LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ADDITIONAL REFERENCES RELATING TO RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF IIERMA.NN HENRY BERNARD MEYER CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER .^■t \\^ ■, / >■ If"- ■'■■ \f I ^^. t'M '\ V 7-f^^' '• ^'J ^ 8061 ii m m ' 'A 'M 'asnoBjig Jdpuig junoujoqin SOUTHERN BRANCH, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, iLDS ANGELES, CALIF. TABLE OF CONTEI^TS Pages Prefatory note 3^ Books 5-7 Articles in periodicals 8-20 Speeches in Congress 21-31 United States documents 32-36 Canadian and British documents 37-39 Note. — The text of the latest Canadian tariff act may be found in the following publications: The customs tariff, H»07, issued by the Canadian l)ei)artment of customs, 1907 (HJ6092.A5.1907); The commercial handbook of Canada, 1911 (HF3223.C7); The "Shipping world" yearbook, 1910 (HE951.S55). • *. • • • • '..'•' • . ' . • ■ • -v '" ' j'.. ••» 1 \tw.z > « • • • • 4 * • • • * I i I PEEFATOEY KOTE These additional references bring the section on Reciprocity with Can- ada in the recently printed "Select list of references on Reciprocity" (pp. 51-81) down to date. The followinj^ brief notes on the literature of Canada are offered to meet the widespread interest in Canadian affairs aroused by the Reci- procity agreement. General information on Canadian affairs will be found in The Cana- dian annual review of public affairs (shelf mark F1008.C28); The commercial handbook of Canada (HF3223.C7); Canada: an encyclo- pa?dia of the country (F1008.H79); for contemporary hiography consult the Canadian Who's who (F1005.C23). Statistics are given in the following Canadian government publica- tions. Census and statistics office, Bulletin (I1A7-42.A3); The Canada year book (HAT44.S81); Census and statistics monthly (HA1.C3); Fourth census of Canada, 1901 (HA7-11.1901). Department of agri- culture, The statistical year-book of Canada, 1885-190-i (HA74:4.S8). Department of customs, Tables of the trade and navigation of the Dominion of Canada (HF120.A2). Department of tinance. Report of the auditor general (HJ13.A3). Department of inland revenue, Report, returns, and statistics of the inland revenues of the Dominion of Canada (HJ13.A5). Department of labour, Wholesale prices in Canada, 1890-1909 (lIDtJ995 A5). Department of trade and com- merce. Weekly report (IIF129.A27 and current lilc); Monthly report (IIF129.A3 and current file); Annual report (IIF129.A42). Consult also (ireat Britaiti, Board of trade, Statistical abstract for the several British colonies, possessions and protectorates (11A1112). The RrKourciH and prodactionHoi the country arc descril)cd in R. J. liarrett, Canada's century (IIC1I5.B27); the three following issued by the Department of agriculture of Caiuidu: Cunadu; its history, pro- ductions at)d natural resources prepannl by (J. Johnson (F1008.C254); The forest wealth of Canada (SI ) 14.5. A3); The food products of Canada (S471.C15A3); M. L. Dewavrin, Lc Canada <;conomi(iuc nu xx'' siccle (I1C11.5.I).">); J. S. Jeans, Canada's resources and p()ssil>iliti(>s (IlCll.5. J4); J. Mavor, Northwest of Canada (III)i>(i44.C3A4r)). On the Ilixton/ besides the extensive work of Kingst'oid, The histoiy of Canada, in 10 volumes (FlO:40.K.55) and Barkman's Writings (F1030. 3 4 PREFATORY NOTE P24), consult Sir J. G. Bourinot, The story of Canada (F1026.BT7); A. P. Cockburn, Political annals of Canada (F1026.C66); J. S. Willison, Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the Liberal party (F1033.W73). Descrij?tiofi and travel of recent date are to be found in the Duke of Argyll's, Yesterday and to-da}^ in Canada (F1015.A71); A. G. Bradley, Canada in the twentieth century (F1008.B81); J. F. Fraser, Canada as it is (F1015.F84); H. J. Morgan, Canadian life in town & country (F1015.M84); H. E. Whates, Canada the new nation (F1015.W55). On the Constitution and government consult Sir J. G. Bourinot, How Canada is governed (JL28.B6); and the same author's Parliamentary procedure and practice in the Dominion of Canada (JL148.B7.1903); Keport on the constitution of the Dominion of Canada, prepared by J. A. Chapleau and issued by the Department of Secretary of state of Canada (JL65.1891.A3); H. E. Egerton, Canadian constitutional development (JL11.E3); J. E. C. Munro, The constitution of Canada (JL61.M8). Current Canadian opinion^ both French and English, is reflected in the following journals: Halifax, Morning chronicle ; Montreal, Ca- nadian journal of commerce (HF1.C2), La Presse, Star; Toronto, Globe, Mail and empire, Canadian manufacturer (TS1.C22), Industrial Canada, Monetary times (HF1.M66) ; Winnipeg, Free press. H. H. B. Meyer Chief Bibliographer Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, I). C.^ Ajnnl ^, 1911 ADDITIONAL REFERENCES RELATING TO RECIPROCITY (CANADA) BOOKS Ashley, Percy Walter Llewellyn. Modern tariff history: Germany — United States — France. 2d ed. London: J. Murray, 1910. x^ J^7 pp. 8°. "The first edition of this book, published in 1904, was based upon lectures delivered to the students of the London school of economics and political science, in the course of that year." "A brief bibliography " at end of each part. "The United States and reciprocity — economic progress of the United States, 1890-1908": pp. 289-302. 10-24776 Hri711.A82 Bourassa, Henri. The reciprocit}' agreement and its consequences as viewed from the Nationalist standpoint. Montreal: "-Le Devoir'\ 1911. 1^3 pp. 8°. " This pamphlet is a literal translation of seven articles published in "Le Devoir", from January 31st to February 7th.'' Hri732.C2B8 The Canadian annual review of public affairs, 1909. By J. Castell Hopkins. Toronto: Tlie Annual review puhlishing company, [1910]. 661 pp. 8°. "Treaties, reciprocity and other United States affairs:" pp. 621-627. 5-27179 F1008.C33 1009 Chapleau, J. A Discour.s au Club conunorcial do l*rovidence, R. 1. le 28 noven)bre 1891. (Traduction.) {In Bellerive, Georges, ed. Orateurs canadiens-franraiH aux ittata-Unia; conf<5rence8 et discours. Qu6bcc, 1908. 8°. pp. 41-68.) Discusses the question of reciprocity with the Uiiitcil State?. F1033.B44 Collins, Paul V. Canadian rociprocity vs. American mamifacturers as well as farmers. Minncapo/is: 1\ V. CoUlna puhlwhing company, [1010\. IJf. pp. 16°. " Written for Agricultural advertising magazine." / 6 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Hill, James Jerome. Highways of progress. Neio Yorl': Doiibleday^ Page d; company, 1910. x, 353 pp. 8°. Contents. — The nation's future. — Agriculture and the national life. — Farm methods — old and new. — Reciprocity with Can- ada. — Commerce. — Industrial and railroad consolidations. — The Northwest. — Oriental trade. — Irrigation and drainage. — "Waterways. — The railroad. — The conservation of capital. — The natural wealth of the land and its conservation. 10-14659 HC106.H57 Hobson, John Atkinson. Canada to-day. London: T. F.Unwin, 1906. xiii, lJf3, {1) pp. Tables. 12°. "Canada's fiscal future": pp. 115-143. 7-32187 HC115.H8 Montagu, Edwin S. and Bron Herbert. Canada and the Empire: an examination of trade preferences. With a preface by Rt. Hon. the Earl of Kosebery. London: P. S. King i& son., 190 Jf. xviii, 198pp. Diagrams. ir. Appendix I (pp. 131-154) consists of miscellaneous extracts from various Canadian publications. Appendix ii (ijp. 155-198) of opinions expressed by representative Canadians in answer to a series of questions submitted to them by the authors. Contents. — i. Canadian conditions. — ii. Canada and the United States. — III. Canadian view of English politics. — iv. The results of the policy. — v. What Britain might do. — vi. Conclusion. 5-8732 HC115.M7 Porritt, Edward. The revolt in Canada against the new feudalism; tariff history from the revision of 1907 to the uprising of the West in 1910. London: Pub. for the Cobden chib.^ hy Cassell and company ^ ltd., 1911. a?, 2J,6 pp. i^ lO Root, John William. Colonial tariffs. Liverpool: J. W. Root, 1906. xii, 311, (1) pp. 8°. Canada and Newfoundland: pp. 206-232. 6-18062 HF1723.R78 The trade relations of the British Empire. Liverpool: J. W. Root., 1903. xvi, JfSl pp. 8°. "The working of the Canadian preferential tariff": pp. 23-62. 3-26611 HF3506.R78 ?o Siegfried, Andre. The race question in Canada. London : K Nash, 1907. viii, 3Jf3, (1) pp. 8^ French edition, Paris, 1906, published under title: Le Canada, les deux races; problemes politiques contemporains. "The Liberal party: its economic policy": pp. 197-205. 7-22822 F 1033. 858 RECIPEOCITY WITH CANADA 7 Smart, William. The return to protection; being- a re-statement of the case for free trade. 2d ed. London, New Yorl' : Maximilian and co.^ limited^ 1906, xlv, 297, (1) pp. 8°. First edition, 1904. Based upon a series of lectures delivered to popular audiences in Glasgow and Edinburgh, during Feb. and Mar. 1904. "The Canadian preference": pp. 226-234. &-10475 HF2046.S625 Smith, Goldwin. Reminiscences; ed. by Arnold Huultain. JTeio Ywk : The Macmillaii company, 1910. xv, Ji.77 pp. Fronthp'iece. Plate. Portraits. 8°. 10-30096 F1033.S65 Tariff com.mission, London. The proposed reciprocal trade arrange- ment between Canada and the United States of America. 2d ed. Londcm: P. S. King (& Son, [1911]. 38 pp. 4°. HF1732.C2T2. Trescher, Erich. Vorzugszolle. Ihre Geschichte und Wirkung im internationalen AVarcnaustausch. Bet'lln: P. Slenienroth, 1908. vii, 176 pp. 8°. 10-30584 HF1721.T7 Young, James. Public men and public life in Canada, being recol- lections of Parliament and the press, and embracing a suc- cinct account of the stirring events which led to the con- federation of British North America into the Dominion of Canada. Toronto: W. Bricjgs, 1902. Jfi6 pp. Frontispiece. Plates. Portraits. 12°. "Reciprocity vainly sacrificed on the annexation altar": pp. 288-296. 3-17 ri032.Y67 86450°— 11 2 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1909. Mann, D. D. Canada and reciprocity. Saturday evening post, Apr. ^Ji,, 1909, v. 181: ^6>, 6^. Favors reciprocity. AP2.S2,v.l81 1910. Canadian trade agreements. By recent orders-in-council special tariff arrangements have been made with Belgium and Ital}^, whereby many articles from these countries get the benefit of the intermediate schedule. Industrial Canada, July, 1910, v. 10: 1182-1 18Jf. 1910. The West and the tariff. Some considerations that should enter into a discussion of Canada's tariff problem. [Edi- torial]. Industrial Canada, Sept. 1910, v. 11: 123-12 Jf.. 1910. Ross, Sir George W. A talk about reciprocity. Industrial Canada, Oct. 1910, v. 11: 2J^7-2J^8. Reproduced from the Globe, Toronto. 1910. Canadian manufacturers' association. Report of tariff com- mittee; [presented at annual meeting, Sept. 20-22, 1910]. Industrial Canada, Oct. 1910, v. 11: 278-293. "Trade relations with the United States :" pp. 280-282. 1910. Hopkins, John Castell. Canadian reciprocity with the United States. National review, Oct. 1910, v. 56: 320-333. AP4.N25,v.56 1910. Opposes reciprocity treaty; Sir Geo. W. Ross, in speech before Toronto Board of trade, urges many reasons why Canada should not sign a trade treaty with the United States. Industricd Canada, Nov. 1910, v. 11: Ji41-liJ^5. Text of speech. 1910. Foster, George E. Reciprocity: Why the United States wants it. Canadian magazine, Dec. 1910, v. 36: 193-195. AP5.C2,v.36 1910. McArthur, Peter. Reciprocity with Canada. Forum, Dec. 1910, v. U-' 655-662. AP2.F8,v.44 EECIPROCITY WITH CANADA 9 1910. Reciprocit}' would draw much U. S. capital from our industries. Industrial Canada^ Bee. 1910^ v. if: 539-540. "At present it is estimated that $233,000,000 of U. S. money is employed in Canada, giving work to many thousands of indus- trial operation?." See article on United States investments in Canadian industrial enterprises, in Monetary times, Nov. 13, 1909, V. 43, pp. 2011-2015, 2025-2026. HFl.M66,v.43 1910. Nesbitt, Wallace. Canada's attitude toward reciprocit3\ Prosperity" of Canada during previous reciprocity treaty with United States was result of immense demand for farm products during civil war. Canada should protect her investments in east and west transportation sj'stems. The position of the farmers. Industrial Canada, Dee. 1910, v. 11: 541-544. Address delivered before the Canadian club, Toronto. 1911. Canada for free trade. [Editorial]. Nation, {london), Dec. 24, 1910, v. 8: 5'27-5S9. AP4.S67,v.8 On the presentation in the Canadian House of Commons of a memorial by 800 representatives of the National council of agri- culture, favoring free trade w ith Great Britain and reciprocity with the United States. 1910. Farmers and the Dominion government. Outlool\ Dec. 31, 1910, v. 96: 994-995. ap2.08,v.96 Attitude of Canadian farmers toward reciprocity with the United States. 1910. Foster, George E. Reciprocity with the United States. University magazine. Dee. 1910, v. 9: 550-562. LHl .P3U6,v.9 1911. McGrath, P. T. \Vill there be reciprocity between the United States and Canada:! American revie^o of reviews, Jan. 1911, r. 43: 4^-45. AP2.N7,v.43 1911. Tlio reciprocity negotiations. ( aiiadian gazette, Jan. 12, 1911, r. 56: 471. HCll l.C2,v.66 1911. 'I'he reciprocity question. Canadian gazette. Jan. 26, 1911, v. 56: 543. HC 1 1 1 .C2,v.66 Newspaper and otbor coniment. 1911. The reciprocity negotiations. Canadian 'idurval of com ineree, Jan. 20^ 1911, r. 72: 79. Opposed to recii)roci(y. HFl.C2,v.72 1911. Hill, .Fames ,]. Trade reciprocity between Canada and the L'nited States. Edit(/rial rt-view, Jan. 1911, r. 4: 14-21. AP2.E26,v.4 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1911. Farmers' tariff deputation at Ottawa. East joins West in the free trade de^uand. Free tradei\ Jan. 19, 1911: 11-15. Hr2040.F8,Jan.i9,i9ll Extracts from Canadian newspapers. 1911. Porritt, Edward. The insurgent movement in Canada. Independent, Jan. 19, 1911, v. 70: 131^-137. AP2.I53,v.70 On the tariff policy of the Liberal party and the movement of agricultural organizations in favor of freer trade with Great Britain and the United States. 1911. Young, Lafayette. Reciprocity in protection. Independent, Jan. m, 1911, v. 70: 176-179. AP2.I53,v.70 1911. Russell, T. A. The grain growers and the manufacturers. Industrial Canada, Jan. 1911, v. 11: 637-6^2. "Mr. Russell shows the fallacy of the grain growers' contentions that they suffer unduly from the tariff, and proves that farmers themselves are not unanimously in favor of a reduction. What the home markets mean." 1911. Trade agreement with United States. Monetary times, Jan. 28, 1911, v. 1^6: 1^19. HFl.M66,v.46 1911. America, Canada, and Great Britain. [Editorial]. Nation, {London), Jan. 28,1911, v. 8: 707-708. AP4.S67,v.8 Reprinted in Living age, Feb. 25, 1911, v. 50, pp. 491-492. AP2.L65,v.50 1911. Reciprocity and the Union. Outlook, {London), Jan. 7, 1911, v. 25: 6-7. AP4.08,v.25 1911. Canadian "reciprocity", nos. 1-5. [Editorials]. Bural New-Yorker, Feb. 18, 25, Mar. ^ 11, 18, 1911, v. 70: 204; HO; 'B80; 32J,; 36^. Sl.R9,v.70 Opposed. 1911. The Canadian agreement: So-called reciprocity bargain in which the United States agrees to a wholesale system of free trade in products of the farm, the mine, the forest and the fisheries, while receiving from Canada some trivial tariff concessions on exports of American manufacture. American economist, Feb. 3, 1911, v. J^7 : 62-66. HC101.A5,v.47 1911. Proposed reciprocity with Canada. American industries, Feb. 1911, v. 11: 23-25. HD4802.A6,v.ll "A complete table of the articles included in the provisions of the proposed reciprocity agreement is published herewith, together with the following analysis, for the information of the mem- bers of the National association of manufacturers, many of whose products would be affected." RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA 11 1911. The tariff agreement. [Editorial]. Canada^ Feb. 4, 1911., v. 21: 135. F100l.C16,v.21 1911. The reciprocity agreement: free trade in natural products. Canada., Feh. li., 1911., V. 21: 137-138. F1001.C15,v.21 1911. Keciprocity, preference and imperialism. [Editorial]. Canada, Feb. 11, 1911, v. 21: 166-167. Fl00l.Cl5,v.21 1911. Reciprocity^ and loyalty: speeches at the London Canada club, Feb. 15, 1911. Canada, Feb. 25, 1911, v. 21: 223. F 1001.015, v. 21 1911. Trade reciprocity. The agreement between Canada and the United States. Canadian gazette, Feb. 2, 1911, v. 56: 578-579. HClll.C2,v.56 Details of the agreement and newspaper comment. 1911. The meaning of the Washington deal. [Editorial]. 'Canadian gazette, Feb. 2, 1911, v. 56: 590-591. HClll.C2,v.56 1911. Mr. Fielding and British unionists. [Editorial]. Canadian gazette, Feb. 9, 191 1, v. 56: 609-610. HClll.C2,v.56 On the relation of the reciprocity agreement with the United States to the policy of Canadian preference to imports from Great Britain. 1911. The conflict of ideals. [Editorial]. Canadian gazette, Feb. 9, 1911, v. 56: 626-627. HClll.C2,v.66 On the reciprocity agreement between Canada and the United States. 1911. The reciprocity jigrcement. Mr. Fielding on the countries affected. Canadian gazette, Feb. 23, 1911, i\ 56: 688-689. HClll.C2,v.56 1911. Phiin answers to plain (juestions. [P^ditorial on the reciprocity agreement]. Canadian gazette, Feb. 23, 1911, v. 56: 700-701. HClll.C2,v.66 1911. The reciprocal taiiff proposals. [ Kditoriall. Canadian journal of commerce, Feb. 3, 101 1, r. 72: 150-151. Opposed. HFl.C2,v.72 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1911. Fish under the reciprocity proposals. [Editorial]. Canadian journal of comtnerce, Feh. 17, 1911, v. 72: 2W. Hri.C2,v.72 1911. U. S. trade proposals. [Editorial]. Canadian journal of commerce, Feb. '21^, 1911, v. 72: 259-260. Opposed to the reciprocitj' agreement. HFl.C2,v.72 1911. Edmonds, W. L. Reciprocity question undermining Canadian confidence. Canadian manufacturer, Feh. 1911, v. 31 : 39-Jfl. TSl.C22,v.31 1911. The vote on reciprocity in the House. [Editoi'ial]. Commercial and financial chronicle, Feb. 18, 1911, v. 92: JilS-JfW. HGl.C7,v.92 1911. Lysag-ht, John. The Canadian agreement and the British sheet iron industry. Com,mercial intelligence, Feb. 22, 1911, v. 23: 2Jf.. Letter to the London Times. HFl l.C7,v.23 1911. Kingman, E.. T. A letter addressed to Hon. A. J. Gronna, Feb. 16, 1911, with reference to reciprocity with Canada. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v, IfS, no. 60 {current file): 3203-3204. Opposed to reciprocity. 1911. Tariff reform and the reciprocity agreement. [Editorial]. Fconomist, Feb. 4, 1911, v. 62: 20^-205. HGll.E2,v.62 1911. North American reciprocity examined. [Editorial]. Fconomist, Feb. 11, 1911, v. 62: 256-257. HGll.E2,v.62 1911. Canadian reciprocity and trade with Britain. [Washington correspondence]. Fconomist, Feb. 18, 1911, v. 62: 318. HGll.E2,v.62 1911. A Canadian view of reciprocity. [Correspondence from Ottawa]. Fconomist, Feb. 25, 1911, v. 72: 376-377. HGll.E2,v.72 1911. The "fairy wand" in North America. [Editorial comment on the Canadian reciprocity agreement]. Freetrader, Feb. 16, 1911: 62-65. HF2040.F8,Feb. 16,1911 1911. The trade agreement with Canada. [Editorial]. Indepmdent, Feh. 2, 1911, v. 70: 265-267. AP2.I53,v.70 RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA 13 1911. The agreement with Canada. [Editorial]. Independent, Feb. 16, 1911, v. 70: 365-367. AP2.l53,v.70 1911. Mr. Clark waves the flag. [Editorial]. Independent, Feb. 23, 1911, v. 70: Jfl5-J^17. AP2.I53,v.70 1911. Oppose change in existing tariff conditions. Strong body of manufacturers representing interests from coast to coast, present memorial to government setting forth their grounds for opposing grain growers' demands for reduc- tion in tariff. Industrial Canada, Feb. 1911, v. 11: 735-7^. Text of memorial presented to Sir Wilfrid Laurierby the Canadian manufacturers' association. 1911. Skelton, O. D. Reciprocity: the Canadian attitude. Journal of political economy, Feb. 1911, v. 19: 77-97. HBl.J7,v.l9 1911. Canada and the United States. liberal magazine, Feb. 1911, v. 19:16-21. JNli29.L4L4,v.l9 1911. Proposed tariff arouses great interest. Some facts, figures, and opinions which will enable the discussion to be followed more easily. Monetary time.'<, Feb. If, 1911, v. Ji.6:51Jf.-519. HFi.M66.v.46 1911. Reciprocity debate. Arguments for and against a protective tariff. Mr. E. C. Drury and Mr. T. A. Russell have interest- ing discussion at Beaverton. Monetary times, Feb. J^, 1911, v. Jt6:526. hfi.M66,v.46 1911. Proposed tariff and its principle. Reasons for guarded action. Manufacturers"' analysis of proposal. Some views of the agreement. Monetary times, Feb. 11, 1911, v. 1^6:6 16-6 IS. HFl.M66,v.46 1911. ^raiuifacturcrs oppose tariff changes. They look witii anxiety at the growing American expoi'ts ot" manufactun^s. Monetary time-^, Frb. IS, 1911, v. ]f6: 717. Fl.M66,v.46 1911. Other countries may seek advantages. Washington views of the favored-nation clause. How the agreement will work. Monetary time-s Feh. IS, 1911, v. 1^6: 7 17-7 IS. HFl.M66,v.46 1911. Trade ties and atuicxation. Lessons of the past. Agreement is not in the countiy's interest. Will seriously check trade. Monetary time.H, Fl>. 25, 1911, v. J^6: 816-817. HFl.M66,v.46 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1911. The downfall of colonial preference. [Editorial]. Nation^ {London), Feb. \, 1911, v. 8: 753-75Ji,. AP4.S67,v.8 1911. Canada and wheat prices. [Editorial]. JVation , {London) , Feb. 11,1911, v. 8: 793-79^. AP4.S67,v.8 1911. The tariff reform attack on Canada. [Editorial], Nation, {London), Feb. 18, 191 1 , v. 8: 825-826. AP4.S67,v.8 1911. McCulloch, John. Will freer trade make dearer wheat? Nation, {London), Feb. 18, 1911, v. 8: 8}fi. AP4.S67,v.8 Argues that the Canadian reciprocity agreement will not raise the price of wheat in Europe. 1911. The President on freer trade. [Editorial]. Nation, {Neio Yorlc) Feb. 2, 1911, v. 92: 106. AP2.N2,v.92 1911. A really national policy. [Editorial]. Nation, {NeioTork), Feb. 9, 1911, v. 92: 132. ap2.N2,v.92 "There can be no doubt that the negotiators who, under Presi- dent Taft's direction, Morked out the Canadian agreement did so on the basis of a broadly conceived national measure." 1911. Canada's free hand. [Editorial]. Nation, {New York), Feb. 16, 1911, v. 92: 158-159. AP2.N2.V.92 1911. Reciprocity and the farmers. [Editorial]. Natio7i, {New York), Feb. 23, 1911, v. 92: 184-185. AP2.N2,v.92 1911. MacVeagh, Wayne. An appeal to President Taft. North American review, Feb. 1911, v. 193: 161-179. Reciprocity with Canada: pp. 164-165. AP2.N7,v.l93 1911. Lawson, W. R. The Canadian railways and reciprocity. Outlook, {London), Feb. 18, 1911, v. 27: 217-218. AP4.08,v.27 1911. Canadian reciprocity. [Editorial]. Outlook, {New York), Feb. 4, 1911, v. 97: 244-245. AP2.08,v.97 1911. Canadian reciprocity would help our farmers. [Editorial]. Outlook, {New York), Feb. 25, 1911, r. 97: 372*-374*. AP2.08,v.97 1911. Brigham, E. S. A farmer on reciprocity. [Letter to Repre- sentative D. J. Foster, of Vermont]. Eural New-Yorker, Feb. 18, 1911, v. 70: 189. sl.R9,v.70 Opposed. RECIPROCITY WITH CAXADA 15 1911. Reciprocity and annexation. [Editorial]. Shipping loorld, Feb. 22^ 1911., v. J/Jf.: 204-. HE561.S6,v.44 1911. Hildebrand, Gerhard. Was bedeutet das kanadisch-nord- amerikanische Handels- Abkommen ? Sozialistische Monatshefte., Feb. 23, 1911, v. J,,: 232-2^0. HX6.S6,v.4 1911. Reciprocity and the empire. [Editorial]. Spectator, Feh. If, 1911, v. 106: 17^.-175. AP4.S7,v.l06 1911. Canadian commerce and British politics. [Editorial]. Spectator, Feb. 11, 1911, v. 106: 206-207. AP4.S7,v.l06 1911. Canada and the United States — The real danger. [Editorial]. Sjjectator, Feh. 18, 1911, v. 106: 2Jt;3-2U. ap4.S7,v.106 1911. The American-Canadian treaty. Statut, Feb. Jf, 1911, V. 67: 217. HGll.S8,v.67 1911. The Canadian Parliament on annexation. [Editorial]. Statist, Feb. 25, 1911, v. 67: 363-36^. HGll.S8,v.67 1911. Tariff revision b}^ reciprocit3\ American banker, Mar. 18, 1911, v. 76: 839-8 Jfi. HG1501.A5,v.76 « 1911. Dodge, Arthur J. Sudden fondness for reciprocity: Demo- crats favor it now because it "puts the Republican party in a hole". America7i economist. Mar. 24-, 1911, r. 1^7 : 158-159. HC101.A5,v.47 1911. Current newspaper comments: what the editors are saying about the proposed Canadian agreement. American economist, Mar. 2Jf,, 101 U ''. Ji* : 16^-167 . HC101.A5,v.47 1911. The Democrats and Canadian reciprocity. [ Kditorialj. Arf/onaut, Mar. 18, 1911, v. 68: 163. AP2.A65,v.68 1911. Problems of the Canada-United States agreement. British trade journal. Mar. 1, 1911, v. JfD: 80-81. HFll.B7,v.40 1911. Reciprocity and imperialism. Canada, Mar. J,, 1911, v. 21: 258-259. Fiooi.cl5,v.21 1911. The reciprocity agreement: its effects on the fruit-growing industry. Canada, Mur. 4. 1911, r. 21: 264. F1001.C16,v.2I 86450^—11 3 16 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1911. Another view of the reciprocity agreement. Canada^ JIar. ^ 1911, v. 21: 266. F1001.ci5,v.21 1911. The reciprocity agreement. Mr. Sif ton's opposition. Canadian gazette. Mar. 2, 1911, v. 56: 726-727. HClll.C2,v.56 1911. Mr. Griffith at Birmingham university: a good word for John Bull — The Washington compact and Canada's future destiny. Canadian gazette, Mar. 2, 1911, v. 56: 730. HClll.C2,v.56 1911. Some imperial aspects of the reciprocity arrangement. Canadian gazette, Mar. 2, 1911, v. 56: 7Jf.^-7If-Ji. HClll.C2,v.56 1911. The reciprocity agreement. Canadian gazette. Mar. 23, 1911, v. 56: 8JiB-8Ji3. Newspaper and other comment. HClll.C2,v.56 1911. Edmonds, W. L. The business aspect of reciprocity. Canadian manufacturer, Mar. 1911, v. 31: Jf-S-Jf.^. TSl.C22,v.31 "The question should be considered from a business standpoint and not clouded by theoretical economists. The agreement now before Parliament has not been so considered and much of the information supplied the negotiating ministers was inadequate. A mandate should be obtained from the people before the agreement is ratified." 1911. Reciprocity and municipalities. [Editorial], Canxidian municipal journal. Mar. 1911, v. 7: 93. HD4421.C3,v.7 Opposed to reciprocity with the United States. 1911. [Reciprocity with Canada.] C'lrrent literature. Mar. 1911, v. 50: 231-2U. AP2.C95,v.50 1911. Canadian preference and reciprocity. [Canadian correspond- ence]. Econditorial]. Saturday revieir, Mar. 11, 1911, v. 3: 290-292. ap4.S3,v.3 20 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1911. Canadian- American reciprocity. [Editorial]. Spectator, Mar. ^, 1911, v. 106: 317-318. AP4.S7,v.l06 1911. The reciprocity arrangement, i. Its advantag-es to the United States. II. Its advantages to Canada, iii. Its advantages to Great Britain. [Editorials]. Statist, Mar. Jf-18, 1911, v. 67: Jf25-If27, J^91-J^92, 5}t5-5I^7. HGll.S8,v.67 1911. The proposed reciprocity treaty with Canada. [Editorial]. Twentieth century magazine, Mar. 1911, v. 3: 5Jf3-6If5. AP2.T88,v.3 1911. Fenwick, C. B. Canadian reciprocity and Pan-Americanism. Worid's woric, {London), Mar. 1911, v. 17: 367-371. AP4.W85,v.l7 "A statement of the case against the agreement of Washington from an imperial standpoint— the triumph of Mr. Taft and his Pan-American policy." 1911. Reciprocity and lumber; a statement ])ased on official reports. American review of reviews, Apr. 1911, v. Jf3: Jf69-Jf70. AP2.R4,v.43 1911. Walker, Thomas B. Timber conservation as related to reci- procity. Ainerican review of revieios, Apr. 1911, v. Ji3: Ji70-Ji72. AP2.E.4,v.43 1911. Reciprocity the hope of the consumer. Century magazine, Ayr. 1911, v. 81: 951-952. AP2.C4,v.81 1911. Porritt, Edward. The reciprocit}^ agreement and British col- onial policy. North American review, Apr. 1911, v. 193: 615-522. AP2.N7,v.l93 SPEECHES IN CONGRESS Debate in the House of Representatives on the bill (H. R. 32216) "To promote reciprocal trade relations with the Dominion of Canada and for other purposes." Feb. 11, 13-18, 20-25, 27-28; Mar. 1, 2, 6, 7, 1911. Congressional record. 61st Cong. 3d sess. , v. ^6", n^s. 50., 52-57 .^ 59-6 Jp, 66-69, 72-73 {current file): 21i83-U86; 251^7-2572; 2618-2650; 2657-2673; 2730-271^1; 2850-2851^; 2858; 2921-2927; 2929-2931; 293Jf-29U; 301^1^-30^8; 3053- 3057; 3073-3075; 3085-3092; 3181^-3192; 3265-3269; 327k.-3276; 3327-3331^; 3393-3399; 3U3-3J^18; 31^30- 3Ji31^; 3]t27-3J^38; 35U-35Jf7; 3661-3667; 3757-3759; 3911-3913; ^002-1^00^; 1^5 13-1^ U; 1^562-1^65. Debate in the Senate on Senate resolution 366, offered by Mr. Cum- mins, requesting the President to transmit certain informa- tion secured by the board of experts relative to various commodities named in the bill for reciprocity with Canada. Feb. 23, 1911. Congressional record., 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. IfB, no. 62 {current file): 331^6-331^7. Debate in the Senate on the bill (H. R. 32216) **To pi-omote recipro- cal trade relations with the Dominion of Canada and for other pur- poses." Feb. 24, 28; Mar. 2, 4, 10, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. lf.6, nos. 63, 67, 69, 71, 7i {current file): 31^7-31^68; 371,0-3755; 3793; 3795-3798; 3806-3811; 3995-3997; 1,005-1^08; lfi28- lfi32; lil,05-U18; Vj73-lt,577. Barclay, Charles F. Canadian reciprocity. SpcMM-li in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d stss., r. 1,6, no. 60 {curretit file): 3188-3190. Opposed. Bennet, William S. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 13, lit 11. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d seax., r. 1,6, no. 66 {current file): 3661-3667. Opposed. 21 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Beveridge, Albert J. Canadian recipro('it3\ Speech in tlie Senate, Feb. 9, 1911. Congressional 7'ecord, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 4-6, no. 4^ (current file): 2340-23U' Favorable. Borland, William P. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the Honse of Representatives, Feb. 11, 1911. Cong7\'sslonal record., 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 46, no. 56 {current file): 2850-2852. Favorable. Broussard, James F. Reciprocit}^ with Canada, Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional reco7'd, 61st Cong. 3d sess. , v. 46, no. 53 {current file): 2632-2635. Opposed. Burke, James Francis. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 11, 1911.' Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 4^, ^lo. 53 {current file): 2621-2622. Favorable. Butler, Thomas S. Canadian reciprocity. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Cyngressional record, 61st Cong, 3d sess. , v. 46, no. 57 {current file): 2925-2927. Favorable. Calderhead, William A. Reciprocity with Canada. Remarks in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess. ^v. 46, no. 53 {cu7rent file): 2647. Opposed. Clark, Champ, Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 46, no. 53 {current file): 2622-2627. Favorable, Crawford, Coe I. Tariff and reciprocity. Remarks in the Senate, Feb. 27, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong'. 3d sess., v. 46, no. 69 {current file): 4028-4032. Opposed. RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA 23 Cullop, William A. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. Jf.6, no. 67 {current file): 3757-3759. Favorable. Dalzell, John. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., r. 4-6, no. 5 If. {current file): 2657-2661. Opposed. Davidson, James H. Canadian reciprocity. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. JfB, no. 63 {current file): 3li30-3Ji3Ji.. Opposed. Dawson, Albert F. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. ^.6, no. 53 {cur- rent file): 2636-3637. Opposed. Dickinson, Clement C. Canadian reciprocity. Speech in the House of Representiitives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. Ji.6, no. 57 {cu7'- rentfile): 29/^1-294^. Favorable. Fairchild, George W. Canadian reciprocit}'. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Cojigressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. //i, no. 55 {cur- rent file): 2730. Opposed. Focht, Benjamin K. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congremiomil recm'd, 61st Cong. 3d sess:, r. ^6, no. 5If. {cur- rent filr): 2663-266 Jf. Oi>pos«>d. Fordney, Joseph W. Reciprocitv with Canada. Speech in the House of Representiitives, Feb. 14, 1911. CongrenxioiKil record, 6 Id Cong. 3d sess., v. //6, no. 57 {cur- rent file): 2921-2925. Opposed. 24 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS Foss, Eugene N. Tariff reduction and reciprocity. Speech in the House of Representatives, May 21, 1910. Congrei no. 70 {current file): 4175. Opposed. Hamilton, PMward L. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech \n the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional recoi'd, 61st Cong. 3d sess., r. 46, no. 60 {current file): 3187-3188. Opposed. Hanna, Louis B. Canadian rccii)ro('ity. Speech in tho House of Rcprescntiitives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. >^6', no. 59 {current file): 3085-3092. Opposed. Harrison, Francis H. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the of Representatives, Feb. 13, 191 1. Congressional rerord, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 46-, no. 52 {current file): 2564-2566. Favorable. 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Haugen, Gilbert N. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record^ 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 4-6^ no. 69 {current file): W02-m4- Opposed. Hill, Ebenezer J. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 13, 1911. Congressional record.^ 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 4-^, no. 52 {current file): 2549-2557. Favorable. Reciprocity wuth Canada. Speech in the House of Repre- sentatives, Feb. 13, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess. , v. 46., no. 73 {current file): 4562-4565. Favorable. Hughes, Dudley M. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record., 61st Cong. 3d sess.., v. 46., no. 53 {current file): 2644-2645. Favorable. Humphrey, William E. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 4^., no, 62 {current file): 3332-3334.. Opposed. Keifer, Joseph Warren. Canadian reciprocity. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Conqressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 46, no. 57 {current file): 2934-2938. Opposed. Kendall, Nathan E. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 13, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess. , v. 46, no. 52 {current file): 2571-2572. Opposed. Kennedy, James. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 46, no. 55 {current file): 2734-2735. Opposed. EECIPROCITY WITH CANADA 27 Knapp, Charleti! L. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14r, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 46, no. 5^ {current fie): 2666-^2669. Opposed. Kopp, Arthur W. Reciprocity^ with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. ^6, no. 5Jf. {current fie): 2671-2672. Opposed. Kiistermann, Gustav. Canadian reciprocity. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. Jfi, no. Slf, {cui^rent fie): 2670-2671. Favorable. Langley, John W. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. J^6, no. 72 {cm^ent file): h^l3-li5U. Opposed. Lindbergh, Charles A. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. Ifi, no. 53 {current file): 2637-2639. Opposed. Longworth, Nicholas. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess. , v. IfB, no. 53 {current fie): 2627-2629. Favorable. Lowden, Frank O. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Rcprc.sentiitives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess. , r. 4^, no. 54 {cuirent fie): 2672-2673. Oppf)f-ed. McCall, Samuel W. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 11, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 4^, no. 50 {current f^: 2483-2485. FavoraVjIe. 28 LIBBARY OF CONGBESS McCall, Samuel W. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congresdonal record^ 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 4-^, no. 57 (current jile): ^929-^931. Favorable. McCumber, Porter J. Trade agreement with Canada. Speech in the Senate, Feb. 25, 1911. Congressional record.) 61st Cong. 3d sess.., v. ^6', no. 67 {current file): 371^0-3755. Opposed. McKinley, William B. Canadian reciprocity. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional 1'ecord., 61st Cong. 3d sess. , v. J/B, no. 60 {current file): 3190-3192. Text of address of President Taft at joint session of 47th General assembly of Illinois, Springfield, Feb. 11, 1911, and of open letter of James Wilson, Secretary of agriculture, to Legislative committee ot National grange, dated Feb. 9, 1911. Mr. Mc- Kinley's remarks are merely introductory. McMorran, Henry. Canadian reciprocity. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 13, 1911. Congressional record.^ 61st Cong. 3d sess. , v. Ifi., no. 68 {current file): 3911-3913. Opposed. Reprinted in Congressional Record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., V. 46, no. 75 (current file), pp. 4661^664. Appended is a reprint of the report of the minority members of the Com- mittee on ways and means on the bill (H. R. 32216) for reci- procity with Canada. Maguire, John A. Canadian reciprocity. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record^ 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 4^6, no. 64- {current file): 35U-3547. Favorable. Malby, George R. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record.^ 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. ^6., no. 59 {current file): 3053-3057. Opposed. Mann, James R. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record.^ 61st Cong. 3d sess. .^ v. Ji6, no. 53 {current file): 2631-2632. Favorable. RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA 29 Martin, Eben W. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 13, 1911. Congressional recoi'd^ 61st Cong. 3d sess.^ v. Ji.6, no. 5'2 {cw^'ent file): 2569-2570. Opposed. Mondell, Frank W. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record., 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 4-6, no. 54- {current file): 2661-2662. Opposed. Moore, Joseph Hampton. Reciprocity and free trade. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record.^ 61st Cong. 3d sess.., v. IfB., no. 59 {current file): 30U-30J^8. Opposed. Norris, Georo-e W. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 11, 1911. Congressional record^ 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. JiB, no. 60 {current file) 3184-3187. Opposed. Palmer, Alexander Mitchell. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 13, 1911. Congressional record.^ 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 4-6, no. 52 {current file): 2566-2569. Favorable. Peters, Andrew J. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 11, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 4^1 '^^o. 57 {cur- rent fie): 2938-2941. Favorable. Pickett, Charles E. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. drngresxional record, 6l8t Cong. 3d sess., v. 46 •, f>o. 62 {cur- rent file): 3327-3332. ()p[)OHed. Poindexter, Miles. Canadian reciprocity. Speech in the ilouse of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 1^6, no. 62 {cur- rent file): 3334.. Favorable, with reservations. 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Pujo, Arsene P. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record^ 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 4^6, no. 53 {cnr- rentfile): ^6U-mU- Opposed. Richardson, William. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record^ 61st Cong. 3d sess. , v. If.6, no. 66 {cur- rent fJe): 2852-^85 Jf. Favorable. Sherwood, Isaac R. Canadian reciprocity. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. JfB, no. 61 {current file): 3271f.-3276. Favorable, with reservations. Simmons, Furnifold M. Reciprocitv with Canada. Speech in the Senate, Mar. 2, 1911. Congressional recoi'd, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. Jfi, no. 7^ {current file): 1,573-1^577. Opposed. Smith, Ellison D. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the Senate, Feb. 27, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 4-6, no. 69 {current file): 3995-3997. Favorable. Steenerson, Halvor. Agriculture appropriation bill — Canadian reci- procity. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 11, 1911. " Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. ^,6, no. 52 {current file): 2516-2521. Opposed. Sterling, John A. Canadian reciprocity. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess,, v. ^6, no. 59 {current file): 3073-3075. Opposed. Sulzer, William. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 46, no. 55 {cur- rent file): 2736. Favorable. RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA 31 Swasey, John P. Canadian reciprocity. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 19, 1911. Ccmgressimial record., 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 4^, no. 63 {cur- rent fie): 3U5-3U9. Opposed. Thomas, Charles R. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 13, 1911. Congressional record., 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. ^^6, no. 63 {cur- rent fie): 3393-3399. Favorable. Underwood, Oscar W. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911, on the bill (H. R. 32216) to permit reciprocal trade relations with the Dominion of Canada. Congressional record.^ 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. ^6, no. 53 {cur- rent fie): 2619-2621. Favorable. Volstead, Andrew J. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1911. Congressional record^ 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. ^6, no. 53 {cur- rent fie): 2639-26 J^l. Opposed. Young, Lafayette. The proposed American donation to Canada. Speech in the Senate, Feb. 28, 1911. Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. Jt.6, no. 69 {current fie): liO05- 1^008. Opposed. UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS Bachelder, Nahum Josiah. Reciprocity with Canada. Letter. of chairman Legislative committee, National grange, Con- cord, N. H., to Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of agricul- ture, regarding reciprocity with Canada. [Was/u'ngton: Govt, print, of., 1911.] 2 pp. 8°. {61st Cong, 3d sess. Se?iate. Doc. 828.) Letter dated Feb. 13, 1911. Barker, Wharton. Our Canadian relations. [Washington: Govt, print, off., 1911.] 18 pp. 8°. (61st Cong. 3d sess. House. Doc. 1417.) Ordered to be printed Mar. 3, 1911. Letter to James A. Garfield, House of Representatives, dated Apr. 27, 1880; note to William M. Evarts, U. S. Senate, dated Jan. 5, 1886, with Memorandum concerning Canada; letter to Justin S. Morrill, chairman Finance committee, U. S. Senate, dated Nov. 28, 1887, with jNIemorandum upon (1) the national revenues and their surplus; (2) trade relations of the United States and Canada. 11-35270 HF1732.C2B32 Carter, Thomas H., comp. Reciprocity with Canada. Papers in the consideration of bill (H. R. 32216) relating to reciprocity with Canada. [Washington: Govt, print, off., 1911.] 65 pp. 8°. {61st Cong. 3d sess. Senate. Doc. 862.) Also printed in Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., Mar. 4, 1911, v. 46, no. 71 (current file), pp. 4405-4418. Contents. — H. R. 32216, 61st Congress, 3d session. An act to promote reciprocal trade relations with the Dominion of Can- ada, and for other purposes; [Text] (pp. 1-10); [Analysis, comment and statistics] (pp. 10-31); Address of President Taft at the National corn exposition, Columbus, Ohio, Feb. 10, 1911 (pp. 31-.36); Address of President Taft at the joint session of the 47th General assembly of Illinois at Springfield, Feb. 11, 1911 (pp. 36-41); Open letter [from James "Wilson, Secretary of agriculture] to the Legislative committee. National grange, Concord, N. H., Feb. 9, 1911 (pp. 42-46); Commercial rela- tions of the United States with Canada, by John Ball Osborne, chief, Bureau of trade relations. Department of state (pp. 47-55). Hri732.C2C4 32 RECIPEOCITY WITH CANADA 33 Daniel, John Wci-wick. The luiiiber schedule. Paper entitled ''Data on the lumber schedule;" also a sworn statement of the diflerence in the wage scale of the United States and Canada, etc. [Washington: Govt, print, off.., 1909.] 8 pj). 8°. {61st Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 111.) Presented by Mr. Daniel. Ordered printed, June 21, 1909. Paper by L. W. "whitehead. 9-35681 HF266 1 .L803D2 Knox, Philander Chase. Reciprocity with Canada. {WasJilngton: Govt, print, of.., 1911.] 9 pp. 8°. {61st Cong. 3d sess. House. Doc. 14-18.) Ordered to be printed Mar. 3, 1911. Address before the Chicago association of commerce, Feb. 15, 1911. 11-35269 HF1732.C2K7 Moline daily dispatch, Mbline, III. Canadian reciprocity. Arti- cle published in the Moline daih" dispatch of Feb. 13, 1911, relative to reciprocity with Canada. [Washhigton: Govt. pri?it. off'., 1911.] 6 i^p. 8°. {61st Cong. 3d sess. Senate. Doc. 8If2. ) Presented by :Mr. duPont. Ordered printed Feb. 28, 1911. 11-35256 HF1732.C2M7 U. S. 38th Congress., 1863-1865. Extracts from Conofressional debates on the reciprocity treat}' of IS.o-l with Canada, together with message of the President transmitting the treaty to Congress. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1911. 185 2>P- ^°- {61st Cong. 3d sess. Jlouse. Doc. 1350.) Presented by Mr. Gainen. Ordered printed Feb. 2, 1911. Contexts. — I'roceeding.s preHininary to the reciprocity treaty. — The treaty. — The legislation to carry out the treaty. — Extension of treaty to Newfoundland. — Wf>rking8 of the treaty.— The legislation t<» terminate the treaty. — Debate in the House, [May IS-May 26, 1S64]. — Further proceedings in tiie House, [Dec. 13, 1864].— Proceedings in the Senate, [Dec. 19, 1864- Jan. 12, 1865]. — House concurs in Senate amendments. — Ap- proved by I'resident. Il-:i5151 HF1732.C2A4 1854 Congress. JIouHe. Committee on imys and weans. Keci- ])r<)city with Canada. Hearings l)oforo the Conmiittcc on ways and means of the House of i('i)rosen(ativ('s, (list Congress, ?A session, on H. R. 32216, February 2, 4, G, 7, 8, and 9, 1911. Washington: Gm^t. print, off., 1911. 3Jf.2 pp. 8°. S. E. Payne, chairman. 11-:35190 HF1732.C2A4 1911b 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Includes extended statements by the following: Augustus P. Gardner, Representative from Massachusetts (pp. 3-6) ; Arthur L. Millett (pp. 6-13); William H. Thomas (pp. 16-28); Thomas J. Carroll (pp. 34-55); Charles F. Wonson (pp. 58-66); Leonard A. Treat (pp. 66-73) ; Isaac Patch, mayor of G loucester, Mass. (pp. 73-80); L. B. Hanna, Representative from North Dakota, (pp. 81-85); Edward Hines, National lumber manu- facturers' association (pp. 85-103; 275-288); George R. Malby, Representative from New York (pp. 104-119) ; Bruno E. Fink (pp. 119-135); J. R. Mauff, American society of equity (pp. 135-150); Francis M. Hugo (pp. 154-171); Alfred S. Hall (pp. 175-185); William E. Humphrey, Representative from Washington (pp. 202-222); R. P. Grant (pp. 222-228); Aaron Jones, National grange (pp. 237-242); John Norris (pp. 242- 265); D. E. Skinner (pp. 292-307). U. S. Congress. House. Committee on ways and means. Reci- procity with Canada. Report. {Washington: Govt, jyrint. off. .,1911.\ 6 pp. 8°. {61st Cong. 3d sess. House. Rept. 2150.) Submitted by Mr. McCall. Committed to the Committee of the whole house on the state of the Union, and ordered printed, Feb. 11, 1911. 11-35190 HF1732.C2A4 1911a Senate. Committee on finance. Reciprocity with Canada. Compilation of documents relating to the proposed agree- ment of 1911, and to the treaty of 1851 and its subsequent operation. Feb. 18, 1911. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1911. [84-6] pp. 8°. Contents. — Special message of President Taft, Jan. 26, 1911, with correspondence, etc. — H. R. 32216, 61st Cong. 3d sess. An act to promote reciprocal trade relations with the Dominion of Canada, and for other purposes. — Hearings and reports on the bill, Committee on ways and means, Feb. 2-15, 1911. — Reci- procity treaty as to fisheries, duties, and navigation, British North America, June 5, 1854. — 33d Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Report of Committee on foreign relations, July 11, 1854. - 37th Cong. 2d sess. House report no. 22. Reciprocity treaty with Great Britain, report of Committee on commerce, Feb. 5, 1862. — 38th Cong. 1st sess. House ex. doc. no. 32. Reciprocity treaty, letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, Feb. 1, 1864. — 38th Cong, Ist sess. House report no. 39. Reciprocity treaty, report of Committee on commerce, Apr. 1, 1864. — 39th Cong. 1st sess. House ex. doc. no. 128. Commercial relations with British America, letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, June 14, 1886. — 39th Cong. 2d sess. Senate ex. doc. no. 30. Message from the President, Feb. 19, 1867, transmitting report of Secre- tary Seward, and papers to which it refers. EECIPROCITY WITH CANADA 35 U. S. Senate. Coinmittee on finance. Reciprocity with Canada. Hearings before the Committee on finance of the United States Senate on H. R. 32216: An act to promote reciprocal trade relations with the Dominion of Canada and for other purposes. Washington: Govt, print, of., 1911. 332 pp. 8°. {61st Cong. 3d. sess. Senate. Doc. 834-.) Presented by Mr. Smoot. Feb. 24, 1911. — Ordered to be printed. Includes extended statements by the following: John Strange (pp. 3-15, 323-325); Edward Hines, National lumber manu- facturers' association (pp. 15-31); Charles M. Gardner, Massa- chusetts state grange (pp. 45-53); Augustus P. Gardner, Representative from Massachusetts (pp. 64-78); Elihu Root, Senator from New York (pp. 78-82); N. P. Hull, Michigan state grange (pp. 127-130; 254-266); John P. Swasey, Repre- sentative from Maine (pp. 152-155); Arthur C. Hastings, American paper and pulp association (pp. 156-216; 285-287) ; John Norris, American newspaper publishers' association (pp. 217-247); Elon R. Brown (pp. 272-285); Chester W. Lyman, International paper company (pp. 295-320). Reprint of a pamphlet by William Whitman, entitled "Objec- tions to reciprocity on constitutional and practical grounds," (Boston, 1904): pp. 90-105. HF1732.C2A4 IQlld Dept. ofi agriculture. Reciprocit}^ with Canada. Letter of the Secretary of agriculture [James Wilson] to the Legislative committee, National grange, Concord, N. H., in reference to the proposed Canadian reciprocity treaty. [Washingto7i: Govt, print, of ., 1911.] 6pp. 8°. (61st Cmig. 3d sess. Senate. Doc. 829. ) Letter dated Feb. 9, 1911. Also printed in Congressional record, 61st Cong., 3d sess., v. 46, no. 52, (current file), pp. 2532-2533, and in no. 60 (current file), pp. 3191-3192. Dept. of state. Tariff negotiations between the United States and foreign governments. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting through the Secretary of state and the Secretary of the Treasury, reports relative to recent tariff negotiations between the government of the United States and foreign governments made necessary by the Tariff act of August 5, VM)\). Washiiigton: Govt. 2>rint.t. (f Udionr 3 l)f])l. of Secretarij of Malr . 4 Depl.oflnuleand coinvierre 3 J'arliamenl 37, 38 Page Canada. Census, 1901 3 Commerce 3,32,34,36 Commercial union with United States 18 Finance 3,6,36 Forest resources 3 Productions 3 Resources 3 Statistics 3,36 See also Farmers; Investments; Liberal party ; Manufactur- ers; Nationalist party; Newfoundland; Prices; Railways; Tariff; Treaties; Wages Canada: an encyclopaedia 3 Canada club, London 11 Canada. Farmers' delegation, 1910 39 Canadian annual review of public affairs 3, 5 Canadian clul), Toronto 9 Canadian council of agriculture. . . 9, 39 Canadian manufacturers' associa- tion 8,13 Canadian Who's who 3 Carman, Albert R 18 Carroll, Thomas J 34 Carter, Thomas II 32 Carvell, Frank B 38 Chand)erlain, Austen 17 Chapleau, J. A 4,5 Chicago association of commerce. . 18, 33 Clark, Champ 13,22 Clark, Michael 38 Colnlen club 6 Cockburn, A. P 4 Collins, Paul V 5 Commercial club, I'raridencc, Ji. I. 5 Commercial handl)ook of Canada. 3 Commodities affected l)y reciproc- ity agreement 21, 36 Fish 12, 34, 35 Fruit 15 Iron 12 41 42 INDEX Page Commodities affected by reciproc- ity agreement — Continued. Lumber 20,33,34,35 Wheat 14 Wood pulp 35 Conservative party of Great Brit- ain and reciprocity 17 Constitutionality of reciprocity treaties 35 Cook, Herbert E 19 Cost of living and reciprocity 19, 20 See also Prices Crawford, Coe I 22 Cullop, William A 23 Cmnmins, Albert B 21 Currie, John A 37, 38 Dalzell, John 23 Daniel, John Warwick 33 Davidson, James H 23 Dawson, Albert F 23 Democratic party and reciprocity. 15 Dewavrin, M. L 3 Dicey, Edward 16 Dickinson, Clement C 23 Dodge, Arthur J 15 Drury, E. C 13 du Pont, Henry A 33 Edmonds, W. L 12, 16 Egerton, Hugh Edward 4 Fairchild, George W 23 Farmers of Canada and reciprocity 9, 10, 13, 39 Farmers of United States and reci- procity ... 5, 14, 17, 18, 19, 28, 32, 34, 35 Favored-nation clause: See Most-favored-nation clause Fenwick, C. B 20 Fielding, William S 11, 37, 38 Fink, Bruno E 34 Fish: See Commodities Fisher, Sydney 38 Focht, Benjamin K 23 Fordney, Joseph W 23 Forests of Canada: See Canada; Forest resources Foss, Eugene N 24 Foster, George E 8,9,38 Eraser, John Foster 4 Fruit: See Commodities Gaines, Joseph H 24, 33 Gardner, Augustus P 24, 34, So Gardner, Charles M . Garvin, J. L German, W^illiam M. Gillespie, Oscar W... Good, James W Goodeve, Arthur S . . Page 35 17 38 24 24 38 Goulden, Joseph A 24 Graham, James M 24 Grant, John G 25 Grant, E. P 34 Great Britain. Board of trade 3, 39 Colonial office 39- Legation. U. S. . . 39 Prices: Canada 3 Great Britain 14 See also Cost of living Griest, William W 25 Gronna, Asle J 12,25 Guernsey, Frank E 25 Guthrie, Hugh 33 Hall, Alfreds " 34 Hamilton, Edward L 25 Hanna, Louis B 25, 34 Harris, Lloyd 33 Harrison, Francis B 25 Hastings, Arthur C 35 Haugen, Gilbert N 26 Haultain, Arnold 7 Herbert, Bron 6 Hildebrand, Gerhard 15 Hill, Ebenezer J 26 Hill, James Jerome 6, 9, 18 Hines, Edward 34,35 Hobson, John Atkinson 6 Hopkins, John Castell 5, 8 Hughes, Dudley M 26 Hughes, Hugh J 17 Hugo, Francis M 34 Hull, N. P 35 Humphrey, AVilliam E 26, 34 International paper company 35 Investments of United States capi- tal in Canada 9 Iron: See Commodities Jeans, J. Stephen 3 Johnson, George 3 Johnston, Charles 17 Jones, Aaron 34 Keifer, Joseph Warren 26 Kendall, Nathan E 26 INDEX 43 Page I Kennedy, James 26 i Kingman, R. T 12 Kingsford, William 3 Knapp, Charles L 27 Knox, Philander Chase 18,33,37 Kopp, Arthur W 27 Kiistermann, Gustav 27 Kyte, George W 38 Langley, John W 27 Laurier, Sir Wilfrid 37,38 Lawson, W. R 14 Lemieux, Rodolphe _ 38 Lennox, Haughton __ 38 Lethbridge, Roper_ 19 Liberal party of Canada and reciprocity 6, 10 Liberal party of Great Britain and reciprocity 19 Lindbergh, Charles A 27 Longworth, Nicholas 27 Low, Maurice A 18 Lowden, Frank 27 Lumber: See Commodities Lumber schedule of Payne tariff act - 33 Lyman, Chester W 35 Lysaght, John 12 McArthur, Peter 8 McCall, Samuel W 27,28,34 McCumber, Porter J 28 McGrath, P. T 9 McKenzie, Donald D 38 McKinley, William B 28 Maclean, William F 37 McMorran, Henry 28 MacVeagh, Wayne 14 Maguire, John A 28 Malby, George R 28,34 Mann, D. D 8 Mann, James R 28 Manufacturers of Canada and reci- procity 8,10,13 Manufacturers of United States and reciprocity 5 Martin, Kl)en W 29 Marvin, Thomas O 19 MaHsaclnisctts state grange 35 Mauff, J. R 34 Mavor, Janics ... 1 3 Michigan stiitc grange 35 Mi,