*£ Forward Mining Development Co. Red Fox Bullfrog Mining Co. Goldfield Mascot Mining Co. Bullfrog Water, Light & Power Co. Beach Hill Flagging Quarry Co. Yankee Girl Gold Mining Co. Bullfrog National Bank Gold Mining Co. The {Patrick Investment Co* Fiscal Agent for Above Companies and other Patrick stocks. Suite 402, 403, 404 and 405 Empire Building Denver, Colorado. •3 Where We are Now Located J 6th and Glenarm ©fficers JAS. M. PATRICK, President C. M. EDDY, Vice President THEO. E. QUINBY, Secretary HARRY R. BROWN. Treasurer Directors JAMES M. PATRICK C M. EDDY THEO L. L. PATRICK HARRY R. BROWN OUINBY To our friends and patrons at home and abroad, we send a cordial greeting from our new home* E had outgrown our old quarters and found it nec- essary, in order to more expeditiously handle our ever increasing business, to seek larger and. better offices. We are now lo- cated on the fourth floor of the Em- pire Building. This structure is one of the latest additions to Denver's office buildings. It has every conven- ience that modern construction and skilful architecture could suggest. Our suite includes rooms 402, 403, 404 and 40?, where we shall be glad to see our friends at any time. T is a great struggle for prefer- ment these days. The success- ful business man has few idle moments. He not only must plan to keep what he has, but must constantly devise methods to increase his business. He is not content to stand still. If he is, the procession passes by and he is left behind. ^TFSome of the P's of success are 2U. Push, Perseverance, Punctuality, Performance, Prestige and Perspicuity. And the writer of these few lines may conscientiously add Patrick. In the promotion of mining properties in Nevada the name of Patrick is linked with many successes. The Patrick family has not only made a fortune for itself, but for those of its patrons who have quickly opened the door when the Patrick opportunity knocked. gEVADA has hardly cut her milk teeth, as a producer of mineral wealth. A little more than three years old, yet well posted, unemotional mining men are predicting an output of $£0,000,- 000 for 1907. Just think of it! Sounds fabulous, doesn't it ? And there are those who will scoff at the statement. But this estimate for 1907 is based on past performances. That makes it reasonable doesn't it? Just think of the machinery that is being shipped to Nevada. Contemplate for a moment what this means in in- creasing the production. One firm that had a lease on a rich piece of Goldfield property hired a special train to carry its machinery from Denver to Gold- field. And it was stipulated in the con- tract that the train was to make as fast time as any passenger train on the road. Foolish? Expensive? Unnec- essary? Not a bit of it. The machinery when installed paid many times over for the cost of trans- portation. And it did it in less time than it took the engine to haul the train from Denver to Goldfield. £1 |"NO man knows how much gold ^j or other precious metal is still "^^ hidden in Nevada, but time will tell. It is no temporary boom which is on there, however. Men of millions have invested fortunes in Nevada and they have not risked this money on the cast of a die. Shrewd business men don't do that. They first employed their own experts to investigate and report. Investment followed. They are getting on the ground early, that's all. ^S in all walks of life, business or social, there is the black sheep. So it is with mining. The unscrupulous sharper is there. He is practising his shell game. But systematic action is to be taken by the reputable firms to oust these conscienceless thieves. The U. S. government also has its eye out, and the future pathway of this band of robbers is to be made a thorny one. It always pays to deal with a reliable firm. WELL established firm can stand any misfortune more calmly than that which tarnishes its good name or inti- mates by direct charge or innuendo that its business methods do not con- form to the code of recognized, upright commercial bodies. We have always striven to conduct our affairs along the lines of the Golden Rule, and feel that therein is largely due our success. As we remarked previously, it is a great struggle for preferment in these busy days of competition in commer- cialism. We have endeavored to build up and maintain our business by honest, earnest effort and courteous treatment. We have aimed to keep in front. E THANK you heartily for your past favors and hope for a continuance of our pleasant business relations which have existed for so long. May 1907 bring you Health, Happiness and Prosperity* The Patrick Investment Co. Suite 402, 403, 404 and 405 Empire Building", Denver, Colorado. Phone Main 424?. PRESS OF DENVER ENGRAVING CO.