,E BOOK AMD Indium of General Information FOR USE OF {State Printing Office Employees hate Department Authors |lifornia State Printing Department Robert L. Telfer. Supt. Sacramento 19 16 STYLE BOOK AIND Compendium of General Information FOR USE OF California State Printing Office Employees and State Department Authors California State Printing Department Robert L. Telfer, Supt. Sacramento 19 16 19453 K • tzzss GENERAL INFORMATION. Q2.L Duties and Authority of Superintendent, Ofipf, Sec. 52G. [Political Code.] It is the duty/ of the sui)erinteiidont of state printing : O71C — To print the laws, including initiative measures adopted by the people, prefixing to the text of each act the date of approval or adop- tion and the date of going into effect of such act ; the journals of the legislature ; reports of state officers ; public documents ordered to be printed by the legislature ; blanks for the officers and departments of the state government ; bills, resolutions, and other printing which may be ordered by either of the two houses of the legis- lature, and all other public printing for the state, unless otherwise expressly ordered by law, Ihvo — To publish, prefixed to each volume of the statutes, the constitution of the state and the name and place of residence of the governor and other executive officers of the state, lieu- tenant governor, senators and members of the assembly, the presiding officers of the senate and assembly, and of the commissioners of the state of California residing out of the state and in office at the time of such publication ; the certificate of the secretary of state showing what acts, or sections or parts of acts, of the legislature are delayed from going into effect by a referendum petition properly certified and filed in his office ; and the certificate of the sec- retary of state showing the result of any elec- tion upon any question submitted to the electors of the state within two years next preceding by either initiative or referendum petition. Three — To perform the duties required by the provisions of article twelve, chapter two, title one, part three, of this code, and such other duties as are imposed upon him by law. Four — He shall keep in his office, open to public inspection, a time book, containing the name of exevy employee connected with the state printing office, the time employed, the rate of wages, and amount paid ; and he shall certify, under oath, to the correctness of all claims for services rendered and materials furnished, which certificate shall be attached to and presented with each claim^h|tr|hAll'M3e> presented to the __ 4 -- state board of control for allowance, and no such claim shall be certified or allowed unless it be fully itemized. Five — He shall file in the office of the sec- retary of state, all proposals, bids, contracts, bonds, and other papers appertaining to the awarding of contracts now in his possession, or which may hereafter come into his possession, retaining in his office copies of the same ; and the secretary of state shall promptly furnish the state board of control, for their use, cer- tified copies of all such papers. t(— No printing for the senate or th-^ assembly, or any committee of the same, shall be executed except upon an official order of the secretary or chief clerk respectively trans- mitted to him. J'Jifjht — The receipts of the respective serjjeaiit- at-arms or the secretary or chief clerk of the senate and assembly shall be a sufficient vouchor to the superintendent of state printin,n for alj work done for either house. Xiiic — To maintain a bill-filins' room for the senate and assembly, to file all bills, resolutions, journals and such other papers as may be ordered by either the senate or assembly ; to place all such bills, resolutions, journals and other papers in proper binders for the use of the memb(M-s of the legislature, and to perform such other duties in connection with the filiujj," and distribution of such bills, resolutions, journals and other papers as may be required by law, or the rules or special orders of either house of the legislature. Sec. 581. [Political Code.] The duties of the superintendent of state printing shall be as follows : He shall have the entire charge and superintendence of the state printing and bind- ing. He shall take charge of and be resi)on- sible on his bond for all manuscripts and other matter which may be placed in his hands to be printed, bound, engraved, or lithograjihed, and shall cause the same to be promptly executed. He shall receive from the senate or assem])ly all matter ordered by either house to be printed and bound, or either printed or bound, and shall keep a record of the same, and of the order in which it may be received ; and when the work shall have been executed, he shall deliver the finished sheets or volumes to the sergeant-at- arms of the senate or assembly, or of any de- partment authorized to receive them, wdiose receipt therefor shall be a sufficient voucher to the said superintendent of state printing for their delivery. He shall receive and promptly execute all orders for printing or binding re- quired to be done for the various state officers. Provided, that the said superintendent of state printing shall have discretionary authority to revise, reduce, or decline to execute any order, or part of any order, which in his judgment is unnecessary or unwarranted by law. and which will tend to unnecessarily consume the appro- priation for support of the state printing office ; and provided, furiher, that in the event of any state officer, board, commission, or state insti- tution considering the decision of the said — G — superintendent of state printing unfair, he may refer the matter to the state board of control, which board shall determine the matter. He shall employ such compositors, bookbinders, pressmen and assistants as the exigency of the work from time to time requires, and ffiay at any time discharge such employees. Provided, that at no time shall he pay said compositors, bookbinders, pressmen or assistants a lower rate of wages than the average w^age paid by those employing such mechanics in Sacramento, San Francisco. Oakland and Los Angeles for like work. He shall at no time emploj- more compositors, bookbinders, press- men or assistants than the absolute necessities of the state printing may demand, and he shall not permit any other than state work to be done in the state printing office. The superintendent of state printing shall, on or before the fifteenth day of September of each year, make a report, in writing, to the governor, embracing a record of the complete transactions of his office for the preceding fiscal year, which report shall show in detail all the items of expense attending the state printing and all the expenses of the office, including repairs and the purchase of materials of all kinds. Said report shall also state the number of reams and various kinds of paper delivered to him, and the amount and quality remaining on hand, which report shall be printed, bien- nially, for the use of the legislature. Sec. 529. [Political Code.] The superin- tendent of state printing shall decide upon the style and manner of printing all laws and other state documents. (Preceding is "bill" style.) "RUSH" JOBS. Departments requesting that a job be "rushed" should bear in mind that all requisitions upon this department for printing and rubber stamps are submitted to the State Board of Control for approval before any expense is incurred in executing same. This submission to the board and return to this department requires from 24 to 48 hours. Prompt attention is given all orders for print- ing, but it is only when the exigencies of the case demand it that night or Sunday work is performed, as the latter adds materially to the cost, whether the job be large or small, REPRINTS. This department will endeavor to keep stand- ing the type or plates for forms in common use in the various state offices, whenever in our judg- ment it would be of advantage to do so. This applies to forms of an intricate nature. All sim- ple jobs, including pamphlet and book forms, are broken up immediately upon being printed, unless a request has been made by the depart- ment concerned to have the matter held for future publication. Such request should not be made later than the time of returning final "Author's Proof" and should state how long the matter is to be held. Do not ask to have type stored unless reasonably certain of a reprint. A small charge, sufficient to cover the actual cost of storage, will be made when a job is ordered held. RUBBER STAMPS. The state printing department is prepared to manufacture rubber stamps of every descriij- tion required by state departments, and carries in stock a complete line of stamp pads, inks, rubber type, daters, numberers, time stamps, etc. Rubber stamps and supplies may be purchased on the regular printing requisitions, which are in the possession of all state departments. PRINTING FUNDS. State departments in doubt as to balances in their respective printing funds may obtain this information by writing to the Superintendent of State Printing. It is suggested that where doubt exists as to availability of funds for a printing job of con- sequence, copy and complete specifications be submitted to this department with request for an approximate cost estimate of the completed job, which will be promptly furnished. SUGGESTIONS TO AUTHORS. To get correct printinf) at a minimum cost, hegin with correct copy. Do not tvait to sec Jiow the proof sheets look and then start editing. This Style Book is intended to simplify and facilitate state printing-, and authors are re- qnested to prepare copy in consonance herewith, that best results may be attained and cost of printing kept to a minimum. Copy should be typewritten, on sheets 8J by 11 inches, or i)referably 7i by 85 inches, and sent flat. When carbon copies are made, only the originals should be sent to this office. The size, 7^ by 8^ inches, is most convenient because it is the proper size for the copyboard of the linotype machine ; any larger size has to be folded or cut, consuming time and increasing cost. It is also one-sixth of a sheet of folio, and will be supplied by this office to any author pre- paring copy for the state. Write on one side of the paper only, and begin each page with a paragraph when convenient. Typewriting should invariably be spaced, and no interlineations made, or inserts pinned or pasted on. Proper names, foreign words or phrases, and all technical words should be written plainly and verified. Signatures and figures should be especially plain. Corrections should never be made by writing over the originals. Abbreviations should never be made unless it is intended they should be followed. The frequent use of italic should be avoided, either for emphasis or where foreign words may be Anglicized. Photographs and drawings for illustrations should accompany the manuscript, bearing the figure or plate number, and the position of each indicated in the copy by such figure or plate number. The size of all cuts, maps, etc.. should be determined by this office in order that proper dimension and marginatiou be secured. 9 When cuts nro sont with mannsoript. tho fiiiure or phite nuiiiber should be i)hiiul.v marked on the bottom of each. Copy for the complete publication should be submitted at one time. It invariably delays printing- to have copy arrive in installments. Begin with cover (if one is desired), and follow with separate copy for title page. The usual order is : Cover, title, table of contents, list of illustrations, list of plates or figures, letter of transmittal, introduction, text, and index. When the index is elaborate, it may be com- piled from page proofs ; but preferably the skele- ton copy for contents and index should accom- pany the manuscript. This is especially true of the contents, as the copy serves as a guide to the arrangement of the book, and is of value in determining the relative importance of the head- ings throughout. Footnotes and references should be written at the bottom of the copy pages and as near to the subject matter as possible. A letter of instruction should accompany the complete copj' furnished, giving in detail the author's idea of the plan of the publication desired. Samples furnished should be plainly marked, indicating what is desired to be followed in type, size, paper or binding. Marking Proof. This office will endeavor to send as clear I^roofs as may be made from the copy furnished, and all corrections should be made on such proofs submitted. Revised proofs will be sent when asked for. Avoid asking for page proofs when possible. Answer all queries on proof, and make cor- rections on the margin of the sheet, opposite the errors occurring. Do not write over the print or between the lines. Proofs should be marked to conform to the following style : — 10 — PROOF=READERS' MARKS X ff Bad letter. "V Apostrophe. J. Push down space. \y Quotation. S> Turn oyer. / Hyi^hen, 4 Dele— talce out. ^ Straighten. m Space. c Move to left. s^ Close up. n JMove to right, O Period. D Em quad. '/ Comma. /-/ Em dash. '/ Colon. /-v Two-em dash,. '/ Semicolon. \ Paragraph. No 11 No paragraph wf. Wrong font. slet Let it stand. tr. Transpose. Caps Capital letters s. c. Small caps I.e. Lower case. Rom. Roman. A line both above and below letters or words, and the marks rei)eated in the margin, denotes faulty alignment. Ordinarily, one line drawn under a word indicates Ualics ; two lines, SMALL caps; three lines, CAPS. — 11 — BEFORE READING "There is notvjing advantageous to the printer advocated by any organization which was not long ago taken up by the United Typothetae of America and made a part of its work. But no other asso- ciation has a range of activities at all comparable to that of the Typothctae. Use your influence there fore. to put an end to the folly which isfritter- ing away so much of the power of organization through sporadic independent movements," says one writer." "It takes years to build up a strong and successful organization such as the United Typothetje of America. For that reason the thing to do is to take advantage of the excellent and ener getic organizationBersonifipfl, as the Chair ap- pointed Chamber, Senate, Assembly. Chamber of Commerce. Chief Justice. Chief Magistrate. Chief of the Bureau. Chinese Six Companies. Christendom. Christian, Christianity, Christianize. Church (when name is given, referring to building or sedt). City, when part of name only, as King City : when part of title in suit at law, as City of Sacramento brought action, etc. Code, Civil, Civil Procedure, Penal, Political. College, Healds. Mills, etc. Commission, when part of title, as Civil Ser- vice Commission, Railroad Commission, etc. commission (standing alone). commissioner (standing alone) . Commonwealth (meaning state). Controller, State. controller (standing alone). Congress (United States). congressional. Congressmen. Continent, when with name ; otherwise lower- case. Convention, Constitutional. First Annual, etc, convention. Republican national. Corps. Signal, Hospital. corps (standing alone). Council, City. council, the. Court, Supreme, Circuit, Appellate. court, the. Dam, Roosevelt. No. 1. Delegate, in Congress. Deputy, when preceding capitalized title. Director of Census ; the director. — 23 — District of Alaska, of Columbia. district, senatorial, assembly, congressional. east Africa. east Tennessee. East, the (meaning section of the United States). Eastern Hemisphere. Equator, the. Executive (meaning President, Governor; also Chief). Executive Council. Executive Department. Executive Mansion, Office. Exhibit A, B, No. 1, etc. Far East (the Orient). far eastern. far West. flag, the ; but Old Flag, Stars and Stripes, etc. Fleet, Pacific. Form A, B, etc., 1, 2, etc. Forty-niner. General Assembly, gospel. Gospel, referring to first four books of the New Testament. government, seat of. Governor. Governor General. Grand Army of the Republic. Great Divide. headquarters. Army, etc. Heaven (Deity) ; heaven (place). Hemisphere, Eastern, Western ; the hemis- phere. High School, Lincoln. His Excellency the Governor. Holidays, etc. : Decoration or Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Dav. New-year's Day, etc. Holy Writ (Bible). Hospital, Providence ; the hospital. House, when part of name. House of Representatives. House, when meaning oflBcial title. 24 — House, when Chaplain of, Clerk of, etc. Hygienic Laboratory. independence, in the year of our independence. Indian, American, Digger, Siwash ; an Indian, island of Cuba. Porto Rica, etc. Isthmian Canal. Isthmus (Panama). Jersey cattle. Jim Crow. Journal Clerk. Journal of the House, or Senate, Ku-Klux Klan. Legislature, California ; the legislature of California. Letters Patent No. 1. Librarian of Congress. Librarian, State. Lighthouse, Point Arena ; but the lighthouse at Point Arena. line, S. P. Railroad. Lock 1, No. 1., etc. lower house of the legislature. Magna Charta. Marine Corps. Mikado. Military Academy ; the academy. Mint, San Francisco ; the mint, Monroe Doctrine. National (when preceding capitalized name). National Park. Naval asylum. Naval Observatory. Naval station. Navy (adjective, noun, and standing alone). Navy Yard. Mare Island, New World, North Pacific Squadron. North Pole, North, the (section of the United States). northerners. northern California. — 25 — Observatory, Lick ; the observatory at Mount Hamilton. Occident, the. occidental. Old World. Order of Business. Ordnance I )epartment. Organized Militia. Orient, the. oriental customs, orientals. Pacific coast, slope, seaboard. Pan American Union. Philippine Assembly, Legislature. Pilgrim Fathers. Pole, North, South : the pole. Political parties : Republican Party, Demo- cratic Party, etc. ; a Progressive, a Republican, etc. Post OflBce Department. Postal Union. Printer, State. Range, Coast (mountains). Reform School, Whittier. Regent, University. Representative (in Congress). Register of the Land Office. Reservation, Round Valley. Revised Statutes. route No. 1234, R. F. D. route No. 1. Rule XX ; rule 20. Rules and Articles of War. Sabbath, Sabbath Day. School, Monroe, Jefferson, Girls, etc. ; the school. Scriptures. Secretary of State. Senate, Chaplain, Chief Clerk, President pro tempore, etc. Senator (in Congress) ; senatorial. Sergeant-at-Arms (Senate or Assembly). — 26 — Service, Field, Mail, Internal-Revenue ; the service. Seventh-day Adventists. Son of man. Sound, Puget ; the Sound, when referring. South, the (section of the United States). southerners. Southland, the. Squadron. Pacific. States, Middle, Gulf, etc. Statutes 1915. Statutes. Revised. street. Fifteenth, L, etc. Superintendent (when part of title, as Super- intendent of Public Instruction). superintendent (when standing alone). Supreme Bench. Survey, Coast, Geodetic. Surveyor General. Table A, Table 1. time, eastern, central, mountain, standard. trans-Pacific. State Treasurer. treaty. Tropic of Capricorn. Trust, Steel ; the trust. Union (when meaning the United States). Union, Typographical. Union Depot. Universit3% California ; the university. upper house. War, European ; the war. ward 1. 2, etc. West, the (section of the United States). Western Hemisphere. White House. X-rays. Zone, Frigid, Temperate, Canal, P. P. I. E. ; the zone. Zoo, the. Miscellaneous. Copy marked "Fol." means to follow signs. figures, italics, abbreviations, and idiomatic expressions, but the office style should be fol- lowed in capitalization, compounds, etc. Copy marked "Fol. lit." means to follow liter- ally throughout. Xamesi of vessels should be in italic, and where occurring in heads or cap lines, should be quoted but not italicized. The words "see," "see also," should be in italic when in indexes only. . As a rule italic should be followed as marked. Follow copy on center heads, and in flush heads capitalize only the first word and proper nouns. Where side heads are run in. lower- case the words and end with a period. If followed by a dash, principal words go up. Citations in text should be sentences, and in parentheses when occurring at end of a sentence. Avoid frequent division of words, but keep spacing uniform. Divide compound words at the hyphen onlj-. Avoid divisions in wide measures. More than two consecutive divisions are not allowable. Two-letter divisions will not be passed except in very narrow measure. Do not. if possible to prevent, make a division on the first or last lines of a paragraph. If compelled on the last line, run over not less than four- letters. Do not separate the initials in a name, or the abbreviated title from the name, or run over Esq., Jr., Sr. ; nor separate a.m., p.m., A. D., N. Y., sec, p., No., or Rule from the accompanying number, or make any other incongruous separation. Do not have two consecutive lines beginning or ending with the same word, if possible to avoid, and not more than two under any circumstances ; nor any line in wide measure ending with the article "a." (Leader and tabular matter are excep- tions.) Use three stars separated by an em quad to denote an ellipsis in text. If a full line of stars — 28 — is markerl, use seven, indented two ems at each end of the line. Do not overrun stars at the end of paragraph. Indentions should be uniform, as to para- graphs, hanging indentions, signatures, date lines, etc. Smaller type extracts should have the same indention in points as the text. Overruns may be any number of ems, to prevent conflict with other indentions, but should be uniform on a page. This also applies to total lines in leader matter. In indexes, where leaders are used, allow a full em before the page figures ; if the page figures extend back to the text, use an en quad. Indexes are to be the general text style, except that names of vessels go in roman, and "see," or "see also," go in italic. « In resolutions, "Whereas," in the preamble, \ should be set in cap and small caps and begin a paragraph. "Therefore be it" should follow a colon and run in with the last "Whereas." I Resolved, (followed by comma) should be in italic and the word following should be capital- ized. — 29 CORRECT TITLES, STATE OFFICIALS, BOARDS, BUREAUS, AND COMMISSIONS. Elective. Governor. Lieutenant Governor. Secretary of State. Controller. Treasurer. Attorney General. Surveyor General and ex officio Register of State Land Office. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Appointive. Advisory Pardon Board. Board of Colton Hall Trustees. Board of Fish and Game Commissioners. Board of Medical Examiners of the State of California. Board of Monterey Custom House Trustees. Board of Sutter's Fort Trustees. Bureau of Labor Statistics. California Highway Commission of the Depart- ment of Engineering. California Historical Survey Commission. California State Board of Examiners in Optome- try. California State Library. California State Motor Vehicle Department. California State Redwood Park Commission. Chief of Legislative Counsel Bureau. Clerk of Supreme Court. Conference Commission on Irrigation, Recla- mation, Water Storage, Flood Control, and Drainage. Conservation Commission. Commission of Immigration and Housing. Commission on Rural Credits and Agricultural Finance. Commission to Investigate and Report Upon Systems of Social Insurance. Commission to Investigate and Report Upon Questions of Land Colonization and Rural Credits. — 30 — Commission to Investigate Old Age Insurance and Pensions and INIothers' Pensions. Commissioner of Building and Loan Associations. Department of Engineering. Eclectic Medical Society of tlie State of Cali- fornia. Guardian of Marshall's Monument. Harbor Commissioners for the Bay of San Diego. Harbor Commissioners for the Port of Eureka. Harbor Commissioners for the Port of San Jose. Harbor Board — San Pedro and Wilmington. Homeopathic Medical Society of the State of California. Industrial Accident Commission. Industrial Welfare Commission. Inspectors of Citrus Fruit Shipments. Insurance Commissioner. Legislative Counsel Bureau. Officers of the Medical Society of the State of California. Osteopathic Association of the State of Cali- fornia. Panama-California Exposition Commission. Panama-Pacific International Exposition Com- mission. Pilot Commissioners — San Francisco, Mare Island, Vallejo, and Benicia. Pilot Commissioners^ — San Diego. Port Wardens, San Francisco. Railroad Commission. Recreational Inquiry Commission. Revenue and Taxation Commission. Stallion Registration Board. State Banking Department. State Board of Accountancy. State Board of Agriculture. State Board of Architecture. State Board of Charities and Corrections. State Board of Control. State Board of Dental Examiners. State Board of Education. State Board of Embalmers. State Board of Equalization. State Board of Examiners in Veterinary Medi- cine. State Board of Forestry. State Board of Harbor Commissioners. State Board of Health. State Board of Pharmacy. r.i State Board of Vitioultural Commissioners. State Civil Service Commission. State Commissioner of Horticulture. State Commission Market. State Commission Market Director. State Commission to Deal with Problems of Navigation. Reclamation, Irrigation, and Con- servation. State Cori)oration Department. State Dairy Bureau. State Dental Surgeon. State Mineralogist. State Capitol IManning Commission. State Purchasing Agent. State Reclamation Board. State Superintendent of Weights and Measures. State Veterinarian. State Water Commission. Superintendent of State Printing. The Adjutant General. Trustees State Burial Grounds. Trustees State Mineral Cabinet. Veterans' Home of California. Woman's Relief Corps Home California. Association of EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. California Polytechnic School. College of Dentistry (University of California). College of Pharmacy (University of California). Hastings College of the Law (University of Cali- fornia), Leland Stanford .Junior University. Medical School (University of California). San Francisco Institute of Art. State Normal School, Humboldt. State Normal School, Chico. State Normal School, Fresno, State Normal School, Los Angeles. State Normal School, San Diego. State Normal School, San Francisco, State Normal School, San Jose, State Normal School of Mi anual Arts and Home Economics, Santa Barbara, "" University of California. University Farm. — 32 — HOSPITALS, PUNITIVE INSTITUTIONS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS. Asnews State Hospital. California School for the Deaf and the Blind. California School for Girls. Industrial Home of Mechanical Trades for the Adult Blind. Mendocino State Hospital, Napa State Hospital. Norwalk State Hospital. Preston School of Industry. Sonoma State Home. Southern California State Hospital. State Board of Prison Directors. State Commission in Lunacy. State Prison at Folsom. State Prison at San Quentin. Stockton State Hospital. Whittier State School. CORRECT TITLES OF CORPORATIONS. The following- list gives the corporate name of the principal railroads, water, gas, electric, tele- graph and telephone companies operating in the State of California : Railroads — Steam. Amador Central Railroad Company. Areata and Mad River Railroad Company. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Com- pany, The. Bay Point and Clayton Railroad Company. Boca and Loyalton Railroad Company. Bucksport and Elk River Railroad Company. Butte County Railroad Company. California Western Railroad and Navigation Company. Camino, Placerville and Lake Tahoe Railroad Company. Cement, Tolenas and Tidewater Railroad Com- pany. Colusa and Lake Railroad Company. Cresent City Railway. Diamond and Caldor Railroad Company. Holton Interurban Railway Company. Iron Mountain Railway Company. — 33 - Lake Tahoe Railway and Transportation Com- pany. Los Auffeles and San Diego Beach Railway Company. ^IcCloud River Railroad Company. ^Nlill Valley and Mount Tamalpais Scenic Rail- way. ^[odesto and Empire Traction Company. Xevada-California-Oreson Railway Company. Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad Com- pany. Northwestern Pacific Railroad Company. Ocean Shore Railroad Company. Pacific Coast Railway Company. Pajaro Valley Consolidated Railroad Company. Quincy Western Railroad Company. Sacramento Valley and Eastern Railway. San Diego and Southeastern Railway Company. San Diego and Arizona Railway Company. San Joaquin and Eastern Railroad Company. San Pedro. Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Company. Sierra Railway Company of California. South San Francisco Belt Railway Company. Southern Pacific Company. Stockton Terminal and Eastern Railroad Com- pany. Stone Canyon Railroad. Sugar Pine Railroad Company. Sunset Railway Company. Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad Company. Ventura County Railway Company. Western Pacific Railway Company. Yosemite Valley Railroad Company. Yreka Railroad Company. Railroads — Electric. Bakersfield and Kern Electric Railway Com- pany. California Street Cable Railroad Company. Central California Traction Company. Fresno City Railway Company. Fresno Traction Company. Humboldt Transit Company. Los Angeles Railway Corporation. Monterey and Pacific Grove Railway Company. Nevada County Traction Company. Northern Electric Railway Company. Northern Electric Company (Marysvilje and Colusa Branch). 3—19453 — 34 — Oakland and Antioch Railway. Oakland, Antioch and Eastern Railway. Pacific Electric Railway Company. Peninsular Railway Company. Petaluma and Santa Rosa Railway Company. Point Loma Railroad Company. Presidio and Ferries Railway Company. Sacramento Terminal Company. Sacramento Valley Electric Railroad Company. Sacramento and Woodland Railroad Company. San Diego Electric Railway Company. San Francisco, Napa and Calistoga Railway Company. San Francisco-Oakland Terminal Railways. San Jose Railroads. Santa Barbara Consolidated Railroad Company. South San Francisco Railroad and Power Com- pany. Stockton Electric Railroad Company. Tidewater Southern Railway Company. Union Traction Company. United Railroads of San Francisco. Visalia Electric Railroad Company. Water Companies. American Canyon Water Company. American Irrigation Company. Bay Point Light and Water Company. Boulder Creek Electric Light and Water Com- pany. Butte County Power, Light and Water Com- pany. Central Canal Company, The. California-Oregon Power Company. Coast Valleys Gas and Electric Company. Crocker Tract Water System. j Crocker-Huffman Land and Water Company. ^ East Side Canal and Irrigation Company. Fairmont Water Company. Fresno Canal and Irrigation Company. Kern River Canal and Irrigating Company. Kings River and Fresno Canal Company. La Habra Valley Land and Water Company. Madera Canal and Irrigation Company. Marin Water and Power Company. , Midland Counties I'ublic Service Corporation. Natomas Water Company. Northern California Power Company, Consoli- dated. Northern Water and Power Company. — 35 — Oro Wntcr, Li.ulit and I'owor Company. I'ciiinsular Walor Company. Peoples AVater Company of Oakland. San .Toaqnin I.isilit and Power Corporation. San Joaquin and Kings River Canal and Irriga- tion Company. San Jose Water Company. Santa Clara Water and Irrigation Company. San Francisco-Oakland Terminal Power Com- pany. Sierra and San Francisco Power Company. Sonoma Valley AYater, Light and I'ower ('om- ]iany. South Feather Land and Water Compauy. South Los Angeles AVater Company. South San Francisco AA^ater Company. Southern California Mountain AVater Company. Spring A'alley AA'atpr Com])any. Union AVater Company of California, The. AA^est San Joaquin A'alley AA^ater Company. AA'est Side Irrigation Company. Yolo County Consolidated AA^'ater Company. Miscellaneous. Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company. Crescent City Light, Water and Power Company, (ireat AA^estern Power Company. Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Los Angeles. Los Angeles Gas Corporation. Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Pacific Light and Power Corporation. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, The. Postal Telegraph-Cable Company. Sacramento Gas Company. Southern California Edison Company. Southern Counties Gas Company of California. United States Long Distance Telephone and Telegraph Company. AA'ells Fargo & Company. AA^estern Fuel, Gas and Power Company. AA'estern Union Telegraph Company, — 3(J — ABBREVIATIONS. Abbreviatious should be few, and ouly the accepted forms used. Spell out Christian names except in signa- tures. When Christian names are abbreviated, use Danl.. Edwd., Saml., Thos.. without an apos- trophe. Follow copy on Alex. Ben. Ed, Fred, and Sam, as these names are not always abbre- viations. Never use Jno. or Jos. In firm names use & with names of individuals, and spell out in companies, usually ; but the certified name of the company or corporation should be followed. Use '*and" in literary and artistic composition. AVhen abbreviations are used the following list will serve as a partial guide. It should be borne in mind that many abbreviations are proper ouly when in parentheses : A.D. (anno Domini) . A.M. ( anno mundi ) . a.m. and p.m. for time. art. or arts, for article or articles. B.t.u. (British thermal units). B. (Baume) ; C. (centigrade) ; F. (Fahren- heit) ; R. (Reamur). Cal. for California (never Calif.). C. C. for Civil Code: C. C. P. for Code of Civil Procedure. C. Cr. P. for Code of Criminal Procedure. c.c. for cubic centimeter. ,ch. or chs. for chapter or chapters. *C. R. C. for California Railroad Commission. E., W.. N., S., for compass directions. In compound terms, close up, as SE., NNW., etc. ed. for edited. edit, for edition. e.g. for e^iempli gratia. et al.. "rfnd others". etc. for et cetera. et seq. for et sequentes. fig. or figs, for figure or figures. ib., ibid., for ibidem. id. for idem. Jr. for junior (following surname). k.w. for kilowatt. lb. or lbs. for pound or pounds. loc. cit. for loco citato, lib. for book. lin. for linear. — 37 — m. for meter, dm., cm., etc. mm. for milliinotor: mm.-, for square milli- nicler. No. or Xos.. wht'H preceding fi.s>ui"cs. op. cit, for opcre citato. oz. or o/s. for ounce or ounces. p. or pp. for pace or paijes. P. C. for Political Code. par. or pars, for i)ara,arapli or paraijraphs. l*en. C. for Penal Code. l)er cent (no period) for per centum. pi. or pis. for plate or plates. ])t. or pts. for part or parts : pint or pints. qt. or qts. for quart or quarts. R.R. for railroad and Rv. for railway. Rev. Stat, for Revised Statutes, or R. S.. if so written: British Statutes: 24 and 44 Vict., 75 : Geo. V, 25. sec. or sees, for section or sections. sp. nov. for species nova. sp. gv. for specific gravity. Sr, for senior (following surname). ss (no period) for silicet (as Sacramento County ss). I^. S. only when preceding name of vessel, as TT. S. S. Brooklyn ; or in parentheses. viz (no period), for videlicet. vol. or vols, for volume or volumes. vs. for versus. yr. or yrs. for year or years. Si)e]l out amounts of money in bills and reso- lutions. Use figures in measures, as 20 bushels. 2 gallons, etc. Express money in text, as $3 per pound ; 75 cents each. In Scriptural texts, Genesis xvi, 24 ; II Samuel viii, 9-13. Spell out figures beginning a sentence or fol- lowing a colon. Spell common fractions when alone, as i, one- fourth : ^. one-half. In percentage. 10 per cent, 2.3 per cent ; but one-half of one per cent. In dimensions, use 8 bv 10 inches, in text. In tables. S x 10 inches, or 8" x 10". Express degrees in figures and use degree mark, as 45°, 90° F., etc. Express numbers greater than 1,000 as, one thousand five hundred sixty dollars. — 38 — When two numbers occur together, as 20 l()-incli suns, use twenty 10-incli s'uns. Use superior tigures for references and foot- notes, and inftM'ior fijiui'cs in clKMiiical formulas. Use tigures for di'cimals. and supply cipher where there is no unit, as 0.24, $0.81 per lb. P]xi)ress amounts with fiijures used partMithet- ically thus : Three hundred dollars ($300) ; ten (10) per cent; four (4) feet. Spell the related numbers in liesinnlns: a sentence, as "Four or tive hundred distinguished persons were present." Express distance in figures, as HO miles, IS yards, 10 feet 6 inches ; but spell out fractions, as one-third mile. Spell out amounts from one to ten, except enumerations of weight, measure, distance, clock time, money, percentage, degrees, votes, stocks, bonds, and age. Si)ell out months in texts and indexes, and abbreviate in tabular and leader work, footnotes and sidenotes when followed by day of month. Use Jan., Feb., Mar., Ai)r., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. ; but May, June, July. If descriptions of lands are copies of docu- ments they should be followed verbatim. If discretion is to be used : N. ^ Sec. 20, T. 7 N., n. 2 W., M. D. B. & M. When fractions are to be spelled, use half and quarter, not one-half, one-quarter. ACCENTS. Accents will be omitted in all state work, unless insisted upon by the author. — 39 — COMPOUND AND NONCOMPOUND WORDS. Compound Words. Follow Webster's Dictionary j?enerally in the use or omission of the hy])hen or space between words. The vocabulary of double words (p. 41) is inserted for convenient reference. It shows some variations which are to be followed. Com- pound adjectives generally take the hyphen. all-round man. asked-for opinion. contested-election case. cotton-boll weevil. iron-ship builder. joint-stock company. light-green color. national-bank note(s). sea-island cotton. state-bank note(s). 8.")-candlepower lamp. Tr>-liorsepower engine. 12-iuch main. §-iuch pipe. ten 10-horsepower cars. Do not confuse a qualifying word with a sub- ject word ; for instance, a shoemaker may be a German shoemaker. If he makes wooden shoes, he is a wooden-shoe maker. Also observe the following forms : Young school-teacher, common- school teacher, high-school teacher, public-school teacher, etc. A present or past participle with a noun or an adjective may take a hyphen in such expres- sions as the following : Always wind-obeying deep ; well-dealing countrymen : dark-working sorceress ; soul-killing witches ; fool-begging pa- tience, etc. Adverbs ending with "ly" are not usually com- pounded with the adjectives which they qualify, as a "nicely kept lawn." But worcls like "above," "ill," "well," "so," etc.. are compounded in such expressions as "the well-known writer," "the so-called tariff reform." "this ill-advised expenditure," "the last-named article," etc. — 40 — Fractions, when spelled, should be com- pounded : One twenty-first, one-fifth, eighty-one one-huudredths, one one-hundredth, the one- hundredth part, one onc-hundred-and-twcntiftli, two one-hundred-and-twenty-sixths. When used adjectively, the exjiressions "first- class," "second-class," etc., are to be hyphenated ; otherwise they should be printed as two words : A first-class passage, a first-class man. a man of the first class, a work of the second class, etc. In such expressions as the "■January-Juno period," "Washington-Baltimore improvement," etc., when used adjectively, use hyphens ; but to indicate the elision of the word "to." in such expressions as "the period January-June," use an en dash. Mr. So-and-so. Noncompound Words. Omit the hyphen in civil and military titles, as Attorney General, Postmaster General, brigadier general, lieutenant colonel, etc. Omit the hyphen in such Latin forms as. "ex officio member," "ante helium days." "prima facie evidence," "per diem employees," etc. ; and also in such cases as "life (or fire) insurance company," "ocean mail lines," "railway rate legislation." "street car lines." etc. Omit the hyphen in abbreviated terms except "sec.-ft." — 41 — VOCABULARY OF DOUBLE WORDS. Double words not found in tliis vo(i\l)ul:iry or in Websters Dictionary should be soi)iiral('d by a space. I'rofixos are in bold-faced type. Where a suffix is preceded by a hyphen, use a hy])hen ; if not, make one word. "The rest take hyphen,'' "the rest one word," means all others of the same class found in Webster's Dictionary. The abbreviations (a.), for adjective : (adv.). for adverb; (n.), for noun; or (v.), for verb after a word restrict the use of the word to the part of speech indicated. Words taking- the suffix "like"' should be one word, unless ending in "11," when a hyphen should be used, as shell-like, etc. The elements of many double words may be used separately. Observe the caution as to qualifying and subject words under the heading "Compound words," and do not make a com- pound unless the sense requires it. able (prefix) whackets; the rest take hyphen. aboveboard, deck, ground, stairs; the *est take hyphen. absent; compound all double words. acid-proof (a.), -fast (a.) • actino-ehemistry, -electricity; the rest one word. acute-angled. adderbolt, cap. fish, -footed, -split, wort. adder's-fern, -flower, -grass, -meat, -mouth, -spear, -tongue. addle (prefix) plot; the rest take hyphen. adore (prefix) ; all one word. after(prefix) -bom, -dinner, -mentioned (a.), -shine, -stamp- able (a), -supper; the rest one word, except after sales. aftmost. agateware. ahorseback- aid-de-camp. airbound(a.), -built, -drawn, -dried, -driven (a.), -dry. -floated(a.), -line(a.), lock(v.), man, ohydrogen, ship, -slaked, -tight, -tightness, ward, way. alcoholimeter, meter, ometer, ometry, ophilia. alkalimeter. — 42 — all-around, bone, -father, -fatherhood, -fired, -firedly, good, -hail (v.), hallow, hallownias, hallowii, heal, -might, -mouth, -overish, -possessed, -round, seed, spice, where, work, alleyway, almond-eyed. alms (prefix) ; all one word except alms fee and alms land, alongships, shore side, alpenglow, horn, stock, altarpiece, ways, wise, alto-cumulus, -relievo, stratus, alumroot, amidships, amperemeter, amperemeter, anchoi'-hold. angel -eyes, hood, ship, angel's-trumpet. angleberry, meter, pod, site, twitch, wing, wise, worm, angle (prefix) ; all one word, except when followed by cap, when use hyphen, aniseroot. ankle-cutter, jack. antacid, arctic, eater; when meaning anti, all one word, ante; all one word (unless followed by cap, when use hyphen), except ante bellum and ante mortem, which make two words, anti-icteric, -imperialism, -injunction, -trade; the rest one word, unless followed by cay, when use hyphen, anvilfaced. any (prefix); all one word, appledrane, jack, John, root, -wife, aqua (prefix); all one word, aqueo-igneous. arc-boutant, doubleau. arch, archi(prefix) ; all one word, argillaceo, or argillo (prefix) take hyphen, argus-eyed. aristo; all one word, except aristo paper, armchair, hole, let, pit, rack, armor-bearer, -clad, -piercing, -plated, arrowbeam, head, headed, leaf, root, stone, -toothed, wood, worm. j arteriosclerosis. I artilleryman, ship. ashberry, -colored, -leaved, weed, wort, ashipboard. astro (prefix) ; all one word, athwart-hawse; the rest one word, auto-immunization, -infection, -inoculation, -Intoxication, -opthalmoscope, -oxidation, -sight; the rest one word, autumn -spring. avant (prefix) ; all take hyphen, aweband, some, -stricken, -strike, -struck, awl-shoped, wort, axbreaker, fitch, hammer, man, seed, stone, tree, Unge, weed, wort, axletree. aye-aye, green. — 43 B backache, -acting, -angle, bite, biter, bitint^, -blocker, bone, boned, cap, ca.st(n. ), -cast (a.), chain, door (a.). do\vn(n.), tall, -fire(v.), -firingdi.), flap, -focus, fold, friend, furrow, i^amnion, ground, hand, handed, bander, heel, house, jaw, joint, lash, lashing, log, i)iece, i)late rack, -racket, -raking, rope, saw, set, setting, settler, shift, side (the runii)), slide. slider, sliding, staff, stairs(a.), stanij), stay, stick, stitch. stock, strap, -strapi)e(i, string, stroke, sword, swording, swordman, tack. Wiud. wash, washer, water, way, woods, woodsman, word, worm, wort. baggala, hash, -leaves, man, nut. pipe, piper, piping, reef, room, wig, wigged, worm. baggageman, -master, -smasher. bakeboard. house, shop, stone. balancewise. baldcrown. -faced, head, -headed (a.), money, pate, -pated, -I)atedness, rib. haletire. wort. ballfish. -flower, i)roof, room, stock, weed. bandbox, ca.se, master, -shaped, string, -tailed, woik. bandyball, -bandy, -legged, man. bankman. side, -sided. barbated, berry, fish, goose, keeper, maid, master, man. mote, post. room, tender, way, wise, wood, -wound. bare (pre fix ) ; all one word. bargeboard, couple, course, man. barkbound, ometer. barleybigg. break, brake, -bree, corn. barnbuiiier. stormer, storming, yard. baseball, board, born, -bred, -burner, -court, -level(v.), man, -minded, -mindedness. basket-flower, -hilted, wood, work. hasrelief. bass -bar, wood. batfish, -fives, fowl, fowler, fowling, horse man, -money, -mule, wing. bathflower, house, room, tub. batsman, wing. battering-ram battle-ax, dore, stead, wise. bawdyhouse. baya'itler, berry, bolt, bush, gall, head, man, wood. beachman, master. bead-flush, house, man, roll, -ruby, work. beadsman, woman. beakliead, iron. bearbane, berry, bind, bine, coot, herd, hound, -lead, skin, -tongue, ward, wood, wort. bear's-bane, -bed, -breech, -ear, -foot, -head, -paw, -thread. bedbug, chair, chamber, clothes, cord, cover, fast, fellow, flower, gown, key, -molding, pan, plate, post, f|uilt, rid, ridden, right, rite, rock, room, screw, side, site, sore, spread, staff, stead, stock, straw, tick, ticking, time, ward, way. beebread, head, herd, hive, house, keeping, master, way, weed, wort. beechdrops, nut. beefeater, head, steak, -witted, wood. 44 beerhouse, pull. beeswax, wing, winged (a.). beetle-hrnwed, bung, head, -headed, stock, stone, weed. beforeliaud, said, time. behindhand, siglit. bellhiiid, bottle, -faced, flower, hang, hanging, hou-te, man. moutli, -mouthed, -shaped, -the-cat, -tongue, top|)er, ware, wether, wort. bellyache, band, blind, -bound, -god, pinch, -pinched. Ijenchman. beriberi. bi -iliac, -ischiatic; the rest one word. big-eye, -eyed, gaited, head, horn, root, thatch, wig, wigged. billbeetle, board, broking, bug, fish, liead, hock, man, poster, sticker. billet-doux, head. billingsgate. billyboy, cock, hood. bindweed, with, wood. birdbolt, call, catcher, catching, clapper, -egg, -eyed, -foot, gaze, hood, lime, -mouthed, seed, vetch, weed, -witted. bird's-beak, -bill, -bread, -eye, -foot, -moutli, -nest(a.,v.), -nesting, -pepper, -tongue. birthday, land, less, mark, night, place, right, root, wort. bitterbark, blain, bloom, bump, bush, head, nut, root, sweet, weed, wood, worm, wort. blackback, -backed, ball, band, belly, -bellied, berry, bird, birder, Ijiiding, board, boy, -blooded, bi'east, -breasted, -biowed, cai), coat, cock, -eyed, -faced, feet, fellow, -figured, fin, fish, fisher, fi-ihing. foot, friar, guard, head, -headed, heart, jack, lead (v.), mail, mailer, mailing, -mark, -marker, meat, moor, mouth, -mouthed, neb, poll, pot, root, Salter, -Sander, -seed, smith, smithing, strap, tail, -tailed, thorn, tongue, tree, wash (v.), water, wood, w'oik, wort. bladebone, -i)oint. blameworthy. blancmange. bleareye, -eyed, -eyedness, -witted. blindball, eyes, fast, fish, fold, folded, folder, -loaded, stitch, story, weed, worm, -your-eyes. blockhead, headed, headedness. house, like, ship. bloodalp, berry, bird, -holtered, curdling, drop, flower, guilty, guiltiness, guiltless, hound. Jet, letter, letting, ripe, root, siied, shedder, shedding, shot, -shotten, stain, stanch, stick, stone, strange, stroke, suck, sucker, sucking, thirst, thirsty, thirstiness, ulf, -vascular, -warm, weed, wood, worm, wort. bloodybones, -minded, blowback, ball, cock, fish, fly, gun, hard, hole, line, -off, -out, pipe, -through(a.), torch, tube, up(n.). blueback, beard, bell, belled, -bellied, berry, bill, bird, -black(a.), -blackness, blaw, bonnet, book, battle, breast, bush, buttons, cap, coat, cup, -devilage, -devilism, -eye (bird), -eyed, fin, fish, gill, gown, -green, liearts, -hot, jack, jacket, joint, nose, no,ser, -pencil (v.), pointer, -ribboner, -ribbonist, -sailors, -starry, stocking, stone, throat, tongue, weed, wing, -winged, wood. blunderbuss, headed. boatbill, house, load, man, swain, -tail, woman, wright. boatsman. — 45 — bobcat, -cheriy, fly, sled, sleigh, stay, tail, tailed, wrii^ht, white. hodyguaid. bogbeiry, land, sucker, trot, trotter, trotting, wood, wort. boil-over. Ijoilorsmith. boldface, faced (a.). Iiollwonn. bolthead, rope, strake. bombiMOof, shell. bon-accord, l)on, due, fire, mot. bondholder, maid, man, slave, stone, woman. bondsman, woman. bone-ace, aclie, binder, dog, -dry, fish, flower, grace, set, setter, setting, shave, shaw, wood, woik, wort, bookbinder, bindery, binding, case, craft, fold, liolder, keeper, keeping, land, -learned, lore, maker, maldng, man, maik. marker, mate, monger, plate, press, rack, seller, selling, shelf. shop, stack, stall, stand, store, wards, ways, wise, work, worm, Wright, bootblack, hose, jack, last, laster, leg, legger, legging, lick, licker, maker, making, -topping, -tree, borderland. borough-iiolder, master, monger, mongering, mongery. bottlehead, holder, -nest, nose, -nosed, bowback, -backed, -bell, bent, -dye (v.), fin, grace, head, knot, leg, -legged, line, man, pin, shot, sprit, staft', string, strhiged. wood, boxberry, bush, fish, haul, hauled, hauling, head, keeper, thorn, wood, brain-fag, pan, sick, sickly, sickness, stone, -tire, tree, wood, worm, brakeman. brambleberry. brand-new, stickle, tail, brass-smith, -visaged. brazen -browed, face, faced. breadfruit, nut, root, -stitch, stuff, winner, winning, breakaway (n.), ax, back, bone (fever), -circuit, down, -In, neck, -off, -promise, stone, -up, water, breastband, beam, bone, fast, height, -high (a.), hook, mark, |)in, plate, plow, rail, roll, rope, summer, weed, wood, work, breechblock, cloth, clout, loader, girdle, -loading (a.), brickbat, field, fielder, kiln, layer, laying, maker, making, -nogged(a.), setter, -timber (tree), wise, work, yard. bride, brides ( prefi.xes) : all one word. bridoet)oard, head, man, master, pot, tree, -ward (adv.), water, bridle-wise. bristle-pointed, tail, wort, broadax, bill, -t)ottomed, brim, -brimmed, east, cloth, -faced, gauge, -headed, horn, -horned, leaf, -leafed, -leaved (a.), man, -minded(a.), mindedness, moutli, piece, share, sheet, side, -spoken, spread, -spreading, sword, throat, wise, bromobenzine, borate, gelatin, iodism, mania, picrin, broncho-pneumonia; the rest one word, brooklime, side, weed, brotherliood, -hi-law, wort, browbeat, beater, bound, post, brownbacb, stone, ware, wort. — 46 brushnian, -tailed, -toiij^ued, wood, wnik. buckheny, hoard, bush, eye, -eyed, horn, hound, jump, juinijer, plate, i)ot, ram, saw, shot, skin, stall, stay, tail, thorn, tooth, wagon, wash, washer, wheat, wheater. bucks-horn, buft'erhead. bug (prefix) ; all one word, built -up (a.), bulkhead, bullbeggar, berry, comber, dog, doze, dozer, faced, feast, fighter, fighting, finch, fincher, fist, foot, frog, head, headed, neck, -necked, nose, nut, pate, -poll, pout, -roarer, -rout, rush, weed, whack, wort, bullethead, headedness, -proof (a.), bull's-eye, -eyed, -foot, -head, -heart, -nose, bumblebee, berry, foot, kite, puppy, bumboat, wood, bunch-backed, berry, flower, bunghole. bushbeater, fighter, fighting, hammer, -harrow (v.), house, man, ranger, -tailed, whack, whacker, whacking, wood, bushelman, woman, businesslike, likeness, busybody, butterball. bill, box, bump, bur, cup, -fingered, -fingers, fish, flip, flour, flower, fly, head, jag, -leaves, man, milk, nut, root, scotch, toothed (a.), weed, -wife, worker, wort, buttonball, bur, bush, hold, holder, hole, holer, hook, mold, weed, wood, by (prefix), gone, hand, name (v.), past, path, play, road, stander, time, way, word, work; the rest take hyphen. cabman, urn. cabinetmaker, making, work. cable-laid (a.), way. cakehouse, walk, walker. calfkill, skin. calf's-foot, -head, -snout (plants). cam el's -foot (flower), -hair (a.). campfight, master, shed(v.), shedding, sheeting, shooting, shot, shuting, shutting, ward, wards. cancer-root, weed, wort. candleball, beam, berry, bomb, fish, holder, light, lighter, light- ing, nut, pin, power, rent, shrift, stick, waster, wasting, wick, wood. candytuft. canebrake. cankerberry, eat (v.), fret, -root, weed, worm, wort. canoewood. canvasback. cap-a-pie, case, sheaf, shore, stone. cargoose, load, lock, man. cardboard, case. caretaker, taking, worn. carnal -minded, -mindedness. carpetl)ag, bagger, bagging, monger, way, weed. carriageway. — 47 — I cilirioii-flower. ( carrottop, weed. H cari-yall. H cartload, man, ware, way, whip (v.), wriglit. fi case-bay, -bearer, harden, hardened, hardening, mate, mated, J weed, worm. J castaway (n.), -iron(a.), -off(a.,n.), -weld(v.). i castle-builder, -building, -built, -guard, -ward, catheam, berry, bird, t)oat, call, -choi), -eyed, fall, fish, footed, gut, -hammed, harping, -haw, head, -hole, hood, -in-clover, J -keys, -locks, mint, -o-nine-tails, piece, pipe, -rigged, skin, \ ste|). stick, stitch, -tail, -whistles, -witted. wood. word. \ catchall, foy, i)eiiny, plate, pole, pool, water, weight, word. ] work. I eater-cornered, -cousin. ) cat's-daw, -ear, -eye, -foot, -grass, -keys, milk, -paw, -tail. ! cattlegate, man. causeway, wayed, waying. cavalryman. cave -in. cedarware. cellarway. centerhit, board, -fire (a.), piece, -second (a.). centre (prefix), -acinar; the rest one word. cerebro (prefix) ; all one word. cesspipe, pit, pool. chainman, smith, wale, work. chalkcutter, plate, stone. chambermaid. chance-medley. chapbook, fallen, fallenly, man, woman. charterhouse. charwoman. chatterbag, basket, box, cheap-jack, -John. checkbird, hock, man, mate, rein, road, roar, roll, row, rowed, rower, stone, strap, string, weigher, weighman, work. checkerberry, board, wise, work. cheesebowl, cake, cloth, lip, monger, paring, wood. cherry-pie, -wood. chessboard, m^ -star, tale, taler, tide, time, woman, work, writ. dead-alive, -and-alive, -alivism, beat (a.) (physics), bev:^(a.), -bom, -bright, -color, -dipped, -dipping, -drunk(a.), -orunk- enness, eye, fall, head, -hearted, -heartedly, -heat, -beater, house, latch, light, lock, man, melt, -roasted, -stroke, -tongue (n.), -weight, wood, wort. deaf-dumb, -dumbness, -mute, -muteness, -mutism. — 51 — dearborn, -housht. deathht'd, blow. day. -nf-maii(ii.). -struck, watch. (leatlismaii. (Icatli's-licad. deikle-edi^cd. deep lirowcd. -dyed, -grown, -laid, -moiitlied. -piled, -rooted, -rootedness. -sea. -seated, -set, -sinker, -waisted. deerherry, -foot. -hair. herd. horn, honiid, -neck, skin, stalker, stalking;, -tonj^ue. weed, wood. deer's-liair, -milk, -tongue. delftware. demi-jour, -relief, -relievo, -tasse; the rest one word. desseit-spoonful. devil-devil, -diver. -dodi?er, fish, -may-care, wood. devirs-a|)ron, -bit, -bite, -bones, -candlestick, -claw, -club, -coadiliorse. -coachwlieel, -currycomb, -ear, -eye, -fingers, -garter, -grandmother, -grip, -guts, -hair, -hand, -liorn, -milk. -l)aintbrush. -|)itchfoik->, -plague, -root, -shoestrings, -snuff- box, -stinkpot, -tether, -tongue, -trumpet, -walking-stick. dew-beater, berry, claw, cup, drop, fall, lap, lapiied, rot, worm. diamond-back, -backed, -i)oint(a.), -shaped. dicebox, play. die-away (a.), -back, -hard, sinker, sinking, -s(iuare, stock. dike-hopper, -louper, reeve. dillydally, dallier. dim-sighted, -sightedness. diner-out. dingdong, -dong(adv.). dingle-bird, dangle. direct-acting, -action, -connected, -coupled. dirt-cheap. dishcloth, -faced, -mustard, rag, washer, water. ditty-bag. -box. do-all. -little, -naught, -nothing, -nothiiigism, -nothingness. dock- walloper, yard. * doe-bird, skin. dogijane, -banner, berry, -blow, bolt, bur, cart, -cheap, -day (a.), -draw, -ear, -eared, -faced, fall, fish, -fisher, -gone, -goned, -headed (a.), -hearted, hole, -leg, -legged, mouth, -rose, shore, skin, sleep, stone, -tail (a.), tie. -toes, tooth (a.), trick, trot, vane, watch, -weary, whiijper, wood. dollarfish. doomsbook. day, man. doorbell. Iirand. case, cheek, fi'ame, keeper, mat, nail, plate, post, sill, step, stone, stop, way, weed, yard. doubleganger, tree; the rest take hyphen, except double entente. dough-baked, -bird, boy, face, -faced, faceism. nut. dove-colored, cot, cote, -dock, -eyed, house, tail, tailed, taller. dove's-foot. downbeard, cast, easily, castness, come, comer, -draw, -drug, -east, -easter, fall, fallen, falling, flow, haul, hearted, heartedly, heartedness, hill, land, -lie, money, most, pour, right, rightly, rightiiess, rush, set, share, shoot, side, sitting, stairs, stream, take, throw-, thrown, trod, trodden, ward, waidly, wardness, way, weed, weigh. draft board. draftsman. dragbar, bolt, hound, man, net, rope, -saw, .staff. 52 — dratjonhead, wort. dragon 's-cliiw, -mouth, -skin, -tongue, -wort. tlraini)i|)e, tile. dramst'llcr, shop. draw-aicii, arm, hack, liar, l)ays, heam, hench, holt, hoic, boy, hii(iji;i', cut, dock, file, -filiiis, Kate, gear, gloves, head, horse, knife, knot, link, loom, net, plate, rod, shave, sheet, spring, stop, tongs, tube, -water, -well(n.). di'awing-room. drayman. dread-bolted, naught, dreamland, world, dredgeman. dressmaker, makership, makery, making, driftbolt, piece, pin, way, weed, wind, wood, drillmaster, stock. driveboat, bolt, cap, head, pipe, screw, way, well, wheel, dropberry, -flower, -flue, -forge (v.), head, -kick, -kicker, -light, -out, seed, worm, wort, drumbeat, fish, head, skin, stick, wood. dry-as-dust(a.), -beat, -boned, -bones (a.), -clean, -cleanse, -cure, -dock(v.), -eyed, -grind, -grinder, nurse (v.), -paved, -paving, -rot, -rub, -salt (v.), salter, saltery, -shave, -shod, -stone, duckbill, -billed, -footed, -legged, meat, stone, weed, wing, duebill. dutjout, way. dullhead; adjectives take hyphen, dumb-bell, -waiter, dunderhead, headed, pate, dungfork, heap, hill, hilly, meer. dustbin, brush, -devil, man, pan, plate. Dutchman's-breeches, -pipe (plants) . dyehouse, -leaves, stone, stuff, ware, weed, wood, dynamo (prefix) -electric,* -electrical. eagle-eyed, -sighted, stone, -winged, wood. earache, bob, -brisk, cap, cockle, drop, drum, lap, -leaved, lock, mark, -minded, -mindedness, pick, pierce, piercer, reach, ring, screw, shot, sore, -splitting, tab, wax, wig, wiggy (a.). wigginess(n.), witness, wort, earthbag, -ball, bank, board, born, -bound, bred, -club, drake, fall, fast, light, nut, pea, quake, shock, star, tongue, wolf, work, worm, earthen-hearted, ware, earthly-minded, -mindedness, -wise. Eastertide, eastbound (also northbound, southbound, westbound), -insular, -windy, easy-chair, -going, eavesdrop, dropper, dropping, edgebone, stone, shot, ways, weed, wise, eel -back, buck, fare, fish, grass, mother, pot, pout, skin, spear, waie, worm, egg-apple, -bound, eater, -eating(a.), nog, -peg, plant, -shaped, shell, wife, egotheism. — 53 — eightfoil, fold, score, -S(iuare. elbowl)oai(l, chair, room. elderberry, liooil, man, woman, wort. electro-analysis, -engrave, -eiit^raviiig, -etching; the rest one word, exce|)t electro galvanized. elephant's-car. -foot, -liead(i)lants). elputliero(i)refix) ; all one word. elsewhere, wliither, wise. embryologic, logical, logically, plastic. end-all, game, -grain (a.), long, most, -organ, -stopped, -stop- ping, ways, wise. engineman, -sized, -turned, -turner, -type (a.). entryman, way. erelong, now, while. erstwiiile. evenclose, down, fall, glome, hand, -handed, minded, song, tide. evening-snow, -song. everblooming, during, glade, green, lasting, lastingly, lastingness, living, more. everybody, day (a.), how, one (pronoun) , thing, when, whence, wliere, whither. evildoer, -eyed, -favored, -minded, -mindedness, -starred. eweganged, necked. ex (prefix) (for former condition or office held) ; all take hyphen. ex officio. ex-official, -voto. expressman. extra (prefix) -alimentary, -analogical, -articular, -atmospheric, -axillar, -axillary, -embryonic, -enteric, -inductive, -intellec- tual, -ocular, -official, -red, -uterine; tlie rest one word. eyeball, balm, bar, beam, bolt, bridled (a.), briglit, biow, cup, drop, flap, glance, glass, hole, lasli, lens, less, lid, marked, -minded, -mindedness, piece, pit, point, reach, root, seed, senant. sener, service, shot, sight, sore, -splice, spot, -spotted, stalk, stone, strain, string, tooth, waiter, wash, water, wink, winker, witness, wort. face-arbor, -bedded, -harden, plate, wise, work. facsimile. fag-end. faint-heart, -hearted, -heartedly, -heartedness, -run. fair-days (n.), -faced, -grass, ground, -haired, -lead, -leader, -leading, -minded, -mindedness, -natured, -spoken, way, -weather (a.), fairyliood, land, like. ■ failage, -back, -down, fish, -ti'ap, way. false-iieartedness; adjectives take hyphen, fan-crested, dangle, fare, fish, flower, foot, liglit, -berved, tail, -tailed, -tan, -veined, -work, wort, fancy-free, -loose, -man, -sick, -woman, woik. far-away, -come, -fetched, -foith, -gone, -off, -reaching, seeing, -siglit, sighted, sightedly, sightedness. farmhold, house, stead, steading, yard, fashion-monger, -monging. fasthold, land. — o4 — fatbiuk, l)iid, -brained, -faced, head, -headed, -headediiess, -lean, -witted. wood. father-ill-law, land, -lasher. faultfinder, finduig. fawn-colored. feariiansiht. featherbird, bone, i)rain, brained, edge, edjied, few, foil, -footed, head, -headed, -heeled, man, i)ated, -staff, stitch, tongue (v.), top, -veined, -weed, weight, -weighted, wing, woik, worker. feeble-minded, -mindedly, -mindedness. feliowcraft, feel, ship. felo-de-se. fernbird, brake, gale, leaf, shaw, wort. ferro(piefix) ; all one word. ferryboat, -flat, house, man, -master. fetterbush, lock. feverbush, few, root, -trap, twig, weed. fiber-faced. fil)roiis-rooted. fiddle-back, deedee, -faced, -faddle, -faddler, -shaped, stick, string, wood. field-cornet, fare, piece, work (military). fighting-cock. fitjure-foiir(trap), head, headless, headship. fig worm, wort. finback, fish, foot, -footed, scale, -spined, -toed. fine-ax, -bore, draw, di"awn, -headed, spun, -still (n.), still (v.), stiller, top. finger-berry, lireadth, smith, stone. firearm, armed, back, ball, l)ird, board, bolt, Ijolted, bote, boot, l)rand, lirat, tireak, coat, -crack (v.), c.racl(1, lock, ware, wood. flip-flap, -flop, jacJ?. floatl)oar(l. -feed (a.), man, stone. flockiiian, master, owner, wise. floodeoek, t;ate, mark. flooreloth. head, walker, wise. flower-de-luce, pot. fiuework. fluid-compressed (a.). flukewor, wort. fluor( prefix) ; all one word. flushboard. flute-douce, like, mouth, work. flyawa.vfa.). back, bane, -bitten, blow(n.), blown, boat, boy, -by-night, catcher, -catching, eater, fish, -fisher, -fisherman, flap, flapi)er, leaf, man, speck, tail, trap, -up-tlie-creek, wheel, wort. foambow, flower. fotjbow, dog, eater, fmit, horn, -logged, man. folkfree, liuid, lore, moot, mote, right. foodstuffs. fool fish, hardihood, hardiness, hardy, proof, ship. foolscap. football, bailer, ballist, board, boy, breadth, bridge, cloth, -drop, fall, fight, gang, hanger, gear, halt, hill, hold, -length, licker, lights, lining, lock, -loose, man, mark, note, pace, pad, path, pick, plate, -pound, -pound-second, -side, sore, stalk, stall, step, stick, stock, stone, stool, -sugar, wall, walk, way, wear, work, worm, worn. forasmuch, ever, sooth, spend, swear. fore (prefix) -adapt, -and-aft, -and-after, -announce, -answer, -being, -bemoan, -bespeak, -bless, board, -bowels, -bowline, -conclude, -elder, -fit, -girth, -glide, -gut, -horse, -imagine, -instruct, -intend, -misgiving, -sheet, -tenant, -tooth, -topgallant, -topmii^t, -topsail, -word; the rest one word, except the following which are two words: bay, bow, cabin, caddie, companion, eccentric, edge, end, part, pillow, plane, quarter, sight (of a gun). forget-me-not. forkbeard, head, tail, -tailed. forth (prefix) ; all one word. fortune-hunting, -telling (a.). foul-mouthed, -spoken. fouiitainjiead. four-ball, -cant, -centered, -colored, sional, -eyed, -eyes, fold, -foot, -hander, -horned, -horse, -horsed. -cornered, -footed, -in-hand, ■ -oared, -o'clock, -part, pence, penny, -post. -cycle, -hand, legged, -posted. pounder, score, some, sciuare, -strand, -stranded, -way, -went, -wheel, -wheeled, -wheeler, fowl foot, foxbane, berry, feet, finger, fish, hunt (v.), -hunting, like, shi|), tail, framework, frank-chase, -fee, -ferm, -hearted, incensed, marriage, pledge, -tenant, -dimen- handed, masted, poster. -toes, -tooth. -furred, glove, tailed, tongue. hound, wood. -heartedness, incense, tenement, -tenure. — 5G — freeboard, boot (v.), booter, booting, -bom, -foi-all, -hand, -handed, -hearted, -heartedly, -heartedness, hold, holder, holding, -lance, -living, -loving, man, martin, mason, masonic, masonry, -milling, -minded, -tjuarter, -quarterer, -soil, -soiler, spoken, stone, -swimming, -swimmer, -tailed, thinker, thinking, -tongiied, -trading, wheel, wheeler, will (a.), -willed, -wilier, woman. freedman, woman. freshman, woman, -water (a.). fretwork. frogbit, -eye, fish, foot, hopper, land, leaf, mouth, stool. frontiersman. frostbird, bite, -blite, bow, fish, flower, itch, -nail (v.), root, weed, woik. froufrou. fruitstalk. fugleman. full; adjectives and adverbs take the hyphen. fundholder, monger, mongering. furrow-faced. gableboard. gadabout, bee, bush, fly, man, wall. gaff-topsail. gag-check (v.), -reined, root. gainsay, sayer, twist. gallbush, flower, fly, nut, stone, weed, -wind, wort. galley-bird, man, -west, worm. galvaiio(prefbc) ; all one word. gameball, cast, cock, keeper. gaiujboard, gang, master, plank, tide, way. gape-gaze, seed, worm. garbill, board, fish. gas-fired, light, lighting, lighter, man, -tight (a.). gastro (prefix) ; all one word. gateiiouse, keeper, man, post, ward, way, wise. gelatine-bromide, -chloride. gentleliood, folk, -hearted, man, woman. get-at-able, -away, -off, -up giddyberry, -head, headed, -paced. gill-flirt, -flirting, -hooter, house, -netter, -overground, -run. gilt-edge, edged, head, tail. gim crack, crackery. gimleteyed(a.). ginger-beery (a.), bread, leaf, nut, root, snap, -woik, wort, ginhouse, shop, -spinner. give-and-take, -away. glass-faced, -glazed, house, maker, man, -paper(v. ), -rope, ware, weed, work, worker, worm, wort, gleeman, maiden, woman, globefish, flower, -trotter, -trotting, glowfly, lamp, worm, gluepot. go-ahead, -as-you-please, bang, bar, -between, -by, cart, -devil, down, -off. 57 — goatbeard, bush, drunk, fisli, lieid, -kneed, -pepper, root, skin, stone, sucker, weed, goatsljane. beard, eye, foot. goat's-hair. -head, -horn, -leaf, -rue, -thorn, -wheat, godchild, daut;hter, father, head, mother, parent, send, wit. God-fearing, -man, speed, ward (a.), goggle-eye, -eyed, goldbeater, beating, -bloom, -brick(v.), bug, -chain, cran, crest, -cup, -filled, finch, finny, fish, -liammer. -laced, -of-pleasure, seed, -shrub, smith, smithery, sj)iiik, stone, thread, tit. weed, work, worker, golden -i)anded, -crested, -crowned, -eye, -eyed, hair, head, knop. locks, -mouthed, pert, rod, seal, -spoon, wing, winged. good-by, -fellowship, -humored, -humoredly, -looking, man, -natured, -naturedly, -tempered, wife, goody-good, -goody, -goodyism. goose-l)eak, berry, bill, fish, fleshy, foot, herd, house, neck, necked (a.), -rumped, weed, wheat, wing, winged. gospel-iike(adv.), -true, grab-all, hook, grain -burnt, -cut, field, grandaun-t, child, daughter, dad, daddy, -ducal, father, fatherly. ma. mamma, mother, motherly, nephew, niece, pa, papa, parent, sire, son. uncle, grapeflower, root, shot, stone, vine, wort, grapho (prefix) ; all one word, grasschat, cut, cutter, flower, -green, -grown, hopjier, land, man, nut, plat, work, worker, graveclothes, digger, stone, yard, gravel-blind, root, stone, weed, grayback, beard, coat, fish, fly, head, pate, stone, wacke, wether, greasebush, fish, horn, wood, great-aunt, -bellied, -circle (a.), coat, -eyed, finch, fish(n.), gage, gill, grocer, grocery, head, heart, bide, horn, house, room, -salted, sand, sauce (plant) , shank, sick(a.), sickness, side, stick, stone, sward, tail, -tail(a.), weed, wing, -winged (a.), withe, wood, wort, griddlecake. gridiron, grillroom, grindstone. gripman, sack, gristmill, grogshop, groomsman, grosbeak, grain, gross-headed, groundberry, down, -fast, man, mass, needle, nut, sel. sluice (v.), ward, work, grown-up. grubstake, worm. guardfish, house, rail, room, stone, guardsman, guess-warp, work. guideboard, book, craft, post, way. guildhall, gulfweed. 5S Rull-Ciiti'lier. gullyhole, -raker. (jumbnil, dij^Rcr, dij;t;iiiil. diop, resinous, wnnd. (junboat, biitiht, cotton, fire, flint, lod\, maker, making, man, paper. |)0\vder, powdery, reaeii, sbot, -sliy, shyness, smith, smithery, smitiiing, stick, stock, stocker, wale. gntta-percha. tjutweed. worm> wort. cjutter-blood, snipe, tree. gypsyweed, wort. H hackbarrow, berry, man, thorn. hackneyman. hagberry, boat, bolt, born, bush, fish, ride, seed, weed, -wood. ha-lia. hailstone, storm. hairbird, brained, -bramble, -branch (tree) , breadth, brush, cap (moss), cloth, -cup (flower) , -drawn, dress, dresser, dress- ing, pin, splitter, splitting, spring, streak, tail, trigger (flower), weed, worm. hairy-foot (plant). half-and-lialf, -baked, beak, -beam, -bent, -blooded, -boot, -bound, -Ijred, -breed, -caste, cock(v. ), -consonant, -cracked, -decked, -decker, -faced, -hardy, -headed, -hearted, -heartedly, -heartedness, -hourly, -inferior, -length, -lop, man, -mast, -moon, pace, paced, penny, pennyworth, -port, -raier, -round (a,), -saved, -seas (a.), -shade, -shrub, -sole (v.), -solid(a.), staff, -strained, strong (plionetics) , -sword, -terete, -timbered. -time(a.), -timer, -tone(a.), -tongue, -turn(a.), -volley (v.), way, wit, -witted, -woi'ld, -yearly. halll)ay, -mark(v.), moot, way. halterbreak(v. ). hamfatter, shackle, string. hammerbird, cloth, -dress (v.), hard (a.), -harden, -head, -headed, man, -refined, smith, stone, toe, wort, -wrought. handball, barrow, l)ill, blow, book, bow, bieadth, -broad, cait, clap, clasp, cloth, craft, cuff, -culverin. fast, fasting, fish, -fives, ful, grip, gripping, gun, -hoe (v.), hoer, hold. hole, kerchief, laid, -line (v.), -liner, made, maid, maiden, me-down, -organist, -out, -pollinate (v. ) , i)ost(n.), rail, rail- ing, sale, saw, seller, shake, shaking, spike, spoke, spring, stroke, -sweep, -taut, -tight, -tooled, -tooling, waled, warj), wheel, woik, workman, -woiked, write (v.), writing, -wrought. handlebar. hangbird, -choice, dog, fire, man, nail, nest, worm, worthy (a.). lianger-on. happy-go-lucky. ' ' hara-kiri. hardback, bai<(', beam, -l)itted, -bolted, -bound, -curved, -drawn, -favored, -favoiedness, -featured, -featnredness, -fed, fern, -fisted, -Hstedness, -grained, hack. -Iianded. -handedness, head, -headedness, -hearted, -heaitedly, -heartedness, -mouthed, pan, -set, -shell, -shelled, ship, -spun, -tack, tail, -upness, -visaged, ware, weed, wood, -wooded. hardwareman. harehcll, brain. iHaiiii'ii, liraiiu'dly, hraiiiediiess, -eyi'd, foot, -lii'aited, liouiKi. lip, li|)i)ed. -mad, nut. hare's-i)ane, -beard, -car, -foot, -meat, -tail (plants). bartshnrn. hart's-tonKue(n.), -ear barum-scanmi. haivestman. hatliaiid, box. i)in, rack, rail, -sbag, stand, -tree. hatch-boat, way. hauiai)oiit, back. haver-corn, grass, meal, sack. hawkberry, bill, -billed, bit, -eyed, -nose, -nosed, nut, shaw, weed. hawk's-beard, -bill(n.). bawser-laid. hay-l)aiul, bird, bote, cock, crome, field, fork. loft, maker, making, mow, rack, rake, rick, -scented, seed, stack, ward. hazehiut, wort. headache, -aching, achy, band, bander, -bay, block, board, borough, cap. cbair, cheese, chute, clotb, cracker, dress, -drop, fish, frame, gear, -hunter, -hunting, kerchief, land, ledge, liglit. line, long, man, mark, mold, most, note, -on, piece, plate, post, (luarters, race, rail, reach, rent, rest, right, ring, room, rope, sail, shake, ship, sill, skin, spring, stall, stick, stock, stone, strong, strongly, strongiiess, tiie, ward, water, way, wear, word, work. headsman. heal-all. hearsay. heartache, beat, bird, bieak. breaking, bi-cken, brokeness, burn, burning, dear, dee|), -easing, -eating, felt, -free, grief, -heavy, -heaviness, leaf, -leaved (a.), pea, ()uake, -rending, robbing, -scald, seed, -shaped, sick, -sickening, sickness, some, sore, -stirring, stricken, strike (v.), string, struck, -swelling, water, ward, weed, -whole, -wlioleness, wise, wood, wort. -wounded(a. ) . hearthrug, stone, ward, warming (n.). heartsease. heaven (prefix) : adjectives take hyphen. heavyback, head (a.): weight; adjectives take hyphen. hedgeberry, bom, bote, hog, pig, row. heel-and-toe, ball, -cap (v.), path, piece, plate, post, ring, strap, tap, tool, tree. heigh-ho. hellbender, bind. born. l)ox, bred, -brewed, bioth, -cat, -diver, dog. -fire, hag, -haunted, hound, kite, raker, root, ward, weed. helmsman. helpmate, meet. iifiter-.'^^kelter. hempspcd. string, weed, wort. hemstitdi. stitclu-d. henbane, bill, bit, coop, cote, -driver, -featiiered, fi.sh, -hearted, liouse, hussy, |)eck, roost, wife. henceforth, forward. henchboy, man. herb-bane. herdbook, boy, wick. — (K) — herdsman, woman. hereabout, after, at, by, fiom, in, iuafter, inbefore, into, of, on, to, tofore, iinrter, unto, upon, with. herringbone, -kale. hetero-alljumose, -infection, -inoculable, -inoculation; the rest one word. heyday. hidden-veined. hideaway, bind, bound. high (prefix) ball, binder, born, boy, fainting, flyer, flying, -holder -hoe, land, lander, -low, -mindedly, -mindedness, -muck-a-mnck, road, -spiritedness, -stepper, way, wayman; the rest take hyphen. hillberry, bird, man, side, top, w-oman, wort. hindberry, -brain, -gut, most, sight. hippo (prefi.x) ; all one word. hit-and-miss ( a. ) , -or-miss (a. ) . hoarfrost, stone. hobbyhorse. hob-and-nob, goblin, nail, nailed, nob. hocus-pocus. hodgepodge. hoecake, down. hogback, -backed, -bed, -bite, -brace, -bull, chain, choker, -colt, fish, -frame, -maned, -mouthed, -nose, nose (snake), nut, i)en, score, tkin, sty, wash, weed, wort. hog's-back, -bane, -bean, -bread, -fennel, -garlic, -grass, mad- der, -meat. hogshead. hoity-toity. holdall, back, fast, out, up. holder-forth, -up. hollow-hearted, -heartedness, -horned. hollyhock. holus-bolus. holyday, stone, tide. home-born, -bound, -bred, -brew, -brewed, come, -coming, -driven, -felt, -keeper, -keeping, land, likeness, made, sick, sickness, spun, stead, steader, ward, wort. homo (prefix) ; all one word, except homo mensura. honeyballs, bee, berry, comb, -combing, dew, dewed, drop, -lipped, moon, -mouthed, pod, -pot, -stalks, suckle, suckled, sweet, -tongued, ware (plant), wood, wort. hoodcap, wink, wort. hoofbound, print, rot. hook-billed, -nosed, -weed, worm. hop-about, bine, scotch, -toad, vine(n.), vine(a.), yard. hornbeak, beam, bill, blende, block, blower, book, -eyed, fish, -mad, -madness, -pie, pipe, plant, stay, stone, swoggle, tail, tip, work, worm, wort. horny-handed, head. horror-stricken. horseback, bane, -chestnut, -eye, fight, fish, flesh, flower, fly, foot, -guardsman, hair, haired, head (fish), herd, hide, hoof (plant), jockey, laugh, laugher, laughter, leech, load, man, manship, mint, play, -pipe, pond, power, pox, -rac- ing (a.), -radish, rake, shoe, shoer, tail, way, weed, whip, whipper, woman, womanship, wood. — 61 — hothod. -blooded, -brain, -brained, -drawn, foot, -head, -headed. -hoof, house, -iness, -presser, -roll, -short, -shortness, -siiot, -spirited, spur. s|)urred, -tenii)ered. iiound's-touKue (weed) . hoursilass. househall, -boat(v.), bote, bound. I)reak(v.), breaker, breaking, builder, carl, father, ful, -iieadsbip, heating, hold, iiolder, lioldinj;, kei'i)(v.), keeper, keepin;;, leek, line, maid, master, mate, mating, motiier, ridden, room, smitii. to|). waini(v. ), warming, wife, work, wright. howbeit. -do-you-do(n.), ever, soever, huckleback, backed, berry, humanliood, kind, humpback backed, -shouldered. iium|)ty-dumpty(a.). hunchback, backed. hundredfold, -pounder (military), weight, hunger-bit. huntsman, woman. huntsman's-eup, -liorn (plants), hurdy-gurdy, hiuly-burly. hurricane-decked, husbandman, hydi'a-tainted. hydro (prefix) -economics, -extract, -extractor; the rest one word, hyper ( piefix) ; all one word, unless followed by cap, when use liyphen. hypo-ellipsoid, -iodites, -iodous, -isotonic; the rest one word. I iceberg, blink, -bone, bound, -brook, -cold, craft, fall, -fern, fish, -flower, -free, land, man, quake, work. ill-advisedly, -affectedness, -favoredly, -huraoredly, manneredly, -mindedness, -natiuedly, -naturedness, -temperedly, -tempered- ness, treat, -wilier, -wish (v.), -wisher; adjectives take hyphen. in-and-in, -and-out, -clearer, -clearing, -going; the rest one word. incense-breathing. inchmeal, pin, worm. india-rubber (a.). infantryman. infra (prefix) -auricular, -axillary, -esophageal, -red; the rest one word. inglenook. inkberry, fish, holder, horn, pot, root, stand, stone, well, wood, writer. innholder, keeper, yard. intra-abdominal, -acinous, -alveolar, -arterial, -articular, -eccle- siastical, -epithelial, -imperial, -vitam; the rest one word, except intra vires. 62 ironlKiik, -bound, -cased, -casing, clad, -fisted, -gray, -handed, -hard, -headed, -hearted, man, master, -mold (v.), monger, moiigering, -shod, -shot, -sick, side(n.), -Hided(a. ), smith, stone, ware, weed, wood, work, -worked, woiker, woiking, wort. ivoryhill, -billed (a.), tyi)e, -white, wood. ivyhells, l)eiiy, -leaved, wood, wort. Jack-a-dandy, -among-the-maids, ass, -at-a-pinch, -at-the-head, biid, -booted, -Ijy-the-hedge, daw, fish, fishing, -go-to-bed-at- noon, -head, -In-a-box, -in-office, -in-the-basket, -in-the-box, -in-the-bush, -in-the-green, -in-tiie-hedge, -in-the-pulpit, -hi- the-water, -in-trousers, -jump-about, knife, leg, -light(v.), -of- all-trades, -o'-lantern, -of-the-buttery, -plant(v.), ])udding, saw, screw, shaft, shay, slave, snipe, stay, stone, straw, -tar, wood, -yarder. jailbii'd. , jarfly, nut, -owl. j jawbone, breaker, fall, fallen, fish, foot, footed, -locked, smith. ' jayiiawk, hawker, -pie, wood. jellyfish, leaf. jet-black. jewbush, fish, stone. jewelhouse, weed. jew's-ear, -harp, -stone. jig-saw. jimbang, crack, -crow(mach.) sedge. \ jobman, master, mistress, monger, smith. johnnycake, -cranes. joint-awned, -bedded, weed, worm. jolly-boat, head, tail. journeyman, woman, work. judge-made. junkman. juryman, -rigged, woman. juxta (prefix) -ampullary, -tropical; the rest one word. « K kangaroo's-foot (plant) . keelbill, bird, -bully, fat, haul, hauled, -line, man, rake, rope. vat. , keepsake, worthy (a.). -I kelpfish, wai-e, wort, kettleease, dock, drum, drummer, pins, keyboard, -cold (a.), cold(n.), hole, note, -seat (a.), seater, stone, -stop, -stringed, way. kick-ball, -off, -out, -up. kid-glove, -gloved, kidney-root, -shaped, wort, kill -cow, crop, deer, -devil, -joy, -pot. ki In-dry (v. ) , eye, hole, rib, stick, tree, kind-hearted, -heartedness. king-at-arms, biid, bolt, craft, cup, fish, fisher, -head, maker, -of-arms, -pin, -post, -rod, wood, king's (prefix for tree and plants); all take h.vphen. G3 — kinsfolk, man. people, woman. kirkmaii, yard. kitcheii-t,'art('ii. -maid. kiiapiiaii, sa(k. saciii-d. .^^actiiifj, wcod. kiiee-hrt'i'du'd. biiisli, caj). -cookiiij;. -docp. lialtt'r(v.) , -iiiuii, -joiiiti'd, pan, i)iece, -spiiinj;, stone, -tied, knife-bayonet, l)oard, -eds^e, -edited, -handle, plaited (a.), smith, knight-eiiant, -enantry. fish, head. kni(jht's{i)ielix foi- idaiits) ; all take liyiilien. kiiitwtirk. knobstiek, -root, weed. wood. knockabout, away, down, -knee, -kneed, -off, -out, stone, up. know-all, -nothint;. -nothini^ness. knucklebone, -deep, -duster, -joint (v.), -kneed, kohl-rabi. Ku-Klux. lafjor-saving. lacebaik. leaf, man, pod, wing, -winged, woman, wood, work. lackall. brain, land, luster, lustrous. ladder-backed, way. ladybird, bug, clock, fish, -killer, -killing, like, love. lady's (prefix for botanical names); all take hyphen. lakeland, side, weed. lambale, kill, kin, like, -pie, skin. lamb's (i)refix for botanical names); all take hyphen. lampblack, fly, light, lighter, -lit, -post. lance-leaved (a.), man, pod, wood. land-book, -bred, -cast, -end, fall, flood, folk, -grabber, -grab- bing, grave, gravine, holder, holding, -horse, lady, lock, locked, looker, lord, louper, louping(a.), lubber, man, mark, owner, owning, -poor, reeve, right, -sale (a.), scape, slide, slip, storm, ward, -wash, wreck. lantern-jawed, man. lapboard, -butted, -jointed(a.), -lap, stone, streak, streaked, streaker, -weld (v.), welded, wing, work. large-acred, -eyed, -handed, -headedness, -hearted, -heartedness, -minded, -mindedness, -mouthed. lark-colored, -heel, -heeled(a.), spur. lasslorn. latchkey, string. lathe-bore (v.), reeve. lathwork. latter-day, most. lattice-leaf (n.), work. laughingstock. laundryman. law-abiding, breaker, breaking, giver, giving, -hand, maker, mak- ing, man, monger, suit, -worthy. lawyerlike. lay-by (n.), -down (a,), man, out, -over, stall, woman. lazyback, -bed, bones, boots. lead -oft'. leafcup, -red, stalk, work; adjectives take hyphen, lean -face (a.), -faced (a.), -to, -witted. leasehold, holder, holding. — 64 leatherback, bark, board, bush, coat, -ear, fosh, head, -headed, jacket, leaf, neck, side, stocking, ware, wing, -winged, wood. leave-taking. leeangle, board, -i)ow, ward, way. left-eye, -footed, -footedness, -hand(a. ), -Iiunded, -handedness, -hander, most, -off, ward. lemon-scented, weed, wood. let-alone (a.), -off, -up. letter-bound, head, -liigh, leaf, -learned, -learning, -perfect, press, -winged (a.), -wood. levelnian; adjectives take hyphen. lifeblood, boat, cord, -giver, -giving, hold, holder, like, long, mate, rent, renter, -safe(n.), -saver, -saving, -size, spring, string, -tide, time, -weary. light-armed, boat, -fingered, -foot, -footed, -handed, -handed- ness, head, -headed, -headedness, -hearted, -heartedness, -heeled, -horseman, house, houseman, -limbed, -minded, -mindedness, -o'-love, room, ship, -struck, -tiglit, weight, winged, -witted, wood. lignum-vitse. like-minded, -mindedness. lily-handed, livered, -white, wort. lime-ash, -bush, -juicer, kiln, light, rock, stone, wash, water. linchbolt, pin, pinned. lineameter, man, -out, -riding, -up, work. line-of-battle ship. lionflsh, -heart, -hearted, -heartedness, like, -tailed. lion's (prefix for botanical names); all take hyphen. lithe (prefix) ; all one word. live-forever, long. liverberry, wort; adjectives take hyphen. liveryman. loadstai', stone. loanmonger. lobcock, fig, -grass, scouse, scouser, sided, tail (v.), worm. lockchest, -down(n.), fast, jaw, man, out, smith, spit, up, woik. loco; all one word, except loco weed. lodestar, stone, stuff. loft-dried. loftsman. loganberry. logcock, fish, head, headed, man, roll, roller, rolling, way, wood, work. loggerhead. longbeak, beard, bill, boat, -distance (a.), ear, fin, hand, head, -headedness, horn, jaw, legs, -lining, -livedness, neck, nose, -off, -on, pod, shanks, shore, shoreman, shucks, -sightedness, some, someness, somely(adv.), spun, spur, -stop, -suffering, sufferance, -tackle, tail, -tongue, wall, way, ways, windedly, -windedness, wise, wool, work, wort; adjectives take hyphen. lookdown, -in, out. looker-on. looking-glass. loophole, holed, light, work. loose-bodied, -jointed, strife, -tongued. lop-ear, -eared, seed, sided. — (35 — loud-ninuthed, -voiced. love-eiitanuU'. flower, lace, lock, lorn, -maker, -makiiiij, mate, sick, sickness, some, worthy. lovint;-kindness. lowborn, bred, -browed, -down, -downer, land, lander, -lived, -minded, -mindedness, -necked, -pressure, -spirited, -studded. -thoutibted, -wood, lower-case (a., v.), mast(n.), most, lugmark, sail, worm, lukewaiiii ( a. ) , warmness. lumberjack, man, some, yard, lying-in. lyn.\-eyed. M machine-made, man. macro (prefix) -axis, -chemistry; the rest one word. mad-aiiple, brain, -brained, cap, -doctor, -dog, -headed, house, man, stone, weed, woman, wort. made-ui)(a.). magneto (prefix) -bell, -dynamo, -electric, -electrical, -elec- tricity, -generator, -instrument, -machine, -optic, -optical, -optics (n.), -phonograi)h, -pointer, -printer, -telegraph, -telephone, -transmitter; the rest one word. maidservant. maidenhair, head, hood, w'eed. mail -cheeked, clad, man, -shell. main-gauche, -hamper, land, lander, mast, past, pin, prise, sail, sheet, spring, stay, top, topman. major-domo, -generalcy, -generalship. makebate, -belief, -believe, fast, -game, -peace, -ready, shift, -up, weight. making-up. maltman, worm. mammato-cumulus. manbot, bote, -eater, -eating (a.), -god, handle, -hater, hole, -hunting (a.), -killer, -of-war, root, rope, servant, slaughter, slayer, slaying, stealer, stealing, stopping (a.), trap, way, weed. mangel-wurzel. mantelboard, piece, shelf, tree. manyberry, fold, plies, root, where; the rest take hyphen. maple-leaved. marblehead, wood, work; the rest take hyphen. Marcelwave. mare's-nest, -tail. marker-off. marksman, manship, woman. marlinspike. marshbunker, -fire, fish, flower, land, man, wort. master-at-arms, -key (v.), piece, work, wort. masthead, house, man. m;itch-board(v. ) , -cloth, -lined, lock, maker, making, wood. matter-of-fact (a.). maulstick. mawbound(n.), moutli, worm. 5—19453 — 66 — M mayl)e(adv.), bush, cock, hap, pop, weed. Maybiid, bloom, fair, fish, flower, fowl, pole, poling, thorn, tide, time, wort. meadow-bright, bur, land, sweet, wort. mealberry, man, monger, mouth, -mouthed, time. mealymouth, -mouthed, -mouthedness, wing. mean-siiirited, -spiritedness, time, tone, while. meatbiid, man. mechanico-ehemical. medico (prefix) ; all one word. meetinghouse. merchantman. mermaid's-glove, -head, -purse (plants). merry-andrew, -go-round, make, maker, making, meeting, thought, wing. meshwork. messman, mate. metergram. methylamine, aniline, anthracene, malonicu^.), sulphuric (a.). mezzo -relievo, -soprano, tint, tinter, tinto. micro (piefix) -erg; the rest one word. mid-age, aged, -air, -body, -brain, -carpal, -channel, -course, day, -distance, -earth, -feather, -field, -gut, heaven, -iron, -kidney, land, -life, -main, most(adv. ), -movement, night, moon, -ocean, -off, -on, -Pacific, parent, -point, -position, rash, rib, ribbed, riff, -road, -sea, shij), shipnian, -side, -sky, stream, summer, -sun, -term, -tide, watch -water, way, week, -wicket, wife, winter, -woi kings. middle-aged, -class, most, -rate, -sized, weight. milepost, stone. militiaman. milk-and-water (a.), bush, fish, -grass, -livered, maid, man, -sick, sop, sopping, stone, weed, wood, wort. millboard, dam, -headed (a.), house, man, post, rind, -run, -sixpence, stock, stone, work, wright, \\Tighting. mincemeat. mintman, master, wort. minuteman. mischief-maker, -making. mizzenmast, topman. mobcap, capped. mockbird, -heroic, -heroical, -heroically. molebut, cast, -catching, -eyed, head, hill, skin. wort. moneybag, -bound, grubber, grubbing, -maker, -making, -monger, -mongering(n.,a.), -quake, wise, worth. monkey-board, -cup, -faced, nut, -pot, -puzzle, -rigged, shine, tail, -vine. monkshood. mono-ideism, -ideistic; the rest one word. moonbeam, bill, blind, blink, calf, creeper, -culminating, -eye, -eyed, face, faced, fall, fish, flower, glade, head, light, lighter, lighting, lit, -loved, madness, man, raker, raking (a.), rise, sail, seed, set, shade, -sheered, shine, shiner, shining, shiny, stone, stricken, struck, wort. mooseberry, wood. mopboard, -headed, stick. — 67 — moreover, pork (bird). morning-t;lory, tide. mossback, -backed, bunker, -green, -grown, head, trooper, wort. moth-eat, -eaten. mother-in-law, hood, land, -of-pearl, -spot, wort. niotle.v-niinded. moto-masiietic, phone. motorcyclist, -driven (a. ) . mouse-colored, -dun, -ear, eared, hawk, hole, kin, tall, trap, web. mouth-blower, -filling, -made, piece, root, muckrake (v.), raker, sweat, weed, worm, mudfish, hole, sill, skipper, stone, sucker, weed, wort, muddlehead, -headed, -headedness. muddy-brained, -breast (n.), -headed, -mettled, mule-jenny (machine), teer, wort, mummy-cloth, muscle-bound. muskflower, melon, rat, wood, mutton-chop (a.), head, -headed, -legger, wood, muzzle-loader, -loading, wood. N nailbrush, head, -headed, sick, wort. namesake. narrow-heartedness, mindedness, spiritedness; adjectives take hyphen, naso (prefix); all one word, navelwort. near-by (a.), -legged, most, sight, sightedness. neat's-foot. neckband, cloth, lace, laced, mold, tie, wear, weed, needlebook, bush, case, fish, man, -point (a.), -pointed, stone, woman, wood, work, woiker. ne'er-do-well, neo (prefix), takes hyphen when followed by cap; otherwise one word, n erveroot, -shaken ( a. ) . netbraider, fish, maker, veined, -winged, wort, work, nevermore, theless. newborn(a.), comer(n.), -create(v.), -fashioned (a.), -front(v.). ma!ket(n.), -model (v.), -modeler (n. ) , -namer(n.). newsboy, -letter, man, monger, paper, pajierdom, room, nitro (prefix) : all one word, no-ball, -being, body, cake, how, way, ways, where, whither, \rise. nobleman, -minded, -mindedness, woman, nolle-pros. non-ego, -pros (v.); the rest one word, unless followed by cap, when use hyphen, nonesuch. noonday, -flower, light, tide, time. north(i)reflx) -northeast (a.), -northwest (a.), polar(a.), -seek- ing; the rest one word, northbound (also eastbound, southbound, westbound), noseband, bleed, fish, gay, pinch, smart. GS notwithstanding. notebool\, liead, worthy, nowadays, anij^hts. nursehound, maid, nurseryman. nutbreaker, -biown, cracker, gall, hatch, hook, jobber, pecker, shell, -tapper. oarcock, fish, -footed, lock, man, weed. oarsman, woman. occipito-atlantal, -atloid, -axial, frontal, -frontalis (n.), mas- toid, nasal, i)ai1etal, temporal. off (prefix) -bear(v.), -bearer, -chance(n.), -color(a.), -colored, -coni(n.), -drive (v.), -falling (n.), -glide (n.), -go(n.), -going (n.), -handed, -handedly, -handedness, -hitting, -load, -lying, -put(n.), -putter (n.), -reckoning (n.), -white (a.); the rest one word. officeholder. oftentimes. ofttimes. oiimammeter, meter. oileoat, cloth, fish, man, i)aner, seed, skin, S:kinned(a), stock, stone, -temper (v.), -tempered (v.), -tempering (v.), -tight (a.), -tightness, -tongued(a), way. old (prefix) -fangled, -fashion (a.), -fashioned, -gentlemanly, -line (a), -maidish, -soldier (v.), -time (a.), -timer, wife (fish), -wifely, -wifish, -womanlsli, -womanly, -world (a.). olive-backed, -colored, wood. omni (prefix); all one word. oncome, -coming, cost, drive (v.), fall, flow, -go, going (a.), -hanger, -hit (v.), lay (v.), lock, looker, locking, rush, rush- ing, set, setter, -shore, -side (a.), slaught, stead (n.), to, ward. oneself, -sidedly, -sidedness, -two(n.), -two-tliree(n.) ; adjec- tives take hyphen. onionskin (paper). only-begotten (a.). open-airishness, -airness, band(a.), bill(bird), cast, -handedly, -handedness, -heartedly, -heartedness, -mindedness, -mouthed- ness, work, working. Orangeman, leaf, -leaf (a.), -peel (a.), -root. orang-utan. orchardman. othergates(adv.), guise, ness(a.), -self, where, while, whither, wise, world (a.), worldiness, worldly. out-and-cut, -and-outer, bearing (n.), -book, -clearer, -patient, -starter: the rest one word, unless followed by cap; or, adjectively, by "of," in which case use hyphen. ovate (prefix) ; all take liy|)iien. over-all(a.), -aim, -belief, -sea(a.), -sparred(a.) ; tiie rest one woid. owl-eyed, glass, head, -light, -wide. oxbane, beny, l)ird, biter, boy, bow, brake, cart, cheek, -eyed, fly, -foot (a.), gang, goad, hai-row, head, heal, heart, hide, hoft. lioin, house, like, man, pecker, shoe, tail, tongue. oysterbird, -green, house, man, -shell(a.). — 69 — pacehiiard. maker. makiiiK. packlK iKe, mail, saddle, staff, tliiead, ware, wax, way. painstaker, taking, wiirtli.v. painthiiisli. loot, witrk. palefaee. -faced. pallhearer. holder, -mall. palmi (iiretix) ; all one word. pan (prefix) : all one word, unless followed by cap, when use liyplien, e.xcept Pan American and pan fish. I)anehvoik. panicmon^er, -mongering, -stricken, -struck. l)annierman. l)antiyman. paperbaik, -boy. -chasing, mouth (fi.sh), shelled. para-ana\stliesia; the rest one word, parrotbeak. bill, -toed, parti-coated, -colored, -membered, -mortgage (n.), -mortgaged, -named, party-coated, -colored, -striped, -walled. Itassageway. passer-by. pass-key, man, ever, poit, woman, word, wort. |)ast-due(a.). pasteboard, -down, patchwise, work. paterfamilias (n. ) , familiar (a. ) , noster. pathfinder, way. patrolman. pawnbroker, broking, shop, paymaster, mistress, peaberry, bird, chick, -coat, cock, fowl, hen, -jacket, nut, stone, peacebreaker, breaking, maker, making, monger, mongering(a.). peachblow(but peach blow ret'cning to bloom), -colored, wort, pearlash, berry, bush, -eyed, fruit, stone, weed, wort, pebble-hearted, stone, ware, jieephole. pell-mell, pencraft, dragon, dragonish, dragonship, fish, gun, holder, knife, man, master, rack, stock, tiough. wiper, woman, penny-a-line (a.), -a-liner, cress, leaf, rot, royal, stone, weight, -wise, wort, worth, penthouse, -roof. pepper-and-salt, box, corn, grass, mint, root, weed, wood, wort, pepsinliydrochloric (a. ) . peri (iirefix) ; all one word, pesthole, house. petro(i)refix) ; all one word, phenylacetamide, acetic, amide, amine, boric, glycolic, glyoxylic, hydrazine, methane, phono (i)refix) ; all one word, phospho (prefix) ; all one word, photo (prefix) -electric, -electrical, -electricity, -electograph, -electrotype, -engrave, -engraver, -engraving, -epinasty, -ei)in- a.stic, -epinastically, -etch, -etched, -etcliing; the rest one word. — 70 phyllo (prefix) ; all one word. phylo (prefix) ; all one word. physico(i)iefix) -mathematics, -mathematical, -philosophy, -phil- ()S()|)hifal, -theology, -theological, -theologist ; the rest one word, pianoforte, pickahack, ax, liack, lock, man, maw, -me-up, pocket, thank, -np. pickle-herring, weed, worm, piecemeal, work, worker. piezo (prefix) -electric, -electricity; the rest one word. pitj-back(v.), -eyed, face, -faced, foot, head, -headedly, -headed- ness, herd, -jawed, -jump (v.), -jumper, maker, nut, pen, root, sconce, skin, stick (v.), sticker, sticking, sty, tail, -tailed, wash, weed, pigeon-breasted, -hearted, hole, holer, -toed, weed, wing, wood, pigeon's-blood. pilework, worm, wort, piilowbere, case, pinball, -borer, case, cushion, -eyed, fallow, feather, featherer, -fire, fish, flat, fold, head, -headed, hold, hole, rail, tail. -tailed, -toed, weed, wheel (v.), work(n.), -woik(v.), worm, pince-nez. pinchljeck, cock, fist, fisted, pineapple, house, land, weed, ping-pong. pink-eyed, -sterned, weed, wort. pipe-clay (v.), -clayey, -clayish, fish, layer, laying, -line (v.), man, stem, stone, vine, worm, pitapat, bird, fall, -headed, -hole(n.), man, pan (boat), woik (mining), pitchblende, -faced, foik, -plaster (v.), stone, woik (mining), pitter-patter, plainsman. plank-sheer, ways, plano-concave, -convex, -horizontal, -orbicular, -subulate; the rest one word, plantsman. l)lastenvork. piateband, fish, -glazed, -roll (v.), way. platterface, -faced, play (prefix) ; all one word, except play boy, play club, play pipe, play right, pleuro (prefix) ; all one word, plot-proof. plow (prefix) ; all one word, plugman, tray, -ugly(n.). plutomania. pneumato (prefix) : all one word, pneumo (prefix) ; all one word, pockliouse, mark, -marked, -pit (v.), wood, pocketbook, knife, point-ljlank, -device, -to-point. poisonberry, wood, pokeberry, -bonneted, root, weed, poleax, axer. burn, cat, man, star, wig. policyholder. n — poll-evil (ii.). pondbusli, fish, weed, wort. |)()oh-pooh. poorliDiise, -spirited, -spiritedness. popcye. K'ln. -over(ii.). poppy-t'oi'k. head. potkfish. portcia.voii, cullis, folio, hole, hook, man, manteaii, -mouthed, reeve, -vent, way. porterhouse. post (prefix) -free (a.), -mortem, -obit, -office (a.), -season, -temporal, -tonic, -traumatic, -treaty, -tympanic; the rest one word (unless followed by cap, when use hyi)hen) , except post auger, post bag, post helium, post boat, post box, post ca])tain, post car, post card, ijost cedar, post chaise, post chariot, post coach, post croker, post day, post flag, post horn, post horse, post letter, post mill, post note, i)ost oak, post office, post roads, post route, post town, post trader, post truss. potale. ash, -au-feu, -bellied, -belly, boil, boiler, -bound, boy, -girl, hanger, herb, hole, hook, hookeiy, house, hunter, hunting, latch, -lead(v. ), leg, lid, luck, man, pie, pourri, sherd, stone, -valiant, -valiance, -valiancy, -valiantly, -val- iantry, -valor, waller, walling, -walloper, -walloping, ware, work. poult-de-soie. poundcake, -folly, -foolish, -foot, keeper, man, master, stone, -worth (n.). poverty-stricken (a.) . weed. powder-blue, fliisk, horn, mill, -posted. powpow. praiseworthily, worthiness, worthy. pre(i)refix) ; all one word, unless followed by cap, when use hyphen. pressboard, man, maik, pack, room, work. prick-eared, -foot, punch, spur, wood. priestcraft, -rid, -ridden, privateersman. pro (prefix) ;( a.) , one word. prongbuck, horn. proto (prefix) : all one word, unless followed by cap, when use hyphen. pseudo-apople.xy, -aquatic, -archaic, -arthrosis, -axis, -erysip- elas, -malachite, -monocotyledonous; the rest one word, unless followed by cap, when use hyphen. psycho (prefix) -ology; the rest one word. public (prefix) ; all take hyphen. puffhall, -leg (bird). pug-nosed. puller-in, -out. puli)board. puppetman, master. purpleheart, lip, wood, wort (plants). iiurse-proud(a.). pushcart, pin. putlog, -off, -out, -up. j)uttyroot. 1 72 puzzlehead, -headed, headedness, monkey. li.VKniyweed. pyx-jury. fluaRmire. quarry faced, man, -rid(n.). quarter-ansiled, -boards, -bound (binding) , -cast(a.), -cleft(a.), -cut, -deck, -decker, -fisiies, -liollow, man, master (n., v. ) , pace, -phase (a.), -pierced, -pointed, -saw, -sawn, -sawed, -sawing, staff, stretch, -vine, quartermaster; official names all two words, quater-centenary, -tenses. queenfish, hood, -post(n.), root, weed, wood, queen's-balm, -berry, -delight, -flower, -gilliflower, -herb, -lily, J -needlewort, -root. ' quickbeam, -fire, -firing, foot (adv.). hatch, lime, sand, set, -sighted, -sightedness, silver (n., v.), step(music), thorn, -witted, -wittedness, work (nautical). quillback(fish), tail, work, wort, quintuple-nened (botany), -ribbed (botany), quitclaim (n., v.), rent. i rabbit-ear (faucet), mouth (fish), -mouthed, root, wood. race-about (boat), way. rackabones, arock, board (organ) , -lashing, master, -o'-bones, -rent (n., v.), -renter, way, work, yard. radio (prefix) -lead; the rest one word. laftsman. ragamuffin. ragman, i)icker, shag, stone, tag, time, weed, work, wort. railbird, head, road, roader, roading, way. rainband, bow, coat, drop, fall, -proof(a. ), storm, -tight, wash. rakelielKa.), -off. ramline (nautical), pick, race, rod, shackle. ram's-liead, -horn. _ ranchman. rapeseed. rapid-fiie(a), -fii'er, -firmg. rarebit, ripe. raspberry, -pod. ratsbane. rat's-tail (n.). ratepayer, paying. rattlebag, -bones, box, brain, -brained, bush, head, -headed, nut, pate, -pated, ran, root, skaiU, -skulled, snake, trap, weed, wort. rattlesnake-root -weed. rawboned, head, hide. razorback, -backed, bill, -billed. razzle-dazzle. re (prefix for again) -act, -ally, -collect, -cover, -create, -crea- tion, -creative, -dress, -form, -formation, -lease, -mark, -pres- ent, -pi'esentation, -press, -probate, -search, -serve, -sign, -solve, -sound, -store, -strain, -treat, -turn; the rest one word. ready-made (a.,n.), -witted, -wittedness. — 73 — rear-horse, most, mouse, ward. recto-coccyseal, -colonic: the rest one word. redhack. -I)ack('(i. heard, helly. -hellied. heny. hill, -hilled, bird, iHeast. -breasted, hud. huek, cap. coat, -nested, eye, -eyed, -fit^iired, tiiich. tisli, -footed, -iiaiid. -iiaiided, -hard, -tiard- eiie(i(v.), -hardness, -liat, head, -headed, lioop, -hot, les^, -lest;ed, -letter, moutii, -necked. i)oU, root, shank, siiirt, -short, -shouldered, skin, start, streak, tail, -tailed, -tape (a.), -taped, -ta|)er, -tai)ery, -tapish, -tapism. -tapist, throat, toi), ware (wood), wint;, winged, wood. reedl)iid, buck, woik. resino-electric. rest-harrow, house. ribbonhack(n.), -back(a.), weed, wood. ricehird. ridiweed. rickrack, staddle, stand, stick, yard. ridgehand, piece, plate, i)ole, rope. rilfratf. riflehird, fish. man. rift-sawed, -sawinj;. right (|)refi.\) -about(n.), -hand(a.), -hander(n.), -handedness, -niindedness, ward, wise, wisely, wiseness; adjectives take hyphen. rimhase, -fire. rindeipest. ring-around, hark(v.), bill, -billed, bird, bolt, bone, dove, eye, -fence (v.), head, leader, mastei-, neck, -neiked, -porou=;, -rope, sail, -small, -straked, -streaked, tail, -tailed, taw, toss, wise (adv.), worm. riprai) (masonry) , -rap(firewoiks), sack, saw. riveriiead. man, side, weed. rix-dollar. roadbed, man. master, side, stead, stones, way, weed, worthy. rockaway. -jjottom. -bound, -faced, fish, foil, hair, rose, shaft, staff, weed, wood, work. rocking-chair, -horse. rodman, wood. rollback (n.), -cumulus, -top, way. rolling-pin. roly-poly. rooftree. roommate. rootcai), -mean-square, stock, worm. ropeband, bark, dancei', dancing, maker, walk, walker, way, work. i(i|)e's-end(v. ). rose-a-ru!)y, bay, bit, -breasted, bud, bush, -colored, -cut (a.), drop, fish, head, -pink (a.), -red (a.), -ringed, root, -water (a.), wood, wort. rough-bore (v.), cast (n., v.), caster, -coat, draw, dress (v.), dry, -giind, head, hew, hewer, -house, -leaved, leg -legged, -plane(v.), -point(v.), rider, scuff, setter, shod, slant, -stone (v.), string, -stuff, -tailed, -winged, work (v.). wrought. rcughing-in. roundat)nut. -arm(a.). fish, headed, headedness. house, -iron, line, ridge (v.), -shouldered, tail, top, -up, wood, worm. roundsman. — 74 — roustabout. rowboat, lock, port. rubblestone, work. rubytail, -tailed, throat, -throated. rudderiu'ad, hole, post, .stock. iiile-nioiiger. runahout, ai;ate, around, away, board, by, dale, fish, holder, -off, -on (p. a.), -over, round, -through, way. runner-up. rustproof, rutabaga. S saberhill, -legged, -toothed, wing. sackcloth, clothed, -doodle (v.). saddleback, -backed, bag(n.,v.), -billed (bird), bow, cloth, -graft (v.), leaf, nose, -shaped, tree, wise, sadiron. safe-conduct(n.,v.), guard(n.,v.), -keeping, -pledge(n.). sagebru.sh, bush, rose, wood, sailboat, cloth, fish, maker, sailorman. saleslady, man, manship, room, woman, salewoik, yard, salmonberry. saltbush, cellar, -master, peter, spoon, weed, wort, sandalwood. sandbag(n.v.) bagger, -blast(v.). -blind, -blindness, -burned, fish, -hiller, -lot(a.), man, paper(n.,v.) , peep, piper, rock, shoe, stone, weed, weld, wood, worm, wort, sang-froid. saphead, -headed, sucker, wood, satinwood. saucebox, pan. save-all. sawback, -billed, buck, dust, fish, fly, horse, mill, -toothed, wort, -wrest, saxcornet, horn, ophone, otromba, -tuba, -valve, scaldbeny, fish, weed, scalebeam, board, fish, pan, work, scaly-winged. scapegallows, goat, grace, -wheel, scarecrow. scarfpin, skin, wise, scatterbrain, brained, sceneshifter. scentwood. schoolbook, boy, craft, dame, fellow, girl, house, maid, man, master, mate, mistress, room, -teacher, -teaching, time, ward, scot-free (a.), scrapbook. scratchboard, brush, card, weed, work, screenman. scrollhead, woik. scrubboard, grass, land, wood, scytheman, stone. lO seabeach, board, -born (a.), hoiiiid, coast, farer, fariiij;. folk, j,'iil(a.), t;oiii};, -^rei'ii(a. ) , -island (a.), man, inatk. piece, port, (iiiake. scape, shore, sick, sickness, side, ward, way, weed, worthy, worthiness. seal-lir(nvii(a.), skin, wort. searddiKht. second-class (a.), -foot, liaiidla.), -rate, -sij^ht, -sijilited. seesaw. seedhird. cake, -lac(n.), time, seedsman. seerband. fish, hand, i)aw, sucker, selectman. self (prefix) same, sameness; the rest take hyi)hen. semi (pietix) -incandescent. -inde|)endence. -independent, -indur- ated, -inertness, -infinite, -inhibition, -ironical, -water, gas; the rest one word, except where followed l)y cap, when use hyphen. .series-wound(a. ). serio-comic, -comical, -comically, sero (prefix) : all one word, scrrate-ciliate, -dentate, servo-motor (n.). sssqui (prefix) ; all one word, setback, bolt, -dowir(n.), -fair(n.). -off. -out, -over, -stitched, -to, -up, work, sevenbaik, fold, score, -shooter, -up. sextodecimo. shadberry, bird, bush, flower, shakedown, foik, proof, -up. shallow (i)refix) ; adjectives take hyphen, shamefaced, flower, -jiroof, worthy, sharcbeam, bone, broker, holder, sharp-cut, -shinned, shooter, -sighted, -sightedness, -tailed. -witted. sheepberry, bush, -faced, fold, -headed, hook, -kneed, man. muster, shank, shearer, shearing, -sick (a.), skin, split, walk, v.alkei'. ;heei).->head(fish). sheep's-bane. -beard, -foot (printing), -parsley, -scabious, -sorrel, sheetwise, -pile (v.), work, shellbark, fish, man, proof, work, woiker. shield-shaped, tail, shinglewood. shinleaf, plaster. shipboard, bound, builder, building, holder, -lap, load, master, mate, owner, -rigged, shape, way, worm, wreck, vvright, yard, shock-dog, -head, -headed. shoebird, black, horn, maker, making, pack, -tree, shop (prefix); all one word, except shop i)aper. shoreweed. shortbread, cake, -circuit (v. ) , coming, hand, -handed (a.), hander, horn, -horned(a.), -shucks(n.), sighted, stop, -wool; adjectives take hyphen, shotbush, gun, -ice, -proof. shovelbill. board, fish, head, nose, -nosed, -penny, show-down, man, room, -up. shuffleboard, wing. — 76 ~ shutdown, -in, -off, -out. shuttlecock, wise, wound. sicklehill, -billed, -liocked, man, pod, wort. sidehoard, bone, flash, hill, -line(v.), liner, long, jiiece, saddle, shake, -slii)(v.), -splitting, -step(v.), -takin«(n.), track, walk, ward, way, ways, -wheel, -wheelei-, windei-, wipe, wii)er, wise. siegework. sighthole, proof, -seeing, -seer, worthy. sis^nalman. signboard, post. silknian, -stocking (a.), tail, weed, wood, worm, silverback, beater, belly, berry, bill, -black{a. ), boom, fish, -gray(a.,n.), -haired, -leaf, -leaved, smith, top, vine, ware, weed, wood, work, simon-pure. siinple-faced, -hearted, -minded, -mindedness. single-action, bar, -diiver, -foot, -loader, -phaser, stick, -stick?r, ton, tree; adjectives take hyphen, sister-in-law. sitfast. six-cut, fold, -footer, pence, penny, score, -shooter, .'ketchbock. skid pan, proof, way. sky-blue, -clad, gazer, -high, lark, larking, light, -planted, rocket, sail, scai)e, scraper, ward, slab-sided, stone, slack-salted, -water(v.). slam-bang. slap-bang, dash, jack, -up. slash-grain, slate-color, -colored, slaughterhouse, man. slaveborn, -grown, holder, holding, sleep-waker, waking, walker, walking, wort, sleeijyliead. sleuthhound. slideway, -wire. slipl)oard, knot, -on, -sheet(v.), shod, slop, way. sllpperwort. slit-eyed, shell, i^loop-rigged. slop-built, dash, -molded, seller, shop, work, worker, slow-burniug, -down, -witted, worm, smallclothes, pox, sword, smart weed, smearcase. smoke-dry, house, jack, stack, stone, wood; adjectives take liyphen. smoothbore, -bored, -ehiiined, -faced, -spcken, -tongued. snakeberry, bird, fish, head, mouth, neck, piece, root, stone, weed, wood, worm, wort, snake's-beard, -head, -mouth, -tongue (plants), snap-back, diagon, jack, shot, -shooter, -shooting, weed, wort, snapijer-back. sneezeweed, wood, wort, snipebill, fish, -nosed. — i I ■ — snowlj;ill, berry, bird, -blind, -bound, breai<. -britii, bush, cap, craft, down, drift, drop, fall, flake, flight, flower, plow, scape, slied, shoe, shoer, slide, slip, storm, -white (a.), snub-nosed, snuffbox. so-and-so, -called (a.), so. soapl)aik, berry, ijusli, -fast, fish, rack, root, stone, suds, wood, wort, sober-minded, -mindedness, sides, soft-hone, -finned, -beaded, -hearted, -heartedly, -heartedness, horn, rayed, -shell, -spoken, -tack, wood, solid-drawn, -hoofed, -horned, ungular, ungulate, some (prefix) ; all one word, excei)t wlien followed Ijy a vowel, in wliich case two words, son-in-law. songbook, craft, man. soothfast, say, sayer, saying, sorehead, -eyed. soundproof, south (ijrefix) -seeking, -southeast, -southeily, -southwest; the rest one word. southi)Ound (also easthound, northbound, westbound), southernmost, wood(tree). si)arerib. sparhawk, piece, sparrowgrass, tongue, wort, speak-easy. spearfihh, head, man, miiit, wood, wort, spectre ( prefix) ; all one word. s|)eechcraft. speedway, well. spelIt)iiKi, binder, bound, work, spendall, tlirift, tiirifty. spiceberry, bush, wood, spick-and-span, -and-span-new, -span-new. spikehill, -horn, -kill, nard, nose, tall, wise. si)ileworm. spindle-legged, legs, -sharked, shanks, tail, -tailed, spinebill, tail, -tailed, spiny-finned, -rayed, spirepole. spiritual -minded, -mindedness. spitt)all, box, fore, -stick, -sticker. si)itchcock. splashboard. splitbeak, finger, fruit, mouth, saw, -tail, worm, spoilsman, monger, spokesman, woman. spoonl)ill, -billed, drift, -fashion, flower, -food, hutch, -meat, ways, wood, wort, sportsman, woman, spot-barred, spiayboard. spread-eagle, sprig-bit. tail, springant, iioard, liok, finger, fish, halt, liead, -headed, tail, tide, time, worm, wort. 78 — spyhoiit, tjlass. square-built, flipper, head, -iieaded, -jointed, -ligi^ed, -liyger, -set (mining), tail, -toed, -toes, squawbeny. fish, root, weed, squint-eyed, stableboy, man, stand, statjbusii. -evil, -horn, -horned, hound, stagecoach, craft, house, -struck, staircase, head, way. stakehead, holder, stalking-horse. stall-feed, man. stampsman. stand-by, -off, -offish, -offlshness, patter, pattism, pipe, point, post, still, -up. star-blind, board, bush, craft, finch, fish, fruit, -gau^e, gaze, gazer, gazing, light, lit, monger, nose, -nosed, -proof, shine, shoot, -spangled, stone, throat, wort, stark-naked. statecraft, house, monger, -owned, room, statesman, woman, stavewood. staylace, -plow, sail, ship, steadfast, fastly, fastness, steamboat, -cut (v.), boating, -jacket (v.), ship, -tight, -tight ness. steelhead, work, yard, steeplediase, chaser, chasing, -crowned. steerageway. steersman. stem -clasping, -winder, -winding, stepljrother, child, dame, daughter, -down (a.), fatlier, ladder. mother, motherly, -parent, sister, son, stone, -up(s.). stepping-stone. stereo (prefix) ; all one word. sternforemost, most, post, ward, way, -wheeler, stewpan. pot. stiff (prefix) -neckedness, tail; adjectives take hyphen. • stillbirth, born, -burn, fish(v.), fisher, house, -hunt, room, stingbull, fish, tail, stinkball, berry, bird, bug, bush, horn, pot, stone, weed, wood. wort, stock-blind, brcker, broking, dove, fish, holder, jobber, jobbing, man. -still, stone, work, yard, stokehold, hole, stonebird, bow, brash, break, cast, chat, cray, crop, cutter, cutting, gall, hand, hatch, head, henge. man, mason, pecker, seed, shot, smatch, smith, wall (v.), waller, ware, weed, wood, work, wort, yard, stopcock, -gaj), hound, -off, -o|)en(|)honetics) , water, storehouse, kee))er, keeping, man, master, room, ship, stork-billed. stormcock, -proof, ward, wind. storyi)ock. -teller, -telling, -writer, stoutliearted, -heartedness. stovehouse, pipe, stowaway, -boating, bord, down, -net, -wood. — in — straddlebug, -legged, wise. straightaway, -cut, edge, fonvard, forwardly, forwardness, line(a.), -out, -pull, -spoken, way(a., or adv.), strait-jaiket, -laced, lacing, -waistcoat, woik. strato-cirms, -cumulus. straw-l);iss, berry, board, -colored, mote, -necked, small, smear, worm. streetwalker, walking, ward, way. strike-out (n.). stringboard, course, halt, piece, wood. strongbark. hand, hold, -mindedly, -mindedness, -water; adjec- tives take hyphen. stuccowork, woiker. stuck-up. studbook, fish, flower, horse, mare, -pink. stumblingblock, stone. stump-bred, -rooted, -tailed. sub (prefix) -base, -basement, -bass; the rest one word. subject-object, -objectivity. suckfish, stone. sugarbeny, -cane (a.), -coated, house, -loaf (a.), plum. sulpho-urea. ui-itic; the rest one word. sulphur-bottom, weed, wort. summer-fallow, house, stir(v.), tide, tree. sunbeam, bird, blink, bonnet, bow, burn, -burner, burst, -cracked, dew, dial, down, downer, drops, dr>(v.), fish, flower, glass, glow, light, lit, proof, rise, set, setting, shade, shine, shiny, squall, -stone, stroke, -struck, up, ward, wise. super (prefix) ; all one word. supra (prefix) ; when followed by vowel use hyphen, othenvise, one word, except supra grammaticam. sure-enough (a.), -footed, -footedly, -footedness. surface-bent, man. surftjoat, boatman, man. swallowtail, -tailed, wing, wort. swampweed, wood. swanfiower, herd, -hopping, maik, marker, marking, neck, skin, -upper, -upping, wort. swan's-down. swashbuckler, bucklering, buckling, -letters, way. sway-backed. swearword. sweatband, shop, weed. sweepstake, stakes, washer, washings. sweetbread, briar, heart, leaf, meat, root, sop, water, weed, wood, wort; adjectives take hyphen. swellfish, toad. swift (prefix) foot; adjectives take hyphen. swinebread, -chopped cote, fish, herd, hull, pipe, stone, sty, ward, yard. swinglebar, tail, tree. switchback, board, man. sword -and-buckler. bill, craft, fish, fishuig, man, play, player, -proof, -shaped, smith, stick, tail. T tablecloth, -cut (a.), -land, spoon, spoonful, ware, wise, tag -end, lock, rag, tail. — 80 — tail-bay, block, board, ender, flower, piece, pin, race, -rime, stock, ward, '-water, tailor-made, taiiitworm. take-all, down, in, -oft', -up. taker-ill, -oft", takiiig-off. talebearer, bearing, book, carrier, carrying, teller, talesman, tallboy (n.). tallow-face, -faced, -root, -top, -topped, wood, tallyho, man, way. tangent-cut. tanglebeny, fish, foot, wrack, lanyard. taphouse, -rivet (v.), room, root, rooted, tapeline, worm. tarboy, -bush, heel, rack, rock, weed, whine, wood. tarso(i)refix) ; all one word, tarry-breeks, -fingered, taskmaster, mistress, work, tattletale. taxgatherer, gathering, man, payer, teaberry, cup, cupful, kettle, pot, poy, spoon, spoonful, teamland, wise, work, tear (prefix) drop, -falling, pit, thumb, teaze-hole. tele (prefix) -iconograph; the rest one word, telltale, tenfold, -forties, -o'clock (n.), penny, pins, -pounder, -sided, -strike, tenderfoot, -hearted, -heartedly, -heartedness, loin, tenterhook, teiithmeter. tentmaker, woik. wort, texttjook, man, -writer. thankworthiness, worthy, -you-ma'am(road making), thanksgiver, giving, thenceforth, forward, there (prefix) : all one word. thick-and-thin(a.), head, -knee, leaf, lips, set, skin, s,kull, -stamen, wind; adjectives take hyphen, thiinbleberry, -eye, rig, rigger, weed, thin-skinnedness; adjectives take hyphen, thirdborough, -class (a.), -penny, -rate (a.), -rater, thorough-brace, bred, fare, foot, going, paced, pin, -stem, wax, wort, thousandfold, -leaf, -jacket; other adjectives take hyphen, threadbare, fin, fish, foot, -needle, -shaped, -the-needle, worm, three (prefix) -bagger, -cornered, -cycle, -decker, fold, -half- Ijence, -master, -out, pence, penny, -phaser, -i)lier, -quarter, -ridge, score, some, -spread, -valve; other adjectives take hyphen, thricecock; adjectives take hyphen. throatt)ati(l, boll, lash, latch, root, wort, throwback, -crook, -oft", thumb-nail, rope, screw, stall. — 81 — thunderhird, l)olt. hurst, clap, cloud, -dirt, fish, flower, head, headed, peal, plum)), -jiroof, shower, s(iuall, stone, sttirin, strike, stroke, woim. thyro-antitoxiu, -arytenoid, -aryteiioideus, -e|)is?lottic, -epi^lotti- (iean: tiie lest one word, tidbit. tideland, race, -rode, waiter, water, way. tides 111 an. tiebar. l)eani, -iilate, -iilater, -rod, tie, -up, wiR. tiers-;useiit, man. tiger-eye, foot, -footed, tile-drain (v.), fish, root, seed, stone, tiitboard, -up, yard, timberfranie, head, land, man, work, timtkeeiier, piece, pleaser, saver, saving, server, serving, taker, -table, -work, worn; other adjectives take hyijlien. tinclad, -foil (v.), man, mouth, plate (v.), pot (a.), smith, smitliing. stone, stuff, tyiie, ware, tipburn, cat, staff, stock, tail, tilt, toe, top, topper, -up. tire-larigot, man. smith, woman, tiring-room. titano (prefix) ; all one word, titbit, huk, mouse, title-page. to-and-fro, -bread, -day, -do, -morrow, -niglit. toadback. eater, fisii, flax, flower, head, |)i|:e, stone, stool, toastmaster. toe-and-heel, nail, tollbar, booth, gate, house, man. tomboy, cat, cod, fool, foolery, noddy, -piper, rig, tit, -torn, trot, tombstone, ton-mile, tongueliiid. fence, fish, flower, -flowered, -lashing, -shaped, tacked, -tie, -tied, toohiiaker, man, smith, stock, toothache, -ax(v.), bill, -billed(a.), biinh, drawer, drawing, flower, pick, shall, wort, -wound, top-armor, -block, -boot, -booted, -card, -chain, -cloth, -coat, -drain, -dress, -dressing, gallant, -hamper, -hampered, -heavy, -heaviness, knot, -light, lofty, man, mast, most, -netting, notcher, -pickle, piece, -rail, -rope, sail, -sew, -shaped, side, soil, stone, swarm, tail(v.), -timber, -woik(v.). tcpsman. topsy-tuiTiness, -tuny, torclibearei'. light, wood, wort, tortoise-shell (a.), wood, toss-up, pot. touchback, bell, -box, down, hole, -in-goal, -me-not, pan, piece, stone, wood, towboat, cock, head, -headed(a.), -hook, line, mast, net, path, rope, -row, -tail, towerman. wort. townfolk, gate, house, land, scape, townsfellow, folk, man. people, toyman, shop, wort, trackborrow, -boat, hound, layer, laying, man, master, -road, sick, side, walker, way. 6—19453 — 82 — trade -mark, master, -union, -unionism, -unionist. tradesfolk, -hall, man, people, -union, -unionism, -unionist, woman, tragi-comedy, -comic, -comical, -comi-pa.storal. trainhand, bearer, bolt, load, man, -mile, way. tramcar, pot, road, way. trans (prefix) ; all one word unless followed by a capital, when use hyphen. trapl)all, door, dall, hole, stick, trawlboat, net. treadboard, mill, milling, -softly (n.), wheel, treasure-trove. treble-dated, -geared, -sinewed, tree, treebeard, nail, speeler, worker, trelliswork. trencher-fly, man. trench-plow (v.). trestletree, work, tribesman, people, trigger-finger. tripleback, tail; other adjectives take hyphen, trolleyman. troopfowl, ship, trot-line. troutbiid, -colored, trucebreaker. truckle-bed. truckman, master. true (prefix) -heartedness, love, penny; adjectives take hyphen, trumpetleaf, -shaped, -tongued, -voiced, weed, wood, trundle-bed, head, shot, tail, trunkback, fish, -hatch, -hatchway, nose, way, work, trusswork. truth -lover, teller, telling, try-house, -pot, sail, -square, -works, tubeform, -nosed, rose, tubfish, man, -sized, tugboat. tulip-eared, wood, tumblebug, -down, dung, weed, turfman, turnabout, back, bout, buckle, cap, coat, cock, down, key, out, over, poke, pin, plate, plow, screw, skin, sole, spit, stile, stone, table, tail, -tree, up, verein, wrest, turnip-rooted, -stemmed, wood, turtleback, dove, -footed, head, tutti-frutti. 'tween-brain, -deck, -decks, twelfth-cake, -day, -night, -second, tide, twelvefold, month, pence, penny, score, twentyfold. twice-born (a.), -told (a.), twinberry, born, flower, leaf, -screw(a.). two-bagger, -block, -blocks, -cycle, -decker, -facedness, fold, pence, penny, some, -step, -up, -wheeler; adjectives take hyphen, type-high, script, setter, setting, write, writer, writing, written. — S3 — u u-sliai)cd. ultra-aj;iiostic, -atomis, elliptic, -CQuiiuH'tiul, -iiitellcctiial, -rod, -violet the rest one word, except ultra valorem ami ultra vires. un( prefix; always one word, unless followed by ca|), when u;e hyi)hen. uncalled-for. unciued-for. under (prefix) ; all one word, unheaid-of. uiihoped-of. unlocked-for. unmade-up. uiitalked-of. unthought-of. up (prefix) -and-over(a.), -over, -put, -putting, -to-date(a.) ; the rest one word, uppercut, most, urn flower, -shaped. V V-shaped. vainglorious, gloriously, gloriousness, glory. \anguard, sire. vase-shai)ed. vaso-inhibitoiy; the rest one word. velvethieast, leaf, seed, weed, work. venthole. ventro-lnguinal; the rest one word. vertebro-arterial, basilar, costal, -iliac, sacral. vestryman. vicecomital, geral, gerency, gerent, regal, royal, royalty, versally. viewpoint. vine-clad, dresser, land, yard, yai'dist. viseman. voltanmieter, coulomb, meter. volta-electric. -electricity, -electrometer, -electrometric, meter, metric, plast, type, volumenometer, scope, vulvo-uterine, vaginal, vaginitis. W wagework, woiker. wagon-headed, load, -roofed, wright. wagtail, wag, want, wanton, wit. wainbote, rope, wright. waistband, cloth, coat, coating, -high, line. wait-a-bit, -awhile, -fee, -service. walk-around, mill, out, -over. wallbird, -eye, -eyed, flower, hick, -plat, -sided, wort. warcraft, fare, farer, field, -hawk, man, mouth, path, saw, .ship, wolf, worn, wardsman. warehouse, houseman, room. 84 — warm -blooded, -headed, -hearted, -heartedness, house. washawiiy, basin, board, bowl, l)re\v, dish, house, man, -off, out, |)ot. stand, strake, tail, tub. washerman, woman. wasp-waisted. wastebai-ket, board, way, weir. watchease, dog, maker, making;, man, mate, tower, word, woik. waterijear(v. ), board, -closet, -colorist, -cool, course, cup, -cycle (v.), fall, -fit, fowl, -fronter, -furrow (v.), -horse, -jack- eted (v.), -laid, -logged, leaf, man, mark, melon, iihone, pot, proof, proofer, prooting, -purple, -rot, scape, -seal(v. ), -season, shed, shoot, side, skin, -soak, spout, stoup, -tight, -tightness, way, wood, work, wort; other adjectives take hyphen. wattmeter. waxberry, bill, bird, bush, flower, -red, -stitched, weed, wing, woik, worker. waybeam, berry, bill, bird, bung, fare, farer, faring, gang, gate, going, gone, goose, laid, lay, layer, leave, mark, marker, post, side, sliding, -thistle, thorn, ward, warden, wise, worn. weakfish; adjectives take hyphen. weasel-faced, fish, snout. weather-bitt(v. ), board, boarding, break, cock, -fend(n.), fish, glass, gleam, head, most, proof, -strip (v.), wise, worn; other adjectives take hyphen. weaverfish. webeye, foot, worn; adjectives take hyphen. wedge (prefix) bill, wise; adjectives take hyphen. weedhook. weighbeam, bridge, -house, lock, man, master, shaft. welladay, away, -being, -door, -doing(n.,a.) , -drain(v.), -eye, head, hole, -nigh, spring, strand, -wilier, -wish, -wisher; adjectives take hyphen. weret)ear, wolf. westbound (also eastbound, northbound, southbound). wetbird. -nurse (v.), -season, -shod. whaleback, boat, bone, -built, head, man. wharfman, master. whatever, not, soever. wheatbird, ear, land, worm. wheelband, barrow, bird, -cut, house, man, swarf, way, work, wright. wheelsman. wherias, ever, soever. whenceever, soever. whereabout, abouts, as, at, away, by, fore, from, in, insoever, into, of, on, over, so, soever, through, to, under, upon, with, withal. wheiever. whetstone. whichever, soever. whiffletree. whipcat, cord, fish, graft, jack, lash, poorwill. saw, -shaped, stick, -stitch (v.), stock, tail, -tailed, -tom-kelly, worm. whipper-in, snapper. whirlal)out, blast, brain, pool, wig, wind. whistlefish, wing, wood. «5 whiteback, bait, bark, beam, beard, belly, hill, jjlaze, blow, -bone, bonnet, bottle, boy, cap, capper, coat, comb, corn, crop, -ear, -eye, -face, fish, -foot, head, heart, -lead (v.), -l)ot, -ribboner, root, rum|), sark, seam. side, smith, stone, tail, thorn, throat, tii), to]), vein, wall, wash (v.), washer, -water (v.), weed, wing, wood, worm, wort; adjectives take hyphen. whitfinch, flaw, leather, wall. whithersoever. whole-lieartedly, -heartedness, sale, saler; adjectives take hyphen. whomso. soever. wlioitleberry. whoso, soever. wickerwoik. wicketwork. wide-awake, gap. spread; other adjectives tr.ki' hyphen. widow-bench, hood. wife-l)oniid, hood, -ridden. wigmaker, tail, wag, wagger, warn. wildcat (a.), catter, fire, -fowler, -fowling, grave, wood. will-o'-the-wisp. windbag, ball, berry, bibber, bore, -bound, break (n.), -break (v.), -breaker, broach, -broken, -changing, -dog, fall, fallen, fan- ner, -fertilization, -fertilized, firm, fish, flower, gall, galled, hole, hover, jammer, lass, mill, pipe, -plant, -pollination, -rode, row, rower, -shake, -shaken, -shock, storm, -sucker, swift, -taut, -tight, -up, way. windowpane. winel)erry. l)ibber. bibbing, Conner, glass, glassful, man, sap, taster, tree. wingfish, seed, -shell, -shot; adjectives take hyphen. wintert)erry, bloom, fallow, green, -ground (v.), kill (v.), lemon, -manel, rig(v. ), tide. time, weed; adjectives take hyphen. wiredancer. dancing, draw(v.), drawer, heel, man, pulKv.), puUei-, pulling, smith, way, -weed, work, worker, working, T,oik>, worm; other adjectives take hyphen. wiseacre, head, -hearted. wishbone, -wash. wishy-washy. witch-i)ells, craft, -elm, finder, -hazel, -leaf, -tree, wood, work. with (prefix); all one word. witherljand, -wrung. wizen -faced. woe-hegone. -worn. wolfl)erry. hound, skin. woman -1)1)111, -grown, hood, kind, muckle, -(lueller, -vested. womenfolk. wonderland, stricken, struck, work, -woiker, -woikiiig. -wounded. woodbine, chopiier, cock, craft, cut, cutter, cutting, hole, horse, house, land, lander, man, -note, iiecker. pile, ranger, reeve, rick. rock, shed, side, stone, work, woikei', woiking, worm. woodenhead, -headed, -headedness, wai'e. woodsman. wool-dyed, fell, gathering, grower, growing, heatl, man, pack, sack, shed, sorter, sower, stock, work. woolly-haired, -headed. — 8(3 — word-blind, hook, -bound, -catcher, -deaf, monger, mongering, play, spite (a.), wordsmaii. workaday, hag, basket, bench, box, day, fellow, folk, house, man, master, mistress, people, room, shop, table, ways (adv.), wise(adv. ), woman, working-day, man. world -self, -weary, -wearily, -wide, wordly-minded, -mindedness, -wise, worm -eat (v.), -eaten, -eating, hole, holed, seed, wood, worn -out (a.). \\Tinging-wet(a.). wristband, -dropdi.), fall, wrongdoer, doing, head, -headed, -headedly, -headedness, -hearted, -heartedness, -minded, -mindedness, -timed. xantho (prefix) : all one word, xeno (prefix); all one word, xero ( prefix) ; all one word. Y y-shaped. yachtsman, woman. Yankee-Doodle, land. yardaim, man, master, stick, wand. yawl-rigged. yearbook, long. yeast-bitten. yellow-backed, -bellied, -billed, bird, -breasted, -covered, -Clowned, -eyed, fiKh, -headed, root, -rumped, seed, -shafted, -tailed, -throated, -vented, weed, wood, wort, -wrack. yesterday, eve, even, evening, morn, morning, night, noon, week, year. yewbeiry. yokefellow, mate, -toed. yttro-cerite, -columbite, -tantalite. yuletide. zantewood. zebrawood. Zend-Avesta. zeroaxial. dimensional, zigzag, zaggery, zaggy. I — 87 PUNCTUATION. 11)0 comma separates two words of the same |)ar(s of speecli and in the same construction, if used as a conjunction between them. Also, in a series of words, all of the same parts of speech, a comma is inserted between each, except where the conjunction and is used between the last two words of the series. Expressions of a paren- thetical or immediate nature are separated from the context by a comma. A word or an expres- sion denoting a person or an object addressed, is separated by a comma from the rest of the sentence. The use of the comma, however, is largely a matter of individual preference ; but its close use not being demanded by state work, it should not be insisted upon in any sentence that reads along connectedly, without a natural or radical break in thought. The semicolon is used for dividing a compound sentence into two or more parts, less closely con- nected than those which are separated by a comma, nor yet so little dependent on each other as those distinguished by a colon. In thin-spaced lines, the space after the semi- colon should be slightly increased. TJie colon is used to divide a sentence into two or more parts less closely connected than those which are separated by a semicolon, but not so independent as separate, distinct sentences. The colon should never be used with a dash or other point, even in the case of abbreviations. Increase space after the colon as required. The period is used when a sentence is com- plete and independent, and not connected in con- struction with a following sentence. TTse an em quad after a jieriod ending a sen- tence ; not a spaceband and an en space. TJie dash is introduced where the sentence breaks off al)ruptly, where a significant ]»ause is required, or where there is an unexpected turn in the sentiment. The dash should never be used with any other point (except at the end of a side heading or paragraph), and never at the beginning of the line. — 88 — The interroffofion is used at the end of an interrogative sentence ; that is, when a question is asked; as. Who will aecomi)any me? The exclamation is applied to expressions of sudden surprise, emotion, etc., and also to address and invocation ; as. My friend ! your conduct amazes me ! Parentheses are used to include a word or clause containing some necessary information, or useful remark introduced into the body of a sentence obliquely, and which might be omitted without in.iuriu,g the construction. Dashes are also used quite frequently for the same purpose as marks of parenthesis. AYhen a sentence is divided, and a ])arenthet- ical word, remark, or clause thrown in, the division points should be placed after the paren- theses. Place the period within the parentheses only when they include a sentence. Brackets are used within parentheses to hold explanatory words, etc., and to include words or remarks foreign to the sentence, as [laughter], [indicating]. Quotation marls should be placed after ex- clamation or interrogation marks when the punctuation sign is part of the sentence, other- wise before, as with the semicolon and colon. Always place after comma and period. He said, "Is it right?" Have you read "Three Squeaks"? "Help ! Murder !" cried the unfortunate wretch as he fled from these interrogations. Excerpts or extracts from law or decisions should be quoted at beginning and end, and at beginning of each paragraph, whether indented or set in smaller ty])e, unless it be the language of the author, used on a ])revious occasion. Do not use quotations when the extract is dated and signed. A quotation within a quotation should be single quoted ; but a quotation within a single quotation takes the double mark. Fossessircs and Apostrophes. Nouns in the singular, or in the plural, when ending with any letter other than "s." require an apostrophe and "s,'" as, man's, men's, child's, children's. When singular or ])lural nouns end in "s," only the apostrophe after the "s" is necessary, as Burns', Jones', witness' testimony, witnesses' testimony. — 89 — Avoid the iiso of tlio aijostroplic unless the idea of i)ossessiou is very clear. Such words as peoples, nierelianls. farmers, in peoples forum, nu>r('liants exchan.ue, or farmers union, do not retiuire the possessive. Omit the apostrophe in all abbreviations or contractions, as, Fredk.,.or contd. (^mit comma in James Lind of Sacramento: Mr. and Mrs. Van Houston of Woodland ; J. W. (xoodman of San Jose. Omit period after letters or fijiures used for subdivisions, when placed in parentheses ; as, (a), (b). (8) : (1). (2). (3). When not used with ]»arentheses. use period and an en space. Omit the liyi)hen in civil and military titles, as Attorney General, Fostmaster General, lieu- tenant colonel, etc., also in Latin forms, as ex officio, ante bellum, prima facie, per diem, etc, ; also in abbreviated terms. — 90 — BRIEFS AND TRANSCRIPTS. In briefs follow copy generally in the use of abbreviations, figures, and other important mat- ters. In capitalization and punctuation the office style Avill prevail. Indent extracts 14 ems, and citations 2 ems, with 3-em breakover. Quote extracts at the beginning of each para- graph, and at the end of the last paragraph of extract proper. Follow extracts literally ex- cept in capitalization and punctuation. Use vs. (roman) for versus. Italicize the titles of cases, as *S7f//c of Cali- fornia vs. Southern Pacific Gompany ; Southern Pacific case (238 Cal. 118). When quoting from the transcript, follow lit- erally. Use caps and small-caps for subheads, as Statemejntt of the Case. Argument. Summary. In syllabus headings use italic and capitalize the principal words, using a hanging indention of 1^ ems, as The General Spirit and Policji of Our Statute Is to Give Defendant a Rifiht to Have an Action Against Him Tried in the County of His Residence. Make sentences of citations, when they occur at the end of sentences or paragraphs, except p. or pp., which should be close up. In a series of indented citations, use a period at the end of each. When citations are run in, use semicolons. Capitalize court only with the name, as. Cir- cuit Court, Supreme Court ; but the court rules ; the court say. Capitalize judge likewise, as, Judge Morrow, Morrow, .J. : but the judge says ; the judge ruled. The following are exami)les in brief work : The Legal Tender cases. In Jones' case the court say. In the case of Jones. Jones case (14 Cal. Rep. 16:9). Wallace, J., delivered the opinion. Smith: (Preceding testimony). In Doe vs. Roe the court ruled. 01 111 titlos of cases follow copy as to fij^urcs and abl)revia lions. In transcripts follow literally, even tO' the ex- tent of misspelled words, or words wrongly used, except manifest errors of the typewriter are to be corrected, as where a letter has been struck over another, or an improper impression made. Use [Title of Court and Cause] when titles are repeated. Make paragraphs of answers in Q. and A. matter. Use bold-faced tvpe for the princi])al headings, as ANSWER. AMENDED ANSWER, BILE OF EXCEPTIONS, COMPLAINT, JUDG- MENT, ETC. Use the following forms : cross-examination, cross-interrogation, redirect examination, re-redirect examination, recross-examination. re-recross examination. DISPUTED WORDS. Following is words often in acre-foot afterwards all-round aluminum among anemia awhile blond bowlder candlepower can not canyon catalog clew <'Ocoani'.t coolie daytime draft drought employee ex oflScio a brief list of pr dispute : foodstuff fuse gypsy horsepower inasmuch inclose indorse insanitary in so far live stock marble work meantime meanwhile mistire motorcycle nighttime nonuse off-color ofttime program pay day eferred forms for pav roll Pit River post office post-office (a.) reconnaissance run-over shellac shellacked someone sometime sul)ject matter subpena sinii) textbook theater thrash toward to wit while wilful 92 MAKE-UP AND IMPOSITION. Make-up should hv standardized as far as pos- sible, nsinj>' standard furniture and margins. Page justification needs to be firm with a uniform swell. Use twin gauges. Make all pages full, if possible. In initial work, the size of the trimmed book should be known, for this determines the size of the type page. The margin should be divided so as to allow, usually, one pica more at the bottom and sides than at the top and back. When center folios are used. — 1 — . — 2 — , —3—, is style for the top. and (1), (2), (3), in a smaller type than the text, style for the bottom of pages. jSIuch care should be taken in "whitening out." balance, sinking and break-overs. The sink at the head of each new page should be uniform throughout the book. Do not break on a hyphen or on one line. Do not run over one line, "Contents." "List of Illustrations," "Letter of Transmittal," or any other matter that makes a page in itself, should be placed slightly above the center of the page. All caption lines should have more space above than below. See that the signature marks and closing mark are always used. State publications are usually made up in the following order : Page 1, title ; page 2, blank ; page 3, table of contents ; when contents end on page 3, then page 4 is blank ; page 5, letter of transmittal ; page )>, blank ; page 7, text i)roper. In side-stitched books, an extra pica should be allowed in center margin. Pamphlets up to (>4 pages should be imposed as an insert (or saddle stitch). True all forms both transversely and diag- onally. — 93 — JO ns c I. 3 O ^ I > SI £ v (A (A < C CO •^ re l-H « a. ^ .E ■•J L. Q. O W c3 O C CI 3 DC — a c O o ry: Vi a; u _^ ^H ,— ^ n o Vi .S fi P ^ 0; a; .S -^-^ '1^ > •— ' o re; -'-' M -M d > fl ?^ j^ ^^. X "^ S X r' — C o 73 '-' £ ? t^"=<-i ^ C O ^^ cS Oi s: •- V. Ct. Zj ~ 5 tr. «4-l ^ e; o x X s: :^ ;; c: ^ ci '- ^ -=: o . S ' >X- '^ •1^ ?? "^ S S ^ 1^ w 5;- c .1:2 ft T' ft^ •— <,j3 c3 ci -ji K^. Ci ? «J -t- in +-- ^i2^ ^ :3 ^ -^ :-: o ^, a; c: bi: o .S ^ >- X. -:^ '^^ " '^ X ;^ '^ "^ - £ a 0. cs — c; - -! . CC^ r^ ^ ^ S ^ S x i, 4J ^ -'- o ■^- ^-1 ■— '.x/ p— < ^— ^ - ct X cr. c G ,-:; a; tM z^ '•^ r-. '^ i-' T^ a; ft -^ -^ ^ ;-! X --M o - ^ o -:; c r' V. ,^ ft^ ^ E t^ ■*7' .^ ft; ^ a ?: c: X a x'^^x: a"*^ xCj ^ "-I •-■ /- ^ ct a i' u .-' ? X 2; '^ ^ ^ '-^ o o ^ cr- £ -^ ct o a -x 5< -tr«^-Jr''-«;:-'^a i;0 X .^ Si: 5^ ^ O' ., bl-^ O l' X -^ 2 >• ?^ > ft::-^ a.' — 94 — c (0 "re 'a m O (1/ a +-' ^— • ^ o ^ fl o o a ■ — ■ oj a sis \Ij eg 5B CO a .- ID a a •^^ c3 -a O m O t-5 m a o a a < 02 O c« •r; oi £-1 ■II c; - ^^ — 1 «J-I -l-> . ^ O w •^«^ g . C-a Sh Ct) ft o .-H CU ."H -^ a ^ a^ u ati 02 a O a ;-! a +J TO • 1—1 oj o a cS 12; o m <1WM d 02 ft a o o ci 'o o 4-1 f-( 03 a .2 a o o a 05 . %^ o o ■*^ o 0/ a t^.2 +J OJ 0} C/i ^a o O c3 o o -M es ■4-1 Ul «4-l a o t>i a -^^ M C3 a rg ?? !^ OS'S t^ a 03 s 9 03^ a O2q:2':n^o S" 54-1 -M l^ tH ° ° O C3 S^ ■+-> , rt 03 a aj 0) -a .2 J-! o o ^ .:5 H aPuOOHH O 95 — n3 v u t-t ^ -»j P^ H(-: «3 a pq^ (0 .2o o? a 03"^ -^ ft 03:; t o o "■^ rt 4_, o re ?.:a L. a2 4-» o O ^O).^ ^ §" -M-^ o » d !=" u-^ o to ^'3 CJ ^ o d:: fl <^ CO I- d o •r- ( O a a a; d m m u ft o d —I CJ ft d W bX) -Q o re d 03 O >jd ag «4-l ui oo ^ - d M aS=^^ d o o 03 'CO O) ^ >»!=^ d b «2 .- f-l -^ cy o ^ d (0 "re '« ■K» o ■K< .e •^ cj a; ■ ns «3 0) 3 W 0) o c u « c3 HM a» 0) -Mr; o ^•S a o c3 a; o Vi a a ft o a^.a aa 5« 5-1 a3 -*-' ■yn 'T' CS ^ ^ a; E3 ft a ai o ^ Or a-g-g "Da -a lii— ►s a-^ ^^ o 53 — bJD a c3 aa a ^ 8 1^ a -a (0 c .2 '^ re g > < a o ;3a c3 (V O t^ ^^ -^ ft ^S a 12 'w cc ?^ I— I t^ a*^ S-i CO a cs o -^ a ^^ CO a (0 (0 to CO be or. a; m Cj ^ 4) o CO 1. O ft -a X CS -a 1 < -a a ;^ a c 'x; w re 0) .. S3 !^ O ft 0) 1. 3 -•J a ^ bJO - k^ — ' o -M ^r; W V a 1^ 5 ^ P .a O Kg CO _ --, a ^ a 2S =* •-H i^ 3 O c3 OJ ju^ a S_a^ a; ^ S-l ■4-> Jh a> a; +3 O a^^ 0^ a p^ga O o CO «4-l c h- 1 M < d ^ *^ o ^« «3 a .". ^< s a o u -M o a ;^M o a ctj.a a a a "D ;_, C« O ^ CO' «^a ^1 rH -a "a'aJ Q •; .. d o =a O) - o IS '^ C3 a "^ 4-i ?: a 97 — 71 l~ i - ^ t- r. a: > — ?: — C - T — s^ ^ -= f. z, =rj~ = ^ X f^ ^-^ - Z " X r^> 5 t£ i *-' ~ C S - — < > - ^ ^ ^- = ">■- ^ 5 c =: _ ■ — S ? ^ - ? :^ - tic rs 9 ■f. '— - >-. •Z — "^ X M C . 00 I — X r X U tr. i. Ax* X — z . • — 1^ ^ — _ ^ — .^ •" r H « "^ .— X . X 7 — 19453 — 98 — CO a o d o n o O u O d a Q O OQ C3 S d 02 P5 C <1 ^^ «4-l a; CO d .2 ^ d d ft §^ t-i 4-> ^ Ho o "^ d > s ^-d " ft (0 o •*■> (0 _>. M E a> V) (A < c re a> ■«-< re c 0) (0 „ e3 d 3^ c5 bX) o d . ra o d^..s ft^l d ft ft-Mrj- fj rrj g; a> y a> ft ^ +j e3 o) p^ oj d rtS o o d • -^ Jh e3 ""' •i-H a> P( i ^ • d d pj^ r-<_0.d- , fta-^.a'"SS^ o d g oj ^ o c t! d te ^ CO . ►^ Ord d M (1) rtPa ^ b "^ '^ tw '^ t: cJ ^ erf '-' CS O ji ,d CO a O O ? d d cczs "rt M es == d a d o d .■t; CO a a o fci)S'd^-^;v, .2 ft ftM^ d '^ i ^-^ d fli5 ^ d !»=:: cs » CO d T3 -4-> d T3 d • l-H 09 O ft d o o d O! CO O ft d G^.a d cs 13 ft-i^ o • 2 a; d o to a 5 d 0) CJ -^a a^d a 9 o a) ^ o W2 .dr^ !-i ;^t-l'd u^ . tj CO o . . - =pHfa '^ ^ ■Til ^ ^ ^ £ '^ <-> i^ 1^ -M r— ^1 n^ , O 9 _ d k ^ C3 <1 ^-1 CO — 99 m 4) §■1 n m •I— I af3^ 13 CO a) ri o rt ^ o o o ^ cd <^ a: O O «4-l o • «4-l '^ O h- ( o a;' P. S o CO CO d be ^ .S o m O (M Put—! o ^ ^ ^ S I ^ to O ;> • F— ( a ci o o o • I— I a o & o o O o o O ^ P ^ CL- Jh >i o 2 a: 1 I ^w J3 c3 o o -4-> tc 0) o m CO C3 a .2 a -Id a be a o -t-J "a O gc^ a c3 100 - (U -o "w c o o DC c o to o o z as o O O) c3 o O . ,—1 ^ > ^ rC O O o 03 O o t- a GC -*— r-" (N fl G (M o c fl ^ OJ O Q. ;-< ce ,^ o o ■^ a; 02 '? ^ • 1— 1 a; rt oi a; O) -M -M CC cd -t-' ,—4 O m « -+-J cf o ^ • r-' cr-! o •41= S cc c O; ^ ^ > OS O r^ t» o aj ^ o ;^ r^ tH -73 . o ^^ ^M be o >'1 53 ^-' 'T^ 4J > Qi > O :u> I— i "^ O ?-i _- r— ' <^ O' ^ OC CC Ct C^' C3 o -r O GO OS • l-H o o • l-H 4-' a W CO a; ^ c '>■ ■^•^ O Sf-l C£ PH ^"S ^ • p— 1 . c<3^ 5D J) . ^ 2:i C ij" fe.^' s hAm ^t-- CC > 1— « /-^ • — -,^»-' ^ >^ •-^ r— ' y,,_,_ a O ^ a: £ 0) CI ^ c^ ^ S- ^9 r£ - ^-H D "re o " 'M fe ^ 4> Q. 05 • CO a 02 c ^ ^^.S'^ a: T3 H CD J^ 6 3 a: o 7-. ^ « a: C-' o a O' ;^ i^ +^ S ?:^ (0 O re > 4) S. J3 SI < CC v. £ lis ■jli a; o ■i-> m 5 ?^ tj ""I >._ ^ ^ iT^ s£ ex, c w o o — -X c) o >^ T*; ^ g O it C 2 '^ 4J ^ ,^ ^■^ »,- ■- r ) ^ o - :02 -• iJ N. • t. Am. . Elec. Ex. • ^3 • • j-i • =iip^ 0^ M Q cij .p 0*5 ill fl fl e .0000 m ■73 OOOQO '^OQZ o cS a id <-5 <^ o CO a ft a; - -^ a eS '^ o f£ o > O id id I "^ o) id o. a.2a OS a IH o „ m m a id a o o a w a ^^+j ft — a"^ O) a a^ cS 13 1/3 o o -M 54-1 c;i K o a o OJ a a . . . , ^ a ^ S S r- ft ^^a|g !3 a C3r— ft o n3 h a c3 Q a a Q -^ - - O -M C3 SI O O a a. Si S-i a> a r-; ^^TJX! > c! a i-( I-: M M M (*ii f^ a 2 ^^"S S a a 1 — 103 .6. CI o &jc2 a o o - '^ to d o > > C OJ O) O PhWWPh CO 03 a CO xri- to a r^ »^ OJ ^ ^ 4> ■r^ CO rO d . ""^ bfi o d '=* o -^ c3 1 d 0) d d -^ ^ " • • r-H ^ d ^ -^ S g ^d^ ^ o) d c- '■"^ , in «.' S: 10 d d ^ ^ ^^ -M ^^ O +-' O M c3 '-/D ^ 52 o ? «■" «^' c ,'C d "+~. ni! (H o O 2 d.t; ;^ d r— t- -i-^.rt d o o d QJ--+-. X! O » O -1—1 <^ i^2Q CO — 104 o rC O! «2 Cj (H TS r^ H ci >» • -O M m bD fO a ;-! • I-H o ^ ^ c3 9 tc. .X^ _ a > ~ « — 'S+j fta;+->t-coi^;::;o — <^ ft js — S = ft— o .:: vh; w -M c ^ c^ g m s .s - - w ft I a r^ ji o ii w Cri.ri «3 "n-" ft O) c^^ S5 2 - S g ;::- ^S.2^.5|.5 ^-.= ^ ^ '^ a « a; ^ oto ^^g a^^.c«.^^ ^^ -^ 2(- g g .X -^ •;:; ^ ? ;^ v. ~ _:: .2: o '^ +-' ., o -< '- S a u o omw t5J»P-( JcO a ftH ci "o i: 5 a"^- a-- " a 5 o 3.°-^ g S-g"- — 105 — M M ^ aj >» •^ ^ g ^ g 3 saii o w ci o cc w o r^ s-i 3 -^ 's s a a raw sd •*-» a; ei a> ° a j» o ;i ^r .. oj.ii •:::> S Si <= t; ■'■^ 2 ^ g ^ a; .2 -^ S ei o 1^ fl Si 03 M P O r "^ rt -r; ^ a ^ i; w 5 ft >s-^ O OJ O' X2 CSCC^ C3 c5 +-> C5 g a a CJ 4-> 02 (H J 15 the last Monday of Au^ 16 taxes, designating the mi 17 each one hundred dollars 18 and county taxes upon t 19 provided, that it shall noi 20 visors of any county in 21 greater than fifty cents oi 22 erty be levied and collecte( 23 indebtedness, or judgment 24 of any county or municipa amended in senate january 26, 1915. a:\iexded in assembly January 20, 1915. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 5 INTRODUCED BY MR. RYAN, JANUARY 12, 1915. REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON RULES. ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION No. 5, Relative to the appointment or a commission to greet the Presi- dent OF THE United Stated on his [official] visit to the Panama-Pacific International Exposition and the California- ■ Panama Exposition. 1 "Whereas, The Panam^:-Pacific International Exposition is 2 an institution organized under the laws of California, and is in 3 part created and maintained from tlie public moneys of the 4 State of California and is in every way typical and representa- 5 live of the resources and )iroductions of the State of California 6 as well as the progress [r.nd advancement] of the world; and 7 Whereas, The Panama-California Exposition at San Diego 8 is also an institution organized under the laws of the State 9 of California and supported and maintained from public and 10 private moneys and typifes the progreAs and achievements of 11 this commonwealth from Ihe time civilization was first planted 12 on its shores ; and 13 Whereas, The President of the United States has .signified 14 his intention to make a -sisit in [his] oflicial capacity to the 15 Panama-Pacific International Exposition at San Francisco, 16 and the Panama-California Exposition at San Diego ; be it 17 Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the 18 Senate concurring, That a commission, to be composed of the 19 governor of the State of California, the lieutenant governor, 20 the speaker of the assemlily, five senators to be named by the 21 president of the senate, etc. Note. — The brackets used indicate the amendments, and are removed when the bill IS engrossed, the words ENGROSSHD or EE-ENGEOSSED, in 10-point caps, being placed at the top. ASSEMBLY BILL No. 1338 INTRODUCED BY MR. SISSON, JANUARY 29, 1915. REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON REVENUE AND TAXATION. AN ACT To AMEND SECTIONS 3692. 3696, 3714a, 3732, 3737, 3746, 37.56, of the Political Code, relating to tbe assessment, equalization and collection of taxes. TJie people of the State of California do enact as follows: 1 Section 1. Section 3692 of the Political Code of the State 2 of California i.s hereby amended to read as follows : 3 3692. The powers and duties of the state board of eqiializa- 4 tion are as follows : 5 1. To pre.seribe rules for its own government and for the 6 transaction of its business. T 2. To prescribe rules and regulations, not in conflict with 8 the constitution and laws of the state, to govern supervisors 9 when equalizing, and assessors when assessing. 10 3. To make out, prepare, ium enfori'O the use of all forms in 11 relation to tlio assessment of property, collection of taxes, and 12 revenue of this state. 14 11. To report to the governor, biennially, a statement 15 showing : 16 First — The acreage of each county in the state that is 17 assessed. 18 Second — The amount assessed per acre. (Over) The following samples will give a fair general idea of the style measures : Assembly Concurrent Resolution used in legislative No. 5 Assembly Joint Resolution No. 8 ASSEMBLY BILL No. 71 INTRODUCED BY MR. CONARD, JANUARY 29, 1915. REFERRED TO COMMITTKK ON .JUDICI.\RY. Senate Concurrent Resolutii'H No. 11 Senate Joint Resolution No. 9 ENGROS.SED. SENATE BILL No. 1023 INTRODUCED BY SEhATOR ANDERSON, JANUARY 29, 1915. REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS. AN ACT To AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED "An ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ORGANIZATION, INCORPORATION, AND GOVERNMEN'" OF MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS," APPROVED March 13, 1883, by amending section 752 thereof, RELATING TO THE ELECTION AND TEIIII OF OFFICE OF OFFICERS OF CITIES OP THE FIFTH CLASS. The people of the State of Culifcrnia do enact as follows: — 2 — 1 Third — Tlie aggregate value of all town and city lots. 2 «»*»••• 3 Sec. 2. Section 3696 of the Political Code is hereby 4 amended to read as follows: 5 3696. On the third Monday in August, of each year, the 6 board must determine the rate of state tax to be levied and 7 collected upon the assesstd valuation of the property of the 8 state, which, after allowiirj- five per cent for delinquencies in 9 collection of taxes, must l)e sufficient to raise the specific 10 amount of revenue directed to be rai.scd by the legislature for 11 state purposes. » *. • 12 Sec. 3. Section Zllio of the I'olitical Code is hereby 13 amended to read as follows: 14 3714a. The board of supervisors of each county must, on 15 the last Monday of August ,<^ each year, fix the rate of county 16 taxes, designating the nui" jer of cents levied for each fund on 17 each one hundred dollars nf property, and must levy the state 18 and county tax'es upon the taxable property in the county; 19 provided, that it shall not be lawful for any board of super- 20 visors of any county in :li'' state to levy, nor shall any tax 21 greater than fifty cents on each one hundred dollars of prop- 22 erty be levied and collected in any one year, to pay the bonded 23 indebtedness, or judgment arising therefrom, of this state, or 24 of any county or municipality in this state. "'f each year, fix the rate of county )er of cents levied for each fund on f property, and must levy the state e taxable property in the county; be lawful for any board of super- le state to levy, nor shall any tax each one hundred dollars of prop- in any one year, to pay the bonded arising therefrom, of this state, or ity in this state. — 112 — a a <^ (H-rt ^ XfX O) . . s- a k: C K' rr-l .^ ^S^ ^ e3 j; O ^ ti'^ ^ •fl a;.::: .1-1 +J '•-I • „ ^^ OC OJ H "SijTc C3 •+-! fl Cl-43 S3 w t o ^w ;^ '>■»' "tt is ■O o ■+0 ? .^- S. '^-^ 5^ I". ^ -s^ • »^ '>* : ^ ■+~i ^ "ii ^ ^ -s^ ^ Vw " c'*^ sj 'T*- .C ;^ -K^ o 9 •'t^ <5j c ' "tl Briefs. rules governing printing of 90 Capitalization. guides to ^1 illustrations 20 miscellaneous rules -7 rules of 18 words not capitalized 19 Composing room operatives. instructions to . lo Composition. rules and style of 18 Compositors. duty of 13 Compound words. Webster followed 39 Copy. duties of copy editors _ _ 13 duties of copy readers 14 preparation of S Corporations. correct titles 32 Cost. method of keeping 13 JJisputed Words. preferred forms ^ 91 Double words. rules governing 41 vocabulary of 41 Educational institutions. oorrect titles 31 INDEX— Continued. Page Funds, printing. information furnished 7 Hospitals. correct titles _ — 32 Imposition. rules governing 92 Legislative style. abbreviations 96 abbreviations 101 addresses — 96 bills chaptered 112 headings, etc. 104 samples 106 type used, etc 103 capitalization 94 contractions 95 figures 95 files special virgency 101 type used, etc : 99 general rules 93 histories 98 italics 95 miscellaneous 96 notices of motion to reconsider 100 signatures 96 Make-up. rules governing 92 Officials, boards, etc., state. appointive 29 elective 29 Page. number of words to 12 Printing. style and manner of 6 Printing, Superintendent of State. duties and authority 3 INDEX— Continued. Page Prisons. correct titles 32 Proof-readers. instructions to — 14 marks -- 10 Proofs. examples 11 furnishing and correcting 9 revisers' rules and duties 16 Punctuation. 7-ulos . S7 Railroads. correct titles 32 Reprints. holding type for 7 Revisers. rules and duties 16 Rubber stamps. made by printing department — 7 "Rush" jobs. approval of Board of Control 6 Schools. correct titles 31 Stamps, rubber. made by printing department 7 Transcripts. rules governing printing of 90 Type. holding for reprints . 7 Water companies. correct titles 34 Words. number to page 1 12 O