sz SOUTHERN BRANCH, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, 4_QS ANGELES, CALIF. SELECTED FRAGMENTS OF ROMAN POETRY MERRY HENRY FROWDE, M.A. Publisher to the University of Oxford LONDON, EDINBURGH, AND NEW YORK SELECTED FRAGMENTS OF ROMAN POETRY FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES OF THE REPUBLIC TO THE AUGUSTAN AGE EDITED, WITH INTRODUCTIONS, HEADINGS, AND NOTES BY W. W. MERR Y, D. D. RECTOR OF LINCOLN COLLEGE, OXFORD > I , ' * - r » JJI J, U, o J J . , - , SECOND EDITION, .REVISED . . . . Oxford AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1898 49283 Ojcfort PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS EY HORACE HART, M.A. 1 KINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY ■ , l » I i c i ' . ... I c I I C £ « t C , P/ PREFACE This little volume is an attempt to meet a difficulty •n which is often felt by young students of Roman poetry, — the want of a convenient handbook, containing 1 a sufficiently representative selection from the fragments which have been preserved of the epic, dramatic, and satiric poets of Rome, from the earliest times of the Republic to the Augustan age. •^> From the Comedies of Plautus and Terence we can learn all that we require of the Fabulae Palliatae, as exhibited on the stage. But to form any idea of Roman Tragedy, or of the peculiarly national Prae- textae and Togatae (or Tabernariae), we must make the best use we can of the remains of Pacuvius and Aceius, of Atta, Titinius, and Afranius. Nor shall we ap- preciate the growth of the Epic, which culminates in .\1 Virgil, nor of the Satire as presented to us by Horace v>) and Juvenal, without some study of the fragments of Livius, Naevius, and Ennius, of Lucilius and Varro. But this implies access to a good many books, which are not always easily procurable ; and, even then, unless we have some clue to their connection, the scattered fragments are often unintelligible. The object of this volume is to supply such a clue. No doubt there is a constant danger of suggesting a fanciful explanation; vi PREFACE. and the endeavour to work isolated lines into the plot of a play or the subject of a satire may be, here and there, nothing 1 better than a piece of misplaced ingenuity. But so much has been done for the interpretation of Ennius by Vahlen and L. Miiller, and for the remains of Roman Tragedy and Comedy by O. Ribbeck, that, with such experienced guides, one may hope to have gone not very far astray. Besides the collections of fragments edited by Ribbeck (which are indispensable to every student of the Roman drama), there are two other books by the same scholar — Die romische Tragodie, and Geschichte der romischen Dlchtung — which are very help- ful. For the Saturae of Lucilius, the notes in Words- worth's Fragments and Specimens of Early Lathi are most valuable, as far as they go. The Saturae Menip- peae of Varro have been adapted from Riese's edition, with some aid from Biicheler. For the remains of other poets, constant use has been made of E. Biihrens' Frag- ments Foetarum Romanorum. But no attempt has been made in the present volume to present a critical text, or to settle cpiestions of metrical arrangement. The editor has endeavoured to avail himself of the best sources ; and he will be amply satisfied if he shall have succeeded in making the study of these Fragments more easy and more interesting. W. W. M. Oxford, September, 1891. The Second Edition has been carefully revised, and some necessary corrections made. W. W. M. Oxford. August, 1898. CONTENTS PAGE Carmen Saliare .... i Carmen Fratrum Arva- lium 2 Vaticinia,Sententiae,Prae- cepta 2 Scipionum Elogia ... 4 Livius Andronicus : Odisia 7 Tragoediae 10 Ex incertis fabulis . . 12 Cp. Naevius : Tragoediae 14 Praetextae 19 Naevii et Metellorum altercatio .... 20 Palliatae 21 Ex incertis fabulis . . 24 Bellum Punicum . . 25 Q. Ennius : Annales 31 Tragoediae 48 Saturae 64 Ambracia ..... 65 Epicharmus .... 65 Hedyphagetica ... 66 Epigrammata .... 67 M. Pacuvius : Tragoediae 68 Praetexta 90 Caecilius Statius : Palliatae 92 PAGE Aquilius : Boeotia 102 Lieinius Imbrex : Neaera 103 Titinius: Togatae 104 Sextus Turpilius : Palliatae 108 L. Accius : Tragoediae . . . .112 Praetextae 139 Fragmenta 143 C. Lucilius : Saturae 146 T. Quinetius Atta : Togatae 159 L. Afranius : Togatae 161 Pompilius : Epigrarnma . . . .171 Valerius Aedituus : Epigrammata. . . . 172 Q. Lutatius Catulus : Epigrammata . . . .173 Porcius Licinus . . . .174 Volcatius Sedigitus : Poetarum comicorum aestimatio . . . .176 In Terentium . . . . 176 Hostius 178 A. Furius Antias . . . .179 Vlll CONTENTS. PAGE Cn. Matius : Hias x 8o Mimiambi 180 Laevius : Erotopaegnia, &c. . . 182 Sueius : Moretum, &c. ... 186 Novius : Atellanae 187 Pomponius : Atellanae 190 M. Terentius Varro : Saturae Menippeae . . 196 Ex libro imaginum . . 223 M. T. Cicero : Marius 225 Limon 226 De consulatu suo . . 226 Ex Graecis conversa . 230 Epigramma, &c. . . . 236 Decimus Laberius : Mimus 237 M. Furius Bibamilus : Ludicra 242 Annales 243 PACE C. Iulius Caesar : Iudicium de Terentio . 245 P. Terentius Varro Ataci- nus : Argonautae .... 246 Chorograpbia . . . . 248 Ephemeris 248 Publilius Syrus : Mimus 250 Sententiae 251 C. Helvius Cinna : Ludicra 253 Propempticon Pollionis 253 Zmyrna 254 Epigramma .... 254 Populares Versus . . . 255 C. Lieinius Maeer Calvus : Epitbalamia .... 257 Io 257 Ludicra 258 L. Varius Kufus : De Morte 259 M. Tullius Laurea : Epigramma .... 26c. FRAGMENTA S ELECTA. AXAMENTA, OR CHANTS USED IN RITUAL. CARMEN SALIARE. These fragments may, perhaps, be arranged into rude Saturnians ; but the language is hardly intelligible, in spite of ingenious con- jectures. In Horace's time (Ep. 2. 1. 85) the ' Saliare carmen Numae ' was a puzzle; and Quintilian (Inst. Or. 1. 6. 40), acknow- ledges that the priests themselves did not understand the words. I. Divum em pa cante, divum deo supplicate. [Varro, L. L., 7. 26, 27.] By em pa Havet understands eum patrem. Others read empta for which Bergk proposes templet and Bahrens parentem ; cante = canite ; divum deo, i. e. Ianus (Maciob. Sat. 1. 9). II. In Terent. Scaur. (2661 P.) two lines of a Salian hymn are given thus : dime ponas Leucesiae praetexere monti quot ibet etinei (?eunei) de is cum tonarem. This is unintelligible. Bergk ingeniously refers the end of the first line, praetexere monti, to a gloss in Festus (p. 205) prae tet B 2 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. tremonti = praetremunt te. The lines may, perhaps, with a few slight alterations be printed Cume tonas Leucetie prae tet tremonti Quot ibi te viri audei'sunt tonare. Cume = cum ; Leucetie = lord of light (Macrob. Sat. i. 15) ; audtXsunt = audierunt. Bergk daringly gives the second line as 'quoin tibi cunei decstumum tonaront,' ' when thy bolts thunder on the right.' 'o 1 CARMEN FRATKUM ARVALIUM. An inscription from the Acts of the Arval Brotherhood, found in Rome in a. d. 1778. The actual copy of the old Latin, more or less correct, apparently belongs to the time of Elagabalus. 1. Enos Lases iuvate (ter) Neve lue rue Marmar sins incurrere in pleores (ter). Satiir fu fere Mars linien sali sta berber (ter) Semunis alternei advocapit conctos (ter). 5. Enos Marmor iuvato (ter) Triumpe (giiinquics). 1. 1. enos =nos; with the form cp. E-castor ; lases = Lares. 1. 2. lue = luem ; rue = ruem, i. e. ruinam ; sins = sines, ' tbou must not suffer ' ; as advocapit (I. 4 = advocabitis. 1. 3. fu = esto, ' be satiate, fierce Mars ! ' limen sali = ' leap over, or cross (tby temple's) threshold'; sta berber (verbera?; 'stop thy scourging'; or (ad- dressed to each dancing priest) ' leap on the threshold I halt ! smite (the ground).' L 4. semunis (se-homo, homones) = ' super- human powers.' The form of the chant printed here, as adopted by Mommsen, may be taken as giving its general sense and character. But it is impossible to recover the original words with any certainty. The inscription itself is defaced, and carelessly cut, the spelling of the same words varying in different lines. In the second line Havet would read 'ne veluere ( = volueris) Marmars incurrere,' taking sins as a mistaken product of the final s of Marmars, and the initial syllable of incurrere. For limen sali he prints nive ( = neve) ensalli (=insili), i. e. 'and leap not upon us.' VATIC INI A. 3 VATICINIA, ETC. INCERTI AITCTORIS VATICINIUM. During the siege of Veii (b. c. 395), commissioners came from Delphi 'sortem oraculi adferentes congruentem responso captivi vatis ' (Liv. 5. 16 . The utterance of the oracle, as given in Livy, may possibly be arranged, with some alteration, in Saturnian measure, which Bahrens thus gives ; referring the legend about the prophecy to the age of Naevius and Livius Andronicus: Komane, aquani Albanam | cave lacu teneri, cave in mare rnanare | flumine sinas suo. emissa agros rigabis | dissipatam rivis exstingues : tiini tu insi'ste | aiidax hostium muris. memdr quam pel* tot annos | obsides urbem, ex ea tibi his fatis | nunc datam victoriam, duello perfecto dunum | pdrtato amplum victor ad mea templa, sacraque | patria quorum cura est omissa, ut adsolet, | enddstaurata facito. APPII CLAUDI SENTENTIAE. Arpius Claudius Caecus, censor b. c. 312, consul 307, 296, was the ' great patrician . . . with whom begins the first attempt at Latin prose-composition and at art-poetry,' Teuffel, R. L., § 90. I. ' qui, animi | compotem esse, ne quid fraudis pariat | ferocia stuprique. [Festus, stuprum pro turpitudine.] II. Amicum cum vides | obliscere 2 miserias, inimicis si es commentus, |,nec libens aeque. [Priscian, s.v. commentus = oeao(pi—^—td. [Paulus, 176, ningulus = nullus ] III. Quamvis noventium ' | duonum negumate. [Fkstus, 165, negumate = negate.] INCERTI SENTENTIAE. I. Religentem esse oportet | religiosus ne seis. [Aul. Gell. 4. 9. 1.] II. Est pessimura malum [ consilium consultori. [Aul. Gell. 4. 5. 5.] EPITAPHIA. SCIPIONTTM ELOG-IA. From the monument of the Scipios, near the Appian Way. I. Epitaph on L. Cornelius Scipio Barbatus, consul 98, censor 290 B. 0. 1 noventium = rmnt\um for MSS. moventium. BuchL. EPITAPHIA. 5 i. Cornelius Lncfus Scipio Barbatus, Gnaivod patre progndtus furtis vi'r sapiensque. quoius forma virtutef parisuma fiiit, consol censor aidilis quei fuft apud vos, 5. Taurasia Cisauna Samnio cepit subigit omne Loucdnam opsidesque abdoucit. 1. 2. Qnaivod = Gnaeo. 1. 3. parisuma = par iasima. 1. 5. Taurasiajn], Cisauna' L m~], Samnio = ' in Samniuru.' II. L. Cornelius L. f. Scipio, consul 259, censor 258 b. c. (The Italic letters show where the stone has been broken away.) i. Hone oino ploirume cosentiont Homdne duonoro opturno fuise viro virdro Lucfom Scfpione. Filios Barbati consol censor aidilis hie fuet api'td vos. 5. hec cepit Corsica Aleridque urbe pugnandod dedet Tempestdtebus aide meretod votam. 1.x. oino — umim ; ploirume = plurimi (as in Romane). 1.2. duonoro (as in 11. 3, 5, 6) with final m dropped. 1. 4. fuet (as dedet) perf. indie. 1. 6. aide = &edem ; meretod =merito. III. P. Cornelius P. f. Scipio, son of Scipio Africanus maior, b. c. 204-164. I. Quei apice insigne DiaHs jtfaminis gesistei mors perfect tua ut essent omnia brevia, honos fama virtiisque gloria atque ingenium ; quibiis sei in longa licuiset tibe utier vita, 5. facile facteis superdses gloriam maiorum. quare lubens te in gremiu, Scipio, recipit terra, Publi, progndtum Piiblio, Corneli. 1. 1. apice, insigne, with final m dropped. 1. 3. fama, nom., as tend. 1. 7. Publi, Corneli, vocatives, while prognatum takes up te. 6 FRAGMENTA SELECTA. IV. L. Cornelius Scipio Cn. f. Cn. n. This Scipio, a son and a grandson of a Gluteus, is not otherwise known. i. Magna sapientia multasque virtu tes aetate quom parva posidet hoc saxsum, quoiei vita defecit non honos honore. is hie situs quei nunquam victus est virtutei. 5. annos gnatus viginti is Diteist mandktxis, ne quai'ratis honore quei minus sit manddtus. 1. 1. magna, accus. 1.2. quom, prep. = cum. 1. 3. honos, honore(m), in double sense, 'worth ' and ' preferment.' 1. 4. vir- tutei, abl. ' in goodness.' 1. 5. Ditei est (Diti, Dis) ; al. leto est ; or loceis^' resting-place.' 1. 6. honore{m), ' ask not about his office, seeing that none was assigned him.' He died too young. V. Cn. Cornelius Cn. f. Scipio Hispallus, second cousin of Scipio Africanus major ; praetor in b. c. 139. With the exception of a few verses of Ennius, these are the earliest elegiacs preserved. 1. Virtu tes generis mieis moribus accumulavi, progenie mi genui, facta patris petiei. 3. Maiorum optenui laudem ut sibei me esse creatum laetentur, stirpem nobilitavit honos. 1. 1. mieis = meis, monosyllable. 1. 2. progenie (m) mi: if this reading be right, progenie must be pronounced as three syllables ; al. progeniem genui, ib. petiei, 'have sought to attain/ 'have ensued.' 1. 4. honos, ' office.' LIVIUS ANDRONICUS. (Circ. 284-204 a.c). ODISIA. 1. Viriim mihi, Camena | insece versutum. [Od. 1. 1.] 2. Pater noster, Saturni | fi'lie, rex summe. [Od. 1. 45, 85.] 3. Mea puer, quid verbi | ex tuo 6re siipera fugit? [Od. 1. 64.] 4. <^— neque eni'm te oblitus, | Lerti6, sum, noster. [Od. 1. 65.] 5. Argenteo polubro | aureo eclutro. [Od. 1. 136.] 6. Tuque milii narrato | omnia disertim. [Od. 1. 169.] 7. Quae haec daps est ? qui festus | dies — ^ — D . [CW. 1. 225.] 8. Medm niatrem procitum [ pliirimi ven§runt. [Od. 1. 248.] 9. J.m£ fn Pylum adveniens | aut ibf ommentans. [Od. 2. 317. 1. r. insece = tvvcne. L 5. polubro, ' basin ' ; ib. eclutro = iKKovrpu, ' bath.' 1. 8. procitum (procieo), ' to woo ' : Paul. 225. 1. 9. om- mentans, fr. mento, frequent, of maneo. 8 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. 10 tumque remos iussit religare striippis . . . [Od, 2. 422.] 11. Ibidemque vir siimmus | adprimus Patroclus. [CM. 3. no.] 12. Quando dies adveniet, | quern profata Morta est. [CM. 2. 99 ; 3. 227.] 13. Atque escas habeamus | riisus mentionem. [CM. 4- 213-] 14. Partini errant, nequeinont | Graeciam redlre. [Od. 4. 495.] 15. Sancta puer Saturni [ maxima regina. \0d. 4. 513.] 16. Apud nimpham Atlantis [ filiam Calipsonem. [Od. 4. 557.] 17. Igitiir demum Ulixi | fn'xit pra6 pavore cor. [Od, 5. 297.] 18. Celsos ocrfs arvaque | Neptuni et mare magnum. [Od. 5. 411.] 19. Utrum genua amploetens | virginem oraret. [Od. 6. 142.] 20. Ibi manens sedeto, | doniciim videbis me carpento vehentem | en domum venfsse. [Od. 6. 295.] 21. Simul ac dacrimas de ore | noege6 detersit. [Od. 8. 88.] 22. Nam que nihi'lum peius | macerat homonem quamde mare saevom : | vires et cui sunt magnae, topper virum confringent inportunae | undae. [Od. 8. 138.] 1. 10. struppis = TponoTs. 1. 12. Morta. one of the Pavcae, goddess of death (Aul. Gell. 3. 16. n). 1. 13. escas, genitive : rusus ^ rursus. 1. 18. Neptuni. So Bahr. for cod. putiia. I.21. noegeo, Fest. 174'aniiculi genus praetextum purpura.' 1. 22. topper ^toto opeve, 'thoroughly.' LI VI US ANDRONICUS. 9 23. Vcnit Mercurius cumque eo | filiiis Latonas. [Of/. 8. 322.] 24. Nexabant rmilta inter se | flexu nodorum dubio. [Od. 8. 378.] 25. Nam divina Monetas | filia docuit. [Od. 8. 480.] 26. ... infernus an superus tibi fert dius | funera, Ulixes? [Od. 10. 64.] 27. Topper facit bomones | lit prius fuerunt. [Od. 10. 395.] 28. Topper citi ad aedis | venimus Circae ; < biona edrnm servae | portant ad naves, milia alia vina I isdem inseriniintur. 29. . . . parcentes | praemodum — 30. . . . sic quoque fitum est. 31. ... affatira edi, bibf, lusi. 32. Quom rem earn audivi | paucis gavisi. 33. ... vecorde et malefica vacerra. 34. Vestis pulla purpurea | ampla . . 35. . . . dusmoso in loco. [Od. 12. 17.] [Od. 12. 321.] [Od. 13. 40.] [Od. 15. 373.] [Od. 16. 92.] [Od. 17. 248.] [Od. 19. 225.] [Od. 19. 439.] 1. 23. Latonas, genitive. 1. 25. Monetas = Mvr]/.wavur]s. 1. 30. fitum est — fit ; so fitur, potestur. 1. 32. gavisi = gavisus sum. 1. 33. va- cerra, ' log,' ' block.' Cod. vecordia. 1. 35. dusmoso = dumoso. IO FRAGMENTA SELECTA. 36. Cum socios nostros Ciclops j impiiis mandisset. [Od. 20. 19.] 37. Inque manum suremit [ hastam . . . [Od. ax. 433.] 38. ... at celeris hasta volans perriimpit | pectora ferro. [Od. 22. 91.I 39. Carnis vinumque quod | libabant, anclabatur. [Qd. 23. 304.] 40. DequS manibus dextrabus | . . . [Od. 24. 534.] 1. 37. sureniit. Paul, in Fest. 299. suremit = sumpsit. 1. 39. anclabatur (anculus. ancilla) = ministraLatur. TRAGOEDIAE. ACHILLES. The words in this fragment may be supposed to be uttered by Achilles, after the offer of reparation described in Horn. B. 9. Si malos imitabo, turn tu p retium pro noxa dabis. [Nokius, s. v. pretium : imitat.] AEGISTHUS. The play opens with the preparations of the Greek host for their return from Troy (I). On the smooth seas of their home- ward voyage, they watch the dolphins playing round the ships (II) ; and a chorus of thanksgiving is raised to the gods (III). LIVIUS ANDRONICUS. l I Agamemnon is seen taking his seat at the banquet (IV) ; and then being stabbed and falling to the ground (V). Electra speaks bitterly to her mother over her father's corpse (VI) ; and Aegisthus orders her for, perhaps, Cassandra) to be dragged away from the altar at which she had taken refuge (VII). I. nam ut Pergama acceiisa et praeda per participes aequiter partita est. [Nonius, s. v. aequiter.] II. Turn autein lascivum Nerei simum pecus ludens ad cantum classem lustratiir. . . . [Nonius, s. v. lustrare : pecus.] III. Sol£mnitusque deo litat laudem lubens. [Nonius, s. v. solemnitus.] IV. .^t in sedes conlocat se regias : /^Ti.V. Clut emestra iuxtini, tertias natae occupant. uy^"^ [Nonius, s. v. iuxtim.] V. Ipsus se in terrain saucius fligit cadens. [Nonius, s. v. fligi.] VI. Ianme <5culos specie laetavisti optabili? [Nonius, s. v. laetare : species.] VII. Quin quod parere mini vos maiestas mea procat toleratis temploque hanc deducitis? [Nonius, s. v. procare = poscere.] 12 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. AIAX MASTIGOPHORUS. The lament of Teucer oVer man's ingratitude. Praestatur laus virtuti, sed multo ocius verno gelu tabescit. x [Nonius, s. v. gelu, neutr.) ANDROMEDA. A flood is sent by Neptune upon the land of Cepheus because of Cassiopea's reckless boast about her daughter's beauty, to the disparagement of the Nereids. Confluges ubi conventu canipum totum inuniigant. [Nonius, s. v. confluges.] EQUUS TROIANUS. This play probably follows the same lines as the Sinon of Sophocles. The scene may be the appearance of Cassandra, fire- brand and axe in hand, to destroy the Wooden Horse, while she prays Apollo that her prophetic words may find credence. Da mihi hasce opes quas peto, quas precor : porrige ! opitula ! [Nonius, s. v. opitula,] INO. See inf. under Laevius, page 183, EX INCERTIS FABULIS. I. Florem anculabant Liberi ex carchesiis. [Pauli Fest. s.v. anclare - haurire. See note on 1. 39, p. 10, inf.] 1 Cp. Soph. Ai. 1266 3>e0 - tov davuvros us ra^eia. 7\s fipoTOis \ X<*P' S Siappu, Kal TrpoSova' dxiaiarai. LI VI US ANDRONICUS. 13 II. The next fragment may possibly be referred to the Aegisthvs, sup. ; in which case ' the toothless infant whom the mother reared with the support of her milk. ' will be Orestes. Quem ego nef'rendem alui lacteam immulgens ' opem. I Pauli Fest. s. v. nefrendes. 1 Cp. Aesch. Choeph. 897 n-po? - i° 2 P> s - v - duum.] VI. Ei ei ! etiam aiident me coram apparere . . . ? [Charis. 2. p. 213 P, s. v. ei, ei.] 24 FRAGMENTA SELECTA. VII. Pri'mum ad virtutem tit redeatis, abeatis ab ignavia, domo patres patriam ut colatis potius quam peregrf P«>bra. rn [Charis. ut sup. IV.] TUNICULARIA. It is not easy to understand the picture here given, but it would seem that Theodotus, who is engaged on some trumpery decoration for the altars at the Compitalia— a sketch of the Lares dancing, roughly washed in with a 'bull's-tail' for a brush — is so pro- foundly impressed with the importance of his work that he shuts himself up in his studio, and keeps out the prying public by a screen of mats. The reading 'oppeilans . . . aras ' = ' blocking up the altars,' is a conject. of Bucheler. The MSS. give 'compellas,' for which Ribbeck substitutes ' compiles ' = 'you may pilfer from.' Theodotum Compiles nujper qui aris Compitalibus sedens in cella ci'rcumtectus tegetibus Lares ludentes peni pinxit biibulo. [Festus, p. 230 M, penem = caudam.] EX INCERTIS FABULIS. I. See Aul. Gell. 7. 8. 5 : ' Scipionem istum, verone an falso in- certum, fama tamen, cum esset adulescens, haud sincera fuisse, et propemodum constitisse hosce versus, a Cn. Naevio poeta in euir. scriptos esse.' Etiam qui res magnas manu saepe gessit gloriose, cuius facta viva nunc vigent, qui apud gentes solus praestat, eum suus pater cum pallio uno ab arnica abduxit. [Aul. Gell. I. c] CN. NAEVIUS. 25 II. See Fronto (Epist. 2. 10. p. 33) : ' Ilaec enim olim incommoda [sc. subsentatorum doli] regibus solis fieri solebant ; at enim nunc adfatim sunt qui et regum ffliis linguis faveant atque adnutent, limit animis subserviant.' III. Libera lingua loquemur liidis Liberalibus. [Festus, s. v. Liberalia = Liberi festa.] IV. Perhaps this fragment gives a description of the actual prison into which Naevius was thrown ; but it is more likely the picture of an ergastulum. Tantum ibi molae crepitum faciebant, ti'ntinnabant com- pedes. [Paulus, s. v. tintinnire, -are.] BELLUM PUNICUM. Book I. {The invocation.) Novem Iovi's Concordes ffliae sorores, Musas 1 quos memorant Grai quasque nos Casmenas. 1 This line has also been referred to Ennius, in the hexametrical form, ' Musas quas Grai memorant, nos Casmenarum. . . .' 26 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. (Anehises learns from the auspices the impending fate of Troy.) Postquam aves aspexit in templo Anchisa sacra in mensa Penatium ordine poniintur. turn victimam immolabat aiiream piilchram. [Prob. Ad Verg. Eel. 6. 31.] {Aeneas and Anehises leave Troy with their wives,) arabonim uxores noctu Troiad exi'bant capitibus opertis, flentes ambae abeuntes lacrimis cum multis. [Servius Dan. Ad Verg. Aen. 3. 10.] eoriim sectani sequiintur multi mortales. [Id. Ad Verg. Aen. 2. 797.] (carrying treasures from the city. Cp. Aen. 2. 763 foil.) Feriint pulchras creterras 1 aureas lepistas 2 ; [_Caes. Bass., &c] pulchraque ex auro texta vestemque citrosam 3 . [Macrob. Sat. 3. 19. 5.] (Before sailing Anehises addresses the God of the Sea.) Senex fretus pietatei turn adlocutus sunimi deiim regis fratrem Neptunum regnatorem. mariim *. [Prisc. 770, s.v. marum.] (Venus appeals to Iupiter on behalf of the storm-tost Trojans.) Patrem suiim supremum optumum adpellat : summe deiim regnator, quianam me genuisti ? [Varro, L. L. 7. 51 ; Fest. 237.] 1 creterras = crateras. '-' lepistas = (KtTiacnas) 'goblets.' 3 citrosam, ace. to Macrob. I. c. = the Homeric OvwSea e'luara. 4 marum = marium, Prisc. 770. CN. NAEVIUS. i; (Visit to the Sibyl, and (possibly) description of the Cumaean Temple.) Inerant signa expressa, quomodo Titanes bicorpores Gigantes magnique Atlantes, Eunciis atque Poi'poreus filii Terras ' . [Pkisc. 679, s. v. Terras. ' Book II. (Aeneas is questioned oy Dido, or (more likely) by Latinus, about his departure from Troy.) Blande et docte perconctat Aenea quo pacto Troiam urbem liquisset. [Nonius, s. v. perconctu.l (Amulins discovers the parentage of the rescued twins.) Manusque susum ad caelum sustulit suds rex Amulius divisque gratulabatur. [Nonius, s. v. gratulari = gratias agere.] (Appearance of gods, perhaps to protect the Capitol.) o — ^1 prima incedit Cereris puer 2 Proserpna. [Pkisc. 697, s. v. puer.] deinde pollens sagittis fnclutus arquitenens, sanctiis Delphis prognatus Pythius Apollo. [Macrob. Sat. 6. 5. 8 ; cp. Verg. Aen. 3. 75.] Book III. (Sacred ceremonies of the Fetials in proclaiming war.) Scopas atque verbenas ' sagmina sumpserunt. [Paul. 320, s. v. sagmina.] 1 Terras, gen. 2 puer, fern. 3 verbenas, prob. genitive with sagmina, or accus. pi. in appos. with scopas = ' twigs. ' 28 FRAGMENTA SELECTA. Simul atrocia proicerent exta ministratores. [Nonius, s. v. atrox.] (Exploits of the Consul Marcus (aZ. Manius) Valerius in Sicily, B.C. 263.) Marcus Valerius consul partem exerciti ' in expeditionem ducit. [Chaeis. 103, s. v. exerciti.] Book IV. (Formation of Romun fleet and naval drill.') Ratem aeratam conferre qui queant perite per liquidum mare sedentes atque soedantes 2 . [Vareo, L. L. 7. 23.] (Exploits 0/ A iilius Fegulus in Malta, B.C. 257.) transit Melitam exercitus Eomanus, fnsulam integram urit populatur vastat, rem hostium concinnat s . [Nonius, s. v. conciimare.] (The next passages may refer to the disastrous defeat of Itegulus near Clypea (b. C. 255), and the discussions in the Seriate upon the relief of the garrison or the ransom of the prisoners. Others find in them an allusion to Atilius Calatinus, entrapped with his army into an ambush near Camarina, from ichich he was delivered by the gallantry of the tribune Calpurnius Flamma, b. c. 25S.) Seseque vei 4 perire mavohmt ibidem 1 exerciti, gen. as from the declension. 2 soedantes = sudantes (the passage is almost hopelessly corrupt). 3 concinnat, a sort of grim irony = ' arranges the foemen's affairs ' ; or, perhaps, ' secures the foemen's property.' 4 tei = vi, Biihrens, for ei or t. CN. NAEVIUS. 29 quam ciim stuprd ] redire ad suos populates. Sin illos deserant fortfssimos virorum, magnum stupriim populo fieri per gentis. [Fest. 317, s.v. stuprum. ] ■ Book V. (Vahlen suggests that the following words mag refer to the contemptuous action of P ablins Claudius icho, to defg the senate, named his own clerk Claudius Glicia as dictator. -Glicia, though his appointment teas immediately cancelled, appeared at the Great Games in hi* praetexta.) dictator ubi ciirrum inseclit pervehitur usque ad oppidum *. [Vaero, L. L. 5. 153.] Book VI. (Commemorates the seventeenth year of the War, sc. 248 B.C. The Eomans are supposed to be wearied by its length.) lam septimiim decimum annum ilico 3 sedentes [Nonius, s.v. ilico.] (Aurelius Cott.a and, P. Servilius Geminus, the consuls, carry on war in Sic ill/.) Censet eo ventiirum obviam Poenum. [Nonixts, s. v. censere.] Book VII. (Hanno's fleet having teen (b.c. 241) crushed near JMyhaeum, Hamilcar makes terms with C. Lutatius Catulus.) 1 stupro= 'dishonour,' Fest. 317. 2 oppidum. ' In circo undo mittuntur equi, nunc dieuntur car- ceres, Naevius oppidum appellat.' Varro, L. L. 5. 153. 3 ilico ' in eo loco,' Non. 325. 5. 30 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. Id quoque paciscunt, moenia 1 ut smt quae concilient Lutatium : capti'vos pliirimos idem Sicilienses paciscit obsides ut reddant. [Nonius, s. v. paciscunt.] 1 moenia, perhaps = munia, ; duties,' i.e. ' terms' or ' conditions.' If moenia be taken in its ordinary sense, we must with Bahrens suppose a lacuna. S Q. ENNIUS. (239-169 A.C.) ANNALES. Book I. Invocation of the Greek Muses. Musae quae pedibus magnum pulsatis Olympum. [Varro, L. L. 7. 20.] (The poem "begins with the fall of Troy,) Cum voter occubuit Priamus sub Marte Pelasgo. [Prisc. 607, s. v. veter.] (and the landing of Aeneas in Italy :) Est locus Hesperiam quam mortales perhibebant : [Macrob. Sat. 6. 1. n.] quam prisci easci populi tenuere Latini. [Varro, L. L. 7. 28.] (The prophetic dream of Ilia the Vestal, daughter of Aeneas.) Excita cum tremulis anus attulit artubus lumen, talia commemorat lacrimans, exterrita somno : ' Euridica prognata, pater quam noster amavit, vires vitaque corpus meum nunc deserit omne. nam me visus homo pulcher per amoeua salicta et ripas raptare locosque novos : ita sola 32 FRAGMENTA S ELECTA. postilla, germana soror, errare videbar tardaque vestigare et quaerere te, neque posse corde capessere, semita nulla pedem stabilibat. Exin compellare pater me voce videtur his verbis : ' o gnata, tibi sunt ante ferendae aerumnae, post ex fluvio fortuna resistet 1 .' haec ecfatus pater, germana, repente recessit nee sese dedit in conspectum corde cupitus, quamquam multa manus ad caeli caerula templa tendebam lacrimans et blanda voce vocabam. vix aegro turn corde meo me somnus reliquit. [Cic. Be Div. i. 20. 40.] Ilia, condemned to be thrown with her hcin boys into the Tiber, in- vokes the aid of Venus and the River-god.) Te venerata precor Venus tu genetrix patris nostri ; ut me de caelo visas rogitata parumper. [Nonius, s. v. parumper.] tuque pater Tiberine tuo cum flumine sancto ! [Mackob. Sat. 6. 1. 12.] (The Tiber stays his current, and the babes are left, on dry land.) Postquam consistit fluvius qui est omnibus princeps qui sunt Italia. [Fronto, Ep. ad M. Anton. : Cic. Oral 48.] (Romulus and Remus, before founding their city, observe the auspices.) Cum cura magna curantes, turn cupientes regni, dant operam simul auspicio augurioque. Jiinc Remus auspicio se devovet, atque secundam solus avem servat ; at Romulus pulcher in alto 1 resistet = restituetur. Cp. Cic. Pro Mur. 39. 84. - Q. ENNIUS. 33 quaerit Aventino, servat genus altivolantum : omnibus cura viris uter esset induperator : certabant urbem Eomam Kemoramne vocarent. exspectant veluti consul cum mittere signum volt, omnes avidi spectant ad carceris oras, quam mox emittat pictis e faucibus currus : sic exspectabat populus atque ora tenebai^ rebus, utri magni victoria sit data regni. interea sol albus ' recessit in infera noctis, exin Candida se radiis dedit icta foras lux, et simul ex alto longe pulcberrima praepes laeva volavit avis ; simul aureus exoritur sol. cedunt de caelo ter quatuor corpora sancta avium, praepetibus sese pulchrisque locis dant. conspicit hide sibi data Romulus esse priora, auspicio regni stabilita scamna solumque. [Cic. De Div. r. 48.] (liemus laughs at his brothers caution in building a well.) Iuppiter ut muro fretus magis quamde manus vi! [Festus, 261, s. v. quamde.] (He leaps over it, and is slain by Eomulus.) Non pol bomo quisquam faciet impune animatus 2 boc quod tu : nam mi calido dabis sanguine poenas ! [Macrob. Sat. 6. 1. 15.] (The Rape of the Salines.) Virgnes 3 nam sibi quisquo domi Romanus habet sas 4 . [Fest. 325, Paulus 324, s. r. sas. 1 sol albus is generally taken of the 'moon' : but cp. albica Phoebus (inf. Matii Mimiambi, page 1, 181). 2 animatus = anima praeditus. ' irgnes : so Miiller for virgines, comparing the form Proserpna (Naov. Bell. Pun. lib. 2). * sas = eas. D 34 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. (Reconciliation of Romidus and Titus Tatius, perhaps by the pleading of Hersilia (Liv. i. n.) ivho says :) Aeternara seritote diem concorditer ambo. [Charts. 177.] Accipe daque fidem foedusque feri bene firmum. [Maceob. Sat. 6. 1. 13.] (Titus Tatius was slain by some Laurentines, one of whom may June - complained of his arrogance.) O Tite tute Tati tibi tanta, tyranne, tulisti ! [Prisc. 947, s. v. tute.] (The Assumption of Romulus.) Komulus in caelo cum dis genitalibus aevum degit. [Serv. in Verg. Aen. 6. 764.] Book II. (The Lament for Romulus.) Pectora dia tenet desiderium : simul inter sese sic memorant, ' o Koinule, Romule die, qualem te patriae custodem di genuerunt ! o pater, o genitor, o sanguen dis oriundum, tu produxisti nos intra luminis oras.' [Cic. Be Rep. 1. 41.I (Accession of Numa ; his meetings with the nymph.) Olli respondit suavis sonus Egeriai. [Varro, l. L. 7. 42.] (War between Rome and Alba : the victory to be decided by the combat of Horatii and Curiatii.) quianam legiones caedimus ferro ? [Serv. in Verg. Aen. 10. 6.] Q. ENNIUS. 35 (The victorious Eoratius excuses himself to his sister for the slaughter of her betrothed.) Adnuit sese mecum decernere ferro. [Prisc. 882, s. v. adnuo.] (Treachery 0/ Mettus Fuffetius, the Alban general, and his punishment by Tullus.) tractatus per aequora campi. [Macrob. Be Verb. 4. 651.] (II is body is devoured by birds of prey.) Vulturus in spinis miserum mandebat liomonem. heu, quain crudeli condebat membra sepulcro ! [Prisc. 683, s. v. vulturus.] (Accession of Ancus Marcius,) Isque dies postcpuam Ancus Marcius regna recepit [Serv. ad Verg. Aen. 3. 333.] (alio founds the Port of Ostia.) . . . ut Tiberis flumen vomit in mare salsum, Ostia munita est. idem loca navibus celsis munda ] facit, nautisque mari quaesentibus vitam [Macrob. Sat. 6. 4. 3 : Fest. 258.] Book III. (Descent of the eagle on Tarquin. [Li v. 1. 34.]) Olim de caelo laevum dedit inclutus signum. [Nonius, s. v. laevum.] • ••••• et densis aquila pennis obnixa volabat vento. [Probus in Verg. Eel. 6. 31. ] 1 munda, i. e. instructa. D 2 36 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. {After the death of Ancus the people made Tarquin Hng.) Postquain lumina sis 1 oculis bonus Ancus reliquit, Tarquinio dedit imperium simul et sola regni. [Festus, 30 r, s. v. si 3.] (Wars of Tarquin, and critical position of Etrtii ia, perhaps before the battle of Ere turn [Dion. 3. 59 ; 4. 3].) Hac noctu filo pendebit Etruria tota. [Macrob. Sat. 1. 4. 18.] (The remaining fragments may refer to the outrage on Lucretia, her appeal to hearen, and her suicide.) Caelum suspexit stellis fulgentibus aptu'm. [Macrob. Sat. 6. 1. 9.] Vosque Lares tectum nomen qui funditus curant. [Charis. 238, 9.] • ••••• Inde sibi memorat unum superesse laborem. [Aul. Gell. 1. 22. 16.] Book IV. (Storming of Amur [Livy 4. 59].) Volsculus perdidit Anxur. [Paulus, 22.] Eomani scalis summa nituntur opum vi. [Macrob. Sat. 6. 1. 17 ; Verg. Aen. 12. 552.] (Attack on the Capitol by the Gauls [others refer this to Book viij.) Qua Galli furtim noctu summa arcis adorti moenia^ concubia, vigilesque repente cruentant. [Macrob Sat. r. 4. 17.] 1 sis = suis. Q. ENNIUS. 37 Book V. Period of tin Samnite Wars. (Civitas sine suffragio [Livy 8. 14] given to the Catnpani.) Gives Komani tunc facti sunt Campani. [Censorin. Be Metr. 2725.] (Minucia the Vestal [Livy 8. 15] buried alive for inicha.stiti/.) Cum nihil horridius unquam lex ulla iuberet. [Orgs. 3. 9. 5.] {Fierce contents between Romans and Samnites [Livy 7. 33].) Bellum aequis manibus nox intempesta diremit. [Acko ad Hor. l'p. 2. 2. 97 ] Book VI. (War with Pyrrhus : importance of subject!) Quis potis ingentes oras evolvere belli ? [Sery. in Verg, Am. 9. 528.] {The Tarentines defy Home, and find a champion in Pyrrhus,) Navus repertus homo Graio patre Graius domo rex, nomine Burrus, uti memorant de stirpe supremo. [Fest. 169 : Nonius, s. v. stiipe, masc] (who undertakes the tear, encouraged by an ambiguous oracle.) Aio te Aeacida Romanos vincere posse. [Cic. Be Biv. 2. 56. 116.] (The Romans enlist the lowest of their citizens.) > r Proletarius publieitus seutisque feroque ornatur ferro, muros urbemque forumque excubiis curant. [Aul. Gelt. 16 10.] 4 9 13 38 FRAGMENTA SELECTA. {After the battle of Heraclea, Pyrrhus generously builds a pyre to burn the bodies of the fallen foe, as well an those of his own soldiers.) Incedunt arbusta per alta, securibus caedunt : percellunt magnas querents, exciditur ilex, fraxinus frangitur atque-abies consternitur alta, pinus proceras pervortunt : omne sonabat arbustum fremitu silvai frondosai. [Macrob. Sat. 6. 2. 27 ; Hom. II. 23. 114.] (But, in spite of his elephants,) tetros elephantos, [Isidok. Or. 10. 270.] • ••••• It nigrum campis agmen. [Serv. in Verg. Aen. 4. 404.] [he fought with doubtful success, as he acknowledged by his inscription in the Temple of Tarentine Jove.) Qui antehac invicti fuerunt, pater optime Olympi, Hos et ego in pugna vici, victusque suni ab isdem. [Oros. 4. 1. 14.] (When Fabricius proposes to ransom the prisoners, Pyrrhus sends them back to Home, as a free gift.) Nee mi aurum posco nee mi pretium dederitis : nee cauponantes bellum sed belligerantes ferro, non auro, vitam cernamus utrique. vosne velit an me regnare era quidve ferat Fors virtute experiamur. et hoc simul accipe dictum : quorum virtuti belli fortuna pepercit eorundem libertati me parcere certumst. dono ducite doque volentibus cum magnis dis. [Cic. Be Off. 1. 12. 38.] (fiineas is sent by Pyrrhus to Borne to negotiate a peace. The blind old Appius fiercely protests.) v Quo vobis mentes, rectae quae stare solebant Q. ENNIUS. 39 antehac, dementes sese flexere viai? [Cic. Cat. Mai. 6. 16.] • .••••• Orator sine pace redit regique refert rem. [Varro, l. l. 7. 41."] (To this book belongs the Devotion of the youngest Decius, in the battle at Asculum [Cic. Tusc. Disp. 1. 37]-) . . . divi hoc audite parumper, ut pro Romano populo prognariter armis . certando prudens animam de corpore mitto. [Nonius, s. v. praegnaviter.] (Battle of Benerentum, 274 B.C., and victory of the famous consul, M '. Curius [Cic. Be Eep. 3. 3].) Quern nemo ferro potuit superare nee auro. [Cic. I. c] Book VII. (First Punic War. The subject had been already treated of by Naeirius : but his rude ' Siitanu'n us' are uncultured in comparison with the Greek metre of Eunius.~] scripsere alii rem versibus, quos olim Fauni vatcsque canebant, cum neque Musarum scopulos quisquam superarat, nee dicti studiosus erat. [Cic. Brut 19. 76 ; 18. 71 ; Orator, § 171.] (Entiius was the first to attain to real philosophy.) Nee quisquam Sophiam, sapientia quae perhibetur, in sounds vidit prius quam sam discere coepit. [Fest. 325, s.v. sum = earn. 1 (He introduces the Carthaginians, a barbarous folk,) Poenos Didone oriundos. [Piusc. 685.I 40 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. • ••... Poeni suos soliti dis sacrificare puellos. [Fest. 249, e **-] (against whom Rome declares war.) Appius indixit Karthaginiensibus bellum. [Crc. Be Inv. i. 19. 27.] (A stranded Carthaginian galley becomes a model for the hastily built Roman fleet.) Mulserat hue navim compulsam fluctibus pontus. [Prisc. 870, s. v. mulceo.] • • • • • • et melior navis quam quae stlataria portat. [Prob. ap. Vallam in Iuv. Sat. 7. 134.] (The Roman legionaries are put to naval drill.) . . . tousamque tenentes parerent, observarent portisculus siguum cum dare coepisset. [Nonius, s.v. portisculus.] • ••••• poste recumbite, vestraque pectora pellite tonsis. [Fest. 356, s. v. tonsa.] (The temple of Janus, which was closzd in B. c. 235 for the second time since its foundation, was soon opened anew, when a quarrel broke out between Rome and the Ligurians.) post quam Discordia tetra Belli ferratos postes portasque ref regit. [Hok. Sat. 1. 4. 60.] (Tfar with Ulyria, and triumph of M. Livius B c. 219.) lllyrii restant sicis sibunisque fodentes. [Paulus, 336, s. v. sibuna. Vid. ad VIII. p. 87 inf. J Livius inde redit magno mactatus triumpho. [Serv. in Verg. Aen. 9. 641, s. v. uipctus.] ry Q. ENNJUS. 4 1 Book VIII. [Second Punic War to battle of Cannae. Formidable character of Hannibal.) ... at non sic dubius fuit hostis Aeacida Burrus. [Oitos. 4. 14. 3.] (Slate of Sociitj/ in time of war.) ... si sunt proelia promulgata, pellitur e medio sapie'ntia, vi geritur res, spernitur orator bonus, horridus miles amatur : baud doctis dictis certantes, sed maledictis miscent inter sese inimicitiam agitantes. non ex iure manum consertum, sed magis ferro rem repetunt, regnumque petunt, vadunt solida vi. [Cic. Pro Mm: 14. 30 ; Aul. Gell. 20. 10.] (Q. Fabius Maximus appointed dictator B.C. 217. Unus homo nobis cunctando restituit rem ; noenum rumores ponebat ante salutem ; ergo postque magisque viri nunc gloria claret. [Cic. Cat. Mai. 4. 10.] (Cautious advice of L. Aemi/ius Patilus against the rashness of C. Terentius Varro, his colleague.) praecoca pugnast : certare abnueo : metuo legionibus laLem. [Nonius, s. r. praecoca.] . . . multa dies in bello conficit unus : et multae rursus fortunae forte recumbunt ; baudquaquam quemquani semper fortuna secutast. [Macrob. Sat. 6. 2. 16.] (Description of the confidential friend of Servilitis Goninns. Under this character, Ennius was said (testi Aelio Stilone apud Aul. Gell. 12. 4) to have portrayed himself.) aece locutus vocat, quo cum bene saepe libenter 42 FRAGMENTA S ELECTA. mensam sermonesque suos rerumque suarum materiem partit, raagnam cum lassus diei partem fuisset de summis rebus regundis consilio indu foro lato sanctoque senatu ; cui res audacter magnas parvasque iocumque eloqueretur, cuncta simul malaque et bona dictu evomeret, si qui vellet, tutoque locaret, prudenter quod dicta loquive tacereve posset ; quo cum multa volup ac gaudia clamque palamque ; ingenium cui nulla malum sententia suadet ut faceret facinus levis aut malus ; doctus, fidelis, suavis homo, facundus, suo contentus, beatus, seitus, secunda loquens in tempore, commodus, veibuni paucum, multa tenens antiqua sepulta, vetustas maiorum veterum leges divomque hominumque, quae faciunt mores veteresque novosque tenentem. hunc inter pugnas compellat Servilius sic : [Aul. Gell. 12. 4. I.] (Some details from the battle of Cannae, e.g. the thick dust, the blind- ing sun, the hamstringing of the wounded [Liv. 22. 46 f.].) iamque fere pulvis ad caelum vasta videtur. [Nonius, s. v. pulvis, fern.'] amplius exaugere obstipo lumine solis. [Fest. 193, s. v. obstipum.] bis pernas succidit iniqua superbia Poeni. [Fest. 305, Paul. 304.] (But the Romans obstinately hold out, saying,) Qui vicit non est victor nisi victus fatetur. [Serv. in Verg. Aen. 11. 307.] Q. ENNIUS. 43 Book IX. (Consulship of Cornelius Cethegus and P. Semp. Tudi/anus B.C. 204.' Additur orator Cornelius suaviloquenti ore Cetegus Marcus Tuditano conlega Marci filius . . . ... is dictust ollis popularibus olim, qui turn vivebant homines atque aevom agitabant, flos delibatus populi suadaeque medulla. [Cic. Brut. 15. 58, etc.] Book X. (Macedonian War io the battle of Cynoseephalae.) Insece, Musa, manu Bomanorurn induperator quod quisque in bello gessit cum rege Philippo. [Aul. Cell. 18. 9. 2.] (Consulship of Sext. Aelius Paetus and T. Quintius Flaminimis, B.C. 198.) Egregie cordatus homo catus Aelius Sextus. [Cic. Be Rep. 1. 18. 30 ; Be Or. 1. 45. 198.] (The Soman army, entrapped in a defile in Chaonia, is guided into safety by an F.pirot shepherd, who thus addresses Flaminimis :) Sollicitari te Tite, sic noctesque diesque ! O Tite, si quid ego adiuero curamve levasso, quae nunc te coquit et versat in pectore fixa, ecquid erit praemi? [Cic. Cat. Mai. init. ] (The general tcatches his troops during the fight at Cynoscephalai Aspectabat virtutem legionis suai, exspectans si mussaret, quae denique });uisa pugnandi fieret aut duri meta laboris. [Philakgyr. in Verg. Georg. 4. 188.] 44 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. (The remaining fragments of the booh perhaps refer to a scene between Sopihonisba and Masinissa.) Erubuit mulier ceu lacte et purpura mixta. [Nonius, s. r. lacte.] • ••••-• ^ aegro eorde, cornis palmis late passis 'pater' . . . [Nonius, s. v. passu m.] Book XI. (The exploits of Flamtninw, and the submission of the haughty Phi tip.) Quippe solent reges omnes in rebus secundis — [Fest. 257.] Flamin'nus [Livy 33. 32] proclaims at the Isthmian games the liberty of the Greek cities ; and dwells upon the connection of Rome with Troy :) Contendunt Graios, Graecos rnemorare solent sos. [Fest. 286, s. v. sos] Quae neque Dardaniis campis potuere perire, nee cum eapta capi, nee cum combusta cremari. [Macrob. Sat. 6. 1. 60.] (The scene changes to Rome, and the violent protest of Cato against the abrogation of Lex Oppia de cultu onulierum [Livy 34 ad init.].) malo cruce fatur uti des Iuppiter ! [Nonius, s. v. crux, jwasc] • ••••• Pendent peniculamenta unum ad quodque pedule. [Nonius, s. v. peniculamentum.] Q. ENNIUS. 45 Book XII. [Perhaps alluding to the carousal of the IJistri, after they had taken the Roman camp [Livy 41. 3].) Omnes mortales victores cordibus irnis laetantes, vino jpuratos, somnus repente in campo passim mollissimus perculit acris. [Peisc. 647. s. v. acer et acris.] Book XIII. (The fear of the impending war with Antiochus, who appeared In he [Florus 1. 24. 43] a second Xerxes or Darius.) Isque Hellesponto pontem contendit in alto. [Varko. L. L. 7. 21] (Difference of opinion between Antiochus and- Hannibal, who had ori- ginally urged the Icing to tear.) Hannibal audaci cum pectore de me horitatur ne bellum faciam ? quern credidit esse meum cor suasorem summum et studiosum robore belli. [Aul. Gell. 6. 2. 3. J Book XIV. (Battle of Mgonnesns, in which M. Aemilius Eec/illus, B.C. 190, con- quers Polyxenides, the commander of the fleet of Antiochus [Liv. 37. 28, etc.].) Verrunt extemplo placidum mare marmore flavo, caeruleum spumat sale conferta rate pulsum. [Aul. Gell. 2. 26. 31.] • •■••• Labitur uncta carina ; volat super impetus undas. [Mackob. Sat. 6. 1. 51.] • ••••* Cum procul aspiciunt hostes accedere ventis navibus velivolis. [lb. 6. 5. 10.] 46 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. {Exhortation of Antiochus to his soldiers.) Nunc est ille dies cum gloria maxima sese nobis ostentat, si vivimus sive morimur. [Pkisc. 880, s. v. rnoriri.] {His dismay at being defeated.) Infit 'o eives, quae me fortuna ferocem contudit indigne, bello confecit acerbo ! ' [PKiftC. 891, s. v. contudit.] Book XV. 'Exploits of M. Fulm'us Nobilior, who defeated the Aetolians, and dormed Ambracia.) Malos diffindunt, fiunt tabulata falaeque. [Nonius, s. v. falae.] • ••••• Occumbunt multi letum ferroque lapique aut intra muros aut extra praecipe casu. [Pkisc. 725, s.v. praecipis.] Book XVI. {The poet approaches more recent times;) Quippe vetusta virum non est satis bella moveri. [Fest. 257.] {Philip has grown too old to renew the war.) . . . post aetate pigret sufferre laborem. [Nonius, s. v. pigret.] Postremo longinqua dies confecerat aetas. [Aul. Gell. 9. 14. 5.] Q. ENNIUS. 47 (He dies, and receives a splendid burial.) Reges per regnuin statuasque sepulcraque quaerunt. aedificant nomen, summa nituntur opum vi. [Macrob. Sat. 6. 1. 17.] (Histrian War carried on liy C. Claudius Pulcher against King TSpulo, and taking of Nesactium [Livy 41. 11].) Quos ubi rex Epulo spexit cle cotibus celsis. [Fest. 330, s. r. spexit.] (Fight of the tribune Caelius, or, more UJcely, C. Aclius. Livy 41. 4.) Undique conveniunt velut imber tela tribuno : configunt parmam, tinnit hastilibus umbo, aerato sonitu galeae. Sed nee pote quisquam undique nitendo corpus discerpere ferro : semper adundantes hastas frangitque quatitque. totum sudor habet corpus multumque laborat, nee respirandi fit copia praepete ferro : Histri tela manu iacientes sollicitabant. [Macrob. Sat. 6. 3. 2 : cp. IIom. II. 16. 102 foil.] Book XVII. (Perhaps a reference to the exploits of Fulcius Flaccus in Celtiberia.) It eques, et plausu cava concutit ungula terrain. [Macrob. Sat. 6. 1. 22.] Concurrunt veluti venti, cum spiritus austri imbricitor aquiloque suo cum flamine contra indu mari magno fluctus extollere certant. [Macrob. Sat. 6. 2. 28.] 48 FRAGMENTA SELECTA. Book XVIII. (To this book may be referred these general and personal sayings.) I Audire est operae pretium procedere recte qui rem Romanam Latiumque augescere vultis. [Porphyr. ad Hor. Sat. i. 2. 37.] • ••••• Noenu decet mussare bonos qui facta labore nixi militiae peperere perennia multo. [Philarg. in Verg. Georg. 4. 188.] (The poet recalls the fact of his own citizenship, and weary with his task is glad to seek repose.) Nos sumus Romani qui fuimus ante Eudini. [Cic. De Or-xt. 3. 42.] Sicut fortis equus, spatio qui saepe supremo vicit Olympia, nunc senio confectus quiescit. [Cic. Cat. Mai. 5. 14.] TBAGOEDIAE. ALCUMAEO. Alcmaeon, after murdering his mother Eriphyle, for her treachery to her husband Amphiaraus, is pursued from land to land by the Furies, till he reaches the city of Psophis in Arcadia, where he finds purification at the hands of Phegeus the king. He marries the king's daughter ArsinoS ; and here he is represented as appeal- ing to her in his terror at the avenging deities (I. II). Q. ENNIUS. 49 I. Multimodis sum circumventus morbo exilio atque inopia : turn pavor sapientiam omnem mi exanimato expectorat. mater terribilem minatur vitae cruciatum et necem, quae nemost tam firmo ingenio et tanta confidentia quin refugiat tfmido sanguen atque exalbescat metu. [Cic. De Oral 3. 58.] II. Unde haec flamma oritur? in caedem meam, in caedem adsunt, adsunt, me i'X- petunt ! fer mi aiixilium, pestem abige a me, flammiferam hanc vim, quae me excruciat. caerulea incinctae angui incedunt circumstant cum ardentibus taedis. in me intendit crinitus Apollo arcum auratum, buna innixus, Diana facem iacit a laeva. [Cic. Acad. Pr. 2. 28.] ALEXANDER. Hecuba, wife of Priam, having dreamed that she had brouuht forth a firebrand, her husband ordered that the son she bore should be put to death. But the servants spared his life, and certain shepherds having found him when he was exposed, he was rescued, and brought up under the name of Paris (I) ; which was afterwards changed to Alexander, because of his prowess in the games (II, III). He is received into the king's palace, and Cassandra, terrified at the sight of him, prophesies the downfall of Troy (IV). She foretells the fatal 'Iudicium Paridis' V ; the death of Hector (VI); and the stratagem of the 'Wooden Horse' (VII). E 50 FRAGMENT A SELECT A. I. . . . mater gravida parere se ardentem facem visast in somnis Hecuba : quo fato pater rex ipse Priamus somnio mentis metu perculsus, euris saucius superantibus, sic sacrificabat hostiis balantibus. turn coniecturam postulat, pacem petens, ut se edoceret obsecrans Apollinem, quo sese vertant tantae sortes somnium. ibi ex oraclo voce divina edidit Apollo, puerum primus Priamo qui foret post ilia natus, temperaret tollere : : eum esse exitium Troiae, pestem Pergamo, [Cic. De Div. i. 21. 42.] II. Is habet coronam vitulans victoria. [Paulus, s. v. vitulans.] III. Quapropter Parim pastores nunc Alexandrum vocant. [Varko, L. L. 7. 82.] IV. Hec. Sed quid oculis rabere visa es derepente arden- tibus ? libi ilia tua paulo ante sapiens virginalis modestia? Cass. Mater, optumarum multo mulier melior mulierum, missa sum superstitiosis ariolationil^us. namque Apollo fatis 2 fandis dementem invitam ciet. virgines aequales vereor : patris mei, meum 3 factum pudet, 1 tollere, 'to acknowledge.' 2 fatis, dative. 3 meum, gen. plur. Q. ENNIUS. 51 optumi virf *. mea mater, tui me miseret, mei piget. optumam progeniem Priamo peperisti extra me. h6c dolet ! men obesse, illos prodesse, me obstare, illos obsequi ! adest adest fax obvoluta sanguine atque ineendio. multos annos latuit : cives, ferte opem et restinguite. iamque mari magno classis cita texitur, exitium examen rapit : adveniet, fera velivolantibus navibus complebit manus litora. [Cic. De Div. 1. 31.] V. eheii ! videte iiidicabit inclutum iudfcium inter deas tris aliquis : quo iudicio Lacedaemonia mulier, Furiarum una. ad- veniet. [Cic. De Div. 1. 50.] VI. O lux Troiae, germane Hector ! quid te ita . . . contuo lacerato corpore, miser, avit qui te sic tractavere nobis respectantibus ? [Macrob. Sat. 6. 2. 18.] VII. Nam maximo saltu superabit gravidus armatis equus, suo qui partu . . . perdat Pergama ardua. [Macrob. Sat. 6. 2. 25.] ANDROMACHA AECHMALOTIS. Andromache laments the loss of Hector and Astyanax (I) ; and mourns over her city burned to the ground (II). 1 viri, gen. sing, with patris ; or voc. plur. E 2 52 FRAGMENTA SELECTA. I. Vidi videre quod me passa aegerrume, Hectorem ' curru quadriiugo raptarier, Hectoris natum de muro iactarier. [Cic. Tusc. Disp. i. 44.] II. Quid petam praesidi suit exsequar ? quove nunc aiixilio exili aut fugae freta sim ? arce et urbe orba sum. quo accidam ? quo fipplicem ? cui nee arae patriae domi stant, fractae et disiectae iacent, fana flamma deflagrata, tosti alti stant parietes deformati atque abiete crispa. • ••••• O pater, o patria, o Priami domus, saeptum altisono eardfne templum ! vidi ego te astante ope barbarica, tecti's caelatis lacuatis, auro, ebore instructam regifice. haec omnia videi inflammari, Priamo vi vitam evitari 2 , Iovis aram sanguine turpari. [Cic. Tusc. Disp. 3. 19. J CRESPHONTES. Cresphontes, king of Messenia, espoused the cause of the people against the nobles, whose leader, Polyphontes, slew him, together with his two sons, forcibly taking to wife Merope, the widow of the murdered man. Merope's own father Cypselus was among the adherents of Polyphontes. We hear the protest of the nobles against the claims of the burghers (I) ; the altercation between Cypselus and Merope (II) ; and her grief at being debarred from paying funeral honours to her sons (III). 1 Hectorem. For the quantity cp. Varro, L. L. 10. 70. 2 evitari, with play on vitam ; ' unlifed of his life.' Q. ENNIUS. 53 I. An inter sese sortiunt urbem atque agros? [Nonius, s. v. sortiunt.] II. 'Iniiiria abs te adficior indigna, pater. nam si inprobum esse Cresphontem tu existirnas, cur nie huius locabas nuptiis? sin est probus, cur talem invitam invitum cogis linquere ? ' ' nulla te indigna, o nata, adficio iniiiria, si probus est, bene locavi ; sin est inprobus, divortio te liberabo inconimodis.' [Auct. Ad Herenn. 2. 24.] III. Neque terram inicere neque cruenta convestire corpora mihi licuit miserae, neque lavere lacrima salsa sanguinem. [Macrob. Sat. 6. 2. 1 : cp. Verg. Aen. 9. 486.] HECTOEIS LUTRA. This play includes the whole of the action in the Iliad from the sally of Hector to the restoration of his corpse to his father, in- cluding the death of Patroclus. Hector comes boldly forth from the walls (I), and in the battle which ensues many are wounded, among them Eurypylus, who comes back to Patroclus, seeking the aid of a physician (II). Patroclus enquires eagerly about the for- tune of the day (ib.). Achilles suffers Patroclus to take his place in the field, and the young man commits himself to the protection of heaven (III). News comes of the death of Patroclus, and Achilles steps forth in terrible anxiety from his tent (IV). He calls on each of the Mjrmidones to find him armour for the fray, but no one is willing, as he bitterly acknowledges (V). When at last he rushes forth to war, all nature is hushed in awful expectancy (VI , as he drives his fiery steeds (VII), and checks their impetuous speed (VIII). The special scene which gives its name to the play is not preserved ; we only have Priam crying on the Myrmidones for pity ; and urging his plea for that justice which is better than all gallantry (IX, X). 54 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. I. Hector vi summa armatos educit foras, eastrisque castra iara ultro conferre occupat. [Nonius, s. v. occupare.] II. Euryp. O Patricoles, ad vos adveniens auxiliuni et vestras nianus peto, prius quam appeto malam pestem datam hostili manu. • •»••• neque sanguis ullo potis est pacto profluens consistere. • • • • • • si qui sapientia magis vestra mors devitarf potest. namque Aesculapi liberorum saucii opplent porticus : non potis accedi. Patric. Certe Eurypylus hie quidena. hominem exercitum l ! Euryp. Qui alteri exitium parat eum scire oportet sibi paraturu pestem ut participet parem. Patric. Eloquere, eloquere, res Argivum praelio ut se siistinet. Euryp. Non potis ecfari tantum dictis, quantum factis suppetit. [Cic. Tusc. Disp. 2. 16 : cp. Hour. B. ri. 804 foil.] III. ... at ego, omnipotens Iiippiter, ted exposco ut hoc consilium Achivis auxili fuat ! [Nonius, s. v. fuam = sim.] 1 exercitum, sc. malis. Q. ENNIUS. 55 IV. Quid hoc hie clamoris, quid tumulti est? nomen qui usurpat meum ? [Nonius, s. a. tumulti. ] V. Qui cupiant dare arma Achiili, cunctent pugnam obbitere. [Nonius, s. v. cunetant.] VI. Constitit, credo, Scamander, arbores vento vacant. [Nonius, s. v. vagas (? ) .] VII. . . . sublimiter quadrupedantes . . . flammam halitantes. [Diomedes, s. v. halitare.] VIII. Addiicit quadrupedem invitam indomitam iniugem, evalida quoius tenacia infrenast nimis. [Nonius, s. v. tenacia.] IX. per vos et vostrorum ducum imperium et fidem, Myrmidonum vigiles, commiserescite. [Nonius, s. v. couimiserescere. ] X. Melius est virtiite ius : nam saepe virtutem mali nanciscuntur : ius atque aequom se a nialis spernit procul. [Nonius, s.v. spernere = segregare.] HECUBA. Hecuba, after the treacherous murder of her son Polydorus, makes a passionate appeal to heaven (I). When she hears that $6 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. sentence has gone forth for the immolation of her daughter Polyxena, she entreats Ulysses to use his all -persuasive powers to prevent the sacrifice (II). But she feels that her supplication is all in vain (,111). In her misery, she fain would take her own life, or share her daughter's death (IV, V). And, over the corpse of her murdered son, she beseeches Agamemnon to pity her, reminding him of the claim that Cassandra's surrender of herself has upon him (VI. I. O magna templa caelitum, commixta stellis splendidis ! [Varko, L.L. 7. 6 M.l II. Haec tu etsi perverse dices, facile Achivos flexeris : nam opulenti cum locuntur pariter atque ignobiles, eadem dicta eademque oratio aequa non aeque valet. [Aul. Gell. II. 4.] [Cp. Eur. Hec. 293-295 : To 8' a£iwfta, kclv kclkws \tyrjs, to obv ■ntiaer \6yos yap Ik t abofcovvrav luiv KO.K TU1V SOKOWTOIV QVTOS OV TaVTUV oOiVtl. Gellius, I. c, while generally approving -of the rendering, does not consider ignobiles and opulenti as a satisfactory translation of the Greek.] III. Heii, me miseram, interii ! pergunt lavere sanguen sanguine. [Nonius, s. v. sanguen.] IV. . . . miserete anuis date ferrum qui me anima privem ! [Nonius, s. v. miserete.] V. Extemplo acceptam me necato et filiam. [Varro, L. L. 7. 13 M.] Q. ENNIUS. 57 VI. Vide mine meae in quern lacrumae guttatim cadunt. [Nonius, s. v. guttatim.] VII. Quae tibi in concubio verecunde et modice moreni gerit. [Nonius, s. v. modice = modeste.] [Cp. Eur. Hec. 829 : *H twv iv evvrj (piXrarwy danarr fxarwv \aptv riv' 'i£u Ttais ipr), Kti.vr}% 6' iyu ;] 1PHIGENIA. Agamemnon, in his tent, asks his old servant 'What of the night ?' (I) [Cp. Eur. I. A. 6]. Instead of the Euripidean Chorus of maidens we have a Chorus of Achaean soldiers, fretting at the long delay (II). Then follows the altercation between Agamemnon and Menelaus : the former condemning the flight of Helen, and deprecating the sacrifice of Iphigenia (III, IV). [Cp. Eur. I. A. 328 foil.]. Agamemnon, realising that the sacrifice must proceed, laments the hard law that forbids kings to weep (V). [Cp. Eur. I. A. 446]. Achilles sneers at the pretended prescience of Calchas (VI) [I. A. 956.] Iphigenia accepts her death, and surrenders herself for her country's weal (VII) [7. A. 1375 foil.]. I. Agam. Quid noctis videtur in altisono caeli clipeo ? Senex. superat temo 1 stellas cogens etiam atque etiam noctis sublime iter. [Varro, L. L. 7. 73 M.] II. Otio qui nescit uti plus negoti habet quam cum quis negotiosod utitur negotio. 1 temo, sc. the constellation of the 5/ja£a, or septentrio. 58 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. nam cui quod agat institutumst, nullo quasi negotio id agit, id studet, ibi nientem atque animum delectat suum. utioso in otio aninius nescit quid velit. hoc idem hie est : enim neque domi nunc nos nee militiae sumus : imus hue, hinc illuc : cum illuc ventumst, ire illi'nc luhet : incerte errat animus, praeter propter vitam vivitur. [Aul. Gell. 19. 10. praeterpropter = ' outside.'] III. Agam. Quis homo te exsuperavit usquam gentium impudentia ? Menel. Quis ted autem malitia ? [Cic. Tusc. Disp. 4. 36.] IV. Agam. Egone plectar, tu delinques : tii pecces, ego arguar ? pro malefactis Helena redeat, vfrgo pereat innocens ? tiia reconcilietur uxor, mea necetur fi'lia ? [Rufinian, De Fig. Sent] V. Plebes in hoc regi antistat: large licet lacrumare plebi, regi honeste non licet. [Hieronym. Epitaph. Nepot.~] VI. Astrologorum si'gna in caelo quaesit, observat Iovis cum capra aut nepa l aiit exoritur lumen aliquod beluae. quod est ante pedes noenu spectant : caeli scrutantur plagas. [Cic. Be Rep. 1. 18.] 1 nepa, the constellation of the Scorpion. Q. ENN1US. 59 VII. Acherontem obibo, ubi mortis thesauri obiacent, ut hostium eliciatur sanguis sanguine. [Fest. Be Praep. ob. : Cic. Tusc. Disj). i. 48.] MEDEA EXUL. Cicero (De Fin. 1. 2. 4) quotes the Medea of Ennius as among those ' fabellas Latinas ad verbum e Graecis expressas.' This is certainly overstated. I. Nutrix. Utinam ne in nemore Pelio seciiribus caesa accidisset abiegna ad terrain trabes, neve hide navis incphandae exordium eoepisset, quae nunc nominatur nomine Argo, quia Argivi in ea delecti viri vecti petebant pellem inauratam arietis Colchis, imperio regis Peliae, per dolum. Nam numquam era errans mea domo ecferret pedem Medea, animo aegra, amore saevo saucia. [Cic. Be Inv. 1. 49, etc.] [Cp. Eur. Med. 1-7 : E'16' uitpeX.' 'Apyovs fir) StaTrrdaOai cncatpos Ko\x a " / * s alav Kvaveas Sv/XTrXriyaSas, ftTjb' iv vanaiffi XlrjXiov wtffeiv ttotc TfMTjOtiaa nevKT], pLT]5' epfrpuirrai X e P as dvb"pwv dpMJTewv, o\ to irayxpvaov 5epos TleXia ixtTTfXOov ov yap dv S(0iroiv' i/xr) M7j5eia irvpyovs yrjs (n\(vo~' 'IaiA/aay, UpaiTi Ovjxuv tKTrXayuo' 'latroi'oy.] II. (The next passage does not express the meaning of the corres- ponding words in Euripides. There. Medea excuses herself to the Corinthian dames for coming forth from her house ; here Ennius 60 FRAGMENTA S ELECTA. seems to represent the Corinthians as taunting Medea with her exile from her country, while she defends herself.) Quae Corinthi arcem altam habetis, matronae opulentae optimates ! multi suam rem bene gessere et publicam patria procul, multi, qui domi aetatem agerent, propterea sunt in- probati. [Cic. Ad Fam. 7. 6.] [Cp. Eur. Med. 214 foil. : KopivOiat yvvaives, f£f)\6ov 86fj.a>v, fxi) fio'i ri LitpxprjoB'' olSa yap voWoiis flporwv otfxvovs ytyanas, tovs fj.iv oLiLidTwv diro, Toiis 8' iv Ovpaiois' oi o' d(p' i)avx ov noSos fivotcKtiav (KTr/cavTO teal pq9vLuav.~\ III. (From the same passage : Medea contrasts the life of a man with that of a wife and mother.) . . . nam ter sub armis malim vitam cernere quam semel modo parere. [Varro, L. L. 6. 81.] [Cp. Eur. Med. 250 foil. : 'fly rph av imp' aomtia orfjvat 6(\oifi' av LtdWov rj rtKtiv drra^.] IV. (Creon bids Medea depart, granting her a respite of one day. She sneers at his simplicity : this one day is enough for her revenge.) Nequaquam istuc istac ibit : magna adest certatio. nam ut ego illi supplicarem tanta blandiloquentia — [Cp. Eur. Med. 365 foil. : 'AW' ovri ravrri ravra, lit) 8oK(ire irai. ?t' eta' dywi'fs . . . SoKtis yap av pie rdvSe Ounevaa'i irore, el lit) ti KepSaivovaav fj TexvaiLievrjv >] Q. ENNIUS. 6 1 V. (From the same passage.) tile traversa mente mi hodie tradidit repagula, quibus ego iram omnem recludam atque illi perniciem dabo, mibi maerores, illi luctum, exitium illi, exiliiim mihi. [Cic. Be Nat. Deor. 3. 25.] [Cp. Eur. Med. 371 foil. : 'O 8' «s ToaovTov /xcupias dcpiKero ui(JT, i£ui> a\nw rdfi eAeff fiovKevnara yfjs (K0a\6vTi, ttjv5' ((pfj/cev -quipav fifivai /*', (V fj rpeis tcDc iyuuv i\6pwv veicpovs 6t)(TW irtKpovs 5' eyuj o^^ v Proloqui non paenitebunt liberi ingrato ex loco. [Nonius, s. v. paenitebunt.] IX. . . . et aequum et rectum est quod tu postulas : iurati cernant. [Nonius, s. v. cernere = iudicare.] M. PACUVIUS. 73 X. Ciim recordor eius ferocem et torvam confidentiam . . . feroci ingenio, torvus, praegrandi gradu . . . [Festus, s. v. torvitas. Nonius, s. v. confidentia.] XI. Nam canis, quando est percussa lapide, nun tain ilium adpetit, qui sese icit, quam ilium eumpse lapidem, qui ipsa iota est, petit. [Nonius, s. v. icit. | qtTH~~ -Mh^ ^A^xm **~^y /tU»* xn - . . . men servasse, ut essent qui me perderent ! [Suet. Iul. 84.] CHRYSES. In this play the story of Iphigenia in Tauris is produced in a novel form. Orestes, Pylades, and Iphigenia, who had carried off the image of Diana from her temple, encounter a storm on their voyage ; and when the calm weather returns (I), they land on a promontory of the island Sminthe (II), and survey the spot (III). To this moment we may refer the reflections introduced on the instability of Fortune (IV [inc. fab. XIV, Ribb.]). Here they find the younger Chryses, son of the unfortunate Chryseis of the Iliad, serving as priest of Apollo. Thoas pursues the fugitives (V [inc. fab. LXXIII, Ribb.]), who, on being discovered, implore the pro- tection of Chryses and the inhabitants of the isle (VI) ; and Orestes reveals to the citizens the terrible deed of bloodguiltiness to which he has been driven by the importunities of his country- men, and the command of the gods I.VII). But Thoas calls on the priest to exact expiation for the theft of the sacred image ; yet only the actual perpetrator of the sacrilege is to be put to death, that is to say, Orestes. But which is Orestes? and which is Pylades? Each of the friends generously claims the name (VIII [inc. fab. XIII, Ribb.]\ and when Thoas is baffled, they urge him to put them both to death. However, Thoas thinks he has found 74 FRAGMENT A SELECT A. the real culprit, and congratulates himself on the discovery (IX). When Chryses finds that Orestes and Iphigenia are the children of Agamemnon, all the bitter memories of the past come back upon him, and a deep desire for revenge (X). Orestes' fate seems sealed, and Thoas contemptuously laughs at the prayer of his captives (XI). At this moment of danger, Chryseis intervenes, reveals to her son the secret of his birth, an$l turns away his. wrath (XII). Chryses is her son, not by Apollo but by Agamemnon, and so Orestes is his brother. The priest at once espouses the cause of the fugitives, and delivers them from the hands of Thoas, who falls in the fray. Two famous passages (XIII, XIV), conceived in the spirit of the Anaxagorean philosophy, have been generally referred to this play, though it is difficult to harmonise them with the general plot. If they are put into the mouth of Chryses, the sentiments seem inconsistent with the position of a priest of the gods. Al- though the references in Cicero and Nonius seem to be to the 'Chryses,' the striking similarity between these passages and a fragment (836) from the ' Chrysippos ' of Euripides suggests that the word ' Chryses ' is given in error for ' Chrysippos ' ; and indeed the variants in the MSS. of Cicero point in the same direction. I. interea loci flucti flaccisciint, silescunt venti, niollitur mare. [Nonius, s. v. flucti.] II. Idae promuntiirium quoius lingua in altum proicit. [Aul. Cell. 4. 17.] III. incipio saxum temptans scanclere vorticem, summusque in omnes partes prospeetum aiicupo. [Nonius, s. v. aucupo.] rv. Fortunam insanam esse et caecam et brutam perhibent philosophi, M. pacuvius. 75 saxoque instare in globoso praedicant volubilei. quia quo id saxum impiilerit fors, eo cadere Fortunam autumant, insanam autem esse aiunt quia atrox incerta instabilis- que sit : caecam, ob earn rem esse iterant quia nil cernat quo sese adplicet : brutam, quia dignum atque indignum nequeat internos- cere. sunt autem alii philosopbi, qui contra Fortunam negant esse ullam, sed temeritate res regi omnis autumant. id magis veri simile esse usus reapse experiunclo edocet : velut Orestes modo fuit rex, factust mendiciis modo naiifragio : nempe ergo id fluctu, baud forte fortuna optigit. [Ehet. Ad Herenn. 2. 23. 36.] V. Tela, famuli, tela tela propere ! sequitur me Tboas. [Censorin. frag. c. 14, p. 95.] VI. adiutamini et defendite ! [Nonius, s.v. adiutamini.] VII. Cives, antiqui amici maiorum meum, consilium socii, augiirium atque extum interpretes, postqiuim prodigium horriferum, portentiim pavor . . . [Cic. Orat. 46. 155.] VIII. P. Ego sum Orestes. O. immo enim vero ego sum, inquam, Orestes. j6 FRAGMENTA SELECTA. Uterque. . . ambo ergo igitur simul una enicarier conaprecamur. [Cic. De Fin. 5. 22 ; De Amic. 7. 24.] IX. Inveni, opino, Orestes uter esset tamen. [Nonius, s. v. opino.] X. Sed cesso inimicitiam integrare? [Nonius, s. v. integrare. J XI. pro merenda gratia simul cum videam Graios nil mediocriter redamptruare opibiisque summis persequi . . . [Festus, Nonius, s. v. redantruare. ] XII. Di monerint meliora atque amentiam averruncassint tuam ! [Nonius, s.v. monerint = monuerint. Varro, L. L. 7. 102 M.] XIII. . . . nam isti qui linguam avium intellegunt %*!*, ***K~ plusque ex alieno iecore sapiunt quam ex suo, rjV irtpav ant5tt£iv. 78 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. her brother is not far off (IX), and having found him she decides at once upon vengeance (X\ and conspires with him against Aegisthus, though the task is a hard one (XI), as all the sons of Nauplius rally to his aid. Aegisthus seems, in his perplexity, to have consulted some oracle, and to have received a dubious answer (XII) ; but Oeax interprets the reply, and announces its meaning to be that Clytemnestra must have no chance of recognising Orestes (XIII). Pylades begins the struggle by slaying some of the defenders of Aegisthus, and, after a long civil strife between the partisans of Clytemnestra and of Agamemnon, the guilty tyrant and his adulterous consort are put to death. I. Delphos venum pecus egi, inde ad stabula haec itiner contuli. [Nonius, s. v. itiner.] . . . hymenaeum fremunt aequales, aula resonit crepitu nnisico. [Nonius, s. v. sonit pro sonat.] III. Gnatam despondit, nuptiis hanc dat diem. [Nonius, s. v. diem masc. et/em.] IV. Pater Achivos in Capharei saxis pleros perdidit. [Pkiscian, 5, p. 668 P, s. v. pleros.] V. nisi me calvitur suspicio h6c est illud quod fore occulte Oeax praedixit . . . [Nonius, s. v. calvitur =frustratur. J VI. Amplus rubicundo colore et spectu protervo ferox. [Festus, s. v. spectu sine praepos.] M. PACUVIUS. 79 VII. Nam te in tenebriea sepe lacerabo fame clausam, et fatigans artus torto distraham. [Nonius, s. v. torto pro tormento.] VIII. Si quis hac me oratione incilet, quid respondeam ? [Nonius, s. v. incilare— increpare.] IX. Aut hie est aut hie adfore actutum aiitumo. [Nonius, s. v. autumare = sperare.] Utinam nunc matrescam ingenio, ut meiim patrem uleisci queam ! [Nonius, s. v. matrescam = rnatri similis fiam.J XI. . . . extemplo Aegisthi fidem nuncupantes conciebunt populum . . . [Nonius, s. v. conciere.] XII. Nil coniectura quivi interpretarier quorsiim flexidica voce se contenderet. [Nonius, s. v. contendit = proripuit.] XIII. Responsa explanat : mandat ne matri fuat , cognoscendi unquam aut contuendi copia. [Nonius, s. v. fuat = sit.] 8o FRAGMENTA SELECT A. HERMIONA. A story of love and rivalry. Neoptolemus comes to Delphi to consult the god as to the childlessness of his wife Hermione, who, with Menelaus and the old Tyndareus, accompanies him (I). At the same moment arrives Orestes with his friend Pylades to obtain deliverance from the haunting Furies (II). Orestes seeks refuge from them in the temple of Apollo, but they lay wait for him at the entrance, and pounce upon him as he departs. Then he espies Hermione, once his betrothed, but stolen from him by Neoptolemus with the connivance of Menelaus. He cannot believe his eyes, except he may touch her (III) ! He determines to claim her. Hermione is torn between love and duty : she recalls the shadow thrown on her life by the guilt of Helen, her mother (IV). In vain she invokes Eloquence, 'the queen that sways all hearts,' to find some convincing plea (V) : she dreads to think of the calamity she may be bringing upon her family (VI). Orestes declares that Hermione had been irrevocably given to him (VII). The rivals assert their respective claims : Neoptolemus recounts his own achievements and those of his sire Achilles (VIII, IX) : to him alone the Greeks owe their return from Troy (X). He taunts Tyndareus with his old age (XI) ; and his ill-judged haste in be- trothing his grand-daughter in the absence of her father Menelaus (XII). Orestes retorts that Neoptolemus had only married Her- mione in the hope of succeeding to the throne of Sparta (XIII). He has powerful advocates in the fanatical priests of Apollo, for Neoptolemus had offended the god ; and, at the moment of his expiatory sacrifice, they fling themselves upon him. Orestes espouses the cause of the god ; Neoptolemus is slain, and Orestes, in recompense, is purified from his bloodguiltiness. Hermione returns to her old lover, and peace is made between Argos and Delphi (XIV). I. quo tandem ipsa orbitas grandaevitasque Pelei penuriam stirpis subauxit. [Nonits, s. v. grandaevitas.] II. Tristitia atque animi intoleranda anxitiidine. [Nonius, s. v. anxitudo.] M. P AC U VI US. 8 1 III. ... at non cernam nisi tagam. [Festus, s. v. tagam.] IV. Cum neque me aspicere aequales dignarent meae. [Diomed. i, p. 395 P, s.v. digno.] V. flexanima atque omnium regi'na rerum oratio ! [Cic. Be Orat. 2. 14." VI. Quantamque ex diseorditate cladem importem familiae. [Nonius, s. v. discord itas.j VII. Prius data est quam tibi dari dicta, aut quam reditumst Pergamo. [Nonius, s. v. dicere=promittere.] VIII. Quod ego in acie celebra obiectans vitam bellando aptus sum . . . [Nonius, s. v. aptus = adept us.] IX. Quid benefacta mef patris cuius opera te esse ultum aiitumant '? [Nonius, s. v. autumo.j X. Nam solus Damn's hie domum itionem dedit. [Nonius, s. v. domutionem "? .] G 8a FRAGMENTA SELECTA. XL Habet hoc senectus in se, cum pigra ipsa sit spisse ut videantur omnia ei confieri. [Nonius, s. v. spissum=tarde.] XII. Paucis absolvit ne moraret diutius. [Diomed. r, p. 395 P, s. v. moro.] XIII. regni alieni cvipiditas pellexit. [Varro, L. L. 6. 94 M, s. v. pellexit.] XIV. Concorditatem hospitio adiunctam perpetem probitate conservetis. [Nonius, s. v. concorditas.] ILIONA. Polydorus. youngest son of Priam and Hecuba, was entrusted to the care of his sister Iliona, wife of Polymestor the king of the treacherous (I) Thracians. She, however, brought him up at her breast (II), as her own child, letting her husband believe that the child which she had born him was really Polydorus. While the two children were still young, Troy fell, and the Achaeans, desiring to destroy the whole house of Priam, bribed Polymestor by a gift of gold and the promise of the possession of Electra (III), to slay Polydorus. Through Iliona's device it was Polymestor's own son that was slain. The bloodstained ghost of the supposed Polydorus rises from the waves, and appears to his sleeping mother, awaking her with the piteous tale of his murder (IV). This is the scene about which Horace (Sat. 2. 3. 60 foil.) tells the amusing story of the drunken Fufius, who played the part of Hiona, sleeping through the passionate appeal of Catienus, who represented the murdered boy. Iliona cries to the poor ghost to stay and repeat the story (V), and she sends her servants to search the shore for M. PACUVIUS. 83 the corpse (VI, VII, inc. fab. XXXI, Ribb.). Polydorus, who had visited the oracle of Apollo, learns with surprise at the shrine that his ancestral city had been burned, his father slain, and his mother carried away captive. When he returns to Thrace he finds that none of these disasters had occurred (VIII) ; but Iliona then tells him the secret of his birth (IX, X ex inc. inc. fab. XLII, Ribb.), and the brother and sister conspire against Polymestor, whom they first blind, and then slay (XI, XII). Fuller tidings come of the fall of Troy (XIII) ; of the fate of Hecuba, and of Cassandra, once beloved by Apollo (XIV). Polydorus remains as the hope of the royal house ; but the chance of his restitution to the kingdom is slight indeed (XV) ! I. Sed hi cluentur hospitum infidissimi. [Nonius, s. v. cluet.] II. ab Ilio depulsum mamma paedogogandiun accipit repotialis Liber. * [Festus, s. r. repotia.] III. blandam hortatricem adiugat voluptatem. [Nonius, s. v. adiugat.] IV. Mater, te appello, tu quae curam somno suspensam levas neque te mei miseret, surge et sepeli natum [tuum] prius quam ferae volucresque . . . neu reliquias quaeso mias sieris denudatis ossibus per terram sanie delibutas foede divexarier. [Cic. Tusc. Disp. 1. 44.] 1 The ' festive draught ' seems to mean ' mother's milk.' This is the conjecture of 0. Muller. Scaliger would read ' repotidli lacte.'' G 2 84 FRAGMENT A SELECT A. V. Age asta : mane, audi : fteradum eadem istaec mihi. [Cic. Acad. Pr. 2. 27.] VI. aut stagnorum umidorum rimarem Ioca. [Nonius, s. v. rimari.] VII. t Omnes latebraS, subluta 1 mole [omnes] abstrusos sinus. [Suet. Ap. Isidor. Be Nat. Rer. 44.] VIII. Quos ego ita ut volui offendo incolumis . . . [Nonius, s. v. offendo = invenio.] IX. Ne porro te error qui nunc lactat maceret. [Nonius, s. v. lactare = decipere.] X. Qua tempestate Helenam Paris inmiptis iunxit niiptiis, ego turn gravida expletis iam fere ad pariendum men- sibus, per idem tempus Polydorum Hecuba partu postremo parit. [Cic. De Orat. 3. 58.] XI. Fac lit coepisti, hanc dperam mihi des perpetem : oculos transaxim. [Festus, perpetem pro perpetuo.] XII. Occidisti, ut miilta paucis verba unose obnuntiem. [Nonius, s. v. unose = simul.] 1 Subluta mole : ' where the cliff is washed by the sea.' M. P AC U VI US. 85 XIII. Profecto aut inibi est aiit iam potiuntur Frugum 1 . [Nonius, s. v. inibi pro sic et mox. XIV. Paelici superstitiosae ciim vecordi coniuge. [Festus, vecors, mali cordis.] XV. Usi honore credo Achivi hunc sceptrum patientur poti ! [Nonius, s. v. poti pro potiri.] NIPTRA. This play probably follows the lines of the NiVrpa ^ 'Otivaoevs aaavOoTrKrj^ of Sophocles. Telegonus, son of Ulysses by Circe, having been wrecked one dark night on the shore of Ithaca, enters un- wittingly his father's house, where the old hero was resting after his many years of wandering. As in the Odyssey, the old nurse (I) bathes her master's feet {TH'mTpa. = foot-bath), and recognises him by his winning address and his fair, soft skin (II, III . He talks with her as if he had only just returned from Troy, and not from that later wandering to the land of the Thesprotians, whither, after the Slaying of the Suitors, he journeyed in accord- ance with the command laid on him by Teiresias in the N«/ma. He speaks of the rude boat he built (IV), and of his visit to the Cyclops of Aetna (V, VI). Warned by an oracle that danger awaited him at the hands of his son, Ulysses repels from Lis doors this new intruder, who calls him ' father.' Telegonus resists ; and in the fray which follows he wounds Ulysses with his spear, tipped with the bone of a poisonous sea-fish. Ulysses is brought to the stage on a litter (VII), tortured with pain from his wound. And now the mystery is cleared up. The stranger is indeed his son, and the fatal weapon has been put in his hand by the jealous Circe (VIII). Ulysses recognises the fulfilment of the warning, and resigns himself to death (IX). 1 Frugum -Thvygxxm. 86 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. I. Gedo tuum pedem mi, lyniphis flavis flavum ut pul- verem manibus isdem, quibus Ulixi saepe permulsi, abluam lassitudinemque minuam manuum mollitiidine. [Aul. Gell. 2. 26.] II. Lenitudo orationis, mollitv^dp corporis. [Cic. Tusc. Disp. 5. 16.] III. Pariter te esse erga flluni video, ut ilium ted erga scio. [Nonius, s. v. pariter.] IV. Nee villa subscus l cohibet compagem alvei, sed siita limo et sparteis serilibus 2 . . . [Festus, s. vv. subscudes : serilia.] V. Inde A6tnam montem advenio in scruposam specum. [Nonius, s. v. specus,/em.] VI. aetate Integra feroei ingenio, facie proterva virurn . . . [Aul. Gell. 13. 30 (29). 3.] VII. Ulixes. Pedetemptim ac sedato nisu, ne siiccussu arripiat maior dolor. 1 Subscus = ' tenon ' or ' dovetail.' 2 Serilia (sero-ui) = 'ropes/ made from sjyartum, a sort of broom. M. PACUVIUS. «S; Chorus. Tu quoque, Ulixes, quamquam graviter cerni'nius ictum, nimis paene animo es molli, qui consuetus in armis aevom agere . . . Ulixes. Ketinete, tenete ! opprfmit ulcus : nudate ! heu miserum me, excrucior ! operite ; abscedite iam iam ! mittite : nam attrectatu et quassu saevom amplincatis dolorem. [Cic. Tusc. Disp. 2. 21.] VIII. Barbaricam pestem subinis nostris optulit 1 , nova figura factam, commissam infabre. [Nonius, s. v. infabre — foede.] IX. Conqueri fortunam adversam non lamentari decet: ) id viri est officium, fletus miiliebri ingenio additus. | [Cic. I.e. supr.] 1 Subinis, see sup. p. 40. The word, which has various forms 'sybinis ' and ' sibunis ' is described (Fest. 336 M) as ' telum venabuli simile.' TEUCER. The opening of the play sets before us the aged Telamon ex- hausted by fruitless wanderings in search of tidings about Ajax and Teucer (I), and the Salaminian matrons in mourning for their lost sons (II). When Teucer appears on the scene without his brother or the young Eurysaces, he is received by his father with the most furious denunciation (III) : the effect of the words being studiously heightened by the frequent recurrence of the sibilant s (sigmatismus), and the homoeoteleuta. Teucer in his reply describes the despatch of the fleet from Troy by the reluctant Agamemnon (,1V, ex inc. inc. frag. XLVI, Ribb.). The ships set sail : Teucer commands the Thessalian contingent, as well as his own vessels (V). The voyage begins in the sunlight, among the sporting dolphins (VI, VII, inc. tab. XLIV, XLV, Ribb.) : but at 88 FRAGMENTA SELECTA. sundown the storm bursts on them (VIII, IX) ; and in the con- fusion Eurysaces is lost to sight. Yet Telamon admits no excuse, and refuses to listen to Teucer till his grandson is restored to him. The old man is described as plunged in grief, and brooding on Teucer's guilt (XI), who, however, is not wanting in friends to speak for him (XII), and to be hopeful of a reconciliation (XIII). But all is in vain ! How Teucer quits bis country to found a new home in the Cyprian Salamis is told by Horace (Od. i. 7. 21 foil.) : but the only reference to this among the fragments of Pacuvius is the famous line, the original of which appears in Aristoph. Pint. 1 151 varph ^ap ion iraa IV au irpaTiri tis tv (XIV, ex inc. inc. fab. XLIX, Ribb.). I. Postquam defessus perrogitandod advenas [fuit] de gnatis, neque quemquam invenit sciura . . . [Priscian, 4. 634 P, s. v. scius.] II. Quae desiderio alumnum, paenitudine, squale scabreque, inciilta vastitudine . . . [Nonius, s. v. paenitudinem.] III. Segregare abs te ausu's aut sine fllo Salaminam ingredi, neque paternum aspectum es veritus, quom aetate exacta ^^ indigem duJf^A *\ U*M^ j^ liberum lacerasti orbasti exti'nxti, neque fratris necis iC^ neque eiu^jiatijjaryi qui tibi in tutelam est traditus— T 9 * [Cic. Be Orat. 2. 46.] ^ iv. v^**^^ . . . inter se strepere aperteque artem obterere extispi- v/VV ^u- cum : ^^ solvere imperat secundo rumore aversaque avi. [Cic. Be Div. 1. 16.] M. PACUVIUS. 89 V. mihi classem imperat Thessalam nostramque in altum ut properiter dediicerem. [Nonius, s. v. properiter = celeriter.] VI. t Nerei rejpandir^strjim inciirvicervicum pecus. [Quintil. Inst. Orat. i. 5. 67.] VII. Sic profectione laeti pfscium lasciviam intuentur, nee tuendi capere satietas potest. interea prope iam occidente sole inhorrescit mare, tenebrae conduplicantur, noctisque et ninibum obcaecat nigror, flamma inter nubes eoruscat, caelum tonitru contremit, grando mixta imbri largifico subita praecipitans cadit, undique omnes venti erumpunt, saevi existunt turbines, fervit aestu pelagus. [Cic. De Biv. 1. 14.] VIII. Kapide retro citroque percito aestu praecipitem ratem reciprocare, undaeque e gremiis subiectare adfligere . . . [Festus, s. v. reciprocare.] IX. . . . armamentum stridor, flictus navium, strepitus fremitus clamor tonitruum et rudentum sibilus. . . [Serv. in Very. Am. 1. 87.] X. Haud sinam quidquam profari prius quam acccpso quod peto. [Nonius, s. v. accepso = accipio.] 90 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. XL Profiisus gemitu, murmure ' occisti ' antruat. [Festus, s. v. profusus.] XII. Nds ilium interea proliciendo propitiaturos facul remur. [Nonius, s. v. facul = faciliter.] XIII. Nam Teucrum regi sapsa res restibiliet. [Festus, s. v. sapsa = ipsa.] XIV. . . . patria est ubicunque est bene. [Cio. Tusc. Disp. 5. 37.] FABULA PRAETEXTA. PAULUS. The play deals with the exploits of the consul, L. Aemilius Paulus, the conqueror of the Macedonian king Perseus at Pydna, b. c. 168. Another notable character is introduced, the young Scipio Nasica, who fought on the heights of Mount Olympus with Milon, one of the generals of Perseus, and forced his way over the dizzy pass (I). We see Paulus on the morning of the battle sacri- ficing to Jupiter, from whom, through Ascanius, the gens Aemilia traced its descent (II). We see the Koman and Macedonian armies in the thick of the fight (III). An episode in the battle is the exploit of young Marcus, son of the old Cato, who was Censor in b. c. 184. Marcus lost his sword in the struggle, and fearing the M. P AC U VI US. 91 disgrace which would fall on his honoured father if his son was found without a sword, ho prays to Jupiter for instant aid ,1V , and after strenuous efforts recovers his lost weapon. I. Qua vix caprigeno generi gradilis gressio est. [Macrob. Sat 6. 5. 14.] II. Pater supreme, nostra progenii patris. [Aul. Gell. 9. 14, progenii a progenies.] III. Nivi't sagittis, pliinibo et saxis grandinat. [Nonius, s. v. nivit pro ninguit.] IV. Nunc te obtestor, celere sancto siibveni censorio ! [Nonius, s. v. celere pro celeriter.] CAECILIUS STATIUS. (219-166 A.C.) FABULAE PALLIATAE. ASOTUS. A young profligate tells the story, how he had surreptitiously- introduced his mistress into his father's house (I). The father seems to have announced to some friend his intention of cutting oft 7 his son's allowance. ' Then he will borrow,' says the friend. ' Let him, for aught I care ! ' replies the father (II). The familiar character of the parasite is next introduced, as a regular • barathrum macelli' (Hor. Ep. 1. 15. 31) (III). He has been kicked out of the club of boon-companions (IV) ; and reproaches his patron with his cruel indifference. namque ego duabus vigilifs transactis diico desubito dornum. [Nonius, s. v. desubito.] II. £ Ad amicos curret mutuatum.' 'Mutuet [Nonius, s. v. mutuet.] mea causa ! ' III. lam dudum depopulat macellum . [Nonius, s. v. populat. ] CAECILIUS STATIUS. 93 IV. Meritfssimo hie me eiecit ex hac decuria. [Nonius, s. v. meritissimo.] V. Nihilne, nil tibi" esse quod edim ! [Nonius, s. v. edim pro edam.] HYMNIS. An angry father purchased a Milesian slave-girl, and made her over to one of his own friends, in order to ' block the pass in the way of his son,' who is in love with her (I). The youth evidently tries to stop the bargain that is being made with the leno ; however, he is plainly told that to succeed in love one must be supplied with ' the sinews of war ' (II). He seeks the advice of a confidential slave, whose counsel to him is, not to attempt a Quixotic combat, 'with a sword against a brass caldron' (III). But the young man is not convinced : his motto is ' a short life and a merry one.' Leave the old man to drag out his years ' drop by drop ' to the very end ! (IV, V). I. habes Miletidam : ego illam huic despondebo, et gnato saltum obsipiam. [Diomed. p. 387 P. s. v. obsipio = obsaepio.] II. Desi'ne blanditiae. 1 nugas blateras, nihil agit in amore inermus. [Nonius, s. v. blaterare.] III. Machaera quin licitari adversum ahenum coepisti sciens ? [Nonius, s. v. licitari = pugnare.] 1 gen. sing., as ' desine querelarum' Hor. Od. 2. 9. 17. 94 FRAGMENT A SELECT A. IV. Mihi sex menses satis sunt vitae, septimum Oreo spondeo. [Cic. Be Fin. 2. 7.] V. Sine suam senectutem ducat risque ad senium sorbilo. [Festus, p. 339 M. s. v. senium.] PLOCIUM. A special interest attaches to this comedy, because Aul. Gellius (2. 23) takes occasion, by comparing it with the original play of Menander, to show the great inferiority of the Latin poet. The title is obscure : some have suggested that it is the actual name of the heroine ; others, with better reason, render it 'Ring- let,' or ' Necklace ' — something, at any rate, which serves as a material piece of evidence in the denouement of the play. The plot is probably somewhat as follows : Two families live near together on friendly terms. The head of one of these is an elderly husband, smarting under the tyranny and jealous suspicion of his ugly but richly-dowered wife, Crobyle, who has compelled him to part with his dangerously attractive waiting-maid, and coarsely boasts of her success. In the bitterness of his soul he tells the story to his crony ; and they pass very uncomplimentary remarks on the haughty and repulsive dame (I-III). Crobyle's son was betrothed to a daughter of the other family ; and the marriage was about to take place, when the startling news is brought that the girl has given birth to a child. The marriage is hastily postponed (IV) ; and we gather from the corresponding play of Menander that Crobyle urges her son to forget his old love, and to marry a rich relation. But the unfortunate girl, who has been repudiated, has a faithful friend in her slave Parmeno. He gains the con- fidence of the young man, and they discuss various views of life — how it is money which covers ' the multitude of sins ' (V) ; how old age brings with it many things one would rather not see (VI) ; how one must make the best of bad bargains (VII, VIII). Then Parmeno begins to calculate back the months before the birth of this child ; and he reminds the young man of a certain night, when he had been in the company of a fair young stranger, whom CAECILIUS STATIUS. 95 he had not recognised (IX-XI). And we may suppose that the ' Necklace ' somehow turns out to be the proof of his own father- hood of the child, whose birth seemed to have ruined his hopes. Evidently all difficulties were surmounted, and Parmeno gained his freedom for his success (XII). I. ... Is demum miser est qui suam aerumnam nequit occultare foris : ita uxor mea forma et facti's facit, etsi taceam, tamen indicium meae quae, nisi dotem, omnia quae nolis habet. qui sapit de me di'scet, qui quasi ad hostis captus liber servio salva urbe atque arce. dum eius mortem inhio, egomet inter vivos vivo mortuus. quae mihi quidquid placet eo privatum it me ser- vatam velim ? ea me clam se cum mea ancilla ait consuetum. id me arguit : ita plorando orando instando atque obiurgando me 6p- tudit, earn uti venclerem. nunc credo inter suas aequalis, cognatas, sermonem serit : ' quis vostrarum fuit Integra aetatula quae hoc idem a viro impetrarit suo, qiiod ego anus modo effeci, paelice tit meum privarem virum ? ' haec erunt concilia hocedie : differor sermone misere. [Aul. Gell. I. c] II. ' Sed tua morosane uxor quaeso est ? ' ' Quam, rogas ? ' ' Qui tandem '? ' ' Taedet mentionis, quae mihi 96 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. ubi domum adveni ac sedi, extemplo savium dat iehma anima. ' ' Nil peccat de savio : ut devomas volt quod foris potaveris.' [Aul. Gell. I. c] III. Placere occepit graviter postquam emortuast ! [Nonius, s.v. graviter = multum.] IV. Abi intro atque istaec aufer. si tamen hodie nuptias. [Nonius, s. v. extollere = differre.] V. ... is demum mfortunatust homo, pauper qui educit in egestatem liberos : cui fortuna et res niida est, continuo patet. nam opulento famam facile occultat factio. [Aul. Gell. I. c] VI. Edepol, senectus, si nil quicquam aliud viti adportes tecum, cum advenis, unum id sat est, quod diu vivendo multa quae non volt videt. [Cic. Cat, Mai. 8. 25.] VII. Potire quod dant, quando optata non danunt. [Nonius, s.v. danunt = dant.] VIII. Vivas ut possis, quando non quis lit velis. [Donat. in Ter. Andr. 4. 5. 10.] C A EC I LI US ST AT I US. 97 IX. ' Soletne mulier decimo mense parere ? ' ' pol 110116 quoque, etiam septimo atque octavo.' [Aul. Gell. 3. 16.] Pudebat credo commemoramentiim stupri. [Nonius, s. v. commemorameiitiim.] XL Properatim in tenebris istuc confectum est opus. [Nonius, s. v. properatim.] XII. ' Liberne es?' ' non sum, verum inibi est . . .'* [Nonius, s. v. inibi = mox.] The comments made by Gell ins (2. 231 are as follows: ' Caecili Plocium legebamus; haudquaquam mihi et qui aderant displicebat. Libit urns t Mcnandri quoque Plocium legere, a quo istam comoediam verterat. Sed enim postquam in minus Menander venit, a principio slatim, di boni, quantum stupere atque frigere quantumque mutare a Menandro visus est! Diomedis hercle anna et Glauci non dispari magis pretio exhtimata sunt. Accesserat dehinc lectio ad eum locum in, quo maritus seuex super uxore dioite atque dejormi querebatur, quod ancillam suam, non inscito puellam ministerio et facie hunt inliberali, coactus erat venundare, suspectanl uxori quasi pelicem. Nihil dicam ego quantum differed : versus utrimque eximi iussi et aliia ad indicium faciundum exponi. Menander sic : in' a.jX(poTfpa vvv fj 'mn\r]pos fj KaX-fj fiiKKu KaOivfirjotiv. KardpyaffTai (J-tya ical vepi/3ijT)Tov tpyov (K rfjs olulas i£{0akt rfjv Kvirovoav fjV t[3ovk(To, tv a-nojSXtTTCuot iravris eis to Kpou(3v\T)s irpoacoirov, rj t' tvyvoiaros ova' tfj.rj yvvrj OtOTTOlVa, KOI TTjV olplV fjV (KTTjCraTO' H 98 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. uvos tv iri6r)Kois tori 877 to \eyoptvov. rovro ol aianrav @ov\opiai tt)V vvKra ttjv TTOWUIV KO.KWV apX^ydv. o'l'fXfll KpU0v\r/V \a@iiv tp iKKaiTitKaraXavrov, w 6toi, yvvaiov ovcsav ifq\(03i' fir' earl To (ppvaypd vois iiiroaTcnov ; pa tov Am tov 'OKvpmov Kal ttjv 'AOrjvdv, ovSapws, TratStaicdpiov OepanevTiKov be ical Auyov TOL\lOV. [Then follows the quotation from Caecilius I) ' is demum miser . . . misere ' : after which Gellius proceeds] ' Praeler venustatem autem rerum atque verborum, in daobus libris nequaquam parent, in hoc eqnidem soJco animum attender.e, quod quae Menander praeclare el apposite et facet e scripsit, ea Caecilius ne qua potuit quidem conatus est enarrare, sed quasi minime probanda praetermisit et alia nescio quae ii/imica inculcarit ; et Mud Menandri de vita hominum media sump- turn, simplex et verum et delectabile, nescio quo pacto omisit. Idem enim Hie maritus senex cum altera sene ricino colloquens et uxoris locupletis superbiam deprecans haec ait, (\xi ; nvptav tt)% o'tKtas nal twv dypaiv Kal rwv irarpwaiv dvriKpvs tXoptv, " ArroWov, ws x a ^ i7T <* 11 ' X a ^ €7^ ''' Ta7C, '• avaai b" dpya\ta 'driv, ovk epol pdvw, villi, TtoXv pdWov OvyaTpi. trpayp.' dpaxov \tyus. Caecilius vero hoc in loco ridiculus magis qitam personae isti quam tractabat aptusatqut conveniens videri maluit. Sic enim haec corrupiC : [Then follows frag. II ' Sed tua morosane . . . potaveris '] ' Quid de illo quoque loco in utraque comoedia posito existimari debcat mani- festum est, cuius loci haec ferine sententia : ftlia hominis pauperis in pervigilio vitiata est. Ea res clam patrem fuit, et habelatur pro virgine. Ex eo ritio gravida mensibus ejoctis paiturit. Serous bonae frugi cum pro for ib us domus staret et propinquare partum erilifiliue atque omiiino vitium esse oblaium ignoraret, gemitum et ploratum audit puellae in puerpcrio enitentis : timet, irascitur, suspicatur, miseretur, dolet. Hi omnes motus eius affectionisque animi in Graeca quidem comoedia mirabiliter acres et illustres, apud Caecilium autem, pigra istaec omnia et a rerum dignitate atque gratia vucua sunt. Post CAECILIUS STATIUS. 99 vbi idem servus percontando quod acciderat repperit, has aput Menan- drum versus facit : di TptOKaKoSaipajf, ootis wv Wei'?;? yapiei Kai TraiSonoitffl . ws dXoyiaTos tor' avqp. os fX7]Te (pvXaKfiv rwv dvayicaiwv Xftpui^ofifvos £?7, t&v pttv dvtapwv t^wy to pLtpoi airavTwv, rwv 5' ayaOu/v ov dvvapLtvos. ii-ntp yap tvds dXyuiv, anavras vovBirw. Ad horum autem sinceritatem veritatemque verhorum an adspiraverit Caecilius consideremus. Versus sunt hi Caecili, trunca quuedam ex Menandro dlceutis et consarcientis verba tragici tumoris : [Then follows frag. V 'is demum . . . factio.'] Itaque, ut supra dixi, cum kaec Caecili seorsum lego neutiquam videntur ingrata ignavaque, cum autem Gracca compare- et contendo, non puto Caecilium sequi debuisse quod assequi ntquiret. SYNEPHEBI. In place of the ordinary lover, complaining of the severity or stinginess of his father, we have, as an amusing surprise, a young man sorely vexed at the embarrassing indulgence and generosity of his parent, and envying the lot of those happy sons who can enjoy to the full the delight of over-reaching a father's niggardli- ness (I). His comrade has an equally strange story to tell, for he announces as a prodigy demanding instant expiation, the discovery of a courtesan who refused to take money from her lover (II). Another touch of unselfishness is given in Frag. III. In amore suave est summo summaque inopia parentem habere avarum, inlepidum, in lfberos difficilem, qui te nee amet nee studeat tui. aut tu ilium furto fallas aut per litter. -i s avertas aliquod nomen aut per servolum H 2 100 FRAG ME NT A SELECT A. perciitias pavidum, postremo a pared patre quod sumas quanto di'ssipes libentius ! • *•••• Quern neque quo pacto fallam nee quid inde aiiferam nee quern dolum ad eum aut machinam commoliar scio quicquam : ita omnis meos dolos fallacias praestigias praestrinxit commoditas patris. [Cic. Be Nat. Beor. 3. 29.] II. Pro deum, popularium omnium, omnium adulescentium clamo, postulo, obsecro, oro, ploro, atque imploro fidem ! • ••••• ... in civitate fiunt facinora capitalia ; nam ab amico amante argentum accipere meretrix noenu volt. [Cic. De Nat. Beor. 1. 6.] III. Serit arbores quae alteri saeclo prosint. [Cic. Cat. Mai. 7. 24.] EX INCERTIS FABULIS. I. ' Trust me not at all, or all in all.' Si confidentiam adhibes, confide omnia. [Isidok. Orig. 10. 40. s. v. confidens.] II. ' Love is still the Lord of all.' deum qui non summum putet, aut stiilturn aut rerum esse inperitum existumem : CAECILIUS ST ATI US. 101 cui in manu sit, quern esse dementem velit, quern sapere, quern sanari, quern in niorbum inici, • ••••• quern contra amari, quern expeti, quern arcessier. [Cic. Tusc. Disp. 4. 32.] III. ' The path of duty was the way to glory.' Homo homini deus est si suum officium sciat. [Symmachus, Ep. 9. 1 1 4. J IV. Wisdom under a ragged coat. Saepe est etiam sub palliolo sordido sapientia. [Cic. Tusc. Disp. 3. 23.] AQUILIUS. (Fl. 174-154 A.C.) BOEOTIA. (Aulus Gellius (3. 3. 4) informs us that Varro assigned the 'Boeotia' to Plautus, hasing his judgment on the passage here quoted as unmistakably in the Plautine style. But the allusion to the introduction of sun-dials (Pliny, N. H. 7. 60) seems to make the date between e. c. 174 and 154. It is evident from the passage in Pliny that Varro himself knew the date of their introduction, although he ascribes the passage to Plautus. The parasite found his own belly the best time-keeper !) Ut ilium di perdant primus qui horas repperit, quique adeo primus statuit hie solarium : qui mihi comminuit misero articulatim diem. Nam unum me puero venter erat solarium multo omnium istorum optimum et verissimum : ubi is non monebat esse, nisi cum nil erat? nunc etiam cum est, non estur, nisi soli lubet. itaque adeo iam oppletum oppidumst solariis, maior pars populi ut aridi reptent fame. [Aul. Gell. 7. c] LICINIUS IMBREX. (Fl. 200 A c.) NEAERA. (The identity in meaning of Imbrex and Tegula suggests that the author of the ' Neaera ' is the P. Lieinius Tegula, the writer of a sacred hymn ordered by the decemvirs, b. c. 200, to be sung in the streets of Rome by a chorus of nine maidens, so as to expiate certain prodigies [Livy 31. 12]. The fragment quoted of the ' Neaera ' is the complaint of some dashing officer that his wife is not sufficiently distinguished by her name Neaera, which he pro- poses should be altered to Neriene, or Nerio, the spouse of tli<- War-god.) Nolo ego Neaeram te vocent, sed Nerienem, cum quidem MavoHi es in coiiubium. data. [Aul. (4ell. 13. 23."] TITINIUS. Ccirc. 190-150 a.c.) TOGATAE. BARBATUS. This title is said to have been a colloquial name for a sort of dumpy bucket; but the fragments throw no light on the title. An embroiderer [Phrygio] has done well for himself, and is leaving his employers (I). A cowardly bully is introduced, who runs up to his foe like a skirmisher (veles), and then — runs back (II). A joke is made upon the mincing pronunciation of young men of fashion, who are not strong enough to say the simplest word in full. ' Edepol,' ' medius fidius,' or even ' medi,' entail too much exertion. ' Edi ' is the utmost they can do. I. . . frygio fui primo beneque id opus scivi ; reliqui acus aciasque ero atque erae nostrae . . . [Nonius, s. v. frygio.] II. ita spurcus nnimatur ira in proelium : veles eques recipi't se neque ferit quemquam hostem. [Nonius, s. v. veles.] TITINIUS. io- III. id necessest ? Edi! [ClIARIS. 2. p. I78 P.] FULLONIA. Fullonia : sc. fabula, i. e. ' The play about the Fullers ' ; a set of men whose occupation afforded endless amusement to the Latin comic poets. Here the merriment seems to turn partly on the quarrelling between the Fullers and the Weaving- women, and partly on the bickering between a husband and wife. Probably a Fuller had married a Weaver with a bit of money of her own, and she chafes at his extravagance (I). Her husband taunts her with the days of his courtship, and the change since then (II) ; to which she retorts with much self-satisfaction (III). Then there is quarrelling between the employer and his workmen (IV) ; and between the Fullers, ' who never get a holiday ' (V), and the lazy women ' who take ten years over one gown ' (VI). But the Weavers think themselves indispensable (VII j, and laugh at the Fullers for their amphibious life (VIII). But both sides agree in despising the work of the delving rustic (IX). I. Ego me mandatam meo viro male arbitror, qui rem disperdit et meam dotem comest. [Nonius, s. v. comest = comedit.] II. vfderam ego te virginem formosam, forma ferocem, mihi esse sponso tuo superbam. [Nonius, s. v. ferox.] III. Aspecta formam atque 6s contemplato raeum. [Nonius, s. v. contempla.] Jo6 FRAGMENTA S ELECTA. IV. Da pensam lanam, qui non reddit temperi putatam recte, facito ut multetur malo. [Nonius, s. v. putare.] V. Nee noctu nee diu licet fullonibus quiescant. [Nonius, s. v. diu = die] VI. quae intra decern annos nequisti togulam unam detexere. [Nonius, s. v. toga.] VII. Ni nos texamus, nil siet, fullones, vobis quaesti. [Nonius, s. v. quaesti.] VIII. Terra istaec est, non aqua, ubi tu solitu's argutarier pedibus, cretam diim compescis, vestimenta qui lavas. [Nonius, s. v. argutari = subsilire.] IX. Homo formicae pol persimil est rusticus. [Nonius, s. v. simile (?).] SETINA. 'The lady of Setia' — a dull, secluded town overlooking the Pomp- tine Marshes. The good citizen, who does not like this swamp, would gladly have the water led from the Tiber to his town (I). It may be the same provincial wit who sees how far a little wisdom goes (II). But he is so cautious that he is afraid to marry (III) ; and his friend Caeso has to try and raise his pluck (IV). The young lady is so grand! (V) and* such a paragon of perfection, that, in praising her, one must add ' without offence ! ' to avert the 'fascinatio' which waits on boasting (VI). For frag. VII see sup. Barbatus III. TITIN1US. 107 I. Vidistin Tiberim ? Vi'di : qui illam derivet, beaverit agriim Setinum. [Serv. in Verg. Aen. 11. 457. 1 II. Sapientia gubernator navem torquet, haut valentia ; cocus magnum ahenum, quando fervit, paula confutat trua. [Nonius, s. v. trua, &c.J III. Ipsiis quidem hercle ducere earn sane nevult. [Nonius, s. v. nevult. ] IV. Accede ad sponsam audacter, virgo nulla est talis Setiae. [Nonius, s. v. tale (?). | V. sed iam metuo hercle, Caeso, ne nimis stulte fecerim. qui ex tanta factione atque opibus puellam sum ausus adf?redi. [Nonius, s. v. factio = nobilitas.] "C5* VI. Paula mea. amabo, pol tuam ad laudem addito ' praenscini.' [Charis. 2. p. 189 P.] VII. An quia ' pol edepol ' fabulare, ' edi ' ' medi ' memim'sti ? [Charis. 2. p. 178 V. j SEXTUS TURPILIUS. (180-IO3 A.C.) PALLIA TAB. EPICLEROS. The Epicleros (Heiress) of Menander opened with a monologue. Turpilius Las changed this to a dialogue between the slave Ste- phanio, and his uneasy young master, who rouses him from his bed to roam about with him at night (I). Stephanio protests against this caprice ill). The young man is pressed by his parents to many the heiress : they assure him she is the best of wives for him (III) ; and the father hopes that their advice will not make a breach between them and their son (IV). It is difficult to fit in the remaining fragments. Perhaps the young man, wishing to wash his hands of the affair, appeals to the 'cognatus,' who by rights ought to many the orphan heiress himself (V). The man is touched by the youth's sorrow (VI), and he acknowledges that the father's importunity has made his son 'rich in excuses' (VII). Finally, the relative seems to accept his duty (VIII), and the young man is relieved. L St. Quaeso edepol quo ante lueem te subito rapis, Ere, cum uno puero ? Ph. Nequeo esse intus, Stephanio, St. Quid ita ? Ph. ut solent, me curae somno segregant forasque noctis excitant silentio. [Priscian, Be Metris Com. p. 1326 P.] SEXTUS TURPILIUS. 109 II. Currendum sic est, sic datur, nimiuin ubi sopori servias potiiis quam domino. [Priscian, l. c] III. Cum legere te optimum esset atque aequissimum qua cum aetas degenda et vivendum esset tibi. [Nonius, s. v. legere.] IV. . . . sperabam consilia nostra dividiae tibi, cum aetas accesset, non fore. [Nonius, s. v. dividia.] V. Ni Callifonis mine te miseret liberum. [Nonius, s. v. liberum, gen. plvr.] VI. Sed nequeo ferre hunc diutius sic lamentari et conqueri, nee esse suae parum obsequellae . . . [Nonius, s. v. obsequela.] VII. Te quidem omnium pater iam copem causarum facit. [Nonius, s. v. copem = copiosum. ] VIII. Sed volo ut familia nostra officia fungatur sua. [Nonius, s. v. fungi cum accus.] LEUCADIA. 'The Lady of Leucas ' is a parody on the story of Sappho. The Phaon of the play is a hideous Lesbian boatman, who once ferried no FRAG ME NT A SELECT A. over the water Venus, disguised as an old woman, so evidently poor that Phaon excused her the fare. In recompense, she made him, in spite of his ugliness, the idol of all the women. One of the Lesbian damsels is so smitten that she turns from her ol<* lover, and gives all her heart to Phaon. Her lover is amazed at her choice and at Phaon's grand airs I-IV). He attempts his former familiarities ; hut the girl repulses him (V), and makes desperate love to Phaon (VI), confessing her jealousy of some other woman (VII). Phaon being obdurate, the girl wanders to the desolate cliff (VIII), and, calling the gods and the winds to her aid, takes the Lovers' Leap (IX). Phaon orders out a boat (X), and the poor girl is rescued, very wet and cold (XI). But the charm is broken. Dorcium is reconciled to her old lover (XII), and holiday clothes are donned for the marriage (XIII). I. Quern olim dderat, seetatur ultro et detinet : ille insolens autem ut fastidit carnifex ! [Nonius, s. v. insolens.] II. Viden tu Frygis incessum ? quam est confidens ! di istunc perduint. [Nonius, s. v. confidential III. . . . viden ut fastidit mei? [Nonius. 496. 18, genit. pro accus.~\ IV. Ei perii ! viden ut osculatur cariem ? num liilum ilia haec pudet? [Nonius, s. v. caries.] V ... ' ne me attigas, atque aufer manum ! ' ' Heia, queni feiocula est ! ' SEXTUS TURPI LI US. m VI. Intercapedine fnterficior, desiderio differor : tu es mihi cupiditas, suavitudo et mei animi expectatio. [Nonius, s. v. suavitudo. | VII. Verita sum, ne amoris causa cum ilia limassis caput. [Nonius, s. v. limare = coniungere.] VIII. me miseram terrent omnia, maris scopuli, sonitus, solitudo, sanctitudo Apollinis. [Nonius, s. v. sanctitudo. | IX. Te, Apollo sancte, fer opem, teque, omnipotens Nep- tune, invoco vosque adeo venti ! . . . nam quid ego te appellem, Venus ? [Cic. Tusc. Disp. 4. 34.] X. hortari coepi nostros ilico ut celerent lembum. [Nonius, s. v. lemhus.] XI. 6 utinam nunc apud ignem aliquem magnum adsidam ! [Nonius, s. v. apud = iuxta.] XII. Ante facta ignosco : mitte tristitatem, Dorcium. [Nonius, s. v. tristitas.] XIII. Etiam amplius illam apparare condecet, quandd^quidem voti condemnata est . . . [Nonius, s. v. damnare (voti).] XN L. ACCIUS. (170-86 A.C.) TRAGOEDIAE. ANDROMEDA. The first fragment (I) of the Andromeda suggests that the sea- monster, to whom the princess was to be surrendered, came up from the depths month after month to devour his prey (I). Perhaps the Prologue introduced Cepheus or Cassiopea lamenting over the terrible floods and snow-storms which the angry Neptune had sent upon the land (II). The wrath of the gods can only be appeased by the sacrifice of Andromeda to the monster ; and already Perseus has promised to be her champion (III) ; but he is baffled by the hopelessness of the task and ashamed at his own weakness (IV). Andromeda is chained in a narrow, circumscribed spot [templuni], heaped up with dead men's bones (V), as she herself describes it (VI, VII). When Cepheus promises the hand of Andromeda to her rescuer, Perseus assures him this gracious act will not be wasted (VIII). By-and-by, Cepheus repents his promise (IX, ex inc. inc. fab. CHI, Ribb.) : he professes that he cannot bear to part with the darling of his old age (X). But Perseus will not give up his love ; and if her father seeks to part them, he may as well slay them both (XI). I. Qua Luna circlos annuo in cursu fnstitit. [Nonius, s. v. circulus.] L. ACCIUS. 113 IT. Cum ninxerit caelestium molem mihi. [Pkiscian, 10. p. 882 P. ninguo.] III. Nisi quid tua facultas nobis tulat opem, peream ! [Macrob. Be Biff. Gr. et Lat. verbi.] IV. Nec qui te adiutem invenio : hortari piget, non pro desse id pudet. [Nonius, s. v. piget, pudet.] V. Immane te habet templum obvallatum ussibus. [Nonius, s. v. immane.] VI. Misera obvalla saxo sento, paedore alguque et fame. [Nonius, s. v. algu = algore.] VII. Qui neque terraest datus, nec cineris causa unquam evasit vapos. [Nonius, s. r. vapor et vapos.] VIII. Quod beneficium haut sterili in segete, rex, te obsesse intelleges. [Nonius, s. v. seges = terra. ] IX. Meministin te spondere mihi gnatam tuam ? [Varro, L. L. 6. 72.] X. Alui educavi : id facite gratum ut sit seni. [Nonius, s. v. alere et educare.] I 114 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. XL Nosque lit sevorsum dividos leto offeres. [Nonius, s. v. dividos = separatos.] ARMORUM IUDICIUM. In this drama Accius omits the motive which Pacuvius intro- duces from the Cyclics : that the decision is referred to the Trojan captives. But in their main outlines the two plays are similar. Though the heroes are eager, one and all, to succeed to the in- heritance of the Arms of Achilles (I), Ajax will not take part in the tournament, nor be pitted against Ulysses (II, III). The de- cision is to turn, he says, on the ruling (dictio), which had been laid down by Thetis (or, perhaps, by Calchas , that the Arms may be given only to a man like Achilles. And Ajax puts his claim on two grounds : i, relationship — for Ajax and Achilles had both the same grandsire ; and, 2, his own deeds of valour (IV, ex inc. inc. fab. XXX Ribb.). He recounts the feigned madness of Ulysses at the beginning of the war ; the consequences of which were averted only by the sagacity of Palamedes (V, ex inc. inc. fab. XXXI Ribb.). Ironically, he pretends to credit Ulysses with his own great achieve- ments (VI, ex inc. inc. fab. XXXII Ribb. ). After his fit of frenzy has passed, Ajax thinks with grief of the sorrow which will fall upon Telamon (VII) : he demands a sight of Eurysaces, whom Tecmessa had removed, with a caution which was at least excusable VIII) ; and he questions his wife as to all that took place during his fit of madness ; though she can scarcely dare to answer freely (IX). Then comes the famous prayer of Ajax for his son (X, Soph. Aj. 550). The Chorus is in great anxiety about the fate of the mighty champion of Greece (XI), whose loss of Minerva's friendship is deplored (XII). The play ends with the reconciliation between Teucer and the Atridae, by the intervention of Ulysses (XIII). ' Let all old feuds be buried in a general amnesty ! ' (XIV). I. Sed ita Achilli armis inclutis vesci studet ut cuncta opima levia iam prae illis putet. [Nonius, s. v. vesci.] L. AC CI US. j 15 II. . . . quid est cvir componere aiisis mihi te aut me tibi ? [Nonius, s. v. componere.] III. . . . nam tropaeum ferre me a forti viro pulchi-um est: si autem vincar, vinci a tali nullum mi est problem. [Macrob. Sat. 6. 1. 56. 1 IV. Aperte fatur dictio, si intellegas ; tali dari arma, qualis qui gessit fuit, iubet, potiri si studeamus Pergamum. quern ego me profiteor esse, mest aequum frui fraternis armis mihique adiudicarier, vel quod propinquus, vel quod virtuti aemulus. [Rhkt. Ad Herenn. 2. 26.] V. Cuius ipse princeps iiiris iurandi fuit, quod omnes scitis, solus neglexi't fidem : furere adsimulare, ne coiret, institit. quod ni Palamedi j>erspicax prudentia istius perspexit malitiosam audaciam, fide sacratae ius perpetuo falleret. [Cic. De Off. 3. 26.] VI. Vidi te, Ulixes, saxo sternentem Hectora, vidi tegentem clipeo classem Dorieam : ego tunc pudendam trepidus hortabar fugam. [Charis. 4. p. C52 P.] VII. Maior erit luctus, cum me damnatum aiidiet. [Nonius, s. v. damnare.] I 2 Ii6 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. VIII. Ubi cura est, ibi anxitudo acerbast, ibi cunctatio, consiliorum erratio et fortiinaest. [Nonius, s.v. anxitudo.] IX. Hem, vereor plus quam fas est captivam hiscere. [Nonius, s. v. hiscere = loqui.] X. Virtuti sis par, di'spar fortunis patris. [Macrob. Sat. 6. i. 58.] XL In quo salutis spes supremas sibi habet summa exerciti. [Nonius, s. v. exerciti.] XII. Nam non facile sine deum opera humana propria sunt bona. [Nonius, s. v. proprium = perpetuum.] XIII. Cur Vetera tarn ex alto appetissis discidia, Agamemno? [Nonius, s. v. altum = vetus. ] XIV. noxitudo . . . obh'tteretur Pelopidarum, ac per nos sanctescat genus. [Nonius, s. v. noxitudo.] ATREUS. It is probable that the prologue to this play recounted the vic- tory of Pelops over Oenomaus, the marriage of Hippodamia, and the birth of Atreus (I). Atreus, who is the true type of a despot (^11), is bitterly incensed at the return of his brother Thyestes L. ACCIUS. I 17 from exile, uninvited. Some signal punishment he must devise (III) for the man who had seduced his wife Aerope (IV, V , and had stolen the Golden Lamb, on which depended the prosperity of the kingdom (VI). Perhaps Atreus welcomed his brother with a suspicious cordiality, jwhich would account for the warning against treachery, which Thyestes conveys to his sons who had accom- panied him (VII, VIII). Thyestes is bidden, as a special honour, to a royal banquet at which no other guest might be present (IX). Some eye-witness describes the preparation of the horrid meal (X) by the hands of the inhuman Atreus, whose crime had thrown all his brother's misdeeds in the shade (XI). The Sun turns back his car, and the thunder rolls angrily, and terrifies the Chorus of Mycenean citizens (XII). After the meal, Thyestes enquires of his sons' welfare ; and, when Atreus shows him their hands and feet, he prays that he may be allowed to bury them. 'The sons are entombed in the sire ' is the awful enigma that is hurled at him by Atreus (XIII). The unhappy father denounces his brother's broken faith, which Atreus denies he ever plighted (XIV) ; and aghast at the horrors in which he had taken an unconscious part (XV), Thyestes feels that all his hopes of advancement are ruined, and it only remains to him to hide himself in exile (XVI). I. Simul et Pisaea praemia arrepta a socru possedit suo. [Priscian, 6. p. 698 P. socrus masc.~] II. oderint dum metuant. [Seneca, Be Ira 1. 20. 4 ; Cic. De Off. 1. 28.] III. Iteriim Thyestes Atreum adtrectatum advenit, iteriim iam adgreditur me et quietum exsiiscitat : major mihi moles, maius miscendumst malumf qui illius acerbum cor contundam et comprimam. [Cic. De Oral. 3. 58.] Il8 FRAGMENT A SELECT A. IV Qui non sat liabuit coniugern illexe in stuprum. [Cic. Be Nat. Dew. 3. 26.] V. . . . quod re in siinima summum esse arbitror periclum, matres conquinari regias. contaminari stirpem ac misceri genus. [Cic. I. c] VI. Adde hue quod milii portento caelestum pater prodi'gium misit regni stabilimen mei, agnuni inter pecudes aurea clarum coma quondam Thyestem clepere ausum esse e regiu, qua in re adiutricem coniugern cepit sibi. [Cic. I. c] VII. . . . vigilandumst semper : miiltae insidiae sunt bonis. VIII. Id quod multi invideant multique expetant inscitiast postulare, nisi laborem summa cum cura ecferas. [Cic. Pro Sest. 48 ; Pro Plane. 24.] IX. ne cum tyranno quisquam epulandi gratia acciimbat mensam aut eandem vescatur dapem. [Nonius, s. v. vesci.] X. concoquit partem vapore flammae. veribus in foco lacerta tribuit. [Nonius, s. v. lacerta neutr. gen.'] l. Acer US. 119 XI. Epularum fictor, scelerum fratris delitor. [Pkiscian, 9. p. 873 P. delitor a delinere.] XII. Sed quid tonitru turbfda torvo concussa repente aequora caeli sensiraus sonere ? [Nonius, s. v. sonere.] XIII. Atreus. natis sepulchro ipse est parens. [Cic. De Off. i. 28.] XIV. Thyest. fregisti fidem. Atkeus. Neque dedi neque do infideli cuiquam . . . [Cic. De Off. 3. 28.] XV. Jpsus hortatur me frater lit meos malis miser manderem natos. [Cic. Tusc. Disp. 4 36.] XVI. Egone Argivum imperium attingam aut Pelopia digner domo ? quo me ostendam ? quod templum adeam ? quern ore funesto alloquar? [Nonius, s. v. dignatus.] EPIGONI— ERIPHYLA. When Eriphyle, bribed by the gift of a necklace, had sent her husband Amphiai - aus forth to certain death, in the war of the Seven against Thebes, the duty of punishing the treacherous wife 120 FRAGMENT A SELECT A. devolved upon her sons Alcmaeon and Amphiloehus. When, ten years later, the Epigoni gathered their avenging army again at Thebes, the oracle promised them victory if Alcmaeon should be chosen leader. His stern duty bade him remain at home, but Eriphyle, bribed by Thersander and Polynices, sends her son to the battle. Thebes is taken, and the heroes return. In obedience to his father's mandate, and in compliance with the oracle, Alc- maeon slays his mother ; and, like Orestes, he becomes at once the victim of the avenging Furies. The play opens with an alter- cation between Alcmaeon and Thersander, who urges the young hero, on whom so many eyes are fixed, to undertake the command (I) : his own Argives are impatient for the fray (II). Alcmaeon commends coolness and deliberation (III) : Thersander appears to philosophise upon the temperament of the brave man (IV). Am- philoehus is now seen on the stage (V). He seems to have inherited something of his father's gift of divination. Alcmaeon, who burns to avenge his father, speaks, apparently, of some importunate apparition, which urges him on (VI) : he cannot understand his brother's plea of delay (VII). The ghost of Amphiaraus recounts the treachery of his wife (VIII, ex inc. inc. fab. LXXVII Ribb.) ; at whose bidding he went forth, with death full in view (IX, ex inc. inc. fab. LXXVIII). Before the final catastrophe, Demonassa, Eri- phyle's daughter, has a foreboding of her mother's danger, and Eriphyle seeks to understand her anxiety (X, XI). Alcmaeon braces himself to the terrible deed. There is his mother, still wearing the fatal necklace (XII ) ! He approaches her : she de- nounces his impiety (XIII, XIV) ; but the deed is done. Alcmaeon must seek expiation by burnt-offerings (XV), or by cleansing flood (XVI). But the curse of bloodguiltiness is upon him, and he must fly from the land. I. quibus oculis quisquam nostrum poterit illorum optui vultus, quos iam ab armis anni porcent . . . ? [Nonius, s. v. porcet = prohibet.] II. Et nonne Argivos fremere bellum et velle vim vulgiim vides ? [Nonius, s. v. vulgus, masc. gen.~\ L. AC CI US. 12 J III. Ita fnperitus stiipiditate erumpit se, inpos consili. [Nonius, s. v. stupiditas IV. Sapimus animo, fruimur anima : sine animo anima est debilis. [Nonius, s. v. animus et anima. ] V. Sed iam Amfilocum hue vadere cerno, et nobis datur bona pausa loquendi tempuscpue in castra revorti. [Charis. Be Vers. Saturn.] VI. Qui, nisi genitorem ulso, nullum meis dat finem miseriis. [Nonius, s. v. ulso = ultus fuero.] VII. Fateor ; sed cur propter te haec pigrem aut huius er urbem, ut omnes qui arcem Alfeumque accolunt cives ominibus faustis augustam adhibeant faventiam, ore obscena dictu segregent. [Nonius, s. v. faventia : obscenum.] VII. Atque hanc postremam solis usuram cape ! [Nonius, s. v. usura.] PHILOCTETES. In this play Aceius seems to have borrowed freely from Aeschylus. while he follows the general outline of the Sophoclean drama, and introduces details from Euripides : as, for example, in the opening scene, where the canticum is sung by a chorus of sailors who have 134 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. accompanied Ulysses and Diomede to Lemnos (I). Ulysses replies by describing, in similar verse, the island scenery, as he knew it long ago (II). A Lemnian comes on the stage, and Ulysses ques- tions him about the abode of Philoctetes (III), and learns how he clothes and feeds himself (IV), and how wild and dangerous is his temper (V, VI). Philoctetes describes, either in monologue or to some friend, his painful sufferings (VII), his lonely home that rings with his cries (VIII), and his trust to his arrows for his daily food (IX) ; a use of weapons which, as a warrior, he despises (X). He espies and accosts Ulysses, whom he does not recognise, and whose arrival surprises him (XI) ; and, though he is ashamed to be found in his condition of savagdy and squalor (XII), he con- ducts him to his cavern (XIII), and is drawn on to tell him the adventures of his companions in arms. He enquires about the Arms of Achilles, and bitterly regrets the award (XIV). The wily Ulysses seeks to win his confidence, and to gain possession of the coveted arrows. The arrival at this crisis of a Trojan embassy with tempting proposals, intending to conciliate Philoctetes and to rob him of his arrows, has half persuaded the hero (XV) ; but he remembers that it is a Phrygian Trojan who has been the source of all his woes (XVI). After a long struggle with conflicting feelings, the patriotism and self-respect of Philoctetes carry the day ; and he turns aside from the temptations offered by the Trojans, and, in spite of his suffering (XVII) he accompanies the Greeks on board their ship. I. Inclute, parva prodfte patria, nomine celebri claroque potens pectore, Achivis classibus ductor, gravis Dardaniis gentibus ultor, Laertiade ! [Apuleius, De Deo Socr. 24 : Cic. Tusc. Disp. 2. 10.] II. Lemnia praesto litora rara, et celsa Cabirum delubra tenes, misteria quae L. ACCIUS. 135 pristina castis concepta sacris . . . Volcania iam templa sub ipsis collibus in quos delatus locos dicitur alto ab limine caeli . . . nemus expirante vapore vides, unde ignis cluet mortalibus clam divisus : eum dictiis Prometbeus clepsisse dolo poenasque Iovi fato expendisse supremo. [Varro, L. L. 7. 11 M. : Cic. Tusc. Disp. 2. 10.] III. . . . ubi habet? urbe agrone? [Nonius, s. v. habere = habita re. j IV. Configit tardus celeris stans volatilis. pro veste pinnis membra textis contegit. [Cic. Be Fin. 5. 11.] V. Quem neque tueri contra neque fan' queas. [Macrob. Sat. 6. 1. 55.] VI. . . . eui potestas si detur, tua cupienter malis membra discerpat suis. [Nonius, s. v. cupienter.] VII. E viperino morsu venae viscerum veneno inbutae taetros cruciatiis cient. [Cic. Tusc. Disp. 2. 14.] VIII. . . . iaceo in tecto limido - 136 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. quod eiulatu questu gemitu fremitibus resonando mutum flebilis voces refert. [Cic. I. c.J IX. Beciproca tendens nervo equino concita tela. [Varro, L. L. 7. 80 M.] X. . . . pinnigero, non armigero in corpore tela exercentur haec abiecta gloria. [Cic. Ad Fam. 7. 33.] XI. Quis tu es mortalis, qui in deserta et tesqua te adportas loca? [Varro, L. L. 7. n.] XII. quod te obsecro aspernabilem ne haec taetritudo mea me inculta faxsit . . . [Nonius, s. v. taetritudo.] XIII. Contempla banc sedem, in qua ego novem hiemes saxo stratus pertuli. [Nonius, s. v. contempla. J XIV. heu Mulciber ! anna ergo ignavo invi'cta es fabricates manu. [Macrob. Sat 6. 5. 2.] XV. Ipsam Frygiam mitiorem esse aio immani Graecia. [Nonius, s. v. immanis.] L. ACCIUS. 137 XVI. Pari dyspari, si inpar esses tibi, ego nunc non essoin miser. [QUINTIL. 5. IO. 84. J XVII. Agite, ac vulnus ne succusset gressus caute ingredimini. [Nonius, s. v. succussare.J PHOE^ISSAE. The prologue opens like that in the Phoenissae of Euripides I). Accius adopts the form of the story which represents Oedipus as making over the sovereignty to his sons, to be enjoyed by each in alternate years (II). He has pronounced no curse upon them ; tin- arrangement he proposes is to secure concord (III), and to give each son a share of his father's power (IV). After his year on the throne. Eteocles refuses to make way for Polynices. Polyniees protests ; he has not enjoyed the privileges which his father designed for him (V). Eteocles replies by a brutal dismissal of his brother (VI ^ ; who, in quitting the city, bids farewell to all its holy places (VII). Thebes must be saved (so the seers say) by the sacrifice of one of Creon's sons — not Haemon the elder (VIII), who is betrothed to Antigone, but Menoeceus. Thebes is besieged, and we see some one of the royal house, perhaps Haemon, superintending the de- fences, and looking to the wounded (IX). The drama ends with Creon's command to Oedipus to quit the city (X) ; and the bitter complaint of the old man at this crowning hardship, which robs him of all he has (XI). I. Sol qui micantem candido curru atque equis flammam citatis fervido ardore explicas, quianam tarn adverse- augurio et inimieo online Thebis radiatum lumen ostentas tuum ? [Priscjan, Be Metr. Terent. p. 1325 P.] 138 FRAGMENTA S ELECTA. II. Vicissitatemque imperitandi tradidit. [Nonius, s. v. vicissitas.] III. ne horum di'vidiae discordiae dissipent disturbent tantas et tarn opimas civium divitias. [Nonius, s. v. dividiae = dissensiones.] IV. Natus uti tute sceptrum poteretur patris [uterque]. [Nonius, s. v. potiri cum accim.] V. Num pariter videor patriis vesci praemiis? [Nonius, s. v. vesci.] VI. Egredere, exi, ecfer to, elimina urbe . . . [Nonius, s. v. eliminare = exire.] VII. delubra ' caelitum, arae, sanctitudinos ! [Nonius, s. v. sanctitudo.] VIII. Ab dracontis stfrpe armata exortus genere antiquior. [Nonius, s. v. antiquior.] IX. Obit nunc vestra moenia, omnis saucios convisit, ut curentur diligentius. [Nonius, s. v. saucii.] 1 Cp. Eur. Phoen. 631. L. ACCIUS. 139 X. Iussft proficisci exilium quovis gentium. ne scelere tuo Thebani vastescant agri. [Nonius, s. v. vastescant.] XI. . . . quae ego cuncta esse fluxa in mea re crepera comperi. [Nonius, s. v. crepera =dubia.] PRAETEXTAE. BRUTUS. The scene opens in the camp at Ardea, changing to the house of Lucretia. The last scene is the Roman Forum. King Tarquin, while besieging Ardea, has a dream, which he recounts to his Seer (I). Tar- quin had put to death the elder brother of L. Junius Brutus, and the younger brother only saved his own life by playing the part of a fool, and so divertingthe king's suspicion. The Seerinterprets thedream (II). Then must follow in order the drinking-bout in the tent of Sextus ; the challenge about the best wife ; the visit to Collatia ; the proof of Lucretia's modest worth ; the guilty passion of Sextus ; the outrage on Lucretia ; the terrible confession of the innocent wife (III), and her suicide ; the oath of Brutus, and his speech in the Forum, in which he recalls the loyalty of Servius Tullius (IV). [This line Cicero (Pro Sest. 58) declares to have been applied to him, amid thunders of applause in the theatre, where the play was being acted : ' nominatim sum appellatus in Bruto.'] The last fragment gives the establishment of consuls, and the intention of the office (V). 140 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. I. Quom iam quieti corpus nocturno inipetu dedi sopore placans artus languidos, visum est in somnis pastorem ad me adpellere pecus lanigerum eximia pulchritudine, duos consanguineos arietes hide eligi praeclarioremque alterum immolare me. deinde eius germanum c(3rnibus com'tier in me arietare, eoque ictu me ad casum dari : exini prostratum terra, graviter saiicium, resupinum in caelo contueri maximum mirificum facinus : dextrorsum orbem flammeum radiatum solis liquier cursu novo. [Cic. De Div. i. 22.] II. Eex, quae in vita usurpant homines, cogitant curant vident, aj6>sque simul totum et (rv^jxfi^aKiwhts, non operani perdo. [Aul. Gell. 18. 8.] Gellius, 1. c. adds this comment : ' opoioTtXevra et looKaiaKrjKTa et napioa et ufj-oto-nTwra, ceteraque huiusmodi scitamenta quae isti aireipuKa\ot, qui se Isocraticos videri volunt, in conlocandis verbis immodice faciunt et rancide, quam sint insubida et inertia et puerilia, facetissime hercle significat in quinto saturarum Lucilius.' mansti: if this correction he right, the meaning is, 'you continue to be like the rest of the world' : if mansi, ' I continue to be, in spite of my illness, of no more interest to you than the rest of the world.' Texviov, so Scaliger : al. drexvov et I. avp/j.eipaKiw8is, 'altogether childish.' The general sense is, 'if you think the jingle of "nolueris" and " debueris" a mark of bad taste, I take no further trouble.' Book VI. I. (A miter's passion for his money-ha /.) *■ — Cui neque iumentum est nee servus nee comes nil us. bulgam et quicquid habet numorum secum habet ipse : cum bulga cenat, dormit, lavat ; omnis in unast spes homini bulga : bulga haec devincta lacertost. Nonius, s. v. bulga.] bulga, a Gallic word ; French, bougette ; our budget. II. (A word not to be got into an hexameter line.) ^ servorum ast festus dies hie, quern plane hexametro versu non dicere possis. [Porphyr. ad liar. Xttt. i. 5. 87. ' The last days of the Saturnalia were called the Sigillaria, when friends made presents uf little images sigilla, signa) to one anoi her. Ausonius, Ecl./er. Rom. 52, calls the festival 'festa Sigillorum.' 154 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. Book IX. I. {The difference between poema anil poesis.) Nunc haec quid valeant, quidque huic intersiet illud cognosces, primum hoc quod dicimus esse poema pars est parva poesis ; id est, epigrammata, porro disticha, epistula item quaevis non , magna poemast. ilia poesis opus totum, ut tota Ilias summast una poesis, ut Annales Enni. Atque si hoc unumst, est maius multo quam quod dixi ante poema. quapropter dico : nemo, si culpat Homerum, perpetuum culpat, neque, quod dixi ante, poesin : versum unum culpat, verbum, enthymema, locumve. [Nonius, s. v. poesis, poema. ] The general sense is plain, that a poema is a short composition, and only the fragment of a poesis. But the readings are most un- certain. I have filled up a lacuna, as suggested by Bahrens, and followed, generally, Wordsworth's ed. for the rest, 'enthymema, locumve, ' a (single) reflection or one passage.' II. (On the Heedlessness of writing a vowel double, in order to shoiv that it is long.) A primast : hinc incipiam, et quae nomina ab hoc sunt. 'AA geminum longa, A brevis syllaba.' nos tamen unum hoc faciemus, et uno eodemque, ut dicimus, pacto scribemus pacem, placide, Ianum, aridum, acetum ; T Apey "Apes Graeci ut faciunt. [Scaur us, Be Orthography Scaurus explains the passage: 'Accius' (L., the tragic poet, ' geminatis vocalibus scribi natura longas syllabas voluit.' 'Ap«s 'Apes, Horn. 77. 5. 31 : see also Martial 9. 12 ' Et Graeci quibus est nihil 1/ C. LUCILIUS. 155 negatum, | ©t quos T Ap«s "Ape? decet sonare. ' Lucilius denies the use of this duplication of the vowel, and would write d and a identical, depending only on the pronunciation to distinguish them, at dici- rnus. III. 'In the plural we may write ei, in the gen. of tin' declension ; in such datives as illi only the siiajle 1. lam ' puerei venere ' E postremum facito atque I. at pueri plures fiant. I si facis solum, 'pupilli, pueri, Lucili,' hoc unius fiet. ' hoc illi factum est uni ' , tenue hoc facies I ; • haec illei fecere.' addes E, ut pinguius fiat. [Vkll. Long. 56 K. et L.] Book XV. I. ( The Homeric Cyclops.) Multa homines portenta in Honieri versibus ficta monstra putant : quorum in prions Polyphemus du- centos Cyclops longus pedes, et porro huic mains bacillum quam malus navi in corbita maximus ulla. [Nonius, s.v. corbita.! See Horn. Odys. 9. 167 foil. His club (ib. 3191*011.) is described as oaaov 9' loTuv vijus hiKoaopoio ixtKaivrjs, (popridos tvpeiijs, which last words are the equivalent of corbita. II. (Only children are frightened at goblins.) Terriculas Lamias, Fauni quas Pompiliique instituere Numae, tremit, has insomnia ponit ut pueri infantes credunt signa omnia ahena vivere et esse homines, sic isti somnia ficta 156 FRAGMENTA S ELECTA. vera putant, credunt signis cor inesse in ahenis. pergula pictorum, veri nihil, omnia ficta ! [Lactant. i. 22. 13.] insomnia (Bahrens conj. for hie omnia) = visions of the night. pergula, 'studio.' Book XXVI. ( The metres in this book, probably the earliest of the saturae, are mostly trochaic tetrameter catalectic. Lucilius writes for ' the general public,' 1 not up to the level of the most cultivated, nor down to the requirements of the ignorant.) . . . nec docti'ssimis ; nam Gaiuni Persium haec legere nolo, Iunium Congiim volo. [Cic. Be Orat. 2. § 25 with Wilkins' note : Plin. Praef. N. H. § 7.] Persium non euro legere, Laelium Decumum volo. [ibid.] The reading Manium of Pliny for Gaium is wrong ; if, that is, Persium be right. C. Persius is spoken of by Cic, Brut. 26. 99, as ' litteratus homo.' The other names must represent the average citizen. II. (The strength of Some comes out in a long campaign.) Ut Eomanus populus victus vi et superatus proeliis saepe est multis, bello vero numquam, in quo sunt omnia. [Nonius, s. v. belium et proelium.] Book XXYII. I. (Lucilius does his best for his readers.) Eem populi salutem fictis versibus Lucilius, C. LUC II J US. i,57 qiiibus potest, inpertit totumque hoc studiose pened to serve his purpose (I). He expresses his marked pre- ference for Terence (II, III). I. . . . fateor, sumpsi non ab illo modo, sed lit quisque habuit conveniret quod mihi, quod me non posse melius facere credidi, etiam a Latino. [Macrob. Sat. 6. 1. 4.] II. Terenti numne similem dicent quempiam ? [Suet. Vit. Terent. c. 5, p. 33.] III. . . . ut qufcquid loquitur, sal merum est ! [Priscian, 5. 8, p. 659 P.] M 16a FRAGMENTA S ELECTA. DIVORTIUM. Two sisters, very happily married, seem to have had their com- fort disturbed by the stupid interference of their father, who tries to make a breach between them and their husbands (I) ; accusing one of the husbands of an intrigue, which he was keeping secret, in order that his wife might not be able to claim her dowry and leave him (II). The father seems to have been put up to this by the influence of a second wife, whom one of the sisters (or the accused husband) addresses in uncomplimentary language (III ) ; reminding her how pleasant she seemed, when she first came into the family (IV). The meretrix, about whom all this disturbance arose, appears on the stage, and gives herself a high character (V). I. di'gnum facirms ! adulescentis optimas bene convenientes, bene Concordes cum viris repente viduas factas spurcitia patris ! [Nonius, s. v. spurcus = saevus.] ' II. . . . qui conere clanculum rus ire, dotem ne repromittas, vafer, honeste ut latites et nos ludas diiitius. [Nonius, s. v. vafer.] III. Mulier, novercae nomen hue adde fmpium, spurca gingivast, gannit hau dici potest . . . [Nonius, s. v. spurcus.] IV. Quam perspicace, quam benigne, quam cito, quam blande, quam materno visa's pectore — ! [Nonius, s. v. perspicace = perspicaciter.] •> L. AFRANIUS. 163 V. Vigilans ac sollers, sfcca sana sobria : virosa non sum, et si sum non desunt mihi qui ultro dent : aetas Integra est, formae satis. [Nonius, s. v. virosa = virorum appetens.] EPISTULA. A young man is found prowling about in the cold by his lady- love's house, and is asked to explain his business (I). He is dressed in a petticoat to look like a girl and so gain admission (II) ; in which he succeeds, though he is not used to such disguises (III I. The mother comes on the scene, and asks the daughter to explain the intruder's presence ; she states that he is taking refuge from a footpad (IV), and she defends her own modesty — she is not a girl who wants a host of lovers ! (V). When the quarrel is over, the daughter tells the story to some friend — about her own suppressed laughter, and her mother's fury (VI), and their ultimate reconcili- ation (VII). I- qm's tu ventoso in loco soleatus, intempesta noctu siib love aperto capite, silices cum findat gel us ? [Nonius, s. v. gelus, masc] II. tace ! puella non sum, supparo si induta sum ? [Nonius, s. v. supparum.] III. Quamquam fstaec malitiosa non tarn calleo tamen fefelli. [Nonius, s. v. callere, cum accus.] IV. Hue venit fugiens tenebrionem Tirrium. [Nonius, s. v. tenebrio.] M 2 1 64 FRAGMENT A SELECT A. V. Nam proba et pudi'ca quod sum, consulo et parco mihi, quoniam comparatum est uno ut simus eontentae viro. [Nonius, s. v. eomparare = constituere.] VI. Ego misera risu clanclestino rumpier, turgere mater, amens ira fervere. [Nonius, s. v. rumpere, fervere.] VII. Me auctore. mater, abstinebis— . Quid nisi *? [Festus, s. v. quid nisi ?] EXCEPTUS. A young man has an intrigue with a Neapolitan girl, Moschis (I). His father meets him walking with her, dressed as a respectable lady ; for which the son finds a sort of excuse (II). Rudely sepa- rated from Moschis, the young man attempts to drown himself, but he is rescued (exceptus) by a fishing- boat (III-V). How is Moschis to win him back again ? She is advised to let him over- hear her weeping for his supposed loss (VI-VIII). I. Ul >i bice Moschis, quaeso. habet, meretrix Neapolitis? [Nonius, s. v. habere = habitare.] II. Meretrix cum veste longa ? — Peregrino in loco solent tutandi causa sese sumere. [Nonius, s. v. meretrices.] III. Alii tu : appellant hue ad molem nostram naviculam. [Nonius, s. v. appellare (? .] L. AFRANIUS. 165 IV. Turn conscendo cumbam interibi liici piscatoriam, . . . venio, iacitur anchora, inhibent Igniter. [Nonius, s. v. cuniba.] V. iubeo hominem tolli et eonlocari et confoveri : solvo operam Dianae. [Nonius, s. v. operari = sacrificare.] VI. De vita ac morte domini fabulabere advorsum fratrem illius ac dominiim suum. [Nonius, s. v. advorsum =apud.] VII. ... si ille haec nunc sentit, facere illf satis vis, quanta illius mors sit maceries tibi ? [Nonius, s. v. maceries = maceratio.l VIII. Quod vi'tae studium aut quod praesidium in posterum mihi supponebas, me cum privares tui ? [Nonius, tui, gen. pro dblaf] , FRATRIAE. A niggardly father wishes to get his pretty daughter off his hands, without having to settle a dofrry on her (I) ; and so he betroths her to a baker ! (II). ' Why not to a pastry-cook ? ' cries the mother, 'and she might have kept the family in tarts' (III. The girj moves heaven and earth to get off the marriage (IV) ; and when her own lover brings her in, smartly dressed, to plead her case (V), she seems to have been successful, as we find her after- wards living in style (VI). 1 66 FRAGMENTA S ELECTA. I. Formosa virgo est : dotis dimidium vocant isti, qui dotis neglegunt uxorias : praeterea fortis. [Nonius, s. v. fortis.] II. Dat rustico nescio cui vicino suo perpauperi, cui dicat dotis paululum. [Nonius, s. v. dicere = promittere.] 1 III. Pistori nubat ? ciir non scriblitario, ut mittat fratris filio lucunculos? [Nonius, s. v. lucuns.] IV. . . . nullam profecto accessi ad aram, quin deos suppliciis sumptu votis donis precibus plorans obsecrans nequiquam defetigarem. [Nonius, s. v. supplicium = supplicatio.] curre, nuntia venfre et mecum meam speratam adducere ; inde lit puellam ciirent, conferment iube. [Nonius, s. v. sperata = sponsa.] VI. Mea nutrix, surge sf vis, profer purpuram : praeclavium contextumst. [Nonius, s. v. praeclavium.] L. AFRANIUS. 1 67 SIMULANS. The reclamation of a drunken and quarrelsome husband. After one stormy scene between the husband and wife, peace is restored through the pleading of their little child (I). The wife's father overhears the bickering with a secret joy (II), for he has taken the advice of a friend (III), and determined on a heroic remedy. Pretending (Simulans) extreme indignation, he announces his inten- tion of dissolving this unhappy marriage. He bitterly reproaches the husband with his misconduct (IV). [These words were once the occasion of a political demonstration. The Simulans was acted in b.c. 57. The consul, Lentulus Spinther, who presided at the representation, was, in co-operation with the Optimales, working hard for Cicero's return from exile. It was so arranged that, when these words of reproach were uttered, the Chorus and actors, to a man, fixed their gaze on Clodius, and raised such a storm that he was glad to quit the theatre. Cic. Pro Sest. 55.] New, all the money belonged to the wife, so when th^ dissolution of the mar- riage was announced, the husband had to turn out of doors amid the jeers of all the household (V). So he puts his pride in his pocket, and avails himself of the services of his amiable child, to make terms with his wife's father (VI). I. Noli, mea mater, me praesente cum patre coicere ! — Non, si noenu vis, o mel meum. [Nonius, s. v. coicere = certare.] II. Ne ego illos velitantes ausculto lubens. [Nonius, s. v. ausculto.] III. Saeviter ferre haec te Simula, et gnatam ab illo abducere. [Nonius, s. v. saeviter.] IV. haec, taeterrime, sunt postprincipia atque exitus malae vitiosae vitae. [Cic. l J ro Sest. 55.] 1 68 FRAGMENTA S ELECTA. V. Uti servorum captus est, facillime domo atque nostra familia protniditur. [Donat. In Ter. Adelph. 3. 4. 34 captus est condicio.] VI. tui veretur, me ad te misit oratiim pater. [Nonius, s. v. vereor, cum genit.] VOPISCUS. This is the technical term for the survivor of twin children, when one has died before its birth. In this case, the father, in his unreasonable anger, refuses to acknowledge the living child (I). He seems to have repudiated his wife, and afterwards to have re- pented ; but as he has contracted a new marriage he is barred from return to his first love, as his new wife emphatically reminds him II -IV). The rest of the fragments are of a very mixed character : a serious defence of the old practice of exposing children (V) : honourable marriage commended to young men (,VI) : various characters introduced, such as the lady who gets power by capri- cious alternations of warmth and coolness (.VII) ; the old woman on the look-out for a young lover (VIII) ; the lady's maid .IX) ; the trusty comrade (X) ; and the slaves who are spoiled by their masters (XI). I. Non dolorum partionis veniet in mentem tib-i, quos tu ruisera pertulisti, ut partum proiceret pater? [Nonius, s. v. partio.] II. Quo casu cecidit spes reducendi domum quam ciij>io, cuius ego in dies impendio ex desiderio magis magisque maceror. [Chakis. s. v. impendio.] L. AFRANJUS. 169 III. Voluptatem capio maximam, crucian tua te culpa, qui de te et de ilia pessime, quam deamas, proinerere. [Nonius, s. v. deamare. ] IV. Igitiir quiesce, et quoniam inter nos nuptiae sunt dictae, parcas istis verbis, si placet. l Nonius, s. v. dicere — promittere.] Antiquitas jjetenda in principio mihL maiores vestri incupidiores liberum mere. [Nonius, s.. v. liberum, gen. plur. VI. eius te siiscitat imago, cuius effigia, quo gnatu's patre. [Nonius, s. v. effigia ^effigies.] VII. Dum me morigeram, diim morosam praebeo, deinde aliquid dedita opera controversiae concinno, laedo interduui contumeliis. [Nonius, s. v. morigera, morosa.] VIII. Si possent homines delenimentis capi omnes haberent mine amatores anus, aetas et corpus tenerum et morigeratio, baec sunt venena formosarum mulierum : mala aetas nulla delenimenta invenit. [Nonius, s. v. mala aetas = senectus.] 170 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. IX. novi non inscitulam ancillulam, vestrae hie erae vestispicam. [Nonius, s. v. vestiapicL] X. equidem te nunquam mihi parasitum, verum amicum aequalem atque hospitem cotidianum et lautum convivam domi. [Nonius, s. v. aequales, lautus.] XI. male merentur de nobis eri, qui nos tanto opere indulgent in pueritia. [Nonius, s. v. indulgere, cum acctis.~\ POMPILIUS. EPIGRAMMA. (An Epigram, modelled on the Alexandrine style by Pompilius (al. Papinus) in the first half of the seventh century u. c.) Pacvi diseipulus dicor, porro is fuit Enni Ennius Musarum ; Pompilius clueo. [Nonius, s. v. cluet.] Pacvi, i. e. Pacuvii ; MSS. VALERIUS AEDITUUS. ^FL circ. 100 ax.). EPIGRAMMATA. Aulus Gellius, 19. 9. 10 : ' versus cecinit Valeri Aeditui, veteris poetae, item Porcii Licini et Q. Catuli, quibus mundius, venustius, limatius, tersius graecum latinumve nihil quidquarn reperiri puto. Aeditui versus : I. Dicere eum conor curam tibi, Pamphila, cordis, quid mi abs te quaeram, verba labris abeunt, per pectus manat subito multus mibi sudor : sic tacitus, stupidus r duplo ideo pereo \ Atque item alios versus eiusdem addidit, nee hercle minus dulces quam priores : II. Quid faculam praefers, Phileros, qua nil opus nobis? ibimus sic : lucet pectore flamma satis, istam nam potis est vis saeva exstinguere venti, aut imber caelo candidus praecipitans : at contra hunc ignem Veneris, nisi si Venus ipsa, nullast quae possit vis alia opprimere.' 1 The reading of the last line is very uncertain. He seems to mean that his sufferings are twofold ; first, his passion ; secondly, his inability to express it. Biihrens reads ' Sic tacitus, subidus dum studeo, pereo.' Q. LUTATIUS CATULUS. (Consul, 102 : ob. 87 a.c). EPIGRAMMATA. (Q. Lutatius Catulus, consul 102 e. c, was colleague of Marius. ) I. Aufugit mi animus. Credo, ut solet, ad Theotimum devenit. sic est : perfugium illud habet. quid ? quasi non interdixem, ne illunc fugitivum mitteret ad se intro, sed magis eiceret ! ibimus quaesitum. verum ne ipsi teneamur formido. quid ago ? da Venus consilium. [Aul. Geix. I. c] Wordsworth quotes the original which suggested it, from Calli- machus, Ep. 42 : — ijixiav pev ipvxiis eTi ro irvtov, tfpicrv 8' ovie o!5' (it' Epos (It' 'A.'iStjs TjpTiaae, irXrjv au'i> Tpoirovs qui lion modo ignorasse me clamat, sed oninino omnis heroas negat nescisse. [Nonius, s.v. negativae duae negativam significantiam non habentes.] 1 Seplasia (urn), a street in Capua where perfumes were sold : then, the perfumes themselves. 200 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. II. Ebrius es, Marce ; Odyssian enim Homeri ruminari incipis, cum ntpl Tponav scripturum te Seio receperis. [Nonius, s.v. recipere = polliceri.] III. Ideo fuga hostium graece vocatur rpcmr]. Hinc spolia capta fixa in stipitibus appellantur rponala. [Nonius, s. v. tropaeum.] IV. Tunc repentecaelitum altum tonitribus templum tonescat, et pater diviim trisulcum fiilmen igni fervido actum mittat in tholum macelli. [Nonius, s. v. tonescit : sulcus.] V. Magna uti tremescat Eoma et magnae mandoiu'im gulae. [Nonius, s. v. mandones = edaces.] VI. Non Hercules potest qui Augeae egessit Konpov. [Nonius, s. v. agere, fortasse pro ' egerere '.] DOLIUM AUT SERIA. This mysterious title is really quite unintelligible. As the tub in which Diogenes lived is called 'dolium' in Juv. Sat. 14. 308, it has been conjectured that we have here the excuse given by the philosopher for living in a roofless dwelling, because he had an uninterrupted view of all the glories of the midnight skies. Mundus domus est maxima homulli, quam quinque altitonae flammigerae M. TE RE NT I US VARRO. 201 zonae cingunt, per quam limbus bis sex signis stellimicantibus aptiis in obliquo aethere Lunae bigas acceptat. [Probus in Verg. Ed. 6. 31 caelum : inundus.] EST MODUS MATULAE (irepl fie'ens.). ' Proverbium monet compotationi finem faciendum esse, quum plenae sunt matulae factae,' Oehler ad 1. There seems to be a dis- pute between a man who enjoys his wine, and a ' temperance advocate,' who complains of the bad example set by the gods. I. Vino nihil iucundius quisquam bibit : hoc aegritudinem ad medendam invenerunt, hoc hilaritatis diilce seminarium, hoc continet coagulum convivia. [Nonius, s. v. coagulum.] II. Non vides ipsos deos, si quando volunt gustare vinuin. derepere ad hominum fana, et tamen turn ipsi illi Libero simpuvio vinum dari ? [Nonius, s.v. simpuvium.] EUMENIDES. In this Satura the Stoics and Cynics seem to be played off against each other. A certain Cynic finds that it is his day for entertaining a pai-ty of philosophers, mainly of his own sect : the inscription Cave Canem, at the house where they meet, is sufficiently suggestive of the Cynics (I). At table a Stoic proposes the well-known thesis that all men are mad. This sweeping judg- ment is illustrated by various portraits from life, scenes from the poets, &c. There is Ajax slaughtering beasts in mistake for Ulysses, 202 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. there is the hard-headed, half-brutalised man, the youth who drinks too much for the good of his health, the effeminate de- bauchee, the gourmand, the man of fashion, the miser — all these are clear cases of madness (II-VI). The Cynic extends this sentence to all philosophers, with their wild dreams (VII). Then the guests rise and walk about the town to inspect the various instances of madness they may encounter (VIII \ They visit the temple of Serapis, and find that all the machinery of oracles, heal- ing, &c. are so many ways of getting at the money of the credulous (IX, X . They move on to the temple of Cybele, and there they hear the sound of the Phrygian flutes, the clashing cymbals, and the song of the eunuch-priests (given in Galliambics) (XI -XIII). The Cynic cannot control his outspoken indignation ; so he is pursued by the fanatical crowd, and has to take refuge at an altar (XIV). The guests, continuing their walk, mount an eminence, from which they see the people pursued by three Furies, the third of whom is Infamia — her foot planted on her victims' chest and her wild hair streaming in the wind (XV, XVI). The narrator of the story runs down and proffers aid, but he is badly received by the crowd, who scorn his help and proclaim him a madman (XVII). Brought before the bar of public opinion (Existimatio) he is registered on the list of the 'insani' (XVIII). But Truth, the pupil of the Attic Academy, saves him by remarking that 'to the jaundiced eye everything looks yellow ' (XIX, XX). I. Quod ea die mea erat praebitio, in ianuam ' cave canem ' inscribi iubeo. [Nonius, s.v. praebitio.] II. Aiax turn credit ferro se caedere Ulixem cum bacchans silvaru caedit porcosque trucidat. [Nonius, s. v. caedere.] III. Quin mihi caperratam tuam frontem, Strobile, omi'ttis? [Nonius, s. v. caperrare est rugis frontem asperare.] M. TERENTIUS VARRO. 203 IV. Tu non insanis quom tibi vino corpus corrurnpis mero ? [Nonius, s. v. merum est solum. 1 V. Aurorat ostrinum hie indutus supparum, coronam ex auro et gemmis fulgentem gerit luce locum afficiens. [Nonius, s.v. ostrinam.] VI. Denique qui sit avarus sanus ? cui si stet terrai traditus orbis, furando tamen ac morbo stimulatus eodem ex sese ipse aliquid quaerat cogatque peculi. [Nonius, s. v. stat : cogere.] VII. Postremo nemo aegrotus quicquam somniat tarn infandum, quod non aliquis dicat philosophus. [Nonius, s. v. infans, i.e. infandum.] VIII. Et ceteri scholastici, saturis auribus scbolicadape atqu<- ebriis sophistica aTrepavToXoyiq, consurgimus ieiunis oculis. [Nonius, s. v. ebrios = expletos.] IX. Hospes quid miras nummo curare Serapim ? Quid ? quasi non curet tanti item Aristoteles ? [Nonius, s. v. miras -■ miraris.] 204 FRAGMENTA S ELECTA. X. 'Ego medicina, Serapi, utor,' cotidie precantur. Intel- lego recte scriptum esse Delphis '&&> ?ipa. [? = €pf]. [Nonius, s. v. precantur.] XI. Commodum praeter Matris Deum aedem exaudio cym- balorum sonitum. [Nonius, s. v. praeter = ante.] XII. Phrygius per ossa cornus liquida canit anima. [Nonius, s. v. liquidum.] XIII. Tibi typana non inanis sonitus Matris deum tonimus chorus tibinos tibi nunc semiviri ; teretem cornam volantem iactant tibi famuli. [Nonius, s.v. tonimus: tibinos = a tibiis modos ('?).] XIV. Ubi vident se cantando ex ara excantare non posse, deripere incipiunt. [Nonius, s. v. excantare = excludere.] XV. Sed nos simul atque in summam speculam venimus, videmus j^opulum Fiiriis instinctiim tribus diversim ferri exterritum formi'dine. [Nonius, s.v. specula: exterritum.] XVI. Tertia Poenarum, Infamia, stans nixa in vulgi M. TERENTIUS VARRO. 205 pectore, fluctanti intonsa coma, sordida vestitu, ore severo. [Nonius, s.v. severum XVII. 'Vix vulgus confluit ' non Furiarum sed puerorum atque ancillarum, quae omnes me bilem atram agitare clamitantes opinionem mihi insaniae meae confirmant. [Nonius, s. v. pueros pro servis.] XVIII. Forenses decernunt, ut Existimatio nomen meum in insanorum numerum referat. [Nonius, s. v. decernere.] XIX. Et ecce de improviso ad nos accedit cana Veritas, Attices philosophiae alumna. [Nonius, s.v. canum = vetus.] XX. Nam ut arquatis lutea quae non sunt et quae sunt. lutea videntur, sic insanis sani et furiosi videntur esse insani. [Nonius, s.v. arquatus.] TEPONTOAIAAIKAAOI. Two persons may be supposed to be brought together in this Satura— a man of mature years, and a young representative of the luxury of modern Rome. The splendours and the progress of later years are contrasted with the coarseness of old-fashioned times The elderly man laments the loss of reverence and chastity (I), ami the simplicity of family life, and the thrift of the housewife 1 1 ; recommending the manly severity of the consul Curius towards the malingerer (IIT. With these memories the young Roman con- 206 FRAGMENT A S ELECTA. trasts the grandeur of the new country-houses with their cellars and barns and wine-presses — laughing contemptuously at the rough, plain life of his ancestors (IV-VII). Ergo turn sacra religio castaeque fuerunt res omnes. [Nonius, s.v. castum=religiosum.] II. Sed simul manibus trahere lanam, nee non simul oculis observare ollani pultis, ne aduratur. [Nonius, s.v. olla = capacissirnum vas.] III. Manius Curius consul in Capitolio cum dilectum haberet nee citatus in tribu civis respondisset vendidit tenebrionem. [Nonius, s. v. tenebriones.] IV. In quibus Libyssa citrus fasciis cingit fores. [Nonius, s. v. citras.] V. Ubi graves pascantur atque alantur pavonum greges. [Nonius, s.v. grave =multum.] VI. Vel decern messis ubi una saepiant granaria. [Nonius, s. v. granaria.] VII. Vineis ubi ampla cella torculum respondeat. [Nonius, s. v. torculum, i. e. prelum] M. TERENTIUS VARRO. 2CJ KOIMOTOPYNH (tt6 P 1 4>6opas Koapju). Anaximander, Heracleitus and Empedoclos had already specu- lated on the destruction of the material universe, and the Stoics held that it would be consumed by fire. Others maintained (hat it would come to an end, not by a violent catastrophe but by a gradual wearing away. This seems to bo the underlying idea in K02MOTOPTNH, if Topvvrj is to be taken as a 'wimble' or 'drill ', rather than a 'stirrer' or 'squeezer' (as tudicula). Death waits upon the first beginnings of life (I) ; and war is another fruitful cause of this destruction, whether we think of the soldier going on his campaign and returning in safety (II, III), or of the horrors of civil war (IV). It seems that Varro plays upon the word Koffpioi, and extends its meaning to all manner of decorative things, which are liable to the corruption of ' moth and rust ' (V). I. Propter curiam eapulum positum nutrix tradit pollictori. [Nonius, s. v. eapulum : pollinctores.] II. Toga detracta est, et abolla data est, ad turbam abii, fera militia munera belli ut praestarem. [Nonius, s. v. abolla = vestis militaris.] III. Detis habenas animae leni, dum nos ventus flamine sudo suavem ad patriam perducit. [Nonius, « v. anima= ventus.] IV. Africa terribilis : contra concurrere civis civi, atque Aeneae misceri sanguine sangtien. [Nonius, s. v. sanguen.j 208 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. V. Singulos lectos stratos ubi habuimus, amisimus propter carieni et tineam. [Nonius, s.v. caries est vetustas.l MANIUS. I may venture here to reproduce the sketch given of this Satura in Mommsen's Roman History, B. v. Chap, xii : ' The Satire of "Manius" (Early Up!) describes the management of a rural household. Manius summons his people to rise with the sun, and in person conducts them to the scene of their labours (J). The youths make their own bed, which labour renders soft to them, and supply themselves with waterpot and lamp (II). Their drink is the clear fresh spring, their fare bread, and onions as a relish fill). Everything prospers in house and field. The house is no work of art, but an architect might learn symmetry from it (IV). Care is taken of the field, that it shall not be left disorderly and waste, or go to ruin through slovenliness and neglect (V) ; in return, the grateful Ceres wards off damage from the produce, that the high-piled sheaves may gladden the heart of the husbandman (VI). Here hospitality still holds good ; everyone who has but imbibed his mother's milk is welcome (VII). The bread-pantry, and wine-vat, and the store of sausages on the rafters, lock and key are at the service of the traveller, and piles of food are set before him (VIII) ; contented sits the sated guest, looking neither before nor behind, dozing by the hearth in the kitchen (IX). The warmest double-wool sheepskin is spread as a couch for him (X). Here people still, as good burghers, obey the righteous law, which neither out of envy injures the innocent, nor out of favour pardons the guilty. Here they speak no evil against their neighbours (XI). Here they trespass not with their feet on the sacred hearth, but honour the gods with devotion and sacrifices, throw to the familiar spirit his little bit of flesh into the appointed little dish (XII), and when the master of the household dies accompany the bier with the same prayer with which those of his father and of his grand- father were borne forth ' (XIII). M. TERENTIUS VARRO. 209 I. Manius mane suscitat, rostrum sub rostra adfert, populum in forum conducit. [Nonius, s. v. conducere.] II. Lecto strato matellam. lucernam, ceteras res esui usuique prae se portant. [Nonius, s. v. matella = aquarium vas.] III. Diilcem aquam bibat salubrem et flebile esitet cepe. [Nonius, s. v. cepe, neutr.] IV. harum aedium symmetria confutabat architectones. [Nonius, s. v. eonfutare.] V. Ager lit relinqueretur ac perbiteret squale scabreque inliivie et vastitudine. [Nonius, s.v. scabres : squalor (?) femin.] VI. Hiinc Ceres, cibi ministra, frugibus sui's porcet. [Nonius, s. v. porcet = prohibch] VII. Tam eum ad quem veniunt in hospitium lac hiima- mini fellasse. [Nonius, s. v. fellare.] VIII. Haec adventoribus accedunt : celiac, claves, claustra, carnaria, dolia. [Nonius, s.v. dolia] iio FRAGMENT A SELECT A. IX. babens antepositam alimoniam, sedens altus alieno sumptu, neque post respiciens neque ante prospiciens, sed limus intra li'mites culinae. [Nonius, s. v. limus = obtortus, i. e. with sidelong glance.] Alterum bene dormire 'super amphitapha bene molli.' [Nonius, s. v. amphitaphae, utrinque habentes villos.] XI. Quocirca oportet bonum civem legibus parere, et deos colere, in patellam dare piKpbv xpeas. [Nonius, s. v. patella.] XII. Non maledicere, pedem in focum non imponere, sacri- ficari. [Nonius, s.v. sacrificari.] XIII. Funere familiari commoto avito ac pati-ito more pre- cabaraur. [Nonius, s. v. patritum.] MARCIPOR. Maecipor, i. e. Marci puer, or Varro's own slave. It is difficult to decide whether the master is moralising to the slave, or the slave (as in Hor. Sat. 2. 7) lecturing the master. The general subject of the Satura is tbe vanity and extravagance of human wishes, exemplified in children and in men and women, who are as silly as children (I-III). The verses about the storm have been M. TERENTIUS VARRO. 2 l I taken to refer to the dangers incurred by merchants in search of gain, and have been compared with the picture of the shipwrecked adventurer in Juvenal (Sat. 14. 290 foil.). But this is hardly com- patible with the description of the soaring storks, blasted by lightning, and tumbling to the ground. It may therefore be better to see in this scene a reminiscence of the flight of Menippus, on a voyage of investigation, to the court of Zeus, as given by Lucian in the Icaromenippus, though the fate of the philosopher there w;is not so disastrous. I. Utri magis sunt pueri ? hi pusilli pigri, qui exspec- tant nundinas \ ut magister dimittat lusum ? [Nonius, s. v. lusus pro ludo.] II. Altera exorat patrem libram ocellatorum ", altera virum semodium margaritarum. [Nonius, s. v. margaritum.] III. Astrologi non sunt, qui conscribillarunt pingentes caelum ? [Nonius, s. v. conscribillavi.] IV. Repente noctis circiter meri'die, cum pictus aer fervidis late fgnibus caeli chorean astricen ostenderet. [Nonius, s. v. meridiem = noctis mediam j^artem.] nubes aquali frigido velo leves caeli cavernas aiireas subdiixerant, aquam vomentes inferam mortalibus. [Nonius, s. v. inferum.] ventique frigido se ab axe eruperant, 1 nundinas, sc. 'holidays.' 2 some precious stone, with marks or dots like eyes. P 2 21 a FRAGMENTA SELECT A. phrenetici septentrionum filii, secum ferentes tegulas, ramos, syrus. [Nonius, s. v. syrus (avpeiv) = scopas.] at nos caduci naufragi, ut ciconiae, quarum bipennis fulminis plumas vapor perussit, alte maesti in terrain cecidimus. [Nonius, s.v. bipennis. J MARCOPOLIS (wepl dpx^s). It is impossible to say whether the title of this Satura suggests a real and practicable commonwealth, such as Marcus (Varro) would wish it to be ; or whether it is only an aspiration — a Ji«p(\oKonicvyia after his own heart, as Mommsen calls it. — Any- how, the point seems to lie in an elaborate analogy between the various arrangements of a properly organised city and the general economy of the human body (I). Though in the beginning of human society there may be a general equality, it is not long before the principle of the ' survival of the fittest ' asserts itself (II, III). Sensus portae, venae hydragogiae, cloaca intestini. [Nonius, s.v. intestini, masc.'] II. Nattira humanis omnia sunt paria. Qui pote plus, urget pisces ut saepe minutos Magnus comest, ut avis enicat accipiter. [Nonius, s. v. comest = comedit.] III. Nemini Fortiina currum a carcere emissum intimo labi inoffensum per aequor candidum ad calcem sivit. [Nonius, s. v. calx, masc] M. TERENTIUS VARRO. 213 MODIUS. Tins word, which properly means a dry measure of capacity, is used as the title of the Satura because it suggests a constant play on the words 'modus,' 'modicus,' 'modeste,' ' medioxime,' and the like. Varro apologises for the 'theatrical measure' of his treatise : which, however, need not be touched by his friend, and the writing can easily be sponged out (I, II). It is better to keep to a moderate amount of meat and drink (III) ; unlike the custom of those whose measure of living is high living (IV). This 'moderation' is the secret of life, and it is the text of the famous Delphic inscription (V, VI). I. Sed, 6 Petrulle, ne meum taxis librura si te pepiigerit hie modus scaenatilis. [Nonius, s. v. taxis - tetigeris.] II. Si displicebit, tarn tibi latum mare parabit aliquam spongiam deletilem. [Nonius, s. v. deletile = quod deleat.] III. . . . trimodiam amphoramque eundem temcti ac forris modium. [Nonius, s v. temetum.] IV. Et hoc interest inter Epicurum et ganeones nostros quibus modulus est vitae colina. [Nonius, s.v. colina = coquina.] V. Non eos optime vixisse qui diutissime vixent, sed qui modestissime. [Nonius, s. v. modestum a modico.] 214 FRAG ME NT A SELECT A. VI. Quid aliud est quod ' Delphice canit columna litteris suis ayav quam nos facere ad mortalem moduru 'medioxime,' ut quondam patres nostri loquebantur ] [Nonius, s. v. medioximurn = mediocre.] "ONOZ AYPAI. The proverb in full runs thus : ovos kvpas aicovcov Kivti ra Zra, and the expression ovos kvpas is used for a stupid man, who has no appreciation of music. The Cynics generally looked down upon music, and Diogenes had a sneer for those who could tune a lyre, but were indifferent as to their soul being in a state of harmony. The Satura describes a contention between a devotee of music and one of its detractors. It may remind us of the way in which Zethus (in the Antiope of Euripides and Pacuvius) presses the claims of a practical life against his dreamy, music- loving brother Amphion. The prologue opens with Phonascus a professor) announcing himself and his accomplishments (I) : music is natural to man (II) : it is the harmony of the spheres which regulates the universe (III) : workers sing over their daily toil (IVj : the vast audience in a theatre is melted by the tender notes of the flute, or excited by more stirring tones (V) : the priests of Cybele can tame the lion with the sound of their cymbals, as the statue on Mt. Ida commemorates (VI) : how much nobler is such a profession than the coarse amusements of the huntsman ! (VIP. To which the unmusical man replies, that after all it is an unprofitable art (VIII) ; and that we must admit as great a variety in the accomplishments of men, as we see in the colours of horses (IX). I. Phonascus 1 adsum, vocis suscitabulum, Cantantiumque gallus gallinaceus. [Nonius, s. v. suscitabulum.] 1 Al. (pwvaOfcia. M. TERENTIUS VARRO. 21 5 II. Primum earn esse physicen, quod sit e^vTos, ut ipsa vox, basis eius. • . [Nonius, s. v. basis. J III. Quam mobilem diviim lyram Sol harmoge 1 quadam gubernans motibus diis veget. [Nonius, s. v. diis : veget.] IV. Homines rusticos in vindemia incondita canere, sar- cinatricis in machinis. [Nonius, s. v. sarcinatrices.] V. Saepe totiiis theatri tibiis cerno flectendo Comnautare nientes, erigi animos eorum . . . [Nonius, s. v. frigi : 1. erigi.] VI. Non vidisti simulacrum leonis ad Idam eo loco, ubi quondam, subito eum cum vidissent quadrupedem, Galli tympanis adeo fecerunt mansuem, ut tractarent manibus ? [Nonius, s. v. mansues, nom.] VII. Nempe aut sues silvaticos in montibus sectaris Venabulo aut cervos, qui tibi mail nihil fecerunt, Verrutis — a ! artem praeclaram. [Nonius, s. v. venabulum.] VIII. Iurgare coepit dicens : ' Quae scis, age qui in vulgiim vulgas artemque ex- promis inertem ? ' [Nonius, s. v. vulgus, masc] 1 appoyy = ' harmony.' 21 6 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. IX. Equi colore dispares item nati : hie badius, iste gilvus, ille miirinus. [Nonius, s. v. badius.] PAPIAPAPAE (iTEpl e'ykwjuW). The title seems to be only an exclamation expressive of wonder- ing admiration. The Satura is directed against excessive praise, which is often given out of mere ignorance, as a man may mistake a ' bit of glass for an emerald ' (I). Funeral orations are fulsome ; they do not discriminate between the worthy and unworthy (II). The mincing compliments paid to a pretty woman are absurd in their extravagance (III-VII). But there is another side to the picture — excessive dispraise. Some critics know how to pick holes in everything, but do not know how to give honour where honour is due (VIII, IX). I. Imperito nonnunquam concha videtur margarita, vitrum smaragdos. [Nonius, s. v. margaritum.] II. Qui potest laus videri vera, cum mortuus saepe fura- cissimus ac nequissirnus civis iuxta ac Publius Afri- canus— ? [Nonius, s. v. iuxta = similiter.] III. Ante aiiris nodo ex crobyli subparvuli intorti emittebantur sex cicinnuli ; oculis suppaetulfs nigelli pupuli quantani hilaritatem significantes animuli ! [Cp. inf. V.] M. TERENTIUS VARRO. 217 IV. Quos calliblepbaro naturali palpebrae tinctae vallatos mobili septo tenent. [Nonius, s. v. palpebrae V. rictus parvissimus ut refrenato risu roseo . . . [Ill, V. Nonius, s.v. rictus (hominis).] VI. Laculla in mento impressa Amoris dfgitulo vestigio demonstrat mollitudinem. [Nonius, s. v. mollitudinem.] VII. Collum procerum fictum levi marmore regillae tunicae definitur purpura. [Nonius, regilla, dimin. a regia.] VIII. Omni opstant in ministerio invidum tabes. [Nonius, s. v. invidum, gt n. IX. Quare resides lingulacae, optrectatores tui, iam nunc murmurantes dicunt : [Nonius, s. v. lingulacae, &c. | PROMETHEUS LIBER. Antisthenes, the Cynic philosopher, had already written a dialogue between Prometheus and Hercules, in which Hercules reproaches Prometheus for his ill-advised gift of fire to mortals, 2l8 FRAGMENT A SELECT A. which is interpreted to mean the fatal tendency to philosophic speculations. This suggests that the interlocutors in this Satura may be Pro- metheus and Hercules. In the first part of it, Prometheus bewails his terrible tortures (I-V) : in the second, Hercules taunts him with the deterioration of the human beings which he has animated ; exhibiting the extravagant licentiousness of the young profligate with his dainty mistress, and the coarse, swinish life of the common citizen (VI, VII). I. Ego infelix ndn queam vim propulsare, atque mimic um Oreo inmittere? nequiquam saepe aerutas manuis compedes conor revellere. [Nonius, s. v. compedes.] II. Sum uti subernus 1 cortex aut caciimina morientum in querqueto arborum aritiidine. [Nonius, s. v. cortex.] III. atque ex artttbus exsanguibus dolore evirescat color. [Nonius, s. v. evirescat.] IV. Mortalis nemo exaudit, sed late mcolens Scytliarum inhospitalis campis vastitas. [Nonius, s. v. vastitas = desertio. Cf. Aesch. P. V. 2, 21.] V. Levi's mens nunquam somnurnas imagines adfatur, non umbrantur somno piipulae. [Nonius, s. v. somnurnae = quae in somno videantur.] 1 Prom suber= 'cork tree.' Al. supernus. M. T ERE NT I US VARRO. 219 VI. Chrysosandalos locat sibi amiculam de lacte et cera Tarentina quam apes Milesiae coegerint ex omnibus flori- bua libantes, sine osse et nervis, sine pelle, sine pilis, puram putam, proceram, candidam, teneram, formosam. [Nonius, s. v. putus.] VII. In tenebris ac suili vivunt, nisi non forum hara atque homines ibi plerique sues sunt existimandi. [Nonius, s.v. hara = porcorum stabulum.] QUINQUATRUS. Tins festival of Minerva gives Varro an opportunity of dealing with those professions under the especial patronage of the goddess, and particularly that of the physician. 'Why,' asks one ' should I employ a doctor, and have to drink nauseous physic and reduce my strength?' (I). In preference to this, he writes (in true medical stylej a prescription for a good dose of wine, with no addition but pure water (II, III). The doctor who draws the fluid from a dropsical patient is not as clever as an Etruscan inspector of conduits 1 (IV). I. Quid medico mi est opus? perpetuo absi'ntium ut bib;im gravem et castoreum, levemque robur? [Nonius, s.v. absintium, masc] II. Cape hanc caducam Liberi mollem dapem de fronde Bromia autumnitatis uvidam. [Nonius, s.v. autumnitas.] 220 FRAGMENT A S ELECTA. III. Quom lympham melius e lacuna fontium adlatani nido potili permi'sceat. [Nonius, s. v. nidus, pro poculo.] IV. An hoc praestat Herophilus Diogeni, quod ille e ventre aquam niittit ? hoc te iactas ? At hoc pacto utilior te Tuscus aquilex ! [Nonius, s. v. aquilex.] SEXAGESSIS. This word, which commonly means a sum of sixty asses, is here grotesquely used for 'a man of sixty years.' He is the Roman Rip van Winkle, who falls asleep at the age of ten and does not wake for half-a-century (I, II). Then he looks around and finds everything changed ; himself not least, for he has a bristly beard like a hedgehog, and a great snout for a nose (III). ' So a pup changes to a dog, or a grain of corn to an ear' (IV). The ancient virtues have been banished from Rome, and their place is supplied by Impiety, Disloyalty and Impudence (V). No ' pious Aeneas ' would ' carry ' his father now-a-days ; but every brat is ready to ' carry him off' by poison (VI). There is a regular sale of votes in the Comitia (VII) ; the judges make money out of the accused (VIII) ; there is only one law observed — ' Give and take ' (IX). Marcus deplores this detestable change, recalling the days of sobriety and steadiness (X) ; when men were not ready to rush into the decoy, like so many silly ducks (XI). The young Romans resent this protest, and proceed to illustrate in his person the proverb — ' sexagenarios de ponte ' : which properly means that men of this age were barred from the voting-lobby (pons) ; but the joke lies in the other interpretation of the phrase, referring to the actual casting of old men from one of the bridges over the Tiber, as a relic of human sacrifice. See s. v. depontani scnes (XII-XIV). I. stulta nostri pectoris dormitio M. TERENTIUS VARRO. 221 vigilabilis, quae me puellum impuberem cepisti ! [Nonius, s. r. puellus.] II. Romam regressus ibi nibil offendi quod ante annos quinquaginta cum primum dormire coepi reliqui. [Nonius, s.v. offendere = invenirc] III. Se circumspexe atque invenisse se, cum dormire coepisset tarn glaber quam Socrates, esse factum ericium cum pilis albis, cum proboscide. [Nonius, s. v. ericium. J IV. Sic canis fit e catello, sic e tritico spica. [Nonius, s.v. spica.] V. In quarum locum subierunt inquilinae impietas, per- fidia, impudicitia. [Nonius, s. v. subire. j VI. Nunc quis patrem decern annorum natus non modo aufert, sed tollit, nisi veneno ? [Nonius, s. v. tollere = occidere.j VII. Ubi turn comitia habebant, ibi nunc fit mercatus. [Nonius, s. v. mercatus.] VIII. Avidus iudex reum ducit esse koivov 'Epprjv, [Nonius, s.v. ducere-=existimare.] 222 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. IX. Quod leges iubent, non faciunt : So? teal \al3e fervit omnino. [Nonius, s. v. fervit pro fervet.] X. Ergo turn Eomae parce pureque pudentes vixere in patria : at nunc sumus in rutuba. [Nonius, s.v. rutuba = perturbatio.] XL Neqm'quam is agilipennis anates tremipedas, buxeis cum rostris pecudes in paludibus de nocte nigra ad lumina lampadis sequens. [Nonius, s.v. pecudes = non solum quadrupedes.] XII. Senibus J crassis homulli non videmus quid fiat ? [Nonius, s. v. crassus = stultus.] XIII. Acciti sumus, ut depontaremur : murmur fit ferus. [Nonius, s.v. murmur, masc] XIV. Vix ecfatus erat, cum more maiorum ultro casnares arripiunt, de ponte in Tiberim deturbant. [Nonius, s.v. casnares = seniles.] 1 Al. sensifcws. I> M. T ERE NT I US VARRO. 223 EX LIBRO IMAGINUM. Vareo wrote fifteen books of Imagines or Hehdomadcs. The first book contained 14. and each of the other fourteen books 49 bio- graphies of distinguished Greeks and Romans, illustrated with portraits. The following fragments are preserved. I. DEMETRIUS. Hie Demetrius est, tot aera 1 nanctus quot lucis babet annus absolutus. [Nonius, s. v. luces = dies.] II. HOMER. Capella Homeri Candida haec tumulum indicat, quod bac Ietae 2 mortuo faciunt sacra. [Aul. Gell. 3. II.] III. NAEVIUS. Inmortales mortal es | si foret fas flere, fierent divae Camenae | Naevium poetam. itaque postquam est Orci | tniditus tbesauro, obliti sunt Eomae | loquier lingua latina. [Aul. Gell. i. 24.] 1 aera, if the reading be right, must mean bronze statues. 2 Ietae, the inhabitants of the island of Ios, one of the places which claimed to be the birthplace of Homer. 224 FRAGMENT A SELECT A. IV PACUVIUS. Tamenetsi, adulescens, properas, te hoc saxum rogat aspicias ut se, cleinde quod scriptum est legas. hie sunt poetae Pacuvi Marci sita ossa. hoc volebam nescius ne esses, vale. [Aul. Gell. I. c] V. PLAUTUS. Postquam est mortem aptus Plautus, comoedia luget, scaena est deserta, dein risus, ludus, iocusque et numeri innumeri simul omnes conlacrumarunt. [Aul. Gell. I. c] VI. SEPTEM SAPIENTES. ' Optimus est,' Cleobulus ait, 'modus,' incola Lindi ; ex Ephyra Periandre doces ' cuncta emeditanda ' ; ' tempus nosce ' inquit Mitylenis Pittacus ortus ; ' plures esse malos'^Sias autumat ille Prieneus; Milesiusque Thales ' sponsori damna ' minatur ; 'nosce' inquit ' tete ' Chiion Lacedaemone cretus ; Cecropiusque Solon ' ne quid nimis ' induperabit. [Hyginus, Fab. 221.] [I have followed Bahrens in grouping all these epigrams under Varro's name, as, at least, convenient ; but the authorship of several is uncertain.] M. T. CICERO. (I06-43 A.C.) For a brief period the dictum of Plutarch (Vit. Cic. c. 2) was really true — that Cicero was the first poet as well as the first orator of his time. It was only true till Lucretius and Catullus came into the field. In spite of the abuse and ridicule ' which was heaped upon the poetical compositions of Cicero for excessive vanity and expressions in questionable taste, the fact remains that the fruits of Cicero's leisure hours mark a. distinct advance in Latin poetry, and a real development of the hexameter, which made the perfect Vinjilian rhythm distinctly more possible. His Marius is a tribute from one citizen of Arpinum to another. Cicero was still young when he wrote it : and there is something in the boldness of the man who could choose such a subject under the dictatorship of Sulla that may remind us of his famous defence of Eoscius of Ameria. But the date of the poem is very doubtful. The scene is laid at Arpinum. We see Marius beneath the famous oak (Arpinatium, Mariana quercus, Cic. -De Legg. 1. 1), en- couraged by a favourable omen : — MARIUS. I. Hie Iovis altisoni subito pinnata satelles arboris e trunco serpentis saucia morsu subrigit, ipsa feris transfigens unguibus, anguem semianirnum et varia graviter cervice inicantem ; quern se intorquentem lanians rostroque cruentans, iam satiata animos, iam duros ulta dolores, 1 Cp. Sen'ec. rhet. Controv. 3. praef. ; Senec. phil. Be Ira, 3. 37 ; Epist. 106 ; Tacit. Dial, de Oral. 21 ; Juv. Sat. 10. 121 foil. ; Martial, Epig. 2. 89, &c. Q 226 FRAG ME NT A SELECT A. abicit efflantem et laceratum adfligit in unda, seque obitu a solis nitidos convertit ad ortus. hanc ubi praepetibus pinnis lapsuque volantem conspexit Marius, divini numinis augur, faustaque signa suae laudis reditusque notavit, partibus intonuit caeli pater ipse sinistris : sic aquilae clarum firmavit Iuppiter omen. [Cic. Be Biv. i. 48. Cp. Hom. II. 12. 200; Verg. Aen. 11. 751.] LIMON. A«tp.tov i. e. the Meadow ; (lari 6« ttoikiXojv irtpi.oxVi a S0I "t °f album of different ' cullings.') Tu quoque, qui solus lecto sermone, Terenti, conversum expressumque Latina voce Menandrum in medium nobis sedatis motibus effers, quiddam come loquens atque omnia dulcia dicens. [Sueton. Vit. Terent.~] DE CONSULATU SUO. [For nearly twenty-six years Cicero's muse was silent. But after his return from exile he resumed his poetical studies ; partly as an alleviation of his own anxiety, and partly as a means of keeping up in the minds of his countrymen the memory of Lis splendid services, on which ho set so much store. The Be Consulatu suo was the work of his forty-seventh year ; the De Temporibus suis of his fiftieth. The Be Consulatu consisted of three books, of which the second was connected with the name of the Muse Urania ; the third with Calliope. The first book is only known to us from a note of Servius on Verg. Eel. 8. 106, which tells us the story of Terentia's sacrifice : how that when the fire had died down and she was about to pour in the libation, the flame shot up again from the ashes, thus foretelling that Cicero would be made Consul that very year.] M. T. CICERO. 227 The two verses may be filled up asvfollows : — I Aspice : corripuit tremulis altaria flammis sponte sua, dum ferre moror, cinis ipse. Bonum sit ! [Servius, I. c] II. (Urania addresses Cicero.) Principio aetherio flammatus Iuppiter igni vertitur et totum conlustrat lumine mundum, menteque divina caelum terrasque petessit, quae penitus sensus hominum vitasque retentat, aetheris aeterni saepta atque inclusa cavernis. et si stellarum motus cursusque vagantes nosse velis, qua sint signorum in sede loeatae, (quae verbo e falsis Graiorum vocibus errant, re vera certo lapsu spatioque feruntur), omnia iam cernes divina mente notata. nam primum astrorum volucris te consule motus concursusque gravi stellarum ardore micantis tu quoque, cum tumulos Albano in monte nivalis lustrasti, et laeto mactasti lacte Latinas, 1 vidisti et claro tremulos ardore cometas ; multaque misceri nocturna caede putasti, quod ferme dirum in tempus cecidere Latinae, cum claram speciem concreto lumine luna abdidit et subito stellanti nocte perempta est. quid vero Phoebi fax, tristis nuntia belli, 1 Latinas, sc. ferias. A sacrifice to Iuppiter Latiaris on the Alban Mount, held at times appointed by the magistrates (f. con- ceptivae). Besides the common sacrifice of an ox, the towns which had a share in the Alban sanctuary sent gifts of milk (lacte) &c. Q 2 228 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. quae, magnum ad columen 1 , flammato ardore volabat, praecipitis caeli partis obitusque petissens : aut cum terribili perculsus fulmine civis luce serenanti 2 vitalia lumina liquit? aut cum se gravido tremefecit corpore tellus? iam vero variae nocturno tempore visae terribiles formae bellum motusque monebant, multaque per terras vates oracla furenti pectore fundebant tristis minitantia casus ; atque ea quae lapsu tandem cecidere vetusto. haec fore perpetuis signis clarisque frequentans ipse deum genitor caelo terrisque canebat. nunc ea Torquato quae quondam et consule 3 Cotta Lydius ediderat Tyrrhenae gentis haruspex, omnia fixa tuus glomerans determinat annus. nam pater altitonans stellanti nixus Olympo ipse suos quondam tumulos ac templa petivit et Capitolinis iniecit sedibus ignis. turn species ex aere vetus venerataque Nattae* concidit elapsaeque vetusto numine leges, et divom simulacra peremit fulminis ardor. hie silvestris erat Romani nominis altrix Martia 5 , quae parvos Mavortis semine natos uberibus gravidis vitali rore rigabat : quae turn cum pueris flammato fulminis ictu concidit atque avulsa pedum vestigia liquit. turn quis non artis scripta ac monumenta volutans 1 ad columen : perhaps, ' like a column.' * serenanti : it was ' a bolt from the blue.' 3 consule, b. c. 65. 4 Nattae species. See Cic. Be Div. 2. 21 ' Nattae statua et aera legum de caelo taeta.' 5 Martia. sc. lupa, Liv. 10. 27. M. T. CICERO. 229 voces tristificas chartis promebat Etruscis ? omnes civili generosa stirpe profectam volvier ingentem cladem pestemque monebant, turn legum exitium constanti voce ferebant, templa deumque adeo flammis urbemque iubebant eripere, et stragem horribileni caedemque vereri ; atque haec fixa gravi fato ac fundata teneri, ni post, excelsuni ad columen formata decore, sancta Iovis species claros spectaret in ortus : turn fore ut occultos populus sanctusque senatus cernere conatus posset, si solis ad ortum conversa inde patrum sedes populique videret, haec tardata diu species multumque rnorata consule te tandem celsa est in sede locata ; atque una fixi ac signati temporis hora Iuppiter excelsa clarabat sceptra corona, et clades patriae flamma ferroque parata vocibus Allobrogum patribus populoque patebat. rite igitur veteres, quorum monumenta tenetis. qui populos urbisque modo ac virtute regebant, rite etiam vestri, quorum pietasque fidesque praestitit ac longe vicit sapientia cunctos, praecipue coluere vigenti numine divos. haec adeo penitus cura videre sagaci, otia qui studiis laeti tenuere decoris inque Academia umbrifera nitidoque Lyceo fuderunt claras fecundi pectoris artis. e quibus ereptum, primo iam a fiore iuventae, te patria in media virtutum mole locavit. tu tamen anxiferas curas requiete relaxans, quod patria vacat, hie studiis nobisque sacrasti. [Cic. De Div. 1. 11-13.] 230 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. III. (Calliope addresses Cicero.) Interea cursus, quos prima in parte iuventae quosque adeo consul virtute animoque petisti, hos retine atque auge famam laudesque bonorum. [Cic. Ad Ait. 2. 3. 3.] EX GRAECIS CONVERSA. ILIAS. I. Ferte, viri, et duros animo tolerate labores, auguris ut nostri Calchantis fata queamus scire ratosne habeant an vanos pectoris orsus. namque omnes memori portentum mente retentant, qui non funestis liquerunt lumina fatis. Argolicis primum ut vestita est classibus Aulis, quae Priamo cladem et Troiae pestemque ferebant, nos circum latices gelidos fumantibus aris, aurigeris divom placantes numina tauris, sub platano umbrifera, fons unde emanat aquai, vidimus inmani specie tortuque draconem terribilem, Iovis ut pulsu j)enetraret ab ara ; qui platani in ramo foliorum tegmine saeptos corripuit pullos ; quos cum consumeret octo, nona super tremulo genetrix clangore volabat, cui ferus inmani laniavit viscera morsu. hunc ubi tarn teneros volucris matremque peremit, M. T. CICERO. 231 4 qui luci ediderat genitor Saturnius, idem abdidit \ et duro firmavit tegmina saxo. nos autem timidi stantes mirabile monstrum vidimus in mediis divom versarier aris. turn Calchas haec est fidenti voce loeutus : 'quidnam torpentes subito obstipuistis, Achivi? nobis haec portenta deum dedit ipse creator tarda et sera nimis, sed fama ac laude perenni, nam quot avis taetro mactatas dente videtis", tot nos ad Troiam belli exanclabimus annos, quae decumo cadet, et poena satiabit Achivos.' edidit haec Calchas, quae iam matura videtis. [Cic. Be Biv. 2. 30 ; cp. Hosi. II. 2. 299 foil.] II. Qui miser in campis maerens errabat Aleis, ipse suum cor edens, hominum vestigia vitans. [Cic. Tusc. Bisp. 3. 26 ; cp. Hom. II. 6. 201 foil.] III. ODYSSEA. O decus Argolicum, quin puppim flectis, Ulixes. auribus ut nostros possis agnoscere cantus? nam nemo haec unquam est transvectus caerula cursu quin prius adstiterit vocum dulcedine captus, post, variis avido satiatus pectore Musis, doctior ad patrias lapsus pervenerit oras. nOs grave certamen belli clademque tenemus 1 abdidit. This implies that Cicero read in H. 2. 318 alfoKov, i. e. aidrjAoi', the lect. of Aristarchus, and not dp'ifoKoi' as MSS. 232 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. Graecia quam Troiae divino numine vexit, omniaque e latis rerum vestigia terris. [Cic. Be Fin. 5. 18 ; cp. Hom. Od. 12. 184 foil.] IV. EX AESCHYLO. Titanum 1 soboles, socia nostri sanguinis, generata Caelo, aspicite religatum asperis vinctiimque saxis, navem ut horrisono freto noctem paventes timidi adnectunt navitae. Satiirnius me sic infixit Iiippiter, Iovisque numen Miilcibri adscivit manus. hos ille cuneos fabrica crudeli inserens perriipit artus ; qua miser sollertia transverberatus castrum hoc Furiarum incolo. iam tertio me quoque funesto die tristi advolatu adiincis lacerans unguibus Iovis satelles pastu dilaniat fero. turn iecore opinio farta et satiata adfatim clangorem fundit vastum, et sublime avolans pinnata cauda nostrum adulat sanguinem. cum vero adesum inflatu renovatum est iecur, turn rursus taetros avida se ad pastiis refert. sic bunc custodem maesti cruciatus alo, qui me perenni vivum foedat mi'seria. namque ut videtis vinclis constrictus Iovis arcere nequeo diram volucrem a pectore. sic me ipse viduus 2 pestis excipio anxias, 1 Titanum. The Titans formed the Chorus in the TJpo^rjOevs \vo- Htvos of Aeschylus, from which this passage is translated. 2 If viduus is to be joined with me (cp. 'viduus pharetra' Hor. Od. 1. 10. 12) render, ' meis viribus destitutus.' Kuhner joins excipio me pestis anxias = ipse mihi paro pestem. M. T. CICERO. 233 amore mortis terminum anquirens mali ; sed longe a leto numine aspellor Iovis. atque haec vetusta, saeclis glomerata horridis, luctifica clades nostro infixa est corpori, e quo liquatae solis ardore excidunt guttae, quae saxa adsidue instillant Caucasi. [Cic. Tusc. Disp. 2. 10.] EX SOPHOCLE. multa dictu gravia, perpessu aspera, quae corpore exanclata atque anirno x pertuli ! nee mihi Iunonis terror implacabilis, nee tanturn invexit tristis 2 Eurystheus rnali quantum una vecors Oenei partu edita. haec me inretivit veste furiali inscium, quae lateri inhaerens morsu lacerat viscera urguensque graviter pulmonum haurit spiritus ; iam decolorem s sanguinem omnem exsorbuit. sic corpus clade horribili absumjitum exttibuit, ipse illigatus peste interimor textili. hos non hostilis dextra, non Terra edita moles Gigantum, non biformato inpetu Centaiirus ictus corpori inflixit meo, non Graia vis, non barbara ulla inmanitas, non saeva terris gens relegata ultimis, quas peragrans undique omnem efferitatem expuli ; 1 animo. In the original, Soph. Track. 1047, the corresponding word is vwroiai. Perhaps Cicero read aripvoiai. (cp. Trach. 1090) and misunderstood it. 2 tristis, i. e. orvyvos. 3 decolorem, a mistaken translation of'ui'. 234 FRAGMENTA SELECTA. sed feminea vir, feminea interimor manu. nate, vere hoc nomen usurpa patri ! ne me occidentem matris superet cdritas. hue arripe ad me manibus abstractam piis. iam cernam mene an illam potiorem putes. perge, aude, nate ! illacrima patris pestibus ! miserere ! gentes nostras flebunt mi'serias. heu ! vfrginalem me ore ploratum edere, quem vidit nemo ulli fngemiscentem malo ! sic feminata 1 virtus adflicta occidit. accede, nate, adsiste, miserandum adspice eviscerati corpus laceratum patris ! videte, cuncti, tuque, caelestiim sator, iace, obsecro, in me vim coruscam fiilminis ! nunc, mine dolorum anxiferi torquent vei-tices, nunc serpit ardor. ante vietrices manus ! o pectora, o terga, 6 lacertoriim tori ! vestrone pressu quondam Nemeaeiis leo frendens efflavit graviter extremum halitum ? haec dextra Lernam taetra mactata excetra, 2 pacavit 3 ; haec bicorporem afflixit manum ; Erymanthiam haec vastificam abiecit beluam ; haec e Tartarea tenebrica abstractiim plaga tricipitem eduxit, Hydra generatiim canem ; haec fnteremit tortu multiplicabili draconem, auriferam obtiitu adservantem arborem. multa alia victrix nostra lustravit manus, nee quisquam e nostris spolia cepit laiidibus. [Cic. Tusc. Disp. 2. 8, 9 ; Soph. Track. 1046 foil.] 1 feminata. Soph. Track. 1075 vvv 5' Ik toiovtov 6tjKvs evp-rjuai rdAas. 2 excetra, apparently a corrupt form of ex'^ ua - 3 pacavit. Cp. Verg. Aen. 6. 804. M. T. CICERO. 235 VI. EX EURIPIDE. I. Iuravi lingua, mentem iniuratam gero. [Cic. De Off. 3. 29 ; Eur. Hippol. 612.] II. Nam si violandum est iiis, regnandi gratia violandum est : aliis rebus pietatem colas. [Cic. De Off. 3. 21 ; Euk. Pkoen. 524.] v III. Nam nos decebat coetus celebranti's domum lugere, ubi esset aliquis in lucem editus, humanae vitae varia reputantis mala : at qui labores morte finisset gravis, hunc omni amicos laiide et laetitia exsequi. [Cic. Tusc. Disp. r. 48 ; Eur. Cresphont. fr. 13.] INCERTAE SEDIS FRAGMENTA. I. Quorum luxuries fortunam ac censa peredit. [Nonius, s. v. censum neuir.'] II. Cedant arma togae, concedat laurea laudi l . [Cic. Be Off. 1. 77, &c] III. fortunatam natam me consule Romam ! [Juv. Sat. 10. 122. &c] ! laudi. Al. linguae. 236 FRAGMENTA SELECTA. IV. In monies patrios et ad incunabula nostra pergam. [Cic. Ad AM. 2. 15. 3.] EPIGEAMMA. [On the last day of December, b. c. 45, the consul Q. Fabius Maximus having died suddenly, Caesar made C. Caninius Eebilus consul for the few remaining hours of the day.] Vigilantem, habemus consulem Caninimn, qui in consulatu somnum non vidit suo. [Mackob. Sat. 2. 3. 6.] EX VARUS. I. Mors mea ne careat lacrimis : linquamus amicis niaerorem, ut celebrent funera cum gemitu. [Cic. Tusc. Disp. 1. 49 ; Solon, i'rag. 21.] II. Croesus Halyn penetrans magnam pervertet opum vim. [Cic. De Div. 2. 56 ; see Hdt. i. 53.] III. Die, hospes, Spartae nos te hie vidisse iacentis, dum Sanctis patriae legibus obsequimur. [Cic. Tusc. Disp. 1. 42 ; Simonib. ap. Hdt. 7. 228.] DECIMUS LABERIUS. (Circ. 105-43 a.c.) MIMUS. The Mime, which originally came to Rome from Magna Graecia, was at first only a ' ballet divertissement,' without song or dialogue. It received a new impulse in the time of Sulla ; and under Julius Caesar it reached its zenith of literary perfection at the hands of Decimus Laberius, a Roman knight. The titles of forty-four of his Mimes are preserved. The distinguishing peculiarity of the Mime was the disuse of masks, and the performance of female parts by women. The stock characters of the Atellane do not appear in the Mime ; otherwise, the plots were not dissimilar. But the Mime had its own set of regular characters — the stupid husband ; the faithless wife ; the confidential slave ; the soubretle, in her short mantle (ricinium, which gave the alternative title of fabula riciniata to the Mime. [For a general idea of the quality of these plays we may refer to Ovid ' : Quid si scripsissem mimos obscena iocantes, qui semper vetiti crimen amoris habent ; in quibus assidue cultus procedit adulter, verbaque dat stulto callida nupta , viro ? nubilis hos virgo matronaque virque puerque spectat, et e magna parte senatus adest. nee satis incestis temerari vocibus aures ; assueseant oculi multa pudenda pati ; cumque fefellit amans aliqua novitate maritum, plauditiir, et magno palma favore datur,] The remains of the named plays of Laberius are very slight. 1 Trist. 2. 497 foil. 238 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. I. ALEXANDREA. A promise on oath to pay is a temporary cure for debt. Quid est ius iurandum ? emplastrum aeris alieni . . . [Aul. Gell. 16. 7. 14.] II. BELONISTRIA. A seller of needles. Apparently a parody on the Hippolytus. domina nostra privignum suum amat efflictim. [Nonius, s. v. efflictim = vehementer.] III. EPHEBUS. A quarrel in Olympus over the fate of Rome. Licentiam ac libidinem ut tollam petis togatae stirpis. Idcirco ope nostra dilatatum est dominium togatae gentis. [Mackob. Sat. 6. 5. 15.] IV. EULLO. A picture of a bare-legged, spindle-shanked man, treading cloth in the water. . . . utrum tu hunc gruem Balearicum an hominem putas esse? [Aul. Gell. 17. 36.] DECIMUS LABERIUS. 239 V. NECYOMANTIA. Perhaps a sneering allusion to the intention attributed to Julius Caesar to authorise polygamy, and to increase the police force. Duas uxores ? hercle hoc plus negoti est, inquit, coctio : sex aediles viderat. [Aul. Glll. 16. 7. 12.] VI. RESTIO. How a father would blind himself, rather than see his prodigal son's enjoyment. Democritus Abderites physicus philosophus clipeum constituit contra exortum Hyperionis, oculos effodere ut posset splendore aereo. ita radiis solis aciem efFodit luminis, mail's bene esse ne videret civibus. sic ego fulgentis splendorem pecuniae "volo elucificare exituni aetatis meae, ne in re bona esse videam nequam filium. [Aul. Gell. 10. 17.] VII. VIRGO. How I fell in love like a cockroach into a basin. Amore cecidi tamquam blatta in pelvim. [Nonius, s. r. pelvis.] VIII. The story about Caesar, Laberius. and his rival Publilius Syrus, is thus given by Macrobius [Sat. 2. 7) : ' Laberium asperae libertatis equitem Romanum Caesar quingentis milibus invitavit ut prodiret in scaenam et ipse ageret mimos quos scriptitabat. Sed potestas 240 FRAGMENTA SELECT A. non solum si invitet, sed etiani si supplicet, cogit : und^"se et Laberius a Caesare coactum in prologo testatur his versibus : Necessitas, cuius ciirsus transversi lmpetum voluerunt multi effugere, pauci potuerunt, quo rue detrusit paene extremis sensibus ! quern nulla ambitio, nulla umquam largitio,. nullus timor, vis nulla, nulla auctoritas movere potuit in iuventa de statu : ecce in senecta ut facile labefecit loco viri excellentis mente clemente edita summissa placicle blandiloquens oratio ! etenim ipsi di negare cui nil potuerunt hoininem nie denegare quis posset pati? ego bis tricenis annis actis sine nota eques Eomanus e Lare egressiis meo domiini revertar minius. nirnirum hoc die uno plus vixi mihi quam vivendiim fuit. Fortiina, inmoderata in bono aeque atque in malo, si tibi erat libitum litterarum laiidibus florens cacumen nostrae famae frangere, cur ciim vigebam membris praeviridantibus, satisfacere popido et tali cum poteram viro, non me flexibilem concurvasti ut carperes? nuncine me deicis ? quo ? quid ad scaenam adfero ? decorem formae an dignitatem corporis, animi virtutem an vocis iucundae sonum ? ut hedera serpens vires arboreas necat ita me vetustas amplexu annorum enecat : sepulchri similis nil nisi nomen retineo. In ipsa quoque actionc subinde se qua potei-at ulciscebatur, in- ducto habitu Syri, qui velut fiagris caesus praeripientique se similis exclamabat : DEC I M US LABERIUS. 24 J Porro, Quirites, libertateni perdimus. Et paulo post adiecit : Necesse est multos tfmeat quern multf timent. Quo dicto universitas populi ad solum Caesarem oculos et ora convertit, notantes inpotentiam eius hac dicacitate lapidatam. Ob haec in Publilium vertit favorem.' Laberius was adjudged by Caesar to have been unsuccessful : as the dictator himself phrased it, ' favente fcibi me victus es, Laberi, a Syro.' He then gave the prize to Publilius Syrus, and to Laberius a sum of five hundred sestertia, with a golden ring ; thus restoring to him the equestrian rank, which he had lost by appearing on the stage. Laberius, though crushed in spirit, took his defeat very well; and, as Macrobius {I.e.) goes on to say, ' sequenti statim commissione mimo novo interiecit hos versus : ' Non possunt primi esse omnes omni in tempore, summum ad gradum cum claritatis veneris consistes aegre, nictu citius decidas. cecidi ego, cadet qui sequitur : la us est publica.' M. FURIUS BIBACULUS. (Nat. 103 a.c.) LUDICRA. P. Valerius Cato, a native of Cisalpine Gaul, had been robbed of his patrimony at the time of the Sullan proscriptions, and it is possible that the Lydia or Dirae (which has been doubtfully ascribed to him) deals with this grievance. Bibaculus in these fragments alludes to Cato's grammatical and poetical studies (I) ; to his debts, which all his cleverness could not ' clear up,' and which forced him to sell his villa at Tusculum (II) ; and to his poverty- stricken old age in a miserable hut (III;. Cato grammaticus, Latina Siren, qui solus legit l et facit poetas. [Sueton. De Gramm. 109.] II. Catonis modo, Galle, Tusculanum tota creditor urbe venditabat. mirati sumus unicum magistrum, summum grammaticum, optimum poetam, omnes solvere 2 poss' quaestiones, unum deficere expedire nomen : en cor Zenodoti s , en iecur Cratetis. [Stjeton. I. c] 1 legit, perhaps ' reads aloud,' and so make a reputation for them. 2 solvere. The point of the epigram turns on the double meaning of ' solvere' = ' pay,' or 'solve'; as applied to a 'debt' or a 'diffi- culty' : and similarly of ' nomen expedire,' meaning 'to elucidate an expression ' or ' to clear off a debt.' 3 Zetwdotus and Crates, famous Homeric critics of the Alexandrine period. M. FURIUS BIBACULUS. 243 III. Si quis forte mei domum Catonis, depictas minio assulas, et illos custodis videt hortulos Priapi, miratur quibus ille disciplinis tantam sit sapientiam assecutus, quem tres cauliculi, selibra farris, racemi duo tegula sub una ad summam prope nutriant senectam. [SUETON. 1. C.] ANNALES. Book I. (On Cae.sar's Gallic War.) I. Interea Oeeani linquens Aurora cubile. [Macroe. Sat. 6. 1. 3.] II. Ille gravi subito deiectus vulnere habenas misit equi, lapsusque in humum defluxit et armis reddidit aeratis sonitum. [Maceob. Sat. 6. 4. 10 ] Book IV. Pressatur pede pes, mucro mucrone, viro vir. [Maceob. Sat. 6. 3. 5. J Book X. Eumoresque serunt varios et multa requirunt. [Maceob. Sat. 6. i. 33 ] R 2 244 FRAG ME NT A S ELECTA. Book XL I. Nomine quemque ciet : dictorum tempus adesse commemorat. [Macros. Sat. 6. i. 34.] II. Confirmat dictis simul atque exsuscitat acris ad bellandum aniuios, reficitque ad praelia mentes. [Macrou. I. c] EX LIBRIS INCERTIS. I. Iuppiter hibernas cana nive conspuit Alpes. [Porphyr. ad Ilor. Sat. 2. 5. 40.] II. Hie qua ducebant vastae divortia fossae. [Schol. Veron. ad Verg. Aen. 9. 793.] C. IULIUS CAESAR. (.100-44 A - c IUDICIUM DE TERENTIO POETA. Tu quoque tu in summis, o dimidiate Menander, poneris, et merito, pnri sermonis amator. lenibus at que utinam scriptis adiuncta foret vis comica, ut aequato virtus polleret honore cum Graecis, neve hac despectus parte iaceres ! unum hoc maceror ac doleo tibi deesse, Terenti. P. TERENTIUS VARRO ATACINUS. (Fl. 50 A.C.) AEGONAUTAE. A free version of the 'ApyovavriKo. of Apollonius Rhodius. Four books are ascribed to Varro. Book I. •» I. Ecce venit Danai multis cclebrata propago y narnque satus Clytio, Lerni quern Naubolus ex se, Lernum Naupliades Proteus, seel Nauplion edit filia Amymome Europae D&m&que superbi. [_Sciiol. Veron. ad Verg. Aen. 2. 82 ; see Ap. Rhod. i. 133 foil.] II. Tiphyn at aurigam celeris fecere carinae. ^Charis. 272 K. ; see Ap. Rhod. i. 400 foil.] III. Quos magno Anehiale partus adducta dolore et geminis capiens tellurern Oaxida palmis l edidit in Dicta. [Serv. ad Verg. Ed. 1. 66 ; see Ap. Rhod. i. 11.29.] 1 afMporepricn fya£a/j.ti>r) yaiijs Oia£i8os. Ap. Rhod. I. c. P. TERENT1US VAERO AT AC IN US. 247 Book 11. I. Te nunc Coryciae ' tendentem spicula nymphae hortantes 'o Phoebe' et ' ieie ' conclamarunt. [Gk. L. K. 7. 332 ; see Ap. Rhod. 2. 711] II. Frigidus et silvis aquilo 2 docussit honorem. J [Seiiv. a d Verg. Georg. 2. 400 ; see Ap. Rhod. 2. 1098 foil.] Book III. I. Desierant s latrare canes urbesque silebant : omnia noctis erant placida composta quiete. [Seneca, Rhet. p. 3T3 K. ; see Ap. Rhod. 3. 749 foil. II. Cuius ut aspexit torta caput angue revinctum. [Charis. 90 K ; see Ap. Rhod. 3. i2i4foll.] Book IV. Turn te flagranti deiectum fulmine Phaeihon 4 . [Quint. Inst. 1. 5. 17 de syllabarum awaipiau.^ ' IloXXd 5t Kwpvtciai Nu//i/xn, nXeitrroio Ovyarpes, \ Oapavvtoitov 'intaaiv, 'Irjie fceK\rjyviai. Ap. Rhod. I. c. 2 ~BoptaO fXfUOS ... 6K OVpiOL