a . -OLIVErPERCIViVI,- THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE SON OF A TORY A narrative of the Experiences of Wilton Aubrey in the Mohawk Valley and elsewhere during the Summer of 1777, now for the first time edited by CLINTON SCOLLARD Author of "A Man-at-Armt" etc. BOSTON Richard G. Badger & Company (Incorporated) 1901 Copyright 1901 by Richard G. Badger & Company (Incorporated) All Rights Reserved PRINTED BY LAKEVIEW PRESS SOUTH FKAMINGHAM, MASS., FOR RICHARD G BADGER & COMPANY (INC ) BOSTON To HENRY PELOUZE DE FOREST, M. D. My dear Harry: Although it was not your lot, like mine, to be born within far crow-call of the Mohawk Valley, where most of the scenes described in these pages were en acted, yet inasmuch as you have gazed lingeringly with me upon the rich sweep of the river vale I venture here to set your name ; but chiefly am I moved to do so because of the good-fellowship and affection that have long been between us. C. S. JL