^CS DEFT MATHEMATICAL MONOGRAPHS EDITED BY Mansfield Merriman and Robert S. Woodward Octavo, Cloth No. 1. History of Modern Mathematics. By DAVID EUGENE SMITH. $1.25 net. No. 2. Synthetic Projective Geometry. By GEORGE BRUCE HALSTED. $1.25 net. No. 3. Determinants. By LAENAS GIFFORD WELD. $1.25 net. No. 4. Hyperbolic Functions. By JAMES McMAHON. $1.25 net. No. 5. Harmonic Functions. By WILLIAM E. BYERLY. $1.25 net. No. 6. Grassmann's Space Analysis. By EDWARD W. HYDE. $1.25 net. No. 7. Probability and Theory of Errors. By ROBERT S. WOODWARD. $1.25 net. No. 8. Vector Analysis and Quaternions. By ALEXANDER MACFARLANE. $1.25 net. No. 9. Differential Equations. By WILLIAM WOOLSEY JOHNSON. $1.50. net. No. 1O. The Solution of Equations. By MANSFIELD MERRIMAN. $1.25 net. No. 11. Functions of a Complex Variable. By THOMAS S. FISKE. $1.25 net. No. 12. The Theory of Relativity. By ROBERT D. CARMICHAEL. $1.25 net. No. 13. The Theory of Numbers. By ROBERT D. CARMICHAEL. $1.25 net. No. 14. Algebraic Invariants. By LEONARD E. DICKSON. $1.50 net. No. 15. Mortality Laws and Statistics. By ROBERT HENDERSON. $1.50 net. No. 16. Diophantine Analysis. By ROBERT D. CARMICHAEL. $1.50 net. No. 17. Ten British Mathematicians. By ALEXANDER MACFARLANE. $1.50 net. No. 18. Elliptic Integrals. By HARRIS HANCOCK. $1.50 net. No. 19. Empirical Formulas. By THEODORE R. RUNNING. $1.50 net. No. 2O. Ten British Physicists. By ALEXANDER MACFARLANE. $1.50 net. No. 21. The Dynamics of the Airplane. By KENNETH P. WILLIAMS. $2.50 net. PUBLISHED BY JOHN WILEY & SONS, Inc., NEW YORK CHAPMAN & HALL, Limited, LONDON MATHEMATICAL MONOGRAPHS EDITED BY MANSFIELD MERRIMAN AND ROBERT S. WOODWARD No. 21 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE BY KENNETH P. WILLIAMS, PH.D. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS INDIANA UNIVERSITY NEW YORK JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED 1921 W 5" Library COPYRIGHT, 1921 BY K. P. WILLIAMS PRESS Of RRAUNWORTH li CO. BOOK MANUFACTURERS UROOKUYN. N. Y. PREFACE IT was the good fortune of the author to attend the University of Paris during the spring semester of 1919. One of the special courses which the French authorities, with their characteristic hospitality, arranged for the large number of students from the American army, was a course in aerodynamics, given by Professor Marchis. The comprehensive knowledge that Professor Marchis possessed of all branches of the new science of aeronautics, the inestimable value of his advice to the French Republic during the war, the interest he took in his rather unusual class, could not fail to be an inspiration. This book is an outgrowth of those parts of Professor Marchis' lectures that were of particular interest to the author. It is in no sense a complete treatise on aviation. Questions of design and construction are passed over with bare mention. The book is intended for students of mathematics and physics who are attracted by the dynamical aspect of aviation. The problems presented by the motion of an airplane are novel and fasci- nating. They vary from the most pleasing simplicity to the most stimulating difficulty. The question of stability, partic- ularly, exhibits at the same time the elegance and the power of analysis, and shows the adaptability of some of the general developments in dynamics. The field is assuredly a fruitful one of study, and increasing demands will be put upon the mathematician as the science of aviation continues its rapid development. The mathematician can well own a sense of pride that he had already at hand, in the developments inaugurated by Euler and Routh, a means of dealing accurately with the question of stability, that plays so fundamental a role in the science of flying. iii 447195 IV PREFACE The treatment in the text is for the most part elementary. The last chapter alone demands of the student familiarity with more advanced dynamical methods. In the treatment of descent a slight digression is made to consider in part the nature of the solution of a system of two differential equations. This was done in order not to completely evade what seems a problem of con- siderable difficulty. It might seem that a treatment of the propeller should not find a place in a book with the purpose of this one. No student of mathematics, however, could fail to own a curiosity as to a propeller's action, and it is hoped the dis- cussion, while not complete, will at least serve as a sufficient introduction. The various curves in the text were plotted by Mr. R. W. Smith, a former student in this university. The author is further indebted to the Smithsonian Institution for permission to use Figs. 12 and 49. In addition to the various books that are referred to in the text the author has made use of his notes of the lectures of Pro- fessor Marchis, translated into English by Madame Ciolkowska, who rendered most valuable aid as an interpreter for those who understood and spoke the language of Professor Marchis only with difficulty. K. P. WILLIAMS. Indiana University, July, 1920. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. THE PLANE AND CAMBERED SURFACE ARTICLE PAGE i, 2. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS. . ; 1-3 3. PRESSURE ON A PLANE 4 4. THE INCLINED PLANE 5 5. THE CENTER OF PRESSURE 6 6. ASPECT RATIO 6 7. THE CAMBERED WING 7 8. CHARACTERISTIC CURVES FOR A GIVEN WING 8, 9 9. POLAR DIAGRAM 10 10. EFFECT OF VARIATION OF WING. ELEMENTS n 11. PRESSURE OVER THE WING n 12. CENTER OF PRESSURE 12 13. RELATION BETWEEN K y AND K z 13 14. THE BIPLANE 14 15. BODY RESISTANCE 15 16. EXPERIMENTS ON COMPLETE MODEL 15 CHAPTER II. STRAIGHT HORIZONTAL FLIGHT 17. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS 18 18. HORIZONTAL FLIGHT 19 19. THE VELOCITY 20 20. LANDING SPEED 20 21. EFFECT OF ALTITUDE 21 22. THE EFFORT OF TRACTION 22 23. OPT MUM ANGLE 22 24. FINENESS 23 25. OPTIMUM ANGLE, CONTINUED 24 26, 27. USEFUL POWER 25 28, 29. ECONOMICAL ANGLE 26-28 30. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 29 CHAPTER III. DESCENT AND ASCENT i. DESCENT 31. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS CONCERNING DESCENT 31 32. EQUATIONS OF MOTION 31 v VI CONTENTS ARTICLE PAGE 33, 34. RECTILINEAR DESCENT 33~35 35. GENERAL RESULTS CONCERNING DESCENT 36 36-38. DESCENT CONSIDERING AIR DENSITY CONSTANT 38-42 2. ASCENT 39. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS CONCERNING ASCENT 43 40. EQUATIONS OF MOTION FOR ASCENT 43 41. VELOCITY ALONG PATH 44 42. THE FORCE OF TRACTION 44 43. THE POWER NECESSARY 46 44. THE VERTICAL VELOCITY 47 45. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 48 46. EXPERIMENTAL LAW OF VERTICAL VELOCITY 49 47. TIME OF ASCENT 50 48. DETERMINATION OF THE CEILING 50 CHAPTER IV. CIRCULAR FLIGHT 1. HORIZONTAL TURNS, 49. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 52 50. EQUATIONS OF MOTION 53 51. VELOCITY AND INCLINATION 54 52. THE TRACTION AND POWER 55 53. ACTION OF CONTROLS 56 2. CIRCULAR DESCENT 54. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 58 55. EQUATIONS OF MOTION 59 56. RELATIONS BETWEEN ANGLES USED 60 57. OTHER FORM OF EQUATIONS OF MOTION 61 58. IDENTITY OF Two FORMS OF EQUATIONS OF MOTION 62 59. DETERMINATION OF ANGLES SPECIFYING MOTION 63-65 60. THE VELOCITY 66 CHAPTER V. THE PROPELLER 61-64. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 69, 70 65. GEOMETRICAL PITCH 71 66-68. THE THRUST AND POWER ... 74-76 69. EFFICIENCY 77 70. EFFECT OF ALTITUDE 77 71, 72. GRAPHS OF PROPELLER COEFFICIENTS 78 73. MOTOR DIAGRAM 8 1 74-78. ADAPTATION OF MOTOR- PROPELLER GROUP TO MACHINE 82-85 CONTENTS Vll CHAPTER VI. PERFORMANCE i. CEILING ARTICLE PAGE 79. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 86 80. DETERMINATION OF CEILING 86 81. SUPERCHARGE 89 2. RADIUS OF ACTION 82. DETERMINATION OF DISTANCE A MACHINE CAN FLY 90 83. PROBLEM OF RETURN JOURNEY 93 CHAPTER VII. STABILITY AND CONTROLLABILITY 84-88. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS 94-96 89. STATIC AND DYNAMIC STABILITY 96 90. PITCHING, ROLLING, AND YAWING 97 LONGITUDINAL STABILITY 91. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS 97 92. METACENTRIC CURVE 98 93. THE TAIL PLANE 99 94. THE ELEVATOR 100 95. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 102 STABILITY IN ROLLING 96. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS 102 97. DIHEDRAL 103 98. CONTROLLABILITY, AILERONS 104 LATERAL STABILITY 99. FIN, RUDDER 194 100. ACTION OF RUDDER 105 101. CONNECTION BETWEEN YAWING AND ROLLING 105 102. SPIRAL INSTABILITY . 106 CHAPTER VIII. STABILITY (CONTINUED) 103. METHOD OF BRYAN 107 104, 105. MOVING AXES 108 106. ANGULAR VELOCITIES AND MOMENTA 109 107, 108. ORIENTATION 110-112 109. EQUATIONS OF MOTIONS , 113 no. STEADY MOTION 114 Vlll CONTENTS ARTICLE PACK in, 112. SYMMETRIC AND ASYMMETRIC OSCILLATIONS 115-117 113. THE FUNDAMENTAL QUARTIC EQUATIONS 118 114. THE CONDITIONS OF STABILITY 120 115. THE FORM OF THE COEFFICIENTS 120 116. THE DETERMINATION OF THE COEFFICIENTS 121 117. EXAMPLE 122 118. DEPENDENCE OF STABILITY ON SPEED 123 119. FACTORED FORM OF QUARTIC EQUATIONS 123 120. EXAMPLE 1 24 121. EFFECT OF GUSTS. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 125 122. EQUATIONS FOR TREATING GUSTS 126 123, 124. EXAMPLE 128, 129 APPENDIX 1-3. TRANSFORMATION OF UNITS 131-133 4. TABLE OF AIR PRESSURE AND DENSITY 134 5. TABLE FOR VELOCITY TRANSFORMATION 135 6. REFERENCES 135 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE CHAPTER I THE PLANE AND CAMBERED SURFACE 1. THE possibility of aerial navigation depends upon the solution of two problems, the problem of sustentation and the problem of propulsion. At the very outset two distinct courses are therefore open. We can look upon the problems as entirely separated from each other, or we can regard them as essentially connected. In the first case we look for separate solutions, solving first the problem of sustentation, and then, with this successfully disposed of, search for a means of propulsion. This course is historically the older and it is the simpler, for it meets the difficulties one at a time.* A balloon filled with a light *Early literature abounds with mythical accounts of the flights of legendary heroes equipped birdlike with wings. Among those who seriously studied the question of flight, and actually designed machines with wings to be attached to a person and driven by his own muscular power, Leonardo da Vinci, the renowned artist, occupies the first place. The first instance of people actually ascending from the earth took place November 21, 1783, at Paris. The apparatus was a balloon constructed by Stephen Montgolfier, and the flight covered five miles. The construction of crude dirigibles followed within a few months. The first instance of partial sustentation without the use of gas occurred at this same period. On December 26, 1784, Sebastian Lenormand descended from the tower of the Montpelier Observatory by means of two small parachutes, the idea of the para- chute being due to da Vinci. Successful efforts with gliders were made in the last years of the igth century. Modern aviation dates from 1903, when the Wright brothers first constructed a machine, equipped with engines, which could actually rise from a level field, without the assistance of air currents, and make flights con- trolled by the pilot. For the history of aeronautics see Albert F. Zahm, "Aerial Navigation," D. Appleton, & Company, New York and London, 1911. 2 ' ftiE DYNAMICS -O> THE AIRPLANE gas, such as hydtogeri ^ or 4tefttinV affords -a means of susten- tation. But aerial navigation means far more than the ability to stay aloft, and a craft which can travel only as the wind blows it, can serve few purposes other than that of furnishing amusement. The question of equipping a balloon with engines and a means of propulsion, of traveling in a desired direction with a velocity within our control, of maintaining a desired altitude, of rising and landing, must be answered before we can say the balloon has furnished a means of aerial navigation. It is only since the development of the gasoline motor that this has been possible on any extensive scale. The second method of attacking the problem seeks to solve simultaneously the problems of sustentation and propulsion. The possibility of propulsion must now come first, for susten- tation will be obtained from the motion. It is then evident that this method, even more than that of the balloon, had to await the perfection of a source of energy such as the gasoline engine. It is only with aircraft of this second sort that we are concerned. Such a machine is called an airplane, or aeroplane. We shall adopt the first term. Both names are suggested by the fundamental role played by surfaces approximately plane with which the machine is provided. The air reaction on these surfaces, produced by the motion of the machine, furnishes the sustentation. The complete machine will consist of other mem- bers, and we can divide it into five distinct parts: the sustain- ing surfaces, the stabilizing and controlling surfaces, the motor- propeller group, the body, or fuselage, with its place for pilot, passengers and freight, and the landing gear. To these main parts must, of course, be added the various elements of con- struction by which the different parts are united and the requisite strength given to the complete machine. We shall not give a discussion of the complete construction of an airplane, but limit ourselves to those features which are necessary for a comprehension of the dynamical problems which we shall study. 2. The principles that govern the construction of an air- plane, the phenomena that operate during its flight and deter- THE PLANE AND CAMBERED SURFACE 3 mine its behavior, are derived from an understanding of the laws concerning the effect of the wind upon flat and curved surfaces. We can try to determine these laws in two ways, mathematically or experimentally. In the mathematical method we begin with the principles and equations of hydromechanics. We then see if we can cal- culate the pressure that a current of air, moving with a certain velocity, will exert upon, for instance, a rectangular plane surface. We must be able to do this for different inclinations of the plane to the air stream. The problem is one of great complexity. In order to construct differential equations that will exhibit the phenomena, and in order to integrate these, we must make assumptions that lead our results to differ from carefully measured observations. For instance, we may assume that the air is a perfect fluid, that is, that it is neither viscous nor compressible. The last assumption seems to be justified for the range of velocities occurring in aeronautical work, but the assumption as to the viscosity vitiates our results when we apply them to actual problems. Even with the assumption of an ideal fluid it is difficult to handle the equations involved. While we can in certain instances obtain information as to how the air streams around obstructing objects, and how it behaves in their vicinity, the results are not such as to make this a simple or satisfactory method of attacking the problem.* The laws concerning air reaction are determined experi- mentally in a wind tunnel, f A current of air of several feet thickness is obtained by means of a large fan. Various and accurately known velocities can be given to the air stream. The surfaces upon which we wish to study the pressure are, of course, of limited dimensions, but are similar to those which * For an elementary mathematical treatment see Cowley and Evans, "Aero- nautics in Theory and Experiment," Longmans, 1918, Chapter III. f Among the various aerodynamical laboratories, can be mentioned those of M. Eiffel at Paris, the National Physical Laboratory of England, the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, and Leland Stanford University. A description of the equipment of such a laboratory can be found in Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collection, Vol. 62. THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE are to be employed in practice. They are held in the current of air by arms that are connected with balances constructed so as to allow a determination of the magnitude and direction of the air reaction. By changing the shape of the surfaces, the velocity of the air stream, the orientation of the body, etc., the laws which furnish the basis for the design of an airplane, as well as the knowledge of its behavior, are determined. Questions relating to the stability of a machine, to the proper- ties and efficiency of propellers, are also investigated in the same way. We pass to the consideration of some of the basic aerodynamic laws, as determined empirically. 3. Pressure on a Plane. When a portion of a plane surface is introduced normal to an air current, the pressure produced upon it is a force that tends to displace it, and we find by experiment that the force may be written F = KAV 2 , where F is the force, A the area, V the velocity of the air stream, and K a constant for surfaces geometrically similar.* Strictly speaking, K depends upon the size as well as shape, but changes slowly and seems to approach a limiting value as the plate becomes larger. For instance, for a square plate or circle we find, provided A is expressed in square feet, V in miles per hour, F in pounds: Side of Square or Diameter of Circle K in Feet. o-5 I.O .00269 .00286 2.0 .00314 3-o .00322 5-o .00327 IO.O .00327 "This law can also be obtained from theoretical considerations. Consider the air as composed of separate particles, moving parallel and striking the plate, nor- mal to their direction of motion. Assume that all particles are brought to rest THE PLANE AND CAMBERED SURFACE 5 We note the slight change produced in K when the side of the square is changed from 3 to 10, although the area is increased over ten times. The value of K will depend upon the units in which we are expressing F, A , and V. It is necessary to be able to change from one system to another. This question is discussed in the appendix. We shall assume, unless the contrary is stated, that forces are measured in pounds, areas in square feet, and velocities in miles per hour. The value of K also depends upon the density of the air. The values given above are for a temperature of o C., and a pressure of 760 mm. of mercury. 4. The Inclined Plane. Let the plane be inclined at angle to the direction of air flow. This angle is called the angle of attack. Neglecting what is called skin friction, it follows that the resultant force is normal to the plane. Its magnitude and point of applica- tion vary with 0.* The nature of the air flow about the plane FlG T is quite complicated, but can be investigated by photography. By such means information is obtained as to how the air divides in front of the plane, flows over the upper and lower edges, and unites again behind the plane. by the impact. The pressure on the plate will equal the momentum lost by the air. The quantity of air that comes into contact with the plate in a unit of time is pA V, where p is the density of the air. As all particles lose their velocity V, the momentum lost will be pA V 2 . The errors in the hypothesis are apparent, but experiment, while giving a value of the constant different from that deduced by the reasoning above, confirms the qualitative nature of the law. * If we denote by Fe the value of the force for the angle 6 so that F^ repre- sents the force for the normal plane, various formulae exist for obtaining FQ. Newton gave from theoretical reasons F0 = F 90 sin 2 6, which is totally discordant with experiments. The formula of Colonel Duchemin is much more accurate. He gave 2 sin 6 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE We are especially interested in the vertical and horizontal components of the total force F. We call these components the Lift, L, and Drag, D. It is proved by experiments that we may write L = K V AV 2 , D = K X AV 2 , where K v and K x are constant for a given angle of attack. For a square plane we can take the following values: Angle. Ky Kx 5 .00045 .00007 10 .00097 .OOOI9 20 .00208 . 00074 30 .00291 .00173 5. The Center of Pressure. It is important to know the manner in which the point of application of the resultant pressure varies as the angle of attack changes. The general re- sult can be stated as follows: As the angle of attack diminishes the center of pressure approaches the leading edge. This behavior of the center of pressure is shown in Fig. 3. A knowledge of the movement of the center of pressure is of importance in the subject of sta- 30 90 c FIG. 2. bility and in finding the forces on the control surfaces. 6. Aspect Ratio. It was stated above that the quantity K in the fundamental equation for the pressure was constant for planes geometrically similar. In case we have a rectangle of sides a and b, situated, as shown, in an air current, we call the fraction FIG. 3. a/b the aspect ratio. This quantity is of importance. We find that the coefficients K, K v , K x , which have been used THE PLANE AND CAMBERED SURFACE above, vary when the aspect ratio is changed. Those values which have been given for a square may, however, be used with fairly accurate results for planes with aspect ratio close to unity. The dependence of the quantities K, K V) K x on the aspect ratio comes from the important effect of the boundary of the surface upon the resistance. If we have a long narrow rectangle, it is evident that the escape of the air around the boundary will greatly alter the pressure from what it would be for the equivalent square plane. 7. The Cambered Wing. If we examine a bird wing, we find that it is not flat, but is curved. This suggests that there may be some aerodynamic advantage in such a surface. Experi- ment amply confirms this, and the sustaining surfaces of all airplanes are curved, or cambered. Evidently also the surface must have thickness for constructional reasons. The word aerofoil is used to designate a sustaining surface or wing. In Fig. 4 there is illus- trated the general shape of the section of an ordinary aerofoil. We call AB the chord, DC the camber of the upper surface, EC the camber of the lower surface, C the position of maximum camber. The quantities BC, CD, CE are generally expressed in terms of the chord AB. Let the wing be placed with reference to the air flow as shown in Fig. 5. Then by the angle of attack is meant the angle be- tween the chord and the direction of the relative wind. Let N repre- sent the direction of the normal and R the resultant pressure. It is found that for small angles R is in advance of N. This increases the lift L, and diminishes the drag D. These are desirable effects, and it is partly on account of this property that the cambered wing is more efficient for sustaining purposes than the plane wing. FIG. 4. FIG. 5. 8 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE It is evident what we mean by the terms leading edge, trailing edge, and nose. 8. Characteristic Curves for a Given Wing. By means of experiments in a wind tunnel we investigate R, L, D as func- tions of V and 6. We find that we can write, as for a flat plane, = KAV 2 , where = K y AV 2 , = K V 2 +K X 2 . = K X AV 2 , The quantities K, K v , and K x are again constants for a given angle and geometrically similar aerofoils. The 'values of the coefficients K v and K X) and the ratio L/D = K V /K X for a certain aerofoil * are given in the following table. The table also gives the position of the center of pressure, which is considered in 12. Angle of Atack. KV K x LID Distance of C. P. from Leading Edge -4 . 000399 .0001515 2.64 2 + .000156 .0000905 1.72 I .000432 .0000700 6-15 .620 .000721 . 0000653 11.00 530 I .000936 .0000670 14.00 463 2 .001146 . 0000688 16.60 415 4 .001510 .0000860 17-50 340 6 .001878 .0001158 16. 20 .316 8 .002230 .0001558 14-30 303 10 .002580 .0002055 12.60 .290 12 .002910 .0002595 ii. 20 .283 14 .003165 . 0003040 10.40 .274 16 .003165 .0003710 8.50 .276 18 . 003080 .0005520 S-6o .310 20 .002882 .0008500 3-40 .360 In order to use these values to determine the lift and drag, the velocity V must be given in miles per hour, the area A of the wing in square feet. The values of L and D that are then given by the formula will be in pounds. * This wing is U. S. A. No. i in the Third Annual Report of the (American) Advisory Committee on Aeronautics. The shape of the wing is considered in 10. THE PLANE AND CAMBERED SURFACE 9 The values of K v , K x and the ratio L/D are also plotted in the following curves. It is to be noted that the vertical scale is not the same for the three different quantities. L X x V \ 7 A \ We note the following facts: i. There is lift at an angle 2, i.e., sustentation exists ] or a negative angle of attack. 10 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLA1 2. The lift increases almost as a linear f 'unction of the angle and attains a maximum at about 15, then decreases rapidly. j. The drag remains sensibly the same over small angles and increases very abruptly in the vicinity 0/15. 4. The ratio L/D increases practically as a linear function for small angles, and attains a maximum in the vicinity 0/15. We shall merely note here the importance of the. ratio L/D. For horizontal flight the lift must equal the weight of the machine. Consequently the greater the quantity L/D the Ky .0030 .0020 .0010 C x .- 14' -i!> / '12 / 4 4 / /6> / / r r r V *' \ 2 .0002 .0004 K, FIG. 7. less resistance there is to be overcome, and consequently the less power is necessary for a given speed of flight. It is from a study of the characteristic curves for a given aerofoil that one decides upon its efficiency or suitability for a given type of machine. It is not our purpose to go into this question, and we shall merely remark that the type of wing to be selected depends upon whether the machine is designed for great speed, for rapid climbing, or for carrying heavy loads. 9. Polar Diagram. Instead of plotting the lift and drag coefficients with the angle of attack as argument, we can plot THE PLANE AND CAMBERED SURFACE 11 the lift against the drag. It gives, however, better results if if we take different scales for K y and K x . We obtain in this way the polar diagram, which has been extensively used by M. Eiffel. In what follows we shall see its suitability for many purposes. 10. The section of any wing depends upon the values of BC, DC, EC, measured in terms of the chord AB, upon the shape of the nose, and the general shape of the trailing edge. Questions of strength and facility of construction are intimately connected with those of thickness. By varying the different elements one at a time, we are able to arrive at conclusions as to the best value of any element, and determine the best section for a given purpose. As an average we can state that CB equal 3/8, and CD lies between 0.05 and 0.08. The effect of the under camber is not so well known. In Fig. 8 there is given the shape of the wing for which the curves are given in 8. It is also necessary to study the effect of the shape of the ends of the wing. At the ends leakage occurs, and the air flow is accordingly greatly modified. A wing with trailing edge slightly longer than leading edge is found to be most efficient. For structural reasons the aspect ratio does not usually exceed 8, as the advantage secured from increased lift is then overbalanced by the increased weight of construction. 11. Pressure over the Wing. It is not only possible to study the total resultant pressure on a wing, but also by intro- ducing tubes through small holes in the surface, and con- necting them to a manometer, it is possible to determine the pressure at different points. The results for a central section are shown in Fig. 9. It is found that the pressures on top of the wing are below atmospheric. Consequently there is 12 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE suction on top of the wing. The pressures underneath the wing are greater than atmospheric, so there is an active upward pressure. The two combine to make the total upward pressure. In the figure, the suction on the top surface is represented by lines drawn outward from it, and the pressure on the lower surface, similarly by lines drawn outward. It is seen that the suction is the greater of the two forces. In fact, it con- tributes about three-fourths of the total sustaining force. This also shows why there can remain sustentation for negative incidence. FIG. 9. We find also in this way that we must not make the chord too great, or towards the trailing edge we have pressures above, and suction below, which would lessen the sustentation. In the same way the pressures along any section can be studied, so that the pressures all over the surface can be mapped, and we obtain a very clear visualization of the air reaction. It should be noted here that the difference of pressures from atmospheric pressure are very slight. But by having large wing surfaces, and obtaining sufficient velocity we can make the total lift equal to or greater than the weight of the machine. 12. Center of Pressure. The resultant pressure is a vector, and so is completely fixed in magnitude and direction. We know all there is to know about it if we know its magnitude and its moment about some point, for instance the leading edge. It is, however, customary to speak of the center of THE PLANE AND CAMBERED SURFACE 13 pressure, which we define as the point where the vector repre- senting the pressure intersects the chord. It is important for us to know how the center of pressure behaves as the angle of attack changes. In general, it is found for cambered surfaces and the angles employed in aviation that the following is true: The center of pressure recedes from the edge of attack as the angle of attack diminishes. For larger and increasing angles it recedes. This property should be contrasted with that given above for plane surfaces. Fig. 10 shows the motion of the center of pressure for the wing considered in 8. FIG. 10. 13. Relation between K y and K x . It is impossible to obtain a simple relation between the coefficients K y and K x , but an approximate one will be obtained, and use will be made of it later. In the note to 4 there is given the formula of Colonel Duchemin for the pressure on a flat plane as a function of the angle of attack. It is obvious that for small angles it varies approximately as the sine of the angle. Let us assume such a relation for a cambered wing. As there is still lift for a negative incidence we would expect to measure angles from the position of the wing that gives no lift. We shall not do this, however, and the results obtained will not be valid for the small angles of attack. We assume a relation where K is the coefficient of pressure, and K' a constant. 14 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE Assuming that the pressure is normal to the chord we would then have K y = K' sin e cos 6, K x = K' sin 2 0. Hence K v 2 K'cos 2 6' If 6 is small this is approximately constant. In order to see something about the accuracy of our result we shall actually calculate the value of Kx/Kj 2 for the values given in 8. The results are as follows: Angle i 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 K*/Kf 76.40 52.3 47.4 33.6 31.3 30.8 30.6 30.3 While the value is not constant, it is seen that between 6 and 14 it is practically so, and approximate results can be obtained by assuming that it is constant. 14. The Biplane. In order to secure greater lifting forces, and at the same time deal easily with the problem of con- struction, it is customary to use two or more surfaces, one above another. We shall limit ourselves to the biplane. By the gap is meant the distance between the two planes, measured in terms of the chord, i.e., the ratio BC/AB. By the stagger is meant the distance CD, also FIG. ii. , . r . _ measured in terms of AB. The stagger is positive if the upper plane is in advance of the lower, negative if in the rear. The question of the relative efficiency of the upper and lower wings enters at once. The gap is limited by constructional reasons, and usually varies between i and i.i. It is found then that the efficiency of the lower wing is considerably lessened by the presence of the upper wing. The reason becomes apparent when we recall what was said in u. The region of THE PLANE AND CAMBERED SURFACE 15 depression above the lower wing is considerably modified by the upper aerofoil. And as this depression is what gives the preponderant part of the lift we would expect the lift to be lessened. On the other hand the suction above the upper wing is unimpaired, while the less important pressure below is somewhat modified. The lower wing then has less efficiency than the upper one, and on this account its aspect ratio is sometimes made smaller than that of the upper wing. The center of pressure for a biplane is purely a matter of definition. We shall understand it to mean the point of inter- section of the vector representing the pressure with a line parallel to the chords and midway between them. 15. Body Resistance. In the forward movement of an airplane, all parts of the machine contribute to the resistance that must be overcome, while the aerofoils alone contribute to the sustentation.* It is necessary to make the resistance of all parts of the machine as small as possible. This is done by giving proper shapes to fuselage, struts, wires, landing gear, etc. The resistance that arises from the parts other than the wings can be conceived of as arising from the motion of a square plane normal to the direction of motion. We call this the equivalent detrimental surface. Let its area be s; the resistance due to the body can then be written f=ksV 2 . For the complete machine we therefore have L = K y A V 2 , D = K X A V 2 +ksV 2 . 16. Experiments on Complete Model. We have thus far discussed experiments made on the models of the wings. Models of complete machines, with the exception of propeller, wires, etc., whose contribution to the complete resistance is small, are also subjected to exhaustive study in the wind tunnel. Data necessary for the discussion of stability are obtained in * The body doubtless adds something to the sustentation, but it is not an amount of which we can take account, and is negligible when compared with that furnished by the wings. 16 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE THE PLANE AND CAMBERED SURFACE 17 this way. A diagram of a model of this sort is shown in Fig. 12.* Lines showing the direction of the air reaction for angles of attack varying from 1 to 8 are shown. A question of primary importance at once arises. To what extent, and under what conditions are the results obtained from experiments on models applicable to full-scale machines? The study of this question depends upon what is called dynamical similarity. We shall not touch upon it here. In the appendix reference will be given to treatments of this important question. * This is taken from Hunsaker's paper, "Dynamical Stability of Aeroplanes," Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 62. No. 5, 1916. It is a model of a biplane tractor designed by Captain V. E. Clark, U. S. A., and is representative of modern design. CHAPTER II STRAIGHT HORIZONTAL FLIGHT 17. LET us consider the motion of an airplane. Suppose the motor is running. The machine is at any instant acted upon by three forces, its weight, acting downwards through the center of gravity, the traction of the propeller, and the resistance of the air. As the machine is a rigid body we can in general combine these three forces into a single force and a couple. The force determines the instantaneous motion of the center of gravity, and the couple determines the rotation which the machine is momentarily undergoing. When regarded in this general way the problem is seen to be very complex, on account of the nature of the resistance of the air, for this resistance depends upon the angle at which the wings are any instant attacking the air, and on the velocity. Thus both the motion of the center of gravity and the rotational motion affect it. In order to fix the ideas, suppose the airplane moves con- stantly in a vertical plane, coincident with the plane of sym- metry of the machine; then the center of gravity traces out a certain plane trajectory. Suppose further that the angle of attack remains constant; the angle between the tangent to the trajectory and the chord of the wings is then constant. The relative .wind at any instant is in the direction of the tangent. Furthermore, it is evident that what we have called the lift in the preceding chapter will now be in the direction of the normal to the trajectory, and the drag will be in the direction of the tangent. The motion of the machine will then be determined by a force equal to the weight downward through 18 STRAIGHT HORIZONTAL FLIGHT 19 the center of gravity, the traction of the propeller along the tangent to the path, the lift 2 K V A 9 perpendicular to the tangent, and the combined drag of the wings and body along the tangent to the path. 18. Horizontal Flight. We consider first the simplest possible case. Let the machine be moving horizontally in a straight line, with constant angle of attack. What are the conditions that must be fulfilled F to make this possible, and what properties about the motion can be discovered? The lift L is now a vertical force, and the drag a horizontal one. In the figure, F represents the resultant air pressure, applied at P, W repre- sents the weight applied at the center of gravity, and T the traction of the propeller applied at a point B, any point in the axis of the FIG. 13. propeller. We are supposing that the machine is moving horizontally. Hence W = L. Furthermore, we must have T = D, for if, for instance, T>D, the velocity would start to increase. This would increase L, and the machine would start to rise. Like- wise, if T, where has the meaning given to it in 23. At the optimum angle we have ^ = and from the shape of the polar curve we see that the point M 2 satisfying the last condition is to 28 THE DYNAMICS OF THP; AIRPLANE the right of Mi, the point corresponding to the optimum angle. The corresponding angle of attack, which we shall denote by a 2 , is called the economical angle. Flight at that angle requires a minimum rate of consumption of fuel, assuming that the efficiency of the propeller is practically constant over the region considered. It is not difficult to show that the equation last written will also be true at the points M2 and Mi if the polar is con- structed with different scales along K v and K x . We can summarize the results of this section as follows: The economical angle is greater than the optimum angle. The machine flies faster at the optimum angle than at the economical angle. 29. Although the consumption of fuel is at a less rate at the economical angle, the machine flies more slowly, so con- sumption takes place over a longer period, in case a given distance is to be traversed. In fact the work per unit distance traversed is exactly equal to the traction, and is therefore a minimum when the traction is least. Furthermore, high speed is usually a desirable feature, so flight at the optimum angle is preferable to flight at the economical angle. We can obtain some interesting results by comparing the increased speed with the increased power necessary when flying at an angle other than the economical one. Let V2j PI represent, respectively, the velocity and power for the economical angle, point M 2 on the polar, Fig. 17, V and P the corresponding quantities for any other angle, repre- sented by M on the polar, K y , 2 and K v , the corresponding lift coefficients. Then V 2 v K v ' P 2 #, tan0 f ' where < 2 and < are the angles in the polar diagram referring to the conditions of flight. We can then write V P (tan 02 V 2 P 2 tan STRAIGHT HORIZONTAL FLIGHT 29 Let Mz be the other point where OMi intersects the polar, and / the corresponding angle of attack. Then if M lies between Mz and Mz the quantity tan < 2 /tan is greater than unity. Consequently, for angles of attack between a, and / the speed increases at a greater rate than the power necessary. It is not until the angle of attack falls below / that the increased speed is obtained by a disproportionate increase in necessary power, and therefore fuel.* We see also that the farther M dz\AK yP (z)) ds~ AK y dz\p(z))' ds\af(s) The traction can then be written \m sin B d ( i \ , b~\ T=-Wcos6\ - -y-^ + tan0 . L 2AK V dz\p(z)/ a\ Suppose that the angle of descent is given by the relation tan 8 = -. a Before making the simplification that results from this assump- tion we note that W/K y A is the square of the horizontal velocity at the ground for the given angle of attack. Denote it by F 2 . Then V 2 m sin 20 d I i 4 dz If the air were of constant density, we see that it wuuld be possible for a machine to glide in a straight line without any tractive force being supplied. For a given angle of attack 34 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE there is a single angle of glide for which this is possible, namely, the angle given above. It is seen to be the angle in the polar diagram. In this case the component of the weight along the path exactly balances the drag, and, if the machine is started with the proper velocity along this course, it will maintain the course without change of velocity. With the air varying in density the situation is quite other- wise. We have now for the square of the velocity W cos S W cos 9 Sll a/(s) AK v p(z)' which decreases with the altitude. If the angle of descent is that chosen above, the component of the weight along the path balances the drag, and hence an outside force must be used to cause the retardation. The necessary retarding force is of course small, on account of the slow change of the density of the air. 34. We have found the value of the traction with the assump- tion of rectilinear descent. We must reverse the question and assure ourselves that by starting from proper initial conditions rectilinear descent will result if the proper traction is con- stantly furnished. We start with the equations mu = W cos 0af(s)u, as m dli rr> , TT7- 7 ff \ = r+PFsm d bf(s)u, 2 ds and suppose that the initial conditions, those for 5 = 0, satisfy the relations W cos6-af(s)u = o, IF sin 0-bf(s)u = o, that is, initially, b W cose tan 6 = -, u = 77-T a af(s) Put _Wcos6 af( S ) ' DESCENT AND ASCENT 35 and suppose that the traction is given constantly by the expres- sion f j, = md^ 2 ds' The equations of motion can then be written, dd T , 7 mu = W cos ds [" u\ i , v] m d f \ TIT b ii\ (u-v) = W cos 6 tan 6 2 ds a flj a v Making use of the definition of z>, and putting w = u v, the equations take the form dd ,, s mu = awf(s) , (ts 2 as The quantity u still occurs in the first equation, but will cause no inconvenience. The initial conditions are = tan~ 1 -, w = o. a while u initially has a definite positive value. Consider an interval o = s = s' so small that within it w and 6 have no extrema, and therefore their derivatives are not zero except for s = o. Therefore throughout the interval w and 6 are mono tonic. Suppose w were increasing, so that ->o. Then since wf(s) Q/S is increasing, and both terms on the right-hand side of the second equation are initially zero, we see from that equation that d must increase. Hence >o. But this evidently contradicts ds the first equation. 36 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE Suppose next that in the interval considered w is decreasing, and therefore negative, since it is initially zero. The second term on the right of the second equation will be >o in the interval, so that we must have tan 0<-, for -7- must be O. There is ds therefore again a contradiction. It follows that throughout the interval we must have w = o. Therefore = af(s) It also follows that 6 = constant = tan" 1 -. We see that the initial conditions that we have assumed are maintained throughout the interval o = s = s', and therefore by a process of continuation will be maintained throughout the motion. Therefore rectilinear motion will assuredly result from the initial conditions and the value of the traction that we have assumed. 35. We shall next consider the path of descent that is followed when the machine is descending with the propeller not running. The equations of motion are de mu = W cos 8af(s)u. m = 2W sin 62bf(s)u. We have already demonstrated that, if the density of the air remained constant, it would be possible to glide down a straight line, provided the machine started in the correct direction with the proper velocity. In the present problem we shall assume these same initial conditions. That is, for s = o, we assume the right-hand sides of the two equations to have the value zero. We recall further that/(Y) is an increasing function. DESCENT AND ASCENT 37 We consider as before an interval o = s = s' within which u and 6 are mono tonic. Suppose u increases; then T~>O, QS and the second equation shows that 6 must increase, that is, >o. But from the first equation, since 6 increases cos 6 ds decreases, and we see that the right-hand side, being zero initially, becomes negative. Hence -ro. In order ds that 9 may be increasing the second equation shows we must assume f(s)u to be increasing. The first equation then has its right-hand side negative, since cos decreases, and f(s)u increases. This gives a contradiction, since with 9 increasing we have - >o. Suppose, now, that 9 decreases; then f(s)u ds may be either increasing or decreasing so far as the second equation is concerned. In this instance -T- let us use the ordinary polar angle, namely, the angle that the radius vector makes with the -K^-axis, and which we denote by ft. Since sin = cos ft, we see that v will be a minimum when r/cos 2 ft is a maximum. If we knew the equation of the polar curve, the point for minimum v would be obtained by equating the derivative of f/cos 2 ft to zero. We next consider the angle that gives minimum power. In 28 we have shown that we can write where A is a constant, and x and y are the Cartesian coordinates of a point on the polar, with Q for origin. When transformed to polar coordinates this becomes \/ * 3 * To find the angle of attack for minimum power, it is then sufficient to find the point on the polar for which r sin 3 ft cos 2 ft ' is a maximum. The derivative of this with regard to ft can be written in 2 /? Return to the point on the polar that corresponds to the angle as for minimum vertical velocity. For that point we have *( r \ =Q DESCENT AND ASCENT 41 Furthermore, this value of (3 gave a maximum to the function r/cos 2 0. Consequently, d r according as is greater or less than the value fa corresponding to 0:3. Now we know that az is not much different from 2, which is known to be greater than ai, the optimum angle. Assuming then that a 3 >i we see that on the part of the curve FIG. 19. corresponding to a>a\ the polar angle ft is a decreasing function of a. Suppose then thata>o;3. It follows that @<(3z, and con- sequently, dfr\' I 1 >o. d/3\cos 2 j(3/ If, however, ai03, and consequently d( r \ - Ps and consequently FIG. 20. and M 2 could lie some place between MS and M 3 '. It could not lie to the left of Ms or the right of MS, as in either case j8 The results that we have derived also show that the traction necessary to mount is the same that it would be if the machine were subject to two forces, its weight and a horizontal force T. The traction will be a maximum when the flight path is along the diagonal of the rectangle. In this case = 90 0, and T FIG. 22. T = W sin cos If we take .i5 = tan0 as a medium value of the fineness, we find for the maximum traction i.oiXW, that is, the maxi- mum traction to be experienced in ascending is i per cent greater than the weight of the machine. As long as the angle of ascent is less than 90 20 the traction is less than the weight of the machine. This angle can be as high as 76, when the fineness is close to .12. As the angle 6 continues to increase from this point the traction exceeds the weight, reaching the maximum given above at a value as high as 83 for the angle of ascent. It then decreases as the angle in- creases to 90, on account of the rapidly decreasing speed, 46 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE when it again equals the weight, and we have the case of motion^ less sustentation. It is obvious that for ordinary angles of ascent the traction will not exceed the weight. 43. The Power Necessary. The power necessary to ascend On the diagonal of the rectangle used in the last section as diameter construct a circle, omitting that part of the circle that lies below the horizontal and the part to the left of the vertical. On the vertical lay off a distance V and to the left of the verti- cal construct the velocity curve FVcos 0, as shown in Fig. 23. For a given angle of ascent the power is then given by the area of the rectangle OABC. Let the diameter of the circle be D, and 7 the angle shown. Then P = D cos 7-FVcos 0. Hence, _D-V cos 7 dO 2 Vcos = -D-V sin yVcos -?- sin 6. Evidently dj/dd=i. so that the condition for a maximum (the minimum of P is o, for B = 90, for then V = o) of P is tan 7 = J tan 0. For this relation to be satisfied it is evident that 0<9O . Therefore, the angle for ascending at which the power is a maximum is less than the angle for which the traction is greatest. If 61 is an angle for which the power necessary to ascend is greater than the power necessary for horizontal flight, there is a second angle 02 for which the required power is the same as that for B\. The velocity for 2 being less than for 0i, the traction must be greater. (We note, however, that we DESCENT AND ASCENT 47 cannot say that simply because 02>0i the traction corre- sponding to 62 must be greater than that corresponding to 61, because the traction has been shown to have a maximum.) 44. The Vertical Velocity. The rapidity with which the machine is momentarily moving vertically is z;=F-sin 6. If the equation of traction is multiplied by V we can write W-v = P-(K x A+ks)V*, or in terms of V, W-v = P- (KA +ks) F 3 cos 3 '* 6, which can again be simplified into where P is the power necessary for horizontal flight. If the angle of ascent is small, we can write P P P P ^ = 375 TTr miles per hour = 5 50 - feet per second, Vv W where P and P are measured in horse-power. Now P is the useful power that the motor is developing, so that, providing the angle of mounting is small, the velocity of ascent is equal to the excess of power over that required for horizontal flight, divided by the weight. Further, we see that for a constant available power, the velocity of ascent is greatest when the angle of attack is a t , that is, the angle for minimum power for horizontal flight. Remembering the results that were obtained for minimum vertical velocity in gliding, we see that an angle of attack that gives a small vertical velocity in gliding, will give a large one in ascending, provided we have a constant available power. The ideas that have just been adduced must be modified when we come to consider the propelling plant. Changing the angle of attack changes the velocity and traction. This alters the number of revolutions per minute that the propeller must make in order to furnish the traction at that velocity. This in 48 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE turn alters not only the efficiency of the propeller, but also the power which the motor is developing. Thus in practice we do not have a constant available power. Consequently the best angle for mounting cannot be expected to be exactly the economical angle. Another approximation is useful. We have v v ? fc^*V We are assuming that practically we can take cos0 = i, and can therefore take 8 = sin 6. In degree measure we can there- fore write P-~P P-~P approximately, provided the result is a small angle. In this formula the excess useful power is expressed in horse-power, the weight of the machine in pounds, and the velocity in hori- zontal flight in miles per hour. 45. We return to the general considerations of 39. Suppose the pilot upon leaving the ground gives full admission of gasoline, developing more power than is necessary to fly hori- zontally near the ground at that angle of attack. The machine starts to rise. The values for the velocity, traction, and power which have been obtained in our discussion are those that exist at any moment. They are known if the direction of the tangent to the path is known. The general problem that arises is of great difficulty. The power of the motor for a specified number of revolutions per minute decreases as the machine gains altitude, because the diminishing atmospheric pressure decreases the mass of gas mixture that is in the cylinder at each explosion. Further, the changing density of the air modifies the propeller's action, and the changing velocity alters the number of revolutions per minute. If the angle of attack is not changed, the curvature of the path decreases with the altitude, and the machine ultimately flies horizontally. This occurs when the power the motor is developing multiplied by the efficiency of the propeller is exactly the power required DESCENT AND ASCENT 49 for horizontal flight at that altitude. The height to which the machine has risen is called the ceiling. It is dependent upon the angle of attack. But the word can be used, without danger of confusion, to denote the height to which the machine can rise for a given angle of attack, or the maximum of these heights, that is, the greatest height at which the machine can possibly fly. As the machine is fitted with various instruments for measuring height, velocity, time, etc., a record of the flight can be made, and from such data experimental laws can be adduced. Though some of these laws may appear only approx- imate, they will nevertheless allow us to obtain, by equations derivable from them, other results of sufficient accuracy to be both of interest and value. And it is only in this way that cer- tain problems can be attacked. 46. Experimental Law of Vertical Velocity. Experience shows that the vertical velocity decreases sensibly as a linear function of the altitude. Suppose the machine is flying at the angle of attack that allows it to reach its ceiling. Let h be the height of the ceiling, and VQ the vertical velocity at the ground. Then where z is the altitude. It is convenient to measure the velocities in feet per second and // and z in feet. Experience also shows that the initial velocity ^o can be calculated very approximately from a knowledge of the power of the motor, the weight of the machine, and the height of the ceiling. Let HQ be the power of the motor at the earth, using full admission of gas. Then the quantity W W== JT #o is the weight per unit horse-power, a quantity, like the loading, of great importance. The quantity VQ is then given approx- imately by the relation h ' 50 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE For example, a machine weighing 7.59 pounds per horse- power, and having a ceiling at 24,500 feet, will 'have an initial vertical velocity of 34 ft. /sec. We can then write h-z v = -- . 95*- 47. Time of Ascent. We have dz 5 Integrating this we find *()-*. log .- B) In terms of common logarithms this becomes h . i = 2. 303 --log VQ the time t(z) being expressed in seconds. 48. Determination of the Ceiling. The result which has been derived for the time of ascent can be used in a very simple way to determine the height of the ceiling. We have H)- Let /(zi) and t(z%) be the times required to reach altitudes 0i and 22, respectively, zi = g g AK V AK y ' This is consequently an inferior limit to the radius of the turn that a machine can make. It depends upon the angle of attack. It is smallest for the angle of attack that gives the maximum value to K y . It is obvious that as the radius of the turn approaches its inferior limiting value the angle 6 approaches 90 and the velocity V approaches infinity. In practice, however, a machine has an inferior limit to the radius of a turn it can execute that is much greater than the theoretical one which has been derived. For long before the theoretical limit has been reached, the power of the engine will have become insufficient to furnish the necessary velocity. 52. The Traction and Power. The traction_and power are easily expressible in terms of their values T and P for horizontal flight at the same angle of attack. We have f ~V 2 cos 0* Hence i In the same way P TV i p TV so that 56 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE Expanding the quantity on the right we have o v 4 2i F -4-2+- 4 r 2 g 2 32 Hence Suppose the radius of the turn is large. Then at the same angle of attack the increased power necessary varies approxi- mately as the inverse of the square of the radius. 53. The results that have been derived have merely shown how the correct turning force can be obtained by giving the proper inclination to the plane of symmetry. It is necessary to see how the machine can be gotten from its horizontal straight line path into the required banked position, and how the tend- encies to depart from this position can be overcome. The controls that are used for the purpose are the rudder and the ailerons.* Suppose the rudder is turned towards the right.f A moment is produced turning the machine in that direction, and at the same time a small force tending to make the center of gravity move slightly to the left. The ultimate effect of the air pressure on the rudder and the keel surface is to start the machine turning towards the right. This causes the left part of the machine to move faster than the right. Consequently, the air pressure on the left is greater than on the right, and the machine starts to bank towards the right, which is the correct direction to produce a turn to the right. This banking is not equal in general to that required for a correct turn. The pilot increases the degree of bank by the ailerons. The ailerons on the left are depressed and those on the right are raised, thus producing a greater lift on the left wing. The machine having been banked, the lift on the wing, which before the turn was vertical and just equal to the weight, now departs from the vertical, so that the component that acts in the direction opposite to gravity is no longer sufficient to * For a description of the ailerons see 98. t See 99, 100 for a fuller explanation of the rudder and its action. CIRCULAR FLIGHT 57 sustain the machine, and the machine will start to Jive, unless its velocity is increased. For this purpose the pilot may either increase the admission of gas, or alter his angle of attack, so as to obtain an excess of power. If it should happen that his machine is " tangent/' that is, an excess of power cannot be secured in either of these ways, he cannot turn, without de- scending to a lower altitude, and thus liberating some excess of power. As the outside of the machine moves faster, the drag there will be greater than on the side towards the center of the turn. This has a tendency to make the machine turn towards the left, and it must be overcome by the controls. The turning moment on the machine necessary to keep the axis along the path is secured from the rudder. We have seen that in order to turn correctly it is necessary to produce a turning moment and a centripetal force. In general, we can say that the function of the rudder is to produce the necessary turning of the axis of the machine, and the function of the ailerons to give the banking that is required to produce the necessary centripetal force. It is also by means of the ailerons that a tendency to slip is overcome. If the machine tends to slip towards the outside of the curve the ailerons on that side are depressed and those on the other side raised. This banks the machine further towards the inside, throwing the resultant air force further from the vertical, and thus increases the force towards the center. In case the machine starts to slip towards the inside of the curve the ailerons are manipulated in the contrary way. When it is desired to straighten a machine out after a change of direction has been accomplished it is necessary to make opera- tions the reverse of those described for making the turn. When making a turn the pilot must guard against heading upward, because the loss of speed may be too great to insure stability, unless a large excess of power is available. It is evident that in a banked position the function of the elevator and the rudder are not distinct, but have closely related effects, depending upon the degree of inclination. 58 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE In some early machines, turning was effected without banking the machine. The necessary centripetal force on the center of gravity was secured by the air pressure on vertical partitions. When the rudder was in a neutral position, there was no pressure on these surfaces, but when the rudder was turned, a force arose that produced the turn. A good deal of slipping arose in such a 'turn, and therefore the turn could not be considered as correct. Furthermore, the drag on the vertical surfaces reduced the speed of the machine. 2. CIRCULAR DESCENT 64. We shall next consider the question of helical descent, without the motor running. The traction necessary to over- come the drag of the machine will be furnished by the weight of the machine, and the necessary centripetal acceleration will be derived from the air reaction, the machine being again in a banked position. We shall assume that the air density can be considered constant in the distance through which we are con- sidering the motion. 55. Let AGB represent the path of the machine, G being the position of the center of gravity at any instant. Let r represent the radius of the cylinder on which we are supposing the helical path is traced. Let CGD be the horizontal circle through G. The weight of the machine is represented by GW = W, drawn vertical. The centrifugal force is repre- sented by GH = H, outward along the radius. The resultant of these two forces is represented by GQ = Q, in the plane through the axis of the cylinder and point G, and making an angle with the vertical. The air reaction must then be represented by GR, opposite in direction and equal numerically to GH. The velocity of the machine is represented by GV=V, the horizontal component by GVo = VQ. Let further \l/ be the angle between GV and GV . In order that the turn may be properly executed it is neces- sary that the axis of the machine coincide instantaneosuly with the tangent to the path. Therefore the plane of sym- CIRCULAR FLIGHT 59 me try is determined by GR and GV. The lift component of the air reaction lies in this plane, being perpendicular to GF, and the drag is along GV. The resultant Q of W and H also lies in the plane of symmetry. We can then consider that the force Q, the lift L, and the drag D are in equilibrium. In the FIG. 25. plane of symmetry draw a line perpendicular to GQ. Let the angle between it and GV be ^ '. Since the lift L is perpen- dicular to GV, we have, upon resolving forces perpendicular to and along GV } the following equations: 60 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE as the equations of sustentation and traction, respectively. The angle 6 is evidently given by the relation tan , = ^ 2 = zo? , '.;; Wr gr where m is the mass of the machine.* 56. The angles 0, \J/ and ^' are evidently not independent, and the relation between them can be easily found by spherical trigonometry. Let GZ represent the vertical through G, GX 904-0 FIG. 26. FIG. 27. the tangent to the circular section CGD, and GY the radius continued outward. Draw GZ' in the plane of FZ, making an angle with GZ. Likewise draw GX' in the plane of XZ, making an angle \f/ with GX. Then evidently the plane of GZ f and GX' represents the plane of symmetry of the machine. About G describe a sphere of unit radius. We thus have a right spherical triangle which we can represent separately from the axes, as shown in the Fig. 27. We have then cos C = cos 0-cos (90+^). If we recall the definition of ^', we see that it is the angle between GX' and a line in the plane of GZ' and GX' and per- pendicular to GZ'. It then follows that Devillers, "La Dynamique de PAvion," p. 135. CIRCULAR FLIGHT 61 The preceding relation then becomes sin \l/' = cos 6 sin ^, from which we note in passing that We can also find the inclination of the plane of symmetry. This inclination is the angle between the plane of symmetry and the vertical, that is, the angle / in the right spherical triangle we have constructed. Therefore, tan/ = tan B cos \l/' This relation can be put in another form which will later be useful. We have cos I cos \f/ cos Therefore, Hence, Vcos 2 ^-ftan 2 B Vsec 2 6 -sin 2 ty _ cos \f/ cos 6 Vi sin 2 \l/ cos 2 6 cos/ = cos ^' cos 6 cos cos \f/ f cos cos /' 57. Other Form of Equations of Motion. We can put the equations of motion in another form. The path described is a skew curve, whose osculating plane contains the tangent and the radius of the cylin- der. The principal normal is there- fore along the radius; the binormal is perpendicular to the tangent and the principal normal. We shall resolve the forces along the tangent, principal normal and binormal, represented, respectively, by GX, GY, and GZ. FIG. 28. 62 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE As the weight of the machine acts vertically downwards, its components are respectively, W sin ^, o, W cos ^. Consider next the air reaction. It acts in the plane of symmetry, which passes through GX and makes an angle 7 with the vertical plane XGZ. The lift L lies in this plane, and is perpendicular to GX. Therefore its components are o, L sin /. L cos /. The drag is along OX, and its components are -D, o, o. Finally, we have to consider the centrifugal force, mVo 2 /r, where VQ is the horizontal projection of the velocity. This force is along the radius, so its components are - , o. For steady flight the sum of the forces along each axis must be zero. Hence we have: D = W sin \j/, mV 2 Lsm/ = , L cos / = W cos \l/. If we divide the second equation by the third, we can take, as the equations of motion : * D = Wsmt, LcosI = W cos \l/, tan/-- 5V-. rg-cos ^ 58. We next show that the equations of motion last derived are identical with the first. In the latter we replace Q by TF/cos 6, and insert L and D on the right-hand sides of the equations of sustentation and traction, respectively. The * Cowley and Evans, loc. cit, p. 222. CIRCULAR FLIGHT 63 former equations then become, when written in the order of those in the last paragraph : COS0 W If now we make use of the relations: sin \l/' = cos 6 sin \f/, cos \f/' _ cos ^ cos 6 cos I y tan 6 = tan 7 cos ^, which were derived in 56, we see that the equations of motion last written become identical with those obtained in the last paragraph. 59. From the equations of sustentation and traction we have so that \l/' is equal to the angle of glide for rectilinear descent, and is therefore uniquely determined by the angle of attack. We shall again regard r as an independent variable, specify- ing the conditions of flight, as in the case of circular flight, and determine the other quantities that specify the motion, namely, \j/ and B in terms of it and ^', which we have just seen is deter- mined by the angle of attack. When we substitute F =Fcos f, in the third equation of motion we obtain V 2 cos 2 t tan 6 = --- -. 64 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE Making use of the equation of sustentation this becomes rgK y A But cos 19' so that we have finally sin 6 = : - cos \j/ f cos 2 \f/, m r^-r COS ,/r sin 2 *'l L 1 o5F*J' upon making use of the relation between \f/, \J/' and S. When we replace sin 2 \l/ f by i cos 2 ^', and cos 2 by i sin 2 9 the last relation reduces to . o - w cos ^' . 9 . . . . w q . , sin 3 -- -- sin 2 0-sm ^H cos 3 ty =o, a cubic equation for sin 0, in which all the coefficients are known as soon as we know the radius of the helix and the angle of attack.* Put m cos ^ The equation then reduces to y? ax 2 x+a cos 2 ^ = 0, where x is the unknown, and a and \j/ r are known. This equa- tion can be written (x a) (x 2 i) = a sin 2 ^', or / _ 1 " We construct now the curve, _sin 2 // * The cubic equation for sin is given by Devillers, loc. cit., p. 138. His discussion of the equation is quite different from that given here. CIRCULAR FLIGHT 65 which consists of the three branches shown, asymptotic to the lines #+i=o, x i =o. Draw finally the line which passes through (0,1) and has a slope of i/a. FIG. 29. The roots of the cubic then correspond to the abscissae of the points of intersection of the line and the curve. It is obvious that all three of the roots are real. Let them be denoted by xi, xz, and #3. It is seen that - 00 Since # = sin 0, the only root which is applicable is X2. We thus have sin 0, and consequently 0, uniquely determined. 66 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE The diagram can be easily modified so as to allow the value of to be directly obtained. Draw the curve x = sin 0, taking for the negative ^-axis, as shown. By continuing the ordinate through x = X2 until it intersects the curve # = sin d, the value of B can be immediately obtained. It is interesting to consider the limiting values for B when r approaches zero and infinity, respectively . The corresponding values of a are evidently oo and o. The slope of the line we have used becomes oo for a = o, and evidently the corre- sponding value of X2 is zero. Thus for r = oo we have 6 = o, and the descent becomes rectilinear. Let r = o, so that a =00. The root #2 is then determined by ^sin 2 ^ IX 2 2 This gives sin 2 6 = i -sin 2 f = cos 2 tf/, and therefore = 9 o-t//. This is a maximum value for the angle 0. After we have obtained the values of \l/ r and 6, we can at once get ^, the angle of descent, from the relation sin \f/' sm ^ . cose In the limiting case r = o we have sin ^ = i, so that ^ = 90. The machine in this case descends vertically, rotating about its axis as it descends. The value of / is seen to be equal to 90. 60. The Velocity. We have from the first two equations of 55 Q Hence, CIRCULAR FLIGHT 67 Let V be the velocity for a rectilinear descent at the same angle of attack. From 36 it follows that V' 2 COS0' and therefore V can be determined as soon as has been found. We see that the velocity in a helical descent is greater than in a rectilinear glide. In the limit for r = o, we have cos = sin \l/'. Hence the limit of V is given by V' 2 sin*' where B is the fineness. The distance that the machine will advance downwards for each revolution about the axis of the cylinder, that is, the pitch of the helix, is h = 2irr - tan \f/. In the limit as r approaches zero, this becomes indeterminate, for \f/ then approaches 90. In order to investigate the limit we shall express both r and \f/ in terms of 6 and \l/' '. We have when this is done: sin \l/' sin \l/' tan \(/ Vcos 2 sin 2 \// f Vcos 2 fy' sin 2 From 59 we find, _m cos \j/' cos 2 \}/' sin 2 K V A sin 0- cos 2 ' Hence, , _ irm sin 2 ^' Vcos 2 \j/' sin 2 1^^ sin cos 2 In the limit when r = o we have sin = cos \j/'. Hence in the limit h = o. If we write, h - = 27r tan \f/, THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE and note that when r approaches infinity the angle ^ approaches ^', we see that the graph of h as a function of r approaches the line h = r-2ir tan \/' = 2irB r asymptotically.* But we know that t'. The resultant air reaction R will be in a direc- tion near to the normal to It will have two components, FIG. 32. the chord of the section. * For a discussion of various designs in propellers, see the report by W. F. Durand in the Third Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, 1917, Report No. 14, entitled "Tests on 48 Model Forms of Air Propellers with Analysis and Discussion of Results and Presentation of the same in Graphic Form." THE PROPELLER 71 one in a direction opposite to the rotation, and the other along the axis. The first component opposes the motor couple, and the second produces a thrust along the axis. A similar analysis holds for each element of the blade, and we' see that the resultant effect of the whole propeller is the production of a couple that must be overcome by the motor, and a thrust along the axis of the rotation. 65. Geometrical Pitch. In the figure let = 0+0. The value of 6 depends only on the inclination of the section, which we shall call the setting of the section. A consideration of the figure leads us to regard the chord of the section as a part of a geometrical helix of radius r, that makes an angle 6 with a section normal to the axis of the helix. From this viewpoint one revolution should make the element advance a distance H = 2irr - tan 6. This is called the geometrical pitch of the element. It will vary from element to element, unless the angle 6 for an element is connected with the radius of the element by the relation 6 = tan- 1 , 2irr where H is some constant. There are then two classes of propellers: those of constant pitch, and those of variable pitch. (i) Propellers of Constant Pitch. By choosing the angle 6 to satisfy the relation given above the pitch of the propeller will be made constant. The angles at which various elements of the blade are set are easily shown graphically. We con- struct the distance H/2ir as an ordinate, giving the point P, and on the axis of abscissae lay off distances equal to different fractions of the propeller's radius. The corresponding points are joined to P. The lines obtained evidently give the inclina- tion of the chords of the various sections to a plane normal to the axis of the propeller. Suppose the propeller is of constant pitch, and that it 72 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE advances due to the thrust it creates at the velocity V. We have then for the angle 0, Fig. 32, V ~ 1 -- V - 1 - 2irnr so that the angle of attack is H = 0- / 3 = tan~ 1 -- 2irr tan , 2irr 2irnr nH V - 1 ^tan- 1 - H-V (27rr) 2 n+HV FIG. 33. This depends upon r, so the angle of attack is different for different elements of the blade, being the smallest at the tip, and increasing towards the axis. This fact can be considered an objection to a propeller of constant pitch, although the ultimate decision must depend on experiment. (2) Propellers of Variable Pitch. The angle can be chosen so that the angle of attack of all elements will be the same, by merely determining 6 by the relation 0+ tan - 1 2irnr where is constant. The manner of graphically obtaining the inclination of the various sections is shown in Fig. 34. The THE PROPELLER 73 ordinate is constructed of length V/2irn. Lines are drawn to various points on the axis of abscissae as in the former case. An angle equal to the chosen angle of attack is laid off from each of these lines, and the new lines obtained represent the chords of the various sections. It is to be observed that if the angle of attack of all elements of the blade is the same for a certain value of V and n, it need not be the same for all elements for other values of V and n. Let the propeller be designed for a velocity Fo, and number of rotations no, and choose < as the angle of attack of all elements; then the setting of an element is given by V 2-mi FIG. 34. as a function of r. Now suppose this propeller advances at rate V and makes n turns per minute. The angle is now 2irnr and the angle of attack is tan It is seen that the necessary and sufficient condition that this does not depend upon r is nV noV = o, that is, V = Vo n no 74 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE The angle of attack will thus again be the same for all elements of the blade, only if the advance per revolution is the same as it was before. This quantity is of fundamental importance in considerations regarding a propeller. 66. Thrust and Power. In order to calculate the thrust that a propeller will produce, the power that is necessary to rotate it, and the efficiency with which it is working, experiments are made on model propellers, over a wide range of forward velocities, and speeds of rotation. From the data thus obtained the action of a full size, geometrically similar, propeller can be deduced. We proceed to a discussion of the conditions under which we can compare the action of similar propellers. Consider geometrically similar propellers of diameters D and DI, respectively. Let them be advancing at velocities V and Vij and rotating n and n\ times a second, respectively. In case the angles of attack of corresponding sections of the two propellers are the same, we can compare the action of the two; and it is quite apparent that we cannot expect to find any simple relation between the action of the two propellers unless this is the case. The condition for the equality of the angles of attack of corresponding sections, always under the hypothesis that the propellers act on air at rest, is easily obtained. The settings of the corresponding sections are equal, since the propellers are geometrically similar. It is then neces- sary that the angle /3 be equal in the two sections. The con- dition for this is obviously V = Vi nr n\r\ where r and r \ are the radii of the sections. This reduces to nD since r/r\D/D\ for similar sections. It is assumed that the propellers are acting under conditions that satisfy this relation. In the two propellers take sections near those already chosen, the new sections also being at distances proportional THE PROPELLER 75 to the diameters. Consider the portions of the two blades thus obtained as small aerofoils. As they are engaging the air at the same angle of attack the air reactions will be assumed to make the same angles with their chords, and thus with the axes of the propellers. Let the air reactions be dF and dF\. Then dF ds-V' 2 where ds and dsi are the areas of the two sections of blade, and V and V\ their total velocities (resultants of V and 2Trnr } and Vi and 2-n-rini, respectively). Now in virtue of the similarity of the propellers, and V 1 _ zirnr sec /3 nr nD Vi 2^n\r\ sec |8 n\r\ n\D\ Hence dF Let dT and dT\ be the elements of thrust furnished by the two sections. Since the reactions make equal angles with the axes, we have dT n 2 D* By dividing the two propellers up into corresponding small sections and adding the thrusts of the sections, we have T for the relation between the total thrusts. This relation leads us to write where a is some function of V/nD, applicable to geometrically similar propellers. Such a relation must be confirmed by experiment. This question will be considered presently. 76 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE Let dR and dRi be the resistance to rotation of the two sections. Then dR Let dP and dP\ be the work done on the two sections in a second; then dP = 2-wnrdR, dPi = i-Kn\r\dR\. Hence, dP dPi We are thus led to put for the power necessary to turn the propeller where /3 is a function of V/nD applicable to geometrically similar propellers. 67. The results obtained can be put in another form. We have /^27^2\ D 2 . Since a is a function of V/nD, the quantity a(n 2 D 2 /V 2 ) is also a function of V/nD. Hence we are led to write, T = 3V 2 D 2 (pounds), where 3" is a function of V/nD. In the same way we obtain P = (P V 3 D 2 (foot-pound-seconds) , where (P is a function of V/nD. 68. To investigate the accuracy of the results that have been obtained it is necessary to test several propellers that are geometrically similar. Consider one of them. The thrust T is measured for a large range of values of V and n. The quantity T/V 2 D 2 is calculated and is plotted against the argument V/nD. In this way a curve is obtained that repre- sents the value of SI for the first propeller. The other pro- pellers are then tested, and it is seen how nearly identical the curves they give are with the first. THE PROPELLER 77 In the same manner the formula obtained for the power is subjected to verification.* 69. Efficiency. The efficiency of a propeller is the ratio between the useful power it yields and the power that it absorbs from the motor. Let it be represented by E. Then, E= T ' V 550 -P* the thrust T being measured in pounds, and the velocity V in ft./sec. and P in horse-power. When the expression obtained for T and P in terms of V and D are used this becomes E being, as indicated, a function of V/nD, applicable to similar propellers. 70. Effect of Altitude. The thrust that a propeller will produce and the power necessary to turn it vary directly as the density of the air, and will thus depend upon the altitude. It is apparent, however, that the efficiency is independent of the altitude. The diagrams that will be given for a propeller's action are for the surface of the earth. The thrust and power for a given altitude will then be found by multiplying the thrust and power at the surface of the earth for the same velocity of advance and number of rotations per minute by the ratio of the air density at the given altitude to the density at the surface of the earth. 71. Graphs of the quantities 3", (P, E for a model propeller f * Results of experiments of this sort on four geometrically similar propellers of diameters 30, 36, 42, 48 inches, respectively, are given in Report No. 14, part I, Figs, u, 12, of the Third Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1917. f This is propeller No. i, in the Report of the Advisory Committee on Aero- nautics above referred to. The curves are not given in the form in which they occur in the report. The density of the air at the surface of the earth is intro- duced. The constant 100 that occurs in the report is omitted from the thrust curve. The power curve is obtained from that for torque. 78 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE are given in Fig. 35. The quantities 5" and (P are called the thrust and power coefficients, respectively. As an example of the use of the graphs, consider a full-scale similar propeller with a diameter of 8 feet. What will be its thrust and the horse-power required to turn it at an altitude of 2000 feet, if it is advancing at a velocity of 72 miles an hour, and making 1200 turns a minute? .0009 .0018 FIG. 35. V We have 7 = 105 ft./sec., n = 2o. Hence = .66. From nD the diagram we find ^ = .00054, (P = .oooj. The ratio of the density of the air at the given altitude to the density at the surface of the earth is .9. We thus have = 35o pounds, .9X.ooo7Xio5 3 X8 2 = 85 horse-power. 550 THE PROPELLER 79 The efficiency can be immediately obtained from the graph, arid is E = .75. It can also be computed directly from the values for T and P. 72. A problem of fundamental importance is that of the adaptation of a propeller to a given airplane and motor. This question can be well studied by constructing a series of performance curves for the propeller. 60 80 100 120 140 Velocity, Mi./ hr. FlG. 36. Consider the propeller of 8 feet diameter used in the last section, and let it be acting at the surface of the earth. By giving to n successively the values 800, 1000, 1200, 1400 revolutions per minute, the thrust and power can be plotted against forward velocity. The results for the thrust are shown in Fig. 36. It is seen that: i. For a given number of revolutions per minute the thrust decreases with increasing velocity of translation. 80 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE 2. For a given velocity of translation the thrust increases with an increasing number of revolutions per second. These results are to be expected. For a reference to Fig. 32 shows that for n fixed, increasing V diminishes the angle of attack of the various elements of the blade, and hence decreases the resultant air reaction, and consequently the thrust, since the total reaction is approximately normal to the chord. On the other hand, for a fixed V, increasing the value of n will have the opposite effect. 100 120 140 Velocity, Mi,/hr. FIG. 37. The curves representing the power are shown in Fig. 37. It is evident that: 1. For a given velocity of rotation the power absorbed by the propeller decreases with increasing forward velocity. 2. For a given velocity of advance the power necessary increases with increasing rotational velocity. The efficiency can be found from Fig. 35. For convenience of reference the following table of values for V/nD for the values of V and n used is given: THE PROPELLER 81 v^* s^n 800 1000 1 200 1400 60 -56 45 37 32 70 .66 52 44 37 80 75 .60 50 43 go -84 67 56 .48 100 94 75 .62 53 no 1.03 .82 .69 59 1 20 1-13 .90 75 .64 73. Motor Diagram. In order completely to solve the problem of adaptation of the propeller to the machine, it is necessary to know the manner in which the power of the motor varies with the number of revolutions. Up to a certain limit 150 cJ a 75 ^- -^ s. / X \ \ x X \ X x^ \ \ X X \ s 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 R.P.M. FIG. 38. the power of the motor is approximately proportional to the number of explosions per minute, that is, to the number of revolutions. After that, due to choking, the power decreases rapidly with the number of revolutions. A diagram giving a motor's performance is as shown in Fig. 38. This diagram is constructed for full admission. When the motor is throttled a similar curve is obtained, lying below that given. 74. Consider now the conditions under which a given propelling plant will propel a given airplane. Suppose we wish the machine to be flown horizontally near the earth at a velocity of 80 miles an hour. In 22 we described the method of 82 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE plotting the traction necessary against forward velocity. Sup- pose the traction is 400 pounds. From the thrust diagram for the propeller, we find the number of revolutions per minute that the propeller must be making in order that it shall produce a thrust of 400 pounds when advancing at 80 miles an hour. Suppose the value of n thus found is noo. We next turn to the power diagram and find what power must be furnished to the propeller. Suppose it is 85 horse-power. We finally consult the motor diagram and see what power it will furnish with full admission if running at noo revolutions per minute. If this is in excess of 85 we can, by throttling the engine properly, supply to the propeller exactly the power which will make it turn with the proper number of revolutions that will give it the forward velocity and traction that are necessary to sustain the machine. 75. While the curves which have already been given allow us to answer questions relative to the adaptability of a pro- peller to a given motor and airplane, it is possible to construct a diagram which will give a more comprehensive view of the problem. On the power curves we construct curves of equal efficiency. For example, let us construct the curve representing an efficiency of 60 per cent. For n = Soo } say, we find from Fig. 35 the values of V. On the power curve for 800 rev./min. we locate the points corresponding to the values of V. We do this for n = iooo, 1200, 1400, etc., and through the points found draw curves. This gives us the 60 per cent efficiency, curves. Simi- larly, we construct the curves for E = 6$ per cent, 70 per cent, 75 per cent. Assuming that we do not desire any regime of operation where the efficiency falls below 60 per cent, we have a diagram which gives clearly the combinations of V and n which will give us an efficiency of the desired amount. 76. On this diagram we next construct a curve which repre- sents the functioning of the motor for full admission. To do this, consider the performance diagram for the motor. For a given value of n read the power the motor will furnish, and locate in Fig. 39 on the curve for the same value of n the point THE PROPELLER 83 where the propeller absorbs that same power. This gives us a curve which intersects the two limiting efficiency curves already drawn. Under normal conditions motor and propeller 175 150 125 75 50 25 L 70 .90 100 110 120 Velocity Mi./hr. FlG. 39. 130 140 150 must be made to operate for values of V and n that lie within the triangular area which is determined in this way. 77. From the diagram last made it is easy to construct a diagram that gives the maximum useful power available from the motor-propeller group. Multiply the value of the power 84 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE along the full admission curve by the value of the efficiency, and plot the product against the value of V. This gives the curve P M shown in Fig. 40. For a given value of V this curve 100 75 P 50 i ff. 1 A /2\ Z /\ A 40 70 100 130 FIG. 40. gives us the greatest useful power we can obtain from the propeller attached to the given motor. The efficiency curves are carried over from the last diagram in an obvious way. Also curves representing the number of revolutions per minute are easily constructed. THE PROPELLER 85 78. To answer the question of the adaptability of the motor and propeller to the airplane, we plot on the last diagram the useful power necessary to propel the airplane, as a function of V (see 24). This gives us the curve P A . We plot only that amount of it within which operation would be safe. Call the extremities of the curve a and b. The curve will, in general, intersect P M in two points a' and b' '. Thus the motor-propeller with full admission will propel the machine in horizontal flight at two different velocities. The degree of adaptability of the motor and propeller to the airplane depends upon the relative positions of a and a', b and b'. If b is beyond b', as shown, the motor and propeller are unable to get the speed out of the machine that its construction would safely allow. If b' were beyond b, the motor and propeller could develop a velocity that would be dangerous. The greatest velocity of ascent will be attained when the excess power available is a maximum. This corresponds to a velocity of about 90 miles an hour in the case represented by the diagram given. CHAPTER VI PERFORMANCE i. CEILING 79. In 48 we have given a discussion of the height to which a machine can fly. That height, which we called the ceiling, depends upon the angle of attack. The maximum of these heights for all angles of attack we called the true ceiling of the machine. A reference to 44 would lead us to expect that the true ceiling would be reached when the angle of attack is the angle of minimum power, for then it would seem that there would be the greatest surplus power available for climb- ing. This conclusion depends, however, upon the supposition of constant available power, a condition, which as indicated in 44, does not exist. As a matter of fact, the true ceiling is attained for an angle of attack more nearly equal to the optimum angle, and sometimes even smaller.* In order to determine the height of the ceiling by the method given in 48, it is necessary to make an ascent of some height. We shall now consider the question of determining the height of the ceiling directly from the known motive power of the machine, its fineness, etc. 80. If the ceiling is to be as high as possible for a given machine and motor, it is necessary that the propeller be well adapted to the two. For suppose that the machine has risen to the greatest possible height. The motor will be running with a certain definite number of revolutions per minute. If this number is not that which gives the greatest possible power from the motor, and the value of V/nD is not that which gives * The Sorbonne lectures of Professor Marchis, Spring semester, 1919. i PERFORMANCE 87 the greatest efficiency to the propeller, it is evident that there is a lack of proper adaptation in the various elements of the machine. In the calculations that we shall make of the theoretical ceiling in terms of the motor power, propeller efficiency, and fineness of the machine, we shall assume that there is a com- plete adaptation. We shall therefore obtain a quantity which will in practice exceed the performance of the machine. Let Po be the power of the motor at the ground, in horse- power, and \L Z the ratio of the height of the barometer at altitude z to its height at the surface of the earth.* Then the motor power at altitude z, in foot-pound-seconds, is Let E be the propeller efficiency, which, of course, varies as the machine rises. But in accordance with what was stated above we shall assume that it has attained its maximum value at the time the machine ceases to rise. The useful power available at the ceiling is therefore The traction necessary for horizontal flight is BW, where B is the fineness, and W the weight. Therefore the power necessary is P m = B'W-V h) where V* is the horizontal velocity, in feet per second, at the ceiling. Consequently, at the ceiling we have The fineness B is independent of the altitude, but p* * The remainder of this section is taken directly from the lectures of Professor Marchis. 88 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE where VQ is the horizontal velocity at the surface of the earth, and p g the ratio of the density of the air at altitude z to the density at the ground. Inserting the value of V h and dividing by Po-E, we have B'W-Vo I as the relation which must be satisfied at the ceiling. If we put , /r _B'W'V ~ we have a number characteristic of the complete machine. Into it enters the power of the motor, the efficiency of the propeller, the total weight of the machine, the fineness, as well as the horizontal velocity at the ground. It would again seem from this expression that the angle of attack to reach the ceiling should be that which renders BVo a minimum, that is, the economical angle. But on account of the con- siderations adduced in 79, the fineness and velocity for the optimum angle are used. If we give to If a succession of values, such as .8, .6, .4, .3, .2, which will cover those that occur with customary machines, and for each such value of M, compute the value of the quantity M M * 7?' for a succession of values of z, differing, say, by 1000 feet, until we reach a value of z for which the quantity in question is zero, we shall have the values of the ceiling that correspond to the various values of M. In this way we have a table that will give the theoretical ceiling for a machine, as soon as we know its characteristic number. If, for example, we take M = .4 we find for 2 = 17,000 feet, M 2 -- = .526-. 4X1.308 = .003. Therefore we can take 17,000 feet to be the approximate theo- retical ceiling. PERFORMANCE 89 Another remark may be added. The weight W includes the weight of fuel. This continually decreases, so that M decreases. The ceiling thus continually increases as the time increases, until such part of the fuel remains as the pilot desires to have at his disposition in the descent. If we include in W the weight of the normal fuel carried, the calculation we have made gives the approximate height to which the machine rises before its course becomes sensibly horizontal. 81. Supercharge.* If it is desired to make a long flight, a quantity of fuel in excess of the normal is added. This increases W and thus M, and therefore lowers the ceiling. A similar condition exists if any extra load is carried, though in the first case the surplus load continually disappears, while in the second instance that is not the case, unless perhaps the machine is such a machine as a bomber. We shall investigate the change in the height of the ceiling produced by a supercharge. At the ceiling we have, as the equation of power, The equation of sustentation gives us W = Ph K v AV J ?. Let us assume that p/, = ju/ as an approximation.! Dividing the two equations we find B'KyA ' If we assume that E is constant, we see that V h is constant. Therefore the velocity at the ceiling is independent of any supercharge in weight that the machine may be carrying. A reference to the equation of power then gives W = constant. * Devillers, loc. cit., pp. 173-177. f For the accuracy of this approximation see the Appendix, 4. 90 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE Suppose now that W represents the normal weight of the machine and h its normal ceiling. Let the machine be super- charged to a total weight W, and let Jj be the ceiling for this weight. We have Therefore W As all the quantities on the right are known, this equation will determine /M> and consequently h f . For example, suppose a machine with a normal weight of 1500 pounds has a ceiling of 20,000 feet. Let the machine be supercharged to weigh 2400 pounds. What will be the new ceiling? We have /** = .468. Hence, ^ = .468 ^ = .748. 1500 The new ceiling is then approximately at 8000 feet. 2. RADIUS OF ACTION * 82. Another problem of interest is that of calculating the distance to which a machine can fly. In addition to the other characteristics that must be taken into account we must now consider the total amount of fuel carried and its rate of con- sumption. Assumptions must again be made that will render the results only approximately correct, but nevertheless they will be of value as a basis of estimates as to performance. Let P t = power of the motor at time / (/ = o at the start) ; Q = total weight of fuel, gasoline and oil, at time of departure; Qt = weight of fuel at time /; m = weight of fuel consumed per horse-power per hour ; W = weight of machine at time of departure; B = fineness of the machine; Wt = W Qi = weight of machine at time /. * Devillers, loc. cit., Chapter XII. PERFORMANCE 91 Assuming that the rate of consumption of fuel per horse- power is independent of the altitude, we have ,~ ti. dQ t = -~ at, 3600 as the consumption in time dt, the second being taken as the unit. The useful power is given at any instant by Wt-B-V. In order to obtain the power in terms of the performance of the motor we must assume a constant efficiency for the propeller. We shall take it to be .75. The useful power developed by the motor in foot-pound- seconds is therefore .75X550XP/. We consequently have .75X550 XP=T Hence, .75X550 and therefore, mWl BV 3600 X. 75X55 = mWtBV 1,365,500 Let L represent the horizontal distance traversed. The machine in reality will be Continually rising, due to decrease in weight from fuel consumption. However, except at the start, it will be practically horizontal. We take therefore dL = Vdt. The relation between the element of path and fuel consumption is therefore ,r 1,365,500 ^(^1,365,500 dQ t mB 'W t mB ~'W-Q t ' Integrating, and noting that at t]ie start Q; = o, and at the instant of arrival Q t = Q, we have , 1.365.500 , W T _ '*"* *J ' *J locr J^t ^rt^ s~\* mB W Q It is apparent from this that the greatest distance can be covered with a given amount of fuel if flight takes place at 92 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE the angle that gives the smallest value to B. Therefore the optimum angle should be used. During the flight the machine consequently flies at its ceiling, 79. We shall assume #2 = 5.5 and = .12. When we change to common logarithms and to miles we find: L-gooo logio pr, approximately. *~w From this it is apparent that the distance that a machine can fly, under the suppositions we have made as to efficiency of propeller, fineness, and consumption of fuel, depends only on the ratio of the weight of fuel with which the flight is started, to the total weight at the time of departure. In order to cover a great distance with a machine without replenishment of fuel it is, of course, necessary to greatly super- charge the machine at the start. This lowers the ceiling, as was stated in the last section, and it is necessary to know that the ceiling has not been lowered to such a point that flight would be dangerous. Let us assume that a flight of 3000 miles is desired. Hence, from which and therefore Q -u W~ The weight of fuel carried must then be approximately equal to the weight of the remainder of the machine. Suppose the values of m and B for a machine are not those used to obtain the formula for L. We should then multiply C j* 12 the value of L given by the formula by X 1 ^-. m n PERFORMANCE 93 83. Let us now consider a flight that consists in going a certain distance and returning to the starting point, the com- plete flight to consume the entire fuel supply. It is evident that more fuel will be consumed in the going part of the trip than in the return. We desire to know the amount of fuel that can be consumed in the first part of the journey, and leave assured the possibility of return. Let WQ be the weight of the machine without any fuel (dead weight), Q the total weight of fuel at the start, Q g the part of the fuel that will be expended in going, and Q r the part expended in returning. The going part of the trip can be thought of as that of a machine with dead weight of W+Q r and a fuel load of Q y . The returning trip can be regarded as that of a machine of dead weight WQ and fuel load Q r . As the distances traversed are the same we have from the formula of the last section, Qr Q* which can be written Q-Q,_Q* W-Q g W From this we find Therefore, 14/ since the only admissible root is one less than W. If we develop the expression for Q 0) we find we can write Ql^-L. 1 + Q 28 W which gives the excess over half the total fuel which can be consumed before the return trip is started.* * The method of 83 can be extended to determine the performance of a bombing plane, or a machine carrying freight. In such cases there is a definite and considerable decrease of weight at a certain point in the journey, for instance the place where the return trip starts. See Devillers, loc. cit., pp. 185, 186. CHAPTER VII STABILITY AND CONTROLLABILITY 84. We come now to the consideration of a question which is of the greatest importance in the actual practice of flying, and of the greatest interest as a problem in dynamics. This question is that of stability and controllability. We shall begin the discussion by setting forth some general ideas in^ volved in the problem, so as to make clear exactly what it is that is desired. In a broad way the term stability relates to those properties which an airplane must possess in order that it be " air- worthy/' that is, that it will be able to fly without too great an element of insecurity and danger. When we recall the fundamental principle by which flight is possible, namely, an equilibrium between tractive force of a propeller, air resistance on the machine, and gravity, and remember that the air resistance is delicately dependent upon speed and aspect of the machine with reference to the wind, while gravity is a force entirely Beyond our control, we see that the problem will be one into which a thorough inquiry must be made. Once the equilibrium between the forces is destroyed, will it be possible to re-establish it? The air is never absolutely calm; and at different altitudes and in different localities, eddies and gusts of different natures and varying magnitudes will be encountered, so that flight under the ideal conditions that we have thus far assumed will never exist. Therefore, if secure flight is possible, it will be accomplished by a more or less frequent recurrence of states of losing and regaining equilibrium. 85. As the question turns primarily on the air reaction, we can seek to maintain equilibrium between the forces in two 94 STABILITY AND CONTROLLABILITY 95 general ways. We can construct the machine in such a way that it will inherently possess properties that will make it stable, and we can equip it with movable control surfaces that enable the pilot to alter the air forces and thus assist in re- establishing the equilibrium. These same control surfaces will also be the means by which the pilot maintains command of the machine, directing it along the course that he desires to follow. Thus we have the two qualities, stability and con- trollability, both necessary conditions, related and dependent upon each other, and as we shall see, to a certain extent incom- patible. 86. In order to be inherently stable a machine must auto- matically maintain the same attitude towards the relative wind, for this will tend to keep the air reaction unaltered. When gusts are met, the machine will thus tend to head into them, and if this tendency is very strong it may be difficult for the pilot to keep the machine flying in the course he desires. In a general way, the greater the inherent stability the more difficult it will be to make the machine respond to the controls. It will tend to combat changes in its course. In some instances a great sensitiveness to controls is a necessity. Thus in the case of a battle plane, where rapid maneuvering is essential, the pilot must be able to get a quick and pronounced effect by moving his controlling surfaces. The degree to which a machine possesses inherent stability accordingly depends upon such things as size and purpose. While it is a quality that all machines must possess to a certain extent, still a condition can exist that could be described as " too stable." The machine then could be controlled only at the expense of con- siderable fatigue to the pilot, and furthermore, it might be an uncomfortable vehicle, owing to rapid oscillations that would arise when it encountered gusts. 87. In order to deal with the problem of stability by mathematical analysis, greater precision must be given to our definition. In fact, we can distinguish between stability in the general sense that has been considered, and in the special restricted mathematical sense to which we proceed, and which 96 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE will be developed to some extent in the next chapter. There can easily be a difference of opinion as to the degree in which it is necessary, or even desirable, that a machine should possess mathematical stability. On the other hand, it is agreed that a machine which is mathematically unstable in certain respects would be a very unsafe and undesirable one. 88. The question of stability is one that can enter into most dynamical situations. It relates to the effect of a dis- placement from a position of equilibrium. Such a displacement gives rise to changes in the forces acting. If the effect is to restore the state of motion to that which existed prior to the disturbance, the equilibrium is said to be stable; if the system tends to depart farther and farther from the prior state, the equilibrium is said to be unstable; if the system is indifferent to the change, and maintains a state of motion near to that which would have existed if the disturbance had not taken place, the equilibrium is said to be neutral. As an example of stable and unstable equilibrium, consider the motion of a marble down a hollow inclined pipe. Let it be on the inside. It will follow the lowest element, and if, in its motion, it be slightly deflected, it will, after oscillating back and forth, regain its former state of motion: its equilibrium is stable. Suppose, on the other hand, that the marble is on the outside of the pipe, and rolling down the top, which we shall consider slightly flattened. A small disturbance will cause it to depart from its path and fall from the pipe: the equilibrium is unstable. As an example of neutral equilibrium, let the marble roll down an inclined plane. A small lateral disturbance will cause it to follow a course near that it would have followed had it not been deflected : its equilibrium is neutral. 89. The example of stability which has been given illustrates two distinct ideas that enter into stability. After the dis- placement has taken place, there must exist a force tending to restore the former condition. If such a force exist, there is said to be static stability. The effect of this force will in general be such as to make the system with which we are dealing return to the position of equilibrium, and then depart STABILITY AND CONTROLLABILITY 97 from it in the opposite sense. In this way oscillations will arise. If these oscillations die out as the time increases, there is said to be dynamic stability. We shall in this chapter give a development of the simpler aspects of the problem of stability of an airplane, mainly those connected with static stability. The consideration of dynamic stability is reserved for the next chapter. A general under- standing of the means by which stability and controllability are obtained can be secured by a simple analysis. It is only by such a preliminary procedure that we can construct models and make the proper and elaborate experiments that will furnish the data for an investigation of dynamical stability. 90. In our first analysis we shall consider the effect of rotation upon an airplane. To distinguish different types of rotation we draw three axes in the machine meeting at the center of gravity, one perpendicular to the plane of symmetry, one in the plane of symmetry, parallel to the propeller axis, for instance, and the third perpendicular to these two. A rotation about the first axis is described as pitching, about the second as rolling, about the third as yawing. We shall consider the effect on stability of rotations of these three types. The general rotation that a machine can experience is a combination of all three. The more elaborate investigation in the next chapter covers that case. It is, however, by con- sidering separately the three types of rotation that one is led to develop principles of design that make stability possible. We shall first consider the effect of pitching, which gives rise in its simplest form to what is called the problem of longi- tudinal stability. LONGITUDINAL STABILITY 91. We can say in an approximate way that longitudinal stability depends primarily on the manner in which the center of pressure moves as the angle of attack varies. Consider a plane surface. Suppose it were the sustaining member of a machine. In horizontal flight the resistance R, the traction J 1 , 98 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE FlG. 41. and the weight W meet at a point, say, the center of gravity. Suppose some influence tended to rotate the machine in such a way as to increase the angle of attack. The resistance R recedes from the attacking edge, remaining sensibly parallel. A moment then arises that tends to return the machine to its origi- nal position. It is therefore statically stable. Suppose now that we had for sus- taining member a single cambered sur- face. With increasing angle of attack the center of pressure tends, as a rule, to approach the edge of attack, and vice versa. Thus the air pressure tends to create a couple that will increase the displacement, and we would expect the machine to be static- ally unstable. 92. An analysis of this sort should be pursued further. Consider the surfaces of a biplane. For different angles of attack suppose that the line of action of the result- ant air pressure were drawn in the plane of symmetry. This gives a one-parameter family of straight lines. They envelop a curve, called the metacentric curve. For the angles of attack that are used, this curve is concave to the front, as shown in the figure. The point of tangency of the metacentric curve and the line representing the air reaction is called the metacenter. As the angle of attack increases, the metacenter describes the meta- centric curve in the sense A to B. Suppose the machine is in horizontal flight. Let the propeller pass through the center of gravity G; then the machine being in equilibrium, the air reaction R must also pass through G. Suppose the machine pitches so as to increase the angle of attack. The metacenter moves to m', the line of action of R' STABILITY AND CONTROLLABILITY 99 the air reaction to R'. A couple of moment R'xGP is created, where P is the foot of the perpendicular from G on R f , and R' represents the magnitude of R' . This will be a restoring couple if G is below K, the intersection of R and R'\ other- wise, it will tend to increase the displacement. Therefore there will be a condition of equilibrium if G is below the metacentric curve. The metacentric curve, however, in general, lies too low for this condition to exist. Stability must therefore be obtained by some added feature. This feature is a tail plane. 93. Tail Plane. Consider a plane surface to the rear of the sustaining surface. Let ab be a section of it. Suppose that the air reaction on it is originally zero, that is, that it is in the bed of the wind. Let G be the center of gravity. Suppose the machine is rotated about the center of gravity FIG. 43. through an angle 0; then the tail plane takes a position a'b', inclined at an angle 6 to the relative wind. The air reaction, /, on it will be practically normal to it, and can approximately be represented by ksdV 2 , where k is the constant given in 3, and 5 is the area of the tail plane. There thus arises a restoring moment of amount where d is the distance shown in the figure. The air reaction on the main sustaining surface likewise has a moment, about G. The sum of the two must be a restoring moment, in order that the tail plane function in the desired manner. Similar con- siderations must hold for a motion that tends to decrease the angle of attack. It is seen at once that a problem of great importance is the determination of the proper area for the tail plane, and its 100 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE distance from the sustaining surfaces. The angle at which it is set is also important. It is found that it must make a smaller angle with the relative wind than the main plane.* The tail plane does not act as an independent plane, but is greatly influenced by the wash of the main planes. Its actual behavior must be determined by experiment on different combinations. Investigations of this sort have been conducted by Eiffel, who has found that the wash from the front surface has the same effect as decreasing the angle of incidence of the tail plane. Thus, if the tail plane is apparently in the bed of the wind, it is in effect behaving as though it were at a nega- tive incidence, and therefore has a downward pressure exerted upon it. 94. The Elevator. For allowing control of the machine, and increasing longitudinal stability, it is fitted with an elevator. This is the plane attached to the rear of the tail plane, and FIG. 44. movable about a horizontal axis. By means of it the angle of attack of the machine is altered. Suppose the machine is in horizontal flight with the elevator in the neutral position ab. Let it then be turned through the angle 6 into the posi- tion be. There arises a force /, which we can represent with sufficient accuracy by , , /T70 sin 6 r '=ks'V 2 .4 +.6 sin 0' where k is a constant and s' the surface of the elevator. Suppose the center of gravity is at G'. Let Gb = d\ then assuming the * Bothezat, "fitude de la Stability de 1'aeroplane," p. 98. STABILITY AND CONTROLLABILITY 101 force r r as normal to the elevator, we have for the moment created : , , k , T79J sin 26 M = -sV 2 d- . 2 .4+. 6 sin The variation of this force with the value of is shown by a consideration of the function sin 20 4-f-.6 sin This function reaches a maximum between 35 and 40. It therefore follows that an elevator should not be given an inclination to exceed something like 30. The moment caused by turning the elevator into the position shown in the figure will have the effect of rotating the machine in such a direction as to increase the angle of attack. In the meantime the moment of the air reaction on the sustaining surfaces changes. The machine will rotate to a position such that the moment of all forces (propeller traction, air reaction on sustaining members, tail plane, elevator) passes through the center of gravity. If the motor power is at the same time properly altered, the machine will fly at a different angle of attack. The means for changing the position of the elevator are secured by equipping it with a lever arm perpendicular to its surface, to the end of which a wire is attached, which in turn runs to the cock-pit. To turn the elevator may require considerable muscu- lar effort on the part of the pilot. This effort can be lessened by properly bal- ancing the elevator. The figure shows schematically the method of doing this. Let aABb be the fixed tail plane, and ABcde the elevator, pivoted about AB. It is d FIG. 45. 102 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE obvious that, by this disposition of the axis, the air reaction can be kept fairly near the. axis so that the moment required to turn the elevator will be lessened. The resultant air reaction must not, however, in any position of the elevator pass through AB, for the pilot must always be able to feel a tautness in the controls.* 95. It is seen that we have considered only the question of static longitudinal stability, that is, the question of the existence of a couple tending to return the machine to its original position. Granting that such a couple exists we cannot ascertain the ultimate effect of the oscillations it will produce without knowing its magnitude as related to the angle through which the machine has been turned. We see also that while the rotation is going on, the instantaneous angle of attack of every element of the wing is changing, and the change of air reaction arising in this way is evidently dependent upon the velocity of rotation. It is possible to analyze with some approximations these various agencies that are at work, and obtain a differential equation from which we can draw con- clusions as to the dynamic stability.! We shall not do this, however, for pitching is unavoidably connected with a change in the motion of the center of gravity, and we defer the whole question to the more accurate and complete discussion in the next chapter. STABILITY IN ROLLING 96. Suppose the machine possessed a single sustaining mem- ber whose leading and trailing edges were straight lines, that its body were that of a solid of revolution, that its tail plane were in the continuation of the axis of the body, that landing gear struts, wires, etc., were non-existent. Suppose that while in rectilinear flight with the axis of its body horizontal, it were made to roll about that axis. That half of the wing whose motion was downwards, would have its angle of attack increased; the half of the wing moving upwards, would have its angle of attack * For a further discussion of this see Devillers, Chapter XIII. t Devillers, Chapter XIII. STABILITY AND CONTROLLABILITY 103 decreased. Consequently there would be a damping of the motion, dependent upon the velocity of rotation. Tail plane and rudder would also assist in this. When the motion had died out there would, however, be no restoring couple; that is, there is no static couple tending to restore the machine. It is obvious that during the motion, and in the displaced position, with the wings no longer horizontal, the vertical component of the lift no longer has its original value, and unless the proper variation of speed accompanied the process the altitude of the machine would change. But we are not here concerned with all the complications that arise. We merely are interested in seeing that there is no restoring couple. 97. While the discussion that has been given does not apply in toto to an actual machine, the general characterization can be carried over, and we see that we must provide a means of creat- ing a restoring couple. One way of causing stability in rolling is to set the wings at an angle, as shown in the figure. They are then said to possess a dihedral. The complete action of this is difficult to trace, but we can note one effect. For equilibrium we would have zR v cos a = W. Now let the machine rotate through an angle 6 so as to lower the left wing. The vertical component of the air reaction would be, assuming R has not materially changed, R v COS (a 0) +R y COS (-f- 0) = iR y COS a - COS 0. This is smaller than it was before. Such a rotation would then be accompanied by a downward motion of the machine. This would increase the lift on the left (lower) wing, more than on the right, and consequently a restoring moment would be created, that would make the machine roll back to its original position. The dihedral must not be too pronounced, or diffi- culty will arise from the lateral effect of a wind. 104 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE The fact that the dihedral produced stability through the consideration that rolling will produce a downward motion shows how impossible it is to separate completely different types of motion in the discussion of stability. They are all closely connected, and rotation about one line will cause rota- tions about other lines, though perhaps of a less pronounced nature. 98. Controllability in the lateral sense is furnished by means of the ailerons. Rectangular portions are cut from the corners on the trailing edge of the wings, and are then pivoted along their front edges. They are so fastened to the controls FIG. 47. that the raising of the ailerons on one side is accompanied by a lowering of those on the other. Their action is obvious. They merely increase the lift (and the drag) on one side and decrease it on the other. This gives the pilot the power of creating at will a moment that tends to roll the machine. LATERAL STABILITY 99. Lateral stability is secured by means of a fin, in the plane of symmetry, to the rear of the center of gravity. The general manner in which it functions is obvious. In case the machine is made to yaw, a moment is created tending to restore the machine. Of course, all parts of the machine have an effect in producing the restoring couple. Those parts well forward, such as the housing of the motor, tend to aggravate the yawing. Controllability in direction is secured by means of a rudder, usually placed at the rear of the fin. In order to decrease the muscular exertion that the pilot must use to turn the rudder, it is generally balanced, as was explained in the case of the elevator. Here again it is necessary to be assured that STABILITY AND CONTROLLABILITY 105 the force on the rudder will not pass through the axis, as in this case the pilot would not be sensible of any pressure on the controls. When the rudder is in the neutral position, it acts as a portion of the fin. 100. The complete analysis of the action of the rudder is difficult, for its turning introduces a sequence of phenomena hard to follow. The case is much more complicated than that of a ship, where the sustentation is in no way dependent upon speed. Imagine that the rudder has been turned to the right. A force / arises on the rudder, producing a moment tending to make the machine yaw to the right. To find the effect on the motion of the center of gravity we must apply this force at that point. We see then that the center < / ^~v of gravity moves slightly to the left at I A first. But the yawing produces a force F on the opposite face of the fin. The effect of this transferred to the center of grav- ity will be to make the machine turn to the right. The total force tending to make the center of gravity describe a curve to the right is approximately Ff. The total moment tending to produce rotation about a vertical axis is the resultant of the moments produced by the rudder and fin. It will be seen that a large fin well forward will make possible a considerable turning force by the use of a fairly small rudder. The combined use of ailerons and rudder in turning has already been discussed in 53. 101. It is not possible to separate a tendency to yaw from a tendency to roll, for the two will occur together. Thus, if the machine should start to yaw to the right, the left side of the wing will have a greater velocity than the right, and consequently a greater lift, so that the machine will start to roll. The fin, while designed primarily for producing stability in direction, also contributes to stability in rolling, if properly placed. Suppose the machine had no dihedral, and that it 106 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE started to roll in the direction that causes the left wing to lower. The lift is no longer vertical, so the machine will start downwards. Suppose the machine had a vertical fin placed above the center of gravity. It will have been displaced from the vertical plane in the rolling, and when a tendency to settle begins, it is seen that a force arises on the fin that tends to make the machine roll back toward its original position. If the fin had been below the center of gravity, the effect on it would be to accentuate the roll. The efficiency of the fin in creating stability in rolling will also depend on its distance to the front or rear of the center of gravity. In a similar way the dihedral of a machine adds to direc- tional stability. For if the machine starts to yaw to the right, the effective angle of attack of the left wing is increased, that of the right wing decreased, and therefore a righting moment arises. From the two properties that have been deduced* it appears that a dihedral in the wings is equivalent to a certain fin, and can for practical purposes be so regarded. 102. Spiral Instability. A type of instability that is likely to occur, and is apt to prove very dangerous, is called spiral instability. It can be caused by large fin surfaces too far to the rear of the center of gravity. Suppose a machine with such a fin were banked so as to turn to the left. As the turn commences a pressure arises on the left side of the fin. This causes the machine to rotate so as to keep its axis along the path. The outside wing, moving faster than the inside, the lift is greater there, and this tends to increase the banking. Along with this goes a slipping towards the inside ; for a shifting in the direction of the lift decreases the vertical force on the machine. This slipping causes a force on the fin, that tends to make the movement more pronounced. As a result of this sequence of phenomena the machine gets into a spin, or rapid nose dive, from which the pilot may be unable to extricate it. CHAPTER VIII STABILITY (Continued) 103. A GENERAL discussion of the question of stability of an airplane can be made by the methods developed by Routh in his prize essay on the stability of a dynamical system.* The application of these methods to aviation was first given by Bryan, f His results are general, and the question of the stability of a machine for any slight disturbance from a position of equilibrium depends upon the nature of the roots of tv/o biquadratic equations. The coefficients in these equations depend upon the construction of the machine. All elements that enter into the machine's construction, the wings, the stabil- izing surfaces, the controlling surfaces, contribute to the value of the coefficients. In the application of the methods, difficulties arise in the determination of these coefficients. Bryan himself applies the method to machines of certain general characteristics, for which he can obtain with considerable certainty, values for the coefficients in terms of wing area, angle of attack, etc. Extensions and application of the method, by obtaining the values of the coefficients in the biquadratics through experi- ments on models in wind tunnels, has recently been made by other investigators, t 104. Moving Axes. Many problems in rigid dynamics are best treated by means of moving axes. These axes are fixed * E. J. Routh, "Stability in Motion," London, Macmillan Co., 1877. See also his "Advanced Rigid Dynamics," Chap. VI. t G. H. Bryan, "Stability in Aviation," Macmillan Co., 1911. t Bairstow, "Technical Report of the (British) Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, for 1912-13," London, Darling & Son. In this report Bairstow gives simplifications in the equations of Bryan, and develops a method applicable to a machine without special hypothesis as to its construction. 107 108 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE in the body, move along with it, and assume continually changing positions and directions. They can afford us only indirectly a knowledge of how far the body has moved, but are peculiarly adapted to reveal the oscillations, and small changes in motion, that the body is experiencing at any instant. And in the question of stability it is exactly such points that are at issue. Use of moving axes was first made by Euler, and equations of motion for such axes were obtained by him. Bryan, however, found the particular system of coordinates used by Euler not well adapted to follow the motion of an airplane, and introduced slight changes in them. 105. Suppose that in a rigid body three axes be chosen, with their origin at the center of gravity. As the body moves, taking this system of axes with it, we fix our attention upon it at some particular instant. Its center of gravity has a vector velocity V, and the body a rotational velocity repre- sented by another vector R. Resolve V along the three direc- tions in space that are occupied at that instant by the moving axes: let the components be u, v, w. Likewise resolve R: let its components be p, q, r. We thus obtain six functions of the time, and the equations of motion will be obtained by properly expressing these six functions and their derivatives with regard to the time in terms of the forces and moments acting on the body. Something as to the significance of the derivatives can be obtained by considering one of them, for instance du/dt. It measures the rate at which the component of a vector along a varying direction is changing. It is there- fore not a component of the acceleration of the body, for a component of an acceleration is the rate at which the com- ponent of the velocity along some fixed direction is changing. Suppose that at instant / the origin is at O, and let the position of the moving axis be X. Let V be the vector velocity; then u is the projection of V on X. At a subsequent instant let the origin be 0' and the x axis be denoted by X' } and the velocity by V'\ then u' is the projection of V on X'. Thus the incre- ment of u is u' u. On the other hand, to find the acceleration of the body at the instant / we must project V upon X, instead STABILITY 109 of on the new position of that axis. The acceleration along the fixed direction in space, which at any instant coincides with the position of the moving axis, can, however, be expressed in terms of du/dt, v and w. Similar remarks apply to the other quantities. We shall not derive these forms. They can be found treated by Routh.* 106. Choose for #-axis a line in the plane of symmetry, for instance, parallel to the propeller axis, directed backward; FIG. 49. for 3/-axis, a line perpendicular to the plane of symmetry to the left as seen by the pilot; for z-axis, a perpendicular to these, in the plane of symmetry, directed upwards. The axes are further so chosen that the origin is the center of gravity of the machine. * " Elementary Rigid Dynamics," Chapter V, "Advanced Rigid Dynamics," Chapter I. 110 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE With this choice of axes the accelerations of the center of gravity along fixed directions in space, that are the instan- taneous positions of the moving axes are, respectively: du . +wq-vr, dv , +ur-wp, dw . * +vp-uq.* We need also the rates of change of the angular momenta about the various axes. We denote these momenta by hi, fe, hz'j then hi=pA-qF-rE, h< 2 =qB-rD-pF, hz = rC-pE-qD, where A , B, C are the moments of inertia, and D, E, F the prod- ucts of inertia. The machine being symmetric we have D = F = o. The rates of change of the angular momenta are then: i . j , -ph-3+rhi, 107. It is necessary for us to have a means of comparing the orientation of the machine with some fixed orientation. This standard of reference we take as one in which the xy *When comparison is made with Routh, "Advanced Rigid Dynamics," 5, it will be found that the signs of the second and third terms are changed. This comes from the fact that Routh uses a right-hand system of axes while we have a left-hand system. In our system a rotation of an ordinary screw from the #-axis into the y-axis would advance the screw along the negative z-axis. f Routh, "Advanced Rigid Dynamics, " 5. STABILITY 111 plane is horizontal. From this position rotate the machine first about the z-axis through an angle $, then about the ;y-axis through an angle 6, and finally about the #-axis through an *1 angle . A rotation about the y \ axis is positive when it turns z\ the z x axis into the x \ axis. The original positions of the axes are shown by the letters with subscripts o, and the posi- y l and y< FIG. 50. tion after the first and second rotations are shown respect- ively by subscripts i, 2, and the final positions by the letters without subscripts. Further, any position of the coor- dinate axes can be obtained by a unique rotation of the sort described. Consider a position, represented by x, y, z. The angle between the planes xz and XQZQ determines ^. Let the plane XZQ intersect the xoyo plane in Ox\] then 6 is the angle between Ox and Oxi. Let Oyi be the intersection of the xoyo and yz planes; then < is the angle between Oy\ and Oy. To fix 112 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE the orientation of the machine at any instant we draw through the center of gravity axes parallel to those of reference, and determine \f/, 6, as just described. 108. Suppose the orientation of the machine is continually changing; then $, 0, are functions of the time. From their instantaneous values, and those of their derivatives with regard to the time, we can obtain the instantaneous values of pj q, r. We shall be in need of these relations, and will proceed to their determination. About the origin in Fig. 50 draw a sphere of unit radius. Consider the point C. As the x, y, z axes move, C has a velocity dd/dt along the arc XZQ, and a velocity cos 6d\l//dt normal to the plane xOzo, that is, along xy. Now the angular velocity r is the velocity with which x approaches y, that is, the velocity along xy. But xy makes an angle $ with xy\. Resolving in the direction xy the velocity dd/dt along ZQX, and cos 6d\l//dt along xyi, we have r= sin 0- hcos -cos6~. at at Likewise q is the velocity of C along zx\ hence A de . . d$ = cos - hsm 0-cos 8~. at at Finally, r is the velocity of z away from y along yz. But the velocity of z relative to Co is d/dt, and that of Co itself is sin 6 - d^/dt. Hence taking account of the positive directions for increasing \J/ and 4>, When the angles ^, 6, 4> are all zero, we have d de d\j/ *The values of p, q, r are similar to the well-known Euler geometrical equations. See Routh, "Elementary Rigid Dynamics," 256. STABILITY 113 and when the angles are small, we can also use these values for p, q, r, with a sufficient degree of precision. The use of the exact values would introduce a very high degree of com- plexity into our work. 109. Equations of Motion. The equations of motion are easily derived from the expressions that have been given in 106. The motion of the center of gravity is determined by equating the expressions for the linear acceleration to the forces per unit mass acting along the respective axes. The rotation will be determined by equating the rates of change of angular momenta to the moments of the forces about the respective axes. The forces acting come from three sources: gravity, pro- peller traction, and air reaction. The components along the axes of the force of gravity depend upon the orientation of the machine. Let ^, 6, be the values of the angles giving the orientation, as explained in 107. Then the components of the weight per unit mass are: g-sin0, g-cos 0-sin , g-cos 0-cos <, along the x, y t z axes, respectively. The moments due to the weight are zero. Next, consider the traction of the propeller. Let it be parallel to the x-axis, of numerical value H per unit mass, and applied at a distance h above the x-axis. Its components are: -H, o, o. The moments of this force are: o, -hH, o,. about the x, y, z axes, respectively. There remains the air reaction. It depends upon the instantaneous velocity, translational and rotational; that is, upon u, v, Wj pj q, r. No simple expression can be given for it. We denote the components of this force, per unit mass, at a given instant by X, F, Z, and its moments about the respective axes by L, M, N. 114 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE The equations of motion now become +wq- w =g-sin e+X-H, at dv - h ur wp g-cos 0-sin 0+F, for the motion of the center of gravity, and (by making use of the angular momenta in terms of the angular velocities, remembering that the products of inertia D and F are zero), B for the rotation about the axes. 110. We shall employ the equations of motion to determine the effect of a disturbance that a machine might undergo while it is in a state of steady motion. We limit ourselves to the simplest case, for even in this case the equations with which we must deal assume a sufficiently complicated form. The analysis of the subject which has been developed to date, will not enable us to treat a general displacement from a general position of equilibrium in which a machine might find itself. We can study some simple cases, those applying to normal states of flight. If we find in these instances a high degree of equilibrium, we will be led to infer that the machine can be regarded as air-worthy, and will furnish a means of transit in general of a sufficient degree of security. Suppose the machine is in rectilinear horizontal flight. The xz plane is vertical. Assume also that the #-axis is hori- zontal. (We have assumed the #-axis parallel to the pro- STABILITY 115 peller axis. The new assumption is really not a restriction, as the equations that follow could easily be modified in such a way as to take care of the case where in the horizontal rec- tilinear flight the -axis is inclined at a certain angle. There would, in general, be some angle of attack for the wings for which the #-axis is horizontal.) In this state of steady motion, v, w, p, q. r are all zero, while u has a constant value U (which is negative, on account of the direction in which the #-axis is chosen). The steady motion is represented by the equations: o = X -H , o=Y , o = Z , o = mLo, o = mNo, where a letter with subscript zero denotes the value of that quantity for the state of steady motion. Now imagine a disturbance to take place. Its exact nature we do not specify, nor do we know exactly what effect it will instantaneously have upon the machine. We shall merely say that it has altered all the velocities of the machine. Thus v, w, p, q, r have values other than zero, while u takes the value U+u. (The change in the significance of u will cause us no confusion.) As is usual in the case of such discussions, we assume that u, v, w, p, q, r are small enough that their squares and products can be neglected. 111. The orientation of the machine will be different. We take the orientation prior to the disturbance as the one of reference. After the disturbance the position of the machine will be represented by ^ ; 6, <, all of which we assume sufficiently small for us to write d dB dty 116 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE The disturbance will have changed all the components of the air reaction. Consider one of them, X. Putting in evi- dence the quantities upon which it depends we obtain X(U+u, v, w, pi q, r) = X(U t o, o, o, o, o) M +? M + ^. ' dp dq dr That is, X = Xo+uXu+vX 9 +wX u +pX 9 +qX q +rX r , where XQ is the value of X prior to the disturbance, and X u X v , . . . Xr are constants called " resistance derivatives," by Bryan. In all, we shall have thirty-six resistance derivatives, namely: 5,, S = X, Y, Z, L, M, N, s = u, v, w y p, q, r. On account of the symmetry of the machine eighteen of the resistance derivatives vanish. Those that vanish are s = v,p,r, and &, S=Y,L,N, To show that these eighteen resistance derivatives are zero, consider one of them, for instance, X v . If it were not zero, a sideways velocity v, would cause an increase vX v in the force along the s-axis, and this would be positive or negative accord- ing as the displacement were towards the left or right, which could not be the case if the machine were symmetrical. Consider also Y q . If it were different from zero, a dip in the machine would produce a sideways force of a different direction from that produced by a tip. Finally, let H +5H be the new propeller traction. STABILITY 117 The differential equations that represent the motion sub- sequent to the disturbance will be obtained by substituting the new values of the velocities in the six equations at the end of 109, dropping products of small quantities, using the new values for the various forces and moments, and at the same time making use of the relations for steady motion. We obtain thus: ~ d*w B -2 = m(uM u +wM w +qM q h> 5H), at at These six equations divide into two groups. The first, third, and fifth contain only u. w, q, and their derivatives; the second, fourth and sixth contain v, p, r and their derivatives. The first group determines motion in the xy place. Such motions are called symmetric or longitudinal oscillations. The second group determines oscillations that are called by Bryan the asymmetric oscillations. 112. As the equations contain also and 0, we replace p and q by d/dt and dO/dt, respectively, and thus take u, v t Wj <, 0, r as the quantities to be sought. Finally, we take 6/7 = o; that is, we assume that the rota- tion of the propeller changes in such a way that the traction is unaltered by the disturbance.* * For discussion of the case where this assumption is not made see Bryan, loc. cit, p. 28. 118 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE We make these substitutions, represent differentiation by the symbol D, and divide the equations into the two groups mentioned. For the longitudinal motion we have: (D-X u )u-X w w-(X g D+g)=o, where we have put k B 2 = B/m; and for the asymmetric oscilla- tions we have: (D-Y v )v-(Y p D-g) + (U-Yr)r = o, A 2 D 2 -L p D)<}>-(k E 2 D+L r )r = o, where k A 2 = A/m } k E 2 = E/m, k c 2 = C/m. These are the fundamental equations with which we have to deal. If we had assumed that the steady motion had been along a line making a constant angle with the horizon, slightly different equations would be obtained.* 113. The equations that we have to solve are linear equa- tions with constant coefficients. The solution is most readily accomplished by means of symbolic operators, f Consider first the equations for longitudinal motion. Let -Xu, -X w -(X a D+g) -Z u , D-Z W , -(Z Q +U)D -M u , -M w , (k B 2 D 2 -M q D) The determinant on the right is to be developed according to the ordinary method, the symbol D representing differentiation. When this is done we find * Bairstow, loc. cit., Bryan, Chapter I, Cowley and Evans, Chapter XI. t Murray's " Differential Equations," Chapter XI. Wilson's "Advanced Calculus," p. 223. STABILITY 119 where A, B, C, D, E are constants, whose explicit values will be given presently. The quantities . w, 6 are then all solu- tions of the single equation of the fourth order, In a similar way we put A '-ir rr -( Yp D-g), U-Yr, -_.,. (k A 2 D 2 -L P D) -(k E 2 D+L r ) , -N,, -(k E 2 D 2 +N P D), (kc 2 D-Nr) which gives, upon development, The quantities v, 0, r are then all solutions of The conditions for stability can now be given in a general way. The quantities u, w, will be linear combinations of the form where Xi, X?, Xa, X4 are the four roots of the quartic and v, , r will be of the same form, where Xi, X2, Xs, X4 are roots of In order that the machine be stable it is therefore necessary that the roots of the two quartic equations have their real parts negative. For if this condition is fulfilled the values of u, v, w. 9, 0, r become smaller and smaller as the time increases; they thus approach zero, and a steady motion is therefore resumed. If, on the other hand, the real part of one of the roots is positive, the term corresponding to it increases and instability will result. It is to be noted that a machine can have longitudinal stability, but asymmetric instability, or vice versa. (We shall, however, see later that asymmetric stability is the more difficult to obtain.) 120 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE 114. The necessary condition that the real roots be negative, and the real parts of the imaginary roots be negative in a quartic equation is given by Routh.* Let the equation be Then the roots will have the property mentioned if, and only if, the coefficients a, b, c, d, e, and the discriminant, called Routh's discriminant, bcd-ad 2 -eb 2 are all positive, An airplane will therefore be stable longitudinally if A, B, C, D, E, and BCD-AD 2 -EB 2 are all positive. It will be asymmetrically stable if A,, B lt Ci, Di, 1, and B.C^-A^-E^ are all positive. 115. If the determinant A be developed, we find: A = kJ, B=-(M q +X u k B 2 +Z w k 2 ), z w . M w , X V) X w 7 7 Ss U . / s ir D=- f u , M WJ M q E=-g Z M , Z w . In the same way, by developing A' we obtain: ^i = k 2 * "Stability in Motion," p. 14. STABILITY -kj, -kj k E 2 , Lr -L P , - -k F ? , he 2 , k c 2 2 , Nr N P , kc 2 '., Y p , o - F., o, Yr-U - \- L p , Lr c, Lpj K E L v , -k A 2 , L r N P) Nr r ,, N P) k E 2 N V) k E 2 , Nr V V V 77 JL V) * p, * r U +g L,, -k E 2 , L c , L p . Lr N , kc 2 121 *, Lr . 116. The whole question of determining the stability of a machine depends upon the determination of the resistance derivatives, the knowledge of which will give the coefficients in the two quartics. This is a practical question which is solved by experiments on a model in a wind tunnel. We shall give only a slight indication of the procedure. The question is discussed at length by Bairstow.* Consider the resistance derivatives that depend on u. By means of instruments which hold the model in the wind tunnel, the resistance XQ for the velocity U is determined, the #-axis being in the direction of the wind. We assume X = cn\ where c is a constant and u the velocity. Hence (}X -yr XQ XQ == .A. == 2 CU == 2 U ' ~ =: 2 . * Loc. cit., pp. 154-158. See also: Hunsaker, "Experimental Analysis of Inherent Longitudinal Stability for a Typical Biplane." First Annual Report of the (American) National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Hunsaker, "Dynamical Stability of Aeroplanes," Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collection, Vol. 62, No. 5. These two papers by Hunsaker will be referred to as Hunsaker (i), Hunsaker (2), respectively. The second paper especially gives a full dis- cussion of the subject referred to here. 122 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE In the same way Z, Af, N u are found from a knowledge of ZQ, MQ. The derivatives that depend upon v are found by turning the model about the s-axis through some fixed angle, for the effect of such a turning is to give a component of the air reaction parallel to the ^-axis. In the same way the derivatives depend- ent on w are found by making measurements after the machine is turned about the y-axis through some angle. The derivatives that depend upon p, q, r are termed rotary derivatives by Bryan. They are determined by oscillating the machine about the various axes, controlling the oscillations by means of springs, and measuring the damping by means of photography. A discussion of the range in numerical value that may be expected in the resistance derivatives for machines generally in use will also be found in the report given by Bairstow. 117. As an example of the numerical values, we take those given by Bairstow for a typical machine. They are: k B 2 = 25 m= 40 slugs* X u =- .14 Z u =- .80 Mu = x w = .19 Z w = 2.89 M w = 2.66 x q = 5 Z 3 = 9 M q = 210 k A 2 = 25 kc 2 = 35 W* o Y v =- 2 5 L v = .83 N v = 54 Y p = i L p = 200 N> = 28 Yr=~ 3 Lr= 65 Nr = 37 The equation for longitudinal stability is and for lateral stability X 4 +9.3iX 3 +9.8iX 2 -f-io.i5X-.i6i=o. "The engineering unit of mass, equal to 32.16 pounds. It is used here in order to have consistent units. See appendix for a further discussion. STABILITY 123 The Routh discriminant for the first equation is found to be positive. Therefore the machine possesses longitudinal stability. The negative term in the second equation shows the machine to be asymmetrically unstable. Disturbances therefore would need to be corrected by the assistance of the controls. Bairstow shows that the machine becomes asymmetrically stable when gliding at a glide of i :6 with the propeller cut off. To prove this it is merely necessary to have assumed that the steady motion had been in a line inclined at some angle to the horizon. The development is similar to that which has been given here. 118. The stability of a machine will depend upon its speed, and a machine may be stable at one speed and unstable at another. This is due to variation of the various resistance derivatives. Thus, while it is possible to make a machine with a considerable speed range through a change of elevator setting, the machine cannot be expected to be uniformly stable at all the speeds at which it may fly. At high speed the pilot may be able to abandon his controls, the machine possessing so great an inherent stability as to be able to "fly itself," while at low speeds constant watchfulness and attention may be necessary. An interesting example of this sort is given by Hunsaker.* In his report the longitudinal stability of a machine is investigated for speeds varying from 79 miles an hour, corresponding to an angle of attack of i, to a speed of 43.7 miles an hour, corre- sponding to an angle of attack of 15. 5. Instability at low speeds corresponding to an angle of attack larger than io.5 results from the Routh discriminant becoming negative.! 119. The general discussion of the quartic equations under consideration presents considerable difficulty. Bairstow has given an approximate factorization of the equations.! That is, he has given factors that, while not algebraically exact, give a fairly close approximation when the numerical values of the coefficients are used. And from the factors he gives a general * (i) Loc. cit., pp. 47-51. t Hunsaker (2), p. 65, considers the lateral stability of a Clark tractor and shows it is laterally stable except at low speed. I Loc. cit. 124 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE idea of the properties of the plane that contribute to its sta- bility. The equation for longitudinal stability Bairstow factors into In general, it may be said that the first factor represents a very short oscillation, which in the majority of machines will die out quite rapidly. The second factor, however, represents a relatively long oscillation, which is dependent in its nature upon the speed, and may cause instability at the low speeds. The factored form for the equation for lateral stability is It can be shown in general that the real root corresponding to the second factor is negative, and that the real parts of those corresponding to the third factor are negative. Thus these factors indicate stability. A consideration of the first factor shows that stability requires that EI and DI be of the same sign. It is found that DI can be universally regarded as being positive. Thus EI must be rendered positive. This condition is the most difficult to obtain in construction.* 120. As an example of the accuracy of the approximate factorization we shall consider one of the cases considered by Hunsaker.f The data obtained by experiments are: i = angle of attack = i. Velocity = 79 miles an hour, U= 115.5 foot-seconds. 7^ = 55.9 slugs, K B = 34- X u =.i2&, X w .162, M w 1.74 This gives 4 = 34, =289, C = 8 34 , =115, E = 3 i, BCD-AD* iSXio 6 . Hence the machine is longitudinally stable. * For further discussions of the influence of design, and general consideration of this question, see Bairstow, loc. cit. Hunsaker (i), (2.) Cowley and Evans, Chap. XII. t (i). Article 13, Case I. STABILITY 125 The equation for longitudinal oscillations is The approximate factorization from Bairstow's formulae is (X 2 +8.5X+2 4 .5)(X 2 +.i2 5 X+.o374)=o. The roots obtained from the first factor are 27T which give the short oscillation of period -- = 2.5 seconds. 2.54 The roots obtained from the second factor are X= -.063 .183*, which give the long oscillations of period 34.3 seconds. More accurate values of the roots of the quartic for the same machine are given by Wilson,* and are X= 4.180 2.4302', X= .0654 .1872. 121. Effect of Gusts. We have so far considered the dis- turbance occurring while the machine is in still air. As the atmosphere is in continual and irregular movement the effect of gusts must be considered. A rather comprehensive study of this nature has been made by Wilson.* The actual nature of gusts that occur in the air can obviously not be represented by mathematical means, because of our lack of knowledge of the exact conditions and fluctuations in the atmosphere. How- ever, we can assume certain " mathematical gusts " which would seem to have as unstabilizing an effect on an airplane as an actual gust, and by becoming assured of a satisfactory behavior of the machine in such mathematical gusts of widely different nature, we can regard the machine as a vehicle possess- ing an air-worthiness sufficient for the conditions which it may * E. B. Wilson, "Theory of an Aeroplane Encountering Gusts." First Annual Report of the (American) Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, Report No. i, part 2, p. 58. The quartic given by Wilson is 34\ 4 +288.7X 3 +833.oX 2 +ii5.iX+3i.i8 = o. 126 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE in practice be expected to encounter. The equations that have been developed in what precedes give the basis for an investiga- tion of the nature mentioned. We shall merely indicate the method, without going into the details of the development, for considerable calculation is involved. Reference can be made to the detailed and clear report by Wilson. 122. Suppose first that the machine is flying horizontally and encounters a gust moving parallel to the x-axis. We think of it as being caused by a motion of the air parallel to the -axis, with veolocity i, which we shall take to be positive when along the negative #-axis. A displacement of the machine results, and the gust is no longer directly along the rr-axis. But assuming that all displacements are relatively small, we shall say that the gust continues unchanged along the #-axis. The machine has an altered velocity along the s-axis itself, of amount u, according to our former notation. Therefore the total change in relative wind is u-\-u\. This is consequently the quantity by which we should multiply the resistance derivative X u in the equations of motion. In the general case we shall assume that the gust has com- ponents ui, vij wi } pij qij r\. The equations for the longi- tudinal motion will then be obtained by altering, as indicated above, the quantities by which the various resistance deriv- atives are multiplied. We have then for the equations of motion: -MuU-M w w+(k B 2 D 2 -M q D)d = M u ui +M w u>i +M q qi. In these equations, u\, vi, . . . . r\ are supposed to be known functions of the time which vanish for the moment when the gust commences. The solution will consist of the complimen- tary function and the particular integrals. The first step is to solve the system of equations algebraically. We shall take the result for u as typical. We find Aw STABILITY 127 where A is the determinant used before, and AI, A2, AS, are determinants obtained from A by replacing the elements of the first column by certain of the resistance derivatives. These determinants contain the operator Z>; they are to be expanded as though D were an algebraic quantity, and then applied as operators to the known functions i, w\, q\. The form of the determinants makes a general development very difficult. For a particular machine the knowledge of the resistance derivatives allow the operators AI, A2, AS to be completely determined. We can then write as a final equation, where u(t) is a known function of t as soon as we have assumed a character for the gust. Similar equations exist for w and 0. Represent the particular integrals by 7 W , I w , I 9 , respectively. We then have for the final solutions of the equations: where Xi, \ 2 , Xa, X4 are the roots of the quartic that gives the longitudinal motion, and the quantities Cy are constants. These constants must be determined so that u, w, 6 all vanish for / = o, the time at which the gust commences. The fact that the expressions obtained on dropping /, I W} I 0) must satisfy the differential equations enables us in the first place to deter- mine the ratios en : c 2i : c 3 i (i=i, 2, 3, 4). The solutions can then be expressed in terms of en, Ci 2 , c^, c^. The values of these are to be determined so that u, w, 0, q = dB/dt are all zero for t = o. This gives us four equations involving the constants and the four quantites 7o, 7^, 7 e0 , I'M, which are the values of the particular integrals for / = o. While imaginary quantities occur in the process of the work, the final result can be put in a trigonometric form free from imag- inaries. The details of this development are given in Wilson's report, articles 2, 3, 4. 128 THE DYNAMICS OF THE AIRPLANE 123. As an illustration of the application of the method we shall take the first gust treated by Wilson, for the machine referred to in 120. Let the gust behead-on, and represented by Ui=J(i-e - 2< ), wi=qi=o. It is seen that the gust increases slowly from o to / in intensity. The values of the particular integrals found by Wilson are: - 2 <), /. /o=-. 753-^ I M = -.c82/, I = - .00495/0 ~- 2 ', /flo = - .0049/, // = . 00099/0 ~- 2 ', I<' = -00099/. The complete solution of the differential equations then gives: w = /0-- 065 %622 cos .i87/4-.63o sin .1870 ; = /0~ 4 - 18 '( .004 cos 2.43/4- .003 sin 2.43*) -/0-- 065 %o78 cos .187/4- .059 sin .187*) + .o82/0-- 2 ', = /0~- 0654 '(.oo495 cos .i87/ .0031 sin .iSy/) .00495/0" ' 2t - The effect of the gust is given by Wilson as follows: " (i) The machine takes up an easy slowly damped oscillation in u of amplitude about 89 per cent of /; after the oscillation dies out the machine is making a speed / less relative to the ground and hence the original relative speed to the wind. (2) There is a rapidly damped oscillation in w of rather small magnitude and a slowly damped one of about 10 per cent of /, the final con- dition being that of horizontal flight. (3) There is a slow oscillation in pitch of about .oo58/ radians, or about -32/ . If the magnitude of / is great, the pitching becomes so marked that the approximate method of solution can no longer be considered valid a gust of 20 foot-seconds causing a pitch of some 6. As the period is long (about one-half minute), the pilot should have ample time to correct the trouble before it produces serious consequences." STABILITY 129 124. During the interval that elapses between the com- mencement of the gust and the acquirement of the subsequent steady motion the altitude of the machine changes. It is possible to determine this change. Let the vertical velocity be represented by -~, being measured upwards. Then, by dt resolving u and w along the vertical we have ~ = w cos 6+(V+u) sin 9. dt Hence, approximately, the change in altitude is $= ( (w+Vti)dt. Jo For the machine and gust considered this becomes ' 65 %5 cos .I87/-.4 sin . = J f Jo sin .i8yO + 2. 5^-^-3. 5]. When the steady motion has been reached the limit of this is 3.57. For a head-on gust / is negative. Hence the machine would rise 70 feet on encountering a head-on gust of magnitude 20 foot-seconds. APPENDIX 1. In the fundamental equation, F = kAV 2 , that we have used for the air pressure, the value of the constant k depends upon the units we are using. Thus for pressure on a flat plane, we have: F = .oo$oAV 2 , if A is in sq. ft., V in mi. per hr., F in Ibs. F = . 00143^4 F 2 , if A is in sq. ft., V in ft. per sec., F in Ibs. F=. 075^4 F 2 , if A is in sq. m., V in m. per sec., F in kg. F = .0057^4 F 2 , if A is in sq. m., F in km. per hr., F in kg. In case we wish to compare the results that different experimenters obtain for certain constants, it is necessary to properly take account of the units employed, before an opinion can be formed as to the agreement of the results. Similarly, if we wish to adapt to English units the lift and drag coefficients for a wing which has been tested in a wind tunnel where metric units are employed, it is necessary to have a ready means of making the required transformations. 2. Let us write where p denotes the density of the air. The dimensions of p, A, V 2 are respectively, ML~ 3 , L 2 , L 2 T~ 2 . Therefore the dimen- sions of p^4F 2 are MLT~ 2 . But the dimensions of force, F } are also MLT~ 2 . Consequently the constant C is dimensionless, that is, it is an absolute constant, independent of the units 131 132 APPENDIX employed, provided the system of units is self consistent, that is, the unit of force is the force required to give to a unit of mass a unit velocity in a unit of time. Therefore through the use of the air density we can compare the results of experiments conducted in different units, or can readily adapt to one system a series of measurements made in another system of units. We need merely write the constant k (K y or K*), used before, in the form, k=Cp, where p is the density of the air in the units employed. 3. We shall take some examples. (1) Take the meter as unit of length, the second as unit of time, and the weight of a kilogram as the unit of force. In order to have consistent units, the unit of mass is then 9.8 kilograms. The density in C.G.S units of dry air at 15.6 C. (60 F.), and pressure of 76 cm. of mercury is .001225. Hence the mass of a cubic meter is .001225 Xio 6 /io 3 = 1.255 kilo- grams. In the system we have adopted we have therefore for the density p = 1.225/9.8 = .125. Therefore, or C = Sk. In i we had k = .075 for the units employed here. Hence C = .6oo. (2) Take the foot as a unit of length, the second as unit of time, and the pound as unit of force. The unit of mass is 32.2 Ibs. (a slug). The density of the air is now .00238. Hence & = .002386*, or C = 42o.2&. In i we had = .00143 for the units used here. Hence C = .6oi, which agrees with the results given above for metric units. (3) Take the same units for force and length as in (i), but take the kilometer per hour as the unit of velocity. (This is not a consistent system of units.) We write APPENDIX 133 But F = .i25C4(Fm./sec.) 2 = . 1 2$CA (1000/3600 X V km./hr.) 2 = . 009604 (Fkm./hr.) 2 . Hence ' = .00960 or 0=104.2*'. If we take C = .6oo we have '=.0057, which is the coeffi- cient given in i for the units in question. (4) Take the same units as in (2), except that we express velocities in miles per hour. We write F = '.4 (F mi./hr.) 2 . But F = . 0023804 (Fft./sec.) 2 = . 0023804 (5280/3600 X F mi./hr.) 2 = .oo5i204(F mi./hr.) 2 . Hence *' = . 005120, or 0=195.3*'. Taking = .6oo we find ' = .0030, which agrees with the value given in i. As an illustration of the use of the results obtained we take the following problem. The lift coefficient on a certain wing at an angle of attack of 4 is .001455, the units being the pound, the square foot, and mi./hr. What is the value of the coefficient if the units are the kilogram, the square meter, and the meter per second? We have for the value of the absolute constant by (4), (for this wing at this angle of attack), 0= 195.3 X .001455= .2841. By (i) the value of the lift coefficient in the new units would be .2841/8 = .0355. (To make a change of the sort considered here we evidently multiply by 195.3/8 = 24.4. All types of changes of units 134 APPENDIX likely to occur can be similarly easily obtained from the results above.)* II 4. In considering flight at different altitudes it has been necessary to consider the varying density of the air. For known conditions at the surface, that is, known surface pressure and temperature, the pressure, density, and temperature at any altitude can be calculated. The formulae for this purpose can be found in texts on physics, or more extended aeronautic treatises. We shall merely give a table showing the variation for certain assumed surface conditions. The ratio n(z) is that of the pressure at altitude z to the pressure at the surface of the earth, and the quantity p(z) is the ratio of the air density at altitude z to the surface density. It will be seen that for moderate altitudes these two quantities are approximately equal. A l4-lf 11/^A TVvrviT-v Pressure. Density. Altitude, Feet. icinp., Fahr. Inches, Mercury. Ratio, ?(*). Slugs. Ratio, p(). 48 30.0 i .000 .00246 i .000 2,000 44 28.1 0-937 .00232 940 4,000 4i 26.2 873 .00215 -875 6,000 39 24.4 813 .00201 .815 8,000 36 22.6 753 .00187 .760 10,000 30 2O.9 .696 .00175 .710 12,000 25 JQ-3 645 .00163 .665 14,000 20 17.9 .596 .00151 635 16,000 12 16.5 550 .00144 .600 18,000 3 iS-2 .508 .00133 540 20,000 -5 14.0 .467 .00125 510 22,000 14 13.0 * -432 .00118 .480 24,000 -23 12. .400 .00108 .440 * For a discussion of the question of units see Everett's "Illustrations of the C. G. S. System of Units with Tables of Physical Constants," Macmillan & Co., London and New York, 4th edition, 1891. APPENDIX 135 III 5. The following table is given for the purpose cf changing velocities from miles per hour to feet per second, and con- versely. mi./hr. ft./sec. ft./sec. mi./hr. 30 44.00 So 34-09 40 58.66 60 40.90 5 73-32 70 47-72 60 88.00 80 54-54 70 102.66 90 61.37 80 117.32 IOO 68.18 90 132.00 no 74-99 IOO 146.66 1 20 81.81 no 161.36 130 88.62 140 95-44 ! I5 102. 26 IV 6. References. The literature on the subject of Aviation has grown with great rapidity in the past few years. Although no attempt at completeness is made in the following list of references it is hoped that the different aspects of the subject are adequately covered. The title of a work indicates whether it is of general or special character. 1. Cowley and Evans, Aeronautics in Theory and Experiment, Longmans, Green & Co., New York, 1918. 2. H. Shaw, A Textbook on Aeronautics. J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 1919. 3. F. W. Lancaster, Aerodynamics. 4. G. Eiffel, La Resistance de 1'Air, H. Dunod et E. Pinat, Editeurs, Paris, 1911. 5. M. L. Legrand, La Resistance de 1'Air, Librairie Aero- nautique, 40 rue de Seine, Paris. 6. A. See, Les Lois experimentales de 1'Aviation, Librairie Aeronautique, Paris. 136 APPENDIX 7. G. Greenhill, The Dynamics of Mechanical Flight, D. Van Nostrand Company, New York, 1912. 8. A. W. Judge, The Properties of Aerofoils and Aerodynamic Bodies, James Selwyn & Co., London, 1917. 9. E. B. Wilson, Aeronautics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1920. 10. A Klemin and T. H. Huff, Course in Aerodynamics and Aeroplane Design, in Aviation and Aeronautical Engineer- ing, Gardner Moffat Co., New York, commencing in Vol. i, No. 2, Aug. i, 1916; also published separately. 11. G. H. Bryan, Stability in Aviation, The Macmillan Co., London, 1911. 12. R. Devillers, La Dynamique de P Avion, Librairie Aero- nautique, Paris, 1918. 13. G. De Bothezat, Etude de la Stabilite de 1'Aeroplane, H. Dunod et E. Pinat, Paris, 1911. 14. R. Soreau, L'Helice Propulsive, Librairie Aeronautique, Paris, 1911. 15. Duchene, The Mechanics of the Aeroplane, translated by J. H. Ledeboer and T. Hubbard, Longmans, Green & Co., 1916. 1 6. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collection, Vol. 62, 1916, Wash- ington, D. C. 17. Reports of American Advisory Committee on Aeronautics. 1 8. Reports of British Advisory Committee on Aeronautics. INDEX. (The numbers refer to pages) Aerofoil, 7. Ailerons, 56, 104. Altitude, effect of, 21, 77. Angle, of attack, 5. economical, 26. optimum, 22. for maximum power in ascent, 45- for maximum traction in ascent, 45- for minimum vertical velocity in ascent, 47. for minimum vertical velocity in descent, 40. Aspect ratio, 6. Asymmetric oscillations, 117. Bairstow, 121, 122, 123. Banking, angle of, 53. Body resistance, 15. Bryan, 108. Camber, 7. Cambered wing, 7. Ceiling, 49, 86. determination of, 50, 88. Center of pressure, 6, 12. behavior of, 6, 13. Characteristic curves for wing, 8. Chord, 7. Circular descent, 59. Descent, 36. rectilinear, 33. Detrimental surface, 15. Drag, 6. Duchemin, formula of, 5. Economical angle, 26. Efficiency of propeller, 77. Elevator, 100. Equations of ascent, 43. circular descent, 59. horizontal flight, 20, stability, 114. turning, 53. Euler, 108. Fineness, 23. Fin, 104. Gap, 14. Gusts, effect of, 125. Helical descent, 59. Hunsaker, 123, 124. Inclination, in turning, 54. Inherent stability, 95. Landing speed, 20. Leading edge, 8. Lift, 6. Loading, 20. Metacenter, 98. Metacentric curve, 98. Model, of wing, 3. of complete machine, 15. Motor diagram, 81. Moving axes, 104. Newton, formula of, 5. Nose, 8. 137 138 INDEX Optimum angle, 22. Oscillation, asymmetric, 117. symmetric, 117. Pitch of propeller, 71. Pitching, 97. Polar diagram, 10. Power, absorbed by propeller, 82. total, 29. used in ascent, 46. useful, 25. Pressure, on cambered wing, 7, n. on plane, 4, 5. Radius of action, 90. Resistance derivatives, 116. Resistance of body, 15. Rolling, 97. Rotary derivatives, 116. Routh, 108, 109, 106. Rudder, 56, 104. Stability, dynamic, 97. lateral, 103. longitudinal, 97. in rolling, 103. static, 96. Static stability, 96. Stagger, 14, Steady motion, 115. Supercharge, 89. Symmetric oscillations, 117. Spiral instability, 106. Tail plane, 99. Thrust of propeller, 75. Time of ascent, 50. Total power, 29. Traction, 22, 33, 44. Turning, 52. Useful power, 25. Velocity in ascent, 44, 47. circular descent, 44, 47, descent, 39. horizontal flight, 20, turning, 54. Vertical velocity in ascent, 44, 49. descent, 39. } Wilson, 125. Wind tunnel, 3. Yawing, 97. ^ ^ Wiley Special Subject Catalogues For convenience a list of the Wiley Special Subject Catalogues, envelope size, has been printed. These are arranged in groups each catalogue having a key symbol. (See special Subject List Below). To obtain any of these catalogues, send a postal using the key symbols of the Catalogues desired. . I Agriculture. Animal Husbandry. Dairying. Industrial Canning and Preserving. 2 Architecture. Building. Concrete and Masonry. 3 Business Administration and Management. Law. Industrial Processes: Canning and Preserving; Oil and Gas Production; Paint; Printing; Sugar Manufacture; Textile. 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