•IIKiLEY LIBRARY UNi>p«sirr Of CALIfORNIA 'LECERE ET CARPERE' MOIT ST. fflAEY'S COLLEGE LIBRARY. '^,^ Jk r /■■ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/endofreligiouscoOOmilnrich To tb.ee . Go d my Go d I ■will gi\^e praise \jpon the Harp ?SM,M.\i,Ji V-r.5. Pixh;is:H'Mh THE END OF RELIGIOUS CON^TROYERSY, m A FRIENDLY CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN A RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF PROTESTANTS AND A ROMAN CATHOLIC DIVINE. Mn i\)xcz JJarts: Part I. — On the Rule of Faith ; or, the Method of finding oxjt THE True Religion. Part II. — On the Characteristics op the True Church. Part III.— On rectifying Mistakes concerning the Cathomo Church. BY THE RT. HEV. JOHN MMER, D.D., V. A., F. 8. A. LONDON, AND THE CATHOLIC ACADEMY, BOMS. Addressed to the Bt. Rev. Dr. Burgess, Lord Bishop of St, David's, mi Answer to his Lordship's Protestant Catechism. TO VHICH IS ADDED THE AUTHOR's POSTSCRIPT. NEW YORK: P. J. KENEDY, "X Catholic Publishing House, ^ 5 BARCLAY STREET. >; mm 3") T9m art rem : and upon this rock I will build my Church, ond tba of hell ■hall not prevail agaiiut it" LOAN 3TAaC THE EDITOR TO THE READER. lit ihis work, entitled " The End of Religious Controversy, * the author and his correspondents having established the cer- tainty of dinne revelation and the truth of the Christian religion, he proposes the means by which, among the various discordant creeds of those who profess Christianity, the true faith which iesus Christ brought down from heaven, and the true church which he established on earth, may be discovered. He under- takes to prove that we are provided with the certain means of making this discovery, and that Christ himself has left us a rule of faith, adapted to the capacities of all, by which we may come to the knowledge of true religion. Before he attempts to show what this rule is, he notices cer- tain methods, which have been adopted as rules of faith, and proves them to be insufficient and fallacious. Private inspira- tion, he maintains, cannot be a rule of faith, because private in- spiration is in itself a questionahle pretension ; may be claimed by one as well as by another, and all alike; and has, in fact, been claimed and acted upon by different sectaries, in support of different and contradictory tenets ; at the same time that it has, in many instances, led the pretenders to it into the greatest absurdities and most shocking impieties. Another rule of faith, the rule adopted by the reformed churches in general, is the scripture or the written word of God, left to the interpretation of each individual: for as no supreme, unerring authority is ac- knowledged by Protestants to determine the sense and meaning of Scripture, or to decide and announce what articles of faith are necessary for salvation, individual judgment is made the; guide to individuals, the necessity of preachers is done away, and the commission of Jesus Christ to his apostles, " Go, teach all nations," is annulled. Where there is no obligation to hrld and in communion with the See of Rome (conamonly called the Catholic Church) alone adopts and follows this in- fallible rule; and he produces numberless arguments to proye that, whereas Christians have, in every age since that of the apostles, professed their belief of One, Holy, Catholic, and Apos- tohc Church, — the Church in communion with the See of Rome, and presided over by the successor of St. Peter in that see, exclu- sively exhibits these four essential murks of the church of Christ, viz., Unity, in doctrine, liturgy, gcn^ernment, and constitution; Sanctity, in doctrine, in the means of holiness, and the fruits of holiness ; Catholicity, or universality, in its extent, as to time and place, no less than its name, which it has borne from time immemorial ; and, finally, Apostolicity, in its descerit and reg- ular succession of ministers, from the time of the apostles, as well as in its sacraments and sacred institutions. He then pro ceeds to show, that these marks are deficient to every Christian society, except that which is in communion with the See of Rome, and which exclusively enjoys, as it ever has enjoyed, the dis- tinctive appellation of the Catholic Church. Here, strictly speaking, his work is at an end and controversy concluded. For the infallible superintendence and inspiration of Jesus Christ promised and preserved, and the marks, by which his church may be distinguished from every other society oi congregation, being ascertained and applied, it follows of conse- quence, (without particular proof with regard to each particular article,) that every doctrine of a church so guarded and protected, must be the doctrine of Jesus Christ himself and the church se- cure from error. However, for the sake of candid and sincere inquirers, the author condescends to particular examination ; brings forward the principal charges that are usually made against the Roman Catholic Church, and proves them to be either the involuntary errors of mistaken ignorance, or the un- fair means resorted to by misrepresentation, with the view to blacken and disfigure the spouse of Christ. He draws aside the mask which nmlice had held up as her genuine countenance, and displays her form and features in all their native beauty and loveliness. For further satisfaction, he explains and justi- fies those particular doctrinal points, which are excepted a^aiiist by the separatists from the Church of Rome. Such are the nature and character of the work now presented lo the public ; such is the object of the pre-eminent writer, which if he have attained, he has without question put an End lo Religious Controversy, and fully justified tie title given to hi» matchless performance. Let the reader jucge. 1* CONTENTS. PART I. Letter I. — Mr. Brown's Apology to D> Milner — Account of /he Frendly Society of New Cottage 11 Essay I. — On the Existence of God an^ Natural Religion, by ttie Rev. Saiii^ uol Carey, LL.D 14 Essay II. — On the Truth of the Christian Religion, by Do 18 Letter II. — Dr. Milner's Conditions for entering on the Correspondence — Freedom of Speech — Sincerity and Candor — A Conclusive Method.... 23 Z.ET. III. — Agreement to the Conditions on the part of the Society 25 Let. IV. — Dispositions for success in Religious Inquiries — Renunciation of prejudices, passions, and vicious inclinations — Fervent prayer 25 Let. V. — Rule or Method of finding out the True Religion — Christ has left a Rule — This Rule must be sure and unerring — It must be adapted to the capacity and situations of the bulk of mankind 27 Let. VI. — First fallacious Rule ; Private inspiration — This has led number, less Christians into errors, impiety, and vice, in ancient and in modern times — Account of Modern fanatics. Anabaptists, Quakers, Moravians, Swedenborgians, Methodists, &c 29 Let. VII. — Objections of certain Members of the Society answered 38 Let. VIII. — Second fallacious Rule ; the Scripture, according to each person's particular interpretation of it — Christ did not intend that mankind, in gen- eral, should learn his Religion from a book — No Legislator ever made Laws without providing .fudges and Magistrates to explain and enforce them — Dissensions, divisions, immorality, and infidelity, which have arisen from the private interpretation of Scripture — Illusions of Protestants in this matter — Their inconsistency in making Articles, Catechisms, &c. — Ac- knowledgment of learned Protestants on this head 41 Let. IX. — The subject continued — Protestants have no evidence of the In- spiration of Scripture : nor of its authenticity : nor of the fidelity of their copies : nor of its sense — Causes of the obscurity of Scripture : instances of this — The Protestant Rule affords no ground for Faith — Doubts in which those who follow it live and also die 52 Let. X. — The True Rule, namely, the Whole Word of God, unwritten as well as written, subject to the interpretation of the Church — In this and in every other country, the written law is grounded upon the unwritten law — Christ taught the Apostles by word of mouth, and sent them to preach it by word of mouth — This method was followed by them and their disci- ples and successors — Testimonies of this from the Fathers of the five first centuries 61 Lst. XI. — The subject continued — Protestants forced to have recourse to the CathoHc Rule, in different instances — Their vain attempts to adopt in il other instances — Quibbling evasions of the Articles, Canons, Oaths, and Laws Fespecting uniformity — Acknowledged necessity of deceiving the people — Bishop Hoadley the patron of this hypocrisy — The Catholic Rule confessed by Bishop Marsh to be the Original Rule — Proofs that it has never been abrogated — Advantages of this Rule to the Church at large, and to its individual members 70 Let. XII. — Objections answered — Texts of Scripture — Other objections — Illusory declamation of Bishop Porteus — The advice of Tobias, when he sent his son into a strange country, recommended to the Society of New Cottage 84 CONTENTS. PART II. liiT. ^III. — Congratulation with the Society of New Cottage on their ac- knowledgment of the righ' Rule of Faith — Proof that the Catholic Church alone is possessed of this R ale — Characters or Marks of the True Church 94 Let. XIV. — Unity, the First Mark of the True Church — This proved from reason: from Scripture : and from the Holy Fathers 98 L'ET. XV. — Want of Unity among Protestants in general — This acknowledg 6(1 by their eminent writers — Striking instances of it in the Established Church— Vain attempts to reconcile diversity of beUef with uniform Ar- ticle3 99 Lbt. X VI.— Unity of the Catholic Church — in Doctrine : in Liturgy : in Gov- ernment, and Constitution ; 106 Let. XVII. — Objections against the exclusive claims of Catholics — Extract of a letter from the Rev. , Prebendary of Bishop Watson's doc- trine on this head 109 Let. XVIII. — Objections answered — Bishop Watson, by attempting to prove too much, proves nothing — Doctrine of the Holy Scriptures and the Fathers on this head — Exclusive claim of the Catholic Church a proof of her truth 110 Let. XIX. — Second Mark of the True Church, Sanctity — Sanctity of doc trine wanting to the different Protestant Communions — to Luther's system : to Calvin's : to that of the Established Church : to those of Dissenters and Methodists — Doctrine of the Catholic Church holy. Postscript. — Varia- tions and impiety of the Rev. John Wesley's doctrine 115 Let. XX. — Means of Sanctity — The Seven Sacraments possessed by Catho- lics — Protestants possess none of them, except Baptism — The whole Litur- gy of the Established Clmrch borrowed from the Catholic Missal and Ritual — Sacrifice the most acceptable worship of God — The most perfect Sacri- fice oflfered in the Catholic Church — Protestants destitute of Sacrifice — Other myans of Sanctity in the Catholic communion 125 I4ET. XXI. — Fruits of Sanctity — All the saints were Cathohcs — Comparison of eminent Protestants with contemporary Catholics — Immorahty caused by changing the ancient Religion 132 Let. XXII. — Objections answered — False accounts of the Church before the Reformation, so called — Ditto of John Fox's Martyrs — The vices of a few Popes no impeachment of the Church's Sanctity — Scriptural practices and exercises common among Catholics, but despised by Protestants 135 Let. XXIII. — Divine Attestation of Sanctity in the Catholic Church — Mira- cles the Criterion of Truth — Christ appeals to them, and prornises a con- tinuation of them — The Holy Fathers and Church- writers attest their con- tinuation, and appeal to them in proof of the True Church — Evidence of the Truth of many Miracles — Irreligious skepticism of Dr. Conyers Mid- dleton : this undermines the Credit of the Gospel — Continuation of Mira- cles down to the present lime: living witnesses of it 138 Let. XXIV. — Objections answered — False and unauthenticated miracles no disproof of true and authenticated ones — Strictness of the examination of reported miracles at Rome — Not necessary to know God's design in work- ing each miracle — Examination of the arguments of celebrated Protestants against Catholic miracles — Objections of Gibbon and the late Bishop of Salisbury, (Dr. John Douglass,) against St. Bernard's miracles, refuted— St. Xavier's miracles proved from the authors quoted against them — Dr. Middleton's confident assertion clearly refuted — Bishop Douglas's Concliu give Evidence from Acosta, against St. Xavier's miracles, clearly refuted, by the testimony of the said Acosta — Testimony of Ribadeneira concern, ing St. Igna.ius's miracles, truly stated — True account of the miracle of 9 CONTENTS. Sarag06?a — Impostures at the tomb of Abbd Parib« -Refutation of the ReT Peter Robert's pamphlet, concerning the miraculous cure of Winefrid White 150 Let. XXV. — The True Church Catholic — Always Catholic in name, by the testimony of the Fathers— Still distinguished by that name in spite of all opposition 157 Let. XXVL — Qualities of Catholicity — The Church Catholic as to its mem- bers : aa to its extent: as to its duration — The original Church of this country 160 LsT. XXVII. — Objections of the Rev. Joshua Clark answered — Existence of an invisible Church disproved — Vain attempt to trace the existence of Protestantism through the discordant heresies of former ages — Vain Prog- nostication of the failure of the True Church — Late attempts to under, mine it 166 Let. XXVIII. — The True Church, Apostolical : so described by the ancient Fathers— APOSTOLICAL TREE of the Catholic Church explained, by. a brief account of the Popes and of distinguished Pastors, also of Nations converted by her, and of heretics and schismatics cut off from the True Church 169 Let. XXIX. — Apostolical succession of Ministry in the Catholic Church— Among Protestant Societies the Church of England alone claims such suc- cession — Doctrine and conduct of Luther, and of different Dissenters on this point — Uncertainty of the Orders of the Established Church, from the doctrine of its founders : from the history of the times : from the defective, ness of the form — Apostolic Mission evidently wanting to all Protestants— They cannot show an ordinary mission : they cannot work miracles to prove an extraordinary one 181 Let. XXX. — Objections of the Rev. Josuah Clark answered — Apostolical ministry not interrupted by the personal vices of certain Po.^es — Fable ot Pope Joan refuted — Companson between the Protestant and the Catholic Missions for the conversion of Infidels — Vain prediction of conversions and of reformation by the Bible Societies — Increase of crimes commensurate with that of the Societies. Postscript. — Recapitulation of things proved m the foregoing Letters 189 PART III. Lei, XXXI. — Introduction. — Effects produced by the foregoing Letters on the minds of Mr. Brown and others of his Society — This in part counteract, ed by the Bishop of London's (Dr. Porteus') Charges against the Catholic Religion 199 liET. XXXII. — Observations on the charges in question — Impossibility of the True Church being guilty of them — Just conditions to be required by a Cathohc Divine in discussing them — Calumny and misrepresentation n<. cessary weapons for the assailants of the True Church — Instances of gross calumny published by eminent Protestant writers, now Hving — EtTects of these calumnies — No Catholic ever shaken in his faith by them — They oc casion the conversion of many Protestants — They render their authors dreadfully guilty before God 200 Let. XXXIII. — Charge of Idolatry — Protestantism not originally founded on .his — Invocation of the prayers of Angels and Saints grossly misrepresent, ed by Protestants : truly stated from the Council of Trent and Catholic Doctors — Vindication of the practice — Evasive attack of the Bishop of Dur- ham : retorted upon his Lordship — The practice recommended by Luther : vindicated by distinguished Protestant Bishops — Not imposed upon the faithful: highly ccnsjling and beneficial 270 CONTENTS. 9 Let. XXXIV. — Religious Memorials — Doctrine and practice of Catholics, most of all, misrepresented on this head — Old Protestant versions of Scripture corrupted to favor such misrepresentation — Unbounded calum. nies in the Homilies and other Protestant publications — True doctrine of the Catholic Church defined by the Council of Trent, and taught in her books of instruction — Errors of Bish jp Porteus, in fact and in reasoning- Inconsistency of his own practice — No obligation on Catholics of possess- ing pious images, pictures, or relics 214 Lit. XXXV. — Objecrions refuted — That the Saints cannot hear us — Extrav. agant addresses to Saints — Want of candor in explaining them — These no evidence of the Faith of the Chureh — Falsehoods of the Bishop of London, concerning the ancient doctrine and practice 219 Let. XXXVI. — Transubstantiation — Important remark of Bishop Bossuet concerning it — Catholics not worshippers of bread and wine — Acknow ledgment of some eminent Protestants — Disingenuity of others, in con cealing the main question, and bringing forward another of secondary im portance — The Lutherans and the most respectable Prelates of the Estab- lishment agree with Catholics on the main point 222 Let. XXXVII. — The Real Presence — Variations of the Established Church on this point — Inconsistency of her present doctrine concerning it — Proofs of the Real Presence from Christ's promise of the Sacrament ; from his in- stitution of it — The same proved from the ancient Fathers — Absurd posi- tion of Bishop Porteus, as to the origin of the tenet — The reality strongly maintained by Luther — Acknowledged by the most learned English Bish- ops and Divines — Its superior excellence and sublimity 225 Let. XXXVIII. — Objections answered — Texts of Scripture examined — Tes- timony of the senses weighed — Alleged contradictions disproved 233 Let. XXXIX. — Communion under one or both kinds a matter of discipline — Protestants forced to recur to Tradition and Church discipline — The blessed Eucharist a Sacrifice as well as a Sacrament — As a Sacrifice, both kinds necessary : as a Sacrament, whole and entire under either kind — Protest, ants receive no Sacrament at all — The apostles sometimes administered the communion under one kind — The text, 1 Cor. xi. 27, corrupted in the English Protestant Bible — Testimonies of the Fathers for communion in one kind — Occasion of the ordinances of St, Leo and Pope Gelasius— Discipline of the Church at difl^erent times in this matter — Luther allowed of communion in one kind ; also the French Calvinists ; also the Church of England 236 Let. XL. — Excellence of Sacrifice — Appointed by God — Practised by all people, except Protestants — Sacrifice of the New Law, promised of old to the Christian Church — Instituted by Christ — The Holy Fathers bear testi- mony to it, and performed it — St. Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews misinter preted by the Bishops of London, Lincoln, &c. — Deception of talking of the Popish Mass — Inconsistency of the Established Church in ordaining Priests without having a Sacrifice — Irreligious invectives of Dr. Hey against the Holy Mass, without his understanding it ! 241 Let. XLI. — Absolution from sin — Horrid misrepresenta;ion of Catholic doc- trine — Real doctrine of the Church, defined by the Council of Trent — Thia pure and holy — Violent distortion of Christ's words concerning the forgive, ness of sins, by Bishop Porteus — Opposile doctrine of Chillingworth : and of Luther and the Lutherans : and of the Established Liturgy — Inconsis. tency of Bishop Porteus — Refutation of his arguments about confession : aiid of his assertions concerning the ancient doctrine — Impossibility of im- posing this practice on mankind if not divine — Testimony of Chillingworth as to the comfort and benefit of a good confession 247 Let. XI ill. — Indulgences — False definiti:n of them by the Bishop of Lou 10 CONTENTS. doA His further calumnies on the subject — Similar calumnies of other Ph> testaiit Divines — The genuine doctrine of Catholics — No permission to commit sin — No pardon of any future sin — No pardon of sm at all — No exemption from contrition or doing penance — No transfer of superfluous Holiness — Retortion of the charge on the Protestant tenet of imputed ^ua. tice — A mere relaxation of temporal punishment — No encouragement of vice ; but rather of virtue — Indulgences authorized in all Protestant Socie- ties — Proofs of this in the Church of England — Among the Anabaptists— Among the ancient and modern Calvinists — Scandalous Bulls, Dispensa- tions, and Indulgences of Luther and his disciples 255 Lit. XLIII. — Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead — Weak objection of Dr Porteus against a middle state — Scriptural arguments for it — Dr. Porteus Appeal to Antiquity defeated — Testimonies of Lutherans and English Pre lates in favor of Prayers for the Dead — Eminent modern Protestants, who proclaim a Universal Purgatory — Consolations attending the Catholic be- lief and practice 261 Let. XLIV. — Extreme Unction — Clear proof of this Sacrament from Scrip- ture — Impiety and inconsistency of the Bishop in slighting this — His Ap- peal to Antiquity refuted 268 Let. XLV. — Antichrist : Impious assertions of Protestants concerning him — Their absurd and contradictory systems — Retortion of the charge of Apos. tacy — Other charges against the Popedom refuted 270 Let. XLVI. — The Pope's Supremacy truly stated — His spiritual authority proved from Scripture — Exercised and acknowledged in the primitive ages — St. Gregory's contest with the Patriarch of Constantinople about the title of QEcumenical — Concessions of eminent Protestants 277 Let. XLVII. — The language of the Liturgy and Reading the Scriptures — ■ Language a matter of discipline — Reasons for the Latin Church retaining the Latin language — Wise economy of the Church as to reading the Holy Scriptures — Inconsistencies of the Bible Societies 286 Let. XLVIII. — Various misrepresentations — Canonical and Apochryphal books of Scripture — Pretended invention of five new Sacraments — Inten. tion of Ministers of the Sacraments — Continence of the Clergy ; recom. mended by Parliament — Advantages of fasting — Deposition of Sovereigns by Popes far less frequent than by Protestant Reformers — The bishop's egregious falsehoods respecting the primitive Church 293 Let. XLIX. — Religious Persecution — The Catholic Church claims no right to inflict sanguinary punishments, but disclaims it — The right of temporal Princes and States in this matter — Meaning of Can. 3, Lateran iv. truly stated — Queen Mary persecuted as a Sovereign, not as a Catholic — James JI. deposed for refusing to persecute — Retortion of the charge upon Pro- testants the most effectual way of silencing them upon it — Instances of persecution by Protestants in every Protestant country : in 'Germany : in Switzerland : at Geneva, and in France : in Holland : in Sweden : in Scotland, and in England — Violence and long continuance of it here — Eminent loynlty of Catholics — Two circumstances which distinguished the persecution exercised by Catholics from that exercised by Protestants 298 Let. L. — Conclusion — Recapitulation of points proved in these letters — The True Rule of Faith : the True Church of Christ — Falsity of the Charges alleged against her — An equal moral evidence for the Catholic as for the Christian Religion — The former, by the confession of its adversaries, the mfer tide — No security too great where Eternity is at stake ! 313 THB END OF RELIGIOUS CONTROVERSY PART *' Let those treat you harshly, who are not acquainted with the diificuhy of attaining to truth and avoiding error. Let those treat you harshly, who know not now hard it is to get rid of old prejudices. Let those treat yoa harshly, who have not learned how very hard it is to purify the interior eye, and render it capable of contern plating the sun of the soul, truth. But as to U6 ; we are far from this disposition towards persons who are separated from us, not by errors of their own invention, but by being entangled in those of others. We are so far from this disposition, that we pray to God, thatj in refuting the false opinions of those whom you follow, not from malice, but im- prudence, he would bestow upon us that spirit of peace, which feels no other sentiment than charity, no other interest than that of Jesus Christ, no other wish but for your salvation." — St. Augusiiney Doctor of the Church, A. D. 400, contra Ep. Fund. 1. c. ii ON THE RULE OF FAITH; OR, THE METHOD OF FINDING OUT THE TRUE RELIGION. I4ETTER I. FROM JAMES BROWN, ESQ., TO IHE REV. JOHN MILNER., D.D F.S.A. INTRODUCTION. New Cottage^ near Cressage, Salop, Oct. 13, 180L Reverend sir — I SHOULD need an ample apology for the liberty I am taking in thus addressing you, without having the honor of your ac- quaintance., and still more for the heavy task I am endeavoring tc impose upon you, if I did not consider your public character, as a pastor of your religion, and as a writer in defence of it, and likewise your personal character for benevolence, which nas been described to me by a gentleman of your corimunion, Mr, J. C — ne, who is well acquainted with us both Having mentioned this, I need only add, that I write to you in the name of a society of serious and worthy Christians of different per- suasions, to which society I myself belong, all of whom are as desirous as I am, to receive satisfaction from you on certain 13 LETTER I. doub/s, which your late work in answer to Dr. Sturges has sug gestod to us.* riowever, in making this request of our society to you, it seems proper, reverend sir, that I should bring you acquainted with the nature of it, by way of convincing you that it is not unworthy of the attention which I am desirous you should pay to it. We consist then of above twenty persons, including the ladies, who, living at some distance from any considerable town, meet together once a week, generally at my habitation of New Cottage ; not so much for our amusement and refec- tion, as for the improvement of our minds, by reading the best publications of the day which I can procure from my London bookseller, and sometimes an original essay written by one of the company. I have signified that many of us are of different religious persuasions : this will be seen more distinctly from the follow- ing account of our numbers. Among these, I must mention, in the first place, our learned and worthy rector, Dr. Carey. He is, of course, of the Church of England ; but like most others of his learned and dignified brethren, in these times, he is of that free, and, as it is called, liberal turn of mind, as to explain away the mysteries and a great many of its other articles, which, in my younger days, were considered essential to it. Mr. and Mrs. Topham are Jvlethodists of the Predestinarian ana Antinomian class, while Mr. and Mrs. Askew are mitigated Arminian Methodists, of Wesley's connection. Mr. and Mrs. Rankin are honest Quakers. Mr. Barker and his children term themselves Rational Dissenters, being of the old Presbyte- rian lineage, which is now almost universally gone into Socin- ianism. I, for my part, glory in being a stanch member of our happy establishment, which has kept the golden mean among the contending sects, and which, I am fully persuaded, ap- proaches nearer to the purity of the apostolic church, than any other which has existed since the age of it. Mrs. Brown pro- fesses an equal attachment to the church ; yet, being of an in- quisitive and arden. mind, she cannot refrain from frequenting the meetings, and even supporting the missions of those self, created apostles, who are undermining this church on every side, and who are nowhere more active than in our seques- tered valley. With these differences among us, on the most interesting of all subjects, we cannot help having frequent religious contix). Yersies : but reason and charity enable us to manage these • Letters to a Prehendaiy, in answer to Reflections on J opery by tht •«T Dr. Sturges, Preben ary and Chancellor of Winchester* INTRODUCTION. 13 without a ly breach, either of good manners or good will to each other. Indeed, I believe that we are, one and all, pos- scsssed of an unfeigned respect and cordial love for Christians of every description, one only excepted. Must I name it on the present occasion ? Yes, I must, in order to fulfil my commis- sion in a proper manner. It is then the church that you, rev- erend sir, belong to : whici, if any credit is due to the eminent divines whose works we are in the habit of reading, and more particularly to the illustrious Bishop Porteus in his celebrated and standing work, called A BRIEF CONFUTATION OF THE ERRORS OF THE CHURCH OF ROME, extracted from Archbishop Seeker's FIVE SERMONS AGAINST POPERY,* is such a mass of absurdity, bigotry, superstition, idolatry, and immorality, that to say we respect and love those who obstinately adhere to it, as we do other Christians, would seem a compromise of reason, scripture, and virtuous feeling. And yet, even of this church we have formed a less revolt ing idea, in some particulars, than we did formerly. This has hanpened from our having^ just read over your controversial work against Dr. Sturges, called LETTERS TO A PRE- BENDARY, to which our attention was directed by the notice taken of it in the houses of Parliament, and particularly by the very unexpected compliment paid to it by that ornament to our church. Bishop Horsl'ey. We admit then (at least I, for my part, admit) that you have refuted the most odious of the charges brought against your religion — namely, that it is ne- cessarily, and upon principle, intolerant and sanguinary, re- quiring its members to persecute with fire and sword all per- sons of a different creed from their own, when this is in their power. You have also proved that Papists may be good sub- jects to a Protestant sovereign ; and you have shown, by an in- teresting historical detail, that the Roman Catholics of this king- dom have been conspicuous for their loyalty from the time of Elizabeth down to the present time. Still, most of the absurd and anti-scriptural doctrines and practices alluded to above, re- lating to the worship of saints and images, to transubstantiation and the half communion, to purgatory, and shutting up the Bible, with others of the same nature, you have not, to my re- ^llection, so much as attempted to defend. In a word, I write to you, reverend sir, on the present occasion, in the name of our respectable society, to ask you whether you fairly give up these doctrines and practices of Popery, as untenable ; or other- * The' Norrisian Professor of Divinity in the university of Cambridge, Dr. Hey, speaking of this work, says : " The refutation of the Popish errors is now reduced into a small compass by Archbishop Seeker and Bishop For teus."— Lectures in Pivhity, Vol. TV. p. 71. 2 14 ESSAY I. wise, whellier you will condescend to interchange a few letters with me on the subject of them, for the satisfaction of me and my friends, and with the sole view of mutually discoverinsj and communicating religious trut'is. We remark that you say in your first letter to Dr. Sturges, " Should I have occasion to make another reply to you, I will try if it be not possible to put the whole question at issue between us into such a shape as shall remove the danger of irritation on both sides, and still enable us, if we are mutually so disposed, to agree together in the acknowledgment of the same religious truths." If you still think that this is possible, for God's sake, and your neigh- bor's sake, delay not to undertake it. The plan embraces every advantage we wish for, and excludes every evil we de- precate. You shall manage the discussion in your own way, and we will give you as little interruption as possible. Two of the essays above alhuded to, with which our worthy rector lately furnished us, I will, with your permission, enclose, to aonvince you that genius and sacred literature are cultivated round the Wrekin, and on the banks of the Severn. I remain, reverend sir, with great respect, Your faithful and obedient servant, James Brown. ESSAY I ON THE EXISTENCE OF GOD, AND OF NATURAL RELIGION. BY THE RET. SAMUEL CAREY, LL.D Foreseeing that my health will not permit me, for a consid- erable time, to meet my respected friends at New Cottage, I comply with the request, which several of them have made me, in sending them in writing, my ideas on the two noblest sub- jects which can occupy the mind of man : the existence of God, and the truth of Christianity. In doing this, I profess not to make new discoveries, but barely to s'ate certain arguments, which I collected in my youth, from the learned Hugo Grotius, our own judicious Clarke, and other advocates of natural and revealed religion. I offer no apology for adopting the words o^ Scripture, in arguing with persons who are supposed not to ad- mit its authority, when these express my meaning as fully d3 any others can do. The first argument for the existence of God is thus expressed by the royal prophet : " Know ye that the Lord he is God : it is he vhal hp.th n; ade us, and not we ourselves." Ps. c. 3. In ESSAY I. la faet, when I ask myself that questhn, which every refleciing man must sometimes ask himself: How came I into this state of existence ? Who has bestowed upon me the being v^hich I enjoy * I am forced to answer, It is not I that made myself; and each of my forefathers, if asked the same question, must have re- turned the same answer. In like manner, if I interrogate the several beings with which I am surrounded ; the earth, the air, the water, the stars, the moon, the sun, each of them, as an an- cient father says, will answer me in its turn : It was not I that made you ; 7, like you, am a creature of yesterday, as incapable of giving existence to you as I am of giving it to mysef. In short, however often each of us repeats the questions : How came I hither? Who has made me what I am? we shall never find a rational answer to them, till we come to acknowledge that there is an eternal, necessary, self-existent Being, the author of all contingent beings, which is no other than GOD. It is this necessity of being, this self-existence, which constitutes the nature of God, and from which all his other perfections flow. Hence, when he deigned to reveal himself on the flaming moun- tain of Horeb, to the holy legislator of his chosen people, being asked by this prophet, what was his proper name ; he an- swered : "I AM THAT I AM." Exod. iii. 14. This is as much as to say : / alone exist of myself; all others are created beings, which exist by my will. From this attribute of self existence, all the other perfections of the Deity, eternity, immensity, omnipotence, omniscience, holi^ ness, justice, mercy, and bounty, each ?n an infinite degree, ne- cessarily flow ; because there is nothing to limit his existence and attributes, and because, whatever perfection is found in any created being, must, like its existence, have been derived fi'om this universal source. This proof of the existence of God, though demonstrative ind self-evident to reflecting beings, is, nevertheless, we have reasen to fear, lost on a great proportion of our fellow-crea- tures ; because they hardly reflect at all ; or, at least, never consider Vho made them, or what they tcere made for. But that otlier proof, which results from the magnificence, the beauty, and the harmony of the creation, as it falls under the senses, so it cannot be thought to escape the attention of the most stupid or savage of rational beings. The starry heavens, the fulmi- nating clouds, the boundless ocean, the variegated earth, the organized human body ; all these, and many other phenomena of nature, must strike the mind of the untutored savage, no less than that of the studious philosopher, with a conviction that there is an infinitely powerful, wise, and bountiful Being, who is the author of thes j things : though, doubtless, the latter, 16 S6SAY I. m proportion as he sees more clearly and extensively than the former, the properties and economy of different parts of the creation, possesses a stronger physical evidence, as it is called, of the existence of the Great Creator. In fact, if the pagan physician, Galen,* from the imperfect knowledge whicl he possessed of the structure of the human body, found himself compeHod to acknowledge the existence of an infinitely wise and beneficent being, to make the body such as it is ; what would he not have said, had he been acquainted with the cir. cuUtion of the blood, and the use and harmony of the arteries, veins, and lacteals 1 If the philosophical orator, Tully, dis- covered and enlarged on the same truth, from the little know- ledge of astronomy which he possessed,* what strains of elo- quence would he not have poured forth upon it, had he beeo acquainted with the discoveries of Galileo and Newton, rela- tive to the magnitude and distances of the stars, the motions of the planets and the comets ? Yes, all nature proclaims that there is a Being who is whe in heart and mighty in strength : — who doeth great things and past finding out ; yea, wonders without number : — ivho stretcheth out the north over the empty places, and hangeth the earth upon nothing. — The pillars of heaven tremhle and are astonished at his reproof. — Lo / these are a part of his ways ; hut hoio Utile a portion is heard of him / The thunder of his power who can understand ! Job, ix. — xxvi. The proofs, however, of God's existence, which can least be evaded, are those which come immediately home to a man's own heart ; convincing him, with the same evidence which he has of his own existence, that there is an all-seeing, infinitely just, and infinitely bountiful Master above, who is witness of all his actions and words, and of his very thoughts. For whence arises the heartfelt pleasure which the good man feels an resisting a secret temptation to sin, or in performing an act of beneficence, though in the utmost secrecy ? Why does he raise his countenance to heaven with devotion, and why is he prepared to meet death with cheerful hope, unless it be, that his conscience tells him of a munificent rewarder of virtue, the spectator of what he does? And why does the most hardened sinner tremble and falter in his limbs and at his heart, when he commits his most secret sins of theft, vengeance, or impurity ? Why, especially, does he sink into agonies of horror and do- fpair at the approach of death, unless it be, that he is deeplv joLvinced of tne constant presence of an all-seeing witness, «nQ of an infinitely holy, powerful, and just judge, into whosA \a'ids it is a terrible thing to fall! In vain does he say . Dark • D« Usu Partium. t De Natura Deorum, 1. ii. ESi?AY I. 17 r,ess cncompasseth me and the walls cover me ; no one seeiJi : of whom am I afraid ? — for his conscience lells him that, "The eyes of the Lord are far brighter than the sun, beholding round about all the ways of men." Ecclus. xxiii. 26, 28. This last argument in particular, is so obvious and convin- cing, that 1 cannot bring myself to believe there ever was a human being, of sound sense, who was really an atheist Those persons who have tried to work themselves into a per. suasion that there is no God, will generally be found, both in ancient and modern times, to be of the most profligate manners; who, dreading to meet him as their judge, try to persuade themselves that he does not exist. This has been observed by St. Augustin, who says: "No man denies the existence of God, but such a one whose interest it is that there should be no God." Yet even they who, in the broad daylight, and among their profligate companions, pretend to disbelieve the existence of a Supreme Being; in the darkness of the night, and still more, under the apprehension of death, fail not to confess it, a» Seneca, I think, has somewhere observed.* " A son heareth his father, and a servant his master," says the prophet Malachi. " If then I be a father, where is mine honor 1 and if I be a master, where is my fear ? saith the Lord of Hosts," i. 6. In a word, it is impossible to believe in the existence of a Supreme Being, our Creator, our Lord, and our Judge, without being conscious, at the same time, of our obli- gation to worship him interiorly and exteriorly ; to fear him, to love him, and to obey him. This constitutes natural religion; l>y the observance of which the ancient patriarchs, together with Mechisedec, Job, and, we trust, very many other virtuons and religious persons of different ages and countries, have been acceptable to God in this life, and have attained to ever- lasting bliss in the other : still we must confess, with deep sor- row, that the number of such persons has been small, compaied with those of every age and nation, who, as St. Paul says : " When they knew God, glorified him not as God ; neither were thej' thankful, but became vain in their imaginations ; and their foolish hearts were darkened : they changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for evermore." Rom. i, 21, 25. Samuel Carey, • It is proper here to observe, that a large proportion of the boasting athe- ists who signalized thernsehes by their impiety during the French Revolu. tion, or a few years previous to its eruption, acknowledged when they came to die, that their irreligion had been affected, and that they never doubted m their hearts of the existence of God and the truths of Christianity. Among these were the Marquis d'Argens, Boulanger, La Metric, Collot d'Herboia Egalititf, Duke of Orleans, &c. 2* 18 ESSAY n. ESSAY II. ON THE TRUTH OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION. BY THE REV SAMUEL CAREY, LL.U. Though the light of nature is abundantly sufficient, as I trust I have shown in my former essay, to prove the existence of God, and the duty of worshipping and serving him, yet this was not the only light that was communicated to mankind in the first ages of the world, concerning these matters, since man}r things relating to them were revealed by God to the patriarchs, and, through them, to their contemporaries and descendants. At leHgth, however, this knowledge was almost universally ob- literated from the minds of men, and the light of reason itself was so clouded by the boundless indulgence of their passions, that they seemed, everywhere, sunk almost to a level with the brute creation. Even the most polished nations, the Greeks and the Romans, blushed not at unnatural lusts, and boasted of the most horrid cruelties. Plutarch describes the celebrated Grecian sages, Socrates, Plato, Xenophon, Cebes, &c., as in- dulging freely in the former ;* and every one knows that the chief amusement of the Roman people, was to behold their fel- low-creatures murdering one another in the amphitheatres, sometimes by hundreds and thousands at a time. But the de- pravity and impiety of the ancient pagans, and I may say the same of those of modern times, appear chiefly in their reli- gious doctrines and worship. What an absurd and disgusting rabb]*3 of pretended deities, marked with every crime that dis- graces the worst of mortals, lust, envy, hatred, and cruelty, did not the above-named refined nations worship ; and that, in sev- eral instances, by the imitation of their crimes ! Plato allows of drunkenness in honor of the gods ; Aristotle admits of inde- cent representations of them. How many temples were every- where erected, and prostitutes consecrated to the worship of Venus !f And how generally were human sacrifices offered up in honor of Moloch, Saturn, Thor, Diana, Woden, and other pretended gods, or rather real demons, by almost every pagan nation, Greek and barbarian, and among the rest, by the an- cient Britons, inhabitants of this island ! It is true, some few sages of antiquity, by listening to the dictates of nature and reason, saw into the absurdity of the popular religion, and dis- » De Isid. et Osirid. Even the refined Cicero and Virgil did not blush at tbese infamies. t Strabo tells us, that there were 1,000 prostitu cb attached to the temple *-<■ Venus, at Corinth. The Athenians attributed ^he pieservation of their nily to tie prayers of 'ts prostitutes. ESSA7 II. 10 covered the existence and attributes of the true God ; but tnen how unsteady and imperfect was their belief, even in this point ! and when " they kne\\ God, tney did not glorify him as God, nor give him thanks, but became vain in their thoughts.'' Rom. i. 21. In short, th3y were so bewildered on the whole subject of religion, that Socrates, the wisest of them all, de- clared it " impossible foi men to discover this, unless the Deity flimself deigned to revea. it to them."* Indeed it was an effort of miercy, worthy the great and good God, to make such a rev- elation of himself, and of his acceptable worship, to poor, be- nighted, and degraded man. This he did, first, in favor of a poor afflicted, captive tribe on the banks of the Nile, the Israel- ites, whom he led from thence into the country of their ances- tors, and raised up to be a powerful nation, by a series of astonishing miracles ; instructing and confirming them in the knowledge and worship of himself by his different prophets. He afterwards did the same thing in favor of all the people of the earth, and to a far greater extent, by the promised Messiah, and his apostles. It is to this latter Divine legation I shall here confine my arguments : though, indeed, the one confirms the other ; since Christ and the apostles continually bear testi- mony to the mission of Moses. All history, then, and tradition prove, that in the reign of Ti- berius, the second Roman emperor after Julius Csesar, an ex- traordinary personage, Jesus Christ, appeared in Palestine, teaching a new system of religion and morality, far more sub- lime and perfect than any which the pagan philosophers or even the Hebrew prophets had inculcated. He confirmed the truths of natural religion and of the Mosaic revelation ; but then he vastly extended their sphere, by the communication of many heavenly mysteries, concerning the nature of the one true God, his economy in redeeming man by his own vicarious sufferings, the restoration and future immortality of our bodies, and the final, decisive trial we are to undergo before him, our destined Judge. He enforced the obligation of loving our heavenly Father above all things, of praying to him continually, ar.d of referring all our thoughts, words, and actions, to his di vine honor. He insisted on the necessity of denying, not merely one or other of our passions, as the philosophers had done, who. as Tertullian says, drove out one nail with another ; but the whole collection of them, disorderly and vitiated as they are, since the fall of our first parents. In opposition to our innate avarice, pride, and love of pleasure, he opened his mission by teaching that, Blessed are the poor in spirit; Blessed art the ♦ Plata Dialog. Alcibiad. 20 ESSAl II. meek ; Blcssid are they that mourn, ^c. Teaching, as he did, with respect to our fellow-creatures, every social virtue, he sin. gled out fraternal charity for his peculiar and characteristic precept ; requiring that his disciples should love one another as iliery love themselves, and even as he himself has loved them ; he who laid down nis life for them ! and he extended the obli- gation of this precept to our enemies, equally with our friends. Nor was the morality of Jesus a mere speculative system of precepts, like the systems of the philosophers: it was of a prac- ileal nature, and he himself confirmed, by his example, every virtue which he inculcated, and more particularly that hardest of all others to re?.uce to practice, the love of our enemies. Christ had gone about, as the sacred text expresses it, doing good to all, Acts, x. 38, and evil to no one. He had cured the sick of Judea and the neighboring countries, had given sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, and even life to the dead ; but, above all things, he had enlightened the minds of his hearers with the knowledge of pure and sublime trutns, capable of leading them to present and future happiness : yet was he everywhere calumniated and persecuted, till at length, his in- veterate enemies fulfilled their malice against him, by nailing him to a cross, thereon to expire, by lengthened torments. Not content with this, they came before his gibbet, deriding him in his agony with insulting words and gestures ! And what is the return which the author of Christianity makes for such unex- ampled aff*ronts and barbarity ? He excuses the perpetrators of them ! He prays for them ! " Father, forgive them : for they know not what they do !" Luke, xxiii. 34. No wonder thisproof of supernatural charity should havestcL^jjpred the most hardened infidels ; one of whom confesses that, " if Socrates has died like a philosopher, Jesus alone has died like a God !"* The precepts and the example of the master have not been lost upon his disciples. These have ever been distinguished by their practice of virtue, and particularly by their charity and forgiveness of injuries. The first of them who laid down his life for Christ, St. Stephen, while the Jews were stoning him to death, prayed thus with his last voice : " Lord, lay not this sin 10 their charge !" Acts, vii. 60. Having considered the several systems of paganism, which have prevailed, and that still prevail in different parts of the world, both as to belief and practice, together with the specula- tions of the wisest infidel philosophers concerning them ; and havr^^ conteniplated, on the other hand, the doctrine of the Ne\> lestan.ent 3oth as to theory and practice; I would ask * Rousseau, Emile. ESSAY II. 21 any candid unl^liever, ^\here he thought Jesus Christ could have acquired the idea of so sublime, so pure, so efficacious a religion, as Christianity is ; especially when compared with the others above alluded to ? Could he have acquired it in th^ workshop of a poor artisan of Nazareth, or among the fisher- men of the lake of Genezareth ? Then, how could he and pAa poor unlettered apostles succeed in propagating this religion, as they did, throughout the world, in opposition to all the talents and power of philosophers and princes, and all the passions of all mankind ? No other answers can be given to these questions, than that the religion itself has been divinely revealed, *nd that it has been divinely assisted in its progress throughout khe world. In addition to this internal evidence of Christianity, as it is called, there are external proof s which must not be passed over. Christ, on various occasions, appealed to the miracles which he wrought, in confirmation of his doctrine and mission ; miracles public and indisputable, which, from the testimony of Pilate himself, were placed on the records of the Roman empire,* ana which were not denied by the most determined enemies of Christianity, such as Celsus, Porphyrins, and Julian, the apos^ tate. Among these miracles, there is one of so extraordinary a nature, as to render it quite unnecessary to mention any others, and which is therefore always appealed to by the apostles, as the grand proof of the gospel they preached ; I mean the resur- rection of Christ from the dead. To the fact itself must be add- ed also its circumstances ; namely, that he raised himself to life hy his own power, without the intervention of any living person ; and tnat he did thi5 i)n conformity with his prediction, at the time which he had appointed for this event to take place, and in defiance of the efforts of his enemies to detain his body in the sepulchre. To elude the evidence resulting from this unexampled prodigy, one or other of the following assertions must be maintained ; either that the disciples were deceived in believing him to be risea from the dead, or that they combined to deceive the world into a belief of that imposition. Now it cannot be credited that they themselves were deceived in this matter, beinff many in number, and having the testimony of their eyes, in seeing their master repeatedly during forty days; of their ears in hearing his voice ; and one, the most incredulous among thenj, the testimony of his feeling, in touching his person and probing his wounds. Nor can it be believed that they conspired to propagate an unavailing falsehood of this nature throughout the nations of the earth; namely, that a person, put to death in t Tertul. in Apolog. 22 ESSAY n. Judea, had risen again to life : — and this too, without ary pros. pect to themselves for this world, but that of persecution, tor- ments, and a crue. death, which they successively endured, as did their numerous disciples after them, in testimony of this fact ; without any expectation for the other world, but the ven- geance of the God of truth. Next to the miracles wrought by Christ, is the fulfilment of the ancient prophecies concerning him, in proof of the religion which he taught. To mention a few of these : He was oom just after the sceptre had departed from the tribe of Juda, Gen. xlix. 10 ; at the end of seventy weeks of years from the restora- tion of Jerusalem, Dan. ix. 24 ; while the second temple of Je- rusalem was in being, Hagg. ii. 7. He was born in Bethle- hem, Mic. V. 2 ; worked the identical miracles foretold of him, Isai. XXXV. 5. He was sold by his perfidious disciple for thirty pieces of silver, which were laid out in the purchase of a potter's field, Zech. xi. 13. He was scourged, spit upon, Isai. 1. 6; placed among malefactors, Isai. xxxiii. 12. His hands and feet were transfixed with nails, Ps. xxii. 16 ; and his side loas opened with a spear, Zech. xii. 10. Finally, he died, was buried with honor, Isai. liii. 9 ; and rose again to life without experiencing corruption, Ps. xvi. 10. The sworn enemies of Christ, the Jews, were, during many hundred years before his coming, and still are, in possession of the Scriptures, containing these and many other predictions concerning him, which were strictly fulfilled. The very existence, and other circumstances respecting this extraordinary people, the Jews, are so many arguments in proof of Christianity. They have now subsisted, as a distinct people, for more than four thousand years, during which they have again and again been subdued, harassed, and almost ex- tirpated. Their mighty conquerors, the Philistines, the Assyr- ians, the Persians, the Macedonians, the Syrians, and the Ro- mans, have in their turns ceased to exist, and can nowhere be fDund as distinct nations ; while the Jews exist in great num- oers, and are known in every part of the world. How can this oe accounted for? Why has God preserved them alone, nmongst tne ancient nations of the earth ? The truth is, they *re still the subject of prophecy, with respect to both the Old and the New Testament. They exist as monuments of God's wrath against them ; as witnesses to the truth of the Scriptures which condemn them ; and as the destined subjects of his final mercy before the end of the world. They are to be found in every quarter of the globe ; but in the condition with which their great legislator Moses threatened them, if they forsook the Lord ; namely, that he would remove them into all the king doms of the ea\ th, Deut. xxviii. 25, that they should become an PRELIMINARIES. 23 asionishmem, and a ly-word among all nations, ibid. 37, and that they should find no ease, neither should the sole of their foot have rest, ibid. 63. Finally, they are everywnere seen, but carry, mg, written on their foreheads, the curse which they pronounced on themselves, in rejecting the Messiah ; " His blood be upon us and upon our children !" Matt, xxvii. 25. Still is this ex- araordinary people preserved, to be, in the end, converted, and o find mercy, Rom. xi. 26, &c. Samuel Caret LETTER D.— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ., &c PRELIMINARIES. Winton, October, 20, 1801 Dear sir — You certainly want no apology for writing to me on the sub- ject of your letter. For if, as St. Peter inculcates, each Christian ought to be " ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh a reason of the hope that is in him," 1 Pet. iii. 15, how inexcusable would a person of my ministry and com- mission be, who am a " debtor both to the Greeks and to the barbarians, both to the wise and the unwise," Rom. i. 14, were I unwilling to give the utmost satisfaction, in my power, respect- ing the Catholic religion, to any human being, whose inquirie.* appear to proceed from a serious and candid mind, desirous of discovering and embracing religious truth, such as I must be- lieve yours to be ? And yet this disposition is exceedingly rare among Christians. Infinitely the greater part of them, in choosing a system of religion, or in adhering to one, are guided by motives of interest, worldly honor, or convenience. These inducements not only rouse their worst passions, but also blind their judgment ; so as to create hideous phantoms to their in- tellectual eyes, and to hinder them from seeing the most con- spicuous objects which stand before them. To such inconsis- tent Christians nothing proves so irritating as the attempt to dis- abuse them of their errors, except the success of that attempt, by putting it out of their power to defend them any longer. These are they, aiA O ! how infinite is their number, of whom Christ says, " They love darkness better than light," John, iii. 16 j ard who say to the prophets, " Prophesy not unto us right things . speak unto us smooth things," Isai. xxx 10. Tliey form to themselves a false conscience, as the Jews did when they murdered their Messiah, Acts, iii. 17 ; and as he himself foretold that many others would do, in murdering his disciples, John, xvi. 2. And here permit me to observe, that I myself have experienced something of this spirit in vny religious di*. 24 LETTER n. cussions, with persons who have been loudest in professing theii candor and charity. Hence, I make no doubt, if the elucida tion which you call for at my hands, for your numerous society, should happen by any means to become public, that I shall havp to " eat the bread of affliction, and drink the water of tribulation," 1 Kings, xxii. 27, for this discharge of my dury, perhaps during the remainder of my life. But, as the apoi^tle writes, " None of these things move me ; neither count I my life dear to me, so that I may finish my course with joy, and the minis- try which I have received of the Lord Jesus." Acts, xx. 24. It remains, sir, to settle the conditions of our correspondence. What I propose is, that, in the first place, we should mu- tually, and indeed all of us who are concerned in this friendly controversy, be at perfect liberty, without offence to any one, to speak of doctrines, practices, and persons, in the manner we may judge the most suitable for the discovery of truth : secondly, that we should be disposed, in common, as far as poor human nature will permit, to investigate truth with impartiality ; to acknowledge it, when discovered, with candor ; and, of course, to renounce every error and unfounded prejudice that may be detected, on any side, whatever may be the sacrifice or the cost. I, for my part, dear sir, here solemnly promise, that I will publicly re- nounce the religion of which 1 am a minister, and will induce as many of my flock, as I may be able to influence, to do tlie same, should it prove to be that " mass of absurdity, bigotry, superstition, idolatry, and immorality," which you, sir, and most Protestants conceive it to be ; nay, even if I should not succeed in clearing it of these respective charges. To reli- gious controversy, when originating in its proper motives, a de- sire of serving God and securing our salvation, I cannot declare myself an enemy, without virtually condemning the conduct of Christ himself, who, on every occasion, arraigned and refuted the errors of the Pharisees : but I cannot conceive any hy. pocrisy so detestable as that of mounting the pulpit or employing the pen on sacred subjects, to serve our temporal interests, oui resentment, or our pride, under pretext of promoting or defend- ing religious truth. To inquirers in the former predicament, 1 hold myself a debtor, as I have already said ; but the cir- cumsiances must be extraordinary, to induce me to hold a com- m.jnication with persons in the latter. Lastly, as you appear, sir, to approve of the plan 1 spoke of in my first letter to Dr. iSturges, I mean to pursue it on the present occasion. This, however, will necessarily throw back the examination of your charges to a considerable distance, as several other importanJ inquiries must precede it. — I am, &c., John Milnes. DISPOSITIONS. 2m LETTER III. fROM JAMES BROWN, ESQ., TO THE REV JOHN MILNER, D.D PRELIMINARIES. New Cottage October 30, 180L Reverend sir — I HAVE been favored, in due course, with yours of the 20th instant, which . have communicated to those persons of our so- ciety whom I have had an opportunity of seeing. No circum- stance could stril^e us with greater sorrow, than that you should suffer any inconvenience from your edifying promptness to comply with our well-meant request, and we confidently trust that nothing of the kind will take place through any fault com- mitted by us. We agree with you, as to the necessity of per- fect freedom of speech, where the discovery of important truths is the real object of inquiry. Hence, while we are at liberty to censure many of your popes and other clergy, Mr. Topham will not be offended with any thing that you can prove against Calvin, nor will Mr. Rankin quarrel with you for exposing the faults of George Fox and James Naylor, nor shall I complain of you for any thing that you may make out against our ven- erable Latimer or Cranmer ; I say the same of doctrines and practices as of persons. If you are guilty of idolatry, or we of heresy, we are respectively unfortunate, and the greatest act of charity we can perform is to point out to each other the danger of our respective situations to their full extent. Not to renounce error and embrace truth of every kind, when we clearly see it, would be folly ; and to neglect doing this, when the question is concerning religious truth, would be folly am wickedness combined together. Finally, we cheerfully leave you to follow what course you please, and to whatever extent you please, provided only that you give us such satisfaction as you are capable of affording, on the subjects which I mentioned in my former letter. — I am, reverend sir, &c., James Brown. LETTER IV.— TO JAMES BROWN. ESQ., Ac. DISPOSITIONS FOR RELIGIOUS INQUIRY. Uear sir — Tha dispositions which you profess, on the part of your iriends as well as yourself, I own, please me, and animate mo to undertake the task you impose upon me. Nevertheless, 3 28 LETTER TV, availing myself of the liberty of speech which you and youi friends allow me, I am compelled to observe, that there is no- thing in which men are more apt to labor under a delusion^ than by imagining themselves to be free from religi^Ais preju- dices, sincere in seeking after, and resolved to embrace the truth of religion, in opposition to their preconceived opiniora and worldly interests. How many imitate Pilate, who, when he had asked our Saviour the question, What is truth ? pres- ently went out of his company before he could receive an an- swer to it! John, xviii. 38. How many others resemble the rich young man, who, having interrogated Christ, " W hat good things shall 1 do that I may have eternal life ?" when this Divine Master answered him, " H thou wilt be perfect, go and sell what thou hast and give to the poor ; — went away sorrow- ful !" Matt. xix. 22. Finally, how many more act like cer. tain presumptuous disciples of our Lord, who, when he had propounded to them a mystery beyond their conception, that of the real presence, in these words, " My flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed;" — said, "This is a hard saying ; who can hear it ? — and went back and walked no more with him !" John, vi. 56. O ! if all Christians, of the different sects and opinions, were but possessed of the sincerity, disin- terestedness, and earnestness to serve their God and save their souls, which a Francis Walsingham, kinsman to the great statesman of that name ; a Hugh Paulin Cressy, Dean of Leigb- lin and Prebendary of Windsor ; and an Antony Ulric, Duke of Brunswick and Lunenburgh, proved themselves to have been possessed of, the first in his Search into Matters of Religion, tne second in his Exomologesis, or Motives of Conversion, &c., and the last in his Fifty Reasons ; how soon would all and every one of our controversies cease, and all of us be united in one faith, hope, and charity ! I will here transcribe, from ths us, that the Moravians call their religion The Liberty of the Poor Sinnership ; adding, that they " sell their prayer-books, and leave off reading and praying, to follow the Lamb." * See Maclaine's Ilist. vol. vi. p. 23, and Bishop Warburton's Doctrine of Grace, quoted by him. t Barruel's Hist, du Jacobinisme, torn. iv. p. 118. X Ibid. § Since the above letter was written, another sect, the Joannites, or dis- ciples of Joanna Southcote, have risen to notice by their number and the •ingularity of their tenets. This female apostle has been led by her spirit to believe herself to be the woman of Genesis, destined to crush the head of tta infernal spirit, with whom she supposes herself to have had daily battle^ .o the effusion of his blood. She believes herself to be, likewise, the woman of the Revelations crowned with twelve stars, which are so many minislera of the Established Church. In fact, one of these, a richly beneficed rector, and of a noble family, acts as her sec.-etary in writing and sealing passports to heaven, which she supposes herself authorized to issue, to the number oC 144,000, at a very moderate price. One of these passports in due form is in the writer's possession. It is scaled with ihree seals. The first exhibits two fctars, namely, las morning star, to represent Christ the evening star *o FIRST FALLACIOUS RVLE 35 I am sorry lobe obliged to enter upon the same list ^\ith those enihusiasts, a numerous class, many oi'them very respect- able, of modern religionists, called Methodists ; yet, since their avowed system of faith is, that this consists in an instantaneous illapse of God's Spirit into the souls of certain persons, by which they are convinced of their justification and salvation, without reterence to Scripture or any other proof, they cannot be placed, as to their rule of faith, under any other denomination. This, according to their founder's doctrine, is the only article offa'th; all other articles he terms opinions, of which he says, "the Methodists do not lay any stress on them, whether right or wrong."* He continues, " I am sick of opinions ; I am weary to bear them ; my soul loathes this frothy food."f Conformably with this latitudinarian system, Wesley opens heaven indiscrim- inately to Churchmen, Presbyterians, Independents, Quakers, and even to Catholics. J Addressing the last named, he ex- claims, " O that God would write in your hearts the rules of self-denial and love laid down by Thomas a Kempis ; or that you would follow, in this and in good works, the burning and shining light of your own church, the Marquis of Renty.§ Then would all who know and love the truth, rejoice to acknow- ledge you as the church of the living God."|| At the first rise of Methodism in Oxford, A.D. 1729, John Wesley and his companions were plain, serious, Church-of- England-men, assiduous and methodical in praying, reading, fasting, and the like. What they practised themselves, they preached to others both in England and in America ; till be- coming intimate with the Moravian brethren, and particularly with Peter Bohler, one of their elders, John Wesley " became convinced of unbelief, namely, a want of that faith whereby alone we are saved.''^ Speaking of his past life and ministry, he says, " I was fundamentally a Papist, and knew it not."** represent herself. The second seal exhibits the lion of Juda, supposed to allude to the insane prophet, Richard Brothers. The third shows the face of Joanna herself. Of late her inspiration has taken a new turn : she believea herself to be pregnant of the Messiah, and her followers have prepared silver vessels of various sorts for his use, when he shall be born. * Wesley's Appeal, P. iii. p. 134. t Ibid. p. 135. t Appeal § His life is written in French, by Pfere St. Jure, a Jesuit, and abridged in English by J. Wesley. I! In his Popery Calmly Considered, p. 20, Wesley writes : " I firmly be- lieve that many members of the Church of Rome have been holy men, and that many a-e so now." He elsewhere says, " Several of them (Papists) have attained to as high a pitch of sanctity, as human nature is capable of arriving at." If Whitehead's 1.:% ^r Tohn and Charles Wesley, vol. it. p. f58. ** J jiirnal. A. O 73:*. tLlsewhero Wealey says . ^' O what a work hM 86 LETTER VI. Soon after this persuasion, namely, on May 24, 1739, " Going into a society in Aldersgate-street," he says, " whilst a person was reading Luther's preface to the Romans, about a quarter before nine, I felt my heart strangely warmed ; I felt I did trust in Christ, in Christ alone for salvation, and an assu- rance was given me that he had taken away my suis, cten mmef and saved me from the law of sin and death.'^'^ What were, now, the unavoidable consequences of a difFu- •ion of this doctrine among the people at large ^ Let us hear tnem from Wesley's most able disciple and destined successor, Fletcher of Madeley. " Antinomian principles and practices," he says, " have spread like wild-fire among our societies. Many persons, speaking in the most glorious manner of Christ, and their interest in his complete salvation, have been found living in the greatest immoralities. — How few of our societies, where cheating, extorting, or some other evil hath not broke out, and given such shakes to the ark of the Gospel, that, had not the Lord interposed, it must have been overset !f I have seen them who pass for believers, follow the strain of corrupt nature ; and when they should have exclaimed against Anti- nomianism, I have heard them cry out against the legality of their wicked hearts, which, they said, still suggested that they were to DO something for their salvation.'^j^ " How few of our celebrated pulpits, where more has not been said for sin than against it .'§ The same candid writer, laying open the foul- ness of his former system, charges Richard Hill, Esq., who persisted in it, with maintaining that, "Even adultery and mur- der do not hurt the pleasant children, but rather work for their good. "II " God sees no sin in believers, whatever sin they com- mit. My sins might displease God ; my person is always ac ceptable to him. Though I should outsin Manasses, I should not be less a pleasant child, because God always views me in God begun since Peter Bohler came to England ! such a one as shall never come to an end, till heaven and earth pass away." * Vide Whitehead, vol. ii. p. 79. In a letter to his brother Samuel, John ♦Vesley says : " By a Christian I mean one who ro believes in Christ, that death hath no dominion over him, and in this obvious sense of the word I waa not a Christian till the 24th of M^y, last year." Ibid. 105. t Checks to Antinom. vol. ii p. 2i t Ibid. vol. ii. p. 200. § Ibid. p. 215. il Fletcher's Works, vol. iii. p. 50. Agriwila, one of Luther's first disci ciples, is called the founder of the Antinomians. These hold that the faiih ful are bound by no law, either of God or man, and that good works o* every kind aie useless to salvation ; while Amsdurf, Lut.ier'spot.companion. taught that they are an impediment to salvation. Mos'ieim's EccJcs. Hist by Maclaine, vol. iv. p. 35, p. 328. Eaton, a puritan, in hi« Iloneycomh oj Justification, sa} s : " Believers ought not to nioura fat is it that you are trust- ing to, poor, weak soul, and blinded with the mists of the flesh: what is it you are trusting to ?" John Mtlner LETTER VII.— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ.,&c. OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. Oear sir — I HAVE just received a letter from Friend Rankin of Wenlock, written much in the style of George Fox, and another from Mr. Ebenezer Topham of Brosely. They both consist of objecfions ;o my last letter to you, which they had perused at New Cot- :age ; and the writers of them both request, that I would ad- dress whatever answer I might give them, to your villa. Friend Rankin is sententious, yet civil ; he asks, 1st, whether *' Friends at this day, and in past times, and even the faithful servant of Christ, George Fox, have not condemned the vain imaginations of James Naylor, Thomas Bushel, Perrot, and the sinful doings of many others through whom the word of life was blasphemed in their day among the ungodly ?" He asks, 2dly, whether " numberless follies, blasphemies, and crimes have not risen up in the Roman Catholic, as well as in other churches ?" He asks, 3dly, whether " learned Robert Bar- slay, in his glorious Apology, hath not shown forth, that The testimony of the Spirit is that alone hy which the true knoioledge of God hath been, is, and can he revealed and confirmed, and this not only by the outward testimony of Scripture, but also by that of Tertullian, Hierom, Augustin, Gregory the Great, Bernard, yea also by Thomas a Kempis, F. Pacificus Baker,* and many others of the Popish communion, who, says Robert Barclay, * have known and tasted the love of God, and felt the power and virtue of God's Spirit working within them for their salva- tion V "t I will first consider the arguments of Friend Rankin, grant him then, that his founder, George Fox, does biarae ;;er- tain extravagancies of Naylor, Perrot, and others his followers, 4t the same time that he boasts of several committed by him- self, by Simpson, and others.^ But how does he confute them, and guard others against them ? — Why, he calls their authors • An English Benedictine monk, author of " Santa Sophia,' which is qua led at leijgtli by Barclay. t Apology, p. 351. ) See Journal of G. Fox, passim. OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. 89 Rdnters, and charges them with running out!* No\^- what kind of argument is this in the mouth of G. Fox against any- fanatic, however furious, when ne himself has taught him, that ne is to listen to the Spirit of God within himself, in preference to the authority of any man and of all men, and even of the Gospel? G. Fox was not more strongly moved to believe that he was the messenger of Christ, than J. Nay lor was to believe that he him- self was Christ : nor had he a firmer conviction that the Lord forbade hat-worship, as it is called, out of prayer, tnan 7. Per- rotf and his company had, that they were forbidden lo use it in prayer.\ 2dly, with respect to the excesses and crimes com- mitted by many Catholics of different ranks, as well as by other men, in all ages, I answer, that these have been committed, not m virtue of their rule of faith and conduct, but in direct opposi- tion to it ; as will be more fully seen when we come to treat of that rule : whereas the extravagancies of the Quakers were the immediate dictates of the imaginary spirit, which they fol- lowed as \he\r guide. Lastly, when the doctors of the Catholic Church teach us, after the inspired writers, not to extinguish, but to vjalk in the Spirit of God, they tell us, at the same time, that this Holy Spirit invariably and necessarily leads us to hear the church, and to practise that humility, obedience, and those other virtues which she constantly inculcates : so that if it were pos- sible for " an angel from heaven to preach another gospel than what we have received," he ought to be rejected as a spirit of darkness. Even Luther, when the Anabaptists first broached many of the leading tenets of the Quakers, required them to demonstrate their pretended commission from God, by incon- testable miracles, § or submit to be guided by his appointed ministers. I have now to notice the letter of Mr, Topham.|| Some of * Speaking of James Naylor, he says, " I spake with him, for I saw he was out and wrong — he slighted what I said, and was dark and much oiH.^^ Journ. p. 220. t Journ. p. 310. This and another Friend, J. Love, went on a mission to Rome, to convert the pope to Quakerism; but his hoUness r ot understand, ing English, when they addressed him with some coarse English epithets in St, Peter's church, they had no bett«r success than a female Friend, Mary Fiiher, had, who went into Greece to convert the great Turk. See Sewel'a Hist t " Now he (Fox) found also that the Lord forbade him to put off his hat 10 any men high or low ; and he required to thou and thee every man and woman without distinction, and not to bid people good morrow, or good evening : neither might he bow, or scrape with his leg." Sewel's Hist, p 18. See there a dissertation on hat.worship. & Sleidan. II It was origin illy intended to insert these arJ the other letters of the same description \ but as this would have rendered tlic wo'-k too bulky, and, 40 LKTTER VII. ais objt:!cti(»ns have already been answered, in my remarks on Mr, Rankin's letter. What I find particular in the Ibrmei, is the following passage : " Is it possible to go against conviction and facts ? namely, the experience that very many rerious Christians feel, in this day of Gocfs power, that they are made partalcers of Christ and of the Holy Ghost, and who hear him saying to the melting heart, with his still, small, yet penetrating and renovating voice. Thy sins are forgiven thee : Be thou 'lean: Thy faith hath made thee whole/ If an exterior proo weie wanting to show the certainty of this interior conviction, 1 ighl refer to the conversion and holy life of those who have expe- rienced it." — To this I answer, that the facts and the conviction which your friend talks of, amount to nothing more than a cer- tain strength of imagination and warmth of sentiment, which may be natural, or may be produced by that lying spirit, whom God sometimes permits to go forth, and to persuade the presumptuous to their destruction. 1 Kings, xxii. 22. I presume Mr. Topham will allow, that no experience which he has felt or witnessed, exceeded that of Bockhold, or Ilacket, or Naylor, mentioned above ; who, nevertheless, were confessedly betrayed by it into the most horrible blasphemies and atrocious crimes. The virtue most necessary for enthusiasts, because the most remote from them, is an humble diffidence in themselves. When Oliver Cromwell was on his death-bed, Dr. Godwin, being present among oiher ministers, prophesied that the protector would re- cover. Death, however, almost immediately ensuing, the Pu- ritan, instead of acknowledging his error, cast the blame upon Almighty God, exclaiming, " liord, thou hast deceived us; and we have been deceived !"* With respect to the alleged purity of Antinomian saints, I would refer to the history of the lives and deaths of many of our English refjicides, and to the gross immoralities of numberless justified Methodists, described by Fletcher in his Checks to Antinomianism.'f I am, &c. John Mtlner. a3 loe whole of the objections may be gathered from the answers to thera that intention has been abandoned. * Se3 Birch's Life of Archbishop Tillotson, p. 17. 1 T hi3 candid and able writer says, " The Puritans and first Quakers souu got over the edge of internal activity into the smooth and easy path of Lao. dicean formality. Most of us, called Methodists, have alreadj followed them. We fall asl»;ej, under the bewitching power; we dream strange dreams; our salvation is finished ; we have got above legality; we have aU tained Christian liberty; we have nothing to do; our covenant is sure.' Vol. ii. p. 233. He refers to several instances of the most flagi'ious conduct i>f which human nature is capable, in persons who had attained to what ihey eaW^nished salvition. SECOND FALLACIOUS RULE. 4< LETTER Vm.— TO JAiMES BROWN, ESQ SECOND FALLACIOUS RULE Dear s j — I TAKE it for granted, that my answers to Messrs. Rankio •nd Topham have been communicated to you, and I hope that in conjunction with my preceding letters, they have convinced those gentlemen, of what you, dear sir, have ever been coq- vmced of, namely, the inconsistency and fanaticism of ovei7 pretension on the part of individuals, at the present day, to a new and particular inspiration, as a rule of faith. The ques- tion which remains for our inquiry is, whether the rule or method prescribed by the Church of England, and other more rational classes of Protestants, or that prescribed by the Catho- lic Church, is the one designed by our Saviour Christ for find- ing out his true religion ? You say that the whole of this is comprised in the written word of God, or the Bible, and that every individual is a judge for himself of the sense of the Bible. Hence in every religious controversy, more especially since the last change of the inconstant Chillingworth,* Catholics have been stunned with the cries of jarring Protestant sects and individuals, proclaiming that the Bible, the Bible alone is their religion : and hence, more particularly at the present day, Bu bles are distributed by hundreds of thousands, throughout the empire and the four quarters of the globe, as the adeauate means of uniting and reforming Christians, and of converting infidels. On the other hand, we Catholics hold that tnat the word of God, in general, both written and unwritten, in other words, the Bible and tradition, taken together, constitute the rule of faith, or method appointed by Christ for finding out the true religion ; and, that, besides the rule itself, he has provided in his holy church, a living, speaking judge, to watch over it and explain it in all matters of controversy. That the latter, and not the former, is the true rule, I trust I shall be able to prove, as clearly as I have proved that private inspiration does not constitute it : and this 1 shall prove by means of the two maxims I have on that occasion made use of; namely, the rule of faith appcmted by Christ must be CERTAIN and UNERRING ; that is to say, li must be one which is not liable to lead any rational and sincere inquirer into inconsistency or error ; Secondly, this rule must be UNIVERSAL ; that is to say, it must be proportioned to ihf. aliUties and circumstances of the great bulk of mankind. * Chillingworth was first a Protestant, of the establishment : he next be- came a Catholic, and studied in one of our seminaries. He then returned, in part, to his former creed ; and last of all he gave in to Socinianism, which Bia writings greatly promoted. 4* 42 LETTER VIII. I. If Christ had intended that all mankini should learn hii religion from a hook, namely, the New Teslameni, he liimself would havf> written that book, and would have enjoined the ob- ligation of learning to read it, as the first and fundamental prj- cept of his religion ; whereas, he never wrote any tnmg at all, unless perhaps the «ins of the Pharisees with his finger upon the dust, John, viii. 6.* It does not even appear that he gavd Iiis apostles any command to write the Gospel : though he re- peatedly and emphatically commanded them to preach it, (Matt. X.) and this to all the nations of the earth, Matt, xxviii. 19, In this ministry they all of them spent their lives, preaching the religion of Christ in every country, from Judea to Spain in one direction, and to India in another ; everywhere establishing churches, and " commending their doctrine to faithful men who should be fit to teach others also." 2 Tim. ii. 2. Only a part of them wrote any thing, and what these did write, was, for the most part, addressed to particular persons or congregations, and on particular occasions. The ancient fathers tell us that St. Matthew wrote his gospel at the particular request of the Chris- lians of Palestine, f and that St. Mark composed his at the de- sire of those at Rome. J St. Luke addressed his gospel to an individual, Theophilus, having written it, says the holy evange- list, because it seemed good to hi?n to do so. Luke i. 3. St. John wrote the last of the gospels in compliance with the petition of the clergy and people of Lesser Asia,§ to prove, in particular, the divinity of Jesus Christ, which Cerinthus, Ebion, and other heretics began then to deny. No doubt the evangelists were moved by the Holy Ghost, to listen to the requests of the faith- ful, in writing their respective gospels ; nevertheless there is nothing in these occasions, nor in the gospels themselves, which Indicates that any one of them, or all of them together, con- tains an entire, detailed, and clear exposition of the whole reli- gion of Jes-ds Christ. The canonical epistles in the New Tes- tament show the particular occasions on which they were writ- ten, and prove, as the Bishop of Lincoln observes, that " They are not to be considered as regular treatises on the Christian religion. "II II. In supposing our Saviour lo have appointed his bare wri ten word for the rule of our faith, without any authorized jud^TG to decide on the unavoidable controversies growing out • It is agreed upon among the learned, that the supposed letter of Christ to Abgarus, king of Edessa- quoted by Eusebius, Hist. Eccl. 1. i. is spurious. t Euscb. I. 3. Hist. EccL Chrysos. in Malt. Horn. 1. Iren. I. 3. c. 1 Hieron. de Vir. lilust. t Euseb. 1. 2. c. 15. Hist. Eccl. Epiph. Hieron. de Vir. Illust. i Euseb. 1. 6. Hist. Eccl. Hieron. (] Elem. of Christ. Rel. vol. i. p. 277 SECOND FALLACIOUS RULE. 4S i>f it. you would suppose that he nas acted differently from what common sense has dictated to all other legislators : for where do we read of a legislator, who, after dictating a code of laws, neglected to appoint judges and magistrates to decide on their meaning, and to enforce obedience to such decisions ? You, dear sir, have the means of knowing what would be the conse- quence of lea /ing any act of Parliament, concerning taxes, or enclosures, or any other temporal concerns, to the interpretation of the individuals whom it regards. Alluding to the Protestant rule, the illustrious Fenelon has said, " It is bettter to live without any law, than to have laws which all men are left to interpret according to their several opinions and interests."* The Bishop of Londonf appears sensible of this truth, as far as regards temporal affairs, where he writes, " In matters of pro- perty, indeed, some decision, right or wrong, must be made ; society could not subsist without it;"t just as if peace and unity were less necessary in the one sheepfold of the one shep- herd, the Church of Christ, than they are in civil society ! III. The fact is, this method of determining religious ques- tions by Scripture only, according to each individual's inter- pretation, has always produced, whenever and wherever it has been adopted, endless and incurable dissensions, and of course errors; because truth is one, while errors are numberless. The ancient fathers of the church reproached the sects of here- tics and schismatics with their endless internal divisions. **See," says St. Augustin, "into how many morsels those are divided, who have divided themselves from the unity of the church !"§ Another father writes, " It is natural for error to be ever changing. || The disciples have the same right in this matter that their masters had." To speak now of the Protestant reformers. No sooner had .heir progenitor, Martin Luther, set up the tribunal of private judgment on the sense of Scripture in opposition to the author- ity of the church, ancient and modern, IT than his disciples, proceeding on this principle, undertook to prove from plain cexts of the Bible, that his own doctrine was error ecus, and that the Reformation itself wanted reforming. Cailostad,** * Life of Archbishop Fenelon, by Ramsay t Dr. Porteus X Brief Confut. p. 18. § St. Aug. II Tertul. de Prsescript. i" This happened in June, 1520, on his doctrine being censured by the popo. Till that time he had submitted to the judgment of the holy aee ** He was Luther's first disciple of distinction, being Archdeacon of Wit. temberg. He declared against Luther in 1521. 44 LETTER Vm. Zuinglius,* CEcolompadiusf, Muncer4 and a bundled more o! his followers, wrote and preached against him and against each other, with the utmost virulence, whilst each of them still pro- fessed to ground his doctrine and conduct on the written icord of God alone. In vain did Luther claim a superiority over them ; in vain did he denounce hell-fire against them ;§ in vain did he threaten to return back to the Catholic religion ;|| he had put the BiWe into each man's hand to explain it for himself tnd this his followers continued to do in open defiance of him ;ir iill their mutual contradictions and discords became so numer- ous and scandalous, as to overwhelm the thinking part of them with grief and confusion.** * Zuinglius began the Reformation in Switzerland some time after Luthei began it in Germany, but taught such doctrine that the latter termed him a pagan, and said, he despaired of his salvation. t (Ecolompadius was a Brigittine friar of the monastery of St. Lawrence, near Augsburgh; but soon quitted the cloister, married, and adopted the Bf ntiments of Zuinglius respecting the real presence, in preference to those c f Luther. His death was sudden, and by Luther it is asserted that he was f trangled by the devil. X Muncer was the disciple of Luther, and founder of the Anabaptists, who, in quality of The Just, maintained that the property of The Wicked be- longed to them, quoting the second beatitude, '* Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the land." Muncer wrote to the several princes of Ger- many, requiring them to give up their possessions to him. He soon after marched at the head of 40,000 of his followers to enforce this requisition. § He said to them, " I can defend you against the pope, — but when the devil shall urge against you (the authors of these changes) at your death, this passage of Scripture, the7j ran and I did not send thetn, how shall you withstand him? He will plunge you headlong intc hell." — Oper. tom. vii. fol. 274. II " If you continue in these measures of your common deliberations, 1 will recant whatever I have written or said, and leave you. Mind what I Bay." Oper. tom. vii. fol. 276. edit. Wittemb. IT See the curious challenge of Luther to Carlostad to write a book against the real presence, when one wishes the other to break his neck, and the latter retorts, may I see thee broken on the tvheel. — Vaiiat, b. n. n. 12. ** Capito, minister of Strasburgh, writing to Farel, pastor of Geneva, thus complains to him : " God has given me to understand the mischief we have done by our precipitancy in breaking with the pope, «fec. The people eay to us, I know enough of the Gospel. I can read it for myself. I have no need of you," "^T^ter Epist. Calvini. — In the same tone Dudith writes tc his friend Beza : " Our people are carried away with every wind of doctrine, if you know what their religion is to-day, you cannot lell what it will be to-nor- row. In what single point are those churches which have declared war ■gainst the pope agreed amongst themselves ? There is not one point which is not held by some of them as an article of faith, and by others as an impiety." In the same sentiment, Calvin, writing to Melancthon, says, "It is of great importance that the divisions, which subsist among us, should not be known to future ages : for nothing can be more ridiculous than tljit we, \*ho have broken off from the whole world, should have agreed so ill«raoji^ saraeU'^ from the very beginning of the Reformation ' oECOND FALLACIOUS RULE. 45 To point out some few of the particular variations alluded to ; for to enumerate them all would require a work vastly more voluminous than that of Bossuet on this subject : it is well known that huiher^s fundamental principle was that o^ im- puted justice, to the exclusion of all acts of virtue and good works performed by ourselves. His favorite disciple and lottle companion, Amsdorf, carried this principle so far as to main- tain, that good works are a Jiindrance to salvation.* In vindica- tion of his fundamental tenet. Luther vaunts as follows : " This article shall remain in snite of all the world : it is I, Martin Luther, evangelist, who say it ; let no one therefore attempt to infringe it, neither the Emperor of the Romans, nor of the Turks, nor of the Tartars ; neither the pope, nor the monks nor the nuns, nor the kings, nor the princes, nor all the devils in hell. If ';hey attempt it, may the infernal flames be their recompense. What I say here is to be taken for an inspiration of the Holy Ghost. "f Notwithstanding, however, these terri- ble threats and imprecations of their master, Melancthon. with the rest of the Lutherans, abandoned this article, immediately after his death, and went over to the opposite extreme of Semi- pelagianism ; not only admitting the necessity of good works, Dut also teaching that these are prior to God's grace. Still on this single subject Osiander, a Lutheran, says, " there are twenty several opinions all drawn fro7ii the Scripture, and held by different members of the Augsburgh or Lutheran confession. "J Nor has the unbounded license of explaining Scripture, each one in his own way, which Protestants claim, been confined to mere errors and dissensions : it has also caused mutual perse- cution and bloodshed :§ it has produced tumults, rebellion s, and anarchy beyond recounting. Dr. Hey asserts, that '' 'Vtie mis- interpretation of Scripture brought on the miseries of the Civil War ;"|| and Lord Clarendon, ll Madox,** and other writers show, that there was not a crime committed by the Puritan i'>3bels, in the course of it, which they did not profess to justify by texts and instances drawn from the sacred volumes. Le- .'and, Bergier, Barruel, Robison, and Kett, abundantly prove that the poisonous plant of infidelity, which has pioduced such dreadful effects of late years on the Continent, was transplanted ihither from this Protestant island, and that it was produced, * Mosheim's Hist, by Maclaine, vol. iv. p. 328, ed. 1790. t Visit. Saxon. + Archdeacon Blackburn's Confessional, p 16. § See Letters to a Prebendary, chapter " Persecution." Numberless other aroofs of Protestants persecuting, not only Catholics, but also ihoir fellow Protestants to death, on account of their religious opinions, can be adduced ii Dr. Hey's Theological Lectures, vol. i. p. 77. V Hist, of Civ. Waj ** Exanain. o*" Neal's Hist, of Puniarw. 46 LETTER VIII. nourished, and increased to its enormous growth, by that prin ciple of private judgment in matters of religion, which is the very foundation of the Reformation. Let us hear the two last- mentioned authors, both of them Protestant clergymen, on this important subject. " The spirit of free inquiry," says Kett, quoting Robison, " was the great boast of the Protestants, and their only support against the Catholics ; securing them, both rr iheir civil and religious rights. It was therefore encouraged b;' their governments, and sometimes indulged to excess. In the progress of this contest, their own confessions did not escape censure ; and it was asserted, that the Reformation, which '.bese confessions express, was not complete. Further reforma- tion was proposed. The Scriptures, the foundation of their faith, were examined by clergymen of very different capacities, dispositions, and views, till, by explaining, correcting, allego- rizing, and otherwise twisting the Bible, men's mind.s had hardly any thing to rest on, as a doctrine of revealed relip-ion. This encouraged others to go further, and to say that re\ elation was a solecism, as plainly appears by the irreconcilable differences among the enlightenersof the public, so they were called ; and that man had nothing to trust to, but the dictates of natural reason. Another set of writers, proceeding from this as from a point settled, proscribed all religion whatever, and openly taught the doctrines of materialism and atheism. Most of these innovations luere the work of Protestant divines, from the causes that I have mentioned. But the progress of infidelity was mucl> accelerated by the establishment of a phi/anlhropine, or academy of general education, in the principality of Anhalt-Dessau. The professed object of this institution was, to unite the three Christian communions of Germany, and to make it possible for the members of them all not only to live amicably, and to wor- ship God in the same church, but even to communicate toge ther. This attempt gave rise to much speculation and refine- ment ; and the proposal for the amendment of the formulas, and the instructions from the pulpit were prosecuted with sD much keenness, that the ground- work of Christianity was refi- ned and refined till it vanished altogether, leaving deism, oi natural, or, as it was called, philosophical relig^ion in its place. The Lutherans and Calvinists, prepared by the causes before- mentioned to become dupes to this masterpiece of art, were en- ticod by the specious liberality of the scheme, and the particu- lai attention which it promised to the morals of youth: but "nor me Rojnan CathoUc could Basedow allure to his seminnry of ■practical ethics."* * Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy against all Religions, &c, Rett's History, tb 5 Interpreter of Prophecy, vol. ii. p. 158. SECOND FALLACIOUS RULE. 47 IV. You have seen, dear sir, to what endless eriors ani im- fneties the principle of private interpretation of Scri-pture, no ess than that of private inspiration of faith, has conducted men, and of course is ever liable to conduct them. This circum- stance, therefore, proves, according to the self-evident maxim stated above, that it cannot be the rule which is to bring us to religious truths. Nor is it to be imagined that, previously to the formation of the different national churches and other reli- gious associations, which took place in the several parts of Eu- rope, at what is called " The Reformation," the Scriptures were diligently consulted by the founders of the new sects ; or that the ancient system of religion was exploded, or the new systems adopted, in conformity with the apparent sense of the sacred text, as Protestant controvertists would have you be- lieve. No, sir, princes and statesmen nad a great deal more to do with these changes than theologians : and most of the par- ties concerned in them were evidently pushed on by motives vi^ry different from those of religion. As to Martin Luther, he testifies, and calls God to witness the truth of his testimony, that it was not ivillingly, (that is, not from a previous discovery of the falsehood of his religion,) but from accident, (namely, a quarrel with the Dominican friars, and afterwards with the pope,) that he fell into his broils about religion.* With respect to the Reformation in our own country, we all know that Henry VIII., who took the first step towards it, was, at the beginning of his reign, so zealous against it, that he wrote a book, which he dedicated to Pope Leo X., in opposition to it, and in return obtained from this pontiff, for himself and successors, the title of Defender of the Faith. Becoming afterwards enamored of Ann Boleyn, one of the maids of honor to the queen, and t " Casu non voluntate in has turmas incidi : Deum tester." — The Pro- testant historian, Mosheim, with whom Hume agrees, admits " that several of ths principal agen*^ in this revolution were actuated more by the im. pulse of passion, and views of interest, than by a zeal for true religion.'* Maclaine, vol. iv. p. 135. He had before acknowledged that King Guela- vus introduced Lutheranism into Sweden, in opposition to the clergy and bishops, "not only as agreeable to the genius and spirit of the Gospel, but ilso as favorable to the temporal state and political constitution of the Swe- dish dominions," pp. 79, 80. He adds, that Christiern, who introduced tbe Reformation into Denmark, was animated by no other motives than those of ambition and avarice, p. 82. Grotius, another Protestant, testifies tha*. it was " sedition and violence which gave birth to the Reformation in his own country" — Holland. Append, de Antichristo. The same was the caee in France, Geneva, and Scotland. It is to be observed, that in all these couti- tries, the reformers, as soon as they got the upper hand, became violent per- secutors of the CathoUcs. Bergier defies Protestants to name so much as a town or village in which, when they became masters of it, they tolerated a iinifie Catholic. 48 LETTER VIII. the reigning pope having refused to sanction an adulterous mar. riage with her, he caused a statute to be passed, abrogating the pope's supremacy, and declaring himself supreme head of the Church of England.^ Thus he plunged the nation into schism, and opened a way for every kind of heresy and impiety. In short, nothing is more evident than that the king's inordinate passion, and not the word of God, was the rule followed in this hrst important change of our national religion , The unprinci- pled Duke of Somerset, who next succeeded to supreme power in the churcli and state, under the shadow of his youthful ne- phew, Edward VI., pushed on the Reformation, so called, much further than it had yet been carried, with a view to the gratifi- cation of his own ambitious and avaricious purposes. He sup- pressed the remaining colleges and hospitals, which the profli- gacy of Henry had spared, converting their revenues to his own use and to that of his associates. He forced Cranmer and the other bishops to take out fresh commissions for governing their dioceses during his nephew's, that is to say, his own good plea- sure.'f He made a great number of important changes m the public worship, by his own authority or that of his visiters ; J and when he employed certain bishops and divines in forming fresh articles and a new liturgy, he punished them with im- prisonment if they were not on all points obsequious to his or- ders. § He even took upon himself to alter their work, wher sanctioned by Parliament, in compliment to the church's great- est enemy, Calvin. || Afterwards, when Elizabeth came to the * Archbishop Parker records, thai the bishops, assembled in synod in 1531, offered to sign this new title, with the following salvo : " In quantum per Christi leges licet:" but that the king would admit of no such modifica. tion. Antiq. Brit. p. 325. In the end, they surrendered the whole of their spiritual jurisdiction to him, (all except the religious Bishop of Rochester, Fisher, who was put to death for his refusal,) and were content to publish Articles of Religion devised by the King's Highness. Heylin's Hist, of Reform. CoUier, &c. t " Licentiam concedimus ad nostrum beneplacilum dumtaxat duraturam." Burnet Hist. Ref. P. II. B. i. N. 2. t See the Injunctions of the Council to Preachers, published before the Paihament met, concerning the mass in the Latin hnguage, prayers for the dead, &c. See also the order sent to the primate against psalms, ashes, &c., in Heylin, Burnet, and Collier. The boy Edward VI., just thirteen years old was taught by his uncle to proclaim as follows : " We would not havo our subjects so much to mistake our judgment, &c., as though we could not discern what is to be done, &c. God bo praised, we know what, by his word, is fit to be redressed," &e. Collier, vol. ii. p. 246. § The Bishops Heath and Gardiner were both imprisoned for non-com. pliance. II Heylin complains bitterly of Calvin's pragmatical spirit, in quan-elling with the English hturgy, and soliciting tlie protector to alter it. Preface to Hist, of Reform. His letters to Somerset on the subject may be seen ii Pox^s Ads and Munwn^ SECOND FALLACIOUS RULE. 40 throne, a new reformation, different in its articles and liturgy from that of Edward VI., was set on foot, and moulded, not ac- cording to Scripture, but to her orders. She deposed all the bishops except one, '■^the calamity of Ids see," as he was called;* and required the new ones, whom she appointed, to renounce certain exercises, which they declared to be agreeable to the Word of God,-\ but which she found not to agree with her sys- tem of politics. She even in full parliament threatened to de- pose them all, if they did not act conformably to her views.:}: V. The more strictly the subject is examined, the more clearly it will appear, that it was not in consequence of any investigation of the Scriptures, either public or private, that the ancient Catholic religion was abolished, and one or other of the new Protestant religions set up in the different northern kingdoms and states of Europe, but in consequence of the politics of princes and statesmen, the avarice of the no- bility and gentry, and the irreligion and licentiousness of the people. I will even advance a step further, and affirm that there is no appearanceof any individual Protestant, to whatever sect he belongs, having formed his creed by the rule of Scrip- tute alone. For do you, sir, really believe that those persons of your communion, whom you see the most diligent and devout in turning over their Bibles, have really found out in them the thirty-nine articles, or any other creed which they happen to profess ? To judge more certainly of this matter, I wish those gentlemen who are the most zealous and active in dis- tributing Bibles among the Indians and Africans in their differ- ent countries, would procure, fiom some half dozen of the most intelligent and serious of their proselytes, who have heard nothing of the Christian faith by any other means than their Bibles, a summary of what they respectively understand to be the doctrine and the morality taught in that sacred volume. What inconsistent and nonsensical symbols should we not wit- ness ! The truth is, Protestants are tutored from their infancy, by the help of catechisms and creeds, in the systems of their re- gpective sects ; they are guided by their parents and masters, and are influenced by the opinions and example of those with whom they live and converse. Some particular texts of Scrip- ture are strongly impressed upon their minds, and others of an • Anthony Kitchen, so called by Godwin, de Praesul, and Camden. t This took place with respect to what was termed prophesying, then practised by many Protestants, and defended by Archbishop Grindal and tho otiier bishops, as agreeable to GotVs word : nevertheless, ihe queen otiiged them to suppress it. Col. Eccl. Hist. P. II. p. 554, &c. X See her curious speech in Parliament, March 25, 1585, in Stow's An nals 5 50 LETTER VIII. apparently different meaning are kept out of their ^iew, oi glossed over ; and above all, it is constantly inculcates to them, that their religion is built upon Scripture alone. Hence, when they actually read the Scriptures, they fancy they see there, what they have been otherwise taught to believe ; tlie Lutheran^ for example, that Christ is really present in the sacrament; the Oalvinist, that he is as far distant from it as heaven is from tftarth ; the Churchman, that baptism is necessary for infants ; the Baptist, that it is an impiety to confer it upon them ; and so of all the other forty sects of Protestants enumerated by Evana in his Sketch of the Different DeMominations of Christians^ and of twice forty other sects whom he omits to mention. When I remarked that our blessed Master, Jesus Christ, wrote no part of the New Testament himself, and gave no or- ders to his apostles to write it, I ought to have added, that if he had intended it to be, together with the Old Testament, the sole rule of religion, he would have provided means for their being able to follow it ; knowing, as he certainly did, that 99 in every 100, or rather 999 in every 1000, in different ages and countries, would not be able to read at all, and much less to comprehend a page of the sacred writings. Yet no such means were provided by him ; nor has he so much as enjoined It on his followers in general to study letters. Another observation on this subject, and a very obvious one is ; that among those Christians who profess that the Bible alone is the rule of their religion, there ought to be no articles, no catechisms, no sermons, nor other instructions. True it is, that the abolition of these, however mcompatible they are with the rule itself, would quickly undermine the Established Church, as its clergy now begin to understand ; and, if univer- sally carried into effect, would, in the end, efface the whole doctrine and morality of the Gospel ;* but this consequence (which is inevitable) only shows more clearly the falsehood of this exclusive rule. Jn fact, the most enlightened Protestants find themselves here in a dilemma, and are obliged to say and unsay, to the amusement of some persons, and the pity ol others.^ They cannot abandon the rule of the Bible alone, as ♦ The Protestant writers, Kett and Robison, have shown, in the pnssage above quoted, that the principle of private judgment tends to undermuio Christianity at large ; and Archdeacon Hook, in his late charge, shovi's by an exact statement of capital convictions in different years, that the increase of immorahty has kept pace with that of the Bible societies. t One of the latest instances of the distress in question, is exhibited by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Marsh. In his publication, The Inquiry^ p. 4, ho says very truly, " the poor (who coneiiiute the bulk of mankind) cannot, without sit SECOND FALLACIOUS RULE. 51 explained by each one for himself, without proclaiming tbfiir guilt in refusing to hear the church, and they cannot adhere to it, without opening the floodgates to all the impiety and immo- rality of the present age upon their own communion. I shall have occasion hereafter to notice the claims of the Established Church to authority, in determining the sense of Scriptuie, as well as in other religious controversies : in the mean time I •cannot but observe, that her most able defenders are frequenily obliged to abandon their own, and adopt the Catholic ruie of faith. The judicious Hooker, in his defence of the Church of England, writes thus : " Of this we are right sure, that nature, Scripture, and experience itself, have taught the world to seek for the ending of contentions by submitting to some judicial and definite sentence, whereunto neither parties that contendeth, may, under any pretence or color, refuse to stand. This must needs be effectual and strong. As for other means, without this, they seldom prevail."* Another most clear-headed writer, and j'enowned defender of the establishment, whom I had the happiness of being acquainted with. Dr. Balguy,-|- thus ex- presses himself in a Charge to the Clergy of his archdeaconry : " The opinions of the people are and must be founded more on authority than reason. Their parents, their teachers, their governors, in a great measure, determine for them, what thej are to believe and what to practise. The same doctrines, uni- formly taught, the same rites constantly performed, make such an impression on their minds, that they hesitate as little in ad- mitting the articles of their faith, as in receiving the most established maxims of common life.":]: With such testimo- nies before your eyes, can you, dear sir, imagine that the bulk of Protestants nave formed, or were designed to form their reli- gion by the standard of Scripture ? He goes on to say, speak- ing of controverted points : "Would you have them (the people) think for themselves ? Would you have them hear and decide sistance, understand the Scriptures." Being congratulated on this important yet unavoidable concession, by the Rev. Mr. Gandolphy, he tacks about in a public letter to that gentleman, and says, that what he wrote in his Inquiry concerning the necessity of a further rule than mere Scripture, only regarda the estahlishment of religion, not the truth of it ; just as if that rule wer« •uflicient to conduct the people to the truth of religion, while he expressly lays they cannot understand it! * Hooker's Eccles. Polity, Pref. art. 6. T Discourses on various subjects, by T. Balguy, D.D., Archdeacon and Prebendary of Winchester. Some of these discourses were preached at the consecration of bishops, and published by order of the archbishop ; some in charges to the clergy. The whole of them is dedicated to the king, whora the writer thanks for naming him to a high dignity, (the bishopric of Giou. «e«ter,) and for permitting him to decline accepting of it. t Discairses on various subjects, by T. Balguy, D.D. p 367. 52 LETTER IX. the controversies )f the learned ? Would you have tnem entef into the depths Df criticism, of logic, of scholastic divinity ? Vou might as weil expect them to compute an eclipse, or decide tetvveen the Cartesian and Newtonian philosophy. Nay, I will go further: for I taive upon myself to say, there are more mer capable, in some competent degree, of understanding Newton's philosophy, tlmn of forming any judgment at all concerning the abstruser questions in metaph^^sics and theology." Yet the persons, of whom the doctor particularly speaks, were all fur- ckned with Bibles ; and the abstruse questions, which he rcfero to, are : " Whether Christ did, or did not, come down from hea- ven ?" whether " be died, or did not die, for the sins of the world ?" whether " he sent his Holy Spirit to assist and com- fort us, or whether he did not send him ?"* The learned doctor elsewhere expresses himself still more explicitly on the subject of Scripture without church authority. He is combating the Dissenters, but his weapons are evidently as fatal to his own church as to theirs. " It has long been held among them thai Scripture only, is the rule and test of all religious ordinances ; and that human authority is to be altogether excluded. Their ancestors, I believe, would have been not a little embarrassed with tlieir own maxim, if they had not possessed a singular talent of seeing every thing in Scripture which they had a mind to see. Almost every sect could find there its own peculiar form of church-government ; and while they forced only their own imaginations, they hclieved themselves to he executing the decrees of heaven.' '■{ I conclude this long letter with a passage to the present pur pose from our admired theological poet : — " As long as words a different sense will bear, And each may be his own interpreter, Our airy faith will no foundation find : The word's a weathercock for ev'ry wind."$ I am, dear sir, &c. John Milnsb LETTER IX.— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ SECOND FALSE RULE. Dear sir — After all that I have written concerning the rule of faith, adopted by yourself, and other more rational Protestants, I have only yet treated of the extrinsic arguments against it. I now » Discourses on variaus subjects, by T. Balguy, D.D. p. 257. t Diacoijroo "^I*. p. 126. t Dryden'e Hind and Panther, Part I SECOND FALSE RULE. 53 therefore proceed to investigate its intrinsic nature^ in order to show more fully the inadequacy, or rather the falsehood of it. When an Eng.ish Protestant gets possession of an English Bible, printed by Thomas Basket, or other " printer to the king's most excellent majesty," he takes it in nand with the same con- fidence, as if he had immediately received it from the Almighty himself, as Moses received the tables of the law on Mount Si- nai, amidst thunder and lightning. But how vain is this confi- dence, whilst he adheres to the foregoing rule of faith ! How many questionable points does he assume as proved, which can? not be proved, without relinquishing his own principles and adopting ours ! I. Supposing then you, dear sir, to be the Protestant I have been speaking of; I begin with asking you, by what meana have you learnt what is the canon of Scripture, that is to say, which are the books that have been written by Divine inspira- tion ; or indeed how have you ascertained that any books at all have been so written ? You cannot discover either of these things by your rule, because the Scripture, as your great au- thority. Hooker shows* and Chillingworth allows, cannot bear testimony to itself. You will say that the Old Testament was written by Moses and the prophets, and the New Testament by the apostles of Christ and the evangelists. But admitting all this ; it does not of itself prove that they always wrote, or in- deed that they ever wrote under the influence of inspiration. They were, by nature, fallible men ; how have you learnt that they were infallible writers? In the next place, you receive books, as canonical parts of the Testament, which were not written by apostles at all, namely, the gospels of St. Mark and St. Luke ; whilst you reject an authentic work of great excel- lence,! written by one who is termed in Scripture an apostle,^ and declared to be full of the Holy Ghost ;§ I speak of St. Bar- nabas. Lastly, you have no sufficient authority for asserting that the sacred volumes are the genuine composition of the holy personages whose names they bear, except the tradition and living voice of the Catholic Church ; since numerous apocry- phal prophecies and spurious gospels and epistles, under the same or equally venerable names, were circulated in thv» church, during its early ages, and accredited by different learned writers and holy fathers ; while some of the really ca- nonical books were rejected or doubted of by them. In short, it was not until the end of the fourth century, that the genuine « Ecc.les. Polit. B. iii. sec. 8. t St. Barnabas. See Grabe's Spicileg. and Cotlerus'a Collect ♦ Acts, xiv. 13, § Aifs, xL 24. 5* fl4 LETTER IX. canon of Holy Scriptuie was fixed : and then it was fixed by the tradition and authority of the churchy declared in the Third Council of Carthage and a decretal of P. Innocent I. Indeed it is so clear that the canon of Scripture is built on the tradition ')f the church, that most learned Protestants,* with Luther him- self, havef been forced to acknowledge it, in terms almost as strong as those in the well-known declaration of St. Augustin.J II. Again ; supposing the Divine authority of the sacred books themselves to be established, how do you know that the copies of them translated and printed in your Bible are authen. tic ? It is agreed upon amongst the learned, that, together with the temple and city of Jerusalem, the original text of Moses and the ancient prophets were destroyed by the Assyrians, under Nebuchadnezzar ;§ and, though they were replaced by authen- tic copies, at the end of the Babylonish captivity, through the pious care of the prophet Esdras or Ezra, yet that these also perished in the subsequent persecution of Antiochus;|| from which time we have no evidence of the authenticity of the Old Testament, till this was supplied by Christ and his apostles, who transmitted it to the church. In like manner, granting, for ex- ample, that St. Paul wrote an inspired epistle to the Romans, and another to the Ephesians ; yet, as the former was intrusted to an individual, the deaconess Phebe, to be conveyed by her to its destination,ir and the latter to his disciple, Tychicus,** for the same purpose, it is impossible for you to entertain a ra- tional conviction that these epistles, as they stand in your Tes- tament, are exactly in the state in which they issued from the apostle's pen, or that they are his genuine epistles at all ; with- out recurring to the tradition and authority of the Catholic Church concerning them. To make short of this matter, I will not lead vou into the labyrinth of biblical criticism, nor will I show you the endless varieties of readings with respect to words and whole passages, which occur in different copies of the sacred text, but will here content myself with referring you to your own Bible book, as printed by authority. Look, then, at Psalm xiv., as it occurs in the Book of Common Prayer, to which your cler gy swear their "consent and assent;" then look at the same * Hooker, Eccl. Polit. C. iii. S. 8. Dr. Lardner, in Bishop Watson's Col Tol. ii. p. 20. 1 " We are obliged to yield many things to the Papists — that with them is the word of God, which we have received from them ; otherwise we should have known nothing at all about it." Comment, on John, c. ]6. t "I should not believe the Goppel itself, if the authority of the Catholic Church did not oblige me to do so." Contra Epist. Fundam. § Brett's Dissert, in Bishop Watson's Collect, vol iii. p. 5. U Ibid. vol. iii. p. 5 V Rom. xvi. See Calmet, Slc •* Ephes. vi. SI SECOND FALSE RULE. 55 Psali/i in your Bible: you will find four whole verses in the former which are left out in the latter ! What will you h;?re say, dear sir? You must say that your church has added to, or else that she has taken away from the laords of this prophecy /* III. But your pains and perplexities concerning your rule of faith must not stop even at this point : for though you had de- monstrative evidence, that the several books in your Bible are canonical, and authentic in the originals, it would still remain for you to inquire, whether or no they are faithfully translated in your English copy ? In fact, you are aware that they were written, some of them in Hebrew, and some of them in Greek : out of which languages they were translated, for the last time, by about fifty diiferent men, of various capacities, learning, judg- ment, opinions, and prejudices. f In this inquiry, the Catholic Church herself can afford you no security to build your faith up- on ; much less can any private individuals whosoever. The cele- brated Protestant divine, Episcopius, was so convinced of the fallibility of modern translations, that he wanted all sorts of per- sons, laborers, sailors, women, &€., to learn Hebrew and Greek. Indeed, it is obvious, that the sense of a text may depend upon the choice of a single word in the translation ; nay, it sometimes depends upon the mere punctuation of a sentence, as may be seen below. f Can you, then, consistently, reject the authority of the great Universal Church, and yet build upon that of some obscure translator in the reign of James I.? No, sir, you must your- self have compared your English Bible with the originals, and have proved it to be a faithful version, before you can build your faith upon it, as upon The Word of God. To say one word now of the Bibles themselves, which have been published by authority, or generally used by Protestants in this country : — Those of Tindal, Coverdale, and Queen Elizabeth's bishops, were so notoriously corrupt, as to cause a general outcry against them among learned Protestants, as well as among Catholics, in which the king himself (James I.) joinei ;§ and accordingly * The verses in question being quoted by St. Paul, Rom. iii. 13, &c. there is no doubt but the Common Bible is defective in this passage. On the othei hand, Bishop Marsh has pubHshed his conviction that the most important passage in the New Testament, 1 John, v. 7, for e^tabhshing the Divmity of Jesus Christ, " is spurious." Elom. of Tlieo. vol. ii. p. 90. t See a hst of them in Ant. Johnson's Hist. Account. Theo. Coliec. p. 95. I One of the strongest passages for the divinity of Christ is the following, as it is pointed in the Vulgate : Ex quibus est Christus^ secundum carnem^ qui est super omnia Deus benedictus in sara*iv^ V^iew Bi the Churches, p. 61, by Dr. (now Bishop; MareiL J Ibid p 67 ^ Dr. Porteus, Brief Conf. T8 LETTER XI. tion being the original rule, as to the improhahility of its continu. ing to be so, " considering," as he says, *' how liable the easiesi story, transmitted by word of mouth, is to be essentially altered in the course of oae or two hundred years." But, to the opinions of these learned prelates, I oppose, in the first place, undeniable facts. It is, then, certain, that the whole doctrine and practice of religion, including the rites of sacrifice, and, indeed, the whole Sacred History, was preserved by the patriarchs, in suc- cession from Adam down to Moses, during the space of 2,400 years, by means of tradition : and when the law was written, many most important truths regarding a future life, the em. blems and prophecies concerning the Messiah, and the inspira- tion and authenticity of the sacred books themselves, were pre- served in the same way. Secondly, it is unreasonable in these prelates, to compare the essential traditions of religion with or- dinary stories : in the truth of these no one has an interest, and no means have been provided to preserve them from corruption ; whereas, with respect to the faith once delivered to the saints, the church has ever guarded it as " the apple of her eye." All ecclesiastical history witnesses the extreme care and pains which, in ancient times, were taken by the pastors to instruct the faithful in the tenets and practices of their religion, pre- viously to their being baptized.* The same are generally taken by their successors, previously to the confirmation and first communion of their neophytes, at the present day. Thirdly, when any fresh controversy arises in the church, the funda- mental maxim of the bishops and popes, to whom it belongs to decide upon it, is, not to consult their own private opinion or interpretation of Scripture, but to inquire " what is and has ever been the doctrine of the church," concerning it. Hence, their cry is and ever has been, on such occasions, as well in her councils as out of them : " So we have received : so the universal church believes : let there be no new doctrine ; none but what has been delivered down to us by tradition."! — Fourthly, the tradition of which we now treat, is not a local but an universal tradition, as widely spread as the Catholic Church itself is, and everywhere found the same. The maxim of the sententious Tertullian must be admitted: "Error, of course, varies ; but that doctrine which is one and the same among many, is not an error but a tradition.":]: However liable men, and particularly illiterate men, are to believe in fables, yet if, on the discovery of America, the inhabitants of it, from Hud. / * See Fleury's Mceurs de Chrdt. Hartley in B.Watson's Col -x). t. p. 91 t *' Nil innovetur : nil nisi quod tradituni est." Steph. Popa ... X " Variasse deberet error, sed quod unum apud multos invemtur, non eat •natujn, sed traditum." Praescrip. advers- Haeret. TIF TRUE RULE. T0 son's Bay ^o Capp Horn, had been found to ag ce in the sanna account of their origin and gene^'ai history, we should cer.ainly give credit to them. But, fifthly, in the present case, they are not the Catholics alone of different ages and nations, who vouch for the traditions in question — I mean those rejected by Pro- testants — but all the subsistinjr heretics and schismatics of form- er ages without exception. The Nestorians and Eutychians, for example, deserted the Catholic Church, in defence of opposite errors, near 1,400 years ago, and still form regular churches, under bishops and patriarchs, throughout the East : in like man- ner the Greek schismatics, properly so called, broke off from the Latin Church, for the last time, in the eleventh century. Theirs is well known to be the prevailing religion of Christians throughout the Turkish and Russian empires. Nevertheless, these and all the other Christian sectaries of ancient dates, in every article in dispute between Catholics and Protestants, (ex- cept that concerning the pope's supremacy,) agree with the former and condemn the latter.* Let Dr. Porteus, and the other controvertists who declaim against the alleged ignorance and vices of the Catholic clergy and laity, during the five or six ages preceding the Hcformation, and pretend to show how the tenets which they object to might have been introduced into our church, explain how precisely the same could have been quietly received by the Nestorians at Bagdad, the Eutychians at Alex- andria, and the Russian Greeks at Moscow ! All these, and particularly the last named, were ever ready to find fault with us upon subjects of comparatively small consequence, such as the use of unleavened bread in the sacrament, the days and manner of our fasting, and even the mode of shaving our beards ; and yet, so far from objecting to the pretended novelties of pray- ers for the dead, addresses to the saints, the mass, the real pre- sence, &c., they have always professed, and continue to profess, these doctrines and practices as zealously as we do. Finally, by way of further answer to his lordship's shameful calumny, that the ancient " clergy and laity were so universally and monstrously ignorant and vicious, that nothing was too bad for them to do, or too absurd for them to believe," thereby in- sinuating that the former invented, and the latter were duped hito, the belief of the articles on which the Catholic Church and the Church of England are divided ; as also by way of fur- iner confirming the certainty of tradition, I maintain that it would have been much easier for the ancient clergy to corrupt Iho Scriptures, than the religious belief of the people. For, it « See the proots of this in the Perpetuite de la F«i, copied ft im the (vigit Dal documents in the French king's library. SO' LETTER XI. is wdl known that the Scriptures were chieily i?i the hand* of the clergy, and that, before the use of printing, in the fifteenth century, the copies of it were renewed and multiplied in the monasteries by the labor of the monks, who, if they had been S'j wicked, might, with some prospect of success, have attempted to alter the New Testament, in particular, as they pleased : whereas the doctrines and practices of the church were in the hands of the people of all civilized nations, and, therefore^ could not be altered without their knowledge and consent, Hence, wherever religious novelties had been introduced, a vio- lent opposition to them, and of course, tumults and schisms would have ensued. If they had been generally received in one country, as, for example, in France, this would have been an occasion of their being rejected with redoubled anti pathy in a neighboring hostile nation, as, for instance, Eng. land. Yet none of these disturbances or schisms do we read of, respecting any of the doctrines or practices of our religion objected to by Protestants, either in the same kingdom, or among the different states of Christianity. I said that the doctrines and practices of religion were in the hands of all " the people." In fact, they were all, in every part of the church, obliged to receive the holy sacrament at Easter ; now they could not do this without knowing whether they had been previously taughl to consider this as bread and wine taken in memory of Christ, or as the real body and Mood of Christ himself. If they had ori- ginally held the former opinion, could they have been persuaded or dragooned into the latter, without violent opposition on their part, and violent persecution on that of their clergy? Again, they could not assist at the religious services performed at the funerals of their relations, or on the festivals of the saints, without recollecting, whether they had previously been in- structed to pray for the former, and to invoke the prayers of the latter. If they had not been so instructed, would they, one and all, at the same time, and in every country, have quietly yielded to the first impostors who preached up such supposed superstitions to them ; as, in this case, we are sure they mufl have done ? In a word, there is but one way of accounting fcf the alleged alterations in the doctrines of the church, that mer- lioned by the learned Dr. Bailey ;* which is, to suppose that, on some one night, all the Christians of the world went to sleep sound Prjtestants, and awoke the next morning rank Papists I IV. I now come to consider the benefits derived from the Catholic rule or method of religion. The first part of this rule • He was son of the Bishop of Bangor, and becoming a convert to the Catholic Church, wrote several works in her defence ; and, among the leat one under the title of these letters, and another that of ^ ChalUnge, THE TRIE RULE. '81 ooiid ucts US to the second part ; that is to say, iraditior. conducts us to Scripture. We have seen that Protestants, by their own confession, are obliged to build the latter upon the former : in doing which they act most inconsistently : whereas Catholics, in doing the same thing, act with perfect consistency. Again, Protestants, in building Scripture, as they do, upon tradition, aa a laere human testimony, not as a rule of faith, can only fbna an act of human faith, that is to say, an opinion of its bemg in. spired;* whereas Catholics, believing in the tradition of the cnurch, as a divine rule, are enabled to believe in the Scrip- tures with a firm faith, as the certain word of God. Hence the Catholic Church requires her pastors, who are to preach and expound the word of God, to study this second part of her rule, no less than the first part, with unremitting diligence ; and she encourages those of her flock, who are properly qualified and disposed, to read it for their edification. In perusing the books of the Old Testament, some of the most striking passages are those which regard the prerogatives of the future kingdom of the Messiah ; namely, the extent, the visibility, and indefectibility of the church : in examining the New Testament, we find in several of its clearest passages, the strongest proofs of its being an infallihle guide in the way of salvation. The texts alluded to have been already cited. Hence we look upon the church with increased veneration, and listen to her decisions with redoubled confidence. But here I think it necessary to refute an objection, which, I believe, was first started by Dr. Still ingfleet, and has since been adopted by many other controvertists. They say to us, you argue in, what logicians call, a vicious circle : for you prove Scripture hy your church, and then your church hy Scripture. -\ This is like John * Chillingworth in his Religion of Protestants, chap, ii., expressly teaches, that " The books of Scripture are not the objects of our faith," and that " a man may be saved, who should not believe them to be the vv^ord of God " t Certain respectable persons having expressed a wish that the writer had given a more detailed answer to the vulgar objections, that Catholics argue in, what logicians call a circulus vitiosus, by proving the church from the Scripture, and the Scripture frorn the church; he here adds tlia following analysis, or explanation of his faith. 1 believe the Catholic Church, and therefore every thing which she teaches, upon the motives jf eredibilily, namely, her unity, sanctity, &c. which accompany her. Now, among other things which she teaches me, is this, that a certain book, which she has always carefully kept in her possession, called the Scriptures^ is the inspired word of God. Examining this book, among n any things hard to be understood, I find several things very easy and clear, particularly thoae which regard the church herself; namely, that she is founded on a rock^ against which the gates of hell shall not prevail; thit Christ will remain with her for ever; and that his Holy Spirit shall teach her all truth, finally, tk«t she i« the pillar and foundation of truth. TUese divine tesQ 82 LETTER XI. giving a character /p Thomas, and Thomas a character to John — True it is, that I prove the inspiration of Scripture by the tradition of the church, and that I prove the infalUhility of the church by the testimony of Scripture, which are two distinct things; but you must take notice, that independently of, and piior to, the testimony of Scripture, I knew from tradition, and the general arguments of the credibility of Christiajiity, that the church is an illustrious society, instituted by Christ, and that its pastors have been appointed by him to guide me in the way of salvation. In a word, it is not every kind of mutual testimony which runs in a vicious circle : for the Baptist bore testimony to Christ, and Christ bore testimony to the Baptist. V. The advantage, and even necessity, of having a living, speaking authority for preserving peace and order in every so- ciety, is too obvious to be called in question. The Catholic Church has such an authority ; the different societies of Protest- ants, though they claim it, cannot effectually exercise it, as we have shown, on account of their opposite fundamental principle of private judgment. Hence, when debates arise among Catho- lics concerning points of faith, (for as to scholastic and other questions, each one is left to defend his own opinion,) the pastors of the church, like judges in regard of civil con- tentions, fail not to examine them by the received rule of faith, and to pronounce an authoritative sentence upon them. The dispute is thus quashed, and peace is restored: for "if any party will not hear the church, he is," of course, regarded as "a heathen and a publican." On the other hand, dissen- sions in any Protestant society, which adheres to its fundamen- tal rule of religious liberty, must be irremediable and endless. VI. The same method which God has appointed to keep monies confirm and increase my veneration for, and my confidence in the church, which church, however, I had learnt to revere and beUeve, before I opened the Scriptures. Thus the phantom of a circulM vitiosusy in which two unproved things are adduced to prove each other, which Protest, ants have conjured up against the faith of Caihohcs, quite disappears. — To elucidate this matter more clearly, I will suppose myself to Hve in a remote part of the island, where a personage, with all the insignia and other moral ev dence of his being the King's delegate, presents himself to me and delivetjj me a letter, which he assures me was written to me by his majesty. My first care, in common prudence, is to ascertain the character and credibihty of the messenger. These being made out to my entire satisfaction, I open the royal letter, in which, among other things, I read as follows : *' The bearer of this letter is fully informed of our royal meaning and will, as to the contents of it, and of every thing relating to your duty and our service : you will therefore gi^^e the same credit to his declarations, as if they were per Bonally given you by ourselves." Hav#ig perused this passage of the letter my respect for the messenger cannot but increase, though, at first, I believed 't to come from the king upon his testimony THE TRUE RULE. 83 p'-ace in his church, he has also appointtd tc p 'eserve it in the breasts of her several children. Hence, ^vhile other Christians, who have no rule of faith but their own fluctuating opinions " are carried about by every wind of doctrine," and are agitator by dreadful doubts and fears, as to the safety of the road they are in ; Catholics, being moored to the rock of Christ's churcli, n9\er experience any apprehension whatsoever on this head The truth of this may be ascertained by questioning pious Catholics, and particularly those who have been seriously con- verted from any species of Protestantism. Such persons are gensrally found to speak in raptures of the peace and security tney enjoy in the communion of the Catholic Church, compared with their doubts and fears before they embraced it. Still the death-bed is evidently the best situation for making this inquiry, [ have mentioned, in my former letter, that great numbers of Pro- testants, at the approach of death, seek to be reconciled to the Catholic Church. Many instances of this are notorious, though many more, for obvious reasons, are concealed from public no- tice. On the other hand, a challenge has been frequently made by Catholics (among the rest by Sir Toby Matthews, Dean Cressy, F. Walsingham, Molines dit Flechiere, and Ulric, Duke of Brunswick, all of them converts) to the whole world, to name a single Catholic, who, at the hour of death, expressed a wish to die in any other communion than his own! I have now, dear sir, fully proved what I undertook to prove — that the rule of faith professed by rational Protestants, that of "Scripture as interpreted by each person's private judg- ment," is no less fallacious than the rule of fanatics, who im- agine themselves to be directed by an individual, private inspi- ration. I have shown that this rule is evidently unserviceable to infinitely the greater part of mankind ; that it is liable to lead men into error, and that it has actually led vast numbers of them into endless errors and shocking impieties. The proof of these points was sufHcient, according to the principles I laid down at the beginning of our controversy, to disprove the rule itself; but I have, moreover, demonstrated that our Divine Mas- ter Christ, did not establish this rule, nor his apostles follow it ; tha. tJie Protestant churches, and that of England in particular were not founded according to this rule ; that individual Protest* ants have not been guided by it in the choice of their religion j and, finally, that the adoption of it leads to uncertainty and un» easiness of mind in life, and more particularly at the hour of death. On the other hand, I have shown that the Catholic rule, that of the entire word of God, unwritten as well as written, together with the authority of the living j>astors of the church ill explaining it, was appointed by Christ; was followed by the 84 LETTER XII. apostles ; was maintained by the holy fathers ; lias been re sorted to from necessity, in both partici lars, by the Protestani congregations, though with the worst success, from the impos- sibility of uniting private judgment with it; that tradition lays a firn- ground ior divine faith in Scripture ; that these two united .ogether as one rule, and each bearing testimony to the living, spi^aking authority of the church in expounding that rule^ tijis churoh is preserved in peace and union through all ages and na'ions ;* and, in short, that Catholics, by adhering to this rule und authority, live and die in peace and security, as far as regards the truth of their religion. It remains for you, dear sir, and your religious friends, who have called me into the field of controversy, to determine which of the two methods you will follow, in settlinor your religious concerns for time and FOR ETERNITY ! Were it possible for me to err in following the Catholic method, with such a mass of evidence in its favor, methinks I could answer at the judg. ment-seat of Eternal Truth, with a pious writer of the middle ages : " Lord, if I have been deceived, thou art the author of my error. "f Whereas, should you be found to have mis. taken the right way, by depending upon your own private opin- ion, contrary to the directions of your authorized guides, what would you be able to allege in excuse for such presumption ? Think of this while you have time, and pray humbly and earn estly for God's holy grace to enlighten and strengthen you. I am, dear sir, dz;c. John Milner. LETTER XIL— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ. &c OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. Dear sir — I AM not forgetful of the promise I made in my last letter hi:! one, to answer the contents of those which I had .hen received from yourself, Mr. Topham, and Mr. Askew. Within these few lays I have received other letters froi.i yourself and Mr. Topham, which, equally with the former, call for my attention. Hdwever, as it would take up a great deal of time to write sepa- rate answers to each of these letters, and, as I know that they are arguments and not formalities which you expe{ I from me, I shall make this letter a general reply to the several objections contained in them all, with the exception of such as have been answered in my last to you. Conceiving, also, that it will con- tribute to the brevity and perspicuity of my letter, if I arrange • * DomiciHiuin pacis et unitatis." — S. Cyp. Ep. 46. t Hugh of St. V/ctor OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. 86 the several objections, from whomsoever they came, i nder thoii proper heads, and if, on this occasion, I make use oi the scho- lastic instead of the epistolary style, I shall adopi both these methods. I must, however, remark, before I enter upon )ny .ask, that most of the objections appear to have been borrowed from the Bishop of London's book, called a Brief Confutation of the Errors of Popery, This was extracted from Archlishop Seeker's Sermons on the same subject, which, themselves, were culled out of his predecessor Tillotson's pulpit controversy. Hence you may justly consider your arguments as the strongest which can be brought against the Catholic rule and religion. Under this persuasion, the work in question has been selected for gratuitous distribution by your tract societies, wherever they particularly wish to restrain or suppress Catholicity. Against the Catholic rule it is objected, that Christ referred the Jews to the Scriptures : " Search the Scriptures ; for In them ye think ye have eternal life : and they are they which testify of me," John, v. 35. Again, the Jews of Berea are com- mended by the sacred penman, " in that they search the Scrip- tures daily, whether these things were so," Acts, xvii. 11. Before I enter on the discussion of any part of Scripture, with you or your friends, I am bound, dear sir, in conformity with my rule of faith, as explained by the fathers, and particularly by Tertullian, to protest against your and their right to argue from Scripture, and, of course, must deny that there is any necessity of my replying to any objections which you may draw from it. For I have reminded you that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretat'on ; and I have proved to you that the whole business of the Scriptures belongs to the church. She has pre- served them, she vouches for them, and she alone, by confront- ing the several passages with each other, and with tradition, authoritatively explains them. Hence it is impossible that the real sense of Scripture should ever be against l^r and her doc- trine ; and hence, of course, I might quash every objection which you can draw froAi any passage in it by this short reply : The church understands the passage differently from you : there- fore you mistake its meaning. Nevertheless, as charity heareth all things and never faileth, I will, for the better satisfying of you and your friends, quit my vantage ground for the present, and answer distinctly to every text, not yet answered by me, which any of your gentlemen, or which Dr. Porteus himself, has brought against the Catholic rule or method of religion. By way of answering your first objection, let me ask you, whether Christ, by telling the Jews to " search the Scriptures," intimated that they were not to believe in his unwritten word, which he was then preaching, nor to hear " his apostJes and 8 86 LETTER XII. tlieir Fiiccessors," with whom he promised " to remain for evei ?* I ask, secondly, on what particular question Christ referred t« the Sc:ripture — namely, the Old Scripture, for no part of the New was then written ? Was it on any question that has been or might be agitated among Christians ? No, certainly. The sole question between him and the infidel Jews was, whether he was or was not the Messiah. In proof that he was the Messiah, he adduced the ordinary motives of credibility, as they have been detailed by your late worthy rector, Mr. Carey, namely, the miracles ne wrought, and the prophecies in the Old Testament that were fulfilled in him, as likewise the testimony of St. John the Baptist. The same is to be said of the commendations be. stowed by St. Luke on the Bereans. They searched the an- cient prophecies, to verify that the Messiah was to be born at such a time and in such a place, and that his life and his death were to be marked by such and such circumstances. We still refer Jews and other infidels to the same proofs of Christianity, without saying any thing yet to them about our rule of faith or judge of controversies. Dr. Porteus objects what St. Luke says at the beginning of his gospel : " It seemed good to me also, having had perfect un- derstanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee, in order, most excellent Theophilus, that thou mightest know the certainty of those things wherein thou hast been instructed." Again, St. John says, c. xx. : " These things are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God ; and that believing, ye might have life through his name." Answer. It is difficult to conceive how his lordship can draw an argument from these texts against the Catholic rule. Surely he does not gather from the words of St. Luke, that Theophilus did not believe the articles in which he had been in- structed by word of mouth till he read his gospel ! or that tlw evangelist gainsayed the authority given by Christ to his disci- ples : " He that heareth you heareth me," which he himself records, Luke, x. 16. In like manner the prelate cannot sup- pose, that this testimony of St. John sets aside other testimo- nies of Christ's divinity, or that our belief in this single article, withou/ other conditions, will ensure eternal life. Having quoted these texts, which to me appear so inconclu- sive, the bishop adds, by way of proving that Scripture is suffi- ciently intelligible : " Surely the apostles were not worse wri- ters, with divine assistance, than others commonly are without ii.'' I will not here repeat the arguments and testimonies already brought to show the great obscurity of a considerable portion of the Bible, particularly with respect to the bulk of mankind ; because it is sufficient to refer to the clear words of St. P«>t«r OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. 87 declaring that thtre are in the epistles of St. PauI. "Some things hard to be understood, which the unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do all the other Scriptures, unto their own de- struction," (2 Peter, iii. 16,) and to the instances which occur in the gospels, of the very apostles frequently misunderstanding the meaning of their Divine Master. The learned prelate says elsewhere : " The New Testament supposes them (the generality of people) capable of judging for themselves, and, accordingly, requires them not only, to try the tjnJtts whether they be of God, (1 John, iv. 1,) but to prove all things, and holdfast that which is good." 1 Thess. v. 21. Answer. True, St. John tells the Christians, to whom he writes, to " try the spirits whether they are of God : because," he adds, " many false prophets are gone out into the world : " but then he gives them two rules for making trial : " Hereby ye know the Spirit of God. Every Spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God. And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh (which was denied by the heretics of that time, the disciples of Simon and Cerinthus) is not of God." In this the apostle tells the Christian, to see whether the doctrine of these spirits was, or was not, " conformable to that which they had learned from the church." The second rule was : " He that knoweth God hear- eth us ; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error : " namely, he bids them observe whether these teachers did or did not listen to the divinely constituted pastors of the church. Dr. Porteus is evi- dently here quoting Scripture for our rule, not against it. The same is to be said of the other text. Prophecy was exceeding- ly common at the beginning of the church : but, as we have just seen, there were false prophets, as well as true prophets Hence, while the apostle defends this supernatural gift in gene ral, " Despise not prophesyings," he admonishes the Thessa- lonians to prove them ; not certainly by their private opinions which would be the source of endless discord ; but by the es' tablished rules of the church, and, particularly, by that which he tells them "to hold fast," (2 Thess. ii. 15,) namely, tradition Dr. P., in another place, urges the exhortation of St. Paul to Timothy: "Continue thou in the things which thou hast learn- ed and hast been assured of, knowing oi'' whom thou hast learned them : ar^d that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise to salvation, through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripturri is given by ins pi- ration of God, and is profitable for doctrine for reproof," &c. 2 Tim. iii. Answer. Does, then, the prelate m«an to say, that the fonn. 89 ^ETTER XI.. of sound words which Timothy had hea.xJ from St. Paul, and which he was commanded to hold fast, i] Tim. i. 13, was all contained in the Old Testament, the only Scripture which he could have read in his childhood ? Or that, in this he could have learned the mysteries of the trinity and the incarnation, or the ordinances of baptism and the eucharist ? The first part of the question is a general commendation of tradition, the lat- ter of Scripture. Against tradition, Dr. P. and yourself quote Mark vii., where the Pharisees and scribes asked Christ : " Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashed hands ? He answered and said to them : in vain do they worship me, teaching FOR* doctrines the com- mandments of men. For, laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots:^nd cups," &c. Answer. Among the traditions which prevailed at the time of our Saviour, som.e were divine, such as the inspiration of the books of Moses and the other prophets, the resurrection of the body, and the last judgment, which assuredly Christ did not condemn but confirm. There were others merely humarij and of a recent date, introduced, as St. Jerom informs us, by Sammai, Killel, Achiba, and other Pharisees, from which the Talmud is chiefly gathered. These, of course, were never obligatory. In like manner there are among Catholics "divine traditions," such as the inspiration of the gospels, the observa- tion of the Lord's day, the lawfulness of invoking the prayers oi the ejaints, and other things not clearly contained in Scripture : and there are, among many Catholics, historical and even fabu- lous traditions.! Now it is to the former, as avowed to be di- vine by the church, that we appeal • of the others every one may judge as he thinks best. You both, likewise, quote Coloss. ii. 8, " Beware lest any man spoil (cheat) you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ " Answer. The apostle himself informs the Colossians what kind of traditions he here speaks of, where he says : " Let no man therefore judge you in meat or drink, or in respect of any holiday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days." The * This particle FOR, which in some degree affects the sense, is a corrup interpolation, as appears from the original Greek. N. B. The texts which Dr. P. refers to, I quote from the common Bible : his citations of it are fre quently inaccurate. t Such are the acts tf several saints condemred by Pope GeJasius: sucll *1ro was the opinion of Christ's reign upon earth for « thcusand years. ioAj&CnOVii ANSWERED. 89 ancient fathers and ecclesiastical historians inform us tnat, in the age of the apostles, many Jews and pagan philosophers pro fessed Christianity, but endeavored to ally with it their respec- tive superstitions, and vain speculations, absolutely inconsistent with the doctrine of the gospel. It was against these St. Paul wrote ; not against those traditions which he commanded his converts to hold fast to, whether they had been taught hy word or or by epistle^ 2 Thess. ii. 15 ; nor against those traditions which he commended his other converts for keeping, 1 Cor. xi. 2.* Finally, the apostle in that passage did not abrogate this his awful sentence : " Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us." 2 Thess. iii. 6. Against the infallibility of the church in deciding questions of faith, I am referred to various other arguments made use of by Dr. Porteus ; and, in the first place, to the following : " Ro- manists themselves own that men must use their eyes to find this guide ; why then must they put them out to follow him ? " I answer by the following comparisons. Every prudent man makes use of his reason to find out an able physician to take care of his health, and an able lawyer to secure his property ; but having found these to his full satisfaction, does he dispute with the former about the quality of medicines, or with the latter about forms of law ? Thus the Catholic makes use of his reason to observe which, among the rival communions, is the church that Christ established and promised to remain with : having ascertained that, by the plain acknowledged marks which this church bears, he trusts his soul to her unerring judgment, in preference to his own fluctuating opinion. Dr. Porteus adds: "Ninety-nine parts in every hundred of their (the Catholic) communion, have no other rule to follow but what a few priests and private writers tell them." Ac- cording to this mode of reasoning, a loyal subject does not make any act of the legislature the rule of his civil conduct, because, perhaps, he learns it only from a printed paper, or the proclamation of the boll-man. Most likely the Catholic peasant learns the doctrine of the church from his parish priest ; but then he knows that the doctrine of this priest must be conform- able to that of his bishop, and that otherwise he will soon be called to an account for it ; he knows also that the doctrine of the bishop himself must be conformable to that of the other bishops and the pope ; and that it is a fundamental maxim wi'Ji • The English Testament puts tlie word ordinances here for tradition*, contrary to the sense of the origiaal (ireek, and even to the authority of Beza 8* 90 LITTER Xn. them all, never to admit of any tenet, but such as is believed by all the bishops, and was believed by their predecessors up to the apostles themselves. The prelate gives a " rule for the unlearned and ignorant in religion, (that is to say of ninety-nine in every hundred of them,) which is this : Let each man improve his own judgment and increase his own knowledge as much as he can ; and be fully assured that God will expect no more." What ? If Chnst has given some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists^ and some pastors and teachers, for the perfecting the saints, for the work of the ministry, Ephes. iv. 11, does he not expect that Christians should hearken to them, and obey them ? The pre- late goes on : " In matters, /or which he must rely on authority,''* (mere Scripture then and private judgment, according to the bishop himself, are not always a sufficient rule even for Pro^ testants, but they must in some matters rely on church author- ity,) " in matters, for which he must rely on authority, let him rely on the authority of that church which God's providence has placed him under," (that is to say. whether Catholic, Pro- testant, Socinian, Antinomian, Jewish, &c.) " rather than an- other which he hath nothing to do with," (every Christian has or ought to have, something to do wiih Christ's true church,) and " trust to those, who, by encouraging free inquiry, appear to love truth ; rather than such as, by requiring all their doc- trines to he implicitly obeyed, seem conscious that they will not bear to be fairly tried." What, my lord ; would you have me trust those men who have just now deceived me, by assur- ing me that I should not stand in need of guides at all, rather than those who told me, from the first, of the perplexities m which I find myself entangled ! Again, do you advise me to prefer these conductors, who are forced to confess that they may mislead me, to those others, who assure me, and this upon strong grounds, that they will conduct me with perfect safety! ■ Our Episcopal controvertist finishes his admonition " To the ignorant and unlearned," with an address calculated for the stu- pid and bigoted. He says: "Let others build on fathers and popes, on traditions and councils, what they will : let us coniinuo firm, as we are, on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Chr.st himself being the chief corner-stone." Ephes. ii. What empty declamation ! Do then the fathers, popes, and councils profess or attempt to build religion on any oiher founda- tion than the revelation made by God to the apostles and prophets ? His lordship knows full well that they do not, and that the only questions at issue are these three : 1st, Whether this revelation has not been made and conveyed by the unwritten, as well as Dy thf written word of God ? Sdly, Whether Christ did not OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. 91 commit this word to his apostles and their successors " till the end of the world." for them to preserve and announce it ? Lastly, whether, independently of this commission, it is consist- ent with common sense, for each Protestant ploughman and mechani.3, to persuade himself that he, individually, (for he cannot, according to his rule, build on the opinion of other Pro- testants, though he could find any whose faith exactly tallied with his own,) that he, I say, individually, understands the Scriotures better than all the doctors and bishops of the church, who now are, or ever have been since the time of the apostles.* One of your Salopian friends, in writing to me, ridicules the idea of infallibility being lodged in any mortal mao^ or number of men. Hence it is fair to conclude that he does not look upon himself to be infallible ; now nothing short of a man's convic- tion of his own infallibility, one might think, would induce him to prefer his own judgment, in matters of religion, to that of the church of all ages and all nations. Secondly, if this objec- tion were valid, it would prove that the apostles themselves were not infallible. Finally, I could wish your friend to form a right idea of this matter. The infallibility, then, of our church is not a power of telling all things past, present, and to come, such as the pagans ascribed to their oracles ; but merely the aid of God's Holy Spirit, to enable her truly to decide what her faith is, and ever has been, in such articles as have been made known to her by Scripture and tradition. This definition furnishes answers to divers other objections and questions of Dr. P. The church do es not decide the controversy concerning the conception of the blessed Virgin, and several other dispu- ted points, because she sees nothing absolutely clear and cer- tain concerning them, either in the written or the unwritten word ; and therefore leaves her children to form their own opinions concerning them. She does not dictate an exposition of the whole Bible, because she has no tradition concerning a very great proportion of it, as for example, concerning the pre phecy of Enoch, quoted by Jude 14, and the baptism for the dead, of which St. Paul makes mention, 1 Cor. xv. 29, and the chronologies and genealogies in Genesis. The prelate urges that the words of St. Paul, where he declares that, " The church of God is the pillar and ground of truth," 1 Tim. iii. 15, may be 'lanslated a different way from that received.— True : they may, but not without altering the original Greek as also the common Protestant version. He says : it was or. • The great Bossuet obliged the minister, Claude, in his conference with him, openly to avow this principle ; which, in fact, every consistent Prot- estant must avow, who maintains his private interpretation of the Bible tt be the only rule of his faith. 92 LETTER in. dained in the old law that every controversy should De decided by the priests and Levites, Deut. xvii. 8, and yet that these avowedly erred in rejecting Christ. — True : but the law had then run its destined course, and the divine assistance failed the priests in the very act of their rejecting the promised Messiah, who was then before them. — He adds, that St. Paul, in his epistle to the Church of Rome, bids her not to be high-minded, hut fear : for (he adds) if God spared not the Jews, take heed lest he also spare not thee, Rom. xi. — Supposing the quotation to be accurate, and that the threat is particularly addressed to the Christians of Rome ; what is that to the present purpose ? We never supposed the promises of Christ to belong to them or their successors, more than to the inhabitants of any other city. In- deed it is the opinion of some of our most learned commenta- tors, that before the end of the world, Rome will relapse into its former paganism.* In a word, the promises of our Saviour, that helVs gates shall not prevail against his church — that his Holy Spirit shall lead it into all truth— and that he himself will remain with it for ever, were made to the church of all nations and all times, in communion with St. Peter and his successors, the bishops of Rome : and as these promises have been fulfilled, during a succession of eighteen centuries, contrary to the usual and natural course of events, and by the visible protection of the Almiirhty ; so we rest assured that he will continue to fulfil them, till the church militant shall be wholly transformed into the church triumphant in the heavenly kingdom. Finally, his lordship, with other controvertists, objects against the infallibility of the Catholic Church, that its advocates are not agreed where to lodge this prerogative ; some ascribing it to the pope, others to a general council, or to the bishops dispersed throughout the church. — True : schoolmen discuss some such points ; but let me ask his lordship, whether he finds any Catholic who denies or doubts that a general council, with the pope at its head, or that the pope himself, issuing a doctrinal decision, which is received by the great body of Cath- olic bishops, is secure from error ? Most certainly not : and hence he may gather where all Catholics agree in lodging infal- libility. In like manner, with respect to our national constitu- tion ; some lawyers hold that a royal proclamation, in such and such circumstances, has the force of a law ; others, that a vote of the house of lords, or of the commons, or of both houses together, has the same strength : but all subjects acknowledge, that an act of the king, lords, and commons, is binding upon them ; and this suflices for all practical purposes. * See Cornel, a Lapid. in Apocalyp OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. 03 But w.ien, dear sir, will there be an end of the objections and cavils of men, whose pride, ambition, or interest leads them to deny the plainest truths ? You have seen those which the in genuity and learning of the Porteuses, Seekers, and Tillotsons have raised against the unchangeable Catholic rule and inter- preter of faith : say, is there any thing sufficiently clear and certain in them, to oppose to the luminous and sure principles on which the Catholic method is placed ? Do they afford you a sure footing, to support you against all doubts and fears on the score of your religion, especially under the apprehension of approaching dissolution ? If you answer affirmatively, I have nothing more to say ; but if you cannot so answer ; and, if you justly dread undertaking your voyage to eternity on the pre- sumption of your private judgment, a presumption which you have clearly seen has led so many other rash Christians to cer- tain shipwreck, follow the example of those who have happily arrived at the port which you are in quest of. In other words, listen to the advice of the holy patriarch to his son : Then To- Has answered his father — / know not the way, Sfc; — then his father said — Seek thee a faithful guide. Tob. v. You will no sooner have sacrificed your own wavering judgment, and have submitted to follow the guide, whom your heavenly Father has provided for you, than you will feel a deep conviction that you are in the right and secure way ; and very soon you will be «?nabled to join with the happy converts of ancient and modern times,* in this hymn of praise : " I give thee thanks, O God, my enlightener and deliverer, for that thou hast opened the eyes o^ my soul to know thee. Alas ! too late have I known thee, C ancient and eternal truth ! too late have I known thee." I am, dear sir, yours, (fee. Jo:iN MiLNER. 9*„ Austin's Soliloquies, c 33, quoted by Dean Creasy, Rxomol p 65& THB END OF RELIGIOUS CONTRO\^ERSY. PART II •* There are many other things which keep me in the bosom of the Cainolio Church. The agreement of diflerent people and nations keeps me there. The authority established by miracles, nourished by hope, increased by charity, and confirmed by antiquity, keeps me there. The succession of bishops in tf..e see of St. Peter, the apostle, (to whom our Lord, after his resurrection, committed his sheep to be fed,) down to the present bishop, keeps me there. Finally, ihe very name of CATHOLIC, which, among so many heresies, this church alone possesses, keeps me there." — St. Augustin, Doctor of the Churchy A. D. 400, contra Epist. Pundam. c 4 ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TRUE CHURCH. LETTER XUL— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ. &c. ON THE TRUE CHURCH. Dear sir — The letters which I have received from you, and some othei* of your reJigious society, satisfy me that I have not altogether lost my labor in endeavoring to prove to you, that the pnvate interpretation of Holy Scripture is not a more certain rule of faith than an imaginary private inspiration is ; and, in short, that the Church of Christ is the only sure expounder of the doctrine of Christ. Thus much you, sir, in particular, candidly acknow- ledge : but you ask me, on the part of some of your friends, as well as yourself, why, in case you " must rely on authority," as Bishop Porteus confesses " the unlearned must," that is to fcay, the great bulk of mankind — why, I say, you should not, as he advises you, " rely on the authority of that church, which God's providence hath placed you under, rather than on that of another which you have nothing to do with,"* and why you may not trust to the Church of England, in particular, to guide • Confutation of Errors of Popery, p. 30. THE TRUE CHURCH. 95 you in your road to heaven, with equal security as to t le Church of Rome? — Before I answer you, permit me to congiatulate with you on your advance towaixls the clear sight of the wliole truth of revelation. As long as you profess to hunt out the several articles of divine revelation, one by one, through the several books of Scripture, and under all the difficulties and uncertainties which, as I have clearly shown, attend this study, your task was interminable, and your success hopeless ; whereas now, by taking the church of God for your guide, you have but one simple inquiry to make, " Which is this church ?" A question that admits of being solved by " men of good will," with equal certainty ?,rid facility. I say, there is but one in- quiry to be made, namely, •' Which is the true church ?" be- cause if there is any one rel;i/ious truth more evident than the others from reason, from tie Scriptures, both Old* and New,f from the Apostles' Creed,J and from constant tradition, it is this : that "the Catholic Church preserves the true worship of the Deity — she being the fountain of truth, the house of faith, and the temple of God," as an ancii;nt father of the church expresses it.§ Hence it is as clear as the noonday-light, that by soWing this one question, " Which is the *rue chuKjli ?" you will at once solve every question of religious controversy that ever has been, or that ever can be agitated. You will not need to spend your life in studying the Sacred Scriptures in their original lan- guages, and their authentic copies, and in confronting passages with each other, from Genesis to Revelations — a task by no means calculated, as is evident, for the bulk of mankind ; you will only have to hear what the church teaches upon the seve- ral articles of her faith, in order to know with certainty what God has revealed concerning them. Neither need you hearken * Speaking of the future church of the Gentiles, the Almighty thus prom- ises, by Isaiah : " Sing, barren, thou that didst not bear, &c. : as I have Bworn tbai the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth, so I have sworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee. For the moun- tains shall depart and the hills be removed, but my kindness shall not depart from thee." &c., liv. See also lix., Ix., Ixiii. Jerem. xxxiii. Ezech. xxxvii. Dan. n Psalm. Ixxxix. t * Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not preva'l against it." Matt. xvi. 18. "I am with you all days, even until 'J'HE END OF THE WORLD." Matt, xxviii. 20. " I will i ray the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you FOR EVER, even the Spirit of Truth ; he will teach you ALL TRUTH." John xiv. 16, &c. " The house of God, which is the church of the living God THE PILLAR AND GR0UND OF TRUTH." 1 Tim. iii. 14. t I BELIEVE THE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH, or, I BELIEVE IN THE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH. Art. ix. The article is read differently by different holy fathers ; but, either way, it means the eaire thing. ^ Lactan. De Divin. Inst. I. 4. 96 LETTER XIII. to contending sects, and doctors of the present or of past times ; you will need only to hear the church, which indeed Christ commands you to hear, under pain of being treated as a heathen or a publican. Matt, xviii. 17. I now proceed, dear sir, to your question, " Why, admitting the necessity of being guided by the church, you and your friend may not submit to be guided by the Church of England, OT any other Protestant church to which you respectively be- long?'' — My answer is, Because no such church professes, or^ consistently with the fundamental Protestant rule of private judgment, can profess, to be a guide in matters of religion. If you admit, but for an instant, church authority, then Luther, Calvin, and Cranmer, with all the q^ther founders of Protestantism, were evidently heretics in rebelling against it. In short, no other church but the Catholic can claim to be a religious guide, because, evidently, she alone is " the true church of Christ." This assertion leads me to the proof of what I asserted above, respecting the facility and certainty with which persons of good will may solve that most important question, " Which is the true church ?" Luther,* Calvin,-]- and the Church of England, J assign as the characteristics or marks of the true church of Christ, truth of doctrine, and the right administration of the sacraments. But to follow this method of finding out the true church, would be to throw ourselves back into those endless controversies concern- ing the true doctrine and the right discipline, which it is my present object to put an end to, by demonstrating, at once, " which is the true church." To show the inconsistency of the Protestant method, let us suppose that at a levee, some person were to inquire of his neighbor, " Which of the personages pre- sent is the prince regent?" and that he was to receive for answer, " It is the king's eldest son :" would this answer, how- ever true, be of any use to the inquirer? Evidently not. Whereas, if he were told that the prince wore such and such clothes and ornaments, and was seated in such or such a place, these exterior marks would at once put him in possession of the mformation he was in search of. Thus we Catholics, when we are asked, " Which are the marks of the true church ?" point out certain exterior, visible marks, such as plain, unlearned per- sons can discover, if they will take ordinary pains for this pur- pose, no less than persons of the greatest abilities and literature ; at the same time that they are the very marks of this church, which, as I said above, natural reason, the Scriptures, the creeds, and the fathers, assign and demonstrate to be the truo • D« Concii. Eccles. t Inst. 1. 41. t Ait. 19 THE TRUE CHUnCH. 97 marks by which it is to be distinguished. Yes, my dear sir, these marks of the true church are so plain in themselveB, and so evidently point it out, that, as the prophet Isaias has foretold, XXXV. S, fools cannot err in the road to it. They are the flaming beacons which for ever shine on the mountain at the top of the mountains of the Lord's house. Isai. ii. 2. In short, the par- ticular motives for credibility which point out the " true church of Christ," demonstrate this with no less certitude and evidence, than the general motives of credibility demonstrate the " truth of the Christian religion." The chief marks of the true church, which I shall here as- sign, are not only conformable to reason, Scripture, and tradi- tion, but (which is a most fortunate circumstance) they are such as the Church of England, and most other respectable denomi- nations of Protestants, acknowledge and profess to believe in no less than Catholics. Yes, dear sir, they are contained in those creeds which you recite in your daily prayers, and proclaim in your solemn worship. In fact, what do you say of the church you believe in, when you repeat the Apostles' Creed ? You say, I BELIEVE IN THE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH. Again, how is this church more particularly described in the Nicene Creed, which makes part of your public liturgy ? In this you say, I BELIEVE IN ONE CATHOLIC AND APOS- TOLIC CHURCH.* Hence it evidently follows that the church which you, no less than we, profess to believe in, is possessed of these four marks: UNITY, SANCTITY, CATH- OLICITY, and APOSTOLICITY. It is agreed upon, then, that all we have to do, by way of discovering the true church, is to find out which of the rival churches, or communions, is peculiarly ONE— HOLY— CATHOLIC— and APOSTOLIC. Thrice happy, dear sir, I deem it, that we agree together, by the terms of our common creeds, in a matter of such infinite importance, for the happy termination of all our controversies, as are these qualities or characters of the true church, which- cvei that may be found to be ! Still, notwithstanding this tgreement in our creeds, I shall not omit to illustrate these char- icters or marks, as I treat them, by arguments from reason, loripture, and the ancient fathers I am, dear sir, &c. John Milnek. 9S LETTER XIV. LETl ER XIV.— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ Ae UNITY OF THE JHURCH. Dear sir — Nothing is more clear to natural reason, than that (rod can net be the author of different religions : for being the Eterna. Truth; he cannot reveal contradictory doctrines ; and being eh tho same time, "the Eternal Wisdom," and " the God of peace,'* he cannot establish a " kingdom divided against itself." Hence i; follows, that the church of Christ must be strictly ONE ; one in "doctrine," one in "worship," and one in "government." This mark of unity in the true church, which is so clear from reason, is still more clear from the following passages of Holy Writ. Our Saviour, then, speaking of himself, in the character of the good Shepherd, says': " I have other sheep" (the Gentiles) " which are not of this fold ; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be ONE FOLD, and one Shepherd." John, x. 16. To the same effect, addressing hi? heavenly Father, previously to his passion, he says : " I pray for all that shall believe in me, that THEY MAY BE ONE, as thou. Father, art in me and I in thee." John, xvii. 20, 21. In like manner St. Paul emphatically inculcates the unity of the church, where he writes : " We being many are ONE BODY in Christ, and every one members one of another." Rom. xii. 5. Again he writes : " There is ONE BODY and one spirit, as you are called in one hope of your calling ; one Lord, ONE FAITH, and one baptism." Ephes. iv. 4, 5. Conformably with this doctrine, respecting the necessary unity of the church, this apostle reckons HERESIES among the sins which exclude from the kingdom of God, Gal. v. 20 ; and he requires that a man who is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, he re- jected. Tit. iii. 10. The apostolical fathers, St. Polycarp and St. Ignatius, in their published epistles, hold precisely the same language on this sub- ject with St. Paul ; as does also their disciple, St. Irenaeus, who writes thus : " No reformation can be so advantageous, as the e^ il of schism is permcious."* The great light of the third cen- tury, St. Cyprian, has left us a whole book on the un 'y of the church, in which, among other similar passages, he writes as follows : " There is but one God, and one Christ, and one faith, and a people joined in one solid body with the cement of con- cord. This unity cannot suffer a division, nor this one body bear to be disjointed. — He cannot have Gcd for his Father, who » De Haer. 1. i. c. 3 PROTESTANT DISUNION. 99 nas not the church for his mother. If any one could escape the deluge out of Noah's ark, he who is out of the church may also escape. — To abandon the church is a crime which blood cannot wash away. Such a one may be killed, but he cannot be crowned."* In the fourth century, the illustrious St. John Chrysostom, writes thus : " We know that salvation belongs to the church alone, and that no one can partake of Christ, nor he saved out of the Catholic Church andfaiih,''-\ The language of St. Augustin, in the fifth century, is equally strong on this sub- ject, in numerous passages. Among others, the synodical epis- tle of the Council of Zerta, in 412, drawn up by this saint, tells the Donatist schismatics : " Whoever is separated from this Catholic Church, however innocently he may think he lives, for this crime alone, that he is separated from the unity of Christ, will not have life, but the anger of God remains upon him.^'X To the same effect, and not less emphatical, are the testimonies of St. Fulgentius and St. Gregory the Great, in the sixth cen- tury, in various passages of their writings. I shall content my- self with citing one of them. " Out of this church," says the former father, " neither the name of Christian avails, nor does baptism save, nor is a clean sacrifice offered, nor is there for- giveness of sins, nor is the happiness of eternal life to be found. "§ In short, such has been the language of the fathers and the doc- tors of the church in all ages, concerning her essential unity, and the indispensable obligation of being united to her. Such also have been the formal declarations of the church herself, in those decrees by which she has condemned and anathematized the several heretics and schismatics that have dogmatized in succession, whatever has been the quality of their errors, or tho pretext for their disunion. — I am, dear sir, &c. John Milner. LETTER XV.— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ., &c PROTESTANT DISUNION. Dear sir — In the inquiry I am abcut to make respecting the church or aoDiety of Christians, to which this mark of unity belongs, it will « Cypr. de Unit. Oxon. p. 109. t Horn. 1. in Pasc. X Concil. Labbe. torn. ii. p. 1520. § Lib. de Remiss. Peccat. c. 23— N.B. This doctrine concerning the unity of the church, and the necessity of adhering to it, under pain of damnatioOi which appears so rigid to modern Protestants, was almost universally taughi by iheir predecessors: as, for example, by Calvin, 1. iv. Instit. 1., and Beza, Confess. Fid. c. v. ; by thj Hugueno'.a in their catechism ; by the Scotch, in th«ir Profession of 1568 ; by the Church of England, Art. 18 ; by the cel« iOO LETTER XV. be sufficiBut for my purpose to consider, that of Protestants on one hand, and that of Catholics on the other. To speak proper- ly, however, it is an absurdity to talk of the "church or society of Protestants ;" for the term PROTESTANT expresses " noth- ing positive," much less any union or association of persons : it barely signifies one who protests, or declares, against some other person or persons, thing or things ; and in the present instance it signifies those who protest against the Catholic Church. Hence, there may be, and there are, numberless sects of Protestants, divided from each other in every thing, except in opposing their true mother the Catholic Church. St. Augustin reckons up ninety heresies, which had protested against the church be- fore his time, that is, during the first four hundred years of her existence ; and ecclesiastical writers have counted about the same number, that rose up since that period, down to the era of Luther's protestation, which took place early in the six- teenth century ; whereas, from the last-mentioned era to the end of the same century, Staphylus and Cardinal Hosius enumerated two hundred and seventy different sects of Protestants : and, alas ! how have Protestant sects, beyond reckoning and descrip- tion, multiplied during the last two hundred years ! Thus has the observation of the above-cited holy father been verified in modern, no less than it was in former ages, where he exclaims: " Into how many morsels have these sects been broken, who have divided themselves from the unity of the church ?"* You are not ignorant that the illustrious Bossuet has written two considerable volumes on the Variations of the Protestants ; chiefly on those of the Lutheran and the Calvinistic progenies. Numer- ous other variations, dissensions, and mutual persecutions, even to the extremity of death,-|- which have taken place among them, I have had occasion to mention in my former letters and other brated Bishop Pearson, &c. The last-named writes thus : " Christ never appointed two ways to heaven ; nor did he build a church, to save some, and make another institution for other men's salvation. As none were saved from the deluge but such as were within the ark of Noah •, so none shall ever escape the eternal wrath of God, which belongs not to the church of God."— Exposit. of Creed, p. 349. « St. Aug. contra Petillian. t liUther pronounced the Sacramentarians, namely, the Calvinists, Zuing- lians, and those Protestants, in general, who denied the real presence of Christ in the sacrament, heretics, and damned so^ s,for whom it is not law- ful to pray. Epist. ad Arginten. Catech. Parv. O mment. in Gen. His fol. lowers persecuted Bucer, Melancthon's ne.phew, with imprisonment, and put CrelHus to death, for endeavoring to soften their master's doctrine in thi? point. Mosheim by Maclaine, vol. iv. p. 341 — 353. Zuinglius, while he deified Hercules, Theseus, &.C., condemned the Anabaptists to be drowned, pronouncing this sentence on Felix Mans : " Qui iterum mergunt mergan. tur,-** which sentence was accordingly executed at Zurich. Limboreh. In. ^ ^^^-SUy i\.tAU(Al^\t^n PROTESTANT DISUNION. 101 H dirks* I have also quoted the lamentations of Calvin, Dudith, and other h<^ads of the Protestants, on the subject of these divi- sions. You will recollect, in particular, what the latter writes concerning those differences : " Our people are carried away by every v-ind of doctrine. If you know what their belief is to-day, you cannot tell what it will be to-morrow. Is there one article of religion, in which these churches, who are at war with the pope, agree together ? If you run over all the articles, from the first to the last, you will not find one, which is not held by some of them to be an article of faith, and rejected by others as aa impiety. "f With these and numberless other historical facts of the same nature before his eyes, would it not, dear sir, I appeal to your own good sense, be the extremity of folly, for any one to lay the least claim to the mark of unity in favor of Protestants, or to pretend that they, who are united in nothing but in their hostility towards the Catholic Church, can form the one church we profess to believe, in the creed ! Perhaps, however, you will say that the mark of unity, which is wanting among the endless divi- sions of Protestants in general, may be found in the church to which you belong, the Established Church of England. — I grant, dear sir, that your communion has better pretensions to this, and the other marks of the church, than any other Protest- ant society has. She is, as our controversial poet sings, " The least deformed, because reformed the least. "^ You will recoU lect the account I have given, in a former \& «r,§ of the mate- rial changes which this church has undergone, at different times, since her first formation in the reign of the last Edward, and which place her at variance with herself. Y'ou will also re- member the proofs of Hoadleyism, in other vords, of Socinian- ism, that damnable and cursed heresy, as this church termed it in her last synod, || which I brought against several of her most illustrious bishops, archdeacons, and other digf>itaries of modt rn times. These teach, in official charges to the clergy, in con::e- cration sermons, and in publications addr^ssid to the throne, trod. 71. Not content with anathematizing and impriso-^'og those reformers 'Kho dissented from his system, John Calvin caused two of them, Servt/aa and Gruet, to be put to death. The Presbyterians of Hollard and New Eng- land were equally intolerant with respect to other Jenominaions jf Protest- ants. The latter hanged four Quakers, one of them a won^an, on account of their religion. In England itself, frequent executions of Anabaptists and other Protestants took place, from the reign of Edward VI. till ih>t of Charles I., and other severe, though less sanguinary persecutions of Protestants con tinned till the time of James II. * Lett, to a Prebendary, &c. t Epist. ad Capiton. inter. Epipt Bpzaa X Dryden's Hind and Panther. § Letter viii. y Constitutions and Canons, A.D. 1640. Sparrow's Collect, p. 355. 9* 102 LETTER XV. that the chur(;h herself is nothing more than a voluntary asso ciation of ceitain people for the benefit of social worship; tha they themselves are in no other sense ministers of God, than civil officers are ; that Christ has left us no exterior means of grace, and that, of course, baptism and the Lord's supper (which are declared necessary for salvation in the catechism) produce no spiritual effect at all ; in short, that all mysteries, and among the rest those of the trinity and incarnation, (for de- nying which the prelates of the Church of England have sent «o many Arians to the stake in the reigns of Edward, Elizabeth, and James I.) are mere nonsense.* When I had occasion to expose this fatal system, (the professors of which, Cranmer and Ridley would have sent at once to the stake,) I hoped it was of a local nature, and that defending, as I was, in this point, the articles and liturgy of the Established Church, as well as my own, I should, thus far, be supported by its dignitaries and other learned members. I found, however, the contrary to be gene- lally the case,j" and that the irreligious infection was infinitely more extensive than I apprehended. In fact, I found the most celebrated professors of divinity in the universities, delivering Dr. Balguy's doctrine to the young clergy in their public lec- tures, and the most enlightened bishops publishing it in their pastorals and other works. Among these the Norrisian pro fessor of theology at Cambridge, carries his deference to the Archdeacon of Winchester so far, as to tell his scholars, " As I distrust my own conclusions more than his, (Dr. Balguy's,) if you judge that they are not reconcilable, I must exhort you to confide in him rather than me. "J In fact his idea concerning the mysteries of Christianity, particularly the trinity, and oar redemption by Christ, and indeed concerning most other theolo- gical points, perfectly agree with those of Dr. Balguy. He de- scribes the difference between the members of the Established Church and the Socinians, as consisting in nothing but "a few unmeaning words," and asserts, that " they need never be upou their guard against each other. "§ Speaking of the custom., as he calls it, "in the Scripture, of mentioning Father, Son, and Holy Ghost together, on the most solemn occasions, of which * See extracts from the sermons of Bishop Hoadley, Dr. Balguy, and Dr Siuiges, in Letters to a Prebendary, Let. viii. The most perspicuous and nervous of these preachers, unquestionably was Dr. Balguy. See his Ois. courses and Charges. Lockyer- Davis, 1785. t That great ornament of the Episcopal bench, Dr. Horsley, Bishop of St. Asaph's, does not fall under this censure ; as he protected the present writer both in and out of Parliament. X Loiturcs in Divinity, delivered in the University of Cambridge, by J Ilej , D.D., \s Norrisian Professor, in four volumes, 1797. Vol. ii. p. 104. § Ibid, p 41. PROTESTANT DISUNION. 103 baptism is one," — he says, " Did I pretend to understand M'hai I say, I might be a Tritheist or an infidel ; but I could not wor- ship the one true God, and acknowledge Jesus Christ to be the Lord of .ill."* Another learned professor of divinity, who is also a bishop of the Established Church, teaches his clergy, *' Not to esteem any particular opinion concerning the trinity f mtisf action, and original sin, as necessary to salvation. "f Ac- cordingly, he equally absolves the Unitarian from impiety, in refusing divine honor to our blessed Saviour, and " the wor- shipper of Jesus," as he expresses himself, from idolatry, in paying it to him, on the score of their common good intention.^ This sufficiently shows what the bishop's own belief was, con- cerning the adorable Trinity and the Divinity of the second per- son of it. I have given, in a former letter, a remarkable pas- sage from the above quoted charge, where Bishop Watson, s^>eaking of the doctrines of Christianity, says to his assembled clergy, " I think it safer to tell you where they are contained, than wliat they are. They are contained in the Bible ; and if, m reading that book, your sentiments should be different from those of your neighbor, or from those of the church, be persuaded that infallibility appertains as little to you, as it does to the church." I have elsewhere exposed the complete Socinianism of Bishop Hoadley and his scholars,§ among whom we must reckon Bishop Shipley in the first rank. Another celebrated writer, who was himself a dignitary of the Establishment, II arguing, as he does most powerfully, against the consistency and efficacy of public confessions of faith, among Protestants of every denomination, says, that out of a hundred ministers of the Establishment, who, every year, sub- scribe the articles made " to prevent diversity of opinions," he has reason to believe, " that above one-fifth of this number do not subscribe or assent to these articles in one uniform sense. "IT He also quotes a right reverend author who maintains, tha; " No two thinking men ever agreed exactly in their own opinion, even with regard to any one article of it."** He also quotes the famous Bishop Burnet, who says, that " The requiring of sub- scription to the 39 articles is a great imposition,ff and that the greater part of the clergy subscribe the articles without ever exam- ining them, and others do it because they must do it, though they * Lectures m Divinity, delivered in the University of Cambridge, by J IL'.y, D D., as Norrisian Professor, in four volumes, 1797. Vol. ii. pp. 25(\ 851. T Dr. Watson, Bishop of LandnfT's charge, 1795. t Cnllect. of Theol. Tracts, Pref. p. 17. § Letters to a Prebendary. II Dr Blackburn, Archdeacon of Cleveland, author of the Confessional. T Confess. 3 Ed. p. 45. ** Dr. Clayton, Bishop of Clogher. •i Ci nftss. p. (83. 104 LETTER XV. can hardly satisfy their consciences about some things in them.''* He shows that the advocates for subscription, Doctors Nichols, Bennet, Waterland, and Stebbing, all vindicated it on opposite grounds ; and he is forced to confess the same thing with respect to the enemies of subscription, with whom he himself ranks. Dr. Clark pretends there is a salvo in the subscription, namely, I assent to the articles inasmuch as they are agreeahle to Scrip- ture,'\ though the judges of England have declared to the con- trary. if Dr. Sykes alleges that they were either purposely or negligently made equivocal.^ Another writer, whom he praises, undertakes to explain, how " these articles may be subscribed, and consequently believed, by a Sabellian, an orthodox Trini- tarian, a Tritheist, and an Arian so called." After this cita- tion Dr. Blackburn shrewdly adds, " One would wonder what idea this writer had of peace," " when he supposed it might be kept by the act of subscription among men of these different judgments. "II If you will look into Overton's True Churchman Ascertained, you will meet with additional proofs of the repug- nance of many other dignitaries and distinguished churchmen to the articles of their own church, as well as of their disagree, ment in faith among themselves. Hence you will not wonder that a numerous body of them should, some years ago, have pe- titioned the legislature to be relieved from the grievance, as they termed it, of subscribing to these articles ;ir nor will you be sur- prised at hearing of the mutilation of the liturgy by so many others, to avoid sanctioning those doctrines of their church, which they disbelieve and reject, particularly the Athanasian Creed and the Absolution.** I might disclose a still wider departure from their original confessions of faith, and still more signal dissensions among the different dissenters, and particularly among the old stock of the Presbyterians and Independents, if this were necessary. Most of these, says Dr. Jortin, are now Socinians, though we all know they heretofore persecuted that sect with fire and sword. The renowned Dr. Priestly not only denied the divinity of Christ, but with horrid blasphemy, accused hirn of numerous errors, weaknesses, and faults iff and when -the au. thority of Calvin, in burning Servetus, was objected to him, he answered, " Calvin was a great man, but if a little man be » Confess p. 91. t P 222. t P. 183. § P. 237. |1 P. 239 IT Particularly in 1772. ** The omission of the Athanasian Creed, in particular, so often took place in the public service, that an act of Parliament has just been passed, to en. force the repetition of it. But, if the clergymen alluded to really believe that Christ is not God, wha is the legislature doing in Wcing them to woi whip him as Gv)d ! ++ Theolog. Reposit. ■vol. 4. PROTESTANT DISUNION. I Oft placed on the shoulders of a giant, he will be enabled to see further than the giant himself/' The doctrine now preached in the fashionable Unitarian chapels of the metropolis, I undei stand, greatly resembles that of the late Theophilanthropists of France, instituted by an infidel, who was one of the five iirectofs. The chief question, however, at present is, whether tha Church of England can lay any claim to the first character or mark ol' the true church, pointed out in our common creed, thai of UNITY ? On this subject I have to observe, that in addition to the dissensions among its members, already mentioned, theie are whole societies, not communicating with the ostensible Church of England, who make very strong and plausible pie- tensions to be, each of them, the real Church of England. Such are the Non-jurors, who maintain the original doctrine of this church, contained in the homilies, concerning passive obedience and non-resistance, and who adhere to the first ritual of Edward VI. :* such are the evangelical preachers and their disciples, who insist upon it that pure Calvinism is the creed of the ]''s- tablished Church :f finally, such are the Methodists, whom Pro- fessor Hey describes as forming the old Church of England.\ And even now, it is notorious that many clergymen preach in the churchey in the morning, and in the meeting-houses in the evening ; wnilst their opulent patrons are purchasing as many church livii/gs as they can, in order to fill them with incum, bents of the same description. Tell me now, dear sir, whether, from this view of the state of the Church of England, or from any other fair view which can be taken of it, you will venture to ascribe to it that first mark of the true church, which you pro- fess to belong to her, when in the face of heaven and earth, you solemnly declare : / believe in ONE Catholic Church 1 Say, is there any single mark or principle of real unity in it ! I anti- cipate the answers your candor will give to these questions. I am, &c. John Miln4R. * To this church belonged Ken, and the other six bishops who were is pcsed hx the revolution, as also LesHe, Collier, Hicks, Bret, and many cJic S.-.ief oinaments of the Church of England. t It is clear from the articles and homilies, and still more from the porse cution which the asserters of free-will heretofore suflered in this country, tha» the Church of England was Calvinistic till the end of the reign of James I., in the course of which that monarch sent episcopal representatives from Eng land and Scotland to the great Protestant Synod of Dort. These, in iJia name of their resi)ectiv3 churches, signed that " The faithful who fall iiitc atrocious crimes, do not forfeit juatification, or incur camiatlon.** i Vol. ii. p. 73 106 LETTER XVr. Li ITER XVI.— TO JAMES BROWN, 2iSQ, Ae CATHOLIC UNITY. Dear sir — We have now to see whether that first mark of the Lrue church, which we confess in our creeds, but which we have found to be wanting to the Protestant societies, and even to the most ostensible and orderly amongst them, the Established Church of England, does or does not appear in that principal and primeval stock of Christianity, called the Catholic Church. [n case this church, spread, as it is, throughout the various na- tions of the earth, and subsisting, as it has done, through all ages, since that of Christ and his apostles, should have main- iained that religious unity, which the modern sects, confined to a hiiigle people, have been unable to preserve, you will allow ihat it must have been framed by a consummate Wisdom, and protected by an Omnipotent Providence. Now, sir, I maintain it, as a notorious fact, that this original and great church is, and ever has been, strictly ONE in all the above-mentioned particulars, and first in her faith and terms of communion. The same creeds, namely, the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Athanasian Creed, and the Creed of Pope Pius IV., drawn up in conformity with the definitions of the Council of Trent, are everywhere recited and professed, to the Ftrict letter ; the same articles of faith and morality are taught in all our catechisms, the same rule of faith, namely, the re- vealed word of God, contained in Scripture and tradition, and •.he same expositor and interpreter of this rule, the Catholic Church, speaking by the mouth of her pastors, are admitted and proclaimed by all Catholics throughout the four quarters of the globe, from Ireland to Chili, and from Canada to India. You may convince yourself of this any day at the Royal Exchange, by conversing with intelligent Catholic merchants, from the several countries in question. You may satisfy yourself re- specting it even by interrogating the poor illiterate Irish, and other Catholic foreigners, who traverse the country in various directions. Ask iiem their belief as to the fundamental articles of Christianity, tne unity and trinity of God, the incarnation and death of Christ, his divinity, and atonement for sin by his pas- s'on and death, the necessity of baptism, the nature of the bless- ed sacrament ; question them on these and other such points, but with kindness, patience, and condescension, particularly with respect to their language and delivery, and, I will venture to say, you will not find any essential variation in the answers of mo«t of them ; sod much less such as you will find by pro. CATHOLIC UNITY. 107 posing the same questions to an equal number of Protestants, whether learned or unlearned, of the same denomination. At all events, the Catholics, if properly interrogated, will confess their belief in one comprehensive article, namely this : / lelieve whatever the holy Catholic Church believes 'ind teaches. Protestant divines, at the present day, excuse their dissent from the articles which they subscribe and swear to, by reason of I heir alleged antiquity and obsoleteness,* though none of them are yel quite two centuries and a half old ;f and they feel no difficulty in avowing, that " a tacit reformation," since the first pretended reformation, has taken place among them.if This alone is a confession that their church is not one and the same : whereas all Catholics believe as firmly in the doctrinal decisions of the Council of Nice, passed fifteen hundred years ago, as they do in those of the Council of Trent, confirmed in 1564, and other still more recent decisions : because the Catholic Church, like its divine Founder, is the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever, Heb. xiii. 8. Nor is it in her doctrine only, that the Catholic Church is one and the same ; she is also uniform in whatever is essential in her liturgy. In every part of the world, she offers up the same unbloody sacrifice of the holy mass, which is her chief act of divine worship : she administers the same seven sacraments, provided by infinite wisdom and mercy for the several wants of the faithful ; the great festivals of our redemption are kept holy on the same days, and the apostolical fast of Lent is every- where proclaimed and observed. In short, such is the unity of the Catholic Church, that when Catholic priests or laymen, landing at one of the neighboring ports, from India, Canada, or Brazil, come to my chapel,§ I find them capable of joining with me in every essential part of the divine service. Lastly, as a regular, uniform, ecclesiastical constitution and g&vemment, and a due subordination of its members, are requi- site to constitute a uniform church, and to preserve in it unity of doctrine and liturgy; so these are undeniably evident in the Catholic Church, and in her alone. She is, in the language of St. Cyprian, " the habitation of peace and unity,"|| and in that of the inspired text, like an army in battle array.^ Spreail, as the Catholics are. over the face of the earth, according to my former observatiiDn, and disunited, as they are, in every other respect, they form one uniform body in the order of religion. * Dr. Hey's Lectures in Divinity, vol. ii. pp. 49, 50, 51, &,c. t The 39 articles were drawn in 1562, and confirmed b}- the queen and tlie bishops in 1571. t Hey, p. 48. ^ At Winchester, where the writer resided vhen this letter waa wnttoa, I) " Doraiciiium pacis et unitaiis.*' Sk Cyp. ^ Cant. vi. 4 108 LETTER XVI. Wliether roaming in the plains of Paraguay, or confined in the palaces of Pekin, each simple Catholic, in point of ecclesiastical economy, is subject to his pastor ; each pastor subniHs to his bishop ; and each bishop acknowledges the supremacy of the successor of St. Peter, in matters of faith, morality, and spiritual jurisdiction. In every case of error, or insubordination, which, from the frailty and malice of the human heart, must from time to lime, disturb her, there are found canons and ecclesiastical tribunals and judges, to correct and put an end to the evil^ while similar evils in other religious societies are found to be mterminable. I have said little or nothing of the varieties of Protestant?, in regard to their liturgies and ecclesiastical governments, because these matters being very intricate and obscure, as well as di- versitied, would lead me too far a-field for my present plan. It is sufficient to remark, that the numerous Protestant sects, ex- pressly disclaim any union with each other in these points ; — that a great proportion of them reject every species of liturgy and ecclesiastical government whatever ; — that, in the Church of England herself, very many of her dignitaries, and other dis- tinguished members, express their pointed disapprobation of cer- tain parts of her liturgy no less than of her articles ;* — and that none of them appear to stand in awe of any authority, ex- cept that of the civil power. Upon a review of the whole mat. ter of Protestant disunion and Catholi§ unity, I am forced to re- peat with Tertullian : " It is the character of error to vary but when a tenet is found to be one and the same amongst a great variety of people, it is to be considered, not as an error but as a divine tradition. f I am, dear sir, &c. John Milner. * Archdeacon Paley very naturally complains, that " the doctrine of th# articles of the Church of England," which he so pointedly objects to, " arc interwoven with much industry into her forms of public worship." I hav« not met with a Protestant bishop, or other eminent divine, from Archbishop Tillotson down to the present Bishop of Lincoln, who approves altogether of the Athanasian Creed, which, however, is appointed to be said or sung on thirteen chief festivals in the year. t De Praescrip. contra Hser. — The famous Bishop Jewel, in excuse for the acknowledged variations of his own church, objects to Catholics, that there are varieties in theirs ; namely, some of the friars are dressed in black, and some in white, and some in blue ; that some of them hve on meat, and 8ome on fish, and some on herbs : they have also disputes in their schools, as Dr. Porteus also remarks ; but they both omit to mention, that thesf. tly putes are not about articles of faith. CLAIM OF EXCLUSIVE SALVATION. ^09 LETTER XVII.— FROM JAMES BROWN, ESQ. OBJECTIONS TO THE CLAIM OF EXCLUSIVE SALVATION. Reverend si jl — I AM too much taken up myself with the present subject of your letters, willingly to interrupt the continuation of them : b X some of the gentlemen who frequent New Cottage, having communicated your three last to a learned dignitary, who 13 upon a visit in our neighborhood, and he having made certain remarks upon them, I have been solicited by those gentlemen to forward them to you. The terms of our correspondence render an apology from me unnecessary, and still more the con- viction that I believe you entertain of my being, with sincere respect and regard, Rev. sir, &c. James Brown. Extract of a Letter from the Rev. , Prebendary of , to Mr. . It is well known to many Roman Catholic g-entlemen, with whom I have lived in habits of social intercourse, that I was always a warm advocate for their emancipation, and, that so far from having any objections to their religion, I considered their hopes of future bliss as well founded as my own. In re- turn, I thought I saw in them a corresponding liberality and charity. But these letters which you have sent me from the correspondent of your society at Winchester, have quite dis gusted me with their bigotry and uncharitableness. In opposi. tion to the Chrysostoms and Augustins, whom he quotes so co- piously, for his doctrine of exclusive salvation, I will place a modern bishop of my church, no way inferior to them, Dr Watson, who says : " Shall we never be freed from the nar- row-minded contentions of bigots, and from the insults of men who know not what spirit they are of, when they stint the Omni- potent in the exercise of his mercy, and bar the doors of heaven against every sect but their own "^ Shall we never learn to think more humbly of ourselves and less despicably of others ; to believe that the Father of the universe accommodates not his judgments to the wretched wranglings of pedantic theologues ; but thai every one, who, with an honest intention, and to thf best of his abilities, seeketh truth, whether he findeth it or not, and worketh righteousness, will be accepted by him?"* These, * Bishop Watson's The( log. Tracts, Prcf. p. 1" 10 110 LITTER XVIII. sir, are exactly my sentiments, as they were those of the illus* trious Hoadle}-, in his celebrated sermon, which had the effect of stilling most of the remaining bigotry in the Established Church.* There is not any prayer which I more frequently oi fervently repeat, than that of the liberal-minded poet, who him- self passed for a Roman Catholic; particularly the following stanza of it : " Let not this weak and erring hand Presume thy boUs to throw, And deal damnation round the land On each I judge thy foe."t I hope your society will require its popish correspondent, before he writes any more letters to it on other subjects, to answer what our prelate and his "own poet have advanced against the bigotry and uncharitableness of excluding Christians, of any denomination, from the mercies of God and everlasting happi- ness. He may assign whatever marks he pleases of the true church, but I, for my part, shall ever consider charity as the only sure mark of this, conformably with what Christ says : "By this shall all know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." John, xiii. 35. LETTER XVm.— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ., &c. OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. Dear sir — In answer to the objections of the reverend prebendary to my letters on the mark of unity in the true church, and the ne- cessity of being incorporated in this church, I must observe, in the first place, that nothing disgusts a reasoning divine more than vague charges of bigotry and intolerance ; inasm^uch as they have no distinct meaning, and are equally applied to all sects and individuals, by others, whose religious opinions are more lax than their own. These odious accusations which your churchmen bring against Catholics, the dissenters bring against you who are equally loaded with tliem by the Deists, as these are, in their turn, by the Atheists and Materialists. Let us, « Bishop Hcadley's Sermons on nd mark by which you, as well as I, describe the «hurch in which you profess to believe, when you repeat the Apostles' Creed, is that of SANCTITY. We, each of us, say ; / believe in the HOLY Catholic Church. Reason itself tells us, that the God of purity and sanctity could not institute a religion destitute of this character, and the inspired apostle assures us that " Christ loved the church, and gave himself for it ; that he might sanctify and cleanse it, with the washing of water, by the word ; that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle." Ephes. v. 25, 27. — The comparison which I am going to institute between the Catholic Church and the leading Protestant societies on the article of sanctity or holiness, will be made on these four heads : 1st, the doctrine of holiness ; — 2dly, the means of holiness ; — 3dly, the fruits of holiness; — and lastly, the divine testimony of hoVmess. To consider, first, the doctrine of the chief Protestant com- munions : this is well known to have been originally grounded in the pernicious and impious principles, that God is the author and necessitating cause, as well as the everlasting punisher of sin ; — that man has no free-will to avoid it ; — and that justifi- cation and salvation are the effects of an enihusisLStic persuasion^ under the name of faith, that a person is actually justified and saved, independently of any real belief in the revealed truths, independently of hope, charity, repentance for sin, benevolence to our fellow-creatures, loyalty to our king and country, or any other virtue ; all which were censured by the first reformers as they are by the strict Methodists still, under the name of works, and by many of them declared to be even hurtful to salvation. It is asserted in The Harmony of Confessions, a celebrated work, published in the early times of the Reformation, that " all the confessions of the Protestant churches teach this primary arti- cle (of justification) with a holy consent;" which seems to imply, says Archdeacon Blackburn, " that this was the single article in which they all did agree."* Bishop Warburton ex- pressly declares, that " Protestantism was built upon it:"f and yet, " what impiety can be more execrable," we may justly exclaim with Dr. Balguy, "than to make God a tyrant !*':{: And what lessons can be taught more immoral, than that men are not required to repent of their sins to obtai q their forgive- * Archdeacon Blackburn's Confessional, p. 16 t Doctrine of Gracf , cited by Overton, p. 31. \ Discourses, d. 59 116 LETTER XIX. ness, nor to love either God or man to be sure of their sal- vation ! To begin with the father of the Reformation : Luther teaches that " G^d works the evil in us as well as the good, and that the great perfection of faith consists in believing God to be just, although, hy his own will, he necessarily renders us worthy of damnation, so as to seem to take pleasure in the torments of the miserable.'^* Again he says, and repeats it, in his work De Servo Arbitrio, and his other works, that " free-will is an empty name ;" adding, " if God foresaw that Judas would be a traitor, Judas necessarily became a traitor ; nor was it in his power to be otherwise. "•)• " Man's will is like a horse : if God sit upon it, it goes as God would have it ; if the devil ride it, it goes as the devil would have it. Nor can the will choose its rider, but each of them strives which shall get possession of it.":j: Con- formably to this system of necessity he teaches : " Let this be your rule in interpreting the Scriptures — wherever they com- mand any good work, do you understand that they forbid it ; because you cannot perform it. "§ "Unless faith be without the least good work, it does not justify ; it is not faith. "|| " See how rich a Christian is, since he cannot lose his soul, do what he will, unless he refuse to believe ; for no sin can damn him but unbelief."1F Luther's favorite disciple and bottle-compan. ion, Amsdorf, whom he made Bishop of Nauburgh, wrote a book expressly to prove that good works are not only unnecessary^ but that they are hurtful to salvation, for which doctrine he quotes his master's works at large.** Luther himself made so great account of this part of his system, which denies free-will, and the utility and possibility of good works, that, writing against Erasmus upon it, he affirms it to be the hinge on which the whole turns; declaring the questions about the pope's suprema- cy, purgatory, and indulgences, to be trifles, rather than sub- jects of controversy. ff In a former letter, I quoted a remarkable passage from this patriarch of Protestantism, in which he pre- tends to prophesy, that this article of his shall subsist for ever in spite of all the emperors, popes, kings, and devils, concluding thus : " If they attempt to weaken this article, may heH-fire ^e their reward. Let this be taken for an inspiration of the Holy Ghost, made to me, Martin Luther." * Luth. Opera, ed. Wittemb. torn. ii. fol. 437. t De Serv. Arbit fol. 460 X Ibid. torn. ii. § Ibid. torn. iii. fol. 171. II Ibid. torn, i.fol. 361. IT De Capdv. Babyl. torn. ii. fol. 74 ** See Efrierley's Protest. Apol. 393. See also Mosheim and Maclaine Eccles. Hist. vol. vi. pp. 324, 328. tt See the passage extracted from ibe work De Seivo Arbitrio in Letten 10 a Prebendary, ' jtter v. SANCTITY OF DOCTRINE. 117 Ilowevftr, in spite of these prophecies and cursed of theif fether, the Lutherans in general, as I have before noticed, shocked at the impiety of this his primary principle, soon aban- doned it, and even went over to the opposite impiety of semi- Pelagianism, which attributes to man the first motion, or cause of conversion and sanctification. Still, it will always be true to say, that Lutheranism itselT originated in the impious doctrine described above.* As to the second branch of the Reformation, Calvinism, where it has not sunk into latitudinarianism or So- cinianism,"!" it is still distinguished by this impious system. To give a few passages from the works of this second patriarch of Protestants : Calvin says, " God requires nothing oi us but faith ; he asks nothing of us, but that we believe. "f I do not hesitate to assert that " the will of God makes all things necessary. "§ " It is plainly wrong to seek for any other cause of damnation than the hidden councils of God."|| " Men, by the fre-e will of God, without any demerit of their own, are predestinated to eter- nal death. "IT It is useless to cite the disciples of Calvin, Beza, Zanchius, &c., as they all adhere closely to the doctrine of their master ; still I will give them the following remarkable passage from the works of the renowned Beza : " Faith is peculiar to the elect, and consists in an absolute dependence each one has on the certainty of his election, which implies an assurance of his perseverance. Hence we have it in our power to know whether we be predestinated to salvation, not by fancy, but by conclusions as certain as if we had ascended into heaven to hear it from the mouth o^ God himself"** And is there a man that, having been worked up by such dogmatizing, or by his own fancy, to this full assurance of his indefeasible predestination and impeccability, can, under any violent temptation to break the laws of God or man, be expected to resist it ! After all the pains which have been taken of late by Bishop Marsh, and other modern divines of the Church of England, to clear her from this stain of Calvinism, nothing is more certain than that she was, at firvSt, deeply infected with it. The 42 Ar- ticles of Edward VI., and the 39 Articles of Elizabeth, are evi- dently grounded in that doctrine ;|f which, however, is moie expressly inculcated in the Lambeth Articles,:]::): approved of by * Bossuel's Variat. 1. viii. pp. 23, 54, &c. Mosheim and Maclainc, vol V p. 446. t Ibid. p. 458. X Calv. in Joan. vi. Rom. i. Galat. li. § Instit. 1. iii. c. 23. II Ibid. H Ibid. I. iii. c. 23. ** rlxposit. cited by Bossuet, Variat. 1. xiv. pp. 6, 7. tt Particularly the 11th, 12th, 13tli, and 17th, of the 39 Articles. By the tenor of the 13th among the 39, it would appear tnat the patience of Socra, tes, the integrity of Aristides, the continence of Scipio, and the patriotism of Cato, *' had the nature of sin," because they were " works done before the grace of Christ »♦ X\ Fuller's Church History, p. 230. 118 LETTER XU.. the two archbishops, the Bishop of London, &c., in 1595, '' whose testimony," says the renowned Fuller, " is an infallible e'^idence what was the general and received doctrine of the Church of England in that age about the fore-named controversies."* In the History of the University of Cambridge, by this author, a strict churchman, we have evident proof that no other doctrine but that of Calvin was so much as tole'snted by the Established Church, at the time I have been speaking of. " One W. Barret, fellow of Gonville and Caius College, preached ad Chrum for his degree of bachelor in divinity, wherein he vented such doc- trines, for which he was summoned, six days after, before the Consistory of Doctors, and there enjoined the following retracta- tion : — 1st, / said that, No man is so strongly underpropped hi the certainty of faith, as to he assured of his salvation : but now, I protest, before God, that they which are justified by faith, are assured of their salvation with the certainty of faith. — 3dly, I said that, Certainty concerning the time to come is proud : hut now I protest i\\BX justified faith can never he rooted out of the minds of the faithful. — 6thly, These words escaped me in my sermon: I helieve against Calvin, Peter Martyr, ^c, that sin is the trucj proper, and first cause of reprobation : but now, being better in- structed, I say, that the reprobation of the wicked is from everlast- ing ; and I am of the same mind concerning election, as the Church of England teacheth in the articles of faith. — Last of all, I uttered these words rashly against Calvin, a man that hath very well deserved of the church of God : that he durst presume to lift himself above the High God : by which words I have done great injury to that learned and right-godly man. I have also uttered many bitter words against Peter Martyr, Theodore Beza, &c., being the lights and ornaments of our church, calling them by the odious name of Calvinists," (fecf Another proof of the former intolerance of the Church of England, with respect to the moderate system, which all her present dignitaries hold, is the order drawn up by the archbishops and bishops in 1566, for government to act upon ; namely, that " All incorrigible free- will mm, &LQ., should be sent into some castle in North Wales, or at Wallingford, there to live on their own labor, and no on«T to be suffered to resort to them, but their keepers, until they be found to repent their errors.":f A still stronger, as well as • Fuller, p. 232. — N. B. On the point in question. Dr. Hey, vol. iv. p. ^ quotes the well-known speech of the great Lord Chatham in parliament : " We have a Calvinistic creed, and an Arminian clergy." t Fuller's Hist, of the Univ. of Cambridge, p. 150. — N. B. It will be evi dent to the reader that I have greatly abridged this curious recantation, which was too long to be quoted in full. t Strype's Annals of Reform, vol. i. p. 214. SANCTITY OF DOCTRINE. IIP more authentic evidence of the former Calvinism of the English church, is furnished by the history and acts of the General Calvinistic Synod of Dort, held against Vorstius, the successor of Arminius, who had endeavored to modify that impious sys- tem. Our James I., who had the principal share in assembling this synod, was so indignant at the modification, that, in a letter to the States of Holland, he termed Vorstius " the enemy of God," and insisted on his being expelled, declaring, at the same time, that " it was his own duty, in quality of Defender of the Faith, with which title," he said, " God had honored him, to extirpate those cursed heresies, and to drive them to hell !"* To be brief, he sent Carlton and Davenport,* the foi-mer being Bishop of Llandaff, the latter of Salisbury, with two other dig- nitaries of the Church of England, and Balcanqual, on the part of the Church of Scotland, to the synod, where they appeared among the foremost in condemning the Arminians, and in de- fining " that God gives true and lively faith to those whom he resolves to withdraw from the common damnation, and to them dlone : and that the true faithful, iy atrocious crimes, do not for- feit the grace of adoption and the state of justification /"f It might have been expected that the decrees of this synod would have greatly strengthened the system of Calvinism ; whereas it is from its termination, which corresponds with the concluding part of the reign of James I., that we are to date the decline of it, especially in England.:]: Still great numbers of its adherents, under the name of Calvinists, professing, not without reason, to maintain the original tenets of the Church of England, subsist in this country, and their ministers arrogate to themselves the title of evangelical preachers. In like man- ner, the numerous and diversified societies of Methodists, whether Wesleyans or Whitfieldites, Moravians or Revivalists, New Itinerants or Jumpers, § are all partisans of the impious ana immoral system of Calvin. The founder of the first-mentioned branch of these sectaries, Wesley, witnessing the follies and crimes which flowed from it, tried to reform them by means of a labored but groundless distinction. || After all, the first and most sacred branch of holy doctrine consists in those articles which God has been pleased to reveal concerning his own divine nature and operations, namely, the articles of the unity and trinity of the Deity, and of the incarna- tion, death, and atonement of the consuhstuntial Son of God. It is admitted that these mysteries have been abandoned by the • Hist. Abreg. de Gerard Brandt, torn. i. p. 417, torn. ii. p. 2. t Bossuet's Variat. vol. ii. pp. 291, 294, 304. I Mosheim and Maclaine, vol. v. pp. 3G9, 389. i See Evans' Sketdi of all Religions. U See Poetsoript, p. 139. 121' LETTER XIX. Protestants of Geneva, Holland, and Germany. With respect to Scotland, a well-informed writer says, " It is certain, tha« Scotland, like Geneva, has run from high Calvinism, to almost as high Arianism or Socinianism : the exceptions, especially in the cities, are few.^' It will be gathered from many passages, which I have cited in my former letters, how widely extended, throughout the Established Church, is that ^' tacit reform,'^ which a learned professor of its theology, signifies to be the •ame thing with Socinianism. A judgment may also be formed of the prevalence of this system, by the act of July 21, 1813, exempting the professors of it from the penalties to which they were before subject. And yet this system, as I have before observed, is pronounced by the Church of England, in her last named canons, " a damnable and cursed heresy, being a com- plication of many forr»er heresies, and contrariant to the arti- cles of religion now established in the Church of England."* I say nothing of the numerous Protestant victims, who have been burnt at the stake in this country, during the reigns of Edward VI., Elizabeth, and James I., for the Arian and Socin- ian errors in question, except to censure the inconsistency and cruelty of the proceeding : all that I have occasion to show is^ that most Protestants, and among the rest, those of the English church, instead of uniformly maintaining at all times the same holy doctrine, heretofore abetted an acknowledged impious and immoral system, namely, Calvinism, which they have since been constrained to reject ; and that they have now compro- mised with impieties, which formerly they condemned a." '^ damnable heresies," and punished with fire and fagot. But it is time to speak of the doctrine of the Catholic Church. If this was once holy, namely, in the apostolic age, it is holy sail ; because the church never changes her doctrine, nor suf- fers any persons in her communion to change it, or to question any part of it. Hence the adorable mysteries of the trinity, the incarnation, &c., taught by Christ and his apostles, and de- fined by the four first general councils, are now as firmly be- lieved by every real Catholic, throughout her whole communion, as they were when those councils were held. Concerning the article of man's justification, so far from holding the impious and absurd doctrines imputed to her by her unnatural children, (who sought for a pretext to desert her,) she rejects, she con- demns, she anathematizes them ! It is then false, and notori- ously false, that Catholics believe, or in any age did believe, tjiat they could justify themselves by their own proper merits; —or that tbey can do the least good, in the order of salvation, * CoDBtit. and Can. A.D 1640. SANCTITY OF DOCTRINE. 121 without the grace of God, merited for them by Jctas Christ ;— or that we can deserve this grace, by any thing we have tlie power of doing : — or that leave to commit sin, or even the par- don of any sin which has been committed, can be purchased of any person whomsoever ; — or that the essence of religion and our hopes of salvation consist in forms and ceremonies, or in oilier exterior things. — These and other calumnies, or rather blasphemies, of a similar nature, however frequently or confi- dently repeated in popular sermons and controversial tracts, there is reason to think are not really believed by any Protest- ant of learning.* In fact, what ground is there for maintaining them ? Have they been defined by our councils ? No : they have been condemned by them, and particularly by that of Trent. Are they taught in our catechisms, such as the Cate- chismus ad Parochus, the General Catechism of Ireland, the Doway Catechism ; or in our books of devotion ; for example, in those written by an a Kempis, a Sales, a Granada, and a Challoner ? No : the contrary doctrine is, in these, and in our oiriT ooks, uniformly maintained. — In a word, the Catholic C/iui I teaches, and ever has taught, her children to trust for mei>D ' , grace, and salvation, to the merits of Jesus Christ. Nev- ertha:i3s, she asserts that we have free-will, and that this, being prevt ited by divine grace, can and must cooperate to our justi- cation by faith, sorrow for our sins, and other corresponding acts of vi.'tue, which God will not fail to bestow upon us, if we do not throw obstacles in the way of them. Thus is all honor anc. merit ascribed to the Creator, and every defect and sin attribu- ted to the creature. The Catholic Church inculcates moreover '.he indispensable necessity of humility, as the ground-work of all virtues, by which, says St. Bernard, " from a thorough knowledge of ourselves we become little in our own estimation.'* [ mention this Catholic lesson, in particular, because, however strongly it is enforced by Christ and his disciples, it seems to be entirely overlooked by Protestants ; insomuch that they are perpetually boasting in their speeches and writings of the oppo- fite vice, pride. In like manner, it appears from the above- mer.tioned catechisms and spiritual works, what pains our church bestows, in regulating the interior no less than the e-xte- * The Norrisian Professor, Dr. Hey, says, " The Reformed have departed ■o much trom the rigor of their doctrine about faith, and the Romanists tVom theirs about gooc works, that there seems very little difference between ihem." Lect. vol. iii. p. 262. True, most of the reformers, after building their religion on faith alone, have now gone into tne opposite heresy of Pe- lagiartism, or at least Semi-pelagianism ; but Catholics hold exactly the same tenets regarding good works which they ever held, and which were • ways very different froin what Dr. Hey describes them to have been. VoL > 261. U 123 LETTER XIX. lior of her children, by repressing every thought or idea contrary to religion or morality; of which matter, I perceive little or no notice is taken in the catechisms and tracts of Protestants. Fmally, the Catholic Church insists upon the necessity of being " perfect even as our heavenly Father is perfect," Matt. v. 48, by such an entire subjugation of our passions, and a conformity of our will with that of God, that our conversation may be m heaven, ^^ hile we are yet living here on earth. Philip, v. 20. *4»-JL I ani, &c. John Milner. ^/ fBV OF GV POSTSCRIPT TO LETTER XIX. "^T^HEfXiife of the late Rev. John Wesley, founder of the Meth- odistSj which has been written by Dr. Whitehead, Dr. Coke, and others of his disciples, shows, in the clearest light, the errors and contradictions to which even a sincere and religious mind is subject, that is destitute of the clue to revealed truth, the liv- ing authority of the Catholic Church ; as also the impiety and immorality of Calvinism. At first, that is to say, in the year 1729, Wesley was a modern Church-of-England-man, distin- guished from other students at Oxford by nothing but a more strict and methodical form of life. Of course, his doctrine then was the prevailing doctrine of that church ; this he preached in England, and carried with him to America, whither he sailed to convert the Indians. Returning, however, to England in 1738, he writes as follows : " For many years I have been tossed about by various winds of doctrine," the particulars of which, and of the different schemes of salvation which he m as inclined to trust in, he details. Falling, however, at last, into the hands of Peter Bohler and his Moravian brethren, who met in Fetter-lane, he became a warm proselyte to their system : declaring, at the same time, with respect to his past religion, that, hitherto he had been a Papist without knowing it. We may judge of his ardor by his exclamation when Peter Bohler left England : ' C what a work hath God begun since his (Bohler's) coming to England ; such a one as shall never come to an end till heaven aid earth shall pass away." To cement his union inith this society, and to instruct himself more fully in its mys- teries, he made a journey to Hernhuth in Moravia, which is the chief seat of the United Brethren. It was whilst he was a Mo ravian, namely, " on the 24th of May, 1738, a quartei of an hour before nine in the evening," that John Wesley, by liis own account, was " saved from the law of sin and death." This all- important event happened ''at a meetiig-hoii.se, ir Aldersgaie SiNCTITT OF DOCTRINE. 123 Street, while a pei'son was reading Luther's Preface to the Ga latians." Nevertheless, though he had professed such deep ob ligations to the Moravians, he soon found out and declared tha: theirs was not the right way to heaven. In fact, he found them^ *' and nine parts in ten of the Methodists" who adhered to them, "swallowed up in the dead sea of stillness, opposing the ordi- nances, namely, prayer, reading the Scripture, frequenting the sacrament and public worship, selling their Bibles, &c., in ordei to rely more fully ' on the blood of the Lamb.' " In short, Wesley abandoned the Moravian connection, and set up that which is properly his own religion, as it is detailed by Nightin- gale in his Portraiture of Methodism. This happened in 1740, soon after which he broke off from his rival Whitfield. In fact, they maintained quite opposite doctrines on several essential points : still the tenet of instantaneous justification, without ve pentance, charity, or other good works, and the actual feeling and certainty of this and of everlasting happiness, continued to be the essential and vital principles of Wesley's system, as they are of the Calvinistic sects in general ; till having witnessed the horrible impieties and crimes to which it conducted, he, at a conference or synod of his preachers, in 1744, declared that he and they had " leaned too much to Calvinism and Antino. mianism." In answer to the question : " What is Antinomian- ism ?" Wesley, in the same conference, answers : " The doc- trine which makes void the law through faith. Its main pillars are, that Christ abolished the moral law ; — that, therefore, Christians are not obliged to keep it ; — that Christian liberty, is liberty from obeying the commands of God ; — that it is bond- age to do a thing because it is commanded, or forbear it because it is forbidden ; — that a believer is not obliged to use the ordi- nances of God, or to do good works ; — that a preacher ought not to exhort to good works," &c. See here the essential moral- ity of religion which Wesley had hitherto followed and preach- ed, as drawn by his own pen, and which still continues to be preached by the other sects of Methodists !* We shall hereafter see in what manner he changed it. The very mention, how- ever, of a change in this ground-work of Methodism, startled all the other Methodist connections. Accordingly, the Hon. and * The Wesleyan Methodists deny that the Whitjieldites, now called Lady Huntingdon's Connection, the Kilhamites, &c., have a right to the name of Methodists ; though certainly George Whitfield, when a fellow student with John Wef.ley at Oxford, was, equally with him, termed a Methodist at their setting out. They also deny that the Rev. Mi Coke is their head, or has any jurisdiction over them in England, though they ullow him to be a bishop over their brethren in America ; havmg been consecrated, they say, for that de. partmetit by their celebrated father, the Rev. John Wesley. 124 LETTER XIX. Rev. Mr. Shirley, chaplain to Lady Huntingdon, in a circular letter, written at her desire, declared against the dreadful heresy of Wesley, which, as he expresses himself, ^^ injured the founda' Hon of Christianity.^^ He, therefore, summoned another confer- ence, which severely censured Wesley. On the other hand, this patriarch was strongly supported, particularly hy Fletcher of Madcley, an able writer, whom he had destined to succeed him, as the head of his connection. Instead of being offended at his master's change, Fletcher says : " I admire the candor of an old man of God, who, instead of obstinately maintaining an old mistake, comes down like a little child, and acknow- ledges it before his preachers, whom it is his interest to secure." The same Fletcher published seven volumes of Checks to Anti- nomianism, in vindication of Wesley's change in this essential point of his religion. In these he brings the most convincing proofs and examples of the impiety and immorality to which the enthusiasm of Antinomian Calvinism had conducted the Meth- odists. He mentions a highwayman, lately executed in his neighborhood, who vindicated his crimes upon this principle. He mentions other more odious instances of wickedness, which, to his knowledge, had flowed from it.* All these, he says, are represented by their preachers to be " damning sins in Turks and pagans, but only spots in God's children." He adds, " There are few of our celebrated pulpits, where more has not been said for sin than against it .'" He quotes an honorable M. P., " once my brother," he says, " but now my opponent," who in his published treatise, maintains, " that murder and adultery do not hurt the pleasant children, (the elected,) but work even for their good :" adding, " My sins may displease God, my person is always acceptable to him. — Though I should out-sin Manasses himself, I should not be less a pleasant child, because God always views me in Christ. — Hence, in the midst of adulteries, murders, and incest, he can address me with : Thou art all fair, my love, my undefiled ; there is no spot in thee. — It is a most pernicious error of the schoolmen to distin- guish sins according to the fact, not according to the person.— Though I highly blame those who say, let us sin tliat grace may ahouiid ; yet adultery, incest, and murder, shall, upon the whole, make me holier on earth and merrier in heaven !"•(" It only re- mains to show in what manner Wesley purified his religious eystem, as he thought, from the defilement of Antinomianism. To be brief, he invented a two-fold mode of justification, one without repentance, the love of God, or other works; the other, * See Fletcher, vol. ii. t The Hon. Richard Hill, in his Five Leitera. See also Eaton's Honey* tomh uf Salvation. MEANS OF SANCTITY. 125 in which these works are essential : the former is for those who die soon after their pretended experience of saving faith, the latter for those who have time and opportunity of performing them. Thus, to say no more of the system, a Nero and a Robespierre might, according to its doctrine, have been estab- lished in the grace of God, and in a right to the realms of in- finite purity, without one act of sorrow for their enormities, or so m uch as an act of their belief in God ! LETTER XX.— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ. &o ON THE MEANS OF SANCTITY. I/EAR SIR The efficient cause of justification, or sanctity, according to the Council of Trent,* is the mercy of God through the merits of Jesus Christ ; still, in the usual economy of his grace, he makes use of certain instruments or means, both for conferring and increasing it. The principal and most efficacious of these are THE SACRAMENTS. Fortunately, the Established Church agrees in the main sense with the Catholic and most other Christian churches, when she defines a sacrament to be " An outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace, given unto us, and ordained by Christ himself, as a means whereby we receive the same, and a pledge to assure us thereof. "f But though she agrees with other Protestant com- munions in reducing the number of these to two, baptism and the Lord's supper, she difiers with all others in this particular, namely, with the Catholic, the Greek, the Russian, the Arme- nian, the Nestorian, the Eutychian, the Coptic, the Ethiopian, &c., all of which firmly maintain, and ever have maintained, as well since, as before their respective defections from us, the whole collectior of the seven sacraments.^ This fact alone re- futes the airy speculations of Protestants concerning the origin of the five sacraments which they reject, and thus demonstrates that they are deprived of as mai v divinely instituted instruments or means of sanctity. — As each of these seven channels of grace, * Sess. vi. cap. 7. t Catechism in Com. Prayer. — N. B. The last clause in this definition if far too strong, as it seems to imply, that every person who is partaker of the outward part of a sacrament, necessarily receives the grace of it, whatever may be his dispositions ; an impiety which the Bishop of Lincoln calumni. ously attributes to the Catholics. — Elements of Theol. vol. ii. p. 436. t This important fact is incontrovertibjy proved in the celebrated work. La Ferpetuite de la Poi, from original docun ents procured by Louis XIV and preserved in the King's Library at Paris 11* 126 LETTER XX. thouoh d,\ supplied from the same fountain of Christ's merits, supplies ?ach of them a separate grace, adapted to the oifferent wants of ihe faithful, and as each of them furnishes matter of observation for the present discussion, I shall take a cursory view of them. The first sacrament, in point of order and necessity, is bap. tism. In fact, no authority can be more express than that of the Scripture as to this necessity. " Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit," says Christ, " he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." John, iii. 5. " Repent," cries St. Peter; •' and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus, for the remission of sins." Acts, ii. 38. " Arise," answered Ana- nias to St. Paul, " and be baptized, and wash away thy sins." Acts, xxii. 16. This necessity was heretofore acknowledged by the Church of England, at least, as appears from her articles, and still more clearly from her Liturgy* and the works of her eminent divines. f Hence, as baptism is valid, by whomsoever it is conferred, the English church may be said to have been upon an equal footing with the Catholic Church, as much as concerns this instrument or means of holiness. But the case is different now, since that tacit reformation which is acknowledged to have taken place in her practice. This has nearly swept out of her both the belief of original sin and its necessary remedy, baptism. " That we are born guilty," the great authority. Dr. Balguy, says, " is either unintelligible or impossible." Accord- ingly, he teaches that " the rite of baptism is no more than a representation of our entrance into the church of Christ." — Else- where he says : " The sign (of a sacrament) is declaratory, not efficient.''^ Dr. Hey says, the negligence of the parent, with respect to procuring baptism, " may affect the child : to say it will affect him, is to run into the error I am condemning. "§ Even the Bishop of Lincoln calls it, " An unauthorized principle of papists, tliat no person whatsoever can be saved who has not been baptized. "|| Where the doctrine of baptism is so lax, we may be sure the practice of it will not be more strict. Accord- ingly, we have abundant proofs that, from the frequent and long delays in the administration of this sacrament among Protest, ants, very many children die without receiving it, and that • Common Prayer. t See B. Pearson on the Creed, Art. x. Hooker, Eccl. Polit. b. v. p. 60. * Charge \A. pp.298, 300. § Lectures in Divinity, vol. iii. p. 132. II Vol. ii. p. 470. The learned prelate can hardly be supposed ignorant that many of our martyrs, recorded in our Martyrology and our Breviary, are expressly declared not to have been actually baptized ; or that our divines unanimously teach, that not only the baptism of blood by martyrdom, bu* ftlso a sincere desire of being baptized, sufHces, where the me^ns of baptism •re wanting. MEANS OF SANCTITY. 121 from the negligence of their ministers, as to the right matter and the form of wcrds, many more children recei\e it in validly. Look, on the other hand, at the Catholic Church ; you will find the same importance still attached to this sacred rite, on tho part of the people and the clergy, which is observable in th«s Acts of the Apostles and in the writings of the holy fathers ; the former being ever impatient to have their children baptized, the latter equally solicitous to administer it in due time, and with I he most scruj)ulous exactness. Thus, as matters now stand, the two churches are not upon a level with respect to this firat means of sanctification ; the members of the one having a much greater moral certainty of the remission of that sin in which we wf re all born, and of their having been heretofore actually re- ceived into the church of Christ, than the members of the other. It would be too tedious a task to treat of the tenets of other Pro- testants, on this and the corresponding matters : let it suffice to say, that the famous Synod of Dort, representing all the Calvin- istic states of Europe, formally decided that the children of the elect are included in the covenant made with their parents, and thus are exempt from the necessity of baptism, as likewise of faith and morality, being thus insured, themselves and all their posterity, till the end of time, of their justification and salvation !* Concerning the second channel of grace, or means of sanctity, corifirmaiion, there is no question. The Church of England, which, among the different Protestant societies, alone, I believe, lays claim to any part of this rite, under the title of The cere- mony of laying on of hands, expressly teaches, at the same time, that it is no sacrament, as not being ordained by God, nor any effectual sign ofgrace.\ But the Catholic Church, instructed by the solicitude of the apostles, to strengthen the faith of those her children who had received it in baptism,:]: and by the lessons of Christ himself, concerning the importance of receiving that Holy Spirit, which is communicated in this sacrament, § reli- giously retains and faithfully administers it to them, for the self-same purpose, through all ages. In a word, those who are true Christians, by virtue of baptism, are not made perfect Christians, except by virtue of the sacrament of confirmation, which none of the Protestant societies so much as lays a claim lo. Of the third sacram.ent, indeed, the Lord's supper, as tliey call it, the Protestant societies, and particularly the Church of England, in her prayer-book, say great things : nevertheless, what is it, after all, upon her own showing ? — Mere breid and wine received in memory of Christ s passion and death, in ordef • Boss let's Variat. book xiv. p. 46 t Art. xxv. ( Acts V ii. 14. — xix. 2. ^ John, xvi 129 LETTER XX. to ex3i;e the receiver's faith in him : that is to say, it it « bare tyjje 01 memorial of Christ. Any thing may be instituted to be the type or memorial of another thing ; but certainly the Jews, in their paschal lamb, had a more lively figure of the death of Christ, and so have Christians in each of the four evangelists, than eating bread and drinking wine can be. Hence, I infer, that the communion of Protestants, according to their belief and I ractice in tnis country, cannot be more than a feeble excite ment to their devotion, and an inefficient help to their sancti.i- calion. — But, if Christ is to be believed upon his own solemn declaration, where he says, " Take ye and eat ; this is my body: — drink ye all of this; for this is my blood," Matt. XX vi. 26 ; — " My flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed," John, vi. 56 ; then the holy communion of Catholics is, beyond all expression and all conception, not only the most powerful stimulative to our faith, our hope, our love, and our contrition, but also the most efficacious means of obtaining these and all other graces from the Divine bounty. Those Catholics who frequent this sacrament with the suitable dispositions, are the best judges of the truth of what I here say: nevertheless, many Protestants have been converted to the Catholic Church from the ardent desire they felt of receiving their Saviour Christ himself into their bosoms, instead of a bare memorial of him, and from a just conviction of the spiritual benefits they would derive from this intimate union with him. The four remaining instruments of grace, penance, extreme unction, order, and matrimony, Protestants, in general, give up to us, no less than confirmation. The Bishop of Lincoln,* Dr. Hey,f and other controvertists, pretend that it was Peter Lom- bard, in the twelfth century, who made sacraments of them. True it is, that this industrious theologian collected together the difl^erent passages of the fathers, and arranged them, with proper definitions of each subject, in their present scholastic order: this he did not only with respect to the sacraments, but likewise to the other branches of divinity, on which account he is called the master of the sentences : — but Peter Lombard could as soon have introduced Mahoinetanism into the church, as the beliel of any one sacrament, which it had not before received as such. Besides, supposing him to have deceived the Latin Church into this belief, I ask by what means were the schismalical Greek churches fascinated into it ? In short, though these holy rites had not been indued by Christ with a sacramental grace, yet, practised as they are in the Catholic Church, they would still be great helps to piety and Christian morality. ♦ Elem. vol. ii. p. 414. t Lect vol. iv. p. 199 MEANS OF SANCTll '. 149 What I have just asserted concerning these five sacraments in general, is particularly true with respect to the sacrament of penan:e. For what does this consist of ? and what is the preparatior of it, as set forth by all our councils, catechisms, and prayer-books? There must first be fervent prayer to God for his light and strength ; next an impartial examination of the conscience, to acquire that most important of all sciences, tlie knowledge of ourselves : then true sorrow for our sins, with A firm purpose of amendment, which is the most essential part of the sacrament. After this there must be a sincere exposure of the state of the interior to a confidential, and at the same time, a learned, experienced, and disinterested director. If the latter could afford no other benefit to his penitents, yet how inestima- ble a one is it, to make known to them many defects and many duties, which their self-love had probably overlooked ! as like- wise his prescribing to them the proper remedies for their spirit- 'jal maladies! and his requiring them to make restitution for 2very injury done to each injured neighbor ! But we are well assured, that these are far from being the only benefits, which the minister of this sacrament confers upon the subject of it: for it was not an empty compliment which Christ paid to his apos- tles, when, " Breathing on them, he said to them ; Receive ye the Holy Ghost: whose sins you shall remit, they are remitted, and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained." John, xx. 22, 23. O sweet balm of the wounded spirit! O sovereiijn re- storative of the soul's life and vigor! best known to those who faithfully use thee, and not unattested by those who neglect and blaspheme thee !* It might appear strange, if we were not accustomed to similar inconsistencies, that those who profess to make Scripture, in its plain, obvious sense, the sole rule of their faith and practice, should deny extreme unction to be a sacrament, the external sign of which, anointing the sick, and the spiritual effect of which, the forgiveness of sins, are so expressly declared by St. James, in his epistle, v. 14. Martin Luther, indeed, who had taken offence at this epistle, for its insisting so strongly on good works,"f rejected the authority of this epistle, alleging that it was " not lawful for an apostle to institute a sacrament. J But I trust -hat you, dear sir, and your conscientious society, will agree with me, that it is more incredible that an apostle of Christ * See the form of ordaining priests, in Bishop Sparrow's Collect, p. 158 also the form of absolution, in the Visitation of the Sick in the conimoB prayer. t Luther, in his original Jena edition of hia t'crks, calls 'his epistle "a dn and chaffy epistle, unworthy of an apostle.*' t Sf^e Luther, in his original Jena edition 130 LETTER XX. should lie ignorant of wha. he was authorized by him to say and do, than that a profligate German friar should be guilty of blas- phemy. Indeed, the Church of England, in the first form of her common prayer in Edward's reign, enjoined the unction of the sick, as well as prayer for them.* It was evidently well worthy the mercy and bounty of our divine Saviour, to institute a special sacrament for purifying and strengthening us at the time of our greatest need and terror. Owing to the institution of this, and the two other sacraments, penance and the real body a '.d blood of our Lord, it is a fact, that few, very few Catholics die \\ ithout the assistance of their clergy : which assistance the latter are bound to afford, at the expense of ease, fortune, and life itself, to the most indigent and abject of their flock, who are in danger of death, no less than to the rich and the great : while, on the other hand, very few Protestants, in that extrem- ity, partake at all of the cold rites of their religion ; though one of them, the Lord's supper, is declared, in the catechism, to be "necessary for salvation." It is equally strange that a clergy, with such high claims and important advantages, as those of the Establishment, should deny that the orders of bishops, priests, and deacons, are sacrament- al, or that the episcopal form of church government, and of ordaining the clergy, is required in Scripture. In fact, this is telling the legislature and the nation that, if they prefer the less expensive ministry of the Presbyterians or the Methodists, there is nothing divine or essential in the ministry itself, which will be injured by the change ; and that clergymen may be a.3 validly ordained by the town-crier with his bell, as by the me- tropolitan's imposition of hands ! Nevertheless, strange as it appears, this is the doctrine not only of Hoadley's Socinian school, as I have elsewhere demonstrated, f but also of those modern divines and dignitaries, who are the standard of ortho- doxy,:]: Thus are the clergy of the English church, as well as all other Protestant ministers, by their own confession, destitute of all sacramental grace for performing their functions holily and beneficially. § But, we know, conformably with the doc- trine of St. Paul, in both his epistles to Timothy, 1 Tim. iv. 14, 2 Tim. i. 6, and the constant doctrine of the Catholic Church, as likewise of all other ancient churches, that this grace is conferred on those who are truly ordained and in fit dispositions to receive it. We know, moreover, that the per- suasion which the faithful entertain of the divine character and * See Collier's Eccles. Hist. vol. ii., p. 257. t Dr. Bala^uy, Dr. Iley, 4&e t The Bishop of Lincoln's Elem. of Theol. vol. ii. pp. 376, 396 § See LetteiB to a Piebendary, letter viii. MEANS OF SANCTITY. 181 grace of their clergy, gives a great additional weight to their lessons and ministry. In like manner, with respect to matrimo- ny, which the same apostle expressly calls a sacrament, Ephes. V. 32, the very idea of its sanctity, independently of its peculiar grace, is a preparation for entering into that state with religious dispositions. Next to the sacraments of the Catholic Church, as so many helps to the holiness and salvation of her children, I must men- tion her public service. We continually hear the advocates of the Establishment crying up the beauty and perfection of their liturgy ;* but they have not the candor to inform the public that it is all, in a manner, borrowed from the Catholic missal and ritual. Of this fact any one may satisfy himself, who will compare the prayers, lessons and gospels in these Catholic books, with those in the Book of Common Prayer. But, though our service has been thus purloined, it has by no means been preserved entire : on the contrary, we find it, in the latter, evis- ceratedL of its noblest parts ; particularly with respect to the principal and essential worship of all the ancient churches, the holy mass, which, from a true propitiatory sacrifice, as it stands in all our missals, is cut down to a mere verbal worship, in The order for the morning prayer. Hence our James I. pro- nounced of the latter, that it is an ill said mass. The servants of God had, by his appointment, SACRIFICE, both under the law of nature and the written law ; it would then be extraordi- nary, if under the law of grace they were left destitute o4*this, the most sublime and excellent act of religion which man can offer to his Creator. But we are not left destitute of it ; on the contrary, that prophecy of Mai achy is fulfilled, Mai. i. 11 : In every place, from the rising to the setting of the sun, sacrifice is offered and a pure oblation ; even Christ himself, who is really present and mystically ofTered on our altars in the sacrifice of the mass. I pass over the solemnity, the order, and the magnificence of Ot.r public worship and ritual in Catholic countries, which most candid Protestants, who have witnessed them, allow to be ex- ceedingly impressive, and great helps to devotion, and whichi certainly, in most particulars, find their parallel in the worship and ceremonies of the old law, ordained by God himself. Ncv ertheless, it is a gross calumny to assert that the Catholic Church does, or ever did, make the essence of religion to con- sist in these externals ; and we challenge them to our councils and doctrinal books in refutation of tiie calumny. In like ♦ Dr. Rennel calls the church liturgy ♦» the most penect of human coim. positions, and the sacred legacy of the first reformers." Diic. p. 237. 182 LETTER XXI. manner, I pass over the many private exercises of piety which are generally practised in regular Catholic families and by in dividuals ; such as daily meditation and spiritual reading, even- ing prayers and examination of the conscience, &c. These, it will not be denied, must be helps for attaining sanctity to thrse who are desirous of it. — But I have said more than enough to convince your friends, in which of the rival communions the means of sanctity are chiefly to be found. I am, dear sir, &c. John Milner. LETTER XXI.— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ. ON THE FRUITS OF SANCTITY. Dear sir — The fruits of sanctity are the virtues practised by those who are possessed of it. Hence the present question is, whether these are to be found, for the most part, among the members of the ancient Catholic Church, or among the different innovators, who undertook to reform it in the 16th and 17th centuries ? In considering the subject, the first thing which strikes me is, that all the saints, and even those who are recorded as such in the calendar of the Church of England, and in whose name their churches are dedicated, lived and died strict members of the Catholic Church, and zealously attached to her doctrine anq discipline.* For example, in this calendar, we meet with a Pope Gregory, March 12, the zealous asserter of the papal su- premacy,f and other Catholic doctrines ; a St. Benedict, March 21, the patriarch of the western monks and nuns ; a St. Dun- stan. May 19, the vindicator of clerical celibacy ; a St. Augus- tin, of Canterbury, May 26, the introducer of the whole system of Catholisity into England ; and a venerable Bede, May 27, the witness of this important fact. It is sufficient to mention the names of other Catholic saints, for example, David, Ciiad, Edward, Richard, Elphege, Martin, Swithun, Giles, Lambert, Leonard, Hugh, Etheldreda, Remigius, and Edmund ; all of * I must except King Charles I. who is rubricated as a martyr on Tan. 30 . nevertheless, it is confessed that he was far from possessing either the furi- ty of a saint or the constancy of a martyr ; for he actually gave up Episco. pacy and other essentials of the established religion, by his last treaty in the hlo of Wight. t IVIany Protestant writers pretended that St. Gregory disclaimed tlie su premacy because he asserted against John of Constantinople that neither ha nor any other prelate ought to assume the title of Universal Bishop; bu that he claimed and exercised the supremacy, his own works and the h,«t> «y of Bede incontrovertibly demonstrate. FRUITS OF SANCTITY. l33 which are inserted in the calendar, and ;*«re onnes to some oi other churches of the Establishment, beaiuea tnese, there are very many of our other saints, whom ail learned and candid Protestants unequivocally admit to have been such, for the ex- traordinary j'Urity and sanctity of their lives. Even Luther acknowledges St. Anthony, St. Bernard, St. Dominic, &+. Fran- cis, St. Bonaventure, &;c., to have been saints, though avowed Catholics, and defenders of the Catholic Cliurch against he heretics and schismatics of their times. But, independently of this and of every other testimony, it is certain that the super- natural virtues, and heroical sanctity of a countless number :f holy personages of different countries, ranks, professions, and sexes, have illustrated the Catholic Church in every age, with an effulgf>nce which cannot be disputed or withstood. Your friends, I dare say, are not much acquainted with the histories of these brightest ornaments of Christianity ; let me then invite them to peruse them, not in the legends of obsolete writers, but in a work which, for its various learning and luminous criti- cism, was commended even by the infidel Gibbon ; I mean The Lives of Saints, in twelve octavo volumes, written by the late Rev. Alban Butler, President of St. Omer's College. Pro- testants are accustomed to paint in the most frightful colors, the alleged depravity of the church, when Luther erected his stand- ard, in order to justify him and his followers in their defection from it. But to form a right judgment in the case, let them read the works of the contemporary writers, an a Kempis, a Gerson, an Antonius, &;c.; or let them peruse the lives of St. Vincent Ferrer, St. Laurence Justinian, St. Francis Paula, St. Philip Neri, St. Cajetan, St. Teresa, St. Francis Xaverius, and of those other saints who illuminated the church about the perioti in question. Or let them, from the very accounts of Pro- testant historians, compare, as to religion and morality, Arch- oishop Cranmer, with his rival. Bishop Fisher ; Protector Sey- mour with Chancellor More ; Ann Boleyn with Catharine oi Arragon ; Martin Luther and Calvin with Francis Xaveri^is Rnd Cardinal Pole ; Beza with St. Francis of Sales ; Queen Elizabeth with Mary Queen of Scots; these contrasted charac- iers having more or less relation with each other. From such a comparison, I have no sort of doubt what the decision of your friends will be concerning them in point of their respective holiness. I have heretofore been called upon to consiiler the virtues and merits of the most distinguished reformers;*' and certainly we have a right to expect from persons of this aescription fin • Reflections on Popery, bv Pc. Stuiges, L L. D. &c. 12 134 LETTER XXI. islied models of \irtue and piety. But instead of this being the Utise, I have shown that Patriarch Luther was the sport of his unbridled passions,* pride, resentment, and lust ; that he was turbulent, abusive, and sacrilegious, in the highest degree ; that he was the trumpeter of sedition, civil war, rebellion, and deso- lation ; and finally, that bv his own account, he was the scholai ol Satan, in the most important article of his pretended Reforma- tion.! I have made out nearly as heavy a charge against his chief followers, Carlostad, Zuinglius, Ochin, Calvin, Beza, and Cranmer. With respect to the last-named, who under Edward Vf.; and his fratricide uncle, the Duke of Somerset, was the chief artificer of the Anglican Church, I have shown that, from his youthful life in a college, till his death at the stake, he ex- hibited such a continued scene of libertinism, perjury, hypocri- sy, barbarity, (in burning his fellow Protestants,) profligacy, ingratitude, and rebellion, as is, perhaps, not to be matched in history. I have proved that all his fellow-laborers and fellow- sufl!erers, were rebels like himself, who would have been put to death by Elizabeth, if they had not been executed by Mary. I adduced the testimony not only of Erasmus and other Catho- lics, but also of the gravest Protestant historians, and of the very reformers themselves, in proof that the morals of the people, so far from being changed for the better, by embracing the new religion, were greatly changed for the worse. if The pretended Reformation, in foreign countries, as in Germany, the Nether- lands, at Geneva, in Switzerland, France, and Scotland, besides producing popular insurrections, sackages, demolitions, sacri- lcge3 and persecution beyond description, excited also open re- belliGns and bloody civil wars.§ In England, where our wri- * Letters to a Prebendary, Letter V. t Ibid. p. 183, where Satan's conference with Luther, and the arguments by which he induced this reformer to abolish the mass, are detailed from Luther's works. Tom. vii. p. 228. X Ibid. § The Huguenots in Dauphiny alone, as one of their writers confesses, burnt down 900 towns or villages, and murdered 378 priests or religious, in she course of one rebellion. The number of churches destroyed by them throughout France is computed at 20,000. The History oi England's Ref. ttimation (though this was certainly more orderly than that of other coun- tries) has causec the conversion of many English Protestants ; it produced this effect on James II. and his first consort, the mother of Queen Mary and Queen Anne. The following is the account which the latter has left of this ihange, a id which is to be found in Dodd's last volume, and in the Fifty Reasons cf the Duke of Brunswick : " Seeing much of the devotion of the Catholics, I made it my constant prayer that, if I were not, I might, before I Jicd, be in the true religion. I did not doubt but that 1 was so till Novem- »er last, when reading a book called the History of the Reformation, by Dr Ueylin, which I had heard very much commended, and had been told, ii .ver I had any doubts in my religion, that would settle me : instead of wbidi OBJECT.ONS ANSWERED. 138 lers boast of the orderly manner in which the change of relt gion was carried on, it, nevertheless, most unjustly and sacrile- giously seized upon, and destroyed, in the reign of Henry VIII., 645 monasteries, 90 colleges, and 110 hospitals, besides the bishoprick of Durham ; and, under Edward VI., or rather his profligate uncle, 2,374 colleges, chapels, or hospitals, in order to make princely fortunes for that uncle and his unprincipled comrades, who, like banditti quarrelling over their spoils, soon brought each other to the block. Such were the fruits of sanc- tity every where produced by tnis pretended Reformation. I am, &c. John Milner. LETTER XXII.— TO MR. J. TOULMIN. OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. Dear sir — 1 have received your letter, animadverting upon mine to our common friend Mr. Brown, respecting the fruits of sanctity, as they appear in our respective communions. I observe you do not contest my general facts or arguments, but resort to objec- tions which have been already answered in these, or in mj other letters now before the public. You assert, as a notorious fact, that for several ages prior to the Reformation, the Catho- lic religion was sunk into ceremonies and pageantry, and that it sanctioned the most atrocious crimes. In refutation of these calumnies, I have referred to our councils, to our most accred- ited authors of religion and morality, and to the lives and deaths of our most renowned saints, during the ages in question. I grant, sir, that you hold the same language on this subject with other Protestant writers ; but I maintain that none of them make good their charges, and that their motive for advancing them, is to find a pretext for excusing the irreligion of the pretended Reformation. You next extol the alleged sanctity of the Pro- testant sufferers, called martyrs, in the unhappy persecution of Queen Mary's reign. I have discussed this matter at some I found it the description of the horridest sacrileges in the world : and could find no cause why we left the church, but for three the most abominable ones : Ist, Henry VIII. renounced the Pope, because he would not give him leave to part with his wife and marry another ; 2dly, Edward VI. was a child, and governed by his uncle, who made his estate out of the church lands ; 3dly, Elizabeth, not being lawful heiress to the crown, had no way to keep it but by renouncing a church which would not suffer so unlawful t thing. I confess I cannot think the Holy Ghost could ever be in such coua* tils" Declaration of the Duchess of York. IS6 LETTER XXII. length in The Letters to a Prebendary, anr have sliown, ih oj> position to John Fox and his copyists, th.'.t some of theye pre- tended martyrs were alive when he wrote the history of theii death ;* that others of them, and the five bishops in particular, so far from being saints, were notoriously deficient in the ordi- nary duties of good subjects and honest men ;f that others again were notorious assassins, as Gardener, Flower, and Rough ; or robbers, as Debenham, King, Marsh, Cauches, Gil- bert, Massey, &c. ;J while not a few of them retractea their errors, as Bilney, Taylor, Wassalia, and died, to all appear- ancc; Catholics. To the whole ponderous folio of Fox's false- hoods, I have opposed the genuine and edifying Memoirs of Mis sionary Priests and other Catholics, who suffered death for their Religion, during the reigns of Elizabeth and the Stuarts. Fi- nally, you reproach me with the scandalous lives of some of our popes, during the middle ages, and of very many Catholics of difTerent descriptions, throughout the church at the present day ; and you refer me to the edifying lives of a great number of Protestants, now living in this country. My answer, dear sir, to your concluding objections, is briefly this, that I, as well as Baronius, Bellarmin, and other Catholic writers, have unequivocally admitted, that some few of our pen- tifTs have disgraced themselves by their crimes, and given jus\ cause of scandal to Christendom ;§ but I have remarked thai the credit of our cause is not affected by the personal conduci of particular pastors, who succeeded one another in a regulai way, in the same manner, as the credit of yours is by the beha- vior of your founders, who professed to have received an ejctra- ordinary commission from God to reform religion. \\ I acknow- ledge, with the same unreservedness, that the lives of very many Catholics, in this and other parts of the church, are a dis- grace to that holy Catholic Church which they profess to believe in. Unhappy members of the true religion by ivhom the name of God (and of his holy church) is blasphemed among the na- tions ! Rom. ii. 24. Unhappy Catholics, who " live enemies of the cross of Christ, whose end is destruction, who mind only earthly things !" Philip, iii. 18. But, " It must needs be that scandals should come : nevertheless, wo to that man by whom the scandal cometh !" Matt, xviii. 7. In short, I bear a willmg testimony to the public and private worth of very many of my Protestant countrymen of different religions, as citizens, as sub- jects, as friends, as children, as parents, as moral men, and as Christians, in the general sense of the word ; still I must say « See Letter IV on Persecution. + See Letter V. on the ReformatiQtt t Letter IV ^ See Letter II. on Supremacy. U Ibid. OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. 187 that I find the be^t of them fa* short of the holiness which is prescribed in the Gospel, and is exemplified in the lives of those saints whom I have mentioned. On this subject I will quote an authority, which, I think, you will not object to. Dr. Hey says, " In England, I could almost say, we are too Utile acquainted with contemplative religion. The monk, painted by Sterne, may give us a more favorable idea of it, than our prejudices generally suggest. I once travelled with a Recolet, and con. versed with a Minim at his convent ; and they both had that kind of character which Sterne gives to his monk : that refine- ment of body and mind, that pure glow of meliorated passion, thai polished piety and humanity," &c.* In a former letter to your society, I have stated that sincere humility, by which, from a thorough knowledge of our sins and misery, we become little in our own eyes, and try to avoid, rather than to gain the praise and notice of others, is the very groundwork of all other Christian virtues. It has been objected to Protestants, ever since the defection of their arrogant patriarch, Luther, that they have said little, and have appeared to understand less of this essential virtue. I might say the same with respect to the ne- cessity of an entire subjugation of our other congenial passions, avarice, lust, anger, intemperance, envy, and sloth, as I have said of pride and vain-glory ; but I pass over ihese to say a tew words of certain maxims expressly contained in Scripture. It cannot then be denied that our Saviour said to the rich young man, " If thou wilt be perfect, go, sell all thou hast and give to the poor, and thou shall have treasures in heaven ;" nor that he declared on another occasion, "There are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs (continen:) for the kingdom of hea- ven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.'* Matt. xix. 12. Now it is notorious that this life of voluntary poverty and perpetual chastity continues to be vowed and ob- served by great numbers of both sexes in the Catholic Church ; while it is nothing more than a subject of ridicule to the best of Protestants. Again, " that we ought to fast, is a truth too manifest to stand in need of any proof:" I here use the words of the Church of England in her Homily iv. p. 11 ; conforma- bly with which doctrine your church enjoins in her Common Prayer Book, the same days of fasting and abstinence which the Catholic Church does ; namely, the forty days of Lent, the Ember-days, all the Fridays in the year, &c. : nevertheless, where is the Protestant to be found who will submit to the mor- tification of fasting, even to obey his own church ? I may add, that Chriit enjoins constant prayer ^ Luke, xviii. 1 ; conforms bit • Lectures in Divinity, v<5). i. p. 364. i38 LETTER XXIII. with which injunction, .ne Catholic Church requires her clerg-y at least, f/om the sub-deacon up to the pope, daily to say the seven Canonical Hours, consisting chiefly of Scriptural psahns and lessons ; which take up in the recital near an hour and a half, in addition to their other devotions. Now, what pretext had the Protestant clergy, whose pastoral duties are so much lighter than ours, to lay aside these inspired prayers, except in- devotion ? Luther himself said his office for some time after his apostacy. — But to conclude : as it is of so much importance to ascertain which is the holy church mentioned in your creed, and as you can follow no better rule for this purpose, than to judge of the tree by its fruits ; so let me advise you and your friends, to make use of every means in your power, to compare regular families, places of education, and especially ecclesias- tical establishments of the different communions, with each other, as to morality and piety, and to decide for yourselves ac- cording to what you may observe in them. — I am, &;c. John Miln^r. LETTER XXIII.— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ. ON DIVINE ATTESTATION OF SANCTITY. Dear sir — Having demonstrated the distinctive holiness of the Catholic Church, in her doctrine, her practices, and her fruiJ-f of sanctity, I am prepared to show that God himself has borne testimony to her holiness, and to those very doctrines and practices which Protestants object to as unholy and superstitious, by the many incontestable miracles he has wrought in her and in their favor, from the age of the apostles down to the present age. The learned Protestant advocates of revelation, such as Gro- tins, Abbadie, Paley, Watson, &c., in defending this common cause against infidels, all agree in the sentiment of the last named, that " Miracles are the criterion of truth." Accord- ingly they observe, that both Moses, Exod. iv. xiv. Numb. xvi. 29, and Jesus Christ, John, x. 37, 38, — xiv. 12, — xv. 24, con. stantly appealed to the prodigies they wrought, in attestation of their divine mission and doctrine. Indeed the whc le history of God's people, from the beginning of the world do\^ n to the time of our blessed Saviour, was nearly a continued series of mira- cles.* The latter, so far from confining the power of vorking * To say nothing of the Urim and Thummim, the Water of JeaIou.sy, an j the superabundant harvest of the sabbatical year, it is incontestable, from the Gospel o ' St. John, v. 2, that the probatical pond was endowed Sy an angel wi'.h a niraculous power of dealing every kind of disease, in the tixn* Qf Christ, ATTESTATION OF SANCTITY. 138 them to his own person or time, expressly promised the samp, and even a greater power of this nature, to his disciples, Mark, xvi. 17, John, xiv. 12. For both the reasons here mentioned, namely, that the Almighty was pleased to illustrate the society of his chosen servants, both under the law of nature and the tvritten law, with frequent miracles, and that Christ promised a eontinuance of them to his disciples under the new law, we are led to expect thai the true church should be distinguished by miracles, wrought in her, and in proof of her divine origin. Accordingly, the fathers and doctors of the Catholic Church, amongst other proofs in her favor, have constantly appealed to the miracles by which she is illustrated, and reproached their contemporary heretics and schismatics with the want of them. Thus St. IrensBus, disciple of St. Polycarp, who himself was a disciple of St. John the evangelist, reproaches the heretics, against whom he writes, that they could not give sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, cast out devils, or raise the dead to iife ; as he testifies was frequently done in the true church.* Thus also his contemporary, TertuUian, speaking of the here- tics, says, " I wish to see the miracles they have wrought. "•!• St. Pacian, in the fourth century, writing against the schismatic Novatus, scornfully asks, " Has he the gift of tongues or pro- phecy ? Has he restored the dead to life ?"J The great St. Augustin, in various passages of his works, refers to the mira- cles wrought in the Catholic Church, in evidence of her ve- racity. § St. Nicetas, Bishop of Treves, in the sixth century, in order to convert her husband, Albion, king of the Lombards, from Arianism, advises Queen Clodosind to induce him to send confidential messengers, to witness the miracles wrought at the tombs of St. Martin, St. Germanus, or St. Hilary, in giving sight to the blind, speech to the dumb, &c., adding, " Are such things done in tne cnurches of the Arians?"|| About the same time Levigild, king of the Goths in Spain, an Arian, who was converted, or nearly so, by his Catholic son, St. Hermengild, reproached his Arian bishops that no miracles were wrought among them, as was the case, he said, among the Catholics. IT The seventh century was illustrated by the miracles of our apostle, St. Augustin of Canterbury, wrought in confirmation of • Lib. ii. contra Haer. c. 31 t Lib. de Praescr. t Ep. ii. ad Symphor. § " Dubitamus nos eju8 Ecclesiae condere gremio, quaj usque ad confes. eionem generis huinani ab apostolica sede, per succeBsionem Episcoporum (frustra haereticis circumlatrantibus, et partim plebis ipsius judicio, partim c^nciliorum gravitate, partim etiam iniraculorum majestate damnalis) cui. w.n auctoritatis obtinuit ?" — De Utilit. Cred. c. iv. U Labbe's Concil. torn. v. p. 835. IT Greg. Turon. J. ix. c. 15. 140 LETTER XXIII. the doctrine which he taught, as was recorded on his tomb .* and this doctrine, by the confession of learned Protestants, was purely the Roman Catholic. f In the eleventh century, we hear a celebrated doctor, speaking of the proofs of the Catholic religion, exclaim thus, "O Lord, if what we believe is an erro:% thou art the author of it, since it is confirmed amongst us by those signs and prodigies which could not be wrought but by thee.^'if In short, St. Bernard, St, Dominic, St. Xaverius, &c., all ap- pealed to the miracles which God wrought by their hands, iu proof of the Catholic doctrine. I need not mention the contro- versial works of Bellarmin and other modern schoolmen: nev- ertheless, I cannot refrain from observing that even Luther, when the Anabaptists, adopting his own principles, had proceeded to excesses of doctrine and practice which he disapproved of, required them to prove their authority for their innovations by the performance of miracles. § You will naturally ask, dear sir how Luther himself got rid of the argument implied by this re- quisition, which, it is evident, bore as strongly against him, as against the Anabaptists ? — On one occasion, he answered thus, " I have made an agreement with the Lord, not to send me any visions, or dreams, or angels," &c.|| On another occasion, he boasts, of his visions as follows : " I also was in spirit," and " if I must glory in what belongs to me, I have seen more spirits than they (the Swinkfeldians, wno denied the real pres- ence) will see in a whole year. "II Such has been the doctrine of the fathers and Catholic writers concerning miracles in general, as divine attestations in favor of that church in which God is pleased to work them. I will now mention, or refer to a few particular miraculous events of un- questionable evidence, which have illustrated this church, dur- ing the eighteen centuries of her existence. No Christian questions the miracles and prophecies of the apostles or their converts, 1 Cor. xii. 10, Galat. iii. .5 ; and if they do not, why should any Christian question the vision and prophecy of the apostolic Saint Polycarp, the angel of the church of Smyrna, Rev. ii. 8, concerning the manner of his future mar- tyrdom, namely, by fire ?** or the testimony of his episcopal cor- * " Hie requiescit D. Augustinus, &c.. qui operatione miraculorum sufc fultus, Edelberthum Regem ac gentem illius ab idolorum cultu ad fidem Christi covertit." — Bed. Eceles. Hist. 1. ii. e. 3. See, in particular, the &c. count of this saint's restoring sight to a blind man in con^rmaiion of ni« dorfrine. Ibid. c. 2. • t The Centuriators of Magdeburg, Sajc. 6. Bale. In Act Rom. Pont Humphrey's Jesuit, &c. t Ric. a S. Vict, de Triuit. 1 i. ^ Sleidan. Comment de Stat. Rel. II Manhus in loc. commun. See Brierly's Apology p. 448. ^ Luth. ad Senat. Civil. Germ. ** Genuine Acts by Ruinart ATTESTATION OF SAN^TITT. 141 respondent, who was likewise a discijle of the apos'les St. Tg natius, Bishop of Antioch, who testifies that the wihl beasts let loose upon the martyrs, were frequently restrained by a divin« power from hurting them ? In consequence of this, he prayed that it might not be the case with him.* St. Irenceus, Bishop of Lyons, was the disciple of St. Polycarp, and, like him, an il- lustrious martyr. Shall we then call in question his testimony, when he declares, as I have noticed above, that miracles, even to the revival of the dead, frequently took place in the Catholic Church, but never among the heretics ?f Or shall we disbe- lieve the testimonies of the learned Origen, in the next century, who says that it was usual with the Christians of his time to drive away devils, heal the sick, and foretell things to come ? adding : " God is my witness, I would not recommend the reli- gion of Jesus by fictitious stories, but only by clear and certain facts. "J One of the scholars of Origen was St. Gregory, Bishop of Neocesarea, surnt*med Thaumaturgus, or Wonderworker, on account of the numerous and astonishing miracles which God wrought by his means. Many of these, even to the stopping the course of a flood, and the moving of a mountain, are recorded by the learned fathers, who, soon after, wrote his life.§ St. Cyprian, the great ornament of the third century, recounts sev- eral miracles which took place in it ; some of which prove the blessed eucharist to be a sacrifice^ and the lawfulness of receiv- ing it under one kind. In the middle of the fourth century hap- pened that wonderful miracle, when the Emperor Julian the A})ostate, attempting to rebuild the temple of Jerusalem, in order to disprove the prophecy of Daniel concerning it, Dan. ix. 27, tempests, whirlwinds, earthquakes, and fiery eruptions convulsed the scene of the undertaking, maiming or blasting the thousands of Jews and other laborers employed in the work, and, in short, rendering the completion of it utterly impossible. In the mean time a luminous cross, surrounded with a circle of rays, appear- ed in the heavens, and numerous crosses were impressed on the bodies and garments of the persons present. These prodigies are so strongly attested by almost all the authors of the age, -Arians, and pagans, no less than Catholics, || that no one but a downright skeptic can call them in question. They have ac- cordingly been acknowledged by the most learned Protestants, f * Ep. ad. Roman. t Contra Haer. I. ii. c. 31. X Contra Cels. 1. i. § Greg. Nyss. Euseb. I. vi. St. Basil, St. Jerom. II Besides the testimony of the fathers, St. Gregory Nazianzen, St. Chry- Bostorn, St. Ambrose, and of the historians Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret, &c., these events are also acknowledged by Philostorgius the Arian, Animi- anus Marcellinus i\ e Pagan, &c. IT Bishop Warbi rton published a book called Julian, in proof of thes« noiracles. They are also acknowledged by Bishop Halifax, Disc. p. 23. 142 LETTER XXIII. Another miracle, which may vie with the above-mentio' ed, foi the number and quality of its witnesses, took place in the fol- l(»vving century, at Typassus in Africa; where a whoU congre- gation of Catholics being assembled to perform their dev».;tions, contrary to the orders of the Arian tyrant, Hunneric, their right hands were chopped off, and their tongues cut out to the roots, by his command : nevertheless, they continued to speak as per. fectly as they did before this barbarous act.* I pass over num. berless miracles recorded by SS. Basil, Athanasius, Jerom, Chrysostom, Ambrose, Augustin, and the other illustrious fa- thers and church-historians, who adorned the fourth, fifthj and sixth centuries of Christianity ; and shall barely mention one miracle, which both the last-mentioned holy bishops relate, as having been themselves actual witnesses of it, that of restoring sight to a blind man, by the application to his eyes of a cloth which had touched the relics of SS. Gervasius and Protasius.f The latter saint, one of the most enlightened men that evei nandled a pen, gives an account, in the work to which I have just referred, J of a great number of miracles wrought in Africa, during his episcopacy, by the relics of St. Stephen ; and among the rest, of seventy wrought in his own diocese of Hippo, and some of them in his own presence, in the course of two years. Among these was the restoration of three dead bodies to life. From this notice of the great St. Augustin of Hippo, in the fifth century, I proceed to observe, concerning St. Augustin of Canterbury, at the end of the sixth, that the miracles wrought by him, were not only recorded on his tomb, and in the history of the venerable Bede, and other writers, but that an account of them was transmitted, at the time they took place, by St Gregory to Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria, in an epistle still extant, in which this pope compares them with those per formed by the apostles. § The latter saint wrote likewise an epistle to St. Augustin himself, which is still extant in his works, and in Bede's history, cautioning him against being elated with vain-glory, on the occasion of these miracles, and reminding him that God had bestowed the pov/er of working them, not on his own account, but for the conversion of the EngUeli naticn.jj • The vouchers of this miracle are Victor Vitensis, Hist. Pcrsec. Vaidal^ !. ii. , the Emperor Justinian, who declares that he had seen some of the sufferers, Codex. Just. Tit. 27 ; the Greek historian Procupius, who says ho had conversed with them, L. i. de Bell. Vand. c. 8 ; iKneas of Geza, a pla- tonic philosopher, who, having examined their mouths, protested that he was not so much surprised at their being able to talk as at iheir being atle to live ; De Immort. Anim. Victor, Turon, Isid. Hispal. Greg. Magn. &c. The miracle is admitted by Abbadie, Djdwell, Moshcim, and other learned Pro jBstants. t Aug. De Civit. Dei, 1. xii. p. 8. t Ibid. 1. xii. § Epist. S. Greg. 1. vii. || Ibid, et Hist. Bede, 1. i. c. 31. ATTESTATION OF SANCT -^. 143 On t le supposition that our apostle had wrought no miracles, what farces must these epistles have exhibited among the first cnaracters of the Christian world ! Among the numberless and well-attested miracles which the histories of the middle ages present to our view, 1 stop at those of the illustrious abbot St. Bernard, in the twelfth century, to whose sanctity the most eminent Protestant wi iters have borno high testimony.* This saint, in the life of his friend, St. Mala chy of Armagh, amongst other miracles, mentions the cure of the withered hand of a youth, by the application to it of the dead nand of his friend. f But this, and all the miracles which St. Bernard mentions of other saints, totally disappear, when com- pared with those wrought by himself; which, for their splendor and publicity, never were exceeded. All France, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy bore testimony to them ; and prelates, princes, and the emperor himself, were often the spectators of them. In a journey which the saint made into Germany, hfl was followed by Philip, Archdeacon of Liege, who was sent by Sampson, Archbishop of Rheims, to observe his actions.:}: Thia writer accordingly gives an account of a vast number of instan- taneous cures, which the holy abbot performed on the lame, the blind, the paralytic, and other diseased persons, with all the circumstances of them. Speaking of those wrought at Cologne, he says : " They were not performed in a corner ; but the whole city was witness to them. If any one doubts, or is curious, he may easily satisfy himself on the spot, especially as some of them were wrought on persons of no inconsiderable rank and reputa- tion.'"^ A great number of these miracles were performed in express confirmation of the Catholic doctrine which he defended. Thus, preaching at Sarlet against the impious and impure Hen- ricians, a species of Albigenses, he took some loaves of bread and blessed them : after which he said : " By this you shall know that I preach to you the true doctrine ; and the heretics a false ddctiine : all your sick, who eat of this bread, shall recover their health;'' which prediction was confirmed by the event, || St. Bernard himself, in the most celebrated of his works,ir ad- dressed to Pope Eugenius III., refers to the miracles, which God enabled him to work, by way of justifying himself for having preached up the second crusade ;** and, in his letter to the peo- * Luther, Calvin, Bucer, (Ecolompadius, Jewel, Wh'itaker, Mosheim, &c. t Vita Malach. inter Oper. Bern. t St. Bernard's Life was written by his three contemporaries, WilHam, ah. not ofThierry ; Arnold, abbot of Bonevaux ; and Geofiry, the saint's secre- tary, and by other early writers : his own eloquent epistles, and other works, furnish many particulars. § PubHshed by Mabillon. Ill G€of. in Vit. Bern. IT De Consideratione. »* Ibid. 1. ii. 144 LETTER XXllI- pie of Thoulouse, he mentions his having detected he heretic* among them, not only by words, but also by miracles.* The miracles of St. Francis Xaverius, the Apostle of India, who was contemporary with Luther, in number, splendor, and publicity, may vie with Si. Bernard's. They consisted in fore- telling future events, speaking unknown languages, calming tempests at sea, curing various maladies, and raising the dead to life ; and, though tliey took place in remote countries, yet they wore verified in the same, soon after the saint's death, by virtue of a commission from John III., King of Portugal, and were generally acknowledged, not only by Europeans of differ- ent religions in the Indics,f but also by the native Mahometans and pagans.:}: At the same time with this saint, lived the holy, contemplative St. Philip Neri, in proof of whose miracles three hundred witnesses, some of them persons of high rank, were juridically examined. § The following century was illustrated by the attested miracles of St. Francis of Sales, || even to tne resurrection of the dead ; as it was also by those of St. John Francis Regis ; concerning which, twenty-two bishops of Lan- guedoc wrote thus to Pope Clement XL : " We are witnesses that betbre the tomb of F. J. F. Regis, the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the dumb speak. "IT You will understand, dear sir, that I mention but a few of the saints, and with respect to these, but a few of their miracles ; as my object is to prove the single fact that God has illustrated the Catholic Church with undeniable miracles, chiefly by means of his saints, in the different ages of her existence. What now will you, dear sir, and your friends, say to the evidence here adduced ? Will you say that ail the holy fathers, up to the apostolic age, and that all the ecclesiastical writers down to the Reformation ; and, since that period, that all the Catholic au- thors, prelates, and officials, have been in a league to deceive mankind ^ In short, that they are all liars and impostors alike ? Such, in fact, is the absurd and horrible system, which, to get rid of the DIVINE ATTESTATION, in favor of the Catholic Church, the celebrated Dr. Conyers Middleton has declared for : 3 have most Protestant writers v/ho have handled the subject, since the publication of his Free Inquiry. This system, how- ever, whicii is a libel on human nature, does not only lead to genera skepticism in other respects, but also undermines the » Ad Tolos. Ep. 241. t See the testimonies of Hackluyt, Baldens, and Tavcrnier, all Protestania, 11 Bouhoiir's Tjife of St, Xaveriu?, translated by the poet Dryden. t Ibid. § See Butler's Saints' Lives, May 26. II See Marsollier's Life of St. F. de Sales, translated by Dr. Coombes. IT See his life by Duubenton, which is abridged by Butler, June 16. ATTESTATION OF SANCTITY. 145 credit of the Gospel itself. For if all the ancient fathers and other writers are to be disbelieved, respecting the miracles of their times, and even those which they themselves witnessed, upon what grounds are we to believe them, in their report of the miracles which they had heard of Christ and his apostles, those main props of the Gospel and our common Christianity? Who knows but they may have forged all the contents of the former, and the whole history of the latter ? It was impossible that these consequences should escape the penetration of Middleton : but, in his opinion, a worse consequence, namely, a divine at testation of the sanctity of the Catholic Church, which would in- evitably follow from admitting the veracity of the holy fathers, banished his dread of the former. Let him now speak to this point for himself, in his own flowing periods. He begins with establishing an important fact, which I also have been laboring to prove, where he says : " It must be confessed, that the claim to a miraculous power was universally asserted and believed in all Christian countries and in all ages of the church, till the time of the Reformation : for ecclesiastical history makes no diflference between one age and another, but carries on the suc- cession of its miracles, as of all other common events, through all of them indifferently to that memorable period."* As far as " church-historians can illustrate any thing, there is not a single point, in all history, so constantly, explicitly, and unani- mously afRrmed by them, as the continual succession of those powers, through all ages, from the earliest father, who first mentions them, down to the Reformation ; which same succes- sion is still further deduced by persons of the same eminent character for probity, learning, and dignity, in the Romish Church, to this very day : so that the only doubt which can re- main with us is, whether church-historians are to be trusted or not ; for if any credit be due to them in the present case, it must reach to all or none : because the reason for believing them in any one ago, will be found to be of equal force in all, as far as it depends on the character of the persons attesting, or on the thing attested. "f We shall now hear Dr. Middleton '• decision on this weighty matter, and upon what grounds it in formed. He says : " The prevailing opinion of Protestants, namely, of Tillotson, Marshall, Dodwell, &c., is that miracles continued during the three first centuries. Dr. Waterland brings them down to the fourth. Dr. Beriman to the fifth. These unwarily betrayed the Protestant cause into the hands of its enemies : for it was in those primitive ages, particularly in ihe third, fourth, and fifth, those flourishing times of mira. • Free Inquiry, Introduct. Disc. p. xlv. t Ibid, Pr«f. p. IS. 13 146 LETTER XXin. cles, in which the cnief corruptions of Poper} , monkery, th« worship of relics, invocations of saints, prayers for the dead, the superstitious use of images, and of sacraments, were intro- duced."* " We shall find, after the conversion of the Roman empire, the greater part of their boasted miracles were wrought either by monks, or relics, or the sign of the cross, &;c. : where- fore, if we admit the miracles, we must admit the rites for the sake of which they were wrought : they both rest on the same bottom. "f "Everyone may see what a resemblance the pruu dples and practice of the fourth century, as they are described by the most eminent fathers of that age, bear to the present rites cfthe Popish Church.'^X "When we reflect on the surprising confidence with which the fathers of the fourth age affirmed, as true, what they themselves had forged, or knew to be forged, i* is natural to suspect that so bold a defiance of truth could not be acquired or become general at once, but must have beer gradually carried to that height by the example of former ages."§ Such are the grounds on which this shameless dis- claimer accuses all the most holy and learned men whom the world has produced during eighteen hundred years, of forgery and a combination to cheat mankind. He does not say a word to show that the combination itself is either probable or possi- ble ; all he advances is, that this libel on human nature is necessary for the support of Protestantism : for he says, and this with evident truth : " By granting the Romanists but a single age of miracles, after the time of the apostles, we shall be en- tangled in a series of difficulties, whence we can never fairly extricate ourselves, till we allow the same powers also to the present age."|| Methinks I hear some of your society thus asking me : Do you then pretend that your church possesses the miraculous powers at the present day? — I answer, that the church never possessed miraculous powers, in the sense of most Protestant writers, so as to bo able to eflTect cures, or other supernatural events, at her mere pleasure : for even the apostles could not do this : as we learn from the history of the lunatic child. Matt. xvii. 16. But this I say, that the Catholic Church, being always the beloved spouse of Christ, Rev. xxi. 9, and continuing at all times to bring forth children of heroical sanctity, God fails not in this, any more than in past ages, to illustrate her and them by un- questionable miracles. Accordingly, in those processes which are commonly going on, at the apostolical see, for the canoniza. tion of new saints,^ fresh miracles of a recent date continue t« • Free Inquiry, Inirod. p. li. t Ibid. p. Ixvi. t Ibid. p. Ixv. 6 Ibid. p. Ixxxiv. j| Ibid. p. xcvi V \inon£ t e lat« c^^nonizaiions are those, i'l 1807 and 7808, of St. f irTESTATION OF SArs'CllTY. 147 De proved with the highest degree of evidence, as I can testifV from having perused, on the spot, the official printed account of some of them."* For the further satisfaction of your friends, I will inform them that I have had satisfactory proof, that the as- tonishing catastrophe of Louis XVI., and his queen, in being htheaded on a scaffold, vi^as foretold by a nun of Fougeres, Soe.ur Nativite, twenty years before it happened ; and that the banish- irent of the French clergy from their country, long before il happened, was predicted by the holy French pilgrim, Benedict Labrc, whose miracles caused the conversion of the late Rev. Mr. Thayer, an American clergyman, who, during his resi- dence at Rome, was an ocular witness to several of them. With respect to miraculous cures of a late date, 1 have the most re. spectable attestation of several of them, and I am well acquaint- ed with four or five persons who have experienced them. The following facts are respectively attested, by the Rev. Thomas Sadler, of Trafford, near Manchester, and the Rev. J. Crathorne, of Garswood, near Wigan : — Joseph Lamb, of Eccles, near Man- chester, on the 12th of August, 1814, fell from a hay-rici , four yards and a half high, by which accident the spine of hi back appears to have been broken. Certain it is, that he could i thither walk nor stand without crutches, down to the second of Octobor, and that he described himself as suffering the most exquisite pain in his back. On that day, having prevailed, with much difficulty, upon his father, who was then a Protestant, to take him in a cart, with his wife and two friends, Thomas Cutler and Elizabeth Dooley, to Garswood, near Wigan, where the hand of F. Arrowsmith, one of the Catholic priests who suffered death at Lancaster, for the exercise of his religion, in the reign of Charles L, is preserved, and has often caused wonderful cureS; he procured himself to be conveyed to the altar-rails of the chapel, and there to be signed, on his back, with the sign of the cross, by that hand ; when, feeling a particular sensation and total change in himself, as he expressed it, he exclaimed to his wife : Mary, I can walk ! — This he did, without any help what- ever, walking first into an adjoining room, and thence to the cart which conveyed him home. With his debility, his pains als'^ left him, and his back has continued well ever since.f These Caracciolo, founder of the Regular Clerks ; of St. Angela de Mercis, found. r«ss of the Ursuline Nuns ; of St. Mary of the Incarnation, Mile. Acarie, &c One of the latest beatifications is that of B. Alfonso Liguori, Bishop of St Agata de Goti. * One of these, proved in the process of the last-mentioned saint, consisted in the cure and restoration of an amputated breast of a woman, who was at tke >oini of death from a cancer. T I'he Rev. Mr. Sadler's letter to mt is dated August 6, 1817. 148 LETTER XXni. particulars the above-named persons all declare upon oath. I nave attestations of incurable cancers, and other disorders, being suddenly remedied by the same instrument of God's bounty ; but it would be a tedious work to transcribe them, or the other attestations in my possession of a similar nature. Among those of my personal acquamtance who have experi- enced supernatural cures, I will mention Mary Wood, now !iving at Taunton Lodge, where several other witnesses of the facts which I am going to state live with her. " On March 15, 1309, Mary Wood, in attempting to open a sash-window, pushed her left hand through a pane of glass, which caused a very large and deep transverse wound in the inside of the left arm, and divided the muscles and nearly the whole of the tendons tiat lead to the hand ; from which accident she not only suf- fered, at times, the most acute pain, but was from the period I first saw her (March 15) till some time in July, totally deprived of the use of her hand and arm."* What passed between the latter end of July, when, as the surgeon elsewnere says, " he left his patient," having no hopes of restoring her, till th«' 6th of August, on the night of which she was perfectly and mirac- ulously cured, I shall copy from a letter to me, date Nov. 19, 1809, by her amanuensis, Miss Maria Hornyold : " Tae sur- geon gave little or no hopes of her ever again having the use of her hand, which, together with the arm, seemed withered and somewhat contracted ; only saying, in some years, nature might give her some little use of it, which was considered by her superiors as a mere delusive comfort. Despairing of fur- ther human assistance towards her cure, she determined, with the approbation of her said superiors, to have recourse to God, through the intercession of St. Winefred, by a Novena.f Accordingly, on the 6th of August, she put a piece of moss, from the saint's well, on her arm, continuing recollected and praying, &c., when, to her great surprise, the next morning she found she could dress herself, put her arm behind her and to her head, having regained the free use and full strength of it. In short, she was perfectly cured !" In this state I myself saw her a few years afterwards, when I examined her hand ; and in. the jame state she still continues, at the above-named place, with ot to mention that many of them were performed for the convt rsion of infidels, I am bound to cry out with the apostle, "Who hath known the mind of the Lord, or who hath been his counsellor !" Rom. xi. 34. Thus much is certain from Scripture, that the same Deity who preserved Jonas in the whale's belly to preach repentance to the Ninevites, created a gourd to shelter his head from the heat of the sun, (Jonas iv. 6,) and that as he sent fire from heaven to save his prophet Elias, so he caused iron to swim, in order to enable the son of a prophet to restore the axe which had been borrowed. 2 Kings, vi. 6. In like manner, we are not to reject miracles, sufficiently proved, under a pre- text that they are mean, and unworthy the hand of Omnipo- tence ; for we are assured, that God equally turned the dust of Egypt into lice, and the waters of it into blood. Exod. viii. Having lately perused the works of several of the most cele- brated Protestant writers, who, in defending the Scripture-mira- cles, endeavored to invalidate the credit of those they are pleased to call Popish miracles, I think it just, both to your cause and my own, to state the chief arguments they make use of, and the answers which occur to me in refutation of them. On this head, I cannot help expressing my surprise and concern that writers of character, and some of them of high dignity, should have published several gross falsehoods, not, I trust, intention- ally, but from the blind precipitancy and infatuation which a panic fear of Popery generally produces. The late learned Bishop of Salisbury, Dr. J. Douglas, has borrowed from the infidel Gibbon what he cal .s, " A most satisfying proof that the miracles ascribed to the Romish saints are forgeries cf an age posterior to that they lay claim to."* The latter says, " It may seem remarkable, that Bernard of Clairvaux, who lecords so * The criterion, or rules, by which the true miracles of the New Testa, ment are distinguished from the spurious miracles of pagans and papists, b John Douglas, D. D., Lord Bishop of Salisbury, p. 71, note 152 LETTER XXIV. many miracles of his friend St. Malachy, never takes notice of his own, which, in their turn, however, are carefully related by his companions and disciples. In the long series of ecclesiasti- cal history, does there occur an instance of a satnt asserting that he himself possessed the gift of miracles ?"* Adopting this obiection, the Bishop of Salisbury says : " I may safely chal- lenge the admirers of the Romish saints to produce any writing of any of them, in which a power of working miracles is claimed. "f Elsewhere he says: "From Xaverius himself (namely, from his published letters) we are furnished, not only with a negative evidence against his having any miraculous power, but also with a positive fact, which is the strongest pos- sible presumption against it. "J Nevertheless, in spite of the confident assertions of these celebrated authors, it is certain (though the last tilings which true saints choose to speai; of are their own supernatural favors) that several of them, when the occasion required it, have spoken of the miracles of which they were the instruments ;§ and, among the rest, these two identical saints, St. Bernard and St. Francis Xaverius, whom Gibbon and Dr. Douglas instance to prove their assertion. I have already referred to the passages in the works of St. Bernard, where he speaks of his miracles as of notorious facts, and I here again insert them in a note.|| With respect to St. Xaverius, he not only mentions, in those very letters which Dr. Douglas appeals to, a miraculous cure, which he wrought upon a dying woman in the kingdom of Travancor, but he expressly calls it a mira- cle, and affirms that it caused the conversion of the whole vil- lage in which she resided. IT A second palpable falsehood is thus confidently advanced by the capital enemy of miracles. Dr. Middleton : " I might risk the merit of my argument on this single point, that, after the apostolic times, there is not, in all history, one instance, either * Hist, of Decline and Fall, chap. xv. t Criterion, p. 369. I Ibid. p. 76. § The great St. Martin acknowledged his own miracles, since, according to his friend and biographer, Sulpicius, Dialogue 2, he used to say that he was not endowed with so great a power of working them, after he was a a bishop, as he had been before. II Addressing himself to P. Eugeniiis III., in answer to his enemies, whc reproached him with the ill success of the second crusade, he says : " Sed dicunt forsitan isti : Unde scimus quod a Domino sermo egressus sit ? Qua eigna tufacis ut credamus tibi? Non est quod ad ista i»)se respondeam parcendum verecundiae meae : responde tu pro me et pro '. ipso, secundum ea qasD vidisti et audisti." — De Consid.l. ii. c. 1. In like manner, writing te the people of Thoulouse, of his miracles wrought there, he says : " Mor* quidem brevis apud vos sed non infructuosa : veritate nirnirum per nos m»p ifestatS., non solum in sermoie sed etiam in virtute." — Ep 241. T Epist. S. F. Xaq. 1. i. e ). iv. OBJECTIONS ANSWflRED. 158 well attested, or even so much as mentioned, of any particular person who had ever exercised that gift, (of tongues,) or pre- tended to exercise it, in any age or country whatsoever."* In case your learned friend is disposed to take up the cause of M iddleton, I beg to refer him to the history of St. Pacomius, the Egyptian abbot, and founder of the Cenobites, who, "though he never learned the Greek or Latin language, yet sometimes mi- raculously spoke them both," as his disciple and biographer reports ;t and to that of the renowned preacher, St. Vincent Ferrer, who, having the gift of tongues, preached indifferently to Jews, Moors, and Christians, in their respective languages, and converted incredible numbers of each of these descriptions.:]: In like manner, the bull of the canonization of St. Lewis Ber- trand, A.D. 1671, declares that he possessed the gift of tongues, by means of which he converted as many as 10,000 Indians of different tribes in South America, in the space of three years. ^ Lastly, let your friend peruse the history of the great Apost'a of the East Indies, St. Xaverius, who, though he ordinari y studied the languages of the several nations to whom he an- nounced the word of God, yet on particular occasions, he was empowered to speak those which he had not learned. || This was the case in Travancor, as his companion Vaz testifies ; so as to enable him to convert and instruct 10,000 infidels, all of whom he baptized with his own hand. This was the case again at Amanguchi, in Japan, where he met with a number of Chinese merchants. Finally, the bull of St. Xaverius's canoni- zation by Urban VIII. proclaims to the world, that this saint was illustrated with the gift of tongues. So false is the bold assertion of Middleton, adopted in part by Bishop Douglas and other Protestants, that " there is not, in all history, one instance, either well attested, or so much as mentioned, of any person who had ever exercised the gift of tongues, or pretended to ex- ercise it." Nor is there more truth in what the Bishop of Salisbury, Dr. Paley, &c., maintain, namely, that " the Popish miracles," aa tney insultingly call them, "were not wrought to confirm any t_*uth, and that no converts were made by them !"ir In refuta- tion of this, I may again refer to the epitaph of our apostle, St. Augustin, and to the miracles of St. Bernard at Sarlat, men- tioned above. To these instances, I may add the prodigy of * Inquiry into Mirac. Powers, p. 120, &c. t Tillemonl. Mem. Ecc. torn. vii. t See his Life by Lanzano, Bishop of Lucca, also Spondanus ad An. 1403 § See Alban Butler's Saints' Lives, Oct. 9. y See Bouhour's Life of St. Xaverius, translated by Dryden, &c. f Criteif 3n, p. 369. View of Evidences, by Dr. Paley vol. i. p. 34fi 154 LETTER XXIV. St. Dominic, who, to prove the truth of the Catholic doct me, *hre\v a book containing it into the fiames, in which it remainoa unconsumed ; at the same time challenging the heretics, whom he was addressing, to make the same experiment on their creed.* In like manner, St. Xaverius, on a certain occasion, finding his words to have no effect on his Indian auditory, requested them .0 open the grave of a corpse that had been buried the day be- fore, when falling on his knees, he besought God to restore it to life for the conversion of the infidels present ; upon which, the dead man was instantly restored to life and perfect health, and the country round about received the faith. f It is chiefly through the sides of the Apostle of India, that the author of The Criterion endeavors to wound the credit of the other saints, and the Catholic Church, on the point of miracles. Hence, in the application of his three labored rules of criticism, he objects, that the alleged miracles of St. Xaverius were per- formed in the extremities of the east ; — that the accounts of them were published, not on the spot, but in Europe, at an im- mense distance ; — and this not till thirty-five years after the saint's death. J A single document, of the most public nature, at once overturns all the three rules in regard of this saint. He died at the end of 1552 ; and on the 28th of March, 1556, a letter was sent from Lisbon by John III., King of Portugal, to his viceroy in India, Don Francisco Baretto, " enjoining him to take depositions upon oath, in all, parts of the Indies, where there is a probability of finding witnesses, not only concerning the life and manners of Francis Xaverius, and of all the things commendably done by him, for the salvation and example of men, but also concerning the miracles which he has wrought, both living and dead. You shall send these authentic instru ments, with all the evidences and proofs, signed with your hand ■ writing, and sealed with your ring, by three different convey. ances."§ But the author of the Criterion, it seems, has more positive, and what he calls " conclusive evidence, that during this time • Petrus Valis Cern. Hist. Alb. Butler's Sainis' Lives, Aug. 4. t Tins was one of the miracles referred to by the Paravas of Cape Como- rin, when the Dutch sent a mini-ter from Batavia, to proselyte them to Pro. testantism. On this occasion, they answered this minister's discourse thus* •* The great father (St. Xaverius) raised to life five or six dead persons ; do you raise twice as many; do you cure all our sick, and make the sea twice AS productive of fish as it now is, and then we will listen to you." Du H»ide*s Recueil, vol. v. Berault's Bercasile's Hist. Ecc. torn, xxiii. p. 454. I Criler. pp. 78, 81. § This letter is extant in Tersellinus, but had been published several years befor(> by Emanuel Acosta, in his Keruin in Oriente Gestarum. Dilingen« 1671. Paris. 1572. OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. 155 (thirty-five years from his death) Xaverius's miracles had not been hoard of. The evidence," he says, " I shall allege, is that of Acosta, (namely Joseph Acosta,) who himself had been a missionary among the Indians. His work. Be Procuranda Indorum Salute^ was printed in 1589, that is, about thirty-seven years after the death of Xaverius, and in it we find an express acknowledgment that no miracles had ever been performed by missionaries among the Indians. — Acosta was himself a Jesuit, and therefore from his silence, we may infer unexceptionably, that between thirty and forty years had elapsed before Xave- rius's miracles were thought of"* — The argument has been thought so conclusive, that Mr. Le Mesurier,j Hugh Farmer,J the Rev. Peter Roberts,§ and other Protestant writers on mira- cles, have adopted it with exultation, and it has probably con- tributed as much to the author's title of Detector Douglas, as his exposure of the two impostors, Lauder and Archibald Bower. But what will the admirers of this Detector say, if it should ap- pear that Acosta barely says, that " there was not the same fac- ulty or facility of working miracles among the missionaries, which there was among the apostles ?"|| Or rather, what will they say, if this same Acosta, in the very work which Dr. Douglas quotes, expressly asserts, that signs and miracles too numerous to be related, accompanied the preaching of the gos- pel both in the East and in the West Indies in his oimi time .'IT And when, with respect to this illustrious personage, he further adds, " Blessed Father Francis," as he calls him, " being a man of an apostolical life, so many and such great signs have been re- ported of him by numerous and credible witnesses, that hardly more in number or greater in magnitude are read of any one, except the apostles.** Now all this I affirm Acosta does say, in the very work quoted by Bishop Douglas, a copy of which, I beg leave to inform your learned friend, (and through him, other learned men,) is to l3e found in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, under the title which I insert below.ff The author of The Cri- * Criterion, p. 73. t Bampton Lectures, p. 288. t Dissertation on Miracles, p. 205. § Observations on a pamphlet, II " Altera causa in nobis est cur apostolica praedicatio institui omnino non jiossit Apostolic^, quod miraculorum nulla /acu/^as sit, quae apostoli plurin^a perpetrarunt. ' — Acosta, de Proc. 1. ii. c. 8. T '* Et quidem dona spiritus signa et miracula, quae fidei praedicaticne iiu PiOtuerunt, his etiam temporihus, quando charitas, usque adeo refrixit, ennu. merare longum esset, turn in Orientali ilia India, turn in hac Occidentali."— De Procur. 1. i. c. 6. p. 141. ** '* Convertamus oculos in nostri saeculi hominen, B. Magistrum Fran, ciscum, virum apostolicae vitae, cujus tot et tarn magna eigna referuntur ppr plurimos, eosque idoneos testes, ut vix de alio, exceptis apostolis, plura le- gantur. Quid Magister Caspar aliique soeii, &c." — De Procur. Ind. Salut. 1. ii. c. 10, p. 226. ft The work of Toseph Acosfa, rVr Pmcurandn Tndtrrnm Salute^ is to o» 156 LETTER XXIV. tet'ion is hardly entitled to more mercy, for his cavils on what Ribadoneira says of the miracles of St. Ignatius, than for tho^e on what Acosta says ot the miracles of St. Xaverius. The fact is, the Council of Trent, having recently prohibited the pub- lication of any new miracles, until they had been examined and approved of by the proper ecclesiastical authority, Ribadeneira in the first edition of his Life of St. Ignatius, observed due cau tion in speaking of this saint's miracles. However, in that verj edition, he declared that many such had been wrought by him , which having been afterwards juridically proved, in the process of the saint's canonization, his biographer published them with- out scruple, as he candidly and satisfactorily informs his read- ers, in that third edition ; which now stands in his folio work of The Saints^ Lives.* I shall close this very long letter with a very few words re- specting a work which has lately appeared, animadverting on my account of the Miraculous i^ure of Wmefred White.* The writer sets out with the system ot Dr. Mludleton, by admitting none except Scripture miracles ; but very soon he undermines these miracles also, where he says : "An independent and ex- press uivine testimony is that alone, which can assure us whe- ther eifects are miraculous or not, except in a few cases." He thus reserves the proofs of Ciiristianity, as its advocates and its divine Founder himself have laid them down. He adds : "No mortal ought to have the presumption to say, a thing is or is not contrary to the established laws of nature." Again he inquired for at the Bodleian Library under the following quaint title: Johanna Papissa toti orbi manifesta, 8vo. c. 29. Art. Seld., because, for some reason or other, ii is bound up with that fanatical treatise. * " Mihi tantum abest ut ad vitam Ignatii iilustrandam miracula deese vi. deantur, ut multa eaque praestantissihia judicem in media luce versari." The writer proceeds to mention several cures, &c. edit. 1572. — I cannot close this article without protesting against the disingenuity of several Pro. testant writers, in reproaching Catholics with thv impositions practised by the Jansenist heretics at the tomb of Abbe Paris. In fact, who detected those impositions, and furnished Dr. Campbell, Dr. Douglas, &,c., with argu- ments against them, except our Catholic prelates and theologians ? In like manner, Catholics have reason to complain of these and other Protestant writers, for the manner in which they discuss the stupendous miracle that took place at Saragossa in 1640, on one Michael Pellicer, whose leg, having been amputated, he, by his prayers, obtained a new, natural leg • just as if this miracle rested on no better foundation than the slight mei tion which Cardinal Retz makes of it in his Memoirs. In fact, we might have expected that learned divines would have known that this miracle had been amply discussed, soon after it happened, between Dr. Siillingfleet and the Jesuit Edward Worsley ; in which discussion, the latter produced such attestation* of the fact as it seems impossible to discredit. — See Reascn and Religion p. 328. t By the Rev. Peter Roberts, Rector cf Llananaon, &,c. CATHOLICITY. i.b'^ says : " To prove a miracle there must be a proof of the par tioular divine agency." According to this system we may rfay : No one knows but the motion of the funeral procession, or some occult quality of nature, raised to life the widow of Nairn's son ! Mr. Roberts will have no difficulty in saying so as he denies tliat the resurrection of the murdered man from the touch of the prophet Elisha's bones, 2 Kings, xiii., was a miracle ! Possessed of this opinion, he can readily persuade himself, that a curvated spine and hemiplegia, or any other disease whatever, may be cured in an instant, by immersion in cold water, or by any other means. As it is not likely, how- ever, that any one else will adopt his opinion, I will say no more of his physical arguments on this subject. — He next pro- ceeds to charge W. White and her friends with a studied impo- sition ; in support of which charge, he asserts, that " the Church of Rome had not announced a miracle for many years." This only proves, that his ignorance of what is continually going on in the church, is equal to his bigotry against it. The same ignorance and bigotry are manifested in the ridiculous story concerning Sixtus V., which he copies from the unprincipled Leti, as also in his account of the exploded and condemned book, the Taxce Cancellarice, &c.* Towards the conclusion of his work, he expresses a doubt whether I have read Bishof IJouglas's Criterion, though I have so frequently quoted it , because, he says, if I had read it, I must have known that Acosta proves that St. Xavf/rius wrought no miracles among the Indians, and that the same thing appears from the saint's own letters. Now the only thing, dear sir, which these assertions prove, is that Mr. Robert'^ himself, no more than Bishop Doug- las, ever read either Aoosta's work, or St. Xaverius's letters, notwithstanding they sc frequently I'efer to them ; for this is the only way of acquitting them of a far heavier charge. I am, dear sir, &c. John Milner. LETTER XXV.— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ. &c. ON THE TRUE CHURCH BEING CATHOLIC. Pear sir — In treating of this third mark of the true church, as expres?Rd in our common creed, I feel my spirits sink within me, and I PHP almost tempted to throw away my pen, in despair. For H^hat chance is there of opening the eyes of candid Protenap'«i * Eaaeb. Eccles. Hist. !. \'. c. 15. 14 l.')8 LETTER XXV. to the other marks of the church, if they are capable of keeping them shut to this ? Every time they address the God of truth, either in solemn worship or in private devotion, *hey are forced, each of them, to repeal : I believe in THE CATHOLIC Church; and yet if 1 ask any of them the question : Are you a Catholic ? ie is sure to answer me : No I am a PROTESTANT! Was here ever a more glaring instance of inconsistency and self- condemnation among rational beings ! At the first promulgation of the Gospel, its followers weie distmguished from the Jews by the name of Christians, as wo learn from Scripture, Acts, xi. 26. Hence the title of Catholic did not occur in the primitive edition of the Apostles' Creed ;* but no sooner did heresies and schisms arise, to disturb the peace of the church, than there was found to be a necessity of oiscriminating the main stock of her faithful children, to whom the promises of Christ belonged, from those self-willed choosers of their articles of belief, as the word heretic signifies, and from those disobedient separatists, as the word schismatic means. For this purpose the title of CATHOLIC, or Universal., was adopted, and applied to the true church and her children. Accordingly, we find it used by the immediate disciples of the apostles, as a distinguishmg mark of the true church. One of these was the illustrious martyr St. Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, who, writing to the church of Smyrna, expressly says, that " Christ is where the Catholic Church is." In like manner, the same Church of Smyrna, giving a relation of the martyrdom of that holy bishop St. Polycarp, who was equally a disciple of the apostles, ad- dresses it to " The Catholic Churches. "f This characteristic title of the true church continued to be pointed out by the suc- ceeding fathers in their writings and the acts of their councils.^ St. Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem, in the 4th century, gives the following direction to his pupils : " If you go into any city, do not ask merely. Where is the church, or house of God? because the heretics pretend to have this : but ask. Which is the Catholic Church? because this title belongs alone to our holy mother. "^ '* We," says a father of the 5th century, " are called Catholic Christians. "II His contemporary, St. Pacian, describes himself vs follows : •' Christian is my name, Catholic is my surname : by ihe former I am called, by the latter I am distinguished. By che name of Catholic, our society is distinguished from all here* ik:«."ir But there is not one of the fathers or doctors of anti- * See four collated copies of it in Dupin's Bib. Eccl. torn. 1. t Euseb. Ecc. Hist. 1. iv. c. 15. X SS. Justin Clem. Alex. Appolin. 1 Nicaean can. 8. I. Constan can. i &,c. § Catech. 18. || Salvia de Gubern. Dei. 1. iv t St. Pacia i, Ep. i. ad Symp. ATHOLICITY. 159 ^ify, who enlaiges so copiously or so pointedly on this title of ,he true church, as the great St. Augustin, who died in the early part of the 5th century. " Many things," he says, " detain me in the bosom of the Catholic Church the very name of 'CATHOLIC detains me in it, which she has so happily pre- served amidst the different heretics ; that whereas they are all desirous of being called Catholics, yet, if any stranger were to ask them. Which is the assembly of the Catholics ? none of them would dare to point out his own place of worship."* To the same purpose, he says elsewhere : " We must hold fast the commu- nion of that church which is called Catholic, not only by her own children, but also by all her enemies. For heretics and schismatics, whether they will or not, when they are speaking of the Catholic Church with strangers, or with their own people, call her by the name of Catholic, inasmuch as they would not De understood, if they did not call her by the name by which all the world calls her."f In proportion to their affection for the glorious name of Catholic, is the aversion of these primitive doc- tors, to every ecclesiastical name or title derived from particu- lar persons, countries, or opinions. " What new heresy," says St. Vincent of Lerins, in the 6th century, " ever sprouted up, without bearing the name of its founder, the date of its origin," &LG.X St. Justin, the philosopher and martyr, had previously made the same remark in the second century, with respect to the Marcionite, Valentinian, and other heretics of his time.^ Fintttly, the nervous St. Jerom lays down the following rule on this subject : " We must live and die in that church, which, haviitg been founded by the apostles, continues down to the pre- sent day. If, then, you should hear of any Christians not deriving their name from Christ, but from some other founder, as the Marcionites, the Valentinians, &c., be persuaded that they are not of Christ's society, but of Antichrist's. "|| I now appeal to you, dear sir, and to the respectable friends who are accustomed to deliberate with you on religious subjects, whether these observations and arguments of the ancient fathers are not as strikingly true in this 19th century, as they were dur- ing the six first centuries, in which they wrote 1 Is there not among ihe rival churches, one exclusively known and distin- guished by the name and title of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, Rs well in EiUgland, Holland, and other countries, which 'protest igainst this church, as in those which adhere to it ? Does not Uiis efTulgent mark of the true religion so incontestably belong * Contra. Epist. Fundam. c. 1. t De Ver. Relig. c. 7. X Common. Advers. Haer. c 34. § Advers. Tryphon. U Advers. Luciferan. 160 LETTER XXVI. to US, in spite of eAcry effort to obscure it by the nick-names of Papists, Romanists. vi:c.,* that the rule of St. Cyril and St. Au- gustin is as good and certain now, as it was in their times ? What I mean is this: if any stranger in London, Edinburgh, or Amsterdam, were to ask his way to the Catholic chapel, I would risk my life for it, that no sober Protestant inhabitant would direct him to any other place of worship than to ours. On the other hand, it is notorious, that the different sects of Protestants, tike the heretics and schismatics of old, are denominated either from tlieir founders, as the Lutherans, the Calvinists, the Socin- lans, 6lc., or from the countries in which they prevail, as the Church of England, the Kirk of Scotland, the Moravians, &c.; or from some novelty in their belief or practice, as the Anabap- tists, the Independents, the Quakers, &c. The first father of Protestants was so sensible that he and they were destitute of every claim to the title of Catholic, that in translating the Apos- tles' Creed into Dutch, he substituted the word Christian for that of Catholic. The first Lutherans did the same thing in their catechism, for which they are reproached by the famous Fulke, who, to his own confusion, proves that me true church of Chiist must be Catholic in name, as well as in substance.'f I am, dear sir, 6dc. John Milner. LETTER XXVL— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ., «fcc ON THE QUALITIES OF CATHOLICITY. Dear sir — To proceed now, from the name Catholic, to the signification of that name : this is to be gathered from the etymology of the word itself, and from the sense in which the apostolical fathers and other doctors of the church have constantly used it. It is derived from the Greek word KaOaXiKbg, which means Universal ; and, accordingly, it has ever been employed by those writers, to discriminate the great body of Christians, under their legiti- mate pastors, and subsisting in all nations and all ages, from those comparatively small bodies of Christians, who, in certain places, and at certain times, have been separated from it. *' The Catholic Church," says St. Augustin, "is so called, be- cause it is spread throughout the world. "J " If your church," adds he, addressing certain heretics, "is Catholic, snow me that * St. Gregory of Tours, speaking of the Arians, and other contemporary heretics of the 6th century, says: " Romanorum nomine vocitant HOfiim re'igionis homines." Hist. 1. xvii. c. 25. t On tlie New Tes.'ament, p. 378. t Epist. 170. ad S. Scvei CATHOLICITY. 161 it spreads its branches throughout the world ; for such is the meaniag of the word Catholic."* " The Catholic or universal doctrine," writes St. Vincent of Lerins, " is that which remains the same throughout all ages, and will continue so till the end of the world. — He is a true Catholic, who firmly adheres to the faitli which he knows the Catholic Church has universally- taught from the days of old. "f It follows, from these and other testimonies of the fathers, and from the meaning of the term Uself, that the true church is Catholic or universal in three sev- eral respects, as to persons, as to places, and as to time, [t consists of the most numerous body of Christians ; it is more or less diffused wherever Christianity prevails ; and it has visibly existed ever since the time of the apostles. Hence, dear sir, when you hear me glorying in the name of Catholic, you are to under- stand me as equivalently proclaiming : — T am not a Lutheran, Qor a Calvinist, nor a Whitfieldite, nor a Wesleyan ; I am not of the Church of England, nor of the Kirk of Scotland, nor of the Consistory of Geneva : 1 can tell the place where, and the time when, each of these sects began ; and I can describe the limits within which they are respectively confined : but I am a naember of that great Catholic Church, which was planted by Christ and his apostles, and has been spread throughout the world, and which still constitutes the main stock of Christianity , that to which all the fathers of antiquity and the saints of all ages have belonged on earth, and still belong in the bright re- gions above ; that which has endured and overcome the persecu- tions and heresies of eighteen centuries : in short, that against which the gates of hell have not prevailed, and we are assured never shall prevail. All this is implied by my title of Catholic. But to form a more accurate opinion of the number and diffu- siveness of Catholics, compared with any sect of Protestants, it is proper to take a slight survey of their state in the four quar- ters of the world. In Europe, then, notwithstanding the revo- lutionary persecutions which the Catholic religion has endured, and is enduring, it is still the religion of the several states of Italy, of most of the Swiss Cantons, of Piedmont, of France, of Spain, of Portugal, and of the islands in the Mediterranean, of three parts in four of the Irish, of far the greater part of the Netherlands, Poland, Bohemia, Germany, Hungary, and ihe neighboring provinces ; and in those kingdoms and states in which it is not the established religion, its followers are very » Contra Gaudent. 1. iii. c. 1. t Commonit. The same fath(;r briefly^ and accurately defines the Catho. lie doctrine to be, that which has been b jlieved Semper et tibique tt ah of» nibuB. 14* 162 LETTER XXV. numerous, as in Holl md, Russia, Turkey, the Lutheran and Calvinistic states of Germany and England. Even in Sweden and Denmark several Catholic congregations, with their respec- tive pastors, are to be found. — The whole vast continent of South America, inhabited by many millions of converted In- dians, as well as by Spaniards and Portuguese, may be said to be Catholic ; the same may be said of the empire of Mexico, and the surrounding kingdoms in North America, including California, Cuba, Hispaniola, &c.; Canada and Louisiana are chiefly Catholic; and throughout the United Provinces, the Catholic religion, with its several establishments, is completely protected, and unboundedly propagated. — To say nothing of the islands of Africa, inhabited by Catholics, such as Malta, Ma- deira, Cape Verd, the Canaries, the Azores, Mauritius, Goree, &c., there are numerous churches of Catholics, established and organized under their pastors, in Egypt, Ethiopia, Algiers, Tunis, and the other Barbary states on the northern coast ; and thence, in all the Portuguese settlements along the western coast, particularly at Angola and Congo. Even on the eastern coast, especially in t'he kingdom of Zanguebar and Monopotapa. are numerous Catholic churches. There are also numerous Catholic priests, and many bishops, with numerous flocks, throughout the greater part of Asia. All the Maronites about ■ Mount Libanus, with their bishops, priests, and monks, are Catholics ; so are many of the ArmeniaLS, Persians, and other Christians, of the surrounding kingdoms and provinces.* In whatever islands or states the Portuguese or Spanish power does prevail, or has prevailed, most of the inhabitants, and in some, all of them have been converted to the Catholic faith. The whole population of the Philippine Islands, consisting of two millions of souls, is all Catholic. The diocese of Goa con- tains 400,000 Catholics. In short, the number of Catholics is so great throughout all the peninsula of India within the Gan- ges, notwithstanding the power and influence of Britain, as to excite the jealousy and complaints of the celebrated Protestant missionary, Dr. Bucnanan.f In a late parliamentary record, it is stated, that in Travancor and Cochin is a Catholic arch- bishopric and two bishoprics, one of which contains 35,000 comnmnicants.X There are numerous Catholic flocks, with their priesljj and even bishops, in all the kingdoms and states beyond the Ganges, particularly in Siam, Cochin-China, Tonquin, and » See Sir R. Steele's Account of the Catholic ReligioD 'J.roughout the woild. ^ t See Christian Researches in Asia, p. 131. Mem. Feci. t Dr. Kerr's Letter, quoted in the laie parliamentary report on the Catho (G question, p. 4S7. CATHOLICITY. 16S the different provinces of the Chinese empire. I must udd, on .his subject, that, whereas none of the great Protestant sects was ever much more numerous or widely spread than at pre- sent, the Catholic Church, heretofore, prevailed in all the coun- tries v/hich they now separately inhabit. The same may be said of the Greek schismatics, and in a great measure of the Ma'iomeians. It is in this point of view that the Right Rev. Dr. Marsh ought to institute his comparison between the Church of England and the Church of Rome ;* or rather, the Catholic Church, in communion with the See of Rome. In the mean time, we are assured by his fellow-prelate, the Bishop of Lincoln, that " The articles and liturgy of the Church of Eng- land do not correspond with the sentiments of the eminent re- formers on the Continent, or with the creeds of any Protestant churches there established, "f And with respect to this very church, nothing can be more inconsistent, than to ascribe the greater part of the population of our two islands to it. For if the Irish Catholics, the Scotch Presbyterians, the English Methodists and other dissenters, together with the vast popula- tion who neither are, nor profess to be, of any religion at all, are subtracted, to what a comparatively small number will the Church of England be reduced ! And, how utterly absurd would it be in her to pretend to be the Catholic Church ! Nor are these the only subtractions to be made from her numbers, and indeed from those of all other Christian societies, divided from the true church ; since there being but &ne baptism, all the young children who have been baptized in them, and all invin- cibly ignorant Christians, who exteriorly adhere to them, really belong to the Catholic Church, as I have elsewhere shown. In finishing this subject, I shall quote a passage from St. Au- gustin, which is as applicable to the sectaries of this age as it was to those of the age in which he wrote : " There are here- tics everywhere, but not the same heretics everywhere. For there is one sort in Africa, another sort in the East, a third sort :n Egypt, and a fourth sort in Mesopotamia, being different in different countries, though all produced by the same mother, namely, pride. Thus also the faithful are all born of one common mother, the Catholic Church ; and though they are everywhere dispersed, they are everywhere the same. "J But it is still more necessary that the true church should be CcUhohc or universal, as to time, than as to numbers or to place. (f tnere ever was a period since h^r foundation, in which she las failed, by teaching or promoting error or vice, then the pro- * Sc<' his Comparative View of the Churches of England and Roii«. t P romiine's Charge in 1803. X Lit . de Pact c. 8. 164 LETTER XXVI. mises of the Almighty in favor of the seed of David and le kingdom of the Messiah, in the Book of Psalms,* and in kiose of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel, have failed ;f then the more explicit promises of Christ, concerning this church and her pas- te rs, have failed ; J then the creed itself, which is the subject of our present discussion, has been false. § — On this point learned Protestants have been wonderfully embarrassed, and have involved themselves in the most palpable contradictions. A great proportion of them have maintained that the church, in past ages, totally failed, and became the synagogue of Satan, and that its head pastor, the Bishop of Rome, was and is the man of sin, the identical antichrist : but they have never been able to settle among themselves, when this, the most remarkable of all revolutions which have happened since the world began, actually took place ; or who were the authors, and who the opposers of it ; or by what strange means these authors pre- vailed on so many millions of people of different nations, lan- guages, and interests, throughout .Christendom, to give up the supposed pure religion, which they had learned from their fa- thers, and to embrace a new and false system, which its adver- saries now call Poj)ery! In a word, there is no way of account- ing for the pretended change of religion, at whatever period this may be fixed, but by supposing, as I have said, that the whole collection of Christians, on some one night went to Led Protestants, and awoke the next morning papists. That the church in communion with the See of Rome is tho originai, as well as the most numerous church, is evident ia several points of view. The stone cries out of the wall, as the prophet expresses it,|| in testimony of this. I mean that our venerable cathedrals and other stone churches, built by Catho- lic hands and for the Catholic worship, so as to resist, in some sort, that which is now performed in them, proclaim that ours is tile ancient and original church. This is still more clear from the ecclesiastical historians of our own as well as other nations Venerable Bede, in particular, bears witnessIT that Lie Roman missionary, St. Augustin of Canterbury, and his companions, converted our Saxon ancestors, at the end of the sixth century to the belief of the pope's supremacy, transu-b- stantiation, the sacrifice of the mass, purgatory, the invocation of saints, and the other Catholic doctrines and practices ; as learned Protestants in general agree.** Now, as these mission- * Ps. Ixxxviii. alias Ixxxix. ^ c. t Isaiah, c. liv. lix. Jerem. xxxi. 31. Dan. ii. 44. ; Matt. XV. 13. — xxviii. 19, 20. § I believe in the Holy Catholic Ohurcii II Habak. ii. 11. IT Hist. Eccles. •* Bishop Bale. Dr. Humphreys, the Centur. of Magdeb. dtc. CATHOLICITY. 165 aries were found to be of the same faith and religion, not mly with the Irish, Picts, and Scots, who were converted almos. two centuries before them, but also with the Britons or Welsh, wlio became Christians in the second century, so as only to differ from them about the time of keeping Easter, and a few other un- essential points, this circumstance alone proves the Catnolic reli gion to have been that of the church at that early age. Still, the most demonstrative proofs of the antiquity and originality of ©ur religion, are gathered from comparing it with that coritained in the works of the ancient fathers. An attempt was made, during a certain period, by some eminent Protestants, especially in this country, to press the fathers into their service. Among these. Bishop Jewel of Sarum was the most conspicuous. He not only boasted that those venerable witnesses of the primitive doctrine were generally on his side, but also published the fol- lowing challenge to the Catholics : " Let them show me one only father, one doctor, one sentence, two lines, and the field is theirs."* However, this his vain boasting, or rather deliberate impugning the known truth, only served to scandalize sober and learned Protestants, and among others his biographer. Dr. Humphreys, who complains that he thereby " gave a scope to the papists, and spoiled himself and the Protestant Church. ^'f In fact, this hypocrisy, joined with his shameful falsifications of the fathers, in quoting them, occasioned the conversion of a ben- eficed clergyman, and one of the ablest writers of his age, Dr. W. Reynolds. "J Most Protestant writers of later times§ fol- low the late Dr. Middleton, and Luther himself; in giving up the ancient fathers to the Catholics without reserve, and thereby the faith of the Christian church during the six first centuries, of which faith these fathers were the witnesses and teachers. Among other passages to this purpose, the above-named doctor writes as follows : " Every one must see what a resemblance the principles and practice of the fourth century bear to the present rites of the Popish church. "|| Thus, by the confession o her most learned adversaries, our church is not less CATHO- LIC or universal, as to time, than she is with respect to name^ hcahty, and numbers. I am, &c. John Milner. * See Jewel's Sennon at St Paul's Cross, likewise his AnsM ers to Pr. Cole. t Lite of Jewel, quoted by Walsingham, in his invaluable Search into Matters of Religion, p. 172. t Dodd's Church His-., vo ii. § See the acknowledgment on this head of the learned Pro'estani*, Obretcht, Doumoulin, and Casaubon. (I Inquiry into Miracles^ Iiitrod. p. 45. kM LETTER XXVII. LETTER XXVII.— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ, Ac OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. Dear sir — I HAVE received the letter written by your visiter, the Rev. Joshua Clark, B. D., at the request, as he states, of certain members of your society, animadverting on my last to you ; an unswer to which letter I am requested to address to you. The reverend gentleman's arguments are by no means consistent one with another ; for like other determined controvertists, he attacks his adversary with every kind of weapon that comes to his hand, in the hope per fas et nefas of disabling him. He maintains, in the first place, that though Protestantism was not visible before it was unveiled by Luther, it subsisted in the hearts of the true faithful, ever since the days of the apostles, anJ that the believers in it constituted the real primitive Catho- lic Church. — To this groundless assumption i answer, that an invisible church is no church at all ; that the idea of such a church is at variance with the predictions of the prophets re- specting Jesus Christ's future church, where they describe it as a Mountain on the top of mountains, Is. ii. 2, Mich. iv. 2, and as a city, whose watchmen shall never hold their peace, Is. Ixii. 0, and, indeed, with the injunction of our Lord himself to tell the church, Matt, xviii. 17, in the case which he mentions. It is no less repugnant to the declaration of Luther, who says of himself, "At first I stood alone ;"* and to that of Calvin, who says, "The first Protestants were obliged to break off from the whole world ;"■(■ as also to that of the Church of England in her homilies, where she says : " Laity and clergy ; learned and unlearned, all ages, sects, and degrees have been drowned in abominable idolatry, most detested by God and damnable to man, for 800 years and more.":]: As to the argument in favor of an invisible church, drawn from 1 Kings, xix. 18, where the Almighty tells Elijah, " I have left me 7,000 in Israel, whose knees have not been bowed to Baal ;" our divine."? fail not to observe, that however invisible the church of the old law "Has in the schismatical kingdom of Israel, at the time here spoken of, it was most conspicuous and flourishing in its proper seat, the kingdom of Judah, under the pious King Josaphat. Mr. Clark's second argument is borrowed from Dr. Porteus, and consists in a mere quibble. In answer to the question : " Where was the Protestant religion before Luther ?" this pre- late replies: "It was just where it is now : only that then it • Opera. Pref. t Epiet. 171. t Peri" of Tdcatiry, j iu OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. 167 was corrupted with many sinful errors, from which it is now reformed."* But this is to fall back into the refuted system of an invisible church and to contradict the homilies, or else it is to confess the real truth, that Protestancy had no existence be- fore the sixteenth century. The reverend gentleman next maintains, on quite opposite grounds, that there have been large and visible socieiies of Pro^ tcstants, as he calls them, who have stood in opposition to tlie Churcli of Rome, in all past ages. — True, there have been her- etics and schi.smatics of one kind or other during all that time, from Simon Magus down to Martin Luther ; many sects of whom, such as the Arians, the Nestorians, the Eutychians, the Monotholites, the Albigenses, the Wickliffites, and the Hussites, have been exceedingly numerous and powerful in their turns, Though most of them have now dwindled awp,y to nothing : but )bserve, that none of the ancient heretics held the doctrines of \ny description of modern Protestants, and all of them main- lained doctrines and practices which modern Protestants repro- bate, as much as Catholics do. Thus the Albigenses were real Manicheans, holding two first principles or deities, attributing the Old Testament, the propagation of the human species, to Satan, and acting up to these diabolical maxims. f The Wick- liffites and Hussites, were the levelling and sanguinary Jacobins of the times and countries in which they lived ;J in other re- spects these two sects were Catholics, professing their belief in .he seven sacraments, the mass, the invocation of saints, purga- tory, &;c. If, then, your reverend visiter is disposed to admit such company into his religious communion, merely because they protested against the supremacy of the pope, and some other Catholic tenets, he must equally admit Jews, Mahome- tans, and pagans into it, and acknowledge them to be equally Protestants with himself. Your reverend visiter concludes his letter with a long disser- tation, in which he endeavors to show, that however we Catho- lics may boast of the antiquity and perpetuity of our church in past times, our triumphs must soon cease by the extinction of this church, in consequence of the persecution now carrying on against it in France, and other parts of the continent ;§ and also from the preponderance of the Protestant power in Europe, particularly that of our own country, which, he says, is nearly as much interested in the extirpation of Popery as of Jacobinism. My answer _::» this : I see and bewail the anti-catholic persecu- tion which has been, and is carried on in France and its (^^ « Confut. p. 79. t See an account of them, and the authorities on which this resi, in UUtr* to a Prebendary, Letter IV. X Ibid. ( Namely, in iH09 168 LETTER XXVII. pendent states, where to decatholicize is the avowed order of the day. This was preceded by the less sanguinary, though equally anti-catholic persecution of the Emperor Joseph II., and his relatives in Germany and Italy. I hear the exultations and menaces on this score of the Wranghams, De Coetlogons, 1 ow- sons, Bichenos, Ketts, Fabers, Daubenys, and a crowd of othei declamatory preachers and writers, some of whom proclaim that the Romish Babylon is on the point of falling, and others that she is actually fallen. In the mean time, though more living branches of the mystical Vine should be cut off by the sword, and though more rotten branches should fall off, from their own decay,* I am not at all fearful for the life of the Tree itself, since the Divine veracity is pledged for its safety, as long as the sun and moon shall endure, (Psalm Ixxxix.,) and since the experience of eighteen centuries has confirmed our faith in these divine promises. During this long interval, kingdoms and em- pires have risen and fallen, the inhabitants of every country have been repeatedly changed ; in short, every thing has changed except the doctrine and jurisdiction of the Catholic Church, which are precisely the same now that Christ and his apostles left them. In vain did pagan Rome, during three cen- turies, exert its force to drown her in her own blood; in vain did Arianism and the other contemporary heresies sap her foun- dations during two centuries more ; in vain did hordes of bar- barians from the north, and of Mahometans from the south, rush forward to overwhelm her ; in vain did Luther swear that he * Since the present letter was written, many circumstances have occurred to show the mistaken politics of our rulers, in endeavoring to weaken and supplant the religion of their truly loyal and conscientious Catholic subjects. Among other measures for this purpose, may be mentioned the late instruc lions sent to the Governor of Canada, which Catholic province alone re. mained faithful at the time of trial, when all the Protestant provinces abjured their allegiance. To the same intent may be cited the letter of Dr. Kerr, Benior chaplain of Fort St George, quoted in the late parliamentary report. By this it appears that the Catholics in that province generally converted about three hundred infidels to Christianity every year, and that there was a prospect of their converting many of the Hindoo chiefs, but that our govern, ment set its face against these conversions. Thus is the obscene and bar- barous worship of Juggernaut himself preferred to the religion which con- verted and civilized our ancestors. Juggernaut, as Dr. Buchanan informs us, is a huge idol, carved with the most obscene figures round it, and publicly worshipped before hundreds of tho'osands, with obscene songs and unnatural rites, too gross to be described. It is placed on a carriage, under the wheels of which great numbers of its votaries are encouraged to throw themselves, in order to be crushed to death by them. Now this infernal worship is not barely permitted, but even supported by our government in India, as it takes a tribute from each individual who is present at it, and likewise defrays the txpense of it, to the amount, says Dr. Buchanan, of jB8,700 annually, inclu. ding the keep of prostitutes, Sec. APOSTOLICITY. 169 Aimself would be her death :* she has survived these, and mi- merous other enemies equally redoubtable ; and she will sur- vive even the fury and machinations of anti-christian philosophy j though directed against her exclusively, for not a drop of Pro- testant blood has been shed in this impious persecution. Nor is that church which, in a single kingdom, the very head-quar- ters of infidelity, could at once furnish 24,000 martyrs and 60.000 voluntary exiles, in defence of her faith, so likely to sink under external violence, or internal weakness, as your reve- rend visiter supposes. Alluding to the then recent attempt of the Emperor Julian to falsify the prophecy of Daniel, by re- building the Jewish temple, St. John Chrysostom exclaimed : " Behold the temple of Jerusalem ; God has destroyed it : have men been able to restore it ? Behold the church of Christ ; God has built it : have men been able to destroy it ?" Shoul(! the Almighty permit such a persecution to befall any of the Pro- testant communions, as we have beheld raging against the Cath- olic Church on the continent, does your visiter really believe that its clergy and other members will exhibit the same con- stancy in suffering for their respective tenets, that our clergy and people have shown in defence of hers ? In fact, for what tenets should the former suffer exile and death, since, without persecution, they have all, in a manner, abandoned their origi- nal creeds, from the uncertainty of their rule of faith, and their own natural mutability ? Human laws and premiums may preserve the exterior appearance, or mere carcass of a church, as one of your divines expresses it; but while the pastors and doctors of it demonstrate by their publications, that they no longer maintain her fundamental articles, can we avoid sub- scribing to the opinion expressed by a late dignitary of it, that " the Church of England, properly so called, is not in exist- ence ?"f — I am, &c. John Milner. LETTER XXVIII.— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ., &c ON THE APSTOLICITY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCFI. Dkar sir — The last of the four marks of the church, mentioned in our common cieed, is Apostolicity. We each of us declare, in our solemn worship : / believe in One, Hdly, Catholic, and APOSTOLICAL Church. Christ's last commission to his * Luther ordered this epitaph to be engraved on his tomb : — Pesi^fi eram nten9t morins ero mors tua^ papa. t Cunfeesional, p. 244. 16 170 LETTER xxvm. apostles was this : Go teach all nations, baptizing them in the nanm of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost : and, lo ! I am with you always, even unto THE END OF THE WORLD, Matt, xxviii. 20. Now the event has proved, as I have already- observed, that the apostles themselves were only to live the ordinary term of man's life ; therefore the commission of preach- ing and ministering, together with the promise of the Divine assistance, regards the successors of the apostles, no less thaa the apostles themselves. This proves that there must hav© been an uninterrupted series of such successors of the apostles in every age since their time ; that is to say, successors to their doctrine, to their jurisdiction, to their orders, and to their mission. Hence it follows, that no religious society whatever, which cannot trace its succession, in these four points, up to the apos- tles, has any claim to the characteristical title, APOSTOLl CAL. Conformably with what is here laid down, we find the fathers and ecclesiastical doctors of every age, referring to this mark of apostolical succession, as demonstrative of their belonging to the true church of Christ. St. Irenseus of Lyons, the disciple of St. Polycarp, who himself appears to have been consecrated by St. John the Evangelist, repeatedly urges this argument against his contemporary heretics. " We can count up," he says, "those who were appointed bishops in the churches by the apostles and their successors down to us, none of whom taugh? this doctrine. But as it would be tedious to enumerate the sue cession of bishops in the different churches, we refer you to tli^ tradition of that greatest, most ancient, and universally known church, founded at Rome by St. Peter and St. Paul, and which has been preserved there, through the succession of its bishops, down to the present time." He then recites the names of the several popes down to Eleutherius, who was then living.* Ter- tullian, who also flourished in the same century, argues in the same manner, and challenges certain heretics in these terms : " Let them produce the origin of their church ; let them display the succession of their bishops, so that the first of them may appear to have been ordained by an apostolic man, who perse- vered in their communion." He then gives a list of the pon- tiffs in the Roman See, and concludes as follows : " Let the lieretics feign any thing like this."f The great St. Auguslin, who wrote in the fifth century, among other motives of credi- bility in favor of the Catholic religior , mentions the one in ques tioD : " I am kept in this church," he says, " by the succession * Lib. iii. advers User. c. 3. t "Fingan tale aliquid haeretici." PrsBScript. APOSTOLICITY. 171 of prelates from St. Peter, to whom tha Lord ccrrnitted thi care of his sheep, -.lown to the present bishop."* In like man- ner St. Optatus, writing against the Donatists, enumerates a.\{ the popes from St. Peter down to the then living pope, Siricius, " with whom," he says, " we and all the world are united in communion. Do you, Donatists, now give the history of youi episcopal ministry. "f In fact, this mode of proving the Catho- ic Church to be apostolical, is conformable to common sens< ttud constant usage. If a prince is desirous of showing his title to a throne, or a nobleman or gentleman his claim to an estate he fails not to exhibit his genealogical table, and to trace his pedigree up to some personage whose right to it was unquestion- able. I shall adopt the same precise method on the present occasion, by sending your society a slight sketch of our apos- tolical tree, by which they will see, at a glance, an abridgment of the succession of our chief bishops in the Apostolical See of Rome, from St. Peter up to the present edifying pontiff, Pius VII., as likewise that of other illustrious doctors, prelates, and saints, who have defended the apostolical doctrine by their preaching and writings, or who have illustrated it by their lives. They will also see the fulfilment of Christ's injunction to the apostles and their successors, in the conversion of nations and people to his faith and church. Lastly, they will behold the unhappy series of heretics and schismatics, who, in different ages, have fallen off from the doctrine or communion of the Apostolio Church. But as it is impossible, in so narrow a compass a3 the present sheet, to give the names of all the popes, or to ex- nibit the other particulars here mentioned, in the distinct am detailed manner which the subject seems to require, I will tr^ to supply the deficiency by the subjoined copious note. J * Contra Epist. Fundam. t Contra Parmen. lib. ii. X CENT. I. Within the fiist century from the birth of Christ, this long expected Mes siah founded the kingdom of his holy church in Judea, and chose his ap^tles to propagate it throughout the earth, over whom he appointed Simon, as the centre of union and head yasior, charging him to feed his whole flock, sheep as well as lambs, giving hi ii the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and chang ing his name into that of PETER, or ROCK ; adding, On this rock I wiU build my church. Thus dignified, St. Peter first established his see at Anti och, the head city of Asia, whence he sent his disciple, St. Mark, to estab lish and govern the See of Alexandria, the head city of Africa. He after- wards removed his own see to Rome, the capitol of Europe and the world. Here having, widi St. Paul, sealed the gospel with his blood, he transmitted his prerogative to St. Linus, from whom it descended in succession to St Cletus and St. Clement. Among the othei illustrious doctors of this age are to be reckoned, first, the other apostles, tl en SS. Mark, Luke, Barnaby, Timothy, Titus, Hermas, Ignatius, Bishop ot Antioch, and Polycarp, of Smyrna. From the few remaining writings ol these may be gathered th« 172 LETTER XXVIII. I do not, dear sir, pretend to exhibit a history of the churcKj nor even a regular epitome of it, in the present not(3, any more than in the apostolical tree ; nevertheless, either of these will give you and your respectable society, a sufficient idea of the necessity of unity and submission to bishops, tradition, the real presence the eacrifice of the mass, veneration for relics, &cc. In this age churches were foi nded in the above-mentioned places, as also in Samaria, throughout Lesser Asia, in Armenia, India, Greece, Egypt, Ethiopia, Italy, Spain, and Gaul In this apostoUcal age, also, and, as it were, under the eyes of the apostles, different proud innovators pretended to reform the doctrine which the latter taught. Among these were Simon the magician, Hymeneus and Phileius, the incontinent Nicolaites, Cerinthus, Ebion, and Menander. CENT. II. The succession of chief pastors in the chair of Peter was kept up through this century by the following popes, who were also, for the most part, i.iar. tyrs : Anacletus, Evaristus, Alexander I., Xystus I., Telesphorus, Hyginus^ Pius I., Anicetus, Soter, Eleutherius, who sent Fugatius and Damianus to convert the Britons, and Victor I., who exerted his authority against ceram Asiatic bishops, the Quarto-decimans, so called from their keeping Easter at an undue time. The truth of Christianity was defended in this age, by the apologists Quadratus, Aristides, Melito, and .Tustin, the philosopher and mar- tyr ; and the rising heresies of Valentinian, Marcian, and Carpocrates, were confounded by the bishops Dionysius of Corinth, and Theophylusof Antioch, in the East ; and by St. Irenaeus and Tertullian in the West. In the mean time the Catholic Church was more widely spread, through Gaul, Germany, Scythia, Africa, and India, besides Britain. CENT. III. The popes who presided over the church in the third age, were all emi- nent for their sanctity, and almost all of them became martyrs. Their names are Zephyrinus, Calixtus I., Urban I., Poniianus, Antherus, I'abian, Corne- lius, Lucius, Stephen I., Xystus II., Dionysius, Felix I., Euiychian, Caius, and Marcellinus. The most celebrated doctors of this age were St. Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and Minutius Felix ; St. Cyprian and St. Hypolitus, both martyrs ; and St. Gregory, surnamed for his miracles, Thaumaturgus, Bishop of Neocesarea. At this time, Arabia, the Belgic provii ces, and many districts of Gaul were almost wholly converted ; whilst Pau of Samosata, for denying the divinity of Christ ; Sabellius, for impugning he distinction of persons in the B. Trinity ; and Novatus, for denying the power of the Church to remit sins ; with Manes, who believed in two D( ties, were cut ofl as rotten branches from the apostolic tree. CENT. IV. 8St. Marcellus, the first pop •. in this century, died through the hardships of fcnprisonment for the faith. After him came Eusebius, Melchiades, Silves- ter, under whom the Councils of Aries, against the Donatists, and of Nice, against the Arians, were held ; Marcus, Julius, in whose time the right of appeal to the Roman See was confirmed, Liberius and Damasus. The oliurch, which hitherto had been generally persecuted by the Roman ernpe. rors, was in this age, alternately protected and oppressed by them. In tho mean time, her numbers were ^-odigiously increased by conversions through, »ut tlie Roman empire, and also in Armenia, Iberia, and Abyssinia ; and hei APOSTOLICITT. 178 tiniiiter.'uptel succes^.on of supreme pastors, wnich has sub. sisted in ho See of Rome from St. Peter, whom Christ made head of his church, up to the present pope, Pius VII. And this attribute of perpetual succession, you are, dear sir, tc observe, faith was invincibly maintained by St. Athanasius, St. Hilary, St Gregory Nazianzen, St. Basil, St. Ambrose of Milan, &c., against the Arians, whc opposed the Divinity of Christ ; the Macedonians, who denied that of the Holy Ghost, the Arians, who impugned episcopacy, fasting, and prayers foi the dead, and other new heretics and schismatics. CENT. V. During this age the perils and sufferings of the church were great ; but s» also were the resources and victories by which her divine Founder supported her. On one hand, the Roman empire, that fourth great dynasty, compared by Daniel to iron, was broken to pieces by numerous hordes of Goths, Van- dals- Huns, Burgundians, Franks, and Saxons, who came pouring in upon the civilized world, and seemed to be on the point of overwhelming arts, sciences, laws, and religion, in one undistinguished ruin. On the other hand, various classes of powerful and subtle heretics strained every nerve to corrupt the apostolic doctrine, and to interrupt the course of the apostles' sue cessors. Among these, the Nestorians denied the union of Christ's divine and human natures ; the Eutychians confounded them together ; the Pela- gians contradicted the necessity of divine grace, and the followers of Vigilan- tius scoffed at celibacy, prayers to the saints, and veneration for their relics. Against those innovators, a train of illustrious pontiffs and holy fathers op. posed themselves, with invincible fortitude and decided success. The popes were Innocent I., Zosimus, Boniface I., Celestin I., who presided by his le. gates in the Council of Ephesus, Xystus III., Leo the Great, who presided in .hat of Chalcedon, Hilarius, Simplicius, Felix III., Gelasius I., Anastasiua II., and Symmachus. Their zeal was well seconded by some of the bright- est ornaments of orthodoxy and litera' ire that ever illustrated the church St. John Chrysostom, St. Jerom, St. ^iugusiin, St. Gregory of Nyssa, Sec. By their means, and those of other apostolic Catholics, not only were the enemies of the church refuted, but also her bounds greatly enlarged by the conversion of the Franks, with their king, Clovis, and of the Scotch and the Irish. The apostle of the former was St. Palladius, and of the latter St. Pa* rick, both commissioned by the See of Rome. CENT. VI. The church had to combat with infidels, heretics, and worldly politicians, in this as in other ages ; but failed not to receive the accustomed proofs ot the divine protection, amidst her dangers. The chief bishops succeeded each other in the following order : Hormisdas, St. John I., who died a pris. oner for the faith, Felix IV., Boniface II., John II., Agapetus I., St. Silve. rius, who died in exile for the unity of the church, Vigilius, Pelagius I., John III., Benedict I., Pelagius II., and St. Gregory the Great, a name whiei ought to be engraved on the heart of every Englishman who knows how to value the benefits of Christianity, since it was he who first undertook li preach the gospel to our Saxon ancestors, and when he was prevented by force from doing this, sent his deputies, St. Augustin and his companions, on this apostolical errand. Other shining lights of this age were St. Fulgentius of Ruspa, Cesarius of Aries, liupus, Germanus, Severus, Gregory of Tours, our venerable Gildas, and tho great patriarch 4^ the monks, St. Benedict 15* nproved and licensed for his particular place andywnc- tion. This is also clear from the form of induction of a clerk into any cure.f In virtue of this system, when episcopacy was re-established in Scotland, in the year 1662, four Presbyterian ministers, having been appointed by the king to that office, the English bishops refused to consecrate them, unless they con- sented to be previously ordained deacons and priests ; thus re- nouncing their former ministerial character, and acknowledging that they had hitherto been mere laymen. if In like manner, on the accession of King William, who was a Dutch Calvinist, to the throne, when a commission often bishops and twenty divines was appointed to modify t^e articles and liturgy of the Estab- lished Church, for the purpose of forming a coalition with the dissenters, it appeared that the most lax among them, such as Tillotson and Burnet, together with Chief Baron Hales, and other lay lords, required that the dissenting ministers should, at least, be conditionally ordained,^ as being, thus far, mere lay- men. In a word, it is well known to be the practice of the Established Church, at the present day, to ordain all dissenting Protestant ministers of every description, who go over to her ; whereas, she never attempts to re-ordain an apostate Catholic priest who offi^rs himself to her service, but is satisfied with his taking the oaths prescribed by law.|| This doctrine of the Establishment, evidently unchurches (as Dr. Heylin expresses it) all other Protestant communions, as it is an established prin- ♦ Stat. 13 and 14 Car. II., c. 4. t " Curam et regimen animarum parochianorum tibi committimus." X Collier's Eccl. Hist. Vol. ii. p. 887. It appears from the same history that four other Scotch ministers, who had formerly permitted themselves to be consecrated bishops, were, on that account, excommunicated and de. graded by the kirk. Records, N. cxiii. § Lif3 of Tillotson, by D. Birch, pp. 42, 176. II Notwithstanding these proofs of the doctrine and practice of the Estab- lished Church, a great proportion of her modern divines consent, at the pres. ent day, to sacrifice all her pretensions to divine authority and uninterrupted Buccession. It has been shown in The Letters to a Prebendary, that in ihe (principles of the celebrated Dr. Balguy, a priest or bishop can as well be made by the town-crier, if commissioned by the civil power, as by the me- tropolitan. To this system, Dr. Sturges, Dr. Hey, Dr. Paley, Dr. Tomline, and a crowd of other learned theologians subscribe their names. Even the Bishop of Lincoln, in maintaining episcopacy to be an apostolical institution, denies it to be binding on Christians to adopt it ; which, in fact, is to reduce It to a mere oivil and optional practice. Elem. Vol. ii. Art. 23. ATOSTO LICIT Y. 188 ciple, that, no ministry no church ;* and with equal evidence, it unchristians them also ; since this church unanimous!) resolved, in 1575, that baptism cannot be performed by any person but a lawful minister. f But dismissing these uncertain and wavering opinions, we know what little account all other Protestants, except thoso of England, have made of apostolical succession and Episcopal ordination. Luther's principles on these points are clear from his famous hull against the FALSELY CALLED order of bishops,"^ where he says : " Give ear now, you bishops, or ra- ther you visors of the devil : Dr. Luther will read you a bull and a reform, which will not sound sweet in your ears." Dr. Luther's bull^and reform is this : " Whoever spend their labor, persons, and fortunes, to lay waste your episcopacies, and to extinguish the government of bishops — they are the beloved of God, true Christians, and opposers of the devil's ordinances. On the other hand, whoever support the government of bishops, and willingly obey them — they are the devil's ministers," &;c. True it is, that afterwards, namely, in 1542, this arch-reformer, to gratify his chief patron, the Elector of Saxony, took upon himself to consecrate his bottle-companion, Amsdorf, Bishop of Naumburgh :§ but then it is notorious from the whole of his conduct, that Luther set himself above all law, and derided all consistency and decency. Nea.rly the same may be said of an- other later reformer, John Wesley, who, professing himself to be a preshyter of the Church / "^n^land, pretended to ordain Messrs. Whatcoat, Vesey, &c. priests, and to consecrate Dr. Coke, a bishop !\\ With equal inconsistency the elders of Hern- huth, in Moravia, profess to consecrate bishops for England and other kingdoms. On the other hand, how averse the Calvinists and other dissenters are, to the very name, as well as the office of bishops, all modern histories, especially those of England and Scotland, demonstrate. But, in short, by whatever name, whether of bishops, priests, deacons, or pastors, these ministers respectively call themselves, it is undeniable, that they are all telf -appointed, or, at most, they derive their claim from other men, who themselves were self-appointed, fifteen, sixteen, or seventeen hundred years subsequent to the time of the apostles. The chief question which remains to be discussed, concerni * " Ubi nullus est sacerdos nulla est ecclesia." St. Jerom, &c. T Elem. of Theol. Vol. ii. p. 471. X Adversus falso Normin. Tom. ii. Jen. A. D. 1525. § Sleidan, Comment. L. 14. II Dr. Whitehead's Life of Charles and John Wesley. It appears that Charles was horribly scandalized at this step of his brother John, aixl that a lasting schism among the Wesleyan Methodists was the consequence of it 84 LETTER XXIT. the ministry of ihe CJhurch of England ; namely, whether the first Protestant bishops appointed by Queen Elizabeth, when the Catholic bishops were turned out of their sees, did or did not re- ceive valid consecration from some other bishop, who himself was validly consecrated ? The discussion of this question has filled many volumes, the result of which is, that the orders are, to say the least, exceedingly doubtful. For, first, it is ceilain that the doctrine of the fathers of this church was very loose, as to the necessity of consecration and ordination. Its chief founder, Cranmer, solemnly subscribed his name to the position, that princes and governors, no less than bishops, can make priests, and that no consecration is appointed by Scripture tc make a bishop or priest.* In like manner, Barlow, on the \a lidity of whose consecration that of Matthew Parker and of a"l succeeding Anglican bishops chiefly rests, preached openly that the king's appointment, without any orders or ordination what- soever, suffices to make a bishop. f This doctrine seems to have been broached by him, to meet the objection that he him- self had never been consecrated : in fact, the record of such a transaction has been hunted for in vain, during these 200 years. Secondly, it is evident from the books of controversy still ex- tant, that the Catholic doctors, Harding, Bristow, Stapleton, and Cardinal Allen, who had been fellow-students, and intimately acquainted with the first Protestant bishops, under Elizabeth, and particularly with Jewel, Bishop of Sarum, and Home, Bishop of Winton, constantly reproached them, in the most pointed terms, that they revei uud been consecrated at all; and that they in their voluminous replies, never accepted of the challenge or refuted the charge, otherwise than by ridiculing the Catholic consecration. Thirdly, it appears that after an interval of fifty years from the beginning of the controversy, namely in the year 1613, when Mason, chaplain to Archbishop Abbot, published a work, referring to an alleged register a* Lambeth, of Archbishop Parker's consecration by Barlow, as- sisted by Coverdale and others, the learned Catholics univer sally exclaimed that the register was a forgery, unheard cf til that date ; and asserted among other arguments, that, admitMg it to be true, it was of no avail, as the pretended consocrator ol Parker, though he had sat in several sees, had not hiraself been cxinsecratea for any of them. J » Buniet's Hist, oi" Reform. Records, B. iii. N. 21. Sec also his Rec Part ii. N. 2, by which it appears that Cranmer and the other complying prelates, on the death of Henry VHL, took out fresh commissions from Ed ward VI., to govern their dioceses, durante bene placito, like mere fivif officers. II Cullior's Eccl. Hist. vol. ii., p. 135. X Richardson in his notes on Goodwin's Commer.taryis forced to confear M follows : " Die.s conaecrationis ejus (Barlow) norjum apparet." V. i'Ail. APOSTCTLlCi . 185 These, however, are not the only exceptions which Catholic divines have taken to the ministerial orders of the Church of England. They have argued, in particular, against the form of them, as theologians term it. In fact, according to the or- dinal of Edward VI., restored by Elizabeth, priosts were or- dained by the power of forgiving sins,* without any power of offering up sacrifice, in which the essence of the sacerdotmm or priesthood consists ; and, according to the same ordinal, bishops were consecrated without the communication of any fresh power whatsoever, or even the mention of episcopacy, by a form which might be used to a child, when confirmed or baptized. f This was agreeable to the maxims of the principal author of that ordinal, Cranmer, who solemnly decided that "bishops and priests were not two things, but one and the same office. "J On this subject our controvertists urge, not only the authority of all the Latin and Greek ordinals, but also the confession of the above-mentioned Protestant divine. Mason, who says, with evi- dent truth, " Not every form of words will serve for this stitu- tion, (conveying orders,) but such as are significant of the power conveyed by the order. "§ In short, these objections were so powerfully urged by our divines. Dr. Champney, J. Lewgar, S. T. B.,|| and others, that almost immediately after the last named had published his work called Erastus Senior^ in 1662, containing them ; the convocation, being assembled, altered the form of ordaining priests and consecrating bishops in order to obviate these objections. IT But admitting that these alterations are sufficient to obviate all the objections of our di- vines to the ordinal, which they are not, they came above a hundred years too late for their intended purpose ; so that if * *• Receive the Holy Ghost : whose sins thou dost forgive, they are for. given ; and whose sins thou dost retain, they are retained : and be thou a faitliful dispenser of the word of God, and of his holy sacraments." — Bishop Sparrow's Collection, p. 158. t *' Take the Holy Ghost, and remember that thou stir up the grace of God, which is in thee by the imposition of hanJs." — Ibid. p. 164. t Burnet's Hist, of Reform, vol. i. Record, B. iii. n. 21, quest. 10. 4 Ibid. B. ii. c. 16. il Lewgar was the friend of Chillingworth, and by him converted to the Catholic failh, which, however, he refused to abandon when the latter re- lapsed into latitudinarianism. 1" The form of ordaining a priest was thus wltered: "Receivf the Holy Ghost for the ofiice and work of a priest in the Church of Goo, now conv mitted to thee by the imposition of our hands : Whose sins thou shalt for- give, they are forgiven," &c. — The form of consecrating a bishop was tnua enlarged : " Receive the Holy Ghost for the office and work of a bishop m the Church of God, now committed unto thee by the imposition of our hands, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Chcisv , uid remember that thou a*^z up the grace of God, which is in thaa* 186 LETTER XXIX. the pri«sts aYid bishops of Edward's and Elizabeth's reigna were invalid ly ordained and consecrated, so must those of Charles the Second's reign, and their successors, have been also. However long I have dwelt on this subject, it is not yet ex hausted. The case is .here is the same necessity of an apos. tolical succession of nussion, or authority to execute the func- tions of holy orders, as of the holy orders themselves. This mission, or authority, was imparted by Christ to his apostles^ when he said to them : "As the Father hath sent me, I alsc «end you," John xx. 21 ; and of this St. Paul also speaks, (vhere he says of the apostles : " How can they preach, unless they are sent?" Rom. x. 15. I believe, sir, that no regular Protestant church, or society, admits its ministers to have, by their ordination or appointment, unlimited authority in every place and congregation. Certain it is, from the ordinal and articles of the Established Church, that she confines the juris- diction of her ministers to " the congregation to which they shall be appointed."* Conformably to this. Dr. Berkley leaches, that " a defect in the mission of the ministry, invalid ates the sacraments, affects the purity of public worship, and therefore deserves to be investigated by every sincere Chris- tian. "f To this Archdeacon Daubeny adds, that " regular mission only subsists in the churches which have preserved apostolical succession." — I moreover believe, that in all Pro- testant societies the ministers are persuaded, that the authority by which they preach and perform their functions is, in some manner or other, divine. But, on this head, I must observe to you, dear sir, and your society, that there are only two ways, by which divine mission or authority can be communicated ; the one ordinary, the other extraordinary. The former takes place, when this authority is transmitted in regular succession from those who originally received it from God ; the other, when the Almighty interposes, in an extraordinary manner, and immediately commissions certain individuals to make known his will to men. The latter mode evidently requires indisputa- ble miracles to attest it : and accordingly, Moses and our Saviour Christ, who were sent in this manner, constantly ap- pealed to the prodigies they wrought in proof of their divine mission. Hence even Luther, when Muncer, Storck, and their followers, the Anabaptists, spread their errors and devastations through lower Germany, counselled the magistrates to put these questions to them, (not reflecting that the questions were as ap- piicabi'e to himself as to Yuncer and Storck,) " Who conferred • Article C3. Form of ordaining priests and deacons. ♦ Ser.n. ai Coiisecr. of Bishop Home APOSTOLICITT. 187 vpon you the office of preaching ? And who commissioned yarn to preach ? If they answer God : then let the magistrates say : Prove this to us by some evident miracle : for so Goa makes known his will, when he changes the institutions which he had before established."* Should this advice of the first reformer to the magistrates be followed in this age and country, what swarms of sermonizers and expounders of the Bible wouLi be reduced to silence ! For, on one hand, it is notorious, that they are self-appointed prophets, who run laithout being sent ; 01, if they pretend to a commission, that they derive it from other men, who themselves had received none, and who did not so much as claim any, by regular succession from the apostles. Such was Luther himself; such also were Zuinglius, Calvin, Muncer, Menno, John Knox, George Fox, Zinzendorf, Wesley, Whitfield, and Swedenborg. None of these preachers, as I have signified, so much as pretended to have received their mission from Christ in the ordinary way, by uninterrupted suc- cession from the apostles. On the other hand, they were so far from undertaking to work real miracles, by way of proving that they had received an extraordinary mission from God, that, as Erasmus reproached them, they could not so much as cure a lame horse, in proof of their divine legation. Should your friend, the Rev. Mr. Clark, see this letter, he will doubtless exclaim, that, whatever may be the case with dissenters, the Church of England, at least, has received her mission and authority, together with her orders, by regular suc- cession from the apostles, through the Catholic bishops, in the ordinary way. — In fact, this is plainly asserted by the Bishop of Lincoln. f — But take notice, dear sir, that though we were to admit of an apostolical succession of orders in the Established Church, we never could admit of an apostolical succession of mission, jurisdiction, or right to exercise those orders in that church : nor can its clergy, with any consistency, lay the least claim to it. For, first, if the Catholic Church, that is to say, its " laity and clergy, all sects and degrees, were drowned in abcminable idolatry, most detested of God and damnable to man, for the space of eight hundred years," as the homilies af- fiim,:); how could she retain this divine mission and jurisdiction fcll this time, and all this time employ them in commissicning her clergy to preach up this " abominabU idolatry ?" Again, was it possible for the Catholic Church to ^rive jurisdiction and authority, to Archbishop Parker, for example, and the Bishopi Jewel and Home, to preach against herself? Did ever any ii . » Sleid^n. De Stat. Relig. 1. v. i Elem. of Theol. vol. ii. p. 400. * AgvJist the Perils of Idolatry, p. iii. 1S8 LETTER XIIX. surgents against an established government, except the rogicidei in the grand rebellion, claim authority from that veiT" govern- ment to fight against it, and destroy it ? In a word, we perfectly well know, fron^. history, that the first English Protestants did not profess, any more than foreign Protestants, to derive any mijision or authority whatsoever from the apostles, through the existing Catholic Church. Those of Henry's reign preached and ministered in defiance of all authority, ecclesiastica. and civil.* Their successors in the reign of Edward and Elizabeth claimed their whole right and mission to preach and to minister, from the civil power only.f This latter point is demonstratively evident from the act and the oath of supremacy, and from the homage of the archbishops and bishops to the said Elizabeth ; in which the prelate elect " acknowledges and confesses, that he holds his bishopric, as well in spirituals as in temporals, from her alone and the crown royal." The same thing is clear from a series of royal ordinances respecting the clergy, in matters purely spiritual, such as the pronouncing on doctrine, the prohi- hition of prophesying, the inhibition of all preaching, the giving and suspending of sjdritual faculties, &c. Now, though I sin- cerely and cheerfully ascribe to my sovereign all the temporal and civil power, jurisdiction, rights, and authority, which the constitution and laws ascribe to him, I cannot believe that Christ appointed any temporal prince to feed his mystical fiock, or any part of it, or to exercise the power of ike keys of the kingdom of heaven at his discretion. It was foretold by Bishop Fisher in Parliament, that the royal ecclesiastical supremacy, if once ac knowledged, might pass to a child or a womanf, as, in fact, i* soon did to each of them. It was afterwards transferred, witl the crown itself, to a foreign Calvinist, and might have been settled, by a lay assembly, on a Mahometan. All, however, that is necessary for me here to remark is, that the acknow- ledgment of a royal ecclesiastical supremacy " in all spiritual and ecclesiastical things or causes,"§ (as when the question is, who shall preach, baptize, &c., and who shall not ; what is sound doctrine, and what is not,) is decidedly a renunciation of Christ's commission given to his apostles, and preserved by their successors in the Catholic Apostolic Church. — Hence it clearly » Collier's Hist. vol. ii. p. 81. t In the reign of James I., Archbishop Abbot having incurred suspensicn by the canon law, for accidentally shooting a n^an, a royal commission was issued to restore him. On another occasion, he was suspended by ihe king himself, for refusing to license a book. In Elizabeth's reign, the bishops ap- proved of prophesying, as it was called ; the queen disapproved of it, and the obliged them to condemn it. X See his Life by Dr. Bniley ; also Dodd's Eccles. Hist. voL i. <5 0am of Supremacy, Homage of Bishops, dec. OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. 189 appears, that there is, and can be, no apostolica'i succession of niinistry in the Established Church, more than in the other con- gregations or societies of Protestants. All their preaching and ministering, in their several degrees, is performed by mere hu- man authonfy.* On the other hand, not a sermon is preached nor a child baptized, nor a penitent absclved, nor a priest or. dained, nor a bishop consecrated, throughout the whole extent of the Catholic Church, witnout the minister of such function being able to show his authority from Christ for what he does, in the commission of Christ to his apostles : *• All power in heaven and on earth is given to me : go therefore, leach all na- tions, baptizing them," &;c.. Matt, xxviii. 19 ; and without his being able to prove his claim to that commission of Christ, by producing the table of his uninterrupted succession from the apostles. — I will not detain you by entering into a comparison, in a religious point of view, between a ministry which officiates by divine authority, and others which act by mere human authori- ty ; but shall conclude this subject by putting it to the good sense and candor of your society, whether, from all that has been said, it is not as evident, which among the different com- munions is THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH we profess to be- lieve in, as which is THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ? I am, &c. John Milneb. LETTER XXX.— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ. OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. Dear sir — I FIND that your visiter, the Rev. Mr. Clark, had not left you at the latter end of last week ; since it appears, by a letter which I have received from him, that he had seen my two last letters, addressed to you at New Cottage. He is much dis- pleased with their contents, which I am not surprised at ; and he uses some harsh expressions against them and their author, of which I do not complain, as he was not a party to the agree- ment entered into at the beginning of our correspondence, by the tenor of which I was left at full liberty to follow up my argu- ments to whatever lengths they might conduct me, without in- curring the displeasure of any person of the society on that ac« * It is curious to see in Queen Elizabeth's Injunctions, and m the 37tij Article, the disclaimer of her ^^ actually ministering the word and th sacra, ments.^' The question was not about this, but about the jurisdicticn or mi* tion of the ministry. 190 LETIER IXX. count. 1 shall pass over the passages in the letter which «eem to have been dictated by too warm a feeling, and shall confine my answer to those which contain something like argument against what I have advanced. The reverend gentleman, then, objects against the claim of our pontiffs to the apostolic succession ; that in different ages this succession has been interrupted by the contentions of rival popes ; and that the lives of many of them have been so crimi- flal, that, according to my own argument, as he says, it is in- credible th?.t such pontiffs should have been able to preserve and convey the commission and authority given by Christ to his apostles. I grant, sir. that, from the various commotions and accidents to which all sublunary things are subject, there have been several vacancies or interregnums in the papacy ; but none of them have been of such a lengthened duration as to prevent a moral continuation of the popedom, or to hinder the execution of the important offices annexed to it. I grant, also, that there have been rival popes and unhappy schisms in the church, particularly one great schism, at the end of the four- teenth and the beginning of the fifteenth century ; still the true pope was always clearly discernible at the times we are speak- ing of, and in the end was acknowledged even by his opponents. Lastly, I grant that a few of the popes, perhaps a tenth part of the whole number, swerving from the example of the rest, have, by their personal vices, disgraced their holy station : but even these popes always fulfilled iheiv puUic duties to the church, by maintaining the apostolical doctrine, moral as well as specula- tive, the apostolical orders, and the apostolical mission ; so that their misconduct chiefly injured their own souls, and did not essentially affect the church. But if what the homilies affirm were true, that the whole church had been " drowned in idola- try for eight hundred years," she must have taught and com- mi-ssioned all those whom she ordained, to teach this horrible apostacy ; which she never could have done, and at the same time have retained Christ's commission and authority to teacl all nations the Gospel. This demonstrates the inconsistency of those clergymen of the Establishment, who accuse the Catholic Cliurch of apostacy and idolatry, and at the same time boast of having received, through her, a spiritual jurisdiction and minis- tr}' from Jesus Christ. Your visiter next expatiates, in triumphant strains, on the ex- ploded fable of Pope Joan ; for exploded it certainly may be termed, when such men as the Calvinist minister Blondel, and the infidel Bayle, have abandoned and refuted it. But the cir- cumstances of the fable themselves sufficiently refute it. Ac- cording to these, in the middle of the nintl century, an English OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. 19 woman, born at Mentz in Germany* studied philosophy at Athens, (where there was no school of philosophy in the ninth century more than there is now,) and taught divinity at Rome. It is pretended that, being elected pope, on the death of Leo IV., in 855, she was delivered of a child, as she was walking in a solemn procession near the Coliseum, and died on the spot ; and, moreover, that a statue of her was there erected in memory of the disgraceful event f There have been great debates among the learned, concerning the first author of this absurd tale, and concerning the interpolations in the copies of the first chronicles which mention it.f At all events, it was never heard of for more than two hundred years after the period at which it is said to have taken place. And, in the mean time, we are assured, from the genuine works of contemporary writers and distinguish- ed prelates, some of whom then resided at Rome, such as Anas- tasius the Librarian, Luitprand, Hincmar, Archbishop of Rheims Photius of Constantinople, Lupus Ferrar, &;c., that Benedict IlL was canonically elected pope in the said year 855, only three days after the death of Leo IV., which evidently leaves no in- terval for the pontificate of the fabulous Joan. From the warfare of attack, my reverend antagonist passe?^ to that of defence, as he terms it. In this he heavily complaina of my not having done justice to the Protestants, particularly in the article of foreign missions. On this head, he enumerates the different societies, existing in this country, for carrying them on, and the large sums of money which they annually raise for this purpose. The societies, I learn from him, are the follow. ing : 1st, The society for promoting Christian knowledge, called the Bartlett's-Buildings Society : which, though strictly of the Establishment, employs missionaries in India to the number of six, all Germans, and it should seem, all Lutherans. 2dly, There is the Society for propagating Christianity in the English colonies ; but I hear nothing of its doings. 3dly, There is another for the conversion of negro slaves, of which I can only say, ditto. 4thly, There is another for sending missionaries to Africa and the East, concerning which we are equally left in the dark. 5thly, There is the London Missionary Society, which sent out the ship Duff, with certain preachers and their vrives, to Otaheite, Tongabatoo, and the Marquesas, and pub- lished a journal of the voyage, by which it appears that they are strict Calvinists and Independents. 6thly, the Edinburgh Missionary Society fraternizes with the last mentioned. 7thly, There is an Arminian Missionary Society, under Dr. Coke, the • Ita Pseudo Martinua Polonus, &c. t See Breviarum Historico— Chronologico — critkum Pontiff. Roman, stit Hlo R. F. Pagi, toin ii. p. 73. 192 LETTER XXX. head of the Wesleyan Methodists. 8thly, There is a Moravian Missionary Society, which appears more active than any of the others, particularly at the Cape, and in Greenland and Surinam. To these, your visiter says, must be added, the Hibernian So- ciety for diffusing Christian knowledge in Ireland ; as also, and still more particularly, the Bible Society, with all its numerous ranifications. Of this last-named he speaks glorious things, IbiL^telling that it will, in its progress, purify the world from in- fidelity and wickedness. In answer to what has been stated, I have to mention several marked differences between the Protestant and the Catholic missionaries. The former preach various discordant religions ; for what religions can be more opposite than the Calvinistic and the Arminian ? And how indignant would a churchman feel, if I were to charge him with the impiety and obscenity of Zin- zendorf and his Moravians ? The very preachers of the same sect, on board of the Duff, had not agreed upon the creed they were to teach, when they were within a few days sail of Ota- heite.* Whereas the Catholic missionaries, whether Italians, French, Portuguese, or Spaniards, taught and planted precisely the same religion in the opposite extremities of the globe. Se- condly, the envoys of those societies had no commission or au- thority to preach, but what they derived from the men and wo- men who contributed money to pay for their voyages and ac- commodations. / have not sent these prophets, says the Lord, yet they ran ; I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied, Jer. xxiii. 21. On the other hand, the apostolical men, who, in an- cient and in modern times, have converted the nations of the earth, all derived their mission and authority from the centre ol the Apostolic Tree, the See of Peter. Thirdly, I cannot but remark the striking difference between the Protestant and the Catholic misvsionaries, with respect to their qualifications and method of proceeding. The former were, for the most part, mechanics and laymen of the lowest order, without any learning infused or acquired, beyond what they could pick up from the English translation of the Bible ; they were frequently encum- bered with wives and children, and armed with muskets and bayonets, to kill those whom they could not convert. f Whereas • " By the middle of January, the committee of eight (among the thirty missionaries) had nearly finished the articles of faith. Two of the numbei dissented, but gave in." — Journal of the Duff. t The 18 preachers who remained at Otaheite, " took up arms by way of precaution." — Ibid. It appears from subsequent accounts, that the preachen made use of their arms, to protect their wives from the men whom they came to convert. Of the nine preacners aestmed for Tongabatoo, six were foi carrying fire-arms on shore, and three against it. OBJECTTONS ANSWERED. lOA tne Catholic missionaries have always beer priests, or ascetics, trained to literature and religious exercises, men of continency and self-denial, who had no other defence ihan their breviary and crucifix, no other weapon than ihe sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. Ephes. vi. 17. Fourthly, I do not find any portion of that lively faith, and that heroic constancy, in braving poverty, torments, and death for the gospel, among the few Protestant converts, or even among their preachers, which have so frequently illustrated the different Catholic missions, fndeed I have not heard of a single martyr of any kind, in Asia, A-frica, or America, who can be considered as the fruit of the above-named societies, or of any Protestant mission whatever. On the other hand, few are the countries in which the Christian religion has been planted by Catholic priests, without being watered by some of their own blood and of that of their con- verts. To say nothing of the martyrs of a late date in the Ca- tholic missions of Turkey, Abyssinia, Siam, Tonquin, Cochin China, &c., there has been an almost continual persecution of the Catholics in the empire of China, for about a hundred year.--' p.ist, which, besides confessors of the faith, who have endured various tortures, has produced a very great number of martyrs, native Chinese as well as Europeans, laity as well as priests and bishops.* Within these two years,f the wonderful apostle of the great peninsula of Corea, to the east of China, James Ly, with i\s many as 100 of his converts, has suffered death lor the faith. In the islands of Japan, the anti-christian persecution, excited by the envy and avarice of the Dutch, raged with a fury unexampled in the annals of pagan Rome. It began with the crucifixion of twenty-six martyrs, most of them missionaries. It then prLHjeeded to other more horrible martyrdoms, and it concluded with putting to death as many as eleven hundred thousand Christians.^ Nor were those numerous and splendid victories of the gospel in the provinces of South America achiev- ed without torrents of Catholic blood. Many of the first preach- ers were slaughtered by the savages to whom they announced ihe gospel, and not unfrequently devoured by them, as was the ease with the first Bishop of Brazil. — In the last place, the Pro- testant missions have never been attended with any great sue- • Hist, de I'Eglise, par Berault Bercastel, torn. 22, 23. Butler's Lives of he Saints, Feb. 5. M^m. Eccl6s. pourle 18me Sifecle. t Namely, in 18)1. Wnile this work was in the press, we received an ac- ■x>unt of the martyrdom of Mgr. Dufresse, Bishop of Tabraca, and Vicar Apostolic of Sutchuen, in China, who was beheaded there Sept. 14 18J5 and of F. J. de Frior, missionary in Chiensi, who, after varions torments, was strangled, Feb. 13, 1816. t Berault Bercastel says two millions, torn. 20. 17 194 LETTER XXX. cess. Those heretofore carried on by the Dutcl^, French^ aua American Calvinists, seem to have been more levelled at the destruction of the Catholic missions than at the conversion of the pagans.* In later times, the zealous Wesley went on a mission to convert the savages of Georgia, but returned with- out making one proselyte. His companion Whitfield afterwards went to the same country on the same errand, but returned without any greater success. Of the missionaries who went out in the Duff, those who were left at the Friendly Islands and the Marquesas, abandoned their posts in despair, as did eleven of the eighteen left at Otaheite. The remaining seven had not, in the course of six years, baptized a single islander. In iie mean time, the depravity of the natives in killing their infants and other abominations, increased so fast, as to threaten their total extinction. In the Bengal government, extending over from 30 to 40 millions of people, with all its influence and en- couragement, not more than eighty converts have been made by the Protestant missionaries in seven years, and those were al. most all Chandalas, or outcasts from the Hindoo religion, who were glad to get a pittance for their support ;f " for the perse- verance of several of whom," their instructors say, " thejf tremble. "f — How different a scene do the Catholic missions present ! To say nothing of ancient Christendom, all the king, doms and states of which were reclaimed from paganism, and converted to Christianity by Catholic preachers, and not one ot them by preachers of any other description ; what extensive and populous islands, provinces, and states, in the east and in the west, were wholly, or in a great part, reclaimed from ido. latry, soon after Luther's revolt, by Catholic missionaries ! But • It is generally known, and not denied by Mosheim himself, that the ex. termination of the flourishing missions in Japan is to be ascribed to the Dutch, When they became masters of the Portuguese settlements in India, they en. deavoied, by persecution as well as by other means, to make the Christian natives abandon the Catholic religion, to which St. Xaverius and his compan. ions had converted them. The Calvinist preachers having failed in thDir attempt to proselyte the Brazilians, it happened that one of their party, Jamea Sourie. took a merchant vessel at sea with 40 .Jesuit missionaries, under F. Azevcdo, on board of it, bound to Brazil ; when, in hatred of them and their destination, he put them all to death. The year following, F. Diaz with 11 companions, bound on the same mission, and falling into the hands of the Calvinists, met with the same fate. Incredible pains were taken by the mi. nisters of New England to induce the Hurons, Iroquois, and other converted savages, to abandon the Catholic religion, when the latter answered them. ** You never preached the word to us while we were pagans ; and now that we are Christians you try to deprive us of it." t Extract of a Speech of C. Marsh, Esq., in a committeti ot the H. of C, July 1, 1815. See als^ Major Waring's Remarks on Oxford Sermons. 4 Transact, of Pro' . Miss, quoted in Edinb. Review, April, 1808. OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. 195 to come still nearer to our own time : F, Bouchet, alone, in the C('Urse of his twelve years' labors in Madura, instructed and baptized 20,000 Indians, while F. Bri'.to, within fifteen months only, converted and regenerated 8,000, when he sealed his mis- sion with his blooa. By the latest returns which I have seen, from the eastern missionaries to the directors of the French Missions Etrangdres, it appears that in the western district of Tonquin, during the five years preceding the beginning of this century, 4,101 adults and 26,915 children were received into the church by baptism, and that in the lower part of Cochin- China 900 grown persons had been baptized in the course of two years, besides vast numbers of children. The empire of China contains six bishops and some hundreds of Catholic priests. In a single province of it, Sutchuen, during the year 1796, 1,500 adults were baptized, and 2,527 catechumens were re- ceived for instruction. By letters of a later date from the above-mentioned martyr, Dufresse, Bishop of Tabraca, and Vicar Apostolic of Sutchuen, it appears, that during the year 1810, in spite of a severe persecution, 965 adults were baptized ; and that during 1814, though the persecution increased, 829, without reckoning infants, received baptism. Bishop Lamote. Vicar Apostolic of Fokien, testifies that, in his district, during the year 1810, 10,384 infants and 1,677 grown persons were baptized, and 2,674 catechumens admitted. — From this short specimen, I trust, dear sir, it will appear manifest to you, on which Christian society God bestows his grace to execute the work of the apostles, as well as to preserve their doctrine, their orders, and their mission. As to the wonderful effects which your visiter expects in the conversion of the pagan world, from the Bible Society, and the three score and three translations into foreign tongues of the English translation of the Bible, I beg leave to ask him, who is to vouch to the Tartars, Turks, and idolaters, that the testa- ments and Bibles which the society is pouring in upon them, were inspired by the Creator ? Who is to answer for these translations, made by officers, merchants, and merchants' clerks, being accurate and faithful ? Who is to teach these barbarians to read, and, after that, to make any thing like a connected sense of the mysterious volumes ? Does Mr. C. really think that an inhabitant of Otaheite, when he is enabled to read the Bible, will extract tlie sense of the 39 Articles, or of any other Christian system whatever from it ? I ^ short, has the Bible Society, or any of the other Protestant societies, converted a single pagan or Mahometan by the hare text of Scripture ? When such a convert can be produced, it will be time enough for me to propose to him th^se further gravellmg questions 196 LETTER XXX. which result from my observations on the sacred text in a for mer letter to you. In the mean time, let your visiter rest as sured that the Catholic Church will proceed in the old and sue cessful manner, by which she has converted all the Christiaii people on the face of the earth ; the same which Christ deliv. ered to his apostles and their successors : " Go ye into all th» world, ULid preach the gospel to every creature." Mark, xvi. 15. On the other hand, how illusory the gentleman's hopes are, that the depravity of this age and country will be reformed by the fjflicrts of the Bible Society, has been victoriously proved b}' the Rev. Dr. Hook, who, with other clear-sighted churchmen, evi- dently sees that the grand principle of Protestantism, strictly reduced to practice, would undermine their establishment. One of his brethren, the Rev. Mr. Gisborne, had publicly boasted that, in proportion to the opposition which the Bible Society had met with, its annual income had increased, till it reached near a £100,000 in a year. Dr. Hook, in return, showed by lists of the convictions of criminals during tl e first seven years of the society's existence, that the wickedneiS of the country, in- stead of being diminished, had almost been doubled !* Since that period up to the present year, it has increased three-fold, and four- fold, compared with its state before the society began. POSTSCRIPT. I HAVE now, dear sir, completed the second task which 1 undertook, and therefore proceed to sum up my evidence. Hav- ing then proved in my twelve former letters, the rough copies of which I have preserved, that the two alleged rules of faith, that of pT'vate inspiration, and that of private interpretation of Scripture, are equally fallacious, and that there is no certain way of arriving at the truth of divine revelation, but by hearing thai church which Christ built on a rock, and promised to abide • List of capital convictions in London and Middlesex in the following fears, from Dr. Hook's charge and the London Chronicle : In the year Convictions 1808 728 1809 863 1811 01 1811 1 1812 1 1813 "884 872 998 1012 1814 1027 1815 2299 1816 1 1817 25923177 It appears, by a return made to the House of Commons, in obedience to their order, June 5, in the year 1818, that the number of criminals commit, ted for trial, and of those sentenced to death, during the last thirteen years, nearly corresponding with those of the Bible Society's progress, has been tbout t/ipled, namely : Committed for Tiial. Sentenced to Death. In 1805 1,605 In 1805 350. In 3317 13.932. In 1817 1,308 POSTSCRIPT. 197 witlt for ever, I engaged, in this my second series of letters, to demonstrate which, among the different societies of Christians, is the church that Christ founded and still protects. For this purpose I have had recourse to the principal cAarcrc/er^ or TwarA:* of ChrisCs church, as they are pointed out in Scripture, and formally acknowledged by Protestants of nearly all descriptions, no less than by Catholics, in their articles, and in those creeds which form part of t]:eir private prayers and public liturgy, namely, unity, sanctivj, catholicity, and apostolicity. In facty this is what every one acknowledges who says, in the Apostles' Creed, / believe in the holy Catholic Church ; and in the Nicene Creed,* I believe one Catholic Apostolic Church. Treating of the first mark of the true church, I proved from natural rea- son, Scripture, and tradition, that unity is essential to her ; I then showed that there is no union or principle of union among the different sects of Protestants, except their common protesta- tion against their mother church ; and that the Church of Eng- land, in particular, is divided against herself in such a manner, that one of its most learned prelates has declared himself a/rafd to say what is its doctrine. On the other hand, I have shown that the Catholic Church, spread as she is over the whole earth, is one and the same in her doctrine, in her liturgy, and in her government; and, though I detest religious persecution, I have, in defiance of ridicule and clamor, vindicated her unchangeable doctrine, and the plain dictate of reason as to the indispensable obligation of believing what God teaches ; in other words, of a right faith. I have even proved that her adherence to this tenet is a proof both of the truth and the charity of the Catholic Church. On the subject of holiness, J have made it clear, that the pre- tended Reformation everywhere originated in the pernicious doctrine of salvation by faith alone, without good works, and '.hat the Catholic Church has ever taught the necessity of them b th ; likewise that she possesses many peculiar means of sanctitt,, to which modern sects do not make a pretension ; likewise that she 'las, in every age, produced the genuine fruits of sanctity ; while the fruits of Protestantism have been quite of an opposite nature : finally, that God himself has borne witness to the sanc- tity of the Catholic Church, by undeniable mirachs, with which he has illustrated her in every age. — It did not require jnuch pains to prove that the Catholic Church possesses, exclusively, the name of CATHOLIC ; and not much more to demonstrate that she alone has the qualities signified by that name. That the Catholic Church is also APOSTOLICAL, by descending in a light line from the apostles of Christ, is as evident as that • See the Comi lunion Service in Common Prayec 17* 1 98 POSTSCRIPT. she is Catholic. However, to illustrate this matter, I have iketched out a genealogical, or, as I call it, the apostolical tree, which, with the help of a note subjoined, shows the unin- terrupted succession of the Catholic Church in her chief pon- tiffs, and other illustrious prelates, doctors, and renowned saints, from the apostles of Christ, during eighteen centuries, to the present period, together with the continuation in her of the apos- tolical work of converting nations and people- It shows also a se/ies of unhappy heretics and schismatics, of different times and countries, who, refusing to hear her inspired voice and to obey her divine authority, have been separated from her com- munion and have withered away, like branches cut off from a vine, which are fit for no human use. Ezek. xv. — Finally, 1 have shown the necessity of an uninterrupted succession from the apostles, of holy orders and divine mission, to constitute an apostolical church ; and have proved that these, or at least the latter of them, can only be found in the holy Catholic Church. — Having demonstrated all this in the foregoing letters, I am jus- tified, dear sir, in affirming that the motives of credibility, in fa- vor of the Christian religion in general, are not one whit more clear and certain, than those in favor of the Catholic religion in particular. But without inquiring into the degree of evidence attending the latter motives, it is enough for my present purpose that they are sufficiently evident to influence the conduct of dis- passionate and reasonable persons, who are acquainted with them, and who are really in earnest to save their souls. Now, in proof that these motives are, at least, so far clear, I may again appeal to the conduct of Catholics on a death-bed, who, in that awful situation, never wish to die in any religion but their own. I may also appeal to the conduct of many Protest- ants in the same situation, who seek to reconcile themselves to the Catholic Church. Let us, one and all, my dear sir, as far as in our power, adopt those sentiments in every respect now, which we shall entertain when the transitory scene of this worhi is closing to our sight, and during the courtless ages of eter- nity. — O the length, the breadth, and the depth of the abyss of ETERNITY! ''No security,'' says a holy man, can U uie reai where eternity is at slake.''* I am, &;c. John Milnes, * " Nulla satis magna sccuntas ubi p ericlitatur etemitas.** END OF PART 11. THE END OF RELIGIOUS CONTROVERSY PART III *" 0^ e a sli?me to charge men with ^yhat they are not guilty of, in ordei to irak. he breach wider, already loo wide." — Dr. Montague, Bishop of A'or- t$ttch. fnvoc. of Saints, p. 60. " Lvt them not lead people by the nose to believe they can prove their sup- positi/kd that the Pope is Antichrist, and the Papists idolaters, when they can- not."- J)r. Herbert Thomdyke, Prebendary of JVestminster. Just JVeights and Measures, p. 11 *' The o)ject of their (the Catholics') adoration of the blessed sacrament is the only tcac and eternal God, hypostatically joined with his holy humanity, which huniaYiity they believe actually present under the veil of the sacramen- tal signs . and \f they thought him not present, they are so far from worshiji- ping t'.K- Wead in this case, that themselves profess it to be idolatry to do so." Dr. J(/xmy Taylvr, Bishop of Down. Ldberty of Prophesying, chap. xx. ON RECTIFYING MISTAKES CONCERNING THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. LETTER XXXl. FROM JAMES BROW \, ESQ., TO THE RT. REV JOHN MILNER introduction. Reverend sir — The whole of your letters have again been read over in our society, and they have produced important, though diversified effects on the minds of its several members. For my own part, r am free to own that, as your former letters convinced me of tre truth of your rule of faith, namely, the entire word of God, and of the right of the true church to expound it in all ques. tions concerning its meaning ; so your subsequent letters havo Batisfied me, that the characters or marks of the true church, as they are laid down in our common creeds, are clearly visi- ble in the Roman Catholic Church, and not in the collection of Protestant churches, nor in any one of them. This impression was, at first, so strong upon my mind, that I could have an' BW(\r^1 you nearly in the words of King Agrippa to St. Paul • 200 LETTER XXXII. Almost thou penmadest me to become a CatholJc. Acts, xxvi. ^8. The same appears lo be the sentiments of several of my friends • but when, on comparing our notes together, we considered tlia heavy charges, particularly of superstition and idolatry, brought against your church by our eminent divines, and especially by the Bishop of London, (Dr. Porteus,) and never, that we have heard of, refuted or denied, we cannot but tread back the steps we have taken towards you, or rather stand still, where we are in suspense, till we hear what answer you will make to them. I speak of those contained in the bishop's well-known treatise, called A brief Confutation of the Errors of the Church of Borne. With respect to certain other members of our society, I am sorry to be obliged to say, that, on this particular subject, 1 mean the arguments in favor of your religion, they do not man- ifest the candor and good sense which are natural to them, and which they show on every other subject. They pronounce, with confidence and vehemence, that Dr. Porteus's charges are all true, and that you cannot make any rational answer to them ; at the same time that several of these gentlemen, to my knowledge, are very little acquainted whh the substance of them. In short, they are apt to load your religion, and the pro fessors of it, with epithets and imputations too gross and in jurious for me to repeat, convinced as I am of their falsehood. I shall not be surprised to hear that some of these imputations have been transmitted to you by the persons in question, as I have declined making my letters the vehicle of them ; it is a justice, however, which I owe them to assure you, reverend sir, that it is only since they have understood the inference of your arguments to be such, as to imply an obligation on them of renouncing their own respective religions, and embracing yours, that they may have been so unreasonable and violent. Till this period, they appeared to be nearly as liberal and cha»' itable with respect to your communion as to any other. I am, rev. sir, &c. James Brown. LETTER XXXII.— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ., &c ON THE CHARGES AGAINST THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. Pear sir — I SHOULD be guilty of deceptron, were I to disguise the satii»r faction I derived from your and your friends' near approach tf the house of unit^ and peace, as St. Cjprian calls the Catholic CHARGES AGAINST THE CHURCH. 201 Church : for such I must judge your situation to be, from the tenor of your last letter : by which it seems to me, that 3 our entire reconciliation with this church depends on my refuting Bishop P3rteus's objections against it. And yet, dear sir, if I were to insist on the strict rules of reasoning, I might tal:e oc- casion of complaining of you, from the very concessions which afford me so much pleasure. In fact, if you admit tha^t the church of God, is, by his appointment, the interpreter of th$ entire word of God, you ought to pay attention to her doctrine on every point of it^ and not to the suggestions of Lr. Porteus. or your own fane;', in opposition to it. Again, if you are con- vinced that the one holy, Catholic and Apostolical Church is the true church of God, you ought to be persuaded that it is utterly impossible that she should inculcate idolatry, superstition, or any other wickedness, and, of course, that those who believe her to be thus guilty, are, and must be, in a fatal error. I have proved from reason, tradition, and Holy Scripture, that, as individual Christians cannot of themselves judge with certainly of matters of fahh, God has, therefore, provided them with an unerring guide, in his holy church ; and hence, that Catholics, as Tertullian and St. Vincent of Lerins emphatically pro- nounce, cannot strictly and consistently be required, by those who are not Catholics, to vindicate the particular tenets of their belief either from Scripture or any other authority : it being sufficient for them to show that they hold the doctrine of the true church, which all Christians are bound to hear. Never- theless, as it is my duty, after the example of the apostle, to become all things to all men, 1 Cor. ix. 22, and as we Catholics are conscious of being able to meet our opponents on their own ground, as well as on ours, I am willing, dear sir, for yOur sat- isfaction, and that of your friends, to enter on a brief discussion of the leading points of controversy, which are agitated between the Catholics and the Protestants, particularly those of the Church of England. I must, however, previously stipulate with you for the following conditions, which I trust ycu will find perfectly reasonable, 1st. I require that Cat.iolics should be permitted fo lay doum their own principles of belief and practice ; and, of course, to disti .guish between their articles of faith, in which they mu'jl all agree, and mere scholastic opinions, of which every individ- ual may judge for himself; as, likewise, between the au- ihorized liturgy and discipline of the church and the unauthorized devotions and practices of particular persons. I insist upon this preliminary, because it is the constant practice of your contro- versialijts to dress up a hideous figure, composed of their own misrepresentations, or else of those undefined opinions and un« 202 LETTER XXXII. autliorizad practices which they call Popery; and then to amuse their readers r hearers with exposing the deformity of it, and pulling it to pieces. And I have the greater right to insist upon this preliminary, because our creeds and professions of faith, the acts of our councils and our approved expositiona and catechisms, containing the principles of our belief and practice, from which no real Catholic, in any part of the world, can ever depart, are before the public, and upon constant sale among booksellers. 2dly. It being a notorious fact that certain individual Chris- tians, or bodies of Christians, have departed from the faith and communion of the church of all nations, under pretence that they had authority for so doing ; it is necessary that their al- leged authority should be express and incontrovertible. Thus, for example, if texts of Scripture are brought for this purpose, it is evidently necessary that such texts should be clear in them- selves, and not contrasted by any other texts seemingly of an opposite meaning. In like manner, when any doctrine or prac- tice appears to be undeniably sanctioned by a father of the church, for example, of the third or the fourth century, without an appearance of contradiction from any other father, or eccle- siastical writer, it is unreasonable to affirm that he or his con temporaries were the authors of it, as Protestant divines are in the habit of affirming. On the contrary, it is natural to sup- pose that such father has take.Ti up this, with the other points of his religion, from his predecessors, who received them from the apostles. This is the sentiment of that bright luminary St. Augustin, who says : " Whatever is found to be held by the universal church, and not to have had its beginning in bishops and councils, must be esteemed a tradition from those by whom the church itself was founded."* You judged right in supposing that I have received some let- ters, containing virulent and gross invectives against the Catho- lic religion, from certain members of your society ; these do not surprise or hurt me, as the writers of them have probably not yet had an opportunity of knowing much more of this reli- gion, than what they could collect from fifth of November g«r mon?, and others of the same tendency ; oi from circulated pamphlets expressly calculated to inflame the population against ii and its profe&3Drs. But what truly surprises and afflicts me is, that so many other personages in a more elevated rank of life, whose education and studies enable them to form a more just idea of the religious and moral principles of their ances- 'jiTs, benefactors, and founders ; in short, of their acknow • liK i'. De BapU CHARGES AGAINST THE CIII3RCH. 203 fedged fathers and saints, should combine to load these fathers and saints with calumnies and misrepresentations, which they must know to be utterly false. But, a bad cause must be sup- ported by bad means. They are unfortunately implicated in a revolt against the true church ; and not having the courage and self-denial io acknowledge their error, and return to her communion, the} endeavor to justify their conduct, by interpos- ing a black and hideous mask before the fair countenance of this their true m)ther, Christ's spotless spouse. This is so far true, that when, as it often happens, a Protestant is, by dint of argument, forced out of his errors and prejudices against the true religion, if he be pressed to embrace it, and want grace to do it, he is sure to fly back to those very calumnies and mis- representations, which he had before renounced. The fact is, he must fight with these, or yield himself unarmed to his Catho- lic opponent. That you and your friends may not think me, dear sir, to have complained without just cause of the publications and ser- mons of the respectable characters I have alluded to, I must inform you that I have now lying before me a volume called Good Advice to the Pulpiis, consisting of the foulest and most malignant falsehoods, against the Catholic religion and its pro- fessors, which tongue or pen can express, or the most envenomed heart conceive. It was collected from the sermons and treati- ses of prelates and dignitaries, by that able and faithful writer, the Rev. John Gother,soon after the gall of calumnious ink had been mixed up with the blood of slaughtered Catholics ; a score of whom were executed as traitors, for a pretended plot to mur- der their friend and proselyte Charles II.; for a plot, which was hatched by men, who themselves were soon after convicted of a real assassination plot against the king. At that time, the Par- liaments were so blinded, as repeatedly to vote the reality of the plot in question. Hence it is easy to judge with what sort of language the pulpits would resound against the poor devoted Catholics at that period. But without quoting from former re. cords, I need only refer to a few of the publications of the pre- sent day, to justify my complaint. — To begin with some of the numberless slanders contained in the No Popery tract of the Bishop of London, Dr. Porteus : He charges Catholics with "senseless idolatry, to the infinite scandal of religion:" with tr}'ing " to make the ignorant think that indulgences deliver the dead from hell; and that by means of zeal for holy churcti, the worst man may be secured from future misery :"* and t)f4 Bishop of St. Asaph, Dr. Halifax, charges Catholics liit^ • ConfuUtion, pp. 39, 53, 55, edit. 1796, 204 LETTER XXXII. "antichristian idolatry, the worship of demons, and idol m(.dia« tors." He, moreover, maintains it to be the doctrine oi the Church of Rome, that " pardon for every sin, whether com- mitted or designed, may be purchased for money."* The Bishop of Durham, Dr. Shute Harrington, accuses them of *' idolatry, blasphemy, and sacrilege."! The Bishop of Llandaff, Dr. Watson, impeaches the Catholic priests, martyrologists, and monks, without exception, of the ''hypocrisy of liars ;":|: and he lays it down, as the moral doctrine of Catholics, that "humil- ity, temperance, justice, the love of God and man, are not laws for all Christians, but only counsels of perfection. "§ He else- where says : " That the popish religion is the Christian religion, is a false position. "|| He has, moreover, adopted and repub- lished the sentiments of some of his other mitred brethren to the same purpose. One of these asserts that, " instead of worship- ping God through Christ, they (the Catholics) have substituted the doctrine of demons." " They have contrived numberless ways to make a holy life needless, and to assure the most abandoned of salvation, without repentance, provided they will sufficiently pay the priest for absolution." " They have consc crated murders," &;c.l " The Papists stick fast in filthy mire- by the affection they bear to other lusts, which their errors are fitted to gratify." " It is impossible that any sincere person should give an implicit assent to many of their doctrines : but. whoever can practise upon them, can be nothing better than a most shameful debauched and immoral wretch."** Another prelate, of later promotion, gives a comprehensive idea of Cath- olics, where he calls them " Enemies of all law, human and divine. "ff If such be the tone of the episcopal bench, it would be vain to expect more moderation from the candidates for it . but I must contract my quotations in order to proceed to more important matter. One of these, who, while he was content with an inferior dignity, acted and preacl ed as the friend of C^itholics; since he has arrived at the verg» of the highest, pro claims " Popery to be idolatry and antichristianism :" main- taining, as does also the Bishop of Durham, that it is " the pa- rent of Atheism, and of that antichristian persecution " (m France) of which it was exclusively the victim. ift Another dig- nitary of the same cathedral, taking up Dr. Sparke's calumny, * Warburton's Lectures, pp. 191, 335, ^^S, 347. t Charge, p. 11. t Letter IL to Gibbon. § Bishop Watson's Tracts, vol. i. |1 Ibid. vol. v. Contents f Benson's Tracts, vol. v. pp. 272, 273, 282. «» Bishop Fowler, vol. vi. pp. 386, 387. tt Dr. Sparke, Bishop of Ely, Concio ad Synod. 1807. XX Discourses of Dr. Rennel, Dean of Winchester, p. MO, &e CHARGES AGAINST THE CHURCH. 205 seriously declares that the Catholics are Antinomians,* which is the distinctive character of the Jumpers, and other rank Cal- vinists. Finally, the celebrated city preacher, C. De Coetiogan, among similar graces of oratory, pronounces, that " Popery ia calculated only for the meridian of hell. To say the best of it that can be said. Popery is a most horrid compound of idolatiy, superstition, and blasphemy."! " The exercise of Christian virtues is not at all necessary in its members ; nay, there are many heinous crimes, which are reckoned virtues among them, such as perjury and murder, when committed against here- tics.":}: — And is such then, dear sir, the real character of the great body of Christians throughout the world. Is such a true picture of our Saxon and English ancestors ? Were such the clergy, from whom these modern preachers and writers derive their liturgy, their ritual, their honors, and benefices, and from whom they boast of deriving their orders and mission also ? But, after all, do tiiese preachers and writers themselves seriously believe such to be the true character of their Catholic country, men, and the primitive religion ? — No, sir, they do not seriously believe it :§ but being unfortunately engaged, as I said before, * Charge of Dr. Hooke, archdeacon, &c. p. 5, &c. t Seasonable Caution against the Abominations of the Church of Rome, Pref. p. 5. t Ibid. p. 14. § This may be exemplified by the conduct of Dr. Wake, Archbishop of Canterbury. Few writers had misrepresented the Catholic religion more foully than he had done in his controversial works ; even in his commentary on the catechism, he accuses it of heresy, schism, and idolatry; but, having entered into a correspondence with Dr. Dupin, for the purpose of uniting their respective churches, he assures the Catholic divine, in his last letter to him, as follows : " In dogmatibus, prout a te candid6 proponuntur, non admodum dissentimus : in regimine ecclesiastico minus : in fundamentali- bus, sive doctrinam, sive disciplinam spectemus, vix omnin6." Append, to Mosheim's Hist. vol. vi. p. 121. — The present writer has been informed, on good authority, that one of ihe bishops, whose calumnies are here quoted, when he found himself on his death. bed, refused the proffered ministry of the primate, and expressed a great wish to die a Catholic. When urged to satisfy his conscience, he exclaimed : IVhat then will become of my lady and my children ! Certain it is, that very many Protestants, who had been the most violent in their language and conduct against the Catholic Church, as for example, .John, Elector of Saxony ; Margaret, Queen of Navarre ; Cromwell, Lord Essex, Dudley, Earl of Northumberland, King Charles II , the late Lords Montague, Nugent, Dunboyne, Dunsany, &c., did actually reconcile themselves to the Catholic Church in that Sriiuation. The writer may add, that another of the calumniators here quoted, being desirous of stifling the suspicion of his having written an anonymous N'l Popery pub. lication, when first he took part in that cause, privately addres ed himsf If to the writer in these terms : How can you suspect me of writing against your religion, when you so well know my attachment to it ! In fact, this modern Luther, among other similar conr-es.siuns, has said ih'.is to (he writer ; i tucked in alo e for the Catholic religion with my mother's milk. 18 208 LETTER XXXII. in an hereditar} revolt against the church, which shines foith cons})icuou6, with every feature of truth in her countenance, and wanting the rare grace of acknowledging their error, at the expense of temporal advantages, they have no other defence for themselves but clamor and calumny, no resource for shrouding those beauteous features of the church, but by placing before them the hideous mask of misrepresentation ! Before I close this letter, I cannot help expressing an earnest wish, that it were in my power to suggest three most impoitanl considerations to all and every one of the theological calumni. atcrs in question. I pass over their injustice and cruelty to- wards us ; though this bears some resemblance with the bar- barity of Nero towards our predecessors, the first Christians of Rome, who disguised them in the skins of wild beasts, and then hunted them to death with dogs ; but Christ has warned us as follows : " It is enough for the disciple to be as his master ; if they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more them of his household ?" In fact, we know that those our above-mentioned predecessors were charged with worshipping the head of an ass, of killing and eating children, &c. The first observation which I am desirous of making to these controvertists is, that their charges and invectives against Catho- lics never unsettle the faith of a single individual amongst us ; much less do they cause any Catholic to quit our communion. This we are sure of, because, after all the pains and expenses of the Protestant societies to distribute Dr. Porteus's Confuta- tion of Papery^ and other tracts, in the houses and cottages of Catholics, not one of the latter ever comes to us, their pastors, to be furnished with an answer to the accusations contained in them. The truth is, they previously know, from their cate- chisms, the falsehood of them. Sometimes, no doubt, a disso- lute youth, " from libertinism of principle and practice," as one of the above-mentioned lords loudly proclaimed of himself, on his death-bed ; and sometimes an ambitious or avaricious noble- man or gentleman, to get honor or wealth ; finally, sometimes a profligate priest, to get a wife, or a living, forsakes our commu- nion ; — but, I may challenge Dr. Porteus to produce a single proselyte from Popery throughout the dioceses of Chester and London, who has been gained by his book against it ; and I nay say the same, with respect to the Bishop of Durham's no popery charges throughout the dioceses of Sarum and Durham. A second point of still greater importance for the considera- ion of these distinguished preachers and writers is, that their flagrant misrepresentation of the Catholic religion, is constantly HH occasion of the conversion of several of their own most upright n»cmbers to it. Such Christians, when thej- fall into companv INVOCATION OF SAINTS. 207 with Catholics, or get hold of their books, cannot fail of inquir ing whether they are really those monsters of idolatry, irreligion, and immorality, which their divines have represented them tn be ; when, discovering how much they have been deceived .1 these respects by misrepresentation ; and, in short, viewing new the fair face of the Catholic Church^ instead of the hideous mask which had been placed before it, they seldom fail to becokiie enamored of it, and, in case religion is their chief concern, to become our very best Catholics. The most important point, however, of all others for the con eideration of these learned theologues, is the following : " We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ," to be ex- aminfd on our observance of that commandment among the rest, ' Thou shalt not bear false witness against tJiy neighbor." Supp,^ing then these their clamorous charges against their Catholic neighbors, of idolatry, blasphemy, perfidy, and thirst of blood, should then appear, as they most certainly will appear, to be calumnies of the worst sort ; what will it avail their au- thors, that these have answered the temporary purpose of pre- venting the emancipation of Catholics, and of rousing the popu- lar hatred and fury against them ? Alas ! what will it avail them ? — I am, dear sir, yours, &c. John Milner. LETTER XXXin.— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ., &o ON THE INVOCATION OF SAINTS. Dear sir — The first, and most heavy charge, which Protestants bring against Catholics, is that of idolatry. They say, that the Catho- lic Church has been guilty of this crime, and of apostacy, by sanctioning the invocation of saints, and the worship of images and pictures : and that on this account they have been obliged to abandon her communion, in obedience to "the voice from heaven, saying, — Come out of her, my people, that ye be not par- takers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Rev. xviii. 4. Nevertheless it is certain, dear sir, that Protestantism was not founded on this ground, either in Germany or England ; for Luther warmly defended the Catholic doctrine in both the aforesaid particulars ; and our English reformers, pf rticularly King Edward's uncle, the Duke of Somerset, only tojk up this pretext of idolatry, as the most popular, in order to revolutionize the ancient religion ; a measure they were actively carrying on, from motives of avarice and ambition. The same reason, namely, a persuasioi that this charge of idolatry is tesc calou- 208 LETIER XXXIU. la ted to inflame 'he ignorant against the Catholic Church, and to furnish a pretext for deserting her, has caused Protestant con- trovertists to keep up the outcry against her ever since, and to vie with each other in the foulness of their misrepresentation of her doctrine h; this particular. To speak first of the invocation of saints : Archbishop Wake, (who afterwards, as we have seen, acknowledged to Dr. Dupin, that there was no fundamental difference between Jus doctrine and that of Catholics,) in his popular Commentary or. the Church Catechism, maintains, that " The Church of Rome has other gods beside the Lord."* Another prelate, whose work nas been lately republished by the Bishop of Llandaff, pro- nounces of Catholics, that, " Instead of worshipping Christ, :hey have substituted the doctrine of dcmons.'\ In the same blas- phemous terms, Mode, and a hundred other Protestant contro- vertists, speak of our communion of saints. The Bishop of London, among other such calumnies, charges us with "bring- ing back the heathen multitude of deities into Christianity ;" that we " recommend ourselves to some favorite saint, not by a religious life, but by flattering addresses and costly presents, and often depend much more on his intercession, than on oui blessed Saviour's ;" and that " being secure of the favor of these courtiers of heaven, we pay but little regard to the King of it. "if Such is the misrepresentation of the doctrine and practice of Catholics on this point, which the first ecclesiastical characters in the nation publish ; because, in fact, their cause has not a leg to stand on, if you take away misrepresentation. Let us now hear what is the genuine doctrine of the Catholic Church on this article, as solemnly defined by the pope, and near 300 prelates of different nations, at the Council of Trent, in the face of the whole world ; it is simply this, that " the saints, reigning with Christ, offer up their praytrs to God for men ; that it is good and useful suppliantly to invoke them, and to have recourse to iheiv prayers, help, and assistance, to obtain favors from God, through his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alone our Redeemer and Saviour. ^'^ Hence the Catechism of the Council of Trent, published in virtue of its decree, || by or- der of Pope Pius v., teaches that " God and the sal ts are not to be prayed to in the same manner ; for we pray to God that he himself ivould give us good things, and deliver us from evil (flings ; but we beg of the saints, because they are pleasing t» God, that they would be our advocates, and obtain from God » Sect. 2, 3. t E-.shop Watson's The-)!. Tracts, vol. v. p. 272. 1 Brief Confut. pp. 23, S.o, § Coi:.;il. Tr-id Sess. 25, Je Iiivoc I Sess. 24, de Rcf. c. 7 imrOCATION OF SAINTS. 209 what we stand in need of."* Our first English catechism foi the instruction of chi'.dren says : " We are to honor saints and angels as God's special friends and servants ; but not with the honor which belongs to God." Finally, The Papist Misrepre- sented and Represented, a work of great authority among Catho- lics, first published by our eminent divine, Gother, and repub- lished by our venerable Bishop Challoner, pronounces the fol- lowing anathema against that idolatrous phantom of Catholicity, which Protestant controvertists have held up for the identical Catholic Church : '• Cursed is he that believes the saints in heaven to be his redeemers, that prays to them as such, or thai gives God's honor to them, or to any creature whatsoever. Amen." — "Cursed is every goddess- worshipper, that believes the blessed Virgin Mary to be any more than a creature ; thai worships her, or puts his trust in her more than in God ; thai believes her above her Son, or that she can in any thing com- mand him. Amen."f You see, dear sir, how widely different the doctrine of Catho- lics, as defined by our church, and really held by us, is from the caricature of it held up by interested preachers and contro- vertists, to scare and inflame an ignorant multitude. So far from making gods and goddesses of the saints, we firmly hold it to be an article of faith, that, as they have no virtue or ex- cellence, but what has been gratuitously bestowed upon them by God, for the sake of his incarnate Son, Jesus Christ, so they can procure no benefit for us but by means of their prayers to the Giver of all good gifts, through their and our common Sa- viour Jesus Christ. In short, they do nothing for us poor mor- tals, in heaven, but what they did while they were here on earth, and what all good Christians are bound to do for each other ; namely, to help us by their prayers. The only differ- ence is, that as the saints in heaven are free from every stain of sin and imperfection, and are confirmed in grace and glory, so their prayers are far more efficacious for obtaining what they ask for, than are the prayers of us imperfect and sinful mortals. Our Protestant brethren will not deny that St. Paul was in the practice of soliciting the prayers of the churches to which he addressed his epistles, Rom. xv. 30, &c. ; that the Almighty himself commanded the friends of Job to obtain his prayers foi the pardon of their sins, Job xlii. 8: — and, moreover that they themselves are accustomed to pray publicly for one another. Now these concessions, together with the authorized exposition of our doctrine, laid down above, are abundantly sufficient to refute most of the remaining objections of Protestants against * Pars IV Quia orandus. t Pap. Mi trep. Ab.ndg. p. 78 18* 210 LETTER XXXIII. it. In vain, for example, does Dr. Porteus quote the text of St. Paul, 1 Tim ii, 5, There is one Mediator between God and men^ the man Christ Jesus : for we grant that Christ alone is the me- diator of salvation. But if he argues from thence, that there ia no other mediator of intercession, he would condemn the conduct of St. Paul, of Job's friends, and of his own church. In vain does he take advantage of the ambiguous meaning of the word worship in Matt. iv. 10 ; because, if the question be about a divine adoration, we restrain this as strictly to God as he can do ; but if it be about merely honoring the saints, we cannot censure tha:, without censuring other passages of Scripture,* and condemning the bishop himself, who expressly says ; "The Baints in heaven we love and honor.-f In vain does he quote Rev. xix. 10, where the angel refused to let St. John prostrate himself, and adore him ; because, if the mere act itself, inde- pendently of the evangelist's mistaking him for the Deity, was for- bidden, then the three angels, who permitted Abraham to how himself to the ground before them, were guilty of a crime, Gen. xviii. 2, as was that other angel, before whom Joshua fell on his face and worshipjjed. Jos. v. 14. The charge of idolatry against Catholics, for merely honoring those ivhom God honors, and for desiring them to pray to God for us, is too extravagant to be any longer published by Pro- testants of learning and character ; accordingly the Bishop of Durham is content with accusing us of blasphemy, on the latter part of the charge. What he says is this : "It is blasphemy, to ascribe to angels and saints, by praying to them, the divine attribute of universal presence.":]: To say nothing of his lord- ship's new invented blasphemy, I should be glad to ask him, how it follows, from my praying to an angel or a saint in any place, where I may be, that I necessarily believe the angel or saint to be in that place ? Was Elisha really in Syria when he saw the ambush prepared there for the king of Israel ? 2 Kings vi. 9. Again : we know that " There is joy before the * The word worship, in this place, is used for supreme divine homage, m appears by the original Greek : whereas in St. Luke, xiv. 10, the Lnglish translators make use of it for the lowest degree of respect. Thou- shalt haot worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee. The latter is tfce proper meaning of the word worship ; as appears by the marriage ser- vice — IVith my body I thee worship; and by the designation of the lowest order of magistrates, his Worship, Mr. Alderman N. Nevertheless, on the v/ord may l)e differently interpreted, Catholics abstain from applying it to persons or things inferior to God : making use of the words honor and vene. ration in their regard ; words which, so applied, even Bishop Porteus ap. proves in us. Thus it appears, that the heinous charge of idolatry brought ■gdima Catholics fur their respect towards the saints, is grounded on nothing but tic mistaken mean if of a word. t P. 23. X Charge 1810, p. 13 INVOCATION OF SAINTS. 211 a'.igels jf God over one sinner that repenteth," Luke xv. 10. Now^ is it by visual rays, or undulating sounds, that these bless- ed spirits in heaven know what passes in the hearts oi' men upon earth ? How does his lordship know, that one part ot the saint's felicity may not cDnsist in contemplating the wonder- ful ways of God's providence with all his creatures here on earth ? But, without recurring to this supposition, it is suffi- cient, for dissipating the Bishop's uncharitable phantom of blas- phemy, and Calvin's profane jest about the lenghts of the saints* »ars, that God is able to reveal to them the prayers of Christian* who address them here on earth. — In case I had the same op- portunity of conversing with this prelate, which I once enjoyed, I should not fail to make the following observation to him : My lord, you publicly maintain, that the act of praying to saints, ascribes to them the divine attribute of universal presence ; and this you call blasphemy. Now it appears, by the articles and injunctions of your church, that you believe in the existence and efficacy of " sorceries, enchantments, and witchcraft invent- ed by the devil, to procure his counsel or help,"* wherever the conjuror or witch may chance to be ; do you, therefore, ascribe the divine attribute of universal presence to the devil ? You must assert this, or you must withdraw your charge of blasphemy against the Catholics, for praying to the saints. That it is lawful and profitable to invoke the prayers of the angels, is plain from Jacob's asking and obtaining the angel'g blessing, with whom he had mystically wrestled, Gen. xxxii. 26, and from his invoking his own angel to bless Joseph's sons, Gen. xlvii. 16. The same is also sufficiently plain with re- spect to the saints, from the Book of Revelations ; where the four and twenty elders m heaven are said to have " golden vials full of odors, which are the prayers of the saints." Rev. V. 8. The church, however, derived her doctrine, on this and other points, immediately from the apostles, before any part of the New Testament was written. The tradition was so ancient and universal, that all those eastern churches, which broke off from the central church of Rome, a gr at many ages before Protestantism was heard of, perfectly agr» e with us in honoring and invoking th.e angels and saints. I have said that the pa. triach of Protestantism, Martin Luther, did not find any thing idolatrous in the doctrine or practice of the church with respect to the saints. So far from this, he exclaims : " Who can deny that God works great miracles at the tombs of the saints ? I, therefore, with the whole Catholic Church, hold that the sahits • Iivjuncti ae, A D. 1559. Bishop Sparrow's Collection, p. 89. Article, ibid, p 180 213 LETTER XXXIII. are to be honored and invocated by us.*'* In the same spirit he recommends this devotion to dying persons: "Let no one omit to call upon the Blessed Virgin and the angels and saints, that they may intercede with God for them at the instant. "f I may add that several of the brightest lights of the established church, such as Archbishop Sheldon and the Bishops Bland ford4 Gunning,§ Montague, &c., have altogether abandoned thecljarge of idolatry against Catholics on this head. The last mentioned of them says, " I own that Christ is not wronged in his media- tion. It is no impiety to say, as they (the Catholics) zb, Holy Mary, pray for me ; Holy Peter, pray for me ;"|| whilst the can. did Prebendary of Westminster warns his brethren, " not to lead people by the nose, to believe they can prove papists to be idolaters, when they cannot. "IT In conclusion, dear sir, you will observe, that the Council of Trent barely teaches that it is good and profitable to invoke the prayers of the saints ; hence our divines infer, that there is no positive law of the church, incumbent on all her children to pray to the saints.** Nevertheless, what member of the Catho- lic Church militant will fail to communicate with his brethren of the church triumphant ? What Catholic, believing in the communion of saints, and that " the saints reigning with Christ pray for us, and that it is good and profitable for us to invoke their prayers," will forego this advantage ? How sublime and consoling ! how animating is the doctrine and practice of true Catholics, compared with the opinions of Protestants ! We hold daily and hourly converse, to our unspeakable comfort ai.d ad- vantage with the angelic choirs, with the venerable patriarchs and prophets of ancient times, with the heroes of Christianity, the blessed apostles and martyrs, and with the bright ornaments of it in later ages, the Bernards, the Xaviers, the Teresas, and the Saleses. They are all members of the Catholic Church!— Why should not you partake of this advantage? Your soul you complain, dear sir, is in trouble ; you lament that your prayers to God are not heard : — continue to pray to him with all the fervor of your soul ; but why not engage his friends and courtiers to add the weight of their prayers to your own ? Per- haps his Divine Majesty may hear the prayers of the Jobs wheil he will not listen to those of an Eliphaz, a Bildad, or a Zophar, Job. xlii. You believe, no doubt, that you have a guardian angel, appointed by God to protect you, conformably to what * In Purg. quoraind. Artie Tom. i. Germet. Ep. ad Georg. Spalai. t Luth. Frep. ad Mort. t See Duchess of York's Testimony, in Bruna W'ck's 50 Reasons. § Burnet's Hist, of his own Times, vol. i. p. 437 d Treat. Invoc.of .ijainis, p. 118. If Thorndik-'s Just. Weights, p 10 ** Petavius, Suarez, Wallenburg, Muratori, Nat. Alex. RELIGIOUS MEMORIALS. 213 Oirist said of the children presented to him : " Their angels do always behold the fare of my Father who is in heaven." Matt, xviii. 10. — Address yourself to this blessed spirit with gratitude, veneration, and confidence. You believe also, thai among the saints of God, there is one of supereminent purity and sanctity, pronounced by an archangel to be not only gra- cious, but " full of grace ;" the chosen instrument of God in the incarnation of his Son, and the intercessor with this her Son_ in obtaining his first miracle, that of turning water into wine, at a time when his " time" for appearing in the world by mi- laoles v/as not yet come. John, iii. 4. " It is im]^x)ssible," as one of the fathers says, " to love the Son, without loving the mother :" — beg then of her, with affection and confidence, to in- tercede with Jesus, as the poor Canaanites did, to change the tears of your distress into the wine of gladness, by affording you the light and grace you so much want. You cannot refuse tc ioin with me in the angelic salutation : " Hail full of grace, our Lord is with thee;"* nor in the subsequent address of the inspired Elizabeth : " Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb," Luke, i. 42. Cast aside, then, I beseech you, dear sir, prejudices which are not only ground, less but also hurtful, and devoutly conclude with me, in the words of the whole Catholic Church upon earth : Holy Mai'y, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. — I am, &;c. John Milner. LETTER XXXIV.— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ., &c ON RELIGIOUS MEMORIALS. Dear sir — Ir the Catholic Church has been so grievously injured by the •Tfiisrepresentationsof her doctrine respecting prayers to the saints, she has been still more grievously injured by the prevailing calumnies against the respect which she pays to the memorials cf Christ and his saints ; namely, to crucifixes, relics, pious pic- tures, and images. This has been misrepresented, from almost li\e first eruption of Protestantism,-]- as rank idolatry, and as jus- * Luke i. 28. The Catholic version is here used as more conformable to the Greek, as well as the Vulgate, than the Protestant, w'lich renders the passage. Hail thou who art highly favored. t Martin Luther, with all his hatred of the Catholic Church, found no idolatry in her doctrine respecting crosses and images : on the contrary, he warmly defended it against Carlostadius and his associates, who had destroy- ed those in the churches of Wittenberg. — Epist. ad. Gasp. Guttal. In the title.f iges of his volumes, published by Melancthon, Luther is exi ibited oa 214 LETTEB XXXIV. tifying the necessity of a reformation. Tc countenance such misrepresentation in our own country in particular, avaricious courtiers and grandees seized on the costly shrines, statues, and other ornaments of all the churches and chapels, and authorized the demolition or defacing of all other religious memorials, of whatever nature or materials, not only in places of worship, but also in market-places, and even in private houses. In suppoi't of the same pious fraud, the Holy Scriptu;es were corrupted in their different versions and editions,* till religious Protestants themselves became disgusted with them,f and loudly called for a new translation. This was accordingly made, at the begin- ning of the first James' reign. In short, every passage in the Bible, and every argument which common sense su2!;gesta against idolatry, was applied to the decent respect which Catho- lics show to the memorials of Christianity. The misrepresentation in question still continues to be the chosen topic of Protestant controvertists, for inflaming the minds of the ignorant against their Catholic brethren. Accordingly, there is hardly a lisping infant, who has not been taught that the Romanists pray to images ; nor is there a secluded peasant who has not been made to believe, that the Papists worship wood- en gods. The Book of Homilies repeatedly affirms, that our images of Christ and his saints are idols; that we "pray and ask of them what it belongs to God alone to give ;" and that " images have been and be worshipped, and so, idolatry commit ted to them by infinite multitudes, to the great offence of God'i« his knees before a crucifix. Queen Elizabeth persisted for many years in re. taining a crucifix on the altar of her chapel, till some of her Puritan courtiers engaged Patch, the fool, to break it : '* no wiser man," says Dr. Heylin, (Hist, of Reform, p. 124,) " daring to undertake such a service." James I. thus reproached the Scotch bishops, when they objected to his placing pic- tures and statues in his chapel at Edinburgh : " You can endure lions and dragons, {the supporters of the royal anns,) and devils, (Queen Elizabeth'? griffins,) to be figured in your churches, but will not allow the like place to patriarchs and apostles." Spotswood's History, p. 530. * See in the present English Bible, Colos. iii. 5, Covetousness^ which is idolatry : this in the Bibles of 1562, 1577, and 1579, stood thus : CovetousnesSy which is the worshipping of images. In like manner, where we read, a covetous man who is an idolater : in the former editions we read, a covetous man ivhich is a worshipper of idols. Instead of. What agreement hath the temple of God tcith idols ? 2 Cor. vi. 16, it used to stand : How agreeth the temple of God with images ? Instead of. Little children, keep yourselves from ido's, 1 John ▼. 21, it stood during the reigns of Edward a?)d Elizabeth : Babes, keep your selves from images. There were several other manifest corruptions in this as well as in other points in the ancient Protestant Bibles; some of which remain in the present version. t See the account of what passed on this subject, at the Conference of Hampton Court, in Fuller and Collier's Church Histories, r ad in Neal's Hif iory of he Puritanb. RELIGIOUS MEMORIALS. 215 majestic, and danger of infinite soules ; that idolatrie can not possibly be separated from images set up in churches, and that God's horrible wrath and our most dreadful danger cannot pc avoided without the destruction and utter abolition of ail such images and idols out of the church and temple of God.''* Arch- bishop Seeker teaches, that " the Church of Rome has othei gods besides the Lord," and that, " there never was greater idolatry among heathens in the business of image-worshipping than in the Church of Rome."! Bishop Porteus, though he does not charge us with idolatry by name, yet intimates the same thing, where he applies to us one of the strongest passages of Scripture against idol-worship : " They that make them are like unto them ; and so is every one that trusteth in them. O Israel, trust thou in the Lord." Psalm cxiii. Let us now hear what the Catholic Church herself has sol- emnly pronounced on the present subject, in her General Coun- cil of Trent. She says : " The images of Christ, of the Virgin- mother of God, and of the other saints, are to be kept and retained, particularly in the churches, and due honor and vene- ration is to be paid them : not ihnt we believe there is any divinity or power in them, for which we respect them, or that any thing is to be asked of them, or that trust is to be placed in them, as the heathens of old trusted in their idols. "J In con- formity with this doctrine of our church, the following question and answer are seen in our first catechism, for the instruction of children : " Question : May we pray to relics or images ? Answer : No ; by no means, for they have no life or sense to hear or help us." Finally, that work of the able Catholic wri- ters, Gother and Chal loner, which I quoted above, The Papist Misrepresented and Represented, contains the following anathe- ma, in which I am confident every Catholic existing will readily join : " Cursed is he that commits idolatry ; that prays to images or relics, or worships them for God. Amen." Dr. Porteus is very positive, that there is no scriptural war- rant for retaining and venerating these exterior memorials ; and he maintains that no other memorial ought to be admitted than the Lord's supper. Does he remember the ark of the covenant, • Against the Peril of Idol. p. iii. — This admonition was quickly carried ihto effect throughout England. All statues, bas-relievos, and crosses, were demolished in all the churches, and all pictures were defaced * while they continued to hold their places, as they do still, in the irotestani churches of Germany. At length common sense regained its rights, even in this coujitry. Accordingly we see the cross exalted at the top of its principal church, (St. Paul's,) which is also ornamented all round with the statues of saints; mosi of the cathedrals and collegiate churches now contain picture? and some ol fiiem, as for example, Westminster Abbey, carved images. t Comment on Ch. Catecb. sect. 24 t Seas, xxv 216 LETTER 3LXXIV. made by the command of Grod, together with the punishment of those who profaned it, and the blessings bestowed on those who revered it ? And what was the ark of the covenant after all ? A chest of settim wood, containing the tables of the law and two golden pots of manna ; the whole being covered over by two carved images of cherubim ; in short, it was a memorial of (rod's mercy and bounty to his people. But, says the bishop, *• The Roman Catholics make images of Christ and of his saints after their own fancy : before these images, and even that of the cross, they kneel down and prostrate themselves ; to these they lift up their eyes, and in that posture they pray."* Sup- posing all this to be true ; has the bishop never read, that when the Israelites were smitten at Ai, " Joshua fell to the earth upon his face, before the ark of the Lord, ur.til the even-tide, he and the elders of Israel ; and Joshua said, Alas, O Lord God," Sl. Paul, 1 Cor. xi. 23, 24, 25, who adds : " Wherefore, who- Doever shali eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord 2*i8 LETTER XXXVII. unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the LoiJ— and eateth and drinketh judgment (the Protestant Bible says, damnation) to himself." 1 Cor. xi. 27, 29. To the native evi- dence of these texts I shall add but two words. First, supposing it possible that Jesus Christ had deceived the Jews of Caphar- naum, and even his disciples and his very apostles, in the sol- emn asseverations which he, six times over, repeated of his real and corporeal oresence in the sacrament, when he promised 1o institute it, can any one believe that he would continue the deception on his dear apostles, in the very act of instituting it, and when he was on the point of leaving them ? In short, when he was bequeathing them the legacy of his love ? In the next place, what propriety is there in St. Paul's heavy denunciations of profaning Christ's person, and of damnation, on the part of unworthy communicants, if they partook of it only hy faith and in figure? For, after all, the paschal lamb, which the people of God had, by his command, every year eaten, since their de- liverance out of Egypt, and which the apostles themselves eat, before they received the blessed eucharist, was, as a mere figure and an incitement to faith, far more striking than eating and drinking bread and wine are. Hence the guilt of profaning the paschal lamb, and the numerous other figures of Christ, would not be less heinous than profaning the sacrament, if he were not really there. I should write a huge folio volume, were I to transcribe all the authorities in proof of the real presence and transubstantia. tion which may be collected from the ancient fathers, councils, and historians, anterior to the origin of these doctrines, assigned by the Bishops of London* and Lincoln. The latter, who speaks more precisely on the subject, says: "The idea of Christ's bodily presence in the eucharist was first started in the begin- ning of the eighth century. In the twelfth century, the actual change of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, by the consecration of the priest, was pronounced to be a gospel truth. The first writer who maintained it, was Paschasius Rad bert. It is said to have been brought into England by Lan- franc."f What will the learned men of Europe, who are versed in ecclesiastical literature, think of the state of this science in England, should they hear that such positions as these have been published by one of its most celebrated prelates'? I have assigned the cause why I must content myself with a few of the numberless documents which present themselves to me in refu- tation of such bold assertions. St. Ignatius, then, an apostolical Dishop of the first century, describing certain contijm}.orary • P«e 38. t Elm. of Theol. vol. ii. p. 380 THE REAL PRESENCE. 22^ heretics, says : " They do not admit of eucharfsts and oblations, because they do not believe the eucharist to be the flesh of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who suffered for our sins."* I pass over the testimonies, to the same effect, of St. Justin Martyr,7 St. Ircnseus,:!: St. Cyprian, § and other fathers of the second and third centuries, but will quote the following words from Origen, because the prelate appeals to his authority in another passage, which is nothing at all to the purpose. He says, then, " Manna was formerly given as a figure ; but now, the flesh and blood of the Son of God is specifically given, and is real food."|| I must omit the clear and beautiful testimonies for the Catholic doctrine, which St. Hilary, St. Basil, Si. John Chrysostom, St. Jerom, St. Augustin, and a number of other illustrious doctors of the fourth and fifth ages, furnish ; bui I cannot pass over those of St. Cyril of Jerusalem, and St. Ambrose of Milan, be- cause these, occurring in catechetical discourses or expositions of the Christian doctrine to their young neophytes, must evidently be understood in the most plain and literal sense they can bear. The former says: "Since Christ himself affirms thus of the bread, This is my body, who is so daring as to doubt of it ? Ana since he affirms, T^is is my hiood, who will deny that it is his blood ? At Cana of Galilee, he, by an act of his will, turned water into wine, which resembles blood ; and is he not then to be credited when he changes wine into blood ? Therefore, full of certainty, let us receive the hody and blood of Christ ; for, under the form of bread, is given to thee his body, and, under the form of wine, his blood. "IT St. Ambrose thus argues with his spiritual children : " Perhaps you will say, Why do you tell me that I recjive the body of Christ, when I see quite another thing? We have this point, therefore, to prove. How many examples do we produce to show you, that this is not what na- ture made it, but what the benediction has consecrated it ; and that the benediction is of greater force than nature- because, by the benediction, nature itself is changed ! Moses cast his rod on the ground, and it became a serpent ; he caMgh^ hold of the serpent's tail, and it recovered the nature of a rod. The rivers of Egypt, &c. — Thou hast read of the creation of tne world : if Christ, by his word, was able to make something oi>t of nothing, shall he not be thought able to change one thing into another ?"** But I have quoted enough from the ancient fathers to refute the rash assertions of the two modern bishops. True it is, that Paschasius Radbert, an abbot o'* the ninth century, writing a treatise on the eucharist, for the instruction * Ep. ad Smyrn. t Apolog. to Emp. Antonin. , L. v c. IL § Ep. 54 ad Cornel. || II<»m. 7. in Levit. T C»ti>.lr Mvstagog 4 •• De bis qui Myst. Ini*. c. 9 20 230 LETTER XXXVII. of his noviojs, miiintains the real corporeal presence o! Jhrist in it ; but so far from teaching a novelty, he professes to say nothing but what all the world believes and professes.* — The truth of this appears when Berengarius, in the eleventh century, among other errors, denied the real presence ; for then the whole church rose up against him ; he was attacked by a whole host of eminent writers, and among others by our Archbishop Lan franc ; all of when-, in their respective works, appeal to the belief of all nations; and Berengarius was condemned in no less than eleven councils. I have elsewhere shown the abso- lute impossibility, that the Christians of all the nations in the world should be persuaded into a belief that the sacrament, which they were in the habit of receiving, was the living Christy if they had before held it to be nothing but an inanimate memo- rial of him : even though, by another impossibility, all the clergy of the nations were to combine together for effecting this. On the other hand, it is incontestible, and has been carried to the highest degree of moral evidence,-]- that all the Christians of all the nations of the world, Greeks as well as Latins, Africans as well as Europeans, except Protestants and a handful of Vau- dois peasants, have, in all ages, believed and still believe in the real presence and transubstantiation. I am now, dear sir, about to produce evidence of a different nature, I mean Protestant evidence, for the main point under consideration, the real presence. My first witness is no other than the father of the pretended Reformation, Martin Luther himself. He tells us how very desirous he was, and how much he labored in his mind to overthrow this doctrine, because, says he, (observe his motive,) " I clearly saw how much I should thereby injure Popery : but I found myself caught, without any way of escaping ; for the text of the gospel was too plain for this purpose.":}: Hence he continued, till his death, to con- demn those Protestants who denied the corporeal presence; em- ploying for this purpose, sometimes the shafts of his coarse ridi- cule,§ and sometimes the thunder of his vehement declamation * " Quod totus orbis credit et confltetur." See Perpetuity de la Foi. t See ir particular the last-named victorious work, which has proved the conversion of many Protestants, and among the rest that of a distinguished churchman now living. t Epist. ad. argenten, torn. 4, fol. 502, Ed. Witten. § In one place, he says, that " The devil seems to have mocked those, tc ♦vliom he has suggested a heresy so ridiculous and contrary to Scripture Q» that of the Zuinglians," who explained away the words of the institution ir a figurative sense. He elsewhere compares these glosses with the following translation of the first wards of Scripture ; In princiino Deus creavit coelutn et lerram : — In the beginring the cuckoo eat the sparroto and his feather* Vefens. Verb. Dom. THE REAL PRESENCE. 231 and anathemas.* To speak now of former eminent oishopa and divines of the Establishment in this country ; it is evidenJ. from their works, that many of them believed firmly in the real presence, such as the Bishops Andrews, Bilson, Morton, Liud, Montague, Sheldon, Gunning, Forbes, Bramhall, and Cosin, to whom I shall add the justly esteemed Hook( r ; the testimonies of whom, for the real presence, are as explicit as Cttholics themselves can wish them to be. I will transcribe in the Aiargin a few v/ords from each of the three last-named auihors.f The near, or rather close approach, of these and other eminent Protestant divines, to the constant doctrine of the Catholic Church, on this principal subject of modern controversy, is evi- dently to be ascribed to the perspicuity and force of the declara- tion of Holy Scripture concerning it. As to the holy fathers, they received this, with her other doctrines, from the apostles, inde- pendently of Scripture: for, before even St. Matthew's gospel was promulgated, the sacrifice of the mass was celebrated, and the body and blood of Christ distributed to the faithful through- out a great part of the known world. In finishing this letter, T must make an important remark on he object or end of the institution of the blessed sacrament. This, our divine Master tells us, was to communicate a new and special grace, or life, as he calls it, to us his disciples of the new law. " The bread that I will give is my flesh, for the life of the world. As the living Father has sent me, and I live by * On one occasion he calls those who deny the real and corporeal pres- ence, " A damned sect, lying heretics, bread-breakers, wine-drinkers, and 80ul-destroyers." In Parv. Catech. On other occasions he says, " They aie indeviiiied and superdevilized." Finally he devotes them to everlasting flames, and builds liis own hopes of finding mercy at the tribunal of Christ on his iaving, with all his soul, condemned Carlostad, Zuinglius, and otlier believrsin the symbolical presence. + I ishop Bramhall writes thus: " No genuine son of the Church (of Eng land) did ever deny a true, real presence. — Christ said, This is viy body^ and -yhat he said we steadfastly believe. He said neither CON nor SUB nor TRANS : therefore we place these among the opinions of schools, not ar>>ng articles of faith." Answer to Militaire, p. 74. — Bishop Cosin is not l^w, explicit in favor of the Catholic doctrine. He says, " It is a monstr(>us exA-r to deny that Christ is to be adored in the eucharist. We conjfcss the ner,e«sity of a supernatural and heavenly change, and that the signs cannot become sacraments but by the infinite power of God. If any one make a bare figure of the sacrament, we ought not to suffer him in our churches." Hisl.of Transub. Lastly, the profound Hooker expresses himself thus : " I wish men would give themselves more to meditate, with silence, on what we have in the sacrament, and less to dispute of the manner how. Since we all Bgi-ie that Christ, by the sacrament, doth really and truly perform in us his premise, why do we so vainly trouble ourselves with so fierce contentions, whether by consubstantiation or else by transubstantiation ?" Eccles. Polit B. V. 67. 232 LETTER XXXVII. the Father, so he that eateth me, the same shall also live by me. This is the bread that came down from heaven : not as your fa- thers did eat manna, and are dead ; he that eateth this bread shall live for ever." John vi. 52, 58, 59. He explains, in the same passage, the particular nature of this spiritual life, and shows in what it consists, namely, in an intimate union with him; where he says, "He that eateth my flesh, and diinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him." Ver. 57. Now the servants of God, from the beginning of the world, had striking figures and memorials of the promised Messiah, the participation of which, by faith and devotion, was, in a limited degree, bene- ficial to their souls. Such were the tree of life, the various sacrifices of the patriarchs, and those of the Mosaic law ; but more particularly the paschal lamb, the loaves of proposition, and the manna of which Christ here speaks : still, these signs, in their very institution, were so many promises, on the part of God, that he would bestow upon his people the thing signified by them ; even his incarnate Son, who is at once our victim and our food, and who gives spiritual life to the worthy communi- cants, not in a limited measure, but indefinitely, according to each one's preparation The same tender love which made him shroud the rays of his Divinity, and take upon himself theforin, of a servant, and the likeness of man, in his incarnation ; whicii made him become as a worm and not a man, the reproach of men and the outcast of the people, in his immolation on Mount Cal- vary, has caused him to descend a step lower, and to conceal his human nature also, under the veilsof our ordinary nourishment, that thus we may be able to salute him with our mouths, and lodge him in our breasts, in order that we may thus, each one of us, abide in him, and he ahide in us, for the life of our souls. No wonder that Protestants, who are strangers to these heavenly truths, and who are still immersed in the clouds of types and figures, not pretending to any thing more in their sacrament, than what the Jews possessed in their ordinances, should be comparatively so indifferent, as to the preparation for receiving it, and indeed, as to the reception of it at all! No wonder tha/ many ol them, and amongst the rest, Anthony Ulric, Duke of Brunswick,* should have reconciled themselves to the Catholi# Church, chiefly for the benefit of exchanging the figure for th« substance ; the bare memorial of Christ, for his adorable bod^ and blood. — I am, dear sir, &;c. John Milner. • Lettres d'un Docteur Allemand par Scheffmacker, vol. i. p. 393. OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. 233 LETTEU XXX nil.— TO THE REV ROBERT CLAYTON, M. A OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. Reverend sir — Though I had not received the letter with which you have honored me, it was my intention to write to Mr. Brown, by way of answering Bishop Porteus'f objections against the Catholic doctrine of the blessed eucharist. As you, reverend sir, have in some manner adopted those objections, I address my answer to you. You begin with the bishop's arguments from Scripture, and say, that the same Divine Personage who says. Take, eat, this is my body, elsewhere calls himself a door, and a vine : hence you argue, that as the two latter terms are metaphorical, so the first is also. I grant that Christ makes use of metaphors, when he calls himself a door and a vine ; but then he explains that they are metaphors, by saying, " I am the door of the sheep : by me if any man enter he shall be saved." John, x. 9. And again, " I am the vine, you the branches ; he that abideth in me, and I in him, beareth much fruit ; for without me you can do no- thing." John, XV. 5. But, in the institution of the sacrament, though he was then making his last will, and bequeathing that legacy to his children, which, in his promise of it, he had as- sured them should be meat indeed and drink indeed, not a word falls from him to signify that his legacy is not to be understood in the plain sense of the terms he makes use of. Hence those incredulous Christians who insist on allegorizing the texts in question, (professing at the same time to make the plain, natural sense of Scripture their only rule of faith,) may allegorize every other part of Holy Writ as ridiculously as Luther had transla- ted the first words of Genesis, and thus gain no certain know- ledge from any part of it. His lordship adds, that the apostles did not understand this institution literally, as they asked no questions, nor expressed any surprise concerning it. True, they did not, but iien they had been present on a former occasion, at a scene in which the Jews, and even many of the disciples, expressed great surprise at the annunciation of this mystery, and asked, How can this man give us his flesh to eat? On that occasion, we know that Christ tried the faith of his apostles as to this mystery, when they generously answered, Lord, to whom shall we go ? Thou hast tJie words of eternal life. You may quote, after Dr. Porteus, Christ's answer to the murmur of the Jews on this subject. " Doth this ofiend you ? If then you s lall see the Son of man ascend up where he was 20* 234 LETTER XXXVIII. befojQ ? It is tl»e spirit that quickeneth ; the flesh profiteth nothing. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life." John, vi. 63, 64. To this I answer, that if there were an apparent contradiction between this passage and those others in the same chapter, in which Christ so expressly affirms, that his Jlesh IS MEAT INDEED, and his blood drink indeed, it would only prove more clearly the necessity of inquiring into the doc- trine of the Catholic Church concerning them. But there is nc 8uch appearance of contradiction : on the contrary, our contro. Yeitists draw an argument from the first part of this passage in favor of the real presence.* The utmost that can he deduced from the remaining part is, that Christ's inanimate flesh, man- ducated, like that of animals, according to the gross idea of the Jews, would not confer the spiritual life which he speaks of, though some of the fathers understand these words, not of the body and blood of Christ, but of our unenlightened natural reason, in contradistinction to inspired faith ; in which sense Christ says to St. Peter, " Blessed art thou, because flesh and blood has not revealed this to thee, but my Father who is in heaven." Matt, xvi. 17. You add from St. Luke, that Christ says in the very institution, "Do this in memory of me." Luke, xxii. 19. I answer, that neither here is there any contradiction ; for the eucharist is both a memorial of Christ and the real presence of Ciirist. When a person stands visibly before us, we have no need of any sign to call him to our memory ; but if he were present, in such a manner to be concealed from all our senses, we might, without a memorial of him, as easily forget him, as if he were at a great distance from us. These words of Christ, then, which we always repeat at the consecration, and the very sight of the sacramental species, serve for this purpose. The objection, however, v/hich you, reverend sir, and Bishop Porteus, chiefly insist upon, is the testimony of our senses. You both say, the bread and wine are seen, and touched, and iasted in our sacrament, the same as in yours. " If we cannot oelieve our senses," the bishop says, " we can believe nothing." 'J'his was a good popular topic for Archbishop Tillotson, from whom it is borrowed, to flourish upon in the pulpit ; but it will !iot stand the test of Christian tneology — it would undermine the incarnation itself. With equal reason the Jews said of Christ, "Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary?" Matt. xiii. 55. Hence they concluded he was not what he proclaimed himself to be, the Son of God. In like manner Joshua thought he saw a man, (Joshua, v. 13,) and Ja- cob that he touched one, (Gen. xxxii. 24,) and Abraham that » Veriid de la Relig. Cat. prouv^e par I'Ecriture, par M. Des Mahi. p. 161 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. 235 he eat with three men, (Gen. xviii. 8,) when, in all these in stances, there were no real men, but unbodied spirits present, the different senses of those patriarchs misleading them. Again^ were not the eyes of the disciples, going to Emmaus, he^d so that they should not know Jesus ? Luke, xxiv. 16. Did not the same thing happen to Mary Magdalen and the apostles ? John, xx. 1.5. But, independently of Scripture, philosophy and experience show that there is no essential connection between our sensations and the objects which occasion them, and that, in fact, each of our senses frequently deceive us. How unreasonable then is it, as well as impious, to oppose their fallible testimony to Goc s infallible word !* But the bishop, as you remind me, undertakes to show tha there are absurdities and contradictions in the doctrine of tran substantiation — he ought to have said of the real presence — foi every one of his alleged contradictions is equally found in the Lutheran cmisubstaniiation, in the belief of which our gracious queen was educated, and in the corporeal presence, held by so many English bishops. He accordingly asks, how Christ's body can be contracted into the space of a host ? How it can be at the right hand of his Father in heaven, and upon our altars at the same time, &c. ? I answer, first, with an ancient father, that if we insist on using this HOW of the Jews, with respect to the mysteries revealed in Scripture, we must renounce our faith in it ?f Secondly, I answer, that we do not know what constitutes the essence of matter and of space. I say, thirdly, that Christ transfigured his body on Mount Thabor, (Mark, ix. 1,) bestowing on it many properties of a spirit, before his pas- sion ; and that after he had ascended up to heaven, he appeared to St. Paul on the road to Damascus, (Acts, ix. 17,) and stood hy him in the castle of Jerusalem. Acts, xxiii. 11. Lastly, 1 answer, that God fills all space, and is whole and entire in ev- ery particle of matter; likewise, that my own soul is in my right hand and in my left, whole and entire ; that the bread and wine, which I eat and drink, are transubstantiated into my own flesh and blood ; that this body of mine, which some years ago was of a small size, has now increased to its present bulk ; that soon it will turn into dust, or perhaps be devoured by ani- • For example, we think we see the setting sun in a line wuh on; eyes but philosophy demonstrates that a large portion of the terraqueojts globe is interposed between them, and that the san is considerably below tha horizon. As we trust more to our feeling than any other sense, let any pe? son cause his neighbor to shut his eyes, and then crossing the two first fir% ger8 of either hand, make him rub a pea, or any other round substance oa. Iween them, he will then protest that he feels two such objects. t Cyrii. Alex. 1. 4, in Joan 286 LETTER xxxrx. mals or cannibals, and thus become part of their substance ; aw^ that, nevertheless, God will restore it entire at the last day. Whoever will enter into these considerations, instead of employ- ing the Jewish HOW, will be disposed, with St. Augustin, to " admit that God can do much more than we can understand,'" and to cry out with the apostles, respecting this mystery, Lord to whom shall we go ? Tho^A hast the words of eternal life, I am, dear sir, &c. John Milnh«. LETTER XXXIX.— TO JAMES BROWN, ESQ. COMMUNION UNDER ONE KIND. Dear sir — I TRUST you have not forgotten what I demonstrated in the first part of our correspondence, that the Catholic Church was formed and instructed in its divine doctrine and rites, and espe- cially in its sacraments and sacrifice, before any part of the New Testament was published, and whole centuries before the entire New Testament was collected and pronounced by her to be authentic and inspired. Indeed, Protestants are forced to have recourse to the tradition of the church for determining a great number of points, which are left doubtful by the Sacred Text, particularly with respect to the two sacraments which they ac- knowledge. From the doctrine and practice of the church alone they learn that, although Christ, our pattern, was baptized in a river, (Mark, i. 9,) and the Ethiopian eunuch was led by St. Philip into the water, (Acts, viii. 38,) for the same purpose, the application of it, by infusion or aspersion, is valid ; and that, although Christ says. He that BELTEVETH and is baptized shall be saved, (Mark, xvi. 16,) infants are susceptible of the benefits of baptism, who are incapable of making an act of faith. In like manner respecting the eucharist, it is from the doctrine and practice of the church alone Protestants learn, that, tnough Christ communicated the apostles, at an evening supper, after they had feasted on a lamb, and their feet had been washed, a ceremony which he appears to enjoin on that occasion with the utmost strictness, (John, xiii. 8, 15,) none of these rites are es- sential to that ordinance, or necessary to be practised at present. With what pretension to consistency, then, can they reject he? doctrme and practice in the remaining particulars of this mys- terious institution ? A clear exposition of the institution itself, and of the doctrine and discipline of the church, concerning the controversy in question, will afford the best answer to the objec- ti'uis raised against the latter. COMMUNION UNDER ONE KINI. 237 It is true that our blessed Saviour instituted the holy eucha- rist, under two kinds ; but it must be observed, that he then made it a sacrifice as well as a sacrament, and that he ordained priests, namely his twelve apostles, (for none else but they were present on the occasion,) to consecrate this sacrament, and offer this sacrifice. Now, for the latter purpose, namely, a sacrifice, it was requisite that the victim should be really present, and, at least, mystically immolated ; which was then, and is still per- formed in the mass, by the symbolical disunion, or separate consecration of the body and the blood. It was requisite, also, for the completion of the sacrifice, that the priests, who had im- molated the victim, by mystically separating its body and its blood, should consummate it in both these kinds. Hence it is seen, that the command of Christ, on which our opponents lay so much stress, drink ye all of this, regards the apostles, as 'priests, and not the laity, as communicants.* True it is, that when Christ promised this sacrament to the faithful in general, he promised, in express terms, both his body and his blood, John vi. : but this does not imply that they must, therefore, receive them under the different appearances of bread and wine. For, as the Council of Trent teaches, he who said : " Unless you s'hall eat of the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you," has likewise said, " If any one shall eat of this bread, he shall live forever." And he who has said " Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath life ever- lasting," has also said, " The bread which I will give is my flesh, for the life of the world." And lastly; he who has said, *' He who eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him," has nevertheless said, " He who eateth this bread shall live for ever."f The truth is, dear sir, after all the reproaches of the Bishop of Durham, concerning our alleged sacrilege, in suppressing half a sacrament, and the general complaint of Protestants, of our robbing the laity of the cup of salvation,J that the precious body and blood, being equally and entirely present, under each species, is equally and eyitlrely given to the faithful, whichever ihey receive; whereas the Calvinists and Anglicans do not so * The acute apologist of the Quakers has observed, how inconclusively Protestants argue from the words of the institution. He says, '* I would gladly know how from the words they can be certainly resolved that these words {Do this) must be understood of the clergy : Take, bless, and break this bread, and give it to others ; but to th laity only : Take and eat, but do not bless," &c. — Barclay's Apology, Prop. xiii. p. 7. t Sess xxi. c. 1. X Conformably to the above doctrine, neither cur priest? no: our bishop* receive vinder more than one kind, when they d • aot offer up t'»e holy sac. Tifice 238 LETTER XXXIX. much as pretend tc conimunicate either the real \')dy nr the Mood, but, present mere types or memorials of then.. I do not deny, that in their mere figurative system, there may be some reason for receiving the liquid as well as the solid substance, since the former may appear to represent more aptly the blood, and the latter, the body ; but to us, Catholics, who possess the reality of them both, their species or outward appearance is no more than a matter of changeable discipline. It is the sentiment of the great lights of the church, St. Chry- aostom. St. Augustin, St. Jerome, &c., and seems clear from the text, that when Christ, on the day of his resurrection, took hread, and blessed and brake, and gave it to Cleophas and the other disciple, whose guest he was at Emmaus, on his doing which their eyes were opened, and they knew him, and he vanished out of their sight," Luke xxiv. 30, 31, he administered the holy com- munion to them under the form of bread alone. In like man- ner, it is written of the baptized converts of Jerusalem, that, they were persevering in the doctrine of the apostles, and in the communication of the BREAKING OF BREAD, and in prayer. Acts ii. 42 ; and of the religious meeting at Troas; on the first day of the week, when we were assembled to BREAK BREAD, Acts xx. 7, without any mention of the other species. These passages plainly signi^fy that the apostles were accus- tomed, sometimes, at least, to give the sacrament under one kind alone, though Bisliop Porteus has not the candor to confess it. Another more important passage for communion under either kind, he entirely overlooks, where the apostle says . " Whosoever shall eat this bread, OR drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord."* True it is, that in the English Bible, the text is here corrupted, the conjunctive AND being put for the disjunc- * n/v>7, or drink, 1 Cor. xi. 27. The Rev. Mr. Grier, who has attempted to vindicate the purity of the English Protestant Bible, has nothing else to Bay for this alteration of St. Paul's epistle, than that in what they falsely call " the parallel text of Luke and Matthew," the conjunctive and occurs ! Grier's Answer to Ward's Errata, p. 13. — I may here notice the horid and notorious misrepresentation of the Catholic doctrine concerning the eucha. rist, of which two living dignitaries are guilty in their publications. The Bishop of Lincoln says, " Papists contend that the mere receiving of the Lord's supper merits the remission of sin ex opere operato, as it were me. chanically, whatever may be the character or disposition of the communi cants." Elem. of Theol. vol. ii. p. 491. Dr. Hey repeats the charge in nearly the same words. Lectures, vol. iv. p. 355. What Catholic will not .ift up his hands in amazement at the grossness of this calumny, knowing, as he does, from his catechism and all his books, what pirity of soul, and how much greater preparation, is required for the reception of our sacTamtnt, tb«in Protestants require for receiving theirs? See Concil. Trid, Ses. xiii. c. 7 ^t. Rom. Douay Catcrh., &c. t•OMMUNIO^ J ER ONE KIND. 239 livre OR, contrary to the original Greek, as well as to the Latin Vulgate, to the version of Beza, &c.; but as his lordship could not be ignorant of this corruption, and the importance of the genuine text, it is inexcusable in him to have passed it over unnoticed. The whole series of ecclesiastical history proves, that the Catholic Church, from the time of the apostles down to the pre- sent, ever firmly believing that the whole body, blood, soul ar.d alvlnity of Jesus Christ, equally subsist under each of the spe- cies or appearances of bread and wine, regarded it as a mere matter of discipline, which of them was to be received in tne holy sacrament. It appears from Tertullian, in the second century,* from St. Dennis of Alexandria, f and St. Cyprian,:): in the third; from St. Basil§ and St. Chrysostom, in the fourth, (fee. II that the blessed sacrament, under the form of bread, was preserved in the oratories and houses of the primitive Chris- tians, for private communion, and for the viaticum in danger of death. There are instances, also, of its being carried on the breast, at sea, in the orarium or neckcloth. IT On the other hand, as it was the custom to give the blessed sacrament to baptized children, it was administered to those who were quite infants, by a drop out of the chalice.** On the same principle, it being discovered, in the fifth century, that certain Manichsean heretics, who had come to Rome from Africa, objected to the sacramental cup, from an erroneous and wicked opinion, Pope Leo ordered them to be excluded from the communion en- tirely ;ff and Pope Gelasius required all his flock to receive under both kinds. J:): It appears that, in the twelfth century, only the officiating priest and infants received under the form of wine ; which discipline was confirmed at the beginning of the fifteenth century by the council of Constance, §§ on account of the profanations, and other evils, resulting from the genera! * Ad Uxor. 1. ii. t Apud Euseb. 1. iv. c. 44. t De Lapsisu § Epist. ad Caesar. || Apud Soz. 1. viii. c. 5. IT St. .\mbrose, in obit. Frat. — It appears, also, that St. Birinus, the apos tie of th? West Saxons, brought the blessed sacrament with him into this i8;and in an O.'-arium. Gul. Malm. Vit. Pontif. Florent. Wigorn, Higden, &c. ** St Cypr. de Laps. tt Sermo. iv. de Quadrag. tt Decret. Cooperimus Dist. iii. ^f} Dr. Porteus, Dr. Coomber, Kemnitius, &c. accuse this council of de- creeing, that ^^notwithstanding" (for so they express it) " our Saviour min- istered in both kinds, one only shall, in future, be administered to the laity :'• as if the council opposed its authority to that of Christ ; whereas it barely defines, that some circumstances of the institution (namely, that it took place after supper^ that the apostles received without being fasting, and that both species were consecrated) are not (obligatory on a'l Christians. Set Ca>i. liU. 240 LETTER XXXIX. reception of it. in that form. Soon after this, the more orderly sect of the Hussites, namely the Calixtins, professing their obe- dience to the church in other respects, and petitioning the Coun- cil of Basil to be indulged in the use of the chalice ; this was granted them.* In like manner, Pope Pius IV., at the request of the Emperor Ferdinand, authorized several bishops of Ger- many to allow the use of the cup to those persons of their re- B*)ective dioceses, who desired it.f The French kings, sinco the reign of Philip, have had the privilege of receiving, under both kinas, at their coronation and at their death. :j: The offi. ciating deacon and subdeacon of St. Dennis, and all the monks ®f the order of Cluni, who serve the altar, enjoy the same.§ From the above statement. Bishop Porteus will learn, if not that the manner of receiving the sacrament under one or the other kind, or under both kinds, is a mei'e matter of variable discipline, at least that the doctrine and the practice of the Catholic Church are consistent with each other. I am now going to produce evidence of another kind, which, after all his, and the Bishop of Durham's anathemas against us, on account of this doctrine and discipline, will demonstrate, that, conform- ably with the declarations of the three principal denominations of Protestants, either the point at issue is a mere matter of disci- vline, or else, that they are utterly inconsistent with themselves. To begin with Luther : he reproaches his disciple Carlostad, who in his absence had introduced some new religious changes at Wittenberg, with having " placed Christianity in things of no account, such as ' communicating under both kinds,' " &c.|| On another occasion he writes: "If a council did ordain or permit both kinds, in spite of the council, we would take but one, or take neither, or curse those who should take both. "IT Secondly, the Calvinists of France, in their synod at Poictiers, in 1560, de- creed thus : •' The bread of our Lord's supper ought to be ad- ministered to those who cannot drink wine, on their making a protestation thnt they do not refrain from contempt."** Lastly, by separate acts of that Parliament, and that king who estab- lished the Protestant religion in England, and, by name, com- munion in both kinds, it is provided that the latter should only be commonly so delivered and ministered ; and an exception is made incase "ne^je^w'^y did otherwise require. "ff — Now, I need not observe, that, if the use of the cup were by the appointment * Sess. ii. t Mem. Granv. t. xiii. Odorhainal. % Annal. Pagi. ^ Nat. Alex. t. i. p. 430. || Epist. ad Gasp. Gustol. ^ Form. Miss. t. ii. pp. 384, 386. ** On the Lord's supper, c. iii. p. 7. 1* Burnet's Hist, of Reform. Part ii. p. 41. Heylin's Hist, of Reform, p 58. For the proclamation, see Bishop Sparrow's Collection, p\ 17. SACRIFICE OF THE NEW LAW. 24* tf Christ, an essential part of the sacrament, no necessity can e^er be pleaded in bar of that appointment; and men might as well pretend to celebrate the eucharist without bread as with- out wine,* or to confer the sacrament of baptism without water. The dilemma is inevitable. Either the ministration of the pacrament, under one or under both kinds is a matter of chang©- Rble discipline, or each of the three principal denominations cf Protestants has contradicted itself. I should be glad to know which part of the alternative his lordship may choose. I am, yours, &c. John JjJ«|^G LiB*^4^ LETTER XL.— TO JAMES BROWN, ESqJm. ^Of "^*^^ ' j^ ON THE SACRIFICE OF THE NE Dear sir — The Bishop of London leads me next to the consideration of the sacrifice of the new law, commonly called the mass, on which, however, he is brief, and evidently embarrassed. As I have already touched upon this subject, in treating of the means of sanctification in the Catholic Church, I shall be as brief upon it here as I possibly can. A sacrifice is an offering up, and immolation of, a living ani- mal, or other sensible thing, to God, in testimony that he is the master of life and death, the Lord of us and all things. It is evidently a more expressive act of the creature's homage to his Creator, as well as one more impressive on the mind of the creature itself, than mere prayer is ; and, therefore, it was re- vealed by God to the patriarchs, at the beginning of the world, and afterwards more strictly enjoined by him to his chosen peo- ple, in the revelation of his written law to Moses, as the most acceptable and efficacious worship that could be offered up to his Divine Majesty. The tradition of this primitive ordinance, and the notion of its advantageousness, have been so universal, that it has been practised, in one form or other, in every age, from the time of our first parents down to the present, and by eveiy people, whether civilized or barbarous, except modern Protestants. For when the nations of the earth clmnged the glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of the image of cor- ruptible man, and of birds and four footed beasts, Rom. i. 23, they * The writer has heard of British made wine being frequently used by church ministers in their eacrament for real wine. The missionaries who were sent to Otaheite, used the breadfruit for real bread, on the like occa- sion. See Voyage of the ship Duif. 21 242 LETTER XL. continued the right of sacrifice, and transferred it to those un worthy objects of their idolatry. From the whole of this, I infer, that it would have been truly surprising, if under the most per- fect dispensation of God's benefits to men, the new law, he had left them destitute of sacrifice. But he has no so left them ; on the contrary, m. nrophecy of Malachy is evidently verified in the Catholic Church, spread as it is over the surface of the earth : " From the rising of the sun, even to the going down thereof, my name is great among the Gentiles ; and in every place there is SACRIFICE ; and there is offered to my name a clean oblation." Mai. i. 11. If Protestants say: we have the sacrifice of Christ's death ; I answer, so had the servants oi God under the law of nature, and the written kiw ; " for it is impos- sible that with the blood of oxen and goats sin should be taken away." Nevertheless, they had perpetual sacrifices of animals to represent the death of Christ, and to apply the fruits of it to their souls. In the same manner Catholics have Christ himself really present, and mystically offered on their altars daily, for the same ends, but in a far more efficacious manner, and, of course, "a true propitiatory sacrifice." That Christ is truly present in the blessed eucharist, 1 have proved by many argu- ments ; that a mystical immolation of him takes place in the holy mass, by the separate consecration of the bread and of the wine, which strikingly represents the separation of his blood from his body, I have likewise shown. Finally, I have shown vou, that the officiating priest performs these mysteries by com- mand of Christ, and in memory of what he did at the last sup- per, and what he endured on Mount Calvary : no this in mem- ory OF ME. Nothing, then, is wanting in the holy mass to con- stitute it the true and propitiatory sacrifice of the new law ; a sacrifice which as much surpasses, in dignity and efficacy, the sacrifices of the old law, as the chief priest and victim of i;, the incarnate Son of God, surpasses, in these respects, the sons of Aaron, and the animals which they sacrificed. No wonder then that, as the fathers of the church have, from the c-ailiest timesj borne testimony to the reality of this sacrifice,* they * St. Justin, who appears to have been, in his youth, contemporary with S». John the Evangelist, says, " Christ instituted a sacrifice in bread and wine, which Christians ofTer up in every place," quoting Malachy, i. 10. Dia. log. ciim Tryphon. St. Irenaeus, whose master, Polycarp, was a disciple c' that evangeUst, says, that " Christ, in consecrating bread and wine, has inti- tuled the sacrifice of the new law, which the church received from the apos- ties, according to the prophecy of Malachy." L. iv. 32. St. Cyprian calls the eucharist " a true and full sacrifice ;" and says, that " as Melchisedech offer, ed bread and wine, so Christ offered the same, namely, his body and blood.** Epist. 63. St. Chrysostom, St. Augustin, St. Ambrose, «fcc., are equally deal and expressive on this point. The last-mentioned calls this sacrifice by ^ name oimissa, so d« St. Leo, St. Gregory, our Venerable Bede, Slc SACRIFICE OF THE NEW LAW. 243 slnukl speak in such lofty terms of its awfulness and efficacy ; no wonder that the church of God should retain and revere it, as the most sacred, and the very essential part of her sacred liturgy : — and I will add, no wonder that Satan should have persuaded Martin Luther to attempt to abrogate this worship, as that which is most of all offensive to him.* The main arguments of the Bishops of London and Lincolji, and of Dr. Hey, with other Protestant controvertists, against ths sacrifice of the new law, are drawn from St. Paul's Epistle ta the Hebrews, where, comparing the sacrifice of our Saviour with the sacrifice of the Mosaic law, the apostle says, " That Christ being become a high priest of the good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, thai is, not of this creation : neither by the blood of goats or of calves, but by his own blood, entered once into the Holies, hav- ing obtained eternal redemption." Heb. ix. 11, 12. "Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the Holies every year," v. 25. Again, St. Paul says^ " Every priest standeth indeed, daily ministering, and often offering the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins : but this man offering one sacrifice for sins, sitteth at the right hand of God," chap. x. 11, 12. — Such are the texts, at full length, which modern Protestants urge so confidently against the sacrifice of the new law, but in which neither the ancient fathers, nor any other description of Christians, but themselves, can see any argument against it. In fact, if these passages be read in their context, it will appear that the apostle is barely proving to the Hebrews, (whose lofty ideas and strong tena- ciousness of their ancient rites, appear from different parts of the Acts of the Apostles,) how infinitely superior the sacrifice of Christ is to those of the Mosaic law ; particularly from the circumstance, which he repeats, in different forms, namely, that there was a necessity of their sacrifices being often repeated, which, after all, could not, of themselves, and independently of the one they prefigured, take away sin; whereas the latter, namely, Christ's death on the cross, obliterated at once the sins cf those who availed themselves of it. Such is the argument of St. Paul to the Jews, respecting their sacrifices, which in no sort militates against the sacrifice of the mass ; this being (he same sacrifice with that of the cross, as to the victim that is ♦ Luther, in hi^ Book de Unct. et Miss. Priv. torn. vii. fol. 228, gives an account of the motive which induced him to suppress the sacrifice of the mass among his followers. — He says that the Devil appeared to him at mid- night, and, in a long conference with him, the whole of which he relates, convinced him that the worship of the mass is idolatry. See Jistters Uj a Prebendary, Let. v. •44 LETTER XL. offered and as to the priest who offers it, differing in nothing bu, the manner of offering ;* in the one there being a real, and in the other a mystical, effusion of the victim's blood. f So far from invalidating the Catholic doctrine on this point, the apostle confirms it in this very epistle ; where, quoting and repeating the sublime psalm of the royal prophet concerning the Messiah : Thou art a priest for ever ACCORDING TO THE ORDER OF MELCHISEDECH, Ps. cix. alias ex. : he enlarges on the dignity of this sacerdotal patriarch, to whom Aaron himself, the high priest of the old law, paid tribute, as to his superior, through his ancestor Abraham. Heb. v. — vii. Now in what did this 0}der of Melchisedech consist? In what, I ask, did this sacri- fice differ from those which Abraham himself, and the other patriarchs, as well as Aaron and his sons, offered ? Let us con- sult the sacred text, as to what it says concerning this royal priest, when he came to meet Abraham, on his return from vic- tory : " Melchisedech, the king of Salem, bringing forth BREAD AND WINE, for he was the priest of the Most High God ; blessed him." Gen. xiv. 18. It was then in offering up a sac- rifice of bread and wine.X instead of slaughtered animals, that Melchisedech's sacrifice differed from the generality of those in the old law, and that he prefigured the sacrifice which Christ was to institute in the new law, from the same elements. No other sense but this can be elicited from the Scripture as to this matter ; and, accordingly, the holy fathers unanimously adhere to this meaning. § In finishing this letter, I cannot help, dear sir, making two or three short but important observations. The first regards the deception practised on the unlearned by the above-named bishops, Dr. Hey, and most other Protestant controvertists, in talking on every occasion of the Popish mass, and representing the tenets of the real presence, transubstantiation, and a subsisting true propiatory sacrifice, as peculiar to Catholics; whereas, if they are persons of any learning, they must know that these are, and ever have been held, by all the Christians in the world, except the comparatively few who inhabit the northern parts of Europe. [ speak of the Melchite or common Greeks of Turkey, the Ar- menians, the Muscovites, the Nestorians, the Eutychians, or Jacobites, the Christians of St. Thomas in India, the Cophts holy mother, the Church of England, I btseech you, that by your practice and use, you will not suffer that commission, which CI\!"'st hath given to his ministers, to be a vain form of words, wit lout any sense und r them. When you find your- selves charged and oppressed &c., have recourse to your spirit. ual physician, and freely disclose the nature and malignancy of your disease, &c. And come not to him, only with such mind as you would go to a learned man, as one that can speak comfortable things to you : but as to one that ' hath authority delegated to him from God himself, to absolve and acquit you of your sias.' "* Having quoted this great Protestant authority, against the prelate's cavils concerning sacerdotal absolution, I shall pro- duce one or two more of the same sort, and then return to the more direct proofs of the doctrine under consideration. The Lutherans, then, who are the elder branch of the Reformation, in their Confession of Faith, and Apology for that Confession, expressly teach, that absolution is no less a sacrament than baptism and the Lord's supper ; that particular ahsolut'on is to be retained in confession ; that to reject it is the error of the Novatian heretics; and that, by the power of the keys. Matt. xvi. 19, sins are remitted, not only in the sight of the church, but also in the sight of God.'\ Luther himself, in his catechism, requires that the penitent in confession should expressly declare, that he believes the " forgiveness of the priest to be the forgive- ness of God. "J What can Bishop Porteus and other modern Protestants say to all this, except that Luther and his disciples were infected with Popery ? Let us then proceed to inquire into the doctrine of the church itself, of which he is one of the most distinguished heads. In The Order of the Communion^ composed by Cranmer, and published by Edward VL the par- son, vicar, or curate is to proclaim this among other things : "If there be any of you whose conscience is troubled and grieved at any thing, lacking comfort or counsel, let him come to me, or to some other discreet and learned priest, and confess and open his sin and grief secretly, &c., and, that of us, as a minister of God and of the church, he may receive comfort and abso- lution. § Conformably with this admonition, it is ordained in the , Common Prayer Book, that when the minister visits any sick person, the " latter should be moved to make a special confes- sion of nis sins, if he feels his conscience troubled with any weighty matter; after which confession, the priest shall absolve • Scrm. vii. Religian of Prot. pp. 408, 409. t Confess. Augs. Art. xi. xii. xiii. A pel. t In Catech. Parv. See also Luther's Table Talk, c. xviii. on Auricula. Confession. § Bishop Sparrow's Collect, p. 90. ABSOLUTION FROM SIN. 251 hiin, if he humbly and heartily desire it, after this sort : " Our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath left power to his church to absolve all sinners who truly repent and believe in him. of his great mercy, forgive thee thine offences : and by his authority com- mitted to me, I ABSOLVE THEE FROM ALL THY SINS, in he name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Gliost, Amen."* I may add, that soon after James L became, at the same time, the member and the head of the English c^ urc/i, he desired his prelates to inform him in the conference at Hampton Court, what authority this church claimed in the article of absolution from sin ? when Archbishop Whitgift began to entertain him with an account of the general confession and absolution in the communion service, with which the king not being satisfied, Bancroft, at that time Bishop of London, fell on his knees, and said, " It becomes us to deal plainly with your majesty ; there is also in the book, a more particular and per- sonal absolution in the Visitation of the Sick. Not only the Confession of Augusta, (Augsburg,) Bohemia and Saxony, re- tain and allow it, but also Mr. Calvin doth approve both such a general and such a private confession and absolution." To this the king answered, " I exceedingly well approve it, being an apostolical and godly ordinance, given in the name of Christ, to one that desireth it, upon the clearing of his con- science."! I have signified that there are other passages of Scripture besides that quoted above from John xx. in proof of the author- ity exercised by the Catholic Church, in the forgiveness of sins ; such as Matt. xvi. 19, where Christ gives the keys of the king- dom of heaven to Peter; and chap, xviii. 18, where he declares to all his apostles: " Verily, I say unto you, whatsoever you shall bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven, a!u,d whatsoever you shall loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven." But here also. Bishop Porteus and modern Protestants distort the plain meaning of Scripture, and say, that no other power is expressed by these words, than those of inflicting miraculous punishments, and of preaching the word of God ! — Admitting, however, it were possible to affix so foreign a meaning to these texts, I * Order for the Visitation of the Sick. N. B. To encourage the sscrei lonfession of sins, the Church of England has made a canon, requiring her o'nisters not to reveal the same. See Canones Eccles. A. D. 1693j n 113. t Fuller's Ch. Hist. B. x. p. 9. See the defence of Bancroft's successor ■ a the See of Canterbury, Dr. Laud, whr endeavored to enforce auricular confession, in Heylin's Life of Laud, P. ii p. 415. It appears from this wri- ter, that Laud was confessor to the Duke of Buckingham, and from Burnet, that Bishop Morley was Confessor to the Duchess of York, when a Protest. Mit. Hi< tory of his own Times. 252 LETTER XLI. would gladly ask the bishop, why, after ordaining the priests of his church by this very form of words, he afterwards, by a separate form, commissions them to preach the word, and to minister ?* " No one," exclaims the bishop, " but God, can forgive sins." True ; but as he has annexed the forgiveness of sins committed before baptism, to the reception of this sacra- ment with the requisite dispositions : "Do penance," said St. Pe- ter to the Jews, " and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of your sins," Acts ii. 38 ; so he is pleased to forgive sins committed after baptism, by means of contrition, confession, satisfaction, and the priest's absolution. Against the obligation of confessing sins, which is so evident- ly sanctioned in Scripture, " Many that believed, came and confessed, and declared their deeds," Acts xix. 18 ; and so expressly commanded therein, " Confess your sins one to an- other," James v. 16 ; the bishop contends, that, " It is not know- ing a person's sins, that can qualify the priest to give him absolution, but knowing he hath repented of them."f In refu- tation of this objection, I do not ask : Why, then, does the Eng- lish church move the dying man to confess his sins ? but I say, that the priest, being vested by Christ with a judicial power to bind or to loose, to forgive or to retain sins, cannot exercise hat power, without taking cognizance of the cause on which he s to pronounce, and without judging in particular of the dis- positions of the sinner, especially as to his sorrow for his sins, and resolution to refrain from them in future. Now this know- ledge can only be gained from the penitent's own confession. From this may be gathered, whether his offences are those of frailty or of malice, whether they are accidental or habitual ; in which latter case, they are ordinarily to be retained, till his amendment gives proof of his real repentance. Confession is also necessary, to enable the minister of the sacrament to de- cide, whether a public reparation for the crimes committed, be or be not requisite ; and whether there is, or is not restitution to be made to the neighbor who has been injured in person, pro- perty, or reputation. Accordingly, it is well known that such restitutions are frequently made by those who make use of sacramental confession, and very seldom by those who do not use it. I say nothing of the incalculable advantage it is to the sinner, in the business of his conversion, to have a confidential ana experienced pastor, to withdraw the veils beliind which self- love is apt to conceal his favorite passions and worse crimes, and to expose to him the enormity of his guilt, of which before he had perhaps but an imperfect notion ; and to prescribe to him * See the Form of Ordaining Priesta t P. 4C ABSOLUTTOK FROM SIN. Q'^9 the proper remedies for his entire spiritual cure. — After all. it IS for the Holy Catholic Church, with whom the word of God and the sacraments were deposited, by her divine Spouse, Jesus Christ, to explain the sense of the former, and the const .Ji Jenl3 of the latter ; and this church has uniformly taught, that con- fession, and the priest's absolution, where they can be had, art reouired for the pardon of the penitent sinner, as well as contri tion, and a firm purpose of amendment. But, to believe tho bistiop, our church does not require contrition at all, for the justification of the sinner, though she has declared it to be one of the necessary parts of sacramental penance, nor " any dis- like to sin or love to God."* I will make no further answ(5r to this shameful calumny, than by referring you and your friends to my above citations from the Council of Trent. In these, you have seen that she requires " a hatred and detestation of sin," that is, "a contrite and humble heart, which God never de- spises ;" and, moreover, an incipient love of God, as the foun- tain of all justice." Finally, his lordship has the confidence to maintain, that "The primitive church did not hold confession and absolution of this kind to be necessary," and that " Private confession was never thought of as a command of God, for 900 years after Christ, nor determined to be such till after 1200. "f The few following quotations from ancient fathers and councils, will con- vince our Salopian friends, what sort of trust they are to placo in this prelate's assertions on theological subjects. Tertullian, who lived in the age next to that of the apostles, and is the earliest Latin writer whose works we possess, writes thus : " If you withdraw from confession, think of hell fire, which confes- sion extinguishes.":!: Origen, who wrote soon after him, incul- cates the necessity of confessing our most secret sms, even those of thought,^ and advises the sinner " to look carefully about him in phoosingthe person to whom he is to confess his sins."|| St. >"-a- sil, in the fourth century, wrote thus : " It is necessary to discV ^se our sins to those to whom the dispensation of ti\e divine my.'ite- ries is committed. "H St. Paulinus, the disciple of St. .\mbrose, relates, that this holy doctor used to " weep over the peniteniiS whose confessions he heard, but never disclosed their sins to any but to God alone."** The great St. Augustm writes, "Out merciful God wills us to confess in this world, that we may no» be confounded in the other ;"j-| and elsewhere he says, " Let no sne say to himself, 1 do penance to God in pnvix'e. Is it tiit:«» • P. 47. + Il)id. ' t-^:^ Ae Paeni* ^ Horn. 3 in Levit. |I Horn. 2 in Fs. xxxvn. ^ Rulo 2151. ** In Vit. Ambros. tt Horn. 20. 92 i54 LETTER XLI. iL \ain that Christ has sa.d, * Whatsoever you loose en earth shall be loosed in heaven ?' Is it in vain that the keys have neen given to the church ?"* I could produce a long list of other passages to the same effect, from fathers and doctors, a ad also from councils of tiic church, anterior to the periods he has assigned to the commencenieni and confirmation of the doctrine in question ; but I will nave recourse to a shorter, and perhaps a more convincing proof, thnt this lioctrine could not have been introduced into the church, at any period whatsoever subsequent o that of Christ and his apostles. My argument is this : it is impossible it should have been at any time introduced, if it was not from the first necessary. The pride of the human hear would at all times have revolted at the imposition of such a hu- millation, as that of confessing all its most secret sins, if Chris- tians had not previously believed that this rite is of divine insti- tution, and even necessary for the pardon of them. Supposing, however, that the clergy, at some period, had fascinated the laity, kings and emperors, as well as peasants, to submit to this yoke ; it will still remain to be accounted for, how they took it up themselves ; for monks, and priests, and bishops, and the pope himself, must equally confess their sins, with the meanest of the people. And if even this could be explained, it would still be necessary to show, how the numerous organized churches of the Nestorians and Eutychians spread over Asia and Africa, fFom Bagdad to Axium, all of whom broke from the communion of the Catholic Church in the fifth century, took up the notion of penance being a sacrament, and that confession and absolu- tion are essential parts of it, as they all believe at the present day. With respect to the main body of the Greek Christians, they separated from the Latins much about the period which our prelate has set down for the rise of this doctrine ; but though they reproached the Latin Christians with shaving their beards, singing Allelujah at wrong seasons, and other such like minu- tiae, they never accused them of any error respecting private confession or sacerdotal absolution. To support the bishof's assertions on this and many other points, it will be necessary to suppose, as I have said before, that a hundred million of Greek and Latin Christians lost their senses on some one and the same day or night ! In finishing this letter, I take leave, reverend sir, to advert to "'e case of some of your respectable society, who, to my know- ledge, are convinced of the truth of the Catholic religion, but ari deterred from embracing it, by the dread of that sacrament »f which I have been treating. Their pitiable case is by no • Horn. 49. INDULGENCES. 25o means singulai ; we continually find persons, who are not only desirous of reconciling themselves to Ineir true mother, the Catholic Church, but also of laying the sins of their youth, and their ignorances, Ps. xxiv., alias xxv. 7, at the feet of some one or other of her faithful ministers, convinced that thereby they would procure ease to their afflicted souls; yet have not the courage to do this. Let the persons alluded to humbly and fei . vently pray to the Giver of all good gifts for his strengthening grace, and let them be persuaded of the truth of what an unex- ccptionable witness says, who had experienced, while he was a Cjitholic, the interior joy he describes ; where, persuading the peniten* to go to his confessor, " not as to one that can speak comfortable and quieting words to him, but as to one that hath authority delegated to him from God himself, to absolve and ac- quit him of his sins," he goes on ; " If you shall do this, assure your souls, that the understanding of man is not able to con- ceive that transport, and excess of joy and comfort, which shall accrue to that man's heart, who is persuaded he hath been made partaker of this blessing."* On the other hand, if such persons are convinced, as I am satisfied tliey are, that Christ's words to his apostles, " Receive ye the Holy Ghost ; whose sins you shall remit, they are remitted," mean what they express, they must know, that confession is necessary to buy ofi* overwhelming confusion, as the fathers I have quoted signify, at the great day of manifestation, and, with this, never-ending punishment. 1 am, &LG. John Milner. LETTER XLIL— TO THE REV. ROBERT CLAYTON. ON INDULGENCES. Reverend sir — I TRUST you will pardon me if I do not send a special answe to the objections you have stated against my last letter to you, because you will find the substance of them answered in this and my next letter, concerning indulgences and purgatory. Bishop Porteus reverses the proper order of these subjects, by treating first of the latter : indeed his ideas are much confused, and his knowledge very imperfect concerning them both. This prelate describes an indulgence to be, in the belief of Catholics, (without, however, giving any autiiority whatever for his de- sciiption,) " a transfer of the overplus of the saint's goodness joined with the merits of Christ, &c., by the pope, as head of » Chilling \iorth, Sermo*: vii p 409. 256 LETTER XLII. the church, tov/ards the remission of their sins, who fulfil^ in their life-time, certain conditions appointed by him, or whose friends will fulfil them, after their death."* lie speaks of it as *' a method of making poor wretches believe, that wickedness here may become consistent with happiness hereafter — that re- pentance is explained away or overlooked among other things joined with it, as saying so many prayers, and payi.ig so much money. "f Some of the bishop's friends have published much the same description of indulgences, but in more perspicuous language. One of them, in his attempt to show that each pope, in succession, has been the Man of Sin, or Antichrist, says, *' Besides their own personal vices, by their indulgences, par- dons, and dispensations, which they claim a power from Chri&t of granting, and which they have sold in so infamous a manner, they have encouraged all manner of vile and wicked practices. They have contrived numberless methods of making a holy life useless, and to assure the most abandoned of salvation, provided they will sufficiently pay the priests for absolution."}: With the same disregard of charity and truth, another eminent divine speaks of the matter thus : " The Papists have taken a notable course to secure rnen from the fear of hell, that of penances and indulgences. — To those, who will pay the price, absolutions are to be had for the most abominable and not to be named villa- nies, and license also for not a few wickednesses. "§ In treat- ing of a subject, the most intricate of itself among the common topics of controversy, and which has been so much confused and perplexed by the misrepresentations of our opponents, it will be necessary, for giving you, reverend sir, and my other Salopian friends, a clear and just idea of the matter, that 1 should advance, step by step, in my explanation of it. In this manner I propose showing you, first, what an indulgence is not, and next, what it really is. I. An indulgence, then, never was conceived by any Catholic Ic be a leave to commit a sin of any kind, as De Coetlogan, Bishop Fowler, and others, charge them with believing. The first principles of natural religion must convince every rational being, that God himself cannot give leave to commit sin. The idea of such a license takes away that of his sanctity, and of course, that of his very being. II. No Catholic ever believed it to be a pardon for future sins, as Mrs. Hannah More, and a greater part of other Protestant writers, represent the matter. * Confut. p. 53. t P. 54. Benson on the Man of Sin, repub. by Bishop Watson, Tratt« rol. V. p. 273. $ Bishop Fowler's Design of Christianity, Tracts, vol. vi, p. 382. § Benson on the Man of Sin Collect. INDULGENCES. 251 Tliis lady describes the Catholics as "procuring indemnity for future gratifications by temporary abstractions and indulgences, purchased at the court of Rome."* Some of her fraternity, indeed, have blasphemously written, "Believers ought not ta mourn for sin, because it was pardoned before it was commit- tei :"f but every Catholic knows, that Christ himself could not pardon sin before it was committed, because this would imply, that he forgave the sinner without repentance. III. An indul- gence, according to the doctrine of the Catholic Church, is not, and does not include, the pardon of any sin at all, little or great, past, present, or to come, or the eternal punishment due to it, as all Protestants suppose. Hence if the pardon of sin is mentioned in any indulgence, this means nothing more than the remission of the temporary punishments annexed to such sin. IV. We do not believe an indulgence to imply any exemption from repentance, as Bishop Porteus slanders us ; for this is al- ways enjoyed or implied in the grant of it, and is indispensably ne- cessary for the effect of every grace •.% nor from the works of pen- ance, or other good works ; because our church teaches, that the " life of a Christian ought to be a perpetual penance,"§ and that to enter into life, we must keep God's commandments, \\ and must abound in every good work.^ Whether an obligation of all this can be reconciled with the articles of being "justified by faith only,"** and that " works done before grace partake of the na- ture of sin,"-]"!- I do not here inquire. V. It is inconsistent with our doctrine of inherent justification^XX to believe, as the same prelate charges us, that the effect of an indulgence is to trans- fer " the overplus of the goodness," or justification of the saints, by the ministry of the pope, to us Catholics on earth. Such an absurdity may be more easily reconciled with the system of Luther and other Protestants concerning imputed justification ; which, being like a " clean, neat cloak, thrown over a filthy leper,"§§ may be conceived transferable from one person to ano- ther. Lastly, whereas the Council of Trent calls indulgences ♦ Strictures on Female Education, vol. ii. p. 239, t Eaton's Honeycomb of Salvation. See also Sir Richard Hill's Lettem X Concil. Trid. Sess. vi. 4. c. 13, &c. § Sess. xiv. De Extr. Unc. II Sess. vi. can. 19. IT Sess. vi. cap. 16. — N. B. There are eight indulgences granted to the Catholics of England, at the chief festivals in every year ; the conditions of which are, confession with sincere repentance, the holy communion, alms to die poor, (without distmction of their religion,) prayers for the church and Btra)'ed souls, the peace of Christendom, and thr blessing of God on this na. tion ; finally, a disposition to hear the w^ord of God, and to assist the sick See Laity^s Directory, the Garden of the Soul^ and other Catholic bDoks of prayer. ** Art XI. of 39 Art. tt Art. XIII 14 Trid. Sess. vi. can. 11 §§ Becanus de Jusiif. 22* 858 LETTER XLII. heatedly Ireamres* we hold that it would be a sacrilegious crime in any person whomsoever, to be concerned in buying or selling them. I am far, however, reverend sir, from denying that in lulgonces have ever been sold :f — alas, what is so sacred (hat th3 avarice of man has not put up for sale ! — Christ him- self was sold, and that by an apostle, for thirty pieces of silver. 1 dc not retort upon you the advertisements I frequently see in 'Jie newspapers, about buying and selling benefices, with the cure of souls annexed to them, in your church ; but this I con- tend for, that the Catholic Church, so far from sanctioning this detestable simony, has used her utmost pains, particularly in the General Councils of Lateran, Lyons, Vienne, and Trent, to pre- vent it. To explain, now, in a clear and regular manner, what an in- dulgence is : I suppose, first, that no one will deny that a sover- eign prince, in showing mercy to a capital convict, may either grant him a remission of all punishment, or may leave him subject to some lighter punishment ; of course he will allow that the Almighty may act in either of these ways, with respect to sinners. II. I equally suppose that no person who is versed in the Bible will deny, that many instances occur there of God's remitting the essential guilt of sin, and the eternal punishment due to it, and yet leaving a temporary punishrnent to be endured by the penitent sinner. Thus, for example, the sentence of spiritual death and everlasting torments was remitted to our first father, upon his repentance, but not that of corporal death. Thus, also, when God reversed his severe sentence against the idolatrous Israelites, he added, " Nevertheless, in the day, when I visit, I will visit their sin upon them." Exod. xxxii. 34. Thus, again, when the inspired Nathan said to the model of penitents, David, " The Lord hath put away thy sin," he added, "Nevertheless, the child that is born unto thee shall die." 2 Kings, alias Sam., xii. 14. Finally, when David's heart smote him, after he had numbered the people, the Lord, in pardoning him, offered him by his prophet. Gad, the choice of three tern- poral punishments, war, famine, or pestilence. IbiJ. xxiv. III. The Catholic Church teaches that the same is still the common course of God's mercy and wisdom, in the forgiveness of sins committed after baptism, since she has formally condemned the proposition, that " every penitent sinner who, after the grace of justification, obtains the remission of his guilt and eternal pun- * Sess. xxi. c. 9. t The bishop tells us that he is in possession of an indulgence, lately granted at Ronne for a small sum of money ; but he does not say who granted it. In like manner he may buy forged banK notes and eounterleit coin in London, very >'-'^ap, if he pleases. INDULGENCES 259 Ishment, Dbtalns also the remission of all temporal, punishment.*'* The essential guilt and eternal punishment of sin, she declares, can only be expiated by the precious merits of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ ; but a certain temporal punishment God reserves for the penitent himself to endure, " lest the easiness of his par- don should make him careless about falling back into sin."-f Hence satisfaction for this temporal punishment has been insti- tuted by Christ, as a part of the sacrament of penance ; anJTICHRIST. 278 law, Buiiinger, had, long before, assigned the year 763 as the era of this grand i evolution,* and Junius had put it off to 1073. Musculus could not discover Antichrist in the church till about 1200, Fox not till 1300,-|- and Martin Luther, as we have seen, not till his doctrine was condemned by Pope Leo in 1520. — Such are the inconsistencies and contradictions of those learned Protestants, who profess to see so clearly the verification of the prophecies concerning Antichrist in the Ronnan pontiffs. I say, contradictions, because those among them, who prDnouncs Pope Gregory, or Leo the Great, or Pope Silvester, to have been Antichrist, must contradict those others, who adncit them to have been, respectively. Christian pastors and saints. Now what credit do men of sense give to an account of any sort, the vouchers for which contradict each other ? Certainly none at all. Nor are the predictions of these egregious interpreters, con- cerning the death of Antichrist, and the destruction of Popery, more consistent with one another, than their accounts of the birth and progress of them both. We have seen above, that Braunbom prognosticated that the death of the papal Antichrist would take place in the year 1640. John Fox foretold it would happen in 1666. The incomparable Joseph Mede, as the Bishop of Halifax calls him, J by a particular calculation of his own invention, undertook to demonstrate that the papacy would be finally destroyed in 1653. § The Calvinist minister, Jurieu, who had adopted this system, fearing that the event would not verify it, found a pretext to lengthen the term, first to 1690, and afterwards to 1710. But he lived to witness a disappointment at each of these periods. || Alix, another Huguenot preacher, predicted that the fatal catastrophe would certainly take place in 1716. IT Whiston, who pretended to find out the longitude, pretended also to discover that the popedom would terminate in 1714 ; finding himself mistaken, he guessed a second time, and fixed on the year 1735.** At length, Mr. Kett, from the success of his Antichrist of Infidelity against his Antichrist of Papery^ about twenty years ago, (for he feels no difficulty in dividing Satan against himself, Matt. xii. 6,) foretold that the long wished for event was at the eve of being accomplished ;ff and Mr. Daubeny having witnessed Pope Pius VI. in chains, and Rome possessed by French Atheists, with several other preachers, sounds the trumpet of victory, and exclaims, all is accom- plished.JJ In like manner, G. S. Faber, in his two sermons, before the University of Oxford, in 1799, boasts that " the im. ♦ In Apoc. t In Eandem. t P. 286. § Bayle's Diet. i| Ibid f Ibid •* Essay on Revel. tt Vol. ii. chap. 1. X\ The fall of Papal Rome- 374 LETTER XLV. merise Gothic structure of Popery, built on superstition and but tressed with tortures, has crumbled to dust." Empty triumphs of the enemies of the church ! They ought to have learnea from her lengthened history, that she never proves the truth of Christ's promises so evidently as when she seems sinking under the waves of persecution : and that the chair of Peter never shines so gloriously as when it is filled by a dying martyr, like Pius VI., or a captive confessor, like Pius VII.; however tri. umphant, for a lime, their persecutors may appear ! But these dealers in prophecy undertake to demonstrate from the characters of Anticirist, as pointed out by St. Paul and St. John, that this succession of popes is the very man in question. Accordingly, the Bishop of LlandafFsays : " I have known the infi- delity of more than one young man happily removed, by showing him the characters of Popery delineated by St. Paul, in his pio- phecy concerning the man of sin, (2 Thess. ii.,) and in that con- cerning the apostacyofthe latter times, 1 Tim. iv. 1."* In proof of this point, he republishes the dissenter Benson's dissertation on Ihe man of sin.-\ I purpose, therefore, making a few remarks on the leading points of this adoptive child of his lordship, as also upon some of the Rev. Mr. Kett's illustrations of them. First, then, we all know that the revelation of the man of sin will be accompanied with a revolt or falling off, in other words, with a great apostacy ; but it is a question to be discussed between me and Bishop Watson, whether this character of apostacy is more applicable to the Catholic Church, or to that class of reli- gionists who adopt his opinions ? To decide this point, let me ask, what are the first principal articles of the three creeds pro- fessed by his church as well as by ours, that of the apostles, t.hat of Nice, and that of St. Athanasius, as likewise of his Arti- cles, his Liturgy, and his Canons ? Incontestibly those which profess a belief in the blessed Trinity, and the incarnation of the consubstantial Son of the Eternal Father. Now it is noto- rious, that every Catholic throughout the world holds these the fundamental articles of Christianity as firmly now as St. Atha- nasius himself did fifteen hundred years ago ; but what says his lordship, with numberless other Protestant Christians of this country, on these heads ? Let the preface to this collection be consulted,^ in which, if he does not openly deny the Trinity, he excuses the Unitarians, who deny it, on the ground that they are " afraid of becoming idolaters by worshipping Jesus Christ. "§ Let his charges be examined : in one of which he says to his clergy, that " he does not think it safe to tell them what the '« . Bishop Watson's Collect, p. 7 t Ibid. p. 968. X Vol. 1, Pref. p. 15, &c. § P. 17. ANTICHRIST. 275 Christian doctrines are;'^* no, not sc mucn as the unity and trinity of God. In another, charge, however, the bishop as- sumes more courage, and informs his clergy, that " Protestant. ism consists in believing what each one pleases, and in profess- ing jvhat he believes." How much should I rejoice to have this question o^apostacy, between the Bishop of Llandaff and me, decided by Luther, Calvin, Beza, Cranmer, Ridley, and James I., were it not for the proofs which history affords me, that, Kot content with excluding him from the class of Christians, they would assuredly burn him at the stake as an apostate. The second character of Antichrist, set down by St. Paul, is, that he *' opposeth and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped ; so that he sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God." 2 Thess. ii. 4. This character Mr. Benson and Bishop Watson think applicable to the pope, who, they say, claims the attributes and homage due to the Deity. I leave you, reverend sir, and your friends, to judge of the truth of this character, when I inform you uiat the pope has his confessor, like other Catholics, to whom he confesses his sins in private ; and that every day, in saying mass, he bows before the altar, and in the presence of the people confesses that he has " sinned in thought, word, and deed," begging them to pray to God for him ; and that afterwards, in the most solemn part of it, he professes " his hopes of forgiveness, not through his own merits, but through the bounty and grace of Jesus Christ our Lord."j- The third mark of Antichrist is, that his coming is ac- cording to the working of Satan, and in all power, and signs, and lying wonders. 2 Thess. ii. 9. From this passage of Holy Writ, it appears that Antichrist, whenever he does come, will work false, illusive prodigies, as the magicians of Pharaoh did. But, from the divine promises, it is evident that the disciples of Christ would continue to work true miracles, such as he himself wrought ; and from the testimony of the holy fathers, and all ecclesiastical writers, it is incontestible, that certain servants of God have been enabled by him to work them, from time to time, ever since this his promise. This I have elsewhere demon- strated ; as, likewise, that the fact is denied by Protestants, not for want of evidence, as to its truth, but because this is neces- sary for the defence of their system. f Still it is false that the Catholic Church ever claimed a poioer of working miracles in the order of nature, as her opponents pretend All that we say is, that God is pleased, from time to time, to illustrate the true church with real miracles, and thereby to show that she belongs to \vm. * Bishop Watson's Charge, 1795. t Canon of the Mass. I Part ii. Let. xxiif. 276 LETTER XLV. The latest dealer in prophecies, who boasts tl at his book* have been revised by the Bishop of Lincoln,'^ by way of show- ing the confornnity between antichristian Popery and the least that did great signs, so that he made fire to come down from heaven unto the earth, in the sight of men, (Rev. xiii. 13,) says of the former : " Even fire is pretended to come down from heaven, aa in the case of St. Anthony's fire.'''-\ I am almost ashamed to lefute so illiterate a cavil. True it is, that the hospital monks of St. Anthony were heretofore famous for curing the eiysipelas with a peculiar ointment, on which account that disease ac- quired the name of St. Anthony's fire ;% but neither these monks, nor any other Catholics, were used to invoke that inflammation, or any other burning whatsoever, from heaven, or elsewhere. 1 beg that you and your friends will suspend your opinion of tht^ fourth alleged resemblance between Antichrist and the pope, that of persecuting the saints, till I have leisure to treat that sub- ject in greater detail than I can at present. I shall take no notice at all of this writer's chronological calculations, nor oi the anagrams and chronograms, by which many Protestant ex. pounders have endeavored to extract the mysterious number of 666 from the name or title of certain popes, further than to ob. serve, that ingenious Catholics have extracted the same num. ber from the name of Martinus Lutherus, and even from that of David Chrytheus, who was the most celebrated inventor of those riddles. Such are the grounds on which certain refractory children in modern ages, have ventured to call their true mother a prosit' tute, and the common father of Christians, the author of their own conversion from Paganism, the man of sin, and the very Antichrist. But they do not really believe what they declare ; iheir object being only to inflame the ignorant multitude. I have sufficient reason to think this, when I hear a Luther threat, ening to unsay all that he had said against the pope, a Melanc. thon lamenting that Protestants had renounced him, a Beza negotiating to return to him, and a late Warburton lecturer la menting, on his death-bed, that he could not do the same, with out impoverishing his wife and children. I am, &c. JoHr* MiLNER. • Interpret of Prophecy, by H. Kett, LL. B. Fref t KeCt, vol ii. p 22. X Paquotius, In Molanum De Saci nag SUPREMACT. iT^ 1.ETTER XLVI.— TO THE REV. ROBERT CLAYTON, M.A. ON THE POPE'S SUPREMACY. Reverend sir — This acknowledges the honor of three different letters from you, which I have not till now been able to notice. The objec- tions, contained in the two former, are either answered, or will, with the help of God, be answered by me. The chief purport of your last, is to assure me, that the absurd and impious tenet, of the pope being Antichrist, never was a part of your faith, nor even your opinion ; but that having read over Dr. Barrow's Treatise of ike Pope^s Supremacy, as well as what Bishop Por- teus has published upon it, you cannot be but of Archbishop Tillotson's mind, who published the above-named treatise ; namely, that " The pope's supremacy is not only an indefensi- ble, but also an impudent cause ; that there is not one tolerable argument for it, and that there are a thousand invincible rea- sons against it."* Your liberality, reverend sir, on the former point, justifies the idea I had formed of you ; with respect to the second, whether the pope's claim of supremacy, or Tillotson's assertion concerning it, is impudent, I shall leave you to deter- mine, when you shall have perused the present letter. But aa this, like other subjects of our controversy, has been enveloped in a cloud of misrepresentation, I must begin with dissipating this cloud, and with clearly stating what the faith of the Cath- olic Church is concerning the matter in question. It is not then the faith of this church, that the pope has any civil or temporal supremacy, by virtue of which he can depose princes, or give or take away the property of other persons out 3f his own domain : for even the incarn?,te Son of God, from whom he derives the supremacy which he possesses, did not claim, nere upon earth, any right of the above-mentioned kind ; on the contrary, he positively declared, that his kingdom is not of this world f Hence, the Catholics of both our islands have, without impeachment even From Rome, denied upon oath, that " the pope has any civil jurisdiction, power, superiority, or pre-eminence, directly or indirectly, within this realm. "f But, as it is unde- niable that different popes, ifi former ages, have pronounced sen- tence of deposition against certain contemporary princes, and as great numbers of theologians have held, (though not as a matter of faith,) that they had a right to do so ; it seems proper, by way of mitigating the odium which Dr. Porteus and other Protestan.9 rsise against them on this head, to state the grounds on which • Tillotson's Preface to Barrow's Treatise. "• 31 Geo. III. c. 32. 24 378 LETTER XLVI. the poi/tiiTs acted, and the divines reasoned, in this business, Heretoibre the kingdoms, principalities, and states, composing the Latin Cfiurch, when tliey were all of the same religion, formed, as it were, one Christian republic, of which the pope was the accredited head. Now, as mankind have been sensible at all times that the duty of civil allegiance and submission can. not extend beyon(. a certain point, and that they ought not to surrender their property, lives, and morality, to be sported with by a Nero or a Heliogabalus ; instead of deciding the nice point for themselves, wnen resistance becomes lawful, they thought it right to be guided by their chief pastor. The kings and princes themselves acknowledged this right in the pope, and frequently applied to him to make use of his indirect temporal power, as appears in numberless instances.* In latter ages, however, since Christendom has been disturbed by a variety of religions, the power of the pontiff has been generally withdrawn. Princes make war upon each other at their pleasure, and subjects rebel against their princes as their passions dictate,")" to the great detri- * See in Mat. Paris, A. D. J195, the appeal of our king, Richard I., to Pope Celestin III. against the Duke of Austria, for having detained him pris- oner at Trivallis, and the pope's sentence of excommunication against the duke for refusing to do him justice. t In every country in which Protestantism was preached, sedition and re. bellion, with the tota>l or partial deposition of the lawful sovereign, ensued, not without the active concurrence of the preachers themselves. Luther formed a league of princes and states in Germany against the emperor, which desolated the empire for more than a century. His disciples, Muncer and Storck, taking advantage of the pretended evangelical liberty which he taught, at the head of 40,000 Anabaptists, claimed the empire and possession of the world, in quality of the meek ones, and enforced their demand with fire and sword, dispossessing princes and lawful owners, &c. Zuinglius lighted up a Bimilar flame throughout Switzerland, at Geneva, &c., and died fighting, Bword in hand, for the Reformation, which he preached. The United States embraced Protestantism, and renounced their sovereign, Philip, at the same time. The Calvinists of France, in conformity with the doctrine of their master, namely, that " Princes deprived themselves of their power when they resist God, and that it is better to spit in their faces than obey them," Dan. vi. 22, as soon as they found themselves strong enough, rose in arms against their sovereigns, and dispossessed them of half their dominions. Knox, Goodman, Buchanan, and the other preachers of Presbyterianism in Scot- land, having taught the people that " Princes may be deposed by their sub jects, if they be tyrants against God and his truth," and that " It is blasphemy to say that kings are to be obeyed, good or bad," disposed them for the per. petration of those riots and violences, including the murder of Cardinal Beaton, and the deposition and captivity of their lawful sovereign, by which Protest. aniism was established in that country. With respect to England, no sooner was the son of Henry dead, than a Protestant usurper. Lady Jane, was set up, in prejudice of his daughters, Mary and Elizabeth, and supported by Cranmer, Ridley, Latimer, Sandys, Poynet, and every reformer of any note, because she was a Protestant. Finally, it was upon the principles of the Re. formation, especially that of each man's explaining the Scripture for himself, SFPREMACY. ^1>/ ment of both parties, as may be gathered from what Sir Edward Sandys, an early and zealous Protestant, writes : " The pope was the common father, adviser, and conductor of Christians, to reconcile their enmities, and decide their differences."* I have to observe, secondly, that the question here is not about the personal qualities or conduct of any particular pope, or of the popes in general : at the same time, it is proper to state, that in A list of 253 popes who have successively filled the chair of St, Peter, only a small comparative number of them have dis- graced it, while a great proportion of them have done honor to It by their virtues and conduct. On this head, I must again fluote Addison, who says : " The pope is generally a man of .earning and virtue, mature in years and experience, who has seldom any vanity or pleasure to gratify at his people's ex- i^-ense, and is neither encumbered with wife and children, or tinstresses."f In the third place, I must remind you, and my other friends, that I have nothing here to do with the doctrine of the pope's individual infallibility, (when pronouncing ex cathedra, as the term is, he ad- dresses the whole church, and delivers the faith of it upon some contested article,):]: nor would you, in case you were to become a Catholic, be required to believe in any doctrines except such as are held by the whole Catholic Church, with the pope at its head. But without entering into this, or any other scholastic question, I shall content myself with observing, that it is impos- sible lor any man of candor and learning not to concur with a celebrated Protestant author, namely, Causabon, who writes thus : *■* No one who is the least versed in ecclesiastical history can doubt, that God made use of the holy see, during many ages, to preserve the doctrines of faith !"§ At length we arrive at the question itself, which is, whether the Bishop of Rome, who, by pre-eminence, is called Papa, and hatred of Popery, that ihe grand rebellion was begun and carried on, till the king was beheaded and the constitution destroyed. Has, then, the cause of humanity, or tha' of peace and order, been benefited by the change in question f * Survey of Europ;e, p. 202. t Remarks on Italy, p. 112. t The follovs'ing is a specimen of Barrow's and Tillotson's chicanery, in their Treatise cf the Supremacy. Bellarmin, in working up an argument on the pope's infallibility, says, hypotketically, by way of proving the falsehood of his opponent's doctrine, that " ^lis doctrine would oblige the church to be. lieve vices to be good, and virtues to be bad, in case the pope were to err in teaching this " Bell, de Rom. Pont. 1. iv. c. 5. Hence these writers take oc- casion to affirm, that Bellarmin positively teaches that *' if the pope should err, by enjoining vices or forbidding virtues, the church would be bound to beheve vices to be good, and virtues evil I" P. 203 This shameful misre. presentation has been taken up by most subsequent Protestant controvertists. ^ Exereit. xv. ad Annal. Baron 280 LETTER XLVI. \Fope, or Father of the Faithful,) is, or is net, entitled to a supe. rior ranlc and jurisdiction above other bishops of the Cnristian church, so as to be its syiritua! 'head here upon eaith, and Jiia see the centre of Catholic unity? All Catholics necessarily hold the affirmative of this question ; while the above-mentioned ter- giversating primate denies that nere is a tolerable argument in its favor.* Let us begin with consulting the New Testament, in order to see whether or not the first Pope or Bishop of Rome, St. Peter, was any way superior to the other apostles. St. Matthew, in numbering up the apostles, expressly says of him, THE FIRST, Simon, who is called Peter, Matt. x. 2. In like man- ner, the other evangelists, while they class the other apostles differently, still give the first place to Peter. f In fact, as Bos- suet observes,:|: " St. Peter was the first to confess his faith in Christ ;§ the first to whom Christ appeared after his resurrec- tion ;|| the frsi to preach the belief of this to the people ;ir the firstio convert the Jews,** and the first to receive the Gentiles, "ff Again, I would ask, is there no distinction implied in St. Peter's being called upon by Christ to declare, three several times, that he loved him, and even that he loved him more than his fellow, apostles, and in his being each time charged to feed Christ's lambs, and, at length, \ofeed his sheep also, whom the lambs ap« used to follow ?JJ What else is here signified, but that thia apostle was to act the part of a shepherd, not only with respect to the flock in general, but also with respect to the pastors themselves ? The same is plainly signified, by our Lord's prayer for the faith of this apostle in particular, and the charge that he subsequently gave him : " Simon, Simon, behold Satan has desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat : but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not ; and thou, being once converted, confirm thy brethren." Luke, xxii. 32. Is there no mysterious meaning in the circumstance, marked by the evangelist, of Christ's entering into Simon'' s ship in preference to that of James and John, in order to teach the people out of it ; and in the subsequent miraculous draught of fishes, together with * Tillotson's father was an Anabaptist, and he himself was professedly a Puritan preacher till the restoration ; so that there is reason to doubt whether lie ever received either episcopal ordination or baptism. His successor, ^eckej, was also a dissenter, and his baptism has been called in question. The former, with Bishop Burnet, was called upon to attend Lord Russell at his execution, when they absolutely insisted, as a point necessary for salva tion, on his disclaiming the lawfulness of resistance, in any case whatever Presently after, the revolution happening, they themselves declared for Rua sell's principles. t Mark, iii. 16. Luke, vi. 14. Acts, i. 13. J Orat. ad Cler. § Matt. xvi. 16. II Luke, xxiv. 34. IT Acts, il. .14. «» Ibid. &7-4L ft Ibid. X. 47. tt John, xxi. 15. SUPREMACY. 281 our Lord's prophetic declaration to Simon : Fear not ; from henceforth ihou shalt catch men ? Luke, v. 3, 10. But the strong, est proof of St. Peter's superior dignity and jurisdiction consists in that explicit and energetical declaration of our Saviour to him in the quarters of Cesarea Philippi, upon his making that glori- ous confession of our Lord's divinity : Thou art Christ, the Son of thz living God. Our Lord had mysteriously changed hia name at his first interview with him, when Jesus, looking upon him, said, " Thou art Simon, the son of Jona ; thou shalt be called Cephas, which is interpreted Peter," John, i. 42 ; and on the present occasion he explains the mystery, where he says, " Blessed art thou, Simon, Bar-Jona : because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my Father, who is in heaven : and I say to thee, thou art Peter," (a rock,) " and UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it : and I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven ; and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven ; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed also in heaven," Matt. xvi. 17, 18, 19. Where now, I ask, is the sincere Christian, and especially the Christian who professes to make the Scripture the sole rule of his faith, who, with these passages of the inspired text before his eyes, will venture, at the risk of his soul, to deny that any spe- cial dignity or charge was conferred upon St. Peter in prefer- ence to the other apostles ? I trust no such Christian is to be found in your society. Now, as it is a point agreed upon, at least in your church and mine, that bishops, in general, succeed to the rank and functions of the apostles ; so, by the same rule, the successor of St. Peter, in the See of Rome, succeeds *o his primacy and jurisdiction. This cannot be questioned by any serious Christian, who reflects that, when our Saviour gave his orders about feeding his flock, and made his declaration about building his church, he was not establishing an order of things, to last during the few years that St. Peter had to live, but one that was to last as long as he should have a flock and a church on earth, that is, to the end of time — conformably with his prom- ise to the apostles and their successors, in the concluding words of St. Matthew : Behold, I am laith you always, even to the end of the world. Matt, xxviii. 20. That St. Peter, (after governing, for a time, the Patriaichale of Antioch, the capital of the East, and thence sending ^is dis- ciple, Mark, to establish that of Africa at Alexandria,) finally fixed his own see at Rome, the capital of the world ; that his successors there have each of them exercised the power of supreme pastor, and have been acknowledged as such by all Christians, except by notorious heretics and schismatics, from 24* t83 LETTER XLVI. the apostolic uge down to the present, the writings of the. father*, doctors, and historians of the ciiurch unanimously testify. St Paul, having been converted, and raised to the apostleship in a miraculous mannei, thought it necessary to go up to Jerumlem to see Peter, where he abode with him fifteen days, Galat. i. 18. St. Ignatius, who was a disciple of the apostles, and next suc- cessor, after Evodius, of St. Peter in the See of Antioch, ad- dresses his most celebrated epistle to the church, which, he says, " PRESIDES in the country of the Romans."* About the same time, dissensions taking place in the Church of Co- rinth, the case was referred to the Church of Rome, to which the holy Pope Clement, whose name is written in the hook of life, Philipp. iv. 3, returned an apostolical answer of exhortation and instruction.! In the second century, St. Irenseus, who had been instructed by St. Polycarp, the disciple of St. John the Evangelist, referring to the tradition of the apostles, preserved in the Church of Rome, calls it " the greatest, most ancient and most universally known, as having been founded by St. Peter and St. Paul ; to which," he says, "every church is bound to conform, by reason of its superior authority.":!: TertuUian, a priest of the Roman Church, who flourished near the same time, calls St. Peter " the rock of the church," and says, that "the church was built upon him."§ Speaking of the Bishop of Rome, he terms him, in different places, " the blessed pope, the high priest, the apostolic prelate," &c. I must add, that at ihis early period. Pope Victor exerted his superior authority, by threatening the bishops of Asia with exconnjnunication, for their irregularity in celebrating Easter, and the other moveable feasts ; from which rigorous measure he was deterred, chiefly by St. Irenseus. II In the third century, we hear OrigenlF and St. Cyprian repeatedly aflfirming, that the church was " found- ed on Peter," that he " fixed his chair at Rome," that this is, "the mother church," and "root of Catholicity."** The latter expresses great indignation, that certain African schismatics should dare to approach " the See of Peter, the head church and source of ecclesiastical unity. "ff It is true, this father afterwards had a dispute with Pope Stephen, about rebaptizing converts from heresy ; but this proves nothing more, than that \e did not think the pope's authority superior to general tradi- tion, which, through mistake, he supposed to be on his side. To what degree, however, he did admit this authority; appears ♦ llpoKd9t,Tai, Epist. Ignat. Cotelero. t Coteler. X "Ad hanc ecclesiam convenire, necesse est omnem ecclesiam." Con. *ra Haeres. I. iii. c. 3. § Prescrip. 1. i. c. 22, De Monogam. U Euseb. His. Eccles. 1. v. c, 24. IT Horn. 5 in Exord. Horn. 17 in Luc •* Ep. ad Cornel Ep. ad Anton. De Unit, &c. tt Ep. ad Cornel 55. SUPREMACY. 283 by his advising the same pope fc depose Marcian, a schismatical Bishop of Gaul, and to appoint another bishop in his place.* At the beginning of the fourth century, we have the learned Greek historian Eusebius, explaining in clear terms the grouna of the Roman pontiff's claim to superior authority, which .le de- rives from St. Peter ;f we have also the great champion ^f orthodoxy, and the patriarch of the second see in the world, St. Athanasius, appealing to the Bishop of Rome, which see he terms " the mother and the head of all other churches. "{ In fact, the pope reversed the sentence of deposition, pronounced by the saint's enemies, and restored him to his patriarchal chair. § Soon after this, the Council of Sardica confirmed the Bishop of Rome in his right of receiving appeals from all the churches in the world. || Even the pagan historian, Ammianus, about the same time bears testimony to the superior authority of the Roman pontiff.lF In the same century, St. Basil, St. Hilary, St. Epiphanius, St. Ambrose, and other fathers and doctors, teach the same thing. Let it suffice to say, that the first named of these, scruples not to advise that the pope should send visiters to the eastern churches, to correct the disorders which the Arians had caused in them ;** and that the last mentioned represents communion with the Bishop of Rome, as communion with the Catholic Church. ff I must add, that the great St. Chry- sostom having been soon after unjustly deposed from his see in the eastern metropolis, was restored to it by the authority of Pope Innocent ; that Pope Leo termed his church " the head of the world," because its spiritual power, as he alleged, ex- tended further than the temporal power of Rome had ever ex- tended. if:]: Finally, the learned St. Jerom, being distracted with the disputes among three parties, which divided the Church of Antioch, to which church he was then subject, wrote for direc- tions, on this head, to Pope Damasus, as follows : " I, who am but a sheep, apply to my shepherd for succor. I am united in communion with your holiness ; that is to say, with the chair of Peter. I know that church is built upon that rock. He who eats the paschal lamb out of that house is profane. Who- ever is not in Noah's ark will perish by the deluge. I auow ♦ Ep. 29 t Euseb. Chron. An. 44. X Epist. ad Marc. ^ Socrat. Hist. 1. ii. c. 2. Zozom. || Can. 3. IT Rcrum Gest. l.xt. •* Epist. 52. tt Orat. in Obit Satyr. XX Serm. de Nat. Apos. This sentiment, another father of the churefa, ia **ie fiUowiiig century, St. Prosper, expressed in these lines : — " Sedes Roma Petri, quae, pastoralis honoris Facta caput mundo, quidquid non possidet armia^ Religione tenet " 284 LETTER XLVI. nothing ofA italis, I reject Meletius, I am ignorant of Paulinus* -16 who does not gather with thee, scatters," &c.* It were use- .ess, after th s, to cite the numerous testimonies to the pope's supremacy, which St. Augustin, and all the fathers, doctors, and church historians, and all the general councils bear, down to the present time. However, as the authority of our apostle, Pope Gregory the Great, is claimed by most Protestant divines on their side, and is alluded to by Bishop Porteus,f merely for having censured the pride of John, Patriarch of Constantinople, in assuming to himself the title of (Ecumenical or univeisal iishop ; it is proper to show, that this pope, like all the other? who went before him, and came after him, did claim and exercise the power of supreme pastor, throughout the church. Speaking of this very attempt of John, he says : " The care of the Avhole church was committed to Peter, and yet he is not called the universal apostle. "if With respect to the See of Constantino- ple, he says: " Who doubts but it is subject to the apostolical see ?" and again, " When bishops commit a fault, 1 know not what bishop is not subject to it," (the See of Ronie.)^ As no pope was ever more vigilant in discharging the duties of his ex- alted station, than St. Gregory, so none of them, perhaps, exer- cised more numerous or widely extended acts of the supremacy, than he did. It is sufficient to cite here his directions to St. Augustin of Canterbury, whom he had sent into this island for the conversion of our Saxon ancestors, and v/ho had consulted him; by letter, how he was to act with respect to the French bishops, and the bishops of this island, namely, the British pre- lates in Wales, and the Pictish and Scotch in the northern parts ? To this question Pope Gregory returns an answer i» the following words : " We give you no jurisdiction over the bishops of Gaul, because, from ancient times, my predecessors have conferred the pallium (the ensign of legatine authority) on the Bishop of Aries, whom we ought not to deprive of the au thority he has received. But we commit all the bishops of Britain to your care, that the ignorant among them may be in. structed, the weak strengthened, and the perverse corrected by your authority. "II After this, is it possible to believe, that Bishop Porteus and his fellow-writers ever read Venerable Bede's History of the English Nation ? But if they could ever succeed in proving, that Christ had not built his church upop St. Peter and his successors, and had not given to them the key>' of the kingdom of heaven ; it would still remain for them to prove that he had founded any part of it on Henry VIII., Ed • Ep. ad Damas. t P. 78. X Ep. Greg. 1. v. 20. § L. ix. 59 I His. Bed. 1. i. c. 27. Resp. 9. Spelm. Council, p. 98. suraEMAcy. 285 ^*ii I fl. and their successors, or that he had given the mysticai keya \J E'lzabeth and her successors. I have shown, in a for- mer letter, that these sovereigns exercised a more despotic power over all the ecclesiastical and spiritual affairs of this realm, than any pope ever did, even in the city of Rome ; and that the changes in religion, which took place in their reigns, were effected by them and their agents, not by the bishops or any clergy whatever ; ana yet no one will pretend to show from Scripture, tradition, or reason, that these princes had received any greatei power from Christ, over the doctrine and di?(up]ine of his church, than he conferred upon Tiberius, Pilate, or He- rod, or than he has given, at the present day, to the great Turk or the Lama oi Thibet, m their respective dominions. Before I close this letter, I think it right to state the senti- ments of a few eminent Protestants, respecting the pope's 3U- premacy. I have already mentioned that Luther acknowledged it, and submissively bowed to it, during the three first years of his dogmatizing about justification ; and till his doctrine was condemned at Rome. In like manner, our Henry VIIL asserted it, and wrote a book in defence of it ; in reward of which the pope conferred upon him and his successors the new title of Defender of the Faith. Such was his doctrine; till, becoming amorous of his queen's maid of honor, Ann Bullein, and finding the pope conscientiously inflexible, in refusing to grant him a divorce from the former, and to sanction an adulterous con- nection with the latter, he set himself up as supreme head of the Church of England, and inamtained his claim by the arguments of halters, kpives, and axes. James L in his first speech in 'Parliament, termed Rome '• the mother church," and in his writings pllowed the pope to be " the Patriarch of the West." The late Archbishop Wake, after all his bitter writings against the pope and the Catholic Church, coming to discuss the terme of a proposed union between this church and that of England, expressed himself willing to allow a certain superiority to the Roman pontiff.* Bishop Bramhall had expressed the same sentiment, f sensible, as he was, that no peace or order could subsist in the Christian church, any more than in a political state, without a supreme authority. Of the truth of this maxim, two others, among the greatest men whom Protestantism has to boast of, the Lutheran Melancthon, and the Calvinist Hugo Grotius, were deeply persuaded. The former had written to prove the pope to be Antichrist ; but seeing the animosities, the divisions, the errors, and the impieties of the pretended reform- • *' S«o gaudeat qualicunque Primalu. See Maclaine's Third Apprndil '.o Mosl cim's Eccl. Hist. vol. v. t Answe* to Militiere. 286 LETTER XLVII. ers, with whom he was connected, and the utter impossibility o! putting a stop to these evils, without returning to the ancient system, he wrote to Francis I. of France : " We acknowledge, in the first place, that ecclesiastical government is a thing holy and salutary ; namely, that there should be certain bishops to govern the pastors of several churches, and that THE RO MAN PONTIFF should be above all the bishops. For the church stands in need of governors, to examine and ordain those who are called to the ministry, and to watch over their doc trine ; so tha', if there were no bishops, they ought to be crea- ted."* The latter great man, Grotius, was learned, wise, and always consistent. In proof of this he wrote as follows, to the minister, Rivet : "All who are acquainted with Grotius, know how earnestly he has wished to see Christians united together m one body. This he once thought might have been accom- plished by a union among Protestants ; but, afterwards, he saw that this is impossible. Because, not to mention the aversion of Calvinists to every sort of union, Protestants are not bound by any ecclesiastical government, so that they can neither be uni- ted at present, nor prevented from splitting into fresh divisions. Therefore Grotius now is fully convinced, as many others are also, that Protestants never can be united among themselves, unless they join those who adhere to the Roman See ; without which there never can be any general church government. Hence, he wishes that the revolt and the causes of it may be removed ; among which causes, the primacy of the Bishop of Rome was not one, as Melancthon confessed, who also thought that primacy necessary to restore union." I am, yours, &c. John Milner. LETTER XLVn.— TO JAMES BROWN, JUN., ESQ., ON THE LANGUAGE OF THE LITURGY, AND ON READING THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. Dear sir — I agree with your worthy father, that the departure of the Rev. Mr. Clayton to a foreign country, is a loss to your Salopian Society in more respects than one ; and as it is his wish that 1 should address the few remaining letters I l^ave to write, in an- * D'Argentre, Collect. Jud. t. i. p. 2. — Bercastle and Feller relate, thai Melancthon's mother, who was a Catholic, having consalted him about hei I'eiigion, he persuaded her to continue in it. LANGUAGE OF LITURGY. 287 bwer to Bishop Porteus's book, to you, sir, who, it seems, agree with him in the main, but not altogether, on religious subjects, I shall do so for your own satisfaction and that of your friends, who are still pleased to hear me upon them. Indeed the re- maining controversies between that prelate and myself are of light moment, compared with those I have been treating of, as they consist chiefly of disciplinary matters, subject to the con. trol of the church, or of particular facts, misrepresented by hii lordship. The first of these points of changeable discipline, which the bishop mentions, or rather declaims upon throughout a whole chapter, is the use of the Latin tongue in the public liturgy of the Latin Church. It is natural enough that the Church of England, which is of modern date, and confined to its own domain, should adopt its own language, in its public worship ; and, for a simi- lar reason, it is proper that the Great Western or Latin Church, which was established by the apostles, when the Latin tongue was the vulgar tongue of Europe, and which still is the com- mon language of educated persons in every part of it, should retain this language in her public service. When the bishop complains of " our worship being performed in an unknown tongue, ^^ and of our " wicked and cruel cunning, in keeping people in darkness,^' by this means, under pretext that "they reverence what they do not understand," he wust be conscious of the irreligious calumnies he is uttering ; knowing, as he does, that Latin is, perhaps, still the most general language of Chris- tianity,* and that where it is not commonly understood, it is not the church which introduced a foreign language among the people, but it is the people who have forgotten their ancient language. So far removed is the Catholic Church from " the wicked and cruel cunning of keeping people in ignorance," by retaining her original apostolical languages, the Latin and the Greek ; that she strictly commands her pastors everywhere, " to inculcate che word of God, and the lessons of salvation, to the people in -heir vulgar tongue, every Sunday and Festival throughout the year,"! and to " explain to them the nature and meaning of her divine worship as frequently as possible. "J In like manner, We are so far from imagining, that the less our people under, stand of our liturgy, the more they reverence it,, that we are quite sure of precisely the contrary ; particularly with respect to our principal liturgy, the adorable sacrifice of the Mass. • The Latin language is vernacular in Hungary and the neighboring coun, tries ; it is taught in all the Catholic settlements of the universe : and it ap. preaches so near to the Italian, Spanish, and French, as to be understood, in a general kind of way, by those who use these languages. I Concil. Frid. Sess. xxiv. c. 7 t Idem. Sess. xxi. c. 8 288 LETTER XLVll. True it is, that a part of this is performed by the priest in silence ; because, being a sacred action, as well as a form of words, some of the prayers which the priest says, would not be proper or lational in the mouths of the people. — Thus, the high priest of old went alone into the tabernacle, to make the atonement ;* and thus Zachary offered incense in the temple hy himself; while the multitude prayed without. f But this is no detriment to tha faithful, as they have translations of the liturgy, and other books in their hands, by means of which or of their own devo- tion, they can join with the priest in every part of the solemn worship ; as the Jewish people united with their priests, in the sacrifices above-mentioned. But we are referred by his lordship to 1 Cor. xiv., in order " to see what St. Paul would have judged of the Romanists' practice, in retaining the Latin liturgy ;" which, after all, he himself and St. Peter established where it now prevails. I an- swer, that there is not a word in that chapter which mentions or alludes to the public liturgy, which at Corinth was, as it is still, performed in the old Greek ; the whole of it regarding an im- prudent and ostentatious use of the gift of tongues in speaking all kinds of languages; which gift many of the faithful possess- ed at the time, in common with the apostles. The very reason alleged by St. Paul, for prohibiting extempore prayers and ex- nortations, which no one understood, namely, that all things should he done decently and according to order, is the principal motive of the Catholic Church for retaining, in her worship, the original languages employed by the apostles. She is, as I be- fore remarked, a universal church, spread over the face of the globe, and composed " of all nations, and tribes, and tongues," Rev. vii. 9, and these tongues constantly changing ; so, that in- stead of the uniformity of worship, as well as of faith, which is so necessary for that decency and order, there would be nothing but confusion, disputes, and changes in every part of her liturgy, if it were performed in so many different languages and dialects; with the constant danger of some alteration or other in the es- sential forms, which would vitiate the very sacrament and sac- rifice. The advantage of an ancient language, for religious worship, over a modern one, in this and other respects, is ac- knowledged by the Cambridge Professor of Divinity, Dr. Hey. He says, that such a one " is fixed and venerable, free from vulgarity, and even more perspicuous. "J But to return to Bishop Porteus's appeal to the judgment of St. Paul, concerning " the Romanists' practice, in retaining the language with the sub- stance of their primitive liturgy," I leave you, dear sir, any Grey, vol. iii. p 10. || Statute 13 and 14 Car. II. cap. 4 VARIOUS MISREPRESENTATIONS. 297 and not the Catholic Church, were accountable for ilj bolh to God aiul man. I have often wondered, in a particular manner, at the confi- dence with which Bishop Porteus asserts and denies facts of an- cient church-history, in opposition to the known truth. An in- stance of 1 his occurs in the conclusion of the chapter before me, where he says : — " The primitive church did not att^^mpt, foi several hundred years, to make any doctrine necessary, which we do not: as the learned well know from their writings."* The falsehood of this position must strike you, on looking back to the authorities adduced by me from the ancient fathers and historians, in proof of the several points of controversy which I have maintained : but, to render it still more glaring, I will recur to the histories of AERIUS and VIGILANTIUS, two different heretics of the fourth century. Both St. Epiphaniusf and St. Augustin+ rank Aerius among the heresiarchs, or found- ers of heresy, and both give exactly the same account of his three characteristical errors ; the first of which is avowed by all Protestants, namely, that " prayers and sacrifices are not to be offered up for the dead ;" and the two others by most of them ; namely, that " there is no obligation of observing the appointed days of fasting, and that priests ought not to be dis- tinguished, in any respect, from bishops. § So far were the pri- mitive Christians from tolerating these heresies, that the sup- poiters of them were denied the use of a place of worship, and were forced to perform it in forests and caverns. || Vigilantius likewise condemned prayers for the dead, but he equally repro- bated prayers to the saints, the honoring of their relics, and the celibacy of the clergy, together with vows of continence in general. Against these errors, which I need not tell you. Dr. Porteus now patronises, as Vigilantius formerly did, St. Jerom directs all the thunder of his eloquence, declaring them to be sacrilegious, and the author of them to be a detestable heretic.^ The learned Fleury observes, that the impious novelties of this heretic made no proselytes, and, therefore, that there was no need of a council to condemn them.** Finally, to convince yourself, dear sir, how far the ancient fathers were from tole- rating different communions or religious tenets in the Catholic Church, conformably to the prelate's monstrous system, of a Catholic Church, composed of all the discordant and disunited sects in Christendom, be pleased to consult again the passages which I have collected from the works of the former, in my * P. 73. t Haeres's 75. \ De Haeres. torn. vi. Ed. Frob. ^ Ibid. St. John Damasccn and St, Isidore equally condemn these tenati M heretical. || Fleury's Hist. ad. An. .392. ^ Epist. 1 and 3, adversus Vigilan. ** Ad. An. 405, 299 LETTER XLIX. fourteenth letter to your society ; or, what is still more demon strative, on this point, observe, in ecclesiastical history, hoi* Ihe Quarto-decimans, the Novatians,* the Donatists, and the Lu cif'erians, though their respective errors are mere mole-hills, compared with the mountains which separate the Protestant communions from ours, were held forth as heretics by the fathers, anj treated as such by the church, in her councils. — I am, <&c. John Milner. LETTER XLIX.— TO JAMES BROWN, J UN. ESQ ON RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION. Dear sir — I promised to treat the subject of religious persecution apan , a subject of the utmost importance in itself, and which is spoken of by the Bishop of London in the following terms : " They, the Romish Church, zealously maintain their claim of punish- ing whom they please to call heretics, with penalties, imprison- ment, tortures, and death. "f Another writer, whom I have quoted above, says, that this church " breathes the very spirit of cruelty and murder."^ Indeed, most Protestant controver- tists seem to vie with each other, in the vehemence and bitter- ness of the terms by which they endeavor to affix this most odious charge of cruelty and murder, on the Catholic Church. This is the favorite topic of preachers, to excite the hatred of their hearers against their fellow Christians ; this is the last re- source of baffled hypocrites. If you admit the Papists, they cry, to equal rights, these wretches must and ivill certainly murder you, as soon as they can : the fourth Lateran Council has established the principle, and the bloody Queen Mary has acted upon it. I. To proceed regularly in this matter, I begin with express, ly denying the Bishop of London's charge ; namely, that the Catholic Church "maintains a claim of punishing heretics with penalties, imprisonment, tortures, and death ;" and I assert, on the contrary, that she disclaims the power of so doing. Pope Leo the Great, who flourished in the fourth century, writing about the Manicheun heretics, who, as he asserted, laid all modesty aside, prohibiting the matrimonial connection, and sub- yerti'.ig all law, human and divine," says, that " the ecclesias- * St. Cyprian being consulted about the nature of Novatian's errors, an> Bwered : " There is no need of a strict inquiry what errors he teaches, while he teaches out of the church." He elsewhere writes : " The church being one, cannot be, at the same time, within and without. If she be with No. vatian, she is not with (Pope) Cornelius ; if she be with Cornelius, Noyatiaa IS not in her." Epist. 76, ad Mas:. + Confut. p. 7l. I De Coetlogan's Seasonable Caution, p. 1ft. PSBSSCUTION. 299 tica! lenity was content, even in this case, witn the sacerdotal judgment, and avoided all santruinary punishments,"* however the secular emperors might inflict them for reasons of state. In the same century, two Spanish bishops, Ithacius and Idacius, having interfered in the capital punishment of certaiii Priscil- lian heretics, both St. Ambrose and St. Martin refused to hold communion vvith them, even to gratify an emperor, whose cle- mency they were soliciting in behalf of certain clients. Long before their time, Tertullian had taught, that " It does not belong to n ligion to force religion ; "-I- and a considerable time after, when St. A-ugustin and his companions, the envoys of Pope Gregory the Great, had converted our King Ethelbert to the Christian faiih, they particularly inculcated to him, not to use forcible means to induce any of his subjects to follow his example.:]: But what need of more authorities on this head, since our canon law, as it stood in ancient times, and as it still stands, renders all those who have actively concurred to the death or mutila- tion of any human being, whether Catholic or heretic, Jew or pagan, or even in a just war, or by exercising the art of surge- ry, or by judicial proceedings, irregular ; that is to say, such persons cannot be promoted to holy orders, or to exercise those orders, if they have actually received them. Nay, when an ecclesiastical judge or tribunal has, after due examination, pro- nounced that any person, accused of obstinate heresy, is actual- ly guilty of it, he is required by the church, expressly, to declare in her name, that her power extends no further than such deci- sion : and, in case the obstinate heretic is liable, by the laws of the state, to suffer death or mutilation, the judge is required to pray for his pardon. Even the Council of Constance, in con- demning John Huss of heresy, declared that its power extended no further. § II. But, whereas many heresies are subversive of the estab- lished governments, the public peace, and natural morality, it doos not belong to the church to prevent princes and states from exercising their just authority in repressing and punishing them, when this is judged to be the case ; nor would any clergyman incur irregularity by exhorting princes and magistrates to pro- vide for those important objects, and the safety of the church itself, by repressing its disturbers ; provided he did not concur to the death or mutilation of any particular disturber. Thus it appears that, though there have been persecuting laws in many Catholic states, the church itself, so for from claiming^ actually disclaims the power of persecuting. III. Bui Dr. Porteus signifies, || that the church itself haa • Epist. ad Turib. t Ad Scapul. t Bed. Ecc. Hig. 1. i. c. 96 ^ Sess XV See Labbe's Concil. t. xii. p. 129. || Conf. p. 47. 800 LETTER XLIX. claimed this power in the third canon of the Fojrth Lateran Council, A. D. 1215, by the tenor of which, tennporal lords ann magistratt\s were required to exterminate all heretics from their respective territories, under pain of these being confiscated it« ments which are tD be made in his account of the Protestant suHerera. 26 802 LETTER XTJt. argumcns, made use of in the queen's council, by those advo» Gates ibr persecution, Gardiner, Bonner, &c., by whose advice it was adopted ; yet none of them pretended that the doctrine of 'he Catholic Church required such a measure. On the con- trary, all their arguments are grounded on motives of state policy. At the same time, it cannot be denied that the first Protestants in this, as in other countries, were possessed of and actuated by a spirit of violence and rebellion. Lady Jane was se': up, and supported in opposition to the daughters of King Henry, by all the chief men of the party, both churchmen and laymen, as I have already observed. Mary had hardly for- given this rebellion, when a fresh one was raised against her by the Duke of Suffolk, Sir Thomas Wyat, and all the leading Protestants. In the mean time, her life was attempted by some of them, and her death was publicly prayed for by others ; while Knox and Goodman, on the other side of the Tweed, were publishing books Against the monstrous Regimen of Women, and exciting the people of this country, as well as their own, to put their Jezabel to death. Still, I grant, persecution was not the way to diminish either the number or the violence of the enthu- siastic insurgents. With toleration and prudence on the part of the governors, the paroxysm of the governed would quickly have subsided. V. Finally, whatever may be said of the intolerance of Mary, I trust that this charge will not he brought against the next Catholic sovereign, James II. I have elsewhere* shown, that, when Duke of York, he used his best endeavors to get the act De Heretico Comhurendo repealed, and to afford an asylum to the Protestant exiles, who flocked to England from France, on the revocation of the edict of Nantz, and, in short, that when king, he lost his crown in the cause of toleration : his Declaration of Liberty of Conscience having been the deter- mining cause of his deposition. But what need of words to disprove the odious calumny, that Catholics " breathe the spirit of cruelty and murder," and are obliged, by their religion, to be persecutors, when every one of our gentry who has made the tour of France, Italy, and Germany, has experienced the C "^ntrary, and has been as cordially received by the pope him- self, in his metropolis of Rome, (where he is both prince and bishop,) in the character of an English Protestant, as if he were known to be the most zealous Catholic ! Still, I fear, there an some individuals in your society, as there are many other Protestants of my acquaintance elsewhere, who cling fast to this charge against Catholics, of persecution, as the • History of Winchester, vol. i. p. 436; Letters to a Prebendary, p. 376. PERSECUTION. 303 last resource for their own intolerance ; and, it being true, that Catholics have, in some times and places, unsheathed the sword against the heterodox, these persons insist upon it, that it is an essential part of the Catholic religion to persecute. On the other hand, many Protestants, either from ignorance or policy, now-a-days, claim for themselves, exclusively, the credit o.' toleration. As an instance of this, the Bishop of Lincoln writes: — " I consider toleration as a mark of the true church, and as a principle recommended by the most emment of our reformers and divines."* In these circumstances, I know but one argument to stop the mouths of such disputants ; which is, to prove to them, that persecution has not only been more gen- erally practised by Protestants than by Catholics, but also, thai it has been more warmly defended and supported by the most eminent " reformers and divines " of their party, than by their opponents. I. The learned Bergier defies Protestants to mention so much as a town, in which their predecessors, on becoming mas- ters of it, tolerated a single Catholic. f Rousseau, who was ed- ucated a Protestant, says, that " the Reformation was intolerant from its cradle, and its authors universally persecutors.":}: Bayle, who was a Calvinist, has published much the same thing. Finally, the Huguenot minister, Jurieu, acknowledges that " Geneva, Switzerland, the Republics, the Electors, and Princes of the Empire, England, Scotland, Sweden, and Den- mark, had all employed the power of the state to abolish Popery, and establish the Re formation. § But to proceed to other more positive proofs of what has been said : the first father of Protestantism finding his new religion, which he had submitted to the pope, condemned by him, immediately sounded the trumpet of persecution and murder against the pontiff, and all his supporters, in the following terms : — " If we send thieves to the gallows, and robbers to the block, why do we not fall on those masters of perdition, the popes, cardinals, and bishops with all our force, and not give over, till we have bathed oui hands in their blood ?"|| He elsewhere calls the pope, " a mad wolf, against whom every one ought to take arms, without waiting for an order from the magistrate." He adds, " If you fall before the beast has received its mortal wound, you will have but one thing to be sorry for, that you did not bury your dagger in its breast. All that defend him must be treated like a band of robbers, be they kings or be they Caesars. "IT By • Charge in 1812. t Trait. Hist, et Dogmat. X Letters de la Mont, § Tab. Lett, quoted by Bossuet, Avereiss, p. 625. |I Ad Sihest Peri«r f Thesus apud Sleid. A. D. 1545. Opera Luth. torn. L 304 LETTER XLIX. these and similar i^^entives, with which the works of Luthei abound, he not only °xcited the Lutherans themselves to pro. pagate their religiox- by fire and sword, against the emperor and other Catholic print ^i'?, but also gave occasion to all the san- guinary and frantic rcenes which the Anabaptists exhibited, at the same time, thron.'rh the lower parts of Germany. Coeval with these, was the civil war, which another arch-reiormer, Zuinglius, lighted upJn Switzerland, by way of propagating h\n peculiar system, and the persecution which he raised equally against the Catholics wvd the Anabaptists. Even the moderate Melancthon wrote a beck in defence of religious persecrdon,* and the conciliatory Bucrr, who became professor of divinny at Cambridge, not satisfied wifb the burning of the heretic. Serve- tus, preached that " hie bowels ought to have been torn out, and his body chopped to pieces. "f II. But the grsat champion of persecution, every one knows, was the founder of the second great branch of Protestantism. John Calvin. Not content w.'th burning Servetus, beheading Gruet, and persecuting othev distinguished Protestants, Castallo, Bolsec, and Gentilis, (who, being apprehended in the neighbor, ing Protestant canton of Berne, was put to death there,) he set up a consistorial inquisition at Geneva, for forcing everyone 1o conform to his opinions, and required that the magistrates should punish whomsoever this consistory condemned. He was suc« ceeded in his spirit, as well as in his office, by Beza, who wrote a folio work in defence of persecution.i In this he shows that Luther, Melancthon, BuIKnger, Capito, no less than Calvin, had written works expressly in defence ot this principle, which, accordingly, was firmly maintained by Calvin's followers, par- ticularly in France. Bossuet refers to the public records of Nismes, Montpelier, and othei places, in proof of the directions issued by the Calvinist coLs'sJories to iheir generals, for " forcing the Papists to embrace the Reformation by tsxes, quar- tering of soldiers upon them, dcn^oiishing their hoi^ses, dz;c.; and he says, " the wells into which the Cathoiics w^re flung, and the instruments of torture which were used at the first- mentioned city to force them to attend *he Protestant ".ermons, are things of public notoriety. "§ In fi^ct, who has net read of the infamous Baron Des Ad rets, whose rav.^ge sport v was, to torture and murder Catholics, in a Cathob'c kingdom. » ^d wh,^ forced his son literally to wash his hands in ♦be'r blooc' r Who has not heard of the inhuman Jane, Queen o* Nava*> ' «*m * Bcza, De Hseret. puniend. t Ger. Brandt, Hist. Abrcg. Refor. Pais 6as, vol. i. p. f^-i. t De HaBreticis puniendista Givili Magistratu, &,c,, a The-K !ioif I Varia/.. L. x,m, 52. PBRSECUTlOn. S05 massacrf'd priests and religious persons, b) hundreds, merely on account of their sacred character ? In short, Catholic France, throughout its extent, and during a great number of years, was a scene of desolation and slaughter, from the unre- lenting persecution of its Huguenot subjects. Nor was the spectacle dissimilar in the Low Countries, when Calvinism got a footing in them. Their first synod, held in 1574, equally pro- scribed the Catholics and the Anabaptists, calling upon the magistrates to support their decrees,* which decrees were re- newed in several subsequent synods. I have elsewhere quoted a late Protestant writer, who, on the authority of existing public records, describes the horrible torments with which Vander- merk and Sonoi, two generals of the Prince of Orange, put to death incredible numbers of Dutch Catholics. f Other writers furnish more ample details of the same kind. J But while the Calvinist ministers continued to stimulate their magistrates to redoubled severities against the Catholics, (for which purpose, among other means, they translated into Dutch, and published the above-mentioned work of Beza,) a new object of their perse- cution arose in the bosom of their own society : Arminius, Vos- sius, Episcopius, and some other divines, supported by the illus- trious statesmen, Barnevelt and Grotius, declared against the more rigorous of Calvin's maxims. They would not admit, that God decrees men to be wicked, and then punishes them ever- lastingly for what they cannot help ; nor that many persons are in his actual grace and favor, while they are immersed in the most enormous crimes. For denying this, Barnevelt was beheaded. § Grotius was condemned to perpetual imprisonment, and all the remonstrant clergy, as they were called, were ban- ished from their families and their country, with circumstances of the greatest cruelty, at the requisition of the Synod of Dort. In speaking of Lutheranism, I have passed by many persecu- ting decrees and practices of its adherents against Calvinists and Zuinglians, and many more of Calvinists against Luther, ans, while both parties agreed in showing no mercy .o the Ana- ^ptists. Before I quit the continent, I mu.>t mention the Lu- theran kingdoms of Denmark and Sweden, in both which, as Jurieu has signified above, the Catholic religion was extirpated, and Protestantism established, by means of rigorous perseiu- ing laws, which denounced the punishment of death against ihs former. Professor Messenius, who wrote about the year 1600, mentions four Catholics who had recently been put to death in * Brandt, vol. i. p. 227. t Letters to a Prebend, p. 103. t See the learned Estius's Hist, of the Martyrs of Gorcum ; De Brandt, etc § Diodati, quoted by Brandt, says that the canons of Dort carried ofi *iw head of Barnevelt 26* ue LETTER XLIX. Sweden, on account of their religion, and eight oth/rs who had been imprisoned and tortured on that account, of whom he him- self was one.* III. To pass over now to the northern part of our own island. The first reformers of Scotland, having deliberately murdeied Cardinal Beaton, Archbishop of St. Andrew's,! and riotously destroyed the churches, monasteries, and every thing else, which Ihey termed monuments of Popery, assembled in a tumultuoui and illegal manner, and before even their own religion wag established by law, they condemned the Catholics to capital pun- ishment for the exercise of theirs: "such strangers," says Rob- ertson, " were men, at that time, to the spirit of toleration, and *he laws of humanity !"J Their chief apostle was John Knox^ an apostate friar, who, in all his publications and sermons, maintained, that "it is not birth, but God's election, which con- fers a right to the throne and to magistracy ;" that " no promise nor oath, made to an enemy of the truth, that is, to a Catholic, is binding;" and that "every such enemy, in a high station, id to be deposed. "§ Not content with threatening to depose her, he told his queen, to her face, that the Protestants had a right to take the sword of justice into their hands, and to punish her, as Samuel slew Agag, and as Elias slew Jezabel':^ prophets. || Conformably with this doctrine, he wrote into England, that " the nobility and people were bound in conscience, not only to withstand the proceedings of that Jezabel, Mary, whom tliey called queen, but also to put her to death, and all her priests with her. "IF His fellow-apostles, Goodman, Willox, Buciianan, Rough, Black, &c., constantly inculcated to the people the same seditious and persecuting doctrine ; and the Presbyterian ministers, in general, earnestly pressed for the execution of their innocent queen, who was accused of a murder, perpetrated by their own Protestant leaders.** The same unrelenting intoler- ance was seen among the most moderate of their clergy, " when they were assembled by order of King James and his council to inquire, whether the Catholic Earls of Huntly, Errol, and tneir followers, on making a proper concession, might not be admitted into the church, and be exempt from further punishment ?" These ministers then answered, that, " though the gates of Wcr- cy are always open for those who repent, yet, as these noble- mer had been guilty of idolatry, (the Catholic religion,) a crime df serving death both by the laws of God and man, the civil • Scandia Illustrat., quoted by Le Brun. Mess. Explic. t. iv. p. 140 + Gilb. Stiart's Hist. ofRef. in Scotland, vol. i. p. 47, &c. t Hist, of Scotland, An. 1560. 6 &ee Collier's Eccle Hist. vol. ii. p. 443. II St'iari'fa 'iist. vol. i. p. 59. ir'CXted by Dj-. Paterson, in his Jerus and Babel. *» Stuart's Hiet. vol. i. p. 255 PERSECiniON. 307 magistrates could not legally pardon them, and that, thoug/i the church should absolve them, it was his duty to inflict punish- ment upon them."* But we need not be surprised at any se- verity of the Presbyterians against Catholics, when, among other penances, ordained by public authority, agains their own mem')ers who should break the fast of Lent, whipping in the church was one.'\ IV. The father of the church of England, under the author, ity of the Protector Seymour, Duke of Somerset, was confess- edly Thomas Cranmer, whom Henry VIII. raised to the Arch- bishopric of Canterbury ; of whom it is difficult to say, whether his obsequiousness to the passions of his successive masters, Henry, Seymour, and Dudley, or his barbarity to the sectaries who were in his power, was the more odious : there is this circum- stance which distinguishes him from almost every other perse- cutoi, that he actively promoted the capital punishment, not only of those who differed from him in religion, but also of those who agreed with him in it. It is admitted by his advocates,^ that he was instrumental, during the reign of Henry, in bringing to the stake the Protestants, Lambert, Askew, Frith, and Allen, be- sides condemning a great many others to it, for denying the cor- poreal presence of Christ in the sacrament, which he disbelieved himself ;§ and it is equally certain, that during the reign of the child Edward, he continued to convict Arians and Anabaptists capitally, and to press for their execution. Two of these, Joan Knell and George Van Par, he got actually burnt, preventing the young King Edward from pardoning them, by telling him, that "princes, being God's deputies, ought to punish impieties against him."|| The two next most eminent fathers of the Eng- lish church were, unquestionably, Bishop Ridley and Bishop Latimer, both of them noted persecutors, and persecutors of of Protestants to the extremity of death, no less than of Ana- baptists and other sectaries ! IT Upon the second establishment of the Protestant religion in England, when Elizabeth ascended the throne, it was again but- tressed up here, as in every other country where it prevailed, by the most severe, persecuting laws I have elsewhere shown, from authentic sources, that above two hundred Catholics were hanged, drawn, and quartered, during her reign, for the mere profession or exercise of the religion of their ancestors for almost one thousand years. Of this number, fifteen were condemned • Robertson's Hist. Ann. 1596. t Stuart, vol. ii. p. 94 X Fox, Acts and Monum. Fuller's Church Hist. b. v. \ See Letters to a Preb. p. 206. j] Burnet's Church Hist. P. ii. b. i. i See the proofs of these facts collected from Fox, Burnet, Heylin, and CoUw'^, in Letters to a Preb. Letter V S08 LETTER XLIX. for denying the queen's spiritual supremacy, one hundred and twenty-six for the exercise of their priestly functions, and the rest for being reconciled to the Catholic Churcli, for hearing mass, or aiding and abetting Catholic priests.* When to these sanguinary scenes are added those of many hundreds of other Catholics, who perished in dungeons, who were driven into exile, or who were stripped of their property, it will appear that the persecution of Elizabeth's reign was far more grievous than thai of her sister Mary, especially when the proper deductions are made from the sufferers under the latter. f Nor was persecu- tion confined to the Catholics ; for when great numbers of for- eign Anabaptists, and other sectaries, had fled into England, from the fires and gibbets of their Protestant brethren in Hol- land, they found their situation much worse here, as they com- plained, than it had been in their own country. To silence these complaints, the Bishop of London, Edwin Sandys, pub- lished a book in vindication of religious persecution. :|: In short, the protestant church and .state concurred to tlieir extirpation. An assembly of them, to the number of twenty-seven, having been seized upon in 1575, some of them were so intimidated as to recant their opinions, some were scourged, two of them, Pat- erson and Terwort, were burnt to death in Smithfield, and the rest banished.^ Besides these foreigners, the English dissenters were also grievously persecuted. Several of them, such as Thacker, Copping, Greenwood, Barrow, Penry, &c., were put to death, which rigors they ascribed principally to the bishops, particularly to Parker, Aylmer, Sandys, and Whitgift.|| The last-named they accused of being the chief author of the famous inquisitorial court, called the Star-Chamber, which court, in ad- dition to all its other vexations and severities, employed the rack and torture, to extort confession. IT The doctrines and practice of persecution in England did not end with the race of Tudor. James I., though he was reproached with being favorable to the Catholics, nevertheless signed warrants for twenty-five of them to be hanged and quartered, and sent one hundred and twenty- eight of them into banishment, barely on account of tlieir reli- gion, besides exacting a fine of twenty pounds per month from * Certain opponents of mine have publicly objected to me, that these Ctth olics suffered for high treason. True : the laws of persecution declared so ; but their only treason consisted in their religion. Thus the apostles, and other Christian martyrs, were traitors in the eye of the pagan law ; and the chief priests declared, with respect to Christ himself, we have a law^ and according to that he ought to die. t See Letters to a Prebendary, pp. 149, 150. + Ger. Brandt, Hist. Reform. Abreg. vol. i. p. 234. § Brandt, vol. i. p. 234. Hist, of Churches of Eng. and Scot. vol. ii. p. 19* I Ibid IT Mosheim, vol. iv. p 40. PERSECXTTION. 5Ml9 (hose who did not attend the church service. Still he was re- peatedly called upon by Parliament to put the penal laws in force with greater rigor ; in order, say they, " to advance tne glory of Almighty God, and the everlasting honor of your ma- jesty;"* and he was warned by Archbishop Abbot, against tolerating Catholics, in the following terms: "Your majesty hath propounded a toleration of religion. By your act, you la- bor to set up that most damnable and heretical doctrine of the Church of Rome, the whore of Babylon ; — and thereby draw down upon the kingdom and yourself, God's heavy wrath and indignation."-!- In the mean time the Puritans complained loudly of the persecution which they endured from the Court of High Commission, and particularly from Archbishop Bancroft, and the Bishops Neale of Litchfield, and King of London. They charged the former of these, with not only condemning Edward Wightman for his opinions, but also with getting the king's warrant for his execution, who was accordingly burnt at Litch- field ; and the latter, with treating in the same way Bartholo- mew Legat, who was consumed in Smithfield.ij: The same un- relenting spirit of persecution, which had disgraced the addresses presented to James, prevailed in those of the Parliament, and of many bishops to his son Charles. One of these, signed by the renowned Archbishop Usher, and eleven other Irish bishops of the Establishment, declares, that " to give toleration to Papists, is to become accessory to superstition, idolatry, and the perdi- tion of souls ; and that, therefore, it is a grievous sin.^^^ At length the Presbyterians and Independents, getting the upper hand, had an opportunity of giving full scope to their character, istic intolerance. Their divines, being assembled at Sion Col- lege, condemned, as an error, the doctrine of toleration, " under the absurd terra," as they expressed it, " of liberty of con- science. "|| Conformably with this doctrine, they procured from their Parliament a number of persecuting acts, from those of fining up to those of capital punishment. The objects of them were not only Catholics, but also Church of England men, IT Quakers, Seek- ors, and Arians. In the mean time, they frequently appointed na- tional fasts to alone for their pretended guilt in being too toleran.*^ Warrants for the execution of four English Catholics were ex- torte i from the king, while he was in power, and near twenty others were publicly executed under the Parliament and the protector. This hypocritical tyrant afterwards invading Ire- « Rushworth's Collect, vol. i. p. 141. t Rushworth's Collect, t Chandler's Introduct. to Limbroche's Hist, of Inquis. p. 80. Neal's Hi«t of Purit. vol. ii. 4 Leland's Hist, of Ireland, vol. ii. p. 482. Ne-.l's Hist. vol. ii. p. 469. I Hist, of Churches of Eng. and Scot. vol. iii. ^ Ibid. ** Ibid NeaJ s HLit 810 LETTER XLIJC. land, and being bent on exterminating the Cathtilic population there, persuaded his soldiers that they had a divine commission for this purpose, as the Israelites had to exterminate the Canaan- ites.'*' To make an end of the clergy, he put the same price upon a priest's as upon a wolf's head.f Those Puritans who, previously to the civil war, had sailed to North America to avoid persecution, set up a far more cruel one there, particu- larly against the Quakers, whipping them, cropping their ears, boring their tongues with a hot iron, and hanging them. We have the names of four of these sufferers, one of them a woman, who was executed at Boston 4 V. During the whole of the war which the Puritans waged against the king and constitution, the Catholics behaved with un- paralleled loyalty. It has been demonstrated, § that three-fifths of the noblemen and gentlemen who lost their lives on the side of royalty, were Catholics, and that more than half of the land- ed property confiscated by the rebels, belonged to Catholics. Add to this, that they were chiefly insti'umental in saving Charles II. after his defeat at Worcester : they had, consequent- ly, reason to expect that the restoration of the king and consti- tution would have brought an alleviation, if not an end, of their sufferings. But the contrary proved to be the case : for then all parties seem to have combined to make them the common object of their persecuting spirit and fury. In proof of this, I need allege nothing more than that two different Parliaments voted the reality of Oaies^s plot f and that eighteen innocent and loyal Catholics, one of them a peer, suffered the death of traitors on account of it : to say nothing of seven other priests who, about that time, were hanged and quartered for the mere exercise of their priestly functions. Among the absurdities of that sanguinary plot, such as those of shooting the king with silver bullets, and invading the island with an army of pilgrims from Compostella, &c.,|| it was not the least to pretend that the Catho- lics wished to kill the king at all ; that king whom they had heretofore saved in Staffordshire, and whom they well knew to be secretly devoted to their religion. But any pretext was ."S^ood, which would serve the purposes of a persecuting faction. These purposes were to exclude Catholics, not only from the throne, but also from the smallest degree of political power, down to that of a constable ; and to shut the doors of both houses of Par- liament against them. The faction succeeded in its first design by the Test Act, and in its second by the act requiring the De- claration against Popery ; both obtained at a period of natioupl » Anderson's Royal Geneal. quoted by Curry, vol. ii. p. 11. t Ibid. p. 63. t Ned's Hist, of Churches. § Lord Castlemain's Catholic Apology. || Echard's Hist PERSECUTION. 311 rfelirium and f'u-y. What the spirit of the c ergy was, at. thai time, witli respect to the oppressed Catholics, appeared at their solemn procession at Sir Edmunbury Godfrey's funeral,* and still appears in three folio volumes of invective and misrepre- sentation then published, under the title of A Preservative against Papery. On the other hand, such was the unchristian hatreo of the dissenters against the Catholics, that they ])romoted tha Test Act with all their power, j- though no less injurious to them. selves than to the Catholics ; and on every occasion they refu&ad a toleration which might extend to the latter..]. There is no need of bringing down the history of persecution in this country to a later period than the revolution, at which time, as I ob- served before, a Catholic king was deposed, because he would not be a persecutor. Suffice it to say, that the number of penal laws against the professors of the ancient religion, and founders of the constitution of this country, continued to increase in every reign, till that of his present majesty, George III. In the course of this reign most of the old persecuting laws have been repeal- ed ; but the two last-mentioned, enacted in a moment of delirium, which Hume represents as our greatest national disgrace, 1 mean the impracticable Test Act, and the unintelligible Declara' tion against Popery, are rigidly adhered to, under two ground- less pretexts. § The first of these is, that they are necessary for the support of the Estahlished Church; and yet it is undeniable, that this church had maintained its ground, and had flourished much more during the period which preceded these laws, than it has ever done since that event. The second pretext is, that the withholding of honors and emoluments is not persecution. On this point let a Protestant dignitary, of first-rate talents, be heard : " We agree, that persecution, merely for conscience* sake, is against the genius of the Gospel ; and so is any law for depriving men of their natural and civil rights, which they claim as men. We are also ready to allow, that the smallest nega- tive discouragements, for uniformity's sake, are so many perse- cutions. An incapacity by law for any man to be made a judge or a colonel, merely on point of conscience, is a negati\ e dis. couragement, and, consequently, a real persecution," &c.|j In the present case, however, the persecution which Catholics suf- ♦ North's Exam. Echard. t Neal's Hist, of Puritans, vol. iv. IJiat. of Churches, vol. iii. \ Ibid. § Since the venerable and illustrious author wrote this letter, namely, in the year 1829, the test act was partially repealed, and Catholics are now ad. missible to Parliament, and all civil offices of the state, with the exceptioa of lord chancellor of England, lord lieutenant of Ireland, and higii commis. ■ioner of Scotland, on taking an oath of abjuration and promising to obsenrt certain conditions therein specified. — Edit H Dean Swift's works, lol. viii. p. 56. 812 LETTER XLIX. fer from the disabilities in question, does not consist so much ir. their being deprived of those common privileges and advantages, as in their being held out by the legislature as unworthy of them, and thus being reduced to the condition of an inferior caste in their own country, the country of freedom : this they deeply feel, and cannot help feeling. VI. But to return to my subject: I presume, that if the facts and reflections which I have stated in this letter, had occurred to the right reverend prelates mentioned at the beginning ot i, they would have lowered, if not quite altered, their tone on the present subject. The Bishop of London would not have charged Catholics with claiming a right to punish those whom they call heretics, " with penalties, imprisonment, tortures, and death ;" nor would the Bishop of Lincoln have laid down " toleration as a mark of the true church, and as a principle recommended by the most eminent reformers and (Protestant) divines." At all events, I promise myself that a due consideration of the points here suggested, will efl^ace the remaining prejudices of certain persons of your society against the Catholic Church, on the score of her alleged " spirit of persecution, and of her supposed claim to punish the errors of the mind with fire and sword." They must have seen that she does not claim, but that, in her very general councils, she has disclaimed all power of this na- ture ; and that, in pronouncing those to be obstinate heretics whom she finds to be such, she always pleads for mercy in their oehalf, when they are liable to severe punishment from the secular power ; a conduct which many eminent Protestant churchmen were far from imitating, in similar circumstances. They must have seen, moreover, that if persecuting laws have been made and acted upon by the princes and magistrates in many Catholic countries, the same conduct has been uniformly practised in every country, from the Alps to the arctic circle, in which Protestants, of any description, have acquired the power of so doing. But if, after all, the friends alluded to should not admit of any material difference on one side or the other in this matter, I will here point out to them two discriminating circum- stances of such weight, as must, at once, decide the question about persecution in disfavor of Protestants. In the first place, when Catholic states and princes have per- secuted Protestants, it was done in favor of an ancient religion^ which had been established in their country, perhaps, a thousand or fifteen hundred years, and which had long preserved the peace, order, and morality of their respective subjects ; and when, at the same time, they clearly saw, that any attempt to alter this religion would, unavoidably, produce incalculable dis- orders, and sanguinary contests, among them. On the other CONCLUSION. 318 hand, Protestants, everywhere, persecuted in hehsiif of new sys- tems, in opposition to the established laws of the church, and of the respective states. Not content with vindicating their own freedom of worship, they endeavored, in each coa*try, by per- secution, to force the professors of the old religion to abandon it and adopt theirs; and they acted in the same way by their fellow Protestants, who had adopted opinions different from their own. In many countries, where Calvinism got ahead, as in Scotland, in Holland, at Geneva and in France, it was by riotous mobs,which, under the direction of their pastors, rose in rebellion against their lawful princes, and, having secured their independence, proceeded to sanguinary extremities against the Catholics. In the second place, if Catholic states and princes have en- forced submission to their church by persecution, they were fully persuaded that there is a divine authority in this church to decide in all controversies of religion, and that those Christians who refuse to hear her voice, when she pronounces upon them, are obstinate heretics. But on what ground can Protestants per secute Christians of any description whatsoever? Their grand rule and fundamental charter is, that the Scriptures were given by Oodfor every man to interpret them as he judges best. If, there fore, when I hear Christ declaring. Take ye and eat, this is my body, I believe what he says, with what consistency can any Protestant require me, by pains and penalties, to swear that I do not believe it, and that to act conformably with this persua- sion is idolatry ? But religious persecution, which is every- where odious, will not much longer find refuge in the most gen- erous of nations ; much less will the many victorious arguments which demonstrate the true church of Christ, our common mother, who reclaimed us all from the barbarous rites of pagan- ism, be defeated by the calumnious outcry that she herself is a bloody Moloch, that requires human victims. I am, <&c., John Milnsb. LETTEB L.— TO THE FBIENDLY SOCIETY OP NEW COTTAOl. CONCLUSION. Mt friends and brethren in Christ — Having, at length, in the several letters addressed to your worthy president, Mr. Brown, and others of your society, com- pleted the task which, eight months ago, you imposed upon me, I address this, my concluding letter, to you in common, as a slight review of the whole. I observed to you, that to succeed in any inquiry, it is necessary to know and to follow the right 27 314 LETTER L. method of making it. Hence, I entered upon the present im- portant search after the truths of the Christian revelation, with a discussion of the rules or method followed, for this purpose, by different classes of Christians Having taken for granted the following maxims : — that Christ has appointed some rule or method of learning his revelation ; that this rule must be an un- erring one / and that it must be adapted to the capacities and sit- uations of mankind in general ; I proceeded to show that a sup- posed private spirit, or particular inspiration, is not that rule ; because this persuasion has led numberless fanatics, in everj age since that of Christ, into the depths of error, folly and ^vick- edness of every kind. I proved, in the second place, that the written word, or Scripture, according to each one's conception of its meaning, is not that rule ; because it is not adapted to the capacities and situations of the bulk of mankind — a great pro- portion of them not being able to read the Scripture, and much less to form a connected sense of a single chapter of it ; and be- cause innumerable Christians have, at all times, by following this presumptuous method, given into heresies, impieties, contra- dictions and crimes, almost as numerous and flagrant as those of the above-mentioned fanatics. Finally, I demonstrated that there is a two-fold word of God — the unwritten and the written • that the former was appointed by Christ, and made use of by the apostles, for converting nations ; and that it was not made void by the inspired epistles and gospels which some of the apostles and the evangelists addressed, for the most part to particular churches or individuals ; that the Catholic Church is the divinely commissioned guardian and interpreter of the word of God in both its parts ; and that, therefore, the method appointed by Christ for learning what he has taught on the various articles of his religion, is to HEAR THE CHURCH propounding them to us from the whole of his rule. This method, I have shown, continued to be pointed out by the fathers and doctors of tho churc'h in constant succession, and that it is the only one which is adapted to the circumstances of mankind in general ; the only one which leads to the peace and unity of the Christian Church ; and the only one which affords tranquility and security to in- dividual Christians during life, and at the trying hour of their dissolution. At this point my labors might have ended ; as the Catholic Church alone follows the right rule, and the right rule infalUiby leads to the Catholic Church. But, since Bishop Porteus, and other Protestant controvertists, raise cavils as to which is the true church ; and whereas this is a question that admits of a still more easy and more'jriumphant answer than that concerning the right ru'.e of faith, 1 have made it the subject of a second oonolusion; 815 series of letters, with which, I Matter myself, the greater part of you are acquainted. In fact, no inquiry is so easy to an at- tentive and upright Christian as that which leads to the discov- ery of the true church of Christ ; because, on one hand, ajl Christians agree in their common creeds, concerning the char- acters^ or marks, which she bears ; and because, on the other hand, these marks are of an exterior and splendid kind, such a3 require no extensive learning or abilities, and little more than the use of our senses and common reason, to discern them. In short, among the numerous and jarring societies of Christians, (all pretending to have found out the truths of revelation,) to ascertain which is the true church of Christ, that infallibly possesses them, we have only to observe which among them is distinctively ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, and APOSTOLI- CAL — and the discovery is made. In treating of these char- acters, or marks, I said it was obvious to every beholder that there is no bond of union whatever among the different socie- ties of Protestants ; and that no articles, canons, oaths or laws have the force of confining the members of any one of them, as experience shows, to a uniformity of belief, or even profession, in a single kingdom or island, while the great Catholic Church, spread, afS it is, over the face of the globe, and consisting, as it does, of all nations , and tribes, and peoples, and tongues, is strictly united in the same faith, the same sacraments, and the same church government; in short, that it demonstratively exhibits the first mark of the true church, unity . W ith respect to the second mark, sanctity, I showed that she alone teaches and enforces the whole doctrine of the Gospel ; that she is the mother of all the saints, acknowledged as such by Protestants themselves ; that she possesses many means of attaining to sanctity, which the latter disclaim ; and that God himself attests the truth of this church, by the miracles with which from time to time he illus- trates her exclusively. And, whereas many eminent Protest- ant writers have charged the Catholics with deception and for- gery on this head' I have unanswerably retorted the charge upon themselves. I^o words were wanting to show that the Catholic Church bears the glorious name of CATHOLIC, and very few to demonstrate that she is catholic or universal^ with respect both to place and time, and that she is also apostolical. The latter point, however, I exhibited in a more evident and sensible manner, by means of a sketch of an apostolical tree, a genealogical table of the church, which I sent you, showing the succession of her pontiffs, her most eminent bishops, doctors, and saints, as also that of the most notorious heretics and schis- matics who have been lopped off from this tree, in every age, from that of the apostles down to the present. " No church 316 LBTTEB L. but the Catholic can exhibit anything of this kind," as Tertul- lian reproached the seceders of his tiire. Under thi« head you must have observed, in particular, the want of an apostolical succession of ministry, under which I showed that all the Pro- testant societies labor ; and their want of success in attempting the work of the apostles, the conversion of pagan nations. The third series of my letters has been employed in tearing off the hideous mask with which calumny and misrepresenta- tion had disfigured the fair face of Christ's true spouse, the Catholic Church. In this endeavor, I trust, I have been com- pletely successful, and that there is not one of your society who will any more reproach Catholics with being idolaters, on account of their respect for the memorials of Christ and his saints, or of their desiring the prayers of the latter ; or on ao- count of the adoration they pay to the divine Jesus, hidden un- der the sacramental veils. Nor will they hereafter accuse us of purchasing or otherwise procuring leave to commit sin, op the previous pardon of sins to be committed ; or, in short, of perfidy, sedition, cruelty, or systematic wickedness of any kind. So far from this, I have reason to hope that the view of the church herself, which I have exhibited to your society, instead of the caricature of her which Dr. Porteus and other bigoted controvertists have held up to the public, has produced a desire in several of them to return to the communion of this original church ; bearing, as nhe clearly does, all the marks of the true church; gifted, as she manifestly is, with so many peculiar helps for salvation ; and possessing the only safe and practica- ble rule for ascertaining the truths of revelation. The con- sideration which, I understand, has struck some of them, in the most forcible manner, is that which I suggested from my own knowledge and experience, as well as from the observation of the eminent writers whom I have named — that no Catholic at the near approach of death, i$ ever found desirous of dying in any other religion, while numbers of Protestants, in that situation^ seek to be reconciled to the Catholic Church. Some of your number have said, that though they are of opinion that the Catholic religion is the true one, yet they have not that evidence of the fact which they think sufficient to justify a change in so important a point as that of religion. God for- bid that I should advise any person to embrace the Catholic religion without having sufficient evidence of its truth ; but I must remind the persons in question that they have not a meta- physical evidence, nor a mathematical certainty of the truth of Christianit}- in general. In fact, they have only a high moral evidence and certainty of this truth ; for with all the miracles and other arguments by which Christ and his apostles proved OONOLUSIOW. 817 this divine system, it was still a stumbling-block to the Jews and folly to the Gentiles. 1 Cor. i. 23. In short, according to the observation of St. Augustin, there is light enough in it to guide the sincere faithful, and obscurity enough to mislead perverse unbelievers ; because, after all, faith is not merely a divine illustration of the understanding, but also a divine, and yet vol- untary motion of the will. Hence, if, in travelling through thi*" darksome vale, as Locke, I think, observes, with respect to revelation in general, God is pleased to give us the light of the moon or of the stars, we are not to stand still on our journey because he does not afford us the light of the sun. The same is to be said in respect to the evidence in favor of the Catho- lic religion : it is moral evidence of the first quality ; far su- perior to that on which we manage our temporal affairs, and guard our lives ; and not, in the least, below that which ex- ists for the truth of Christianity at large. At all events, it is wise to chose the safer part; and it would be madness to act otherwise when eternity is at stake. The great advocates of Christianity, St. Augustin, Pascal, Abbadie, and others argue thus, in recommending it to us, in preference to infidelity : now the same argument evidently holds good for preferring the Catholic religion to every Protestant system. The most emi- nent Protestant divines, such as Luther, Melancthon, Hooker, Chillingworth ; with the bishops, Laud, Taylor, Sheldon, Blandford, and the modern prelates, Marsh, and Porteus him- self, all acknowledge that salvation may be found in the commu- nion of the original Catholic Church ; but no divine of this church, consistently with her characteristical unity, and the constant doctrine of the holy fathers, and of the Scripture itself, as I have elsewhere demonstrated, can allow that salva- tion is to be found out of this communion, except in the case of invincible ignorance. It remains, my dear friends and brethren, for each of you to take his and her part ; but, remember, that the part you seve- rally take is taken for ETERNITY ! Oa this occasion, there- fore, if ever you ought to do so, reflect and decide seriously and conscientiously, dismissing all wordly respects, of whatever kind, from your minds ; for what exchange shall a man receive for his soul 'i* and what will the prejudiced opinion of your fel- low mortals avail you at that tribunal where we are all so soon to appear ! and in the vast abyss of eternity, in which we shall quickly be all engulfed! Will any pf them plead your cause at the bgj ? or will your punishment^be more tolerable from theiji-sharing iu it? Finally, with alTthe fervor and sincerity * UMit xyL 20. 318 LETTER L. of your souls, beseech your future Judge, who is now your merciful Saviour, to bestow upon you that light to see your way, and that strength to follow it, which he merited for you when he hung for three hours, your agonizing victim, on the cross. Adieu, my dear friends and brethren : we shall soon meet together at the tribunal I have mentioned ; and be assured that I look forward to that meeting with a perfect confidence that you and I, and the Great Judge himself^ shall all concur in approbation of the advice I now give you. I am, yours, &c., John Milnkb. Wolverhampton^ May 29, 1802. TEDB Bmb art TflMTl and uDon this rock I will build my Cbarcb. and the gatea cCJiaQ liiall not MovaU afisiosl iL*' PUBLICATIONS Ol" p. J. 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