UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA A DRYING-YARD TRAY LIFTER C. LORENZEN, Jr.' and C. E. BARBEE' Demands for larger quantities of dried fruit have made necessary the extension of existing drying-yard areas or the development of new yards. The shortage of farm labor and the difficulties encountered in obtaining and setting up drying- yard equipment have made a definite place for the tray lifter. Its function is to eliminate addi- tional trucks and track, and to save man-hours of labor. It is designed for mounting on a truck chassis although it may be adapted for use on the conventional wheel tractor as well, and is capable of handling a ton of trayed fruit, CONSTRUCTION The first sketch appearing on this page shows the lifter loaded with trays; the second drawing on page 1, together with those on pages 2, 3, and 4 show details of construction. A bill of ma- terials also appears on page 4. The assembly consists of a lifting frame, supported by rollers on a fixed frame attached directly to the truck chassis, and moved up and down by means of a hy- draulic automobile jack. The lifting frame is made of two vertical members, A, and two lifting 1 The writers wish to acknowledge the assist- ance of C . J. Hansen of the Pomology Division in the development and testing of this equipment. g Associate in Agricultural Engineering and Associate in the Experiment Station. Associate in the Experiment Station, Division of Agricultural Engineering. arms, I, fastened together by the cross members R, S, and T_. The joints between the vertical mem- bers and the lifting arms are reinforced with the plates 0. The bearing surfaces for the trays on the lifting arms are increased by the use of 4- inch strips, F, welded to the top edges of the channels. These strips are extended and bent to fasten to the lower edges of the channels to pro- vide finished ends, V, to the arms. Roller brackets, C and D,are attached to the lifting frame. The rollers are cast-iron chain-tightener rollers, John Deere no. G353-D or the equivalent. These rollers are about as long as the width of the channel flanges, and run on strips welded at their ends to the fixed-frame members as shown in the drawing detail. The fixed frame is made of the two vertical members, B, and the braces, Jl, with end fasten- ings, N and 0^. The vertical members are bolted, J, to the truck frame at a point such that the lift support, P, welded across the rear of the chassis, is directly below the channel cross mem- ber of the lifting frame. The lower fastenings, (i, of the fixed-frame braces, E, are provided with bolts, W, and nuts, M, for adjusting the position of the vertical members, B. Lift stop blocks are welded to the lift frame to limit the travel and steady the load. Wooden blocks, H, are placed between the truck frame and the rear axle housing to block the springs, and are held in place by the stirrup bolts, K. Sizes and specifications of all parts of the [1] [\ 1 m o.Zo* J U-l t -« 4" »- 4 * channels 6.25 lbs. per foot Center line of jack, a/>d ' neutral axis of lift support Jtck ram. 4" x 6251b. channel or 4" x 7.7 /6. I beam Jack base Saddle blocks i d' a ro ^ 4"x 6.25 chorine/ used for a// ' fieo 'ir y members It ft support Jnc/ad/na jock support. Jack Mounting Detail. Scale J^- 1' Au/o/notde tydrau/i'c jack 3ee jock mounting detail. 1x1x2* Lift stop block 2" standard pipe scale g -I Safety bolt Fixed frome j xZ" Y.4"pl°te. 'lit *4 yo kewe/ded to pipe JL" 'x 3" N.C bo/t. i(* ■L- standard pipe. Length wilt vary depending upon /ower po/nt of fastening. Roller Lifting frame ^Bracket and roJ/er as sSowr? in en/argred 'detail p?r O/C.nut we/ded to pipe. $/, rod we/ded to -^■'x2'r3' p/a/e and t/ireaded /I fp.c. 7rc/ck frame. Roller brackets rQo/ter Strip t/etd/t Sca/e a " / -Weld ro/ier strip at ends. Boiler strip ■ seedetai/. t+^weld /*2" xl2' X- Lpwer brackets 2' wide as indicated by doffed line j-"f /at stock £x3"d.C bo/t 3§ sUpipe /% /oog Position of top roller Position of bottom roller. Bracket and ro//er d'etat/. scale -L"*/' 4 University of California Division of Agricultural engineering College of agriculture Davis. Calif. Plan No. C-532. DRY- YARD TRAY LIFTER APPROVED FOR DIVISIONS OF ACS ICUL TUBAL E MGIMEERIflC V^ DRAWN BY CL Jr. TRACED »Y Cl_. CHECKED BY CE-C. DATE lifter except the hydraulic jack are shown in the drawing and given in the bill of materials. All joints are welded. The lengths of the cross mem- bers of the frame may be varied to fit the par- ticular truck chassis on which the lifter is mounted. The hydraulic jack should have a capac- ity of at least 3,000 pounds, and a minimum travel of 6 inches. If a pump and ram are available, they may be substituted for the hydraulic jack to make the lifting operation automatic. A ball- and-socket pad, U, at the top of the jack ram, and the flexible jack mounting, are provided to insure proper application of the lifting force for different adjustments of the fixed-frame ver- ticals, B_. OPERATION Trays stacked at the cutting shed can be brought to the sulfuring house, then transported to the drying yard. Trays may be spread on the ground directly from the slow-moving truck or tractor, and the operation reversed when bring- ing in the dired fruit. A truck equipped with compound low is desirable for this work. Blocks, slightly higher than the lifting arms when in their lowest position, are used to stack the trays on; this permits the arms to be moved in or out under the load. Since the width of the lift is less than the truck tread, separate sets of blocks must be pro- vided for each row of stacked trays in the sul- furing house. Since the length of the lifting arms is longer than the width of the trays it is necessary to have a space between the two stacks of trays. Two 2x4 inch pieces will serve the purpose. This space will also provide better circulation during the sulfuring process. H' D BILL OF MATERIALS Number and name of part Material Dimensions Symbol in drawing 2 lift-frame verticals structural channel 4" x 6.25 lb. x 65" A 2 lifting arms structural channel 4" x 6.2 5 lb. x 40" I 1 cross member structural channel 4" x 6.25 lb. x --* R 1 cross member standard iron pipe 2" nominal* S 1 cross member standard iron pipe 1-1/4 nominal* T 2 fixed-frame verticals structural channel 4" x 6.25 lb. x 55" B 2 fixed-frame braces standard iron pipe 1/2" nominal 60" E 4 roller brackets hot-rolled steel 1/4" x 3" x 12" C 4 roller brackets hot-rolled steel 1/4" x 2" x 12" D 4 rollers cast iron - 4 roller strips cold-rolled steel 1/4" x 1-1/4" x 12" 2 tray bearing strips hot-rolled steel 1/4" x 4" x 44" F 2 reinforcing plates hot-rolled steel 1/4" x 4" x 8" 2 spring blocks douglas-fir or hardwood 2" x — * x 36" B 4 stirrup bolts hot-rolled rod 1/2" x 30" K 1 lift support structural channel 4" x 6.25 lb. x --* P 4 roller bolts 7/16" x 3" NC 4 safety bolts 7/16" x 3" 2 upper brace yoke bolts (mach.) 7/16" x 2-1/2" 2 lift stops cold-rolled steel 1" x i" x 2" - 2 chassis bolts 2 lower brace fastener bolts 2 upper brace yokes 3/4" x 1" NC 5/8" x 6" NC 1/4" x 2" x 26" J W N hot-rolled steel 2 lower brace plate hot-rolled steel . 3/8" x 2" x 4" 4 2 lower brace plate bolts (mach..) 2 upper brace yoke anchor plates 1/2" x 1" 1/4" x 2" x 4" hot-rolled steel - *Dimension will vary for different truck chassis, [4] 4m-8, -43(7429)