THREE -MEALS-ADAf SERIES RICE FOR BREAKFAST, DINNER, SUPPER BESSIE R. MURPHY THREE-MEALS-A-DAY SERIES RICE FOR BREAKFAST, DINNER, SUPPER Compiled and TLdited By BESSIE R. MURPHY Southern Food Expert and Lecturer RAND McNALLY AND COMPANY CHICAGO NEW YORK Copyright, ipip, by RAND MCNALLY & COMPANY Cat. for Agric. Ub 7~X AGRiC. LIBRARY Dedicated to SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE To be used by EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE 376 They had best not stir the rice, though it sticks to the pot. DON QUIXOTE Cookery .... means the econ- omy of your great- grandmothers, and the science of modern chemists; it means much tasting and no wasting; it means English thoroughness, and French art, and Arabian hospitality; and it means, in fine, that you are to be perfectly and always "ladies 11 loaf -givers. RUSKIN THE INTRODUCTION This little series of books is a collection of tested and economical recipes for everyday foods that are obtainable everywhere and suitable for any of the three meals of the day. These recipes are written in plain, everyday terms. They are not all original the authors of many of them are unknown. They form just a little series of everyday books for everybody from everywhere. The war has given every homemaker an opportunity to realize the difference between USE and ABUSE of foods. For years we have wasted much of the bountiful supply of food produced by our country. Let us then not go back- ward, but let us go forward bending every energy to make lasting the benefit in health and economy gained from a diet that not only eliminates extravagance and waste in buying and serving, but also affords greater variety. The recipes in this series call for flour, sugar, and butter. To conserve these three foods just as long as our country and the Allies need them is the loyal and patriotic duty of - not the other fellow but you. MEASUREMENTS All measurements should be accurate to insure success. A standard measuring cup is equal to y^ pint. All measures are leveled. For y?. spoon divide with knife lengthwise. For y^ spoon divide with knife crosswise. For y% spoon divide with knife crosswise. SUBSTITUTES The same substitutes are not obtainable in every state, and for this reason the following tables are given. You may use the ones to be obtained in your community. vi THE INTRODUCTION FLOUR For i cup of wheat flour, substitute : i^i cups barley J4, cup buckwheat i " corn flour i " " meal i " " starch i peanut flour $4 " "potato flour J/& " rice flour i^4 cups rolled oats 1/& cup soy-bean flour iy& cups sweet-potato flour SUGAR For i cup of sugar, use: iX cups corn syrup ij4 " honey iX maple sirup ij^3 molasses BUTTER In place of one cup of butter, use : i cup oleomargarine $4 cup chicken fat J/i cup clarified dripping #J cup solid vegetable fat, such as Crisco ^4 cup cotton seed oil ^4 cup peanut oil ^ cup corn oil . RICE ORIGIN, USE, AND FOOD VALUE Importance. "May you have plenty of rice to-day" is the greeting in all parts of the world where this tiny grain is the symbol of prosperity. It is not a new food, for it was used by the Romans and Greeks and was mentioned several hundred years before Christ. To-day rice is the principal food for one-third of the world's population, is sold in every country, and is found on the tables of the rich as well as of the poor. It is not expensive when its cost and nourishment are compared with those of other foods. Rice deserves to be more appreciated and to be served three times a day, for it can be used in various ways : as a cereal, soup, salad, dinner vegetable, bread, dessert, invalid food, and in made-over dishes. Food value. While rice is deficient in protein, mineral matter, and fat, it is the richest cereal in starch. As an energy-giving food it leads the following : corn, wheat, oats, fat beef, lean beef, and potatoes. As a food to balance the diet, rice is ideal. Potatoes, bread, and other starchy foods should not be used at the same meal with rice, as they have the same food value. If used at all, they should be used sparingly. Rice and cheese make a good combination, for the cheese furnishes the protein and fat that the rice lacks. Tomato sauce with rice gives the acid and salts that are lacking. Either eggs, milk, or meat at the same meal with rice are good, served separately or in combination. Rice may also be served with beef, veal, chicken, and any lean meat. It 4 THREE-MEALS-A-DAY SERIES may be eaten with beans, peas, cheese, and other highly nitrogenous foods. Because it has a low quantity of cellu- lose, rice is easy to digest and makes an excellent starchy food for young children. Grades of rice. There are three grades of rice: brown or unpolished rice, polished rice, and coated rice. The brown or unpolished rice is the only grade that retains the flavor of the whole grain. Few people really know the taste of rice, because in the polishing process rice loses not only flavor, but also much of its mineral salts. If once used, the brown rice will always be used, since it is richer in flavor. Rice is polished to improve its appearance. This polishing, however, does not improve it as a food, but rather detracts from both its food value and its flavor. Rice with the "shiny" look is coated. This rice has received a coating of glucose and talcum powder and is the most expensive kind. Glucose is a harmless substance that easily dissolves in cold water, but the adulteration of rice by substances that are not foods is quite unnecessary. HOW TO COOK RICE In the preparation of rice there are two principles that must be observed. First, it must be cooked long enough to render it digestible. If it is cooked in a double boiler, 45 minutes should be allowed; if it is boiled directly over the stove, 30 or 40 minutes. Second, it must be cooked in such a way that the individual grains retain their shape. Instead of forming a pasty mass, the grains should remain separate from one another. It is always best to cook starchy foods slowly and at a low temperature rather than to boil them. Therefore it is preferable to steam rice. Never stir rice. RICE 5 First wash rice through several waters, or until the water is unclouded. This will remove the foreign substances. BOILED RICE }^2 cup rice 2 cups water X teaspoon salt Bring water to boil, add salt and rice slowly, a little at a time to keep the grains separate. Cook until grains are soft. Drain through colander and pour % pint cold water through the rice to separate the grains. Cover pot with cloth and set on back of stove (warm place) for 10 minutes to allow the grains to swell. Run knife around side of pot to remove the rice. Serve hot. RICE IN DOUBLE BOILER y^. cup rice i^ cups water X teaspoon salt Have water boiling in upper part of double boiler and add salt and well- washed rice. Cover pot and allow rice to cook until grains are soft. Remove lid and cook until rice is dry, or pour off excess water and set pot in oven to dry. RICE IN FIRELESS COOKER y 2 cup rice i^ cups water i teaspoon salt Wash rice, add salt and rice to boiling water, boil 3 minutes. Place in fireless cooker, and cook i hour, or until soft. To REHEAT RICE Pour a little boiling water over the rice and heat with cover on vessel; or the best way is to place rice in colander over pot of boiling water for five minutes. 6 THREE-MEALS-A-DAY SERIES RICE FOR BREAKFAST CEREAL Boil or steam as when reheating rice. Serve hot with cream and sugar, or fruit. RICE WAFFLES i cup cooked rice i tablespoon sugar (if desired) 1 cup flour X teaspoon salt 2 eggs i teaspoon butter Sweet milk i>^ teaspoons baking powder Press rice through a sieve or colander. Rub the butter into the sugar; sift together flour, salt, and baking powder and add mixture to the sugar and butter. Then add the yolks of the eggs and the rice. Thin with milk to the con- sistency of cake batter and fold in the beaten whites of the eggs. Have the waffle-iron hot and well greased ; fill two- thirds full, close, and turn when lower side is brown. RICE GRIDDLE CAKES 2 cups cooked rice i teaspoon sugar i pint flour (may be omitted) i egg X teaspoon salt X pint sweet milk i> teaspoons baking powder Sift flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder; add rice, free from lumps, and diluted with the beaten egg and milk; mix into smooth batter. Have griddle well heated and greased. Bake cakes a golden brown and serve with sirup. RICE GEMS i cup cooked rice i egg i cup flour i teaspoon baking powder i cup milk % teaspoon salt i tablespoon melted butter Mix and bake in well-greased gem pans in hot oven. RICE 7 CORN AND RICE MUFFINS i pint corn meal i egg i cup cooked rice i tablespoon flour i pint sweet milk i tablespoon butter 2 tablespoons baking powder Mix and bake in well-greased muffin pans the same as regular muffins. RICE SPOON BREAD 1 cup cooked rice i pint sweet milk 2 eggs ^ tablespoon butter y^ cup corn meal 2 teaspoons baking powder i y-i. teaspoons salt To the well-beaten eggs, add the rice, milk, and butter. Sift the dry ingredients together and add them to the first mixture. Pour batter into a hot, well-greased pan and bake for 45 minutes in a moderate oven. Serve hot. SOFT RICE BREAD i cup cooked rice ^4 teaspoon salt ]/2 cup corn flour i tablespoon fat i cup milk i egg Mix the rice, fat, salt, and well-beaten yolk of egg. Add flour and milk. Mix thoroughly and fold well-beaten white of egg into mixture. Pour batter into greased baking dish and bake >^ hour in moderate oven. Serve hot or cold. RICE CORN BREAD i^ cups cooked rice i cup milk T.y cups corn meal ^4 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons baking powder i egg i tablespoon fat Mix as ordinary corn bread. Bake in moderate oven. 8 THREE-MEALS-A-DAY SERIES FRIED RICE Take any rice that is left over, and mold it in a pan or dish. Turn out of molds, cut in slices, and bake on both sides in oven or fry in hot drippings or bacon fat. RICE BREAD i cup lukewarm water, i tablespoon sugar milk, or a mixture of Butter (if used) or other the two fat, i tablespoon or less 1 cup uncooked rice i cake compressed yeast i>^ teaspoons salt 2 cups wheat flour Place rice and one-half the liquid in a double boiler and steam until the rice is soft. Measure the sugar, salt, and fat (if used) into a bowl and pour over them the remaining liquid (>2 cup). When the mixture has become luke- warm, add the yeast and ^ cup flour. Allow this sponge to rise until it is very light. Add the boiled rice, which should have been cooked until it is lukewarm, and the remainder of the flour. Knead thoroughly. This dough is so thick that some pressure is required to work in the last portions of the flour. Allow the dough to rise until it has doubled its bulk, form into a loaf, place loaf in a pan, and allow it to rise until it reaches nearly to the top of the pan. Bake. For an over-night rising use one-half cake yeast. CREOLE RICE BREAD 2 cups corn meal 3 eggs 1 cup boiled rice i tablespoon butter 2 cups sweet milk i teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder Beat eggs very light, and add the other ingredients. Pour batter into greased pan and bake quickly. Serve hot. RICE 9 RICE OMELET y?. cup cooked rice i egg Salt and pepper Mix beaten egg with rice. Season with pepper and salt. Cook the same as any other omelet and serve hot. RICE SOUFFLE 3 eggs i cup cooked rice i cup medium white sauce Beat the yolks of the eggs and add them to the white sauce. Add the boiled rice. Beat whites very light and fold into the mixture. Turn batter into a greased skillet and cook at moderate temperature until the lower surface is browned; turn out on a hot plate, and serve. WHITE SAUCE FOR SOUFFLE i cup milk i tablespoon corn starch i tablespoon fat % teaspoon salt y& teaspoon pepper Melt fat, stir in cornstarch, salt, and pepper, and then add milk. Heat, stirring until thickened. RICE FOR DINNER CREAM OF RICE SOUP i cup rice i cup milk 6 cups cold water 2 tablespoons butter or i small onion drippings i teaspoon chopped 2 tablespoons flour parsley (if desired) Salt and pepper Place rice and onion in cold water and cook until rice is tender. Press through a sieve. Melt fat, add flour, milk, and seasonings ; boil 5 minutes. Combine mixtures. Add parsley. 10 THREE-MEALS-A-DAY SERIES RICE SOUP WITH VEGETABLES When boiling rice in a quantity of water, do not throw away the water. Drain it into a saucepan and add diced carrots, bits of celery tops, and green onions, a little parsley, or any other tender greens or vegetables, such as cooked peas or string beans cut into small pieces. Season with salt and pepper and simmer gently until vegetables are cooked. More water may be added if necessary, but if soupi merely simmers, not much of the water will evaporate BAKED RICE WITH CHEESE Steam or boil i cup rice, allowing i tablespoon salt. Cover bottom of buttered baking dish with rice, dot over with i tablespoon butter, and sprinkle with grated mildj cheese and a few grains of cayenne. Repeat layers unti| rice and ^ cup cheese are used. Add milk equal to one- half contents of dish, cover with buttered bread or cracker crumbs, and bake until cheese melts. ITALIAN RICE 2 cups boiled rice i cup tomato sauce or i tablespoon butter tomato chutney Place butter in a saucepan, and when melted add to it the boiled rice and the tomato sauce or tomato chutney.; Season with salt and pepper, and stir until heated through. Then serve, sprinkling plentifully with grated cheese. RUSSIAN RICE Butter a baking dish, and spread a one-inch layer of boiled rice over the bottom. Over this sprinkle finely chopped tomatoes, fresh or canned. Season with salt and pepper, and dot well with butter. Then add another layer of rice RICE II somewhat thinner, spreading over it finely chopped green peppers, and so alternate tomatoes, pepper, and rice until the dish is well filled, having a layer of rice on the top. Garnish the center of the dish with slices of tomato, and encircle the edge with thinly cut rings from the pepper. Pour 2 tablespoons melted butter over all, cover lightly with a tin cover, and cook in a slow oven twenty minutes. Just before serving, add 2 tablespoons melted butter. SPANISH RICE % cup shortening 5 small onions */2 cup grated cheese i cup hot water 6 tablespoons rice % cup chopped olives 1 can tomatoes Salt and pepper Wash rice and put it in a bowl ; add shortening, seasonings, cheese, hot water, and tomatoes, olives and onions cut into small pieces. Turn mixture into a well-greased baking dish and bake until rice is tender. BOILED RICE WITH CHEESE SAUCE Hot boiled rice is delicious served with cheese sauce. CHEESE SAUCE FOR RICE iy cups milk ^ teaspoon salt i]/2 cups grated cheese i^ tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons butter Cayenne pepper Stir the flour and salt smoothly into y^ cup milk; heat the remaining milk carefully to boiling point. Add butter, .and thicken with the flour mixture. Let all boil together for a few minutes and then set aside to cool slightly. Add cheese, and bring mixture slowly to boiling point, stirring constantly. Season with cayenne and serve hot. 12 THREE-MEALS-A-DAY SERIES RICE FRITTERS i cup rice i pint milk i tablespoon sugar 3 eggs 2 tablespoons butter Boil rice in milk until it is soft and all the milk has been absorbed. Then remove from fire, and add yolks of eggs, sugar, and butter. When mixture is cold, add whites, whipped to a dry froth. Drop by the spoonful into plenty of hot lard, and fry until fritters are a deep buff color. Serve with cream sauce, flavored with lemon if desired. RICE AND OYSTER SCALLOP 3 cups cooked rice i tablespoon cornstarch i pint fresh oysters . i tablespoon fat i cup chopped celery ^ teaspoon salt i cup milk y% teaspoon pepper Make a white sauce by melting the fat, stirring in the cornstarch, salt, and pepper, and then adding the milk. Stir mixture over the fire until it is thickened. Arrange in a baking dish alternate layers of rice, oysters, celery, and white sauce until dish is nearly full. Have a layer of rice covering the top. Bake 20 minutes in a moderate oven. S.TUFFED STEAK 1 pound round steak 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 2 cups boiled rice i teaspoon onion juice Salt Paprika Blend the rice with the seasoning. Pound the steak until it is thin. Spread the steak with a layer of "the rice stuffing about Y^ inch thick. Roll and tie in shape or fasten with skewers. Place in a covered pan with enough water to keep steak from burning, and cook in the oven 30 minutes. RICE 13 Take off the cover, and brown the steak before removing it from the oven. Thicken the stock left in the pan for gravy. If preferred, make individual servings. Cut a 3 -inch square of steak, place a tablespoonful of the dressing in the center, roll the steak around it, and fasten. Place in a pan with a little water and cook as the roast was cooked. These smaller rolls are very good served with tomato sauce. SOUTHERN STEAK WITH RICE 2 pounds beefsteak i tablespoon flour i onion 2 cups milk i tablespoon butter 2 tablespoons Worcester- i cup boiled rice shire sauce Parsley Slice beefsteak into thin, small pieces. Brown the onion and butter in a saucepan, add the sliced meat, and fry for 5 minutes. Cover with the boiled rice, and sprinkle with the flour. Add milk and Worcestershire sauce. Add pars- ley and let cook for a few minutes longer and serve. BAKED RICE i cup rice . i cup tomatoes X teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter 2^ cups water Pepper Cook rice in salt water i hour. Add tomatoes and butter, and cook 1 5 minutes. Pour mixture into buttered baking dish, cover top with bread crumbs, and bake until brown. GIBLETS WITH RICE i cup giblets i cup cooked rice i^4 cups gravy Salt and pepper Cut giblets in small pieces. Mix with gravy and rice. 14 THREE-MEALS-A-DAY SERIES SAVORY RICE (Substitute for meat and potatoes) 2 tablespoons butter or 3 tablespoons grated cheese substitute i hard boiled egg (chopped) . 6 tablespoons boiled rice Milk 4 tablespoons cooked carrots (chopped) Melt the butter, add rice, carrots, cheese, and egg (egg may be omitted if desired.) Moisten with milk and season well. Pour mixture into a baking dish and brown in oven. RICE AND CABBAGE 1 cup stock or boiling water y cup boiled rice 2 thin slices bacon >^ teaspoon chopped parsley yz medium-sized cabbage Salt and pepper to taste Cut the bacon into small bits, add cabbage finely chopped, and moisten with the boiling water or stock. Cook slowly, uncovered, for 30 minutes. Add the rice, parsley, salt, and pepper, and cook 15 minutes longer. KIDNEY BEANS AND RICE WITH BROWN SAUCE 2 tablespoons butter or drippings i pint beans 1 tablespoon flour i cup cooked rice 2 cups stock or gravy Salt and pepper Brown the butter or drippings in a saucepan until dark colored, but do not burn. Add flour, stir, and brown again. Add good stock (beef is best), and season with salt and pepper. Cook the fresh shelled beans in salted water until tender. Add the cooked rice and then the sauce, and cook i minute longer. If gravy is used, butter (or drippings) should be left out. In food value this nourishing dish takes the place of both meat and potatoes. RICE 15 RICE AND PIMENTO SALAD i cup cooked rice 3 tablespoons chopped pimento 3 tablespoons chopped green pepper Mix ingredients and season. Serve on lettuce with may- onnaise or French dressing. Garnish with strips of pimento. RICE FOR SUPPER * RICE CROQUETTES ^/2 cup rice i cup boiling water i egg or yolks of 2 eggs 2 tablespoons butter i cup hot milk ^ teaspoon salt Cook rice with water, milk, and salt, in double boiler until rice is tender and liquid has been absorbed. Stir in the beaten eggs and butter. Cool, shape in balls, roll in crumbs, dip in egg, then in crumbs, fry in deep fat, and drain. A cube of jelly may be placed in each croquette. BEEF AND RICE CROQUETTES i pint cold chopped beef ^2 cup chopped celery i pint, boiled rice i egg i teaspoon celery salt Cream sauce Mix the chopped beef, rice, celery salt, and celery together, and add the beaten egg and enough cream sauce to moisten the mixture. When it is cold, form it into croquettes and fry in deep hot fat. RICE BALLS WITH CHEESE AND TOMATO SAUCE Form balls of cooked 'rice and dip them in grated cheese. Bake in a hot oven until cheese is brown. Serve with tomato sauce. 1 6 THREE-MEALS-A-DAY SERIES TOMATO SAUCE 1 quart tomatoes 2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons butter 8 cloves Salt and pepper Small slice onion Cook the tomatoes, onions, and cloves 10 minutes. Heat the butter in frying pan and add the flour. Stir mixture over fire until smooth and brown, and then stir in tomato. Cook 2 minutes, season to taste with salt and pepper, and rub through a strainer to remove the tomato seed. RICE CREAM ^3 cup uncooked rice ^2 teaspoon cinnamon i quart skimmed milk Salt To uncooked rice add skimmed milk, cinnamon, and salt. Pour mixture into a greased dish and bake 3 hours in slow oven, stirring three times the first hour to prevent rice from settling. The rice should be creamy when baked. ESCALLOPED RlCE 2 cups cooked rice i cup white sauce or tomato sauce ^ cup grated cheese (2 oz.) % cup buttered crumbs Spread a layer of rice in the bottom of a buttered baking dish. Add a layer of white sauce, then one of grated cheese. Repeat until the dish is full, and then spread buttered crumbs on top. Bake for 20 minutes, or until the crumbs are brown and sauce bubbles up through, the crumbs. NOTE. For white sauce, use i cup milk, i teaspoon butter, i teaspoon flour, yi teaspoon salt. CHARTREUSE OF RICE AND EGG Line an individual mold with cooked rice, leaving a hollow in the center. Place % hard cooked egg point down in hollow. Fill mold with rice, packing lightly. Place in RICE 17 covered pan in small quantity of water to keep warm. Invert on plate and serve with tomato sauce. BAKED HASH OF RICE AND BEEF i cup chopped beef 2 tablespoons butter i cup cooked rice i teaspoon salt i cup milk % teaspoon pepper i egg Into a stewpan put all the ingredients except the egg. Stir mixture for i minute, and then add well-beaten egg. Turn hash into a baking dish and bake for 20 minutes. RICE FOR DESSERT GOLDEN RICE PUDDING 1 cup boiled rice i teaspoon vanilla 4 egg yolks, or 3 whole eggs i cup sugar 2 cups milk 1^2 teaspoons nutmeg Beat eggs slightly, add milk, sugar, and seasonings. Add this mixture gradually to the boiled rice. Pour into but- tered baking dish and bake in moderate oven > hour. MERINGUE OF RICE i cup uncooked rice 4 eggs 1 pint milk % cup sugar 2 tablespoons butter Grated rind of i lemon i tablespoon lemon juice Have a pint of water boiling and cook the rice in it. When [the water has boiled away, add milk, butter, the yolks of eggs, and grated rind of lemon. Butter a pudding dish, pour in the mixture, and bake until it sets. Beat whites of eggs until they are dry and add sugar and lemon juice. i8 THREE-MEALS-A-DAY SERIES When pudding is done, spread the frosting over it and brown lightly on the top. SWEDISH RICE PUDDING 24 cup uncooked rice i cup sugar i quart milk Salt Butter i teaspoon vanilla Mix rice with milk, add sugar, a little salt, and the vanilla. Pour mixture into a pudding dish. Dot with butter, and bake in moderate oven until done. Serve cold. DUTCH RICE PUDDING 1 cup uncooked rice Juice of i lemon 2 cups milk i cup sugar i teaspoon butter Nutmeg to taste 4 eggs ^/2 cup chopped raisins yZ. cup nut meats Mix rice with milk, add butter, yolks of eggs, the other ingredients in the order named, and finally whites of eggs beaten stiff. Bake in buttered baking dish. Serve cold. RICE BAVARIAN CREAM 3 cups milk i tablespoon or ^2 box % cup uncooked rice granulated gelatin ^2 cup cold water i tablespoon salt ^2 cup sugar Nutmeg Whites of 2 eggs Wash rice and cook with sugar and salt in the milk until mixture is thick and soft. Stir frequently in order to break up grains. Soak gelatin in cold water and then dis- solve it in the hot rice mixture. Season to taste with nut- meg or a little lemon juice. Cool until nearly set. Beat RICE 19 well and fold in the stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Turn into molds or cups, that have been moistened with cold water. Serve plain or with whipped cream. RICE SURPRISES y>. cup uncooked rice 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup cold water 4 tablespoons sugar 2 cups milk Flavoring Preserves Wash rice in several waters and put it into a saucepan with fresh, cold water. Boil quickly until the water is absorbed and then add milk and butter. Simmer until the rice is thoroughly cooked and the mixture rather thick. Remove the saucepan from the fire, and add sugar and flavoring to taste. Rinse out some small molds with cold water, fill them J^ full with rice, and make little hollows in the centers. Drop one teaspoon of preserves into each, cover and fill with more rice, and set aside to cool. When molds are firm turn them out on to a pretty dish. Serve with custard sauce poured around them. SPICED RICE PUDDING 2 cups cooked rice ^2 teaspoon ground spices Milk 2 teaspoons brown sugar Mix rice, sugar, and spices in glass or earthen baking dish. Add milk to cover, and bake in a moderate oven until thick. CHOCOLATE RICE PUDDING 2 cups cooked rice i teaspoon cocoa % cup granulated sugar Milk Mix and bake the same as the spiced rice pudding. 20 THREE-MEALS-A-DAY SERIES SIMPLE RICE PUDDING i cup uncooked rice ^ cup sugar i quart water ^ teaspoon salt i quart milk Nutmeg Wash the rice thoroughly. Boil it in the water for 5 or 10 minutes. Remove it from stove, but do not drain. Add the other ingredients, place in the oven, and bake very slowly for an hour. Stir it frequently while it is baking. MOLDED RICE Press warm, cooked rice into individual molds. Remove from molds when cold and serve with fresh fruit and cream. Crushed strawberries and rice are especially good. RICE AND PINEAPPLE 1 cup uncooked rice i teaspoon salt 2 cups boiling water i can pineapple Add the washed rice to the boiling salt water and steam >^ hour. Add juice from pineapple and steam 15 minutes longer. Remove from fire and add pineapple cut into small pieces. Serve either hot or cold, with or without cream. FRUIT RICE MOLD % cup uncooked rice 3 cups water y$ cup hot milk i teaspoon salt X cup sugar Cook rice in boiled salt water until dry. Add milk and sugar and cook 10 minutes. Turn mixture/) into buttered mold. When cold, remove to serving dish aim arrange over it half a can of peaches, pineapple, or apri^&r. Serve with cream. Fruit juice may be added at seco/o. cooking. RICE 21 RICE CUSTARD Add a cup of boiled rice to soft custard. RICE CREAM i quart milk 3 tablespoons sugar > cup uncooked rice i tablespoon gelatin J^ pint whipped cream Scald milk in double boiler, add rice, and cook until tender. Turn out, add sugar and cool. Soak gelatin in > cup of milk 10 minutes, heat until gelatin is thoroughy melted then add to rice mixture. When mixture seems to be setting, lightly stir in whipped cream, then turn into a wet mold. Chill and serve with cooked or fresh fruit. LEMON RICE PUDDING i quart milk 3 tablespoons sugar i cupful uncooked rice 2 lemons 3 eggs 2< teaspoon salt Scald milk in double boiler, slowly drop in rice, and cook until very soft. Stir together yolks of eggs, sugar, salt, and grated rind of lemons. Add gradually the hot rice and milk, thinning with a little more milk, if necessary, to make it somewhat thicker than a boiled custard. Turn into a baking dish and bake in moderate oven 10 minutes. Beat the whites of the eggs very stiff and add to the sugar and the juice of the lemons. Cover the pudding with the meringue and bake it until a delicate brown. Serve cold JAPANESE RICE CANDY Press cold boiled rice into balls, and add nuts. Toss into boiling candy sirup, then allow them to cool and harden. 22 THREE-MEALS-A-DAY SERIES HOW TO USE LEFT-OVER RICE 1. Use left-over rice in place of bread crumbs for thick- ening soup or in making quick breads and scalloped dishes. 2. Add rice to boiled custard for dessert. 3. Stuff the centers of whole cold baked apples with rice and raisins. 4. Reheat rice, arrange it on platter, and surround it with cooked carrots seasoned with pepper, salt, and a little butter. 5 . Mix rice with seasonings and a little minced left-over meat or grated cheese to make a good stuffing for tomatoes or green peppers. 6. Serve rice with prunes to make a dainty dish. LEFT-OVER MEAT IN RICE TIMBALES 1 cup left-over meat ]/?. cup gravy i cup cooked rice Line cups or molds with rice (reheated). Make layer Y^ inch thick, let stand 15 'minutes, remove from cups, and fill with meat and gravy mixture. USES FOR RICE WATER The water left from boiled rice contains too much starch to be wasted. When cooked down until thick it makes a good thickening for soups in place of flour. As a starch for sheer materials it is excellent. RICE WATER FOR INVALIDS 2 tablespoons rice Milk 3 cups cold water Salt Wash rice, add cold water, and soak for 30 minutes. Bring it gradually to boiling point and cook for i hour. Strain, reheat, and dilute with hot milk. Season with salt. RETURN MARIAN KOSHLAND BIOSCIENCE AND TO > NATURAL RESOURCE LIBRARY 2101 Valley Life Sciences Bldg. 642-2531 LOAN PERIOD 7 DAYS ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW. FORM NO. DD 8 24M 4-00 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Berkeley, California 94720-6500