EXCHANGE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation CATALOGUE OF THE CLARK BEQUEST CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS ILonlron: FETTER LANE, E.C. C. F. CLAY, Manager ffitinbutfll): loo, PRINCES STREET aStrUn: A. ASHER AND CO. «,eip>t8: F. A. BROCKHAUS i^tto Sorfc : G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS Bombaa anU ffalcntta: MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd. All rights reserved J. W. CLARK in the South Cloister of Gloucester Cathedral 2 July 1895 o CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS AND PAPERS FOR THE MOST PART RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY, TOWN, AND COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE BEQUEATHED TO THE UNIVERSITY BY JOHN WILLIS CLARK, M.A. REGISTRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY AND FORMERLY FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE BY A. T. BARTHOLOMEW, M.A. OF PETERHOUSE, CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1912 2 ^o^^ EXCHANGE Cambtttse: PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRES9 • 1' TO THE MEMORY OF JOHN WILLIS CLARK THIS CATALOGUE OF HIS CAMBRIDGE COLLECTION IS AFFECTIONATELY INSCRIBED 848101 CONTENTS PAGE J. W. Clark in the South Cloister of Gloucester Cathedral 2 July 1895 . . . . Frontispiece Preface ........ ix Abbreviations. Additions and Corrections . . xiv Catalogue of Printed Books and Papers . . i Appendix : I. Manuscripts . . . . . . 280 II. Prints and Drawings . . . . 282 PREFACE THE collection here catalogued was bequeathed to the University by John Willis Clark, M.A., Registrary, formerly Fellow of Trinity College, in the following terms : "I bequeath to the Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the Uni- versity of Cambridge, to be placed in the University Library, all my books, pamphlets, manuscripts and collections of views and photographs relating to the Town, County, Colleges, or University of Cambridge, or to the University of Oxford, except such views as may be found framed and glazed and hanging on the walls of my house at the time of my decease, together with the manuscript of the Architectural History of Cambridge by the late Professor Willis, his notes and lecture diagrams, and the quarto volumes of extracts from College Account Books and other documents made by myself. And I wish that the Librarian shall be in no way fettered as regards the distribution of this collection (which I do not desire kept separate unless perfectly con- venient), and that if any items of such collection shall be duplicates of works already in the Library the said Librarian shall be at liberty to sell or exchange them as he thinks proper. And I declare that notwithstanding the circumstance that these books, pamphlets and manuscripts are all recorded in a manuscript catalogue, in two volumes folio, it shall be in the absolute discretion of my Executors to determine the items which pass under this Bequest whether so recorded or not." {Cambridge University Reporter ^ 29 November 19 10.) It was accepted by Grace of the Senate, 3 December 19 10 (Reporter^ 6 December 19 10). The collection consists of upwards of ten thousand books, pamphlets, and pieces, relating for the most part to the University, and to a less extent to the Town and County, of X PREFACE Cambridge. Included, however, are a certain number of books which have no direct connection with Cambridge, e.g. books by Cambridge men on subjects unconnected with Cambridge, and books about other Universities, and about University education. Mr Clark's interest in Cambridge literature began about the year i860, when, at the suggestion of Dr Luard, he resolved to collect the long series of tracts issued in connection with Dr Richard Bentley's quarrels with Trinity College, and with his various other activities and controversies. Very soon, however, he became so much interested in his task that he enlarged his plan, and set about collecting Cambridge literature of all periods and upon every subject. As is well known he was specially interested in College architecture, and in tracing the growth of the collegiate system. This explains the presence of works, particularly a series of books about Oxford colleges, and another series relating to Eton, which at first sight seem to have no proper place in a Cambridge collection. The principal sources of the collection were these : (i) An Important Catalogue of tracts^ etc.^ relating to Cambridgeshire was issued by A. R. Smith, of Soho Square, in 1878, and from this Mr Clark bought extensively. (2) The Rev. Stephen Parkinson, Fellow of St John's College (B. A. 1 845, MA. 1 848), was in the habit of preserving all Cambridge papers which came into his hands ; his collection was acquired by Mr Clark, and filled numerous gaps in the long series of fly-sheets, programmes, proposals, etc., which is a particularly valuable feature of the Clark Collection (see the Catalogue, s.v. * Cambridge Papers ' and ' Fly-Sheets '). (3) Mr Henry Bradshaw, University Librarian, added many tracts to the collection ; and at the sale which followed his death in 1886 Mr Clark acquired many more Cambridge items. (4) Dr H. R. Luard, Registrary, who died in 1891, left Mr Clark his University pamphlets and Bentleiana. (5) In 1894 Mr Robert Bowes published his remarkable Catalogue of Cambridge Books, and a large number of the pieces there described found their way into the Cambridge PREFACE xi collection at Scroope House. In addition to these main sources Mr Clark rarely missed an opportunity of securing any books which came within the scope of his collection wherever and whenever he happened to see them. Mr Clark's main idea in forming the collection was to illustrate the history and development of Cambridge by means of its literature ; he collected from an historical and biographical rather than from a bibliographical point of view. Most of the books of typographical interest which were originally included in his Cambridge collection he gave to the Library in 1902', in order that they might appear in Mr Sayle's Early English Printed Books in the University Library, Cambridge. The present work is based on the manuscript catalogue referred to in Mr Clark's will. This was finished in 1897 by Mr Clark, assisted by Mr Alfred Rogers of the University Library. He always hoped to see it printed, but it was not until 1909 that any very definite steps were taken. Since then it has been revised throughout, and to a large extent recast with a view to publication. Each book or tract has been compared with its catalogue-entry, and a large number of additional cross-references and subject-headings have been in- troduced. The general plan for the printed Catalogue and the earlier part of the revision were made by Mr Clark and myself working together; but in 19 10 his health broke down, and I was obliged to continue the work alone. In form it is a dictionary catalogue, with authors and subjects in one alphabetical arrangement. The titles have been kept short ; and the main purpose has been to give an idea of the historical value of the collection rather than biblio- graphical descriptions of the books which compose it. To this end the subject-headings have been made as complete as possible. * See Report of the Library Syndicate for the year ending 3 1 December 1902 {Reportery 23 June 1903). Mr Clark also gave a documentary history of the University Library, arranged by himself, in six folio volumes. xii PREFACE As has already been stated, the collection includes a certain number of books which have no very close connection with Cambridge ; but in spite of this it has been treated as a Cambridge Collection, and the headings * Cambridge ' and * University of Cambridge ' have been reduced to a minimum. (See the notes under those headings in the Catalogue.) In the University Library the Clark Collection has been incorporated with a smaller collection of similar books already preserved there ; and the whole has been arranged in chrono- logical order as a special class (Cam.), to which Cambridge literature of every description can in future be added as it appears, and in which gaps can be filled as occasion offers. The Clark books are distinguished by a book-plate and a special stamp. The present Catalogue, which includes only those books which came to the University under Mr Clark's will, is published as a contribution towards that complete bibliography of Cambridge which has yet to be written, and as a memorial of one who was unwearying in his efforts to advance the interests of the University Library. Considerable pains have been taken (in some cases without success) to discover the authors of the numerous anonymous publications included in the collection, and 1 take this op- portunity of thanking the various Cambridge publishers and booksellers to whom I have applied for information concerning some of the more recent publications of the kind. My best thanks are also due to Mr Francis Jenkinson, University Librarian, and to Mr H. G. Aldis, Secretary of the University Library, who have read the proof-sheets of the Catalogue, and given me much help and encouragement throughout ; to Mr Robert Bowes, who has placed at my dis- posal his unrivalled knowledge of Cambridge literature, and to whose Catalogue of Cambridge Books I have constantly referred ; to Mr A. H. Cook, my colleague in the Acton Library, who has read all the proofs with particular care, and saved me from PREFACE xiii many errors and inconsistencies ; to Mr Charles Sayle, Assistant Under Librarian, for allowing me to make use of his list of the manuscripts received under the Clark bequest in drawing up Appendix I ; and to the Syndics of the University Press for the loan of the block (originally made for Mr Clark's Care of Books) from which the frontispiece is taken._ A. T. BARTHOLOMEW University Library Cambridge 15 June 191 2 XIV ABBREVIATIONS When no place of publication is given Cambridge may be assumed. When no size is given octavo may be assumed. Bowes = A Catalogue of books printed at or relating to the University, Town, and County of Cambridge from 1521 to 1893, with bibliographical and biographical notes, by Robert Bowes. 1894. C.A.S. = Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society with Communi- cations made to the Society. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 27 for Blakeney (E.P.) read Blakeney (E.H.). 29 insert Boissier (G.R.) Notes on the Cambridgeshire Churches. 30 heading Bourne (y.) for Latina read Latine. 55 heading Clark (J.W.) addTh& Woodwardian Professor and the Sedgwick Memorial Museum. By A. Newton and J. W. Clark. 14 Feb. (1887). 63 ^^^^tf'iwg' Collegian's Guide <7i2 A supplement to the second edition of Mr Bentham's History and antiquities of the Cathedral and Conventual Church of Ely. By William Stevenson. 40 Norwich, 1817 BENTLEY (R.) *^* /fs a complete bibliography of Bent ley, and of the various controversies in which he was engaged, has been published {Camb. 1908), it has been 22 BENTLEY BENTLEY(R.) considered sufficient to give brief entries only of his own productions under his name in this catalogue. The works of his adversaries will be found under their respective names. See also Trinity College. The numbers following the entries are those of the Bibliography y see p. 24. Epistola ad cl. v. Joannem Millium, S.T.P. [On Malelas.] (137) {Oxford, 1 691) Another ed. (146) 1713 The Folly of Atheism. Sermon, 7 March 169 1-2. (i) 40 London, 1692 2nd ed. (2) 4° London, 1692 3rd ed. (3) 40 London, 1692 4th ed. (4) 4° London, 1693 Matter and Motion cannot Think. Sermon, 4 April 1692. 2nd ed. (7) 4° London, 1692 Another issue. (8) 40 London, 1693 3rd ed. (9) 40 London, 1693 Confutation of Atheism from Structure and Origin of Humane Bodies. Pt I. Sermon, 2 May 1692. (12) 4° London, 1692 2nd ed. (13) 40 London, 1693 3rd ed. (14) 40 London, 1 693 Pt II. Sermon, 6 June 1692. (15) 4° London, 1692 2nd ed. (16) 40 London, 1693 Pt III. Sermon, 5 Sept. 1692. 2nd ed. (19) 4° London, 1692 3rd ed. (20) 40 London, 1694 Confutation of Atheism from Origin and Frame of the World Pt i. Sermon, 3 Oct. 1692. (21) 4° London, 1692 Pt II. Sermon, 7 Nov. 1692. (23) 4° London, 1693 Pt III. Sermon, 5 Dec. 1692. (24) 4° London, 1693 Folly and Unreasonableness of Atheism. Eight Sermons. 4th ed. (26) 40 London, 1699 5th ed. (27) 1724 6th ed., with additions. (28) 1735 Of Revelation and the Messias. Sermon at Publick Commencement, 5 July, 1696. (2 copies.) (34) 40 London, 1696 A Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, etc. (Appended to W. Wotton's Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning. 2nd ed.) (94) London, 1697 A Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris. With an answer to the objections of the Hon. C. Boyle. (109) London, 1699 Another ed., by S. Salter, (no) London, I'J']'} Another ed. (in) London, i^ id A new ed. (Salter's). (112) London, 181 7 Emendationes ad Ciceronis Tusculanas. (Appendix to J. Davies's ed.) (140) (1709) The present state of Trinity College in Cambridg, in a letter from Dr Bentley to the Bishop of Ely. (205) London, 17 10 2nd ed. (206) London, 17 10 Q. Horatius Flaccus ex recensione R. Bentleii. (149) 4° 171 1 BENTLEY 23 BENTLEY (R.) Ed. alt. (150) 40 Amst. 17 13 Ed. tertia. (151) 4° Amst. 1728 Q. Horatius Flaccus ad nuperam R. Bentleii editionem accurate expressus. Notas addidit T. Bentleius. (152) ^7^3 Dr Bentley's Dedication of Horace translated. (156) 12° London (17 12) 3rd ed. (157) 12° London [? 1712] The Life of Horace, with Dr Bentley's Preface, Latin and English. (158) 12° London {i-j 12) The Odes [etc.] of Horace, in Latin and English. With a trans- lation of Dr Bentley's notes. By several hands. 2 vols. (159) 12° London^ 1 7 12- 1 3 2nd ed. (160) 12° London^ 17 19 Horatius Reformatus : sive emendationes omnes quibus editio Bent- leiana a vulgaribus distinguitur summa fide in unum collectae. Editio alt. ( 1 63) Londini, 1 7 1 2 Another edition. Quedlinhurgi, 1825 Aristarchus ampullans in Curis Horatianis. (164) Londinij 17 12 Five Extraordinary Letters... to Dr B. on his Horace. (165) London^ 1 7 12 Emendationes in Menandri et Philemonis reliquias, ex nupera editione Jo. Clerici. Ed. alt. (146) 17 13 Remarks upon a late Discourse of Free-Thinking: in a letter to F[rancis] H[are]. By Phileleutherus Lipsiensis [R. Bentley]. (49) London^ 1713 5th ed. (53) London^ 17 16-17 6th ed. (54) 1725 7th ed. (55) 1737 8th ed. (56) 1743 Sermon upon Popery, preach'd before the University of Cambridge, 5N0V. 1715. (36) 1715 Remarks on the 5^r;w««. [By J. Gumming.] (38) London ^ ly 16 Reflections on the -R^mflrij. (41) Londony lyiy Sermon preached before His Majesty King George... February 3, 1716-17. (44) ^o London^ lyiy Another ed. (43) London ^ lyiy Two letters to Dr Bentley concerning his intended edition of the Greek Testament. Together with the Doctor's answer. (70) London^ 17 17 Dr Bentley's Proposals for printing a new edition of the Greek Testa- ment. By a member of Trinity College. [By Bentley himself.] (78) 40 London y 1721 Letter to R. Bentley on his Proposals. By Philalethes. (81) 40 London^ 1 72 1 2nd ed. (82) 40 London^ 1721 Terentii Comoediae [etc.] ex recensione R. Bentleii. (175) 4° 1726 Ed. alt. (176) 40 Amsterdaniy 1727 An Argument to prove that the xxxixth section of the Lth chapter 24 BENTLEY BERESFORD HOPE BENTLEY (R.) of the Statutes given by Q. Elizabeth... includes the Old Statutes... [By J. Burford.] Together with a Reply to the Argument. [By R. Bentley.] (241) 4° London^ 1727 The Case of Trinity College. (242) \° London^ '729 The Lord Bp. of Ely, PlaintiflFin JError; Dr R. Bentley, Defendant. The Case of the Plaintiff. With an Appendix. (248-9) Fo [London^ 1732) Emendations on the Twelve Books of Milton's Paradise Lost. (258) London y 1732 A friendly letter to Dr Bentley, occasion'd by his new edition of Paradise Lost. By a Gentleman of Christ-Church College, Oxon. [Attr. to Z. Pearce.] (259) London^ 1732 A review of the Text of Milton's Paradise Lost : in which the chief of Dr Bentley's Emendations are consider'd. [By Z. Pearce.] (262) London^ 1 732-3 M. Manilii Astronomicon ex recensione R. Bentleii. (183) 40 Londiniy 1739 Another ed. Fenetiisy 1788 Acad^miques de Cic6ron [transl. by D. Durand], avec les conjectures de M. Bentley. Londres^ 1740 Lucani Pharsalia, cum notis Bentleii. (Ed. by R. Cumberland.) (193) 40 Strawberry Hilly 1 760 Phaedri Fabularum libri v. Ace. Publii Syri et aliorum Sententiae, ex recensione R. Bentleii. I2° Etonay 1789 Epistolae. Ed. by C. Burney. (279) 4° Londoriy 1807 Works. Ed. by A. Dyce. 3 vols. (267) Londoriy 1836-8 Correspondence. Ed. by C. Wordsworth. 2 vols. (285) Londony 1842 Vita et colloquia R. Bentleii. ( 1 66) Londini, 1 7 1 2 Life. By J. H. Monk. (298) 4° Z,o»<2fc», 1830 2nd ed. 2 vols. (299) London, 1833 Richard Bentley. Von J. Maehly. (303) Leipzig, 1868 Bentley. By R. C. Jebb. (306) London, iSSz Hand-list of his works, etc. By A. T. Bartholomew and J. W. Clark. 1906 Bibliography of R. Bentley. By A. T. Bartholomew and J. W. Clark. 1908 BENTON (G.M.) Monumental Brasses now existing in Cambs. [Reprint from Conybeare's Rides round Cambridge.'] 1 902 The Norman Font in St Peter's Church, Cambridge. [Antiquaryy Oct. 1910.) BERESFORD (H.S.) The Death of Absalom. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1824.) 1825 BERESFORD HOPE (A.J.) On modern memoir writing. An oration delivered in Trinity College Chapel, Dec. 14, 1840, being Commemoration Day. 1840 Was George Villiers, first Duke of Buckingham, or Cardinal de Richelieu, more deserving of the name of great ? (1840) Essays. Londony 1844 I BERESFORD HOPE BEVERLEY 25 BERESFORD HOPE (AJ.) The new Government scheme of Academical education for Ireland considered. London^ 1845 The condition and prospects of Architectural Art. London^ 1863 Speech on the second reading of the Bill to abolish Tests, 2 July 1868. Londofiy 1868 BERKENHOUT Q.) A volume of letters from Dr Berkenhout to his son at the University. ^790 BERNARD (H.H.) The Easy Practical Hebrew Grammar [P. H. Mason's and H. H. Bernard's] apostrophising its learned reviewer (C. B. S[cott]) in No. 4 of the Cambridge Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology. [1855] BERN AYS (A.E) See Trinity College. Inscriptions, 1900. BERTHA. ["Ry C. E. Sayle.] Oxford, 1885 BERTIE (Ch.) See Smith (T.). BESANT (W.) Life of E. H. Palmer. London, 1883 BEVERIDGE (W.) Thoughts on Christian education. See Bon- wicke (A.) Life, 1834. BEVERLEY (J.) An account of the different ceremonies observed in the Senate House of the University of Cambridge. 1788 The Proceedings in the Court of Delegates on the appeal of William Frend, M.A. (i793) BEVERLEY (R.M.) A letter to the Duke of Gloucester, on the present corrupt state of the University of Cambridge. London, 1833 2nd ed. London, 1833 3rd ed. London, 1833 A letter to the Rt Hon. H. Goulburn, on the morals and religion of the University of Cambridge, with reference to a recent letter from R. M. Beverley to the Duke of Gloucester. By J. F. Russell. 'S33 The University of Cambridge and the Church of England. Letter to Editors oi Leeds Mercury, 10 Dec. 1833. Mr Beverley and Cambridge University. (Article, with extracts from Beverley's Letter, from Leeds Mercury, 14 Dec. 1833.) Remarks on Mr Beverley's Letter to the Duke of Gloucester. By a Member of Trinity College. 1833 A letter to the Duke of Gloucester, in vindication of the University of Cambridge from the calumnious attacks of R. M. Beverley. [Attr. to A. Watson.] 1833 A letter to R. M. Beverley from an Undergraduate of the University of Cambridge. [? By W. Forsyth.] 1833 Beverley unmaskt... ^y Mr Anti-Reform High-Church Orthodox. ^833 An Anglo-Sapphic ode, dedicated (with French leave) to R. M. Beverley, entitled. The Friend of Veracity v. the Lie Grinder. Not by a Can-ning, but a Can-tab. '833 The Beverleid, an epic. By Reginald Bell. 1833 Fulmen Beverleium long^ lat^que exauditum. ^833 Editio nova. 1 833 26 BEVERLEY BIRKS BEVERLEY (R.M.) A letter to R. M. Beverley containing strictures on his Letter to the Duke of Gloucester. By F. R. Hall. 1834 Letter to R. M. Beverley, in defence of his Strictures on the Uni- versity of Cambridge. By an Undergraduate. 1834 Remarks on Mr Beverley's Letter, by Adam Sedgwick. [Leeds Mercury^ 18 Jan. 1834.) Reply to A. Sedgv^^ick, by R. M. Beverley. [Leeds Mercury^ 25 Jan. 1834.) [Further] Remarks by Adam Sedgw^ick. (Leeds Mercury^ 8 Feb. 1834.) Letter in Jersey and Guernsey Record in defence of the Univ. of Camb. 22 Feb. 1834. Letter in Jersey British PresSy in support of Beverley, 25 Feb. 1834. Reply to Prof. Sedgwick, by R. M. Beverley. [Leeds Mercury^ 8 March 1834.) Reply to Prof. Sedgwick's Letter in the Leeds Mercury. London^ 1834 3rd ed. London^ 1834 Mr Beverley and Cambridge University. By Edward Stanley. [Leeds Mercury^ 22 March 1834.) The University of Cambridge and Mr Beverley. Signed : An Undergraduate. [Leeds Mercury ^ 26 April 1834.) Four letters to the Editors of the Leeds Mercury^ in reply to R. M. Beverley. By Prof. Sedgwick. 1836 BIBLE SOCIETY. See "Cambridge besieged"; Farish (W.); Gorham (G. C); Marsh (H.); Simeon (Ch.) ; Vansittart (N.). BICKERDYKE (J.) With the best intentions. A tale of Under- graduate life at Cambridge. London^ 1884 BICKERSTETH (E.) The Cambridge Mission at Delhi, North India. (A letter to the Rev. Canon Westcott, D.D.) 1881 BIDDER (G.) By Southern Shore. Westminster, 1899 BIDDULPH [Lady) Charles Philip Yorke, 4th Earl of Hardwicke. London, 19 10 BIJOU Theatre. See Exhibition of Pictures. BINGLEY (R.M.) Spray. 1859 BIRCH (G.) Nineveh. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1850.) 1850 BIRCH (S.) Remarks upon the cover of the granite sarcophagus of Rameses III in the Fitzwilliam Museum. [C.A, S.) 40 1876 BIRCH (W. de G.) Memorials of St Guthlac of Crowland. Wisbech, 1 88 1 BIRKS (H.A.) Samuel. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1890.) 1891 BIRKS (T.R.) Oration on the analogy of mathematical and moral certainty, delivered in Trinity College Chapel, Dec. 16, 1833. 1834 Faith, Hope, and Charity. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1 843.) 1 843 The present importance of Moral Science. Inaugural Lecture. London, 1872 The Bible and Modern Astronomy. (Vict. Inst., March 5.) London, 1877 BIRTH BLOMEFIELD 27 BIRTH of the Prince of Wales. Unsuccessful Prize Poem. ("When Comer's Sons.") [1842?] ("Spirit that callest.") [1842 ?] BISSET (T.) Suggestions on University Reform. London^ 1850 BLACKALL(0.) Commencement Sermon, 30 June, 1700. 4° 1700 BLACKBURNE (F.) Remarks on the Rev. Dr Powell's Sermon in defence of Subscriptions. London^ 1758 BLACKBURNE (J.) A brief historical enquiry into the introduction of Stone Altars into the Christian Church. 1844 The Stone Altar. 1845 BLACKHALL (S.) A letter to Dr Hallifax, upon the subject of his three discourses preached before the University of Cambridge, occasioned by an attempt to abolish Subscription to the 39 Articles. 2nd ed. 4° 1772 BLACKIE (J.S.) Thoughts on English University Reform. {Mac- mi llari's Magazine^ Dec. 188 1.) BLAGBORNE (J.) The revenues of the National Universities considered, with a view to their being opened to Dissenters, being a reply... to the arguments of Dr Turton. London^ 1835 BLAKE (H.J.C.) The Cantab. Chichester, iS^s BLAKENEY (E.H.) and Panton (D.M.) Poems by two friends. 1892 BLAKENEY (E.P.) The Exile's Return. 1890 BLAKESLEY (G.H.) A review of Mr Mill's Essay on Libertv. First English Essay Prize, King's College. 1867 BLAKESLEY (J.W.) Thoughts on the recommendations of the Ecclesiastical Commission. London, 1837 Seminaries of sound learning and religious education. The Com- memoration sermon preached in Trinity College Chapel, Dec. 16, 1839. 1839 Catholicity and Protestantism. The Commemoration sermon preached in Trinity College Chapel, Dec. 16, 1841. 1842 Where does the evil lie ? Observations on the prevalence of private tuition in the University of Cambridge. 1845 Praelectio in Scholis Cantab, habita, Feb. 14, 1850. 1850 Real belief and true belief. A sermon for St Bartholomew's Day, 1862. 1862 BLAKISTON (H.E.D.) Trinity College, Oxford. (College histories.) London, 1898 BLANK-BOOK of a small Colleger. London, 1834 BLIGH (R.) The defence of the Rev. R. Bligh of Queens' College, Cambridge, A.B., against the Fellows of that Society, who rejected him as an improper person for a Fellow, 12 Jan. 1780. London (1780) Letters which passed between R. Bligh and others, on account of his being rejected as a Fellow of Queens' College, Cambridge, on pretence of his want of Scholarship, etc. London, 1781 BLOMEFIELD (F.) Collectanea Cantabrigiensia. ^° Norwich, ly^i Annals of Gonvile and Caius College, Cambridge. (Ives's Select Papers.) 40 London^ 1773 28 BLOMER BOAT BLOMER (R.) Concio habita coram... Acad. Cant....Junii 28, 1712, instantibus comitiis academicis. 4° Londini^ 1 7 12 BLOMER (T.) Full View of Dr Bentley's Letter. London, 17 10 BLOMFIELD (C.J.) The importance of learning to the Clergy. A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, July 2, 1820. 4° 1820 Memoir. Ed. by his son, Alfred Blomfield. 2 vols. London, 186^ BLOMFIELD (E. V.) A memoir of E. V. Blomfield. (By J. H. Monk.) (From Museum Crittcum, no. 7.) {London, 1826) A second copy, with MS. note by Professor Sedgwick. [London, 1826) BLOOM (J.H.) See Cartae antiquae. BLORE (E.W.) Three plain sermons preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1859. i860 Correspondence between W. H. H. Hudson, Esq. and the Rev. E. W. Blore. 1869 Prove all things. A sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, Feb. 2, 187 1. 1 87 1 Deliverance from the Evil one. A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, Feb. 5, 1882. 1882 'O 7rovr]p6. 1647 Oratio in martyrium Caroli I. By W. Crowe. London^ 1720 CHARLES II, King of England. See Love (R.); Verses, 1660, 1662, 1684/5. CHARLES (J.H.) Vicarage of Burwell, Cambs. : testimonials of J.H.Charles. 1885 CHASE (D.P.) University Tests. London, 1869 CHASE (F.H.), Bp of Ely. Sermon preached at the Commemoration of Benefactors in Peterhouse Chapel. 1907 CHATFIELD (R.) An appeal to the British Public in the case of the persecuted Greeks. London, 1822 CHATHAM (William Pitt, ist Earl of). Letters written by the late Earl of Chatham to his nephew Thomas Pitt, then at Cambridge. 3rd ed. London, 1804 CHAWNER (G.) List of Incunabula in the Library of King's College, Cambridge. 1908 CHAWNER (W.) Greek in the Previous Examination. A letter addressed to members of the Senate. 4° 1904 Prove all things: a paper read at the first meeting of the Religious Discussion Society, Emmanuel College. 1909 Supplement to Prove all things. 1 909 CHEMICAL Jingles for Bunglers. By one of them [i.e. A. Wormald, Trin. Hall]. 1894 CHERRYHINTON. Church Restoration. Report. 1874 CHESS. A poem. By a Member of the Cambridge University Chess Club. 12^ London, 1^$^ CHESS Club. Laws of the University Chess Club. 1901 CHESTER (P.) An Occasional Letter to Dr Keen. [Attr. to P. Chester.] London (1750) CL. C. 4. 50 CHESTERTON CHRONOLOGICAL CHESTERTON. See Smedley (E. A.). CHEVELEY. Illustrations of Cheveley Church, Cambridgeshire. By John Fairlie. Fo London (185 1) CHICHELE (H.), Jhp of Canterbury. Life by O. L. Spencer. London, 1783 CHILDERS (J.W.) See Orford {Lord). CHIPPENHAM. See Barber (R. W.). CHITTY (M.D.) Mary Bateson. In Memoriam. (Reprinted from the Perseany March 1907.) 1907 CHOIR Benevolent Fund. Choral Festival, King's College Chapel, May 22, i860. i860 CHORAL Union. Concert in Guildhall, May 2, 1889. (Acis and Galatea.) 1889 CHORISTER (The). [By S. Baring Gould.] 12° [1854] loth ed. 1895 CHRETIEN (C.P.) A letter to the Rev. F. D. Maurice, on some points suggested by his recent criticism of Mr Mansel's Bampton Lectures. London, 1 859 CHRIST CHURCH. A Jubilee memorial of the consecration of Christ Church, Cambridge. By W. White. 1889 CHRISTIAN (E.) Syllabus of lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge. (Law.) London, 1797 Syllabus of lectures. (Law.) London, 18 16 A vindication of the right of the Universities of the United Kingdom to a copy of every new publication. 3rd ed. 1818 An explanation of the law of Elections in the University of Cambridge. 1822 CHRISTIAN Kalendar for the use of members of the Established Church, 1845. By a lay member of the Cambridge Camden Society [S. N. Stokes]. [1844] CHRISTIAN warfare defended and recommended in a Sermon intended to have been preached... 2 8 Feb. 1794. [Attr. to — Frith, Trin. Hall.] London (1794) CHRISTIE (W.D.) Two speeches on the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. London, 1850 College influence and bribery in the Borough Election. A letter to the Liberal Electors of Cambridge. 1865 CHRIST'S College. Argument in the case of the Poor's Rate. [By Sir J. Marriott.] (1768) Christ's College Magazine. Easter term 1886 (No. i) — Mich, term 1908 (No. 68). 1 886-1 908 Christ's College. By John Peile. (College histories.) London, 1900 400th Anniversary, 4 July 1905. List of Guests, Service, Menu, etc. '905 List of past and present members. -« 40 1905 2nd ed. 40 1906 See also Marriott {Sir J.); Milton Tercentenary. CHRONOLOGICAL series of Engravers. [By T. Martyn.] 1770 L CHURCH CLARK 51 CHURCH Aid Association. Subscription List, etc. 40 1878 CHURCH Congress. Cambridge, Sept. 1910: The Jubilee Church Congress day by day. 1910 2nd ed. 1910 Illustrated Guide. Londorty 1910 Official Programme. London^ 19 10 Colonial Church Exhibition. ('9^0) Invitations, circulars, programmes, newspaper cuttings, etc. CHURCH Missionary Association. Seventy-fifth Report. 1893 CHURCH Music Society. Rules. 1854 First Report. 1854 CHURCH of England Zenana Missionary Soc. Camb. Assoc. Report. 12° (1900) CHURCH Rates. The Poor Man's case against the Church Rate Abolition Bill and the Ministry. 1837 CHURCH Reform. Memorial, Fly-sheets, etc. 1885 CHURCH Reform League. Proceedings at meeting, February 1899 CHURCH Union Society. Statement. 1842 CHURCHILL (F.) Aula Clarensi... memoriae S. Blythe ejusdem Aulae Praefecti. 40 1767 CHURTON (R.) Lives of Wm. Smyth and Ric. Sutton, founders of Brasen Nose College. Oxford^ 1800 CICERO. Essay on the philosophical writings of Cicero. 1832 CIVIL Service. See Latham (H.). CLARE College. Letter to Sir C. Isham, etc. By John Mapletoft. [The matter of Mr Freeman's Foundation.] 40 n.p. 1746 Letter to Sir H. Drury and others. By John Mapletoft. [The matter of Mr Freeman's Foundation.] 40 n.p. 1748 The practice of a College, and the Visitor's decision concerning it. [By John Mapletoft. Mr Freeman's Foundation in Clare Hall.] 40 London^ 1755 Aula Clarensi... memoriae S. Blythe ejusdem Aulae Prae- fecti. By F. Churchill. 40 1767 Sermon at Consecration of the Chapel, 5 July, 1769. 40 1769 Petition of J. Mansfield, B.D., Fellow, to the Chancellor, with order ofV.-C. 1799-1800. [1800] Argument of the Master on the appeal of W. F. L. Fischer, whose fellowship he had declared vacant. 1849 A reply to the "Argument" of the Master of Clare Hall, for declaring vacant the Fellowship of W. F. L. Fischer. By James Burdakin. 1849 On a bird's-eye view of Clare Hall. By J. W. Clark. {C.A.S.) (1890) Clare College. By J. R. Wardale. (College histories.) London j iSgg Clare College. Letters and Documents. Ed. by J. R. Wardale. 1903 Catalogue of Manuscripts. By M. R. James. 1905 See also Acts and Bills, 1763, 1823, 1825; Lady Clare Magazine. CLARK (A.) The Colleges of Oxford : their history and traditions. Ed. by A. Clark. London^ 1891 4—2 52 CLARK CLARK (A.) Lincoln College, Oxford. (College histories.) London^ 1898 A Bodleian guide for visitors. 12° Oxford^ 1906 CLARK (E.C.) Practical International Law. Introduction. 1869 Testimonials when a candidate for the Regius Professorship of Laws in the University of Cambridge. 1872 Cambridge legal studies. 1888 Greek and other studies at Cambridge. 1891 English Academical costume. (Mediaeval.) [Arch. Journal.) Exeter.^ 1894 College Caps and Doctors' Hats. [Arch. Journal.) London^ 1904 CLARK (J.) Sketch of the professional life and character of J. Clark. By J. R. Fenwick. Newcastle^ 1806 CLARK (J.W.) A Long Vacation Ramble in Norway and Sweden. By X and Y (two unknown quantities). [By J. W. Clark and J. W. Dunning.] 1857 Annals of the Church of St Mary the Less, Cambridge. A paper read before the Cambridge Architectural Soc, 19 March, 1857. [Ecclesiologist, October.) On the Churches in the Island of Gottland. [Ecclesiologisty June, August, 1858.) Annals of All Saints' Church, Cambridge. A paper read before the Cambridge Architectural Soc, 8 March, i860. [Ecclesiologisty April, i860.) Journal of a yacht voyage to the Faroe Islands and Iceland. [Facation Tourists and Notes of Travel in i860.) Cambridge and London^ 186 1 On the proposed change of the hour of dinner in hall. (Trin. Coll. 28 Feb. 1862.) 1862 Remarks on the Report of the Museums and Lecture Rooms Syndicate. — Further Remarks. (March, 1863.) 1863 Clark (J.W.) and Jackson (H.) Examination paper in Shakespeare. Trin. Coll. (5 June, 1863.) Fo 1863 Clark (J.W.) and Jackson (H.) Examination paper in Shakespeare. Trin. Coll. (8 June, 1865.) Fo 1865 Report to V ice-Chancellor on the removal of the collection of Com- parative Anatomy. (19 Oct. 1865.) 40 1865 Remarks on the proposed Professorship of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy. (4 Feb. 1866.) 40 1866 Remarks on Trinity College Chapel. (5 Dec. 1867.) 1867 Clark (J.W.) and Newton (A.) On the condition of the Museum of Zoology. (15 Feb. 1869.) 40 1869 The Lyons Mail. A drama in four acts freely adapted [by J. W. Clark] from Le Courrier de Lyon^ for performance at the A.D.C., Cambridge. London^ 1870 Revised and enlarged. 1895 List of Dissections. (Mus. Zool. and Comp. Anat.) 1871 Peer? or Peasant? A story of 1685. A drama in four acts [by J. W, Clark] written for performance at the A.D.C., Cambridge, May 29, 1871. 1871 CLARK 53 CLARK (J.W.) On the skeleton of a Narwhal [Monodon Monoceros), with two fully developed tusks. {Proc. Zool. Soc. Land. 17 Jan. 187 1.) London (1871) La Com^die Franfaise. {Academy^ 15 July, 187 1.) How will it end ? A Drama altered from Le Cas de Conscience of Octave Feuillet. 1872 Type-written copy. Notes on the visceral anatomy of the Hippopotamus. {Proc. Zool. Soc. Land. 20 Feb. 1872.) London (1872) The Dramatic Season, French and English. {Academy^ 15 Aug. 1872.) On changes at the New Museums. (21 Nov. 1872.) 4° 1872 On the eared Seals of the Auckland Islands. {Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 18 Nov. 1873.) London (1874) On the skull of a Marten from Burwell Fen, Cambs. {Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 2 Dec. 1873.) London (1874) Clark (J.W.) and Bridge (T.W.) Illustrations of comparative anatomy, vertebrate and invertebrate. 2nd ed. 1875 On the needs of the Museum of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy. (9 Feb. 1875.) 4° 1875 The late Professor Willis. {Camb. Chron. 6 March, 1875.) 1875 On Seals. Report of lectures at the Zoological Gardens. {Morning Posty 22, 29 April, 1875.) On Seals. Report of lectures at Zoological Gardens. {Nature^ 29 April, 6 May, 1875.) Sea Elephants from Kerguelen's Land at Berlin. {Nature^ 2 Sept. 1875.) Sea-Lions. {Contemporary Review, Dec. 1875.) On the eared Seals of the Islands of St Paul and Amsterdam, etc. {Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 6 Dec. 1875.) London (1876) Notes on a Dolphin taken off the coast of Norfolk. {Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 20 June, 1876.) London (1876) Compulsory attendance at Professors' Lectures. (2 May, 1877.) 4° 1877 Clark (J.W.) and Newton (E.) On the osteology of the Solitaire. {Phil. Tram. Roy. Soc, vol. 168.) 40 London, 1878 Notes on three stuffed specimens of the Sea-Lion of the Pribilov Islands. {Otaria ursina.) {Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 19 March, 1878.) London (1878) On proposed changes in the Statutes. {Times, 4 April, 1878.) Les Fourchambault, by Emile Augier, at the Th^dtre Fran^ais. {Academy, 27 April, 1878.) Parisian Theatres. {Academy, 4 May, 1878.) Review of W. H. Pollock's Modern French Theatre. {Academy, 17 August, 1878.) Le Chandelier, by Alfred de Musset, at the Th64tre Fran9ais. {Academy, 12 Oct. 1878.) French Theatres during the Exhibition. {Academy, 19 Oct. 1878.) 54 CLARK CLARK (J.W.) Le Mari d'Ida, by MM. Delacour and Mancel, at the Thd^tre du Vaudeville, Paris. {Academy^ Oct. 1878.) University Livings, (i Dec. 1878.) 4° 1878 A Description of the Medrdsen in Algeria. {C.J.S. 8 Nov. 1875.) Review^ of A. B. Cochrane's The ThMtre Franfais in the reign of Louis XF. {Academy^ 29 March, 1879.) Ruy Bias at the Theatre Franfais. {Academy^ 19 April, 1879.) The French Stage. {Saturday Review^ 15 May, 1880.) Recent Restoration in Italy. {Saturday Review^ 21 Aug. 1880.) Cambridge. Brief historical and descriptive notes. Y° London y i?)^i Large paper copy. F^ London^ 1881 Another ed. London, 1890 Another ed. London, 1893 New ed., vv^ith forty-six illustrations. London, 1908 History of the Peal of Bells belonging to King's College, Cambridge. (C.y^. 5. 3 March, 1879.) 1881 On the old Provost's Lodge of King's College, with special reference to the furniture. {C.A.S. 17 March, 1879.) 1881 History of the Church of S. John Baptist, Cambridge; commonly called S. John Zachary. {C.A.S. 1 Dec. 1879.) 1881 London to Paris in a Snowstorm. {Pall Mall Gazette, 21 Jan. 1881.) Prehistoric Peru. (Review.) {Saturday Review, 22 Jan. 1881.) M. Sardou on Divorce. {Saturday Review, 29 Jan. 1881.) La Princesse de Bagdad at the Comedie Fran^aise. {Saturday Review f 12 Feb. 1 88 1.) Review of J. E. Harting's British Animals extinct within historic times. {Saturday Review, 26 Feb. 1 88 1.) A Modern Greek Novel. (Review of Loukis Laras.) {Saturday Review, 26 March, 188 1.) The Com6die Fran9aise. {Saturday Review, 16 April, 1881.) Seals. {Saturday Review, 23 April, 1881.) What is a Cat ? (Review of St George Mivart's The Cat.) {Saturday Review, 23 April, 188 1.) Parisian Theatres. {Saturday Review, 7 May, 188 1.) Die Meininger. {Saturday Review, 21 May, 1881.) William Whewell. {Saturday Review, 28 May, 1881.) The Great Gateway of Trinity College, Cambridge. (For an etching by R. Farren in The Etcher, Sept. 1881.) Excavations at Carnac. (Review of J. Miln's book of that name.) {Saturday Review, 24 Sept. 1 881.) Our old Trees. {Camb. Review, 26 Oct. 1881.) F. M. Balfour's Embryology. (Review.) {Saturday Review, 12 Nov. 1881.) Austin's Savonarola. (Review.) {Saturday Review, 17 Dec. 1 88 1.) Feodora, by Sardou. {Pall Mall Gaxette, 27 Dec. 1 88 1.) Sir Charles Lyell. (Review of his Life and Letters.) {Saturday Review, 4 Feb. 1882.) CLARK 55 CLARK (J.W.) Romeo and Juliet at the Lyceum. {Pall Mall Gazette^ 23 March, 1882.) Half a century of Cambridge life. (On W. Whewell.) {Ch. Qu. Review^ April, 1882.) The Com^die Franfaise. [Saturday Review^ 15 April, 1882.) A French Othello. [Saturday RevieWy 29 April, 1882.) Review of E. W. White's Cameos from the Silver Land. [Saturday RevieWy 13 May, 1882.) Ants, Bees, and Wasps. (Review of Sir John Lubbock.) [Saturday RevieWy 22 July, 1 882.) Prof. Balfour. (Obituary.) [Academy^ 29 July, 1882.) Professor Francis Maitland Balfour. (Obituary.) [Saturday Review, 29 July, 1882.) The Ajax at Cambridge. [Saturday Review, 9 Dec. 1882.) Bishop Thirlwall. [Ch. Qu, Review, April, 1883.) The Com^die Fran^aise. [Saturday Review, 22 July, 1883.) Edward Henry Palmer. [Ch. Qu. Review, Oct. 1883.) Catalogue of the First (-Second) Exhibition of University and College Portraits held in the Fitzwilliam Museum May 1884, May 1885. 1884-5 Note on the tomb (in Westminster Abbey) of Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby. [C. A. S. 7 May, 1883.) 1884 Tempora mutantur. [On the reception of Q. Elizabeth in 1564.] [Camb. Review, 12 March, 1884.) On a Sea-Lion from the East Coast of Australia [Otaria Cinerea, P6ron). [Proc. Zool. Soc. Land. 18 March, 1884.) London (1884) On the removal of Baratta's statue of Glory from the Law School to the Fitzwilliam Museum. [Camb. Univ. Reporter, 27 Jan. 1885.) Clark Q.W.) and Redfarn (W.B.) Ancient Wood and Iron Work in Cambridge. Fo 1886 Address delivered 18 May, 1885, on retiring from the office of President of the Camb. Ant. Soc. [C. A. S.) 1887 On the sites proposed for the Sedgwick Memorial Museum. (9 May, 1887.) Fo 1887 Coutts Trotter. In Memoriam. By Michael Foster, J. W. Clark, and Sedley Taylor. 1888 On the acquisition by the University of the Perse School estate. (i May, 1888.) 4° 1888 The Great Flood. [Ch. Qu. Review, Oct. 1888.) On the skeleton of Rhytina gigas lately acquired for the Museum of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy. [Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 25 Feb. 1889.) 1889 Remarks when President of the Philosophical Soc. [Camb. Univ. Reporter, 5 Nov. 1889.) Clark (J.W.) and Hughes (T.McK.) The Life and Letters of Adam Sedgwick. 2 vols, 1890 k 56 CLARK CLARK (J. W.) Notes on a fire-place lately discovered in the Master's Lodge, Christ's College. (C.y^. 5. 5 March, 1888.) 1891 The foundation and early years of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Address delivered on resigning office of President, 27 Oct. 1890. {Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.) 1891 The Book of Observances of the English House of Austin Canons. (24 March, 1891.) 4° 1891 Lord Houghton. {Ch. Qu. Review, Ju^X) 1891.) On a bird's-eye view of Clare Hall. {C. J.S. ig Nov. 1890.) 1892 On the Canopy carried over Queen Elizabeth when she visited Cambridge, 1564. {C.A.S. 19 Nov. 1890.) 1892 An attempt to trace the architectural history and plan of Barnwell Priory. (C. ^. 5. 18 Feb. 189 1.) 1892 On the proposed building in Senate House Yard. (11 May, 1892.) 40 1892 The Hall of Pembroke College, Cambridge. {Athenaeum, 19 Aug. 1892.) To the Electors of the Disney Professorship of Archaeology. [In favour of Mr W. H. St John Hope.] (6 Nov. 1892.) po 1892 The proposed Sedgwick Memorial Museum. (21 Nov. 1892.) 4° 1892 On libraries at Cesena, Wells, Guildford, and Clare College, Cam- bridge. [C.A.S. 26 Oct., II Nov. 1891.) 1893 Guildford Grammar School Library. {Surrey Times, 30 Dec. 1893.) Libraries in the Medieval and Renaissance periods. (Rede Lecture.) 1894 On libraries at Christ Church, Canterbury; Citeaux, Clairvaux; Zutphen, Enkhuizen. {C.J.S. 7 May, 1894.) 1895 Sir Richard Owen. {Ch. Qu. Review, July, 1895.) Stranger than Fiction. [On the plot of The Lyons Mai/.'j {Camb. Review, 14 Nov. 1895.) On libraries at Lincoln Cathedral ; Westminster Abbey ; St Paul's Cathedral, London. {C.A.S. 18 Feb. 1895.) 1896 Considerations on the acquisition of the Mortlock and Downing sites. (9 July, 1896.) 40 1896 The Trinity Building Scheme. {Granta, 28 Nov. 1896.) The site of the Sedgwick Memorial Museum. (7 Dec. 1896.) 40 1896 Clark (J.W.) and Atkinson (T.D.) Cambridge described and illustrated. London, 1897 Press notices, etc. on the book. On degrees for Women. (17 May, 1897.) 4° 1897 A Concise Guide to the Town and University of Cambridge. 1898 2nd ed. 1902 India paper copy. 1902 British Assoc, issue, including Ely. 1904 3rd ed. 1906 Suppl. issued for Church Congress. 1910 Press notices, etc. on the Guide. CLARK 57 CLARK (J.W.) The Greek Play, Cambridge. (W. G. Elliot's Amateur Clubs and Actors.) {London^ 1898) The Queens' College of St Margaret and St Bernard. (1448-1898.) 40 1898 Cambridge and its Colleges. [Review of A. H. Thompson's book of that name.] [Camh. Review^ 20 Oct. 1898.) On the disturbances at Lord Kitchener's visit. {Camb. Review^ I Dec. 1898.) Speech on the organization of the Library. {Camb. Univ. Reporter^ 13 Dec. 1898.) Museums of Science. History of the site and buildings. 18 March, 1899. (Statement of the needs of the University. Pt 11.) 1899 Old Friends at Cambridge and elsewhere. London^ 1900 Press notices, letters, etc. on the book. The Care of Books. (Sandars Lectures. Privately pr.) 1900 M. Bouvier on Daudet and Maeterlinck. [Camb. Review, 31 May, 1900.) A Medieval Monastery : its plan and its inmates. {Guardian, 8, 15 August, 1900.) Speeches on the scheme for roofing in the East Court of the University Library. {Camb. Univ. Reporter, 5 June, 1900 ; 4 Dec. 1900; 31 May, 1901 ; 5 Nov. 1901.) The Care of Books. 1901 2nd ed. 1902 Cheaper re-issue. 1909 Press notices and criticisms on the book. Historical Sketch of the Cambridge University Press. (Prefixed to Specimens of types and ornaments in use at the University Press.) (1901) On the Vatican Library of Sixtus IV. (C A. S. 6 March, 1899.) 1901 Le Roi est mort ! Vive le Roi ! [On the celebration of the accession of a Sovereign at Cambridge.] {Camb. Review, 7 Feb. 1901.) Cambridge University Library. [Roofing in the East Court.] {Times, 8 March, 1901.) Remarks on the scheme for roofing in the Eastern Quadrangle of the Library. (28 Oct. 1901.) 4° 1901 The University Library of the Future. Time : a.d. 2000. {Camb. Review, 14 Nov. 1901.) The Needs of the Library. An open letter to T. F. C. Huddleston. (15 Nov. 1901.) 40 1901 The Needs of the Library. (18, 19 Nov. 1901.) 4° 1901 The Needs of the Library. A second open letter to T. F. C. Huddleston. (20 Nov. 1901.) 4° 1901 The literary department at Somerset House. {Athenaeum, 6 June, 19030, On the Studies Syndicate. (23 Nov. 1903.) 4° 1903 58 CLARK CLARK (J.W.) Concise Guide to Ely Cathedral. 1904 Le Roi s'amuse. A drama by Victor Hugo. Act v [translated]. 40 1904 On the work done to the Library of Exeter Cathedral in 141 2 and 1413. — On two pieces of furniture in Exeter Cathedral, formerly used for the protection of books. (C A.S. 3 Nov. 1902.) 1904 On two wheel-desks. — A description of the East Room of the University Library, by W. Cole. {C. A. S. 11 May, 1903.) 1904 Royal Visits to Cambridge. [Camb. Review^ 18 Feb. 1904.) The proposed sale of land. (3, 4 March, 1904.) 4° 1904 The Senate House. [Camb. Review^ 9 March, 1904.) Speech in favour of a new Entrance to the Library. [Camb. Univ. Reporter, 12 March, 1904.) On the list of Benefactors in the Commemoration Service. [Camb. Univ. Reporter, 14 May, 1904.) The origin and growth of the University of Cambridge. Lecture before British Association. [Camb. Daily News, 19 Aug; 1904.) On the charitable foundations called Chests. [C.A.S. 25 Jan. 1904.) '905 On some English verses written in a fifteenth century service-book. [C.A.S. 25 Jan. 1904.) 1905 Camb. Univ. Assoc. Appeal for the Library. Speech. (24 Jan. 1905.) 4° 1905 The University Library, Cambridge. [University Extension, No. 2, Feb. 1905.) The origin and development of the Collegiate plan at Oxford and Cambridge. [Builder, 18 March, 1905.) Speech from the stage on Undergraduate manners in the Theatre. [Camb. Daily News, 2 May, 1905.) Trinity College, Cambridge. [Country Life, 4 Nov. 1905.) Clark (J.W.) and others. The University Library, Cambridge. An Appeal. 5 editions. 4° 1 905-8 The Riot at the Great Gate of Trinity College, February, 1610-11. [C. A. S. 80 publ. 43.) 1906 Clark (J.W.) and Bartholomew (A.T.) Hand-list of the works of Richard Bentley. 1906 On Pensions. (8 March, 1906.) 4° 1906 The Library, Merton College, Oxford. [Country Life,^A\xg. 1906.) All Souls College, Oxford. [Country Life, 25 Aug. 1 906.) Radcliffe Library, Oxford. [Country Life, 13 Oct. 1906.) Queen's College, Oxford. [Country Life, 8 Dec. 1 906.) Note on the Library of the Benedictine Monastery of La Chaise Dieu in Auvergne. [C.A.S. 7 May, 1906.) 1907 Peterhouse Library, Cambridge. [Country Life, 7 Feb. 1907.) St Paul's Cathedral Library. [Country Life, 23 March, 1907.) On the plays chosen for presentation at the New Theatre. [Camb. Review, 27 April, 1907.) CLARK 59 CLARK (J.W.) The public recitation of Prize Exercises. {Camb. Review^ 23 May, 1907.) Alfred Newton. {Camb. Review^ 13 June, 1907.) In Memoriam. Reginald Balfour. {Camb. Review^ 24 Oct. 1907.) Clark (J.W.) and Bartholomew (A.T.) Richard Bentley, D.D. A bibliography. 40 1908 On two book covers, with chains, found in the tower of St Benedict's Church, Cambridge. {C.A.S. 24 Feb. 1908.) 1908 Clark (J.W.) and Fletcher (H.) Oxford and Cambridge delineated. 40 London^ 1909 Memories and Customs, 1 820-1 860. (Extr. from Camb. Review.) 1909 Buckingham College. {Camb. Review^ 4 Feb. 1909.) Trinity Hall Library, Cambridge. {Country Life^ 16 Oct. 1909.) Captain Coe's Collection. {Camb. Chronicle^ J"ly> 1910.) See Amateur Dramatic Club 1864, 1882, 1908; 1868, 1895; Barnwell, 1897, 1907; Elizabeth {Queen\ 1892; Endowments, 1904; Farren (R.), 1881; Grace Book F, 1908; Josselin (J.), 1 880; Maine {Sir H. S.), 1894; Matriculations, 1902; Ordi- nances, 1892, 1896, 1 90 1, 1904, 1908; Statutes, 1896, 1904; Willis (R.), 1886. CLARK (W.) Outlines of a course of lectures. n.d. Catalogue of the Anatomical Museum in the University of Cambridge. (2 copies.) 1820 Analysis of a course of lectures on the anatomy and physiology of the human body. 1822 Report on animal physiology. 1834 Reviews. {Brit, and Foreign Med. Rev.^ Jan. 1 840.) Catalogue of the osteological portion of specimens contained in the Anatomical Museum of the University of Cambridge. 1862 A Cambridge Professor of the last generation [W. Clark, M.D.]. By C. K. Watson. {Macmillan's Mag., Jan. 1870.) CLARK (W.G.) A score of lyrics. .1849 Gazpacho: or summer months in Spain. London^ 1850 Cambridge life according to C. A. Bristed. {Eraser's Magazine^ Jan. 1854.) Peloponnesus. London^ 1858 Four sermons preached in the Chapel of Trinity College. i860 Naples and Garibaldi. {Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel.) i86i Knowledge and Charity. A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, Oct. 27, 1861. 1861 On the duty of members of the English Church in the present controversies. Sermon. 1 863 Speech in the Senate House, 2 June, 1864. 4° 1864 William Whewell. In memoriam. {Macmi/ian's Mag.y Apr. 1S66.) A Commemoration sermon preached in St Mary's Church, Nov. i, 1868. London^ 1868 6o CLARK CLASSICAL CLARK (W.G.) A few words on Irish questions. 1868 The present dangers of the Church of England. 1870 Reply, by Ch. Hebert. 1870 True and false Protestantism. London^ 1871 iS^^ Brimley (G.), Essays ; Shakespeare (W.). CLARK Lectureship. See Ainger (A.). CLARKE (C.B.) On the Moral Science Tripos. 1861 CLARKE [Sir E.) Royal Agricultural Society. The first two country meetings... Oxford, 1839, Cambridge, 1840. 1894 CLARKE (E.D.) Testimony of different authors respecting the colossal statue of Ceres placed in the vestibule of the Public Library at Cambridge, July i, 1803. 1803 The tomb of Alexander. ■ 4° 1 805 A syllabus of lectures in mineralogy. 1807 Greek marbles brought from the shores of the Euxine, etc. and deposited in the Public Library, Cambridge. 1809 Large paper copy. 1809 A letter to Herbert Marsh, D.D., in reply to certain observations contained in his pamphlet relative to the British and Foreign Bible Society. 1812 Observations upon some Celtic remains, lately discovered near Sawston. [Archaeologia^ xvill.) 4° [London^ 1817) Announcement of a course of lectures on mineralogy, 13 Jan. 1820. Fo 1820 Address read at the first meeting of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 4° 1821 An account of some antiquities found at Fulbourn in Cambridge- shire. {Archaeologia^ xix.) 4° [London^ 1821) On Cadmium, and the habitudes of some of its ores. [Annals of Philosophy.) London (1822) Grace to buy his collection of Minerals for ^^1500, 28 May, 1822. 4° 1822 Notice of Grace to accept Bust, and place it in vestibule in Library, 28 June, 1824. F° 1824 Life and Remains. By William Otter. 4° London, 1824 Another ed. 2 vols. London, iS 2$ CLARKE (G.R.) Cambridge University Election. Dissenters' Chapel Bill, alias the Socinian Endowment Bill. (1847) CLARKE (J.) A farther examination of Dr S. Clarke's notions of space. 1734 CLARKE (J.H.) Experimental pathology explained and exemplified. (Letter from the Spectator^ Dec. 4, 1886.) CLARKE (J.S.) An Artist's rambles in Cambridgeshire. Ser. i, 2. 40 1894 CLARKE (S.) See Grotius (H.). CLASSICAL Association. Proceedings at Cambridge, 1907. London J 1907 CLASSICAL COCKBURN 6i CLASSICAL Examination. Plans, with Graces relating thereto. May, 1822. 40 1822 CLASSICAL Examinations ; or a selection of University Scholarship and other public Examination Papers. 1830 CLASSICAL studies. Fly-sheets relating thereto, from 1855. CLASSICAL Tripos. Grace to appoint Syndicate to revise Regula- tions, 25 April, 1849. Fo 1849 Report of the Syndicate, 30 May, 1849. ^° 1849 On the Classical Tripos Examination. By Henry Sidgwick. (1866) CLAY (C.J.) See Press. CLAYTON (C.) Sermon preached in Trinity Church, i Feb. 1857 University Tests bill. 12° 1871 CLAYTON (J.R.) and Bell (A.) The stained glass of the great west window. King's College, Cambridge. 4° 1879 CLEMENT'S (St) Church. A few remarks on a sermon, preached in the parish church of St Clement, Cambridge, and since printed. By a Layman. 1863 CLOSE (F.) The restoration of Churches is the restoration of Popery. 2nd ed. Londoriy 1844 Church Architecture scripturally considered. London^ 1844 Remarks [on above]. By T. K. Arnold. London^ 1844 Reply to the Remarks of Rev. T. K. Arnold [as above]. London^ 1844 Examination of Close's Reply. By T. K. Arnold. London^ 1844 Review of Church Architecture^ and other works. {Parker's Land. Mag. I, 2.) London^ 1845 CLOUGH (Anne J.) Suggestions for the training of Teachers. 1877 Funeral Sermon. By H. E. Ryle. 12° 1892 Memoir. By B. A. Clough. London^ 1897 CLUB Law. A Comedy acted in Clare Hall, Cambridge, about 1 599-1 600.... With introduction and notes, by G. C. Moore Smith. 40 1907 COBB (G.F.) Our Chapel choir, and the appointment of Chaplains. (Trinity College.) (1867) The Kiss of Peace. (2nd ed.) London (1868) " Separation," not " Schism." A plea for the position of Anglican reunionists. London^ 1869 A few words on reunion and the coming Council at Rome. London^ 1869 Road paving. To the Paving Commissioners for the town of Cambridge. 1878 The Sewage question, etc. 1878 On the Sewage of Cambridge. Fo 1884 Brief history of the Organ in Trinity College Chapel. 1891 COCKAYNE (O.) Mr Cockayne's narrative. (King's College School.) n.p. 1869 Notes on Mr Cockayne's narrative. n.p. (1869) COCKBURN (W.) Saint Peter's denial of Christ. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1802.) 40 1802 62 COCKBURN COLLECTION COCKBURN (W.) Christ raising the daughter of Jairus. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1803.) 4° 1803 Letters to the Editors of the Edinburgh Review. 1805 Strictures on clerical education in the University of Cambridge. London^ 1 809 A new system of geology ; dedicated to Professor Sedgwick. London^ 1849 COCKERELL (S.C.) Testimonials when candidate for Directorship of Fitzwilliam Museum. London^ 1 908 COCKERELL (T.D.A.) The Darwin Celebration. {Popular Science Monthly.) n.p. 1910 CODDINGTON (H.) A few remarks on the New Library question. By a Member of neither Syndicate [H. Coddington]. 1831 CODEX Bezae. Prospectus of publication in facsimile. Fo 1897 COHEN (H.) See Grimshaw (W.). COLBATCH (J.) A sermon preached in Trinity Colledge Chapel, Dec. 19, 1717, in commemoration of the Founders and Bene- factors. 1 7 1 8 Jus Academicum. 4° London^ 1722 Vindication of the Lord Bishop of Ely's Visitatorial Jurisdiction over Trinity College in General, and over the Master thereof in Particular. 40 London^ 1732 Another edition. 4° n.p. 1732 Reasons for altering the method used at present in letting Church and College leases. By the Senior Fellow of a College in Cambridge [J. Colbatch]. 1739 COLE (C.N.) See Dugdale (W.) ; Elstobb (W.). COLE (H.) Popular Geology subversive of Divine Revelation. A letter to Adam Sedgwick. London^ 1834 A reflective letter... to the Royal Agricultural Society. London, 1852 The Bible a rule and test of religion and of science. A sermon preached at Gt St Mary's Church, June 26, 1853. ^^53 COLE (W.), j- 1782. Some observations on the Horns given by Henry I to the Cathedral of Carlisle. {Archaeologia, v.) 40 [London, 1779) COLE (W.), fi8o6. Oratio de ridiculo habita Cantab, primo die Julii, 1780. (Members' Prize.) Accedit carmen comitiale 1774. 40 Etonae, 1780 Another edition. 4° Londini, 181 1 COLEMAN (J.) Copies of marriage registers from the parish book of St Mary's Church, Whittlesey. [London) 1880 COLERIDGE (A.D.) Eton in the forties. London, 1896 COLERIDGE [Sir J.D.) Tests and their abolition. Oxford, 1870 COLES (W.M.) See Sellon (L.). COLLECTION of Poems. By the author of a Poem on the Cambridge Ladies. ^733 COLLECTION of theological tracts. Ed. by R. Watson. 6 vols. 1785 COLLEGE COMMEMORATION 63 COLLEGE Days. Recorded in blank verse. London^ 1883 COLLEGE Jester. By Balcony Stall [i.e. H. G. Meyer, Trin.]. 1903 COLLEGE Meat Scandals: Report of Trial. 40 1902 2nd ed. 4° 1902 COLLEGE Recollections. [? By S. O'SuUivan.] London, 1829 COLLEGE Tuition considered in a letter to a friend. By a Fellow, M.A. [J. R. Crowfoot]. 1845 COLLEGIAN'S Guide ; or. Recollections of College Days. By the Rev. [J. Pycroft], M.A. London, 1845 COLLETT (W.R.) A list of the Early Printed Books and an Index of English books printed before 1600 in the Library of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. 1850 COLLIER (J.) Account of the death of A. Milnes Marshall. 40 n.p. 1894 COLLIER (W.) Poems on various occasions. London, 1^00 See Letter from an Undergraduate, 1792. COLLIGNON (C.) Compendium anatomico-medicum. 4° 1756 Tyrocinium anatomicum. ^7^3 An enquiry into the structure of the human body. 2nd ed. 1764-5 Medicina politica: or reflections on the art of physic. 1765 Moral and medical dialogues. 17^9 COLLINS (A.) A Discourse of Free-thinking. n,p. 17 13 COLLINS (A.E.) A Song of Trinity. Music by Sedley Taylor. 40 1907 COLLINS (C. W.) The Cambridge Apostles. {Blackwood's Magazine, March, 1907.) COLLISON (F.W.) A vindication of the Anglican Reformers, in an examination of Prof. Scholefield's Discourses. 1841 Remarks on a sermon by Prof. Scholefield entitled, The Christian Altar. 1 842 Some further remarks on The Christian Altar. 1843 COLQUHOUN {Sir P.) An Epistola to Prince Albert... containing suggestions for a complete system of legal instruction. 1853 COLVIN (S.) Brief catalogue of pictures in the Fitzwilliam Museum. Compiled under the direction of S. Colvin. (Two editions.) 1895, 1901 See also Earp (F.R.). COMBE (G.) Review of A Discourse on the studies of the University. By Adam Sedgwick. 3rd ed. {Phrenological Journal.) London, 1834 COMBINATION Papers. [Lists of University preachers.] 1817-57 COMMEMORATION. Cp. Bowes, pp. 260-2. Sermon preached 27 Oct. 1745. By J. Garnett. 4° 1745 Sermon preached Oct. 31, 1852. By Harvey Goodwin. 1852 Sermon preached Nov. i, 1868. By W. G. Clark. London, 1868 Form of Service for the Commemoration of Benefactors, used at Great St Mary's Church, Cambridge. 1873 Sermon preached Oct. 27, 1878. By G. F. Browne. 1878 Sermon preached Nov. 5, 1882. By A. F. Kirkpatrick. 1882 64 COMMENCEMENT COMMENCEMENT. Cp. Bowes, pp. 260-2. Two sermons... the first on i July, 1655, the other since. By W. Dilhngham. 40 1656 Sermon preached 5 July, 1696. By R. Bentley. 4° London^ 1696 Sermon preached July 3, 1698. By F. Hutchinson. 40 1698 Sermon preached July 3, 1698. By P. Nourse. 4° 1698 Sermon preached 2 July, 1699. By John Edwards. 4° 1699 Sermon preached 30 June, 1700. By John Gaskarth. 40 1700 Sermon preached 30 June, 1700. By O. Blackall. 4° 1700 Concio...Junii 28, 17 12. By R. Blomer. 4° Londini^ 17 12 Quaestiones una cum carminibus in magnis comitiis Cantabrigiae celebratis, 17 14. 17 14 Verses. By L. Eusden. Y° London^ 17 14 Music Speech, July 6, 17 14. By Roger Long. London (17 14) Carmina comitialia Cantabrigiensia. Ed. V. B. (Vincent Bourne). Londlniy 1 721 Sermon, 29 June, 1728. By Roger Long. 4° 1728 Quaestiones una cum carminibus in magnis comitiis celebratis, 1730. 1730 Music Speech and Ode for Music, July 6, 1730. By J. Taylor. London y 1730 Concio ad clerum. 9 Oct. 1731. By P. Gretton. 1732 Sermon, July 2, 1732. By P. Gretton. 1732 Sermon, June 29, 1735. By S. Kerrich. 1735 Sermon, July 2, 1749. By Samuel Squire. 40 London^ 1749 Sermon, July 2, 1749. By John Green. 4° 1749 Sermon, Commencement Sunday, 1757. By W. S. Powell. 3rd ed. 1759 4th ed. 1772 Sermon, 29 June, 1777. By Samuel Cooper. 4° 1777 Sermon, 4 July, 1784. By Edw. Oliver. 40 London^ 1784 Sermon, 2 July, 1786. By W. Purkis. 4° 1786 Sermon, July i, 1798. By T. Rennell. (1798) Sermon, Commencement Sunday, 1781. By W. Arnald. 40 London^ 1803 Programme of music in Gt St Mary's Church in aid of Adden- brooke's Hospital. 4° 1803 Sermon, June 29, 1806. By Edw. Maltby. 40 1806 Sermon, July 4, 1813. By Herbert Marsh. 1813 Two Music Speeches... in 17 14 and 1730. By R. Long and J. Taylor. 1 819 Oratiuncula. J. Kaye. July, 18 19. (18 19) Sermon, 2 July, 1820. By C. J. Blomfield. 1820 Oratiuncula. J. Kaye. July, 1820. (1820) Sermon. By James Inman. 1820 Sermon, 30 June, 1822. By William Ainger. 1822 Sermon, 30 June, 1822. By J. H. Monk. 1822 Sermon, July i, 1827. By John Lamb. 1827 Regulations for Commencement, 1828. F^ 1828 COMMENCEMENT COMMISSION 65 COMMENCEMENT. Sermon, July 5, 1829. By T. G. Ackland. 1829 Sermon, July 4, 1830. By R- N. Adams. 1830 Sermon, June 30, 1833. By S. Lee. London^ 1833 Sermon, July 4, 1847. By Charles Perry. 1847 Sermon, June 16, 186 1. By W. M. Campion. 1861 Sermon, June 15, 1862. By E. H. Perowne. 1862 Sermon, June 17, 1900. By J. E. B. Mayor. 1900 COMMISSION (University) Petition to Lord John Russell, presented 10 July, 1848. Fo 1848 A letter addressed by Lord John Russell to the Chancellor explaining intentions of the Government (8 May, 1850). F^ [London) 1850 Representation presented by V ice-Chancellor (James Cartmell) to the Chancellor (14 May, 1850). F^ 1850 Address to the V ice-Chancellor by Members of the Senate in alarm at its approach (20 May, 1850). Fo 1850 Letter of Prince Albert to the Vice-Chancellor urging moderation on the University (27 May, 1850). Fo 1850 Appointment of Royal Commission (31 Aug. 1850). Fo lithographed. Circular of Commissioners to Professors (30 Oct. 1850). Fo [London) 1850 Queries addressed by Commissioners to Professors (20 Nov. 1850). Fo [London) 1850 (14 Dec. 1850). Fo [London) 1 850 (18 Feb. 1 85 1). Fo [London) 1851 (19 Feb. 1 85 1). Fo [London) 1851 The University Commission, or Lord John Russell's Postbag. Four instalments. [By W. Sewell.] Oxford^ 1850 Report of the Commission, 1850-2. Fo London^ 1852 Documents relating to Cambridge. 3 vols. London^ 1852 Proposed draft of an Answer to the Remarks and Recommendations of Her Majesty's Commissioners for inquiring into the state of the University of Cambridge. 1853 Analysis of the evidence respecting a Matriculation examination con- tained in the Report of the... Commission. By a White-Hood. 1853 English University procedure. Draft of a Bill to be proposed by James Heywood (June 28 [1853]). [London) [1853] National Education at Oxford and Cambridge. Draft of a Bill to be proposed by James Heywood (Aug. 2 [1853]). [London) [1853] Letter of Lord Palmerston to Prince Albert, Chancellor, 12 Dec. 1853. (Private copy.) Fo 1853 Answer to the Remarks... of the Commissioners so far as they relate to King's College. 1854 Notes on the Oxford Univ. Bill in reference to the Colleges at Cambridge. (1854) Copy of letter from four of the late Royal Commissioners on the t/niversity of Cambridge... to the Lord Chancellor. Fo 1855 CL. c. < 66 COMMISSION CONGREGATIONAL COMMISSION (University). Remarks on the constitution of the University and the Bill before Parliament. [By H. A. Woodham and W. H. Bateson.] 40 n.p. [1855 ?] Draft Statutes for certain Professorships. (June, i860.) Fo {London) i860 Statutes for the same. (24 Oct. i860.) F^ [London) i860 Copies of statutes framed by Commissioners. London^ 1861 Remarks on Report made to H.M. Secretary of State by Com- missioners respecting Jesus College. By Dr Corrie. 1861 Special Report from the Select Committee on the Oxford and Cambridge Universities Education Bill. Fo London^ 1867 Letters, Reports, Memorials, etc. 1870-80. Y° 1870-80 Correspondence with the Commissioners. By R. Phelps. ^^73 Report of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the income of the Universities. F^ London^ 1874 Returns of the University of Cambridge. Fo London^ 1874 Paper of queries. 6 Dec. 1877. F^ London, 1877 Reply to enquiries of Commissioners. By Dr Phear. Jan. i, 1878 See also Acts and Bills ; Statutes. COMMITTEE for the study of special diseases. Bulletin. Vol. i, Nos. 3-9. Aug. 1907. 40 1907 COMPENDIUM of University Regulations for the use of persons in statu pupillari. 1870 Another ed. 1888 See also Statutes. Excerpta. . . 1732, etc. COMPETITIVE Examinations. {Cornhill Mag. Dec. 1861.) COMPULSORY Chapel. A protest. (1892) COMPULSORY Chapel and the Universities' Test Act. (1892) See also Cornford (F. M.). CONCERT. First (-fourth) Grand Miscellaneous Concert. Words. 27 June, 28 June, 29 June, i July, 181 1. (^^ii) Selection of sacred music to be performed in Gt St Mary's, 28 June, 1811. (1811) First (-third) Grand Miscellaneous Concert. Words. 30 June, I, 2 July, 1814. (1814) First (-third) Concert. Words. 3 July, 181 9, 5 July, 1819, 6 July, 1819. (1819) Cambridge Grand Musical Festival for the benefit of Addenbrooke's Hospital. Three Grand Miscellaneous Concerts. Words. 28 June, 30 June, i July, 1828. (1828) Musical Festival. Words of Concerts. 29 June, i July, 1833. (1833) CONFERENCE at Cambridge on the condition of School Children's teeth. London, 1895 CONFRATERNITY of the Most Holy Trinity. Manual of Rules and Prayers. 1857 CONGREGATIONAL Church Year-Book, 1905, 1907, 1908, 1909. Sawston, 1905-9 CONINGTON COPE 67 CONINGTON (J.) The University of Oxford and the Greek Chair. Oxford^ 1863 A reply to Professor Conington's pamphlet on the Greek Pro- fessorship at Oxford. Oxford^ 1863 CONSERVATIVE Association. Regulations of the Cambridge Conservative Association. J 835 CONSIDERATIONS on the... late Regulations. [By J. Green.] London^ IJS^ CONSIDERATIONS on the Oaths required by the University of Cambridge at the time of taking Degrees. [By W. Frend.] London^ 1787 CONVERSATIONS at Cambridge. [Attributed to R. A. Willmott.] London^ 1836 CONWAY (5/rW.M.) Testimonials when a candidate for the Slade Professorship of Fine Art in the University of Cambridge. 1886 The Succession of Ideals. An Address. Z./Wr^W, 1886 CONYBEARE (E.) Tourist's guide to the county of Cambridge. By A. G. Hill. 2nd ed. by E. Conybeare. London^ 1892 History of Cambridgeshire. London, 1897 Rides around Cambridge. 1902 CONYBEARE (W.J.) See Freeman (P.). COOK (J.) An historical account of King's College Chapel, Cam- bridge. 1829 COOKE (A.) Testimonials for post of Assistant Surgeon at Adden- brooke's Hospital. 4<=> n.p. 1897 COOKE (A.H.) On the MacAndrew Collection of British Shells. {Journ. of Conchology, iii.) {London, 1882) COOKE (G.A.) Topographical and statistical description of the county of Cambridge. London, 1807 COOKE (J.P.) Memorial of W. H. Miller. [1881] COOKE (W.) Praelectio ad Actum Publicum habitum Cantabrigiae 8vo Id. Mart. 1787. 4° 1787 COOKESLEY (W.G.) See Sellon (L.). COOMBE (J.A.) The inward witness of the Spirit to the believer's adoption. The Commemoration sermon in St John's College Chapel, March 15, 1845. 1845 COOPER (C.H.) Annals of Cambridge. 5 vols. (Vol. 5 edited with additions by J. W. Cooper.) 1 842-1 908 Part 34 (being the first of Vol. 5). [1853] Athenae Cantabrigienses. By C. H. Cooper and Thompson Cooper. 2 vols. 1858-61 Memorials of Cambridge. Newed. 3 vols. (Bowes 2030* d) 1860-66 Memoir of Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby. (Ed. by J. E. B. Mayor.) 1874 COOPER (S.) Commencement sermon... 29 June, 1777. 401777 COOPER (T.) and Cooper (C.H.) Athenae Cantabrigienses. 2 vols. 1858-61 COPE (E.M.) On the interpretation of the words "Governing Body" in the 27th Section of the Cambridge University Act. 1857 5—2 68 COPE CORPUS COPE (E.M.) On the College Statutes. Trinity. 1858 Plato's Theaetetus and Mr Grote's criticisms. 1866 Extracts from Introduction to Aristotle's Rhetoric. 1867 A Review of Aristotle's System of Ethics. Prelection. 1867 Notice of the life of E. M. C, by H. A. J. Munro. 1873 COPYRIGHT Act. Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the Uni- versity of Cambridge against Henry Bryer [for failing to comply vi^ith the Copyright Act]. 2 pts. London (1812) Vindication of pending Bill for Amendment of the Copyright Act. By Sir E. Brydges. London, 181 8 A vindication of the right of the Universities of the United Kingdom to a copy of every new publication. By Edw. Christian. 3rd ed. 1818 CORNFORD (F.M.) The Cambridge Classical Course. 1903 On compulsory Chapel. 1904 Microcosmographia Academica. 1908 CORNISH (F.W.) Testimonials presented by F. W. C. to the Worshipful Company of Skinners. 4° 1875 See Johnson (W.), 1897. CORNISH (H.W.) 5^^ Cambridge A.B.C. 1894. CORONATION, 1838. A complete account of the proceedings at Cambridge. (Large paper copy.) 4° 1838 (Small paper copy.) 1838 The Coronation Remembrancer. An account of the proceedings... at Cambridge. 1838 CORONATION, 1 902. Service for their Majesties King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra. 26 June, 1902. London (1902) Coronation Festivities. (9 Aug. 1902.) Camb. Daily News souvenir. Fo 1902 Celebration at Cambridge. 1902 CORPORATION. Reflections on the contentions and disorder of the Corporation of Cambridge. London, 1789 The Corporation of Cambridge. A digested Report of the evidence given in the Guildhall in Cambridge Oct. 28, etc., before two of H.M. Commissioners for enquiry into the existing state of Municipal Corporations in England and Wales. 1833 Extracts from a digested Report, etc. Cambridge, 1833. With a preface by H. Gunning. 1839 See also Borough. CORPUS Christi College. Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum. . .quos legavit Matthaeus Parkerus. [By W. Stanley.] F^ Londini, 1722 List of names, etc. of all members of Corpus Christi College, with proposals for printing the history of the College. Dec. i, 1749 and March i, 1749-50. By R. Masters. 4° 1750 The history of the College of Corpus Christi... by R. Masters, B.D. 4° 1753 Large paper copy. 4° 1753 CORPUS COSTUMES 69 CORPUS Christi College. An account of an illuminated manuscript in the Library... .By M. Tyson. {Archaeologia^ ii.) 4° [London^ 1773) Account of the Horn belonging to C.C.C. By M. Tyson. {Archaeo- logia. III.) 40 {^London, ^775) Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum. . .quos. . .legavit Matthaeus Parker. £d. Jacobus Nasmith. 40 1777 Vice-Chancellor's Notice of ceremonial at laying first stone of New Buildings, 2 July, 1823, with inscription on the stone. Y° 1823 Masters's History of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. With continuation by John Lamb. 4° 1831 Collection of Letters, Statutes, etc. from the Library of C.C.C. Ed. by John Lamb. London^ 1838 A sermon preached at the Commemoration of Benefactors, Dec. 14, 1847. ByJ.G. Mould. (1847) Statuta CoUegii Corporis Christi. 1861 A sermon preached at the Consecration of the Chapel, Nov. 2, 1870. By J. G. Mould. 1870 The Library. By S. S. Lewis. 1890 Corpus Christi College. By Rev. H. P. Stokes. (College histories.) London^ 1 898 The Benedict. Nos. 1-38. 1898-1910 Story of a Ghost. [Occult Review^ March, 1905.) Catalogue of MSS. By M. R. James. Pts i, 2. 1909-10 CORRIE (G.E.) Sermon in Catharine Hall Chapel, 27 Feb. 1831. Brief historical notices of the interference of the Crown with the affairs of the English Universities. 1839 A list of books presented to Pembroke College, Cambridge, by different donors during the 14th and 15th centuries. {C. A. S.) i860 Remarks on the Report by the Cambridge University Commissioners respecting certain statutes proposed by them to Jesus College. 1861 List of early printed and other books in the possession of Dr Corrie. 1880 List of books (not commonly met with) relating to the Family of Love, in the possession of Dr Corrie. 1880 Catalogue of the scarcer books in the library of the Rev. G. E. Corrie. Service to be used at the funeral of the Rev. G. E. Corrie. 16° 1885 Catalogue of the library of the late G. E. Corrie. ..sold May, 1886. (Partly priced.) Two copies. London^ 1886 Memorials of the life of G. E. Corrie. Ed. by M. Holroyd. 1890 CORY (W.) See Johnson (W.). COSMO (Phil), pseud.y really G. M. Maxwell. See True Blue. COSTUMES of the members of the University of Cambridge. (Folding plates.) London^ n.d. See also Almond (A. G.) ; Clark (E. C.) ; Harraden (R.). 70 COTES CRANE'S COTES (R.) Hydrostatical and Pneumatical Lectures. 2nd ed., by R. Smith, D.D. 1747 De descensu gravium. De motu pendulorum in cycloide. Et De motu projectilium. 4° 177° Correspondence of Sir I. Newton and Professor Cotes. With Notes by J. Edleston. London, iS^o COTMAN (J.S.) Antiquities of St Mary's Chapel, Stourbridge, near Cambridge. 4° Tarmouth, 18 19 COTTAGE Home for little orphan girls. Reports: 9th, loth, nth, 1 2th, 13th, 14th, 17th, 19th, 23rd. 1880-94 COTTENHAM. A sad relation of a dreadful fire... 29 April, 1676. 40 \_London\ 1676 COTTON (G.E.L.) T. H. Burn. In memoriam. [1864] COUBERTIN (P. de) L'dducation en Angleterre. Paris, 1888 COULTHURST (H.W.) Sermon preached before the University. Trans, into English metre by H. W. Hopkins [i.e. A. Geddes]. London, 1796 See Frend (W.), 1789. COUNCIL in the Moon. (Bowes 578.) 4° 1765 COUNCIL of the Senate. Analysis of the votes given to Prof. Stuart and Prof. Paget, 1879. 1879 Election, October, 1906. Tickets, Fly-sheets, and other papers. 40 1906 COUNTY School. Articles of Association. 1869 COURTHOPE (W.J.) Liberty and Authority in matters of taste. London, 1896 COUSIN Carl : a drama in three Acts. Trans, from the Swedish by Mrs Selwyn (wife of Prof. Selwyn) for representation at the Deanery, Ely. 40 n.p. [? 1866] COVERDALE (M.) WickliefFes Wicket. Ed. by R. Potts. 1851 CO WELL (Elizabeth) Leaves of Memory. London, iSgi COWELL (E.B.) Address to Electoral Roll. With testimonials for Sanskrit Professorship. 1867 An inaugural lecture, delivered Oct. 23, 1867. London, 1867 Life and Letters. By G. Cowell. London, 1904 COWLING (J.) The Regrets of a Cantab. {London Mag., i Dec. 1825.) COWPER (J.) Adelphi. A sketch of the character... of J. Cowper. By his brother, W. Cowper. Ed. J. Newton. 12° London, 1802 COX (G.V.) Recollections of Oxford. 2nd ed. London, I'i'jQ COX (T.) A topographical, ecclesiastical, and natural history of [Cambridgeshire]. (Bowes 944.) 4° London, 1700 [17 15] COX(W.A.) C. J. EUicott, Bp of Gloucester. {Eagle) 1905 The blank window in the Chapel. Two legends of St John. [Eagle.) 1909 CRANAGE (D.H.S.) Syllabus of lectures on Monastic Life. 1900 CRANE'S Charity. Sermon by W. Cunningham, Oct. 8, 1889. 12° 1889 CRANWELL GUMMING 71 CRANWELL (E.) An index of such books printed before the year MDC, as are now in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1847 CRANWELL (J.) See Browne (L H.). CRAWFORD (C.) Letters from Academicus to Eugenius on various subjects. Londoriy 1772 CREASSY (J.) See Fens, 1777. CRIBBLINGS from the Poets. (Parodies.) 1883 CRITICA Novazealandica futura. See Old Mother Hubbard. CRITO Cantabrigiensisj pseud. See Turton (T.). CROMWELL (Oliver) See Verses. CROSS (T.) The conflagration of Rome by Nero. 1837 CROSS (W.S.) The theory of the Rainbow. 1836 CROSSE Scholarships. Examination papers. 1833 CROWE (W.) Oratio in martyrium Regis Caroli I, 30 die Jan. 17 19. Londiniy 1 7 20 Ed. altera. 40 Londini, 1720 CROWFOOT (J.R.) College tuition considered in a letter to a friend. By a Fellow, M.A. (J. R. C). 1845 The interpretation of the Composition between the University and King's College. By a Member of the Senate (J. R. C). 1846 Remarks on some questions of economy and finance affecting the University of Cambridge. 1848 Praelectio theologica, De Jeremiae cap. xxxiii. comm. 15, 16. 40 1848 Remarks with reference to building a University Hostel. 1849 Academic notes on Holy Scriptures. Ser. i. 1850 Plea for a Colonial and Missionary College at Cambridge. London y 1854 Statement of proceedings taken with reference to the election of Master in Gonville and Caius College in 1852. 1854 CROYLAND. Observations on Croyland Abbey. By James Essex. [Bibl. topographica Britannica, xxil.) 4° London^ 1 784 The history of Crowland Abbey, digested from the materials collected by Mr Gough [by B. Holdich]. Stamford^ 18 16 A light on the historians and on the history of Crowland Abbey. By H. S. English. London^ 1868 Memorials of Saint Guthlac of Crowland. Ed. by W. de Gray Birch. Wisbech, 1881 Croyland and Thorney. By G. W. Prothero. Spalding^ 1885 The present danger of Croyland Abbey. n.p. 1888 Farren's Crowland Abbey. (Etchings.) Fo 1889 CUMBERLAND (R.) Memoirs. Written by himself. 40 London, 1806 CUMMING (J.) Plan of a course of chemical lectures. 1816 Notice of Calculus in the Library of Trinity College. {Trans. Philos. Soc. Camb.) 40 1822 A syllabus of a course of chemical lectures. 1825 A syllabus of a course of chemical lectures. 1 834 72 CUNNINGHAM CUST CUNNINGHAM (G.) Testimonials when candidate for the post of dental surgeon at Addenbrooke's Hospital. 1887 CUNNINGHAM (J.W.) Cautions to continental travellers. London^ 181 8 CUNNINGHAM (William) John Crane's Charity. A sermon preached Oct. 8, 1889. 1889 On suggested alterations in Great St Mary's Church. 1891 Sermon preached at Gt St Mary's Church, 27 Jan. 1901. 1901 A Word to Church Reformers... 18 June, 1901 1901 Richard Cobden and Adam Smith. Two lectures. London, 1904 The Moral Witness of the Church on the investment of money and the use of wealth. 1909 Socialism and Christianity. London, 19^9 CURZON {Lord) Principles and Methods of University reform. Oxford, 1909 CUST (L.) Candidature for the Directorship of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Nov. 1889. 1889 Application for the Disney Professorship. 1892 A history of Eton College. London, 1899 Eton College Portraits. (Prospectus.) F" London, 1908 73 D DAGLEY (R.) Takings, or the life of a Collegian. A Poem. London y 1821 DALBY (W.) The real question at issue between the opponents and supporters of a Bill... entitled "A Bill to remove certain disabilities which prevent some classes of H.M. subjects from resorting to the Universities of England." London^ 1834 DALE (T.) Probation for the Christian Ministry practically con- sidered. Four discourses before the University of Cambridge, March, 1836. London^ 1836 DALECHAMP (C.) Christian hospitalitie handled common-place- wise in the Chappel of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge. Issued with Harrisonus honoratus : id vita et obitu Domini Harrisoni, Trinitatis CoUegii nuper Vicepraefecti, narratiuncula. 40 1632 DALTON (J.H.C.) The position of the laity in the Church of England. London^ 1899 Cambridge today. [Camb. Express.) 1908 DANIEL (C.H.) and Barker (W.R.) Worcester College, Oxford. London^ 1900 DANIELL (A.E.) The Temple of Learning : or Cambridge illus- trated by pen and pencil. [1890] DARWIN (C.) Extracts from letters to Prof. Henslow, 1832-35. Foundations of Origin of Species: Sketch written 1842. Ed. F. Darwin. 1909 Foundations of Origin of Species: Essays written 1842 and 1844. Ed. F. Darwin. 1909 Catalogue of the Library of Ch. Darwin now in the Botany School, Cambridge. By H. W. Rutherford. Ed. F. Darwin. 1908 DARWIN (F.) Address to the Botanical Section of the Brit. Assoc. at Cambridge, 1904. London^ 1904 See Darwin (C); Jenyns (L.) 1903. DARWIN {Sir G.H.) A tidal theory of the evolution of satellites. {Observatory^ July, 1879.) 1879 DARWIN (L.) Free Trade, Work, and Wages. 1909 DARWIN Celebration. Darwin and Modern Science : Essays to commemorate Centenary. Ed. A. C. Seward. 1909 Order of Proceedings at Celebration held at Cambridge, June 22-24, 1909. With a sketch of Darwin's hfe. 40 1909 74 DARWIN DEALTRY DARWIN Celebration. Catalogue of Portraits, Prints, etc. exhibited at Christ's College, June, 1909. 40 1909 Programmes, Lists of delegates, guests, etc., Invitation cards, and newspaper reports. 4° 1909 See also Cockerel 1 (T. D. A.). DARWINIAN Theory of Origin of Species examined. By a Graduate of the University of Cambridge. 1868 DASHWOOD (J.) Case of the Rector of Doddington. Wisbech J 18 1 1 DAUBENY (C.G.B.) Fugitive poems connected w^ith natural history and physical science. Collected by C. G. B. Daubeny. Oxford^ London, 1869 DAVID'S Prophecy relating to Cambridge. [By Wm Waller.] 1751 DAVIES (Emily) Account of proposed new College for Women (Girton). London, 1868 Women in the Universities of England and Scotland. 1896 DAVIES (G.S.) See Moslem. DAVIES (J.) Christian Worship : its object and essential requisites. A Discourse preached before the Univ. of Camb., 23 June and 30 June, 1844. London, 1844 DAVIES (J. LI.) The proposed conditions of the tenure of Fellowships in Trinity College. 1857 The things above in relation to education and science. A sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, Dec. 13, 1877. London, 1877 The Working Men's College. London, 1904 DAVIES (M.) Athenae Britannicae : or a critical history of the Oxford and Cambridge writers and writings. Parts i-iii. London, 17 16 DAVIS (H.W.C.) Balliol College, Oxford. (College histories.) London, 1899 DAVIS (S.) A dissertation on Matthew xii. 7. 1834 DAWES {Sir W.) Sermon... at St Mary's Church, 5 Nov. 1705. 40 1705 DAWKES (T.) Prodigium Willinghamense : or... passages in the life of a boy born at Willingham, 31 Oct. 1741. London (1747) D AWKINS (W.B.) Letter of application and testimonials for Wood- wardian Professorship of Geology, i Feb. 1873. n.p. 1873 DAY in Vacation at College. A burlesque poem. [By W. Dodd.] 40 London, 1751 DAY (T.) Speeches at the General Meetings of the Counties of Cambridge and Essex, March 25 and April 25, 1780. n.p. 1780 DEALTRY (R.) Elegy on the Rev. Thomas Jones, A.M. 4° (i 807) DEALTRY (W.) Honour from God the sure portion of them that honour him. A sermon preached at Trinity Church, Cambridge, Nov. 20, 1836, on the death of the Rev. C. Simeon. 1836 Another edition. {Pulpit, xxix.) London, 1837 DEANE DEVONSHIRE 75 DEANE (A.C.) Frivolous verses. 1892 The Religion of the Undergraduate. (With replies.) {Nineteenth Century^ Oct., Nov., Dec. 1895.) St Columba. (Seatonian Prize Poenn for 1905.) 1905 DEATH (C.) In Memoriam Caroline Death. 1893 DECK (Isaiah) Catalogue of strata of Alum Bay, I. of W. 1838 Description of sectional model of Alum Bay. (? 1838) Notice of remains of the Anglo-Saxon period, discovered at Little Wilbraham. {Arch. Journ. viii.) {London^ 1851) DECK (John) '\va w/xei^oi T(p Koajxtp rovrq) 0)9 firj KaTay(pa)nevoi. An essay vk^hich obtained the Porteus Medal. Quantum momenti habeat ad veritatem Religionis Christianae con- iirmandam, Pauli ad Christianam fidem transitio. Dissertatio Latina numismate Porteusiano dignata a.d. 1836. 1837 Style and Composition of N.T. (Norrisian Prize Essay for 1836.) 1837 DECK (N.) The ecclesiology of Cambridgeshire. Paper read before the Camb. Architectural Society, 10 Nov. 1859. (1859) Handbook for Visitors to Cambridge. 1861 Another edition. 1862 New Cambridge Guide. 2nd ed. 1868 DEFENCE of the Observations [of W. S. Powell] on the first chapter of a book [by E. Waring] called Miscellanea analytica. [By W. S. Powell.] London^ 1760 DEFOE (Daniel) A tour through the whole island of Great Britain. 4th ed. 4 vols. London, 1748 7th ed. 4 vols. London, 1769 DEGREES. Regulations for degrees in Arts, 15 May, 1821 ; with Grace to confirm, 23 May, 1821. 40 182 1 DEIGHTON (F.) Testimonials when candidate for post of assistant Surgeon at Addenbrooke's Hospital. 1891 DE LA PRYME (A.) Diary. (Surtees Soc. publ.) Durham, iSji DELHI. See Missions. DELPHI. (Unsuccessful Prize Poem, 1833.) "Where was the land." (1833) " My Spirit saddens." (1833) "The woods that wave." (1833) « Oh ! Thou, the Morning's Author.'* (1833) DE MORGAN (S.E.) Reminiscences. London, 1895 DENIFLE (H.) Die Universitaten des Mittelalters bis 1400. Band i. Berlin, 1885 DENVER. See Fens. DE PARAVICINI (F.) Early history of Balliol College. London, 1891 DERHAM (W.) See Ray {].). DEVONSHIRE (Spencer Compton Cavendish, Duke of) Installation Ode. 13 June, 1892. Latin and English. By A. W. Verrall. 1892 76 DEVONSHIRE DILLINGHAM DEVONSHIRE (Spencer Compton Cavendish, Duke of). Installation Ode. Latin Text. With music. By A. W. Verrall and C. V. Stanford. 1892 Large paper copy. 40 1892 Memoir, by G. D. Liveing. London^ 1908 DEVONSHIRE (William Cavendish, Duke of) Fly-sheets, etc. relating to the candidature, election, and installation of the Duke of Devonshire as Chancellor. 186 1-2 Inauguration at Devonshire House. {lUustr. London NewSy 25 Jan. 1862.) Ode... 10 June, 1862, composed for the Installation of the Duke of Devonshire, Chancellor of the University. By Charles Kingsley. 1862 Report of a meeting for procuring a portrait of his Grace the Chancellor (Duke of Devonshire). [Reporter^ Feb. 2, 1882.) Report of proceedings respecting the portrait of his Grace the Duke of Devonshire, Chancellor of the University. {Reporter^ Dec. 17, 1883.) DEWAR (J.) Testimonials when a candidate for the Jacksonian Professorship in the University of Cambridge. 1875 Pamphlet respecting his w^ish to dismiss his Assistant, Mr Ruhemann. (1891) D'EWES {Sir S.) Speech in House of Commons on Bill of Foure Subsidies, 9 March, 1641. 4° London^ 1641 Autobiography and Correspondence. Ed. by J. O. Halliw^ell. 2 vols. London^ 1845 College life in the time of James the First, as illustrated by an un- published diary of Sir Symonds D'Ewes. (Ed. by J. O. Halliw^ell.) London^ 185 1 DEXTER (F.B.) The influence of the English Universities in the development of Nevv^ England. {Proc. Mass. Hist. Soc.) Camb.y Mass.y 1880 DIAL. Queens' College Magazine. Mich. Term, 1909; Easter Term, 19 10. 1909-10 DIALOGUE for Tuesday, Oct. 26, 1858. [On the Statutes.] 4° (1858) DICAIOPHILUS Cantabrigiensis. See Long (R.). DICKENS (C.) A dictionary of the University of Cambridge. London, 1884 A dictionary of the University of Oxford. Second year. London, 1885 DICKINSON (G.L.) From King to King. London, 1891 Syllabus of a course of lectures on modern France. 1891 DIGBY(K.H.) Theevidenceof the divine origin of Christianity. 1821 DILLINGHAM (W.) Prove all things, hold fast that which is good. Two sermons at St Mary's Church, the first on i July, 1655, the other since. 40 1656 Vita Laurentii Chadertoni...una cum vita Jacobi Usserii. 1700 Vita Chadertoni, translated by E. S. Shuckburgh. 1884 DISNEY DONN j'j DISNEY (J.) The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, being illustra- tions of the Collection of Ancient Marbles, etc. in the Fitzwilliam Museum. 3 pts. 40 London^ 1849 Catalogue of a collection of Ancient Marbles presented to the Univ. of Cambridge. (Appended to J. H. Marsden's Two lectures.) 1852 DISNEY (W.) A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, June 28, 1789. 40 1789 DISNEY Lectures. By G. F. Browne. Lent Term, 189 1. Syllabus. 1891 DISSENTERS. See Subscription ; Tests. DISTRICT Nursing. See Nurses. DIVINITY School. Report on designs submitted by Basil Champneys. [1876] Prayers, etc. at opening, Oct. 24, 1879. 1879 DOBREE (P.P.) Greek inscriptions from the marbles in the Library of Trinity College. [1824] DOCUMENTS relating to the University and Colleges of Cambridge. 3 vols. London^ 1852 DODD (E.) On the Additional Curates Society. (1864) DODD (H.R.) Joshua. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1865.) 1865 DODD (P.S.) See Hints to Freshmen. DODD (W.) A Day in Vacation at College. 40 London^ 1751 DODDINGTON. Case of the Rector of Doddington. (Signed: James Dash wood.) Wisbech, 181 1 DODSON (W.) The designe for the perfect draining of the Great Level of the Fens (called Bedford Level). 40 London, 1 665 DODWELL (H.) De Parma Equestri Woodwardiana dissertatio. Ed. Th. Hearne. Oxonii, 17 18 DOLPHIN. To the passengers and crew of the Dolphin. A poem [describing a fight at the Lamb Inn, Ely]. 1828 DOMESDAY Book. Cambridgeshire. Fo London, 1862 See also Walker (B.). DONALDSON (J.W.) Prxlectio philologica in scholis Cantabr. habita 4 Id. Oct. 1848. 1848 Praelectionis candidatoriae quam Cantabr. in scholis publicis Prid. Kal. Feb. 1854 habuit J. G. D. excerpta quaedam. 1854 A reply to Mr Perowne's renewed attack on the Editor of Jashar. London, 1855 A brief exposure of the Rev. J. J. S. Perowne, by the Editor of Jashar. London, 1855 On some points connected with the Medo-Persic dualism. 1859 See also Perowne (J. J. S.). DONN (J.) Hortus Cantabrigiensis, or a catalogue of plants indigenous and exotic, cultivated in the Botanic Garden, Cambridge. 2nd ed. 1800 4th ed. 1807 9th ed. London, 18 19 13th ed. London, 1845 78 DON'T DUGDALE DON'T you think so? or the Friend's Reply to the Letter. (Bowes 2014.) 1840 DOUGHTY (G.) A sermon preached before the University in King's College Chapel, March 25, 1724 [on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of Gibbs's building. With folding plate]. 2nd ed. 4° 1724 DOUGLAS {Mrs S.) Life and Correspondence of W. Whewell. London^ 1 88 1 DOUTY (E.H.) Testimonials when a candidate for the post of Assistant Surgeon to Addenbrooke's Hospital. 1891 Amended testimonials. 1891 Amended testimonials. 1895 Le climat et la cure de la tuberculose. (Davos-Platz.) Davos-PlatZy 1899 DOWNING College. Observations on the plans and elevations designed by James Wyatt for Downing College. By T. Hope. 40 London^ 1804 Charter and Statutes. 4° London^ 1805 A few remarks on the outline of a scheme for the future constitution of Downing College. By the Master [T. Worsley]. (i860) Menu of dinner given to Hon. Mr Justice Henn Collins. 1891 Menu of dinner given to Lord Russell of Killowen. 1897 Downing College. By H. W. Pettit Stevens. (College histories.) London., 1899 See also Acts and Bills, 1801, 1895. DOWNING (R.P.N.) Appeals by himself and his father, fly-sheets, and other papers connected with his case. (29 pieces.) Fo 1882-3 DOWSING (W.) Journal. \^ Woodbridge, i-]"^^ D'O YLY (G.) Life of W. Bancroft, Abp of Canterbury. 2 vols. London., 1 82 1 DRAINAGE. Report of Drainage Syndicate, 8 Jan. 1823, ^^^ Grace to confirm, 22 Jan. 1823. Fo 1823 See also Turner (C). DRAKE (S.) Ara ignoto Deo sacra. Concio...vii. Id. Jul. 1724. 40 1724 DRIVERS (The). A dialogue. (Bowes 611.) 401770 DROSIER (W.H.) Remarks on the new regulations recommended by the Syndicate of Oct. 27, 1859, ^o'' ^^ Moral and Natural Science examinations. i860 On Zoology as a branch of University education. 1865 On the duties of a Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy. 1866 DRURY (H.) See Arundines Cami. DUCKWORTH (W.L.H.) Notes on the Anthropological collection in the Museum of Human Anatomy. 1899 DUDLEY (J.) Sermon before the University, 28 June, 1807. 4° 1807 DUELLING. Thoughts on Duelling. [Attr. to R. Hey.] 1773 DUGDALE [Sir W.) The history of imbanking and draining of divers Fens and Marshes. 2nd ed., by C. N. Cole. Fo London., 1772 DUNCAN DYER 79 DUNCAN (P.M.) Letter of application for Woodwardian Professor- ship of Geology, 4 Feb. 1873. 40 n.p. 1873 DUNCOMBE Q.) An Evening Contemplation in a College. 40 London^ 1753 Poems. 40 London^ 1750 DUNDAS (L.) See Lawson (M.) ; Maberley (T. H.). "DUNDREARY (L^r^ " Speech in Section D on the great Hippocampus question. [J^y C. Kingsley.] 1862 DUNLOP (O.J.) Leaves from a Cambridge [Girton] note-book. 1907 DUPORT (J.) Musae subsecivae, seu poetica stromata. 1676 Memoir. By J. H. Monk. (Museum Criticum, viii.) (1826) DURELL (J.V.) Historical account of the Church of Fulbourn St Vigor. 1910 DURHAM (J.G.) The Outworks of Christianity. 1805 DYER (G.) English prologue and epilogue to... Ignoramus. London^ ^797 History of the University and Colleges of Cambridge. 2 vols. London^ 1814 Another copy (Large Paper). 2 vols. London^ 1814 An address to the subscribers to the Privileges of the University of Cambridge. London^ 1823 The Privileges of the University of Cambridge. 2 vols. London^ 1824 Academic unity ; being the substance of a general dissertation con- tained in the Privileges of the University of Cambridge. London^ 1827 8o E EAGLE. St John's Coll. Magazine. Index to Vols. 1-15. 1891 Hundredth number. 1893 EARP (F.R.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Pictures in the Fitz- william Museum, from materials by S. Colvin. 1902 EASTERFIELD (T.H.) Syllabus of a course of lectures on Experi- mental Mechanics. 1891 EASTERN Association. The circular letter of the Eastern Association held at Cambridge, May 13 and 14, 1777, to the Protestant Dis- senting Churches usually denominated Baptists. Signed : Isaac Gould. n.p. (1777) EASTERN Counties. Papers in relation to the antient topography of the Eastern Counties of Britain. (By Arthur Taylor.) 40 London^ 1869 EAU Brink. See Fens. ECCLESIASTICAL and architectural topography of England. Cam- bridgeshire. (By Prof. Willis, and others.) Oxford^ 1852 ECCLESIASTICAL Commissioners. The correspondence between the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and the Bishop of Ely. London^ 1837 ECCLESIOLOGICAL Society. See Camden Society. ECCLESIOLOGIST. 3 vols. : Vol. I, No. I. Nov. 1841. 1st ed. (suppressed). 1841 No. I. Nov. 1841. 2nd, 3rd eds. 1842-4 No. 2. Nov. 1 841. 2nd, 3rd eds. 1842-4 No. 3. Jan. 1842. 2nd ed. 1842 No. 4. Feb. 1842. 2nd ed. 1842 No. 5. March, 1842. 2nd ed. 1842 Nos. 6, 7. April, 1842. 2nd ed. 1842 No. 8. May, 1842. 1st, 2nd eds. 1842 No. 9. June, 1842. ist, 2nd eds. 1842 Nos. 10, II. July, 1842. 1st, 2nd eds. 1842 Nos. 12, 13. Aug. 1842. 1st ed. 1842 Vol. II, Nos. 14-24. Oct. 1 842- June, 1843. ^^43 Vol. III. 2nd ed. Nos. 25-36. Sept. 1843-Sept. 1844. 1847 EDE (W.M.) Report to the Syndicate for conducting lectures in populous places. 1875 EDGCUMBE {Sir E.R.P.) Party Politics in the County Council. London^ 1888 Life and Letters of A. C. Hilton. 5^^ Hilton (A. C). Works. 1904. EDICT EDWARD VII 8i EDICT. Edict against students frequenting taverns, lo March, 1728. Fo 1728 Edict against racing, 16 May, 1817. F01817 Edict to discommune John Litchfield, fruiterer, for arranging a boxing match, 24 Feb. 1819. Fo 1819 Edict against E. and J. Litchfield for having assisted in carrying into effect a marriage between an undergraduate and a servant of J. L. 29 Nov. 1819. Fo 1819 Edict against driving tandems and blowing horns, 24 Jan. 1821. Fo 1821 Edict to discommune G. B. White, Attorney, for lending money, 18 Feb. 1822. Fo 1822 Edict against giving false names, 3 May, 1823. Fo 1823 Edict to discommune Joshua Gaywood for letting out tandems, 12 March, 1824. Fo 1824 Edict against firing guns and pistols, 9 May, 1825. Fo 1825 Edict against racing, 16 May, 1825. Fo 1825 28 Oct. 1825. Fo 1825 Edict against not wearing academical dress, 10 Oct. 1825. Fo 1825 Edict against B. E. Duppa, B.A., 3 May, 1828. Fo 1828 Edict against pigeon shooting, i Dec. 1042. Fo 1842 Edict against disorder in the streets, 10 March, 1846. Fo 1846 Edict against institution of legal proceedings against undergraduates without notice to tutors, 11 April, 1846. Re-issued 26 Nov. 1847. Fo 1846-7 Edict against racing, 9 May, 1846. Re-issued 26 Nov. 1847. Fo 1846-7 Edict against tradesmen allowing debts to be contracted, 1 1 Feb. 1847. Re-issued 19 Oct. 1847. ^° ^847 EDLESTON Q.) The Cambridge Senate before Whitgift's Statutes and the University Bill of 1855. 1855 See Newton {Sir L). Correspondence, 1850. EDMUND'S (St) House. Proposal to affiliate. Fly-sheets, etc. 40 1898 EDUCATION. The new Education Act. Report of a Public Meeting held in the Guildhall, Cambridge, Oct. 25, 1870. 1870 The Thirty-Second Annual Report of the Board of Education for the County and Town of Cambridge and Isle of Ely. 1872 EDWARD VI, King of England. King Edward the Sixth on the Supremacy. Trans, and ed. by R. Potts. 1874 EDWARD VII, King of England. The birth of the Prince of Wales. A poem. 1842 Another poem on the same subject. 1842 Ode on the birth of the Prince of Wales. By C. R. Kennedy. London.^ 1842 A succinct and detailed account of the visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to the University of Cambridge. {Camb. Chron.) 1864 Grace-papers, fly-sheets, etc. in connection with the visit. 1864 The Royal Visit. {Illustr. Lond. NewSy 11 June, 1864.) CL. c. 6 82 EDWARD VII ELLIOTT EDWARD VII. Speech delivered in the Senate House by the Public Orator, June 2, 1864. (Visit of Prince and Princess of Wales.) 4° 1864 Visit of Prince and Princess of Wales. 9 June. 1888 Service for the coronation of their Majesties. 1902 Celebration of coronation at Cambridge. 1902 Visit to Cambridge. March i, 1904. Order of proceedings. 4° 1904 Visit to Cambridge. March i, 1904. Cambridge Daily Nevi^s Souvenir. 4° 1904 In Memoriam. Address before Mayor and Corporation. 1910 Funeral sermon by H. M. Butler, in Jesus Coll. Chapel. 1910 Funeral sermon by A. H. F. Boughey, at Gt St Mary's. 1910 EDWARDS (G.M.) Sidney Sussex College. (College histories.) London^ 1899 EDWARDS (John), D.D., j- 1716. Commencement Sermon, 2 July, 1699. 40 1699 A view of the state of the University in Queen Anne's reign. Ed. by H. Bradshav^^. {C.J.S.) 1866 EDWARDS (M.E.) Filiolo. (Verses.) 12° (1907) EDWARDS (T.) A sermon preached before the University, 29 June, 1766. 1773 EKINS (J.) The Loves of Medea and Jason. A poem. 40 London J 1771 ELECTION Flights. See Straightforvtrard (Timmy). ELECTIONS. Protest against Intimidation, 16 March, 1835. Fo n.p. 1835 See also Representatives. ELECTORAL Roll, from 1856. ELECTRIC Lighting and its advantages. Issued by the Cambridge Electric Supply Company. 1892 Prospectus of the Company, 27 May. Fo 1892 ELEGIAE tristes ad pudicitiam adhortantes. 1719 ELEGY on a family-tomb. By J. J. B[rundish]. 40 1782 ELEGY written among the ruins of an Abbey. By the author of The Nun [E. Jerningham]. 4° London^ 1765 ELIOT (George) A College breakfast-party. {Macmillan's Magazine, July, 1878.) ELIZABETH {Queen) Letters Patent of Elizabeth and James I addressed to the University of Cambridge. Ed. by J. W. Clark. 1892 ELLICOTT (C.J.) The destiny of the creature, and other sermons. London, 1858 Obituary notice, by W. A. Cox. (Eagk, Dec. 1905.) 1905 ELLIOT (W.G.) The A. D. C, Cambridge, 1 861-1898. (Extracted from Amateur Clubs and Actors.) {London, 1 898) ELLIOTT (E.B.) The Omnipresence of the Supreme Being. (Sea- tonian Prize Poem for 1820.) 1821 ELLIS ELY 83 ELLIS (H.) The New Dean. Produced by Footlights Club, 1 1 June, 1897. n.p. 1897 ELLIS (R.L.) Some thoughts on the formation of a Chinese Dictionary, and on the best mode of printing Chinese. (1854) R. L. Ellis. By J. P. Norris. 1859 Memoir. By Harvey Goodwin. 1863 Review of his Life by Dean Goodwin. By J. P. N[orris]. 1864 ELSTOBB (W.) The pernicious consequences of replacing Denver- Dam and Sluices, etc., consider'd in a letter to Mr John Leaford. 1745 Observations on an address to the public, April 20, 1775, super- scribed Bedford Level, and signed C. N. Cole. Lynn^ 1776 Remarks on the Report of Mr John Golbornc.on a view taken in pursuance of an order of the Bedford Level Corporation. Lynn, 1778 An historical account of the Great Level of the Fens called Bedford Level. Lynn, 1793 ELWIN (W.) A narrative of the case of Mr Moore of St Catharine's College, Cambridge. London, 1868 A reply to the Remarks of Mr Carr. London, 1869 ELY. A catalogue of the principal members of the Conventual and Cathedral Church of Ely, 24 Sept. 1756. By James Bentham. 40 1756 Queries offered to the consideration of the... City of Ely. [By James Bentham.] 1757 Extract of a letter from Mr Bentham concerning certain discoveries in Ely Minster. [Archaeologia, 11.) 40 {London, 1773) Account of the late dispute between the Bp of Ely [James Yorke] and the Fellows of Peterhouse. [1787 ?] 2nd ed. [1787 ?] Architectural notices in reference to the Cathedral Church of Ely. [By J. Haggitt.] [18- ] Account of the Prior's Chapel. By W. Wilkins. {Archaeologia, xiv.) 40 [London, 1803) A guide to the Cathedral Church and Collegiate buildings at Ely. [By G. Millers.] 1805 2nd ed. 1820 4th ed. Ely, 1833 5th ed. Ely, 1838 The history and antiquities of the Conventual and Cathedral Church of Ely. By James Bentham. 2nd ed. (With suppl. by W. Stevenson.) 2 vols. 4° Norwich, 181 2-1 7 A full and correct report of the trials for rioting at Ely and Littleport, in May, 18 16. London, 1816 A description of the Cathedral Church of Ely. By George Millers. 3rd ed. London, 1834 Correspondence between Ecclesiastical Commissioners and Bp of Ely. London, 1837 6—2 84 ELY ELY. Ely Cathedral as it is and as it was. With views by R. B. Harraden. {Camb. Advertiser^ 8 July, 1846.) (1846) Ely Cathedral restoration. List of subscribers, etc. 4° n.p. 1847 Lecture on Ely Cathedral before the Archaeol. Inst. By R. Willis. {Norfolk Chronicle.) Norwich^ 1847 Liber Eliensis. (Ed. D. J. Stewart.) Vol. i. Londini^ 1848 Brief description of the Conventual and Cathedral Church of the. Holy Trinity, Ely. By J. W. Hewett. 1848 Ely Cathedral. Works done by G. G. Scott. {Arch. Qtly Rev., June, 185 1.) Statement by the Dean and Chapter of Ely of works to be done, with list of subscribers (Aug. 6, 1851). n.p. 1851 Handbook to the Cathedral Church at Ely. 2nd ed. Ely^ 1853 Restoration of the Central Octagon and Lantern of Ely Cathedral, as a memorial of the late Dean. n.p. 1859 Handbook to the Cathedrals of England. Ely, etc. By R. J. King. London^ 1862 Circular on restoration, signed by H. Goodwin. n.p. 1866 Statuta ecclesiae cathedralis Eliensis. 4° 1867 The architectural history of Ely Cathedral. By D. J. Stewart. London y 1868 St Etheldreda Festival. Summary of proceedings, Oct. 1873. By Ch. Merivale. Ely, 1873 Illustrated edition. Ely^ 1873 Inquisitio Eliensis. 4° Londini^ 1876 Handbook to the Cathedral Church at Ely. New (loth) ed. Ely (1877) " Restoration " in East Anglia. No. i . Cathedrals of Ely and Norwich, and certain Churches and other buildings. 12° London, 1879 Cathedral Cities. Ely and Norwich. By R. Farren. 40 1883 Ely Episcopal Records. By A. Gibbons. Lincoln, 1891 Order of Service on St Etheldreda's Day, Oct. 17, 1891. Ely, 1891 Ely gossip. By Harvey Goodwin. Ely, 1892 Ely Cathedral with plans, etc. by Rev. D. J. Stewart. {Builder, 2 April, 1892.) The sculptures in the Lady Chapel at Ely. By M. R. James. {Arch. Journ. xLix.) {London, 1892) The sculptures in the Lady Chapel at Ely. By M. R. James. 40 London, 1895 Proposed repair of the exterior of the Lady Chapel. n.p. 1896 Historical memorials of Ely Cathedral. By C. W. Stubbs. London, 1897 Handbook to the Cathedral. 20th ed. By C. W. Stubbs. Ely (1898) 2 1st ed. Ely, 1904 Ely Cathedral. (Sketch of history.) 4° n.p. (1899) The Cathedral Church of Ely. By W. D. Sweeting. London, 1901 The Acts of S. Audrey. The Octagon Sculptures. Ely (1904) ELY ESQUIRE 85 ELY. Concise Guide to the Cathedral, by J. W. Clark. 1904 Cromwell and the old house at Ely. By E. G. Punchard. Ely^ 1906 Sacrist Rolls. Ed. by F. R. Chapman. 2 vols. 1907 Re-opening of the Organ. October, 1908. Programme and history. Ely^ 1908 Diocesan Association for preventive, rescue, and penitentiary work. First report. Ely^ 1909 EMERY (W.) Expenses of University education at Cambridge, past and present. {Journ. of Statistical Soc.) Londoriy 1S62 Church organization and efficient ministry. Charge, October, 1866. EMMANUEL College. Argument in the case of the Poor's Rate charged on the Colleges of Christ and Emmanuel. [By Sir J. Marriott.] (1768) Index to English books and pamphlets printed before 1700 in the Library. By J. B. Pearson. 1869 Commemoration of the three hundredth anniversary of the founda- tion, 1884. 1885 Scrap-book. 40 1884 Laws of the Amalgamated Clubs, Oct. 1893. 1893 Emmanuel College Magazine. Lent Term, 1893 ; Mich. Term, 1894; Easter Term, 1895. 1893-5 Notes on the College buildings. By J. B. Peace. {Emm. Coil. Mag. VI.) 1894 Emmanuel College. By E. S. Shuckburgh. (College histories.) London^ 1904 See also Marriott {Sir J.) ; Sancroft (W.). EMPIRE of the Sea. (Unsuccessful Prize Poem, 1836.) (1836) ENDOWMENTS. Trusts, Statutes, and Directions affecting the Professorships (pp. 1-112). [Ed. by H. Philpott.] 1857 Affecting Scholarships and Prizes (pp. 1 15-166). 1857 Affecting certain Gifts and Endowments (pp. 169-315). 1857 The three parts bound together, with a general title prefixed. 1857 A new edition. 1876 Endowments of the University of Cambridge. Ed. by J. W. Clark. 1904 ENGLISH (H.S.) A light on the historians and on the history of Crowland Abbey. London^ 1868 ENGRAVERS. A chronological series... from the invention of the art to the beginning of the present century. [By T. Martyn.] 1770 ENTOMOLOGICAL and Natural Hist. Soc. Bye-laws. 1898 EPIGRAMS. See Prolusiones. ESCREET (J.) Memoir. By Thomas Webster. London, 1823 ESHER {Viscount) Foam. [A book of verses.] London, 1893 Extracts from Journals, 1872-81. (Privately printed.) 1908 ESQUIRE Bedell. A plea for the triumvirate of Esquire Bedells. Addressed to Members of the Senate. [By W. Nind.] 1852 86 ESQUIRE ETON ESQUIRE Bedell. Poll at Election, 19 Jan. 1854. (H. Godfrey elected.) 1854 Fly-sheets, candidatures, etc. from 1865. 1865- Poll at Election, 7 Nov. 1873. i^' J- Gross elected.) 1873 Poll at Election, i May, 1877. (A. P. Humphry elected.) 1877 Poll at Election, 7 Feb. 1893. (W. A. Gill elected.) 1893 ESSAY on the causes that determined the order in which the several branches of Greek literature rose and flourished. 1 833 ESSAY on the influence of the Homeric poems on the Greek nation. 1 829 ESSAY on the philosophical writings of Cicero. [By A. H. Hallam.] ESSAY on the progressive improvement of mankind. An oration delivered in the Chapel of Trinity College, Dec. 17, 1798. [By W. Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne.] 4° London^ 1799 ESSEX (J.) Remarks on... brick and stone buildings in England. {Jrchaeokgia, iv.) 4° [London^ 1777) Some observations on Lincoln Cathedral. {Archaeologia^ iv.) 40 {London^ ^lll) Observations on the origin and antiquities of Round Churches ; and of the Round Church at Cambridge in particular. {Archaeologia^ vi.) 40 {London^ 1782) Observations on Croyland Abbey and Bridge. {Bihl. topographica Britannkay xxii.) 40 [London^ 1784) ESSINGTON (R.W.) The curse upon Cain. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1846.) 1846 The Legacy of an Etonian. Cambridge and London^ 1846 ETON College. Catalogus alumnorum...i444-i730. 4.° Eton ^ ly^O Extract from case of the obligation on the electors of Eton College... (By Thomas Ashton.) Parti. 4° London, lyyi Letter to Dr M[orell]. By Thomas Ashton. 4° London, 177 1 Registrum Regale. Listof the Provosts of Eton, etc. 4.0 Etonae, lyj 4. The Microcosm, by Gregory Griffin of Eton. 3rd ed. 2 vols. (Harcourt's Eton bibliography, 1902, p. 18.) 12° Windsor, 1793 Alumni Etonenses. By T. Harwood. 4° Birmingham, 1797 The Miniature. A Periodical Paper. By Solomon Grildrig of the College of Eton. (April 23, 1804-April i, 1805.) (Harcourt, p. 22.) London, 1805 Report of proceedings in the case of an Appeal by... King's College against... Eton College. London, 18 16 The Appeal of King's College against the Fellows of Eton. 181 7 Statutes, 1446. (In 4th Report of Select Committee on Education.) Fo London, 1818 An explanation of the various local passages and allusions in the Appeal, etc. of King's College v. Eton College. London, 18 19 The Etonian. 2nd ed. 2 vols. (Harcourt, p. 28.) London, 1822 Some remarks on the present studies and management of Eton School. By a parent. 2nd ed. London, 1834 The Eton abuses considered in a letter addressed to the author of Some remarks. 2nd ed. London, 1834 ETON 87 ETON College. The Eton system of education vindicated... in reply to some recent publications. London^ 1834 Memorials of Eton. By Charles W. RadclyfFe. po Eton^ 1844 The Legacy of an Etonian. Ed. by R. Nolands. [By R. W. Essington.] Cambridge and London^ 1846 Registrum Regale. List of the Provosts of Eton, etc. Eton^ 1 847 Ancient Laws... for Eton College. Collected by J. Heywood and T. Wright. London^ 1850 Letter to the Provost of Eton on the election of scholars to the two foundations of Henry VL By G. Williams. London^ 1850 Thoughts on Eton, suggested by Sir John Coleridge's Speech at Tiverton. By an Etonian. London^ 1861 Hints for Paterfamilias. By Anti-Pater. n.p. 1861 Eton Reform. 2 parts. By W. Johnson [Cory]. London^ 1861 A few words with the Eton Reformers. By H. Brandreth. London^ 1 865 A history of Eton College, 1440-1875. By H. C. Maxwell Lyte. London^ 1875 New ed. London^ 1889 A day of my life... at Eton. [By G. N. Bankes.] 2nd ed. London^ iSjj About some fellows. [By G. N. Bankes.] London^ 1878 Eton College Library. By F. St John Thackeray. 4° Eton^ 1881 How I stole the Block. By an old Etonian. London^ 1883 A Visit to Eton. By Mowbray Morris. {Eng. Illust. Mag. Nov. 1884.) A letter on buildings at Eton. By J. P. Carter. Etoriy 1885 Noblesse oblige. A plea for preservation of Eton buildings. By H. E. Luxmoore. 4° Etoity 1885 Eton Housetops. A birdseye view. [By H. E. Luxmoore.] 40 Etoriy 1885 Suggestions for the reorganization of the payment of Classical masters (at Eton College). Eton [1886] Eton College : L Historical and descriptive ; IL Athletics ; IIL As a School. By Hon. A. Lyttelton. {Engl. Illust. Mag. July, 1890.) Anniversary Celebration, 1891. Programmes, etc. Eton^ 1891 Keate's Lane Papers. An Eton miscellany. (Harcourt, p. 87.) Etony 1 891 Loan collection of Portraits, etc. connected with the history of Eton, made on the occasion of the 450th Anniversary of the foundation of the College. 4° Eton, 1891 The Mayfly. Directed by present Etonians. 1-3. May 16- June 24. (Harcourt, p. 88.) 4° Eton^ 1891 Eton. An Ode by A. C. Swinburne. Set to music by C. H. H. Parry. 40 London (1891) Eton Songs. By A. C. Ainger. Music by Jos. Barnby. Illustrated by Herbert Marshall. 4° Londony 1891-2 Stories of old Eton days. By C. Kegan Paul. {Nineteenth Century^ October, 1892.) 88 ETON EVANS ETON College. Eton of old, or eighty years since, 1811-1822. By an old Colleger [W. H. Tucker]. Eton of today [by A. C. Benson]. 40 London, 1892 Catalogue of Manuscripts. By M. R. James. 1895 Eton in the Forties. By an old Colleger [A. D. Coleridge]. London, 1896 Memoir of E. C. Hawtrey . By F. St John Thackeray. London, 1 896 Acting at Eton. By F. Tarver. (From Elliot's Amateur Clubs ana Actors.) {London, 1898) A history of Eton College. By L. Cust. London, 1899 Fasti Etonenses. By A. C. Benson. Eton, 1899 A list of Eton College in 177 1. Ed. by R. A. Austen Leigh. Eton, 1903 Letter to H. E. Luxmoore on the subject of the adornment of the sanctuary of the Collegiate Church of St Mary of Eton. By T. B. Carter. Fo n.p. 1903 Letter to those responsible for the Memorial to the Etonians who fell in the South African War. By T. B. Carter. Fo n.p. 1904 Eton under Barnard, 1 754-1 765. Ed. by R. A. Austen Leigh. Eton, 1904 Bygone Eton. By R. A. Austen Leigh. Parts i, 2. Fo Eton, 1904 Re-issue. 1906 Illustrated Guide to Eton College. By R. A. Austen Leigh. Eton, 1904 2nd ed. Eton, 1905 Etoniana. Nos. 1-3, 5. 40 Eton, 1904-5 Memorial. List of donations, to 31 Jan. 1904, with other papers and reports relating to the Memorial. Eton, 1904-9 Order of proceedings at the laying of the first stone of the Memorial Buildings, 29 July, 1905. 40 Eton, 1905 Lupton's Chapel. By H. E. Luxmoore. {The Meteor, no. 4, 23 June, 1905-) 4° Eton, 1905 The Frescoes in the Chapel at Eton College, with notes, by M. R. James. Obi. 40 Eton, 1907 Order of proceedings at opening the Memorial Buildings, 18 Nov. 1908. With press notices, and other papers. 40 Eton, 1908 Poets in Pupil Room. By themselves, or practically so. Eton, 1908 EUBULUS. A letter to Philograntus [J. H. Monk]. London, 1822 EUGENIUS. See Crawford (C). EUREKA ; a sequel to Lord John Russell's Post-bag. [By J. T. B. Landon.] Oxford, 1851 EURIPIDES. Medea. Ed. R. Porson. (With MS. note by Porson.) 1801 A translation of the Hecuba. 1828 See also Greek Plays at Cambridge. EUSDEN (L.) Verses at the last Publick Commencement at Cam- bridge. Fo London, 17 14 EVANS (A.H.) 5^^ Turner (W.). EVANS EYRES 89 EVANS (J.) On a hoard of bronze objects found in Wilburton Fen. {Archaeologia^ XLVIII.) 4° i^Westmimtery 1 883) EVANS (R.W.) A statement respecting the lectures at present given on the subject of the New Testament, in Trinity College, Cambridge. 40 1834 EVANS (S.) Sonnets on the death of the Duke of Wellington. 1852 EVENING Contemplation in a College. Being a parody on the Elegy in a Country Church Yard. By another Gentleman of Cambridge [J. Duncombe], 4° London^ ^753 EVERETT (W.) College essays delivered in Trinity College, Cam- bridge, Feb. and Dec. 1862. 1863 On the Cam. Lectures on the University of Cambridge in England. New ed. London^ 1869 EWING (J. A.) University Training of Engineers. 1891 EXAMINATION Hall. Fly-sheet in favour of building an Exami- nation Hall. Fo 1825 EXAMINATION Papers. Classical Examinations. 2nd ed. 1826 Classical Examinations. 1830 2nd ser. 1831 Mathematical Examinations. 1830 Cambridge Theological Examination Papers. 1848 EXAMINATIONS. See Jebb (J.); Middle Class Examinations; Tripos Examinations. EXCURSIONS to Parnassus. By a Gentleman of the University of Cambridge. 40 London, 1787 EXHIBITION of Modern Pictures. Bijou Theatre. Nov. 1896. Catalogue. 1896 Bijou Theatre. 4-17 Nov. 1896. Poster. The Garden Studio. Nov. 1897. Catalogue. 1897 EXILE'S Return, and other poems. By E. H. B[lakeney]. 1890 EXPEDITION of Napoleon into Russia. (Unsuccessful Prize Poem.) 1828 EXPLANATION of the Tale of a Nettle, paragraph by paragraph from the best edition printed at Cambridge... n.p. 17 10 EXTENSION Meetings. See Local Lectures. EYRES (C.) Observations on University Reform. 1849 90 FACETIiE Cantabrigienses. By Socius. [Ed. by R. Gooch.] London^ 1825 3rd ed. London^ 1836 FAIR Statement. [On Celibacy.] [18- ] FAIRFAX Q.) Life of...O. Stockton... to which is added his funeral sermon, 1681. (Reprint.) 12° London^ 1826 FAIRFAX (5/> T.) Another Letter... June 8, 1647. 4° London^ 1647 FAIRLIE (J.) Illustrations of Cheveley Church, Cambridgeshire. Fo London^ 1 85 1 FAMILY of Smith, or Milk and Eggs. Comic Opera, in 2 Acts, by Temple Chambers. (Repr. from Grant a.) Surbiton^ ^903 FANCOURT (W.L.) Sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, 29 June, 1823. London^ 1823 FANING (J.F.E.) See Matriculations, 1902. FARDELL (H.) Observations on a Central Assize at Wisbech. Wisbech, 1848 Observations on the Nene Valley drainage. JVisbech, 1850 Viev/ of the... sources from whence may be derived the means of draining the Nene Valley. Ely, 1850 FAREWELL Ode on a distant prospect of Cambridge. By the author of The Brunoniad [T. Foster]. 4° 1794 FAREWELL to Harold ! [Attack on Byron by E. Smedley.] 18 16 FARISH (C.) Toleration of marriage in the Universities recommended to the attention of the Heads of Houses. (^799) FARISH (W.) Plan of a course of lectures on arts and manufactures, more particularly such as relate to chemistry. 1796 Plan of a course of lectures. 1 803 A report of the formation of the Cambridge Auxiliary Bible Society. Ed. by W. Farish. 18 12 A plan of a course of lectures on arts and manufactures. [With notes by Prof. Willis.] 1821 Notice of his lectures, Lent Term, 1823 ; Lent Term, 1826 ; Lent Term, 1827. ^° 1823-7 Oaths. [By W. Farish.] (1833) Funeral Sermon... preached by Thomas Webster. London, 1837 FARMER (R.) A catalogue of the library of the late R. F....sold May, 1798. (Priced.) {London) 1798 See alio Shuckburgh (E. S.). FARRAR FEMALE 91 FARRAR (F.W.) The influence of the revival of Classical studies on English Literature during the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. (Le Bas Prize Essay for 1856.) 1856 "From strength to strength." A sermon preached Jan. i, i860. Huntingdon, i860 On some defects in Public School education. London, 1867 FARREN (R.) The Granta and the Cam. 40 1880 [Etchings of Cambridge, for the re-issue of Cooper's enlargement of Le Keux.] (Bowes 2030*/) 1880 Cambridge and its neighbourhood. (With introduction by J. W. Clark.) Fo 1881 Pencil jottings from the Ajax. 40 1883 Cathedral Cities. Ely and Norwich. With introduction by E. A. Freeman. 40 1883 The Birds of Aristophanes. . Obi. 1884 The Eumenides of Aeschylus. Obi. 1886 Large paper copy. Obi. 1 886 The Oedipus Tyrannus of Sophocles. Obi. 1888 Cathedral Cities. Peterborough, Crowland, and Thorney. (Peter- borough wanting, and the Introduction.) Fo 1889 The Iphigenia in Tauris of Euripides. Obi. 1895 FARREN (W.) Redshanks in the Cambridgeshire Fens. [Country Life, 6 May, 1 905.) FARRINGTON (G.) See Orford {Lord). FAUCHON (J.) A publick lecture to... La Butte. 401749 FAULKNER (R.R.) An appeal to the protestant public. 29 Aug. 1844. Fo 1844 FAWCETT (H.) On the question of compulsory attendance at Professors' lectures. 1877 Life. By Leslie Stephen. 2nd ed. Londoriy 1885 FAWCETT Qames) Sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, 27 Jan. 1793. 40 1793 FAWCETT (John) The substance of two lectures. 1843 FAWCETT (W.M.) An account of St Edmund's Church, Hauxton, near Cambridge. [Ecclesiologist, Dec. 1861.) FAY (C.R.) King's College. London, 1907 FEEDLE (J.L.) A letter to the Farmers of Cambridgeshire, wherein the claims of Capt. Yorke are stated and proved. (1832) FEES. Grace to appoint a Syndicate to consider the present Table, 8 Dec. 1824 ; Report of this Syndicate, 19 Apr. 1825 ; Grace to confirm, 27 Apr. 1825. Fo 1824-25 Report of Syndicate appointed to consider whether Matriculation Fees should not be increased, 28 May, 1825. Fo 1825 FELLOW (The) Nosi, 3-11. 29 Apr. 1836-15 Dec. 1836. 1836 FELLOW-Commoners and Honorary Degrees. By a Resident Fellow. 1837 FELLOWSHIPS. See Morgan (H. A.). FEMALE Refuge. Reports 31-33, 38-42, 44,46, 61-67. 1873-1909 92 FENNELL FENS FENNELL (C.A.M.) The Parodos of Aeschylus's Septem contra Thebas. Praslection. 4° 1889 FENNER'S Cricket Ground. Proposed purchase, 23 May, 1892. Fo 1892 FENS. The designe for the perfect draining of. ..Bedford Level. By W. Dodson. ^° London^ 1665 History of the... state of the navigation of the Port of Kings-Lyn and of Cambridge. . .and of the... rivers... through the Fens. By J. Armstrong. Y° London^ 1725 Another ed. F° London^ 1766 The pernicious consequences of replacing Denver-Dam and Sluices, etc. consider'd. By W. Elstobb, Junr. 1745 Reasons against the Bill... for scouring out and deepening of the River Nene. 17 54 New method of making the banks in the Fens almost impregnable. By J. Harrison. [1766] Report concerning the draining of the North Level of the Fens. Aug. 22, 1768. By J. Smeaton. 40 n.p. (1768) The history of imbanking and draining of divers Fens and Marshes. By Sir W. Dugdale. 2nd ed., by C. N. Cole. Fo London^ ^IT^ Observations on an address to the public, Apr. 20, 1775, superscribed Bedford Level, and signed C. N. Cole. By W. Elstobb. Lynn^ I'J'jd Observations on the means of better draining the Middle and South Levels of the Fens. By two Gentlemen who have taken a view thereof. 40 London^ 1777 An answer to a book intituled " An Inquiry into Facts and Observa- tions thereon, humbly submitted to the candid Examiner into the Principles of a Bill... for the Preservation of the Great Level of the Fens, etc." London^ 1778 Remarks on the Report of Mr John Golborne...on a view taken in pursuance of an order of the Bedford Level Corporation. "Qy W. Elstobb. Lyniiy 1778 Historical account of the Bedford Level. By W. Elstobb. Lynriy 1793 Facts and observations in favour of the Eau Brink Cut, and of its immediate execution. Wisbechy 1809 New system for draining the Fens. By Jos. Scott. W^tsbech [iSog ?] Eau Brink Drainage Bill. 181 8 The joint report of Messrs Walker and Mylne, the engineers ap- pointed in consequence of the late intended Eau Brink Act. 1825 A letter addressed to the owners of land under the Eau Brink Drainage. 1826 Letter to the Duke of Bedford... on the works in the New Bedford River. By S. Wells. 1828 Letter to the Earl of Hardwicke on use of the Steam Dredging Engine in deepening Rivers in the Bedford Level. By T. Archer. Efyj 1829 History of the drainage of the Bedford Level. By S. Wells. London^ 1 830 FENS FESTIVAL 93 FENS. The history of Wisbech, with an historical sketch of the Fens. fVisbechy 1834 On the drainage of the Nene Valley. Report. Northampton^ 1848 Another ed. Northampton (1849) Plan of the Middle Level shewing the works to be executed under the Act of 1848. [1849?] Remarks on a general improvement of the River Nene. Northampton (1849) View of the... sources from whence may be derived the means of draining the Nene Valley. By Henry Fardell. Ely^ 1850 Observations on the Nene Valley drainage. By Henry Fardell. Wisbech^ 1850 Examination of the clauses of the Nene Valley Drainage Bill. 12° Wisbech^ 1 852 The drainage of Whittlesea Mere. By W. Wells. London^ i860 The Nene in danger. Considerations on the drainage scheme. London^ 1 862 Theoretical remarks on the gravel and drift of the Fenlands. By H. G. Seeley. {GeoL Mag, in.) Hertford, 1866 The Fens. By Charles Kingsley. {Good Words, May i, 1867.) The Fen and Marshland Churches. A series of photographs, with notes. Series 1-3. 4° Wisbech [1867-9] Lord Orford's Voyage round the Fens in 1774. Doncaster (1868) The Fen Country. By A. S. Ruston. {Journal of the Farmers' Cluby Nov. 1870.) London (1870) On the treatment of the reclaimed bogland of Whittlesea Mere. By W. Wells. London, 1870 The Fenland past and present. By S. H. Miller and S. B. J. Skertchly. Wisbech, 1878 Fen Floods and the Lower Ouse. By J. H. H. Moxon. 1878 The Birds of the Fens. By J. H. H. Moxon. 1882 In the Fens. With illustrations by R. W. Macbeth. {Engl. Illustr. Mag. Nov. 1883.) A Slip in the Fens. [By Jane Sexey.] New ed. London, 1885 The handbook to the Fenland. By S. H. Miller. London (1889) 2nd ed. London (1890) See also Acts and Bills. FENTON (E.) Oxford and Cambridge Miscellany Poems. London [1709] FENWICK (J.R.) Sketch of the professional life and character of John Clark, M.D. Newcastle, 1806 FERRAR (N.) Memoirs of the life of N. F. By P. Peckard. 1790 Two lives of N. F. By his brother John and Dr Jebb. Ed. by J. E. B. Mayor. (Cambridge in the xviith century, i.) 1855 FESTIVAL Choir. Programme of a Glee and Madrigal Concert, 17 Feb. 1890. 1890 10 Feb. 1 891. 1 891 2 March, 1896. 1896 94 FESTIVAL FITZWILLIAM FESTIVAL Choir. Bach's Passion (St Matthew). 26 Feb. 1902. 1902 FEW brief remarks on Camb. Univ. and College Reform. London^ 1870 FEW plain truths, or the late proceedings at Cambridge reviewed. By Philo Patria. [On the Chancellorship.] London ^ 1%^"] FEW Remarks on a Sermon preached in St Clement's. 1863 FEW Verses, English and Latin. [By E. Smedley.] London, 1812 FIELD (C.) St Alban. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1908.) London, 1909 FINANCE. Appointment of Syndicate to consider plan for increasing the pecuniary resources of the University (Grace 5 May, 1 847) ; prolongation of Syndicate (Grace 26 May, 1847) > Report of Syndicate, 10 Dec. 1847, with notice of Grace to confirm, 6 March, 1848. Fo (1847-48) FINCH (G.B.) Legal education, its aim and method. 1885 FINES. The reasonableness of Church and College Fines asserted. [By H. Gaily.] London, 1731 FIRTH (J.B.) The Minstrelsy of Isis. London, igo8 FISCHER (W.F.L.) See Burdakin (J.) ; Webb (W.). FISCHER-TREUENFELD (R. von) Lord Johan Fyssher, Master of Queen's [sic] College. London, 1894 FISHER (E.H.) The Goth and the Saracen. (Le Bas Prize, 1859.) 1859 FISHER (G.W.) Testimonials of G. W. Fisher, a candidate for the Rectory of Ovington. 1883 FISHER (J.) The funeral sermon of Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby. [Ed. T. Baker.] London, 1708 Ed. J. Hymers, B.D. 1840 Life. By T. Baily. London, 1655 Life. By John Lewis. 2 vols. London, 1855 Handlist of portraits of Blessed John Fisher. [By C. Sayle.] {Eagle.) 1890 Lord Johan Fyssher,.. An historical research. By R. von Fischer-Treuenfeld. London, 1894 FISHER (Osmond) Notes on the art of growing roses out of doors. London, 1869 Letter of application and testimonials for Woodwardian Professorship of Geology, I Feb. 1873. 1873 On a mammaliferous deposit at Barrington, Cambs. {Qtly Journ, Geol. Soc.) [London, 1 879) FISHER (W.W.) A letter to the members of the Cambridgeshire Horticultural Society. 1850 FITCH (J. G.) University work in great towns. {Nineteenth Century, Nov. 1878.) FITS of Folly ; or the aberrations of a Philosopher. By Anybody. [1832] FITTON (F.C.) Testimonials when a candidate for the rectory of Ashley-cum-Silverley. (1868) FITZWILLIAM Hall Magazine. Vol. i. 1908-1910. 1910 FITZWILLIAM 95 FITZWILLIAM Museum. Fly-sheets, etc. from 1819. 1819- Report of Syndicate on site. F° (1834) Catalogue of paintings, etc. bequeathed... by Daniel Mesman, Esq. By John Masscy. 1835 Another ed. 1846 Regulations for future management, 27 March, 1849; Graces to confirm, 25 April. Fo (1849) The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, being illustrations of the collection of ancient marbles, etc. formerly in the possession of John Disney. 3 pts. 40 1849 Hand-book to the marbles, casts, and antiquities. 1855 Correspondence between the V ice-Chancellor (Dr Whewell) and the Syndics on his alteration in the arrangement of the pictures, 1856 (several pieces). 4° 1856 Proposed purchase of the coins collected by Col. Leake (six pieces). 4° 1863-4 Proposal to grant the use of the building for a ball to the Prince and Princess of Wales (five pieces). 40 1864 Verses against the proposal, by Prof. Selwyn. 40 1864 Catalogue of a selection from Col. Leake's Greek coins exhibited in the Fitzwilliam Museum. By C. Babington. 40 1867 Catalogue of a selection from the British and English coins in the Fitzwilliam Museum. By C. Babington. 40 1867 Report of the Syndics on Mr Kerrich's bequest, 26 Oct. 1872. (1872) The illuminated manuscripts in the library of the Fitzwilliam Museum. By W. G. Searle. 1876 Catalogue of the gems in the Fitzwilliam Museum. By J. H. Middleton. 1891 Annual Report for years ending 3 1 Dec. 1891, 31 Dec. 1904-31 Dec. 1909. 40 1892, 1905-10 Brief catalogue of the pictures. By Sidney Colvin. 1895 Revised ed. 1901 A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of the Fitzwilliam Museum. By M. R. James. 1895 Illustrated catalogue of the loan collection of plate exhibited in the Fitzwilliam Museum, May 1895. By J. E. Foster and T. D. Atkinson. 40 1896 A catalogue of the Greek vases in the Fitzwilliam Museum. By E. A. Gardner. ^897 Handbook to the collection of antiquities [etc.]. By H. A. Chapman. 1898 2nd ed. 1904 Catalogue of a loan exhibition of pottery and porcelain held in the Fitzwilliam Museum. 1902 Descriptive catalogue of the pictures in the Fitzwilliam Museum. By F. R. Earp. 1902 Catalogue of a collection of modern Greek embroideries exhibited at the Fitzwilliam Museum. By A. J. B. Wace. 1905 96 FITZWILLIAM FLY-SHEETS FITZWILLIAM Museum. List of the fifteenth-century printed books bequeathed to the Fitz- wilHam Museum by F. McClean. By S. Gaselee. (^Q^S) Catalogue of a loan collection of oriental enamels exhibited at the Fitzwilliam Museum. '^905 Report (21 May 1907) of the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate on the Directorship, and recommending an Assistant-Directorship, with fly-sheets relating thereto. 40 1907-8 Letters respecting Mr Cockerell's candidature for the Directorship. April 1908. London, 1908 See also Acts and Bills, 1822. FITZWILLIAM (J.) A sermon preached at Cottenham, 9 Sept. 1683. 40 London (1683) FLANAGAN (L.) A letter to the free and independent electors of Cambridge. [An attack on Spring Rice.] 4° London (1832) FLEAM Dyke. Account of excavations, 1852. By R. C. Neville. [Arch. Journ.y ix.) {London, 1852) FLEETWOOD (E.) An enquiry into the customary-estates and tenant-rights of those who hold lands of Church and other founda- tions, by the tenure of three lives and twenty-one years. London, 1731 The rights of Churches and Colleges defended. In answer to a pamphlet... by E. Fleetwood. By Dicaiophilus Cantabrigiensis (R. Long). London, 1731 FLEETWOOD (W.), Bp of Ely, Sermon before the University in King's College Chapel, 25 March, 1689, being the anniversary for commemoration of Henry VI. 40 1689 Charge delivered at Cambridge, 7 Aug. 17 16. 40 171 6 FLETCHER (C.R.L.) Henry VI. A lecture delivered at Eton, 5 Dec. 189 1. Eton, 1 89 1 FLETCHER (H.) Oxford and Cambridge delineated. Introd. by J. W. Clark. 4° London, 1 909 FLETCHER (W.M.) Eustace Talbot. (By W. M. F. and others.) 40 1908 FLORISTS' Society. Rules, etc. (1857) FLOWER (B.) National sins considered in two letters to the Rev. Thos. Robinson. 1796 The proceedings of the House of Lords in the case of B. F., printer of the Cambridge Intelligencer, for a supposed libel on the Bishop ofLlandafF. 1800 An address to the Freeholders of Cambridgeshire, on the General Election. 1802 FLY-SHEETS. Chronological series, 181 7- 191 0. 1817-1910 Classified series under the following heads : Addenbrooke's Hospital. Edmund's (St) House. American Lectureship. Esquire Bedell. Botanic Garden. Fitzwilliam Museum. Classical studies. Jacksonian Professorship. FLY-SHEETS FORSTER 97 FLY-SHEETS. Legal Studies. Previous Examination. Library. Professors. Local Government. Public Orator. Mary (St) the Great. Reform. Mathematical Tripos. Registrar/. Medicine. Representatives, University. Moral Sciences Tripos. Russian Lectureship. Museums and Lecture Rooms Sewage. Syndicate. Sites. Observatory. Studies Syndicate. Presentation to University Theology. livings. Women. Press. Woodwardian Museum. See also Cambridge Papers. FLOWER (W.H.) Report on the Oxford Museums, 14 March, 1891 FOAM. [By Viscount Esher.] London^ iSg-^ FOOTLIGHTS DRAMATIC CLUB. Alma Mater, Comedy-Burlesque. (1892) The New Dean. By Harold Ellis. Produced 11 June 1897. (^^^97) The Freshman. Poster. (1899) The Oriental Trip. By Eric Burke. Produced 7 June 190 1. (1901) Poster. The Agricultural Trip. Poster. (1903) Paying the Piper. By H. Brodie and J. Heard. Produced 9 June 1905. (1905) Poster. The Classical Trip. Poster. (1906) The Honorary Degree. By H. Rottenburg. Produced 7 June 1907. (1907) Poster. The 'Varsity B.C. By H. Rottenburg. Produced June 1908. (1908) Poster. A Reading Party. By H. Rottenburg. Produced June 1909. (1909) Poster. See alsoy for programmes^ Cambridge Papers. FORDHAM {Sir H.G.) Notes sur la cartographic des provinces anglaises et franfaises des xvi^ et xvii^ siecles. Gand^ ^9^7 Notes on the cartography of the counties of England and Wales. Hertford^ 1908 John Cary, Engraver and Map-seller. Paper read at C. A. S. Dec. 1909. 1910 An Itinerary of the i6th century. Paper read at C. A. S. Dec. 1909. 1910 FOREMAN (F.W.) Soils of Cambridgeshire. [Journ. of Agric. Sc.) 1907 FORSTER (R.H.) and Harris (W.) The history of the Lady Margaret Boat Club, 1 825-1 890. 1890 Soapsuds, or Washings from the Wollerer. 1890 CL. c. 7 98 FORSTER FOX FORSTER (R.H.) The Postgraduates. 1895 Down by the River. 1901 FORSYTH (A.R.) Arthur Cayley. (Cayley's Coll. Papers, viii.) Addresses to Mathematical and Physical Section, British Assoc, Toronto, 1897. London, 1897 Edward John Routh. {Proc. Lend. Math. Soc, ser. 2, vol. 5, pt 7.) London, 190 7 FORSYTH (W.) The Great Fair of Nijni Novogorod. London, 186$ FORTUNATE Youth. See Causton (A. W.). FOSTER (John), f 1774. Oratio habita. . .in Coll. Regali, iv Non. Febr. die Fundatoris memoriae sacro. Accedit etiam, ab eodem scriptum, carmen comitiale. 4° 1752 Dissertatio quae premium a... Ed. Finch et Tho. Townshend pro- positum retulit...i754. (Members' Prize.) 40 Londini, 1758 FOSTER (John), Trin. An Essay on the method of illustrating Scripture from the relations of modern travellers in Palestine and the neighbouring countries. 1802 FOSTER (J.E.) and Atkinson (T.D.) Illustrated Catalogue of the loan collection of Plate exhibited in the Fitzwilliam Museum, May 1895. 40 1896 FOSTER (iS/> M.) Studies from the Physiological Laboratory in the Univ. ofCamb. Ed. by M. Foster. Pt I. 1873 Pt II. 1876 PtIII. 1877 On medical education at Cambridge. London, 1878 Coutts Trotter. In Memoriam. 1888 T. H. Huxley. [Proc. Roy. Soc. lix.) London [1895] In Memoriam. {Journal of Physiology, z<^ March, 1907.) {London) 1907 The late Professor Sir Michael Foster. By A. E. Shipley. {Proc. Linnaean Soc.) London, 1907 Michael Foster (1836-1907). By W. H. Gaskell. {Proc. Roy. Soc.) {London) 1908 FOSTER (M.G.) Testimonials when a candidate for a post as surgeon in the Orient Company's Service. 1888 Meteorological observations. . .at the Kursaal Maloja during the summer of 1891. n.p. (1891) FOSTER (T.) A farewell ode on a distant prospect of Cambridge... By the author of the Brunoniad (T. F.) 40 1794 FOSTER (W.K.) See Archeology (Museum of General and Local) and of Ethnology. FOSTER Brothers (The) ; being a history of the school and college life of two young men. [By James Pay n.] London, 18 ^g FOWLER (E.J.) History of Gamlingay. Gamlingay, igo^ FOWLER (T.) Corpus Christi College, Oxford. (College histories.) London, 1898 FOX (R.) The history of Godmanchester, in the county of Huntingdon. London, 1831 FOXLEY FREEMAN 99 FOXLEY (J.) On faith in natural and revealed religion. (Burney Prize Essay, 1855.) 1855 Secularism, scepticism, ritualism, liberationism. (Hulsean Lectures, 1881.) (1881) FRAGMENT (A) [Attr. to H. Stebbing.] (Bowes 11 82*.) London (1751) 2nd ed. London (ij^i) 3rd ed. London (1751) A key to the Fragment. By Amias Riddinge [Wm King]. London^ 1751 Another Fragment. [Attr. to H. Stebbing.] London (1751) Fragmentum est pars rei fractae. [By Z. Grey.] London^ 1751 FRANCIS {Miss) Santa Maura, and other poems. London^ 1821 FRANCIS (Alban) The Cambridge Case, being an exact narrative of all the proceedings against the Vice-Chancellour...for refusing to admit Alban Francis, a Benedictine monk, to the degree of M.A. Fo London^ 1689 Attempt of James II to compel the University to admit Alban Francis to M.A. degree. Proceedings against the V ice-Chancellor and University of Cambridge. 1687. n.d. Attempt of King James the Second to force a Dissenter upon the University of Cambridge, Feb. 1687. Oxford^ 1834 FRANCIS (H.T.) The Vedabbha Jataka transl. from the Pali, and compared with " The Pardoner's Tale." 1884 FRANCKLIN (T.) The Epistles of Phalaris. Transl. by T. F. London^ ^749 Authentic narrative of proceedings against the W[estminste]r Club. [Probably by T. Francklin.] London^ 1751 Translation; a poem. 2nd ed. 40 1757 FRANKS (J.C.) Internal evidence of the genuineness and authenticity of the Gospels. (Norrisian Prize Essay, 18 17.) 181 7 The special study of the theory of public reading and preaching recommended. 1857 The morning University Sermon. 1858 FRAUS honesta. See Stubbs (E.). FREE Library. Annual Reports, 15, 16, 29, 31, 32, 37, 39, 42, 43, 46, 47> 50,51. 1 870-1 905 Catalogue of books, etc. in the Reference Department. (Together with a catalogue of the Cambridge collection.) By John Pink. Pts I, II, III, IV. 1874-99 After fifty years. Retrospect of the Free Library. By J. Pink. 1905 FREE Thoughts upon University education. By a sincere well-wisher to our Universities. Part I. London^ 1751 FREEMAN (A.) The Portrait Pictures in St John's College, Cambridge. 4 parts. {EagUy xi., xii.) 188 1-3 The College Pictures at the Tudor Exhibition. {Eag/e^ xvi.) 1890 FREEMAN (E.A.) See Farren (R.). Cathedral Cities, 1883. FREEMAN (G.E.) The Transfiguration. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1882.) 1883 7—2 loo FREEMAN FREND FREEMAN (G.E.) Jericho. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1888.) 1889 Damascus. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1893.) 1894 The Broad and Narrow Way. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1894.) FREEMAN (P.) Church principles as bearing upon certain Statutes of the University of Cambridge. 1841 Remarks on. ..Church Principles. By W. J. Conybeare. 1 841 Theses ecclesiasticae : sive orationes in Curia Cantabrigiensi habitae A. S. 1844. 1844 Thoughts on the proposed dissolution of the Cambridge Camden Society. 1 845 Proportion in Gothic architecture. 1848 FREEMEN. Copy of Register of Freemen of the Borough of Cambridge for year ending i Nov. 1833. 1832 for year ending 31 Oct. 1835. 1834 FRENCH (W.) An address to the Senate. 1823 Observations upon Prof. Sedgwick's Reply to Dr French's address to the Senate. 1824 See also Sedgwick (A.). FREND (W.) Considerations on the Oaths required by the University of Cambridge at the time of taking Degrees. London^ ^7^7 An address to the inhabitants of Cambridge and its neighbourhood. St Ives, 1788 Second address. St Ives, 1789 Thoughts on subscription to Religious Tests. St Ives, 1788 2nd ed. London, 1789 Appendix. St Ives, 1789 An address to the members of the Church of England. London, 1788 A second address to the members of the Church of England. 3rd ed. London, 1789 Address to the congregation of St Mary's... on the subject of the sermon preached by the Rev. W — F — , M.A. 28 Dec. 1788. By a Questionist of St John's College. 1789 Mr Coulthurst's blunders exposed. London, 1789 An account of some late proceedings of the S.P.C.K. addressed to the members thereof. n.p. (1789) Peace and Union recommended to the associated bodies of Republicans and Anti-Republicans. St Ives, 1793 2nd ed. ^793 The trial of W. F., Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge for writing and publishing Peace and Union. By J. Beverley. (^793) An account of the proceedings in the University of Cambridge against W. F. for publishing Peace and Union. ^792 The proceedings in the Court of Delegates on the appeal of W. F. from the sentence of the Vice-Chancellor's Court. By J. Beverley. (1793) Extracts from writings published in the name of Mr Frend. By a Friend to the Established Church. n.p. (1793) FREND FUGITIVE \^Qii' FREND (W.) A sequel to the Account of the Proceedings in the University of Cambridge, against the author of Peace and Union. London^ ^795 A letter to the V ice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, by W. F., candidate for the Lucasian Professorship. 1798 Principles of taxation. London^ ^799 Animadversions on The Elements of Christian Theology^ by the Rev. G. Pretyman, Bp of Lincoln. London^ 1800 FRERE(B.) Poematia...A.D. 1798. (Sir W. Browne's Medal.) [1798] FRERE Q.A.) Pietas et doctrina. A sermon delivered in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, Dec. 16, 1845, being the Com- memoration of Founders. 1846 FRERE Q.H.) See Microcosm. FRERE (P.H.) Suggestions submitted to the meeting to be held to consider the draft Statutes of Trinity and St John's Colleges. 1858 FRERE (W.) Poematia numismatibus annuis dignata et in Curia Cantabrigiensi recitata, 1796-7. (Sir W. Brov^^ne's Medal.) [1797] FRESH Hints; or a new Cambridge guide. London^ 181 5 FRESHER'S Don't. By a Sympathiser (B.A.) [i.e. A. J. Story, Joh.]. (1896) More Don'ts for Freshers. By One of their Number [i.e. H. S. Goodhart Rendel, Trin.]. (1905) FRESHMAN'S Progress. An Interlude. By a D.D. 2nd ed. 12° London^ 1882 FRESHMEN. Ten minutes advice to Freshmen. 1785 Hints to Freshmen. From a Member of the University of Cambridge [P. S. Doddj. London, 1796 3rd ed. London, 1 807 4th ed. London, 1822 5th ed. London, 1855 A few words to Freshmen. [By T. Thorp.] 1841 No. 2. [By T. Thorp.] 1841 Another ed. of the two tracts. 1842 A few more words to Freshmen. By the Rev. T. T. [A skit on Thorp's tracts.] 1841 He Cometh up as a Freshman. By One who was once a Freshman. 1872 Address to Freshmen of Oxford and Cambridge Universities. By a Graduate. 2nd ed. London (1892) See also " Shall I be an Evangelical ? " FRIDAY Club. Rules. May 1868. (1868) Rules and list of members. Jan. i, 1869. (1869) FRIENDLY and honest advice of an old Tory to the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge. London, 1 7 5 1 FRIENDS in Pencil : a Cambridge sketch book. By Herbert Jones. Obi. 40 1893 FROWDE (H.) See Press. FUGITIVE Poems. Ed. by C. G. B. Daubeny. Oxford and London, 1 869 ^lf?v^^T%i 'i^FULBOURN FUZWHISKIANA FULBOURN. An account of some antiquities found at Fulbourn in Cambridgeshire. By E. D. Clarke. {Archaeologia^ xix.) 40 {London^ 1821) Account of Church of Fulbourn St Vigor. By J. V. Durell. 1910 FULLER (T.) The history of the University of Cambridge. Fo London^ 1655 The history of the University of Cambridge. Ed. by M. Prickett and Th. Wright. 1840 The history of the University of Cambridge, and of Waltham Abbey. New ed. By James Nichols. London^ 1840 The history of the Worthies of England. Ed. by P. A. Nuttall. 3 vols. London^ 1 840 The Holy State and the Profane State. Ed. by James Nichols. 3 vols. London^ 1 84 1 The Church History of Britain. Ed. by James Nichols. London^ i^^^i FULLEYLOVE (J.) Catalogue of a collection of draw^ings of Oxford. London^ 1888 Catalogue of a collection of drawings of Cambridge and the Riviera. With a note by J. W. Clark. London^ 1890 FURNISS (H.) 5^^ Pictures at Play. FURTHER Inquiry into the Right of Appeal from the Chancellor... in matters of Discipline. [By T. Chapman,] London^ ^752 FUZWHISKIANA. Dedicated to the shaven, shorn, and whiskerless. 1838 See also Rape of the Whisker, 1838. I03 GADFLY. No. I. Nov. 15, 1888. (Bowes 2851.) 4° i GALEN. See Bowes (R.). GALLY (H.) The reasonableness of Church and College Fines asserted. London^ 1 73 1 GALTON (F.) Vacation tourists and notes of travel in i860. Ed. by F. Galton. 1861 GALVANIST. A periodical paper by Hydra Polycephalus, Esq. Nos. i-ii. [Ed. by W. D. Whittington, and others.] [1804] GAMLINGAY. History of Gamlingay, by E. J. Fowler. Gamlingayy 1905 GANDOLPHY (P.) A congratulatory letter to the Rev. H. Marsh, on his judicious inquiry into the consequences of neglecting to give the Prayer Book with the Bible. London^ 1812 GARDEN (F.) An inquiry into the advantages which have accrued to Christianity in consequence of its narrative form. (Hulsean Prize for 1832.) 1833 GARDINER (R.B.) The Registers of Wadham College, Oxford, 1613-1719. Ed. by R. B. G. London^ 1889 The Letters of Dorothy Wadham, 1609- 161 8. Ed. by R. B. G. LondoHy 1904 GARDINER (W.) An account of the foundation and re-establishment of the Botanical Museum of the University of Cambridge. 4° 1904 GARDNER (E.A.) Application for Disney Professorship. 4° 1892 A catalogue of the Greek vases in the Fitzwilliam Museum. 1897 GARNETT (J.) Sermon... 14 July 174 1. 4° I74i Sermon... at Gt St Mary's Church at the Commemoration of Bene- factors, 27 Oct. 1745. 4° 1745 GARNETT (W.) and Campbell (L.) Life of James Clerk Maxwell. London y 1882 GARNHAM (R.E.) Sermon in the Chapel of Trin. Coll. Camb. at the Commemoration of Benefactors, 19 Dec. 1793. (^793) (2nd ed.) 1794 GARRATT (W.A.) An essay delivered in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, on the day appointed for the Commemoration of Benefactors, 1801. 4° London (1801) GARRICK Club. Play Bills, 1833-1842. 1833-1842 The Album of the Cambridge Garrick Club. 12° 1839 Article on the Club. {Sat. Rev., 6 May, 1 893.) GAS. Contract for lighting the town with gas. 1841 Another Contract. 1854 104 GAS GILL GAS. Report of Appeals of the Cambridge Gaslight Company v. the Guardians of the Poor. London^ 1857 Correspondence of the Gas mediation. n.p. 1868 See also Phelps (R.). GASELEE (S.) List of fifteenth-century printed books bequeathed to the Fitzwilliam Museum by F. McClean. (^905) GASKARTH (J.) Commencement Sermon, 30 June, morning. 40 1700 GASKELL (W.H.) Obituary notice of Sir Michael Foster. {Proc. Roy. Soc.) Londoriy 1 908 GEDDES (A.) See Hopkins (H. W.). GENERAL Medical Council. Poll for the election of a representative of the University of Cambridge, 7 Nov. 1889. (Dr Donald MacAlister elected.) 1889 GENERAL Theorem for a ******* [Trinity] Coll. Declamation. By With copious notes by Gronovius. [By C. V. Le Grice.] ^796 GENT (M.) Oratio Latina altera praemio annuo dignata. (Members' Prize.) 1855 GENTLEMAN'S Magazine Library. Ed. by G. L. Gomme. English topography. Cambridgeshire. London^ 1892 GEOLOGICAL Museum. See Sedgwick Museum ; Woodwardian Museum. GEORGE IIL, King of England. Vice-Chancellor's notice of [funeral] sermon at Gt St Mary's, etc. 14 Feb. 1820. F^ 1820 Words of funeral anthem in Gt St Mary's Church, 16 Feb. 1 820. Funeral sermon, by W. Mandell. 1 820 GEORGE IV., King of England. Vice-Chancellor's notice of sermon, etc. on day of his funeral, 13 July, 1830. F^ 1830 A sermon preached... 15 July 1830, the day of the funeral of King George IV. By W. Chafy. 40 1830 GEORGE (W.) Oratio habita in funere Guil. George, Coll. Regal. Praepositi, viio Kal. Oct. 1756 a G. Barford. 4° 1756 GIBBONS (A.) Ely Episcopal records. Ed. by A. Gibbons. London^ 1 891 GIBBONS (T.) An account of a most terrible fire that happened on 8 Sept. 1727, at Burwell. London^ 17^9 GIBSON (A.C.) Joe and the Geologist. Carlisle, 1866 GIBSON (J.) His manuscript, printed and illustrated by G. C. M. Smith. {Eagle, June, 1892.) 1892 GIBSON (M.D.) Do you confess ? n.p. [1901] GIBSON (W.) Conscience: a poetical essay. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1772.) 4° 1772 Jerusalem destroyed. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 178 1.) 4° 1 78 1 GILES'S (St) Parish. A narrative of the proceedings on the St Giles's . Inclosure Bill. London, 1802 GILL (A.) An answer to a late pamphlet, entitled, The Experiment [by Defoe]. 4° London, 1707 GILLESPIE GLOUCESTER 105 GILLESPIE (C.G.K.) Testimonials : candidate for vicarage of Ilketshall St Margaret. n.p. 1893 GILLMOR(W.) The Pue system. Ha/ifax, iS^2 GILLY (W.S.) Academic Errors; or Recollections of Youth. London^ 181 7 GIRDLESTONE (W.H.) The Poll course considered from another point of view. Londoriy 1862 GIRLS' Friendly Society. 5th, 6th, 15th, 17th Annual Report. 1886-98 Ely Diocesan G.F.S. Lodge. First — Seventh Annual Report. 1902-9 GIRTON College. Proposed new College for women. [Lit. Churchman). [London) 1868 Some account of proposed new College for women. By Emily Davies. London^ 1868 Prospectus, etc. 1870; February, 1872; July, 1872. n.p. 1870-2 Entrance Examination. n.p. 1872 Reports. August 1873; July 1875; for year ending 30 June, 1897; 1901. 1873-1901 Examinations for Certificates, 1873. 1^73 Life at Girton College. By a Girton Student. London^ 1882 The Electra of Sophocles literally translated for performance at Girton, Nov. 22-24, with programme. 1883 Girton and Newnham Colleges. By E. A. Brayley Hodgetts. {Strand Magazine^ Nov. iS()4..) GISBORNE (T.) The substance of the speech of T. G., April 8, 1 81 2... at a meeting convened for the purpose of forming a Staffordshire Auxiliary Bible Society. London, 1812 GISBURNE (J.) Bigotry and intolerance defeated; or an account of the late persecution of Mr J. G., Unitarian Minister of Soham, Cambs. By R. Aspland. Harlow, 1810 GLAISHER Q.W.L.) Biographical notice of the late J. Challis. {Monthly Notices R. Astron. Soc, 43.) London, 1883 The Mathematical Tripos. Presidential address before Lond. Math. Soc, Nov. II, 1886. London, 1886 Address delivered before the Royal Astronomical Society, Feb. 11, 1887. London, 1887 Life of J. C. Adams. (From h\s Collected Scientific Papers.) 4° 1897 GLAZEBROOK (R.T.) Application for Cavendish Professorship of Experimental Physics. 1884 Application for Professorship of Mechanism and Applied Mechanics in Univ. of Cambridge. 1890 GLEE and Madrigal Concerts. See Festival Choir. GLEES. Collection of Glees and Rounds. ..composed by the Members of the Harmonic Society of Cambridge. — Eighth Book of Glees. — Second Collection of Glees. Obi. [c. 1796] GLOUCESTER (Mary, Duchess of) Reception of the Duchess of Gloucester and Princess Sophia, July, 181 9. Grace, Plan of enter- tainment, etc. 1 8 19 io6 GLOUCESTER GONVILLE GLOUCESTER (William Frederick, Duke of) Poll at election of Chancellor, 26 March, 181 1. 181 1 Selection of sacred music to be performed at Gt St Mary's Church, June 28, 1811. 1811 Installation Ode,. June 29, 1811. 1811 Miscellaneous Concerts (1-4) June, July, 1811. (1811) Words of music performed at visit of, ..the Chancellor, July 18 19. Sermon on the death of the Duke of Gloucester. By T. Turton. 40«./). 1834 GLOVER (W.) The Memoirs of a Cambridge Chorister. 2 vols. London^ 1885 GLUCK (C.W. von) Orpheus and Eurydice. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Cambridge, May 13-17, 1890. 1890 Announcements, programmes, cuttings, photographs, etc. 1890 GLYNN (R.) The Day of Judgment. 3rd ed. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1757.) 4° 1758 Another ed. 1800 Narrative. ..concerning the late frenzy of the Rev. R. Watson. 40 London^ 1 78 1 GODDARD (P.S.) A sermon preached at the consecration of Clare Hall Chapel, in Cambridge, July 5, 1769. 4° 1769 GODMAN (W.) Filius Heroum, the Son of Nobles, set forth in a sermon preached at St Mary's in Cambridge, 24 May, 1660. 40 London^ 1660 GODMANCHESTER. The history of Godmanchester. By Robert Fox. Londoriy 1 831 GOETHE (J.W. von) Herman and Dorothea. Translated (by W. Whew^ell). Obi. 8° [1839] GOFFLOT (L.V.) Le Theatre au College. Paris, 1907 GOLBORNE (J.) See Elstobb (W.). GOLDIE (J.H.D,) and Treherne (G.G.T.) Record of the University Boat Race, 1 829-1 880. 40 London, 1883 GOLDSCHMIDT (E.Ph.) Seventy-five books from a library formed by E. Ph. G. 40 1909 GOMME (G.L.) See Gentleman's Magazine Library. GONVILLE and Caius College. Excerpta e statutis Collegii de Gonville et Caius. 1724 Annals. By Francis Blomefield. {Ives's Select Papers.) (Bow^es 1275.) 40 London, 1773 Thoughts suggested by the new^ Caius gov^^n. 1837 Ansv/er to Thoughts suggested by the new Caius gown, 1^37 Excerpta e statutis Collegii de Gonville et Caius. 1843 Trifolium Caianum in adventum Reginae et Principis viii. Kal. Nov. 1843. (C. G. Prowett, G. B. Trevelyan, A. G. Day.) 4° (1843) Report respecting the Library. 1847 Odes (500th Anniversary, 28 Jan. 1848). By C. D. Marston and J. Hamblin Smith. F^ 1848 A catalogue of the manuscripts in the Library of Gonville and Caius College. By J. J. Smith. 1849 GONVILLE GOODWIN 107 GONVILLE and Caius College. A list of the early printed books (and an index of English books printed before looo) in the Library of Gonville and Caius College. By W. R. Collett. 1850 List of books added to the Library in 1850. [1851 ?] Pictorial illustrations of the Catalogue of manuscripts in Gonville and Caius College Library. By J. J. Smith. 40 1853 Statement of proceedings taken with reference to the election of Master. 1852. 1854. Office for the Commemoration of Founders and Benefactors. 40 1856 Admissions to Gonville and Caius College... March 1558-9 to Jan. 1678-9. Ed. by J. Venn. London^ 1887 The Caian. No. i. Easter Term, 1891. 1891 Precamini Felicitatem. Grace Anthem. By C. Wood. Londorty 1892 Carmen Caianum. By B. H. Drury and C. Wood. 4° 1894 Biographical History. By J. Venn. 3 vols. 1897-1901 Account of proceedings at 550th anniversary of foundation. 1898 Caius College, ^y John Venn. (College histories.) London^ 1901 Descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts. By M. R. James. 2 vols. 1907-8 GOOCH (W.) General view of the agriculture of the County of Cambridge. 1 8 1 1 GOODALL (H.) The duties attending a proper discharge of the ministry. A Sermon... 28 April, 1748. 40 1748 GOODHART (H.C.) Testimonials, May, 1891, when a candidate for the Chair of Humanity at Edinburgh. 2 series. 1891 GOODLIFFE (W.) Testimonials when a candidate for the rectory of Ovington. 1883 GOODMAN (N.) Address to Congregational Union. 1869 Clerical Fellowships. London^ 1875 GOODWIN (C.W.) Index to the Baker MSS. [By C. W. G. and others.] 1848 GOODWIN (H.) Considerations respecting the Exercises in the Schools... for the Degree of B.A. 1845 A defence of certain portions oi An elementary course of Mathematics. 1850 Plain thoughts concerning the meaning of Holy Baptism. A sermon. 1850 Reasonable service. A sermon preached Oct. 31, 1852, being the day appointed for the Commemoration of Benefactors. 1852 Education for Working Men. An address delivered in the Town- Hall, 29 Oct. 1855. 1855 Guide to the Parish Church. 12° 1855 The Glory of the Only Begotten of the Father. (Hulsean Lectures, 1856.) 1856 Peacock Memorial. (Circular.) i860 Memoir of Robert Leslie Ellis. (From Mathematical and other writings of R. L. Ellisy ed. by W. Walton.) 1863 io8 GOODWIN GRACE GOODWIN (H.) Review of his Memoir of R. L. Ellis. By J. P. N[orris]. 1864 Ely Cathedral. (Circular.) {Ely) 1863 Memoir of Bishop Mackenzie. 1864 Miss Green. A tragedy in one act (and that a rather foolish one). 1865 On restorations in the Cathedral at Ely. (Circular.) [Ely] 1866 Adam Sedgwick. {M acmillarC s Mag.^ April, 1880.) Memoir of his life, by himself. 1880 Mrs Stair Douglas's Life of William Whewell. (Review.) {Mac- millarCs Mag.^ Dec. 1881.) Trifles for my grandchildren. 1885 The late Master of Trinity (W. H. Thompson). {Macmillan's Mag., March, 1887.) Ely gossip. E/y^ 1892 See also Harvey Goodwin Home for Boys. GORDON (J.) Address to the Members of the Senate... on the attention due to worth of character from a Religious Society. 1764 Sermon... 2 July, 1767. 40 1767 GORH AM (G.C.) Proceedings of the Public Meeting, 1 8 Nov. 1 8 1 3, being the second anniversary of the Cambridge Auxiliary Bible Society. Ed. by G. C. Gorham, 181 3 Memoirs of John Martyn and of Thomas Martyn, Professors of Botany in the University of Cambridge. London^ 1830 GOUDY (A.P.) See Russian Lectureship. GOUGH (R.) Anecdotes of British Topography. 4° London^ 1768 British Topography. 2 vols. 4° London^ 1780 The history of Crowland Abbey, digested [by B. Holdich] from materials collected by Mr Gough, etc. Stamford^ 18 16 Catalogue of books bequeathed to the Bodleian in 1 799. 4° Oxford, 1 8 14 GOULD (L) The circular letter of the Eastern Association held at Cambridge, May 13 and 14, 1777. (To the Protestant Dissenting Churches usually denominated Baptists.) (^777) GOULD (S. Baring) See Baring Gould (S.). GOVERNMENT scheme of Education in Univ. of Camb. London^ 1 8 50 GOWER (S.) A slight reminiscence of Cambridge. [Hood's Magazine^ Oct. 1846.) GOWNSMAN. Vol.11. Nos. 2-17. 1829-30. (Bowes 176 1.) 1830 Another periodical. Vol. i. (21 Oct. 1909-15 June, 1910.) (Ed. by R. B. Johnson.) F^ 1910 GRACE Book A... 1 454-1 488. Ed. by S. M. Leathes. (Luard Memorial ser., i.) 1897 B.. .1488-1544. 2 vols. Ed. by M. Bateson. (Luard Me- morial ser., II, III.) 1903-5 r.. .1501-1542. Ed. by W. G. Searle and J. W. Clark. 1908 — Proof of J. W. Clark's part of Introduction. 1908 GRACE Papers, from 1841. GRADUATI GRAY 109 GRADUATI Cantabrigienses. 1659- 1823. (Ed. W. Hustler.) 1823 1 760-1 856. (Ed. J. Romilly.) 1856 1 800-1 872. (Ed. H. R. Luard.) 1873 1 800-1 884. (Ed. H. R. Luard.) 1884 See also Matriculations and Degrees, 1902. GRADUS ad Cantabrigiam. London^ 1803 GRADUS ad Cantabrigiam. By a Brace of Cantabs. London^ 1824 GRAFTON (Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of) Installation Ode. By Tho. Gray. The music by Dr Randal. 1769 GRAHAM (J.) A sermon preached at Gt St Mary's Church Jan. 21, 1827, being the day after the funeral of the Duke of York. 1827 Sermon preached at Gt St Mary's Church, 5 Nov. 1831. 1831 Discourse delivered at Gt St Mary's Church, 13 Jan. 1837. 1837 Sermon preached in Gt St Mary's Church, 16 March, 1841, being the day on which the foundation stone was laid of the Victoria Benefit Societies' Asylum. 1841 A sermon preached at the re-opening of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Cambridge, Aug. 10, 1845. 1845 GRANT (A.R.) A sermon preached in Trinity College Chapel at the annual Commemoration of Benefactors, Dec. 14, 1850. 1851 The Next Step. [On University studies.] 1849 GRANT (C.) A poem on the restoration of learning in the East which obtained Mr Buchanan's Prize. 40 1805 GRANT (R.) The Little Tin Gods-on-Wheels ; or. Society in our modern Athens. 9th ed. Cambridge^ Mass., 1881 GRANTA ; or a page from the life of a Cantab. [Attributed to D. G. Osborne, Magd.] 1836 Reply to Granta. By a Member of the University. 1838 Granta : a fragment, by a Freshman. Ed. by the Rev. J. Snodgrass. 2nded. London, 1841 Granta (Second Series), pointing out a few of the chief merits of that delightful little work. 184 1 GRANTA (The) Vols. 1-13. 18 Jan. 1889-9 June, 1900. 40 I 889-1 900 500th number, 12 June, 1909. 40 1909 GRANTCHESTER. History of Gran tch ester, by S. P. Widnall. Grantchester, 1 875 GRAY (A.) A College Chronicle, 1557-1643. {Chanticlere.) (1893) The Chapter-House and some interior views thereof. {Chanticlere.) (1893) Jesus College. (College histories.) London, 1902 The dual origin of the town of Cambridge. {Camb. Chron.) 1907 GRAY (A.B.) A note upon early Cambridge binders of the sixteenth century. 190 1 GRAY (G.J.) Bibliography of the works of Sir Isaac Newton. 1888 2nd ed. 40 1907 A bibliography of the writings of Christopher Smart, with biographical references. 40 London, 1903 no GRAY GREEK GRAY (G.J.) The earlier Cambridge Stationers and Bookbinders, and the first Cambridge Printer. (Bibliogr. Soc. monograph.) 4° Oxford, 1904 Gray (G.J.) and Bowes (R.) John Siberch. 40 1906 GRAY (J.H.) Queens' College. (College histories.) London, 1899 GRAY (T.) Ode... for Installation of the Duke of Grafton, i July, 1769. The music by Dr Randal. 40 1769 Poems. New ed. London, 1770 Ode Pindarica pro Cambriae vatibus Latino carmine reddita. (Signed E. B. G[reene].) 40 1775 Elegy written in a country churchyard. (Transl. into Latin by H. A. J. Munro.) 40 1875 The Elegy reproduced in facsimile from the original MS. at Pembroke College. Fo 1897 GREEK. On the Report (Parts 11. and vii.) of the Syndicate on the Previous and General Examinations (for making Greek or Latin optional). By H. Latham. 1872 On a proposed amendment of the scheme for Pass Examinations. By H. Latham. 1873 Greek as an optional subject. By R. Potts. {Indep, Press, i Feb. 1873.) 1873 Report of the Syndicate appointed... to consider the memorial... on the subject of passing an examination in Greek. [Reporter, April 9, 1880.) Grecia victrix. A lay of modern Greece. By Arculus [E. W. Bowling]. 1 89 1 List of Members of the Senate who voted, 3, 4 March, 1905. (Greek question.) 1905 See also Breul (K.). GREEK Plays performed at Cambridge. Ajax. Text, and translation by R. C. Jebb. 1882 Scrap Book with photographs and reviews. Birds. Text, and translation by B. H. Kennedy. 1883 Translation by J. H. Frere. 1883 *Scrap Book. Electra, literally translated for performance at Girton, with programme. 1883 Eumenides. Text, and translation by A. W. Verrall. 1885 *Scrap Book. Oedipus Tyrannus. Text, and translation by R. C. Jebb. 1887 Scrap Book. Ion. Text, and translation by M. A. Bayfield. 1890 Scrap Book. Iphigenia inTauris. Text, and translation by A. W. Verrall. 1894 *Scrap Book. Wasps. Text, and translation by B. B. Rogers. 1897 *Scrap Book. Agamemnon. Text, and translation by A. Swanwick. 1900 ' Granta ' Souvenir. 1900 GREEK GRIFFITHS iii GREEK Plays performed at Cambridge. Agamemnon. *Scrap Book. Birds. Text, and Translation by B. H. Kennedy. 1903 Music by C. H. H. Parry, with English version of the songs by A. W. Verrall. 1903 ♦Scrap Book. Eumenides. Text, and translation by A. W. Verrall. 1906 •Scrap Book. Wasps. Text, and translation by B. B. Rogers. 1909 Scrap Book. The Scrap Books marked with an asterisk are the property of the Greek Play Committee. By their permission these books are for the present deposited in the University Library with Mr Clark's Cambridge Collection. See also Clark (J. W.), 1882, 1898 ; Farren (R.) ; Jebb [Sir R. C), 1884 ; Pastor of Dulichium ; Speed (L.). For Greek Plays performed at Oxford and Radley see Aristophanes ; Carr (P.). GREEK Types : being a proposal for altering the character in which Greek is usually written and printed. 1838 GREEN (A.H.) Letter of application and testimonials for the Wood- wardian Professorship. 1873 GREEN (J.) Commencement Sermon... 2 July, 1749. 4° 1749 The Academic. (Attr. to J. Green.) (Bowes 1 193.) Londoriy ij^o Considerations on the... late Regulations. (Attr. to J. Green.) (Bowes 1 198.) London, 1 75 1 The principles and practices of the Methodists farther considered. (Signed: Academicus, and attr. to J. Green.) 1761 GREEN (W.) The Song of Deborah reduced to metre. 40 1753 GREEN (W.C.) Women's Degrees: a Report in Greek and English. 1897 Memories of Eton and King's. Etoiiy 1905 GREENE (E.B.) See Gray (T.) GREENWOOD (W.) A poem written during a shooting excursion on the moors. 40 Bath, 1787 GRENVILLE [Lor^ Oxford and Locke. 2nd ed. London, 1829 GRESWELL (R.) On education in the principles of art. Oxford, 1 844 GRETTON (F.E.) Memory's harkback through half a century, 1808 to 1858. London, 1889 GRETTON (P.) Two Discourses. 1732 GREY (Z.) Vindication of the University of Cambridge. London, 1722 Fragmentum est pars rei fractae. London, 1751 See Masters (R.) Memoirs of...T. Baker, 1784. GRIFFIN (Gregory) See Microcosm. GRIFFITHS (E.H.) Lyra Fumosa. (1900) GRIFFITHS (John) Enactments in Parliament specially concerning the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Oxford, 1869 1 1 2 GRIFFITHS GUEST GRIFFITHS (Jos.) Testimonials : candidate for post of assistant surgeon at Addenbrooke*s Hospital. (1S91) I Oct. 1894. 1894 GRILDRIG (Solomon) See Miniature. GRIMSHAW (W.) Trial of W. Grimshaw and R. Kidman... and H. Cohen. 1801 GRINFIELD (T.) Epistles and miscellaneous poems. 12° Lenden^ 1815 GRONOVIUS, pseud. See Le Grice (C. V.). GROSE (F.) Cambridgeshire. (From Jntiq. of Engl, and If^ales.) 40 Lmdan^ 1783 GROTE (J.) The Commemoration sermon preached in Trinity Coll^:e Chapel, Cambridge, Dec. 15, 1848. 1849 A few remarks on a pamphlet by Mr Shilleto, enritled Thucjdida tr Crete ? 1 85 1 Remarks on Mr Grote*s proposal " That in all cases where it is provided by the Statutes, with reference to the elections of the Master and Seniors..." (Trinity College.) 1857 A few words on Statute XVIII of the new body of Statutes (for Trinity College). (1859) Draft scheme of examinarion in Moral Sciences. i860 Remarks on the proposals made by the Syndicate... appointed in reference to the Moral Sciences Tripos. i860 A few words on criticism : being an examinarion of the article in the Saturday Rev., Ap. 20, 1861, upon Dr Whewell's Platonic Dialogues for English readers. 1 86 1 Essays and Reviews. An examination of some portion of Dr Lushington's judgment... in the case of the Bishop of Salisbury v. Williams. 1862 A few words on the new Educational Code and the Report of the Education Commissioners. 1862 Plato^s Theaetetus and Mr Grote's criticisms. By E. M. Cope. 1866 GROTIUS (H.) Synopsis compendiaria librorum Hugonis Grotii de jure belli et pacis ; Samuelis Clarkii de Dei existentia et attributis ; et Joannis Lockii de intellectu humano. 1751 GRYLLS (A.C.) Random Ramblings. 12° 1888 GUEST (E.) On the etymology of the word Stonehenge. {Proc. Pbilolegical Soc.y vol. vi., no. 1 30.) {Lendany 1 854) An essay on the four Roman Ways. {Arch. J»um.y vol. xiv.) {London^ 1 85 7) On the northern termination of Offa's Dyke. (Rcpr. from Arcbaeologia Cambrensii^ 3rd ser. vol. iv.) [Lnukn^ 1858) On the boundaries that separated the English and Welsh races during the 75 years which followed the capture of Bath, aj>. 577. {Arch. Joum.y XVI.) {London^ 1859) On Welsh boimdaries. (Repr. from Arcbaeologia Camhrensis, 3rd ser. vol. vn.) {London^ 1861) The English conquest of the Severn Valley. (Repr. from Arch. Joum.j XIX.) {London^ 1862) GUEST GUIDE 113 GUEST (E.) On the fall of Uriconium. (Repr. from Archaeologia Cambremit^ 3rd ser. vol. 10.) {London^ 1864) University Tests. 187 1 GUIDE. The Foreigner's Companion through the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford. By Mr Salmon. 12° London^ 1748 Cantabrigia Depicta. 17^3 Another ed. 1776 A concise and accurate description of the University, Town, and County of Cambridge. New ed. [^7^5] A description of the University, Town, and County of Cambridge. 1796 Another ed., defective. (^799) A guide through the University of Cambridge. New ed. (1804) The New Cambridge Guide ; or, a description of the University, Town, and County of Cambridge. 1 804 A guide through the University of Cambridge. New ed. (1807) The New Cambridge Guide. 1809 A guide through the University of Cambridge. New ed. 181 1 The New Cambridge Guide. 2nd ed., defective. 181 2 A guide through the University of Cambridge. New ed. 1814 A guide through the University of Cambridge. New ed. 1820 The New Cambridge Guide. 5th ed. 1821 The Stranger's Companion and guide through the University and Town of Cambridge. 2nd ed. 1825 The Cambridge Guide. New ed. (2 states.) (1830) Ambulator: or, the Stranger's Guide through Cambridge. 1835 The Cambridge Guide. New ed. 1845 The tourist's souvenir of Cambridge. [Views.] London \\'^<^\ t\ A hand-book for visitors to Cambridge. By Norris Deck. 1861 Another ed. 1862 Cambridge : its University and Colleges. By G. M. Humphry. London^ 1864 The New Cambridge Guide. 2nd ed. [By N. Deck.] 1868 The Railway Traveller's Walk through Cambridge. 5th ed. 1873 Guide to Cambridge. By G. M. Humphry. (1880) Another ed. (1883) Another ed. (1886) The Railway Traveller's Walk through Cambridge. 7th ed. lAb. 1886] The illustrated guide to Cambridge and neighbourhood. By a Resident Trinity M.A. (Jarrold's.) London [Ab. 1888] The People's guide to Cambridge. (Spalding's.) [1888] The Railway Traveller's Walk through Cambridge. 8th ed. = The Cambridge Visitor's Guide. By W. White. [^893] 9th ed. [Jb. 1897] Cambridge Guide and View book. 12° n.p. [1909] See also Clark (J. W.) Concise Guide, 1 898, etc. ; Harraden (R.) ; Harraden (R. B.). CL. c. 3 114 GUNNING GWYER GUNNING (H.) Reminiscences of Cambridge. 2 vols. Z-on^ow, 1854 Reminiscences of Cambridge. 2nd ed. 2 vols. London^ iS^^ See Corporation, 1839; Wall (A.) Ceremonies, 1828. GWATKIN (H.M.) and Watson (F.) The Theological Tripos scheme in its relation to scholarship. 187 1 GWYER (M.L.) The Westminster Play. (From W. G. Elliot's Amateur Clubs and Actors.) {London^ 1 898) 115 H HADDENHAM. See Acts and Bills, 1727. HADDON (A.C.) The Aran Islands, Co. Galway. {Irish Naturalist.) Dublin^ 1893 HADLEY (J.) Plan of a course of Chemical lectures. 1758 HAGGITT (J.) Architectural notices in reference to the Cathedral Church of Ely. [Ah. 1800] Two letters to a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries... containing a refutation of Dr Milner's objections to Mr Whittington's survey of the ecclesiastical edifices of France. 18 13 HAILSTONE (E.) History of Swaffliam Bulbeck. [Proofs of a work never completed.] [C.J.S.) 1884 HALF Blue. May Term, 1896. 1896 HALL (F.R.) A letter to the Heads of Houses, and the Senior Fellows in the University of Cambridge, on the defective state of theological instruction in the University. ^833 HALL (H.) Heaven ravished. 40 London^ 1644 HALL (H.T.) Ye latest edition of ye Rye House Plot. 1867 Cambridge Dramatic Album. 1868 HALL (R.) Modern infidelity considered... in a sermon preached at the Baptist Meeting, Cambridge. 7th ed. London^ 181 1 A sermon occasioned by the death of H.R.H. the Princess Charlotte of Wales. I2th ed. Leicester^ 1822 HALL AM (A.H.) Essay on the philosophical writings of Cicero. 1 832 Remains in verse and prose. London^ 1863 Personal Recollections, by W. E. Gladstone. {Daily Telegraphy 5 Jan. 1898.) 5ee also Shelley (P. B.). HALLAM (H.F.) Memoir. By H. S. M[aine] and F. L[ushington.] (Privately pr.) London [1851] HALLIFAX (S.) St Paul's doctrine of justification by faith. Dis- courses preached before University, 1760. 1760 2nd ed. 1762 Two sermons before the University. 4° 1768 Sermon... 28 June, 1770. 4° 1771 Three sermons preached before the University. 2nd ed. 4° 1772 3rd ed. 1772 See also Ogden (S.). HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS Q.O.) Brief account of... Sir Samuel Morland. 1838 The manuscript rarities of the University of Cambridge. London^ 1 84 1 B— 2 ii6 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS HARCOURT HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS J.O.) The Jokes of the Cambridge Coffee-Houses in the seventeenth century. 1841 Another ed. 1842 See also D'Ewes {Sir S.) Autobiography and correspondence, 1845. See also Sherman (J.) Historia Collegii Jesu, 1840. HALSTED (C.A.) Life of Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby. London^ 1839 HAMILTON (J.) Verse Extracts. Extracted from Thoughts on Truth and Error. 1856 HAMILTON (N.E.S.A.) Inquisitio comitatus Cantabrigiensis. Cura N. E. S. A. Hamilton. 40 Londini^ 1876 HAMILTON (S.G.) Hertford College, Oxford. (College histories.) London^ 1903 HAMLET; or. Not such a Fool as he looks. By the author of, and with extracts from. The Light Green. [By A. C. Hilton.] 1882 HAMMOND (A. de L.) The Battle of Lake Mort. 1 875 HAMMOND (B.E.) Greek constitutions. 1891 HAMMOND (H.) Last Words. See Smith (T.). HAMMOND Q.L.) Outline of a letter in answer to the draft of proposed Statutes, etc. (Trinity.) 1858 On the Sizarships, etc. at Trinity, Dec. 1866. (1866) On proposed combination of offices of Steward and Junior Bursar in Trinity College. (1869) HANDBOOK often miles round Cambridge, with Map. 12° 1852 HANDEL (G.F.) Saul. (King's College Chapel, June 11, 1888.) 1888 Acis and Galatea. (Guildhall, May 2, 1889.) 1889 Israel in Egypt. (King's College Chapel, June 12, 1889.) 1889 Messiah. (King's College Chapel, June 13, 1894.) 1894 Israel in Egypt. (King's College Chapel, June 8, 1899.) 1899 HANDS WORTH. Poll for election of a Clerk to be presented to the living, Nov. 16, 1870. (J. Mowat elected.) 1870 HANKINSON (T.E.) Venice. Written for the Chancellor's Medal, 1826. 1826 The Druids. A poem. Written for the Chancellor's Medal, 1827 David playing the harp before Saul. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1831.) 1831 St Paul at Philippi. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1833.) 1833 Jacob. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1834.) 1834 Ethiopia stretching out her hands unto God. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1838.) 1838 The Call of Abraham. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1841.) 1841 The Cross planted upon the Himalaya mountains. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1842.) 1842 Poems. Edited by his brothers. 2nd ed. 12° London^ 1847 Life. (Printed for private circulation.) 2 vols. NorwkA, 1S61 HAPPINESS. An Epistle to a Friend. 40 1763 HARCOURT (E.W.) See Ball (T.) Life of Dr Preston, 1885. HARDWICK HARRISON 117 HARDWICK (C.) An historical inquiry touching Saint Catharine of Alexandria. {C.A.S.) 4° 1849 Reasons why the University should not surrender its jurisdiction over Gt St Mary's pulpit. 1857 Robert Woodlark, Founder. . .of St Catharine's Hall. {C.A.S.) 1858 HARDWICKE (Charles Philip Yorke, 4th Earl of) Life, by Lady Biddulph. London^ 1910 HARDY (E.G.) Jesus College, Oxford. (College histories.) London^ 1899 HARDY (J.F.) Things we have eaten. {Fraser's Mag., June, 1874.) HARE (F.) Sermon preached at St Mary *s, 6 Jan. 1709. London^ '709 The Clergyman's Thanks to Phileleutherus [Bentley]. London, '7^3 Epistola critica...[Bentley's Phaedrus]. London, 1726 HARE Q.C.) The Children of Light. Sermon preached before the University, Advent Sunday, 1828. 1828 A vindication of Niebuhr's History of Rome from the charges of the Quarterly Review. 1829 On tendencies towards the subversion of Faith. (Reviewing and attacking Hare. English Review, Dec. 1848.) " Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour." Letter to the Editor of the English Review. London, 1849 Fragments of two essays in English philology. (Ed. by J. E. B. Mayor.) London, 1 873 The Victory of Faith. 3rd ed., by E. H. Plumptre. London, 1874 HARMER (J.R.) The paradox of the Gospel. A sermon preached in King's College Chapel, Founder's Day, 1888. 1888 HARMER (S.F.) President's address before the Museums Association at Norwich, 1 904. [Museums Journ.) n.p. 1 904 HARMONIA Musarum, containing Nugae Cantabrigienses... Edited by Alumnus Cantabrigiensis(T.F. [T. Forster]). [ r Bruges'] 1843 HARMONIC Society. See Glees. HARPER (F.W.) On some of the changes proposed in the course o\ study pursued within the University. 1848 HARRADEN (R.) Picturesque views of Cambridge. (Bowes 841.) Obi. Fo 1 798-1 800 Descriptive Guide through... Cambridge. (Defective.) 1798-1800 Another issue. (Defective.) [1800?] Costume of the various orders in the University of Cambridge. (Bowes 1459.) 4° 1803-5 HARRADEN (R.B.) Cantabrigia depicta. (Bowes 1490.) 40 1809- 11 2nd ed. (Bowes 1541.) 1814 See also Ambulator ; Ely, 1 846. HARRIS (W.) and Forster (R.H.) History of the Lady Margaret Boat Club, 1 825-1 890. 1890 Soapsuds, or Washings from the Wollerer, 1890 HARRISON (F.) Byzantine History. (Rede Lecture, 12 June, 1900.) London, 1900 HARRISON (Jane E.) Homo Sum. Letter to an Anti-Suffragist. Vxhridge [1909] 1 1 8 HARRISON HAYTER HARRISON (John) A new method of making the banks in the Fens almost impregnable. [^7^^] HARTLEY (W.N.) Testimonials when a candidate for the Jacksonian Professorship. 1875 HARTSHORNE (C.H.) The book rarities of the University of Cambridge. 1829 On the drainage of the Nene Valley. Northampton^ 1848 The Parliaments of Cambridge. [Archieol.Journ.yXiii.) {London^ iS^^) HARVEST (G.) A letter to Mr S. Chandler : being a defense of the Church of England's requiring subscription to explanatory Articles of Faith. 2nd ed. London {ly^S) HARVEY (G.) The Trimming of Thomas Nash, Gentleman, by the high-tituled patron Don Richardo de Medico Compo, Barber Chirurgeon to Trinity College, in Cambridge. Ed. by Charles Hindley. London^ 1871 HARVEY (W.J.) Alumni Cantabrigienses. (Specimen.) 1891 HARVEY (W.W.) Praelectio theologica in Prov. viii. 22, 23. 4° 1 848 HARVEY Goodwin Home for Boys, Cambridge. Reports, 1906, 1907. 1906-7 HARWOOD {Sir B.) A plan of a course of lectures on domestic medicine. (With his Notice prefixed.) 1807 A synopsis of a course of lectures on Comparative Anatomy and Physiology. 1807 A descriptive catalogue [of the Anatomical Museum]. n.d. HARWOOD (T.) Alumni Etonenses. 4° Birmingham^ 1797 HATFIELD (W.) The trial and acquital of W. H., on a false charge of riot and misdemeanour, at the Cambridge Sessions, 14 Jan. 1820. 12° (1820) HAUSTED (P.) Senile odium. Comcedia Cantabrigiae public^ Academicis recitata in Collegio Reginali ab ejusdem Collegii juventute. 12° 1633 HAUXTON. An account of St Edmund's Church, Hauxton, near Cambridge. By W. M. Fawcett. {Ecclesiologist^ Dec. 1861.) HAVILAND (J.) A letter to the Members of the Senate on the subject of the subscriptions required of medical graduates in the University of Cambridge. (^^^33) HAWEIS (T.) See Milner (I.). HAWKINS (J.S.) See Ruggle (G.) Ignoramus, 1787. HAWTREY (E.C.) Memoir. By F. St John Thackeray. London^ 1896 HAY (Ian), pseud. See Beith (J. H.). HAYES (S.) Prophecy. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1776.) 4° 1777 Prayer. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1777.) 4° 1777 The Nativity of our Saviour. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1778.) 40 1778 The Ascension. (Written for Seatonian Prize.) 4° London^ 1781 Hope. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1783.) 4° 1783 HAYTER (T.) Remarks on Mr Hume's Dialogues concerning Natural Religion. 1780 HAZLITT HENSLOW 119 HAZLITT (W.C.) See Randolph (T.) Works, 1875. HE cometh up as a Freshman. 1872 HEADLAM (W.) On editing iEschylus. A criticism. London^ iSgi Greek translation of" God save the King." [Class. Rev.y June, 1902.) The Agamemnon of iEschylus translated. Londoriy 1904 The second chorus of the Agamemnon. [Praelections.) 1906 A book of Greek verse. ^9°Z Restorations of Menander. 1908 Letters and Poems. With Memoir by C. Headlam, and Bibliography by L. Ha ward. London^ 1910 Catalogue of his Library on sale by E. Johnson, Cambridge. 1908 HEARD (J.B.) History of the extinction of Paganism. (Hulsean Prize Essay, 185 1.) 1852 HEARNE (T.) See Dodv^rell (H.) ; Sprott (T.). HEBERDEN (W.) Life and works. Essay for Wix Prize at St Bartholomew's Hospital. By A. C. Buller. London^ ^879 HEBERT (C.) Theological Colleges and the Universities. Bursleviy 1853 A reply to the pamphlet of the Rev. W. G. Clark, entitled. The dangers of the Church of England. London and Cambridge^ 1 870 HEDLEY (J.C.) Sermon at the opening of the Church of Our Lady and the English Martyrs, Cambridge, Oct. 15, 1890. London^ 1890 HEFFER and Sons. Photographs and history of their business. Obi. 80 [1909] HEITLAND (W.E.) A Letter to a Lady.— A Letter to Mr Heitland [by F. Seeley]. — The Skirts of the Question. (Woman Suffrage.) Camh, and Land., 1 908-9 HELP (The) A * Varsity Operetta. London, 1891 HENDERSON (B.W.) Merton College, Oxford. (College histories.) London, ^899 HENLEY (J.) History of Queen Esther, a poem in four books. 2nd ed. London, 17 15 HENRY VI, King of England. Will. Now printed in full for the first time, for 450th anniversary of laying the first stone of King's College Chapel, 25 July, 1896. (1896) See also Fletcher (C. R. L.). HENRY Bradshaw Society. Reports, 1-3 and 6-19. London, 1890- 1909 HENRY Martyn Library. Appeal for funds. London, 1897 HENSLEY (L.) A sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Dec. 15, 1856, on the occasion of the Commemoration of Bene- factors. 1857 HENSLOW (J.S.) A syllabus of a course of lectures on Mineralogy. 1823 Henslow (J.S.) and Lamb Q.) Remarks upon the payment of the expenses of out-voters at an University election. (9 April, 27 April, 1826.) 1826 Observations... occasioned by Remarks. 1826 120 HENSLOW HEY HENSLOW (J.S.) A catalogue of British plants. 1829 2nd ed. 1835 Sketch of a course of lectures on Botany for 1833. 1833 Address to the Reformers of the town of Cambridge. 1835 A Reformer's duty. An address to the Reformers of the town of Cambridge. 1837 Letters to the farmers of Suffolk. London and Hadleigh (1843) The Roman tumulus, Eastlow Hill, Rougham. (Repr. from the Bury Post.) 1844 On the materials of two sepulchral vessels found at Warden, Co. Beds. {C.A.S.) 4° 1846 Address to members of the University of Cambridge, on the ex- pediency of improving the Botanic Garden. 1846 Syllabus of a course of lectures on Botany. 1 848 Questions on the subject matter of sixteen lectures in Botany, required for a Pass examination. 1851 Syllabus of lectures on Botany. 1^53 On typical series of objects in Natural History adapted to Local Museums. London^ 1856 Roman antiquities found at Rougham in 1843 ^^^ 1844. Repr. by C. C. Babington. Beccles, 1872 Memoir. By Leonard Jenyns. London, \%62 HENTZNER (P.) Travels in England during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. (Repr. by H. Morley.) 12° London^ 1892 HERVEY {Lord Arthur) A suggestion for supplying the Literary, Scientific, and Mechanics' Institutes of Great Britain and Ireland with lecturers from the Universities. 1855 HERVEY (T.) Life of the Rev. Samuel Settle. (Privately pr.) Calmer^ 1 88 1 HEWETT (J.W.) A brief history and description of the Conventual and Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, Ely. 1848 The arrangement of Parish Churches considered. 1848 HEWETT (W.) Memoirs of Tobias Rustat. London, 1849 HEY (J.) The Redemption. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1763.) 4° 1763 The nature of obsolete ordinances. A Sermon preached at the University Church in Cambridge, 10 Mar. 1773. ^773 Sermon preached before the University of Cambridge on 5 Nov. 1774. To which are added two others. ^774 Sermon preached before the Governors of Addenbrooke's Hospital, 26 June, 1777. 1777 The substance of a sermon preached at H.M. Chapel at Whitehall, 27 Feb. 1778. 1778 Thoughts on the Athanasian Creed. A sermon preached at Stony Stratford, 12 April, 1790. ^790 Heads of lectures in Divinity, delivered in the University of Cam- bridge. 1792 3rd ed. 1794 HEY HILL 121 HEY (R.) Thoughts on Duelling. [Attr. to R. Hey.] 1773 A dissertation on the pernicious effects of Gaming. 2nd ed. 1784 A dissertation on Duelling. 1784 2nd ed. by W. Smith of Durham. 1801 A dissertation on Suicide. 1785 Some principles of Civilization. 181 5 HEYLIN (P.) Memorial of Bishop Waynflete. Ed. J. R. Bloxam. (Caxton Soc. publ.) London^ 1851 HEYWOOD (J.) and Wright (T.) The ancient laws of the fifteenth century, for King's College, Cambridge, and for Eton College. London y 18 50 Cambridge University Transactions during the Puritan controversies of the i6th and 17th centuries. 2 vols. London^ 1854 Academic Reform and University Representation. Londony i860 See Commission [1853] 5 Statutes, 1840, 1855. HIERURGIA Anglicana. Edited by Members of the Ecclesiological (late Cambridge Camden) Society. London^ 1848 HIGGINS(G.) 5^^ Hughes (T. S.) Letter, 1826. HIGGINS (H.) Testimonials : candidate for post of assistant surgeon to Addenbrooke's Hospital. 4° 1895 Another series. 40 1897 HIGH Steward of the University. Poll for election, 11-13 Nov. 1840. ^y H. Gunning. (Lord Lyndhurst elected.) 1840 Another ed. (Pr. at Office of Camb. Chronicle.) 1 840 Circular concerning the candidature of Lord Lyttelton. n.p. 1840 HIGHTON (E.G.) Classical education and the Westminster play. London^ 1878 HILDYARD (H.S.) Five sermons on the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, preached before the University of Cambridge, January, 1841. London^ 1841 The obligation of the University to provide for the professional edu- cation of its members designed for Holy Orders. A sermon. 1841 HILDYARD (J.) The University system of private tuition examined. London^ 1844 Further consideration of the University system of education. London^ 1845 HILL (A.) Plan of the central nervous system. Thesis for degree of M.D. 1885 The chrome-silver method. Presidential address delivered before the Neurological Society. London^ 1896 The acquisition of language and its relation to thought. London, 1 906 HILL (A.G.) Architectural and historical notices of the Churches of Cambridgeshire. London, 1880 Tourist's guide to the County of Cambridge, London, 1882 2nd ed., by E. Conybeare. London, 1892 HILL (T.) Nundinae Sturbrigienses, anno 1702. Dub/inii [ij 02) Another edition. Londini, 1709 Another edition. (+ Tunbrigialia, authore P. Causton ; Incen- dium Palatinum.) Londini, 1709 122 HILLHOUSE HOLMES HILLHOUSE (W.) Application and testimonials when a candidate for the Chair of Botany, etc. in the Mason Science College, Birmingham. 4° Birmingham^ 1882 HILTON (A.C.) Works. Together with his life and letters, by Sir R. P. Edgcumbe. 1904 See also Hamlet ; Light Green. HINDUISM. Proposal for a Prize to refute Hinduism. 30 March, 1846. Fo 1846 HINGESTON (R.) lipo-yvtivaaixaTa eXkv^iKd. 1753 HINTS for Paterfamilias. By Antipater. «./>. 1861 HINTS for the introduction of an improved course of study in the University. 1835 HINTS to Freshmen from a Member of the University of Cambridge. [By P. S. Dodd.] London, 1796 3rd ed. London, 1 807 4th ed. London, 1822 5th ed. London, 1845 HISTORICAL Society. First Prospectus. 1859 HISTORICAL Tripos. The establishment of a Historical Tripos. By H. R. Luard. 1866 Suggestions towards the establishment of a History Tripos. By A. W. Ward. 1872 The proposed new Historical Tripos. By O. Browning. London, 1896 Another edition. London, 1897 Report of Special Board for History and Archaeology on regulations for the Tripos, 3 Mar. 1908, and fly-sheets. 40 1908 HISTORY, Gazetteer, and Directory of Cambridgeshire. Peterborough, 1 85 1 HITCHIN. College for Women at Hitch in. See Girton College. HODGETTS (E.A.B.) Girton and Newnham Colleges. {Strand Mag., Nov. 1894.) HODGSON (F.) Memoir. By J. T. Hodgson. 2 vols. London, 1878 HODSON (G.) Elisha at the waters of Jordan. A sermon preached in Trinity Church, Cambridge, Nov. 20, 1836, on the occasion of the death of Charles Simeon. 1836 Another ed. [Pulpit, xxix.) London, 1837 HOLDICH (B.) History of Crowland Abbey digested. Stamford, 1^16 HOLDSWORTH (R.) A sermon preached in St Maries in Cam- bridge, 27 March (1642). 4° 1642 HOLLINGWORTH (J.B.) Heads of lectures in Divinity delivered in the University of Cambridge. London, 1825 2nd ed. 1831 3rded. 1835 HOLMES (A.) A sermon preached in the Chapel of Clare College, Nov. 18, 1866. 1866 The Nemeian Odes of Pindar with especial reference to Ode the Seventh. Thesis, Feb. 16, 1867. 1867 HOLROYD HOTHAM 123 HOLROYD (J.) Two sermons preached at Great St Mary's Cam- bridge, 1870. 12° Ltedsy 1870 HOLROYD (M.) Memorials of G. E. Corrie, D.D. 1890 HOLY Sepulchre (Church of the) See Round Church. HOME (J.) Sketches of Cambridge in verse. Ser. i. London^ 1879 HOMER for the English. Iliad v. London^ 1S60 HOMERTON College. Report of the Congregational Board of Education. 1902, 1903, 1904. 1 902-4 HOPE (A.J. Beresford) See Beresford Hope. HOPE (T.) Observations on the plans and elevations designed by James Wyatt, for Downing College. 4° Londorij 1804 HOPE (W.H.StJ.) Seals and armorial insignia of the University and Colleges of Cambridge. Pt L The University. 40 London (1881) Letters and testimonials when candidate for Disney Professorship of Archaeology, Nov. 1892. 1892 HOPKINS (B.) Sculpture. A poem written for the Chancellor's Medal, at the Cambridge Commencement, July, 1825. (1825) HOPKINS (E.) The power of womanhood. London (1900) HOPKINS {Vi.W.\ pseud. A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, by H. W. C[oulthurs]t, D.D. Translated into English metre by H. W. Hopkins [i.e. A. Geddes]. London^ 1796 HOPKINS (W.) Remarks on certain proposed regulations respecting the studies of the University, etc. 1841 Remarks on the mathematical teaching of the University of Cam- bridge. 1854 HOPKINS (W.B.) Some points of Christian doctrine considered with reference to certain theories recently put forth by Sir J. Stephen. 1849 HOPPER (R.) An account of a late rustication from Peterhouse in the University of Cambridge. London^ 1776 A postscript to An Account of a late rustication from Peterhouse. London^ ijjb HORNBUCKLE (T.W.) On the duties and difficulties of the pastoral office in the present time. A sermon preached June 20, 1 81 7, in the parish church of St Michael, Cambridge. 181 7 HORNE (T.H.) A catalogue of the library of Queens' College, Cambridge. 2 vols. London^ 1827 HORT (F.J.A.) A letter to the Rev. J. LI. Davies on the tenure of Fellowships and on Church patronage in Trinity College. 1857 Sermon... at the consecration of B. F. Westcott as Bp of Durham. Londony 1890 Memoir. By J. O. F. Murray. {Emm. Coll. Mag.) 1893 Catalogue of his library. ..sold. ..May, 1893. 1893 Life and Letters. By his son. 2 vols. London^ 1896 HOSPITAL Inkstand. No. 001. Nov. 1888. 40 il HOTHAM (C.) Corporations vindicated in their fundamental liberties. . . 12° London^ 165 1 124 HOTHAM HUDSON HOTHAM (C.) The petition and argument of Mr Hotham, Fellow of Peterhouse in Cambridge, before the Committee for reformation of the Universities, April 10, 1 65 1. 12° London^ 1651 A true state of the case of Mr Hotham, late Fellow of Peterhouse. 40 London^ 1 65 1 Another edition. 12° London^ 165 1 HOTHAM (H.J.) A sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, on Commemoration Day, Dec. 15, 1864. 1865 Funeral sermon. By Coutts Trotter. 1885 In memoriam. By Coutts Trotter. 1885 HOUGH (J.) Injustice of The Times. (Statement respecting his conduct when H. J. Purkiss, B.A. was drowned, 17 Sept. 1865.) 1865 HOUGH (T.) The happiness and advantages of a liberal and virtuous education. A sermon preach'd in the Cathedral of St Paul on 25 Jan. 1728. 40 (1728) HOUGH (W.W.) The Cambridge Mission to South London. Ed. by A. Amos and W. W. Hough. 1904 HOUGHTON {Lord) Life. By T. W. Reid. 2nd ed. 2 vols. London^ 1890 See Shelley (P. B.). HOW I stole the Block. By an Old Etonian. London^ 1883 HOW I was rusticated from Cambridge. {Temple Bar, April, 1872.) HOW to read. By a Wrangler. London^ i860 HOW we spun out the " Long," or the Cambs. Busy Bee Club Papers. By L. BlufFman [i.e. L. Boquel]. (Specimen : breaks off at p. 16.) 1878 HOWES (J.G.) Sermon on the death of the Prince Consort, 23 Dec. 1861. 1861 Sermon in St Mary's the Less, 11 April, 1869. 1869 HOWSON Q.S.) Five lectures on the character of St Paul. (Hulsean Lectures for 1862.) London^ 1864 HOYLE (C.) Paul and Barnabas at Lystra. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1806.) 40 1806 HUBBARD (H.) Sermon preached before the Governors of the Charity for relief of poor widows and orphans of Clergymen in the County of Suffolk. 4° 1750 2nd ed. 40 1763 HUBER (V.A.) The English Universities. Ed. by F. W. Newman. 2 vols, in 3. London^ 1843 HUCKMAN (J.) Original Poems. 4th ed. 1825 HUDDESFORD (G.) Defence of the Rector and Fellows of Exeter College, Oxford, from accusations brought against them by Dr Huddesford. [By F. Webber.] Oxford^ 1754 HUDSON (J.) Saint Augustine. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1899.) 1900 HUDSON HULSEAN 125 HUDSON (W.H.H.) Correspondence between W. H. H. H. and the Rev. E. W. Blore (on the Previous Examination). 1869 HUGH (Evans) The Freshman at Cambridge. 1899 HUGHES (Tho.), M.A. {Job.) The Ascension. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1780.) 40 1780 HUGHES (Tho.), f 1896. Memoir of D. Macmillan. London, 1882 HUGHES (T.McK.) Testimonials for Woodwardian Professorship of Geology. 2 series. 1873 Biographical notice of A. Sedgwick. Paper read before Yorks. Geol. and Polytechnic Soc, 1883. n.p. 1883 The Sedgwick Memorial Geological Museum. (1886) Life and Letters of Adam Sedgwick. By T. McK. Hughes and J. W. Clark. 2 vols. 1890 The race represented in the archaic statues of Athens. [Camh. Review, 28 April, 1898.) 1898 Herculaneum. Paper read before theC. A. S., 19 Nov. 1906. [Camb. Chron.) 1906 Hughes (T. McK.) and Mrs Hughes. Cambridgeshire. (Camb. County Geographies.) 1909 HUGHES (T.S.) Mors Nelsoni. Ode Curia Cantabr. recitata. (Sir Wm Browne's Medal.) 40 1806 Belshazzar's Feast. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 18 17.) 1818 An address to the people of England in the cause of the Greeks. London, 1822 Considerations upon the Greek Revolution. London, 1823 A letter to Godfrey Higgins, of Skellow Grange, on the subject of his Horte Sabhatica. 1826 HULBERT (C.A.) On the genius of Milton. 12° Shrewsbury, 1834 HULSEAN Lectures. See Foxley (J.), 1881 ; Goodwin (H.), 1856 ; Howson Q. S.), 1864 ; Trench (R. C), 1845, 1846. HULSEAN Prize Essays. 1801. An essay tending to show that the Prophecies... are an evidence of the trutih of the Christian religion. By J. B. Sumner. 1802 1806. The propagation of Christianity was not indebted to any secondary causes. By S. B. Vince. 1807 181 7. Dissertation on probable causes of neglect with which some writers of antiquity treated the Christian religion. By John Weller. 18 18 1 81 9. A dissertation on the fitness of the time when Jesus Christ came into the world. By E. White. 1820 1 82 1. The expedients to which the Gentile philosophers resorted in opposing the progress of the Gospel. By W. Trollope. London, 1^22 1825. In what respects the Law is a schoolmaster to bring men to Christ. By A. T. Russell. 1826 1832. An inquiry into the advantages which have accrued to Christianity in consequence of its narrative form. By F. Garden. 1833 1 85 1. The history of the extinction of Paganism viewed in relation to Christianity. By J. B. Heard. 1 852 126 HUMBLE HUTCHINSON HUMBLE Address to the Clergy of England recommending a method for the... augmentation of the income of their indigent Brethren. [By Rev. — Hutchinson, of Holywell, Hunts.] 1764 HUMFREY (C.) Report upon the present state of the River Cam. 1829 A letter to the Electors of Cambridge. 1835 A letter to Viscount Melbourne, containing facts and practical observations relating to the currency. 1836 HUMPHRY (A.P.) The student's handbook to the University of Cambridge. 1877 Old College Plate at Cambridge. {Jrt Journal, June, 1883.) HUMPHRY {Sir G.M.) Report of some cases of operation. London, 1856 Cambridge : its University and Colleges. (His guide to Cambridge in its earliest form. Written for the visit of the British Medical Assoc.) London, 1864 Address in Surgery at the Meeting of the British Medical Association at Cambridge. London, 1864 Analysis of the physiological series in the Gallery of the Museum of Comparative Anatomy. 1866 Address in Physiology before the... British Association at Nottingham. 1866 The Hunterian Oration... 14 Feb. 1879. 1879 Address delivered at the 48th annual meeting of the British Medical Association at Cambridge, August, 1880. 4° 1880 Another edition. 1880 Cambridge : the Town, University, and Colleges. (Visit of British Medical Association.) 1880 Guide to Cambridge. (1880) Another edition. (1883) Another edition. (1886) Old age and changes incidental to it. 1885 HUMPHRY (W.G.) Verses at Tercentenary of Trinity College, 22 Dec. 1846. 40 1846 HUNSTANTON Convalescent Home. 24th, 27th, 28th, 30th, 31st Annual Report. v.p. 1 895-1 909 HUNT (P.) Narrative of what is known respecting the literary remains of the late John Tweddell. London, 1 826 HUNTER (J.) See Thoresby (R.). Diary, 1830. HUNTINGTON (G.) Random recollections. London, 1893 HURD (R.) The opinion of an eminent Lawyer [P. Yorke] supported. London, 1751 HUSTLER (J.D.) The case of Mr Hustler's presentation to a living in the gift of Trinity College. (7 pieces.) 1822 HUSTLER (W.) See Graduati, 1823. HUTCHINSON (A.S.M.) From Fresher to Blue. {Royal Mag., April, 1905.) HUTCHINSON (F.) A sermon preached at the Public Commence- ment at Cambridge, July 3, 1698. 4° 1698 HUTTON HYMERS 127 HUTTON (J.A.) The Cotton Crisis. Paper read before Brit. Assoc., 1904. Manchester^ 1904 HUTTON (W.H.) St John's College, Oxford. (College histories.) LondoTiy 1898 HUXLEY {Sir T.H.) Obituary by M. Foster. {Proc. Roy. Soc.y vol. 59.) London [1895] HYMENi^US ; a Comedy. Ed. by G. C. Moore Smith. 4° 1908 HYMERS (J.) See Fisher (J.). Funeral sermon of Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby, 1840. 128 I IMPROVEMENT Act. Abstract of Accounts for the year ended March 25, 1882. 1882 See also Anningson (B.). IMPROVEMENT Commissioners. Bye-laws, etc. 1889 IN statu Pupillari. [By Miss Fanny Johnson.] London^ 1907 Cheap ed. London^ 19^9 INDIVIDUAL. Nos. 1-15. 25 Oct. 1836—14 March, 1837. (2 copies.) 1836-37 INDUSTRIAL School. Fourth annual report. 1854 INFLUENCE of the Homeric poems on the language... of the Greeks. [By Tho. Myers.] 1830 INGE (W.R.) Death the Fulfilment of Life. A Sermon preached before the University, 3 March, 1907. London^ 1907 INGLEBY (CM.) Reflections historical and critical on the revival of Philosophy at Cambridge. 1870 INGLEBY (H.) The Shade of a Pageant (King's Lynn, 1908). 40 (1908) INGLIS [Sir R.H.) Speech in the House of Commons, 26 March, 1834, in reference to a petition from certain Members of the Senate. London^ 1834 INGRAM (J.) Memorials of Oxford. 3 vols. ^° Oxford^ iS^J Memorials of the Colleges and Halls in the University of Oxford. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Oxford, 1847 Memorials of the public buildings of Oxford. New ed. Ox/ordy 1S4.S INGRAM (R.A.) The necessity of introducing Divinity into the regular course of Academical studies considered. Colchester, ^792 Syllabus... of a system of Political Philosophy : [with] a dissertation recommending that the study of Political Economy be encouraged by the Universities. ^799 INMAN (J.) The Scriptural doctrine of Divine Grace. A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, on Commencement Sunday, 1820. 1820 INMAN (J.W.) Necessity of a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the condition of the Universities. London, 1850 INQUIRY into the right of Appeal from the Chancellor or Vice- Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, in matters of Discipline. [By T. Chapman.] London, 1751 2nd ed. London, 1752 INQUISITIO comitatus Cantabrigiensis. Cura N. E. S. A. Hamilton. 40 London, 1876 INSPECTOR IVES 129 INSPECTOR. Nos. 1-3. See Student, 1 750-1. INSTRUMENTA Ecclesiastica. Edited by the Ecclesiological, late Camden Society. Two series. 4° London^ 1847-56 INTERCEPTED correspondence of Phelim O'Cutaway, a Cambridge Bull-Dog. No. I. Feb. i, 1840. 1840 INTER-COLLEGIATE Christian Union, its past, present, and future. By R. L. Pelly. (19 10) INTERNATIONAL Congress of Zoology, 1898. See Zoology. IRENEO (Silvio), pseud. See Spineto {Marchese). IRISH Church Bill. The names of Members of the Senate of the University of Cambridge, in support of the petition... against the Irish Church Bill, June, 1869. Arranged by R. Potts. 1869 IVES (J.) Select papers chiefly relating to English antiquities : pub- lished from the originals in the possession of J. Ives. 40 London^ 1773 CL. c. ^ 130 J JACK (W.) Additions and emendations to draft of statutes proposed for St Peter's College. i860 JACK-DAW. (St John's College.) Nos. 1-5. May 19-Dec. i, 1900. 4° 1900 JACKSON (C.) See De la Pryme (A.). JACKSON (H.) On some passages in the seventh book of the Eudemian Ethics. 1900 Plato's Cratylus. {Praelections.) 1906 JACKSON (T.G.) Wadham College, Oxford, its foundation, archi- tecture, and history. 4° Oxford^ 1893 The Church of St Mary the Virgin, Oxford. 40 Oxford^ 1897 JACKSONIAN Professorship of" Experimental Philosophy, 1875. Report of the Council of the Senate, Fly-sheets, Candidates' notices, including that of J. Dewar, who was elected, etc. 1875 JACOMBE (S.) Moses his death... Sermon at Christ Church, in London, Dec. 23, 1656, at the funeral of Mr Edward Bright, M.A., Fellow of Emmanuel CoUedge. 4° London^ 1657 JAHN (J.) Sylloge librorum orientalium. 1821 JAMES I, King of England. Account of the reception of King James, at Cambridge, in the year 161 4. By John Chamberlain. (Annual Register for 1778.) Letters Patent of Elizabeth and James I addressed to the University of Cambridge. Ed. by J. W. Clark. 1892 JAMES (M.R.) Athens in the fourteenth century. 1887 The Sculptures in the Lady Chapel at Ely. Lectures delivered, 16 Aug. 1892. {Arch. Journ.^ xLix.) {London, 1892) The Sculptures in the Lady Chapel at Ely. 40 London, 1895 A descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Fitzwilliam Museum. 1895 A descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the library of Eton College. 1895 A descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the library of Jesus College. 1895 A descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts other than Oriental in the library of King's College. 1895 A descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the library of Peter- house. With an Essay on the history of the Library, by J. W. Clark. 1899 A Guide to the Windows of King's College Chapel. (2 copies corrected.) London, 1899 On two series of paintings at Worcester Priory. {C. A. S.) 1 904 JAMES JEBB 131 JAMES (M.R.) On the Sculptures at Malmesbury. (C. A. S.) 1904 A descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the library of Pembroke College. 1905 A descriptive Catalogue of the Western Manuscripts in the library of Clare College. 1905 A descriptive Catalogue of the Western Manuscripts in the library of Queens' College. 1905 Facsimiles of the Frescoes in Eton College Chapel. F° Eton, 1907 A descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the library of Trinity Hall. 1907 A descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the library of Gonville and Caius College. 2 vols. 1907-8 Eustace Talbot. (By M. R. J. and others.) 40 1908 A descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Parts i, 2. 1909- 10 -S^^ a /so McBryde (J.). JAMESON (F.J.) Reply to a statement... relative to the last election to the Mastership of St Catharine's College. 1868 JANEWAY (James) Invisibles, realities, demonstrated in the holy life and triumphant death of Mr John Janeway, Fellow of King's CoUedge in Cambridge. 6th ed. 8° London, 1702 JANEWAY Qohn) An extract of the life and death of John Janeway. By James Wheatley. 12° London, 1775 Another edition. 12° Leeds, 1797 See also Janeway (James). JEAFFRESON (J.C.) Annals of Oxford. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Oxford, 1 87 1 JEBB (E.) Cambridge ; a brief study in social questions. 1906 JEBB (J.) A short account of theological lectures now reading at Cambridge. 4° 1770 2nd ed. 40 1772 Letters on... Subscription to the Liturgy and... Articles of the Church of England. London, 1772 The excellency of the spirit of benevolence. A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, Dec. 28, 1772. 1773 Remarks upon the present mode of education in the University of Cambridge. '773 2nd ed. ^773 3rd ed. 1773 4th ed. 1774 A Proposal for the establishment of public examinations in the University of Cambridge. London, 1774 An Observation on the design of establishing annual examinations at Cambridge. [By W. S. Powell.] 1774 A letter to the author of the Proposal for the establishment of public examinations. '774 Letter to the author of An Observation, etc. [By Ann Jebb.] [1774?] 9—2 132 JEBB JEREMIE JEBB (J.) An Address to the Members of the Senate. (i775) A short state of the reasons for a late resignation. To which are added occasional observations. And a letter to the Bp of Norwich. 1775 3rded. 1776 Letter to Rev. J. Jebb occasioned by his Short state. London^ 177^ Resignation no Proof. [By E. Tew.] London^ 1776 Works... with Memoirs by John Disney. 3 vols. London^ 1787 JEBB {Sir R.C.) Testimonials when a candidate for the Professorship of Greek in the University of Glasgow. 1875 Speeches delivered as Public Orator, 16 June, 1874. 1875 Inaugural address delivered in the University of Glasgow, Nov. 4, 1875. Glasgow^ 1875 The Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isaeos. 2 pts. London^ 1876 Modern Greece. Two lectures. London^ 1880 (2nd ed.) London, 1901 Old Comedy on a new Stage. (The Birds.) [Fortnightly Review, I Jan. 1884.) Erasmus. (Rede Lecture, 1890.) 1890 The work of the Universities for the nation. 1^93 Humanism in education. (Romanes Lecture, 1899.) London, 1899 Macaulay. A lecture. 1900 Life and Letters. By Caroline Jebb. 1907 JELF (R.W.) Grounds for laying before the Council of King's College, London, certain statements contained in a recent publica- tion, entitled Theological Essays, by the Rev. F. D. Maurice. Oxford, 1853 JENKINSON (F.J.H.) Address delivered at the twenty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Library Association of the United Kingdom, at Cambridge, 22 Aug. 1905. 1905 See Bradshaw (H.), 1889, 1893. JENNER (C.) The Destruction of Nineveh. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1768.) 40 1768 JENNINGS (E.N.) His case under the Insolvent Act. Oxford {i 847) JENYNS (L.) Systematic Catalogue of British Vertebrate Animals. Observations in natural history. London, 1846 Memoir of Rev. J. S. Henslow. London, 1862 A Naturalist's Calendar. Ed. F. Darwin. 1903 JEPHSON (T.) Notice of Grace to present petition to the Visitor of St John's College, praying him to expel T. J., Dec. 8, 1823. Fo 1823 Report of the trial of the Rev. T. J., at the Cambridge Assizes, 1823. {1823) JEREMIE (J.A.) The Office and Mission of St John the Baptist. (Norrisian Prize Essay for 1823.) 1S24. I JEREMIE JOHN'S 133 JEREMIE (J.A.) No valid argument can be drawn from the incredulity of the heathen philosophers against the truth of the Christian religion. (Norrisian Prize Essay for 1825.) ^^26 Commemoration sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, Dec. 16, 1834. London^ 1835 A sermon delivered in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, Dec. 13, 1842, being the Commemoration of Founders and Benefactors. London^ 1842 The third Centenary of Trinity College, Cambridge. A sermon preached in the Chapel, Dec. 22, 1846, being the Commemoration of Benefactors. 1847 Christian Benevolence ; a Sermon preached in the chapel of the East-India College, 28 March, 1847. 1847 A sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, Dec. 14, 1849, being the Commemoration of Founders and Bene- factors. 1850 A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, April 26, 1854 ; being the day appointed for general humiliation and prayer. 2nd ed. 1854 A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, March 21, 1855. 2nd ed. 1855 A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, Dec. 23, 1861, being the day of the funeral of H.R.H. the Prince Consort. 1862 A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, Feb. 2, 1864, at the re-opening of Great St Mary's Church. 1864 JERNINGHAM (E.) An Elegy written among the ruins of an abbey. 4° London^ 1765 JERWOOD (J.) A lecture on the new Planet Neptune and its discovery. London^ 1849 JESSOPP (A.) The Middle Class examinations ; what will they do for us ? Londoriy 1 860 The Layman's position in the Church of the first four centuries. London^ 1898 See North {Hon. R.). JESUS College. Historia CoUegii Jesu Cantabrigiensis, a J. Shermanno. Ed. J. O. Halliwell. Londiniy 1840 Remarks on the Report by the Cambridge University Commissioners respecting certain Statutes proposed by them to Jesus College. By G. E. Corrie. i86i The Chapter House, and some interior views thereof. By A. Gray. {Chanticlere.) 1 893 A College chronicle, 1 557-1643. {Chanticlere.) By A. Gray. 1893 Catalogue of Manuscripts. By M. R. James. 1895 Jesus College. By A. Gray. (College histories.) London, 1902 JOHN'S (St) College. Statutes, 1580. (Fifth Report of the Select Committee on Education.) Fo London, 18 18 Specification of work and materials for new buildings according to the designs of Rickman and Hutchinson. Birmingham, 1827 134 JOHN'S JOHN'S (St) College. The inward witness of the Spirit to the believer's adoption. Com- memoration Sermon in St John's College Chapel, March 15, 1845. 1845 Some account of St John's College Chapel, Cambridge. By F. C. Woodhouse. 1 848 Early Statutes of the College of St John the Evangelist in the University of Cambridge. Ed. by J. E. B. Mayor. 1859 Order of Service... on laying the foundation stone of the New Chapel, 6 May, 1864. 1864 Oaths of Qualification, 17^1765. 1867 The New Chapel. By G. F. Reyner. 4° 1869 The New Chapel. May 6, 1861. By W. Selwyn. 4° 1869 The New Chapel of St John's College and the consecration of it. {Eagle^ June, 1869.) 1869 Consecration of the Chapel of St John the Evangelist, May 12, 1869. 1869 History of the College of St John the Evangelist, Cambridge. By T. Baker. Ed. by J. E. B. Mayor. 2 vols. 1869 Replies of College lecturers to the inquiries of the Master and Seniors of St John's College, Cambridge. 1872 The Portrait Pictures in St John's College, Cambridge. By A. Freeman. (4 parts.) {Eagle, xi., xii.) 188 1-3 Our College grounds. By A. J. Poynder. (JJ^^/^, Jan. 1882.) 1882 Admissions to the College of St John the Evangelist in the University of Cambridge. Part i. Jan. i6||-July, 1665. Ed. by J. E. B. Mayor. Part 11. July, 1665-July, 1715. Ed. by J. E. B. Mayor. Part m. July, 1715-November, 1767. Ed. by R. F. Scott. 1882-1903 The Pilgrimage to Parnassus, etc. Comedies performed in St John's College, 1 597-1 60 1. Ed. by W. D. Macray. Oxford, 1886 Founders and Benefactors of St John's College, Cambridge. By A. F. Torry. 1888 A hand-list... relating to the portraits, etc. of Blessed John Fisher, Bp of Rochester. By C. Sayle. [Eagle.) 1890 The College Pictures at the Tudor Exhibition. By A. Freeman. {Eagle, XVI.) 1890 The history of the Lady Margaret Boat Club, 1825-90. By R. H. Foster and W. Harris. 1890 Notes from the College Records. By R. F. Scott. Two series. {Eagle.) 1 890-1 906 Index to the Eagle. Vols. 1-15. 1891 Bibliotheca loquitur. (Notes on the Library.) By C. Sayle. {Eagle.) (1892) The Eagle. Hundredth number. 1893 List of past occupants of rooms. By G. C. Moore Smith. 1895 The Jack-Daw. Nos. 1-5. May 19-Dec. i, 1900. 1900 St John's College. By J. B. MuUinger. (College histories.) London, 1 90 1 JOHN'S JUBILEE 135 JOHN'S (St) College. The Geology of the College Chapel. By T. G. Bonney. {Eagle.) 1907 A Septuagenarian's Recollections of St John*s. By T. G. Bonney. {Eagle.) 1909 The blank window in the Chapel. Two legends of St John. By W. A. Cox. {Eagle.) 1909 JOHN'S (St) Hospital. On some remains of the Hospital of St John the Evangelist. By C. C. Babington. {C.A.S.) 1864 JOHNSON (F.) In Statu PupiUari. London^ 1907 Cheap ed. London^ 1909 JOHNSON (G.) On a bronze vessel recently discovered in the Isle of Ely. {Archaeologioy xxviii.) 40 {London^ 1 840) JOHNSON (J.) Nature inverted. Sermon... 18 July, 1670. 4° 1670 JOHNSON (R.) Aristarchus Anti-Bentleianus. Nottinghamiae, 17 17 JOHNSON (R.B.) The Cambridge Colleges. London [1909] JOHNSON (S.) Account of Dr Johnson's visit to Cambridge, in 1765. {New Monthly Magaxine^ Dec. i, 1818.) JOHNSON (W.) of Llandaff" House Academy. Thoughts on Education. London.^ 1830 JOHNSON fl//^rt^ar^j Cory (W.) Eton Reform. 1,2. London^ 1S61 Early Modern Europe. 1869 Observations on the proposals of the Syndicate for establishing a Professors' and Public Teachers' Fund. (1870) Extracts from Letters and Journals. Selected and arranged by F. W. Cornish. Oxford, 1897 JOKES of the Cambridge Coffee-Houses in the seventeenth century. Ed. by J. O. HalliwelL 1841 Another edition. 1842 JONES (E.L.) Application and Testimonials for post of Assistant- Physician to Addenbrooke's Hospital. 1^99 JONES (H.) Friends in Pencil : a Cambridge sketch book. 4° 1893 JONES (H.L.) See Le Keux {].). Memorials, 1847. JONES (J.H.) If they hear not Moses and the Prophets... (Norrisian Prize Essay for 1846.) 1846 JONES (T.) A sermon upon duelling, preached before the University of Cambridge, Dec. ii, 1791. 4° 1792 Elegy on the Rev. T. J. By Robert Dealtry. 40(1807) Memoir. By Herbert Marsh. (1808) JOSSELIN (J.) Historia Collegii Corporis Christi. Ed. J. W. Clark. {C.A.S.) 1880 JOWETT (B.) Suggestions for an improvement of the Examination Statute. [By B. Jowett and A. P. Stanley.] Oxford, 1848 JOYCE (J.) An analysis of Paley's View of the evidences of Christianity. 4th ed. Harlow, 1810 JUBILEE (1887) Celebrations in Cambridge and surrounding villages. 12° 1887 Thanksgiving service in King's Coll. Chapel. 1887 136 JUBILEE JUS JUBILEE (1897) Diamond Jubilee. Programme of festivities in Cam- bridge. 1897 Jubilee Celebrations. Official Programme. 1897 Thanksgiving service in King's Coll. Chapel. 1897 JUDE (R.H.) A systematic course for the analysis of a mixture of Acids. 1877 JUKES-BROWNE (A.J.) Post-Tertiary Deposits of Cambridgeshire. (Sedgwick Prize Essay, 1877.) i^?^ JULLIEN (M.A.) A I'Angleterre savante et litt^raire. Londres {184s) JUS academicum : or a defence of the peculiar jurisdiction which belongs of common right to Universities. [By J. Colbatch.] 40 London^ 1722 137 K K.P. Vols. 1-3. I Feb. 1893—7 Dec. 1894. (Ed. by N. W. Paine, Trin., and E. A. Sutherland, Tr. Hall.) 40 and 8° 1893-4 KAYE (J.) A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, Nov. 19, 18 1 7, being the day of the funeral of the Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales. 2nd ed. 40 181 7 3rd ed. 1818 Oratiuncula Cantabrigiae in comitiis habita, prid. Non. Julii 18 19. (1819) Oratiuncula Cantabrigiae in comitiis habita, iv Non. Julii 1820. (1820) KEARY (H.) Sermon on the death of H. Keary. By C. J. Vaughan. London^ 1852 KECK (B.A.) Sermon on occasion of his death, by W. Mandell. 1815 KEENE (C.) See Vaughan (H.) The Cambridge Grisette. KELLETT (E.E.) Jetsam. 1897 Carmina ephemera. 1903 KELSALL (C.) Phantasm of an University : with prolegomena. 40 London^ 18 14 KELTY (M.A.) Visiting my Relations, and its results. (By M. A. Kelty.) 2nd ed. London^ iS $2 Reminiscences of thought and feeling. By the author of f^isiting my Relations (M. A. Kelty). London^ 1852 KEMBLE (J.M.) History of the English language. (Syllabus of lectures.) 1834 KEMP (E.) Sermon preached at St Maries... to the Universitie, Sept. 6, 1668, the Sunday before Sturbridge Fair. 4° 1668 KEMPE (J.E.) Prologue before the tragedy of Othello performed at Cambridge, March 16, 1832. By J. E. K. (J. E. Kempe). 40 London (1832) KENDALL (F.) The trial of F. K. for setting fire to Sydney College. 1813 KENNEDY (B.H.) Shrewsbury School, past and present. 1882 KENNEDY (CM.) Testimonials when a candidate for Whewell Professorship of International Law. London^ 1888 KENNEDY (C.R.) Classical education reformed. London^ 1837 Ode on the birth of the Prince (of Wales). London^ 1842 KENNEDY (G.J.) Remarks on Mr Mitchell's edition of the Comedies of Aristophanes. 1841 KENNEDY (W.R.) Cambridge University and College reform. London y 1 8 70 138 KENNICOTT KING'S KENNICOTT (B.) An Answer to a letter from the Rev. T. Rutherforth, D.D. London^ 1762 KERRICH (R.E.) Report of Syndics of Fitzwilliam Museum on his bequest, 26 Oct. 1872. 1872 KERRICH (S.) A sermon preached before the University... on Commencement Sunday in the morning, 29 June, 1735. ^735 KERRICH (T.) Account of some lids of stone coffins discovered in Cambridge Castle in 1 8 1 o. {Archaeologia^ xvii.) 4° {Londoriy 1 8 1 3) KEY to the Fragment. See Fragment. KIDD (J.) An introductory lecture to a course in Comparative Anatomy, illustrative of Paley's Natural Theology. Oxford^ 1824 KIDD (T.) See Porson (R.). Tracts, 1815. KIDMAN (R.) See Grimshaw (W.). KILNER (J.) An account of Pythagoras's School in Cambridge. (Bowes 1 341.) Fo (1790) KING (C.W.) On the use of Antique Gems in the Middle Ages. {Arch. Journ.) {London^ 1865) Epitaph of M. Verrius Flaccus. [American Philos. Soc.) n.p. 1887 KING (E.) Justa Edouardo King, naufrago, ab amicis mcerentibus, amoris et fiveiaf; x^P'-^- (+ Obsequies...) 40 Cantabrigiae, 1638. (Reprints. Ed. by W. J. Thornhill.) Dublinii, 1835 KING (R.J.) Handbook to Cathedrals. Eastern division. Londoriy 1862 KING (William), j- 1712. A Journey to London in 1698. London^ 1698 Short Account of Dr Bentley's Humanity and Justice, {^y W. King and others.] LondoUy 1699 Dialogues of the Dead. London^ 1699 KING (William), -j- 1763. See Fragment. KING (William), D.Sc. Application for Woodwardian Professorship of Geology, 6 Feb. 1873. 4° 1873 KING'S College. Sermon preached, 25 March, 1689. By Wm Fleetwood. 4° 1689 Collection of... Anthems us'd in King's Coll. [etc.]. (Ed. by T. Tudway.) 1706 Sermon preached, 25 March, 1724. By G. Doughty. 2nd ed. 1724 Catalogus alumnorum, 1 444-1 730. 4° Etonaey 1730 Oratio habita Cantabrigiae in Coll. Regali. By John Reade. 40 (1742) Oratio habita in fiinere Guil. George, Coll. Regal. Praepositi, viio Kal. Oct. 1756. By Wm Barford. 4° 1756 An account of King's College Chapel. By H. Maiden. (Pp. 96. No errata.) 1769 Registrum Regale. 40 Etonaey 1774 Account of the Chapel. (From Britten's Architectural Jntiquities.) 40 1805 Another state. Report of the proceedings in the case of an Appeal preferred by the KING'S 139 KING'S College. Provost and Scholars of King's College, against the Provost and Fellows of Eton College, to the Bishop of Lincoln. By Philip Williams. London^ 18 16 The Appeal of King's College against the Fellows of Eton, respecting their holding ecclesiastical preferment with their Fellowships, etc. 1817 Dissertation on the windows of King's College Chapel. By J. K. Baldrey. 18 18 Explanation of the various local passages and allusions in the Appeal, etc. of King's College v. Eton College. London^ 18 19 Exhibition of designs for completing King's College, Cambridge... (Advertisement.) London^ 1823 Catalogue. 4° London^ 1823 An historical and descriptive account of King's College Chapel. By James Cook. 1829 Delineations of the Chapel of King's College. By J. and H. S. Storer. Fo \ab. 1830] Statement of the question between the Provost and Fellows of King's College, and the executors of the late Mr Cory. 1831 A correct statement of the transactions between the Commissioners for Paving and Lighting the Town of Cambridge, and the Provost and Fellows of King's College. Signed : Ed. Randall, Clerk to the Commissioners. (8 Feb.) F^ 1831 Reply of King's College to the statement of the Commissioners for Paving, etc. the town of Cambridge. 1831 Documents to shew the state of the question now pending between the Commissioners of Paving and King's College, relative to the purchase of Mr Cory's premises. 1831 To the Provost and Fellows of King's College. [On the position of King's College in the University.] (^837) An address to the Fellows of King's College, Cambridge, on the subject of examinations for Degrees. London^ 1838 Observations on the construction of the roof of King's College Chapel. By F. Mackenzie. 4° London^ 1840 The interpretation of the composition between the University and King's College. By a Member of the Senate [J. R. Crowfoot]. 1846 A few remarks on the present system of Degrees at King's College, Cambridge. [By E. Thring.] 1846 Registrum Regale. A list of the Provosts of Eton, the Provosts of King's College, etc. Eton^ 1847 Further remarks on Statutes, and the present system of King's College, Cambridge. [By E. Thring.] 1848 Letter to the Provost of Eton on the election of Scholars to the two foundations of Henry VL By G. Williams. London^ 1850 The ancient laws of the fifteenth century, for King's College, Cambridge, and for Eton College. Collected by James Heywood and Thomas Wright. London^ 1850 HO KING'S KING'S College. Instrument under seal relinquishing right to proceed to B.A. degree without examination, 2 May, 1851. With Report of Syndicate appointed to consider the question. F° 1 851-2 Proposed draft of an answer to the remarks and recommendations of H.M. Commissioners for inquiring into the state, etc. of the University of Cambridge. 1853 An answer to the remarks and recommendations of H.M. Commissioners far as they relate to King's College. 1854 The Chorister. A Tale of King's College Chapel in the Civil Wars. [By S. Baring Gould.] [1854] loth ed. 1895 An account of King's College Chapel. By Charles Neve. 1855 Another ed. n.d. Artistic notes on the windows of King's College Chapel. By Geo. Scharf. [Arch. Journal^ xii., xiii.) London, 1855-6 A letter to the Provost of King's College concerning two votes given in Congregation, 17 Dec. 1856. By George Williams, Vice- Provost. 1856 Statement of the property of King's College. By G. Williams. 1857 Further statement of property. By G. Williams. 1857 Remarks upon the sources of income of King's College. By T. B[rocklebank]. (1857) Report of the Financial Committee. i860 Statement relative to the financial matters of King's College. By G. Williams. i860 Anthem, June 3, 1864. (I have surely built thee an house. — Boyce.) 1864 Notes on the history and present condition of King's College Chapel. By T. J. P. Carter. London, 1 867 Catalogue of the Oriental MSS. in the library of King's College. By E. H. Palmer. {Roy. Astatic Soc.) {London, 1867) Mr Cockayne's narrative. [On his dismissal from the mastership of King's Coll. Choir School.] n.p. (1869) Notes to same. n.p. (1869) Suggestions to the Committee appointed to amend the Statutes. By A. Austen Leigh. 1872 Documents relating to the additional endowments and trust funds of King's College, Cambridge, 1869. Re-issued with Appendix. 1875 Fellowships and Lectureships (King's College). By G. W. Prothero. 1877 Considerations on the reform of the Statutes of King's College, Cambridge. By Oscar Browning. (1877) Description of stained glass in West window of Chapel by J. R. Clayton and A. Bell. 22 April, 1879. 4° 1879 Proposed union of King's with St Catharine's College. Report of the Committee appointed, Nov. 25, 1879. (16 March, 1880.) 40 1880 Report of College meeting held 13 April, 1880 to consider complete union with St Catharine's College. 4° 1880 ! KING'S 141 KING'S College. On King's College Chapel, by G. Gilbert Scott. (Extr. from his Hist, of Engl. Church Architecture.) London^ 1 88 1 Cambridge University. King's College. Statute B for University. Petition and Case of the Provost and Scholars of the Governing Body and Case of the University of Cambridge Commissioners. 40 London (188 1-2) Report of the Council under D. in. 10. Nov. 17, 1883. 4° 1883 Nov. 15, 1884. 40 1884 Performance of Mendelssohn's "St Paul," 14 March, 1884. 4° 1884 Festival Service, 20 June, 1887. Queen Victoria's Jubilee. 1887 Festival service to be held in King's College Chapel, June ii, 1888 when will be performed Handel's Oratorio " Saul," in aid of Addenbrooke's Hospital. 1888 Sermon on Founder's Day, by J. R. Harmer. 1888 Special service on the occasion of the re-opening of the Organ, Feb. 8, 1889. 1889 Festival Service, 12 June, 1889. Handel's "Israel in Egypt." 1889 II June, 1890. Mendelssohn's "Elijah." 1890 13 June, 1894. Handel's " Messiah." 1894 Catalogue of Manuscripts other than Oriental. By M. R. James. Report of Committee appointed to consider arrangement of east end of Chapel. (26 Apr.) 1896 Festival Service, 17 June, 1896. Mendelssohn's " Elijah." 1896 Will of Henry VI. now first printed in commemoration of the 450th anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone of King's College Chapel, 25 July, 1896. 4° 1896 Order of Service in Chapel, 25 July, 1896. 4° 1896 Jubilee Thanksgiving Service, 16 June, 1897. 1897 Festival Service, 9 June, 1898. Stanford's "Requiem." 1898 8 June, 1899. Handel's "Israel in Egypt." 1899 King's College. By A. Austen Leigh. (College histories.) London^ 1899 Guide to the windows of King's College Chapel. By M. R. James. (2 copies corrected.) 1 899 Brahms's German Requiem. Feb. 28, 1901. 1901 Festival Thanksgiving Service, 1 1 June, 1 90 1 . Mendelssohn's " Elijah." 1901 Dedication of new altar in Chapel, Advent Sunday. 1902 Register of Admissions, 1 850-1900. By J. J. Withers. London^ i<)02 Letter to the Provost on the subject of the Reredos in the Chapel, by T. B. Carter. F° 1903 Handlist of trees and shrubs, grown in the gardens and grounds of King's College, Cambridge. By A. A. Tilley. 40 1904 The Limit, or Nothing Personal. A satirical melodrametta by A. D. K[nox] and M. A. Y[oung], performed in King's. 1907 King's College, Cambridge. By C. R. Fay. 12° London^ 1907 Bygone King's. By R. A. Austen Leigh. Fo Eton, 1907 142 KING'S KNOX KING'S College. List of the Incunabula in the library of King's College. By G. Chawner. 1908 See also Acts and Bills, 1823. KING'S LYNN. See Lynn. KINGSBRIDGE Grammar School. Statement respecting G. F. Browne's refusal to give evidence on the examination of Kingsbridge Grammar School. 1882 KINGSBURY (T.L.) On the connexion between the Prophetic, and the other evidences of Christianity. (Norrisian Prize Essay for 1847.) ^^47 KINGSLEY (C.) Alton Locke. 3rd ed. London, 1852 Phaethon. 3rd ed. 1859 The limits of exact science as applied to history. An inaugural lecture. i860 Ode... 10 June, 1862, composed for the Installation of the Duke of Devonshire, Chancellor of the University. 1862 Mr Kingsley and Dr Newman. A Correspondence on the question whether Dr Newman teaches that truth is no virtue ? London, 1 864 What then does Dr Newman mean ? 3rd ed. London, 1864 The Fens. {Good Words, May, 1867.) God's Feast. A sermon preached for the Industrial School, Cam- bridge, March 7, 1869. London, 1869 In Memoriam. F. D. Maurice. {Macmillan's Mag., May, 1872.) Sermon preached in Westminster Abbey, Jan. 31, 1875, being the Sunday after the funeral of C. Kingsley. By A. P. Stanley. London^ 1875 See also Newman (J. H.). KINGSTON (A.) East Anglia and the Great Civil War. London, 1897 KIPLING (T.) The Articles of the Church of England proved not to be Calvinistic. 1802 Remarks on The Articles, etc. By Academicus. 1802 Reply to Academicus. By a Friend of Dr Kipling. [Probably by Kipling himself.] London, 1 803 KIRKBY (J.) See Barrow (I.). The Usefulness of Mathematical Learning, 1734. KIRKMAN (J.) Introductory address to the Browning Society. 1881 KIRKPATRICK (A.F.) Our hopes for the future. A sermon preached before the University in Great St Mary's Church, Nov. 5, 1882. 1882 KNIGHT (S.) Sermon. . .at St Bridget's Church, London, 9 April, 1729. (1729) KNIGHT (W.) The missionary secretariat of Henry Venn. London, 1880 KNOWLES (C.) See Smedley (E. A.). KNOX (V .) Liberal education ; or a practical treatise on the methods of acquiring useful and polite learning. loth ed. 2 vols. London^ 1789 134 LABOQCHERE (H.) Statement in his own defence when accused of copying in the Previous Examination, April, 1852. 4° 1852 LABUTTE (R.) A French Grammar. 2nd ed. 1790 See also Fauchon (J.). LADIES' Association in Aid of Young Servants. 4th, 6th, 8th, nth, 13th, 14th, 15th, i6th, 17th, 19th, 28th, 30th, 31st, 32nd, 33rd Annual Report. 1872-1901 LADIES' Battle. Fought at Cambridge, Feb 23, 188 1. (1881) LADIES' Book Society. Rules. 4° 1835 LADIES' Discussion Society. Rules, etc. 1887 Rules and Report, 1907 LADY Clare Magazine. Vols. 1-9. Lent Term 1902-Easter Term 1910. 40 1902-1910 LADY Margaret Professorship of Divinity, 1895. Notices of candidates including that of A. J. Mason who was elected. 1895 LADY'S Preceptor. By a Gentleman of Cambridge. 4th ed. London y ^752 LAELIA. A Comedy acted at Queens' College. Ed. G. C. Moore Smith. 1910 LAKE (P.) Syllabus of a course of lectures on Agricultural Geology. 1891 LAMB (J.) and Henslow (J.S.) Remarks upon the payment of the expenses of out-voters at an University election. (9 April, 27 April, 1826.) 1826 Observations. . .occasioned by Remarks... 1826 A sermon preached before the University on July i, 1827, being Commencement Sunday. 1827 A Christian admonition to young students, delivered Nov. 17, 1833, in the Chapel of Corpus Christi College. 1833 Review of Dr Lamb's work on Hebrew Hieroglyphics. {Camb. Univ. Mag. for April, 1835.) A collection of letters, etc. in the MS. library of Corpus Christi College, illustrative of the history of the University of Cambridge from 1500 to 1572. London^ 1838 See also Masters (R.). LAMPETER College. Proposal to found, by Bishop of St David's, with Grace to grant ;^200 from the University Chest towards it, May 14, 1822. Fo 1822 LAND. Proposed sale of land, 1 904. 5^^ Botanic Garden. LANGLEY (J.N.) Sir Michael Foster. In Memoriam. {Journal of Physiology.) {London) 1907 144 LANKESTER LA YARD LANKESTER (E.R.) The relation of Universities to medicine. London y 1878 LANTERN of the Cam. Nos. 1-3. Feb.-April, 1871. 4° 1871 LATHAM (H.) Considerations on the suggestions of the University Commissioners with respect to Fellowships and Scholarships. 1857 Revised impression. 1857 On the establishment in Cambridge of a school of practical science. On the Report of the Syndicate appointed to consider the examina- tions for the Ordinary Degree of B.A. 1864 On the regulations for the competitive examination for the Civil Service in India. [1865] A sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity Hall, March 13, 1870, the Sunday after the funeral of the Rev. T. Markby. (1870) On the propositions made by the Head Masters of schools to the University of Cambridge. 1871 Letter in reply. By Geo. Ridding. Winchester ^ 1871 On Parts 11. and vii. of the Report of the Syndicate on the Previous and General Examinations (which provide for making Greek or Latin optional). 1872 On a proposed amendment of the scheme for Pass Examinations. 1873 On the action of examinations considered as a means of selection, 1877 Sale catalogue of his furniture and boob at Southacre. 1903 LATHAM (R.G.) A grammatikal sketch of the Greek language. 1835 LAUGHTON (R.) A sermon preached in King's College Chapel, Oct. 6, 1717. 4° 1717 2nd ed. 171 7 LAURIE (S.S.) Lectures on the rise and early constitution of Uni- versities. London^ 1886 LAW Society. Rules. 1871 LAW (E.) Discourse upon the life and character of Christ. ^749 LAWRENCE (T.J.) Appeal for an International University Extension Congress, to be held at Cambridge, 20 Jan. 1894. (1894) LAWSON (M.) A few exercises composed on various public occasions. 40 London, 1 814 Translation of a Latin Ode to Sculpture, written for one of Sir William Browne's Gold Medals in the University of Cambridge, by M. Lawson. (By C. H. R.) Oxford, 1816 Strictures on the Rev. F. H. Maberley's account of the melancholy and awfiil end of Lawrence Dundas, of Trinity College. London, 1818 LAY of the last Commemoration dinner. By a disappointed guest. (Trinity College.) 1880 LA YARD (C.P.) Charity. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1773.) 4** 1773 LAYARD LEHMANN 145 LA YARD (D.P.) An account of the Somersham water in the County of Huntingdon. London^ 1767 LAYS of Modern Oxford. By Adon. 4° Londorty 1874 LEAFLETS of Local Lore. See Cambridgeshire Cameos. LEAKE (W.M.) A brief memoir of the hfe and writings of W. M. Leake. By J. L. Marsden. 40 London^ 1864 See also Fitzwilliam Museum, 1863-4, 1867. LEATHES (S.M.) See Grace Book A. LE BAS (C.W.) Proposals for prize to commemorate him, 10 Nov. 1848. Fo(i848) LE BAS Prize. 1849. The Greek Kingdoms of Bactria...By C. B. Scott. 1 849 1856. The influence of the revival of classical studies on English literature. By F. W. Farrar. 1856 1859. The Goth and the Saracen. By E. H. Fisher. 1859 LE CLERC (J.) Judgment and censure of Bentley's Horace. Londofiy 1 7 13 LEE (S.) A letter to Mr John Bellamy on his new translation of the Bible. 1821 A vindication of certain strictures on a pamphlet [by R. Laurence] entitled Remarki, etc. Oxford, 1820. In answer to A Reply^ etc. Oxford, 1 82 1. 1822 The duty of observing the Christian Sabbath, enforced in a sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, June 20, 1833. London y 1833 Some remarkson the Dean of Peterborough's tract, entitled, "Thoughts on the admission of persons, without regard to their religious opinions, to certain degrees in the Universities of England." 1834 Dissent unscriptural and unjustifiable. 1834 A letter to Archdeacon Thorp. Londony 1845 A second letter to Archdeacon Thorp. On symbolism. London^ 1845 LEEPER (A.j A Scholar-Librarian (Henry Bradshaw). {Library Assoc, of Australasia.) Adelaide^ 1901 LEFROY (G.A.) The leather-workers of Daryaganj. (Camb. Mission to Delhi. Occasional Papers.) 1884 LEGAL Studies. Fly-sheets relating thereto from 1856. 1856- LEGISLATIVE Ignorance. An address to the V.-C, etc. London^ 1837 LEGRAND {M7in\n), pseud. See Rice (James). LE GRICE (C.V.) A prize declamation, spoken in Trinity College Chapel, May 28, 1794. 1795 A general theorem for a *•••••• [Trinity] Coll. Declamation. By With copious notes by Gronovius. [By C. V. Le Grice.] 1796 • (2nd ed.) Ptnzance^ 1835 Analysis of Paley's Principles of moral and political philosophy. 7th ed. London^ 1820 An imitation of Horace's First Epistle. Penzancty 1824 LEHMANN (R.C.) In Cambridge Courts. London [iS<)2] Jupiter, LL.D. Written for performance at A.D.C. (^894) CL. C. 10 146 LEIGH LETTER LEIGH. See Austen Leigh. LE KEUX (J.) Proposals for publishing his views of Cambridge. Memorials of Cambridge. With historical and descriptive accounts by Thomas Wright. Nos. 1-6. (Trinity College ; Christ's College.) London^ 1837-38 Memorials of Cambridge. Ed. by T. Wright and H. L. Jones. 2 vols. London^ 1847 Memorials of Cambridge. New ed. by Charles Henry Cooper. 3 vols. 1860-66 See also Farren, R., 1880 ; Oxford Handbook, 1875. LENG (J.) Sermon preached before the King at Newmarket, 16 April, 1699. 40 1699 A sermon preached at the consecration of the Chappel of St Katherine's Hall, Sept. I, 1704. 40 1704 LEO, pseud. See Pemberton (C). LEO (C.) Examination of the fourteen verses selected from Scripture by Mr J. Bellamy as a specimen of his emendation of the Bible. 1817 LETTER. Letter from a gentleman of the Isle of Ely... to Col. Roderick Mansel containing an account of the discovery of the pretended Presbyterian Plot at the Assizes at Wisbech.. .23 Sept. 1679. Fo n.p. (1679) Letter from an Undergraduate to the Rev. *. C****** [W. Collier] M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. \° London^ 179^ Letter on the Celibacy of Fellows of Colleges. London^ ^794 Letter to a Friend upon the proposed addition to the Academical system of Education. 1 848 Letter to a Member of the Senate of the University of Cambridge. By the author of Discourses to Academic youth [E. Pearson]. 1799 Letter to a Member of the Senate of the University of London on the examination for B.A. London^ 1838 Letter to a Student on entering the University. 12° 1835 Another ed. 12° 1836 Another ed. 1849 Letter to [T. Chapman] the Author of a Further Inquiry into the Right of Appeal from the Chancellor... [By J. Smith.] London^ 1752 Letter to the Author [W. S. Powell] of An Observation on the design of establishing annual examinations at Cambridge. [^774 ■''] Letter to the Author [R. Robinson] of the History and Mystery of Good-Friday. 1782 Letter to the author [J. Jebb] of the proposal for the establishment of Public Examinations. ^774 Letter to the Electors of Cambridge touching... the Poor-Laws. 1837 , Letter to the Electors of the University of Cambridge. London^ 1827 Letter to the Queen from a Lay Non-Resident Member of the Senate of the University of Cambridge. London^ 1831 LETTER LIBRARY 147 LETTER. Letter to the Rev. H. Marsh in confutation of his opinion, That the Dissenters are aiming at the subversion of the religious establish- ment of this country. By a Protestant Dissenter and a Layman. London^ 1813 Letter to the Rev. John Jebb, occasioned by his Short state of the reasons for a late resignation. London^ 1776 Letter to the Rev. Richard Watson. [By W. Vincent.] London^ 1780 Letter to the University of Cambridge, on a late resignation. By a Gentleman of Oxford. Londotiy ij^b LETTERS from Academicus [Ch. Crawford] to Eugenius on various subjects. London^ ^772 LETTERS from Cambridge illustrative of the studies, habits, and peculiarities of the University. [By E. S. Appleyard.] London^ 1828 LETTERS from Italy and Vienna. [By W. Nind.] 1852 LETTERS of Peter Platitude on Cambridge and the Cantabs. Parts i., II. 1 841-2 LETTICE (J.) The Conversion of St Paul. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1764. 40 1765 LEVER (T.) Sermons, 1550. Ed. by E. Arber. (English Reprints.) London^ 1 8 70 LEWIS (J.) Life of John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester. 2 vols. London^ 1855 LEWIS (J.D.) Sketches of Cantabs. (Bowes 2 161.) Londony 1^4.^ 2nd ed. London^ 1850 Our College. Leaves from an Undergraduate's " Scribbling-Book." London^ 1 857 LEWIS (S.S.) The Library, Corpus Christi College. 1890 Three last sermons. 1891 Life. By A. S. Lewis. 1892 LEWIS (W.J.) Testimonials when a candidate for the Professorship of Mineralogy in the University of Cambridge. i88i LEWKENOR (o.) A discourse. . .of all those citties wherein do flourish at this day priviledged Universities. 40 Londoriy 1600 LEYS Fortnightly. Special number. Old Leysian Football Club, 1878-99. 1899 LEYS School. Speech Day, June, 1891. 1891 LIBERAL Club. Speech of Sir C. Russell, 26 Feb. 1890. London^ 1890 Speech of H. H. Asquith, 3 May, 1890. London^ 1890 Fancy Fair in aid of Liberal Club, etc. Programme. Obi. 8° 1904 LIBERATION of Abd-el-Kader. An Ode. 1856 LIBRARY. Bibliothecae Cantabrigiensis ordinandae metbodus. By Conyers Middleton. 40 1723 Carmina ad nob. Thomam Holies Ducem de Newcastle inscripta cum Academiam Cantabrigiensem Bibliothecae restituendae causa inviseret Prid. Kal. Maias 1755. (+ Oratio...a Joanne Skynner.) Fo 175s 10 — 2 148 LIBRARY LIBRARY. Two poems presented to the Duke of Newcastle, Chancellor... April, 1755, at the laying of the first stone of the new building (East fafade). By J. Marriott. 4° London^ 1755 Poll for election of Librarian, 26 March, 1822. (J. Lodge, Magd., elected.) 1822 Notice of Grace to confirm Report of Warming Syndicate, 8 Dec. 1823. Fo 1823 Grace to suspend election of Librarian, in the event of Mr Lodge being elected Protobibliothecarius, in order to make new regulations for the office (21 May, 1828). F^ (1828) Observations on the plans for the new Library. By a Member of the first Syndicate [G. Peacock], (i Jan.) 1831 Reply to Observations on the plans for the new Library. By a Member of both Syndicates [W. Whewell]. 1831 An answer to Observations on the plans for the new Library. Birmingham^ 183 1 Remarks on the replies to the Observations on the plans for the new Library. By a Member of the first Syndicate [G. Peacock]. 1831 A few remarks on the " New Library " question. By a Member of neither Syndicate [H. Coddington]. 1831 Letter to the Members of the Senate of the University of Cambridge [on the plans for the University Library] (9 Feb.). By William Wilkins. 1831 An appeal to the Senate, on the subject of the plans for the University Library (15 April). By William Wilkins. 1831 Observations upon the Report made by a Syndicate appointed to confer with the architects who were desired to furnish the Uni- versity with designs for a new Library. By George Peacock. Subscriptions for building a new Library. 1836 Poll on the election of Librarian, April 17, 1845. (J* Power, Cla., elected.) 1 845 Fly-sheets, reports, etc. relating to the Library from 1846. 1846- Observations on some recent University Buildings, together with remarks on the management of the Public Library and Pitt Press. By F. Bashforth. 1853 A catalogue of the MSS. preserved in the Library of the University of Cambridge. 5 vols, and Index. 1856-67 University Library extension. By G. Williams. 1862 A letter to the Senate on the proposal to transfer the charge of the Principal Librarian's stipend from the University Chest to the Library Subscription Fund. By J. E. B. Mayor. (18 Nov.) 1863 On the funds of the Library. By G. Williams. (21 Nov.) 1863 On the Library Catalogues. By J. B. Pearson. (2 Dec.) 1863 On the Library Catalogues. By J. E. B. Mayor. (9 Dec.) 1863 On the extension of the Library and the building of a new Divinity School. By George Williams. (6 Dec.) 1864 LIBRARY 149 LIBRARY. Notes on the Statute and Ordinances affecting the Library. By the Librarian, J. E. B. Mayor. (6 Feb.) 1865 Statement by the Librarian, J. E. B. Mayor, on the Catalogue, etc. (18 Nov.) 1865 Statement made to the Syndics of the Library, 7 March, 1866, by the Librarian, J. E. B. Mayor. 1866 Notice by the Librarian of non-placet of a Grace for 14 April. [On the Library- tax.] 1866 Notes on the Statute and Ordinances affecting the Library. By the Librarian, J. E. B. Mayor. (Reissued 5 May, 1866.) 1866 Circular on the Library, May 30, 1866. By J. E. B. Mayor, in answer to Dr Cookson. 1866 A chronological list of Graces, etc. in the University Registrary which concern the University Library. By H. R. Luard. (3 copies, annotated by J. W. Clark.) 1870 List of current Foreign Periodicals received at the University Library. 1870 Report on the University Library, 1880, 1881. By H. R. Tedder. 40 i88o-i The University Library. By H. Bradshaw. 1881 Design for a library, by E. Magnusson, 1885. 1885 Election of F. J. H. Jenkinson, M.A., Trin. Coll., as Librarian. Statement and list of supporters. (3 issues.) F^ 1889 Catalogue of a Collection of Books on Logic presented to the Library by John Venn, Sc.D. (Bulletin. Extra Series.) 1889 The University Library, Cambridge. [By C. Sayle.] 1895 (2nd ed.) 1905 Early English Printed Books in the University Library, Cambridge. By C. Sayle. 4 vols, and Suppl. 1900-7 Report on organization, with a complete collection of the fly-sheets down to 21 Nov. 1901, when the Grace for roofing the East Quadrangle was rejected. Together with other papers on the new entrance, the alterations in Cockerell's building, and the question of adapting the East Room for a reading-room, down to Feb. 1906. 1 90 1 -6 Catalogue of the Adams Collection of Early Printed and other books. (Bulletin. Extra Series.) 1902 Annual Report for years ending Dec. 31, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909. 40 1903-10 List of current Foreign Periodicals. 1904 Organisation and methods. By H. G. Aldis. {Lib. Assoc. Record.) {London^ ^905) Notes for Readers. 12° 1905 First ( — second) list of books wanted to complete sets in the Acton Library. I905) 1910 Library Bulletin. Extra Series. Acton Coll. Spain and Portugal. 1908 Germany, Austria, Hungary. 1908 I I50 LIBRARY LISTEN LIBRARY. The University Library at Cambridge. By C. Sayle. {Country Life^ 24 Sept. 1910.) LIBRARY Association. Twenty-eighth Annual Meeting at Cam- bridge. Proceedings and papers. London^ 1905 Programme, invitations, press cuttings, etc. 1905 See also Aldis (H. G.) ; Bradshaw (H.), 1882; Jenkinson (F. J. H.) ; Pink (J.). LICENCES. Vice-Chancellor's notice respecting licences for Ale- houses, 16 Feb. 1847. ^° ^^47 LIGHT Blue. A Cambridge University Magazine. Vols. 1-4. (Bowes 2464.) 1866-70 LIGHT Blue. Incorporated with the Light Green. Nos. 1-4. May, 1873-May, 1875. (Bowes 261 1.) 1873-75 LIGHT Green. Nos. i, 2. (Bowes 2588.) 1872 Light Greens. A Freshman's Diary, etc. No. i. 1875 Reprints from the Light Green, Nos. i, 2; and Light Greens, No. i. 1882 See also Hamlet, 1882 ; Hilton (A. C). LIGHTFOOT (J.B.) On the Celibacy question. 1857 On the Report of the Syndicate appointed to regulate the examination of students not members of the University. i860 Rejoinder to Mr Roberts, 8 March, i860. i860 Christian Progress. Sermon at Commemoration, Trin. Coll., Dec. 15, i860. 1861 In memory of William Whewell. A sermon preached March 18, 1866. 1866 A sermon preached before the University Church Society. 1872 Sermon preached in Trin. Coll. Chapel, Sexagesima Sunday, 1873. 1873 On the Grace for abolishing compulsory attendance at Professors' lectures. 1877 Bought with a price. A sermon preached in Great St Mary's Church, on the first Sunday in Lent, 1879. 1879 Address at re-opening of the chapel at Auckland Castle, Aug. i, 1888. Bishop Auckland (1888) Sermon by B. F. Westcott at J. B. Lightfoot's consecration to the see of Durham. 1879 Report of meeting for procuring a memorial in Cambridge of J. B. Light- foot, 29 Jan. 1 890. {Reporter.) LIMIT (The), or Nothing Personal. A satirical melodrametta by A. D. K[nox] and M. A. Y[oung] performed in King's Coll. 1907 LINACRE (T.) See Bowes (R.) ; Osier (W.). LINWOOD (W.) Remarks on the present state of Classical scholar- ship and distinctions in the University of Oxford. Oxford^ 1845 LION. Nos. 1-3. May, 1858-May, 1859. (Bowes 2311.) 1858-9 LISTEN, or a few words to Undergraduates. London^ 1862 LISTER LOCAL 151 LISTER (J.J.) Letter of application and testimonials as candidate for Professorship of Natural History in the Univ. of Aberdeen. 1899 LITLINGTON. See Acts and Bills, 1828. LITTLEPORT. Full and correct Report of the Trials for Rioting at Ely and Littleport, May, 18 16. Londoriy 18 16 LIVEING (G. D.) Professors' Lectures. (1877) The University of Cambridge. {Brit. Med. Journ.y June 19, 1897.) {London^ 1897) Spencer Compton Cavendish, Duke of Devonshire, 1833-1908. (1908) Portrait and bust of Prof. Liveing. Subscribers. 4° (190 1 ) LIVINGSTONE (D.) Cambridge lectures. Ed. by William Monk. 1858 2nd ed. i860 David Livingstone and Cambridge. A record of three meetings in the Senate House. 1857, 1859, ^9'^!' Londoriy 1908 LLOYD (T.) An essay on the literary beauties of the Scriptures. 40 1784 LLOYD (W.) Chronological account of the life of Pythagoras. London^ ^^99 LOCAL Examinations. Examination of students who are not members of the University. First (-fifteenth) Annual Report of Syndicate. . 1859-73 Regulations, 1863, 1869. 1863-9 Proposed admission of girls. Memorial. n.p. (1864) Report of a discussion on the proposed admission of girls. London^ 1864 The proposed admission of girls to the University Local Examinations. Committee's statement. London [1864] Reasons for the extension of the University Local Examinations to girls. n.p. [1864] Results of the University Local Examinations in Liverpool. n.p. 1865 Proposed admission of girls. (Repr. from The Museum and Engl. Journ. of Education.) London^ 1865 Examination for women. Report of Syndicate, 1869, 1870, 1871. 1869-71 Examination Papers and Regulations, 1870-1, 1871-2. 1871-2 Examination Papers and Regulations, 1869-70, 1870-71, 188 1-2. 1870-82 Class Lists. Dec. 1868, Dec. 1869, Dec. 1870 (Boys only). 1869-71 Dec. 1871. 1872 Dec. 1873. 1874 Dec. 1874. (Girls only.) 1875 Regulations for the promotion of home study. 1888 LOCAL Government in Cambridge. 1885 Fly-sheets relating to Local Government in Cambridge, 1884- 1888 152 LOCAL LOCAL Lectures. Report to the Syndicate for conducting lectures in populous places. By W. M. Ede. 1875 Report of a Conference in the Senate House, 9 March, 1887. 1887 Syllabus of lectures on English poets of the modern school. By G. C. Moore Smith. 1889 Report of Syndicate on course of study in the Long Vacation of 1891. 1891 Syllabus of a course of six lectures on elementary principles of Chemistry. By R. S. Morrell. 1891 Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on elementary principles of Chemistry. By J. Percival. 1891 Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on plant life. By W. D. Bottomley. 1891 Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on plant and animal life. By T. B. Wood. 1 89 1 Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on Agricultural Chemistry. By R. H. Adie. 1891 Syllabus of a course of lectures on Agricultural Geology. By P. Lake. 1891 Syllabus of a course of lectures on injurious Insects. By C. Warburton. 1891 Syllabus of a course of lectures on Experimental Mechanics. By T. H. Easterfield. 1891 Syllabus of a course of lectures on Modern France. By G. Lowes Dickinson. 1891 Third Annual Report of Local Lectures Association. 1891 Report on instruction in technical science given under the County Councils of Devonshire and Norfolk. 1891 Programme of fourth Summer meeting to be held at Cambridge, 29 July-26 Aug. 1893. 1893 2nd ed. 1893 Report of the fourth Summer meeting, 29 July-26 Aug. 1893. 1893 Table of Lectures, etc. for fourth Summer meeting at Cambridge, 29 July-26 Aug. 1893. 1893 Work of the Universities for the nation. Inaugural lecture at Guildhall, 29 July, 1893. By R. C. Jebb. 1893 Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on the making and sharing of wealth. By A. Milner. 1895 Programme of Summer meeting to be held at Cambridge, 30 July- 24 Aug. 1896. 1896 Report of a Conference in the Senate House, 6, 7 July, 1898. 1898 Syllabus of a course of ten lectures on the beginnings of modern music. By Mrs J. M. E. Brownlow. 1899 Time-table of Summer meeting, Aug. 2-Aug. 27, 1900. 1900 Programme of Summer meeting, Aug. 2-Aug. 27, 1900. 1900 Syllabus of a course of lectures on Monastic life in the Middle Ages. By D. H. S. Cranage. 1900 Time-table of Summer meeting, Pt 2, Aug. 14-26. 1902 LOCAL LUARD 153 LOCAL Lectures. Programme of Summer meeting, Aug. 1-26. 1902 Syllabuses of Lectures, etc. 1902 Time-table of Summer meeting, Aug. 2-28. 1906 Time-table of Summer meeting, July i8-Aug. 13. 1908 LOCK (J.B.) On the planning of collegiate buildings. {Journ. Roy. Inst. Brit. Architects.) 4° London^ 1904 LOCKE (J.) A syllabus of Locke's Essay on the human understanding. 7th ed. London, 1820 See also Grotius (H.). LODGE (J.) Oratio Procuratoris senioris (4 Nov. 1833). 1833 LODGING Houses. Alphabetical list of persons licensed by the V.-C, 1819. (1819) Request of Vice-Chancellor and Proctors that Tutors will examine, 13 May, 1823. 40 1823 LOITERER. 1789-90. 2 vols. Oxford, 1790 Another periodical. Vol. i. Nos. 1-8. Nov. 12-Dec. 31, 1796. n.p. 1796 LONG (R.) The music speech spoken at the Public Commencement, July 6, 1 7 14. 3rd ed. London (1714J Commencement Sermon. 30 June, 1728 (afternoon). 4° 1728 Another ed. 1728 The rights of Churches and Colleges defended. By Dicaiophilus Cantabrigiensis [i.e. R. Long]. London, 1731 Two music speeches at Cambridge spoken at Public Commencements in the years 17 14 and 1730. By R. Long and John Taylor. Ed. by John Nichols. London, 18 19 LORD (H.W.) The Highway of the Seas in time of War. 1862 LORT (M.) See Projecte, 1769. LOSEBY (P.J.) Elijah, (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1901.) 1902 Barnabas. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1907.) ^9°? LOTOS Club. A Wreath of Songs. By the Cambridge Lotos Club. 1880 New songs. By the Cambridge Lotos Club. (Bowes 2747.) 1881 LOVE (R.) The Watchman's Watchword. Sermon... 30 March, 1641. 40 1642 Oratio habita in Academia Cantabrigiensi in solenni magnorum Comitiorum die, anno Domini mdclx. 4° 1660 Oratio habita... anno i66o. 2* ed., cui adjungitur Oratiuncula qua Dr Lovc.Regem allocutus est, cum legati Acad. Cant. Aulam Regiam primum gratulatum accederent... 4° 1660 LOWNDES (G.A.) The history of Hatfield Broad Oak. {Trans. Essex Arch. Soc, N.S., i.) n.p. 1874 LOWTH (R.) Life of William of Wykeham, Bp of Winchester. Oxford, 1777 LUARD (H.R.) Porson. {Cambridge Essays.) London, 1857 On the Proposal that the Fellowships [of Trinity College] be open to all B.As of the College who have obtained a place in the first class of any Tripos. (^857) 154 LUARD LYNN LUARD (H.R.). Remarks on the Cambridge University Commissioners' draft of proposed new statutes for Trinity College. 1858 Remarks on the present condition and proposed restoration of the Church of Great St Mary's. i860 On the proposed title A.C., to be given to those who pass the Middle Class examination. (i860) Suggestions on (i) the election of the Council ; (2) the duties of the V ice-Chancellor ; (3) the establishment of a Historical Tripos. 1866 A chronological list of documents in the University Registry which concern the University Library. (3 copies, annotated by J. W. Clark.) 1870 The Victory that overcometh the World. Sermon on death of F. D. Maurice. 1872 Sermon on recovery of Prince of Wales, Feb. 27, 1872. 1872 A list of the documents in the University Registry from 1266 to 1544 {C.J.S.) 1876 On the relations between England and Rome during the reign of Henry III. 1877 Funeral sermon for H. R. Luard, by J. E. B. Mayor. 12° (1891) Catalogue of his library, sold Nov. 1 89 1. London, 1 891 Luard Memorial series. See Grace Book. See also Graduati, 1873, 1884; Rud (E.), Diary, i860; Shakespeare, Richard the Second, i860. LUCKOCK (H.M.) In piam memoriam Jacobi Russell, Episc. Eliensis. n.p. (1885) LUCY (E.) A Loyal Whig's Reflections upon the late Elections. 1886 LUDERE quae vellem Calamo. {London^ 1822) LUDLAM (W. and T.) Remarks by T. Ludlam on the scurrilous reflections cast upon W. and T. Ludlam, by Dr Milner, Master of Queens' Coll. Leicester (1801) LUND (T.) An exposure of a recent attempt at book-making [Tod- hunter's Algebra] in the University of Cambridge. 4° London^ 1858 Reply to above, by I. Tod hunter. 1858 LUSHINGTON (F.) Points of War. 1854 LUSHINGTON (H. and F.) Two battle-pieces. 1855 La Nation boutiqui^re and other Poems. — Points of War. 1855 LUXMOORE (H.E.) Noblesse oblige. A plea for the preservation of Eton buildings. 40 Eton^ 1885 Some Views and Opinions of Sparrow on House-tops, extracted by Peccator Maxim us [H. E. Luxmoore]. 4° Eton^ 1885 LYNAM (C.) Architectural notes on Thorney Abbey. {Journ. Brit. Arch. Assoc, xxxv.) {London, 1878) LYNN. The history of the. . .navigation of the port of King's-Lyn, and of Cambridge. By John Armstrong. F^ London, 1725 Another ed. Fo London, 1766 LYNN LYTTELTON 155 LYNN. The history of Lynn. By WiUiam Richards, 2 vols. Lynriy 1812 The making of Lynn. A lecture. By E. M. Beloe. Lynn^ 1891 LYONS (L) An Hebrew Grammar. 1735 Observations relating to Scripture history. 1768 LYSONS (D.) and Lysons (S.) Magna Britannia. Cambridgeshire. 40 London^ 1 808 LYTE (H.C.M.) A history of Eton College, 1440-1875. London^ 1875 New ed. 1440- 1884. London^ 1 889 A history of the University of Oxford from the earliest times to the year 1530. London^ 1886 LYTTELTON (A.T.) List of subscribers to his portrait, by Furse, given to Selwyn College, 3 Dec. 1894. 1894 Order of Service at his funeral, 24 Feb. 1903. ^9^3 LYTTELTON (E.) Athletics in Public Schools. {Nineteenth Century^ Jan. 1880.) 156 M MABERLEY (F.H.) The melancholy and awful death of Lawrence Dundas, an undergraduate of Trinity College, Cambridge. London^ 1818 2nd ed. London^ 18 18 An answer to the Rev. F. H. Maberley's pamphlet on the death of Lawrence Dundas. 2nd ed. London^ 1818 Remarks on the Maberleyan controversy. By R. C. London^ 1 8 1 8 See also Lawson (M.). MACALISTER (A.) Testimonials. Candidate for the Professorship of Anatomy in Univ. of Dublin. Dublin^ 1879 Report on the Oxford Museums, 14 March, 1891. n.p. 1891 On the arrangement, etc. of the Oxford Museum of Science. n.p. 1 89 1 History of the study of Anatomy in Cambridge. Lecture. 1891 James Macartney. A memoir. London^ 1900 MacALISTER [Sir D.) Testimonials. Physician to Addenbrooke's Hospital. 1884 Biographical notice of Prof. J. C. Adams. {Eagle, March, 1892.) 1892 Advanced Study and Research in the University of Cambridge. 1896 Echoes. (Verses.) ^9*^7 MACANDREW Collection of British Shells. See Cooke (A. H.). MACARTNEY (J.) Memoir. By Alex. MacAlister. London, i goo MACAULAY (J.) Prof. Adam Sedgwick. {Leisure Hour, October, 1890.) MACBETH (R.W.) In the Fens. {Engl. Il/ustr. Mag., Nov. 1883.) McBRYDEQ.) The Story of a Troll-Hunt. (Ed. by M. R.James.) 40 1904 McCLELLAN (J.B.) The Fourth Nicene Canon. 1870 MACFARLANE (C.) The Camp of Refuge. 2 vols, in i. 12° London, 1844 MACKENZIE (C.F.) Memoir. By Harvey Goodwin. 1864 MACKENZIE (F.) Observations on the construction of the roof of Kiiig's College Chapel, Cambridge. 4° London, 184O MACKENZIE (F.L.) Early death not premature. A memoir of F. L. M. By C. P. Miles. London, 1856 4th ed. London, 1863 MACLAURIN (C.) Account of Sir I. Newton's Philosophical Dis- coveries. Publ. by P. Murdoch. 4° London, 1 748 MACLEANE MAITLAND 157 MACLEANE (D.) Pembroke College, Oxford. (College histories.) London^ 1900 MACLEOD (H.D.) Thoughts on the forthcoming election of a Professor of Political Economy. 1863 Address, Oct. 8, 1863.— Poll, 27 Nov. 1863. Fo 1863 MACMILLAN (A.) Letters. Edited by G. A. Macmillan. London^ 1908 MACMILLAN (D.) Memoir. By Thomas Hughes. London^ 1882 MACRAY (W.D.) Notes from the muniments of St Mary Magdalen College, Oxford, from the twelfth to the seventeenth century. Oxfordy 1882 See Parnassus Plays. McTAGGART (J.M.E.) Dare to be wise. Address before the "Heretics." 1910 MADAN (F.) Rough list of manuscript materials relating to the history of Oxford. Oxfordy 1887 5^^ also Neale (T.). MAGDALENE College. Magdalene College. By E. K. Purnell. (College histories.) London^ 1904 Magdalene College Magazine. Nos. 1-4. 1909-10 MAGNt^SSON (E.) Design for a Library. 1885 MAGPIE and Stump Debating Society. New Court- Circulars, March, 1892. 40 1892 Verbatim Report of mock trial held 2 Dec. 1892. 1893 Comic handbill, 21 Nov. 1896. 1890 Comic poster, 24 Nov. 1899. '899 Poster " Vote for Gordon." n.d. MAGRATH (J. R.) University Reform. Oxford^ 1876 MAINE [Sir H.J.S.) The early history of the property of married women. Manchester^ 1873 The effects of observation of India on modern European thought. (Rede Lecture.) London^ 1875 Plato. Unsuccessful Prize Poem, 1843. (Reprinted by J. W. Clark.) 1894 MAINWARING (J.) Sermon. ..29 May, 1775. 4° 1775 Sermon... 1 8 May, 1776. 40 1776 Sermon. ..30 Nov. 1777. 40 1778 Sermon. ..3 May, 1795. 4° 1795 MAITLAND (F.W.) Why the history of English law is not written. Inaugural lecture. Londoriy 1888 Township and Borough. 1 898 The Life and Letters of Leslie Stephen. London^ 1906 Bibliography, by A. L. Smith. Oxford, 1907 Report of the proceedings at a meeting for promoting a memorial to F. W, M., I June, 1907. (Reporter.) F. W. Maitland. Two Lectures and a Bibliography. By A. L. Smith. See Barnwell, 1907; Borough Charters, 1901. Oxfordy 1908 158 MALDEN MARGARET MALDEN (H.) An account of King's College Chapel, in Cambridge. (Pp. 91. 9 errata.) 1769 Another state. (Pp. 96. No errata.) 17^9 MALDEN (H.), Trin. On the origin of Universities and Academical Degrees. London^ 1835 MALDEN (H.E.) Trinity Hall. (College histories.) London^ 1902 MALTBY (E.) A sermon preached before the University of Cam- bridge, June 29, 1806, being Commencement Sunday. 4° 1806 M AND AT-GR ANCE Y {Baron E. de) Chez John Bull. Paris, 1 895 MANDELL (W.) Preparation for death.. .A sermon preached in Queens' College, Cambridge, on occasion of the death of B. A. Keck, Scholar of that Society. 181 5 Blessedness of dying in the Lord. A sermon preached in Queens' College on occasion of the death of King George IIL 1820 The Victorious Christian's Reward. A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, 19 Jan. 1823. 1823 The vanity of man as mortal. A sermon on occasion of the death of H.R.H. the Duke of York, preached in the parish church of Histon, Jan. 21, 1827. " 1827 Youthful religion recommended. A sermon preached in the Chapel of Queens' College, Cambridge, Nov. 18, 1832. 1832 The example of eminent Christians a pattern for imitation. A sermon preached... Nov. 20, 1836, on occasion of the death of the Rev. C. Simeon. 1836 MANNING (C.R.) Monuments of the De Burgh and Ingoldsthorpe families, in Burgh Green Church. {Arch. Journ.y xxxiv.) {London, 1877) MANNING (G.W.) Whittlesey revisited, with a special reference to the restored church of St Andrew. Whittlesey, 1874 MANNINGHAM (T.) Concio...Jul. 3, 1724. 40 Londini, 1^24 MANSEL (H.L.) Scenes from an unfinished drama entitled Phron- tisterion, or Oxford in the 19th century. 4th ed. Oxford, 1852 5th ed. Oxford, 1861 Examination of F. D. Maurice's Strictures on the Bampton Lectures of 1858. London, 185^ MANSEL (W.L.) Gulielmum Lort Mansel, A.M. Oratorem pub- licum Cantabrigiensem, servuli sui versicoloris in Anglia jam commorantis diutius negligentem, iambo armatus proprio compellat Psittacus Pseudo-Archilochaeus. (Signed T. M., Nov. 1793.) 4°»-A (1793) MANSFIELD (J.) Petition to the Chancellor, 15 July, 1799. Fo 1799 MAPLETOFT (J.) See Clare College, 1746, 1748, and 1755. MARCUS (O.C.) Testimonials. 1864 MARGARET, Countess of Richmond and Derby. Funeral sermon. By Bishop Fisher. Ed. by T. Baker. London, 1708 Ed. by J. Hymers. 1840 Life. By Caroline A. Halsted. London, i^'^C) Memoir. By C. H. Cooper. 1874 MARILLIER MARSH 159 MARILLIER (H.C.) University Magazines and their makers. (Odd Volumes opuscula, xlvii.) 12° London, 1899 Another ed. 12° London, i()02 MARKBY (T.) Funeral sermon, by H. Latham. (1870) MARLOWE (C.) The Tragical History of Dr Faustus, as performed at Cambridge by the Elizabethan Stage See, i Nov. With programme. London, 1904 MARR (J.E.) The classification of the Cambrian and Silurian rocks. (Sedgwick Prize Essay.) 1883 The earth history of the remote past compared with that of recent times. 1886 Marr (J.E.) and Shipley (A.E.) Handbook to the Natural History of Cambridgeshire. 1904 MARRIOTT (C.) Letter to...W. E. Gladstone... on some of the provisions of the Oxford University Bill. Oxford, 1854 MARRIOTT (C.H.) A glance at Cambridge Undergraduates. 2nd ed. 1890 MARRIOTT {Sir J.) Two poems presented to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, Chancellor... April, 1755. 4P London, 1755 Poems written chiefly at the University of Cambridge ; together with a Latin Oration. n.p. i76o(-i) The rights and privileges of both the Universities and of the Uni- versity of Cambridge in particular defended... Also an Argument in the case of the Colleges of Christ and Emmanuel. 1769 MARSDEN (J.H.) Two introductory lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge. 1852 Memoir of W. M. Leake. 40 London, 1864 MARSH (F.H.) Inaugural Lecture as Professor of Surgery. 1904 MARSH (H.) The authenticity of the five Books of Moses con- sidered. 40 1792 Letters to Archdeacon Travis, in vindication of one of the translator's notes to Michaelis's Introduction, etc. Leipzig, 1795 A Dissertation on the origin and composition of our three first canonical Gospels. 1 80 1 Letters to the anonymous author [J. Randolph] of Remarks on Michaelis and his Commentator. London, 1802 An Illustration of the hypothesis proposed in the Dissertation on the origin and composition of our three first Canonical Gospels. 1803 A defence of the Illustration of the hypothesis proposed in the Dissertation on the origin... of the Gospels. 1804 Memoir of Thomas Jones. 1808 A course of lectures [on Divinity]. Part i. 1809 A letter to the conductor of the Critical Review on the subject of Religious Toleration. 18 10 A course of lectures [on Divinity]. 4 parts in i vol. (Pts. i, 2 are of2nded.) 1810-16 Address to the Senate... occasioned by the proposal to introduce in this place an Auxiliary Bible Society, 25 Nov. 181 1. (Farish's Report, p. 56.) 1812 i6o MARSH MARSHALL MARSH (H.). Letter to H. M., occasioned by his Address to the Senate. By N. Vansittart. London^ 1811 Another ed. (Farish's Report, p. 61.) 1812 The question examined, whether the friends of the Duke or Gloucester... are the enemies of the Church. 181 1 Remarks submitted to the readers of Dr Marsh's pamphlet. 1 8 1 1 A defence of The question examined... 18 1 1 A Vindication of Dr Bell's System of Tuition, in a series of letters. London^ 181 1 A letter to the Hon. N. Vansittart. Being an answer to his second letter on the British and Foreign Bible Society. London^ 1812 An inquiry into the consequences of neglecting to give the Prayer Book with the Bible. 18 12 2nd ed. London^ 18 12 4th ed. London^ 181 2 A history of the translations which have been made of the Scriptures... London^ 1812 A course of lectures [on Divinity]. Part 3. 1813 A letter to the Rev. Peter Gandolphy, in confutation of the opinion that the vital principle of the Reformation has been lately conceded to the Church of Rome. 1 8 1 3 A letter to the Rev. H. M., in confutation of his opinion, That the Dissenters are aiming at the subversion of the religious establish- ment of this country, in order to possess its honours and emoluments etc. By a Protestant Dissenter, and a Layman. London^ 181 3 A letter of explanation to the Dissenter and Layman, who has lately addressed himself to the author on the views of the Protestant Dissenters. 1813 A reply to the strictures of the Rev. L Milner. 1 8 1 3 2nd ed. 1813 A letter to the Rev. C. Simeon, in answer to his pretended con- gratulatory address, in confutation of his various mis-statements, etc. 1813 A second letter to the Rev. C. Simeon, in confutation of his various mis-statements, etc. 18 13 A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge on Commence- ment Sunday, July 4, 181 3. 18 13 A course of lectures [on Divinity]. Part 4. 1816 A Charge delivered at his primary visitation, Aug. 181 7. 1817 A course of lectures [on Divinity]. Part 6. 1822 See also Bible Society; Clarke (E. D.) ; Gandolphy (P.); Milner (L) ; Simeon (C). MARSH (W.) Remarks on the University system of education as affected by the adoption of the late Syndicate Report. (2 editions.) 1848 Remarks addressed to the Studies Syndicate. 1853 MARSHALL (A.) A plea for the creation of a curriculum in Economics and associated branches of Political Science. 1902 MARSHALL MARY'S i6i MARSHALL (A.). Selection of letters recommending an Economics Tripos. ^9^3 The new Cambridge curriculum jn Economics. London^ 1903 Introduction to the tripos in Economics and associated branches of Political Science. 1906 MARSHALL (A.H.) The " A.D.C." {Pall Mall Magazine, Aug. and Sept. 1896.) Peter Binney, Undergraduate. London, 1899 MARSHALL (A.M.f Account of his death. By Joseph Collier. {Owens Coll. Union Mag.^ N.S., No. 2.) 4° Manchester, 1894 MARSHALL (B.A.) Byzantium and other Poems. 1831 MARTIN (B.) The Natural History of England. Cambridgeshire. London [1763 ?] MARTIN (F.) On the tenure of the Lucasian Professorship with a lay-fellowship. 1857 On sizarships and subsizarships at Trinity College. 1857 On Mr Clark's proposal i. That the vacant sizarships be competed for by persons not yet resident. 2. That the subsizarships be abolished, etc. 1857 Remarks on the... passage in Bp Monk's life of Dr Bentley (p. 610, 4to ed. ; Vol. II. p. 352, 8vo ed.) relating to words occurring in the 40th Chapter of the Statutes of Trinity College. 1857 Table of students who were matriculated and who took the B.A. degree... in Trinity College...! 83 i-i 840. 1862 On composition for annual payments to the University, College, and Town. 1866 MARTYN (H.) Memoir. By John Sargent. 3rd ed. London, 18 19 loth ed. London, 1830 Henry Martyn. A sermon by H. M. Butler, 17 Oct. 1887. 1887 MARTYN (J.) The first lecture of a course of Botany j being an introduction to the rest. London, 1729 Memoirs of J. Martyn and of Thomas Martyn, Professors of Botany in the University of Cambridge. By G. C. Gorham. Londotif 1830 MARTYN (T.) Chronological series of engravers. ^770 Catalogus Horti Botanici Cantabrigiensis. (-(-Mantissa.) 1771-2 Elements of Natural History. 1775 Thirty-eight plates, with explanations, intended to illustrate Linnaeus's System of Vegetables. London, lygg Rousseau's Letters on the elements of botany. Transl. with ad- ditional Letters by T. Martyn. 8th ed. London, 1815 MARY'S (St) the Great. Selection of sacred music to be performed, 28 June, 1811. (i8ii) Anthem by F. A. Rawdon, performed... 30 June, 18 11. (18 11) Fly-sheets, notices, etc. from 1828. 1828- St Mary's Chimes. No. i. [By R. W. Belt.] 1840 An apology for standing during the singing at Gt St Mary's Church. (1840) Great St Mary's and the Union, or shall we stand or sit? 1840 CL. c. XI i62 MARY'S MASTERS MARY'S (St) the Great. Observations on Great St Marfs and the Union. 1840 Letter to the Author of Great St Marfs and the Union. 1 840 Why should we stand ? Letter... 1840 Don't you think so ? Answer to above. 1840 Annals of the Church of St Mary the Great. By E. Venables. London .^ 1 856 Reasons why the University should not surrender its jurisdiction with respect to Great St Mary's Pulpit. By C. Hardwick. 1857 Plea for University Sermons on Sunday mornings. [By T. H. Candy.] (1858) The Morning University Sermon. By J. C. Franks. (1858) Remarks on the present condition and proposed restoration of the Church of Great St Mary's. By H. R. Luard. i860 On the proposed alterations in Great St Mary's Church. By W. Whewell. i860 A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, Feb. 2, 1864, at the re-opening of Great St Mary's Church. By J. A. Jeremie. 1864 Suggested alterations. By W. Cunningham. 1891 Accounts for repairs, 6 Jan. 1894. 1894 MARY'S (St) the Less. Annals of the Church of St Mary the Less. By J. W. Clark. {Ecclesiologist, Oct. 1857.) Form of service for opening new vestries, etc. 1892 Appeal for funds to pay off building debt, March, 1894. 1894 MASON (A.J.) See Lady Margaret Professorship, 1895. MASON (G.E.) Steetley Chapel, 2 June, 1883. Worksop, 1883 Claudia. A tragedy. London, 1897 MASON (J.) John the Baptist. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1868.) 1868 MASON (P.H.) Strictures upon an article (signed C. B. S[cott]) in No. 4 of the Cambridge Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology. Letters on various subjects. Letter i. On supposed cruelties of 2 Sam. XII. 31. 1887 MASON (W.) Ode performed in the Senate House, i July, 1749, at Installation of the Duke of Newcastle. 4° 1749 Odes. 40 1756 Odes. 2nd ed. 40 1756 Memoirs of W. Whitehead. (Whitehead's Plays and Poems, 3.) 120 r<7r>^, 1788 MASSEY (J.) A catalogue of paintings, drawings, etc. bequeathed to the University by Daniel Mesman in 1834. 1835 Another ed. 1846 MASTERS (R.) List of names [etc.] of all... members of Corpus Christi College. With proposals for printing the history of the College. (Dec. i, 1749 and March i, 1749-50.) 40 1750 The history of the College of Corpus Christi in the University of Cambridge. 40 1753 Large Paper copy. 40 1753 MASTERS MAUDSLAY 163 MASTERS (R.) Memoirs of the life of T. Baker, from the papers of Z. Grey. With Catalogue of his MS. collections. 1784 Short account of...Waterbeach. n.p. 1795 History of the College of Corpus Christi, Cambridge. With con- tinuation by John Lamb. 40 1831. MATHEMATICAL Tripos. Report of the Syndicate suggesting changes in the Mathematical Tripos, 4 June, 1827. Fo 1827 Report of Syndicate appointed to consider the possibility of corre- spondence between Mathematical and Classical examinations, 25 Feb. 1843. Fo 1843 Fly-sheets etc. relating to the Mathematical Tripos, from 1846. 1846- The Mathematical Tripos. By H. A. Morgan. 1871 Letters to the Mathematical Tripos Syndicate, Oct. 1877. By W. W. R. Ball. 4° 1877 The Mathematical Tripos. By H. W. Watson. London^ 1877 The origin and history of the Mathematical Tripos. By W. W. R. Ball. 1880 The Mathematical Tripos. By J. W. L. Glaisher. London^ 1886 Fly-sheets called forth by the Reports of the Special Board for Mathematics, dated 7 Nov. 1899, 20 Jan. 1900. 4° 1899-1900 MATHEMATOGONIA. Maevfiaroyovia. The mythological birth of the nymph Mathesis. [By T. S. Evans.] 1839 MATHEWS (CM.) and Mathews (W.C.) Everyman's Education. A morality play. Birmingham^ 1903 MATHIAS (G.H.D.) English B.A.'s and Prussian Freshmen. London^ 1868 MATHIAS (T.J.) Latin essay (Members' Prize). 4° 1775 Oratio habita in sacello Coll. Trin. Cant, festo S.S. Trinitatis redeunte, 1779. 4° 1779 The Pursuits of Literature. 8th ed. London, 1798 14th ed. London, 1898 Remarks [by John Mainwaring] on the Pursuits of Literature [of T. J. Mathias]. 1798 MATHISON (M.) Letters. London, 1875 MATRICULATIONS. The Book of Matriculations and Degrees, 1851-1900. (Ed. by J. W. Clark and J. F. E. Faning.) 1902 MATTHEW & Son. Tariff at Caf^, 14, Trinity Street. (1905) MATTHEW (H.J.) Shops or stores ? 1879 MATTHEW'S (St) Parish. Annual Report 1 896-1 903, 1906, 1908, 1909. 1 896-1909 MATTHEWS (J.B.) Testimonials. Candidate for the Rectory of Ovington. 1883 MATTY (H.) Oratio... septimo Kal. Julias. 4° 1766 MAUDSLAY (A.G.) Explorations in Guatemala. [Proc. Roy. Geog. Soc.) {London, 1883) Explorations of the ruins and site of Copan, Central America. {Proc. Roy. Geog. Soc.) {London, 1886) II — 2 1 64 MAURICE MAYFLY MAURICE (F.D.) Subscription no bondage. By Rusticus (F.D.M.). Oxford^ 1835 Reasons for not joining a party in the Church. A letter to the Ven. Sam. Wilberforce. London^ 1841 Three letters to the Rev. W. Palmer, Fellow of Magd. Coll. Oxford, on the name "Protestant," etc. London^ 1842 2nd ed. London^ 1842 Letter on the attempt to defeat the nomination of Dr Hampden. London^ 1847 Thoughts on the duty of a Protestant in the present Oxford Election. London^ 1847 Queen's College, London. Letter to the Bp of London in reply to article in Quarterly Review. London^ 1850 The word " Eternal " and the punishment of the Wicked. Letter toDrJelf. 1853 King's College and Mr Maurice. No. i. The Facts. By a Barrister of Lincoln's Inn [J. M. Ludlow]. London^ 1854 The faith of the Liturgy and the doctrine of the Thirty-nine Articles. Two sermons. i860 Address of congratulation to the Rev. F. D. M. on his nomination to St Peter's, Vere St, with his reply. i860 Casuistry, moral philosophy, and moral theology. A lecture. 1 2° London^ 1 866 The Light of Men. A sermon preached in Great St Andrew's Church, Cambridge, Advent Sunday, 1868, in behalf of the Industrial School. 1868 Christian Education. Two sermons preached on behalf of the Old Schools, 20 Nov. 1870. 1870 The character of the writings of F. D. Maurice. By C. Perry, Bp of Melbourne. n.p. 1859 In memoriam F. D. Maurice. By Charles Kingsley. {Macmillan^s Mag., May, 1872.) The Victory that overcometh the World. A sermon preached at St Edward's Church, Cambridge, on the Sunday after the death of the Rev. F. D. Maurice. By H. R. Luard. 1872 See also Chretien (C. P.) ; Jelf (R. W.) ; Mansel (H. L.). MAXWELL (G.M.) See True Blue. MAXWELL (J.C.) Introductory lecture on Experimental Physics, Oct. 25, 1 87 1. London^ 1871 Life. By L. Campbell and William Garnett. London, 1882 MAY BEE. Nos. 1-7. June 4-1 1, 1884. 40 1884 The May Bee and other Bees. Including gems from the May Bee, Cambridge Meteor, and Friends in Pencil. May, 1906. 4° 1906 MAY Term and Maidens. By " Growler " [i.e. B. B. Watson, Trin.]. 1901 MAYFLY. Directed by present Etonians. Nos. 1-3. May 16, 189 1- June 24, 1 89 1. (Harcourt's Eton bibliography, p. 88.) Eton, 1891 MAYOR MEDICINE 165 MAYOR (J.B.) Remarks on the proposal to grant the Degree of B.A. to persons who have obtained honours in the Moral Sciences Tripos. i860 Considerations upon the Poll course. 1862 Further considerations upon the Poll course. 1863 Affiliation of local Colleges to the Universities of Oxford and Cam- bridge. Londotiy 1874 The End of the Century. Sermon. London, ic)0l MAYOR (J.E.B.) On placing a bust of the late Town-Clerk (C. H. Cooper) in the Guildhall. Letter to Swann Hurrell, Mayor. 1866 Facts and documents relating to the persecutions endured by Old Catholics. 1875 Scholarships and Fellowships. A letter to the University of Cam- bridge Commissioners. 1878 Modicus cibi medicus sibi, or Nature her own physician. 1880 The Peace of God. A sermon. St John's, 22 Oct. 1882. 1882 Luther and good works. 1883 In Memoriam : Isaac Todhunter. [Camb. Review.) 1884 Mutato nomine. [On the teaching of the Classics.] 1891 Xireiperat aeo/xa -y^vyLKov, eyeiperaL a-oyfjua irvevfiaTtKov. [On Registrary H. R. Luard. From a Commemoration Sermon at St John's College, 6 May, 1891.] 1891 Memoir of Charles Cardale Babington. {Eagle.) 1895 A Goodly Heritage. Commencement Sermon, 17 June, 1900. (1900) F. H. Reusch. 1901 Commemoration Sermon. St John's, 4 May, 1902. {Eagle.) 1902 An Infant School. 1905 The Church of Scotland. Sermon... 6 Dec. 1908. 1908 See Ascham (R.), 1863; Bonwicke (A.), 1870; Cambridge in the xviith century, 1855-71 ; Cambridge under Queen Anne [1 870-1]; Cooper (C.H.), 1874; Hare (J. C), 1873; John's (St) College, 1859, 1869, 1882; Library, 1863-6; Williams (J.), 1866. MEAT Scandals. See College Meat Scandals. MEDE (J.) Diatribas. iii Part. Or, a continuation of certaine dis- courses on sundry texts of Scripture. 40 London, 1650 TlapaXeLiroiJLeva. Remaines on some passages in the Revelation. 40 London, 1650 A paraphrase and exposition of the prophesie of St Peter. 3rd ed. 40 London, 1652 Opuscula Latina ad rem apocalypticam fere spectantia. 4° 1652 . MEDICAL Society. Proceedings of the Cambridge Medical Society, 1880-81, 1884-1889. 1880-89 MEDICINE. Regulations for procedure in, 30 May, 1821. Graces. 1821 Fly-sheet signed " A Member of the Senate " against a Grace to exclude from M.B. degree those who have practiced pro mercede while in statu pupillari, 22 May, 1822. F" 1822 1 66 MEDICINE MICHAEL'S MEDICINE. Report of the Syndicate on additional regulations for the M.B. degree, Oct. 8, 1827. 1827 Letter to the Members of the Senate on the subject of the subscriptions required of Medical Graduates in the University. [By J. Haviland.] [1833] Fly-sheets, reports, etc. relating to Medical studies in the University from 1866. 1866- MELISSA. Sizar MacShandy. A legend of St Bede's College. 1885 MELVILL (H.) The Fall of Jericho. A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, Nov. 26, 1848. London^ 1848 MEMBERS' Prize. See Prolusiones. MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY (F.) St Paul. (King's College Chapel, March 14, 1884.) 40 1884 Elijah. (King's College Chapel, June ii, 1890.) 1890 Elijah. (King's College Chapel, June 17, 1896.) 1896 Elijah. (King's College Chapel, June 6, 1901.) 1901 MENDICITY. Resolutions carried at a meeting held at Magdalene College, 8 May, 1819, to consider the establishment of a Society for the suppression of Mendicity. F^ 1819 Special appeal on behalf of the Society, March, 1852. (1852) See also Charity Organization Society. MERCURIUS Rusticus : or, the Countries complaint of the barbarous outrages begun in the year 1 642.., [By B. Ryves.] 4th ed. [With] Querela Cantabrigiensis [by J. Barwick] [and] Mercurius Belgicus [by B. Ryves]. London^ 1723 MERIVALE (C.) The Church of England... Four Sermons preached before the University of Cambridge in November, 1838. 1839 A few words on University taxation. 1848 Open Fellowships. Letter to Philip Frere. 1858 Competition, Pagan and Christian. A sermon preached in St John's College Chapel, 6 May, 1868. 1868 St Etheldreda Festival. Summary of proceedings at Ely, Oct. 1873. Eiy^ 1873 Illustrated ed. Ely^ 1873 Obituary notice. By J. E. Sandys. {Eagle^ March, 1894.) ^^94 Autobiography and Letters. Ed. by Judith Anne Merivale. Oxford, 1898 MERTON (W. de) Sketch of the life of Walter de Merton. By Edmund [Hobhouse], Bp of Nelson. Oxford^ 1859 MESMAN (D.) Catalogue of paintings, drawings, etc. bequeathed by him to the University of Cambridge, in the year 1834. By John Massey. 1835 Another ed. 1846 MICHAEL'S (St) Church. Description. {Gentleman's Mag., April- May, 1 814.) (Bowes 1546.) A solemn appeal to the Bishop of Ely on the disorder and profaneness at St Michael's Church, Cambridge, on the occasion of the Confirmation there, June 20, 1833. By W. Cecil. 1833 MICHELL MILL 167 MICHELL (J.) Treatise on magnets. 1750 MICKLEBOROUGH (J.) The great duty of labour and work. Sermon preached. ..27 Jan. 1750-51. 1751 MICROCOSM. By Gregory Griffin [i.e. Geo. Canning, John Smith, Rob. Smith, J. H. Frere] of Eton. 3rd ed. 2 vols. (Harcourt's Eton bibliography^ 1 902, p. 18.) IVindsor^ 1793 MICROCOSMOGRAPHIA Academica, being a guide for the young academic politician, [^y F. M. Cornford.] 1908 MIDDLE Class Examinations. Letter, signed M.A., respecting use of arithmetic. {Camb. Chron.y 1857.) Examination of Students not Members of the University. First Report of the Syndicate. 1859 See also Jessopp (A.) ; Lightfoot (J. B.) ; Luard (H. R.) ; Roberts J.) ; ShiUeto (R.) ; Wratislaw (A. H.). MIDDLETON (C.) Full and Impartial Account of all the late proceedings against Dr Bentley. London^ 17^9 2nd ed. London^ 1719 Second Part of the Full and Impartial Account. London^ 1 7^9 Some Remarks upon a pamphlet [by A. A. Sykes] entitled, The Case of Dr Bentley farther stated... London^ 17 19 True Account of the present state of Trinity College. London^ 1720 Remarks upon Bentley*s Proposals for a new edition of the New Testament. 4° London^ 1721 2nd ed. 4° London^ 1721 Farther Remarks. 4° London^ 1721 Bibliothecae Cantabrigiensis ordinandae methodus. 4° 1723 Oratio de novo physiologiae explicandae munere, ex celebr. Wood- wardi testamento instituto. 4° Londiniy 1732 A Dissertation concerning the origin of Printing in England. 4° 1735 A free inquiry into the Miraculous Powers... in the Christian Church. Dublin^ 1749 Miscellaneous Works. 4 vols. ^° London^ i-] $2 Miscellaneous Tracts. ^° London^ 1752 MIDDLETON (J.H.) The engraved gems of classical times. With a catalogue of the gems in the Fitzwilliam Museum. 1891 Illuminated manuscripts in classical and mediaeval times, their art and their technique. 1892 MILES (C.P.) Early death not premature. A memoir of F. L. Mackenzie. Edinburgh^ 1856 4th ed. Londoriy 1863 MILL (W.H.) Observations on the attempted application of pantheistic principles to the theory of the Gospel. 1840 Praelectio theologica in scholis Cantabrigiensibus habita prid. Kal. Feb. 1843. 4° 1843 Analysis of Pearson on the Creed. 1843 Five sermons on the temptation of Christ. 1844 Sermons preached in Lent 1845, and on several former occasions. 1845 1 68 MILL MILTON MILL (W.H.). Five sermons on the nature of Christianity. London, 1 848 Four sermons preached before the University of Cambridge on 5 Nov. and the three Sundays preceding Advent, in 1848. 1849 Human Policy and Divine Truth. Sermon before the University, 17 March, 1850. 1850 Sermon preached on the foundation of Mrs Ramsden, before the Uni- versity of Cambridge, 22 May, 1853. 1853 MILLER (E.) Some remarks upon The Present State of Trinity College by R. Bentley. London, 17 10 An account of the University of Cambridge, and the Colleges there. London, 17 17 MILLER (S.H.) and Skertchly (S.B.J.) The Fenland, past and present. Wisbech, 1878 Review, by A. New^ton, from the Zoologist, Feb. 1879. The handbook to the Fenland. London (1889) 2nd ed. London (1890) MILLER ( W.H.) In Memoriam : W. H. Miller. By T. G. Bonney. {Eagle, Oct. 1880.) 1880 Memorial. By J. P. Cooke. [1881] Memorial {with Letters). By his Wife. [1881 ?] MILLERS (G.) A guide to the Cathedral Church and Collegiate buildings at Ely. 1805 . 2nd ed. 1820 4th ed. Ely, 1833 5th ed. Ely, 1838 A description of the Cathedral Church of Ely. 3rd ed. London, 1834 MILLINGTON (W.) Memoir. By G. Williams. 1858 MILLS (E.J.) To the Electors of the Jacksonian Professor of Experi- mental Philosophy in the University of Cambridge. Address. London, 1875 MILLS (J.W.) Judas Maccabaeus. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1877.) London, 1877 MILNER (I.) A plan of a course of Chemical Lectures. 1784 Animadversions on Dr Haweis's... History of the Church of Christ... being Preface to 2nd ed. of vol. i. of Jos. Milner's History of the Church of Christ. 1800 Further animadversions on Dr Haweis's misquotations and mis- representations of Mr Milner's History of the Church of Christ. 1801 Life. By his niece, Mary Milner. London, 1 842 See also Ludlam (W. and T.). MILNER (J.) View of Bentley's Dissertation upon...Phalaris. London, 1698 MILNES (A.) Syllabus of a course of lectures on the making and sharing of wealth (C. U. Local Lectures). 1895 MILTON (J.) See King (E.). MILTON Tercentenary. The portraits, prints, and writings of John Milton. Published in connection with the exhibition at MILTON MONK 169 MILTON Tercentenary. Christ's College, Cambridge. By G. C. Williamson and Charles Sayle. 4° 1908 2nd ed. 4° 1908 Special edition. 4° 1908 Invitation cards, notices, cuttings, etc. 40 1908 MINERALOGY (Professorship of) The King v. the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge. A Report of the above cause, in the Court of King's Bench : with the proceedings in the University in opposition to the right of nominating to the Professorship of Mineralogy claimed by the Heads of Colleges. 1824 Grace to appoint Syndicate with reference to Sir John Richardson's award in the matter of the Professorship of Mineralogy, 14 Nov. 1827. Fo(i827) MINIATURE. A periodical paper. By Solomon Grildrig of the College of Eton. (April 23, 1804-April i, 1805.) (Harcourt's Eton bibliography, p. 22.) London, 1805 MINNS (E.H.) Early Printed books to the year 1500 in the Library of Pembroke College. (Appended to Catalogue of MSS.) 1905 Application for directorship of Fitzwilliam Museum. 4° 1908 See also Russian Lectureship. MIRTH, a poem in answer to Warton's Pleasures of Melancholy. By a Gentleman of Cambridge (W. M[ason]). 4° London, 1774 MISCELLANEOUS Pieces, original and collected, ^y a Clergyman of Northamptonshire. London, 1787 MISS Green. A tragedy in one act (and that a rather foolish one). [By Harvey Goodwin.] 1865 MISSIONS. Mission to North India. Second Report. 1880 Report of London meeting, 22 June, 1885. 1885 Mission to South London. By A. Amos and W. W. Hough. 1904 Cambridge in South London. London, 19 10 5^^ also Anderson-Morshead (A. E. M.) ; Cambridge House ; Carlyon (H. C.) ; Lefroy (G. A.) ; Rowe Q. T.) ; Trinity Coll. Mission ; Universities' Mission. MOBERLY (G.) A few remarks on the proposed admission of Dissenters into the University of Oxford. Oxford, 1834 MOBERLY (G.H.) Life of William of Wykeham. Winchester and London, 1887 MOMUS. Nos. 1-3. March 3, 1866— March 15, 1869. [Ed. by E. H. Palmer, Job., G. A. Critchett, Cai., G. W. D. S. Forrest, Joh., W. H. Pollock, Trin., and others.] 40 1866-69 MONK (J.H.) Letter to the Rev. S. Butler, M.A., with Mr Butler's answer. 18 10 A sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, Dec. 16, 181 7, being the day appointed for the Commemoration of Benefactors of that Society. (^817) A vindication of the University of Cambridge from the reflections of Sir J. E. Smith. London, 18 18 2nd ed. London, 1818 I/O MONK MOORE MONK (J.H.). Appendix to same. 1819 Memoir of E. V. Blomfield. (From Museum Criticum^ no. 7.) (Two copies.) {London^ 1821) Statement against the view that no Greek Professor can proceed D.D. without vacating his professorship. 5 March, 1822. Fo 1822 The duty of attention to the original objects of academical institutions. A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, June 30, 1822. 40 1822 A letter to Philograntus [J. H. Monk], by Eubulus : being a sequel to a pamphlet, entitled Thoughts on the present system of Academic education in the University of Cambridge. London, 1822 A letter to John, Bishop of Bristol, respecting an additional examina- tion of students in the University of Cambridge. By Philograntus [J. H. M.]. 1822 Memoir of Dr James Duport. (From Museum Criticum, no. 8.) {London, 1826) The life of Richard Bentley. 4° London, 1830 2nd ed. 2 vols. London, 1833 A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, July 5, 1835, on occasion of the Installation of the Marquis Camden. 40 London, 1835 See also Smith {Sir J. E.). MONK (W.) See Livingstone (D.). MONMOUTH (James, Duke of) To... Prince James... on the happy solemnity of His Grace's inauguration in the Chancellorship of the University of Cambridge. F^ In the Savoy, 1674 MONTAGU (F.) Oratio in laudes Baconi. 1755 MONTALEMBERT (C. F., Comte de) A reprint of a letter addressed to a member of the Cambridge Camden Society, by M. le Comte de Montalembert. Accompanied with a few Remarks and Queries. By an Enquirer. Cheltenham, 1845 De I'avenir politique de I'Angleterre. 3^ ^d. Paris, 18^6 MONTMORENCY (J.E.G. de) Paul before Nero. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1909.) London, 1910 MOON (R.) An appeal to the Cambridge Philosophical Society in connexion with a recent decision of the Council. London, 1872 MOORE (N.) The President of the College of Physicians. London, 1899 Principles and practice of medicine. n.p. 1899 An address on Medical books. (Repr. from the Lancet.) London, 1906 The history of the study of medicine in the British Isles. Oxford, 1908 The Schola Salernitana. (Finlayson Memorial lecture.) Glasgow, 1908 See also Catharine's (St) College, 1868-9. MOORE (Walter) Cambridge. (Corporation Guides ser.) London [1909 ?] MOORE MOULD 171 MOORE (William) See Smith (T.). MORAL Sciences Tripos. Report of Syndicate on Regulations, 9 April, 1851. Fo 1851 Fly-sheets, etc. from 1859 relating to the Moral and Natural Sciences Tripos. 1859- See also Chrke (C. B.); Drosier (W. H.); GroteQ.); Mayor (J. B.); Roby (H. J.). MORE (H.) Life [and] Letters by Richard Ward. London^ 17 10 MORGAN (A.C.O.) Aladdin. Jesus College Hall, 3 Jan. 1899. 12° 1899 MORGAN (C.) Six philosophical dissertations. 4° 1770 MORGAN (H.A.) The tenure of Fellowships considered, especially with reference to College Tutors and Lecturers. 1871 The Mathematical Tripos. 1871 Morgan (H. A.) and Burn (R.) Letters on Reform. Fo 1876 The Church and Dissent in Wales. 1895 MORGAN (J.) History of St Andrew's the Great. 12° 1910 MORGAN (J.H.) and Barber (J.T.) Account of Aurora Borealis seen near Cambridge, 1847. [1847] MORLAND {Sir S.) A brief account of the life, writings, and inventions of Sir S. Morland. [By J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps.] 1 838 MORPHOLOGICAL Laboratory. Studies from the Morphological Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. Vols. 1-6. Ed. by F. M. Balfour and A. Sedgwick. London^ 1 880-1 896 MORRELL (R.S.) Syllabus of course of lectures on the elementary principles of Chemistry. 1891 MORRIS (J.) Letter of application for Woodwardian Professorship of Geology, 3 Feb. 1873. 40 n.p. 1873 MORRIS (M.) A Visit to Eton. [Engl. Illustr. Mag., Nov. 1884.) MORTLOCK (J.F.) A short history of J. F. M., detailing particulars of his life. 1835 Experiences of a Convict. 5 pts. Zon^on, 1864-5 Imaginary dialogues in Cambridge. London, 1866 Startling disclosures I for the benefit of needy Chancery suitors. London, 1867 Three dialogues. London, 1S6S Eighteen imaginary dialogues. Second Series. 1868 How I came to be a bankrupt. Respectfully dedicated to the Master of the Rolls. London, 1 868 MOSLEM in Cambridge. May i, 1890 [prophetic]. Nos. 1-3. Nov. 1870-April, 1 87 1. (Ed. by G. S. Davies. Bowes 2557.) 40 1 870-1 MOTHERS' Union. Address by Lady Frederick Cavendish. 1887 (Ely diocese.) nth Report. E/y, 1907 MOULD (J.G.) A sermon preached at the Commemoration of Benefactors in the Chapel of Corpus Christi College, Dec. 14, 1847. (1847) A sermon preached at the Consecration of the Chapel of the College of Corpus Christi, Cambridge, Nov. 2, 1870. 1870 172 MOULE MUNRO MOULE (H.C.G.) Christian Self-denial. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1869.) 1869 The Beloved Disciple. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1870.) 1870 Tyre. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1871.) 1871 The Gospel in Polynesia. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1872.) 1872 The Brazen Serpent. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1873.) ^^73 The Victory that overcometh the World. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1876.) 1876 Charles Simeon. London^ 1892 On the Holy Communion. A Sermon. 1898 Her children bless her. A sermon. 1901 " Wise Men and Scribes." A Commemoration sermon at Trinity. 1907 Our Great High Priest. A sermon. n.d. See also Ridley (N.). MOULTON (R.G.) Syllabus of a course of lectures delivered 1887, 1888. Ancient tragedies for English audiences. (Univ. Extension.) Sheffield, 1887-88 MOULTRIE (J.) Dream of Life. London, \%\l See Walker (W. S.). MOWAT (J.) See Handsworth. MOWBRAY (M.) Autobiography of a Cantab. Nos. 1-5. 1842 MOXON (J.H.H.) Fen floods and the lower Ouse. 1878 The Birds of the Fens. 1882 MOZART (W.A.) A record of the Cambridge Centenary Com- memoration. Ed. by Sedley Taylor. London, 1892 MOZLEY (H.N.) The stealthy advance of Vivisection. The John Lucas Walker Studentship. (With covering letters.) London (1886) MUDDLEHEAD (Ignotus Ignoramus) See Pilgrimage. MULLINGER (J.B.) Cambridge characteristics in the seventeenth century. London, 1867 The University of Cambridge from the earliest times to the Royal Injunctions of 1535 ( — to the accession of Charles I). 2 vols. 1873-84 Election to Clark Lectureship, Trinity College, Cambridge. Testi- monials of J. B. M. 40 1883 A history of the University of Cambridge. London, 1888 St John's College. (College histories.) London, 1901 Was Ben Jonson ever a member of our College ? {Eagle, June, 1904.) 1904 MUNRO (H.A.J.) Remarks on the Master of Trinity's criticism of Aristotle's account of Induction. 40 1850 Reply to C. B. Scott's Remarks on the same subject. 4° 1850 Explanation of a Latin Inscription given in Blakesley's Four months in Algeria, p. 285. 40 i860 Notice of the life of E. M. Cope. 1873 Translation of Gray's Elegy into Latin hexameters. 4° 1875 Translations into Latin and Greek verse. 4° 1884 MUNRO MUSICAL 173 MUNRO (H.A.J.). In Memoriam. By R. Burn. 1 885 Memorial sermon. Coutts Trotter, Ap. 26, 1885. 1885 Memorial article. By W. H. Thompson. {Joum. ofPhilologyf xiv.) {London, 1885) Catalogue of his library... sold... Nov. 16, 1885. 1885 MURCHISON (R.I.) Address delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Geological Society of London, 17 Feb. 1843. London^ 1843 MURDOCH (P.) See Maclaurin (C). MURRAY (A.) A catalogue of hardy plants in the Botanic Garden, Cambridge. 1850 MURRAY (J.) Gideon. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1839.) 1839 MURRAY (J.O.F.) F. J. A. Hort. [Emm. Coll. Mag.) 1893 MUSAE Anglicanae. Editio 4a. Vols, i., 11. London ^ 1^21 Vol. III. Oxfordy 1 7 17 Editio 5a. 12° Londoriy 1741 MUSAE Cantabrigienses, 18 10. See Prolusiones. MUSAE Seatonianae. See Seatonian Prize Poems. MUSEUM Criticum; or Cambridge Classical Researches. Vols, i, 2. (Bowes 1544.) 1826 MUSEUM of Archaeology. See Archaeology. MUSEUMS and Lecture Rooms Syndicate. Fly-sheets, etc. from 1853. 1853- Remarks on the Report of the Museums and Lecture Rooms Syndicate. ByJ. W.Clark. 1863 Reports for 1866-78, 1892, 1893, i^95' 4° 1866-95 Accounts, 1900. 40 1 90 1 MUSHROOM. A May Week Magazine. June 8, 1894. 4° 1894 MUSIC. See Concerts. MUSICAL Fund. Programme of two Concerts in the Town Hall, 14 and 15 Nov. 1826. Fo 1826 MUSICAL Society. Programmes of Concerts. 141, 147, 148, 150- 179, 180, 185, 189, 190, 192, 194, 197, 198, 199, 200, 203, 204, 206, 211, 212, 214, 215, 220, 221, 222, 224,225, 226, 229, 231, 245, 248, 251, 252. 1876-1906 Programmes. Wednesday Popular Concerts. 1876-1883 Another series. 1 889-1903 Proposition to perform Mendelssohn's "St Paul" in King's College Chapel, and Order of the Service. 1883-4 Accounts, 1885, 1889-90, 1895-6. Fo 1885-96 The Passion according to St Matthew. By J. S. Bach. King's College Chapel, 10 March, 1887. 40 1887 Dinner to Dr Joachim. Menu, list of guests, etc. 1889 The Passion according to St John. By J. S. Bach. Performed 6 March, 1890. 40 1890 Concert in Trinity College Chapel, 2 Dec. 1893. 4° ^^93 Rules. Easter Term, 1903. ^9^3 List of Members and Associates, 1904-5. ^905 174 MUSICAL MYERS MUSICAL Society. See also Amateur Musical Society ; Amateur Vocal Guild ; Choral Union ; Church Music Society. MYERS (F.W.H.) St Paul and Felix. (Written for the Seatonian Prize, 1867.) (1867) In memory of Henry Sidgwick. {Proc. Soc. Psychical Research.) London^ 1900 Fragments of Prose and Poetry. Ed. by his Wife. London, 1904 MYERS (T.) Essay on the influence of the Homeric Poems on the Greek nation. 1829 The influence of the Homeric Poems on the language, etc. of the Greeks. 1 830 On the intent and use of the gift of tongues. (Norrisian Prize Essay for 1832.) London^ 1833 175 N NAPLETON (J.) Considerations on... degrees in the University of Oxford. n.p. 1773 NAPOLEON'S Invasion of Russia. (Unsuccessful Prize Poem.) (1828) NARRATIVE or story of Mr Jex Jex of Corpus. Done into English Verse... by A. C. D. Barde. 1864 NASHE (T.) See Harvey (G.). NASMITH (J.) Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum quos Collegio Corporis Christi legavit Matthjeus Parker. 40 1777 NATIONAL League for physical education and improvement. Cam- bridge branch. Second annual report. 1909 NATURAL Science Club. Programme of conversazione at Physio- logical Laboratory, 12 March, 1894. Obi. (1894) NATURAL Science Society. President's (W. H. Spencer's) Report, Easter Term, 1863. 1863 Annual Report, 1863, with retiring address of President (C. W. V. Bradford), Michaelmas Term, 1863. 1863 NATURAL Sciences Tripos. Report of Syndicate on Regulations, 9 April, 1851. Fo 1851 See also Moral Sciences Tripos. NEALE (CM.) The Senior Wranglers of the University of Cam- bridge from 1748 to 1907. Bury St Edmunds^ 1907 The early Honour-lists (1498-9 to 1746-7) of the University of Cambridge. Bury St Edmunds^ ^909 NEALE (J.M.) Hierologus ; or the Church tourists. London^ 1843 Ayton Priory. 1843 Edom. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1849.) 1849 Mammon. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1852.) 1852 Judith. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1856.) 1856 Sinai. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1857.) ^^57 Egypt. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1858.) 1858 The Disciples at Emmaus. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1859.) ^^59 Ruth. (Seatonian Prize Poem for i860.) i860 Notes ecclesiological and picturesque on Dalmatia, etc. London^ 1861 King Josiah. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1 862.) 1 862 The Seven Churches of Asia. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1863.) 1863 Seatonian Poems. 1864 See alio Camden (afterwards Ecclesiological) Society. NEALE (Thomas), of Trin. Coll.y Camb. '^vvttvlov : or the Vision. Fo London^ 1706 176 NEALE NEWMARKET NEALE (Thomas), Professor of Hebrew at Oxford. Collegiorum Scholarumque Academiae Oxoniensis topographica delineatio. Appended to Dodwell (H.). De Parma equestri Woodwardiana dissertatio. Oxonii^ 1718 Another ed. Ed. F. Madan. 40 Oxonii, 1882 NEALE (Thomas), Rector of Manea. The ruinous state of the parish of Manea. n.p. 1748 NEATE (C.) Observations on College leases. Oxford^ 1853 NEIL (R.A.) A memorial article. By J. Adam. {Camb. Rev.) \\<^oi) Sale of his books, Nov. 12, 190 1. (1901) Sale of his wine, Nov. 19, 1901. \\^oi) NENE (River) See Fens. NEUBERG (V.B.) A Green Garland. Bedford, 1908 NEVE (C.) An account of King's College Chapel. 1855 A succinct history of King's College Chapel. n.d. NEVILE (T.) The Fourteenth Satire of Juvenal imitated. 40 London, 1769 NEVILLE {Hon. R.C.) Antiqua explorata ; being the results of excavations made in and about Audley End. Saffron Walden, 1847 Examination of a group of barrovv^s in Cambridgeshire. {Archaeologia, XXXII.) 40 {London, 1847) Sepulchra exposita ; or an account of the opening of some barrows... in the neighbourhood of Audley End. Saffron Walden, 1 848 Account of excavations near the Fleam Dyke, Apr. 1852. {Arch. Journ., IX.) {London, 1852) NEW Display of the Beauties of England. 2 vols. 3rd ed. London, 1776 NEW Theatre. See Theatre. NEWCASTLE {Duke of) Ode performed in the Senate House, Cambridge, July i, 1749, at the Installation of His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, Chancellor of the University. By Mr Mason, Fellow of Pembroke. 40 1749 Carmina ad...Thomam Holies, Ducem de Newcastle... cum Acad- emiam Cantabrigiensem Bibliothecae restituendas causa inviseret. Fo 1755 NEWCOME (J.) The sure word of prophecy. Sermon preach'd before the University of Cambridge, 24 June, 1724. 1724 Sermon at St Margaret's, Westminster, 30 Jan. 1743. 4° 1743 NEWMAN (F.W.) The English Universities. From the German of V. A. Huber. An abridged translation, ed. by F. W. Newman. 2 vols, in 3. London, 1843 NEWMAN (J.H.) The office and work of Universities. London, 1856 Mr Kingsley and Dr Newman. A correspondence on the question whether Dr Newman teaches that Truth is no Virtue ? London, 1864 Apologia pro vita sua. London, 1864 See also Kingsley (C). NEWMARKET. See Acts and Bills. NEWMARKET NEXT 177 NEWMARKET Hoax. See Causton (A. W.). NEWNHAM College. Newnham Hall Company. Balance Sheet, etc., June 8, 1875. n.p. 1875 (Prospectus.) n.p. 1881 Girton and Newnham. By E. A. B. Hodgetts. {Strand Mag.y Nov. 1894.) Report and Prospectus for Newnham College. (May, 1 898.) n.p. 1898 NEWTON (A.) On the zoology of ancient Europe. London and Cambridgey 1 862 The Gare-Fowl and its Historians. {Nat. Hist. Rev.y v.) Londony 1 865 Testimonials when a candidate for the proposed Professorship of Zoology... in the University of Cambridge. 1865 On a method of registering Natural History observations. 1870 Zoology. (Manuals of Elementary Science.) Londony iSj 4. Address to Biological Section of British Association at Glasgow, Sept. 1876. Londony 1876 The Fenland past and present. By S. H. Miller and S. B. J. Skertchly. (Review in Zoo/ogisty Feb. 1879.) Review of H. W. Elliott's Seal-Islands. [Corrected proof.] {Quarterly RevieWy Oct. 1 883.) Address to Biological Section of British Association at Manchester, 1887. Londony 1887 Early days of Darwinism. {Macmillan^s Mag.y Feb. 1888.) Gilbert White of Selborne. Reprint of article in Diet, of Nat. Biography. 1900 Obituary notice, by A. E. Shipley. {Proc. Linnean Soc.) {London, 1908) NEWTON (B.) Sermon, 30 Jan. 1758. 40 1758 NEWTON (C.) Poems. 1797 NEWTON (E.) and Clark (J.W.) On the osteology of the Solitaire. {Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. vol. 168.) 4° London, 1878 NEWTON {Sir I.) Some observations on the Chronology of Sir I. N. To which is prefixed his Chronology abridged by himself. 40 Londony 1728 Four letters to Dr Bentley, containing some arguments in proof of a Deity. Londony 1756 Correspondence of Sir Isaac Newton and Professor Cotes. With Notes by J. Edleston. Londony 1850 An Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophical Discoveries. By Colin Maclaurin. 4" London, 1 748 A catalogue of the Portsmouth collection of books and papers written by or belonging to Sir Isaac Newton. 1888 Bibliography of Sir I. Newton. By G. J. Gray. 1888 2nd ed. 4° 1907 NEXT Step (The) respectfully suggested to the Senate of the University of Cambridge. By one of its members. [On studies in the Uni- versity, by A. R. Grant.] 1849 CL. c. 12 1/8 NICHOLS NORTHUMBERLAND NICHOLS (James) See Fuller (T.). NICHOLS (John) History and antiquities of Barnwell Abbey and of Sturbridge Fair. 4° London^ 1786 See Long (R.). Two Music Speeches. NICHOLSON (E.W.B.) The Bodleian Library, 1882-87. 40 Oxford, 1888 Pietas Oxoniensis. In Memory of Sir Thomas Bodley. 40 Oxford, 1902 Pro Bodleio. An Appeal. 4° Oxford, 1905 NIND (W.) The Oratory ; or prayers and thoughts in verse. 2nd ed. London, 1849 Plea for the triumvirate of Esquire Bedells. 1852 Letters from Italy and Vienna. 1852 Sonnets of Cambridge life. 1854 The German Lyrist. 1856 NOLANDS (R.) The legacy of an Etonian. Ed. by R. Nolands. [By R. W. Essington.] 1846 NOMINIS Umbra. See Worsley (T.). NON-COLLEGIATE Memoranda. 1874 NORMAN (H.) Account of the Harvard Greek Play. Boston, 1882 NORRIS (J.P.) Robert Leslie Ellis. 1859 Review of H. Goodwin's Memoir of R. L. Ellis. [1864] NORRISIAN Prize. 1805. On the internal evidence of the religion of Moses. By T. Broadley. 1805 1815. The Treachery of Judas... consistent with the divine mission of Jesus Christ. By J. W. Bellamy. 1815 1 81 7. The internal evidence of the genuineness of the Gospels. By J. C. Franks. 181 7 1820. The evidence of the divine origin of Christianity. By K. H. Digby. 1 82 1 1823. The office and mission of St John the Baptist. By J. A. Jeremie. 1824 1825. No valid argument can be drawn from the incredulity of the heathen philosophers against the truth of the Christian religion. By J. A. Jeremie. 1826 1829. The doctrine of types. By W. Selwyn. London, iS^o 1832. On the intent and use of the Gift of Tongues. By Thomas Myers. London, 1833 1836. Style and composition of the N. T. By John Deck. 1837 1844. " By one offering, etc." By Joseph WooUey. 1844 1846. If they hear not Moses. ..By J. H. Jones. 1846 1847. On the Evidences of Christianity. By T. L. Kingsbury. 1847 NORTH [Hon. J.) Sermon before the King at Newmarket, 8 Oct. 1671. 4° 1671 NORTH {Hon. R.) Lives of the Norths. Ed. by A. Jessopp. 3 vols. London, 1 890 NORTHUMBERLAND {Duke of) Account of his Installation. {Camh. Chron., 9 July, 1842.) NORTHUMBERLAND NUTTALL 179 NORTHUMBERLAND {Duh of). Canzone per la istallazione di sua eccel. il Duca di Northumberland, air ufficio di Gran Cancelliere della University di Cambridge. [By Silvio Ireneo, i.e. Marchese Spineto.] 1842 Ode performed in the Senate House, 5 July, 1842, at the first Com- mencement after the Installation of the Duke of Northumberland. By Tho. Whytehead. 40 1842 NOTES on the Cambridgeshire Churches. [By G. R. Boissier.] London, 1827 NOURSE (P.) A sermon preached at the Public Commencement at Cambridge, July 3, 1698. 4° 1698 NUGENT (C.) The O. U. D. S. (Extracted from W. G. Elliot's Amateur Clubs and Actors.) London^ 1 898 NURSES. Home and Training School for Nurses. 7th, 9th, 12th, 13th Report. 1880-6 Cambridge District Nursing Assoc. Reports 1895-1905. 1895-1905 List of donations to new Home for Nurses. 1909 NUTTALL (P.A.) See Fuller (T.). 12 — 2 i8o O OATHS. Considerations on the Oaths required by the University of Cambridge, at the time of taking Degrees. By a Member of the Senate. [By W. Frend.] London^ 1787 Remarks on Oaths. London^ 1826 Oaths. [By W. Farish.] (1833) Historical account of Oaths and Subscriptions. [By Gilbert Ainslie.] (Two copies.) 1^33 See also Subscription ; Tests. OBSERVATION on the design of establishing annual examinations at Cambridge. [By W. S. Powell.] 1774 OBSERVATORY. Observations on the plans. By S. I. 1822 Report of the Building Syndicate on cost, 17 May, 1824. Fo (1824) Regulations for management, 16 Dec. 1828. F^ (1828) Special Report of proceedings in the Observatory relative to the new Planet. By J. Challis. 4"* 1846 Fly-sheets, etc. relating thereto, from 1847. 1847- Letters (1-3) to the Vice-Chancellor. By R. C. Carrington. Fo n.p. 1 861 OCCASIONAL Jottings of 'Varsity vagaries. See True Blue. OCCASIONAL Papers on University matters and Middle Class Edu- cation. No. I, Dec. 1858; No. 2, April, 1859; No. 3, Dec. 1859. 1858-9 OCKLEY (S.) Oratio scholis publicis Kal. Feb. 171 1. 40 1 7 12 See AH. 0*CUTAWAY (P.) See Intercepted Correspondence. ODE au Roi de la Grande Bretagne. 4° 1798 OFFICERS, Examiners, Syndics, etc., from 1854. (Lists.) 1854- OGDEN (S.) Sermons. With Life by S. Hallifax. 4th ed. 2 vols. London^ 1788 OGLE (O.) Royal Letters addressed to Oxford, and now existing in the City Archives. Ed. by O. Ogle. Oxford, 1892 OKES (J.) An account of some fossil remains of the Beaver found in Cambridgeshire. {Trans. Camb. Philos. Soc.) 4° 1821 OKES (R.) Catalogue of his books, etc. be sold, Jan. 1889. 1889 See Okes (T. V.). Account. . . 1 838. OKES (T. V.) An account of the providential preservation of Elizabeth Woodcock. 2nd ed. ^799 3rd ed. 1799 Repr. by R. Okes. Eton, 1838 Observations upon the fever lately prevalent at Cambridge. 181 5 OLD OTTER i8i OLD Catholics. Account of the visit of Old Catholic Bishops to England. London^ 1882 See also Mayor (J. E. B.), 1875. OLD Mother Hubbard. Critica Novazealandica futura. A notable and right marvellous edition of the Melodrame of Old Mother Hubbord... (Two states.) 1837 OLD Schools. See Schools. OLDHAM (H.Y.) A Pre-Columban discovery of America. {Geogr. Journal^ March, 1895.) London^ 1895 OLIVER (E.) Commencement Sermon, 4 July, 1784. 4° London^ 1784 OLLIVANT (A.) The introductory lecture to the course delivered before the University of Cambridge in Lent Term, 1844. (1844) ON legislative ignorance. Address to the Universities. London^ 1837 ON visitatorial jurisdiction in Colleges of the Universities. 40 LondoHy 1785 ONLY a Daisy. A legend of St Chad. n.p. 1884 OPINION of an Eminent Lawyer [P. Yorke] concerning the Right of Appeal... supported. [Attr. to R. Hurd.] London^ 1751 ORDINANCES. Two Ordinances of the Lords and Commons. ..for the demolishing of all organs, etc. (9 May, 1644). 4° London^ 1644 Ordinance of the Lords and Commons... for regulating the Univ. of Cambridge. (14 Feb. 1645.) 4° London^ 1645 Ordinances of the Univ. of Cambridge, 1858 (14 Apr., 16 Dec), i860, 1861, 1863, 1871, 1874, 1877, 1880, 1885, 1888, 1892, 1896, 1 901, 1904, 1908. 1 858-1908 ORDINARY degree. See Poll degree. ORFORD {Lord) Voyage round the Fens in 1774. (Ed. by J. W. Childers.) Doncaster {i^b%) ORIENTATOR. Publ. by Camb. Camden Soc. 1844 ORIGINAL Poems in the moral, heroic, pathetic, and other styles. By a Traveller (J. H.). 3rd ed. (Bowes 1680.) 1825 4th ed. 1825 ORIGINAL Poetry. By a Member of Christ College, Cambridge. London^ 1806 ORNITHOLOGISTS. Fourth International Congress, 20 June, 1905. Catalogue of exhibition, etc. 1905 OSBORN (H.F.) American Dinosaurs. Lecture before British Association at Cambridge, 1904. {Century Mag.y Sept. 1 904.) OSBORNE (D.G.) Granta, or a page from the life of a Cantab. [Attr. to D. G. Osborne.] 1836 OSLER (W.) Thomas Linacre. (Linacre Lecture, 1908.) 1908 O'SULLIVAN (S.) College Recollections. [? By S. O'Sullivan.] London^ 1829 OTLEY (J.) J. Otley, the Geologist and Guide. By J. Clifton Ward. (With letters by A. Sedgwick.) {Trans. Cumb. Assoc.y Pt 2, 1876-7.) Carlisle^ 1877 OTTER (W.) Life and Remains of E. D. Clarke. 40 London, 1824 Another ed. 2 vols. 8° London, 1825 i82 OUR OXFORD OUR College. Leaves from an Undergraduate's " Scribbling-Book." [By J. D. Lewis.] London^ 1857 OVERTON (J.) Building and dedication of Second Temple. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1825.) 1826 OVINGTON. Poll for election of a Rector, Oct. 24, 18 10. (E. Simons elected.) 18 10 May 10, 1865. (C. J. Evans elected.) 1865 Jan. 25, 1883. (S. J. Prior elected.) 1883 May 22, 1883. (A. T. Crisford elected.) 1883 OWEN (C.) Carmen Pindaricum in Theatrum Sheldonianum recitatum Julii die 9° 1669. 4° Oxon'ti^ 1669 OWEN (J.) Subordination considered on the grounds of reason and religion. A sermon preached in Great St Mary's, 5 Aug. 1794. 1794 OWEN [Sir R.) On the classification and distribution of the Mammalia. (Rede Lecture.) London^ 1859 OWENS College : its foundation and growth. By J. Thompson. Manchester^ 1886 OXFORD. Account of the... new buildings of Queen's College in Oxford. 40 n.p. 1 7 1 8 Terrae filius, or the secret history of the University of Oxford. [By N. Amhurst.] London^ 1726 The new Oxford Guide. 6th ed. 12° Oxford [? 1768] Considerations on... degrees in the University of Oxford. [By J. Napleton.] n.p. 1773 Catalogue of graduates in the University of Oxford, 1 659-1 800. Oxford^ 1 80 1 Oxford Prize Poems. 3rd ed. Oxford^ 1808 Reply (-Second Reply) to the calumnies of the Edinburgh Review against Oxford. [By E. Copleston.] Oxford^ 18 10 Observations on the architecture of Magdalen College. [By J. Buckler.] London^ 1823 Handbook for visitors to Oxford. Oxford^ 1847 Oxford Tradesmen versus the Insolvent Jennings. Oxford (1847) Letter to the V.-C. of Oxford on Proctorial power. Oxford, 1847 Statutes of the Colleges. 3 vols. Oxford, 1853 Recommendations respecting College statutes as adopted by the Tutors' Association, March, 1854. Oxford, 1854 Historical handbook and guide to the City and University of Oxford. Oxford, 1 87 1 Notice by Board of Studies for Natural Science School. Oxford, 1872 Handbook for visitors. New ed. Oxford, 1875 Statutes made for the University under the Act of 1877. Oxford, 1882 The Visitor's Guide to Oxford. New ed. Oxford, 1%^^ Student's Handbook to the Univ. of Oxford, nth ed. Oxford, 1891 The Visitor's Guide. Oxford, 1897 Tercentenary of the Bodleian Library. Proceedings.' Y° Oxford, 1902 Programmes, Invitations, Reports, etc. 4° 1902 See also Nicholson (E. W. B.) ; Savage (E. A.). OXFORD 183 OXFORD. Statement of the needs of the University. Oxford^ 1902 Catalogue of a loan collection of portraits. Oxford^ 1904 Historical Pageant. Oxford^ 1907 Oxford and Cambridge Magazine. Nos. i, 2, 3, 5,6. London^ 1856 Oxford and Cambridge Miscellany Poems. (Ed. by E. Fenton.) London [1709] Oxford and Cambridge Nuts to Crack. 2nd ed. London^ 1835 Oxford and Cambridge Review. July, 1845-Dec. 1846. 3 vols. London^ 1845-6 Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board. Regulations. 1874 Examinations for certificates, July, 1894. 1894 Oxford Architectural Society. Visit to Cambridge, 28 May, 1880. Itinerary. (1880) Visit to Cambridge, 19 June, 1889. (1889) Oxford Declaration (1864). Papers relating thereto. 1864 Oxford Essays, 1855, 1857. London^ 1855-7 Oxford Historical Society. Prospectus and statements. 40 Oxford^ 1 883-1900 Oxford University Dramatic Society. Twelfth Night, 1886 ; Julius Caesar, 1889 ; Two Gentlemen of Verona, 1893. Programmes, etc. {Oxford, 1886-93) 8ee alio Aristophanes; Carr (P.) ; Nugent (C). 1 84 PACKE (C.) Charles Packe. By Comte Henry Russell. Pau, 1896 PAGET (F.E.) A tract upon tomb-stones. Rugeley^ 1 843 PAGET (5/V G.E.) The President's address at the meeting of the British Association at Cambridge. London^ 1864 PAGET [Lady) Wise Texts from the Ancients. 1893 PALEY (F.A.) The ecclesiologist's guide to the Churches within a circuit of seven miles round Cambridge. 1 844 Another ed. London^ 1844 Cuttings concerning his supposed connection with Mr Morris's secession to Rome. Oct. and Nov. 1846. The Anglican system as exhibited in the Universities. [Dolman's Magazine^ May, 1847.) Religious Tests and National Universities. London^ 1871 PALEY (W.) Sermon before the University... 5 July, 1795. 40 London^ 1795 Analysis of Paley's Evidences. By J. Joyce. 4th ed. Harlow, iSio Analysis of Paley's Principles. By C. V. Le Grice. 7th ed. London, 1820 PALFREY (D.) An address to the Members of the Senate, in the matter of D. Palfrey. [By J. Tomkyns.] (1827) PALMER (E.H.) Ye hole in ye walle. A legende of Walthamstowe Abbey. 40 i860 Testimonials. Hertford, 1867 Catalogue of the Oriental MSS. in the library of King's College, Cambridge. [Royal Asiatic Soc.) [London, iS6y) The expedition of Prof. Palmer, Captain Gill, and Lieut. Charrington. (Newspaper cuttings, 18 Oct.-27 Nov. 1882.) Correspondence concerning the murder of Prof. Palmer, Capt. Gill, and Lieut. Charrington. (Blue Book.) F° London, 1883 The life and achievements of E. H. Palmer. By Walter Besant. London, 1883 An interpreter's account of the search expedition, in manuscript. [1883 ?] Review of Man-hunting in the Desert : being a narrative of the Palmer search expedition. [Athenaum, 21 Nov. 1884.) PALMER (J.) Abstract of his diary. By J. B. Pearson. 1899 PANDECT. A Quarterly Magazine. No. i. 1843 PANTON (D.M.) and Blakeney (E.H.) Poems by two friends, E. H. Blakeney and D. M. Panton. 1892 PAPER Lantern for Puseyites. By "Will o' the Wisp." London, 1843 PARAVICINL See De Paravicini. PARKER (J.H.) The Ashmolean Museum. Oxford, 1870 PARKER PAUW 185 PARKER (R.) A View of Cambridge. {In The History and Antiquities of the University of Cambridge.) Londoriy 1721 Another ed. London [1721] PARKER'S London Magazine. Nos. 1-2. Jan.-Feb. 1845. [The Close-Arnold controversy.] Oxford^ 1845 PARKIN (C.) An answer to, or remarks upon, Dr Stukeley's Origines Roystonianae. 4° London^ 1 744 PARLIAMENTARY Representatives. 5^^ Representatives. PARNASSUS Plays. The Pilgrimage to Parnassus with the... Return from Parnassus. Ed. W. D. Macray. Oxford^ 1886 PARNE (T.) A sermon preached in Trinity College Chapel in Cambridge, Dec. 21, 172 1. In commemoration of the Founders and Benefactors. London^ 1722 PARROT. Nos. I, 2. 9, 10 June, 1893. [By W. Peacock, Trin.] 40 1893 PARRY {Sir C.H.H.) Eton. An Ode by A. C. Swinburne. Set to music. 40 London (1891) See also Greek Plays performed at Cambridge. Birds, 1903. PASSAGES in the life of an Undergraduate. By Bee Bee. London^ 1887 PASTOR of Dulichium. By "A Bird." [On J. T. Sheppard, King's, and The Birds of 1903.] 1903 PASTORAL for the Times, after the manner of Virgil's Pollio. By a Cambridge Undergraduate. Revised with notes by a Cambridge Graduate. 1869 PATRICK (S.), Bp of Ely. Sermon preached at the funeral of John Smith... 1 652... with a short account of his life. See Smith (J.). Select Discourses. 4th ed. 1859. Brief Account of the new sect of Latitude-Men. By S. P. [? S. Patrick]. ^o London, 1662 PATTESON {Sir J.) Rating of the Colleges. Sir J. Patteson*s award. F° 1855 Report of Syndicate to obtain Act of Parliament to confirm Sir J. Patteson's award. 4° (1855) Bill to confirm Sir J. Patteson's award. F° London, 1856 As amended in Committee. Fo London, 1856 Act to confirm Sir J. Patteson's award (5 June, 1856). Fo London, 1857 See also Rating. PATTISON (M.) Suggestions on Academical organisation with especial reference to Oxford. Edinburgh, 1868 Memoirs. London, 1885 PATTISON (W.) Poetical Works. London, 1728 PAUL (C.K.) Stories of old Eton Days. {Nineteenth Century, October, 1892.) PAULOPOSTPRANDIALS. [By O. Seaman, H. C. Monro, and L. Speed.] 3rd ed. 4° 1883 PAUW ( Philargyrii Cantabrigiensis emendationes in Me- nandri...reliquias. Amstelodami, 171 1 1 86 PAVING PEARSON PAVING and Drainage. Notes by G. F. Cobb, 17 May, 5 June. 1878 PAVING and Lighting. See King's College, 1831. PAYN (F.W.) Trumpington's Wave. A 'Varsity poem. 1896 PAYN (J.) Poems. 1853 The Foster Brothers. London, 1859 Some literary recollections. London, 1SS4. PEACE. A narrative of the celebration of peace at Cambridge... July 12, 1814. 1814 PEACE in War. In Memoriam L[ouisa] R[yder]. [By G. W. Blunt.] 1856 PEACOCK (G.) Observations on plans for Nev/ Library. By a Member of the First Syndicate [G. P.]. 1831 Remarks on Replies to ObservationSy etc. By a Member of the First Syndicate [G. P.]. 1831 Observations upon the Report made by a Syndicate appointed to confer with the Architects who were desired to furnish the University with designs for a New Library. 1835 Observations on the Statutes of the University of Cambridge. 1841 Oratio...i2 Nov. 1852. 4° 1859 Strictures on certain parts of Peacock's Algebra. By a Graduate. 1837 Mathematical and scientific works, being a portion of the Library of the late G. P.... to be sold, Dec. 7, 1858. 1858 Funeral Sermon. By W. H. Thompson. 1858 Peacock Memorial. (Circular. Issued by H. Goodwrin.) i860 PEARCE (E.S.) A sermon... 1 4 March, 1824. London, i%2^ PEARCE (Z.) Epistolae duae. 40 London, 1721 A friendly letter to Dr Bentley. London, 1732 PEARSON (A.C.) Testimonials when a candidate for the Vicarage of Ilketshall St Margaret. 1893 PEARSON (E.) A sermon preached before the University of Cam- bridge, Nov. 5, 1793. (1793) Letter to a Member of the Senate. ^799 Cautions to the hearers and readers of. ..Simeon's Sermon, entitled, Evangelical and Pharisaical righteousness compared. Broxbourn (18 10) See also Simeon (C), 18 10. PEARSON (G.) The danger of abrogating Religious tests. 1834 The Doctrine of Tradition... Sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, ii March, 1838. 1838 PEARSON (J.B.) Letter to the Vice-Chancellor on Library Catalogue. 1863 On the observance of Sunday in England. 1867 Index to English books before 1700 in Emmanuel College Library. 1869 A biographical sketch of the Chaplains to the Levant Company, maintained at Constantinople, Aleppo, and Smyrna, 1611-1706. 1883 PEARSON PERIODICAL 187 PEARSON (J.B.) Abstract of the diary of John Palmer, M.A. 1899 The Church of Chulmleigh, N. Devon. {Trans. Devon. Assoc.) [Plymouth) 1907 PEARSON (K.) The Trinity. A nineteenth century Passion-Piay. 1882 PEAT (J.) Congratulatory lines on the Installation of H.R.H. Prince Albert at Cambridge, July, 1847. 4° (1847) PECKARD (P.) Memoirs of the life of Nicholas Ferrar. 1790 PEDANTIUS. Comoedia olim Cantabrig. acta in Coll. Trin. [? By T. Beard.] [Wants title.] 12° London^ ib^i Ed. by G. C. M. Smith. Louvain^ 1905 PEED (W.) Notice of first meeting of his creditors, 18 Oct. 1897 PEEP under the Hood. By Bo-Peep, of Oxford. London, 1843 PEERS (C.) Christ's lamentation over Jerusalem. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1805.) 40 1805 PEILE (J.) Christ's College. (College histories.) London, 1900 PELL (A.) Reminiscences. Ed. by T. Mackay. London, 1908 PEM. Nos. 1-13. New series : nos. 1-9. 1893-1908 PEMBERTON (C.) The Scapegoat. By Leo [i.e. C. Pemberton]. 2 vols. London, 1869 PEMBERTON (T.P.) Sermon preached in the Chapel of Trin. Coll. Camb. on the occasion of the commemoration of benefactors on 9 Dec. 1902. 1902 PEMBROKE College. List of books presented... in 14th and 15th centuries. By G. E. Corrie. [C.A.S.) i860 Statutes, approved by the Queen in Council, 29 June, 1882. 1882 Descriptive catalogue of the MSS. By M. R. James. With a hand list of the Printed Books to the year 1500. By E. H. Minns. 1905 PENNY (F.H.) Buried Oxford unearthed. Oxford, 1899 "PEPYS (Samuel)** Diary while an Undergraduate at Cambridge. [By C. R. W. Cooke, Emm.] 1864 2nd ed. 1866 PERCEVAL (C.S.) On seals attached to documents in the Muniment Room, Trin. Coll. [Proc. Soc. Ant.) {London) 1869 PERCIVAL (E.F.) Statutes of Merton Coll., Oxford. London, 1847 PERCIVAL (J.) Syllabus of course of twelve lectures on the elemen- tary principles of Chemistry. 1891 PEREGRINATIONS of Parafine. By Tilled. [1906] PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. ^*^ Fuller particulars will be found under the various titles. Academica. Basileona. Agenda. Bear. Alma Mater. Beldragon. Anti-Snarl. Benedict. Appointments Gazette. Blue 'Un. Armadillo. Brass Halo. i88 PERIODICAL PEROWNE PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. Bubble Caian. Cam. Cambridge A. B. C. Cambridge Annual. Cambridge Christmas Annual. Cambridge Chronicle. Cambridge Fortnightly. Cambridge Journal. Cambridge Magazine. Cambridge Meteor. Cambridge Observer. Cambridge Quarterly Review. Cambridge Review. Cambridge Tatler. Cambridge Terminal Magazine. Cambridge University Almanac. Cambridge University Calendar. Cambridge University Gazette. Cambridge University Magazine. Cambridge University Register. Cambridge University Reporter. Cantab. Christ's College Magazine. Dial. Eagle. Ecclesiologist. Emmanuel College Magazine. Etonian (s.v. Eton, 1822). Etonian (s.v. Eton, 1904). Fellow. Fitzwilliam Hall Magazine. Gadfly. Galvanist. Gownsman. Granta. Half Blue. Hospital Inkstand. Individual. Inspector. Jack-Daw. K.P. Lady Clare Magazine. See also Marillier (H. C). Lantern of the Cam. Leys Fortnightly. Light Blue. Light Green. Lion. Loiterer. May Bee. Mayfly. Microcosm. Miniature. Momus. Moslem in Cambridge. Mushroom. Oxford and Cambridge Magazine. Oxford and Cambridge Review. Pandect. Parker's London Magazine. Parrot. Pern. Perse School Christmas Annual. Persean Magazine. Pheon. Pink. Punch in Cambridge. Ralph's Bottle. Reflector. St Peter's World. Screed. Sex. Silver Crescent. Snarl. Snob. Student. Sunflower. Tatler. Toby in Cambridge. Trident. Tripos. True Blue. University Extension. Wasp. Working Men's College Magazine. Wrangler. PEROWNE (E.H.j Oratio Latina. (Members' Prize.) 1852 Corporate responsibility. A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, at the Commemoration of Benefactors, June 15, 1862. 1862 PEROWNE PETERHOUSE 189 PEROWNE (E.H.). Counsel to Undergraduates on entering the University. A sermon preached in the Chapel of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, Oct. 25, 1863. 1863 PEROWNE (J.J.S.) Remarks on Dr Donaldson's Book, entitled Jashar. London^ 1855 See Donaldson (J. W.) ; Thirlwall (C). PEROWNE (T.T.) Sermon preached in St Michael's Church, 17 April, 1853, ^^ Sunday after the funeral of the Rev. J. Schole- field. 1853 The duty of recognising a paramount object in life. A sermon preached in the Chapel of Corpus Christi College, Oct. 21, 1866. 1866 PERRY (C), Bp of Melbourne. Clerical education. London^ 1841 A farewell sermon preached at St Paul's Church, Cambridge, May 23, 1847. 1847 The Christian's light shining to God's glory. A sermon preached... July 4, 1847. 1847 The character of the writings of the Rev. F. D. Maurice, shown by an examination of his sermon on the Sacrifices of Cain and Abel. Geelong^ 1 859 PERRY (S.) A letter to the Duke of Gloucester... on the necessity of an enquiry into the conduct of the Bishop of London towards... Ten Year Men. London^ 1825 A letter to the Public Orator, on the ordination of Non-Graduates under the Ten Year Divinity Statute. London^ 1825 See alio Ten Year Men. PERSE School. Christmas Annual, 1878, 1879. 1878-9 The Perse School, Cambridge. Notes from Admission Registers of Gonville and Caius College, etc. By J. Venn and S. C. Venn. 1890 PERSE Trust. Scheme for management, 26 June, 1873. 1873 PERSEAN Magazine. 11. ii-i8i iii. 19-24; iv. 30. 1897-1904 PERSIUS (Peter), pseud. The Cambridge Odes. 12° [183- ] 2nd ed. 12° [183- ] PESHALL [Sir J.) See Wood (A. i). Antient and present state of the city of Oxford, 1773. PETERHOUSE. An account of a late rustication from Peterhouse, in the University of Cambridge. (By R. Hopper.) London^ i??^ A Postscript to same. (By R. Hopper.) London^ 1776 An account of a late dispute between the Bishop of Ely [J. Yorke] and the Fellows of Peterhouse, concerning the election of the Master of that College. [? 1788] 2nded. [^1788] Additions and amendments to the draft of Statutes proposed for St Peter's College. By William Jack. i860 Sexcentenary of Peterhouse. Invitation Cards, Programme, etc. 1884 Sexcentenary. The former days. A sermon preached by the Bp of Ely Q. R. Woodford] in the Chapel, Dec. 22, 1884. 1885 I90 PETERHOUSE PHILOGRANTUS PETERHOUSE. St Peter's World. Vol. i. Nos. 1-3 ; Vol. ii. Nos. 1-2. 1889-90 The Sex. Magazine of the Peterhouse Sexcentenary Club. Nos. 1-40. 1897-1910 Catalogue of the MSS. in the Library of Peterhouse. By M. R. James. With an essay on the history of the Library, by J. W". Clark. 1899 Peterhouse. By T. A. Walker. (College histories.) London^ 1906 Sermon preached at the commemoration of benefactors by the Bp of Ely [F. H.Chase]. 1907 Peterhouse Library, Cambridge. By J. W. Clark. [Country Life, 9 Feb. 1907.) iS^^ also Hotham (C). PETITION of the University to H. of Commons against the Bill to restrain the disposition of lands, whereby they become inalienable. Fo 1736 PEYTON (A.) « Peyton and Tithes." (1835) PHALARIS. Epistolse. Ed. C. Boyle. Oxford, 1695 Another ed. Oxford, i']!^ Epistles. Transl. by T. FranckHn. London, 1749 See also Bentley (R.), 1697, etc. PHEAR (S.G.) Reply to letter of enquiries addressed by the University Commissioners to certain members of the University. 1878 PHELPS (R.) Letter [to Provost of King's College] on the Gas Company and Lighting, 12 June, 1868. 1868 College endowments and the Philosophers. 1872 Correspondence with the Universities Commission. ^^73 College and University at Cambridge. Nos. 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22. 40 and 8° 1875-7 PHEON. Sidney Sussex College Magazine. Tercentenary edition. Feb. 14, 1896. 1896 PHILALETHES Cantabrigiensis. Letter to the. . .Quarterly Review. . . London, 1819 PHILARET. Bede, an Idyll. By Philaret. 1900 PHILARGYRIUS Cantabrigiensis. See Pauw (J. C. de). PHILELEUTHERUS Cantabrigiensis. Animadversions upon the University's proceedings against Dr Bentley. London, 1722 PHILIP'S (St) Parish. Report and Accounts for 1906. 1907 PHILLIMORE (W.P.W.) Cambridgeshire Parish Registers. Mar- riages. Ed. by W. P. W. Phillimore, C. J. B. Gaskoin, and E. Young. Vols. I, 2, 3. London, 1907-9 PHILLPOTTS (H.), Bp of Exeter. Speech on occasion of a petition from certain members of the Senate of Cambridge, April 21, 1834. London, 1 834 Letter to Dr Phillpotts containing strictures on his Speech... London, 1834 See also Sellon (L.). PHILO-UNION, or Cambridge Literary Society, 1 826-1 888. A record. [By R. Bowes, W. Cockerell, and Harry Johnson.] 1890 PHILOGRANTUS, pseud. See Monk (J. H.). PHILOSOPHICAL PINNOCK 191 PHILOSOPHICAL Society. (Papers and Notices of the formation of the Society, Oct.-Nov. 1819.) 40 18 19 Regulations. [? 1820] List of Members. 40 1 820 Address read at the first meeting. By E. D. Clarke. 40 1821 Notice of Publication of Vol. i. of the Transactions, 28 Feb. 1821. (Signed: A. Sedgwick.) 40 1821 Rules and List of the Society, May 6, 1822. 40 1822 Officers, etc. 40 [1827 H Charter and Bye-Laws. 1 832 Statement by President and Secretaries soliciting subscriptions for new house, 7 April, 1832. F^ 1832 List of Members [between 1832 and 1835]. 40 [1832-5] Catalogue of collection of British Quadrupeds and Birds in the Museum of the Society. 12° 1836 Balance sheets for 1836, 1837. F° 1 836-7 Circular advocating the establishment of a Reading Room. 1856 Regulations for Reading Room. Fo n.d. Charter and Bye-Laws. 1857 Appeal to the Camb. Philosophical Soc. By Rob. Moon. 1872 Foundation and early years. By J. W. Clark. {Camb. Phil. Soc. Proc.) 1 89 1 PHILPOT (C.) Faith, a Vision. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1790.) 40 1790 PHILPOTT (H.), Bp of Worcester. Remarks on the question of adopting the regulations recommended by the Syndicate appointed, Feb. 9, 1848. (University studies.) (1848) Documents relating to St Catharine's College in the University of Cambridge. 1861 See also Endowments. PHOTOGRAPHIC Convention of the United Kingdom. Oxford Meeting, 8-13 July, 1901. Oxford^ 1901 Cambridge Meeting, 7-12 July, 1902. 1902 PHRONTISTERION. Scenes from an unfinished drama entitled Phrontisterion. [By H. L. Mansel.] 4th ed. Oxford^ 1852 5th ed. Oxford^ 1 86 1 PHYSIOLOGICAL Laboratory. Studies from the Physiological Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. 3 parts. 1873-7 PICTURES at Play, illustrated by H. Furniss. London^ 1888 PICTURESQUE Cambridge. 12° London [1909 ?] PIGOTT (W.G.F.) See Abington Pigotts. PILGRIMAGE to Cambridge in the year 1900. By Ignotus Ignoramus Muddlehead. 1881 PINK. Monday, June 5, 1899. 40 1899 PINK Q.) Catalogue of Cambridge books, etc. in Free Library. 4 pts. 1874-99 After fifty years. Retrospect of the Free Library. 1905 PINNOCK (W.H.) An analysis of Ecclesiastical History. 2nd ed. 1848 192 PINNOCK POETS PINNOCK (W.H.). An analysis of Scripture History. 4th ed. 1850 An analysis of New Testament History. 1850 PIPE (The), and how to use it. By a Cantab. 1856 PIPE Lights for the Piper. By A[mbrose] E[lton]. 1891 PITT Club. Rules, etc. October Term, 1885, 1893, 1899. 1885-99 PITT Press. See Press (University). PLAIN account of the nature and end of the Sacrament [by B. Hoadly] contrary to Scripture. [By Susannah Newcome.] 1738 PLAIN and friendly Address to the Under-Graduates of Cambridge. London^ 1 786 PLAN for an Amphitheatre for Music and Publick Lectures. Fo (1768) PLATE. Catalogue of loan collection, Cambridge, 1 895. 1895 Illustrated catalogue of loan collection, 1895, 4° 1896 PLATITUDE (Peter) Letters on Cambridge and the Cantabs. Pts I, 2. 1841-2 PLATO. A poem. (Unsuccessful Prize Poem, 1843.) 1843 See also Maine {Sir H. J. S.). PLAYTIME with a Pen. [By G. H. Powell.] 1891 PLEA for Cambridge. (Reprinted from the Quarterly RevieWy April, 1906.) London^ 1907 PLEA for the Private Tutors, or Alumnus in search of a dodge. Oxford^ 1843 PLUMIAN Professorship. The Deed of Foundation of Dr T. Plume for the establishing his Professorship in Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy. (18 1 8) Regulations, 16 Dec. 1828. Fo 1828 PLUMPTRE (J.) Osway : a tragedy. 4° Norwich^ ijg^ Ecloga Sacra. Ed. altera. 4° 1796 Four discourses on... the Stage, preached at Great St Mary's Church. 1809 The way in which we should go. Sermon preached in St Botolph's Church, Cambridge, 11 Dec. 1808, for the benefit of the new school, established on Dr Bell's and Mr Lancaster's system of education. 1 809 Forbidding to marry, a departure from the faith. A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, Nov. 8, 1812. 181 2 PLUMPTRE (R.) Hints respecting some of the University officers, its jurisdiction, its revenues, etc. 1782 POEM attempting something upon the rarities of the most renowned University of Cambridge. j\P London ^ it'j'^ POEM in answer to a Lampoon which was wrote on the Cambridge Ladies. F^ London^ 1731 POEMS. A collection of Poems. By the author of a Poem on the Cambridge Ladies. ^733 POEMS. By the Bard of the Forest [i.e. W. Wickenden]. 1823 POEMS of early years, in nine chaplets. By a Wrangler. London^ 185 1 POETS in Pupil Room. By Themselves, or practically so. £'/ [? 1822] PRUNI^RES (M. Villetard de). Ste Villetard de Pruni^res (M.). PRYME (A. de la) Diary. Ed. by C. Jackson. {Surtees Soc. pub/.) Durham, etc., 1 870 PRYME (C. de la) The Roman Embassy. A letter to Viscount Palmerston. 3rd ed. Rome, 1847 Martin Thackeray. {Gentleman's Magazine, Sept. 1864.) {London, 1864) The statue of Byron in the Library of Trin. Coll. {Notes and Queries^ 1 88 1.) {London, 1881) PRYME (G.) Ode to Trinity College, Cambridge. London, 1812 Syllabus of a course of lectures on principles of Political Economy. 181 6 2nd ed. (In Introductory lecture, see below.) 18 19 3rd ed. 1852 An introductory lecture and syllabus, to a course delivered in the University of Cambridge, on the principles of Political Economy. 1819 Another ed. 1823 A letter to the Freemen and Inhabitants of the Town of Cambridge, on the state of the Borough. 1823 Jephthah. London, 1838 Memoir. (Extract from magazine.) (1869) Autobiographic recollections. Ed. by his daughter. 1870 PRYME (J.T.) and Bayne (A.) Memorials of the Thackeray family. London, 1879 PRYNNE (G.R.) See Sellon (L.). PRYOR (F.R.) and Speed (L.) The Oedipus Tyrannus. A record of the performance in Nov. 1887. 40 (1888) PUBLIC Orator. Poll at Election, 4 Feb. 1836. (C. Wordsworth elected.) 1836 27 Apr. 1836. 2nd ed. (T. Crick elected.) 1836 Fly-sheets, candidatures, etc. from 1836. 1836- Poll at Election, 26 Oct. 1 848. (2 states.) (W. H. Bateson elected.) 1848 2 Nov. 1869. (R. C. Jebb elected.) 1869 19 Oct. 1876. (J. E. Sandys elected.) 1876 PULLEINE (J.J.) Adam Sedgwick. A sermon preached at Dent, Feb. 14, 1890. Sedbergh, 1890 PULLEN (J.) A lecture on astronomy delivered before the Grand Gresham Committee, Nov. 28, 1833. 1833 The true Patriot. A sermon preached Nov. 21, 1852, the Sunday following the funeral of the Duke of Wellington. 1852 God's people afflicted. A sermon preached in the parish church of St Benedict, 21 March, 1855, being the day appointed for a National Fast. 1855 PULLING (J.) Catalogue of his sale. 9 May. (Priced.) 1879 PULLING (W.) A course of lectures on the French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese languages. 1834 200 PUNCH PYCROFT PUNCH in Cambridge. Vols, i, 2, 3. Feb. 7, 1832-Dec. 23, 1834. 40 1832-34 PUNCH ARD (E.G.) Cromwell and the old house at Ely. Ely, 1906 PUNNETT (R.C.) Mendelism. 2nd ed. 12° 1907 PURCHAS (J.) Ode upon the death of the Marquis Camden, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. (1840) Schoolboy Reminiscences. 1844 The Priest's dream. An allegory. 1856 PURKIS (W.) The influence of the present pursuits in learning, as they affect religion. A sermon. ..2 July, 1786. 4° 1786 The evils which may arise to the constitution of Great Britain from the influence of a too powerful nobility, considered in a sermon... 29 May, 1789. 40 London, 1790 Review of English literature as it respects moral and religious inquiry. A Sermon, 25 Oct. 1789. 4° London, 1790 PURKISS (H.J.) Injustice of The Times. Statement by Jas. Hough respecting his conduct when H. J. Purkiss (Trin.) was drowned, 17 Sept. 1865. 1865 PURNELL (E.K.) Magdalene College. (College histories.) London, 1904 PURTON (J.S.) The establishment of an examination before Matricu- lation considered. 1854 PYCROFT (J.) The Collegian's guide : or recollections of College days. London, 1845 2nd ed. London, 1858 PYCROFT (J.W.) The Oxford University Commission. Letter to Sir R. H. Inglis. 2nd ed. Oxford, 1851 PYCROFT (S.) Brief enquiry into Free-Thinking. . . 1713 Reflections upon the nature of contentment : and rules apply'd to particular circumstances of life. 1714 20I QUAESTIONES philosophicae in usum juventutis coUectae et digestae. 1732 QUEENS' College. The defence of the Rev. Reginald Bligh, of Queens* College, Cambridge, A.B., against the Fellows of that Society, who rejected him as an improper person for a Fellow, 12 Jan. 1780. London (1780) Letters which passed between the Rev. Reginald Bligh, and others, on account of his being rejected as a Fellow of Queens' College, Cambridge, on pretence of his want of scholarship, etc. London^ 1781 The case of the President of Queens' College, Cambridge determined in the High Court of Chancery. Ed. by C. Bowdler. London^ 1821 Statuta Collegii Reginalis apud Cantab. 1559 a Regiis Commissariis reformata. (Ed. by G. C. Gorham.) 40 1822 A Form for the Commemoration of Benefactors. 4° 1823 Catalogue of the Library. By T. H. Home. 2 vols, London ^ 1^2'] Order of service for the dedication of the Chapel, 13 Oct. 1891 " The Beauty of Holiness." A sermon preached at the opening or a new organ in the Chapel of Queens' College... Sept. 27, 1892. By W. M. Campion. 1892 Sketch of the history of Queens' College. By J. W. Clark. 4° 1 898 Queens' College. By J. H. Gray. (College histories.) London, iSgg Catalogue of the Western Manuscripts in the Library. By M. R. James. 1 905 QUERELA Cantabrigiensis : or a remonstrance by way of apologie, for the banished Members of the late flourishing University of Cambridge. [By John Barwick.] 1647 (1685). See Mercurius Rusticus, 1723. [QUERY] ? June, 1907. 40 1907 QUIET Supper (with songs) at the rooms of X. Y. B., St Andrew's College, Cambridge. [Attr. to J. P. Wright.] 1864 QUIS desiderio sit pudor aut modus tam cari capitis ? [On the me- morial to the Chancellor. By W. Selwyn.] 1862 202 R RADCLYFFE (C.) Memorials of Eton College. po Eton, 1844 RAIKES (R.) Oratio habita in scholis philosophicis. 4° 1767 RALEIGH {Sir W.) Samuel Johnson. The Leslie Stephen Lecture, delivered in the Senate House, Cambridge, 22 Feb. 1907. Oxford, 1907 RALPH'S Bottle ; a choice collection of choice spirits. (By a Cantab.) Nos. 1-4. 1840 RAMSDEN (R.) The right to life. A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, Nov. 29, 1795. ^795 Reflections on War. Sermon... 12 March, 1800. 1800 RAMSDEN Sermon, 1852. On the subject of Church extension over the colonies and dependencies of the British Empire, 23 May. By J. J. Blunt. 1852 1853. Sermon, 22 May. By W. H. Mill. 1853 RANDALL (E.) Freedom of election, the law of the land. 1 802 RANDOLPH (J.) See Marsh (H.). Letters, 1802. RANDOLPH (T.) Poems, vi^ith the Muses Looking-Glasse and Amyntas. 3rd ed., whereunto is added The Jealous Lovers. London, 1643 The Muses Looking-Glasse, Amyntas, and The Jealous Lovers are separate books, as follows : The Muses Looking-Glasse. By T. R. London, 1643 Amyntas, or the Impossible Dovv^ry. A pastorall acted... at White- Hall. By T. R. Oxford, 1640 The Jealous Lovers. A Comedie presented to their Majesties at Cambridge, by the Students of Trinitie-Colledge. 1640 Poetical and dramatic works. Ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. 2 vols. London, 1875 RANGER (W.) Report to the General Board of Health, on... the Sewerage of Cambridge. London, \%\^ RANNIE (D.W.) Oriel College, Oxford. (College histories.) London, 1900 RAPE of the Whisker. An heroic poem. With a dedication to all gentlemen who wear whiskers. [By Ch. Tindal.] 2nd ed. 1838 RASHDALL (H.) The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages. 2 vols, in 3. Oxford, 1895 Rashdall (H.) and Rait (R.S.) New College, Oxford. (College histories.) London, 1901 RATING REDFERN 203 RATING. Report of Borough Rating Committee. po 1850 Reports of conferences on Rating, in the Camb. Chron.y Feb.-June. Broadsheet in favour of proposed Rating Bill, 24 Dec. 1896. See a/so Patteson {Sir J.). RATLAND Feast, an historico-Iudicro-comico poem. Translated from the Latin of M. V. Martialis, by Martinus Scriblerus, jun. 1820 RAVEN (J J.) The Church Bells of Cambridgeshire. Lowestoft, iS6g RAWDON (F.A.) Anthem... performed in Great St Mary's Church, June 30, 181 1. Composed by G. H. Polegreen Bridgtower. (Words.) 181 1 RAWSON (].) Concio ad clerum...28 Jan. lyof. 4° Londin't, 1709 RAY Q.) Philosophical Letters between... Mr Ray and... his... corre- spondents. Publ. by W. Derham. London, 17 18 Travels through the hovf Countries, etc. 2 vols. London, 1738 Select Remains, with his life by W. Derham. Publ. by G. Scott, M.A. London, 1760 RAY Club. The Cambridge Ray Club. (Account of the Club, List of Members, etc., by C. C. Babington.) 1857 Another ed. 1887 READE (J.) Oratio habita Cantabrigiae in Coll. Regali. 40(1742) Gratulatio in adventum J. Sumner Coll. Regal. Praepositi. 4° (1756) REASONS for altering the method used at present in letting Church and College leases. By the Senior Fellow of a College in Cam- bridge [John Colbatch]. 1739 REASONS for declining to subscribe the Thirty-Nine articles. London, 1836 REBELLION of the Beasts. By a late Fellow of St John's College. 2nd ed. London, 1825 REDE {Sir R.) Sir Robert Rede. By T. Brocklebank. {C. A. S.) Proposed memorial to the founder of the Rede lecture. 1870 REDE Lecture, 1859. On the classification and distribution of the Mammalia. By Richard Owen. London, 1859 1863. The correlation of the Natural History sciences. By D. T. Ansted. London, 1863 1875. The effects of observation of India on modern European thought. By Sir H. S. Maine. London, 1875 1890. Erasmus. By R. C. Jebb. 1890 1892. The Microscope's contributions to the earth's physical history. By T. G. Bonney. 1892 1894. Libraries in the Medieval and Renaissance periods. By J. W. Clark. 1894 1900. Bya^antine History in the early Middle Ages. By F. Harrison. London, 1900 REDFERN (W.B.) Old Cambridge. 40 1876 Redfern (W.B.) and Clark (J.W.) Ancient wood and iron work in Cambridge. (Prospectus.) [?i88i] Ancient wood and iron work in Cambridge. Fo 1886 204 REES REMARKS REES (A.) The Doctrine of Christ Two Sermons preached at Cambridge, 27 June, 1790, on occasion of the death of Rev. R. Robinson. London^ ^790 REFLECTIONS, discriminative and pacificatory, on recent events in our Church, and our elder University. By a Graduate. London^ 1845 REFLECTIONS on the cjelibacy of Fellows of Colleges. 1798 REFLECTIONS on the contentions and disorder of the Corporation of Cambridge. London^ 17^9 REFLECTIONS on the late Elections in the County of Cambridge. London^ 1803 REFLECTOR. Vol. i. Nos. 1-4. Jan. i, 1888— Jan. 22, 1888. (Ed. by J. K. Stephen.) 40 London, 1888 REFORM. Fly-sheets, etc. on the Reform movement of 1871 and following years. 1871 etc. Fly-sheets, etc. on University Reform, 1908-10. 1908-10 REFORM Club Papers, 1872-3. 1873 REGISTER of Members of the Senate, 1859-1910. 1859-1910 REGISTRARY. Poll at election, 24 Oct. 1816. (W. Hustler, Jesus, elected.) 18 16 Poll at election, 23 March, 1832. (J. Romilly, Trin., elected.) 1832 Fly-sheets, candidatures, etc. 186 1-2. 1 861-2 Poll at election, 29 Jan. 1862. (H. R. Luard, Trin., elected.) 1862 REGISTRY. List of documents in the Registry, 1 266-1 544. By H. R. Luard. {C.A.S.) 1876 REGRETS of a Cantab. [By J. Cowling.] [London Mag., i Dec. 1825.) REGULATIONS (1750-2). An Occasional Letter to Dr Keen. [Attr. to P. Chester.] London (1750) Considerations on the expediency of making... the late Regulations at Cambridge. [Attr. to J. Green.] London, 1751 David's Prophecy relating to Cambridge. [By W. Waller.] 1751 Free Thoughts upon University Education. Pt i. London, 1751 Friendly and honest advice of an Old Tory to the Vice-Chancellor. London, 1751 See also Academic ; Appeal ; Fragment ; Westminster Club. REID (T.W.) Life of Lord Houghton. 2nd ed. 2 vols. London, 1890 REID (W.) The rise of the United States. Local Lectures. Summer meeting, 1906. Opening address. London, 1906 RELHAN (R.) Flora Cantabrigiensis, exhibens plantas agro Cantab- rigiensi indigenas. 1785 Supplementum. 1786 Supplementum alterum. 1788 Supplementum tertium. '793 REMARKS on Clerical education. By Rusticus. London, 1841 REMARKS on the Academic [of J. Green ? Attributed to S. Squire]. London, 1751 REMARKS REPRESENTATIVES 205 REMARKS on the actual state of the University of Cambridge. London^ 1830 REMARKS on the enormous expence in the education of young men in the University of Cambridge. London^ 1788 REMARKS [by J. Mainwaring] on the Pursuits of Literature [of T. J. Mathias]. 1798 REMARKS on tv/o pamphlets, 181 1. See Brovv^ne (T.). RENDALL (G.H.) Inaugural address delivered at the opening of University College, Liverpool, Jan. 14, 1882. 1882 RENDEL (J.M.) Report on the drainage of the Nene Valley. Northampton^ 1848 Another ed. Northampton (1849) RENNELL (T.) Commencement Sermon, i July, 1798. London (1798) Some account of his life and writings. (By J. L[onsdale].) London, 1824 REPLY to Granta. By a Member of the University. 1838 REPLY to the... Edinburgh Review against Oxford. (+ Second Reply...) [By E. Copleston.] Oxford^ 18 10 REPRESENTATIVES. Borough. Poll...June 18, 18 18, and speeches. 40 1818 Election of 1832. Register of Freemen. 1832 Election of 1832. Speech of Mr Spring Rice, 26 June. 1832 Poll. ..Dec. II, 12, 1832. [With note in the Conservative interest.] 1833 Poll... Dec. II, 12, 1832. [With letter printed for Mr Spring Rice.] 1833 Election of 1834. Register of Freemen. 1834 Poll... June II, 12, 1834. [Pr. for T. Stevenson.] 1834 By C. H. Cooper. 1834 Poll, Jan. 7, 8, 1835. 1835 Poll, 26 July, 1837. [Pr- t>y C. E. Brown.] 1837 By C. H. Cooper. 1837 An alphabetical list of the Cambridge tradesmen who supported the Conservative candidates at the election in July, 1837. (1837) A letter to the electors of Cambridge, touching Mr Knight, Mr Sutton, and the Poor Laws. 1837 Poll. Sept. 5, 1839. 1839 Poll. May 22, 1840. London^ 1840 Alphabetical list of the Cambridge tradesmen who supported the Conservative candidates at the election in July 1837 — Sept. 1839 — May 1840. (1840) A plain statement relative to the Cambridge Election Petition.... By Edward Scott. 1840 Register of Electors, 1 840-1. 1840 Poll. July 15, 1845. 1845 Poll. July 30, 1847. 1847 Poll. July 8, 1852. 1852 Poll. August 17, 1854. By W. Cockerell. 1854 [Pr. by C. W. Naylor.] 1854 2o6 REPRESENTATIVES RHYMES REPRESENTATIVES. Borough. Poll. March 30, 1857. 1857 Poll. April 29, 1859. 1859 Poll. February 11, 1863. 1863 Poll. April 24, 1866. 1866 Account of the Liberal victory, 1880. {Camb. Indep. Pr«j, April 3.) Buckmaster and Paget, 1906. Addresses, etc. 1906 REPRESENTATIVES. County. Poll. May 24, 1705. po (1705) Poll. Sept. 14, 1780. (1780) Poll. May 5-10, July 12-13, 1802. (1802) Poll. Aug. 10-14, 1830. (1830) Speeches during Election of 1830. 1830 Poll. Oct. 27-31, 1831. 1831 Poll. 1868. 1868 REPRESENTATIVES. University. Poll. Sept. 9, 1780. 1780 Poll. April 3, 1784. 1784 Poll. June 17, 1790. 1790 Poll. Feb. 7, 1806. 1806 Poll. May 8, 1807. 1807 Poll. March 27, 181 1. 181 1 Addresses, circulars, fly-sheets, etc. 4° 1 820-1906 Election of 1822. The claims of the different candidates considered. (1822) Poll. Nov. 26, 27, 1822. 1822 Poll. June 13-16, 1826. 1826 Letter to the electors of the University of Cambridge. By one of their body. 1827 Poll. May 9-1 1, 1827. 1827 Poll. June 16-18, 1829. 1829 Poll. May 3-6, 1 83 1. 1 83 1 Election of 1847. Dissenters' Chapel Bill. By G. R. Clarke. (1847) Poll. July 29- Aug. 3, 1847 (^^ Law's issue). 1847 (Lord Feilding's issue.) 1847 By H. Gunning. 1847 Poll. Feb. 7-9, 1856. 1856 Papers dealing with the riot in connection with the Poll, Feb. 1856. 40 1856 Poll. Feb. 19, 1868. (A. J. B. Beresford Hope and A. Cleasby.) 40 1862 Circulars, Addresses, and squibs on the election of 1868. 1868 Poll. Nov. 1882. (H. C. Raikes, C, and J. Stuart, L.) 1888 Circulars, fly-sheets, etc. 40 1882 RESIDENTS in the University. Lists. 1845-94 (with gaps). (An annual card.) 12° 1845-94 RESTORATION in East Anglia. No. i. London, 1879 REYNER (G.F.) The new Chapel of St John's College. 40 1869 RHYME the leading principle of Latin versification. 1829 RHYMES on Matrimony. By an University Bachelor. With other poems. London J 1829 RICARDO ROBERTS 207 RICARDO (T.W.) How little Winks took his friends to see the Cambridge Anatomical Museum. (Repr. from the Light Blue.) 1882 RICE (J.) The Cambridge Freshman. London^ 1878 Another ed. Londoriy n.d. RICE (T. Spring) See Spring Rice. RICHARDS (A.B.) The Royal University Commission. London (1850) RICHARDS (G.P.) Collegium Bengalense. Carmen praemio a rev. viro CI. Buchanan S.T.P. Etonensibus proposito dignatum. 40 1805 RICHARDS (W.) The history of Lynn. 2 vols. Lynn, 1812 RICHARDSON (R.) Historical notes concerning the power of the Chancellor's Court at Cambridge. [Archaeologia, vii.) 40 {London^ 1785) RICKMAN and Hutchinson. Specification of work and materials to be used in the completion of the new buildings of St John's College, Cambridge. Birmingham^ 1827 Answer to Observations on the Plans for the New Library, Being a defence of a design presented by Messrs R. and H. Birmingham^ 1831 RIDDING (G.) A letter to the Rev. H. Latham, in reply to his Observations on the Propositions made by the Head Masters of Schools to the University of Cambridge. Winchester^ 1871 A letter to E. Bowen, M.A., in reply to a pamphlet entitled " The proposed control of the Public Schools by the Universities." Winchester, 1872 Examination in theory v. normal schools as the training for Teachers. Winchester y 1882 RIDDINGE (Amias) = King (W.). See Fragment. RIDGEWAY (W.) Testimonials when a candidate for the Disney Professorship. 1892 Are the Cambridgeshire Ditches referred to by Tacitus ? {Arch, Journ.) {London, 1892) The Supplices of Aeschylus. {Praelections.) 1906 RIDGWAY (J.) Oxford examinations of those who are not members of the University. Oxford, i%$% RIDLEY (N.) Brief declaration of the Lord's Supper. Reprinted by H. C. G. Moule. London, 1895 RIFLE Club. Reports, i, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8. 1860-7 Meeting to consider sale of Rifle Range, 2 May. 1871 Final Report. 1872 Account of settlement of Rifle Prize Fund. 1881 See also Volunteers. ROBERTS (E.S.) On the dates of Tripos Examinations. 1892 ROBERTS (J.) Circulars to Members of the Senate on the title A.C. 2 March, 7 March. i860 ROBERTS (R.D.) The University Extension Scheme as the basis of a system of National Higher Education. Aberystwith, 1887 2o8 ROBERTSON ROMAN ROBERTSON (C.G.) All Souls' College, Oxford. (College histories.) London^ 1899 ROBERTSON (D.H.) After Novara. Poem which obtained Chan- cellor's Medal for English verse, 1910. 1910 ROBERTSON (J.) Some Sermons preached in the Chapel of Jesus College. 1862 Sermon preached in Harrow School Chapel, Advent Sunday, 1883. Harrow (1883) ROBES. See Academical Dress. ROBINSON (C.K.) See Catharine's (St) College. ROBINSON (M.) Autobiography. Ed. by J. E. B. Mayor. (Cam- bridge in the xviith century, 11.) 1856 ROBINSON (R.) Arcana : or the principles of the late Petitioners to Parliament for relief in the matter of Subscription. In viii letters to a friend. ^774 New ed. Nottingham [181-] A plea for the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. ^77^ A lecture on a becoming behaviour in religious assemblies... Jan. 10, 1773, at the Meeting House, in St Andrew's Cambridge. 1776 Christianity a system of humanity. Sermon, 3 March, 1779. ^779 The General Doctrine of Toleration applied to the particular case of Free Communion. 1781 Slavery inconsistent with the spirit of Christianity. A sermon preached at Cambridge, Feb. 10, 1788. 1788 The nature and necessity of early piety. A sermon preached at Willingham, Jan. i, 1772. New ed. Leeds., ^799 Two original Letters. . . London^ 1802 Funeral Sermon, by A. Rees, 8 June 1 790. Londoriy 1 790 ROBINSON (T.), t 1 8 13. Funeral Sermon, by T. Webster, 4 April, 1813. London, 18 13 ROBINSON (T.), 1 1873. On the study of oriental literature. 1838 The character of St Paul the model of the Christian ministry. Four sermons preached before the University of Cambridge, Feb. 1840. 1840 ROBINSON (W.) The sin of conformity. 3rd ed. London, \%^i ROBY (H.J.) Remarks on College Reform. 1858 Reply to Mr Clarke's attack on the Board of Moral Sciences. 1861 ROGERS (A.) Testimonials when candidate for Librarianship of the London Institution. (1886) ROGERS (G.F.) Testimonials. (Assistant Surgeon, Addenbrooke's Hospital.) 40 (1897) ROGET (J.L.) Cambridge Customs and Costumes. Obi. 4° 1851 A Cambridge Scrap-book. (Bowes 2336.) Obi. 40 1859 ROLLESTON (G.) Reasons for appointing a Medical Inspector to hold office during the carrying out of our Drainage scheme. Oxford, 1 87 1 ROMAN Catholic Church. The Church of Our Lady and the English Martyrs. [By Ch. Sayle and Christopher Scott.] 1890 ROMAN ROY 209 ROMAN Catholic Church. Sermon at opening of the Church, by Bp Hedley. 15 Oct. 1890. London^ 1890 Blessing of the Bells. (Service.) 17 Dec. 1890. London, n.d. ROMILLY (J.) See Graduati, 1856. ROSE (Henry John) An answer to The case of the Dissentersy with some remarks on the Cambridge Petition. London^ 1834 ROSE (Hugh James) The duty of maintaining the Truth. A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, May 18, 1834. 1834 ROSS (J.) Discourse before the University, 4 July, 1756. 4° 1756 ROTHERHAM (T.), Abp of York. Life. By H. L. Bennett. Lincoln, 190 1 ROTHMAN (R.W.) Observations on the climate of Italy and other countries in ancient times. London, 1848 ROUND Church. Observations on. ..the Round Church. By Ja. Essex. 40 London, 1782 Church of the Holy Sepulchre. [From Britton's Archit. Antiq., 3.] 40 {London, 1805) A history of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, or Round Church, Cambridge. 2nd ed. 12° 1847 A talk with the congregation about the Round Church. By R. Sinker. (1898) The Round Church. By L. N. Badenoch. {Archit. Rev., Oct. 1899.) See also Camden Society. ROUSSEAU (J.J.) Letters on the elements of Botany. Transl., with additional Letters, by Thomas Martyn. 8th ed. London, 18 15 ROUTH (E.J.) Obituary notice of Sir George Airy. {Proc. Roy. Soc.) London, 1892 Obituary notice by A. R. Forsyth. {Proc. Lend. Math. Soc, ser, 11. vol. 5, pt 7.) London, 1907 ROW (C.A.) Letter to Sir R. H. Inglis, in reply to his speech on University Reform, April 23, 1850. London, 1850 Letter to Lord John Russell... on the constitutional defects of the University and Colleges of Oxford. London, 1850 ROWE (J.T.) Town and Gown. Some five years of work in St George's, Camber well. 40 1891 ROWE (R.C.) The late R. C. Rowe. Ey Sedley Taylor. {Camb. Rev.) 1884 ROWE (R.R.) Memoir of the late Alderman Richard Rowe. (Repr. from Camb. Chron., 21 Dec. 1878.) 1 878 ROWING. See Aquatic Notes ; Armytage (H.) ; Boat Race. ROWNTREE (G.W.) The Martyrdom of St Stephen. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1891.) 1891 Jeremiah. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1892.) 1892 ROWSELL (T.J.) English Universities and English Poor. Sermons. 1859 ROY (C.S.) Physiological bearing of waist-belts and stays. By J. G. Adami and C. S. Roy. {National Rev., Nov. 1888.) CL. C. 14 2IO ROYAL RUSSIAN ROYAL Agricultural Society. The first two country meetings... Oxford, 1839; Cambridge, 1840. By Ernest Clarke. London^ 1894 Journal. (Camb. Meeting, 1894.) London^ 1894 Cambridge Meeting, 1894. Special Service, June 24, 1894, in the Showyard. Words. London^ 1894 ROYAL Archaeological Institute. See Archaeological Institute. ROYAL Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Cambridge Branch. Report 1896. 1897 ROYSTON. Palaeographia Britannica...No. i. Origines Roystoni- anae. By W. Stukeley. 40 London^ 1743 Another ed. ^795 No. 2. Origines Roystonianae. Ft 2... against C. Parkin. 40 Stamford^ 1746 An answ^er to, or remarks upon Dr Stukeley's Origines Roystoni- anae. By Charles Parkin. 4° London^ ^744 Origines Roystonianae. An account of the cave or oratory at Royston. Royston, 1825 The origin and use of the Royston Cave. By J. Beldam. Royston, 1858 RUFUS Hickman of St Botolph's. (Extract from a magazine.) (1879) RUGGLE (G.) Ignoramus. Comoedia. Editio sexta. 120 JVestminster, 173^ Nunc denuo in lucem edita...accurante J. S. Havi^kins. Londiniy 1787 An English prologue and epilogue to the Latin comedy of Ignoramus. Performed by members of the University before King James in 1 6 14... With preface. By Geo. Dyer. London, ^797 RUHEMANN (S.) See Dewar {Sir J.). " RUSH [Friar) " The Jolly Bachelors : a cantata. {Puck, May 9, 1844.) Fo London, 1844 RUSKIN (J.) Address to the Cambridge School of Art (29 Oct. 1858) and Report of speeches of Redgrave and Cruikshank. 1858 Inaugural Address. Camb. Sch. of Art, 29 Oct. 1858. 1858 RUSSELL (A.T.) In w^hat respects the Law is a schoolmaster to bring men to Christ. (Hulsean Prize Essay, 1825.) 1826 Remarks on Keble's Sermon, Primitive tradition recognised in Holy Scripture. 1837 RUSSELL {Sir C.) Sir Charles Russell's address to the Cambridge University Liberal Club, Feb. 26, 1890. London, 1890 Dinner in Downing College to the Lord Chief Justice of England (Lord Russell of Killowen), Nov. 11, 1897. 1897 RUSSELL (H.) Charles Packe. Pau, 1896 RUSSELL {Lord J.) See Commission. RUSSELL (J.F.) Letter to H. Goulburn, M.P. on the morals and religion of the University of Cambridge. 1833 RUSSIAN Lectureship, 1899-1900. Report of Council of Senate 3 May, 1899, Graces, Fly-sheets, etc. E. H. Minns v. A. P. Goudy — the latter elected. 40 1 899-1900 RUST RYVES 211 RUST (J.C.) Antioch. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1879.) 1879 RUST AT (T.) Memoirs. By William Hewett. London, 1849 RUSTICUS, pseud. See Maurice (F. D.) ; Remarks, 1841. RUSTON (A.S.) The Fen Country. {Journal of the Farmers' Club, November, 1870.) London, 1870 RUTHERFORD (H.W.) Catalogue of the Library of C. Darwin. 1908 RUTHERFORTH (T.) Determinatio quaestionis theologicae post gradum doctoratus hab. Cantab, in scholis publicis. 4° 1746 Discourse on Miracles... 29 Aug. 1751. 401751 A letter to the Rev. Mr Kennicott. 1761 Ansv/ B. Kennicott. London, 1762 Four Charges. 1763 Defence of a Charge concerning Subscriptions. ^7^7 Sermon. ..27 June, 1771. 4° 1771 RUTT Q.T.) See Calamy (E.). RUTTER (F.) Varsity Types. London, 1903 RYLE (H.E.) Sermon in King's College Chapel on Sunday, 6 March, 1892, being the day after the funeral of Miss Clough. 12° 1892 RYMER (T.) Essay concerning Critical and Curious Learning. London, 1698 Answer to the Essay. London, 1698 Vindication of the Essay. London, 1698 RYVES (B.) See Mercurius Rusticus. 14 — 2 212 SABRINAE Corolla, in hortuHs Regiae Scholae Salopiensis contexuerunt tres viri floribus legendis. Londini^ 1850 ST AUBYN (Alan), pseud. [Mrs F. Marshall.] TroUope's Dilemma. Bristoly 1889 A Fellow of Trinity. London^ 1891 The Junior Dean. New ed. London^ 1892 ST PETER'S World. Vol. i. Nos. 1-3 ; Vol. 11. Nos. 1-2. 1889-90 SALMON (T.) The Foreigner's Companion through the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford. 12° London^ 1748 SALTER (J.W.) Catalogue of collection of Cambrian and Silurian fossils contained in Geological Museum of University of Cambridge. With a preface by Adam Sedgwick, LL.D. 40 1873 This copy contains extracts from minutes of Council of Geological Soc. made by J. W. Clark when writing Sedgwick's life. SALVIN (O.) A catalogue of the collection of birds formed by the late H. E. Strickland. 1882 SANCROFT(W.) Life. By George D'Oyly. 2 vols. London, 1^21 SANDYS (C.) A critical dissertation on Prof. Willis's Architectural history of Canterbury Cathedral. London, 1846 SANDYS [Sir J.E.) Oratio Latina praemio annuo dignata (Members' Prize). 1866 Speeches on presenting S. M. Schiller-Szinessy and Eirfkr Magmasson for degrees. 1876 In Memoriam : W. H. Bateson. {Eagle, lxv.) 1881 The South of France and the Riviera. {Eagle, lxvii., lxviii.) 1882 Testimonials when a candidate for the Professorship of Greek in the University of Edinburgh. 1882 Obituary notice of Ch. Merivale. {Eagle, cm.) 1894 Honorary Degrees. {Camb. Rev., June 9, 1898.) 1898 Harvard Lectures on the revival of learning. 1 905 Orationes et epistolae Cantabrigienses, 1 876-1 909. 4° 1910 SANDYS (W.D.) A Narrative of the late W. D. Sandys of Trinity College. By his Father. 12° London, 181 5 SANSKRIT Professorship, 1867. See Aufrecht (T.) ; Cowell (E. B.). SARGENT (J.) Memoir of Henry Martyn. 3rd ed. London, i^i<) lOth ed. London, 1830 S ARSON (L.) Analysis of i Timoth. i. 15. 40 1645 SATOW {Sir E.) An Austrian diplomatist [Htibner] in the fifties. (Rede lecture, 1908.) 1908 SAUNDERSON SCHOLEFIELD 213 SAUNDERSON (N.) Memoirs of the Life of Dr N. Saunderson. (Extracted from his Elements of Algebra^ 174O.) 4° 174O SAURIN (J.) Sermons, translated from the original French. 4 vols. 1775-82 SAVAGE (E.A.) The Bodleian Library. {Nineteenth Century, Sept. 1902.) SAVAGE (J.) An account of the last illness of Richard Porson, M. A. London^ 1 808 SAWSTON. See Clarke (E. D.), 1817. SAYLE (C.E.) Bertha. Oxford, 1885 Wiclif. An historical drama. Oxford, 1887 Erotidia. R"gh) ^^^9 The Church of Our Lady and the English Martyrs. [By C. Sayle and C. Scott.] 1890 Bibliotheca loquitur. Notes on St John's College Library. {Eagle, 1892.) 1892 Hand-list of Early English Books in the University of Cambridge. (Prospectus.) 40 1892 Musa Consolatrix. London, 1893 The Vatican Library. {Library.) London, 1895 The University Library, Cambridge. 1895 2nd ed. 1905 Early English Printed Books in the University Library, Cambridge (1475-1640). 4 vols, and suppl. 1900-1907 Initial letters in Early English Printed Books. {Bibl. Soc.) 40 London, 1904 Sayle (C.E.) and Williamson (G.C.) Portraits, Prints, and Writings of John Milton. 40 1908 2nd ed. 40 1908 Special ed. 4° 1908 Application by C. Sayle for post of Chief Librarian in the Univ. of Edinburgh. 1910 See Ali, 1902. SCARGILL (D.). The recantation of D. S. publickly made before the University of Cambridge, in Gt St Maries, July 25, 1669. 4° 1669 SCENE from Alma Mater. By B.A. 12° 1830 SCENES from an unfinished drama, entitled Phrontisterion, or Oxford in the nineteenth century. [By H. L. Mansel.] 4th ed. Oxford, 1852 5th ed. Oxford, 1861 SCHARF (G.) Artistic notes on the windows of King's College Chapel, Cambridge. {Jrchaeol.Journ. xii.,xiu.) London, iS^ ^-6 SCHOLARSHIPS. Statutes for certain scholarships proposed by the Council of the Senate. {Camb. Chron., 28 Nov. 1857.) See also Endowments. SCHOLEFIELD (J.) St Paul and St James reconciled. A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge. 1828 An argument for a Church-Establishment. A sermon, 24 Nov. 1833. 2nd ed. 1833 214 SCHOLEFIELD SCOTT SCHOLEFIELD (J.) A reply to Prof. Scholefield's pamphlet, entitled, An argument for Church Establishments. London^ 1834 A zealous ministry the safeguard of a nation. A sermon preached. . . on the occasion of the death of Charles Simeon. 1836 2nd ed. 1836 Another ed. [Pulpit^ xxix.) London^ 1837 Scriptural grounds of Union, considered in five sermons preached before the Univ. of Cambridge, Nov. 1840. 1841 The Christian Altar. A sermon preached. ..23 Oct. 1842. 1842 Remarks on the Christian Altar. By F. W. Collison. 1842 Some further Remarks. By F. W. Collison. 1843 The Lord's Table the Christian Altar, in some remarks upon Prof. Scholefield's late Sermon. By C. Warren. 1843 A sermon preached in St Michael's Church 17 April, 1853, the Sunday after the funeral of the Rev. J. S. By T. T. Perowne. 1853 Memoir. By his vs^idow. With notices of his literary character, by W. Selwyn. London, 1855 Scholefield Prize. Report of meeting, etc. 1856 Catalogue of his library... sold Nov. 5, 6, 1862. 1862 See also Collison (F. W.). SCHOOL of Art. Inaugural soirde. Mr Ruskin's address, and report of the speeches of Mr Redgrave and Mr Cruikshank. 1858 Inaugural address, by John Ruskin. 1858 SCHOOL of Cookery. Annual Report, 1881, 1882, 1883. 1881-3 SCHOOL of Pythagoras. An account of Pythagoras's School in Cambridge. [By J. Kilner.] F^ {1790) SCHOOLBOY Reminiscences. A Poem. By an Undergraduate [J. Purchas, Chr.]. 1844 SCHOOLS. Report of the Old Schools of Cambridge, 1857, 1871. 1857, 1871 Abbey District, Barnw^ell. Appeal for new premises. 1857 Church of England Primary Schools. Report, 1882; 1884-5; 1890-1 ; 1892-3; 1893-4; 1894-5; 1895-6; 1899-1900. 1882-1901 SCHULHOF (J.M.) '' Attic," « Ionic," and « Tragic." 1 899 The present position of Moral Philosophy. 1900 SCIENTIFIC Instrument Company. Descriptive list of instruments manufactured and supplied. 1891 SCOFFOCLES. The Suppliants of Scoffocles. [1883] SCORE of Lyrics. [By W. G. Clark.] 1849 SCOTT (A.) Testimonials in favour of A.S., Jacksonian Demonstrator of Chemistry in the University of Cambridge, a candidate for the Professorship of Chemistry at St Andrews's. (1884) SCOTT (C.B.) Age, concitate cantus, etc. Verses for tercentenary of Trinity College, 22 Dec. 1846. 40 1846 The Greek Kingdoms of Bactria and its vicinity. (Le Bas Prize Essay for 1849.) 1849 SCOTT SEARLE 215 SCOTT (C.B.) Further remarks on the Master of Trinity's Criticism of Aristotle's Account of Induction. 4° 1850 See a/so Bernard (H. H.) ; Mason (P. H.). SCOTT (E.) A plain statement relative to the Cambridge Election Petition. 1840 SCOTT {Sir G.G.) On King's College Chapel. (From his History of English Church Architecture.) London^ 1 88 1 SCOTT (James) Heaven : a vision. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1760.) 2nd ed. 4° 1761 An hymn to Repentance. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1762.) 40 1762 A sermon preached at the Court End of the Town and in the City... on the King's Accession. . .25 Oct. 1772. Dedicated to Mr Garrick. London^ 1773 SCOTT (John) Letter on Proctorial jurisdiction. i860 SCOTT (Joseph) A new system for draining the Fens, etc. Wisbech [1809?] SCOTT (R.F.) The meeting of Henry VII. and the King of Castile. {Eagle, March 1889.) 1889 Notes from the College Records. 2 ser. {Eagle.) 1 890-1906 5^^ John's (St) College. Admissions. Pt in. 1903. SCRAPS, or essays, serious and comic, in prose and verse. By a Cantab. 1795 SCREED. No. I. Nov. 11, 1899. bd. 40 1899 2nd ed. 3^. 4° 1899 SCRIBE (A.E.) and Legouv6 (G.J.B.E.W.) The Ladies' Battle. Transl. and acted at Cambridge, March, 1905. 1905 SCRIBLERUS (Martinus), jun. The Ratland Feast. 1820 SCRIBLERUS Redivivus. A new art teaching how to be plucked. [Attr. to E. Caswall.] 2nd ed. Oxford, 1835 7th ed. Oxford, 1837 SEALE (J.B.) An analysis of the Greek Metres for the use of students at the Universities. 1784 2nd ed. 1789 New ed. Oxford, 18 12 8th ed. 1820 SEAMAN (O.) Paulopostprandials. [By O. Seaman, H. C Monro, and L. Speed.] 3rd ed. 4° 1883 Oedipus the Wreck, or "To trace the Knave." 40 1888 Poetry and teaching of Robert Browning. Syllabus of Lectures. London, 1889 In Cap and Bells. London, 1900 SEARLE (C.E.) The Clerical Fellow's Stewardship. A sermon. 1878 SEARLE (W.G.) The illuminated manuscripts in the Library of the Fitzwilliam Museum. 1876 List of Cambridge Books. (Proofs of a work never completed.) [188-] 5^/ Grace Book V. 2i6 SEATONIAN SEATONIAN Prize Poems. Collections. Musae Seatonianae. A complete collection, 1 750-1 770. London^ i']']2 1 750-1 806. 2 vols. 1808 Separate Poems, *#* When a title is printed in italics, the poem in question is not included in the Clark Collection; those poems marked with an asterisk will, however, be found elsewhere in the University Library. It has been considered desirable to record the whole series, but when no date of publication is given no copy of the poem in question has been examined or found described. 1750. On the Eternity of the Supreme Being. By C. Smart. 2nd ed. 40 1752 1 75 1. On the Immensity of the Supreme Being. By C. Smart. 2nd ed. 40 1753 1752. On the Omniscience of the Supreme Being. By C. Smart. 40 1752 1753. On the Power of the Supreme Being. By C. Smart. 4° 1754 1754. The Justice of the Supreme Being. By G. Bally. 4° 1755 ^755' O^ t^e Goodness of the Supreme Being. By C. Smart. 40 1756 2nd ed. 40 1756 1756. The Wisdom of the Supreme Being. By G. Bally. 4° 1756 1757. The Day of Judgment. By R. Glynn. 3rd ed. 401758 Another ed. 1800 1758. The Providence of the Supreme Being. By G. Bally. 4° 1758 1759. * Death. By B. Porteus. 4° 1759 1760. Heaven: a Vision. By J. Scott. 2nd ed. 4° 1761 1 76 1. * Purity of Heart. By J. Scott. 4° 1 76 1 1762. An Hymn to Repentance. By J. Scott. 4° 1762 1763. The Redemption. By John Hey. 4° 1763 1764. The Conversion of St Paul. By J. Lettice. 4° 1765 1765. *The Crucifixion. By T. Zouch. 40 1765 1766. No prize adjudged. Subject : The Gift of Tongues. 1767. *The Gift of Tongues. By C. Jenner. 4° 1767 1768. The Destruction of Nineveh. By C. Jenner. 4° 1768 1769. No prize adjudged. 1770. *The Dedication of the Temple of Solomon. By W. Hodson. 40 1770 1 77 1. No prize adjudged. Subject: Conscience. 1772. Conscience. By William Gibson. 4° 1772 1773. Charity. By C. P. Layard. 4° 1773 1774. No prize adjudged. Subject: Duelling. ^yi poetical essay on Duelling. By C. P. Layard. 4° 1775 775" {Duelling. By S. Hayes. 40 1775 1776. Prophecy. By S. Hayes. 40 1777 SEATONIAN 217 SEATONIAN Prize Poems. 1777. Prayer. By S. Hayes. 4° 1778. The Nativity of our Saviour. By S. Hayes. 40 1779. No prize adjudged. Subject : The Ascension. 1780. The Ascension. By Tho. Hughes. 4° 1 78 1. Jerusalem Destroyed. By W. Gibson. 4° 1782. *The Call of the Gentiles. By S. Madan. 4° 1783. Hope. By Samuel Hayes. 4° 1784. Creation. By Samuel Hayes. 4° 1785. ^T he Exodus. By Samuel Hayes. 4° 1 786-1 788. No prize adjudged. Subject : The Resurrection. 1789. *The Deluge. By John Roberts. 4° 1790. Faith : a vision. By Charles Philpot. 4° 1 79 1. * Humility. By Ch. Philpot. 4° 1 792-1 793. No prize adjudged. Subject : The Restoration of the Jews. 1794. The Restoration of the Jews. By F. Wrangham. 4° 1795. * The Destruction of Babylon. By A. W. Trollope. 4° 1796. No prize adjudged. Subject : The Mercy of God. 1797. Miracles. By William Bolland. 40 1798. The Epiphany. By William Bolland. 40 1799. * Saint Paul at Athens. By W. Bolland. 4° 1800. The Holy Land. By F. Wrangham. 4° 1801. No prize adjudged. Subject: St Peter's denial of Chris 1802. St Peter's denial of Christ. By W. Cockburn. 4° 1803. Christ raising the daughter of Jairus. By W. Cockburn 4° 1 804. * Moses viewing the Promised Land. By C. Hoyle. 4° 1805. Christ's Lamentation over Jerusalem. By Charles Peers 4° 1806. Paul and Barnabas at Lystra. By C. Hoyle. 4° 1807. *The Shipwreck of St Paul. By C. J. Hoare. 40 1808. The Holy Wars. By B. T. H. Cole. 1809. The Conquest of Canaan. By G. Pryme. 1 8 10. No prize adjudged. Subject: The Death of Abel. 181 1. The Sufferings of the Primitive Martyrs. By F. Wrangham. 40 1812 1812. Joseph made known to his Brethren. By F. Wrangham. 40 1812 18 1 3. Death of Saul and Jonathan. By E. Smedley. London^ 1814 1 8 14. Jephthah. By E. Smedley. London^ 18 14 1815. Jonah. By J. W. Bellamy. London, 1^1$ 1 8 16. Hezekiah and Sennacherib. By C. H. Terrot. 18 16 1817. Belshazzar's Feast. By T. S. Hughes. 1818 1818. "* Deborah. By A. Dicken. l8i8 1819. No prize adjudged. Subject: Moses receiving the Tables of the Law. 1820. The Omnipresence of the Supreme Being. By E. B. Elliott. 1821 777 778 780 781 782 783 784 785 789 790 791 795 795 797 799 800 800 802 803 804 805 806 808 2i8 SEATONIAN SEATONIAN Prize Poems. 1821. No prize adjudged. Subject : The Old Age of St John the Evangelist. 1822. '^Antiochus Ep'iphanes. By E. B. Elliott. London^ iS2$ 1823. No prize adjudged. Subject : Cornelius. 1824. The Death of Absalom. By H. S. Beresford. 1825 1825. The Building and Dedication of the Second Temple. By J. Overton. 1826 1826. No prize adjudged. Subject : The Transfiguration. 1827. *The Marriage in Cana. By E. S medley. London^ 1828 1828. *Saul at Endor. By E. Smedley. London^ 1829 1829. *The Finding of Moses. By J. H. Marsden. 1829 « (*The Ascent of Elijah. By R. Parkinson. 1830 J03O- jxhe Ascent of Elijah. By W. M. Praed. 1831 1 83 1. David playing the Harp before Saul. By T. E. Hankinson. 1831 1832. The Plague Stayed. By T. E. Hankinson. 1832 1833. St Paul at Philippi. By T. E. Hankinson. 1833 1834. Jacob. By T. E. Hankinson. 1834 r. (^Ishmael. By T. E. Hankinson. 1835 ^■^' \hhmael. By J. Gorle. 1836. No prize adjudged. Subject : The Conversion of Constantine the Great. 1837. No prize adjudged. Subject : St Paul at Ephesus. 1838. Ethiopia stretching out her hands unto God. By T. E. Hankinson. 1838 1839. Gideon. By John Murray. 1839 1840. *The Ministry of Angels. By T. E. Hankinson. 1840 1841. The Call of Abraham. By T. E. Hankinson. 1841 1842. The Cross planted upon the Himalaya Mountains. By T. E. Hankinson. 1842 1843. Faith, Hope, and Charity. By T. R. Birks. 1843 1844. * Esther. By T. R. Birks. 1844 1845. *The Loosing of the Euphratean Angels. By J. M. Neale. 1845 1846. The Curse upon Canaan. By R. W. Essington. 1846 1847. No prize adjudged. Subject : The Famine in Samaria (II Kings, 6, 7). 1848. No prize adjudged. Subject : John the Baptist. 1849. Edom. By J. M. Neale. 1849 1850. Nineveh. By G. Birch. 1850 185 1. * Samson. By G. Birch. 1 85 1 1852. Mammon. By J. M. Neale. 1852 1853. No prize adjudged. Subject : The Universal Dominion and Providence of God. 1854. '^Ezechiel. By E. H. Bicker steth. 1854 1855. No prize adjudged. Subject: The Plurality of Worlds. 1856. Judith. ByJ.M. Neale. 1856 1857. Si^ai- % J- M- Neale. 1857 SEATONIAN 219 SEATONIAN Prize Poems. rSrS /Egypt. By J. M. Neale. 1858 '°5»- \* Egypt. By T. Walker. 1858 1859. The Disciples at Emmaus. By J. M. Neale. 1859 :86o. Ruth. By J. M. Neale. i860 [861. No prize adjudged. Subject : Christ among the Doctors. [862. Kingjosiah. By J. M. Neale. 1862 [863. The Seven Churches of Asia. By J. M. Neale. 1863 [864. Capernaum. By W. Saumarez Smith. Londorty iS6^ [865. Joshua. By H. R. Dodd. 1865 [866. The Disciples in the Upper Room. By W. S. Smith. 1866 !867. St Paul on the Appian Way. By C. Stan well. 1867 [868. John the Baptist. By Jackson Mason. 1868 [869. Christian Self-denial. By H. C. G. Moule. 1869 [870. The Beloved Disciple. By H. C. G. Moule. 1870 [871. Tyre. By H. C. G. Moule. 1871 [872. The Gospel in Polynesia. By H. C. G. Moule. 1872 [873. The Brazen Serpent. By H. C. G. Moule. 1873 [874. The Holy Sepulchre. By E. A. Beck. Brighton [1874] [875. No prize adjudged. Subject : The Death of St Stephen. [876. The Victory that overcometh the World. By H. C. G. Moule. 1876 [877. Judas Maccabaeus. By J. W. Mills. London^ 1877 [878. No prize adjudged. Subject: "The Mind of Christ" (i Cor. ii. 16). [879. Antioch. By J. C. Rust. 1879 [880. St Paul and Felix. By E. W. Bowling. 1880 [881. "Then He arose," etc. (Matt. viii. 26). By E. W. Bowling. 1881 I2. The Transfiguration. By G. E. Freeman. 1883 [883. Jordan. By F. S. Arnold. 1884 [884. No prize adjudged. Subject: Gethsemane. [885. The Dream of Jacob {Gen. xxviiL). By A. W. W. Dale. [886. "The Message to the Angel of the Church in Sardis." (Rev. iii. 1-6.) By E. W. Bowling. 1887 [887. "On Earth Peace." By E. W. Bowling. 1888 "'^8. Jericho. By G. E. Freeman. 1889 [889. The Vhion of the Holy Waters, {Ezechiel xlviii.) By A. S. Newman. 1889 [890. Samuel. By H. A. Birks. 1891 1891. The Martyrdom of St Stephen. By G. W. Rowntree. 1891 892. Jeremiah. By G. W. Rowntree. 1892 893. Damascus. By G. E. Freeman. 1894 894. The Broad and the Narrow Way. By G. E. Freeman. 1895 895. * Mount Zion. By G. W. Rowntree. 1896 896. Polycarp. By G, W. Rowntree. 897. *'The Mount of Olives. By J. H. Lupton. 1898 898. SS. Perpetua and Felicitas. By G. W. Rowntree. 1898 899. St Augustine, Bp of Hippo. By John Hudson. 1900 220 SEATONIAN SEDGWICK SEATONIAN Prize Poems. 1900. *Bede. By F. A. Hihhert. 1900 1 90 1. Elijah. By P. J. Loseby. 1902 1902. * Cyrus and the Restoration of the Jews. By J. Hudson. 1 902 1903. St Aidan. By G. JV. Rowntree. 1904. 'Ei/ TovTQ) vLKa. By F. H. Wood. 1904 1905. St Columba. By A. C. Deane. 1905 1906. The Woman of Samaria. By G. JV. Rowntree. 1907. Barnabas. By P. J. Loseby. 1908 1908. St Alban. By Claud Field. London^ 1909 1909. Paul before Nero. By J. E.G. de Montmorency. London^ 1910 1 9 10. *St John in Patmos. By H. E. Currey. 191 1 5^^«/;^Hankinson(T.E.),i847; Hayes (S.), 178 1 ; Myers (F. W. H.), 1867 ; Neale (J. M.), 1864; Sinai ; Smedley (E.), 1815. SECONDARY Education. Address on Secondary Education, delivered at the Social Science Congress, Birmingham. By O. Browning. 1884 Report of Conference held in the Senate House, 21 and 22 April, 1896. 1896 Conversazione at the Fitzwilliam Museum on the occasion of the Conference on Secondary Education, April 21, 1896. 1896 SEDGWICK (Adam), Professor of Geology. A syllabus of a course of lectures on Geology. 1821 2nd ed. 1832 3rd ed. 1837 A reply to an Address to the Senate (published by the Master of Jesus College, W. French). 1823 Remarks on the Observations of Dr French : with an argument on the law of Elections to Offices created by the Senate. 1824 A letter to Henry Goulburn, Chancellor of the Exchequer [on the University representatives]. 4° 1829 An address delivered at the annual meeting of the Geological Society of London, 19 Feb. 1830. London^ 1830 Addresses delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Geological Society of London, 18 Feb. 1831. London^ 1831 A discourse on the studies of the University. 1833 2nd ed. 1834 3rd ed. 1834 4th ed. 1835 5th ed. 1850 Review of A discourse on the studies of the University^ by A. Sedgwick. 3rd ed. By George Combe. 1834 Copy of a letter published in the Times of April 10, and the Cambridge Chronicle of April 11 (1834) and Postscript. (Religious Tests.) 40 (1834) Copy of a letter (dated April 1 8, 1 834) to the Editor of the Inde- pendent Press^ Cambridge. (Religious Tests.) 4° 1 834 Cambridge Petition (Religious Tests). Seventeen reasons for adopting the prayer of the Petition... F^ (1834) SEDGWICK SELBIE 221 SEDGWICK (Adam), Profemr of Geology. Review of R. Chambers's f^estiges of the Natural History of Creation. {Edinb. Rev. July, 1845.) Geology of the Lake District of Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lancashire. (Author's copy.) Kendal^ 1853 Another ed. See Wordsworth (W.), 1853. A lecture on the strata near Cambridge and the Fens of the Bedford Level. (With suppl. containing map.) 1861 A memorial by the Trustees of Cowgill Chapel. 1868 The memorial of the Trustees of Cowgill Chapel. With appendix and supplement. 1870 Another copy of the Supplement. 1870 Eminent living Geologists. Adam Sedgwick. (By H. Woodward.) {Geol. Mag., Apr. 1870.) Memoir. By the Duke of Argyll, President of the Geological Society, London (21 Feb. 1873). {London, 1873) God our Refuge. A sermon preached... Feb. 2, 1873, being the Sunday after the death of the Rev. A. Sedgwick. By R. Burn. ^873 Purity and Light. Funeral Sermon by A. P. Stanley. London, 1873 Adam Sedgwick. By Harvey Goodwin. {Macmillan's Mag., Ap. 1880.) Biographical notice of A. Sedgwick. By T. M"=Kenny Hughes. n.p. 1883 Reminiscences of A. Sedgwick. By W. Carus. {Churchman, Feb. 1889.) Life and Letters. By J. W. Clark and T. McK. Hughes. 2 vols. 1890 Review in Church Quarterly, July, 1890. Review by A. Jessopp in Nineteenth Century, Aug. 1 890. Professor Adam Sedgwick of Cambridge. By James Macaulay. (Review.) {Leisure Hour, Oct. 1 890.) Adam Sedgwick. Sermon preached at Dent, 14 Feb. 1890. By J. J. Pulleine. Sedbergh, 1890 See Beverley (R. M.) ; Cockburn (W.), 1 849 ; Cole (H.), 1834; French (W.) ; Otleya.)» 1877; SalterG-W.), 1873. SEDGWICK Memorial Museum. See Woodwardian Museum. SEDGWICK Prize Essay. 1 876. Post-tertiary deposits of Cambridge- shire. By A. J. Jukes Browne. 1878 1883. The classification of the Cambrian and Silurian rocks. By J. E. Marr. 1883 SEDGWICK (Adam), Professor of Zoology. See Morphological Labor- atory ; Zoology. SEDGWICK (J.) Sermon preached at St Marie's, May i, 1653. 40 London y 1653 Learning's necessity to an able minister of the Gospel. 4° London. 1653 SEELEY {Lady) See Heitland (W. E.). SEELEY (H.G.) On the gravel and drift of the Fenlands. {Geol. Mag. III. 19 Nov. 1866.) SEELEY {Sir J.R.) From the Cambridge Lecture-Rooms : Bonaparte. {Macmillans Mag.^ July, 1 88 1.) SELBIE (W.B.) Remember the Days of Old. A sermon. 4° 1906 222 SELLON SELWYN SELLON (L.) Miss Sellon and the "Sisters of Mercy." An ex- posure... by the Rev. James Spurrell, Vicar of Great Shelford. London^ 1852 ■ 2nd ed. London^ 1852 Reply to a tract by the Rev. J. Spurrell... By the Superior of the Society. London^ 1852 2nd ed. London^ 1852 A Rejoinder to the Reply to a pamphlet by the Rev. J. Spurrell. By the Same. London, 1852 The Anglo-Catholics of Plymouth. A few Remarks upon Miss Sellon's "Reply" to the Rev. J. Spurrell's "Exposure." By the Rev. Henry T. J. Bagge, B.A. London, 1852 A Letter to the Rev. James Spurrell on the subject of a pamphlet published by him... By a Member of the University of Cambridge. London and Camb. 1852 A Letter to "A Member of the University of Cambridge," being Remarks on his Letter to the Rev. James Spurrell. By a Presbyter of the Church of England. 1852 A Letter to Miss Sellon, Superior of the Society of Sisters of Mercy, at Plymouth. By Henry [Phillpotts] Lord Bishop of Exeter. London, 1852 Sisters of Mercy, Sisters of Misery : or Miss Sellon in the Family ; with some Remarks on " A Reply to the Rev. James Spurrell," etc. By the Rev. W. M. Colles, A.B. London, 1852 An Address delivered to the Members of the Congregation of S. Peter's Church, Plymouth, March 15, 1852, in consequence of some statements... by the Rev. James Spurrell. By George Rundle Prynne, B.A., Incumbent of S. Peter's. London, 1852 Miss Sellon, and the Sisters of Mercy. Further Statement of the... working of the Society... By Diana A. G. Campbell, a Novice lately seceded. London, 1852 Miss Sellon and the Sisters of Mercy. A Contradiction of the alleged acts of cruelty exercised by Miss Sellon... By Commander Sellon, R.N. London, 1852 3rd ed. London, 1852 A Letter to the Archbishop of Dublin on the nature... of Miss Sellon's establishment at Devenport...By the Rev, W. G. Cookesley. 2nd ed. London, 1853 SELWYN College. Selwyn Memorial. List of subscribers, etc. 1878 Later issue. 1878 Prospectus and list of Subscribers. (1880) Form of service to be used at the laying of the foundation stone of Selwyn College, June i, 1881. (1881) Foundation and Charter. Statements, Fly-Sheets, etc. 1881-82. 1881-82 Prospectus, etc. 1882 Sermon preached at opening of Selwyn College, 10 Oct. 1882 May Term Concert, June 3, 1885. Book of words. (1885) Appeal for funds. 40 1886 SELWYN SENATE 223 SELWYN College. Calendar. 1894-1903. 1894-1903 List of subscribers to portrait of A. T. Lyttelton, given to the College, Dec. 3, 1894. (1894) Order for the Dedication of the Chapel of Selwyn College, Cambridge, on St Etheldreda's Day, 1895. (1895) Selwyn College. By A. L. Brown. (College histories.) Londoriy igo6 Report on Hall and Combination Room and Subscription List. [1909?] SELWYN (A.L.) Memorials of four Brothers— W. Selwyn, G. A. Selwyn, T. K. Selwyn, C. J. Selwyn. Richmond (1885) SELWYN (G.A.) Are Cathedral institutions useless ? A practical answer to this question, addressed to W. E. Gladstone. London, 1838 The work of Christ in the World. Four Sermons. 1855 Memorial Sketch of Bishop Selwyn, and of his various diocesan works. By Mrs E. A. Cartels. Hewcastle-under-L^me (1878) SELWYN (W.) The doctrine of Types. (Norrisian Prize Essay for 1829.) London, 1830 Extracts from the College examinations in Divinity for the last four years. 1834 Attempt to investigate the true principles of Cathedral Reform. 1839 The Battle of the Epigrams, Nov. 30, 1857. 1858 Oxford and Cambridge Mission to Central Africa. A speech, May 17, 1859. 1859 Quis desiderio sit pudor aut modus tarn cari capitis ? (On the Memorial to Prince Albert as Chancellor.) 1862 Verses against Ball in the Fitzwilliam Museum on 7 May, 1 864. 40(1864) Winfrid, afterwards called Boniface, a.d. 680-755. 4° 1864 Waterloo. A lay of Jubilee for June 18, 181 5. 2nd ed. 4° 1865 Prof. Selwyn's Latin lines on his convalescence, with an English version. London, 1867 A letter to His Holiness Pope Pius IX. Dublin, 1868 John Hambden to his Countrymen. 40 1869 The New Chapel of St John's College. 6 May, 1861. 4° 1869 " In domo procerum." Latin verses. 20 July. 401869 Genevieve — Genoveva. 40 [1869 ?] Speeches at Cambridge on various occasions. 4° London, 1875 Pastoral Colloquies on the South Downs. 40 London, 1875 5v(riKo\ripoi<;. (With English version by T. Fremantle, Balliol College, Oxford.) 1848 Verses on the Master of Trinity's criticism of Aristotle's account of Induction. (With the original MS.) 4° 1850 Thucydides or Grote ? 1851 Few Remarks on Thucydides or Grote. [By J. Grote.] 1851 Greek verses on contested election for University Representative. 40 1856 Latin elegiacs on the death of the Caput Senatus. 1856 Lines on the title A.C. proposed to be given by the Local Examina- tions. i860 Testimonials when a candidate for the Greek Professorship in the University of Durham. 1862 SHIPLEY (A.E.) and Marr (J.E.) Handbook to the Natural History of Cambridgeshire. 1904 Shipley (A.E.) and Roberts (H.A.) A plea for Cambridge. {Quarterly Review^ April, 1906.) The same, reprinted. Edinburgh^ ^907 The late Professor Sir Michael Foster. {Proc. L'tnnean Soc.) {LondoTiy 1907) Biographical sketch of John Samuel Budgett. 4° 1908 Obituary notice of Professor A. Newton. {Proc. Linnean Soc.) {London^ 1 908) Brit. Assoc. 1909, Winnipeg. Address to Zoological section. 4° 1909 SHORT inquiry into the tendency of Chapel. [? 182-] SHUCKBURGH (E.S.) Laurence Chaderton, D.D. — Richard Farmer, D.D. An essay. 1884 Emmanuel College. (College histories.) London^ 1904 Memorial article by J. Adam. (1906) SHUDY CAMPS. Auctioneers' description of Shudy Camps Hall. Y° London^ 1903 SIBERCH (J.) See Bowes (R.). SIDGWICK (A.) Tennyson. Trin. Coll. 19 Oct. 1909. London^ 1909 CL. C. 15 226 SIDGWICK SIMEON SIDGWICK (H.) On the Classical Tripos Examination. (1866) The Ethics of Conformity and Subscription. London^ 1870 In memory of Henry Sidgwick. By F. W. H. Myers. London, 1900 A memoir. By A. Sidgwick and E. M. Sidgwick. London, 1906 Henry Sidgwick Memorial Lecture. Decadence. By A. J. Balfour. 1908 SIDGWICK {Mrs) University Education of Women. 1897 SIDNEY Sussex College. The trial of F. Kendall, for setting fire to Sydney College. 181 3 The Pheon. Sidney Sussex College Magazine. Tercentenary ed. Feb. 14, 1896. (1896) Sidney Sussex College. By G. M. Edwards. (College histories.) London^ 1899 iS^^ also Acts and Bills, 1823. SIEVEKING (A.F.) See Worke for Cutlers. SILVER Crescent. The "Hall" Magazine. Nos. 10, 11, 33, 34, 39> 42, 43j 45, 47> 48. 1 893-1 907 SIMEON (C.) The danger of neglecting the Great Sacrifice. Assize Sermon, Aug. 22, 1797. i797 The Churchman's Confession. Sermon... i Dec. 1805. (1805) The Fountain of Living Waters. Sermon... 14 May, 1809. (1809) Evangelical and Pharisaic Righteousness. Sermon... 26 Nov. 1809. (1809) Fresh cautions to the public ; or a letter to the Rev. Edw. Pearson, D.D. Feb. 7, 1810. (1810) 2nd ed. (1810) Christ Crucified. Sermon. 17 Mar. 181 1. 181 1 3rd ed. (In The Excellency of the Liturgy, 3rd ed.) 18 16 The Excellency of the Liturgy. Four discourses preached before the University, Nov. 181 1. [With] an Answer to Dr Marsh's Inquiry, dated 25 March, 18 12. 1812 2nd ed. 1813 3rd ed. 1816 Dr Marsh's fact ; or a congratulatory address to the Church Members of the British and Foreign Bible Society. 1813 An appeal to men of wisdom and candour. Four discourses preached before the University, Nov. 181 5. London^ 18 16 Another ed. London^ 1820 The true test of Religion in the Soul. Sermon... 9 March, 181 7. 1817 The Conversion of the Jews. Two discourses preached before the University of Cambridge, Feb. 18 and 25, 1821. London^ 1821 Pastoral admonition to an affectionate flock, i Oct. 1832. London^ 1832 Evangelical Religion. A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge. 1837 Substance of an address delivered at a meeting of Undergraduates in Cambridge... Oct. 27, 1834. London^ 1837 SIMEON SKETCHES 227 SIMEON (C.) Funeral Sermons. By W. Dealtry, G. Hodson, W. Mandell, J. Scholefield, S. Thodey, T. Webster. Cambridge and London, 1836 Biography and account of his funeral. {Pulpit, xx\x.) London [iS^j] Memoirs of the life of C. Simeon. Ed. by W. Carus. 2nd ed. London, iS^y A brief memoir of the Rev. C. Simeon. By J. Williamson. London, 1 848 Memorial of the late C. Simeon. Report. 1856 Recollections of the conversation parties of the Rev. C. Simeon. By A. B. Brown. London, 1863 Charles Simeon. By H. C. G. Moule. (English Leaders of Religion.) London, 1892 See also Pearson (E.). SIMEON (S.) Itineraria S. Simeonis et Willelmi de Worcestre. Ed. J. Nasmith. 1778 SIMPKINSON (J.N.) An oration delivered in Trinity College Chapel, at the Commemoration, Dec. 15, 1838. (1838) SIMPSON (J.C.) Testimonials. Assistant Surgeon, Addfnbrooke's Hospital. 1897 SINAI. Written for the Seatonian Prize Poem. By an unsuccessful Candidate. 1858 SINKER (R.) A catalogue of the fifteenth century printed books in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1876 The statue of Byron in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. {J^otes and Queries^ Nov. 26, 1881.) {London^ 1881) The Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1891 A talk with the congregation about the Round Church. (1898) Descriptive catalogue of editions of printed text of versions of Testamenta xii. Patriarcharum. 1910 SITES. Purchase of sites. Fly-sheets, reports, etc., relating thereto, from 1896. 1896- SIZAR(The) A rhapsody. No. i. 1799 SIZAR MacSandy. A legend of St Bede's College. By Melissa. 1885 SKEAT (W.W.) A Student's Pastime, being Articles reprinted from Notes and Queries. Oxford^ 1 896 Place names of Huntingdonshire. 1902 Notes on some examples of the occurrence of initial W in written English. {Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc.) 1904 SKELTON (J.) Pietas Oxoniensis, or records of Oxford Founders. 40 Oxford, 1828 [1831] Oxonia antiqua restaurata. 2nd ed. By E. J. Carlos. 40 London, 1843 SKENE (W.B.) Handbook of certain Acts affecting the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and the Colleges therein. London, 1894 SKERTCHLY (S.B.J.) and Miller (S.H.) The Fenland past and present. IVisbech, 1878 SKETCHES from Cambridge. By a Don [Leslie Stephen]. London, 1865 15—2 228 SKITS SMITH SKITS. By an Undergraduate [R. JefFcoat, Caius]. 1894 SKYNNER (J.) Speech at the laying of the first stone of the front of the Library, 30 April, 1755. (In Carmina ad...Ducem de New- castle inscripta.) F° 1755 SLADE Professorship of Fine Art. Deed of Foundation. (1869) SLEEPERS (The) By M.P. 1909 SLIP in the Fens. [By Jane Sexey.] New ed. London^ 1885 SMART (C.) On the Eternity of the Supreme Being. 2nd ed. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1750.) 4° 1752 On the Omniscience of the Supreme Being. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1752.) 4° 1752 On the Immensity of the Supreme Being. 2nd ed. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1751.) 4° 1753 On the Power of the Supreme Being. (Seatonian Prize Poem for I753-) . . 4° 1754 On the Goodness of the Supreme Being. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1755.) 4° 1756 2nd ed. 4° 1756 Bibliography of the writings of Christopher Smart, with biographical refer- ences, by G. J. Gray. 4° London^ 1903 SMEATON (J.) Report concerning the drainage of the North Level of the Fens, 22 Aug. 1768. 40 n.p. 1768 SMEDLEY (E.) A few verses English and Latin. London^ 18 12 The death of Saul and Jonathan. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1813.) 1814 Jephthah. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 18 14.) 18 14 Jonah. A poem. (Written for the Seatonian Prize and commended.) London^ 1 81 5 Farewell to Harold I [Attack on Byron.] n.p. i8i6 Prescience ; or the secrets of divination. A poem. London^ 1816 Poems, with a selection from his correspondence, and a memoir of his life. London^ 1837 The Tribute. Edited by Lord Northampton (for E. Smedley's benefit). London, 1837 SMEDLEY (F.E.) Frank Fairlegh. London, 1863 SMITH (A.L.) F. W. Maitland. A bibliography. Oxford, 1907 Frederic William Maitland. Two lectures and a bibliography. Oxford, 1908 SMITH (A.R.) See Catalogue. SMITH (G.) Oxford and her Colleges. 12° London, 1894 SMITH (G.C.M.) Syllabus of lectures on the English poets of the modern school. 1889 The College days of William Wordsworth. {Eagle, March, 1891.) 1891 John Gibson's manuscript. {Eagle, June, 1892.) 1892 Lists of past and present occupants of rooms in St John's College. 1895 SMITH 229 SMITH (G.C.M.) Marlowe at Cambridge. [Mod. Lang. Review^ Jan. 1909.) 1909 See Club Law, 1907 ; Hymenaeus, 1908; Laelia, 191O; Pedantius, 1905. SMITH {Sir H.B.) Simla flowers. 4° Simla, 1899 SMITH (J.), 1 1652 Select discourses. 4th ed. By H. G. Williams. 1859 SMITH (J.), of Smith Hall, pseud. See Lewis (J. D.). SMITH {Sir J.E.) Considerations respecting Cambridge, more par- ticularly relating to its Botanical Professorship. London, 181 8 A defence of the Church and Universities of England, against such injurious advocates as Professor Monk. London, 1819 See also Monk (J. H.), 1818-19. SMITH Q.J.) The Cambridge Portfolio. 2 vols, in i. (Bowes 1993.) 40 London, 1840 A few words on the last publication of the Cambridge Camden Society [i.e. Church enlargement and Church arrangement]. 1843 Considerations on the disposal of the new Botanical Garden ground. 1845 Further considerations on the disposal of the new Botanical Garden ground. 1 845 Catalogue of Coins in the Museum of the C.A.S. 1847 Reply to Some reasons against the expediency of instituting a public examination of students previous to their residence in the Uni- versity. (6 Dec.) 1847 A letter to the Vice-Chancellor on the late rejection by the Caput of a Grace respecting an examination previous to residence. (14 Dec.) 1847 Reply to Mr Harper's Remarks. [On the University system of education.] 1848 Index to the Baker MSS. [By J. J. Smith and others.] 1848 A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the library of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. 1849 Suggestions for an Athenae Cantabrigienses. [1851 ?] Pictorial illustrations of the Catalogue of Manuscripts in Gonville and Caius College library. 40 1853 Statement of proceedings taken with reference to the election of Master in Gonville and Caius College in 1852. 1854 SMITH (J. P.) University Representation. London, 1883 SMITH (R.) A Compleat System of Opticks. 2 vols. 4° 1738 Harmonics. ^749 See Cotes (R.), 1747. SMITH (R.H.) The connexion between religion and morality, amongst the ancient Greeks and Romans. (Members' Prize Essay.) 1857 SMITH (T.) The life and death of Mr William Moore, late Fellow of Caius CoUedge, and Keeper of the University Library. (+ The last words which were writ by Dr Hammond...) (Ed. by C. Bertie.) 1660 230 SMITH SPEDDING SMITH (W.) The annals of University College. Newcastle-on-Tyney 1 728 SMITH (W.R.) Baptism for the dead, an evidence of the Resurrection. London^ 1838 SMITH (W.S.) Capernaum. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1864.) London^ 1865 The Disciples assembled in the Upper Room at Jerusalem after our Lord's Ascension. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1866.) London^ 1866 SMYTH (W.), Bp of Lincoln. Life. By R. Churton. Oxford, 1800 SMYTH {Prof W.), fi849. List of books recommended or referred to in lectures on modern history. 1 81 5 Another edition. 18 17 Another edition. 1823 Another edition. 1828 Ode performed in the Senate-House, 29 June, 181 1, at the installa- tion of the Duke of Gloucester. 181 1 Memoir of Mr Sheridan. Leeds, 1840 Lady Morley's Lecture. Leeds, 1 840 SNARL. Nos. I and 2. Oct. 31, Nov. 14, 1899. 4° 1899 SNELL (J.C.) A poetical address to the ladies of the Isle of Ely. London [ab. 1780] A poetical address to the ladies of Cambridgeshire. London [ab. 1780] SNOB. Nos. 3-6, 9-1 1. (Bowes 1 742-1 744.) 1829 SNOBS' Trip to Paris ; or the humours of a Long Vacation. A fiction founded on fact. 2nd ed. [i^S"] 3rd ed. See Fits of Folly (1832). SNODGRASS {Rev. J.) See Granta. SOCIETY for opposing the endowment of research. First publ. London, 188 1 SOCIETY for the prevention of cruelty to Undergraduates. See Trinity College, 1838. SOCIETY for the suppression of mendicity at Cambridge. F° 1819 SOCIUS. See Cambridge Tart ; Facetiae Cantabrigienses ; Oxford and Cambridge Nuts to crack. SOHAM. See Gisburne Q.). SOLEY (T.L.) Sermon preached in King's College Chapel. 1868 SOME considerations on the necessity of an Appeal in the University of Cambridge. [By M. Hodgson.] London, 1752 SOME married Fellows. [By S. C. Venn.] 2 vols. London, 1893 SOMERSHAM. An account of the Somersham water in the County of Huntingdon. By D. P. Layard. London, 1767 SOMERVELL (R.) Letters to a Cambridge Freshman. London, 1884 SOMNIUM Cantabrigiense, or a Poem upon the death of the late King, brought to London by a Post to the Muses. 4° London, 1650 SPALDING (W.P.) Street and general Directory of Cambridge. 1881 Handbook of Cambridge. 1882, 1883, 1885, 1893, '^97> '9°5> ^9^1- 1882-1907 SPEDDING (J.) Apology for thc.xrxth century. (1830) SPEED STANLEY 231 SPEED (L.) and Pryor (F.R.) The Oedipus Tyrannus. A record of the performance in Nov. 1887. 40 (1888) SPENCER (O.L.) Life of H. Chichel^, Abp of Canterbury. London y 1783 SPENCER (W.H.) See Natural Science Society. SPINETO {Marchese) Syllabus of a plan of lectures on the literature and languages of Modern Europe. 1822 Lectures on the elements of hieroglyphics and Egyptian antiquities. London^ 1829 Per I'istallazione del nobilissimo Signor Marchese di Camden. 1835 Canzone per la istallazione di sua Eccellenza il Sig. Duca di Northumberland. 1842 Quartine in occasione della visiti di...Regina Vittoria con... Principe Alberto. 1843 Per I'inaugurazione di... Principe Alberto all* officio di Cancelliere... canzone. 1847 SPINNING-HOUSE. Extracts from newspapers on a death after imprisonment in the Spinning-House. 1846 Rules for Government. F^ n.d. Dietary for Prisoners. F^ n.d. See also Proctors (i860). SPRAY. [By R. M. Bingley.] 1859 SPRING RICE (T.) Speech at a Public Meeting of the electors of the town of Cambridge, June 26, 1832. 1832 Speech, on presenting a petition from the University of Cambridge, in favour of the claims of the Dissenters, in the House of Commons, March 24, 1834. London, 1834 See also Flanagan (L.). SPROTT (T.) Chronica. Ed. Th. Hearnius. Oxoniiy 17 19 SPURRELL (J.) See Sellon (L.). SQUIRE (S.) Commencement Sermon, 2 July, 1749. 4.° London, ly^g See also Academic. STALLAN (J.) Funeral sermon on J. S., who was executed for arson, at Cambridge, Dec. 7, 1833. By James Baines. ^833 Another ed. 1834 STANFORD {Sir C.V.) Words to Opera "Savonarola," composed by C. V. Stanford. London, 1884 Eden. An Oratorio, by R. Bridges. Set to music by C. V. Stanford. 12° London, 1 89 1 Installation Ode for the Duke of Devonshire. By A. W. Verrall and C. V. Stanford. 1892 Requiem. Performed in King's Coll. Chapel by Dr Mann's Festival Choir, 9 June, 1898. 1898 Words to Opera " Much ado about nothing," composed by C. V. Stanford. London, 1901 STANHOPE (G.) The perfection of Scripture stated. A sermon... at the Public Commencement... July 4, 1697. 4° London, 1697 STANLEY (A. P.) Suggestions for an improvement of the Examina- tion Statute. [By B. Jowett and A. P. Stanley.] Oxford, 1 848 232 STANLEY STATUTES STANLEY (A.P.) A letter to the Bishop of London on the state of Subscription in the Church of England, and in the University of Oxford. Oxford^ 1863 Purity and Light. A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, Feb. 2, 1873, being the Sunday following the funeral of A. Sedgwick. Z,(J«^<7«, 1873 Charles Kingsley. A sermon preached in Westminster Abbey, Jan. 31, 1875, being the Sunday after the funeral of Charles Kingsley. London^ 1875 5^^ a/io Thirlwall (C), 1881. STANLEY (W.) Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum in bibliotheca Collegii Corporis Christi quos legavit M. Parkerus. Y° Londini^ 1722 STANTON (V.H.) The province of Christian ethics. Introductory lecture as Ely Professor of Divinity. London,, 1890 Some makers of Trinity College. Sermon preached, 9 Dec. 1898. 1898 STANWELL (C.) St Paul on the Appian Way. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1867.) 1867 STATUTES. ^^ For College Statutes see under the several Colleges concerned. An argument to prove that the xxxixth section of the \J^ Chapter of the Statutes given by Queen Elizabeth to the University of Cambridge, includes the old Statutes of that University. [By J. Burford.] 40 London^ 1727 Excerpta e Statutis Academiae Cantabrigiensis...aliaquead scholarium officium spectantia. ^732 Another edition. 1748 Another edition. 1770 Another edition. 17 93 Another edition. 181 5 Another edition. 1847 The Statutes of Queen Elizabeth for the University of Cambridge. London^ 1838 Collection of Statutes for the University and Colleges of Cambridge. (Ed. by J. Hey wood.) (pp. 359.) London^ 1840 Another copy to p. 279, with MS. corrections. London,, 1840 Statuta Academiae Can tabrigiensis. (21 Apr. 1849.) (1849) (31 May-2 Dec. 1851.) (1851) (10 Dec. 1851.) (1851) (30 Nov. 1852.) (1852) (27 May, 1854.) (1854) Early Cambridge University and College Statutes, in the English language. Collected by James Hey wood. London^ 1855 Statuta Academiae Cantabrigiensis. (16 Dec. 1856.) (1856) (6 Feb. 1857.) (1857) (13 March, 1857.) (1857) (30 April, 1857.) (1857) (21 Oct. 1857.) (1857) STATUTES STEPHEN 233 STATUTES. Reports of meetings to discuss Statutes (Nov. 1857) ^'^^ other pieces on the same subject (Nov.-Dec. 1857). F° ^^57 Statuta Academiae Cantabrigiensis. (25 March 1858.) (1858) (31 July, 1858.) (1858) Another edition. ^859 Statutes framed by the Commissioners, 1 860. (Ordered by House of Commons to be printed, 15 Feb. 1861.) n.p. i86i Statuta Academiae Cantabrigiensis. 1870 Another edition. 1874 Memorials and other papers on the proposed new Statutes, 1879-80. 1879-80 Statutes of the University of Cambridge. Draft for consideration. 5 October, 1882. 1882 Statutes of the University of Cambridge. 1882 Statutes for the University and Colleges under the Act of 1877. (Ed. by H. Bradshaw.) 1883 Statutes of the University of Cambridge. Ed. by J. W. Clark. 1896 Another edition. 1904 See also Peacock (G.) ; Professors. STATUTES Revision Syndicate. Grace to appoint, 14 Feb. 1849. Fo (1849) Second form of this, 7 March, 1849. F° (^^49) Reports dated 10 Dec. 1851, 23 March, 1852, 28 May, 1852 (two editions), 30 Nov. 1852. Notice of Grace to confirm recommenda- tions, II March and 10 Dec. 1852. Fo (1851-52) Reasons for refusing to sign the Report... dated Dec. 10, 185 1. By A. H. Wratislaw. 1852 Report, 27 May, 1854. F^ (1854) STEBBING (H.) Defence of Confirmation. 1729 See Fragment. STEERE (E.) See Universities' Mission. STEPHEN (Caroline E.) The Basis of Christian Science ; corres- pondence between C. E. S. and Mrs Butler. 1905 STEPHEN {Sir G.) The Jesuit at Cambridge. 2 vols. LondoHy 1847 STEPHEN {Sir J.) Letter to Sir J. Stephen on his Essays in Ecclesi- astical Biography. By Lucius Arthur. n.^. 1852 Extracts from Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography^ placed in contrast with the statements of the Church which they are supposed to impugn. 40 «./. [1852] Letters, with biographical notes by his daughter, Caroline Emelia Stephen. Gloucester^ 1906 STEPHEN (J.K.) Lapsus Calami. 1891 New ed. (L. P.) 1891 Quo Musa Tendis? (L. P.) 1891 The Living Languages. Defence of compulsory Greek. 1891 Lapsus Calami and other verses. (With memoir.) 1896 See also Reflector. 234 STEPHEN STOKES STEPHEN {Sir L.) The Allelein-Horn. {Notes of Travel in i860.) London^ i860 The Poll Degree from a third point of view. 1863 Sketches from Cambridge. By a Don. London^ 1865 Life of Henry Fawcett. 2nd ed. London^ iSSs Life and Letters. By F. W. Maitland. London, 1906 The Leslie Stephen Lecture. Samuel Johnson. By W. Raleigh. Oxford, 1907 STEPHENSON {Mrs Guy) Eustace Talbot. 4° 1908 STEVENS (H.W.P.) Downing College. (College histories.) London J 1899 STEVENS (T.) Two sermons on Stedfastness in the Christian faith. 1771 STEVENS (W.), 11807. Strictures on a sermon... May, 1776, by R. Watson. 1777 STEVENS (W.) Memoirs of the life and martyrdom of John Bradford. London^ 1832 STEVENSON (W.) A supplement to the second edition of Mr Bentham's History and antiquities of the Cathedral and Conventual Church of Ely. 4° Norwich^ 18 17 STEWART (D.J.) Liber Eliensis. Vol. i. Ed. by D. J. Stewart. London^ 1848 On the architectural history of Ely Cathedral. London^ 1868 Ely Cathedral, with plans, etc. {Builder^ 2 Apr. 1892.) STIRBITCH. See Sturbridge. STOCKTON (O.) The true dignity of St Paul's Elder, exemplified in the life of O. S., sometime Fellow of Gonvile and Caius Colleges in Cambridge. To which is added his Funeral Sermon. By John Fairfax. 1681. (Reprint.) London^ 1826 STOKES {Sir G.G.) Address as President of the British Association. 1869 Religious benefits from recent science and research. Paper at Church Congress, 1879. London^ 1879 Evidence of Missionaries as. to the practical effect of presenting Christianity to the heathen. 1882 The Harmony of Science and Faith. London^ 1882 The Church in relation to State questions. London^ 1886 Literature of the day, and its attitude towards Christianity. London^ 1889 "L" Lecture on the Immortality of the Soul. London^ 1890 The Divine Personality. London^ 1891 Science and Faith. London^ 1893 Is the Soul of Man by its nature Immortal ? London^ 1^93 The Inductive method in Theology. London^ 1897 List of guests attending his Jubilee, i, 2 June, 1899. '^99 Catalogue of Mathematical books for sale by Heffer & Sons, Petty Cury, including the library of Sir G. G. Stokes. 1903 STOKES STUBBS 235 STOKES {Sir G.G.) List of his Mathematical, Physical and Theological Papers... on sale by HefFer & Sons. '903 Statement of proceedings in connection with the placing of a memorial to him in Westminster Abbey, 7 July, 1904. 4° '904 STOKES (H.P.) Corpus Christi College. (College histories.) London^ 1898 STOKES (Hudleston) Testimonials. Candidate for the Rectory of Stapleton. 1 894 STOKES (L.) See Thirlwall (C), 1881. STONECROSS, and other matter of fact Rhymes, by M. K. 1900 STONEHAM (T.) The Taking of Jerusalem in the first Crusade. (Unsuccessful Prize Poem.) 1832 STONEY (T.U.) The Tears of Granta. By an Undergraduate. 40 1812 Ode on quitting the University. 1813 STORER (J. and H.S.) Illustrations of the University of Cambridge. Two series. (Bowes 1713, 1713 b.) 40 [1827-32] Cantabrigia illustrata ; a series of forty-four views of the principal buildings in the University and Town of Cambridge. (Bowes 1713 c.) 40 1835 Collegiorum portae apud Cantabrigiam a J. et H. S. Storer delineatae et insculptae. (Bowes 1713 d.) 40 [183-] Delineations of Trinity College, Cambridge. (Bowes 1713 e.) 40[i83-] Delineations of the Chapel of King's College. Engr. title and four plates; description with vignette. 40 [183-] STOURBRIDGE. See Sturbridge. STRACHEY (R.) Lectures on geography delivered before the University of Cambridge during the Lent Term, 1888. London y 1888 STRAIGHTFORWARD (Timmy), pseud. Election flights, etc. 40 London [1780] Second letter to his Mother. 40 London [1780] STRICKLAND (H.E.) A catalogue of the collection of birds formed by the late H. E. S. By Osbert Salvin. 1882 STRICTURES upon the Discipline of the University of Cambridge. London^ 1792 2nd ed. 1794 STRINGER (J.) A Cantab's leisure. 2 vols, in i. London^ 1829 STRUGGLES of a Poor Student through Cambridge. [By S. Atkin- son.] {Lond. Mag.y April i, 1825.) STUART (J.) A letter on University extension. 1871 STUBBS (C.VV.) Historical memorials of Ely Cathedral. London, iSgj Ely Cathedral Handbook. 20th ed. Ely (1898) 2 1 St ed. Efyy 1904 The Acts of S. Audrey. The Octagon Sculptures in Ely Cathedral. E/y [1904 ?] The story of Cambridge. London^ 1905 236 STUDD SUBSCRIPTION STUDD (A.) Exhibition of paintings. Catalogue. London [igog] STUDENT, or the Oxford and Cambridge Monthly Miscellany, Vols. 1,2. (4- The Inspector. Nos. 1-3.) Jan. 31, 1750-July 3, 1 75 1. (Bowes 1 1 94.) Oxford^ 1 750-1 STUDENT'S guide to the school of "Litterae Fictitiae," commonly called Novel-literature. 2nd ed. Oxford^ 1855 STUDENT'S Guide to the University of Cambridge. 1863 4th ed. 1880-82 5th ed. 1893 STUDENT'S Handbook to the University of Cambridge. By A. P. Humphry. 1877 STUDENT'S Handbook to the University and Colleges of Cambridge. (Ed. by J. R. Tanner.) 1902 4th ed. 1905 8th ed. 1909 " STUDIES," and other verses. By " Undergraduate." //>jw;zV/>, 1904 STUDIES Syndicate. Fly-sheets, reports, etc., from 1854. 1854- ^ee also Whewell (W.), 1853. STUKELEY (W.) Palaographia Britannica. Nos. i, 2. 40 London^ Stamford^ 1743-46 STURBRIDGE. Sermon preached at St Maries... to the Universitie, Sept. 6, 1668, the Sunday before Sturbridge Fair. 40 1668 Nundinae Sturbrigienses, anno 1702. Authore T. H[ill] Cantab. Dublinii (1702) Another edition. Londinij 1 709 Another edition (+ Tunbrigialia, authore P. Causton ; Incendium Palatinum). Londiniy 1709 The history and antiquities of Barnwell Abbey, and of Sturbridge Fair. [By J. Nichols.] 40 London^ 1786 Sturbridge Theatre. Play-bills, 1 786-1 803. 1 786-1 803 Antiquities of St Mary's Chapel, Stourbridge. By J. S. Cotman. 40 Yarmouth^ 18 19 Some account of Stirbitch Fair. By a Septuagenarian. (77>^ Mirror^ Sept. 27, 1828.) Appeal for funds for restoration of Stourbridge Chapel. (1865) SUBSCRIPTION. Articles to be subscribed by every person admitted to any degree in the University of Cambridge. Fo n.d. Defence of Subscriptions in the Church of England. Sermon. By W. S. Powell. 2nd ed. 40 London^ 1758 3rd ed. London^ '759 4th ed. London^ ^772 Remarks on Dr Powell's Sermon in defence of Subscriptions. [By F. Blackburne.] London^ 1758 The hardship and danger of Subscriptions... in a letter to Dr Powell. With Remarks upon his Sermon. London^ 1758 Three sermons preached before the University of Cambridge, occa- sioned by an attempt to abolish Subscription to the Thirty Nine Articles. By S. Hallifax. 2nd ed. 40 1772 3rd ed. 1772 SUBSCRIPTION SUTTON 237 SUBSCRIPTION. A letter to Dr Hallifax, upon the subject of his three discourses. By Samuel Blaclcall. 2nd ed. 40 1772 Letter to House of Commons respecting the petition for relief in the matter of Subscription... By R. Watson. London^ ^772 Letters on the... Subscription to the Liturgy and Articles of the Church of England. [By John Jebb.] London^ ^IT^ Arcana : or the Principles of the late petitioners to Parliament for relief in the matter of Subscription. In eight letters to a friend. [By R. Robinson.] 1774 Another edition. Nottingham^ n.d. Considerations on the propriety of requiring a Subscription to Articles of Faith. [By E. Law.] 1774 A letter to the Caput of the University of Cambridge on the rejection of the Grace abolishing Subscription. By a Member of the benate. London^ 1788 Pamphlets in defence of the Oxford usage of Subscription to the xxxix Articles at Matriculation. Oxford^ 1835 Subscription no bondage. By Rusticus [F. D. Maurice]. Oxford, 1835 Reasons for declining to subscribe the Thirty Nine Articles. By an Undergraduate of Trinity College, Cambridge. London, 1836 A letter to the Bishop of London on the state of Subscription in the Church of England and in the University of Oxford. By A. P. Stanley. Oxford, 1863 The Ethics of Conformity and Subscription. By H. Sidgvirick. London, 18 70 See also Tests. SUGGESTIONS respecting the conditions under which University education may be made more available for clerks. Oxford, 1854 SUMNER (J.B.) Mysorei tyranni mors. (Latin Ode which obtained Sir W. Browne's Medal, 1800.) (1800) An essay tending to show that the prophecies, now accomplishing, are an evidence of the truth of the Christian religion. (Hulsean Prize Essay for 1801.) 1802 SUMNER (R.) Concio ad clerum, habita Cantabrigiae, xj Kal. Apr. 1768. Londini, 1768 SUNDAY. An address to the Senate of the University of Cambridge, relative to certain Academic proceedings which occasionally take place therein on the Lord's Day. [By W. Farish.] 1823 Notice of Grace to appoint a Syndicate to consider whether business transacted in the Senate House on Sunday may not be deferred, Dec. 8, 1823 ; Report of this Syndicate, April 27, 1824. ^823-4 The Sunday question settled, with reference to the late proceedings at the Union Society. By a member of Trinity College. 1834 SUNDAY Thoughts. [By W. Whewell.] 1847 SUNFLOWER Magazine. No. 3. Jan. 1885. n.p. 1885 SUPPLIANTS of ScoflFocles. (1883) SUTTON {Sir Richard) Life. By R. Churton. Oxford, 1800 238 SWAFFHAM SYMPOSIUM SWAFFHAM BULBECK. See Hailstone (E.). SWAINSON (C.A.) The College Chapel and the University Church. 1850 Catalogue of the library of Dr Swainson...sold Nov. 8, 9, 1887. 1887 SWANSTON (C.T.) An essay on " The conditions v^^hich must exist among a people to admit of the successful working of a consti- tutional monarchy." 1853 SWEETING (W.D.) The Cathedral Church of Ely. London, i<)oi SWETE (H.B.) On the Bull Apostolicae Curae. 1896 SWIFT (J.) The Tale of a Tub, etc. 5th ed. (3 copies.) London, 1 7 10 Miscellaneous Works. London, 1720 The Battle of the Books. Ed. A. Guthkelch. 12° London, 1908 SYKES (A. A.) The Case of Dr Bentley truly stated. London, 17 19 The Case of Dr Bentley farther stated. London, 1719 SYMONDS (J.) Observations upon the expediency of revising the present English version of the Four Gospels, etc. 4° 1789 Observations upon the expediency of revising the present English version of the Epistles in the New Testament. 4° 1794 SYMPOSIUM. See Cambridge University Magazine, 1 840-3. 239 T TAKING of Jerusalem in the first Crusade. (Unsuccessful Prize Poem.) " Jerusalem, lone City." 1832 " In that fair clime." 1832 "Fair is the Twilight." 1832 " Oh ! for the Voice." 1832 TAKINGS ; or the life of a Collegian. A poem. Illustrated by R. Dagley. 1821 TALBOT (E.) Eustace Talbot. Some recollections. (By Mrs Guy Stephenson, W. M. Fletcher, and M. R. James.) 4° 1908 TARVER (F.) Acting at Eton. (Elliot's Amateur Clubs and Actors.) {London^ 1898) TATHAM (E.) Address on proposed new statute respecting public examination in Univ. of Oxford. 2nd ed. 4° Oxford^ 1807 Second address [on same subject]. 2nd ed. 4° Oxford, 1807 TATLER in Cambridge. Nos. 1-80. April 26, 1871-June 5, 1872. (Bowes 2578.) 40 1871-72 TAYLER (H.C.A.) Testimonials when a candidate for the principal- ship of Cheltenham College. 1862 TAYLOR (A.) Papers in relation to the antient topography of the Eastern Counties of Britain. 4° London, 1869 TAYLOR (J.) Oratio templo Beatae Marias die solenni martyrii Caroli primi Regis, a.d. 1730. London, 1730 The Music Speech [and Ode for Music] at the Public Commence- ment in Cambridge, July 6, 1730. London, 1730 Another ed., with R. Long's Music Speech of 1714. Ed. by J. Nichols. 1 8 19 Marmor Sandvicense cum commentario et notis Jo. Taylori. 4° 1743 TAYLOR (J.P.) Considerations on Paley's Evidences. 1898 TAYLOR (S.) The so-called "Real Objective Presence" in the Lord's Supper no doctrine of the Church of England. 1867 The system of Clerical Subscription in the Church of England. London, 1869 On French and German as substitutes for Greek in University Pass Examinations. London, 1870 On Profit-sharing between Capital and Labour. 1882 The late R. C. Rowe. {Camh. Rev., Oct. 15, 1884.) 1884 Coutts Trotter. In Memoriam. 1888 240 TAYLOR TESTS TAYLOR (S.) A record of the Cambridge Centenary Commemoration, Dec. 4, 5, 1 89 1, of W. A. Mozart. Ed. by S. Taylor. London^ 1892 A Song of Trinity. Words by A. E. Collins, music by Sedley Taylor. 40 1907 TEA. The art of making Tea. A poem. ^797 TEACHERS Training Syndicate. Examination for Certificates. London^ i88c TEARS of Granta ; a satire, addressed to Undergraduates in the University of Cambridge. By an Undergraduate [T. U. Stoney]. 40 1 812 TEDDER (H.R.) See Library, 1 880-1. TEESDALE (F.D.) Mexico. A prize poem recited in the Theatre, Oxford, June 21, 1865. Oxford^ 1865 TELEGRAM and a friendly correspondence be- tween A. C. and H., both M.A.'s of Trinity College. London^ 1858 TEMPERANCE Union. Report of University conference on In- temperance... under the direction of the University Temperance Union, 5 March, 1873. 1873 TEMPLER (J.) The Reason of Episcopall Inspection. Sermon. 40 1676 TEN minutes advice to Freshmen, 1785 TEN Year Men. A letter to John [Kaye], Bishop of Bristol, respecting an additional examination, or total abolition, of Ten Year Men in the University of Cambridge. By Philotheologus. 1825 See also Perry (S.). TENNANT (S.) Some account of the late S. Tennant, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Cambridge. (Repr. from Annals of Philosophy.) London^ 181 5 TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord) Letter from Lord Monteagle, offering a bust of Tennyson to Trinity College. 1859 Sermon... in reference to the death of Lord Tennyson. By H. M. Butler. 1892 Tennyson. By Arthur Sidgwick. (On the occasion of the un- veiling of the statue of Tennyson by Thornycroft.) London^ 1909 TERRAE Filius, or the secret history of the University of Oxford. [By N. Amhurst.] London^ 1726 TERROT (C.H.) Hezekiah and Sennacherib. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1 8 16.) 1816 TESTS. Dissenters University Admission Bill. A letter to Dr Phill- potts, Bp of Exeter, containing strictures on a speech delivered by him in the House of Lords, on the Second Reading of the... Bill. By a Member of the University of Cambridge. London^ 1834 The Cambridge Petition examined ; or reasons against admitting Dissenters to graduate in the Universities. London^ 1834 Letter on Mr Bouverie's Bill for admitting Dissenters to Fellowships, 8 May, 1866. 1866 Letters, Papers, Fly-sheets, etc. on the Oxford and Cambridge Tests Bill, 1868-1870. 1868-1871 TESTS THIRLWALL 241 TESTS. Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on University Tests. F° 1870 Memorial against the University Tests Bill. n.p. 1871 University Tests, and the Bill for their abolition. [1870 ?] 5^/ a/so Acts and Bills, 1834; Beresford Hope (A. J.) ; Clayton (C.) Coleridge {Sir J. D.) ; Dalby (W.) ; Frend (W.) ; Guest (E.) Inglis {Sir R. H.) ; Lee (S.) ; Moberly (G.) ; Paley (F. A.) Pearson (G.) ; Pottinger (H. A.) ; Rose (H. J.) ; Sedgwick (A.) Spring Rice (T.) ; Subscription ; Thirlvs^all (C.) ; Turton (T.) Whewell (W.) ; Wordsworth (C), Bp of Lincoln ; Young {Sir G.) TEW (E.) Resignation no Proof. A letter to Mr Jebb ; with occasional remarks on his Spirit of Protestantism. By a member of the University of Cambridge [E. Tew]. London^ 1776 THACKERAY family. Memorials of the Thackeray family. By J. T. Pryme and A. Bayne. London^ 1879 THACKERAY (F. St J.) Eton College Library. 40 Eton, 1881 Memoir of E. C. Hawtrey. London, 1 896 THACKERAY (W.M.) Etchings while at Cambridge, illustrative of University life, etc. London, 1875 THANATOS, a poem, by the Ghost of Macaulay. 1878 THEATRE. The New Theatre. (Architect's description.) 1896 The New Theatre, Cambridge, Limited. 1896 The New Theatre. Articles of Association ; with account of opening performance {Camb. Daily News, 21 Jan. 1896). 40 London and Cambridge, 1896 THEOLOGICAL Society. Rules and recommendations of the Cambridge University Theological Society. 12° 1857 See also Confraternity of the Most Holy Trinity. THEOLOGY. Fly-sheets, reports, etc. on theological studies in the University, from 1841. 1841- Theological Papers. Ed. by A. P. Moor. 1848 The Theological Tripos scheme in its relation to scholarship. By H. M. Gwatkin and F. Watson. 1871 A list of Members of the Senate who are also Graduates in Theology. 1875 Another edition. 1892 Theological Tripos, 1896. Fly-sheets called forth by Reports (8 June, 29 Oct. 1896) of the Special Board for Divinity. 4° 1896 THIRLBY (S.) The University of Cambridge vindicated. London, 17 10 Answer to Mr Whiston's Seventeen Suspicions. 17 12 THIRLWALL (C.) Primitiae ; or essays and poems on various subjects. London, 1809 Circular to Fellows of Trinity College respecting the conduct of the Master, and his own. 4° 1834 A letter to the Rev. T. Turton, on the admission of Dissenters to Academical degrees. 1834 Remarks on Mr Thirl wall's Letter. By W. Whewell. 1834 CL. C. 16 242 THIRLWALL THOMPSON THIRL WALL (C.) Letter to Rev. T. Turton. 2nd ed., to which is added a second letter. 1834 A second letter to the Rev. T. Turton... on the admission of Dis- senters to Academical degrees. 1834 Additional Remarks on Mr Thirlv^^all's Letters. By W. Whewell. 1834 A letter to the Rev. Rov^rland Williams in answer to his Earnestly respectful letter to the Bp of St David's. London^ i860 A letter to the Editor of the Spectator, April 20, 1861. n.p. (1861) Essays, speeches, and sermons. Ed. by J. J. S. Perowne. London, 1880 Letters to a friend. Ed. by A. P. Stanley. London, 1881 Letters, literary and theological. Ed. by J. J. S. Perowne, and L. Stokes. London, 1 881 See also Williams (R.). THODEY (S.) The honour attached to eminent piety and useful- ness. A sermon preached at Downing Street Meeting House, Cambridge, Nov. 20, 1836, on the occasion of the death of the Rev. C. Simeon. London, 1836 THOMPSON (A.H.) Cambridge and its Colleges. London, 1898 THOMPSON (D.W.) A catalogue of books and papers relating to the fertilisation of flowers. London, 1883 THOMPSON (H.L.) Christ Church, Oxford. London, 1900 THOMPSON (H.Y.) See American Lectureship. THOMPSON (J.) The Owens College. Manchester, 1886 THOMPSON (W.H.) "Old things and new." A sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Dec. 15, 1852, being Com- memoration Day. 1853 On the genuineness of the Sophista of Plato, and on some of its philosophical bearings. [Camb. Phil. Soc.) 40 1858 A sermon preached in Ely Cathedral, Nov. 14, 1858, being the Sunday next after the funeral of the Rev. G. Peacock. 1858 Preface to the Gorgias of Plato (in its uncorrected form, as a College lecture). 4° 187 1 Platonica. [Journ. of Philol., v.) 1874 Introductory remarks on the Philebus. {Journ. of Philol., xi.) 1882 Euripides. {Journ. of Philol., xi.) 1882 Babriana. {Journ. of Philol., xii.) 1883 On the Nubes of Aristophanes. {Journ. of Philol., xu.) 1883 H. A. J. Munro. {Journ. of Philol., xiv.) 1885 The late Master of Trinity. By A. C. Benson. {Macmillan's Mag., Nov. 1886.) The late Master of Trinity. By J. S. Prior. {Temple Bar, Dec. 1886.) Notices, etc. of his death. (1886) The late Master of Trinity. By Harvey Goodwin. {Macmillan's Mag., March, 1887.) Catalogue of his library, sold May 23-26, 1887. 1887 THORESBY TITCOMB 243 THORESBY (R.) Diary. Now first published by Joseph Hunter. 2 vols. London^ 1830 THORN (G.) A letter to the Burgesses of Cambridge, on the approaching municipal elections. 1835 THORNEY Abbey. Architectural notes on Thorney Abbey. By C. Lynam. [Journ. Brit. Arch. Assoc. ^ xxxv.) {London^ 1878) The history of Thorney Abbey, Cambridgeshire. By R. H. Warner. TVisbechy 1 879 The Abbeys of Croyland and Thorney. A sketch of their history. By G. W. Prothero. Spalding, 1885 Farren's Crowland and Thorney. (Etchings.) F^ 1889 THORNHILL (W.J.) See King (E.). THORP (T.) The Commemoration sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, Dec. 16, 1830. 1831 On Obsolete Rules. A Sermon preached in the University Church, 13 April, 1834. 1834 College Chapel. A sermon delivered in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, on Easter Day, 1834. 2nd ed. 1834 Three letters to his pupils. 4° 1835 Commemoration sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Dec. 14, 1835. 1836 Four Sermons preached before the University of Cambridge in May, 1838. 1838 Two Charges delivered at the general Visitations of the Archdeaconry of Bristol held July 1839 and July 1840. 1840 The Student's walk. A sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, Oct. 18, 1840. 1840 A few words to Freshmen. 1841 No. 2. 1841 Another ed. of the two tracts. 1 842 The Round Church, Cambridge. Pp. 4. {Camden Soc.) 1844 The Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Pp.26. {Camden Soc.) 1844 THOUGHTS on the nature of true devotion, with reflections on the late Fast. Addressed to the British nation. [^794] THREE Dialogues. From Cambridge. [By J. F. Mortlock.] 1868 THRING (E.) A few remarks on the present system of Degrees at King's College, Cambridge. 1846 Further remarks on Statutes, and the present system of King's College, Cambridge. 1848 The Maker of Uppingham. {The Month, Ych. 1899,) London, 1899 TILLEY (A. A.) Handlist of trees and shrubs grown in the gardens and grounds of King's College. 40 1904 TIMBUCTOO. ("It comes! it comes!...") (Unsuccessful Prize Poem.) [? 1829] TITCOMB (J.H.) A Prince and a great man is fallen in Israel. A sermon preached Sept. 19, 1852, on occasion of the death of the Duke of Wellington. 1852 Letter on Proctorial jurisdiction. i860 16 — 2 244 TOBY TREVELYAN TOBY in Cambridge. Vols. 1-4. Oct. 1832-Sept. I2, 1836. 4° 1833-36 TODHUNTER (I.) Audi alteram partem. {Macmi/lan's Mag., May, 1872.) William Whewell. An account of his writings. With selections from his correspondence. 2 vols. London, 1876 In memoriam : Isaac Todhunter. By J. E. B. Mayor. {Camb. Review.) 1884 See also Lund (T.). TOLL Cause. Brett v. Beales. A full report of the important Toll Cause of Brett v. Beales, tried in the Court of King's Bench, Westminster... By Weston Hatfield. (1826) A letter to H. J. Adeane, on the subject of the Cambridge Toll Cause. 1827 Brett V. Fisher and others. Lord Tenterden's summing up. London, 1827 TOMKIS (J.) See Albumazar. TOMLINE (W.E.P.) A speech on the character of the Rt Hon. William Pitt, delivered in Trin. Coll. Chapel. Dec. 17, 1806. 40 1806 TORR (C.) The portraits of Christ in the British Museum. London, 1898 TORRY (A.F.) College Economy and University Extension. 1868 On the accommodation of Undergraduate members of the University. 1878 Founders and benefactors of St John's College, Cambridge. 1888 TOTTENHAM (H.R.) Cluvienus his thoughts. 1895 TOUR through Great Britain. See Defoe (D.). TOURIST'S Souvenir. [Views.] London [ab. 1858] TOWNSEND (G.) Poems. London, 18 10 TOYNBEE Hall. See Universities' Settlement. TRACT upon Tomb-Stones. (By F. E. Paget.) Rugeley, 1843 TRAMWAYS. Prospectus, etc. 1879 TRAVIS (G.) See Marsh (H.), 1795. TREHERNE (G.G.T.) and Goldie (J.H.D.) Record of the Uni- versity Boat Race, 1 829-1 880. 4° London, 1883 TRENCH (R.C.) The fitness of Holy Scripture for unfolding the spiritual life of men. (Hulsean Lectures for 1845.) 1845 Christ the Desire of all Nations. (Hulsean Lectures for 1846.) 1846 Five sermons preached before the University of Cambridge. London, 1857 Letters and memorials. By the author of *' Charles Lowder " [Maria Trench]. 2 vols. London, 1888 TREVELYAN {Sir G.O.) The Cambridge Dionysia. A classic dream. 1 8 58 Horace at the University of Athens. 1861 2nd ed. 1862 Ladies in Parliament, and other pieces. New ed. London, 1 1 Interludes in verse and prose. London, 1905 TREVELYAN TRINITY 245 TREVELYAN (R.) Ode Graeca. (Written for a Buchanan Prize.) 1804 Mors Nelsoni. Poema aureo dignatum numismate, quod ex Judicio dedit Gul. Turton, M.D....sub auspiciis Georg. Aug. Val. Princ. 1806 Prolusiones partim Graece partim Latine scriptae. 1 806 Editio altera. Londini, 181 7 TRIBUTE. A collection of miscellaneous unpublished poems. (Ed. by Lord Northampton, for the benefit of Rev. E. Smedley.) London^ 1^37 TRIDENT. (Trin. Coll. Magazine.) Vol. i. June 1889-Dec. 1891. 1889-91 TRINITY (The) A nineteenth century Passion-Play. The Son ; or Victory of Love. [By Karl Pearson.] 1882 TRINITY Church. Brief account of Holy Trinity Church, by H. L. C. V. de Candole. 1910 The same. Penny ed. 19 10 TRINITY College. The Present State of Trinity College. By R. Bentley. London^ 1710 2nd ed. London^ 17 10 Some Remarks upon... The Present State... By E. Miller. London^ 17 10 The True State of Trinity College. [By J. Paris and S. White.] Londoriy 17 10 2nd ed. London^ 1710 Some Considerations... on... The Present State... [By J. N.] London [1710] Full View of Dr Bentley's Letter. By T. Blomer. London^ 17 10 The Rights of the Scholars of Trinity College asserted. [By J. N.] London [17 10] True Copy of the Articles against Dr Bentley exhibited... by many of the Fellows of Trinity College. London^ 17 10 2nd ed. London^ 17 13 True and Impartial Account of the present differences between the Master and Fellows of Trinity College. [Attr. to J. Paris.] London^ 1 7 H Some Account of Horace at Trinity College. [Attack on Bentley by W. King.] [London^ 1712] Answer to some objections that have been made to the conduct of Dr B. Together with a Dialogue... concerning Trinity College. London^ 17 13 An Humble and Serious Representation of the Present State of Trinity College. London [17 16] True Account of the Present State of Trinity College. [By C. Middleton.] London^ 1720 The case of Trinity College in Cambridge. Whether the Crown or the Bishop of Ely be the General Visitor. [By R. Bentley.] 40 London^ ^1^9 A defence of the Bishop of Ely's visitatorial jurisdiction over Trinity 246 TRINITY TRINITY College. College in general, and over the Master thereof in particular. [By J. Colbatch.] 4° n.p. 1732 A vindication of the Bishop of Ely's visitatorial jurisdiction over Trinity College in general, and over the Master thereof in particular. [By J. Colbatch.] 4° London^ 1732 Oratio habita in sacello Coll. Trin. Cant, festo S.S. Trinitatis redeunte, 1779. By T. J. Mathias. 4° 1779 Ode to Trinity College, Cambridge. [By Geo. Pryme.] London^ 181 2 Trin. Coll. Book Club. List pasted into The Velvet Cushion^ 2nd ed. Lond., 1 8 14. [Ab. 18 14] Statutes, 1560. (Fifth Report of Select Committee on Education.) Fo London^ 1 818 Plan of Tables, etc. at entertainment given to Duchess of Gloucester, 1819. 1819 The case of the Senior Graduate in Divinity among the Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge, as to his right of Prae-Option to College Livings. With other papers connected with the case of J. D. Hustler. (1822) Erection of the New Court. Circular, List of Subscriptions, Order of Ceremonial, etc. Fo 1823 Greek Inscriptions from the Marbles in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. By P. P. Dobree. [1824] Delineations of Trinity College. By J. and H. S. Storer. (Bowes 1713^.) 4°[i83-] A statement respecting the lectures at present given on the subject of the New Testament, in Trinity College, Cambridge. By R. W. Evans. 4° 1834 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Undergraduates. Attendance of Fellows at Trin, Coll. Chapel for the week ending Feb. 17, 1838 (-March 24, 1838). With several sets of verses (printed and in manuscript) which appeared at the time. 4° n.p. 1838 Comparative table of the number of students admitted and of the number of graduates who received testimonials for Deacon's Orders, in Trinity College, from 1831 to 1840. (1840) An earnest appeal to the Master and Seniors of Trinity College, on the revision of the Statutes. By Two of the Fellows. London^ 1840 Trinity College Prize Essay for 1839, on the Colonial policy of the Ancients. By W. J. Butler. 1 840 Statuta. (2 copies.) 4° 1844 Tercentenary. Dinner cards and copies of verses composed for the occasion by W. G. Humphry, A. A. Van Sittart, C. B. Scott, C. Evans, and A. H. Potts. 1846 Account of the celebration of the Tercentenary, 22 Dec. 1846. (From Cambridge Chronicle^ 26 Dec.) An index of such English books printed before the year mdc, as are now in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. By E. Cranwell. 1847 TRINITY 247 TRINITY College. Undergraduate memorial on the dinner in Hall, 28 Jan. 1854. 40 1854 Reform of Trinity College. Fly-sheets, letters, etc. 1854-60 On Mr Edleston's Remarks on the tenure of the Lucasian Professor- ship. By F. Martin. 1857 Remarks on the... passage in Bp Monk's Life of Dr Bentley (p. 610, 4to ed. Vol. II. p. 352, 8vo ed.) relating to words occurring in the 40th Chapter of the Statutes of Trinity College. By Francis Martin. 1857 On Mr Clark's proposal (4) That the vacant Sizarships be competed for by persons not yet resident. (2) That the Subsizarships be abolished. (3) That in the Statutes (cap. xv. line 3) after ' sedecim * the words * ad minimum ' be added. By Francis Martin. 1857 Report at a meeting of the Governing Body, on the Revising of the Statutes, June 9, 1857. (^^57) The proposed conditions of the tenure of Fellowships in Trinity College. By J. LI. Davies. 1857 Letter to J. LI. Davies on tenure of Fellowships. 1857 On the proposal that the Fellowships be open to all B.A.'s of the College, who have obtained a place in the First Class of any of the Honour Triposes... By H. R. Luard. 1857 Remarks on the proposed changes in the Statutes. By W. Whewell. (23 Sept., 18 Oct., 22 Oct.) 1857 Remarks on Mr Grote's Proposal. By W. Whewell. 2 pts. 1857 Remarks on the Master's Second Paper. (Statutes.) By C. J. Vaughan. 1857 Outline of Letter in answer to proposed Statutes. By J. L. Hammond. ^857 Communications to the Commissioners in regard to revenues, with other pieces bearing on the subject. F^ 1858 On the College Statutes. By E. M. Cope. 1858 Remarks on the Cambridge University Commissioners' draft of proposed new Statutes for Trinity College. By H. R. Luard. 1858 On the draft of the Statutes for Trinity College. By W. Whewell. 1858 On the draft of proposed new Statutes for Trinity College. By G. B. Airv. 1859 A few words on Statute xviii. of the new body of Statutes. By J. Grote. 1859 Remarks on new Statutes. By F. Martin and J. Grote. March- May, 1859. Fo 1859 Statutes. 1 86 1 Table of the number of Students who were matriculated and of the number who took the Degree of Trinity College, Cam- bridge, 1 831-1840. By Fra. Martin. (1862) On the proposed change in the hour of dinner in Hall. By J. W. Clark. 1862 248 TRINITY TRINITY College. Translations. Dec. 1862. 1862 College Essays delivered in Trinity College, Feb. 22, and Dec. 16, 1862. By W. Everett. 1863 The Undergraduate at the tomb of the Trinity Cook. 1863 On the Sizarships, etc., at Trinity. Dec. 1866. By J. L. Hammond. (1866) Remarks on Trinity College Chapel. By J. W. Clark. 1867 Our Chapel Choir and the appointment of Chaplains. By G. F. Cobb. (1867) A letter to the Rev. J. LI. Davies on the tenure of Fellowships and on Church Patronage in Trinity College. By F. J. A. Hort. 1867 On the proposed combination of the offices of Steward and Junior Bursar in Trinity College. By J. L. Hammond. 1869 New Statutes. 1869 New Statutes. Approval of Queen in Council of certain changes. 1869 On seals attached to documents in the Muniment Room. By C. S. Perceval. {Proc. Soc. Ant.) [London) 1869 A catalogue of the fifteenth century printed books in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge. By R. Sinker. 1876 Revision of the Statutes, 1877 and succeeding years. (71 pieces.) 1877, etc. Etching of Great Gate, by Robert Farren : with letterpress by J. W. Clark. [The Etcher, Sept. 1881.) Statutes made by the University of Cambridge Commissioners, March 19, 1 88 1, and approved May 3, 1882. (Proof.) (1882) Notes on the College Taxation of its Students as shewn by the summary of accounts for the year ending Michaelmas, 1882. By E. V. Arnold. (1883) On the College accounts and the taxation of Undergraduates. By E.V.Arnold. 40 [1884?] Accounts, 1886, 1888, 1889, 1897-1908. 40 1886-1908 Sanctae Trinitatis Collegii Carmen Familiare. By A. W. Verrall. 40 1888 Duties of Tutors, by V. H. Stanton ; and of Deans, by R. Appleton and R. St John Parry. 24 Aug. 1889. (1889) List of Tutors, 1750-1889. By W. W. Rouse Ball. Fo 1889 The Trident. Vol. i. June 1889-Dec. 1891. 1889-91 Report of Tutorial System Committee, 17 Nov. 1890. (1890) The Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. By R. Sinker. 1891 Some observations on the proposal for enlarging the College Library. By H. M. Butler. 1891 Brief history of the Chapel Organ. By G. F. Cobb. 1891 Trinity Court. Third Annual Report. Nov. 1892. 1892 Trinity College Mission. Annual Report, 1892, 1893, 1898-9, 1903-4, 1905-6, 1906-7, 1907-8, 1908-9. London^ 1 892-1 909 Tariff of prices at College Kitchens. 1893, 1895, 1897, 1903-5. 1893-1905 TRINITY 249 TRINITY College. Proposed extension in paddocks. By James Ward and R. T. Glaze- brook ; A. N. Whitehead ; R. St J. Parry. (3 pieces.) 1895 College Building Fund. Circulars, etc. June-Dec. 1896. (6 pieces.) 1896 Proposed extension. Some observations by the Master. ^897 Ordinances, i Jan. 1897. 1897 Letter on formation of an Amalgamation Club. By W. W. Rouse Ball. 10 Nov. 1898. 1898 Trinity Foot Beagles. Song by H. S. Gladstone]. 1898 Notes on the history of Trinity College, Cambridge. By W. W. Rouse Ball. London^ 1899 Report of Committee on Amalgamation. (30 May, 1899.) 1899 The Roof-Climber's Guide to Trinity. [By G. W. Young.] 1899 Remarks on the value of the Mastership and Fellowships. By G. H. Darwin. 1900 Inscriptions from the Chapel of Trinity College. Ed. by A. E. Bernays. 4° 1900- Benefices in the gift of Trinity College, 1902. 1902 Trinity College, by J. W. Clark. {Country Life^ 4 Nov. 1 905.) Trinity College. By W. W. Rouse Ball. London^ 1906 Memoranda, by the Master, on the proposed new Combination Room. 1906 Statutes made by the University of Cambridge Commissioners, 19 March, i88i...with the Amending Statutes since approved by order in Council. 1906 History of the First Trinity Boat Club. By W. W. R. Ball. 1908 Fifty MSS. exhibited in the Library. List. 1909 Tennyson. By Arthur Sidgwick. (On occasion of unveiling of the statue of Tennyson by Thornycroft.) London^ 1909 Alterations of Statutes, 7 Nov. 1908, approved by King in Council, 28 June, 1909. 1909 TRINITY College Commemoration. 17 17. Sermon. Dec. 19. By John Colbatch. 17 18 1721. Sermon. Dec. 21. By Thomas Parne. London^ 1722 1793. Sermon. Dec. 19. By R. E. Garnham. (i793) 2nd ed. 1794 1798. Oration. Dec. 17. By W. Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne. 40 London^ ^799 1 80 1. Essay. Dec. 16. By W. A. Garratt. 40 London (1801) 1806. Speech. Dec. 17. By W. E. P. Tomline. 4° 1806 1817. Sermon. Dec. 16. By J. H. Monk. (1817) 1825. Sermon. Dec. 20. By R. Ward. 1826 1827. Sermon. By G. Waddington. 1828 1828. Sermon. Dec. 17. By W. Whewell. 1828 1830. Speech. By J. Spedding. (1830) 1830. Sermon. Dec. 16. By Th. Thorp. 1831 1 83 1. Oration. Dec. 16. By A. H. Hallam. 1832 1832. Oration. Dec. 17. By F. Garden. 1833 250 TRINITY TRIST TRINITY College Commemoration. 1833. Oration. Dec. 16. By T 1834. 1835. 1837- 1837. 1838. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1854. 1856. i860. 1864. 1868. 1871. 1877. 1885. 1889. 1898. 1900. 1902. 1907. Sermon. Sermon. Oration. Sermon. Oration. Sermon. Sermon. Oration. Sermon. Sermon. Sermon. Sermon. 22. Declamation. Dec. Sermon. Dec. 15. Sermon. Sermon. Oration. Sermon. Oration. Sermon. Sermon. Sermon. Sermon. Sermon. Sermon. Sermon. Sermon. Sermon. Sermon. Sermon. Sermon. TRINITY Hall. Nos. 10, II, 33, 34 The Brass Halo. Oct, R. Birks. Dec. 16. By J. A. Jeremie. Dec. 14. By Th. Thorp. By C. J. Vaughan. Dec. 17. By William Carus. Dec. 15. By J. N. Simpkinson. By W. Whewell. By J. W. Blakesley. By A. J. Beresford By J. W. Blakesley. By J. A. Jeremie. By J. A. Frere. By J. A. Jeremie. 16. By A. Barry. By J. Grote. 14. By J. A. Jeremie. 14. By A. R. Grant. Dec. 15. Dec. 16. Dec. 14 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 16. 13- 16. Dec Dec By E. W. Benson. Dec. 15. By W. H. Thompson. By H. M. Butler. Dec. 15. By L. Hensley. Dec. 15. By J. B. Lightfoot. Dec. 15. By H. J. Hotham. Dec. 15. By B. F. Westcott. Feb. 2. By E. W. Blore. Dec. 13. By J. LI. Davies. Dec. 10. By H. W. Watson. Dec. 9. By A. Barry. Dec. 9. By V. H. Stanton. Dec. II. By B. F. Westcott. Dec. 9. By T. P. Pemberton. By H. C. G. Moule. The Silver Crescent. The 39> 42, 43> 45, 47^ 48. 1834 1835 1836 (1837) 1837 (1838) (1838) 1839 Hope. 1 840 1842 1842 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1851 1853 1854 1857 1861 1865 London^ 1 869 1871 London^ 1877 1886 1889 1898 1901 1902 1907 "Hall" Magazine. 1893-1907 1893 ; Lent Term, 1894 ; Lent Term, 1895. 1893-5 Trinity Hall. By H. E. Maiden. (College histories.) London^ 1902 Descriptive Catalogue of the MSS. in the Library. By M. R. James. 1907 Trinity Hall Library, Cambridge. By J. W. Clark. {Country Lifcy 16 Oct. 1909.) TRIPOS. Nos. I, 2. Dec. 19 [1838], Feb. 10 [1839]. [1838-9] TRIPOS Examinations. radical alteration. TRIPOSES. &ee Sertum triposes. TRIST (L.J.M.) Mr Trist's statement to the public [with regard to his alleged complicity in the poisoning of race-horses]. {London^ 1812) Memorials respecting dates, and asking for Fo 1892 Cantabrigiense ; see also under separate TRISTRAM TURTON 251 TRISTRAM (H.B.) and Williams (G.) The Bible as illustrated by modern science and travel. London (1868) TROLLOPE (W.) The Expedients to which the Gentile philosophers resorted in opposing the progress of the Gospel. (Hulsean Disserta- tion for 1 82 1.) London^ 1822 TROTTER (C.) On Cambridge University examinations. 1877 On some questions of University Reform. 1877 Further consideration. 1877 Replies to questions from the Secretaries to the Cambridge University Commission. 1877 Remarks on the proposed Statutes for the University. (1880) College taxation for University purposes. (1880) Terms and Vacations. (1880) Examinations for Medical and Surgical Degrees. (1880) The Thirl vrall Professorship. (1880) A sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, April 26, 1885, on ^^ reassembling of the College after the deaths of H. A. J. Munro and H. J. Hotham. 1885 In memoriam : H. J. Hotham. (1885) University finance and new buildings. 1885 In memoriam : Coutts Trotter. By M. Foster, J. W. Clark, S. Taylor. 1888 TRUE Blue. Ed. by G. M. Maxwell (Trin.). Vol. i., Nos. i, 2. 1883 TUCKER (W.H.) Eton of old, or eighty years since, 181 1-1822. (+ Eton of today, by A. C. Benson.) London^ 1892 TUDWAY (T.) See Anthems. TUKER (M.A.R.) Cambridge. 40 London^ 1907 TURK'S Head Coffee-House. See Matthew and Son. Cafe. TURNER (B.N.) Dr Johnson's visit to Cambridge in 1765. {l^ew Monthly Magazine, Dec. 181 8.) TURNER (C.) The main drainage scheme for Cambridge. 1886 TURNER (H.C.) See Sheepshed. TURNER (J.) The Middle Way. Discourse containing two Sermons preached at St Mary's, Cambridge. London, 1683 TURNER (W.), f 1 568. The huntyng and fyndyng out of the Romish Fox. Ed. by R. Potts. 1851 A short and succinct history of the principal birds noticed by Pliny and Aristotle. First published 1544. Ed. with transl. by A. H. Evans, M.A. 1903 TURTON (T.) Vindication of... Professor Porson from the animad- versions of T. Burgess. By Crito Cantabrigiensis [T. T.]. 1827 The Text of the English Bible, as now printed by the Universities, considered with reference to a Report by a Sub-Committee of Dissenting Ministers. 1833 2nd ed. 1833 A sermon on the death of the Duke of Gloucester. Dec. 1 1, 1834. (1834) 252 TURTON TYSON TURTON (T.) Thoughts on the admission of persons without regard to their religious opinions to certain Degrees in the Universities of England. 1834 2nd ed., corrected and enlarged. 1835 See also Burgess (T.) ; Lee (S.). TUTORS. A plea for the private tutors ; or Alumnus in search of a dodge. Oxford^ 1843 TWEDDELL (J.) Greek Ode and Greek and Latin epigrams. (Sir W. Browne's Medals.) 40 1789 Prolusiones juveniles praemiis academicis dignatae. Londini, 1793 Narrative of the literary remains of J. Tweddell. By Philip Hunt. London^ 18 16 Remains of John Tweddell. 2nd ed., by R. Tweddell. 40 London J 18 16 TWIGUM (Christopher), pseud. Cambridge in the Long Vacation. 12° London^ 1830 TYPES. [By O. F. Hollebone, Trin.] 1894 TYRWHITT Hebrew Scholarships. Regulations, 6 March, 1826. Fo (1826) Regulations, 22 Apr. 1830. Fo 1830 TYSON (M.) An account of an illuminated manuscript in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. {Archaeologia^ 11.) 40 {London^ 1773) Account of the Horn belonging to Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. {Archaeologia^ iii.) 40 {London^ 1775) 253 U UFFENB ACH (Z.K. von) Merkwtlrdige Reisen durch Niedersachsen, Holland, und Engelland. 3 vols. Ulnty 1753-4 Visit to Cambridge, etc. (Ed. by J. E. B. Mayor in Cambridge under Queen Anne.) [1870— l] UNDERGRADUATE (The), or College life in five phases. A satire. By B.A., Cantab. [Gavin F. James, Cai.]. [1885] UNDERGRADUATE Papers. No. i. Dec. i, 1857. Oxford, 1857 UNDERGRADUATES. A plain and friendly address to the Under- graduates of the University of Cambridge, particularly to those of Trinity College. By a late Under-graduate. London, 1786 Listen 1 or a few words to Undergraduates. London, 1862 UNION Society. A statement regarding the Union, an Academical Debating Society, which existed from Feb. 13, 181 5 to March 24, 18 1 7, when it was suppressed by the V ice-Chancellor. 18 17 Laws and Transactions, 1823. 1823 Revised and corrected to July, 1824. 1824 Revised and corrected to July, 1825. 1825 Revised and corrected to March, 1829. 1829 Revised and corrected to January, 1830. 1830 The Union Debating Society at Cambridge, in the years 1830-31 ; a satire. 1831 Lines addressed to the author of a satire, entitled, " The Union Debating Society." 1831 The Sunday Question settled, with reference to the late proceedings at the Union Society. By a member of Trinity College. 1834 List of subscribers to the Building Fund. First List. [1864 ?] Inaugural Proceedings. (Ed. by G. C. Whiteley.) London, 1866 Business (?) at the Bunion. By a Speaker [A. J. A. Ball, Trin.] [1882] Union Echoes. By " A Light that Failed." 1891 Annual Report, 1893-4 ; 1894-5. 1894-5 Debates. Vol. i., Nos. i, 2. 1900 See also Mary's (St) the Great, 1840. UNITED Christian Association and Home for Young Women. Annual Reports. 5th, 8th, 12th. 1879-86 UNITED Sisters Friendly Society. Report of meeting... held at Cambridge, Oct. 1894. 1894 ZS4- UNIVERSITIES USSHER UNIVERSITIES. Letters to the English public on the condition, abuses, and capabilities of the national Universities. Nos. i, 2. By a Graduate of Cambridge. London^ 1836 The Independence of the Universities and Colleges of Oxford and Cambridge. By a Layman. Oxford^ 1S2S An apology for the Universities. By Oxoniensis. Oxford^ 1841 The Universities and the Church of England. By a Cambridge man. 1854 Return to the House of Commons relating to the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. F^ London^ 1886 UNIVERSITIES' Commission. See Commission. UNIVERSITIES' Mission to Central Africa. Report of a meeting in the Senate-House on All Saints' Day, 1859 London^ 1859 An appeal to members of the University of Cambridge. 1875 Report, 1905, 1906, 1907. LondoHy j 906-8 David Livingstone and Cambridge. A record of three meetings in the Senate-House. London^ 1908 UNIVERSITIES' Settlement Association. Work for University men in East London. (With subscription-list, etc.) 1884 - — - 8th Annual Report. London^ 1892 UNIVERSITY of Cambridge. *^ For Cambridge Societies, Institutions, etc., see under the first important word of their respective titles, not being * Cambridge * or * University,' e.g. Antiquarian Society ; Chess Club ; Female Refuge ; Jjibrary ; Mary's (St) the Great ; Observatory ; Press ; Union Society ; Volunteers. UNIVERSITY Association. Report of Meeting, Jan. 31, 1899. 1899 Statement of needs prepared by Heads of Departments. 4° 1899 Statement of needs of University. 3 parts. 1899 List of Members, Subscriptions, etc. 1900 New buildings at Cambridge. (Three articles from the Times, 24, 27, 29 Feb. 1904.) 1904 A plea for Cambridge. [By A. E. Shipley and H. A. Roberts.] {Quarterly Rev.y April, 1906.) The same, reprinted. Edinburgh^ 1907 UNIVERSITY Commission. See Commission. UNIVERSITY Extension. Nos. i, 2. Nov. 1904, Feb. 1905. 40 London, 1 904-5 UNIVERSITY Queries. In a Gentle Touch by the By. 40 1659 UNIVERSITY Taxation. By a Member of the late Syndicate. 1848 USSHI:R (J.) See Dillingham (W.). 255 V VANCOUVER (C.) General view of the agriculture in the County of Cambridge. (+ Appendix.) 4.° Lendotij lyg 4. General view of the agriculture in the County of Essex. 40 London^ ^795 VANSITTART (A. A.) Verses for tercentenary of Trinity College, Dec. 22, 1846. 40 1846 VANSITTART (N.) Letter to Dr Marsh, occasioned by his Address to the Senate of the University. London^ 181 1 Another ed., in Parish's Report. 18 12 See also Marsh (H.). VARENNE (G.) Regrets of Alma Mater on the Roman Catholic petition. 4° 18 16 'VARSITY Bloods. By " Growler " [B. B. Watson, Trin.]. 1900 * VARSITY Eclogue. By " Whif." 1878 'VARSITY Sketches. By H. G. M. 1903 'VARSITY Snap-Shots, by myself and my camera. [1899] 'VARSITY Verses. By C. G. 1878 'VARSITY Verses. By H. D. C[atHng]. 1901 VAUGHAN (C.J.) An oration delivered in Trinity College Chapel, at the Commemoration, 1837. (1837) Sermon on the death of the Rev. Henry Keary. Londorty 1852 Four Sermons preached before the University of Cambridge. 1861 Funeral Sermon. By H. M. Butler. 1 897 VAUGHAN (D.J.) A few words about Private Tuition. 1852 Remarks on the Master of Trinity's Second Paper. (Marriage of Fellows.) 1857 VAUGHAN (E.T.) Dissertatio Latina. [Members' Prize.] 1833 * VAUGHAN (Herbert)' [i.e. A. H. Vaughan Morgan]. The Cambridge Grisette. Londotiy 1862 VENABLES (E.) Annals of the Church of St Mary the Great. {Journal of Arch. Inst.) London^ 1856 VENN (H.) Academical studies subservient to the edification of the Church. A sermon preached in the Chapel of Queens' College, Cambridge, March 2, 1828. 1828 Memoir. By William Knight. London^ \%%o VENN (J.) Admissions to Gonville and Caius College in the Uni- versity of Cambridge, March, 1558-9 to Jan. 1678-9. London^ 1887 256 VENN VERSES VENN Q.) Venn (J.) and Venn (S.C.) Notes on the Perse School, from the Admission Registers of Gonville and Caius College, etc. 1890 Biographical History of Gonville and Caius College, 1 349-1 897. 3 vols. 1 897-1 901 Caius College. (College histories.) London, 1901 Annals of a Clerical Family. (The Venns.) London, 1904 Catalogue of books on Logic presented to the University Library by John Venn. 1889 VERRALL (A.W.) Sanctae Trinitatis Collegii apud Cantabrigienses Carmen Familiare. 40 1888 Installation Ode for the Duke of Devonshire. Latin Text. With music by Prof. Stanford. (Large Paper.) 40 1892 Installation Ode for the Duke of Devonshire. Latin and English. 1892 Iphigenia in Tauris. As performed at Cambridge, Nov. 30, Dec. 1-5, 1894. With translation by A. W. Verrall. 1894 The Vote of Athena. {Praelectiom.) 1906 Sir Richard Jebb as Scholar and Critic. (In Lady Jebb's Life and Letters of Sir R. C. Jebb.) 1907 VERSATILE verses on the 'Varsity, etc. By Two Bachelors [H. D. Catling and A. W. Burke Peel]. 1896 VERSE Translations from the German. [By W. Whewell.] London and Cambridge, 1 847 VERSES. %vvo}hia, sive. . .congratulatio ad. . .Regem Carolum de quintd sua sobole...(On the birth of the Princess Anne, who died young.) (Bowes 58*.) 40 1637 Voces Votivae ab Academicis Cantabrigiensibus pro novissimo Caroli et Mariae principe filio emissae. (Prince Henry born, 8 July, 1640.) (Bowes 2894.) 40 1640 Oliva pacis. (Peace with Holland, Oct. 5.) 40 1654 Musarum Cantabrigiensium luctus et funere Oliveri Ricardi successione. (Oliver Cromwell died, 3 Sept. 1658.) (Bowes 108.) 1658 Academiae Cantabrigiensis Xcoa-rpa, sive, ad Carolum II. reducem... gratulatio. (On the Restoration.) (Bowes 112.) 4° 1660 Threni Cantabrigienses in funere duorum Principum, Henrici Glo- cestrensis et Mariae Arausionensis... Caroli 11. fratris et sororis. (Henry, Duke of Gloucester, died, 13 Sept. 1660 ; and Mary, Princess of Orange, died, 24 Dec. i66o.) (Bowes 2897.) 40 1661 Epithalamia Cantabrigiensia in nuptias Regis Caroli II. et illustr. Principis Catharinae. (Charles II. married Catherine of Braganza, 21 May, 1662.) 40 1662 Threni Cantabrigienses in exequiis...reginae Henriettae Mariae. (Henrietta Maria died, Aug., 1669.) (Bowes 137.) 40 1669 Musarum Cantabrigiensium Threnodia in obitum..,Georgii Ducis Albaemarlae. (George Monk, Duke of Albemarle, died, 3 Jan. 1670.) (Bowes 2900.) 40 1670 VERSES 257 VERSES. Lacrymae Cantabrigienses in obitum illustr. Principis Henriettae Caroli I. filiae, Ducissae Aurelianensis. (Princess Henrietta Anna died, 29 June, 1670.) 40 1670 Epicedia Cantabrigiensia in obitum illustr. Principis Annae Ducissae Eboracensis. (On the death of Anne, Duchess of York, 31 March, 1671.) 40 1671 To... Prince James, Duke of Monmouth and Buccleugh, on the happy solemnity of His Grace's Inauguration in the Chancellorship of the University of Cambridge. F° In the Savoy ^ 1674 Epithalamium in...nuptiis...Guilielmi Henrici Arausii et Mariae Britanniarum ab Academia Cantabrigiensi decantatum. (On the marriage of William of Orange and Princess Mary, 4 Nov. 1677.) 40 1677 Hymenaeus Cantabrigiensis. (On the marriage of Prince George of Denmark and the Princess Anne of York.) (Bowes 170-1.) 4° 1683 Moestissimae ac laetissimae Academiae Cantabrigiensis affectus, de- cedente Carolo II. succedente Jacobo II. (Charles II. died, 6 Feb. 1685.) (Bowes 174-5.) 40 i68f lUustrissimi Principis Ducis Cornubiac.Genethliacon. (On the birth of the Old Pretender.) (Bowes 183-4.) 40 1688 Musae Cantabrigienses... Wilhelmo et Mariae... publicae salutis ac libertatis vindicibus, haec officii et pietatis ergo d.d. (On the accession of William and Mary, 13 Feb. 1689.) (Bowes 190-1.) 40 1689 Lacrymae Cantabrigienses in obitum...Reginae Mariae. (Queen Mary died, 28 December, 1694.) (2 copies.) (Bowes 199.) ^„ . . . . . . . 4° i69f Moestissimae ac laetissimae Academiae Cantabrigiensis carmina funebria et triumphalia. Illis Reginam Annam morte abreptam deflet. His Regi Georgio Britannicum solium ascendenti gratu- latur. (Queen Anne died, i Aug. 17 14.) (Bowes 395.) Fo 17 14 Gratulatio Academiae Cantabrigiensis auspicatissimas Friderici Wal- liae Principis et Augustae...nuptias celebrantis. (Frederick Prince of Wales married Augusta of Saxe-Gotha, 26 April, 1736.) (Bowes 452.) Fo 1736 Pietas Academiae Cantabrigiensis in funere principis Wilhelminae Carolinae et luctu Georgii II. (Queen Caroline died, 20 Nov. 1 7370 (Bowes 454.) Fo 1738 Gratulatio Academiae Cantabrigiensis de reditu Georgii II. post pacem et libertatem Europae restitutam anno 1748. (On the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle.) (Bowes 484.) Fo 1748 Academiae Cantabrigiensis luctus in obitum Frederici Walliae principis. (Frederick Prince of Wales, died, 20 March, 1751.) (Bowes 499.) Fo 1 75 1 Carmina ad Thomam Holies ducem de Newcastle inscripta...Kal. Maias, 1755. (On laying the first stone of the new fa9ade of the Library.) (Bowes 515.) F° ^755 CL. c. . 17 258 VERSES VOLUNTEERS VERSES. Academiae Cantabrigiensis luctus in obitum Regis Georgii II. et gratulationes in Georgii III. inaugurationem. (George 11. died, 25 Oct. 1760.) (Bowes 537.) Fo 1760 Gratulatio Academiae Cantabrigiensis Georgii III. et Charlottae prin- cipis de Mecklenburgh-Strelitz nuptias celebrantis. (George III. married Sophia Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 8 Sept. 1761.) (Bowes 546.) Fo 1761 Gratulatio Academiae Cantabrigiensis natales Georgii Wallias prin- cipis... celebrantis. (George Prince of Wales was born, 12 Aug. 1762.) (Bowes 556.) Fo 1762 Gratulatio Academiae Cantabrigiensis in pacem Georgii III. auspiciis Europae restitutam anno 1763. (On the Peace of Fontainebleau.) (Bowes 564.) Fo 1763 VICTORIA {Queen) Order of Procession on occasion of her visit. (Dated 24 Oct. 1843.) Fo (1843) Accounts of her visit, 25-26 Oct. 1843. {Camb. Advertiser, 7.?> Oct. 1843 ; Camb. Chron. 28 Oct. ; Punch, 4 and 1 1 Nov.) (1843) Verses on the occasion of her visit. By A. H. Potts. 40(1843) Trifolium Caianum in adventum Reginae et Principis, viii. Kal. Nov. 1843. 4° (1843) Quartine in occasione della visiti di Regina Vittoria...alIa Universita di Cambridge. [By Marchese Spineto.] 1843 The Progresses of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. 40 London, 1844 Memorial service at Gt St Mary's for Queen Victoria. 1901 Memorial sermons by A. H. F. Boughey, W. Cunningham, and H. C. G. Moule. 1 901 &ee also Albert {Prince) ; Coronation, 1838 ; Jubilee, 1887, 1897. VILLETARD DE PRUNIERES (M.) Universit^s d'Oxford et de Cambridge. Paris, 1879 VINCE (S.) Heads of a course of lectures on Experimental Philosophy. 1779 The credibility of Christianity vindicated. 1798 2nd ed. 1809 Heads of a course of lectures on Experimental Philosophy. 1 804 Confutation of Atheism. 1807 VINCE (S.B.) The propagation of Christianity was not indebted to any secondary causes. (Hulsean Prize Essay for 1806.) 1807 VINCENT (N.) The Right Notion of Honour : as it was delivered in a sermon before the King at Newmarket, Oct. 4, 1674. (2 copies.) 4° London, 1685 VINCENT (W.) Letter to the Rev. Richard Watson. London, 1780 VINES (S.H.) Botany as an Academic Study. Oxford, 1888 VISION and Pass of Death. An apology for a Cambridge Prize Poem. By a modern Pythagorean. London, 1838 VISITORS' Chronicle. May Term, 1888. 1888 VOLUNTEERS. Address in support of Volunteer movement, signed : A Cambridge Volunteer. 15 Aug. 1803. Fo (1803) VOLUNTEERS VYVYAN 259 VOLUNTEERS. Report of establishment and accounts of Band of University Volun- teers, 1860-61. 1 86 1 University Volunteers. Report for 1865, 1867. (1866-8) Proceedings at the dinner given by the Officers of the C.U.R.V., May 4, 1888. 1888 Thirty-seventh annual Report. 1896 See also Baker (J.) ; Rifle Club. VOTE (A) for the Pink 'un ; or Pottinger and the Prince of Dark- ness. 1882 VYVYAN (T.G.) The Letter and the Spirit. A sermon preached in the Chapel of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, March 15, 1863. 1863 17 — 2 26o W WAGE (A.J.B.) Catalogue of Greek embroideries exhibited at the Fitzwilliam Museum. 1905 WADDINGTON (G.) A sermon delivered in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, on the Commemoration Day in December, 1827. 1828 WADDINGTON (H.) Wallace. A poem. (Written for the Chan- cellor's Medal.) 1 81 5 WADHAM (D.) Letters. Ed. by R. B. Gardiner. Oxford, 1904 WAIDESON (R.) See Arrowsmith (J.). WAINEWRIGHT (L.) The literary and scientific pursuits which are encouraged and enforced in the University of Cambridge, briefly described and vindicated. London^ 181 5 The studies and pursuits of the University of Cambridge stated and vindicated. By L. Wainwright, 1815. {British Critic, Jan. 1826.) WAKEFIELD (G.) A sermon preached on July 29, 1784, the day appointed for a General Thanksgiving on account of the Peace. London, 1784 An Address to the inhabitants of Nottingham. London, 1789 A general reply to the arguments against the enquiry into public worship. London, 1792 Memoirs. Written by himself. London, 1792 Remarks on the general orders of the Duke of York to his army, on June 7, 1794. London, 1794 An examination of the Age of reason, by Thomas Paine. 2n(l ed. London, 1794 The Spirit of Christianity, compared with the Spirit of the Times in Great Britain. London, 1794 A letter to William Wilberforce on the subject of his late publica- tion. London, 1797 2nd ed. London, 1797 Letter to Sir John Scott. n.p. 1798 Reply to some parts of the Bp of LlandafPs [R. Watson's] Address to the people of Great Britain. 2nd ed. London, 1798 WALCOTT (M.) William of Wykeham and his Colleges. Winchester, 1852 Inventories of Religious Houses (including Barnwell Priory). [Archaeo- logia, XLiii.) 40 {London, 1870) WALDSTEIN (C.) Catalogue of Casts in the Museum of Classical Archaeology, Fitzwilliam Museum. London, 1889 Application for Disney Professorship. 40 1892 WALDSTEIN WARNER 261 WALDSTEIN (C.) The study of art in Universities. Inaugural lecture. Lonaon^ 1 896 Ethics of the Surface. By Gordon Seymour [i.e. C. Waldstein]. I. The Rudeness of the Honourable Mr Leatherhead. II. A Homburg Story. 12° London^ 1897 WALE (H.J.) My grandfather's (T. Wale's) Pocket-Book. From 1 70 1 to 1796. London^ 1883 WALKER Q.) and Mylne (W.S.) See Fens, 1825. WALKER (R.) A letter to the V ice-Chancellor on improvements in the present examination statute. Oxford^ 1848 WALKER (S.S.) Leaves gathered from a Curate's sermons delivered during a ministry of nearly ten years. 1864 WALKER (T.A.) Peterhouse. (College histories.) London, 1906 WALKER (W.S.) Poetical remains. Ed. by J. Moultrie. London, 1852 WALKEY (C.E.) The Church and the Universities. Exeter, 1847 WALL (A.) An account of the different ceremonies observed in the Senate House of the University of Cambridge. 179^ New^ ed. By H. Gunning. 1828 WALLER (W.) David's Prophecy relating to Cambridge. [Con- cerning the Westminster Club.] 1751 WALMISLEY (T.A.) See Whytehead (T.). WALSH (B.D.) An historical account of the University of Cambridge and its Colleges. London, 1837 WANDERING Planet. n.d. WARBURTON (C.) Syllabus of a course of lectures on injurious insects. 1891 WARD (A.W.) Suggestions towards the establishment of a History Tripos. 1872 Royal Historical Society. Presidential Address. 1900 See Worke for Cutlers, 1904. WARD (G.R.M.) Statutes of Magdalen Coll., Oxford. Oxford, 1840 Statutes of All Souls Coll., Oxford. Oxford, 1841 Statutes of Corpus Christi Coll., Oxford. Oxford, 1843 WARD (J.C.) Jonathan Otley, the Geologist and Guide. (With letters of A. Sedgwick.) {Tram. Cumb. Assoc, Pt 11., 1876-7.) Carlisle, 1877 WARD (R.), Rector of Ingoldsby. Life and Letters of Henry More. London, 17 10 WARD (R.), Fellow of Trinity College. Two Discourses. (12 Dec. 1822, 20 Dec. 1825.) 1826 Celebria quaedam Anglorum poematia Latine reddita. 40 Londini, i860 WARD ALE Q.R.) Clare College. (College histories.) London, 1899 See also Clare College, 1903. WARING (E.) See Defence. WARNER (R.H.) The history of Thorney Abbey, Cambs. Wisbechy 1 879 262 WARREN WATSON WARREN (C.) The Lord's Table the Christian Altar, in some remarks upon Prof. Scholefield's late Sermon. 1843 WARREN (J.) Sermon. ..27 June, 1776. 40 1776 Sermon in St Paul's Cathedral, 14 May, 1778. 4° London (1778) WARREN (Z.S.) The Christian's character and triumph. A sermon on the death of J. Jowett. Sleaford^ 1856 WARTON (T.) Life of Sir T. Pope. 2nd ed. London, 1780 WARWICK (W.A.) Cambridge University Register and Almanack. 1843, 1844. 1843-4 WASP. Nos. 1-4. June 12, 1891-June 16, 1891. [By E. A. Newton, King's.] 40 1891 WATERBEACH. A short account of the parish of Waterbeach. By a late Vicar [R. Masters]. n.p. 1795 WATERLAND (D.) A sermon preach'd at St Mary's Church, July 21, 1 7 13, at the Assizes held at Cambridge. 40 1713 Answer to Dr Whitby's Reply. 1720 Advice to a young Student. London, ^730 WATERLOO. A poetical epistle to Mr Serjeant Frere. [By John Wing, Pemb.] London, 1820 WATSON (C.K.) Was Shakspeare a Roman Catholic? {Edinb. Review, Jan. 1866.) A Cambridge Professor of the last generation [W. Clark, M.D.]. [Macmillan's Mag., Jan. 1870.) In Memoriam : Emma Jane Knight Watson. London, 1881 Sale Catalogue, 5 Nov. 1901. 1901 WATSON (F.) The Theological Tripos scheme. 187 1 WATSON (H.W.) The Mathematical Tripos, with suggestions for the reform of the examination. London, 1877 A Sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, at the Commemoration of Benefactors, Dec. 10, 1885. 1886 WATSON (J.S.) Life of Richard Porson, M.A. London, 1861 WATSON (R.) Institutionum metallurgica. 1768 Assize Sermon, March 9, 1769. 40 1769 An essay on the subjects of Chemistry, and their general division. 1771 A plan of a course of Chemical lectures. 1771 A letter to the members of the House of Commons respecting the petition for relief in the matter of Subscription. By a Christian Whig. 2nd ed. To which is added a second letter. London, I'j'] 2 The principles of the Revolution vindicated in a sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, May 29, 1776. 4° 1776 3rd ed. 1776 Remarks on a pamphlet, entitled. The Principles of the Revolution vindicated. By an Undergraduate. 40 1776 A vindication of Dr W n, or, an answer to a pamphlet entitled. Remarks, etc. 40 1776 Strictures on... The principles of the Revolution vindicated. In a letter to a friend. [By W. Stevens.] 2nd ed. 1777 WATSON WAYNE 263 WATSON (R.) Sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, Oct. 25, 1776. Being the anniversary of His Majesty's accession to the throne. 40 1776 An Apology for Christianity, in a series of letters to E. Gibbon. 1776 A letter to Dr Watson, King's Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge. [By W. Vincent.] Londoriy ijSo A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, Feb. 4, 1780, being the day appointed for a General Fast. 4° 1780 2nd ed. 40 1780 4th ed. 1780 Discourse to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Ely, 9 and 10 May, 1780. 40 1780 Chemical Essays. 5 vols. 178 1-7 Another copy of vols. 1-2. 1781 Narrative of R. C[lobery] G[lyn]n, M.D. concerning the late... frenzy of the Rev. R. Watson, D.D. 4° London^ 1781 A letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury. 4° London^ 1783 Address to Young Persons after Confirmation. I2° 1787 Another ed. 1788 A charge to the Clergy of the diocese of LlandafF, in June, 1788. 1788 Sermons on public occasions, and Tracts. 1788 A sermon preached before the Stewards of the Westminster Dis- pensary, April, 1785. 40 London^ 1793 Two Apologies, one for Christianity... the other for the Bible. London^ 1806 An Heroic Epistle to the Rev. R. Watson. [By T. J. Mathias.] (Bowes, 1 301.) 40 London, 1780 Anecdotes of his life. Published by his son, Richard Watson. 4° London, 1 8 1 7 2nd ed. 2 vols. London, 18 18 A letter to the Publisher of the Quarterly Review, with remarks on the want of candour in the comments therein made on the Life of Richard Watson. By Philalethes Cantabrigiensis. London, 18 19 Catalogue of Calgarth Park Library, sold July 15, 1909. (2 copies, one priced by J. W. Clark.) London, 1909 Catalogue of remainder of Calgarth Park Library, sold at Bowness-on- Windermere, Nov. 4, 1909. Kendal, 1909 See Collection of theological tracts, 1785 ; Flower (B.), 1800 ; Wakefield (G.), 1798. WATSON (W.) An historical account of the ancient town and port of Wisbech. Wisbech^ 1 827 WATSON (W.D.) Cache-Cache. 12° London, 1862 WATSON (W.G.) Letters and other documents relating to the death of W. G. Watson. London, i860 WATTS (R.) Reply to Milner and Wood, on Univ. Press. 40 1809 WAYNE (E.F.) Testimonials. Candidate for the Rectory of Staple- ton, Salop. (3 pieces.) 1^94 264 WAYNFLETE WESTCOTT WAYNFLETE (W.) Life. By R. Chandler. London, iSii Memorial. By P. Heylin. Ed. J. R. Bloxam. London, 1851 WEBB (W.) Argument on an appeal of W. F. L. Fischer. 1849 WEBSTER (T.) Sermon on death of Rev. T. Robinson, 4 April, 1813. London, 18 13 Memoir of the late John Escreet. London, 1 823 God glorified in his faithful ministers. A sermon preached at St Botolph's, Cambridge, Nov. 20, 1836, on occasion of the death of the Rev. C. Simeon. London, 1836 A sermon preached at St Botolph's, Cambridge, on occasion of the death of the Rev. W. Farish. London, 1837 WEIGHTS and Measures. Proclamation of the Vice-Chancellor. 4 April, 1843. Fo 1843 WELLDON (J.E.C.) Address and Testimonials. Candidate for the Head Mastership of Dulwich College. 1883 WELLER (J.) Dissertation on probable causes of neglect with which writers of antiquity treated the Christian religion. (Hulsean Prize Essay for 1817.) 1818 WELLINGTON {Duke of) See Blunt (J. J.) ; Evans (S.) ; Pullen (J.) ; Titcomb (J. H.), 1852. WELLS (J.) Oxford and Oxford life. Ed. by J. Wells. London, 1892 Wadham College, Oxford. (College histories.) London, 1898 The Oxford Degree ceremony. Oxford, 1906 WELLS (S.) Letter to the Duke of Bedford on the works in the New Bedford River. 1828 The history of the drainage of the great Level of the Fens called Bedford Level. 2 vols, and map. London, 1 829-1 830 WELLS (W.) The drainage of Whittlesea Mere. London, 1S60 On the treatment of the reclaimed bogland of Whittlesea Mere. London, 18 70 WESLEY (J.) The duty and advantage of early rising. 2nd ed. 1785 WESTCOTT (B.F.) The spiritual office of the Universities. A sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, Dec. 15, 1868. London, 1869 An address to the University Church Society, March 13. 1872 Sermon preached in All Saints' Church, Cambridge, ist Sunday after Epiphany, 1 874. London, 1874 From strength to strength. A sermon preached in Westminster Abbey on St Mark's Day, at the consecration of Dr Lightfoot to the see of Durham. London, 1879 The symbol of our inheritance. A sermon preached in the Chapel of King's College, Nov. 26, 1882. 1882 Waiting for power from on high. A sermon. 1883 On some points in Browning's view of life. 1883 Faithful is he that calleth. A sermon. London, 1884 Sermon at the consecration of the Church of St Ignatius, Hendon, Sunderland, July 2, 1889. Sunderland, 1889 WESTCOTT WHEWELL 265 WESTCOTT (B.F.) Teacher and Scholar [J. P. Lee], A memory and a hope. Birmingham^ 1893 Life. A sermon at Trinity College, 11 Dec. 1900. 1901 Sermon at his consecration as Bp of Durham, byF. J. A. Hort. London, 1890 WESTLAKE (J.) On the tenure of Fellowships. 1857 International Law. An introductory lecture. 1888 The Transvaal War. 2nd ed. London^ 1899 WESTMACOTT (R.) Lecture on Sculpture before the School of Art. 1863 WESTMINSTER Club. An authentic narrative of the late extra- ordinary proceedings at Cambridge against the W r Club. [By T. Ansell or T. Francklin.] London, 1751 See also Waller (W.). WESTMINSTER School. MayetpOTraiSo/Maxia. In schola Sancti Petri Westmonasteriensis prid. Kal. Mart. 1865. (1865) WESTON (W.) Some kinds of superstition worse than Atheism. Two sermons preached before the University of Cambridge. 1739 The moral impossibility of conquering England, and the absurdity of the dispensing power of the Pope. Three Sermons before the University. 1746 WETHERELL {Sir C.) Substance of speech before the Lords of the Privy Council, on the subject of incorporating the London University. London, 1834 WHEATLEY (J.) An extract of the life and death of Mr John Janeway, Fellow of King's College in Cambridge. 12° London, 1775 Another ed. 12° Leeds, 1797 WHERRY (G.) Observations on the horns of animals. {Brit. Med, Journ.) London, 1902 WHEWELL (W.) Boadicea. Poem which obtained the Chancellor's Medal. 18 14 Another ed. {Class. Journal.) London, 1814 Commemoration sermon preached in Trinity College Chapel, Cam- bridge, Dec. 17, 1828. 1828 Account of experiments made at Dolcoath mine in Cornwall, in 1826 and 1828, for the purpose of determining the density of the earth. 1828 Address to Members of the Senate on the want of Lecture Rooms and Museums. 1828 Architectural notes on German Churches. 1830 Reply to Observations on the plans for the New Library. By a Member of both Syndicates [W. Whewell]. 1831 Address delivered in the Senate House, Cambridge, June 25, 1833, on the occasion of the opening of the third General Meeting of the British Association. ^833 Remarks on some parts of Mr Thirlwall's letter on the admission of Dissenters to Academical Degrees. 1834 266 WHEWELL WHEWELL (W.) Additional remarks on some parts of Mr Thirlwall's two letters on the admission of Dissenters to Academical Degrees. 1834 On the nature of the truth of the laws of motion. {Trans. Camk. Phil. Soc.) 40 1834 Thoughts on the study of mathematics, as a part of a liberal education. 1835 A sermon preached on Trinity Monday, 1835, before the Corporation of the Trinity House. 40 London^ 1835 Newton and Flamsteed. Remarks on an article in No. cix. of the Quarterly Review. 1836 A letter to the Editor of the Edinburgh Review. (Inductive Sciences.) 1837 Letter to C. Babbage, Esq., Lucasian Professor of Mathematics in the University of Cambridge. 1837 On the foundations of morals. Four Sermons. 1837 On the principles of English University education. London., 1837 2nd ed. London^ 1838 An address delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Geological Society of London, Feb. 16, 1838. London^ 1838 Trinity College Commemoration. Sermon preached in the College Chapel, Dec. 15, 1838. (1838) Address at the anniversary meeting of the Geological Society of London, Feb. 15, 1839. London^ 1839 Herman and Dorothea of Goethe translated. Obi. 8° [1839] Nugarum Bartlovianarum epilogus. 40 London^ 1840 Two introductory lectures to two courses of lectures on moral philosophy, delivered in 1839 and 1841. 1841 The Knight of Toggenburg. From Schiller. Printed for sale at the Shelford Bazaar. 40 1842 Of a liberal education. London^ 1845 2nd ed. London., 1850-2 Indications of the Creator. London., 1845 2nd ed. (Preface only.) London., 1845 Lectures on systematic morality delivered in Lent Term 1846. London., 1846 Sunday thoughts, and other verses. 1847 Verse translations from the German. London and Cambridge., 1847 English Hexameter translations from Schiller, Gothe, Homer, etc. (By W. Whewell, Sir J. Herschel, J. C. Hare, J. G. Lockhart, and E. C. Hawtrey. Ed. by W. Whewell.) Obi. 80 London and Cambridge., 1847 Preface to Morality. 2nd ed. 1848 On Hegel's criticism of Newton's Principia. {Camb. Phil. Soc.) 40 1849 Of Induction, with especial reference to Mr J. S. Mill's System of Logic. London., 1849 A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge on the day of the General Thanksgiving, Nov. 1 5, 1 849. 1 849 WHEWELL 267 WHEWELL (W.) Remarks on the complete Gothic and after-Grothic styles in Germany. {Arch. Journ.j Sept. 1850.) {London^ 1 850) Criticism on Aristotle's Account of Induction, {Camb. Phil. Soc.) 40 1850 Remarks on this Criticism, by H. A. J. Munro, C. B. Scott, and R. Shilleto, q.v. The general bearing of the Great Exhibition on the progress of art and science. London^ 1851 Strength in trouble. A sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, Feb. 23, 1851. London^ 1851 A letter to the author of Prolegomena Logica. 1852 Studies Syndicate. Remarks on the proposal that an Ordinary B.A. Degree shall be given on the ground of an examination in Classics, without any other examination except the Previous Examination. (April, 1853.) (1853) Further remarks on the same proposal, 26 Ap. 1853. (^^53) Studies Syndicate. Draft of Report for the Studies Syndicate, May 23, 1853. 1853 Of the Plurality of Worlds. London^ 1853 4th ed. London^ 1855 Notes on the Oxford University Bill in reference to the Colleges at Cambridge, May i, 1854. (1854) Elegiacs [on the death of Mrs Whewell]. 40 1855 Remarks on the Bill now before Parliament, 19 Apr. 1855. (1855) Remarks on University Reform, 11 May, 1855. (1855) Remarks on the proposed reform of the University of Cambridge, May 31, 1855. (1855) Additional remarks on the proposed reform of the University of Cambridge, 16 June, 1855. 1855 A sermon on i John iii. 3 preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Feb. 3, 1856. 4° (1856) Remarks on the proposed changes in Trinity College Statutes. (23 Sept., 18 Oct., 22 Oct., 17 Nov., 26 Nov.) 1857 Review of Spedding and Ellis's edition of the Works of Francis Bacon. (Repr. from Edinb. Rev.^ Oct. 1857.) 1857 On the draft of the Statutes prepared by the University Commissioners for Trinity College. 1858 Suggestions respectfully offered to the Cambridge University Com- missioners. 1858 Considerations on the general principles in regard to Colleges proposed for consideration by the Cambridge University Commissioners. 1858 Barrow and his academical times as illustrated in his Latin works. (From Barrow's fVorksj ix.) (1859) On the proposed alterations in Gt St Mary's Church. i86o Additional lectures on the history of moral philosophy. 1862 Letter to Rev. W. Whewell. By an Undergraduate. London, 1843 Articles, verses, etc. on his death. 1 866 268 WHEWELL WHITEHEAD WHEWELL (W.) In memoriam, B7 W. G. Clark. {Macmillan's Mag., Ap. 1866.) In memory of William Whewell. A sermon preached in Trinity College Chapel, March i8, 1866. By J. B. Lightfoot. 1866 William Whewell. An account of his writings. By I. Todhunter. 2 vols. London, 1876 The life and correspondence of W. Whewell, By Mrs Stair Douglas. London, 1881 Mrs Stair Douglas's Life of William Whewell. (Review in Macmillan's Mag. By Harvey Goodwin.) Relics of Whewell. Circular letter of H. M. Butler soliciting subscriptions to buy certain objects, 13 May, 1896. 4° (1896) See Auerbach (B.) ; Fitzwilliam Museum, 1856. WHIBLEY (C.) In Cap and Gown. Three centuries of Cambridge wit. Ed. by C. Whibley. London^ 1889 Third edition. London^ 1898 WHIBLEY (L.) Political parties in Athens during the Peloponnesian War. 2nd ed. (Camb. Hist. Essays, No. i.) 1889 WHIF. A 'Varsity Eclogue. By Whif. 1878 WHISTON (R.) Cathedral Trusts and their fulfilment. 4th ed. Rochester^ 1 850 The Reviewer reviewed ; or a reply to the Saturday Review on Whiston's Demosthenes. London^ 1859 WHISTON (W.) Sermon at Trinity Church, 25 Jan. 1704-5... [when] the teachers of the Charity Schools lately erected in Cambridge appeared, with the poor children under their care. (With an account of the Schools.) 40 1705 2nd ed. London^ 1 708 Reflexions on... A Discourse of Free-Thinking [by Anthony Collins]. London^ 17 13 WHITAKER (W.), Master of St John's. Cygnea cantio Guilielmi Whitakeri, hoc est, ultima illius concio ad clerum, habita Canta- brigiae in templo beatae Mariae, paulo ante mortem, Oct. 9, 1595. Herborna Nassoviorum^ ^599 WHITAKER (W.), B.A. Lond. Woodwardian Museum, Cambridge. List of works on the geology of Cambridgeshire. [1873] WHITE (E.) A dissertation on the fitness of the time when Jesus Christ came into the world. (Hulsean Prize Essay for 181 9.) 1820 WHITE (H.K.) Remains, with account of his life by Robert Southey. 9th ed. 3 vols. London^ 182 1 WHITE (T.P.) Letter offering to found a prize, with notice of Grace to accept the same, Feb. 1821. (1821) WHITE (W.) A Jubilee memorial of the consecration of Christ Church, Cambridge. 1889 The Railway Traveller's Walk through Cambridge. 8th ed. [1893] 9th ed. {Ab. 1897] WHITEHEAD (W.) An Essay on Ridicule. F^ London, ly^^ Atys and Adrastus. F° London, 1744 Plays and Poems. 3 vols. 12° London and York, 1774-88 WHITELEY WILLIAMS 269 WHITELEY (G.C.) See Union Society. Inaugural Proceedings, 1866. WHITMORE and Co.'s Price List of Wines, etc. 1904 WHITMORE(G.) The duty of not running into debt. London {iSoo) WHITTLESEY. Whittlesey revisited. By G. W. Manning. PFhittlesey^ 1 874 Copies of 222 Marriage Registers from the Parish Book of St Mary's Church, in Whittlesey, 1662-1672. [London, 1880) See also Wells (W.). WHITWELL (S.) On warming and ventilating houses and buildings by means of large volumes of attempered air. 40 1834 WH YTEHEAD (T.) Ode performed at the Installation of the Duke of Northumberland, 5 July, 1842. Set to music by T. A. Walmisley. 40 1842 College life. Letters of an Undergraduate. 2nd ed. London, i^ ^6 WICKENDEN (W.) Poems. By the Bard of the Forest [W. Wickenden]. 1823 WICLIF. An historical drama. [By C. E. Sayle.] Oxford, 1887 WIDNALL (S.P.) A history of Grantchester, Cambs. Grantchester, 1875 A mystery of sixty centuries. Grantchester, 1889 A gossiping stroll through the streets of Cambridge. Grantchester, 1892 WIGRAM (W.K.) The Trinity Janus. 1846 WILBRAHAM (Great and Little) See Acts and Bills, 1797. WILBRAHAM (Little) Notes of remains of the Anglo-Saxon period, discovered at Little Wilbraham. By I. Deck. [Arch. Journ., viii.) {London, 1 851) WILD (E.) The Help. A 'Varsity Operetta. London, 1891 WILKINS (J.W.) Letter to Viscount Palmerston on Cambridge University Reform. London, 1855 WILKINS (W.) An account of the Prior's Chapel at Ely. {Archaeo- logia, XIV.) 40 [London, 1 801) Letter to the Senate. (9 Feb.) 1831 An appeal to the Senate. (15 April.) 1831 WILKINSON (M.) Letter on the expenses of Undergraduates. London, 1845 WILLIAM IV., King of England. Vice-Chancellor's notice that he will proclaim him, 29 June, 1830. (1830) WILLIAM of Worcester. Itineraria S. Simeonis et Willelmi de Worcestre. Ed. J. Nasmith. 1778 WILLIAMS (C.F.A.) A short historical account of the degrees in Music at Oxford and Cambridge. London [1893] WILLIAMS (F.C.) Utopia. [Camb. Christmas Annual, 1^$.) 1895 WILLIAMS (G.) The Holy City. 2nd ed. With. architectural history of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre by R. Willis. 2 vols. London, 1849 The Government scheme of education in the University of Cambridge, London, 1850 270 WILLIAMS WILLIAMSON WILLIAMS (G.) A letter to the Provost of Eton College on the election of scholars to the two foundations of King Henry VI. London^ 1850 Letter to the Provost of King's College. 1856 Statement of the property of King's College. 1857 Supplementary statement of the property of King's College. 1857 Memoir and correspondence of William Millington, first Provost of King's College. With notices of Robert Woodlarke, third Provost, By C. Hardvv^ick. 1858 Correspondence between the Vice-Chancellor and the late Pro- Proctors. 1859 The Proctorial Question at Cambridge. A letter to the Vice- Chancellor. 1 860 Details sur le projet d'^tablir k Cambridge des hotelleries en faveur des Strangers. i860 A statement relative to the financial matters of King's College, in i860. i860 University Library extension. A letter to the Vice-Chancellor. 1 862 Bishop Bekyngton. A paper read... Sept. 10, 1863. {Gentleman's Magazine.) {London, 1863) On the funds of the Library. 21 Nov. 1863. (1863) Proposal for building the West side of the Library Quadrangle. 1864 Dr Pierotti and his assailants ; or a defence of Jeruialem Explored, London, ,1864 Williams (G.) and Tristram (H.B.) The Bible as illustrated by modern science and travel. London, 1868 WILLIAMS (H.G.) ^ee Smith (J.), 11652. Select Discourses. 4th ed. 1859. WILLIAMS (John), Ahp of York. Letters with documents relating to them. Ed. by J. E. B. Mayor. (C.^.5.) 1866 WILLIAMS (John) Is my son likely to pass ? 2nd ed. London, i^6j[. The Public Schools and the Universities. London, 1864 WILLIAMS (M.) and Burnand (F.C.) The Seventh Shot. (For performance at the A.D.C.) i860 WILLIAMS (P.) Sermon, 11 June, 1738. 40 1738 WILLIAMS (R.) An earnestly respectful letter to the Bp of St David's [C. Thirlwall] on the difficulty of bringing theological questions to an issue. i860 A critical appendix upon the Lord Bishop of St David's reply, i860 Life and Letters. Ed. by his wife. 2 vols. London^ 1874 WILLIAMS (W.) Oxonia depicta. Y^ London, 1^22-2 WILLIAMSON (G.C.) Trade Tokens issued in the seventeenth century. New ed. of Boyne's work. Part for Cambridgeshire. London, 1889 Williamson (G.C.) and Sayle (C.E.) Portraits, Prints, and Writings of John Milton. 40 1908 2nd ed. 40 1^08 Special ed. 40 1908 WILLIAMSON WILLIS 271 WILLIAMSON Q.) A brief memoir of the Rev. C. Simeon. London^ 1 848 WILLIAMSON (K.) Cambridge, a poem, etc. (Fenlight Booklets, i .) Allahabad (1908) WILLINGHAM. Prodigium Willinghamense. By T. Dawkes. London (1747) WILLIS (M.A.) A short sketch about washing linen. 1868 3rd ed. 1869 Science applied to the washing of linen. London^ 1869 A short essay on practical experimental philosophy. Parts i, 2. London J 1871 WILLIS (R.) Attempt to analyse the Automaton Chess Player of Mr de Kempelen. (Two copies.) London^ 1821 On the pressure produced on a flat plate, etc. {Trans. Camb. Philos. Soc.) 40 1828 On the vowel sounds, and on reed organ pipes. {Trans. Camb. Philos. Soc.) 40 1829 On the mechanism of the Larynx. {Trans. Camb. Philos. Soc.) 40 1832 Syllabus of lectures on Sound at Royal Institution, 1 832. London^ 1 832 Remarks on the architecture of the Middle Ages. 1835 On the Teeth of Wheels. {Trans. Inst, of Civil Engineers.) 40 London^ 1838 Syllabus of a course of experimental lectures on the principles of mechanism. 1839 Another ed. 1840 Another ed. 1841 On the construction of the Vaults of the Middle Ages. {Trans. Inst. of British Architects.) 40 London^ 1 84 1 On the characteristic interpenetrations of the flamboyant style. {Trans. Inst, of British Architects.) \° London^ 1841 Principles of mechanism. London^ 1841 2nd ed. London^ 1870 Description of the cymagraph for copying mouldings. {Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal.) 4° London^ 1 842 Report on Cathedral of Hereford. {Engineer's Journal.) 40 London, 1842 Description of the Sextry Barn at Ely. {C.A.S.) 4° 1843 Architectural nomenclature of the Middle Ages. {C.A.S.) 4° 1844 The architectural history of Canterbury Cathedral. London, 1845 A critical dissertation on Prof. Willis's Architectural history of Canterbury Cathedral. By Charles Sandys. London, iS 4.6 On the history of the Great Seals of England. {Arch. Journal.) London, 1845 The architectural history of Winchester Cathedral. London, 1846 Architectural history of York Cathedral. (Read before Arch. Inst.) London, 1846 Lecture on Ely Cathedral, before Arch. Inst. 4 Aug. 1847. (Repr. from Norfolk Chronicle.) Norwich, 1847 2/2 WILLIS WILLIS (R.) Description of the ancient plan of the monastery of St Gall, in the ninth century. {Arch. Journal.) [London^ 1848) The architectural history of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. (Two copies.) London, 1849 Essay on the effects produced by causing weights to travel over elastic bars. (Appendix B of the Report of Commissioners appointed to enquire into the application of iron to railway structures.) Fo London, 1849 Another ed. appended to P. Barlow's Treatise on the strength of Timber. London, 185 1 On the principles of tools for turning and planing metals. London, 1 849 System of apparatus for the use of lecturers in Mechanical Philosophy. 40 London, 1851 Exhibition of 1 85 1. Classified Lists. Section I L, Machinery, arranged by R. Willis. (With other pieces connected with the Exhibition.) 40 1851 On machines and tools for working in metal, wood, and other materials. (Lecture vii on results of Exhibition of 1851.) London, 1852 Crystal Palace Company. Grand Organ. Preliminary Report, by Sir F. A. G. Ouseley, R. Willis, and J. Donaldson. London, 1853 Pedal Harp. Specification. 40 London, 1856 Paris Universal Exhibition. Report on machinery for woven fabrics. London, 1857 Apparatus for weighing. Specification. 40 London, 1857 The architectural history of the University (of Cambridge). (Proc. Congr. Archit. Soc. at Cambridge, May, i860. Repr. from Camb. Chronicle.) (i860) Architectural history of Gloucester Cathedral. {Arch. Journ.) {London, i860) Another ed. {Gentleman s Mag.) {London, i860) A Westminster fabric roll of 1253. {Gentleman's Mag.) {London, i860) Memoir on foundations of early buildings recently discovered in Lichfield Cathedral. {Arch. Journ.) London, 1861 Architectural history of Chichester Cathedral. 4° Chichester, 1861 Address delivered at the opening meeting of the British Association at Cambridge, Oct. i, 1862. 1862 The architectural history of the Cathedral and Monastery at Worcester. {Arch. Journ.) London, 1863 The Crypt and Chapter House of Worcester Cathedral. {Royallnst. of British Architects.) 40 London, 1863 Sherborne Minster. {Arch. Journ.) {London, 1865) The architectural history of Glastonbury Abbey. 1866 The architectural history of the conventual buildings of the monastery of Christ Church in Canterbury. London, 1869 Notes on Norwich Cathedral. By D. J. Stewart. (From Memoranda by the late Prof. Willis.) 2 pts. {Arch. Journ., xxxii.) {London, 1875) WILLIS WOLLASTON 273 WILLIS (R.) Willis (R.) and Clark (J.W.) The architectural history of the Uni- versity of Cambridge. 3 vols. (Proofs with notes.) 1886 Proofs of Title and Introduction, corrected by H. Bradshaw. Proofs of Schools, Library, Senate House, corrected by H. Bradshaw (Arch. hist. iii.). Essay on The Library. Proofs with notes. (Arch. hist, in.) A volume of reviews, criticisms, letters, etc. The late Prof. Willis. By J. W. Clark. (Repr. from Camb. Chron., March 6, 1875.) (1875) Memoir of Robert Willis. {Proc. Inst, Civ. Engineers.) {London^ 1875) WILLMOTT (R.A.) Conversations at Cambridge. [Attn to R. A. Willmott.] London^ 1836 WILLS. Calendar of Cambridge Wills proved in V.-C.'s Court, 1501-1765. 1907 WILSON (H.A.) Magdalen College, Oxford. (College histories.) London^ 1899 WILSON (H.B.) Rationalism in the Pulpit of the University of Oxford, being an examination of doctrines advanced by H. B. Wilson. London^ 1854 WILSON {Sir H.F.) Notice of a proposed representation of the Ajax. 1882 Carmen Pooleviense. (Repr. from the Leaflet.) R^gby^ ^^^5 WILSON (J.) Memorabilia Cantabrigiae. London^ 1803 WILSON (J.D.) John Lyly. (Harness Prize Essay.) 1905 WILSON (J.M.) A letter to the Master and Seniors of St John's College, Cambridge, on the subject of Natural and Physical Sciences in relation to School and College. London^ 1867 On teaching Geology and Botany as part of a liberal education. London^ 1872 Cambridge University Association for the promotion of purity of life. An address, Oct. 28. 1883 WIMPOLE Hall. Catalogue of the Library... to be sold, June 29, 1888. London (1888) WISBECH. An historical account of the ancient town and port of Wisbech. By William Watson. IVishech, 1^2"] The history of Wisbech, with an historical sketch of the Fens. JVisbech^ 1 834 Observations on a central Assize at Wisbech. By H. Fardell. IVisbech, 1848 See also Fens ; Letter (1679). WISEMAN. A pastoral in humble imitation of Virgil and Dr Ulla- thorne. By S. 1850 WITHERS Q.J.) Register of Admissions to King's College, Cam- bridge, 1 850-1 900. London^ 1903 WOLLASTON (F.J.H.) A plan of a course of Chemical lectures. 1794 Another ed. 1805 CL. C. 18 274 WOMEN WOODHOUSE WOMEN. Higher Education of Women. Progress of the higher education of women at Cambridge. Signed : W. H. [Monthly Journ. of Education. No. 4. April, 1874.) Report of a Conference of persons... interested in the Higher Educa- tion of Women, Dec. 27, 1877. (1878) Fly-sheets, memorials, etc., relating to Women's degrees from 1880. 1880- A brief history of the proposal to admit Women to Degrees at Cambridge, in 1887-8. By Thomas Case. Oxford^ 1896 Women's Degrees : a report in Greek and English. By W. C. Green. 1897 Women's Degrees. By H. D. C[atling]. Verses. 1897 University Education of Women. 1897 See also Battle of Pons trium Trojanorum, 1881 ; Girton ; Ladies' Battle, 1881 ; Newnham. WOOD (A.a) The ancient and present state of the city of Oxford. 40 London^ ^773 The history and antiquities of the University of Oxford. With continuation by John Gutch. 4° Oxford^ 1786 WOOD (F.H.) "'Ei/TOfT^ viKdy (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1904.) 1904 WOOD (J.S.) Remarks on the bearing of the proposed Statute "De electione Procuratorum et Vice-Procuratorum." 1857 The position of members of the Church of England in a College in the University of Cambridge. 1882 WOOD (T.B.) Syllabus of a course of tw^elve lectures on plant and animal life. 1891 WOODCOCK (E.) An account of the providential preservation of E. Woodcock. By T. V. Okes. 2nd ed. 1799 3rd ed. 1799 Another ed., by R. Okes. Eton^ 1838 WOODFORD (J.R.) Christian sanctity. Four sermons preached before the University of Cambridge in November, 1863. 1863 Address to Churchwardens of Ely. Ely, 1877 The Strength of the Church. A sermon preached at the opening of Selwyn College, Cambridge, Oct. 10, 1882. 1882 Charges, Sept. and Oct. 1885. 1885 Peterhouse Sexcentenary. The former days. A sermon. 1885 In piam memoriam Jacobi Russell, Episc. Eliensis. By H. M. Luckock. n.f. (1885) WOODHAM (H.A.) Oratio Latina. (Members' Prize.) 1837 Oratio Latina. (Members' Prize.) 1838 Oratio Latina. (Members' Prize.) 1840 An application of heraldry to the illustration of various University and Collegiate antiquities. 2 pts. [C.J.S.) 4° 1 841-2 WOODHOUSE (F.C.) Some account of St John's College Chapel, Cambridge. 1848 WOODHOUSE WORDSWORTH 275 WOODHOUSE (R.) Syllabus of lectures on experimental philosophy. 1819 WOODLARK (R.) Robert Woodlark, Founder of St Catharine's Hall. By Charles Hardwick. 1858 WOODWARD (H.) Rev. Adam Sedgwick. {Geol. Mag., April, 1870.) WOODWARD (J.) An essay towards a natural history of the earth, etc. 2nd ed. London, 1702 Naturalis historia telluris illustrata et aucta. Londini, 17 14 An attempt towards a natural history of the fossils of England. (+ Catalogue of the foreign fossils in the collection of J. Wood- ward...) 2 vols. London, 1728-9 Part of the late Dr Woodward's Will, Oct. i, 1727. 1778 WOODWARDIAN Museum. Report of Syndicate respecting suit- able room. Fo (1821) List of works on the geology of Cambridgeshire. By William Whitaker. 1873 Catalogue of the collection of Cambrian and Silurian Fossils. By J. W. Salter. Preface by Adam Sedgwick. 4° 1873 The Sedgwick Memorial Museum. By T. McK. Hughes. 6 Dec. 1886. 1886 Sedgwick Memorial Museum. Fly-sheets relating thereto. 1886- The Woodwardian Professor and the Sedgwick Memorial Museum. By A. Newton and J. W. Clark. 1887 WOODWARDIAN Professorship. Poll, 21 May, 181 8. (A. Sedgwick elected.) 1818 1873. Testimonials of various candidates, including T. McK. Hughes who was elected. 1873 WOOLLEY (J.) "By one offering Christ hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified." (Norrisian Essay for 1844.) 1844 WORDSWORTH (Christopher), Master of Trinity, f 1 846. Letter of explanation respecting use to be made of the rents of the new buildings [Trinity], 7 June, 1823. Fo 1823 The Ecclesiastical Commission and the Universities ; a letter to a friend. London, 1837 WORDSWORTH (Christopher), Bp of Lincoln, fiSSs. On the admission of Dissenters to graduate in the University of Cambridge. 1834 2nd ed. 1834 Ode, July 7, 1835 at the first Commencement after the Installation, and in the presence of the Marquess Camden. 4° 1835 College Statutes, College Fellowships, and College legislation. London, 1872 The hope of glory and the future of our Universities. Two sermons preached before the University of Cambridge. London, 1882 Funeral Sermon for C. Wordsworth by John Wordsworth. Lincoln^ 1885 WORDSWORTH (Christopher), Fellow of Peterhome. Social life at the English Universities in the eighteenth century. 1874 276 WORDSWORTH WRANGHAM WORDSWORTH (Christopher), Fellow of Peterhouse. Scholae Academicae. 1877 WORDSWORTH (J.) Love and discipline. Sermon. Z/W/w, 1885 WORDSWORTH (W.) Description of the scenery of the Lakes. 3rd ed. 12° London^ 1822 Guide through the... Lakes... with a Description of the scenery. 5th ed. 12° Kendal^ 1835 Ed, by J. Hudson. With Five Letters on the Geology of the Lake District by A. Sedgwick. Kendal, 1853 Ode on the Installation of Prince Albert as Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. 40 1847 Another ed., illuminated. 40 1847 The College Days of William Wordsworth. By G. C. M. Smith. {Eagle, March, 1891.) (1891) WORKE for Cutlers. Acted at Trinity Hall, at the instance of A. F. Sieveking, 23 July, 1903. (1903) Ed. by A. F. Sieveking, with introductory note by A. W. Ward. 40 London, 1904 WORKING Men's College, 1 854-1 904. Edited by J. L. Davies. London, 1904 Working Men's College Magazine. Nos. 1-2 1. Jan. 1859-Sept. i860. 1859-60 WORKING Men's Cottage Garden Society. 28th Annual Exhibition. 3 Aug. 1903. 1903 WORMAN (E.J.) Ernest James Worman, 1 871-1909. (Ed. by G. J. Gray.) 1910 WORSLEY (T.) The Roman martyr. A youthful essay in dramatic verse. By Nominis Umbra [T. Worsley]. London, 1859 A few remarks on the outline of a scheme for the future constitution of Downing College. i860 A few remarks on the most fitting material and site for the memorial statue to our late Chancellor. (1862) Christian drift of Cambridge work. Eight lectures. 1865 iS^^ also Fitzwilliam Museum, 1856. WORTHINGTON (T.L.) Proposal for rural settlements, 25 Oct. 1894. [London, 1894) WOTTON (W.) Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning. London, 1694 2nd ed. London, 1697 3rd ed. London, 1705 WRANGHAM (F.) The Restoration of the Jews. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1794.) 4° 1795 The Holy Land. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1800.) 40 1800 A poem on the restoration of learning in the East. (Written for Buchanan Prize.) 4° 1805 Joseph made known to his brethren. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1812.) 1812 Sertum Cantabrigiense. Malton^ 1824 WRANGLER WYKEHAM 277 WRANGLER. Jan., Feb., Aug., 1837. PVisbech {i^^l) WRATISLAW (A.H.) Further remarks on the University system of education. 1 848 Observations on the Cambridge system. 1850 2nd ed. 1850 Patriotism : an ancient lyrico-epic poem. London^ Rugby ^ 1851 Reasons for refusing to sign the Report of the Statutes Revision Syndicate, dated Dec. 10, 1851. 1852 Middle class and non-gremial examinations. Cui bono? i860 WREATH of Songs. By the Cambridge Lotos Club. 1880 WREN (M.) Sermon preached, 17 Feb. 1627. 4° "^^27 WRIGHT (J.M.F.) Alma Mater, or seven years at the University of Cambridge. 2 vols. London^ 1827 A collection of Cambridge Mathematical Examination Papers. 1830 WRIGHT (J.P.) A Quiet Supper (with songs) at the rooms of X. Y. B., St Andrew's College, Cambridge. 1864 WRIGHT (R.T.) The Long Vacation. A suggestion for University Reform. 1878 WRIGHT (T.) ^ee Fuller (T.), History of the University of Cambridge, 1840 ; King's College. Ancient laws, 1850 ; Le Keux (J.), Memorials, 1837-8, 1847. WRIGHT (W.R.) Irregular ode intended for music at the Installa- tion of the Duke of Gloucester. 1 8 1 1 WYATT (H.P.) Thoughts on University education. 1849 WYATT (J.) See Downing College, 1804. WYCLIF (J.) Wicklieffes Wicket. Ed. by R. Potts. (Old Tracts ...IV.) 1851 WYKEHAM (William of) Life. By Robert Lowth, Bp of Oxford. Oxford^ 1777 William of Wykeham and his Colleges. By M. E. C. Walcott. Winchester y 1 852 Life. By G. H. Moberly. Winchester and London^ 1887 18-3 278 Y YEATES (T.) Collation of an Indian copy of the Hebrew Pentateuch, with notice of others, collected by Rev. C. Buchanan, D.D., 1806, and now in the Public Library, Cambridge. 4° 181 2 YORKE (J.), Bp of Ely. Sermon... 26 May, 1785. To which is annexed an account of the S.P.C.K. 4° London, 1785 See also Ely [1787 ?]. YORKE (P.) See Appeal. YOUNG {Sir G.) University Tests ; an apology for their assailants. London, 1868 The Oedipus Tyrannus of Sophocles in English verse. 1887 Cookham Church. Reading, 1901 See also Praed (W. M.). ZOOLOGY. Reports, fly-sheets, etc., on the foundation of the Professorship of Zoology. With Candidates' testimonials. A. Newton elected. 1865-6 Poll for the election of a Professor, March i, 1866. 1866 On the duties of a Professor of Zoology. By W. H. Drosier. 1866 Proceedings of Fourth International Congress of Zoology, held at Cambridge, 22-27 August, 1898. Ed. by A. Sedgwick. 1899 Miscellaneous papers relating to the Congress. 1898 Professorship. Election of 1907. Letters of Candidates and miscellaneous papers. A. Sedgwick elected. ^9^1 See also Bridge (T.W.) and Clark (J.W.) List of Dissections (1871) ; Illustrations of Comparative Anatomy, 1875. APPENDIX I. MANUSCRIPTS II. PRINTS AND DRAWINGS 28o I. MANUSCRIPTS The following will be fully described in the new edition, now in preparation, of the Catalogue of Manuscripts in the University Library ; the class-marks prefixed refer to that Catalogue. WILLIS (R.) Add. 5022. Architectural drawings. Add. 5023. Church architecture. Add. 5024. Monasteries. Cathedrals. Add. 5025. Nomenclature : materials. Add. 5026. Nomenclature : materials. Add. 5027. Tracery. Add. 5028. Oxford. Monastic Colleges. Add. 5029. Notes. General : A — K. Add. 5030. : L — Z. Add. 5031. Ancient monuments, etc. Add. 5032. Descriptions of Churches. Add. 5033. Monuments, etc. Add. 5034. Saints, etc. Add. 5035. Cymagraph, etc. Add. 5036. Italian architecture, etc. Further Notes by Prof. Willis were bought at the J. W. Clark sale (Add. 5 127-5 141). Add. 5037. Drawings. Bottisham. Add. 5038. Chester. Add. 5039. Ely. Add. 5040. Exeter. Add. 5041. Gloucester. Add. 5042. Lichfield, Add. 5043. Peterborough. Add. 5044. Salisbury. Add. 5045. Miscellanea. See also Appendix II and Add. 5142-4. CAMBRIDGE. Add. 5046. Statuta Universitatis Cantabrigiensis. (xvi. cent.) Add. 5047. Watson (Bp R.) Notes of G. Holmes's lectures. 1758 ? Add. 5048-9. Cambridge Garrick Club. Minute Book. 1833-9 Add. 5050. Cambridge University. Act for B.A. degree. 1842 ? Add. 5051. Mathematical Tripos. Marking Book. 1842 Add. 5052. Cambridge Camden Society. Resignations and Answers. 1845 APPENDIX 281 CAMBRIDGE. Add. 5053. Cambridge University. Societas Sanctae Crucis. 1854-5 Add. 5054. Smedley (E.A.) Correspondence with Rev. C. Knowles. 1865 Add. 5055-6. Luard(H.R.) Notes on Cambridge Graduati. 1856? Add. 5057. Bradshaw (H.) Notes on King's College, University Library, etc. University Library : Donors' Book. (Copy of part of MS. Oo . 7 . 52.) WILLIS (R.) and CLARK (J.W.) Materials for the Architectural History of the University of Cambridge and of the Colleges of Cambridge and Eton, published 1886. Add. 5058. Correspondence of R. Willis with the Vice-Chancellor. 1859 Add. 5059-60. Introduction. Add. 5061. Peterhouse — Corpus. Add. 5062-3. King's College. 2 vols. Add. 5064. Eton. Add. 5065. Eton (J. W. Clark). Add. 5066. Queens' College. Add. 5067. St Catharine's College — Jesus College. Add. 5068. Christ's College— St John's College. Add. 5069. Christ's College (J. W. Clark). Add. 5070. St John's College Library (J. W, Clark). Add. 5071-3. Trinity College. 3 vols. Add. 5074. Michael House — King's Hall. Add. 5075. Magdalene — Emmanuel — Sidney^ Add. 5076. Downing (J. W. Clark). Add. 5077. Schools — Library — Senate House. Add. 5078. Master's Lodge. Add. 5079. Gateways — Treasury — Hall, etc. Add. 5080. Chambers — Hostels — Wainscot. Add. 5081. Chapel. Add. 5082. India proofs of illustrations. CLARK (J.W.) Add. 5083-9. The Library. 6 vols, and Index. Materials for The Care of Books based on the essay on The Library in the Architectural History. Add. 5090. University Library. Annals. Add. 5091-2. Miscellanies. 2 vols. SEDGWICK (A.) Add. 5093-7. Material for his Life, published in 1890 by J. W. Clark and T. McK. Hughes. Add. 5098-9. Romilly (J.) Extracts from his diary. (For the Sedgwick life.) * This volume was generously restored to the series by J. B. Peace, M.A. Emm., to whom it had been given by J. W. Clark. 282 APPENDIX SEDGWICK (A.) Add. 5100. Sedgwick (A.) Letters to Miss Duncan (copy). Add. 5 1 1 . Miscellanea. Add. 5102. Correspondence connected with Sedgwick's Life. CLARK (J.W.) Add. 5103-5. Miscellanea. Add. 5106. Note Book. Add. 5107. Mr Buck's Book. (Transcript, corrected.) Add. 5108. Augustinian Friars. Add. 5109. Augustinian Canons. Add. 51 10. Library Notes. Rome. Add. 51 1 1. Roman Libraries. Add. 51 12. Gilbertine Nuns. Institutiones. (Transcript.) Add. 51 13. Translation by J. W. Clark. Add. 51 14. Caius (J.) History of the University. Translation by J. W. Clark. Add. 5115. Glossary. SANCROFT (W.) Add. 5 1 16. Correspondence with Emmanuel College. (Transcript.) CLARK (J.W.) Add. 5117-8. A.D.C. Programmes, 1855-95. Add. 5122-3. Extracts from W. Cole's MSS. MARTIN (T.) Add. 5125. Cambridgeshire Notes. II. PRINTS AND DRAWINGS In addition to the books and papers here described Mr Clark left to the University a collection of prints and drawings of the University, Town, and County of Cambridge. Besides topographical engravings and plans the collection includes a series of original pencil sketches by George Nicholson (1816) ; architectural drawings by Professor Willis ; and photographs of University ceremonies. It is hoped that these may be fully described in a projected compre- hensive Catalogue of Cambridge Prints and Plans. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT ' TO— ^^ 202 AAatn LibraryT LOAN PERIOD 1. - HOME USE " 2 ^ : • 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1-month loans may be renewed by callinfl 642-3405 l-year loans may be 'ecMatgoU fey t5'inging the books <• the Circulation DesV Renewals and recliarges may be made 4 days priof to due data DUE AS STAMPED BELOW 'Or. ^ ;| *;o S — '^' 'Q: ---- I . 1^ S ^-3 ;5. 1:2: -^ -=» -3 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 1/83 BERKELEY, CA 94720 i.^r^;?j5jf f