- | (?. L |' I 1 'J : ■ r'. 1 CATALOGUE OF CAPRONI CASTS University Angelt "Department of /trf University of California at Los Angeles EDITION OF 19 ALL PREVIOUS CATALOGUES CANCELLED Ait CATALOGUE OF PLASTER REPRODUCTIONS FROM ANTIQUE, MEDIEVAL AND MODERN SCULPTURE Subjects for Art Schools ^m ®0/l MADE AND FUR SALE BY P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 1914-1920 Washington Street BOSTON, MAS S A CHUS E T T S, U.S.A. Copyright, 1911, by P. P. Caproni & Bro., Inc. All Rights Reserved WASHINGTON STREET BUILDING Entrance to Galleries of P. P. Caproni and Brother The building illustrated above and the Newcomb Street Building shown on the next page were especially erected for the manufacture and display of Caproni Casts, and are used exclusively for this purpose. Library ■m if? r \r~~. V f £ r «CTfSfSc'cS £««r rMf r.BBi. i-m.t NEWCOMB STREET BUILDING Connected with Building on previous page Entrance to Workshops where Caproni Casts are made under the direct personal supervision of P. P. Caproni and Brother. CAST MAKERS FOR NEARLY HALF A CENTURY CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER KjJAxJ tfMAMAXsid/ As ^UaaAJ /CoaW /zAj/ JVurvW Mmjiol&d' frWrdJU/, rwuuk> AauXU Jacvw Ax/ (AmmamAj^i, aJaaJaJ xt>/ wJ MuJuX ai tliuW MwrurW JLJaAasaaajJ^ i oAwaX/ -KavvJ Mm/ ' MjlaIu3mtW u\AaaaA) ovJV /vuaaaai/ x*aaA/ AMxJ OUUaMaaam^ A> &aaJio^ *m^ aaMota/ /m)V MvtiurvuxJl/ (3uaJMaawJ ? MahJ IttAb MaAwu/ at a* '^hX^ jsW J^aAxM 6aAW, CowwiaxaaA/ &WV amt/u/U /oJJ Ao^JUwuriX' /wV £vu&/ CiLy Xcr flWJuu&ul anAsi i^V A AaAucL/ MnsrdtAsCub JY W, /UK/Iiaw iLj JWa* kJLAoW A aXjJ -VtivJ/ W JL/zumUd/, *uJ Mmai/AiA/ Jh/wuriXW W auaJ i^XAczmasJ '4, avvV JaxxaAaa- maw XwaaAjjA/ AJjAxt^/loiMnAjJ. ~)<(AMhxriw /OaaA/ CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER ASSYRIAN SCULPTURE r '■■ —I- .,-. - . ■ . , f > f yS Lioness Wounded In the British Museum No. 1 27 x 34 in. $5.00 Lion Hunt in Chariot In the British Museum No. 2 37 x 55 in. $10.00 if I r King and Oueen banqueting in Garden In the British Museum No. 3 23 x 55 in. $10.00 Royal Party hunting Lions In the British Museum No. 4 24 x S5' ; in. $18.00 "W Royal Party hunting Lions Continuation of Frieze No. 4 No. 4A 24 x 59 in. $10.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER QZ D F- Q- _J D U (Si Z < en en < : — rJ rrrop« 3 12 ° c 2 o o o "- 1 .2 ■ bo to o CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER Z < CO < U CO _ -G •H g 00 11 , 1.50 I » 6K , 1.00 i » 10 , 2.00 t ) 1% , 1.00 J l 1% , .75 , , 7 , .75 ) t i% , 1.50 » » 2 It. 2 , 5.00 2 ,, 6.00 In ordering from this catalogue, the directions on Page 234 should be followed CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER EGYPTIAN SCULPTURE 217 No. 210 Man, Head of Height 7 in. $1.00 212 Sphinx, Head of, 213 Sphinx, Head of 214 Sphinx . . . 215 Cat, seated . 216 Pharaoh . . In the Berlin Museum In the Louvre In the Berlin Museum. Base 17 x 50 in. In the Berlin Museum In the Louvre 217 Cross-legged Scribe 5 , 1.00 6 , 1.00 ,, 2 ft. 3 , , 50.00 6H , 1.00 ,, 2 ft. 1" , , 10.00 <>% , 1.50 Information of interest wilt be found on Page 235 10 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON1 AND BROTHER GREEK AND ROMAN STATUES Faun. By Praxiteles In the Capitoline Museum, Rome No. 500 Height 6 ft. 3 in. . . . $60.00 766 ,, 2 ,, 5 8.00 Wooden pedestals furnished for large statues See illustration on Page 86 Prices on application Venus of Melos In the Louvre No. 501 Height . $60.00 767 . 10.00 768 8.00 769 2 .,10 6.00 770 2 2 4.00 771 2.00 772 1 ,. ... 1.00 773 , .75 774 7 .60 775 • 5', .50 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER D H < < j r^j \Q \Q o C O 00 00 rt — VO-H --v **» ro c a) C3 a a! be P • - - - a Oh tfl Xg 3 eg \& — i"; (Jv o O H >> +J - - - rn d .c N vO^N in V bJD - - - -^ c •5 - ' " " a> *< • t**. O »-< C^l rO Z. IT! fN] 00 VO Ml t*k a — a n u 00 ■* w crt yT > iw - - ^o rO Csl c c 4J ,u .G O a Ml " t/i • • to m n! "., « a c ^J H-l '*-* rvl a rt 0J cd CD o U Z ^ o P tS "3" M3 C ,-H Z in CO UJ D H < E- oo Z < o OS Q z < LU Q£ O bo o ■JS 3 |S 5 S it; CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPKOXI AND BROTHER 15 Gladiator, Fighting (called the Borghese Warrior) In the Louvre No. 517 Height 6 ft. $100.00 790 ,, 2 ,, 9 in 15.00 791 „ 2 ,, 3 ,, 10.00 792 ,, 1 ,, 10 ,, 6.00 793 ,, 10 2.50 No Psyche of Naples In the Museum at Naples 518 Height 3 ft. 2 in $12.00 794 ,, 1 ,, 6 ,, 4.00 794A ,, 1 ,, 2 , 2.00 795 ,, 10 ,, 1.00 GREEK AND ROMAN STATUES No Diana, Robinj 519 Height 6 ft. 813 „ 3 ,, 796 ,, 2 ,, 797 ,, 1 ,, ', from Gabii. In the Louvre $60.00 3 in 18.00 2 „ 8.00 4 3.00 Supplicant Youth ( called " The Praying Boy " ) In the Berlin Museum No. 522 Height 4 ft. 6 in $30.00 801 ,, 1 ,, 9 ,, 5.00 16 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER .a '5 _- lO vo O ,t CM t-h rr> 4 10 CO CO C/5 UJ D E- < z < o a z < UJ UJ DC O rt " t^ CM CM CD »j J= .G .5P - - J: '53 ~ ■ J3 a o CVTALOC.I'E OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 17 GREEK AND ROMAN STATUES Dying Gaul (sometimes called the "Dying Gladiator") In the Capitoline Museum, Rome No. 520 Height 3 ft. 6 in. ; base 66 x 30 in. $100.00 798 ,, 1 ,, 3 ,, ,, 24 x 12 ,, Iii.imi 799 ,, 1 ,, ,, 20 x 10 ,, S.OO 800 ,, 8 ,, ,, 13 x 5 ,, 3.00 Boxer, Resting In the Baths of Diocletian, Rome No. 521 Height 4 ft. 8 in. . $100.00 18 ( VTALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER GREEK AND ROMAN STATUES Ilioneus (so called). In the Glyptothek, Munich No. 527 Height 3 ft. 7 in. $25.00 Torso of the Belvedere. By Apollonius In the Vatican No. 528 Height 5 ft. 3# in. $50.00 3600 ,, 1 ,, 9 „ 5.00 3601 ,, 1 ,, 2.00 (See Nos. 3600 and 3601, reduced sizes, on Page 53) Nike (or Victory) of Samothrace In the Louvre No. 529 Height 9 ft. 6 in. $200.00 125.00 100.00 15.00 12.00 10.00 5.00 4.00 1.50 (See illustrations of Nike mounted on pedestal on Page 30 ) S41 , 6 , i 4 833 5 , . 3 752 > 3 , , 845 2 j - * , 6 ,, 764 , 2 , , 4 » 753 1 . , 7 ,, 753A , 1 . 753C 7 ,, Bacchante, Dancing In the Berlin Museum No. 526 Height 4 ft. 2 in. $40.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPROXI AND BROTHER 19 GREEK AND ROMAN STATUES Wrestlers In the Uffizi Gallery, Florence No. 530 Height 3 ft. 4 in.; base 48 x 25 }< in. . . . 756 ,, 1 ,, ,,20x9 ,, . . . 757 ,, 8 ,, ,, 10 x 7 $100.00 12.00 4.00 No Thalia ; Muse of Comedy In the Vatican 532 Height 5 ft. 3 in $65.00 Boy extracting Thorn (Sometimes called " Spinario ") In the Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome No. 531 Height 2 It. 9 in. . . $35.00 804 ,, 1 ,, 2 ,, . . 5.00 804A 2.00 Clio ; Muse of History In the Vatican Height 4 ft. 7 in No. 533 Avoid errors in ordering by following directions given on Page 234 $65.00 20 CATALOGUE OF F. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER GREEK AND ROMAN STATUES Apollo Citharoedos. After Scopas In the Vatican No. 534 Height 6 ft. 6 in $150.00 Polyhymnia. In the Louvre No. 536 Height 5 ft. 3 in 750 ,, 2 ,, 6 751 ,, 10i, . Xiobid (from the Niobe Group) In the Vatican No. 535 Height 6 ft $125.00 $75.00 8.00 2.50 Euripides. In the Vatican No. 537 Height 7 ft. 7 in $125.00 »afc CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER GREEK AND ROMAN STATUES Ariadne, Sleeping. In the Vatican No. 539 Height 3 ft. 10 in., base 2 ft. 9 in. x 7 ft. 4 in. (See No. 755 on Page 30) S150.00 Amazon Doryphoros. After Polyclitus In the Berlin Museum In the Naples Museum No. 538 Height 6 ft. 10 in. slOO.OO No. 540 Height 7 ft. 1 in. $100.00 825 ,, 4 ,, 2 ,, 25.00 Nike of Paeoneos In the Museum at Olympia No. 541 HeiKht 8 ft. 3 in. . S125.00 A liberal discount is given to schools and other educational institutions CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRtiM AM) BROTHER GREEK AND ROMAN STATUES Torso, Male Excavated at Argos, in 1892, under the direction of the American School of Archaeology. In the National Museum, Athens No. 542 Height 2 ft. 86.00 Theseus (so called ). In the British Museum From the eastern pediment of the Parthenon, Athens No. 545 Height 4 ft. 4 in j?75.00 3616 ,, 1 ,, 6 , 6.00 Hercules In the Lansdowne House, London No. 543 Height 7 ft $100.00 Augustus Caesar. In the Vatican No. 544 Height 7 ft. 4 in $200.00 S47 ,, 3 ,, 9 40.00 815 ,, 1 ,, 2 3.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 23 GREEK AND ROMAN STATUES Horse, of Selene. In the British Museum From the eastern pediment of the Parthenon, Athens No. 548 Height 2 ft. 4 in $15.00 13106 ,, 12 3.50 (See No. 13106 on Page 159) Poseidon ( Torso ). In the British Museum From the western pediment of the Parthenon, Athens No. 550 Height 3 ft. 3 in $35.00 No. 549 Ilissos ( so called ). In the British Museum From the western pediment of the Parthenon, Athens Height 2 ft. 7 in. $75.00 No. 3610 Height 1 ft. 4 in. $8.00 546 Fate (so called) 547 Fates, Two (so called). In the British Museum From the eastern pediment of the Parthenon, Athens No. 546 Height 4 ft. 7 in. $75.00 No. 547 Height 4 ft. $150.00 24 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPROXI AND BROTHEK GREEK AND ROMAN STATUES Venus de Medi In the Uffizi Gallery, 551 Hei£ht5 ft. 3 in. 809 ,, 3 ,, 810 ,, 2 ,, 811 ,, 1 ,, 4 in. Cl Florence . $60.00 . 12.00 6.00 2.50 Hermes, from Andros In the National Museum, Athens No. 552 Height 7 ft $85.00 vEschines In the Naples Museum No. 553 Height 7 ft. . . . $100.00 843 ,, 5 ,, 6 in. . 60.00 805 ,, 2 ,, 10 ,, . 8.00 Idolino (so called) Faun, playing on Flute Niobid In the Archeologico, Florence In the Louvre In the Louvre No. No. One of the figures from the Niobe group 554 Height 5 ft. 3 in. $35.00 555 Height 4 ft. 6 in. . . $35.00 No. 842 ,, 2 ,, 8 ,, 12.00 765 ,, 1 ,, 11 ,, . . 5.00 556 Height 3 ft. 4 in. . . $25.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER Lemnian Athena Attributed to Phidias. Head in Museo Civico, Bologna ; torso in Royal Museum, Dresden. No. 557 Height 6 ft. 10 in. . $75.00 Mnemosyne, Mother of the Muses By Lysippus. In Royal Museum, Dresden. (Sometimes called " Her- culanea." ) No. 558 Height 7 ft. . . . $100.00 Anacreon, Seated In the Villa Borghese, Rome No. 559 Height 5 ft. 8 in. . $100.00 Germanicos. In the Louvre No. 560 Height 6 ft. 3 in. . $100.00 812 806 15.00 10.00 Faun (or Satyr) Dancing In the Villa Borghese, Rome No. 561 Height 7 ft 3 in. . $100.00 Danaid. In the Vatican No. 562 Height 4 ft. 6 in. . $60.00 759 759A 1 „ 5% ,, 1 ,. 3.50 2.00 26 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPkn.M AND BROTHER Amazon In the Capitoline Museum, Rome No. 563 Height 7 ft. $100.00 803 „ 2 ,, 6 in. 10.00 GREEK AND ROMAN STATUES Wolf of the Capitol ( Romulus and Remus) In the Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome No. 564 Height 3 ft $100.00 Muse playing on Lyre In the Louvre No. 565 Height 6 ft. 10 in. $100.00 Euterpe In the Vatican No. 566 Height 4 ft. 10 in. 821 ,, 1 ,, 5 ,, $35.00 3.00 Athena Parthenos In the National Museum, Athens (Known as the Varvakeion statuette) No. 567 Height 3 ft. 6 in. $25.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 27 No Juno, from Samos In the Louvre 568 Height 6 ft. 6 in. $40.00 Charioteer of Delphi At Delphi No. 569 Height 6 ft. 8 in. $60.00 Anacreon, standing In the Jaeobsen collection, Copenhagen No. 570 Height 7 ft. $65.00 Hi 41 ^^^ a 1 ^^V \^0^Srf2A&^^^ mAiWi Jl ■ VI 3fl ^^jSHI Faun and Infant Bacchus In the Naples Museum No. 571 Height 6 ft. 4 in. $75.00 Caryatid, from the Erectheum, Athens In the British Museum No. 572 Height 7 ft. 10 in. $80.00 Venus of Capua In the Naples Museum . 573 Height 7 ft. 3 in. $100.00 28 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER GREEK AND ROMAN STATUES Venus of Aries. In the Louvre No. 574 Height 6 ft. 9 in. $1110.00 822 „ 2 ,, 9 ,, 12.00 Terminal Pan In the British Museum No. 575 Height 3 ft. 4 in. $15.00 Augustus Caesar In the Louvre No. 576 Height 7 ft. 4 in. $150.00 Mercury, Resting. In the Naples Museum No. 577 Height 3 ft. 11 in $75.00 832 „ 1 „ 9 „ 12.00 758 ,, 1 ,, 3.00 Silenus and Infant Bacchus. In the Louvre No. 5S0 Height 6 ft. 7 in $150.00 808 ,, 2 ,, 8 , 15.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 29 Augustus, in Youth Claudius, in Youth In the Louvre In the Louvre No. 579 Height 4 ft. 7 in. 540.00 No. 578 Height 4 ft. 5 in. 140.00 Venus at the Bath, or Crouching Venus In the Vatican No. 581 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $40.00 . (See No. 844 on Page 31) Urania, Muse of Astronomy In the Louvre No. 5S2 Height 7 ft $100.00 30 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON] AND BROTHER REDUCTIONS OF GREEK AND ROMAN STATUES Nike of Samothrace No. 752 on Bracket No. 752A, representing Prow ot Vessel, suggestive of the original pedestal in the Louvre. In ordering, state whether desired for a corner or for a flat wall. No. 752 Height 3 ft S15.00 752 A Prow, for corner or flat wall 12.00 Nike of Samothrace No. 752 on Pedestal No. 752B No. 753A on Pedestal No. 753B Pedestal is made in two sizes, reductions of the original pedestal in exact proportions for Nos. 752 and 753A. No. 752 Height 3 ft. 515.00 752B ,, 5 ,. 6 in. 30.00 753A ,, 1 ,, 3% ,. 4 00 753B ,, 1 ,, 1% ,, 4.00 (See Page 18 for different sizes of Nike of Samothrace) Hercules, Fame No. 754 Height 2 ft. 6 in. S8.00 Ariadne, Sleeping After the statue in the Vatican No. 755 Height 1 ft. 5 in.; base 24 x 10 in. $10.00 (See No. 539 on Page 21) Antinous In the Naples Museum No. 760 Height 1 ft. i<± in. S2.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONT AND BROTH Kl< Faun playing- Scabellum In Florence No. 762 Height lft. 11 in. $6.00 763 ,, 1 ,, 1 ,, 2.00 Minerva Giustimani No. 783 Height 111', in. $1.50 (See No. 507 on Page 12) Hermes (legs restored) Discobolus of Myron No. 785 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $10.00 Reduction from the statue in the Lancellotti Palace, Rome (See No. 510 on Page 13) No. 786 Height 1 ft. 5 in. $4.00 Boy and Goose In the Louvre No. 802 Height 1 ft. 2 in. $4.00 (See No. 516 on Page 14) Urania Apollo, with Lyre In the MuseoPio Clement No. 820 Rome Height 11 in. $2.50 No 819 Height 1 ft. 1 in. $3.00 Jason In the Louvre No. 827 Height 2 ft. 9 in. $15.00 807 ,, 2 ,, 4 ,, 10.00 Venus at Bath No. 844 Height 1 ft. 7% in. $10.00 (See No. 581 on Page 29) 1 Hana of Versailles No. 776A on Pedestal No. 6666 No. 776A Height 4 ft. 1 in. $40.00 6666 Pedestal 2 „ 10^,, 1500 (See No. 503 on Page 11) Urania No. 848 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $8.00 32 ( \l VLOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER - ^ E\l ■ : 7\^H ■ft 4 * ' . -iF kl ^* J ^* /■ 835 S36 REDUCTIONS OF GREEK AND ROMAN STATUES No. Height 818 Venus of Ostia 3 ft. 9 in. $15.00 823 Ceres In the Vatican . 3 ,, 7 ,, 12.00 828 Zeus In the Louvre . 3 ,, 3 „ 15.00 831 Apollo playing on Lyre . ] Museum^ I " 2 » 9 •■ 15 -°° 834 Hector and Andromache. | ^^ erlin | . 3 ,, 2 „ 25.00 835 Satyr and Infant . . . In Rome . . . 3 ,, 12.00 S36 Satyr and Infant . . . In Rome . . . 3 ,, 12.00 838 Zeus 2 ,, 7 ,, 12.00 839 Juno Barbarini 2 ,, 7 ,, 12.00 846 Discobolos . . . - ^ i? National I Z „K„ 15.00 oto uim.uuuiu» | Museum, Rome ) " " Avoid errors in ordering by following directions given on Page 234 818 823 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPROM AND BROTHER .3.3 1517 STATUETTES OF DIFFERENT PERIC 1500 H-- In the Ixmvre 1509 Fa 151' ... ... 1516 Spartac"- : ":-.-. spartact .... Diver " ■ ^ - . . . Tanagre . . . rine 1528 1 rine in. 10 „ 8>£ , - $6.00 1.00 2.00 .50 1.50 75 ? J i 34 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 1529 1533 1534 1535 1530 1536 1537 1544 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 STATUETTES OF DIFFERENT PERIODS No. 1529 Tanagra Figurine . . In the National Museum, Athens . 1530 Caryatid In the National Museum, Athens . . 1533 Roman Jester. By Barye In the Museum of Fine Arts, Brooklyn 1534 Tanagra Figurine . . In the National Museum, Athens . 1535 Tanagra Figurine . . In the National Museum, Athens . . 1536 Venus, made to hang (modern) 1537 Venus In the Berlin Museum 1539 Venus In the Berlin Museum 1540 Athena In the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston . 1541 Venus, with Doves (modern) 1542 Tanagra Figurine, arranging Hair 1543 Tanagra Figurine, with Hat 1544 Hercules, Tyrian, bearing away the Apples of the Hesperides In the British Museum 1545 Antinous In the Villa Albani, Rome .... t lelght 9 ir . $0.75 1 ft 10 5.00 7)4 , .75 1% , .75 10 1.50 1 ., 2 1.50 UK , 1.50 1 ,, 2 2.00 6K , 1.00 1 ,, 10 2.50 10 1.00 s 1.00 8 , , 8.00 1 „ 3 1.50 1545 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 35 co Q O 5 UJ a. E- z UJ Qi UJ U- u- u_ O CO UJ E- E- LU D f- < E- oo 0000000000000100*00 - lO in 10 10 to lO ""> C O O O C O r~ O t^ O Ju H H H H rt rt ri H H rl H H - ' ^ r-! tO «■ rt a • « = :::::::::::::::: H bo - ---_...._..„... *j o 1 |^ a fa CTl 41 a. H j= «-. *J o be o -S as a w ■ ■ > rt a; g c "3 • S. • • x "m S • rt CO 5 § . ' § * ' * J g £ £ g w C «> k C G * O o ? Kn<2. ^■irtcsrtrtajtort'io .„ . 2? tu ffc>fc>>(i i cfcSffl-s?'d'0'S.5 up j=j=^j=j=j=^uj=x^:2-silx!SC turt .t;.-".t;'"* j * j is5t:*''"«"^rtrtrt'" fee * > > 1Z * > > *^ > * > -J-. u w -5 4)a)a>cuuDaj(i>DQj4)i'2;ajUDa) 3, •5 .5 S c .5 5 5 5 c = S S .S ° .5 £ c 'C S i- 'n t 'n - c '™ 'c 'u *n £ *c *c *c *c ™ 'c *c 3 •— 33333333333333333 bO j; ■S? .5? .if .5? - £f - : ' zl '-' "-'■ £? .5? M -S 3 bo bo rT -S rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtairtrtrt 2ji bobooobobobobobobobobobobobobobobo a] 4 "' rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt c & qcaconccnaccncccc 3'-. rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt c— i'p vD N CO (5> O h r\] r0^tiO^J0 1->.CCCr>Of— I f«") r £ ff4|: 3H ^^^ RE? Ik. V Jl ^^^^ |f^ V UC. :' 1 EiSS! By£ HbH' ', Q Z < u z < < z UJ w o o CJ o a = o B> ""* rr ■S2 cvj a 3 i *S §^ cd o ::. bo — - by S? 4-1 cS > 3 ON ■S °- £ g P cS (7> => 5 — *d +J s^S 3 a. o o 01 15 bo '3 J? b« >> n •^ t3 o PQ 55 o 13 & W — CM a ^ a o Q ■z, .■5 ■ _ => a o "> S — "3 n J2 .5f - 3 rr > a! Q *5 u c 00 in CM 6 25 O ~ ij lO >o 3 in ^O CVJ 1— 1 »-t •<*■ ■sa f/1 rt c - - ' - £ -1 ^ _" fo rO CM a 0> <^ ^ - : : i*> 3 ir> f<5 CM *-* "- 1 U d bo V ^ 0) u X — << PQ £5 w> "3" U") 10 -t- Tt ■* 00 on 00 00 /■ rg eg CVJ eg 2892, 2893 2894 2895 2896 2899 2900 2901 (See also Nos. 2860, 2861, 2869 and 2870 on Page 48) 2902 MODERN STATUETTES AND REDUCTIONS No. 2890 Dutch Girl. By Gebriider Micheli Height 1 ft 4 in. $2.00 2891 Dutch Girl. Reduction of No. 2890 . 11 1.00 2892 Sloppy Weather. By Gebriider Micheli 1 ,, 6 - ,, 2.00 2893 Sloppy Weather. Reduction of No. 2892 11 ,, 1.00 2S94 St. John. By Dampt 9 ,, 3.00 2895 Joan of Arc 1 ,, 2 ,, 4.00 2896 Joan of Arc 1 .. 3.00 2899 Cherub, to hang 11 2.00 2900 Cherub, to hang 1 ,, 1 ,, 2.00 2901 Cherub, to hang 11 ,, 2.00 2902 Phidippides, the Marathon Runner . 1 ,, T% „ 3.50 2903 Council of War. By John Rogers 2 ,, 25.00 2903 52 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 3512 513 3514 3515 STATUETTES OF MONKS AND NUNS From the Tombs of the Dukes of Burgundy at Dijon, France 3517 3518 No. No. 3500 Monk Height! ft.6in. $2.50 3510 Monk 3501 Monk ,, 4 ,, 2.50 3511 Nun 3502 Monk. Reduction of 3501 , s ,, 1.00 3512 3503 3504 3505 Monk Monk Monk ,, 4 ,, ,. 5 ,, i ,, 6 ,, 2.50 2.50 2.50 3513 3514 Monk Monk 3506 Monk I ., 6 ,, 2.50 3515 Monk 3507 Monk o 6 ,, 2.50 3516 Monk 3508 Monk ,, 6 ,, 2.50 3517 Monk 3509 Monk I ,, 6 „ 2.50 3518 Monk Height 1 ft. 6 in. $2.50 ,, 1 ,, 3 , 2.50 8 , 1.00 8 , 1.00 8 , 1.00 8 , 1.00 ,, 1 o 6' 4 , 2.50 ,, 1 ,, 6 , 2.50 1 .. 6 , 2.50 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPROXI AND BKOTHF.R 3604 3613 3612 3600 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3609 549 3610 3611 3612 3613 3614 3615 545 3616 3611 TORSOS Height Belvedere, Torso. By Apollonius. In the Vatican . . . 5 ft. Z% ': Belvedere, Torso. Reductionof No. 528 1 ,, 9 Belvedere, Torso. Reductionof No. 528 1 ,, Female, back, from life 3 ,, Female, front, from life 3 ,, Female, from life 2 ,, Female, antique 1 Female, antique Female, antique Female, antique 1 Female, antique 2 Ilissos (so called). In the British Museum 2 Ilissos. Reduction of No. 549 ... 1 Isis, seated 1 Laoeoon 1 Male, antique. In the Vatican . . 2 Male, anatomical Male, antique Theseus (so called). In the British Museum 4 Theseus. Reduction of No. 545 . . 1 , 5 10 4 s 3 2 10 6 4 6 $50.00 5.00 2.00 3.50 3.50 4.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 4.00 75.00 8.00 4.00 1.50 4.00 1.50 1.00 75.00 6.00 3615 3614 54 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BKOTHKK 3617 3618 3619 3620 3622 3623 3624 3621 3627, 3628 No. 3617 3618 3619 3620 3621 3622 3623 3624 3625 3626 3627 3628 TORSOS Venus de Medici Height 2 ft. Venus. In the Museum at Nimes Male, back, from life .... Male, front, from life .... Male torso and legs. By Michelangelo Male, antique Female, from life Male, back, from life .... Female, antique Milo of Crotona. In the Louvre Slave. By Michelangelo . . . Slave. Reduction of No. 3627 . 6 in. §4.00 2 ,, 6.C0 8 ,, 3.00 S ,, 3.00 1.50 3 ,, S.00 9 ,, 10.00 2 5.00 8 ,, 6.00 8.00 6 ,, 35.00 1 ., 6.00 3625 3626 (For Anatomical Studies and Parts of the Body, see Pages 173-185, 223, 224.) CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 55 3799, 3800 3800A 3801 3815 3812, 3817, 3818 3S19 vMIJ 3803 3804 3805 381 id 3807 3816 MISCELLANEOUS No. Heiglit 3799 Lincoln Imp. Enlargement of No. 3800 . . 3 ft. 5 in. $15.00 3800 Lincoln Imp. . . In the Lincoln Cathedral, England 1 3800A Lincoln Imp. Reduction of No. 3800 . . . 3801 Lincoln Imp. Reduction of No. 3800 . . . 3802 Gargoyle .... From Notre Dame, Paris 1 3S03 Gargoyle .... From Notre Dame, Paris 1 3804 Gargoyle .... From Notre Dame, Paris 1 3805 Gargoyle .... From Notre Dame, Paris 1 3806 Gargoyle .... From Notre Dame, Paris 1 3807 Gargoyle "Cluny" From Notre Dame, Paris 1 3811 Gargoyle .... From Notre Dame, Paris 1 3812 Devil From Notre Dame, Paris 1 3815 Gargoyle .... From Notre Dame, Paris 1 3816 Gargoyle .... From Notre Dame, Paris 1 3817 Devil. Reduction of No. 3812 3818 Devil. Reduction of No. 3812 3819 Devil From Notre Dame, Paris 3821 Devil From Notre Dame, Paris 3822 Elephant .... From Notre Dame, Paris 1 , 1.50 8'A , 1.00 6 , .50 3 , 2.00 4 , 2.00 1 , 2.00 2 2.00 1.50 2 2.00 3 , 2.00 3 , 3.50 W , 1.50 4 , 2.00 11 , 2.00 6 , 1.00 6 , 1.00 5 , 1.00 5 , 1.00 3821 3822 56 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 3808 3809 3810 3814 3813 No. 3808 3809 3810 3814 3813 3820 MISCELLANEOUS Pipe Rack Length 1 ft. Pipe Rack , , 1 , , Pipe Rack , , 1 , , Pipe Rack ,, 1 , , Skull, on Book Height Skull 8 in. $2.00 1 1.50 5 ,, 2.00 7 3.00 2 .25 5', ,, 1.00 A void errors and delay by ordering casts according to directions given on Page 234 3820 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER ?7 VASES 3950 Three Views of the Portland Vase 3953 3951 Three Views of the Homeric Vase 3954 No. 3950 3951 3953 3954 3955 3956 3956 Barbarini ; or Portland Vase In the British Museum Homeric Vase, from Pompeii In the Museum, Naples Vase, antique In the British Museum Vase, Roman In the Berlin Museum Vase, Medician Fernery, with reliefs of dancing Bacchantes on three sides 3 ft. S r 2 in. long x 1 ft. 6 in. wide In Terra Cotta Finish 3955 Height 10 in. $2.50 IVz ,, 1.50 3 ft. 3 30.00 2 ,, 9 25.00 1 ., 8 10.00 2 ,, 5 60.00 75.00 58 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AM) BROTHER 3957 3958 3959 3960 3961 3962 3963 3964 VASES No. Height 3957 Neptune Vase In the Vatican 3 ft. 1 3958 Vase, with frieze of Sea Horses . In the Vatican 2 3959 Vase, with Rams' Heads ... In the Vatican 2 3960 Vase, with Griffin and Inscription In the Vatican 2 3961 Vase study 3962 Vase study 3963 Vase study 3964 Vase, Roman 1 in. $40.00 3 , , 20.00 5'A , , 20.00 3 , , 20.00 9 . .75 9 , .75 9 , .75 9 . 2.00 Columns from the Roman Forum No. 3952 Height 2 ft. 5 in. $12.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 59 GREEK AND ROMAN BUSTS Zeus of Otricoli In the Vatican No. 3999 Height J ft. 4 in. 4930 „ 5*4 ,, $2 .75 Juno Ludovisi In the Villa Ludovisi, Rome No. 4000 Height 3 ft. 11 in. $25.00 (Half head, mounted) Juno Ludovisi Reduced size No. 4000A Height 3 ft. $20.00 Juno Farnese In the Naples Museum No. 4001 Height 3 ft. $15.00 Minerva of Velletri In the Louvre No. 4002 Height 3 ft. 3 in. $20.00 A] ax In the Loggia de Lanzi Florence No. 4003 Height 3 ft. 4 in. $15.00 4406 2 ,, 1 ,, 8.00 !■,_.., 1 •■ 9 2.50 Augustus Caesar From the Statue in the Vatican No. 4004 Height 2ft. Sin. $15.00 Niobe From the group in the Uffizi Florence No. 4005 Height 2 ft. 9 in. $12.00 Euripides From the Statue in the Vatican No. 4006 Height 2 ft. 4in. $10.00 -Esculapius No. 4007 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $10.00 Antinous From the Statue in the Capitoline Museum No. 4008 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $10.00 Virgil In the Capitoline Museum No. 4009 Height 2 ft. 2 in. $10.00 60 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER GREEK AND ROMAN BUSTS Minerva Giustiniani From the Statue in the Vatican No. 4010 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $10.00 4655 ,, 1 ,, 10 ,, 4.00 Apollo Belvedere From the Statue in the Vatican No. 4014 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $12.00 4403 2, 2 ,, 8.00 4404 1 , 8 ,, 5.00 4908 1 , , 1 ,, 2.00 4925 1 , 1 ,. 1.50 4932 8K ,. 1.00 Sophocles In the British Museum No. 4018 Height 2 ft. 2 in. $10.00 4656 ,, 1 ,, 5'A „ 3.00 f Hermes From the Statue at Olvmpia No. 4011 Height 2 ft. 9 in. $12.00 4400 ,, 2 ,, 2 ,, 8.00 4650 4651 4900 4901 4902 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 .75 Diana of Versailles From the Statue in the Louvre No. 4015 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $12.00 4405 „ 1 ,, 8 ,, 5.00 4906 ,, 1 ,, 1 ,, 2.00 4933 „ 8 ,, 1.00 Demosthenes No. 4019 Height 2 ft. 2 in. $10.00 4928 ,, 11,, 1.50 Venus of Melos From the Statue in the Louvre No. 4012 Height2ft. 10 in. $12.00 4401 ,, 1 ,, 8 ,, 6.00 4652 ,, 1 ,, 3 ,, 2.50 4903 ,, ly, ,, .75 Plato; or Bearded Dionysos In the Naples Museum No. 4016 Height 2 ft. 2 in. $12.00 4911 ,, 9 ,, 1.50 4923 ,, i}4 ,, .50 Zeus, Talleyrand In the Louvre Venus of Cnidus No. 4013 Height 2 ft. 10 in. $12.00 4017 Height 2 ft. 3 in. $10.00 Faun, laughing In the Louvre No. No. 4020 Height 1 ft. 5 in. $6.00 4021 Height 1 ft. 8 in. $8.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRO.NI AND BROTHER GREEK AND ROMAN BUSTS 61 Juno In the South Kensington Museum No. 4022 Height 1 ft. 8 in. (8.00 Themistocles In the Vatican No, 4023 Height lft. 10 in. $10.00 Pericles In the British Museum No. 4024 Height 2 ft. $10.00 Demeter From the Statue in the British Museum No. 4025 Height 1 ft. 10 in. $3.00 Faun From the Statue by Praxiteles No. 4026 Height 2 ft. $10.00 4907 „ 1 ,, 1.50 <*Wa &* Clytie In the British Museum No. 4027 Height 2 ft. 3 in. $12.00 4402 „ 1 ,, 10 ,, 5.00 4931 ,, 1 ,, 1 ,, 2.50 4905 „ 10 ,, 1.50 No. Psyche of Naples In the Naples Museum Psyche of Naples In the Naples Museum 4028 Height 2 ft. 3 in. $10.00 4029 Height 1 ft. 10 in. $8.00 Diana, Robing From the Statue in the Louvre No. 4030 Height 2 ft. $8.00 4658 ,, 1 „ 3 in. 2.50 Cleopatra In the Naples Museum No. 4031 Height 1 ft. 10 in. 5.00 Minerva From the Statue in the Louvre No. 4032 Height 1 ft. 8 in. $5.00 Young Augustus In the Vatican No. 4033 Height 1 ft. 10 in. $5.00 4913 „ 1 ,, 2 ,, 2.00 4914 „ 8 ,, .75 4915 „ 5 „ .35 62 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER GREEK AND ROMAN BUSTS Young Agrippa No. 4034 Height 1 ft. 7 in. S5.00 No, Hypnos In the British Museum 4037 Height 1 ft. 1 in. $6.00 Julius Caesar In the British Museum No. 4035 Height 1 ft. 7 in. 55.00 Hera In the National Museum, Athens No. 4036 Height 1 ft. 5 in. $5.00 Marcus Claudius Marcellus In the Naples Museum No. 4038 Height 1 ft. 9 in. $6.00 Cicero In the Capitoline Museum No. 4039 Height 1 ft. 8 in. $8.00 Marcus Junius Brutus In the Capitoline Museum No. 4040 Height 1 ft. 8 in. $6.00 Apollo, Pourtales In the British Museum No. 4041 Height 1 ft. 10 in. VS. (Ml Venus de Medici From the Statue in the Uffizi Gallery No. 4042 Height 2 ft. 2 in. $10.00 Homer In the Naples Museum No. 4043 Height 2 ft. 3 in. $10.00 4904 ,, 10 ,, 1.50 Diomede; sometimes called " Ajax " In the British Museum No. 4044 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $10.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON1 AND BROTHER 63 GREEK AND ROMAN BUSTS Phocion From the Statue in the Vatican No. 4045 Height 2 ft. 7 in. $12.00 Marcus Aurelius No. 4046 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $10.00 Aratus In the Naples Museum No. 4047 Height 2 ft. 2 in. #8.00 Julius Csesar In the Louvre No. 4048 Height 2 ft. 2 in. $8.00 Seneca In the Naples Museum No. 4049 Height 2 ft. #8.00 4912 ,, 9 in. 1.00 Socrates No. 4050 Height 2 ft. $8.00 4657 ., 1 ,, 6 in. 4.00 Socrates No. 4050A Height 1 ft. 10 in. $10.00 Hippocrates No. 4051 Height 1 ft. 10 in. $8.00 3 Sappho In the Naples Museum No. 4052 Height 1 ft. 10 in. $10.00 4910 ,, 7' 2 ,, 1.00 Laocoon From the group in the Vatican No. 4053 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $12.00 Ariadne In the Vatican No. 4054 Height 2 ft. 5 in. 4924 ,, 1 ., $12.00 2.50 64 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPROXI AND BROTHER GREEK AND ROMAN BUSTS Omphale In the Louvre No. 4055 Height 2 ft. 2 in. $10.00 Sappho In the Louvre No. 4056 Height 1 ft. 5 in. $6.00 Portrait, female head, archaic In the British Museum No. 4057 Height 1 ft. 2 in. $6.00 Portrait, female head In the British Museum No. 4058 Height 2 ft. $8.00 Lemnian Athena In the Museum, Bologna No. 4059 Height 1 ft. 6 in. $8.00 Maiden of Pompeii In the Naples Museum No. 4060 Height 1 ft. 1 in $2.50 Julius Caesar In the Berlin Museum No. 4061 Height 1 ft. 10 in. $6.00 Galen No. 4062 Height 2 ft. $10.00 Julius Caesar No. 4063 Height 2 ft. $10.00 Busts and statuettes may be supported by pedestals or brackets. See Pages 85-90, inclusive. As statuettes and busts vary so much in the dimensions of their bases, we advise writing to us for information as to the pedestal or bracket best adapted to the bust or statuette desired. CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AM) BROTHER 44ii7 44i 18 4653, 4654 4909, 4926 4916 4917 491 S 4919 4920 4921 4922 4927A SMALL BUSTS — GREEK AND ROMAN No. 4407 Galen Height 1 ft. 6 4408 Hippocrates 1 ,, 6 4653 Homer ,, 1 ,, \ X A 4654 Homer 1 ,. 2', 4909 .-Esculapius 1 ,, 1 4926 JEsculapius. Reduction of No. 4909 5'A 4916 Virgil 1 ., 4917 Brutus ,, 9 4918 Virgil »'A 4919 Nero S'A 4920 Titus 7 A 4921 Augustus Caesar ,. 7 A 4922 Cicero 8 4927 Homer 9 4927A Homer 11 4928 Demosthenes ,, 11 A liberal discount is given to schools and other educational institutions 55.00 5.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 .50 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 4928 66 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPROM AND BROTHER RENAISSANCE BUSTS Nicolo Macehiavelli By Benedetto da Maiano In Florence No. 5150 Height 9'A in. $2.00 Boy," Portrait By Desiderio da Settignano In Florence No. 5151 Height 11 in. 52.00 Head of Child By Desiderio da Settignano In Florence No. 5152 Height 1 ft. 1 in. $3.00 Young Girl, Portrait By Luca della Robbia In the Bargello, Florence No. 5153 Height 1 ft. 1 in. $3.00 6317 ,, 8 ,, 1.50 St. John By Desiderio da Settignano In Florence No. 5154 Height 1 ft. 2 in. $3.00 Young Girl, Portrait By a pupil of Andrea della Robbia In the Museum of Thermes No. 5155 Height 1 ft. 4 in. $3.00 f»^ Medici Youth Madonna By Donatello By Michelangelo No. 5156 From the Statue in the ight 1 ft. 6 in. f4.00 Notre Dame, Paris No. 5157 Height 1 ft. 8 in. $5.00 Maiden of Lille St. John Attributed to Raphael By Donatello In the Museum, Lille No. 5159 France No. 5158 Height 1 ft. 7 in. $4.00 No. 6306 Height 9 A in. $1.50 Height 1 ft. 6 in. $3.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 67 RENAISSANCE BUSTS Young Girl, Portrait By Donatello No. 5160 Height 1 ft. 4 in. $3.50 St. John. By Donatello In Florence No. 5161 Height 1 ft. 3 in. $3.50 No. 5162 6321 Laughing Boy By Donatello Height 1 ft. 1 in. 6 ., $3.00 1.00 t\ Infant Christ By Desiderio da Settignano In the Dreyfus collection, Paris No. 5163 Height 11 in. $2.50 St. John By Donatello No. 5164 Height 11 in. $2.00 Dante. Believed to have been from a mould made from nature In the Naples Museum No. 5166 Height 1 ft. 1 in. $3.00 6255A ,, 9'A ,, 2.00 6254 ,, 7 ,, 1.50 6254A (with base) Height 7 in. 1.25 6255 Height 6 in. . . 1.00 6256 ,, 5% ,, . . .75 v- Young Woman, Portrait By Antonio Rossellino In the Bargello, Florence No. 5167 Height 1 ft. 6 in. $8.00 Princess of LJrbino By Desiderio da Settignano In the Berlin Museum No. 5168 Height 1 ft. 7 in. $8.00 Dante From a bronze in Florence No. 5169 Height 1 ft. 7 in. $10.00 <„s CATAl.oCl'K OF P. P. CAPkOXI AND BROTHER RENAISSANCE BUSTS Filippp Strozzi By Benedetto da Maiano In the Berlin Museum No. 5170 Height 1 ft. 9 in. $10.00 Unknown Woman No. In the Louvre 5171 Height 1 ft. 10 in. $8.00 6271 ,, 9 ., 2.00 6271A ,, 11 ., 2.50 (See No. 6271 on Page 82) Marietta Strozzi By Desiderio da Settignano In the Berlin Museum No. 5172 Height 1 ft. 10 in. $8.00 Marietta Strozzi By Desiderio da Settignano In the Berlin Museum No. 5173 Height 1 ft. 8 in. $8.00 Slave Michelangelo From the Statue by Michelangelo No. 5174 Height 1 ft. 3 in. $4.00 6250 ,, 10 ,, 1.50 6251 ,, 6 ,, .75 6252 ,, 3 ,, .35 No. 5175 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $ $10.00 No. 5176 6284 6303 Raphael Height 2 ft. 4 in. $10.00 1 ,, 1-50 5 ,, .75 (See No. 6303 on Page 84) Tasso No. 5177 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $10.00 Petrarch No. 5178 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $10.00 Ariosto No. 5179 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $10.00 Dante No. 5180 Height 2 ft. 6 in. SI CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 69 RENAISSANCE BUSTS Young Man By Antonio Pollaiolo No. 5181 Height 1 ft. 10 in. $6.00 Young .Man By Antonio Pollaiolo No. 5182 Height 1 ft. 10 in. $6.00 Pietro Melini By Benedetto daMaiano In the Bargello, Florence No. 5185 Height 1 ft. 6 in. $5.00 Nicolo da Uzzano By Donatello In the Bargello, Florence No. 5186 Height 1 ft. 2 in. $4.00 Bishop Salutati By Mino da Fiesole In the Duomo di Fiesole, near Florence No. 5183 Height 1 ft. 10 in. $10.00 San Lorenzo In the Church of San Lorenzo Florence No. 5184 Height 1 ft. 8 in. $10.00 Costanza Bonarelli By G. Lorenzo Bernini No. 5187 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $10.00 Christ. By Donatello In the Church of San Antonio Padua No. 5188 Height 1 ft. 6 in. $8.00 Perseus By Benvenuto Cellini No. 5189 Height 1 ft. 8 in. $6.00 Matteo Palmieri By Rossellino No. 5190 Height 1 ft. 9 in. $10.00 (iiuliano de Medici From the Statue by Michelangelo No. 5191 Height 2 ft. 2 in. $8.00 Savonarola In Florence No. 5192 Height 2 ft. $10.00 70 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER RENAISSANCE BUSTS David From the colossal Statue by Michelangelo In the National Museum, Florence No. 5193 Height 3 ft. 11 in. $30.00 St. George From the Statue by Donatello No. 5194 Height 2 ft. 3 in. $8.00 In the Convent of San Domenico, Bologna No. 5195 Height 1 ft. 5 in. $6.00 Lorenzo de Medici No. 5196 Height 1 ft. 3 in. $3.00 Brutus By Michelangelo No. 5197 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $15.00 Young Girl. Florentine No. 5198 Height 1 ft. 1 in. $3.50 Virgin. By Andrea della Robbia From group No. 2513, Page 41 No. 5199 Height 1 ft. 4 in. $10.00 Benevieni By Luca della Robbia No. 5200 Height 1 ft. 7 in. $6.00 David. By Verrochio From Statue No. 2508 No. 5201 Height 1 ft. 7 in. $6.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 71 Lowell Tennyson Whittier (from death masque) Copyrighted Copyrighted Copyrighted No. 5397 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $15.00 No. 5398 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $15.00 No. 5399 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $15.00 MODERN BUSTS Lincoln. By Max Bachmann Copyrighted No. 5394 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $20.00 Victor Hugo Copyrighted No. 5396 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $20.00 Lincoln. By Max Bachmann Copyrighted No. 5395 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $20.00 Bryant Copyrighted No. 5393 Height 2 ft. 10 in. $15.00 Longfellow. By Thos. Brock In Westminster Abbey, London No. 5400 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $15.00 Beethoven No. 5401 Height 2 ft. 5 in. $12.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER MODERN BUSTS Mendelssohn No. 5402 Height 2 ft. 5 in. $12.00 Palestrina No. 5403 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $12.00 Gltick No. 5404 Height 2 ft. 7 in. $12.00 Liszt No. 5405 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $12.00 Mozart No. 5406 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $12.00 Napoleon Bonaparte By Thos. Ball No. 5407 Height 2 ft. 10 in. $12.00 Byron No. 5408 Height 2ft. 10 in. $12.00 5754 ,, 1 ,, 8 ,, 5.00 No. Burns By J. C.King 5409 Height 2 ft. S in. $12.00 6007 ,, 1 ,, 4 ,, 3.00 Burke No. 5410 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $12.00 Henry Clay No. 5411 ' Height 2 ft. 3 in. $10.00 Gen. Joseph Warren By Greenough No. 5412 Height 2 ft. 7 in. $12.00 John A. Andrew By Thos. R. Gould No. 5413 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $12.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 73 MODERN BUSTS John Marshall By John Frazee In the Boston Athena-uni No. 5414 Height 2 ft. 9 in. $12.00 George Bancroft By Greenough In the Library of Harvard University No. 5415 Height 2 ft. 7 in. SI J 00 Thomas Jefferson No. 5416 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $12.00 Charles Sumner No. 5417 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $12.00 Longfellow By Dexter No. 5418 Height 2 ft. S in. $12.00 Horace Mann No. 5419 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $10.00 Judge Shaw- No. 5420 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $12.00 William E. Channing By Persies No. 5421 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $10.00 Hawthorne By Louisa Lander In the Public Library Concord, Mass. No. 5422 Height 2 ft. $10.00 John Ijuincy Adams No. 5423 Height 2 ft. $10.00 Washington Irving By Ball Hughes The only bust of Irving made from life No. 5424 Height 2 ft. $10.00 Hamilton No. 5425 Height 2 ft. 3 in. $10.00 74 CATALOGUE OF P. 1'. CAPRON1 AND BKOTHF.R MODERN BUSTS Prescott No. 5426 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $10.00 Grant By Franklin Simmons No. 5427 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $10.00 Wendell Phillips By Martin Milmore No. 5428 Height 2 ft. 5 in. $10.00 Daniel Webster By Thomas Ball No. 5429 Height 2 ft. 10 in. $12.00 6296 ,, 1 ,, 2.00 Daniel Webster By J. C. King In Faneuil Hall, Boston So. 5430 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $10.00 5762 „ 1 „ 7 „ 4.00 Louis Agassiz By Jackson No. 5431 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $12.00 Rufus Choate By Thomas Ball In Suffolk County Court House, Boston No. 5432 Height 2 ft. Sin. $10.00 John Adams By Binon In Faneuil Hall, Boston No. 5433 Height 2 ft. 1 in. $10.00 Froebel No. 5434 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $10.00 6015 „ 1 „ 4 „ 3.00 Milton No. 5435 Height 2 ft. 5 in. $10.00 5757 ,, 1 ,, 9 „ 5.00 6010 ,, 1 ,, 5 ,, 3.00 Shakespeare By Roubilliac In the British Museum No. 5436 Height 2 ft. 5 in. $10.00 5758 ,, 1 „ 9 ,, 5.00 6011 ,, 1 ,, 5 ,, 3.00 6286 ,, 9 ,, 1.00 Scott No. 5437 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $12.00 5759 ,, 1 ,, 9 ,, 5.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON] AND HKoTHKK 75 MODERN BUSTS Newton No. 5438 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $10.00 5760 ,, 1 ,, 10,, 5.00 Locke No. 5439 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $10.00 Columbus. By Canova In the Capitoline Museum Rome No. 5440 Height 2 ft. 3 in. $10.00 Pestalozzi No. 5441 Height 2 ft. $8.00 Meyerbeer No. 5442 Height 2 ft. $8.00 Mendelssohn No. 5443 Height 2 ft. 2 in. $10.00 6005 ,, 1 ,, 5 ,, 3.00 Mozart No. 5444 Height 2 ft. $8.00 Beethoven No. 5445 Height 2 ft. $8.00 Franklin By Houdon No. 5446 Height 2 ft. $10.00 Franklin By Houdon No. 5446A Height 2 ft. 4 in. $12.00 Washington By Crawford In the Lenox Library New York No. 5447 Height 2 ft. 5 in. $10.00 Lincoln ByVolke No. 5448 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $10.00 76 CATALOGUE OF P. ]■. CAPRQM AND BROTHER MODERN BUSTS Lincoln By Vinnie Ream No. 5449 Height 2 ft. 5 in. $10.(10 Lafayette By Houdon No. 5450 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $10.00 Beethoven By John Rogers No. 5451 Height 2 ft. 3 in. $10.00 602 .. 1 .. 5 ., 3.00 Humboldt No. 5452 Height 2 ft. 3 in. $10.00 Cuvier By David d'Angers No. 5453 Height 1 ft. 10 in. $8.00 By Houdon In the Institute of France No. 5454 Height 1 ft. 10 in. $8.00 Voltaire By Houdon From the Statue at Versailles No. 5455 Height 2 ft. $10.00 5305 ., 5 in. .75 (See No. 6305 on Page S4) Shakespeare From the Stratford Monu- ment, England No. 5456 Height 1 ft. 6 in. $6.00 Washington By Houdon No. 5457 Height 1 ft. 8 in. $6.00 Holmes By C. E. Dallin No. 5458 Height 1 ft. 11 in. $6.00 Holmes By C. E. Dallin No. 5459 Height 2 ft. $8.00 Kmerson By D. C. French The only bust of Emerson made from life No. 5460 Height 2 ft. $15.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER MODERN BUSTS Queen Louise By Rauch From the Statue at Charlottenburg No. 5461 Height 2 ft. 5 in. $12.00 Mme. Recamier By Carpeaux No. 5462 Height 2 ft. $8.00 Napoleon By Canova No. 5463 Height 2 ft. $8.01 Napoleon By Canova No. 5464 Height 1 ft. 10 in. $8.00 6258 ,, 1 ,, 2.00 6259 ,, 3' 4 ,. -50 Shakespeare By Carrier Belleuse No. 5465 Height 1 ft. 11 in. $8.00 Schiller No. 5466 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $10.00 Goethe Nubian Girl No. By Carpeaux 5467 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $10.00 No. 5468 6310 ,, 1 ,, 1.50 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $ll).oo Nubian Man By Carpeaux No. 5469 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $10.00 Mercury By Thorwaldsen No. 5470 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $12.00 6282 ,, 10 ,, 1.50 (See No. 6282 on Page 83) Prophet (Called also de Lichtenberg) In Strasburg No. 5471 Height 1 ft. 7 in. $12.00 Young Woman In Strasburg No. 5472 Height 1 ft. 7 in. $12.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPKONI AM) BRUTHK MODERN BUSTS Schubert No. 5473 Height 1 ft. 11 in. $3.00 Yolta Bv Comolli No 5474 Height 2 ft. 10 in. $15 00 5767 ,, 1 ., 11 ,, 8.00 Washington From the Houdon Statue No. 5475 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $12.00 Moliere Bv Houdon No. 5476 Height 2 ft. 9 in. $12.00 6304 „ 5 ,, .75 (See No. 6304 on Page 84) Racine By Houdon No. 5477 Height 2 ft. 9 in. $12.00 Liszt By Thomas Ball No. 5481 Height 2 ft. 6 in. $12.00 Victor Hugo By Arrondelle No. 5478 Height 3 ft. 4 in. $25.00 La Place No. 5479 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $12.00 McKinley Copyrighted No. 5480 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $12.00 Wagner By F. Schaper No. 5482 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $12.00 5770 ,, 1 ,, 7 ,, 5.00 6298 ,, 1 ,, 2 ,, 2.00 (See No. 6298 on Page 84) Ambroise Pare" No. 5483 Height 1 ft. 11 in. $10.00 Paul Revere By Robert Krauss Copyrighted No. 5484 Height 3 ft. 9 in. $30.00 6019 ,, 1 „ 3 ,, 3.00 (See No. 6019 on Page »2) CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 79 MODERN BUSTS Martin Luther By Lucas Cranach No. 5485 Height 2 ft. 2 in. $10.00 Emerson By J. C. King No. 5486 Height 2 ft. 5 in. $10.00 Heine By E. Herter No. 5487 Height 1 ft. 8 in. $6.00 Darwin By Lehr No. 5488 Height 2ft. 1 in. $10.00 6318 ,, 9V 2 „ 1.50 Lessing By Reitschel No. 5489 Height 2 ft. 3 in. $10.00 Beethoven By Landgrebe No. 5490 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $12.00 (See No. 6006 on Page 81 ) Washington In private collection, Boston No. 5491 Height 2 ft. 10 in. $15.00 Washington (Same as No. 5491, with square base) No. 5492 Height 2 ft. 10 in. $15.00 Napoleon Bonaparte By Canova No. 5493 Height 2 ft. 1 in. $12.00 Indian Chief By Max Bachmann Copyrighted No. 5494 Height 2 ft. 1 in. $12.00 5766 ,, 1 ,, 5% ,, 6.00 Liszt By Boehm No. 5495 Height 1 ft. 11 in. $10.00 Samuel Hahnemann No. 5496 Height 1 ft. 7 in. $10.00 80 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPKONT AND BROTHER MODERN BUSTS Paul Jones By Houd'on No. 5497 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $12 .00 Gen. Robert E. Lee Copyrighted No. 5498 Height 2 ft. Sin. $12.00 Gen. Stonewall Jackson Copyrighted No. 5499 Height 2 ft. Sin. $12.00 ames A. Garfield Copyrighted No. 5500 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $12.00 SMALL BUSTS — MODERN St. Bruno Bv Houdon No. 5750 Height 1 ft. 8 in. 6261 ,, 10 ,, $4.00 1.00 Beethoven No. 5751 Height 1 ft. 8 in. $5.00 6024 1 .. 5}4 ,, 3.00 6265 11 ., 1.50 6267 ?K ., 1.00 5400, 6S31 This striking bust of Longfellow (by Thomas Brock) invested in the toga of Doctor of Letters given him at Oxford University is in the Poets' Corner, Westminster Abbey. A plaster replica of the original marble was presented to Harvard University by King Edward VII, then Prince of Wales. From this replica, through the courtesy of President Eliot, we were allowed to make our mould. Mozart Wagner No. No. 5752 Height 1 ft. S in. $5.00 5753 Height 2 ft. $6.00 6023 1 .. 5 ,, 3.00 5765 ,, 1 ,, 7 in. 4.00 6264 11 ,, 1.50 6266 7J4,, 1.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 81 5755, 6021, 6309, 6319 5756 5761 5763 5764 5768 5769 6000 6001 6002 6003 SMALL BUSTS — MODERN 6004 6006, 6268, 6268A 6008 No. Height 5755 1 ft. 11 in. $5.00 6021 Charles Dickens. Reduction of No. 5755 1 ,, 4 ,, 3.00 6309 Charles I lickens. Reduction of No. 5755 1 ., 1 ,, 1.50 6319 Charles Dickens. Reduction of No. 5755 9 ,, 1.00 5756 1 ,, 10 ,, 5.00 5761 1 ,, 7 ,, 4.00 5763 1 ,, 7 ,, 4.00 5764 1 ,, 5 ,, 3.50 5768 6.00 5769 Bach 1 ,, 5 ,, 3.00 6000 Columbus (Copyrighted). By H. H. Kitson 1 ,, 3 ,, 3.00 6001 Watteau Lady. By G. Van der Straeten 1 2 3.00 6002 Directoire Lady. By R. Allard . . . 1 ? 3.00 6003 1 ,, 4 ,, 3.00 6004 1 ,. 3 ,, 2.50 6006 Beethoven. By Landgrebe .... 1 ., 5 ,, 3.00 6268 Beethoven. Reduction of No. 6006 10 ,, 1.50 6268A Beethoven. Reduction of No. 6006 . 1% ,, 1.00 6008 2.50 Pedestals with round tops may be changed to square tops at a small expense so as to fit statuettes and busts with square bases CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPROXI AND BROTHER 61 C5 6271 6253 6257 6260 6262 6269 SMALL BUSTS — MODERN No. Height 6009 Washington Irving 1 ft. 4 in. S3. 00 6012 Charles Sumner 1 ,. 6 ,. 3.00 6288 Charles Sumner. Reduction of No. 6012 1 .. 1.50 6013 Judge Shaw. By J. C. King 1 ,. 1 ,, 2.50 6014 General Scott. By J. C. King 1 .. 1 ,, 2.50 6016 Napoleon Bonaparte 1 ., 4 ., 3.00 6017 Whittier. By William Ordway Partridge 1 ,, 4K .. 3.00 6018 Paul Revere. By Robert Krauss. Copyrighted 1 ,, 3 ., 3.00 6019 Paul Revere. Copyrighted. Reduction of No. 5484 . . . . 1 ,. 3 ,, 3.00 6025 Napoleon Bonaparte 1 .. 4" 2 ., 3.00 6253 Dante 1 .. 1-50 6257 Napoleon Bonaparte 7H >> 100 6260 Napoleon I. Head half round, with hook to hang 3H , , .25 6262 Napoleon. By David d'Anger 1 .. 2.00 6269 Beethoven 4# >> -25 6270 Lord Byron 1 .. 1-50 6271 Unknown Woman. Reduction of No. 5171 9 2.00 Pedestals with round tops may be changed to square tops at a small expense to fit statuettes and busts with square bases CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER S3 6272 6274 6275 6276 6279 6280 6281 6282 62N3 628 6292 6293 6287 6289 6290 SMALL BUSTS — MODERN No. 6272 Emerson. By Morse Height 6273 Emerson, Head, halfround.withhooktohang. By Morse 6274 Faun, laughing. By Carpeaux , 6275 Schiller 6276 Schiller 6277 Goethe 6278 Goethe 6279 Longfellow. By Milmore ,, 6280 Lincoln. By Milmore 6281 Lincoln 6282 Mercury. Reduction of No. 5470 ,, 6283 Prescott 6285 Shakespeare . . 6287 Scott 6289 Liszt. By Boehm 6290 Liszt 6291 Tennyson 6292 Tennyson 6293 Thackeray 6291 1 ft. 3 in. $2.00 4 ,, .25 1 , 2.00 7 ,, 1.00 1 ,. 1.50 1.50 7 ,, 1.00 1 ,, 2.00 1 ,, 2 ,, 2.00 1 ,, 1.50 10 ,. 1.50 10 ,, 1.50 1.50 1 ,, 1.50 11 .. 2.00 1.50 1 ,, 6 ,, 2.50 8 ,, 1.00 9 ,, 1.00 84 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 6294 6295 6297 6298 6299 Iftg^ ^* JBS- 6300 6.301 6302 6303 6304 6305 6307 6308 r> * J «""" a ^^H 6311 6328 6320 No. 6294 6295 6297 6298 6299 6300 6301 6302 6303 6304 6305 6307 6308 6311 6320 6324 6325 6326 6327 6328 6329 5 ^ 6324 6325 6326 SMALL BUSTS — MODERN Washington Height 1 Lincoln ,, 1 Wagner Wagner. Reduction of No. 5482 ,, 1 Handel Holmes ,, 1 J. S. Bach . , Washington ,, Raphael. Reduction of No. 5176 Moliere. Reduction of No. 5476 ,, Voltaire. Reduction of No. 5455 „ Moliere Racine Christ. By Thorwaldsen ,, 1 Dante ., Boy, crying Boy, laughing ,, Sumner , , 1 Thomas Carlyle. By Sidney Morse ,, 1 Gen. Robert E. Lee Garfield , 1 6327 ft. 1 ir . $2.00 2 2.00 9 , 1.00 ? 2.00 7,'<2 , 1.00 , ( 1.50 4^ , .75 1% , .50 5 , .75 5 , .75 5 , .75 6 , 1.00 6 , 1.00 .. 3 , 2.50 S'A , 1.00 8 , 1.50 8 , 1.50 .. 1 . 2.50 .. 2% . 3.00 10 . 1.50 ., 4 , 3.00 6329 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 85 6654 6655 6656 6657 6658, 6658A PEDESTALS Supports for Busts and Statues 6659 6660 No. H eight 6650 Pedestal, fluted .... Top 10 x 10 in. 3 ft. 9' 2 in. $8.00 6651 Diameter of top 10}4 ,, 3 ., 3 6.00 6651A Top 11 x 11 ,, 3 ,. 4 ,. 6.00 6652 Pedestal, Renaissance Top 9" 2 x 9% ,, 4 ,. 8.00 6653 Pedestal. Antique. In the Top 9U x 9' 4 .. 3 ., 1 ,. 5.00 6654 Pedestal, Roman . Diameter of top 13 3 ,, 6 ,, 10.00 6655 Pedestal, Roman . Diameter of top 10 2 5'; .. 4.00 6656 Pedestal, fluted, decorated with Anthemion . . Diameter of top 14 ,, ? 10 ,, 6.00 6657 Pedestal, Tuscan . Top 14 x 14 3 ., 6 ., 10.00 6658 Pedestal, fluted .... Diameter of top 17 3 ,, 8.00 6658A Pedestal, fluted .... Diameter of top 17 3 ,, 11 ,. 12.00 6659 Pedestal, Renaissance Top 2% x2'A ,, W'A .. 2.00 6660 Pedestal, Renaissance Top2' 2 x 2'/i ,, 1 ., i 3.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON] AND BROTHER 6661 666 2 6662A 6663 6664 6665 Wooden Pedestal for large statues We build these to order, painted dark olive green or ivory tint Prices on application 6669 667(1 6666 6668 PEDESTALS Supports for Busts and Statues No. 6661 Pedestal, Antique. In the Louvre . . Top 9'+' x 9> 4 in. Hei Originally designed for a candelabrum 6662 Pedestal, Roman Diameter of top 14 6662A Pedestal, Roman Top 14^ x 14% 6663 Pedestal, Ionic Top 9x9 6664 Pedestal, Gothic Diameter of top 11 }& 6665 Pedestal, Doric Top 1U 4 xll-' + 6666 Pedestal, Square Topl7^x25K 6667 Pedestal, Square Top 13 x 17^ 666S Pedestal, Square Top 19 x 19 6669 Pedestal Top 16 x 16 6670 Pedestal Top 9x9 ght 3 ft .4 in. $6.00 . 3 , 2 ., S.00 , 3 , 3'3 ,, 10.00 , 4 , 1 ,, 10.00 . 3 , 4K ,, 7.00 4 , 1 ., 10.00 2 10K ,, 15.00 . 3 , 2 ,, 10.00 , 3 , 12.00 , 3 , 6'2 ,. 10.00 3 , 4 ,, 5.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON1 AND BROTHER 6671 6678 6672 6673, 6674, 66/5 6676 6677 PEDESTALS— Supports for Busts and Statues 6671 Pedestal, modern 6672 Pedestal, Roman 6673 Pedestal . . 6674 Pedestal . . 6675 Pedestal . . 6676 Pedestal, fluted 6677 Pedestal, fluted 6678 Pedestal, square Top 8 x 8 i Top 10 x 10 Topl2M x 21', Top 12 '+ x 14", Top 12'+ x 12V 2 Diameter of top 12 Diameter of top 10^ Top 19 x 19 Height 3 ft. V/ 2 3 ., 7 3 3 3 2 1 2 6 6 6 5 8'2 3 $5.00 6.00 12.00 K). on 8.00 5.00 4.011 10.00 752, 6657 5475. 6651 5400, 6657 88 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPROXI AND BROTHER 6804 6805 6806 6807 6808 6809 6810 6811 6812 6813 - BRACKETS — Supports for Busts and Statues No. 6800 First dimension is top projection ; Second, width Bracket, 13'i x U'A in. $5.00 6801 Bracket, Renaissance 11^ x 11*4 ,, 4.00 6801 A Reductic Bracket, >n of No. 6801 7x7,, 10 x 12 ,, 2.50 6802 2.00 6803 Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, 4x4,, 6)4 x 7 ,, S'A x 6 „ 4K x 5 „ 1.50 6804 1.50 6805 Gothic 1.00 6806 Renaissance 1.00 6807 Bracket, Bracket. Gothic 6'A x 8 .. 10 x 11 *i ,, 2.00 6808 5.00 6809 Bracket, with Angel Head .... 5x7,, 1.00 6810 Bracket, with Head of Bacchus . 7 x 10 „ 2.00 6S11 Bracket, Bracket, 9-2 xlO^ ,, 13^ x 13 # ,, 2.50 6812 Roman. From the Vatican 5.00 6813 Bracket From the Tomb of Cardi- nal Ambrose 11^ x 14 ,, 4.00 6814 Bracket From the Palazzo Can- celleria, Rome . 18 x 13 ,, 6.00- 6814 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPROXI AND BROTHER 89 6S15 6816 6817 <,Ms 6819 6820 6S21 6824 6826 No. 6815 BRACKETS — Supports for Busts and Statues First dimension is top projection ; Second, width Bracket, with Eagle 12 x 11 6816 Bracket . . . From Notre Dame, Paris . d% x 8 6817 Bracket . . . From Notre Dame, Paris . 6,'i x 8 6818 Bracket, Gothic 13% x 16-< 4 6819 Bracket . . . From Santa Croce, Florence 8x8 6820 Bracket 4 % x 4 6821 Bracket 8 x 8'i 6S27, 6828 6822 Bracket, for corner, Gothic 6 x 6 6823 Bracket, Renaissance 11^ x 19' 2 6S24 Bracket, Modern 18 x 20 6825 Bracket, for corner, Gothic 27 x 30 6826 Bracket . . . From Santa Croce, Florence 10>2 x 7)4 6827 Bracket, Roman, with Eagle 14 x 11 6828 Bracket. Reduction of No. 6827 i)( x 3 Information regarding adaptation of brackets to busts or statuettes w furnished upon request See method of attaching brackets to wall on Page 236 $4.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 2.50 1.00 2.50 2.00 7.00 10.00 12.00 4.00 6.00 .75 ill be 6829 6S30 6831 6832 6834 No. 6829 6830 6831 6832 6833 6834 BRACKETS — Supports for Busts and Statues First dimension is top projection ; Second, width Bracket, Renaissance 4' 2 x Bracket, with Eagle, round top 13 x Bracket, with Acanthus 14 x Bracket, with Acanthus, oval front 20 x Bracket, Greek Style 11^ x Bracket, Greek Style 9 x 4' 4 in. $1.00 10 ,, 5.00 14 ,, 5.00 18 ,, 10.00 12^ ,, 5.00 8 ,, 4.00 Brackets Nos. 6800, 6801, 6813, 6815 and 6830 are suitable in size for any $10.00 bust. Bracket No. 6801 is also suitable for $8.00 busts. Bracket No. 6827 is a good bracket for $12.00 busts with round bases. Brackets Nos. 6812 and 6831 are well adapted to busts with square bases, such as Long- fellow, No. 5400 ; Lowell, No. 5397 ; Tennyson, No. 5398 ; Whittier, No. 5399 ; and Lincoln, Nos. 5394 and 5395. Bracket No. 6814 is suitable in size for $15.00 to $25.00 busts. Bracket No. 6811 will take any $5.00 or $6.00 busts. Bracket No. 6824 may be used for Paul Revere, No. 5484. Bracket No. 6823 is best adapted to Sappho, No. 4052, and Unknown Woman, No. 5171. 5447, 6800 781, 6831 5448, 6815 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON1 AND BROTHER 91 No. 6954 West Face. 41 x 95 in. $25.00 No. 6954 South Face. 41 x 91 in. $25.00 GREEK RELIEFS Stele from Boeotia In the National Museum, Athens No. 6952 78x24 in. $12.00 No. 6954 Four Reliefs from the Harpy Monument In the British Museum See sizes and price under each section taga No. 6954 North Face. 41 x 91 in 92 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER GREEK RELIEFS 6955A 6955B 6950 6953 6950 The Bronze Relief from Olympia In the National Museum, Athens 35 x 14 ' 2 in. $5.00 6953 Stele of Maiden, with Coffer In the Berlin Museum . . . . 56x18 ,, 8.00 6955 Apollo and the Nymphs ; Hermes and the Graces In the Louvre 50.00 In three slabs, as follows : Slab (A) Apollo and the Nymphs 37x83 ,, Slab (B) Three female figures, bearing fillets and frints 37x37 Slab(C) Hermes, followed by one of the Graces 37x33 6959 Apollo and Victory In the Berlin Museum .... 31 x 41 ,, 10.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPROXI AND BROTHER 93 GREEK RELIEFS at Hi c i^ o o E 00 (LI — o - — i c-1 > X T) a. B en o ON sz ON be n — a> a. (LI a* B a (Ll 5 O ■3 U- z 00 s - ■rt 1— E (L> crt 00 ^ i-^ ai 1 c X f/3 o 2 2 V ~ a) xr- yT o 41 Z 'cfi -><'. ' bo ci ft, ■a 94 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON] AM) BROTHER GREEK RELIEFS o c C3 a. L» ■it, ■>- ft "vi. ~*i £: > re _■ a. x <— US (U JES c/3 ? o 5 © H ^*TO *«ftH so c3 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPKONI AND BROTHER 95 GREEK RELIEFS a z re CL N "5 o C/3 KM bo a! % CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AM) BROTHER GREEK RELIEFS c o c ■£ — a. * =5 > o | tsj X) — E u- z S - .c o Z X2 'Si oj CM O S O ~ C Z bo ex, a 3 1) 3; X CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON1 AND BROTHER 97 GREEK RELIEFS c o n 03 O N .a o Z ~? bo at a, \ a *\v o ^ %r (A r// I* p. a 98 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER GREEK RELIEFS e o c OJ JS 1— r3 X tt. X aj o j= 1 ' -*^ ■ ■ t4__ — o M .O ~ — ~ u- z c r/T J- C 1 is en (- o O t^- d Z V' fiM £*!*#- ^ bo ci PU a o CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 99 o n CU cs Qu N CU C •— CU c3 co o o UJ ooooooocoooooooooooo o = r _ o = o c o c o o = q q o o o o o SO K d n 6 c ^' cVi t? c c ^i C C ~ - C CO o / ,_| ,-, ,-i ,-( ,-H ^h t-H ,-( ,-i ,-, ,-( ,-1 ,-t r-i >>>'£yyyyyyy.yyyy £££££.O.D£,a£££££££££££ rtcirerfrfcjrerertnjaicsrerf^re^rt^^rf^ni^nj U:UiwwU)U)U;Uiwxi www &&&&&&& > 1 re o o > i o e re — 1 - 0J c - in •a c -- z u c: > d Z cu N U D, < _ Q, '" X t/5 £ re := O c o to en o OJ E O E •/. T3 CM O Z C/5 u T3 L) — o (/I a c c CU CJ g e a- c U OJ E re 3 3 14— Tl UJ — O oj a o o o o o s ooooooooqoq o 2 q q q q q _ q _ q q w d ai n d n d n ^i ^i d d ~ i - 1 ~ i ^ i ~ i ~ i " i ~ > " i ~ i ^ i ^ i ~ i ~ i + r « a. a) CM £ e_> _■ n_ O d at Z u "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ~~,.~~C>>~yyyyyyyyy. _ H , " ' s '>>~yyyyy,yy.yy,yyyyyy^^^ £ > > > yyyyyy.yyyy.yyyy.yyyyyyyy a!aiG!rtcacaoialcaridrtaJ_ca_rtj3j2j5j5j3j3j3JiSj3jSj3 be o Z — - - O O o o o o = re c c o g 1 o = ~ c ~ — o — — ' ^ - — — = re (ni (Nl (N) (Nl (Nl o re - 1 (Nl (Nl CNl - 1 m - 1 ON re ' 1-1 ^ " ^ "" ~ *"" , ~ H ^ H ^ 1-1 ■ ' ^ 7-1 cu CO O O av ON ci c^l -r. ON ^O -T r- CO ^o io - rv, -r — *J- •* ■ y X y ^^ at £ ^_ X ^ ~ ►-» > > X X y X y J _ J J ^ £n £> > X XI y y. X X X y X y y X X X X X O r- - ^ n c n £ Q £ £ £ - ^ £> x> £ £ £ £ J3 rn nl -1 re -. nl re nl nj re m cs re m m re n! nl d CO CO CO 03 X CO 7. (/J A co CO C. CJ CO 7J C/J J. J. CJ CO °o xo fig glod 00 cjZ o ~ a> ZZJJ a; ■ re' 7 : c. X x c o £ nl Oi o o o o Z OOOOOOOOOOOOOC-- _ o o o o o o o o o 1 o o q o q — SOCMCm'cMCm'cMCMCMCMCnI CM CM CNl CM CM VC Cl» NN CU N OCOVOVOro^O^-^O'*^^^!^^ 1 ^^ ^ W »0 Ni\0"l(0")^ l O l O 1/ l'O l O ,riin,/ l^^ 1 CD; : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 'ood''' CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCN1CM CM CM CM CM CM CM (A. S '- - "■> — ■ rt-S P <" 5 -CM n -^c ^- ^i ' 6 , u v 'S< x Z ^ g Os ^ £ ~-z „a • • '-£>.£ I |w K-( f M M M >> !_. h- i— *~ y' ^ ^ rf^^ >>GXXXXXXX g c: £££■ £££££*£££££££■ "O nJnJnlnJnlnJnJnlCTlnlnlnJj^^nijd^nJ "fu LocicjcoxclxcococococoLocjcocj > t- - cu n. > « cu Oi 'C re £ !£ U. E Jji T3 CO Z »r S £ ^^ : o 100 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER GREEK RELIEFS Selections from Parthenon Frieze in Reduced Sizes, Restored No. 8057 Thirty-six Slabs, Numbered I to XXXVI, Average size each Slab 2" 2 x 9'+ in. Price $0.75 each CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 101 GREEK AND ROMAN RELIEFS Metope from the Parthenon Metope from the Parthenon From the Battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs No. 7004 52 x 54 in. #40.00 No. 7005 52 x 52 in. $40.00 No. 7006 Metope from the Parthenon 52 x 52 in. $40.00 Zeus, Hera, Poseidon and Demeter In the Louvre No. 7047 24 J^ x 37 in. $5.00 9Sk ,-^ ** ifS% • ! a .- rv »/ m.- •• i Apollo, Artemis, Hephaistos and Athena In the Louvre No. 7048 24-4 x 37 in. $5.00 r#B&& V S % K i .; Ares, Aphrodite, Hermes and Hestia In the Louvre No. 7049 24 'i x 37 in. $5.00 Stele of Aristocles In the National Museum, Athens No. 7050 78 x 17 in. $10.00 Orpheus, Eurydice and Hermes Representing the moment in the life of Orpheus when, granted permission to eon- duct his wife out of Hades, he stops to gaze upon her and is punished for this disobedi- ence by Hermes, who grasps and detains her. In the Naples Museum No. 7051 47 x 39 in. $15.00 8051 11 x 10 ,, 1.00 Read method of attaching large reliefs to wall on Page 236 Hi2 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER GREEK AND ROMAN RELIEFS .* Asp** 4f&£ Menos Procession, Maidens bearing Offerings In the Louvre No. 7052 7x22 in. $1.50 _ Menos Procession, the Nine Muses In the Louvre No. 7053 7x22 in. $1.50 Nike, untying Sandals By Praxiteles In the Acropolis Museum Athens No. 7054 37' 2 x21i, in. $8.00 8052 15 x 9 ,, 1.50 Nike, decorating a Trophy In the Acropolis Museum Athens No. 7055 38 x 20 in. $8.00 Nikes two, with Bull In the Acropolis Museum, Athens No. 7056 38x49 in. $15.00 Nike Right-hand figure from No. 7056 No. 7057 38 x 25 in. $6.00 Nike In the Acropolis Museum Athens No. 7057A 38 x 17^ in. $5.00 Marriage of Peleus and Thetis, two Panel In the Louvre No. 7058 21 x 22 in. $3.50 No. 7059 21x22 in. $3.50 Care in following directions for ordering given on Page 234 will avoid errors and delay •V i mr, . A — Achilles and Penthesilea Fragment of Frieze represent- ing a battle of the Greeks and Amazons No. 7060 19x14 in. $2.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONT AND BROTHER 103 Aphrodite persuading Helen to follow Paris In the Naples Museum No. 7061 26yi x 26 in. $5.00 GREEK AND ROMAN RELIEFS Bacchic Dance Two figures from No. 7063 No. 7064 30J4 x 30 in. $6.00 Bacchante, dancing From a Relief in the Vatican No. 7062 26 x 13 in. $2.50 Faun, with Panther From No. 7063 No. 7065 24x14 in. $2.50 Bacchic Dance In the Naples Museum No. 7063 28^x50^ in. $12.00 V Satyr, dancing No. 7066 29 x 20 in. $4.00 Bacchante In the Capitoline Museum Rome No. 7067 7x10 in. $1.50 Bacchante In the Capitoline Museum, Rome No. 7068 17x10 in. $1.50 \ - Bacchante In the Capitoline Museum Rome No. 7069 17 x 10 in. $1.50 Homer No. 7070 15Kxl5Kin. $2.00 Zeus, Cadmus and Europa In the Louvre No. 7071 16 x 16 in. $2.00 . s& Procession of the Gods In the Vatican No. 7072 Wy 2 x 30>, in. $2.50 Bacchantes In the Bargello, Florence No. 7073 22x37 in. $4.00 104 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI ANT) BROTHER GREEK AND ROMAN RELIEFS Chariot Race In the Collection of the Due de Louie, Lisbon No. 7074 29x57 in. $12.00 t : . Chariot Race In the Collection of the Due de Louie, Lisbon No. 7075 29 x 57 in. $12.00 Mourning Athena In the Acropolis Museum Athens No. 7077 21 x \2% in. $2.00 ; ^mw. ewsr Caryatides In the Naples Museum No. 7076 36 x 41 in. $15.00 *J ^Vv^ / f . Victory From Trajan's Column, Rome No. 7078 45x27 in. $7.00 . ■> Bacchante From the Villa Albani, Rome No. 7079 26Kxl9in. $4.00 Antinous In the Villa Albani, Rome No. 7082 44x39 in. $30.00 Bacchantes with Bull In the Bargello, Florence No. 7080 27 x 37 in. $10.00 Medusa Rondanini In the Glyptothek, Munich No. 70S3 20x21 in. $10.00 Erinnys, sleeping In the Ludovisi, Rome No. 7081 24 x 19 in. $5.00 Shield of the Athena Parthenos In the British Museum No. 7084 18 x 18 in. $3.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPROXI AND BROTHER 105 GREEK AND ROMAN RELIEFS Bacchantes, Dancing No. In the Louvre 7085 29 x 74 in. $25.00 7763 17x37 ,, 6.00 Eleusinian Relief In the National Museum, Athens No. 7086 87 x 60 in. $40.00 Bacchantes, Dancing In the Capitoline Museum, Rome No. 7087 17^x34 in. $5.00 Apobate's Votive Offering for Victory in a Chariot Race In the Acropolis Museum, Athens No. 7088 16 x 33 in. $5.00 Eagle, with Chaplet of Oak Leaves From the Trajan's Forum. In the Church of S.S. Apostoli, Rome No. 7089 42 x 126 in. $50.00 Bacchic Dance In the Villa Albani, Rome No. 7090 37 x 49 in. $15.00 Shepherdess Extracting Thorn Fragment in the Naples Museum No. 7091 8x11 in. $1.00 106 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPkoXI AND BROTHER GREEK AND ROMAN RELIEFS Monument of Hegeso In si In, near the Dipylon Gate, Athens No. 7092 60x38 in. $25.00 Hydrophoros In situ, near the Dipylon Gate, Athens No. 7093 70x40 in. $35.00 Three Bacchantes Dancing In the Uffizi Gallery, Florence No. 7094 29 x 47 in. $12.00 Pelops and Hippodamia In the Berlin Museum No. 7095 14x20 in. $2.00 Dionysos, Paralia and three actors In the Berlin Museum No. 7096 22x37J4 in. $8.00 Apollo and Victory In the British Museum No. 7098 25 x 25 in. $6.00 Castor, with Horse and Dog In the British Museum No. 7097 30 x 40 in. $8.00 Zeus and Two Fates No. 7099 34x46j4in. $12.00 Faun, with Panther In the Louvre No. 7100 28x14 in. $3.00 A liberal discount is given to schools and other educational institutions CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 107 ANTIQUE RELIEFS Small Original Sizes and Reductions 108 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER RENAISSANCE RELIEFS Coronation of the Virgin. By Andrea della Robbia In the Church dell Osservanza, near Siena No. 8348 132 x 91 in. J200.C0 Annunciation of the Virgin. By Andrea della Robbia In the Cortile dello Spedale degl' Innocenti, Florence No. 8349 62 x 113 in. $150.00 (See details Nos. 8382, 8449, 8450, 8451, 9648-9653) CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AM) BROTHER 1(C) Cantoria Frieze In Ten Panels. By Luca della Robbia A Frieze of Boys and Girls Singing and Playing on Instruments. From the Cantoria, in the Museum of Santa Maria del Fiore. Florence Boys singing from Book No. 8350 42 x26 in. $10.00 9300 20 x 15 ,, 4.00 9400 13^ x 9}4 „ 2.50 9595 10# x 7 ,, 1.50 (See Nos. 9610, 9610A on Page 120) 8351 42 x 38 in. $12.00 9302 20 xl8# ,, 6.00 9597 lOJ^xlO „ 1.50 Girls playing on Lyres No. 8352 42 x38in. $12.00 9599 10?4" x 10 „ 1.50 Girls playing on Lutes No. 8353 42 x38in. $12.00 9600 10^x10 ,, 1.50 No. 8354 42 x 38 in. $12.00 9303 20 x 18H ,. 6.00 9598 10^x10 ,, 1.50 Bovs singing from Scroll No". 8355 42 x 26 in. $10.00 9301 20 x 15 ,, 4.00 9401 13 1 4 x 9K ,, 2.50 9596 10#x 7 ,, 1.50 Children, Dancing No. 8356 42x38 in. $18.00 Children playing on Instruments No. 8357 42 x 38 in. $12.00 no CATALOGUE <>F P. P. CAPRON] AND BROTHER RENAISSANCE RELIEFS Children playing on Tambourines No. S35S -42.x 38 in. $12.00 Children playing on Cymbals No. 8359 42x38 in. $12.00 9304 20x18%,, 6.00 Bambino No. 8360 40 x 32 in. $8.00 9314 21 x 16 ,, 3.50 Bambino Bambino By Andrea della Robbia. From the Children's Hospital, Florence Bambino No. No. 8361 40 x 32 in. $8.00 8362 40 x 32 in. 9315 21 xl6,, 3.50 9316 21 x 16 ,, 9639 11^x10,, 1.00 9312 18 x 14 „ 9639A Hj^xlO ,, No. :.00 8363 40 x 32 in. $8.00 3.50 9317 21 x 16 „ 3.50 2.50 9313 18 x 14 ,, 2.50 1.00 9640 11^x10 ,, 1.00 . ^."Jl ' J^PUi JU L r 3 *?" Cherubs Dancing By Donatello In Prato, near Florence No. 8365 31 x 37 in. $10.00 Cherubs playing on Tambourines By Donatello In Prato, near Florence No. 8366 31 x 37 in. $10.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER III v„ ;-fC . Ec. u i5 < o vD lO _ c y « « W X o>eM cj ca co 3 ^". CN £ uS -./: - CO £^g P < % ' ° 112 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPROX1 AND BROTHER RENAISSANCE RELIEFS Madonna and Child Madonna and Child Cherub Head By Giovanni Bastianini By Andrea della Robbia Base of No. 8379 No. 8378 14', x 8% in. $1.50 No. 8379 22 x 14 in. $3.00 No. 8380 11x22 in. $2.50 Madonna and Child By Luca della Robbia In the National Museum Florence No. 8381 IS' , x U<4 in. $2.50 -«* Madonna Fragment from No. 8349 No. 8382 20 x 20 in. $3.50 Madonna and Child Bv Luca della Robbia No. 8383 20 x 20 in. $2.50 Madonna and Child By Andrea della Robbia No. 8384 22x22 in. $3.50 Madonna and Child By Luca della Robbia No. 8385 26 x 15 in. $3.50 Madonna and Child By Antonio Rossellino In the Bargello, Florence No. 8386 24 x 17^ in- $3-00 Madonna and Child By Verrochio In the Bargello. Florence No. 8387 ii x 23 in. $6.00 Madonna and Child By Antonio Rossellino In the National Museum Florence No. 8389 18K x 165* in. $2.50 Madonna and Child. By Benedetto da Maiano In Santa Maria Novella, Florence No. 8391 28 x 28 in. $6.00 ■ Madonna By Verrochio In the Church of Santa Croce Florence No. 8388 17 x 16 in. $2.50 Madonna and Child By Desiderio da Settignano In the Royal Gallery, Turin No. 8392 24',xl4iiin. $3.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 113 RENAISSANCE RELIEFS Angels bearing' Wreath. By Ghiberti From the Monument of San Zenobia, in the Dnomo, Florence No. S390 18x64 in. $10.00 San Zenobia's Miracle. By Ghiberti From the Monument of San Zenobia, in the Duomo, Florence No. 8390 A IS x n4in. $15.00 jr Madonna and Child By Desiderio da Settignano In the South Kensington Museum No. 8393 25 x 15 in. $3.00 Madonna and Child By Donatello No. 8394 26J4 x Yiy, in. $4.00 Madonna and Child By Donatello No. 8395 27x21 in. $4.00 St. John By Donatello In the Bargello Florence No. 8397 20x10 in. $2.50 St. Cecilia St. John No. 8398 By Donatello In London By Donatello 21 xl4j^in. $2.50 In the Louvre 9606 13 x 9% ,, 1.50 No. 8399 16x12 in. $2.50 9607 9Kx 6'^ ,, .75 9607A 3^x 2V 2 ,, .35 Madonna and Child By Donatello No. 8396 16V£ x 14 in. $2.00 9618 11' x 9 ,, 1.00 Christ and St. John By Donatello No. S400 16x16 in. $2.00 114 CATALOGUE <>K P. P. CAPRON] AND BROTHER RENAISSANCE RELIEFS St. John By Donatello No. 8401 21x12 in. $2.50 8403 8406 Madonna and Child By Kossellino In the Church of Santa Croce Florence No. 8402 44x36 in. $12.00 (See No. 8452 on Page lis) Madonna and Child By Michelangelo In the Bargello, Florence No. 8411 36x32 in. $6.00 8403A S404 S404A 8405 8406A 8407 8407 A 8408 Twelve Reliefs. By Donatello From the altar of San Antonio, Padua No. 8403 to No. 8408A. Average size 23 x 8 in. Each $2 50 84(15 A 8408A Madonna and Child By Rossellino In the Church of San Minialo Near Florence No. 8409 32x25 in. $6.00 Madonna and Child By Mino da Fiesole In the Bargello, Florence No. 8410 27 x l$y 2 in. $4.00 Angel Head By Nanni d' Antonio di Banco Fragments of relief over a door of the Duomo, Florence No. 8412 12x12 in. $2.00 No. 8413 16x16 in. $2.50 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 115 RENAISSANCE RELIEFS Angel Head From the same as Nos. 8412 and 8413 No. 8414 20 x 20 in. $3.00 The Nativity By Rossellino Tn the Bargello, Florence No. 8415 46x46 in. $15. On (See Nos. 8448, 8453, 9641, 9642) Iiante By Pietro Lombardi From the tomb at Ravenna No. 8417 25x22 in. $5.50 ■ V5P Head of Madonna By Settignano In the Church of Santa Croce Florence No. 8418 19x16 in. $2.50 The Holy Familv By Michelangelo In the Royal Academy, London No. S416 39 x 39 in. $15.00 S6A. Head of Infant Christ From the same as No. 8418 No. 8419 15x14 in. $2.00 Angel Head From the same as No. 8418 No. 8420 13x15 in. $2.00 Ji V O ) <- 'v Angel Head From the same as No. 8418 No. 8421 14x14 in. $2.00 mm Shield, with Fleur-de-lis Florentine No. 8422 22x15 in. $2.00 No. 8423 22x15 in. $2.0(1 Shield, with Eagle Florentine Three Heads By Luca della Robbia In the Church of Santa Croce Florence No. 8424 14i,< x 21?/ in. $3.50 Three Heads By Luca della Robbia In the Church of Santa Croce, Florence No. 8425 14 x i5 in. $3.50 Madonna and Child By Luca della Robbia In the Church of Santa Croce, Florence No. 8426 21 x 23 in. $4.00 Angel with Scroll By Andrea della Robbia In the National Museum, Florence No. 8427 14x16 in. $3. on 116 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER m MS ™'y[i£ ■ RENAISSANCE RELIEFS / Madonna and Child By lacopo della Querela In the Church of San Francesco, Siena No. 8428 23x17 in. $3.50 Portrait By Donatello In South Kensington Museum No. 8429 18x14 in. $3.00 Madonna and Child By Rossellino In the National Museum Florence ■ No. 8430 28x17 in. $3.50 Madonna and Child By Mino da Fiesole No. 8431 17x12 in. $2.00 2, -j /jS'SS ' - Cherubs holding Wreath. By Donatello From the Church of San Martino, Lucca No. 8432 11J4 x 54 in. $6.00 Meeting of San Domenico and San Francesco By Andrea della Robbia From the Loggia of San Paolo, Florence No. 8433 48 x 101 in. $150.00 ^ — =r -; V' Tabernacle By Mino da Fiesole From the Medici Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence No. 8434 108 x 44 in. $60.00 Madonna and Child, with Two Angels By Andrea della Robbia From the Museum of Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence No. 8435 22x40 in. $10.00 Head of Man By Cecilia di Fiesole In the Church of San lacopo, Florence No. 8436 23x30 in. $6.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 117 Annunciation By Andrea della Robbia In the National Museum, Florence % No. 8437 18x17 in. $2.50 Head of Tobias By Andrea della Robbia No. 8441 15x12 in. $3.00 Angel Head From the same as No. 8438 No. S440 10'/i x 17 in. $1.50 ^t'^-\ J ?3& v Madonna and Child By Lorenzo Ghiberti No. 8442 14x14 in. |2.00 Madonna. By Luca della Robbia Fragment from relief in Church del'Osservanza, near Siena No. 8438 is x 20 in. $3.00 Madonna and Child No. 8443 31Kx26in. $5.00 Bambino Head % Bambino Head Bambino Head Bambino Head Fragment of No. 8360 Fragment of No. 8361 Fragment of No. 8362 Fragment of No. 8363 No 8444 I5}4xl2}4m. $2.50 No. 8445 15% x 12J£ in. $2.50 No. 8446 15J< x I2y 2 in. $2.50 No. S447 15' 2 ' x 12J4 ">. $2.50 Madonna Fragment from No. 8415 No. S448 24x19 in. $4.00 Angel Fragment from No. S349 No. 8449 27x42 in. $10.00 118 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON1 AND BROTHER RENAISSANCE RELIEFS Madonna Fragment from No. 8349 No. 8450 ' 30 x 31 in. $8 00 Angel Head • Fragment from No. 8349 No. 8451 16x14 in. $3.50 Madonna and Child Fragment from No. S402 No. 8452 26x26 in. $4.50 Madonna Fragment from No. 8415 No. 8453 26x26 in. $4.50 — *-- T —'T ™7 J s m The Lord's Supper After Leonardo da Vinci No. 8154 14"_. x 26'.. in. $3.50 (See Nos. 11079, 11080, 11081 on Page 143) Madonna and Child By Andrea della Robbia In the National Museum. Florence No. 8455 17^x171, in. Si. 50 Madonna and Child By Andrea della Robbia In the National Museum Florence No. S456 27 x 22 in. $6,011 Madonna and Child By Andrea della Robbia In private collection of Signora Barbieri Nani, Florence No. 8457 28', x 2$yi in. $6.00 Madonna and Child By Andrea della Robbia In the National Museum, Florence No. 8458 41x41 in. $15.00 Caproni casts are the casts of quality CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPKONI AND BROTHER 119 RENAISSANCE RELIEFS Madonna and Child By Benedetto da Maiano In the Church of San Gemignano. Tuscany No 8459 40 x -111 in. $15.00 Tobias and the Angel I n the Church of SantaCroce, Florence No. 8460 19x25 in. $6.00 Pietro Malatesta By Matteo da Porti In Cathedral di Remini No. 8461 26 x 35 in. $10.00 Lid of Chest By Michelangelo In the National Museum Florence No. 8462 39 x 26 in. $10.00 Head of Child By Andrea della Robbia ' In Castentino, Tuscany No. 8463 16x16 in. $3.00 Head of Child By Andrea della Robbia In Castentino, Tuscany No. 8464 19x19 in. $4,011 Eagle By Luca della Robbia In the National Museum Florence No. 8465 9x9 in. $1.00 Angels with Instruments By Donatello In the Church of San Travasso, Venice Nus. 8466 and 8467 3im, x 13 in. Each $4.00 Avoid errors and delay by follow- ing directions for ordering given on Page 234 St. John and Christ By Donatello No. 8468 18 x 20 in. $3.00 Pietro Perugino No. 8470 12' 4 x 7 in. $2.00 Children Sinking and Playing on Instruments No. 8469 21 x 53 in. $15.00 120 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPKOX1 AM > BROTHER =i==~ RENAISSANCE RELIEFS — Small Reductions and Fragments 9605 9610, 9610A 9609 r':% 9611 9613 9616 9617 9619 No. 9605 Madonna and Child. ByDonatello . 12 x 9608 Cupid, head. By Andrea della Robbia 7 x 9609 Cupid, head. By Andrea della Robbia 7 x 9610 Choir Boys. Fragment of No. 8350 . 9 x 9610A Choir Boys. Reduction of No. 9610 . 5 x 9611 Cupid, head. Fragment of No. 8375 . 7 x 9612 Cupid, head. By Andrea della Robbia 8 x 9613 Madonna and Child. By Pierino da Vinci In the Bargello, Florence 17 x 9614 Lion, rampant 13 x 9615 Madonna and Child. After Botticelli 9 x Portrait of aYouth. By MatteoCivitali. InLucca 10J4 x Portrait of a Girl. By Matteo Civitali. In Lucca 10}^ x Madonna and Child. By Andrea della Robbia . 12 x Lion, rampant. By Donatello 19 x Lion, rampant 12 x Lion, rampant Sj4 x 9623 Lion, rampant 8 x 9624 Lion, rampant 6% x 9625 Griffin 12 x 9626 Faun Head. By Michelangelo . . . 6 x 9626A Faun Head. By Michelangelo . . . 5J£x 9626B Faun Head. By Michelangelo . . . 6 x 8 in. $0 75 7 , .50 7 , .50 15 , , 1.50 8 , .50 18 , , 1.00 11 ■75 11 , , 1.50 9 , , 1.00 6 , .75 7 , , 1.50 7 , , 1.50 6 , , 1.00 12K . , 2.00 8# , , 1.00 5 . .75 5', . .75 5 , .50 5 , , 1.00 5H , .50 6 , ■50 4 , .25 9626 9626A 9626B CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHEK 121 n o> E M re i— u. -a c re c o 0£ C/) CO u. UJ Q£ UJ z < CO < z UJ OS rn o , • J fl „ a . - C S « S rt « ; « •- OS oo g 0) - 0) d CO ° ■-I '" M -« •" O T3.2 c O rt ^ _- 3 O ^ 0J O w t -v 1-H (M a- on 122 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTH KK RENAISSANCE RELIEFS Small Reductions and Fragments Cupid Head Fragment of No. 8349 No. 964S 7'^xlSin. $1.50 Cupid Head Fragment of No. 8349 No. 9649 7', x 15 in. $1.50 Cupid Head Fragment of No. 8349 No. 9650 8x14 in. $1.50 Cupid Head Fragment of No. 8349 No. 9651 7,^x13 in. $1.50 Cupid Head Fragment of No. 8349 No. 9652 7'., xl4in. $1.50 Cupid Head Fragment of No. 8349 No. 9653 7Kxl3in. $1.50 Slave Head By Michelangelo No. 9655 6x6 in. $0.75 Coat of Arms of Spinelli Family By Fillippo Brunelleschi In the Church of Santa Croce, Florence No. 9654 13 1 , x 14 in. $1.50 Triumph of Bacchus No. 9656 3% x 32 in. $1.50 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 123 MODERN RELIEFS liiiioo loool Caryatides Two panels, each 16 1 = x 12 in. $3.00 Mercury carrying Pandora tn 1". pimethus By Flaxman No. 10003 2Sx32in. $8.00 Cupids, Heads Fragment of No. 10C41 N... 10002 12x20 in. $3.00 11000 4 x 8 ,, .50 Cupids, Heads Fragment of No.' 10041 No. 10002A 9 x 14K in. $2.00 Apollo and the Muses. By Thorwaldsen No. 10006 29 x63 in. $18.00 10663 15 x31 „ 5.00 11004 5V 2 x 9 ! 4 ,, .75 Cupid awakening Psyche B) Flaxman No. 10004 28x32 in $s (III Alexandrian Procession By Thorwaldsen No. 10005 2945 x63in. $18.00 (See No. 10007 on Pages 124. 125) The leading Art Museums rank our casts as fore- most in the country 124 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER MODERN RELIEFS < a. O X Eh > CQ re X o ** ■£ < * 1 ■S i i- o re "S a 5 E H 3 f- o o o o Z :V *- ^W *i$Kfo be * ,.o _ o E S c C) 'to tO o a M F re t- JZ 0> tf) Q - ci y> o S 7, = J3 £ o o i2 •a TS CI w '35 - CI >, -a H to to u CI be -S to ci - o ci -a CI OJ .= £ a- j= re c/3 a. UJ UJ oc Z UJ a o jfc& o o o 00 " CM OJ t/) p *0 u "TCo; be 2 « £ -G 1— £ O ci J3 - UJ "re "5. 8 o o Z O VO CM CM 00 CO CO : iO 1^ rO f*) iO «J -f * u-) oj vO O d) ti) ^ ; x x x x x v, y. : T.~*~ t !> > > t> i-! X X rf ctJ cd Cd ri 2 o CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO to O CO CO 00 1 ■ _" _" _-' -" \N NtN 3 c CO to to r^. tfj CO to O i— r*) to f) CM to to <* 0J . v. re s * X X X « x y. <— p .e 53 <*■ "*- ■* -T >t Tf T o § f'oq CM CM CM CM fN CM >< q c £3 n CI ra iS co^ l_ o s C -»-- ^-. CI •— ' -C ■- H •a g re 55 £ — > X re C o i> X X X! X X x .5 s J2 XI X XI xi X XI QJ _ -* - rt trl C!i Cfl en rt aj < 5 >. CO CO CO CO CO CO CO O -r >, - — ^xxxxxxxx H X1X1XXX1XIXIXI rtcflrtctirfccicclcCi C0COCOCOCOCOCOC0 126 CATALOCH'K OF P. P. CAPKONI AND BROTHER MODERN RELIEFS Summer and Autumn By Thorwaldsen No. 10008 26 x 56 in. S10.00 Flight of Night. By William M. Hunt Originally designed for the Capitol, Albany, N. Y. No. 10009 19'/ 2 x 29', in. $12.00 Vintage. By Glodion No. 10010 8 x 47 in. £4.00 Charlotte Corday No. 10011 22 x 16 in. $2 50 Phalanthus and JEthra By Giraud In Ecole Nationale des Beaux- Arts, Paris No. 10012 32-4x23 in. $5.00 10671 12 x 9 ,, 1.50 Nymphs. By Glodion In Versailles No. 10013 12' 2 x 55 in. s5.00 Nymphs. By Glodion In Versailles No. 10013A 12^x55 in. $5.00 Plaster casts are worthless unless they faithfully reproduce all the fine de- tails of the originals. Our work is rec- ognized by the leading Art Museums as foremost in the country. Our goods are furnished to educational institu- tions, homes and individuals through- out this and other countries. CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 127 a ~ '. ~ PL. o ■ CNJ fN| *#i a a 4) '3 a ; ; c o 5 c X X •A CD J3 ON On as _ >•, O OJ r-i w c ot U3 ■a C "3 a 4) o 5 b .£? " ~ Z o S o ^~ rg n <^ CM cnj >-. Z c ■ o S fe — — —i NO •* 1C ,-h a» rt o> no o 5 ID — - - c 5 fC CJ = m o o iO — in »o 3= rg CM rg ID ^H r<"> r ,_. fi rn i ^ ON ,_H rH o> ON 0) c q C/j c C/J 7} o o o io O] i/) iO N ^ « Jj "XI ji ~ 'H rt a CJ a o '-J ;.: 3 •- ■■; 01 'O •a M M u a; ■~ o rt tf o « K o .-t ON O MO o o o fN r^ -r ON On z o c NO - _ o *" _ o 55 128 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AM) BROTHER MODERN RELIEFS Loves By Carpeaux No. 10023 17 x 13 in. $3.00 *Hl ■ .-J si '• 1 #* i 10024 10025 Cupid Cupid From the Tomb of Francis I No. 10024 41i, x 14'^ in. $5.00 10025 4U, x 14", ,, 5.00 7* m '..■**..' s* • Cupid a Prisoner By Glodion No. 10026 20 x 37 in. $4.00 Bacchantes bearing Sacred Fire By Glodion No. 10027 18x34 in. $4.00 Cupid Cupid From the Tomb of Henry IV From the Tomb of Henry IV No. 10028 21x18 in. $2.50 No. 10029 21 x IS in. $2.50 Apollo in a Chariot No. 10030 18 x 37 in. $4.00 Spring. Bv Bouchardon No. 10031 20'x 31 in. $5.00 Summer. Bv Bouchardon No. 10032 20 x 31 in. $5.00 Autumn By Bouchardon No. 10033 20 x 31 in. $5.00 Winter. Bv Bouchardon No. 10034 20 x 31 in. $5.00 (See Nos. 10696, 10696A on Page 137) CATALOGS ok F , P , CA! , K()M AN|) H R(.THKk 129 m ° ■ ctf rn 1 - 13 t& p s C o • « r-" S c O ""■ X "5 33 ->.* ca x « ^ n '"■ ho 1) 03 -, c — c •3 O x - 1 o tl -o z CO o o io io ■Si c - _c r \t ir o 3h tO "^ ON M X X to -t u-j m-j cr> w 6 2 < *-» n V 1 - 0J u *-> o J= .C c (h 3 o rrj o < a] 'G (J a; C bo u t*3 ■*■ n o m _ >> g a -< rQ = Tl . u 03 01 t- o O u o a — r O w U< <^ £> 0) ^ o u £ s? •* - la ■S So A CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON'I ANT") BROTHER 131 Declaration of American Independence July 4, 1776 Modeled from Trumbull's Painting at No. Yale University 10044A 44 x 55 in. $25.00 10044 32 x 38 ,, 10.00 (By Thomas Ball) Harvesters No. 10046 28x67 in. $30.00 10660 13 x 31 ,, 5.00 11022 5x10 ,, 1.00 Treat v of Peace and Independence No. Sept. 3, 1783 10045A 44x55 in. $25.00 10045 32x38,, 10.00 (Bv Thomas Ball) Triumph of Ariadne In National Museum, Florence No. 10047 22' 2 x 43 in. $10.00 I 32 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER Aurora. After Guido Reni No. Copyrighted [0048 50x66!jin. $30.00 10050 26x57 ,, IS.' Hi 111049 20 x 45', ,, 12 00 Eagle No. 10051 24x31 in. Arms of Massachusetts No. 10052 19 x 15 in. $3.00 Vintage No Copyrighted 10053 26x57 in. $lS.on 10054 20x43 ,, 12.00 Flight of Day No. 10055 2oi,xl7Kin. $6.00 Paul Revere's Ride Copyrighted After Robert Reid's mural painting in the Massachusetts State House No. 10056 32}i x 38# in. $20.00 Method of fastening large reliefs and brackets to walls on Page 236 Homer and the Nymphs No. 10057 18x36 in. $5.00 St. George and the Dragon. By Michael Colombe In the Louvre No. 10058 53 x 76 in. $60.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 133 MODERN RELIEFS l _*s\ Spirit of '76 Copyrighted No. 10059 47 x 38 in. 530.00 Spirit of /6 No Copyrighted 10059A 61 % x 4<,>, in. 100591! 47' 2 x 36 ,, UC£v>. The Choir Boys. Copyrighted No. 10064in. $4.00 No. 10071 22x19'. in. $4.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 135 MODERN RELIEFS . ■■!■ li^Mi^^ Feast of Cupid No. 10072 11,'4 x 41 in. $5.00 Signing the Compact in the Cabin of the Mayflower No. Copyrighted 10075 44 x 80 in. $40.00 10076 30x55 ,, 20.00 Sacajawea leading Lewis and Clark to the Pacific Ocean No. Copyrighted 10075 44x80 in. $40.00 10074 30 x 53 ,, 20.00 St ■ en* t Cupids Singing. Reduction of No. 10041 No. 10661 13 x 40 in. $5.00 Sold in sections, as follows : — Section A 12 x 11 in. $1.50 Section B 12 x 16 ,, 2 00 Section C 12 x 12 ., 1.50 '•£ &' ■■ Market of Loves. By Thorwaldsen No. 10662 13», x35 in. $5.00 11015 5 x 9'.. ,, .75 rj ^r^ SSt &i Cherubs with Festoons. By Glodion No. 10664 11' 2 x 38 in. $4.00 1 - / Cherubs, with Branches <>t < Hive By Glodion No. 10665 ll'.£x38in. $4.00 136 CATALOGUE OF I'. P. CAPRON1 AND BROTHER k- ? m '** /p. A v- 10672 1067.: ^ - 1H674 ni 10675 m 10676 % A 1067 ln6.su 10683 X3 106S4 MODERN RELIEFS Small Original Sizes, Reductions and Fragments l No. 10666 Young Astronomers 10669 Psyche, with Nest of Cupids. By Thorwaldsen 14 5)4 x 25 in. -2.00 lnr.s; 10686 10672 to ld679 10680 10681 10682 10683 10684 10685 10686 10687 106S8 Nymphs. By Goujon . Each 20 xl4 x 6 Young Artist. By Da Bologna . . 12 Mozart. By "Walton Ricketson . . 19 Beethoven. By Walton Ricketson . 19 Aurora 12 Savonarola. By Robert Krauss . . 13 Minerva 13 Mars 13 Cow and Calf \Z% Bull 12' 2 x22 xl5 x 15 x24 xl3 x 13 x 13 x 7 x 7 2.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 10687 1ii6ss 10690 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 137 10696, 10696 A 10697, 10697 A 10698 10699 lii7li(i ln7ol 10702 10703 10704 10705 10708 10709 1071m 10711 No. 10690 10691 10696 10696 A 10697 10697A 10698 10699 10700 10701 10702 10703 10704 10705 10706 10707 10708 10709 10710 10711 MODERN RELIEFS Small Original Sizes. Reductions and Fragments Faith. By Germain Pilon. In the Louvre 31 x S'r in. Hope. By Germain Pilon. In the Louvre 31 x S' ; Winter. Fragment of No. 10034 . . 17 x 7 Winter. Reduction of No. 10696 . . 11 '2 x 5% Easter 18 x 10", Easter. Reduction of No. 10697 . . 12% x 7 ■+ Cupid Head. Fragment of No. 10041 .11x6 Cupid Head. Fragment of No. 10041 . 10 x 8 Cupid Head. Fragment of No. 10041 . 12 x 9 Cupid Head. Fragment of No. 10041 . 9x9 Cupid Head. Fragment of No. 10041 .9x8 Cupid Head. Fragment of No. 10041 . 11 x S Cupid Head. By Da Bologna ... 6x5 Cupid Head. By Da Bologna ... 9x8 French Peasant. By Carpeaux ... S x 5 Satyr. By Carpeaux 8x5 Negro Head 6x4 Negro Head 6x4 Chinese Head 5x4 Chinese Head 5x4 J3.I 11 3.00 1.50 .75 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.50 .75 .75 .75 .50 1.00 .75 .75 .50 .50 .50 .50 138 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPR0N1 AM) BROTHER MODERN RELIEFS Cupid playing Violin No. 10712 17x14 in. $2.00 Cupid playing Flute No. 10713 17 x 1-1 in. $2.00 Martin Luther Copyrighted By Robert Krauss No. 10714 15 x 15 in. $1.50 West Wind No. 10717 18x16 in. $2.50 West Wind No. 10718 14i4 x 12 in. $1.50 10719 7K X 6 ,. .50 East Wind No. 10720 ls.xl4i,in. $2.00 Arab Horseman No. 10715 12x9' 4 in. $1.50 The Angelus After Millet No. 10721 13 x 15i, i n . Paderewski No. 10722 9x9 in. $1.00 Oil Order according to directions given on Page 234 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 139 liiidi 11H0J 110113 11005 11009 11 00b 11007 t- ■ i it ^-v ' 11(108 1

a Bologna . . Minerva Dickens Mozart Beethoven Cherub, flying Cherub, flying Cupid Heads. After Sir Joshua Reynolds Young Musicians .... 4% x 7'/ 2 in. $0.50 11 x 11 9x9 11 ', X 11', 14 x 14 6' 2 x 6'_, 6', x 6'A 9 x 6'- 2^ x 15 10 x 9 9'_, x 9% Hi', x 7 11 x 7 7', x 6', 7', x 6>/ 2 9'., x 8 7'_, x 7'- 1.00 .75 1.00 1.50 .50 .50 1.00 .75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .75 .75 11062 11063 142 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 11072 11073 11074 11075 SMALL MODERN RELIEFS No. 11064 Liszt 7 x 7 11065 Wagner 7 x 7 11066 Mozart 7 x7 11067 Beethoven 7 x7 11068 Schiller 7 x7 11069 Goethe 7 x 7 11070 Angels singing from Scroll 6' 4 x 6' 4 11071 St. Cecilia at the Organ 6' 4 x 6' 4 11072 Young Musicians crowning bust of Mozart 6' 4 x 6X 11073 Apollo playing on Lyre 6 x 6 11074 Dogs hunting 8 x 8 11075 Young Musicians 5' 4 x 11 ' 2 $n.50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 Our reliefs are all provided with rings at the top for hanging. Give catalogue number, size, price, finish in ordering, as directed on Page 234. Careful attention given to ordering correctly avoids errors and delay. CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER SMALL MODERN RELIEFS 145 mi: x fliii;ii>-T) ii et hi xnvTtriRW aor.c xi: iv J Lion of Lucerne No. 11076 8x11 in. $1.00 (See No. 11006) Cupid's Kiss No. 11077 8^x8Kin. $1.00 Hymen In the Marlborough Collection No. 11078 6U x 9l{ in. $1.00 ci» ft Last Supper No. 11079 7^ x 14 in. $2.00 11080 3ag x 6'. t ,, .50 (See No. 8454) Last Supper No. 11081 5 x 10J4 in. $1.00 (See No. 8454) Awakening of Spring No. 11082 5}£ x 5'4 in. $0.50 Ideal Head By Fiamingo No. 11083 5?4 x 5\ in. $0.50 Cupid's Kiss No. 11084 5K x 5y 2 in. $0.50 Centre of Shield By Cellini No. 11085 9x9in. $1.00 The ivory tint for casts is probably the best known finish. It is a rich cream tint of a lighter shade in the high parts and a trifle darker in the deep parts, thus making a pleasing contrast and bringing out the details of the modeling. It makes the surface of the casts hard and waterproof, so that it can be easily cleansed when soiled by following directions on Page 235. 144 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER io in ■o *o iO o 3 £> - c: rf 3 (Ah ^ O rj £ en < (h aj !_ n 6 o" at E _o "o u cd pq o •3 3 CD (-< 11 O JS 3 3 v. < C3 & c o C < o <& 01 i> < C C3 O CO 3 c^ 11 73 bo 3 rt CO a! •a o m V o 3 cd i- >. a 3 O 3 -a 3 3 11 u < 5 o c C < ca 'So cd •a _cd "o z o o >. CO 3 Pi cd u. ■~ CO o CO a. o u o 3 cd y> CO o pa 3 O X X cd O 3 3 « cd B IS t-t h3 o CO 3 p" 1i CO S CO OJ O >. m X < cd 3 cd CO 3 Q £ ■s J2 C _3 3 cd 3 3 cd V < 3 Cfi >. _o 5 "2 -J? 7j c 5 iT CO 1) 3 CO X c bo ^3 bo p o CJ W n o o cd 3 '5 o 3 .O s u CO a 01 id p 3 3 m oi w rt o "3 2 p 5 "S u o o H X 3 be cd < P o Pi •4-1 o X _^ o CO > 3 O X < cd" bo 5" "S. a bo 3 C cd 3 O o 3 3 P s 5 -f. O 1) c _ca "3 CO 5 cd 3 3 X cd CO CO N 3 O O o <; . f. H X '3 w £ J < >d o ^ ^ « O ^_ CM rO -t iO *o r*. 00 (T\ o ,_ o M3 ■- 1 VD *o >XJ t^. r- t^ i^ r^ 1^ t^ r>. t^ 00 o \0 *c O ■L ■o ^O *0 ^o U3 vO \D *o >i) ^D ^o ^o vO VO ^O ^O vd vO vC 0 »0 cm cm cm cm CM CM CM to in >o »o C/0 z o < a o o u u- "' N -t- F rt ■a o a, B a! H o. .2 eg al c H. Z o « < 60 . c 3 < O 'So c < a oi ii i; 2 tf O n o > a! a. w 2 5 £ x 5 « / — o -a w 3 i x =3 E x d. pl, 2 J3 x 9 - X j 05 < - c 3 CO Oh it a! ^ § cl f. *3 t-< as « o ■3 a 6 f- cs .5 ._r X !-> "o pa E <3 5 ■£ o •J-J (h u < H a z n > 12 o 3 -: ^5 ^ -i 60 Ih -a O r/j t a •5 -3 f= 5 o aj OHO CJ -i p CI — N p U al pa O rO m rO rO al X < < * CJ Ph E X a. x _: X r~> ^ .O as > S 2 P* ■a o X < al O CO al CO a* T3 P i H C n -^ p . 3 V- al ( X 3 =3 < o ,S S - 5 a) o >■ t, X a! X 60 a! < Ph O • ooooaoooooooccoc ■-H CM r^ O ^ ON \D ^O \£) 146 CATALOGUE OF 1'. P. CAPRON1 AND BROTHER lO lO UO iO CM CM CM CM in \n 10 CM CM CM 10 ^ >o lO iO to iO "0 l O IT) IT; lO Tl "1 lO »0 uo - ] CM OJ ^M CM E3 o. o 3 * C3 o u. n C/} c at >, / a g "o U pq p CJ p * <: n u cS rH ■d ^, fa] •a ■d ca § a : m O O <5 o o .„- ca Ti CD > v* ca > ca a) m s W fa" O ca bo a y. ca 5 ^ a ca y. ~ ca o ca s -d o ca a a .a ca a t 3 O « ~ K o — (3 a ca > 3 y. tO Tt fj Si E ca fa 2 o "O n a o < rt j= a fe U o . o bo H a ca D. O ca 01 o ca - ■a c X .- S o ■ -a a ■£ ._.- o 5 "5 2 a x — 2 -2< bo ca B Q « '-5 CQ 7} ca ca cj > a o ca >> X < - o. o a a: < o 1-1 -'' _'' _"'' >t ^x "^ r^ CO r^ re r*j (\1 a ca Cu o z; tp >, ■a » 0) ■J". .fa .a is £ TJ o ca a .« o ■o a o Jj cq a < — Js bo ca bo > ca rf fa x ca p s 'a .2 2 5 t- ca > •^ 0) o 6 E 3 ^ >> =3-3 " =a CQ Q s _o o bi bo 60 < P - U u a a . o ca •— Q Q s i— I CM «*} f-< CM fO Tf Cv] cm CM cm io^or^oo^o»— CM CMCMCMCMCMrO^rn CATALOGUE OF P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 147 tO u"3 'O ^ *0 UO iO N N N W N N N iO i/-; to *0 *0 CVJ CNJ CM M - J - «* ,~ - ' - - - - - - - • * - is: :* -t _-*- N* v* >t _" -t _" 'i ^N _f _" rvj CN1 OJ o rr (*} t*3 rO tr> O c PO rr_ CD j: bo G O bo p - c cd ; — r/> a rr be a! rt s. O P ■a rt t ni u_ — cd 7J ^ — C/3 o < c _Cj "o o C n s R B 5 O -^ C 3 O P c o a < 7. cd ^r c a [/! CU CJ X CJ Jp - cj n u Cu — o cj H3 eg o c P CJ V. OJ CJ p cd C 6 P c p c o p -.- cj c CD CJ cd 'u .M a 3 w o tf o Si Ih p 3, M p V — : ■a c cU m cu o c o ;— / < < '3 CJ < CJ X 4> CJ P 01 P < be c < "o c ed i- o > 4-1 CD o w o c J O P J CJ u sd _£3 0) CJ cd 03 P cd cd p u B "7 c p a! c a o o E 'be CU a; u. Cfl PL 2 ta H C W CJ j2__ - Z X >j J <■*} ■* m u*> l>- 00 o n ^_ r\i f^ *& l^ ^ r^ o rO rO W) ro fO rf; — ~r Tf ^t -t Tf- 'S- -r r^. 1^ r^. r^ r^. !>. r- r^. r-. r^ z ^D 1 »D ^3 ^O 'O Z o < Q ; i S ,S o at *$>-- Shield By Cellini No. 12609 25-2 x 19=4 in. §3.00 Shield No. 12611 15' ; xl5> 2 in. Milton Shield By Morel Ladeuil In South Kensington Museum No. 12610 34 x 26 in. 16.00 (See No. 11050 on Page 141 ) Judgment of Paris £2.00 No. 12612 24x24 in. $4.00 The above are furnished in Dark Ivory tint 25',' extra is charged for the Steel Bronze finish Shield of Medusa No. 12613 24 x 24 in. $4 00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPROXI AND BROTHER Bear, Dancing No. 12800 Height 9 in. Base 5 x 3 in. $1.50 ANIMALS— By Barye Bear, Eating No. 12801 Height 5 in. Base 5% x 3Jf in. $0.50 Dog Devouring Goose No. 12803 Height 5 in. $1.50 Base 6 x 3# in. Two Bears Fighting No. 12802 Height 8 in. $1.50 Base 5 x 5 in. Elephant, Walking No. 12804 Height 6 in. $2.00 Base 6 x 2 1 -, in. Elephant, Running No. 12805 Height 6 in. "$2.00 Base 7 T i x 3 in. No. 12830 12806 Lion, Walking Height 1 ft. 5 in. Base 31 x 8 in. Height 9 in. Base 16 x 4 in. $15.00 Lion, Seated No. 12808 Height Sl4 in. Base 6 x 3 in. $1.00 No. Lion, on panel 12809 8x16 in. $1.50 S2.00 Lion, Walking No. 12807 Height 5 in. $1.00 Base 5J4 x 2', in. Lion, Seated, sketch No. 12810 Height 11 in. $2.00 Base 12 x 5V 2 in. Lion Devouring Serpent No. 12811 Height 7 in. $1.50 Base7>5 x 3'i in. CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON] AND BROTHER 153 ANIMALS — By Barye i _'- 1 _' 12813 Panther, Reclining Height 9 in.; base 18x6 in. $2.00 6 ,, ; ,, 11 x4 „ 1.25 Panther, Reclining No. 12814 Height 4 in. ; base S x 3 in. $1.00 Rabbit, Standing No. 12815 Height 3', in. $0.25 Rabbit, Reclining No. 12816 Height 1' 2 in. $0.25 Rabbit, Reclining No. 12818 Height 2 in. $0.25 Rabbit, Reclining No. 12817 Height 1"., in. $0.25 Tiger, Walking No. 12829 Height 1 ft. 5 in. ; base 31 x 8 in. $15.00 12819 ,, 9 ,, ; ,, 16x4 ,, 2.00 Tiger Devouring Crocodile No. 12828 Height 8 in. ; base 24 x 10 in. $10.00 12820 „ 5 ,, ; ,, 9' 2 x 4 ,, 1.50 Tiger Devouring Alligator No. 12821 Height 6 in. ; base 11 x 4 in. $1.50 154 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER ANIMALS — By Barye ^^^ ^^^ '^j J fc^il -j| ^N. ~ 1 &m ^r '^^ % j "^^'"^^ Wolf, Walking No. 12822 Height 10 in. ; base 13>^x4 in. $2.00 Elephant, Running No. 12823 Height 6 in. ; base 7' 2 x 2', in. $2.00 Tiger, Walking- No. 12824 Height 10 in. ; base 15x5 in. $3.00 Tiger Attacking Faun No. 12825 Height 10 in. ; base 15 x 4'- in. $4.00 Panther Attacking Hyena No. 12S26 Height 11 in. ; base IS x 6' 2 in. f3.00 Panther, Walking No. 12S27 Height 9' 2 in. ; base 14'i x 5 in. $3.00 Panther, Walking No. 12831 Height 4'- in. ; base S'* x 2' 2 in. $1.25 Tiger, Walking No. 12832 Height 7 in. ; base 12 ' 2 x 4' 2 in. J2.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 155 ANIMALS Eagle, antique In the Vatican No. 12999 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $15.00 Bull. Standing No. 13000 Height 1 ft. S in. $10.00 Calf, Reclining Cat, Blocked No. 13001 Height 1 ft. 7 in. $2.00 No. 13002 Height 10 in. $1.50 Pig, Reclining No. 13003 Height 8 in. $2.00 Cow, Standing No. 13004 Height 10 in. $3.00 Dog, Pointer No. 13005 Height 9 in. $2.00 Horse, Standing By Mene No. 13006 Height 11 in. $3.00 156 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND IiknTHER Lioness, Relief No. 13007 8x13 in. $1.50 ANIMALS 13008 13036, 1*009 13010 Lion of Lucerne. By Thorvvaldsen No. 13036 Height 1 ft. 6 in.; base 29 x 11 in. SIS. i in No. 13008 Height 5' 2 in. $1.25 No. 13009 Height 4' 2 in. $1.00 No. 13010 Height 2 in. $0.50 Rabbit By Fremiet No. 13011 Height 4 in. $0.50 Cat' By Fremiet No. 13012 Height 3 1 , in. $0.25 Cock By Fremiet No. 13013 Height 4 in. $0.50 Tiger By G. Gardet No. 13014 Height 1 ft. $2.50 Bear Crushing Man By Fremiet No. 13015 Height 1 ft. 1 in. $2.00 13016 13017 Two Lions. By Canova From the Tomb of Pope Clement XIII, in Rome No. 3016 Height 6 in. $1.50 3017 >, 6 ., 1.50 Horse By J. Willis Good No. 13018 Height lft. 4", in. JS.no Horse By J. Willis Good No. 13019 Height 1 ft. 4 in. $8.00 Eagle In the British Museum No. 13020 Height 1 ft. 1 in. $3.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 157 ANIMALS Dog By Mene No. 13021 Height 5 in. 81.50 Goose By Mene No. 13022 Height 2 in. $0.50 Dog By Fremiet No. 13023 Height 4,i,, in. $1.30 Hen By Fremiet No. 13024 Height 3 in. $0 Owl No. 13025 Height 11 in. $1.50 Cock By Vidal No. 13026 Height 8 in. $1.50 Lion, high Relief No. 13027 $', x 14 in. $2.00 Dog By Puschell No. 13028 Height 5 in. $1.25 No. Horse By Mene 13029 Height 1 ft. $5.00 Base 15 x 5'4 in. No Horse By Mene 13030 Height 10 in. Base 10 x 4% in. $4.00 Donkey By Mene No. 13031 Height 6 in. Base 9 x 3' 4 in. .00 Lion, Crouching By Isidore Bonheur No. 13032 Height 8'.. in. Base 19 x 5 in. [.00 158 CATALOGUE ( >F P. P. CAPRONJ AND BROTHER ANIMALS Donkey, Relief By Ghiberti No. 13033 9 x 5 in. SO. 75 Dog Studying Turtle By Jacquemart Xo. 13034 Height 6' 2 in. $2.00 Base 7x4 in. Eagle, for Wall No. 13037 Top of head to base 3 ft. 3}£ in. Spread of wings 3 ft. 11 in. $25.00 Eagle No. 13038 Top of wings - to base 2 ft. 9 in. Spread of wings 3 ft. #25.00 Eagle No. 13035 Height 1 ft. 4 in. $7.00 Tiger, Crouching By Isidore Bonheur No. 13043 Height 8 in. ; base 18", x 4', in. $3.00 Horse By Cecil Brow n No. 13039 Height 1 ft. 3 in. S.s.i ii i Horse Xo. 13040 Height 1 ft. 1 in. $6.00 Horse By Mene No. 15041 Height 1 ft. 1 in. $5.00 Lion By Stevens No. 13042 Height 1 ft. 1 in. $2.00 Liberal discount to schools and other educational institutions CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPKONI AND BROTHER 159 HEADS OF ANIMALS Bull By Monti No. 13100 Height 6' 2 in. $1.50 Eagle, life size No. 13101 . . $1.00 Fox, life size No. 13102 . . $1.50 Goat, life size No. 13103 . . S3. 00 Horse No. 13104 Height 9 in. $1.50 Wolf, life size No. 13107 . . $2.00 Hurse In the Capitoline Museum, Rome No. 13105 Ear to Nose 25 in. $10.00 Horse Reduction of No. 548 No. 13106 Height 12 in. #3.50 160 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON1 AND BROTHER HEADS OF ANIMALS Lion, life size No. 13108 . . $6.00 Tiger, life size No. 13109 . . $3.00 Tiger No. 13110 Height 6 in. $1.00 Boar No. 13112 Height Sin. $2.00 Ram, life size No. 13111 . . . $3.50 Dog, Bloodhound Life size No. 13115 . . $2.50 Bull Dog, life size No. 13113 . . . $2.50 Lion, Gargoyle From the Parthenon, Athens No. 13116 17 x 19 in. $S.O0 Dog, Mastiff, life size No. 13114 . . . $2.50 Lion, Gargoyle From the Temple of Antonius. Rome No. 13117 18 x 21 in. $6.00 Lion, Grotesque No. 13118 16x10 in. $2.00 Lion, Gargoyle From the Temple of Antonius, Rome No. 13119 14;^ x 12K in. $2.50 Tiger, life size X... 13120 . . . $3.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPROXI AND BROTHER 161 HEADS OF ANIMALS Lion Lion Ram [>ng No. 13121 No. 13122 No. 13123 Life size Height 10 in. $2.00 Height 11', in. $3.00 Height 6' 2 in. $3.00 X... 13124 . . 52.00 Boar No. 13125 Height 12 in. $3.00 Eagle No. 13126 Height 12 in. $2.00 Elephant No. 13128 Height 8 in. $2.00 Ram Life size No. 13127 $5.00 Bear, from Nature No. 13129 . . . $6.00 Horse, from Nature No. 13130 . . . $10.00 162 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER in < O ir> a < X o o o o o o *0 IO Wi »0 CO lO o M c : ; ; ; ; -■*: X ^t ^t ^ *o- **■ *3- tj- 10 be I 5 *j £ bo be ho o oi o 5 5 5 X u O R Q Q . vo r>. co On on o o o O O O O rH tr m cm oj cm cq oq (O f) ^) f) f) w o in o o o o o .s lO CO ^a- lO lO 3 « B bo o Q be o u O bo -s ►4 H « « O H N « ^ "^ e O O O O O O ZCM CM CM CM CM cm CO CO CO CO CO CO CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPKOXI AND BROTHER 163 *3- io rj- O .a C/2 -J -tJ < o e3 c o be ■o ffi f*l J &H Pi ^ 0 10 lO C/3 be bo o 3 a o Q X o as o CM CO -t »o lO rq r\l o o lO o to o c - - . - •* VO u~i CO i_ _J t- a> < 3 be J! U s bi) be o C bfl z < u u a. W 00 ON o ,_, eg d "^ fNI rO fO m u_ 7 ™ <■ ro cv CM - 1 rv) "- rn rO (*) o 1—1 *"* *~~ ' 1-1 •^ CO Q < o O o o O o LU X If* _J ■ _! < N" ^ -t ^ -*• iO rO \£> ^~ iO CO be. >! Oh o Q u CM C*l Tf lO \D 1^. d ^' c ^ r ^ w ^ fr5r ^ r ^ f ^ < (Y, E- 5= — — , ^ - r- o ~ c o o 1/1 io o >o C o iO ~ ui lO no in lO u~l u- »n i^ io CN O — •H 1-1 ^ Q£ U_ c CO Q " N I \N NN "J CO vf nn vn t^ \T U^ r^ ^a ■* l^ lO ^ "t < — »— < •~ *H UJ y X X X X X X X X X X X X X X K XX* X *i " _ n r 1 ,— r^ a- or i^ t> r^ r^ GC Tf o \C »o r^ *o *"" ' ■n G ^ O Si 111 (-• t- G aj -3 - u E 1; t-t 4) 5-, ol CD 13524 13525 MASQUES No. 13508 Diana of Gabii $1.00 13509 Keats, from life 1.00 13510 Antinous 1.00 13511 Augustus, Young 1.00 13512 Agrippa, Young 1 .00 13513 Child 1.00 13514 Venus de Medici 1.00 13515 Jason 1.00 13516 Child, from nature 1.00 13517 Child, from nature 1.00 13518 Portrait. By Luca della Robbia 1.00 13519 Portrait. By Luca della Robbia 1.00 13520 Brutus. By Michelangelo 2.00 13521 Garragala 1.50 13522 Demosthenes 1.50 13523 Clytie 1.50 13524 Psyche of Naples 1.00 13525 La Belle Italienne, from life 1.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPKOXI AND BROTHER 171 15526 1352 13528 13529 1353U 13531 13538 13540 13541 13542 MASQUES No. 13526 Lincoln, from life $1.50 13527 Antinous 1.50 13528 Venus of the Bath. By Glodion 1.50 13529 Florentine Girl < 1.00 13530 Marietta Strozzi 1.50 13531 Unknown Woman 1.00 13532 Gerecaut, death masque 1.00 13533 Dante From the Bust in Naples . . 1.00 13534 Sappho From the Bust in the Louvre 1.00 13535 Cicero 1.00 13536 Dying- Alexander 3.00 13537 Grotesque. By Michelangelo . . In the Bargello 1.00 13538 Head From the Ghartres Cathedral 1.50 13539 Mercury 1.50 13540 African Girl. By Carpeaux 1.50 13541 Cupid. By Da Bologna 1.00 13542 Cupid. By Da Bologna 1.00 172 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 13543 13344 13545 13546 13547 13548 13549 13550 13551 13552 13553 1 \554 13555 13556 13557 13558 13559 13560 MASQUES No. 13543 Cupid. By Da Bologna JO. 75 13544 Cupid. By Da Bologna 75 13545 Cupid. By Da Bologna 75 13546 Cupid. By Da Bologna 50 13547 Cupid. By Da Bologna 75 13548 Young Girl. By Donatello 1.00 13549 St. John. By Donatello 1.00 13550 St. John. By Donatello 1.00 13551 Boy, laughing. By Donatello . . . 1.00 13552 Infant Christ. By Settignano 75 13553 Boy. By Settignano 75 13554 French Peasant. By Carpeaux 75 13555 Satyr. By Carpeaux 75 13556 Hermes From Andros 1.50 13557 Cherub 1.00 13558 Augustus Caesar 2.00 13559 Man. By Andrea della Robbia . From the Hospital, Pistoja 1.00 13560 Man. By Andrea della Robbia . From the Hospital, Pistoja 1.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 173 STUDIES OF PARTS OF THE BODY SKULLS 14(1(111 140(11 14000 Skull, from nature $1.50 14001 Skull, from nature 1.50 14060 Studies of the Head 140bl 14062 14063, 14064 14065 14071 14067, 1406S 14066, 14069 No. 14060 Ear, left 20 14061 Ears, two on panel 7 14062 Ear, left 7 14063 Eye, right 13 14064 Eye, right 7 14065 Eye, left 7 14066 Nose 8 14067 Mouth 10 14068 Mouth 5 14069 Nose 17 14070 Ears, two on panel 4 14071 Negro Head, from nature Height 1 ft. 3 14072 Hermes. From Statue No. 510 ,, 1 ,, S 14070 x U> 2 x 10 x 4 x 12 x 7 x 7 x 5 x 14 ', x 7% xJ2 x 5K $3.00 1.00 1.00 2.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.50 1.00 2.50 1.C0 3.00 4.00 1407. Heads of original size statues illustrated in our catalogue can be furnished mounted the same as No. 14072. Prices upon application 174 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPKONI AND BROTHER BLOCKED STUDIES 1402 14023 14026 14H24 14025 14027 1402S 14029 1403O 14031 No. 14033 14022 Blocked Head . . . Height 1 ft. 6 in. S6.00 14023 Blocked Head . • „ 1 ,, 7 „ 6.00 14024 Blocked Head . . ,, 1 ,, 8 ,, 6.00 14025 Blocked Head . . „ 1 ,, 8 ,, 6.C0 14026 Blocked Head . . 1 ,, 8 ,, 6.00 14027 Upper two-thirds o f Face, blocked . . . 11 x 8'A .. .75 14032 No. 14028 Upper two-thirds of Face, finished S'/i x 6'/ 2 in. $0.75 14029 Hand, clenched, right, heroic size . . 1.50 14030 Hand, open, left, heroic size 1.50 14031 Hands, clasped, on panel, life size . . 1.00 14032 Foot, left, heroic size 1.50 14033 Foot, right, heroic size 1.50 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 175 ARMS 14160 14161 14162 14163 14164 14165 14166 14167 14168 14169 14170 14171 14172 14173 14174 14175 No. 14160 Arm, right, female, from life .... $3.00 14161 Arm, left, female, from life 3.00 14162 Arm, right, female, from life .... 3.00 14163 Arm of Tom Sayers 3.50 14164 Arm, right, male, with portion of shoulder, from life 5.00 14165 Arm, right, male, with shoulder, from life 4.00 14166 Arm, left, male, flexed on breast, from life 4.00 14167 Arm, right, male, from life 4.00 No. 14168 Arm, right, malt-, from life $3.50 14169 Arm, left, from statue of Discobolus of Myron 3.00 14170 Arm, right, male, from life 3.50 14171 Arm, right, female, from life .... 3.00 14172 Arm, left, female, from life 3.00 14173 Arm, left, female, from life 3.50 14174 Arm, right, male, with portion of shoulder and breast, from life 5.00 14175 Arm, right, of Sandow 5.00 176 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPKONI AND BKOTHKR INFANTS' ARMS AND LEGS 14235 14236 14238 ^ 14239 14240 14241 No. 14235 Arm, left, on panel, from life #1.00 14236 Arm, left, on panel, from life 1.00 14237 Arm, left, on panel, from life 1.00 1423S Legs and Thighs, front view, on panel 2.50 14239 Legs and Thighs, back view, on panel 2.50 14240 Leg, right 1.00 14241 Leg, right, from life 1.50 14242 Arm, right 2.00 14243 Arm, right 2.00 14242 14243 Estimates for cleansing and repairing casts furnished upon application Discount to schools and other educational institutions CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 177 HANDS 14311 14312 No. 14300 14301 14302 14303 14304 14305 14306 14307 Hands, two, right, clasped, male, on panel, from life fl.00 Hand, right, Venus de Medici .... 1.50 Hand, left, Venus de Medici 1.50 Hands, right and left, clasped, from life . 1.50 Hand, left, female, from life 1.00 Hand, left, female, from life 1.00 Hand, left, female, from life 1.00 Hand, right, male, grasping rod . . . 1.00 14313 No. 14308 14309 14310 14311 14312 14313 14314 1431.5 14314 14313 Hand, left, female, from life . Hand, right, female, from life . Hand, right. By Michelangelo . Hand, left, female, from life . Hand, right, male, resting on block Hand, left, from Praxiteles' Hermes Hand, left, holding coins. By Michelang Hand, left, holding scroll. By Michelangelo J51.00 1.(111 1.50 1.00 1.50 LOO elo 1.50 1.50 178 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 14322 14323 14324 14325 14326 14327 14328 14329 1433D No. 14316 Hand, 14317 Hand, 14318 Hand, 14319 Hand, 14320 Hand, 14321 Hand, men 14322 Hand, 14323 Hand, 14324 Hand, right, of Voltaire, from life . . . left, of William Hunt, from life . right, of Abraham Lincoln, from life left, of Abraham Lincoln, from life right, male, holding rod. By Michelangelo left, Apollo Belvedere, holding frag- t of bow 1.50 right, male, holding rod, from life 1.00 left, male, open, from life . . . 1.00 right, male, grasping rod, from life 1.00 $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 14331 No. 14325 14326 14327 14328 14329 14330 14331 14332 14333 14332 14333 Hand, right, male, extended on panel, from life $1.00 Hand, left, female, open 1.00 Hand, right, Walt Whitman, on panel. from life 1.00 Hand, right, male, clenched, from life . 1.00 Hand, right, male, half closed, from life . 1.00 Hand, right, male, from life 1.50 Hand, left, female, open, from life . . 1.00 Hand, right, female, from life .... 1.00 Hand, left, female, from life 1.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 179 14339 14340 14341 14342 14343 14344 14345 14346 14347 14348 14349 14350 14351 No. 14334 Hand, left, female, on cushion, from life $1.50 14335 Hand, left, female, on breast, from life . 1.00 14336 Hand, right, female, on cushion, from life 1.00 14337 Two hands, one grasping wrist, male, from life 1.50 14338 Hand, right, female, resting on cushion, from life 1.00 14339 Hand, left, female, resting on cushion, from life 1.00 14340 Hand, right, female, from life .... 1.00 14341 Hand, right, male, from life 1.00 No. 14342 Hand, left, female, on cushion, from life 51-00 14343 Hand, right, male, on panel, from nature 1.00 14344 Hand, left, male, on panel, from nature . 1.00 14345 Hand, left, female, on panel, from nature 1.00 14346 Hand, left, female, on panel, from nature 1.00 14347 Hand, left, male, on panel 1.00 14348 Hand, right, male, holding rod, on panel, from nature 1.00 14349 Hand, left, female, from nature . . . 1.00 14350 Hand, left, female, on panel, from nature 1.00 14351 Hand, left, male, grasping rod, from nature 1.00 180 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 1455-' 14355 14356 14357 1435S 14359 1436U 14361 1436.2 HANDS No. 14352 Hand, left, female, resting on block, from nature $1.00 14353 Hand, left, female, from life 1.00 14354 Hand, left, female, from life 1.00 14355 Hand, right, male, holding rod, antique 1.50 14356 Hand, right, female 1.00 14357 Hand, left, male, from life 1.00 14358 Hand, left 1.50 14359 Hands, clasped, female, from life 1.50 14360 Hand, right, with knife 1.50 14361 Hand, right, male, colossal ... 2.50 14362 Hand of Hercules, Farnese, colossal 6.00 Casts of hands, feet and other studies are always furnished in the plain white unless otherwise specified CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON1 AND BROTHER 181 a z < X In (- z o un in *o -t- -t -t Tf -t -i- iO iO LO © e g B - a c o E ~ - o C ,B .a bo S O J3 c c a ? o c - - o x 5 _- W M V in p. B S B _ P. d O- -r J- -B « X « " .S C E .S .S ,S h .= I- .5 •D "O 1j' w "O 'v "C* t "D ^ 'O CECCSCBBBBB 50 INFANTS' FEET 150 00 15001 15002 15003 15004 15005 15006 No. 15000 Foot, left "" -' 5 15001 Foot, left, from life 50 15002 Foot, left, from life 5n 15003 Foot, right, on panel, from life •■" 15004 Foot, left, on panel, from life 50 15005 Foot, left, from life 50 15006 Foot, right, from life 50 Casts of hands, feet and other studies are always furnished in the plain white, unless otherwise specified 186 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER FRUITS, FLOWERS AND LEAVES ON PANELS Studies for Art Schools 15500 15501 15502 15503 1551)4 15505 15506 15507 15508 15509 VO. - 1 15510 15511 15512 15514 15513 No. No. 15500 Apples and Leaves 14 x 10 ir . $1-50 15508 Blackberry Vine . . . 1154 x 19>4 15501 Apples and Leaves 14 x 10 , 2.00 15509 Burdock Leaf . . . . 16'A x 9 15502 15503 15504 Apples and Leaves . Apples and Leaves . Acorns and Leaves . 10 x 10 , S'A x 10 , S'A x 7 , 1.00 1.00 .50 15510 15511 Burdock Leaf, reversed . 16'A x 9 9x6 15505 Acorns and Leaves . 11 x 8 , 1 00 15512 13 x 9 15506 Birch Leaves . . 9'A x 7K , .75 15513 Calla Lilv 15 x 13 15507 Beans and Leaves . 13 x 7 , 1.00 Discount 15514 to schools Calla Leaf 9 x 5'i $3.00 1.50 1.50 .75 1.00 2.00 .50 CATALOGUE OK P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 187 15521 15522 15523 15526 15528 15527 15529 15531 No. No. 15515 Cherries and Leaves . 10 x IS in. 15526 Flowers, panel of . 12 x 8 in. 15516 Cherries and Leaves . . 9 x 11 .75 15527 Geranium Leaf . . 954 X 7 .50 15517 Castor Oil Leaf . 20 x 18 , 2.50 15528 Ground Nut Leaf . 9 X M , .50 15518 Crab Apples and Leaves 13 x 8K , 1.25 15529 Grapes and Leaves 13 X 914 , 1.50 15519 Day Lilv Leaf .... 8 x 5% , .50 15530 Grapes and Leaves . 17 X 12 . 2.00 15520 Oranges and Leaves . 12 x 10 1.50 15531 Grapes and Leaves 9 X 8 , .75 15521 Tulips and Leaves 18 x 11 2.00 15532 Grape Leaf, reversed 6 X 6 , .50 15522 13 x 9 1.00 15533 11 X $'/?. , .75 15523 Quinces and Leaves . WA x 10'^ . 2.00 15534 9 X 8 , .50 188 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 15545 15546 15547 1554S 15549 15550 15551 15552 15553 No. 15535 Grape Leaf 8 15536 Grape Leaf 9 15537 Grape Leaf 7 15538 Gourd and Leaf . 10 15539 Hollyhock Leaf . 10 15540 Hops and Leaves 8 15541 Hops and Leaves in 15542 Ivy Leaf . . . 8 15543 Lemon and Leaves 7 15544 Lemon and Leaves 11 x 6 xSK x6'/ 2 x 9' x 8 x 7 x 7 x8 x4K x 7 >0.75 .75 .50 1.25 .50 1.00 1.50 .50 1.00 1.50 No. 15545 Laurels .... 15546 Leaf Cluster . . 15547 Magnolia . . . 15548 Maple Leaf Cluster 15549 Maple Leaf . . . 15550 Narrow-dock Leaf 15551 Oak Leaf . . . 15552 Olives and Leaves 15553 Olives and Leaves 15554 Orange and Leaves 10 x 17 10 x 11 12 x 12 11 x 16 10 x 10 12 x 8x 9 x 10 x 7 x SI. 50 1.00 2.00 1.50 .50 .50 .50 .50 1.00 1.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 189 1555.5 15557 15556 15^5S l s.s.sy 15560 15572 15573 15576 No. 15555 15556 15557 15558 15559 15560 15561 15562 15563 15565 15566 Pears and Leaves . . Pear and Leaves . Peach and Leaves Plums and Leaves Plums and Leaves Pomegranate and Leave Pumpkin Leaf . Rose Leaves Roses and Leaves . Rose and Leaves . . Sunflower and Leaves 14 8! 6 in 15 12 11 7 17 9 19 x 10 in. $2.00 x 7 , 1.00 x 6 , .50 x 8 , 1.50 x 10 1.50 X / 1.00 x 10 1.00 x 5 , .50 x 11 1.50 X S', . .75 x 12 , 1.50 .,, m ™ 9 15565 15566 15574 15575 No. 15567 Thistle Leaf .... 19 15568 Thistle Leaf, reversed . 19 15569 Tobacco Leaf .... 15 1 5570 Walnuts and Leaves . . 8}i 15571 Fig Leaf 8>/ 2 ] 5572 Blackberrv Leaves . . 7 15573 Maple Leaf 8% Li574 Chestnut Leaf .... II 15575 Burdock Leaf .... 13 15576 Grape Leaf 7 15583 Pond Lilv 12 15583 8 8 7 12 6 6 6' 2 4 6 4K 5 352.00 2.00 1.00 .75 .75 .50 .75 .50 1.00 .50 .50 190 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPKONI AXD BROTHER 15577 1557.S 15579 15580 155S1 15582 15589 15590 15591 No. 15577 Maple Leaf 8 15578 Fig Leaf A% 15579 Fig Leaf, reversed 8 15580 Leaf, from nature 6 15581 Geranium Leaf 7 15582 Maple Leaf 7 15584 Calla Lily 17 15585 Fig Leaf 13 15586 Plums and Leaves 10 'i 15587 Quinces and Leaves 12'2 1558S Pears and Leaves 13 15589 Pears and Leaves 8 15590 Lemons and Leaves 12 15591 Oranges and Leaves 16 x 5 in. $0.50 x 4 .25 x 6 .50 x 2K .25 x 5'A .50 x 5% .50 x 8^ 1.00 x 9 1.00 x 9 1.50 x 10 1.50 x 9'/ 2 2.00 x 6 .75 x 15 3.00 x 12 , 3.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI ANT) BROTHER 191 15592 15593 15594 15595 15596 15597 1 5598 15599 15600 15601 15602 No. 15592 Hop Leaf S}4 x 7 15593 Daffodil 13 x 7 15594 Merangoli and Leaves 10 x 9 15595 Walnut Leaf 9)4 x 9 15596 Grapes and Leaves 10 x \i} : 15597 Magnolia 12 xll 15598 Citron and Leaves 9^x11 15599 Grapes and Leaves 14 x 13 15600 Magnolia and Leaves 15 x 14 15601 Figs and Leaves 15 x 10}i 15602 Pomegranate and Leaves 18 x 12 ^0.75 1.25 1.00 .50 2.50 2.00 1.50 2.50 3.00 2.50 2.50 192 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPKuNI AM) BROTHER PRIMARY STUDIES OF ORNAMENT 16000 16001 1600 2 16003 16(104 16005 16006 16007 1600S 16009 16010 16011 1601 2 16013 16014 16015 16016 16017 No. 16000 Study of Leaf .... 17 16001 Study of Rosette . . . 16 16002 Study of Leaf .... 21 16003 Study of Leaf .... 20 16004 Study of Leaf .... 19 16005 Study of the Lotus Leaf lm. 16006 Study of Ornament . . iok 16007 Study of Ornament . S'A 1600S Study of Ornament . . S'_- x 15 in. $1.50 x 14 , 1.50 x 15 . 1.50 x U'A , 1.50 x 14 , 1.50 x 7% . .75 x 7'z . .75 x 8K , .50 x S'4 , .50 No. 16009 Study of Ivy Leaf 16010 Study of Ornament 16011 Study 16012 Capital, Tuscan . 16013 Capital, Doric . . 16014 Capital, Ionic . . 16015 Capital, Corinthian 16016 Capital, Composite 16017 Study of a Cross . 7 x 12 in. SO. 75 11 x 7 H , .75 10 x T/ 2 , .75 S x 10 , 1.50 8 x 10 , 1.50 8 x 10 , 1.50 10 x 9'A , 2.50 10 x 9)4 , 2.50 9x9 . .75 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 193 * | -* ^-.^.J> 16018 16020 16019 1WIJ1 16022 16023 16024 16025, 16026 16027 "S 16028 16029 16030 16031 16032 %. ISZA ■M 16033 16034 16033 16036 16037 No. No. 16018 Study of Fig Leaf . 7 x 7 in. $0.50 16028 Study of Leaf . . . 9 A x 1% ir . $1.00 16019 Study of Fig Leaf / X i .50 16029 Study of Leaf, Palmetto 9A x 7 A , 1.00 16020 Study of Fig Leaf . 7 x 7 ,. .50 16030 Study of Leaf, Palmetto 9 A x7A ■ 1.00 16021 Study of Acanthus . 12 x *A ,, 1.00 16031 Study of Bud and Leaf 9Ax7A , 1.00 16022 Study of Acanthus . 12 x SA ,, 1.00 16032 Study of Bud and Leaf 9'A x7', , 1.00 16023 Study of Scroll . . MA x 9 ,, 1.00 16024 Study of Scroll . . 12'., x SA ,, 1.00 16033 Study of Leaf . . 12 xSA , 1.50 16025 Lotus Leaf . . . 22 x 15 ,, 2.00 16034 Study of Ivy Leaf . . 9 x.7% , 1.00 16026 Lotus Leaf. Reduc ion 16035 Study of Iyy Leaf . . 9 x 7 A , 1.00 of No. 16025 . . . 10>£ x 8 ,, .75 16036 Study of Acanthus Leaf 12 x S , 1.50 16027 Lotus Fret . . \2% x 27 ,, 2.00 16037 Cluster of Leaves . 12 x 8 , 1.50 194 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER . i 16038 16039 16040 16041 16042 pill 1& T* •*> _A#* v 16043 16044 16046 16047 1604S 16049 16050 16051 No. 16038 Study of Fig- Leaf 10# x S in 16039 Acanthus Leaf 12 x 8# 16040 Study of Palm Leaf 10J^ x 8^' 16041 Study of Honeysuckle 15 x 10J£ 16042 Study of Acanthus Leaf 12 x 9 16043 Study of Leaf 12 x 8 16044 Rosette 9 16046 Rosette 9 16047 Rosette 9 16048 Rosette 9 16049 Lotus with Acanthus 12 16050 Oak Leaves 9 16051 Study of Leaf 12 9 9 9 9 8'A $1.00 1.50 1.00 1.75 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.50 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONT AND BROTHER 195 STUDIES OF ORNAMENT AND ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 18797 _ Capital From the Arch of Trajan, Beneventum No. 18797 35 x 44 in. $30.00 Anthemion, antefix. Greek No. 18799 17 x 16 in. $2.00 Acanthus. Greek No. 18798 17x12 in. $1.5" *\ ~\ *S ' Capital, quarter section Greek From the Temple of Minerva No. 18801 27 x 25 in. $8.00 'WWVI^'IW W* I LI.L1 1 l< Cornice. Greek From the Erectheum, Athens No. 1S800 32 x 22 in. $5.00 m. u • pi 'Mm Anthemion. Greek No. 18802 10x8 in. $0.75 Anthemion, fret with beading-. Greek No. 18S03 8U x 19 in. $1.50 Capital, quarter section From the Lateran Museum, Rome No. 18804 17 x 19 in. $5.00 Cvmatium. Greek No. 18805 8^x11 in. $1.25 Cvmatium. Greek No. 18806 6x11 in. $1.25 Egg and Dart. Greek No. 18807 13 x 21 in. $2.50 I'll, CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER Fret. Greek No. 18808 8KxlSin. $1.00 Scroll, the Lysicrates Scroll. Greek From the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates, Athens No. 18810 12x28 in. $2. nil Fragment. Greek From the Erectheum, Athens No. 18812 21 x 26 in. $3.50 Capital. Greek From the Erectheum, Athens No. 18814 29 x 37 in. $12 n0 Honeysuckle. Greek No. 18809 %y 2 x 10 in. $11.75 Table Support, Pompeiian From the House of Cornelius Rufus No. 18811 33x33 in. $12.(«i Antefix. Greek From the Parthenon No. 18813 20x12 in. $1.50 Acanthus Leaf. Greek From the Temple of Mars No. 18815 26 x 24 in. $5.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 197 Fragment of Cornice. Greek Moulding. Greek Fragment of Cornice Acanthus. Greek From the Temple of Diana, Ephesus From Temple of Minerva , Gr. eeR . ., No. 18820 11x10'.. in. $1.50 From the Choragic Mi. mi No. 18816 24x24 in. $3.50 No. 18817 24xl2in. $3.00 ment of Lysicrates No. 18818 14x11 in. $1.50 Fragment of Capital Greek From same as No. 18818 No. 18819 25 x 13 in. $3.00 Capital. Greek From the Temple of Nike Apteros, Athens No. 1.8821 19 x 32 in. $8.00 Capital Restored Reduction of No. 18814 No. 18822 17 x 14 in. $3.00 Fragment of an Ionic Capital Greek From Athens No. 18823 18 x 14 in. $3.50 Stele. Greek In the Louvre No. 18825 30 x 17 in. $5.00 Stele. Greek From Temple of Theseus, Athens No. 18824 47 x 21 in. $8.00 2?.' JL J ^f'HH' S Frieze, archaic. Greek No. 18826 7' 2 x 19 in. $1.50 Frieze, archaic. Greek No. 18827 9 x 20 in. $1.50 198 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPKOXI AND BROTHKK Frieze, archaic. Greek No. 18828 17 x 23 in. $2.50 Fragment of Cornice, (-reel; From the Erectheum, Athens No. 18830 15 x IS in. $3.00 Capital, quarter section, original size. Greek From the Parthenon, Athens No. 1S829 36x40 in. $25.00 .f^SS. Fragment of Cornice, Egg and Dart. Crick From the Erectheum, Athens No. 18831 8x18 in. $2.00 — Fragment of Cornice. Greek From the Erectheum, Athens No. 18832 6x11 in. $1.00 »i»rliiHtrltff H ^ jc: ■a g S S bo* bo W crj rt i» a a s 5 5? cfl rt u bo bo bo bo a C H M fO -t IO >D t^CO y M B X M CO M CO X COCO •^ 00 00 00 00 00 00 XX CO CO CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 203 18879 %w m mm 1S8S1 1 SSM I 18882 18SS3 I SSM 18886 IOt y v v c ,. . . . e -o 1 13 * 20 Miniature restorations ot Panels 18956 Panel } <[ S'A x 11^ 18957 Pan 1 from the Walls ot the Alhambra ,,/ . ,, 18959 Panel J [ S'i x 15 18960 Study of Leaf Gothic 10 x S% 18961 Study of Leaf Gothic 12 x 12 1S962 Study of Leaf Gothic 9'i x S'/ 2 18963 Study of Leaf Gothic %% x 6 18964 Study of Leaves Gothic 9x6 1S965 Study o£ Fig Leaf Gothic 10 x 6 18966 Study of Fig Leaves Gothic 10 x 10 18967 Study of Leaf Got 'hie 11 x 7'j 18968 Fragment of Arch Gothic 11 x 18 18969 Fragment of Frieze Gothic 16 x 10 From Notre Dame, Paris 18968 S3.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 .75 1.00 .75 .50 .50 .50 .75 .75 2.00 2.00 1S969 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 211 18970 18971 18972 18975 18974 1S975 18976 No. 18970 Capital Gothic 9 x 12 18971 Capital Gothic 9' 2 x 16 18972 Capital. From Notre Dame, Paris Gothic 24 x 15 18975 Capital, 15th century Gothic 17 x 14 18974 Guilloche Gothic 15 x 11 18975 Scroll, 15th century Gothic Is x 46 From the Cathedral at Rouen 18976 Frieze. From Notre Dame . . . Gothic 17 x 58% 18977 Capital. From St. Chapelle . . . Gothic 15 x 12 18978 Spandril Gothic 12 x 8 From Poets' Corner, Westminster Abbey 1S979 Finial Gothic 21 x 11 From Lincoln Cathedral 18980 Fragment of Frieze Gothic 12 x 19 From Notre Dame, Paris Care exercised in ordering avoids errors and delay $2.50 5.00 5.50 2.50 2.0H 8.00 4.00 5.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 18980 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 18981 ISMS J 18985A 1S988 1S9N4 18986 18987 18989 No. 189S1 1S982 18983 18984 18985 1S985A 18986 18987 1S988 18989 18990 Hinge of Door Gothic 25 x 25 in. Fragment of Frieze, Foliage Gothic 17 x 33 , From the Architectural Museum Fragment From the Architectural Museum . 18 x 35 , Gothic 27 x 59 , Spandril From the Stone Church, Kent, England Frieze From Notre Dame, Paris. Gothic 13 x 24 , Rosette, from Frieze From Notre Dame, Paris. Gothic 12 x 12 , Fragment of Frieze . From Notre Dame, Paris. Gothic 6x5, Rosette, 13th Century Gothic 14 x 14 , From the Abbaye de St. Martin des-Champs, France Fragment of Frieze . From Notre Dame, Paris. Gothic 14x11 , Fragment of Frieze . From Notre Dame, Paris. Gothic 18 x 13 , Fragment of Frieze . From Notre Dame, Paris. Gothic 16 x 14 , l. $3.00 6.00 9.00 8.00 3.00 1.50 .75 3.50 1.50 3.50 3.50 1S990 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPROM AM) BROTHER 213 &*JF* «V^^r l.sw; 18997 m m 18994 1S99S 18999 18996 19000 No. 1S991 18992 18993 18994 18995 18996 18997 18998 18999 19000 Fragment of Frieze. From Notre Dame, Paris Study of Leaf Capital .... From Notre Dame, Paris Capital .... From Notre Dame, Paris Capital . . Gothic 14 x 15 in Gothic 10 x 9^ Gothic 20 x 16 Gothic 16 x 20 From a German Cathedral. Gothic 19 x 16 Gothic Height 11 ft. 6 Column, with Base and Capital . . From the Hotel de la Tremouille Capital, Tuscan Style 14 x 13 Capital Gothic \2% x 10 From the Cathedral at Nuremberg Guilloche Gothic 9% x 5 Angel's Wing A'eiiaissauce 11 x 7% JS2.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 30.00 2.50 2.00 .75 .75 214 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 19002 19001 19003 19005 19004 '3T Si 19013 19005 A 19014 19007 to 19011 Foliage Scroll Modern IS x 24 in. $3.00 19002 Panel from a Base Renaissance 18 x 25 ,, 2.50 From the Church of S. Maria dei Miracoli, Venice 19003 Scroll Renaissance V)}£x.2A% ,, 2.50 19004 Scroll Modem 10^x11^ ,, 1.00 19005 Scroll Modern 8 x 17 ,, 1.00 19005A Scroll Modern 8 x 17 ,, 1.00 19006 Scroll Modern 6% x 18 ,, 1.00 19007 Scroll From the Madeline, Paris 65 x 12 ,, 7.00 19008 First Lower Section of No. 19007 26 x 12 ,, 2.50 19009 Second Section of No. 19007 13 x 12 ,, 1.50 19010 Third Section of No. 19007 13 x 12 ,, 1.50 19011 Upper Section of No. 19007 13 x 12 ,, 1.50 19012 Acanthus Leaf Renaissance 19 x 11 „ 2.00 19013 Scroll, upright Renaissance 60 x 12 'i ,, 6.00 19014 Pilaster From Villa Madama, Rome 72 x 24 ,, 12.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 215 19015 19016 19017 19021 19019 19018 19022 No. 19015 Scroll . . 19016 Scroll 19017 Scroll . . 19018 Scroll 19019 Capital . 19020 Ornament . 19021 Capital . 19022 Griffin, relief 19023 Pilaster . 1902O From Villa Madama, Rome 20 x 48 in. $5.00 From Villa Madama, Rome 17 l i x 30 , From Villa Madama, Rome 14 x 40 , From Villa Madama, Rome 13 x 24 , . Renaissance 15 x 24 , . . Modern 19 x 35 , . Renaissance 18 x 11 , Renaissance 15 x 24 , . Renaissance 113 x 17 , 4.00 4.0H 2.50 2.50 3.00 2.50 2.50 15.00 r- vm t * \m V ■ 'v.ii 19025 »16 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI ANT) BROTHER s7> V**' V* r^ ^* ~ yx> J>5^ — *v - ^-~ *«. ^.m.. -'-..>*- - * » - >*♦ **- z V 1 ^;,^v ^s "^ * >• m Sat" c* --'V * * * _ A. >-< 19024 19025 19026 19027 19029 19030 19028 19031 19032 19033 W 1 •":.-> i illhriBijf^ i 19033 No. 19024 19025 19026 19027 19028 19029 19030 19031 19032 19033 19034 19035 19036 19037 19038 1903S Pilaster Renaissance Pilaster Renaissance Pilaster Renaissance Pilaster Renaissance Acanthus Renaissance Panel Renaissance Panel Renaissance Festoon Roman Fleur-de-lis Renaissance Pilaster Renaissance Pilaster Renaissance Scroll Renaissance Pilaster Renaissance From Church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli, Venice Fragment Renaissance From base of Marsuppini Tomb, Florence Fragment of Bracket Renaissance From pulpit in the Church of Santa Croce, Florence 25 x 6 in. $1.00 25 x 6 ,, 1.00 25 x 6 ,, 1.00 25 x 6 ,, 1.00 19 xl2 ,, 2.00 24 x 19 ,, 2.00 24 x 19 ,, 2.00 sy 2 xl3 ,, 1.25 13 x 8 ,, .75 14 x 4 ,, .75 53 x 6 ,, 4.00 13 x 42 3.00 31 x 6 ,, 2.00 9 x27 „ 3.00 24 x 20 ,, 4.00 19034 19036 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 217 19044 19045 19047 Renaissance Renaissance No. 19039 Panel 19040 Panel 19041 Acanthus. By Sansovino 19042 Frieze. By Sansovino. From Monument to Cardinal Basso, Rome 19043 Frieze. By Sansovino. From Monument to Cardinal Sforza, Rome 19044 Frieze. By Sansovino From Church of Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome 24 x 25 in. #4.50 25 x IS ,. 21 x 10 ,, 15 x 65 ,, 15 x 65 ,, 10x26 ,, 19045 Frieze. By Sansovino From Church of Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome 19046 Pilaster. By Sansovino From Church of Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome 19047 Pilaster. By Sansovino From Church of Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome 4.00 1.00 8.00 8.00 2.00 8x 17 ,, 1.50 29 x 7 ,, 2.00 56 x 7 ., 5.00 19046 218 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPR0N1 AND BROTHER 000 u-i in 10 hAtr-Y-r- ^'^t^ Ife 5»8& J j i rvl ■* ' ■- " ■S "i c: K) O- a- X X X V. .CO O u- u* 1— 1 CN ■a « .a to- co t3 8: 1 cu = O < 42 CO CI CO =0 B it ,*J 2 c y. ■g. 5 Q, Cfl '3 ~ JJ « 03 ^ 3! ■~ ^ ■^ PI v. c c J3 > 5 d W a .G s ■- a c c c n m E v. 5 Q 42 <£ CO a 3 1 Cj CU > >. 2 t= a .£; < 4* ft ft J oq m ON LT ir S 3 O c C CJ 31 J ' : 1907S 1 1- Pilasters Each 51^x8 in. $4.00 From the Tomb of Louis XI L, j Abbaye de Saint Denis, France Pilaster, with base . . . 59 s4' ; ,, 2.50 From the Tomb of Louis XII. 1 I r- Pilasters Each 32 x 4' From the Tomb of Louis XII., J Abbave de Saint Denis, France 19085 l'-*i is--, 220 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI ANT) BROTHER 19090 11 F-i- a -X. y n 19091 ■' 1 ■ ; 19092 19093 4M 19094 19100 'pi TO PS -V -L- rr' v 5lP 19095 19096 a,tr 19097 19098 19103 19109 : ~ ' li - _wt > • '1? No. 19090 Wtf&l 19100 19101 19111 19102 19103 19104 19105 19106 19107 19108 19109 19110 19111 19102 19104, 19105, 19106, 19107 to No. 19099 inclusive. Pilasters. From the Tomb of Louis XII., Abbave de Saint Denis, France . Each 32 x 4' Base of Pilaster. ' From the Tomb of Louis XII. . . . 21 x 11 Acanthus, Louis XVII 13^ x 9 Ornament, rococo style 23 x 13 Frieze 18 x 36 From the Ghiberti Gates of the Baptistry, Florence Frieze 18 x 36 From the Ghiberti Gates of the Baptistrv, Florence Egg Plant . . Section of No. 19104 18 x 12 Egg Plant . . Section of No. 19104 18 x 12 Pomegranate . Section of No. 19104 18 x 12 Frieze of Fruits. From the Ghiberti Gates .... 10 x 57 Frieze of Fruits. From the Ghiberti Gates .... 10 x 57 Frieze of Fruits. From the Ghiberti Gates .... 56 x 10 Frieze of Fruits. From the Ghiberti Gates .... 43 x 10 2 in. S2.00 2.00 1.50 2.50 6.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 19110 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BKOTHKK 221 19113 *^*4 ' fctt"^ y*"*\j "-**! • ■ / ' > — 1911 + 19120 19121 191 IS No. 19112 19113 1911 + 19115 19116 19117 191 IS 19119 19120 19121 19122 19123 1912+ 19119 19122 Flag Bracket. By Giacomo Cozzarelli Height Frieze. By Lorenzo Ghiberti 6 Frieze. By Benedetto da Rovezzano 8 Festoon of Fruits. By Desiderio da Settignano . . . 15' 2 ' Frieze, with Griffins. By Lorenzo Marina 13' z Pilaster . . . From Church of San Giobbe, Venice 91 'i Capital. By Andrea Orgagna 14 Capital. By Andrea Orgagna 13 Spiral Column. By Andrea Orgagna 23 'i Spiral Column . From the Duomo, Florence ... 31 Scroll, with Head of Griffin Renaissance 15 Capital Renaissance 11 Scroll Modern 16 19123 2 ft. 8 in x 31 x y- x46K x +S X 9' 2 x 13 x 12 x Hi', x S'A x 8 x 17 x 10'; $8.00 2.00 3.50 5.00 8.00 12.00 3.50 3.50 4.00 5.00 1.50 3.50 1.50 ^VVj i9ii; 1912+ 222 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER Festoon of Flowers and Ribbons. Modern No. 19125 9x28 in. $2.00 Festoon of Roses. Modern No. 19126 9x21 in. $2.00 Scroll Ita Ha ii Ren a issa nee No. 19127 12x17 in. $1.50 Rosette Renaissance No. 19128 5 x 5 in. $0.50 Rosette Fragment of No. 18902 No. 19130 16 x 15 in. $2.50 Fragment of Arch From the Alhambra No. 19129 39 x 18 in. $4.00 Fragment from Ceiling of the Treasury of Minyas Orchomenos. Greek No. 19131 37 x 23 in. $4.00 Leaf Detail of Frieze from the Duomo, Milan No. 19132 18 x 10 in. $2.00 V r%v Scroll Renaissance No. 19133 15# x 10J^ in. $2.00 Detail of Frieze From the Duomo, Milan No. 19134 18 x 14 in. $3.00 Egg and Dart No. 19135 6V 2 x 14 in. $2.50 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON1 AND BROTHER 223 Fragment from Notre Dame, Paris No. 19136 13Wx23j£in. $5.00 ■P ^ -• f V3 >- trilftii ' Acanthus Leaf Roman No. 19137 15J^ x 10K in. $2.00 Candelabra. Roman In Villa Medici, Rome No. 19138 Height 5 ft. 4 in. $30.00 ANATOMICAL STUDIES Anatomy of Man Anatomy of Man Anatomy of Man Anatomv of Man No. By Houdon By Goudron By Goudron No 2 "l004 * 21000 Height 6 ft $50.00 No. 21002 Height2 ft. 2 in. $5.00 No. 21003 Height 2 ft. $4.00 Height 2ft. 4in. $5.00 21001 ,, 2 ,, 4 in. 5.00 224 CATALOGUE OK P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER Anatomy of Man No. 21005 Height lft. -tin. $3.50 No. Anatomy of Man By Michelangelo 21007 Height 10 in. $1.00 Anatomy of Head Half showing bones, half muscles No. 21008 Height 1 ft. 8 in. $3.50 Anatomy of Man By Jacot No.21006 Height 3 ft. 2 in. $10.00 No. Anatomy of Horse By Isidore Bonheur 21009 Height 1 ft. 3 in. .00 Anatomy of Man's Head From Nature No. 21010 Height 1 ft. 3 in. $3.00 Anatomy of Man No 21012 Height 3 ft. 5 in. Anatomy of Man's Torso From Nature No. 21011 Height 2 ft. 4 in. $10.00 $10.00 (For other Anatomical Subjects, see Studies of farts of the Body ) Anatomy of Tyrian Hercules No. 21013 Height 2 ft. 8 in. $10.00 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 225 226 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 227 228 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 229 230 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 231 232 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPROXI AND BROTHER CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON'I AND BROTHE] 233 234 < VTALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON] AM) BROTHER NOTE In Ordering 1. — Write name and address plainly, thus avoiding errors and delay. 2. — Give catalogue numbers, sizes and prices (do not cut catalogue as no illustrations are necessary). 3. — State whether the goods are wanted in the plain white or ivory finish. 4. — Specify whether shipment is to be made by freight or express. If carrier is not designated, it is understood that goods will be shipped by freight or express as we deem best. We send no goods by mail. 5- — Add 10% of catalogue prices as charge for cases and packing. Minimum charge for packing is K cents. Transportation charges are paid by the purchaser. 6. — C. O. D. orders should be accompanied by a remittance equal to 2$% of catalogue prices. Discount to Schools A liberal discount will be allowed to educational institutions. We solicit correspondence relative to schoolroom decoration. We furnish class plates of polished brass, with letters engraved and filled with black enamel. Prices one dollar and upwards according to length of inscription and size of plate. CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON] AND BROTHER METHOD OF CLEANSING CASTS To cleanse our casts, first wet the piece with lukewarm water; then dip a wet sponge or bristle brush in dry " Pearline " and rub the cast all over quickly. After this rinse the piece with fresh water, not allowing the " Pearline " to remain on it longer than is necessary. This process should be used only on casts which have been treated with the Ivory Finish, or some other preparation which fills the pores of the plaster and renders the surface hard and smooth. Soiled casts which have no hardening finish can be cleansed only by an experienced person. Estimates for cleansing and repairing casts furnished upon application Casts refinished Marbles repaired, cleaned, packed or unpacked Post Mortem masques taken, also casts of hands, feet, etc. Plasteline, modeling clay and flic finest grades of plaster for sale P. P. CAPRONI AND BROTHER 1914-1920 Washington Street Boston 236 CATALOGUE OF P. P. CAPRON'I AND BROTHER METHOD OF ATTACHING RELIEFS AND BRACKETS TO WALLS All large reliefs made by us are cast on a wooden frame which surrounds the edges of the reliefs, and the plaster is reinforced at the back with layers of burlap and fibre imbedded in the plaster, thus making the reliefs strong and durable and as light as an ordinary framed picture with glass. We do not recommend hanging large reliefs by wires. A large relief should rest upon a wooden moulding, and it should be fastened close to the wall by means of screws through the rings with which the top of every relief is provided. See illustration below. All of our brackets are furnished with a wooden support, which simplifies the method of attaching them to the wall, thus making them firm and secure. Any carpenter should be able 6^. to attach reliefs or brackets without any difficulty by following the instructions given below. A. — Wooden support, which is first fastened to the wall. B. — Screws, used for attaching wooden support to wall. C. — Section view of plaster bracket in position over wooden support. D.— Screw holding the bracket and wooden support together. E. — Position of hooks at top of bracket, through which screws are placed. F. — Wooden moulding supporting relief. The mould- ing can either be nailed or screwed to the wall before placing the relief upon it. G. — Section view of relief. H.— Method of fastening the relief to wall by means of screw through the ring at the top of the relief. If the ring should not come opposite a stud, a screw-eye can be used as shown in the illus- tration. Note that the screw-eye is put in at an angle through the plaster and down into the wooden frame which is inside of every large relief. The Barta Press, Boston - New York / 263 294 8