58; the like, for want of distress, 52 ; on an order, 59 ; for a consecutive period, 53 ; for a second or subsequent offence, 63, 54 ; for want of distress for the costs of an appeal against a conviction or order, 65 ; backing, 27. Commitments (in indictable offences); of a person indicted. 262; of foreigners committing offences in France, &c., and escaping to thw country, 264 ; remanding a prisoner, 264 ; of a witness for refuwng to be jworn or to give evidence, 268 ; the like, if the witness attends without a summons, 268 ; of accused for trial, 270; the like, where brought up on remand, 271 ; of wilneis for refusing to enter into the recognizance, 275; of the person charged on surrender of his bail, 279; the like, wheie apprehended by the bail, without warrant, 280. L L 2 516 Index. Commitments in other matters, see the various titles. Common gaming house, keeping, 120; and see "Gaming Houses." Common informer, information by, 25. Commons, &c., turning out scabbed sheep, 93 ; complaint to a justice for a warrant to remove sheep, &c., infected, 93; warrant thereon, 93; notice to the owner from the complainant of the examination, 94; complaint by the owner of expenses incurred, where the sheep are not infected, 94; order of justice for expenses, 94; justice's adjudication that sheep be detained and marked, 94 ; recovery of expenses of mark- ing, &c. 94; cutting out marks made by justice's order, 95; not marking sheep, 95. Compassing to depose her Majesty of the crown, 339 ; see " Queen." Complaint for an order for money, general, 23 ; the like, for an indictable offence, 258. Complaint, dismissal of, in summary orders, see " Dismissal." Complainant, notice to, when defendant apprehended, 29. Compounding a felony, 301. Concealing the birth of a child, 301. goods to avoid a distress for rent, 106. a will, 315. Coney, trespassing in search or pursuit of, 112 ; see further " Game." Confederacy and combination, unlawful, administering or taking oath to engage in, 327. Congregation for religious worship, disturbing, 297. Consent of committing justice to take bail for an indictable offence indorsed on commitment, 271 ; the like, on a separate paper, 277. Conservatory (summary), stealing, or damaging with intent to steal, plants, &c., in, 144; damaging, 147. (indictable), 135, 147,316, 321. Conspiracies, general, 301 ; to cheat, 301 ; to accuse of crime, 302. Constable (summary convictions) ; deposition of service of summons on de- fendant by, 26 ; the like, of service on witness, 30; return of, to a distress warrant, 36 ; order on county treasurer for expenses of con- veying defendant to gaol, 61. (in indictable offences); deposition of service of summons on accused, by, 26, 260 ; the like, on a witness, 30, 267 ; constable's bill of expenses for conveying accused to gaol, and order for same, 281 ; the like, of conveying into another county, 272 ; the like, order to gaoler to pay same, where accused had money in his possession at the time of com- mittal, 281. (summary convictions). I. As to Parochial Constables Refusing to attend and be sworn, 95 ; refusing to act, 95 ; neglecting duty or disobeying justice's warrant or order, 96. II. As to County Constables Neglecting duty, 96; persons fraudulently taking exemption from toll as a county constable, 96 ; assaulting or resisting constable, or promoting or encouraging another to do so, 97. III. As to Borough Constables Neglecting duty or disobeying orders, 97 ; assaulting borough constable, 97 ; resisting borough constable, 97 ; aiding or inciting another to assault or resist, 97 ; assaulting borough special constable, 97. IV. As to Special Constables Refusing to take the oath, 98; refusing to attend to take the oath, 98 ; refusing to serve or to obey orders, 98 ; assaulting special constable, 98 ; resisting special constable, 98 ; promoting or encouraging another to assault or resist, 98. V. As to Constables on Rivers, Canals, 5fc. Neglecting du(y, 99 ; assaulting or resisting such constable, or aiding or inciting any person so to do, 99. Index. 517 Constables (Summary Convictions) continued. VI. As, to Constables under Watching and Lighting Act Assaulting or re- sisting such constable, or promoting or encouraging another so to do, 99. Constables (Indictable). refusing to serve office, 302 ; refusing to assist a constable when called upon, 302. Constables (Special Sessions Matters). appointment of borough (special), yearly in October, 349; summons to person appointed to take the oath, 350; oath, 351 ; certificate of having taken the oath, 351 ; certificate of constable appointed by the watch committee having taken the oath, 425. (High) Appointment of, 351 ; oath, 351. (Parochial) Justice's precept to overseers with instructions, 352354; list to be returned to clerks to justices, 354 ; list to be affixed to church door, 355 ; notice from one to the other divisional justices of the special petty sessions, 355 ; notice to justices of sessions for the union of parishes, 356 ; order of special sessions for the union of parishes, 356 ; memoranda of allowance of list and appointment of persons, 356; summons to constable to take oath of office, 357 ; con- stable's oath, 357 ; certificate of appointment of constable and of oath of office, 358; form of entering constables appointed in " The Special Sessions Book," 359 ; list of constables appointed for church door, 359 ; the like, for clerk of the peace and justices, 360; sum- mons to the constable to serve on vacancy of the substitute, 360; choice of new constable durin? the year of office, 361 ; order in petty sessions for constable's or clerk's fees, 423 ; complaint for non-pay- ment of order, summons and distress warrant on overseer, 424 ; com- plaint against paid constable for misconduct, summons and dismissal, 425. (Special) Deposition of a credible witness of tumult, &c. 419 ; precept for appointing several special constables in one form, 420; precept used at Worship Street, 421 ; of a non resident, 421 ; summons to attend and be sworn, 421 ; constable's oath, 422; certificate of ap- pointment, 422 ; notification of appointment to secretary of state and lord lieutenant, 422 , justices clerks' notice convening a special ses- sions for making orders for payment to constables, 361 ; justices' order in special sessions for expenses, &c. 361 ; the like, where pay- ment is to be made to the clerks of the justices for them to distribute, 362. (County) oath, 423 ; certificate of oath, 423. (Under Lighting and Watching Act) See " Lighting and Watching Act." (On navigable tiivers and Canals) Oath, 426 ; certificate of oath, 426. Contribution to guardians of union, enforcing payment of, 385 387. Conviction, distinction between it and an order, note ('), 16 ; for a penalty to be levied by distress, and in default of sufficient distress, imprison- ment, 38 ; for a penalty, and in default of payment, imprisonment. 39; when the punishment is by imprisonment, 39; general con- solidated form embodying the three last. 40; on view of a justice, 42, see " Enforcing Cwvictions and Orders," and " Appeal." Coppice, setting fire to, 289. Copy of the minute of an order for service, 35, 54. Copyright of designs Selling article as registered when not so, 99 ; adver- tising as registered, or after expiration of copyright, 100. Corn, stacks or crops of, setting fire to, 289. Corn returns Corndealer not making declaration, 100; declaration before t justice, 426. Corn, assault to prevent the free sale or conveyance of, 78. Corrosive fluids, throwing upon person with intent to do bodily harm, 291. 518 Index. Costs on dismissal, see " Dismissal," Costs of an appeal, see " Appeal." Costs previous to committal in indictable offences, examining magistrate's cer- tificate of, 282. Counselling the commission of summary offence, see " Abettors" Counterfeiting coin, see " Coin ;" pawn ticket, 170 ; weights and measures, 212. Counting-house, breaking and stealing from, 314. County, detached part of, description of justice when acting for, 23. County court, justice's notice objecting to be sued in, 504, 505. County courts, assaulting bailiff of, 101 ; making rescue of goods levied, 101. Coursing deer, 134, 140, 315. Cow, see " Cattle," " Cruelty to Animals." Cricket, playing, on or near highway, 129 ; the like, turnpike road, 196. Crime, accusing of, with a view of extorting money, &c. 286, vide " Letter, Threatening," and " Sodomy." Crops of corn, &c., setting fire to, 289. Crowbar, having, with intent to break into a house, 207. Cruelty to apprentices, see " Apprentices;" to servants, see " Master and Ser- vant ;" to persons of tender years, 302. Cruelty to animals Conviction in 12 & 13 Viet. c. 92. .101 ; beating, illtreat- ing, &c., or causing same, 102 ; keeping cockpit or place for bull- baiting, &c., 102 ; persons guilty of cruelty, and thereby doing damage, 102 ; not feeding cattle impounded, 102 ; complaint for recovery of cost of food supplied by a stranger to cattle inpounded without food, 102 ; order thereon, 103 ; improperly conveying animals, 103 ; obstructing constable or keeper of a pound, 103 ; summons to proprietor of public vehicles to produce the driver, &c. 103; complaint of proprietor of carriage (who has paid the penalty for the driver's offence) against the driver for the same, 103; order for payment by the driver, 103 ; proprietor refusing to produce driver, 103, see further " Cattle," " Horse Slaughtering." Cultivated roots or plants, stealing, 144 ; damaging, &c. 147. Cursing, see " Swearing." Curtilage, building within the, see " Burglary" and " Housebreaking." Customs, forms in the schedule to 8 & 9 Vict.c. 87 (Smuggling Act), 215 217 ; tables of fees in schedule to 12 & 13 Viet. c. 90. .217, 218. Cutting or wounding with intent to murder, to do bodily harm, to disable or disfigure, to prevent apprehension, &c. 291. D. Dam of a fish or mill pond, damaging, 322. Damaging bridges, &c., see " Highways," " Turnpike Roads ;" fences, stiles, trees, plants, &c., see " Larceny," " Malicious Injuries." Date of offence not material in informations, 8. Dead bodies, not giving notice to churchwardens of finding, 104 j church- warden, &c., not removing or burying the body, 104; order for re- imbursing overseers the expenses of interring a dead body, 104, 105; disinterring (indictable), 302. Dealers in game, offences by, 116, 117; licence to, 362. Declaration, instead of oath, 470 ; dying declaration, 259. Decoying away a child, 296 ; harbouring it, 296. Deeds relating to real property, forging, 310 j stealing, 314, 315. Deer, coursing, 134, 140, 315 ; having had a skin in possession, 141 ; setting engines, &c., for, 141; stealing, 315 ; assaulting and resisting deer- keepers in seizing guns, &c. 134, 292. Index. 519 Defects in informations or complaints, summonses and warrants of apprehen- sion in summary convictions and orders, 8. Delaying letters, see " Post Office." Deliverance, warrant of, where accused bailed after committal, 277 ; liberate on payment of penalty, &c., in summary convictions and orders, 59. Demand of perusal and copy of a warrant from gaoler and constable, 504. Demanding property with menaces with intent to steal same, 317; sending letter to the like effect, 318. Demolishing house, &c., see " Riott." Deposition on charge of a summary offence substantiated, 24 ; of service of the summons on defendant, 26; of service of summons on witness, 30. Depositions of witnesses in indictable offences, 269. Desertion of bastard child, 207. Destroying bridges, &c., see " Highways," " Turnpike Roads ;" game by night, see " Game;" fences, &c , boats and ships, see " Maliciout Injuriet." Detached parts of counties, justice's jurisdiction in, 5 ; description of justice when acting for, 23. Detention of defendant, order for, until return of distress warrant, note (a), 50. Detention of accused in custody, warrant for, where indictment found, 263. Diluting exciseable liquors, see " Alehouses and Beerhouses." Direction posts, damaging, &c., see " Highways," " Turnpike Roads." Discharge of apprentice, see "Apprentice;" of servant, see " Master and Servant." Discharge of defendant on payment, liberate for, 59 ; see " Deliverance. 1 ' Dismissal, order of, of an information or complaint, 34 ; certificate of dismissal. 34 ; minute of order for service, 35 ; warrant of distress for costs upon order, 35 ; commitment for want of distress, 37 ; commitment of complainant for costs immediate on confession of no goods, 37, 38. Disobeying justice's orders, 96 ; poor law commissioners' or guardians' orders, I7l ; (indictable), 303; of the direction or prohibition of a statute where no penalty annexed, 303. Disorderly conduct in alehouses or beerhouses, see those titles. Disorderly conduct in workhouse, 174. Disorderly house, notice by two inhabitants to constables and overseers, 303 ; deposition of truth of notice by the two inhabitants, 303 ; recogni- zance in 30 to prosecute by constable or overseer, 304 ; recogni- zance in 20 each to give evidence by the two inhabitants, 304 ; jus- tice's warrant to bring up accused, 304 ; statement of offence for the commitment, 305. Dissenters, permitting meeting in a place not certified, 105; preaching without consent of occupier, 105 ; preaching before required oaths taken, 105; preaching in registered building with door bolted, &c., 105; disturb- ing congregation, 297 ; certificate of having taken the oaths, 427. Distress, tenant clandestinely removing goods, 106; person aiding and assist- ing, 106; order for payment of double value, 106; taking excessive charges on distresses for rent, &c.. 106, 107; order of dismissal of complaint, 107 ; order of treble amount taken, 107. Distress warrants, for costs upon an order of dismissal, 35 ; constable's re- turn thereto, 36 ; backing, 36 ; for costs upon a conviction where the offence is punishable by imprisonment, 46 ; the like, upon an order, 55 ; upon a conviction for a penalty, 50; the like, for an order, 57 ; on offender's goods for costs of conveyance to gaol, 60 ; for costs of an appeal against a conviction or order, 64 ; see further, the various titles. 520 Index. Distress, rescue of, under County Courts Act, Highways, or Turnpike Roads, see those titles. Ditches, see " Highways," " Nuisances," " Turnpike Roads." Division of counties, statement of justices for alteration of, 505. Dock, stealing from, 318. Dog, ill-treating, see " Cruelty to Animals." Dogs, stealing a dog, 107 ; complaint to ground search warrant for a stolen dog, 107 ; search warrant thereon, 107 ; having a stolen dog in pos- session, 108. (Indictable), 315 ; corruptly taking rewards as to stolen dogs, 315, 316. Dove or pigeon, stealing, 142. Dredging upon the oyster bed of another, 315. Drivers on highways and turnpike roads, see those titles. Drovers, travelling on Sunday, 183. Drown, attempting to, 293. Drowning, murder by, 325. Drugs, see " Alehouses ;" " Abortion" Drunkenness. 1. Proceedings upon a First Offence. For being drunk, 108 ; variation in the general form of conviction, 108 ; conviction on view, 42, 108 ; distress warrant, 50, 108; commitment to the stocks in default of distress, 108 ; warrant to the churchwardens to receive the penalty, 109. II. Proceedings for a Second Offence. Information for being drunk, 109 ; recognizance to be of good behaviour, and notice, 109 ; commitment in default of recognizance, 109. Drunkenness in workhouse, 174. Duck, wild, taking, destroying, or having the eggs of, 114. Duplicates of pawnbrokers, forging, 170. Duty, neglect of duty by a peace officer, 302, see further, tit. " Constables." Dwelling-house, setting fire to. person being therein, 287 ; the like, no person therein, 288; stealing in, or a building communicating therewith, 317; the like, and putting any one in fear, 317, see "House- breaking." Dying declaration, 259. E. Eggs of game or wild fowl, taking, destroying or having possession of, 114. Elections, giving false answers to returning officer, 305; personating voters, 305. Embezzlement by workmen, see (t Manufactures, fyc." by agents, bankers, '&c. 286, 287. by clerks or servants, 305. Encroachments, making, on highway, 127 ; the like, on turnpike road, 199. Enforcing summary convictions and orders. 1. Enforcing Convictions on Informations. Where the punishment is by imprisonment, 46 48 ; where for a penalty in the first instance, 49 ; where penalty to be recovered by distress, 50 54. 2. Enforcing Orders on Complaints. Where the disobeying of the order is punishable by imprisonment, 55, 56 ; where for a sum in the first instance, 57 ; where sum to be recovered by distress, 57 59. 3. Enforcing Costs on Dismissal, 3437, 60. 4. Enforcing Costs of Conveyance to Gaol, 60, 61. Enforcing costs of an appeal against a conviction or order, 64, 65. Engines for taking game, see " Game;" having, &c.,for taking deer, 140, 141. Index. 521 Enlisting and swearing in recruits, 461. Enticing away a child, 296. Entry (forcible) and detainer; taking possession, 305; keeping possession, 306. Escape, prison-breach and rescue; returning from transportation, 306; escap- ing from gaol, 306; officer having person in charge for felony, permitting his escape, 306; breaking prison, when in custody for a capital offence, 306 ; conveying mask, &c., into prison to aid and assist prisoners to escape, 306 ; the like instruments to facilitate escape, 307 ; for prison breaking by person committed for trial, 307 ; rescuing prisoner from custody of constable, 307 ; aiding a prisoner in custody for treason or felony to make his escape while being conveyed to prison, 307 ; rescue of a prisoner generally, 307 ; pound- breach, 307, 308. Escaping from transportation, 306. Escape of vagrants, 208. Estate, real, deeds relating to, forging, 310 ; stealing, 314. Evading the payment of tolls on turnpike roads, 187 191. Ewe, see " Cattle," " Cruelty to Animalt." Examination of witnesses! n indictable offences, 269 ; re-examination of ditto, 269 ; statement of accused, 270. Excise, general forms taken from Burn's Justice, 29th ed. 2 1 8 246. Excise officers, assaulting, 292 ; shooting at them by smugglers, 337. Exemption from toll, fraudulently claiming, 189, 190. Expenses of conveyance to gaol, see " Constables." Explosive substances, sending, inc., with intent and thereby doing injury to person, 291, 293, 294 ; having or making same, with intent to com- mit offence, 291. Exposing person to insult any female, 207; indecent prints, &c. 206; wounds to gather alms, 207 ; person naked to public view, 314. Extorting money by accusing of crime, 286, 338. Extortion by a constable, 308. F. Factories, forms in the schedule to 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 103, 246-248 ; the like, 7 Viet. c. 15.. 248, 249. False character of a servant, giving, 156. False imprisonment, 308. False oath, see " Perjury." False pretences, obtaining goods, &c., by, 308 ; attempting to obtain charitable contributions by, 207. Family, neglecting to maintain, 202 ; running away and leaving them charge- able, 207. Farm buildings, setting fire to, 289 ; the like, produce or implement*. &c., in, 289. Father of a bastard child, see " Battardt." Fees, table of, payable to justices' clerks under smuggling acts, 217, 218. Felony, see " Examination ;" assaults, with intent to commit, 292 ; attempt to commit, 294 ; compounding. 301 ; misprison of, 309. Fences, stealing or damaging, see " Larceny," " Maliciout Injuries" Fermented liquors, bringing into or selling them, &c. t in a workhouse, 172. Fern, setting fire to stacks or crops of, 289. Filly, stealing or wounding, 296, see " Cruelty to Animalt." 522 Index. Filth, laying or suffering, to flow on highway, or turnpike road, see those titles, also " Nuisances" Fines, &c., received, account of, by clerks of petty sessions, 62. Fire, setting fire to property, see " Arson," Fire, making, near highway, 129 ; the like, near turnpike road, 196. Fireworks, making or selling, 110 ; permitting to be thrown from a house into the street, 110; casting into street, 110. Firing off gun, &c., near a highway, 129. Fisheries, destroying salmon, with lime, &c. 110. Fish, angling, &c., see " Larceny" (of animals); taking or destroying, in private water adjoining dwelling-house of owner, 309.. Fish-pond, breaking down or damaging, 322, 323. Fixtures, stealing, by tenants or lodgers, 314, 318. Flour, see " Bread and Flour." Football, playing at, on highway, 129 ; the like, turnpike road, 196. Footway, riding, &c., on, 128 ; obstructing, 128 ; damaging same, 128. Forcing a master to alter his mode of trade, &c., see " Combination." Forcible entry and detainer, 433 ; see " Entry," &c. Foreigners, warrant of apprehension for, committing offences in France, &c., and escaping to this country, 263 ; commitment of them, 264. Forgery (summary), certificate as to beerhouses, 83 ; pawnbrokers' duplicates, &c. 170 ; stamps of weights and measures, 212. Forgery (indictable) : a bill of exchange, 309; uttering a forged bill, 309; a bank note, 309 ; a banker's draft, 309 ; a will, 310 ; a deed, 310; a bond, 310 ; an acquittance or receipt, 310; an accountable receipt, 310 ; purchasing or having same, 310 ; making or having moulds for making paper for bank notes, 310 ; using or having bank papers, 311; engraving on a plate a bank note, 31 1 ; using same ia printing, 311 ; uttering forged printed paper, or having same, 311 ; engraving on a plate, &c., a word or number, &c. 311; making false entries of stock, 31 1 ; a transfer of stock, 311 ; a power of attorney to sell out stock, 311 ; an attestation to a power of attorney, 312 ; at common law, 312. Forms, general, in summary convictions and orders, 23 65 ; the like, in indictable offences, 258 284 ; the like, in special sessions matters, 341,342. Fortune-telling, 206. Frames, not returning after notice, 111 ; selling or disposing of hired stocking frame, &c. 339 ; receiving or purchasing same, 339. Fraudulently removing goods to avoid a distress for rent, 1 06 ; claiming exemp- tion from turnpike toll, 189, 190. Fraudulently destroying or concealing wills, 315. Friendly societies, disobeying justice's order (indictable), 312; (summary), obtaining money from the society by fraud, p. 428, Nos. 1 and 2. Friendly societies (Petty Sessions). Complaint of member where dispute referred to arbitration, and either party does not conform thereto, 428 ; summons thereon, 429 ; order of two justices thereon, 429; complaint of member excluded, &c., where such disputes referred by rules to justices, 429 ; summons to the stewards, 430; award or adjudication of justices adjudging rein- statement of member, and a sum in default, 430 ; complaint for dis- obeying the last order, 430 ; summons thereon, 431 ; distress warrant on goods of society, or stewards, for amount adjudged in default of reinstatement, 431, 432 ; complaint of member where the society neglected to appoint arbitrators within forty days after application, or the arbitrators have not made any award, 432 ; summons and jus- Index. 523 Friendly societies (Petty Sessions) continued. tice's determination of dispute, 432 ; complaint on non-payment of fees and sums under award of registrar of friendly societies, summons and order for payment, 432. Fruit, stealing or damaging, &c., see " Larceny;" " Malicious Injuriet." Funds, public, forgery as to, see " Forgery." Furious driving or riding on a highway, 126. Furlough of a soldier, extension of, 463 ; letter certify ing same to regiment, 463. Furze, setting fire to stacks of, 289 ; the like, growing or cut down, 289. G. Game (summary convictions). General observations, 111,112. I. Trespass in Search of la search or pursuit alone, 112 ; to the number of five or more, 112 ; trespasser refusing to tell his name, &c. 112 ; giving an illusory description, 113 ; continuing or returning upon the land, 1 13 ; trespassers found armed, and using violence, 1 13 ; aiding or abetting in last offence, 113; in her Majesty's forests, Sec. 1 13. II. Killing without Certificate, 113; using dog, snare, &c., to take game, 114; officers in the army taking, &c., game, 114; laying poison to kill game, 114; taking eggs, or destroying them in the nest, 114; having eggs in possession, 114; hares or conies in warrens in the day-time, 114; setting snares for same, 1 15. III. Killing an Sunday, Sfc. 115; using a dog, engine, &c., for, 115. IV. Killing out of Season, 115. V. Selling without Certificate Uncertificated or unlicensed person selling, 115 ; certificated person selling to an unlicensed person, 115. VI. Buying, $c., unlawfully Buying game from an unlicensed person, 115; unlicensed person buying or selling birds of game ten days after lawful time, 116; unlicensed person having possession after forty days, 1 1 6. VII. Offences by Licensed Dealers, fa. Licensed dealer buying from an uncertificated or unlicensed person, 116; selling without board out- side his shop, 116; affixing board to more than one house, &c. 1 16; selling at any other place than where board is affixed, 116; selling or having possession of birds of game ten days after lawful time, 117; unlicensed person assuming to be licensed, 117. VIII. Offences by Occupiers Pursuing, killing, or taking game, where not entitled, 117; giving permission to any other person to do so, 117. IX. Night Poaching Taking or destroying game or rabbits by night, 118 ; the like, on a public road, highway, &c. 118 ; entering by night on land with gun to take or destroy game, 118 ; convictions for offences, 118 ; forms for enforcing, 118, 119; recognizance of offender and sureties not so to offend again, 119; no'ice thereof to offender and sureties, 119. X. Sporting without Certificate Information on 52 Geo. 3, c. 93 (Sched. L.), 119, 120. Game (indictable) Taking or killing hares or conies in warrens by night, 3 12; takino- game or rabbits by night, or using net, &c., for taking same on landor public load, after two previous summary convictions, 312; offenders found and assaulting keeper with gun, fitc. 312, 313 ; three or more entering land, one being armed, 313. Game (Special Sessions) Notice of special sessions, 362 ; licence to deal in game, 362, 363. Game (Petty Sessions) Authority to kill hares, 433 ; register book of autho- rities, 433 ; notice of revocation of authority, 434. Games of chance, playing at, in street, &c. 207. 524 Index, Gaming, cheating at play, 313. Gaming houses, keeping common, 120 ; keeping billiard table, &c., without licence, 120 ; licence for billiards, &c. 349 ; warrant to enter, 434. Gaol, order for expenses of conveying offender to, see " Constable." Gaoler's receipt for a defendant in summary convictions and orders, 61 ; monthly account of monies received, 62 ; receipt for accused in in- dictable offences, 280 ; certificate of money found on accused, 281. Gaols and houses of correction, conveying liquors into, 121 ; keeper of, per- mitting liquors to be sold or brought into, 121 ; conveying articles into, against rules, 121 ; assaulting officer of, in execution of duty, 121. Garden, stealing or damaging trees, plants, fruit, &c., in, see "Larceny ;" " Malicious Injuries." Gates, stealing or damaging, see " Larceny ;" " Malicious Injuries." Gelding, stealing or wounding, &c. 296. General forms in summary convictions and orders, 2365 ; the like, in indict- able offences, 258 284 ; the like, in special sessions matters, 341 , 342. Gipsies, encamping on highway, 129; the like, on turnpike road, 196. Girl, see" Abduction;" " Carnally knowing female Children." Good behaviour, recognizance for, 495. Gorze, setting fire to, 289. Grain, setting fire to stacks or crops of, 289. Granary, setting fire to, 288 ; riotously demolishing, 334. Greenhouse, see " Conservatory." Grouse, killing out of season, 115. Guardians of the poor, to give authority to an officer to prosecute for offences, 170 ; recovery of their orders for contribution from overseers, 385 387; complaint on behalf of, under Nuisances Act, 466. Gun, using to kill game, see " Game ; " firing off, near a highway, 129. Gunpowder, carrying more than 25lbs. by land, 122; using mill for making gunpowder contrary to act, 122; making gunpowder with a pestle mill, 122. H. Hares, authority to kill, from owner or occupier, without a game certificate, 433 ; register book of authorities, 433 ; notice of revocation of autho- rity, 434. Haulm, stack of, setting fire to, 289. Hawkers and pedlars, conviction, 249; licensed person not having name on packages, &c. 249 ; persons not licensed painting words " licensed hawker" upon pack, 250 ; the like, continuing same words on pack, &c. 250 ; trading without a licence, 250 ; trading contrary to licence, 250 ; refusing to produce licence, 250 ; commitment of offender till penalty levied, 251. Hawkers pitching their tents upon a highway, 129; the like, upon a turnpike road, 196. Hay, stack of, setting fire to, 289 ; the like, in farm building, 289. Health (Public) Act, 1848 ; conviction given in act, 123. (Petty Sessions matters) : complaint for rates, 434 ; summons thereon, 435 ; distress warrant, 435 ; application and complaint by owner where occupier prevents execution of works required, 436 ; summons to occupier, 436 ; order to permit execution of works by owner, 437. Heath, setting fire to a, 289. Hedges, see " Highways," " Larceny," " Malicious Injuries." Heiffer, see " Cattle ;" " Cruelty to Animals." Index. 525 Higgler, travelling on a Sunday, 183 ; pitching tent on highway, 129; the like, on turnpike road, 196. High Constable, warrant of, in general to petty constables, 341 ; appointment of, 351 ; oath of, 351 ; justices' clerk's notice to, of parish officers appointed, 506. High seas, see " Admiralty" High treason, see " Treason." Highways (Summary Convictions). I. Offences by Surveyors Neglecting duty, 123 ; not accounting, 123 ; leaving heaps of stone. &c. 124. II. Offences by Collector Not rendering account, 124 (see " Errata") ; conviction and commitment, 124. III. Offtiices by Owners and Drivers of Carts, fyc. Owner using waggon without name, 124 ; driver acting for two carts, 125 ; driver or owner riding without guide, 125 ; negligently causing damage, 125 ; quit- ting the road, 125 ; being at improper distance, 125 ; leaving cart on road, 125; driving without owner's name and refusing to discover it, 126; not keeping proper side, 126; preventing anothar passing, 126; hindering another, 126; not keeping on the left side, 126; driving furiously, 126; riding furiously, 126; commitment of a driver by one justice for refusing to discover his name, 126, 127. IV. Nuisances Making encroachments, 127; sinking pit, or erecting steam engine within twenty-five yards, 127 ; burning limestone, bricks, &c., within fifteen yards, 127; riding on footpath, 128; leading or driving on footpath, 128; tethering on highway, 128; damaging fence, &c. 128 ; obstructing footway, 128 ; injuring the surface of highway, 128; damaging posts, blocks, &c., or stones, &c. 128; cutting down the banks, 128; damaging stones, &c.. on bridges, 129; defacing milestones, &c. 129; playing on highway, 129; gipsey, &c., encamping, 129 ; making bonfires, 129 ; firing off gun, 129; letting off fireworks, 129; baiting bull, 129; laying timber, &c., on highway, 129; suffering filth to flow on, 129; obstructing highway, 129; poundbreach, 130; damaging the pound, 130; rescuing distress, 130. V. Other Offences Taking materials without surveyor's consent, 131. Highways (Special Sessions Matters ) : Notice of special sessions for appoint- ing special sessions for the highways for the year ensuing, 363 ; justices' appointment of special sessions, 363; justices' clerk's notice to parish officers of same, 363 ; precept to high constable, 364 ; high constable to surveyors, 364 ; schedule to be returned by sur- veyors to magistrates, 364 ; allowance of accounts, 365 j varia- tions where some items disallowed, 384 ; justices' clerk's state- ment from accounts of surveyors for secretary of state, 365 ; form of entering balances, &c., of surveyor's accounts in special ex- penses book. 386 ; appointment of surveyor by justices, 367 ; in- formation where road out of repair, summons to surveyor, and order of justices directing an indictment to be preferred, 367 ; justices' appointment of person to view and report on highway, 368 ; order for justices themselves to view, 368 ; justices' order to repair highway, 369 ; information and summons on disobedience of lart order, 369 ; justices' order to pay money for repairs, 370 ; order of justices fixing rate for carrying materials by ra'e payers, 370 ; notice by sur- veyor of intention to take materials out of inclosed or open field lands, 370 ; consent ol owner and occupier, 370, 371 ; licence from justices to dig, &c., materials, 371 ; the like, to get them in another parish, 371 ; information and summons to enable justices to fix boundane* of highway lying in two parishes, 372 ; final order and adjudication, 373 ; summons to show cause why a highway repaired ral'one tenurie, &c, should not be made a parish highway. 373; order ihereon, 374 ; application, summons and order tor owner of land to prune hedges and cut down trees, 374 ; justices' notice to surveyor to show Index. Highways (Special Sessions Matters) continued. cause why a poor labourer should not be excused from highway rates, 375; order thereon, 376; information and summons against owner of lands refusing his consent to allow stones to be gathered thereon, 376 ; licence to gather stones, 377 ; order for erecting direction posts and guide posts, 378 ; order of justices for surveyor to pay money to treasurer of turnpike trust, 378, 379. Highways (Petty Sessions Matters) : Complaint by surveyor of person not removing nuisances pursuant to his notice, 436 ; summons thereon, 437 ; justices' order to surveyor to remove the nuisance, 437 ; notice to remove snow, &c. 437 ; order of two justices for widening a high- way, 438 ; certificate to the quarter sessions, 438 ; notice of divert- ing, &c., highway, 438 ; consent of owner, 439 ; outline of proofs of posting, &c., notices with verification of plan, 439 ; certificate of justices of view, &c. 440 ; certificate of two justices that a new road is completed and in good repair, 441 ; allowance of highway rate, 441 ; see tit. " Rates " for recovery ; complaint of surveyor against collector for not paying monies to surveyor, 441 ; summons, 442; warrant of distress, 442 ; commitment in default of distress, 442, 443 ; certificate of justices of highway made by individuals, &c., having been substantially made, 443. Homicide, see " Murder." Hop-oast, setting fire to, 288. Horse, see " Cattle," " Cruelty to Animals." Horse slaughtering ; persons licensed not affixing name, &c., to premises, 131 ; not immediately cutting off hair of cattle, 131 ; not killing within three days, 131 ; not supplying cattle with food, 131, 132 ; employ- ing horse brought for slaughter, 132; person found using horse, 132 ; licensed person not entering cattle in book, 132 ; refusing to produce book, 132 ; refusing inspection of book, 132; making false entry in book, 133 ; slaughterman refusing to pay the expenses of advertising cattle supposed to be stolen, 133 ; lending a slaughtering house, 133. Hothouses, plants or fruits growing in, see " Conservatory." House, dwelling, setting fire to, 287, 288 ; see " Housebreaking" Housebreaking, breaking and entering a dwelling-house or building with a communication between them, and stealing therein, 313; the like, a building within the curtilage, but no communication, 313; a shop, warehouse, &c. 314. Hundred, examination before a justice of person damnified by rioters, 380 ; recognizance to prosecute offenders, 380 ; notice to the high con- stable, 380; notice for church door, 381 ; high constable's notice to claimant and justices of special petty sessions, 381 ; order for pay- ment of damage by treasurer of county, 381. Husbandry, servants in, see " Master and Servant." I. Identity, deposition of, of person apprehended after indictment found, 262, 263. Identity, solemn declaration of, 470, 471. Idiots, see Lunatics. Idle and disorderly persons under Vagrant Act, 202 206. Ill-treating cattle, see ''Cruelty to Animals;" paupers in workhouse, see "Poor;" apprentices, see "Apprentices;" servants, see " Master and Servant." Impeding a person saving himself from wreck, 291. Inciting a person to commit a felony, see " Accessaries," " Soliciting to commit Crimes." Index. 527 Inclosures, damaging allotment, 133,148; valuer's declaration before actine 443 ; certificate of formation of roads under local or general inclo- sure act, 443. Incorrigible rogues under Vagrant Act, 208, 210. Indecency, exposing person to insult females. 207; indecent books, prints &c 206; exposing person naked to public view, 314; printing or pub- lishing indecent books, &c. 314. Indictable offences, outline of provisions of Jervis's Act as to, 1820. Indictment found against offender, warrant to apprehend upon, 262 instruc- tions for, 283. Information (general) or complaint, 23,24; at the suit of an informer, 25; for a second and third offence, 25; against an aider or abettor, coun- sellor or procurer, 26. (general) for an indictable offence, 258 ; against an accessary after the fact, 259 ; to ground search warrant for stolen goods, 259. Informer, information at the suit of, 25. Innkeeper, offences by, see " Alehouses." Inoculation, see " Vaccination." Insane persons or prisoners, see " Lunatics." Inspectors of factories, see " Factories ;" see also " Lighting and Watching Act," " Horse Slaughtering," " Weights and Measures." Instructions for indictment, 283. Introduction to this Collection, 1 22. J. Jurisdiction of justices in summary convictions and orders, 4 7 ; in indict- able offences, 4 7. Jurors, justice's clerk's notice to high constable of special petty sessions for allowing list of jurors, 382 ; the like, to churchwardens and over, seers, 382 ; to justices, 382 ; allowance of accounts, 382. Justice's notice of objection to being sued in a county court, 504, 505. Justices, special description of, for counties, &c. &c. 23. Justices, assault upon, in execution of their duty as to wreck, 292. Justices' order, disobeying (summary), 96; indictable, 303. to a constable to make a return to a warrant, 505. Justice's clerks' fees, table of, under Smuggling Act, 217, 218. Justice's clerks, account of fines, &c., received, 62. Juvenile offenders: persons not exceeding fourteen years of age, committting, &c., certain indictable offences, 133, 134 ; aiding offence, 134. Statements of Offences applicable For simple larceny, 134 ; assaulting deerkeepers, 134; coursing deer in inclosed places, 134; the like, in uninclosed places, after a previous conviction, 134; larceny of a valuable security, 134; stealing oysters, 134; stealing ores from mine, 134, 135; stealing or cutting trees, &c., in a park, &c., value above 1 . . 135 ; the like, elsewhere, if value above 5. . 135 ; the like, value 1*. at least, after two previous convictions, 135 ; stealing in gardens, &c., after a previous conviction, 135; stealing, cutting, &c., metal, &c., fixed to houses, &c. 135; larceny by tenants or lodgers, 135. Other Forms Recognizance for appearance at petty sessions, 135; en- largement of recognizance, 135; recognizance of a witness to give evidence, 136 ; convictions, with whipping, &c. 136 ; commit- ments, 136, 137; appointment to whip a juvenile offender, 137; order to detain a defendant in custody till the day given for payment of a penalty, 137 ; recognizance of offender to appear at 528 Index. Juvenile Offenders continued. the day appointed for payment of the penalty, 137 ; recognizance for good behaviour, 137 ; order for restitution of stolen property, 138 ; order on defendant for the payment of the value of stolen pro- perty, 138; certificate of convicting justices of costs incurred, 138; order by the convicting or any other justices on the county treasurer for the amount certified, 139; certificate of expenses and order for payment embodied in one, 139, 140. K. Keelman, preventing them from working, 78. Keepers of gaols, see " Gaols." Killing cattle with intent to steal, 296; deer maliciously (summary), 140; the like (indictable), 134, 315; game, see ' Game;" salmon, 110. Labourers in different trades, see " Manufactures, fyc."; in husbandry, see " Master and Servant." Lamb, see " Cattle," " Commons," " Cruelty to Animals," and " Sheep." Landlord and tenant; tenant fraudulently removing goods, 106; larceny by tenant or lodgers, 318; recovery of small tenements, 444, 445; complaint to ground warrant to assist in levying, 446; warrant thereon, 447; as to deserted premises, information, notice and record of possession, 445, 446. Landrails, trespass in search, &c., of, 112. Larceny (punishable summarily). I. Of Animals. Coursing, &c., deer in uninclosed places (1st offence), 140; complaint for search warrant for venison or engine, &c. 140; search warrant thereon, 140; having deer or engine, 141 ; complaint for a summons against person through whose hands venison passed, 141 ; summons thereon, 141; statement of offence for conviction, 141 ; setting engines, &c., for deer, 141 ; destroying fence of land where deer kept, 141 ; stealing beast or bird not larceny at common law, 142; having same in possession, 142; killing, &c., house-doves or pigeons, 142 ; taking, &c., fish in private water, not belonging to a dwelling-house, 142; angling in the daytime in water adjoining a dwelling-house, 142; angling in other water, 142. II. Of Trees, Fences, fyc. Stealing, &c., trees, shrubs, &c., of value of Is , 143; stealing, &c., fences, stiles, gates, &c. 143; complaint for a search warrant for stolen trees, fences, &c., to value of 2s., 143; search warrant thereon, 143; having stolen trees, &c. 143 ; stealing, &c., plants, fruits, &c., in gardens, &c. 144; stealing, &c., roots or plants, &c., growing elsewhere, 144. III. Accessories and Receivers. Aiding and abetting, &c., in the commis- sion of offences, 144 ; knowingly receiving, 144. Discharge from a first conviction, 144 ; discharge from custody, where offender discharged from conviction after committal, 144, 145; con- victions with variations, 1 45 ; forms for enforcing the convictions, 145. Larceny (Indictable). Simple, of the personal goods of another, 314 ; of orders, debentures, bills, bonds, &cc. 314; of deeds, &c., relating to real property, 314; of wills or codicils, 315 ; fraudulently destroying or concealing will, fcc. 315; of records and other documents, 315; injuring same, 315; deer in inclosed ground, or killing or wounding same, &c. 134, 315 ; the like, in uninclosed ground (second offence), 134,315; oysters Index. 529 Larceny (indictable) continued. from bed of another, 134, 315 ; using dredge for taking oysters, 315 ; dragging net on ground, 315; dogs (second offence), 315; having possession of stolen dogs (second offence), 315; corruptly taking reward as to stolen dogs, 315, 316 ; stealing or damaging with intent to steal trees, &c., growing in parks, &c., value above \L, 316 ; the like, growing elsewhere, exceeding 5/., 135, 316; the like, of value of 1 . (third offence), 135, 316 ; the like, plants, fruits, &c., in gardens, &c. (second offence), 135, 316 ; the like, metal, wood, &c., fixed to houses, land, or in any public place, 135, 316; stealing or severing ore from mines, and by workmen in Cornish mines, 134, 135, 316 ; stealing from the person, 316; robbery from the person, and by put- ting in fear, 316; robbery and wounding, 316; robbery, and being armed, 316, 317; robbery, and in company with one or more other persons, 317; robbery, and using violence, 317 ; demanding property with menaces, with intent to steal same, 317 ; stealing in a dwelling- house, or a building communicating therewith, to the value of 51. or more, 317 ; stealing in a dwelling-house and putting any one therein in bodily fear, 3 1 7 ; from manufactures to value of 10s. ,31 7; from ships in quay, 317 ; the like, stranded, 318 ; from docks, wharfs, &c. 318 ; by clerks or servants, 318 ; by tenants or lodgers, 318 ; after a previous conviction, 318. Lead fixed to houses, &c., stealing, 135, 315. Lessee, see " Landlord and Tenant." Letters, offences as to, see " Post Office." Letter threatening to kill any person or burn house, &c. 318 ; demanding money, &c., without reasonable or probable cause, 318 ; accusing or threatening to accuse of a crime, with a view to extort money, 319; to kill or burn, &c., under 10 & 11 Viet. c. 66. .319. Lewdness, see Indecency." Libels against the Queen, 319; against justice, 319; publishing or threatening to publish a libel upon any person, &c. t with a view to extort money, 319; publishing any defamatory libel, 320 ; maliciously publishing any defamatory libel, 320. Liberate by a justice on payment of a penalty, &c. 59 ; on bail being taken for accused after committal for an indictable offence, 277. Licences, see the various titles. Lights, false, exhibiting, to bring a ship into danger, 323. Lighting and Watching Act, assaulting or resisting constables appointed under, 99; damaging lamps, &c. 145; extinguishing light of lamp, 146; complaint of clerk of inspectors for recovery of damage from person carelessly breaking lamps, &c., summons and order for payment, 146 ; watchmen, &c., refusing to deliver up clothing on resignation or re- moval, 146. (Matters in Petty Sessions, &c.) Oath of constable, 357; justice's cer- tificate of constable appointed by the inspectors having taken the oath, 447 ; allowance of inspectors' annual accounts, 447 ; recovery of rates for lighting or watching, 447 ; complaint against overseers for not paying amount of inspector's order, 448 ; summons thereon, 448 ; distress warrant on overseers, 448 ; complaint against treasurer and officers neglecting to account, 449. Lime, killing salmon, &c., by, 110 ; putting, in fishponds, 323. Linen factories, see " Manufactures," Sue. Loan societies, complaint, &c., of amount due on notes, 449. Loom, damaging silk, &c., in the, 320. Lord's day, see " Sunday." Lunatics, order for the reception of a pauper patient, 449, 450 ; justice's order M M Index. Lunatics continued. to bring up a lunatic, 450 ; order for the reception of a pauper patient, 451; second medical certificate, 42 ; order adjudging settle- ment, 452; order for expenses of examination, &c. 453, 454; the like, and for payment of costs in one form, 454 ; order for expenses, where the settlement is not ascertained, 454 ; order adjudging lunatic chargeable to a county, 455 ; the like order for expenses, 455 ; order adjudicating settlement where it is afterwards ascertained, 456 ; order for expenses on parish where adjudged to be settled, 456; order in the case of a non-chargeable lunatic for charges of examination on guardians, &c. 457 ; order to convey dangerous lunatic to asylum, 458 ; order adjudicating settlement and payment of expenses, 458 ; order on treasurer of county for expenses where settlement not ascer- tained, 459 ; order adjudging settlement of criminal lunatic, and pay- ment of expenses, 459 ; order on treasurer of county wheie settlement not ascertained, 460. M. Machinery, damaging, 320 ; riotously demolishing, 334. Magistrate, see " Justice." Maiming cattle, 296 ; custom-house officers, 337. Maintenance of family or bastard, neglecting, 202; of relations, 481,482. Maintenance (indictable) of suits or quarrels of others, 320. Malicious injuries (summary). I. To Trees, Plants, Fences, fyc. Trees, shrubs, &c., to amount of !., 147; plants, fruits, &c., in gardens, &c. 147, roots, plants, &c. growing elsewhere, 147; fences, stiles, gates, &c. 147; practical observations, 147, 148. II. To any other Property Any other real or personal property, 148; conviction, 148. III. Accessories Aiding and abetting, &c., offenders, 26, 148; discharge of offender from a first conviction, and from custody, 144, 148. Malicious injuries (indictable). To manufactures, machinery, &c. 320 ; entering any house, &c. with intent to commit offence, 320 ; to thrashing or any other machine, &c. 321 ; to dwelling-house (person being therein) by gunpowder or other explosive substances, 321 ; to trees, &.C., growing in parks, &c., injury exceeding li., 321 ; the like, growing elsewhere, injury exceeding 5/., 321 ; the like, to amount of Is. (third offence), 321 ; to plants, fruits, &c. in gardens, &c. (second offence), 321 ; to hop binds growing on poles in plantation of hops, 321 ; to mines, by flooding, 321 ; to airway, 322; to engines, &c., of mines, 322; to stailh, building, &c., of mines, 322 ; to bridge, waggonway, &c., of mines, 322; to banks of rivers and canals, 322; to locks, &c., of canals, 322 ; to piles for securing sea banks, 322 ; to floodgates, 322 ; to mill ponds, 322; to fish ponds, 322, 323 ; putting lime in fish ponds, 323 ; to public bridges, 323: to turnpike gates, 323 ; to wall, chain, &c., of turnpike gate, 323 ; to house, weighing machine, &c. 323 ; to ships, whether unfinished or not, with intent to destroy same, 323; exhibiting false signals to bring ships into danger, &c. 323 ; doing anything else to destroy ship, 323 ; destroying part of a ship in dis- tress, or any goods belonging thereto, 324 ; throwing gunpowder or other explosive substance into or near any building or vessel, with intent to destroy same, 324 ; to boat, buoys, &c., 324 ; to scientific and literary collections in museums, &c., 324 ; to pictures, &c., in a church, &c. 324 ; to statues in public view, 324. Maliciously killing or wounding cattle, 296. Malt, hindering free sale or conveyance of, 78. Malt-house, setting fire to a, 288. Manslaughter, 325. Index. 531 Man traps and spring guns, setting or permitting, 338. Manure, laying upon highway, 129 ; the like, on turnpike road, 197. Manufactures, &c. I. As to Artificers, Manufacturers, Miners, fyc. Making illegal contract under Truck Act, 149; making illegal payment, 149; colliers or miners working contrary to their contracts, 149; desisting from en- gagement, 150 ; fraudulently stacking coal, &c. 150 ; removing iron- stone, &c., fraudulently, 150. II. As to Workmen in the Cotton, Fustian, Hat, Linen, Woollen, Flux, Hemp, Mohair, Silk, Fur, Leather, 01- Iron Manufactures, and Dyers. Embezzling, &c., materials or tools, 150 ; not returning unused mate- rials, 150 ; refusing inspection by owner, 151 ; receiving materials in a fictitious name, 151; giving such materials to others, 151; selling, &c., wrought or unwrought materials, 151 ; buying materials from a work- man, 151 ; buying embezzled materials, 151 ; complaint for search warrant for having purloined leathern, &c., materials in possession, 152; search warrant thereon, 152; conviction, 152, 153; neglecting work, &c. 153; for taking in work for others, 153. III. As to Workmen in the Cotton, Flax, Linen, Mohair, Silk, or Woollen Hosiery Manufactures. Persons entrusted with materials, selling, &c., same, 154; neglecting to return materials for 14 days, 154; buying materials from a workman, 151, 154 ; other persons selling or pawning materials, 154; not finishing work by time agreed on, 154 ; absenting himself from employment, 154; receiving materials in a fictitious name, 151, 155. IV. Regulations as to Mines. Owner employing female therein, 155; employing boy under ten years of age, 155 ; permitting boy under ten to be in colliery, 155; parent misrepresenting age, 155; paying wages at public house, 156. Mare, see " Cattle;" "Cruelty to Animals." Marine stores, offences by dealers in, see " Wreck and Salvage." Master and servant (summary). I. As to False Characters of Servants. Personating master and giving false character of a servant, 156; falsely asserting that a servant was in a particular service, &c. 156; falsely asserting that the servant was discharged, or that he had not been hired in a previous service, 157 ; servant offering himself with a false certificate of character, 157 ; pretending not to have been in service, 157. II. As to Misbehaviour by Servants in Husbandry, fyc., and Masters Ser- vants misbehaving, &c. 157, 158 ; conviction and abatement of part of wages for misbehaviour in lieu of imprisonment, 158; conviction and discharge of servant for misbehaviour in lieu of imprisonment, 158; servant not commencing service under written contract, 158; having entered upon contract, absenting or neglecting to fulfil same, 159; servant guilty of any other misconduct under 4 Geo. 4, c. 34, 159; conviction and abatement of wages for misbehaviour, &c., in lieu of imprisonment and abatement, KiO ; conviction and discharge of servant from contract for misbehaviour, &c., in lieu of imprison- ment and abatement of wages, 160 ; artificer absenting from service, 160; master ill-using, &c., servant, 160; conviction of master thereon, and discharge of servant, 160. Master and servant, complaint, Sec., for recovery of wages, 460, 461. Master of union workhouse, offences by, see " Poor." Measures, see " Weights and Measures." Medical officer of union, certificate by, under Nuisances Act, 464, 465. Menaces, demanding money with, 317 ; sending letter to that effect, 318. Merchant seamen, see " Seamen." Milestones, destroying, &c., on highway, 128 ; the like, on turnpike road, 200. M M 2 532 Index. Military law, officer or soldier forcibly entering a house for deserters without justice's warrant, 160; billet master taking money, 161; detaining clothes, &c., from soldiers, 161 ; see further, " Mutiny," infra. Mill, setting fire to a, 288 ; riotously demolishing, 334. Mill pond, destroying dam of a, 322. Mine, stealing or removing ore from, 134, 316; damaging, 321, 322. Minute of adjudication in summary convictions and orders, 33; minute of order for service, 54, 55. Miscarriage, administering drugs, or using instrument to procure, 285. Misprison of felony, 309. Money found on accused committed for an indictable offence, order to gaoler for, to pay expenses of his conveyance to prison, 281,282, Moravian, affirmation by, 471. Murder, by stabbing, shooting, throwing a stone, beating, riding over the de- ceased, strangling, or drowning, 325 ; by poisoning, 326 ; see " At- tempts to Murder, fyc." Mutiny, information to a justice that person apprehended is a deserter, 461 ; commitment of deserter to gaol, 461 ; return of deserter, 462, 463; extension of a furlough, 463; letter certifying same to the command- ing officer, 463, 464. N. Navigable rivers and canals being found in possession of instruments for pro- curing liquors, 161 ; the like, for carrying away liquors, 161 ; pierc- ing casks, &c. 161 ; cutting open roll of goods in warehouse, 162 ; drinking liquors, 162; spilling liquor, 162; see further, " Con- stables." Neglect of duty as a peace officer, see *' Constable." Net, using to take game, see " Game." Night poaching, see " Game." Note, promissory, forging, 309 ; stealing, 314. Nuisances on highways, 127, 131 ; on turnpike roads, 195, 201 ; (indictable), 326, 327. Nuisances removal and diseases prevention owner or occupier not complying with justice's order for cleansing, &c., premises, 162; wilfully vio- lating directions of General Board of Health, 163 ; occupier refusing to comply with a justice's order requiring him to permit the necessary works to be executed, 163; conviction, 164; notice by two house- holders to guardians, 464 ; certificate by medical or relieving officer of existence of nuisance, 464, 465 ; notice of entry by public authorities, 465 ; the like, by a committee, 465 ; complaint in order to obtain a summons, 466 ; summons, 467 ; order for removal of nuisances, &c. 467, 468 ; application for a summons for recovery of costs, 468 ; summons, 469 ; ortmt. that the Student may read it with confidence that he is not mistaking the old law for the new, and the Practitioner will find the double duty of unlearning as well as learning, which is now imposed upon him, much facilitated by the comprehensive view which such a work as this will give him of the entire domain of the law of England, changed, modified, reformed, improved, botched and tinkered as it has been by skilful and unskilful hands, "by practical and by unpractical men, by those who would improve as well as by those who would destroy the goodly fabric. We heartily recommend these Commentaries as beyond measure the best book that has ever appeared to form a foundation for the study of the law of England." From the Justice of the Peace. " To speak in terms of approbation of a work on which the fiat of public opinion has so unmistakeably set its stamp would be altogsther an act of supererogation. Every one knows that the last four or five years have been a stirring time in the way of legal reform. He will, therefore, be quite prepared to learn that the pre- sent edition of the New Commentaries bears the mark of alteration, either in text or note, in almost every chapter thoughout the work, if not in every page. We honestly and heartily advise him to turn to the work itself, and he will find that it not only contains the latest information upon almost every subject he may require to be informed upon, but that as in former editions, so in this, whatever is handled is treated in that perspicuous and scientific manner which has hitherto contributed to extend the reputation of the New Commentaries." From the Legal Observer. " We welcome a new and third edition of Mr. Serjeant Stephen's Commentaries on the Laws of England, founded on the text of Blackstone. In this edition the learned author has been ably assisted by his son Mr. James Stephen. They have, with great diligence and accuracy, digested the chief alterations in the law since the last edition of the work a task of great difficulty, requiring no ordinary know- ledge of the law as it was and as it is, with an extraordinary power of condensing and arranging the changes which have been effected in nearly all departments of our judicial system from year to year. The arduous task of this new edition has been ably performed. We know not any work which, taken as a whole, can be compared with the Commentaries as the first introduction to the Study of the Laws of England, whether for the use of the lawyer, the legislator, or the private gentleman." V. QUESTIONS ON MR. SERJT. STEPHEN'S NEW COMMENTARIES. 8vo., 10*. 6d. cloth. QUESTIONS for LAW STUDENTS on the THIRD EDITION of MR. SERJEANT STEPHEN'S NEW COMMENTARIES on the LAWS of ENGLAND. By JAMES STEPHEN, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Barrister at Law, and Professor of English Law, &c., at King's College, London. " Stephen's Commentaries is the Student's Text-book ; for it is a Blackstone improved Blackstone as the author would have written it had he lived in our day. Now the best mode of learning law is to read carefully, and then either to question yourself or to be questioned by another, as to what you have read. Thus you find out wha't you have mastered and in what you are deficient. But few are fortunate enough to possess friends competent to this task ; and to such, a volume that plays the part of a friend, and supplies the questions, will be of great value. The Student should write his answers, and then compare them with the text; and for this purpose references are given to the page where the answers to each will be found. Mr. James Stephen has done good service to his father's fame by thus extending the usefulness of the best law book for Students." Law Times. fcks jrablisljrii btj VI. SHELFORD ON THE LAW OF RAILWAYS. THIRD EDITION. Just published, royal 12mo. 30s. cloth. 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Those who are interested in the law on which it treats may refer to it not merely with a certainty of being able to find what they are looking for, but of finding the general law on the subject carefully collected, explained and illustrated, by a reference to almost every decision which bears upon the point at issue." The Justice qf the Peace. " The work has now been expanded to 800 pages, comprising every statute and decision of importance. The work is valuable not only to all engaged in behalf of railway companies, who may form a comparatively small part of the Profession, but to all who have dealings with or claims upon railway companies, and in this respect the public in general and the Profession at large are interested in ascertaining as well the provisions of the Legislature as the construction put upon the enactments which affect the individual members of the community." Legal Observer. " Not only to the Profession but to shareholders, allottees of shares, provisional committeemen and others is this goodly digest a necessity, but all who contemplate incurring the liabilities or seeking the rights and profits accruing to railway office, may consult with advantage Mr. Shelford's pages. It is the best arranged digest of Railway Law of the time." Morning Advertiser. VII. POTHIER ON PARTNERSHIP, BY TUDOR. 8vo., 5s. cloth. A TREATISE ON THE CONTRACT OF PARTNER- SHIP, by POTHIER ; with the Civil Code and Code de Commerce relating to that subject, in the same order, translated from the French, with Notes referring to the Decisions of the English Courts. By OWEN DAVIES T UDOR, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Barrister at Law. . ftattarnrtjr, flni ftmt. VIII. CRASH'S CONVEYANCING. FOURTH EDITION, BY CHRISTIE. Just published, 2 vols. royal 8vo. 21. 2s. cloth. A COMPLETE SERIES of PRECEDENTS IN CON-. 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All this must largely enhance the value of the work not merely to Conveyancers but to all practical men. The new Forms are drawn with admirable precision, and reflect great credit on Mr. Christie, who is entitled to the thanks of the profession for a really valuable addition to our working libraries." Law Magazine. " Mr. Christie has not only ably revised this Fourth Edition of the late Mr. Crabb's work, but very materially improved it by amending, and in many in- stances curtailing, the length of the original precedents, and adapting them to the established forms of the present day. The introductory statements of the Jaw re- lating to each class of drafts are concise and highly useful, particularly to the articled clerk and young solicitor, who it is obvious should strive to unite an accu- rate knowledge of the principles of law applicable to the various kinds of legal in- struments with the practical forms by which the intentions of the parties are-to be carried into effect, and by which means he will soon become master of his profes- sion. The Editor has with great care in the Prefaces to each class of Deeds, and the notes thereon, noticed the various alterations in the law which have taken place since the former edition of the work." Legal Observer. " Crabb's Conveyancing is so well and favourably known to all conveyancers, as well as those persons generally connected with the transfer of property, that a new edition would have perhaps attracted less attention, were it not that the present is edited by so excellent a conveyancer as Mr. Christie. The circumstance of his editing the work stamps it at once with the profession as the best groundwork existing. The arrangement, the forms, selection of precedents, and general treat- ment of the subject were so well given in Mr. Crabb's original work, that an editor could mould them to the form and spirit of the present day, retaining all the valu- able portions, and rendering them applicable to practical purposes, as altered by the statutes passed since Mr. Crabb wrote. We must award our warmest praise to Mr. Christie for producing a work so much required by the profession, and which he has given in so perfect a form, that no lawyer will feel his library to be complete without it." Bell's Messenger. IX. THE NEW CHANCERY ACTS AND ORDERS, 1853. 12mo., 12s. cloth, The CODE of CHANCERY PRACTICE. By T. KENNEDY, a Solicitor of the Court. 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The arrangement is simple but logical ; the authorities are carefully collected and stated ; the style is clear and precise, yet rendered agreeable by a freshness and originality which often rival those of the historian and the philosopher. "--Morning Herald. " The whole work is of the first importance to all Practi ioners in both branches of the profession, in any respect engaged in business connected with the election of Members of Parliament." Legal Observer. " Undoubtedly the most complete and elaborate compendium of the laws relating to the structure of the House of Commons (or rather the mode of its construction) ever published. . . . Henceforth, or we are marvellously mistaken, ' Warren's Law of Elections' will be referred to as the standard authority, even within the walls of Parliament." The Sun. 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