^xf^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/miscellaneouspapOOhert MISCELLANEOUS PAPEES BY THE SAME AUTHOR. ELECTRIC WAVES: Researches on the Propagation of Electric Action with Finite Velocity through space. Translated by D. E. JONES. With a Preface by LORD KELVIN. 8vo. 10s. net. ELECTRICIAN : — "There is not in the entire annals of scientific research a more completely logical and philosophical method recorded than that which has been rigidly adhered to by Hertz from start to finish. We can conceive of no more delight- ful intellectual treat than following up the charming orderliness of the records in the pages before us. . . . The researches are a splendid consummation of the efforts which have been made since the time of Maxwell to establish the doctrine of one ether for all energy and force propagation— light, heat, electricity, and magnetism. The original papers, with their introduction, form a lasting monument of the work "thus achieved. The able translation before us, in which we have a skilful blend of the original mean- ing with the English idiom, and which is copiously illustrated, places the record of these researches within the reach of the English reading public, and enables it to study this important and epoch-making landmark in the progress of physical science." IN THE PBESS. THE PRINCIPLES OP MECHANICS. With a Preface by H. von Helmholtz. Translated by D. E. Jones and J. T. Walley. ^-<2^^<^ /-^^ MISCELLANEOUS PAPEES BY HEINEICH HERTZ LATE PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF BONN WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY PEOF. PHILIPP LENAED AUTHORISED ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY D. E. JONES, B.Sc. LATELY PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS IN THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF WALES, ABERYSTWYTH AND Gk A. SCHOTT, B.A., B.Sc. DEMONSTRATOR AND ASSISTANT LECTURER IN THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF WALES, ABERYSTWYTH 3Lontr0tt MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd. NEW YORK : MACMILLAN & CO. 1896 All rights reserved NH EDITOR'S PREFACE The present volume consists mainly of the earlier investiga- tions which Heinrich Hertz carried out before his great electrical researches. Hitherto they have been difficult of access, being scattered amongst various journals, and some (e.g. his inaugural dissertation) could scarcely be obtained at all. Of later date are the last experimental investigation, the Heidelberg lecture (published by the firm of Emil Strauss in Bonn, by whose kind permission it is included in the present volume), and the closing paper, which is a further proof of the gratitude and admiration which Hertz cherished towards his great master, who has now followed him. The papers are for the most part arranged in the order of their publication. By the kindness of Senator Dr. Gustav Hertz I have been able to include in the Introduction extracts from Hertz's letters to his parents, which give us an insight into the course of his scientific development, and the way in which he was led to attack the problems herein discussed. P. LENAKD. February 1895. £90435 TRANSLATORS' NOTE Hertz's Miscellaneous Papers form the first volume of his collected works, as edited by Dr. Philipp Lenard. The second volume is a reprint of his Eesearches on the Propagation of Electric Action (already published in English under the title of Electric Waves). The third volume consists of his Principles of Mechanics, of which an English translation is now in the press. Professor Lenard has shown a warm interest in the translation, and we desire to express our hearty thanks to him for his kind assistance. The portrait which forms the frontispiece to this volume has been specially engraved for it from a photograph by E. Krewaldt of Bonn. D. E. J. G. A. S. March 1896. CONTENTS PAGE Introduction ........ ix 1. Experiments to determine an Upper Limit to the Kinetic Energy of an Electric Current [i], 1880 . . . 1 2. On Induction in Rotating Spheres, 1880 . . .35 3. On the Distribution of Electricity over the Surface of Moving Conductors, 1881 ..... 127 4. Upper Limit for the Kinetic Energy of Electricity in Motion [ii], 1881 ........ 137 5. On the Contact of Elastic Solids, 1881 .... 146 6. On the Contact of Rigid Elastic Solids and on Hardness, 1882 ......... 163 7. On a New Hygrometer, 1882 . . . . .184 8. On the Evaporation of Liquids, and especially of Mercury, in Vacuo, 1882 ....... 186 9. On the Pressure of Saturated Mercury- Vapour, 1882 . 200 10. On the Continuous Currents which the Tidal Action of the Heavenly Bodies must produce in the Ocean, 1883 . 207 11. Hot -Wire Ammeter of Small Resistance and Negligible Inductance, 1883 ....... 211 12. On a Phenomenon which accompanies the Electric Discharge, 1883 ......... 216 13. Experiments on the Cathode Discharge, 1883 . . . 224 14. On the Behaviour of Benzene with respect to Insulation and Residual Charge, 1883 . . . . .255 15. On the Distribution of Stress in an Elastic Right Circular Cylinder 1884 ....... 261 Vlll CONTENTS PAGE 16. On the Equilibrium of Floating Elastic Plates, 1884 . 266 17. On the Relations between Maxwell's Fundamental Electro- magnetic Equations and the Fundamental Equations of the Opposing Electromagnetics, 1884 .... 273 18. On the Dimensions of Magnetic Pole in Different Systems of Units, 1885 ........ 291 19. A Graphical Method of determining the Adiabatic Changes of Moist Air, 1884 . . . . . .296 20. On the Relations between Light and Electricity, 1889 . 313 21. On the Passage of Cathode Rays through Thin Metallic Layers, 1892 ....... 328 22. Hermann yon Helmholtz, 1891 ..... 332 INTRODUCTION In October 1877, at the age of twenty, Heinrich Hertz went to Munich in order to carry on his engineering studies. He had chosen this as his profession, and had already made some progress in it ; for in addition to completing the usual year of practical work he had thoroughly grounded himself in the preliminary mathematical and scientific studies. He had now to apply himself to engineering work proper, to the technical details of his profession. At this point he began to doubt whether his natural inclinations lay in the direction of this work — whether he would find engineering as satisfactory as the studies which led up to it. The study of natural science had been a delight to him : now he feared lest his life- work should prove a burden. He stood at the parting of the ways. In the following letter he consults his parents in the matter. Munich, 1st November 1877. My dear Parents — No doubt you will wonder why this letter follows so quickly after my previous one. I had no inten- tion of writing so soon again, but this time it is about an important matter which will not brook any long delay. I really feel ashamed to say it, but I must : now at the last moment I want to change all my plans and return to the study of natural science. I feel that the time has come for me to decide either to devote myself to this entirely or else to say good-bye to it ; for if I give up too much time to science in .the future it will end in neglecting my professional studies and becoming a second- rate engineer. Only recently, in arranging my plan of studies, have I clearly seen this — so clearly that I can no longer feel any doubt about it ; and my first impulse was to renounce all un- X INTRODUCTION necessary dealings with mathematics and natural science. But then, all at once, I saw clearly that I could not bring myself to do this ; that these had been my real occupation up to now, and were still my chief joy. All else seemed hollow and unsatisfy- ing. This conviction came upon me quite suddenly, and I felt inclined to sit down and write to you at once. Although I have restrained myself for a day or two, so as to consider the matter thoroughly, I can come to no other result. I cannot understand why all this was not clear to me before; for I came here filled with the idea of working at mathematics and natural science, whereas I had never given a thought to the essentials of my pro- fessional training — surveying, building construction, builders' materials, and such like. I have not forgotten what I often used to say to myself, that I would rather be a great scientific investi- gator than a great engineer, but would rather be a second-rate engineer than a second-rate investigator. But now when I am in doubt, I think how true is Schiller's saying, " Und setzet Bit nicht das Leben ein, nie wird Euch das Leben gewonnen sein," and that excessive caution would be folly. Nor do I conceal from myself that by becoming an engineer I would be more certain of earning my own livelihood, and I regret that in adopting the other course I shall probably have to rely upon you, my dear father, all the longer for support. But against all this there is the feeling that I could devote myself wholly and enthusiastically to natural science, and that this pursuit would satisfy me ; whereas I now see that engineering science would not satisfy me, and would always leave me hankering after something else. I hope that I am not deceiving myself in this, for it would be a great and woful piece of self-deception. But of this I feel positive, that if the decision is in favour of natural science, I shall never look back with regret towards engineering science, whereas if I become an engineer I shall always be longing for the other ; and I cannot bear the idea of being only able to work at natural science for the purpose of passing an examination. When I think of it, it seems to me that I used to be much more frequently encouraged to go on with natural science than to become an engineer. I may be better grounded in mathematics than many, but I doubt whether this would be much of an advantage in engineering ; so much more seems to depend, at any rate in the first ten years of practice, upon business capacity, ex- perience, and knowledge of data and formulae, which do not happen to interest me. This and much else I have carefully considered (and shall continue to think it over until I receive your reply), but when all is said and done, even admitting that there are many sound practical reasons in favour of becoming an engineer, I still feel that this would involve a sense of failure and disloyalty to myself, to which I would not willingly submit if it could be INTRODUCTION XI avoided. And so I ask you, dear father, for your decision rather than for your advice ; for it isn't advice that I need, and there is scarcely time for it now. If you will allow me to study natural science I shall take it as a great kindness on your part, and what- ever diligence and love can do in the matter that they shall do. I . believe this will be your decision, for you have never put a stone in my path, and I think you have often looked with pleasure on my scientific studies. But if you consider it best for me to con- tinue in the path on which I have started (which I now doubt), I will carry out your wish, and do so fully and freely ; for by this time I am sick of doubt and delay, and if I remain in the state I have been in lately I shall never make a start. ... So I hope to have an early answer, and until it comes I shall continue to think the matter over. Meanwhile I send my love to you' all, and re- main your affectionate son, Heinrich. Matters were decided as he had hoped, and, full of joy at being able to carry out his wishes, Hertz now proceeded to arrange his plan of studies. He remained altogether a year at Munich. He devoted the winter-semester of 1877-78 in all seclusion to the study of mathematics and mechanics, using for the most part original treatises such as those of Laplace and Lagrange. Most of the following summer-semester he spent at practical work in the physical laboratory. By attending the elementary courses in practical physics at the University (under v. Jolly) and at the same time in the Technical Institute (under v. Bezold), he was able to supple- ment what he had already learned by means of his own home-made apparatus. Thus prepared he proceeded in October 1878 to Berlin, eager to become a pupil of v. Helmholtz and Kirchhoff. When he had arrived there, in looking at the notices on the black notice-board of the University his eye fell on an intimation of a prize offered by the Philosophical Faculty for the solution of a problem in physics. It referred to the question of electric inertia. To him it did not seem so hopelessly difficult as it might have appeared to many of his contemporaries, and he decided to have a try at it. This brings us to the beginning of his first independent research (the first paper in the present volume). We cannot read without astonishment the letters in which this student of twenty-one reports to his parents the starting of an in- h Xll INTRODUCTION vestigation which might well be taken for the work of an experienced investigator. Berlin, 31st October 1878. I have been attending lectures — KirchhofTs — since Monday : another course only begins on Wednesday next. Besides this I have also started practical work ; one of the prize problems for this year falls more or less in my line, and I am going to work at it. This was not what I intended at first, for a course of lectures on mineralogy, which I wished to attend, clashed with it ; but I have now decided to let these stand over until the next semester. I have already discussed the matter with Professor Helmholtz, who was good enough to put me on the track of some of the literature. A week later we find him already at his experiments. 6th November 1878. Since yesterday I have been working in the laboratory. The prize problem runs as follows : If electricity moves with inertia in bodies, then this must, under certain circumstances, manifest itself in the magnitude of the extra-current (i.e. of the secondary current which is produced when an electric current starts or stops). Experiments on the magnitude of the extra-current have to be made such that a conclusion can be drawn from them as to inertia of the electricity in motion. The work has to be finished by 4th May ; it was given out as early as 3rd August, and I am sorry that I did not know of it before. I ought, however, to say that at present I am only trying to work out the problem, and I may not succeed in solving it satisfactorily : so I would not readily have spoken of it as a prize research, indeed I would not have mentioned it at all, if it were not necessary by way of explanation. Anyhow I find it very pleasant to be able to attack such an in- vestigation. So yesterday I informed Professor Helmholtz that I had considered the matter and would like to start work. He then took me to the demonstrators and very kindly remained some twenty minutes longer, talking with me about it, as to how I had better begin and what instruments I should require. So yesterday and to-day I have begun to make my arrangements. I have a room all to myself as large as our morning room, 1 but nearly twice as high. I can come and go as I like, and you will easily see that I have room enough. Everything else is capitally arranged. . . . Nothing could be more convenient, and I can only hope now that my work will come up to its environment. Of 1 A large room in his parents' house. INTRODUCTION xili course at present I am only getting things ready, but I feel how pleasant it will be to have the resources of a good laboratory at my back. My galvanometer, which at home stood upon the lathe, 1 now stands upon an iron bracket let into the wall. The reading telescope can be adjusted in all directions by screws, which is certainly more convenient than propping it up on books. . . . Every morning I hear an interesting lecture, and then go to the laboratory, where I remain, barring a short in- terval, until four o'clock. After that I work in the library or in my rooms ; up till now there has been plenty to do in hunting up the literature on extra-currents. (It seems that there is a paper, of which, however, I have only seen an extract, in which some one shows that no such current exists ; it is to be hoped that the man is quite wrong.) nth November 1878. My work goes on slowly but steadily. The first thing I found out was that a bracket in the Dorotheenstrasse is much more shaky than an ordinary table in the Magdalenenstrasse. At my request I have been shifted into another room, in which there is a brick pillar. . . . Helmholtz is very kind ; he comes in every day for a few minutes, and has a look how things are getting on. The task upon which I am engaged is rather an ungrateful one, for in all likelihood the result will be negative : i.e. certain things will not happen, and on the whole this is less exciting than when something does happen ; but it can't be helped in this case. 2ith November 1878. I am now thoroughly happy, and could not wish things better. I spend the greater part of the day working in the laboratory, and unfortunately the days are so short that when the greater part is gone scarcely anything is left. Most of this greater part is spent upon things which are very useless, or at any rate don't teach one much, such as cutting corks and filing wires, and the observations themselves are naturally not very delightful. Possibly it may be doubtful whether it is quite right for me to spend so much time at these things when I have still so much to learn. And yet I feel that it is right; to get information for myself and for others direct from nature gives me so much more satisfaction than to be always learning it from others and for my- self alone — so much more that I can scarcely express it. When I am only studying books I am never free of the feeling that I am a perfectly useless member of society. It is odd to think that I am now working at a rather specialised research in electricity, 1 This he obtained when sixteen years old, and made good use of it. XIV INTRODUCTION whereas only about half a year ago I scarcely knew any more about it than what still remained in my memory since the time when I was with Dr. Lange. 1 I hope my work won't suffer from this. At present it looks promising. I have already surmounted the difficulties which Helmholtz pointed out to me at the start as being the principal ones ; and in a fortnight, if all goes well, I shall be ready with a scanty kind of solution, and shall still have time left to work it up properly. He asks his parents to send on a tangent galvanometer which he had made during the last holidays at home, without having any suspicion that it would so soon be used in this way. 2 A week later, in writing to report progress, he is not so cheerful. " When one difficulty is overcome, a bigger one turns up in its place." These were the difficulties mentioned in pp. 5-6. The Christmas holidays were now at hand, and while at home in Hamburg he made the commutator shown on Fig. 1, p. 13, respecting which he later on reports. 11th January 1879. The apparatus which I made works very well, even better than I had expected ; so that within the last three days I have been able to make all my measurements over again, and more accurately than before. Within three months after he had first turned his atten- tion to this investigation he is able to report the conclusion of the first part of it. 21st January 1879. It has delighted me greatly to find that my observations are in accordance with the theory, and all the more because the agree- ment is better than I had expected. At first my calculations gave a value which was much greater than the observed value. Then I happened to notice that it was just twice as great. After a long search amongst the calculations I came upon a 2 which had been forgotten, and then both agreed better than I could have expected. I have now set about making more accurate observa- 1 The Head-Master of the Biirgcrschulc, which he attended up to his six- teenth year. 2 This is the galvanometer referred to on p. 12 (3) — a simple wooden disc turned upon the lathe and wound with copper wire, with a hole in the centre for the magnet. It is still in good order. INTRODUCTION XV tions ; the first attempt has turned out badly, as generally happens, but I hope in due course to pull things into shape. The apparatus which I have made at home really works well, so well that I wouldn't exchange it for one made out of gold and ivory in the best workshop. (Mother might like to hear this, and if I find that it pleases her I will try it again.) Ten days later the experiments with rectilinear wires were completed. 31 st January 1879. I have now quite finished my research, much more quickly than I had expected. This is chiefly because the more accurate set of experiments have led to a very satisfactory, although negative, result : i.e. I find that, to the greatest degree of accuracy I can obtain, the theory is confirmed. I should much have preferred some positive result ; but as there is nothing of the kind here I must be satisfied. My experiments agree as well as I could wish with the current theory, and I do not think that I can push matters any further with the means now at my disposal. So I have finished the experiments, and hope the Commission will be satisfied ; as far as I can see, any further experiments would only lead to the same result. I shall begin writing my paper in a few days ; just at present I don't feel in the humour for it. The paper was written during a period of military service at Freiburg. In these successive reports on his work we nowhere find signs of his having encountered difficulties in developing the theory of it ; and this is all the more surprising because at this time he could scarcely have made any general survey of what was already known. But it is clear that even at this early stage he was able to find his own way through regions yet unknown to him, and to do this without first searching anxiously for the foot-prints of other explorers. Thus just about this time he writes as follows : — 9th February 1879. Kirchhoff has now come to magnetism in his lectures, and a great part of what he tells us coincides with what I had worked out for myself at home last autumn. Now it is by no means pleasant to hear that all this has long since been well known ; still it makes the lecture all the more interesting. I hope my know- ledge will soon grow more extensive, so that I may know what has XVI INTRODUCTION already been done, instead of having to take the trouble of finding it out again for myself. But it is some satisfaction to find gradually that things which are new to me make their appearance less frequently ; at any rate that is my experience in the special department at which I have worked. His research gained the prize. 4th August 1879. Happily I have not only obtained the prize, but the decision of the Faculty has been expressed in terms of such commendation that I feel twice as proud of it. ... I had gone with Dr. K. and L. [to hear the public announcement of the decision] without having said anything, but fully determined not to show any disappointment if the result was unfavourable. llth August 1879. I have chosen the medal, in accordance with your wish, for the prize. It is a beautiful gold medal, quite a large one, but by a piece of incredible stupidity it has no inscription whatever on it, nothing even to show that it is a University prize. This prize research was Hertz's first investigation, and it is to this he refers in the Introduction to his Electric Waves, as being engaged upon it when von Helmholtz invited him to attack the problem l propounded for the prize of the Berlin Academy. For reasons now known to us, he gave up the idea of working at the problem. He preferred to apply himself to other work, which was perhaps of a more modest nature, but promised to yield some tangible result. So he turned his attention to the theoretical investigation " On Induction in Botating Spheres " (II. in this volume). This extensive investigation was made in an astonishingly short time. The first sketch of it, which still exists, is dated from time to time in Hertz's handwriting, and one sees with surprise what rapid progress he made from day to day. He had made preliminary studies at home during the autumn vacation of 1896, and the results of these are partly contained 1 This latter seems to be the problem in electromagnetics to which von Helmholtz refers in his Preface to Hertz's Princijjles of Mechanics as having , been proposed by himself in the belief that it was one in which his pupil would 1 feel an interest. INTRODUCTION XV11 in the paper " On the Distribution of Electricity over the Surface of Moving Conductors " (III. in this volume), which was first published two years later. In November 1879 he began to work at induction, and no later than the following January this investigation was submitted as an inaugural dissertation for the degree of doctor to the Philosophical Faculty. We hear of this rapid progress in the letters to his parents : — 27th November 1879. J I secured a place in the laboratory and started working there at the beginning of term, but do not feel much drawn in that direction just now. I am busy with a theoretical investigation which gives me great pleasure, so I work at this in my rooms instead of going to the laboratory : indeed I wish that I had made no arrangements for practical work. The investigation which I now have in hand is closely connected with what I did at home. Unless I discover (which would be very disagreeable) that this particular problem has already been solved by some one else, it will become my dissertation for the doctorate. lMh December 1879. There is little news to send about myself. I have been work- ing away, with scarcely time to look about me, at the research which I have undertaken. It is getting on as well and as pleasantly as I could wish. Ylth January 1880. As soon as I got here [from Hamburg, after the Christmas holidays] I settled down to my research, and by the end of the week had it ready : I had to keep working hard at it, for it became much more extensive than I had expected. In its extent this second research differs from all of Hertz's other publications ; he had clearly decided to follow the usual custom with respect to inaugural dissertations. Although long, it will be found to repay the most careful study. The decision of the Berlin Philosophical Faculty (drawn up by Helmholtz) was Acuminis et doctrince specimen laudabile. Together with a brilliant examination it gained for him the title of doctor, with the award magna cum laude, which is but rarely given in the University of Berlin. In the following summer of 1880 Hertz was again engaged xvili INTRODUCTION upon an experimental investigation on the formation of residual charge in insulators. He did not seem well satisfied with the result ; at any rate he did not consider it worth writing out. It was only by v. Helmholtz's special request that he was subsequently induced to give an account of this research at a meeting of the Physical Society of Berlin on 27th May 1881. It did not appear in Wiedemann's Annalen (XIV. in this volume) until three years later, after the quantitative data had been recovered by a repetition of the experiments made for this purpose at Hertz's suggestion. Soon afterwards, in October 1880, Hertz became assistant to v. Helmholtz. He now revelled in the enjoyment of the resources of the Berlin Institute. He was soon engaged, in addition to the duties of his office, upon many problems both experimental and theoretical ; and expresses his regret at not being able to use all the resources at his disposal, and to solve all the problems at once. At this time he sowed the seeds which during his three years' term as assistant developed one after the other into the investigations which appear as IV. -XVI. in this volume. He was first attracted by a theoretical investigation " On the Contact of Elastic Solids " (V.) During the frequent discussions on Newton's rings in the Physical Society of Berlin it had occurred to Hertz that although much was known in detail as to the optical phenomena which takes place between the two glasses, very little was known as to the changes of form which they undergo at their point of contact when pressed together. So he tried to solve the problem and succeeded. Most of the investigation was carried out during the vacation of Christmas 1880. Its publication, at first in the form of a lecture to the Physical Society (on 21st January 1881), was at once greeted with much interest. A new light had been thrown upon the phenomena of contact and pressure, and it was -recognised that this had an important and direct bearing upon the conduct of all delicate measurements. For example, determinations of a base-line for the great European measurement of a degree were just then being calculated out at Berlin. The steel measuring-rods used in these deter- minations were lightly pressed against each other with a glass sphere interposed between them. This elastic contact INTRODUCTION XIX necessarily introduced an element of uncertainty depending upon the pressure exerted : a method of ascertaining its magnitude with certainty was wanting. Now the question could be answered definitely and at once. In technical circles equal interest was exhibited, and this induced Hertz to extend the investigation further and to allow it to be published not only in Borchardt's Journal (V. in this volume) but also in a technical journal, with a supplement on Hardness (VI.) About this he writes to his parents as follows : — 9th May 1882. I have been writing a great deal lately ; for I have rewritten the investigation once more for a technical journal in compliance with suggestions which reached me from various directions. . . . I have also added a chapter on the hardness of bodies, and hope to lecture on this to the Physical Society on Friday. I have had some fun out of this too. For hardness is a property of bodies of which scientific men have as clear, i.e. as vague, a conception as the man in the street. Now as I went on working it became quite clear to me what hardness really was. But I felt that it was not in itself a property of sufficient importance to make it worth while writing specially about it ; nor was such a subject, which would necessarily have to be treated at some length, quite suitable for a purely mathematical journal. In a technical journal, however, I thought I might well write something about the matter. So I went to look round the library of the Gewerbe- akademie, and see what was known about hardness. And I found that there really was a book written on it in 1867 by a Frenchman. It contained a full account of earlier attempts to define hardness clearly, and to measure it in a rational way, and of many experi- ments made by the writer himself with the same object, interspersed with assurances as to the importance of the subject. Altogether it must have involved a considerable amount of work, which was labour lost — so I think, and he partly admits it — because there Avas no right understanding at the bottom of it, and the measure- ments were made without knowing what had to be measured. So I concluded that now I might with a quiet conscience make my paper a few pages longer ; and since this I have naturally had much more pleasure than before in writing it out. Whilst these problems on elasticity were engaging his attention Hertz was also busy with the researches on evapora- tion (VIII. and IX. in this volume) and the second investi- gation on the Kinetic Energy of Electricity in Motion (IV.) XX INTRODUCTION Both of these had been commenced in the summer of 1881. In order to push on the three-fold task to his satisfaction he devoted to it the greater part of the autumn vacation. Thus the investigation on electric inertia was soon finished ; on the other hand the evaporation problems took up much more time without giving much satisfaction. 15th October 1881. I am now devoting myself entirely to the research on evapora- tion, which I began thinking of in the spring, and of which I have now some hope. 10th March 1882. The present research is going on anything but satisfactorily. Fresh experiments have shown me that much, if not all, of my labour has been misapplied ; that sources of error were present which could scarcely have been foreseen, so that the beautiful positive result which I thought I had obtained turns out to be nothing but a negative one. At first I was quite upset, but have plucked up courage again ; I feel as fit as ever now, only I do regret the valuable time which cannot be recovered. IMh June 1882. I am writing out my paper on evaporation, i.e. as much of the work as turns out to be correct ; I am far from being pleased with it, and feel rather glad that I am not obliged to work it out com- pletely, as originally intended. In the midst of this period of strenuous exertion comes the slight refreshing episode of the invention of the hygro- meter (VII. in this volume). In sending a charming de- scription of this little instrument, " so simple that there is scarcely anything in it," Hertz explains to his parents how the air in a dwelling -room should be kept moist in winter. There can be no harm in reproducing the explanation here. 2nd February 1882. I may here give a little calculation which will show father how the air in the morning- room should be kept moist. On an average the atmosphere contains half as much water-vapour as is required to saturate it ; in other words, the average relative humidity is 50 per cent. Assume then that this proportion is suitable for men, that it is the happy — or healthy — mean. In a cubic metre of air there should then be definite quantities of water, INTRODUCTION XXI which are different for different temperatures — 2*45 gm. at 0° C, 4*70 gm. at 10° C, and 8'70 gm. at 20° C, for these amounts would give the air a relative humidity of 50 per cent. Now let us assume that the temperature is 0° out of doors, and 20° in the (heated) room. Then in the room there would be (since the air comes ultimately from the outside) only 2*45 gm. of water in each cubic metre of air. In order to get the correct proportion there should be 8*70 gm. of water. Hence the air is relatively very dry and needs 6J gm. more of water per cubic metre. Since the room is about 7 metres long, 7 metres broad, and 4 metres high, it contains 7x7x4 cubic metres, and the additional amount of water required in the room is 7 x 7 x 4 x 6 J gm., or nearly 1J litres. Thus if the room were hermetically closed, 1J litres of water would have to be sprinkled about in order to secure the proper degree of humidity. Now the room is not hermetically closed. Let us assume that all the air in it is completely changed in n hours; then every n hours \\ litres of water would have to be sprinkled about or evaporated into it. I think we may assume that through window-apertures, opening of doors, etc., the air is completely changed every two or three hours ; hence from § to -j^- of a litre of water, or a big glassful, would have to be evapor- ated per hour. All this would roughly hold good whenever rooms are artificially heated, and the external temperature is below 10° C. If you were to set up a hygrometer and compare the humidity when water is sprinkled and when it is not, you could from this find within what time the air in the room is completely changed. . . . This has become quite a long lecture, and the postage of the letter will ruin me ; but what wouldn't a man do to keep his dear parents and brothers and sister from complete desiccation ? As soon as the research on evaporation was finished Hertz turned his attention to another subject, in which he had always felt great interest — that of the electric discharge in gases. He had only been engaged a month upon this when he succeeded in discovering a phenomenon accompanying the spark-discharge which had hitherto remained unnoticed (see XII. in this volume). But he was too keen to allow this to detain him long : he at once made plans for constructing a large secondary battery, which seemed to him to be the most suitable means for obtaining information of more importance. His letters tell us how he attacked the subject. 29th June 1882. I am busy from morn to night with optical phenomena in l rarefied gases, in the so-called Geissler tubes — only the tubes I xxn INTRODUCTION J mean are very different from the ones you see displayed in public exhibitions. For once I feel an inclination to take up a somewhat, more experimental subject and to put the exact measurements V aside for a while. The subject I have in mind is involved in much ] obscurity, and little has been done at it ; its investigation would probably be of great theoretical interest. So I should like to find in it material for a fresh research ; meanwhile I keep rushing about without any fixed plan, finding out what is already known about it, repeating experiments and setting up others as they occur to me ; all of which is very enjoyable, inasmuch as the phenomena are in general exceedingly beautiful and varied. But it involves a lot of glass-blowing ; my impatience will not allow me to order from the glass-blower to-day a tube which would not be ready until several days later, so I prefer to restrict myself to what can be achieved by my own slight skill in the art. In point of expense this is an advantage. But in a day one can only pre- pare a single tube, or perhaps two, and make observations with these under varied conditions, so that naturally it is laborious work. At present, as already stated, I am simply roaming about in the hope that one or other of the hundred remarkable pheno- mena which are exhibited will throw some light upon the path. 31st July 1882. I have made some preliminary attempts in the way of build- ing up a battery of 1000 cells. This will cost some money and a good deal of trouble ; but I believe it will prove a very efficient means of pushing on the investigation, and will amply repay its cost. After devoting the first half of the ensuing autumn vacation to recreation, he begins the construction of the battery. 6th September 1882. I am now back again, after having had a good rest, and as there is nothing to disturb me here I have at once started fitting up the battery. So I am working away just like a mechanic. Every turn and twist has to be repeated a thousand times ; so that for hours I do nothing but bore one hole and then another, bend one strip of lead after the other, and then again spend hours in varnishing them one by one. I have already got 250 cells finished and the remaining 750 are to be made forthwith ; I expect to have the lot ready in a week. I don't like to interrupt the work, and that is why I haven't written to you before. For a j while I feel quite fond of this monotonous mechanical occupation. INTRODUCTION XXlll 20th September 1882. The battery has practically been ready since the middle of last week ; since last Sunday night it has begun to spit fire and light up electric tubes. To-day for the first time I have made experi- ments with it — ones which I couldn't have carried out without it. 7th October 1882. I have got the battery to work satisfactorily, and a week ago succeeded in solving, to the best of my belief, the first problem which I had propounded to myself (a problem solved, when it really is solved, is a good deal !). But even this first stage was only attained with much trouble, for the battery turned sick, and its sickness has proved to be a very dangerous one. By preventive measures the battery was kept going for yet a little while, and later on he reports, " Battery doing well." How the battery finally came to grief is explained in the account of the investigation (XIII.) By its aid he was able, in six weeks of vigorous exertion, to bring to a success- ful issue most of the experiments which he had planned out. The investigation was first published in April 1883 at Kiel, in connection with Hertz's induction to the position of Privat- docent there. It brought him recognition from one who rarely bestowed such tokens, and whose opinion he valued most highly. Hertz treasured as precious mementoes two letters from Helmholtz. One of these notified his appoint- ment as assistant at Berlin ; the other is the following : — Berlin, 29th July 1883. Geehrter Herr Doktor ! — I have read with the greatest interest your investigation on the cathode discharge, and cannot refrain from writing to say Bravo ! The subject seems to me to be one of very wide importance. For some time I have been thinking whether the cathode rays may not be a mode of pro- pagation of a sudden impact upon the Maxwellian electromagnetic ether, in which the surface of the electrode forms the first wave- surface. For, as far as I can see, such a wave should be pro- pagated just as these rays are. In this case deviation of the rays through a magnetisation of the medium would also be possible. Longitudinal waves could be more easily conceived ; and these could exist if the constant k in my electromagnetic researches were not zero. But transversal waves could also be XXIV INTRODUCTION produced. You seem to have similar thoughts in your own mind. However that may be, I should like you to feel free to make any use of what I have mentioned above, for I have no time at present to work at the subject. These ideas suggest themselves so readily in reading your investigation that they must soon occur to you if they have not already done so. . . . — With kindest regards, yours, H. Helmholtz. While still busily engaged in completing this investiga- tion on the discharge Hertz began to reflect upon another problem which seems to have been suggested to him by sheets of ice floating upon water during the winter. Berlin, 24th February 1883. My researches are going on all right. From the date of my last letter until to-day I have been wholly absorbed in a problem which I cannot keep out of my head, viz. the equilibrium of a floating sheet of ice upon which a man stands. Naturally the sheet of ice will become somewhat bent, thus [follows a small sketch of the bent sheet], but what form will it take, what will be the exact amount of the depression, etc. ? One arrives at quite paradoxical results. In the first place a depression will certainly be produced underneath the man ; but at a certain distance there will be a circular elevation of the ice ; after this there follows another depression, and so on, somewhat in this way [another sketch]. As a matter of fact the elevations and depressions decrease so rapidly that they can never be perceived : but to the intellectual eye an endless series of them is visible. Even more paradoxical is the following result. Under certain circumstances a disc heavier than water, and which would therefore sink when laid upon water, can be made to float by putting a weight on it ; and as soon as the weight is taken away it sinks. The explana- tion is that when the weight is put on, the disc takes the form of a boat, and thus supports both the weight and itself. If the load is gradually removed the disc becomes flatter and flatter ; and finally there comes an instant when the boat becomes too shallow and so sinks with what is left of the load. This is the theoretical result, and the way I explain it to myself, but meanwhile there may be errors in the calculation. Such a subject has a peculiar effect upon me. For a whole week I have been struggling to have done with it, because it is not of great importance, and I have other things to do, e.g. I ought to be writing out the research which is to serve for my induction at Kiel, which is all ready in my mind but not a stroke of it on paper. Still it seems impos- sible to finish it off properly ; there always remains some contra- INTRODUCTION XXV diction or improbability, and so long as anything of that sort is left I can scarcely take my mind away from it. Then the formulae which I have deduced for the accurate solution are so complicated that it takes a lot of time and trouble to make out clearly their meaning. But if I take up a book or try to do .anything else my thoughts continually hark back to it. Shouldn't things happen in this way or that 1 Isn't there still some contra- diction here 1 All this is a perfect plague when one doesn't attach much importance to the result. Soon afterwards Hertz had to remove to Kiel. This removal, his induction, and his lectures there took up much of his time, so that his investigation on floating plates was not published until a year later. Its place was taken by the investigation on the fundamental equations of electromagnetics (XVII.) At this time he kept a day-book, from which it appears that in May 1884 he was alternately working at his lectures, at electromagnetics, and at microscopic observations taken up by way of change. On six successive days there are brief but expressive entries — " Hard at Maxwellian electro- magnetics in the evening," " Nothing but electromagnetics " ; and then follows on the next day, the 19th of May — "Hit upon the solution of the electromagnetic problem this morning." This will remind the reader of v. Helmholtz's remark that the solution of difficult problems came to him soonest, and then often unexpectedly, when a period of vigorous battling with the difficulties had been followed by one of complete rest. In close connection with this subject, and immediately following it in order of time, came the paper " On the Dimensions of Magnetic Pole " (XVIII. in this volume). Directly after this came the meteorological paper " On the Adiabatic Changes of Moist Air" (XIX.) A diagram illus- trating the latter is reproduced at the end of this volume from the original ; the drawing of this, as a recreation after other work, seems to have given Hertz great pleasure. We may complete our account of Hertz's scientific work during his two years at Kiel by adding that at this time he repeatedly, although unsuccessfully, attacked certain hydro- dynamic problems, and that his thoughts already turned frequently towards that field in which he was afterwards to XXVI INTRODUCTION reap such a rich harvest. Nearly five years before he had carried out his investigation " On Electric Eadiation " we find in his day-book the notable remark — " 2*7 th January 1884. Thought about electromagnetic rays/' and again, " Eeflected on the electromagnetic theory of light." He was always full of schemes for investigations, and never liked to be without some experimental work. So he did his best to fit up in his house a small laboratory with home-made apparatus, thus transport- ing himself back to the times when chemists worked with the modest spirit-lamp. But before his experiments were con- cluded or any of his schemes carried out he was called to Karlsruhe, and his removal thither relieved him from much unprofitable exertion caused by the lack of proper experimental facilities. This brings us to the end of the series of papers around which we have grouped the events of the author's life. After this follow the great electrical investigations which now form the second volume of his collected works. At this point we have introduced the lecture which Hertz gave at Heidelberg on these discoveries, and which will still be fresh in the remem- brance of many who heard it. After this follows the last experimental investigation which Hertz made. Whilst his colleagues, and in Bonn his pupils as well, were eagerly pushing forward into the country which he had opened up, he returned to the study of electric discharges in gases, which had interested him before. Again he was rewarded by an immediate and unexpected discovery. Early in the summer-semester of 1891 he found that cathode rays could pass through metals. The investigation was soon interrupted, but was published early in the ensuing year ; from now on the subject-matter of his last work, the Principles of Mechanics, wholly absorbed his attention. EXPERIMENTS TO DETERMINE AN UPPER LIMIT TO THE KINETIC ENERGY OF AN ELECTRIC CURRENT. (Wiedemann's Annalen, 10, pp. 414-448, 1880.) According to the laws of induction the current i in a linear circuit, in which a variable electromotive force A acts, is given by its initial value together with the differential equation where r is the resistance and P the inductance of the circuit. 1 Multiplying by idt we get the equation Aidt = i 2 rdt + ^d(Pi 2 ), which shows that the law expressed by the above equation is in agreement with the principle of the conservation of energy on the assumption that the work done by the battery on the one hand, and the heat developed in the circuit and the increase of potential energy on the other hand, are the only amounts of energy to be considered. This supposition is not true, and hence the above equations cannot lay claim to complete accuracy, in case the electricity in motion possesses inertia, the effect of which is not quite negligible. In this case we must add to the right-hand side of the second equation 1 [The notation has been altered in accordance with English custom and the necessary changes in the equations made. The original has 2P. — Tk.] M.P. B 2 KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [I] I ( ) a term corresponding to the increase in the kinetic energy of the current. This is proportional to the square of the current ' and may therefore be put equal to \mi 2 , where m is a constant depending on the form and size of the circuit. We thus get I in place of the above the following corrected equations Aidt = i 2 rdt + ^d(Vi 2 ) + ±d(mi 2 ), . ^di di -A-(P + .0* Analogous conclusions apply to the case of a system of circuits in which electromotive forces A 1? A 2 . . . act. When the correction for inertia is introduced, the well-known differential equations which determine the currents take the form V 2 = A 2 -p4-(P 22 + m2 )f .-. . .-PjJ, at dt Thus the only alteration which the mass of the electricity has produced in these equations consists in an increase of the self-inductance, and it is at once obvious 1. That the electromotive force of the extra-currents is independent of the induction-currents simultaneously generated in other conductors, and of the mass of the electricity moving in them. 2. That the complete time-integrals of the induction- currents are not affected by the mass of the electricity moved, whether in the inducing or induced conductors. 3. That, on the other hand, the integral flow of the extra- currents becomes greater than that calculated from inductive actions alone. 1 1 With reference to these simple deductions the philosophical faculty of the Frederick- William University at Berlin in 1879 propounded to the students the I KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [I] 3 The amount of this increase depends on the quantities m, whose meaning we will now consider more closely, basing our investigation on Weber's view of electric currents. The presence of the terms involving m is, however, independent of the correctness of this view and of the existence of electric fluids at all ; every explanation of the current as a state of motion of inert matter must equally introduce these terms, and only the interpretation of the quantities m will be different. Suppose unit volume of the conductor to contain X units of positive electricity, and let the mass of each unit be p milligrammes. Let the length of the conductor be /, and its cross-section, supposed uniform, q. Then unit length of the conductor contains qX electrostatic units, and the total positive electricity in motion in the conductor has the mass pqXl mgm. If the current (in electromagnetic measure) be i, the number of electrostatic units which cross any section in unit time is equal to 155,370 x 10H, and is also equal to the velocity v multiplied by qX. Thus 155,370 xlO 6 . v = i, qX and the kinetic energy of the positive electricity contained in the conductor is ^Ipqxl- 55,370 x 10' ,2 X j q Ai 2 155,370 2 x 10 12 ! li 2 q X q The quantity \li 2 \q can be expressed in finite measure. The quantity p.l55,370 2 x 10/ 12 X, which has been denoted by p, is a constant depending only on the material of the conductor ; for different conductors it is inversely as the density of the electricity in them. Its dimensions are those of a surface ; in milligramme-millimetres it gives the kinetic energy of the two problem "to make experiments on the magnitude of extra-currents which shall at least lead to a determination of an upper limit to the mass moved." It was pointed out that for such experiments extra-currents flowing in opposite directions through the wires of a double spiral would be especially suitable. The present thesis is essentially the same as that which gained the prize. 4 KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [I] i electricities, i.e. the total kinetic energy of the current in a cubic millimetre of a conductor in which the current has unit magnetic density. The object of the following experiments is to determine the quantity /jl, or at any rate an upper limit to it. Method of Experimenting. Since we have put the kinetic energy of the total electricity equal to mi 2 /2, and also equal to (l/Jb/q)i 2 , it follows that fx = qm/2l. In order to determine m it would have sufficed to measure the integral flow of the extra-current in a con- ductor of known resistance r and self-inductance P ; m would at once follow from the equation J = (i/r)(P + m). But extra-currents can only be measured in branched systems of conductors, and this would necessitate the measuring of a large number of resistances. Hence it is preferable to generate extra-currents in the same circuit by two different inductions, when we obtain two equations for the quantities r and m. If the current in the unbranched circuit is to that current by which the extra-current is measured as a : 1, and if J is the total flow measured, then the equations in question are arJ arJ f , — — = P + m , — j- = P + m, whence P--P /J i' i m = - _J / i i' It is well to choose one inductance P r so large that the influence of mass is negligible in comparison, but the other P as small as possible. The equations then take the simpler form arJ arJ f , = P + m, — j— = P . i i j i KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [I] * " tV -r» t ■/ m = — -V' — P, or if % — i, m = P -T- — Vj'p The experiments were carried out according to this principle. The system of conductors through which the currents flowed consisted in the earlier experiments of spirals wound with double wires, in the later ones of two wires stretched out in parallel straight lines side by side. These systems of wires could without change of resistance be coupled in such a way that the currents in the two branches flowed in the same or in opposite directions. The inductances follow- ing from the two methods of coupling were calculated and the integral flows of the corresponding extra-currents were determined by experiment. If these flows were proportional to the calculated inductances, no effect of mass would be demonstrated ; if a deviation from proportionality were observed, the kinetic energy of the currents would follow by the above formulae The extra -currents were always measured by means of a Wheatstone's bridge, one branch of which contained the system of wires giving the currents, while the other branches were chosen to have as little inductance as possible. The bridge was adjusted so that a steady current flowing through it pro- duced no permanent deflection of the galvanometer needle ; but when the direction of the current outside the bridge was reversed, then two equal and equally directed extra-currents traversed the galvanometer, and their integral flow was measured by the kick of the needle. As soon as the needle returned from its kick the reversing could be repeated, and in this manner the method of multiplication could be applied. The chief difficulty in these measurements was to be met in the smallness of the observed extra-currents, and on this account the method described was impracticable in its simplest form. It is true that by merely increasing the strength of the inducing current the extra -currents could be made as strong as desired, but the difficulties in exactly adjusting the bridge increased very much more quickly than the intensities 6 KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [I] I thus obtained. With the greatest strength, which still per- mitted permanently of such an adjustment, a single extra- current from the two branches, when traversed in opposite directions, only moved the galvanometer needle through a fraction of a scale division, whilst the mere approach of the hand to one of the mercury cups, or the radiation of a distant gas flame falling on the spirals, sufficed to produce a deflection of more than 100 scale divisions. Hence I attempted to make use of very strong currents by allowing them to pass for a very short time only through the bridge, which was adjusted by using a weak current. But the electromotive forces generated momentarily in the bridge by the heating effects of the current were found to be of the same order of magnitude as the extra-currents to be observed, so that it was impossible to get results of any value. These experi- ments only showed that at any rate there was no consider- able deviation from the laws of the dynamical theory of induction. On this account, in order to obtain measurable deflections with weaker currents, I passed a considerable number of extra- currents through the galvanometer at each passage of the needle through its position of rest. For this purpose the current was at the right moment rapidly reversed twenty times in succession outside the bridge, and at the same time the galvanometer was commutated between every two successive reversals of the current. In order to avoid any considerable damping, after the bridge had been once adjusted the galvan- ometer circuit remained open generally, and was only put in circuit with the rest of the combination during the time needed to generate the extra-currents. The operations described were carried out by means of a special commutator and occupied about two seconds, an in- terval of time which was sufficiently long to allow of all the extra-currents being fully developed, and which also proved to be sufficiently small in comparison with the time of swing of the needle. This method possessed several advantages. In the first place accurately measurable effects could be produced even with very weak, and therefore also very constant, inducing currents. In all of the following experiments the external I KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [I] 7 circuit consisted of one Daniell cell and a ballast resistance of from 3 to 80 Siemens units. Further, if the resistances of the bridge are not exactly adjusted, and if in consequence a fraction of the inducing current also passes through the galvanometer, this fraction will yet be continually reversed in the galvanometer ; so that, if the want of balance be only small, the error due to it almost entirely vanishes. Again, since the connection of the galvanometer with the remaining wires of the combination is constantly changing its direction those electromotive forces which exist in the bridge or are generated by the current, and which are not reversed when the current is reversed, are without influence on the needle. It is a circumstance of great value, that for the greater part of a swing the galvanometer is withdrawn from all disturbing influences. In consequence of these favourable conditions the observa- tions agreed together very satisfactorily when we consider the smallness of the quantities to be measured : the deviation of the results obtained from their mean was in general less than -g^- of the whole. Here also the proceeding was repeated each time the needle passed through its position of rest. But the multiplication could not be carried so far as to obtain a con- stant deflection ; for to the constant small damping of the needle due to air - resistance was added the damping which was produced whenever the galvanometer was put in circuit with the bridge, and which lasted only for a very short time. The time during which connection was made was not always exactly the same, and thus the damping produced could not be exactly determined. As, however, its effect became very marked with large swings, the method was limited to smaller deflections, and generally only from 7 to 9 elongations were measured. The method which was used to deduce the most probable value of the extra-current from the complete arcs of vibration thus obtained will now be explained. Let T be the period of vibration of the galvanometer needle, X the logarithmic decrement constantly present, q = e~ K the ratio of any swing to the preceding one, and let, for shortness, T -^tan-IE / 6 Tf \ = K . 8 KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [I] I Further, let a v a 2 , a 3 be successive elongations right and left of the position of rest, c^ = a^ + a 2 , a 2 = a 2 + a g , etc., the complete arcs of vibration, and Jc v k 2> . . . the increments of velocity in the position of rest, which measure the inductive effects. Then, if for the present any special damping during the impact be neglected a Kk x + qa v a 3 = kJc 2 -f qa 2 = ick 2 + Kq_\ + q\ ; hence we get a 1 = /ek 1 + a 1 (l + q), a 2 = Kk 2 + kJc^I + q) + 0^(1 + q). If we multiply the first equation by q and subtract it from the second, we find a 2 — a x q = /c(^ + h 2 ), and similarly Hence we find the mean value of the impacts h v k 2 , . . . which should all be equal if the apparatus worked quite exactly • K Jc = a 2 + a 3 + '•• + ^ — g( a ] + a 2 + ••• + a n-l) 2<>— 1) or, if we denote the sum of all the complete arcs of vibration by 2, 2(^-1) The application of this formula is very easy and is always advisable when the separate impacts are not regular enough to produce a constant limiting value of the arcs of swing, or when for other reasons only a limited number of elongations has been observed. If in addition to the constantly occurring damping a further damping occur during the instant of closing of the circuit, this latter may be regarded as an impact in a direction opposed to the motion which is proportional to the duration I KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [I] 9 of the closing of the circuit and to the velocity of the needle. If the former be r, the latter v, and the logarithmic decrement during closing V, the magnitude of such an impact is - 4 y™ ' If a v a 2 be the preceding and succeeding elongations the needle reaches its position of rest with a velocity a^/ie and leaves it with a velocity aj/c. As the increase of velocity is nearly uniform, we must put for v the mean value (a^ + cc 2 )/2k, and thus the magnitude of the impact is - 2 tfW + a -i) = - - K? + s)- L/C K By adding this increase of velocity to that caused by the impact due to induction we obtain the equations a 2 = \tt + a x q - c{a % + ag), a 3 = Je 2 fc -f a 2 q - c(a 3 + a 2 q), etc., or (1 + c)a 2 = k\ + (1 - c)a Y q, (1 + c)a 3 = K k 2 + (l- c)a 2 q, etc. ; and by a similar calculation to that above ( 1 + c)a 2 — ( 1 - c)qa 1 = k(]c 1 + kj, ( 1 + c)a„ - ( 1 - c)qa 9 = k{\ + kX (1 + c)a„ - (1 - c)^u-! = «(*»-! + K)- If instead of the quantities k v Jc 2 , ... we write their theoretical value k, we get after a simple transformation the equations a 2 — qa ± + c(a 2 + qaj = 2^/c, a 3 — ^a 2 + c(a g + #a 2 ) = 2kx, a n ~ d a n- 1 + c ( a n + 2"n-i) = 2kfC \ and from these the most probable values of the unknown quantities k, etc. must be calculated by the method of least squares. 10 KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [I] The very complicated calculation was, however, not carried through for all the observations, but from a number of them the value of c was calculated, and the mean of the closely- agreeing values obtained was assumed to be true for the remaining observations. When c is known we get, more simply kJ , _ CZ-a 1 )-q&-a, t ) + c{(Z-a l ) + g(S-a„)} 2(71-1) Since the term involving c only occurs as a correction, it is not necessary to know c with absolute accuracy. By taking the mean between two successive impacts, namely k m K = *m - g^m-i + C ( a m + qam-i) we can get some notion as to how far the individual values differ from their mean. As in what follows only the final results will be given, I shall give here one series of multiplied deflections with the individual impacts completely calculated, so that it may be seen how far the observations agree amongst themselves. Extra-currents from Eectilinear Wires (Wires Traversed in the same Direction). Strength of the Inducing Current : 75*7. 2 = 0-9830, c = 0-016. Magnitude of Individual Impacts in Readings reduced to arc. Vibration. a n O-n ~ QO-n-i a n + qa-n-i Scale Divisions. j. K _ an - Qan- | +c(a„ +qa n - \ ) 2 517-2 30-7 547-9 72-0 41-8 102-3 21-7 475-9 111-3 40-5 182-5 21-7 587-2 437'8 149-4 40-0 258-8 22-1 186-5 39-6 338-4 22-4 402-0 624 ' 3 222-3 39-0 405-6 22-7 371-2 656 " 7 254-7 36-2 473-2 21-9 285-5 35-1 535-9 21-8 I KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [I] 11 The mean value of &« = 22*05; the greatest difference amounts to less than -^ of the whole. As in each impact 40 extra-currents were combined, the deflection produced by a single one was only 0*551 scale division. The remaining series of multiplied deflections showed about the same degree of agreement when the individual impacts were calculated. Description of the Apparatus. Before proceeding to discuss the individual experiments I shall describe those arrangements which were common to all the experiments. 1. If we desire the strength of the extra-current to be a maximum in the galvanometer for a given strength of the inducing current and given values of the inductances, we must choose the resistance of the galvanometer as small as possible, and the resistances of the other branches all equal. This arrangement has another special advantage. For different paths are open to the currents at make and break, since the former can also discharge through the external circuit whilst the latter cannot. In order to reduce all the experiments to similar conditions a correction has in general to be made which depends on the resistance of the external circuit. This correction vanishes when the resistances of the four branches are the same. In fact, if r be this resistance, r g the resistance of the galvanometer, and r x that of the battery, we get for the current in the galvanometer, when an electromotive force E acts in one of the branches, the value E/2(r + r ff ), which is independent of r x . Hence, when the four branches were made equal, the results obtained with different batteries could be directly compared. 2. The passive resistances of the bridge had to be so chosen that the part of the extra-current due to them was as small as possible. In this respect columns of large diameter of unpolarisable liquids would have been most suitable, since the inductance of such columns is very small. But it was impossible with the great delicacy of the bridge to obtain 12 KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [I] I them of sufficient constancy. Hence I employed wires of German -silver, which were passed through glass tubes and surrounded by distilled water, so as to guard against changes of temperature. These were so arranged that those belonging to different branches and traversed in opposite directions lay side by side. The values of the inductances still remaining were small and could be allowed for with sufficient accuracy in the calculation. Since the German-silver wires were very thin there was a danger that they might, when the current was reversed, be subjected to small but sudden changes of temperature. Such changes would, at the instant when the current was started, have disturbed the balance of the bridge, and so would have produced an increase or decrease of the extra-current very difficult to estimate. Therefore, in a last series of experiments I employed rods of Bunsen gas-carbon, 5 mm. in diameter, such as are used for electric lighting. 3. The strength of the inducing current was measured outside the bridge ; the tangent galvanometer used consisted of a single copper ring 213*2 mm. in diameter, at the centre of which a needle about 25 mm. long was suspended by a single silk fibre. In order to damp its vibrations as quickly as possible it was placed in a vessel of distilled water. The readings were taken by telescope and scale ; the distance of the latter from the needle was 1295 mm., and one scale-division corresponded to a current of 0*01218 in absolute electro- magnetic units. The measurements were always made by observing a deflection to the right, then one to the left, and then again one to the right. The result is correct to y^ of its value. The extra-current was measured by a Meyerstein galvan- ometer of very low resistance, such as is used for measurements with the earth-inductor. The pair of needles was suspended astatically by twelve fibres of cocoon silk ; the time of swing was 27*66 seconds. The galvanometer was set up on an isolated stone pillar, 2905 mm. from the scale and telescope, and about the same distance from the bridge, and was connected with the latter by thick parallel copper wires. 4. The commutator, at each passage of the needle through its position of rest, had to perform the following operations quickly one after the other : — KINETIC ENEEGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [I] 13 Connection of the galvanometer to the bridge. Eeversal of the current. Eeversal of the galvanometer. . . . (Eepeated twenty times.) . . . Eeversal of the current. Throwing the galvanometer out of circuit. Its arrangement is shown in Fig. 1. A circular disc revolving about a vertical axis has attached to its edge radially /^Lnn n n fln n i n Fig. 2. Fig. 1. twenty amalgamated copper hooks of the form shown in Fig. 2, which just dip into the mercury contained in the vessels B and C. They are alternately nearer to and farther from the axis, so that the inside ends of the farther ones and the outside ends of the nearer ones lie on the same circle about the axis. They reverse the current in passing over the vessel B, and the galvanometer in passing over C. The arrangement of the vessels of mercury and the method of re- versal are shown in Fig. 3. The vessel B is not exactly oppo- site to C, but is displaced relatively to it through half the Fig. 3. 14 KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IX MOTION [I] i distance between successive hooks, so that a reversal of the galvanometer occurs between every two reversals of the cur- rent. While the needle is completing its swing after the induction impact, the hooks are symmetrically situated with respect to the vessel C, so that one hook is above the space between the two halves of the middle mercury cup, and the neighbouring ones are right and left at the sides of the cups ; the connection of the galvanometer with the bridge is then broken. As soon as the needle reaches its position of rest the disc is turned by hand and after a whole turn is stopped by a simple catch, so that then the commutator performs the above operations. It may be mentioned that generally the wires of the bridge, wherever possible, were soldered directly to each other ; binding-screws and mercury-cups were only used where con- nections had to be broken and remade repeatedly. Experiments with Double-Wound Spirals. I now come to the individual experiments, and first to those with double-wound spirals. I had at my disposal two spirals, exactly similar and very carefully wound, whose length was 7 3 "9 mm. and whose external and internal diameters were respectively 83*6 and 67'3 mm. They consisted of eight layers, each with sixty-eight turns. The total length of wire was found by comparison of its resistance with that of the outer layer to be 130,032 mm. The diameter of the wire was 0'93 mm., the total resistance about 3*1 Siemens units. As the spirals were exactly alike, they were used together and put in the diagonally opposite arms of the bridge. The extra- currents produced by them were then added together in the bridge. According to the above explanations the inductive effects of two inductances P and P' were to be observed whilst the resistance of the circuit remained unchanged. The inductance P was that of the spiral when the current in its two branches flowed in opposite directions. To obtain a second inductance P' a branch of one spiral was thrown out of circuit and re- I KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [I] 15 placed by an equal ballast resistance, the magnitude of which could be very exactly adjusted in the bridge. When a current was passed through the branch thus detached, and reversed in a suitable manner, the current in- duced by this branch in the other could be measured. The quantity P r was then the mutual inductance of the one branch on the other. Of course the extra-current might also have been used with the current flowing the same way through both branches of the spirals, but this was too large compared with that obtained from the spirals with their branches traversed oppositely to be accurately observable under like conditions. We have first to calculate the numerical values of P and P'. P may be determined with a sufficient accuracy from the geometrical relations of the spirals and the calculation will be performed immediately ; but P' can in this way be found only by means of simplifying assumptions, which introduce a con- siderable error. Hence I preferred to determine it directly by experiment by comparing it with the known inductance of straight wires. Determination of P. — The following assumptions are made as regards the arrangement of the wires and are very nearly correct : — 1. In one and the same layer wires traversed positively and negatively alternate with each other : the distances between their central axes are equal to each other and to the mean distance, which is got by dividing the length of the spiral by the number of turns. 2. Two neighbouring layers are laterally displaced relatively to each other through half the distance between two centres. These assumptions com- pletely determine the geometrical position of the wires ; but whether the extreme wires near the ends of the spiral are all traversed in the like direction or in opposite directions alter- nately, it was impossible to decide in the case of the inner layers. For this reason and because of the unavoidable irregularities an accurate calculation of the inductance is not possible ; we can only determine limits between which it must lie and we shall see that these limits may be drawn rather closely. In calculating the inductance of one layer we may without appreciable error cut it open, develop it on a 16 KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [1] I plane and consider it as part of an infinitely long system of straight wires, whose thickness is the same as that of the layer. For the position of any element is unchanged rela- tively to its neighbours, and the action of distant portions on each other is zero. We shall first determine the self-inductance IT of a single layer. Let the length of the wires be S, their radius E, the distance of two neighbouring ones q, their number n. 1 Further, let a be the self-inductance of a single wire, a m the mutual in- ductance of two wires distant mq ; then we have a =2s(log^-f), a m =2s(log^-l By counting we find n = 2na - 2{2n - IX + 2{2n - 2> 2 - ... - 2a 2n _ v and introducing the values of the as „ ,« f'-i i 9. 1, l 2ft - 1 .3 2n - 3 ...(2^-3) 3 . (27i~l) ) n = 4S.{ i+ iog| + -iog ^, 42 ^.. (2 ;J 2)2 n y Hence the quotient II/S here has a perfectly determinate value, which may be called the self-inductance per unit length. The logarithm involved in the above expression cannot well be directly calculated for large values of n ; for such values we must use an approximation. For this purpose we split up the expression into , 1 2 3 2 5 2 ...(2^-3) 2 (2tz-1) n log - + log 2H 2 ...(2n-2f 2 2 44 6 e (2'ft-2) 2ft - 2 1.3 3*5* 5 3 7 3 (2n-3y i -\2n-iy the two parts of which will be evaluated separately. The first may be written »-i (2m-l )(2m+l) 4~} f, 1 ' = 7i2Llog — - -ri = n2 m los[ 1 2 1 (2m)' 2 T & \ 4m 1 [n is really the number of double wires, positive and negative counting as one.— Tn.] KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [I] 17 Since ■: — o i ! ^ToWi^H- 1 !m 7 M. P. 18 KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [I] I If here we calculate the constant term directly and expand the remaining terms in descending powers of n, we find the second part to be 0-18848+llog^- — - _ L_-.... The sum of both parts gives the required term 4 - / 2\ n 3 = 0-43848+ log s/n[ - + W 192^ 2 = log-! 1-5503 *M- ) I- + \7rJ J 192n 2 {4«- 9 ~\ 3 it) 19 2n 2 and hence to a considerable degree of approximation the self- inductance of a single layer becomes For large values of n the root involved in this expression rapidly converges to unity, so that for such values of n we may write more simply n = 4S»{ i + io g g}. We get this approximation at once by calculating the induction of the whole arrangement on one of the middle wires, and assuming it true for all the wires. We may use this simpler method in calculating the mutual inductance of two different layers. Let e be the perpendicular distance between two layers, and suppose that in them the individual pairs of wires are so placed that the wires traversed in the same direction are opposite, with their axes in one plane perpendicular to the two layers. Then the mutual inductance of one layer and a median wire of the second layer is KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [I] 19 2S'X / longitude, is to be in the 2^-plane for positive x, and is to increase in the direction of positive rotation ; is to correspond to the complement fig. g. of the geographical latitude, and is to be in the positive 2-axis. We shall occasionally use the notation # a d d d X dy ~ y dx dco z dco' z d d d dx -x — = dz dCOy d d d dz -z — = dco,' Further, as in Lagrange's notation, differentiation with respect to w will be denoted by a dash, e.g. dco = %'• ii INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 37 2. The calculations will be carried out in electromagnetic Definition units. In other respects the symbols for electrical magnitudes ° ical ie q e U a n ." will be those used by Helmholtz in vol. lxxvii. of Borchardt's tities. Journal. 1 That is, mgr* u, v, w f — are the densities of the current parallel to x, y, z ; sec are the corresponding components of the vector-potential ; , mm* mgr* 9 sec is the potential of free electricity ; 2 mm 2 /c sec is the specific resistance of the material. The specific resist- ance of a sheet of infinitesimal thickness B, viz. - will, when o considered finite, be denoted by sec Further, let mgr 2 \, a, V ; mm 2 sec be the components of a magnetisation ; let sec be the potentials of A, p, v, taken as masses, 0(0) 1 H. Helmholtz, Wiss. Abhandl. vol. i. p. 545. 2 This is not electromagnetic measure. Measured in the latter units the potential of free electricity is m = 0A 2 , where 1/A denotes the velocity of light. The above unit avoids the inconvenient factor 1/A :! . £90435 38 INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES be the magnetic permeability, and X mm 2 m g T l sec the magnetic potential, so far as it is directly due to magnets the magnetic potential of the currents is to be n mm* mgr* sec 12 has no meaning inside the matter of the hollow sphere, and therefore cannot be analytically continued through it, and is one-valued in external and internal space. We shall denote by mm* mgr* ilr- sec the current function in an infinitely thin spherical shell. To avoid all doubt as to sign we give this as the definition of i/r : when on traversing the space ds i/r increases by dyfr, then dty is the quantity of electricity which in unit time crosses the element traversed from left to right. In traversing the path the feet are supposed directed to the centre of the shell, the face forwards in the direction of motion. Since in what follows we shall only deal with currents in concentric spherical shells about the origin, we define mar* im* sec more generally as a function of p, 0, co such that da . T|r (p=a) denotes the current-function of the layer between p = a and p = a + da. For convenience the units have been given along with the magnitudes quoted. Dimen- 3_ L e t the external radius of the spherical shell considered sphere° con^ be K, its internal radius r, the angular velocity of rotation w. sidered. 4 when a function ^, which throughout any given space men? in" satisfies the equation v 2 % = 0, 1 is developed in a series of spher- sP neric al i r In tllc or igi na i A is used where we use v 2 .— Tk.] harmonics. L ° ii INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES d9 ical harmonics, then % n is to denote the term involving p n as a factor, and this notation is, unless specially excepted, to apply to n negative. In the further analysis of % n let this notation be used : — for positive % %n = P %Y n> for negative n n Y n = XlA ni cos ia> + B ni sin io>)V n i6) ; o for every n these equations hold : — The mth differential coefficients with regard to x, y, z of v^ are spherical harmonics of order n — m, unless a preceding one should be of order zero. The expressions d Xn d Xn d Xn_ dcoj do)y da) z are spherical harmonics of order n. Further VV Y J = (™ - »X™ + *> + 1K"*Yi 5. Let -^ be the current-function of a spherical shell of Theorems C , i on the flow = ^ be the potential of a mass of *? s P herical radius E, and let M* = r be the potential of a mass v matter distributed over the shell with density -ty ; then the potential of the current sheet is 40 INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES and the quantities U. V, W are U = y dV z cV ia^ e a7 " I ~cy = E ?^ ' V = 2! a^ a a^ i a^ e"S~e¥~e5T; w= z a^ ?/ a^ i a^ E cy E 9a; E dco 2 ' If ^ is a homogeneous function of x, y, z of the ?ith degree, then ay cT n+ldy Cx cy E dz ' au 3w w + 1 a^ dz 9# E dy' 3W av Ti + i a^ ¥ r- " E dx And we have always 9V au an a# a?/ ^ ' au aw an dz dx dy' aw av an cy cz dx These formulae are developed in Maxwell's Treatise on Electricity, vol. ii. p. 276. 1 The signs in part are different, because the system of coordinates there employed is not ours, but a symmetrical one. The system used here is that to which Helmholtz's formulae apply. Formula? 6. The following are the expressions for the electromotive electro forces which are produced by the components U, V, W of the motive- vector potential, supposed invariable, due to the element whose orces ' component velocities are a, /3, y : — „ jdv am /au aw\ 1 2nd ed. p. 280. II INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 41 M /aw av\ /av am \ dz ox J \dy dz J These are the expressions given by Jochmann. The change produced in the results by the formulae of the dynamical theory will be discussed in § 8. If, in addition to the currents u, v, w, there are components of magnetisation X, fju, v, then in this part of the induction in the above formulas we must replace TT T7 __ . dM dJX dN dL dL dM. U, V, W by — — — . dz dy dx dz dy dx The formulae thus obtained still hold when the magnets are on the inside of the rotating mass. If the magnets are all outside, since inside the mass V 2 L=0, V 2 M = 0, V 2 N = 0, we have *-<*t- d'y Hr- dz z-A- dy dy And for the elements of our sphere a = — coy, j3 = cox, 7=0. § 2. Solution Neglecting Self-Induction. In this paragraph the problem will be solved in the case where the effect of self-induction may be neglected. For the components of current u, v, w these equations hold : — 42 INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES n a$ oz further, since the currents are steady, we have inside dv* dv div ox dy dz and for p = E and p = r, ux + vy + wz = 0. Hence we have these conditions for <£ : — inside, and at the surface, which determine <£, with one additive constant arbitrary. The potential of the magnets in internal and external space we assume to be developed in the series of spherical harmonics X = 2 M * B We take each term by itself and thus put the external potential = % n . Then we have l=a>x^ } dz 2 = _ coy^ 1 - ©a$K» = ©^ - tony w oy dx oz 1 Using the unit previously employed for : — In the matter of the shell (a) V 2 = 2< dz Determina- tion of the electric potential. for p = r and p = E A solution of these equations is &-&%-* For 2/ „2 VI /> = 80 ^ _\ + i\ r & ^x« 2(2w+l) Pit~- nZ Xn r d Xn _ 9 JXn dz dz (§1,4) 2(^+1) dXn dz so that the equation for the interior is satisfied. Further, cf> is the product of p n+1 by a function of the angles 6 and w, whence it follows that satisfies the boundary conditions. The value of the constant which must be added to the above expression to give the general solution depends in each case on the electrostatic influences to which the shell is subject. We may in any case charge the sphere with so much free electricity as will just make the constant zero, and this we shall in the sequel suppose to have been done. From cf> we get at once ityn + ldx\ r dz nz Xn +x dz Determina- tion of u, v, w. >.-t 1 W n+ldy i a u. \p n-\- 1 dz $Xn dz $Xn nz Xn) +y ?Xn\ dz - nz K + z d ^ dz n Xn 44 INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES n If we multiply these equations by x, y, z and add. we get ux + vy + wz = . Thus the current is everywhere perpendicular to the radius and flows in concentric spherical shells about the origin. This is a consequence of the fact that equation (b) is satisfied throughout the mass and not merely at its surfaces. Further we find re [ dxdz dxdz j V 2 v = 0, Vhv = 0, since also y 2 ^ % = 0. In fact u, v, w are homogeneous functions of x, y, z of the nth degree ; thus u, v, w are exhibited as spherical harmonics of the nth order, We shall soon find simpler expressions for u, v, iv. Determina- Since the currents are similar in concentric spherical function *. shells, they are also similar to those which occur in an infinitely thin spherical shell ; therefore we first consider such a shell and determine the values of the integrals U, V, W for internal space when n is positive, for external space when n is negative. We shall only work through the first case, k we replace by Jc. For U, V, W the conditions hold V 2 U=0, V 2 V=0, V 2 W=0 throughout space. At the surface of the shell dp dp and corresponding equations for V and W ; and in addition we have the usual conditions of continuity. All these conditions are satisfied by putting w *-^+ik\ ^idz[ p ~dz nzx ") +z ^ ™ X A' I 1 Vi, U e denote respectively U internal, U external. — Tr.] ii INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 45 From these values of U, V, W we calculate the magnetising forces inside, viz : av au -5— - 5— > etc. we put them 71 + 1 8^ etc., K dz and so obtain the function M* (§ 1, 5). We find 47rE CO d I dXn_^Xn\ _ ^ + * 9 ^ ? 2n + 1 & 02 \ dy dx ) H dz whence 2n + 1 k dx \ dy dx J E dx l ' 4?rE ^ L( x d xn_ v hu\ = _ n+ld y 2n + 1 k dy \ dy J dx J E dy l ' 1 (2w+l)(n+l) &\ 3y a^ 4ttE 2 6> , (271+1) (71+ 1 fc' and now all the remaining properties of the currents follow at once from *P. An arbitrary constant may be added to M*, but is of no importance. We thus obtain the solution of our problem for a spherical Summary shell in the following form (§ 1, 5) :— of formula. Let 46 INDUCTION IN EOTATING SPHERES n be the inducing potential, then * = 47rE2 »MV • (2w+l)(w+l)A\B/ "' ¥ = 4ttE 2 ^V+iy' (271+1) (71+1) A-V/3 2w.+ 1Z;\K/ " fl ^ttEt?. ®/?\»+iy/ n> (2w+l)(?i+l) &\/> Again, from the relations E dco x dp dp and the corresponding ones for V and W, we find ldyjr _ 1 co dY' n u = E8&), n + 1 /j 3^ ' E 9a>„ ?i + 1 h day.. n = ^H 1 8Y' 5 E 8&)- /^ + 1 h da) z Lastly, the expression for the electric potential in the material of the spherical shell may be transformed. Write for the moment p' = p sin 6, then = - _2_ p tine?** and at the surface of the shell T n+l d6 ii INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 47 Similar calculations may be performed for the case of n negative, where the inducing magnets are inside. They lead to this result : — If the inducing potential is An = ( ~ / * n , then 47rE L toi p % = ~( L Y' (2n+l)nJc\Rj n _ 4ttE 2 b/EW , c (2n+l)nk\p } Qi (2rc+l> /j\E/ 2?i+l k\pj CO R„, k n 1 to dY' n u= - , n k dco x 1 co dY' w = n k dco y 1 co dY' n n k dco„ Of the magnitudes here given, ty, u, v, w, c\> are got from their preceding values at once by interchanging n with -71-1. On the solution obtained I make the following remarks : — 1. When a spherical shell of finite thickness rotates under the influence of the potential % n (n positive or negative), the induced currents are 48 Construc- tion of the lines of flow. INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES II n + 1 k dco x n + 1 k dco z , and the current-function is w ^ir Transfor- mation of the solu- tion. 71+1 /C 2. We analyse ^ further and consider the term Xm = A r To this belongs the current-function p coi !- ) cos iw¥. ^ni Mb sin icoV ni . Hence we get the following simple construction for the lines of flow due to such a simple potential : — Construct on any spherical sheet the equipotential lines and turn the sheet through an angle irj2i ; the lines now represent the lines of flow produced by that potential. For instance, when the sphere is rotating under the action of a constant force perpendicular to the axis of rotation, the external potential satisfies the required conditions and we have n = 1, i = 1. The equipotential lines on the sphere are circles, and so also are the lines of flow. The planes of the former are parallel to the axis of rotation and perpendicular to the direction of the force, so that the planes of the latter are parallel both to the axis of rotation and the direction of the force. 3. We may give to -v^ a form which permits of summation for all the spherical harmonics and makes the development of the external potential in a series of them unnecessary. Let n be positive, then p P Xn d P = 71+1 %n ii INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 49 Secondly, let n be negative, then p Xn d P= -%>• lb Hence, for a positive n, and for a negative n, K / Oft) /£ Oft) These expressions admit of summation at once, and we get Summation of spherical harmonics. the following second form for the solution : — If ^ denote the part of the potential due to internal, and % e the part due to external magnets, then &) = ~«l{\ x °- dp - o Similarly = - ft) sin 6 del p CO ixe- d P~ \Xi- d Pj- For an infinitely thin spherical shell of radius E ylr fc[jdco J dco J R R ♦ --..in*ffe*-(2**l { W^ w H f Hence we get this relation between <£ and ^ j¥ + «.dn*g-o. dco d0 M. P. E 50 INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES S 3. Complete Solution for Infinitely thin Spherical Shells. We shall now take into account the effect of self-induction, but in this paragraph we shall confine our considerations to the case of infinitely thin shells. For simplicity n will be supposed positive in the calculations. In accordance with usual views we regard the total in- duction as compounded of an infinite series of separate inductions ; the current induced by the external magnets induces a second system of currents, this a third, and so on ad infinitum. We calculate all these currents and add them together to form a series which, so long as its sum converges to a finite limit, certainly represents the current actually produced. Let represent a part of the external potential. The potential in- duced by this part is 2n+l k \RJ n ■ i2n+lXn+l)k\p) Calculation In the first place, if inside the spherical shell a second of the sue- ro tate infinitely close to the first and with the same velocity, cessive in- ^ J auctions, the currents of the first order (Q { ) will induce in it a current system whose internal magnetic potential is Secondly, if outside the first shell another rotate with the same velocity and infinitely close to the first, the currents of the first order (I2 e ) will induce in it a current system whose potential inside is INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 51 ~, _ Air'Rn co 47rE(> + 1) col p V*,, " (2tt+l)(w+l) & ' (2rc+l> & \E/ " £Yy'' 2^+1 &/ \E The two expressions for O^ are the same. Hence this is the potential of the current system, which is induced in the spherical shell itself by the currents of the first order. If in the same way we calculate the succeeding inductions and add them together, we get for the whole inductive action 2 1 "SlTTWUl n i -*> n+l\pj ^J \ (2n+l)kJ d + 1)^\ (2» + 1)7;/ 9*> m " The expressions obtained may be developed still further by analysing Y n further. We have n Y n = ^i(Ki cos ico + B ni sin ico)? ni . i We confine ourselves to one term only of this series. Thus let Y w = A ni cos icoT ni . Then we have n 4 = A J £ P ni J — — -— siniffl - ( T E/ ni l(2n+l)Z; \(2w+l)* 47rEo)t \ 3 . . , / 47rEo)^ V . ) smico + cos ito + • • • r- (2rc+ 1X7 \ (271+1)*/ J Put for shortness 47rEa)^ (2^ + iyj then we find 7& (h is a pure number) ; fl. = A^f £ ) P ni (sin io) - ft cos ia>).7i.(l—h 2 + ft 4 - 7^ 6 + . . .)■ Soluti 52 INDUCTION IX ROTATING SPHERES n If h is a proper fraction, the series involved in O^ con- verges and we get n i =A »\Q i+// sin ico ~ h cos i(o ^ ni ' n+1 '"\pj 1+h* J2 C = — - — - A ni ( — ) — — - 2 (sin ico — h cos ico)V ni , 2n-\-l h , . . , . ._ yjr= — A • sm ico — h COS lay)r ni . If 7t>l, 1 the series occurring in 12 ,- diverges and it is no longer allowable to regard the phenomenon as a series of suc- cessive inductions, since each one would be larger than the preceding one. Nevertheless the formulas given hold for every value of h, as we may easily verify a posteriori, and deduce by the same considerations that we shall have to employ in the case of spherical shells of finite thickness. Since I propose again to deduce the above formulae from the general ones. I shall not now consider them further. We write h = tan 8, and now o ; = A,/£y'sinSsin(/o)-8)P,, ; _Q ( = - _ * A J - ) ■ sin $ sin {ico - B)T ni , n+1 \pj ir = ~ ~f , n A «i sin $ sin (ico - $)P ni . 4:7T()l+ 1) Hence the result is as follows : — Construe- 1. A simple spherical harmonic in the inducing potential iines°of 6 induces a current-function which is a surface harmonic of its flow. own type. Hence we may here also retain the construction previously given (§ 2, 2) for the lines of flow, but we must suppose the spherical layer considered to be turned through a certain angle B/i in the direction of the rotation relative to the 1 A copper spherical shell of 50 mm. radius and 2 mm. thickness would have to make about 87 revolutions per second in order that for t=l, »=1, h might be equal to 1. [? 62 revolutions per second. — Tr.] II INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 53 position previously determined. For small velocities of rota- tion this angle is proportional to the velocity ; for large ones it approaches to the limit irj2i. The intensity, which at first increases in proportion to the velocity of rotation, increases more slowly for larger values and approaches a fixed limit. 2. Finally, when co/k = oo, 8 = ir/2, and then The velo- city is in- finite a = a = n n+1 Y 4ttO + 1) This result does not hold for those terms of the develop- ment which are symmetrical about the axis of rotation. For these i, and therefore also h and 12, vanish for every velocity of rotation. These terms produce no currents, but merely a distribution of free electricity in the sphere. Hence a spherical shell, rotating with infinite velocity, only allows those portions of the external potential which are symmetrical about the axis to produce an effect in its interior. If such terms are absent, the interior of the shell is com- pletely screened from outside influences. If the potential is a spherical harmonic, the current flows along the equipotential lines. 3. We found, neglecting self-induction, the following Tneelec tnc . . ,. potential. expression lor the electric potential corresponding to % n £= --^-Esin^. ^ n+1 dQ Taking self-induction into account, we shall have d> = K sin 0-^ ■ . Y n+1 de Hence it follows that the form of the equipotential lines (for each inducing spherical harmonic) is unaltered by self-induction, but these lines are turned through the same angle as the lines of flow. For the parts of the external potential which are 54 INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES II symmetrical about the axis, l, we have 1 U l-W 1+A 2 lr\ h 2 A 4 hence O nd XrsJ t h Yn lira r Or) \ Ztt a ) r / 7 \2iraj r~ Oy It is true that the terms of this equation cannot, as is shown by trial, be arranged in such a way as to at once permit of summation for all % rs ; but if we suppose ^ to be sym- metrical with respect to the -q-axis, so that in its development only terms in cos ttj appear, we have o and then the summation can be performed, at any rate for the terms of the first order in KJ2ira. If w T e confine ourselves to these we get s Approxi- + = - X ~ „ \^~ dy > mate solu- Lira J GC, tion for l^tr^G VtlltIGS of the velo- and the very small resultant potential on the positive side is city. , k fd x lira] d£ But in addition to the condition mentioned, this equation is subject to another one. However large 27ra//c may be, yet for certain elements for which r vanishes, h 'lira *t and hence ») ♦-**/*$** o o ■o — 2ttJ d% Thus cf> approaches a definite finite limit when the velocity increases. B. Rotating Discs. We next consider the neighbourhood of the pole, and thus Rotating obtain the theory of an infinite rotating disc, We again dlscs - suppose the inducing magnets to be inside the sphere. The propositions we must employ are quite analogous to those of the previous case. 60 INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES We use p, co, z as co-ordinates, where p now denotes the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation. In the general formulae we must replace p by R + z , 6 by E . J E co remains co , and after making this substitution we must allow E to become infinite. Then a simple spherical harmonic takes the form A^e-'^ cos icoJ^np), (and analogous ones), where J { denotes the Bessel's function of order i. The given % is to be analysed into terms of this form by means of integrals analogous to those of Fourier. "We treat each term separately. If we put Solution. tan 8 = .77 co i h n then for the term in question the solution of the problem is Q + = A l{[ c- nz sin 8 sin (ico - 8) J-- (np) , Q_ = - A ni e nz sin 8 sin (ico - 8) J { (np) , 1 + A,,- sin 8 sin (ico - 8) J; (np) . By summation we get the complete integrals. We again attempt to obtain a development in powers of \Litco k by considering the successive inductions. By the same method as above we get n c X,n 2ir& fdx k \cco dz + '.TTCO h "X cw ceo Second form of the solution. i 11 INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 61 But there is a limitation to the validity of these formula?, Remarks which we had not to impose on the previous analogous ones. fo rnK Ub For their deduction presupposes that for each separate term of the development of % it is allowable to regard the total induction as the sum of a series of successive inductions. According to the results which we obtained for spheres this rendition is only satisfied for those terms for which 27rcoi/kn is a proper fraction. Now n may have any value from zero to infinity ; thus for a number of terms the necessary con- dition is not satisfied, and the result can therefore only be approximate. With reference to this point I remark : — 1. At a finite distance the terms for which n is very small vanish relatively to those for which n is finite. The error committed in the above formula must have an appreciable value for large values of p. 2. The quantity Zirw/k may always be chosen so small that the approximation may be any desired one within a given region. For by diminishing 27rco/k we diminish the number of those terms which do not satisfy the required con- dition : a suitable diminution diminishes their number in any desired degree. There may possibly be difficulties in determining exactly the region of validity for a given value of 2irwjk and a given degree of approximation. For practical applications this de- termination is of no importance : because, in the first place, we are only concerned here with very small values of 27T(o/k ; and, in the second place, we are only considering plates of limited dimensions, and not infinite plates. The equation M a- -^(^dz dco is exact, apart from self-induction. We see that, in order Possibility that we may be allowed to neglect self-induction, it is neces- j^*-^" sary not only that 2ir(ojk be small, but also that the investi- induction, gation be limited to a certain finite region. The extent of this region depends on 2ir(a/k ; beyond it not even an approxi- mate determination of the current is possible without taking self-induction into account. We shall meet with an exactly analogous result at the end of S 4. 62 INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES II Approxi- A development can also be given for large values of 27rco/k. arge values We denote by ^ that part of ^ which is symmetrical about of the velo- the axis of rotation, by %\ = X — Xo ^ ne remainder. To ^ corresponds for every velocity of rotation the value 11 = 0. Hence, assuming % to be symmetrical about the ^-axis, we get for large values of 27ra)jk 27rft)J dz The formula is deduced in the same way as above. The series may also be completely developed ; and this too for forms of x which are not symmetrical with respect to the a?-axis. I shall not here enter into further detail on the point. In conclusion let us determine , the potential of the free electricity. By the proper substitutions we get from the general formulas : — Potentialof 1. Neglecting self-induction, the free electricity. *? We must add to this value of ^> a constant, whose value is such as to make vanish at infinity. The formula which we have found has already been given by Jochmann for the case in which % is symmetrical with respect to the axis of x. It is seen to be generally true. 2. Taking self-induction into account we have 00 When w is very large, we find, if % is symmetrical with respect to the x-axis, The first term increases indefinitely with co. ii INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 63 We have in the treatment of plane plates all along assumed that inducing magnets exist only on one side of the plate. This assumption is unnecessary. If it is not true, we divide the total potential into two parts according to its origin, and treat each part separately, as we have shown above for one of the parts. § 4. Complete Solution for Spheres and Spherical Shells of Finite Thickness. We now turn to the consideration of the induction in a spherical shell of finite thickness. To avoid complication we shall at first suppose inducing magnets to exist only outside the shell. Let U, V, W be the components of a vector potential due to closed currents, wholly or partly inside the shell. The currents u f , v f , w' induced by U, V, W are given by the equations Kid = d(j> dx KV' = d(j) dy KW l = d ~dz \dx dy) \dx dy)' COx(^ - dY ) - C07 (^ - dW \dy dz ) \dz dx Differential equations. Further, inside we have ^ + — + — =0 dx dy dz and at the surface v!x + v r y + w r z = . We write for shortness = x( d ^- dY ) + y( d ^- d ^) + z { \dy dz) \dz dx) (dV \dx ' _axj " dy 64 INDUCTION IX ROTATING SPHERES If we remember that ex aj dz we get for these conditions : — In the material of the shell V 2 6 = 2 co — - ?5 ) + oA V 2 Y - ?/V 2 U) : 9a; < and at the boundaries P Theorem We shall first demonstrate the following theorem : — forms the ^ ^7, V, W have the forms v=p-%-^-y w-W«&s-»^- which forms satisfy the equation C SB C^ c Z then the solutions of the preceding differential equations are ? X cop— 1 sin 6 % . -"piM-^X k vz cy K \ ox dz ii INDUCTION IN KOTATING SPHEEES 65 k \ dy ox To verify this we first express the conditions for in Proof, terms of Xn . We have (§ 1, 4) V 2 U = m(m+ 2n + l)o m " 2 ( y^ - z ?&) , \ dz dy J V 2 V = m(m + 2n + l)p"" 8 ( « -^ - a? ?** ) . r \ a« dz J V 2 W = m(m+2n+l)p m - 2 ( x d ^-y^ \ dy dx yV 2 U - xV 2 Y = m(m + 2n+l)p m - 2 (p 2 ^2 - w% ^V 2 V - 7/V 2 W = m(m + 2w + l)p m ~ 2 (p 2 ^ - nx Xn \ dx xV 2 W - zV 2 V = m(m + 2™ + l)/o m_2 ( p 2 ^ - ny Xn And again — Hence we get o=-»(» + iV"x»- The conditions for (/> become v > = - »m(m + 2n + 3/p 2 ^ - w% V" 2 -2co(n+l)p md ^, dz M. P. F tions. 66 INDUCTION IX ROTATING SPHERES and at the boundary cp p \ dz Xow (j) satisfies these conditions. For we have, firstly, = - Jp m §p {(?/z + 2)(wi + 2?i+ 1) - 2w} -^ m " 2 X»{)+ 2(ti + 1> §& ' so that the first condition is satisfied ; secondly,

m + W + 1 so that the second condition also is satisfied. From this correct value of eft the values of u' , r f , v:' follow by the original differential equations, at first in a more complicated form. But the same form has already occurred on p. 43, and has already been shown to be identical with the one given above. Deduc- This theorem leads to the following propositions : — 1. In the theorem we may replace p m by a series of powers of p, each power multiplied by an arbitrary constant, that is, for p m we may substitute any arbitrary function of p. And again, we may replace ^ n by a series of spherical har- monics of different degrees with arbitrary coefficients ; for n is without effect on the final result. Hence we get the following generalisation of the theorem : — If % is an arbitrary function, and if ceo V w COO; then the cur rents u f , i J , w induced by u, V, w are u' = K CCO, = co(xY-yV) whenever U, V, W have the above form, and the inducing currents the property discussed. This we shall have to make use of in § 8. There is now no further difficulty in calculating the Calculation successive inductions produced by a given external potential. °eJ^ e suc " Let % n denote the nth term in its development. We found for inductions. the currents of the first induction 1 (o dy f 1 o) dy f 1 a) dy f u x = -^- } v 1 = ^- ft>! = ^ . n-\-l kcco x n+1 k d(o y ' n-\-l/cd(o z The corresponding values of U, V, W are 2 2r 2n+3 U _ 2tt cod x '/ B 2 I solution. 68 INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES v 2tt co a % 7 E 2 I 2r^ \ 1 n+lKdG> y \2n+l 2n + 3 (2rc + l)(2rc + 3)p 2n+l ) Wi = _2tt o,a % 7 E 2 p 2 2r 2 *+ 3 Ti+1 kSo> \2^+1 2^+3 (2n+lX2n+3)p 2n+1 These values are got by a simple integration ; for u, v, w are products of p n by spherical surface harmonics. The potential of each infinitely thin layer is known inside and outside it, and an integration with respect to p leads to the given values. Hence follow the currents of the second induction 2tt /q>yyy r 2 p 2 2^+ 3 V = n+l\/cj da) x \2n+l 2n+3 (2n+lX2n+3)p 2n+1 27r?/aAW7 E 2 o 2 2r 2n+s n + l\tc/ dco y \27i+l 2n+3 (2n+lX2n+3)p 2n+1 2tt /gAWV E 2 a 2 2r 2n+ * W = ~ X * P 2 n+l\icj d<» z \2n+l 2n+3 (2n+l)(2n+3)p 2n+1 In this way the calculation may be continued as far as may be desired, but the results continually increase in compli- cation ; hence we now proceed to the exact solution of the problem. General We have seen that the currents are always perpendicular to the radius, and may therefore again make use of the current-function. Let / (p) = / be any function of p whatever, and let ^ = P-f-Xn be the current-function of a system of currents flowing in the sphere. The current-densities are *^f%, v-f%, «-/<&. 0(O x VCD y ) = 0i°"> /2W = faipp) = 02 "- In the equations which give f x and/ 2 we P 11 ^ for I\ and F 2 their values, transform the equations so as to involve and o\ and thus obtain INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 71 s f C ( 0!<7= 1 (^ZTi-h L) 2 a .da\, l-j—j |a*H-^ fl . da+L^a^a. dcX These give by differentiation da\ dc The form of the functions l5 2 depends only on w; in the constant of integration p, s, S are involved. The above equations may be written „ 2n+2 , 9 i + 9 i = - 92 > „ , 2ri+2 9 2 + 9 = 9i- As differential equations these are exactly equivalent to the following : — c 2 =± 2 = - A 2 ^ and A 4 = - 1, the p's and ^'s cancel as they must do, and we are left with equations of the form _ N (const)., r which are the solutions of the equation d da d (cr 2 ' l+1 TO _i(X 2 S)^ +1 (V) - ^ +1 (X 2 s)^_ 1 (X 2 S) ' D= - 27l+1 . ffn+l(V) _ We get the complete solution by substituting these values in cj) l and . It may be more simply exhibited thus : Since \ and \ are conjugate, _p (\°") an d i? (^9°0 a l so are conjugate ; in the same way A and B are conjugate, as is easily seen, and hence 4P»(V)+,BPn(V) is equal to twice the real part of either expression. In the same way which expression occurs in <£ 2 , is twice the imaginary part of the first term. Eemembering this, and also the values of A and C, we easily recognise the truth of the equation 2^+1 Pn(\ + f(l - v 2 ) n e° v clv = V(-) c h = 2 8 .|3.€"7 i 6 15 15 - — I 1 1 X 1 a* \ a a a etc. II INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES Hence follow the equations 77 Po = — » , etc, For large values of a p and q approach the values Vn = (-2) n .\n.±l, For very small values of a we get (-2)\|».1.3...(2*-1) _ a &W = ~ gSn + 1 — 6 • The equation - p(cr) = g'M+S'C - cr) here has no longer any meaning ; for when l + ci> 2 J-l. its appiica- We shall apply this formula, which gives the exact solution, tlon ' to some special cases which admit of simplifications. Thinspher- 1. In the first place, let the spherical shell be very thin, and let d be its thickness. Then S is only slightly different from s. Let S = s+8, where now 8 = fid. For cr we may put any convenient value between s and S ; suppose a = S. We substitute these values in the above formula. In the denominator we employ the substitution _2n+l XV and divide by the numerator. Thus we obtain ! + ^ 2 S 2 g»+i( Xs )^+i( ~ xS ) ~ g*+i( ~ *s)g B +iPlS) ' 2(n+ 1)(2^+ 1) q )l+1 (\s)q n ( - XS) - q n+1 ( - Xs)g tt (XS) We develop and put g. + i(^s) = ^ +1 {x( S +a)} = g ft +A s ) + W % +As) = g»+i(^)+ 2 3 2 g n+2 (Xs), 8X 2 s g n+1 ( - XS) = g ft+1 ( - Xs) + A + 2 ( - *s). 1 From this point onwards we write X instead of Xi ; thus — \=Vi(i+v~i). li INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 79 Using formula (a) (p. 77) we may divide out the q's and thus obtain , 1 2n+l But now we have s8 AiirRiw 7 2n+l (2n+l)k according to our previous notation, and hence 1 h . — which result agrees with the one previously obtained. Thus we have on the one hand tested our formula by means of a result already known ; on the other hand we have proved that the previously given formulae hold for all values of h, which proof still remained to be given. 2. Secondly, we apply our formulas to the case where we Small need only retain the first power of the angular velocity in f l f rotation. and / . For simplicity we restrict the investigation to a solid sphere. In this case we found Expanding the p's and retaining only first powers we get 2+ u I Q2 2 + i£l^ A closer consideration of this equation shows that the values of / , / 2 thence found when substituted in yjr merely give the inductions of the first and second order, which we have already calculated on p. 68. Here we only consider the 80 INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES II angle through which the lines of flow are turned. Eetaining only lowest powers we find ta-i-*- -!=*/'_* I- / x k \2»+l 2ti+3 so that the angle in question is 8 2ir(of E p~ 1~ V~\2n+l~ 2n+Z, Thus all the layers appear rotated : the rotation is least at the surface of the sphere and increases continuously inwards. If we imagine a plane section taken through the equator of the sphere and join corresponding points of the different layers we get a system of congruent curves, which is very suitable for representing the state of the sphere. The equa- tion of one of these curves clearly is ^ y = «tan- p = Jx 2 + y 2 , V or very approximately 2ttco ( E 2 x 2 2n+l 2n + 3 In Fig. 8 these curves are drawn for a copper sphere for which E = 50 mm., n = 1, when it makes 1, 2, 3, 4 revolutions per second. Fig. 8. Large 3. Thirdly, let us assume that //, is so large that for q(BX) ofrotatTon. and %( sX ) we ma 7 P ut their approximate values. Further, assume that the ratio r/K is neither very nearly = 1 nor very nearly = 0. The former case has been considered already ; the latter requires special consideration. Substituting the approximate values in the exact formula we find /— - 2n+l S 71 €**-»> + €-*<*-« > l + 9 2 V 1 - 3+TXS-s)_ e -A(S-s)' 2»+l/R\»+ 1 _ v(R _ p) e II INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 81 Since S is not nearly equal to s, and both are very great, the second term in the denominator vanishes compared with the first, and we get ft + ft V^l = ^QyV^-Xe^ + e-^). The second term in the bracket vanishes in comparison with the first except when p = r; if then we are content with an approximate knowledge of the current at the inner surface we may write ft + ftV^T = ^p(JJ Since s or r has disappeared from this equation, we may assume that it holds also for a solid sphere. In fact it is easily deduced from the exact formulas which hold for a solid sphere if we make similar approximations to those used above, and do not require an exact knowledge of the currents at the centre (where, as a matter of fact, the current intensity is very small). In the expressions obtained \= */J(i+ «/-!); without performing the separation into real and imaginary parts we easily find -£--s->-» tan r P Substituting these values in ty we find 271+1 t hw --^(R-P) • / • 7T A. / — e V2 sin [ico — - 2(n+l)^V kit \ 4 which is the current-function produced for very large velocities of rotation by the external potential = A( B. ) cos i(o¥„ M. P. G 82 INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES II The meaning of the above formula is easily grasped. If we collect together its result and the results previously obtained we may describe the phenomena, which would be presented by a spherical shell rotating with constantly increasing velocity under the influence of an inducing spherical harmonic function, in the following terms : — Summary When self-induction begins to be appreciable, it does not result. alter the form of the lines of flow in the various spherical layers, but these latter commence to undergo an apparent rotation in the direction of rotation ; and then the inner layers gain on the outer ones. There is no limit to the rotation of the inner layers ; it may increase indefinitely. The angle of rotation of the outermost layer converges to the value 7r/4:i ; moreover, for spherical shells it may in the first instance have exceeded this value. If the velocity of rotation be very great, corresponding points of the different layers lie on spirals of Archimedes, and the number of turns which these make in the sphere increases indefinitely with the velocity of rotation. At first the intensity increases with the velocity of rota- tion, but nowhere proportionately to it ; more quickly in the outer than in the inner layers. In the outermost layer it constantly increases, ultimately as v co ; in the other layers it reaches a maximum for some definite velocity and then decreases. For large velocities it decreases inwards from the surface in proportion to an exponential, whose argument has V co for a factor. It is of interest to note also the dependence of the pheno- menon on the order i (whose square root is involved in fi) ; for this I refer to the formulae. An apparent contradiction between the theory of an in- finitely thin spherical shell and that of one of finite thickness may excite notice ; it is easily explained when we consider that every spherical shell, however thin, may only be regarded as infinitely thin up to a certain value of the velocity of rotation. Case where I shall deal shortly with the case where the inducing the mag- . n . i-i-i nets are magnets are inside the spherical shell, so that spherical har- niside the m onics of negative degree occur. ii INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 83 Let / r \n+l Xn = M~] COSlQ)P mi , then f = ~ A P - - Sm ^ P m- AC \/3/ n If we write ^ = -Apf - ) -(/ sin i© +/ cos ^)P^, k \pj n the function yjr f induced by i|r becomes y? = - ( - ) Ap( - ) -(Fi cos ico - F sin il\/ — 1 — ^ ) 2 = ^~ ** ~ ^ as must be the case. On the other hand, if pup be large compared with unity, and we put for the qs their approximate values for large arguments (p. 77), we get fc + 2 v/^T = (2n + l)f y"le-^- s ). Hence result phenomena similar to those for the spherical shell ; the rotation is irj^i at the innermost layer, and thence increases indefinitely as p increases to infinity. For -\fr we find 2m V / ]£-&-*m*{«.-l-Jfe P -r: which expression is quite analogous to that obtained for the spherical shell. Moreover, we easily see that, even for the smallest velocities of rotation, p can always be chosen so large in un- limited space that the approximation made may be permissible : Neglecting hence even for the smallest values of co the induction will pass ^ on " m uc ~ through all possible angles, at distances, it is true, where the intensity is very small. I here wish to draw attention to the remark I have already made on p. 61 in regard to neglecting self-induction. It would be very easy to extend the results obtained for spherical shells to plane plates of finite thickness ; but in order to avoid complicated calculations I omit the investiga- tion. The chief part of the phenomena can, in fact, be deduced without calculation from what has been already discussed. § 5. Forces which are exerted by the Induced Currents. We shall now calculate the forces exerted by the induced currents and the heat generated by them. The latter is equivalent to the work which must be done in order to main- tain the rotation. 86 INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES n A. Potential of the Induced Currents. 1. We first calculate it for external space. The part of it due to the spherical layer between p = a and p = a + da is Its value in , /„\n+l space. 27i+l\p/ when we consider the term yjr ni of the whole current-function yjr. Now ty n ia)da = - A™ at ^ ) —?— (f^a) sin ico +f 2 (a) cos iw)V ni da. k \K/ 7i+ 1 Substituting this value in dCl, and attempting to perform the integrations, we meet with the integrals R I a 2n+2 f(a)da. But we have L^,.„.. (2»+l)R 2 » +1 a " + y i (a>to = ^" T 4 ^ F l( R) according to the definition of F (p. 68), and the equations satisfied hy f lt f 2) F 1? F 2 (p. 70); and similarly I a 2n+ %(a)da = - (2 " + . 1)ig (l -// E)) . K 2w+1 . 47T^ft) Using these expressions we find O c = ^- Af? Y l+1 [/ 2 (R) sin *» + { 1 -/i(K)} cos *• 71+1 \/3/ For very small angular velocities f 2 = 0,/ x = 1, and thus H e = 0. For very large ones f Y =/ 2 = 0, and thus at the surface of the spherical shell n — n = ^iX«- II INDUCTION IN EOTATING SPHERES 87 2. In precisely the same way we may perform the investi- Value in gation for the space inside the spherical shell ; we find space O* = - (0 A[/ 2 (0 sin ico + {1 -AO)} cos H*\«- Hence for the whole potential &i + Xn = A ' £■ ) LAM C0S ^ ".AM Sin *®] P «i- \±c/ For vanishing angular velocities this expression reduces to % n , for large ones to zero ; more exactly for large values of fju we find by means of a formula which we have employed previously (p. 81) 2(2» + l)/E\* 1 /^_l_ ,-t 2(2k+1) /B\ Hence it follows that r/ e A(S-s) _ e -A(S-s) «.+* = d&±lW. ■%" cos (fa-* ' (E - r) W /^ W V 4 V2 / Thus the internal potential diminishes with exceedingly great rapidity as the velocity increases. At the same time its equipotential surfaces exhibit the peculiarity of appearing turned through an angle proportional to the [square root of Peculiar the] angular velocity. As the velocity gradually increases J tnTnSg- the forces conditioned by the potential take up successively netic forces all the directions of the compass ; and this can be repeated S i c i e space . any number of times as the velocity goes on increasing. B. Heat Generated. Let E be the radius of a very thin spherical shell, and suppose that in it exists the current-function 88 INDUCTION IX ROTATING SPHERES ir Let the resistance of the shell be h : required the heat "W generated in it. We determine the values of u, v, w belonging to ty, and in particular to the term Heatgener- ^ — X sin ico?, ,. atedina ^ T hi spherical When u, v, w have been found, the heat generated is shell. the integral being extended over the whole surface of the sphere. Introducing H and to denote currents parallel to circles of latitude and to the meridians in the direction of increasing 6 and co, we have K c6' = - 1 df E sin 6 ceo u = cos 6 cos co + H sin co, v = cos 6 sin co — H cos co, v: = — sin 6. Substituting for yjr 7li the value given we get u =— { — cos ico cos co . £P ni . cot 6 — sin ico sin fflP^} u = — { — cos ico sin a) . £P wi . cot # + sin z'o) cos ©P'-}, A. . ^ W-— l COS ZO) . ±\-;. R But now 2'P ?U - cot 6 = U V n,i + i + (n + iXn - i+l)Pn,i-i} 3 Substituted in m, r, wi these give u= --— {cos(i+l)©.P M+1 + (71 + l)(7l — *+ 1) COS (i - 1)© . P^i-l}, INDUCTION IN ROTATING. SPHERES 89 ?- -2^{ sin (^+ 1 >-I > M+i A. . _, «? = ^ cos ico . P ni . - (ti + i)(rc - i + 1) . sin .(* - 1> . P^.J Thus w, v, w are developed in terms of spherical harmonics. We suppose the u, v, w expanded in a similar form for all the terms, and then form the expression {u 2 + v 2 + w 2 )ds. On integration, terms involving products of spherical harmonics of different orders vanish, so that we may determine W n sepa- rately for each yjr n , and add the results. A closer consideration then shows that we may also determine the heat separately for each yfr ni and again add the results. It is true that all the integrals do not vanish which correspond to combinations of different yfr ni 'a ; but those integrals in I u 2 ds for which this occurs will be destroyed by corresponding ones in I v 2 ds. We now get for the -\jr ni above quoted W ni = k((u 2 + v 2 + w 2 )ds + O + i)\n -i+lf ((Pn^fds + U 2 J (cos i-* + '>J** --(sin ico? ni ) = - i cos (i + l)a>P tt>i+1 — ^(n + i){n — i + 1) cos (i — tyaiP^j, ^- (sin icoY m ) = - \ sin (*+ 1)©P M+1 + 4( w +*X™ - * + 1) sin (» - l>P W)i _ ls a — ( sm io)P Ml .) = * cos i(*? ni , VC0 2 and to these similar equations may easily be added. If w, and &/, 6 f refer to systems of polar co-ordinates with different axes, the equations last quoted enable us to deduce integrals of the form / cos i(o? ni {6) cos jWP^O^ds', (in which the integrations are to be performed with respect to a/, 6 f ) from the well-known integral |p, !]O (0) anjtftJpjV = -i— cos>P^), J 2/i-\-l Generation but, it is true, only by laborious calculation. thero^atSie -^ now P rocee d to determine the heat generated in the sphere. II INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 91 rotating sphere by the term % ni of the inducing potential. To % ni corresponds fni = ~ -A/>( £ ) — ^-{fi sin ico +/ 2 cos ico)? ni , k \E/ n+ 1 and hence the heat R i 2 (n,i) f f p W„-^-l^ £) (ff+ftyap. r The integration can be performed for small and for large Small velo- angular velocities. For the former f 1 = 1, f 2 = 0, and thus Clties * the heat generated becomes in this case W„ = A 2 ?^ *£2 (l-(^) ' k (ti+1) 2 (2^+3)V \B/ For very large angular velocities we had 2 2 (2n+lf E 2}i ,- Large velo- /l+/2 = 2 2^+2 6 P « CltieS ' The integral W ni may be taken from r = 0, and becomes it / (2n+iy yn + iy f € dp - ^s/2 for E^u, may be regarded as infinite. Hence we get for very large values of co I2n+l)\n,i) J Km VV - ^ 8(7.+ I) 2 V27T 3 ' and W depends on E, in so far as A involves E. Hence the heat generated increases indefinitely as (6), as follows from equation (2) and (4); at the surface — 4^, -(l + 4^&) -•(&). (7), where Xp is the radial force exerted by the external magnetism and the induced currents. In words we may thus express the effect of the magnetis- ability of the medium : — The magnetisation firstly alters the internal magnetising force in the manner shown by the general theory of magnetism, and secondly increases the effects of the magnetising force in the ratio 1 + 47r(9 : 1. The two effects are opposed, and the result is that the action is found to be increased in only a finite degree even for large values of 6. Self- Let us again, to begin with, neglect self-induction. It is to be remarked that this is allowable only when induction neglected, /47T&)(1+47T<9) V ~ K is very small. When 6 and E are large, co must be very small absolutely to satisfy this condition. If the external potential be the potential of the spherical shell itself may be expressed in the form and the total potential therefore in the form \) II INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 95 According to what precedes, the magnetic spherical shell is in exactly the same condition as a non-magnetisable one of equal resistance which is subject to the influence of a potential (1 + 4*0) A + B - X» >N + 1 Since this potential consists of two spherical harmonics, the currents may by what precedes be regarded as known. For the current-function we get •- • ■ -/ A B/rV" +1 \ d Xn + --_(l + 4^_-y y dw Under like conditions, only with 6 = 0, we should have got the current-function __ ft) p d X n k n + 1 ceo By division we get yfr = (1 + 47iWa - ^- B (-) 2 " ^o- The form of the currents in the various layers is unaltered, but the intensity is differently distributed. It is convenient to describe the phenomenon by comparison of -fy and ijr The quantities A, B are given by equations (6), (7) ; if we write T — = e, they are found to be B A _ (2n + 1){(2m + 1)(1 + ±7T0) - kirOn) n(n + 1)16tt 2 6> 2 (1 - e 2 ' l+1 ) + (2w + 1) 2 (1 + 4tt<9)' 47r07i(2w + l) ~ 71(71 + 1)16tt 2 6' 2 (1 - e 2w+1 ) + (2w + 1) 2 (1 + 4,ir6) As the interpretation of these expressions is not very Special obvious, we shall apply them to some simple cases. cases - 1. 6 is very small. Expanding we get A=l--^— 4tt0 3 B = -^— AitO, ^7 2n+l 2n + l sma11 - 96 INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES n and hence Thus the current intensity is unaltered at the inner surface of the spherical shell ; in other portions it is always increased when 6 is positive. The increase is directly proportional to 6. In diamagnetic spheres the intensity is everywhere less than in neutral ones. The rotation of magnetic spheres absorbs more work, that of diamagnetic ones less work than that of neutral ones. very 2. Let 6 be very great and e not nearly equal to unity. arge " Then we have B 4tt^t<1-€ 2w+1 ) j 2ti+1 -47r6>(/i+l)(l-e 2 " and hence ' " -(iT f/V Thus the current in the innermost layer is here zero : thence it increases rapidly outwards and becomes (2n+l)/n times as great at the outer surface as for the neutral sphere. If 6 is at all large the increase of current is almost independent of its absolute value. Thinspher- 3 ' Let e be in fi nitel 7 nearly equal to unity. ical shells. Then k _ (271 + 1)(1 + ±ir0) - 47T071 (2^+1X1+477(9) ' 4:7r0n B = (2n +1)(1 + 4tt0)' Thus In infinitely thin spherical shells the magnetic perme- ii INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 97 ability is without effect on the induced currents (though the magnetisation is not zero, and the magnetic forces in the shell are altered). It may here be noted that this result holds also when self-induction is taken into account. 4. Let e = 0, which is the case of a solid sphere. The Solid term with a negative power of p vanishes, and we get hp A = 4:7T0?l 2n+l , 1 + 4tt0 yfr = — — to- 1 + — — -47T0 2ra+l For large values of 6 we have 2^+1 n The quantity 2n-\-l/n lies betwesn 2 and 3. Hence in iron spheres the currents are from two to three times as strong as in a non-magnetic metal of equal resistance ; the heat generated, the work used up, and the damping pro- duced are from four to nine times as great as in such a metal. 5. Plane plates. A very thin plane plate may be looked upon as portion of Plane a very thin spherical shell, hence for such a one p a es * A very thick plate may be regarded as portion of an in- finitely large solid sphere ; since n is to be put very large we have for such a plate 1+4tt6> ^ 2 + 2ird^' In both limiting cases the total current-function remains unaltered; in the last case for large values of 6 the intensity is doubled by the permeability. For medium thicknesses of the plates intermediate values M. P. H 98 INDUCTION IX ROTATING SPHERES i[ hold ; the calculations are easily performed, but since they give no very simple results they have been omitted here. Self-indue- We shall now take into account self-induction, but shall into only perform the calculations for a solid sphere. Spherical account, shells do not offer analytical difficulties of any special kind, but the calculations become exceedingly complicated. Limitation We find the currents by the following reasoning : — to solid , . _ . . , , spheres. -Let the inducing potential be Let i{r be the current -function directly induced by % ni then we have 1+47T0 co, fp\ l i . . _ to = • ~M p — TT sm l(0/(/>)Y„ produces a radial magnetic force _x/dW dY\ y/aU dW\ z/dY dU p\dy dz J p\dz dx J p\dx dy = 5 (p . 63) P = -'^±1)f(,).(0Y, 1 (p. 65), where F,/ are connected by the equation of p. 68. II INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 99 From these equations and from the equations determining % 9 (equations (6) and (7), p. 94) we get % in the general case, and therefore in our particular case we have 4:7r0n(n+l) 2n+l+4:Tr0n ' l A ^iff ' < Fl(R) sin ico + Fa(R) cos iw ^ ni ' If now by yjr f we mean that current-function which -ty and % g together would produce in the unmagnetised sphere, then in the magnetic mass they will produce the current-function and the condition for the stationary state becomes ^ = ^0 + ^6 • ^ is to be formed in exactly the same way as before, so that i|r' fl also is known. If we substitute the values of ifr, yjr , ^ f e in the last equation and equate coefficients of cos ico and sin ico, we get for f l} f 2 , F 2 , and F 2 these equations (2^+l)(l + 47r6 >)_^ 47r6>7) , „ „ v G)i47T0>l(l +477-0)-^ ,-r,. Coi , A , . ^-^ , s If we put ^(1 + 4^) = A /J AGO = Ww) = 4>i<» > f,(p) = Uw) = ^(o-), then (/>!, 9 are given by precisely the same differential equa- tions as before (p. 71). Since we are dealing with a solid 100 INDUCTION IX ROTATING SPHEEE3 The solu- tion. Compari- son with previous results. Small vel- ocities of rotation. sphere, we must only retain those solutions which are finite at the centre, and may put ^ 1 (o-) = Ap w (X 1< r) + Bp n (X 2< r) 3 X 2 = x/f(l- n/^T). The constants are determined in precisely the same way as aboye. The integrals to be formed are not different from those got before, but the calculation is somewhat more in- tricate, owing to the complicated constants. The result, howeyer, is comparatively simple, namely (2 % +l)(l + 4^K(Vp) /iW+/*)V-i = "We first verify this result. For vanishing 6 it gives 2rc+l pJX/jup) /i+/ 2 x/-l = 2?l Pn-i(kftB,) which agrees with the result already obtained for a non- magnetic solid sphere (p. 75). Further, for vanishing co it gives, since PnW = /i-f/V-i 2 n+1 \ ...(2»+l) (2tt+l)(l+47rfl) ~2n + 1 + 4tt07i which result also we have found (p. 97). In general it appears that the form of the currents in a magnetic sphere is the same as for a non-magnetic sphere of equal resistance which is rotating (1 + 47T0) times as fast as the magnetic sphere. But in addition the two current- systems differ in that they are turned as a whole through a certain angle relatively to one another, and that their in- tensities are different. I apply the formula to two special cases. 1. Let ±ir6 be very great, but co sufficiently small that n INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 101 Nr - dr ' 102 INDUCTION IX ROTATING SPHERES n becomes irj^i at the outer surface. The phenomenon is identical with that which occurs in a non-magnetic sphere with (1 + 473-0) times the velocity. The heat generated is fjl + 47T0 times that generated in a non-magnetic sphere rotating with equal velocity. § 7. Belated Problems. In this paragraph we shall consider some problems which stand in very close relation to those already treated. Any solid If we neglect self-induction we may apply our knowledge of the currents in a sphere to find those in a solid of revolution of any form whatever, or at least to reduce their determination to a simpler problem. Let S be the surface of revolution bounding the solid, n its inward normal. Describe about it a sphere of any radius. Let u 1} v 1} w x be the currents which would flow in the latter, and let N = Ui C0S a + v l C0S ^ + W\ cos c be the current in the direction of n at the surface S. If we determine u 2 , v 2 , w 2 so that of revolu- tion. ku ^~i: 3y KlU = -~--, 1 dz . ox Oy dz u 2 cos a + v cos I + w 2 cos c = then clearly u Y + u v T + v 2 , w 1 + w 2 ii INDUCTION IN KOTATING SPHERES 103 are the currents sought in S. Hence the problem is reduced to this simpler one : — To determine such a function that inside S V 2 9 = 0, and at its surface dcjy/dn = k~N, a given function. 1. As an example, suppose a plate bounded by the straight Plate line £ = b to move parallel to a given straight line. Suppose ^straight* 7 the external potential expanded, and let a term of it be edge. Ae~^ 1 cosr?;cossf . Then we found for the current in the infinite plate y 1 = A- — sin T7] . cos sf . n k Thus the current perpendicular to the boundary is 2 the conditions af + H and for £ = o We have 3 9 . r 2 a 7 ~- 2 = A- • - -cos rrj . cos so. Og 71 K 6 = A e r( ^ b) cos rrj . cos sb. n k To 2 corresponds the current-function -v/r = - A- . - . e r ^' h) sin rr\ . cos sb, n k and thus the total current-function becomes ^ + ty 2 = A- . - . e~ rb sin r^(e r& . cos s£ - e r ^ . cos s&) By summing for all the terms we get the complete solu- tion. The solution for a band bounded on both sides is similar. 104 INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES n Limited 2. In order to determine the currents in a limited rotating disc, let a term of the external potential be Ae"*^ cos lea J i(np). Then we had i/tj = A sin icoJ^np). k n Thus the inward radial current is at the boundary where dslr . co i 2 . J/riR) — ^- =A — cosico— . Hence we find as above = - A- - J £ (wE)( £ ) cos ico . k n • \±v/ Determining the corresponding current-function i/r 2 we get for the total current-function ^ + 1 „ = A? . I ^"{RJinp) - A(»R)}- We again get the complete solution by summing for the various terms. In the same way the currents may be deter- mined in rings bounded by concentric circles. In general the solution of the problem requires neither the development in a series of separate terms nor the determination of the potential (f> 2 ; it is sufficient to determine i/r 2 so that inside the plate !!+?+!!*?= 0, dx 2 dy 2 and at its boundary i/r 2 = - yjr v Some simple examples will be given in § 9. II. Dielectric In conductors electromotive forces of electromagnetic spheres. origin produce the same effects as numerically equal electro- static forces. If this is true also of dielectrics, then spheres of dielectric material must become polarised when rotating in a magnetic field. ii INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 105 Let mm* nigr* 1 ^ c sec be the components of the polarisation, e (number) 1 the dielectric constant. For X, g> J we have the equations dx d 9r ^ ax a g aj l for o = E * 4 4;7r\dp dp Hence we have for <£ 4tt6 /as aj dz and for p = E dp dp p ** In external space we must have V 2 = 0. If ^ TC again be the %th term of the external potential we have, as above (p. 43) dx dy dz dz a£+yg+«-4^-«% . ,a? 1 The units are again such that 1/A, the velocity of light, does not occur. The corresponding magnitudes in magnetic measure are A 2 i, A 2 g, A 2 $, A 2 e. 106 INDUCTION IX EOTATIXG SPHERES To satisfy the equations of condition we put <$>=ft+ft, = 4 776 CO 4776 CO Vf-^j. 1 + 4776 n+l\ r~/p\7i-f2 ^ i ( E r r: ^ p) 2/1 + 1 b L\P/ »+r 1+4776 /*+ 1 ? satisfies the partial differential equation which is to satisfy. ° e is so formed that (1) it satisfies the equation (2) at the surface of the sphere it is equal to ft. That the first condition is satisfied is seen when we notice that the expressions under the straight lines are spherical surface harmonics of degrees (/z + 1) and (n — 1), as is easily proved. Substituting ft -{-ft in the equations for <\>, we get for ft these equations V 2 ft = everywhere. ft continuous. when p = E (1 +4776 -^— = -+1+^-, cp C^ Cp to satisfy which is not difficult, as we have already expressed ft as a series of spherical harmonics. Earth in A case of especial interest is that in which a spherical space. ' magnet rotates in a surrounding dielectric. For the earth is a rotating magnet, and according to many physicists inter- planetary space is a dielectric. To determine the electric potential in this case we must remember that the earth is a conductor ; hence in it a distribution will form which will react on the dielectric and make the potential constant at the earth's surface. If ^ = 2v„ is the earth's potential the problem reduces to this : — INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 10 1 To determine (j> so that in external space and at the surface We easily find 1 + 4-Tre dz cf> = const. y l + 4;7re C °^2n + l ' dz ' Hence follows the rate of increase of potential at the earth's surface d(j)_ 4.7T6 OT > ^j 1 dxn 2Eo)2" dp 1 + 4tt6 ^2n+l dz Much the greater part of the earth's magnetic force is due to terms for which n= - 2, or at any rate is small. There- fore we may write approximately dcf> 47re a d x IE tOJ . a^ 1 + 4:716* dz d%/dz is the component of the earth's magnetic force in the direction of the north pole of the heavens. If we assume that for interplanetary space 47re/(l + 47re) is very nearly 1, we get for the electromotive forces values of the order of 1 Daniell in 50 in., that is, very small values. However, a term of the form const/p may have to be added to the above value of <£. Its value depends on the quantity of free electricity on the earth, although it does not vanish with this quantity ; but the order of magnitude of the cal- culated forces is not altered by the presence of this term. III. When a sphere of any arbitrary magnetic properties rotates Spherical in a liquid, which is itself a conductor, and makes electric ^f^ contact with the surface of the sphere, the sphere will induce currents in the liquid. In general these no longer flow in concentric spherical shells, but traverse the magnet. 108 INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES The determination of these currents presents no further difficulty apart from self-induction. I shall not enter in detail into the calculations. Fig. 10 represents the simplest case. A homogeneous magnetic sphere rotates about its magnetic axis. The figure drawn represents the lines of flow in a Fig. 10. meridional section. The form of the lines of flow does not depend upon the resistances of the magnet and the liquid. But the intensity vanishes when either resistance becomes infinitely great. § 8. Solution for the Formulae of the Potential Law. So far we have assumed for the induced electromotive forces the expressions which Jochmann has deduced for them from Weber's fundamental law. We shall now inquire what changes the results undergo when we use the formulae which follow from the potential law and are given in vol. lxxviii. of Borchardt's Journal} If 3E, |f, % denote the electromotive forces hitherto assumed, %', J?', %' those which follow from the potential law, we have 1 Helmholtz, Wiss. Abhandl. vol. i. p. 702. II INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 109 ox S'=g-<4(v*-%), cz But we saw on p. 67, that for all U, V, W occurring in the investigation 4> = co(Vx - Uy). We see at once that we may retain the previous solutions unaltered as regards u, v, w } -*Jr, H. The only alteration which must be made is to put for '=0. On an infinite sphere or plane plate we must have always (//=0. Maxwell obtained the same result, starting from the formulae of the potential law for conductors at rest. If we reject the terms aU -f @V + 7W in the expressions for the electromotive forces in conductors in motion, the equations for conductors at rest must also be altered, and the equation = then no longer holds. § 9. Special Cases and Applications. In conclusion, the formulae obtained will be applied to some particular cases. 1. A single magnetic pole of strength 1 moves in a straight Magnetic line parallel to an infinitely thin plane plate. Let the origin pol ]r above of £ V, ? be taken at the foot of the perpendicular from the plate, pole on the plate, and let the negative 77-axis be parallel to 110 INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES n the direction of its motion. 1 Let the coordinates of the pole be 0, 0, - c ; then its potential is 1 _1 Thus the induced potential of the first order becomes for positive f 1 h J d v b h P + y\ r Hence we get for the potential of the second order k J p + v [Z' + V r J In the same way the calculation may be continued. We get for the current-functions of the first and second orders *=t~4-/i A a hj (r* - c)(r -f c)r where now r 2 = £ 2 -f v 2 + =JLf d x v = d -S- ft., , Y 27rjd£ 2irr{f~ v 2 ) o which formula is not applicable at infinity. See Fig. 11. The formulae here developed are illustrated by Fig. 11, pp. 112 and 113. The assumptions on which the diagrams are based are the following : — The plate is made of copper (thus tc= 227,000) and has a thickness 2 mm. (thus k= 113,500). The distance of the pole from it is 30 mm. The values of ty marked give absolute measure when the strength of the pole is 13,700 mm-mgr-/sec. In Fig. 11, a and l, p. 112, the velocity of the pole is 5 m/sec(a = 5000); here a represents the phenomenon when self-induction is neglected, h when it is taken into account. Fig. 11 c represents the phenomenon for a velocity of 100 m/sec, calculated by means of the formula for large values of 2Trajk. It is true that for the value chosen the approxima- tion is not very close. Fig. 11 d, p. 113, corresponds to an infinite velocity of the pole. The electric equipotential lines are also shown in this diagram. The values of the electric potential marked are in millions of the units employed by us. The connection between the various states is clearly shown by the diagrams themselves. Magnetic 2. A magnetic pole at rest is placed above a rotating a rotating 6 infinite disc. Let the a?2-plane be taken so as to pass through disc. the pole. In addition to xyz we introduce coordinates f 77 f , of which the origin is the foot of the perpendicular let fall from the pole on the disc. Further, let f; = x-a, 7]=y, ?=z; thus day drj drj 3f a is the distance of the pole from the axis of rotation ; let c be its distance from the plate. Then 1 1 ii INDUCTION IN EOTATING SPHERES 115 Hence or since CO k J oco £-a (d x 2ir(oa V ( S + c h r(r + c) Hence the form of the lines of flow is independent of the distance of the pole from the axis. 1 For the induction of the second order we get " 2 v */ m e+v 2 J' +--KiK(4-<) \ & y \( r a _ c 2)( r + c ) r + a ( r + C ) J ' which formulae are meaningless at infinity. When the angular velocity is small, if the inducing pole is not very close to the axis, we may regard the point f = 0, -v/r = as the centre of the distribution. Its ordinate is found to be 2nrcoaG Hence in the neighbourhood of the pole the distribution Rotation of . . , ., , ,, , the induced is turned through the angle distribu- 2tion. 7TG)C k in the direction of rotation of the disc. 1 As already found by Jochmann. 116 INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES II Rectilinear 3. I shall now apply the formulas to another example. currents and nnlin ited disc. and tmlim- Suppose that above the rotating disc two wires are stretched parallel to the aj-axis and are traversed in opposite directions by equal currents of unit intensity. For a single current the currents induced in the unlimited disc would become infinite. Let the coordinates of the points in which the wires meet the plane yz be 0, a, - c, and 0, a', -c'\ we then have for positive values of z , y — a _ , y — a 1 Y = tan -1 - tan ^ r . A z + c z + c' Hence it follows, by means of the formulas used before, if r, r denote perpendicular distances from the wires, that O x - — - x log - * i= if log (i For the potential of the free electricity in the plate we get ' r = toy log so that the equipotential lines are straight lines parallel to See Fig. the wires. In Fig. 12a the lines of flow are drawn for the 12 a - case where c = c' = 1 mm, a = - a! = 2 mm. Since, moreover, at infinity the currents become infinite, we must suppose 2ir(ojh to be exceedingly small in order to get a sufficient approximation in a finite region. Further, as all the currents are closed at infinity we cannot, from the case of an unlimited disc, directly draw inferences as to a limited one. Hence I shall calculate, by the method developed in § 7, the currents in a limited disc under like conditions. Let the radius of the disc be E. The exact solution of the problem requires us to develop rather complicated functions in series of sines and cosines. I INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 117 therefore assume that the perpendicular distance of the wires Rectilinear conveying the currents is at a distance from the centre large c ^ ?? tf L d compared with the radius of the disc, so as to simplify the disc, calculations. Fig. 12 a.— Rotating disc and rectilinear currents. In the first place, suppose again c = c' \ a = - a'. ft) IT Y\ = t x log If we develop in powers of the coordinates, and neglect higher powers of the expression ir we get +1 = c' + a? 2axy 2cmfx{3c 2 - a 2 ) + c 2 + a 2 ^ 3(c 2 + a 2 ) 3 + ... ap i sin 2&> (3c 2 - a )a ., . -i ■ a \ — _i_ ^ — ^— p 4 sin 2(o - -A- sin 4w) . r /?/„2 i ~2\3~ v * ' c' + a" 6(r + a7 118 INDUCTION IX ROTATING SPHERES The corresponding ^r 2 * s (§ %> !•> conclusion) See Fig. 12 6. ft ap- sin cr + a Hence we have (3c 2 - cr)a 0/T) o . -, o • a \ — .— /3"(E - sm 2w - j/r sm 4©). 6(c 2 + « 2 ) 8 <3r - cr) 6(c 2 + rr) 3, sin 2o\B 2 - p 2 ) Hence the form of the lines of flow is independent of the ratio a : c, but the current is greatly dependent upon it. If a = or a = c^/Sj it vanishes. If c.Kc^/3, the direction of the current is the same as in the unlimited plate; if a>c /Jo, it is the opposite. When we consider closely the distribution of the forces which act, this at first sight astonishing result is explicable. The form of the distribution is shown in Fig. 1 2 b. In the same way the problem may be solved for any de- sired position of the wires. "When one of them moves off to Fig. 12 5.— Rotating disc and rectilinear currents, § nat. size. infinity, the currents remain finite in the limited disc, and we find on retaining the first two powers of the dimensions of the disc 2 2 /o 9 *>\ . cr - a , „ a{oc - or) 2 . ._, .->. * " 8(7^ C ° S W(E " " P) - 12 2 2- t2t?5 15 k J 2 or 2tt T 2 E 5 15 F*r CO = CO n . € t. If q be the mass of 1 cub. cm, of the material, F = -§-£7rK 5 > 15* thus CO — COq ; € * An analogous law holds when the sphere is set in motion by the action of rotating magnets. Spheres of different radii and spherical shells are set in Matteucci's mo tion and brought to rest with equal velocity. This in ment. fact corresponds with an experiment made by Matteucci. 1 The angle which the sphere traverses after excitation of the electromagnet amounts to oo I codt = 4zOk For strongly magnetic spheres we find / codt = ^ K co () 9T 2 1 Wiedemann, Galvanismus, § 878 ; Lehre von der EWktricitdt, 1885, vol. iv. § 386, p. 322. INDUCTION IN ROTATING SPHERES 125 From the above the following table is calculated. In it T is taken = 5000, which corresponds to an electromagnet of medium strength. The initial velocity is taken: to be one turn (2tt) per second. The angles described are given in turns. The relative values hold for every T and every co . CO Material. fudt Aluminium .... 0-14 Iron ...... 0-16 Silver 0-27 Copper 0-31 German silver .... 3-90 Graphite ..... 27-2 Cone. sol. of copper sulphate . about 544,000 7. Damping in a galvanometer. Consider a magnet swinging inside a conducting spherical Damping in shell ; and suppose it to be very small, or to have approxi- a mately the form of a uniformly magnetised sphere, its moment, then in the spherical shell If M be ometer. M X sin 6 cos co. Thus »M-. ' . Y= - sin sin w , K p and the heat generated per second is w= 8ttMV/1 3 k \r ~R where, as before, r denotes the inner and E the outer radius of the spherical shell. Let now <£ be the deflection of the needle from its position of rest, and F its moment of inertia ; then its vibrations are determined by the equation ^i. ^6-r-^ CU o ; 126 INDUCTION IN EOTATING SPHERES which may be written ^j+y^w^Wo, so that the rate at which the heat is generated is \dt and thus we have 4ttMV1 1 3 /cF\r E If e be small, we thence obtain for the logarithmic decre- ment of the needle 4tt 2 K - r /M 3 A/ = 3k Br \J TF ' Aperiodic j n or( j er that the aperiodic state may occur, we must have . MT £> 1T' or E-r Er 3* /TF 4^V M 3 ' from which equation, for given values of T, Y, M, k, it is easy to calculate the thickness of the damper necessary to ensure that the aperiodic state may be attained. Ill ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY OVER THE SURFACE OF MOVING CONDUCTORS (Wiedemann's Annalen, 13, pp. 266-275, 1881.) If conductors charged with electricity are in motion re- latively to one another, the distribution of free electricity at the surface varies from instant to instant. This change pro- duces currents inside the conductors which, on their part again, presuppose differences of potential, unless the specific resistance of the conductors be vanishingly small. Hence we may draw these inferences : — 1. That the distribution of electricity at the surface of moving conductors is at each instant different from that at the surface of similar conductors at rest in similar positions. In particular, the potential at the surface and inside is no longer constant, so that a hollow conductor does not entirely screen its interior from external influence when it is in motion. 2. That the motion of charged conductors is attended by a continual development of heat. Hence continual motions of such conductors are possible only by a supply of external work, and under the sole action of internal forces a system of such conductors must come to rest. The changes which the motion of conductors compels us to make in the conclusions of electrostatics are especially noticeable in those cases where the geometrical relations be- tween the surfaces are invariable, that is, for surfaces of revolu- tion rotating about their axes. Such bodies will have a tendency to drag with them in their motion electrically- 128 DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY OX MOVING CONDUCTORS HI charged bodies near them, and the same is true of charged liquid jets. The nature and magnitude of the phenomena indicated will in the following be submitted to calculation. In forming the differential equations we assume that the only possible state of motion of electricity in a conductor is the electric current. Hence if a quantity of electricity disappears at a place A and appears again at a different place B, we postulate a system of currents between A and B, not a motion of the free electricity from A to B. The explicit mention of this assumption is not superfluous, because it contradicts another, not unreasonable, assumption. When an electric pole moves about at a constant distance above a plane plate the induced charge follows it, and the most obvious and perhaps usual assumption is that it is the electricity considered as a substance which follows the pole ; but this assumption we reject in favour of the one above mentioned. Further, we leave out of account all inductive actions of the currents generated. This is always permissible, unless the velocity of the moving conductors be comparable with that of light. Let u, v, w be components of current parallel to the axes of x, y, z ; cj) the total potential, h the surface-density, k the specific resistance of a conductor, all measured in absolute electrostatic units. Thus k is a time, in fact the time in which a charge arbitrarily distributed through the conductor diminishes to l/e 47r of its original value. If now we refer everything to coordinates fixed in the conductor and consider the motion in this conductor, we have d(f> dcf) d(j) /1N ox dy cz dAi dt dn i by using equation (4) 4-7T dt\dni dnj d 4>t The equations (5) and (7) involve alone. Equation (5) must be satisfied throughout space ; equation (7) at the surfaces of all conductors. (/> is determined for all time by these equations — which no longer involve a reference to any particular system of coordinates — together with the well-known conditions of continuity and the initial value of . In the differential co- efficient dh/dt, h relates to a definite element of the surface ; if the velocities of this element relative to any system of co- ordinates be a, ft, 7, then the above equations will refer to these coordinates, provided dh/dt be replaced by dh dh dh dh dt dx dy dz We get for the heat generated in time St SW = St/K(u 2 + v 2 + w 2 )dT, \*l ^ = -f(j)8hds, where ds denotes an element of surface, and the integrals are to be taken, the first throughout the interior, the others over M. P. K 130 DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY ON MOVING CONDUCTORS III the surface, of all the conductors. It is easy to prove in our particular case that the equations used agree with the principle of the conservation of energy, which has, however, been proved true of them in general. If k be very small, <£ may be expanded in ascending powers of k. The individual terms of this expansion may be found in the following way, if we regard the ordinary electrostatic problem as solved. Let

. Then let cp 2 be determined so that V 2 <£ 2 = 0, that at the surfaces of the inductors d^/d^ = kdhjdt, that the conditions of continuity are satisfied, and that the sum of the free electricity may vanish for each conductor. In the same way in which (f> 2 is formed from <£ p let <£ 3 be formed from <£ 2 , 3 + . . . re- presents exactly the potential, provided the series converges. The convergence of the series depends on the relation between k, the dimensions of the conductors, and their velocities ; for any value of k we can imagine velocities sufficiently small to ensure convergence. For metallic conductors and terrestrial velocities each term vanishes in comparison with the preced- ing one. The special phenomena clue to electrical resistance are here inappreciable, and the form of the currents alone is of interest. Since cf> 1 is constant inside a conductor, and <£ 3 vanishes in comparison with (f> 2 , all the currents flow along the lines of force of the potential cj). 2> and we have dd> 2 (b 2 dd>o KU = - —' , KV = - -!—= , KIV = ~ — — . dx dy dz We shall now confine ourselves to the case in which only one conductor is in motion, and shall assume this to be a solid of revolution rotating about its axis. We refer our investiga- tion to a system of coordinates fixed in space, of which the 2-axis is the axis of rotation. In addition, we employ polar coordinates p, co, with the same axis. Let T be the time of one turn. The conditions which must satisfy in the conductor are in this case: (1) inside V 2 ^> = ; (2) at the ill DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY ON MOVING CONDUCTORS 131 surface, d i /dn i = K(dh/dt)+(2'ine/TXdh/dco), where h now refers to a point fixed in space. When the conductor rotates with uniform velocity under the influence of a potential independent of the time, after the lapse of a certain time a stationary state is reached, the condition for which is dh/dt = ; and thus d(f> i /dn i = (27r K /T)/(dh/d(o). As an example we shall consider the case of a spherical shell rotating with constant velocity about a diameter. Let its external radius be E, its internal radius r. Suppose the external potential , under whose influence the motion takes place, developed in a series of spherical harmonics inside the spherical shell. The actions produced by the separate terms may be added, so that we may limit the investigation to one term. Let O = A ni (p/ll) n cos icoT ni (0). Denote by the potential of the electrical charge itself, which is induced on the spherical shell ; in particular denote it by cj) 1 in the inside space, by 2 in the substance of the shell, by 3 in the outside space. In addition to the general conditions for the potential of electrical charges, must satisfy the condition that for p = r and p = E d® d(j>._ /c_a/a^_a^ dp dp~ Wfa\ty dp All these requirements are fulfilled when we put <*>! = £ j(Acosio> + Bsint)P ni (60 + IX J(A'costa> + B'sim'a>)P„4(0), £ J(Acosia> + Bsinia))P Mi (5) + ( - )(A'cosi<» + B'sim'<»)P„i(0): 3 = ■r\«-+i /r\ n+1 (Acos^co + Bsin*©)P wi (0) + - VA'cosi© + B'siiUG>)P Bi (0). krJ \p/ For the general conditions are at once satisfied, and the 132 DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY ON MOVING CONDUCTORS ill two boundary conditions give, when we equate factors of cosi'o) and sim co, four linear equations for the four constants A, B, Af 3 B'. If these latter are satisfied, so also will be the former. Using the contractions k/2T = a, r/K = e, we get for these equations — A ni .n = - ?iA-(2wH-l)a2B + (n+l)e ,l+1 A / * = (2n+l)aiA - riB * + (?i+l)e n+1 B', A ni .ne n = - ne n A * +(»+ 1)A' +(2ra + l)aiB', = * -/ze ,i B-(2/i+l)azA / +(?i+l)B / . These equations determine the four constants uniquely. "Without actually performing the somewhat cumbrous solu- tion it is easy to recognise the correctness of the following remarks : — 1. When a = 0, A = - A ni , A' = B' =B = 0, as must be the case for a sphere at rest. 2. If a be finite but very small, then A+A ni and A f are of order or, B, B r are of order a. Hence it follows that the chief points of the phenomenon are these. The distribution of the charge on the outer surface (the form of the lines of constant density) is not changed by the rotation (of course only for the separate terms of the development) ; but the charge appears rotated in the direction of the rotation of the sphere through an angle of order a, and the density has diminished by a small quantity of order a". In addition a charge makes its appearance on the sphere forming the inner boundary, and its type is similar to that of the first charge ; its density is of order a, and it is turned relatively to the first charge through a small angle w/2i. In the substance of the shell as well as inside we get differences of potential of order a. 3. If a be large, B, B r are of order lja, A, A ; of order l/a 2 . As the velocity increases the charge on the external surface finally appears turned through the angle 7r/2i; its density is small, of order l/a, and the charge on the inner spherical surface is like it as regards type, position, and density. In the ultimate state = everywhere, and then we have the external potential in the substance and the interior of the spherical shell ; the currents everywhere flow in the lines of Ill DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY ON MOVING CONDUCTORS 133 force of that potential. The free electricity, which by the currents is brought to the boundary, is by the rotation of the sphere carried back to its starting-point so quickly that the density remains infinitely small. A screening of the internal space no longer takes place. In particular cases the calculation itself becomes very simple. In the first place, for a solid sphere e = 0. If we put tan 8 =(2n-\- l)ai/n, then 8/i is the angle through which the distribution appears to be turned, and the density of the charge is to that induced on the sphere at rest as cos 8 : 1. When the sphere rotates under the influence of a uniform force perpendicular to the axis of rotation, the distribution on it is represented by a spherical harmonic of the first degree. The lines of flow are parallel straight lines whose direction for small velocities of rotation is perpendicular to the axis and to the direction of the force, but for large velocities appears turned from the latter direction through an angle whose tangent = 3 a = %/e/T. For a rotating cylinder the circumstances are quite similar ; the angle of rotation is here found to be 2a = fc/T. Secondly, suppose e nearly unity, that is, the thickness d of the spherical shell infinitely small. We must then suppose the specific resistance k to be so small that KJd = k, the specific superficial resistance, may be a finite quantity. With this assumption the tangent of the angle of rotation becomes (2n+l)i JcR generally tan 8 = r— ; tt-t^, and in the particular case of 6 J 2n(n+l) T r a uniform force tanS = |X'K/T. Under similar circumstances we find for a thin hollow cylinder tanS = /jE/T, so that in this case the rotation is greater for the cylinder than for the sphere, although for a solid cylinder it was less. The density in the last case also is to that for the sphere in the ratio cos 8:1. As an illustration of the results of the calculation I have in the accompanying diagram represented the flow of electricity in a rotating hollow cylinder, whose internal is one-half its external radius. The time of one turn is twice the specific resistance of the material. The arrow A marks the direction of the external inducing force, the arrow B that of the force in the inside space ; the remaining two arrows indicate the 134 DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY OX MOVING CONDUCTORS ill position of the charges on the outer and inner curved surfaces. The lines occupying the substance of the cylinder represent the lines of flow. It remains to inquire in what practically realisable cases the effects discussed could become appreciable. Clearly they attain a measurable value when the angle of rota- tion becomes measurable, and this occurs when for solid bodies the quantity tc/T, or when for very thin shells the quantity &K/T, has a finite value. Here E denotes the mean distance of the shell from the axis of rotation. Since T cannot well become less than t Jq- second, k must reach at least several hundredths of a second. Thus it is obvious that in metallic conductors, for which k is of the order of trillionths of a second, the rotation phenomenon can never be appreciable. On the other hand, it is obvious that even at moderate velocities no measurable charge can be formed upon insulators such as shellac and paraffin, for which k is many thousand seconds. But for certain other substances, which lie at the boundary between semi-conductors and bad conductors, the phenomenon should be capable of complete demonstration ; e.g. for ordinary kinds of glass, for mixtures of insulators with conductors in form of powder, for liquids of about the conductivity of petroleum, oil of turpentine, or mixtures of these with better conducting ones, etc. As the specific resistance k is connected in a simple way with the angle of rotation, measurements of the latter might serve to determine the former. However, in bodies of the necessary resistance the phenomena of residual charge occur, and our differential equations only hold roughly for these. The effect of a residual charge will always be to make the constant k appear less than it is found to be from observa- tions on steady currents, and less too by an amount increasing with the velocity of rotation. The dielectric displacement acts in the same sense, since it is equivalent to partial con- in DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY ON MOVING CONDUCTORS 135 duction without resistance. For very thin shells these dis- turbing influences disappear. I know of no previous experiments which might serve to illustrate the effects investigated. Hence I have performed the following one. Above a plate of mirror glass, of relatively high conductivity (by a different method k had been found to be = 4 seconds), a needle 1 cm. long was suspended by a wire and allowed to execute torsional vibrations ; the moment of inertia of the needle was sufficiently increased by means of added weights, and at its ends it carried two horizontal brass plates, each 3 cm. long and 2 cm. broad. Their distance a from the glass plate could be varied. When the needle was electrically charged the brass plates acted on the opposing glass surface as condensers ; the bound electricity was com- pelled to follow the motion of the needle, and ought, according to the preceding, to damp the vibration of the needle. Now such a damping actually showed itself. The needle was con- nected with a Leyden jar, of which the sparking distance was 0'5 mm., whilst a was 2 mm. The needle was found to return to its position of rest without further oscillation, though pre- viously it had vibrated freely ; even when a was increased to 3 5 mm., the increase of the damping at the instant of charging was perceptible to the naked eye. And when I charged the needle by a battery of only 50 Daniell cells, while a was 2 mm., I obtained an increase of damping which could be easily perceived by mirror and scale. It was impossible to submit the experiment to an exact computation, but by making some simplifying assumptions I was able to convince myself that theory led to a value of the logarithmic decrement of the order of magnitude of that observed. As we have shown, we possess, in a conductor rotating under the influence of external forces, a body at the surface of which the potential has different values, which it again resumes after a slight disturbance. Hence if we connect two points of the surface by a conductor, a current flows through the connection ; if we connect the points with two conductors, these may as often as we please be raised to different potentials. If we use metallic discs as the rotating bodies the differences of potential obtainable by means of possible velocities of rota- tion are indefinitely small ; but if we use very bad conductors 136 DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY ON MOVING CONDUCTORS in the differences of potential even for moderate velocities are of the order of the inducing differences. Induction machines without metallic rubbers are based on this principle. The theoretically simplest of such machines consists of a cylinder rotating under the influence of a constant force. How far, however, the explanation here indicated is a complete one must for the present remain a moot question. IV UPPEB LIMIT FOE THE KINETIC ENEBGY OF ELECTEICITY IN MOTION (Wiedemann's Annalen, 14, pp. 581-590, 1881.) In a previous paper 1 I have deduced, from experiments on the strength of extra -currents, the conclusion that the kinetic energy of an electric current of magnetic strength 1 in a copper conductor is less than 0*008 mg. mm. 2 /sec. 2 This con- clusion, however, could only be drawn on the supposition that a certain relation did not exist between the specific resistance of metals and the density of electricity in them. In the present paper I propose to describe an experiment which I have made with a view to demonstrating kinetic energy in electrical flow, but equally with a negative result. This experiment, however, has advantages over the previous ones : for, in the first place, it is more direct ; secondly, it gives a smaller value of the upper limit ; and thirdly, it gives it without limitation of any kind. Suppose a thin metal plate of the form shown in Fig. 1 7 to be traversed by as strong a current as possible between the electrodes A and B ; further, let the points G and D be con- nected with a delicate galvanometer, and let the system be so adjusted that no current flows through the galvanometer. Let the plate be made to rotate about an axis through its centre and perpendicular to its plane. The current will now tend to deviate laterally from the direction AB in case electricity in motion exhibits inertia, for the same mechanical reason that the rotation of the earth causes the trade winds to deviate 138 KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [II] iv from the direction of the meridian. The consequence of this tendency will be a difference of potential between the points C and D, and a current through the galvanometer. This current must be reversed when the direction of rotation is reversed ; when the rotation is clockwise and the current flows in the plate from A to B, then the current through the galvan- ometer outside the plate must flow from D to G, as shown by the arrows. An action of the kind mentioned must occur, whatever be the nature of the electric current, provided only that with it a motion of an inert mass is connected, which changes its direction when the current is reversed. The difficulty of the experiment consists in preparing four connections, sufficiently certain and steady, even with rapid rotations ; this difficulty I have overcome to such an extent that one of the most deli- cate galvanometers could be used when the velocity was 30 turns per second, and the difference of potential between A and B was that of 1 Daniell. No deflection of the needle could be detected which would indicate the existence of electric inertia. Basing my calculations on Weber's hypothesis, I am able from my experiments to infer by the method given below that fju, the kinetic energy of a current of magnetic strength 1 in a cubic millimetre of a silver conductor, cannot greatly exceed 0*00002 mg. mm. 2 /sec 2 . As regards the method of experimenting I may mention the following. The metal plate used was the silvering of a glass plate, produced by Liebig's process. Its form is shown in Fig. 17 ; the distance AB was about 45 mm., the distance GD 25 mm. The leads were soldered to small platinum plates, and these were pressed into contact with the silvering by small screws penetrating the glass plate ; a layer of gold- leaf was introduced between the silvering and the plates, so as to produce a more uniform contact. The electrical resistance was at first 5*4 Siemens units in the direction AB, and 3*5 Siemens units in the direction GD. From some unexplained causes these resistances diminished in time, and after some weeks were found to be 4*8 and 3*1 Siemens units respectively. From the ratio of these resistances and from special experi- ments, it followed that the resistances of the contacts at the leads did not amount to any appreciable fraction of the whole KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [II] 139 ^a® Fig. 17. resistance. The system was adjusted to bring the needle to zero by scraping off the silver at various points of the edge ; but as a sufficiently accurate adjustment from various causes could not be permanently obtained, shunts of several hundred Siemens units resistance were introduced between A and C and between C and B, and by their adjustment the needle could always be brought to zero, in so far as that seemed desirable. The glass plate was fastened to a brass disc so as to permit of a rapid rotation ; the silvered surface faced the disc, and was only separated from it by the thin- nest possible air film. The disc itself was at the end of a horizontal steel spindle, which was set in two bearings in such a way that its two ends were free. The connection to the galvanometer was made at the glass plate itself; that to the battery, which supplied the current, at the other end of the spindle ; the connections to the points A and B were formed by the spindle itself and by a wire lying in a canal bored through the spindle. The arrangement by which the last connection was effected between the moving and fixed parts is shown in Fig. 18. A fine platinum wire passes through a piece of glass tube drawn out to a very fine point and very exactly centred. A second platinum wire is wound round the tube ; and the latter, together with the wires, passes through one vessel of mercury and enters a second in such a way that the first-mentioned wire rotates in the mercury of the last vessel, and the second wire in the mercury of the first vessel. The glass tube was fastened at one end of the spindle by sealing-wax to the glass plate ; at the other end to the spindle itself. As the diameter of the windings of the wire B was only about ^ mm., the platinum moved relatively to the surrounding mercury at a speed of only 160 mm/sec, even with a velocity of rota- tion of 100 revolutions per second. The result was good, for even with the latter velocity there was no appreciable Fig. 18. 140 KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [II] IV transition-resistance ; and the disturbances due to heating were only just perceptible, and small compared with other unavoid- able ones. The spindle was rotated by a cord, which con- nected it with the quickest spindle of a Becquerel's phosphor- oscope, so that it revolved at double the speed of the latter. The crank of the phosphoroscope was turned by hand, one turn of it corresponding to 290 revolutions of the spindle. As the whole apparatus was built as lightly as possible, even large velocities could be rapidly generated and again annulled. The galvanometer used was of Siemens' pattern, with an astatic system of two bell magnets and four coils, with a total resistance of about 7 Siemens units. By aid of external magnets the arrangement could be made as astatic as desired ; in the final experiments the sensitiveness was such that a difference of potential of one-millionth of a Daniell between the points D and C gave a deflection of 32 scale divisions. The motion of the needle was aperiodic ; a second position of rest was reached in about 8 seconds with an accuracy sufficient for the experiments described. The current was supplied from a Daniell cell and measured by a common tangent galvan- ometer. A commutator was placed in the connections to both galvanometer and battery. After the current had been allowed to flow through the plate until no further heating took place, the needle was brought nearly to its natural position of rest by adjusting the external resistances between A, C, and B. Then the crank of the phosphoroscope was made to turn once round as uniformly as possible, an operation which on the average required 8 to 9 seconds, and was terminated by an automatic catch. But after the rotation ceased the needle hardly ever returned to the original position of rest, but to a new position of rest. As soon as this was attained (i.e. after 6 to 8 seconds) it was read off. The deviation from the original position of rest I shall call the permanent deflection ; by the instantaneous de- flection will be meant the distance of the needle at the end of the rotation from the mean of the initial and final resting points. We regard the instantaneous deflection as a measure of the current whose causes act only during the rotation, e.g. the influence of inert mass ; while we ascribe the permanent deflection to disturbances which continue to act after rotation iv KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [II] 141 has ceased. This method of calculation could only lay claim to accuracy if the rotation were uniform and the permanent deflection small; but the disturbances were too various and the deflections too irregular to permit of fuller discussion. The first experiments already showed that if there was any effect of inertia, it did not much exceed the errors un- avoidably introduced by disturbing causes. In order to detect such an effect, and to find as small as possible a value of its upper limit, I took a set of eight observations together, in which the direction of rotation was changed between every two observations : the connection to the galvanometer was reversed every other observation, and the current in the plate was reversed between the first four and the last four observa- tions. Such a set of eight observations I call an experiment. By suitably combining the observations it would be possible to calculate the mean effect of the various disturbing causes for each experiment. For the deflections must include, and we should be able to eliminate from them : — 1. A part which changes sign only when the connection with the galvanometer is reversed, but not when the direction of rotation or the connection to the battery is changed. It could only be due to an electromotive force generated by the rapid rotation at the point of contact of the galvanometer circuit. In so far as this force was thermoelectric the cor- responding deflection must have been permanent. 2. A part whose sign depended on the direction of the galvanometer and battery connections, but not on the direction of rotation. This could be due to various causes : — (a) The straining of the plate by the considerable centri- fugal force, whose effect could only appear in the momentary deflection. (b) An uniform change of temperature of the whole plate owing to rotation, whose effect would be felt in the permanent deflection. (c) A change in the ratios of the resistances AC/BC and AD/BD during the experiment, due to external causes. In fact the resting-point of the needle changed slowly even when there was no rotation, but continuously and so much that the error produced was of the order of the others. The effect was felt in the permanent deflection. 142 KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [II] iv 3. A part whose sign depended, on the direction of rotation as well as on the connections. Thus : — (a) If such a part occurred in the momentary deflection no other cause perhaps could be assigned except the inertia of the electricity moved. (&) In the permanent deflection such a part might be produced, because during rotation two diagonally opposite branches of the bridge moved in front of the other two, and thus were more strongly cooled by the air-currents than the latter. As the conducting layer of silver was very close to the brass disc, I had not anticipated such an effect ; but it proved to be very large, and was especially inconvenient, since it only differed from the effect of inertia in lasting for a time after the rotation ceased. By surrounding the plate and brass disc by cotton wool and by a drum of paper I was able to diminish this disturbance considerably ; and still further by hermetically sealing the paper drum by a coating of paraffin. But even then the disturbance did not completely disappear. I performed two series, each of twenty, of the experiments described. They differed in the strength of the current employed, in the sensitiveness of the galvanometer, and especi- ally in this, that in the first series the paraffin coating mentioned was wanting. The second series was by far the better, and what follows refers to it alone. To it also refers the statement made above respecting the sensitiveness of the galvanometer. The strength of the current was 1*17 mg* mm^/sec magnetic units ; the velocity of rotation, according to what has been said above, was on the average 290/8j= 34 turns per second. The galvanometer deflection at the end of the rotation amounted on the average to 10 to 15 scale divi- sions, and in the succeeding seconds changed mostly by only a few divisions. The greater part of this deflection cor- responded to the causes (2 V) and (2 c), which could no longer be separated: the effect of disturbances (1) and (3 b) was found to be 2 to 4 scale divisions ; the disturbance (2 a) was small. The practicability of the method followed from the fact that the separate disturbances were found to be of the same sign and of the same order of magnitude in all the experiments, almost without exception. The following are the twenty values, in IV KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [II] 143 scale divisions, obtained for the part of the deflection mentioned mder the head (3 a) : — + 3-6, -1-0, -0-0, -2-7, -M, + o-i, -0-6, + 0-8, -1-1, +0-2, -0-4, + 0-5, + 0-7, + 0-5, + 0-8, +1-2, +1-1, + 0-7, + 0-6, + 0-7. The mean of these values is +0*2 3. The difference from zero is somewhat larger than the probable error of the result, but perhaps the cause of the difference is to be looked for in the somewhat arbitrary calculation of the momentary deflection rather than in any physical phenomenon. The effect of inertia should have been a negative deflection, according to the cir- cumstances of the experiment and the sign used ; thus such an effect could not be detected at all. If we attribute the constant deflection 0*23 to some other cause, and calculate the error of the experiments from zero, we still find that the odds are 14 to 1, that no deflection exceeding ^ a scale division, and 3480 : 1, that no deflection exceeding 1 scale division existed, which could be attributed to an inert mass. In calculating the experiment on the basis of Weber's hypothesis, for simplicity I assume that the mass of a positive unit is the same as that of a negative unit, and that both electricities flow in the current with equal and opposite velo- cities. Let m be the mass of the electrostatic unit, v the velocity with which it is compelled to move in the axis of the plate AB or in a parallel straight line ; and let co be the velocity of rotation of the plate. Then the apparent force due to rotation, which acts on the unit perpendicular to its path, is equal to 2?nvco + C, where C is the centrifugal force at the position of the unit. The unit of opposite sign in the same position is subject to a force — 2mvco-\-C The sum of the two forces, 2C, represents a ponderomotive force, namely, the increase in the amount of the centrifugal force acting on the material of the conductor, due to increase of its mass by that of the electricity ; but the difference, X = 4mvw, is in fact the electromotive force which we tried to detect by the galvan- ometer. Now m is equal to M, the mass of all the positive and negative electricity contained in one cubic millimetre, divided by the number of electrostatic units contained in one cubic millimetre ; this number again is equal to i, the current- 144 KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [II] IV density, measured electrostatically, divided by the velocity v ; hence m = Mv/i and X = 4co.Mv 2 /i = 4:ico . Mv 2 /i 2 . Now with- out altering the equation we may use magnetic units on both sides ; if we do so, Mv 2 /i 2 = M^/*o is that quantity which in the introduction is denoted by [i, and thus X = 4//i&). Here we put for the current-density i the quotient of the total current-strength J by q, the cross-section of the conductor, and for the electromotive intensity X the quotient of <£, the differ- ence of potential between the points C and D, by b, the breadth of the plate ; if we call its mean thickness cl, then we get cp = 4:/jLj(ob/q = 4:jj.Ja>/d, or, as we require fi, cj>q = 1 scale division = 1/32 x 10 6 of a Daniell = 3300 mg* mm 1 sec ; 1 ; and thus find yLt=0-0000185 mm 2 . Thus \x appears as an area, namely, energy divided by the unit of the square of a magnetic current-density and by the unit of volume. Since the value (/> = 1 scale division was found to be extremely improbable, the statement made in the introduction is justified. Even if the assumptions made in calculating the experiments were only very rough approxima- iv KINETIC ENERGY OF ELECTRICITY IN MOTION [II] 145 tions, it would still remain unlikely that even a much narrower limit should be exceeded. It is worth noting that we do know electric currents, which certainly possess kinetic energy [of matter] considerably exceeding in magnitude the limit determined, namely, currents in electrolytes. From the chemical equivalent of a current of strength 1 in magnetic measure, and from the migration number of silver nitrate, it is easy to calculate the velocities with which the atomic groups Ag and N0 3 move in a solu- tion of this salt of given concentration, when a current of unit density flows through the solution. Hence the kinetic energy of this motion follows, and in fact we find approximately for solutions of average concentrations fi=Q'00*78/n mm 2 , when there are n parts by weight of salt to 1 of water. Thus if the experiment described could be performed with an elec- trolyte under the same conditions as with a metal, it would give a positive result ; but as a matter of fact, the resistance and decomposition of the electrolyte prevent our obtaining anything like equally favourable conditions of experiment. M. P. OX THE COXTACT OF ELASTIC SOLIDS {Journal fur die reine und angewandtc Mathematik, 92, pp. 156-171, 1881.) In the theory of elasticity the causes of the deformations are assumed to be partly forces acting throughout the volume of the body, partly pressures applied to its surface. For both classes of forces it may happen that they become infinitely great in one or more infinitely small portions of the body, but so that the integrals of the forces taken throughout these elements remain finite. If about the singular point we describe a closed surface of small dimensions compared to the whole body, but very large in comparison with the element in which the forces act, the deformations outside and inside this surface may be treated independently of each other. Outside, the deformations depend upon the shape of the whole body, the finite integrals of the force-components at the singular point, and the distribution of the remaining forces ; inside, they depend only upon the distribution of the forces acting inside the element. The pressures and deformations inside the sur- face are infinitely great in comparison with those outside. In what follows we shall treat of a case which is one of the class referred to above, and which is of practical interest, 1 namely, the case of two elastic isotropic bodies which touch each other over a very small part of their surface and exert upon each other a finite pressure, distributed over the common area of contact. The surfaces in contact are imagined as perfectly smooth, i.e. we assume that only a normal pressure 1 Cf. Winkler, Die Lchre von der Elastic itdt unci Festigkeit, vol. i. p. 43 (Prag. 1867) ; and Grashof, Tfieorie der Elasticitdt und Festigkeit, pp. 49-54 (Berlin, 1878). v CONTACT OF ELASTIC SOLIDS 147 acts between the parts in contact. The portion of the surface which during deformation is common to the two bodies we shall call the surface of pressure, its boundary the curve of pressure. The questions which from the nature of the case first demand an answer are these : What surface is it, of which the surface of pressure forms an infinitesimal part l l What is the form and what is the absolute magnitude of the curve of pressure ? How is the normal pressure distributed over the surface of pressure ? It is of importance to determine the maximum pressure occurring in the bodies when they are pressed together, since this determines whether the bodies will be without permanent deformation ; lastly, it is of interest to know how much the bodies approach each other under the influence of a given total pressure. We are given the two elastic constants of each of the bodies which touch, the form and relative position of their surfaces near the point of contact, and the total pressure. We shall choose our units so that the surface of pressure may be finite. Our reasoning will then extend to all finite space ; the full dimensions of the bodies in contact we must imagine as infinite. In the first place we shall suppose that the two surfaces are brought into mathematical contact, so that the common normal is parallel to the direction of the pressure which one body is to exert on the other. The common tangent plane is taken as the plane xy, the normal as axis of z, in a rect- angular rectilinear system of coordinates. The distance of any point of either surface from the common tangent plane will in the neighbourhood of the point of contact, i.e. through- out all finite space, be represented by a homogeneous quad- ratic function of x and y. Therefore the distance between two corresponding points of the two surfaces will also be represented by such a function. We shall turn the axes of x and y so that in the last-named function the term involving xy is absent. 1 In general the radii of curvature of the surface of a body in a state of strain are only infinitesimally altered ; but in our particular case they are altered by finite amounts, and in this lies the justification of the present question. For instance, when two equal spheres of the same material touch each other, the surface of pressure forms part of a plane, i.e. of a surface which is different in character from both of the surfaces in contact. 148 CONTACT OF ELASTIC SOLIDS V Then we may write the equations of the two surfaces z, = A,x 2 + Qxy + B^ 2 , z 2 = A/ + Qxy + B/, and we have for the distance between corresponding points of the two surfaces z Y — z 2 = Ax 2 + By 2 , where A = A 1 — A 2 , B = B x — B 2 , and A, B, C are all infinitesimal. 1 From the meaning of the quantity z 1 — z 2 it follows that A and B have the like sign, which we shall take positive. This is equivalent to choosing the positive 2-axis to fall inside the body to which the index 1 refers. Further, we imagine in each of the two bodies a rect- angular rectilinear system of axes, rigidly connected at infinity with the corresponding body, which system of axes coincides with the previously chosen system of xyz during the mathematical contact of the two surfaces. When a pressure acts on the bodies these systems of coordinates will be shifted parallel to the axis of z relatively to one another ; and their relative motion will be the same in amount as the distance by which those parts of the bodies approach each other which are at an infinite distance from the point of contact. The plane z = in each of these systems is infinitely near to the part of the surface of the corresponding body which is at a finite distance, and therefore may itself be considered as the surface, and the direction of the 2-axis as the direction of the normal to this surface. Let £ , 7), f be the component displacements parallel to the axes of x, y, z; let Y x denote the component parallel to Oy of the pressure on a plane element whose normal is parallel to Ox, exerted by the portion of the body for which x has smaller values on the portion for which x has larger values, and let a similar notation be used for the remaining com- 1 Let p u , p 12 be the reciprocals of the principal radii of curvature of the sur- face of the first body, reckoned positive when the corresponding centres of curvature lie inside this body ; similarly let p 21 , /> 22 be the principal curvatures of the surface of the second body ; lastly, let co be the angle which the planes of the curvatures p n and p 21 make with each other. Then 2(A + B)=p u + p 12 +/) 21 +/> 22 , 2( A - B) = V( Pll - p^) 2 + 2(p 11 - Pv2 )(p 2l - p 22 ) cos 2w + (p 21 - p 22 )~. If we introduce an auxiliary angle r by the equation cos r= (A - B)/(A + B), then 2 A = ( Pn + Pl2 + p n + p 22 ) cos 2 ^, 2B = ( Pn + Pn + p 2l + p 22 ) sin 2 ^. v CONTACT OF ELASTIC SOLIDS 149 ponents of pressure ; lastly let K^ and K 2 2 l be the respective coefficients of elasticity of the bodies. Generally, where the quantities refer to either body, we shall omit the indices. We then have the following conditions for equilibrium: — 1. Inside each body we must have = V 2 £ + (l + 20)^, = v 2 ^ + (l + 20& Ox oy oz ox t oy oz and in 1 we have to put 1 for 0, in 2 # 2 for 0. 2. At the boundaries the following conditions must hold : — (a) At infinity f, 77, f vanish, for our systems of co- ordinates are rigidly connected with the bodies there. (b) For 2=0, i.e. at the surface of the bodies, the tan- gential stresses which are perpendicular to the 2-axis must vanish, or (c) For z = 0, outside a certain portion of this plane, viz. outside the surface of pressure, the normal stress also must vanish, or :(|f+^ Inside that part %zl - %z2- We do not know the distribution of pressure over that part, but instead we have a condition for the displacement f over it. (d) For if a denote the relative displacement of the two systems of coordinates to which we refer the displacements, the distance between corresponding points of the two surfaces after deformation is Ax 2 + By 2 -f ?i — f 2 "" a > anc ^- s i Rce this distance vanishes inside the surface of pressure we have fj - f 2 = a - Ax 2 - B?/ 2 = a - z } + « 2 . (e) To the conditions enumerated we must add the con- 1 [Kirchhoff's notation, MechaniJc, p. 121. — Tp,.] 150 CONTACT OF ELASTIC SOLIDS v clition that inside the surface of pressure Z z is everywhere positive, and the condition that outside the surface of pressure f x — % 2 >a — Ax 2 — By 2 , otherwise the one body would overflow into the other. (/) Lastly the integral Z z ds, taken over the part of the surface which is bounded by the curve of pressure, must be equal to the given total pressure, which we shall call p. The particular form of the surface of the two bodies only occurs in the boundary condition (2 d), apart from which each of the bodies acts as if it were an infinitely extended body occupying all space on one side of the plane z— 0, and as if only normal pressures acted on this plane. We there- fore consider more closely the equilibrium of such a body. Let P be a function which inside the body satisfies the equation y 2 ? = \ m particular, we shall regard P as the potential of a distribution of electricity on the finite part of the plane 2=0. Further let n= - % where i is an infinitely great quantity, and J is a constant so chosen as to make II finite. For this purpose J must be equal to the natural logarithm of i multiplied by the total charge of free electricity corresponding to the potential P. Prom the definition of II it follows that 2TT 28P 2(1 + 0) Introducing the contraction 3- = „, 9 ^ we put an an an dP 2 SP This system of displacements is easily seen to satisfy the V CONTACT OF ELASTIC SOLIDS 151 differential equations given for f, rj, £ and the displacements vanish at infinity. For the pressure components we find X = -2K-^ + ja 2 n X„, = - 2K n [dx 2 ' K(l + 20) + ^P an 2 an 2 dn, 9ap ft = - -t— . % = - -5- » & = - ~ - 2£ 2 P ; dx dy dz 152 CONTACT OF ELASTIC SOLIDS v whence we have for z = ?, = *,P, ft = - S S P, Z, x = - 2±, Z zl = 2^ . oz oz This assumption satisfies the conditions (1), (2 a), and (2 &) according to the explanations given. Since dVjdz has on the two sides of the plane z = values equal but of opposite sign, and since it vanishes outside the electrically charged surface whose potential is P, the conditions (2 c) also are fulfilled, pro- vided the surface of pressure coincides with the electrically charged surface. From the fact that P is continuous across the plane z = 0, it follows that for z = 0, S- 2 ^ + S-^ 2 = 0. But according to the condition (2 d) we have for the surface of pressure, f x — f 2 = a — z l + z 2 ; here therefore Apart from a constant which depends on the choice of the system of coordinates, and need therefore not be considered, the equation of the surface of pressure is z = z 1 + ^ 1 =z 2 + f 2 > or (-9-! + S- 2 )z = S- 2 z x -f 3-iZ 2 . Thus the surface of pressure is part of a quadric surface lying between the undeformed positions of the surfaces which touch each other ; and is most like the boundary of the body having the greater coefficient of elasticity. If the bodies are composed of the same material it is the mean surface of the surfaces of the two bodies, since then 2z — Zi -\- z 2 . We now make a definite assumption as to the distribution of the electricity whose potential is P. Let it be distributed over an ellipse whose semi-axes a and b coincide with the axes of y x and y, with a density — — / 1 — — _ — -^ , so that it can be 87r 2 ab\J a 1 V regarded as a charge which fills an infinitely flattened ellipsoid with uniform volume density. Then op 1 - 1 6ttJ \ cr + \ b 2 + \ \ ) J (a 2 + \)(b 2 + \)\ dX v CONTACT OF ELASTIC SOLIDS 153 where u, the inferior limit of integration, is the positive root of the cubic equation a 2 -\-u b 2 + u u Inside the surface of pressure, which is bounded by the given ellipse, we have u = 0, P = L — Mx 2 — N?/ 2 ; where L, M, N denote certain positive definite integrals. The condition (2d) is satisfied by choosing a and b so that (.»! + £ 2 )M = A, (^ + £ 2 )N = B, which is always possible. The unknown a which occurs in the condition is then determined by the equation It follows directly from the equation 2irah V a 2 b 2 that the first of the conditions (2 e) is satisfied. To show that the second also is satisfied is to prove that when z = and x 2 ja 2 + y 2 jb 2 >l ) (^ + £ 2 )P > a - Ax 2 - Bif. For this purpose we observe that here P = L - Mx 2 - % gg /•/ _ x 2 y 2 \ d\ 16tt )\ a 2 + \ ~ 6 2 + V J (a 2 + \)(b 2 + \)\ o and hence P > L — Mx 2 — N?/ 2 , for the numerator of the ex- pression under the sign of integration is negative throughout the region considered. Multiplying by 3- + 3- 2 we get the inequality which was to be proved. Finally, a simple integra- tion shows that the last condition ( 2 /) also is satisfied ; therefore we have in the assumed expression for P and the corresponding system f, r\, f a solution which satisfies all the conditions. 154 CONTACT OF ELASTIC SOLIDS The equations for the axes of the ellipse of pressure written explicitly are l du A 16tt \/(a 2 + u)Xb 2 + u)u ^+^ 2 3p OO J rZw B 16tt v/(ft 2 + m) (& 2 + ufu ^+£ 9 3p ' or introducing the ratio h = a/b, and transforming, )7r a(a+b) 3p 1 4K(1 + 20> b{a + b) dp 1 dj dz 4K(1 + 20)tt«& The negative sign of these three quantities shows that the element in question is compressed in all three directions. The compressions vary as the cube root of the total pressure. It is easy to determine from them the pressures at the origin. These pressures "are the most intense of all those occurring throughout the bodies pressed together ; we may therefore say that the limit of elasticity will not be exceeded until these pressures become of the order of magnitude required for transgressing the elastic limit. In plastic bodies, e.g. in the v CONTACT OF ELASTIC SOLIDS 157 softer metals, this transgression will at first consist in a lateral deformation accompanied by a permanent compression ; so that it will not result in an infinitely increasing disturbance of equilibrium, but the surface of pressure will increase beyond the calculated dimensions until the pressure per unit area is sufficiently small to be sustained. It is more difficult to de- termine what happens in the case of brittle bodies, as hard steel, glass, crystals, in which a transgression of the elastic limit occurs only through the formation of a rent or crack, i.e. only under the influence of tensional forces. Such a crack cannot start in the element considered above, which is com- pressed in every direction ; and with our present-day knowledge of the tenacity of brittle bodies it is indeed impossible exactly to determine in which element the conditions for the production of a crack first occur when the pressure is increased. However, a more detailed discussion shows this much, that in bodies which in their elastic behaviour resemble glass or hard steel, much the most intense tensions occur at the surface, and in fact at the boundary of the surface of pressure. Such a dis- cussion shows it to be probable that the first crack starts at the ends of the smaller axis of the ellipse of pressure, and proceeds perpendicularly to this axis along that ellipse. The formulas found become especially simple when both the bodies which touch each other are spheres. In this case the surface of pressure is part of a sphere. If p is the recip- rocal of its radius, and if p and p 9 are the reciprocals of the radii of the touching spheres, then we have the relation (S- 1 + S- 2 )p = S- 2 p 1 + S- 1 p 2 ; which for spheres of the same material takes the simpler form 2p = p l + p 2 . The curve of pressure is a circle whose radius we shall call a. If we put then will 16ttJ\ « 2 + w «/0 2 +w) n A'' u which may also be expressed in a form free of integrals. We easily find for a, the radius of the circle of pressure, and for a, the distance through which the spheres approach 158 CONTACT OF ELASTIC SOLIDS v each other, and also for the displacement f over the part of the plane z — inside the circle of pressure : — 16a _6p 2«'-r- fe 32^ a 3 " Outside the circle of pressure f is represented by a some- what more complicated expression, involving an inverse tangent. Very simple expressions may be got for f and 77 at the plane z = 0. For the compression at the plane z = we find 3^> \Ar — r tF ~" 2K(1 + 20>r a 3 inside the circle of pressure ; outside it 5?. 3 27m 2 ' ^ ' 4(1 + 20) 7m 2 ' The formulae obtained may be directly applied to particular cases. In most bodies 6 may with a sufficient approximation be made equal to 1. Then K becomes f- of the modulus of elasticity ; .9- becomes equal to - 3 ^ 2 - times the reciprocal of that modulus ; in all bodies 3- is between three and four times this reciprocal value. If, for instance, we press a glass lens of 100 metres radius with the weight of 1 kilogramme against a plane glass plate (in which case the first Xewton's ring would have a radius of about 5*2 millimetres), we get a surface of pressure which is part of a sphere of radius equal to 200 metres. The radius of the circle of pressure is 2 "6 7 millimetres ; the distance of approach of the glass bodies amounts to only 7 1 millionths of a millimetre. The pressure Z z at the centre of the surface of pressure is 0'0669 kilogrammes per square millimetre, and the perpendicular pressures X x and Y have v CONTACT OF ELASTIC SOLIDS 159 about |- that value. As a second example, consider a number of steel spheres pressed by their own weight against a rigid horizontal plane. We find that the radius of the circle of pressure in millimetres is very approximately a = 1( j L ()0 B*. Hence for spheres of radii 1 mm., 1 m., 1 km., 1000 km., a becomes about 3-^ mm., 10 mm. 100 m., 1000 km. or _i l _i i 1000' 100' 10' 1 of the radius. For spheres whose radius exceeds 1 km. the radius of the circle of pressure is more than -^ of the radius of the sphere. Our calculations do not apply to such ratios, for we presupposed the ratio to be a small fraction. But the very fact that for such large spheres equilibrium is no longer possible with small deformations shows that equili- brium is altogether impossible. Consider further two steel spheres of equal radius touching one another and pressed together only by their mutual gravitational attraction. In millimetres we find l the radius of the circle of pressure to be p = 0-000000378K 1 . If the radius of the two spheres is 4*3 kilometres, then p = ^bo^ > ^ ^ * s ■"• ^ 6 kilometres, then p = yqR. That value of E, for which the elastic forces cease to be able to equilibrate gravitational attraction, will lie between the above values and nearer to the greater. If steel spheres of greater radius be placed touching each other, they will break up into pieces whose dimensions are of the order of the values of R just mentioned. Finally, we shall apply the formulas we have obtained to the impact of elastic bodies. It follows, both from existing observations and from the results of the following considera- tions, that the time of impact, i.e. the time during which the impinging bodies remain in contact, is very small in absolute value ; yet it is very large compared with the time taken by waves of elastic deformation in the bodies in question to traverse distances of the order of magnitude of that part of their surfaces which is common to the two bodies when in 1 In these calculations the modulus of elasticity of steel is taken to be 20,000 kg/mm 2 , its density 77, and the mean density of the earth 6. 160 CONTACT OF ELASTIC SOLIDS V closest contact, and which we shall call the surface of impact. It follows that the elastic state of the two bodies near the point of impact during the whole duration of impact is very nearly the same as the state of equilibrium which would be produced by the total pressure subsisting at any instant between the two bodies, supposing it to act for a long time. If then we determine the pressure between the two bodies by means of the relation which we previously found to hold between this pressure and the distance of approach along the common normal of two bodies at rest, and also throughout the volume of each body make use of the equations of motion of elastic solids, we can trace the progress of the phenomenon very exactly. \Ye cannot in this way expect to obtain general laws ; but we may obtain a number of such if we make the further assumption that the time of impact is also large com- pared with the time taken by elastic waves to traverse the impinging bodies from end to end. \Vhen this condition is fulfilled, all parts of the impinging bodies, except those infinitely close to the point of impact, will move as parts of rigid bodies ; we shall show from our results that the condition in question may be realised in the case of actual bodies. We retain our system of axes of wyz. Let a be the resolved part parallel to the axis of z of the distance of two points one in each body, which are chosen so that their distance from the surface of impact is small compared with the dimensions of the bodies as a whole, but large compared with the dimensions of the surface of impact ; and let a' denote the differential coefficient of a with regard to the time. If dJ is the momentum lost in time dt by one body and gained by the other, then it follows from the theory of impact of rigid bodies that da! = — Jc^U, where Jc x is a quantity depending only upon the masses of the impinging bodies, their principal moments of inertia, and the situation of their principal axes of inertia relatively to the normal at the point of impact. 1 On 1 See Poisson, TraiU de mecanique, II. chap. vii. In the notation there employed we have for the constant Jc\ _ 1 (b cos y- c cos j3) 2 (c cos a - a cos y) 2 (a cos /3 - b cos a) 2 1 (&'cos7'-c'cos/3') 2 (c' cos a - a' cosy') 2 (a' cos /3' - b' cos a') 2 + M' + ~ A' ~ + W +_ C~ V CONTACT OF ELASTIC SOLIDS 161 the other hand, dJ is equal to the element of time clt, multi- plied by the pressure which during that time acts between the bodies. This is k 2 a? } where h 2 is a constant to be determined from what precedes, which constant depends only on the form of the surfaces and the elastic properties quite close to the point of impact. Hence dJ = h 2 a-dt and da = — kjc 2 cfidt ; integrating, and denoting by a the value of a just before impact, we find a — a I + ^Jcjc 2 a^ = 0, which equation expresses the principle of the conservation of energy. When the bodies approach as closely as possible a vanishes ; if a m denote the corresponding value of a, then a m = I j , and the simultaneous maximum pressure is Vm = &2 a i From this we at once obtain the dimensions of the surface of impact. In order to deduce the variation of the phenomenon with the time, we integrate again and obtain m da a The upper limit is so chosen that t = at the instant of nearest approach. For each value of the lower limit a, the double sign of the radical gives two equal positive and negative values of t. Hence a is an even and a an odd function of t ; im- mediately after impact the points of impact separate along the normal with the same relative velocity with which they approached each other before impact. And the same tran- scendental function which represents the variation of a between its initial and final values, also represents the variations of all the component velocities from their initial to their final values. In the first place, the bodies touch when a = ; they separate when a again = 0. Hence the duration of contact, that is the time of impact, is T=2| *** : =2 V / 25 = o "j M. P. M 162 CONTACT OF ELASTIC SOLIDS V= , = 1-4716. o Thus the time of impact may become infinite in various ways without the time, with which it is to be compared, also becoming infinite. In particular the time of impact becomes infinite when the initial relative velocity of the impinging bodies is infinitely small ; so that whatever be the other circumstances of any given impact, provided the velocities are chosen small enough, the given developments will have any accuracy desired. In every case this accuracy will be the same as that of the so-called laws of impact of perfectly elastic bodies for the given case. For the direct impact of two spheres of equal radius E and of the same material of density q the constants l\ and l\ 2 are 8 /E hence in the particular case of two equal steel spheres of radius E, taking the millimetre as unit of length, and the weight of one kilogramme as unit of force, we have log \ = 8-78 -3 log R, logh = 4-03+1 log E. Thus for two such -spheres impinging with relative velocity v : the radius of the surface of impact . a m = - 0020E#mm, the time of impact . . . T = 0-000024E?T i sec, the total pressure at the instant of nearest approach . . . p m = 0'00025RVkg, the simultaneous maximum pressure at the centre of impact per unit area . . . . p' m = 29'l^kg/mm 2 . For instance, when the radius of the spheres is 25 mm., the velocity 10 mm/sec, then a m =-- 013 mm., T = 0-00038 sec, jt? m =2 , 47kg. J p f m = 73'0 "kg/mm. 2 For two steel spheres as large as the earth, impinging with an initial velocity of 10 mm/sec, the duration of contact would be nearly 2 7 hours. VI OX THE COXTACT OF EIGID ELASTIC SOLIDS AND OX HAEDXESS ( Verhancllungen des Vcrcins zur Bcforderung des Gewerbcfleisses, November 1882.) When two elastic bodies are pressed together, they touch each other not merely in a mathematical point, but over a small but finite part of their surfaces, which part we shall call the surface of pressure. The form and size of this surface and the distribution of the stresses near it have been frequently considered ("Winkler, Lehre von der Elasticitdt unci Festigkeit, Prag. 1867, I. p. 43 ; Grashof, Thcoric der Mastic licit unci Festiglccit, Berlin, 1878, pp. 49-54); but hitherto the results have either been approximate or have even involved unknown empirical constants. Yet the problem is capable of exact solution, and I have given the investigation of the problem in vol. xcii. of the Journal fur reine unci angevjandte Mathcmatik, p. 156. 1 As some aspects of the subject are of considerable technical interest, I may here treat it more fully, with an addition concerning hardness. I shall first restate briefly the proof of the fundamental formulae. We first imagine the two bodies brought into mathematical contact ; the common normal coincides with the line of action of the pressure' which the one body exerts upon the other. In the common taugent plane we take rectangular rectilinear axes of xy, the origin of which coincides with the point of contact; the third perpendicular axis is that of z. We can confine our attention to that part of each body which is very close to the point of contact, since here the stresses are extremely great compared with those occurring elsewhere, and 1 See Y. p. 146. 164 OX HAEDXESS vi consequently depend only to the very smallest extent on the forces applied to other parts of the bodies. Hence it is suffi- cient to know the form of the surfaces infinitely near the point of contact. To a first approximation, if we consider each body separately, we may even suppose their surfaces to coin- cide with the common tangent plane z = 0, and the common normal to coincide with the axis of z\ to a second approxima- tion, when we wish to consider the space between the bodies, it is sufficient to retain only the quadratic terms in xy in the development of the equations of the surfaces. The distance between opposite points of the two surfaces then becomes a homogeneous quadratic function of the x and y belonging to the two points ; and we can turn our axes of x and y so that from this function the term in xy disappears. After com- pleting this operation let the distance between the surfaces be given by the equation c = Arc 2 + By' 2 . A and B must of necessity have the same sign, since e cannot vanish ; when we construct the curves for which e has the same value, we obtain a system of similar ellipses, whose centre is the origin. Our problem now is to assign such a form to the surface of pressure and such a system of displacements and stresses to its neigh- bourhood, that (1) these displacements and stresses may satisfy the differential equations of equilibrium of elastic bodies, and the stresses may vanish at a great distance from the surface of pressure ; that (2) the tangential components of stress may vanish all over both surfaces; that (3) at the surface the normal pressure also may vanish outside the surface of pressure, but inside it pressure and counterpressure may be equal ; the integral of this pressure, taken over the whole surface of pressure, must be equal to the total pressure p fixed before- hand ; that, lastly (4) the distance between the surfaces, which is altered by the displacements, may vanish in the surface of pressure, and be greater than zero outside it. To express the last condition more exactly, let £ lt tj 1} ^ be the displacements parallel to the axes of x, y, z in the first body, f 2 , rj 2i f 2 those in the second. In each let them be estimated relatively to the undeformed parts of the bodies, which are at a distance from the surface of pressure; and let a denote the distance by which these parts are caused by the pressure to approach each other. Then any two points of the two bodies, which vi ON HARDNESS 165 have the same coordinates x, y, have approached each other by a distance a — ^ + f 2 under the action of the pressure ; this approach must in the surface of pressure neutralise the original distance Ax 2 + By 2 . Hence here we must have f x — f 2 = a — Ax 2 — By 2 , whilst elsewhere over the surfaces fj — J 2 > , K = -JE. As a matter of fact a particular combination of K and © will play the principal part in our formulae, for which we shall therefore introduce a special symbol. We put 2(1+©) K(l + 2©)' In bodies like glass, &=4/3K=32/9E; in all bodies 3- lies between 3/E and 4/E, since © lies between and co . In regard to the ITs we must note that calculated by the above formulae they have infinite values ; but their differential co- efficients, which alone concern us, are finite. It would only be necessary to add to the ITs infinite constants of suitable magnitude to make them finite. By a simple differentiation, remembering that \7 2 P =0, we find 2 ap . 2 ap 1 K 2 oz K 2 dz We now assume the following expressions for the displace- ments in the two bodies : — an, an, 8 n whence follow ^,^,%_ nm , n sp 2— sp ON HARDNESS 167 2 8P K 2 (l + 2® 2 ) d: In the first place, this system satisfies the equations of equilibrium, for we have and similar equations hold for f 2 , rj ly t) 2 ; for the f s we get the same result, remembering that y 2 P = 0. For the tangential stress components at the surface (2 = 0) we find, leaving out the indices : — \dx dz) \ dzdx ^ dx J ^"dxdz as the second condition requires. It is more troublesome to prove that the third condition is satisfied. We again omit indices, as the calculation applies equally to both bodies. We have generally 3 f r, \ \ dm 2(2 + 3@ 9P] 2K ^ + 0o- = -2KW +~ 2Ki dz t OT ; = - ^W * K(l + 2@) dz~ ( a 2 p ap = 2z dz° : ~ 2 T Z ' ap therefore at the surface Z z = — 2^— . Now, using the equa- tion for u, we have generally ap Sp f d\ 'dz = ~~ 8?j xV(a 2 + XX6 2 + ^)x' ap and therefore at the surface -~- vanishes, as it must do, and dz ' with it Z 3 , at any rate outside the surface of pressure. In the compressed surface, where u=0, the expression takes the 168 ON HARDNESS vi form . co ; the ordinary procedure for the evaluation of such an indeterminate form gives dV Sp Z \z dz~ Swabus/u' that is, since for u = we have / X 2 lf\ o ap sp 1 x 2 dz 2irab\! a 2 6-" Here no quantity occurs which could be affected by an index. Hence in the surface of pressure Z z is the same for both bodies ; pressure and counter-pressure are equal. Lastly, the integral of Z z over the surface of pressure is 3p/4z7rah times the volume of an ellipsoid whose semi-axes are 1, a, b; i.e. it equals p, and therefore the total pressure has the required value. It remains to be shown that the fourth condition can be satisfied by a suitable choice of the semi-axes a and b. .For this purpose we remark that an, z ap ft so that at the surface £i = ^P and f 2 = & 2 P. Since inside the surface of pressure the lower limit u of the integral is constantly zero, inside that surface P has the form P = L — Mx 2 — ~Ny 2 ; and therefore it is necessary so to determine a, b and a that (^ + £ 2 )M = A, (^ + S 2 )N = B, (^ + £ 2 )L = a, so as to satisfy the equation ^ — f = a — Ax 2 — B?/ 2 , and this determination is always possible. Written explicitly the equations for a and b are du A 16tt du B 16tt *J(a 2 + u)(b 2 + uYu ~ S~+^ 2 ~Sp' (I) VI ON HARDNESS 169 Finally, it is easily shown that the very essential in- equality, which must he fulfilled outside the surface of pressure, is actually satisfied ; but I omit the proof, since it requires the repetition of complicated integrals. Thus our formulae express the correct solution of the proposed problem, and we may use them to answer the chief questions which may be asked concerning the subject. It is necessary to carry the evaluation of the quantities a and b a step further ; for the equations hitherto found for them cannot straightway be solved, and in general not even the quantities A and B are explicitly known. I assume that we are given the four principal curvatures (reciprocals of the principal radii of curvature) of the two surfaces, as well as the relative position of their planes ; let the former be p n and p 12 for the one body, p 21 and p 22 for the other, and let co be the angle between the planes of p u and of p 21 . Let the p's be reckoned positive when the corresponding centres of curvature lie inside the body considered. Let our axes of xy be placed so that the ajz-plane makes with the plane of p n the angle &/, so far unknown. Then the equations of the surfaces are 2z 1 = p n (x cos co + y sin a/) 2 + p l2 {y cos co — x sin co') 2 , 2z 2 — — p 2l {x cos (&/ — co)-\-y sin (&/ — co)} 2 — p 22 {y cos (g/ — co) — x sin (a/ — co)} 2 . The difference z x — z 2 gives the distance between the surfaces. Putting it = Ax 2 + ~By 2 , and equating coefficients of x 2 , xy, y 2 on both sides, we obtain three equations for co ' , A and B ; their solution gives for the angle co ', which evidently de- termines the position of the axes of the ellipse of pressure relatively to the surfaces, the equation , , (/> 21 -/> 22 )sin2a> tan 2 co = for A and B 2(A-B) = Pn ~ pu + (P21 ~ /> 22 ) cos 2 * 2(A + B) = p n + p l2 + p 2l + p 22 , - s/(pn - Pvi) 2 + 2 (f ii - P12XP21 - p 22 )cos 2o) + (p 21 - p 22 J 170 ON HARDNESS VI For the purpose of what follows it is convenient to introduce an auxiliary angle r by the equation A-B COS T = A + B' and then 2 A = ( Pll + p 12 + p 21 + p2^s™2 ' 2B = (p u + p 12 + p 21 + p 22 )cos 2 - • We shall introduce these values into the equations for a and b, and at the same time transform the integrals occurring there by putting in the first u = b 2 z 2 , in the second u = a 2 z 2 . Denoting the ratio b/a by k we get If dz 4tt p n + p 12 + a 3 J V( 1 + & V) 3 ( 1 + r ) 3^ " ^ + £ 2 I I ^ _ 4ir p n + pig + p 2 i + P22 cos 2^ J 1 + s (!+«") Dividing the one equation by the other we get a new one, involving only h and t, so that h is a function of r alone ; and the same is true of the integrals occurring in the equa- tions. If we solve them by writing Vs(o n 3^i + ^2) Kpll + Pl2 + p-n + pw) ' 'V KP11 + P12 + P21 + P22)' then yL6 and v depend only on r, that is on the ratio of the axes of the ellipse e = constant. The integrals in question may all be reduced to complete elliptic integrals of the first species and their differential coefficients with respect to the ON HARDNESS 171 modulus, and can therefore be found by means of Legendre's tables without further quadratures. But the calculations are wearisome, and I have therefore calculated the table given below, 1 in which are found the values of /x and v for ten values of the argument r ; presumably interpolation between these values will always yield a sufficiently near approxima- tion. We may sum up our results thus : The form of the ellipse of pressure is conditioned solely by the form of the ellipses e = constant. With a given shape its linear di- mensions vary as the cube root of the pressure, inversely as the cube root of the arithmetical mean of the curvatures, and also directly as the cube root of the mean value of the elastic coefficients & ; that is, very nearly as the cube root of the mean value of the reciprocals of the moduli of elasticity. It is to be noted that the area of the ellipse of pressure in- creases, other things being equal, the more elongated its form. If we imagine that of two bodies touching each other one be rotated about the common normal while the total pressure is kept the same, then the area of the surface of pressure will be a maximum and the mean pressure per unit area a minimum in that position in which the ratio of the axes of the ellipse of pressure differs most from 1. Our next inquiry concerns the indentations experienced by the bodies and the distance by which they approach each other in consequence of the pressure ; the latter we called a and found its value to be (^ + 3- 2 )L. Transforming the integral L a little, we get a = 3p &! + S- 2 Sir a dz V(l+£V)(l + s 2 )' The distances by which the origin approaches the distant T 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 I /* 1-000 1-128 1-284 1-486 1-754 2-136 2731 3-778 6-612 OO V 1-000 0-893 0-802 0-717 0-641 0-567 0-493 0-408 0-319 172 ON HARDNESS VI parts of the bodies may be suitably denoted as indentations. Their values are easily found by multiplying by ^ + S- 2 and thus separating a into two portions. Substituting for a its value, we see that a involves a numerical factor which depends on the form of the ellipse of pressure ; and that for a given value of this factor a varies as the % power of the pressure, as the |- power of the mean value of the coefficients S-, and as the cube root of the mean value of the curvatures. If one or more of these curvatures become infinitely great, then distance of approach and indentations become infinitely great — a result sufficiently illustrated by the penetrating action of points and edges. We assumed the surface of pressure to be so small that the deformed surfaces could be represented by quadric sur- faces throughout a region large compared with the surface of pressure. Such an assumption can no longer be made after application of the pressure ; in fact outside the surface of pressure the surface can only be represented by a complicated function. But we find that inside the surface of pressure the surface remains a quadric surface to the same approximation as before. Here we have ^ — f 2 = a — Ax 2 — ~hy 2 — a — z 1 + z 2 , again £i = 3~i~P> £2 = ^2^> or £1 : £2 = ^"1 : ^2> anc ^ lastly, the equation of the deformed surface is z = % + £1 = %2 + f 2 5 whence neglecting a constant, we easily deduce (^-^^z = S- 2 z 1 + S- 1 z 2 . This equation expresses what we wished to demonstrate ; it also shows that the common surface after deformation lies between the two original surfaces, and most nearly resembles the body which has the greater modulus of elasticity. When spheres are in contact the surface of pressure also forms part of a sphere : when cylinders touch with axes crossed it forms part of a hyperbolic paraboloid. So far we have spoken of the changes of form, now we will consider the stresses. We have already found for the normal pressure in the compressed surface 7 3 ^ /1 ?ZZ z 2ahirSJ L a 2 b 2 ' This increases from the periphery to the centre, as do the ordinates of an ellipsoid constructed on the ellipse of pressure ; it vanishes at the edge, and at the centre is one and a half times as great as it would be if the total pressure were vi ON HARDNESS 173 equally distributed over the surface of pressure. Besides Z z the remaining two principal tensions at the origin can be expressed in a finite form. It may be sufficient to state that they are also pressures of the same order of magnitude as Z z> and are of such intensity that, provided the material is at all compressible, it will suffer compression in all three direc- tions. When the curve of pressure is a circle, these forces are to Z 2 in the ratio of (1 + 4©)/2(l + 2©) : 1 ; for glass about as 5/6 : 1. The distribution of stress inside depends not only on the form of the ellipse of pressure, but also essentially on the elastic coefficient © ; so that it may be entirely different in the two bodies which are in contact. When we compare the stresses in the same material for the same form but different sizes of the ellipse of pressure and different total pressures, we see that the stresses at points similarly situated with regard to the surface of pressure are proportional to each other. To get the pressures for one case at given points we must multiply the pressures at similarly situated points in the other case by the ratio of the total pressures, and divide by the ratio of the compressed areas. If we suppose two given bodies in contact and only the pressure between them to vary, the deformation of the material varies as the cube root of this total pressure. It is desirable to obtain a clear view of the distribution of stress in the interior ; but the formulae are far too compli- cated to allow of our doing this directly. But by considering the stresses near the z-axis and near the surface we can form a rough notion of this distribution. The result may be expressed by the following description and the accompanying diagram (Fig. 19), which represents a section through the axis of 174 ON HARDNESS VI z and an axis of the ellipse of pressure ; arrow-heads pointing towards each other denote a tension, those pointing away from each other a pressure. The figure relates to the case in which = 1. The portion ABDC of the body, which originally formed an elevation above the surface of pressure, is now pressed into the body like a wedge ; hence the pressure is transmitted not only in the direct line AE, but also, though with less intensity, in the inclined directions AF and AG. The consequence is that the element is also powerfully com- pressed laterally ; while the parts at F and G are pressed apart and the intervening portions stretched. Hence at A on the element of area perpendicular to the ^-axis there is pressure, which diminishes inwards, and changes to a tension which rapidly attains a maximum, and then, with increasing distance, diminishes to zero. Since the part near A is also laterally compressed, all points of the surface must approach the origin, and must therefore give rise to stretching in a line with the origin. In fact the pressure which acts at A parallel to the axis of x already changes to a tension inside the surface of pressure as we proceed along the as-axis ; it attains a maximum near its boundary and then diminishes to zero. Calculation shows that for ® = 1 this tension is much greater than that in the interior. As regards the third principal pressure which acts perpendicular to the plane of the diagram, it of course behaves like the one parallel to the a>axis ; at the surface it is a pressure, since here all points approach the origin. If the material is incompressible the diagram is simplified, for since the parts near A do not approach each other, the tensions at the surface disappear. We shall briefly mention the simplifications occurring in the formulae, when the bodies in contact are spheres, or are cylinders which touch along a generating line. In the first case we have simply Jc= fi = v = 1, p n = p 12 = p v p 2i = P22 — Pi 5 hence V 16(^4-^) 16a The formulas for the case of cylinders in contact are not got so directly. Here the major semi-axis a of the ellipse becomes infinitely great ; we must also make the total pressure vi ON HARDNESS 175 p infinite, if the pressure per unit length of the cylinder is to be finite. We then have in the second of equations (I) B = Kpj -f- p 2 ). Further, we may neglect u compared with a 2 , take a outside the sign of integration, and put for the indeterminate quantity p/a = co /co an arbitrary finite constant, say ^p' ; then, as we shall see directly, p' is the pressure per unit length of the cylinder. The integration of the equation can now be performed, and gives 5= [FK±E>. V wfo + ft) For the pressure Z z we find and it is easy to see that p' has the meaning stated. The distance of approach a, according to our general formula, be- comes logarithmically infinite. This means that it depends not merely on what happens at the place of contact, but also on the shape of the body as a whole ; and thus its determina- tion no longer forms part of the problem we are dealing with. I shall now describe some experiments that I have per- formed with a view to comparing the formulae obtained with experience ; partly that I may give a proof of the reliability of the consequences deduced, and their applicability to actual circumstances, and partly to serve as an example of their application. The experiments were performed in such a way that the bodies used were pressed together by a horizontal one-armed lever. From its free end were suspended the weights which determined the pressure, and to it the one body was fastened close to the fulcrum. The other body, which formed the basis of support, was covered by the thinnest possible layer of lamp-black, which was intended to record the form of the surface of pressure. If the experiment succeeded, the lampblack was not rubbed away, but only squeezed flat ; in transmitted light the places of action of the pressure could hardly be detected ; but in reflected light they showed as small brilliant circles or ellipses, which could be measured fairly accurately by the microscope. The following numbers are the means of from 5 to 8 measurements. 176 ON HAEDNESS I first examined whether the dimensions of the surface of pressure increased as the cube root of the pressure. To this end a glass lens of 28*0 mm. radius was fastened to the lever; the small arm of the lever measured 114*0 mm., the large one 930 mm. The basis of support was a plane glass plate ; the Young's modulus was determined for a bar of the same glass and found to be 6201 kg/mm 2 . According to Wertheim, Poisson's ratio for glass is 0'32,whence ® = |,K = 2349kg/mm, 2 and $ = 0005790 mm 2 /kg. Hence our formula gives for the diameter of the circle of pressure in mm., d — 0*3650^, where p is measured in kilogrammes weight. In the following table the first row gives in kilogrammes the weight suspended from the long arm of the lever, the second the measured diameter of the surface of pressure in turns of the micrometer screw of pitch 0*2737 mm. Lastly, the third row gives the 3 _ quotient d ' \/p, which should, according to the preceding, be a constant. p 0-2 0-4 0-6 0-8 1-0 1-5 2-0 ! 2-5 3-0 3-5 d 1-56 2-03 2-19 2-59 2-68 3-13 3-52 3'69 3-97 4-02 3 2-67 275 2-60 2-79 2-68 2-73 2-79 2-71 2-70 2-65 The ratio in question does indeed remain constant, apart from irregularities, though the weights vary up to fifteen times their initial value. To get the theoretical value of the ratio we must divide the factor *3650 calculated above by the pitch in millimetres of the screw, and multiply by the cube root of the ratio of the long to the short arm of the lever ; we thus obtain 2'685, a number almost exactly coincident with 2'707, the mean of the experimental numbers. Secondly, I have tested the laws relating to the form of the curve of pressure by pressing together two glass cylinders, of equal diameter 7*37 mm., with their axes inclined at dif- ferent angles to each other. If this angle be called co, using former equations we get p n = p 12 = p, p 2l = p 22 = 0, A + B = p, A - B = - p cos co, and therefore the auxiliary angle r = co Hence if we determine the large and small axes of the ellipse of pressure for one and the same pressure but different inclina- ON HAEDNESS 177 tions, divide the major axes by the function //, belonging to the inclination used and the minor axes by the corresponding function v, the quotient of all these divisions must be one and the same constant, namely, the quantity 2(3pS-/8p)K The following table gives in the first column the inclination &> in degrees, in the next two the values of 2 a and 2 b as measured in parts of the scale of the micrometer eye-piece, of which 9 6 equal one millimetre, and in the last two the quotients 2a/ fi and 2b /v : — w 2 a 2 b 2a 2b V 90 40-6 40-6 40-6 40-6 80 45-4 36-6 40-2 41-0 70 52'8 31 41-3 387 60 59-6 27-6 40-0 38-5 50 72-2 26-4 41-2 41-2 40 90-4 23-8 ' 42-2 42-0 30 110-0 21-0 40-3 42-6 20 156-2 18-4 41-3 45-3 10 274-6 15-0 41-6 47-0 The quotients are fairly constant, excepting those for the minor axes at small inclinations. But at such an inclination it is extremely difficult to bring the cylinders together so as to make the common tangent plane exactly horizontal ; and in any other position a slight slipping of one cylinder on the other occurs, which unduly magnifies the minor axis. In all these measurements the pressure was 12 kg. weight. Taking for & the value "0005790 already used, we get from the given values the value of the constant to be 40'80, which agrees almost exactly with 40'97, the mean resulting from the values for a ; whilst it differs slightly, for the reasons explained, from 41 '8 8, the mean resulting from the value for b. Lastly, I have attempted to examine the effect of the moduli of elasticity by pressing a steel lens against planes of different metals. But here I encountered difficulties in the observation. In the first place, it is not so easy to obtain quite plane and smooth surfaces as for glass ; secondly, the metallic surfaces cannot so easily be covered with lamp-black ; thirdly, we have to confine ourselves to very small pressures M. P. n 178 ON HARDNESS VI so as not to exceed the elastic limits. All these causes together preclude our obtaining any but very imperfect curves of pressure, and in measuring these there is room for discretion. I obtained values which were always of the order of magnitude of those calculated, but were too uncertain to be of use in accurately testing the theory. However, the numbers given show con- clusively that our formulae are in no sense speculations, and so will justify the application now to be made of them. The object of this is to gain a clearer notion and an exact measure of that property of bodies which we call hardness. The hardness of a body is usually defined as the resist- ance it opposes to the penetration of points and edges into it. Mineralogists are satisfied in recognising in it a merely com- parative property ; they call one body harder than another when it scratches the other. The condition that a series of bodies may be arranged in order of hardness according to this definition is that, if A scratches B and B scratches C, then A should scratch C and not vice versa ; further, if a point of A scratches a plane plate of B, then a point of B should not penetrate into a plane of A. The necessity of the concurrence of these presuppositions is not directly manifest. Although experience has justified them, the method cannot give a quantitative determination of hardness of any value. Several attempts have been made to find one. Muschenbroek measured hardness by the number of blows on a chisel which were necessary to cut through a small bar of given dimensions of the material to be examined. About the year 1850 Crace- Calvert and Johnson measured hardness by the weight which was necessary to drive a blunt steel cone with a plane end 1*25 mm. in diameter to a depth of 3 "5 mm. into the given material in half an hour. According to a book published in I860, 1 Hugueny measured the same property by the weight necessary to drive a perfectly determinate point 0*1 mm. deep into the material. More recent attempts at a definition I have not met with. To all these attempts we may urge the following objections : ( 1 ) The measure obtained is not only not absolute, since a harder body is essential for the determination, but it is also entirely dependent on a point selected at random. Erom the results obtained we can draw no conclusions at all 1 F. Hugueny, Rechcrchcs experiment ales sur la durete des corps. vi ON HARDNESS 179 as to the force necessary to drive in another point. (2) Since finite and permanent changes of form are employed, elastic after-effects, which have nothing to do with hardness, enter into the results of measurement to a degree quite beyond estimation. This is shown only too plainly by the introduc- tion of the time into the definition of Crace- Calvert and Johnson, and it is therefore doubtful whether the hardness of bodies thus measured is always in the order of the ordinary scale. (3) We cannot maintain that hardness thus measured is a property of the bodies in their original state (although without doubt it is dependent upon that state). For in the position in the experiment the point already rests upon per- manently stretched or compressed layers of the body. I shall now try to substitute for these another definition, against which the same objections cannot be urged. In the first place I look upon the strength of a material as determined, not by forces producing certain permanent deformations, but by the greatest forces which can act without producing de- viations from perfect elasticity, to a certain predetermined accuracy of measurement. Since the substance after the action and removal of such forces returns to its original state, the strength thus defined is a quantity really relating to the original substance, which we cannot say is true for any other definition. The most general problem of the strength of isotropic bodies would clearly consist in answering the question — Within what limits may the principal stresses X x , Y y , Z 2 in any element lie so that the limit of elasticity may not be exceeded ? If we represent X,., Y y , Z z as rectangular rectilinear coordinates of a point, then in this system there will be for every material a certain surface, closed or in part extending to infinity, round the origin, which represents the limit of elasticity ; those values of X x , Y y , Z z which correspond to internal points can be borne, the others not so. In the first place it is clear that if we knew this surface or the corresponding function -v/r (X^,, Y y , ZJ = for the given material, we could answer all the questions to the solution of which hardness is to lead us. For suppose a point of given form and given material pressed against a second body. According to what precedes we know all the stresses occurring in the body ; we need therefore only see whether amongst them there is one corresponding to a 180 ON HARDNESS VI point outside the surface yjr (X x , Y y , Z z ) = 0, to be enabled to tell whether a permanent deformation will ensue and, if so, in which of the two bodies. But so far there has not even been an attempt made to determine that surface. We only know isolated points of it : thus the points of section by the positive axes correspond to resistance to compression ; those by the negative axes to tenacity ; other points to resistance to torsion. In general we may say that to each point of the surface of strength corresponds a particular kind of strength of material. As long as the whole of the surface is not known to us, we shall let a definite discoverable point of the surface correspond to hardness, and be satisfied with finding out its position. This object we attain by the following definition, — Hardness is the strength of a body relative to the kind of deformation which corresponds to contact with a circular surface of pressure. And we get an absolute measure of the hardness if we decide that — The hardness of a body is to be measured by the normal pressure per unit area which must act at the centre of a circular surface of pressure in order that in some point of the body the stress may just reach the limit consistent with perfect elasticity. To justify this definition we must show (1) that the neglected circumstances are without effect ; (2) that the order into which it brings bodies according to hardness coincides with the common scale of hardness. To prove the first point, suppose a body of material A in contact with one of material B, and a second body made of A in contact with one made of C. The form of the surfaces may be arbitrary near the point of contact, but we assume that the surface of pressure is circular, and that B and C are harder or as hard as A. Then we may simultaneously allow the total pressures at both con- tacts to increase from zero, so that the normal pressure at the centre of the circle of pressure may be the same in both cases. We know that then the same system of stresses occurs in both cases, therefore the elastic limit will first be exceeded at the same time and at points similarly situated with respect to the surface of pressure. We should from both cases get the same value for the hardness, and this hardness would cor- respond to the same point of the surface of strength. It is obvious that the elements in which the elastic limit is first exceeded may have very different positions relatively to the VI ON HARDNESS 181 surface of pressure in different materials, and that the positions of the points of hardness in the surface of strength may be very dissimilar. We have to remark that the second body which was used to determine the hardness of A might have been of the same material A ; we therefore do not require a second material at all to determine the hardness of a given rtie. This circumstance justifies us in designating the above as an absolute measurement. To prove the second point, suppose two bodies of different materials pressed together ; let the surface of pressure be circular ; let the hardness, defined as above, be for one body H, for the second softer one h. If now we increase the pressure between them until the normal pressure at the origin just exceeds h, the body of hardness h will experience a permanent indentation, whilst the other one is nowhere strained beyond its elastic limit ; by moving one body over the other with a suitable pressure we can in the former produce a series of permanent indentations, whilst the latter remains intact. If the latter body have a sharp point we can describe the process as a scratching of the softer by the harder body, and thus our scale of hardness agrees with the mineralogical one. It is true that our theory does not say whether the same holds good for all contacts, for which the compressed surface is elliptical ; but this silence is justifi- able. It is easy to see that just as hardness has been defined by reference to a circular surface of pressure, so it could have been defined by assuming for it any definite ellipticity. The hardnesses thus diversely defined will show slight numerical variations. Now the order of the bodies in the different scales of hardness is either the same, or it is not. In the first case, our definition agrees generally with the mineralogical one. In the second case, the fault lies with the mineralogical definition, since it cannot then give a definite scale of hardness at all. It is indeed probable that the deviations from one another of the variously defined hardnesses would be found only very small ; so that with a slight sacrifice of accuracy we might omit the limitation to a circular surface of pressure both in the above and in what follows. Experiments alone can decide with certainty. Now let H be the hardness of a body which is in contact with another of hardness greater than H. Then by help of 182 ON HARDNESS vi this value we can make this assertion, that all contacts with a circular surface of pressure for which Z.= ^2 I 'JPJPu + Pu + Pa. + P22) 2 s h or for which (S-. + ^f - 24 can be borne, and only these. The force which is just sufficient to drive a point with spherical end into the plane surface of a softer body, is pro- portional to the cube of the hardness of this latter body, to the square of the radius of curvature of the end of the point, and also to the square of the mean of the coefficients -9- for the two bodies. To bring this assertion into better accord with the usual determinations of hardness we might be tempted to measure the latter not by the normal pressure itself, but rather by its cube. Apart from the fact that the analogy thus produced would be fictitious (for the force necessary to drive one and the same point into different bodies would not even then be proportionate to the hardness of the bodies), this proceeding would be irrational, since it would remove hardness from its place in the series of strengths of material. Though our deductions rest on results which are satis- factorily verified by experience, still they themselves stand much in need of experimental verification. For it might be that actual bodies correspond very slightly with the assumptions of homogeneity which we have made our basis. Indeed, it is sufficiently well known that the conditions as to strength near the surface, with which we are here concerned, are quite different from those inside the bodies. I have made only a few experi- ments on glass. In glass and all similar bodies the first trans- gression beyond the elastic limit shows itself as a circular crack which arises in the surface at the edge of the compressed surface, and is propagated inwards along a surface conical outwards when the pressure increases. When the pressure increases still further, a second crack encircles the first and similarly pro- pagates itself inwards ; then a third appears, and so on, the phenomenon naturally becoming more and more irregular. VI ON HARDNESS 183 From the pressures necessary to produce the first crack under given circumstances, as well as from the size of this crack, we get the hardness of the glass. Thus experiments in which I pressed a hard steel lens against mirror glass gave the value 130 to 140 kg/mm 2 for the hardness of the latter. From the phenomena accompanying the impact of two glass f neres ; I estimated the hardness at 150; whilst a much larger value, 180 to 200, was deduced from the cracks pro- duced in pressing together two thin glass bars with natural surfaces. These differences may in part be due to the defici- encies of the methods of experimenting (since the same method gave rise to considerable variations in the various results) ; but in part they are undoubtedly caused by want of homogeneity and by differences in the value of the surface-strength. If variations as large as the above are found to be the rule, then of course the numerical results drawn from our theory lose their meaning ; even then the considerations advanced above afford us an estimate of the value which is to be attributed to exact measurements of hardness. VII ON A NEW HYGKOMETEK {Verhandlungen cler physikalischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin, 20th January 1882.) In this hygrometer, and others constructed on the same principle, the humidity is measured by the weight of water absorbed from the air by a hygroscopic inorganic substance, such as a solution of calcium chloride. Such a solution will absorb water from the air, or will give up water to the air, until such a concentration is attained that the pressure of the saturated water-vapour above it at the temperature of the air is equal to the pressure of the (unsaturated) water -vapour actually present in the air. If the temperature and humidity change so slowly as to allow the state of equilibrium to be attained, the absolute humidity can be deduced from the temperature and the weight of the solution. But it appears that for most salts, and at any rate for calcium chloride (and sulphuric acid), the pressure of the saturated vapour above the salt solution at the temperatures under consideration is approximately a constant fraction of the pressure of saturated water-vapour. Hence the relative humidity can be deduced directly from the weight with sufficient accuracy for many purposes. And if great accuracy is required, the effect of temperature can be introduced as a correcting factor, which need only be approximately known. The idea suggested can be realised in two ways. The instrument may either be adapted for rapidly following changes of humidity, when great accuracy is not required, as in balance- rooms ; or it may be adapted for accurate measurements, if we Vii HYGROMETER 185 only require the average humidity over a lengthened period (days, weeks, or months), as in meteorological investigations. An instrument of the first kind was exhibited to the Society. The hygroscopic substance was a piece of tissue-paper of 1 sq. cm. surface, saturated with calcium chloride, and attached to one arm of a lever (glass fibre) about 10 cm. long. The V jter was supported on a very thin silver wire stretched norizontally, so that the whole formed a very delicate torsion balance. The hygrometer was calibrated by means of a series of mixtures of sulphuric acid and water by Eegnault's method. In dry air the fibre stood about 45° above the horizontal. In air of relative humidity 10, 20, . . . 90 per cent it sank downwards through 18, 31, 40, 47, 55, 62, 72, 86, 112 de- grees. In saturated water- vapour it naturally stood vertically downwards. The only thing ascertained as to the effect of temperature was that it is very small. For equal relative humidities the pointer stood 1 to 2 degrees lower at 0° than at 25°. When brought into a room of different humidity, the instrument attained its position of equilibrium so rapidly that it could be read off after 10 to 15 minutes. The instrument has the disadvantage that when the humidity is very great (85 per cent and upwards), visible drops are formed on the paper, and if it be carelessly handled these may be wiped or even shaken off. In instruments of the second kind the calcium chloride would be contained in glass vessels of a size adapted to the interval of time for which the mean humidity is required. These vessels would be weighed from time to time, or placed on a self-registering balance. VIII ON THE EVAPOEATION OF LIQUIDS, AND ESPECIALLY OF MEECUBY, IN VACUO {Wiedemann 's Annalen, 17, pp. 177-193, 1882.) When" a liquid evaporates into a gas whose pressure is greater than the pressure of the saturated vapour of the liquid, the vapour near the surface is always exceedingly near the state of satura- tion ; and the rate of evaporation is chiefly determined by the rate at which the vapour formed is removed. The removal of the vapour, at any rate through the layers nearest the surface, takes place by diffusion. Starting with this conception, the evaporation of a liquid into a gas has been frequently discussed. But hitherto no attention seems to have been paid to the con- ditions which determine the rate of evaporation in a space which contains nothing but the liquid and its vapour. In this paper evaporation under these conditions will be considered. In the first place evaporation in vacuo is affected by the rate at which the vapour formed can escape, in so far as this escape may under certain circumstances be greatly retarded by viscosity ; but clearly this is a matter of very little importance. For if we imagine the evaporation to take place between two plane parallel liquid surfaces, then as far as this is concerned the rate of evaporation might be infinite. Again we may specify the rate at which heat is supplied to the surface of the liquid as the condition of evaporation. When the stationary state is attained, the amount of liquid which evaporates is just so much that its latent heat is equal to the amount of heat supplied. But this explanation vin EVAPORATION OF LIQUIDS 187 is incomplete, since we might equally well regard the supply of heat, conversely, as being determined by the evaporation. For both depend upon the temperature of the outermost layer of liquid ; and this again is determined by the relation between the possible supply of heat by conduction and the possible loss of heat by evaporation. Now one of two things must happen. F'ther (a) evaporation has no limit beyond that which is mvolved in the supply of heat ; so that if sufficient heat is supplied, an unlimited amount of liquid can evaporate from a given surface in unit time, and the temperature, density, and pressure of the vapour produced will not differ perceptibly from that of saturated vapour. In this case all liquid surfaces in the same space must assume the same temperature ; and this temperature as well as the amounts of liquid which evaporate are determined by the relation between the possible supply of heat and the different areas. Or (b) only a limited quantity of liquid can evaporate from a liquid surface at a given temperature. In this case there may be surfaces at different temperatures in the same space, and the pressure and density of the vapour arising must differ by a finite amount from the pressure and density of the saturated vapour of at least one of these surfaces : the rate of evaporation will depend upon a number of circumstances, but chiefly upon the nature of the liquid ; so that there will be for every liquid a specific evaporative power. It will be seen that the alternative (a) can be regarded as a limiting case of (&). Hence in the absence of any hypothesis or experimental information we should have to assume the latter, which is the more general, to be correct. But we shall presently show by a more detailed discussion that the first-mentioned alternative is an extremely improbable one. I have made a number of experiments on evaporation in vacuo in the hope of arriving at an experimental decision between these two alternatives, if possible by exact measure- ments of the evaporative power of any liquid under different conditions. The experiments have only partly achieved their aim : nevertheless I describe them here, because they throw light upon the problem, and may clear up the way for better methods. The experiments are described in the first section : in the second section is given a theoretical discussion, which 188 EVAPORATION OF LIQUIDS vm justifies the view adopted and establishes limits for the quan- tities under consideration. I. I started the experiments on the assumption that the rate of evaporation of a liquid is at all events determined by the temperature of the surface and the pressure exerted upon it by the vapour which arises. In the course of the investiga- tion I began to doubt, not whether these magnitudes were necessary conditions, but whether they were sufficient condi- tions for determining the amount of liquid which evaporates : in the second section it will be shown that there was no reason for this doubt. Hence I first set to work at the following problem : — To find for any fluid simultaneous values of the temperature t of the surface, the pressure P upon it, and the height h of the layer of liquid which evaporates from it in unit time. The difficulty experienced in solving this apparently simple problem arises in the determination of t and P. Even when the evaporation only goes on at a moderate rate very considerable quantities of heat are required to keep it up ; the result of which is that the temperature increases very rapidly from the surface towards the interior. Hence if we dip a thermometer the least bit into the liquid it does not show the true surface temperature. The experiments further showed that at moderate rates of evaporation there was only a slight difference between the pressure and the pressure of saturated vapour. As it is just this difference that we wish to examine, it follows that both pressures must be very accurately measured. Lastly, the interior of the liquids in these experiments is necessarily in the superheated state ; and since boiling with bumping would render the experiments impracticable, one is restricted to a very narrow range of temperature and pressure. I pass over certain experiments made with water, for I soon observed that water, on account of its high latent heat and low conductivity, was ill suited for my purpose. Mercury appeared to be the most suitable liquid, for it has a relatively small latent heat and a conductivity similar to that of metals ; and on account of its cohesion and the low pressure of its vapour, it can be superheated strongly without boiling. The first experiments were carried out with the apparatus shown EVAPORATION OF LIQUIDS Fig. 20. in Fig. 20. Into the retort A, placed inside a heating vessel, was fused a glass tube open above and closed below ; inside this and just under the surface of the mercury was the ther- mometer which indicated the temperature. To the neck of the retort was attached the vertical tube B, which was immersed in a fairly large cooling vessel, and could tHis be maintained at 0° or any other temperature. By brisk boiling and simul- taneous use of a mercury pump all per- ceptible traces of air were removed from the apparatus. The rate of evaporation was now measured by the rate at which the mercury rose in the tube B. The pressure P was not to be directly measured. I sup- posed, as is frequently done, that P could not exceed the pressure of the saturated vapour at the lower temperature, viz. that of B ; and assumed that it would suffice to vary the latter temperature only in order to obtain corresponding values of the pressure. It soon became clear that this assumption was erroneous; for when the temperature began to exceed 100°, and the evaporation became fairly rapid, the vapour did not condense in the cold tube B, but in the neck or connecting tube at C. This became so hot that one could not touch it ; its temperature was at least 60° to 80°. This cannot be explained on the assumption that the vapour inside has the exceedingly low pressure corresponding to 0° ; for in that case it could only be superheated by contact with a surface at 60°, and could not possibly suffer condensation. In order to measure the pressure I introduced at C the manometer tube shown in the figure. But this did not show any change from its initial position when the rate of evaporation was increased. It was certain that the vapour moved with a certain velocity, so that its pressure upon the surface from which it arose must be different from the pressure which it would naturally possess. It could easily be seen that this velocity was very considerable ; for when the drops of mercury on the glass attained a certain size they did not fall downwards from their weight, but were carried along nearly parallel to the direction of the tube. In order to see whether the vapour exerted a pressure upon the 190 EVAPORATION OF LIQUIDS VIII evaporating surface (for this pressure is really the interesting point), I now fused the manometer on at A, as shown in the figure, so that the retort itself formed the open limb. It turned out that there was a very perceptible pressure ; it amounted to 2 to 3 mm. when the thermometer stood at 160° to 170°, and the evaporation went on at such a rate that a layer 0"8 mm. deep evaporated per minute. Hence there was no difficulty in seeing that in its condensation the vapour might produce a temperature exceeding 100°; however, it became clear that the simple method which had been tried would not lead to the desired result, but that direct measurements would be necessary. The apparatus shown in Fig. 2 1 was therefore used. A is again the retort. The heating vessel (only indicated in the diagram) in which it was contained consisted of a hollow brass cylinder 1*5 cm. thick, closely surrounding the retort and covered over with asbestos. It was heated by a ring gas-burner, and had in it a vertical slit through which the level of the mercury could be observed. B is again the tube in which the condensa- tion takes place ; the manometer tube is shown in perspective at C. The magnifying power of the cathetometer telescope used was such that it could be set with certainty to within 0*02 mm. The pres- sure, i.e. the difference of level between the two surfaces, was measured by a micrometer eye-piece with two threads : the absolute height of the surface, i.e. the rate of evaporation, was read off on the scale of the instrument. The temperature was varied by altering the gas supply. The apparatus was at first quite free from air : by admitting varying, but always small, quantities of air different pressures could be obtained at the same temperature. If the pressure of the air introduced amounted, say, to 1 mm. no evaporation in the sense here considered could take place so long as the pressure of the saturated vapour above the surface did not exceed 1 mm., i.e. so long as the temperature of the surface did not exceed 120° ; but when this temperature was exceeded the air retreated into the condensing tube, and evaporation began ; Fig. 21. vin EVAPORATION OF LIQUIDS 191 but of course it now took place under greater pressure than it did at the same temperature before the air was introduced. 1 Three quantities, h, P, and t, had to be measured. In deter- mining the first there was no difficulty. The determination of P was not simply a case of measuring accurately the difference of level ; large corrections on account of the ex- pansion of the mercury, etc. had to be applied, and some of these were much larger than the quantity whose value was sou \ tit. But by a careful application of theory and by special experiments these corrections could be so far determined that the final measurement could be relied upon to about 0*1 mm. The outstanding error was so small that the greater part of the observations would not be injuriously affected by it. The most uncertain element was the determination of t. I thought it was safe to assume that the true mean temperature of the surface could not differ by more than a few degrees from the temperature indicated by the thermometer when the upper end of its bulb (about 18 mm. long) was just level with the surface ; and it seemed probable that of the two the true temperature would be the higher. For the bulk of the heat was conveyed by the rapid convection currents ; these seemed first to rise upwards from the heated walls of the vessel, then to pass along the surface, and finally, after cooling, down along the thermometer tube. If this correctly describes the process, the bulb of the thermometer was at the coolest place in the liquid. With this apparatus I carried out a large number of experi- ments at temperatures between 100° and 200°, and at nine different pressures (i.e. with nine different admissions of air). The separate observations naturally showed irregularities ; but unless some constant error was present, they undoubtedly point to the following result : — The observed pressure P was always smaller than the pressure P^ of the saturated vapour corre- sponding to the temperature t ; at a given temperature the depth of the layer which evaporated in unit time was proportional to the difference P^ — P ; when this difference was 1 mm. the depth of the layer which evaporated per minute was 0*5 mm. 1 During the observations there was no air in the retort or the connecting tube. Thus the introduction of the air does not invalidate the title of this paper. The title, indeed, has only been used for brevity in place of a more precise one. 192 EVAPORATION OF LIQUIDS vm at 120° J 0'35 at 150°,and 0-25 mm. at 180° to 200°. As an example may be given the case in which the highest rate of evaporation was observed. In this case the vessel was quite free from air, the temperature was 183°'3, the pressure 3*32 mm., and the level of the mercury sank uniformly at the rate of 1*80 mm. per minute. Now, since the pressure of the saturated vapour 1 is 10*35 mm. at 183*3°, and 3*32 mm. at 153°*0, we must assume that there was an error of 7 mm. in the measurement of pressure, or of 30° in the measurement of temperature, if we are unwilling to admit that this proves the existence of a limited rate of evaporation peculiar to the liquid. The first-mentioned error could not have occurred ; nor do I believe that the second could. But I could not conceal from myself that the results, from the quantitative point of view, were very uncertain ; and so I endeavoured to support them by further experiments. For this purpose I made observations with the apparatus shown in Fig. 22, a. The glass vessel A, shaped like a mano- meter and completely free from air, is contained in a thick cast-iron heating vessel in a paraffin bath. The level of the mercury in both limbs is observed from the outside through a plane glass I 1 J plate. The open arm communicates with the cold receiver B ; the communicating FlG - 22 - tube is not too wide, in order that the evaporation may take place slowly. The small condenser inside the heating vessel is intended to prevent condensed mercury from flowing back into the retort. There is now no difficulty in observing the rate of evaporation or the pressure, at any rate if we regard the pressure of the saturated vapour in the closed limb as known ; the uncertainty comes in again in determining the temperature of the evaporating surface. This temperature is equal to that of the bath, less a correction which for a given apparatus is a function of the convection current only which supplies heat to the surface. The known rate of evaporation gives us the required supply of heat ; from this again we can deduce the difference of temperature when the above-mentioned 1 For all data as to the pressure of saturated mercury vapour here used, see the determinations given in the next paper (IX. p. 200). vni EVAPORATION OF LIQUIDS 193 function has been determined. In order to find this, special experiments were made with the apparatus shown in Fig. 22, b. A piece of the same tube from which the manometer was made, was bent at its lower end into the shape of the manometer limb. This was filled with mercury to the same depth as the manometer tube ; above the mercury was a layer of water about 1 cm. deep, and in this a thermometer and stirrer were placed. This tube was immersed up to the level of the mercury in a warm linseed-oil bath, the temperature of which was indicated by a second thermometer. A steady flow of heat soon set in from the bath through the mercury to the water. The difference between the two thermometers gave the differ- ence between the temperatures of the bath and of the mercury surface ; the increase of the temperature gave the corresponding flow of heat. Of course a number of corrections were neces- sary ; after applying these it was found that the flow of heat increased somewhat more rapidly than the difference of tem- perature. For example, a difference of 10°*0 was necessary in order to convey to the surface per minute sufficient heat to warm a layer of water 117 mm. high (lying above the surface) through o, 48. I shall make use of these data for calculating out an experiment made with the evaporation apparatus. When the temperature of the bath was 118 o, and the differ- ence of level was 0*26 mm., it was found that in 3*66 minutes the mercury in both limbs sank 0*105 mm. (this was the mean of measurements in both limbs). As the evaporation took place only in one limb, the depth of the layer removed from this in a minute was 2 x 0*1 05/3 '66 = 0*057 mm. In order to vaporise unit weight of mercury at 118° under the pressure of its saturated vapour, an amount of heat is required which would raise 7 2 '8 units of water through 1°. This value may be used with a near approach to accuracy in calculating the results of our experiment. Thus there must have been con- veyed to the surface per minute enough heat to raise a layer of water 0*057 X 13*6 x 72*8 = 56*4 mm. high through 1°, or a layer of water 117 mm. high through 56*4/117 = 0°*4 8. For this, according to what precedes, there must have been a difference of temperature of 10°*0 between the bath and the surface ; so that the true temperature of the evaporating sur- face was 108°*0. Since the mercury in the open limb was M. P. 194 EVAPORATION OF LIQUIDS vm colder than that in the closed limb, the measured difference of level (0 - 26 mm.) was somewhat smaller than it would have been if both limbs were at the same temperature. An examination of the distribution of heat in the interior gives 0'03 mm. as the necessary correction; thus the difference of pressure in the two limbs was equal to 0*29 mm. of mercury at 118°, or 0*28 mm. of mercury at 0°. If we subtract from this pressure the difference between the saturation-pressures at 118° and 108°, we obtain the divergence between the pressure upon the evaporating surface and the saturation -pressure. The difference to be subtracted amounts to 0*27 mm.; so that only 0*01 mm. is left. This shows that the pressure of the vapour does not differ perceptibly from the saturation-pressure ; and the same result follows from all the observations made by this method. At lower temperatures (90° to 100°) deviations of a few hundredths of a millimetre, in the direction anti- cipated, were found ; but at high temperatures, on the other hand, pressures were calculated which slightly exceeded the saturation-pressure. Clearly there must have been slight errors in the corrections, as indeed might have been expected from the method of determination. But the experiments undoubtedly prove two things. In the first place, that the method is not well adapted for giving quantitative results, because the constant errors of experiment are of the same order as the quantities to be observed. In the second place, that the positive results obtained by the earlier method had their origin partly, if not entirely, in the errors made in measuring the temperature. 1 For, if they had been correct, deviations of pressure of 0'10 to 0'2 mm. must have mani- fested themselves in the last experiments, and these could not have escaped observation. Thus the net result of the experiments is a very modest one. They show that the pressure exerted upon the liquid by the vapour arising from it is practically equal to the saturation-pressure at the temperature of the surface ; and hence that of the two alternatives mentioned in the intro- duction, the first is to be regarded as correct. But they do not show definitely the existence of the small deviation from 1 That very large errors are possible can be easily seen by calculating those which would arise if the surface were only supplied with heat by conduction. /Hi EVAPORATION OF LIQUIDS 195 this rule which probably occurs, and which is of interest from the theoretical point of view. II. Let us now consider a process of steady evaporation taking place between two infinite, plane, parallel liquid surfaces kept at constant, but different temperatures. We shall sup- pose that the liquid which evaporates over can return to its starting-point by means of canals or similar contrivances. All the particles of vapour will move from the one surface to the other in the direction of the common normal and, neglecting radiation, we may with sufficient accuracy assume that in passing over they neither absorb nor give out heat. On this assumption it follows from the hydrodynamic equations of motion that during the whole passage from the one surface to the other, whatever the distance between them may be, the pressure, temperature, density, and velocity of the vapour must remain constant. From this it follows that the process is completely known to us when we know the following quantities : — 1. The temperatures T 1 and T 2 of the two surfaces. 2. The temperature T, the pressure p, and the density d of the vapour which passes over. We must suppose the temperature to be measured by means of a thermometer which moves forward with the vapour and with the same velocity. In the same way the pressure p is to be supposed measured by a manometer moving with the vapour, or deter- mined by the equation of condition of the vapour. We may approximately take as the latter the equation of a perfect gas, KT=_p/d 3. The velocity u and the weight m which passes over in unit time from unit area of the one surface to the other. Clearly m = ud. 4. The pressure P which the vapour exerts upon the liquid surfaces. This is necessarily the same for both surfaces, and is different from the proper pressure p of the vapour itself. But we can calculate P if the other quantities men- tioned are known. For let us suppose the quantity m spread over unit surface, the pressure upon one side of it being P and on the other side p, and its temperature T maintained constant. It will evaporate just as before ; after unit time it will be completely converted into vapour, which will occupy 196 EVAPOEATION OF LIQUIDS vni the space u and have the velocity u. Hence its kinetic energy is ^mu 2 jg- y this is attained by the force P — p acting upon its centre of mass through the distance uj2, so that an amount of work (P—p)u/2 is done by the external forces. From this follows the equation V —p = mujg \ or, since m = ud,m 2 = gd(P -p). Now the problem which evaporation places before us is to find the relations between these quantities for all possible values of them. Two of the eight quantities T l5 T 2 , T, p, d, u, m, and P, namely T^ and T 2 , are independent variables ; so also are any two of the others. The other six are connected with these by six equations. Of these we have already given three ; in order to solve the problem completely we have to find, from theory or experiment, three more. But if we choose, as in the experiments, T 1 and P as the independent variables, and consider only evaporation in the narrower sense, we are no longer interested in T 2 , and the problem resolves itself into representing two of the quantities T, p, d, u, m as functions of T 1 and P. But now the functions to be determined do not apply only to the case of evaporation between parallel walls ; they hold good for any vapour which arises from a plane element of a liquid, and exerts upon it a pressure P. For we can imagine such evaporation taking place as if we allowed a piston to rest upon the surface at temperature T 1? and at a given instant removed it from the surface with velocity u. The result of this experiment must be singly determined by T-l and u. But the two above-mentioned functions give us one possible result, and hence this result is the only possible one. Thus the quantities relating to an element of the evap- orating surface are completely determined by two of them, and the assumption upon which the experiments were based is justified ; on the other hand, our discussion shows that the experiments, even if they had been successful, would not have completely solved the problem. We can assign limits to the quantities in question if we make use of the two following assertions which, according to general experience, are at any rate exceedingly likely to be correct. (1) If we lower the temperature of one of several liquid surfaces in the same space while the others remain at the original temperature, the mean pressure upon these surfaces EVAPORATION OF LIQUIDS 197 can only be diminished, not increased. (2) The vapour arising from an evaporating surface is either saturated or unsaturated, never supersaturated. For it appears perfectly transparent, which could not be the case if it carried with it substances in a liquid state. The first statement asserts that P=0 and when p =p 1 ; between these it attains a maximum value which m cannot under any circumstances exceed for a surface-temperature T v But if in spite of an adequate supply of heat the evaporation cannot exceed a finite limit, the hindrance can only lie in the nature of the fluid ; and hence every fluid must have a specific evaporative power. The existence of such a constant is there- fore as probable as the assumptions on which our reasoning is based. From the above equation I have calculated the limits for m, assuming the Gay - Lussac - Boyle law to be applicable to the vapour, and taking for the relation between the pressure and temperature of the saturated vapour the equation log^?= 10'5927l - 0-847 log T- 3342/T, which is established elsewhere. 1 By dividing the values of m by the density of mercury we get values for the maximum depth of the layer of liquid which can evaporate in unit time from a surface at the given temperature. T = 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 °C h< 070 I'll 1-86 3-01 4-50 6-73 9-82 14-31 20-42 mm. min. u< 2110 2192 2294 2400 2522 2668 2823 2980 3145 m. sec. P> 0-046 0-07 0-09 0-14 0-20 0-27 0-38 0-53 0-71 mm. d/d 1 > 0-0034 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 mm. min. h> o-os 0-13 0-21 0-32 0-47 0-65 0-88 1-21 1-67 u> 7-5 7-4 7-3 7-1 6-9 6-8 6-6 6-5 6-2 m. 0-0034 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 1 See IX. p. 204. 198 EVAPOKATION OF LIQUIDS viii These values, reckoned in mm./min., are given in the second row of the above table ; they are about ten times greater than the highest values observed at the corresponding temperatures. The latter are given in the sixth row as lower limits. They are not lower limits for evaporation in general, for this can fall to zero ; but they are lower limits for the greatest possible rate of evaporation. The other limits given in the table hold good also for the case in which the evaporation has reached its greatest value. Those given in the third, fourth, and fifth rows also hold good in general ; for we may assume that the maximum of u and the minimum of P and d occur simultane- ously with the maximum of m. In deducing these limits we have first u = (P — p)/ing = m/d ; and since w>m min#> P —pM>flt min Jd v Again P =p + m 2 jd, and since m>m min and dp-{-m 2 min Jd p . But the expression on the right hand has a minimum, since it becomes infinite when p = 0, and when p = co ; this minimum value is given in the table. .Finally d = m 2 J(P — p) and P— p = m 2 /d. Hence d/d-^m^^/d^, and (P — i?)/Pi>^ 2 m i n ./^ii?i- The meaning of the table may be illustrated by an example of what it asserts, such as the following. From a mercury surface at 100° C. we cannot cause a layer of more than 0*7 mm. to evaporate per minute ; its vapour will not issue from the surface with a greater velocity than 2110 m./sec. ; the pressure upon the surface will not be less than 4 to 5 hundredths of a millimetre, nor will the density of the vapour which issues from it be less than -g-l^ of the density of the saturated vapour. On the other hand, we can in any case cause the evaporation to exceed 0*08 mm. per minute; the velocity of the vapour to exceed 7*3 m./sec. ; and the pressure of the issuing vapour to differ from the saturation-pressure by more than 3^- of the latter. In conclusion, I would further point out that the existence of a limited rate of evaporation, peculiar to each fluid, is also in accordance with the kinetic theory of gases ; and that with the aid of this conception a fairly reliable upper limit for this rate can be deduced. Let T, p, and d denote the temperature, pressure, and density of the saturated vapour. Then the weight which impinges in unit time upon unit area of a solid surface bounding the vapour is m= /s /pdg/2ir. And in viii EVAPORATION OF LIQUIDS 199 greatly rarefied vapours nearly the same amount will impinge upon the liquid boundary-surface, for the molecules at their mean distance from the surface will be removed from the influence of the latter. Now, as the amount of the saturated vapour neither increases nor decreases, we may conclude that an equal amount is emitted from the liquid into the vapour. The amount thus emitted from the liquid will be approximately independent of the amount absorbed ; thus evaporation, i.e. diminution of the amount of liquid, takes place when for any cause a smaller amount than that above mentioned returns from the vapour to the liquid. In the extreme case in which no single molecule is returned to the liquid, the latter jnust lose the above amount in unit time from unit surface. This amount is therefore an upper limit for the rate of evaporation. It is somewhat narrower than the one first deduced. Calcu- lation shows that for mercury at 100° this limit is 0*54 mm./min., whereas from our earlier assumptions we could only conclude that the rate of evaporation must be less than 0*70 mm./min. Similar reasoning can be applied to the maximum amount of energy which can proceed from an evaporating surface ; we thus find that the velocity of the issuing vapour can never exceed the mean molecular velocity of the saturated vapour corresponding to the temperature of the surface, e.g. for mercury at 100° it cannot exceed 215 m./sec. Finally, since the pressure of a saturated vapour upon its liquid arises half from the impact of the molecules entering the liquid and half from the reaction of those which leave the surface, and since the number and mean velocity of the latter approximately retain their original values, it follows that the pressure upon an evaporating surface cannot be much smaller than half the saturation-pressure. These considerations enable us to fix limiting values, but they will not carry us further unless we are willing to accept the assistance of very doubtful hypotheses. IX ON THE PEESSUEE OF SATURATED MEECUEY-VAPOUE {Wiedemann's Annalen, 17, pp. 193-200, 1882.) The following determinations of the pressure of saturated mercury -vapour suggested themselves as a continuation of previous experiments 1 on evaporation. In working out the latter I at first used the data given by Eegnault ; but these did not prove suitable, as the following will show. I plotted out the results of the experiments made by the second method, 2 taking as abscissse the amounts which evaporated in unit time from a surface at a given temperature, and as ordinates the corresponding pressures, and thus obtained series of points lying approximately on straight lines. By prolonging these straight lines a very little beyond the observed interval, I found the pressures which corresponded to zero evaporation, and which must therefore have represented the saturation- pressures. The numbers thus found were always smaller than Eegnault's. That this might be explained by errors in the latter was first suggested to me by Hagen's experiments ; 3 but his data, again, did not agree well with my results. Hagen himself suspected that his values were too small at temperatures above 100° ; and as these were just the tempera- tures which interested me, I decided to investigate the matter myself. The experiments were first carried on as a continuation of the experiments on evaporation. The measurements were 1 See VIII. p. 186. 2 See p. 191. 3 See Wied. Ann. 16, p. 610, 1882. ix VAPOUR-PRESSURE OF MERCURY 201 made with the U-shaped manometer of the evaporation apparatus shown in Fig. 21 (p. 190); but as there was now no evaporation, the condenser and connecting tube were not required. By boiling and pumping out with a mercury pump, all air was removed from both limbs of the apparatus. The temperature of the heated limb was indicated by a ther- mometer dipping right into the mercury ; the thermometer was calibrated and its readings were reduced to those of an air-thermometer. In determining the pressure the difference of level between the two limbs was read off, and then a con- siderable correction had to be applied. The major part of this depended upon the expansion of the mercury with heat. In calculating this, care was taken to ascertain the distri- bution of temperature, as determined by the law of conduction, in the tube connecting the two limbs ; and the constants required for ascertaining this distribution were determined by special experiment. A smaller part of the correction arose from the difference in the capillary depressions in the two limbs. It seemed safe to assume that this correction would be constant for all the temperatures under consideration ; so that it was simply determined by measuring the difference of level when both limbs were at the same temperature. Of the pressures measured by this method, only those which relate to temperatures above 150° were retained for the final calculations : these were reduced to three mean values, which are given in the table below and are marked by asterisks. The observations below 150° were rejected because the correc- tions were here much larger than the quantities to be observed, so that the results were uncertain. For example, at 137°'4 the pressure was found to be 1*91 mm.; but here the cor- rection was +2*49 mm. and the amount directly observed only — 0*58 mm. Allowing for these unfavourable condi- tions the rejected observations are found to agree sufficiently well with the values obtained by the second method and given as correct. They never differed from the latter by more than 0*2 or 0*3 mm. They lay between these and Eegnault's values ; but were twice or three times as far from Eegnault's values as from my own final ones. The following method was adopted as much more suitable for measuring the lower pressures. The open limbs of two 202 VAPOUR-PRESSURE OF MERCURY ix manometers A and B (Fig. 23) communicate with one another. They contain air of low pressure, B — about 10 to 20 mm. The closed ^ limbs are quite free of air. The manometer A is kept in a water- bath at the temperature of the room. The manometer B was heated in a FlG - 23 - vessel of thick cast-iron in a paraffin bath, but never so far as to allow the mercury in the closed limb to sink below the level in the open limb. Thus the pressure of the mercury-vapour was smaller than the pressure of the air present (at the time) in the open limb ; so that no evaporation, excepting by diffusion, could take place. Hence the pressure in the open limbs of both manometers was the same ; and the difference of the readings of the two mano- meters, reduced to mercury at 0°, gave the difference between the saturation -pressure at the temperature of the hot mano- meter and that of the cold one. But, according to the results of this investigation, the pressure of the mercury-vapour in the latter can be put equal to zero. The temperature of the bath was read off on a very good Geissler thermometer ; and I compared the indications of this with a Jolly air thermo- meter. The difference of level was measured by means of a micrometer eye -piece in the cathetometer microscope. The adjustment of the cross-wires upon the top of the meniscus was facilitated by means of a wire grating placed behind it, the wires being inclined at 45° to the horizontal. The manometer tube had a clear bore of 20 mm. The pressure of the air in the open limbs was varied. Lastly, after each heating, I convinced myself afresh of the absence of air in the closed limbs by producing electrte discharges in them ; the tubes then exhibited a green phosphorescence, and only this, so that the pressure of the air in them could not have exceeded one to two hundredths of a millimetre. The result of the experi- ments was as follows. Up to 50° I could perceive no pres- sure exceeding the limits of error (0*02 mm.) of a single experiment. At 60° the pressure was about 0*03 mm., at 70° 0*05 mm., at 80° 0*09 mm. From here on the errors were small compared with the whole values. From 120° to 130° the observed pressures can be taken as correct, since IX VAPOUR-PRESSURE OF MERCURY 203 their errors were negligible compared with those which arose in determining the temperatures. Groups of eight to twelve separate observations, lying sufficiently close to each other, were then formed, the mean temperature being simply associ- ated with the mean pressure. The six principal values thus obtained, together with the three determined by the first method, are given in the first two columns of the following table. The subsequent calculations are based upon the results given in these columns. t P Ap At t P Ap A* 89'4 0-16 o-oo o-o *184-7 11-04 + 0-15 + 0-4 117'0 0-71 + 0-04 +1-1 190-4 12-89 -0-37 -0-8 154-2 3-49 + 0-01 + o-i 203-0 20-35 + 0-23 + 0-3 *165'8 5-52 + 0-04 + 0-2 *206'9 22-58 -0-20 -0-3 177-4 8-20 -0-22 -0-7 In calculating out the experiments I have made use of a formula which has not hitherto been employed for the same purpose. 1 It can be theoretically justified and must be correct to the same degree of approximation that the laws of Gay-Lussac and Boyle, which apply to very dilute vapours, are correct for saturated vapours. On the assumption that this law holds good, the vapour possesses a constant specific heat at constant volume. Let this be denoted by c ; further let s denote the specific heat of the liquid, and p T the internal heat of vaporisation at the absolute temperature T. Then it necessarily follows from our assumption that p T = const — (s — c)T. This can be proved as follows. Let a quantity of the liquid at temperature T be brought to any other tempera- ture. At this temperature it is converted into vapour with- 1 An analogous formula, deduced by similar reasoning, lias indeed been used by Kolacek ( Wiccl. Ann. 15, p. 38, 1882) for representing the pressure of unsaturated water-vapour upon salt solutions. In that case the theoretical justification of the formula is much stronger than in ours, where its appli- cability is only really proved by comparing it with the results of experiment. With regard to Kolacek's investigation, I may remark that all the experimental data are known for applying the above formula to the pressure of vapour above ice and above water cooled below its freezing-point down to the absolute zero. Such an application would have to be justified by proving that the formula obtained represents with satisfactory approximation the pressure of the vapour for a considerable interval above 0°. For if the formula holds good for a given interval of temperature, it must hold good for all temperatures below this interval, inasmuch as a saturated vapour approximates more and more to a perfect gas as the temperature diminishes. 204 VAPOUR-PRESSURE OF MERCURY ix out any external work. The vapour, again without external work, is brought back to the temperature T and reduced to liquid. During these processes the fluid can neither have absorbed nor given out heat. Now according to the laws of the mechanical theory of heat p T = Au(Tdp/dT — p), where p denotes the pressure of the saturated vapour and % its specific volume. Hence we can put u = "RT/p. If we eliminate p T and u from the above three equations, we obtain for the curve of the vapour pressure a differential equation which gives the following integral P = K\ I AR6 T. For mercury s is known. From his own experiments, and from a result given by Eegnault, Winkelmann 1 finds that this quantity decreases slightly as the temperature increases ; the mean value of s between and 100° is 0*0330. Experiments made by Dr. Eonkar of Liege in the Berlin Physical Institute have shown that the change between —20° and +200° is exceedingly small. These experiments give 0*0332 as the mean value of s, and I shall use this value in the calculation. Kundt and Warburg have shown that the ratio of the specific heats for mercury is |-: hence it follows that the quantity c is equal to 0*0149. From this it follows that the exponent of T is equal to — 0*847. The two remaining constants are to be determined from the observations. Two of them are sufficient for this : if we choose from the first series the observation at 206°, and from the second series the observation at 154°, we obtain a formula which represents all the observations satisfactorily. The constants thus determined can be im- proved by applying the method of least squares. In doing this we naturally assume the pressures to be correct, and therefore make the sum of the squares of the temperature- errors a minimum. In this way I find that log k x = 10*59271, log 7c 2 = 3*88623. Introducing these constants into the formula, and throwing it into a form more convenient for calculation, we get log p = 10*59271 - 0*847 log T - 3342/T. 1 See Poggendorff's Ann. 159, p. 152, 1876. VAPOUR-PRESSURE OF MERCURY 205 In the above table the third and fourth columns are added so as to make it possible to compare the values calculated by the formula with the observed values. The third column gives the errors which must have occurred in the pressure measurements if the observed temperatures are correct. The fourth column gives the errors which must be attributed to the temperature measurements if the pressures are to be regarded as correct. It will be seen that the formula repre- sents the observations completely, if we admit an uncertainty of 0*02 mm. in the pressure measurements and of 0°*6 in the temperature measurements ; and the disposition of the devia- tions shows that such uncertainties must be admitted. The measurements made below 89° agree perfectly with the formula, as far as a comparison is possible. The following table is calculated by means of the formula, and gives the pressure of the vapour for every 10° between 0° and 220° — t P t V t • I t P 0° 0-00019 60° 0-026 120° 0-779 180° 9-23 10 0-00050 70 0-050 130 1-24 190 13-07 20 0-0013 80 0-093 140 1-93 200 18-25 30 0-0029 90 0-165 150 2-93 210 25-12 40 0-0063 100 0-285 160 4-38 220 34-90 50 0-013 110 0-478 170 6-41 It should be noted that p = when t= - 273° ; and that the formula gives for the internal latent heat of the vapour the value p T = 76*15- 0*0183 T. The values given above differ considerably from Eegnault's as well as from Hagen's. They are always smaller than Eegnault's, but approach the latter as the temperature rises, and almost coincide with them at 220°. Compared with Hagen's they are smaller below 80°, nearly coincide between 80° and 100°, and above this are larger. The most interesting point is the pressure of the vapour at the ordinary temperature of the air. According to the results of our investigation this amounts to less than a thousandth of a millimetre. 1 Hence no correction need be 1 It might be objected that this value is only calculated ; whereas both the pre- vious observers made observations at the temperature of the air, and both believed that they perceived a pressure of a few hundredths of a millimetre. But the 206 VAPOUR-PRESSURE OF MERCURY ix applied on account of this pressure to readings of barometers and manometers. And it is the smallness of this pressure, and not any special property of mercury itself, that explains why the influence of mercury- vapour is negligible in discharge- phenomena, although it is always present in Geissler tubes. formula used appears to be satisfactorily established, and to be sufficiently tested as far as the single hypothesis contained in it is concerned ; so that it merits at least as much confidence as an observation of such small quantities, which must be difficult and deceptive. In addition to this, I may add that up to 50° I could discover no perceptible pressure ; whereas 0*10 mm., as given by Regnault, or even 0'0-i mm., as given by Hagen, could not have escaped observation. ON THE CONTINUOUS CUEEENTS WHICH THE TIDAL ACTION OF THE HEAVENLY BODIES MUST PEODUCE IN THE OCEAN. {VerhandliLngcn der pliysikaliselicn Gcscllschaft zu Berlin, 5th January 1883.) In consequence of the friction of the water of the sea, internal as well as against its bed, the tidal skin whose axis in the absence of friction would lie in the direction of the tide -gener- ating body or in a perpendicular direction, will be turned through a certain angle out of the positions named. Hence the attraction of the tide-generating body on the protuberances of the tidal ellipsoid gives rise to a couple opposed to the earth's rotation. The work done by the earth against this couple as it keeps rotating is that energy at whose expense the tidal motion is continually maintained in spite of the friction. It would be impossible to transfer to the solid nucleus of the earth this couple, which directly acts on the liquid, if the motion of the liquid relative to the nucleus were purely oscillatory, and if the mean ocean level coincided with the mean level surface. The transference becomes possible only because the mass of liquid constantly lags a little behind the rotating nucleus ; or because there is a continual elevation above the mean level at the western coasts of the ocean ; or because both phenomena occur together. I have attempted to deduce from the theory of the motion of a viscous fluid an estimate of the character and order of magnitude of the currents generated in this way. The results of the investiga- tion are as follows. Consider a closed canal. Let I be the distance along it from the origin, L its whole length, h its depth, t the time, 208 OCEANIC CURRENTS x T the length of a day. Let f denote the elevation of the water above the mean level, and let t— fnCOS 4:7r{ b bo y L T be a bidiurnal tidal wave which would traverse the canal under the action of a heavenly body, on the equilibrium theory. Then the tidal wave which is actually produced is given by the equation ?= £i cos47r( where and tan 47re = L T JcAL 2wfjJb 2 (gh-A 2 ) f 1 = ^— f Sill 47T6 . bl &AL b0 L Here h denotes the coefficient of viscosity of water, and A = - denotes the velocity of propagation of the wave, /ul the density of water, and g the acceleration of gravity. In the calculation squares and products of small quantities are neglected. For instance, at the free surface the tangential component of pressure is taken to be zero for the mean level ; whilst in reality it is zero for the actual level. We find that this error of the second order may be compensated by supposing a tension t to act at the surface in the direction of propagation of the wave, of which the magnitude is the mean of the values of ^X. at different times, where X denotes the component of gravitational attraction along the canal. For the tidal wave considered above, we have 4wWfc 8 gg . 2A Aha This tension corresponds to a current flowing along the canal in the direction of the tidal wave, and increasing in velocity uniformly from the bed of the canal to the velocity a = — , o £o sin 2 47re = A^- ^ . k 2 AI? b0 A 2 at the surface. x OCEANIC CURRENTS 209 If we apply this result to the case of the earth we see that generally the tidal wave in its progress must be followed by a current in the same direction. In a canal encircling the earth along a parallel of latitude the current would flow everywhere from east to west ; in a canal situated in any way whatever it would be from east to west near the equator, in the opposite direction at a distance from it. In general the current is very small, but it may become very appreciable when the length and depth of the canal are such that the period of the oscillation of the water in it is one day, in which case without friction the tides would be infinitely great. The formulae given are not suitable for getting numerical values, as the differential equations used are not applicable to the motion of deep seas. In fact, if we substitute for the coefficient of viscosity the very small value obtained from experiments with capillary tubes, we get ridiculously high tides and ridiculously violent currents. On the other hand we get currents of only about 100 metres per hour if we use the formula and substitute for £ values corresponding to actually occurring tides. A posteriori, we can from the magnitude of tidal friction as approximately known draw a conclusion as to the order of magnitude of the currents caused by gravitation. In one century the earth lags twenty-two seconds behind a correct chronometer. 1 To produce such a retardation a force must be constantly applied at the equator equal to 530 million kilo- grammes' weight and acting from east to west. If we imagine this force distributed along a system of coast-lines which run parallel to the meridian, bound the ocean on the west, and have a total length of one earth-quadrant, then we get a pressure of 53 kilogrammes' weight for each metre length of coast. To produce this pressure the sea must at these western coasts be elevated 0'3 metre above the level surface with which it coincides at the eastern coasts. In so far then as the retardation mentioned of the earth's rotation has its origin in tidal friction, we can conclude that in consequence of the tide-generating 1 Thomson and Tait, Natural Philosophy, § 830. M. P. P 210 OCEANIC CURRENTS x action of the heavenly bodies we get deviations of the mean sea-level from the mean level surface amounting to ^ to ^ metre, and currents of such magnitude as can be produced by these differences of level. Though we are unable to state the magnitude of these currents, yet we can conclude that they are about equal in magnitude to those which are due to differ- ences of temperature. For the differences of temperature may indeed cause variations of the sea-level from the mean level surface up to several metres ; but only a small fraction of this height will give rise to currents at all, and only a small part of this fraction will cause currents flowing from east to west. XI HOT-WIEE AMMETEE 1 OF SMALL EESISTANCE AND NEGLIGIBLE INDUCTANCE (Zeitschrift fur Instrumentenkunde, 3, pp. 17-19, 1883.) All the forms of the. electro - dynamometer invented by Wilhelm Weber which are intended for weak currents suffer from two defects which are very inconvenient in many investigations. In the first place, the resistance is high, usually amounting to many hundred Siemens units ; in the second place, the self-inductance is large. In many respects the second defect restricts the use of the instrument more than the first ; for it causes the instrument to offer an apparently increased resistance to alternating currents, and in the case of very rapidly alternating currents this increase can be very considerable. If r is the resistance of the instrument, P its self-inductance, and T the period of the alternating current, the apparent resistance to this current is to the actual resistance r as x/l + PV/TV : 1. For the instrument described by Wilhelm Weber, and similar ones which are actually in use, the self-inductance P can be estimated as being of the order of one to two earth-quadrants. If we take r as 200 Siemens units, or approximately 200 earth-quadrants per second, it follows that for a current which alters its direction 50 times per second the resistance is apparently increased in the ratio of ^/2 : 1 ; and a current which altered its direction 500,000 times per second would encounter in the instrument an apparent resistance of 20,000 S.U. As to the 1 [Dynamomctrische Vorrichtung.] 212 HOT-WIRE AMMETER XI presence or absence of currents alternating more rapidly than 10,000 times per second, the dynamometer could tell us nothing ; for its introduction into the circuit would prevent the establishment of such currents. For example, it could not be used for investigating the discharge of a Leyden jar through a short metallic circuit. In pursuing an investigation 1 which depended upon detecting unusually rapid alternating currents, I found it necessary to have a fairly delicate instrument of small resist- ance and negligible self-inductance ; and it occurred to me to use the heating effect of the current in thin metallic wires as a means of detecting it. The attempt succeeded much better than was to be expected, and I may here be allowed to describe the simple instrument which I used. For a given current it certainly gives a much smaller deflection than the usual dynamometers. But it is much more delicate than any instrument of comparable resistance, its self-induct- ance is negligible, and it is as easily handled as any other instrument which gives equally accurate results. The apparatus is shown in Fig. 24. The essential part of it consists of a very thin silver wire, 80 mm. long and 0'06 mm. in diameter, stretched between the screws A and B ; the wire does not run right across from the one screw to the other, but is attached by a little solder to the vertical steel wire db and twisted round this, as shown in Fig. 24, b. The steel wire db has a diameter of 0*8 mm., and is as smooth and round as possible ; the twisting of the silver wire can easily be managed by first stretching it loosely and then turning the steel wire in the direction of the arrow. The silver wire being now well stretched, db is held in position by the torsion which it produces in the thinner steel wires ac and bd ; these 1 See XIII. p. 224. Fig. 24. xr HOT-WIRE AMMETER 213 are 0*1 to 0*2 mm. in diameter, and 25 mm. long. It is now clear that any warming of the silver wire must tend to untwist the wires ac and M and cause the wire ab to turn around its axis ; by means of a mirror attached to the axis this motion is read off through a telescope on a scale at a distance of about 2 metres. In order to prevent any deflection of the mirror through a general change of temperature, the screws A and B are not fixed directly upon the wooden frame, but upon a strong strap of brass (from which they are of course insulated). Since brass and silver have very nearly the same expansion, changes of temperature of the whole apparatus have but a very slight effect upon the position of rest. The instrument is protected from air-currents by a case, which is not shown in the figure. The apparatus can either stand on a table or hang by a hook from a wall ; in the former case levelling-screws are unnecessary. If we suppose the wire to be warmed 1° above its surroundings, its expansion would amount to 19 millionths of its length, so that each half of it would expand by 760 millionths of a millimetre. On the scale this expansion appears magnified in the ratio of 2 x 2000/0*4 :1 = 10, 000:1, and therefore causes a deviation of 7*6 mm. Hence an elevation of temperature of ^° C. would correspond to a deviation of about J mm. which should be clearly perceptible. The following are the results of my observations : — 1. The resistance of the instrument is 0*85 S.U. 2. The instrument can be used in any position and requires no special care in adjustment. The image of the scale remains perfectly quiet, even in a place where a delicate galvanometer or dynamometer keeps continually moving on account of ground- tremors. When the mirror is thrown into vibration, the vibrations are so rapid that the motion of the image of the scale cannot be followed : but the air-damping is sufficient to bring the image completely to rest in a second or less. 3. When a current of suitable strength is passed through the silver wire, the image moves with a jerk into its new position of rest, and the latter can be read off after 1 or 2 seconds. When the current is stopped the image jerks back again to its first position of rest. If the deflection is large, there remains a certain amount of after-effect, but this appears 214 HOT-WIRE AMMETER xr to be an elastic rather than a thermal after-effect, and is not greater than in other instruments in which forces are measured by the elasticity of wires. After a few minutes, at the outside, the image returns to the original position of rest. 4. The following data indicate the sensitiveness of the instrument. It was included in a circuit containing a Daniell cell and a resistance of r Siemens units. In the following table a denotes the deflection in scale-divisions, and h the square root of this deflection multiplied by the total resistance of the circuit (consisting of r S.U. together with 0'85 S.U. for the instrument, and 0*77 S.U. for the Daniell cell) and divided by 10. r = 100 50 30 20 10 5 3 2 a= 0-25 0-9 2-2 4*9 16'9 521 106*8 173*8 b = 4-94 4-89 4-68 4'77 4*77 4*78 4*77 4*77 The numbers in the third row, excepting those corre- sponding to the smallest deflections, are all equal : this shows that the deflections are proportional to the square of the current, and that the instrument is well adapted for measure- ments. The current sent by 1 Daniell through 100 to 150 S.U. can be easily detected : currents sent by 1 Daniell through 30 S.U. and, by means of shunts, all stronger currents, can be measured. 5. When currents alternating a few hundred times per second are sent through the instrument, there arises a difficulty which is due to the small period of vibration of the mirror. The wire absorbs and emits heat very rapidly, and the mirror oscillates in accordance, following every impulse. In itself this is an advantage : but as the eye cannot follow the oscillations, the image of the scale becomes indistinct and the mean deflection cannot be accurately read off. This difficulty is much reduced by using the objective instead of the subjective method of observation ; the scale then remains at rest, and although the spot of light oscillates backward and forward, its mean position can be accurately determined. Furthermore, without diminishing the sensitiveness, the period of vibration can be increased at will by increasing the moment of inertia about the axis. It appeared that the sensitiveness of the instrument was XI HOT-WIRE AMMETER 215 only limited by the accuracy with which the rotation of the axis could be read off. I therefore made experiments with the object of rendering visible even smaller extensions of the wire by further magnification. This was done partly by applying to the axis of the instrument a lever which rotated other axes ; and partly by quite different arrangements of the stretched wire. In this way I succeeded in obtaining deflections ten times as large as those given above : but I cannot recommend those modifications, because they do not admit of the same ease in handling and the same certainty of adjustment. The sensitiveness is best increased by using a thinner silver wire, diminishing the diameter of the axis ah, and increasing the length of the silver wire ; for it is rarely that one requires a dynamometer of such small resistance as the one here described. If we further investigate the theory of the instrument, assuming that ceteris paribus the amount of heat emitted by the wire is proportional to its surface but approximately independent of the nature of the metal, we obtain the following rule for the most appropriate construction of the instrument : — Of the metals which appear to be suitable, choose that which expands most on heating : use as thin a wire as can be procured, and choose its length so that the internal resistance of the instrument is equal to the external resistance for which the maximum sensitiveness is required. XII ON A PHENOMENON WHICH ACCOMPANIES THE ELECTEIC DISCHAEGE (Wiedemann's Annalen, 19, pp. 78-86, 1883.) In the following a phenomenon is described which often accompanies the electric discharge, and in particular the Leyden jar spark, in air and other gases, when the density is not too small. It is true that in most circumstances it is so trivial as not to have appeared worthy of mention, but the first time I noticed it its appearance was so striking as to induce me to make several investigations as to its nature. I remark at once that in the experi- ments a somewhat large induction coil was used, which in the open air gave sparks 4 to 5 cm. long ; the Ley den jar mentioned had a coating of some two square feet in area, and it was simply joined up with one coating connected to each pole of the induction coil, without making any other alteration whatever in the circuit. 1. Fig. 25 represents a discharging apparatus, - which consists of a glass tube, not too finely drawn out, and of two electrodes, one inside the tube, the other attached to it outside near the opening. When this apparatus is placed under the receiver of an air pump, the receiver filled with well-dried air and exhausted down to 30 to 50 mm. pressure, and the discharge from the induction coil then sent through, the following phenomenon is observed : Near the cathode is the blue glow it is succeeded towards xii A PHENOMENON ACCOMPANYING THE ELECTRIC DISCHARGE 217 the anode by the dark space, one or more millimetres wide, and from its end to the anode the path of the current is marked by a red band 1 to 2 mm. in diameter. For both directions of the current this band occupies the greater part of the length of the glass tube, and at its opening bends round sharply towards the electrode outside. But in addition I observed a jet, brownish -yellow in colour, and sharply defined, which projected in a straight line from the mouth of the tube ; it was some 4 cm. long, and its form was like that shown in the drawing, Fig. 25. The greater portion of the jet appears to be at rest, and only at the tip does it split into a few nickering tongues. The jet does not change its shape appreciably when the current is reversed. But when a Leyden jar is joined up, an important change occurs : the jet becomes brighter, and is straight for a distance of only 1 to 2 cm. ; then it splits up into a brush of many branches, which are violently agitated and separate in all directions, in the way shown in Fig. 26. 2. If we increase or diminish the pressure of the air, neglecting for the present the effect of the jar, then in both cases the FlG> 26, jet becomes less striking, but in different ways. If the pressure be increased, the path of the spark no longer completely fills the cross-section of the mouth of the tube, neither does the escaping jet do so, but it only emerges at that side of the mouth where the spark appears ; it becomes narrower, shorter, and assumes a darker, reddish-brown tint. If the pressure be diminished, the jet is again shortened, but at the same time it widens out, and assumes a lighter yellow tint and becomes less bright. When the first striae form in the tube, it is only just perceptible, and then occupies a small hemispherical space just outside the mouth of the tube. When a Leyden jar is used, a similar succession of appearances is observed, but the greatest development occurs at smaller pressures, and it is advisable to choose a wider-mouthed tube. I obtained the most striking forms in air with the follow- ing arrangement. The glass tube was 5 mm. wide and 3 cm. long, and without any contraction at the mouth : the air was 218 A PHENOMENON ACCOMPANYING THE ELECTRIC DISCHARGE xn exhausted down to 10 to 20 mm. pressure, and was kept well dried by placing under the receiver a small dish with sulphuric acid or phosphorus pentoxide ; a large Leyden jar was joined up, and the glare of the discharge itself screened off by using as outside electrode a metal tube placed round the glass tube, and projecting slightly beyond it. Under these conditions the jet was in form like a tree, which reached up to 12 cm. in height ; the part corresponding to the stem projected up straight from the tube a distance of 1 to 5 cm., while the top consisted of flames, which shot violently apart in all directions. The brightness may be judged from the fact that the appear- ance was still visible in a lighted room, but all details could be observed only in a darkened room. 3. When the wall opposite to the jet is too close, so that the jet cannot be fully developed, it spreads out over the wall. When it meets it perpendicularly, it forms a circular mound round the point of impact; but when it is inclined at an angle, it creeps along the wall in the direction in which a body would be reflected after impinging on the wall (in the direction of the flame). The phenomena which here occur may be most simply described by saying that the jets behave as liquid jets would do if they emerged from the mouth of the tube. 4. A magnet has no action on the jet. Neither have conductors, when brought near, not even when they are charged, e.g. w T hen they are connected with one of the two electrodes. 5. The jet generates much heat in the bodies which it encounters. A thermometer brought into the jet shows a rise of ten or more degrees according to circumstances. When the jet encounters the glass receiver it heats it perceptibly ; small objects are melted off from wires on which they have been stuck by wax. When the jet is produced in the open air (see § 10) the heat generated may be felt directly. On the other hand it was found impossible to cause a platinum wire, however thin, to glow when hung in the current. 6. The jet exerts considerable mechanical force. A wire suspended in it is set in violent oscillation, so also is a mica plate, used to deflect the jet. A mica plate, placed on the mouth of the tube, is violently thrown to a distance by the XII A PHENOMENON ACCOMPANYING THE ELECTRIC DISCHARGE 219 first discharge. Eadiometer-like vanes of various kinds may be set revolving continuously by the jet. But the impulse does not act in one direction only — away from the mouth. A mica plate set up before the mouth, so as to be only movable towards the mouth, is also set in vibration, which fact shows that each impulse directed away from the mouth is followed by a return impulse, though one of less strength. 7. The jet does not appear instantaneously, but takes a conveniently measurable time to develop. I have examined its time -changes, first with a rotating mirror, and secondly with an apparatus specially constructed for the purpose ; this has, however, been already described by others, and is arranged as follows : A disc with a narrow radial slit is fixed to the axis of a Becquerel's phosphoroscope ; at every revolution of the disc in one particular position of it the apparatus breaks the primary circuit. When the disc is rapidly rotated it appears to be transparent, but if we look through it at different places, we see the phenomena as they occur at certain definite different times after break. This apparatus usually gives better results than the rotating mirror, but in this case the latter is sufficient. Both methods of observation lead to the following results. The phenomenon is not instantaneous, but lasts about -^ sec. The different parts of the jet do not all appear at once ; the lower portions emit light before the upper ones commence ; the upper parts are visible after the lower ones have gone out. Thus the phenomenon is a jet only to the unaided eye ; in reality it consists of a luminous cloud, which is emitted from the tube with a finite velocity. When no Leyden jar is used, this velocity is for the whole path of the order of 2 m. per second, but it appears to be much greater at the commencement of the phenomenon : so also it seemed much greater for Leyden jar sparks ; for such sparks it may be that often only the after-glow of the gas and not the develop- ment of the jet was observed. 8. Analogous phenomena to those described occur in other gases, but the jets show characteristic differences as regards colour, form, effect of density, etc. In oxygen the jet is very beautiful, much like that in air, but the tint is a purer yellow. The appearance in nitrous oxide resembles that in oxygen almost exactly. In nitrogen it was possible to produce only 220 A PHENOMENON ACCOMPANYING THE ELECTRIC DISCHARGE xn very faint jets ; the colour was nearest to a dark red. In hydrogen the jets are best developed at about 100 mm. pres- sure with the help of red Leyden jar sparks : the tint is a fine blue indigo ; the brightness is not great. But the size is much larger than in air, so that even in a glass receiver 20 cm. high the jet cannot fully develop itself, but spreads out along the top. In the vapour of turpentine, and of ether, and in coal gas, the jets are greenish-white, short, sharply defined. The spectrum of the light is in air and oxygen continuous, especially bright in the red, yellow, and green; in vapours containing carbon it is a band spectrum, which could with certainty be recognised as one of carbon ; in hydrogen it was difficult to observe, owing to the faint light, yet at various times I recognised several bands with certainty, of which the most conspicuous was at any rate very close to the greenish- blue hydrogen line, the others being situated more towards the violet ; in nitrogen a spectrum could not be obtained. 9. In the gases mentioned it is always possible to detect the presence of a jet by its mechanical effects, but the jet is by no means clearly visible under all conditions, and its visi- bility seems to depend on very curious conditions. The air of a room when moist gives a very much weaker appearance than when it has been dried. When we place a dish contain- ing sulphuric acid or phosphorus pentoxide or calcium chloride under the receiver of the air pump, we see the appearance become more distinct as the air becomes drier. The behaviour of hydrogen is still more incomprehensible. When the receiver was filled with this gas the discharges of the Buhmkorff coil did not at once produce the appearance, — Leyden jar sparks were necessary ; but when the jet had once been rendered visible, it could be maintained without using the Leyden jar. But it lasted only a few minutes and then went out, without my being able to reproduce it. I have not succeeded in finding out the conditions necessary for visibility. Greater or less humidity seemed without effect ; equally without effect was the presence of a small quantity of oxygen. When the hydrogen was kept for several hours under the air pump without being used, it did not lose its power of becoming luminous ; but when this power had once been destroyed by the discharges, it was not restored even after hours of rest. I should attribute xii A PHENOMENON ACCOMPANYING THE ELECTRIC DISCHAEGE 221 the luminosity to impurities, 1 did I not feel confident that I had recognised the spectrum of the emitted light to be a hydrogen spectrum. However, the vibrations of a plate of mica placed across the jet are just as lively in moist as in dry air, in freshly prepared hydrogen as in that which has ceased to become luminous ; so that the visibility of the jet seems to be only an accidental property. 1 0. The jets may also be produced in gases at atmospheric pressure ; it is advisable for this purpose to use a discharge apparatus similar to but smaller than that used before. The appearance, it is true, is only a few millimetres long and not very striking, but further experiments may conveniently be made on it. The heating effect and impact of the jet can be directly felt. The jet scatters smoke and small flames at a distance 2 to 3 cm. from the mouth of the glass tube. A strong current of air bends the jet and drives it to one side. When we blow through the opening at which the jet is formed, it lengthens out ; when we suck in air, it shortens. When we pass another gas through the opening and invert a test-tube over it, we get the appearance corresponding to that gas ; so with hydrogen we may obtain a very distinct blue jet, only a few millimetres long. If coal gas is passed through and lighted, the flame oscillates violently when the sparks pass ; the apparatus described in § 7 shows that each spark drives out a small cloud of gas, which burns above the mouth of the tube and apart from the remaining portion of gas. 11. According to all that has been said, there can hardly be any doubt that the jet is formed by a luminous portion of gas escaping from the tube, and it is natural to assume that the projective impulse is the force of expansion occasioned by the rise in the temperature of the gaseous content. But if we place the electrode, which previously was outside the tube, close to the mouth of the tube inside it, or if we allow sparks to pass inside a glass tube sealed at both ends and possessing a lateral opening, in these cases also jets escape from the mouth of the tube ; but they are much weaker than those which would be produced if the spark also passed through the opening. If rise of temperature were the cause of the emission, such a difference could not exist. The above assumption is con- 1 The hydrogen was prepared from pure zinc and dilute sulphuric acid. 222 A PHENOMENON ACCOMPANYING THE ELECTRIC DISCHAEGE xn tradicted, more directly than by these somewhat ambiguous experiments, by the shapes which the jet takes up when the discharge apparatus is completely altered. 12. By shortening the tube more and more, and changing the distance and form of the electrodes, we may continuously change the discharge apparatus so far used into any other form we please ; the jet then changes its shape, but does not dis- appear, rather passes continuously into other forms. It is to be observed that the discharge apparatus hitherto used has the advantage of all others, only because it separates the appear- ance considered from the mass of the luminous effects of the discharge. The forms which occur are very various and often very elegant ; my observations do not suffice to represent them in order. In general their shape appears to depend on the direction of the current, and it is clearly seen that the portions of gas set in motion have velocities along the path of the current, of which the cause cannot be sought merely in the rise of temperature. A sufficient confirmation is afforded by the single example which I will mention here. When we allow the jar discharge to pass between spherical electrodes not too far apart, the appearance analogous to the jet is a bulge surrounding the centre of the spark path (Fig. 27 a, a). Its colour, like that of the jet, is yellow at low pressure, reddish-brown at atmospheric pressure. With this last tint the bulge can, with some care, be seen on every spark which passes between the electrodes of a Holtz machine, when its condensers (which must not be too small) are used. The apparatus described in § 7 gives ,^\ f~2 interesting information as to the produc- f^^ ^^ ^ on °^ ^ ie bulge. First the bright ^^y straight spark appears, and during its Fia - 27 - presence the yellow is still absent or cannot be seen owing to the dazzling of the eye ; it is followed by the aureole (Fig. 27, b, /3), which proceeds from the positive electrode as a red band surrounded by the yellow light a ; the latter, somewhat more than halfway, banks itself up into a wall c ( * nat size) - to be. Such a wire when the current starts would be straight, and would only be brought into its deflected position after a finite time. But we know that cathode rays, even when the corresponding discharges last less than a millionth of a second, appear completely bent. 1 De la Bive's experiment in which the discharge is made to rotate about a magnetic pole tells against the supposition that electromagnetic action can set gaseous discharges in motion with such speed as this. In De la Bive's experiment the action is undoubtedly electromagnetic ; but it takes place at a 1 See Goldstein, Vber eine Form der elektr. Abstossung, iii. Teil. 246 EXPERIMENTS ON THE CATHODE DISCHAEGE xm speed which is very easily measurable. And in every actual electromagnetic effect the ponderable substratum of the current is set in motion ; which is not the case with the deflection of the discharge. 1 Hence this deflection corresponds much more nearly to Hall's phenomenon. But this analogy again is seen to be defective when we recollect that the cathode rays are not to be regarded as the path of the current. Lastly, it is known that the battery-discharge can be ex- tinguished by bringing a powerful magnet near it ; and after the magnet is removed the discharge immediately starts off again. This shows that the action of the magnet upon the discharge cannot be purely electromagnetic. The action of the magnet, which prevents the current from starting, certainly cannot be an action upon the current itself; it can only be an action upon the medium through which the current has to pass. On account of these difficulties, and the fact that the cathode rays do not react upon the magnet, it seems to me probable that the analogy between the deflection of the cathode rays and the electromagnetic action is quite superficial. Without attempting any explanation for the present, we may say that the magnet acts upon the medium, and that in the magnetised medium the cathode rays are not propagated in the same way as in the unmagnetised medium. This statement is in accord- ance with the above-mentioned fact, and avoids the diffi- culties. It makes no comparison with the deflection of a wire carrying a current, but rather suggests an analogy with the rotation of the plane of polarisation of light in a magnetised medium. 2. E. Wiedemann and Goldstein have expressed the opinion that the discharge consists of an ether-disturbance, of itself invisible, and only converted into light by imparting its energy to the gas-particles. This view seems to me to be based upon convincing arguments. I should, however, like to see the word ' discharge ' replaced by ' cathode rays ' : the two things are quite distinct, although the physicists referred to do not observe the distinction. If we consider carefully the following experiment, it will be difficult to resist the view that the cathode rays themselves are invisible, and that they only produce light by their absorption in the gas. The tube 1 See Goldstein, Wicd. Ann. 12, p. 262, 1881. xin EXPERIMENTS ON THE CATHODE DISCHARGE 247 already described, which was used in the preliminary experi- ment of this section, was exhausted so far that the discharges of a large induction coil could only just traverse it : under the action of such discharges there was a brilliant phosphorescence at the end opposite the cathode. After what we have already said, there can be no doubt that the current-paths are re- stricted to the immediate neighbourhood of the electrodes, which are quite near to one another, and that only the cathode rays traverse the length of the tube. Now at the phosphor- escing end of this tube there happened to be a drop of mercury. When that part of the tube was heated, so as to vapourise the mercury and produce there a gas of comparatively high density, the end of the tube became filled with crimson light, which showed the spectrum of mercury. The green phosphorescence of the glass then faded away, and ceased entirely when the stria of mercury vapour attained a certain thickness. By means of a magnet the cathode rays could be made to follow a path in which they had not to traverse the vapour ; the luminescence of the latter then ceased, and was replaced by a green phosphorescence on the glass at the side of the tube, where the rays now fell. In this way one could at will pro- duce a luminescence of the glass or of the mercury vapour. By further heating and distilling, a larger portion of the tube could be filled with the heavy vapour ; it was then found that the luminescence only extended to the 5 or 6 cm. of the portion which lay nearest to the cathode, the part of the tube behind it remaining dark. Finally, when the whole tube was filled with the heavy vapour, the luminescence — in the form of the ordinary cathode light — filled the space about the cathode for a distance of a few centimetres. Thus the cathode rays first excite luminescence when they enter a denser medium and are themselves absorbed by it. For this absorption an infinitely thin stria of a solid suffices, but a finite stria of a gas is requisite. The denser the gas the shorter the distance through which the cathode rays can penetrate into it. This is probably one reason why the cathode light in comparatively dense gases is restricted to the immediate neighbourhood of the cathode. 3. There can be no doubt that in the preceding experi- ment the luminescence of the gas, even in the immediate 248 EXPERIMENTS ON THE CATHODE DISCHARGE xm neighbourhood of the cathode, was not due to the direct action of the current, but to the action of the cathode rays. For without any sudden change it could be gradually transformed into a quite similar luminescence, situated at a great distance from the cathode and in a space where the current was zero. And if we admit that in this special case the cathode light is not directly produced by the current, we can scarcely assume that in the general case it is so produced. According to Goldstein's researches, the cathode light has so many analogies with the separate positive striae that it can be regarded as a degenerated form of such a stria. It is therefore very improbable that the luminescence of the gas in the positive striae is due to any causes other than those which produce the luminescence in the cathode light. We are thus led to the assumption, which at first seemed hazardous, that the luminescence of the gas in the glow discharge is not a direct effect of the current, but arises indirectly through an absorption of the cathode rays 1 which are produced by the current. If we could prevent the production of the cathode rays, the gas would everywhere be as dark as it is in the dark intervals between the striae (although the current flows through these intervening spaces). Conversely, if we could produce the cathode rays in some other way than by the discharge, we could get luminescence of the gas without any current. For the present such a separation can only be carried out ideally. 4. A number of phenomena, which otherwise can only be explained with difficulty, are seen to follow almost as a matter of course when we regard the cathode rays as a disturbance which is quite independent of the actual discharge, and no more connected with it than the light which radiates from the discharge. I shall only mention the penetration of the striae, the reflection of cathode rays from the anode, and the way in which these rays pass out through anodes consisting of close metal gratings completely surrounding the cathode. With respect to the latter, I may say that I have seen fully developed cathode rays pass through wire-gauze containing not less than thirty-six meshes to the square millimetre. 1 i.e. of rays which in their nature are identical with the cathode rays. The name obviously becomes unsuitable if it has also to include the rays of the positive striae. EXPEEIMENTS ON THE CATHODE DISCHARGE 249 III. Have the Cathode Eays Electeostatic Peopeeties ? If we admit that cathode rays are only a subsidiary pheno- menon accompanying the actual current, and that they do not - exert electromagnetic effects, then the next question that arises is as to their electrostatic behaviour. For the experiments relating to this the battery, unfortunately, was no longer available, and I had to make use of the discharges of a small induction coil. On account of their irregularity and suddenness these are very ill adapted for electrostatic measurements. Hence the experi- mental results are not so sharp as they otherwise might have been ; but the conclusion to ^ -^ dinnr^ which they lead may certainly be regarded as correct. The question at the head of this section may be split up into two simpler ones. Firstly : Do the cathode rays give rise to electrostatic forces in their neighbourhood ? Sec- ondly : In their course are they affected by external electrostatic forces ? By cathode rays are here meant such as are separated from the path of the current which produces them : to prevent confusion we shall call these pure cathode rays. A. In seeking an answer to the first question I made use of the apparatus shown in Fig. 33. AB is the glass tube, 25 mm. wide and 250 mm. long, in which the rays were produced, a is the cathode. All the parts marked /3 are in good metallic connection with each other, and such of them as lie inside the tube form the anode. They consist, in the first place, of a brass tube which nearly surrounds the cathode, and only opposite it has a circular opening 10 mm. in diameter, 250 EXPERIMENTS ON THE CATHODE DISCHARGE xin through which the cathode rays can pass ; secondly, of wire- gauze, about 1 sq. mm. in mesh, through which the cathode rays have to pass ; thirdly, of a protecting metallic case, which completely surrounds the greater part of the tube and screens that part of the gas-space which lies beyond the wire-gauze from any electrostatic forces which might be produced by induction from without, e.g. from the cathode. If the results which we have already obtained have any meaning, the cathode rays are to be regarded as pure after they have passed through the opening in the metal cylinder and the wire-gauze beyond it. They are none the less vivid ; at low densities they cause the glass at B to shine with a brilliant green phosphorescence, upon which the shadow of the wire-gauze is plainly marked. The part of the glass tube which lay within the protecting case was now enclosed in a metallic mantle 7, which was connected with one pair of quadrants of a delicate electrometer ; the protecting case and the other quadrants were connected to earth. When even a small quantity of electricity was brought inside this mantle, it attracted by induction electricity of the opposite sign from the electrometer, so that a deflection was produced. The electricity could, e.g., be introduced by re- placing the tube AB inside the protected space and the mantle 7 by a metal rod which had about the same size and position as the cathode rays. This was placed in metallic connection with the cathode, while the current from the induction coil passed, as it did in the actual experiments, through the tube. The deflection then produced in the electrometer was too great to be measured, but could be estimated at two to three thou- sand scale -divisions. When the current was stopped the electrometer needle went back to about its old position ; and this could be repeated at will. Now if the cathode rays consisted of a stream of particles charged to the potential of the cathode, they would produce effects quantitatively similar to the above, or qualitatively similar if they produced any electrostatic forces whatever in their neighbourhood. On trying the experiment the following results were obtained. When the quadrants of the electrometer were connected together and the induction coil started, the needle naturally remained at rest. When the connection between the quadrants was broken, the needle, in consequence of irregularities in the xiii EXPERIMENTS ON THE CATHODE DISCHARGE 251 discharge, began to vibrate through ten or twenty scale- divisions from its position of rest. When the induction coil was stopped, the needle remained at rest in its zero-position, and again began to vibrate as above when the current was started. As far as the accuracy of the experiment allows, we can conclude with certainty that no electrostatic effect due to the cathode rays can be perceived ; and that if they consist of streams of electrified particles, the potential on their outer surface is at most one-hundredth of that of the cathode. And this conclusion remains correct even if we now find that there are complications in the part of the tube beyond the wire- gauze, viz. that this part of it is by no means unelectrified. If we start the induction coil after the apparatus has been long at rest, and is therefore free from electricity, a consider- able deflection (150 to 200 scale-divisions), showing a negative charge on the tube, is produced in the electrometer. But this charge and deflection remain constant, however often the coil is put in and out of action. They remain for an hour after the discharge has been stopped. But while the discharge is on, the position of the needle changes instantaneously when a magnet is brought near the tube, and the needle remains constant in its new position so long as the magnet is not moved. As a matter of fact, then, electricity does penetrate through the wire -gauze into the protected part of the tube until its entrance is prevented by the rise of potential. We shall not here establish the laws which underlie this penetration of the electricity ; it is enough that it has nothing to do with the cathode rays. For the passage of these latter is in no way influenced when the further penetration of the electricity is prevented ; nor, as the first experiment shows, is the amount of electricity in the tube appreciably increased when the cathode rays again begin to enter it. B. In order to find out whether pure cathode rays are affected by electrostatic forces, the following experiments were made. The rays were produced in a glass tube 26 cm. long, provided with a circular aluminium cathode 5 mm. in diameter. As in the preceding experiments, the cathode was almost completely surrounded by the anode, and the cathode rays had to pass out through the wire-gauze. Further on in their path was a fine wire ; the sharp shadow of this, appear- 252 EXPERIMENTS ON THE CATHODE DISCHARGE xin ing on the phosphorescent patch at a distance of 1 2 cm., served as an accurate indicator of any deflection. A magnetic force only half as strong as the horizontal intensity of the earth's magnetism, acting perpendicular to the direction of the ray, was sufficient to change quite notably the position of this shadow. The tube was now placed between two strongly and oppositely electrified plates : no effect could be observed in the phosphorescent image. But here there was a doubt whether the large electrostatic force to which the tube was subjected might not be compensated by an electrical distribution produced inside it. In order to remove this doubt, two metallic strips were placed inside the tube at a distance of 2 cm. from one another, and were connected to external con- ductors by which they could be maintained at different potentials. After passing the wire which produced the shadow, the rays had to travel a distance of 12 cm. between these strips. The latter were first connected with the poles of a battery of twenty small Daniell cells. Opening and closing this connection produced not the slightest effect upon the phosphorescent image. Hence no effect is produced upon the ray by an electromotive force of one Daniell per millimetre acting upon it perpendicular to its length. 240 Plante cells of the large battery were next charged and connected with the two metallic strips. By themselves these 240 cells were not able to discharge across the strips ; but as soon as the induction coil was set to work and the cathode rays filled the space between the strips, the battery also began to discharge between them ; and, as there was no liquid resistance in the circuit, this at once changed into an arc discharge. The same phenomenon could be produced with a much smaller number of cells — down to twenty or thirty. This is in accordance with Hittorfs discovery that very small electromotive forces can break through a space already filled with cathode rays. The 240 cells were next connected up through a large liquid resistance : during each separate discharge of the induction coil there was now only a weak battery-discharge lasting for an equally short time. The phosphorescent image of the Buhmkorff discharge appeared somewhat distorted through deflection in the neigh- bourhood of the negative strip ; but the part of the shadow in the middle between the two strips was not visibly displaced. xt ii EXPERIMENTS ON THE CATHODE DISCHARGE 253 The result may therefore be expressed as follows. Under the conditions of the experiment the cathode rays were not deflected by any electromotive force existing in the space traversed by them, at any rate not by an electromotive force of one to two Daniells per millimetre. Upon this we may make the following remarks : — 1. As far as the imperfect experiments described under III. enable us to decide, the cathode rays cannot be recognised as possessing any electrostatic properties. Under II. we have partly proved, and partly shown it to be probable, that they do not produce any strictly electromagnetic effects. Thus the question arises : are we justified in regarding the cathode rays as being in themselves an electrical phenomenon ? It does not appear improbable that, as far as their nature is concerned, they have no closer relation to electricity than has the light produced by an electric lamp. 2. The experiments described under II. can quite well be reconciled with the view, which has received support in many directions, that the cathode rays consist of streams of electri- fied material particles. But the results described under III. do not appear to be in accordance with such a view. For we find that the cathode rays behave quite unlike a rod of the same shape connected with the cathode, which is pretty well the opposite of what one would expect, according to this conception. We may also ask with what speed electrified particles would have to move in order that they should be more strongly deflected by a magnetic force of absolute strength unity, acting perpendicularly to their path, than by an electrostatic force of 1 Daniell per millimetre. The requisite speed would exceed eleven earth-quadrants per second, — a speed which will scarcely be regarded as probable. But unless we assume such a speed, the conception here referred to cannot, in accordance with the experiments described under B, account for the action of the magnet upon the rays. Conclusion By the experiments here described I believe I have proved : — 1. That until stronger proofs to the contrary are adduced, 254 EXPERIMENTS ON THE CATHODE DISCHARGE xm we may regard the battery discharge as being continuous, and therefore the glow discharge as not being necessarily dis- ruptive. 2. That the cathode rays are only a phenomenon accom- panying the discharge, and have nothing directly to do with the path of the current. 1 3. That the electrostatic and electromagnetic properties of the cathode rays are either nil or very feeble. I have also endeavoured to bring forward a definite conception as to how the glow discharge takes place. The following are the principal features of this : — The luminescence of the gas in the glow discharge is not a phosphorescence under the direct action of the current, but a phosphorescence under the influence of cathode rays produced by the current. These cathode rays are electrically indifferent, and amongst known agents the phenomenon most nearly allied to them is light. The rotation of the plane of polarisation of light is the nearest analogue to the bending of cathode rays by a magnet. If this conception is correct, we are forced by the pheno- mena to assume that there are different kinds of cathode rays whose properties merge into each other and correspond to the colours of light. They differ amongst themselves in respect of exciting phosphorescence, of being absorbed, and of being deflected by a magnet. The views which most nearly coincide with these are those which have been expressed by E. Wiedemann 2 and E. Gold- stein. 3 By comparing this paper with those below referred to, it will be easy to recognise the points of agreement and differ- ence. The experiments here described were carried out in the Physical Institute of the University of Berlin. 1 Since the presence of cathode rays in a gas-space modifies considerably the possibility of .passing a discharge through it, there can scarcely be any doubt that the position and development of the cathode rays do indirectly affect the path of the current. 2 See Wied. Ann. 10, p. 249, 1880. 3 Loc. cit. 12, p. 265, 1881. XIV ON THE BEHAVIOUE OF BENZENE WITH EESPECT TO INSULATION AND EESIDUAL CHABGE (Wiedemann's Annalen, 20, pp. 279-284, 1883.) Eowland and Nichols have shown 1 that in certain insulating crystals dielectric polarisation is not accompanied by any electric after-effect or formation of a residual charge. They interpret this result as supporting the view that the forma- tion of a residual charge is simply a necessary consequence of imperfect homogeneity in an insulator. Some years ago I wanted to find whether the formation of a residual charge could be detected in a conductor undoubtedly homogeneous ; and with this object I tested various liquids. The conductivity of most of these proved to be too high for such experiments ; but commercial pure benzene exhibited a sufficiently high resistance, and also a distinct residual charge. A closer investigation disclosed certain peculiarities in the behaviour of benzene which are described below, and these can be inter- preted in the same way as the behaviour of crystals. I had not kept the numerical results of my experiments ; but Herr E. Heins has been good enough to repeat the experiments, and to allow me to make use of his results. The numerical data given below are taken from Herr Heins' experiments! 1. The method adopted is copied from that of Herr W. Giese. 2 The benzene is contained in a zinc canister (B, Eig. 34). In this, and entirely surrounded by it, a zinc plate about 12 cm. long and 8 cm. broad was hung by two wires. This plate 1 Phil. Mag. (Series 5) 11, p. 414. 1881. 2 Wied. Ann. 9, p. 160, 1880. 256 KESIDUAL CHARGE Fig. 34. formed the inner coating, and the zinc canister the outer coating of a Leyden jar, of which the benzene formed the dielectric. The inner coating was connected with one pair of quadrants — not earthed — of an electrometer ; and by means of the key a this coating could be con- nected to earth. The outer coating could either be connected by 7 to the earth as well, or by ft to one pole of a constant battery of 100 small Daniell cells, the other pole of which was kept at zero potential by an earth-connection. If we now suppose the circuit to be closed at a and j3, and open at 7, the needle of the electrometer will clearly stand at zero, and the circuit will be traversed by a current whose strength will depend upon the resistance of the benzene. If the circuit is now broken at a, the inner coating strives to charge itself to the potential of the outer, and hence the electrometer needle is deflected in the direction in which it would move if the unearthed quadrants were directly connected with the insulated pole of the battery. This we shall call the positive direction. The rate of deflection of the needle enables us to measure the resistance of the benzene. The capacity of the electrometer was to that of the benzene con- denser in the ratio of 4.5 : l. 1 The whole potential of the battery would have deflected the needle 5500 scale-divisions from its position of rest. Now suppose that the connection to the electrometer at S was broken one second after opening the circuit at a, and that the electrometer was found to give a deflection of a scale-divisions. The difference of potential of the coatings would then have sunk in a second through a/5500 of its value. In the absence of the electrometer it would have fallen (4.5 + 1) times as rapidly, i.e. through a/1000 in a second, or to l/e in of its value in 4-7T. 1000/ ^ the residual charge the outer coating was disconnected by the key (3 from the battery, and connected by y with the earth ; just a second after closing 7 the current was broken at a. The residual charge present then pro- duced a negative deflection of the electrometer ; this rapidly increased, reached a maximum, and then, owing to loss of charge by conduction, slowly fell off. An exact measure of the residual charge could only be deduced by complicated calculations from the course of the deflections; but an estimate of its magnitude can be obtained directly from the maximum deflection. 2. The canister was filled with com- mercial benzene, and the current was closed, excepting when the resistance and residual charge were from time to time tested. The results were as follows. At first the resist- ance was so small that in a few moments after opening a the scale moved quite out of the field of view. The residual charge was fairly considerable; its maximum value was more than 1 per cent of the original charge, but in consequence of the high conductivity it soon disappeared. Twenty to thirty minutes later the resistance was found to have in- creased to a conveniently measurable value ; 1 at the same time the residual charge had become much smaller. The same changes went on without interruption ; after twenty- four hours the benzene had become almost a perfect insulator, and scarcely any residual charge could be detected. Tig. 35 represents correctly the numerical results of one of the experiments. The abscissae give the time in hours and minutes from the beginning of the experiment. The vertical ordinates give the 1 It had increased for both directions of the current. 258 RESIDUAL CHARGE xiv conductivities measured at the corresponding times. The pro- gress of formation of the residual charge, as far as it was followed, is shown by the curves. The measurements are only relative ; the conductivity at time was too great to be measured. 1 3. The conductivity and residual charge at the beginning are certainly due to impurities. For, in the first place, they could be reproduced, after they had once disappeared, by any action which introduced fresh impurities, e.g., by pouring the benzene into other vessels, by stirring it up, blowing in moist air, dipping in a wire of oxidisable metal, or mixing any powder with it. The effects thus produced could again be destroyed as before. In the second place, if a sample of benzene having a high conductivity was carefully distilled over calcium chloride, and only allowed to come in contact with vessels which had been rinsed out with purified benzene, its con- ductivity was very much reduced. But the highest grade of insulation could never be attained in this way. 4. The reduction of both of these effects is due, at any rate in part, to the action of the current. They certainly fell oft even when the benzene was simply allowed to stand ; but neither so rapidly nor so far as when the coatings of the jar were connected to the poles of , a battery. In this respect different samples of benzene seem to behave differently. The resistance of the sample which I investigated only changed very slightly when no current was used, whereas the con- ductivity of that examined by Herr Heins fell to very low values simply by standing. It may have been that the former contained chiefly soluble impurities and the latter matter in suspension. Experiments made with the intention of finding out the nature of the active impurities were unsuccessful. I shall only remark that in such experiments the benzene can be tested between glass electrodes ; for the resistance of the latter is negligible in comparison with that of the benzene. 5. In its behaviour electrically purified benzene comes extraordinarily near to that of an ideal liquid insulator. 1 In Fig. 35 it will be noticed that after every considerable interruption of the current the flow to the condenser becomes greater than it had been before. This is only very slightly, if at all, due to a decrease in the resistance ; it rather expresses the fact that for a short time after each interruption the flow proper is reinforced by that due to the residual charge. XIV RESIDUAL CHARGE 259 Scarcely a trace of residual charge can be detected, and its insulating power is not far short of that of our best insulators. On account of the evaporation which took place, the experi- ments could not be extended much beyond twenty-four hours, and at the end of this time a definite limit to the resistance had not yet been reached. But the insulating power may be judged from the fact that in a minute after breaking the earth-connection at a, the electrometer needle had only moved six scale divisions from its position of rest. From this, and from the ratio of the capacities given above, it follows that a Ley den jar containing this benzene as dielectric would require two hours to lose half its charge. 6. The residual charge exhibited by impure benzene arises from polarisation, which produces some kind of after-effect, and not from an absorption of free electricity. This can be proved by the following experiments. After breaking the circuit at a, just at the instant when the residual charge begins to exhibit itself, the benzene is allowed to run out through an opening in the bottom as quickly and quietly as possible ; the residual charge now makes its appearance suddenly, and its sign is the same as it would have been if the benzene had not been run out. If the residual charge were due to an absorption of electricity by the dielectric, the removal of this dielectric would certainly be followed by a sudden deflection ; but the sign of this would have been opposite to that of the electricity removed with the dielectric, and therefore opposite to that of the original residual charge. In another experiment I polarised impure benzene in a large vessel between two plates, A and B, which were several centi- metres apart. A and B were then brought to the potential zero ; and a system of three other plates, 1, 2, and 3, was immediately introduced into the space between them. The outer plates 1 and 3 were connected to earth and to one pair of quadrants of an electrometer. Plate 2, which was connected to the other pair of quadrants, was closely attached to 3, but insulated from it. Thus no benzene could enter between 2 and 3, whereas there was a layer a few centimetres thick between 1 and 2. On introducing this system there was an immediate deflection in the galvanometer, the direction of which changed with the direction of polarisation of the benzene ; 260 RESIDUAL CHARGE xiv this corresponded to a portion of the residual charge which other- wise would have developed upon the plates A and B. Now, it is easily seen that if the residual charge is an after-effect of polari- sation, the sign of this deflection must be opposite to what it would be if it were due to electric absorption from the plates ; for the electrical double stria produced between plates 1 and 2 would have opposite signs in these two cases. The result of the experiment indicated that the effect was due to polarisation. It is not surprising that the results of such experiments are somewhat irregular ; for it is impossible to prevent friction and irregular motions which disturb the polarised elements. As a matter of fact, the magnitude of the deflection varied very considerably, and now and again an experiment even gave a result in the opposite direction. But the results of the large majority of the experiments were such as to justify the state- ment above made. XV ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF STRESS IN AN ELASTIC RIGHT CIRCULAR CYLINDER (Schlomilch's Zeitschrift fur Math. u. Physik, 28, pp. 125-128, 1884.) A homogeneous elastic right circular cylinder is bounded by two rigid planes perpendicular to its axis. Let pressures be applied to its curved surface at any desired inclination to it, and let them be independent of the coordinate parallel to the axis and act perpendicularly to that axis. Then the distribu- tion of stress in the interior can be expressed in a finite form so remarkably simple that it may be of interest in spite of the narrow limits of the problem. Let F be the pressure on the element ds of the curved surface, and / its direction. Further, let M n be the component in direction n of the pressure on a plane element parallel to the axis of the cylinder, and the normal to which has the direction n. Let (m, n) denote the angle between the direc- tions m and n ; r the radius vector joining the element considered to the element ds of the curved surface ; p the perpendicular let fall on the axis of the cylinder from the element ds ; and R the radius of the cylinder. With this notation ti/t / N , 2Lcos(/,r) cos (n.r) cos (m.r) M n = -p cos (w, m) + - F ^^ ^^ —^ds V = mrr F C ° S (f' r ) d8m 262 STRESSES IN A EIGHT CIRCULAR CYLINDER xv The integrations extend all round the circumference of the cylinder. Proof. — We shall first show that the expression (1) represents a possible system of stress. Let x and y be rectangular coordinates in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder ; then the pressures ~K X , Y y , Y x , which are independent of the third coordinate, form a possible system if they satisfy these differential equations 0= 3X, + 3Y^ JJ_* + d J £> ?%+?%= £l- (2). dx dy dx dy dy 2 dx 2 dydx Let p, co be polar coordinates, p cos co = x, p sin co — y, and in the stress-components P p , P w , fl M let co denote the direction perpendicular to co ; then the system of stress p p = — , p„ = o, n„ = o (3) p satisfies the equations (2). This is proved by calculating the values of X x , Y y , Y x , which follow from (3), and substituting them in (1). The three equations (3) may be replaced by the one equation M _ cos co cos (n,p) cos (m,p) cos (x,p) cos (n,p) cos (rn,p) P P A sum of such M n with different poles and multiplied by arbitrary constants will represent a system which satisfies the differential equations (2). Now the integral which occurs in (1) is such a sum, and as the expression in front of the integral merely represents a constant pressure p uniformly distributed through the cylinder, it follows that the system expressed by the equation (1) is a possible one. We shall prove secondly that when we approach infinitely near to the curved surface and make the direction n coincide with that of the radius p, then M n coincides with the component of F in the direction m ; so that M n = F cos (m,ri). For this purpose we separate the integral into two parts, one relating to the portion of the boundary infinitely near the element considered, the other to the remaining more distant portion. For this latter, and for it alone, we have xv STRESSES IN A RIGHT CIRCULAR CYLINDER 263 O-O / N C0S (P> T ) C0S ( 7l > r ) 1 r = 2E cos (p,r), ^L-L = ^L-Z = ; r v ZK so that this part of the integral = — I F cos (f,r) cos (m,r)ds = ^ f {F cos (/771) + F cos [(f,p) - (m,,,)]}*, since (/,/)) + (m,r) = (/,m) ; (/» - (m,r) = (/,/o) - (m,p). Now since the forces F must not produce a displacement of the cylinder in the direction m, nor a rotation round the axis, JF cos (f,m)ds =-- , |F sin (/,/>)* = 0. Hence the part of the integral examined is equal to cos (ra,jo) I F cos {f,p)ds, 2Ett and thus cancels the first term in M n ; and M. tt reduces to that part of the integral which is due to the part of the curved surface near the element considered. Here we have rd(p,r) = ds cos (p,r). Hence cos (n } r) , cos (p,r) , ,, * \^_Z ds = - — ^— - ds = d(p,r), r r and as F, / may be regarded as constant over the smal. portion of surface considered, we have --H M n = - F cos (/» cos (m,r)d(p,r) n - F I cos [(r,p) - (/,/>)] cos [(r,p) - (m,p)]d(j> t r) IT ~2 264 STRESSES IN A RIGHT CIRCULAR CYLINDER xv +E +E 2 2 F f F f = - cos [2(r,p) - (/,/>)M/>,r) +- cos (/, m) tffV,^) 7Tj 7T J _1T _7T 2 2 = F cos (/,m), which was to be proved. In calculating the first of the parts into which we separated the integral we ought strictly to have excluded from the integration the portion of the curved surface lying close to the element considered ; but a simple investigation shows that the error thus committed is infinitesimal. Example. — Particular applications of our formula may be made to cases where pressures are applied at isolated points of the curved surface. Imagine, for instance, a cylinder placed between two parallel plane plates which are pressed together with a pressure P. This is approximately the position of the rollers which frequently form the basis of support of iron bridges. We take the axis of x to be the line joining the points of contact of the cylinder with the planes; its inter- section with the axis of the cylinder we take as origin. The coordinate perpendicular to x we call y, and denote by r 1} r 2 the distances of the element considered from the points of contact. Then the component of stress normal to the element considered is ±V7T IT cos (r x) cos 2 (r^) cos (r 2 x) cos 2 (r 2 n)\ r, r 9 J ' If we determine the direction n so that N n becomes a maximum or minimum, keeping r , r 9 the same, we get the values and directions of the principal stresses at the point (r v r 2 ). This calculation can be performed. For the axes of x and y the principal stresses are parallel to the axes, whence we easily obtain, for the axis of x P 3K 2 + ^ 2 P xv STRESSES IN A RIGHT CIRCULAR CYLINDER 265 and for the axis of y P 3R 4 -2EV-y 4 P / R 2 -?/ ^~R^rR 4 +2Ry + ^ ' ' y R^VRMY All the elements of the axes suffer compression in the direction of x, and extension in the perpendicular direction. At the centre the pressure in the direction of x is Qjir times what it would be if the pressure P were distributed uniformly over the whole section 2R. Even in this simplest case it appears that the distribution of stress is extremely complicated. XVI ON THE EQUILIBEIUM OF FLOATING ELASTIC PLATES (Wiedemann's Annalen, 22, pp. 449-455, 1884.) Suppose an infinitely extended elastic plate, e.g. of ice, to float on an infinitely extended heavy liquid, e.g. water ; on the plate rest a number of weights without production of lateral tension; the position of equilibrium of the plate is required. The solution of this problem leads to certain paradoxical results, on account of which it is given here. If we confine ourselves to small displacements, we may regard the effects of the separate weights as superposed, and need only consider the case of a single weight P. We suppose it placed at the origin of coordinates of x, y, of which the plane coincides with the plate, supposed infinitely thin. Further we write y 2 = d 2 /dx 2 + d 2 /dy 2 , p 2 = x 2 + y 2 , and denote by E and fi in the usual notation the elastic constants of the material of the plate, by h its thickness, and by s the density of the liquid. Let z denote the vertical displacement of the deformed plate from the plane of x, y, reckoned positive when downwards; then on the one hand {Wi 3 / 12(1 - f/)}\7 4 z is the upward pressure per unit area due to the elastic stresses, 1 on the other hand sz is the upward hydrostatic pressure per unit area. The sum of both pressures must vanish every- where except at the origin. Here the integral of that sum taken over a very small area must be equal to P. But since the integral of the hydrostatic pressure over such an area is infinitesimal, that condition must be satisfied by the integral of the elastic reaction alone. If we write for shortness 1 Clebsch, Theorie cler Elasticity, § 73, 1862. FLOATING ELASTIC PLATES 267 12(1 -^>_ , 1 E/r our problem may be stated mathematically thus : Eequired an integral of the equation ^ 4 z + a 4 z = 0, which vanishes at infinity, is finite at the origin, and is such that the integral of sa 4 frfzdw taken throughout the neighbourhood of the origin may be equal to P. With Heine 1 we write K(p)= fe^ cosiu du, o then K(/o) is a solution of the equation rfz = - z, and therefore K(/o ^/^V) is a solution of our equation. And z = _ J K[ap x/i(l + i)] - K[ap */$(l - i)] \ (1) 4:7TSl [ J is also a solution. It is real, and if we bring it into a real form we get by transforming the integral CO z = f5 (V apA ^sin ap s/^vdv , 2 \ 4tt S J - " V^-l i which form shows that the solution assumed vanishes at infinity. In order to examine its value near the origin, we employ an expansion of the function K given by H. Weber, 2 first in a series of Bessel's functions, then of powers of p, and thus obtain z £{*'-"- ?5>"-*> + 4 a 8 p* + T 1 4\ 2 2 .4 2 2 2 .4 2 .6 2 .8 2 / (3> _ (1+log2 _c ) (f- F ^ !+ ...)} 1 Heine, Handbuch der KugelfunTctioiien, vol. i. p. 192, 1878. 2 I.e. p. 244. The sign of C is wrongly quoted here. 268 FLOATING ELASTIC PLATES xvi C is equal to '57721. The rows are so arranged that each horizontal row by itself represents a particular integral of the given differential equation. This form shows that z remains finite when p = ; further, the integral over a small circular area surrounding the origin is i^zdio = 2tt [p^zclp = 2ttU (p d -^\ = -P. Hence the integral considered is the required one ; at the same time the form (3) is one very suitable for the numerical calculation of z for small values of p. For large values we use a semi-convergent series which one gets from (2) by expanding the root and integrating the separate terms, and whose first terms are a 2 F jnre-^h / w \ = ~ — . / - — ==-< sin [ dp V Jr + - "P sm ( aps/\ + — I + . . . (4). The solution can be expressed in several additional forms. We shall interpret the above in the following remarks. 1. At the place where the weight is put, the indentation of the plate has its greatest value z = z = a 2 ~P/8s. The plate rises from there in all directions towards the level zero ; at first slowly, then faster, then again more slowly. At the distance p = a, z = 'Q4:Qz ; for p = 2a, z = '2582 ; for p = 3a, z = *066% Near the distance p = ^ir v f 2a = 3 - 887a, z changes sign and thus the plate appears raised into a ridge round the central depression. But it is extraordinary that at further distances from the origin ridges and hollows follow each other with the period irslz.a. The plate is thrown into a series of circular waves ; it is true that they diminish so rapidly in height as we go outwards that we need not wonder at being unable to see them without special arrangements. The quantity a, which is characteristic of the system of waves, is a length. To calculate it for the case of ice floating on water, we notice that s = 1 " 6 kg/mm 3 ; p, can be taken as \ ; and, xvi FLOATING ELASTIC PLATES 269 according to Eeusch, 1 E is equal to 236 kg/mm 2 . We thus obtain for different thicknesses h — h = 10 20 50 100 200 mm. a=0-38 0-64 1*27 2*14 3*60 m., whence we easily get the depression produced by 100 kg. 2 = 86'4 30-5 7-72 2-73 0'96 mm. 2. The strain produced in the plate depends on the second differential coefficients of z with respect to x and y ; hence it becomes infinite at the origin. This shows that the greatest strain cannot be found without a knowledge of the distribution of the weight. We shall calculate the maximum tension in the simple case when the weight P is uniformly distributed over a circular area of radius E, where E is supposed small compared with a. For this purpose we calculate v% at tne origin. If we call the distance from the origin of the element at which dF rests p, then the portion of V% due to this element is, by equation (3), — (log«p-lo g 2 + C), aits where the terms which vanish with p have been neglected. A ; simple integration now gives ^o=2^=2_ = _(lo ga E-i-log2 + C) = ~ P (log aK- 0*6519). 2-7TS The maximum tension at the centre of the curved plate is p = (Eh/2)d 2 z/dx 2 ', by forming the expression for p and substituting for a 4 its value we find 3(1 -V)P P = — 2 ^ (log «R- 0-6519). It would be a mistake to attempt to apply this formula even when E is of the order of the thickness of the plate or 1 Reusch, Wiecl. Ann. 9, p. 329, 1880. 270 FLOATING ELASTIC PLATES xvi smaller still. In this case the pressure inside the plate will still be distributed over a circular area whose diameter is approximately equal to the thickness of the plate. We may roughly represent the case when the weight is as far as possible concentrated at a point by making R equal ^h in the preceding formula ; thus we get for the greatest tension which the weight P can produce at all in the plate For example, in the case of the plates of ice just con- sidered, we get for a weight of 100 kg. the values 2^=221, 53, 81, 1-9, 0"47 kg/cm 2 . The plate 100 mm. thick would certainly bear the weight, that 50 mm. thick probably not. 3. The force with which the water buoys up the weight owing to its deformation is 2tts, 27r szpdp = — 4 v 4 2 . pdp and is therefore equal to the load applied. However great the load, it will always be supported ; the force with which the plane unloaded plate is buoyed up is immaterial. If we place a small circular disc of stiff paper on the surface of water, we may put at its centre a load of several hundred grammes, although the force buoying up the paper alone is but a few grammes. Hence when a man floats on top of a large sheet of ice, it is in strictness more correct to say that he floats because by his weight he has hollowed the ice into a very shallow boat, than to say that he floats because the ice is light enough to support him in addition to its own weight. For he would float just as well if the ice were no lighter than the water ; and if instead of the man we placed weights as large 'as we pleased upon the ice, they might break through, but could never sink with the ice. The limit of the load depends on the strength, not on the density of the ice. The case is different when men or weights are uniformly xvi FLOATING ELASTIC PLATES 271 distributed over the surface, or when the radius of the plate is not very large, that is, not many times a. 4. If we consider the latter case, that of a finite plate, more closely, we get the above-mentioned paradoxical result. For the free edge of the circular plate these conditions x must hold 1 — a dz • d At the centre we have the same condition as before. The solution is to be compounded of the three integrals of the equation \/ 4 z -f a 4 z = , which are finite at the origin; and is completely determined by the given conditions. According as at the edge of the plate z is negative or positive, that is, according as the edge is above or below the surface of the water, the plate will or will not float without further aids (without buoyancy of its own). The case (c) when z = at the edge, is a limiting case. When we enquire under what conditions the equations (a) (b) (c) are simultaneously possible, we are led to the vanishing of a determinant involving the radius of the plate as the unknown. This determinant in fact vanishes for certain values of E, and with a little patience we find that the least value of E for which this occurs lies between 2*5 2 ~ > r = — ? dt dt dt 1 Cf. v. Helmholtz, Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, vol. i. p. 619. xvii FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS OF ELECTROMAGNETICS 281 and call p, q, r the components of the magnetic current, Further we put P x =p, Q x = q, E x = r and call P x , Q v E x the components of the vector-potential of this current. Then the electric forces produced by the magnetic current are \ dy dz \d% dy The reasoning which allows us to infer from the forces (1) that the mutual potential of two electric current-systems u v v lt w l and u 2 , v 2 , w 2 has the form 3 {U X U 2 + V X V 2 + W{U0 2 ^)d J T 1 dT 2 , leads to the conclusion, using forces (3), that the magnetic current-systems p v 9_i> T i an d Pi, q-i, ^ have the mutual potential A - (prf* + M2 + r^dr^r. The same considerations which led us from that potential of electric currents to the inductive forces (2) allow us from the potential of magnetic currents to infer the existence of induced magnetic forces of the form L^-A 2 ^, M^-A 2 ^!, N^-A 2 ^ 1 (4) 1 dt 1 dt 1 dt K } ' Here also we may affirm that these forces act inside the magnetic bodies as well as in the space outside ; and we easily convince ourselves that we cannot well confine the connection between the force (3) and (4) to the case where the forces (3) are due to magnetic currents alone. We must conclude that when a system of currents or magnets gives rise to electrical forces of the form (3), then a variation of this system will give rise to magnetic forces of the form (4). 282 FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS OF ELECTROMAGNETICS XVII So far we have merely repeated in precise form the results of the preceding paragraph. We now go further and conclude that a system of variable currents exerts electric forces of the form (2). These may be represented in the form (3). Hence unless they are constant they will give rise to magnetic forces of form (4). And these must be added as a correction to the known magnetic forces of form (1). To arrive at the expres- sion of the forces (2) in the form (3) we put dt \ dy dz _ A2 ^Vi =A /ap dK ) dt \dz dx dW, . fdQ 8P\ A 2— i = A -* dt \dx dy J Assuming for the present that 3 P + aQ + ^E = {a) dx dy dz we get, by differentiating the second equation with respect to z, the third with respect to y, and subtracting the results, dt\ dz dy ) and thence We get similar expressions for Q and E. It is easy to see that these satisfy the equation (a), and the assumption of the truth of this equation is justified. From the values of P, Q, K follow the magnetic forces produced by their variation. The ^-component is A9 dP 1 A3 d 2 d a — - A 2 — = - — A 3 — —V, - — Wi dt 4tt df\dz 1 dy This term we must add to the component L x of the previously assumed magnetic force. Let us call the component thus xvii FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS OF ELECTROMAGNETICS 283 corrected L 2 and form the similarly corrected components M 2 , N 2 ; then these forces may be represented by the system \dz dy }' . r ./aw 2 au,\ ?u 2 , av 2 aw., . 3y 9a? where we have put 47r rfr 4tt d£- w 2 = w 1 --1a 2 ^w 1 . 47T a£" From what precedes we may at once conclude that the electro- motive forces produced by a variation of the current-system no longer have exactly the form (2), but have these corrected values X 2 = _A 2 ^?, Y 2 = -A 2 ^, Z,= -A 2 ^? (6). dt dt dt Exactly similar reasoning compels us to correct the actions of magnetic systems presented by the equations (3) and (4). The results may be represented by the following sample equations *-*($-§)•- "»' dV L 9 = -A 2 — 2 , etc. (8), dt 1 /?2 _ where P 9 = Pi - — A 2 — -P 1; etc. If we wish to represent the forces by which the corrected equations (5) and (7) differ from the usually accepted ones (1) 284 FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS OF ELECTROMAGNETICS xvn and (3), as distinct from these latter in nature, we need only form a system of electric or magnetic currents in which the forces (1) or (3), as the case may be, are zero. Any endless electric or magnetic solenoid will serve as an example. We see at once that we cannot regard the result obtained as final. Indeed we deduced forces (5) from forces (2) ; but now the forces (2) have been found inexact and have been replaced by the forces (6). Hence we must repeat our reasoning with these latter forces. The result is easily seen ; we obtain it if we everywhere replace the index 2 by 3 and put TT TT A 2 d 2 - A 2 d 2 - A 4 d' = V ^^-^^ 2 ^ = ^-^d^ + l^ 2 d^^ and similar expressions for the other components of the vector- potential. The terms in A 5 which here appear in the ex- pressions for the magnetic forces of electric currents, and the electric forces of magnetic currents, may be perceived apart from the terms of lower order. We need only take an ordinary electric or magnetic solenoid, which may be called a solenoid of the first order, and roll it up into a solenoid which may be called a solenoid of the second order, in order to get a system in which the forces here calculated are the largest of those occurring. From the consideration of such solenoids we may demonstrate the existence of the separate terms, inde- pendently of the fact of our admitting or not admitting that they are simply added together to give the final result. Our reasoning prevents us from stopping at any stage and constantly adds, as before, more and more terms, thus leading to an infinite series. To represent the final result we denote by L, M, N, X, Y, Z the completely corrected forces and obtain L = A /av dW\ \dz dy ) X = -A 2 ^ A dt M = A( 'aw am K ~dx~ "&7 (9) ' Y = -A 2 ^ dt N = A /au av\ \dy dx J Z = dt (10). xvii FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS OF ELECTROMAGNETICS 285 where we now have for IT, V, W A 2 # = A 4 of a magnetic doublet, which for purposes of calculation can be completely replaced by a small circular current, is proportional to the strength e/t of the current and the area / enclosed by it. Hence mS = k 2 ef/t } where again k 2 is a constant which depends only upon the units chosen. If &! is a pure number, h 2 in general will not be so ; and con- xvin DIMENSIONS OF MAGNETIC POLE 293 versely. Now Clausius holds that according to Ampere's theory it is necessary to connect magnetic and electrical quantities in such a way that k. 2 shall be a number of no dimensions ; from which it follows that N = H LT-' (C). The consequences of the assumptions (M) and (C) are as follows : — 1. In the magnetic system we start with the dimensions [m] = M*L*T -1 . From this we deduce, as the dimensions of electric pole, W\J, according to (M) ; M-L-, according to (C). Hence there is agreement. 2. In the electrostatic system we start with the dimensions of electric pole [e] = M*L f T " \ From this we deduce, as the dimensions of magnetic pole, M*L* according to (M) ; M'L f T _2 , according to (C). The two expressions are different, and this is the objection urged against the electrostatic system. In setting forth the antithesis I shall make use of the expression " magnetic current." 1 A constant magnetic current is represented by a wire -shaped ring -magnet which gains or loses equal quantities of magnetism in equal times. For sufficiently short periods we can produce such currents of any desired strength, and for periods of any length if we make them sufficiently weak. The electrical forces exerted by such a current are known, and every system of electromagnetics contains the following propositions, although they may be differently expressed : — (a) The work which must be done in order to move an electric pole e in a closed path once around a constant magnetic current, which in the time t conveys the quantity m, is pro- portional to the strength e of the pole and the strength m/t of the current ; it is independent of geometrical relations. If then we put A = kie.m/t, what has been stated for k x and Je 2 1 See XVII. p. 276. 294 DIMENSIONS OF MAGNETIC POLE xvm will hold good for &/. Now we may regard it as advantageous, say with respect to the theory of unipolar induction, to take this very equation as the fundamental equation for the con- nection and to make h[ a pure number. We thus arrive at the assumption : — [m][e] = ML 2 J- 1 (MO, which also coincides with (M). (b) For purposes of calculation an electrical doublet can be completely replaced by a small magnetic circular current, whose plane is perpendicular to the axis of the doublet. Thus the moment eS of the doublet must be pro- portional to the strength m/t of the current and the area which it embraces. Hence we put eS = k^fm/t. Theoretically there would be nothing wrong — although from the standpoint of present theories and applications it would be unpractical — if we started from this equation and made k% a pure number. We should then have : — W-WLT- 1 (C). The consequences of the assumptions (M') and (C r ) are as follows : — 1. In the magnetic system we still have [m] = M*L ? T- 1 . Hence the dimensions of electric pole would be deduced as M*L*, according to (M ; ) ; M*L f T' 2 , according to (C). Thus there is now the inconvenience that in the magnetic system different assumptions lead to different results. 2. In the electrostatic system we still have M = M'=L*T- 1 . Hence in this the dimensions of magnetic pole are M*L*, according to (M') ; WU, according to (C'), and the electrostatic system has the advantage previously assigned to the magnetic system. xviii DIMENSIONS OF MAGNETIC POLE 295 The thesis and antithesis together show that, regarded purely from the standpoint of calculation, neither system has any advantage over the other. From the practical point of view the forms based upon (M) and (JVJ 7 ) have the advantage of being most easily remembered. If we regard magnetism simply as a phenomenon of electricity in motion, the electro- static system in the form (C) will appear preferable ; for according to this view it alone renders the physical as well as the mathematical connections. For my own part I always feel safest from errors of calculation when I use, according to v. Helmholtz's advice, 1 none of these apparently consistent systems, but adhere to what he calls Gauss's system. This defines the units of electricity and magnetism separately with the same dimensions [e] = [m] — M-L-T -1 , and introduces factors with the dimensions whenever electrical and magnetic quantities occur together. 1 Wied. Ann. 17, p. 48, 1882, [Phil. Mag. (5) 14, p. 436, 1882.] XIX A GKAPHICAL METHOD OF DETEBMINHSTG THE ADIABATIC CHANGES OF MOIST AIE {Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 1, pp. 421-431, 1884.) (With diagram at end of book. ) In the course of theoretical discussions meteorologists fre- quently have to consider the changes of state which take place in moist air when it is compressed or expanded without any supply of heat. They wish to obtain solutions of such problems as quickly as possible, and do not care to be referred to complicated thermodynamic formulae. In practice they generally refer to the small but useful table published by Prof. Hann in 1874. 1 But it seems possible to attain greater completeness, with at least equal facility, by using the graphical method, and the accompanying table constitutes an attempt in this direction. It contains nothing theoretically new except in so far as it takes fully into account the peculiar behaviour of moist air at 0° ; this, to the best of my knowledge, has not been treated of before. 2 As the exact formulae of the problem do not seem to have been collected, I shall state them completely under A. Under B I shall explain how the formulae are represented in the diagram. Under C I shall explain fully, by means of a numerical example, the use of the diagram (which may be purely mechanical). By following this example 1 Hann, Zeitschrift der osterreichischen Gescllschaft fur Meteorologie, 9, p. 328, 1874. 2 The editor of the Met. Zeitschr. gives a reference to Guldberg and Mohn, Etudes sur les mouvcmcnts cle V atmosphere, 1, pp. 9-16, and Osterr. Zeitschrift, 1878, pp. 117-122. See also the supplementary note on p. 311 of this volume. xix ADIABATIC CHANGES IN MOIST AIR 297 with the diagram in hand, we shall be able to judge of its utility and to see how it is used, without needing to wade through the calculations in A and B. A. Suppose that 1 kilogramme of a mixture of air and water-vapour contains X parts by weight of dry air, and /z parts by weight of unsaturated water-vapour. Let the pressure of the mixture be p, its absolute temperature T. The question is : — What changes will the mixture undergo as the pressure gradually diminishes to zero without heat being supplied ? We must distinguish several stages. Stage 1. The vapour is unsaturated, and no liquid water is present. We assume that the unsaturated mixture obeys the laws of Gay-Lussac and Boyle. If then e be the partial pressure of the water-vapour, p — e that of the dry air, v the volume of 1 kilogramme of the mixture, we have ET P 4 T p — e = \ , e = a , v v where E, E x are constants of known meaning and magnitude. Since the total pressure is the sum of these two values, we get pv = (\E + /^Ki)T, and this is the so-called characteristic equation of the mixture. Further, let c v denote the specific heat at constant volume of the air, cj that of water-vapour ; then in order to produce the changes dv and dT, we must supply the dry air with an amount of heat dQ 1 = \U v dT + ART~ \ and the water-vapour with dQ 2 = JcJdT + AR^y or both together with the amount of heat dv dQ = (\c v + /jLC v ')dT + A(XE + /*Ri)T— • v But this amount of heat vanishes for the change we are considering. In order to integrate the differential equation 1 Clausius, Mechanische Wdrmetheorie, vol. i. p. 51, 1876. 298 ADIABATIC CHANGES IN MOIST AIR xix resulting from putting dQ = 0, we divide it by T. We know a priori from the theory of heat that this operation renders the equation integrable, and we find it confirmed a posteriori. Performing the integration, eliminating v by the characteristic equation, and remembering that c v + AR equals c p the specific heat at constant pressure, 1 we obtain - (Xe,+ /<) log £ - A(\E + pB£ log I (I). The right-hand member of this equation has a physical mean- ing; it is the difference of the entropy of the mixture in the two states defined by the quantities p, T and p , T . Clearly the mixture behaves like a gas, whose density and specific heat have values which are the means of those of the water- vapour and of the air. We must now calculate the limiting value of p down to which equation (I) may be used. Now and in what follows let e denote the pressure of saturated aqueous vapour at the temperature T. e is a function of T, but of T alone. Then the quantity v of saturated aqueous vapour contained in the volume v at temperature T, is ve , . v = (a). and this quantity must exceed yu,, as long as the vapour remains unsaturated. Thus the limit is reached as soon as //, = v. If we introduce the value of v from the characteristic equation, this condition takes the form XE -f ^E x . V = ip- ' e ( h )- As soon as p and T reach values satisfying this condition, we must leave equation 1, and enter on — Stage 2. The air is saturated with aqueous vapour, and contains liquid water in addition. We neglect the volume of the latter. Then we may here also consider the air by itself, and the water with its vapour by themselves, in each case as if the other were absent. Both have the same volume v and 1 Clausius, Meclianische TFdrmetheorie, vol. i. p. 51, 1876. xix ADIABATIC CHANGES IN MOIST AIR 299 temperature T as the mixture ; but the pressure p of the mixture is the sum of the partial pressures P 2 = X — of the v air, and p 2 = e of the water vapour. The equation PT p = X h e, or (p — e)v = XBT v is now the characteristic equation of the mixture. The amount of heat necessary to produce the changes clT and dv is for the air as before iT-Y but the amount of heat to be supplied to the water in order to produce the change dT, and at the same time to increase the amount v of water- vapour by dv, while pressure and volume suffer corresponding changes, is VT S dQ 2 = Td[-)+f*cdT. The equation is deduced by Clausius in his Meclianische Warmetheorie, vol. i. part vi. § 11. c is the specific heat of liquid water and r the external latent heat of steam, both being measured in heat units. Hence the whole amount of heat to be supplied is dQ = \(c v dT + AKT— Ut^J+^T. Here again we put dQ, = 0, divide by T, and integrate. From the integral equation we eliminate v and v by means of the characteristic equation and equation (a), and obtain = (\c + ^c)log— + XAE log' +X ^_1__^_A_) (ii). The quantity equated to zero again represents the difference 300 ADIABATIC CHANGES IN MOIST AIR xix of entropy between the initial and final states. We may use the equation obtained until the temperature falls to the freezing- point ; then we pass to — Stage 3, in which the air contains ice, as well as vapour and liquid water. Now the temperature will not at once fall any further with further expansion, for the latent heat developed by the freezing water will, without any lowering of temperature, yield the work necessary to overcome the external pressure. But the latent heat will not be spent in this work alone, but also in evaporating a portion of the water already condensed. For since during the expansion the volume increases without fall of temperature, at the end of the pro- cess there will be more aqueous vapour than before, and the weight of ice formed will be less than that of the liquid water initially present. Let v again denote that portion of jju which exists as vapour, o the portion existing as ice, and let q be the latent heat of fusion of 1 kilogramme of ice. T, e, r are constants. Since then clT = 0, we need only supply the air with the heat \ARTdv/v, the water which is evaporated with the heat rdv, and the water which is frozen with the heat — qdo. Hence the whole of the mixture is supplied with the heat dQ = X AKT h rdv - ado: v As before we put dQ = 0, divide by T, and integrate, and thus get = XAE log 1 + '-( v - „„) - |( + — •-.- . R/K-l is the density of aqueous vapour referred to air, i.e. - 6219. r, according to Clausius, is equal to 607 — 0*708 (T — 273) • The values of e for the various tempera- v ' kilogr tures I have taken from the table calculated by Broch. 2 The curves run from the right-hand top corner to the left-hand bottom corner with a slight curvature. One of them is marked /3. They also are drawn so that the entropy per kilogramme increases from one curve to the next by 0'0025 calorie/degree C, and so that one of them passes through the point 0°C, 760 mm. The portions of the curves which correspond to the third stage coincide with the isothermal 0° C. Lastly, the curves of the fourth stage are very similar to those of the second, bat yet are not quite the same ; for their equation is got from that of the former curves by putting r+q for r, where q=80 calorie/kilogr. They are marked y 1 Even though ft is neglected in comparison with X, yet it is doubtful whether c/jl should be neglected compared with c p \ ; for c is four times as great as c p . Though in the diagram /x is no more than ^V of X, still the ratio Cfi/c p \ amounts to T V For meteorological applications we must, however, remember that in these extreme cases the liquid water will not all be carried about with the air. Frequently a large proportion will be deposited as rain, so that we may be nearer the truth in neglecting the specific heat of the liquid water altogether than in taking the whole quantity into account. 2 Travcaux du Bureau international des poids et mesurcs, tome i. Xix ADIABATIC CHANGES IN MOIST AIR 305 and are drawn according to the same scale as a and ft ; but in general they are not continuations of the curves j3. Means must now be provided for finding the points of transition between the various stages. The dotted lines serve to determine the end of the first stage. They give in grammes the greatest amount of water which one kilogramme of the mixture can just retain as vapour in the various states, calculated by means of the formula v = He/T^T. Thus the curve 25 connects together all those states in which 1 kilo- gramme of the mixture is just saturated by 25 grammes of steam. These curves are drawn for every gramme. If a mixture contain n grammes of steam in every kilogramme, we may follow the curve of the first stage up to the dotted line n ; then we must change to the second, or the fourth stage, as the case may be. The boundary of the second and third stages is given by the intersection of the corresponding adiabatic /3 with the isothermal 0° C. The pressure p , corresponding to this inter- section, and fi, the amount of water present, determine p x , the pressure at which we must pass from the third to the fourth stage. To determine p Y we must use the small supplementary diagram, which is just below the larger one. It has for abscissae the pressures arranged as in the large diagram, and for ordinates the total quantity fi of water in all the sta"ges, in grammes per kilogramme of the mixture. The inclined lines of the diagram are merely the curves which correspond to equation III of the third stage, when in this equation we regard p as constant, but p x and [x as variable coordinates. These lines are not quite straight, though on the scale of the diagram they are not to be distinguished from straight lines. The highest point of each line corresponds to the case p 1 = p . The corresponding value of fi is not zero, but is equal to v, the least value /jl must have in order that the mixture may be saturated at 0° and that the supplementary diagram may be required at all. When for given values of p and /x we require the corresponding value of p 1} we must look out the inclined line whose highest point has the abscissa p , and follow it down to the ordinate yu. The pressure at which this ordinate is reached is p lt the pressure sought. With it the point of transition to the fourth stage is found. M. p. X 306 ADIABATIC CHANGES IN MOIST AIR xix Now that in this way we have determined the whole of the series of states which the mixture traverses, we may for each individual state find as follows the remaining quantities which interest us : — 1. The dotted line, on which we are, shows at once how many grammes of water are present as vapour in the corre- sponding state. If we subtract this from the total amount /a of water present originally, we get the amount of water already condensed. 2. The density 8 of the mixture with the approximations introduced may for all states be calculated from the formula 3 = WRT or log 8 = logp - log T — log E. Graphically it would be read off at once if the diagram were covered by a system of lines of equal density. These lines are seen to be a system of parallel straight lines. Only one of these lines, 8, is actually drawn on the diagram, so as not to overload it. But we may by the help of this line alone compare the densities in two states 1 and 2 according to the following rule. From the points 1 and 2 draw two straight lines parallel to 8 and cutting the isothermal for 0° C. ; and read off the pressures p 1 and p 2 at these intersections. The densi- ties at 1 and 2 are in the ratio P\'.p\. For the densities in the states Pi, 0° and p 2 , 0° are by Boyle's law in the ratio p x :p 2 , and they are equal to the densities in 1 and 2, as they lie on lines of equal density. 3. The difference of height h, which corresponds to the passage from the state p to the state p, on the assumption of an adiabatic equilibrium state, is given by the equation Po r I vdp = E I i dp Here we would now find T as a function of p from the diagram and then evaluate the integral mechanically. In actual practice the supposition of an adiabatic equilibrium will never be satisfied so nearly as to make an exact develop- ment of its consequences of any importance. And again we shall only commit a comparatively slight error for moderate heights if we give to T a mean value and then regard it as xix ADIABATIC CHANGES IN MOIST AIR 307 constant. For within the limits of the diagram it varie only from 253 to 303 ; so that if we give it the constant value T = 273, the error in h will hardly ever exceed ^ of its total value. If we choose to neglect this error, we get h = const — ET log p, and may at once introduce the heights as well as the pressures as abscissas. Everywhere indeed equal increases of length of the abscissa will correspond to equal increases of height. The scale of heights is marked at the foot of the diagram; its zero is placed at the pressure 760 mm., because this is usually regarded as the normal pressure at sea-level. C. In order to explain the use of the diagram by an example, let us consider the following concrete problem. We are given at sea-level a quantity of air, whose pressure is 750 mm., temperature 27° C, and relative humidity 50 per cent. Eequired to find what states this air passes through as it is transferred without loss or gain of heat to higher strata of the atmosphere and thus to lower pressures ; and also at what heights approximately above sea-level the various states are reached. First, we look out on the diagram the point which cor- responds to the initial state. It is the intersection of the horizontal isothermal 27 and the vertical isobar 750. We observe that it lies almost exactly on the dotted line 22. This means that each kilogramme of our air would contain 22*0 grammes of water -vapour when saturated. But as its relative humidity is only 50 per cent it contains only 11*0 grammes per kilogramme. This we note for further use. Again we follow the isobar 750 down to the scale of heights at the foot of the diagram and read off 100 metres. Thus the zero of the scale of heights lies 100 m. beneath the sea- level chosen by us as our starting-point ; and we must subtract 100 m. from all actual readings of the scale of heights in order to get heights above sea-level. If now we raise up our mass of air, the series of states traversed by it is first given by the line of system a which passes through the initial state. 1 There is no such line actually drawn, so we must interpolate 1 The letters a, (3, y, which denote the systems, are given at the edge of the diagram, enclosed by small circles. One line of the system which the letter denotes is continued right up to it. The changes of state of our example are marked by a special line of dots and dashes in the diagram. 308 ADIABATIC CHANGES IN MOIST AIR xix one. If the number of lines crossing each other appear con- fusing, we may lay a strip of paper parallel to the system of lines considered, when all confusion will be avoided. In order to find out the state in the neighbourhood of the height 700 m., we seek out the point 700 + 100 = 800 in the scale of heights, and go vertically upwards to meet our line a. The point of intersection gives the pressure 687 mm., and the temperature 19°*3. But we must only use the line a down to the point at which it cuts the dotted line 11. For reach- ing this line means that we reach a state in which the air can only just retain 1 1 grammes of water per kilogramme in the form of vapour. And as we have 1 1 grammes per kilogramme, any further cooling produces condensation. The pressure for the point of incipient condensation is 640 mm., the tempera- ture 13°'3. This is not the temperature of the initial dew- point, but is lower. The dotted line 11 cuts the isobar 750 at 15°"8, which is the initial dew-point. But since our air has increased in volume in addition to having cooled, the water has been able to keep itself in the state of vapour down to 13 c, 3. The height at which we find ourselves corresponds to the lower limit of cloud formation; it is about 1270 m. To trace still further the changes of state we draw through the point of intersection a curve of the system /3 and follow its course. This curve is much less inclined to the axis of abscissse than the line a previously used; so that now the change of temperature with height is much less than before, owing to the evolution of the latent heat of the steam. When we have risen 1000 m. above the point at which condensation commenced, the temperature has only fallen to 8 0, 2, i.e. only o, 51 for every 100 m. We find ourselves on the dotted line 8 '9, and thus see that 8 "9 grammes of water still exist as vapour, so that 2*1 grammes of water per kilogramme of air I have been condensed in this first thousand metres of the cloud- 1 layer. We reach the temperature 0° at a pressure 472 mm. I and at a height 3750 m., while we should have reached it at a height of 2600 m. if the air had been dry and we had not had to forsake the line a. 4*9 grammes of water, or 45 per cent of the whole contents, are now found to have condensed ; and this portion on further expansion begins to freeze to form hail. But until the last trace of water has frozen, the tern- xix ADIABATIC CHANGES IN MOIST AIR 309 perature cannot fall any further, and thus we shall for a certain distance keep at a constant temperature of 0°. To ascertain how far, we use the small supplementary diagram between the larger one and the scale of heights. We follow the isobar 472 down to the dotted line of this diagram. Through the point of meeting we draw a line parallel to the sloping lines of the diagram, and follow this line to its intersection with the horizontal line characterised by the number 11, the total weight of water. This latter line is easily interpolated between the horizontal lines 10 and 15 drawn. As soon as we reach this line we read off the pressure p = 463 mm. and return to the large diagram. At the pressure thus found the process of freezing is completed ; the layer within which it took place has a thickness of about 150 m. It will appear strange that, according to the dotted lines, the amount of water in form of vapour has increased a little during the freezing. But this is quite true, for the volume has increased, without any corre- sponding fall in temperature. At the pressure 463 mm. we leave the temperature 0°. The water which henceforth con- denses passes directly into the solid state. As in a short time little water is left in the form of vapour, the temperature begins to fall more rapidly with increase of height. We find the various states by following that one of the lines 7 which passes through the point 463 on the isothermal 0°. The temperature — 20°, up to which the diagram is available, is reached at the height 7200 m., and at the pressure 305 mm.; only 2 grammes of water per kilogramme remain as vapour, the other 9 are condensed. If we wish to know how the density in this state compares with the initial density, we draw two lines through the corresponding points parallel to the line 8. These meet the isothermal 0° at the pressures 330 and 680. The densities are in the ratio of these pressures, i.e. as 33:68, and they are in the ratios 33 and 68 to 76 to the density of air in the normal state at a pressure 760 mm. and a temperature 0°. All these results have been read off direct from the diagram. Errors which could cause inconvenience are prob- ably only to be found in the heights given. For these in strictness relate to a rise through an atmosphere everywhere at the same temperature 0°. But in most cases it may be 310 ADIABATIC CHANGES IN MOIST AIR xix assumed that the temperature of the atmosphere is everywhere the same as that of the mass of air ascending through it. We may considerably reduce the error due to this cause with a very small amount of calculation. Thus we found the point of incipient condensation to occur at a pressure 640 mm. This corresponds to the height 1270 m. only when the temperature is 0°. In our case it lay between 27° and 13°, so that the mean was about 20°. At this temperature the height is greater by -^Pg- or ^ than at 0°, since the density of the air is less by the same fraction ; hence in reality the height lies between 1350 and 1400 m. We must now complete the example by mentioning some special cases : — 1. We assumed that during the hail stage the whole of the original quantity of water, 1 1 grammes, was still contained in the air. Now this is only true when the ascent is very rapid ; in other cases the greater part of the condensed water will probably have been deposited as rain, and thus only a fraction will become frozen. If we can form an estimate as to the size of this fraction, the diagram still permits of a determination of the correct amounts. If in our example we had reason to suppose that one-half of the water condensed down to 0° had been removed, then on reaching the isothermal 0° there would have been present only 8 '5 grammes of water in each kilogramme of air. Then, in using the supplementary diagram we would have gone not as far as the horizontal line 11, but only down to the line 8*5 ; and would have left the temperature 0° at the pressure 466 mm. This would have been the only alteration. 2. If we had in our example assumed only 10 per cent relative humidity in place of 50 per cent, we could have used the line a down to the dotted line 2'2. This point of inter- section occurs at 455 mm. and — 13°*6, i.e. far below zero. We should never have had any liquid water formed at all ; thus no hail stage would have occurred, but merely a sublimation of the water from the gaseous to the solid state. From the point of intersection with the line 2 '2 we should at once have followed the line of the system y passing through this point. It is of some interest to inquire how high the dew-point of j our mixture may be in its initial state of pressure and j xix ADIABATIC CHANGES IN MOIST AIR 311 temperature, so that the condensation of liquid water, i.e. condensation above 0°, may just be avoided. To find the answer we follow the line a as far as the isothermal 0° and here meet with the dotted line 5*25. Thus we cannot have more than 5 '2 5 grammes of water per kilogramme of air. To find at what temperature the air would then be saturated at the pressure 750 mm., we follow the line 5*25 up to the isobar 750 mm. and meet it at the temperature 4 0, 8. This is the required highest value of the dew-point. [The following editorial note occurs at the end of the number of the Meteorologische Zeitschrift in which this paper appeared.] We had already begun to print off this number when a letter from Dr. Hertz arrived, a part of which we take the liberty of printing. At the same time we are glad to have the opportunity of publishing in our journal the introductory part of his paper. It is all the more valuable because its results agree satisfactorily with those of Guldberg and Mohn, while the method by which they are obtained is to a certain extent different and follows more closely the papers of Clausius, etc. The papers by Guldberg and Mohn, to which we have drawn the attention of Dr. Hertz, are not easily accessible, and the subject is of so much im- portance in meteorology that an exposition of it in another journal is by no means out of place. Dr. Hertz writes us : — " My best thanks for the paper by Guldberg and Mohn which you have so kindly sent me. Had I known of it before I should have omitted the whole of part A of my paper ; for, as a matter of fact, except in notation, it corre- sponds exactly with the calculation of Guldberg and Mohn. Yet in investigating with the aid of my diagram the example calculated by Guldberg and Mohn I became rather alarmed. Down to 0° things went all right, but on proceeding further I found that, according to my diagram, the mixture reached the temperature —20° at 320 mm. pressure, whereas Guld- berg and Mohn with their formulae get 292*73 mm. " An error of 2 8 mm. was too large, and I felt much afraid that I had made some mistake in the construction. But it appears that Guldberg and Mohn have made an error in working out the numerical example, for I have repeatedly made the calculation with their own formulae and constants, and always find 313 mm. for the pressure in question. Thus there is at most a difference of 7 mm. between the exact 312 ADIABATIC CHANGES IN MOIST AIR xix formulae and the readings of the diagram, and an error of this magnitude is accounted for by the approximations which of necessity have to be made. I believe that in ninety cases out of a hundred such an error would be of no importance in meteorology, and that it would be outweighed by the vastly greater convenience. In fact I estimate that at least three or four hours would be required for accurately calculating G-uld- berg and Mohn's example, whereas it can be worked out on the diagram in a few minutes. Besides, these 7 mm. are no greater than the uncertainty introduced into the whole calcu- lation by the fact that only a part of the condensed water is carried along by the air. " Is there still time for me to add a note of ten or fifteen lines acknowledging the priority of Guldberg and Mohn, and pointing out the cause of the above discrepancy ? I am afraid others may compare the diagram with their example, regard it as inaccurate to the extent of 28 mm., and hence reject it. But to the priority you have yourselves re- ferred. . . . "H. Hertz." Kiel, 8th Dec. 1884. XX ON THE BELATIONS BETWEEN LIGHT AND ELECTEICITY A Lecture delivered at the Sixty-Second Meeting of the German Association for the Advancement of Natural Science and Medicine in Heidelberg on September 20th, 1889. {Published by Emil Strauss in Bonn.) When one speaks of the relations between light and elec- tricity, the lay mind at once thinks of the electric light. With this the present lecture is not concerned. To the mind of the physicist there occur a series of delicate mutual reactions between the two agents, such as the rotation of the plane of polarisation by the current or the alteration of the resistance of a conductor by the action of light. In these, however, light and electricity do not directly meet ; between the two there comes an intermediate agent — ponderable matter. With this group of phenomena again we shall not concern ourselves. Between the two agents there are yet other relations — rela- tions in a closer and stricter sense than those already men- tioned. I am here to support the assertion that light of every kind is itself an electrical phenomenon — the light of the sun, the light of a candle, the light of a glow-worm. Take away from the world electricity, and light disappears ; remove from the world the luminiferous ether, and electric and magnetic actions can no longer traverse space. This is our assertion. It does not date from to-day or yesterday ; already it has behind it a long history. In this history its 314 LIGHT AND ELECTRICITY xx foundations lie. Such researches as I have made upon this subject form but a link in a long chain. And it is of the chain, and not only of the single link, that I would speak to you. I must confess that it is not easy to speak of these matters in a way at once intelligible and accurate. It is in empty space, in the free ether, that the processes which we have to describe take place. They cannot be felt with the hand, heard by the ear, or seen by the eye. They appeal to our intuition and conception, scarcely to our senses. Hence we shall try to make use, as far as possible, of the intuitions and conceptions which we already possess. Let us, therefore, stop to inquire what we do with certainty know about light and electricity before we proceed to connect the one with the other. What, then, is light ? Since the time of Young and Fresnel we know that it is a wave-motion. We know the velocity of the waves, we know their length, we know that they are transversal waves ; in short, we know completely the geometrical relations of the motion. To the physicist it is inconceivable that this view should be refuted ; we can no longer entertain any doubt about the matter. It is morally certain that the wave theory of light is true, and the conclusions that necessarily follow from it are equally certain. It is therefore certain that all space known to us is not empty, but is filled with a substance, the ether, which can be thrown into vibration. But whereas our knowledge of the geometrical relations of the processes in this substance is clear and definite, our conceptions of the physical nature of these processes is vague, and the assumptions made as to the properties of the substance itself are not altogether con- sistent. At first, following the analogy of sound, waves of light were freely regarded as elastic waves, and treated as such. But elastic waves in fluids are only known in the form of longitudinal waves. Transversal elastic waves in fluids are unknown. They are not even possible ; they con- tradict the nature of the fluid state. Hence men were forced to assert that the ether which fills space behaves like a solid body. But when they considered and tried to explain the unhindered course of the stars in the heavens, they found themselves forced to admit that the ether behaves like a xx LIGHT AND ELECTRICITY 315 perfect fluid. These two statements together land us in a painful and unintelligible contradiction, which disfigures the otherwise beautiful development of optics. Instead of trying to conceal this defect let us turn to electricity ; in investigat- ing it we may perhaps make some progress towards removing the difficulty. What, then, is electricity ? This is at once an important and a difficult question. It interests the lay as well as the scientific mind. Most people who ask it never doubt about the existence of electricity. They expect a description of it — an enumeration of the peculiarities and powers of this wonderful thing. To the scientific mind the question rather presents itself in the form — Is there such a thing as elec- tricity ? Cannot electrical phenomena be traced back, like all others, to the properties of the ether and of ponderable matter ? We are far from being able to answer this question definitely in the affirmative. In our conceptions the thing conceived of as electricity plays a large part. The traditional conceptions of electricities which attract and repel each other, and which are endowed with actions-at-a-distance as with spiritual properties — we are all familiar with these, and in a way fond of them ; they hold undisputed sway as common modes of expression at the present time. The period at which these conceptions were formed was the period in which Newton's law of gravitation won its most glorious successes, and in which the idea of direct action-at-a-distance was familiar. Electric and magnetic attractions followed the same law as gravitational attraction ; no wonder men thought the simple assumption of action-at-a-distance sufficient to explain these phenomena, and to trace them back to their ultimate intelligible cause. The aspect of matters changed in the present century, when the reactions between electric currents and magnets became known ; for these have an infinite manifoldness, and in them motion and time play an important part. It became necessary to increase the number of actions-at-a-distance, and to improve their form. Thus the conception gradually lost its simplicity and physical probability. Men tried to regain this by seeking for more comprehensive and simple laws — so-called elementary laws. Of these the celebrated Weber's law is the most important 316 LIGHT AND ELECTRICITY xx example. Whatever we may think of its correctness, it is an attempt which altogether formed a comprehensive system full of scientific charm ; those who were once attracted into its magic circle remained prisoners there. And if the path indi- cated was a false one, warning could only come from an intellect of great freshness — from a man who looked at phenomena with an open mind and without preconceived opinions, who started from what he saw, not from what he had heard, learned, or read. Such a man was Faraday. Faraday, doubtless, heard it said that when a body was electrified something was introduced into it ; but he saw that the changes which took place only made themselves felt outside and not inside. Faraday was taught that forces simply acted across space ; but he saw that an important part was played by the par- ticular kind of matter filling the space across which the forces were supposed to act. Faraday read that electricities certainly existed, whereas there was much contention as to the forces exercised by them ; but he saw that the effects of these forces were clearly displayed, whereas he could per- ceive nothing of the electricities themselves. And so he formed a quite different, an opposite conception of the matter. To him the electric and magnetic forces became the actually present, tangible realities ; to him electricity and magnetism were the things whose existence might be disputable. The lines of force, as he called the forces independently considered, stood before his intellectual eye in space as conditions of space, as tensions, whirls, currents, whatever they might be — that he was himself unable to state — but there they were, acting upon each other, pushing and pulling bodies about, spreading themselves about and carrying the action from point to point. To the objection that complete rest is the only condition possible in empty space he could answer — Is space really empty ? Do not the phenomena of light compel us to regard it as being filled with something ? Might not the ether which transmits the waves of light also be capable of transmitting the changes which we call electric and magnetic force ? Might there not conceivably be some con- nection between these changes and the light-waves. Might not the latter be due to something like a quivering of the lines of force ? XX LIGHT AND ELECTRICITY 317 Faraday had advanced as far as this in his ideas and conjectures. He could not prove them, although he eagerly- sought for proof. He delighted in investigating the connec- tion between light, electricity, and magnetism. The beautiful connection which he did discover was not the one which he sought. So he tried again and again, and his search only ended with his life. Among the questions which he raised there was one which continually presented itself to him — Do electric and magnetic forces require time for their propaga- tion ? When we suddenly excite an electromagnet by a current, is the effect perceived simultaneously at all distances ? Or does it first affect magnets close at hand, then more distant ones, and lastly, those which are quite far away ? When we electrify and discharge a body in rapid succession, does the force vary at all distances simultaneously ? Or do the oscillations arrive later, the further we go from the body ? In the latter case the oscillation would propagate itself as a wave through space. Are there such waves ? To these questions Faraday could get no answer. And yet the answer is most closely connected with his own fundamental concep- tions. If such waves of electric force exist, travelling freely from their origin through space, they exhibit plainly to us the independent existence of the forces which produce them. There can be no better way of proving that these forces do not act across space, but are propagated from point to point, than by actually following their progress from instant to instant. The questions asked are not unanswerable ; indeed they can be attacked by very simple methods. If Faraday had had the good fortune to hit upon these methods, his views would forthwith have secured recognition. The con- nection between light and electricity would at once have become so clear that it could not have escaped notice even by eyes less sharp-sighted than his own. But a path so short and straight as this was not vouch- safed to science. For a while experiments did not point to any solution, nor did the current theory tend in the direction of Faraday's conceptions. The assertion that electric forces could exist independently of their electricities was in direct opposition to the accepted electrical theories. Similarly the prevailing theory of optics refused to accept the idea that waves of light 318 LIGHT AND ELECTRICITY XX could be other than elastic waves. Any attempt at a thorough discussion of the one or the other of these assertions seemed almost to be idle speculation. All the more must we admire the happy genius of the man who could connect together these apparently remote conjectures in such a way that they mutually supported each other, and formed a theory of which every one was at once bound to admit that it was at least plausible. This was an Englishman — Maxwell. You know the paper which he published in 1865 upon the electromagnetic theory of light. It is impossible to study this wonderful theory with- out feeling as if the mathematical equations had an independent life and an intelligence of their own, as if they were wiser than ourselves, indeed wiser than their discoverer, as if they gave forth more than he had put into them. And this is not alto- gether impossible : it may happen when the equations prove to be more correct than their discoverer could with certainty have known. It is true that such comprehensive and accurate equations only reveal themselves to those who with keen in- sight pick out every indication of the truth which is faintly visible in nature. The clue which Maxwell followed is well known to the initiated. It had attracted the attention of other investigators : it had suggested to Eiemann and Lorenz speculations of a similar nature, although not so fruitful in results. Electricity in motion produces magnetic force, and magnetism in motion produces electric force ; but both of these effects are only perceptible at high velocities. Thus velocities appear in the mutual relations between electricity and magnetism, and the constant which governs these relations and continually recurs in them is itself a velocity of exceed- ing magnitude. This constant was determined in various ways, first by Kohlrausch and Weber, by purely electrical experiments, and proved to be identical, allowing for the experimental errors incident to such a difficult measurement, with another important velocity — the velocity of light. This might be an accident, but a pupil of Faraday's could scarcely regard it as such. To him it appeared as an indication that the same ether must be the medium for the transmission of both electric force and light. The two velocities which were found to be nearly equal must really be identical. But in that case the most important optical constants must occur in xx LIGHT AND ELECTRICITY 319 the electrical equations. This was the bond which Maxwell set himself to strengthen. He developed the electrical equa- tions to such an extent that they embraced all the known phenomena, and in addition to these a class of phenomena hitherto unknown — electric waves. These waves would be transversal waves, which might have any wave-length, but would always be propagated in the ether with the same velocity — that of light. And now Maxwell was able to point out that waves having just these geometrical properties do actually occur in nature, although we are accustomed to denote them, not as electrical phenomena, but by the special name of light. If Maxwell's electrical theory was regarded as false, there was no reason for accepting his views as to the nature of light. And if light waves were held to be purely elastic waves, his electrical theory lost its whole significance. But if one approached the structure without any prejudices arising from the views commonly held, one saw that its parts sup- ported each other like the stones of an arch stretching across an abyss of the unknown, and connecting two tracts of the known. On account of the difficulty of the theory the number of its disciples at first was necessarily small. But every one who studied it thoroughly became an adherent, and forth- with sought diligently to test its original assumptions and its ultimate conclusions. Naturally the test of experiment could for a long time be applied only to separate statements, to the outworks of the theory. I have just compared Maxwell's theory to an arch stretching across an abyss of unknown things. If I may carry on the analogy further, I would say that for a long time the only additional support that was given to this arch was by way of strengthening its two abut- ments. The arch was thus enabled to carry its own weight safely ; but still its span was so great that we could not venture to build up further upon it as upon a secure founda- tion. For this purpose it was necessary to have special pillars built up from the solid ground, and serving to support the centre of the arch. One such pillar would consist in proving that electrical or magnetic effects can be directly produced by light. This pillar would support the optical side of the structure directly and the electrical side indirectly. Another pillar would consist in proving the existence of waves of 320 LIGHT AND ELECTRICITY electric or magnetic force capable of being propagated after the manner of light waves. This pillar again would directly support the electrical side, and indirectly the optical side. In order to complete the structure symmetrically, both pillars would have to be built ; but it would suffice to begin with one of them. With the former we have not as yet been able to make a start ; but fortunately, after a protracted search, a safe point of support for the latter has been found. A suffi- ciently extensive foundation has been laid down : a part of the pillar has already been built up ; with the help of many willing hands it will soon reach the height of the arch, and so enable this to bear the weight of the further structure which is to be erected upon it. At this stage I was so fortunate as to be able to take part in the work. To this I owe the honour of speaking to you to-day ; and you will therefore pardon me if I now try to direct your attention solely to this part of the structure. Lack of time compels me, against my will, to pass by the researches made by many other investigators ; so that I am not able to show you in how many ways the path was prepared for my experiments, and how near several investigators came to performing these experiments themselves. Was it then so difficult to prove that electric and magnetic forces need time for their propagation ? Would it not have been easy to charge a Leyden jar and to observe directly whether the corresponding disturbance in a distant electro- scope took place somewhat later ? Would it not have sufficed to watch the behaviour of a magnetic needle while some one at a distance suddenly excited an electromagnet ? As a matter of fact these and similar experiments had already been performed without indicating that any interval of time elapsed between the cause and the effect. To an adherent of Max- well's theory this is simply a necessary result of the enormous velocity of propagation. We can only perceive the effect of charging a Leyden jar or exciting a magnet at moderate dis- tances, say up to ten metres. To traverse such a distance, light, and therefore according to the theory electric force like- wise, takes only the thirty-millionth part of a second. Such a small fraction of time we cannot directly measure or even perceive. It is still more unfortunate that there are no xx LIGHT AND ELECTRICITY 321 adequate means at our disposal for indicating with sufficient sharpness the beginning and end of such a short interval. If we wish to measure a length correctly to the tenth part of a millimetre it would be absurd to indicate the beginning of it with a broad chalk line. If we wish to measure a time correctly to the thousandth part of a second it would be absurd to denote its beginning by the stroke of a big clock. Now the time of discharge of a Leyden jar is, according to our ordinary ideas, inconceivably short. It would certainly be that if it took about the thirty-thousandth part of a second. And yet for our present purpose even that would be a thousand times too long. Fortunately nature here provides us with a more delicate method. It has long been known that the dis- charge of a Leyden jar is not a continuous process, but that, like the striking of a clock, it consists of a large number of oscillations, of discharges in opposite senses which follow each other, at exactly equal intervals. Electricity is able to simulate the phenomena of elasticity. The period of a single oscillation is much shorter than the total duration of the dis- charge, and this suggests that we might use a single oscillation as an indicator. But, unfortunately, the shortest oscillation yet observed takes fully a millionth of a second. While such an oscillation is actually in progress its effects spread out over a distance of three hundred metres ; within the modest dimensions of a room they would be perceived almost at the instant the oscillation commenced. Thus no progress could be made with the known methods ; some fresh knowledge was required. This came in the form of the discovery that not only the discharge of Leyden jars, but, under suitable con- ditions, the discharge of every kind of conductor, gives rise to oscillations. These oscillations may be much shorter than those of the jars. When you discharge the conductor of an electrical machine you excite oscillations whose period lies between a hundred-millionth and a thousand-millionth of a second. It is true that these oscillations do not follow each other in a long continuous series ; they are few in number and rapidly die out. It would suit our experiments much better if this were not the case. But there is still the possi- bility of success if we can only get two or three such sharply- defined indications. So in the realm of acoustics, if we were M. P. Y 322 LIGHT AND ELECTRICITY XX denied the continuous tones of pipes and strings, we could get a poor kind of music by striking strips of wood. We now have indicators for which the thirty-thousandth part of a second is not too short. But these would be of little use to us if we were not in a position to actually perceive their action up to the distance under consideration, viz. about ten metres. This can be done by very simple means. Just at the spot where we wish to detect the force we place a con- ductor, say a straight wire, which is interrupted in the middle by a small spark-gap. The rapidly alternating force sets the electricity of the conductor in motion, and gives rise to a spark at the gap. The method had to be found by experience, for no amount of thought could well have enabled one to predict that it would work satisfactorily. For the sparks are microscopically short, scarcely a hundredth of a millimetre long ; they only last about a millionth of a second. It almost seems absurd and impossible that they should be visible ; but in a perfectly dark room they are visible to an eye which has been well rested in the dark. Upon this thin thread hangs the success of our undertaking. In beginning it we are met by a number of questions. Under what conditions can we get the most powerful oscillations ? These conditions we must carefully investigate and make the best use of. What is the best form we can give to the receiver ? We may choose straight wires or circular wires, or conductors of other forms ; in each case the choice will have some effect upon the phenomena. When we have settled the form, what size shall we select ? We soon find that this is a matter of some importance, that a given conductor is not suitable for the investigation of all kinds of oscillations, that there are relations between the two which remind us of the phenomena of resonance in acoustics. And lastly, are there not an endless number of positions in which we can expose a given conductor to the oscillations ? In some of these the sparks are strong, in others weaker, and in others they entirely disappear. I might perhaps interest you in the peculiar phenomena which here arise, but I dare not take up your time with these, for they are details — details when we are surveying the general results of an investigation, but by no means unimportant details to the investigator when he is engaged upon work of this kind. xx LIGHT AND ELECTRICITY 323 They are the peculiarities of the instruments with which he has to work ; and the success of a workman depends upon whether he properly understands his tools. The thorough study of the implements, of the questions above referred to, formed a very important part of the task to be accomplished After this was done, the method of attacking the main prob- lem became obvious. If you give a physicist a number of tuning-forks and resonators and ask him to demonstrate to you the propagation in time of sound-waves, he will find no difficulty in doing so even within the narrow limits of a room. He places a tuning-fork anywhere in the room, listens with the resonator at various points around and observes the in- tensity of the sound. He shows how at certain points this is very small, and how this arises from the fact that at these points every oscillation is annulled by another one which started subsequently but travelled to the point along a shorter path. When a shorter path requires less time than a longer one, the propagation is a propagation in time. Thus the prob- lem is solved. But the physicist now further shows us that the positions of silence follow each other at regular and equal distances : from this he determines the wave-length, and, if he knows the time of vibration of the fork, he can deduce the velocity of the wave. In exactly the same way we proceed with our electric waves. In place of the tuning-fork we use an oscillating conductor. In place of the resonator we use our interrupted wire, which may also be called an electric resonator. We observe that in certain places there are sparks at the gap, in others none ; we see that the dead points follow each other periodically in ordered succession. Thus the pro- pagation in time is proved and the wave-length can be measured. Next comes the question whether the waves thus demonstrated are longitudinal or transverse. At a given place we hold our wire in two different positions with refer- ence to the wave : in one position it answers, in the other not. This is enough — the question is settled : our waves are trans- versal. Their velocity has now to be found. We multiply the measured wave-length by the calculated period of oscilla- tion and find a velocity which is about that of light. If doubts are raised as to whether the calculation is trustworthy, there is still another method open to us. In wires, as well as 324 LIGHT AND ELECTRICITY xx in air, the velocity of electric waves is enormously great, so that we can make a direct comparison between the two. Now the velocity of electric waves in wires has long since been directly measured. This was an easier problem to solve, because such waves can be followed for several kilometres. Thus we obtain another measurement, purely experimental, of our velocity, and if the result is only an approximate one it at any rate does not contradict the first. All these experiments in themselves are very simple, but they lead to conclusions of the highest importance. They are fatal to any and every theory which assumes that electric force acts across space independently of time. They mark a brilliant victory for Maxwell's theory. No longer does this connect together natural phenomena far removed from each other. Even those who used to feel that this conception as to the nature of light had but a faint air of probability now find a difficulty in resisting it. In this sense we have reached our goal. But at this point we may perhaps be able to do without the theory altogether. The scene of our experiments was laid at the summit of the pass which, according to the theory, connects the domain of optics with that of electricity. It was natural to go a few steps further, and to attempt the descent into the known region of optics. There may be some advantage in putting theory aside. There are many lovers of science who are curious as to the nature of light and are interested in simple experiments, but to whom Maxwell's theory is nevertheless a seven-sealed book. The economy of science, too, requires of us that we should avoid roundabout ways when a straight path is possible. If with the aid of our electric waves we can directly exhibit the phenomena of light, we shall need no theory as interpreter ; the experiments them- selves will clearly demonstrate the relationship between the two things. As a matter of fact such experiments can be performed. We set up the conductor in which the oscillations are excited in the focal line of a very large concave mirror. The waves are thus kept together and proceed from the mirror as a powerful parallel beam. We cannot indeed see this beam directly, or feel it ; its effects are manifested in exciting sparks in the conductors upon which it impinges. It only becomes visible to our eyes when they are armed with our resonators. xx LIGHT AND ELECTRICITY 325 But in other respects it is really a beam of light. By rotat- ing the mirror we can send it in various directions, and by examining the path which it follows we can prove that it travels in a straight line. If we place a conducting body in its path, we find that the beam does not pass through — it throws shadows. In doing this we do not extinguish the beam but only throw it back : we can follow the reflected beam and convince ourselves that the laws of its reflection are the same as those of the reflection of light. We can also refract the beam in the same way as light. In order to refract a beam of light we send it through a prism, and it then suffers a deviation from its straight path. In the present case we proceed in the same way and obtain the same result ; excepting that the dimen- sions of the waves and of the beam make it necessary for us to use a very large prism. For this reason we make our prism of a cheap material, such as pitch or asphalt. Lastly, we can with our beam observe those phenomena which hitherto have never been observed excepting with beams of light — the phenomena of polarisation. By interposing a suitable wire grating in the path of the beam we can extinguish or excite the sparks in our resonator in accordance with just the same laws as those which govern the brightening or darkening of the field of view in a polarising apparatus when we interpose a crystalline plate. Thus far the experiments. In carrying them out we are decidedly working in the region of optics. In planning the experiments, in describing them, we no longer think electric- ally, but optically. We no longer see currents flowing in the conductors and electricities accumulating upon them : we only see the waves in the air, see how they intersect and die out and unite together, how they strengthen and weaken each other. Starting with purely electrical phenomena we have gone on step by step until we find ourselves in the region of purely optical phenomena. We have crossed the summit of the pass : our path is downwards and soon begins to get level again. The connection between light and electricity, of which there were hints and suspicions and even predictions in the theory, is now established : it is accessible to the senses and intelligible to the understanding. From the highest point to which we have climbed, from the very summit of the pass, we 326 LIGHT AXD ELECTRICITY xx can better survey both regions. They are more extensive than we had ever before thought. Optics is no longer restricted to minute ether- waves a small fraction of a millimetre in length ; its dominion is extended to waves which are measured in decimetres, metres, and kilometres. And in spite of this ex- tension it merely appears, when examined from this point of view, as a small appendage to the great domain of electricity. We see that this latter has become a mighty kingdom. We perceive electricity in a thousand places where we had no proof of its existence before. In every flame, in every luminous particle we see an electrical process. Even if a body is not luminous, provided it radiates heat, it is a centre of electric disturbances. Thus the domain of electricity extends over the whole of nature. It even affects ourselves closely : we perceive that we actually possess an electrical oman — the eve. These are the things that we see when we look downwards from our high standpoint. Not less attractive is the view when we look upwards towards the lofty peaks, the highest pinnacles of science. We are at once confronted with the question of direct actions-at-a-distance. Are there such ? Of the many in which we once believed there now remains but one — gravitation. Is this too a deception ? The law according to which it acts makes us suspicious. In another direction looms the question of the nature of electricity. Viewed from this standpoint it is somewhat concealed behind the more definite question of the nature of electric and mag- netic forces in space. Directly connected with these is the great problem of the nature and properties of the ether which fills space, of its structure, of its rest or motion, of its finite or infinite extent. More and more we feel that this is the all-important problem, and that the solution of it will not only reveal to us the nature of what used to be called im- ponderables, but also the nature of matter itself and of its most essential properties — weight and inertia. The quint- essence of ancient systems of physical science is preserved for us in the assertion that all things have been fashioned out of fire and water. Just at present physics is more inclined to ask whether all things have not been fashioned out of the ether ? These are the ultimate problems of physical science, the icy summits of its loftiest range. Shall we ever be per- XX LIGHT AND ELECTRICITY 327 mitted to set foot upon one of these summits ? Will it be soon ? Or have we long to wait ? We know not : but we have found a starting-point for further attempts which is a stage higher than any used before. Here the path does not end abruptly in a rocky wall ; the first steps that we can see form a gentle ascent, and amongst the rocks there are tracks leading upwards. There is no lack of eager and practised explorers : how can we feel otherwise than hopeful of the success of future attempts ? XXI ON THE PASSAGE OF CATHODE EAYS THEOUGH THIN METALLIC LAYEKS (Wiedemann's Annalen, 45, pp. 28-32, 1892.) One of the chief differences between light and cathode rays is in respect of their power of passing through solid bodies. The very substances which are most transparent to all kinds of light offer, even in the thinnest layers which can be prepared, an insuperable resistance to the passage of cathode rays. I have been all the more surprised to find that metals, which are opaque to light, are slightly transparent to cathode rays. Metallic layers of moderate thickness are of course as opaque to cathode rays as they are to light. But if a metallic layer is so thin as to allow a part of the incident light to pass through, it will also allow a part of the incident cathode rays to pass through ; and the proportion transmitted appears to be larger in the latter than in the former case. This can be demonstrated by a very simple experiment. Take a plane glass plate capable of phosphorescing, best a piece of uranium glass : partially cover one side, which we shall call the front side, with pure gold leaf, and in front of this fasten a piece of mica. Expose this front side to cathode rays proceeding from a flat circular aluminium cathode of 1 cm. diameter, say at a dis- tance of 20 cm. from the cathode. So long as the ex- haustion is but moderate the cathode rays fill the whole of the discharge tube as a powerful cone of light, and the glass only phosphoresces outside the patch which is covered with gold. At this stage the phosphorescence is chiefly caused by the light of the discharge, and only a very small part of this xxi PASSAGE OF CATHODE RAYS THROUGH METALS 329 penetrates through the gold. But as the exhaustion increases there is less and less light inside the discharge tube, and the rays which impinge upon the glass are more purely cathode rays. The glass now begins to phosphoresce behind the layer of gold leaf, and when the cathode rays have attained their most powerful development, the gold leaf, when observed from the back, simply looks like a faint veil upon the glass plate, chiefly recognisable at its edges and by the slight wrinkles in it. It can scarcely be said to throw a real shadow. On the other hand the thin mica plate, which we have superposed on the gold leaf, throws through this latter a marked black shadow upon the glass. Thus the cathode rays seem to pene- trate with but little loss through the layer of gold. I have tested other metals in the same way with the same result — silver leaf, aluminium leaf, various kinds of impure silver and gold leaf (alloys of tin, zinc, and copper), silver chemically precipitated, and also layers of silver, platinum and copper precipitated by the discharge in vacuo. These latter layers were much thinner than the beaten metallic leaves. I have not observed any characteristic differences between the various metals. Commercial aluminium leaf seems to work best. It is almost completely opaque to light but very transparent to the cathode rays : it is easily handled, and is not attacked by the cathode rays, whereas a layer of silver leaf, for example, is soon corroded by them in a peculiar manner. It might be urged, against the assumption that the cathode rays in these experiments penetrate right through the mass of the metal, that such thin metallic layers are full of small holes, and that the cathode rays might well reach the glass through these without going through the metal. It is the behaviour of the beaten metallic leaves that is most sur- prising, and one is bound to admit that these contain many pores : but the aggregate area of the holes scarcely amounts to a few per cent of the area of the leaf, and is not sufficient to account for the brilliant luminescence of the covered glass. Furthermore, the covered part of the glass exhibits no lumin- escence when it is viewed from the front, i.e. from the side on which the cathode is. Hence the cathode rays must have reached the glass by a way which the light excited by. them cannot retrace ; so that they cannot have reached the glass 330 PASSAGE OF CATHODE RAYS THROUGH METALS xxi through openings in the metallic leaf which lies close against it. Again, if we place two metallic leaves one on top of the other, the number of coincident holes must become vanishingly small. But the cathode rays are able to make glass luminesce brightly under a double layer of metallic leaf; even under a three or fourfold layer of gold or aluminium leaf we can per- ceive the phosphorescence of the glass and the shadows of objects in front of the leaf. I have been rather surprised by the extent to which the rays are weakened by passing through a double layer ; it is much larger than one would expect from the slight weakening produced by a single layer. I think the following sufficiently explains this phenomenon. The metallic layer has a reflecting surface by which the phosphorescent light is reflected. This reflecting surface prevents the light from radiating towards the cathode, but it doubles the intensity of the light in the direction away from the cathode. If we assume that the metallic layer allows only -J- of the cathode rays to pass, it will not reduce the luminescence to -J- but only to |- of its previous value : whereas the second layer will reduce it to ^, and further layers will soon cause the phosphor- escence to vanish. If this conception is correct, metallic layers capable of transmitting more than half of the cathode rays should not weaken the luminescence at all : behind such metallic layers the glass ought actually to phosphoresce more strongly than in parts where it is not covered. I think I have been able to verify this expectation in the case of layers of silver chemically precipitated and of suitable thickness : but the observation is not quite trustworthy, because in the un- covered parts one cannot avoid seeing through the phosphor- escing glass the greyish-blue luminescence of the gas, and it is not easy to separate with any certainty the brightness of this from that of the green phosphorescence light. Lastly, if the cathode rays went right through the holes in the metal they would afterwards continue their rectilinear path. But this is just what they do not do ; by their passage through the metal they become diffused, just as light does by passing through a turbid medium such as milk glass. Let part of a cylindrical discharge tube be shut off, say at a distance of 20 cm. from the cathode, by a metal plate extend- ing right across it but containing a circular aperture a few xxi PASSAGE OF CATHODE KAYS THROUGH METALS 331 millimetres in diameter ; let this aperture be closed by a piece of aluminium leaf. If we now place a suitable glass plate close behind the aperture we get, as might be expected, a distinct and bright phosphorescent image of the aperture upon the glass ; but if we remove the glass plate even one or two millimetres, the image becomes perceptibly larger and suffers a corresponding loss of brilliancy, its edge at the same time becoming indistinct. When the glass plate is moved back several millimetres the image of the aperture becomes very indistinct, large and faint ; and when the plate is shifted still further away, the tube behind the diaphragm appears quite dark. That this is simply due to the feebleness of the cathode rays which have been diffused from the small aperture can be shown by introducing into the diaphragm several such apertures closed by aluminium leaf. For this purpose the [diaphragm is best made of wire gauze hammered flat ; upon ■this is stretched a piece of aluminium leaf. Behind such a [diaphragm the whole of the discharge tube becomes filled with a uniform, moderately bright light. The phosphorescence is sufficiently strong to allow of our obtaining separate beams by means of further diaphragms : with these we can convince ourselves that even after passing through metallic leaf the sathode rays retain their properties of rectilinear propagation, of being deflected by a magnet, etc. There must be some connection between the phenomenon of the diffusion of cathode rays on passing through thin layers of bright metal and another phenomenon, namely, that when cathode rays impinge upon such a surface the portion reflected back is diffused, as E. Goldstein has shown. 1 1 See Wiedemann's Annalen, 15, p. 246, 1882. XXII HEEMANN VON HELMHOLTZ (From the Supplement to the Miinchener Allgemeinc Zeitung, August 31, 1891.) In Germany the men who now stand upon the threshold of old age have inaugurated and lived through a period of rare felicity and success. They have seen aims attained and desires realised, and this not only in matters political : they have seen mighty developments in the arts of peace ; they have seen our Fatherland take its place in the front rank of nations, not only in our own estimation but in that of others. Even in the beginning of this century the natural sciences were far from being neglected in Germany : the labours of a Humboldt, the undying fame of a Gauss, were sufficient to keep alive respect for German research. But side by side with the wheat of true effort there sprang up the tares of a false philosophy which nourished so luxuriantly as to hinder the full growth of the crop. Up to the middle of the century sober progress along the path of experimental investigation lacked the glory which accompanies international success ; and the successes of a fictitious natural philosophy were very pro- perly not greeted with the same exultation abroad as in Ger- many. Germans followed eagerly and diligently the discoveries made in other lands ; but they always expected the great dis- coveries and successes to come from Paris and London. Thither young investigators travelled to see famous scientific men and to learn how great investigations were carried on : thence they obtained the materials for their own researches ; there alone could new discoveries be properly and authentically published. They found it hard to believe that things could ever be other- xxii HERMANN VON HELMHOLTZ 333 wise. But all this has long since been changed. In science Germany is no longer dependent upon her neighbours : in ex- perimental investigation she is the peer of the foremost nations and keeps in the main well abreast of them, sometimes leading and sometimes following. This the country owes to the co- operation of many eager workers ; but it naturally honours most the few whose names are most closely connected with the actual successes. Of these some have already left us for ever : others still remain, and we hope long to have them with us. The greatest among all these, the acknowledged repre- sentative of this period of progress and well-earned fame, the scientific leader of Germany, is Hermann von Helmholtz, whose seventieth birthday we celebrate to-day after he has for nearly half a century astonished the scientific world by the number, the depth, and the importance of his investigations. To the countless tributes of admiration and gratitude which will this day be laid at his feet we would with all modesty add our own. As Germans we are glad and proud to claim as our countryman one whose name we deem worthy to be placed among the noblest names of all times and all nations, con- fident that subsequent generations will confirm our judgment. As men we cherish the same feelings of admiration and gratitude. Other nations, too, will join us in paying honour to him to-day, as indeed they have done in the past. For although nations may appear narrow-minded in political affairs, men have not wholly lost the sense of a common interest in matters scientific : a Helmholtz is regarded as one of the noblest ornaments of humanity. Let us try to recall the achievements for which we to-day do him honour. Here we at once feel how impossible it is to make others share fully in our admiration if they are not themselves in a position to appreciate his work. It is a mistake to suppose that the importance of an investigator's work can be gauged by stating what problem he has solved. A man must see a picture, and must see it with the eyes of an artist, before he can fully appreciate its value. Even so scientific investigations have a beauty of their own which can be enjoyed as well as understood ; but in order to enjoy it a man must understand the investigation and steep himself in 334 HERMANN VON HELMHOLTZ xxil it. Take one of Helmholtz's minor researches, e.g. the theoreti- cal paper in which he discusses the formation of liquid jets. The problem is not one that appeals to the lay mind : its solution is only attained by the aid of assumptions which correspond but indifferently to the actual conditions ; the influence of the investigation upon science and life can ! scarcely be called other than slight. And yet the manner in which the problem is solved is such that in studying even a paper like this one feels the same elevation and wonder as in beholding a pure work of art. Upon our comprehension of the difficulties to be surmounted depends the depth of this feeling. We see a man of surpassing strength spring across a yawning chasm apparently without effort, but in reality strain- ing every nerve. Only after the leap do we clearly see how wide the chasm is. Instinctively we break out into applause. But we cannot expect the same spontaneous enthusiasm of spectators from whose standpoint the chasm is not visible, and who can only learn from our descriptions how trying the feat was. To give a brief but fitting sketch of Helmholtz's work is difficult on account of its many-sidedness as well as its pro- fundity. His scientific life interests us like an Odyssey through the whole region of exact investigation. He began as a doctor : he had to study the laws of that life which he wished to succour, and this led him to the study of physiology, which is the scientific part of medicine. He found himself hampered by the gaps in our knowledge of inanimate nature : so he set about filling these and thus drifted more and more towards physics. For the sake of physics he became a mathematician, and in order to probe thoroughly the founda- tions of mathematical knowledge, and knowledge in general, he became a philosopher. When we look through the techni- cal literature of any of these sciences we meet his name : upon all of them he has left his mark. Without attending to chronological order we shall here only describe briefly three of \ those great achievements which constitute his title to fame. I consider that the most beautiful and charming amongst these, although not the highest, is the invention with which he has enriched practical medicine. I mean the ophthal- moscope. Before him no one was able to investigate the! xxn HERMANN VON HELMHOLTZ 335 living eye. Beyond the doubtful and unreliable feelings of the patient there were no means of diagnosing the disease or determining the defects in refraction. Before any cure was possible it was absolutely necessary for the surgeon to acquire an accurate knowledge of the disease ; and this, in the majority of cases, was only attainable after the invention of this simple instrument. Ophthalmic surgery rapidly rose to its present high level. Who can say how many thousands who have recovered their sight owe it to our investigator — to him personally, although they are unconscious of this and think that their thanks are simply due to the surgeon who has treated them ! The invention of the ophthalmoscope is like vaccination against smallpox, the antiseptic treatment of wounds, or the sterilisation of children's food — one of those great gifts which enrich all without impoverishing any, one of I those advances which are gratefully acknowledged everywhere by all men, and which keep alive in us the belief that there is ;such a thing as progress. Equally powerful as a protection against blindness on the intellectual side are the advances which physiology owes to Helmholtz, although their value may not be so easily or generally recognised. Here we may remind the reader in passing that he was the first to measure the speed with which sensation and volition travel along the nerves : this would have sufficed to establish the fame of any other man, [but it is not this that we now have in mind. His chief investigation in this science, the work of his mature years, is the development of the physiology of the senses, especially of sight and hearing. Within our consciousness we find an inner intellectual world of conceptions and ideas : outside our consciousness there lies the cold and alien world of actual things. Between the two stretches the narrow border- land of the senses. No communication between the two worlds is possible excepting across this narrow strip. No change in the external world can make itself felt by us unless it acts upon a sense-organ and borrows form and colour from this organ. In the external world we can conceive no causes for our changing feelings until we have, however reluctantly, assigned to it sensible attributes. For a proper understand- ing of ourselves and of the world it is of the highest import- 336 HERMANN VON HELMHOLTZ xxn ance that this borderland should be thoroughly explored, so that we may not make the mistake of referring anything which belongs to it to one or the other of the worlds which it separates. When Helmholtz turned his attention to this borderland it was not in a wholly uncultivated state ; but he found the richest fields in it lying fallow, and on either side its limits were badly denned and hidden by a luxuriant growth of error. He left it carefully denned and well parcelled out, and much of it had been transformed into a blooming garden. His celebrated treatise On the Sensations of Tone is known to a fairly wide circle of students. That which out- side ourselves is a mere pulsing of the air becomes within our minds a joyful harmony. What interests the physicist is the air-pulsation, what interests the musician and the psychologist is the harmony. The transition between the two is discovered in the sensation which connects the definite physical process with the definite mental process. What is there outside our- selves which corresponds to the quality of the tones of musical instruments, of human song, of vowels and consonants ? What corresponds to consonance and dissonance ? Upon what does the aesthetic opposition between the two depend ? By what ideas of order within us were those codes of music, the musical scales, developed ? Not all the questions which are prompted by a thirst for knowledge can be answered; but nearly all the questions which Helmholtz had to leave open thirty years ago remain unanswered to the present day. In his Physiological Optics he discusses similar questions relating to sight. How is it possible for vibrations of the ether to be transformed by means of our eyes into purely mental processes which apparently can have nothing in common with the former ; and whose relations nevertheless reflect with the greatest accuracy the relations of external things ? In the formation of mental conceptions what part is played by the eye itself, by the form of the images which it produces, by the nature of its colour- sensations, accommodation, motion of the eyes, by the fact that we possess two eyes ? Is the manifold of these relations sufficient to portray all conceivable manifolds of the external world, to justify all manifolds of the internal world ? We see how closely these investigations are connected xxn HERMANN VON HELMHOLTZ 337 with the possibility and the legitimacy of all natural know- ledge. The heavens and the earth doubtless exist apart from ourselves, but for us they only exist in so far as we perceive them. Part of what we perceive therefore appertains to our- selves : part only has its origin in the properties of the heavens - and the earth. How are we to separate the two ? Helm- holtz's physiological investigations have cleared the ground for the answering of this question : they have supplied a firm fulcrum to which a lever can be applied. His own inclina- tions have led him to discuss these very questions in a series of philosophical papers, and no more competent judge could express an opinion upon them. Will his philosophical views continue to be esteemed as a possession for all time ? We should not forget that we have here passed beyond the bounds of the exact sciences : no appeal to nature is possible, and we have nothing but opinion against opinion and view against view. As on the one hand Helmholtz was led by the study of the senses to the ultimate sources of knowledge, so on the other hand the same study led him to the glories of art. The rules which the painter and the musician instinctively observe were for the first time recognised as necessary con- sequences of our organisation, and were thereby transformed into conscious laws of artistic creation. Great and manifold as are these discoveries, they are all eclipsed by another with which the name of Helmholtz will ever be connected. This is a physical discovery of a more abstract nature. Here the human observer with his sensations retires into the background : light and colour fade away and sound becomes fainter ; their place is taken by geometrical intuitions and general ideas, time, space, matter, and motion. Between these ideas relations have to be found, and these relations must correspond to the relations between the things. The value of these relations is measured by their generality. As relations of the most general nature we may mention the conservation of matter, the inertia of matter, the mutual attraction of all matter. Of new relations discovered in this century the most general is that which was first clearly recognised by Helmholtz. It is the law which he called the Principle of the Conservation of Force, but which is now z 338 HERMANN VON HELMHOLTZ xxn known to us as the Principle of the Conservation of Energy. It had long before been suspected that in the unending succession of phenomena there was something else besides matter which persisted, which could neither be created nor destroyed, something immaterial and scarcely tangible. At one time it seemed to be quantity of motion measured in this way or that, at another time force, or again an expression compounded of both. In place of these obscure guesses Helmholtz brought forward distinct ideas and fixed relations which led immedi- ately to a wealth of general and special connections. Magni- ficent were the views which the principle opened up into the past and future of our planetary system ; in every separate investigation, even the most restricted, its applications were innumerable. For forty years it has been so much expounded and extolled that no man of culture can be quite ignorant of it. It is noteworthy that about this time other heads began to think more clearly of these things ; and it came about that as far as the phenomena of heat were concerned other men had anticipated Helmholtz by a few years without his know- ing it. It would be far from his wish to detract from the fame of these men ; but it should not be forgotten that their researches were almost entirely restricted to the nature of heat, whereas the significance and value of the principle lie precisely in the fact that it is not limited to this or that natural force, but that it embraces all of them and can even serve as our pole-star amongst unknown forces. It is not generally known that in his mature years Helm- holtz has returned to the work of his youth and has still further developed it. The law of the conservation of energy, general though it is, nevertheless appears to be only one half of a still more comprehensive law. A stone projected into empty space would persist in a state of uniform motion, and thus its energy would remain constant : to this corresponds the con- servation of energy in any system, however complicated that system may be. But the stone would also tend to retain its direction and to travel in a straight line : to this behaviour there is a corresponding general behaviour on the part of every moving system. In the case of purely mechanical systems it has long been known that every system, according xxii HERMANN VON HELMHOLTZ 339 to the conditions in which it is placed, arrives at its goal along the shortest path, in the shortest time, and with the least effort. This phenomenon has been regarded as the resnlt of a designed wisdom : its general statement in the region of pnre mechanics is known as the Principle of least Action. To trace the phenomenon in its application to all forces, through the whole of nature, is the problem to' which Helmholtz has devoted a part of the last decade. As yet the significance of these researches is not thoroughly understood. An investigator of this stamp treads a lonely path : years pass before even a single disciple is able to follow in his steps. It would be futile to try to enter into particulars of all Helmholtz's researches. Our omissions might be divided amongst several scientific men and would amply suffice to make all of them famous. If one of them had carried out Helmholtz's electrical researches and nothing else, we should regard him as our chief authority on electricity. If another had done nothing but discover the laws of vortex-motion in fluids, he could boast of having made one of the most beautiful discoveries in - mechanics. If a third had only produced the speculations on the conceivable and the actual properties of space, no one would deny that he possessed a talent for pro- found mathematical thought. But we rejoice to find these discoveries united in one man instead of divided amongst several. The thought that one or other of them might be a mere lucky find is rendered impossible by this very union : we recognise them as proofs of an intellectual power far exceeding our own, and are lost in admiration. And yet these actual performances give but an inadequate idea of his whole personality. How can we estimate the intellectual value of the inspiration which he imparted, at first to his contemporaries, and afterwards to the pupils who flocked to him from far and near ? It is true that Helmholtz never had the reputation of being a brilliant university teacher, as far as this depends upon communicating elementary facts to the beginners who usually fill the lecture-rooms. But it is quite another matter when we come to consider his influence upon trained students and his pre-eminent fitness for guiding them in original research. Such guidance can only be given by one who is himself a master in it, and its value is measured by his own 340 HERMANN VON HELMHOLTZ xxn work. Here example is of more value than precept ; a few occasional hints can point out the path better than formal and well-arranged lectures. The mere presence of the marvellous investigator helps the pupil to form a just estimate of his own efforts and of those of his fellow-students, and enables him to see things sub specie ceterni instead of from his own narrow point of view. Every one who has had the good fortune to work even for a brief period under Helmholtz's guidance feels that in this sense he is above all thiugs his pupil, and remembers with gratitude the consideration, the patience, and the good- will shown to him. Of "the many pupils now scattered over the earth there is not one who will not to-day think of his master with love as well as admiration, and with the hope that he may yet see many years of useful work and of happy leisure. FT Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh. Scale of Heights. Ilcrl;. Uisfilhiiirunf Pa-prrs. I >t luKHHUjlt Jlt£*lil»l4 1 iHl T