LIBRARY G ^liffe Wl BOMNEYA COULTERI. VOLUME ONE 19071908 CONTENTS: BOTANY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Descriptions of ovor 200 Genera, more than 1200 Species, and mnv.y Varieties chiefly natives of Southern California. Abbreviations 372 Glossary 375 Lichens 240. 2f: [For Index see close of volume two.] Charles Russell Orcntt, Editor. San Diego, California. QK PYRROCOMA GOSSYPINA Greene. "Stoutish decumbent or ascending stems 8 or 10 in. high, densely clothed throughout, as are also the petioles of the radical leaves, with a fine white mass of cottony wool: radical leaves shortly petioled, lanceolate, coriaceous, subentire, or spinulose-serrate; cau- line spatulate-lanceolate, entire, pun- gently acute: heads large, racemosely disposed 1 in the axil of each cauline leaf 'and 1 terminal; involucre broadly hemispherical, %-% in. in diam., the bracts in only 2 or 3 series, thin, line- ar-lanceolate, acute, not notably herba- ceous-tipped nor at all squarrose: rays numerous: achenes unknown." Greene, pitt 3-23. Bear valley, San Bernardino Mts. (Parish distributed as Aplopap- pus lanceolatus). MALACOTHRIX IXSULARIS Greene. "Annual, glabrous, a foot or two high, corymbosely paniculate above, leafy below: leaves oblong-lanceolate in outline, laciniate-cleft to the middle, 2 in. long, sessile and somewhat clasp- ing: involucre hemispherical, less than -,2 in- high, scales narrower and less scarious than in M. Coulteri: corolla yellow: akenes obtusely 5-angled and 15-ribbed: 1 or 2 of the pappus-bristles persistent: those of the receptacle sparse and short." Greene, Cal ac b 1:194. Coronado IslandSv CALAIS PLURISETA Greene. "Glabrous: proper stem 2-4 inches high: scapose peduncles 8-10 inches: leaves very narrowly oblanceolate and apparently quite entire, at most only denticulate: akenes 2% lines long; pap- pus paleae persistent, linear-lanceo- late, 1V 2 lines long, scarcely notched, the very slender awn 2% lines, sub- tended by a secondary awnlet on either side, one of these frequently one-third as long as the primary, the other shorter, or both nearly obsolete. Is- land of Santa Cruz." Greene, Pittonia 1:34. MICROSBRIS BREVISETA Greene. "Small and slender, the foliage in re- duced plants lance-linear and merely toothed, in other pinnatifid: scapes few. 3-6 in. high: involucres some- what turbinate, achenes short and col- umnar, less than 2 lines long, the outer densely villous, the others dark chest- nut-brown, their ribs rather coarsely and very roughly serrulate, paleae of the pappus ovate-oblong, larger than the achene. distinctly cymbiform, dull- white, scaberulous, tapering to a very short barbellulate awn." Greene, pitt 5:8. San Diego, Cal. MICROSERIS PARISHII Greene. "Rather smaller and more slender than M. Douglasii; akenes slender, strictly columnar, 2" long or more, dark brown; palete lanceolate, 3" long, very gradually tapering to an awn of 1 or l 1 /^"." Greene, Bull. Cal. Acad. Sci.. ii. 46 (Mar. 6, 1886). SD Co (Parish 755). MICROSERIS ELEGAXS Greene. Span or more high, slender, head less than y 2 ': akenes turbinate, slightly over 1" long: palese ovate-deltoid, W long, the slender awn about 2". Mesas, San Diego, Cal;Cruz; Rosa; Baja; eontra Costa Co. NEMACLADUS CAPILLARIS Greene. "A span to a ft. broad and high, very diffuse, the branches almost capillary, glabrous throughout: radical leaves spatulate-oblong; cauline linear-subu- late, minute: pedicels capillary, divari- cate or a little recurved: calyx-tube slender, long-turbinate, adnate to the lower half of the ovary, teeth ovate, obtuse, half as long as the tube, a lit- tle surpassed by the rounded summit of the 7-12-seeded capsule: corona very minute, white: stamineal tube distinct: seed oblong-oval, 10-striate. with nu- merous transverse lines forming dis- tinct elongated reticulations." Greene,, Cal ac b 1:1.96. Mohave Desert. NEMACLADUS PINNATIFIDUS Greene "Glabrous throughout: radical leaves linear-lanceolate, once or twice pinnat- tified, the cauline coarsely toothed: pedicels divaricate, abruptly bent up- wards beneath the calyx: calyx-tube short turbinate, the lanceolate teeth surpassed by the rather acute 15-25- seeded. oval capsule: seed short-ob- long, flattened at each end, with lon- gitudinally compressed, favose reticu- lation." Greene, Cal as b 1:197. Todos Santos bay, Baja Cal.; San Bernardino Mts. NEMACLADUS RUBESCENS Greene. "Glabrous, like N. capillaris, and very similar in foliage and habit: ped- icels divaricate or somewhat ascend- ing: calyx-teeth twice as long as the very short tube which is adnate to the base only, of the globose, 20-40-seeded capsule: corolla apparently open-cam- 614145 panulate, without tube, from light rose-color to dark rose-red: stamineal tube elongated, equalling the calyx in length: seed oblong, with undulating lation." Greene, Cal ac b 1:197. Todos Nevada; Mohave Desert, Cal. NEMACLADUS TENUISSIMUS Greene. "Somewhat cinerous-puberulent throughout, or almost glabrous, very slender: radical leaves elongated-line- ar, remotely dentate, the cauline en- tire: pedicels capillary, deflexed and appearing secund: calyx- teeth ovate, less than- half the length of the turbin- ate^tube, which is adnate to the base of the" globose, obtuse 10-20-seeded cap- sule, which exceeds the calyx: seed short-oval, the favose reticulation very slightly compressed." Greene, Cal ac b 1:198. Todos Santos bay, Baja Cal; Jamul valley, San Diego Co., Cal. (Or). NEMACLADUS LONGIFLORUS A. Gry. Radical leaves canescent: calyx 5- parted, free from the narrow oblong capsule: corolla 6 mm long, 3 or 4 times longer than the calyx. So. Cal. NEMACLADUS RAMOSISSIMUS Nutt. ' Glabrous, except the minutely pu- bescent tuft of radical leaves: calyx 5- cleft, its tube turbinate, adnate to the Tower third of the ovary and roundish capsule: corolla 2 mm long, separating into 3 or 5 parts. Cal to N. M. ESCHSCHOLTZIA RAMOSA Greene. "Annual, a foot high, stoutish, gla- brous and very glaucous; stem simple at base, but above compactly branch- ing; leaf-segments numerous, strongly divergent, or even divaricate; corolla y 2 inch or more in diameter, light greenish yellow; torus cylindrical, with no rim, but an erect, double mar- gin: pod 3 inches long, stout and straight; seed globudlar, reticulated." Greene, Torrcl b 13:217 (N 1886). Guadalo-upe is'and (Greene): San Cle- mente island (.W. S. Lyon); and "on a small rocky is'et occupied by sea birds, very close to the northern shore of Santa Cruz" island (Greene). E. elegans var. ramosa Greene, Cal ac b 1:182. ARABIS MAXIMA Greene. "Streptanthus arcuatus, Nutt. T. & G. Fl. i, 77. Arabis arcuata, Gray, in part. Stems stoutish and tall (2 ft. high or more), numerous. 1 from each branch of a multicipltous woody cau- dex: basal leaves numerous and tuft- ed, commonly l%-3 in. long, oblanceo- late, often, very narrow, conspicuously toothed -or subentire, marked with a strong white midvein, canescent on both faces with short branched hairs; cauline l-l 1 /^ in. long, lanceolate, acu- minate, saggitate-clasping, with the usual pubescence, this extending to the stem, pedicels and calyx: fls large (aoout % in. long); calyx purplish, co- rolla deep red-purple. Mountains of southern California, from Santa Bar- bara and Mariposa counties south- ward to the peninsula." Greene, pitt 3: 192. ARABIS PARISHII S. Watson. "Low and cespitose (2-4 in. high), very stellate-pubescent throughout, the simple slender stems from a much branched caudex: leaves entire, the lower numerous, linear-oblanceolate, 6 lines long or less, the cauline few, lin- ear, not articulate: fls rose-color, 3 or 4 lines long: pods glabrous, ascending on pedicels 2 or 3 lines long (including the elongated filiform style) by a line broad, attenuate above; valves 1- nerved and veined: seeds somewhat 2-rowed, elliptical, narrowly winged. In Bear valley, San Bernardino mts., Cal., at 6,500 ft. alt. (Parish)." Am ac pr 22: 468. ARABIS PULCHRA M. E. Jones. "Perennial, canescent throughout with a fine stellate pubescence, the stems erect (a ft. high) from a branch- ing woody base: leaves entire, not ros- ulate at base nor auriculate, the lower narrowly oblanceolate (1 or 2 in. long), the upper linear-lanceolate: fls usual- ly large (3-7 lines long), and deep rose- col-or, soon spreading or reflexed: pods pendent on pedicels 3 or 4 lines long, finely pubescent, ^Vz-^Vz in. long by 1V 2 lines wide, the valves 1-nerved and veined, and stigma sessile: seeds small, in 2 rows, orbicular, winged." S. Watson, Am ac pr 22:468. Valleys of western Nevada to San Bernardino and San Diego counties, Cal. ARABIS PERE'NNANS S. Watson. "Perennial, with a usually branching and somewhat woody base, roughly stellate-pubescent or sometimes gla- brous above, about a foot high: lower leaves broadly spatulate to narrowly oblance-olate, dentate or -sinuate, the es sometimes ciliate, the cauline : -oblong, auriculate, mostly en- :ls small, often pale: pods divari- cately spreading or reflexed, usually d. glabrous, 1 or 2 in. long by a line broad or less, obtuse or acutish, the small stigma sessile: seeds orbicu- lar, very narrowly margined." S. n, Am ac pr 22:467. Northern Nevada. Utah, Arizona, and the San Bernardino mts, Cal. iS BECKWITHII S. Watson. Resembling A. subpinnatifida, bien- hoary with a fine dense stellate pubescence: stem erect, a span high: < entire, an inch long or less, the radical oblanceolate, the cauline lan- ceolate, auriculate: fls rose-color, 3-6 long: pods glabrous (or slightly pubescent when young), spreading ard arcuate. 2 1 ,* in. long by a lir.e wide, acutish. the stigma sessile: seeds broadly elliptical." Am ac pr 22:467. Qvartz mts.. Nevada. San Bernardino Cal. (Parish 1302). TKOPIDOCARPUM DUBIUM Davidson. "Decumbent, the many branches %~ 1 ft. long, roughish pubescent; radical > regularly pinnatifid, with tri- cuspidate segments. 2-3 in. long with petioles one third their length, cauline leaves sessile with linear segments; se- 1 or 2 lines long, obtuse: petals v. twice the length of the sepals; stamen? tetra r lynamous(but not mark- edly unequal), slightly exceeding the pistil: siliqiie puberulent, %-!% in. long, a line wide, nearly diamond shaped in cross-section, 1-celled below, the upper one-third or -one-quarter ob- ccmpressed, 2-celled. the valves dehis- cent leaving the placentae supporting the narrow but at the apex complete partition: seeds in 2 rows occupying the whole length of the pod; pedice's slightly arcuate, varying from *4-l inch in length." Davidson. Erythea 2: 179-180. Los Angeles, Calif., common. THELYPODIUM STENOPETALUM Wat "Biennial, glabrous, branching from the base, the slender erect or ascend- ing- stems 1 -or 2 ft. high: leaves all en- tire, glaucous, narrowly oblanceolate to linear-lanceolate, strongly auricu- late at base, acutish, 2 in. long or less: racemes elongated, the spreading ped- icels 2 or 3 lines long: calyx very nar- row, purplish. 4 or 5 lines long; petals whitish, exserted, the blade very nar- rowly linear: filaments exserted: pods (immature) ascending, stipitate, 2 in. long, beaked with a rather slender style % line long or more. In Bear Valley, San Bernardino mts., Cal., on stony hillsides near the upper lake (S. B. Parish)." Wats, Am ac pr 22:468. 468. SIBARA FILIFOI.IA Greene. Greene, pitt 3:11, based on Cardamine filifolia: "Annual, slender, a foot or less in height, branching above, gla- brous and somewhat glaucous: leaves pinnately divided into 5 or 6 pairs of linear-filiform segments of a half-inch in length: raceme loose, 5-10-flowered; petals 2V 2 lines long, the limb obovate, truncate or retuse, lilac, marked with pinnate veins of deeper color: pod slender, ascending, an inch long, less than a half-line wide, not beaked, cells 12-15-seeded." Greene, Pittonia 1:30. Santa Cruz Island. PARISHELLA CALIFORNICA A. Gray. A very small depressed winter annu- al, almost glabrous, with leaves and fls glomerate in a radical tuft, whence proceed radiately spreading and naked branches bearing similar tufts: leaves spatulate, primary ones 3-5 and the la- ter only 2 lines long: fls short-pedun- cled: corolla white. Mohave Desert (Parish). GiTHOPSIS DIFFUSA A. Gray. Slender and diffusely much branched, small-leaved, glabrous and smooth: ca- lyx-lobes subulate-lanceolate from a broad base, about equalling the small corolla and y> the length of the linear closely sessile capsule: seeds short-ob- long. San Bernardino Co., Cal. (Par- ish). APOCYXUM FLORIBT'XDUM Greene. "Glabrous, pallid and glaucous, 2 ft. high, with numerous ascending and somewhat fastigiate branches rising to about the same level, each ending in a cyme: leaves about 2 inches long, from ovate to elliptical, mucronate, the mar- gins sparsely serrulate-scabrous: cymes not dense, many fl'd, erect: co- rollas erect, lurid-purplish, nearly cyl- indrical, the lobes erect, or only a lit- tle spreading. Dry ground bordering pine woods, in the higher mountains west of the Mohave desert, in Kern Co., Calif., 1889." Greene, Erythea 1:151. GILIA BELLA A. Gray. Stems diffuse from base, simple or sparingly branched, filiform, few- leaved, glabrous and smooth: leaves 2 or 3 lines long, 3-parted, villous at base, thickish, the broadly linear lobes carinate: fls sessile or short-pedicelled in axils of the uppermost bract-like leaves and in the forks: calyx-lobes strongly carinate and hyaline-margin- ed: corolla rotate campanulate, with yellow tube, purple-spotted throat, and ample violet-colored limb (V 2 in. in di- ameter when expanded), the lobes al- most flabelliform, entire: filaments a little hairy at base: ovules several in each cell. Mts. Baja Cal. (Or). GILIA MULTICAULIS Benth. "Plant often 2 ft. high, glabrous ex- cept the glandular-hirsute calyx: branches either many and with very- few fls at the ends, -or few and with large densely cymose clusters: calyx mainly herbaceous, the scarious spa- ces below the sinuses extremely nar- row; segments also wholly herbaceous, erect: corolla with short tube, and broad funnelform throat, the latter about equalling the obovate acute seg- ments, the whole dark violet, without markings: anthers also deep violet, on short filaments and wholly included within the limb of the corolla," Greene, Erythea 3:103-4. GILIA ABROTANIFOLIA Nuttall. "Nearly glabrous. 1-2 ft. high, sim- ple, or with few ascending branches, these and the upper part of the main stem naked and pedunculiform, bear- ing a treminal dense cymose cluster of large blue fls: leaves ample, even the cauline tripinnately dissected, the ul- timate segments linear and spatulate- linear, spreading or curving backwards, very acute: calyx nearly or quite gla- brous, mainly hyaline, only a broad midvein truly herbaceous, the seg- ments acute, not connivent: corolla large, apparently blue without mark- ings; throat ample-funnelform, lobes spreading, obovate, obtuse: stamens scarcely exserted." Greene, Erythea 3:104. Santa Cruz Mts., Santa Barbara Co., Cal. San Bernardino region: "al- most the same thing, but with rather smaller corollas, the .stamens not at all exserted" (Parish). GILIA TENUILOBA Parish. "Leptodactykm. Stems slender, sub- lignescent below, puberulent, 8-10 cm high, few-branched near the ends; leaves alternate, not longer (5-10 mm.) than the internodes, palmately 3-part- ed, or becoming pinnate with 1-2 pair of lateral divisions, in either form the central division 2-3 times longer than the laterals, all the divisions linear, or very narrowly spatulately enlarged above, pungent, the leaves -on the ulti- mate branchlets undivided; fls solitary, terminating the branchlets; calyx 6-8 mm long, the sinuses hyaline-membra- naceous, the linear green ribs pro- longed into short, nearly equal, acerose teeth; corolla funnelform, light yellow; tube slender, 10-13 mm long, slightly enlarged at the throat; lobes as long as the tube, linear 'oblong; anthers in- cluded, ovate, 1 mm long, on filaments of the same length, inserted near the base of the throat; styles 2 mm long, stigma lobes 3 mm long; ovary oblong, acute; ovules about 6 in each cell. San Jacinto Mts. (Parish 689." Parish, Erythea 7:95. GILIA HALLII Parish. "Leptodactylon. Stems woody be- low, set with opposite fascicle-like buds made up of short acerose scales, the upper buds producing slender, puberu- lent flowering branches, 10-12 cm long; their leaves opposite, palmately 3-part- ed to the base, the divisions acicular, the central one (7-8 mm) thrice longer than the laterals: fls few, clustered at the summits of the branches; calyx hyaline-membraneceous with green ribs which are prolonged into unequal acerose teeth; corolla 'white', or ochro- leucous, becoming yellow in drying, funnel form; tube 6 mm long, scarcely exceeding the calyx, the throat only moderately enlarged; lobes obovate, 5- 6 mm long; anthers oblong (2 mm), in- serted on the throat, nearly sessile; styles only 2 mm long, the slender stig- ma branches 4 mm Tong; ovules reni- form, 4 in each cell. Coyote canyon, at 5.000 ft. alt., on the desert slope of El Toro Mt, My 1899, H. M. Hall." Par- ish, Erythea 7:94. Subgenus LINANTHUS. Dichoto- mous annuals; leaves opposite, linear, or with linear divisions; fls solitary in the forks, and at the ends; corolla sal- verform. GILIA DICHOTOMA Bentham. Erect, few--12 in. high, nodes few and exceeding 1 the leaves, these or their 3-5 segments linear- filiform, 1 in. long: fls subsessile: calyx prismatic scari- ous except the 5 prominent angles which are prolonged into acerose-lin- ear recurved segments: corolla salver- form, tube scarcely exserted, limb 1- 1% in. broad, white, shaded on the out- side with dark chocolate-color: sta- mens inserted below the middle of the throat, the base of each filament set within a nectariferous groove (as in certain Hydrophyllaceae) : anthers lin- ear: cells of capsule 20-40-seeded: seeds rcundish, with a loose arilliform coat, not mucilaginous when moistened. Throughout Cal., Arizona; fls richly phlox-scented. GILIA BIGELOVII A. Gray. Smaller than G. dichtoma; corolla in- conspicuous, lobes 2 lines long, scarcely surpassing the calyx- teeth: anthers o\al: seeds oval or oblong, with a close coat, mucilaginous in water. Southeastern Cal. to Texas. LIXAXTHUS LUTEOLUS Greene. "Very diffusely branching, 3-6 inches high, rather roughly hirsute-pubescent throughout, the leaves and leaf-like organs all destitute of any special mar- ginal ciliation: mature calyx 5-parted almost to the base, perhaps when young less deeply cleft and with nar- row scarious spaces below the sinuses: corolla yellow, with very slender tube, no throat, and a rotate limb about one- third inch broad." Greene, Erythea 3: 121. Cuyamaca Mts. (G. R. Vasey). Baja Calif. (Orcutt). LIXAXTHUS MONTANUS Greene. "L. ciliatus montanus Greene, pitt 2: 260. Habit of I/, ciliatus, but larger, less hispid: corolla many times larger, nearly 2 inches long, with elongated tube gradually widening to a broadly funnel-form purple throat, the limb of cuneate-obovate truncate whitish seg- ments V 2 inch broad, yet apparently expanding not to the rotate, but only to the wide funnelform." Greene, Er- ythea 3:120. San Bernardino Mts. to Xapa Co., Cal. NEMOPHILA MENZIESII H. & A. Branches slender or stout and succu- lent, ascending, mostly 10-25 cm long, more or less hirsute-pubescent with spreading or appressed, not always re- trorse hairs: cotyledons usually spatu- late: leaves mostly opposite, the lower 4-9 cm long, pinnately divided into 5-9 oblong', ovate, or suborbicular, mostly 2- or 3-lobed or toothed divisions; upper leaves reduced and less divided in propor- tion to their distance from the root: ped- uncles slender, spreading, usually twice as long as the leaves: calyx-lobes lance- olate or ovate-lanceolate, 4-10 mm long; appendages lanceolate to linear, half as long or less: corolla pelviform, divided about 3-4ths the way to the base, 1-3.5 cm across, from light to deep blue, veined deeper blue or purple, lighter- colored and often dotted, but seldom hairy toward the center; scales varying from broad and wholly adherent to nar- row and part free, laciniate, ciliate or en- tire, often crisped: style 2-4 times as long as theovary, parted for about a third its length: capsule elongated-globular, 5-10 mm in diam: seeds 5-25 per capsule, 1-2 mm long, oblong-ovoid or globose, scaly, rough, with a few d>eep pits; caruncle stipe- or cap-like. Baby blue eyes. Throughout California. Variety IXTEGRIFOLIA Parish. "Stems 6-8 in. long, prostrate; leaves 4-8 in. long, ovate or obovate, entire, or rarely 1-2-toothed, or lobed; corolla 6 lines wide, very light blue, or nearly white: calyx lobes equalling or sur- passing the mature capsule, this ovoid, 3 lines high." Parish, Erythea 6:91. San Bernardino Mts., 4,000 ft. alt. XEMOPHILA RACEMOSA Xutt. Near X. aurita, but less prickly: co- tyledons with orbicular blade and long petiole: leaves shorter and broad- er in outline and with fewer divisions, these more often toothed or lobed; pet- ioles never broadly winged nor auricu- late-clasping: fls less than 1 cm across, more plainly racemose: corolla-scales narrow, often half free, sometimes ob- solete. San Diego. Catalina. Santa Cruz Island. Cedros. Guadalupe. XEMOPHILA SEPULTA Parish. "Hirsute: stems 5-8 (rarely 15) cm long, procumbent: leaves usually ap- proximate, opposite, oblong in outline, 12 mm (rarely 5 cm) long, the lower half narrowed into a margined petiole, above pinnately parted nearly to the midrib into 5 or 7 equal, oblong, entire, mucronulate lobes; fls in slender pe- duncles, soon deflexed, and burying the capsule more or less in the soil; lobes of the calyx triangular-acuminate, cil- iate, the appendages nearly as long as the lobes: corolla very small (4-6 mm in diameter), little exceeding the calyx lobes, white, its appendages minute, 15 LYCIUM HASSEI Greene. "Glabrous but slightly viscid, com- pactly branching and somewhat spin- escent, 8 or 10 ft. hig-h: leaves spatu- late, obtuse, an inch long: flowers 4- or 5-merous; calyx-lobes 2-4, foliaceous, oblxmg or lanceolate, unequal, much longer than the campanulate tube; co- rolla % inch long, narrowly funnel- form, the oval lobes spreading, light purple with a greenish tinge: stamens well exserted: berries small, globose, scarlet. Santa Catalina Island, July 15, 1888; a single dense clump consist- ing perhaps of one or possibly several bushes, the whole mass as broad as high and quite impenetrable; collect- ors Dr. H. E. Hasse and Mr. W. S. Lyon." Greene, Pittonia 1:222. COLLINSIA CALLOSA Parish. "Plants 15-30 cm high, dichotomously branched, glabrous except the slightly glandular pedicels and calyces; leaves opposite or ternate, oblong to acutely ovate, 2 cm or less in length, the upper much reduced, sessile, entire, the mar- gins somewhat revolute; fls in verticils of 2 or 3. or solitary, -on slender pedi- cel about 1 cm long; calyx lobes acute; corolla light blue, 5-8 mm long, the lips about equalling the moderate- ly gibbous throat, their lobes all entire and of equal length, the lower lip with prominent internal callosities below the sinuses; filaments glabrous, the abortive one filiform, 1 mm high; style 4 mm long, stigma entire; mature cap- sule globose, shorter than the calyx lobes: seeds 3 in each cell, oblong-men- iscoidal, 3 mm long, reticularly rugose." Parish. Erythea 7:96. San Antonio Mts., 6,500 ft. (H. M. Hall). COLLINSIA CONCOLOR Greene. "Near C. bicolor, but with few pairs of leaves and long internodes, the plant a foot high or more, delicately puberulent throughout: leaves 1-1% inches long, linear or oblong-linear, the margins crenate-serrate, or entire and revolute: racemes of few and rather remote verticils: calyx tube hoary with a long villous-arachnoid pubes- cence; segments oblong, obtuse: corol- la red-purple throughout, in form like that of C. bicolor, but less than half as large." Greene, Erythea 3:49. Southern part of San Diego Co., Calif. ?(R. D. Alderson). COLLINSIA FRANCISCANA Biol. "From %-2% ft. high; low and erect or tall and reclining on neighboring plants; glabrous below, minutely viscid pubescent above: leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, the upper sessile, the lower shortly petroled: flowers from 1-3 in the axils of the leaves and. bracts, or 5-6 in the axils of the upper- most bracts: pedicels from slightly shorter to 2 or 3 times as long as the calyx lobes, much elongated in fruit: corolla 8-12 lines long; upper lip white, purple spotted at base; throat 4 1-onger than wide, closed at the mouth and al- most glabrous within or scantily his- pidulous; upper filaments slightly bearded; gland subulate, the abortive anther yellowish and glabrous, the fil- amentous portion thicker, about one- third as long, white and hispidulous: calyx 1-obes but slightly exceeding the ovary: seeds 8-12 in each cell, rugu- lose." Bioletti, Erythea 1:17. San Francisco, Cal. PENTSTEMON LEUCANTHUS Greene. "Stems erect from a woody base, 4-6 ft. high: plant pallid and glaucous throughout: leaves linear-lanceolate, entire: thyrsus narrow, the flowers ^hort-pedicelled: sepals ovate with a prominent acuminate tip: corolla white, l-iy 2 inches long, the tube nar- row, the limb bilabiate with rather short spreading lobes: anthers horse- shoe-shaped, their edges muricate: sterile filament naked, obtuse at the short flattened apex. San Rafael mountains, Santa Barbara county, Caif. June 1887, John Spence." Greene, Pittonia 1:72. DIPLACUS PARVIFLORUS Greene. "Rigidly shrubby, ' but flowering at from 3 inches to 2 ft. high; glabrous and glutinous: leaves narrowly ovate or rhombic-ovate, coarsely serrate- toothed: corolla an inch long, brick- red, nearly tubular, the small, entire, quadrate lobes very little spreading: stamens exserted. North side of the is- land of Santa Cruz, abundant on open, rocky slopes, flowering profusely at a height of only 3 or 4 inches, yet not at all herbaceous." Greene, Pittonia 1:36. DIPLACUS GRANDIFLORUS Greene. "Low and decumbent: branches and peduncles minutely puberulent, the hairs simple, stiff, deflexed: leaves ob- 17 long-lanceolate, obtuse, entire, margin revolute, neither face either pubescent or at all resiniferous glandular: corolla 2 in. long, with ample funnel-form throat and scarcely more abruptly spreading but deeply divided and sub- divided limb." Greene, pitt 2:156. Monterey Co., Cal. (Hickman). DIPLACUS LINEARIS Greene. "Leaves sub-coriaceous; linear-lan- ceolate, revolute, the lower face cov- ered with resin-dots and bearing few short-forked or triple-branched hairs, the herbage otherwise glabrous: corolla narrow and pale, but longer than in glutinosus; style-base slightly swol- len." Greene, pitt 2:156. Southern and Baja Cal. DIPLACUS LONGIFLORUS Nutt. "Leaves thin, plane and erose-den- tate or (according to exposure) thicker and revolute; calyx and growing parts more or less soft- and even cobwebby- tomentose above the coating of resin- ous globules: corolla ample, more than twice as large as in D. glutinosus, nearly white with a tinge of pink- buff, the lobes quadrate-oblong, ob- liquely emarginate and slightly tooth- ed: style-base not tuberous." Greene, pitt 2:156. Santa Barbara and adjacent islands to Baja Cal. DIPLACUS PUNICEUS Nutt. Leaves narrow, firm, with revolute margins: style base not tubercular. Fls blood red or scarlet: canyons near the sea. San Diego, Cal., southward. CASTILLE1A HOLOLEUCA Greene. "Shrubby, 3-5 ft. high, white with a dense flocose tomentum: branches slender, leafy, with axillary leafy branchlets: leaves linear, entire, 1-2 inches long, less than a line wide: spike 2-4 inches. short-peduncled; bracts linear-spatulate. entire, or the uppermost 3-cleft. their tips cream- colored: calyx 8 lines long, deeply cleft on the upper side, merely lobed on the lower: galea of the corolla shorter than the tube, exserted, straight. Islands -of Santa Cruz and San Miguel, 1886." Greene, Pittonia 1: 38 ' Mr 1887): W Am Sci 3:3. Santa Rosa Is (Br). Is C. foliosa H-A fide Curran Cal ac CORDYLANTHUS ORCUTTIANUS A. G. Hirsute or hispidulou-s, 9-12 in. high, very leafy: leaves all pinnately parted into narrow linear or filiform lobes: fls capitate-crowded: corolla yellowish, with broad and equal lips: filaments glabrous; anthers of the longer pair 2- celled, but lower cell remote and hard- ly polliniferous; of the shorter pair abortive, reduced to a 2-parted yellow- hirsute rudiment. Tijuana, Baja Cal. (Or). LYCOPUS LACERUS Greene. "Stem rather slender and somewhat flexuous, 2 ft, high, sharply angular and the angles roughish with scat- tered minute stiff suberect hairs; sim- ilar ones roughening the veins and veinlets of the lower face of the leaves, the plant otherwise glabrous, pale green: leaves of lanceolate outline, 1V6- 3 in. long, rather coarsely and some- what evenly serrate, more commonly cut into irregular rather deep lobes, the base narrowed strongly to a short but distinct petiole: calyx-teeth broadly subulate, pungently acute: nutlets very small, obovate, the marginal callosity thick and narrow, of equal width around the summit and at the sides." Greene, pitt 3:340. Wet meadows, San Bernardino valley, Cal. (Parish); Elk Grove, Sacramento valley, Cal. (Drew). MOXARDELLA PENINSULARISGreene "Near M. sanguinea, about as tall, still more slender, the branches as- cending rather than divaricate, and the heads smaller, stem and branches can- escently pubescent; leaves narrowly lanceolate, obtusish, with nothing of the elliptic in outline: bracts of the small heads ovate, acutish, not sca- brous, only strigose-hairy along the veins: calyx similarly strigose be- tween the striae, the teeth narrower and more obtuse than in M. sanguinea: more coarsely and conspicuously pu- bescent: corollas short, pale rose-red." Greene, pitt 5:87. Northern Baja Cal. (Or). MONARDELLA EPILOBIOIDES Greene "Only weakly suffrutescent, low, only about 6 in. high, pale as if very glau- cous, but clothed with a minute re- trorse pubescence: lowest leaves crowded, from suborbicular and round- obovate to obovate, very obtuse, hard- ly 14 inch long, the others thrice as long and remote, obovate-oblong and linear-oblong, acutish, veinless: bracts of the small involucres mostly ellipti- 19 20 cal, acute, reddish, pubescent, scarce- ly ciliate, less than y a in. long: calyx hirtellous throughout, the triangular- subulate teeth scarcely more so than the tube." Greene, pitt 5:85. Bear valley, San Bernardino mts., Cal. (Par- ish). MGNARDELLA VIMINEA Greene. "Evidently tall, the long somewhat willowy branches in the herbaria 2 ft. long, with internodes of 2 or 3 in., but basal and presumably woody part of stem not known; herbage not very pale, somewhat glandularly puberu- lent, especially toward the inflores- cence; the few leaves lance-linear, 1- 1% in. long: verticillasters large, com- monly 2, 1 above the other, but bracts comparatively small, ovate to ellipti- cal, not colored, pubescent and copi- ously resinous-glandular, the longest not longer than the calyxes, shortly and rather indistinctly ciliate; calyx pubescent along the nerves and resin- dotted, teeth short, pubescent, pur- plish." Greene, pitt 5:85. Mts. San Diego, Cal. MONARDELLA SANGUINEA Greene. "Allied to M. lanceolata, nearly as large, but more slender, much more freely and divaricately branching, leaves and heads only y 2 as large, the former mostly elliptic-lanceolate, only tlrose of the lower main stem truly lanceolate: bracts of the involucre nar- rowly ovate, acute, scabrous-pubes- cent: calyx teeth triangular-subulate, merely villous-pubescent, without spreading or hispid hairs even at the base: corollas large and long-exserted for the size of the head, of a dark pur- ple-red." Greene, pitt 5:86. Julian, Cal. (G. W. Dunn). OXYTHECA PARISHII Parry. "Plant slender, .sparingly and dicho- tomously branched, 6-18 inches high; radical leaves %-l inch long, obovate- oblong, minutely ciliate-denticulate, somewhat enlarged and subcordate at base, with a short thickened clasping petiole and distinct midrib; cauline bracts small, trifid, shortly acuminate, unilateral, w y ith a connate sheath round the stem; stipitate glands con- spicuous on the stems above the inter- nodes; involucres on slender axillary and terminal pedicels (%-2 inches long), expanding into a short obscure tube conspicuously marked by longi- tudinal nerves, which are prolonged beyond the irregular margin into a di- verging crown of slender acicular awns (18-28), .somewhat unequal, about 2 lines in length, nearly twice the length of the involucral tube; fl. 5-14, pedicel- late, unequally developed, the more mature reaching nearly to the summit of the involucral awns, the smaller us- ually staminate and abortive, with bracteoles of 2 kinds, one linear-spatu- late, pubescent and ciliate, the other linear, about as long as the pedicels; perianth 6-cleft nearly to the base, di- visions ovate, pubescent on the out- side, smooth within; .stamens 9, insert- ed at the base; akene lenticular, ob- tusely pointed, the small green embryo with long curved radicle and accum- bent Cotyledons." Parry, Davenport ac pr 3:2 (28 P 1882). Ridge of the San Bernardino mountains, California (Parish 993). Dedicated to William F. Parish. THYSANOCARPUS CONCHl'LIFERUS "Glabrous and glaucous, 3-10 inches high, rather stout and branching: up- permost leaves remotely toothed, the middle and lower as remotely linear- lofeed (the lobes straight and divari- cate), all except the lowest auriculate- clasping: racemes short and dense: petals spatulate-oblong, nearly I 1 /* lines long, light purple: samara l 1 ^ lines long, cymbiform, the somewhat conduplicate margin parted into spat- ulate lobes, or these coherent above, leaving narrowly oblong perforations: style y z line long beyond the margin of the fruit: pedicels % inch long, firm but recurved." Greene, Pittonia 1:31 (amended description). "Common 'on mossy shelves and crevices of the high rocky summits and northward slopes of Santa Cruz Island." Greene, Torr cl b 13:218 (N 1886, with earliest description). HELIANTHEMUM SCOPARIUM Nutt. Perennial, woody at base, much branched, pubescent with stellate hairs or glabrate, 1 ft. high; upper branches green and slender: leaves narrowly lin- ear, one-third to one inch long, alter- nate: fls on slender pedicels, solitary or subcorymbose at ends of branchlets: sepals % in. long: stamens about 20: style short: capsule equalling the ca- 21 ]yx, -often, with the other parts of the fl, much reduced. Baja Cal. to Lake Co., Cal., on dry hills near the coast. HELIAXTHEMTJM ALDERSONIlGreene "Somewhat woody at base, the tufted and more or less tortuous stems a yard high or less, leafy below, almost naked at the panicled summit, both stem and leaves of a vivid green and only sparsely stellate-pubescent: leaves lin- ear-lanceolate, 1% inches long, with closely revolute narrow margin, and acute narrow midvein beneath: panicle 6 or 8 inches long; pedicels and calyces rather densely pubescent: larger sepals 3 or 4 lines long, abruptly pointed: pet- als % inch long: stamens about 25. Mts. of the southern borders of San Diego, Co., Calif., among rocks in hard and sterile granitic soil |R. D. Alderson)." Greene Erythea 1:259. SILEXA SIMULAXS Greene. "Inflorescence viscid-pubescent, the herbage otherwise glabrous and dark green: .stems a foot or two high, de- cumbent, from a thick fusiform per- pendicular root: leaves narrowly linear- lanceolate, 2-3 inches long, the inter- nodes short on the lower part of the stem and the axils bearing ovate scaly- bracted bulblets: flowers somewhat nodding, in a cymose panicle, deep scarlet: petals deeply 4-cleft, the upper 2 at right angle with the calyx, the other 3 parallel with it, appendages erose: stamens declined: seeds strongly tuberculate on the back. Islands of Santa Cruz and San Miguel." Greene, Pittonia 1:63. 81 LENA ANTIRRHINA Linn. Stem 6 in. to 3 ft. high: leaves ob- long-lanceolate or linear, commonly acute: fls rather numerous, small, ephemeral, borne in a compound cyme; pedicels long, filiform: calyx smooth, green, ovoid in fruit, about 4 lines long, contracted above: the teeth short: ovary scarcely stiped: petals small, pink or white, more or less emarginate or bifid. TVaste places, widely distributed, very variable in size and foliage. SILEXA OALLICA Linn. Stem hirsute with white jointed hairs: leaves spatulate, obtuse, mucro- nate. hirsute-pubescent on both sides, 8-18 lines long: racemes terminal, 1- sided, 2-4 in. long: fls more or less ped- icellate: calyx 10-nerved, villous-hir- sute, slender and subcylindric in an- thesis, becoming in fruit broadly ovoid, with contracted orifice and short nar- row spreading teeth: petals usually little exceeding the calyx; the blade obovate, somewhat bifid, toothed or en- tire. Xow cosmopolitan; British Co- lumbia to Baja Cal. Europe. 8ILENA LACINIATA Car. Finely pubescent: root narrowly fu- siform: stems erect or decumbent, somewhat rigid, knotty below; the branches ascending: leaves lanceolate to narrowly linear, scabrous, ciliolate, narrowed to a sessile base: fls terminal on the branches: calyx subcylindric or clavate even in fruit, 10 lines long: pet- als bright scarlet, 4-cleft or very rarely bifid: capsule oblong scarcely at all ovate, commonly exserted at maturity. Central California to New Mexico. SILENA CALIFORNICA Dur. Root simple, strong, penetrating ver- tically to a depth of 2-3 ft.: stems sev- eral, procumbent or suberect, leafy: leaves lanceolate or ovate elliptic, more or less narrowed to the base, ac- uminate, rarely obtusish: corolla more than an inch broad; petals variously cleft, most commonly with 2 broad lobes flanked by 2 narrower ones: cap- sule ovoid, concealed until dehiscence by the rather broad calyx. Oregon to San Diego. Cal. SILEXA PALMERI S. Watson. Similar in habit to S. longistylis, more or !ess pubescent throughout, finely glandular above: leaves oblan- ceolate: calyx teeth commonly short and blunt, scarcely herbaceous; base of calyx often contracted about the short but distinct stipe of the ovary: petals purplish: claw villous, narrowly or broadly spatulate but not auricu- late: limb deeply 4-cleft: segments en- tire or bifid: seeds large for the genus, tuberculate, ash-colored at maturity. Cuyamaca (Palmer). San Bernardino mts. (Parish).' San Rafael mts. (Ford). SILEXA PLATYOTA S. Watson. Minutely pubescent throughout, glandular above: root thick: stems slender, l 1 /^ ft. high: leaves oblanceo- late. acute. narrow r ed below to winged ciliated petioles: inflorescence branch- ed: fls borne singly, or in the .stronger individuals somewhat fascicled at the 24 ends of the branches: calyx clavate in fruit, with broad green nerves; teeth acutish with membranous ciliated margins: mature capsule short, ob- long, not exceeding 2 lines in diameter: petals greenish white or roseate; claws villous toward the base, with broad entire or toothed auricles above; blade bifid; the short oblong lobes with or without small lateral teeth; append- ages lance-oblong. Cuyamaca (Palm- er). Baja Cal. (Or). SILENA PARISHII S. Watson. Grayish pubescent: root simple, thick, with a branching rootstock: stems several, decumbent, a span long: leaves lanceolate, acuminate, sessile, 1-2 in. long: the lower oblance- olate: fls aggregated at the ends of the branches: calyx tubular, narrowed be- low, an inch long, with - narrow subu- late teeth 3-4 lines long: petals narrow, scarcely exserted from the calyx, cleft into 4 or more filiform segments: seeds doubly crested with short vesicular hairs. San Bernardino mts. CERASTIUM NUTANS Raf. Pubescent, viscid annual, 8-18 in. high: stems branched: leaves oblong- lanceolate, acute; the lowest narrowed toward the base: fls numerous in an open dichotomous cyme: calyx about 4 mm long: petals somewhat exserted, oblanceolate, bifid: pedicels elongated, ascending or spreading, tending to be hooked -or nodding at the summit: capsule 4-6 lines long, nodding but curved upward. United States. CERASTIUM VISCOSUM Linn. Annual, viscid-pubescent, 3-9 in. high: leaves oval -or elliptic-oblong, very obtuse; the lowest narrowed be- low to a .short margined petiole: fls small, at first densely clustered at the ends of the branches, becoming laxer in fruit, but even the longest pedicels not exceeding the acute sepals (l%-2 lines long): bracts herbaceous: petals scarcely equalling the calyx: stamens frequently 5. San Diego (Or). STELLARIA NIT ENS Nutt. Annual, slender, erect, shining: stems filiform, forked several times, leafyand slightly pubescent near the base, al- most naked and quite glabrous above: leaves of 2 forms, the lowest (1-3 pairs) ovate, acute, only 2 lines long, on slen- der petioles of somewhat greater length, not always persisting; the other leaves lance-linear-acute, 3-5 lines long: se- pals very acute, scarious-margined, 1- 3-nerved: petals y 2 as long as sepals, sometimes absent: capsule oblong, about equalling the calyx. British Co- lumbia to Baja Cal. Utah. STELLARIA MEDIA Linn. A low annual: stem pubescent in lines: leaves acute; the upper narrow- er sessile, the lower on pubescent nar- rowly margined petioles: calyx gland- ular-pubescent, equalled or slightly exceeded by the capsule: petals shorter than the sepals: stamens 3,5, or 10. Common chickweed. ARENARIA MACRADENIA Watson. Glabrous or nearly .so: rootstalk more or less ligneous, extensively and irregularly branched: sterns stout for the genus, 6-15 in. high, knotted with the enlarged nodes: leaves chiefly cau- line, glaucous, rigid, pungent, %-2 in. long: fls larger than in the related species, in an open cyme: sepals fleshy subcarinate, 2&-2% lines long, with membranous margins: petals rquch ex- serted, obovate or oblong with an ob- tusish sometimes auricled base: sta- mineal glands moderately developed: st%mag subcapitate. M'ohave river (Palmer). Variety PARISHIORUM Robinson. "Smooth or minutely glandular-pu- bescent: caudex scarcely ligneous, densely multicipital: stems slender; nodes not conspicuously enlarged: leaves chiefly basal: petals narrowed at the base, shorter than or barely equaling the sepals, the latter fully 3 lines in- length: stamineal glands very large." Robinson, Am ac pr 29:296. Common on mts. bordering on the Mo- have Desert (Parish 1330). ARENARIA MACROPHYLLA Hook. Stems decumbent, angled, pulveru- lent-pubescent: leaves lanceolate, acut- ish to acuminate at both ends (less commonly elliptic, obtusish), 1-3 in. 1-ong, glabrous, more or less punctate: peduncles slender, terminal or becom- ing axillary, 1-5-fl'd: sepals ovate-lan- ceolate, very acuminate, exceeding the petals. San Diego (Or) to British Am- erica. ARENARIA ALSINOIDES Willd. Minutely pubescent with slightly hooked hairs or smoothish: stems long, procumbent, moderately branched: leaves narrowly elliptic, acute, nar- rowed below, commonly pseudoverti- eillate, 8-10 lines long, punctate: fls ax- illary, solitary at the nodes: pedicels filiform, elongated, spreading or hori- zontal, nearly or quite an inch long: sepals ovate, acute, tuberculate-punc- tate, 1% lines long: petals commonly smaller or wanting: seeds smooth and shining. X. C. ; Fia,; Texas. Mts. Baja Cal. (Or). ARENARIA SAXOSA A. Gray. Finely puberulent but green: stems many, spreading from a rather stout root, decumbent or creeping at the base, 2-12 in. long: leaves numerous opposite, not fascicled or pseudoverti- cillate (s-ometimes crowded), slightly fleshy, lance-oblong, acute, mucronate, 2-9 lines long, sessile by a scarcely nar- rowed base: fls terminal and subsoli- tary on short simple peduncles or in stouter individuals numerous and more or less paniculate: petals almost or quite equalling the ovate-lanceolate sharply acuminate slightly fleshy se- pals. Colo. Texas. Baja Cal. (Or). ARENARI PALUDICOLA Robinson. "Glabrous, flaccid: stems several, subsimple, procumbent, rootir.g at the lower joints, sulcate, shining, leafy throughout: leaves uniform, flat, 1- nerved, acute, spreading, %-!% in. long, 1-3 lines broad, often punctate, somewhat connate, slightly scabrous upon the margins: peduncles- solitary in the axils, 1-2 in. tong, spreading or somewhat deflexed: sepals nerveless, not at all indurated, acutish about % the length of the obovate petals.*" Robinson, Am ac pr 29:298. Swamps near San Bernardino (Parish 941) and San Francisco, Cal. Arenaria palustris Watson, Bot Cal 1:70 (not Gay). ARENARIA DOUGLASII T. & G. Thinly glandular-pubescent and somewhat viscid, or nearly glabrous: stems much branched, 2-15 in. high: leaves attenuate to filiform points: pe- duncles filiform: fls numerous, larger than in the related species, 4-5 lines in diam.: sepals ovate, thin-margined, ob- scurely or more or less distinctly rib- bed: petals obovate, conspicuous: cap- sule subglobose; the valves rounded at the apex; seeds large, smooth, or with fine radiate striation, reniform, broad- ly margined. Baja Cal. to Oregon; Ar- izona. SAPONARIA VACCARIA Linn. Smooth annual with ovate or oblong- lanceolate, sessile and somewhat con- nate leaves: fls in a broad flat corymb: calyx ovoid, with 5 sharp .herbaceous / angles, the intervening parts being white and scarious: corolla rose-col- ored, destitute of appendages. Europe. Naturalized widely, s SAG-IN A OCCIDENT ALIS S. Watson. Annual, glabrous, very slender and delicate, 2-6 in. high, decumbent at base or ascending: leaves not fascicled, *4-% in. long, pungent. Los Angeles, Cal. to Washington. r'OLYCARPON DEPRESSUM Nutt. Stems numerous, 1-2 in. long: leaves opposite, spatulate, obtuse, attenuate to slender petioles: bracts much short- er than the scarcely carinate sepals: petals very narrow or subfiliform: capsule spherical. Baja Cal. (Palmer, Orcutt). San Diego (Nuttall). San Ber- nardino (Parish). LOEFLINGIA SQUARROSA Nutt. Small, 2-4 in. high: branchlets scarcely or not at all secund: sepals pietty strongly recurved and squar- rose: stamens 3-5: seeds oblong or el- liptical in outline. Sierra Co., Cal. to Baja Cal. FOUQUIERA SPLENDENS Engelm. Branching near the base, sending up numerous divergent simple slender stems few to 20 ft. high, with ashy- gray bark and large pith; leaves strongly grooved and ridged by the decurrent bases of the spines, spatu- late to obovate, % in. long, the prima- ry attenuate into rigid petiole: fls bril- liant crimson, on short pedicels in nar- row nearly simple terminal racemes. Hocotillo or candle wood, the straight poles (when dry) excellent for torches, and often cut for fences. Abundant from the western precipitous slopes of the Colorado desert 'to El Paso, Texas, south into Baja Cal., Sonora, and to the state of Durango. Mexico. Curious at all times, brilliant in flower. Stems have produced leaves and flowers many months after being cut and stored in a house on an increase in the humidity of the atmosphere. ends of the branches: calyx clavate in fruit, with broad green nerves; teeth acutish with membranous ciliated margins: mature capsule short, ob- long, not exceeding 2 lines in diameter: petals greenish white or roseate; claws villous toward the base, with broad entire -or toothed auricles above; blade bifid; the short oblong lobes with or without small lateral teeth; append- ages lance-oblong. Cuyamaca (Palm- er). Baja Cal. (Or). SILE'NA PARISHII S. Watson. Grayish pubescent: root simple, thick, with a branching rootstock: stems several, decumbent, a span long: leaves lanceolate, acuminate, sessile, 1-2 in. long: the lower oblance- oJate: fls aggregated at the ends of the branches: calyx tubular, narrowed be- low, an inch long, with - narrow subu- late teeth 3-4 lines long: petals narrow, scarcely exserted from the calyx, cleft into 4 or more filiform segments: seeds doubly crested with short vesicular hairs. San Bernardino mts. CERASTIUM NUTANS Raf. Pubescent, viscid annual, 8-18 in. high: stems branched: leaves oblong- lanceolate, acute; the lowest narrowed toward the base: fls numerous in an open dichotomous cyme: calyx about 4 mm long: petals somewhat exserted, oblanceolate, bifid: pedicels elongated, ascending or spreading, tending to be hooked or nodding at the summit: capsule 4-6 lines long, nodding but curved upward. United States. CERASTIUM VISCOSUM Linn. Annual, viscid-pubescent, 3-9 in. high: leaves oval -or elliptic-oblong, very obtuse; the lowest narrowed be- low to a .short margined petiole: fls small, at first densely clustered at the ends of the branches, becoming laxer in fruit, but even the longest pedicels not exceeding the acute sepals (l%-2 lines long): bracts herbaceous: petals scarcely equalling the calyx: stamens frequently 5. San Diego (Or). STELLARIA NITE'NS Nutt. Annual, slender, erect, shining: stems filiform, forked several times, leafy and slightly pubescent near the base, al- most naked and quite glabrous above: leaves of 2 forms, the lowest (1-3 pairs) ovate, acute, only 2 lines long, on slen- der petioles of somewhat greater length, 24 not always persisting; the other leaves lance-linear-acute, 3-5 lines long: se- pals very acute, scarious-margined, 1- 3-nerved: petals % as long as sepals, sometimes absent: capsule oblong, about equalling the calyx. British Co- lumbia to Baja Cal. Utah. STELLARIA MEDIA Linn. A low annual: stem pubescent in lines: leaves acute; the upper narrow- er sessile, the lower on pubescent nar- rowly margined petioles: calyx gland- ular-pubescent, equalled or slightly exceeded by the capsule: petals shorter than the sepals: stamens 3,5, or 10. Common chickweed. ARENARIA MACRADENIA Wataon. Glabrous or nearly .so: rootstalk more or less ligneous, extensively and irregularly branched: sterns stout for the genus, 6-15 in. high, knotted with the enlarged nodes: leaves chiefly cau- line, glaucous, rigid, pungent, %-2 in. lor.g: fls larger than in the related species, in an open cyme: sepals fleshy sub*carinate, 2%-2% lines long, with membranous margins: petals rquch ex- serted, obovate or oblong with an ob- tusish sometimes auricled base: sta- in ineal glands moderately developed: stigmas subcapitate. Mohave river (Palmer). Variety PARISHIORUM Robinson. "Smooth or minutely glandular-poi- bescent: caudex scarcely ligneous, densely multicipital: stems slender; nodes not conspicuously enlarged: leaves chiefly basal: petals narrowed at the base, shorter than or barely equaling the sepals, the latter fully 3 lines in length: stamineal glands very large." Robinson, Am ac pr 29:296. Common on mts. bordering on the Mo- have Desert (Parish 1330). ARENARIA MACROPHTLLA Hook. Stems decumbent, angled, pulveru- lent-pubescent: leaves lanceolate, acut- ish to acuminate at both ends (less commonly elliptic, obtusish), 1-3 in. long, glabrous, more or less punctate: peduncles slender, terminal or becom- ing axillary, 1-5-fl'd: sepals ovate-lan- ceolate, very acuminate, exceeding the petals. San Diego (Or) to British Am- erica. ARENARIA ALSINOIDES Wllld. Minutely pubescent with slightly hooked hairs or smoothish: stems long, 25 procumbent, moderately branched: leaves narrowly elliptic, acute, nar- rowed below, commonly pseudoverti- cillate, 8-10 lines long, punctate: fls ax- illary, solitary at the nodes: pedicels filiform, elongated, spreading or hori- zontal, nearly or quite an inch long: sepals ovate, acute, tuberculate-punc- tate, 1% lines long: petals commonly smaller or wanting: seeds smooth and shining. N. C.; Fla.; Texas. Mts. Baja Cal. (Or). ARE-XARIA SAXOSA A. Gray. Finely puberulent but green: stems many, spreading from a rather stout root, decumbent or creeping at the base, 2-12 in. long: leaves numerous opposite, not fascicled or pseudoverti- cillate (s-ometimes crowded), slightly fleshy, lance-oblong, acute, mucronate, 2-9 lines long, sessile by a scarcely nar- rowed base: fls terminal and subsoli- tary on short simple peduncles or in stouter individuals numerous and more or less paniculate: petals almost or quite equalling the ovate-lanceolate sharply acuminate slightly fleshy se- pals. Colo. Texas. Baja Cal. (Or). ARENARI PALUDICOLA Robinson. "Glabrous, flaccid: stems several, ?ubsimple, procumbent, rooting at the lower joints, sulcate, shining, leafy throughout: leaves uniform, flat, 1- r.erved, acute, spreading, %-!% in. long, 1-3 lines broad, often punctate, somewhat connate, slightly scabrous upon the margins: peduncles- solitary in the axils, 1-2 in. long, spreading or somewhat deflexed: sepals nerveless, not at all indurated, acutish about % the length of the obovate petals.*" Robinson, Am ac pr 29:298. Swamps near San Bernardino (Parish 941) and San Francisco, Cal. Arenaria palustris Watson, Bot Cal 1:70 (not Gay). ARENARIA DOUGLASII T. & G. Thinly glandular-pubescent and somewhat viscid, or nearly glabrous: stems much branched, 2-15 in. high: leaves attenuate to filiform points: pe- duncles filiform: fls numerous, larger than in the related species, 4-5 lines in diam.: sepals ovate, thin-margined, ob- scurely or more or less distinctly rib- bed: petals obovate, conspicuous: cap- sule subglob-ose; the valves rounded at the apex; seeds large, smooth, or with fine radiate striation, reniform, broad- ly margined. Baja Cal. to Oregon; Ar- izona. SAPONARIA VACCARIA Linn. Smooth annual with ovate or oblong- lanceolate, sessile and somewhat con- nate leaves: fls in a broad flat corymb: calyx ovoid, with 5 sharp .herbaceous angles, the intervening parts being white and scarious: corolla rose-col- ored, destitute of appendages. Europe. Naturalized widely, s SAG-INA OCCIDEXTALIS S. Watson. Annual, glabrous, very slender and delicate, 2-6 in. high, decumbent at base or ascending: leaves not fascicled, 14-% in. long, pungent. Los Angeles, Cal. to Washington. r>OLYCARPON DEPRESSUM Nutt. Stems numerous, 1-2 in. long: leaves opposite, spatulate, obtuse, attenuate to slender petioles: bracts much short- er than the scarcely carinate sepals: petals very narrow or subfiliform: capsule spherical. Baja Cal. (Palmer, Orcutt). San Diego (Nuttall). San Ber- nardino (Parish). LOEFLINGIA SQUARROSA Nutt. Small, 2-4 in. high: branchlets scarcely or not at all secund: sepals pietty strongly recurved and squar- rose: stamens 3-5: seeds oblong or el- liptical in outline. Sierra Co., Cal. to Baja Cal. FOUQUIERA SPLENDENS Engelm. Branching near the base, sending up numerous divergent simple slender stems few to 20 ft. high, with ashy- gray bark and large pith; leaves strongly grooved and ridged by the decurrent bases of the spines, spatu- late to obovate, % in. long, the prima- ry attenuate into rigid petiole: fls bril- liant crim?on. on short pedicels in nar- row nearly simple terminal racemes. Hocotillo or candle wood, the straight poles (when dry) excellent for torches, and often cut for fences. Abundant from the western precipitous slopes of the Colorado desert' to El Paso, Texas, south into Baja Cal., Sonora, and to the state of Durango. Mexico. Curious at all times, brilliant in flower. Stems have produced leaves and flowers many months after being cut and stored in a house on an increase in the humidity of the atmosphere. 27 ELATINE AMERICANA Am. Leaves obovate, very obtuse: fls ses- sile, closed or sometimes expanded and remaining- so, purplish: stamens 2 or 3, as many as the petals and sepals: seeds cylindrical, slightly curved, about 1 mm long, very minutely pit- ted, 20-30 pits in each of 9 or 10 longi- tudinal lines. San Bernardino mts. (Parish 1431); Oregon, Atlantic states, Fiji Islands, Australia. ELATINE BRACHYSPERMA Gray. Mostly terrestrial, sometimes sub- merged or floating: leaves oblong or oval and attenuate at base or sublan- ceolate: fls sessile, mostly dimerous; stamens 2 or 3; seeds short-oblong, nearly straight, not over .5 mm long, pitted in 6-7 lines of 10-12 pits. Cal. 111. Texas. ELATINE CALIFORNICA A. Gray. Floating: leaves obovate, attenuate at base, the lower with a petiole not longer than the blade: fls shortly pedi- cellate, with 3 -or 4 sepals and petals and twice as many stamens: seeds cir- cinate-incurved, about 1 mm long, mi- nutely pitted in 10-12 lines of about 25 pits each. Sierra valley, Cal. BERGIA TEXANA Seubert. Annual, glandular-pubescent, branch- ing from the base, a span high, lower branches somewhat decurrent: leaves oblanceolate, acute, serrulate, %-!% in. long, attenuate to a short petiole: fls fascicled, shortly pedicelled: sepals carinate. about 3 mm long, exceeding the petals and stamens: capsule glo- b-ose: seeds smooth an-d shining. Co- mondu, Baja Cal. (Br); San Diego (Or 686) to Sacramento, Cal.; Nevada. Texas. HYPERICUM ANAGALLOIDES C.-S. Stems many, weak, slender, procum- bent -or ascending, 1-10 in. long, simple or dichotomously branched: fls small, in leafy or naked, simple and few-fl'd or compound cymes, not glandular or punctate. Mts. San Diego Co. to Brit- ish Columbia, in moist places. HYPERICUM SCOULERI Hook. Stems erect, from a running root- stock, l / 2 -2ft. high, terete, simple or sparing' y branched: fls few in an open cyme, black-punctate. By mt. streams, San Diego Co. (Or); British Columbia; New Mexico; Sonora. 28 SIDALCEA NITROPHYLLA Parish. "Root thick but not lignescent; the whole plant glabrous except the leaves and calyx, which are very sparsely hirsute with short, simple hairs; leaves mostly broad, thin, orbicular, sharply and irregularly toothed, 6-18 mm wide, on petioles 3-5 cm long; stems few, 15- 20 cm high; inflorescence paniculate with few and short branches: fls rath- er distant, on pedicels 4-6 mm long, which are subtended by short and slender bifid bracts; corolla 8 mm high, light-purple; stamineal phalanges in- distinct; mature carpels entirely smooth, 2 mm high, their short, subu- late beaks erect." Parish, Erythea 7: 93. Alka ine meadows, Rabbit springs, 3.000 ft. alt.. Mohave desert (Parish 1804). SIDALCEA PARVIFLORA Greene. "Stoutish, erect, 2-4 ft. high, nearly glabrous', only the stem a little glau- cescent and with a few apparently sim- ple hairs, the foliage beneath, and also the calyx, more densely short-pubes- cent: racemes few, paniculately dis- posed: calyx segments acute or almost acuminate: petals very small O/4 to one-third long), rose-cotor, round-ob- ovute. erose at summit but neither emarginate nor even truncate: achenes rather notably angular but smooth. In brackish or sub-alkaline marshes of Los Angeles and San Bernardino coun- ties, California." Greene, Erythea 1: 148-9. MALVASTRUM THURBERI A. Gray. Shrubby at base, 3-5 ft. high, with wand-like branches, densely tomen- tose: leaves thick and subrugose; shortly petioled, the upper nearly ses- sile, rounded, cordate or truncate at base, somewhat 3-5-lobed, crenate, 1- iy 2 in. long: fls small, nearly sessile in an interrupted naked spike, or more expanded and racemose. Baja Cal. to Santa Barbara, Cal.; So- nora (Thurber). MALVASTRUM MARRUBIOIDES D.-H. "Malvastrum folrosum. Stout, tall and erect, simple above and leafy to the summit, densely and coarsely stel- late-pubescent throughout: leaves thick, broadly ovate, subcuneate at base, shortly or obscurely 5-lobed, the lobes acute and acutely dentate, l%-2 in. long, on petioles y 2 m - long; fls nearly sessile in axillary nearly sessile paaicles shorter than the leaves; bracts filiform: calyx 6-8 lines long, the lobes attenuate; petals purplish, little ex- ceeding the calyx; carpels round-ob- iong, smooth, a line long." S. Watson, Ajn ac pr 20:356. Baja Cal. f San Gabriel mts.. Los Angeles 'alif/' McClatchie, Erythea 2:79. P.TBES MOXTIGEXUM McClatchie. Ery- thea 4:3$. "Ribes nubigenum: Shrub 1-2 ft high with numerous rigid spreading branches, armed with strong triple spines below the leafy fascicles. 3-5 lines apart: outer bark smooth and light brown on one or two-year-old branches, but becoming loose and sil- very with age; leaves and inflorescence hirsute, some of the hairs bearing glands; leaves ^i-% i'n. broad, deeply 5-parted, lobes incised and toothed; ra- cemes 3-6-fl'd, bracts cordate, acumin- ate; calyx about % in. broad, its round- ed lobes spreading from place of inser- tion on ovary; petals minute; stamens less than a line long; anthers broader than long, deeply lobed; red berries glandular-hirsute, 2-3 lines in diameter, containing 1-3 large seeds." McClatch- ie, Erythea 2:80. Mt. San Antonio, 10,000 ft. altitude, Los Angeles Co., Calif., among dry exposed rocks. San Jacinto Mt. (Davidson). RIBES HESPERIUM McClatchie. "Shrub 510 ft. high with spreading branches; stems smooth, beset with dark colored spines which are common- ly single, but occasionally double or triple; leaves, inflorescence and young branches puberulent; leaves thin, \- 1% in. broad, 3-5-lobed, the lobes in- cised: peduncles 1-2 fl'd, 2-3 lines long; pedicels about 3 lines long; bracts broad, fan-shaped with ciliated mem- braneous pinkish margin; fls about 3- eighths in. long; calyx-tube campanu- late, slightly inflated, about 1 line long; segments from greenish- white to greenish-red, 3-4 lines long: petals white tinged with red, about % the length of the sepals, cuneate-oblong, 2- or 3-toothed. slightly involute; fila- ments about % longer than petals; an- thers ovate-oblong, mucronate, green- ish; ovary densely echinate, bristles greenish-red, mature berry very prick- ly, %-% in. in diameter." McClatchie, Eiythea 2:79. San Gabriel Mts., Los Angeles Co., Calif. "Fruit edible and of agreeable flavor." RHAMNUS PIRIFOLIA Greene. "Tree about 20 ft. high, the naked trunk 4 or 5 in. in diam., clothed with a smooth bark: branches few and spreading: leaves oblong-ovoid, or some ovoid, often obtuse or nearly truncate both at the base and at the mucronate apex, the largest 3 in. long and nearly 2 in breadth, the margins glandular-crenate or subentire, yellow- ish beneath, bright green and gla- brous above, coriaceous and persistent: berries small, scarlet, mostly solitary 31 in the axils of the leaves, 2-seeded; seeds obovoid, with a deep narrowly cuneate-obcordate groove on the back." Greene, pitt 3:15. Santa Cruz Island. IMPERATOR HOOKER [ Rupr. "Imperator brevifolia Culms 3-4 ft. high, erect from a creeping rhizome, firm, smooth; radical leaves numerous, 4-10 inches long, plain, smooth, very acute, 4-5 lines wide, contracted and long- ciliate at the base, ligule short, membranaceou.s: cauiine leaves, 4 or 5, short, first about 4 inches, second 3 inches, third 2 inches, fourth 1 inch long-, rather rigid, acute, with a few long hairs at the base; ligule short cil- iate, sheaths smooth, the upper ones elongated 6-7 inches long) : panicle erect, nearly cylindrical, 5-9 inches long, M>-% inches wide; branches of the pan- icle appressed, sparsely short-hairy below, with spikelets in pairs, one ses- sile, and the other pedicellate, toward the apex the spikelets single; the ped- icels slig-htly hispid, and emitting a few long silky hairs; the outer glumes about li/4 lines long, the upper a little longer, lance-oblong, obtusi-sh: the lower five-nerved; upper 3-nerved and ciliate at the apex; both villous on the back with long silky hairs, which are about 3 lines long; third g-lume smooth, very thin, hyaline, about as long as the first: fourth glume two-thirds as long, narrow; palet bifid, broad, hya- line, nerveless, % line long; stamen one. Southern California, 1031 Parish; New Mexico, 2001 C. Wright: also from Arizona and Western Texas." Vasey, Torr cl b 13:26 (F 1886). Cantilles canyon, Lower California (Orcutt 1137); Grand canyon (Tou- rney); Resting Springs (Coville). ISOETES MEXICANA Unde*rw. "Amphibious: root-stock 2-lobed: Ivs 20-30, bright green, 12-22 cm long; sto- nmta numerous: sporangia oval, 5 mm long, 3 mm wide, delicate, unspotted; velum very narrow, almost wanting: li- gule triangular, two-thirds as long as the sporangium: macraspores chalky- white, 0.25-0.375 mm thick, nearly smooth, the 3 converging ridges in strong relief: mlcrospores slate-colored, 0.028-0.033 mm thick, mostly smooth." Underwood, bot gaz 13: 93 (Ap 1888). Slow streams, base of Sierra Madre, State of Chihuahua, Mexico, O 1887 (JbTingie 1447). Specimens referred to this by Under- wood, from San Diego mesas, and from Baja California (and so listed in Or, W Am Sci 10: 156), are identified by Eaton as varieties of melanopoda and orcuttii, ISOETES MELANOPODA J. Gay. "Polygamous; trunk suoglobose, deeply bhobed; Ivs slender, stiff, erect, bright green, usually black at base Uo- 60 in number, 5-10 or rarely even 18 inches long), sporangia mostly oblong (2-4 or even 5 nnes long), spotted, with narrow veium, iiguia triangular-subu- late; macrospores among the smallest in the genus, 0.25-0.40 mm in diam, with depressed tubercles often confluent into worm-like wrinkles, or almost smooth; microspores also smaller than usual, 0.023-0.028 or rarely 0.03 mm long, spin- ulose." E, St. Louis ac tr 4: i>86-7 (1882). 111.; Iowa; Chico, Cal. Variety PALL1DA Engelmann. "A larger plant, If- oases pale, velum usually much broader, covering one- fourth or one-third of the sporangium; macrospores only 0.3-0.35 mm thick." E, St. Louis ac tr 4: 387 (1882). Hous- t e cm 1 ^ oKfvi-p. r v,^ KOCIP \-p.r\- o-i flllp .mic r>n esoVciafiv when verv voung" fl ? ng SaS'sS^ SngT brigh red - cialtv above, bearing Scattered ovate ac- uminate Ivs: inflorescence rather com- pact, consisting of a few upright secund racemes: pedicels, especially the lower elongated. 1-1.5 cm long; calyx usu- ally red. deeply 5-lobed. the lobes ovate. acute. about half the length of the coroi- la corolla greenish-yellow, becoming reddish in age. 10 mm long, erect except the spreading acute tips, its segments vrited at the base into a very short tube 2 mm long: stamens shorter than the co- roll a. attached to its base; camels erect, distinct." Rose. X Y bot gard b 3:16. Whitewater ranch. Riverside Co.. Cal. (T. S. Brandegee. Parish Bros., Orcutt). 50 DUDLEY A CULTRATA Ro^e "Caespitose, the caudex bearing several rosettes of Ivs; Ivs strap-shaned not glaucous, 6-10 cm long, gradually taper- ing from a rather wide base, 10-12 mm broad, rather thickish. terete near the apex, acute, sometimes sharplv so; fl'ns branch about 30 cm long, naked below and with scattered Ivs above; inflores- cen ce of a few more or less elongated racemes; calyx-lobes triangular-lanceo- late, acute; cor pale yellow, rather nar- row< u mm i on&> 3 times as long as the calyx, the tube proper longer than the calyx, the segments acute: stamens shorter than the cor; anthers orange." Rose, N Y bot gard b 3:16. Quintin (Or- cutt. Distributed in the past as Cotyledon lineaus (Orcutt). T ^ T DtDLElA HALLII Rose. ' Acaulescent; basal Ivs erect or spread - ^g. elongated-lanceolate, acute, very Pa-te and glaucous, thickish, 10-12 cm Jong: fl'ng stem stout. 3-4 dm long, their lvs ovate, the lower ones somewhat elon- gated, slightly cordate at base; inflo- rescence a rather short panicle, not at a U glaucous: pedicels very short (about 2 mm long); calyx-lobes lanceolate, acute. 5 mm long: cor 15 mm long, pale green. tinged with rose. "-Rose, X Y bot gard b 3:17. Near Riverside, Cal. (H. M. Hall). DUDLEYA TEXUIS Rose. "Acaulescent; Ivs forming a rosette, ob- long-lanceolate. 3-4 cm long, acuminate. somewhat glaucous: fl'ng stems slender, 1-2 dm high: inflorescence a slender pan- icle. consisting of several elongated erect branches: pedicel very short. 1 mm long or less: calyx deeply 5-parted. its lobes ovate, acute, 2-25 mm long: cor 6-S mm long, rather narrow, at first yellowish, in age becoming reddish, the segments unit- ed for about one half their length." Rose. N Y bot gard b 3:14. Hanson's ranch. 6 .COO ft elevation, Baja (Orcutt 113t. DUDLEYA PUMILA Rose. "Acaulescent: leaves forming small dense rosettes, verv glaucous, 2-3 cm lfj1 ^- ovate, acute: flowering stems deli- cate. less than, 1 cm long, bearing small ovate leaves: inflorescence of 2 or 3 si e. u er branches, ascending or spreading: Pedicels 6-10 mm long: calyx pale glau- ecus, its lobes lanceoate-ovate. 2-o cm lonp. acute or sometimes obtusish: corol- ^ ^ mm long, the lobes very narrow. acute - g^J**^!*^ the stamens. - j^f e. N Y bot gard b 3:14. On rocks of hillsides. SBer mts. altitude ot 2.100 me- ( - M - M - tal[ '- DUDLEYA GREEXEI Rose. "Caudex short and thick: Ivs in ro- settes. numerous, strap-shaped. 6-7 cm long, 15 mm broad at base, acute, very glaucous, drying thick and leathery ;fl'ng stalk 3-4 dm high, bearing scattered ovate acuminate Ivs: inflorescence con- sis-ting of numerous secund r-acemes: pedicels stout, ascending, 2-4 mm long: cahx 4 mm high, deeply 5-parted. the tube 2 mm long." Rose. XY bot gard b 3:17. Santa Cruz Island (E. L. Greene). 51 DUDLE YA . CANDELABRUM Rose. "Basal Ivs in a dense broad rosette, oblong-ianceolate, 10-15 cm long-, 3 era broad, near the base, perhaps not all glaucous, dirying rather thin; fi'ng stalk abe.ut 3 dm long, rather stout, its ivs lanceolate, acuminate, t/hin; inflorescence (in herbarium specimens at least) re- sembring a candelabrum, 20 cm high, 26 cm broad at top, each branch an e-lon- gated secund raceme; pedicels short (1-4 mm long); calyx 5-7 mm long, deeply parted into lanceolate acuminate lobes; cur 5-9 mm long." Rose, :\ Y bot gard b 3:17. S Cruz I. (E, L. Greene). DUDLE YA BRYCEAE Britton. "Caudex stout, short; basial Ivs very numerous, lanceolate to oblong-lanceo- late, 6-8 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, flat, about 2 mm thick, pale green, somewhat shin- ing, sharply acuminate; fl'ng stems as- cending from the lower axils, about 3 dm long, their nvs lanceolate, acuminate; cyme many-fl'd, about S cm broad; pedi- eels 3-t> mm long; calyx-segments linear- ian ceolafce, 4 mm long, about 1 mm wide towards the base, gradually tapering to an acute tip, the tube very chort; cor pale yellow, 1 cm long, 5-ridged, its lin- ear lanceolate lobes about as long as its -Britton. NY bot gard b 3-17. Coronado tube; carpes erect, distinct to the base." Islands, Baja, named for Miss Mary T. Bryce. DUDLEY A INOEOSTS Rose. "Caudex 3 dm high or more, densely clothed with the bases of old Ivs and crowned by a rosette of large Ivs 10-20 cm long, and 3-4 cm broad; fl'ng stems 5-6 dm long; inflorescence a somewhat open panicle; calyx-lobes narrowly Ian- ceolate. half as long- as the cor, some- what glaucous." Rose, NY bot gard b 3:18. San Telmo. Baja (T. S. Brandegee). Vicinity of Todos Santos bay, Baja (Or), DUDLEY A CANDIDA Britton. "Caudex sitout, about 6 cm high; basal Ivs white-farinos-e. all over, numerous, linear to linear-oiblong, sharply acumin- ate, somewhat widened at the base, 5-7 cm long, 1 cm wide or less; fl'ng braich stout, a.bout 3 dtm tall, ite narrowly Ian- ceolate Ivs somewhat clasping; in j ores- cenee dense, about 6 cm broad; pedicels stout, 2-5 mm long; calyx-segments lin- ear-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, more than one half as long as the linear acute 52 DUDLEY A BERNARDINA Britton, "Acaulescent, green, or the young leaves and inflorescence somewhat glau- ecus; basal leaves forming a rosette, spreading, obovate-spatulate to rhombic- obovate, abruptly sharp-acuminate. 5-s cm long, 5 cm wide or less; flowering branch 1.5-2.5 dm high, leafy to or near the base, its leaves lanceolate to ovate- lanceolate, acute or acuminate, sagittate- clasping; cyme 10 cm bread or less, many- flowered; pedicels becoming 1-1.5 cm long; calyx 5-6 mm long, deeply 5-k>bed, the lo'bes ovate, acute; cor yellow, about 12 mm long, cleft to below the middle, its lobes sharply acute; stamens about three fourths as long as the cor." Britton. NY bot gard b 3:19. SB mts (Parish Bros. ioQ). OVATTWU TA Rritton low r'^ 1 ^ dm h'ieh or ' rfifd basal Iv^f vat e ngi d. ^ al ivs^ ovate, ov-ite or th^ lower laiceolt btSse or the Kwe>- lanceolat. e ^|' f e w .fid'e Med- ndPr F'-, C * m e i )n > orllss- fls m Ion- ca,U segments trian- lnp?nlate aboSt 9 5 ^ m " 1 fone as the cor-tube- ,- AT ml Sierra, S Monica (H. M. Hall, UUDT/EYA ROBUSTA Britton. "Acaulescent; basal leaves numerous. ascending, lanceolate, acuminate, light g reen sometimes slightly glaucous, 10-15 crr long, 1.5-2.5 cm wide; fl'ng branches S t ou t1 leafy to or nearly to the base, 4-5 $ m high, erect-a&cendling. their Ivs lan- ce olate to ovate-lanceolate, sagittate, the up p. e r ones very small, the lower 4-6 cm long; cyme many-fl'd. about 10 cm broad; pedicels or s>ome of them, at length 1-1.5 m long white-glaucous; calyx 5-6 mm jo^g, deeply cleft, its lobes ovate, sharp- ly acute, white-glaucous; cor about 1.3 ( ; m ] ong - orange, cleft to below the mid- (j] e the lobes acute." Britton. NY bot g. ar ' d b 3 : 2fl. s Cal" (Miss Mary T. Bryce). t stems Ivs in a rosette not VCTY thick for ' becoming reddfsh 3-1 r eouusn o i nly - oni Thurh P,an,t s with of SSJSS Ivs; rhomboid-ovate, the larger ones 5-7 cm long, narrowed at base, abruptly ac- uminate, glaucous; inflorescence slender, with a few elongated 1-sided racemes; pedicels slender, 10-15 mm long; oalyx 5-7 mm long, its lobes ovate to ovate-lance- olate, acute; cor yellow or pale orange, 12 mm long, its tube 2 mm long." Rose, NY bot gard b 3:19. On rocky banks, S Gabriel canyon (H. E. Hasse). z: calyx-lobes broadly ovate, acute (in herbarium specimens sharply acute): co ' r about 10 mm long, rather pale or- - (B. A. DUDLE YA LURIDA Rose. "Acaulescent; basal Ivs ascenddng nearly erect, very numerous not glaucous at fl'ng time, at last deepL bronzed, .lanceolate, acuminate 10-15 c long, 10-22 mm broad at the middle, riesr but not very thick for this genus; ng stems stout, purplish, 4-5 dm tall, t Ivs broadflly ovate, acute: inflorescence paniculate, branches elongated; pedicels 53 54 mm long, rather slender; calyx-lobes glabrate: leaves orbicular or broadly ^ t 6 m m 1 ^ 10n s g e^e d n d t ! 8 Sh ere < ?t'; ,.!., M cm long: flowers solitary or cute/ Rose. XY bot gard b 3:22. Santa in short clusters. California. SYMPHORICARPUS RACEMOSUS Me*. f4- ti Snow-berry; slender, giabrous; or more, erect or somewhat spreading, leaves round-oval to oblong; corolla 2 rather narrow, broadest at the base, the mm high, 5-lobed above the middle, SSS a ^ t &SF& ? derately vll.ous-be.rded within, ually tapering to an acute apex. 6-8 cm narrowed at base. Baja Cal. to B. C. long, eshy but flattened, very glaucous; east to Atlantic. 'ng steflms slender, about 20 cm long, Ivs ovate, acute: pedicels very short. 2-4 mm T nxrTr^T? A WTQPTTUTT A nr,io-i icrg: ctlyx-lobes equal, ovate, acute, I'OXICERAHI J^>ULA Dougl. iiOt glaucous: cor rather narrow, green- Bushy and sarmentose, often feebly :sh-yellow. lobes slightly spreading at twining: leaves oval or orbicular to ob- U?dal U ^a^ 1 ?n1o ly ,hSrV i ?ube b bar^lv^ long > nded at both ends or lower mm long. "-Rose. XY bot gard b 3:24": and short-petioled ones sometimes sub- Spencer valley, near Julian, Cal. (L. R, cordate, uppermost subcordate or oc- casionally distinct: spikes slender, Dl -P^S' A ?a R e A ,^Je NI tn i e OSe -root,tocR "* Paniculate, of few or sev- crowned by i>-> rosettes of Ivs; Ivs elon- era! whorls of flowers: corolla pink to .Jp-shaped, becoming 20 cm long yellowish, 1-2 cm long. and 2 cm broad, but often at fl'ng time only 10 cm long and 1 cm broad, pale Variety SL BSPICATA A. Gray. green and very glaucous on the face, Moronel of the Mexicans, used by acute, thickish. slightly cordate at base; them in the form of a tea as a blood inflorescence at first somewhat compact, ; / *v> +v.^ tmr>ii n - ^f a^^^c- elongated < 10-20 cm long): pedicels very Purifier and for the healing of sores. or 4 branches, these finally much More or less pubescent above: leaves short not elongated in fr). 1-3 mm long; 1-2.5 cm long, commonly all distinct. calyx-lobes broadly ovate, 4-5 mm long, R . p , Monterev Cal Ka J a <~ al - to A1O] re y> <- al - KELLOGGIA GALIOIDES Torr. , ng, R . p , Monterev Cal : segments of cor pale greenish yel- Ka J a <~ al - to A1O] re y> <- al - 3W. 10-12 mm long. erect/'-Rose. XY . i mite lErnSt Braunton) " Slender perennial-rooted herb, about DUDLEYA COXGESTA Britton. a ft - hi S h - rather diffuse, glabrous or "A caulescent, green throughout, not at minutely pubescent: leaves opposite, all glaucous: basal Ivs rhombic-lanceo- lanceolate, sessile: interposed stipules ^dV^l^^eMfcSrSSIfc ' * ~ou.: fls sma,., in a il'ng branch stout, about 13 cm tall, er- loose forking cyme terminating the vet. its cordate-sagittate Ivs numerous, ste m or few branches; the long ped- SfiSfaSSfeJS, sS'aTlS.t^yn^c'o'm 1 - 'eels thickened at the apex and artic- pound, dense, about 6 cm broad: pedicels u la ted with the fls: corolla dull green- very stout and short. 3 mm long or less, i s h-yellow, 3 lines long, pubescent out- erect: calyx as long or a little shorter ., ^ r than the pedicels, its lobes ovate, sharp- Slde - Cal - Oregon; Arizona; Wyo- ly acute, longer than its tube, slightly ming. Icnig'er than wide: cor lemon-yellow. about 3 times as long as calyx, its Ian- GALIUM CATALIXEXSE A. Gray. ceolate segments acute, separate to be- "Herbaceous perennial, hispidulous- i?oT 55 b ' ^^ISSS^Siffcr^ PUberu.ent or .tebrate, unarmed: Miss Bryce). stems erect, 3 or 4 ft. high, mostly sim- PUDL.EYA ELOX'GATA Rose. P 1 ^ with short flowering branches "Stems elongated, at length 2-4 dm which little surpass the larger leaves: S-f-wS^rn^r^us! ?sfv.'s: its n aes usuaiiy with a tumid rine - <.us, 4-8 cm long. mm wide or less, leaves in fives or fours; narrowly ob- acute to acuminate: fl'ng stems leafless long, obtuse, mucronate, 1-nerved below, leafy above. Ivs ovate, acute, cor- / rarAlv KV tV.P nninn nf 9 iPavAd o date, 1 cm long or less; calyx-lobes ovate, ^ rarel > acute. 4 mm long, twice as long as the nerved), either sessile by a contracted tube: cor 12 mm long, at first reddish- base or short-petioled; at the insertion v?^. Ifa^Tee^ref^Roa'-^f^i -'"" Bearing some obscurely gland- Hassei. ular bristle-shaped appendages: fls on SYMPHORICARPUS MOLLIS Nutt. short slender pedicels, perhaps polyg- Low, diffuse or decumbent, soft-pu- amous: corolla white (2 lines in diam.): bescent or velvety tomentose, rarely young fr sometimes naked and smooth. 55 56 sometimes beset with soft and straight bristles of aboat the length of the body." Gray, Syn Fl 1:445. Catalina (W. S. Lyon). GALIUM occiEKEiNTALE McCiatchie. "Perennial, herbaceous, slender, from creeping rootstocks, 4-15 in. high, whole plant hirsute: leaves in fours, thin, fiat, elliptical or ovate, acute or acu- minate, 3-6 lines long, 1-3 lines broad: fls few, polygamous, terminal, yellow- ish-white: ovary densely hirsute; ma- ture fruit baccate, clothed with scat- tered hairs, pearly white, changing to black in drying, 1-1% lines in diame- ter." McCiatchie, Erythea 2:124. 3,000- 4,000 ft., Los Angeles Co., along the old Wilson trail. ' GALIUM GRANDE McCiatchie. "Suffrutescent evergreen, the woody stems 3-5 lines in diameter, 3-8 ft. long, erect or reclining on bushes; herba- ceous branches 4-12 in. long, these and foliage cinerously hirsute or hispidu- lous: leaves in fours, elliptic-oblong or slightly broader above the middle, acute (sometimes abruptly so) or acu- minate, margins somewhat revolute, 3-6 lines long, 1-2% lines broad, lower side lighter green: fls numerous, polyg- amous, commonly terminal, occasion- ally axillary. 1-5 on a peduncle, green- ish yellow, 1-2% lines broad: ovary densely hirsute; mature fruit baccate, clothed with stiff hairs, at first nearly white, but soon changing to black, about 2 lines in diameter." McCiatch- ie, Erythea 2:124. Wilson Peak, Los Angeles Co., Calif. GALIUM MIGUELE'NSE Greene. "Suffrutescent, evergreen, the pros- trate stems 6-8 inches long, whole plant covered with a sparse retrorse pubescence: leaves oval, acute, l%-2% lines long, dark green, coriaceous, in age deflexed and almost imbricated on the branches: berry large, glabrous, pearl-white: flowers not seen. Island of San Miguel." Greene, Pittonia 1:34. GALIUM FLACCIDUM Greene. "Perennial, herbaceous, hirsute-pu- bescent, the weak reclining stems a foot long: leaves in fours, y 2 inch long, narrowly oblong, obtuse or acutish, very thin, 1-nerved: peduncles slender, 4-bracted below the solitary greenish flower: ovary villous: fruit unknown. Shady woods on the north side of San- ta Cruz Island, not common: resem- bling G. Californicum, but doubtless a dry-fruited species allied to the Mexican G. uncinulatum." Greene, Pittonia 1: 34. GALIUM SICCATUM Wright. "Perennial, 1-4 ft high, erect and very much branched! and bushy when growing in some situations, or reclining in others; the whole plant cineres-puberluent; Ivs in fours, not rigid, linear, 4-8 lines long, %-l line broad, barely mucronulate, mid- rib not prominent; inflerescence cymose- paniculate, fls polygamous, greenish- yellow, numerous : fr a line long, densely hispid with straight bristles." Wright, Zoe 5:54. SD; to .San Ben i to Co.; Mohave. EUPATORIUM PASADENENSIS Parish "Of the Eximbricata section; stems slender and apparently herbaceous, glandular-puberulent; upper Ivs opposite, short petioled, ovate-deltoid, acute, and at base cordate, serrate, thin, minutely atomiferous beneath; cymes rather com- pact, on dichotomous peduncles longer than the Ivs, pedicles 1 cm long, with 2-3 linear bracts; heads 20-30 fl'd; involucral bracts lanceolate, firm, 4 mm long, prorn.^ inently 2-ribbed, the acute tips softer; cor 4-5 mm long, glabrous, w, the filiform tube twice the length of the expanded throat: pappus scabrous, equalling- the cor, very promptly deciduous; achenes smooth, 5-angled, slightly arcuate, 1.5 mm longer; receptacle a little rounded." Parish, Zoe 5:75. Pasadena (Me Clat- chie). PENTACH^ETA ORCUTTII A. Gray. "P. aureae subsimilis; capitulis parvu- Us; involucre villoso-pubescente, bracteis viridioribus; ligulis brevioribus; pappi setis 8-10 capillaribus basi haud dilatatis caducis! Vallecito, in the northern part of Lower California. C. R. Orcutt, May 4, 1886." A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad., xxii, 309 (March 4, 1887). PENTACHCETA PALEACEA Greene. "A span high, with very numerous fili- form branches: involucres small, scales In 2 series, pubescent, setaceous-tipped: corollas of ray and disk y.: akenes nearly linear; pappus-bristles 5, slender, with a thin, triangular palea at base." Greene. Bull. Cal. Acad. Sci., i. 189-190 (Aug. 29, 18S5). PBNTACHAETA LYONI A. Gray. "Hirsute, at least the margins of the plane linear or spatulate-linear leaves, 4-7 in. high, with the sparing ascend- ing branches leafy up to the head or short peduncle: involucre hirsute; its bracts linear-lanceolate and of nearly equal length, green, with narrow scari- ous margins: pappus-bristles 9-11 or commonly 12." Gray, Syn Fl 1:446. Catalina and San Pedro, Cal (W. S. Lyon). 57 CHRYSOPSIS FASTIGIATA Greene. "Plants 3-8 dm high, erect or spread- ing; spring leaves 3-5 cm long, oblong- spatulate, narrowed to a margined pet- iole, mucronate, lax, clothed with a pu- bescence denser and softer than that of the later leaves, soon withering and leaving the main stems naked; rameal leaves small (5mm), oblong-acute, closely sessile, rigid, appressed, to- gether with the branches somewhat viscid and canescently villous with long, softish hairs; involucre cylindri- cal; scales in 5 series, villous; rays S-12, ligules ovate, 5 mm long, minutely 3-toothed at the summit; short outer pappus distinctly squamellate; hairs of the achene toothed at apex." Parish, Erythea 7:97. Witch Creek, San Diego Co. (Alder- son); Santa Monica (Hasse); Los An- geles (Davidson); Pasadena (McClat- chie) ; Whitewater on the Colorado des- ert (Parish). CHRYSOPSIS SESSILFLORA Xuttall. "Rather slender, erect, 2 ft. high, vis- cid-giandular and sparingly hirsute; leaves oblong, acute, subsessile: heads few and sessile, or nearly so, at the ends of the several fastigiate terminal branchlets: achenes strong appressed- pubescent: outer pappus indistinct, of few rather long setae rather than pa- leae. Santa Cruz to Santa Barbara, in the California coast hills." Greene, Erythea 2:105. APLOPAPPUS CRUEXTUS Greene. "Shrubby and h>w, the stout diverg- ent monocephalous branches very leafy and somewhat villous: leaves coria- ceous, spatulate-obovate, an inch long or more, glabrous, not veiny, closely spinose-serrate: heads solitary, very large (more than an inch broad and nearly as high): involucre turbinate, the scales closely imbricate in many series, their appressed tips green and glutinous: rays numerous, of a deep saffron-red: achenes 15-nerved: pappus of long and stiff not very copious un- equal light-colored bristles." Greene, pitt 2:17. Coronado Islands (Pond), on the largest. APLOPAPPUS JUXCEUS Greene. "Xear A. spinulosus. but more slender, sparingly leafy, the stems tufted, and 2 high, from a woody base: leaves linear the lowest broader and pinnatifid, the upper often only 3-toothed at apex, lobes and teeth all spinulose-tipped: heads few and corymbose, \airs, oblong to ovate or obovate, obtuse, frequently retuse, thick and stiff, promin- ently reticulated, glabrous on both sur- faces, 1.5-4 cm long, * to one-third as broad; tendrils long, stout and trifid; peduncle 6-10 fl'd. twice as long as the corresponding if; fls large 2-3 cm long: cor p (?), pedicels longer than the calyx tube, calyx dilated, pu- bescent, particularly on the margin; up- pe- calyx-teeth broadly triangular, acute, lateral pair oblong-la,nceolate. and the lowest coriaceous, subulate, the 3 lower teeth equalling the tube, the upper short- er, legume flat, sparingly pubescent, about S-seeded. May." White, Torr cl b 21:499. S D. Parish, Erythea 6:88. Throughout SD Co. 200-5 .500ft alt. clambering over bushes on hillsides. LATHYRUS VIOLACEUS Greene. "Apparently glabrous, but under a lens sparsely short-hairy throughout: stems slender, shrubby below. 4-8 ft high, acute- ly angled: Ifts about 12. elliptical, obtuse and with slender deflexed mucro, mar- gins delicately crisped: peduncles sur- passing the Ivs. many fl'd and rather dense: fl about 1 8 lines long; lateral pair of calyx-teeth oblong-lanceolate, much longer than the tube, the lowest one eob ailing these in length but only one V 2 as wide, the short upper pair slightly connivent at the tip and forming a semi- elliptical sinus; pet at first red-purple, changing to violet blue, the banner very broadly obcordate, the sides only slightly recurving, the middle displaying, about 10 nearly parallel veins, some of them simple, others forked near the summit, al! running through to the upper margin of the organ, none running into meshes, \\ings a trifle shorter than the keel, al- most paraMel with it. not meeting above it." Greene. Erythea 1:105. Mts LA Co. LATHYRUS LAETIFLORUS Greene. "Somewhat shrubby habit of L. viola- ceus and as tall; the more scanty short hairs straight and appressed: of firmer texture, elliptic-lanceolate: peduncles ex- ceeding the Ivs, loosely many fl'd about 11 lines long: lateral pair of calyx-teeth broadly subulate, not longer than (scarce- ly as long as) the tube, lowest one subu- late, rather longer than the tube, the very short upper pair connivent, the tips almost meeting, forming a broadly obo- vate or nearly orbicular sometimes almost closed sinus: pet nearly white (faintly flesh colored), the banner obcordate. with sides abruptly reflexed, each side with a concavity, the middle with few divergent short and simple red veinlets none of which reach the border or anastomose: wings meeting and concealing the keel 71 72 from^above/'-Greene, Erythea 1:105-6. graceful appearance; when dry thev POTENTILLA ACUMINATA Hall. are Dinner and softer than in the oth- "Perennial from a stout somewnat er species. In their axils the leaf-hud* woody root: stems several, slender, glan- aooear a? snii^ r dular-pubescent, 4 in. or less high not Ild ' Pyramidal, thorn-like scapose: Ivs sparsely pubescent on both l >erances, another singular char- sides, the petioles glandular, pinnate acteristic." Greene Torr cl b 13- 21R with 1 or 2 pairs of sessile or short-peti- (N 1886) olate leaflets, or all but the terminal Tv,p XTTN ' sometimes suppressed; stipules lanceo- ^^-NDROMECON RIGIDUM Benth late, acute, entire; leaflets orbicular to khrub 2-8 ft high, with numerous slender cuneiform-obovate, 2-6 lines wide.conspic- "ranches, bark whitish: Ivs ovate to linear- uously toothed: fls few; pedicels slender, lanceolate, 1-3 in. long, very acute or mu- 5 lines or less long: hypanthium hemis- cronate, sessile or nearly so, twisted upon pherical, 1 line wide; bractlets linear- tne base so as to become vertical, reticulately lanceolate, acute, half as long as the yemed, margin rough or denticulate: fls 1-3 narrowly ovate acuminate sepals: petals ln - in di am or pedicels 1-4 in. long: capsuls y, narrowly ovate, acuminate, equalling curved, atemiate above into the short stout the sepals: stamens more than 20, closely st yle, 1^-2^ in. long: sds iy 2 lines lone inserted about the pistils: akenes 10 or TT Curran, Cal ac pr sr 2, 1: 244, refers ~D more, slightly incurved at apex, the Harfordu and D. flexile to this, somewhat longer style attached just be- DALEA OROUTTII S Watson low the tip." Ha U 86. "Perennial, with numerous short slender POTENTILLA CALLIDA Hall. herbaceous subprocumbent or ascending "Root thick, somewhat woody: stems stems (3-4' long) from a woody several, slender, erect or ascsnding, 2 in. branching rootstock, appressed silky-pu- or less high, villous throughout with long berulent: leaves 4-6" long, the folded hairs and also bearing some short gland- oblong-obovate leaflets (4-6 pairs) %" ular hairs above: spipules ovate, the free long, glabrous above: peduncles about portion % line long, entire or toothed; equalling the leaves; spikes short (&' Ivs villous, pinnate; the lower 6-10 lines long), somewhat crowded, the fl. reflexed long, with about 7 pairs of crowded Ifts; or spreading: calyx short-villous, turbi- the upper much shorter, bract-like, nate, the lanceolate acuminate teeth with 1-5 pairs _of Iflts; Iflts 1 line long, di- equalling or exceeding the tube; the p. vided to the base into 2 or 3 oval seg- orbicular banner and the wings scarcely ments: fls sometimes solitary on the ends exserted, the broad twice-longer keel p. of the stems but usually 3-6 in a simple on the inner margin." S. Watson, Proc. r,eceme; pedicels slender, 2-5 lines long: Am. Acad., xx. 359 (Feb. 21, 1885). hypanthium saucer-shaped, iy 2 -2y 2 lines Cantilles mts (Orcutt). wide; bractlets narrow; sepals twice as LUPIN US OROUTTII S Wat=on long, narrowly ovate, acute: petals w, "Diffusely miich branched from th oblong, obtuse or acutish. narrowed at base low (24' hhrhf base but not clawed a little longer than throughout with" short stiffish avic , the calyx (about l 1 /^ lines long): stamens hairs- Ipaflpts ^ nbinne- the scattered p. or reddish 'fl. 3" DENDROMECON FLEXILE Greene. long: pod oblong, 4" long, 2-3-seeded: "Six to ten ft. high, tree-like, with seeds 1" in diameter." S. Watson, numerous more or less drooping Proc - Am - Acad., xx. 359 (Feb. 21, 1885). branches; leaves ovate-oblong to ellip- ESCHSCHOLTZIA LEPTANDRA Greene tical, obtuse, often, mucronulate, 2-5 "Perennial, or at least biennial, a inches long, fleshy and glaucous, foot or more in height, rather stout, crowded on the branches, short-peti- strictly erect and with a somewhat oled, their margins smooth and revo- corymbose habit; glabrous and very lute; corolla rather pale yellow, 2 inch- glacous: ultimate leaf-segments rather es in diameter, on a short pedicel; cap- coarse, linear-spatulate, nearly paral- sules stout, curved, 3-5 inches long; lei; flower buds oblong-ovate, abruptly seed large, spherical, lightly scrobicu- and rather sharply acuminate; inner late, with a large amber colored car- rim of torus thin-hyaline, erect, per- uncle. A common large shrub of the vaded by about 16 stout and prominent island of Santa Cruz, very strikingly nerves, outer greatly reduced, but unlike either the original mainland manifest as a narrow somewhat tur- species, or that 'of the neighboring is- gid ring; petals an inch long, widely- land of Santa Rosa. The large, pallid, expanding, lemon-yellow throughout, somewhat succulent leaves are so nu- or orange-tinted below the middle; sta- merous as to weigh down the branches, mens about 32; anthers filiform and and this gives the shrub a rather nearly % inch long; filaments barely a 73 line long. Desert plains near Verdi, in the western part of Nevada (C. F. Sonne)." Greene, Pittonia 1:170. ESCHSCHOLTZIA TEXUISECTA Greene "Annual, erect, a foot high, glabrous and a little glaucous: ultimate leaf- segments long and slender, gradually tapering from a broad obtuse or trun- cate apex, widely divergent in the young leaves, less so in the later ones: flower buds ovate, with a long and gradually attenuate acumination: in- ner rim of torus nerveless and hori- zontal (its margin, not its body, in contact with the ovary), the outer coriaceous, about a line deep, red; pet- als an inch long, widely expanding, bright yellow, with a liight-orange base; stamens about 24; anthers linear, 2 lines long; cotyledons cleft below the middle into 2 filiform segments. Chi- co. Calif. (Parry)." Greene, Pittonia 1:169. ESCHSCHOLTZIA PARISHII Greene. "Annual, slender, less than 1 high, glabrous and glaucous: stems simple or sparingly branched: peduncles terete, very slender: torus turbinate, no spread- ing rim, the 2 margins similar and ap- proximate: petals widely spreading, broad and overlapping each other, ap- parently light y.: fr. not seen." Greene, Bull. Cal. Acad. Sci., i. 183 (Aug. 29, 1885). ESCHSCHOLTZIA PENINSULARIS Gn. "Annual, smooth and glaucous, slender, erect, much more branched that E. Cali- fornica, with corollas of 1-3 the size and more broadly campanulate: rim of torus broader in proportion, the inner margin a very short, nerveless, hyaline ring; seed slightly elongated and distinctly apiculate at each end, reticulations less regularly favose." Greene, Bull. Cal. Acad. Sci., i. 8-9 (Mar. 7, 1885); 1. c. 183. PSORALEA RIGIDA Parish. Erect. 1-2 ft high, viscid above and sparsely villous with short black and white hairs intermingled; Ivs pinnately 3- foliate. on inch long petioles: Ifts as long, ovate-lanceolate, glabrous and rig- id; stipules lanceolate; peduncles shorter than the leaves, bearing a globose head, inch high. 20-fl'd; bracts shorter than the fls. lanceolate, deciduous; calyx two- thirds length of cor. its teeth acuminate, the lower twice the length of the upper; cor S lines long, whitish or ochroleucous, the keel with a large purple spot at the apex: petals very long-clawed: the tenth stnmen free one- third its length; ovary densely villous; pod V in. long, not wrin- kled, closely conformed to the shining dark seed. Dry hills. Oak Grove. S D Co Je 1882 (Parish 643)." Parish, Torr cl b 19:91. 74 PAPAVER LEMMONI Greene. "Near P. Californicum, but a larger and coarser plant, 1-3 ft. high; corolla twice as large, 2-3 inches broad, appa- rently of a deeper red, the base of the petals green: capsule broader and merely obovate; stigmas 7-10, their lower half sessile and radiant upon the summit of the capsule, upper half coherent one with another and forming a conical apiculation. Hilly and moun- tainous region of San Luis Obispo county, California (J. G. Lemmon)." Greene, Pittonia 1:168. S1LEXA MULTINERVIA S. Watson. "Annual, erect, sparingly branched, glandular-pubescent, about 1 high: leaves linear to linear-oblong, acute, the lower- most narrowly oblanceolate, 1-2' long: inflorescence dichotomously cymose; bracts linear: calyx narrowly ovate, 20-25 nerved, 5-6" long, the acuminate teeth usually p. -tipped; petals purplish, scarce- ly equalling the calyx, without append- ages or auricles, emarginate: filaments glabrous, included: capsule nearly sessile, oblone-ovate, included: seeds minute, tu- berculate, not crested. Found near Jamul, San Diego County, by C. R. Orcutt, In April, 1885, and on the island of Santa Cruz, California, by T. S. Brandegee, in 1888." S. Watson, Proc. Am. Acad., xxv. 126-7 rSont. 25. 1890). S. conoidea Davidson, Erythea 1:58, not L. VICIA HASSEI S. Watson. "Often tall: leaflets 3-6 pairs, linear to narrowly oblong, acute or obtuse and apic- ulate, or more frequently truncate and {marginate or toothed at the apex; stipu- les semi-sagittate with the rather broad lower lobe usually 2-4-toothed: peduncles 6-15" long, 1-fl. or sometimes remotely 2-fl.: pod more attenuate at each end and short-stipitate, 5-9-ovuled, 9-16" long. On open grassy hills about Los Angeles, California, growing with V. exigua; Dr. H E. Hasse.Also collected at Santa Cruz by Dr. C. L. Anderson, at Benicia by Dr. Bigelow (V. exigua var (?) Calif ornica Torr. in Pac. Railroad Rep. 4.76), and on Guadelupe Island by Dr. Palmer." S. Watson. Proc. Am. Acad., xxv. 129-130 (Sept. 25. 1890). EUPHORBIA SERPYLLIFOLIA Pers. "Glabrous, prostrate or ascending, di- cnotomously branching; stems terete, or more or less angled (in the type almost winged): stipules setaceous or lacerate, triangular at the base; leaves short pet- ioled, oblique at the base, blade varying from spatulate to cblcng or obovate, apex truncate or retuse and more or less cren- ulate serrate. Inflorescence solitary or in loose leafy clusters: involucres campanu- late, the lobes triangular subulate; glands transverse oblong, more or less cupped in the cen*re; apper.dages narrow, 3-4- crenate lobed or nearly entire; svigrmas 75 short, bifid. Capsules smooth, carpels carinate; seeds sharply quadrangular, slightly to manifestly rugose between the angles, the rugae sometimes so obtuse as to make the surface appear shallow pit- ted." Millspaugh, Pittonia, 2:83. Colorado, Oregon, California, Arizona. Variety CONSANGUINEA Boiss. Differs from the species in having a more erect growth; an obtuse sharply ser- rate apex to the leaves; lacerate lobes to the involucres; darker and more ovate seeds less sharp on the angles; and more or less red coloration in the stems and leaves." Millspaugh, Pittonia 2:84. Northern Lower California (Orcutt); Washington (Suksdorf); Idaho (Greene); Kansas (J. E. Bodin). Variety RUGULOSA Engelmann. "Differs principally in its thickly mat- ted growth; the prolongation of the teeth down the longer side of the leaf; and the turgid very finely rugulose seeds. The type from San Bernardino. Calif., S. B. & W. P. Parish, 1881." Millspaugh, Pitt- onia 2:85. Variety NEO-MEXICANA Millsp. "Erect, glabrous, with acutely angled branches. Differs from the species and var. consanguinea, chiefly in its elongated sharply pointed seeds, having the 2 ven- tral facets concave, and the. involucral lobes entire or 2-3 cleft." Millspaugh, Pittonia 2:84. Type locality: plains of the upper Gila river, N. M. Euphorbia neo-mexicana Greene, Cal ac b 2:55. EUPHORBIA TOMENTULOSA S. Wat. "Suffruticose, diffusely much branch- ed, a foot high or less, pubescent throughout with a very fine tomentum: leaves round-ovate or broadly ellipti- cal, somewhat oblique, slightly cordate at base, obtuse, crenulate, shortly peti- olate, 2-4 lines long and about equalling the intern-odes; stipules attenuate: in- volucres small in small terminal cymes, turbinate, tomentose; lobes narrow, cil- iate; glands 4, rounded, the white ap- pendage transversely oblong or round- ed: capsule subglabrous. purple, ob- tusely lobed: seed purplish, irregularly rugose and pitted." S. Watson; Am ac pr 22:476. Rosario, northern Baja Cal. (Or). EUPHORBIA DICTYOSPERME F-M. "Stem stout, 2-3 dm high, 2-4 mm thick, few to several stems from the base, bran- ched; rays 3, several times dichotomous- ly branched, the umbel longer than the main stem; stem leaves obovate spatu- late. or cuneate, the lower short peti- oled and retuse ower California (according to gle?r T 8 ^ somewhat soreadine ot Diguet); when dried by flre' and ground ^min^^^ens^twfce 1 ^' SaS? they are used as a beverage, m the form the ca i yx .iobes, distinct. Carpels erect, of tablets made up with sugar, or as a many-seeded. "-Britton & Rose/X Y bot simple infusion; when fire-dried contains gard b 3:12 . Named in honor of Williair 48.3 per cent of fatty matter; the oil sol- & Dudley. Type species, Echeveria lan- idifies at o degrees and is suitable for ceolata Nut tall food of good quality, not turning ran- cid; is prepared by ebullition with water; ] %EYA ^J^^v > ^ t' i H -> 1- recommended for culture in the desert * ""^ & Rose ' NY bot S ard b 3:lo, regions of northern Africa (Diguet). ^ShS?ia pulveruleata (Nutt. : mss..,: LOPHOTOCARPLS CALIFORXICTJS 'Ivs spatulate, acuminate, very pulveru- Smith. lent; those of the" stem gradually "Submerged aquatic, 3-4 dm high, diminishing to bracts, broadly cordate, with weak, slender ascending petioles ^^j^ 1 ^^^^^^^^ 3-4 dm long. Blades hastate or sag- SC arlet) fls; calyx about half the lenght ittate, the midle lobes 4-8 cm long, Ian- of the connivent petals. St. Diego, Cali- rpnlat^ ar>nt*i ^ nprvpri tVi Hacoi fornia. Fl'ng the seocnd year in May. * 1/11, ^f Stm 2 - 3 ft Wgh, leafy. Pedicels nodding. lobes widely divergent, %1% as wide Petals pale scarlet or coral-color. Ca?- as the middle one, and shorter than or pels linear-lanceolate. Seeds numerous, equalling it in length, linear-acumin- s A ubu ft%: SS^ JL "" Jfon & Gray> Fl N -, . _ _ -rVin l.OOU vlo'W/ J ;. ate. Scape slender, nearly as long as ?Cotyledon pulverulenta Baker in the petioles, bearing 3-5 verticils of fls, Saund Refug Bot lit 66 (1869). those of the 2 or 3 lowermost fertile. -Jgg veria ar ^ entea ** m > m Hort 10: Bracts of the fertile whorls 6-7 mm ^UDLBYA LANCEOLATA. long, those of the upper stammate ver- Britton & Rose, NY bot gard b ticils 1 cm long. Pedicels of the fertile based on florpt- ton CT A SanforrH Genus HASSEAXTHUS Rose, a) - "Stems several arising from small glo- Sagittaria calycma Davidson, PI LA bcse or oblong corms. Basal Ivs linear, 18, not Engelm. terete, narrowed below into flattened pet- ioles; stem-lvs narrowly ovate, tursid GILIA MACULATA Parish. but somewhat flattened. Calyx 5-lobed. "Inch high, diffusely branched from the Car-segments united at base into a short base, sparsely pubescent; Ivs entire, 2 tvbe, yellow or white changing to purple, lines long, broadly linear, thick and Carpels 5, united at base (?). widely strongly carinate, obtuse, acerose; ear- spreading. Named in honor of Dr. H. E. Her fls nearly sessile in the lower forks, Hasse. Type species. Sedum variegatum later ones crowded above; calyx-lobes S Wats." Rose, NY bot gard b 3:37. nearly equal, much like the Ivs but with HASSEANTHUS BLOCHMANAE. a narrow hyaline margin, ciliate; the Rose. NY bot gard b 3:37, based on Se- narrowly campanulate tube of the cor dum Blochmanae Eastw, Cal ac pr, sr 2, not exceeding the calyx, the limb rotate, 6:422 t 53 (1896.). 2 lines wide; fil inserted on the base of Santa Barbara Co., Cal. 91 HASSEANTHUS VARIEGATUS. Rose, NY bot gard b 3:37, based on Se- dum variegatum S. Wats, Am ac pr 11: 1137 (1876). esaMs, San Diego, California. HASSEIANTHUS ELONGATUS. "Resembling H. variegatus, but with long slender stems and cyme-branches, linear elongated Ivs, ofolong calyx-lobes, and bright yellow cor; the Ivs not at al variegated." Rose, NY bot gard b 3:37. Orange Co., Gal. on San Joaquin hills .L. R. Aibrams). HA9SEANTHUS MULTICAULIS. "Perennial by an oblong corm 2-3 cm long. Stems 2-5, rather stout, 1-1.5) cm high, variegated, glabrous, not at all glaucous; basal Ivs 3-4 cm long, terete, acute; stem-lvs 1-2.5 cm long, ovate-ob- long, acute or acuminate, turgid or somewhat flattened; in florescence of sev- eral secund, many-fl'd racemes; fls sub- sessile; calyx-lobes ovate, obtuse; fl-buds pinki'sih, obtuse; cor -segments widely spreading above the middle, pale yellow tinged with redi, 7-8 mm long, slightly united 'at base; stamens 10, borne on base of cor- segments; carpels widely spread- ing (?) in age." Rose, NY bot gard b 3: 38. LA -Co. (Basse). Genus STYLOPHYLLUM Britton & Rose "Perennials with more oir less branch- ed rootstocks; basal Ivs linear, elongated, terete, or flattened but always narrow, sometime* abruptly widened below into a broad clasping base; fl'ng stems with long sessile Ivs not clasping at base. Ca- lyx 5-lobed, lobes ovate, equal, small. Cor campanulate, not angled, white, red or yellowish, its lobes broad, thin, and .spreading, united below into a tube. Sta- mens 10. borne on the cor-tube. Carpels 5. united below, generally strongly spreading as in Sedum." Britton & Rose, NY bot gard b 3:33. Type, Cotyledon edu- lis Noirtt. STYLOPHYLLUM VISCTDUM. Britton & Rose, NY bot gard b 3:33, based on Cotyledon viscida S. Wa/tson, Am ac pr 17:372 (1SS2). Neair Oceanside and San Juan, Cal. (Nevin, Orcutt). Readily dis- tinguished by its viscid foliage. STYLOPHYLLUM VIREN'S. Rose, NY bot g-ard b 3:34. San Clemente Island (Blanche Trask). STYL. ALBIDUM Rose. San Clemente Island (T. S. Brandegee). STYL. TRASK A E Rose. Sarotia Barbara Island (Blanche Trask). STYL. INSULARE Rose. "Stems very thick and woody, 6-8 cm in dSiam, crowned by a rosette of spread- ing Ivs. the old Ivs somewhat persistent; Ivs 10-15 cm long, 1-1.5 cm broad above the base. . 2 cm broad at base, fleshy, much flattened except toward the apex, acute, more or less glaucous especially when young: fl'ng branch stout, purp- lish, 3-4 dm long; inflorescence panicu- lately branched; primary branches short, nearly equal. 2 or 3 times dichotomous, ultimate branches short and few-fl'd; ca- lyx 3 mm long, lobes twice as long as the tube, ovate, acute; cor long reddish, somewhat cam paimu late, its tube about the length of atoe carpels; carpels united at base, widely spreading." Rose, NY bot gard b 3:34. Catalina (Blanche Trask). STYL. HASSEI Rose. "Oaudex elongated, sometimes about 3 dm long, 2-3 cm in diam, somewhat branching, covered with the old persist- ent Ivs, crowned with a dense erect ro- setfte; Ivs 1 very glaucous, linear, not ta- pering, except toward the apex, 10 cm long or les, 1 cm wide or less, thick but flattened below, terete and obtus-e toward apex; fl'ng stems weak, their primary branches' 1-2-dichotomous, the ultimate branches slender and many-fl'd; calyx small, glaucous, 4 mm long, cleft to or below the middle, its lobes ovate, acute; cor- tube about 1 mm oiig; carpels widely spreaing in age." Rose, NY bot gard b 3:35. Catalina (H. E:. STYL. SiEMITElRBS Rose. "At first acaulescent but old plants de- cidedly caulescent and branching; Ivs numerous, closely set on the caud'ex, lin- ear, semiterete, 10 cm or so long, often becoming reddish, acute; fl'ng branches about 20 cm long, their Ivs ovate, turgid, acute, lowest ones opposite; inflorescence a pair of secund racemes; pedicels very short (1-3 mm long) ; calyx 5 mm long, its lobes 4 mm long, ovate, acute; cor 9 mm long, its segments united below for about 2 mm, oblong, obtuse, yellowish but tinged with red; stamens borne on the cor, all shorter than the cor but these alternating with tihe lobes shorter than the others; carpels somewhat spreading." Rose, NY bot gard b 3:35. Habitat? (probably CD or Baja). STYL. ATT'E-NUATUM B & R. Cotyledon attenuata S. Watson, Am ac pr 22:472 (188.7). *Nea,r San, Quintin. Baja (Or). STYLOPHYLLUM PARISH!!. "Stems' not as thick as in S. edule, somewhat glaucous; fl'ng branches 2-3 dm high, rather weak, glabrous; inflor- escence paniculate: pedicels 8 mm long or less; calyx 5-parted, the lobes 4 mm long, broadly oblong with rounded apex; cor- segments twice as long as the calyx, united at the base into a tube 2 mm long, yellowish ( ?) ; stamens 10, borne on the cor at the top of the tube; carpels united only near the base." Britton, NY bot gard b 3:37. Pala, SD Co. (Parish Bros). STYLOPHYLLUM DDULE, Britton and Rose, NY bot gard b 3:36, based on "Sedum edule (Nutt.lmss.) : 'caespitose; Ivs terete, subulate at the apex, dilated at the base, glaucous; scape paniculately branched above, the branches cymose;fls roarly sessile, decandrous; pet lanceolate, acute, about twice the length of the lan- ceolate sep. Edges of rocks and ravines. St. Diego, California. Scapes a ft high, with a few short and distant subulate Ivs; the radical Ivs 3-4 inches long, succu- lent. Fls. numerous, rather large. Scales at the base of the carpels 0. A remarka- ble species, allied apparently to Echeve- ria teretifolia. but with white fls tinged with green, the pet wholly distinct, etc. The numerous scapes are gathered and eiiten while young by the savages.' Nutt- all." Torr & Gray, Fl N Am 1:560 (1840). Cotyledon edulis Brewer. Bot Cal 1:211 0876)* 'Ladies' Finger Tips,' so-called from the 93 94 round, slender leaves, said to have been opening from the summit downward. Sds eaten a a salad by the Indians. finely tuberculate. STYL.OPHYDLUM ORCUTTII. ROMXEYA COULTERI HARVEY. "Resembling S. attenuatum in its foil- Half-hardy shrub, 6-15 ft high, branching age and habit, but stouter and very glau- and flexuous, woody at base: Ivs glaucous, cous; cor-tube much shorter and shorter thickish, petioled, 3-5 in. long, the lower even than the calyx, the lobes broader, ones pinnatifid, upper ones pinnately tooth- and more keeled, segments rose-colored, ed: petioles and margins often sparingly not at all tinged with yellow; calyx-lobes ciliate with rigid spinose bristles: the magni- obtusisih; anthers red." Rose, NY bot ficent wax-like fls 6-9 in. across: pet broadly g-axd b 3:36. SD; Todos; Coronado Islands, obovate : fil % in. long, bright yellow, pur- ^ Cotyledon orcuttii Greene; Or, W Am p i e at base: capsule oblong, y 2 in. long, ob- Sci 10:72. scurely many angled, hispid with appressed S r J YL. DENSIFL.ORUM Rose. bristles and crowned with the persistent Cotyledon nudicaule Abrams, So Cal ac stigmas: sds black, a line or less long. Ma- _' (1903). non Lam (1786). tilija poppy, named in honor of T. Romney "Plants growing in dense clumps with Robinson, a noted astronomer. Ventura Co. more or less branching rootstocks, very Baja! glaucous throughout: Ivs numerous, er- ROMNEYA TRICHOCALYX Eastwood, ect, nearly terete, acute, 6-12 cm long; Closely resembling R. Coulter! in habit, Ivs fl'n.g branches slender and weak; inflo- thinner, divisions narrower: sep setose. SBar rescence a rather dense compact cyme, and Ventura Cos. SD Co. its ultimate branches rather short, 4-8 prxmcs PARRYANA "Rne-plm fl'd: pedicels short. 1-3. mm long; calyx PI ^,, P AR^ 2 mm long, its lobes twice as long as the ln . lHme compound; fls silightly pedicellate, graceful and symmetrical tree, 20-30 decandrous; petals (yellow) linear-lance- feet high 10 . 18 i nc hes in diameter, dis- 22MFM&* > 5E r *S?'3r& tinguished by the 3-5 (mostly 4) leaves & Gray. Fl N Am 1:569 (1S40). in a sheath, l^i-l 1 ^ inches long. The Hooker, Fl Bor Am 1:227. ova l seeds, 5-8 lines long-, with a thin high e& F?s mtJS^lTrB^^ 1 ^ light-brown mottled shell, are delicious rr.___, completely several-celled by the intrusion of FI . L S ^^^ Y - A ^^ ?/? the many-ovuled placentae; valves 7-12, The Soledad pine was for many years believed an exclusive resident of the suburban parts of San Diego, occurring on the hills facing the sea near Del Mar. A second small grove has been discovered on Santa Rosa island. Where most exposed it forms a low, scraggly shrub, 2 or 3 feet high only at times, but spereading over a wide area; at its best estate it forms a small, graceful tree 20 to 30 feet high, a foot or more in diameter. The very stout leaves are 8 by 11 inches long, 5 in a sheath. The edible seeds, 8-11 lines long, with a very hard shell, produced in an ovate cone, 4-5 inches long and nearly as great diameter. WASHINGTONIA FILIFERA Wendl. The California fan palm, bearing great clusters of small black berries, the clusters weighing 10 to 20 pounds each, furnished the desert Indians with a most important article of food, equal to that of the pinon nuts to the mountain tribes, ranking next in val- ue to the mesquite bean. The berries have a thin, very sweet, and pleasant flavored pulp, which any palate might appreciate. CONVOLVULUS LUTEOLUS A. Gray. Stems three-fourths to 1% ft. long, as- cending, or more elongated and twining: bracts about their own length distant from the calyx, narrowly oblong to line- ar-lanceolate, 2-4 lines long, much small- er than the very obtuse unequal sepals: corolla l-iy 2 in. long, campanulate-funnel- form. pale yellow: stigmas linear. CONVOLVULUS LONGIPES S. Watson. Erect, much branched feebly twining perennial, glabrous throughout; small- leaved. Desert regions, Cal., Nevada. Genus MIMETANTHE Greene. Calyx campanulate, 5-cleft, the tube somewhat 5-sulcate, neither angled nor ribbed: lobes unequal, the uppermost largest. Corolla tubular-funnelform, Stamens 4, didynamous. Style gla- brous; stigma bilamellar. Capsule ob- long-ovate, rather acuminate, equal- ling the calyx, not gibbous at base, minutely glandular, chartaceous, dehis- cent by the whole of the upper suture, by the lower only to the base of the apical acumination, both valves in de- 'hiscence strongly reflexed in so far as separated; placentae born on the mid- dle of the valves, many seeded. Seed minute, oblong-ovate, yellowish, under the microscope favose-reticulate and glandular." Greene Cal ac b 1:181. 96 MIMETANTHA PILQSA Greene. A villous glandular annual, with a sickening solanaceous odor. Baja Cal. to Washington. NICOTIANA GLAUCA L. Leaves long-petioled, subcordate: cor y: shrub 8-15 ft, high. "The large glau- cous, thickish leaves are used as healing and anodyne poultices." Ha vard. Nat- uralized from So. Am. QUERCUS AGRIFOLIA Nee. The California live oak is justly one of the trees described as picturesque, the stout, low trunk 8, to even 20 feet, In circumference, with a spread of branches of 120 feet. Mendocino coun- y appears to be its northern limit, while near La Grulla, south of Ensenada, Lower California, is the most south- ern recorded station, where its branches sweep the ground. The shin- ing, elongated, tapering, acute-pointed acorn, 1-1% inches long, and ^4 to 1-3 inch in diameter, characterizes the species and are among the treasured trophies of the average tourist, who of- ten says he "can taste them still" but generally prefers not to do so the sec- ond time. JUGLANS CALIFORNICA S. Watson. The California black walnut is usu- a^ly a small tree, growing SO to 75 feet high, 2 to 4 feet in diameter, bearing a roundish nut, the kernel sweet and delicate in flavor. Occurs from along the Sacramento river to San Diego county, California; occa- sionally cultivated, but more as a shade or street tree, than for its excellent, nuts. IRTS MACROS1PHON Torr. Stems very slender, flattened, surpassed by the dark green grass-like leaves: fls rich p-blue, on short pedicels. Mts. San Diego Or 1056. ERYSIMUM INSULARE Greene. "Shrubby, diffuse, a foot high. form, ing a dense tuft of from 2-6 ft. broad, cinereous with a minute appressed pu- bescence, or glabrate; leaves narrowly linear, canaliculate, entire, rather rig- id, recurved at apex, crowded upon the numerous woody branches; racemes short and dense, on short pedun- cles, or almost sessile; corolla yellow, % inch broad; siliques quadrangular, 2 inches long, iy 2 -2 lines thick, beaked with a stout style. Sandy slopes above Cuyler's Harbor, Island of San Mi- guel." Greene, Torr cl b 13:218 (N 1886). 97 PLATYSTEMON DENTICULATUS Gne. j n extent. The mesa back of San denticu'laVa 4 '' eri ' 1 ' f r Placystigma Diego, near the normal school, is its PLATYSTEMON LIXEARIS Curren. western limit, where it is only a small Platystigma lineare Bentham. shrub, but it extends east to Texas PLATYSTEMON OREGAXUS Curran. an r) R0 nth to th A~~~itine republic Platystigma californicum B & H. Meconella denticulata Greene. ^[co^ellii californica Torrey. Genns ARGEMOXE Linnaeus. Setose and spinulose-dentate chiefly ann herbs with orang-e-y and acrid juice and sinuate or p'innatifid Ivs: Sep with cornute tip or appendage be- low the apex: Pet 4 to 6: Sta num: desert tree, slender, 15-20 feet high; not rare from Riverside county south- ward into Lower California, abund- ant in Palm valley, not far from San Diego. PRUXUS ILICIFOLIA \Valp. The holly-leaf cherry is a beautiful dark evergreen shrub, yielding a v.-hat ra Mate an ? united on the sum- mit of the vev;- sb~t ^bsol^tp sty. ARGEMOXE CORYMBOSA Greene. urittnv. Lai HC o j:oy. Jvioiiave Des- ert (Curran). "Probably a depauperate form of A. hispHa." ARGEMONE HISPIDA A. Gray. See A. plar-ceras L & O. Argemone Californica? of cataloguea. "PhinlntP"- ThUH* Pnrmv Davidson PI LA Co ia- wk whitA ? 3 Ji *-l! ^' 1Ite - . . AWPTTMnv^^YTPAiiT 1 Vinn am> ARGEMONE MEXICANA Linn bis y; sparingly naturalized in Cai. ARGEMOXE PLATYCEKAS T &"o. in^o'nf^e Perote prope Har-ienla de la Laguna." -Ai-gemone hispida A. Gray. Fls w. Hall, U 81. "Prickly, or Thistle, Cockerell 5 -6 Variety HISPIDA Prain. .- 1 e- ect, simple or rarely branching 2-rt drn high, hispid throughout ani ^prickles- "ivYcllO S'kSftti iowS rjirrov/i-'d to a winged petioi-->, me up- per per-s : !(-; fls w, 5-8 cm broad; cap- sul- oMrng, 3 cm long, very prickly; W Ab"raS Fl LA 1 ' 162. Occasional in dry exposed slopes or dry canyon tloors PVITANT^RACEMOSUS Nutt. The sycamore is a spreading, lofty tree common near water courses from the coast to the desert, up to an alti- tude of 3.000 or 4,000 feet. "A tree growing in sandy loam at San Bernar- dino measures 9% feet in circumference at 3% feet from the ground; height about 60 feet." Parish, Zoe, 4:3. fROSOPIS JULIFLORA D. C. The mes q uite is the moBt abundant desert tree, rarely over 20 feet high, often forming extensive groves miles . or ornamental planting. CBANOTHUS ORCTJTTH Parry. "Branches flexible. dull reddish, with short, hspid pubescence; leaves petiolate, broadly orbicular to oblong-cordate, usually rounded obtuse. 30-40 mm. in length, often as broad, irregularly erlan- dular-serraie. sparing y hi=p'd above, strongly triple-nerved beneath. with prominent hairy ciUate veins: inflores- cence axillary, oval scarcely exceeding the leaves, rather contact, with rubes- cent rachis. and smooth pedicels: fl. ao- parentlv whte or light blue (seen onlv in f ^ lpn fragrmcnts): fr. glandular-hispid. wi < h corrugat ed resinous epicarp. and conspicuous crests: seeds light brown." ' ZIZTPHUs PARRY! Torr. Parry's lotus or jujube is found in gravelly ravines near Pan Felipe and Rock Springs, in San Diego county, south into Lower California, and east of San Bernardino. The fruit is %-% inch long, of a dull brownish cadmium ye iiow color, mealy and dry. It is ^n unsymmetrlcal thorny shrub, 4-15 feet high. Said to make excellent jelly Hk e its near relatives, the classic lotus and ju j ubes , so well known as the source of jellies and confections of various kinds. KRAMERIA Linnaen 8 . Small shrubs or somewhat woody per fl s snl^arv, on axillary bracted peds, pir-plifh: s*>p 5 somewhat unequal, m^ or J-s Pet like: pet ^5, the a ! up Per J^e? enortf sessile and fleshy: sta. 4, united below: anth 2-celled. dehiscing* oMi^uelv -n th a^px- ova simple, silky: ovules 2 pendulous from towai the^aoe. Q 0f the cell^sty ^unple. gH9; . VpT-mi^ai; capsule globose, coriace- ous, indehiscent, spinose or muricate, 1- seeded: sd naked, albumen 0: embryo straight, cotyledons auriculate at base and including the radicle. KRAMERIA CANESCENS A. Gray. Gray, PI Wright 1:42 (1852). Type locality: "prairies near the Pe- co." Texas. Virgin and Muddy rivers, Nev (Mer- riPMi alley). Baja mts (Or 950). Pubescence short and tomentose: Ivs lanceolate to linear: peds short, 2- bracted: sep lanceolate, the smaller one linear: capsule ovate-globose, tipped with the stout curved sty, and armed with slender prickles barbed at apex. Torrey, bot Mex boundary 49 t 13. PDA ORCUTTT AHA Vasey. "Culms caespitose, about 2 high, radi- cal leaves numerous, narrow, flaccid, about 6 / long, scabrous; culm leaves 2-4 inche long, attenuate at the apex, and with the sheaths scabrous, upper sheath very long; ligule membranaceous, about 2" long, acute, becoming lacerate; nodes smooth; panicle 4-6' long, lax, the bran- ches erect and soni' what appfcSsed, the ower in threes, 1-3' long, the lower bird or more uaktd, numerously flow- ered above; empty glumes nearly equal, \\" long, the upper .vnerved, lower one- nerved, scarious margined; flowering 'glumes oblong, obtuMsh, flattish on the back, scabrous, about 2 /x long scarious tipped, slightly pubescent below, five- nerved; palet as long as it- glume, acute- ciliate scabrous on the keels. First col- lected by C..R. Orcuit near San Diego in 1884, and subsequ^ ntly by Mr. Loren- zo Jared in Santa Barbara county, Cal. The mature spikelets have the appear- ance of Gl c ria. Its narrow, scabrous leaves are good, distinctive characters. 5 ' Vasey, \V 3:165 (Ag. 1887) NAVARRETIA FOLIACEA Greene. "^'ear N. atractyloides, but more dif- fuse and leafy, leaves ampler, less coria- ceous and of a lighter green, their seg- ments not wholly spinose, but herba- ceous below; segments f the calyx very unequal, 2 large, ovate-acuminate spin- ose tipped and inure or less recurved, 3 100 very small and only broadly subulate: corolla white, small, little surpassing the calyx: herbage scentless." Greene, Pitt 1:138 (25 N 1887). Potrero, SD co (D. Cleveland). NAVARRETIA PEN1NSULARIS Greene. "Diffusely branching, 3-10' high, glan- dular-puberulent and very viscid: leaves all acerose-pinnatifid: fls. rather few, in numerous scattered and mostly pedun- culate glomerules: calyx sparsely hirsute, the segments subulate, entire, very un- equal, the shortest fully equalling the tube the longest surpassed by the pur- plish corolla: capslue 3-celled, many- seeded. Hanson's ranch, in the north- ern part of Lower California, July 10, 1884, (\ R. i 'rcutt, No. 1113 Related to N divaricata, but sufficiently distin- guished by its clamminess and different inflorescence, as well as by its larger corollas." Greene, Pittonia, i. 186. NAVARRETIA HAMATA Greene. "Near N atractyloides, and like it aro- matic, but smaller and comparatively slender; leaves not ioliaceous-dilated, but with a linear, or nearly linear rachis and few or many spinose-subulate seg- ments of which the terminal one, and sometimes one or all of the lateral pairs are strongly recurved or else abiuptly defiVxed (forming ho< ks); calyx-seg- ments all subulate and spinose-tipped, all erect, 2 twice as large as the others: corolla sal verform, deep purple, large for the plant, the slender tube well ex- serted from the calyx. Gimdalupe mt., Lower California, June, 1883, C. R. Or- cutt. Also at All Saints bay, May. 1885. by the present writer." Greene, Pit. i. 139 (N 25, 1887). ECHINOSPERMUM GREENEI A. Gray. "Allocarya echinoglochin. Habit pu- bescence and inflorescence of A. trachy- carpa, but a coarser, larger plant; nutlets \" long, ovate, straight, carinate ventri- cally down to the nearly basal ovate scar, the back covered with coarse gran- ulations and stout barbed prickles %-% line high, these distinct at base or more or less confluent into walled reticula- tions, the latter sometimes strongly de- veloped and the prickles themselves correspondingly reduced or even nearly obsolete bD .o Oregon." Greene. 101 ERIOGQNTM CLAVATUM Small. "Annual, acaulescent. Leaves basal; blades 5-13 mm. broad, much broader than long, undulate, stri^ose-hispid on both sides, cordate at the base or rarely truncate; petioles about twice as long as the blades, hispid: scapes erect, so itary, glaucous, forked above, the ultimate di- vision filiform, the lower internodes more or less swollen above the middle: bracts scale-like: peduncles hair-like, l /z cm. long, spreading: involucres narrow- ly turbinate, vtry small, less than i mm. long; segments obtuse, as broad as long, shorter than the tube: ca ices densely hirsute less than i mm. lon^, the seg- ments nearly equal, ovate-lanceolate, a- cutish: filaments glabrous." Small. Baja. ERIOGOXUM ^LAl'iJl'M Small. "Annual, slender, acaulescent. Leavse basal; blades ovate or oval-ovate, 5-10 mm long, obtuse, undulate-crisped, of- ten inequi ateral, softly hispid on both surfaces, obtuse or subcjrdaie at the base; petioles 23 ti;iic;s longer th:m the blades, hirsute: scap-s erect, soljtary or several together, i-5 cm tall, glaucous, forked, the branches ascending or spreading: peduncles filiform *bout one cm. long, more or less spreading: invo lucres g abrous, turbinate, i mm. long; segments oblong, obtuse, about as long as the tube: calices densely hirsute, 2 mm. long; segments lanceolate, acute, erect; filaments glabrous."- Small, Torr club b 25:51 (25 ja 1898). ERIOGONUM RUBESCENS Greene. "Near E. grande but low, the depress- ed leafy caudex only a few inches long: leaves ovate-cordate, with crisped mar- gins and both surfaces tomentose or the upper glabrate: peduncle stout, erect, a foot high, bearing at summit a compact cymose cluster of many-flowered umbels : 102 perianth glabrous, rose-red, camp-mti- late: filaments viilous at base. Island of San Miguel, where it is abundant on low 'sandstone ciiffs near the sea: but first found in a similar locality at the extreme west end of Santa Cruz. A m >st beauti- ful species." Greene, F'ittonia 1:39. ERIOGONUM GRANDE Greene. ' Basal shrubby and leaty p irt a fo -t or two higli with manv branches; pedun- cles 3-5, thick and fisulous be ow. slen- der and loosely cymose-dichoiomous above: leaves ovate-oblong, obtuse, cor- date at base, the margins crisped, 2-$' long, on petioles ot equal length, lower surface densely white-ton mentose, upper glabrate: involucres terminal only: peri- anth glabrous, white, segments equal, obtuse, rotate-spreading in flower: fila- ments viilous at base. Interior of Saata Cruz Is., ve>y common ;** x "-Ge pit 1:38 ERIOGONUM THURBERI Torr. "Sandy ravines, ^an Pasqual, Calif., My; Thuroer. * * A'al ace. Leaves in a suoradical cluster, about l / 2 f long undu- late-rugose pubescent above, white to- mentose underneath. btem a scape about a span high, trichotomjusiy sub- divided below the middle, with ovate a- cute ternate bracts at the forks fedi- cels \' long. Involucre less than a line n di:imeter, cleft nearly to the middle jnto 6 rather obtuse lobes; exterior seg- mems of the perianth nearly four tim^s broader than the inner. Filaments A o- vary smooth. Styles short. Achenium smooth. Embryo strongly curved. No bracteoles were detected; in their place are only woolly hairs." * * * Torr, bot Mexican boundary 176-7 Baja! LA Co. HELIANTIIUS CALIPORXICUS DC. SF: Baja! aiong streams. HELIANTHUS GRACILENTUS A. Gray SBe-r Co: SD Co; Baja; dry hilis. HELIANTHUS PETIOLARIS Nutt. Baia to Oregon: Texas LEPTOSYNE BIGELOVII A. Gray. CD; Mo-have; Ventura Co. 103 ARCTOSTAPHYLOS OPPOSITIFOLIA P 'Shrub 3-10 high, densely branched above, more or less naked be'ow; stems 1-3' in diameter, with light greenish or gray bark smooth or with loose, shred- dy fibers on the upper branches, young shoots minutely tomentose; leaves oppo- site or ternately whorled, narrowly lan- ceolate, entire, revolute, 1-2' long, 2-3 / wide, light green above, minutely to- mentose beneath, with a prominent mid- nerve, the narrow blade gradually taper- ing to a short or obsolete petiole. Inflo- rescence paniculate, the lower floral branches in the axils of the upper oppo- site leaves, which higher up pass gradu- ally into deltoid, more or iess acuminate bracts, di-posed in whorls ot 3 or less at regular intervals, each bract subtending a branch or pedicel, A decurrent as a ridge down the rachis; pedicels 3 or 4 times longer than the bract, bibracteo- late close to .the base; corolla orbibular, 2-2 Va" high, shortly urceolat?, with broad, reflexed lobes; stamens 10, an- thers comparatively large, as long as the appendages filam nts short, densely bearded at base; style about twice the length of the ovary, included, or slightly exsert; ovary densely tomentose at the summit; fr orbicular, 2-3" broad, with a smooth, thin pericarp A scanty pulp, be- % coming wrinkled at maturity, enclosing 5 easily separated nutlets, nearly equal in size, A 2-celled by a partition from the ventral suture, occasionally both cells feitile or more or less abortive." Parry Davenport ac pr 4:36-37. Baja! PHOLISMA DEPRESSUM Greene. "Stems solitary, completely covered by the rhombic-ovate, or sometimes ob- long, closely imbricated scales, fls in a depressed, barely convex head, an inch or 2 broid: sepals 6, linear niform, mi- nute I v glandular ciliolate: corolla tubu- lar-fu.melform, 6 lobed, li!ac-p: stamens 104 shorter A style longer than in P. arenan- um." Greene, Cal ac b 1:198. Baja. ARCTOSTAPHYLUS ARGUTA Zucc. Variety DIVERSI FOLIA Parry. "Shrub 6-15 ft high; stems 1-3 inches in diameter, with light gray bark slight- ly furrowed, on the upper branches shreddy, A on the young, growing shoots tomentose; leaves varying greatly in size A form, according to position or sea- son of growth; in young, vigorous off- shoots or suckers, broadly lanceolate, sYz' long by 1^2' broad, smooth on both sides, reticulate, scarcely at all revolute; on the upper A fl'ing branches, narrowly lanceolate, strongly revolute, & tomen- tose beneath, in all more or less irregu- arly serrate, with mucronate cartilagin- ous teeth A short petioles Inflorescence racemose, from the axils of the upper terminal leaves, secund A horizontal, ra- chis, bracts, pedicels, and calyx long to~ mentpse; bracts about > 2 as long as the pedicels, corolla 3 lines long, stamens 10 (occasionally 8), filaments bearded be- low, anther appendages about as long as the anthers; style shortly exserted; ova- ry hairy hispid above. Fr small, 2 lines broad, warty, with a solid 5-celled puta- men, cells more or less abortive. Needs comparison with the Mexican type, which probably includes several pub- lished species." Parry, Dav ac pr 4 35. A colored portrait of this in Datos pa- ra la materia medica Mexicana, (pt 311) well represents our shrub. It enjoys in Mexico the names madronyo borracho, and gnrambullo the latter name in Baja is applied to Cereus sargentianus and is in medicinal repute. SD! Baja! A. polifolia B-W, n.n H KK. DODECATHEON CLEVELANDI Greene "A foot or 2 high, pale green A glan- dular: new roots formed not at the end of the dry season but at its beginning, remaining dormant through the summer, 105 no tubers formed either originally or by root-metamorphosis: leaves scarcely fleshy not depressed but ascending or erect, spatu'ate-obovate, the margins erose: fls ;r >-merous: corolla bright-p with a y base * some dark-p spots next the andrcecium: andmecium about i vv long filaments connate, the tube dark-p, the ornate exterior of each filament chang- ing to y at the base of the anther A con- tinued up the back of it nearly to the apex in a lanceolate form * lying in ir- regular folds; anthers otherwise p. not quite twice the length of the stamineal tude, slightly divergent around the mod- erately exserted pistil, retuse at the rather blunt apex: capsu'e oblong, cir- cumscissile at t-^p: seeds reddish-brown, somewhat cubical, the testa sinnouJy reticulate." Gre.-ne Put 1:214 SD'B-ja! ARCTOSTAPHYLOS PRINGLEI Parry. "Young branches, including the petioles and margins of the leaves, copiously cili- ate-pubescent, with rr.ixei glandular hairs leaves short, petiolate. glaucous, minutely net-veined, with conspicuous mid-nerves, ovate to broadly subcordate. abruptly short mucronate; inflorescence closely paniculate from a thickened base, inter- mixed with budscales, indicating a late flowering per od. racemose branches slen- der, thickly covered a.; wer as he brae s, pedicles and calyx, with ciliate and glandular hairs, bracts lanceolate mem- braneous, petaloid, deciduous, bracteoles linear nearly V z as long, pedicels slender, divaricate. 4-5 times as long as the bracts, calyx ciliate-glandular, corolla smooth, broadly urceoiate: ovary and fr. glandu- lar, hispid, nutlets irregularly coalescent, 5-7-celled." -Parry. Bull. Cal. Acad. Sc!. ii. 494 (Nov. 2, ISS7). Variety DRTPACEA Parry. ' Differing from the above only in the completely consolidated stone, deeply sculptured, & usually with a conspicuous i-sided furrow. Mts east of San Diego; Or 543; S 1886, distributed as A glauca." Parry, Cal ac b 2:495. ARCTOSTAPHYLOS PARRYANA Lmn. "A much branched shrub, 3-5 high: foliage coriaceous, bright green; blade ovate or oblong %-i' long, acute or ob- tuse, entire, conspicuously impressed 106 veiny; petioles slender, 1 4~ 1 3 / I'^g: in- florescence paniculate-con mbose, the pedicels & bracteoles w-tomentose: bracts f iliaceous, narrow; bract eoles 2 or 3 lines long, dtltoid, with callousiips: segments of the rotate calyx obtuse: fr ovate or glcbose, iy-j/s 7 long, y'i>h; ex- ocarp smooth * glabrous, rather thin; endocarp of from 5-7 firmly united bony carpels, apiculate at each end, & marked with longitudinal ridges corresponding with the back of the carpels: seeds 2 lin. long, incurved, w. Tehachapi mts."- Lemmon pitt 2 68 ARCTOSTAPHYLOS BICOLOR A. Gray. Densely branched irregular shiub, 3-5 ft high, with brown shreddy bark; le-'ves dull green above, whitish toinentose be- neath; fls in condensed racemes, w with a pinkish tinge; fr often persistent until 2d~fl'ing in F, smooth A shining, deep p- red, 4)4 lines in diameter; copious and rather dense granular pulp; putamen smooth externally, solid, 5-celled, i or ni'-re^ab' rtive. SD! l'>aja! PALMERELLA: Calyx 5-parted down to the turbinate tube, which is wholly adnate to the ovary; the lobes s'enderly linear-subulate. Corora with its long- and straight narrow-cy.indvi- cal tube, entire (at least the upper part), not at all dilated at the throat; the short lobes abruptly spreading; 2 smaller distinct, spatulate-linear and turned backwards; the other 3 oblong, united at the very base. Filaments (more or less) adnate to near the throat or the upper part of the tube of the coro:la, then free or further adnate to one side, and monadelphous: anthers oblong-, united. 3 of them naked, 2 tip- ped with a small tuft of very unequal rigid bristles. Stigma, ovary, and ap- parently capsule of Lobelia, of which the plant has the habit, except in the remarkably long tube of the corolla. PALMERELLA DEBILIS A. Gray. Glabrous herb; stems simple or branched above. 2 high, slender & weak, leafy: cor tube w'ish, 74' long, tomentose 107 within, 3 upper lobes deep violet-b, 6-8 mm long. Cantilles. Variety SERRATA A. Gray, bot Cal 1:619. Inflorescence & tube of cor somewhat puberulent; lowest leaves broad, spatu- late, obovate, acutely serrate. Ventura. GITHOPSIS SPECULARIOIDES Nutt 1-9' high; leaves lanceolate-oblong or linear, sessile, coarsely toothed; fls erect, deep blue, usually with w center; ovate Jobes of cor about equaling the rigid calyx-lobes SALVIA BERNARDINA Parish. "(Echinospace) S B Parish, in herb- C r < i f . , i ^ Suffrutescent, several ft hi, somewhat puberulent or glabrate: Ivs rugose & g above, paler beneath. lanceolate, 2' long, pinnately lobed, the lobes crenate: num verticil.^* hds n i In dia m: ex naked within its arcuate upper Jip tipped with 3 : ristiform teeth, which are commonly united almost to the end into a or I , g rea lly sr r sih g the a sin K ly anstate lobts <>f the lower: cor p, sur- passing the ex Nenr SRer, 1885; b. B. Parish." Gieene, Cal ac b 1:211 Katharine Brandegee, Zoe 4 : 9 7-"is probably, as Gray thought, a hybrid." SALVIA CEDROSENSIS Greene. Ar'a!,<:nliar^ "Qhmh i -> hi hrar^V, ^Lalosptiace. bhrub 1-3 hi, branch- t-s w-tomt-ntose. the hairs branching: Ivs- , g & not rugose above, w beneath, ovate, \vithcune-tc, truncate or cordate base, . ' -crtnate, 6-10 h long, on short petioles: flsin short, rather dense. naked ra- cemes: ex lunnelform, 4 li long, striate- veined, ,he 3 very short lobes entire, iniicronate-pointtrd; pedicel less than a li , , u ' ,." .*,i_" i i r , long: cor deep bi, twice the length of the cx: ril naked: sty viteus above. Cedros Island, 28 Ap 1 P'ttoma 1:45 E-JdHSCHOl.TZIA MARI riM A Greene. "Root perennial: stems stout and succulent, very leafy and dichotomous, 2-3 ft. long, wholly prostrate: herbage yery glaucous and als . white - P uberu- lent: leaves dense, i. e., the spatu. ate- oblong obtuse segments numerous, short and crowded: torus with mani- * narrowed to a very short b'unt or even retuse tip: corolla broad-campanu:ate; Petals 10 lines long, lemon-yellow with Point Harris on the northeastern part of the is'and of San Miguel, on clayey slopes near the sea; very plentiful. "- Gre * ne ' pittonia 1:60 - sUms very short: Ivs much dissected, but short and compact: .-scape-like pe- dunc i es numerous, 6 i high, terete, an ^ rather stout: cor as in E. tenui- folia, but of a deeper yellow, sds not reticulate, but deeply pitted and of an ash-gray color A most peculiar spe- cies, collected in 1884 by Mrs. Curran, on the Mohave Desert. The s:ls are re- fc 1:70 (7 Mr 1885). low, glabrous above, glaucescent; branches many and rather slender from an Annual root, decumbent at base, ^ bout oni h1 - h or le ?f- leafy; If segments few, linear-cuneiform; calyx oblong-conic, 1 crn long; pet 2 cm long I T7 \ r\ \ r\ r, LTZ A GLA CA Greene. Perennial, very glaucous, erect, 2-4 f L. h'gh, f a 1-oose y cymose and- some- times aistinctly dichotomous inflor- esce..ce: leaves small, their segments outer margin, the inner erect, hyaline; sds faintly reticulated. Abrams, Fl LA 161: "Santa Monica mountains, not common." ESCHSCHOLTZIA LBMMONI Greene. "Ann, ii-12 i high, with num ascend- ing branches, leafy below, hoary pub- --nt ^oughout, even^to the^ap- lvs with elongated petioles; pea stout. 109 110 Ish, quadrangular, the earliest scapi- ly cordate, % i long; pet distinct- cap- form; torus urceolate, 3-4 li long, near- sul e 3 4-l i long; style slender pe^sist- ly glabrous, constricted just below the ent, at dehisceiic e of the capsule sp'it- narrow, erect hyaline border; calyptra ting up to the stig; sds crestless Luke ovate, long acuminate, very conspicu- Co, Cal to Baja. "Golden Eardrops " ously hairy; pet orange-color, nearly Dielytra chrvsantha H & \ Bot or quite an i long." Greene, W 3:157 Beech 320 (1839-1840) (Ag 1887). Mts of San Luis Obispo Hall U 81 MEXICAXA Greene. "Ann, smooth and glaucous: foliage near San Francisco or Monteiev ' _ less finely dissected (than E. califor- Coville. nica and E. peninsularis) : sts short: Bicuculla chrvsantha Abrams Fl LA ped num. stout and scape-like: pet i 163. long, y or cream color; torus short, Bikukulla chrysantha Coville - CXH obconical, the outer margin a sub-car- 4:60 235 256 tilaginous ring, the inner erect, scar- 'c'apnoi'ch-is ' chrysantha Jepson, Erv- ious, with stout nerves: globular, api- thea 1 - 1 9 culate, with coarse but rather faint DICEXTRA OCHROLEUCA Engelm reticulations. E Californica, yar par- Santa Monica and Temescal, River- , vu1 ^ G*-* 1 Wright, 2:10. E. Doug- side Co . C al. W. S. L-on. lasii, Torr, Mex Bound, 31; Hemsl Biol "stem erect, 3-4 ft high, leafy, Ivs Cent Am Tnis plant ranges from the glaucous, large (lower ones a ft or region ol the upper Gila. in New Mex- mO re long), 3-pinn-ate, ultimate divis- ico, far southward into Texas and ad- ions deeply cleft into lanceolate-linear jacent Mexico, and is apparently a i ob es; fls panicle! on very short pedi- yery good species.' Greene, Cal ac b cels> about 15 lines Ion ^ oVchroleucous; (7 Mr 1885). membranaceous sep suborbicular ; ex- A rank-growing Eschscholtzia grow- terior pe . t slightly saccate at base, up- mg ,n the San Rafael valley, Lower war ds narrower, somewhat concave be- Califorma, with large reddish-or col- low the acute tip an ^ scarce i y spreai- ored fls, was doubtfully referred to this ing; inner pet v .-M e ned above into a SL^2i r i e v ^mrc-pA n defep P nr Ple circular tip, crested with ESCHSCHOLTZIA MODESTA Greene, o very broa , flat an j elongated apper 1- Ann, very slender an .1 diffusely ares; sta subu iate scarc^lv cohering-.'" branching, 1 ft high glabrous and Fngelmann, Bot Gaz 6:223. LA Co. moderately glaucous: Ivs sm, with lew 8 - e]mann . Bot Gaz 6: 223. LA Co. and narrow seg: peaicels axillary, 1 i Bicuculla ochroluca Heller. long or more terete and very slender, Abrams, Fl LA 1G3 Monica nits, nodding in the bud: bud 2 li long, the ' _, permanent portion (torus) with no rim, oenus CAKE>AMI>E Linnaeus. nearly as long as the broadly ovate Erect or ascending herbs mostly calyptra: cor rotate-spreading, % i growing in marshes or along water- broad; pet obovate, not meeting, the courses, with running rootstocks or rounded apex erose-or sinuate-toothed, fibrous rts.. entire, lobed or divided Ivs or, in later fls, deeply 3 lobed, pale y; and racemose or corymbose, w or p fls: sta 8 in 2 rows on opp sides of the Sta usually 6: Siliques elongated, flat, pistil, or, in late fls, 4 only; anthers % generally erect; valves nerveless, elas- li long, on slender fil a li in length; tically dehiscent at maturity, sessile on pol 2 i long, narrow, the valves thin: the receptacle: Sds in 1 row in each sds globular, minute, reticulate; cotyl- cell, compressed, marginless: Cotyle- edons very narrowly oblanceolate, en- dons accumbent. equal or unequal, tire. Collected by S. B. Parish in LA CARDAMIXE FILIFORA Greene. Je 1887 (Xo. 1951)." Greene, Pittonia, Greene, Pittonia 1:30. Cruz. 1:169 (6 Ja 1888). Arabis filifolia Greene. Genus DICEXTRA Borkh. CA^'DAMIXE GAMBFLII S. Watson. Dutchman's Breeches. Per herb with Watson. Am ac pr 11:147. the sts and Ivs from a tuber-like, Type locality: near Santa Barbara, grain-bearing or scaly crown: fls race- Cal (Gambel). mose or paniculate: cor flattened, Rather stout.. 6-9 dm high, branched, heart-shaped or 2-spurred at base: fil decumbppt at base and rootin? at the of each set dilated and united, but dis- lower joints, glabrous or sparingly tinct at the very base and slightly free soft villous: Ivs mostly basil, persist- above, irs: in a rosulate cluster, pinnatelv di- Bikukulla Adans. vided; Ifts 4-6 pairs, ovate to oblong- The name Capnorchis is earlier than linear, usually cuneate at base and the species Plantarum of Linnaeus. acute, mostly few-toothed. 6-24 mm DICENTRA CHRYSANTHA H. & A. long: raceme nearly sessile, becoming Glaucous plants with stiff coarse elongated: fls w, 6-8 mm broad; pedicels leafy sts 2-3 ft high: Ivs bipinnate, %-l slender, divaricate; pods about the same ft long or more, the divisions cleft into length, narrow, erect or ascending, narrow lobes; fls y, in a large racemose often curved: sty slender. 2 mm long, panicle; cor linear-oblong, only slight- Abrams, Fl LA 172. Frequent in Ill 112 marshes and wet places in the valleys, each cell, marginless; sty 0. SBer (Parish 1130). Mexico? Abrams, Fl LA 179. CARDAMINE INTEGRIFOLIA Gray. Type locality: Europe. Baja mts Greene Cal ac b 2:389. Cruz. (Or 1124). Mendocino Co. Baja. Arabis perfoliata. Lamarck. Davidson Erythea 2:178, LA Co. Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:31 Smooth or slightly pubescent: sts (1876). from sm deep-seated tubers, rather Turritis glabra L, Sp PI 2:666 (1753). stout, erect, 10-18 i high, sim- Turritis macrocarpa Nuttall, T & G pie or branched above: lower Ivs often Fl 1:78 (1838). simple, subcordate-orbicular, 1-2% i ARABIS HOLBOELII Hornem. broad, 5-7-nerved, repand; the upper Davidson, Erythea 2:178, LA Co. deeply lobed or pinnately 5-foliolate. SBer foothills (Parish 270). Ifts ovate to oblong, more or less, ir- NM. Yosemite. Greenland and Arctic regularly toothed or entire: pet 6-9 li circle. long, w or pinkish: poJs l-l"/ i long, More or less stellate-pubescent, rare- as many li wide, pointed at each end ly hirsute, or even glabrous: st erect, and tipped with a sty 1-1% li long: l%-2 ft hi, simpl'e or braching: lower pedicels spreading, %-!% i long. Ivs spatulate, entire or denticulate; Cardamine angulata Torrey, Pac Ry cauline oblong-lanceolate, sagittate R 4:65. and clasping at base, %-l i long or Cardamine paucisecta Bentham, Pi more: pet twice longer than ex, 3-4 li Hartw 297 (1857). long, w or rose-color, rarely p, becom- Dentaria integrifolia Nuttall, T & G ing reflexed: pods 1-4 i long, %-l li Fl 1:88. ' wide, strongly reflexed: sds wingless Dentaria Californica Nuttall, in T & or narrowly margined. G Fl 1:88 (1838). Hornem, Fl Dan xi. t 1879. Genus ARABIS Linnaeus. S l S >" br ' U ^ reflexum Kellogg, Cal ac pr 2:101 I Z9. Ann or per, glabrous or pubescent Arabis retrofracta Grah; Watson, Bot herbs with entire, lobed or pinnatifid King Exp IS Ivs and white or purple fls: Siliques lin- Territls patula Grah ear, elongated, compressed, with smooth AR-VBIS Pl.ATYSPERMA A. Gray, or keeled mostly 1-nerved valves, not Mt Shasta* Yosemite: SBer mts elastic, dehiscent at maturity: Stigma (p ar } s h 498). nearly entire or 2-lobed: Sds in 1 or Canescent 'with a short stellate pu- 2 row-s in each cell, flattened, winged or brscence: sts several from a per base, A|fms;A|ca^ S A" C G^ fen ?*?/' ob 1 a ^e i ouVtf or 'ipaSlate! ?! Hall u 81. bier mts (Parish 1300). long .. tne cauline oblong-lanceolate, sessile but not auricled at base, 4-10 Gray, Am ac pr 6:187 (1864) n > t rose - C olored, 2-3 li long: lype locality: "shelving rocks, on , st-ntsrht erect 1-2 i long and 2 high hills near St. Barbara, Upper Cal- R ^^ acSminatl; without st?f loosely lf Camsc,ntl y villous or tomentose " cu w ft e ? : Sis in l r W * ^ * ^^ with branching hairs, the pubescence ' v A nr nr fi-519 (1865) of the mil short, branched and entan- ^ray, Am C ?r 6.51^2 ^^ s ra j n : ch!& ^iirii^iSs^ J ^sSS? 13 - 227 feet ' and above SeTder pefiolS 8^Sl!S?b^. or East U ^ dt f* NeV (WatS n) ' linear-lanceolate, 1-2 i long, auricled at ARABIS REPANDA S. Watson, base, acute; all sparingly sinuate- Abrams Fl LA 178. toothed, -sometimes entire: fls erect; pet Watson, Am ac pr 1 p or deep vio, 4-6 li long, scarcely 1 li Bien; st stout, branching, 3 dm high wide, spreading: and recurved: sds or more, pubescent throughout wit narrowly winged or wingless. mostly stellate hairs, usually longer Streptanthus arcuatus Nuttall, in T and simple at base; Ivs narrow - & G Fl 1-77 (1838). ly obovate to oblanceolate, 3-10 ARABIS GLABRA Eernh. cm long, sparingly toothed or nearly Bien; erect pubescent below, gla- entire, those of the st narrowed to a brous and Raucous above, simple or winged petiole, acute or obtuse; fls w, somewhat branched, 5-10 dm high; sm; pet narrow, 4 mm long, slightly b;.sal Ivs petiolecl, 5-15 cm long, oblan- exceeding the ex; pods recurved- ceolate or oblong, dentate or sometimes spreading, faintly 1-nerved at the 1 .se, ivrate, pubescent with simple hairs, sds elliptic, broadly winged. those of the st with sagittate base, Hall U 81. SBer mts (Parish 4 cclabrous entire, or the lower dentate, Yosemite. Gabriel mts. 5-10 cm 'long, lanceolate or oblong, ARABIS VIRGINICA Trelease. ' a'utish; fls ;-ellowlsh-w, 4 mm broad; -Abrams, Fl LA 178. pe lie els 4-10 mm long, erect; pods nar- Ann or rarely bien, glabrate; sts a,s rowly linear 5-7 c-m long, 1 mm wide, cending or decumbent, 1.5-3 dm high, crept and appressed: sds in 2 rows in Ivs oblong, narrow, deeply pmatil ed, 113 2.5-7 cm long", the lower petioled, up- per nearly sessile; pedicels spreading or ascending-, 4 mm long- in fr; fls very sm. w; pods linear, ascending-, 16-24 mm long-, about 2 mm broad; sds in 1 row in each cell, nearly as broad as the pod, orbicular, wing-margined. Arabis Lucloviciana C. A. M.->yer. Genns CALLA.VTHUS Watson. Stout erect bien. with pinnatifil. toothed or nearly entire Ivs and p or sh-w fls: Sep about equal, sac- cate at base: Pet slightly longer, un- dulate-crisped, claw broad, blade rhom- boid a 1 scarcely broader than claw: Anth linear, sagittate at base, curved: Stig- somewhat 21obed.. the lobes par- allel with the valves: Pods terete, elon- gated, sessile upon the receptacle; valves 1 -nerved: Sds in I row., oblong', somewhat flf 1 tt^ned. scarcely or not at all margined: Cotyledons incumbent. CAULAXTHUS AMPLEXICAULIS S. Watson. Hall, U 82. Davidson, Erythea 2:178, LA Co. Glaucous ann, rather slender and flex- uous, simple or more fre luentiy Y^'th several spreading branches; Ivs ellip- tic-oblong or the upper broadly cor- date-clasping, subentire often >s~ i i- > n 1- ing; pedicels 8-24 mm long, widely spreading. Abrams. Fl LA 166. Near San Fe?~ nando (Davidson). CAFLAXTHUS COULTERI S. Watson. Watson. Bot King Exp 27; Bot Cal 36. Mostly hispid: sts ra f her slender. 1-2 ft hi, simple or branched : Ivs mostly dentate, sessi'e. the radical broadly spatulate and sinuately toothed; cau- line oblong-lanceolate, clasping with a cordate base; the uppermost entire: sep 3-4 li long, broad, acute, hispid: pod straight, terete, 3-4 i long, nearly l 1 ^ li broad, pendent upon the hispid pedicel, beaked b^ the stout stv: stig 2-lobed. So Cal (Coulter); Ft. Tejon (Xantus). CAULAXTHUS CRASSICAULIS S. Wat- son. Glabrous, glaucous; st hollow, in- flated, erect. 2-3 ft hi, rarely branched: Ivs mostlv radical, petioled, runcinate or runcinate-pinnatifid: fls 6 li long, dark p: ex very woolly: po 1 terete, 3-5 i long. 1% li broad, ascending on very short pedicels: stig 2-lobed, sessile. Watson, bot King Exp 27 (1871): bot Cal 36: "known as wild cabbage and at times used for food." Type locality: "Mountain side on the east shore of the Salt Lake, Utah." Coville. CNH 4:62. 251. CAULAXTHUS GLANDULOSUS Hooker. Variety LAFVIS S. Watson. Baja (Or 899): SBer (Parish 449). CAT'L \XTHUS IXFLATUS Watson. Watson. Am ac pr 17:364 (1882). Type locality: "in the Mohave Desert, California." CAULAXTHUS PTLOSUS S. Watson. Watson, bot King Exp 27 (1871). 114 Type locality: "on dry foot-hills ii, the Truckee Valley, and near Humboldt hike. Xevada." Genus TROPIDOCARPLM Hooker. Slen ler erect branching an_. mo'-e or less hirsute-pubescent with simple ha^s or with a few fo-'k^d ones inter- mingling: Ivs pinnatifil- tie in loose leafy-bracted racemes: sen c-^ve, spreading, at base: pet spatulate- obovate: sta tetra lynrrnous; anth short, rounded: stig ci-'-Mlar or slightlv emarginate. on a slender sty: silique rmrtially or completely 2-celled, some- times twiste^. TROPTDOCARPUM GRACJLF, Hooker. Hooker. Ic PI L t 43 (1837). Sts slander, e^ect o^ spreading, usu- ally 15-25 cm lone, more or less pub- escent: Ivs shnl lowly or deeplv pinna- tifid. seg acutish, cleft or entire: cau- line Ivs reduced: pedicels axy. sprea 1- inc-. 6-20 mm long: pols lanc^-linear to lir.ear. 1-2 cm l^rg. strongly obeom- pr^ssei throughout; sds in 2 rov.-s in each cell. Type locality: "Monterey, Califor- nia." Coville. CXH 4:65. 234. Xea- P Abrams, Fl LA 173. Frequent in our interior valley. Genns THELYPODIUM Endl. Erect an or biennial herbs, glabrous or somewhat pubrspo^t "Mth simple hairs: Ivs entire, toothed or pinnatifil: fls T-acemose or subspicate. p'is h or w'is'h: silinues nearly terete. linear, short-stioitate or sessile; valves 1- nerve^. dehisc^rt: sty short; stig near- ly entire: sis in 1 row in each cell, ob- THET-YPODII T M COOPERI S. Watson. Southern Cal (Parish 1751). TT-TFT.vpODIU:>I INTEGRIFOL.IUM Fndl. Stout, 3-6 ft high, b^an^hed at th summit, often corymboselv: radical IT-S, o^tpa a ft or m^r-p long, oblo-er- elliptical. long-petiole-^ ; cauline Ivs mostly narrowly lanceolnte. 1-2 i long, spssilo, ascen.l in?, the uppermost linear: fls crowded and almost corym- bose, at thp end of th^ branches: sep 114-2 1 /, li long: pet spatulate-obovate, pale rose-f^o!or: fr'nr racemes sho-t and crowded: pod 6-15 li long, some- what torulose, acuminate with the slender stv. T- dee of the ^ohave Desert (Ileer- niann). Ore: X'AT. ^avi^^op Fryhef ?' 1 "8. T.A Co. Peserts, San Bernardino Co. (Parish Xuttal in T & G ^1 1-96 (1838). THFLYPODTI'M L * STOPHYLcLUM G-pene. Torr cl b 13:142 (1885), based on TuTltis (?) lasi^^hvlla Hooker & Arn. Pot Beech 321 (1839-40). Abrams, Fl LA 166. F^pr-t an. simple or sparingly branched above the middle, hispid be- 115 116 low, often smopthish above: Ivs oblan- long-clawed: sta 6, nearly equal, anth ceolate in outline, irregularly sinuate- twisted: ova short, stipitate; sty short toothed or pinnatifid with spreading or 0: siliques linear, long-stipitate, acute entire or toothed seg, 4-12 cm spreading or recurving, somewhat corn- long, distinctly petioled or the upper pressed, dehiscent; valves strongly 1- sessile by a narrow base: infl racemose: nerved: sds in 1 row in each cell: coty- sep oblong, y z as long* as pet: pet nar- ledons straight, row, spatulate, 3-5 mm long, pale rose STANLEYA PINNATA Britton. or yellowish-w: siliques usually de- Sts stout, 15-25 drn high; lower Ivs flexed or widely spreading, slender at- pinnatifid or pinnately divided or rare- tenuate, 3-5 cm long, on pedicels 2-3 ly entire, 10-20 cm long, 2-8 cm wide, mm long. long-petioled; upper Ivs similar or less Sisymbrium reflexum Nuttall, PI divided or oblong-lanceolate and en- Garnb 183. Watson Bot . Cal 1:41.-^ tire, short- petioled; fls numerous, y; Greene, Cal ac b 1:221. pet 16-24 mm long; fil filiform exserted; Thelypodium neglectum Jones, Am siliques 5-8 cm long, on stipes about ^ nat 17:875. as long. Variety 1NALJENUM Robinson. Abrams, Fl LA 165. Abrams, Fl LA 166. Hills about LA. CD (Parish), Mohave, SBer, NM, Ar, Size and habit of type; pet y; siliques Wyo. erect or sligncly spreading. Britton, NY ac tr 8:62 (1889). Sisymbrium acutangulum Brewer & Type locality: "in Upper Louisiana." Watson. Bot Cal 1:41 (1876). Cleome pinnata Pursh, Fl 2:739 THELYPODIUM WRIGHTII A. Gray. (1814). .Baja mts (Or. 945). Stanleya pinnatifida Nuttall. Genus THYSANOCARPUS Hooker. Genus SOPHIA Adams. Erect and slender, sparingly Ann or per herbs, canescent or pubes- branched ann with minute w or rose- cent with short forked hairs.. with colored fls in slender elongated race- slender branching sts, 2-pinnatifid or iv! es: sta 6, tetra lynamous or rarely finely dissected Ivs: fls y, in terminal only 1: Capsule compressed, orbicular, racemes, these becoming elongated in 1-celled, 1-ovuled, inclehiscent, winged; fr: e NC early deciduous: sty very short: the wings entire crenate or perforated, siliques linear or linear-oblong, slen- THYSANOCARPUS CURVIPES Hooker, der-pedicelled, valves 1-nervei: sds More or less hirsute, 2 dm hi or minute, oblong, wingless, in 1 or 2 rows more, branching above; basal Ivs ros- in each cell: cotyledons incumbent, ulate, oblong, pirtn>atifi,l with short, SOPHIA INCISA Greene, blunt lobes or dentate; upper Ivs lance- Glabtous or somewhat glandular- olate, sagittate-auriculate, clasping fit hairy, 3-6 dm high, freely branching; base, 1-2 cm long; pedicels very slen- Ivs pinnately divided, the seg lanceo- der, 3-6 mrn long, strongly recurved; late or linear-lanceolate, incisely ser- capsuTe usually pubescent; wings en- rate; pet lanceolate spatulate, surpass^ tire or orenate. ing the pet; pedicels 4-6 mm long, Abrams, Fl LA 177. "Frequent on spreading, exceeded by the spreading Or grassy slopes. Mr-Ap." curved-ascending, nearly or quite gla- Hall. U S3. brous capsule; sds in 1 row in ea'cTi Variety ELEGANS Robinson. cell. Variety PULCHELLUS Greene. Abrams, Fl LA 177. SBer mts, fre- DavHson. Er.'thea 2:179. LA Co. quont in the pine belt. THYSANOCARPUS LACINIATUS Nutt. SOPHIA PINNATA Howell. Smooth or nearly so, somewhat Densely canescent throughout, pale; glaucous, 2-4 dm high, Ivs rather thin, st erect, branched, 2-7 dm high, slen- 1 asal ones not forming a rosette, linear, der, the branches ascending; Ivs 5-10 entire to deeply pinnatifid into narrow cm long, oblong, 2-pinnatifid into very linear, seg : upper Ivs entire, 20-2-5 mm numerous small, toothed or entire ob- long, 2-4 mm wide, narrowed at base, tuse seg; pedicels very slender, widely recemes 10-20 cm long: pods elliptic to spreading, 10-15 mm long; pods hori- ovbicular, 3-3.5 mm in diam, including zontal or ascending, oblong or linear- the entire or slightly crenate wing, oblong, somewhat compressed, 6-8 mrn 7< ticulate, glabrous or sometimes long, 2 mm wide, canescent or gla- somewhat pubescent; pedicels slender, brous: sds in 2 rows in each cell. sp-ealing" an 1 becoming more or less Abrams. Fl LA 177. "Common in 'ceflexed. san-iv soil in the foothills and valleys. Abrams, Fl LA 177. Ap-Je." '-lanles-ee Zoe 1:113, Catalina I. SD (Or 43). Baja! Variety CREMATUS Brandegee. See Sisymbrium pinnatum. Oenus STAXLEYA ' Nuttall. Genus ATHYSANUS Greene. Mostly tall erect branching glabrous Slender diffuse ann, leafy only near or glaucous per herbs; Ivs entire tooth- the base: Ivs simple, toothed: sep equal: e! o- pinnately divided; fls large, y, pet without claws: sta 6, equal: silicles b> artless, in elongated terminal rac- orbicular, not winged or margined, 1- emes: sep linear, narrow: pet narrow, celled, 1-ovuled. 117 ATHYSAXUS PUSILLUS Greene. Hirsute-pubescent; sts filiform, branching from the base, the branches mostly ascending, unilaterally race- mose throughout; Ivs few, ovate, spar- ingly toothed, 1 cm long; fls minute, often apetalous; pols lenticular, more or less uncinate hispid, 2 mm long or less. Abrams, Fl LA 176. Frequent in the chaparral belt throughout our range. Mr-My. Vancouver Island: SD! Raja! Thysanocarpus pusillus Hooker, Ic PI t 43; Hook & Arn. bot Beechey 324. Thypanocr-irpus oblongifolius Nuttall. in T" & G Fl 1:118. Genus ALYSSIM Tournefort. Pod oval or orbicular, compressed; valves convex and nerveless: sds 1 or 2 in each cell; cotyledons accumbent. Sep equal: pet .w or y: longer fil often toothed: low herbs, stellate-canescent, mostly with simple Ivs. Nearly 150 species, natives of the old world. Konig Adans. ALYSSUM MARITIMUM Lam. Ascending or sometimes procumbent, freely branching, 1-3 dm high, min- utely pubescent with appressed hairs; basal leav-p oblanceolate, narrowed into a petiole: fls w, fragrant, about 4 mm bivDal; fr'ing pedicels ascending, 118 Ivs ovate and entire, or pinnatin 1 with several oblong lobes: upper Ivs linear an 1 often entire; silicle elliptic-oblong, obtuse. A small slender-branching glabrous ann.. 2-6 i hi. Parry, bot obs Wyo 4. Type locality: "shady grassy plains of th.A Oregon, near the junction of the Wahlamet." Bursa divaricata K. Rev gen pi 1:21 (1891). Hutchinsia procumbens Desv. Capsella elliptica Meyer. Hymenolobus divariratus and H. erectus Nuttall, in T & G Fl 1:117 (1838). Genus BRASSICA Linnaeus. Mustard. Erect branching an or bi- ennial herbs, with pinnatifid Ivs, those of the st dentate or often nearly en- tire, and showy y fls in elongated cemes: siliques elongated sessile on .* * receptacle, terete or 4-angled, tippe 1 with a persistent usually l-seedel beak; valves 1-3-nerved: stig truncate or 2-lobed: Sds in 1 row in each cell, globose: Cotyledons conduplicate. BRASSICA ADPR.5SSIS Boiss. Parish, Zoe 1:57. *None of the leaves clasping the stem. BRASSICA NIGRA Koch. Erect 1-3 m high, freely and widely nearly througdiout the year. Sweet alyssum. Konig maritima R. Br. Alvams, Fl LA 180. Lobularia maritima Desv. Genus CAPSELLA Moench. Erect ann herbs, pubescent with forked hairs: basal Ivs tufted: fls race- mose, small, w: silicles cuneate-obcor- f'ate. obcompressed. the valves keeled: Sty short: Sds num in each cell., mar- ginless: Cotyledons accumbent. Shep- herd's Purse. Bursa Weber. CAPSELLA BURSA-PASTORIS Medic. Erect, branching, 15-40 cm high, ent below, mostly glabrous above; basal Ivs lobed or pinnatifid, forming a rosette, 5-12 cm long; cau- line Ivs few, lanceolate, auricled, den- tate or entire: fls 2 mm broad: pedicels slender, " spreading or ascending, 10-14 mm long in fr: pods triangular, more or less deeply emarginate at apex, rarely truncate, 4-6 mm long. Com- mon weed. Type locality: European. Bursa Bursa-pastoris Britton. Abrams Fl LA 175. Bursa pastoris Wigg, Prim Fl Hols 47 (1780). Davidson, Erythea 1:57. LA. CAPSELLA DIVARICATA Walpers. Erect or subdecumbent, branched; ; seg all den- tate; upper Ivs shon-petioled or ses- sile, pinnatifid or dentate or the upper- most entire; fls 6-10 mm broad; pedi- cels slender, 4 mm long in fr; pods narrowly linear, 4-angled, smooth 10-15 mm long. 1 mm '.vide, appressed against the st beak slender 2-4 mm long; sds dark brown. Abrams, Fl LA 170. Common in poorly cultivated fields, especially in adobe soils. Ap-My. Davidson. Erythea 1:56, LA Co. Hall. U 81. Parish, Zoe 1:.". Cruz; Guad; Black mustard. -F-andegee, Zoe 1:112. Cat. Koch, in Roehl Deutschl Fl Ed 3, 4:713 (1833). Type locality: European. Sinapis nigra L sp PI 2:668 (1753). BRASSICA ALBA Boiss. Erect, branching above, 3-10 dm hiarh. more or less pubescent with sim- ple hairs; Ivs all pinnatifid or the upper only dentate; pods spreading, pubes- cent, tipped with a flattened black of about equal length: sds pale y. Abrams, Fl LA 170. Davidson, Erythea 1:57, Monica (Hasse). White Mustard. **Upper leaves clasping. BRASSICA CAMPESTRIS L. Sts 3-10 dm hi, glabrous and glau- cous or rarely slightly pubescent be- 119 low; lower Ivs petioled, pubescent, more or less lobed or pinnatifid, the up- per glabrous, lanceolate or oblong, acute or obtuseish, sessile and clasp- ing at the base, entire or dentate; pedi- eels spreading or ascending, often 2 cm long in fr; pods 3-5 cm long; beak 8-10 mm Ion- Frequent in waysides and neglected gardens. Ja-Ap. In favored places often flowering rfearly throughout the Abrams, Fl LA 170. Br Zoe 1:113, Cat. Parish, Zoe, 1:57. Davidson, Errthea 1:57, LA. r.ruz; Quad, tean Miguel Island. Wild BRA&TCA SINAPISTRUM Boiss Parish, Zoe 1:57. n - n ' rougrh wlth spreading hairs, 2-5 120 natifid, pinnately lobed or toothed the lower 25-75 mm long; racemes short' fls pale y, 4 mm broad; pet slightly ex- ceeding the sep; sty shorf pods linear 8-15 mm long, about 1 5 mm wide' strongly curved upward; pedicels spreading or ascending. Frequent in low ground, about ponds and on river bottoms. Variable in fol- iage characters. Parry, bot obs Wyo 17. Roripa curvisiliqua Bessey. Abrams, Fl LA 172. Variety LYRATUM S. Watson. Davidson, Erythea 2:178. LA Co. Lvs coarsely toothed, broad above, narrowed toward the base. NASTURTIUM OBTUSUM Nuttall. Variety SPHAEROCARPUN S. Watson. few smaller ones upon the rachis; up- per Ivs often undivided, oblong or lan- ceolate: pods somewhat torulose, 1-1 % i long, more than a third occupied by the stout 2-edgert Ixak; valves often ribbed by the prominent nerves. "The charlock of the eastern U S and Eu, where it is often a troublesome weed in ^rainfieMs. Sparingly natural- ized in So Cal." Watson,. Bot Cal 1:40. Sinapis arvensis Linnaeus. Genu* NASTURTIUM R. Brown. Nearly or quite glabrous ann or per, sometimes growing in water, mostly in wet places- lvs toothed or pinnatifid or pinnately divided: fls sm, w or y: sep sprorr ling in anthesis: pet scarcely clawed: stig capitate, nearly sessile: pod linear or oblong, terete or nearly so, valv-:s mostly 1-nerved: sds minute, in ? rows in each cell: cotyledons ac- cumbent. *Flowers white. NASTURTIUM OFFICINALE R. Br. \V tercress. Aquatic, glabrous; sts iiing, floating o~ creeping, i ~coti v ig' frm the no^es; lvs odd-pinnate; lits 3-11, roundish or oblong, nearly en- :; flow- the' length of The sepals; pods 1-S cm long-, 2 mm wide, spreading and plight- ly curved upward, on pedicels of about tivn- ovi length. Pommon in streams. My-O. Eu, widelv naturalized In Am. , Hort Kew ed 2. 4:110 Erect or diffuse, glabrous or pubes- cent, an or nearly bien or per herbs, with pinnatifid, lobed or entire Iv.s ar-d racemose w or w'ish fls: pet small or rarely 0: sta often fewer than 6: silicies oblong or obovate, flattened contrary to the partition, more or less emar: dm high, gla- Type locality: "on the Mohave river," brate or somewhat pubescent; lower Cal (Fremont). Ivs deeply pinnatifi 1 with nar: o ,v Per wiih a somewhat woody base, rachis an 1 alternate seg; the upper Ivs diffusely branched, glabrous and glauc- often entire; racemes 1-several, loosely ous, 1-1 y z ft hi: Ivs linear, 1-3 i long, fl'l; pet consi lerabl : ing tne entire or sparingly lobed: racemes sep; pedicels strongly flattened, sprea 1- rather short and few fid, terminal and ing; capsule smooth, 'shining, often pur- lateral: pods rounded, abruptly cuneate plisn. 4-5 mm long. at base, 2-4 li broad, slightly emargin- Abrams, Fl LA 1^8 Very common ate with short very obtuse teeth. on grassy plains an 1 hills. F-Mr. Xorthwestern Xev (Watson, Lem_ Brandegee, Z^e 1:113. Catalina Is. mon). So Ut (Parry). So Colo (Roth- Davidson, Erythea 2:179. LA Co. LEPIDIUM LASIOCARPUM Xutt Genus CHEIRAXTHUS Linnaeus. Low, branching from or near the CHEIRANTHUS AXGUSTATUS Greene, base, decumbent or ascending hirsute Per; rather stout, erect. 5 dm high or with spreading hairs or somewhat more; Ivs na.rro\vly linear-lanceolate; tomentulose: lower Ivs pinnately part- entire or few-toothel. few an! scattere 1 ed, seg usually rather broad obtuse or above, densely clothing the basal part roundel, sparingly toothed or entire- of tne herbaceous st and short sterile racemes several; pedicels distinctly flat- benches of the short subligneous cau- tenei, horizontally spreading 3 mm dex < the whole pl^nt ubcin- long; capsule suborbicular, thin-mar- -ippresse 1 2-forkel hairs: cx-lpbes 10-1! gined near the apex, hispil pubescent mm l n ~: P et V- the lower pair parallel upon both faces or at least upon tne to Pach other, the upp^r divergent from margins. each other: pods in a long, lax, raceme, Abrams, Fl LA 168. Sand-dunes 4-si led. ascending. along the seashore. Abrams, Fl LA 179. Monica and Davidson, Erythea 2:179, LA Co. Santa Ana mts. Brandegee, Zoe 1:113. Cat. CH^TR \XTHl'S PUF^RUTESCEXS. Nuttall, in T & G Fl 1::115 (1838). "Pe~: of -< n rnu-h bran*-he1. the ^ Type locality: "near St. Barbara, in branches v.-o^-'y, 1 m long o~ less, usu- Upper California." ally straggling am^ng low shrubs, Coville, CNH 4:66, 36, 242, 244, 245. rough from th- ne-sistent bps^s of the '7. 248, 250, 252, 253. "A common r-n lv5. usuilly about 5 mm thick; floral desert annual." l.r-aiches clustere 1 at the enls of the Variety TENUIPFS S. Watson. mnin branches, slen-ler. 3-4 dm long; LEPIDIUM LATIPES Hooker. Ivs sratterel along the floral branches. Hooker, Ic PI t 41; T & G Fl 1:116. densely clothing their b~es. v^ry na-- Hispid with short spreading hairs or rowly Hnear-oblanceolate, 2-3 mm the Ivs glabrous: sts several, stout, v^-of, i. ^nt^e or -pmotely and obscure- simple, 1-3 i long: Ivs exceeding the sts, ly denticulate, these as well as the ir'ly and coarsely pinnatifid, the seg branches einemus with appressed 2- linear and entire or lobed: racemes forke-i hairs: cx-^b^? 6-7 mm long; o^t short and capitate, in fr 1 i long or y, cruciform; pods in rather short bxU less; pedicels 1-2 li long; sep very un- fax -a^^es. on newels about 8 mm equal: pet broadly spathulate, ciliate. loner, widely spreading, straight or greenish, 1-2 li long, much exceeding slightly curve 1 upwards. 4-si' 1 e1. 1.5- the sep: pod broadly oval, 2 li broad, i 75 m fn broa^. 5-^ cm long; beak skn_ sparingly pubescent, strongly reticu- /i e r. scare-ply 1 mm b-oad and but littl* lated, the broad acute wings nearly as longer: s^s brownish, about 1.5 mm long as the pod. long. Common on the sanddunes along In saline soils near the coast, from thp sensho^. Flo^'erir^r nearlv the rinez, Cal. to Baja. SD (Or 20). vear "^iin-1 " ^ b^ams Fl LA 179. LEPIDIUM MEDIUM Greene. Glabrous or nearly so; sts simple be. ' Genus BRTSIMUM Linnaeus. low, branching above, erect, 2-9 cm ni: T n. somewhat hirsute at least Ivs lanceolate, dentate, rarely pin- br-]o^- irh simple hai^s: Ivs pinnatifid: natifid: st Ivs entire: pedicels slender, Infl sni^ifo^m ^vi^h sev^^al divaricately terete, spreading or divaricate, longer spreading branches: fls sm. y: siliques than the capsule; sta 2-4; capsule or- terete, tapering almost f^om the base bicular retuse, glabrous. to anex; stig slightly 2-lobed: sds in 1 Abrams. Fl LA 167. Common in the row in each cell. valleys and mountains throughout our A monotvpic genus as above defined range. by Abrams. 123 Erect stoutish bien or per, simple or with few branches: Ivs narrow, entire, dentate or lobed: fls large, or to light y. sep narrow, equal at base or the lat- eral saccate: pet with slender claws and obovate blades: pod linear, flattev-d, with 1-nerved valves or quadrangular: & Is in 1 row, num, not margined. As last defined by Jepson, the genus Cheiranthus of Linnaeus. LRYSIMUM OFFICINALE L. Abrams, Fl LA 169. See sisymbrium officinale Scop. ERYSISUM ASPERUM DC. British Am to Mexico. Cruz. SBer (Or 1391). Baja! SD (Or 17). Hall, U 82. DC, Syst 2:505 (1821); Hook, Fl 1:64 t 22. Type locality: "on the plains of the Missouri, commencing near the con- fluence of the White river." Coville, CNH 4:64. 260. Bien, canescent with short appressed hairs: sis solitary and simple, rarely branched above, I-?, ft hi or less: Ivs oblanceolate or narrowly spatulate: the cauline linear to linear-lanceolate, en- tire or sparingly repand with short acute teeth, 1-3 i long: sep narrow, 4-6 li long, strongly gibbous: pet 8-12 li long, light y to deep or, or p: pods 1-4 i long, 1 li wide, beaked with a stout sty, ascending on stout spreading pedicels 3 li long. Erysimum Californicum Greene. Cheiranthus u,speras Nuttall, Gen 2.69 (1818). Genus BARBAREA R. Brown. Erect glabrous biennial or per branching herbs with angled sts, pin- natifid Ivs and racemose y fls. Silique elongated, linear 4-angled; valves keel- el or ribbed; sty short; stig 2-lobed or capitate. Sds in 1 row in each cell, flat, obiong, marginless. Cotyledons accum- bent. j_s- itBAREA BARBAREA MacM. Tufted sts erect, 3-6 dm high; lower Ivs petioled, 5-12 cm long, lyrately-pin- natifid, seg oval or obovate, repand- toothed or sometimes entire; upper Ivs sf ssiie, rarely clasping: fls y, 6-8 mm broad; pods spreading or ascending, about 2 cm long, obscurely 4-angled; pedicels about 4 mm long. Barbarea vuigaris R Br. Abrams, Fl LA 171. "Moist places in the ims. confined mostly to the pine belt. Je-Ag." BAT-BARIBA VULGARIS R. Br. See Earbarea barbarea MacM. Variety ARCUATA Fries. Pols and pedicels spreading. Variety Gi^ABRlOR Robinson. Genus SISYMBRIUM Linnaeus. Erect ann with pinnatifid or finely dissected Ivs, the base not clasping or auriculate:. fls sm,' y: sep oblong or linear, equalling or exceeding the claws of the pet: silique linear, terete or nearly so. the values more or less dis- 124 tinctly 3-nerved; stigma sessile or the style very short: cotyledons incumbent. SISYMBRIUM INCISUM Engelm. Ann; pubescence short, more or less glandular: sts branched, 1-4 ft hi: Ivs pinnate, segs linear to ovate-oblong, more or less deeply pinnatifid, some- times entire: pet y, about 1% li long: pods narrowly linear, usually pointed at both ends, y 2 i long and 8-12-seeded, OF sometimes much shorter and few- seeded, mostly exceeding the spreading pedicels. Engelmann in Gray, PI Fendl 8 (1849). Type localities: "banks of streams in New Mexico; Santa Fe .creek, and Mora River." LA (Davidson). Wash. NM. Variety FILIPES Gray, PI Fendl 8. Sisymbrium longepedunculatum Four, Sisymb 59, excluding synonymy. Davidson Erythea 2:178. LA Co. A form with divaricate pedicels, 6-8 li long, exceeding the pods. From Ore, perfectly glabrous (Spaulding); from Ar, canescent with a fine dense pubes- cence (Palmer). Variety HARTWEGIANUM S. Watson. The short pods on somewhat ap- pressed or nearly erect pedicels about 2 li long. Sisymorium Hartwegianum Fourn, Sisymb 66. SISYMBRIUM OFFICINALE Scop. Davidson, PI LA Co 2; Erythea 1:57. LA Cf). Hedge Mustard. A little rough-hispid with scattered hairs; stems rigid, erect, 3-4 ft high, with divaricate branches above; Ivs lyrately and often somewhat runcinately pinnatifid or pinnately parted with dentate or coarsely toothed seg petioled, the lowest rosulate and 4-10 i long: fls lV 2 -2 lines in diam; pods terete, % i long, tapering from base to summit, nearly sessile, closely appressed to the axis in a long slender raceme. A very common weed. Santa Cruz Island, "in cult lands only." Greene. Erysimum officinale L. SISYMBRIUM ACJTANGULUM DC. Davidson, Erythea 1:57 LA, probably refers to Thelypodium lasiophylum in_ alienum. SISYMBRIUM REFLEXUivI Nutt. . Brandegee, Zoe 1:113, Cat. See Thelypodium lasiophyllum Greene. SISYMBRIUM PINNATUM Greene. Sisymbrium canescens Nuttall, Gen 2:68 (1818). Upper San Joaquin valley. Cal. Baja. Greene, Cal ac b 2:390 (1887). Cruz, LA (Davidson). Erysimum pinnatum Walter, Fl Carol 174 (1788). See Sophia pinnata Howell, for de- scription. Genus RAPHAXUS Linnaeus. Erect or widely branching from the base, ann or bien herbs, with lyrate Ivs and showy fls: Silique elongated linear, 125 126 fleshy or corky, constricted or qontinu- racemes; bracts simp!^; pet y, 10-16 cm ous and spongy between the sds. inde- lon^ twice longer than ihe ?"]>; :i;> hiscent: sds globose: cotyledons con- oblong- 2.5-0.5 cm long, attenuate into duplicate. tU3 stipe and abruptly tapering at the RAPHANUS RAPHANISTRUM L. apex. Wild Radish. Pet y, veined, becom- Abrams, Fl LA 181. ing w or p: pods necklace-shaped, long- Nuttall, in T & G Fl 1:124 (1838). beaked, 1-9-seeded, breaking easily be- Type locality: "St. Diego, Gal." tween the sds. Naturalized in various Variety GLCBDSA Coville. parts of the world as a troublesome Abrams, Fl LA 1S1. weed in cultivated fielis. Coville, Wash biol soc pr 7:73 (1892); RAPHAXUS SATIVUS L. CXH 4: <57, 258. Davidson, Erytnea 1:57. LA Co, "bids St not glaucous; pet ovate, sub-pal- fair to become one of the most trouble- mately veined; capsule globose, trun- some of weeds. cate or retuse, 2.5-3.5 cm long; si with Davidson, PI LA Co 2. a transverse groove between hilum anl Bienn or ann from a more or less bodv otherwise as the type form, elongated fleshy rt: erect and freely Type in USNHb (No. 1107. Death Y-iI- branching, 3-5 dm high, sparsely pub- ley Exp), collected 24 ^ 1891, on Cali- escent with stiff hairs or nearly gla- ente creek, a few miles above Caliente, brous above: lower Ivs deeply lyrate- Kern Co, Cal, by Frederick V. Coville. plnnatifld: seg crenate or dentate: tts ,, TT^OTTT^ \ T 12-18 mm broad, y or w, with p veins: Genus RESEDA Linnaeus, pods 2-4 cm long, constricted between Erect or decumbent herbs wit the sis when mature: sis 2-several; tire, lobed or pinnatifil Ivs and sm beak conical, 1-2 cm long. spicate or narrowly racemose fls: Pet as, Fl LA 171. 4-7. toothed or cleft: Disk cup-shaped, CLEOME LUTEA Hooker. glandular: Sta 8-30, inserted on the in- Erect, glabrous, branching, 4-12 dm ner surface of the disk and on one si:.e high; Ivs 5-foliate, slender-petioled or of the fl: capsule 3-6-iooei, horned at the upper 3-foliate and subsessile; Ifts the top befr~ e maturity. Mignonette or oblong or oblong-oblanceolate, entire, D\ er's weed. short-stalked or sessile, narrowed at HESADA ODORATA Linnaeus, the base, obtuse or acute and mucronu- Common Mignonette: Sts decumbe late at apex, 1-5 cm long bracts linear- or ascen ling, 4-7 i high; Ivs spatu oblong mucronulate; fls densely race- oblong, entire; raceme broai anl rather mose; pedicels slender, 10-12 mm long; op^n; fl? very fragrant, 2 li broad, pod linear, acute, 3-6 cm long, borne on greenish w: anth large, brick r. A gar- a stipe nearly as long. den escape. Abrams. Fl LA 181. "Field near RLSADA ALBA Linnaeus. Downey (Davidson)." White Mignonette: Ivs pinnately or Mts. Baja Cal. (Or 124^); Nevada; Co'o. deeply pinnatifid, the seg linear or ob- CLEOMELLA OBTUSIFOLOA Torre/. long; raceme dense, spike-like; fls near- Branching from the base, S'-l 1 ^ ly or quite w, 2-3 lines broad. South- high, finely pubescent or hairy: Ifts erii Europe, broadly obovate to oblong, shorter than RESADA LUTEA L. the petioles; stipules deciduous; pet 2" Ascending or decumbent, somewhat long; sep ciliate or almost fimbriate, pubescent with short stiff hairs or veiy much shorter than the pet; pods nearly glabrous; Ivs 5-10 cm long, 2-4" broa 1 : stipe 3" long, reflexed upon broadly ovate or oblong, deeply lobed the pedicel. or divided, sometimes pinnatifid, seg Torrey & Fremont, in Fremont, 2d R linear-oblong with undulate margins; olL U< 5). fls in narrow racemes. 4-6 mm broad, Type locality: "on tre .\merl_-an fork greenish y; pedicels ascen ling, about of the- Sacramento ri ,-->i\ J:il. mm long 'in fr; pet 6 Or 5, all but the Genus ISOMERIS Xnttnll. lowest ir cleft; sep of_ . ber: capsule oblong, about 8 mm long, Ill-scented shrubs with puberulent j h 3 or rarely 4 sh ort teeth, branches. 3-foliate petioled Ivs and large Ahrams Fl L\ 1S2. An occasional y fls axillary or in bracteate racemes: ^ fr ^ m &ardens . ftp 4. persistent: pet -:, oMong, eqm.1: Jl . A*. r i^, receptacle dilated with a hemispher- Genus OLIGOMERIS ical torus: sta 6, inserted in tne recep- Low glaucous chiefly ann with linear t.->ol .- f- il'Vg-ed c>pd sir.nd ,iai- i. .ICPT an ^ entire lv?, and sm greenish fls in surface: ova longstipitate, many-ovuied terminal spikes: Sta usually 4: Pet 2, on *he placentae; sty short, stig mm- posterior, free or united at the base, ute. cap oval or nearly globose, in- ell tire or 2-3-lobed, persistent: Disk 0. flated, tardily 2-valves: sds smooth. gt a 3-10: ova 4-angled, 4 beaked: Cap ISOMERIS ARBOREA Nuttall. 4-sulcate, many-seeded, opening at the Widelv branching shrub. 1-3 m high, summit. with hard y wood and puberulent OI.^OMF.^IS GT.AUCBSCENS Camb. branches. Ivs" 3-foliate: Ifts oblong to Ann or bien; 15-30 cm hi, branching at lanceolate, equaling the petioles, entire, base* branches ascending: Ivs mucronate; fls in terminal bracteate fascicled and somewhat fleshy, 1-.. cm 127 long-; spikes elongated terminal, the st- like branches bracteate, densely fld; pet oblong, obscurely lobed, posterior; sta 3, posterior; capsule depressed glo- bose, 3 mm in diam, 4-lo-bed, 4-cuspi- date; sds smooth. Abrams, F.I LA 183. Olig-omeris subulata Boiss. Mohave and Colorado Deserts; Arizona; v?o a LA a pEDUNCULATA T. & G. Peach violet; Yellow Pansy. Short- caulescent, stem 2-6 i hi, ascending, from a deep-seated rootsta k- Ivs round ovate uallv with truncate base ?oarselv c^en-Ue V IV i Y?nl oetioYes 5 2 i lone- lunuies foliaceous narrowlv mceolatV iiDoermos t often ana/In*!? 1 1 broad on . the Ivs; lateral pet bearded; stigma bearded; ovary and capsule glabrous, i ht. i-itt^r hrn-Tu-iiv nhlnntr ^ linA-s inne- Santos'^SF^San^ Ro^Isl! '' n * \ birii m F*i T A 9^4. F i ion- brim-in t or-chrome with r 1 v^ 1 lUHg, D IVS, W1LI1 purplish-bk center, very fragrant (re- sembling- ripe peaches), the back of up- per pet chestnut color. Brandegee, Zoe 1:113. Cat. VIOLA PINETOR1TM Greene. "Caulescent, the short stems tufted at ,he end of a .lender nearly horizon- ta! rootatock or root a foot long: fl ng stems surpassed by the Tong-peduncled foliage: herbage clnerous-pubescent: the broader coarsely sinuate-toothed, the narrower nearly or quite entire, all tapering below to the slender elongat- ed peduncle; stipules mostly scarious, lanceolate-acuminate, sparingly lacer- ate. fls on long filiform peduncles, small, purpush or b uish. Greene, pitt 2:14, Kern Co.,; 3:42, Bear Valley, San Bernardino Co. (Parish) "truly ce V.purpurea variety pinetorum. \I(;LA BLANDA Wllld. Sr.Cnl (Parish l<9o). Hall U 9o. Acaulescent, Ivs and scapes from slen ler filiform, rtstocks, glabrous or n/arly so; Ivs thin, ovate cordate to rounl-reniform, crenulate; net oblong to ovnte-hinceolate; pet w with p veins 0,1 the lower anl sometimes the lateral an-es. usually beardless; spur short and saccate. Abrams, Fl LA 254. Occasional a'-)out coll springs in the upper por- tions of the pine belt of the San Ber- rardinb anl San Jacinto mountains. T-ro locality, "in America boreali.' 128 more or less pubescent; Ivs large, bi- pinnately dissected into long- linear or oblong- seg: stipules lanceolate, entire or toothed; ped equalling or exceeding the Ivs; pet 10-14 cm long, y, the up- per brownish-p without. Abrams, Fl LA 255, Bear. Julian, SD Co (Cleveland, Or) to north of Mendocino Co ts ockrec ss soutish -.An lsh ' 15 ' 30 ? rn hlgrh ' le , afy * the f ummit - Puberulent or nearly glabrous; Ivs ren- iform or cordate in outline, 5-10 cm broad ' Palmately cleft into 5-9 narroCv- ^' oblong lobes, the central largest or longest, some of the basal Ivs often less * A \ merely t < h arsely toot 1 hed; ?<* 12 . f m , lo *S> y, the upper brownish without, the latera slightly bearded. Abrams, Fl LA 2t>4. Occasional on the borders of mountain meadows in trie fc>r>er m is. iiear. Variety 1NTEGRIFOLIA S. Watson. -vr T> TOT 1 TOT A T A or (Or VIOLA PALMATA Linnaeus. Variety CUCULLATA A. Gray. Acaulescent, the Ivs and scapes d"i- rectly from rather short and thick form Ol . hastatereniform, the basal sides often c-ucullate-in volute; cor only saccate-spurred, bl or vio-p, rarely w; lateraj| pet bearded toward the base; g gibbous-clavate, beardless at sum- m i t Abrams, Fl LA 254. In swamp-lands about Los Angeles, Davidson. Genus POLYGALA Tonrnefort. Herbs or shrubs with alt, opp or a tu ,; e which Ia split On the back and m0 re or less ulnate to the sta: sta 8 or 6. monadelphous below or diadelphous: POLYGALA CALIFORNICA Nutt. Sts many, slender, a-20 cm hi trom a woodv base, mostly simple: Ivs oblong- lanceolate or ovate-elliptic, 1-2.5 cm lo flg rose _ p O n, bracteate pedicels, 2 _ 6 mm ]on . wtngs 5 mm long, round- ^ saccnte at base> i nne r sep broadly gp a t ulate, 1 cm long or less; lateral pet unenr-lanceolate somewhat ciliate, equalins , the broad obtuse somewhat curvf , rl >, ea k of the rounded hood; fr mostly from cleistogamous fls; cap gla- brous ' broa< u y ovate, 3 mm long, retuse, narrowlv margined; sd pubescent; oaf. } calvptriform wrinkled and blad- Sts clustered from a deep fascicled r-, , .. t ,,u . ,a..r'Mii. only the Ivs anJ fls appearing above the ground, A ' hramP , F] T.A 231. Mt Wilson trail. ( . alt (Mc ciatchie). POLYGALA CORNUTA Kellogg. Davi Ison, Erythea 2:84. El Dorado Co northward. LA Co; SBer (Torrey). 129 130 Chara hirsuta. the same leaf-nodes; 0.1-1 m. hi-jh, First published by Allen, in Torrey light-green, moderately but often club b 27:301, t 10, 11 (1900), from unequally incrusted; stems 0.6-1 mm. Lakeside, SD Co, Cal. in diameter, triply corticated, the Robinson, NY bot gard b 4:261, terminal internodes beset with the publishes the following description: lower ones less so or nearly destitute "Monoecious; ' Oo5-0.6 m. high, of, spine-cells, the length of the lat- moderately incrusted; stems 0.26- ter usually 0-7-1 mm.: stipulodes 0.62 mm. in diameter, singly corti- forming ?. double whorl at each node, cated, the primary cells almost or those in the upper linear, acute, about completely covering the stem except 0.7 mm. long, O.125 mm. wide, usually in the youngest internodes, very small twice the length of the uncorticated secondary cortical cells rarely devel- basal internode of the leaves, stipu- oped; spine-cells often forming lodes of the lower whorl of similar whorls around the stem, single or width, but only 0.35-0.45 mm. long: more often paired, and then usually leaves 10-12 in a whorl, 1-1.5 mm. unequal, variable, 0.25-1.7 mm. long, long, containing 8-10 internodes, all 0.05-0.11 mm. wide at base; lower in- triply corticated except the basal one, ternodes of the stem usually 1.5-2 and the terminal one, or sometimes cm-, but reaching 6 cm. in length, the two, which are uncorticated; leaflets apical 3 or 4 together usually not ex- at all nodes well developed, 0.3-0.82 ceedihg 1 cm. in length: stipulodes mm. long, those at any node the ofrming a double whorl at each node, same size or more often the anterior comparatively short, those in the the longer, similar as braceteoles, the upper whorl 0.38-0.56 mm. long, anterior 0.96-01.2 mm. long, exceed- 0.03510.05 mm. wide, those in the ing the sporocarps, usually slightly, lower 0.26-0.37 mm. long, 0.03-0.04 but sometimes one and a half times mm. wide: leaves 10-12 in a whorl, their length, posterior bracteoles 7-11 mm. long, containing 5 or 6 in- 0-3-0.6 mm. long; antheridia about ternodes, very slender, rarely more 0.35 mm. in diameter, often early de- than 0.2 mm. in diameter at their ciduous: sporocarps 0.8-1 mm. long bases, and little more than half this and 0.04-0.44 mm. wide; oospores near their apices, cortex single, com- 0.63-0.68 mm. long, 0.28-0.34 mm. pletely covering the leaves or leav- wide, with 13 or 14 striae; whorl of ing irregular, elongated interstices; crown-cells 0.14-0.2 mm- high, leaflets 6-8 at the sterile nodes, form- 16-0.2 mm. wide at base, the indi- ing a similar whorl at the apex, 0.4- vidual cells lanceolate-ovate, rounded 1.4 mm. long, 0.07-0.09 mm. wide, the at the apex, ascending. Robinson, bracteoles attaining a length of 1.7 Central and Southern 'Cal." mm., all bracteoles exceeding the Dichoiidra oecidentalis. mature sporocarps, the anterior 0.84- Homer D. House, taking as his 1 mm. long, 0.31-U.37 mm. wide; type, specimens in the US Nat hb, oospores 0.63-0-68 mm. long, 0.23- collected 7 Ja 1884, at SD, by Orcutt, 0.25 mm. wide, truncate at both ends, describes this in Muhlenbergia 1:130, with 14 or 15 striae; whorl of crown- as follows: "Stem perennial, slender, cells about 0.9 mm. high. 0.18 mm. creeping, branching, 10 to 40 cm. wide at base, the individual cells long, glabrate, or appressed pubes- nearly square, but with rounded cent when young with silvery hairs: angles." leaf-blades large, broadly reniform,' 2 Chara Sanctae-Margaritae. t" 5 cm. broad, 1 to 3 cm. long, usual- Type locality: Lakeside, SD Co, Cal. ly retuse at the apex, glabrous or with Robinson, NY bot gard b 4:89 pome scattered pubescence, dark (based on C. gymnopus 33.r.ctae-Mar- green above, paler beneath, shallowly garitae Allen, Torrey club b 27:303, t cordate and somewhat cuneate at the 14, 15, f 1-4, 1900), publishes the fol- base, 7-nerved; petioles 5 to 8 cm. lowing description: "Monoecious, the long: pubescent toward the base, antheridia and oogonia borne upon peduncles filiform, 1 to 2 cm. long: 131 132 calyx turbinate, densely pubescent, its lobes obovate, 1.5 mm. long, blunt or rounded, scarcely enlarged in fruit: corolla nearly twice as long as the calyx, subrotate, white, its lotyes ovate, obtuse: capsules about 4 mm. high, subglobose, sericeous-pubescent: seeds brown, glabrous, 1.5 mm. long." Genus RAMONA Greene. Per aromatic herbs or shrubby plants, with rugose veiny mostly cren- ulate Ivs, and rather showy fls, capi- tate-glomerate or sometimes more open and paniculate: ex bilabiate, mostly deeply cleft on the lower side as if spathaceous: cor strongly 2-lip- ped, upper lip spreading, 2-lobed or emarginate: anth-bearing sta 2; flls slender, exserted, apparently simple and bearing a linear 1-celled anth, or with an articulation showing that the portion above it answers to a filiform connective, the lower end of which sometimes projects into a subulate point: Otherwise as in Salvia (in- cluded in Salvia by some botanists). Audibertia of Benthc.m- rSnmona capitata Briquet. Audibertia capitata G, Am ac p 7:387. Providence nits, SBer Co (Cooper). Ilumona Cleveland! Briquet. Audibertia Cleveland! Gray, Am ac pr 10:76. Minutely tonientulose-canescent: Ivs oblong or the upper lanceolate-ob- long, all obtuse (1-2 i long): hd-like clusters 1 or 2 (rarely 3) and rather distant, or single terminating branchlets: bracts ovate or oblong, merely mucronate or abruptly short-pointed, viscid-pubescent, as is the ex: upper lip of the latter short arid subulate. Type locality: SD Co. givmetiflora Briquet. Audibertia grandifiora Bentham. Herbaceous, very villous and gland- ular, aromatic: sts stout, 1-3 ft high, lowest Ivs hastate-lanceolate, obtuse, 3-8 li long, on margined petioles, the -upper oblong, sessile, all very rugose, sinuate-crenate, w-tomentose beneath; fls densely capitate-glomerate in large interrupted spicate hds; bracts broad- ly ovate, entire; ex spathaceous, the orifice oblique, 2 lower teeth very short; cor crim, over 1 i long. Salvia spathacea Greene. Santa Monica to SP. Kamona humilis Greene, Erythea 1:44 Based on Audibertia humilis Bih. Salvia humilis Greene, Pittonia 2: A span high, tomentulose-canes- cent, cespitose; fl'ing st scape-like; Ivs mainly radical, oblanceolate or spathulate-oblong, very obtuse, taper- ing into a slender petiole; spike of 3-4 sm and closely sessile hd-like clusters; bracts lanceloate or ovate, villous-hirsute, their tips and the ex- teeth subulate, not rigid; sta and sty long-exserted. Salvia Sonomensis Greene. Mts SD Co (Palmer). SF- Nev. Phacelia rug-ulosa. "Annual, 6 inches high, puberulent and very viscid: leaves mainly radical, 2 inches long, divided pinnately ito small 3-5-lobed sessile segments as bread as long: racemes terminal, slen- der, elongated, or sparingly leafy/ pe- duncles: corolla minute, bluish: sta- mr. C. Hart Merriam. Its habitat on foothills of the Sierra, June, 1904, that mountain seems to be in Mitch- 135 136 ell's Canyon, on the northward slope, of its fruit; this being destitute of and, as Dr. Merriam informs me. at dot-like glands, and the surface of an elevation of about 300 meters- the capsular body rising- in blister- specimens were distributed like elevations between the uncom- from this station by C. P. Baker, col- monly slender and low transverse lected by himself in April, 1903, the ridges, all manifestly quite normal-" distribution numbers being 2942 and Ptclea cycloloma. 2943. The species appears to occur Greene, CNH 10:75 (16 Jl 1906;, at various other places up and down describes this as follows: "Young the Coast Range of middle Californ.a. twigs and other growing parts puber- "Number 5564 of Heller & Brown, ulent, even older twigs and branches from the Marysville Buttes, distrib- puberulent, dark-brown, tuberculate, uted for P. crenulata, I suspect may but mature foliage more obscurely represent another and a more local pubescent or puberulent, yet not species; but the specimens are, as glabrous on either face, wholly of a usual, in flower only. A like degree light but dull green; terminal leaflet of uncertainty exists in relation to a oblong, lanceolate, obtuse, but at base sheet from Kaweah, Tulare County, abruptly acutish, 4.5 to 6 cm. long, collected by Miss Eastwood, April, somewhat crenulate, the pair about 1895." two-thirds as large, only slightly in- Ptelea bullr.ta. equilateral: samaras variable as to Greene, CNH 10:75 (16 Jl 1906), de- size, the smaller 1 cm., the larger 1.5 scribes this as follows: "Shrub cm., wide, orbicular, not notched or dioecious, the rna^e not known: grow- lobed or truncated at either end; ing twigs obscurely puberulent, rugu- body unusually large, commonly al- lose; older branches dark-brown, most orbicular, its breadth nearly glabrous: leaves of a light and vivid twice, that of the wing, also unusually green, lighter beneath, glabrous on thiclc and double convex, with no both faces except for a sparse short trace of circumvallation, only a low pubescence on the midvein beneath, transverse rugosity but with copious sparsely gland-dotted and very min- and prominent gland-dots, utely densely punct'culate; terminal "Mountrins near Mariposa in the leaflet elliptic-lanceolate, 5 to 6.5 Sierra Nevada, Cal'fornia, collected cm. long, acute at both ends, not by J. W. Congdon, the fruiting speci- very distinctly subserrulate, the pa r rr.ens in July, 1893, the flowering in more then two-thirds as large, more May, 1894; type in the Herbarium of or less inequilateral; flowers many, in the California Academy, sheet No. ample loose subcorymbose panicles, 12214. The flowering specimens are but these sessile, not equalling the from the pistillate shrub, and the foMag-e: samaras suborb'cular or in- stamens therefore unknown. The dining to round-obovate, abruptly species is most interesting, inasmuch acute, the base truncate or subcor- as its fruits, with their unusually date, about 1.5 cm. long, 1.2 cm. wide large and thick nut-like body and abo^e the middle; body large, round- narrow wing, make some approach, ovate, much wider than the width of not, however, any near approach, to the wing, puberulent, faintly circum- those of the more southerly P. vailate, gland-dotted only while im- a.^tera." mature, in rretur'ty finely transverse- Genns HYDROCOTYL.E Tonrnefort. r-igope. but the interval.-? between the L, sp pi 1:234 (1753). r:r!ge3 elevated above them as if in- Per herbs without erect sts, the fiated. peds and Ivs from creeping sts or rt- "Anderson's Ranch, Lower . Lake, stocks: Ivs simple, round in outline, Lake County, California, May 11, 19^1, long-petioled: fls in a sm umbel, or s Bowman; type specimen in the disposed in 2 or more umbels which 11-rbprium of the California Acad- are prolifierous one above the other: eD?vlf S^lWA above; Ivs pinnately 3-7-parted, the "Rather diffusely branched, stem an- di visions incisely toothed or lobed, S^-s more or less scabrous; Ivs in fours, decurrent on the ra.his and forming ' a toothed wing, teeth acute or slight- parted, pedice's stouter than ia G Iv pointed; umbel with 3 or 4 elon- toriaum submontanum; fr'ng pedicels gated rays, inv of IWke bracts, and $*Stt5S^3^*SKS involuceis of sm narrow acute bract- Arizo: a; Cal: Mex:co. lets; fls p (rarely y), in dense hds. the G^LIUM MULT IFLOPUM Kellogg. sterile ones pediceled; fr bristly all k *L\Tapproxin a e i, thuTk .4-6 mm long. over. 3 mm long; sd face broadly lateral nerves, and sometimes the nrtid- concave. with a prominent central vein obsolete; fr less giabrate, clos?lv regulose and Sts 1-6 dm high, from a sm globose stronffly glandular, all the growing tuber: Ivs twice or thrice pinnate, parts inc ] u ding both faces of the usually very finely divided, ultimate Ieave5t minutely end sparsely .tp- segs very sm: umbel 1-4-rayed, with pre5se d-imbescent: odd leaflet about inv of If-like bracts, and involuceis of 3 cm long> narrC w"y rhomboid-ovate. sm unequally united bractlets: fls y, broadest in the m'ddle or below it, the sterile ones on long 'pedicels: fr acute si base, acutish at apex, lateral broader than long, more flattened lat- leaflets from le?s to more than half erally than in any other sp. 2 mm as large, inequilateral]?- oblong-ovate. long, tuberculate. not at all bristly: t ft e i ea f as a whole of a li^ht-green, sd somewhat laterally flattened, with the lower face lighter but not glau- plane face. cescent; flower large, solitary, the Type locality: "hillsides, Duffield's petals oblong-obovate, short-unguicu- ranch, Sierra Nevada." Cal (Bigelow). late, densely puberulent without and Type in hb Columbia Univ. Cal, Baj within; filaments long, but stoutly (Or). subulate, glabrous throughout; fruit GALIUM APARTXE Linn. not known with certainty. Coose grass. Cleavers, a plant re- "X'ppr 9anto Toma' of th l s 1S " Ot ; llk ,^ eases" (Mrs. Bingham). A cold infus- thC of p - a P tera ' maritime, but well ion is used, as heat destroys its medi- inland amon ^ the Peninsular hills and cinal virtues. Goose grass, as this mounta'ns. a fact which of itself plant is sometimes called, is abundant would betoken specific difference, es- in Southern and Baja California-in Peclally on our Pacific coast any- fact throughout the west, but our plant ^here, and on the peninsula of Low- differs from the eastern and European er -California it would be little short form of decisive. But there are excellent Variety VAILLANTI Koch. characters of foliage upon which to Texas; Quintin! SD: British Columbia. establish P obscura as a species; and ^SS^^A^.ht. ^ * fT" ( r a - splc ; on h th fi at "' Usually erect unless growing in a fruit furnished the type of the figure 143 144 of so-called P. aptera in the third vol- sula. ume of Garden and Forest, as I have "Specimens of the fruit of P. nuci- suggested below under that species." fera appear to have been communi- "Plainly a synonym of P. aptera, cated by Mr. Brandegee to Dr. Parry; which see for remarks confirming- for in the Parry Herbarium I find this opinion." Orcutt. attached to the type sheet two pock- Ptelca nucifera ets> one cont aining ni s types of the Greene, CNH 10:75 (16 Jl 1906), fruit of p - a Ptera and so labelled; describes this as follows: "Ptelea the other ^closing five perfect sa- aptera Brandegee, Proc. Cal. Acad. maras of p - nucifera. This pocket is II. 2- 138 1889 not Parry without a mark of any kind in Dr. "Evidently a low stunted shrub, the Parry's hand; as if he may have en- branches of the .season and leaf-bear- tertained some doubt about its con- ing twigs mostly less than an inch tents bein ^ referable to P. aptera." long, dark brown, puberulent, not _ " Plai nly a synonym of P. aptera." strongly tuberculate; flowers and ear- ly foliage not known; mature leaves F-elca aptera. subcoriaceous, small, the leaflets very "The type of this was collected by unequal, the lateral pair usually C. C. Parry at Punta Banda, a prom- greatly reduced and unequally so, the ontory which forms the southern odd leaflet narrowly obovate-oblong shore of Todos Santos bay, Baja Call- to obovate, lightly and not closely forma, on January 24, 1883. The donate, the whole leaf glabrous and season was what is known as a dry coarsely gland-dotted above, scantily year, little rain having fallen, and only pubescent beneath; fruits oval, 2 cm. a few old fruits were secured, the Icng, very th ck and nut-like, encir- shrubs then being in young leaf and cled by a distinct though narrow early* flower; the fruits secured at wing, this and the body thickly beset this time were small, perhaps infer- with low tubercles frustulate at sum- tile ones, but the same locality was jtnit. visited again in 1884, in 1885, and "Las Huevitas, Lower California, in 1886, and an abundance of mater- May 20, 1889, T. S. Brandegee. Type ial secured. The fruits collected at in the Herbarium of the California a later date varied greatly, some be- Academy. It is mounted on the same ing several times as large as the or- fiheet with some of Dr. Parry's speci- iginal specimens. The first speci- ri.-ns of his P. aptera, and even the mens were wingless, but in the later fruits of P. nucifera, all detached collections many were found with from the twigs that supported them, narrow but well definedt wings. The have been recklessly placed within type specimens of P. obscura were the fame. pocket containing those of collected near Santo Tomas, at the P. aptera; but they are so different summit or on the south slope of the as to be segregated without the least ridge which at its western extremity difficulty. They are fully three times is known as Punta Banda, and there now and then four times the size can be no doubt of its identity with of P. aptera, but have a wing. The typical P. aptera. Santo Tomas is body has its own outline, being ex- only a few miles from the sea. P. oval in P. nucifera, whereas in nucifera also in nowise differs from P. a^tera it is. as Dr. Parry said, P. aptera as it may be observed in "broadly ovate'. the type locality. Prof. Greene is "The locality of P. nucifera is well author of 54 (and jo'nt author with down toward the middle of the Low- Dr. Rose of two others) of the 59 er California Peninsula, and at some species of Ptelea which he recog- distance insland, in the vicinity of nires; it ?'s to be hoped that they a desert water holo, while P. aptera are not all based upon 'specimens' i^. maritime, inhabiting hills that instead of specific characters, as r-1 -pe down to the sea, well toward seems to be the case with P. nuci- the northern extremity of the penin- fera and P. obscura. I may add that 145 I have examined the Bcandegee specimens without discovering- any characters to distinguish P. nucifera from P. aptera." Orcutt. Wislizeiiia divaricata. Greene, Wash biol soc pr 19:130 (6 S 1906), describes this as follows: "Glabrous, very widely and loosely branched, the branches from strong- ly divergent to quite divaricate, stout, rigid, uncommonly naked-looking, the scattered foliage sm for the plant and all but the proper cauline Ivs uni- foliolate, the Ifts cuneate-oblong. al- most pungently acute, 1.5-2 cm long: racemes many and elongated: fr 5 n.'m wide, the carpels elongated pyri- form. bf^ing constricted just above fhe base, marked longitudinally by a prominent narrow reticulation rather than by crowded and unbroken lines, the summit crowned with a circle of about 5 low tubercles." Type locality: Borrego Springs, CD, hern part of SD Co. Type: Orcutt. 1492, in USXHb (23 Je 1888). Wi:izcnia CaJifornlca. Greene. Wash biol soc pr 19:130 (6 S 1906), describes this as follows: "Wish'zpn'a refracta Greene, Fl. Fr. not of Engelm- "Stout, much branched, the branches elongated, sparingly leafy, copiously floriferous, minutely sca- berulous in lines: leaflets commonly oval, obtuse or subtruncate. mucron- ulate, sometimes narrower and acute, scaberulous along the midvein be- neath: carpels short, usually obovoid i-ather than pyriform, the longitudinal lines or ribs coarse but low and not very salient, somewhat broken into an obscure reticulation at summit and there, as it were, angled by 4 or 5 coarse and low tubercles. "Interior of California, in dry. sandy soil from about Tulare north- ward to Sacramento: abundant about Lathrop: totally distinct from the Texan W. refracta." Ptelea brevistylis. Greene, CNH 10:73 (16 Jl 1906), describes th : s as follows: "Twigs and branches for two seasons dark reddish brown, sparsely puberulent, not rugulose but roughened with a 146 rather close tuberculaticn; leaflets of a dull light green, ovate to ob- long lanceolate, 5 cm- long, in age glabrate, doubtless pubescent when young, the margins lightly crenulate: samaras large and with broad thin- nish wing, the outline usually round-obovate, but in some nearly orbicular, the length of the largest 2 cm., the breadth toward the sum- mit 1.8 cm.; body of the fruit large, round-obovate, very obscurely and irregularly rugose, somewhat pubes- cent, strongly gland-dotted, very ec- centric, its summit nearly or quite styleless and the win?: thin, deeply emarginate. or obcorlate, the almost sessile stigma 'n the notch, the bass of the winr merely subcordate and the stipe long. "Of this shrub. singular amon^ California species cf Ptelea by its large fruit with broad win?-, wh'ch is subcordate at base and nearly obcor- date at summit, only a single speci- men has been seen, and that imper- fect as to foliage, but with a fine cluster of fruits. It was collected by G. R. Vasey in 1875, in what part of the State it is impossible to ascer- tain. "It is unmistakatlv Calif ornian by '-he peculiar hue and venation of fol- ia sre that are common to al! known Californian species, and which occur in no other?: and it* f^iit is _pubes- cent, as in none but Oalifomlan mem- bers of the een"^. The tyre sneci- men is in the National Herbarium. sheet No. 321." Genus SPHACELE Bentham. Shrubby or suffrutescent aromaic plants with the floral Ivs gradually reduced with rather large fls solitary in their axils, forming a leafy raceme: ex campanulate deeply and nearly onuallv 5-toothed, membraneous in fr, nake'i within: cor with a broad tube, with a hairy ring at its base within, and 5 broad or roundish and plane, rather erect lobes: sta 4, dis- tant, somewhat ascending; fils naked; anth sacs divergent. colycina Bentham. Suffrutescent, 3-4 ft high, pubes- cent or even somewhat woolly; Ivs 147 vory veiny or scarcely reticulated, broadly ovate to oblong-ovate, o'b- tuse, dentate or serrate, the base en- tire and varying from cordate to acute, 2-4 i long, the lower on petioles "half i }ong, the uppermost sessile; cor w or pink-tinted, over 1 i long; ex with triangular-lanceolate lobes, in fr ovoid-inflated, 3-fourths to 1 i long; nutlets bk, very smooth, eHiptical in outline, nearly 2 i long. Variety WALLACE! A. Gray. Davidson reports from LA Co, and Abrams includes in his Fl LA 346. Genus CLEMATIS Linnaeus. Virgin's Bower. Sts woody at base, climbing by aid of the petioles of trie opp Ivs: sep petaloiJ, w or colored, valvate in th'e bud: pistils num: ak in a hd, the styles persistent as hairy or plumose tails, very conspicuous in fr. CLEMATIS LASIANTHA Nutt. Abrams, Fl LA 154. Branchlets and sep tomentose-pub- escent, foliage less so: Ivs trifoliolate, ellintic to oroicular in outline, truncate or rounded at base, above 3-lobed and coarsely toothed, 1-2 i long; fls polyga- mous, solitary or 3 together on bi- bracteolate peduncles 2 i long, ! 1 / 4-2 1 / 4 i in diam: sep broadly oblong; akenes 2 li long, supporting- a tail 2 i IOIIK or more, the fr of 1 li forming a hd- like cluster 2-2 14 i broad. ^_;er mts (Parish 840). Napa Co. CLEMATIS LIGLTSTICIFOLIA Nuttall. Nuttall, in T & G Fl 1:9 (1838). Type locality: "plains of the Rocky mountains, in open and in bushy places, near streams." Coville, CNH 4:.' 5: Davidson, PI LA Co. Abrams, Fl LA If. 4 Nearly glabrous, except the infl: Ifts 5-7, ovate, cordate or obtuse at base, 3-lobed or coarsely laterally toothed about midway, or nearly entire: fls 2 i in diam; panicles borne on axillary peduncles '2 i long: fr'ng panicles 6-15 i long. Hall, U 79 Abundant along water courses in can-ons among the foothills and moun- tains to an altitu "c of 6000 ft. Cruz (Greene, Br) ; S Rosa (Br) ; and Cat (Lyon). SBer (Parish 126). Ba.ia to Ore, east to New Mexico. Va rlety C \ L T F O : I T FC A S . Watson. "Lvs silkv tomentose beneath, often small. SD to the Sacramento, Ari- zona?" S. Witson, Eot Cal 1:3. Baja! CLEMATIS PAUCIFLORA Nuttall. "Somewhat silky-pubescent: sts more slender, short-jointed: Ivs short and fascicled; Ifts 3-r>, only 3-9 li long, te-obovate to cor late, mostly 3- I or-lobed: fis solitary or f e ,v and parulel, on pl P* ** VaHetyLEPTURUSA Gray diam^ gI bUlar ^ WMCh iS 2 ' 3 " in ' r R. trichophyllus Chaix, in Villars. Gay. Hist P1 Dauph 336 a786) ; T, ] - ,', RANUNCULUS BOLAXDERI Greene laii. .Livs linear-filiform; e^p TO aii<=map>fniiii r 1 --^ ^- \ scapes 3-6 i high, the slender recep- G 4 V alismaef G v r, flde A. tad- s 1.5-2 i (commonly about 1 i) ANFrNrTJTjTJa ROxrAPDT long: mature akenes with somewhat ^Jithea 3-54 rhomboiclal back and very low keel v-iHe ending in a straight appressed or rare- V cp ly obsolete tip. Eu; Asia: Aust; Am. Myosurus Shortii Raflnesque. in Sill THprv' APT^ r-r^riA Mostly pubescent an 1 hirsute; st Greene Cal ac b ? : fi branching. 2-6 dm high; radical Ivs s SD' " ur-ually pinnately ternate, the Ifts la- c n m MYO^lTiUS SHORTTT RafinP;niiP straight or slightly curved sty. See T^osu^ minimiS ? Abrams. Fl LA 155. Frequent on the L - m-sas and in open places in the foot- Genus RAXl \CILI S Linnaeus. hills. F-Ap. Ann or per herbs, with alt or mostly Ranunculus Deppei Xuttall, in T & basal simple entire, lobed, divided or G, Fll:21. Greene, Cal ac b 1 :388; Torr dissected Ivs. and y v.-, or sometimes r c l b 14:118. fls: Sep mostly u . deciduous: Pet equal Ranunculus dissectus H & A Bot in number or more, conspicuous or min- Beech 316 fide Gray. ute, bearing a nectariferous pit and Cuyamaca! Cruz (Greene). -Santa sometimes a scale at base of blade: Rosa an:! San Miguel Islands. Akenes capitate o r rarely spicate, gen- Variety CANT'S S Watson. erally flattened, smooth, papillose or SBer mts (Parish 1582). pectinate, sometimes transversely S^e Ranunculus canus Bentham wM.nkled, beaked with a minute or Variety LVTILOBUS A. Gray, Am ac elonfrat^ 1 srv pr 21-375. RANUNCULUS ALISMAEFOLIUS Gyr Ranunculus Ludovicianus Greene, Ranunculus Bolanderi Greene Cal ac Cal ac b 2:58 (1886): Fl Fr 300 (1892). file A. Gray. So Cal (Parish 1787). Hall, U 80. TL-iho to California. v common coarse-leaved robust Variety ALISMELLUS, A Gray, Am ac form. pr 7:327 (1868). RANUNCULUS CANUS Benth. Hall, U 79. Buttercup. SBer mts (Parish 1582). Coville. CNH 4:56. 268 282 R Pnlifo-r'-us mnu" S. Watson. Type locality: "Lake Tenayo and on RANUNCULUS CYMBALARIA Pursh. Mount Dana, Sierra Nevada, to a Cockerell, W. 5:6. heivrht of i?.000 ft." Greenland, Asia. North and South RANUNCULUS AQUATILIS Linn. Am. So Cal (Parish; Or). Hall, U 80. Parry. Wy IS. Wyoming. Type locality "in saline marshes Muel, Erythea 1:61. near the salt works of Onondago. NY." North Alaska, British Am. Cal. Pu-sh. Fl 2:392 (1814). Variety CAESPITOSUS De Candolle. RANUNCULUS ESCHSCHOLTZII Schl. Tic-ate, Baja (Or 1182). Hall, U 80. Ranunculus caespitosus DC. RANUNCULUS FLAMMULA Linnaeus. Sts short, growing in mud: segs of Variety RFPTANS E. Meyer. Ivs ligulate, 1 li or more long: fl 2-3 li So Cal (Parish 996). in diam. Baja! RANUNCULUS HEBECARPUS Hooker Variety HISPIDULUS Drew. & Avn. "Emersed Ivs sm, 3-lobed, the lobes Brandegee, Zoe 1:113, Catalina. toothed, glabrous above, the lower face Guad (Palmer, Greene). hispid with short, stiff bristles, which Slender, 15-30 cm high, branched, extend to the petioles and stipules, pilose-pubescent, Ivs of rounded out- Otherwise as the var. heterophyllus. line, deeply lobed or cleft, the seg 3- In ponds at Jernigan's, on Mad river, lobed; fls minute, on filiform pedicels: Jl 10" Drew, Torr cl b 16:150. Hum- akenes few in a globose hd, rounded boldt Co. Cal. and flattened, papillose and pubescent; Variety THICHOPHYLLUS Gray, Man beak short, recurved. e.d 5, 40 (1867). A.brams, Fl LA 155. Growing in SBer nits (Parish 994), SD Co! Baja! moist shady places, not common. Oak 151 152 Knoll; Monica mts. DELPHINIUM CONSOLIDA Linn Variety PUSILLUS S. Watson. "Escaped and growing along irri- "Sts very slender, filiform, weak and gating ditches at San Pablo, Baja Gal." ascending or procumbent, 3-6 i long: Brandegee, Gal ac pr, sr 2 J 2:126. Ivs reniforrn, crenately 5-lobed or T^F-T FWTTMTTTM rbTTT-m^TTTv/r ' v u * rtartpd " _ Rrpwpr nnrl Wrtti T A n 1 lng hairs, but usually nearly glabrous: fSr,. ] terminating CPOSSOSOMA RICFLOVII J!JfcvJDXtlB JriiNiNAJ.A California Barberry. A few inches to 6 ft ni g" h: lfts usually 5-9, often 11-13 ^r even 17, an 1 rather crowded on the rachis. ovate-elliptical to oblong, l ~ 2 ^ * lon - Dining above, somewhat !" Beneath, plane or moderately un- dulate, shallowly repand and dentate, ^ m ' QStl num teeth prickly; lowes t Pair cJose to base of petiole; racemes clustered, dense; fil as in B. dictyota: fr oblong ovoid, 4 li long Chollas < cl , e Vi and) "' abundant near Julian, SD Co - si< - . /T , . . ni0 A , , SBer hills (Parish 948. A dark ever- ^een ornamental shrub. BERBERIS REPENS lindl. Linclley, Bot Reg t 1176. Cockerell, w 5:3. Custer Co. Colo. SD Co ( Palmer, 1875); British Col- umbia; NM. 155 A low , somewhat procumbent shrub, less than a ft high: Ifts 3-7, ovate, acute, not acuminate, l-'2y 2 i long, not shiny above: racemes few, terminating the stems (1-1 ^ i long 1 . Genus. CANBYA Parry. Gray, Am ac pr 12:51, t 1. Sep 3, caducous: pet 6, persistent, at length scarious and enwrapping tne capsule: sta 6-9; fil shorter than the oblong-linear anth: Ova subglobose, 3- carpelled. with nerve-like many-ovuled placentas: stigmas sessile, linear-ob- long, appressed to the ovary over the placentas: capsule ovoid, membranac- eous, 3-valved, the valves separating to the base from the persistent filiform placentas: Sds several, very smooth and shining, narrowly oblong-obovate and slightly curved; rhaphe naked: Kmbryo very sm cylindrical. CANBYA AUREA S. Watson. "A slender form (?)." CANBYA CANDIDA Parry. Gray, Am ac pr 2:51 t 1 (27 D 1876). S. Watson, Bot Cal 2:429. Scarcely 1 i high, densely much branched, the sm somewhat fleshy Ivs and very short branches closely crowd- ed: fis w, the pet hardly 2 li long: a dwarf glabrous ann with alt linear en- tire Ivs and num filiform 1-fl'd scapes. S^er Co (Cajon Pass)! Genus PAP AVER Linnaeus. The California species are ann herbs, with narcotic juice: Ivs pinnately cleft, lobed or divided: fls showy, solitary on long peds, nodding in bud: sep 4: pet 4: sta many: ovary and capsule obo- void to subglobose, with 4-many in- truded placentae: capsule dehiscent just below the stigmatic summit by pores or valve-like openings. PAPAVER CALIFORNICUM Gray. Santa Barbara Co. to San Diego; Cam po (Or loil). Giay -im ac pr 22:313. McClatchie Erythea 2:79. Pasadena., SfJer (Spence). SD! Greene, Pittonia 1:167. Or, Garden and Forest 3:385. Or 1511, Campo, Cal. Two ft high or less; glabrous or sparsely pilose-pubescent; juice milky; Ivs pinnately divided, the seg oblong or roundish, toothed or lobed or entire; pet r with a g spot at base; stig ses- sile and radiate upon the summit of the ovary, persistent in tr; capsule % i long or more, turbinate-obovate, 6-11- n vet; pores or valve-like openings just beneath the stig.. quadrate. Papaver Leinmoni Greene. Abrams, Fl LA 163. Monica, Gabriel mtu. **T-My. PAPAVER HETEROPHYLLUM Greene. Meconopsis heterophylla Benin, Hort Sec tr 2:1. Clear Lake, Cal. to- San Quintin, Baja Cal (Palmer 6SO). Ouiiitin (Palmer 680). Cruz Cat LA CT)a). Fan Clemente Island. Clear Lake, Cal. 156 Wind poppy: 1-2 ft high, glabrous; juice y; Ivs pinnate or pinnately cleft, or pinnate with pinnately cleft lobes, the seg exceedingly diverse in shape on the same plant or even on the same If, varying from oval and entire or lobed to narrowly linear; pet broadly cunate-obovate, brick-red, with a dark spec at base, 1 i long or less; stig capitate at summit of a distinct and slender style; capsule clavate-obovoid, 3-7 li long; pores small with rounded valves which separate from the stout parietal ribs. Greene. Pittonia 1:168, based on Meconopsis heterophylla Bentham. Meconopsis crassifolia Bentham. Genus PLATYSTIGMA Bentham. Ann herb with Ivs, sep and pet as in Platystemon, fls rarely with 2 sep and 4 pet: pet deciduous: sta 6-12: carpels 3, combined into a single 1-celled ovary, which is 3 lobed or nearly ter- ete: placentae as many as the carpels, parietal, many-ovuled: stigmas ovate to subulate: capsule competely 3- valved, dehescent through the placen- ta.^. PLATYSTIGMA LINEARE Benth. Acquiescent or nearly so; scapes commonly 4-8 i high, hispid with spreading hairs: Ivs linear, 1-2 i long, sessile; sep brownish; pet light y, cun- eate-orbicular or obovate, 4-9 li long; sta many, fil conspicuously dilated; body* of capsule 5-7 li long. SF, south PLATYSTIGMA DENTICULATUM. Greene, Cal ac b 1:389. Cruz. Greene, Torr cl b 13:218, based on Meconella denticulat (which see for description.) Abrams, Fl LA 159. Genus PLATYSTEMON Bentlmm. Low an with mainly opp entire Ivs: sep 3: pet 6 in 2 series: sta many: fil petaloid and obovate or spatulate: stig subulate-filiform, 1 terminating- each carpel: carpels 6-20, each several- ovuled, connivent or coherent in a cir- cle, becoming- torulose, at maturity separating, and breaking transversely into indehiscent 1-seeded joints: an- thesis lasting for more than one day: pet tardily deciduous, withering and closing over the forming fr. Cream cups. PLATYSTEMON CALIFORNICUS Bnth. Cieam-cups. Conspicuously pilose; branched from the base, widely spread- ing a.nd more or less decumbent or nearly acaulescent, 3-6 i high; peduncle more or less scape-like, 5 i long; pet cream-y; sta about 25. Southern Utah; Arizona. Mendocino Co to SD; Quintin. PLA.TYSTKMON CRINITUS Greene. "Suhaca.ulescent, the foliage, scapi- form peduncles, and the calyx densely crinite-hirsute with w soft spread- ing 1 hairs 3 or 4 li long: it buds exactly globose: cor 1 i broad, pet deep green- 157 ish-y, marcescent-persistent: sta in- numerable: fil widely dilated: carpels many, the short torulose poJs scarcely ?er than the persistent linear stig- mas/' Greene, Pittonia 2:13. jK.ejV* co> CaL ' EKlCK.uNUM Nol):s(\M ^mall. -A white-tomentose shrub. 5-1.5 me- ters tall, with spreading, forking branch- es. Leaves .m.11, 2-6 mm. long; blades elliptic or elliptie-ovaie acutish revu- , . , . lute, narrowed into short petioles: bracts scale-like, acule or acuminate: involucies turb nate-campanulate, 25 mm. long, angled, sessile: segments broad, much shorter tnan the tube; calices glabrous pink, 3 mm lung; segments rounded at the apex, the * outer oblong or obovate- oblong, the 3 inner cuneate: filaments viHous below the middle: achenes 3 -an- gled spabro-pubescent above the midl d . Type locality: "Bay of Magdalena," Baja. Mohave; Ut; Nev; NM; CD, SD C. ; Son. .-v rigid diffusely branched shrub, 1-2 ft hi, with silky appressed pubescence, the slender divaricate branchlets often spinose: ivs linear, 4-8 li long; the low- er obtuse, often sm and ovate to oblong, the upper aculeately tipped, and, with the infl, usually sprinkled with short rigid gland-bearing hairs: fls 2-4 li long; peds with 2-3 pairs of If-like bracts: the ovate silky sep p within: pet with claws united nearly to the top, the middle blade narrow: sta nearly free: fr with num very lender prickles retrorsely barbed their whole length, cordate-globose, 4 li long, shortly acuminate, obscurely ridged on each Side. Genus TISSA Adams. Low or ann per herbs with flesh.y linear or setaceous Ivs, and sm pink or whit- ish fls in terminal racemose, bracted or leafy cymes: Stipules scarious, usually conspicuous: Sep 5: pet 5, fewer or 0, entire: Sta 2-10: Ova 1-celled, many- ovuled; sty 3: Cap 3-valved to the base: Sds reniform-globose or compressed, smooth, winged or tuberculate. Buda Adans. Spergularia Prsh. TISSA MACROTHECA Britton. Abrams. Fl LA 149. "Common in salt marshes and alkaline flats. My-Jl." Sts stout. 7-12 i hi, erect or ascending from the short, often branched, woody crown of a very thick and fleshy tap- %"* ft high, the in tern odes 1-1V 2 inches long: herbage altogether pale, and - i.-mrrr -r-uJ-eseert -vith short spread- ^ t ^^ t SS&SS%STSS!: Se middle: sepals oblong-lanceolate, rath- er exceeding the valves of the ovate capsule: seeds black and almost shining, mostly destitute of wing." Greene, Erythea 1:107, Cruz. TISSA. TENUIS Greene. Lepigonum tenue Greene, Pitt 1:63. Abrams, Fl LA 149. Monica (Nevin). Cap 6-8 mm long, twice the length of the ex. SBar. CAJL.ANDKINIA CAULESCENS HBK. HBK, nov Gen 6:77. Howell Erythea 1:33. "Glabrous or slightly pubescent, branching from the base; decumbent st 3-10 i long; ped erect or ascenling: sep ovate, acute; pet broadly obovate, 3-5 li long; sd shining. Near the coast from BC to South Am. Variety MENZIEffTT A. Gray. Abrams Fl LA 140. Calandrinia elegaus Spach. Calnn Irinin Mpnr.i^sii T & G. CALANDRINIA MENZIESII Hook. See Calanlrinia caulescens Menziesii. CALANDRINIA ELEGANS Spach. Davidson, PI LA Co 3. C Mrnzl-sii. CALANDRINIA MARITIMA Nutt. Abrams, Fl LA 141. Monica (Daviil- son). Sts glaucous, depressed, 6-10 cm long: Ivs mostly rosulate at base., obovate to obovate-spatulate, upper bract-like: fls in a loose naked cyme: ex ovate, acute, about 3 mm long; pet 5-6 mm long, rose-p: cap ovoid, 4 mm long, acutish: sis dull grayish. CALANDRINIA AMBIGUA Howell. riaytonia ambigua S. Wats Am ac pr 18:3fo. Calandrinia sesuvioides Gray Am ac pr 22:278. "Depressed and spreading from a stout root: seps broadly ovate: pets obovate, white: seeds shining. Colorado 159 160 Desert, California." Howell, Erythea .bose-paniculate above, the whole her- 1:34. bage w with a persistent wool, not at CALYPTRIDIUM MONANDRUM Nutt. all glandular or heavy-scented;' Ivs lin- JNUCI; -L-u i' i Irljb. ear or the lower spatulate, slenderly Petals oftener 3; filaments subulate; decurrent; hds rather few or loose in the very short style undivided; mature the paniculateiy or cymosely disposed capsule linear and much exserted. Quin- clusters; inv ovate; bracts w, ovate or ten. CD; SD to fcai.ta Clara valley. oblong, obtuse, except in the inner. Hall, IT r i i. GNAPHALIUM PALUSTRE Nutt. Abrams, Fl LA 141. Low, branching ann, 5-15 cm hi, Calaniintha Chanuieri. floccose with long wool; Ivs spatulate T S Brandegee Zoe 5:195 (As to ol ?long and lanceolate: hds glomer- 18 05), 'describes* husas foHoJ:- ^J^K^ Too "Stems frutescent, branching, 1 m. obtuse, brownish-g, tips w. high, forming- clumps, upper parts iSV^ 11 ' Am phil soc tr> n sr> 7:403 pubescent: leaves orbicular or broad- Typ ; loca lities: "Rocky mts Ore, Cal ly ovate, with truncate or cuneate and Chili." base, obtuse, crenate-serrate or entire, ^ ash = Wyoming; N M; Baja. 1 cm. long and broad, slightly pubes- er 2 vllle - CNH 4:128 ' " near Three Riv ~ cent on the upper face, more so on ABrams, Fl LA 410. the lower: petioles pubescent, 5 mm. GNAPHALIUM PURPUREUM Linn. i^ncr- flr>-pr f / p^a'tlfe ^^"on^s^ f^UWellen vielleicht grosser). Blatt r entire, the seg mostly rigid, subulate kurz, 1-6 cm. lang Oder weni er, r uh, or _^uspi,late: cx-seg mostly unequal, iVi-o cj^Vioir^pn fit tn ryVia p rie- Tfi^np en t .re or some toothed or cleft: fls in e Scheiden fast kurzhaarig. Kispe terminal ca p ita te bracted clusters: cor dicht, 1-4 cm. lang-, Oder kurzer und tubular-furmelform or salver-form; dann oft zu einer armJbltitigen Ahre sta equally inserted. verkiimmert. Ahrchen 3-4 mm. lang, 2-oder 3blutig. Kolchcpelzcn fast gleichlang, rauh, besonders langs den procumbent, somewhat purplish and Nerven; die unterste breitlinealisch, bracts rigiaiv coriaceous, oblong- .tumpf bis fast spitz; die oberste wte l^^^f-^ KnT IvT^S bei E. Pennsyivanica. In dichten armed with subulate on laristate teeth; Masse P. an den Randern von Tiimpe n se.g- of the ex molerately or very un- c?io bald Pustrocknen, bei Dalle? am equal, ovnte to lanceolate, entire, se- 8. Juni 1897. (MMno Nr. 1553.). ep- ^ relT. GNAPHALIUM MICROOEPHALUM Gilia atractyloides Steud. Nutt ' Abrams. Fl LA 313. po-.qt gD! Oregon. Da 9. H&A, Be-ch Rot 368. Bien; sts slender with several erect Jepson Erythea 1-16, near Lower I/ranches, 5-8 elm hi. loosely corym- Lake. 161 Genus Bentha Smooth branching shrubs with alternate vertical, thick, rigid entire or ciliolate-den- ticulate Ivs, and showy yellow fls. Sep. 2, Pet 4. Sta numerous, with short filiform fil and linear anth. Ovary linear, 1-celled, and with 2 nerve-like placentae, elastically 2- valved from the base upward ; valves striate- costate. Sds oval or globose, finely pitted, carunculate. DENDROMECON HARFORDII Kelloffg. Brahdegee, Zoe 1:46. Santa Rosa Island ,form of D. rigidum). MECOXOPSIS HETEROPHYLLA Bth. Br. Zoe 1:113. Cat. Bentham, Hort Soc tr 1:2. Sr 2. Hooker, Ic PI t 272. Abrams. Fl LA 162. Papaver heterophyllum Greene. Genus STREPTAXTHUS Nnttall. Ann (rarely bien), often glaucous: radical Ivs commonly toothed or pin- natifid, the cauline similar or entire, often sagittate-clasping: sep of the same color as the pet. 2 or all saccate at base, the ex thus ovoid or broad at base and contracted above or by the spreading of the tips becoming some- what flask-shaped, rarely subcylindric: pet p or \v. with a narrow undulate or crisped limb and channeled claw, regu- lar or somewhat ir: sta tetradynamou-s, or in 3 unequal pairs, the two longer pairs with fil connate below or the up- permost pair with entirely united fil: tnlique oblong to narrowly linear, flat- tened parallel to the partition, some- times subterete; valves 1-neryed or rarely carinate: sds flat, margined or winged: cotyledons accumbent: recep- tacle enlarged. STTJEPTANTHTJS HETEROPHYLLCS NuttalL Davidson Trythea 2:178. LA Co. Mesas, foothills and lower mts of SD Co! and Baja! Abrams. Fl LA 167. More or less pubescent throughout with spreading simple hairs: st usually simple. 1 mm high or less: Ivs linear, at least the lowest pinatifid with divari- cate lobes or toothed, the upper usual- ly entire: fls p or w, 8-12 mm long; ex narrow: sep slightly saccate: pods ab- ruptly reflexed on slender pedicels 5-7 Xn hb 4:106. locality; "in California auctra- lion." erect, 3-6 dm hi nascent parts puberulent. otherwise glabrous; lvs linear-lanceolate, glabrous or sparsely puberulent, denticulate; fls abruptly reflexerl in bud; well developed bud about 2 em long, acutish drooping; pet pink, often paler below and specked with p, mostly 2.5-3 cm long, cuneate, tapering from th e truncate apex o the sessile base; stigma-lobes broadly ob- ovate, usually p; cap linear, about 4 mm long, not at all costate, its beak short and nearly as broad, c-inereous with a short anpresse.l pube^'e- Da fi. Monterey to S D; S Ber (W.G. Wright). Cat. Godetia puleherrima Greene. GODETIA DUnLEYAXA Abrams. "Sts erect, simple below, more or less branched above. 3-6 dm hi: herbage puberulent throughout with rather short cu-ved hairs: lvs linear -lauc.-'o- late, entire or rarely faintly and re- motely repand-denticulate: fl-buds drooping, elliptic-ovate, tapering above to a rather long acuminate tip, 10-15 mm long; ex-tube 1.5-2 mm long; -jet or-ovate, truncate at the apex, abrupfly tapering near the base 1.0 a short (2 166 mm long) and narrow claw 1.", 0' nm long, pink, often with p specks below the middle; sta uno-iual cne longest 12 mm long xnth v s v fiii form elabrou 12-14 mm Ion-- g-p'S -nient in the uppjr portions of tne chaparral belt of the San Gabriel mtp - Th t- type is the authors number 2625, collected in the .L,i~tle Santa An- ita canyon at 2500 feet This species has been confused with G, Bot- lae - ^ut l^ is much nearer (}. hispidula 5S2Sfw5?A a!; !K ' \1MIISEA Spach. , b ^ s erect ,' 3 -<{.dm hi, nearly or quite glabrous; iVS linear-lanceolate, entire, 2 - 5 ' 5 cm long; ex-tube 4-6 m mlong; V 2 ^ 3 ?"2 long; sta short ' nearly equal: stig-lobes p, linear-oblong; cap '? cm lon "' somewhat bicostate on the * * T IK IA Rydb. Usually branching, 9-13 i hi; sts ostensibly smooth, pubescent under a lens; lvs oblong or ovatish, 1% i long times toothed; rt f near the ends "' : ex-lobes 1 li long, flt- tle shorter than the obovate pet; fil not dilated; cai . or . li long; minutely mottled, rather acutely angled, as broad as long. Mt. Diablo to LA Co. vams, -1 LA i' > Watson, Am ac pr 11:137 (1876). Lbicaulis integrifolia S. ^ T> ' : Type locality: "East Humboldt mts. ^' v anrl Antelopp Island and the Wah- satch, Ut; 4500-6000 ft alt." Watson, ! ' ; r ^^S exp 114 (.1871). Coville. CXK 4:108. MENTZELIA LAEVICAULIS T. & G. (Blazing Star) Bi^;i. st stout, erect, branched above <-l" -Ini hi, often w; lvs lanceolate, sinuate-toothed, r .-15 cm !o: n short branches, *>-S cm broad, light y, diurnal; ex-tube naked; cx-iobes 2.5 cm long or more; P!ong or ]hi-.\ir u r .ll'.r'r. ['nd or pinnately parted into several to many pairs of lobes, terminal lobe not larger nor parallel -veined; racemes te. coming elongated; pedicels filiform, J-w >cm long; cx-iobes spatuiate; cor ro- tate-campanulate, pale blue, about 1 >cm broad; appendages semi-oblanceo- late; ovules \o each dilitel placenta 12-14; cap ovate, mucronate; sds round- ish-oval, scrobiculate. Abrams, Fl LA C25. Davidson, PI LA -Jo 12. Monterey to Baja! Da 12. PHACELIA FREMONTII Torr. Much branched from the base, 1.5-3 dm hi: Ivs pinnatind into 7-15 oblong or obovate entire or obtusely 2-3- lobed divisions; fls crowded in the ac length elongated spicifovm racemes; cor broadly ruane;form : tv.'ice the length of the spat a' ate t-x-lobes; the long and narrow appendages united below with the HI DI almost free from them; cap oblo:ig; ids :JO-33, oblong, strongly and somewhat evenly corru- gated. - Abrams, Fl LA 325. LA River; TVil- son's Peak, Davidson. Summit of San- tiago Peak. Torrey, Bot Ives Exp 21 (1860). Mo have! Type locality: "Yampai Valley," Ar. PHACELIA GRANDIFLORA A. Gray. Pt. Loma, SD! Santos! Cat. PHACELIA HISPIDA A. Gray. An 5 dm hi or less, diffusely branched, setose-hispid with long slen- der w bristles; Ivs with rather few, coarse divisions, the uppermost some- times merely laciniate-incisecl; spikes soon loose and loosely paniculate; fls on short slender horizontal pedicels; cor very pale bl, rotate or oampanu- late; lobes rounded at apex; ex-lobes narrowly linear with attenuate base nearly equaling cor, in fr 3-12 ram long and almost 4 times as loner as the globose cap; sds short-oval, roughJBh- :scrobiculate. SBer; Baja; Cruz. Davidson, PI LA Co 11. Abrams. Fl LA 322. Gray, Syn Fi 2 pt 1, 161 (1S78). Tlpe locality: "SBer to SD." Coville, CNH 4:158. Panamint and Argus mts. SBar; Baja; Cruz. Da 1L . Phacelia ramosissiuma var. hispida Gray, Am ac pr 10:319 (1875). PHACELIA MAGELLANICA Coville. Hispid and the foliage strigose, more or less canescent, 2-5 dm hi, from a per or bien rt: Ivs lanceolate to ovate, acute, pinnately and obliquely straight-veined; lower tapering into a petiole, and commonly some of them with 1-2 pairs of smaller lateral Ifts; infl hispid, dense spikes thyrsoid-con- gested; cor w'ish or bluish, moderately 172 5-lobed, longer than the oblong-lance- olate or linear ex-lobes; fil much ex- serted sparingly bearded. Coville, CNH 4:159. lyo mts. Abrams. Fl LA 322. Aldoeea circinata Willd En Supp 9 (1813). Phacelia circinata Jacq, f, Eclog 1:135 t 91; A. DC Prodr 9:298. Phacelia heterophylla Pursh. Phacelia Californica Cham. Hyrlrophyllum magellanicum Lam, S Hist Nat 1:373 (1787). NAMA DEMISSUM A. Gray. Dwarf, depressed commohly 2-3 i hi, pubescent, hirsute or sometimes rather hispid: Ivs linear-spatulate, all or most of them tapering into a petiole: fls subsessile in the forks: sep very nar- row-linear, not at all broader upward, usually much shorter than the bright p cor: cap short-oblong, 10-16-seeded. Gray, Bot Cal 1:517. Conanthus demissus Heller. NAMA PARRYI A. Gray. Gray, Bot Cal 1:621. "Six ft hi! from a woody stout base: Ivs linear, villous- hirsute throughout, numerously pin- nately veined and somewhat bullate, the margins reyolute and undulate cr repand: fls unilateral and 'at length densely spicate on the few branches of the compact scorpioid cyme: sep near- ly filiform, little* surpassing the oval cap: sds oval, % li long, minutely marked with narrow transverse retic- ulations. On the Mohave slope of the S^er mts (Parry, D 1876, in fr only). Lvs on new shoots 2 i or 3 i long and only 2 li or 3 li wide. Cynes apparent- ly pedunculate: cap and ex only 2 li or so in length. St. Wigandia-like (Wer y 2 i in diam at base, decidedly woody, but with a large pith." Eriodictyon Parryi Greene. NAMA ROTHROCKII A. Gray. "A span or two hi from a per rt, cinereouspubescent or minutely hir- sute and slightly viscid: the st, ex, etc., hispid with long and short (Wig- andia-like) bristles: lys lanceolate- oblong, obtusely pinnatifld-toothed: fls num in a terminal and sessile capitate cluster: sep hardly at all dilated up- ward, Vz i long, nearly equalling the cor: sds rather few, large (almost i li long), oval, closely reticulate-pitted. Meadows on S. Kearn river, at 5000 ft. (Rouirock, in Wheeler's Exped., 1875). Lvs an i or" more long; the rather prominent pinnate veins running to the sinuses between the strong teeth, and there forking: cor w'ish or p'ish: ova and 2-celled cap somewhat hir- sute.; most remarkable in the genus for the toothing of the Ivs and for the almost stinging hairs, like those of Wigandia. But the narrow funnel- form cor and the habit are those of Nama." A. Gray, Bot Cal :6621. Genus EORJODICTYON Bentliam. Low shrubs or rarely herbaceous, with alt more or less dentate Ivs, and 173 funnelform or companulate fls in ter- minal panicles or scorpioid cymes; sep narrow, not dilated above: fil more or less adnate to the tube of cor, little or not at all exserted, sparsely hir- sute: ova nearly or quite sessile, 2- celled by the meeting of the dilaiod placentae in the axis: cap first locu- licidal then septicidal, thus 4-valved; each valve with a short beak or acum- ination and closed on one side by the adherent dissepiment or half-partition. ERIODICTYON CAL.IFORNICL M Greene. Shrub, commonly 10-20 dm hi; Ivs oblong to oblanceolate, tapering below and frequently above, dentate at least above tne middle, very glutinous, the areas between the veins on the under side with a close dense felt; ex 2 m:n long, with linear lobes; cor w or pale biue tubular-funnelform, 8-12 mm long: sta and sty included. Abrams, Fl LA 327. Gabriel and SBer mts. K. glutinosum Bentham. ERIODICTYON PARRYI Groono. Greene, Pittonia 2:22, based on Nama Parryi, which see. Abrams. Fl LA 328. Gabriel, SBer nn ^ose pubescent with short hairs which com- pletely cover the short, 3 mm long ex, the lobes of which are linear: cor nar- w^de^acros^the summit" 1 probably p'SS denselv pubescent on the outside, the rounded lobes slightly .over 1 mm long and about as wide: sta equals the cor tube, anth inserted as base of cor, but adnate for one-third their length, the adnate portion bearded, but not densely so: sty eauals fil. The type was collected by Mr G B. Grant at Seven Oaks Camp, SBer mts, Je 1901, and was distributed" as Eriodict-on Californicum. It re- sembles that specie* somewhat in its IVP but otherwise is totally different, being probably more nearly related to- E. angustifolium." Heller, Muhlen- bergia 1:108-9 (26S 1904) L.INANTHTJS ANDROSACEUS Steutl. Stoutish, usually simple, 7-15 i hi, finely tomentose or glabrate; lowest Ivs spatulate; bracts ciliate, otherwise pni Abrns I IL 319 Wilson's Peak variety MOXTANUS KmontanSs! MXAXTHUS DEXSIFLORUS Benth. Linanthus gradiflorus Greene Erect, simple, %-2 ft hi; divisions of the palmately divided Ivs 5-11, linear- filiform and rigid, ciliate towards the base and somewhat scabrous on the margins; cor lilac or w, 1 i long or less, its tube only equaling or little ex- ceeding the obovate lobes, little if at all exserted beyond the ex-teeth, its limb Vz i broad, more or less: sds 3 In each cell, strongly wrinkled. Alame* da, Cal. south. l,INANTHtJS DIANTHIFLORTJS Greene Branching from the base, the branches decumbent or simple and erect, 4-12 cm hi, more or less pubes- cent; Ivs all simple, narrowly linear; cor short-funnelform, 2 cm long or more, lilac with a darker or yMsh 175 176 throat, the ample lobes from denticu* Gilia Californica Bentham late to strongly fringed-toothed: fil in- LA; SBer Co SD Co fvu^s iTYo in e each S c e ell f the tube; Genus MICROSTERIS Greene. Abrams Fl LA 317 , Sm mucn branched ann with entire- Gilia dianthoides Endl. lvs ' fll except floral ones opp, and LINANTHUS LEMMONI Greene. minute Us scattered singly or in pairs Abrams, Fl LA 318 m the axll s of the alt lvs: ex tubular, Sts widely branching, about 10-15 5 : cle f t . the lo es acute, scarious-mar- cm hi, hirsutely pubescent; If-seg lin- ffmed: cor salver-shaped, the tube nar- ear, 5-6 mm long; fls solitary or few in row: sta straight, short, unequally in- th e axils and subsessile, but more f erte ^ On . ^e cor-tube: cap 3-celled, at densely clustered at the ends of the len f th - distending and rupturing the branches; ex turbinate-prismatic, ex-tube: sdsfew, large, the coat when strongly 5-costate; lobes acerose-sub- moistened developing a thick glutm- CALIFORNICA Greene. Gilia Lemmoni Gray. Slender, 1-2 dm hi, loosely and some- LINANTHUS LINCFLORUS Greene. what dichortomously branched from Gilia liniflora Bentham. the middle: lvs ovate-subulate .'n A ft hi or more, mostly branching the lowest to oblong and oblong-lan- above; If-seg %-l i long, in a diffuse ceolate, 1 2 cm long all more or less panicle: cor with nearly obsolete tube: pubescent with scattered hairs, a few limb rotate %-% i broad, the obovate fine gland-tipped hairs on lobes naked, with several blue longi- branches and ex; ex-teeth tudinal lines or veinlets; sta % as long shorter than the tube; cor r, lobes em- as cor-lobes; fil with a densely pilose arginate: little surpassing the ex; cap ring just above the base, cor pubes- ovoid. cent at their insertion; ovules 6-8 in Abrams, Fl LA 312. each cell. Stockton, Cal. Baja! Collomia gracilis of rec -nt Authors, Ahrams Fl LA 317 n t of Douglas. Common in Ca^SBer; Baja! -"sh Columbia to Baja mts! Colo; N. GILIA DENSIFOLIA Benth the base, erect, 3-11 i high, almost gla- Per, canescent-lanate when young, brous; bracts scabrous or hirsutulous, glabrate m age: rigia, not ciliate or scarcely so, 3-4 li long; branched from a goody base usu seg of lvs obovate or linear-spatulate; spreading, 1.5-3 dm hi; lvs rigid, most- cor p, pinkish or pale y, %-!% i long, ly pinnatifid or mcisely laciniate into lobes oval, 2-3 li long or less, tinged short subulate spinulose lobes; fls with r or brown on the outside, throat densely clustered capitate-glomerate; y; sta V 2 as long as cor-limb, or more. cor violet-blue, its tube about 12 mm reene, n . ; ff Abrams, Fl LA 318. sagittate: Is ev Santa Clara Co, Cal. Coville, CNH 4:153. Abran iT'-,L n DC Prodr 9:311 (1845). Type locality: "California." Coville. CNH 4:155 Tejon mts Gilia micrantha Steudel. ^ u e V a i J?? B MR??\ ?A a ?ho? s^out Gray Bot Cal 1:491. 19 sub t 1622 (1833). ( A shor GiliaMutea Steudel. form." Gray.) , Gilia longituba Bentham, PI Hartw Type locality: California. 324 325 Hugelia elongata Bentham. Leptosiphon luteus Bentham. GILIA DIANTHOIDES Endl. LINANTHUS PUSILLUS Greene. See Linanthus diantt Sts very slender, diffusely dichoto- GILIA FILIFOLIA Nutt. mously branched, pubescent; pedicels Nuttall. PI Gamb 156. capillary; ex 3 mm long, the teeth sub- Gray, Bot Cal 1:495: - Like G floc- ulate, barely half as olng as the tube, cosa, but more rigid: lvs mostly 3- hispid-ciliolate; cor short-funnelform, parted: cor bl or bl ish, li little or not at all exceeding the ex; exserted: anth oval, very sm. ovules sds 3-4 in each cell. 4-6 in each cell." SBar Nev, Ar, Mohave Abrams, Fl LA 318. GILIA FLOCCOSA A. Gray. Gilia pusilla Bentham. Gray, Am ac pr 8:2.2 C1870). I.EPTODACTYI.ON CALIFORNICUM to Ar, interior of Ore, and Ut. , H & A Gray, Pot Cal 1:495 (1876). bmaJ Shrubby, ' 6-12 dm hi. the branches e r than G. vir~ata: lvs mostly entire: and verv crowded lvs tomentose-pub- cor about 4 li long; bl or becoming w escent and more or less glandular, If- (probably never "y ') : anth Imeai seg narrowly linear, about 1.5 cm long; long (barely % li in length): ovules cor rose or lilac, its limb 2-4 cm in 1-4 in each cell." _ diam, with broadly wedge-obovate Baja! Oregon; Utah; Arizona, CD! lobes their margins often minutely Hugelia lutea Bentham, Bot Reg. ei-ose- ovules 20 or more in each cell. Gilia lutescens Steudel; Bentham in Abrams, Fl LA 317. DC. : 177 GILIA FLORIBUNDA A. Gray. SD mts (Parish 425); Arizona; Baja! ILIA GILIOIDES Greene. Loosely branching-, erect or diffuse, -21 i hi; radical and lower Ivs pin- nately parted into narrowly oblong or lanceolate divisions, or all so divided, or the upper palmately divided into 3-5 obovate or lanceolate divisions; * cor 4-6 li long, salverform, bl-p; sta un- equally inserted; cap globose; sds 1 or 2 in each cell. So Cal. Sierra Nev. Coville, CXH 4:155. Greene, Erythea 1:93 (1893). Collomia guioides Bentham, Bot Reg 19 sub t 1622 (1833). California. GILIA INCONSPICUA Dougl. Stms simple or branching from the base, often somewhat woolly when young, and viscid-glandular above, 18-36 cm hi; lower Ivs bipinnatifid, the upper pinnately-parted or pinnatifid, becoming sm and entire; fls somewhat crowded and subsessile or at length loosely panicled; cor violet or p'lish, 6-15 mm. long, narrowly funnelform, the tube scarcely equaling the ex. Parry, Bot Obs Wyo 4. Abrams, Fl LA 315. BC; Baja; Wyo; Texas. GILIA LATIFLORA A. Gray. SD Co; LA Co (Palmer). Variety EXILIS A. Gray. Diffusely paniculate-branched above, 3-4 dm hi, glabrous below or the young- parts somewhat arachnoid-tomentose, more or less glandular above; basal and lower Ivs simply pinnatifid, linear- lanceolate, 3-5 cm long, with short ovate or triangular and cuspidate- tipped lobes, these often enlarged and toothed or lobed; the cauline few. be- coming entire and subulate above; paniculate cymes very loose; fls mostly on elongated almost capillary pedicels, about 1 cm long, dilated-funnelform, abruptly contracted below into a nar- row tube, which equals or slightly ex- ceeds the ex, its lobes rounded-obovate, the throat y'ish below; cap obovoid. Abrams, Fl LA 315. Gabriel mts. GILIA LEMMONI Gray. Ha U 104. Mohave! LA. Baja! See Linanthus Lemmoni. GILIA LINIFLORA Benth. See Linanthus liniflorus. GALIUM ANDREWSII A. Gray. Densely matted, the prostrate sts rUng- at the oints, 5-10 cm long, gray- ish, sparsely scabrous or smooth; Ivs crowded, acerose-subulate, 4-8 mm loner; fls dioecious, stam slen- der-pedicelled in few-fid ter- minal cymes, pistillate solitary, subtended by a whorl of Ivs which are longer than the at length reflexed pedicel; berry whitish, becoming dark- colored. Abrams, Fl LA 379. Gabriel mts. Type localities: "near Fort Tejon," "Dry Hills, Atascadero," "Santa Inez mts, near SBar, near Kirka Pass, and near Monterey." Coville, CNH 4:118. Hanson's JCuyamaca! SBer to Lake Co. 178 GALIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM Nutt. Suffrutescent at base, 3-8 dm high, with rigid virgate branches, glabrous or minutely scabrous; Ivs narrowly linear, 1-nerved, 12-20 mm long; dioec- ious; cymes sm, in narrow panicles, the fertile ones more or less condensed* cor dull w, about 3 mm broad; bristles of fr about the length of body. Abrams, Fl LA 378. "Frequent on sand-dunes along the seashore, and in. the^foothills, often ascending to 4000 ft Hall, U 121. Xuttall. in T & G Fl 2:22 (1841). Type locality: "Si. Francisco," CaL Coville, CNH 4:118. SBar to Baja! Cruz; Rosa; SD (Or 122). GALIUM CALIFORNICUM H-A. Davidson, PI LA Co 8 Hall, U 121. Abrams, Fl LA 379. "Frequent in all the mts." So. Cal (Parish 1505). Wholly .ierbaceou, from slender creeping rt-stocks, often in low tufts, 8-30 mm hi, hirsute throughout; sts slender; Ivs in 4's, thin, ovate to ellip- tic, acute or acuminate, 6-12 mm long; fls polygamous, few, terminal, yellow- ish- w; fr baccate clothed with scat- tered hairs, pearly w, changing to- black in drying, 2-3 mm in diam. GALIUM XUTTALLII Gray. Suffrutescent below, often climbing, 6-15 dm hi, the angles of the sts and margins of the Ivs roughened or his- pidulous, otherwise glabrous; Ivs in 4's, thickish, oval to linear-obiong, mucron- ulate or obtuse, 3-6 mm long; fr gla- brous, p. 4mm broad. Abrams, Fl LA 379. Br. Zoe 1:114. Cat. SD to Humboldt Co; Cruz; Rosa. LA (Davidson). "Berry shining white." Gray, PI Wright 1:80; Bot Cal 1.283; syn Fl 1:4-0. Galium suffruticosum Nuttall, in T. & G. Fl 2:21 (not H. & A.). Galium mig-uelense, Greene. GALIUM TRIFLDUM L. McClatchie, Erythea 2:124, LA Co. Texas, Labrador; SBer (Parish 821) to Aleutian Islands. L, sp PI 1:105 (1753). Type locality: "in Canada." Coville, CNH 4:118. Sierra Nevada. VarietyPUSILLTJM Gray. Parish, Erythea 3:62. Bluff lake and Bear. Variety SUBBIFLORUM Wiegand. Per with slender rjc-stock and slen- der weak wholly herbaceous ascending sts, 4 dm hi or less, much branched and intermingled, sharply 4-angled, some- what scabrous ;lvs in 4's, linear-spat- ulate, very unequal, 8-10 mm long, ob- tuse, cuneate at base; flaccid and near- ly smooth; pedicels capillary, equaling: the Ivs, nearly glabrous, rarely 2-3-fl&; cor minute, w, its lobes trifld, very ob- tuse; fr glabrous. Abrams, Fl LA 378. 179 180 Al.IGERA CILIOSA Suksdorf. Hall, U 67. Blue Dicks. ".Disk oval or roundish, stoma shaped, Bonito Island, Baja. its opening elliptic-rhombic, or roundish Hookera capitata Kuntze, Rev Gen -and larger. California." Suksdorf, Ery- pi 712. thta 6:^0. Brodiaea insularis Greene ALIGERA INSIGNI9 Suksdorf. Variety ILBA Fls wLy wMte "Disk orbicular, stoma-shaped, its CALOCHORTUS ALBUS Doucl. aperture -roundish." Suksdorf, Erythea, "stem stout, glaucous, usually branchin- a foot or two hi; radical AT TP TRA AJL.HT.bvK.-A. 1? li minate, ereenish w; petals pure w, with f^iri^Y 86 ' ovate-orbicular, acut^ num short prickles on the si, branches, 'j^ 12 ' 15 . ll lo ^ s ' W1 ^ 8ca f te ^ n l n f midribs of the Ivs and inv otherwise f " n k ^ h *s above the gland; gland glabrous or nearly so, 1-2 m hi; Ivs I u ? a * e '/ hall 1 ow ' w f lt ^ * transverse 1m- sessile or the upper ones connate-per- bricated scales, fringed with close foliate, lanceolate or oblong, entire, th" fhort yellow or w glandular hairs; an- lower obtuse, crenate; Ivs of the inv tjf" obloner-obtuse, mucronate; ova spreading or reflexed, shorter than the attenuate above; capsule 1 or 2 i long, hd; hds ovoid, becoming- cylindric, 6-10 6 ; 12 , h broad abruptly short-beaked; cm long; scales of th e receptacle with S * S b ry% Pj. tted ' Purdy, Cal ac pr, hooKed tips, about equaling the fls; ar J* ,r r :117 ;-D NT 'rn \ cm ** lilac 8-12 mm long Cruz, Rosa (Br) La (Da), SD Co. Abrams, Fl LA 383. Occasional in v , A ? ra ? ls ' 1 F . T L 89. "Common on TTinist nlares about LA Eu shady banks in the Gabriel mts." BLOOMBKLA. AUREA ' KeUogg. CALOCHORTUS AMAB1LIS Purdy . Bulb about 15 cm in diam, becoming . bts O s tout, usually branching in densely covered with brownish fibres; P ai V s ; 8 - l2 A l . ^}, glaucous; radical Ivs scape scabrous, 2-5 dm hi; If solitary, ? 1 lo ?f 4 " 6 h . wide ' lanceolate-acum- equalin^- or exceeding the scape, 6-12 L n ?. te ' tin e with ; bracts large and mm broad; bracts narrowly lanceolate; foliaceous, 2-3 i long, 4-6 li wide; sep pedicels num 3-6 cm long; perianth shorter .uan pet, ovate, shortly cun- nearl- rotate in bloom; seg 8-12 mm eate at base ' sharnly acuminate or long; appendages about 2 mm long, ven mucronate at apex, y tinged with bicuspidate, minutely papillose. brown on the back; pet clear y ovate, BLOOMERIA CLEVELANDI S. Wats. W1 f h a short claw, obtuse at apex, "Differing from B. aurea in the several naked but margined with a close row very narrow leaves (1" wide or less), of short stiff hairs, very strongly in- in the stouter scape (3-7' high), in arched 'so that the tips of the pet having the thick and fleshy appendage at overlap each other much like a childs' the base of the filament smooth instead pin-wheel; grland very deep, projecting; of papillose, and obtuse at the summit upwards and outwards like a knob, instead of bicuspidat^e, and in the much lined with short stiff hairs which cross shorter style, which is shorter than the each 'other; anth oblong-obtuse; ova ovary. On the mesas near San Diego, Cal- elliptical, short-beaked." Purdy Cal Ifornia; first collected by D. Cleveland, In ac pr, sr 3, bot 2:119. 1874, and recently received from him ana CALOCHORTUS AURETJS S. Watson. from C. R. Orcutt." S. Watson, Proc. "Low, 4-6' high, with a single linear Am. Acad., xx. 376 (Feb. 21, 1885;. earinate radical leaf, 3-4' long; scape BLOOMERIA MONTANA Greene. Bhort, 1-2-flowered, the single pair ol "Corm 1' broad: leaf solitary: scape 2 bracts linear, 2' long: sepals greenish high, stout and scabrous: bracts numer- -y., W jth a dark-p. spot near the base, ob- ous, lanceolate: pedicels 30-50, 1-2' long or ovate-lanceolate; petals broadly long: perianth rotate, 1' in diameter: ap- cuneate, 15" long, bright-y., with a pendage at base of filament 1" long, its small, well-defined circular densely hairy lateral cusps subulate-filiform, % as long gland near the base and a lunate purplish as the filaments: anthers linear, 1%" spot above it; young capsule narrowly ob- long, attached almost at the very base, long, not winged.On sand-cliffs, Southern but versatile." -Greene, Bull. Cal. Acad. Utah (Mrs. E. P. Thompson); June." Sci., ii. 10-11 (Dec. 14, 1885). S. Watson, Amer. Natl.. vii. 7 (May, 1873). BRODIAEA CAPITATA Benth. CALOCHORTUS CATALJNAE S. TfaL Scape 1.5-5 dm hi, very tortuous, not Sts branching-, 3-6 dm hi, bulbifer- rarely twining; Ivs about equaling the ous at base, Ivs and bracts linear; sep scape, earinate; bracts p, darker than ovate-lanceolate, p-spotted near the the fls; fls several clustered in a head base, nearly equaling the pet; pet cun- on short pedicels 12 mm long or less; eate-obovate, 3-5 cm hi, lilac, with a perianth tube funnelform, shorter than large ovate purplish blotch at base; seg; appendages connivent, forming a gland oblong, y or brown, covered corona. Throughout Cal; Ut; Baja! with brown or yellowish hairs; anth Guad; Rosa. obtuse -inkish, 5 mm long 1 , on fil 3 Abra,ms, Fl LA 87. times as long; cap 2.5-5 cm long 1 , about 181 182 1 cm wide. light g without, gnish w within, "Common on the plains and in the faintly spotted; pet broadly cuneate, as foothills. Onofree Mountains; Santa broad as long rounded above, w, with Ana mountains; San Pedro hills. Ex- a r'ish brown transverse band above tending as far north as the banta Inez the gland; gland sm and round, dense- mts." Abrams. Fl LA 90. ly hairy with short matted hairs, short CALOCHORTUS CLAVATUS B. Wataom scattering hairs on each side of the Sts rather stout, 3-5 dm hi, bulbifer- gland onl-; cap linear as in C. venus- ous near the base; bracts linear; sep tus. Originally collected near Julian, -ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, about SD Co Cal by the veteran naturalist, -equaling the pet; pet cuneate-obovate, George W. Dunn, in whose honor the - tinged with brown below, the lower name is given." Purdy, Cal ac pr, sr 3, half clothed with long clavate hairs; bot 2:147. gland circular, deep, bordered with im- CALOCrfOliTUS PURDYI, Eastwood, toricated scales ;anth p, obtuse, 8-10 "Glabrous and glaucous; st 2-3 dm mm long, about equaling the fil; cap hi, rather stout, erect, branching, 2 to na?-row, about 5 cm long. many-flowered, not bulbiferous at base; Abrams. Fl LA 90. Monica mts. radical If solitary, sheathing the st, Variety "EL DORADO." linear-lanceolate, acuminate, 2 dm long, Variety "VENTURA." 1 cm wide, the upper surface bright, jCALOCHORTUS FLEXUOSUS S. Wats, the lower glaucous and ribbed with the "Branched and flexuous above; bracts filiform nerves; bracts foliaceous, Ian- alternate %-W long, linear-lanceo- ceolate-acuminate, amplexicaul, upper late, carina^e, rather rigid; sepals oblong- ones opp; pedicels equalling or v slightly lanceolate, greenish with a deep-p. and surpassing the bracts, erect in fl, re- orange or p. gland above, the glandular curved in fr; fl broadly open-companu- cuneate, 12-15" long, purplish, with a late; sep from elliptical to narrowly -deep-p. claw and an ill-defined circular ovate, abruptly acuminate, tinged with orange or p. gland above, the glandular p on the outer surface, pveined on the hairs extending laterally to the margin; inner, two-thirds as long as the pet; capsule triangular, narrowly oblong. pe t broadly obovate-cuneate, acute or Southern Utah and Northern Arizona rounded at apex, creamy w o r tinged (Mrs. E. P. Thompson); April and May. w ith p, bearded all over the inner sur- The bulbs, as of other species, are eaten f ac e with long hairs which are w on l>y the Indians." S. Watson, Amer. Natl., the upper half of the pet, p on the low- viS 7 (Mav. 1873). er, somewhat arched by the narrow, CA.LOCHORTUS INVENUSTUS. t transverse, semi-circular, conspicuous ""Near C splendens, but sepals not gland the shallow pit of which is cov- ^onrved oblong-lance'date with a nar- ered by a densely hairy narrow scale; recurved, oi r , otQl o P11 neate anth lanceolate, abruptly acuminate, row scarious margin: petals tie cream color or p 'ii s h, shorter than the obovate, of a dull somewhat greenis i fll> w hich broaden to the base; cap 3 cm white glabrous except a few long. 2 cm wide, broadly elliptical, with 1 white hairs near the base the the^ wln^-Hke^ vaJve^ ersely short claw and the small lanceolate 1:l37j t n f sa-8f. rurlv hairy gland purple: filaments CALOCHORTUS PLUMMERAE Green*, horter than the anthers, these oblong- "Near C. splendens, but longer: se- linear truncate at apex, slightly sagit- pals erect: petals as broad as long, dis- tate at base "Greene pitt 2:71. Mts. tinctly unguiculate, forming a campan- west of Mohave Desert. ulate cup, the lamina of a rich red- CALOCHORTUS LYONI S. Watson. Purple, more than half its surface pr- "NearC. nitidus; stems branching and namented with orange-colored hairs, somewhat 'flexuous, 1-2 high, bearing sev- the gi an( j near the base densely ciliate: eral leaves and 2 -.l. o ^^?_ re li f a ^ lt l r :y r ,u r : anthers oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, mu- JTSh 8 w n i?h e a dSr^r ^ sparmgly bro'wn- cronulate, V 2 in. long, on filaments of an villous spot at base surrounding the equal length: ovary long and narrow, short-oblong hairy gland, 12-20' long: a]most equalling the petals." Greene, fo^gf" C ^ufe' elllP na C rrowly b emptical, pitt 2:70. San Bernardino Co, Cal. obtuse, 3- winged, nearly 1' long. Los (Mr. and Mrs. Lemmon; Parish). Ded- ^ms e n e e S ar C Lo^Ange?es f b^W S Lyon and icated to Mrs. S. Plummer Lemmon. Dr. Gray, and at Newhali by Dr. Gray, in CALOCHORTUS SPLENDENS Dqugl. Ig85._s. Watson, Proc. Am. Acad., xxi. Abrams, Fl LA 90. Gabriel and Santa 455 (June 2, 1886). Ana mts. Purdy. Sts single 3-6 dm hi, usually 183 with a sm p blotch at base surround- ing- the densely hairy gland, the lower third sparsely hairy to, but not below, the gland; anth obtuse, usually shorter than the fil. Davidson, PI LA Co 17. Variety ATROVIOLACEUS. Variety MAJOR. Variety MONTANUS. Variety RUBRA. CALOCHORTUS VENUSTUS Dougl. St 2-5 dm in- Ivs and bracts narrow; sep oblong-lanceolate, 3-5 cm long, acute, about equaling- the pet; pet broadly obovate-cuneate, broader than long, w, shaded above with lilac, a con- spicuous reddish-p spot near the sum- mit, a brownish-y arch in the center, and a brown base, or these markings sometimes obscure; gland oblong- or lunate, densely hairy and surrounded by a few scattered hairs; anth oblong, obtuse on dilated fil of nearly equal length; cap narrow, 5-7 cm long. Abrams, Fl LA 91. Davidson, PI LA Co 17. Variety CITRINUS. Variety OCULATUS. Variety PURPURASCENS. Variety ROBUSTA. Variety ROSEUS. Variety SULPHUREUS Purdy. Pet light y, with eye in center and a rose-colored blotch at summit. Abrams, Fl LA 91. Newhall (David- son). CALOCHORTUS WEEDII Wood. Sts often much branched above, 3-5 dm hi; bracts linear; sep oblong- with an acuminate tip nearly as long as the pet or exceeding them, y orange-spot- ted at the base; pet cuneate-obovate, sometimes truncate, 2.5-3.5 cm long, deep y, usually dotted with brown, the upper margin ciliate, densely clothed with hairs at least on the lower two- thirds; anth about equaling the fll. Abrams, Fl LA 90. SD Co CHLOROGALUM POMERIDIANUM Kt. Bulbs large, about 1 dm Ibng, dense- ly and coarsely fibrous-coated; st and spreading panicle 6-15 dm hi; Ivs 2-5 dm long, 15-30 mm wide, carinate, un- dulate; pedicels slender, about 6 mm long; perianth rotate, its seg 16-20 mm long, w with p veins; cap about 6 mm long. PRITILLARIA BIFLORA Ltndl. Bulb of a few very thick and fleshy ovate scales, 6-10 cm long; st usually stout, 15-45 cm hi, 1-3. fid; Ivs 2-6, mostly near the base, somewhat ver- ticillate or scattered, lanceolate or ob- long-lanceolate, 5-10 cm long; perianth dark brownish-p. tinged with g; seg spreading, oblong-lanceolate, about 25 mm long; sta 8-10 mm long; anth 4 mm long, mucronate; sty distinct above; stig linear; cap broadly obovoid? somewhat 6-angled, 12-18 cm long. Chocolate or Black Lily. TRITELEIA LANA Bentham - Scape 3-6 dm hi; umbel 10-30 fld; pedicels 3-6 cm long; perianth 3-4 cm long, funnelform, violet, cleft nearly 184 to the middle, anth versatile, ovate- lanceolate. 2-lobed at base bluish or w, Abrams Fl LA 87. On low hills, X7os Felis, Davidson. Brodiaea laxa Watson. YUCCA MOJAVENSIS Sargent. The datile, or wild date, of the Mexi- cans, better known to Americans as the Spanish bayonet, Mexican dagger plant, wild banana, etc., occurs from the Mohave desert to the vicinity of San Quintin, Lower California, extend- ing eastward through the arid regions of Arizona and Sonora, and perhaps to Texas. It attains almost tree-like pro- portions, and forms extensive forest- like plantations. Such a forest, when in full bloom, is a sight to be remem- bered. The large, waxy, bell-shaped flowers, of a creamy, sometimes mark- ed with prune purple, are of surpass- ing beauty. The fruit does not seem to mature well near the coast. It is somewhat of the size and shape of a banana, of a sweetish taste, slightly reminding one of a fig. Near San Diego the plant is commonly under 8 feet in height; in the interior attains to 15 or 18 feet. Genus HELIANTHUS Linnaeus. Erect ann o r per herbs, with opp or alt simple Ivs, and large peduncled corymbose or solitary hds of both tub- ular and ray fls, the ra^s y, the disk y, brown or p: inv hemispheric or de- pre^sed, its bracts imbricated in sev- eral series: receptacle flat, convex or conic, chaffy, the chaff subentire: ray- fls sterile: disk-fls perfect, with short tube and 5-lobed limb: sty-branches tipped with hirsute appendages; ak thick, oblong or obovate, compressed or somewhat 4-angled: pappus of 2 scales or awns, or sometimes with 2-4 additional snorter ones, decid. HEILANTHUS ANNUUS 1 Linn. Robust hispid or scabrous; sts often 2.5 cm hi, thick, mottled or spotted with p; Ivs all but the lowest alt, acute or acuminate, more or less regu- larly dentate or denticulate. 10-25 cm long, petiolate; inv bracts broadly ovate to oblong, aristiform-acuminate; disk 2 cm broad or more, dark p or brown; rays often 5 cm long. L, sp PI 2:904 (1753). Type locality: "in Peru, Mexico." Gray, Syn Fl 1, pt 2, 272 (1884), says the type "came not from Peru nor even from Mexico." Coville, CNH 4:131. Abrams, Fl LA 415. "A common weed." Sunflower: widely distributed. HELTAJSTTHUS NIVEU9 Br. Helianthus dealbatus A, Gray. Throughout Baja (Hinds; Belding; Or). 185 186 HEL1ANTHUS PARISHII A. Gray. Sts slender, --5 m hi, simple or branched above; % lvs elongated-lanceo- late, softly cinereous-puberulent or canescent beneath, scabrous above; hds 10-15 mm hi; rays 20-35 mm long; inv bracts linear-subulate, longer than the disk, villous ring or 2 tufts above the short proper tube; paleae of the pappus slender-subulate. Abrams, Fl LA 415. Oak Knoll (Grant). Hall, U 128. Parish sunflower. SBer (Parish 1025). Genus ENCEL.IA Adanson. Herbs or low shrubs with alt or opp Ivs, and usually with large peduncled hds of both ray and disk fls, the rays neutral y, the disk y or brownish, per- fect; receptacle flat, convex or conic, chaffy; chaff usually soft r and mainly scarious: ak flattened, thin-edged, often villous: pappus or an awn or its rudiment to each margin of the wingless ak. ENCELIA CALIFORNICA Nutt. Woody at base, branched above, 6-12 dm hi, strong-scented, minutely pub- escent: Ivs ovate to oblong-lanceolate, rarely denticulate or toothed, about 5 cm long, g and glabrate: hds common- ly solitary, disk about 2 cm broad, brownish or purplish: inv w-villous: lays 16-20, 2.5 cm long or more, gold- en-y; ak obovate with very shallow notch and no pappus, the margins very long villous. Abrams, Fl LA 415. SBar: Da 8; SD! Baja! Genus 1I1DEXS Linnaeus. An or per herbs with opp serrate or usually lobed or dissected Ivs, or the upper mostly alt, and usually rather large hds of both tubular and radiate fis or rays 0. Tnvolucral bracts in 2 sr, distinct or somewhat united at toase, the outer often foliaceous and much longer than the inner: receptacle flat or nearly so. chaffy, the chaff subtend- ing the disk-fls: rays when present neutral, usually y: disk fls perfect: ak flat, quadrangular or nearly terete: pappus of 2-6 teeth or subulate awns, barbel or hispid. BIDENS PILOSA Linn. Ann: sts erect, usually branched from the base, 4-6 dm hi. glabrous or sparsely pilose-pubescent; Ivs pinnate, pilose-pubescent Iflts 3-5, irregularly serrate or incised, 15-25 mm long; hds scattered, few, 10-12 mm broad; rays 0; ak narrow, linear, about 1 cm long. Frequent along streets and irrigat- ing ditches. Native of tropical Am. Abrams, Fl LA 418. Parish 8o e 1:59. Davidson, Erythea 1:60 LA Co. Genus LEPTOSYNE De Candolle. Glabrous ann or per herbs or rarely shrubby, with dissected Ivs, and usu- ally scapiform erect peduncles, bear- ing rather large heads of y fls: inv bracts in 2 series, the outer of narrow foliaceous spreading bracts, the inner of broad membranous erect ones: rays broad, pistillate and oftjen fertile, sometimes neutral: chaff of receptacle linear, thin, scarious, decid with the fr: ak flat or somewhat concavo-con- vex, margined: pappus* a minute cal- lous cup or a pair of paleae. LEPTOSYNE DOUGLASII DC. An, 3 dm hi: Ivs mostly basal. 2-3- parted into filiform divisions: rays 10-15 cm long: the ring of disk-cor distinctly bearded: sparsely beset with capitate rigid bristles, the margin be- coming corky: cup-like ring in place of pappus entire. Abrams, Fl LA 417. SD Co! Baja! &Ber; Monterey; Arizona. Genus PLUCHEA Cass. Herbs or shrubs with alt Ivs and sm hds of tubular fls in terminal cymose clusters: involucral bracts imbricated in several sr, appressed, herbaceous; receptacle lat, outer fls of hd pistillate their cor filiform, 3-cleft or dentate: central fls perfect, but mostly sterile, their cor 5-cleft; ak sm, 4-5-angled or sulcate; pappus a sr of capillary sca- brous bristles. PLUCHEA BOREALIS A. Gray. Tessaria borealis T-G, Emory R 143. Texas SD; Baja! "Cachimilla." See Pluchea serlcea. PLUCHEA CA*MPHORATA DC. An, stoutish, minutely and somewhat viscid-pubescent, leafy, 6 dm hi; Ivs ob- long-ovate to oblong-lanceolate, acute at both ends, toothed or denticulate, the larger 7-12 cm long, petioled; hds short-pedicelled, dull p, crowded in a corymbose cluster; bracts ovate to lan- ceolate, often colored. DC, Prodr 5:452 (1836). Type locality: "in Virginia." Mass Fla; Texas Cal; Quintin! McClatchie, Erythea 2:125, Cat. Abrams, Fl LA 407. Erigeron camphorata L, sp PI ed 2, 2:1212 (1762). PLUCHEA SERICEA Coville. Shrub 4 m hi or less, with suberect slender willowy branches, very leafy up to the cymose clusters of rather sm hds; Ivs silky-pubescent, 2.5-5 cm long, linear-lanceolate, acute at both ends, entire; involucre campanulate; outer bracts ovate, obtuse, tomentose; inner ones narrowly linear, deciduous; fls w'ish, tinged with p or red; pappus copious, the bristles of the sterile fls clavellate-dilated, of the fertile slender- Abrams, Fl LA 407, Arrowwood. Pluchea borealis A. Gray. Brandegee. Zoe 1:114. Cat. Coville/ CXH 4:128. Death Valley; Utah: etc. Polypappus sericeus iNUttall, PI Gamb 1*8 (1848). Type locality: "Rocky mts of upper California." Tessaria borealis Torrey, Emory R 142 (1848); Gray, PI Fendl 75 (1849), 187 PI Wright 1:102 (1852), with first de- scription. Genus STYLOCLINE Nuttall. Low and diffuse w-woolly ann, with alt Ivs and terminal subglobose hds: bracts of inv and of the receptacle decid with the mature fr. those of the fertile fls involute or saccate-condup- licate, embracing the obovate or oblong obcompressed ak; those of sterile fls plane or concave: pappus in the fer- tile fls, composed of a few caducous bristles in the sterile ones. STYLOCLINE GNAPHALIOIDES Nutt. Sts 5-10 cm long 1 ; Ivs linear or the upper oblong, obtuse; fr'ing bract hya- line, broadly ovate, woolly on the back Calmalli (Br); SD! Stanislaus Co: Cruz; Rosa. Abrams, Fl LA 408. Genus FILAGO Linnaeus. Erect slender floccese-woolly an, with alt entire Ivs and sm discoid hds in capitate lateral and terminal clus- bracts of inv few. scarious: recep- tacle convex or subconic, chaffy, each chaff-scale subtending- an ak: outer fls of hds in sev sr pistillate cor filiform, minutely 2-4-dontnte: central fls few, perfect, but mainly sterile, their cor tubular, 4-5-toothed: ak terete or slightly compressed FILAGO CALIFORNICA Nuttall. Slender, erect an. 2 dm hi or less; Ivs linear or lowest spjJtulate; hds ovate, slightly angular; pistillate fls 8-10-bractcate, their bracts broadly ovate and deeply, boat-shaped, some- arcuate-incurved, very wooly, with brcHsiish obtuse hyaline tips; in- facts oblong, concave, nearly gla- brous; nkenes narrowly oblong., min- utely papillose-granular; pappus of the embraced 0; of the others copious-: Abrams, Fl LA 409. Nuttall, Am phil soc tr, n sr 7 "405 (1841). Type locality: "near St Barbara." Cal. Coville, CNH 4:128. Panamint nits. Guad; Cruz; Rosa; Utah; Oregon. Genus GNAPHALIUM Linnaeus. Everlasting fls; woolly erect or dif- fusely branched an, biennial or per herbs with alt Ivs and discoid hds of staminate and perfect fls: involucral bracts sca- ious, w or y'ish, imbricated: receptacle fat, naked: staminate fls in several sr, flat, naked: staminate fls in several sr, their cor fil- iform, minutely dentate or 3-4- lobed: central fls perfect, their cor tub- ular, 5-toothed or lobed;aks not ribbed: pappus a single sr of scabrous capillary bristles, sometimes thickened above. GNAPHAL11TM CATLIPORNICUM DC. Jepson, Erythea 1:12. f'latchie, Erythea 2:125, Cat. Bien, 6-10 dm hi, stoutish, corym- bosely branched at the summit, bear- ing rather loose' cymosely disposed clusters of broad hds; Ivs lanceolate, glabrate above, glandular and balsam- 188. ic-scented, strongly adnate-decurrent;. hds 5-7 mm hi, nearly as broad, w or y'ish; outer bracts ovate or oblong, the inner acute. Abrams, Fl LA 410. GNAPHALIUM CHILENSE Spreng. Sts rather stout, from an ann or bien rt, 3-6 dm hi, loosely floccose or the upper faces of the Ivs often nearly gla- brous; Ivs lanceolate or the lower often spatulate or oblanceolate; hds in close clusters at the ends of the corymbose branches; inv hemispheric, with a y'ish-g tinge; bracts oval or ob- long, obtuse. GNAPHALIUM LEUCOCEPHAALUM Gray. Per from a lignescent rt; sts sever- al, 4-6 dm hi, strict, mostly simple, very leafy; herbage w with close wool except the under sides of the Ivs; st- jvs narrowly linear, attenuate, acute, erect, short-decurrent at the narrow base, viscid-glandular above; hds in a sm close cyme; inv broadly campanu- late, much imbricated, pearly w; bracts ovate and oblong, obtuse. Texas; Arizona; So Cal (Parish). Abrams, Fl LA 410. near Monrovia. Biol. Erythea* 1:17. McClatchie, Erythea 2:125, Gabriel nitS. Genus MICROPUS Linnaeus. Low floccose an, with all entire Ivs and sev-fld-scatered hds: pistilate fls in 1 or 2 sr on a sm receptacle, each en- clo*ed in a conduplicate bract which has a scarious, appendiciPate lip: nei- maphrodite sterile tls central, few, mostly naked: inv outside v>f the ir -& bracts, scanty and scarjous: akeiics gibbous, obovate, each enclosed in its bract and falling away with it: papus 0. MICROPUS CALIFORNICUS F. & M. Slender, erect, 1-3 dm hi; Ivs mostly linear; fructiferous bracts 5-6, becom- ing firm-coriaceous, somewhat semicor- dat e or semiobovate in outline, straight anteriorly, the soon erect bract-like tip mostly scarious. Guad- Cruz; Baja! SD mts! Oregon. Abrams, Fl LA 408. Genus PSILOCARPHTJS Nuttall. Sm usually depressed and much branched floccose ann, with opp and globose lids which are sessile at the axils or at the forks. Fr'ing bracta num. crowded on the globular or oval receptacle, cucullate-saccate, semiobo- or semiobcordate, rounded at the lip somewhat membranaceous, apex introrse. the ovate or oblong hyaline appendage inflexed or erect. Ak loose within the bract, oblong or narrow,. straight, slightly compressed. PSILOCAKPHL)* GLOBIFERUS Nutt. Abrams, Fl LA 408. Branched from the base and spread- ing or prostrate;- Ivs linear or narrow- ly spatulate, the upper-most little sur- passing the very woolly hds; ak obo- vate-oblong, about 1 mm long. 189 VERBESINA ENCELIOIDES B-H. Ann: sts densely puberulent, much branched or rarely simple, 3-6 dm hi; Ivs deltoid-ovate or deltoid-lanceolate, 5-10 cm long, coarsely dentate, g and minutely pubescent above, pale and densely canescent beneath, all alt or the lowest opposite, narrowed at the base to a margined petiole, these often with dilated appendages at the base, hds several or many, 2.5-5 cm broad; racts lanceolate, canescent; rays golden-y. 3-toothed; ak of the disk-tis obovate, winged; pappus of 2 subulate awn.s, those of the rays rugose, thickened, often wingless. Abr.-ims. Fl LA 416. Parish Zoe 1:59. Davidson, Erythea 1:60. LA Co. COLEOSAXTHtS CALJFORXICUS Kun ;bby at base, '6-9 dm hi, panicu- lately branched; herbage somewhat glandular-puberulent; Ivs alt, ovate, somewhat triangular or slightly cor- date, obtus- , irregularly crenate- toothed, 3-ribbed from the base, veiny, roughish 2-3 cm long, short-petioled; -picate or racemose along leafy branches, about 1 cm hi, 10-15-fld; in- volucral bracts with thinnish, mostly straight tips. Mendocino Co to Baja! Abrams, Fl L A 391. Brickellia Californica A. Gray. Hall U 125. COLEOS AXTHIS DESERTORUM Coville. "Shrubby, about 1 m hi; branches minutely w-tomentose, becoming gla- brous in the 2d or 3d year, but still with a w epidermis, afterward gray; It, minutely einereous-tomentose; petioles 2-5 mm long; blades deltoid ovate, truncate at the base, crenate- le, commonly 3-8 mm long, on vigorous shoots reaching 16 mm in length: hds in glomerules of 2-4 fls, on short leafy branches from a main axis, or in the 2d Or 3d year the branches elongated and divaricate and bearing a single terminal glounerule; inv 7-8 mm hi. about 10-12-fld; bracts 3- nerve 1, with trai-os of minute tomen- tum. 1 mm or less wide, bluntly acute, the outermost oblong-lanceolate, all widely recurved after the maturing of the ak 2 mm long sparingly short- hispid; pappus scabrous." Coville Wash biol soc pr 7:68 (1S9:>). . Brickellia desertorum Coville. ilk-. CNH 4:119. Mohave desert. locality: "between Banning -and Seven Palms," Riverside Co. Cal. Type in U S No Hb (Or, 7 N 1889). 'CUPRESSUS GUADALUPENSIS S. Wat. The blue cypress is a handsome, slen- der tree, 40 to possibly 60 feet high, with beautiful exfoliating reddish bark and glaucous foliage, first discovered on Guadalupe island, and later found in rocky canyons near Ensenada, on the mainland. It proves not rare in some of the canyons near the interna- .190 tional boundary, and Perish records it in "ravines near the Old Mission, San Diego, not abundant" (Zoe., 4:352). Its graceful habit and compact growth makes it one of the most ornamental species in the genus. PINUS COULTERI Don. The big cone pine is a tree 1-2% feet in diameter and 50 or more feet high, occurring above 5,000 feet usually, from Mount Diablo to the Catalina mountain and on the mountains north- east of Ensenada in "Lower California. The cones are long, oval pointed, 10-14 inches long and 4 or 5 inches in diame- ter, yellowish brown, persistent for many years on the tree, the scales with a very stout, long incurved point (some- times 2 inches long.) PIXUS LAMBERTIANA Lam. The sugar pine attains at times a height of 300 feet and a diameter of 8 to 20 feet, with light brown smoothish bark, splitting in small sections. The bright brown cylindrical cones are 1 to iy 2 feet long, 3-4 inches wide, on pe- duncles 3 inches in length, containing smooth, black seeds Vz inch long. "The exundation from the partially burned tree loses its resinous qualities and ac- quires a sweetness similar to that of sugar or manna, for which it is some- times used, whence the name of sugar pine." (Watson, Botany of California, 2:123). The sugar which I have col- lected from trees in the Cuyamaca mountains was very sweet, fine grained and white as snow. PIXUS MURICATA Don. A small pine, growing near San Isi- dro, in Lower California, not known from San Diego county, is found, only near the coast, as far north as Mendo- cino where it grows 50 to 80 or 120 feet high. At San Isidro trees only 3 feet high were perfecting cones, which are said to persist over 30 years on the tree The leaves are in pairs. The cones are sessile, ovate, about 3 inches long, with stout prickles on the outside. The cones occurring in whoils around the stem, and remaining closed for many years, are one of the curiosities of Cal- ifornia botany. PINUS JEFFREYI Murr. The Jeffrey or black pine is a tree 75 feet high, trunk 3 feet in diameter, usu- ally found in the mountain valleys near small streams, extending into Lower 191 192 California. Credited to the Cuyamaca Jac (Chandler 1703). mountain. Genus SAMBUCUS Tournefort. Shrubs or trees, with pinnately com- pound leaves, serrate leaflets, small usually white and 'odorous flowers in broad cymes, and red or black berry- like fruits. J3AMBUCUS GLAUCA Nutt. The California elder is considered superior to either the eastern or the European species in the quality of its fruit. Edward J. Wickson says: "It is common throughout the state; and frequently becomes a tree 20 feet or more in height with a trunk 18 inches in diameter. The fruit is very abund- ant, and largely used." California Fruits, Ed. 2, p. 65. GARRYA PALLIDA Eastwood. Lvs ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acute and with a recurved mucro, entire, sparsely silky-pubescent beneath, with straight upwardly appressed pubes- cence; racemes short; bracts about 3 mm long; ex-teeth close to the base of the sty and concealed in the young fr by dense hairs. Abrams, Fl LA 294. Santa Ana mts. GARRYA FLAVESCENS S. Watson. "(Garrva ? Watson, King's Rep. 5; 421). Pubescence silky, appressed; Ivs elliptic-oblong, 1-2 V% i long, acute at each end, entire, glabrate above, mar- gin revolute; petioles 3-6 li long; .amerits pendulous; bracts 6-10 pairs, broad-ovate, connate, foliaceous, acute or the lower acuminate; sterile aments 1-2 i long, loose, the fls (1-3 together) on pedicels equaling or exceeding the bracts; fertile aments 1 i long, dense, with solitary fls and densely pubescent fr. Frequent from Southern Nev and Ut to Ar and NM; growing 5-8 ft hi, .and fl'ng in Mr." S. Watson, Am nat 7:301 (My 1873). Variety PALMERI S. Watson. S Bar Baja! Cedros Is G. Veatchii. POA HOWEfLLII Vasey and Soribner. Cruz; Oregon. Variety CHANDLERI Davy. "Chandler's Meadow Grass. Stems 3.5- 5.5 cm high: Ivs smooth; sheaths some- what inflated; ligule scarious, w, trun- i 1 without pappus rarely fertile. Hillsides near Grouse Creek, Ag. 1. Has the habit of section Calycadenia. but with anomalous char- acters in the disk-ak." Drew, Torr cl b 16:lol. Humboldt Co Cal HAZ1RDIA SQUARROSA Greene Suffrutescent, erect, 6-10 dm hi, 'glan- dular and glutinous; Ivs oblong, about summit of the branches, 1 cm' long- bracts of the inv rigid, appressed ' in many series, their tips abruptly spreading; rays 0; ak sparsely pubes- Abrams, Fl LA 400. Greene, Erythea 2:112. Pyrrocoma grindelioides DC prodr o^ooO (1836). (189??* srindelioides OK Rev Gen 318 Monterey, Cal. to Baja Calif McClatchie Erythea 2:124 Cat. CFIRYSOMA CUXEATA Greene. Freely branching and spreading, about 3 dm hi; Ivs coriaceous, cuneate- obovate or spatulate-obovate, often re- tuse, 10-14 mm long, resinous-puncate glutinous; hds about 12 mm hi, in a terminal fasciculate coryumb; bracts tin lanceolate or linear, obtusish: rays 1-5 or 0; ak pubescent. Abrams, Fl LA 398. Gabriel. Greene, Erythea, 3:11. Aplopappus cuneatus A. Grav, Am ac pr 8:635 (1873). Type locality: "California, in Bear Valley, alt 4.500 ft," SBer Co. VarietySPATHULATA Greene. Greene, Erythea 3:11. Bigelovia spathulata Gray Am ac pr 1 .1:74 (ISTfi) Bigfelovia rupestris Greene, Bot gaz 6:183 C1881). Lower California, Arizona. CFIRYSOMA ERICOIDES Greene. Diffusely branching, 8 dm hi or less, branches fastigiate corymbose, very Ify throughout; Ivs linear, terete, those of the branches about 1 oru long deflexed, bearing in their axils very short branchlets hidden by 2-ranked closely imbricated shorter ones; inv turbinate, about 6 mm hi; bracts tomonto-53-cui- ate, all erect, the outer successively shorter, becoming g'ish and passing into the very short Ivs; rays about 3-5, short; ak irlabious. Abrams, Fl LA 398. Frequent on bluffs and sand-dunes along the sea- shore. Ericameria microphylla NuttaTl. CHRYSOJIA PALMERI Greene. Paniculately much branched, about 1 195 m hi or less; Ivs all filiform terete, those of the blanches about 2 r>m long; lower bracts of the inv g'ish-tipped; rays 3-4; ak pubescent. Abrams, Fl LA 398. LA, SD. Greene, Erythea 3:12, based on Aplo- pappus Palmeri Gray, Am ac pr 8:636 (1873). Aster Nevinii OK, Rev gen pi 316. CHRYSOMA PANICULATA Greene. Greene, Erythea 3:12, based on Bige- lovia paniculata Gray Am ac pr 8:644 US73). Aster asoe OK Rev gen 315. Southern California eastward. CHRYSOMA PARISHII Greene. Arborescent, 2-4 m hi; Ivs lanceolate, 3-5 cm long, 6-10 mm wide, acute, sub- coriaceous, strongly puncate, glutin- ous; hds num in crowded corvmbs, ter- minating the erect branches, sm. 10-12- fld; inv turbinate; the bracts 1'evv, ir- regularly imbricated, lanceolate, acute, with a g midrib; ak turbinate, minute- ly silky. Abrams, Fl LA 398. Gabr'ei; SBer. Greene, Erythea 3:10, based on Bige- lovia parish!! Greene, Torrey cl b 9:62 (1882). Aster pan'Phii OK Rev gen 318. Low mts of southeastern Calif. CHRYSOMA PINIFOLIA Greene. Rather , stout, with rigid, erect branches, .15 mm hi or less; st-lvs fili- form, 2.5 cm long or more, mucronate; hds rather few in a contracted panicle, or scattered, campanulate; proper bracts of the inv broadly lanceolate and with a g'ish midrib, the loose out- er ones subulate, shorter than the in- ner and passing into the sm Ivs of the fig branchlets; rays usually 6-10; ak glabrous or nearly so. Abrams, Fl LA 398. Aster pityphyllus OK, Rev gen 316. Interior of Southern Cal. Greene, Erythea 3:12, based on Ap- lopappus pinifolius Gray, Am ac pr 8:636 (1873). CHRYSOMA TERETIFOLIA Greene. Greene Erythea 3:12, based on Lin- osyris teretifolia D-H, Pac Ry R, 5:9 t 7 (1855). Bigelovia teretifolia Gray, Am ac pr 8:644 (1873). Aster durandii OK Rev gen 316. Mts of Mohave Desert region. APLOPAPPUS INTERIOR Coville. Stenotus interior Greene Erythea 2:72 (1894). Related to A. linearifolius DC, but differing in its shorter Ivs (12-20 mm), subulate-bracteate peduncle, shorter, acute, involucral bracts, and smaller rays 0-11 mm long. In A. linearifolius the larger Ivs are 30-40 mm long, the peduncles leafy-bracted, the involucral bracts 11-14 mm long, including the filiform-subulate acumination. and trie rays 13-15 mm long." Coville, Wash biol soc pr 7:65 (1892); CNH 4:121 (1893). Hall, U 124. Ut; Ar; Inyo Co; SD Co. 196 SOLIDAGO CALIFORNICA Nutt. Roughish with an almost cinereous short pubescence, 6-9 dm hi, Ivs larger and more num* below, passing from obovate to oblong-lanceolate, and from obtuse to acute, the lower and broader more Or less serrate; panicle virgate, rather loose, the racemiform clusters secund; 'hds 6 mm hi; bracts lanceo- late-oblong or oblong-linear, obtusish- rays 7-12; ak pubescent. Hall, U 131. SOLIDAGO CONFINIS Gray. Glabrous, or the infl sometimes min- utely pubescent, 4-9 dm hi; ivs lance- olate, the st Ivs shorter, about 5-8 cm long, the basal often oblanceolate or obovate, hds about 4 mm long, crowded in a dense oblong panicle, not secund; rays not surpassing the disk-fls; ak canescently pubescent. Monterey to Mexico: CD! Cruz; Rosa. ASTER GREATAE Parrish. Sts erect or assurgent, 4-17 dm hi, glabrous or above sparsely hirtellous; Ivs thin, ovate, oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, 6-15 cm long, the scabrid margins few-toothed or entire, base clasping; uppermost usually reduced to linear or linearlanceolate bracts; hds 5 mm hi, in an ample panicle; inv-bracts loosely imbricated in a few series, lan- ceolate, g, minutely ciliate; rays 30-40, light p, narrow, acute, 5-10 mm long-; ak hirsute. CASTER HESPE'RIUS A. Gray. Sts panlculatcly branched, 6-10 dm hi, varying from nearly glabrous to scabrous-pubescent; Ivs lanceolate, en- tire or the larger with a few denticu- lations. 5 T 10 cm long 6-15 mm wide; hds crowded, 8-10 mm hi; inv of nar- rowly, linear or more attenuate acute or gradually acuminate erect bracts, either unequal and imbracated or with some loose and slender herbaceous ex- terior ones which equal the inner; raj'S either w or vio, 6-8 mm long. Abrams, Fl LA 402. Cienega. near LA; and in low ground about SBer. AFTER MEiNZIESIT Lind'. Strictly erect, about 4-6 dm hi, usu- ally simple and very leafy up to the mostly simply racemose or racemose- paniculate infl. the whole plant ciner- eously and roughly pubescent; Ivs ob- long-lanceolate, acute, 5-7.5 cm long, rvmotely and faintly serrate; hds num in an ample cymose panicle, inv nearly hemispheric, about 6 mm hi: bracts in rather few series, spatulate-linear, very obtuse, wholly g-herbaceous; rays dull pale p'ish. Abrams, Fl LA 401. Occasional on dry wooded hills about LA and east- wa rd. Throughout Cal.; L A (Parish 573); Ne- va r a. TETRADYMIA COMOSA A. Gray. Branches erect, elongated, 4-8 dm hi; primary Ivs linear, softly floccose-to- mentose, the earlier 5-7 cm long, and 4 mm wide, plane; those of the branch- es often filiform, decid, some of the up- per changed to soft spines; hds corm- bose or glomerate at the summit of the branches; inv 5-9-fld, its bracts 5-6; pappus fine, concealed by the long wool of ak. Gray. Am ac pr 12:60 (1876). Type locality: "W. Nev," "S. E. bor- ders of Cal," "Potrero," SD Co. Coville, CXH 4:141. Abrams, Fl LA 438. la,; SBer; SD Co; Baja! Genus PEREZIA Lagasca. Per herbs with mostly reticulated often setulose-ciliate or spinulos-j Ivs, and solitary cymose or paniculate mid- dle-sized, discoid hds of rose-p, w, or bl fls: involucral bracts imbricated in few-several series, dry, chartaceous or coriaceous: receptacle flat, naked, rarely .pilose or fimbrillate: cor 5-lobed, som-v-hat bilabiate: ak narrowed at apex: pappus of copious capillary sca- brous rigid or soft bristles. PEREZIA MICROCEPHALA A Gray. Tall, branching above, 1.5-2 m hi, leafy: Ivs oblong, the upper ovate, cor- date-clasping. S-12 cm long, thin coria- ceous, minutely glandular-scabrous, veiny. closely spinulose-denticulate; hds corymbose at the summits of the paniculate branches, 12-15 mm hi; in- volucral bracts very acute, coriaceous; in a hd, cor 8-10 mm long, rose-p. .ms, Fl LA 443. Frequent on the dry interior plains and foothills. Jl-Ag. Bloch, Erythea 1:191. Sacapellote. Notes its medicinal repute. Monterev 10 ?n SEar to Santo Tomas, Baja! Genus CEXTAIREA I,i 11 iineus. Ann or per herbs, with alt entire dentate pr pinnatifid Ivs. and large or :ed hds of variously colored fls: inv ovoid or globose, bracts im- bricated in num series, tipped with stout spine: receptacle flat, bristly: cor-tube slender, the limb 5-toothed or ak oblong or obovoid, com- sed or somewhat 4-angled, obli- or laterally attached to the re- ceptacle: pappus of num slender sca- brous V.ristles or scales or rarelv 0. CEXTAUREA MELITEXSIS Linn. L. Sp PI 2:917 (1753). locality: the island of Melita, nean sea. lie, CXH 4:142. Parish. Zoe 1:58. Davidson. Erythea 1:60. LA Co. Fl LA 442. A common weed in waysHes and fields. Jl-N. Native of Southern Eu. ranching, 5-S dm hi, clner- eou?-r,M'"'escent or when young some- wool \y: basal Ivs lyratepinnati- of the st lanceolate, mostlv . narrowly decurrent; principal s with slender spines of about their own length. spines pectinate- spinulose at base, innermost with spin- escent tips: fls y; pappus of very un- 198 equal rather rigid bristles or squamel- late. CARDLUS CALIFORX1CUS Greene Rather slender, 6-12 dm hi, canes- cently woolly; Ivs sinuate-pinnatifid, moderately prickly; hds solitary on long ped, about 4 cm hi; inv somewhat woolly; lower bracts coriaceous-acer- ose, spreading and incurved, others straight, all subulate-spinescent at tip; fls lilac-purple or rose; lobes shorter than throat. Abrams, Fl LA 441. Monica, Gabriel etc. Greene, Phila ac pr 1892, 359 (1893) Type locality: "hillsides, near Knight's Ferry, on the Stanislaus, Cal." Cirsium Californicum Gray, Pac Dy CARDUUS EDULIS Greene. Stout, 1-2 m hi, pubescent, Ify up to the short panicle; Ivs oblong or nar- rower, sinuate-pinnatifid, weakly prickly; hds 3-4 cm hi, depressed-glo- bose, few in a terminal cluster, Ify- bracted at base; inv arachnoid when young: fls deep p, their seg shorter than the throat. Abrams, Fl LA 441. Pasadena (Mc- Clatchie). CARDUUS OCCIDEXTALIS Nuttall. Stout, 6-9 dm hi; Ivs deeply pinnati- fid. srlabrate above, canescently tomen- tose beneath; hds solitary on stout ped; ir.v subglobose; bracts straight, subu- late-lanceolate, with short spines, densely covered with cobwebby hairs; fls deep r-p; lobes longer than the throat. Abrams, Fl LA 441. Nuttall, Am phil soc tr, n sr, 7:418 (1841). Type locality: "round SBer," Cal. Coville, CNH 4:142. Near Caliente. CYXARA SCOI/OIUS L. Stout and low, with very ample hoary-tomentose bipinnatifid Ivs: inv bracts ovate obtuse or emarginate. Abrams. Fl LA 442. An occasional escape from gardens. Je-Jl. Genus GLATX Linnaeus. Somewhat succulent per with opp Ivs. distinguished from all other genera of the order by the absence of the cor: ex p'ish or w, campanulate. 5-lobed, as- suming the appearance of a cor, the sta alt with the lobes: cap 5-valved at apex: sds few. immersed in the tissue of the rjlacenta. GLAUX MARIT1MA Linn. Sea Milkwort: in saline soil round the northern hemisphere. SAMOL.US FLORIBl XDTJS HBK. Erect or ascending, branched at least at the base, 15-45 cm hi; Ivs membran- ous. 25-75 mm long, obovate, obtuse, at the apex, narrowed at the base into petioles, the basal often rosulate; fls sm, less than 2 mm broad, usually num, in loose elongated panicled racemes; . pedicels filiform, spreading, bracteolate near the middle; ex-lobes acute, short- er than the cor: cap 2-3 mm in diam, 199 the 5 apical valves spreading at ma- , Abrams, Fl LA 299. SBer valley. Samolus Valerandi L. var. Americana A. Gray. Davidson, PI LA Co 11. Greene, Cal ac b 1:406. PHOL.ISMA DEFRESSUM Greene. "Sts solitary, completely covered by the rhombic-ovate, or sometimes ob- long-, closely imbricated scales, fls in a depressed, barely convex hd, 1-2 i broad":' sep 6, linear-filiform, minutely glandular ciliolate: cor tubular-funnel- form 6-lobed, lilac-p: sta shorter and sty longer than in P. arenarium." Greene, Cal ac b 1:198. On roots of Aplopappus Berberidis. Quintin (Greene, in 1885). DODECATHEON CXEVELANDI Greene. "A ft or 2 hi, pale g and glandular; new rts formed not at the end of the dry season but at its beginning, re- maining dormant through the summer; no tubers formed either originally or by rt-metamorphosis: Ivs scarcely fleshy not depressed but ascending or erect, spatulate-obovate, the margins erose: fls 5-merous. cor bright p with a y base and some dark p spots next the androecium: androecium about 3 li long, fil connate, the tube dark p, the ornate exterior of each fil changing to y at the base of the anth and continued up the back of it nearly to the apex in a lanceolate form and lying in ir- regular folds; anth otherwise p, not quite twice the length of the stamineal tube, slightly divergent around the moderately exserted pistil, retuse at the rather blun,t apex: cap oblong, cir- cumscissile at top: sds r'ish brown, somewhat cubical, the testa sinuously reticulate." Greene, Pittonia 1:214. Type locality SD named in honor of Daniel Cleveland, a pioneer botanist of SD. Baja! Giant Cyclamen. Orcutt, W Am Scientist 7:128. Abrams, Fl LA 300. "Frequent on dry mesas and grassy hillsides." DODECATHEON HENDERSONI Gray. Scapes r or r'ish, 9-14 i hi, from a strong cluster of fleshy fibrous rts; Ivs elliptic, often widest below the middle, the margin more or less crisp- ed, 1-1% i long, on petioles about as long; umbels .3-13-fld, the pedicels 3% i long or less; fls 5, rarely 4-merous; ex cleft into* ovate-lanceolate lobes; pet p with a transverse y band at base, which is edged above by w and bound- ed below by a black p area, oblong, 7 li long; fil black-p; anth clavate, 2 li long; cap oblong, circumscissile well below the summit. Mosquito Bills. Sailors Caps. Rosa. Genus FRAXINUS Tournefort. Ash: Ivs unequally pinnate, exstipu- late, decid: fls sm, in sm crowded pan- icles, appearing just before the Ivs and from separate buds, dioecious or polyg- amous: fr a 1-seeded samara, with ter- minal wing. FRAXINUS OREGAXA Nuttall. Oregon ash: tree 15-30 ft hi; Ivs 6-11 i long; Ifts 5-7, oblong to oval, acute, entire or somewhat serrate toward the apex, pubescent, especially beneath, glabrate in age: fls dioecious: cor 0. Ore. Baja! Abrams, Fl LA 302. San Gabriel and Lytle creek canyons. Davidson, PI LA Co 11. Nuttall, Sylva 3:59 t 99. Jepson, Erythea 1:15. "Scott valley, Handsome trees, 70-90 ft hi." FRAXINUS DIPETALA H. & A. Flowering ash: shrub 5-12 ft hi; Ivs 2-6 i long; Ifts 3-9, g above, y'ish g beneath when young; fls mostly per- fect; cor w, 3 li long, of 2 distinct oval pet abruptly narrowed at base into very short claws. SBer (Parish). Baja! Abrams, Fl LA 302. "Occasional in canyons." Variety TRIFOLJOI.ATA Torrey. Baja! Las Huevitas, Baja (Br>. Genus ASCL.EPIAS Liiimteu?. Per erect or decumbent herbs, with opp verticillate or rarely alt Ivs, and fls in terminal or axy umbels: ex 5- parted or divided, usually sm. lobes acute, often glandular within: cor deeply 5-parted, lobes mostly valvate, reflexed in anth: corona-column gener- ally present: corona of 5 concave, erect or spreading hords, each bearing with- ^in a slender or subulate incurved horn: fil connate into a tube: anth tipped with an inflexed membrane; winged, the wings broadened below th e middle; pollen-masses solitary in each sac, pen- dulous on their caudicles: stig nearly flat, 5-angled or lobed: follicles usual- ly thick, acuminate: sds usually com- ose. Milkweed. ASCLEPIAS ERIOCARPA Benth. Erect, 5-8 dm hi; densely floccose- woolly, the loose wool hardly decid ex- cept from the angled st below; Ivs not rarely ternate and the uppermost alt, elongated-oblong or the u.pper lanceo- late, obtuse or subcordate at base .short-petioled. 10-20 cm long: umbels few or several, on stout peduncles; fls dull w; cor at first woolly outside; lobes longer than the 'pedicels: column short but distinct; hoods shorter than the anth, rather spreading, ventricose, semi-orbicular in outline and open round to near the middle of the back, the summits produced inwardly into an acute angle or tooth barely enclos- ing the filiform acute horn; ova gla- brous, the summit of the sty villous; follicles more or less wooly. Abrams, Fl LA 307. "Frequent on dry mesas and in the foothills, also oc- casionally in the pine belt of the San Gabriel mts." Bentham, PI Hartw 323 (1849). Type locality: "in collibus siccis juxta praedium Tularcitos in vicinibus Monterey, Cal." Coville, CNH 4:149. son, Erythea 1:15. Putah can- northward. :. SBer (Parish 459) to Baja! ASCLEPIAS MEXICANA Cav. dm hi, giabrous or sparsely pubcrulent; Ivs in whorls of 3-6 or the and uppermost opp, linear to linear-lanceolate, 6-15 cm long, 4-12 mm broad. short-petioled; umbels many, corymbose, densely many-fid, on ped longer than the pedicels; fls g'ish- .--lobes 4 mm long-; hoods broadly ovate, entire, shorter than the anth, exceeded by the stout subulate incurv- ed horn. Ore. Baja! Nev. Abrams. PI LA 307. Frequent on the mesas and in the foothills. Cav. Ic PI 1:42 (1791). TypA locality: "prope Mexico." Coville. CXH 4:149. Hall. U 103. -pias fascicularis Decaisne, of Bot Ha U 103. Oregon to Baja! Nevada. Genus PHII.IBERTELLA Vail. "Cx sm. 5-parted, lobes acute; cor campanulate or rotate, deeply 5-parted, lobes acute or obtuse, with a shallow entire or undulate ring forming an outer crown in its throat, the inner or staniineal crown consisting of 5 turgid fleshy or hard scales, or flattish ap- pendages, attached in a circle at the base of the sessile or slightly stalked gync=tegium (column), forming a hol- low entire or undulate spreading sur- face near the level of the conical stig; follies naked, slender, attenuate at both ends or obtuse at the base. Twin- ing herbs, or partly shrubby plants, of warm regions, with opp glabrous pub- escent or woolly Ivs and umbellate sometimes fragrant and showy fls." vail Torr cl b 24:305 (Je 1897). PHILIBERTELLA HARTWEGII Vail. Variety HETEROPHYLLA Vail. -lender, twining, glabrous, pub- erulent or somewhat pubescent above; m long, 2-4 mm wide, vari- able, some tapering into the petiole, others with rounded and more with dilated or auriculate-cordate or trun- cate base*, cor scarcely puberulent, 1 cm broad, its lobes acute; column ses- sile. Growing over low shrubs or herbs. rams, Fl LA 306. ERYTHRAEA DOUGLASII A. Gray. --, Bot Gal 1:480 (1876). "Mostly slender, from 2-12 i hi, loosely panicu- late: Ivs lanceolate or linear-lanceo- late and acute, or the lower ones nar- rowly oblong (from % to nearly 1 i long- > peds long and filiform, common- ly strict and the earlier or central ones 1 i long or more, lobes of the pink cor oblong (barely 2 li long): sds globu- lar, hardly 14 li long." Erytraea tenella Uuttall, 1 ms, Gray, Bot Cal 1:480. Erythraea elata Nuttall, ms, Gray, Bot Cal 1:480. Erythraea Nuttallii Watson, Bot King Exp 276, in part. Erythraea exaltata Coville, CNH, 4:150, Panamint mts. Cicendia exaltata Grisebach, in Hooker, Fl Bor Am 2:69 (1838), wrong- ly characterized fide Gray. Type locality: between the Kettle Falls and Narrows, of the Columbia river, N. W. C." Oregon; Idaho ; Utah; Baja! Genus NE3IOPHIL.A Nuttall. Low diffuse slender or fragile more or less hirsute an herbs, with alt or opp mostly pinnatifid or lobed Ivs, and mostly showy fls, solitary and pedun- cled, lateral or terminal: ex deeply 5-parted or cleft, with a reflexed or spreading appendage in each sinus: cor campanulate or rotate-campanulate, usually with 10 small appendages within at base: sta included, inserted near base of cor-tube; anth o^ate or oblong: ova 1-celled; sty more or less 2-cleft; ovules 4-20: cap 2-valved: sds carunculate. NEMOPHILA INSIGNIS Dougl. Sts much branched, spreading, 1-3 dm long, nearly glabrous or somewhat pubescent with more o> less retrorse hairs; Ivs mostly bipinnatifld, pubes- cent with spreading hairs, 2-5 cm long, lobes elliptic-ovate; ped mostly 25-45 mm long; ex-lobes ovate-lanceolate, acute; cor 15-25 mm broad, rotate- campanulate, tube scarcely % the length of lobes, usually deep bl, slight- ly hairy toward the base; scales rather broad, "ciliate; sds usually 12, corru- gate-roughened. Abrams, Fl LA 320. Davidson, PI LA Co 11. Babv-eyes, fls cyanine blue. SBer Co (Parish, Or). Temecula valley, Riverside Co (Cleveland). Com- mon 'nearly throughout Cal. NEMOPHILA IXTEGRIFOL.IA Abrams. Abrams Fl LA 321, based on N. Men- ziesii integrifolia Parish, which see for description. NEMOPHILA PEDUXCULATA Douglas Washington to Baja! (Or 1128 in NEMOPHH^A SPATULATA Coville. Sierra Nevada mts, Tulare Co; San Jacinto mts (Hall 2406). Hall, U 107. Coville, U S Na Hb cont 156. PHACELIA TANACETIFOLIA Benth. ?arish, Erythea 6:90. SBer valley, he plants usually referred here are P distans, which this much resembles, but this is usually much stouter, erect, sparsely branching or simple; Ivs larg- er and less finely dissected; spikes ter- minating the branches, approximate, 6-9 cm long; sep linear, beset with rigid bristles, in fr little exceeding the oval cap; cor open-campanulate, 6-8 mm long, lavender, the lobes blunt, not rounded; internal appendages entirely adnate, tip rounded. Abrams, Fl LA 323. "Monica mts between Cahuenga Pass and Encino. Quintin (Palmer, Or). Bentham, Bot Keg x t 1696 C18S4). Type locality: "California." Bentham, Hort Soc Lond tr sr 2. 1:479. Coville, CNH 4:160. Tejon mts. PHACELIA VISCIDA Torr. St erect, mostly simple, 3-6 dm hi, very glandular above; Ivs ovate or obscurely cordate, doubly or incisely and irregularly dentate, 2.5-6 cm long; ex-lobes linear or obscurely spatulate, obtuse, 7-8 mm long; cor deep bl with p'ish or w'ish center, rotate-campan- ulate, 10-20 mm broad; cap ovate, abruptly cuspidate-pointed, equaling the ex. SBar; Cruz; Rosa; Cat; Da 12. Variety ALB1FLOHA A. Gray. Fls w, otherwise typical. Abrams, Fl LA 324. PHACELIA WHITLAVIA A. Gray. Aboyt 3 dm hi, loolsely branching, hirsute and glandular; Ivs ovate or deltoid, incisely toothed; ex-lobes lin- ear: cor with cylindraceous ventricose tube, usually about 2 cm long and twice the length of the lobes, p; ap- pendages to the exserted fil hairy. Ha U 108. Jacumba, SD Co -(Or 2267). Da 12. Abrams, Fl LA 324. Gabriel and Santa Ana mts. PHACELIA PHYLLOMANICA A. Gray. Shrubby below, often more than 6 ft hi, the largest species known. Guad (Palmer, Greene). HELIOTROPIUM CURASSAVICUM Lin. L. sp PI 130. Ann, fleshy, glabrous throughout, more or less glaucous, branched, dif- fuse, the branches 15-45 cm long; Ivs oblanceolate or sometimes linear, 2.5-5 cm long, obtuse at the apex, narrowed into petioles or the upper sessile; scorpioid spikes densely fld, bractless, mostly in pairs; fls about 4 mm broad; cx-seg lanceolate, acute; cor w or rarely lavender; stigma annular. Hagenbuck. Erythea 4:39. Plant dried and reduced to powder, held in great esteem by Mexicans as a cure for wounds. Genus ALLOCARYA Greene. ' Mostly low spreading an, with lin- ear entire lvs, ; the lowest opp, and sm fls in terminal spikes or racemes: ped- icels thickened at the summit and per- sistent: ex 5-divided, persistent, seg narrow; cor salver-shaped, w, y in throat: sta included: ova 4-divided; sty short: nutlets crustaceous, smooth or rough, attached at their bases or below the middle to the receptacle, the scar of the attachment concave or raised. AL.L.OCARYA TRACHYCARPA Greene. St branching from base, decumbent, 3-dm long or less, rough with a rather coarse and somewhat spreading pub- escence; racemes leafy almost through- out; seg of ex linear, widely spreading; cor very sm; nutlets ovate, straight, *arinate on both sides, the dorsel keels 8T4 and nearly straight transverse rugae dentate-interrupted; scar suborbicular, nearly basal. Abrams, Fl LA 331. "In low ground near Inglewood." Genus PECTOCARYA De Candolle. Low, slender, obscure ann with stri- gose pubescence and narrowly linear Ivs: fls minute, w, on very short 'pedi- cels, scattered along the sts or branch- es: ex deeply 5-cleft, spreading or re- flexed in fr; cor with a circle of pro- cesses or crests which almost close the throat: sta included: nutlets flat, thin, radiately divergent, bordered at apex or all around with a row of bristles hooked at tip. PECTOCARYA PENICIL.L.ATA DC. Branching at base, branches diffuse, 1-4 i long; nutlets divergent in pairs, oblong, 1 li long, surrounded by a wing which is incurved along the mid- dle in age and bears at the rounded apex a series of slender bristles hooked at the tip. Napa valley, Cal (Jepson). Abrams, Fl LA 330. Common in all our valleys and foothills, mostly in dry ground. A DC Prodr 10:120 (1846). Coville, CNH 4:163. . Cynoglossum penicillatum H. & A., Bot Beech 371 (1840-1). Type locality: Calif orian. PECTOCARYA LINEARIS D. C. Sts slender, diffusely branched from the base, decumbent or ascending, can- escent throughout with appressed hairs, Ivs with spreading hairs; nut- lets oblong, 4 mm long, becoming re- curved, the winged margins toothed, the teeth ending in a hooked bristle, apex thickly beset with slender hooked bristles. Abrams, Fl LA 330. DC, Prodr 10:120 (1846). Type locality: "in Sancti Jacobi Chil- ensis Campis aridis." Coville, CNH 4:163. Nev. Panamint mts. Cynoglossum linearis Ruiz & Pav, Fl Peruv 2:6 (1799). PECTOCARYA SETOSA A. Gray. Sts erect, 4-6 cm hi, y'ish green, canescent with appressed hairs; ex with a few strong hispid hairs; nut- lets, broad, about 1 mm long, beset on the- margins and inner surface with, hooked bristles. Mohave! CD! Baja! Abrams, FT LA 330. Gray, Am ac pr 12:81 (1876). Type locality: "S. E. Cal, on the des- ert plains of the Upper Mohave River." Coville, CNH 4:163. Genus PLiAGIOBOTHRYS F. & M Slender ann with mostly soft pubes- cence, hairs often rusty when young: Ivs mostly in a radical tuft: racemes spike-like, elongated, loose, sometimes leafy: pedicels very short or almost 0, filiform, persistent: cor short, w, with crests or processes at the mouth of the throat: nutlets ovate, carinate on 205 both sides towards the apex and often also laterally margined, on the back rugose or roughened: insertion above the base or median, the scar raised and rounded and leaving a corresponding depression on the receptacle or gyno- base. Pop-corn fls. 200 CRYPTANTHE BARBIGERA Greene. Rather stout, much branched, 2-4 dm hi, hispid and hirsute; Ivs narrow- 7 linear; spikes elongated, fls becom- ' ln S rather distant; ex-lobes linear, at- tenuate, 6-8 mm long in fr, covered with long shaggy bristles, usually in- termingled with long w villous hairs; prostrate branches: ex persistent, not circumscissile. 332 COOPER! A. Gray. Diffusely branched from the base wfth slender sparsely-leaved ascending flg sts, 1.5-3 dm long, hispidulous; Ivs spatulate-linear to oblong-lanceolate; 4-6 mm broad; nutlets trigonous and reticulate rugose, dentate-muriculate on the reticulations. Abrams, Fl LA 333. PLAGIOBOTHRYS NOTHOFULVUS Plant erect, 1-2Y 2 ft hi; sta 1 to sev- eral from the depressed rosulate tuft of Ivs, branching^ mostly above, the branches widely spreading or erect; herbage silky-villous, hairs very r'ish only when young; Ivs oblong-ovate or lanceolate; spikes leafless; ex cleft to middle, 1% li long, in fr circumscis- sile below the middle, the upper part falling away and leaving the persistent base about the nutlets; cor 2-3 li broad. Abrams, Fl LA 332. Genus CKYPTAXTHE Lehm. Mostly low erect branching setose or hispid an herbs, with narrow alt entire Ivs, and sm mostly w fls, in rpioid bractless or bracteolate spikes: ex 5-parted or-cleft, at length decid, erect or spreading in fr: cor sm, funnelform, usually with 5 scales clos- ing the throat: sta included; fil short: ova 4-divided; sty short; stig capitate: nutlets erect, rounded on the back, the margins obtuse, acute or winged, at- tached laterally to the conic or elon- gated receptacle, scar elongated. CRYPTANTHE AMBIGUA Greene. Sts rather slender, loosely branching, cm hi, sparsely hispid and hir- sute; Ivs rather broadly linear; fls be- coming scattered; ex-lobes 5-7 mm long, beset with rather short, rigid bristles; cor about 3 mm broad, nut- lets deltoid-ovate, 2 mm long, brown- ish, sparsely and faintly muricate. Abrams, Fl LA 334. Greene, Pitt 1:113 (1887). Hall. U 108. Coville. CXH 4:164. Tejon mts. Eritrichium muriculatum var. am- biguum Gray, Syn Fl 2, pt 1, 194 (1878). Type locality: not given. Cal, Nev, Wa~sh. Arizona? So Cal. Eritrichium ang-ustifolium Watson, bot Kings R, 241 (not Torr). Eritrichium muriculatum Torr. TVilkes Esp xvii, t 13. Krynitzkia ambigua Gray. , 4 < TT , 334. 1 ; 114 I (1887 ", T , : not glven - SBer Co i-ifi- T>^ ' Pana mt mt |- erUm Gray ' Syn California ; Bajal CRYPTANTHE FJLACCIDA Greene. Slender, strict, 3-6 dm hi, strigulose with minute close pubescence; Ivs lin- ear, minutely more or less strigulose- hispid; ex erect in fr, appressed to the rachis, 4-5 mm long; sep filiform-lin- f**- T > . , thic . k i sh ; below, their bases very hispid with deflexed and strong, some- wnat j 10 *?? bristles; nutlets solitary, scarcely flattened ventrally, the groove > attacn rnent enlarged at base but not furcate. So Cal to Wash. Abrams, Fl LA 34. Chatsworth A : . D Myosotis Pa 2:2 2 (1830). Dou s! M S, Lehm. Krynitzkia oxycarya Gray. CRYPTAXTHE INTERMEDIA Greene. Cx-lobs 3-5 mm long, armed with rather rigid and pungent, w.'ish or rusty-y'ish bristles; cor usually less than 4 mm broad; nutlets grayish, about 2 mm long, oblong-ovate, thick- ly rough-muricate; scar wholly or part- ly open, with an open areola. Abrams, Fl LA 334. Greene, Pittonia 1:114 (1S3 7 ). Coville, CNH 4:165. Eritrichium intermedium Gray, Am ac pr 17:225 (18S2). LA; SD; Mohave Desert; Baja Cal. CRYPTANTHE LEIOCARPA Greene. Commonly branched from the ba&e, 1-3 dm hi; spikes leafy bracted, the teiminal larger and interrupted, the lateral short and glomerate; sep short- linear, rispid bristly, nutlets 4, narrow- ly ovate, acute, 1.5 mm long, the ven- tral grove not forked or scarcely so. Abrams, Fl LA 335. Santa Cruz Island (Greene). CRYPTANTHE MICROSTACHYS Greene. Rarely over 3 dm hi, much branched from the base, hispidulous or hispid; ex in fr ascending or erect, but not ap- pressed to the rachis, 2-3.5 mm long; sep linear, hispid with widely spread- ing, but not deflexed. straight and somewhat pungent hairs; nutlet soli- tary, somewhat flattened laterally, the 207 groove of attachment divaricately forked and somewhat open at the base. Abrams, PI LA 334 CRYPTANTHE RAMOSISSIMA Greene, Pitt 1:116 (1887). Coville, CNH 4:165. Krynitzka damosissima, Greene, Cal ac b 1:203 (1885). Gray, Am ac pr 20:277. Type locality: "Mohave Desert," Curran. Not from Cerros or Guadalupe Islands fide Greene. Eritrichium racemosum, Watson. Krynitzka racemosa Greene, Cal. ac to 1:208. CD (Parish 775). Baja mts and des- ert (Or.). San Julio canyon, etc., Baja (Br). CRYPTANTHE MURICULATA Greene. Rather stout, branching, rough-hir- sute or hispid, 2-4 dm hi, with well de- veloped rather dense spikes, mastly in 2's ahd 3's at the ends of the branches; ex about 3 mm long, lanceolate; cor 4-6 anm long; nutlets 2 mm long, muricate~ papillose and somewhat rugose on the "back; ventral groove and its basal bifurcation mostly closed, lateral an- gles acutish, distinct. Abrams, PI LA 333. Genus AMSINCKIA Lchm. Ann with rough-hairy herbage, the hairs commonly with pustulate-dilated : t>ase, of,ten conspicuously hardened or granular: fls y, in elongated spike: sep 5, or 4 or 3 through union of 2 in 1: cor salverform, throat somewhat fun- nelform with more or less distinct folds but destitute of crests or pro- cesses: sty filiform: nutlets crustace- ous, triquerous or ovate-triangular, smooth or rough: cotyledons deeply 2- parted. AMSINOKIA ECHINATA A. Gray. Nutlets beset with prickly projec- tions. Mohave region (Cooper). AMSINCKIA TESSELLATA A. Gray. Nutlets much flattened on back, with coarse granulations. Contra Costa range to Baja mts! Utah; Nevada; Cat. AMSINCKIA GRANDIFLORA Kleeb. Nutlets smooth and polished, Anti- och, Cal. AMSINCKIA L.YCOPSOIDES Lehm. Nutlets brown or blackish, muricu- late and rugose, minute. Br Zoe 1:114, Cat. Da 12. AMSINCKIA SPECTABILIS P. & M. Nutlets somewhat flattened laterally, reticulate-rugulose, granulate. Parish, Zoe 5:117, recognizes only this species in So Cal. Plumas Co to Qwintin. P. & M, Sem Petrop 2:26 (1835). Parish, Zoe 5:117, recognizes only this species in So Cal. Plumas Co to Quintin! Hall U 108. Type locality: not given. Coville, CNH 4:166, near SBer. AMSINCKIA INTERMEDIA P. & M, Nutlets much incurved, carinate dor- sally; cor uder y 2 i long. 208 ,Fls chrome y' with orange spots at base of the divisions of the cor. Cruz, Baja. British Columbia to Quintin! Cruz; Cat; Rosa. CUSCUTACEAE. W or y slender twining parasites, the Ivs reduced to minute alt scales: ex 5-lobed, rarely 4-lobed or 4-5-parted, the lobes imbricated in the bud: cor usually campanulate, 5-lobed, rarely 4-lobed. the tube bearing as many fim- briate or crenulate scales as there are lobes and alt with them, or these sometimes obsolete: sta as many as cor-lobes and alt with them, inserted in the throat or sinuses above the scales; anth short, 2-celled, longitud- inally dehiscent: ova 2-celled; ovules 2 in each cavity; stys 2, separate or rarely united below; stigmas capitate or linear: cap globose or ovoid, cir- cumscissile, irregularly bursting or in- dehiscent, 1-4-seeded: sds globose or angular; embryo linear, curved or spiral; cotyledons 0. Genus CTJSCUTA Tournefort. Ann parasitical leafless herbs, desti- tute of green color, with twining fili- form stems: fls small, in lateral heads or clusters: ex colored like the cor, deeply 5-cleft: cor companulate or somewiiat urn-shaped to short-tubu- lar, with 5 usually spreading lobes im- bricated in the bud, and as many sm scales or appendages inserted in the tube below the sta or o; ovary globu- lar, 2-celled, 4-ovuled: stigma globose: capsule 1-4-seeded: cotyledons 0. Dod- der. CUSCUTA SUBINCLLiSA D. & H. Sts commonly stout; fls sessile or nearly so, i / -.-4 li long; lobes of cor short, tube somewhat urn-shaped, only partly covered by the fleshy, usually reddish ex. Common on coarse herbs and shrubs. Cruz. "The most com- mon species in the state." Greene. Abrams, Fl LA 311. Genus SOL.ANUM Tournefort. Herbs or shrubs, often stellate-pi*)- escent: fls cymose, paniculate or ra- cemose, w, blue, p or y: ex campanu- late or rotate, mostly 5-toothed or cleft: cor rotate, the limb plaited in the bud, 5-angeled or -lobed: sta in- serted on the throat of cor; fil short, anth linear or oblong; acute or acum- inate, connate or connivent into a cone; anth-sacs dehiscent by a terminal pore or by a short introrse terminal slit, or longitudinally: ova usually 2-celled; stig SHI: fr a several-seeded berry. SOLANUM ELAEAGNIFOLITJM Cav. Parish Erythea 3:61. "Well estab- lisned by roadsides at South Riverside, Cal. (W. J. Lester). SOLANUM ROSTRATUM Dunal. Ann, erect, branching, 1-3 dm hi, pubescent with long y'ish stellate hairs and armed with long straight prickles; Ivs pinnatifid; ex densely prickly, its lobes narrow, nearly half the length f the cor and enclosing tne fr; cor 209 2iO .about 2 cm broad, y; anth linear-Ian- ly glabrous (^-l 1 /^ i long), ovate or ceolate, the lowest much longer and round-cordate, repandly few-toothed larger, with an incurved beak. Tex. or almost entire: pedicels long and Parish Zoe 1:124. slender: cor cream-color, % i in diam: Erythea 1:98, Monica fr-cx 1 i long, 5-angled. (Ha. Bentham Bot Sulph 40 (184-U. Abrams. Fl LA 352. Type locality: "Bay of Magdalena," SOLAXUM XAXTI A. Gray. Baja. voody, 3-10 dm hi, the younger Coville, CNH 4:167. Funeral mts. angled, moderately villous with many- Physalis cardiophylla Torrey, bot celled unbranched mostly gland-tip- Mex B 153, a form with mostly round- hairs: Ivs ovate, ovate-oblong, to cordate Ivs. oblong-lanceolate, the largest 4-6 cm PHYSALIS PUBESCENS Linn, long, acute or obtuse at base, margins , .-aely spreading, 1-2 ft hi, villous entire; cor 1-2 cm oroad, usually deep or pubescent with viscid spreading soft violet angulately 5-lobed, berry green- hairs, strong-scented: Ivs ovate or cor- ish. date, varying from entire LO angulate- Abrams, Fl LA 351. Gabriel mts. toothed, rather tender, 2 i long: pedi- Hall U 114. eels shorter than the ovate strongly Parish, Cal ac pr sr 3, bot 2:167. 5-angled fr-cx: cor % i in diam. SD! y, Am ac pr 11:90 (18'76). Baja! CD: Atlantic states. Ml SSftlf 1 1 - ee - "-.. Variet vGLABRESCEXS Parish. Shrubby, often spiny plants, with Sts woody, slender, 10-15 dm hi, sm alt entire Ivs, and w, g'ish or p axy p-labrate or above hirsutulous with or terminal- solitary or clustered fls: short mostly 1-celled hairs; Ivs oblong, ex campanulate, 3-5 lobed or 3-5- elliptic or lanceolate, mostly attenu- toothed, not enlarged in fr, persistent ate or acute at base, 2-6 cm long; cor at the base of the berry: cor funnel - i broad. form, salver-shaped or campanulate, Abrams, Fl LA 351. "Occasional in the limb 5-lobed, the lobes obtuse: sta the valleys and foothills, mostly in dry 5; fil filiform, sometimes dilated at the and rather exposed places." base; anth-sacs longitudinally dehis- Parish. Cal ac pr sr 3, bot 2:167. cent: ova 2-celled; sty filiform; stig nail U 114. capitate or 2-lobed: berry globose to Varietv INTERMEDIUM Parish. ooiong. iy, lax, 2 m hi or less, viscid; LYCIUM AXDERSOXII A. Gray. ~e to oblong, at least obtuse 2-4 ft hi: cor w, narrow, 5 li long, ac base, often with lateral lobes near limb 2-3 li wide, the short rounded the base, 3-15 cm long; cor 2-4 cm lobes with naked edges: pedicels and broad. ex 1 li long; berry bright r, or amber Abrams, Fl LA 351. "Common in all color, edible. Or. our low hills and in the mts." Gray, Am ac pr 7:388 (1868). SOLAMM WALLACEI Parish. ^>'P, e locality: "S. E. part of Ne- woody, about 1 m hi, densely va da. tawny with long many-celled gland- _ *yte, C*U4G1. Vt, Cal. ular. mostly simple hairs; Ivs thicKish, LYCIUM CALIFORNICUM Nutt. usually smoother than the sts, crenate, Glabrous; sts slender, much branched, the lower ample, cordate; upper ovate, about 6-12 dm hi; Ivs thickish, 2-6 mm rounded or subcordate at base: ex long, obovate or spatulate to nearly narowly funnelform, deeply cleft or linear; pedicels often nearly obsolete; less so' and broader; cor 2-4 cm broad, ccw w. its tube about 3 mm long, in- deep violet; sty glabrate or vilous be- eluded in the camnanulate 4-toothed IOAV fr dark p.' ex, its limb rotate, 4-parted, scarcely Abrams, Fl LA 351. Cat. 4 mm broad. .SOL VMM VILLOSUM Lam. Abrams, Fl LA 352. On bluffs near Rather low mostly spreading an, vil- the sea. Redondo; Long Beach; La- lous. more or less viscid; Ivs conspic- &una. First collected by Nuttall at uously angulate-dentate; fil somewhat SD. pubescent: berries y. Genus RUMEX Linnaeus. Abrams, Fl LA 351. Per or an i ea fy-stemmed herbs: st PHYSALIS AEQUATA Jacq. f. Droved, usually brancned: Ivs entire Davidson. Erythea 1:98. LA. or undulate, flat or crisped, with car- Parish, Zoe 1:123. ious obliquely truncate cylindric G and almost glabrous. 1-2 ft hi, sheathing stipules; fls green, usually widely spreading: Ivs ovate or oblong, perfect, in a simple or compound often sinuate-toothed or repancl: pedicels panicled raceme: ex 6-parted, the 3 very shori: cor under % i broad: fr'ing outer sep unchanged in fr, the 3 inner ex ovate-glabose and little angled at ones (wings) usually bearing a grain- maturity, like callosity on the back, larger and Jacq, f, Eclog 2 t 137. enclosin - the ak: *ta 6; fil short, gla- PHYSALIS CRASSIFOLIA Benth. orous; anth oblong: sty 3-parted; stig: Pale or minutely hoary with an ex- peltate, tufted: ak 3-angled. tremely short and fine almost imper- RUMEX ACETOSELLA Linn, ceptible ubescence; Ivs at length near- Per by slender running rt-stocks, 211 212 slender erect or nearly so, simple or narrowed at the base or cordate, acute branched, 2-4 dm hi glabrous; lvs at tne apex, tne margins undulate and narrowl- hastate, petioled, uppermost somewhat crisped; panicle simple or Ivs somewhat entire; panicle narrow, branched; racemes erect, Ify bracted; naked, becoming- reddish; ex g, I mm whorls dense, usually rather distant; long; sta exserted; ak granular, ex- pedicels equaling or somewhat exceed- ceeding the persistent ex. Eu. ing the inner ex-lobes, jointed at the Abrams, Fl LA 1ZO. base; inner ex-lobes oblong, 2 mm Davidson, Erythea 1:99. LA Co. long, with 1-3 bristles on each margin, RUMEX CONGLOMERATUS Mun. each t>earing_ an ovoid or oblong grain; Sts slender, mostly clustered, 3-4 ft ** about 1-5 mm long, pointed, r'ish. hi; Ivs ovate or mostly oblong, slight- Y : uw\ PTTTOH-^-R T ly undulate, 4 i long, reduced above; U L. V ' H ULC Q ? B It -tu fig branches slender, whorls remote, Sts erect, 5-8 dm hi, with rigid di- with a lanceolate or ovate If subtend- varicately spreading branches; Ivs ing every whorl or almost naked; ped- scabrous beneath, the basal oblong or icels slender, about as long as the fr. lanceolate, acute, cordate .or obtuse at tumidly jointed near the base and gen- base; fls on short stout rigid Pedicels: iculate; inner fr'ing sep oblong %-!% wings ovate, 2 3 mm long, with 4-ft li long, callous grains mostly 3, and Yl ^y awned teem on each side. Eu. smooth. Eu. Common naturalized Abrams, ^ LA 120. Sparingly m- wppri fJreen dork troduced Inglewood. lantfl Or\!z Island (Greene) RUMEX SALICIFOLIUS Wein. Ahr?ma Fl LA 121 Glabrous and somewhat glaucous; Parish Zoe 1-126 sts ascending or spreading, simple or McClatchie, Erythea 2:78, Pasadena, branched, grooved, flexuous, 4-8 dm ^ PT?T =IPTT<* Tinn lons ' lvs mostlv lanceolate, acute or R1 J M F? S^fr 3 ir u 11 * f rt acuminate, petioled, not undulate or St 2-3 ft hi, smooth channelled, from crisp ed; racemes deAse, interrupted be- a v fusiform rt; lvs bluish-green, crisp- low p in ' fr; fls in dense ' c i ust ers; wings ed, lanceolate, acute 4 i long, reduced 2 mm long, undulate or subdentate, above; fls rather losely whorled; c* each bearing a large ovoid grain,; ak green; pedicels twice as long as fr, 2 mm long dark r. tumidly jointed near the base; inner Abrams Fl LA 120 fr'ing sep broadly ovate, scarcely cor- Weinm/Fl 1821 1:28 (1821). Cal. date, 2-2y 2 n i on g, ail with smooth Coville! El 1821 1:28 (1821). Cal. callous grains. Common naturalized A common weed from the Atlantic to weed. The rt is used in medicine for the Pacific; Alaska to Mexico. Cruz; Ro- cutaneous diseases. sa:4Ha U 76. Parish, Zoe 1:126. POLYGONUM HYDROPIPEROIDES MX. McClatchie. Erythea, 2:78 Cat. sts ra ther stout, 3-10 dm hi, erect or Davidson, Erythea 1:99, LA Co. decumbent, clothed with short appres- Pacific Rural Press 38:511. se d hairs; lvs lanceolate, obtuse; sheath L, Sp PI 1:335 (IS 53). Eu. cylindric, loose, ciliate; racemes pan- Coville. CNH 4:191. icled> terminal, erect, narrow, more or Abrams, F [ LA 1Z1 - less interrupted, 3-7 cm long; ex w or Europe; widely naturalized in Cal. w 'ish, often conspicuous; sta 8; sty 3- RUMEX HYMENO SEPAL, US Torres^. parted to below the middle; ak 3- "Sandy soils from El Paso to the angled, ovoid or oblong, 2-2.5 mm long-, canyons of the Rio Grande; Mr-Ap. Rt smooth. w, st 2-3 ft hi; 'foliage intensely bit- Frequent along streams, especially ter;' Thurber. Lower lvs a ft or more toward the coast, long and 2-3 in width, somewhat un- Michx, Fl 1:239 (1803). dulate on the margin: upper ones near- Type locality: "in Pa, Va, Carolina." ly flat: panicle a ft long, fls crowded; Southern California (Parish 1872). inner sep of the frutiferous ex nearly Abrams, Fl LA 122. V 2 i long, roundish ovate, strongly cor- po^YGAlVUM INCARNATUM Ell. date, of a very thin texture often rose- Ann glabrous or nearly so; st eject, colored, slightly reticulate-veined simple or branched above, more or less tw * ice m as lo 8 i. a fr - e ach ^ nmm - * * swollen at the nodes, 8-12 dm hi; lvs Torr bot Mexican bound. 177-8. lanceolate, 6-18 cm long, acuminate at (1 5 ")- both ends, short petioled, sparingly Davidson PI LA Co 7. punctate and ciliate; sheaths loose, Coville, CNH 4:191. l ong . ; sometimes ciliate when young, Abrams, i LA il. _,_._. , becoming naked; racemes panicled, "Canaigre." Utah; N M; Cal; Qumtin! droop ing, 4-10 cm long, linear; ex w The tubers rich m tannin; useful m cur- or pink> sm; sta 6; sty 2 -parted to.near ing sores on horses. the base; ak ovoid-oblong, lenticular, RUMEX MARITIMUS Linn. smooth and shining. Europe; Asia; Wash, to Mexico and the Abrams, Fl LA 122. Marshes about Atlantic: Cruz. LA. RUMEX PERSICARIOIDES L. Davidson, Erythea 1:99 LA Co. Ann, pubescent, pale g; st erect, sim- POLYGONUM LAPATHIFOLIUM L. pie or branched, 2-6 dm hi, sometimes St simple or much branched, erect spreading, very Ify; Ivs lanceolate or or ascending, swollen at the nodes, 3-12 oblone, 2 dm long or usually less, dm hi, the peduncles and petioles glan- 214- dular; Ivs lanceolate or oblong-lanceo- 15-25 mm long-, acute, narowed at base late 5-20 cm long, attenuate to the to a 4-S mm long petiole; bracts all sm, tapering to trie snort petiole, triangular- inv loosely spicate along ciliate, inconspicuously punctate; the ascending branches, 3 mm hi, the sheath cylindric, ribbed or striate; teeth rigid, acute; perianth rose color, racemes panicled, 2.5-10 cm long, 3 mm lonp-; ak scabrous on the angles drooping, narrow, rather dense, above, these acute at base, ex pink, w or e'ish, 5-parted; sta 6; sty Abrams, Fl LA 118. Gabriel mts. 2 -parted to below the middle; ak len- Sacramento to Baja! X M; Nevada, ticular, 2 mm long. Variety TAXIFOLIUM Parish. \brams Fl L\ 122 E. Taxifolium Greene, pitt, 1:267; 2:295. - enu 9 NEMACAt-HS Nu.tall. h ,^'^ h E JX ^t^Ms? Slender diffuse, ann, with spatulate Spencer valley. SD Co (R. D. Alderson); mostly radical Ivs and no stipules: fls an( j eastern base of Grayback Mt. in capitate, each with a free herbaceous Whitewater canyon, Cal. Ha U 74. bract, perfect: ex 6-cleft, colored, en- r-wnniy A vnwi? w closing the ak: sty 3; stig- capitate: ak Genus CHORIZ.4ATHE R. Brown. short-ovoid, obscurely 3-angled. Low, dichotomously-branched ann XP:MACAUL1S NUTTALLII Bentham. herbs, with rosulate basal Ivs and o, p Sts prostrate or ascending 1 , 15-30 cm or ternate st-lvs, often reduced and long, -"labrate, r'ish; ivs narrowly bracteate: involucre 1-tid, or rarely spatulate, 2-5 cm long, including the 2-3-fld, tubular or funnelform, sessile, short petiole, densely tomentose-hairy 3-6-angled or costate, 3-6-tootned or on both sides; bractlets of the fl-clus- 3-6-cleft, its teeth divaricate, cuspidate ters obovate-spatulate, 2 mm long, the or awned: fls pedicillate or nearly ses- outer flowerless, the inner smaller, sile, included within the involucre, or woollv within and glabrous without; the seg protruding: ex 6-parted or fl5S y'ish, scarcely 1 mm long, short- 6-cleft, colored: sta usually 9, rarely 3 pedicellate, glabrous; inner seg broad- or 6, adnate to base of ex-tube: ova est; ak 0.7 mm long. glabrous. .Nemacaulis denudata Xutt, Phila, ac CHORIZANTHE CALIFORXICA A. G. J II, 1:168. Hirsute and glanaular, 3 dm hi or Xemacaulis foliosa Nutt, Phila, J ac less, often r'ish; bracts 1-2 cm broad, II, 1:168. lateral or rarely perfoliate, lobed; in- Eriogonum denudatum ^urran, Cal volucres on contracted branchlets and ac pr. often clustered in tne axils, 4-6 mm Xemacaulis denudata and foliosa Xutt long, obtusely angled, 2-3-toothed and Phila ac J II, 1:168. 2-3-sidea: seg of perianth obovate, en- S D to San Borgia. Baja (Br). C D! tire, villous-pubescent on the midvein. ERIOGOXUM VIMIXEUM Dougl. Abrams, Fl LA 113. "Common on Glabrous or tomentose toward the sandy soil." base, erect, 2-4 dm hi, much branched SBer to San Diego; Da 15. from near the base, the branches elon- CHORIZAXTHE FERXAXDIXA S. Wat gated and virgate, the lower common- Procumbent, rather stout, strongly ly in whorls of 4-5; lower forks often silky-pubescent, 6-10 .:m long; ivs nar- leafy; Ivs orbicular to broadly ovate, rowly oblanceolate, no: tomeniose; low- 6-1S* mm long, w-tomentose beneath, fr bracts foliaceous, the -ipper narrow- becoming g-labrate aoove, the margins ly linear; tube of inv 2 mm long, teeth undulate on petioles of about the stout, with straight awns; fls w, 2 mm same length; inv very narrow, 2 mm long;- lobes nearly equal, broa lly ob- hi; fls few, pale rose or y'ish, 2 mm long, alt ones slightly narrower, long, outer seg obovate; inner oblong. Ch atsworth Park Davidson, PI LA Co 14. .\brams, Fl LA 114. Jeoson Ervthea 1-12 San Fernando, Cal. (Mrs. A. E. Bush). Abrams Fl' LA 119'. ' Baja (Or 1369). near Quintin! Washington; Nevada; Baja! San Fernando Cal. airs. A. E. ERIOGOXUM VIRGATUM Bentham. Bush); Quintin! Da lo. Slender, 3-6 dm hi, tomentose CHORIZAXTHE LEPTOCEROS S. Wat. throughout, branches few, ascending, Very slender and nearly glabrous: elongated,' strictly virgate or flexuous; Ivs and bracts as in C. Thurberi; inv bracts lanceolate, shorter than the 4-6 mm long, somewhat hirsute, deeply inv, sometimes including 1 or more Ivs; 4-6-cleft. the coriaceous turbinate base inv tomentose, narrow, 4 mm long; surrounded by as many rigid usually perianth 2 mm long, w or y'ish, gla-. hooked awn-like spurs: lobes rigid, nar- brous. row, unequal, attenuate, into straight Bentham, in DC Prodr 14:16 (1856). rig-id somewhat divergent awns; fls 2 Type locality: "in California." - or 3, occasionally exserted, villous- Coville, CXH 4:188. pubescent, i mm long: seg narrowly ob- Davidson, PI LA Co 15. long to ovate, nearly equal. Jepson, Erythea 1:13. Abrams, Fl LA 113. "on dry sandy Abrams, Fl LA 119. plains from San Gabriel eastward." Siskiyou Co (Greene). Davidson, PI LA Co 15. ERIOGOXUM WRIGHTII Torr. Near SBer (Parish 829, Parry). Da 15. Much branched, leafy at base, 2-5 dm CHORIZANTHE PARRYI S. Watson, hi, rather slender; Ivs oblong-ovate, Branching from the base. 5-8 cm hi 215 villous-pubesceiu; Ivs narrowly oblan- eeolate, 2.5 cm long, not tomentose; lower bracts as large, similar, pungent; tube of me inv 2 mm long, the alt teeui strongiy divergent, as long or longer, fls nearly sessile, w or pinUish, o mm Ion--- villous on the nerves, clelt nearly to the middle; seg recurved, somewhat undulate, oblong-ovate, acutish, crenate, the inner ones about the same len^^., but narrower; sta in- serted at the base. bBtr: Campo; Qumtin! Baja mts! CHORlZANTHfi JPKOCUMBI3NS Nutt. blender, procumbent, branching from the base and diffuse, villous-pubescent, often y'lsix-^lvs spatulate, 2.5 cm long or less, not tomentose, bracts mostly sm; inv 2-3 mm long, - the alt teeth strongly divergent, about equaling u^e tube, "uncinate; fls sessile, 2.5 mm long, glabrous or somewhat villous, seg equal, narrowly oblonsr, obtuse, entire; sta inserted at the base. SBer! Quintin! CD (Parish 826). Forms large yellowish-green patches on mesa or CHORIZAXTHE SPINOSA S. Watson. Resembling C. unraristata; bracts more rigid, lanceolate, attenuate to a long spine: involucral seg unequal, 1 or 2 often much the larger, all with straight spines; fls w; lobes round- obovate, entire, the alt ones a half smaller. Near SBer (Lemmon)." Watson, Bot Cal 2:481. Parish, Zoe 5:113, not SBer but Mo- Variety CRYPT ANTHA Curran. Mohave near Lancaster. (Curran). CHORIZANTHE XANTI S. Watson. Watson, Am ac pr 12:272 (1877). Branching' diffusely from near the base, 6-15 cm hi, villous-pubescent and tomentose; Ivs ovate-oblong, 4-12 mm lone, tomentose beneath; lower bracts similar or linear-ot\anceolate; involu- cres tomentose, in diffuse cymes, the tube 4 mm long with strongly diverg- ent teeth % as long or more, alt ones much smaller; fls rose color, 5 mm long, sessile, villous, seg linear-oblong, entire, acutish, alt ones % as long; sta inserted at base. San Gorgonio Pass (Parry); LA (Nevin); SD Co. Type localities: "near Fort Tejon," "SBer," and "San Gorgonio, Cal. Coville, CNH 4:190. Abrams, x>'l LA 114. "Common in the chaparral belt of all our mts. Genus PTEROSTEGIA F. & M. slender ann diffusely dichoto- l base, with opp Ivs and han the s ol tar v sessile in f sca?rous and reticu- celv enclistJ? fhS ak ilb- ted, loosely enclosing tne a.K, giD 2-saccate on the 'back. ex b Rpnth ouehout Cfll Ha U 72 or riPrnmbPiit rather stouL 1-4 m witn?Meadln* branches Vll- Ivs all 1 otvledons ac ~W lQ DRYMARIOIDES Nutt Sts several from the base, 10-30 cm ^n- or more; lower Ivs petioled, 4-12 mm ^np- fan-shaped, 2-lobed, the lobes crenately toothed or slightly lobed; up- P e ^ lv obovate-spatula.e, entire or more or less toothed; bracts similar -2 the lit nearly sessile, 4-5 mm long, glabrous nv ^nr;plv villoua on L ^e midvein L f s r pc } nLr the middle- leffoblon- entire, t0 tne alt ones abSu't' h'al? as lon^ and narrower; sta inserted at base. CHORIZANTHE^HURBERi S. Watson. Somewhat glandular-puberulent, usu- ally about 1 dm hi, branching from the base; Ivs 2.5 cm long, glabrous, slightly ciliate; bracts oblong, more or less united, 2-6 mm long; involucres glabrous, chartaceous, triangular-pris- matic, obscurely reticulated. 4-o mm long, 1-2 mm broad, with 3 broad straight awned spurs at oase and 3-5 broad short erect teeth; fls 1 or 2 on slender pedicels, pubescent at base, nearly 2 mm long; seg oblong-spatu- late, obtuse or emarginate, the alt ones slightly shorter. Abrams, Fl LA 113. Coville, CNH 4:189. Centrostegia Thurberl Bentham, in DC Prodr 14:27 (1856). Type locality: "in collibus arenosis ad San Felipe aliforniae." Mohave, near Colorado river (Parish about 15 mm long, sessire; ex-lobes lanceolate Abrams, Fl LA 111. Common and general below 4000 feet. The whble Plant often reddish when growing in exposed places. goville CNH 4:191. Panamint mts Fisch & Mey, Ind Sem Petrop 2:48 -o n ^ an Tyoe locality : m portu Bodega novae Calif ormae. Cruz; R\a; Quad ; Qumtin ; SD! Ha L Genus AI.TERNA1VTHERA Forsk. Ann or per branching herbs, with opp (at least the lower) entire Ivs and perfect or dioecious fls, in panicles or hds, 3-bracted: sep 5: sta 5, united into a short cup at base; sterile fil minute, tootn-like; anth 1-celled; sty short; stig- capitate or 2-lobed; sd vertical, lentic- ular. ALTERNANTHERA ACHYRANTHA R. Br. St prostrate, pubescent; 1-3 dm long; Ivs smoothish oval or obovate, nar- rowed into a petiole; hds mostly a(ll- lary, solitary or clustered, dense, oval, w; stp lanceolatt, spine-pointed, woolly with barbed hairs on the back, the 2 217 inner ones much smaller; sterile fil sub- ulate, equaling- the fertile ones < Davidson, Erythea 1:99 LA Co, Davidson, PI LA Co 15. Abrams, Fl LA 134. Streets of LA, Davidson. Native of tropical America, AMARANTUS ALBUS Linn. Erect, subterete w'ish, with spread- ing branches; Ivs long-petioied, ovate, or obovate, obtuse, glabrous, light green; fls polygamous in sm axy clus- ters; bracts subulate, pungent-pointed, much longer than tht 3 membranous sep: sta 3; utricle slightly rugose, larger than the sep. Eu. A common weed. L, Sp PI ed 2, 2:1404 (1762). McClatchie, Erythea 2:79. Cat. Parish, Zoe 1:112. Davidson Erythea 1:99, LA Co. Type locality: "in Philadelphiae mar- itimis." Covilie, CNH 4:179. Nev, etc. A>IARA\*TUS BLITOIDES S. Watson. Sts somewhat succulent, prostrate, 3-6 dm lone- w'isn; Ivs glabrous, deep green, shining; fls in sm axillary few- fid smkelets; bracts ovate-oblong, shortly acuminate, 2-3 mm long; sep 4-5, 1.5-2 mm long, oblong, obtuse and mucronulate or acute; sta 3; utricle smooth, circumscissiie; sd 1.5 mm broad. Abrams, Fl LA 133. "Common about Rialto." Davidson, PI LA Co 15. AMAR4.NTTJS DEFLEXTJS L Glabrous, purplish-g, somewhat sue- 218 ing to lanceolate, subentire, 1-2 i long, whiter beneath man above: fls densely clustered in close spikes, panicle strict and close or somewhat spreading; ex about % li wide in fr, lobes strongly carinate. Pigweed. White goos'efoot. Coville, CNH 4:179. Abrams, Fl LA 124. \ariety VIRIDE Moq. Lvs bright s or very slightly mealy beneath, otherwise as in type. Abrams, Fl LA 125. Vernon (Dav- idson). CHENOPODIUM AMBROSIQIDES Linn. St ascending or erect, 2-4 ft hi, much branched, leafy, more or less glandu- lar-pubescent, strong-scented; Ivs ob- long to lanceolate, obtuse, subacute or acute at apex, narowed to a short petiole, repand-dentate, undulate or the upper entire, 2-5 i long; fl-clus ters dense, axy upon the branches, forming a leafy spike; ex-lobes ap- pressed: pericarp dectd. Eu. Frequent in waste places? CHENOPODIUM CALIFORNICUM S. W. Block, Erytnea 2:10, medicinal note on root. Stout, erect, or decumbent at base, 5-8 dm hi, from a thick fusiform rt; Ivs broadly triangular-hastate, trun- cate or cordate at base, 3-9 cm long, sharply and unequally sinuate-dentate, lark g, glabrous or slightly mealy wnen young; fls In dense clusters in terminal spikes; ex deeply 5-toot.hed, loosely enveloping the fr; pericarp Persistent; ad subglobose, about 2 mm Bot c 2:48 (mo) . cm long, 1-4 cm wide; petioles slender, often as long- as the blades or the low- er longer; fls polygamous, in dense mostly short and thick terminal spikes and capitate in the axils; bracts short- er than -he 2-3 oblong or spatulate sep; utricle fleshy. 3-5-ntrved, smooth, indehiscent, rather shorter than the sep. Abrams, Fl LA 133. Redondo, Greata. A ballast plant introduced from trop- ical America. Genus CHFXOPODirAf Tournefort K V >"' An or rarely per herbs, mostly in- troduced weeds in \m: Ivs often w- mealy sometimes glandular, alt, peti- oled: fls perfect, bractless, clustered in axy or 'terminal often panicled spikes; ex herbaceous 3-4- or mostly 5-^arted; lobes usually connate or crested, more or less closely covering fr: pericarp membranous, closely invest- ing the lenticular of subglobose, hori- ontal or vertical sd: embryo annular or curved around the copious endosperm. CHENOPODIUM ALBUM Linn. L, Sp PI 1:219 (1753,. Eu. Commonly 2-4 ft hi, erect, usually paniculately branched; herbage more or less light green or w-mealy: Ivs rhombic-ovate, sinuate-dentate befow or about the middle, uppermost vary- , Watson, Am ac )r rr 2.v- ol 1 ^ 1? Y- + /- i * *u o T ^ f loc ality: Cal, frorn the Sacra- ento to Fort Tejon and SD." CHENOPODIUM RUBRUM L. St angled, erect, 1-2 ft hi; herbage & or nearly so; Ivs lanceolate-oblong to broadl^' ovate, coarsely sinuate. 1-2 i loner; fls num in dense short axy spikes; ex-lobes 2-4, rather fleshy; sta 1-2; sds shiritng. margin acute. Eu. sparing!-' naturalized. Abrams, Fl LA 125. CHENOPODIUM MURALE Linn. Stout, erect, 3-6 dm hi, lower branch- es usua lly spreading or decumbent; Ivs 3 . 8 cm lon rhombic-ovate, broadly cune ate or subtruncate at base, acute ^,+ anp-v ^-i^hrmics nr <5iie-btiv mpaiv when^young'f b sp?kes ^paniSed ? loosely fld; cx enclosing fr; sd acutely mar- L g p P1 j^ig (1753) Eu r"oville CNH 4 -ISO fr 1 ,, Pnmmnn i'n watstp CMNOP^DIUM FREMONT s Watson Watson, Bot King Exp 287 (1871). Type locality: (from Fremont's spec- imen) "on the' Nortu Plattt. Coville, CNH 4:179. Pandamint mtS; Erect, slender, branching-, V 2 -2 ft hi, more or less mealy: Ivs broadly trian- gular-nastate, ^i-l i long, obtuse or abruptly acute, truncate or cuneate at base, the upper rarely becoming oblong 219 to linear-lanceolate: fls often sm, w- mealy, scattered in sm clusters upon tne slendtr open-panicled branchlets, or the infl sometimes stouter and more contracted: sep strongly carinate: sd 1-2-thirds li broad. Colo. NM. Can- tilles! r>*>* Genus ei,. n -i-m- fl or monition P ^ m o? \r W Pl,i,?Pr branSile^ coasting of n ~i r>artori OY > n H an onuai mi m ber of's'ta nisfniflte fSi a JjSt!SS by 2 or more P united bractllts which enlarge in fr their marSS - ont^p or t e o n o?l\eS, Ste'n' c^ed^r^ngedV ex stig- 2: utricle completely or partially enclosed by the fr-ing bractlets: em- bryo annular. ATRIPLEX BREWERI S. Watson. Dioecious, stout, 1.5-2 m hi, woody below. grayish-puberulent; branches terete, somewhat flexuous: Ivs ovate- oblong, somewhat rhombic-cuneate at. base, obtuse or abruptly acute, 2.5-5 cm long; ex deeply 4-cleft; fr'ing bracts spongy ovatt to rounded, con- vex. united at the margin to the mid- die. entire, 2-3 mm broad. Abrams, Fl LA 129. Bluffs along the seashore. Parish. Erythea 7:91. Monica. Afj"*?** orbiculris S. Watson, Am ac pr 1:*"7. ATRIPLEX CALIFORNICA Moq. Finelv w-mealy; sts slender, leafy, mostlv herbaceous. prostrate or scrambling among low shrubs, usual- ly much branched and forming a mat; Ivs ovate-lanceolate to oblong-lanceo- late, 4-12 mm long, sessile or narrowed to a short netiole; staminate fls in ter- minal spikes, the pistillate in axy clus- ters; fr'f bracts membranous, ovate, acute, entire, loosely closed over the utricle but not united, 3 mm long or Abrams, Fl LA 129. Cruz; Ro&a; Cat; Baja. 2*0 ATRIPLEX CANESCENS James. Erect and shruboy, rather strict, about 8 dm ui; Ivs oblanceolate to nar- rowly oblong or linear, 15-45 mm long, obtuse or acutish, narrowed to th^ base, entire; usually dioecious: fls in panicled spikes; ex 5-cleft; fr'ing 1 bracts connate and indurated, not SCU rv- or muricate, the wings distinct and broad veined and entire or tooth- ed, 4-6 mm ion-. James, Cat ^8 (1825). Type locality: "in the plains of the Missouri near the Big- bend." Coville, CNH 4:180. Abrams, Fl LA 130, SBer, SD. ATRIPLEX EXPANSA S. Watson. Southern California (Parish 1011). An, erec*., much branched, closely and finely mealy-scurvy: Ivs triangu- lar and somewhat hastate, abruptly ac- ute, sessile or nearly so: staminate spikes usually slender and interrupted, naked above: fr'ing bracts more com- pressed, sides often unappendaged, strongly reticulated. SBr Co (Tor- rey) : SD (Palmer); NM: So Colo. Abrams, Fl LA 127 Ballona marshes. ATRIPLEX LEUCOPHYLLA Dietr. . Dietr, Syn 5:536. Coast of LA Co (Parish 1125); Cruz (G ThrSms Fl T A 129 n535 w'ish scurvv sts stout 3 .uensei' r w ibii-bcwrvy, sis &LUUU, o dm l n S or more > mostly prostrate; Ivs thickish, orbicular or elliptic, 8-16 mn, long, sessile, 3-nerved; staminate clusters in a dense terminal spike, 1-^ cm long; pistillate fls in axy 2-3-fld clusters; fig bracts completely united and with a short terminal wing, glo- bose % 3^*^^FS?&^ Coast of LA Co (Pansh 1126); Cruz. ATRIPLEX MICROCARPA Dietr. Cruz; Cat; Q U i nt in. Minutely and somewhat hoary pub- erulent, the num r'iah branches nearly glabrous; sts 15-30 cm long, spreading and decumbent; Ivs oblong- or oblong- ovate, 6-10 mm long, acute at each end, sessile; fls in sm ax clusters, the terminal ones usually more staminate*, fr'inar bracts round-obovate, usually less than 2 mm broau. the roundish summit narowly bordered with 3-7 sm herbaceous teeth, aides frequently somewhat muricate or 1-nerved; seed 0.5 mm oroad. ATRIPLEX SEMIBACCATA R. Br. Per; sts much branched from the base, prostrate, woody below, branches 3-10 dm long, branchlets slender, w'ish, leafy throughout; Ivs oblong-lanceo- late.' tapering at base to a short pet- iole rounded at apex. 2-4 cm long, 15- 30 mm wide, entire or commonly ir- regularly and remotely dentate, -ale g above, suvery beneath; staminate fls in short capitate spikes terminating the branchlets: fr'ing bracts about 3 mm long, margins entire or minutely tootned on the lateral angles, becom- ine fleshy and r'ish when mature. Australian salt-bush Wiseburn; Wilmington; Santa Ana. 221 RIore common about SD and Escondido. ^.brams, Fl LA 128. Becoming well- eatablisned along roadsides and in ATRIPLEX e pATULA Linn. Sts stout, succulent, erect, 2-6 dm hi, with few ascending brancues, herbage g. only the growing parts somewhat mealy; Ivs lanceolate or linear, entire or coarsely toothed, sometimes hastate ac base: infl more or less leafy below, clusters dense in spikes or panicles; bracts rhombic-ovate, thick and sub- coriaceous, 8-12 mm long, entire or toothed, sometimes muricate. Pacific rural press 33:510. Abrams, Fl LA 127. Frequent in sa- line places. Orache: an introduced weed, LA (Parish 1122). ATRIPLEX SEREXAX\ A. Nelson. Sts ratner stout and more or less dif- fuse. 3 am or more 1 ong; branches smooth and saining, straw-colored; foliae-e finely grayish-scurvy; Ivs ob- long-ovate, acute, 8-18 mm long, thin, sharnly toothed or the smaller entire: fl-clusters unisexual, staminate in ter- m.nal simple or compound spikes, the pistillate axy; fr'ing bracts 2 mm long, the margins laciniately toothed or dentate, ...e central tooth lanceolate and conspicuous. ATRIPLEX WATSOM A. Nelson. Branding from the base, somewhat woody below, slender, decumbent or sometimes piostrate, densely hoary- scurvy: Ivs most ** ' opp, cuneate- rounded at base, acute or acutish, ob- long-ovate. 12-25 mm long; stam fls in dense clusters ir, short interrupted terminal spikes; ex 5-cleft; fr-iner bracts sessile, slightly cordate at base. in salt marshes along- the coas* My-Ag. Type locality: "in Carolinae scirpetis maritimis." Genus SALSOLA Linnaeus. Ann or per much-branched herbs, wun prickly-pointed Ivs and sessile per- feet 2-bracteolate fls, solitary in the axils or sometimes several together: ex 5-parted, its seg appendaged by a broad membranous horizontal wing in fr and enclosing the utricle: sta D: ova depressed: sty 2: utricle flattened, its sd horizontal; . embryo coiled into a conic spiral. SALSOLA TRAGUS L. Ann. more or less scabrous-pubes- cent, bushy-branched, the branches slender, 2-6 dm hi; Ivs and outer bracts usually r at maturity, the former not noticeably swollen at base, linear, somewhat fleshy; ex membranous, con- spicuously veiny, its wings longer tnan the ascending lobe. Abrams, Fl LA 132. Occasional along roadsides. Commonly called the Rus- sian thistle. BATIDEAE. A low maritime shrub, with opp en- tire exstipulate Iva and dioecious brae- teate fls, in axillary sessile ament-like spikes: stam-fls distinct: ex campanu- late, 2-lirjped; net 4. rhombic-ovate, clawed: pistillate fls 8-12, united into a fleshy spike, without perianth: ova coherent. 4-celled, becoming a fleshy ovoid-conical fr; stig sessile, capitate: sds 1 in each cell, erect, oblong: testa membranous; embryo slightly curved, cauliele inferior; endospermO: repre- sentod by a single monotypic genus. Genus BATIS P. Browne. or slight, denticulate: 3d nearly 2 mm Ahrp-mc -PI T A 100 QT^ A,r.1,7ex 2S Watson. Genn* SALJCORXIA Toornefort. Fleshy glabrous ann or per herbs, with opp terete branches, the Ivs re- duced to mere opp scales at the nodes: fls sunken. 3-7 together in the axils of the upper Ivs. forming narrow terrain- al spikes, nerfect or the lateral stam- inate: ex fleshy. 3-4-toothed or trun- cate, becoming spongy in fr, decid: sta 2 or sometimes solitary, exserted: sty and stig 2: utricles enclosed by the 9-4 dmonthe srtflg erect: Ivs linear to ovate-oblor ft"* Tl^hVUn^esf tht ate 4-S mm long; the pistillate 2 mm long, becoming 10-15 mm long in fr; bracts entire, obtuse or acute, in verti- c ^l rows, persistent, those of the pistil- late decid; pet w; sta 2 mm long, ex- serted. Abrams, Fl LA 135, San Pedro and Redondo. SD! WI. LAURACEAE. Per by a woody rtstock; st decum- bent or trailing. 1-6 dm long, the branches ascending- or erect, nearly or quite siinple, rather long-jointed, 7-15 cm long", pale gr: scales broadly oVate, acute or obtuse: fr'ing spikes 1.5-4 cm longr. broad as the branches; fls about all equally hi and about equaling the |0 Mi?hx, Fl 1:2 aS03). Coville. CNH 4:1S4. Near Bakersfi.eld. Abrams, Fl LA 130. Very common i v ): Cruz. St stout, branching, 3-5 ft hi, very leafy; herbage glandular-pubescent; Ivs lanceolate, sessile, gradually di- minishing into the bracts of the in- florescence; bracts equallying or shorter than the oblong tube of cor; sep oblong-lanceolate, unequal. Mt. Hamilton, Cal. (Greene). SBer (Parish 436). Cruz. Abrams, Fl LA 358. Gabriel mts. ANTIRRHINUM JUNCEUM A. Gray. Cedrr.s. A suffruteseent plant 2-4 ft high, forming oval bushes, not observed far north of Quintin. ANTIRRHINUM NEVINIANUM A. Gray Los Angeles (Nevin); S D Co! ANTIRRHINUM NUTTALLIANUM Bh. Cruz; Rosa; S'D! Guadalupe. Variety EFFUSUM Gray, Bot Cal 1:622. Mohave (Palmer. Parry, Lemmon). ANTIRRHINUM ORCUTTIANUM A. G A tall viscid annual with w or violet fls; S D; C D: Baja: L A Co (Davidson). ANTIRRHINUM SPECIOSUM A. Gray. Gambelia speMona Nuttall. Cat; Guad. ANTIRRHINUM STRICTUM A. Gray. Erect, nearly simple, glabrous, 1-2 ft hi, often climbing by tortile filiform peduncles; lowest Ivs ovate-lanceolate, upper becoming linear or floral ones filiform and much snorter than the peduncles; cor violet-p, 5 li long. feanta Barbara; SD! Baja! ANTIRRHINUM SUBSESSILE A. Gray SD! Quintin (Palmer (36). ANTIRRHINUM WATSONI Vasey-Rose Sonora (Pringle, Palmer) ; Quintin (Palmer657) ; Aiagdalena and Santa Mar- garita Isl. (Br). Genus PENTSTEMOX Mitchell. Per herbs or suffrutescent plants, with opp or rarely vertio .llrue Ks Us large, sho\vy, in terminal racemes, panicles or cymes: ex 5-parted: cor irreg, tubular, often inflated, limb 2- lipped, upper lip 2-lobed, lower 3- lobed: sta 5, included, 4 antheriferoiis and didynamous, 1 sterile as long- or shorter than the 4; anther-sacs diverg- ent or connivent: sty filiform; stig capitate: cap septicidally dehiscent: sds num, mostly angled. PENTSTEMON CENTRANTHIFOLIUS Bentham, Scroph Ind 7 (1835,. Glaucous, strict and virgate, 4-8 dm hi; Ivs all entire, the lower lanceolate, the upper clasping, ovate-lanceolate; panicle narrow, usually 3 dm long or more; pedicels slender; cor deep scar, narrow, tubular and obscurely bilabi- ate; tue short oblong lobes alike, ex- cept that the posterior are united higher; anth opening widely, splitting through the apex. Hall, U 119. Scarlet Bugler. Abrams Fl LA 360. Type locality: Calif ornian. Coville, CNH 4:169. SBer mts. Me i u-rt-y to Baja! Arizona. Shelone centranthifolia Bentham, Hort soc Loml tr. sr 2, 1:481 (1835). PENTSTEMON CLEVELANDI A. Gray. Gray, Am ac pr 11:94. Syn Fl II, 1:26.'). near SB?r (probably CD fide Parish. Zoe 5:118). SBer Co; Baja mts. Fls bright sol- ferino, 1-3 ft hi, Ivs dark g; handsome in cultivation. PENTSTEMON CORDIFOLIUS Benth. Somewhat scandent over shrubs by long sarmentose branches, very Ify, scabrous-puberulent and the infl some- what glandular; Ivs subcordate or ovate with truncate base, acutely serrate or dentate, 2.."> cm long or less: thyrsus short and Ify; ped several-fid; sep ovate-lanceolate; cor scar, the tube about 2.5 cm long, the lips about 15 mm long, the upper li" erect, the lower more or less spreading; sterile fil bearded down one side; anth dehiscent through the apex. Abrams. Fl LA 360. Santa B;irhara: Baja; Cruz; Rosa. PENTSTEMON HETEROPHYLLUS Lu Green, seldom glaucescent, glabrous throughout or rarely primrose-pub- erulent; sts or branches slender, 6-15 dm hi, from a woody base; Ivs lanceo- late or linear or the lower oblong-lan- ceolate, mostly narrowed at base; thyr- sus virgate, loose, usually elongated; sep ovate; cor 2.5 cm longf or more, the narrow tube rose-colored or pink, sometimes changing to vio, ventricose funnelform; bud often y'ish; sterile fil glabrous. Abrams Fl LA 361. Monica mts. S Ber mts (Parish 114). PENTSTEMON LABROSUS Hook. f. Hooker, f. Bot Mag ex t 6738 (188-1 Glabrous; sts herbaceous, slender, erect, simple, 4-5 dm hi; Ivs all entire, the lowest oblanceolate, 5-6 cm long, about 1 cm broad, the upper linear-lanceolate, "reduced; bracts minute, fls in a simple raceme; pedicels 1-2 cm long; ex-lobes ovate, acumin- ate, 4 mm long; cor scar, 2.5-3 mm long, destitute of beard; tube narrow; upper lip erect, the 3 lobes of the lower one equaling the upper one in length, reflexed about two-thirds the lengin of the tube; sterile fil glabrous; amn closed toward the apex. Hall U 119. Rabbit ears. Coville, CNH 4:170. Frazier int. Abrams, Fl LA 360. Gabriel, SBer mts. P. barbatus var. labrosus Gray, Bot Cal 1:622 (1876). PENTSTEMON PALMERI A. Gray. Sts 6-9 dm hi; labrous except infl, that glandular or primrose-puberulent; Ivs coriaceous, glaucous, ovate or ob- long-lanceolate, from sharply dentate to nearly entire, upper from closely sessile to completely connate-perfol- iate; thyrsus elongated pyramidal, racemiform; cor cream-w, suffused pink; the short narrow proper tube hardly surpassing the ovate appressed sep, yer-- abruptly dilated into the ventricose-campanulate throat, about 2 cm long and as broad at orifice; lips broad, the upper erect, 2-lobed, lower 3-lobed, widely spreading-, sparingly bearded at base; sterile fil densely bearded above with loner y'ish hairs. Gray, Am ac pr 7:370 (1868). Type localities: Ar, "in Skull valley, and on Rio Verde ne-^.r Fo-t Wh'pnl .'' Abrams. Fl LA 361. About 5000 ft. Gabriel and SBer mts. Coville, CNH 4:170. Coso mts. Nev. Hall. U 119. Utah: Nevada; Arizona; Cantllles! Qumtin! PENTSTEMON PARISHII A. Gray. Size and habit of 'P. spectabilis: Ivs entire or minutely dent'culate; upper clasping by subcorclate base but not connate: cor r, more dilated. Hall IT 119, suggests that this is a hybrid of P. centranthifolius x, specta- bilis. Abrams, Fl LA 361. Cucamonga; SBer. San Rerr-a.rdino and S D Co (Parish ?55). PENTSTEMON SPECTARIMS Thurber. Pale or glaucescent and glabrous throughout, 6-12 dm hi; Ivs thinnish- coriaceous, ovate or ovate-lanceolate or the lower oblons;, acute, trie upper pairs acuminate and their broad bases connate-perfoliate, spinulosely dentate or denticulate; thyrsus many-fid, clon- fated pyramidal or sometimes virgate, -6 dm long; peduncles and pedicels slender; cor rose-p or lilac with the ample limb blue, 2.5 cm long; the nar- row proper tube twice the length of the short ovate ex-lobes then abruptly dilated into the campanulate-ventri- cose or broadly funnelform throat, somewhat bilabiate, the oval or round- ish lobes 6-8 mm long; sterile fil gla- brous; anth dehiscent from the base toward but not to the apex. Hall, U 120. Abrams, Fl LA 361. LA Co T ias Huevitas, Baja (Br) ; N M. PENTSTEMON AMBIGUUS Torr. CD (Parish): Colo; N M: Mexico. PENTSTEMON ANTIRRHINOTD "33 Bh. Fa-- Be- vardino Co; S D Co; Baja PENTSTEMON BARBATUS Nutt. Colo: New Mexico; Mexiro Variety LABROSUS A. Gray Kern Co (Rothr^ek) : B^ja mts! PENTSTEMON CPJRROSENSIS Kelg. Cerlrog Tslar-d (Pond). PENTSTEMON EATONI A. Gray. Pan Bernardino mts ("Parish II? > PKNTR..-MON GLABER Pursh. Souther" California (Parish 1*4^. PENTSTEMON PARRYI A. Gray. CD (Par'sh ?56):Utah; Nevada; Arizona. PENTSTEMON ROTHROCKII Gray. Q D mts; T ittle O^rche mt. (Rothrock) PENTSTEMON TERNATUS Torr. * Kern Co: San Diego Co! Baja! Genus PEDICVL.ARTS Tonrnefort. Per herbs with alt, opp or rarely vertioillate pinn-itelv lobed cleft or pinnatifid Ivs and irr f T s in terminal s^ik r s or sp'ke-like racemes: ex 2-5- clft, cor tubular, strongly bilabiate; galea arched and compressed; lower lip of 3 small munded lobes or teeth: sta 4; anth approximate in pairs, their sacs transverse, equal: cap flattened, obli- que at apex, loculiridally 2-valved. PEDICULARIS DENSIFLORA BENTH Sts simple, erect, 2-3 dm hi, com- monly several from the s^aly caudex; he^bago nearlv srlab^ous or somewhat soft-pubescent; Ivs pinnately divided or nart^d, the seg oblong, doublv ser- rate-toothed or incised; ppik terminal, dense or at length loose; b~acts lin- ear, ciliate or serrulate toward the apex, mostly shorter than the fls; ex 5-an2:led, equally or unenually 5- toothed. 6-8 mm long; cor 2.5 cm long or more; galea large, somewhat broad- er above; stronsrly arched, lower lip small, of 3 rounded t^eth; fil glabrous. Abram?, Fl LA 372. Monica mts (Davidson). PEDTCULARTS SEMIBARBATUS A. G. Nearly st-less; denressed. more or less Dubesrent: Ivs in a basel tuft, 15-20 cm long, on petioles mostly ex- ceeding the irrocr sossile spikes, 2-pin- nately parted or nfa<-ly s^, the oblong lob-^s lamiatelv few-toothed; f-or yel- lowish, tinged with p. pubescent with- out, about 2 cm long; galea nearly 230 straight; fil villous above. Gray, Am ac pr 7:385 (18C8). Type localities: "on Mount Dana, 10,000 ft alt;" "Ebbett's Pass. 7006-8000 ft;' 1 'in or near the Yosemite Valley;" "and Mariposa drove, at and above 5000 ft." Hall U 118. Coville, CNH 4:173. Sierra Nevada. Abrams. Fl LA 373. "Frequent on dry ridges in the open pine forests of all our mts. My-Jl." Genus COLLI.VSIA Xuttall. Ann with simnle verticillate or opp Ivs. and irr fls in whorls forming ra- cemes, or solitary in the axils: ex campanulate, o-clett: cor declined, the proper tube very short the abruptly expanded and gibbous throat forming an angle with it, deeply bilabiate, the upper lip erect, 2-cleft; the lower lip larger 3-lobed. the lateral lobes spreading or drooping, flat, the middle one conduplicate, keel-like, enclosing the 4 declined sta and the filiform sty: sta didynamous; fil filiform; anth-sacs confluent at the apex: fifth sta repre- sented by a gland on the upper side of the cor-tube near the base: stig sm, capitate or 2-lobed: cap ovoid or glo- bose, septicidally 2-valved, the valves 2 -cleft; sds few large, peltate, con- cave on the inner side. , COi^INSIA BIcOLOrt Benth. Simple or branched above, 1.5-4 dm hi, glabrous or finely pubescent and often viscid above; Ivs broadly oblong or the upper narrowed from the broad base to the apex, serrulate, 5 cm long or less; fls crowded in whorl-like clus- ters, the lowest subtended by Ivs, the others by bracts; pedicels shorter than the oblong or lanceolate ex-lobes; cor about 2 cm long; the lower lip usually rose-p; the upper lilac or w. its lobes nearly as long as those of the lower; throat saccate, bristly within; gland conic. Auricula-p fls. upper divisions of cor w, tinged with rose and auricula-p spots at the center. Lindl, Bot Reg t 1734 (1834). Type locality: "California." Biol, Erythea 1:17. Hall. U 115. Coville, CNH 4:171. Abrams, Fl LA 362. COLLINSIA PARRYI A. Gray. Sts puberulent throughout, simple or more or less branched, 1.5-2.5 dm hi; Ivs thinnish. the lower oblong, crenate, petioled, the upper lanceolate-linear, obtuse, mostly entire and closely ses- sile, 2-4 cm long-; pedicels solitary or the upper in 2's or 3's, as long as or the lowest exceeding the fls; ex-lobes oblon ". obtuse; cor deep bl. 6-8 mm long, twice the length of the ex. lips about equal in length, not longer than the throat: cap about equaling the ex. Gray, Syn Fl 2 pt 1, 257 (1878). / Type locality: "SBer Co, Cal." Coville, CNH 4:171. Panamint mts. Abrams, Fl LA 363. COL.LIXSIA TINCTORIA Hartwegf. Resembling slender forms of C. bicolor in habit; herbage nearly or quite glabrous below, strongly viscid above and giving off a brownish stain; ex-lobes linear or oblong-linear, ol>- tuse; cor pale p'ish or nearly w and streaked with p, 12-15 mm long, lobes of the upper lip very short, reflexed. Frequent on shady slopes in the upper portions of the chaparral belt of the San Gabriel mts. Ap-Je. S> "* Bentham> P1 Har t w T loc-ality; "in montibus Sacra. ment Coville. CXH 4:171. Tejon mts. Abrams. Fl LA 363. Gabriel mts. COLLTNSIA CHILDSII Parrv. gtem ti t mostly simp ie: cor light COLLINSIA PARVIFLORA Dougi. Often di ff use : C or little exserted 4-6 mm j ono - Genns > IMLIAS Linnaeus. MIMFLUS BIGELOVII A. Gray. Eunanus bigelovii, Gray. Pac Ry R 4: 121. Greene, Cal ac b 1:102. So Cai; Utah; Nevada. MTMULUS EXIGUUS A. Gray. Baja mts (Orcutt). Probably M. Pal- rr>ri. MIMULUS FLORIBUNDUS Dougl. Ann, slender, diffuse, 1-3 dm hi. vil- lous and very slimy, musk-scented; Ivs ovate, 1-2.5 cm long, dentate, short- petioled; pedicels mostly longer than the Ivs; ex narrowly campanulate, 4-6 mm long; th eteeth nearly equal, 1 mm long; cor light y, mostly twice as long as ex: cap globose-ovate, obtuse. Lin 11, Bot Reg 14 t 1125 (1S28). Type locality: "on moist rocks in the interior of the districts of the river Columbia." Rocky mts: Col, Wyo, CA!, Ore, Baja. Cruz. Coville. CXH 4:171. Ivernville. Hall, U 116. Abrams, Fl LA 366. "Mimulus peduncularis Douglas, Scroph Ind 29 (fide Greene). MTMULUS LAT1FOLIUS A. Gray. Eunanus latifolius Greene. Cal ac b 1:99. Guaclalupe "(Palmer); Cruz (Br). MTMULUS MOHAVENSIS Lemmon. Eunanus mohavensis Greene. Cal ac b, 1:10*5. Mohave river (LemmnrO. MIMULUS MOSCHATUS Dougl. Soft-villous and very viscid, strong- ly musk-scented; sts weak and re- dining, rfins: at the nodes. 2-6 dm long, from per creeping rt-stocks; Ivs oblong-ovate, about 2.5 cm long, re- motely dentate, petiolate: ex-teeth somewhat unequal, about % the length of tube; cor y. 1.5 cm long; cap ovate, acute. BC; Cuyamaca! Lindl Bot Reg t 1118. Parry, Bot obs Wyo 13. n-ayV syrt Fl 2:278. Abrams, Fl LA 365. Vrri^ty f.OWGIF?.OItt7S A. G^av Gray. Syn Fl 2, pt 1, 278 (1879). 231 Type locality: Calif ornian. Coville, CNH 4:172. Sequoia Park. Hall, U 117. LA (Davidson). "The common California form." Mimulus moniliformis Greene (in part). Variety SESSILIFOLIUS A. Gray. Sts tscending-, cor ^.5 cm long-; oth- erwise as in the type. Abrams, Fl LA 366. Mimulus inodorus Greene (in part). MIMULUS FREMONTI A. Gray. Lvs narrowly oblong or the lowest spatulate, obtuse; ex-teeth ovate, ob- tuse or acutish, less than % the length of tube; cor crimson; otherwise as in M. Bigelovii. Hall, U 116. Abrams, Fl LA 3 60. MIMULUS BREVIPES Benth. St simple or branched, 3-6 dm hi, very viscid-pubescent; Ivs lanceolate to linear, 3-10 cm long-, entire or com- monly denticulate; ex-teeth very un- equal, acuminate, .ae posterior fully Vz the length of the broadly companulate tube; cor y, 2.5-4 cm long-, the ex- panded limb nearly as broad, campan- ulate, with . ample rounded lobes; cap ovate-acuminate, firm-coriaceous. SBer; Quintin! Abrams, Fl LA 365. Hall, U 116. Eunanus brevipes Greene, Cal ac b 1:105. MIMULUS CARDINALIS Dougl. Viscid-villous, 2-4 ft. high: leaves ovate, erose: cor scarlet, rarely y, over 1 in long. . MIMULUS PALMERI. A. Gray. Leaves narrow: cor nearly rotate. Mphave: San Bernardino \ Baja! . Minulus androsaeeus Curran, Greene, Cal ac b 1:121. Tehachapi, and Santa Cruz Co. Quintin! MIMULUS INCONSPICUUS A. Gray. Leaves ovate, entire, y s in. long or less. Columbia river; Baja!~ MIMULUS MICROPHYLI.US Benth. An, e-Hbr^us helow, soirewhat pubes- cent above; sts terete, slender, Avith ascending branches or commonly sim- ple, 1-3 dm hi; fls in short racemes or in depauperate forms. solitary; Ivs ovate to orbicular, often cordate at the base, denticulate or coarsely tooth- ed: peduncles slender; ex often dotted, oblique at orifice; teeth obscure or prominent, the upper one lar.o-est; cor 1-2 cm lng, throat rather n arrow, the limb broad, usually without p lots So Cal ( Parish (850). Abrams. Fl LA 37. VERONICA BYZA3VTINA RSI 5. Ann, pubescent; sts diffus-dv branched. spreading or ascending, 1.5-4 dm long; Ivs ovate or oval, short- petioled, crenate-dentate or somewhat incised. S-24 mm long, the lowest ODD. the UDper alt, each with a slender-pe- duncled fl in its axil; pedicels filiform, equaling or exceedine the Ivs; cor 6-8 mm broad, bl; cap 6 mm broad, half as hi, shallowly and broadly emarginate. Abrams, Fl LA 368. LA (Davidson). Veronica Buxbaumii Tenore. VERONICA PEREGRINA Linn. Ann, glabrous or somewhat glandu- lar-puberulent; sts erect or ascending, simple or branched, 1.2 dm hi; Ivs ob- long, oval, linear or slightly spatulate, 6-20 mm long, the lowest opp, short- petioled or sessile, broader than, upper and mostly entire, each with a short- pedicelled fl in its axil; fls nearly w, about 2 mm broad; cap nearly orbicu- lar, obcordate, 2-3 mm hi. .mill, U 120. Neckweed. McClatchie, Erythea 2:124 Pasadena Abrams, Fl LA 368. San Julian, Baja (Br). SD! Canada to the Pacific; So Am. Almost cosmo- politan. ADEXOSTH<;iA MARITIMA Greene. Ab:ams. Fl LA 372. Corymbo e!y biY.n. heel, 1-3 dm hi; herbage iUau < us and mo-e cr less h. ary-pubesc >nt, often t'ngecl with p; Ivs linear to linear-lan'eo!ate, ai^out 2 cm long, entirt ; fls in shoi t spkes; bracts oblong-lanceolate, entire or commonly 3-toothed, the 2 later?! teeth much the smaller; fls r, equalling or sligh'lv exceeding the bracts. Cordylanthus maiitimus Nuttall. Genus CASTILL.EIA Linnaeus. Herbs or suffrutescent plants with alt sessile Ivs and r or y fls in ter- minal leafy-oracted spikes, the bracts and ex often brightly colored: ex tu- ^vilar, cleft in front or behind or com- monly both, the lobes entire or 2- toothed: cor very ireg, its tube about equaling ex, the limb 2-lipped; upper lin (a-alea) arched, elongated, concave or keeled, l-it'-rally compressed, entire, enclosing the 4 didynamous sta ; lower lip short 3-lobed: anth-sacs oblong or linear, unequal, outer one attached to fil by its middle, inner one pendulous from apex: sty m.^prm; stig entire or 2-lobed: caD ovoid~or oblong, loculi- cidally dehiscent, many-seeded: sds re- ticulated. CASTILIiEIA CALIFORNICA Abrams. "Sts slender, fragile, branching from a rather thick, woodv rt, erect and more or less branching above, 4-5 dm hi. spa-sely and minutely Duberulent; upper st Ivs linear, remotely and ob- pcurely denticulate or entire, 2-4 cm long, 2-3 mm broad, obtuse or rounded at ariex with shorter slender leafy branchlets in their axils; racemes at first viscid-Dubescent or villous, be- coming nearly glabrous, 10-20 cm long; bracts r or r-tipped, about 2 cm long. 3-4 mm wide, entire or rarely with 1 or 2 very short lateral teeth; ex about 2.f> cm long, cleft about equally before and behind, its lobes 1 cm long, cleft at the apex, trie teeth lanceolate. 3-4 mm long, acute; cor 2.5-3 cm long; galea about 3 4 the length of the tube, g on the back, the face bright r; the tube g'ish-y. "This species is related to C. Doug- lasii, Benth., but differs from that in foliage habit and fls. r>i- Tejunga wash, LA Co. The slender sts straggling among low snrubs. No. 1368, Ap 6, 1901... Abrams, So Cal ac b 1:68 (1902). Fl LA 369. CASTiLLEIA FOLIOLOSA Hook. -Am. utese-ent with many sts from the base. 3-4 dm hi, w woolly through- out Ivs linear and entire, rather crowd- ed below and fascicled in the lower axils, 3 cm long or less; uppermost and biaets 3-parted into linear lobes; bracts with lobes spatulate-dilated at apex, the middle lobe largest, shailow- : spikes rather aense; fls about 18 mm long, galea only slightly ling the ex, shorter than or as long as the tube; ex-lobes t. urn ate or ID about 1.5 cm long . H. & A. bot Beechy, 154 (1833). Hal!, U 115. Ab:ams, Fl LA 370. CASTILLEIA MARTINI Abrams. Sts several from a rather stout woody rt-stock, erect or spreading, aboUi 3 dm long villous and viscid throughout; lower Ivs linear or broadly linear, entire, 2.o-3 cm long, 3-5 mm wide; the uppermost somewhat broader, divided to near the middle into 3 lobes, the two lateral lobes narrow, spread- ing, shorter than the middle one; bracts similarly lobed, slightly dilated, scar- let tipped; racemes narrow and becom- ing rather loose, 1-2 elm long; ex 1.5 cm Ion 10 -, cle nearly to the middle be- hind, scarcelv as deep before, its seg- ments i roally lanceolate, toothed; the teeth less man 2 mm long, the anter- ior one much the shorter; galea r'ish along tne inner margin, 1 cm long, equalling or slightly exceeding the tube: capsule acute 1 cm long-. "This species is clbsely related to C. Breweri Fernald, and may prove to be only a form of that little-known spe- cie*. It is what has been locally known as C. miniata Dougl, but it can be no near relative of that species. 'Wilson's Peak, LA Co No 1881, Jl 10, 1901." Abrams So Cal ac b 1:69 (1902). Fl LA 369. CASTILLEIA MINIATA Dougl. -ilniata (Dougl mst) ; glabra v apice pilosa, foliis caulinis integris calvfibu< utiinque p-.aesertim infra _:nentis apiece bifidis laciniis latis oblongisve corollae tubum vix aequantibus. Benth. "Hab. Blue mts, NW Am. Dougl. Tolmie. "The fl. though generally altogether shorter than in C. pallida, has yet usu- ally the whole upper lip exserted from th^ ex." Hook, Fl Bor Am 2:106 Ala.-ka to So Cal (Parish): Colo; Utah. CASTILLEIA OBLOXGIFOLIA A. Gray. "Two ft or m^re hi. very Ify, densely villous or pubescent: Ivs widely spread- ing 5-nerved, 1 or 2 i li ng, naripwly elliptical and very obtuse, or the up- permost oblong-ovate and acute: bracts similar, the upper r'dish: spike many-fld; ex-lobes narrowly lanceolate or linear: cor 2 i long; somewhat fal- cate narrow galea as long as the tube; lip very protuberent and fleshy glob- ular:saccate, its minute lobes subulate. Southern borders of SD Co, Pa'mer. Collected along with C. miniata." A. Gray, Syn Fl 2: Part 1, 296 (1878). CASTILLEIA STENANTHA A. Gray. "Taller (than C minor) 1 to 5 feet hi: corolla linear, double the length of that of the preceding species; the slightly falcate and commonly redd'sh galea one-half longer than the tube. C. affinis, Benth. PI. Hartw. 329, in part (no. 1897); Gray, 1. c. (Am. Jour. Sci. II 33:) in part; moist grounds, Cal from Monterey to SD, and through the southern part of the Sierra Nevada. A. Gray, Syn Fl 2: part 1, 2?5 (1878). Genus ORTHOCARPtS Xuttall. Ann or rarely per herb^, mostly with alt Ivs, and y, w or p fls in bracted usually dense spikes, the bracts some- times brightly colored: ex tubular, 4- cleft or sometimes split down both ?ides: cor very ivr, the tube slender, the limb 2-lipped: upper lip but little exceeding the inflated 3-plaited or 3- saccate lowe r one. Otherwise as in cas- tilleia. ORTHOCARPUS DENSIFLORUS Benth. An. erect, simple or branched from the base, 1-3 dm hi. soft-pubescent above; Ivs linear or linear lanceolate, entire or with a few slender lobes; spike dense, the lowest fls sometimes distant; bracts about equaling the fls, 3-cleft into linear p lobes; cor 18-20 mm long, p; lip moderately ventrico?e and somewhat 3-saccate for its whole length, the teeth or lobes conspicuous, erect, oblong-linear; galea narrow,pub- erulent, or nearly smooth. Greene, Cal ac ta 2:409 Cruz. Abrams. Fl LA 371. Hills near LA (Greata). ORTHOCARPIS EXSERTUS Heller. "Branched from near the rase, 3 dm hi, the branches erect or ascending, brownish, pubescent with stra'ght, rather chaffy hair, which a~e scattered below, more plentiful above: Ivs few, 2 cm or less in length, 3 or 5 lobed, these narrowly li^ea-, 1 mm wide, ap- pearing almost capillary in the dried state: inflorescence occupying neary the entire upper half of the stem in fully ncveloped plants, lax below, crowded above: floral hr-i<~t^ shorter Or no longer than the ex, differing lit- tle from the Ivs, excent that thev have a much broader, entire middle divis'on, only the tins purplish; bracts and Ivs pubescent like the stem: ex almost : cm long, the slender tirs purrlish, pub- escent with soft, wavy hairs: cor ap- parently bright rose-purple, about : cm long, the tube twice the lensrth of the l'ps: lower lip abruptly dilated, 5 235 mm or more across, slightly pubescent, each of the 3 divisions dotted above with a darker spot; upper lip extending- 4 mm above the lower, densely bearded on the back, the apex slightly hooked. The type is a specimen in my posses- sion collected by Mr. Geo. B. Grant at Lincoln Park, near Pasadena, LA Co. Ap 1902, No. 886, and grows in "grassy, sunny places." It was distributed as est to that species as we understand it, Orthocarpus purpurascens, and is near- but differs in pubescence, in the Ivs, and especiallv in the naked, exsertei state of the fls. The cor also probably differs in shape." Heller, Muthlenler- g-ia 1:109-110 (26 S 1904). ORTHOCARPUS LASIORHYNCHUS An, nearly glabrous, about 2 dm hi; Ivs 3-5-cleft into linear-filiform divis- ions, or the lower entire; floral ones similar, the lobes p-tipped; spikes dense and short; cx-l^bes lanceolate, obtuse, % as long as tub^; cor rose-p, slightly p\ibescent in throat; lip con- spicuously 3 -saccate; sacs as broad as long, teeth very short; galea lanceo- late, obtuse, purberulent. A. Gray, Am ac pr 12:82. Hall, U 118. Cuyamaca. Mohave (Palmer, Parry, Lemmon). Parish, Zoe 5:118, says SBer mts not Mohave. Southern Cal (Parish 482); Baja! Orthooarpus Parishii A. Gray. ORTHOCARPUS PARISHII A. Gray. See Orthocarpus lasiorhynchus. ORTHOCARPUS PAUCIBARBATUS G. S F; San Diego mts (Parish 408). ORTHOCARPUS PURPURASCENS Bh. Ann, erect, rather stout, at length much branched from the base. 1.5-5 dm hi, villous--pubescent; Ivs with lance- olate base or body, and lanciniately 1-2-pinnately parted into narrow lin- ear or filiform lobes, or the upper palmately cleft; spike thick and dense; bracts equalling the fls, somewhat di- lat^d, their lobes crimson PS also ex and cor; cor 2.5-3 cm long, lip moder- atel:/ saccate, w-tipperl, with y and p markings; galea densely p-bearded on back, incurved at tip; fil hairy. Abrams, Fl LA 370. Hnmboldt Co to Ba.ia! Rosa. MENTHA PIPERITA L. Per by subterranean suckers; sts glabrous or sparsely pube^lent. mo^t- ly erect, branched, 3-9 dm hi; Ivs ovate-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, nar- rowed or rounded at the base, petioled, acute at the anox, sharply serrate, gla- brous except the veins beneath; whorls of fls in termina 1 , dense or interrupted spikes, 2.5-7 cm long in fr; ex tubular- campanulate, its teeth subulate, cill- ate, half as long as the tube or more; cor glabrous. Abrams, Fl LA 348. LA, Davidson, PI LA Co. 14. Genus TRICHOSTEMA Unnaens. Ann or per strong-scented herbs or rarely shrubby, with lanceolate, oblong o r linear, entire or slightly repand Ivs, and srn or middle-sized, usually bl or p fls, paniculate or in axillary loose or dense clusters: ex campanulate, very unequally 5-lobed: cor-tube slender, exserted or included, the limb some- what oblique and deeply 5-cleft into oblong more or less declined seg: jsta "4, didynamous, ascending, curved, the anterior pair longer; fil filiform, spiral- ly coiled in the bud, long exserted; anth-sacs divaricate, more or less con- fluent at the base: ova deeply 4-l:>bed; sty 2-cleft at the summit. TRICHOSTEMA LANATUM Benth Shrubby, about 1 m hi, very leafy, Ivs thickish, narrowly linear and -vith revolute margins, 1-nerved, glabrate and shining above, caneseent-tomen- tose beneath, sessile, many-fasciclecl in the axils, uppermost reduce 1 to bracts; cymes in a naked terminal thyrsus, whole infl clothed with a dense violet or p wool; cor 1 cm long; fil 2 cm long. Romero; woolly bl.ue- curls. Monterey Co. Baja! Black-sage, SBer. Abrams. Fl LA 340. Bloch, Erythea 1:191. Monterey to San Diego; note on its medical value;" romero, which is the Spanish for 'rose- mary.' " Davy Erythea 6:37. Monterey Co. In cultivation a most interesting and showy shrub, with deep p fls. The black sage is a small shrub found in - the coast range from Monterey Southward to Baja Calif ornia(?), "cul- tivated in gardens of the Californ'ians," and "valued as a stimulant" (Mrs. Bingham). TRICHOSTEMA LANCEOLATUM Bth. Strong-scented ann, simplp or branching from near the base, 1.5-3 dm hi, very Ify, herbage cinereous or vil- lous-pubescent and minutely glandu- lar; Ivs lanceolate, acuminate, sessile or the lowest subsessile. with 3-5 strong, nearly parallel nerves, 2 cm long: cymes short-peduncle^ or nearly sessile: ex villous; cor almost filiform, somewhat pubescent, bl. Bentham. Lab 659 (1835). Coville. CNH 4:176. Jepson, Erythea 1:14. Abrams, Fl LA 339. Genus SCUTELLiARIA L,innaeus. Ann o r per herbs, with fls sol'tary or 2-3 together in tbe axils or in bracted racemes or spikes; ex campan- ulate. gibbous, bilabiate, the lips en- tire, the upper with a crest or pr~>tub- erance upon its back, often deciduou in fr, the lower persistent: cor much exserted, dilated above into the throat, glabrous within, upper lip archel, en- tire or emarginate, the lower spr-^ad- ing or deflexed, its lateral lobe? sm and somewhat connected with the up- per, its middle lobe broad, sometimes emarginate the margins mostly re- curved: sta 4, didynamous. ascending 1 under the upper lip, the upper piir 2- 237 celled, the lower 1-celled: sty unenal- ly 2 -cleft at apex; ova deeply 4-parted: nutlets subglobose or depressed, papil- lose or tuberculate. SCUTELLARIA ANGUSTIFOLIA Psh. Stems slender, cor hairy inside, two- thirds to 1 inch long, violet blue. SCUTELLARIA BOLANDERI A. Gray. Per by filiform rt-stocks, pubescent; lender, simple or branched from base, about 3 dm high, very leafy to the summit: Ivs ovate- elliptic, very --. closely sessile by somewhat cordate base. 2.5 cm long or less; fls short-re licellcd, seldom equaling the If; cor yellowish, throat inflated, vil- lous v\ ithin. Jepson. Ervthea 1:12. Hal 1 , U 113. -Abr&nip, Fl LA 341. Moist woods. El Moii*.- (Davidson). SCUTELLARIA TUBEROSA Benth. Soft-hairy, mostly 3-4 in. high, pro- ducing many tubers: c~r deep blue or vi- olet, one-half to two-thirds in. long. VERBENA POLYSTACHYA H. B. K. Sts erect, scarbrous, sometimes hir- sute or hispid, paniculatelv branched; Ivs oblong- to broadly lanceolate, 2,5-5 <-T. long, sessile by a narrowed base or BLorl-petioled, obtuse or acute incig- <].- c,. r o^ e occasionally .-, >m what lobel: spikes thicker and r,.ser c'nan in Ver* urtici folia, a slightly taller sppci A 1: rams, Fl LA .'-!J7. O.-Mruonal in l\fft VERBENA PROSTRATA R. Br. Soft-villous to hirsute, diffusely spreading, at length much branched, i Jong: Ivs obovate or oblong, with < uneate base tapering into a mar- petiole, veiny, acutely incised and serrate; often 3-5-cleft: spikes solitary or somewhnt clustered, elon- gate 1 , hirsut- or villous; bracts subu- late. c horter than ex; cor violet or blue, 4 mm long; nutlets oblong. Abrams, Fl LA 337. Jepson. Erythea 1:12. VERBEXA I RTICIFOLIA L. S^s mirtrely hirsute-pubescent to t g-lab'-ous. erect, 10-16 dm hi; Ivs thin, petioled, ovate to oblong-Ian-' ceolate. acuminate or acute, evenly or douhlv serrate: spikes slender-filiform. panicle" 1 : bracts ovate, acuminate, shortei- than the ex; cor 2-4 mm long, w o- jvrpli^h. Abrams. Fl LA 337. Occasional In marshes. fienns LIPPfA Linnnen*. Per herbs with opposite sometimes vertic'llate or rarely alt Ivs, and sm bract ed fls in ax o~ terminal hds or spikes: ex sm, membranous, ovoid, campinulate or compressed and 2- winged. 2-4 toothed or 2-4-cleft: Cor cylindric, limb oblique spreading, somewhat 2-lippd. 4-cleft. the lobes broad, cften retuse or eroded: sta 4. didynamous: anth not ap^enda^ed. the sacs ma'ly ra-oTel: ova 2-celled; ovules 1 in each cell; sty short; stig 238 oblique or recurved: fr dry with a membranous exocarp, at length sepa- rating into 2 nutlets. LIPPIA LANCLoLATA Michx. Green, glabrous or very sparingly pubescent with forked hairs; sts slen- der, weak, procumbent or ascending, often rting at the nodes, simple or lit- tle branched. 3-6 dm long; Ivs thin, ob- long, ovate or ovate-lanceolate.' short- petioled, acute, sharply serrate to be- low the middle, narrowed at base, 2.5-7 cm long; ped axy, slender, usually longer than the Ivs; hds at first glo- bose becoming cylindric. about 15 mm long in fr; bracts acute; ex flattened, 2-cleft; cor pale bl, scarcely longer than the ex. Abrams, Fl LA 338. Pan Bernardino (Parish 1099). LIPPIA NODIFLORA Michx. Creeping: peduncles 1-4 in. long: .fls rose to w. PLANTAGINACEAE. Ann or per mostly acaulescent rarely stoloniferous herbs, with basal, in the caulescent species opp or alt, Ivs, and sm perfect, polygamous or monoecious fls bracteolate in dense terminal long- scaped spikes or heads, or rarely soli- tary ex persistent, 4-parted: cor hy- pogynous, scarious or membranous, mostly marcescent, 4-lobed: sta 4 or 2 inserted on the cor-tube or throat; ni filifo-m; anth versatile. 2-celled. long- itudinally dehiscent: ova superior, 1-2- celled or falsely 3-4-celled: stv fili- form, simple. mostly longitudinally stio-matic: ovules 1-several in ea< cell- fr a membranous or coriaceous capsule, eircumsMssile at or below the middle; sds peltate. Genus PLANTAGO Unnaena. Characters of the family. Plantain. PLANTAGO BIGELOVII A. Gray. Verv slender, ann. 1 dm hi or l<^s, Ivs very narrowly linear or filiform, glabrous: scapes very slender, slightly pubescent above; spikes slender, about 15 mm long and 4 mm broad often much shorter and reduced to 4-5 fls, ex broa^lv scarious-margined: pyxl oblong-ovate, much exceeding the ex, circumsciss'le at the lower third Baia! Abrams. Fl LA 377. Inglewood. PI.AXTAGO ERECTA Morris. \n, silky pube-cent. 6-15 cm M, Ivs erect, narrowly linear to narrowly ob- innceolat-. about two-thirds length of scapes or nearly equa in sr ^he shorter ones: scapes 1 or few, s few-manv-fld, capitate or oblong. ID cm long or usuallv less; ex-lobes ob- ?ie scarious margined with brown- ish midrib; pyxis ovate, truncate, pur- plish above, circumsciss^e at the low- er third; seeds 2. \hrams. Fl LA 376. Variety Obver>a Abrams \ rno'-e robust form: Ivs with few t several callous dentieulaHons: scapes usually num: spikes 15-40 cm long; cap circumscissile near the middle. 240 Abrams, Fl LA 377. Occasional in sandy soil toward the coast, also on Catalina Island. In our opinion not a good species and scarcely worthy of varietal distinction. Plantago obversa Morris. PLANTAGO HIRTELLA H. B. K. Per from a thick rt, hirsute, especi- ally the scape and Ivs; Ivs oblong -ob- lanceolate to narrowly oblong, 5 dm long- or less, tapering below to a short petiole, sparsely dentate; scape usual- ly longer than the Ivs, stout, erect; spike 15-30 cm long, dense, except at base; cor persistent, its lobes close! over the cap; sd 3. Abrams, Fl LA 376. San Francisco to Chile. PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA Linn. Ribgrass or English plantain; widely naturalized. Europe. PLANTAGO MAJOR Linn. Glabrous or sometimes sparsely pub- escent; Ivs spreading, long-petioled, mostly ovate, narrowed o: rounded at base, entire or coarsely dentate, 2 dm long or less; scapes exceeding the Ivs, erect, 3 dm long or less; spikes 2 dm long or less; pyxis ovoid, circumscis- sile at about the middle, 5-16-seeded. Plantain; a common weed; widely nat- uralized. Europe. PLANTAGO PATAGONICA Jacq. British Columbia to Patagonia. VARIETY ARISTATA. A. Gray. Parish, Erythea 3:61. "North of San- ta Ana canon, near Mentone, San Ber- nardino Co., Cal." In some almost all the bracts aristate, in others only a few of the lowest ones, forming a tran- sition to the common var. nuda, Gray. Variety GNAPHALOIDES A. Gray. Baja! San Diego Co.! PLANTAGO PICTA Morris. Utah, Arizona, Southern California (Parish 2643). PLANTAGO OBLONGA Morris. Colorado Desert, California (Orcutt). PLANTAGO IGNOTA Morris. Ft. Verde, Arizona (E. A. Mearns 199); northern Baja California. PLANTAGO SPECIOSA Morris. Santa Catalina Island, California (G. B. Grant 2412). PLANTAGO OBVERSA Morris. Del Mar, San Diego County, California (Belle Sumner Angier 21). Plantago erecta Morris in part; Torr bot. cl. b. 27:118 (1900). PLANTAGO ERECTA Morris. Plantago patagonica Califo7, Los Angeles Co, on earth. LECAXORA CERVIXA Nyl. Colorado Desert. SD Co (Or 2180). LECAXORA CHLOROPHANA Ach. Hasse. Erythea 3:43. Los Angeles Co. LECAXORA CIXEREA Som. SD Hasse Erythea 3:43, LA Co. Variety GIBBOSA Nyl. Hasse. Erythea 3:43. LA Co; 4:107. LECAXORA FUSCATA Fr. Hasse, Erythea 4:97. LA Co, on rocks. Variety OLIGOCARPA Nyl. LECAXORA GLAUCOCARPA Ach. LECAXORA HAYDEXI Tuck. Mesas near San Quintin, Baja; a very peculiar species, usually attached to small pebbles! I.-arramie plains. Nebraska, on the earth, detached and infertile (Hayden). LECAXORA MELAXOPSIS Ach. Hasse, Erythea 4:150. Los Angeles Co. LECAXORA MURALIS Schaer. Mesas. SD. on earth and rocks (Or 2136). Hasse, Erythea 3:42: 4:106. Los Angeles Co Variety DIFFRACTA Fr. Hasse. Erythea 3:42. Los Angeles o. I.F.CAXORA PACIFICA Tuck. SD. on Quercus dumosa! Oregon. Hasse, Erythea 3:42. Los Angeles Co. 243 2-14 LECANORA PALLESCENS Schaer. Near San Telmo, Baja! Hasse, Erythea 3.43, Los Angeles Co. l.ECANORA PALLIDA Schaer. SD, on Quercus dumosa (Or 2175). N. A. Variety CANCRIFORMIS Tuckermann. SD; Baja; on bark of trees and shrubs! Hasse, Erythea 3:42; 4:106, LA Co. LECANORA PINGUIS Tuck. Near San Telmo, Baja, on rocks (Or 2235). and San Quintin (2119). LECANORA PRIVIGNA Nyl. Hasse, Erythea 3:43, LA Co; 4:107, on rocks. Variety PRUINOSA Hasse. Hasse. Erythea 3:43, Los Angeles Co. Variety RE VERTENS Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 4:97, Mt Echo, on quartz LECANORA SCHLEICHERI Nyl. SD, on earth (Or 2173). Rocky mts (Hay- den, Parry). LECANORA SUBFUSCA Ach. SD, -on Rhus irategrifolia (Or 2143). Hasse, Erythea 3:42; 4:107. Variety ALLOPHANA Ach. San Diego (Or 2135)? Variety CAMPESTRIS Nyl. Hasse, Erythea 4:97, LA Co on trees. Variety COILOCARPA Ach. Hasse, Erythea 4:97, LA Co, on rocks. LECANORA VARIA Nyl. SD, on bark (Or 2147)? Hasse, Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. LECANORA XANTHOPHANA Nyl. Hasse, Erythea 3:43, LA Co; 4:107, on rocks. LECIDEA ALBO-ATRA Hoffm. Variety AMBIGUA Ach. Hasse, Erythea 3:43, Los Angeles Co. LECIDEA AROMATICA Ach. Hasse, Erythea 4:108. LECIDEA BRANDEGEI Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 3:43, Los Angeles Co. LECIDEA CRUCIARIA Tuck. Sweetwater canyon, S Diego, on rocks. LECIDEA CUMULATA Som. Hasse. Erythea 3:43, Los Angeles Co. LECIDEA ENTEROLEUCA Fr. Cosmopolitan. Pt Loma, SD, on rocks! Hasse, Erythea 4:108. Los Angeles Co. Variety FLAVIDA Fr. Hasse, Erythea 4:108, on rocks. Variety ACHRISTA Som. Hasse, Erythea 3:43, Los Angeles Co. Variety AMBIGUA Anz. Hasse, Erythea 4:150, Los Angeles Co. LECIDEA LAPICIDA Fr. Hasse, Erythea 3:43, Los Angeles Co. Variety DECLINASCENS Nyl. Hasse. Erythea 4:108, LA Co, on rocks. LECIDEA LATYPIZA Nyl. Hasse. Erythea 3:43, Los Angeles Co. LECIDEA MORIO Schaer. Hasse, Erythea 4:150, LA Co, on argil- laceous rock. LECIDEA NASSATA. Mission valley, San Diego! LECIDEA PLATYCARPA Ach. Hasse, Erythea 4:108, on rocks. LECIDEA SQUALIDA Ach. Variety CAULESCBN9 Nyl. Hasse, Erythea 4:108. LBCIDEA SYLVANA Koerb. Hasse, Erythea 4:108, on dead twigs. LEPTOGIUM MYOCHRUM Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. OPEOGRAPHA ATRO-RIMALIS Nyl. Hasse, Brythea 3:44, Los Angeles Co. OPEOGRAPHA RIMALIS Ach. Hasse, Erythea 4:150, near San Pedro, Cal., on bushes. OPEOGRAPHA VULGATA. San Diego, Cal. (Orcutt). PANNARIA LEPIDIOTA Fr. Hasse, Brythea 4:97. Los Angeles Co. Variety CYANOLEPRA Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 4:97, Los Angeles Co. PANNARIA MICROPHYLLA Delis. Hasse, Erythea 4:107, LA Co, 011 earth. Forma CALIFORNICA Tuckermann. Hasse, Brythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. PANNARIA NIGRA Nyl. Hasse, Erythea 4:97, LA Co, on stones. PARMELIA BAHIANA Nyl. Hasse, Erythea 4:150, LA Co. on Quer- cus; "identical with the Chilean plant" (Stizenberger) . PARMELIA CONSPERSA Ach. Arctic America to Mexico. SD, on rocks, stones, hushes and earth! Baja (Or 2160). Hasse, Erythea 3:41, LA Co; 4:106. PARMELIA OLIVACEA Ach. SD Co, on Quercus agrifolia! Hasse, Erythea 3:41, Los Angeles Co. Variety ASPIDOTA Ach. Hasse, Erythea 3:41, Los Angeles Co. PARMELIA PERFORATA Ach. Cosmopolitan. Baja, sterile (Or 2162). PARMELIA PHYSODES Ach. San Diego. 011 shrubs (Or 2161). Variety E'NTEROMORPHA Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 3:41, Los Angeles Co. PARMELIA TILIACEA Floerk. Hasse, Erythea 3:41, Los Angeles Co. PELTIGERA CANINA Hoffm. * Hasse, Erythea 3:42, LA Co; 4:97, on Ground among mosses. PERTUSARIA FLAVICUNDA Tuck. Pt Loma, SD (Or 2129). Table mt, Baja (H. C. Orcutt and C. C. Parry in 1883). Hr?se, Erythea 4:97, LA Co, on coast rocks. PKRTUSARIA LECANINA Tuck. Hasse. Erythea 4:150, San Bernardino range, on trunks of trees. PKRTUSARIA PUSTULATA Nyl. SD! Throughout the U. S. Ha>3e, Ery- thea 3:43. Los Angeles Co. PHYSCIA ADGLUTINATA Nyl. Hasse. Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. PHYSCIA CRISPA Nyl. Hasse, Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. PHYSCIA HISPIDA Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. PHYSCIA OBSCURA" Nyl. Hasse. Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. PHYSCIA TRIBACEA Tuck. La Paz. Baja (Palmer); California (Bo- lander; New England; S. C. ; La. PHYSCIA STBLLARIS L. Arctic Am to Mexico, Atlantic to Pa- cific. SD (Or 2164). Valle de los Palmas, Baja, on Prospis juliflora (Or 2163). Hasse, Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. Variety AIPOLIA Nyl. Hasse, Erythea 3:42, LA Co; SD, on rocks, common. Variety HISPIDA Schreb. San Diego, on old roofs and fences. PHYSCIA ERINACEA Tuck. Hasse, Erythia 3:42, LA Co. SD, on. Euphorbia misera! 245 PHYSC1A CILIARIS DC. Hasse, Brythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. PHYSCIA PULVERULENT A Nyl. Hasse. Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles" Co. Forma MUSCIGENA Hasse, Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. Variety LEUCOLEIPES Tuck TT 11A Tr M AURAiNTIACUM N-H. Cosmopolitan. Pt Loma 9D on Euphor- oiarmsera! Hasse, Erythea 4:106, LA Co, PLACODIUM FERRUGINEUM Hepp. SD (Or 2176). Hasse, Erythea 4:106, LA SAROODES SANGUINEA Torrey. Sts stout, r'ish, 15-35 cm hi, more or less glandular-pubescent, clothed with firm fleshy scales, the upper narrower. passin-g into the linear bracts, these ciliate-margined, exceeding the fls; cor cylindraceous-campanulate, 5- lobed, persistent; sta 10, unappend- aged; ova 5-lobed, 5-celled. Torrey, PI Frem 18 (1853). Type locality: "valley of the Sacra- mento; the precise locality not record- ed, but probably on the Yuba river.'' Coville, CNH 4:146. Hall, U 100. Snow plant? Abrams. Fl LA 295. "Frequent in the coniferous forests of the San An- tonio and SBer mts above 7000 ft." Snow plant of the Sierra Nevada. SBer mts (Parish 304). Nutt. 246 all with squarrose g tips; pappus awns usuallv several, compressed barbeilu- late PENTACHAETA AUREA Nutt. Diffusely branching, 1-3 dm hi, some- what villous-pubescent; hds about 10 . 15 mm broad, many-fld; fls all y; ravs obtuse, 20 or more; involucral bracts broadly lanceolate, seta-eously acuminate, with green middle portion and scarlous margins; achenes some- villous-pubescent; pappus bristles bramSi F1 LA 3 94. Arroyo Seco (Davidson). Frequent in the Santa '^BaiaTsBer Co (Parish). Genus JAUMEA P ;rs. Succulent and glabrous per herbs, with opp entire subterete fleshy Ivs, and solitary terminal short-peduncled middle-sized hds of y fls: inv cylln- draceous-campanulate, its bracts broad and imbricated, the outermost short and fleshy: rays pistillate, fertile: re- ceptacle naked, conical: disk-fls y: sty- branches papillose or hairy: ak 10- nerved- pappus JAUMEA CARNOSA A. Gray. sts ra ther slender, prostrate, many f rom fleshy crown of the tap-rt, most- ly s i mp ie 1-2 dm long, rt'ing at the nodes- Ivs 1 5-2.5 cm long; hds about 1 cm h} . rays a bout 6, linear, not sur- the disk* ak glabrous. g to fl'd: cor w, % in. long. Pinedrops. New Englarxl to British Columbia. Ha U 100. SD mts (Parish 96S). Genus ARCTOSTAPHYL.OS Adanson. Shrubs or sm trees, with evergreen C oriaceous alt Ivs, and sm w or rose- colored fls, in racemes, spikes, or pan- icles: bracts and bractlets present, scale -like: ovules solitary in the cells, which becono bony nutlets or combine into a few-several-celled stone: fr a drupe with a hard surface and a rnealy or almost bony pulp between It and the nutlets. Manzanita. ARCTOSTAPHYLOS PATTTLA Greene. Difuselv branched shrub,l-1.5 m hi; youn? twigs rusty puberulent or hearlv smooth: Ivs smooth, bright g, ovaie' to Ircad.y cord.'c. 1 -r, ^^ long, entire, obtuse; bracts lanceolate; pedi- cels smooth; fr smooth, depressed-glo- bose. about 6 mm in diam; nutlets united into a deeply lobed stone. San Antonio and SBer mts, 5000-8000 ft. Greene, Pitt 2:171 (1891.) Hall, U 101. Abrams, Fl LA 297. GRI^n^I.IA CUXEIPOLIA Nutt. Bushy and suffrutescent, 6-12 dm hi, glabrous: Ivs thickish and rather fleshy. 7-10 cm long, cuneate-spatulate to linear-oblong, entire or sparsely dentate, clasping at the broad bas.->; inv about 12 mm hi, glutinous, its bracts -scented; st Ivs oval or ooiong, uutiiotriy toothed, partly ver- tical by a twist in petiole, this bearing at base 2 stipuliform lobes; inv atovt 1 cm hi: ray-ak without pappus; those of the disk with but faint traces of the outer and shorter bristles. Abrams, Fl LA 395. "Frequent in waste places in sandy soil. Je-N, or in favored places flowering throughout the year." Nevada: SBar: Baja! BACCHARIS VIMINEA DC. Shrubby and willow-like, producing short lateral fl'ing branches, these terete and minutely striate; Ivs nar- rowly lanceolate, entire or sparingly denticulate, obscurely 3-nerved, 5-7 cm long: hds about 4 mm hi, hemispheric, in sm cymose clusters, inv tawny, des- titute of g center or costa. Abrams Fl LA 406. Very common along all our streams throughout our range. Ap-Jl. Brandegee, Zoe 1:114, Cat. DC Prodr 5:400 (1836). Type locality: "in California. Coville, CNH 4:127. Near SBer. Monterey: S Ber (Parish 702); Cruz; Cat SD Co! BACCHARIS DOUGLASII DC. SF- SD Co! Cruz: Rosa. , B AC CHARTS CON3ANGUINEA D C. Santa Cruz Island (Greene). 247 Genus ERIGERON Linimeus. Branching 1 or scapose herbs, with alt or basal Ivs and corymbose, paniculate or solitary lids of both tubular and radiate fls: inv hemisperic or compan- xilate, its bracts narrow, nearly equal, usually imbricated in but 1 or 2 sr: re- ceptacle nearly flat, usually naked: ray fls p'ish or w'ish, pistillate: disk fls y, tubular, perfect, 5-lobed: sty-append- ages short, mostly rounded or obtuse, ak flattened, mostly 2nerved; pappus bristles scabrous, in 1 sr, or with an outer shorter sr. ERIGERON CANADENSIS Linn. Throughout temperate N. A. Baja mts! ERIGERON SANCTARUM S. Watson. Santa Inez mts, S Bar Co; Rosa. ERIGERON GLAUCUS Ker. Cruz; Rosa; San Miguel Island. ERIGERON PARISHII A. Gray. Rocky canyons, Mohave (Parish). ERIGERON FOLIOSUS Nutt. Baja mts! S Ber (Parish); Rosa; Ore- Variety STENOPHYLLUS A. Gray. Qruz (Greene) ; range of type. Variety TENUISSIMUS A. Gray. Hanson's! SD Co! ERIGERON INCOMPTUS A. Gray. Baja! SD foothills. ERIGERON PHILADELFHICUS Linn. Fla; Texas: SD Co; SBer Co (Parish). ERIGBRON DIVEIRGENS T. & G. Nebr; Texas; Washington; Baja (Br). APLOPAPPUS MONACTIS A. Gray. Gray, Am ac pr 19:1 (1883). Type locality: "borders of the Mo- have Desert," Cal. Coville CNH 4:121. MADIA SATIVA Molina. Sts simple with a few short ascend- ing branches above, erect, stout, 3-9 dm hi, pubescent with slender hairs and beset with stalked very viscid glands; Ivs lanceolate, nearly entire, glandular-pubescent; hds 12 mm hi, short-peduncled or sessile in the upper axils and at the ends of the short branches; cup of receptacle broadly oampanulate, enclosing many disk-fls; disk-ik cuiieate-oblong( 4-angled ray- ak falcate-obovate. Abrams, Fl LA 419. Genns ACHYRACHAE\A Schauer. Soft-pubescent sparingly branched an, with narrow Ivs, all but the lowest alt, and rather large oblong-campanu- 'late hds terminating pedunculiform branches: bracts lanceolate, herba- ceous, each enfolding a ray-ak: bracts of the low convex receptacle membran- ous in a single row between ray and disk-fls: ray-fls 6-8, very short, 3 -cleft; their ak slightly obcompressed, desti- tute of pappus: disk-fls mostly fertile, clavate, 10-striate, bearing a showy pappus of 10-elongated-oblong silvery- scarious scales. ACHYRACHAENA MOLLIS Schauer. Erect, 24 dm hi; Ivs linear, entire or serrulate; hds 2.5 cm long or less in fl; rays very short and involute, y, chang- ing to reddish-brown; hds expanded in fr, forming a globose cluster; pappus becoming very showy. SD! Baja! Throughout California; Baja! Cruz. CENTROMADIA PARRYI Greene. Widely branching, 3-6 dm hi, sparse- ly hirsute, minutely resinous-glandu- lar, aromatic; lowest Ivs pinnatind, the cauline linear, entire, sharply pungent, spreading, the uppermost pilose-ciliate toward the base; hds scattered; ray-ak dull black, 1.5 mm" long, somewhat compressed, smooth on the sides, with a few coarse tuberculations on the back; disk-ak with 3 or more paleae exceeding the cor; chaff of the recep- tacle not pungent. Abrams, Fl LA 421. "Brackish flats toward the coast. Je-Ag." CENTROMADIA PUNGENS Greene. Stout with rather rigid ascending 1 or spreading branches, 4-8 dm hi, hirsute or hispid, scarcely viscid, nearly or quite scentless; lower Ivs 2-pinnatinO. upper 1-pinnatifid, the lobes pungent- tipped; chaff of receptacle rigid-pun- gent; disk-ak destitute of pappus; ray- ak nearly black, about 2 mm long, the ventral angle carinate, the plane sides and rounded back faintly tubereulate- rugose. BACCHARIS EMORYI A. Gray. Erect with slender branches, 1-5 m hi: lv.s mostly oblong, or the lower broader, with attenuate or cuneate base and the larger somewhat petioled, more or less 3-nerved, often 2-4- toothed, pale; those of the branches obladlceolate-linear, mostly entire, 1- nerveci ; inv campanulate or oblong, 6-8 mm long; bracts firm-coriaceous the outermost oval obtusish, the innermost thin, bearded toward the tip; pappus of the pistillate 12 mm long in fr. Gray. Bot Mex B S3 (1859). Tyne locality: "On the Gila," Ar. Coville, CNH 4:127. Resting Springs. Abrams, Fl LA 405. L A; Arizona; Utah; Nevada; Arizona. BACCHARIS GLUTINOSA Pers. Sts herbaceous above, woody below, 1-3 m hi: branches striate-angled; Ivs verv glutinous, lanceolate ( acute, den- ticulate or repandodentate, 5-7 cm long; hds in ample cymose panicles at the ends of simple slender branches, mostly 6 mm hi; inv stramineous, des- titute of g center or distinct cpsta. Abrams, Fl LA 406. Occasional on borders of marshes. Ag-N. Pers, Syn PI 2:425 (1807), Type locality: "in R [egni] chilensis ruderatis." Coville, CNH 4:127. Baja;LA Co;Colo; Texas; Mexico; Chili. BACCHARIS PILULARIS DC. Monterey Oregon; Rosa; not SD Co? Compactly ' branched evergreen shrub, 2-4 m hi or lower and depressed when growing along the seashore: branchlets angular from the If-bases; Ivs subcoriaceous, glutinous, 2 cm long or less, cuneate-obovate, coarsely toothed or some entire; inv nearly 249 hemispheric, 4 mm long 1 , its bracts oval or oblong, all but the innermost very obtuse; fls w; fertile pappus not over 8 mm long". Abrams, Fl LA 405. Monica (David- son). BACCHARIS PLUMMERAE A. Gray. Loosely pubescent throughout, not at all glutinous; sts herbaceous from a woody base, 6-12 dm hi, somewhat branched; Ivs linear-oblong-, obtuse, irregularly and acutely serrate, D cm long or less, obscurely 3-nerved; hds 8 mm long; involucral bracts linear; ak some.wnat compressed, puberulent, ob- scurely o-nerved; pappus m fr 8 mm Fl LA 405.-"Topango can- 1110) ' VVllld. Ann: sts erect, virgate, 3-10 dm hi, Ify to the summit; herbage deep g, glabrous and nearly tasteless, aromat- ic; Ivs 1-2-pimiateiy parted into Ian- ceolate or broadly linear laciniate or toothed lobes, or the uppermost only pinnatifld; hds sm, in close glomerules on the spiciform short branches and sts; inv hemispheric; ak with sm epl- gynous disk. Eu - _ Abrams, .b 1 LA 437. LA. ARTEMISIA CALIFORNICA Less. Hagenbuck, Erythea 4:39. "A strong decoction is made, which is used to bathe wounds and swellings." California sage; shrubby, with num ascending branches, 6-12 elm hi, aro- matic; Ivs cinereous with a minute ap- preseed pubescence, the lowest parted into a few linear filiform seg. the up- per entire; hds many, nodding in long racemose Ify panicles; inv hemispheric, about 4 mm broad; ak truncate at sum- mit, with a squamellate or coroniform- dentate pappus. Less, Linnaea 6:523 (1S31). Type locality: "in California. near SF. Coville, CXH 4:137. SBer mts. Abrams, Fl LA 437. S F; Las Huevitas, Baja (Br) ; Guad; 250 tire, g above, w-tomentose beneath; hds mostly erect in dense terminal pan- icles, the axis leafy; inv oblong; mar- g-inal fls pistillate; disk-fls perfect, all fertile. Abrams, Fl LA 437. Hall, U 124. Cal Mug-wort. Artemisia vulgaris Californica Bess. ARTEM ISIA LUDOVICIANA Nutt. ,, gt slmple and herbaceous; lower Ivs subpinnatifid, the upper lanceo- te and entire, on both sides pubes- tnTr,^ntnranaceis; acheniis immaturis dis- C o epigyno majusculo. SD Co, in Jam- uo i valley. 20 miles below SD, Or. 1. p a i me r; habit nearly of A. Californica, but apparently herbaceous throughout, aR(1 w i t h the Ivr? or lobes broader and fl ' at a ^ or mO re in diam; hds a li and a j-, a j^ in (jjam: fls all perfect; most of them subtended by paleae, the outer ones similar to the involucral scales, the inner shorter and smaller." Gray, ^ m ac pr 11-79 (1876). Jamul valley SD Co (Palmer); Baja. ARTEMISIA PARISHII A. Gray. "Seriphidium. frutescens. 3-4-pedalIs, bus) aut linearibus integerrimis (lin- eam latis) aut inferioribus apice dila-r tato tridentatis; panicula ampla laxaf, ramis, gracilibus polycephalis; capitulis (lin. 2 longis) 6-7-floris; involucra campanulato: acheniis utriculatis glan- dulosis et pilis arachnoideis parce vil- losis. NewhalK LA Co, and Cajon Pass. Cal. Oct. 1881, coll. S. B. and W. F. Parish. It has the habit and ample paniculate inflorescence of A. Palmeri." Gray, Am ac pr 17:220 (1882). Parish. Zoe 5:120. "Cajon Pass is er- ror, only at Newhall." Interior of LA Co (Parish). Baja. ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA Nutt. "Woody plant. Canescently tomen- tcse; Ivs cuneate, 3-toothed at the sum- mit, upper ones entire and obtuse: fls 251 paniculate; capitulum sessile, ovate and tomentose, sin; inner sepals scar- iose, linear-oblong. Hab. Plains of the Oregon and Lewis river. A low, but rather stout shrub, w with a close to- mentum; Ivs rather more than an i long-, about 2 li wide, more or less deep- ly 3-toothed, sometimes entire, the up- per ones always so; panicle much branched, the fls sm (I have not seen them in a perfect state, and therefore class this species by its apparent af- finity with the last) [arbuscula]. Somewhat allied to A. Chinensis." Nuttall, Am Phil soc tr, II, 7:398 (1841). C D; Baja; Wash.; Mont.; Colo. Variety A1VGUSTIFOLIA A. Gray. "Lvs all narrow; lower spatulate- linear and barely 3-toothed at the rounded apex; upjper entire and linear; hds rather smaller, exactly of A. tri- dentata, while the foliage is nearly that of A. trifida, except that it is not trificl^ Arid plains, S. Idaho and W. Nev to the Mohave Desert and the southern borders of Cal." Gray, Am ac pr 19:49 (1883). Mohave; CD; Idaho; N. M. NEMOSERIS CALIFORNICA Greene. Rather stout, glabrous: sts w, 6-9 dm hi: Ivs oblong, plnnatifid, sessile and clasping, the upper reduced: hds many in a paniculate-corymbose infl, 1.5-2 cm hi: ligules rather short: outer ak pubescent: beak slender, equaling ;the body: pappus dull w. Abrams, Fl LA 447. Rafinesquia California Nuttall. SD; Baja! Cruz; Arizona. PTILORIA PLETJROCARPA Greene. Taller and stouter than P. virgata, virgate-paniculate, glabrous, glaucous: hds rather sm, few-fid: ak fusiform, rugose-tuberculate between the sali- ent riblike angles, intervening grooves 0: pappus-bristles num, distinctly plumose to base, bright w, soft, early Abrams, Fl LA 446. Common about Pasadena and SBer. UROPAPPTJS IJBUCOCAKPUS Greene. "Plant of the size and habit of U. laiidleyi, but ak almost w, slenderly at- tenuate at summit, the narrow part vacant (not filled by the sd) : w'ish paleae and slender awn each about 2% liilong; not rare in middle Cal.' Greene, Brythea 1:260. UROPAPPUS LINDLEYI Nuttall. Stout, 2-4 dm hi: peduncles scarcely thickened under the hd: Ivs 3-5 mm broad- ak brownish, 10 mm long, slightly narrowed above: pappus dull brown 'or sordid, 12-14 mm long: awn nearly equaling the paleae, from a very shallow notch. Nutt Am phil soc tr 7:425 (1840). Abrams, Fl LA 445. SF- SiD (Or 1053); Baja: Rosa; Cruz. Calais Lindleyi DC prodr 7:85 (1838); T-G Fl 2:471 (1843), excl; C. lineari- folia. TJROPAPPUS LINEARIFOLITJS Nutt. Sts on peduncles usually several 252 from the base, erect, 2-4 dm hi, in ro- bust plants thickened and fistulose un- der the oblong hd; Ivs linear, 7-15 cm long: 2-4 mm wide, with 2-sevefal pairs of more , or less serrate salient attenuate lobes: ak attenuate above into a beak. 10 mm long; pappus sil- very-w, 12-14 mm long, awn delicate, V<> as long as the deeply notched palea. Nutt Am phil soc tr 7:425 (1841). Type locality: "in California et circa FortVancouver." Coville, CNH 4:142. Panamint mts. Abrams, Fl LA 445. Throughout Cal.; Baja; Nevada; Ari- zona; N. M. : Wash: Cruz; Rosa; Guad. U. grandiflorus Nutt 1. c Calais linearifolia DC prodr 7:85 (1838). LACTUCA SCARIOLA L. Bien, glaucous; sts Ify, paniculately branched, hirsute at the base or gla- brous throughout, 6-15 dm hi; Ivs ob- long to oblonglanceolate, spinulose- margined, denticulate or pinnatifid, sessile or auriculate-clasping, midrib spinulose or hispid; hds 4-8 mm broad, 6-12fld, very num, in an open panicle; inv cylindric; ligules y; ak obovate- oblong, about equaling the filiform beak: pappus w. Eu. Abrams, Fl LA 450. Rather common in LA. Genus AXTHEMIS Linnaeus. Ann or per ill-scented branching herbs, with finely dissected alt Ivs, and raaiate hds solitary on terminal peds: inv hemispheric, its bracts imbricated in several series, scarious-margined, appressed, the outer shorter: receptacle convex or conical, chaffy at least to- ward the summit; the chaff subtending- the disk-fls: ray-fls pistillate, fertile or neutral, w or y: disk-fls perfect, y, limb 5-cleft: ak oblong, ribbed or striate; pappus 0. ANTHEMIS COTULA Linn. L, sp PI 2:894 (1753). Eu. Ann glabrous or sometimes pubes- cent above, glandular, much branched, 2-6 dm hi; Ivs mostly sessile, finely 1-3- pinnately dissected into narrow acute lobes; hds about 2 cm broad, including rays; these 10-18, w, neutral, mostly 3- toothed; receptacle conic, its chaff bristly, subtending the central fls; ak 10-ribbed, rugose or glandular-tuber- culate. Parish Zoe 1:59. Abrams, Fl LA 434. Common in moist places in all our valleys. Native of E-u. Ap-My. Genus COTULA Linnaeus. Low an or per herbs with alt lobed or dissected Ivs, and slender peduncled discoid short-hemispheric hds: inv bracts in about 2 s>, g'ish: receptacle naked, flat or nearly so:* marginal fls pistillate and apetalous: disk-fls 4- toothed, fertile or sterile: ak pedicel- late, compressed, spongy-margined or narrowly winged: pappus 0. COTULA. AUSTRALIS Hooker. Parish, Zoe 1:58. SD. Davidson, Erythea 1:61. LA Co. Ann, slender and diffusely branched, pubescent with soft spreading- hairs, not at all succulent, 5-12 cm long; Ivs 1-2-pinnately divided into linear lobes; hds 2-3 mm broad; Involucral bracts brownish tipped, scarious-margined; apetalous fls in 2-3 rows, pedicellate, their ak minutely hispid on both faces, tiie margins smooth. Abrams, Fl LA 436. In waste places along streets, not common. Ja-Mr. COTULA CORONOPIFOLIA Linn. Per, usually subaquatic, somewhat succulent and glabrous; sts clustered, stoutish, decumbent, 25-30 cm long; Ivs linear lanceolate, laciniate-pinnatifld or the upper entire, clasping or sheath- ing at the base; hds much depressed, 8-12 mm broad; apetalous fls in 1 row, their ak with a thick spongy wing; disk-fls y, their ak with wing reduced. L, Sp PI 2:892 (1753). Type locality: "in Aethiopia," etc. Coville, CXH 4:137. Near SBer. Parish Zoe l:oS. Davidson, Erythea 1:60. L.A Co. Abrams, Fl LA 436. Common in wet places along streams and marshes, es- pecially toward the coast. Flowering nearly throughout the year. LASTHENIA MINIMA Suks. Suksdorf, W 15:50. Wie L. grlaberrima DC., aber kleiner, nur 56 cm. hoch. Die obersten Blat- ter oft sparsam behaart. Kopfchen- stiele etwa 2 bis 3mal solang wie die Kopfchen, meistens kiirzer als die Blatter, ziemlich dicht bedeckt mit .vollichtan Haaren. Die- 5-6 Zahne des Hiillkelches ebenfalis behaart, auf beiden Flachen, aber dichter an den Randern, Kroner.rohre etwas drtisig. In sehr dichten Massen an seichten Tumpeln nahe bei Dalles am Kolum- biastrom, 4. Mai 1898. (Meine Nr. 2683). CICHOHIUM IXTYBUS L. Chicory. Per from a long deep tap- rt: pt.s slightly hispid, stiff, branched, 3-y dm hi; basal Ivs spreading on the ground, runciriate-pinnatifld, spatulate in outline, 8-16 cm long, narrowed into long petioles; upper Ivs much smaller, lanceolate or oblong, lobed or entire, clasping or auricled at base; hds num, 25-40 mm broad, 1-4 together in ses- sile clusters on the nearly naked or bracted branches: fls bright bl, rare- ly w. Abrams, Fl LA 444, occasional in waste places. Genn* MAL.ACOTHRIX De Candolle. Ann or per herbs with alt or basal mostly pinnatifid Ivs and long-pedun- cled panicled or solitary hds of y, rare- ly \v fls: inv campanulate, its principal bracts in 1-2 series, equal or nearly so, with several series of short exterior ones: receptacle flat, naked or bristly: rays truncate and 5-toothed at apex: ak oblong or linear, glabrous, 10-15- ribbed, truncate or margined and 4-5 toothed at the summit; pappus bristles in 2 series, the inner naked or min- utely serrulate, slender, coherent at the base and decid in a ring, the outer few. more persistent. MALACOTHRIX CALIFORNICA DC. Ann, scapose, 3 dm hi or less; Ivs basal, tufted, lacinately 1-2 pinnatiild into narrow linear lobes when young woolly with long, loose, soft hairs; hds solitary on naked scapes, large and showy," 5 cm broad or less; inv broad- ly campanulate, about 2 cm hi; outer bracts slender-subulate; fls pale y; ak narrow, faintly striate-cpstate; outer pappus of 2 persistent bristles, the in- ner capillary, decid. Abrams, Fl LA 448. Hall, U 130. Sacramento valley to Baja! MALACOTHRIX CLEVELANDI A. Gy. An, paniculately branched, 5 dm L or less; sts and branches rather naked; only some of the basal Ivs pinnatifid; hds" num; inv about 6 mm hi, narrow, fowfld; bracts usually p'ish-tipped; fls y; ak oblong-linear, minutely striate- costate, 4-5 of the ribs more promin- ent; outer pappus of 1 persistent bris- tle and a conspicuous circle of narrow w setulose teeth. Hall, U 130. Abrams, Fl LA 449. Gabriel mts. Antioch, Cal: Cruz: CD: Guad. M \LACOTHRIX COULTERI A. Gray. An 1-2 ft hi. glabrous and somewhat glaucous, rather leafy: Ivs laciniate- pinnatifld or toothed; the radical and lower cauline oblong or spatulate, ses- sile- upper auriculate-clasping and ovate lanceolate, gradually reduced to bracts: hds terminating the loose branches: ak acutely about 14-ribbed and 4-5-angled, the summit more or less denticulate by the projection or the ribs: 1-2 stouter bristles of the pappus nearlv persistent. Gray, PI Pendl 113 (1849). Tvpe locality: "California." Cruz; Mohave: Pt Loma. SD'.; CD! Baja. Genus MICROSERIS Don. Acaulescent glabrous or slightly pu- berulent an, with basal tufted Ivs pin- natifid with mostly linear and often falcate lobes or entire: hds solitary in long leafless scape-like peds, these nodding in bud, becoming erect in fr: inv narrowly oblong to ovoid or sub- globose: ligules short, y: ak slender- fusiform or cylindric. ribbed, mostly truncate: pappus paleae 5, mostly short, abruptly or gradually passing into the scabrous awn, MICROSERIS CYCLOCARPHA A. Gray. Scapes 2-4 dm hi: Ivs narrow, 1-2 dm long: hds about 10 mm broad; ak oblong-turbinate, 5 mm long, outer ones w-villous: paleae of pappus ovate, 255 2-3 mm long-, % length of slender per- sistent bristles. mts ' Greene. Stoutlsh the many scapes 1-1% ft s ascending 6 i long, mostly ob- lanceolate and entire, some of the ear- vfrv^fl e] y and saliently toothed, hds very large (the fls and achenes more verv ikV th U o te oth r p^ f h acneneB h s11 - ver> -fciiK>, tne others glabrous, chesc- nut-brown, all about 2 li long, bearing a pappus 5 li'long, the bristles 5. w'ish, barbellulate and persistent, the base dilated into a sm triangular-lanceo- ^ Genus HULSfcA Torres' & Gray. Viscid or floccose-woolly leafy herbs with alt entire toothed or pinnatifld Ivs, sessile or nearly so, and large sol- itary or scattered hds: inv bracts thin IM r),aceous, linear to oblong in 2-3- sr; receptacle flat: ray-fls y or p'ish- disk-fls with long narrow throat and 5 short lobes: ak linear-clavate or cun- eate-oblong, villous: pappus of 4-5 hyaline paleae, either erose or lacer- ate at the summit or dissected into ca- pillary bristles HULSEA HETEROCHROMA A. Gray. An, stout, 6 dm hi or n ore: Ivs ob- long, saliently dentate: inv about 2 cm hi, its bracts linear-lanceolate, atten- uate-acute: ray fls many, 6-8 mm long, roee-p, occasionally reduced or obso- lete: paleae oblong, the 2 over the an- gles of the ak longer than the others, the shorter truncate-lacerate. Hall U 128 Abrdms, Fl LA 433. Gabriel mts, etc. Genus AMBLYOFAPPL S Hook & Am. Rigidly erect panicled sm maritime an, with gummy sweet-scented very bitter herbage, narrow entire alt Ivs, and sm discord hds of y fls: inv bracts 5-6, broadly obovate, their middle part becoming somewhat carinate-concave: receptacle sm conical: cor all short, minu^cl'v l^^oot^ed^of tt^erfect "- Sothedf thl teefh sbon conn^vent: ak abpyamidal, pubescent; pappus of S-12 oblong obtuse paleae about equaling the cor AMBLYOPPUS PUSILLUS H. Am. Somewhat corymosely m u c h branched, 10-25 cm hi, the lowest lvs pinnatelv 3-5-parted and opp, their seg narrowly linear; inv 4 mm hi. CHAENACTIS ASTEMISIAEFOLIA A G Sts paniculately branched or nearly simple, 3-8 dm hi, furfuraceous-pubes- cent, somewhat viscid, above glandu- larhirsute; lvs 2-3-pinnately divided or parted into short linear or oblong lobes; hds loosely cymose-paniculate, about 12-15 ram hi; inv bracts lanceo- late, acute; fls all alike; ak clavate. flattened; pappus a sm minutely annu- lar disk. Abrams, PI LA 432. CHAENACTIS LANOSA D C Sts short, branching:, bearing- few to many long ' naked Peduncles, 1-2 dm hi, the earlier scapiform; herbage floc- cose-wooly when young-; Ivs thickish, simply pinnately-parted into few nar- rowly linear lobes, or the uppermost entire; hds about 12 mm hi; ouleT f?s only moderately enlarged not surpass- ^g the disk; inv bracts nearly liSSJ; narmns of 4 prmal innsr naino 1P Abrams PI LA 43? H a ij u '105 Pin cushion Genus SOXCHUS Linnaeus. prickly-margined . Ivs and y fls in corymbose or paniculate hds: inv usu- a11 ^ becoming thickened and more or smaller: receptacle flattened, ak less con ic at base, its bracts imbricated in several sr, the outer successively flattened, 10-20-ribbed, truncate; pap- pus of c Pius soft w simple capillary brlg tles, usually falling away con- nr,- A OTW . SONCHTJS ASPER Vill. . Stout, sts distinctly angled, very Ify; lv . s entire or pmnatifid, prickly-mar- gined, auricles helicoid and appressed : ak 3 -nerved on eacn side, other- W1 ? smooth. Eu. A . t>r ; ai ? s v,* ' LA 45 - Parish, Zoe 1:58. BO NCHTJS ^LERArFTTq ^fnn ur>,LJlUb OLERACEUS Linn. Stoutish, 5-10 dm hi, sparingly leafy, &l*brous or with a few glandular hairs n the pedicels and inv, glaucescent: lvs Ob 9 vol d or narrower, runcinate- Pinnatifid, toothed but not prickly- margined, amplexicaul, the auricles straight, acute: ak striate-nerved, transversely rugulose-scabrous. Eu. Abrams, Fl LA 449. Parish, Zoe 1:58. Hall. U 131. Mc-Clatchie, Erythea 2:125, Cat. Davidson, Erythea 1:60, LA Co. Genus MADIA Molina. Glandular and viscid heavy-scented herbs with at least the upper lvs alt entire or toothed: lids ax and terminal: } nv , angled by the salient carmate backs of the uniserial involucral bracts, these usually completely in- closing the ray-ak, their tips herbace- ous: receptacle flat Or convex, bearing a single series of chaff united and forming a cup between the ray- and disk-fls, the inner portion naked or fimbrillate: ray-fls y, rather short, 3 lobed, fertile: disk-fls sterile: pappus 0: ak laterally compressed, smooth, beakless. MADIA DISSITIFLORA T & G. Slender, loosely branching, 5-7 dm hi, viscid; hds scattered, broad-ovate, about 6 mm hi; cup of receptacle ovoid, not closed; ak thin, not angular. Hall, U 130. Abrams, Fl LA 420. Monica mts. 258 Genus ACTAEA Linnaeus. Sep 4-6, nearly equal, pet-like, early decid: pet 4-10, sm: sta num: pistil 1; stig sessile, 2-lobed: fr a many-seeded berry: sds smooth, flattened, packed horizontally in 2 rows: per herbs, with 2-3-ternately compound Ivs: rt com tuberous or thickened: fls in a terminal short raceme. ACTAEA SPICATA Linn. Raceme at first ovate or corymbi- form; pet com rhombic-spatulate: ber- ries slender-pedicelled, oval, bk at ma- turity. Eu: Asia. Variety ARGUTA Torrey. Fr w or r, in a loose more elongated raceme. Japan; Alk; SF; Eu; Sib; BC; NM. Genus PAEOXIA Linnaeus. herbs with ternately or pinna'te- ,ipdund Ivs and large showy fls: ii, herbaceous and persistent: pet of the same number, borne with the many sta on a fleshy disk: sty short or 0: follicles 2-5, thick, leathery, r" and SD Co. Baja! distributed as P. Brownii. .teon, PI LA Co 1. locality: "margins of bushy plains, and in valleys of the moun- :n the vicinity St. Barbara, L'p- lifornia." PAPAVERACEAE. Herns or rarely shrub- with \v. y or colorless sap and alt exstipulate Ivs or the upper rarely opp. Fls solitary or in el feet, regular or ir: Sep r united into a calyptra, ca- rarely ?, or 4: Pet 4-6 or rarely 0: imbricated, deciduous: Sta num or fe-.v. hypogynous. distinct, fil -filiform; anth opening by a longitudin- al slit: Ova 1, many-ovuled, mostly 1- celled. the carpels rarely becoming dis- tinct in fr: sty short, stig simple or di- vided; ovules anatropous: Fr a cap- sule, generally dehiscent by pores or valves. Genn.s ESCHSCHOL.TZIA Cham. Smooth glaucous herbs, with colorless bit- ter juice, finely dissected Ivs and bright orange or yellow fls. Sep coherent into a narrow pointed hood, deciduous atr anthesis fr,om a dilated torus. Pet 4, borne on the torus. Sta numerous, with 2 nerve-like pla- centae ; styles short : stigmas divided into 4-6 linear unequally divergent lobes. Capsule elongated, 10-nei'ved, 1-celled, dehiscent by 2 valves separating from placental ribs. Sds globose, reticulate or rough tuberculate. Cal- ifornia Poppy, the state flower of California. ESCHSCHOIiTZIA CALIFORNICA Chem, in nees Horae Physicae Berol 73 t 15. "Per, glabrous, glaucesent, diffuse- ly dichotomous, the branches com pros- trate, forming a mat often a yard in width: Ivs sm for the plant and remote, ultimate seg oblong and spatulate-ob- long, obtuse, the middle one of the 3 broadest: ex ovoid, or even round-ovoid, abruptly and obtusely short-pointed, about \' z i long: cor sm for the plant, nearly rotate, seldom 1^ i broad, pet clear y from below the middle but with a well defined or spot at base: sta or: torus-rim deflexed under the fr and un- dulate: pods sm. seldom 2 i iong: sds spherical, strongly reticulate. * * "This type species of the genus I now judg'e to be limited to the mari- time hills, more or less sandy, of the SF peninsula. I can obtain no evi- dence of its ever having been under cult even in Am much less in Eu ; and all the so-called E. Californica of the various illustrated journals of bot or of hort represents some other species in every instance. It has been figured only by Chamisso. and in that case from dried specimens; and this plate in the Horae Physicae. correct as to the impression it gives of the habit of the. plant when well grown, is altogether misleading as to the cor; for this shows the pet as if rounded off to the round-obovate. and so spreading as to show open spaces between them, whereas in nature they are triangular flabellifpi-m, overlapping one another in such wise that the cor as a whole ap- pears as an unbroken circle. In color- ing, too, the plate is false, for the up- per part of each pet is made or-color, the lower part light-y, though in' na- ture just the reverse of this is true. But in the dried specimens the whole pet is apt to turn to a kind of dull deep or, and the distinction of color vanishes." Greene, Pittonia 5:221. ESCHSCHOX.TZIA MINTJTIFLORA. Sereno Watson. Am ac pr 11:122. "Slender, branching, a ft hi: fls 3 li in diam or less: torus without bor- der: cap 1 U i long, very narrow: sds hardly V 2 li in diam, nearly smooth. Peculiar to the interior basin, ranging from northwestern Xev (Watson) to 259 260 Sitgreaves Pass in western Ar (New- discoid or more or less 2-lobed: fr a berry) and So Ut, Parry." Brewer & silique or silicle, usually 2-celled, 2- Watson, Bot Cal 1:23. valved or rarely indehiscent: Endos- ESCHSCHOLTZIA CLSVELANDI. perm 0; cotyledons incumbent, accum- "Diffusely dichotomous maritime ann, bent or conduplicate. often forming a loose mat 2 ft wide, r^n-na nut it A i ;.,*,..,,* glabrous, or with some minute and ob- RABA Linnaeus. scure roughness on branches and pe- Low tufted mostly stellate-pubescent tioles, glaucescent rather than glauc- herbs, with scapose or leafy sts, sim- ous; Ivs and fls sm; seg of Ivs either pl e Ivs and racemose fls: silicles ellip- broad, short and divergent, or narrow- tic, oblong or rarely linear, com- er, longer and almost parallel on the pressed: stig entire or nearly so: valves same plant: ex oblong-conrcal, about % dehiscent, nerveless: cotyledous accum- i long, thin and translucent, the very bent short apiculation blunt: cor nearly ro- JJRABA CUNEIFOLIA Nuttall tate, 1% i broad, early and sparse fls Lo osely stellate-pubescent, ' usually y, later smaller, deeper y or orange: sta branching from the base; branches many, the nl very short and stout p leaf below and obovate to oblanceo- above, the a*th linear elongated: stig lat acute or acutish i /2 _ 2 ' long: 4, slender, unequal: pod slender 1% i rec eme pedunculate, at length elongat- long; torus under it sm, but with the ed: fls sm: pods i in ear-obl6ng, usually spreading rim conspicuous:, not acut i s h, 3-6 li long, 16-50-seeded, hispid quite spherical, apiculate at one end, with short su b-appressed simple hairs reticulate." Greene Pittonia 5:248. (very rare i y glabrous), on spreading or Type locality: 'Abundant at and divaricate pedicels 1-3 li long; stiff ses- near SD along the seashore, thence sile or near ly so. Ill; Ky; Ala; Ark; southward apparently to Ensenada, on Tex; ut; Ca Baja! the peninsula of Lower California; also variety BREVIPES S. Watson. S^^o^rtTmlfT^^TVcmwaTTc Variety INTEGRIFOLIA S. Watson. ESCHSCHOLTZIA AUSTRALIS. TV fl tnn Am r> nr 9^>-9^R "Allied to E. Cleveland!; apparently Ooast ran-^s of sonthPrn Cnl as large and as widely spreading but sm^lVr ?han ?L tvn P 2 ** r - i; , Tr ., n ., ^ n derly almost conical, yet with evident ^P, 6 locality: northwestern So- and not very short apiculation: cor 1 i nora. wide, or-color: torus long and narrow- Draba Sonorae Greene, Cal ac b 2:59 funnelform, the thin herbaceous rim ob- (1886) ( vious: pods IV 2 or 1% i long. Type DRABA UNILATERALIS M. E. Jones, from Solada, Baja, C. R. Orcutt, 5 My Branching from Ihe base: branches 1886, the specimen In hb Field Mus. spreading, elongated; lax, leafy below: In US hb on sheet 3346 is a specimen Ivs cuneate-obovate to oblanceolate, 1' by Miss Fink, from Todos Santos Is- or less long: racemes com nearly ses- land, that may or may not be the same, sile: fls very sm: siliques round-oval, It has a somewhat different aspect and somewhat twisted, pubescent, distant, 2 a wider torus-rim." Greene, . Pittonia or 3 li long, on pedicels 1 li long or 5:254. less, 12-sds; stig sessile. _ TriT1 -, T , -, Jones, Torr Cl b 9:124. CKUCirEKAE, Valle de las Palmas, Baja COr 1392). Herbs or rarely suffrutescent with Colusa Co Cal. acrid juice, alt Ivs and racemous or Heterodraba unilateralis Greene, Cal corymbose fls: Sep 4, deciduous or per- ac b 1:72: sistent, the 2 outer narrow, the inner STREPTANTHUS LONGTROSTRIS similar, concave or saccate at base: Pet Watson. 4, rarely 2 or 0, hypogynous, cruciate, Leaves not clasping nor auriculate; rTarely^^er^r/p^ynS'uT'tetraf^ ^- laucou % annual. Wash, to namous: Pistil 1, compound, consisting Baja Cal. Sonora, Utah, of 2 united carpels, the parietal pla- STREPTANTHUS CAMPESTRIS Wat- centae united by a dissepiment; sty son. generally persistent, sometimes 0; stig "Annual or biennial, glabrous and 261 262 glaucous, stout, 2-4 ft. high, branch- Grande, near El Paso; fls and fr in Ag. ing: leaves "rather thick, acute, often An interesting and .quite anomalous irregularly toothed, the teeth at first & &SF%J& J S& 3 ft's setosely tipped and the leaf sparingly stipules and bracts. Tuberculated setose-ciliate near the base; cauline valves of the cap separating from the leaves .anceolate or oblanceolate: fls fMg?' (S&lfTSS "!SfcSSSS nore or less dark purple, 4 or 5 lines forming a complete, dissepiment, which, long, the sepals often hairy at the tip: l"^ 6 P erf ectly ripe and dry state! filaments distinct: pods spreading and r curved, 3-6 in. long by about a line 1848. broad, beaked with a stout style and x M ^ ave and Colorad o deserts; Sonora; shortly lobed stigma: seeds winged." " The Gal plants hitherto referred to S. Watson, Am ac pr 24:125. Campo, this are considered by Greene as dis- a i tinct species. THYSANOCARPUS PUSILLUS Hooker. RESADACEAE. See Athysanus pusillus Greene. Ann or per herbs with alt Ivs erland- THYSANOCABPUS CONCHULIPEBUS. like stipules and racemose or ' spicate "Glabrous and glaucous, 3-10 i hi, bracted unsymmetrical fls: Cx 4-7 part rather stout and branching: uppermost e j, more O r less irr: Pet 2-6 usually 'oreS^'lin^r-S^d'N^ ^^^ ^^f &*? and divaricated all ex- d ~" lu - " orn e Oil the base Of - .t cemes short and dense: pet spatulate- d^sk, declined or unilateral: Ova 1, corn- oblong, nearly 1% li long, light p: sa- P. O8 d ot 3 ~ 6 carpels, at least the tips mara 1 V 2 li long, cymbiform, the some- distinct; ovules many: Fr capsular: what conduplicate margin parted into scls renirorm; endosperm 0; cotyledons spatulate lobes, or these coherent above, incumbent. leaving narrowly oblong perforations: Pet 4; diskpresent .............. Reseda stg V2 li long beyond the margin of the Pet 2; disk ............... Oligomeris fr: pedicels % i long, firm but re- Zoe 1:132. Variety PLANIUSCULUS Robinson. "Fr plano-convex or slightly concavo- VIOLACEAE. convex, not perceptibly reticulated but Violet family. Ours herbs with alt hirsute upon both sides: pedicels 4-6 li or basal simple entire or lobed Ivs, and long Island of Santa Cruz with type, axillary or scapose usually solitary per- ^ ^- Brandegee. April, 1888. Robin- fect ir fls .^ sep 5? unequ al: pet 5, hypo. rk-p : PA ) -RT-nAr-pAl? gyinous, imbricated in the bud, the CAPfAHlUAU^A^. lower one spurred; perfect sta 5, hy- Herbs or rarely shrubs or trees with pogynous; anth erect, connivent in a pungent or acrid watery juice, sample r i ng - sessile or on short fil : Ova 1, 1- or p.almately compound alt Ivs and ax- celled, with 3 parietal placentae: sty illary or terminal, solitary or racemose, s i mp i e: capsu ie dehiscent by valves: mostly regular and perfect fls: Sep 4: sds anatropous with a crustaceous pet 4, sessile or clawed: sta usually 6, tes ta; embryo straight; endosperm cop- equal, inserted on the receptacle; anth ious oblone:. longitudinally dehiscent: Ovary *-,.* . * sessile or stipitate, 1-celled; ovules Genus \IOLA Linnaeus. many, borne on parietal placentae: Fr Violet; characters of the family. The a capsule or berry: Sds mostly reni- later fls often produced on runners or form: endosperm 0; cotyledons some- on short peduncles, and are apetalous what coiled. or cleistogamous and abundantly fer- Genu* WISLIZEMA Engelmanii. tile, while the early showy ones are "Characters nearly as in Cleomella, St but the pod didymous: valves contract- v A V A v ^ - ""r^ f)'n uirta* d upon the solitary sds and decid with yjoSLl CANINA^!, o^^'a^the^sljar^^y^longated^^nwSS MosUy 'lowland rather sm-lvd, spring erect branching 'ann with y racemous flg an * \at er cleistogamous: cor bl or fls and 1-3 foliolate Ivs." Brewer and ^ 1O (rarely a w, variety; : pet ^Vit^on Rot Tal 1-5" spicuously lineate: spur cylmdraceous, Edward Lee Greene, in a "Revision of from a third to more than half the the Genus Wislizenia" (Proceedings of length of pet: cap ovoid-oblong. Eu; the Biological society of Washington. Asia; ..-^ ^^v-x-- v /- A Q.Q'?'? 7-132 6 S 1906), recognizes ten Variety ADLNCA Gray, Am ac pr 8:377 species, some without reticulation in (1873). the valves, and one perennial. Nearly glabrous, multicipital and WISLIZEXIA REFRACTA Engelmann. mostly very short-stemmed from more "On the upper crossing of the Rio indurated rt-stocks: Ivs from ovate-or- 263 264 bicular to oblong-ovate, barely subcor- Sta 4-7 or rarely more, hypogynous- date, rarely lower ones more deeply cor- aiith 2- celled, longitudinally dehiscent 1 " date: pet %-& i long:; spur com al- Ova 1-celled, with 2-4 parietal plac- most as long as pet, either a little entae; sty 2l4-cleft into filiform divis- Mo r nt A?" AlT d r Straight ' Colo; ^ns: Capsule invested by the persTs?- Parishr'EtyThea3:61.-SanBermtsat wkic^ar^t^H ^ al ff* er funiculi 5,000-7,400 ft. . S* vaivJS attached to the margin of Type localitv: "west coast of North America." Genus FRANKEMA Linnaeus. Viola adunca Smith, in Rees, cycl Characters of the family xxxvii (1819). FRANKENIA GRANDIFOLIA. VIOLA CUCULLATA Ait. St much branched from a somewhat Rt-stock thick and branching, not woody base, more or less erect slender producing runners: Ivs long-petioled, 1-3 dm high, glabrous or soft-pubes- smooth or more or less pubescent, cor- cen t, very Ify: Ivs obovate to narrowly date with a broad sinus, the lowest oblanceolate, revolute 6-12 mm often reniform and the later acute or fll]11 . PY i n ^a a i acuminate, crenately toothed, the sides tSrrt&rSF ti IH ? S> stron ^y rolled inward when young: peduncles J" 1 ro r w e , d ,' ^e 1< pbes short, acute; pet 3-6 i hi: fls deep or pale vio or p fem ' r > the blade 2 mm long- ^r more, (spmetimes w) : pet 0-8 li long, the eros e at the summit, appendages of lateral and often the lower ones beard- the claw blfid : sta 4 -7; sty 3-cleft; cap- ed; spur short and thick. Atlantic sule shorter than the ex, linear, angu- states. lar ; sds num. Cockerell w 5:6. Abrams, Fl LA 252. Common in sa- SBer (Parish 484). line marshes. Flowering all -summer. VIOLA PRAEMORSA Douglas. Cham & Schlecht, Linnaea 1:35 (1826). More or less pubescent with short Type locality: "in sabulosis Novae spreading hairs: the sts ascending from Calif orniae ad portum St. Francisci." a straight rt-stock, 2-6 i hi: Ivs ovate Variety CAMPESTRIS A. Gray. to lanceolate. cuneate or sometimes VT?.AISTVPTJTA TATIUTVDT truncate at base, obtuse, %-!% i long, A glenriersh rnb I f f hi~h nr- !* coarsely crenate: stipules foliaceous, th A fc ft high or less, lanceolate, laciniate: peduncles a little t ^ num fascicled Ivs only 1-2 li long, longer than Ivs: sep linear acuminate: th }$* and strongly revolute, canescent pet 4-6" long, as in V. pedunculata, but Wltn a w encrustation: ex I.y 2 li long: lighter y: cap nearly globular, 3 li P et linear, a little exserted: sta 4: sty long, pubescent. bifid: capsule 2-seeded. Cajon Pass, SBer Co! Hanson's ranch, Watson, Am ac pr 11:124. Baja! Mendocino Co. SBer mts (Parish Type locality: eastern side of Baja 841). California. Douglas in hb, Lindl, Bot Reg xiv, t National City, Cal (Or 33). 12 T 4 vp ( e 18 locality: "in drv upland soils, CARYOPHYLLACEAE under the shade of solitary pine-trees, , P^k Family. Am or per herbs, rare- on the banks of the Columbia, and the ly woo ?7 a * base . with nodose sts and plains of the river Aguilar in Califor- PP entire Ivs: fls regular, perfect, or nia rarely . unisexual by abortion: Sep 4-5, Viola aurea Kell. Leaves ovate or nar- united in . to a tub e or distinct: pet as nower crenate many or 0, often emarginate-toothed or Anni A PTTPPTTT?T?A T^oiino-o- deeply bifid: sta usually as many as ^ P s U ^c BA pr K lf 6 S *- ft' " d c ^ e S' h ^ b fl a 1 se SO a m n e tiJ I r to E V?ola S ^?r S r 1:20 ' referS th ' S :Vtf "r^eVcr unHecTbeVw; Variety PINF.TORUM Greene, Fl Pr ' ree ' 1-celled or imperfectly 2-5- 43 (1891) celled at base; placenta axial; ovules Viola pinetorum Greene, Pittonia 2:14 usually num: fr a many-seeded capsule, (1889)' 3'4 (1896) opening by 2-5 entire or bifid valves, or Robinson, Syn Fl 1:200, refers this 1-seeded and indehiscent: Embryo to Viola praemorsa var. venosa Gray, straight or curved; endosperm present. VIOLA CHRYSANTHA Hook. Genus SILENA Linnaeus. Leaves pinnatifld: fls orange-y, brown Oatch-fly: Ann or per herbs with on back. clustered or solitary sts and bright r or FRANKENIACEAE. usually w fls: Cx more or less inflated, Low per herbs or undershrubs with tubular, ovoid or campanulate, 5- opp entire exstipulate Ivs, sessile and toothed or 5-cleft, 10-many-nerved; pet often united at the membranous and 5, narrow, clawed: Sta 10, sty 3, rarely somewhat sheathing base: Fls sm, per- 4-5; ovary 1-celled or incompletely 2-4- fect, solitary and sesile in the axils of celled: Capsule dehiscent by 6 or rarely the branches and branchlets: Cx tubu- 3 apical teeth: Sds usually spiny or lar or prismatic, furrowed, its lobes 4-5, tubercled. valvate: Pet as many as ex-lobes, hy- SILENA CONOIDEA L. pogynous, narrowed to & claw which Davidson, Erythea 1:58. Monica, bears an appendage on its inner face: Brandegee, Zoe 1:113 Cat. 265 na multinervia S. Watson. INA VERECUNDA S. Watson. Finely hoary pubescent, glandular- . above; sts several, usually erect, 20-40 cm hi, Ify below; Ivs narrowly lanceolate, oblanceolate or spatulate to linear, acute, 3-5 cm long; fls terminal on the short branches or borne in 3-fid lateral cymes; ex in fr clavate or obo- vate; pet rose-color, blades shorter than the pubescent claws, 2-cleft, append- ages oblong or lanceolate, obtuse and often toothed at the apex; capsule ovoid, stipitate. Hall, U 78. Abrams, Fl LA 145. Gabriel: SBer mts. Geiins STELLARIA Linnaeus. Tufted ann diffuse with cymose w fls: sep usually 5: pet 5, 2-cleft or 2-parted, rar^iy 0: Sta 10 or less, hypogynous: Ova 1 -relied, sev^ral-many-ovuled : sty commonly 3, rarely 4-5, usually opp the st]i: Capsule globose to oblong, dehis- cent by twice as many valves as styles: S'ls smooth or roughened. Alsine Linnaeus. Genus SAGIXA Linnaeus. Low tufted ann or per herbs, with sut>- ulate Ivs and sm pedicelled whitish fls: Sep 4-5: Pet of the same number, entire, cmarginate or 0: Sta of same number, twice as many, or fewer: Sty as many ad the sep and alt with them: Capsule 4-5-valved, at length dehiscent to the base, the valves opp the sep. Genus POLYCARPON Linnaeus. Low diffuse, dichotomously branched ann with flat stipulate Ivs and minute cymose fls: Sep 5, carinate-concave: pet 5, minute, hyaline: Sta 3-5: Ova 1-celled; sty short. 3-cleft: Cap 3- valve;]. several-seeded. POLYCARPON DEPRESSUM Xuttall. Very slender, prostrate, the many branches 2:5-5 cm long; Ivs opp, spatu- late, glabrous: stipules small, narrow: fls minute; the pedicels with small bracts; pet very narrow, shorter than the sep, entire; capsule globose, 6-12- led. Jepson. Fl Mid Cal 171. Monterey Co. Abrams. Fl LA 149. "Not common." Genus LOEFLIXGIA Linnaeus. Low much branched rather rigid and pungent-leaved ann: Lvs with adnate and connate setaceous stipules: Fls sm sessile in the axils of the Ivs and branches: Sep 5, rigid, carinate: Pet minute or 0: Cap 2-valved, several- seeded. LOEFLINGIA PUSILLA Curran. Curran. Cal ac b 1:152. Tehachapi, 4000 ft alt. "Glandular-pubescent, low and spreading: sts 2-3 i long: Ivs subulate: sep narrowly lanceolate, abruptly acute, all entire, neither rigid nor squarrose: pet 0: sta 5: sty 0: cap triangular as long as the sep, many-seeded. My. A much more delicate plant than L. squarrosa." Curran. 266 LOEFLINGIA SQUARROSA Xuttall. Much branched, prostrate or ascend- ing, 5-15 cm high; herbage glandular- pubescent; Ivs and sep subulate setace- ous, rigid and recurved, Ivs 4-6 mm long, the sep somewhat shorter: cap elongated, triquetrous, exserted, many- seeded. McClatchle, Erythea 2:79, near Re- dondo, Cal. Abrams. Fl LA 150. Streets of Los Angeles and Pasadena, Davidson, Mc- Clatchie. Calmalli. Baja (Br). Jepson, Fl Mid Cal 171. Genus SPRAGTJEA Torrey. "Succulent herbs, with sm fls spicate- ly or capitately crowded at the ends of naked .or leafy-bracted peduncles: sep nearly equal, emarginate at each end: pet 4, unguiculate: sta 3, opp the 3 larger pet, exserted." Howell, Ery- thea 1:39. SPRAGUEA UMBELLATA Torr. Torrey, PI Fremont 4 t 1. "Bien: sts all arising from a single crown: radical Ivs spatulate to oblance- olate, with thick petioles 2-6 i long: fls in dense unbellate hds. Siskiyou and Sierra Nevada mts." Howell, Erythea 1:39. Calyptridium umbellatum Greene, Torr cl b 13:144. Genus CARUM Linnaeus. Cx-teeth sm: fr ovate or oblong, gla- brous: carpel with filiform or inconspic- uous ribs, strengthening cell 0: oil- ducts 2-6 on the commissural side: sd dorsally flattened, more or less sulcate beneath the oil-tubes; face plane or slightly concave: smooth erect slender herbs, with tuberous or fusiform fas- cicled rts, pinnate Ivs with few linear Ifts, inv and involucels of few-many bracts, fls w. CARUM GAIRDNERI Benth. & Hook. St 1-4 = hi. from fascicled tuberous or fusiform rts: Ivs few, usually simply pinnate, with 3-7 linear (sometimes al- most filiform) Ifts 2-6' long (the lower rarely pinnate); upper Ivs usually sim- ple: umbels 6-15-rayed, with inv of sev- eral bracts or 0, and involucels of lin- ear acuminate bractlets; rays about 1%' long: fr ovate, sm,' Vfc-1" long, with long sty: sd terete. B & H, Gen PI 1:891. C-R 128. Abrams, Fl LA 286. Vancouver Island (Macoun). Ut: Wyo: Mont. Cuymaca! Ha U 98. Edosmia Gairdneri T-G, Fl 1:612. CARUM LEMMONI C & R Resembling C. Gairdneri, but fr ob- long, tapering somewhat at base and apex, 3 mm long and 2 mm broad, with conspicuous ribs, each of which con- tains a sm group of strengthening cells; ex-teeth prominent, concealing the sty- lopodium; sty long and slender. Abrams, Fl LA 286. Occasional in marshes toward the coast.' Genus CALCAL1S Linnaeus. Rough hispidulous ann with decom- pound Ivs dissected into sm seg: fls w, 267 in simple or nearly simple umbels: ex- teeth prominent: fr flattened laterally: primary ribs 5, filiform, bristly; secon- dary ribs 4, prominent, winged, bearing barbed or hooked prickles: oil tubes 1 under secondary ribs, 2 on the com- missural side. CAUCALIS MICROCARPA H. & A. Erect, slender, 6-9' hi; Ivs 2-3 times ternate and much dissected, slightly hispid; ped solitary at ends of branches or in clusters of 2 or 3 at upper nodes, 1-2' long, bearing unequally rayed um- bels: rays 3-6, 8" long or less; inv of foliaceous dissected bracts; involucels of entire or somewhat divided bractlets; fr oblong, 2" long, armed with rows of hooked prickles. Abrams, Fl LA 282. Wash to Baja; Arizona. CAUCALIS NODOSA Hudson. Knotted Hedge Parsley. Umbels sm and condensed, scattered along the sts opp the Ivs, on ped 1-2" long. Eu. McClatchie, Erythea 2J.23, Pasadena. Abrams, Fl LA 282. Genus CICUTA Linnaeus. Tall branching glabrous per growing in marshes or by streams: rt-stocks short and erect, or horizontal and branching: Ivs pinnately or tenately compound: fls w in compound umbels: ex-teeth somewhat prominent: inv pres- ent or 0: involucels of sm bractlets: fr oblong to orbicular, glabrous: ribs corky, broad but low, the lateral in cross-sec- tion evidently larger than the interme- diate and dorsal: oil-tubes 2 on the face, 1 in the intervals. Water Hemlock. CICUTA BOJOANDERI S. Wats. A tall and conspicuous plant: rt-stock nearly or quite vertical; st branched above, 6-10 hi, with large radical and cauline bipinnate Ivs 2 long or less; Ifts lanceolate, serrate, 2' long; bracts and bractlets lanceolate, the former oft- en scarious-margined; rays 1%' long, subequal, pedicels 2" long; fr orbicular, 2" long, prominently ribbed, the quite mature carpels rather strongly concave on the face, thus appearing somewhat lunate; oil-tubes broad, depressed in the channeled sd. Davidson, PI LA Co 7. CJCUTA MACULATA Linn. SBer (Parish 975). Through the U. S. CICUTA OCCIDENTALIS Greene. Stout, 9-18 dm hi: rt-stock short, giv- kig rise to slender rts above and a fas- cicle of thick and elongated rts below: Ivs twice pinnate: Ifts firm linear-lan- ceolate to lanceolate, 5-8 cm long, sharp- ly serrate and conspicuously reticulate beneath: fr oblong, 3 mm long, con- stricted at the commissure, the ribs ap- parently equal, but laterals largest in section, intervals broad: oil-tubes large. Abrams, Fl LA 2o5. Frequent in marches toward the coast. Genus CONIUM Linnaeus. Poisonous bien, with spotted sts, large decompound Ivs with lanceolate pinna- tifid ifts, inv and involucels of narrow bracts, and w fls. Poison Hemlock. CONIUM MACULATUM Linn. A large branching herb, in waste places, widely distributed. Eu. 268 McClatchie, Erythea 2:123, Pasadena. Abrams, Fl LA 283. Cruz (Greene). Naturalized. Genus DAUCUS Tournefort. Bristly or hispid ann or bien with dis- sected decompound Ivs and w fls: um- bels compound, concave, surrounded by cleft foliaceous bracts and borne on long peel: involucels of entire or toothed bractlets: ex-teeth obsolete: fr some- what flattened dorsally: primary ribs slender, bristly; secondary ribs 'with a single row of prominent barbed prickles: oil-tubes 1 under the secondary ribs, 2 on the commissural side. DAUCUS IUSILLUS Michx. Rattlesnake weed: 4-7' hi; sts and ped retrorsely hispid; Ivs finely dissected into linear seg; rays mostly 2-5" long, sometimes as much as 1-1%' long, somewhat unequal: pedicels very un- equal, 1-2 " long or almost wanting; fr IVz--" long. Yerba del Vibora of the Spanish-Calif ornians. Abrams, Fl LA 292. DAUCUS CAROTA L. Carrot. Bien rt fleshy, conical; sts erect, branching, 2-3 hi. commonly smooth; Ivs many times dissected into sm linear or lanceolate seg; seg of inv linear-lanceolate or subulate; rays very num. 1-2' long; umbels in fr 2-4' broad, concave and like a bird's nest; fr 2" long. Garden escape, sparingly naturalized in LA Co, to Alameda, Gal. Abrams. Fl LA 292. Davidson, PI LA Co 7. Genus FOENICTJLUM Adans. * Stout glabrous per with dark g aro- matic herbage: Ivs decompound, dissect- ed into num filiform seg: fls y, in large compound umbels: inv and involucels 0; ex-teeth obsolete: fr oblong: ribs prom- inent: oil-tubes 1 in the intervals, 2 on the commissural side. FOENICULUM VULGARE Gaertn. Davidson, Erythea 1:59, LA Co. PI LA Co 6. Parish, Zoe 1:10. See Foeniculum foeniculum. Fennel; Europe; LA (Hasse). POENICULUM POEWICUI.UM Karst. Per branched, 7-20 dm hi; Ivs very finely dissected into capillary seg; peti- oles broad, clasping; umbels large, 9-25 rayed; rays glaucous, 2.5-7.5 cm long, in fr; pedicels 2-8 mm long, slender; fr about 6 mm long. Eu. Sweet FenneL Abrams, Fl LA 288. Foeniculum vulgare Goertn. Genus OENANTHE Linnaeus. Aquatic glabrous herbs with succulent st from thick rt-stock: Ivs pinnately compound: fls w in compound umbels, terminating the branches: inv present or (): involucels present: ex-teeth rather prominent: sty slender, at length elon- gated: fr globose-ovate, cylindric or slightly flattened laterally: ribs broad, obtuse, corky; commissural face also corky: oil tubes 1 in the intervals, 2 on the face, sd furrowed beneath them. OEXANTHE CALIFORNICA S. Watson, Jepson, Erythea 1:13. Erect. 2-4 hi; Ivs bipinnate; Ifts elliptic-ovate in outline, 3-cleft or-part- ed and also coarsely toothed or incised, places, with pinnate Ivs, serrate or pin- of the upper Ivs crowded on the natifid Ifts, inv and involucels of num raches and sometimes tending- to be con- narrow bracts, and w fls: ex-teeth min- duplicate: rays less than 1-2" long; ute: fr flattened laterally, ovate to ob- bracts few or 0; bractlets several to long, glabrous: carpel with prominent many, lanceolate and shorter than the corky nearly equal ribs: stylopodium de- pedicels; fr subcylindric, 2" long pressed: sty short: oil-tubes 1-3 in the crowded. intervals: sds subangular, with plane OE. sarmentosa Californica. face. Co Cal north Ianee9late, sharply serrate and mostly Parish Zoe'l'9 acuminate, 5-13 cm long, lower Ivs some- , benantho Californ,^ S. Watson. pedicel, ^^ Genus OSMORRIZA Rafmesque. the commissural side. Cx-teeth obsolete: fr linear to linear- Abrams, Fl LA 286. Oak Knoll (Mc- oblong, more or less attenuate at base, Clatchie.i. acute above, glabrous or bristly on the S1UM ERECTUM Huds. ribs: carpels slightly flattened dorsally Davidson, PI LA Co 7. or not at all, nearly pentagonal in sec- See Berula erecta Coville. . ith equal ribs, thin pericarp, and SIUM HETEROFHYIiLUM Greene. a well defined group of strengthening Sts stout, angular and flexuose, 1 m cells beneath each rib: stylopodium hi; lowest Ivs with a single lamina sometimes depressed; sty long or short; which is rather broadly rhombic-lanceo- oil-tubes obsolete in mature fr (often late, serrate or laciniate-cleft, 5-20 cm num in young fr) ; sd-face from slightly long; petiole stout, fistulose; other Ivs 3- concave to deeply sulcate. Iqbed or divided and passing to the truly Washingtonia Raf, fide Britton. pinnate, with 2 pairs of broadly lanceo- OSMORHIZA BRACHYPODA Torr. } ate - acute serrate If ts ; bracts broadly Sts rather stout, 3-9 dm hi, pubescent lanceolate, tapering at both ends: fr or sometimes glabrous: Ivs ternately mm h lo a ng ' st p? n f 1 T r o e - compound: Ifts 2-3 cm long, acute, lacin- ( T - Ab V ams ' P1 LA - 86 - near Pasadean latter equaling or exceeding the fls; rays, Genus SPREXOSCIADLUM Gray. J; 5 iV ) l n Jn^f;,J Pe 4 di S 1; J mm I 011 ? 1 Nearly simple thick-rooted per, with 12-16 mm long, 4 mm wide, short at- stout sts glabrous up to the tomentose tenuate at base, rough-bristly on the umbelf onc s e O r twice pinnate Ivs with very prominent ribs: stylopodium and bladdery dilated petioles, and scarious " im , lon . th . e former broad and w O r p'lish fls sessile on an enlarged somewhat depressed: sd-face very con- receptacle and forming a compact lad: Ca ^A earl V nc i osl & A* entral cavit >"' ex-teeth obsolete: fr flattened dorsally, e >> *,**? K v, * A , , ^ cuneate-obovate, hirsute: carpel strongly Brewer& Watson, hot Cal 1:262. Cen- flattened at base, winged above, dorsal TO T A - and intermediate wings narrow, lateral Davidson PI LA Co <. broader: stylopodium sm and conic or SBer Co (Parish 9&> 1945); Nevada Co. ffat in fl: oil-tubes solitary in the in- Washingtonia brachypoda Heller, Cat tervals. 2 on the commissural side: sd- isA pi 99. face plane nc\Vo a ? m |T'7 F s 1 ^-Kf l v SPHENOSCIADIUM CAPITELLATTTM. OSMORHIZA NLDA Torr. Grav A.m ac rr 6-5S6 Sweet cicely. Rather slender, 2-3 hi Ve?y' stout 3-14 dm hi; Ivs large and nore or less pubescent with spreading glabrous; Ifts oblong to linear-lanceolate. hairs: Ivs twice ternate; Ifts ovate. 1-2' 0.5.5 cm long, with rather few laciniate long, acute or pbtusish rather deeply teeth or lobes, more or less entire below; cleft and toothed: umbel long-peduncled, umbel equally 4-15-rayed, with globose -- --, 3-o-rayed. naked or with sm caducous umbellets of sessile pubescent fls; in y a ^ ( J,, 1 " voluc ^ ls : , ra3 " S 2 ~ 3 * i n f : ped ^ bractlets few, decid: ray 2.5-5 cm long; eels 3-9" long: fr slender 6-7" long, 1" fr cuneate-obovate, about 5 mm long. broad or less, acutely ribbed; sty and Abrams, Fl LA 288. Cienega fDavid- stylopodium very short: the attenuated SO n) base 2" long: sd terete, sulcate on inner Seiinum capitellatum B & H. Gen face. 1-915 v, Pac Rv R 4:93. Hall ' U 98 Tal1 branching per with pinnately de- Osmorhiza brevistylls Hooker, Fl 1:272 compound lys: fls w in compound um- in part t 97 bels; inv of few bracts: involucels of Washingtonia nuda Heller, Cat X A pi many bractlets: ex-teeth obsolete: fr ob- ed 1. 5. C-R Mon X A Umb 64. Hall, \? n S to obovate, flattened dorsally, gla- . . . , brous or pubescent, with rather prom- inent disk: ribs winged, the lateral usu- Genus STUM Linnaeus. a n y broadest: oil-tubes 1 in intervals, :>oth per growing in water or wet 2-4 on the commissural side. SELINUM CAPITELLATUM B & H. See Sphenosciadium capitellatum. Oregon; Nevada; Jaq (Parish 986). Genus VELLAEA DC. Cx-teeth obsolete or prominent: fr ob- long to orbicular, glabrous or pubescent: carpel somewhat flattened laterally, with prominent equal filiform ribs (the inter- mediates somewhat distant from the lat- erals), and a thin pericarp with a very sm ill-defined group of strengthening cells beneath each rib: oil-tubes con- spicuous, 3-6 in the intervals, 4-10 on the commissural side (sometimes almost continuous): sd terete; the face strongly involute, enclosing a central cavity. VELAEA ARGUTA C & R. Glabrous, 1-2 hi, rarely acaulescent; Ivs simply pinnate; Ifts 5-7, ovate, 1-1%' long, lowest petiolulate, often subcor- date, finely and sharply mucronate-ser- rate, the terminal often 3-lobed; umbel 12-16-rayed, mostly with no involucre, and involucels of few linear accuminate bractlets; rays 2-3' long; pedicels short: cx-teeth prominent: fr oblong, smooth, 2%-3%" long, acutely ribbed: oil-tubes 3-5 in the intervals, 4-6 on the commis- sural side. Abrams, Fl LA 283. Hall, U 99. Coulter & Rose, Mon 79. Arracacia arguta B & H, Gen PI 1:885. Deweya arguta T. & G. VELAEA FARISHII C-R. "Glabrous throughout, nearly acaules- cent, about a foot hi: Ivs thickish, ter- nate-pinnatifid, the segments ovate, ir- regularly cuspidate-toothed and lobed, with revolute margins: umbel about 20- rayed, with no involucre and involucels of few setaceous bractlets; rays 2' or more long; pedicels about 4" long: cx- teeth prominent: fr (immature) oblong, glabrous, about 3" long, with prominent ribs; oil-tubes 3 or 4 in the intervals, 4 or 5 on the commissural side. C-R 11 SBer mts (Parish 978 and 1827). Drudeophytum Parishii C-R, M 82. Ha U 99. Abrams, Fl LA 284. Monica, Gabriel mts. VELAEA VESTITA C. & R. "Acaulescent, 2-4' hi, densely clothed throughout with w soft spreading hairs- Ivs pinnately compound, with num crowded confluent oblong se^r; umbel 10- 15-rayed, with no inv, and involucels of num lanceolate bractlets; rays 4-8" long- fr sesile or nearly so, the sterile pedi- cels 6-9" long; fr ovate-oblong, pubes- cent, 2-2 y 2 " long, iy 2 " broad, with in- conspicuous ribs: oil-tubes 3-4 in the intervals. 3 on the commissural side " C-R 122 f 140. ^ Arracacia vestita, Watson, Am ac pr SBer mts (Parish 598); Tulare Co. (Pal- mer. Deweya vestita Watson Am ac pr 17:373. Genus PEUCEJDANUM Linnaeu*. Acaulescent or short caulescent dry- ground per, with fusiform or tuberous -ts ternate sometimes pinnate to dis- sected Ivs.^no inv, and y, w or p fls: rt teeth tened pel with filiform and approximate dorsal and intermediate ribs, and winged later- als coherent until maturity with those of the other carpel; pericarp thin with strengthening cells beneath each rib: stylopodium 0: oil-tubes 1-several in the intervals, rarely obsolete, 2-10 on the commissural side: sd dorsally flattened with plane or rarely slightly concave face. Lomatium Rafinesque. PEUCEDANUM UTRICULATUM Nutt. Nuttall, in T & G, Fl 1:628. Caulescent, suberect, branching at base, 12-16' hi, or near the sea low and decumbent; Ivs pubescent, triternately dissected into linear seg 1-5" long; peti- oles conspicuously dilated; rays unequal, fertile 1-3' long; pedicels 3" long or less; inv of 1-3 bracts; bractlets several, lan- ceolate or obovate, scarious-margined to- ward the base, mucronate, sessile or with a petiole-like base; fr 2% -4" long, ellip- tical or oblong, glabrous; wings scarcely so wide as body; oil-tubes 4-6 on face, solitary in intervals, or with short ac- cessary ones in dorsal intervals; sd-face slightly concave. Jepson, Fl W Mid Cal 359. Da 7. S Ber (Parish 984) ; British Colum- bia; Idaho. Lomatium utriculatum C & R. Abrams, Fl LA 289. "Frequent on the mesas and gravelly foothills." PEUCEDANUM CARUIFOLIUM T & G. T & G, Fl 1:628. Nearly acaulescent; ped erect, 3 or 4 from 1 rt, 8-14' hi; Ivs hispidulous, tri- ternately and very much dissected into linear seg; seg 3-6" long, y 2 " wide or less; fertile rays l-l l / 2 ' long; pedicels l%-2" long; inv 0; involucels of distinct or nearly distinct broadly ovate or ob- long seg, entire or toothed at apex, often borne on a petiole-like base; fr glabrous, 3-5" long; wings % to almost as wide as body; oil-tubes on the face, in the intervals or indistinct. SF; Cruz; Rosa. Davidson, PI LA Co 7. PEUCEDANUM DASYCARPUM T. & G. Nearly acaulescent; ped several from a stout tap rt, erect or ascending, 6-15' hi; herbage with short stifflsh pubescence; Ivs ternately decomposed and dissected into sm narrowly linear seg: seg 1-2" long, less than y 2 " wide; fertile rays 6-11, 1-2 %' long; pedicels in fr 3-6" long; involucels unilateral, composed of several ovate or lanceolate more or less united bractlets; ova tomentose or con- spicuously woolly; fr suborbicular, 4-5" long and nearly or quite as broad; wings quite as broad or broader than body; oil-tubes variable, 1-3 in inter- vals, 4 or 2 on commissural face. Lomatium dasyacarpum C & R. Abrams, Fl LA 290. Peucedanum Pringlei C & R, Bot gaz 13:205. SD to Lake Co.; NM (Greene). PE'UCEDANUM VASEYI C. & R. C. & R. Bot gaz 13:144. SBer mesas and mts (G. R. Vas>ey; Parish). Nearly acaulescent, ped erect or as- 273 274 1" long or less, hirsutulous on margins PEUCEDANUM HASSEI C. & R. and rachis; rays 8-16, 1-2' long 4n fr; "Sub-acaulescent, 16' hi; the very pedicels 4-5" long; bracts 1 or 0; bract- broad-winged fr 7" wide and 8" long; lets few. obovate, crisped or toothed; oil-tubes 4 in the face and 4 on the lis y: fr broadly oblong, 6" long, 4" back, with occasionally an additional broad, emarginate; body of fr 4" long, one in one of the lateral intervals. raised on a stipe 2" long, both stipe Jepson. and body with broad wings twice as Jepson, Erythea 1:10 Vaca nits. "Ifts wide as body; wings in mature fr usu- smaller and thicker"). ally reddish; oil-tubes solitary in in- Davidson, PI LA Co 7. tervals, 4 on commissural side. SBer m ts. Genus PASTIXACA Linnaeus. Jepson, Fl W Mid Cal 359. Tall branching bien with angular or Lomatium Vaseyi C & R. fluted Ify sts from thick rts; Ivs large, Abrams, Fl LA 289. Frequent in pinnate: fls y. in compound umbels: inv heavy soil on the mesas. and involucels sm or commonly 0: fr PEUCEDAXUM VILLOSUM Nutt. oval, glabrous, strongly compressed: Xuttall. MS, in Watson, bot King lateral ribs winged; dorsal and inter- Exp 131 (1871). mediate ribs filiform: oil-tubes 1 in in- Davidson, PI LA 7. tervals. 2-4 on commissural face. Type locality: "on the plains of the PASTIXICA S ATIVA Linn. More or less densely pubescent, 3-6' , n ^ W A r lfl * v ^^SSg^ffilS ir !5 t hi: Ivs with very num somewhat crowd- } s r IT ->n 1 ^' Ions fr nearl* ed sm narrow seg: flg umbels dense: in- SfAlJ? 2U-?" Ion-- o?l tubes con volucels of several sm linear bractlets: rbic lai, .^-3 ion oil-tub con- fr oval, pubescent; oil-tubes probably ISl C "^nto rl r-eral in the intervals. Nev; Nebr; ^ar^'zoe^l :10. A Wa L tson bl bot CO King Exp 131. T Davidson, Erythea 1:59. LA Co. PI Brewer & Watson, Bot Cal 270 . Abrams, Fl LA 291. PEUCEDANUM NEVADENSE S. Wat- c & R, Rev Umb 49. son, Am ac pr 11:143. Parsnip, naturalized at SBer (Parish). Glaucous, puberulent: Ivs less com- poundly dissected, seg coarser than in Genus ANGELICA Linnaeus. P. dasyacarpum: rays often unequal, Stout per with ternately or pinnately 1-2' long; involucels smaller, of several compound Ivs: fls w in large terminal linear lanceolate bractlets, usually dis- compound umbels: inv scanty or 0: in- tinct: fr somewhat pubescent, nearly or- volucels of sm bractlets or 0: ex-teeth bicular to ovate, 3-o long. 2-4 wide; mos tly obsolete: fr strongly compressed, ribs prominent; ex-teeth obsolete: oil- elliptic-oblong in outline; ribs promin- tubes 2-3 in intervals, or 4 in the lat- ent> the lateral broadly winged, the eral ones (perhaps very rarely 1), 4-6 others often narrowly winged: oil-tubes on the commissure. Son; XM; S Cal !_ 3 in intervals, 2-4* on commissural (Parish 1828). f ace Brewer & Watson, Bot Cal 1:27". iTtf t .wmA Tr^Tr-MTV^c A c Txr ofartT , Peucedanum nudicaule Watson, bot ANGELICA TOMBNTOSA S. T\ atson. etc not Xuttpll Jepson i^rytnea l:s. e Watson. ,. ^J". ^^^flne,, S'SlSS St^,'^^ If^sf ^.'^ or obkmg in outline, 1-2 long shorter lobedi O r obliquely 2-lobed or not lobed than the petioles pinnately 3-folliolate; and mer elv oblique, irregularly serrate; upper leaflet 3-lobed, the lower 2-lobed pet ioles very much dilated at base: rays and sessile, lobes sparingly incised; 4. long . pedicels 2-3" long: fr oblong unequal segments oblong, acute or ob- Hall V ^8 Co. to SBer mts (Parish,. disk broad: fr glabrous, ovate, exceed- Genus EUR YPTER \ Xuttall. once rv on The AFP v Van borndirv irvPv Pound, with usually broad sharply i>. the Me. .can boundary survey) ; tootned lfts: fls y: ex-teeth minute or Ar, on stony soil (Mrs. E. P n f stron?lv flattened dorsallv. orbic- rSnW-S^'i*^ ^atson, Am nat ular to sho 7, t i y O blohg: carpel with fili- form ribs, and with broadly winged lat- PEUCEDANUM GRAVEOZ.ENS B & H. erals. these often distinct at base and Davidson. Erythea 1:59. LA Co. becoming cordate or emarginate. coher- PEUCEDAXUM MOHAVEXSIS C. & R. ing until maturity with those of the C & R, Rev Umb 62 (1888). other carpel; pericarp thin: stylopodium Mohave (Curran). 0; disk impressed: oil-tubes 1-several in Lomatium Mohavense C & R Mon 234 the intervals: sd strongly dorsally flat- (1900). tened, with plane face. EURYPTERA LTJCIDA Nutt. Nuttall, T & G, Fl 1:629. Short, caulescent, glabrous, rather stout, 1.5-5 dm hi; Ivs ternate; Ifts broadly cordate, somewhat lobed, coarsely mucronate-toothed, 1-2.5 cm long; umbel equally 8-15-rayed; bract- lets lanceolate; rays 1-5 cm long; pedi- cels 12 mm long; fr nearly orbicular, emarginate at each end, glabrous. 10-14 mm in diam, with wings more than twice as broad as the body, and prom- inent dorsal and intermediate ribs; oil- tubes solitary in the intervals, 2-4 on the commissural side. Abrams, Fl LA 290. Pt. Loma, SD! Baja Arizona. Genoa MOJVARDELLA Bentham. An or per aromatic herbs, with fls in terminal hds which are subtended by hood often more or less colored inv bracts: ex tubular, narrow, 5-toothed, 15-nerved: cor glabrous within, upper lip erect, 2-cleft, lower 3-parted, all the lobes linear or narrowly oblong; sta 4, distinct, strongly or moderately un- equal, exserted,' straight; anth often divergent or divaricate. MONARDELLA LANCEOLATA A. Gray. An g and glabrous or the sts puberu- lent, brachiately branched, 3-6 dm hi, Ivs rather few, lanceolate or oblong- lanceolate, 2.5-5 cm long, tapering be- low into a slender petiole, the upper acute,' all with entire and even mar- gins: bracts foliaceous or nearly so, ovate or oblong, mostly acute with many cross veinlets between the as- cending or parallel veins; ex-teeth densely hirsute within, sparsely if at all so without, inconspicuously nerved; cor bright rose-p, sometimes with dark- er spots. Abrams, Fl LA 347. Gray. Am ac p 11:102 (1876). Bot Cal 1:594. Type jf locality: "Cal, from Plumas to Covi'lle, CNH 4:175. Panamint mts. Common throughout Cal; Baja! L A (Davidson). Variety MICROCEPHALA A. Gray. MONARDELLA LINOIDES Gray. Minutely canescent, but the pubes- cence imperceptible: sts more erect and rigid. 1 hi, slendeV; Ivs sm (about %' long), lanceolate, or the upper linear and sessile and the lowest oblong-spat- ulate, obtuse, the veins very obscure: bracts nearly as in M. odoratissima but barely ciliate: ex-teeth narrowly lance- olate, merely pubescent, Baja! Gray, Am ac pr 11:101 (1876). Bot Cal 1:594. Type locality: "mts east of SD." Coville, CNH 4:175. Panamint mts. San Diego! Mohave. VARIETY STRICT A Parish. ''Stems herbaceous, slender, branch- ing only at the base, puberulent or glabrous, green; leaves linear to nar- rowly oblong, 15-18 mm long; floral bracts membranaceous, tinged with purple or red." Parish, Erythea 7:96. San Bernardino Mts (Parish 2077). MONARDELLA CANDICANS Benth. San Bernardino (Parish 898). MONARDELLA HYPOLEUCA A. Gray. SD; San Juan Hot Springs (Nevin). RAMONA STACHYOIDES Briquet. Black Sage. Cinereous-tomentose or glabrate, shrubby, 1 m hi or more, branching and Ify; Ivs oblong-lanceolate, narrowed at base or short-petioled, crenate, g and rugose above, cinereous- tomentose beneath; fls in interrupted spicate hds or whorls; floral Ivs much reduced, these and the ovate or oblong bracts as well as the ex-teeth of the bilabiate ex cuspidate-acuminate or spinulose-aristulate; cor w or lilac- tinged, about. 1 cm long, tube longer than limb; sty, and especially sta, little exserted; subulate appendages of the connective often manifest. SF to Ouintin! Cruz; Rosa. RAMONA VASEYI Heller. Heller, Muhlenbergia 1:59 (22F1904), based on Audibertia Vaseyi Porter, Bot Gaz 6:207 (1881). Type from Mountain Springs, SD Co (G. R. Vasey, 1880). RAMONA PACHYSTACHYA. Heller, Muhlenbergia 1:59 (22 F 1904). Based on Audibertia incana var pa- chystachya G, Syn Fl 2, pt I, ed 2, 461 (1886). Salvia carnosa var compacta Hall, U 111. Audibertia pachystachya Parish, Ery- thea 6:91 (1898). RAMONA PALMERI Briquet. ^Audibertia Palmeri Asa Gray. Minutely tomentulose-canescent; Ivs oblong-lanceolate, acute (the larger 2 or 3' long) ; hd-like clusters of fls 5-8, remote in the elongated virgate naked spike; bracts oblong or lanceolate, acu- minate into a slender cuspidate tip; lower ex-teeth subulate-setanceous. Type locality: Near Tighes ranch in the mts northeast of SD. RAMONA NIVEA Briquet. Audiberta nivea Bentham. Shrubby, 3-4 hi, Ify. mealy-tomen- tose, and very w; Ivs oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, very shftrt-petioled, upper trun- cate at base; bracts ovate or oblong, much imbricated, ex splitting down the front and at length notched posteriorly; cor "light p"; the tube hardly longer than the lips; sta and sty conspicuously exserted. Genus LYCOPUS Tournefert. Herbs, per by sfiender stolons or suckers, with erect or diffuse sts, and sm w or p fls, bracted and verticillate in dense avy clusters: cx-campanulate, reg or nearly so, 4-5-toothed, naked in the throat: cor funnelform-campanulate to cylindric, equaling ior exceeding the ex, limb nearly equally 4-cleft, or 1 of the lobes broader and emarginate: per- fect sta 2, anterior, the posterior pair rudimentary or 0: anth-sacs parallel: ova deeply 4-parted; sty slender, 2-cleft; nutlets truncate at summit, narrowed below, trigonous, smooth. Water hoar- hound. LYCOPUS LUCIDUS Turcz. Sts stoutish, not so sharply angled, per by stolons; Ivs broadly or narrow- 277 ly oblong, coarsely and incisely toothed, sessile, the lower 3' long, \' wide, the upper reduced; ex-teeth attenuate^subu- late. Sib. Abrams, Fl LA 348. SBer valley (Parish). Jepson. ti W Mid Cal 466. LYCOPTTS AMEBICANU3 Muhl. St erect, branching above, 2-3 : hi. very acutely 4-angled, from creeping rt- s, not bearing stolons; herbage nearly glabrous; Ivs broadly or narrow- ly-lanceolate, incisely toothed or lacin- iate-pinnatifkl, narrowed at base into a slender petiole, 1^-2', long; ex-teeth ac- ute: rudiments of sterile sta conspicu- ous: inner angle of nutlet granulose at apex. Canada to Fla; Oregon to S Ber (Par- ish }: Jepson. Fl W Mid Cal 46'3. Lycopus sinuatus Ell. Genus ME\THA Linnaeus. Erect or diffuse aromatic herbs with simple mostly punctate Ivs. and sm whorled fls, the whorls axy or in terminal dense or inter- rupted spikes: ex campanulate to tubu- lar, 10-nerved, regular or slightly bila- biate, 5-toothed: cor-tube shorter than ex, the limb 4-cleft, somewhat regular, posterior lobe usually somewhat broad- er than the others, entire or emargin- ate: sta 4, equal, erect, included or ex- serted: fil glabrous; anth 2-celled, the sacs parallel: ova 4-parted; sty 2-cleft; nutlets ovoid, smooth. MEXTHA CANADENSIS Linn. Per by suckers; sts often several ft long, simple or much branched; herbage tomentose-pubescent, sometimes almost hoary, more commonly g'ish; Ivs ob- long-lanceolate, sharply serrate, taper- ing at base into a petiole. l l / 2 --' long; whorls of fls often shorter than, the petioles of Ivs; ex pube'scent, its teeth one-fourth to one-third as long as tube. SF: Xev. Hall. U 108. Type locality: "in Canada." Coville, CXH 4:174. Yoseraite valley. Variety GX.ABRATA Bentham. Comondu, Baja (Ber). Atlantic to Pacific. Canada to Mexico. MENTHA SFICATA L. Spearmint. Lvs sessile or oiib. c .e.-5S'le. oblong-lanceolate, acute, incisely ser- rate: bracts setaceous, and with ex- teeth somewhat hairy: spikes slender, interrupted, attenuate above. Eu; Can; U. S. Mentha viridis L. Genus MIRABILIS Linnaeus. Per herbs, somewhat woody toward the base, with opp Ivs and ax solitary or paniculate ped: inv ex-like. 5-cleft or 5-parted. herbaceous unchanged in fr. bearing 1-12 fls: ex tubular or narrowly campanulate, with somewhat spreading lobes: sta 5, equaling the ex; fil united at the base: fr globose to ovate-oblong, smooth or slightly ribbed or angled. MIRABILIS FROEBELII Behr. ut. spreading, very viscid-pubes- cent, the foliage in age somewhat sca- brous: Ivs thick, broadly ovate, the low- er cordate, slightly decurrent on the short-petioles, 4' long and nearly as broad; inv 5-cleft about half way down into rather acute lobes; 5-6-fld: perianth funnelform. 1%' long, the limb 1' across, dull p, pubescent and viscid out- side: fr ovate-oblong, not tuberculate, light brown, marked by 10 lines of a lighter color." Greene, Cal. ac b 1:124 (1885). Type locality: Warner's Ranch SD Co. Coville, CX'H 4:177. Panamint mts. Colo, to Texas; mts San Diego (Or). Oxybaphus Froebellii Behr, Cal ac pr 1:69 (1855). Mirabilis multiflora var pubescens Watson. Bot Cal 2:2. MIRABILIS LAEVIS Curran. Xevada, Utah, to Southern Baja. Curran. Cal ac pr sr 2, 1:235 (1889). Type locality: "Bay of Magdalena," Seville, CXH 4:177. Ut ; Xev; Cal. Oxybaphus laevis Bentham, Bot Sulph 44 (1844). Mirabilis Californica Gray. Gray. Bot Mex B 173. Sts ascending or spreading from a somewhat woody base, 3-6 dm long: her- bage viscid-pubescent; Ivs rather thick, 1-3 cm long, broadly ovate to cordate, obtuse or acute; petioles slender. 1-2 cm long; inv about 6 mm long, acutely 5-cleft to near the middle; ex narrowly campanulate. 10 mm long, lobes spread- ing, emarginate; sta equaling ex and nearly equaling sty: fr ovate, smooth, 3 mm long. Xev: Ut. Abrams. Fl LA 137. MIRABILIS MULTIPLOBA A. Gray. Gray. Bot Mex B 169 (1859). Watson, Bot Cal 2:2. See M. Froebelii Behr. Oxybaphus multiflorus Torrey, Ann Lye XY 2:237 (1828). Type locality: "about the Forks of the Platte." VarietyPUBESCENS S. Watson. Abrams. Fl LA 136. See Mirabilis Fraebelii Behr. MIRABILIS TENUILOBA S. Watson. San Borgia, Baja (Br). Genus ABRONIA Jussien. Inv of 5-15 distinct somewhat scari- ous Ifts, enclosing num sessile fls: per- ianth salverform, tube elongated, limb of 4 or 5 obcordate or emarginate seg; sta usually 5, unequal, included in tube and adnate to it: sty included: stig linear-clavate; fr coriaceous or indur- rated. 3-5-winged, mostly reticulately veined, enclosing a smooth cylindrical ak: embryo by abortion monocotyled- onous: an or per herbs, often prostrate, com more or less viscid-pubescent, with thick opp unequal Ivs, and elongated axy and terminal peduncles: fls usually very fragrant and showy. Sand-ver- bena. ABROXIA MARITIMA Nutt. Sts stout, prostrate, somewhat pub- escent and viscid: Ivs thick, broadly ovate to oblong, cuneate or rounded at base. 1' long, 9n short stout petioles: peduncles usually a little exceeding the Ivs: inv bracts short, ovate oblong: fls dull deep r, iy 2 ' long; fr viscid-pubes- cent, wings somewhat coriaceous. Abrams, Fl LA 137. SBar to Magdalena bay, Baja Cal. ABRONIA UMBELLATA Lam. Sts slender, prostrate and widely branching-, 1-3 long, viscid-puberulent: Ivs nearly glabrous, broadly obovate to oblong, margin rarely sinuate, 1-1%' long, narrowed to a slender petiole of unequal or longer length; peducles 2-6' long; involucral bract? narrowly lance- olate. 2-3" long, enclosing 10-15 fls, forming an umbel-like hd: cx-rose-p, rarely whitish, 6-8" long, lobes 5, em- arginate: fr oblong, attenuate at each end, 4-5" long, glabrous: wings thin, broadest above and often truncate. Abrams, Fl LA 137. Columbia river to Baja Cal. ABRONIA TURBINATA Torr. Ann and slender, viscidly pubescent or only puberulent, sts ascending or pro- cumbent, ^-l 1 ^ long: Ivs ovate to ob- long-lance'olate, ^-l 1 /^' long, usually truncate-cordate or rounded at base: ped slender, exceeding the Ivs: inv bracts usually 5, linear or lanceolate, acumin- ate, somewhat scarious: perianth rose- colored, 6-8" long, tube very narrow, lobes deeply cleft: fr thin-coriaceous, 3-4" long, either reg winged and wings terminating in, transverse circular disks, or unequally winged and disks 0: ak 1" long. Tex.. Watson, Bot King Exp 285 .(1871). Type locality: "NM; Ar; So Cal; Nev." Colorado Desert (Parish). Genus ACANTHOCYPHUS Small. Slender nearly glabrous acaulescent ann herbs, with erect wiry forking scapes; Ivs basal firm denticulate with spinulose teeth, dilated at the base: bracts scale-like, ternate, united at the bases, inclined to one side of the axes: involucres turbinate, truncate, on wire- like peduncles, with 18-20 hard ribs, which are prolonged into as many rigid acicular awns, these surpassing the tube in length: fls 5-14, of 2 kinds, stam- inate included, pistillate exserted: pedi- cels substended by linear or linear- spatulate bractlets: perianth glabrous, seg 6: sta 9, inserted at base of peri- anth. ACANTHOCYPHUS FARISHII Small. Based on Oxytheca Parishii Parry, which see for description. Abrams, Fl LA 115 "Common in the pine belt of the Gabriel and SBer mts." Genus ERIOGONUM Miclix. Ann or per herbs or rarely shrubs, with basal, alt or verticillate Ivs, with- out stipules, and perfect involucrate fls: inv campanulate, turbinate or oblong, 4-8-toothed or 4-8-lobed, awnless, usu- ally many-fid; the more or less exserted pedicels intermixed with scarious nar- ro$v setaceous bracts or bractlets; per- ianth 6-parted or deeply 6-cleft, petaloid: sta 0, inserted on the base of the peri- anth: sty 3; stig capitate: ak triangu- lar, rarely lenticular. ERIOGONUM CINEREUM Benth. Snrubby 8-15 dm hi, in dense clumps, hoary tomentose thruout; Ivs orbicular 280 to 9blong, 12-18 mm long, on .very short petioles, obtuse, undulate, strongly nerved; peduncles elongated, sparingly dichotomously branched, bearing few rather loose hds: bracts short; inv 4 mm long; perianth very villous, rose colored, 2-3 mm long. Abrams, Fl LA 117. Curran once referred E. giganteum to this, but later published a variety of that species. San Pedro and Monica on seashore. ERIOGONUM ELONGATUM Benth. Sts erect, rather slender, from a spar- ingly branched base; Ivs usually some- what scattered, oblong-lanceolate, 2-3 cm long, acute, narrowed to a short peti- ole, becoming glabrate above; bracts ov- ate-triangular to lanceolate, acute; inv distinct on the few elongated branches, 5-6 mm hi, obtusely toothed; fls w or pale rose, 2-3 mm long; ak glabrous. Monterey to Baja; LA (Davidson)". ERIOGONUM FASCICULATUM Benth. Hall U 73. Wild buckwheat. Shrubby, 5 dm hi or more, more or less tomentose; Ivs narrowly oblanceo- late, revolute, tomentose beneath, gla- brate above, 6-18 mm long, much fas- cicled; ped short or elongated, bearing a short cymosely divided umbel; bracts rather conspicuous; inv about 4 mm hi, glabrate; fls rose or whitish, glabrous or somewhat villous. Abrarns, Fl LA 117. Bentham, Linn soc tr 17:411 (1837). Type locality: "Upper California." . Coville, CNH 4:186. SBer. '"Buckwheat." Arizona; Utah; S Bar to Baja. Most excellent bee pasturage. Ha U 73. ERIOGONUM GRACILE Benth. Floccose-tomentose thruout, rather diffusely branched, 2-6 dm hi: Ivs oblan- ceolate or broadly oblong, tomentose on both sides or less so above; bracts more or less elongated, the lower foliaceous: inv rigid, acute, often dark brown; per- ianth w or pale rose, 1.5 mm long. S F; San Fernando, Baja (Br). Ha U 73. E. grande Greene pitc 1:38. Cruz. E. rubescens Greene, pitt 1:38. Cruz. Abrams, Fl LA 119. Variety LEUCOCLADON Torrey. Less branched, branches strict, be- coming glabrate; fls pale rose. Abrams, Fl LA 119. ERIOGONUM LATIPOLIUM Smith. Caudex indurate, its branches few, short, very leafy; scapes not fistulose, 2-5 dm hi; Ivs oblong to ovate, 2.5-5 cm long, often undulate and becoming gla- brate above; bracts triangular; hds large, dense, lii-20 mm broacl, solitary, terminal, or few in a simple umbel; inv tomentose, 4 mm long; fls glabrous, light rose color, 3 mm long. SF. Abrams, Fl LA 117. Bluffs near Monica. Curran, Cal ac pr, sr 2, 1:268. Cites as synonyms: EE arachnoideum Esch, affine et auriculatum Bentham, grande Greene nudum Dougl, et var pauciflorum S. Watson, oblongifolium Bentham, et rubescens G-reene. Davidson, PI LA Co 14. 281 ERIOGOXUM PARVIFOLIUM Smith. Shrubby, about 3 m hi, more or less w-tomentose thruout: Ivs broadly .ovate to oblong-, 8-18 mm long, acute, abruptly narrowed at base to the very short peti- ole, revolute and undulate on the mar- gins, becoming glabrate above; lower Bracts conspicuous, the upper smaller; inv tomentose, about 3 mm long; per- ianth rose colored, glabrous, about 3 mm long. Abrams, Fl LA 117. Common on the sand-dunes along the seashore. Davidson, PI LA Co 15. SBar; Soledad, SD Co (Or 974). ERIOGOXUM SAXATILE S. Watson. Caudex "densely Ify, sparingly branch- ed; Ivs rounded or obovate, obtuse, 12-16 mm broad, cuneate at base, densely to- mentose on both sides; petioles short and thick; branches of the cymose pani- cle 1-2 dm long, spreading; bracts sub- foliaceous, triangular; inv 3-4 mm long, teeth acute; perianth rose color, 2-3 mm long, the lobes appressed to the nearly ^labrous ak, this abruptly narrowed at base. Abrams, Fl LA 118. Gabriel, SBer mts. latchie. Erythea 2:78; Mt Lowe, LA Wai-on. Am ac pr 12:267 (1877). Coville, CXH 4:188. Panamint mts. _ Santa Lucia mts; SBer (Parry). Ha U EBIOGONUM SPECIOSUM Drew. rutescent. sts densely clustere;d Ivs sm. broadly oblanceolate, acute at both ends, densely tomentose beneath, glabrate above; petioles 3" long: ped erect, nearly a c hi, bearing 2-4 elon- gated rays which are com again divided, the nodes .all leafy-bracted: inv sm, the acute lobes deflexed; fls numerous, bright y tinged with p. 6" long includ- in~ the slender stipe; sty and fil slightly hairy. Gravelly banks of the South Fork of Trinity river, in Hy-Am-Pum valley, Jl 23. Fls very num and showy." Drew, Torr cl b 16:152. Humboldt Co. Cal. ERIOGOXUM XUDUM Dougl. Caudex sparingly leafy; scapes rather slender, fistulose. 3-6 dm hi, sparingly branched above: Ivs broadly ovate or ob- long, obtuse. 1-5 cm long, on slender petioles, undulate, densely tomentose beneath, becoming glabrate above; inv usually 3-6 in each cluster, glabrous or nearly so, 4-6 mm hi; fls glabrous or somewhat villous. 2-3 mm long, w or rose color. Douglas, MS. in Bentham, Linn soc tr 17:413 (1837). Type locality: "plains of the Mul- toonah.'' Coville, CXH 4:1S7. Tehachapi can- yon. ams, Fl LA 117. Cat. EOTHORBIACEAE. Monoecious or dioecious herbs, shrubs or trees with acrid, often milky juice: Ivs opp. alt or whorled, entire or toothed, sessile or petioled, sometimes with glands at base; stipules piesent or 0: infl various: fls sometimes ap" ^^ Slightly d1 ' Glabrous marsh per wiS pinnate Ivs Canada: nearly 'all parts of the United and serrate Ifts: fls w in terminal corn- States: South America 5 ; Europe and Asia. P^ ets ne*ual, >"*. ?* CEBATOPHYLLACEAE. passing the fls: fr subglobose, T v? crowdpri in vpTnnii^ deeply dorsal evanescent crests. lournefort. Abrams, Fl LA 242. L-vs OPP the tendrils or fl-clusters: Hooker & Arn, Bot Beechey 329 tendrils at least once-branched: ex-tube (1838-40). filled with the disk, which bears the sta Type locality: not given (type col- and P et: ovules 2 in each cell. lected by Douglas, probably in north- VITI3 CAJ.IPORNICA Bentham ern California). California wild grape: Ivs roundish, CEANOTHUS MACKOCAEFUS Nuttall. tomentose, especially beneath, the to- Abrams, Fl LA 244. Monica; S Ana mentum in age flocculent, 2-5' broad mts. coarsely or minutely dentate, cordate at Nuttall, T & G, Fl 1:267. base with open or closed sinus, slightly Greene, Gal ac b 1:80. SBer Co. or not at all lobed, or frequently with a Shrub 8-12 hi, with naked, dark- sinuately 3-5-lobed If at the next node barked trunk, and well rounded, tree- above or below an unlobed one; fr p, liKe hd: branchlets rusty-pubescent, with a bloom, 3 or 4" in diam. and bearing conspicuous, dark, warty, Type locality: "Rio Sacramento," Cal. stipular glands: Ivs alt, coriaceous, ob- Bentham, Pi Hartw 302 (1848). ovate-oblong, retuse, entire, minutely Vitex Californica Benth, bot Sulph 10 tomentose-canescent beneath: fls in um- (1844). bellate clusters: fr very large. VIT.I53 GIRD I AN A Munson CEANOTHUS SOREOIATUS H. & A. "Strong climbing vine with thick di- Shrubby or somewhat arborescent, aphragms; Ivs 15 ^m broad or less, 2-4 mm hi, with olive or at length p'ish broadly cordate-ovate, with a rather twigs; Ivs oblong-ovate, rounded or deep and narrow sinus, obscurely 3- subcordate at base, glandular-dentate, lobed, and with many sm and acute 1-2 cm long, glabrous and glossy or teeth, closely ashy tomentose beneath; sparingly pubescent above when young, fl-clusters large, very compound; berries glabrous or minutely pubescent be- sm ' black, slightly glaucous; sds pyri- neath, silky-pubescent on the principal i orm -. Occasional along streams in the veins and petioles; infl at first villous, foothills. June." Abrams, Fl LA 245. 2.5-5 cm long: fls deep bl; cap globose, ANACABDIACEAE wrmWed" SuStlv "robed" cr'LtlS's 8 *"* Shrubs or trees with a resi'nous and Abrams Fl LA 24S I "Gabriel mts " "Dually acrid juice, alt simple or com- SPINOSA Nutt P und exstipulate Ivs: fls sm, reg, most- o^mlih^arborescent, U^SKu^J^St^ as* .SlSS with at length cinnamon-brown, more "' twic? as rr?anv as n^f- frS 1 or less divaricate, sparingly slender- Jelled 1-ovufSd stv sometimes 3 ' fr ish at base, coriaceous, glabrous or cm long, entire, petioles glabrous or Shrubs or sm trees with simple or appressed-pubescent, 4-8 mm long; pinnate decid or evergreen Ivs, and sm thyrsus 10-15 cm long, y 2 as broad; fls fls in axy and terminal panicles or pale bl; carpels depressed, 6 mm diam, sometimes in racemes or spikes: sep scarcely lobed, smooth, crestless. and pet usually 5: sta with subulate fll Abrams, Fl LA 242. Monica and inserted under the edge of a disk lin- Santa Ana mts. ing the base of the ex: fr a sm dry CEANOTHUS TOMENTOSUS Parry. drupe: sd pendulous upon a slender Shrub 2-4 m hi, with slender gray or funiculus rising from the base of the r'ish, at first tomentose and usually cell. Sumac. densely verrucose branches; Ivs round- BHT7S TRILOBATA Nuttall ovate or elliptic, conspicuously glandu- LOW branching decid aromatic shrub, lar-toothed, minutely velvety above, more or less pubescent when young; Ivs densely w or brownish tomentose be- 3-foliate; the terminal 1ft 2.5-5 cm long, neath, 1-3 cm long, short-petioled; infl 3-lobed and coarsely toothed above the loosely tomentose, 2.5-5 cm long; fls deep middle; the lateral pair 1-1.5 cm long, bl or rarely w; cap 4 mm in diam, round-ovate, scarcely lobed, crenate; fls ^. m f% ha ji. depressed, smooth, slightly y'ish, appearing before the Ivs in short crested, distinctly lobed. Gabriel, SBer spike-liice clusters; drupes viscid-hirsute. an ?v, Cuyama ^ a T n } tS o.o Nuttall, in T & G Fl 1:219 (1838). Abrams. Fl LA 243. Hall, U 93. Squaw bush. VITACEAE. Abrams, Fl LA 240. Grape family. Climbing or erect tv , Ty ^ }<> cali ty: f ,"in the central chain of shrubs, with nodose joints, alt petioled tne Rock y mts - Ivs, and sm fls in panicles, racemes or RHUS DIVERSILOBA T. & G. cymes: ex entire or 4-5-toothed: pet 4-5, Poison oak: stems erect or climbing by .separate or coherent, valvate: sta 4-5, rootlets. 293 RHUS LAURINA Nutt. leaves glaucous, entire: panicles 2-4 In. long. Shrub 8-15 ft. high. Genna TRIFOLIUM Linnaeus. An or per herbs with palmeately 3- foliate Ivs; Ifts usually denticulate: stipmes adnate: fls in capitate racemes, spikes or umbels, rarely few or solitary, on more or less elongated axy or ter- minal peds: ex 5-cleft with nearly equal teeth, persistent: pet persistent, all more or less adnate to the staminal tube by their claws, or the standard sometimes free; wings narrow; Keel mostly obtuse: sta diadelphous: pods membranous, shorter or slightly exceeding the ex, 1-6- seeded, dehiscent or indehiscent . TBIFOLITJM AMPLECTENS T. & G. Glabrous, erect, branching: Ifts obo- vate-cuneiform, mucronately denticulate; stipules ovate, scarious, entire, aristate- mucronate; peduncles shorter than Ivs; inv about half the length of the 5-6-fld hd, 4-5 parted; seg somewhat lobed, obtuse; ex much shorter than the cor, cleft almost to base; teeth subulate, very unequal; vexillum free, covering the wings; legume sessile, 6-seeded. "California, Douglas! Plant 4-6' hi: Ifts very sm. on slender petioles: pe- duncles axy: hds less than %' diam: inv scarious: upper teeth of ex very short, about one-third the length of the oth- ers." T & G, Fl NA 1:319 (1838). Brandegee, Zoe 1:113. Cat. Cruz; Guad; Sonoma Co to Chili. TRIPOLIUM BZFZDVM A. Gray. "Somewhat villose or glabrous; sts from sm (ann?) rt, slender, spreading; stipules ovate-lanceolate , setaceously- acuminate, entire; Ifts linear-cuneate, lateral ones rarely dentate, bifid or in- cised at the apex with a mucronate point between the lobes; ped twice or three times as long as the Ivs; hds naked, 6-12 flo. or more; fls pedicelled, at length re- flexed; ex five-parted, dentate, subulate- setaceous, somewhat nirsute and nearly eciual to the persistent, rose-colored scarious cor. "Near Marshe's Ranch. between Monte Diablo and the San Joaquin (Con- tra Costa county, California) among frass in a ravine near the water, May 9 (collected by Brewer)" Gray, Cal. ac pr 3:102 (1884). Abrams, PI LA 212. Morgans station (Davidson). Brewer & Watson, Bot Cal 1:129. Ore- gon. Davidson, PI LA Co 4. TRIPOLITJM CZZ.ZOZ.ATUM Bth. Abrams, Fl LA 212. Common on grassy hillsides and in the valley. Columbia river; Cruz (Greene); SBer hills (Parish 822); SD! Baja!. Bentham, PI Hartw 304 (1848). Davidson, PI LA Co 4. Trifolium ciliatum Nuttall, PI Gamb 152 (1848), not Clark. Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:129. LA to the Columbia. See T. ciliolatum. "Ann: smooth and erect, but little branched; lower Ivs on very long pe- tioles; Ifts cuneate-elliptic or oblong, ob- tuse, minutely and sharply serrulate; bracts adnate, subciliate, herbaceous, 294 entire and acutely acuminate; capituli axillar and terminal, rounded, many-fld, destitute of involucrum, but subtended by a cicatrised circle of points; the fls attached to a cylindric torus, often end- in^ in a long subulate point beyond the capitulum; seg of the ex unequal, one of the teeth sm, the rest lanceolate, sharply acuminated and bristly ciliated with stiff hairs; vexillum enclosing the other pet, which are sm; legume flat, stipitate, about one-seeded: stipules her- braceous; Ivs rather thick and strongly veined, with forked vessels; ex nearly the length of the ochroleucous fl. This is again a Physantha, but without a proper involucrum. Hab Pueblo de los Angeles, Upper California." Bentham, PI Hartw 304 (1848). TRIPOLIUM DECODON Greene. "Size of the foregoing (brachyodon) and nearly allied, the slender branches firmer, p'ish: Ifts all broad and short, few exceeding *4' long, many much shorter, obcordate to cuneate-obovate and oblong cuneiform .emarginate to re- tuse, truncate or nearlv obtuse in the uppermost, all with about 5 minute but salient teeth in each margin; slender wiry poduncles more than twice the length of the Ivs; hds *4' broad at fl'ing, the cor dark-p; divisions of inv 7 or 8, oblong or oval: ex-teeth short, subulate- setaceous; corollas widely inflated in age. "Collected by Brandegee at SD, 20 My, 1903, and distributed by C. F. Baker un- der n. 3371. Species remarkable among members of this section of Trifolium for its broad and short Ifts." Greene, Pit- tonia 5:108 (1903). TBIFOLITJM DEPAUPERATTJM Des- vaux. Abrams, Fl LA 215. Low, diffuse, glabrous an, branching from the base, decumbent, flaccid, 6-15 cm long, few-leafed: Ifts 1 cm long, cun- eate-oblong, obtuse or emarginate, den- . culate: hd long-peduncled, few-fld, inv much reduced, with truncate short lobes: cor less inflated, not at all runcate at apex: pod 1-2-seeded: sds somewhat an- gular, tuberculate-rugose. Sonoma Co; Chili. Davidson, PI LA Co 4. TRIFOLIUM GRACILENTUM T. & G. Trifolium denudatum Nutt; J ac Phila, II, 1:152, t 24 (1848). "Nearly glabrous; st slender, erect or ascending; middle Ivs on very long fili- form petioles; Ifts cuneate-obcordate, spinulose-serruiate; stipules rather foli- aceous, the lower ones linear-lanceolate and setaceously acuminate, the upper- most ovate-lanceolate and shorter: hds loose, 15-25-flw; ex glabrous; the teeth lanceolate-subulate, setaceously acum- inate, thrice the length of the tube and about one-third shorter than the cor; legume 1-seeded. "California. Douglas! Strictly ann: st 8-10' hi: petioles of the middle Ivs 4' long; those of the lowermost and espec- ially the uppermost Ivs much shorter: hds as large as in T. repens: fls p." T & G, Fl NA 1:316 (1838). Variety ZXCONSFZCUTTM Fernald. "Much smaller than type, slender, 2-6' 295 296 hi: Ifts 3-4" long, on petioles %-!%' les robust and has smaller hds and fls long: hds 3" hi; cor shorter than or than the common form. This was com- barely equaling the ex - , Roadside, pared with the description and figure in SBer Cal, Parish No. 2647. Bot Beech, p 330, T 79. T. microdon "Forms of the type approach this in has been reported from Santa Cruz habit, but the cor is conspicuously long- Island and collected on Santa Catalina er than the ex, as Orcutt's No. 1004 from by Mrs. Trask. As represented in the Tia Juana Lower California and Pal- Herbarium of the Academy, this species mer's No. 583 from Wickenberg, Ariz." is variable. The specimen most nearly Fernald, Zoe 4:380 (1894). liKe this is one from near Tennessee TRIFOLIUM INVOLUCRATUM Willd. Cove, Marin Co, Cal, collected by the s - Watson - TRIFOM MACRAE! H. * A. Brandegee, Zoe 1:113 Cat. 1-100 (1898). H & A, bot Misc 3:179 (1833). Bot TRIPOLIUM MINUTIPSiORUM Greene. Beechey 330. "Ann, very slender glabrous, the num Type localities: "Baths of Collina, branches decumbent, a few ' to almost Macrae. Sandy hills, near \alparaiso, a o long . lfts y to % . long> the lowest Mathews (n 174). Valparaiso, Cummg exactly linear, truncate or emarginate, (n 749). the others oblong-linear and abruptly Somewhat villous with appressed or acut ish, all somewhat serrately and very spreading hairs, erect, slender %-l hi: even i y denticulate: peduncles filiform, stipules ovate to lanceolate; lfts obovate muc h longer than the Ivs: hds not much to narrowly oblong obtuse or retuse more than 2 or 3" broad in fl; inv parted serrulate, about %' long: fls dark p 3" into e or 7 oblong entire lobes: ex-teeth long, in dense ovate long-peduncled hds: subulate-lanceolate, herbaceous almost ex very villous; the straight teeth as throughout: corollas moderately inflated long as pet, often tinged with p: pod j n ag e 1-seeded. An ' interesting species, allied to T. Variety ALBOPTJRPURCT7M Greene. truncatum and T. hydrophilum, which Abrams, Fl LA 213. latter it agrees with in having the lfts Much branched, ascending or erect, 1-4 of its earliest Ivs narrower than those dm hi: stipules ovate to lanceolate: lfts of the later ones in which respect these cuneate-oblong obtuse, denticulate above two diffe r from all other West American the middle, 1 5-20 mm long: hds long- Covers. This one is of southern Cali- peduncled, ovate: ex-teeth longer than f0 rnia and Guadalupe Island. Mr. Or- the tube, slender, plumose, equaling the cut ? disti^ibuted it as "T, gracilentum." srn w-tipped p cor LA (Davidson). _ Gree ne, Pittonia 3:215 (1897). S| P a!^p A u r C pu r 4 eu m T & G, K, "^"JSSS*^ Kellogg Cal ac pr 5:54 (1873). TBirOIiIITM MICBODON H. & A. Trifolium multicaule Jones, Torr, cl b Hooker & Arnot, Bot Beech 330 t 79. 9:31 (1882). Type locality: "Valparaiso, Cuming "Involucraria, pygmaeum, parce vil- "n 747)." losulum, e radice exili (annua?) ramos- Resembling T. microcephalum: inv um; stipulis ovato-lanceolatis subfoli- broader, nearly enclosing the hd; its aceis integerrimis 3-5-nervatis cvspidato- lobes about 3-toothed: ex smooth, an- acuminatis; foliolis obovato-cuneatis gled; the teeth rigid, broadly triangular, nunc retusis mucronato-dentatis; pedun- acute, with a narrow scarious serrulate culo folium haud superante; involucro margin. SF; Wash. unifloro (rarius bifloro) fere diphyllo Torrey & Gray, Fl 1:691. calyce cylindraceo dimidio breviore; cor- "Glabrum, inferne decumbens, ram- o lla albopurpurascente elongata. Moist osum, foliis obcordatis acute serratis, bank by Soda Springs, Tuolumne river, stipulis ovatis acuminatis intergerrimis, (California) alt 8,700. A very distinct involucris striatis multifidis ovatis in- little species, only about an tegerrimis, involucris striatis multifidis hi the stem on branches ter- capitulo hemisphaerico parvo breviorri- minated by a ped of 3-9" in bus, laciniis lanceolatis acuminatis 3-4- length- lfts 2 or 3" long: cor %' long, fidis subspinulosis, calycis dentibus bre- twice or thrice the length of the ex (the vissimis trangulari-ovatis acutis ciliato- teeth of which are broadly lanceolate, serrulatis corolla brevionbus. Valpa- spinulose-pointed, and shorter than the raiso Cuming (n 747.) No species of tube), somewhat glandular on the elon- the beautiful tribe of mvolucrated Tn- e- a ted tube, not scarious or inflated folia is more distinct than the present. a f ter fl'ing: legume stipitate, two-seeded: The hds of fls are sm, though much i vs o f inv mostly two-cleft." Gray, Am larger than those of T. microcephalum." ac pr 6-523 (186*5) H & A, Bot Misc 3:180 (1833). TBIPOlilUM OBTUSIPIiOBUM Hooker. Variety PILOSUM Eastwood. Ann; sts stout, erect, flexuose, p, with "Entire plant, especially the young ascending branches; Ivs dull g, soft pub- parts, pilose with soft, w, curly hairs; escent throughout and very clammy, inv woolly both interiorly and exteriorly, acidulous; stipules spreading or reflexed; with teeth of divisions almost equal, en- lfts 2-3 cm long, linear-lanceolate, pec- tirely without the long middle tooth of tinately setulose; hds 2-3 cm broad on the typical form: ex viscid, but free long peds; ex-tube with 10 prominent from pubescence. The surfaces of the and as many lesser nerves; cor w'ish Ivs are sparsely pilose. The plant is with a dark p center. 297 298 linear-lanceolate, villous-pub- Abrams, Fl LA 214. ex-teeth Hall U 92. escent. Tvpe locality: "near Monterey, Cal." "Northern Ar, collected by Lemmon Trifolium roscidum Greene, Fl Fran and by Rusby; also in the SBer mts, So Cal, Parish. Well distinguished from T. longipes to which it has been refer- red, by its stout thick perpendicular rts, 31 (1891). Davidson, PI LA Co 4. TRIFOLIUM FALMERI S. Wats. "A glabrous and diffuse ann, sts as- the pallid lower surface of its Ivs and cending, about a hi or less: stipules different infl: the rts of T. longipes are elongated, narrowly acuminate; lfts ob- slender and creeping; its hd or spike long or narrowly lanceolate, acute or ac- is round-oval, the fls sessile and never utish at each end, serrulate, % to 1' reflexed, and the raehis has bristly long; peduncles axy: hds naked, 10-20 fid; bracts. This is probably the T. longipes fl sessile, at length reflexed; ex 3" long, V ar latifolium of Bot Cal, but has char- deeply cleft into narrow acuminate en- acters not credited to that." Greene tire lobes: pet p'ish, exceeding the ex: pittonia 1:5 (1887). pod 2-seeded. Guadalupe Island; (Mex- Hall, U 9 9 ico) Dr. Palmer." Watson, Am ac pr VarietyATOBUBENS Greene. 11:132 (1876). Greene, Erythea, 4:66 (1896). Brandegee, Zoe 1 113, Cat. "Plant with the slender fusiform tap- San Clemente .Jsjand. rt and clustered decumbent sts of the yfVSfaSS^Sn^fSSi^ tyP 6 ' but lfts smaller and narrower: Mont; Ut; SBer hills (Paris ti flds sm broader than hi; fls sessile, nev- densely w-villous: the keel with Glabrous, very slender, sts usually as- cor ot - a ^3^ r _ D cending or decumbent: stipules ovate to some w or p i n k lanceolate, laciniate; lfts obovate to ob- Ag a SP ecies'T Rusbvi rests there- lanceolate or sometimes linear, usually foreon Us peculiar rt character and obtuse or retuse, %' long or less, serru- jj* e o n f growth The pltnts gfow long, no? SeauV'eTceldinrcx^eel 8 p'or j'Tap^T ^g^TlS^rSt rel lig/t rose?color: ex-teeth rigid subulate ftv^forms^ sSd Ts sofit^yTts St and setosely acuminate, exceeding the Ing from ma tted horizontal rt-stocks; tube, entire: pod 2-seeded. and better specific characters are sel- r & G, Fl 1 (j om found in this and allied genera." ?3?S !SS ESSSSS5 i *5 S" n P i fTF * TRIFOLIUM FRATENSE L Per with rather slender decumbent or Rather stout, erect, per,' 2-3 dm hi, ascending sts, 2 dm long or more: lfts pubescent: lfts oval or obovate, often narrowly oblong acute at both ends, retuse, 2-3 cm long: cor elongated-tu- spmulose denticulate, ending in a stiff Vmiar rn?p r> An nrra*innai p?rar>* spinulose cusp: stipules ovate-acumin- 6 ate, spinulose-serrate: inv deeply cleft or divided, smaller than in T. wormsk- rose-p. from cult. L ^p^Pl 768 (1753) joiaii: cx-teetn narrowly subulate, stiff Type locality: "Europae graminosis." and pungent, about equaling the cor. -- - Gabriel; SBer mts. Abrams, Fl LA 213. Douglas, Hook, Fl Bor Am 1:133 ^IIFOLIUM FROCUMBENS L. Parish, Erythea 3:60. "well establish- ed along the banks of a stream in Pota- x 18 A x- t0 S C ?Toc'u?tiX 'a^c^dSr^'^- ( & loca, ! ty:-;;yery common near tuse or retuse, denticulate, terminal one Sp ^ in f/' ff 1 1 n t S, e 11 vall ^ e , s between Spokane petiolulate; stip ovate-lanceolate acum- and Kettle Falls, Wash, inate. much shorter than the petioles; TRIFOLIUM STENOFHTLLUM Nutt. hds sm, subglobose; cor y; sty 3 or 4 "Ann, branching from base; Ivs ter- times shorter than the 1-seeded leg. nate, smooth and linear, distantly serru- late; stipules subulate, sparingly den- ticulate; peduncles elongated, filiform: Eu. NH to VA. Yellow clover. TRIFOLIUM REPENS Linn. Per. diffuse, creeping, with erect long- hds sm and nearly round, the vexillum, stalked Ivs and hds; lfts obcordate, den- at length, forming a membranous inflat- ticulate; ex-teeth unequal, lanceolate- ed sac of equal breadth throughout, em- subulate, shorter than the tube; cor w pods usually 4-seeded. White clover shamrock. L, Sp PI 767 (1753). Type locality: "Europae pascuis." Abrams, Fl LA 212. Davidson, Brythea 1:59, PI LA Co 4. TRIFOLIUM RUSBYI Greene. "Near T. longipes: sts num, rather 2" wide, stout, decumbent, a hi from a deep, "Hab. bracing the sm wings and sm carina, which is monopetalous, but with one broad claw attached to the vexillum. "With all the aspect of the involu- crate clovers: fls brownish, the keel deeper colored: sta diadelphous: pod stipitate, flat, two-seeded, sds obcordate: stig sm, capitate: about 4-6' hi: Ivs 1 or The island of Santa Catalina somewhat fusiform per rt; sparingly vil- and San Pedro, Upper Cal. Flowering lous-pubescent: lfts obovate to narrowly in February." Nuttall, J Phil ac II, oblong, an ' or less long, obtuse, mu- 1:151 (1848). cronate, serrulate, deep g above, pale Abrams, Fl LA 215. beneath: spike oval or oblong, bracts of Davidson, PI LA Co 4. the raehis not bristly: fl salmon-color, TRIFOLIUM MICROCEPHALUM Purih distinctly pedicelled and In age reflexed: Puget Sound; Cat; Cruz; Guad; Baja; 299 300 SD! SBer; San Clemente Island. Clemente Island; SD mts! Pursh, Fl 2:478 (1814). Greene, Pitt 2:149 (D 1890). Type locality: "on the banks of Lotus niveus Greene, Pitt 2:148 (non Clark's river." Watson). Per, ascending, pubescent; Ivs obo- Hosackia argophylla Gray, Am ac vate, dentate; hds sm, few-fld; fls ses- Mem 5:316 (1854). sile, exceedingly sm, pale p. Symatium argophyllum Greene, Cal ac Coville, CNH 4:83, 274. b 2:147. Abrams, Fl LA 214. Syrmatium niveum Greene, Cal ac b Hall, U 91. 2:148, 394. TRIFOLIUM raiDENTATUM Lindl. LOTUS GLABEB Greene. Abrams, Fl LA 214. Ahram erect or decumbent nearly gla- es setaceously laciniate; Ifts linear or brous; ' lfts mostly 3) obloAg to Hnfa?- lanceolate, sharply serrate, 2-6 cm long; oblong, 6-12 mm long, obtuse or acute- hd 2-3 cm broad; inv laciniate, much umbe g num< sessi ief'fls 6-8 mm long! fo^^ri^n wl!h fl d S a ; rk fl e? ctSS; tipTf Jub'uTaTe^er^t^sSh^y g?s 'fiffi %* n^^e^rS & l af^ it JS&l" '^ tu>be ~ -rly^Ke *yea1 ruptly narrowed to a subulate spinulose- Grppnp Pittnni 9-t4S nsqm bV^hTt^^o^TeaM^^^ Variety MELANANTHUM S. Watson. TTrmapkia e-lnhrn Tnrrov "Arizona; So to middle Cal." SvrmktiSm Sabrum VOS-P! T inr^P* Variety OBTUSIFLORUM S. Watson. 10-591 ass?) vogel, Linnaea SBer hills (Parish 751): SD! to mid- LOTUS GRANDIFLORUS Greene. TBIPOLIUM VABIEGATUM Nutt. de^itTflV^vs indlon* Tnt^r nodes' "T. variegatum (Nutt mss): glabrous, ^rlygl^^orB^r^t^S- *?p m fn ~ b ranch i n e; If** obo- pubescent; Ifts 5-7 on 1^ elongated vate-oblong or somewhat obcor- rac his, obovate to oblanceolate 12-18 date, minutely spinulose-serrate; mm i on , o Pn ti,h- nprt ipnrtor ti upper stipules roundish, lacini- S-Ted sm' brae ted ^ 8 flri fl? 9 an d SBer ^^IS^y^^r'near the mouth of S t ^f 6 j" Bentham ' Llnn the Wahlamet, Nuttall! Biennial: st Hosackia? occult* Cr^no Pal an h 8-12' long: lower Ifts with a lunulate 2 -394 Cruz Greene, Cal ac b spot: hd about %' in diam: cor dull p, T.OTUS HAYDONI GrppnP 7il S A. at the "P-" T & G ' F1 1:317 BaYed on Hosackia H^doni Orcutt (1 le 8 e ) T. pauciflorum Nuttall. *^*!F!?Sft% ^^ TRIFOLIUM WORMSKJOLDIX Lehm. Branches num flexuose, weak and T. involucratum Wild of Bot Cal in prostrate, 3-10 dm long; pubescence Part. spreading and slightly tomentose; Ifts Abrams, Fl LA 213. 5-7, obovate or cuneate-oblong, 4-8 mm Hall, U 92. long; umbels on short peduncles or ses- Per, spreading underground by slen- sile; fls 4-5 mm long; ex ^ as long der rt-stocks: sts decumbent, often 3 somewhat villous; the teeth filiform, dm long or more: herbage flaccid, gla- about equaling the tube. SF; SD! brous: stipules obovate-oblong, obtuse, Greene, Pittonia 2:150 . pectinate-denticulate, 2 cm long or more: Hosackia Heermanni Dur & Hilg, Pac inv 1-2 cm broad, laciniate-aristate: ex- Ry R 5:6 t 4. tube scarious, 10-striate: teeth linear- LOTUS HUMISTRATUS Greene, subulate, much longer than the tube, all Greene, Pittonia 2:139, based on Hos- entire or 1 or more setaceously 2-3- ackia brachycarpa Bentham. parted: standard deeply emarginate, Abrams, i?l LA 217. pale p, other pet darker. Middle and So Cal; So Ariz; CD; Cat LOTUS ARGOFHYLLUS Greene. Hosackia brachycarpa Bentham. PI Abrams, Fl LA 219. Gabriel and SBer Hartw 306. mts, in pine belt. Lotus brachycarpus Watson, Bib Ind, Densely silvery-silky throughout; sts 225 non Hochst. herbaceous, decumbent or ascending, 3-6 LOTUS JUNCEUS Greene. dm long: Ifts 3-7, obovate and rounded, Much resembling Lotus glaber, erect or oblong and acute, 5-12 mm long, um- shrubby: Ifts obovate to oblong, 4-8 mm bels dense, capitate, on short simple long; unbels short-pedunculate to ses- bracted peds; fls 8-10 mm long; ex % sile: fls 6 mm long: ex 4 mm long or as long; the teeth fiiliform, nearly as less: teeth short and blunt, long as tube, silky. Cruz; Cat; San Abrams, Fl LA 219. LA Co? 301 LOTUS LATHYROIDES- Greene. Slender branching and somewhat flex- uose, 2.5-4 dm hi, minutely pubescent; Ifts 5-7 linear-lanceolate, acute at both ends; stipules triangular, 2 mm long, scarious, ovate-acuminate; umbels 1-3- fld, with or without a linear-lanceolate bract; fls 10 mm long; ex-teeth linear, acute; pod as in L. obiongifolius. Abrams Fl LA 216. Greene, Pittonia 2:146. Hosackia lathyroides Dur & Hilg, Pac Ry R 5:6 t 3. T T-Trno-PTivT T TTS Prppnp isrn- Monterey-? Rllevf BrewVr) 1^ 3*3***'** (Davidson). Slender, 3-6 dm hi, much branched and ascending, having the habit of Lo- tus glaber, but silvery canescent, with a close short silky pubescence: Ifts 3, cuneate-oblong to linear, 12-15 mm long: umbels few-fld, sessile or short-pedun- cled: fls 6 mm long: ex % as long, with Bentham Linn Soc Bentham, Lim c Santa 302 fld and 3-foliate-bracted; fls y, 8-10 mm long, 3 mm broad; sds quadrate, sel- dom notched except at hilium, 2 mm broad, strongly mottled with bk. Abrams, Fl LA 218. Gabriel mts. Hosackia nudiflora Nuttall. Hosackia strigosa Gray, partim, non Nuttall. LOTUS OBLONGIFOLIUS Greene. Erect, slender, 3-4 dm hi, somewhat appressed-pubescent; Ifts 7-11, narrow- ly oblong or oblanceolate, 2.5-3 cm long, acute; stipules sm, acute; ped exceeding tne lvs 5-7-fld; bract subsessile, 1-3- foliate; fls 15 mm long; ex-teeth subu- late ' nearlv equaling the tube; cor y, r brownish ^ Pd slen- Tl A 216 pmnnia 2 : i4fi a -f v %n virinibus Mont^r localltv - in vicinibus Monter- ohlnne-ifolia. Rpntham Pi Bentham, PI se-pubescent, nearly & i abrous> not at all succulent; l f ts 6-10, linear-oblong, mostly acutish; fft of standard cordate; pod 2.5 cm long, compressed, constricted between the T A 917 Soc tr 17:367 . Hosackia micrantha Nutt in T & G Avi-mAtlnm mipranthiim OVPPTIP Pal ac b Tl47 Hosackia parviflora Bentham, Bot Reg Hosackia microphylla Nuttall in T ft ,. *. W e-ro r. LOTUS NEVADENSIS Greene. Hall U 90. Greene, Pittonia 2:149 (1890). Hosackia decumbens (?) nevadensis Watson, Bot Gal 1:138 (1876). Abrams, Fl LA 219. SBer and San Antonio mts. Branches mostly prostrate, wiry at base and more or less woody, 3-6 dm long; sparingly villous or somewhat to- mentose; Ifts 3-5, cuneate-obovate, ac- ute, 6-10 mm long; umbel many-fld, short-peduncled; bract 1 -foliate; ex-tube 2 mm long; teeth slender, % as long; pod strongly arcuate. Donner Lake to SD Co, plentiful in open pine woods (Greene). Type locality: "in the Sierra Nevada from the Yosemite to Sierra Co," Gal. K ^ y , r ?i atlum nevadensis Greene, Cal ac LOTUS NUDIFLOBUS Greene. Strigose-pubescent, decumbent or as- cending; exceeding the Ivs, usually 2- F, . Cruz; Rosa; Baja . Hosackia StrigOSa Nuttall. LOTUS WBANWELIANUS F & M. decumbent or as- eending, 1-^dm ^.^g^-y-J cunneate-obovate to oblong, 6-12 mm i on g; ex-teeth Broadly subulate, equal- ing the tube; cor 6 mm long, y; stand- a rd broadly ovate, erect; pod pubescent, straight, 14-20 mm long, 5-7-seeded Cruz- Baja (Br) Fisch & Mey Ind Sem Hort Petrop 16 (1835) Davidson, PI LA Co 4. Greene Pittonia 2*138 Hosackia subpinna'ta T & G, Fl 1:226 ( no t Lotus subpinnatus Lag ) HOSACKIA DENTICULATA Drew "An, l%-2% hi, stout, erect, sparsely branched, pale g throughout; Ifts obo- vate about 6" long, nearly all denticu- late; the almost filiform lobes of the ex longer than the tube; cor pale y to nearly w, standard purplish; pods as i on g as the Ifts, nearly glabrous, 3-seed- e d. Along Mad river, near Jarnigan's, Jl 10. This plant has hitherto been in- eluded in H. subpinnata, Torr and Gr, but is certainly a distinct species." Drew, Torr cl b 16:151. Humboldt Co. 303 304 LUPINUS BREVICAULIS S. Watson. not jointed, 2-bracted at the very base Ann, hirsute; stems very short (1-2' shorter than the Ivs- sep 4 mostly hi); Ifts 5-7, (usually 7), obovate, nar- herbaceous, 3" long: pet 7-9, oblong, 2-3 rowed at base, very obtuse or retuse; times longer than ex: sta 10-15- cap peduncles about equaling the Ivs; ra- shorter than ex. Fresno Co, Gal; Ut; cemes usually very short and few-fld; fls Ar. sm, deep bl; ex often bracteolate, upper Engelmann, Am ac pr 7:400. lip very short, truncate, obsoletely toothed, membranous, lower lip entire "Lv^btP tp it ^ or obscurely toothed; keel slightly ex- of a thlok fS2hS' rt ^ e c . r wn ceeding the wings; pods 2-3-sIeded; sd whJrl of hrSSS^MiiK S aP t 6S Wlt * a about 1" in diam. Near L. pusillus; m fddlV fl w nr nKvSh 8 ^ I Olnt j 16 ^ the 6 ' . nr n distinguished especially by the charac- wash' ci? pl fif k ' Sf.SH?' ters of the ex: in the valleys and lower Ervthea 1-rT RP Ar- TT ~"i Howe11 ' canyons of Western Nev to the East ^^SJg WI a** ' ' ' M ntl Humboldt mts, (more frequent than the -JJSJSSWwJJ last), (pusillus) and on the islands of ERIOPHYLLUM CONFERT1FBORUM Salt Lake; 5-8,000 altitude; My-Jl; also Sts suffrutescent, 4-6 dm hi, usually collected by Dr. Anderson (84) near branched from the woody base, with a Carson City. (222). A form of this clos e dense, at length decid tomentum; was collected with some of the pedun- fl'ing branches Ify; Ivs 1-4 cm long cles much elongated and bearing above ternately or pinnately 3-7-parted into the leaves loose racemes of reduced narrowly linear divisions; hds many in florets, apparently perfect in all their compact terminal clusters, 34 parts but usually sterile, (223).'' Ser- inv obovoid-oblong, its bracts 1 ' B 8 P ovate ' ra y s 4 ' 5 ' 3 - 4 mm long; paleae Davidson, Erythea 6:72. Bear. as^he"^ ^^ ab Ut half aS 1OnS Ar^ h N V e e v. ( r74): D ^^ ^ luDIBEBTIA PACHYSTACHYA Par- I.UPINTJS BTJRKEI S. Watson. ish. "Resembling L. rivularis, but distin- "A. incana pachystachya Gray, Syn .guished. by broader stipules, lower Ivs F1 2> 1, 461. One or 2 ft. high woody at long-petioled, raceme usually short and , dense with pedicels mostly but 1-2" b ase only; leaves ovate or ovoid, 1-2 long, bracts villous and subpersistent, inches long 1 , or the smaller obovate; in- i'^1Ss. of .^^S7^^2Sel^ "Z s cence t a de t nse , ter inal s ^ ike v, of On the east side of the Sierra; near Car- approximate verticils, often with sh) at about 7 000 ft alt Flg S^>'mts (I. J. Gray, 17 Jl 1890). in Ag." Parish, Erythea 6:91. Lower Lupinus polyphyllus Watson, bot California (Orcutt). King Exp 55 not Lindl. See Ramona pachystachya. Genus CERCIS Linnaeus. LTC OPUS SINUATUS Ell. Judas tree: shrub: fls r-p, in umbel- S ee Lycopus Americanus Muhl. like fascicles, appearing from winter -M-^x-rptTA A ;. TT , T - r . Ta T . buds in advance of the simple Ivs: stip- MENTHA VIRIDIS Linn. ules caducous: ex in anthesis broader See Mentha spicata L. than long, with 5 broad obtuse teeth: PEUCEDANUM EURTFTERA A. Gray. cor obscurely papilionaceous; banner See Euryptera lucida Nutt. smaller than wings and enclosed by ATJDTRKRTTA VA^FYT "PnrtAr them in the bud; keel-pet larger than ge Ramona Vasevi the wing-pet and not united: sta 10; AUDIBERTIA PALMERI A Crav distinct, declined, the fil clavate-dilated SanlMee-o Co (Palmer) Cruz gki'a towards the base: pod oblong, very flat, ' t R HU S OMATMA Ait. o straignt. Torrev Variety TRII.OBATA A. Gray. . a spreading ' broad nods about ^' long and 8" branched woody caudex, very leafy pub- ' " ' long as the petiole: racemes very short, Genus L.EWISIA Pnrsn. the pe duncle equalling the Ivs; bracts Sep 6 or 8, distinct, marcescent-per- short: ex-lips nearly equal; the upper sistent. Pet 8-16. Sta num: cap cir- deeply bifid, the lower shortly and cumscissile at base, then bursting irreg. equally toothed: pet bl, equal, 3-4" long; Cotyledons accumbent. standard orbicular." Brew & Watson, LEWISIA BRACHTCALTX En*lm. bot Cal 1:122. Lvs spatulate or nearly linear: scapes Gray, Am ac pr 7:334 (1868). 305 306 Type locality: "Prostrate, trailing Davidson, Erythea (5:72, Bear. on the ground, or on rocks on the Yose- Parsons, w fls Cal 87. mite trail, alt, 6000, Prof. Brewer." Lupinus menziesii Agardh, Syn 2. Davidson, Erythea 6:72, Bear. Lupinus menziessi aurea Kellogg, Cal LUPINUS CHAMIS9ONIS Esh. ac pr 2:192 f, a form with light sul- Shrubby, 4-8 dm hi, forming rather P hu dense tufts, leafy throughout; Ifts usu- LUPINUS DOUGLASII Agrardh. ally 9, cuneate-obovate, obtuse and mu- Slightly woody at base: pubescence cronulate or acute, 1-3 cm long, very short, tomentose or silky, appressed: silky on both sides: racemes rather Ifts 7-9, oblanceolate or sometimes cun- dense, mostly on short ped; fls sub- eate-oblong, 1-1%' long, pubescent on verticillate, 10-12 mm long; upper ex- both sides: racemes often long-pedun- lip cleft, lower entire; pet bl or laven- cled; bracts linear-setaceous, exceeding der: standard with permanent y spot: ex: fls scattered or sub verticillate, bl or keel naked. Cuyamaca! Ore; Rosa; Cat. p: ex with long setaceous bractlets, up- Eschscholtz, ac Petrop mem 10:288. per lip nearly 2-parted: keel ciliate: Greene, Pittonia 1:87, Mig. Cruz, as ovules 8-9; pod? SF; LA; Baja (Or 72?). a "shrub of good size." LTTPI1TUS E MITTENS Greene Abrams, Fl LA 209 "Common on "Shrubby, 3-6 hi with ascending the sand-dunes along the seashore. Fig st outish and very Ify branches endinf nearly year round. in a rat her short and short-peduncled Aar KONCHFOUUS S.Watson. raceme: growing branches and both "Scarcely woody at base: sts less Ify faces of ne i vs 5 SO mewhat silvery- can- and petioles more elongated: keel pub- & -\> or mO re- fls srarrelv whorlprl in th Low, 10-15 cm hi spreading, densely ^cemeTcx SJbl^SfSqiS^ttS Sppe? villous or hirsute: Ifts 5-8, oblanceolate, ver v broad scarce! v notrhprt th*> in 10-20 mm long, obtuse; petioles slender, narrow entire cor about %' Ion* 2-4 times longer: racemes short, dense, I me W ' shorter than thP nth subsessile; bracts linear-setaceous per- chanSIne from whitish to t2w sistent; upper ex-lip 2-parted, lower naked ^>od IV 'lone villm,^ deeply trifld pet 8 mm long violet *? t d in ^^y, & Se. standard shoter with ay spot in the Inez mts SBa Co c j Q w Dunn center, keel scarcely falcate naked, June( ^ Like ^ albifSns in hab?t slightly exceeding the wings, pod 4- and pubescence, but very distinct in Lvvanre CONFERTTTS Keiiogg. BSSSfmll (i fl 8 S 93) and fr -"- Greene ' per mts (Parish 429); Yosemite val- ^^ ^1S^ Greene. Erect or ascending, 1 hi or more; pub- "Stoutish and suberect, or more slen- escence silky-villous, appressed or der and decumbent, 2-3 hi, sparsely spreading: Ifts 5-8, cuneate-oblong to silky-pubescent: stipules long, linear- narrowly oblanceolate, %-!%' long, setaceous, persistent: Ifts 7-9, linear- acute: raceme usually dense, rather long lanceolate, very acute, 1-1%' long, peduncled- bracts persistent setaceous, equalling the petiole: raceme subsessile, about equalling the ex: fls verticillate, , OT . less whorled, but rather dense: nearly sessile, bl or rose-color: upper n 6-i long, rich violet, the banner and ex-lip 2-cleft: standard naked, rather w mgs equalling, the latter entirely en- narrow; the keel ciliate: pod %' long, folding the less elongated naked keel. 2-4-seeded; sds nearly round, w. The best type of the species is of the Kellogg Cal ac pr 2:192, f 59. authors own collecting on Mare Island Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:120. i, Sola > no . Co, Cal), 1874; next to that, Curran, Cal ac b 1:134. ^- 85 ? o f the state survey. These are TTTfT-wrr rvFTGrvrrTc! \o-oWUi our ver y handsomest perennial lupines; XiiJFIlVUS CYTISUIDES Agaran. T alhiraiilis with tttt shortly peduncled; pedicels slen- natus, but otherwise more nearly al- der - cx appressed-silky short- the up- lied to the L. leucophyllus group." S. per lip rather broad, shortly toothed or Watson, Am ac pr 1I:1S6 (1876). nearly entire: standard rounded, naked; Abrams, Fl LA 209. Gabriel; SBer keel ciliate or naked: ovules 5. Ar. and Cuyamaca mts LUPINUS SPARSIFLORUS Benth. Parish .Erythea 3:60, Bear. Slender, sparingly branched, 3-6 dm LUPINUS HIRSUTISSIMUS Benth. hi , yillous with spreading hairs: Ifts 5-9, Rather stout, 2-3 dm hi, very hispid linear, obtuse at apex, 1-2.5 cm long; with viscid stinging hairs: Ifts 5-7, petioles 2-4 times longer; upper ex-lip broadly cuneate-obovate, retuse, obtuse, 2-parted; pet violet, 10 mm long; stand- or rarely acute, mucronulate, 1.5-3 cm ar( j shorter; keel ciliate on the claws long; petioles twice as long; racemes and on the lower % of blade; pod 1-2.5 loose; upper ex-lip deeply cleft; pet red- cm long . Near SD (Or 75); SBer (Par- dish-p, nearly equal, 12 mm long; keel ish 946); Sacramento, ciliate on the claw only; pod hirsute, Davidson, Erythea 6:71, LA Co. 2.5 cm long. Cruz; Sacramento; Baja! Abrams Fl LA 207 Bentham, Hort Tr n s 1:409. 1UPINUS STIVER! Kellogg. Brandegee, Zoe 1:113. Cat. Diffusely branched, about 1 hi, fine- Davidson, Erythea 6:71. LA Co. i y and rather sparingly pubescent; Ifts Abrams, Fl LA 207. 5.7, broadly cuneate-obovate, %-!%' LUPINUS LATIFOLIUS Agardh. long, obtuse or acntish, mucronulate, Rather stout, erect, branching, 6-12 scarcely more glabrous above, nearly dm hi, minutely appressed-pubescent; equalling the petioles: racemes 2 or 3' st not striate, shining, leafy: basal Ivs long, 5-10 fld, rather long-peduncled; long-stalked; stipules linear-lanceolate; bracts short; pedicels 1 or 2" long: up- Ifts 5-7, broadly oblanceolate, 2.5-6 cm per ex-lip 2- parted with broad acute long; racemes slender-peduncled, loose; lobes: pet 6 or 7" long; the y standard verticils often distinct; pedicels slender; shorter than the rose-colored wings: ex-teeth elongated, the upper slightly pod 1' long, nearly glabrous. Nevada notched at the narrow apex; pet bl, Co; Mariposa Co. 12-14 mm long; keel ciliate below the Kellogg, Cal ac pr 2:192 f 58. middle. Parish, Erythea 3:60. SBer mts, Cal, Abrams, Fl LA 208. Monica mts 5000 alt. (Hasse). Parson, W Fls Cal 166. L. rivalaris latifoiius S. Watson. Curran, Cal ac b 1:135. Folsom, on LUPINUS MICRANTHUS Dougl. the rocky cliffs of the American river. Rather slender and weak, branched LUPINUS TRUNCATUS Nutt. from the base, 12-20 cm hi, pilose-pub- Com rather stout, sparingly branch- escent, not at all succulent; Ifts 5-7, ed, 3-6 dm hi, finely and sparsely pub- narrowly linear to linear-spatulate, 1-3 escent, becoming, nearly glabrous; cm long; petioles twice as long, ra- Ifts 5-7, linear-cuneiform, apex truncate, cemes pedunculate; verticils 3-5, often entire or 3-toothed, 2-4 cm long, scarce- indistinct; pedicels 3 mm long or in fr ly equaling the petiole; upper ex-lip 2- 6 mm long; upper ex-lip 2-cleft, the cleft; pet deep p, 8-10 mm long; stand- lobes divergent, lower longer entire; ard shorter; keel 2-3 mm long. Cruz; pet 4 mm long, bl except the w and dot- SF; Baja! ted middle of the erect mucronulate Nuttall, in H. & A. Bot Beech, 336. standard; keel woolly-ciliate above the Brandegee, Zoe 1:113, Cat. middle; pods 5-seeded. Puget Sound to Davidson, Erythea 6:71, LA Co. Mexico; Rosa; Quintin (Palmer). Abrams, Fl LA 207. Abrams, Fl LA 208. LUPINUS UMBELLATUS Greene. Lupinus umbellatus Greene, Cal ac b "Ann, slender and much branched, 1 2:145, 394, Cruz. or more hi, canescent with a soft, Til- Variety MICROPHYLLUS S. Watson Ious pubescence: If is 7-11, only a %' "(L. microphyllus, Nutt, MS.) A low- long: ped slender: pedicels elongated, er and more hirsute form, with Ifts but bearing the few sm fls in an umbellate 3-6" long. SD." S. Watson, Am ac pr cluster: ex-lips narrow, the upper deep- 8:535 (1873). ly cleft: cor 2-3" long, light bl: pods LUPINUS PROPINQUUS Greene. 5-7-seeded. Cruz (1886). Near L. mi* "Shrubby, much branched and bushy, cranthus, but distinguished therefrom 309 by its dense w pubescence, sm, crowded Ifts and almost umbellate inn." Greene, Cal ac b 2:145 (1886). Genus PSORALEA Linnaeus. Punctate with dotj and heavy-scented per herbs or rarely shrubby: stipules free from the petiole: Ivs pinnately 3- foliate or rarely palmately 3-5-foliate: ex-lobes nearly equai, upper often con- nate: keel united wiui the wings, broad and obtuse above: sta diadelphous or monadelphous: anth all alike: pod ovate, indehiscent, 1-seeded. PSORALEA CALJFORNICA S. WaUon. Leaflets 5-7: silky-gray. Watson, Am ac pr 12:251 (1877). Type locality: "at McGinnis' ranch, near head ot Salinas river, 25 miles from San Luis Obispo, Cal." Mts Baja (Or 1082). Coville, CNH 4:84. Near Kernville. Abrams, Fl LA 221. SBer mts. PSORALEA MACROSTACHYA D. C. Often 6 ft. high: peduncles exceeding the leaves: leaflets 3, rhombic-ovate to narrowly ovate: stems erect. DC, Prodr 2:220. Lindley, bot reg t 1769. T & G, Fl 1:689. Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:140. Abrams, Fl LA 220. Throughout Cal; Baja! Psoralea strobilina var T & G, Fl 1:689. PSORALEA ORBICULARIS Lindl. Peduncles 1-2 ft. long: leaflets 3, orbic- ular. FSOBALEA PHYSODES Douglas. Slender, erect, 3-6 dm hi, nearly gla- brous: stipules linear-lanceolate: Ifts ovate, acute, 2-3 cm long: peds about equaling Ivs: racemes short, dense: bracts sm: ex with sessile glands and somewhat villous with black hairs, be- teeth short, nearly equal: cor 1 cm long, twice as long as ex, orchroleucous, often coming enlarged and inflated in fr: with a deep p-tinge: sta monadelphous: Torrey & Gray, Fl 1:304. Abrams, Fl LA 220. Hooker, Fl 1:136. Brewer & Watson, bot Cal. 1:140. Genus AMORPHA Linnaeus. Glandular-punctate and heavy-scent- ed shrubs with unequally pinnate Ivs, caducous stipules, and sm p fls in ter- minal spikes: ex obconic-campanulate, 5-toothed, persistent: standard erect, concave, unguiculate; wings and keel 0; sta monadelphous at base: pod short, exceeding the ex, sessile, indehiscent, 1-2-seeded. AMORPHA CALIFORNICA Nutt. 1-3 m hi, puberuient, the nascent parts villous-pubescent; Ifts 11-15, ellip- tic-oblong, obtuse, 2 cm long; spikes slender, 5-15 cm long: ex-teeth acute, broadly triangular. Abrams, Fl LA 221. Hall, U 88. Parsons, W Fls Cal 320. Holzinger, Erythea 1:131-2. Greene, Erythea 1:132-3. A. hispidula Greene Fl F 214 (1891). 310 Genus MELILOTUS Tournefort. MELILOTUS ALBA Lam. An: glabrous, erect, 6-20 dm hi, branching: Ifts truncate: racemes many, elongated: fls w, the standard exceed- ing the other pet. Eu. Sweet clover. Davidson, Erythea 1:58. LA Co. Parsons, W Fls Cal 165. Abrams, Fl _LA_ 211. MET.ILOTTJS INDICA All. An: glabrous, erect, 3-20 dm hi, branching: Ifts mostly cuneate-oblong, obtuse, denticulate, 2.5 cm long or less: racemes many, bearing sm, nearly ses- sile, y fls. Eu. All, Fl Ped 1:308 (1785). Type locality: Indian. Davidson, Erythea 1:58, LA Co. Parish, Zoe 1:125. Abrams, Fl LA 211. Common. Parsons, W Fls Cal 165. Melilotus parviflora, Less, of Bot Cal. Trifolium Melilotus indica L, Sp PI 2:765 (1753). MELILOTUS PARVIFLORA Desf. See Melilotus indica All. Genus MED 1C AGO Linnaeus. An or per herbs with pinnately 3-fol- iate Ivs and 2-3 or many fls in axy pe- duncles: stipules adnate, often laciniate: pet free from the diadelphous sta, decid: pod 1-several seeded, coiled into a spiral. MEDICAGO AFICUT.ATA Willd. Sts branched from base, spreading, 3-6 dm long: Ifts deltoid, 10-12 mm long, denticulate except near the base: pod 3-5 mm broad, unarmed, strongly reticu- lated, the reticulations extending to the edge and appearing as a row of tuber- cles on either side of the margin. Eu. Abrams, Fl LA 210. LA; Pasadena. MEDICAGO DENTTCULATA Willd. Slender, much branched, decumbent, glabrous an; Ifts obovate to obcordate, toothed above: fls sm, y, 2-3 or rarely more on axy peduncles: pods coiled, margins armed with hooked prickles. Burr-clover. Eu. Davidson, Erythea 1:58, LA Co. Abrams, Fl LA 210. Everywhere common. MEDICAGO LUPULJNA Unn. More or less pilose-pubescent: sta procumbent or ascending, 2-4 dm long: Ifts broadly obovate, denticulate above: fls in short spikes on slender peduncles, y, scarcely 2 mm long: legume 1-seeded, smooth, reniform, the acuminate tip coiled. Eu. Abrams, Fl LA 211. Lytle creek. MEDICAGO OBBICTJI.ABIS All. Much branched and spreading: Ivs obcordate, denticulate above: stipules laciniate: peduncles 1-2-fld: pods un- armed, veiny, about 1 cm broad. Eu. Abrams, Fl LA 211. Santa Ana (Helen D. Geis). MEDICAGO SATIVA Linn. Sts erect from a deep per tap-rt, glabrous, o-lO dm hi: Ifts cuneate-ob- long to oblanceolate, toothed above: fls many in a short raceme, violet: pod spirally coiled, unarmed. An occasional escape. L, Sp PI 2:778 (1753). 311 bracts lanceolate, acuminate, pubescent, nearly equalling the villous ex: ex-teeth very villous, broad at base, acuminate, as long as the turbinate tube; pet dark p, 3" long." S. Watson, Am ac pr 22:470. Near Quintin! Sierra Madre (Seemann). DALEA SPINOSA A. Gray. "A shrub, much branched and very spinose, 4-15 hi; hoary with a minute appressed pubescence: Ivs scattered, cuneate-oblong or nearly linear, obtuse, nearly sessile, 4-8" long: ex % as long, marked by a row of conspicuous glands, the broadly ovate obtusish teeth much shorter than the tube: ovules 6: pod twice longer than ex, 1-seeded." Brew- er & Watson, bot Cal 1:143. Gray, PI Thurber 315. Torrey, Pac Ry R 7:9 t 3. Arizona; CD; Calamujuet, Baja (Br). Asagraea spinosa Baillon, Adansonia 9:232. ASTRAGALUS ANTISELLI Gray. Sts slender, erect, 3-5 dm hi, ciner- eous-pubescent, Ifts 21-29, linear-oblong, crowded, 4-8 mm long, glabrous above, pubescent beneath, raceme loosely few fld: fls sm, g'ish-w; ex-teeth half the length of the campanulate tube; pod thin, linear-oblong, compressed, gla- brous, 1-celled, 15 mm long, 4 mm wide, tapering to a strip of about y 2 its length. Abrams, Fl LA 223. On grassy hill- sides in our interior valleys. Ap. ASTRAGALUS LEUCOPSIS T. & G. Rattle-weed. Sts erect, 3-5 dm hi, Hooker, Fl 1:151. Variety FBEMONTII Watson. "More hoary-pubescent, with looser- Astragalus diaphanus Douglas, in fld spikes, usually on a longer peduncle: st flexuous." Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:147. SBer deserts (Parish 1278). "The ordinary form well developed." Variety FLORIBUNDUS Gray. Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:147. ASTRAGALUS BRAUNTONII Parish. Sts lignescent at base, 1-1.5 m long, erect or reclining; herbage canescent throughout with a short soft pubes- cence; Ifts 15-20 pairs, oblong, 2-5 cm long; fls and fr reflexed in compact many-fld spikes: ex-teeth slender, equal- ing tube: cor light p: pod sessile coriac- eous, oblong, 1 cm long, 2-celled by the nearly complete infolding of the dorsal suture to near the apex; sds 2-3. Abrams, Fl LA 223. Monica mts (Hasse, Braunton). ASTRAGALUS LENTIGINOSUS Doug. "A span to 1 or so hi, the tufted sts soon diffusely spreading, from slightly to hoary-pubescent: Ifts 11-19, from obovate or obcordate to oblong, *4-%' long: peduncle short: fls and fr mostly crowded in the oblong spike or raceme: cor either w or p, nearly %' long: pod turgid-ovate and pointed, more or less incurved, usually puberulent, occasion- ally purplish-mottled, seldom 1' and sometimes only %' long. Wash; SBer mts (Parish 1496). Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:147. Astragalus ineptus A. Gray, Am ac pr 312 Type locality: European. Davidson, Erythea 1:58, LA Co. Parsons, W Fls Cal 332 t. Abrams, Fl LA 210. San Miguel Island. Alfalfa. Cult. CD! DALEA ARBORESCENS Torrey. " 'A sm tree,' much branched, some- what spinose, the younger branches, Ivs and ex densely hoary tomentose: Ifts 1-3 pairs, obovate, approximate, 2 or 3" long: fls in short nearly sessile rather close spikes, p, 4 or 5" long: ex large, but shorter than the cor, the broader oblong or narrowly lanceolate teeth nearly equalling the tube." Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:142. San Fernando mts (Fremont). Gray, PI Thurber 316. DALEA CALIFORNICA B. Watson. Shrubby, canescent with a fine ap- pressed pubescence, sparingly glandu- lar; the glands upon the peduncles sometimes prominent and prickle-like: , the ovate acute teeth shorter than the tube." Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:142. Watson, Am ac pr 11:132. Parish, Zoe 5:113, CD, not Cajon Pass. C D, near Banning (Parry). DALEA EMORYI A. Gray. "Shrubby, much branched, 2-5 hi, hoary tomentose throughout with a very fine pubescence: Ifts 1-3 pairs, narrowly oblong to obovate, 2-4" long, the terminal 1ft much longer: spikes very short, pe- dunculate: fls 2 or 3" long, p: ex-teeth as long as the tube, a little shorter than the cor: ova pubescent." Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:142. CJD; Baja; Arizona. DALEA PARRYI Torr. & Gray. "Herbaceous, very slender, puberu- lent or glabrate: Ifts 6-10 pairs, obovate to oblong, 1-2" long, obtuse: fls 4" long, bright p, in loose elongated long-pedunc- led spikes: ex not % the length of cor, canescent with short silky hairs; its teeth broadly ovate, acute, about equal- ling the tube: pod smooth." Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:142. Ft. Mojave (Cooper); CD; Arizona; So Baja, DALEA SCHOTTII Torr. "Shrubby, slender, nearly glabrous, somewhat spinose, the branches nearly glandless: Ivs scattered, narrowly lin- ear,, 1' long: fls few, on short slender pedicels in an open raceme, sometimes solitary, p 4" long: ex % as long, ob- scurely glandular; the teeth very short, acutish: ova pubescent, 2-ovuled: pod 4" long, with a single large sd." Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:143. Torrey, bot Mex B 53. C D; Cajcm de Santa Maria, Baja (Br). DALEA SEEMANNI S. Watson. "Near D. Greggii, shrubby, erect, dif- fusely much branched, the glandular- dotted branchlets finely tomentose: Ifts 2-4 pairs, canescent with a very short subsilky pubescence, on a rhachis 1-6" long, cuneate-oblong, obtuse, distinctly shortly pedunculate, dense, %-2' long- glandular beneath. 1-2%" long: racemes 313 314 tomentulose-canescent; Ifts 10-15 pairs, Greene, Fl Fran 3 (1891). oval or oblong, obtuse, 1 cm % long or Type locality: "Calaveras Co," Cal. more; spike-like racemes, 3-6 cm long Coville, CNH 4:88. Tehachapi valley or sometimes more; fls 12 mm long; ex- (No. 1120). tube campanulate, teeth subulate, more VICIA EXIGUA Nutt. than half as long as the tube; pod thin, California Vetch: very slender, 1-2 bladdery, oval, unequally sided, 2-3 cm hi; Ifts 4-12, oblong to narrowly linear, long, tapering to a stipe 12 mm long or acute or obtusish; ped filiform, shorter less. than the Ivs, lMs-2' long, 1 or 2-fld; fls Abrams, Fl LA 223. 2 or 3" long, w or p'ish; pods glabrous, ASTRAGALUS PARISHII A. Gray. 4 or 5 -seeded. Nascent parts sparsely pubescent, be- Variety HASSEI Jepson. coming glabrous or nearly so; sts some- Jepson, Fl Midd Cal 296, based on what fistulose, much branched from the Vicia Hassei S. Wats, base and decumbent; Ivs about 1 dm Abrams, Fl LA 225. long, bearing about 32 Ifts 10-25 mm Nuttall in T & G Fl 1:272. long; racemes 2-4 cm long; fls g'ish-w, Cruz; San Miguel Island (Greene); 1 cm long; pods sessile, 2-3 cm long, Cat (Gambel); San Clemente Island. nearly as thick. SD! Baja! LA (Bolander). Abfams, Fl LA 223. Chatsworth Park. VICIA LINEARI3 Greene. Hall, U 89. Davidson, PI LA Co 5. ASTRAGALUS PTCNOSTACHYS Gray. Is Vicia Americana linearis. Stout, erect, 6 dm hi, more or less vil- VICIA SATIVA L. lous-hoary; Ifts about 21, oblong, 12 Stoutish, erect or nearly so, 6-9 dm mm long; fls y'ish, in dense cylindric hi, somewhat pubescent; Ifts 8-12, obo- short-peduncled spikes; pods crowded, vate-oblong, truncate or retuse, mucron- retrorsely imbricated, ovate, acute, lat- ate; fls 1 or 2, subsessile, 15 mm long, erally flattened, thin-coriaceous, gla- r-p. Eu. Rarely seen as an escape, brous, coarsely reticulate, 1-celled. Abrams, Fl LA 225. Abrams, Fl LA 223. Davidson, PI LA Co 5; Erythea 1:59, VICIA AMERICANA Muhl. wl a m Nearly tfalmms; ^^^"f^^ ^^ 55!??. Seating Ivs, etc, sharply C 4-8ided or ^winged at the ^n- pubescent, becoming glabrous; lfts'4-12| gles; Ifts mostly broadly oblong, often narrowly linear, acute, 3-7" long; tip- widest above the middle, usually obtuse, ul( ; s sm, subulate-lanceolate or linear, mucronulate, less than 1' long; ped n ?t w a $ al \ sagittate, entire: ped short shorter than the Ivs, 4-8 fld; fls at first (2 ' 6 lon .T), bearing 1 or rarely 2 sm w purplish, changing to bluish, 9" long or purplish fls: ex nearly glabrous, the ex-tube 2" long, the lower teeth longer teeth rather short-acuminate: pods^gla;- (1" long), the upper approximate, curved. Cruz; Rosaa. Abrams, Fl LA 224. Notes only the 2 varieties as occurring in LA Co. and NM - s - Watson, Am ac pr 25:129. Davidson, PI LA Co 5. Genus PROSOPIS Linnaena. Variety MNEABIS 3 S. Watson. 3 ? rees or sh r ubs often armed with axy Lfts" narrowly linear, acute, strongly n?nna/te ^ith^^oi^^oarr^of Pinnae and veined beneath 12-25 cm long. usually num sm entire Ifts: fls g'ish, ^AJ25 reg in cylindric or globose axy pedun- e > f. culate spikes: ex campanulate, teeth very short and valvate: pet 5, valvate, onger J nort-acummate: pods gia- , in- brous, sessile, oblong, obliquely acute at eacn end > about 9" long by 2*4-3 broad, 5 ' 7 vuled. From So Ut and Colo to Ar a rpwpr re\ver. united below the middle or at length LftS Oblong-elliptic Or the lower f ree W0 ollv on thp innpr <*idp- tstn 1ft broadly linear. 15-20 cm long, truncate S2? a^id exserted a.nth tinned or broadly retuse at summit, otherwise hu slopes in the chaparral belt. straight, falcate or twisted, coriaceous Brewer hot Cal 1-158 a ? d ind ehiscent, usually pulpy within: Sbrams, F^ LA^S 108 ' PBOSOpis^IP^iTnC SBer Co (Parish): LA (Davidson); ^fSSS ^^S" Ashrub or sm Vicia truncata Nuttall i tree> much branch ed, the branches wide- ly spreading; spines axillary; petioles VICIA CAIilFORNICA Greene. glabrous or sparsely puberulent- Ifts Erect or decumbent, rather strict and 8-12 pairs, the pairs about 1 cm distant, seldom climbing, 1.5-4 dm hi, villous- linear, 12-15 mm long, 2.5-4 5 mm wide pubescent; tendrils short, stiffish, sel- sparsely puberulent at least on the dom branched; Ifts 8-12, subcoriaceous, margins: spikes nearly sessile, 5-8 cm delicately feather- veined, cuneate-obo- long, usually dense; fls very short-pe- vate, truncate or retuse, 10-15 mm long, dicelled, 2 mm long: pods straight or more or less dentate toward the mu- slightly falcate, only 1-3 developing, cronulate apex; racemes exceeding the 10-15 cm long, 10-12 mm wide, longitud- Ivs, 3-5-fld; ex-teeth all broad and short; inally veiny, on stipes about 5 mm long, cor 12-18 mm long, deep p. straw-colored and sweetish when ma- Abrams, Fl LA 225. Summit of Mt ture. belt of the Cuyamaca mts. Abrams, Fl LA 205. SBer; CD. 315 DC, Prodr 2:447 (1825). Type locality: "in siccissimis campis Jamaicae." Mimosa piliflora Swartz, Fl Ind Occ 2:986 (1800). Typographical error for juliflora fide Bentham.) Genus HORKELIA Cham. & Sch. Per herbs with a thick woody caudex nr rt racemose or panicled, w or p, most l y f%* md Ap, and ripening its fr in Je." Djug.'as. Hort Soc tr 7:512 (1830). "This cpecies. or probably a. eg rotate of pevera 1 species, is wicle'v rfiffuserl. -re- curring throughout the entire Tlo<- cy mountain system, and through 'ho ifl-er- Tn.- '-'f California. rr.-?in2r from ibf-no* 1 by v.-ay of the Tehachapi int.* the hi mts 322 of Ventura Co in ths southern Coast Range." Heller, Muhlenbertfia i:71-2. Parry, PI Wyo 5. H-!l, U 84. RIBES DIVARICATUM I>ougl. McClatchie, Erythea 2; 79. LA Co. Abrams, Fl LA 193. Shrub, 1-2.5 m hi, spreading:, gla- brous, or nearly so, thorns single or sometimes triple; Ivs roundish, 3-5- lobed, the lobes inciaely toothed; pedun- cles slender, elongated, drooping, 3-9- fld; pedicels with broad bract at base; ex g without, purplish within, 5-7 mm long; tube short, campanulate, much ex- ceeded by the oblong lobes; pet w, fan- shaped, margins convolute; filiform fil and sty mucii exsei-ted; berry sm, gla- brous, bk. Gray, bot Cal 1:^03. Douglas, Ilort Sec tr 7:513, Lindley, bot reg t 1359. P.ibes villosum Nuttall, in T & G Fl 1:547, "a soft downy form," fide Brew- er & Watson. S Ber (Parish 694); LA (Davidson); British Columbia. BI3S5 INDECORTTM Eastw. "Shrub with erect sts, having dark brown, shreddy bark on the older growth, the younger parts tomentose and glandular: Ivs 3-lobed, 2-4 em long, 2-3 cm wide, finely rugose on the upper surface, clothed with stipitate glands, and a fine sparse, silky pubescence; lower surface w with a felt-like tomen- tum, and with a few gland-tipped hairs on the veins; margins irreg, doubly cre- nate; petioles stout, shorter than or equalling the blades, glandular and tomentose. the stipular dilation 'as wide on each side as the petiole) fringed on tue margin with uneven, gland- tipped hair^. Inn 1 racemose, spreading or pend- ent, in fr surpassing the Ivs; fls sessi'e but erect; peduncle-^ short; bracts folia- ceous, almost equalling the fls, laaceD- late. 6 mm long. .' mm wide, with the margins fringed with long, er^and-tip- !,&! hairs. Peduncles stout, gflaTu 1 uter, and tomentooe: fls at ba-e subiendeJ I:y 2 membranous, glandular, and tomen- tose bracteoles, ex-tube more than twice as long as the broad, rounded divisions; these tomentose and glandular on both sides, almost 2 mm wide; pet orbicular, reniform. 1 mm wide, crenulate, on very short and broad claws: sta as long as the pet, on stout, short, deltoid fll; anth O.'o mm long, longer than the fil: sty stout, hairy at base, 2-cleft at apex, with broad, y stiar; ova tomentose and somewhat glandular. "Collected by the author at Cion He : ghts. near SD, Mr 14, 1891. There 1? a 1c ^o a specimen in the H'o Cal ac col- lected by Dr. Gaorge Thurber at Pan Pasijual. SO Co: it is labeled Rifces sa.ngr.ineuna. No. (100. "Rihe^ indecortir^ is nearest to Ribes malvaceum. but differs most r.ot!ceT v>1 v in the much smaller and se.?i'e f.s. T'lC fi-^rHl organs, too, are not the same." Fatv"iod, Cal *f* pr, sr 3. bot 2:243. t 23. f 3 a, 3 b (1902>. Heller, :*luhlenbergia 1:'8-0. ^-ujiva lae^. ini-, ^.oui Co v^ajtvv JO>J) 323 324 RISES fcE^TTTM Coville & Rose. Heller, Muhlenber1a 1:85-6. "Ribes Coville & Rose Biol Soc Wash pr ferox Smith (Rees Cycl 30:1819), is an 15-26 (1902). undoubted synonym, as it is based on "Ribes lacustre Poiret var molle the same specimen, for Smith says: Gray: 1 or 2 hi, much branched: 'Gathered by Mr. Menzies, near Port branches bristly-pricKly or naked, arm- Trinidad, in California.' Greene, in Fl ed with short triple or multiple thorns Franciscana. 202, says this species oc- under the fascicles- Ivs sm (usually curs from Humboldt Co to SBar, but it about 1' in diam), downy-pubescent, hardly occurs south of SF bay, unless roundish in outline, 5-parted, and the in places quite near the ocean. It is lobes incisely toothed and cleft: racemes bad^y mined in the Got Cai, where it is 5-9-fid, short-peduncled: fls g-'ish-w; the made to include at least. 3 other species open ex 3" in diam, its short lobes in the coast region alone, and none of rounded: sm pet and sta very short: tne forms cre-Tited to it from the Sier- berry light r, not larger than peas, acid ras belong; with it, for it does not occur (intermediate between a gooseberry and the-e at all. t extends into Ore. and a currant), sometimes nearly or quite perhaps into Wsomew hat expanded, ciliate; racemes Coast Range, and extends east into the from tne same budg as tne lvg> mmut cly Rocky nits- _____,.__,_ . , puberulent and glandular; bracts r, like Variety VIKCD1FOWETTM Abrams. tne fls lanceolate, acute, num; ex gl.o- "Shrub 1-2 m hi the young branches bose carm >a,nulate, border expanding-, short-pubescent and more or less dense- pet rou nd*ish. shorter than the seg of ly glandular with stalked glartds: Ivs &, rx or -.- r i- r i<- '--..r,, uv ...^ ...) iv 'tii within, 12 mm long; its lobes broadly CiSjie blSm and' t?e bunc^ anoeSrs -t5 ovate, roundel at apex, 4-o mm long; pet yield bountifully." At the bottom of the rounded, 2 mm broad; anth nearly ses- colored drawing of this species, made sile, 2 mm long; sty pubescent; berries K V r> r ira\\nifsf -^nd nra<5rvo^ in trv> becoming renexed at maturity, on short c ' al ac ' is wnTten ''fr?ir pedicels pubescent and rather sparsely beset with coarse gland-tipped hairs, _ He ]i ert Muhlenber^ia 1-79. purplish, 1 Cm long. Occasional in the g?i?5!2j 6 w%/ > Sir 4ooo ait - Mr-Ap. Abrams, F LA 193. ft/He HP II U 84 BXBB3 VJATACKBUaC Smith. Abrams, 1^ ' LA 193. Mt Wilson; Don, in British Fl Gard sr "2, t 340. 5= Ber rrtts, in the pine belt. My. Fre- Ribes aanguineutn var maJvaceum quent alon.s: streams. Gray, bot Cal 1:207. "The most torn- Currar., Cal ac b 1:137, cites as a syn- entose form"** onym of R. sanguirieum var malvaceu.m RIBES MENZIESII Pursh. Grqy. "R. sub gemnis 3-plicato-acuIeatum; RIBES SANGTJINEUM Pursh. ramis hispldissirnis. foliis basi trunca- "R. inernie; foliis cordatis trilobis tis sub 5-Iobis incise-dentatis, Icbis serratis venoso-Hneatis supra glabris, lateralibus brevioribus. subtus tornen- subtus tenul tomento alblcantibus, ra- tosis, peclunculis subbffloris foliis sub- camis laxis pubescentibus foliis cluplo aequaritibus, calycibus tubulosis: limbo lOngrioribug, ca'ycibus tttlujiatis, pet.-ilis patente, starninibus longitudine cnlyeis, oblongis fongftudine calyci^, branteis stylo exevto, baccis globosis aculeatis. obovato-sp4tbulatls longitudine pcdlcel- On the northwest coast, near Ft Trim- Icruin, g:cml:iibus hirsutis. cl.Td. Menzies, U S in Herb Banks. The "Cn the Columbia rivei*. M. Tjewis. fls of the pj'7e ar>d o.->]n- "f R. aT' ar i?'*^.- March, v s in T-lerl) T,ewi<*: fls beautiful, eum." Pursh, Fl Am Sept 2:732 (1814). of a blood r or p; branches, p. It an- 825 proaches near to R. albinervium. Fl peruv 3 p 12 t 232 f b." Pursh, Fl Am Sept 1:164 (1814). Heller, Muhlenbergia 1:74. Gray, bot Cal 1:2.07. "Runs into in- definite varieties." Douglas, Hort Soc tr 7 t 13. Lindley, bot res t 1349. Hooker, bot mag t 3335, Guad (Palmer); Baja! to British Co- lumbia. Variety GLT7TIHOSUM A. Gray, bot Cal 1:207. Ribes glutinosum Bent ham, Hort Soc tr n sr 1:476. Variety MAX.VACET7M A. Gray, bot Cal 1:207. Ribes malvaceum Smith; Don in Brit Fl Gard sr 2, t 840. Variety VABEBGATTJM A. Gray, bot Cal 1:207. Ribes Wolfii Rothrock, Am Nat 8:358. Wheeler Cat 38. RIBES SPECIOSUM Pursh. Evergreen shrub, 1.5-3 m hi, with leafy r bristly branches; subaxillary spines 3, united at base: Ivs subcoriac- ecus, dark 5, smooth and shining above, rounded, 3-lobed, lobes short, crenately toothed; ped pendulous, 2-5 fld; fls bright r, drooping; ex 12-18 mm long, its tube short, somewhat inflated, lobes oblong, not spreading; pet about two- thirds length of ex-lobes; ni filiform, much exceeding the ex; anth sm. oval; berry sm, densely prickly. Monterey; SD! Baja! Abrams, Fl LA 194. Gray, bot Cal 1:204. Pursh, bot reg t 1657. bot mag t 3530. Monterey to Baja, Ribes stamineum Smith. &X2ES TEKTTlPlOBtnK Lindl. Abrams, Fl LA 192. Eaton's Wash, near Sierra Madre. F-Mr. Shrub, 1-3 m hi, nearly glabrous, glandless; Ivs light g, 3-5-lobed at apex, not cordate; racemes many fld; bracts g. conspicuous; fls bright y; ex salver- shaped, tube 1 cm long or more; lobes oval, one-third as long as tube; berry glabrous, amber color. RIBES VIBURNIFOLIUM A, Gray. Santos (Parry, Pringle, Orcutt). "Ribesia, modo R. nigri resinoso- at- omiferis; foliis ovato-rotundis utrinque obtusissimis (nee cordatis nee plicatis) incisco-paucidentatis nunc obsolete tri- lobis glabris (petiolo excepto) demum coriaceis (pollicem longis): racemo sub- sessili corymbiformi plurifloro, pedicel- lis filiformibus. bractels scariosis cadu- cis; calycis tubo turbinato demum ob- longo, limbo rotato 5-partito roseo, lobis ovalibus: petalis minimis paten- tissimis viridulis ftlimentlsque brevis- simis margini disco lato piano insertis. Northern part of lower California, near All Saints bay. Parry, Pringle. and Marcus E. Jones. Ap 1882. A straggl- ing bush, so peculiar that the acute col- lectors did not recognize the genus. Yet the fls have all the characters of the Rihesia section, and the conspicuous glands of the lv. .voting shoots, pedi- cels, etc., are just like those of R. ni- 826 grum." A. Gray, Am ac pr 17:202 (1882). Heller, Muhlenbergia 1:83. Cat. RIBES VISC08I8SIMUM Purth. "R. inerme; omnibus partibus pilis viscidis tectum; foliis cordatis obtuse trilobis serratis, racemis erectia brevi- bus, calycibus tubulatis, petalis oblong- is, bracteis lihtari-spathulatis pedicello duplo brevioribus germinibus hirsutis," Pursh, Fl Am Sept 1:168 (1814). Parry, PI Wyo 18. Heller, Muhlenbergia 1:72-3. Douglas, Hort Soc tr 7:511. Hooker, Fl 1:234 t 76. Gray, Bot Cal 1:207. SD mts (Parish 494); British Columbia; Rocky Mts, Genus THKROFON Raftnesque. Per herbs with creeping rt-stocks and Ify sts: Ivs alt, round-reniform, pal- mately lobed and incised or toothed with callous glandular tips; petiole mostly with a stipular dilation at base: fls w, paniculate or in corymbose-cymes: ex 5-lobed, tube adherent to ova, at length globular or ovate: pet 5, entire: sta short, alt with pet; anth 2-celled: ova 2-celled: fr a capsule, dehiscent down the styliferous beaks: sds ovoid, minutely papillose. THEKOFO N 2X.ATT7M Greene. Slender, 3-6 dm hi, glabrous or some- what glandular-pubescent, dilated bases of the petioles with brown bristly hairs, otherwise smooth or nearly so; Ivs, thin membranous, 5-7 cm broad, deeply 6-7- lobed: ex-lobes lanceolate*triangular, often sligfctly toothed above, tube oval, urceolate in fr; pet cuneate-elliptic, ob- tuse, 3.5 mm long, much exceeding the ex-lobes; claw very short. Abrams, Fl LA 189. Topango canyon, Davidson. jjL.yn.inia major Gray, bot Cal 1:196 (1876). Type locality: "in Ore." Boyklnia occidentalis var elata Gray, Am ac pr 8:383. Saxifraga elata Nuttall. Saxifraga ranunculifolia Hooker, Fl THEROrOH BOTUOTDXrOXJttTM Whee- lock. St villous-pubescent and glandular, 4-8 dm hi, Ify; Ivs 5-10 cm broad, cren- ately incised and toothed, thin, nearly glabrous above, petioles densely villous, the slightly dilated base with brown bristly hairs: peduncles axy and ter- minal: fls short-pedicelled, secund on the few elongated branches: ex campan- ulate; becoming broadly urceolate in fr, its lobes entire, acute: pet 2-2.5 mm long, scarcely exceeding ex-lobes, spat- ulate: claw twice as long as the round- ed blade. SBer (Wright). Abrams, Fl LA 1*9. Gabriel mts. Boykinia rotundi folia Parry. 8AXIFR AGA REFLEXA Hook. Saxifrag-a virginiensie Wats, bot Cal 1:l-'o CTIMS: SD' T,A ^Davidson). SAXIFR^GA PAR11YI Torr. The edible tubers are known to chil- dren e.s wild coooanuts: calyx ard w v ire petals brown or purp e Veiled; the us ap- 327 328 pear with the first fall or winter showers **Perennial. abundantly on mesas near SD; Baja; C D XiYTHRUM ALBUM HBK. (Parish). Lythrum alatum Pursh, et var Iln- Genna 9EDUM LJnneu. earifolium Gray. Fleshy mostly glabrous erect or de- - ,K thr t um , lineare H & A, bot Beech cumbent herbs with mostly alt entire or 6 *$ \J? ; ^*n *,! a -*. dentate Ivs and perfect fls in terminal Lythrum Californicum S. Watson. nftpn 1 Ho/> not Common loose-strif e: sts erect, pan- 4-5 distinct- sta 8 io nPr"iivSm,s' the iculately branching above. 2-8 hi; Ivs alt ones usually attached to the net broadly or narrowly linear, rarely lan- n 7 ate ' flsdistlnctly Ped- alt ones usually attached to the net n 7 } cle ly a Genus AMMAIVNIA Linnaeus , . the receptacle entire or emarginate: car- cled c , x 2 %" iw i i,els distinct or united at base: sty ly acute = P fi t 2-3" longr, bright p. G nSa y ,y, from a .p ,->-* i l ? -- < A -I E ^ .* v. i BW5| 1 V b OJJJJ, t-Sall<3 OF IldrZ U W t?Q LO Et &Yr kn , tl? *' short-petioled base: fls p'ish, 2 or more ..,-- mm' ?one cvmes P of in eac " axil: cx ^mpanulate (in fr II .t L, JD-i( mm long, Cymes OI hn<5* or n^flflv io rhp rather nu:n scattered branches; pedicels ^ffothed Inc^ usSa'lly -' P v nS ft ^ n at i e / s ry teeth in the sinuses: pet 4, pur- & !~*d m ff v . OI % P h . sm and d ecid. or 0; sta 4-3: cap L ^ ^i y 'i c ? globular. Named for Johann Ammann, Vu P J!;i 7&J2W: a German botanist of the 18th century! Yosmite (Parish); AM MAUNXA COCCINEA Rottb. Ahramnn* TirPPTTRls: T innapn* pet 3-5, distinct or united at the base- * A U'J'lJmb Linnaeus. sta as many: Carpels as many, distinct; Aquatic herbs with simple erect sts sty short-subulate; ovules 1-many: sds and verticillate entire Ivs: fls sm axy, striate longitudinally. perfect or sometimes neutral or pistil- TILLAEA MINIMA Miers. lat . e: ex-limb minute, entire; pet 0; sta Diffusely branched, 2-6 cm hi, erect or } lnsert + ^ ?PM??*FtK5 f CX \^ l ~ ascending; Ivs about 2 mm long ovate ? orm ' sti smatic its whole length, lying acute, connate at base; fls in short Ify in a Pyoove of the anth: fr a sm I- axy panicles; sep 4, scarcely 1 mm celled ' l seeded drupe. Mares Tail. long, oblong-ovate, acute, slightly ex- HIPPTJSI3 VUIiGAJtlS L, ceeding the linear-lanceolate acuminate Brev/er & Watson, bot Cal 1:215. pet; carpels of about the same length Abrams, PI LA 273. SBer mts. acute; sds usually solitary. Mesas SD! 8 Bermts-Par^h MS^). Guad; Chili; Sonoma Co, Torrey & Gray, Fl 1:557. Genus MYRJOPHYLL/UM Linnaeus, Abrams, Fl LA 188. Aquatic herbs with verticillate or alt Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:208. i vs , the emersed ones entire, dentate Masas, San Diego, California. or pectinate, the submerged ones pin- Variety SUBSIMPLEX Watson. natifid into capillary seg: fls axy, often 'Branchlets more elongated, mostly interrupted-spicate, commonly monoec- from the base: pedicels usually shorter, ious, 2-bracted: upper fls generally stam T. leptopetala, Benth. PI Hartw 310." with very short ex-tube, limb of this Watson, bot Cal 1:208. 2-4-lobed or 0; pet 2-4; sta 4-8: inter- Genus LYTHRUM Linnaeus. mediate fls often perfect: lower pistil- Loose-strife: slender herbs: Ivs ses- late, cx more or less deeply 4-grooved, sile: fls solitary in the axils, p or w'ish: with or without minute lobes: ova 2-4- cx cylindrical, 8-12-ribbed, with 4-6 celled; ovules 1 in each cell, pendu- teeth and an equal number of accessory Ious: sty 4, short, often plumose: fr ones in the sinuses: pet 5 or 6, sta as splitting at maturity Into 4 bony, 1- many or twice as many: sty filiform; seeded, mdehiscent carpels. stig capitate: cap oblong or cylindrical, MYBIOPHYLI.UM SPICATTTM L. 2-celled. Submerged Ivs in Whorls of 4's and Annual. 5's, dissected into capillary divisions; XiYTHBTTM HYSSOPirOLIA L. floral Ivs ovate, entire or serrate, usu- Sts slender and simple or with sev- ally shorter than the fls or sometimes eral branches from below the middle, 0; spike 2.5-7.5 cm long; pet 4, decid; 4-9' hi, herbage pale, glabrous; Ivs lin- sta 8; fr about 2 mm long and 3 mm ear or oblong, 3-7" long; fls subsessile thick; carpels rounded on the back, in the axils; cx 2" long; pet 1" long or with deep groove- between them, smooth less, pale p or w'ish. or rarely slighuy rugose. Cal (Kellogg): 329 Wash (Lyall); Eu; Asia. Brewer & \Vatson, bot Cal 1:215> SBer mis (Pariah 1433). Abrams, Fl ^LA 274, Occasional in mts. . Variety MARITIMA Davidson* "More hoary-tomentose than the type: leaves thick, fleshy, sinuate; the radical oblong, broad at base; caullne very broadly cuneate and never quite sessile; recemes dense, elongating in fruit; fls usually over V6 inch long, Umfb purple in the bud becoming* lighter; pedicels very dark purple; fruit as in type. Redondo, Cal. (Miss A. J. Merritt)." McClatchie Erythea 2:179. AGAVE AMERICANA Linnaeus. American aioe; commonly called the century-plant, as it was formerly sup* posed to flower only after the lapse of a century. It produces a tall flowering stem at an age of 15 to 20 years, when It dies after maturing seed. It is the famed pulque plant of Mexico, the fermented juice forming an intoxicating liquor known as pulque. The juice of this, and various other species, when distilled, forms mescal nearly pure alcohol. Ex- tensive plantations are cultivated near Mexico City for the production of these drinks the greatest curse of the nation: Varipua foliage varieties are widely planted in California for tropical effect being a valuable decorative plant, with- standing drought and neglect. Variety MACULATA Hort. Foliage patched with yellow. Variety MILLER! Hort. Plain glaucous foliage. Variety STRIAT A Hort. wlth Peppermint. Sts erect, strict and un- branched below the terminal infl; her- bage glabrous: Ivs ovate-obi ong to ob- long-lanceolate, acute, sparsely and sharply serrate, distinctly petioled; spikes dense, scarcely interrupted- ex vinous-glandular; cor w with a pink tinge. Eu. Jepson, Fl W Mid Cal 467. Davidson. PI LA Co 14. PHOENIX CANARIENSIS Fort. The Canary Islands date palm Is an elf- rant, hardy, ornamental species, often planted in Southern California lawns. PHOENIX DACTYIJFERA Linn The well known date palm of northern Africa and Arabia, is often planted for quick tropical effect in Southern Califor- nia, where snuce permits i*s luxtir'ant growth. On the Co!ora^o Desert and In Arizona this palm has been planted mor* extensively, with a promise of becoming of commercial importance for its fruit PLATANACEAE. Large trees with thin exfoliating bark, alternate petioled palmately 330 lobed Ivs and small g monoecious fla in dense globular hds: receptacle some- what fleshy: ex of 3-8 externally min- ute sop: cor of as many thin glabrous pet: staminate fls with sta as many as sep and opp them; fil short; aftth longi- tudinally dehiscent: pistillate fls with 2-8 distinct pistils: ova linear. 1 -celled; Sty elongated, stig lateral: fr a densa hd, composed of numerous narrowly obpyramidal nutlets which are densely pubescent below with long hairs; .d pendulous*, endosperm thin; cotyledons linear. Genoa PLATAM S Tmirnefort. Characters of the family. Plane-tree, or sycamore. PI,AT.WUS BACF3TCSA. Nuttall, Sylv 1:47 (1842-3), Type locality: "Upper Cal, in the vi- cinity Of SBar" Coville, CNH 4:195. Abrams, Fl LA 195. A large widely branching tree, 10-28 m hi' Ivs stellate-pubescent when young, becoming glabrate, 10-15 cm broad and scarcely as long, mostly 5- lobed, truncate or somewhat cordate at base; lobes acute, the lower smaller, bluntly cuspidate at the ends of the veins: petioles shorter than the Ivs; stipules larger on young twigs; stam- inate hds several; pistillate hds 3-5. Sycamore Genus SPHAEROSTIGMA F. & M. Ann or per herbs With erect branch* ing or spreading sts. bark often ex- foliating and shinv: Ivs alt. entire or dentate, petio'ed or sessile: fls solitary in the ax or in terminal spikes, usually y, rarely w or rose p, often with a brownish spot at base, turning g or r'i^h in age: sta 8; anth versatile, ob- lrmi?torta Nuttall, in T & G, Fl 1:508 (1840>. 821 832 Type locality: "St Diego, Cal." long, turning r or tawny in age; anth Coville, CNH 4:104. Near SBer. linear-oblong, fixed in the middle; cap Parsons, W Fls Cal 142. acutely 4-angled, hirsute. Hall, U 97. Suncups. Oenothera cherianthifolia Brewer & SFHAEROSTXCtMA CAMPESTRE Small Watson, hot Cal 1: Branched from the base, 15-30 cm hi Parsons, W Fls Cal 142. pubescent throughout: Ivs linear-lanceo- SFHAEROSTXGMA VEITCHIANUM late, 2.5 cm long, dentate; pet 8-10 mm Small. long, turning brick-r; anth linear-ob- Sts decumbent or ascending, 2-4 dm long, 1.5 mm long, fixed toward the mid- long; Ivs linear-oblong, lanceolate or die and versatile; pods more than 2.5 ovate, more or less hirsute; ex hirsute; cm long, narrowly linear, slightly in- pet 10-15 mm long; cap 2.5-4 cm long curved with a slender beak. 1-1.5 mm wide, attenuate into a long Ai.rams, Fl LA 271. SBer mts. beak. Oenothera dentata Watson not Cav Abrams, Fl LA 270. (bot Cal 1:226). Oenothera bistorta Veitchiana Hooker. Variety PARISH!! Abrams. SFKAEROSI ZGMA VISlLDESUiJNS "Much resembling the type in habit; Walp. cinereous throughout with a short ap- Abrams, Fl LA 270. pressed pubescence, not at all hirsute; Silvery-canescent, with a short and l>3t a,;jout 8 mm long; pods very slen- dense appressed pubescence; branches uer, often much contorted. Plains prostrate or ascending, 3-8 dm long, about SBer (Parish)." Abrams, Fl LA somewhat woody; Ivs rather thick, spat- ^ ^ ulate-oblong or linear-oblong to ovate- SPKAERO3TIGMA CONTORTT7M Walp. cordate, sessile, usually entire, 2 cm Abrams, Fl LA 271. long or more; pet 12-16 mm long, turn- Slender, erect-spreading, 15-4& cm hi, ing g'ish in age; anth linear-oblong, somewhat pubescent with short ap- fixed below the middle; cap short-pub- pressed or incurved w hairs: Ivs about escent. Monterey to SD! Baja! 12 mm long, linear-lanceolate, acutish, Hooker, Fl 1:214. denticulate; subsessile; pet 3 mm long, Oenothera viridescens L,ehm. turning deep r; anth roundish, basifixed; Oenothera cheiranthflolia suffraticosa cap about 2 cm long, sessile, straight or Watson, Am ate pr 8:592. Bot Cal 1:225. arcuate, scarcely attenuate at apex. Oenothera strigulosa T & G. Genus O\AGRA Adang Variety G-REEJ^EI Small. Ann or bien caulescent herbs with Abrams, Fl LA 271. mostly erect sts: Ivs alt, undulate or Sts erect, usually simple below, more toothed, sessile or somewhat petioled: or less hirsute pubescent and somewhat Tls y, nocturnal, in terminal spikes: ex- viscid, otherwise as type. tube elongated, terete, gradually en- Oenothera strigulosa epilobiodies largred at the throat; seg narrow, the Greene. tips free in the bud: pet 4, spreading: SI>HAER03TIGMA HIRTEI.I,TJBl Small sta many, equal in length; ffl filiform; Abrams, Fl LA 271. anth linear: ova 4-cellect; sty united, Sts stoutish, erect, simple or with a filiform; stig 4-cIeft; ovules num. in 2 few ascending branches from the base, or more rows, horizontal: cap 4-celied, 15-30 cm hi, the herbage p'lish, short- 4-angled, more or less tapering", locu- hirsute; radical Ivs oblanceolate, den- licidally dehiscent; sds more or less ticulate; st Ivs ovate, sassile, coarsely prismatic-angled, toothed and more or less undulate- OjSTACvUA CAiIFQR2?XCA Small, crisped; pet 4 mm long or more; cap Sts decumbent from a running rt- hirsute, narrow, attenuate upwards, stock, 1-2 dm long, branching: herbage once or twice coiled. hoary-pubescent and more or less vil- Oenothera hirtella Greene. lous: Ivs narrowly oblancaolate, sinuate- SPHAEROSTXGMA MICRANTHXJM ly toothed or pinnatifid, 6-8 cm long: Walp. ova and ex villous: ex-tube about 2 cm Abrams, Fl LA 271. long: pet w turning p, lobed at apex, Sts prostrate or ascending, 1-4 dm with a rounded sinus: cap 4-6 cm long, long; Ivs all narrowly oblanceolate to Abrams, Fl LA 452. linear-oblong, hirsute, 3-5 cm long, Small Torr-cl b 23:176 (1896). dentate, acutish, somewhat undulate; Oenothera Californica S. Watson, bot pet 2-4 mm long, often emarginate; cap Cal 1:223. 4-angled, contorted, sparsely hirsute. Oenothei-a albicaulis var Californica Oenothera micrantha Hornem. Watson. Am ac pr 8:r>82. Da 6. El Campo Aleman, Baja (Br). OXAGRA HOOKER! Small. SPHAEBOSTIGMA RUTILA Parish. Bien; st r'ish, stout, angular, 1-2 m Cenothera rutila Davidson, Erythea hi, herbage canescently pubescent and 2:62. somewhat villous; Ivs lanceolate, sessile, Parish, Erythea 6:89. Mohave des- acute, obscurely denticulate, ex-tube S ert (Davidson). cm long; seg nearly as long; pet about Orcutt, Am pi 1:40 E. 4 cm long, obcordate, pale y, turning SFHAEROSTXG-MA STIHAIiE Walp. to rose p; stig-lobes y, spreading; cap Abrams, Fl LA 270. 2 cm long, sessile, canescent with a Sts herbaceous, prostrate or ascend- fine close pubescence; sds brown, 1 mm Ing. 3-6 dm long; Ivs rather thick, spat- long, faintly striate, not wing-angled, n late to ovate-cordate, the lowest short- BC to Mex. petioled, entire or dentate, more or less Abrams, Fl LA 269. hirsute; ex-pubescent; pet 8-12 mm Oenothera biennis hirsutissima A 833 Gray, PI Fendl 43; bot Cal 1:223. Davidson, PI LA Co 6. Genus LUDWIGIA Linnaeus. Aquatic or marsh per herbs, with the aspect of Jussiaea, but the Ivs opp, parts of the fl in 4's, a,nd the pet often 0: sta as many as the pet and alt with them: ova broad at apex and usually flattened, or crowned with a conical sty- base: cap 4-celled, dehiscent by lateral slits or terminal pores: sds minute^ LUDWIGIA PALUSTRIS EII. Water purslane: glabrous, st 6-12* long; Ivs obovate, acute or acuminate, harrowed at base into a rather long petiole, the whole If 8-12" long; pet 0, or minute and r'ish; cap y'isn, erect, broadly oblong, 1*6" long, more or less 4-sided, with a narrow longitudinal band of tubercles on each side; the per- eistent sep g. Jep-:on Erythea 1:13. Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:217. Canada to Mexico; S D! Oregon. Da 6. tUDWiaiA DIFFU3A Greene. Greene, Fl Fr 227, based on Jussiaea diffusa Forskaal; Muel, Erythea 1:61. Africa; Australia; Am; pet y. Variety CAIilPOBWICA Greene. Greene Fl Fr 227. Jepson, Erythea 1:14. "In marshes near Lakeport." LI D\VIG1A NATAKS Ell. Kan Bernardino (Parish 6S2), Genus BOISDUVALIA Spnch. Erect ann with alt Ivs: fls sm, in leafy spikes or axy along the branches: ox-tube (above the ova), short, obconic, the lobes erect: pet 4, obovate, sessile, 2-lobed, p to w: sta 8, those opp the pet shorter; anth basifixed: cap 4-celled 4* valved. sessile. BOISDUVALIA DENSIFLORA 8. Wat. Erect, commonly 1*4 hi, branched above, Ivs lanceolate, 2' long, the floral ovate, acute. 3-ti" long; infl spicate, commonly elongated; pet about 2" long, about twice as long- as the lobes of tho ex, ana exceeding the subtending IVB; cap j-" lon, ueaiscent; sds ovate or tri- angular ovate. Jepson, Erythea 1:14. Ha U 96. Hanson's; San Diego; Wash. BOISDUVALIA CLEISTOGAMA Cur. With stout rigid W branches or rare- ly simple, 4-8' hi, pilose-pubescent, somewhat glandular, glaucescent; Ivs linear or lanceolate, 1-1 7^' long, remote- ly denticulate; fls axy along- the branches, the earliest fertilized in the bad and never expanding, the later light pink; pet 2" long, birid; cap 4-sided, the 6-eptal lines on each side distinct, sharp- ly pointed 5" long, hard coriaceous, Very tardily dehiscent, if ever. Elmira, ClU* < -Tvid^on, PI LA Co 6. feoxsaxnrA&ZA. CZJASSIAA v/a!p. Abrams, Fl LA J65. Com much-branched, the branches de- euni'.'ent or ascending, blmsh-g, dense'.v ''Ions to glabrous; Ivs ab^ut l'> him long or more, ovaU-lancajlate. acute, serrulate, the i:pper si.-ni'.ar: (Is =n a term:r?-l cluster and a few shorter lateral splices, also occasionally in the 834 lower axils, shorter than th* Subtend- ing Ivs; pet about 2 mm long, violet; cap rather slender, nearly straight, com acute, about 7 mm long, subterete, with 4 broad nerves or laterally somewhat 2- keeled, loculicidal; sds about 6 in each cell, subfusiform, about .35 mm broad, 1 mm long. Monica, SD (Cleveland). Genus GAYOPHYTtTM Juss. Erect very slender diffusely branch* ing an. With alt linear entire Ivs and and as broad, more or less hirsute- axy w or p'ish fls: ex-tube not prolonged above the ova, the 4-parted deciduous limb reflexed: pet 4: sta 8, the alt ones usually minute and sterile; fil filiform; anth subglobose. fixed near the middle: ova oblong or linear, compressed, 2- celled; stig capitate or clavate: cap membranous, ciavate, 4-valved; sds few" to num, in 1 row in ve the ova colpred like the cor, . ue funnelform \vich a globose base viiectariferous within), and appeadaged within at the most constricted portion with several erect and defiexed scales: pet scarlet, inserted on the throat of the ex and rather shorter than its erect lobes, obcordate or 2-cleft: sta 8, ex- serted, colored like the cor; anth lin- ear-oblong, attached by the middle: sty long and exserted, stigma 4-lobed: cap- sule linear, obtusely 4-angled, 4-valved and imperfectly 4-celled: sds oblong, with a tuft of ha.irs at the apex. In memory of M. Zauchner, a Bohemian botanist. ZAUSCH'N'EKJA CALIFORN1CA Presl. Balsamea. Sts decurnbe.nt or erect, about 1 hi, woody at base, the herbage more or less villous or woolly; Ivs ob- long to linear-lanceolate, ^i-l 1 /^' long, the lowest opp; rl.s l 3 /^-- long; cx-looes 4" long. Dry stream-beds. Used as a vulneary in rural medicine by Spanish- Calif ornians. Presl, Rel Haenk 2:28 t 52. Davidson, PI LA Co G. Parry, bol. obs Wyo 13>. Bioch, Itirythsa 1:2&J, Baisamea, Note on medicinal use. Coville, CNii 4:163. Brewer & Watson, bot Gal 1:218. Parsons, W Fls Cal 2-12 t. Zauschneria Mexicana Presl, Rel Haenk 2:28. Variety LATIFOLIA Hook. Sts herbaceous, 3-6 drn hi; herbage somewhat can esc en t; Ivs ovate-lancro- late, nearly smooth. Abrams, Fl LA 283. "Common in, the coniferous belt, of the SBer wits," Hall, U a8. Hooker, bot mag t 4493. Greene; Pittoma 1:26, as Z. latifolia. Variety ItfUKJiio^'laCTAj.l.A. A. Gray. Abrams, Fl LA 26&. "Frequent on dry hillsides in the foothills, mostly be- low 3000. Gray in herb, Brewer & Wa.tson f bot Ca.1 1:218. "Pubescence tomentose, scarcely or not at all villous: Ivs lin- ear, often very sm (3-4" long), fasci- cled in the axils. So Cal." Greene, Pittonia 1:27, as typical Z. Californica. 2.^ iJCiOBIU JK VAXiySXt Trelease. Kaiher stout and intricately branched 336 even fi'om the base, 5-8 dm hi, beiow, the infl and capsules very spar- ingly, the young buds densely w-tomen^ tose; Ivs 1-3' long, lanceolate, very ob- tuse or th6 reduced uppermost acutish, somewhat unequally or abruptly nar-* rowed to slender more or less elongated petioles, rather thin and glabrous; fi<3 at length num. rosd-colored ; fr ing peds 1' long; sds short-beaked, 2'' broad. #" long. Toflos Santos bay; Baja; (Br)5 SEer Co (Parish 2094, 20f,5). Tflea, 7 of. 1 :210. Abrams, Fl LA 2 fa'5. "Common -in damp land ia the valleys and stroa-jns below 4-000 ." Tr<2;^s or rlii'Mbs \v!th por^Jotent of descid Ivs and sm g or y'U.u monoecious fls, the Stamlnatd nun; in sleno<3r mo ; - tciry in many-bracted inv: sta-mlrtate fla subtended by caducous bracts, consisting" of mostly a 6"-lobad campartulate per- ianth and 5-12 sta with filiform fi a: pistillate with an urn'shapetd or oblong: 3-cell6d ova; ovules 2 in each cell; sty usually 3, short: fr (acorn) consisting of the imbricated and more or loss united bracts of th0 inv (cup.*, subtend- ing or nearly enclosing the 1-seeued coriaceous nut. Oak. QtrE3?,3Trs CAZtXTOftNlOA Cooper. A middle-sized tree with large de-p- ly toothed deciduous IVP: fr ^e.e'oplng: tne - 2d yr; eupsf de^p, witlj thfn scales* Ber; Jac; Cuyarnaca tots! Cooper, ST r 1858, 201 (1859). Type locality: "hillsides, Napfl val- ley." Cal. Oov file, CMH 4:19(?. Hall, U 71. Blac-c or KsllcSg oak. Abrams, Fl LA !od. "Common In th pine belt. Qnefc\m Kdllog-glf Ncwberry, Pac" Ry R 6:28 t 0, Wat-on, bot Cal nr09. Quercus Sonomensis Bentham, A DC Pro Or If. (2i:i>2. QiKVi-cus ruba, Sentfaonr, r -" H^rt-.v ':3'7, Quercus tinctoria var Cal'ifornica Tor- rey. Pac Ry H 4:13'S (1S57). QtfifiRCUS AGBXjPOSiiA Ne6. Large widely spreading tree; Ivs per- sistent, oval to oblong, 4-7 cm long, sinuatcly spinose-dentate, somewhat stcllate--pub-scent f/hen youn/^, in ag~e mostly convex above, paid and nearly glabrous beneath; acorns an, st'^sile or" nearly :Si>.:i. t 9. QUEBCV3 DOUGI.ASII H & A. oak. Middle-sized tree With rounded hd, branches num, erect- spreading; Ivs decid, 5-6 cm long, ob- long, sinuate or with shallow lobes, bluish-g 1 above, pubescent beneath; acorn sessile or short peduncled; nut elon- gated-oblong, 2-3 cm long, mostly acut* ish; cup hemispheric, with ovate-lanceo* late, thick or somewhat tubercied scales Abrams, Fl LA 105. H & A, bqt Beech 391 (1841), Type locality: Caiifornian (Douglas, Collector). Coville, CNH 4:196. Watson, bot Cal 2:05. QUBBCtJS ZiN&XAttAttHX Greene. "A tree of middle size, 25-40 hi, With light colored and rather smooth bark, a trunk 2-3- thick, branches spreading to form a well rounded scarce] y depressed hd: Ivs short-stalked, oblong-, 2 or 3' long, entire or sometimes with a few coarse teeth, obtuse or retuse at apex, founded or slightly cordate at base, those of young shoots sometimes acut- Jsh ft both ends and coarsely serrate toothed thruout, texture coriaceous al- most without reticulation, dc;v tent When young 1 , glabrous when oM acorns sessile or peduncled; cup hemi- spherical, tuberculate; nut oblong, 1' long, lineate." The Englemann, or Post oak, is a sm spreading tree 40 hi. With a trunk usu- ally under 3 in diameter. Not rare near Pala. Fallbrook, the Potrero and into Lower Cal, 20 miles or so from the sea. Qusacirs UTTMOSA Nutt. A srrag-eHng- evergreen, 3-1 9 hi; twigs slender, woolly when young- the Ivs very variable in shape and size, of leathery texture. oblohg, obtuse, sinuate and Bpinose-toothed and more or less revohite, pubescent beneath, or on both feiiles: trUtSfication annual: acorns ses- sile: cup hemispherical, strongly tui,er- culate; acorn oval, oblong, '.-!' long. QTTEBCTTS TTraS1E*n3l.:&A Greene. /Shrub from 4-7* hi, with many rigid - n nt branches, the branchlets rusty tomdntose. Ivs oMoiig. abcut 1' long on petioles of 2 or 3" in length C'~r ate, thin, not tubereulate, 4-6' 7 broad, embracing the base only of the slendef nut. Which is H to One-third" thiek and thrice as long." Greene, W Am Oaks 37. Mts SD Co! Baja! QUEJ6CU3 PABVULA Greene. "Near Q. Wislizenl, only 2-3 hi: Ivs pefsistent, coriaceous, dark g, l%-3* long, ovate-lanceolate, acute, mostly en- tire, no veins prominent except the mid- dle one beneath: frutificatiort biennial: acorns (immature) solitary, short^pe- dunCled; eup deep, covered With brdwn, ovate-oblong, obtuse, ciliolate scales Which are appressod-piabescent up and down the middle. Xoi'thward slope of Cruz 1; forming low clurrtps, chiefly along the borders of the pine woods; not frequent, but a clear n. sp." Greene, rMUonia 1:40 (Mr 1887). QUB3CUS IiOBATA Nees. Valley Oak, Roble. Stately tree With slender, often long and pendulous branches: Ivs oblong or obovate, 6-12 cm long deeply ioMd or pinnatifid, pale g, acorns subsessile; nut long-conic, 3-6 cnl long; cup deep-hemispheric, strongly tu* berculate. Abrams, Fl LA 105 Behr, Zoe 1:34. Nee, Annl Cienc Nat 3:278 (1801)* Watson, bot Cal 2:9o. "Roble" of the Mexicans, Com thruout Cal. A DC; Prodr 16(2):24. Torrey, bot Wilkes Exp t 15. Quercus Hindsii Bentham, bot Sulph 55. Newberry, Pac Ry R 6:29 t 1, f 7. Quercus Kaftsomi Kellogg, Cal ac pr l:2o fid6 CUr ran, Cal ac b 1:146. QIXJ^CUj UJSTHTIiATA Torrey. "The common low oak of the Rocky mt-? and Wahsatch, ranging southward to NM and So l.t. An examination of considerable material shov/s that it is quits variable in its foliage and in- cludes se\eral ( reputed -species and forms. The typical form has o.uon-? )vs with acute or acutish entire divaricate mostly triangular lobes, the sinuses reaching half-way to the midrib. This is also Q. Fendleri Liebm. With large Ivs and the lobes Sometimes coarsely notched it becomes Q. Gambellii Nutt, and Q. Dousrlasii, var Neo-Mexicana, A. DC, With the lobes more obtuse it is Q, alba, var (?) Gunrtisoni, Torr; and wlih the lobes less divaricate and more ob- long, frequently notched at the apex, and tne rounded or narrow sinuses reaching often nearly to the midrib, it is the more prevalent northern form, Q. Obtusiloba, var dapressa, Nutt, and var asis, A DC. The extreme states appear quite distinct, but intermediate forms abound and there seerns to ba nothing in the fls or fr to distinguish them." 5. Watson, Am nat 7:302 (My 1873). Q-CT^BCtrs Wl31,22IBK-t A DC. Spreading shrub or a srn tf5S in So Ca- : Ivs uer-sistait, cori-acSoU^. "ance>- late or oclong-lanf-eola^e. aente, e'iti", of somewhat spihose-dsitate, vs :a'iy plain, s on both oide^, glabrous; aco/aa 339 biennial; nuts slender; cup turbinate, very deep. SBer Co! Abrams, PI LA 106. DC, Prodr 16 pt 2, 67 (1864). Coville, CNH 4:197. Type locality: "the Am Fork of the Sacramento river," Cal (St Louis ac tr 2:396), not> Watson, bot Cal 2:98. Quercus Morehus Kellogg, Cal ac pr 2:36 (fide Curran, Cal ac b 1:146, this is a hybrid between Q. wislizeni and Q. Kelloggii), GUTIfiRREZIA DIVERGENS Greent Suft'rutescent, 4-7 dm hi, glabrous or merely gianular-scaberulous, the pan- ic-led branches nearly destitute of fol- iage at ft'g time; inv 6 mm hi, obovate- turbinate, their obovate obtuse bracts well-imbricated and with blunt g tips; disk fis 5-7; rays about 5; paleae of U*e pappus 9-12, very unequal, narrow and acute. Abrams, Fl LA 394. "Common on the Interior plains and foothills." GRINDEL.IA CAMPORUM Greene Herbaceous; sts w and shining, tuft- ed from a per root, about 6 dm hi. gla- brous, very leafy up to the loosely corymbose hcls. even the branches of corymb conspicuously Ify-bracted; basal Ivs almost 0; st Ivs oblanceolate- "'n.ulatp. sessile and clamping-, 5 ...-m long, saliently serrate-toothed; bracts oi 11 in< o-'if.'ines neiriy entire, spread- ing; inv 12-20 mm wide, its bracts with long linear recurved tips; ray~ak ob - SC lively 3-sided with 3 or more pappus awns; disk-ak c^-mpresse:!, obliquel'v biaurculate or unidentate at the su;>i- mi u /.I'vams. Fl LA 3'3. GRTNDELIA ROBUSTA Ntttt. Sts herbaceous, stout, ascending: from a per root, about 5 dm hi; Ivs broaily cordate-oblong 1 , obtuse, coarse- ly serrate, about 3.5- cm Ion?*, often 2.5 cm broad, Subcorlaccpus, pubescent on the margins, otherwise gluforous; lifls very few. largy, corymb-o^ty .1; spaced ; outer bracts of inv rather leafy, the others narrow and squarrose; pappus awns 2. ST): Cruz; LA (Davidson). BAERIA AFFINIS A. Gray. Erect, sparingly branched, 10-15 cm hi, minutely pubescent, obscurely or not at all glandular; Ivs with filiform divisions; rays 6-8, obrong:, short; inv bracts ovate-oval; pappus of 8-10 ob- long or lanceolate paleae with lacinate setulose margins, fully equaling the cor-tube. some or most of them pro- duced into an awn almost equaling the disk-fls, or in the rays blunt and awn- less. Abrams, Fl LA 428. BAERTA TENELLA A. Gray. Pappus of 6-10 short and firm quad- rnte or broadly cuneate paleae with the truncate muticous summit denticu- l~t<* or nearly entire, not surpassing t'ln tube of the OOT-. \hi-nms, Fl LA 428. Sycamore Grove, Greata. 340 Parish Erythea 6:92. Near LA. BAERIA CHRYSOSTOMA F & M. Sts slender, freely branching, 2 dm hi or less, hirsute pubescent; Ivs nar- rowly linear, entire; hds 6-8 mm hi; bracts of inv 7-12; rays 7-12, 6-8 mm long; ak clavate linear, slightly con- tracted at the summit, glabrous; pap- pus 0. Abrams,, Fl LA 428. Monica mts. VPNSGA2IA CARPLSIOlUlu-ti DC. Sts widely branching 1 , 1.5 m hi or less; glabrous; Ivs thin, ovate-deltoid or ovate-coriate. acute, eremite, 7-10 cm long-, petioled, resinous-dotted be- neoth; -h-\H terminal an -I from the up- per axils, short-pe.iunclel, abr ut 2 cm broad; rays about 15, and about 2.5 cm long. Abrams, Fl LA 427. -"Frequent in the Monica, Gabrfel and Santa Ana mts." bar.ta Barbara; Cruz; Rra. PIjKCTRITIS MACHOCRRA T. & G. Slender, mostly simple, 3-" i hi; Ivs linear or narrowly oblong; spur of cor l^ngp*- !-h-'r> tub*--: fr- p or less his- pid, dorsally carinate, the carina 2- g':OOVCdi; literal winjrs broad, eacht with a more or less obvious lobe at apex, spreading Or incurved. Napa mts* Cal to BajaJ Plectritis minor Abrams, Fl LA 382, Pleetritls eon^eshi minor Hooker. ^Tlprir'T^H mpcrocera A. Gray. MILLA BIPLORA Oav. *JIexican star-flovv-er : fls pure -waxy-white, 2 in diam. np.unlly borne in pairs on lon^ slonder stems frequently lasting 2 we;^ks \rhcn ctit and placed in rases of water. /inlc. Evergreen trees with sessile Ivs rip- pe-irina: -?-r9.nke r l bv a. tWiwt o'; th re- tiolc leavinv: cif,?tjiar f-^fT \ ib* smooth branches, more or less ffrt'tersea and emargtnate, bearing etomata only or ma!n j y on th^ Iow* ssrrac3, wiL^i 2 ; ingritudtnal r^in-ducta rrrr^tiv cln*e !> the? UPiftt-r-jiiis or 4 tl'.e lov/-^- s!'.':is: sd.^ partly and permanently enclosed by the v-n^^'of the ^w In |f: cotyledons 4-10. Fir. ABtES CONCOLOPc Lfndl. Whit a Fir. Often becoming a largs trce with ron.^h grayish bark; Ivs ob- tuse, pa^ g, with stomata on both ^1^3,^ 2-3 cm or on young trees often 5 crn long 1 , convex above, somewhat f'-i^- cate; mature cones oblong-cylindric, 8-12' c?n long, 3-4 cm thick, pale g"; scales 24-20 mm broad, but little over half a3 lonsr: brants short enclo'-'el, truncate or" emarginate, with or without a .^hort mucro; wing of sds oblique, a?, broad ag I.-ng-; coL^'ieduns 5-7. Jac; SBer; Cuya- Abram^, VI LA 6. Gabriel nits. 241 Abies concolor Lowlana Lemmon. W Am coneb ed 3, 64 (1895). Lindley & Gordon, London hort aoc J 6:210 (1850). Brandegee, Fl Colo 227, 231. Engelmann, bot Cal 2:118. Abies Lowiana Murr, fide Engelm. PSEUDOTSUGA TAXIFOLIA Britton. Douglas spruce, commercially known as Oregon pine, Douglas fir, or red or yellow fir. Large and valuable trees, forming the larger part of the great forests about Puget Sound southward, 300 to 400 ft high. 10-12 in diain: cones narrow, 2-3 V4' long, the feather-like bracts protruding Vfe-94'. Pseudotsuera Douglasii Carriere, 1855. Pinus Taxifolia Lambert, 1803. Genu. PINUS Tournefort. Evergreen trees with 2 kinds of lys, the primary ones linear or scale-liKfc, decid; secondary ones forming the or- dmary foliage narrowly linear arising from the ax of the former in fascicles of 2-5, or solitary; subtended by the bud scales, some of which are united to form a sheath: stam cones borne at the bases of the shoots of the season, clus- ters of sta spirally arranged each in the axil of a minute scale; fll very short; aftth 2-celjed, longitudinally dehiscent: ovule-bearing cones solitary or clustered, borne on the twigs of the preceding year, composed of num imbricated min- ute bracts, each with an ovule-bearing scale in its axil, ripening into a large cone, which matures the following au- tumn, its scales elongating and becom- ing woody: sds 2 on the base of each scale, winged above, the testa crusta- 842 Engelmann, hot Cal 2:127. Don, Linn tr 17:440. Pinus macrocarpa Lindl, bot reg 26 misc 61. PINUS gT.lITXT.I8 James. A middle-sized tree With furrowed gray bark; Ivs 5, 8-6 cm long, thick and rigfd; staminate cones oval, 12-14 mm long, inv bracts 8-9; anth tipped by a spur; fr'ing cones oval to subcylindric, 8-16 cm long, light brown, scales round- ed or pointed at the apx} sdS oval, compressed, 8-12 mm long; Wing mih- ute, scarcely exceeding 1 mm in Width, usually remaining attached to the scale. Summits of San Qorgonio; San Jacinto and Santa Rosa mts. - Hall, \j o 3. Limber pine. parry, bot obs Wyo 5, 6, 10, 11, 19, Brandegee Fl Colo 227, 231. Engelmann, bot Cal 2:124. James, Long's Exp 2:27, 85. ptaftrg MOVOPMYUJA Torrey & Fre* m0 nt Nut plne . A sm tree> 20-25 hi. with irr spreading branches and pale fissured or flaky bark: lvs rigid> spiny tipped, solitary and terete or rarely in pairs ftn( j semiterete 1U-2U' lontf the fheaths Ts" long: stam* fls oval wUh 6 involucral bracts; anth terminating in a knob or a few teeth: cones 1^-2%' lon> * nearly as thick- sds oval 6-10" } n |; tmck-shmied'Tish brown tnd mot- tled . cotyledons f-10. Baja' Pi ' nus Vremontiana Endl, Conif 183, j n part Fremont's R 319 t 4. Watson, bot Cal 2:124. Nev; Ut; Af. Abrams, Fl LA 3. "Frequent on th<* !i - Erythea 2:7; - Mt in circles, strongly declined, narrow and pointed, 3-7' long, remaining on the trees and unopened for an indefinite number of years. The outer scales with conical, quadrangular tubercles, ter- minated by a very short, deltoid, firm prickle: lvs in 3's, 8-6' long. Often called knob-cone pine**First detected "" "' . .\ sm , . .. Wlt h a round top: lvs 8- ma sheath, 1%-lH long : maU s oval, with 4 Iny- bracts in the axil of broadly oval acutfl bi : a ^ ts = c ^ n ^ ^ bg ^Sl e ' t*" 2 * thlc1 ?' with strongly elevated knobs: sds oval, 6-8" long with a thin light-brown mot- ell c tle < shel Abrams, Fl LA 6. "Extending in a m.dd.e-si^ed Aso 2, 34:332. pinyone or nut pine. Baja m t.l mt ' clusters of 3, stiff and erect. 15-25 cm long, dark bl-g; staminate cones cylln- dric. 35-40 mm long, With 8-10 involuc- ral bracts: fr'lng cones long-oval, point- ed. 25-35 cm long, 10-12 cm thick, y'ish- brown, persistent; scales with a stout elongated umbo armed with thick in- curved spines; sds oval, bk, 12-16 mm long; wing 20-30 mm long. Cuyamaca! Jac! SBar mts: 4500-TOOO a alt. Baja! Abrams, Fl LA 5. Hall, U 53. ,. ,, - , quadrifolia Parl. MUB3AYAKA Orey Com. Murray pine or Tamarack pine. Be- coming a rather large tree. lo-40 m hi; bark rather finely furrowed, grayish- brown; lvs 2, 25-7o mm long, very stout and rigid; sheaths 8-12 mm long when young; stam cones with <5-8 inv-bracts, cylindric, 10-15 mm long; fr'ing cones clustered or in pairs, oval or snbcy'in- dric, oblique, '--It cm long; scaie^ a/uie4 343 with slender recurved prickles; sds scarcely 2 mm long, dark br mottled with bk; wings light br, widest above the base, tapering to apex, 12-15 mm long. Abrams, Fl LA 4. Hall, U 53. Lodge-pole pine. Pinus contorta murrayana Engelmann, bot Cal 2:126. PINUS JEFFREYI Murray. Abrams, Fl LA 4. See Pinus ponderosa Jeffreyi. Variety PEN1NSULARIS Lemmon. Rafael mts of Baja; bark dark brown, thick, deeply furrowed; cones remarkably abun- dant and large, 6-8 inches long. Lemmon, Hdb WAm cone-bearers 35 (Jl 1895). PINUS INS1GNIS London. See Pinus radiata Don. FIRTJ3 PONDEROSA Douglas. Yellow pine. A large tree with very thick r-b bark deeply furrowed, and split in large plates; Ivs 3 in each cluster on stout branchlets, dark g, 15-25 cm long; stam cones cyl- indric, 35-50 mm long, inv-bracts 10-12; fr'ing cones oval, 7-12 cm long, rich br; scales thickened into a central knob ter- curved 344 ones 6" long: cones patulous cr deflexed on peduncles 1' long; umbo slort and stout or sometimes elongated and in- fiexed: sds oval, 8-10" Ijnir, twice as long as the wing, which encloses the sd with a thick rim. cotyledons U 14. Parry, bot Mex bound 21.), t (>S, 59. Watson, bot Cal i.':125. Abrams, PI LA 3. EKYTHRAEA VENUSTA A. Gray. Gray, Bo tCal 1:479 (1876). "A span to a ft hi, simple and cymosely sev- eral-fH at summit, or : Ivs from ovate to -ather obtuse (% near 1 i :-lobes very narrow down to the base; cor deep an 1 bright pink tvith a y center: the lobes oval and ob- tuse, becoming oblong, 4-6 li in length: fil rather longer than the oblong-linear anth. E. chironioi IPS, Torr. Bot. MT^X. Bound. 156 t 42, excl syn E. tricantha, Durand in Pacif R Rep v t 9, not Griseb. Common through all the south- ern part of California, and extending (mostly in a smaller form) along the Sierra Nevada to Sierra Co., up to about 4000 ft. The name given in Coulter's collection, etc., 2i largest-flowered Pavon. 8 mm est anc * one of tne rongr^oaTnearl7^blcrr"ugoser"wing thin, sp ^f n . f T/7^n'' pale br, 25-30 mm long and about 20 Covllle, CNH 4:loO. mm wide below middle. Genoa GIL.IA Rule A Half"!!' 53 1 LA 4 ' Herbs with alt Ivs pinnately toothed Parry bot' obs Wyo 6, 11. or divided; ex-tube scarious below the Brandegee, Colo 231. * sinuses, segments equal, entire: fls sol- Engelmann bot Cal 2-125. itary in loose or capitate clusters or Variety JEFFREYI Va^ey. paniculate, bracted or bractless: cor Vasey, D-A r 1875:179." Ha U 53. funnelform to salverforrn, blue, y, or Pinus Jeffreyi Murr Oreg exped r 2: w. sta equally or unequally inserted on t 1 (1853). Its throat: cap 3-celled and 3-valved. Closely resembling P. ponderosa in Named for Felipe Luis Gil, a Spanish foliage and habit; bark deeply furrowed, botanist of the 18th century. not split in large plates, dark; stam GILfA STAMINEA Greene, cones 3 cm long: fr'ing cones oval Closely resembling G. abrotanifoliua rather rich br, lo-30 cm long; sds 8-10 | n habit: sts an 1 Ivs sparsely pilose; mm long; wings about 25 mm long. cx densely arachnoid-villous mainly hyaline, its lobes recured; sta well ex- serted, nearly w. Abrams, Fl LA 314. San Joaquln val- ley. Gcnna CONVOLVULUS LIunneuK. SBer mts. FINTJS QT7ADRXFOX.XA Parl. Abrams, Fl LA 3. "Santa Rosa mts (Hall)." = Pinus Parryana Engelm. Floras SABINIANA Douglas. Digger pine or Silver pine. A rather sm open-topped irregularly branched tree; Ivs 3 in a cluster, drooping, light g or glaucous, 2-3 cm long; staminate cones oblong, about 2 cm long, with rlpbose with 4 s-1s in 2 cells (or by 10-15 inv bracts; fr'ing cones latend. abort-on I-eoIJedV mostly 2-4 valved. short oval, acutish, 15-25 cm long. 10-15 COMVOI.VUI.US RRPPN T,. cm in diam, deep chestnut-br; scales Sts from a horizontal slender run- produced into prominent knobs a%vned nlng rt-stork, C-10 dm long, twining- or with stout straight or slisrhtly incur /ed more commonly prostrate; herbage spines; sds subcylindric, dark, lS-_'4 f r om minutely to tomentose pubescent, mm long; wing about half as long. Ivs sagittate, obtuse or acutish, the Abrams, Fl LA 4. "An'.elope valley, basal lohes obtuse or rounded, entire; ranging northward 10 the upper Sacra- brncts ovate-cordate, acute, completely Twining or prostrate herbs: sep 5: '" funnelform to campanulate: sty itire, or cleft at the apex only: stig 2. ovate to linear: sta included: cap mento. Confined to the foothill?.' UNUS TOREYANA Parry. Del Mar or Torrey pine: Ivs? cnnvdel at the ends of the thick br&nctil6t<< in tho axils of lanceolate strongly fringed brac-ts; young sheaths ;f>-18" long, old , enfolline- the ex; cor pinkish. 5 cm long- or more; stisr oblong. Abrams, Fl LA 309. Genna < It I SS A I,(IIIIMMI%. Low eanescent perennial herb with 345 erect or diffuse non-twining sts: sep fc, nearly equal: cor w, tube oblong- campanulate, equaling the sep; limb 6-parted into lightly convolute-imbri- cate lobes which are somewhat indu- plicate in the bud: fil filiform, exserted from the .nroat of the cor; ova 2- celled, 4-ovuled: cap by abortion oft- en 1-seeded. CRES3A CRETICA Linn. Low tufted plants 3-6 i hi, densely branched from base. Especially abund- ant in saline or alkaline soil, often covering: thousands of acres. Vaca- ville,, Cal, to Baja! CV SCUTA ARVENSIS Beyrich. Sts filiform, pale y; fls nearly ses- sile in am clusters; ex-lobes broad, ob- tuse; cor campanulate, its lobes as long as Ui6 tube, acute or acuminate, reflexed; scales large, ovate, equaling or exceeding the tube, densely fringed all around; cap depressed-globose. Abrams, Fl LA 310. On various CUSCUTA CALIFORNICA Choisy. Fls pedicelled in loose few-fld cy- mes; lobes of ex acute; lobes of cor lanceolate-subulate, delicate w; no scales below the sta. Abrams, Fl LA 310. NICOTIANA GLAUCA R. Gratu Arborescent, 3-6 m hi, glaucous and glabrous; Ivs long-petioled, ovate, sub- cordate; fls loosely paniculate; cor g'ish-y, 3-5 cm long, tubular, contract- ed at the throat, its limb erect, 5-cre- nate. Abrams, Fl LA 354. Davidson. Erythea 1:98 LA. Parish Zoe 1:124. FROSOPIS FUBESCENS. Sm tree or shrub similar to the mes- quit but smaller, more or les puberulent: stipules spinescent: Ifts 5-8 pairs, pairs 3-5 mm distant, oblong, 5-8 mm long, obtuse at apex: spikes on peduncles about 1 cm long, 4-6 cm long, often lax: fls sesile, 3 mm long, pods com several- many developing, twisted into a straight cylinder, 25-35 mm long, about 5 mm broad, on stipes less than 2 mm long. CD! Baja! Bentham, London J bot 5:82 (1846). Abrams, Fl LA 206. SBer. Type locality: "California between San Miguel and Monterey" (Coulter). BAMONA POX.YSTACKYA Greene. White Sage Shrubby below, 1 m hi or more, minutely tomentose-canescent, the branches virgate; Ivs mostly very w on both surfaces, oblong-lanceolate, minutely rugose and crenulate, 5-8 cm long; infl v^yrsoid-paniculate, 3-6 dm long; floral Ivs, bracts and bractlets sm and loose, at length reflexed. lanceolate or subulate, cuspidate-tipped; fls sessile, loose, upper lip of ex truncate or 3- toothed, at length concave or galeate, longer than the triangular-subulate low- er lip; cor w or nearly so, the lower lip much enlarged, middle lobe rounded, emarginate at apex, unguiculate. upper lip short; tube very short; sty and di- vergent sta long-exserted: filiform con- nective continuous with the fil, its low- 346 er end usually indicated by a minute tooth. Abrams, FLA 345. DBABA COBBUGATA Pubescent throughout with loose branching hairs; stems branching from the base, very leafy; leaves en- tire, oblong-oblanceolate: calyx pu- bescent: pods lanceolate to broadly ob- long, acute or obtuse, much corrugated and twisted; style long, attenuate to a minute stigma. San Bernardino mts., Cal. ERYTHEA ARMATA Watson. The Tecos grandes is the fruit of the beautiful blue palm of Lower Cali- fornia, and forms an important article of food with the Indians, ripening in July and August. The fruit is the size of a common marble, with sweet mealy pulp surrounding the large stone (. % inche in diameter). The tree grows 40 feet high, bearing its fan-shaped glaucous leaves in a very graceful manner. This palm was first found in the Camillas canyon, Lower Cali- fornia, which opens out onto the Colo- rado derest, by Dr. Edward Palmer. Dr. J. N. Hose has since found it in Mexico, east of Mazatlan, I believe. The seeds require from six months to three years in which to germinate the older seeds germinating more quickly than when fresh from the tree. I have had them germinate readily when over ten years old. QZI.XA ACHII.I.AEFOLIA Bentham. Sts 3-5 dm hi, glandular-puberulent throughout; Ivs mostly bipinnately dis- sected into linear, somewhat recurved seg; branches few, naked, bearing a dense cluster of usually deep blue fls; ex glandular-pilose, mainly hyaline, its lobes incurved in fr; cor-tube cylindric; throat very short and broad; lobes ob- long, scarcely spreading; sta exserted. Bentham, Bot Reg 19 sub t 1622 (1833). Abrams, Fl LA 314. Hall, U 103. Coville, CNH 4:155. Type locality: "California." See Gilia multicaulis Benth. CONVOLVULUS ARVENSIS Linn. L, Sp PI 153. Per, prostrate; sts 3-10 dm long; Ivs oblong, sagitate or hastate, 2.5-5 cm long, basal lobes short; pedicels 1-3- fl1, with a pair of subulate bracts near the base; cor w with a tinge of p on outside, neither lobed nor angled; stig filiform. Eu. Abrnms. Fl L \. 20^. "Occasional in cult fields, and waste places. M^'-N." CONVOLVULUS PENT APETALOI DBS Diffusely branched from the base, 347 348 the branches 6-18 i long, puberulent or lower longer than the Internodes; Hgule hairy; Ivs linear or oblong- oblanceo- conspicuous, 2-3 lines long, triangular- late, narrowed to a petiole, 1-3 i long; acuminate, sometimes split; upper half peduncle with a pair of small spatulate of culm leafless: panicle 6-8 in. long, lax or subulate bracts below the fl, 1-fld, and open, branches mostly in twos, the retrocurved in fr, %-l i loitg: sep more lower ones 2-3 in. long, slender, smooth, or less hairy with subscarious margin; fl bearing to or below the middle, the cor p'ish, % i long, deeply 5-cleft. Eu. lower joints 1-2 in. distant: spikeleta SD! Baja! Cruz. small, outer glumes nearly 2 lines long, Breweria minima A. Gray. equal, linear-lanceolate, acute, ii-nerved, CONVOLVULUS SOLDANELLA Linn. smooth, purplish, one-third longer than {Stems prostrate, %-lV2 ft long; her- both fls: fl'ng glumes H-two-thirds line bage glabrous and succulent; Ivs thick, long, oblong, smooth, iaintly nerved, apex reniform, dep g, shining, 1-2 i broad, broad and 4-toothed the awn from near mostly broader than long, on stout pet- the base 4 times as long as its glume, ioles; cor short and rather broadly bent at the middle: palet as long as its funnelform, 1^-2 i broad, pinkish or glume, uairow, ciliate above: vilious hairs pale D; cap becoming i-celled. Sandy at the base half as long as the fl: the seashores. Baja north to Puget Sound, rhachilla also vilious." Vasey, bot gaz Eu. 10:224. S D mesas! Baja! Abrams, Fl LA 309. BROMU3 FORTERX. GLOSSARY. Variety AS1 MIL-IS I>avy. Bromus Porteri lanatipes Shear, USD- /., ole:n AhHroviaHrmo ^ A agros b 23:37 (1900) in part. Mountain (See also Abbreviations-) Brcme. "Loosely tutted perennial; stems acaulescent, apparently stemless; the E^SyMS^^^kSS Proper stem being very short or legule 1-2 mm long, truncate, lacerate; subterranean. blades flat, 10-23 cm long, 5-10 mm wide, accesory, something additional. SSsOT^^ in size or drooping but usually not heavy, the ra- length with age. a the calyx or ehis branches and pedicels puberulent pedicel after flowering loTTo h n g U Ulen r der. h IprSSSro n r P r a efle S x b el; aceumbont, lying againV a thing. bearing 1-3 or sometimes several sp*ke- 4 The cotyledons are accumbent when &%!%s%siiistf & " iey ". r ith thelr edges against row, sub-terete, 6-11-fl'd; empty glumes unequal, acute, 3-nerved, pubescent, the aeerose, needle-shaped. L!ume 6 dSly he pu l E r en 8 t 'SUSVSS =*" needle-haped. more s.ender extreme apex with appressed hairs, ob- than acerose. tuse, terminating in a short awn 4-n mm aculeate, armed with prir-kles. mSrittfT 1 UniV Cal PUb b0t 1:55- JaC Acuminate, aper-pointed. BROMUS 'TRINU Desv. acute, ending in a point. Robust, 6-12 dm . high, panicle much adherent. ?tiekins to, or growing fast elongated. 2-4 dm long; branches mostly tn nnrt fv,pr hnrlv 6-12 at the lower whorls, weak and spreading; leaves broadly linear Ian- adnate, born adherent. ceolate, smooth or somewhat sparsely aestival, produced in summer. pilose-pubescent, as are the sheaths. *n=,H V j,tinn tho arrano-pmpnt nf rflrt Type from the Andes of southern Chili, aestivation, the arrangement Chollas valley, San Diego (Orcutt 1064), m a flower-bud. Pasadena (O. D. Allen, in 1885), and San alate, winged. Nicolas Island (Balnche Trask 15), Call- alliaceous, with the odor of onions. Trisetum hirtum Trin Linnaea 10:300 alveolate, honeycomb-like- (1835). ament, the scaly spike of trees, like 229 rr < I fs54) m barbatum Stud Syn P1 Gram the alder and willow. Bromus barbatoides Beal Grass N A amphitropous, attached by the middle 2:614 (1896). and having 1 the micropyle at one . , H ,^ Bromus barbatorides sulcatus Beal amplexicaul, clasping Qhe stem by grass N A 2:615 (1896). the base. Trisetum barbatum major Vasey In anatropous, inverted, when the micro- ^bHAM^foiUiciIJsIS^. P^e is at the same end as the "Apparently annual: culms about 2 ft hilum. Mgb, sender, smooth: Ivs filiform, not r. r ,,-.; n itoi Q./ario-pri rigid, the lower ones recurvirg. 3-4 in. an cipltai, - long; sheaths smooth, loose and open, the androgynous, having: both staminate 249 850 and pistillate flowers in the same capitate, having a head. cluster. capsule, a dry dehiscent fruit formed anterior, in a flower, is the part next from a compound pistil, the bract. carinate, keeled. antheriferous, anther-bearing . carpel, a pistil-leaf or sporophyll. anthesis, the period of floweringr. caruncle, an excrescence at the^ hilum antrorse, directed upward. of some seeds, apetalous, destitute of petals. catkin, see ament, apical, belonging to the apex. caudate, tailed, apiculate, tipped with a small point, caudex, an upright Stock, apophysis, an irregular swelling, caudicle, the stalk of a pollen*rriass. aquatic, growing in water, caulescent, having an obvious stem, arachnoid, Cobwebby. caulicle, rudimentary stem of a seed- arborescent, treelike. ling, arcuate, bent or curved, oauline, belonging to the stem, areolate, marked out into little cell, the cavity of an anther or oVary. spaces. chaff, small membranous scales on aristate, awned. the receptacle of Compositae. aristulate, short-awned. chaparral, a thick growth of shrubs, articulated, jointed. such as manzanita or scrub-oak, ascending, rising obliquely upward, chartaceous, of the texture of paper, assurgent see ascending. ciliate, beset on the margin with a auriculate, with auricles or ear-like fringe of hairs or bristles' appendages. clavate, club-shaped, awl-shaped, sharp-pointed from a claw, the stalk-like base of aome broader base. petals, awn, a bristle or beard-like append- cleistogamous, fertilized in closed age, buda. axillary, occurring in an axil, cleft, cut Into lobes, baccate, berry-like. comose, bearing a tuft of hairs, barbate, bearded. connate, united or grown together, berry, a fruit, pulpy or juicy through- connivent, converging. out, as a grape- convolute, rolled up lengthwise, bifid, 2-cleft to about the middle. cordate, heart-shaped, bifurcate, 2~forked. coriaceous, leathery in texture, bilabiate, 2-lippfd. corm, a solid bulb, bladdery, thin and inflated. cornute, horned, blade, the expanded portion of a leaf corona, a crown. or petal. corymb, a flat or convex fiower-clus- bloom, a whitish powder. ter. brachiate, in pairs, each pair arrang- corymbose, in corymbs. ed at right angles to the next. costa, a rib. bract, the leaf of an inflorescence. cotyledons, the seed-leaves* bractlet, bracts that occur on flower- creeping, growing flat on the ground pedicels. and rooting, bulb, a leaf-bud with fleshy scales, crenate, with rounded teeth. usually subterranean. ciuciate, hood-shaped or hooded, bullate, appearing as if blistered or culm, the stem of grasses or sedges, bladdery. cuneate, wedge-shaped, caducous, dropping off very early. cuspidate, tipped with a sharp stiff caespitose, growing in tufts. point. callous, hardened. cyme, a cluster of centrifugal inflor- calyptra, a hood. escence. ccmpanr.late, bell-shapod. cymose, with Cymes, canescent, gravid-white, caused lisa- deciduous, fallmg off. al!y by a covering of fine whitish decompound, several times corn- hairs- pound. 351 352 decumbent, reclined on the ground, posite directions, zig-zag. the summit tending- to rise. floccose, woolly, decurrent, prolonged on the stem be- foliate, provided with leaves. neath the insertion. follicle, a pod composed of a single decussate, arranged in pairs, which carpel, opening down the inner successively cross each other. suture, dehiscence, the regular splitting open frutescent, somewhat shrubby. of a capsule or anther. fugacious, soon perishing or falling dentate, toothed, the teeth pointing off. outward- fulvous, tawny. dichotomous, 2-forked. funiculua, the stock of an ovule or diffuse, spreading widely and irregu- seed. larly. furf uraceous, bran-like, digitate leaflets are digitate when fusiform, spindle-shaped. they are all borne on the end of a galea, a helmet-shaped body. petiole. geniculate, bent abruptly, dissected, cut deeply into many lobes gibbous, somewhat swollen or en- or divisions. larged. dissepiments, the partitions in a com- glabrate, becoming glabrous or al- pound ovary. most so. diurnal, expanded during the day, glabrous, smooth, not hairy. closed at night. glands, small cellular organs which distichous, 2-ranked. secrete certain substances, such as distinct, free. oil. divaricate, widely divergent. glandular, -with glands, divided, cut into divisions down to glaucescent, slightly glaucous. the midrib. glaucous, covered with a bloom, drupe, a fleshy fruit containing a glomerate, closely aggregated in a stone, as the plum. dense head. echinate, armed with prickles. glume, floral bracts in grasses, elliptical, oval or oblong, with the gramineous, grass-like. ends regularly rounded. habit, tbe general aspect of a plant, emarginate, notched at the summit, habitat, the place where a plant emersed, raised out of water. grows. endocarp, the inner layer of a peri- hairy, beset with rather long hairs. carp. hastate, halberd-shaped, endosperm, the nutritive matter in a herb, a plant that is not woody. seed, surrounding the embryo- hilum. the scar of a seed, the place of ephemeral, lasting for a day or less. attachment, epigynous, upon the ovary. hirsute, with stiffish hairs, equitant, folded longitudinally, and hirsutulous, minutely hirsute. each embracing the next within. hispid, beset with stiff hairs, erose, eroded as if gnawed. hoary see canescent. exocarp, outer layer of a pericarp. horn, a spur. extrorse, turned outward. hyaline, transparent or partly so. falcate, sythe-shaped. imbricate, overlapping one another, farinaceous, mealy in texture. like shingles. fascicle, a close cluster. immersed, growing wholly under wa- fastigate, close, parallel and upright. ter. faveolate, favose see alveolate. incised, cut rather deeply and irregu- ferruginous, resembling iron-rust. larly. filiform, thread-like. incumbent the cotyledons are in- fimbriate, fringed. cumbent when the back of one of flstulose, hollow and cylindric. them lies against the caulicle. flabelliform, fan-shaped. infericr.growing below some other flavescent, yellowish. organ, flexuous or flexuous, bending 1 in op- insertion, the place or mode of attach- in ment. introrse, turned or facing inward. involucel, a small involucre. keel, a projecting ridge. lacerate, appearing as if torn, laciniate, slashed, lanate, woolly. lanceolate, lanee-Bhaped, legume, a simple pod which dehisces in 2 pieces. lenticular, lens-shaped' ligneous, woody. Jigulate, strap-shaped, limb, the border of a corolla, linear, narrow and flat, the margins parallel, loculicidal, dehiscent through the back of each cell, lunate, crescent-shaped, lyrate, lyre-shaped, hiarcescent, withering without falling off. maritime, belonging to the aeacoast. membraneous, thin and soft, like a membrane, merous, the number of parts in a circle. mesoearp, the middle part of a peri- carp, monoecious, having stameng or pistils only, mucronate, tipped with an abrupt. short point. mucronulate, diminutive of the last, muricate, beset with short prickly points. rnutieous, blunt, pointless, nectar, a sweet secretion in flowers, nectariferous, having nectary, nerve, veins, usually confined to those that are parallel, hervose, conspicuously nerved, hodosa, knotty. oblong, 2-4 times as long as broad, obovate, inversely ovate, obtuse, blunt or rounded at the end. ochroleucoui*, yel>owi&h-} white, oeulate, with eye-shaped markings, orbicular, circular in outline. orthotropOUs, straight, when the mi- cropyle is on the Opposite end from the hilum. oval, broadly elliptic, ovate, shaped like art egg, with the broad end downward, ovoid, ovate or oval, ovuliferous, ovule-bearing. 354 palea, chaff, palmate see digitate. panicle, an open and branched cliis ter, a compound raceme. papilionaceous, butterfly=shaped. papilla, little nipple-shaped protu- berances. papillate, papillose, covered With pa* pillae. pappus, the bristles, scales, fete., at at the apei of the akenea in the Compositae. parasitic, living on another plant or animal. parietal, 'attached to the walls of the ovary. pectinate, pihnatifid into narrow di- visions, like the teeth of a. comb. pedate, like a bird's foot. pedicel, the stalk of each flower in a cluster. pedicellate, pedicelled. peltate, shield-shaped, pepo, a fruit like the melon. perfect, having both Stamens and pis- til perianth, the floral leaves the caly* and corolla. perigyrtium, bodJTes around a pistil. perigynous, the petals and stamens borne on the calyx. personate, masked; a bilabiate flower with a palate in the throat. r.etaloid, petal-like. petiole, a stalk of a leaf. petiolulate, a stalked leaflet. pilose, clothed with long slender hairs. pinnate, with leaflets arranged along the side of a common petiole. pinnatifid, cleft in a pinnate manner. pistil, the seed-bearing Organ Of a flower. pistillate, having a pistil, or pistils, placenta, the part of the ovary to which the ovules are attached. plaited, folded lengthwise. plumose, feathery. pollen, the fertilizing powder con- tained in the anthers; the micro- spores. polygamous, having some perfect and some unisexual flowers. pome, a fleshy fruit, such as the ap- nle and pear. posterior, portion of a flower is that toward the axis. 855 S&6 primordial, earliest formed. through the partitions, procumbent, trailing on the ground, serrate, the margin cut into teeth proliferous, where a new branch rises pointed upward; saw-toothed. out of an older one, or one cluster serrulate, minutely serrate. of flowers out of another. sessile, not stalked, prostrate, lying flat on the ground. seta, a bristle, or bristle-like, pruinose, frosted. setaceous, bristle-like, puberulent, with fine short pubes- silicle, a short silique. cence. silique, capsule of the mu&tard fam- pubescent, with fine soft hairs. ily. punctate, dotted with minute holes. sinuate, with margins alternately puncticulate, minutely punctate. bowed inward and outward, puiig-ont, prickly-pointed. sinus, the angle between two lobes, pyriform, pear-shaped. smooth, no* rough, or as gia- raceme, with 1-flowored pedicels ar- brous. rai.yod along a common peduncle, sordid, dirty in hue. tncse, bearing racemes. spadix, a fleshy spike of flowers. is, the axis r especially of a spike, spathaceous, resembling, or furnished! receptacle, the axis or support of a with, a spath-e. flower. spathe, a bract which enwraps an in- rc-.?iTl".r, nil the parts of a circle simi- florescence. lar in s* spatulate, club-shaped, rcniforia : 2d. spike, flowers sessile on an elongated repand, wavy-margined, rachis. reticulated, netted. spinescent, tipped with a spine, retuse. with a blunt somewhat in- spinose, spiny. dented apex. spur, any hollow appendage which revolute, rolled back. looks like a spur, rootstock, rootlike, usually under- squ^mate, furnished with scales. ground stems. squarrose, where scales, leaves or rosulate, in a rosette. any appendages spread widely rotate, wheel-shaped. from the axis on which they are rugose, wrinkled. thickly set. runcinate, coarsely saw-toothed. stalk, stem, petiole, peduncle, etc. runner, a slender prostrate branch starninate, furnished with stamens. rooting at the ends or Joints. staminodium, an abortive stamen, saccate, sac-shaped. standard, th^ upper petal of a pap'Ji- sagittate, arrow-shaped. onaceous flower, saisuginous, growing in brackish stellate, star-like. places. stipe, the stalk of the pistil, salver-shaped, with a border spread- stipitate, furnished with a stipe. ing at right angles to a slender stipules, appendages situated or* tube. either side of the base of some samara, a winged fruit or key. leaves, scabrous, rough or harsh to the stolon, a trailing or reclined and* touch- rooting shoot, scape, a peduncle rising from the stomata, breathing pores of leaves. ground or near it. stramineous, straw-like, scapiform, scape-like. striate, marked with slender longi- scarious, thin, dry and membranous. tudinal stripes, scorpioid, curved or circinate at the strict, close and narrow; straight and end. narrow. scrobiculate, pitted. strigose, best with stout appressed scuttelate, saucer-shaped. hairs or bristles. secund, 1-sided. stylopodium, an enlargement at the septate, divided by partitions. base of the style. septicidal, where the dehiscence is subulate, awl-shaped, tapering from 857 858 a broad base to a sharp point, versatile, attached by a point so that Buckers, shoots from subterranean it may swing to and fro. branches. verticil, a whorl. suffrutescent, somewhat woody or vespertine, appearing of expanding shrubby at the base. in the evening. Bulcate, grooved longitudinally, virgate, having a glutinous surface. superior, above. Wedge-shaped, broad above, tapering- suture, the line of junction of con- to the base by straight lifted. tiguous parts grown together. whorled, arranged in whorls Of cir- sympetalous, petals united. cles. tawny, dull yellowish, with a tinge of - - brown, Genus ALJTtS Tonttiefort. tendril, a thread-like organ used in Shrubs or trees with dentate or serrU- climbing. j t , both stam j nate & pistillate fls terete, cylindrical, lernate in 3's ln aments tne staminate pendulous; the testa, the outer seed coat. pistillate erect, clustered: staminate fl3 throat, the expanded portion between 3-6 in each ax, consisting of a mostly 4- the lobes and the proper tube in part ed perianth, 1-4 sta & subtended by panicle of cymes. woody, persistent, 5-toothed or erose* torus, the receptacle of the flower, nut sm, compressed, winged or wings i. trifid, 3-cleft. ALNUS RHOMBIFOLIA Nutt trifoliolate, with 3 leaflets. Branches slender, dark brown, scarce- SSriTi ^ t' y off -at ng r top. I? do'ted; 1 slight pubescent beneath, tuberculate, bearing little pimple-like smoOthish above, ovate or obovate to bodies. ovate-oblong. 2-3 incheslong rounded, at tunicate, coated, as an onion. summit or acute, cuneate at base, irreg turbinate, top^shaped." glandular-denticulate; fr'ng aments ob- umbel. an inflorescence in which a f number of pedicels of nearly lon ^ 8 h lon &. bracts rather thm equal length spring from the above; nutlets a li long, very broadobo- same point. vate with a thickened margin, Umbellate, in umbels. unarmed, destitute of thorns or G * ItWlWI Toarnefort. spines, etc. Large trees with soft light wood: buds uncinate. hook-shaped. varnished with a fragrant resin: leaves S5s^r?sr** or wavy> broad ' r tioles i ong ' ofien com r sse ? unisexual, having stamens or pistils vertically, A glandular: aments lateral, only. expanding before the leaves, cylindric; urceolate, urn-shaped. brae's lacerately fringed; ex an oblique, Utricle, a small thin-walled, 1-seeded discoid cup> its margin ent i re : sta 8-30: vafve lt one of the pieces into which a ova superior; sty very short, bifid; stig dehiscent fruit splits. large, 2-lobed; cap 2-valved, 2-celled. valvate, opening by valves; in aesti- Latin: populus the people, being oiten vation when the parts just meet O n the highways. Aspen, Cottonwood. and do not overlap. POPrLUS FREMONTII S. Watson. venation, the veining or leaves. ^ . , , , , , f . , * ventral, the ooposlte of dorsal. Tree wlth a broad hd of wlde s f )repd ' ventricose, inflated on one side. ing branches. 6-15 m hi; Ivs deltoid-or- verrucose, warty. bicular, 4-10 cm long, somewhat broad* 359 er, crenate or sinuate-crenate, abruptly narrow-lanceolate, 3 cm long, 1-2 wide, acute at apex, truncate or subcordate at closely sessile, entire or rarely minutely base, g or y'ish-g on both surfaces; male * remotely denticulate, clothed equally aments 25-35 mm long; sta 60 or more, on both sides with an appressed silky anth dark r; pistillate aments 5 cm long, pubescence; stipules o or very minute on loosely fld; ova glabrous; cap on pedi- vigorous shoots; aments surpassed by eels 4 mm long, minutely rough-tuber- theirlfy peduncles, 3-5 cm long 1-2 cm culate. SBer! SD! thick, often in pairs or in 3*5 at ends of The common cotton wood of So Cal; branches: scales oblong, obtuse in starn Variety WISL1ZENI Sereno Wataon. aments, narrower & more acute in pist, Lvs sharply acuminate, truncate or glabrous on back> crisp hairy on marg i n slight-cuneate at base; stam aments with 4 toward base> erose above; Jower half shorter pedicels & less dilated thin discs, of fil densely crisp hairy; cap i ance olate, pist aments very slender, 2-6 i long; disc covered with straight appressed silky 2 or 3 H broad; cap ovate to ovate-oblg, hairs> closely j^^. st}g sessile> oblong omewhat angled, 3- or 4-valved, 4 or 5 A abou t twice as long as thick; mature li long, on slender pedicels 2-8 li long. cap often bec ormng nearly glabrous. Baja! Crnz, LA, SD, SBer O. Abra, FI LA 102. POPULUS TRICHOCARPA T. * O. SALIX EX IGUA Nnttall, Tree with a broad hd of ascending Sm shrub of becomi a gm t ^ branches, 8-15 m h.; Ivs ovate or oblong- branches H ht b lys cm , ^ ovate, rounded at base, acute at apex, wM ^ dosel sessil entire QJ . serrulate, dark g* shining above, pale nearly so> canescent when young( com beneath, 5-8 cm long, on terete petioles, becdVning xu ; te dabrous at manirit 3-5 cm long; male aments 3-5 cm long; very narruuly elliptic> veins yery indis . ^^^r^J^l tinct ; sti P nleso; _ ^ cm long, on loosrlv fld; ova hoary tomer.tose; cap 3- Fd about as lon^ nppearing with lv. , j lather densely & even -nd, sometimes trie Black cottonwood; Cruz. Ha U TO. Da lower fls remote; scalts of st.-m ament 16. Rosa, oblong to obovate, in pist narrower and Genu SAI.IX Tournefort. L>i ger, sin* oth or more or Jess crisp Trees, shrubs and undershrubs, with villous on margins; cap closely sessile, com long narrow acute Ivs & persistent lanceolate, glabrous, light g; stig ssort * or early decid broad or minute stipules: thick, sessile, sometimes even appearing stam aments dense, erect, spreading or slightly sunken in apex of cap. drooping, their fls with i-n sta with fil Abrams, FI tA 102. -Interior vafleyB. distinct or united below: pist com err ct Variety VIBEN8 Rowleo. or spreading; ova sessile or short-siipi- Leaves 10-12 cm long, I wide, nearty tate; sty short or filiform, with 2 entire glabrous, veins very conspicuous on both or 2-cleft stig: cap i-celled, 2-vlved; sd sides > distinctly denticulate; stipules num, minute. Willow. lar & e > oblong denticulate; aments lar^e, SALIX ARGOPHTLLA NuttalT- pint 4 cm long, i thick, sometimes in 3'* Tree or large shrub forming clumps, at ends of the long Ify shoots, young twigs puberulent, branches nearly Abrains, FI LA.-HBer (Wright), glabrous & very tough; bark turning from SALIX LAEVIGATA Bebb. brown to y or orange before fl'ng: Ivs Tree 10-15 m hi; branches r'ish-br; 361 Ivs lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, ser- rnlate, g A shining above, more or less glaucous beneath, 8-12 cm long, gla- brous; petioles about i cm long; puber- ulent above 4 somewhat grooved; male aments com flexuous, 5-7.5 cm long; boacts more or less elliptic, woolly at base, glabrous & pallid toward apex; sta 5-6; fil pubescent below; cap conic from a thick base, ncute, glabrous, on pedi- cels 3-4 times as long as the gland; stig nearly or quite sessile, emarginate. SBe'r (Parish 546); Cruz; Rosa. Da 16. BALIX LASIAXDRA Benth. A middle-sized tree with rough bark; Ivs rather broadly lanceolate, 7-15 cm long, abruptly tapering at base, acumin- ate at apex, sharply & closely serrulate, pale beneath, petioles glandular at base of blabe; stipules sm, glandular-serrate; aments on long peduncles, the pistillate 5-7 cm long; bracts of the stam y,ish, toothed; sta com 5; ova glabrous; stigma nedrly sessile, bifid; cap lanceolate, 6-8 mm long on pedicels 2 mm long. Anderson, Zoe ] :41, 42, desc a hybrid form. A brains, Fl LA 10). LAriVer. Da 16. San Francisco. Variety LANCIFOLIA Bebb. Lvs tapering reg from nr the roundish or subcordate base to a long attenuate point: petioles very glandular: stipules on vigorous young shoots large & glan- dular-serrate, on fl'g branches sm & de- cid; scales in stam ament acute, g'ab, in pist broader, hirsute T r 'M T"ok. :\^t.-3a^, 3.D , on pebbles (Or 211G). Hasse, 3GS Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles Cd. PLACODIUM CE'RINUM HedW. On Malvastrum Thurberi, S'D! Ha39, Brythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. PI ACQDIUM LUTEO-MINIUM Tuck. SD, on earth (J. G. Cooper). Hass, Erythea 3:42, Los Angeles Co. PLACODIUM. V1TELLINUM N*H. Ilas>e. Erythea 3:12. Los Angelas Co. Pi AOODIT3M FULGENS DC. N-.'rr fc^r- Quint n, Baja! Greenland. N0- a, Wyoming, Nebraska, On calcar- eous soils. PYRKfXt LA LACTEA. fclati Dieo! PYr.ENT LA TUNC TTyO^MTH X-H. San Liego. on I Inus Torieyatta! PYXlNlE VK'TA 'tuck. O: Sambucus $j auca, Baja! S. C., Tex- as. Mexico. RAM A LIN A CAI1CAI.IS Fr. F'a-stctn T r . S. frotn Canada to Mexico, Var! ty FARINACEA Sehaer. liasse, Erythea 4:9S, Catalina on twigs, RAMAL.1NA CERUCHIS De Not. Hasse, Erythea 3:41, LA Co; 4:96, on shrubs near the coaat (forma cephalota Tuck). R/MALTNA CRTN1TA Twk. "Ti.a.l'ius caest Uo^e, r'g.d. compressed, at length much dilated, greenish -glaucous, the divisions smooth, Interruptedly white -striate, and becoming lac'uoes, attenu- ate at the summit*, and clothed a,t the rra'-ffins mc-m or less thickly \vith strong, C'l 1 ror; Arctic Am; Atlantic; Mexico. solitary or clustered, finally bianchc-^, black fit r ; !s: ap*thc ; a midaiine-sized to ICLrff* (3-10 mm in width), suMerminal c-rcl '.a-'-era 1 , subpoaicellate. varying a^ 10 smoothnc-iRi as the thellus, the mar- -r:n?! blackened; spr.res 15.JO 5-6 m}t."Tnckerrran. T^rr ci b Pt Loma, SD on Eu-h -rbia m'-tn-a' To- dg"eles Co., Calif." _Hasse, Erythea 3:43. Hasse, ILrythea 4:107, LA Co. on rocks. 369 RTNODINA BOLODES Tuck. Baja! SD, on earth (Or 2149)> RINODINA CONRADI Kaerb. Europe. SF (Bolander). S>D mesas, on pebbles! Hasse, Erythea. 4 97, 107, on earth and rocks. RINODINA O REIN A Mass. Hasse, Erythea 3:43, Los Angeles Co. RINODINA RADIATA fuCk, Mesas, SD, on stones (Or 2117). Near S-an Quintin, Baja (Or 2113). Hasse, Ery- thea 3:43, Los Angeles Co, RINODINA SOPHOD-ES Nyl. Baja. on SambucUs glauca! SD (Or 2172). Throughout N. A., on trees, stone? and dead wood. Hass-e, Erythea 3:43, LA Co; 1:107. RINODINA SUCCEEDENS Nyl, Hasse, Erythea 4:107, LA Co, on bark, HTNODINA THYSANOTA Tuck. Hasse, Erythea 3:43, Los Angeles Co. KOCtELLA LEUCOPHAEA Tuck. SD, on shrubs, (Or 21b8). Hasse, Ery- thea 4:150, LA CO, on L.ycium Cal'eutB. Variety MINOR Tuck. Hasse. Erythea 4:150, Catalina, on rocks exposed to ocean spray. ROCCELLA PHYCOPIS Ach. SD; Cape of Good Hope; Peru; Madei- ra; Cuba. ROCCELLA TINCTORIA D C Mexico, oh rocks (Krempelhuber); Baja (Or): SD (Pa'mor, Or). BCHIZGPELTE CALIFORNICA Ft. San Diego (Palmer). STEREOCAULON ALBlCANS Nyl Ft Loma. SD! Guadalupe Island (Palm* er) Not rare on the ground under bUsh- o>, mesas or canyons. Rocky mts, Colo. (Brandegee). BTYLQORAPHA PARALLELA Nyl, San Diego rnessag. THffiLOCHlSTES LYCHNEUS Nyl. Forma LACINIO3A Cchaer. Lasse Erythea 3:41, LA CO. TCHRY3OPTHAI.MUS Norm. Cosmopolitan. SD; Baja (Or 2146). on Pros'?pls pubescens. Ha=se, Erythea 3:41, Los Angeles Co. Variety FLAVlCANS Wallr. S. C. Texas. Mexico. Near San Quintin bay, Baja, very large, abundant, homely specimens, incrusted with salt and usu- ally detached from the earth (Or 2148). Near Colton. Cal. on Adenostoma (Par- ry), Very delicate and beautiful speci- mens! Kasse. Erythea S:41. LA Co. TF1ELOCH1STES PARlETlNUS Norm. SD (Or 2141). Shores of Lake Superior. New England. New York. Hasse, Erythea -MO" "forma terrestris, on moist Coast rocks," L*A Co. Variety POLYCARPI T S Tuck. Cosmopolitan, SD (Or 2145). VMBILICARIA PHAEA TuCk. Mas;-e. Eiytliea 3:- -2. LA C.) UMBILICARIA SEMITENSIS TUck. T T ?.se Erythea ?:42, Los Angeles Co. rpcEOLARiA CYP?ACEA Nyi. Hasse, Erythea 4:107, LA CO, on earth. Ban Diego. trCEOLAP.IA SCTlUPOSA Nyl. 1-Iasse. Diythea S:43. LA Co; 4:lG7, en earth. SD! Throughout N. A, U&NEA BARB AT A Fn, SD, sterile, on fences (Or 2169. N. A, Baia. Variety HIRTA Fn. Hasse, firythea 3:41, DA Co] 4:106. SD Btfcrile on Adenostoma, fasciculatum (Or 2170) , and other shrubs. Variety RUBIGINEA Miches. SAn Diego (Or 2171). L'SNEA JUBATA Fft, USNEA OCHROLE-UCA Fn, VERRUCARIA CBRASI Schrad. Hasse, Erythea 3:44, on MalvaStrum Thurbeti, Los Angeles County. VERRUCARIA INTERCEDANS. Variety ASTHIOBOLQIDES Nyl, Hasse, Eiyihea a --.4. Los Angelefe Co, V EPv.R.r : CARlA NIGRE9C ENS. San Diego mesaB on pfebb!69 (Or)? VERRUCARIA PAPILLOSA Kaerb. Variety 'TERRkSTRlS Arnold. Hasse, Erythea. 4:150. "On earth; with tninute black apothecia." VERRUCARIA PL,UMARlA Stl2. "Thalius smooth, whitish &ray and darkening, spores colorless, bilOCular, ellipsoid, each Cell slightly constricted, 12-16 by 4-6 mic. Paraphyses distinct. Reaction with iodine; yellow to bronze with potassium hydrate. On Various bushes, Santa, Monica Range; fre- quent." Hasse. Erythea 3:44. (I3 Angeles Co., Calif.). VKRRUCARlA PUNCTtFORMlS Ach Fasse, Erythea 4:160. "On Heterc>meleS. VERRUCARIA VIRTDULA Schrad Hasse, Erytheai 3:44, Los Angeles Co. Lichens. These diminutive plants are found in a great variety of forms and in abundance in the vicinity of San Die- jro, and southward along; the c-ast of Raja California The shrubs and Miches are often covered, especially In the vi- cinity of the sea where subjected to the influence of frequent fogs or moist ocean breezes. Euphorbia misera, species of Atriplex, Lycium, and other genera are thus dec- orated, the trunks and branches with the microscopic fruits of Lecapora and still more inconspicuous genera, while the tops are festooned and often almost concealed by the luxuriant rr^owth of fo- liaceous species, Ramalina. Rocce'ta Sic. The me'-ns around San iMegn are pro- lific in rqr+h forms, the hard stm-b^ked ground being largely colored with the 371 bright red, yellow, black, or white fruits and thalli ot Biatora, Rinodina, &c. The pebbles and boulders ireely scat- tered over these mesas (and these re- marks apply with equal force to the me- sas of Baja California, at least as far as Lagoon Head) are also brightly colored with the thick red fruits of Placodium bob.cinum, the black species known as Verruca ria nigrescens, with the lar^e black fruit ot Lecanora atra with its broad \vhite thallus, or with various broad patches of some foliaceous species white, yellow, brown, or of some otlr er tint or shade that harmonizes with its surroundings, contrasting pleasantly with the reddish brown earth or the grey colored stones upon which they are com- fortably seated. The weather-stained shingles that Stockton used to roof the old mission of San Diego were highly colored with the commoner species of lichens when I first knew that historic edifice- Other roofs and fences of more recent origin are sim- ilarly decorated, and often prove of great attraction to the botanist as furnishing data relative to thtir rapidity of growth. The humble home of the trap-door spider (Cteniza californica), securely closed b)' a neat fitting door, tightly held against possible intruders, is oiten found further concealed by a luxuriant growth of lichens. Whether the sagacious lady of the honse is to be credited with their transplanting, as is claimed by some nat- uralists, or whether they themselves se- lected the site of their abode, and reached full maturity after the spider's house was built, are questions which it would be interesting to have settled. Turning away from the close proximity of the sea, we find the rocks in the rug- ged canyons which bieak through the foothills covered with a multitude of equally bright and pretty lichens, ivhich often actually lend color to the whole landscape. Thus the recks at the he;.d of the celebrated Cantiilas c'tnyon. in northern Baja California, are i ich yellow 372 while the rocks in the San Tehno Can- yon, near San Quintin, Lower California, are white with lichens whitened as if they had Deen haunted by sea fowl for centuries! FUNGI. ABCID1UM TIS'SAB E. & K. PI'iRIDEKMIUM DPHKDKAB CKL.. On Bphedra, California, Valle de Lag Paur-as, Baja Cal (Orcutt. PEZ.IZA SCUTUL.ATA L* Cuyamaea rat (Orcutt). PJ.ICMA CALJfc'OrlNIJA E, & 13. PH Yi^GSTi CTA S j^KAivROPB ISPOR A UREDO E'RIOCCMAE B. & E. Abbreviations and Signs. alt-ernate, one after another. ann-ual, flowering and fruiting in the first year or season and then dy- ing 1 . anth anthropology, anthropological. aes Agricultural experiment station agr agrostology (Division of) Am America, American. an annual. B=Buitetin. bien-nial, requiring two yearg to at- tain ^maturity, then dying. cir cular. Co: County. Da: Alvah A. Davidson, Plants of L A Co . D~A U. S. Department of Agriculture, diam-etdr. FCM F'elcl Columbian Museum, f Figure. opj)-osite, on opposite sides of the stern, in pairs. pcr-ennlal. living year after year. pr prf>c r?o cJ i ngrs . Quintin: San Qintin bay, Baja, R Report. sc society. sr Series. U university. Yv 7 West American Scientist, Zo Zoology, zoological. O, none or wancing. Bibliopva phieal \vord#: a^-ademy ; an- rials; biol-og-y; bot-any; des- cription; cnn-yclo'pae r lia; fl-ora; ft-artl-en; jeavd-ctter gen-era ; hort- iculture; niag-asine; mon-o-graph; miw-eum; nat-ioTral; nr.t-urai; pi- antae; pv-o-ceeuingy; or- quarterly; rtiv-iew; sci-erice; sca'-ies; sp-ecies; syn-cpsfsr i-abula (picture, plate); tr-ansactlons. C-VII. contributions from the U. S. National Ilertarium. 373 ~ ~ Calif ornian localities: For compactness many localities are designated by a single word or abbrevi- Stion, which the following will explain: aja: Baja or Lower California. Bear: Bear valley, S Ber Co, 6,000-6,500 ft alt Calmalli: a mining camp about 50 miles east of Scammon's Lagoon, Baja. Cempo: 60 miles east of S D. Cantilles: a deep canyon opening upon the CD in northern Baja, Cat: Santa Catalina Island, Cal. CD Colorado Desert, Calif. Cedros: Island, off the west coast of Baja. Chollas: & valley partly within the limite of the city of S D. Cruz: Santa Cruz Island. Cuyamaca: Mts east of S D, 6,000 ft alt Gabriel: San Gabriel, LA Co. Quad: Guadalupe Island off west coast of Baja.. Hanson's: ranch, mts Baja, 6,000 ft alt Jac: San Jacinto mts, Cal. LA: Los Angeles, Cal. Mohave: Mohave or Mojave desert Monica: Santa Monica: LA Co. Pasadena: LA Co. Potreroza valley near the southern boun- dary of S D Co. Rosa: Santa Rosa Island, Cal. Rosalkt: Santa Rosalia, east coast of Baja, Santos: Todos Santos bay, Baja, BBar: Santa Barbara, Cal. SBer: San Bernardino, Cal, SD: San Diego, California. SF: San Francisco, Cal. Colors: bk-black; bl-ue; crim-son; g-reen; ind-igo; mag-enta; or- ange; p-urple; r-ed; scar-let; vio- let; \v-hlte; y-ellow. Countries: Af-rica; Ala-bama; Alk- Alaska; Ark-ansas; Ar-izona; Aus- tralia; BC-British Columbia; Braz- il; Cal-ifornia; Can-ada; Chlh- uahua; Ct-Connecttcut; Bel-aware; Eu-rope; Fla-Plorida: Ga-Georgia; la-Iowa; Id-aho; Ill-inois; Ind- iana; Ky-Kentucky; La-Lousiana; Ma-sachusetts; Md-Maryland; Me- Maine; Mex-ico; Mich-igan; Min- nesota; Mis-sissippi; Mo-Missouri; Mont-ana; XC-Xorth Carolina; XT)- North Dakota; Xeb-raska; Nev- ada; XH-New Hampshire; XJ-New Jersey; XM-New Mexico; XY-New York; Oh-io; Ok-lahoma; Ore-gon; Pa-Pennsylvania; RI-Rhode Island; SC-South Carolina; SDak-South Da- kota; Slb-eria; Son-ora; Ten-nes- see; Tex-as; US-United States; Ut- ah; Va-Virginia; Vt- Vermont; AVash-ington: WVa-West Virginia; \Visc-onsin; AVyo-ming. 374 Measurements: ft- feet; 1-nches; li- nes; (12 to an inch); cm-centimetre (0.39368 inch); dm-declmetre 3>9368 inches); m-etre (39.368 inches); mm-mlllimetre (0.03937 inch) mic-romillimetre (i-thous- anth of a mm the unite of micro- scopic measurement). Months: Ja-nuary; F-ebruary; Mif March; Ap-rll; My-May; Je-June; Jl-July; Au-gust; 3-eptember; O- ctober; X-ovember; D-ecember. Plant organs: ak-ene (or achene), a dry indehis- cent 1-seeded fruit. anth-er, the sac or sacs containing the pollen, the essential part of the stamen. cor-olla, the circle of petals In a flower, found outside of the stamens, within the calyx. Cx-ealyx, thfe outer, usually green, whorl of the flower. ftl-ament, a thread in case of a stamen the stalk supporting the an- ther. fl-ower; fls-flowers; fig-flowering. fr-ult, the matured or ripened ov- ary with all its appendages or acces- ory parts as well as contents. hd-hfead, of flowers, flowers in a globose cluster, being sessile and collected at the same point on the peduncle. infl-orescence, a flower-cluster, or in particular the mode of arrange- ment of the flowers. inv-olucre, a circle of bracts sub- tending a flower cluster. If-leaf; Ivs-leaves; Ift-leaflets, . one of the divisions of a compound leaf. ova-ry, that part of the- pistil con- taining the ovules. ped-uncle, stalk of a flower or flower cluster. pet-al, one of the parts or divis- ions of a corolla, usually colored. rt-root. Bd-seed; sds-seeds, seb-ment, a subdivision or lobe. sep-al, a leaf or division of the calyx. sta-men, one of the male organs of a flower. stlg-ma, the receptive part of the style which secretes a sticky or viscid 375 substance. sty-le, the contracted or slender portion of a pistil between the ovary and the stigma. PIiANT IDENTIFICATION. Perhaps no greater service can be done the rising generation in America than the establishment of a bureau where specimens of plants, insects, minerals, etc., could be sent, with a fair prospect of securing the correct names. Scientific activity has never been greater, and institutions glad to render satch aid have never been more numerous. Yet even a professional botanist, with an acquaintance with specialists, and the specialists them- pelves, with all the available facilities of modern institutions, find infinite difficulties in their way. Botany is not an exact science, and its litera- ture has become so intricate and cum- bersome that no one can hope to fully master it. As the late Thomas Mee- han has remarked, the greatest need at the present time is not more liter- ature, but an index to what we al- ready have. To render the subject Etlll more difficult, there has arisen much controversy over nomenclature, until no one can be quite sure as to the names that should be used. One writer (Heller, Muhlenbergia 1:135) remarks that he "can see no object in burdening literature with varietal or form names." Hence ev- ery albino must be ranked as a spec- ies, or remain nameless. Every dis- tinct variety must be raised to spe- cific rank or ignored. Even this could be borne, if botanists would refrain from describing specimens as species, but each must be allowed individual freedom, to describe new species of thunder, If he likes, as one notable American botanist has done. Such a bureau as Is needed, would require for the naming of American plants alone a library that would cost far more than $100,000, an herbarium that would require years to form, and trained specialists with unlimited leisure and patience, to solve the problems that would confront them. A botanical garden on no mean lines would also be found indispensable to 376 the proper conduct of the work, Fools rush in where angels fear to tread and this magazine is not yet equipped for the work outlined. We shall, however, from time to time give practical directions and advice to those seeking to take up botanical work. As a possible help to the student, we have decided to give carefully compiled descriptions of the plants of the southwest, bringing together the many scattering descriptions as far as possible, with the hope that in time the beginner, by saving up these pages. "Will be fairly equipped to iden- tify the native plants of the Golden State, and be able to judge for him- self as to the rightful names for our trees and flowers. Genus TETRA COCCUS TETRACOCCUS DIOICUS Parry. Shrubby, dioecitis; staminate flowers involu- crate on slender pedicels in the axils of the up- por leaves of receut shoots; inflorescenee with a prolonged central axis a little shoiterthan the leaves, And usually 2 or more unequa ly devel- oped opposite brunches, b; acteate at base: invo- lucre in R double series, persistent, with 7-9 phort, ronnded augments; stamens 7-0 long < x- cert, insert ed a! the base of the.inyolucral sca'es, encircling n irregularly Jobed, central disk', filaments den* ly c,ni:-.te-pubes< e)it atb-8 , an- thers extrorse, broadly '2 celled. pi?i,llate flow- ers in theaxilsof lower leaves on recent shoots single pedicellate, pedicel* thickening up" waid-, ar.r than the crenate gl>ndular ciliate c* - reg: fls tear or Mtlmon, < om with a dark center, 4-6 mm broad, cap glab Eujaj SD! Poor man's watMerg'ftss, scnr pimptrnel, Eu, MEDICAGO SATIVA Linn. Sts erect from a deep per tap-rt, glabrous, o-lO dm hi: Ifts cuneate-ob- long to oblanceolate, toothed above: fls many in a short raceme, violet: pod spirally coiled, unarmed. An occasional escape. L, Sp PI 2:778 (1763). Type locality: European. Davidson, Erythea 1:68, LA Co, Parsons, W Fls Cal 832 t. Abrams, Fl LA 210. San Miguel Island, Alfalfa, Cult. CD! DAXiSA ABBOBESCBJTS Torrey, " 'A sm tree," much branched, iomft" what spinose, the younger branches, Ivs and ex densely hoary tomentose: Ifts 1-8 pairs, obovate, approximate. 2 or 3" long: fls in short nearly sessild rather close spikes, p, 4 or 5" long: ex large, but shorter than the cor, the broader oblong or narrowly lanceolate teeth nearly equalling the tube." Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:142. San Fernando mts (Fremont). Gray, PI Thurber 316. DALEA 7ALIFORNICA 8. WateotL Shrubby, canescent with a flue ap- pressed pubescence, sparingly glandu- lar; the glands upon the peduncles sometimes prominent and prickle-like: Ifts 1 or 2 pairs, decurrent upon the rhachls, 1-H4* long, linear'Oblong: fls p, 4" long, on short pedicels: ex ft as long, the ovate acute teeth shorter than the t'ube." Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:142. Watson, Am ac pr 11:132. Parish, Zoe 5:113, CD, not Cajon Paae. C D, near Banning (Parry). DALEA EMORYI A. Gray. "Shrubby, much branched, 2-6* hi, hoary tomentose throughout with a very fine pubescence: Ifts 1-3 pairs, narrowly oblong to obovate, 2-4" long, the terminal 1ft much longer: spikes very short, pe- dunculate: fls 2 or 8" long, p: ex-teeth as long as the tube, a little snorter than the cor: ova pubescent." ^Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:142. C D; Baja; Arizona. DALEA PARRYI Torr. ft Gray. "Herbaceous, very slender, puberu- lent or glabrate: Ifts 6-10 pairs, ooovate to oblong, 1-2" long, obtuse: fls 4" long, bright p, in loose elongated long-pedunc led spikes: ex not *& the length of cor, canescent with short silKy hairs; Its teeth broadly ovate, acute, about equal- ling the tube: pod smooth." Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:142. Ft. Mojave (Cooper); CD; Arizona; So, DALEA SCMOTTII Torr. "Shrubby, slender, nearly glabrous, somewhat spinose, the branches nearly ^landless: Ivs scattered, narrowly lin- ear,, 1' long: fls few, on short slender pedicels in an open raceme, sometimes solitary, p 4" long: ex Vt as long, ob- scurely glandular; the teeth very short, acutish: ova pubescent, 2-ovuled: pod 4 lone, with a single large sd." Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:143. Torray, bot Mex B 53. C D; Cajon de Santa Maria, Baja (Br). DAX.SA SSEMANKX S. Watson. "Near D. Greggii. shrubby, erect, dif- fusely much branched, the glandular* dotted branchlets finely tomentose: Ifts 2-4 pairs, cinescent with a very short subsllky pubescence, on a rhachls 1-6" long, cuneate-oblong, obtuse, distinctly 379 glandular beneath. 1-2%" long: racemes shortly pedunculate, dense, Vz-2' long; bracts lanceolate, acuminate, pubescent, nearly equalling the villous ex: ex-teeth very villous, broad at base, acuminate, as long as the turbinate tube; pet dark p, 3" long." S. Watson, Am ac pr 22:470. Near Quintin! Sierra Madre (Seemann). DALEA SPINOSA A. Gray. "A shrub, much branched and very spinose, 4-15 hi; hoary with a minute appressed pubescence: Ivs scattered, cuneate-oblong or nearly linear, obtuse, nearly sessile, 4-8" long: ex % as Ions, marked by a row of conspicuous gUKtdsj, the broadly ovate obtusish teeth much shorter than the tube: ovules 6: pod twice longer than ex, 1-seeded. ' Brew- er & Watson, bot Cal 1:143. Gray, PI Thurber 315. Torrey, Pac Ry R 7:9 t 3. Arizona; CD; Calamujuet, Baja (Br). Asagraea spinosa Baillon, Adansonia 9-232 ASTRAGALUS ANTISELLI Gray. Sts slender, erect, 3-5 dm hi, ciner- eous-pubescent, Ifts 21-29, linear-oblong, crowded, 4-8 mm long, glabrous above, pubescent beneath, raceme loosely few fid: fls sm, g'ish-w; ex-teeth half the length of the campanulate tube; pod thin, linear-oblong, compressed, gla- brous, 1-celled, 15 mm long, 4 mm wide, tapering to a strip of about % its Abrams, Fl LA 223. On grassy hill- sides in our interior valleys. Ap. ASTRAGALUS BRAUHTONH Parish. Sts lignescent at base, 1-1.5 m long, erect or reclining; herbage canescent throughout with a short soft pubes- cence; Ifts 15-20 pairs, oblong, 2-5 cm long; fls and fr reflexed . in compact many-fld spikes: ex-teeth slender, equal- ing tube: cor light p: pod sessile coriac- eous, oblong, 1 cm long, 2-celled by the nearly complete infolding of the dorsal suture to near the Apex; sds 2-3. Abrams, Fl L.A 223. Monica mts (Hasse, Braunton). ASTRAGALUS I.ENTIGINOSUS Doug. "A span to 1 or o hi, the tufted sts soon diffusely spreading, from slightly to hoary-pubescent: Ifts 11-19, from obovate or obcordate to oblong, %-%' long: peduncle short: fls and fr mostly crowded in the oblong spike or raceme: cor either w or p, nearly %' long: pod turgid-ovate and pointed, more or less Incurved, usually puberulent, occasion- ally purplish-mottled, seldom I' and sometfrvci only %' long. Wash; SBer mts (Parish 149G). Brewer & Watson, bot Cal 1:147. Astragalus ineptus A. Gray, Am ac pr 6:525. Astragalus diaphanus Douglas, in Hooker, Fl 1:151. Variety PB-HMONTII Watson. 'More hoary-pubescent, with looser- f< d spikes, usually on a longer peduncle: st flexucus." Brewer Watson, bot Cal 1:147. SEar de^e-ts ^Parish 1278). Variety rLORIBtr^DT/S Gray. "The ordinary forin well developed." Brewer &. Watson, bot Cal 1:147. Genus ARALIA Linnaeus. : $ herbs or shrubs, with alt digitate or com- pound Ivs * sm fls in a com simple uinbl, thene either l,raoenaed 01 paaicied: pedicels jointed; bracts ym : ex 5-toothed or entire; pet *, ovate* elijTbtly imbricate: sta 5: disk depressed, rnrely c.oi>ieal: ova2-5-celled; sty free or united at the base, divari- ate; tig lertninal: fruit laterally eoraprewert, becoming 3-.', angled, tieshy externally; eudnc rp ehar.tnoeoua ARALIA CAI.IFORN1CA S, Watson. Flerbsiv. ou, unarmed A imirlv fflao, stout, 2- 4 mhi, from n lar^ thick rt; Iv* bipinnate or the upper pinnate, with 1-2 pair." of Ifts. these cor- datr ova e. iO-*V: cm l./nxr >r more, shortly HCU- nunaty, touipi.v >r t \ icfe-jrrritie wi;h i-h acute teeth; uup -rnio-t }. tfuvjiU- la.icC'olatc; urnb l- in iooHr terminal A ax v. i-omp uri'i or simpla rucem- > panicie^ which are :->-HiJui lojig. m. re or les- gland plar-iomentusts. ruye iniiii,8-i2 mm on?; irv of B^vi.-ral ;}vi?-ir brat-tlets: Jls :>-* mm long; disk A stylupottiuui obsolete: Kty united to the middle; fr abuufc 4 rain long, r'ish, l^ecoming nearly bk. Genn AZOl^LA Lam. 'mmoBS-like plants with pin> ate iy branched stB ,overe tlet> beneiuh; 8i7dr'K:arj)8 of two kiuds, borne in the axil of ive; emal er uporb- ca^ps oVoid, coiiiairung 1 macrospore t base; other Bpuroc-arps globose i ruducin;.r from buse many p^dirt'lleti s >ormigia, containing several raassey of microsp >res AZOLLA CAKOLINIANA Wlllfl. Plant 4- 12" broad, m-.ich branched; Ivs with ovi.te iobes. the lowi-r r'teh, the upper g With ;i r'isS JBorder; macros-pdres with a minutely >n-a~ Bulate gnarliu-- ; m-m.-es of miCiOB^'ret; barbed u t ' t p A Miorophylle Kaulf A A niexi ana Seh. N. VT. to Fla,; Arizona; Cal.; Oregon, Califo-rnia. AZULLA FILICULOIDES Lam. Ca.iicrnia; Washington; FiOrida. Genus SKkAGiXEl.:LA Beauvoiw. gia ax., tui: ut, * ubjflo' i>.e, '])eninff trjM!vei>iy ; *-ine trom artimii\\ng4gl bi>se* juaci r op(re> ? utherjs. isivi'er AID- re UU.TII, tilled with nnm rnTcrop.ire. Over 90 sp, of tropic* 'ihgri-at part, moss- liko with sl.-nuer Branching Bts ism Iv a arranged in 4 or more ranks, -BELAGINELLA RUPESTR1S Spring. 8i pro*tr'e or jB^endinpr, rather rk'i'i, S-W long, viig .tiy <>T siibpiiniau-ly bram-hinf Ivs S'aucesceHt, clone y iml.ricalt d * nppressed, nceolftte, Ncarr- l" i.-ng. convex & Ki-tH)ve bnisdant. h teiWixed with sm'er more *, Tiiicr.jSK'raiigla. BajalSD! Af En. Asia occurs m ntmi f, rich. gEfjAGHVEf'T'A BIGELOVII Underwool, Parish, Erythea 6:85." Montane re- gion of southern California, abundant on dry soil, usually in the shelter of shrubs or stones, or on shaded banks, throughout the hill region, and ascend- ing- the Mts. to 7,000 ft. alt." FBLAG-IN*ELL,A WATSONI Und. Ur.derwood, Torr cl b 25:12:7, Jac., Z^e >:71, Btar. 381 ASTRAGALUS LEUCOPSIS T. & G. Rattle-weed. Sts erect, 3-5 dm ht, tomentulose-canescent; Ifts 10-15 pairs, oval or oblong, obtuse, 1 cm long or more; spike-like racemes, 3-6 cm long of sometimes more; fls 12 mm long; ex- tube campanulate, teeth subulate, more than half as long as the tube; pod thin, bladdery, oval, unequally sided, 2-3 cm long, tapering to a stipe 12 mm long or less. Abrams, Fl LA 223. Genus SPKCl L.VUIA Heiftter. Submenus DYSMICODON. Flowers di- morphus. Capsule rather short, straight, not disposed to split. BPECULARIA BIFLORA A. Gray. Stem slender, simple or branched from the base; leaves sessile, ovate or oblong, crenately toothed, the upper reduced to lanceolate bracts; fls 1, rarely 2, in each, nearly sessile; corolla purple. Cat. BPECULARIA PERFOLIATA A./ D. C. Stouter, with clasping cordate leaves. CEREUS. As recognized by many botanists, this genus contains over 200 species, natives of tropical America,, the West Indies, and Galapagos Islands, including what others class as separate genera Echinocereus, Echinopsis, and Pilocereus. Until bet- ter known, many of the varied forms cannot with certainty be referred to the proper sections of this great genus, which is characterized by Bentham and Hooker as follows: Calyx tube produced beyond the ovary; lobes numerous, exterior scale-like, interior elongated, spirally imbricated: petals indefinite, larger than the calyx lobes, spreading 1 , stamens numerous; fila- ments adnate to the base of the calyx, the inner free; ovary exserted. scaly: style filiform: stigmata 5 to indefinite: fruit scaly or tuberculated: flowers lateral, often night-blooming. CEREUS ALAMOSENSIS Coulter. Sina spinosa of Sonora; 2-8 feet high, 2- 10 branches from the base with joints 1-4 feet long, flexuous or decumbent, often forming arches and rooting at the joints, and thus spreading over wide areas, sometimes 100 feet in diameter or more; ribs about 7, slightly tuberculated. The bright red flowers slightly resemble those of C n. CEREUS BRANDFGEF CoU'ter. Caespitose. often 2 feet or more across. cor sistintr of lew to many c.ylin r cal hea^s p-ostlv 6 or ? inches h^gh. IM.-2 in diameter, with 8 or 9 interrupted, strong- ly tu"<>e cu ate rb ; . The p " n^r ^pi.-^s frequently tinged with v, r rMant magenta, tho older spires vari ble : n colir, often of an ivory white with central;? of a deep mng r ^ntr--r"aki -.? a pry h- iT i 'PO--A -o - effe t. "Spines at first variegated, dark and i eddish, Lecomiug ;nort or ieso uthy- black; radials 10-16, rigid, terete, radiant, mostly uniform, 8-12 mm long; central* almost always 4, very stout and promi- nent, 3-4 cm long, cruciate, conspicuously angled and compressed, sometimes twist- ed, the lowest usually the most flattened and sword-like (2-3 mm bipad): flowers red, 4-5 cm long, with conspicuous woolly and spine-bearing arealae over the ovary and lower part of the calyx. Type in hb Brandegee, El Campo Allemand and San Gregorio, Baja California." Coulter, Cont U S Nat hb 3:389 (1 Ap 1896). This has much the same aspect as Cer- eUs Engelmann:, With similar variations in the color of the spines, and bears a similar edible fruit. C. Emoryi Emgelmann, Am. Jour. Set. II. 14:338. The Velvet cactus occurs in thickets often a hundred feet in di- ameter, near the seashore from LoS Angeles county, California, south to Las Huevitas, in Baja California ( Brand egfce). In a San Diego garden it has attained a height of 10 feet, with unusually thick joints, but the stems are commonly prostrate, 2-3 feet long, 1% inch in diameter: flow- ers abundant near the top of the branches, rather short, yellow, 2 inches or more wide: fruit iy 2 inches in diameter, densely covered with numerous pulvilli, each bearing 20-25 stiff yellow spines, from 2-6 lines long, 3 of them stouter and longer than the rest, often an inch long: seed 1.2-1.4 line longr, with a very prominent keel and linear hilum. (5-10) C. ng;elmaiml. This beautiful Cush- ion cactus was discovered by t)r. C. C. Parry, who named it in honor of his life-long: friend, Dr. George Eng-elmann, whose botanical studies had been especially directed toward the Cactaceae. It was found near San Felipe, in the mountains east of San Diego, California, and in Ari- zona, and also occurs in Utah, Nevada, and Baja California. In the Mohave desert large oval masses containing 75 or more heads from one root have been observed, but commonly 4-8 heads occur loosely in a Cluster, 3-12 inches high, 2-3 in diameter: ribs 10-14. interrupted: spines usually whitish, often brown or varicolored, straight or flexuous. anervilar, radials 1^-1(5. an inch loner or less, the later- als long-est, the 4-8 centrals 3 inches long or less: flower about 2 >g across, open night and day for about a 383 week before closing; scales of the ovary 45-50, the lower ones minute, the upper sepaloid, brownish, half inch long, nearly one-fourth wide at base; axils of the scales bearing 12-15 or more short white spines imbedded in wool, forming spiny areolae in fruit, easily detached at maturity but not deciduous: sepals 12-15, brownish along- the midvein outside; petals of equal number, magenta color, 2 Inches long-, oblanceolate; stamens many, nearjy an inch long, filaments magenta, stigmata 12, green, at first erect: flowers in May or June, fruit ripeninsr in July, the crimson pulp of o, delicious strawberry flavor: seeds black. (5-20) CEREUS ERUCA Brandegee. "Prostrate, very rarely branched, 13-rib- bed, 3-4 fe>et long, 3-4 inches in diameter; rooting from the under side of the older growth, decaying at one end and growing forward at the other, generally in patch- es of 20-30, probably originating from a common center; areolae 4-6 mm in diam- eter, separated about the same distance; spines about 20, stout, ash-colored, less than an inch long, the exterior cylindric- al, the interior stouter, angular, some- what the lower central one much flat- tened, more than an inch long, angular, strongly reflexed. Common on the sand of MagxMlprta island and about San Jorge, Baja California. Its local name Is 'chil- enola.' The manner of growth, with up- lifted heads and prominent reflexed spines, gives the plants a resemblance to huge caterpillars." Brandegee, Cal ac pr fir 2, 2:163, t 7. C. gigantens. "Erect, columnar, sim- ple or wfth a few erect branches to- ward the upper partr rfbs 18-21; areolae ovate-orbicular, woolly when young, bearing 12-16 exterior slender spines and 4-6 much stouter inner ones, the former %-!% inches long, the latter 1-2% inches: flowers lateral near the woolly top of the stem and branches, 3-5 inches long and 2 or 3 in diameter, open day and night: stig- mata 14-18, slender, greenish-yellow: fruit 2.5 or 3 Inches long, beset with 30 or 40 small scales, woolly in their axils, bursting irregularly by 3 or 4 valves and dropping the greenish white pulp with its black seeds. Com- mon along the Rio Colorado, on rocky slopes, and eastward through Arizona. The w*oody skeleton consists of long- rods, corresponding to sinuses between the ribs, in younger plants distinct, in older ones connected by a network of 284 fibers and forming a hollow cylinder. The luscious fruit is an important article of food to the Indians." ' Engelmann, Botany of California 2:450. (20-100) The 'Suwarro' or giant cactus of Arizo- na and Sonora, 25-60 feet high, 1-2 In di- ameter, thickest ab&ut the lower third where generally the 2 Or 3 alternate of sometimes opposite branches Start, and from thence slightly UtePT toward the) summit. Stems and branches marked by superficial tr nsverse furrows, indicating, as it seems, the annual periods of growrh, forming rirg^ of 4-8 inches in hlgtit, Branches ur equal, and always of 1- ssJ hight than the main stem, mostly 5-6 feet lor.g, with 12-18 ribs. CEREUS MARITIMUS M. B. Jones. "Caeapitose, heads 5-20 in a bunch. which is often 2-3 feet in diameter and a foot high; each plant cylindrical, ovate* or in small specimens almost round, IH- 4 inches long, three-fourths to f/k wide; principal spines 4, straight, angled and somewhat twisted at base, 1-1% inches long, beneath these are P-10 very short spines whieh are either straight or hooked; spines light brown, except when young, then red at base, spring-ing' from a very short but copious wool; flowers Itght yellow, abottt l*/ 3 inches long and wide; petals oblanc-o-ate or obovate, rounded, margin irregular; ovary obo- vate sessPe Or short stalked, covered with *bunches of white or yellow, often hooked, short spines and crisped wool; fruit not mature. Encenada, Baia Cali- fornia." Jones, Am naturalist 17:973 (J 18Hh. Cerens g'omeratus et flaviflortis E. C. san^org'anus? C. marftimus Coulter, irt part CKRTvUS P-VdFlOTJS "R. CAfpfis phoeniceufl var. paclflotis En- grim. MS?. "P'S-t oe-pito^e. 1-1 f^er*- in rfiprnet^r. fe~- to ~r(\ si'ort ^tenigr (6-0 Inches icmg ana 2-2% inches in diameter) in each, forming den?e oval cushions: sterns with 10-1? ob- tuse ribs, shallow Intervals, and an ecmal number of internal ligneous fibers; radial spinFR 1-12 and of an av^rflsre length of one-fourth inch, the 4 c^n'ral spines lar- ger. three-forrths to 1 inch lona:, s'ender, wfrte; f ower an inch across, ichiding the ovary 1U, Inches long, the oblong ppatu- la f e serais bright reo with a broad pur- pl ? h mid voin; ovary and fruft wfth 25-30 spiny areolae: fruit, fershv with numerous r.mall repd: stame/ls slender, as long as 7 penals; anthers small, red: sty 1 6 thr^e- fonrfhs inch long, stigmata 6-8, greenish." -Or W 2:^6 (Je 18^. Tyne locality, near Todos Santos bay, Lower California. PAlrMERT "Ft c ms branching, 3 or 4 anglpd, 12-15 dm high; ?p'nea ; n f-reenish -brown bun^h- f-s: fruit e refills^ -yellow, iis "reolne bear- !n