E 93 U641 1915 DOCS UCB 3CT P DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR L _\J$ OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS / CP rrt ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS WITH THEIR POST OFFICE AND TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESSES AND NEAREST RAILROAD STATIONS o c CORRECTED TO SEPTEMBER 1, 1915 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE ttU ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. ALBUQUERQUE SCHOOL, NEW MEXICO. Post office: Albuquerque, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Albuquerque, N. Mex. (Postal and Western Union); thence telephone. Railroad station: Albuquerque, N. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. : thence hired team, 2\ miles. ARMSTRONG MALE ORPHAN ACADEMY, OKLAHOMA. Post office : Academy, Okla. Telegraph address: Bokchito, Okla. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Bokchito, Okla., on St. Louis & San Francisco Ry. ; thence team, 4 miles. BAY MILLS SCHOOL, MICHIGAN. Post office: Brimley, Mich. Telegraph address: Brimley, Mich. (Western Union) ; thence daily mail. Railroad station : Brimley, Mich., on Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Ry., via Soo Junction and St. Ignace ; from East via Sault Ste. Marie and Soo Junction ; 6 miles from school. BISHOP AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, CALIFORNIA. Post office: Bishop, Cal. Telegraph address: Bishop, Cal. (Western Union), I mile from agency; thence telephone or messenger. Railroad station: Laws, Cal., on Nevada & California division of Southern Pacific Ry. ; thence daily stage, 5 miles. Bishop day school. Post office: Bishop, Cal. Telegraph address: Same as agency, but 1 mile from school. Railroad station: Same as agency, but 5f miles. Big Pine day school. Post office : Bigpine, Cal. Telegraph address: Zurich, Cal. (Western Union). Railroad station : Zurich, Cal., on Nevada & California division of South ern Pacific Ry. ; thence daily stage, 3 miles. Independence day school. Post office: Independence, Cal. Telegraph address: Independence, Cal. (Western Union), 2 miles from school ; thence telephone, mail, or messenger. Railroad station : Kearsarge, Cal., on Nevada & California division of Southern Pacific Ry. ; thence stage to Independence, 6 miles ; thence hired team, 2 miles. Pine Creek day school. Post office: Round Valley, Cal. Telegraph address: Bishop, Cal. (Western Union); thence telephone, 15 miles. Railroad station: Laws, Cal., on Nevada & California division of Southern Pacific Ry. ; thence daily stage to Bishop, 5 miles; thence triweekly stage (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays) to Round Valley; thence hired team to school, 1 mile. BISMARCK SCHOOL, NORTH DAKOTA. Post office: Bismarck, N. Dak. Telegraph address: Bismarck, N. Dak. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Bismarck, N. Dak., on " Soo Line " and Northern Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team, 1 miles. 3 4 ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. BLACKFEET AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, MONTANA. Post office: Browning, Mont. Telegraph address: Browning, Mont. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Browning, Mont., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence stage, 2 miles. Burd day school. Post office: Browning, Mont. Telegraph address : Browning, Mont. ; thence special carrier. Railroad station : Same as agency ; thence 16 miles. Browning district school. Located at Browning, Mont. Old agency day school. Located at Piegan subagency. Piegan subagency. Post office: Family, Mont. Telegraph address : Browning, Mont. ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Browning, Mont., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence daily stage to Family, Mont., 18 miles; from Family to subagency, 4 miles. Holy Family mission school. Post office: Family, Mont. Telegraph address : Browning, Mont. ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Browning, Mont., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence daily stage, 14 miles. CAMPO AGENCY AND SCHOOL, CALIFORNIA. Post office: Campo, Cal. Telegraph address: San Diego, Cal. (Western Union) ; thence telephone to Campo, 52 miles, where connection is made with agency telephone; or daily auto stage from San Diego to Imperial Valley, passing agency. Railroad station: San Diego, Cal., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence daily stage, 61 miles. CAMP VERDE AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, ARIZONA. Post office : Camp Verde, Ariz. Telegraph address: Cherry Creek, Ariz. (Western Union) ; thence mail. Railroad station: Cherry Creek, Ariz., on Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 32 miles. Or, Clarkdale. Ariz., terminus of branch of Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix Ry. from Cedar Glade ; thence private team, 22 miles. Clarkdale day school. Post office: Clarkdale, Ariz. Telegraph address: Clarkdale, Ariz. (Western Union). Railroad station : Clarkdale, Ariz., terminus of branch of Santa Fe, Pres cott & Phoenix Ry. ; f mile from school. CANTON INSANE ASYLUM, SOUTH DAKOTA. Post office: Canton, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Canton, S. Dak. (Postal and Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Canton, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; distance, 2 miles. CANTONMENT AGENCY AND SCHOOL, OKLAHOMA. Post office : Cantonment, Okla. Telegraph address: Canton, Okla. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Canton, Okla., on Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Ry. ; thence hired team, 4 miles. CARLISLE SCHOOL, PENNSYLVANIA. Post office: Carlisle, Pa. Telegraph address: Carlisle, Pa. (Postal and Western Union) ; thence tele phone. Railroad station : Carlisle, Pa., on Cumberland Valley Ry., distance, 1 mile. Or, Carlisle station, on Philadelphia & Reading Ry., distance, J mile. Or, Gettysburg Junction, Pa., on Cumberland Valley Ry. ; distance, f mile. ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 5 CARSON SCHOOL, NEVADA. Post office: Stewart, Nev. Telegraph address: Carson City, Nev. (Postal and Western Union), 3i miles from school ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Stewart, Nev., on Virginia & Truckee Ry., via Reno, on Southern Pacific Ry., i mile from school. CARTER SUPERINTENDENCE WISCONSIN. Post office: Carter, Wis. Telegraph address: Wabeno, Wis. (Western Union), 5 miles from Carter; thence telephone. Railroad station : Carter, Wis., on Chicago & North Western Ry. CASS LAKE SCHOOL, MINNESOTA. Post office : Cass Lake, Minn. Telegraph address: Cass Lake, Minn. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Cass Lake, Minn., on Great Northern Ry. arid Minne apolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry. ; thence boat in summer and across ice in winter, G miles. CHEROKEE AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, NORTH CAROLINA. Post office : Cherokee. N. C. Telegraph address: Whittier, N. C. (Western Union), 6 miles from school; generally telephone; mail twice a day. Railroad station: Ela, N. C., on Murphy division of Southern Ry. ; thence via Appalachian Ry., distance 6 miles. Bircltown day school. Post office : Cherokee, N. C. Telegraph address: Whittier, N. C. (Western Union), 3 miles from school. Railroad station : Ela, N. C. ; on Murphy division of Southern Ry. ; thence Appalachian Ry. to Birdtown, 3* miles. Snowbird Gap day school. Post office: Robbinsville, N. C. Telegraph address: Topton, N. C. (Western Union), 8 miles from school. Railroad station: Andrews, N. C. ; thence private conveyance, via Rob binsville. 13 miles. Liitle Snowbird day school. Post office : Andrews, N. C., care Graham Lumber Co. Telegraph address: Andrews, N. C. (Western Union) ; thence private tele phone line to mill of Graham Lumber Co. at Little Snowbird school, located practically on mill-yard site. Railroad station: Private station of Kanawha Hardware Co., at Little Snowbird day school, or Andrews, N. C. ; thence private conveyance, 12 miles. Big Cove day school. Post office: Stonery, N. C. Telegraph address: Whittier, N. C. (Western Union) ; thence telephone, via Cherokee; thence messenger. Railroad station: Cherokee, N. C. ; thence private conveyance, 9 miles. CHEROKEE ORPHAN TRAINING SCHOOL, OKLAHOMA. Post office: Park Hill, Okla. Telegraph address: Tahlequah, Okla. (Western Union), 6 miles from school; thence mail. Railroad station: Park Hill, Okla., on San Francisco & St. Louis Ry. ; thence livery, 3 miles. Or Tahlequah. Okla., on San Francisco & St. Louis Ry. ; thence livery, 6 miles. Freight station, Park Hill, Okla. CHEYENNE AND ARAPAHOE AGENCY AND SCHOOL, OKLAHOMA. Post office : Concho. Okla. Telegraph address: El Reno, Okla. (Western Union), 8 miles from school; thence telephone. Railroad station: Concho, Okla., on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry., immediately at school. 6 ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. CHEYENNE RIVER AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, SOUTH DAKOTA. Post office : Cheyenne Agency, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Gettysburg, S. Dak. (Western Union); thence tele phone. Railroad station : Gettysburg, S. Dak., on Chicago & North Western Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 20 miles. Or, La Plant, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; thence hired conveyance, 22 miles. White Horse substation and No. 7 day school. Post office : White Horse, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Same as agency; thence telephone. Railroad station : Timber Lake, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul Ry. ; thence hired conveyance, 18 miles. Thunder Butte substation and No. 2 day school. Post office: Dupree, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Dupree, S. Dak.; thence telephone. Railroad station : Dupree, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; thence hired conveyance, 15 miles. Or, Isabel, S. Dak., same line and about same distance. Cherry Creek substation. Post office: Cherry Creek, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Midland, S. Dak. ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Dupree, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; thence hired conveyance, 35 miles. CHILOCCO SCHOOL, OKLAHOMA. Post office: Chilocco, Okla. Telegraph address: Arkansas City, Kaus. (Western Union), 7 miles from school ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Chilocco, Okla. ; flag station on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; 1 miles from school. Or Erie flag station on St. Louis & San Francisco Ry., 1 mile from school. Conveyance from school will meet visitors on request. CCEUR D ALENE AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, IDAHO AND WASHINGTON. Post office: Sorrento, Idaho. Telegraph address: Tekoa, Wash. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Lovell, Idaho, on Wallace branch of Oregon- Washington Ry. & Navigation Co.; thence 2 miles by Government team (if notified). Or, Sorrento, Idaho, on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, Ry. ; thence 1 miles. Kootenai day school. Post office: Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Telegraph address: Bonuers Ferry, Idaho (Western Union). Railroad station : Bonners Ferry, Idaho, on Great Northern Ry. and Spo kane & International Ry. ; thence hired team, 3i miles. Kalispel day school. Post office: Cusick, Wash. Telegraph address: Cusick, Wash. (Western Union). Railroad station : Cusick, Wash. ; thence rowboat across Pend Oreille River. Desmet mission school. Post office: Desmet, Idaho. Telegraph address: Tekoa, Wash. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Tekoa, Wash.; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 12 miles. COLLINS INSTITUTE, OKLAHOMA. Post office: Stonewall, Okla. Telegraph address: Stonewall, Okla. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Stonewall, Okla., on Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry. ; thence livery team, 6 miles. Or, Frisco, Okla., on Oklahoma Central Ry. ; 2 miles from school. Service over latter road very irregular. COLORADO RIVER AGENCY AND SCHOOL, ARIZONA. Post office : Parker, Ariz. Telegraph address: Parker, Ariz. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Parker, Ariz., on Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix Ry. (Santa Fe Coast Lines) ; thence Government team (if notified), 2 miles to agency ; f mile to school. ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 7 COLVILLE AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, WASHINGTON. Post office: Nespelem, Wash. Telegraph address: Wilbur, Wash. (Western Union), 35 miles from school; thence telephone. Railroad station : Almira, Wash., on Washington Central branch of North ern Pacific Ry. ; thence mail stage, daily except Sundays, 35 miles. Or, Wilbur, Wash., same road; thence stage to agency (35 miles) three times a week, December 1 to April 1, leaving Wilbur Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and daily, except Sundays, April 1 to December 1. Auto stages on both routes April 1 to December 1. Better road via Wilbur. Day school No. 1. Post office: Covada, Wash. Telegraph address: Davenport, Wash. (Western Union) ; thence telephone via Hunters to Covada ; thence messenger, 5 miles. Railroad station: Davenport, Wash., on Washington Central branch of Northern Pacific Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, to Hunters, 45 miles; thence hired team, 6 miles, ferrying across Columbia River. Da u school No. 3. Post office: Nespelem, Wash. Telegraph address : Same as agency. Railroad station: Same as agency. Day school No. //. Post office: Daisy, Wash. Telegraph address: Meyers Falls, Wash. (Western Union); thence tele phone to Iiichelium subagency, via Daisy, 29 miles; thence messenger. (Jr. same as agency; thence telephone to subagency by Government line, 55 miles; thence messenger. Railroad station: Meyers Falls. Wash., on Spokane Falls & Northern Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, to Daisy, Wash., 24 miles; thence hired team. 4 miles, crossing Columbia River by ferry. Or, Addy, Wash., on Spokane Falls & Northern Ry. ; thence hired team, ferrying across Co lumbia River at Gifford, 21 miles. Day school No. 5. Same as agency. D(nj School No. 6. Post office : Daisy, Wash. Telegraph address: Same as day school No. 4. Railroad station : Same as day school No. 4 to Daisy. Wash. ; thence hired team, ferrying Columbia River; from Daisy, 4 miles. Day school No. 7. Post office: Gerome. Wash Telegraph address: Davenport. Wash. (Western Union) ; thence telephone via Fruitland, 45 miles. Railroad station: Davenport. Wash., on Washington Central branch of Northern Pacific Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, to Fruitland ; thence hired team. 5 miles, ferrying across Columbia River. (Telephone to teacher from Davenport or Fruitland.) Dnii school No. 9. Post office: Keller, Wash. Telegraph address: Same as agency; thence telephone via Government line, 25 miles. Railroad station : Wilbur, Wash., on Washington Central Ry. : thence Keller stage, daily except Sundays, or hired team, 23 miles. Inchelium subagency. Post office: Gifford, Wash. Telegraph address: Meyers Falls. Wash. (Western Union) ; thence tele phone to subagency via Daisy, 29 miles. Or. same as agency ; thence telephone to subagency by Government line, 55 miles. Railroad station: Meyers Falls, Wash., on Spokane Falls & Northern Ry.; thence daily stage, 24 miles, to Daisy; thence hired team, 5 miles, to Inchelium, ferrying Columbia River at Daisy or Gifford. Or, Addy, Wash., on Spokane Falls & Northern Ry. ; thence stage or hired team, 18 miles, ferrying Columbia River at Gifford. 8 ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. COLVILLE AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, WASHINGTON Continued. OJcanogan subagency. Post office: Omak, Wash. Telegraph address: Omak, Wash. (Western Union); thence telephone, mile. Or, same as agency ; thence telephone by Government line. Railroad station : Omak, Wash., on Great Northern Ry. Republic subagency. Post office: Republic, Wash. Telegraph address: Republic, Wash. (Western Union). Or, same as agency ; thence telephone by Government line, 52 miles. Railroad station : Republic, Wash., on Spokane Falls & Northern Ry. San Foil subagency. Post office: Keller, Wash. Telegraph address : Same as agency ; thence telephone by Government line, 25 miles. Railroad station : Wilbur, Wash., on Washington Central branch of North ern Pacific Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, to Keller, Wash., 25 miles. Colville mission school. Post office: Ward, Wash. Telegraph address : Meyers Falls, Wash., thence telephone 2 miles to Ward, Wash. Railroad station : Ward, Wash., on Spokane Falls & Northern Ry. ; trains daily from Spokane. St. Mary s mission school. Post office: Mission, Wash. Telegraph station: Omak, Wash. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Omak, Wash., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence private conveyance, 4 miles. CKOW AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, MONTANA. Post office : Crow Agency, Mont. Telegraph address: Crow Agency, Mont. (Western Union) ; telephone. Railroad station : Crow Agency, Mont., on Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry. Pryor Creek boarding school. Post office: Pryor, Mont. Telegraph address: Warren, Mont. (Western Union) ; thence mail 3 times a week. Or, Edgar, Mont. (Western Union) ; thence special messenger. Railroad station : Warren, Mont., on Billings-Thermopolis branch of Chi cago, Burlington & Quincy Ry. ; thence stage, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, 35 miles. Pryor substation. Same as Pryor Creek boarding school. Lodgegrass substation. Post office: Lodgegrass, Mont. Telegraph address: Lodgegrass, Mont. (Western Union), \ mile from agency; thence messenger. Railroad station: Lodgegrass, Mont, on Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry. St. Xavier substation. Post office: St. Xavier, Mont. Telegraph address: Crow Agency, Mont. (Western Union); thence tele phone from agency office, 21 miles. Railroad station: Pryor, Mont., on Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry. ; thence stage Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, 21 miles. CEOW CREEK AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, SOUTH DAKOTA. Post office: Crow Creek, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Crow Creek, via Chamberlain, S. Dak. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Chamberlain, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 25 miles. Or Highmore. on Chicago & North Western Ry. ; thence hired team, 38 miles. River route from Chamberlain in summer for freight only. ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 9 CROW CREEK AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, SOUTH DAKOTA Continued. Immaculate Conception Mission School. Post office : Stephan, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Highinore, S. Dak. (Western Union) ; thence mail. Railroad station: Highmore, S. Dak., on Chicago & North Western Ry. ; thence stage Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 22 miles; from agency, 16 miles. CTJSHMAN AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, WASHINGTON. Post office: Tacoma, Wash. Telegraph address: Tacoma, Wash (Postal and Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Tacoma, Wash., on Northern Pacific Ry., 2 miles from school. (Freight should be billed to Reservation, Wash., on Northern Pacific Ry.) Skokomish day school. Post office : Union, Wash. Telegraph address: Olympia, Wash. (Postal and Western Union) ; thence telephone to Union, Wash. ; thence mounted messenger, 3 miles. Railroad station: Steamer landing. Union. Wash., on Hood Canal, 90 miles from Seattle; thence hired team, 3 miles. Or Tacoma, Wash.; thence steamer to Shelton. 60 miles; thence stage to Union, 14 miles. Jamestown day school. Post office: Dungeness. Wash. Telegraph address: Dungeness, Wash. (Postal), 3 miles from school; thence hired team or mounted messenger. Railroad station: Seattle, Wash.; thence daily steamer to Dungeness, Wash. ; thence 3 miles up beach by team. Port Gamble day school. Post office: Port Gamble. Wash. Telegraph address: Port Gamble, Wash. (Postal and Western Union); thence private boat, $ mile. Railroad station: On Hood Canal, 35 miles from Seattle; daily steamer. Chehalis Reservation. Post office: Gate, Wash. Telegraph address: Gate, Wash. (Western Union) ; thence mounted mes senger. Railroad station: Gate, Wash., on Northern Pacific Ry. (Grays Harbor branch) ; thence hired team, 3 miles. Squaxin Island Reservation. Post office: Olympia. Wash. Telegraph address: Olympia, Wash. (Postal and Western Union) ; thence private boat. Railroad station : Olympia, Wash., on Northern Pacific Ry. ; thence steamer, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, 12 miles. Muckleshoot Reservation. Post office: Auburn, Wash. Telegraph address: Auburn, Wash. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Auburn, Wash., on Interurban Electric Ry. and Northern Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team, 10 miles. DIGGER RESERVATION, CALIFORNIA. Post office: Jackson, Cal. Telegraph address: Jackson, Cal. (Western Union), 4 miles from reserva tion ; thence mounted messenger. Railroad station: Martell, Cal.; thence stage to Jackson, 2 miles-; thence hired team, 4 miles. ETTCHEE BOARDING SCHOOL, OKLAHOMA. Post office: Sapulpa, Okla. Telegraph address: Salpulpa, Okla. (Western Union), 1 mile from school; thence telephone or messenger. Railroad station: Frisco, Okla., on Oklahoma Central Ry. ; thence street car, 15 minutes. 9855015 2 10 KOUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. ETTFATTLA BOARDING SCHOOL, OKLAHOMA. Post office: Enfanla, Okla. Telegraph address: Eufaula, Okla. (Western Union); thence telephone. Railroad station: Eufaula, Okla., on Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry.. * mile. FALLON SCHOOL, NEVADA. Post office: Fallen, Nev. Telegraph address: Fallen, Nev. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Fal!on, Nev., on branch of Southern Pacific Ry. : via Hazen, Nev., on main line of Southern Pacific Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays. 10 miles. Lovelocks day school. Post office : Lovelocks, Nev. Telegraph address: Lovelocks, Nev. (Postal and Western Union") : thence mail or messenger. Railroad station : Lovelocks, Nev., on Southern Pacific Ry. ; $ mile. PIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES, OKLAHOMA. Post office : Muskogee, Okla. Telegraph address: Muskogee, Okla. (Postal and Western Union) ; mes sages delivered by messenger. Railroad station: Muskogee, Okla., on Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry., St. Louis & San Francisco Ry., Missouri, Oklahoma & Gulf Ry., and Midland Valley Ry. FLANDREAU SCHOOL, SOUTH DAKOTA. Post office: Flandreau, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Flandreau, S. Dak. (Western Union); thence tele phone. Railroad station : Flandreau, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; school 1 mile from station. FLATHEAD AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, MONTANA. Post office: Dixon, Mont. Telegraph address: Arlee, Mont. (Western Union), 17 miles from agency; thence telephone. Railroad station : Dixon, Mont., on Northern Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team, or agency team if notified of time of arrival : 2 miles. St. Ignatius mission school. Post office: St. Ignatius, Mont. Telegraph address: Ravalli. Mont. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Ravalli, Mont., on Northern Pacific Ry. ; thence stage, 5 miles. FOND DTJ LAC AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, MINNESOTA. Post office : Cloquet, Minn. Telegraph address: Cloquet, Minn. (Western Union), at agency. Railroad station : Cloquet, Minn. ; Northern Pacific and Great Northern Rys. ; station 3 minutes walk from agency. Fond du Lac day school. Post office: Cloquet, Minn. Telegraph address: Cloquet, Minn. (Western Union). Railroad station: Cloquet, Minn., on Great Northern and Northern Pacific Rys. ; thence hired team, 2 miles. Normantown day school. Post office: Sawyer, Minn. Telegraph address: Zebulon, Minn. (Western Union). Railroad station : Zebulon, Minn., on Northern Pacific Ry., 2 miles. FORT APACHE AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, ARIZONA. Post office: Whiteriver, Ariz. Telegraph address: Fort Apache, Ariz., via Holbrook (Postal and Western Union) ; military telegraph line to Fort Apache, 4 miles from school and agency ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Holbrook, Ariz., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry.; thence buckboard, daily except Sundays, 86 miles. ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 11 FORT APACHE AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, ARIZONA Continued. Canyon day school. Post office: Fort Apache. Ariz. Telegraph address: Holbrook, Ariz. (Postal and Western Union) ; military telegraph line to Fort Apache. 3 miles from school; thence telephone. Railroad station: Same as agency; distance, 93 miles. Cibccuc clay school. Post office: Cibecue, Ariz. Telegraph address: Fort Apache, via Holbrook, Ariz. (Postal and Western Union to Holbrook) ; thence military telegraph line to Fort Apache, 50 miles from school : thence telephone. Railroad station; Same as agency; distance, 136 miles. East Fork day school. Post office: Whiteriver, Ariz. Telegraph address: Fort Apache, via Holbrook. Ariz. (Postal and Western Union to Holbrook) ; thence military telegraph line to Fort Apache. 3 miles from school ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Same as agency ; distance. 90 miles. FORT BELKNAP AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, MONTANA. Post office : Harlem. Mont. Telegraph address: Harlem. Mont. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Harlem. Mont., on Great Northern Ry. : thence school or private team (automobile in summer). 4 miles. Lodge Pole day school and sultagency. Post office : Lodge Pole, Mont. Telegraph address: Same as Hays snbageney. Railroad station: Harlem, Mont., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence private team. Or, Dodson, Mont., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays ; 40 miles. Hfilk River day school. Post office: Harlem. Mont. Telegraph address: Harlem. Mont. (Western Union). Railroad station: Harlem, Mont., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence agency or private te;im to agency. 4 miles: thence 10 miles to school. Or, Savoy, Mont., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence private team, \\ miles. Hays subaacncy. Post office : Hays, Mont. Telegraph address: Harlem station, Mont. (Western Union). 44 miles from subagency: telephone to Fort Belknap school, 4 miles; thence mounted messenger. 40 miles. Railroad station: Harlem. Mont., on Grent Northern Ry. : thence private team. Or, Dodson to Lodge Pole; stage daily except Sundays; thence stage to Hays on Tuesdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays; distance. 52 miles. St. Pauls mission school. Post office : St. Pauls. Mont. Telegraph address: Dodson. Mont. (Western Union), 00 miles from school: thence mail. Railroad station: Dodson. Mont,, on Gre.it Northern Ry. ; daily stage, ex cept Sundays to Lodsre Pole: thence stage on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Or, Harlem. Mont., on Great Northern Ry. : thence private team ; distance, 50 miles. FORT BERTHOLD AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, NORTH DAKOTA. Post office: El bo woods. N. Dak. Telegraph address: Garrison. N. D-k. (Western Union, connecting at Bis marck. N. D:ik.. with Soo Line Telegraph Co.). 45 miles from school: thence mail. Railroad station: Garrison. N. Dak., on Soo Line Ry. (Bismarck Division) ; thence stage, daily except Sundays. 45 miles. Agency boarding school. Same as agency. Three day schools, Post office : Elbowoods. N. Dak. Telegraph address : Garrison. N. Dak. Railroad station : By team from Fort Berthold school. 12 ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. FOKT BIDWELL AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, CALIFORNIA. Post office: Fort Bidwell, Cal. Telegraph address: Fort Bidwell, Cal. (Western Union, connecting at Reno, Nev., with California & Oregon Telegraph Co.), t mile from school; thence telephone. Railroad station: Willow Ranch, Cal., on Nevada, California & Oregon Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, to Fort Bidwell, Cal., 20 miles. Or, Alturas, Cal., on Nevada, California & Oregon Ry. ; thence auto stage, via Cedarville, Cal., 50 miles. Likely day school. Post office: Likely, Cal. Telegraph address: Likely, Cal. (Western Union, connecting at Reno, Nev., with California & Oregon Telegraph Co.) ; thence messenger. Railroad station : Likely, Cal., on Nevada, California & Oregon Ry., via Reno, Nev.. on Southern Pacific Ry. ; station 2 miles from school. Alturas day school. Post office: Alturas, Cal. Telegraph address: Alturas, Cal., via Reno, Nev. (Postal and Western Union) ; 1 mile from school. Railroad station : Alturas, Cal., on Nevada, California & Oregon Ry. ; 1 mile from school. (School 50 miles from Fort Bidwell.) Lookout day school and subagency. Post office: Lookout, Cal. Telegraph address: Adin, Cal. (Western Union, connecting at Reno, Nev., with California & Oregon Telegraph Co.) ; 12 miles from subagency. (School 110 miles from Fort Bidwell.) FORT HALL AGENCY AND SCHOOL, IDAHO. Post office: Fort Hall, Idaho. Telegraph address: Fort Hall, Idaho (Western Union) ; delivered by oper ator to agency and by messenger to school. Railroad station : Fort Hall, Idaho, on Oregon Short Line Ry. ; agency office 260 yards from station and school 1 mile south of station. FOKT LAPWAI AGENCY AND SCHOOL, IDAHO. (NEZ PERCE AGENCY.) Post office: Lapwai, Idaho. Telegraph address: Lapwai, Idaho (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Fort Lapwai, Idaho, on Camas Prairie Ry. ; school 1 mile from station. Or, North Lapwai, Idaho; thence hired team, 4 miles. Kamiah day school. Post office: Kamiah, Idaho. Telegraph address: Kamiah, Idaho (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Kamiah. Idaho, on Clearwater Short Line Ry. ; thence hired team, 2 miles. St. Joseph s mission school. Post office: Slickpoo, Idaho. Telegraph address: Culdesac, Idaho (Western Union) ; mail to Slickpoo. Railroad station: Jacques Spur, Idaho, on Camas Prairie Ry. ; thence team, 4 miles. FORT LAPWAI SANATORIUM, IDAHO. Same as Fort Lapwai Agency. FORT McDERMITT SCHOOL, NEVADA. Post office : McDermitt, Nev. Telegraph address: Winnemucca, Nev. (Postal and Western Union), 90 miles from school ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Winnemucca, Nev., on Southern Pacific Ry. or Western Pacific Ry. ; thence automobile stage, daily except Sundays, to McDermitt, Nev., 85 miles ; thence hired rig to school, 5 miles. FORT MOJAVE AGENCY AND SCHOOL, ARIZONA. Post office: Mohave City, Ariz. Telegraph address: Kingman, Ariz. (Postal and Western Union), 55 miles from school; thence telephone. Railroad station : Needles, Cal., on Santa Fe Ry. ; thence stage Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, 14 miles. ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 13 FORT PECK AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, MONTANA. Post office : Poplar, Mont. Telegraph address: Poplar, Mont. (Western Union), delivered by operator. Railroad station : Poplar, Mont., on Great Notrhern Ry. ; thence mile. Fort Peck day school No. 1. Post office : Culbertson, Mont. Telegraph address: Culbertson, Mont. (Western Union), 8 miles from school ; thence mail, irregular. Railroad station : Drew, Mont., on Great Northern Ry. ; local trains stop on signal to conductor ; ^ mile from school, 25 miles west to boarding school. Fort Peck day school No. 2. Post office : Brockton, Mont. Telegraph address: Brocton, Mont. (Western Union); thence mail, irregular. Railroad station : Brockton, Mont., on Great Northern Ry. ; trains stop on signal to conductor: 2 miles southwest to day school by team; 12 miles west to boarding school. Fort Peck day school No. 3. Post office : Oswego, Mont. Telegraph address: Oswego, Mont. (Western Union) ; thence mail, irregular. Railroad station : Oswego, Mont., on Great Northern Ry. ; trains stop on signal to conductor; 1 mile south to school by team; 32 miles east to boarding school. Fort Peck day school No. 4- Post office : Frazer, Mont. Telegraph address: Oswego, Mont. (Western Union), 9 miles from school; thence mail, irregular. Railroad station : Frazer, Mont., on Great Northern Ry. ; trains stop on signal to conductor; 1 mile south to school by team; 42 miles east to boarding school. Box Elder substation. Post office: Brockton, Mont. Telegraph address: Brockton, Mont. (Western Union); agency; thence mail, irregular. Railroad station: Brockton, Mont., on Great Northern Ry., trains stop on signal to conductor; 4 miles east to substation; 18 miles west to school. Wolf Point mission school. Post office : Wolf Point. Mont. Telegraph : ddress : Wolf Point, Mont. (Western Union); thence tele phone to subagency. Railroad station : Wolf Point, Mont., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence 1 mile south by team ; 21 miles east to Fort Peck boarding school. Wolf Point subagency. Post office : Wolf Point, Mont. Telegraph address: Wolf Point, Mont. (Western Union) ; thence telephone to subagency. Railroad station : Wolf Point, Mont., on Great Northern Ry. ; then 1 raile south by team ; 21 miles east to Fort Peck boarding school. FORT TOTTEN AGENCY AND SCHOOL, NORTH DAKOTA. (DEVILS LAKE AGENCY). Post office : Fort Totten, N. Dak. Telegraph address: Devils Lake, N. Dak. (Western Union); thence tele phone. Railroad station: Devils Lake, N. Dak., on Great Northern Ry. and Soo Line Ry. ; thence hired team, 16 miles. Or Oberon, N. Dak., on Northern Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team, 12 miles. Or Narrows, N. Dak., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence stage daily, except Sundays, 8 miles. FORT YTIMA AGENCY AND SCHOOL, CALIFORNIA. Post office: Yuma, Ariz. Telegraph address: Yuma, Ariz. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Yuma, Ariz., on Southern Pacific Ry. ; i mile from school. Freight should be billed to Colorado Siding, Cal. 14 ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. GENOA SCHOOL, NEBRASKA. Post office : Genoa, Nebr. Telegraph address: Genoa, Nebr. (Western Union); messages telephoned from office. Railroad station: Genoa, Nebr., on Union Pacific Ry., via Columbus, Nebr., and Norfolk, Nebr. School in city. GRAND PORTAGE AGENCY AND SCHOOL, MINNESOTA. Post office : Grand Portage, Minn. Telegraph address: Duluth, Minn. (Postal or Western Union) ; thence tele phone to agency. Or by wireless from Duluth to Grand Marais, Minn. ; thence telephone. Distance from Duluth to agency, 140 miles. Railroad station: Duluth, Minn., on Northern Pacific Ry. From May 1 to December 1 : Triweekly steamer landing at Grand Portage Island, 2 miles from agency ; thence gasoline boat. From December 1 to May 1 : Duluth to Knife River, Minn., on Duluth & Iron Range Ry. ; thence to Cramer, Minn., on Duluth & Northern Minnesota Ry. ; thence stage to Grand Portage; distance, 80 miles by rail and 80 miles by stage; stage stops at agency. GREENVILLE SCHOOL, CALIFORNIA. Post office: Greenville, Cal. Telegraph address: Greenville, Cal. (Western Union, connecting at Reno, Nev., with California & Oregon Telegraph Co.); 4 miles from school; thence telephone. Railroad station : Keddie, Cal., on Western Pacific Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, to Greenville, 14 miles; thence hired or school team, 4 miles. Susanville station (field matron s headquarters). Post office : Susanville, Cal. Telegraph address: Susanville, Cal. (California & Oregon Telegraph Co.). Railroad station : Susanville, Cal., on Southern Pacific Ry. ; thence private team, mile. HASKELL INSTITUTE, KANSAS. Post office : Lawrence, Kans. Telegraph address: Lawrence, Kans. (Postal find Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Lawrence, Kans., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry., and Union Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team or street car, 2 miles. HAVASTTPAI AGENCY AND SCHOOL, ARIZONA. Post office : Supai, via Grand Canyon, Ariz. Telegraph address: Grand Canyon, Ariz. (Postal), 47 miles from school; thence mail, Mondays and Thursdays, or messenger. Railroad station : Grand Canyon, Ariz., on Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team 35 miles, saddle 12 miles over trail; time, one day; or Seligman, Ariz., on Santa Fe Ry. ; thence wagon 70 miles, saddle 8 miles ; time, two days. Latter route best for freight. (Appointees should communicate with superintendent and await his reply before starting.) HAYWARD SCHOOLS, WISCONSIN. Post office: Hayward, Wis. Telegraph address: Hayward. Wis. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Hayward, Wis., on Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry., running between St. Paul. Minn., and Ashland, Wis. Route via Chicago over Chicago & Northwestern Ry. to Spooner, Wis. ; thence over Ashland branch to Hayward. School 1 miles north of city station. Telephone for conveyance. Lac Court c OreiUe day school and reservation. Post office : Reserve, Wis. Telegraph address: Hayward, Wis. (Western Union), 16 miles from farmer s office ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Reserve, Wis., on branch of Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry., daily, except Sundays, which connects with its main line and with Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry. at Cameron Junction, Wis. ; or Hayward, Wis.. on Chicago, St. Paul, Minne apolis & Omaha Ry. ; thence hired team, 16 miles. (No stage.) School J mile from farmer s office. KOUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 15 HOOPA VALLEY AGENCY AND SCHOOL, CALIFORNIA. Post office: Hoopa, Cal. Telegraph address: Eureka, Cal. (Western Union), 52 miles from Hoopa; thence telephone. Railroad station : San Francisco, Cal. ; thence by Northwestern Pacific Ry. or steamship to Eureka, Cal., 230 miles; thence rail to Korbel, 20 miles; thence triweekly mail stage to Bairs, 18 miles; thence saddle animal over mountain trail, 16 miles. (A less direct route from Korbel to Hoopa is by wagon road via Willow Creek, 44 miles.) JICARILLA AGENCY AND SCHOOL, NEW MEXICO. Post office : Dulce, X. Mex. Telegraph address: Lumberton, X. Mex. (Western Union), 4 miles from school ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Dulce, X. Mex., on Denver & Rio Grande Ry. ; school 1 mile distant; agency at station. JONES MALE ACADEMY, OKLAHOMA. Post office : Hartshorne, Okla. Telegraph address: Hartshorne, Okla. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Hartshorne, Okla., on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ; thence stage, 4 miles. KAIBAB SCHOOL, ARIZONA. Post office: Moccasin, Ariz. Telegraph address: Moccasin, Ariz., via Marysvale, Utah (Western Union), 150 miles from school; thence telephone. Railroad station : Marysvale, Utah, on Denver & Rio Grande Ry. ; thence stage to Kanab, Utah, 150 miles; thence hired team, 18 miles; time, 45 hours. Or Marysvale, Utah; thence daily stage 105 miles to Orderville, Utah; time, 34 hours; thence hired team, 1 day. Or, Lund, Utah, on San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Ry. (Salt Lake Route) ; thence stage to Hurricau, Utah, 68 miles; thence hired conveyance to school, 48 miles. (An irregular stage operates between Cedar City, Utah, and Kanab, Utah, passing school. Regular daily auto stage between Lund and Cedar City.) KESHENA AGENCY AND SCHOOLS (MENOMINEE). Post office: Keshena, Wis. Telegraph address: Shawano, Wis. (Western Union); thence telephone. Railroad station: Shawano, Wis., on Chicago & Xorth Western Ry. ; thence daily stage, 8 miles. Neopit day school. (Timber operations.) Post office : Xeopit, Wis. Telegraph address: Xeopit, Wis., via Shawano, Wis. (Western Union). Railroad station : Shawano, Wis., on Chicago & Xorth Western Ry. ; thence 20 miles north on Wisconsin & X T orthern Ry. St. Anthony s mission school. (Tinker operations.) Post office: Xeopit, Wis. Telegraph address: Xeopit, Wis., via Shawano, Wis. (Western Union). Railroad station : Shawano, Wis., on Chicago & Xorth Western Ry. ; thence 20 miles north on Wisconsin & Northern Ry. Lutheran mission school. Post office: Greshain, Wis. Telegraph address: Gresham, Wis., via Shawano, Wis. (Western Union). Railroad station : Gresham, Wis., on Wisconsin & Northern Ry. ; thence hired team, 3 miles. St. Joseph s industrial school. Post office: Keshena, Wis. Telegraph address, Shawano, Wis. (Western Union). Railroad station : Shawano, Wis., on Chicago & Xorth Western Ry. ; thence daily stage, 8 miles. 16 ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. XICKAPOO AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, KANSAS. Post office: Germantown, Kans. Telegraph address: Horton, Kans. (Western Union), 7 miles from school; thence telephone. Railroad station: Germantown, Kans., on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ; thence school team, 2 miles. Great Nemaha day school. Post office: White Cloud, Kans. Telegraph address: White Cloud, Kans. (Western Union); thence special messenger. Railroad station : White Cloud, Kans., on Burlington & Missouri River Ry. ; thence hired team, 7 miles. KIOWA AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, OKLAHOMA. Post office: Anadarko, Okla. Telegraph address: Anadarko, Okla. (Western Union); thence telephone. Railroad station : Anadarko, Okla., on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team, mile. Anadarko boarding school. Post office: Anadarko, Okla. Telegraph address: Anadarko, Okla. (Western Union); thence telephone. Railroad station : Anadarko, Okla., on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ; school 2^ miles from agency and 2 miles from freight station. Fort Sill boarding school. Post office: Lawton, Okla. Telegraph address: Lawton, Okla. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Lawton, Okla., on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team. 1 mile; also on St. Louis & San Francisco Ry. : thence hired team, 1^ miles. Fort Sill subagency. Post office: Lawton, Okla. Telegraph address: Lawton, Okla. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Lawton, Okla., on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team, 1^ miles ; also on St. Louis & San Francisco Ry. ; thence hired team, 2 miles. Rainy Mountain school. Post office: Gotebo, Okla. (R. F. D. No. 2). Telegraph address: Gotebo, Okla. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Gotebo. Okla., on Chicago. Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team, 6 miles. Rainy Mountain farmer s station. Post office: Gotebo, Okla. Telegraph address: Gotebo. Okla. (Western Union); thence telephone to school and messenger from school. Railroad station : Gotebo. Okla., on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team. 6 miles. Riverside boarding school. Post office: Same as agency. Telegraph address: Same as agency. Railroad station: Anadarko, Okla., on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team, 1* miles. Cache Creek mission school. Post office: Apache, Okla. Telegraph address: Apache, Okla. (Western Union): thence telephone. Railroad station: Apache. Okla.; on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team, 4^ miles. Fort Cobb farmer s station. Post office: Fort Cobb.. Okla. Telegraph address: Fort Cobb, Okla. (Western Union) : thence telephone. Railroad station: Fort Cobb, Okla., on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team, 1 mile. EOUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 17 KIOWA AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, OKLAHOMA Continued. Mount Scott farmer s station. Post office: Law ton, Okla. "Star Route." Telegraph address: Fort Sill, Okla. (Western Union); 10 miles from station; thence telephone to Indian trader s store; i mile from trader s store. . Railroad station: Lawton, Okla., on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry., and St. Louis & San Francisco Ry., 18 miles from station. Mount Scott mission school. Post office : Lawton, Okla. " Star Route." Telegraph address: Fort Sill, Okla. (Western Union) ; 10 miles from sta tion; thence telephone to Indian trader s store; mile from trader s store. Railroad station : Lawton, Okla., on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry., and St. Louis & San Francisco Ry., 18 miles from station. Red Rock Station (Field Matron s station). Post office: Anadarko, Okla. (R. F. D. No. 5). Telegraph address: Anadarko, Okla. (Western Union), 6 miles from station; thence mounted messenger. Railroad station: Washita, Okla., on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team, 3 miles. West Cache farmer s station. Post office: Cache, Okla. Telegraph address: Cache, Okla. (W T estern Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Cache, Okla., on St. Louis & San Francisco Ry. ; thence hired team, 1 mile. KLAMATH AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, OREGON. Post office: Klamath Agency, Oreg. Telegraph address: Chiloquin, Oreg. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Chiloquin, Oreg., on Oregon Eastern Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 5 miles. Modoc Point day school. Post office : Klamath Agency, Oreg. Telegraph address : Via agency ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Chiloquin, Oreg., on Oregon Eastern Ry. ; thence hired team, 6 miles. Yainax day school. Post office : Yainax, Oreg. Telegraph address : Via agency ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Chiloquin, Oreg., on Oregon Eastern Ry. ; thence hired team, 35 miles. Klamath day school No. 1. Post office: Klamath Agency, Oreg. Telegraph address : Via agency ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Chiloquin, Oreg., on Oregon Eastern Ry. ; thence hired team, 1 mile. Klamath day school No. 2. Post office: Beatty, Oreg. Telegraph address: Via agency; thence telephone. Railroad station: Chiloquin, Oreg., on Oregon Eastern Ry. ; thence hired team, 42 miles. Klamath day school No. 3. Post office : Beatty, Oreg. Telegraph address: Via agency; thence telephone. Railroad station : Chiloquin, Oreg., on Oregon Eastern Ry. ; thence hired team, 50 miles. LAC DU FLAMBEAU AGENCY AND SCHOOL, WISCONSIN. Post office : Lac du Flambeau, Wis. Telegraph address: Lac du Flambeau, Wis. (Western Union) ; thence tele phone. Railroad station: Lac du Flambeau, Wis., on Chicago & North Western Ry. (Ashland Division) ; thence stage, 3 railes. Stage does not meet night trains during winter season. 9855015 3 18 ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. LA POINTS AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, WISCONSIN. Post office: Ashland, Wis. Telegraph address: Ashland, Wis. (Western Union) ; thence messenger. Railroad station : Ashland, Wis. ; terminus of Wisconsin Central Ry. ; bus to agency, i mile. From St. Paul, via Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry. ; from Duluth, via Northern Pacific Ry. Odanah day school. (On Bad River Reservation.) Post office: Odanah, Wis. Telegraph address: Odanah, Wis. (Western Union) ; thence telephone or messenger. Railroad station : Odanah. Wis., % mile from school, on Chicago & North Western Ry., running between Chicago and Ashland. St. Mary s mission school. (On Bad River Reservation.} Post office : Odanah, Wis. Telegraph address: Odanah, Wis. (Western Union). Railroad station : Odanah, Wis., on Chicago & North Western Ry., running between Chicago and Ashland. LEECH LAKE AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, MINNESOTA. Post office: Onigum, Minn. Telegraph address: Walker, Minn. (Western Union), 3 miles from agency; thence telephone. Railroad station : Walker, Minn., on Minnesota & International Ry. ; thence boat in summer and across ice in winter, 2 miles. Or Walker, Minn., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence bus or dray, 1 mile, to city dock ; thence boat in summer and across ice in winter, 2 miles. Squaiv Point day school. Post office: Walker, Minn. Telegraph address: Walker. Minn. (Western Union), 6 miles from school; thence messenger. Railroad station: Walker, Minn., on Minnesota & International Ry. ; thence 5 miles north by boat in summer and on ice in winter: Great Northern Ry. station 1 mile farther. Sugar Point day school. Post office: Federal Dam, Minn. Telegraph address: Walker, Minn. (Western Union). 23 miles from school by boat in summer and 16 miles on ice in winter ; or Federal Dam, Minn. ; thence messenger, 9 miles. Railroad station : Walker, Minn., on Minnesota & International Ry. and Great Northern Ry. ; thence boat in summer, 23 miles, and on ice in winter, 16 miles. Or Federal Dam, Minn., on St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry., 9 miles- by road in winter and 11 miles by boat in summer. Bena subagency. Post office: Bena, Minn. Telegraph address: Bena, Minn. (Western Union). Railroad station : Bena, Minn., on Great Northern Ry. ; near office. LEUPP AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, ARIZONA. Post office : Leupp, Ariz. Telegraph address: Canon Diablo. Ariz. (Western Union); thence tri weekly mail. Railroad station : Canon Diablo, Ariz., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence team, 13 miles. Tolchaco mission school. Post office : Tolchaco, Ariz. Telegraph address: Canon Diablo. Ariz. (Western Union) ; thence triweekly mail, via Leupp, Ariz. Railroad station: Canon Diablo, Ariz., on Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; school 10 miles from Leupp. LOWER BRULE AGENCY AND SCHOOL, SOUTH DAKOTA. Post office: Lower Brule. S. Dak. Telegraph address: Lower Brule, via Reliance, S. Dak. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Reliance, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 16 miles. ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 19 MACKINAC AGENCY, MICHIGAN. Post office: Baraga, Mich. Telegraph station: Baraga, Mich. (Western Union), at agency. Railroad station : Baraga, Mich., on Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Ry. MALKI AGENCY, CALIFORNIA. Post office : Banning, Cal. Telegraph address: Banning, Cal. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Banning, Cal., on Southern Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team, 4 miles. Martinez subagency. Post office : Thermal. Cal., R. F. D. No. 1. Telegraph address: Thermal, Cal. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Thermal, Cal., on Southern Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team, or agency team if notified by telephone; 6 miles. MEKTJSUKEY ACADEMY, OKLAHOMA. Post office : Mekusukey, Okla. Telegraph address: Seminole, Okla. (Western Union) : thence telephone. Railroad station: Seminole, Okla., on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ; thence livery or school team, 4 miles. MESCALERO AGENCY AND SCHOOL, NEW MEXICO. Post office : Mescalero, X. Mex. Telegraph address: Tularosa Station, X. Mex. (Western Union); thence telephone. Railroad station : Tularosa, X. Mex. ; reached from the south by El Paso & Southwestern Ry., via El Paso, Tex. ; from the north by Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ; thence daily stage, 18 miles. MOAPA RIVER AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, NEVADA. Post office : Las Vegas, Xev. Telegraph address: Las Vegas, Xev. (Western Union) ; thence messenger. Railroad station: Las Vegas, Xev., on San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Ry., distance f mile. MOQTJI AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, ARIZONA. Post office: Reams Canon, Ariz. Telegraph address: Gallup, X. Mex. (Postal and Western Union), 100 miles from school ; thence mail to Keams Canon, Ariz. ; 3 times a week, 72 hours. Railroad station : Gallup, X". Mex., on Santa Fe Pacific Ry. ; thence mail buckboard or automobile stage to Keams Canon, 3 times a week, 100 miles. In good weather trip consumes 2 days; during winter often 3 days. Or, Holbrook. Ariz., thence hired conveyance, 80 miles; 2 days trip. Both routes have stop-over stations. Cost of passenger transportation via stage from Gallup. X. Mex.. about $20; cost of livery team from Holbrook, Ariz., $30. Chimopovy day school. Post office: Toreva, Ariz. Telegraph address: Gallup, N. Mex. (Postal and Western Union), 125 miles to school ; thence mail 3 times a week, 90 hours. Railroad station: Gallup, X. Mex., or Holbrook, Ariz., on Santa Fe Pacific Ry. ; thence stage or hired conveyance to Keams Canon ; thence Govern ment team to Chimopovy. Best route from Gallup. Oraibi clay school. Post office : Oraibi, Ariz. Telegraph address: Gallup, X. Mex. (Postal and Western Union), 135 miles from school ; thence mail, 3 times a week. 96 hours. Railroad station : Gallup, X. Mex., or Holbrook, Ariz., on Santa Fe Pacific Ry. ; thence stage or hired conveyance to Keams Canon ; thence Gov ernment team to Oraibi. (For Government freight: Winslow, Ariz., on same road.) 20 ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. MOQUI AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, ARIZONA Continued. Polacca day school. Post office: Polacca, Ariz. Telegraph address: Gallup, N. Mex. (Postal and Western Union), 113 miles from school ; thence mail, 3 times a week, 90 hours. Railroad station: Gallup, N. Mex., or Holbrook, Ariz., on Santa Fe Pacific Ry. ; thence stage or hired conveyance to Keams Canon ; thence Gov ernment team to Polacca. Best route from Gallup. Second Mesa day school. Post office: Toreva, Ariz. Telegraph address: Gallup, X. Mex. (Postal and Western Union), 125 miles from school ; thence mail. 3 times a week, 90 miles. Railroad station: Gallup, N. Mex., or Holbrook, Ariz., on Santa Fe Pacific Ry. ; thence stage or hired conveyance to Reams Canon ; thence Gov ernment team to Toreva. Best route from Gallup. BacaM day school. Post office: Oraibi, Ariz. Telegraph address: Gallup. X. Mex. (Postal and Western Union), 140 miles from school ; thence mail, 3 times a week, 96 hours. Railroad station : Gallup, X. Mex.. or Holbrook, Ariz., on Santa Fe Pacific Ry. ; thence stage or hired team to Keams Canon ; thence Government team to Bacabi. (For Government freight: Winslow, Ariz., on same road. ) MOUNT PLEASANT SCHOOL, MICHIGAN. Post office: Mount Pleasant, Mich. Telegraph address: Mount Pleasant, Mich. (Western Union); thence telephone. Railroad station: Mount Pleasant, Mich., on Ann Arbor Ry., and Pere Marquette Ry. ; via Toledo or Detroit from the east, and via Durand, Alma, or Owosso from Chicago ; distance, f mile. NAVAJO AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, NEW MEXICO. Post office : Fort Defiance, Ariz. Telegraph address: Fort Defiance, Ariz., via Gallup, N. Mex. (Postal and Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Gallup, X. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence automobile stage, daily except Sundays, 30 miles. Chin Lee boarding school. Post office : Chin Lee, Ariz. Telegraph address: Gallup, X. Mex., via Fort Defiance, Ariz. (Postal and Western Union), 80 miles from school; thence telephone to Fort Defiance, Ariz. ; thence telephone, 50 miles. Railroad station : Gallup, X T . Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence automobile stage, daily except Sundays, to Fort Defiance; thence to Chin Lee by Government or hired team, 50 miles. Tohatchi boarding school (Little Water). Post office : Tohatchi, X. Mex. Telegraph address: Gallup, X. Mex. (Postal and Western Union) ; thence telephone to Fort Defiance ; thence mounted messenger to Tohatchi, or mail from Gallup to Tohatchi. Railroad station: Gallup, X. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team, 25 miles. Cornfields day school. Post office : Cornfields, Ariz. Telegraph address: Gallup, X. Mex. (Postal and Western Union), 60 miles from school ; thence telephone to Fort Defiance. Ariz. ; thence special messenger, 44 miles. Railroad station: Gallup, X. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence daily stage to St. Michaels; thence triweekly stage to Cornfields, 55 miles. Luki Chuki day school. Located 92 miles from Gallup, X. Mex., on Atchisou, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, to Fort Defiance, Ariz. ; thence Government team, 60 miles. Telegraph address: Fort Defiance, Ariz. (Postal and Western Union); thence special messenger. ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 21 NAVAJO AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, NEW MEXICO Continued. Rchoboth mission school. Post office: Gallup, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Gallup, X. Mex. (Postal and Western Union) ; thence messenger. Railroad station : Gallup, N. Mex., on Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team, 6 miles. St. Michaels mission school. Post office : St. Michaels, Ariz. Telegraph address: Gallup, X. Mex. (Postal and Western Union); thence telephone to St. Michaels, Ariz. Railroad station: Gallup, X. Mex.. on Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence daily buckboard, 27 miles. Ganado mission school. Post office : Ganado, Ariz. Telegraph address: St. Michaels, Ariz.: thence hired messenger, 26 miles. Railroad station : Gallup. X. Mex., on Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence triweekly mail stage, 50 miles. NEAH BAY AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, WASHINGTON. Post office: Xeah Bay, Wash. Telegraph address: Xeah Bay, Wash. (Postal and Western Union, con necting at Port Crescent, Wash., with United States Sea Coast Tele graph Co.), 2 miles from school; thence telephone. Railroad station: Seattle, Wash., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., Great Xorthern Ry., Xorthern Pacific Ry., and Oregon- Washington Ry. & X T avigation Co. ; thence triweekly steamer, 147 miles. Quileute day school. Post office: Mora, Wash. Telegraph address: Clallam Bay, Wash. (Postal and Western Union, con necting at Port Crescent. Wash., with United States Sea Coast Tele graph Co. ) . 50 miles from school ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Seattle, Wash.: thence steamer, daily except Sundays, to Clallam Bay, Wash. ; thence 48 miles by triweekly stage and 2 miles by canoe. Or daily steamer from Seattle to Port Angeles, Wash., 84 miles; thence private automobile 81 mlies and canoe 2 miles; 178 miles from Seattle via Clallam Bay, or 167 miles via Port Angeles. NEXT LAKE AGENCY AND SCHOOL, MINNESOTA. Post office: Xett Lake, Minn. Telegraph address: Orr, Minn. (Postal and Western Union, connecting at Duluth, Minn., and at Virginia, Minn., respectively, with Duluth, Winni peg & Pacific telegraph office), 16 miles; thence telephone. Railroad station: Orr, Minn., on Duluth, Winnipeg & Pacific Ry. ; thence in summer, across Pelican Lake by launch, 9 miles, and team to agency, 7 miles; in winter by hired team or stage, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sat urdays, 16 miles. (Xotify superintendent 3 days before arrival at Orr.) NEVADA AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, NEVADA. Post office: Xixon. Xev. Telegraph address: Wadsworth. Xev. (Western Union), 16 miles from school; thence mail, daily except Sundays. Railroad station : Xumana, Xev., on Southern Pacific Ry. ; thence school team. 4 miles. Wadsworth day school. Post office: Wadsworth, Xev. Telegraph address: Wadsworth. Xev. (Western Union). Railroad station : Wadsworth, Xev., on Southern Pacific Ry. School In town of Wadsworth. NEW YORK AGENCY, NEW YORK. Post office : Salamanca, X. Y. Telegraph address: Salamanca, X. Y. (Postal and Western Union); de livered by messenger. Railroad station: Salamanca, X. Y.. on main line Erie Ry. ; main line Buffalo. Rochester & Pittsburgh Ry., and Allegheny Valley Division of Pennsylvania Ry. 22 ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. NUYAKA BOARDING SCHOOL, OKLAHOMA. Post office: Nnyaka, Okla. Telegraph address: Beggs, Okla. (Western Union); thence telephone or mail. Railroad station : Beggs, Okla.. on St. Louis & San Francisco Ry. ; thence hired team, 12 miles. OMAHA AGENCY, NEBRASKA. Post office: Macy, Nebr. Telegraph address: Walthill, Nebr. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station ; Walthill, Nebr.. on Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 8 miles. ONEIDA SCHOOL, WISCONSIN. Post office: Oneida, Wis. Telegraph address: Green Bay. Wis. (Postal and Western Union), 10 miles from school; thence telephone. Railroad station : Oneida, Wis.. on Green Bay & Western Ry. From west, via Green Bay & Western Ry. at Winona, Minn., or La Crosse, Wis. ; from east, via Chicago & North Western Ry. at Chicago; change at Green Bay Junction, and thence via Green Bay & Western Ry. to Oneida. OSAGE AGENCY AND SCHOOL, OKLAHOMA. Post office: Pawhuska, Okla. Telegraph address: Pawhuska. Okla. (Western Union). Railroad station: Pawhuska, Okla., on Midland Valley Ry., via Arkansas City, Kans., or Tutsa, Okla.. i mile from agency and school. Or Ne- lagony, Okla., on Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry., 6 miles. Motor car over Midland Valley tracks meets all trains of Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry., at Nelagony. OTOE AGENCY AND SCHOOL, OKLAHOMA. Post office: Otoe, Okla. Telegraph address: Red Rock. Okla. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Red Rock, Qkla.. on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence 7$ miles to school. Or Bliss. Okla., on same railroad; thence 7 miles to school. PALA AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, CALIFORNIA. Post office: Pala, Gal. Telegraph address: Pala. via San Diego, Cal. (Postal and Western Union), 60 miles from school ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Temecula, Cal., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team, 12 miles. Or Oceanside, Cal., on same road; thence auto stage, daily except Sundays. 24 miles. (Temecula best route from north or east, except Sundays; Murietta, Cal., same road, Sunday sta tion.) Capitan Grande day school. Post office: Lakeside, Cal. Telegraph address: Lakeside, Cal. (Western Union); thence special mes senger. Railroad station: Lakeside, Cal., on San Diego & South Eastern Ry. (via San Diego) ; thence hired team, 12 miles. La Jolla day scltool. Post office : Valley Center. Cal. Telegraph address: San Diego. Cal. (Postal and Western Union), 60 miles from school ; thence telephone to Valley Center ; thence mail to school. Railroad station : Escondido. Cal.. on Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team, 25 miles. No stage. Or via Pala. 18 miles by team. Rincon reservation. Post office : Valley Center. Cal. Telegraph address: San Diego. Cal. (Postal and Western Union), 53 miles; thence telephone to Valley Center; thence mounted messenger. Railroad station : Escondido, Cal., on Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team, 18 miles. Or via Pala. 12 miles. ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 23 PAWNEE AGENCY AND SCHOOL, OKLAHOMA. Post office: Pawnee, Okla. Telegraph address: Pawnee, Okla. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Pawnee, Okla.. on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. and St. Louis & San Francisco Ry. ; thence hired team. 1 mile. PHOENIX SCHOOL, ARIZONA. Post office: Phoenix, Ariz. Telegraph address: Phoenix. Ariz. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Phoenix, Ariz.. 3 miles from school on Arizona Eastern Ry. and Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix Ry. Change from Southern Pacific Ry. at Maricopa. Change from Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe Const Lines at Ash Fork. East Farm Sanatorium. Post office : Phoenix. Ariz. Telegraph address: Phoenix, Ariz. (Western Union). 41 miles from sana torium ; thence telephone. Railroad station ; Same as school. PIERRE SCHOOL, SOTJTH DAKOTA. Post office : Pierre, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Pierre, S. Dak. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Pierre, S. Dak., on Chicago & North Western Ry. ; thence hired team, 2 miles. PIMA AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, ARIZONA. Post office : Sacaton, Ariz. Telegraph address: Mesa, Ariz. (Western Union); thence telephone, 25 miles. Railroad station : Casa Grande Ariz., on Southern Pacific Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 16 miles. Or Phoenix, Ariz., on Arizona Eastern Ry. to Mesa, Ariz.; thence automobile to Sacaton, 20 miles. Black water day school. Post office : Blackwater, Ariz. Telegraph address: Casa Grande, Ariz. (Western Union), 26 miles from school ; thence mail or messenger. Railroad station: Same as Pima School ; 10 miles east by agency team. Casa Blanca day school. Post office: Sacaton, Ariz. Telegraph address : Same as Pima School. Railroad station : Same as Pima School ; 10 miles west by team. Gil a Crossing day school. Post office : Phoeniz. Ariz. Telegraph address: Phoenix, Ariz. (Western Union) ; thence messenger. Railroad station: Phoenix, Ariz., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. and Arizona Eastern Ry. ; thence hired team, 16 miles south. Maricopa day school. Post office: Phoenix, Ariz. Telegraph address: Phoenix, Ariz. (Western Union); thence messenger. Railroad station : Phoenix, Ariz., on Arizona Eastern Ry. and Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team, 12 miles. Pima Agency day school. Post office: Sacaton, Ariz. Telegraph address: Same as Pima School. Railroad station : Same as Pima School. St. John s Catholic Mission School. Post office: Phoenix, Ariz. Telegraph address: Phoenix, Ariz. (Western Union), 16 miles from school; thence messenger. Railroad station: Same as Gila Crossing School; thence 1 mile. Santan day school. Post office : Sacaton, Ariz. Telegraph address : Same as Pima School. Railroad station: Same as Pima School; thence 19 miles north by agency team. 24 ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. PINE RIDGE AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, SOUTH DAKOTA. Post office : Pine Ridge, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Pine Ridge, S. Dak., via Rushville, Nebr. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Rushville, Nebr., on Chicago & North Western Ry. ; thence daily stage, 25 miles. Or Chadron, Nebr., on same road; thence hired team, 32 miles. Day schools Nos. 1, 3, 4, 27, 28. Post office : Pine Ridge, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Pine Ridge, S. Dak. ; thence messenger. Railroad station : Same as agency ; thence hired team, 0, 15, 9, 6, and 6 miles, respectively. Day schools Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Post office : Manderson, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Pine Ridge, S. Dak. ; telephone to Manderson ; thence messenger. Railroad station : Same as agency ; thence hired team, 15, 16, 18, 21, 27, and 32 miles, respectively. Day schools Nos. 5, 6, 25, 26. Post office : Oglala, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Pine Ridge, S. Dak. ; telephone to White Clay ; thence messenger. Railroad station : Same as agency ; thence hired team, 5 to 30 miles. Day schools Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16, 30. Post office : Porcupine, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Pine Ridge, S. Dak. ; telephone to Porcupine ; thence messenger. Railroad station : Same as agency ; thence stage, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, to Porcupine, 25 miles ; thence hired team, 11, 15, 5, , and 7 miles, respectively. Or No. 14, Gordon ; thence hired team, 20 miles. Day schools Nos. 17, 18, 19, 29. Post office : Kyle, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Pine Ridge, S. Dak.; telephone to Kyle; thence mes senger. Railroad station : Same as agency ; thence stage, Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fridays, to Porcupine, 25 miles; thence hired team, 12, , 6, and 5 miles, respectively. Or Merrirnan, Nebr. ; thence stage to Kyle, 45 miles ; thence hired team. Or Interior, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, Ry. ; thence stage to Kyle, 30 miles ; thence hired team. Day schools Nos. 20, 21. Post office : Allen, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Pine Ridge, S. Dak. ; telephone to Allen ; thence mes senger. Railroad station : Merriman, Nebr. ; thence stage to Allen. 30 miles ; thence hired team, 7 and 3 miles, respectively. Or agency; thence stage and team, 40 and 45 miles, respectively. Day school No. 23. Post office : Interior, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Pine Ridge, S. Dak.; telephone to Kyle; thence mes senger. Railroad station: Merriman, Nebr.; thence hired team to Kyle, 45 miles; thence hired team, 15 miles. Or agency to Kyle by stage, 40 miles ; thence hired team. Or Interior, S. Dak., en Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul Ry. ; thence stage, 15 miles. Day schools Nos. 22, 24. Post office : Porch, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Pine Ridge, S. Dak. : telephone to Eagle Nest sub- agency; thence messenger. Railroad station: Kadoka, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry.; thence hired team, 37 and 22 miles, respectively. Or Merriman, Neb;^, to Allen, S. Dak., by stage, 30 miles; thence hired team. 15 and 30 miles, respectively. Or agency to Allen. Holy Rosary Mission School. Post office : Pine Ridge, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Pine Ridge, S. Dak. ; telephone to school. Railroad station : Same as agency : thence hired team, 4 miles. ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 25 PINE RIDGE AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, SOUTH DAKOTA Continued. Medicine Root siibagency. Post office: Kyle, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Pine Ridge. S. Dak.; telephone to Kyle. Railroad station: Merriman. Xebr., on Northwestern Ry. ; thence stage, Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fridays. 45 miles. Or Gordon. Nebr., same road; thence hired team, 50 miles. Or agency; thence stage to Porcupine, 2S miles; thence hired team to Kyle. 17 miles. Pass Creek subagency. Post office : Allen, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Pine Ridge, S. Dak. ; telephone to Allen. Railroad station : Merriman, Nebr. ; thence stage, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 30 miles. Or agency ; thence hired team, 50 miles. Porcupine subagency. Post office: Porcupine. S. Dak. Telegraph address: Pine Ridge, S. Dak.; telephone to Porcupine. Railroad station: Same as agency; thence stage, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. 28 miles. Or Gordon, Nebr. ; thence hired team, 40 miles. Wakpanini subagency. Post office : Pine Ridge, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Pine Ridge, S. Dak. Railroad station: Same as agency. White Clay subagency. Post office: Pine Ridge, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Pine Ridge, S. Dak. ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Same as agency; thence hired team, 18 miles. Wounded Knee subagency. Post office: Manderson, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Pine Ridge, S. Dak.; telephone to Manderson. Railroad station : Same as agency ; thence stage, 18 miles. Or Gordon, Nebr. ; thence hired team, 40 miles. Eagle Nest subagency. Post office: Porch, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Pine Ridge, S. Dak. ; telephone to Eagle Nest. Railroad station: Interior. S. Dak., or Kadoka, S. Dak., on Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Ry. ; thence hired team, 25 miles. PIPESTONE SCHOOLS, MINNESOTA. Post office: Pipestone, Minn. Telegraph address: Pipestone. Minn. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Pipestone, Minn., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., Great Northern Ry., Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry., and Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. (Last named railroad is best route from eastern points.) Thence school team, 1 miles. Birch Cooley day school. Post office: Morton, Minn. Telegraph address: Morton, Minn. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Morton, Minn., on Minneapolis & St. Louis Ry. ; thence hired team, 1^ miles. PONCA AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, OKLAHOMA. Post office : Whiteagle, Okla. Telegraph address: Ponca City, Okla. (Western Union), 7* miles from school ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Whiteagle, Okla., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired or agency team, 3 miles. Kaw tubagency. Post office : Kaw. Okla., R. F. D. No. 2. Telegraph address: Kaw, Okla. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Kaw, Okla., on Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. POTTAWATOMIE AGENCY AND SCHOOL, KANSAS. Post office: Mayetta, Kans. Telegraph address: Mayetta, Kans. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Mayetta, Kans., on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ; thence % mile west. 26 KOUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. PUEBLO BONITO AGENCY AND SCHOOL, NEW MEXICO. Post office: Crownpoint, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Thoreau, N. Mex. (Western Union) ; thence mail stage. Railroad station : Thoreau, N. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence stage, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 28 miles. PUEBLO AGENCY AND DAY SCHOOLS, NEW MEXICO. Post office: Albuquerque, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Albuquerque, N. Mex. (Postal and Western Union). Railroad station: Albuquerque, N. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; office 8 blocks from station. Acomita day school. Post office: Acomita, N. Mex. Telegraph address : Laguna, N. Mex. ; Western Union, 14 miles from school ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Alaska, N. Mex., flag station on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence government team, 1 mile. Encinal day school. Post office: Cubero, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Laguna, N. Mex. (Western Union), 7 miles from school ; thence special messenger. Railroad station : Cubero, N. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team, 4 miles. Isleta day school. Post office : Isleta, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Isleta, N. Mex. (Western Union). Railroad station : Isleta, N. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; school near station. Laguna day school. Post office: Laguna, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Laguna, N. Mex. (Western Union). Railroad station : Laguna, N. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; school near station. McCarty s day school. Post office: Acomita, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Laguna, N. Mex. (Western Union), 21 miles from school ; telephone to Acomita ; thence special messenger, 7 miles. Railroad station : McCartys, N. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence team, 2 miles. Mesita day school. Post office: Laguna, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Laguna, N. Mex. (Western Union), 10 miles from school; thence telephone. Railroad station: Rita, N. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team, 2 miles. Paguate day school. Post office: Laguna, N. Mex. Telegraph address : Laguna, N. Mex. (Western Union) ; thence special messenger or daily mail. Railroad station: Laguna, N. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team, 16 miles. Paraje day school. Post office: Casa Blanca, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Laguna, N. Mex. (Western Union), 3 miles from school ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Cubero, N. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team, 3 miles. San Felipe day school. Post office : Algodones, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Bernalillo, N. Mex. (Western Union), 11 miles from school : thence special messenger or daily mail. Railroad station : Algodones, N. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team, 5 miles. Seama day school. Post office: Seama, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Laguna, N. Mex. (Western Union); thence special messenger or daily mail. ROUTES TO IXDIAX AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 27 PUEBLO AGENCY AND DAY SCHOOLS, NEW MEXICO Continued. Seama clay school Continued. Ralroad station : Laguna, N. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team, 9 miles. Cochiti day school. Post office: Pena Blanca, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Thornton, X. Mex. (Western Union), 10 miles from school ; thence daily mail. Railroad station : Domingo, X. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team, 9 miles. Jemez day school. Post office : Jemez. X. Mex. Telegraph address: Albuquerque, N. Mex. (Postal and Western Union); thence daily mail. Or Bernalillo, N. Mex. (Western Union) ; thence mes senger. Railroad station : Albuquerque. X. Mex., on Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team during winter and daily stage in summer, 44 miles. Or Bernalillo, X. Mex.. on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team, 32 miles. Picuris day school. Post office: Penasco. X. Mex. Telegraph address: Embudo, X. Mex. (Western Union) ; thence messenger or mail. Railroad station : Embudo, X. Mex., on Denver & Rio Grande Ry. ; thence hired team. 20 miles. San Ildefonso day school. Post office : Buckman, X. Mex. Telegraph address: Espanola. X. Mex. (Western Union) : thence messenger. Railroad station: Espanola, X. Mex., on Denver & Rio Grande Ry. ; thence hired team. 12 miles. San Juan day school. Post office : Chamita, X. Mex. Telegraph address: Espanola. X. Mex. (Western Union). 6 miles from school ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Chamita. X. Mex., on Denver & Rio Grande Ry. : thence hired team. 1 mile. Santa Clara day school. Post office : Espanola, X. Mex. Telegraph address: Espanola. X. Mex. (Western Union) : thence messenger. Railroad station: Espanola, X. Mex., on Denver & Rio Grande Ry. ; thence 2 miles. (Trains stop at Santa Clara upon notice to conductor.) Santa Clara Reservation. Post office: Espanola, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Espanola, X. Mex. (Western Union). Railroad station : Espanola, X. Mex., on Denver & Rio Grande Ry. : thence 7 miles to farmer s quarters. Sia day school. Post office : Sandoval, X. Mex. Telegraph address: Albuquerque, N. Mex. (Postal and Western Union); thence mail or messenger. Or Bernalillo, X. Mex. (Western Union) ; thence messenger. Railroad station : Albuquerque, X. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence stage in summer and hired team in winter. 34 miles. Or Bernalillo, X. Mex., on Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team, 22 miles. Taos day school. Post office: Taos, X. Mex. Telegraph address: Tres Piedras, X. Mex. (Western Union), 40 miles from Taos ; telephone to Taos ; thence 3 miles to school by messenger. Railroad station: Servilleta. X. Mex., on Denver & Rio Grande Ry. ; thence daily stage, 25 miles. Santo Domingo day school. Post office : Domingo, X. Mex. Telegraph address: Domingo, X. Mex. (Western Union) : thence messenger. Railroad station : Domingo, X. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. : thence hired team, 2J miles. 28 ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. RAPID CITY SCHOOL, SOUTH DAKOTA. Post office: Rapid City, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Rapid City, S. Dak. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Rapid City, S. Dak., on Chicago & North Western lines from east, north, and south ; on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. from east: from west by Rapid City, Black Hills & Western Ry., which con nects with Burlington lines at Mystic, S. Dak. School team dally from Rapid City ; distance, 2 miles. RED CLIFF AGENCY AND SCHOOL, WISCONSIN. Post office : Bayfield, Wis. Telegraph address: Bayfield, Wis. (Western Union) ; thence messenger. Railroad station : Bayfield, Wis., on branch St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry., running between Ashland and Bayfield ; distance, 3 miles. RED LAKE AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, MINNESOTA. Post office : Red Lake, Minn. Telegraph address: Bemidji, Minn. (Western Union), 40 miles from school; thence telephone. Railroad station : Redby, Minn., terminus of Minneapolis, Red Lake & Manitoba Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 5 miles. Cross Lake school. Post office: Ponemah. Minn. Telegraph address: Bemid.ii. Minn. (Western Union), 45 miles from school; thence telephone to Red Lake school ; thence agency telephone line. Railroad station : Redby, Minn., terminus of Minneapolis, Red Lake & Manitoba Ry. : thence hired team across ice in winter and steamboat in summer. 10 miles. St. Mary s Mission School. Post office : Red Lake, Minn. Telegraph address: Bemidji, Minn. (Western Union), 40 miles from school; thence telephone. Railroad station : Redby, Minn., terminus of Minneapolis, Red Lake & Manitoba Ry. ; thence stage to Red Lake, 5 miles ; thence hired team, 1 mile. RED MOON AGENCY AND SCHOOL, OKLAHOMA. Post office : Hammon, Okla. Telegraph address: Hammon, Okla. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Hammon Junction, Okla., on Wichita Falls & North Western Ry. and Clinton & Oklahoma Western Ry. ; mile from school. RICE STATION SCHOOL, ARIZONA. Post office : Rice, Ariz. Telegraph address: San Carlos. Ariz. (Western Union), 12 miles from school ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Rice, Ariz., on Arizona Eastern Ry. ; school \ mile from station. (This railroad connects with the Southern Pacific at Bowie, Ariz.) ROSEBUD AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, SOUTH DAKOTA. Post office : Rosebud, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Rosebud, S. Dak., via Valentine, Nebr. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Valentine, Nebr., on Chicago & North Western Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 35 miles. Or Crookston, Nebr., on same railroad ; thence hired team, 25 miles. Agency boarding school. Post office: Rosebud, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Same as agency ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Valentine, Nebr. ; thence hired team. 30 miles. Or same as agency ; thence 15 miles. Agency, Ironwood and Ring Thunder day schools. Post office : Rosebud, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Via agency. Railroad station : Via agency. ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 29 BOSEBUD AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, SOUTH DAKOTA Continued. Big White River {Jay school. Post office : Kennebec, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Kennebec, S. Dak., 17 miles from school; thence mes senger. Railroad station : Reliance, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; thence hired team, 20 miles. Black Pipe and Corn Creek day schools. Post office: Norris, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Via agency. Railroad station: Via agency, or Belvidere, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. : thence hired team, 30 and 35 miles, respectively. Cut Meat, Upper Cut Meat, Lower Cut Meat, He Dog s Camp, and Red Leaf day schools. Post office : Cut Meat, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Via agency. Railroad station: Via agency. Bull Creek day school. Post office: Dixon, S. Dak. Telegraph address-: Dallas, S. Dak.; thence messenger. Railroad station: Dallas, S. Dak., on Chicago & North Western Ry., 18 miles from school. Little Crow s day school. Post office : Carter, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Via agency and Oak Creek by messenger. Railroad station: Via agency. Or Valentine, Nebr. ; thence hired team, 41 miles-. Or Winner, S. Dak., on Chicago & North Western Ry. ; thence hired team, 30 miles. Little White River and Pine Creek day schools. Post office : White River, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Via agency. Railroad station : Via agency, or Murdo, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; thence hired team, 15 and 25 miles, respectively. Milk s Camp day school. Post office: St. Charles, S. Dak. Telegraph address: St. Charles or Herrick, S. Dak.; thence telephone. Railroad station: Herrick, S. Dak., on Bonesteel extension of Chicago & North Western Ry. ; thence hired team, 7 miles. Oak Creek day school. Post office: Okreek, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Valentine, Nebr. Spring Creek day school. Post office: St. Francis, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Via agency.. Railroad station: Georgia, Nebr., on Chicago & North Western Ry. ; thence hired team. 12 miles. Or via agency. Whirlwind Soldier day school. Post office : Pahapesto, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Via agency by Butte Creek issue station; thence mes senger. Railroad station : Vivian, S. Dak. ; thence hired team, 15 miles. Or same as agency : thence 50 miles. White Lake day school. Post office: Lake View, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Valentine, Nebr. White Thunder day school. Post office : Wood, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Via agency. Railroad station: Via agency or direct from Valentine, Nebr., by hired team, 40 miles. Big White River issue station. Post office: Hamill, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Winner, S. Dak.; thence telephone. Railroad station: Same as above. 15 miles. 30 ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. ROSEBUD AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, SOUTH DAKOTA Continued. Black Pipe issue station. Post office : Norris, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Via agency; thence telephone. Railroad station: Same as agency; thence 28 miles. Or Belvidere, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaugee & St. Paul Ry. ; thence hired team, 30 miles. Or Cody, Nebr., on Chicago and North Western Ry. ; thence hired team, 35 miles. Butte Creek issue station. Post office: Wood, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Valentine, Nebr. ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Via agency ; thence 32 miles. Cut Meat Creek issue station. Post office : Cut Meat, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Same as agency ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Same as agency; thence 12 miles. Little White River issue station. Post office : White River, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Same as agency; thence telephone. Railroad station : Same as agency; thence 28 miles. Or Murdo, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; thence hired team, 25 miles. Ponca Creek issue station. Post office : St. Charles, S. Dak. Telegraph address : St. Charles or Herrick, S. Dak. ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Herrick, S. Dak., on Bonesteel extension of Chicago & North Western Ry. ; thence hired team, 7 miles. St. Francis mission school. Post office : St. Francis, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Same as agency; thence telephone. Railroad station: Crookston, Nebr., on Chicago & North Western Ry. ; thence hired team, 18 miles. Or same as agency ; thence 8 miles. St. Mary s mission school. Post office : Mission, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Same as agency ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Valentine, Nebr.; thence hired team, 30 miles. Or same as agency; thence 12 miles. ROSEBURG AGENCY, OREGON. Post office: Roseburg, Oreg. Telegraph address: Roseburg, Oreg. (Postal and Western Union); tele phone to office. Railroad station : Roseburg, Oreg., on Southern Pacific Ry. ROUND VALLEY AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, CALIFORNIA. Post office: Covelo, Cal. Telegraph address: Covelo, via Laytonville, Cal. (Western Union); tele phone from Laytonville to Covelo; thence telephone to school. (Lay tonville 28 miles from school and Covelo 3 miles from school.) Railroad station : Dos Rios, Cal., on Northwestern Pacific Ry. ; thence daily stage to Covelo, 18 miles. Agency day school. Same as agency. Upper Lake day school. Post office : Upper Lake, Cal. Telegraph address: Ukiah, Cal. (Western Union); thence telephone to Upper Lake; thence messenger, 3 miles. Railroad station : Ukiah, Cal. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 30 miles. Or Hopland, Cal.; thence daily stage to Lakeport; thence private conveyance to Upper Lake, 12 miles. Ukiah day school. Post office: Ukiah, Cal. Telegraph address: Ukiah, Cal. (Western Union) ; thence mail or mounted messenger. Railroad station : Ukiah, Cal., on California Northwestern Ry. ; school 3 miles from station. ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 31 ROUND VALLEY AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, CALIFORNIA Continued. Manchester day school. Post office: Manchester, Cal. Telegraph address : Fort Bragg, Cal. ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Fort Bragg, Cal., on Northwestern Pacific Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, to Manchester, 41 miles. SAC AND FOX SANATORIUM, AGENCY, AND SCHOOLS, IOWA. Post office: Toledo, Iowa. Telegraph address: Toledo. Iowa (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Toledo, Iowa, on Chicago & North Western Ry. and Tama & Toledo Electric Ry.. latter having traffic arrangements with Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., via Tama. Sanatorium 1 mile west by public highway. (Passengers via Tama on Chicago & Northwestern Ry. can usually save time by taking electric car to Toledo. Baggage should go direct to Toledo.) Sac and Fo.r agency. Five miles west of sanatorium. Mesqiifikie day school. Post office: Tama, Iowa, R. F. D. No. 4. Telegraph address: Toledo, Iowa (Western Union), 4 miles from school; thence telephone. Railroad station : Tama, Iowa, on Chicago & North Western Ry. and Chi cago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; thence 2i miles west by public highway. Fo.r day school Same as Mesquakie day school, but 1 mile farther west. SAC AND FOX AGENCY AND SCHOOL, OKLAHOMA. Post office: Stroud, Okla., R. F. D. No. 2. Telegraph address: Stroud, Okla. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Stroud, Okla., on St. Louis & San Francisco Ry. ; thence hired team, 6 miles. Or Davenport, Okla., on Santa Fe Ry. and St. Lmiis & San Francisco Ry. ; thence hired team, 9 miles. SALEM SCHOOL, OREGON. Post office: Chemawa. Oreg. Telegraph address: Salem, Oreg. (Postal and Western Union), 5 miles from school ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Chemawa, Oreg., on Southern Pacific Ry., also on Oregon Electric Ry., 5 miles north of Salem and 47 miles south of Portland. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. (SCATTERED BANDS OF INDIANS.) Deep Creek day school. Post office: Ibapah, Utah. Telegraph address: Wendover, Utah (Western Union); thence mail to Ibapah, thence to Indian Camp; time, 1 days. Railroad station: Wendover, Utah, on Western Pacific Ry. ; thence stage Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays ; thence private team to Indian Camp. Skull Valley day school. Post office: losepa, Utah. Telegraph address: Delle, Utah (Western Union); thence telephone to losepa ; thence messenger to school, 12 miles. Railroad station : Timpie, Utah, on Western Pacific Ry. Stage leaves Tiinpie for losepa on Mondays and Thursdays, connecting with west bound afternoon trains; thence hired team to Indian Camp, 10 miles. In case trains are late, telephone from box-car waiting room to Delle that losepa be notified. SALT RIVER AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, ARIZONA. Post office: Saltriver, Ariz. Telegraph address: Saltriver. via Phoenix, Ariz. (Western Union), 14 miles from agency; thence telephone. Railroad station : Phoenix, Ariz., on Arizona Eastern Ry. and Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix Ry. Change from Southern Pacific Ry. at Maricopa, Ariz., and from Santa Fe Coast Lines at Ashfork, Ariz. ; thence daily stage to agency. 32 ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. SALT RIVER AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, ARIZONA Continued. Camp McDowell day school and subagcncy. Post office: McDowell, Ariz. Telegraph address: Via agency; thence mounted messenger. Railroad station: Same as agency; thence agency team, 22 miles. Lehi day school. Post office: Mesa, Ariz., R. F. D. No. 1. Telegraph address: Mesa, Ariz. (Western Union) ; thence mail or mounted messenger. Railroad station : Mesa, Ariz., on Arizona Eastern Ry. ; thence hired team, 5 miles. Saltriver day school. Same as agency. SAN CARLOS AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, ARIZONA. Post office: San Carlos, Ariz. Telegraph address: San Carlos, Ariz. (Western Union); thence telephone or mounted messenger. Railrond station: San Carlos, Ariz., on Arizona Eastern Ry., a branch of the Southern Pacific Ry., with which it connects at Bowie, Ariz. ; distance, 1 mile. San Carlos day school. Same as agency. Bylas day school. Post office: Geronimo, Ariz. Telegraph address: San Carlos, Ariz. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Bylas, Ariz., flag station on Arizona Eastern Ry. SAN JUAN AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, NEW MEXICO. Post office : Shiprock, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Farmington. N. Mex. (Western Union); thence tele phone. Railroad station : Farmington, N. Mex.. on Denver & Rio Grande Ry. (Farmington Branch) ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 35 miles. Toadalcna day school. Post office : Crozier, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Shiprock, N. Mex., via Farmington, N. Mex. (Western Union) ; telephone to Shiprock: thence special messenger to Crozier. Railroad stntion: Farmington, N. Mex., on Denver & Rio Grande Ry. (Fnrniington Branch) ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 35 miles to Shiprock ; thence private conveyance to Crozier, 50 miles. Methodist mission school. Post office : Farmington, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Farmington, N. Mex. (Western Union). Railroad station: Farmington, N. Mex., on Denver & Rio Grande Ry. (Farmington Branch). SANTA FE SCHOOL, NEW MEXICO. Post office: Santa Fe, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Santa Fe, N. Mex. (Postal and Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Santa Fe. N. Mex.. on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry., Denver & Rio Grande Ry., and New Mexico Central Ry. ; thence hired team, 2 miles. SANTEE AGENCY, NEBRASKA. Post office : Santee, Nebr. Telegraph address: Santee, Nebr.. via Springfield, S. Dak. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Springfield, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; thence hired team, 5 miles. Or Niobrara, Nebr., on Fremont, Elk- horn & Missouri Valley Ry. ; thence stage, 18 miles. Ponca sul)agency. Post office: Niobrara. Nebr. Telegraph address: Niobrara, Nebr. (Western Union) ; thence mail or mes senger. Railroad station: Niobrara, Nebr., on Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Ry. ; thence 5 miles. Or Running Water. S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee 6 St. Paul Ry. ; thence stage, 4 miles to Niobrara and 5 miles to Ponca. ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 33 SAN XAVIER AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, ARIZONA. Post office : Tucson, Ariz. Telegraph address: Tucson, Ariz. (Western Union) ; thence messenger. Railroad station: Tucson, Ariz., on Southern Pacific Ry. ; thence private conveyance or agency team, 9 miles. Tucson day school. Post office: Tucson, Ariz. Telegraph address: Tucson, Ariz. (Western Union) ; thence messenger. Railroad station: Tucson. Ariz., on Southern Pacific Ry. ; school in city limits. Mission school (Presbyterian). Post office: Escuela, Ariz. Telegraph address: Tucson, Ariz (Western Union) ; thence telephone or messenger. Railroad station : Tucson, Ariz., on Southern Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team, 3 miles. Indian Oasis, Arts. Headquarters of farmer and physician. Post office: Indian Oasis. Ariz. Telegraph address: Same as agency: thence messenger, 59 miles. Railroad station: Tucson, Aria., on Southern Pacific Ry. ; thence agency or hired team. 63 miles. SEGER AGENCY AND SCHOOL, OKLAHOMA. Post office: Colony, Okla. Telegraph address: Weatherford. Okla. (Western Union); thence tele phone. Railroad station: Weatherford, Okla.. on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. (Choctaw. Oklahoma & Gulf Division) ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 14 miles. SENECA AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, OKLAHOMA. Post office: Wyandotte. Okla. Telegraph address: Seneca, Mo. (Western Union), 9 miles from school; thence telephone. Railroad station: Wyandotte. Okla., on St. Louis & San Francisco Ry. ; school 1 mile from station. St. ifcrr?/ s mission school. Post office: Baxter Springs, Kans. (R. F. D. No. 2). Telegraph address: Baxter, Kans. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Baxter. Kans., on St. Louis & San Francisco Ry. and Missouri, Oklahoma & Gulf Ry., 7 miles. Or Quapaw, Okla., on St. Louis 6 San Francisco Ry., 3 miles; no regular conveyance. Or Lincolnville, Okla., on Missouri. Oklahoma & Gulf Ry., 2 miles. SHAWNEE AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, OKLAHOMA. Post office: Shawnee. Okla. Telegraph address: Shawnee, Okla (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Shawnee, Okla.. on Chicago. Rock Island & Pacific Ry., Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe Ry., and Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry. Trains of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. stop at Thackery on signal, station being in the rear of the school grounds. Trains on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. and the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry. met upon request by Government team; distance, 2 miles. Sacred Heart mission school. Post office: Sacred Heart, Okla. Telegraph address: Asher, Okla. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station, Konawa, Okla., on Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry; thence 7 miles. Or Asher, Okla., on Chicago, Rock Is and & Pacific Ry. ; thence 9 miles-. SHERMAN INSTITUTE, CALIFORNIA. Post office: Riverside, Cal. Telegraph address: Riverside, Cal. (Postal and Western Union); thence telephone. Railroad station: Riverside, Cal., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry., Southern Pacific Ry.. and San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Ry. ; electric cars direct to school on Magnolia Avenue, 6 miles. 34 ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. SHIVWITS AGENCY AND SCHOOL, UTAH. Post office: Santa Clara, Utah. Telegraph address: Modena, Utah (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Modena. Utah, on San Pedro, Los Ange es & Salt Lake Ry. ; thence stage or hired team, 60 miles. (Ship freight to Modena, Utah.) SHOSHONE AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, WYOMING. Post office: Fort Washakie, Wyo. Telegraph address: Fort Washakie, Wyo. (Western Union) ; :U miles from school ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Lander, Wyo., on Chicago & North Western Ry. ; thence daily stage, 18 miles. Arapahoe day school. Post office: Arapahoe, Wyo. Telegraph address: Arapahoe, Wyo. (Western Union). Railroad station : Arapahoe, Wyo., on Chicago & North Western Ry. Arapahoe subissue station. Post office: Arapahoe, Wyo. Telegraph address: Arapahoe, Wyo. (Western Union). Railroad station: Arapahoe, Wyo., on Chicago & North Western Ry. Farmer s station. Post office : Crow Heart, Wyo. Telegraph address: Lander, Wyo. (Western Union); thence Government telephone line to school. Railroad station : Lander, Wyo., on Chicago & North Western Ry. : thence daily stage to Fort Washakie. Wyo., 16 miles; thence stage, leaving Mon days, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 40 miles. Episcopal mission scJwol. Post office: Wind River, Wyo. Telegraph address: Lander, Wyo. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Same as Shoshone school; thence hired team, 2 miles. St. Stephens mission school. Post office : St. Stephens, Wyo. Telegraph address: St. Stephens, Wyo., via Arapahoe, Wyo. Railroad station : Arapahoe, Wyo., on Chicago & North Western Ry. ; thence hired team. 5 miles. SILETZ AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, OREGON. Post office : Siletz, Oreg. Telegraph address: Toledo, Oreg. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Toledo, Oreg., on Corvallis & Eastern Ry. ; thenre stage, 10 miles. Upper Farm day school. Same as Siletz school. Grande Ronde Subagency. Railroad station : Willamina, Oreg., on Sheridan & Willamina Ry. ; thence stage, 10 miles. SISSETON AGENCY AND SCHOOL, SOUTH DAKOTA. Post office: Sisseton, S. Dak. (R. F. D. No. 4.) Telegraph address: Sisseton, S. Dak. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Peever, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; thence hired team, 5 miles. Or Sisseton, S. Dak. ; thence hired team, 10 miles. Agency boarding school. Post office : Sisseton, S. Dak. ( R. F. D. No. 4. ) Telegraph address: Same as agency; thence telephone. Railroad station : Peever, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; thence hired team, 6 miles. Or Sisseton, S. Dak.; thence hired team, 8 miles. SOBOBA AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, CALIFORNIA. Post office: San Jacinto, Cal. Telegraph address: San Jacinto. Cal. (Western Union) : thence telephone. Railroad station : San Jacinto. Cal.. on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence Government team (if notified by telephone), or hired team, 4 miles. ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 35 SOBOBA AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, CALIFORNIA Continued. fnhuilla day school. Post office : Cahuilla, Cal. Telegraph address: Hemet, Cal. (Western Union). ?>7 miles from school; thence telephone to Aguanga, Cal., 14 miles; thence special messenger. Kailroad station: Hemet, Cal., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team 37 miles up mountainous roads. Or, Temecula. Gal., on same road; thence stage to Aguanga ; thence hired team to school, 11 miles. Me*a Grande Reservation. Post office : Mesa Grande, Cal. Telegraph address: San Diego, Cal. (Postal and Western Fnion). 55 miles from Mesa Grande; thence telephone. Railroad station: Foster, Cal., on San Diego & Southeastern Ry. (via San Diego) ; thence stage, daily except Sundays. 30 miles. Volcan day school. Post office : Santa Ysabel, Cal. Telegraph address: San Diego, Cal. (Postal and Western Union), 55 miles from school ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Foster. Cal.. on S;in Diego & Southeastern Ry. ; thence stage to Santa Ysabel, 30 miles; thence hired team, 4 miles. Inaja and Cosmit Reservations. Post office : Julian, Cal. Telegraph address: San Diego, Cal. (Postal and Western Union) ; thence telephone to Julian; thence private messenger, 15 miles. Railroad station: Foster, Cal., on San Diego & Southeastern Ry. (via San Diego); thence auto stage, daily except Sundays, to Julian, 60 miles; thence hired team. 15 miles. Los Coyotes Reservation. Post office : Warner Springs, Cal. Telegraph address:. San Diego, Cal. (Postal and Western Union) ; thence telephone to Warner Springs: thence private messenger over mountain grades, 6 miles. Railroad station: Foster, Cal., on San Diego & Southeastern Ry. (via San Diego) ; thence auto stage, daily except Sundays, to Warner Springs, 60 miles: thence hired team, 6 miles. Santa Rosa Reservation. Post office: Keen Camp, Cal. Telegraph address: Hemet, Cal. (Western Union), 40 miles; thence tele phone to Keen Camp; thence special messenger, 18 miles. Railroad station : Hemet, Cal., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team, 40 miles, over heavy mountain grade. Santa Yncz Reservation. Post office : Santa Ynez, Cal. Telegraph address: Gaviota, Cal. (Western Union); thence telephone to Santa Ynez. Railroad station: Gaviota, Cal., on Southern Pacific Ry. ; thence auto stage or hired team, 18 miles. SOUTHERN TJTE AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, COLORADO. Post office : Ignacio, Colo. Telegraph address: Ignacio. Colo. (Western Union) : thence telephone. Railroad station : Ignacio. Colo., on Denver & Rio Grande Ry. ; thence daily stage. If miles. Allen day school. Post office: Bayfield, Colo. Telegraph address: Ignacio, Colo. (Western Union) ; via agency. Railroad station: Ignacio, Colo., on Denver & Rio Grande Ry. : thence stage daily to agency, If miles; thence Government team, 6 miles. SPOKANE AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, WASHINGTON. Post office: Wellpinit, Wash. Telegraph address: Reardan, Wash. (Western Union). Railroad station : Reardan, Wash., on Washington Central branch of Northern Pacific Ry. : thence private conveyance or livery 22 miles. Or, Spriiigdale, Wash., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence livery. 22 miles. 36 ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. SPOKANE AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, WASHINGTON Continued. Day school No. 1, Three Mountain district. Post office : Miles, Wash. Telegraph address: Davenport, Wash. (Western Union); thence telephone to school via Miles. Railroad station : Davenport, Wash., on Washington Centr;il branch of Northern Pacific Ry. ; thence stage to Miles, 24 miles; thence stage to school, 8 miles; daily except Sundays. Day school No. 2, Lott s district. Post office: Wellpinit, Wash. Telegraph address: Reardan, Wash. (Western Union); thence telephone to school. Railroad station : Springdale, Wash., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence hired team, 21 miles. Or, Reardan, Wash., on Northern Pacific Ry ; thence hired team, 21 miles. Day school No. 8, Walker s Prairie district. Post office: Ford. Wash. Telegraph address: Reardan, Wash. (Western Union); thence telephone via W T ellpinit, Railroad station : Springdale, Wash., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence hired team, 12 miles. SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL, SOUTH DAKOTA. Post office: Springfield, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Springfield, S. Dak. (Western Union); thence tele phone. Railroad station: Springfield, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; thence bus, 2 miles. STANDING ROCK AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, NORTH DAKOTA. Post office : Fort Yates, N. Dak. Telegraph address: Cannon Ball, N. Dak. (Western Union); thence telephone. Railroad station : McLaughlin, S. Dak., on Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; thence hired team or stage, 25 miles. Or, Cannon Ball, N. Dak., on Northern Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team, 25 miles. Agency boarding school. Same as agency. Grand River substation and day school. Post office: Little Eagle, S. Dak. Telegraph address: McLaughlin, S. Dak. (Western Union); thence tele phone. Railroad station : McLaughlin, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Ry. ; thence hired team, 12 miles. Martin Kenel Agricultural School. Post office: Fort Yates, N. Dak. Telegraph address: Via agency; thence telephone. Railroad station : McLaughlin, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Ry. ; thence hired team, 16 miles. School 16 miles south of agency. No. 1 day school. Post office : Fort Rice, N. Dak. Telegraph address: Cannon Ball, N. Dak. (Western Union). Railroad station : Cannon Ball, N. Dak., on Northern Pacific Ry. ; thence 7 miles. School 18 miles north of agency. Bullhead substation and day school. Post office : Bullhead, S. Dak. Telegraph address : Via agency ; thence telephone. Railroad station : McLaughlin, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Ry. ; thence hired team. 15 miles. Cannon Ball substation and day school. Post office: Fort Rice, N. Dak. Telegraph address: Cannon Ball, N. Dak. (Western Union); thence tele phone. Railroad station : Cannon Ball, N. Dak., on Northern Pacific Ry., \ mile. Little Oak Creek day school. Post office: Little Eagle, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Via agency and Grand River substation; thence messenger, 7 miles. ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 37 STANDING ROCK AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, NORTH DAKOTA Continued. Porcupine substation and day school. Post office: Shields, N. Dak. Telegraph address: Shields, N. Dak. (Western Union). Railroad station: Shields, N. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Ry., 1 mile from substation. Oak Creek substation. Post office: Wakpala, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Wakpala, S. Dak. (Western Union). Railroad station : Wakpala, S. Dak., on Chicago, Wilwaukee & Puget Sound Ry. ; i mile from substation. St. Elizabeth s mission school. Post office: Wakpala, S. Dak. Telegraph address: Wakpala, S. Dak. (Western Union). Railroad station : Wakpala, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Ry. ; thence hired team, 3 miles. TAHOLAH AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, WASHINGTON. Post office : Taholah, Wash. Telegraph address: Moclips, Wash. (Western Union); thence Government telephone. Railroad station: Moclips, Wash., on Northern Pacific Ry. ; thence stage^ daily except Sundays, or hired team, 9 miles. Taholah day school. Same as agency. Queets River day school. Same as agency ; thence trail along beach, 15 miles. Quinaielt Reservation. Same as agency. TOHAH SCHOOL, WISCONSIN. Post office: Tomah, Wis. Telegraph address: Tomah, Wis. (Western Union); thence telephone. Railroad station : Tomah, Wis., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; thence hired team, 1 mile. TONGUE RIVER AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, MONTANA. Post office: Lame Deer, Mont. Telegraph address: Lame Deer, via Forsyth, Mont. (Western Union); thence telephone. Railroad station: Crow Agency, Mont., on Burlington & Missouri River Ry. ; thence stage, Mondays and Thursdays, or hired team, 55 miles. Or Forsyth, Mont., on Northern Pacific Ry. ; thence daily auto stage, 64 miles. (Latter most convenient route.) Tongue River boarding school. Post office: Busby, Mont. Telegraph address: Crow Agency, Mont. (Western Union); thence tele phone. Railroad station : Crow Agency, Mont, on Burlington & Missouri River Ry. ; thence stage, Tuesdays and Fridays, or hired team, 32 miles. Or Forsyth, Mont., on Northern Pacific Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, to agency, 65 miles; thence hired team, 18 miles. (Former most convenient route.) Birney day school. Post office: Birney, Mont. Telegraph address: Crow Agency, Mont. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Sheridan, Wyo., on Burlington & Missouri River Ry. ; thence stage, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, to Birney, Mont., 6O miles ; thence private team to school, 5 miles. Or same as agency ; thence hired team, 22 miles. Lame Deer day school. Same as agency. St. Labre s mission school. Post office: Ashland, Mont. Telegraph address: Same as agency. 38 ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. TONGUE RIVER AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, MONTANA Continued. St. Labre s mission school Continued. Railroad station : Miles City, Mont., on Northern Pacific Ry. ; thence stage, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, to Brandenberg, Mont., 50 miles; thence stage, Saturdays only, 30 miles. Or Forsyth, Mont., on Northern Pacific Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, to Lee, 45 miles ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 20 miles. TRUXTON CANYON AGENCY AND SCHOOL, ARIZONA. Post ofiice: Valentine, Ariz. Telegraph address: Hackberry, Ariz. (Western Union), 5 miles from school ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Valentine, Ariz., on Atchison, Topeka & Sant Fe Ry. ; school 200 yards from station. TULALIP AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, WASHINGTON. Post ofiice: Tulalip, Wash. Telegraph address: Marysville, Wash. (Western Union), 8 miles from school; thence telephone. Railroad station: Everett, Wash., on Great Northern Ry. (coast line). 35 miles north of Seattle; thence to Tulalip by daily mail boat, leaving city dock 10.30 a. m. ; 8 miles. Everett reached from Seattle by steamboat, railway train, and electric interurban railway. Lummi reservation and day school. Post oflice: Marietta, Wash. Telegraph address: Bellingham, Wash. (Postal and Western Union); thence telephone. Railroad station: Bellingham, Wash., on Great Northern Ry. (coast line) ; thence hired team, 7 miles. Or auto stage to Marietta. Day school 1 miles from Marietta. Bellingham also reached by boat or train from Seattle and Everett. Swinomish reservation and day school. Post oflice: La Conner, Wash. Telegraph address: La Conner, Wash. (Postal and Western Union), J- mile from school ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Mount Vernon, Wash., on Great Northern Ry. (coast line), 69 miles north of Seattle and 28 miles south of Bellingham, Wash. : thence auto stage to La Conner, Wash., 10 miles; thence rowboat, i mile. Or by daily steamer from Seattle, Wash.; steamboat landing, La Conner ; thence rowboat. Port Madison Reservation. Post office: Suquamish, Wash. Telegraph address: Seattle, Wash. (Postal and Western Union), IS miles from reservation; thence daily steamer. Railroad station: Seattle. Wash.; thence daily steamer to Suquamish, Wash., on reservation, 18 miles. TULE RIVER AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, CALIFORNIA. Post office: Portersville. Cal. Telegraph address: Springville, Cal. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Portersville, Cal., on Southern Pacific Ry. ; thence Gov ernment or hired team, 17 miles. Auberry day school. Post office: Anberry. Cal. Telegraph address: Auberry, Cal. (Western Union). 3 miles from school. Railroad station : Indian Mission, Cal., on San Jonquin & Eastern Ry.. \ mile from school. TURTLE MOUNTAIN AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, NORTH DAKOTA. Post office : Belcourt, N. Dak. Telegraph address: Rolla. N. Dak. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Rolla, N. Dak., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence hired team, 7 miles. Day school No. 1. Post office : Belcourt. N. Dak., R. F. D. No. 1. Telegraph address: Rolla, N. Dak. (Western Union) ; thence telephone via agency. ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 39 TURTLE MOUNTAIN AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, NORTH DAKOTA Continued. Day school No. 1 Continued. Railroad station : Holla, N. Dak., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence hired team. 4 miles. Day school No. 2. Post office: Belcourt. N. Dak. Telegraph address: Rolla, N. Dak. (Western Union) ; thence telephone via agency. Railroad station: Rolla, N. Dak., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence hired team. 7 miles. Day school No. 3. Post office : Belcourt, N. Dak. Telegraph address: Rolla, N. Dak. (Western Union) ; thence telephone via agency. Railroad station : Rolla, N. Dak., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence hired team, 15 miles. Day school No. 4- Post office : Belcourt, N. Dak. Telegraph address: Rolla, N. Dak. (Western Union) ; thence telephone via agency. Railroad station: Rolla, N. Dak., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence hired team. 10 miles. Day school No. 5. Post office: Dunseith, N. Dak. Telegraph address: Dunseith, N. Dak. (Western Union) ; thence messenger. Railroad station : Dunseith, N. Dak., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence hired team, 2 miles. TUSKAHOMA FEMALE ACADEMY, OKLAHOMA. Post office: Tuskahoma, Okla. Telegraph address: Tuskahoma, Okla. (Western Union) ; thence telephone or messenger. Railroad station : Tuskahoma, Okla., on St. Louis & San Francisco Ry. ; thence team, 4 miles. TTINTAH AND OURAY AGENCY AND SCHOOL, UTAH. Post office : Fort Duchesne, Utah. Telegraph address: Fort Duchesne, Utah (Western Union, connecting at Mack, Colo., with Uintah Ry. telegraph office). Railroad station: Watson, Utah, terminal Uintah Ry. (Uintah Ry. con nects with Denver & Rio Grande Ry, at Mack, Colo., 18 miles west of Grand Junction, Colo.) ; thence daily stage to Fort Duchesne, Utah, 64 miles. Or, Colton. Utah, on Rio Grande Western Ry. ; thence daily stage to Fort Duchesne, Utah, 92 miles. Uintah hoarding school. Post office: Whiterocks, Utah. Telegraph address: Same as agency; thence telephone to school. Railroad station : Same as agency ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 14 miles. Ouray subagency. Post office: Ouray, Utah. Telegraph address: Same as agency; thence telephone, 18 miles. Railroad station: Watson, Utah; terminal Uintah Ry. (Uintah Ry. con nects with Denver & Rio Grande Ry. at Mack. Colo., 18 miles west of Grand Junction, Colo.) ; thence daily stage (en route to Fort Duchesne, Utah), 41 miles. UMATILLA AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, OREGON. Post office: Pendleton, Oreg. Telegraph address: Pendleton. Oreg. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Pendleton, Oreg., on Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. s Ry., and Northern Pacific Ry. : thence 5* miles. St. Andrew s mission school. Post office : Pendleton, Oreg. Telegraph address: Pendleton, Oreg. (Western Union); thence telephone. Railroad station: Same as Umatilla School; distance. 10 miles. 40 BOUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. TJTE MOUNTAIN AGENCY AND SCHOOL, COLORADO. Post office : Towaoc, Colo. Telegraph address: Cortez, Colo. (Postal); thence telephone. Railroad station : Dolores, Colo., on Rio Grande Southern Ry. ; thence daily stage to Cortez, Colo., 15 miles; thence private team, or stage Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, 19 miles. VERMILLION LAKE SCHOOL, MINNESOTA. Post office: Tower, Minn. Telegraph address: Tower, Minn. (Postal and Western Union, connecting at Duluth, Minn., with Duluth & Iron Range Ry. telegraph office), 3 miles from school ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Tower. Minn., on Duluth & Iron Range Ry. School 3 miles from Tower on opposite side of Vermillion Lake; reached by boat from May to November; during other months teams cross lake on ice. WAHPETON SCHOOL, NORTH DAKOTA. Post office: Wahpeton, N. Dak. Telegraph address: Wahpeton, N. Dak. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Wahpeton, N. Dak., on Great Northern. Northern Pacific, and Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rys. School 1 mile from station. WALKER RIVER AGENCY AND DAY SCHOOL, NEVADA. Post office: Schurz, Nev. Telegraph address: Schurz, Nev. (Western Union). Railroad station: Schurz, Nev., on Southern Pacific Lines between H.-izen, Nev., and Mojave, Cal. Connections via Las Vegas, Nev., on Salt Lake Route at Goldfield, Nev., and Minn, Nev. School i mile from Schurz. WARM SPRINGS AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, OREGON. Post office: Warmspring, Oreg. Telegraph address: Mecca, Oreg. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Mecca, Oreg., on Oregon Trunk Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 3 miles. (Oregon Trunk Ry. connects with Spokane, Portland & Seattle Ry. at Fallbridge, Wash., and with Oregon-Washing ton Ry. & Navigation Co. at Metolius, Oreg.) Notify superintendent in advance of time of arrival. Simnasho day school. Post office: Simnasho, Oreg. Telegraph address: Mecca, Oreg. (Western Union), 23 miles from school; thence telephone. Railroad station: Mecca. Oreg., on Oregon Trunk Ry. ; hired team to Simnasho; distance from agency to Simnnsho, 20 miles. WESTERN NAVAJO AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, ARIZONA. Post office: Tuba, Ariz. Telegraph address: Flagstaff, Ariz. (Postal and Western Union); thence mail. Railroad station: Flagstaff, Ariz., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team to Tuba (cost about $30) ; 90 miles. Government house halfway for night stop-over. (Correspond with superintendent.) Marsh Pass hoarding school. Post office: Kayenta, Ariz. Telegraph address: Flagstaff, Ariz. (Postal and Western Union); thence mail to Tuba, Ariz. ; thence special messenger. Railroad station: Flagstaff, Ariz.; on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thence hired team to Tuba ; thence school team ; distance 160 miles. Moencopi day school. Same as agency. WESTERN SHOSHONE AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, NEVADA. Post office : Owyhee, Nev. Telegraph address: Elko, Nev. (Western Union), 120 miles from school; thence telephone (3 days if sent by mail). ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. 41 WESTERN SHOSHONE AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, NEVADA Continued. Railroad station: Elko, Nev., on Southern Pacific Ry. ; thence daily stage to Tuscarora, Nev., 55 miles; thence stage, daily except Sundays, to Whiterock, Nev., 40 miles; thence private or agency team (when notified) to school, 25 miles. Or Mountain Home, Idaho, on Oregon Short Line; thence stage, daily except Sundays, to Bnmeau, Nev., 22i miles; thence stage to Grassmore. Nev., Mondays and Fridays, 41 miles; thence stage to Riddle, Idaho. Tuesdays and Saturdays. 22 miles; thence private or agency team (when notified) to school, 20 miles. Day schools Nos. 1, 2, and 3. Same as agency. WHEELOCK FEMALE ORPHAN ACADEMY, OKLAHOMA. Post office: Millerton, Okla. Telegraph address: Millerton, Okla. (Western Union). Railroad station: Millerton, Okla., on St. Louis & San Francisco Ry. ; thence team, li miles. WHITE EARTH AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, MINNESOTA. Post office: White Earth. Minn. Telegraph address: Detroit. Minn. (Postal and Western Union, connecting at Minneapolis. Minn., with Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry. telegraph otlice) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Ogema. Minn., on Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry. : thence stage. 4 miles. Or Detroit, Minn., on Northern Pacific Ry. ; thence hired team, 22 miles. Elboic Lake day school. Post office : White Earth. Minn. Telegraph address: Same as agency: thence messenger. Railroad station: Same as agency; thence hired team, 25 miles. Pine Point day school. Post office: Ponsford, Minn. Telegraph address: Park Rapids, Minn. (Western Union); thence tele phone. Railroad station: Park Rapids. Minn., on Great Northern Ry. ; thence daily stage or hired team. 22 miles. Round Lake dan school. Post office: White Earth, Minn. Telegraph address: Same ns agency; thence messenger, 30 miles. Railroad station: Callaway, Minn., on Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry. ; thence hired team, 22 miles. St. Benedict s mission schooL Same as agency. Twin Lake day school. Same as agency. White Earth day school . Same as agency. White Earth boarding school. Same as agency. WINNEBAGO AGENCY AND SCHOOL, NEBRASKA. Post office : Winnebago. Nebr. Telegraph address: Winnebago, Nebr. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Winnebago, Nebr., on Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry. : thence Government team, 1^ miles. WITTENBERG SCHOOL, WISCONSIN. Post office: Wittenberg, Wis. Telegraph address: Wittenberg, Wis. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Wittenberg, Wis., on Chicago & North Western Ry. (Ash land Division), via Chicago and Milwaukee on south and from St. Paul and Minneapolis on west; Ashland on north. School about } mile from station. 42 ROUTES TO INDIAN AGENCIES AND SCHOOLS. YAKIMA AGENCY AND SCHOOL, WASHINGTON. Post office: Fort Simcoe. Wash. Telegraph address: Wapato, Wash. (Western Union), 26 miles from school; thence telephone. Railroad station: North Yakima, Wash., on Northern Pacific Ry. ; thence stage, daily except Sundays, 33 miles. YANKTON AGENCY AND SCHOOL, SOUTH DAKOTA. Post office : Wagner, S. Dak., R. R. No. 3. Telegraph address: Wagner, S. Dak. (Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station : Wagner, S. Dak., on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; thence private conveyance, 16 miles. ZTJNI AGENCY AND SCHOOLS, NEW MEXICO. Post office: Blackrock, N. Mex. Telegraph address: Blackrock, via Gallup, N. Mex. (Postal and Western Union) ; thence telephone. Railroad station: Gallup, N. Mex., on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. ; thnce hired team, 45 miles. Zuni day school. Post office : Zuni, N. Mex. Telegraph address : Same as agency. Railroad station : Same as agency. o II II 1 AG GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. BERKELEY