UNIVERS TY OF CALIFO NIA SAN DIEGO 31822019464023 019464023 Central University Library University of California, San Diego Please Note: This item is subject to recall. Date Due f\ A /*> /^ f APR flSbS APR 1 1995 Cl 39 (7/93) UCSD Lb. LATELY PUBLISHED, The Second Edition, with Additions, in 2 vols. post 8v. 18s. BABYLON THE GREAT; OR, MEN AND THINGS IN THE BRITISH CAPITAL. " These volumes treat of all subjects connected with London, from the ' forest of masts' in the river, to the eloquence of the corporation from the Chapel of St. Stephen's, to the steam-press in Printing- House Square, men, women, books, and newspapers, every thing in and about London that is worthy of notice in an intellectual point of view. Notliina escapes the eye and the lash of the critic; he insinuates himself into coteries, and collects their foibles; he examines men of every grade and class with an inquisitorial pre- cision, as if he stopped the passengers in the street, one by one, and, after putting his interrogatoiies, sat down to sum up the gentral character. All this is done with an air of philosophical truth, a certain gravity and sedateness, that impart a high tone of moral excellence to the production. lie has studied the character of London and Londoners with acuteness. We think there is no doubt th u the author is a Scotchman; but be he who he may, he has produced two volumes that are highly creditable to his genius.' 1 Atlas. LONDON : PRINTED BY S. AND R. BENTLEY, Dorset Street, Fleet Street. OR, A SECOND JUDGMENT OF " BABYLON THE GREAT." Aei'ai ffoi TO KPIMA TTJS ir6pvi]S TTJS /j,tya\r)s,Tris KaJd^fJifv^t eirl ruv vSariav T