Smithsonian Contributions to linorokbgc. C O L E O P T E R A KANSAS AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. JOHN L. LE COME, M. D, WASHINGTON CITY: PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. DEC EM BEK, 1859. NEW YORK: D. APPLKTON & CO. EXCHANGE BiOLoGY LIBRARY G SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE. THE KANSAS AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. JOHN L. LE CONTE, M. D [ACCEPTED FOB PUBLICATION, OCTOHEK, 1859.] f QLS84- BIOLOGY LIBRARY G COMMISSION TO WHICH THIS MEMOIR HAS BEEN REFERRED. C. ZlMMKRMANN, F. E. MELSUEIMER. JOSEPH HENRY, Secretary S. I. COLLINS, I" K I N T K 1! , PHILADELPHIA. 1 N T II J) U C T 1 N . THE present memoir is intended to give a catalogue of the Coleoptera thus far known to inhabit the middle eastern portion of the great central region of tem perate North America. The boundaries of the province here treated of are as follows: north by the Missouri river, east by the meridian of the mouth of the Kansas or Platte river, south by about latitude 34, and west by the main mass of the Rocky mountains. It thus includes Kansas, a portion of Nebraska, and the eastern part of New Mexico. The eastern limit of this province is well defined ; the other boundaries are indefinite, since it there fades imperceptibly into other provinces of the same great zoological district. Before proceeding to consider the special material used in the preparation of this memoir, it will be proper to give a short sketch of the general results thus far obtained regarding the geographical distribution of Coleopterous insects in the territory of our republic. The whole region of the United States is divided by meridional, or nearly meri dional lines into three, or perhaps four, great zoological districts, distinguished each by numerous peculiar genera and species, which, with but few exceptions, do not extend into the contiguous districts. The eastern one of these extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the arid prairies on the west of Iowa, Missouri, and Arkansas, thus embracing (for convenience merely) a narrow strip near the sea-coast of Texas. This narrow strip, however, belongs more properly to the eastern province of the tropical zoological district of Mexico. The central district extends from the western limit of the eastern district, per haps to the mass of the Sierra Nevada of California, including Kansas, Nebraska, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas. Except Arizona, the entomological fauna of the portion of this district west of the Rocky mountains, and in fact that of the mountain region proper, is entirely unknown ; and it is very probable that the region does in reality constitute two districts bounded by the Rocky mountains, and southern continuation thereof. The western district is the maritime slope of the continent to the Pacific, and thus includes California, Oregon, and Washington territories. These great districts are divided into a number of provinces, of unequal size, and which are limited by changes in climate, and therefore sometimes distinctly, some times vaguely defined. The Atlantic district may be divided into: 1, a northern province, including Maine, Eastern Canada, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, etc., and extending west- 299243 iv INTRODUCTION. wardly from Lake Superior to Lake Winnipeg and Western Canada, which fades insensibly into the great Arctic district; 2, a middle province, limited westwardly by the Appalachian chain, and extending to Southern Virginia; 3, a western pro vince, including Minnesota and the States of the valley of the Mississippi, as far as the State of that name; 4, a southern province, including the States south of Virginia and Kentucky; 5, a subtropical province, including the point of the penin sula of Florida; 6, a subtropical province, including the sea-coast of Texas. The Central district, as far as known, may be thus divided : 1, a northern pro vince, comprising the regions north of the Missouri, the plains of the Saskatchewan, etc. ; 2, a middle eastern province, divided into two subprovinces, including : a, Kansas, and Nebraska ; &, northeastern New Mexico ; 3, a southeastern province, including Texas, with the exception of province six of the Atlantic district ; 4, a southwestern province, including the upper part of the valley of the Gila ; and 5, a south-southwestern province, including the lower Gila and Colorado. The unex plored portions of this district will indicate middle western, and northwestern provinces, or perhaps the necessity of constituting with them and the southwestern province a district to be called the Interior district. The Pacific district may be divided as follows : 1, a hyperborean province, con sisting of Sitka and the neighborhood ; 2, a northern province, including Eastern Oregon and AVashington Territories ; 3, a middle province, including California, probably as far south as Santa Barbara; 4, a southern province, including Cali fornia from Santa Barbara to San Diego, extending to the crest of the Sierra. Southern, or lower California is also, perhaps only in part, a province of this dis trict; 1 but, as yet, no collections of magnitude have been received therefrom. Other provinces will, from the peculiar method of distribution of species in that portion of America, be defined when more full collections are made, but at present cannot be indicated. At the north, the Atlantic and Central districts seem to merge imperceptibly together, about the valley of the Athabasca, and Winnepeg rivers, and finally to disappear in the limited Arctic fauna ; the hyperborean province of the Pacific district also fades into this Arctic fauna, without, however, losing itself so perfectly in the northern provinces of the other districts. We have thus evidence that the American Arctic district may be divided into two provinces, an eastern and a western. At the south, the Atlantic district merges through Florida into the Caribbean tropical province, and through maritime Texas into the Mexican lower eastern province. In the same direction the Central district merges into the Mexican upper or central province, and the Interior district, towards the Gulf of California, into the Mexican western province. Regarding the southern affiliations of the Pacific district we know absolutely nothing ; scarcely a single species found at San Diego has been found in Mexico. 1 A few species, collected by John Xantiis, Esq., nt Cape San Lucas, though all new, indicate a greater resemblance to the fauna of the lower Colorado, than to that of maritime California; this pro vince may therefore be found eventually to belong to the interior district. INTRODUCTION. v The method of distribution of species in the Atlantic and Pacific districts, as already observed by me in various memoirs, is entirely different. In the Atlantic district, a large number of sjfecies are distributed over a large extent of country ; many species are of rare occurrence, and in passing over a distance of several hundred miles, but small variation will be found in the species obtained. In the Pacific district, a small number of species are confined to a small region of country; most species occur in considerable numbers, and in travelling even one hundred miles, it is found that the most abundant species are replaced by others, in many instances very similar to them; these small centres of distribution can be limited only after careful collections have been made at a great number of localities, and it is to be hoped that this very interesting and important subject of investigation may soon receive proper attention from the lovers of science on our Pacific shores. In the Central district, consisting, as it does to a very large extent, of deserts, the distribution seems to be of a moderate number of species over a large extent of country, with a considerable admixture of local species ; such at least seems to be the result of observations in Kansas, Upper Texas, and Arizona. For the purpose of enabling these investigations to be carried on in future with less labor, I have caused the catalogues of the present memoir to be printed sepa rately; the small size of the catalogue of species from Eastern New Mexico, will call attention to the necessity of procuring more material from that region; while the asterisks affixed to the species which have occurred in both sub-provinces, will give the results thus far obtained in geographical distribution.* For many years in the early history of entomology in the United States, the Coleoptera of Kansas were as well known, and even more fully described than those found in the Atlantic States. They form, indeed, the subject of one of the earliest and most extensive of the valuable contributions to entomology made by Say. Having, in the year 1845, made a journey along the Platte river to Fort Lara- mie, thence near the base of the mountains to the Arkansas, returning by that river and the Santa F6 road, I was enabled to follow nearly in the footsteps of Say, and had the singular good fortune to recover nearly all the species described by him, and of which the types had been destroyed to such an extent that scarcely an authentic specimen remained. Of the species described by him, and not obtained by me from this region, I have introduced those which remain unknown to me, marking them thus (fide Say) ; the others I have excluded, as I possess them from Missouri, the locality in most * The student will also consult in reference to the Coleopterous fauna of the Central and Pacific- districts : I. My report on the insects collected along parallel 47, in Pacific R. R. Explorations and Surveys, vol. xi., which includes a list of the species found on the Pacific Slope, north of San Francisco; an appendix to the same in Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, October, 1859. 2. Catalogue of Coleoptera of the region adjacent to the boundary line between the United States and Mexico ; Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, second series, vol. iv., No. 1. 3. Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Fort Tejon, California ; Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, February, 1859. vi INTRODUCTION. instances given by Say, and have no evidence that they are found within the region herein considered. The results of my own labors have been measurably increased by the following collections, which I owe to the kindness of friends, and to the Smithsonian Insti tution : 1 . Collections brought by Lieut. Beckwith s expedition ; among which were two new species ; Cleonus angularis, and Ccelocnemis punctatus Lee. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., VII, 225). The genus Ccelocnemis was not previously known east of California, where it is represented by several species; suspecting that it was collected inside of the Great Basin, I have excluded it from the catalogues here given. 2. A large number of specimens collected in Eastern Kansas, by Mr. M. Burke, and presented to me through Dr. John Torrey. 3. A very large collection made at Fort Riley, Kansas, by Dr. W. A. Hammond, U. S. A., and John Xantus, Esq. 4. Collections from the mouth of the Yellowstone river, and from the Loup Fork of the Platte, made by Dr. F. V. Ilayden, and received from the Smithsonian Institution. 5. A collection made by Dr. Wm. A. Hammond, on the route from Fort Riley to Bridger s pass. 6. Similar collections made by Dr. John G. Cooper, received from the Smith sonian Institution. The materials received from Eastern New Mexico are much more scanty, and are as follows : 1. Four or five hundred specimens collected near Santa Fe, by Mr. Fendler, and procured for me by the kind offices of Dr. Engelmann. 2. Specimens collected by Dr. "VVislizenus, on a journey from Santa Fe to Chi huahua ; though few in number, these specimens were very interesting in character, and I have availed myself of the present opportunity to figure some of them, though they are possibly not found within this province of the Central district, but belong rather to the southwestern province. 3. A small, but very interesting collection made in the vicinity of Santa Fe, by the late R. C. Kern, and given me by Prof. S. S. Haldeman. These materials were used in preparing articles for the reports of the expeditions of Capt. E. G. Beckwith, and Capt. J. Pope, TJ. S. A., in Pacific R. R. series, but were excluded from want of room, and are now incorporated together, with the addition of several new species since obtained from various sources. The six provinces of the Atlantic district are marked on the map by red tints ; the two provinces and two subprovinccs of the Central district proper by green ; the two southern provinces of the supposed Interior district by brown ; and the four provinces thus far ascertained of the Pacific district by blue tints. COLEOPTEBA OF KANSAS AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. AMBLYCHILA SAY. A. Cjliiulriibrinis SAY, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. IV, 409. The specimen figured (Tab. II, fig. 1), was found by Capt. Pope on the Llano Estacado; it is very large (1 28 inches long), and in form is altogether similar to the specimen figured by me in the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, vol. vii. p. 32. The punctures of the elytra are however much stronger, being in fact hardly smaller than those which are scattered in irregular series. The costie of the elytra are more elevated, and the internal one extends fully to the posterior declivity. The legs are thicker, and the posterior tibiae are entirely straight. Two other specimens were collected by Dr. Wm. A. Hammond, U. S. A., on the Platte river, about 100 miles above Fort Kearny. They agree in sculpture with the specimen from the Llano Estacado ; one of them, which I consider as a male, has rather narrower elytra than the other, and has also the thorax more rounded on the sides : otherwise there is no difference between them. A larger series of speci mens will indicate the nature of the strongly-marked differences of sculpture. As confirming the correctness of the view expressed by Lacordaire regarding the identity of A. cylindriformis with the Californian A. Plccolominii, I may add, that having sent to Baron Chaudoir a figure and description of the labrum of the speci men found at Fort Union by Major Siblcy, I was informed by that distinguished entomologist that he can find no appreciable difference between the figure and the labrum of the Californian specimen now in his cabinet. The figure given by M. Reiche is therefore incorrect, as already surmised. MICRIXYS LEC. ITI. distinctlis, rubens, flavo-pilosus, capite thoracequc grosse punctatis, hoc transverse obovato, postice valde, angustato, lateribns valde rotundatis, elytris dorso sulnlcpressis, striis valde cribratis, macula transversa lateral! ad medium ornatis, apice summo, pedibus are antennisqne piceis, his articulo Imo rufo. Long. -3. Tab. II, fig. 2. Micrixys distinctus LEG. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 220. Panagacus distinclus HALD. Stansbury s Expedition to Great Salt Lake, 3T3. Eugnathus || dialinctus LEG. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 375. New Mexico : one specimen found by the late Richard Kern, Esq. This genus, unfortunately established under a preoccupied name, differs remarkably from Panagacus by the head not being constricted into a neck posteriorly, and by the mandibles being thick, dilated, obtuse, and deflexed at the apex. 1 COLEOPTERA OF KANSAS CYMINDIS LATH. C. cribrata, nigro-picea, setis brunneis pilosella, capite thoraceque cribratim punctatis, hoc tenuiter marginato convexo, latitudine longiore, postice modice angustato et lateribus parum sinuato, angulis posticis obtusissimis, elytris cyaneo-micantibus, striis foveatim punctatis, inter- stitiis uniscriatim punctatis, antennis palpis pedibusque ferrugiueis. Long. -36. Nebraska : one specimen collected by Mr. Burke. Resembles in character C. pilosa, but the thorax is longer, and less rounded on the sides anteriorly: the punctures of the striaa of the elytra are less closely placed, and those of the inter stices almost form single rows. C. neglecta Hald. is smaller, and has the head almost smooth. ANISODACTYLTJS DF..T. A. chaleeilS, oblongus, clongatus, supra asneus, tliorace latitndine vix breviore, punctulato, parce punctato, lateribus postice vix sinuatis, angulis posticis rectis, basi utrinque punctato, profundius impresso, elytris striatis, interstitiis planis alternatira parce punctatis ; subtus nigro-aeneus, anten nis basi rufis; tibiis anticis calcare extrorsum paulo dilatato. Long. 37. Santa Fe, Mr. Fendler. Allied to A. alternans Lcc. (Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. 5, 184), but differs in color, and in the less dense punctuation of the alternate spaces between the strise of the elytra. HARPALVS LATE. DI. impotens, piceo-niger, oblongus, thorace transverse, lateribus rotundatis, margine angusto reflexo, angulis posticis rotundatis, basi ntrinque vagc foveato, versus angulos subdepresso, elytris ad marginem subtiliter pubescentibus, striis 2nda, 5ta, 7maque parce punctatis, interstitiis fere planis, cpiplcuris, ano pedibusque piccis, antennis pedibusque rufo-piceis. Long. 38. LEC. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 2d ser. IV, 14. One specimen found at El Paso by Dr. Thos. II. "Webb. This species is narrower than Harpalus (SelenopJiorus) stigmosus, and iripennis, and is readily distinguished by the rounded angles of the thorax and by the elytral punctures being smaller than in the first mentioned species. H. obi i I IIS, oblongus, piceo-niger, nitidus, thorace latitudine sesqui breviore lateribus rotundatis, postice subangustato, angulis posticis obtusis, raargine piceo postice anguste subcxplanato, basi utrinque vage impresso punctulato et rugoso, elytris striis tenuibus, secunda nuipunctata ; subtus, antennis palpis pedibusque ferrugineis. Long. 5. One male, Santa Fe, Mr. Fendler. Resembles //. compar Lee. (pensylvanicus J Say; licolor J Dej.) in general appearance, but by the thorax being slightly nar rowed at base, with only a few small punctures around the basal impressions, it is abundantly distinct. Fully matured specimens will probably be found to have the under surface of the body dark colored. H. (allav, oblongus, piceo-niger, nitidus, thorace latitudine sesqui breviore lateribus rotundatis, ante medium subangustato, angulis posticis rectis subrotundatis, margine lateral! postice subex- planato, cum basi tota punctulato, ad basin utrinque late foveato, elytris striis bene impressis, 2nda unipunctata ; antennis, palpis, pedibusque ferrugineis. Long. - 42. Santa Fe: Messrs. Kern and Fendler. The elytra are slightly sinuate at tip, and those of the female are dull. This species is of the size of H. herlicagus Say, but the thorax is distinctly narrowed before the middle, and is much more punc- AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 3 tured at base. A very similar nondescript species from New Jersey was kindly given me by Mr. Guex ; it differs chiefly by the thorax being broader, with the sides less rounded and less narrowed anteriorly. I have named it //. viduus. IS. desertUS, oblongus, piceus nitidus, thoracc latitudine breviore, lateribus rotundatis vix ex- planatis, antice posticeque subangustato, angulis posticis subobtusis, subrotundatis, ad basin utrinque punctulato et foveato, elytris ad apicem obtuse rotundatis, striis bene impressis, 2nda unipunctata ; antennis palpis pedibusque ferrugineis. Long. -3. One immature female : Mr. Fendler. Quite different from any other species known to me, although having somewhat the form of //. megacephalus Lee. H. stupidus, oblongus subovalis, convexus, ater, thorace latitudine plus sesqui breviore, lateribus tenuiter marginatis antice rotuudatis, postice subrectis fere parallelis, angulis posticis rectis vix rotundatis, fovea basali utrinque baud profunda, basi tota punctulata, elytris (femiua? subopacis) striis impunctatis, interstitiis vix convexis, apice sinuatis, antenuis pedibusque obscure ferrugineis. Long. 46. One specimen from route to Fort Bridger : Mr. Drexler. More convex than H. erythropus, with the sides of the thorax not flattened, and the posterior angles less obtuse. From these differences in form, this species has somewhat the appearance of H. funestus Lee., which however has black feet, and is otherwise quite different. DICAELI7S BON. D. lacvipennis, oblongo-ovalis, violaceo-niger, thorace antrorsum valde angustato, lateribus rotundatis, elytris tenuiter punctato-striatis, carina humerali ante medium desinente. Long. -f. Tab. I, fig. 1. LEC. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York, IV, 421. Platte River Valley, near Chimney Rock. Very different from all other species yet known, by the striae of the elytra being indicated only by rows of punctures, which are less obvious towards the apex and sides. NOIHARETUS LEC. IV. cavicollis, seneo-purpureus, nitidus, thorace obovato, postice valde angustato, sulco dorsali profundo, antiee disperse punctato, postice latius concavo, profunde impresso et punctate, elytris striis utrinque 12 fortiter crenatis. Long. -45. One specimen, Fort Riley : Mr. John Xantus. Resembles N. fissicollis and N. bilobus (Cychrus kilobits Say), but differs from both by the anterior half of the thorax being covered with scattered punctures, and the posterior half being broadly concave ; as in those species the posterior angles are obtuse. CAf,OSOMA FABR. C. Ilixatlim, nigrum subnitidum, capite snbtilius punctato-rngoso, thorace capite sesqui latiore, latitudine fere triplo breviore, lateribus valde rotundatis, postice angustiore confertim punctato- rugoso, basi late rotundatim ernnrginato, utrinque vage impresso, elytris rotundnto-ovatis, thorace latioribus, striis tenuibus rugisque transversis imbricatim insculptis, versus apicem confuce rugosis. Long. -64 -68. Tab. I, fig. 2. SAT, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. of Phila. Ill, 149; (nee. Pej. Sp. Gen. II, 196). Callisthenes luxatus LEO. Annals of the Lyceum of Nat. Hist. V, 200. Carabus luxatus LEO. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. IV, 445. 4 COLE OPT ERA OF KANSAS Platte river : on one occasion seen running on the ground in large numbers. Wider and more robust than the other North American species. C. striatullllH, nigrum, capitc thoraceque nitidis leviter rngosis, hoc brevi, versus latera et basin rugoso et punctate, postice paulo angustato, ad basin late emarginato, elytris thorace latioribus, subrotundatis, dense striatis, interstitiis imbricatis, versus apicem tuberculis parvis confertis exas- peratis. Long. -65. Milk river : one specimen found by Dr. Suckley, U. S. A., attached to the North Pacific R. R. Expedition under Gov. J. J. Stevens; Utah, Mr. Drexler. This species closely resembles C. Zimmermanni Lee., which is properly an Oregon species, but differs in the head and thorax being much less punctured ; also in the thorax being less narrowed towards the base, and in the stria; of the elytra being more distinct. Body black ; head shining, finely but sparsely wrinkled and punctured, with the frontal impressions moderately deep. Thorax shining, about one-half wider than the head, twice as wide as its length, rounded on the sides anteriorly, obliquely but only moderately narrowed to the base, which is broadly emarginate, with prolonged basal angles ; the middle of the base is, however, truncate, and not concave as in C. hixatum ; the sides are narrowly margined, the dorsal line is dis tinct ; the sides are densely rugosely punctured, but the sculpture becomes indis tinct on the disc. The elytra are one-half wider than the thorax, about one-fourth longer than their width, covered with close set stria?, the outer ones of which are indistinct; the interstices are transversely rugose, the rugce being deeper at the sides and apex, so that the surface is there covered with small rounded tubercles. IL.YBHJS EK. I. Laramacus, clongatus ovalis, antice paulo obtusus, nigro-Eeneus, undique subtiliter dense reticulatus, fere opacus, elytris striola submarginali, maculaque majuscula anteapicali pallidis, ore pedibusque auterioribus picco-rufis, pedibus posticis uigro-piceis. Long. -37 41. Fort Laramie : narrower and less convex than our species found in the Atlantic States, with the sides of the thorax less rapidly converging in front : resembling more nearly in form the / ^-maculatus of Oregon; it is, however, less oval than that species, with the sides less rounded, and the anteapical spot larger. The specific differences in this genus are very unsatisfactory, and depend entirely upon slight modifications in form, which cannot be clearly expressed in a description. AGABVS LEACH. A. davatllS, elongato-ovalis, modice convexus, piceus nitidus, obsolete pimctulatus, capite, thoracis elytrorumque lateribus sensim rufo-piceis, pedibus antennisque ferrugiueis, his articulis exteruis dilatatis, 9-11 nigro-pieeis. Long. "34. Three males from Loup Fork of the Platte : Dr. Hayden. A most interesting addition to our fauna, being the analogue of A. serricornis of Europe. The 5th, 6th, and 7th joints of the antennte are gradually wider; the 8th, 9th, and 10th are subrectangular, wider than long, and as wide as the 7th; the llth is oval and pointed, narrower than the 10th. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 5 A. griscipcnilis, clongato-ovalis, parum convcxua, ameo-niger, supra dense (feminse fortitcr) reticulatus, elytris luteo-griseis base margineque pallidiorilms, antennis palpisque flavis, pedibus ferrugineis, femoribus nigro-maculatis; thorace cum elytris angulura baud formaute. Long. 36. Fort Laramio, one fomalc. Differs from the species of somewhat similar color inhabiting the United States by its more elongate form, gradually tapering both before and behind; the thorax continues accurately the outline of the elytra. The reticulations are very dense, and somewhat longitudinal, especially at the base of the elytra. The Californian A. lutosus Lee. approaches it very closely, and it may in fact prove to be the other sex of that species, of which I possess at present only males. The form is, however, somewhat narrower. A. oblitcratlis, ovalis, elongatus parum convexus, senco-niger, nitidus supra subtilissime, vix conspicue reticulatus, elytris luteo-piceis, marginibus pallidioribus, seriebus punctorum solitis valde distinctis, ad basin thorace paulo latioribus, antennis palpis tibiis tarsisque anterioribus ferrugineis. Long. - 32. Fort Laramie, three specimens. The sculpture of the female is hardly more conspicuous than that of the male. It is sufficiently distinguished from our other species by the characters above given. A. spilof us, ovalis, seneo-niger nitidus, parum convexus, vix subtilissime reticulatus, thorace cum elytris angulum baud fortnante, elytris seriebus solitis distinctis, lineola utrinque submarginali, guttaque subapicali pallidis, antennis palpisque rufis, tarsis anterioribus rufo-piceis. Long. - 35. Two females, Fort Laramie. Resembles A. obtusalus, but is less dilated, and differs very much by the reticulation being so minute as to be scarcely visible even with a high magnifier. The spots are not very obvious. ATVISOMERA BRULLE. A! cordatn, supra aeneo-picea, elongato-ovalis depressa, subtilissime reticnlata, thorace brevi, posticc angustato et lateribus sinnato, elytris thorace vix latioribus, postice non dilatutis; subtus nigra, ore antennis pcdibusqne rubro-piceis. Long. -45. Tab. II, fig. 3. LEC. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. YI, 220. Santa Fe; Mr. Fendler. Varies in having black feet; the sides of the thorax are strongly rounded in front, and subsinuate behind ; the base is as wide as the apex, the anterior dilatation being produced by the curvature of the sides ; the anterior angles are acute, the posterior ones rectangular. The elytra are very little wider than the thorax, regularly elongate elliptical, with the usual scries of punctures becoming irregular towards the tip. By comparing the figure here given with the South American A. bistriata Brulle (figured in Dejean s Icon. Col. Europe, V, tab. 23, fig. 5), it will be seen that they correspond very closely. The middle lobe of the mentum of our species is broad, short, and very obsoletely sinuate ; in the generic description given by Aube, the mentum of A. Imtriata is said to have the middle lobe slightly prominent in the middle. This character needs confirmation, as it is hardly possible that two species so closely related should differ in this particular. Though distinct in form, this genus is separated from Agabus by very trilling differences. COLEOPTERA OP KANSAS SILPHA LINN. S. bitllberosa, ovalis dcpressa, nigra opaca, dense punctata, thorace latitudine plus duplo breviore, lateribus anguste marginatis valde rotundatis late planatis, postice utrinque late oblique impresso, elytris fortiter marginatis, apice conjunctim rotundatis, costis tribus postice paulo abbreviatis, internis duabus parum distinctis, externa tuberculum posticum transeunte. Long. -5. One specimen found near Fort Bridger, Mr. Drexler ; belongs to the division of the genus having the 8th llth joints of the antennas about one-half wider than those which precede; the 8th to 10th are not much wider than long; the 2d is quite as long as the 3d. S. trillicatit, oblonga, atra subopaca, capite tboraceque dense aciculato-punctatis, hoc antrorsum valde angustato, ad basin trisinuato, postice utrinque versus latera oblique impresso, elytris lateribus fortius nmrgiiiatis, subtilius punctatis, ad dodrantem callo discoideo parum distincto utrinque notatis, ad apicem late truncatis; antennarum articulo 3io vix longiore. Long. 5 -Gt. Tab. I, fig. 3. SAY, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Ill, 193. LEC. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 278. Platte river, near the Forks. A very distinct species ; the specimen figured is a male : the abdomen of the female projects far beyond the elytra. CARPOPMILIJS LEACH. C. apicalis, oblongus, piceo-niger, minus snbtiliter punctatus et flavo-pubescens, thorace modice convexo, latitudine haud sesqui breviore, lateribus marginatis rotundatis, elytris thorace sesqui longioribus, rufis, circa scutellum et ad apicem extrorsum oblique infuscatis, pedibus antennisque testaceis. Long. -1. Platte river : found also in Georgia ; narrower and more convex than is usual in this genus. C. carfoonatlis, oblongus subdepressus, piceo-niger, parcius pubescens et punctatus, thorace lati tudine plus sesqui breviore angulis omnibus rotundatis, ad apicem vix emarginato, lateribus late rotundatis tenuiter marginatis, elytris alutaceis obsoletius punctulatis, thorace duplo longioribus, antennis basi piceis. Long. !. Found on the Platte river and at Lake Superior. 11 1 S M. E G II !> KmBY . HI. ruficornis, oblongus subconvexus, nigro-viridis, dense subtiliter punctatus, breviter cinereo- pubescens, thorace antrorsum angustato, lateribus rotundatis anguste marginatis, pone medium subfoveatis, angulis posticis subrectis, antennis tarsis tibiisque rufis, his anticis subtiliter serratis, posterioribus latioribus ultra medium et ad apicem ciliatis; unguibus simplicibus, prosterno postice anguste rotundato. Long. -11. Platte river, not rare. Differs by obvious characters from all European species thus far described, and were it not that the prosternum is rounded posteriorly, it would enter Erichson s division B, (Ins. Deutschl. 173.) M. saevus, oblongus subconvexus, niger, dense subtiliter punctatus, breviter cinereo-pubescens, thorace antrorsum angustato, lateribus rotundatis anguste marginatis, angulis posticis rotundatis, margine basali undulato, antennis basi piceis ; tibiis anticis 5-dentatis ad basin serratis, intermediis extrorsum emarginatis et posticis dense spinulosis; unguibus simplicibus, prosterno postice late rotundato. Long. -11. One specimen; Platte river; belongs to Erichson s division C, (loc. cit. 179.) AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 11ISTER LINN. II. instrntlis, quadrato-ovalis, niger nitidus, thorace ))istriato, latcribus dense flavo-ciliatis, elytris stria suturali utriuque abbreviata, tribus externis integris, marginali brevissiraa, rudiraentalique ad basin interna notatis, macula utrinque lunata maxima rubra ornatis ; tibiis anticis bidentatis, pos- ticis compressis biscriatim spinnlosis, femoribus posticis majoribus rubro-tinctis. Long. -24 32. Platte river : Intermediate between H. arcuatus Say, and H. biplagiaius Lee., having the elytral spot and compressed posterior tibite as in the latter, while by the very densely ciliatc margin of the thorax, the thick and sometimes reddish posterior thighs, and the more numerous spines of the posterior tibice it is evidently related to the former. The outer series of spines is composed of numerous spines placed irregularly in nearly a double row, while in //. biplagiatus, they are distant and regular ; the posterior tibios are slightly less compressed than in that species. H. nubilllS, rotuudato-ovalis, niger, nitidus, thorace bistriato, stria externa margin! approximate, ante medium abbreviata, elytris striis externis 4 integris, 5ta postica brevi, suturali ante medium antice abbreviata, epiplcuris striis duabus punctatis, striolaque brevi infcrna ; mesosterno fere truncate ; pygidio sat dense punctato, tibiis anticis sub-5-dentatis. Long. -25. One specimen : Platte river. This and the next are very distinct from any of our other species, in which the mcsosternum is not distinctly emarginate, and the elytral marginal strice wanting. H. poll ill II*, rotundato-ovalis, niger nitidus, thorace bistriato, stria externa margine approximata ante basin abbreviata, elytris striis externis 3 integris, 4ta ad medium postice abbreviata, 5ta obsoleta, suturali utrinque parum abbreviata, epipleuris 3-striatis; mesosterno fere truncate; pygidio parcius punctato, tibiis anticis sub-4-dentatis. Long. -20. Kansas and New Mexico. SAPRIi\US LEACH. S. s pure us, quadrato-rotundatus, asneo-niger, nitidus, capite punctulato, thorace lateribus dense punctatis, antice vix obsolete impresso, margine lateral! sublu;vi, elytris striis dorsalibus oequalibus ad medium abbreviatis, interna cum suturali Integra connexa, marginali brevi obliqua cum hume ral! fere juncta; punctatis postice subaciculatis, spatio scntellari quadrato, margineque lateral! Iambus, epipleuris bistriatis punctatis, tibiis antieis sub-G-dentatis. Long. 14. One specimen : Platte river. Belongs to my division 4 (Proceedings Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila. VI, 40), having the head not margined in front, the epipleune bistriate, the prosternum transversely convex, with an anterior fovea on each side, and the prosternal striae parallel, abbreviated in front. It is closely related to S. lugens, but is very considerably smaller, with the punctures of the elytra less aciculate, the thorax scarcely impressed, and with the punctures of the sides not extending to the lateral margin, which is only punctulate. S. pai Hliiplinctatus, rotundatus, nigro-aeneus nitidus, parce punctulatus, thorace latcribus et basi confertim punctato, antice haud impresso, elytris striis paulo pone medium abbreviatis, a?quali- bus, 4ta cum suturali integra conjuncta, marginali brevi, postice haud dense punctato, pedibns rufis, tibiis anticis denticulatis. Long. 13. One specimen: Platte river. Resembles S. conformis, and placldus, but differs, besides slighter characters above mentioned, by the punctures of the posterior 8 COLEOPTERA OP KANSAS portion of the elytra being smaller and less deep. Belongs to my group G, having the prosternum transversely convex, foveate each side in front, with the striae remote and divergent ; the head not margined in front, and the epipleursc bistriate. S. pratensis, rotundatus, nigro-ameus, vel nigro-cupreus, nitidus, thorace lateribus et basi con- fertim punctate, antice baud impresso, elytris striis ad medium abbreviatis requalibus, 4ta cum suturali conjuncta, marginal! brevi, dimidio postico dense punctatis, cxtrorsum fere aciculatis, punctis inter striam humeralem et 2ndam ad basin, extensis ; pygidio dense punctato, pedibus rufis, tibiis anticis denticulatis. Long. -13 20. Platte river, and Fort Riley, abundant. I was inclined to believe this to be /S. orbiculatus Marseul found in Texas, but the punctures extending to the base are not entirely outside of the dorsal stria), but occupy also the spaces as far as the 2d stria; these spaces are sometimes also slightly rugous. The prosternum is sub- carinate, margined with the stria) divergent; it therefore belongs to my division 7, (Proc. Acad. VI, 40.) PHILEURUS LATE. P. YalgUS. (Tab. II, fig. 4.) On comparing specimens from Georgia, Missouri, Texas, and New Mexico, forming P. castaneus Hald., with one from Brazil in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences, I can perceive no difference whatever. Burmeister has observed that the species extends its range from South America into Mexico, but adds that he has not seen specimens from the regions north of that country. Individuals occur of a dark brown color, but I suspect these to be immature : the usual color is a full black. POEYPHYELrA HARRIS. P. decemlineata, picea, dense luteo-squamosa, clypeo maris valde concave, antice latiore recte truncate (femina? lateribus parallelis apice sinuato), capitis lateribus albopilosis ; thoracis canali- culati vittis tribus, scutello medio, elytr orum sutura vittis utrinque tribus humeralique brevi cum externa confluente niveo-squamosis ; subtus niveo-squamosa, pectoribus longe luteo-villosis, pedibus ferrugineis parcius squamosis (tibiis anticis maris bidentatis, feminas tridentatis). Long. I d 1 4. Tab. I, fig. 6, (a, tib. ant. femina?.) LEG., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 218 ; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., 2d ser. Ill, 230. Melolontha lO-lineata SAY, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. III. Kansas, New Mexico, Texas, California, Oregon. The thorax has occasionally a round whitish spot near each side. THYCE LEG. T. squamicollis, ferrugineo-picea, capite thoraceque confertissime punctatis, pilis depressis squamiformibus pallidis obsitis, elytris nitidis punctatis et rugosis, brevissime parce pubescentibus, pygidio abdomineque squamulosis, pectore valde lanuginoso. Long. 1-03. Tab. II, fig. 5. LEC. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. Ill, 232. One female found at Albuquerque, by Dr. T. Charlton Henry, U. S. A. Eeddish brown above and beneath ; head densely punctured, front nearly straight anteriorly, with the margin broadly reflexed, covered with small pale yellowish scales. Thorax convex, narrowed in front, much rounded and subserrate on the sides, broadly but feebly channelled in the middle, vaguely impressed each side near the anterior angles AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 9 which are acute ; densely punctured, covered thinly with yellowish scales like those on the head ; scutel densely pubescent with a medial glabrous line. Elytra shining, not densely punctured, with ruga) as in most of the species of Phyllophaga; each puncture furnished with a pale short hair. Pygidium densely, abdomen sparsely covered with small pale scales. Pectus with dense long yellow hair. Anterior tibiae three-toothed; middle and posterior tibise with two sharp teeth near the middle. i. M ii \OSTI;E: \ A HOPE. fj. lanceolala, picea (mas oblonga, feraina crassa), supra squamulis lutescentibus dense tecta hand punctata, clypeo reflexo vix emarginato, thorace lateribus antice valde rotundatis, angulis posticis rectis, liuea dorsali subglabra, elytris vittis utrinque tribus indistinetis subglabris ; subtus dense sordide pubcscens, antennis pedibusque obscure ferrugineis. Long. -53 68. Tab. I, fig. 0(2). LEC. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. Ill, 23T. Melolonfha lanceolala SAY, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Ill, 242. Tostegoptera lanceolata BLANCH. Cat. Col. Mus. Paris, 149 ; BURM. Lamell. II, 2d, 35C. Ancylonycha lanceolata LACORDAIRE, Gen. Coleopt.. Ill, 285. Throughout Kansas, extending into Eastern New Mexico and Upper Texas. The male is winged, while the female is apterous. The genus Tosteyoptera, as very properly observed by Lacordaire (Gen. Col. Ill), does not differ from Lachnosterna by any essential characters. DIPIvOTAXIS KIRBY. D. obscura, oblonga nigro-picea, subnitida, capite hemihexagono, dense punctato, antice late emarginato, margine anguste reflexo, sutura frontali profunda, vertice late bifoveato, thorace brevi dense punctato, mcdio paulo latiore, lateribus rotundatis, angulis anticis subacutis, posticis subrectis, raarginc laterali reflexo, ad angnlos latiore irapresso, elytris punctatis, tricostatis, tibiis anticis tridentatis. Long. "45. One specimen from the Black Hills : Dr. Hammond. Kesembles somewhat D. brevicoUis Lee., but is more densely punctured, with the sides of the thorax more rounded, and more deeply impressed at the angles : the two foveae of the vertex, if a constant character, will serve easily to distinguish it. DIAZUS LEC. Corpus oblongum alatum, breviter pubescens; caput mediocre, clypeo marginato, hemihexagono, sutura frontali parum distincta ; labrum transversum late emarginatum ; palpi maxillares articulo ultimo elongato-ovali, acuto baud impresso ; mandibul vix prominulie obtusae ; mentum qiiadratum antice concavum ; antennae breves, 9-articuIata?, clava parva tripbylla. Tibia? anticaj unicalcarata?, 3-dentata; ; posteriores paulo incrassatae, obsolete bicoronatas, calcaribus parvis ; tarsi antici tibiis hand longiores, intermedii tibiis paulo longiores, postici til)iis breviores, crassiusculi ; articulis omnium 4 j)rimis ajqualibus, 5 to paulo longiore, unguiculis hand dcntatis. Thorax linea apiculi nulla, margine membraneo distincto. A genus belonging to the Diplotaxes, and having the characteristic form of abdo men of that tribe, viz., the 5th ventral segment united without suture to the propygidiurn, with the spiracle each side midway between the anterior and posterior margin. It differs, nevertheless, remarkably from the other genera by the nine- 2 10 COLEOPTERAOFKANSAS jointed antennas and simple ungues. The rough sculpture and short sparse pubes cence give the insect very much the appearance of an Ochodccus. D. rildis, ferrugineo-fuscus, oblongus, parum nitidus, pilis brevibus minus subtilibus, albidis minus dense vestitus, capite punctato, hemihexagono, clypeo antice latius emarginato, thorace convexo antrorsum angustato, lateribus valde rotundatis, dense punctato, elytris rugose punctatis, sutura costisque solitis tribus parum elevatis, pygidio confertim punctato. Long. -30. Two specimens from the black hills: Dr. W. A. Hammond. The punctures are large and not deep. The body beneath is more shining, and less densely punctured. OJVIORGUS EB. Ot SCIltellaris, apterus, niger, thorace cataphracto valde inaxmali, lateribus rotundatis, elytris seriatim minus distincte punctatis, transversim cselatis, interstitiis subquadratis, subrequaliter parum elevatis. Long. -6 - 65. Tab. I, fig. 4. LEO. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Til, 214. Trox scutellaris SAY, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Ill, 238. From Platte river to Santa Fe. Other nearly allied species found in Texas are described by me in the place above cited ; from all of them, however, it may be distinguished by the assemblage of characters here given. CAUfTHOW ILLIGER. C. praticola, subovatus, ater opacus, supra subtilius licet evidcnter granulatus, clypeo 6-dentato, dentibus duobus mediis obtusis, reliquis latis modice prominulis, thorace brevi convexo, lateribus valde rotundatis, elytris capite thoraceque vix longioribus, basi late emarginatis, lateribus et apice rotundatis, planiusculis versus scutellum paulo impressis, striis parum distinctis ; thorace subtns versus angulum anticum tuberculo minuto marginal! instructo, pro receptione pedum parum exca- vato, pygidio convexiuscnlo, parce subtiliter granulate. Long. -27 37. Kansas and New Mexico. Resembles C. nigricornis, but the form is less abbre viated, the lateral teeth of the clypeus are more prominent, the elytra are less sparsely granulate, and the pygidium is more finely granulate, not impressed or carinate towards the base. For the purpose of enabling the relations between the species of Cantlion inha biting the United States to be understood, as well as of providing names for several nondescript species, I add the following synoptic table : A. Prothorax pleuris linea transversa a coxis procedente obsoleta vel nulla. a. Prothorax pleuris margine versus angulum anticum tuberculo minuto subinterrnpto. * Clypeo rotundato, bidentato ; (species magna?). rotundatus supra granulatus, oculis latiusculis mgilans. rotnndatus, oculis angustissimis ; supra evidenter granulatus Isenis. obsolete granulatus clialcites. ** Clypeo 6-dentato; (species minores). Pygidio rude granulate, basi plus minus carinato ; clypei dentibus omnibus magnis ; oblongo-rotundatus, supra rude granulatus ebenus. rotundatns, supra subtilius granulatus depressipennis. clypei dentibus lateralibus minus prominulis ; breviter rotundatus, supra subtiliter, elytris pa reins granulatus nigricornis. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. \\ Pygidio vix granulato, baud carinato ; ovato-rotundatus, supra granulatus praticola. rotundatus, supra baud granulatus abrasus. b. Prothorax pleuris margine versus angulum anticum tuberculo nullo (pro receptione pedum parum concavis). * Clypeo G-dentato, dentibus externis parum prominnlis ; rotundatus, ater, granulis depressis parcis obsitus simplex. ** Clypeo 4-dentato, dentibus internis acutis; rotundatus, nitidus, nigro-cyaneus, puuctulatus cyanellus. B. Prothorax pleuris linea transversa a coxis procedente notatis, antice pro receptioue pedum subito declivibus ; (clypeus dentibus internis obtusis reliquis obsoletis). thorace punctato, elytris subopacis (cupreus, vel viridis) viridis. thorace fortius punctato, elytris nitidis puuctulatis perplexus. The species in the above synopsis, not before mentioned, are : C. depress! pennis. A black, or greenish black species found in Georgia, resem bling very closely C. ebenus, and only differing from that species by the body being less oblong, the thorax less suddenly rounded on the sides, and the granulations of the upper surface more minute. Long. -30 35. C. abrasus. A small rounded dull black species, from Georgia, with the eyes broader than usual, having no visible sculpture on the head and thorax, and very feebly granulate on the elytra, which are depressed in the scutellar region : the striae are very indistinct, the pygidium not granulate. Long. 24. C. cyanellus. A shining, very dark blue rounded species found in Texas, and given me by Mr. Ulke, having the clypeus oblique on the sides, and 4-dentate in front, the middle teeth being narrower than in the other species ; the thorax is very minutely punctulate, much rounded and almost angulated on the sides, with a fovea remote from the margin opposite the widest part; the elytra are feebly punctulate, obsoletely striate, impressed at the scutellar region. Pygidium dull, obsoletely punctulate. Margin of the prothorax beneath without the small tubercle usually seen near the anterior angle. Long. 37. Synonyms to be observed are : C. Icevis : Scarabceus Icevis Drury, Oliv. ; Scarabceus volvens Fabr. ; Ateuchus vohens Fabr. ; Scarabceus pilularius J De Geer. Coprobius obtusidens Ziegler, is a slight variety of this species. C. viridis : Copris viridis Beauv. ; Onthophagus viridicatus Say. Ateuchus obso- letus Say, is a copper-colored variety of this species, which is more frequently found on leaves than in any other situation. Chevrolat (Ann. Ent. Soc. France, 2d ser. X, 632) refers Beauvois species to OntJiophagus, but I do not see anything in the figure or description to warrant such a reference. Aieuchus probus Germ., Ins. Nov. 98, probably belongs to this genus, but I do not know any species that agrees with the description. ELIYOPHILA ESCH. . niiranda, nigra, senescens, subtiliter dense punctnlata, eapite guttis quinque politis, circulo positis, thorace guttis quatuor anticis (intermediis maioribus), altera utrinque pone medium, lincaquc dorsal! postica nitidis lasvigatis; elytris margine basique ten niter rubris, lineisque flavis decussatis ornatis. Long. 65. Tub. II, fig. 7 12 COLEOPTERA OF KANSAS LEC. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, 212. Plisenops mirandus LEC. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 83. One specimen found at Fort Union, by Major Sibley. This is the most elegant species of the genus, the name of which seems by no means appropriate, yet being older than that of Phcenops must be retained. < IIICYSOISO THltlS Escn. C. qiiadrilineata, fusco-asnea, punctata opaca, latiuscula, capite pubescente, thorace lineis quatuor elevatis nitidis, medio valdc canaliculate, elytris utrinque lineis elevatis nitidis, marginali sutu- ralique integris, hac antice latiore, intermediis duabus confluentibus et pone medium interrupts. Long. -48 60. LEC. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, 233. Santa Fe : Mr. Fendler. Broader and more robust than the other species found in the United States, and easily known by the sculpture of the thorax. The latter is twice as wide as its length, very deeply channelled in the middle, with a broad shining sparsely punctured entire vitta each side of the channel, and another each side which does not reach the apex ; the depressed portions are opaque and very densely punctured. The elytra are wider than the thorax, serrate at the sides and apex, with an entire elevated shining line near the suture, dilated anteriorly so as to reach the suture, and an entire slender elevated line parallel with the outer margin ; between these are two elevated lines which are confluent in two places, and interrupted behind the middle ; the base is very deeply foveate as usual : the depressed portions are all densely punctured, and without lustre. Body beneath coarsely punctured, prosternum flat, covered with long white hair, with a slightly elevated smooth medial line. C. cuprnsceiis, obscure cupreo-senea, longiuscnla, minus depressa, fronte viridiseneo, dense punctate pubescente, thorace irregulariter punctate, vage impresso et subcanaliculato, elytris confertim punctatis, utrinque biimpressis, lineis nitidis elevatis, suturali marginalique integris, discoidali interna bis interrupta, externa ad medium postice abbreviata. Long. -31. LEC. Traus. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, 234. One specimen : Mr. Fendler. Resembles some of our smaller species, but is more convex and more coppery. The posterior impression of the elytra is deeper and larger than the anterior one, and although slightly lobed is not sinuous; the elevated lines are nearly smooth. The anterior tibia) of the male are slightly bent, and armed with a tooth internally near the tip. PSIL.OPTERA SOLIER. 1". \Vooclhoilsei, ajnea, nitida, chalybeo-variegata, thorace confertim punctato, brevi, lateribus valde rotundatis, antrorsum angustato, angulis posticis rectis, elytris apice integris, seriatim crenatis, maculis irregularibus opacis transversis profunde impressis. Long. "72 -97. Tab. II, fig. 6. LEC. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, 195. Dicerca ? Woodhousei LEC. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 68. Var. major, Psiloptera valens LEC. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc., 1858, 66. Creek Boundary Expedition : Dr. S. W. Woodhouse ; Texas, Mr. Schott. Body coppery bronze, varied with bluish reflections, moderately stout and convex; head strongly punctured, with three faint confluent elevated lines on the front; AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 13 labrum green ; thorax cribrate punctate, more than twice as wide as broad as long, narrowed in front, very strongly rounded on the sides, narrowed a little towards the posterior angles, which are rectangular and sharp. Elytra with rows of large punctures, and with numerous deep impressed subconfluent spaces, which are opaque, densely punctured and finely pubescent; tip entire. Legs green bronzed, knees, tip of the tibia?, and tarsi steel blue. Tip of the abdomen very slightly truncate in the male, rounded in the female. CHAUMOGNATHUS HENTZ. C. basalts, elongatus niger, thorace fulvo nitido, subrotundato, marginato, disco plus minus nigro, elytris rugose punctatis, flavo-fulvis macula magna communi triangulari basali, tricnteque postico nigris, abdomine flavo, ssepe nigro annulato, articulo ultimo nigro. Long. -42. Abundant near Fort Bridger and in the Black Hills : Dr. Hammond, Mr. Drexler. Varies much in the size of the black spot of the thorax, which is sometimes emar- ginate, and sometimes even divided into four dots. The antennae of the male are as long as the body, of the female two-thirds as long. The thoraxan C. limbicollis and scutellaris is opaque, while in the present it is very smooth and shining. NflPTUS BOIELDIEU. I. ventricilllis, rufo-piceus, nitidus, pube sordida minus subtili dense vestitus, thorace globoso, grosse punctato, postice valde coarctato, tnberculis parum elevatis quatuor transversira positis, e pilis efformatis ; elytris ovalibus, ventricosis, seriatim punctatis, setis erectis sat dense hispidis. Long. -10. Santa Fe: Mr. Fendler. The elytra are twice as wide as the thorax, and about one-half longer than wide ; the punctures are tolerably large and distant, and become smaller on the declivous posterior portion. The second joint of the anten na? is as long as the third. TRYPOPITYS REDT. T. ptinctatlis, elongatus, fuscus sericeo-pubescens, thorace ad basin utrinque transversim csca- vato, et in medio breviter carinato, elytris striis e punctis digestis vix impressis. Long. -25. One specimen : Mr. Fendler. Precisely resembles in appearance T. sericeus, (Xyletinus sericeus Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. V, 171), but the thorax is less deeply excavated at base, and the striae instead of being deep and cribrate are hardly im pressed, and the interstices are flat. PACTOSTOMA LEG. P. anastomosis, piceus, pilis sordidis setiformibus parce vestitus, thorace punctato, subcanali- culato, latitudine breviore lateribus rotundatis marginatis, basi subtruncato, angulis posticis obtusis, elytris ovalibus postice subacutis et declivibus, parce punctatis, sutura, rnargine costisque tribus acute elevatis, quarum prima recta, secunda et marginal! (lexis cum prima confluentibus, tertia irregular! utrinque valde abbreviata. Long. -42 5. Tab. II, fig. 11. LEG. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. 2d Sen IV, 19. Microachatia anastomosis LEG. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 446. Asida anastomosis SAY, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. 3. Pelecyphorus anastomosis LEG. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. V, 129. anas/omosis LAC. Gen. Col. V, 159. 14 COLEOPTERA OF KANSAS Kansas and New Mexico, near the Rocky mountains. The first dorsal costa is nearly straight, and extends from the base to the apex; the second commences near the base, and being curved, unites with the first about one-third from the tip ; the third is irregular, running from the anterior third to the posterior fourth ; the marginal one is entire, and unites with the first near the tip. ASIDA LATK. A. opaca, oblonga atra, opaca, brevissime parce flavo-pubescens, capite thoraceque scabro-punc- tatis, illo antice transversim excavato, hoc antrorsum angustato, latitudine breviore, lateribus rotundatis late subdepressis postice subsinuatis, angulis omnibus acutis, posticis paulo productis, elytris parce subtiliter minus profunde punctatis vage inaequalibns, nonnunquam obsolete sulcatis, lateribus marginatis, humeris obtusis. Long. -5 68. Tab. I, fig. 9. SAY, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Ill, 254. Euschides opaca LEG. Annals of the Lyceum of Nat. Hist. V, 127. Kansas and New Mexico, near the mountains : specimens from the latter locality are smaller, and have the elytra much more uneven than those found near Platte river, but do not appear sufficiently distinct to be considered as another species. EIJSCHIDES LEC. E. COllvexa, nigra subnitida, capite punctato antice transversim sulcato, thorace latitudine sesqui breviore, subtiliter parce punctato, lateribus rotundatis, margine punctato anguste reflexo, angulis anticis acutis, posticis obtusis haud rotundatis, elytris transversim convexis, pone basin thorace paulo latioribus, ad apicem valde declivibus, subtiliter rugosis lineis tribus obsoletis utrinque notatis, humeris marginatis prominulis. Long. -85. Tab. I, fig. 10. Arkansas river, near the mountains. Nearly allied to Eu. obovata Lee. ; but with the thorax more convex and less broadly margined, and the elytra less obovate and more convex transversely. From Eu. convexicollis Lee. it differs by the larger and more strongly margined thorax. PELECYPHOR1JS SOMER. P. SOrdidllM, piceo-niger, capite modice transversim impresso, punctato, thorace latitudine fere sesqui breviore ante medium augustato, lateribus rotundatis subserratis deplanatis et subreflexis, confertim grosse insequaliter punctato, elytris oblongo-ovalibus, convexis postice subacutis, sutura margiue costisque utrinque duabus elevatis, lineis transversis sinuatis inter se irregulariter con- nexis ; prosterno postice late sulcato. Long. -75 -85. Tab. I, fig. 11(9). LEC. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 446. Arkansas river, near the mountains : also found in New Mexico, by Dr. "Webb, of the Mexican Boundary Commission. In the female, the elytra are twice as wide as the thorax, and more rounded on the sides than in the male. The speci mens are covered with a yellowish earthy substance which adheres closely. EUSATTUS LEC. E. reticillatlis, rotundatus convexus, ater opacus, thorace obsoletissime punctulato, lateribus marginatis paulo reflexis, angulis posticis valde productis, elytris foveis quadratis vagis impressis, obsolete sulcatis, tibiis anticis extrorsum serrulatis, versus apicem Itevibus. Long. -46 -53. Tab. I, fig. 7 (a, tibia antica). LEC. Ann. Lye. of Nat. Hist. V, 132. Zopliosis reticulata SAT, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. 11J, 250. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 15 Found near the Rocky mountains from Platte river to Santa Fe, and westward as far as Tucson. Larger than E. convexus Lee., and less convex; the sides of the thorax are not suddenly depressed behind the middle as in that species. EITIBAPHIOTV SAY. E. cont 11*11111, atrura opacum, thorace latitudinc fere duplo latiore, antice profunde emarginato, lateribus valde rotundatis, disco parce punctate, parum convexo, margine late explanato modice reflexo, angulis anticis subacutis, posticis latis obtusis valde rotundatis, ad basin medio recte trun cate, elytris dorso planis, postice valde dcclivibus et acute angustatis, thorace vix latioribus, fortiter reflexo-marginatis, seriatim subtilius sat dense muricato punctatis, ad apicem singulatim breviter acuminatis ( 9 ), vel in canda brevi prolongatis ( ). Long. -55 65. Tab. I, fig. 8. LEC. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc., Philad., 2d ser. IV, 40. Fort Laramie and Santa Fe. Though differing very much in form from the Helaeus like E. muricatum Say, the forms of the antennae, oral organs and legs re quire it to be associated with that species. The figure given saves the necessity of a long description, while the diagnosis above will enable the species to be readily recognized. Two specimens found by Dr. Webb, near the Mexican boundary, differ in having the sides of the thorax much more strongly reflexed, so that that part becomes much narrower than the elytra. This is, probably, merely a local variety, as simi lar differences occur among individuals of Cyclirus elcvatus, and in many other insects which have the margins of the body widely reflexed. BLAPSTINUS LATH. B. pratensi*, elongato-ovalis convexus, ater opacus, breviter subtiliter fusco-pubescens, capite thoraceque punctatissimis, hoc latitudine scsqui breviore, lateribus late rotundatis, ad npicem emar ginato, angulis anticis acutis ad basin sinuato, angulis posticis rectis, elytris striis fortius punc tatis, interstitiis paulo convexis, punctulatis. Long. 20 23. Platte River Valley, abundant. Differs from the Californian B. piibcscens Lee., by the finer pubescence, by the more widely rounded sides of the thorax, and by the more prominent anterior angles. B. vcstitus, elongato-ovalis, convexus, aineo-niger, pube albida minus subtili dense vestitus, capite thoraceque confcrtim punctatis, hoc latitudine vix breviore, antrorsum paulo angustato, lateribus late rotundatis, ad apicem emarginato, angulis anticis acutis, ad basin sinuato, angulis posticis rectis, elytris striis punctatis, interstitiis planis punctnlatis. Long. 20. Two specimens from Platte River Valley. Very closely allied to the preceding, but the coarse pubescence, and the flattened intervals of the elytra seem to be suffi cient characters for separating it. CENTROIVOPUS SOLIER. C. opacus, elongatus, niger opacus, capite postice punctate, fovea vertical! notato, antice concavo, cpistomate late rotundato et fortiter marginato, thorace quadrato, antice vix angustiore, lateribus parum rotundatis, angulis posticis acutis, parum convexo, parce punctate, elytris striis e punctis parvis constitutis. Long. - 57. One male; Black Hills, Dr. Hammond. Differs from the Mexican C. supprcssus, according to description, by being opaque, with finer elytral striae The sexual 16 COLEOPTERA OF KANSAS characters are nearly as in that species ; the anterior femora have on the anterior face near the base an oval patch of yellow hair ; the tibia) are dilated internally at the middle into an obtuse angle, then broadly emarginate to the tip, at the inner side of which is a dense short brush of yellow hair; the first three joints of the anterior and middle tarsi are dilated, and furnished beneath with a dense brush of yellow hair; the middle tibiae are thick internally at the apex and have also a brush of hair. XYSTROPUS SOUER. X. pinguid, ater opacus, subtilissime punctulatus, brevissime pubescens, thorace brevi, lateribus valde rotundatis, basi sinuate, angulis posticis baud prolongatis, elytris striatis, interstitiis paulo convexis. Long. -37. Santa Fe, Mr. Fendler : one specimen. Resembles X. brevis ( Cistela brevis Say), but differs in the antennae and feet being entirely black. The thorax is less deeply sinuate at the base, and the posterior angles are less acute, and not prolonged. C. vittatlis, niger, capite thoraccque opacis, vagc grossc punctatis, illo ad basin fere truncate, hoc subquadrato, subtiliter canaliculate, ad basin valde emarginato, elytris brevibus, inflatis obtusis, cribrato-punctatis, vitta angusta rubra abbreviata ornatis, abdomiue amplissimo Isevigato. Long. 5_-f. Tab. II, fig. 9. LEG. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 330. New Mexico, Dr. Wislizenus : found on the journey from Santa Fe to Chihuahua. C. wislizeni, cyanescens, nitidus, capite thoraceque grosse punctatis, illo postice rotundato, hoc pentagono, canaliculate, angulis lateralibus acutis, elytris splcndide cyaneis, sphericis, foveis pro- fundis confertis cancellatis. Long. -45 65. Tab. II, fig. 10. LEC. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist, of New York, V, 158 ; Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 330. Drs. Wislizenus and Webb, found in the same region with C. vitiatus. MORDELL.A FABR. M. illftiilntn, longiuscula, nigra, capite thoraceque cinereo haud dense pubescentibus, hoc latitu- dine breviore, lateribus late rotuudatis, elytris pube nigra indutis, sutura basique cinereo-margi- natis, vitta obliqua a humero ad quadrantem extensa, maculaque transversa pone medium dense cinereo-pubescentibus ; subtus maculis lateralibus cinereo-pubescentibus, antennis thorace longiori- bus basi, tibiis tarsisque anticis fusco-testaceis, stylo anali elongato. Long. "18 ~21. Two specimens, from Fort Riley; Mr. John Xantus. Approaches M. oculata Say, more nearly than any other species, but is readily distinguished by the mark ings as above described; the oblique vitta from the humerus does not reach the suture ; the scutellum is densely clothed with cinereous hair. MORDELLISTENA COSTA. ltt. ;rinnl:i. clongata, parallela, nigra, pilis pallide sericeis obsita, elytris evidenter punctulatis, pedibus posticis, tibiis carinulis numerosis brevibus obliquis, tarsorum articulo Imo tibia vix bre viore, 5-carinulato, 2d bicarinulato. Long. -18. One specimen : Platte river. Elongate, not attenuated behind, black, above and beneath with gray silvery hair; head and thorax very finely punctulate, the latter AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 17 scarcely wider than long, somewhat narrowed in front, slightly rounded on the sides, Insinuate at the base, with the middle lobe broadly rounded. Elytra more than three times as long as the thorax, parallel on the sides, obtusely rounded behind, distinctly punctulate. Anal style slender. Posterior tibise broad, with six or seven very short oblique ridges on the supero-external margin ; first joint of posterior tarsi not shorter than the tibia, with five similar oblique ridges ; second joint with two. Iff. di vi*a. fusco-nigra, supra dense lielvo-pubescens, elongata, postice subattcnuata, capite thoraee- que ante medium rufo-testaceis, clytris evidenter punctulatis ; pedibus posticis, tibiis carinulis 2 vel 3 minutis obliquis, tarsorum articulo lino tibia hand breviore carinulis 4, 2ndo duabus in- structo; autennarum basi pedibusque anterioribus rufo-testaceis, unguiculis simplicibus. Long. -11. Platte river: resembles M. marginalia (Mordclla marg. Say), but differs by the pubescence being coarser, more abundant, and of a yellowish brown color. The thorax is a little wider than long, not narrowed in front, broadly rounded on the sides, feebly bisinuate at base; the anterior half, with the head is reddish yellow, and the outline separating the yellow from the black is sinuate as in the species above mentioned. In thus introducing the present genus into the fauna of the United States, a few remarks regarding our numerous species of Mordellidcc will be appropriate. The genera which they represent are five in number, and may be thus separated : A. Scutellum quadratuin, transversum postice subemarginatum Tomoxia COSTA. B. Scutellum triangulare, apice rotundatum ; a. Palpi maxillares articulo ultimo valdc dilatato securiform! Glipa LEC. b.. Palpi maxillares articulo ultimo triangular!; Antennae articulis extcrnis valde transversis, velutinis Sphalera LEC. Antennre articulis extcrnis triangularibus, haud transversis ; Pedes postici simplices Mordella LINN. Tibias tarsique postici carinulis notati Mordellistena COSTA. To Tomoxia belong M. lldcnlata Say, and a nearly allied smaller species. To Glipa belongs only M. hilaris Say. The body is slender; the outer joints of the antenna; triangular; the maxillary palpi elongated, with the last joint in the form of an obtuse isosceles triangle, attached by its apex. The middle tibiae are longer than the tarsi ; the posterior tibiae only moderately dilated, longer than the first joint of the tarsi, and destitute of oblique ridges ; the anal style is short, trun cate and subemarginate. Sphalera is the genus indicated, but not named by Lacordaire (Gen. Col. V, GOO, note). The only native representative known to me is M. mclwna Germ. To Mordella belong Anaspis 4 -punctata Say; M. S-puncta(a Fabr. ; oculata Say; itisulata Lee.; serial Say; Anaspis trilobaS&y; M. marginata Mels. ; lineata Mels. ; scutdlaris Fabr. (atrata Mels.) ; undalata Mels., and four nondescript species. To Mordellistena belong all the other species described by Say, Melsheimer, and myself; natural groups among them may be easily formed by the number and position of the tibial ridges, and the arrangement of the colors of the upper surface. M. sericans and one nondescript are remarkable by the posterior tibia; having a fine carina extending along the upper edge, and only a single very long oblique ridge 3 18 COLEOPTERA OF KANSAS on the outer surface. These species do not indicate a generic separation, however, and represent the European M. testacea, the type of Stenalia Muls. OPHKYASTES Sen. O. vittatus, niger, albido-squamosus, rostro trisulcato, sulco medio profundissirao, lateralibus rectis profundis, mox ante oculos abbreviatis, thorace latitudine plus duplo brcvioro inscquali, parce profunde punctato, latcribus sub-bitubcrosis, canaliculate, sicpe fusco trivittato, elytris striis vix impressis, profunde punctatis, sutura cuprascente fusca, interstitiis 3io, 5to ct Tmo fusco vittatis. Long. -4148. Tab. I, fig. 13(^). (a. rostrum). SCHONHERR, Cure. 1,509; 5,819. LEG. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 443. Liparus vittatus SAY, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Ill, 316. Platte and Arkansas rivers ; found also at Eagle Pass, Texas. The elytra of the male are but little wider than the thorax ; those of the female are more rounded, slightly flattened on the back, and about one half wider than the thorax. The dark vittoe of the thorax and elytra appear to be produced partly by abrasion, as specimens occur in which they are hardly to be seen; but the suture as far as the first stria is covered with brown scales having a coppery reflection. CL.EONUS Sen. . llitlllcntiis, ater densissime sordide pubescens, vix varicgatus, capite cum rostro grosse disperse punctato, hoc longitudinaliter vage imprcsso, medio vix carinato, thorace varioloso antrorsum angustato, latcribus antice rotundatis, disco paulo obscuriore, elytris iiioequalibus, punctis magnis striatim positis. Long. -ST "43 (sine rostro). Santa Fe, Mr. Fendler. Smaller and stouter than C. tricittatus Say, with the thorax more densely variolate, and hardly perceptibly excavated or carinated; the elytra have three or four vague impressions, not seen in that species. C. plilvereiis, alatus, niger sordidus, rostro carinato, cum capite vage grosse punctato, fronte foveata, thorace latitudine liaud longiore, latcribus subparallelis, antice breviter tubulate, angulis anticis rotundatis, grosse punctato ad basin medio late foveato, lateribus dense albo-pubescentibus, elytris convexis, oblongis postice obtuse rotundatis, striis fortiter punctatis haud impressis, totis dense albo-pubescentibus, lineis tribus curvatis obliquis sub-denudatis utrinque notatis ; subtus albo-pubescens, obscuro variegatus. Long. -5. Arkansas river, one specimen. Of the same size and shape as C. vittatus Say, but very distinct by the thorax being not narrowed gradually in front, and not carinate, as well as by the different color. C. anglllnris, niger, rostro carinato, cum capite fortiter vage punctato, fronte late foveata, thorace quadrato, lateribus subsiuuatis, pone apicem valde constricto et ad apicem tubulato, angulis pone apiccm rectis extantibus, varioloso-punctato, ad basin medio profunde foveato, elytris oblongis convexis, cribrato-striatis, iuterstitiis cinereo-pubescentibus spatiis denudatis variegatis, alteruis cum sutura elevatis; subtus cinereo-pubescens, vix nebulosus. Long. 36 - 45. Tab. I, fig. 12. Two specimens: collected by Lieut. Beckwith. The first joint of the funiculus of the antennae is slightly elongated, the others are short; the species, therefore, belongs to the division (called genus by Schonherr) Pachycraerus. The projecting anterior angles of the thorax are very remarkable. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 19 DEROBRACHVS SERVILLE. D. CHiili:if u*, piceus, nitidus, thoracc valde transverse, antice non angustato, parce punctulato, latcribus quadrispinoso, spina antica minore, elytris fere liuvigatis, inarginc angustiore reflcxo. Long. 2-9. Tab. II, fig. 12 (femina). Mas minor (long. T5 2 25), an tennis longioribus crassioribus (fig. 12 a), pedibus anticis punctis elevatis exaspcratis. LEC. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 223. New Mexico and Texas. The only female yet obtained was collected at Albu querque, by Dr. T. C. Henry; several males were afterwards found by Messrs. Schott and Clark, of the Boundary Commission, at various places in Texas. PRIONirS GEOFFROY. P. cnrratiiK. piceus, thorace subtiliter parce punctulato, spina anteriore tenui valde acuta, media hamata, angulis posticis subrectis prominulis, elytris subtiliter parce punctulatis et rugosis, spina suturali distincta ; oculis magnis, antennis 12-articulatis. Long. 2 06. One female from near Santa Fe. Resembles nearly P. californicus Motsch. (crassicornis Lee.), but the anterior spine of the thorax is more slender, and the middle one is curved backwards ; the elytra are somewhat less punctured and rugose, but this is not a good character, as judging from a large series of P. cali fornicus, it seems subject to variation. P. fissicornis, nigro-piceus, nitidus, thorace subtiliter parce punctato, lateribus obtuse tridentato, elytris thorace latioribus parce sat grossc punctatis, obsolete costatis. Long. TO TG. Tab. I, fig. 14 (mas). Mas antennis crassissimis valde imbricatis 27 30-articulatis, articulis subtus valde incisis (a). Femina antennis tenuibus imbricatis, 25-articulatis, articulis subtus sinuatis (b). HALDEMAN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Ill, 125; LEC. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. II, 108. Platte river, New Mexico, and Texas, not rare. P. ciiiargiiintus, piceus, nitidus, thorace punctatissimo, flavo-piloso, antrorsum angustato, lateribus ante medium unispinoso, angulis posticis rectis, elytris grosse parcius punctatis ; antennis 14-articulatis. Long. -15. Tab. II, fig. 13 (mas). Mas antennis crassis valde imbricatis, articulis 3 1 3 ad apiccm subtus valde emarginatis. Femina latet. SAY, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Ill, 327 ; LEC. ibid. 2nd ser. II, 107. Kansas and New Mexico, near the Rocky Mountains. CRIOCEPHAL.US MULS. C. asperatllS, piceus tenuiter pubescens, thorace subtransverso, lateribus obtuse angulatis, dorso piano ad latera granulis parcis exasperate, utrinque profunde lunatim excavate, medio subcanali- culato, ad basin fovea mainscula impresso, elytris thorace parum latioribus, subtiliter rugosis, lineis utrinque duabus elevatis; oculis modice prominulis, genis subacutis ; antennis corporis dimidio vix longioribus, versus basin crassiusculis, articulis ultirais quatuor subito brevioribus. Long. -96. Kansas and New Mexico. Differs from C. ayrcstis by the more flattened thorax, with more numerous elevated granules, and distinctly angulated sides. The antennae are also heavier, and do not differ remarkably in length in the two sexes, 20 COLEOPTERAOFKANSAS and their joints from the eighth to the eleventh are each one-half shorter than the seventh. DRYOBIUS LEC. D. scxfasciatilS, supra niger nitidus, capitc thoraceque flavo-pubesceritibus, illo inter antennas glabro transvcrsim elevato, lioc fascia nigra ad medium ornato, latitudinc paulo breviorc, postice levitcr coarctato, punctate, callis tribus doralibus notato, ante medium transversim impresso ; elytris fasciis tribus apiceque late flavo-pubescentibus ; subtus flavo-fasciatus, antcnuis pedibusque rufis, illis articulis intends subtus longe finibriatis. Long. "65 I D. Tab. I, fig. 15 (femina). LEC. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. II, 23. Callidium sexfascialum SAY, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Ill, 415. Alabama (Prof. Haldeman) and Ohio (Dr. Kirtland) : Say found it on the Arkansas river. The antennte of the female are but little longer than the body, those of the male are one-half longer. The femora are compressed and gradually slightly clavate. ARHOPAL.IJS SERV. (emend. LEG.) A. rlianiN, nigcr subtilissime punctulatus, thorace latitudine scsqui breviore, flavo-pubesccnte, fasciis tribus angustis nigris, elytris ad apicem oblique intus truncatis, a basi ad quadrantem flavis, gutta utrinque parva ad medium, fascia lata pone medium apiceqvie flavis, antennis pedibusque uigris. Long. -85. Tab. I, fig. 1C (var.). LEC. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. I, 17 ; I roc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 68. Clytus cliarus SAY, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. I, 193. Missouri, Dr. Engelmann ; Creek Boundary, Dr. Woodhouse. Tlie segments of the body beneath are edged with yellow ; the humeri are marked with a black dpt; the apical yellow spot sometimes includes a black spot, as in the specimen figured. I have seen only females of this species. STEiVASPIS DOT. S. solitaria, atra supra glabra, subtus parce cinereo-pubescens, thorace latitudine fere duplo bre viore, parce punctato, ante basin callo lasvi alteroque utrinque versus latera modice elevatis, lateribus ipsis bituberculatis, elytris subtilissime strigosis, parce subtiliter puuctulatis, pedibus cyanescentibus. Long. 1 43. Tab. II, fig. 14 (femina). LEC. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 441. Cerambyx solitarius SAY, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. II, 410. Callicliroma solitarium HALD. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 32. Smileceras solitarium LEC. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. II, 9. New Mexico, Dr. "Wislizenus ; Kansas, Say; Texas, Messrs. Clark and Schott; Tucson, myself. The male has the antenna} longer than the body and slender. TYLOSIS LEO. T. maciiIatliM, niger, thorace elytrisque coccincis, illo latitudine fere duplo breviore, punctato, callis quinque Iambus nigris, elytris confertim punctatis, macula humerali, alterisque utriiique tribus nigris. Long. "75. Tab. II, fig. 15. LEC. Journ. Acad. Nat. Se. 2d ser. II, 9. New Mexico, Dr. "Wislizenus (probably found west of Santa Fe). The humeral spot of the elytra in one specimen is obsolete. The antennae of the male are much longer than the body. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 21 ACMAEOPS LEC. A. dorsaliSj elongata, nigra opaea, supra parce breviter cincreo-pubescens, capite thoraccque con- fcrtissimc punctatis, hoc latitudinc subbvcviore, convcxo auticc posticequc constricto, latcribus valde rotundatis, subcaualiculato, linca dorsali tenui la;vi, clytris thorace latioribus suparallclis, puncta tis, vitta subsuturali lutca postice scnsim attenuata, et pone medium abbreviata, apice rotundatis, subtus cinereo-pubescens, epiineris dense pubcscentibus. Long. 45. One specimen, from Republican Fork of Kansas river, kindly given me by Dr. T. B. Wilson. The antenna) are slender and reach two-thirds the length of the elytra ; behind the middle of the elytra and extending nearly to the apex is a very obsolete yellowish stripe, which in other specimens may be found to be well de veloped, in which case there would be on each elytron a subsutural vitta abbrevi ated behind, and an external one abbreviated in front. Resembles in appearance some of the varieties of A. marginalia Lee. (? Leptura loiujicornis Kirby), but the thorax is more robust and more rounded on the sides, the legs are entirely black, and the apex of the elytra more rounded. EEPTTJRA LINN li. cribl ipeillliM, atra breviter parce pilosa, capite dense, thorace grosse punctate, hoc convexo, lateribus late rotundatis, utrinquc constricto, elytris rubris subglabris, cribratim punctatis, ad apicem nigricantibns et intus oblique truncatis bidentatis, dente exteriore longiore; articulis antennarum 4, 5, G, 9 et lOnio basi pallidis, Cto et 8vo pallidis macula apicali parva nigra notatis. Long. -7. One specimen found by me on Platte river. Very nearly allied to L. cinnam- optera Kirby, but the elytra are much more coarsely punctured, and the lower half of the fourth joint of the antenna} is pale, while in the latter species there is merely a small pale spot at base. JI<m LE.fl % SAY. Iff. apprcssillll, nigrum, thorace lateribus non spinosis, antice posticeque parce punctatis, elytris ante medium parce puuctatis, dorso antice planis, lateribus subito valde declivibus. Long. -97. Tab. II, fig. 17. LEG. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. II, 1C8. New Mexico : one specimen : Dr. Wislizenus. Differs from the other species known to me by the flattened back and suddenly deflexed sides of the elytra. STEHTOSTOL.A MULS. S. satlirninn, plumbco-nigra, undique cincreo-pubcsccns, thorace latitudinc haud longiore, punc tate, lateribus subrotundato, pilis subtilibus erectis brcvibus parce vestito, versus basin densius pubescente, elytris punctis remotis postice subtilioribns, ad apicem singulatim rotundatis. Long. 5. One specimen from Kansas, kindly communicated to me by Mr. Burke. From its color it resembles at first sight Superda moesta and concolor, but the short con vex front and dentate ungues will at once remind the student of the generic differ ences. Of the usual smooth thoracic spots seen in the species of this genus, only two very faint ones remain ; they arc situated about the middle, equidistant from each other and from the side. 22 UOLEOPTERA OP KANSAS AMPHIONYCHA LEC. A. ardf ns, minus clongata cylindrica, atra, pube nigra erccta vcstita, capitc fronte vittisque dua- bus postice divergentibus loete flammeo-pubescentibus, thorace supra flammeo-pubescente, vitta dorsali atra, latitudine sesqui breviore, latcribus parum sinuatis, clytris tliorace paulo latioribus grosse punctatis, margine laterali ad humeros latiorc, et ad dodrantem extenso ornatis. Long. 35. Fort Riley: John Xantus, Esq. Broader than A. flammata, and readily dis tinguished by the thorax being one half broader than its length, with the lateral vittie much wider. Also allied to these two is a third species found in Northern New York, and in New Hampshire ; for specimens of it I am indebted to Mr. Henry Ulke, it may be thus characterized : A. Sllbarmata, minus elongata cylindrica, atra, pube nigra erecta vestita, capite flammeo-pubes cente, thorace latitudine vix breviore, lateribus sinuatis, medio tuberculo acuto promiuulo armatis, vitta angusta sublaterali flammeo-pubescente, elytris grosse punctatis juxta suturam late sulcatis, sutura magis elevata. Long. 26 - 28. ^EDILIS SERV. JE. spectafoilis, niger subtiliter dense cinereo fuscoque pubesccns, thorace fusco maculis albis con- flucutibus utrinque ornato, elytris basi fasciisque tribus undulatis obliquis fuscis (intermedia latiore) notatis, pedibus fusco -annulatis, antennis longissimis cinereis, articulis 1 5 subtus dense pubesceutibus, apice fuscis, 5to fasciculo apicali recurvato interiio ornato. Long. -91. Tab. II, fig. 16. LEC. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. of Philadelphia, VII, 82. Fort Union: one specimen: Major Sibley. The figure renders unnecessary any farther description of this beautiful species. IrElfIA FABK. In. trivirgata, elongatula, parallela, testacea nitida, antennis (articulo primo excepto) thoracis maculis duabus (capitisque lateribns, abdominisque maculis saepe), tibiarum apice tarsisque nigris; thorace latitudine longiore, medio valde coarctato, antice grossius parcc punctato ; elytris fortius puuctato-striatis, interstitiis postice haud elevatis, vitta suturali alteraque subrnarginali angustis nigris. Long. -31. Santa Fe : Mr. Fendler. Similar in appearance to L. trilineata, but known at once by the larger punctures of the thorax and elytra. The thorax is also more deeply constricted at the middle, and the outer vitta of the elytra is always nar rower, usually extending only from the 9th to the 10th stria; in one specimen this vitta is interrupted behind the humerus. In another the second and third joints of the abdomen are marked each with a medial transverse black spot, and the occi put and two posterior spots of the head are black. COSCmOPTERA LAC C. franciscana, oblonga, antice angustior, postiee vix attenuata, nigra, subtus densius, supra sat dense albido-tomentosa, thorace latitudine sesqui breviore, lateribus obliquis parura rotundatis, punctato, linea angusta dorsali kevi, elytris fere dense punctatis, labro flavo-marginato. Long. 18 -20 AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 23 Fort Riley: Mr. Xantus. Closely related to C. dominicana, but differs by the pubescence of the upper surface being much more dense, and by the elytra being more densely punctured. The sexual characters are as in that species. CRYPTOCEPHAL,IJS GEOFFR. C. mucoreilS; cylindricus, niger nitidus, subtus dense, supra subtiliter cinereo-pubescens, thorace convexo, subtiliter sat dense punctato, spatio parvo dorsali loevi, elytris basi margineqae ultra medium late coccineis, maculaque coccinea rotundata apicali utrinque ornatis, punctis magnis striatim digcstis, iuterstitiis parce subtiliter punctatis. Long. -25. Fort Riley, one specimen : Mr. John Xantus. It has also been received from Texas by Mr. Ulke. A very distinct species ; the elytral markings are a broad basal band curving along the margin to beyond the middle, and a small apical spot. Some of the varieties of O. notatus are similarly marked, and it is quite possible that the present species will be found also to vary in this respect. PARIA LEC. P. opacicollis, pallide flava, thorace latitudine fere duplo breviore, valde convexo, alutaceo sub- opaco, parce subtiliter punctulato, lateribus late rotundatis, elytris antice fortiter posticc subtilius striatim punctatis, nitidis, margine postice, sutura, maculisque 4 srcpe nigris. Long. -13. Fort Laramie : a very pretty species, readily distinguished by the faint sculpture of the thorax. The spots are placed, an oblong one at the middle of the base, and a larger quadrate one at the middle nearer the side than the suture. P. plllllila, saturate rufo-testacea, nitida, thorace convexo, quadrate, antice paulo angustato, lateribus parum rotundatis, parce punctato, elytris convexis, punctis paucis striatim positis ad basin majoribus, postice fere laavibus ; anteimis nigris, ad basin pedibusque flavis, pectorc nigro. Long. 10. One specimen sent me by the late A. Mclly, Esq., as coming from Kansas. The strife consist only of a few distant large punctures towards the base, which become rapidly smaller and indistinct behind. IIETERASPIS. II. Iieblllosa, cuprea, pube longa albida irregulariter vcstita, capite inter oculos profunde angu- latim impresso, fronte canaliculata, occipite bifoveato, thorace irrcgularitcr punctato, latitudine hand longiore, ad basin truncato, lateribus rotundatis, elytris thorace latioribus convexis, striis grosse punctatis haud iinpressis postice obsoletis, interstitiis alutaceis. Long. -15 19. Kansas, near Fort Laramie. The genus Ilcteraspis belongs in the vicinity of Eumolpus, and is distinguished from the other native genera by the following assemblage of characters : The mouth and eyes are not protected by the thorax, which beneath is simply truncate ; the head is marked with a deep impression between the eyes ; this impression is angulated each side, and continues around the inner posterior and inferior part of the eyes, forming a kind of orbit. The ungues are armed with a long acute tooth in // pubescens Mels. ; with a short acute tooth in II. cnrtlpennvi Mels., and in the next species, while in the one here described the tooth is almost obsolete. 24 COLEOPTERA OP KANSAS H. smaragdllla, viridi-senea, parce albo-pubescens, capite profundc angulatim impresso, fronte vix canaliculate, thorace latitudiiio baud longiore, lateribus rotundatis, ad basin late rotuiidato, punctato subrugoso versus apicem sublajvi, clytris longiusculis, convexis, thorace latioribus, striis Laud impressis antice punctatis postice obsoletis, iuterstitiis alutaceis parce punctulatis. Long. -20. One specimen found at Fort Laramie. JVIYOCHROUS. HI. sqiiamosiis, longiusculus, piceo-aeneus, dense griseo-squaraosiis, breviter pubescens, capite thoraccque confertissirae punctatis, hoc subrotundato, lateribus haud dentatis, elytris thorace non latioribus, punctis subquadratis striatim positis, postice obsoletis ; tibiis anticis intus subarmatis, femoribus posticis haud dentatis ; antennis versus basin rufis. Long. -18. Platte river, under dried buffalo excrement. Differs abundantly from M. denti- collis by the absence of serration on the sides of the thorax, as well as by the posterior femora being not armed with a tooth ; the scales of the upper surface of the body are broad. The genus Myoclirous consists of elongated pubescent Eumolpi, in which the thorax is slightly lobed behind the eyes; the latter are small and prominent; the antepectus is excavated for the reception of the head ; the claws of the tarsi are not perceptibly toothed. The anterior tibioe are armed with a more or less promi nent denticle on the inner surface near the middle ; the posterior femora are some times simple, and sometimes toothed. LATH. <E. lllgens, elongato-ovalis, atra opaca, thorace elytrisque anguste marginatis, illo disperse punc tato,, ad basin late rotundato, abdominis segmentis dorsalibus pallidis. Long. -21. Santa Fti, Mr. Fendler. Of the same shape, but smaller than CE. concinna (Ilaltica concinna Fabr.), and easily known by its dull opaque black color, and by the base of the thorax not being sinuate near the posterior angles. The elytra appear irnpunctured ; the pale color of the dorsal surface of the abdomen shows a little beneath at the margin and tip. CE. lolmla, pallida, thorace angulis anticis acutis, lateribus late reflexis, elytris nigro-piceis subti- liter punctatis, basi versus scutellum latius, margine lateral! trilobate, maculisque utrinquc duabus disci pallidis, sutura anguste pallescente; subtns fusco-testacea, pedibus pallidis. Long. -20. One specimen from Kansas river. Allied to CE. quercata, but larger, and with the elytra less broadly margined; the arrangement of the colors on the latter is also very different. HAI^TICA ILLIGKR. H. puncf igcra, oblongo-ovalis, pallide (lava, thorace latitudine duplo brcviore, punctnlato, late ribus rotundatis marginatis, dorso convexiusculo, punctis 4 nigris notato (externis sajpe doficien- tibus), elytris dense subtiliter punctatis, sutura, vitta discoidea apicem haud attingente, alteraque juxta marginem nigris, tibiarum apicibus, tarsis antennisque fuscis, his articulis tribus primis subtus flavis. Long. 30. Kansas, near the Rocky mountains. Belongs with a numerous series of species allied to //. alternata ; it is broader than that species, the thorax is more convex and more rounded on the sides; and the elytra are finely, but strongly and densely punctured. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 25 II. plliriligata, pallidc flava, clongata, tboracc latitudine sesqui breviore, fere obsolete punctu- lato, guttis nigris quatuor, lincolaque dorsali versus basin ornato, lateribus rotundatis marginatis, olytris subtiliter parce punctulatis, sutura, vitta discoidca apicem baud attingcnte, alteraque juxta inarginem nigris; tibiis ad apicem, tarsisque fuscis, antcnnis nigro-piecis, articulis tribus primis flavis supra iufuscatis. Long. 32. Kansas and Texas. Also allied to //. alternata, but narrower and with a less transverse thorax. Both this and the preceding, as well as the next species belong to Chevrolat s division (called genus by some authors) Discmycha. H. Ccrvicalis, ovalis, pallidc flava, capite, antennis, pedibus, elytrisque nigris, his punctulatis subalutaceis ; Ihoracc subtilius marginato, locvi. Long. "2. Kansas and Georgia. Very similar to //. collaris, but rather stouter than that species, and distinguished by the uniform pale-yellow color of the under surface. II. semicarllOliata, ovalis convexa, fusco-atra, elytris opacis subtiliter punctatis, thorace parce punctulato, flavo, ad basin versus angulos posticos rectos sinuato, clypeo, abdorainis segmcnto ultimo vcntrali, coxis femoribusque flavis ; antcnnarnm artieulis ] 3 subtus, tibiisque posticis ad basin flavis. Long. -24. Santa Fe : one specimen : Mr. Fendler. Belongs to the division named Disonycha by Chcvrolat, and resembles in appearance //. colhtris Fabr., but is broader, having the form of II. ccrcicuUs ; it is readily distinguished from both by the dull elytra and different arrangement of the colors beneath. II. ailllm ll*. clongata, convexa, cyanca nitida, tliorace vircsccnte, punctulato, ad basin late rotun- dato, ante basin profunde transversim sulcato, sulco versus angulos profundiore, elytris subtiliter punctulatis, carina submarginali distincta, posticc cnrvata ct versus suturam oblitcrata. Long. 22. Santa Fe: Mr. Fendler. Differs from //. suljrticutn- in the smaller si/.e, and by the more elevated submarginal costa of the elytra being curved behind. It nearly resembles a nondescript species from New Hampshire (//. alni Harris), but the thorax is more convex, and the elytra more deeply punctured, while the curved portion of the costa is less prolonged towards the suture; in both the elytra are broadly sulcate about the middle, just within the costa. H. Sllbplicata, clongata, obscure cyanca, parum nitida, thorace latitudine paulo breviore, subtiliter pnnctulato, lateribus rectis angulis omnibus distinctis, postice fortiter transversim sulcato, elytris parce punctulatis, plica submarginali minus clevata versus apicem sensim oblitcrata notatis. Long. -25. One specimen : found in Platte river valley. Belongs to a numerous group of the division Graptodera Cherv., having an elevated fold parallel with the outer margin of the elytra ; this fold in the other species is, however, much more elevated and curved posteriorly towards the suture. II. luinrf ipciilli*. clongata, Isete viridi-ronea, thorace antrorsum angustato, latitudiric sesqui breviore, lateribus late rotundatis, vix snbtilitcr punctulato, postice transversim tenuiter obsolete sulcato, elytris thorace paulo latioribus, distincte licet subtiliter punctatis, antcunis nigris. Long. -2. Kansas and Santa Fe. Specimens from New Mexico were collected by the late Richard C. Kern, Esq., and were given to me by Prof. S. S. Haldeman. This is a GraptoJcra of slender form, and is readily distinguished by the distinctly punctured elytra, and by the slight posterior impression of the thorax. 4 26 COLEOPTERA OF KANSAS II. oblHerala, elongata, clialybeo-atra subopaca, thoracc subtiliter punctulato, ad basin late rotundato, ante basin stria transversa subtili iraprcsso, elytris subtiliter fere obsolete punctulatis. Long. -27. One specimen, Mr. Fendler. Very distinct from other species of Graptodera known to me, by the fine transverse line of the thorax being obliterated towards the sides. H. toi qiintn. elongate, thorace punctulato ad basin late rotundato, ante basin profunde trans- versim sulcato, plus minusve cupreo, elytris chalybeis purpureo micantibus, confertim punctulatis, margine lateral! cnprco-ocncis ; subtus obscure tenea, pedibus purpureo-clialybeis. Long. -2. Santa F6, Messrs. Fendler and Kern. An elongate Graptodera distinguished by the color and the fine dense punctuation of the elytra, from all the species that resemble it. H. l)itcClli<ltl. elongata nigro-picea, supra pernitida, capite postice pallidiore, thorace fusco- testaceo, maculis tribus obscuris, parce punctulato, ante basin transversira leviter impresso, et in medio foveato, elytris punctulatis nigris, vitta lata dorsal! marginequc (mox ante apicem saspe con- nexis) pallidis ; antenuis pedibusque fusco-testaceis, feraoribus posticis obscuris. Long. -18 21. Santa Fe, Mr. Fendler. Larger than H. elongata Fabr. (tceniata Say), and with it, belongs to the division Systena Chevr. The marginal and dorsal vittas some times unite near the tip. I,O]\GITARSUS LATH. I>. liigripnllHS, elongata, alata, flavo-tcstacea, oculis palpisquc nigris, fronte carinata, vertice tubereulis duobus parum elevatis, linea imprcssa dcfmitis, thoracc latitudine brcviorc, lateribus rotuudatis, valde convcxo, alutaceo, ante basin transvcrsim sulcato, elytris thorace latioribus oblongis, subtiliter punctulatis pone basin late impressis ; tibiis posticis elongatis haud sulcatis, calcari parvo tenninatis. Long. -12. One specimen, Platte river. The first joint of the hind tarsi is somewhat less than half the length of the tibia ; the antennae are lost. Differs from the other species by the non-sulcate hind tibiae. L. Sllln llfllS, rufo- tcstaceus, nitidus, fronte carinata, thorace latitudine haud breviore, angulis rotundatis, convcxo, haud dense punctato, elytris thorace latioribus, ovalibus convexis, subtiliter punclatis, introrsum vix conspicue striatis ; tibiis posticis sulcatis, calcare brevi terminatis, antennis corpore vix brevioribus, extrorsum infuscatis. Long. 12. Fort Laramie. The upper edge of the hind tibire is finely serrate ; the tarsus is as long as the tibia. Jj. ruliirtiis, aptcrus, ovatus, picco-ferrugineus, nitidus, capite infuscato, fronte carinata, vertice transversira impresso, thorace transverso, basi et angulis rotundatis, convexo, alutaceo, subtiliter parcc punctulato, elytris ovalibus convexis, sat dense minus subtiliter punctatis, antennis testaceis, extrorsum vix infuscatis, corpore paulo brevioribus. Long. 11. Fort Laramie. The spur of the hind tibia is short ; the tarsus is as long as the tibia; the elytra are obtusely rounded at tip, and the pygidium is slightly prominent. CJLYPTINA LEC. }. spill"!?*, tcstacca, nitida, fronte elevata, vertice bitubcrculato utrinque oblique impresso, thorace transverso, basi rotundato, lateribus parallelis angulis anticis oblique truncatis, punctato, elytris oblongo-ovalibus thorace latioribus, fortiter punctato-striatia ; antennis extrorsum fuscis. Long. -OR. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 27 Fort Laramie. I have given the name Glyptina to a group of Ilalliciv interme diate between genuine Ilaltica and Longilarsus. The head is marked with a deep oblique line each side between the eyes, running forward to the frontal elevation : the antennae are half as long as the body, slightly thickened externally; the 2d and 3d joints equal in length : the thorax is quadrate, transverse, with the anterior angles obliquely truncate, the disc moderately convex, without impressed lines. The elytra oblong, wider than the thorax, with rows of punctures ; the hind tibitc deeply sulcate above, with the edge of the groove very finely serrate, the terminal spur small, the tarsi attached at the end of the tibiae, 1st joint equal to the others combined, and nearly half as long as the tibiae. Besides the two species here described, the Californian Ilaltica cerina Lee., Pacific R. R. Expl. and Surveys, vol. xi, insects, 68, also belongs to this genus. CJ. lissotorqiies, tcstacea, nitida, fronte parum clcvata, vertice titrinque oblique sulcato, thorace transverse, basi rotundato, lateribus parallclis, angulis antieis oblique tnmcalis, iiitido, Isevi, vix obsolete parce punctulato, elytris oblongo-ovalibus, tlioracc latioribus, fortitcr punctato-striatis ; antennis extrorsum vix infuscatis. Long. 08. One specimen with the preceding, which it entirely resembles, except in the sculpture of the head and thorax. It is also found in Pennsylvania. CH./ETOCNJEUIA STEPHENS. C . Slll>viridi*, supra viridi-oenea, obscura, subnitida, thorace latitudiue fere duplo breviore, lateri bus obliquis late rotundatis, fortius sat dense puiictato, elytris forliler striato-punctatis, interstitiis subtiliter uniseriatim puuctulatis, pcdibus antennisque uigris, his basi testaceis, tibiis basi vix picescentibus. Long. 12. Fort Laramie. Broader than C. denticulate, and differing therefrom in many particulars. I have retained the older name for this genus, as I know no reason for the substitution of Redtenbachcr s Plcctroscdis, which is adopted by many naturalists of Germany and France. L.VPERUS GEOFFUOY. Ii. ruff |H s. clongatus, clialyljeo-niger, thorace parcc punctulato, hititudinc hand breviore, lateribus late rotundatis subsinuatis, angulis posticis prominulis, elytris fere obsolete punctulatis, clialybeis, antennis pcdibusque rufo-testaceis, illis extrorsura fuscis. Long. 22. Santa Fe, Messrs. Kern and Fendler. Of the form and size of L. mcraca ( Galle- ruca meraca Say), but known by the uniform color of the feet, the less distinctly punciulate elytra, and the less rounded sides of the thorax. 1TIH RORIIO1ML t CIIEVR. HI. Iwtllla, elongata, posticc modice dilatata, ct obtuse rotundata, nigra, capite pouc antennas, thoraccquc toto la;te rufo-flavis, hoc parce cribrato, transverse, lateribns obliquis rectis, elytris l)unctis magnis striatis, seriebus per paria approximatis, internis postice subtilioribus, vittaque titrinque basali ante medium abl)reviata flava. Long. -25. Fort Rilcy, Mr. Xantus. Closely related to M. vittafa, but differs by the sides of the thorax being entirely straight, as well as by the colors ; the thorax is very narrowly margined with black, but is yellow both above and beneath, as is also the 28 COLEOPTERA OP KANSAS head, excepting the antennas, front and mouth, which are black. The outer inter vals of the elytra are not shining, and are alternately a little more convex, as in M. vittata, and the edge is not serrate. CASSIDA LINN. (I. ellipsis, clliptica coiivexa, supra tcstacea pallida, nitida (quando viva, la?te aurea), thoracc anticc rotundato, margine late explanato hyalino, angulis lateralibus paulo rotundatis, elytris thorace hand latioribus, fortius striato-punctatis, raargine subhyalino, antice declivi posticc ex planato angustius reflexo, capita corporcquo nigris, abdominc angustc testaceo ruarginato, pedibus antcnnisque flavis, his articulis 3 6 tenuibus asqualibus, 7 11 latioribus, ultimis quatuor nigris. Long. -2G. One specimen, found near Long s Peak. Allied by the declivous and scarcely explanate but narrowly reflexed elytral margin, to C. Q-punctata and C. 9-macuJata, but differing by the more narrow, regularly elliptical form of body. The legs in C. 9-maculata are black ; in C. Q-punctata they are reddish yellow, but the punc tures of the strife of the elytra in that species are less approximate, each elytron is marked with three black spots, the humeral angles are more prolonged, and the side angles of the thorax are more rounded. Still more essential differences exist in the antennae: in the present species the 2d joint is a little longer than wide; the 3d is slender, one-half longer than the 2d; the 4th, 5th, and 6th are equal in length and thickness to the 3d ; the 7th is more than twice as wide, triangular, pale yellow, like the preceding joints; the remaining four joints are as wide as the 7th, and black. The middle of the anterior margin of the thorax is slightly emarginate, but I suspect this character to be accidental. C. alripes, ovata, convcxa, supra testacea (quando viva lostc aurea), thorace antice rotundato, margine hyalino late explanato, angulis externis liaud rotundatis, elytris thorace vix latioribus, humeris paulo productis rotundatis, striis e punctis parcis constitutis, margine hyalino antice declivi postice explanato, vix reflexo, utrinque guttis tribus nigris notatis; subtus nigra, abdomine testacco-marginato, anteunis basi flavis, articulis 3 5 sequalibus, Gto paulo latiore, ultimis 5 nigris. Long. -23. One specimen, found near Long s Peak. Differs from C. nigripes chiefly by the thorax being nearly as wide as the elytra, with the lateral angles scarcely rounded : the margin of the elytra anteriorly is more obliquely declivous than in that species. With regard to the position of C. unipundata Say, I am somewhat doubtful, although to avoid the multiplication of genera it should probably be allowed to remain in Casslda. The 2d joint of the antennre is scarcely thicker than the 3d, which is about twice as long; the 4th is two-thirds as long as the 3d, and some what wider; the 5th is as wide as its length ; and the remaining ones are a little wider than their length: the last is oval and pointed. The ungucs, as in our other species, are simple. BRACIIIACATTHA MULS. II. tail, rotundato-ovalis, convexa, supra rufo-flava, nitida dense snbtiliter punctulata, thorace basi subinfuscato, elytris fascia basali ad humerum abbreviata, sutura anguste, gnttisque utrinque duabns paulo pone medium nigris, margine externo pone maculas, apicalique nigro, subtus nigra, an tennis, pal pis, pleuris pcdibusque flavis. Long. 19. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 29 One specimen, Fort Riley : John Xantus, Esq. The head and sides of the thorax are paler than the rest of the upper surface. EROTYLUS FABR. E. Boisdlivalii, oblongus, ater, subnitidus, elytris sat convexis, albido-testaceis, punctis raaiori- bus nigris minus crebre impressis, siugulo macula parva lateral! nigra ornato. Long. 6 02. Tab. II, fig. 8. CHEVROLAT, Col. Mex. 2d cent. ; Lac. Mon. Erotyl. 4CG. A large number of this species was contained in the collection made by Mr. Fendler, near Santa Fe. NDEX OF CrENERA. Acmaeops, 21. Diplotaxis, 9. 1 Mordellistena, 16. yEdilis, 22. Dryobius, 20. Myochrous, 24. Agabus, 4. Amblychila, 1. Embaphioii, 15. Niptus, 13. Amphionycha, 22. Erotylus, 29. Nomaretus, 3. Anisodactylus, 2. Eusattus, 14. Anisomera, 5. Euschidcs, 14. (Edionychis, 24. Arhopalus, 20. Ologlyptus, 13. Asida, 14. Glipa, 17. Omorgus, 10. Glyptina, 26. Ophryastes, 18. Blapstinus, 15. Brachiocantha, 28. Haltica, 24. Pactostoraa, 13. Harpalns, 2. Paria, 23. Calosoma, 3. Heteraspis, 23. Pelecyphorus, 1 4. Canthon, 10. Hister, 7. Phileurus, 8. Carpophilns, 6. Polyphylla, 8. Cassida, 28. Ilybius, 4. Prionus, 19. Centronopus, 15. Psiloptera, 12. ChtEDtocnema, 27. Lachnosterna, 9. Chauliognathus, 13. Lema, 22. Saprinus, 7. Chrysobothris, 12. Leptura, 21. Silpha, 6. Cleonus, 18. Longitarsus, 26. Sphalera, 17. Coscinoptera, 22. Luperus, 27. Stenaspis, 20. Criocephalus, 19. Stcnostola, 21. Cryptocephalus, 23. Molaiiophila, 11. Cymindis, 2. Meligethes, 6. Thyce, 8. Cysteodemus, 16. Micrixys, 1. Tomoxia, 17. Microrhopala, 27. Trypopitys, 13. Derobrachns, 10. Microschatia, 13. Tylosis, 20. Diazus, 9. Monileraa, 21. Dicsclns, 3. Mordella, 1C. Xystropns, 16. LIST OF SPECIES. I. OF KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. CICINDELID^E. Amblychila Say. cylindriformis Say. A. Piccolominii Reiche. Megacephala Latr. virginica Dej. Cicindela virginica Linn. Cicindela Linn, pulchra Say. scutcllaris Say. sexguttata Fabr. purpurca Oliv. var. Audubonii Lee. obsoleta Say. prasina Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, 31. nigrocoerulea Lee. cinctipennis Lee. pusilla Say. cyanella Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, 4G. tcrricola Say. cuprascens Lee. sperata Lcc. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, 50. lepida Dej. hirticollis Say. C. albohirta Dej. vulgaris Say. C. obliquala Dej. fulgida Say. venusta Lee. formosa Say. pnnclulata Fabr. cumatilis Lee. G. Gucxi Chevr. circumpicta Fer/e. C. Johnsonii Fitch, N. Y. Agr. Soc. 1856, 487. celcripes Lee. cursitans Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, CO. limbata Say (fide Say). decemgnttata Sn>/ (fide Say). CARABID^E. Brachinus Welter, cyanipennis Say. and four other species. Helluomorpha Lap. laticornis Lap. Helluo lalicornis Dej. praeusta Lap. Helluo praeustus Dej. Galerita Fabr. dubia Lee. Carabus bicolor Drury, fide Klug. atripes Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. 1858, 59. Lachnophorus Dej. elegantulus Mann. TacJiypus mediosignalus Menet. Casnonia Latr. peusylvanica Dej. Attelabus pensylvanicus Linn. Leptotrachelus Latr. dorsalis Latr. Odacantha dorsalis Fabr. Splieracra dorsalis Say. Lebia Latr. viridipennis Dej. L. borea Ilentz. smaragdula Dej. viridis Say; Dej. pumila Dej. L. floricola Harris, solea Ilentz. L. scapularis Dej. furcata Lee. axillaris Dej. 32 COLEOPTERA OF KANSAS. Blechrus Motscli. lincaris Schaum. las. Deutsclil. I, 275. Dromius angustus\\Lcc. Bomius linearis Lcc. Axinopalpus Lee. biplagiatus Lee. Dromius biplagialus Dej. Glycia Chaud. viridicollis Lee. Cymindis viridicollis Lee. purpurea Lee. Cymindis purpurea Say. var. Cymindis amoena Lee. Calleida Dej. punctata Lee. smaragdina Dej. Cymindis Latr. laticollis Say. cribricollis Dej. cribrata Lcc. ]iilosa Say C. pubescens Dej. Calathus Bon. gregarius Dej. Feronia gregaria Say. Rhadine Lee. larvalis Lee. Platynus Bon. emend. Brulle. extensicollis Lcc. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 46. Feronia extensicollis Say. Feronia (Anchomenus) proximus Harris. AncJiomenus extensicollis Dej. Anclwmcnus obscuratus Chaud. Anchomenus Leconlei Lee. Ancliomenus elongaiulus $ljcc. AncJiomenus viridis Lee. punctiformis Lee. ibid. VII, 50. Feronia punctiformis Say. Af/onum rufipcs Dej. Agonum foveicolle Chaud. errans Lee. ibid. VII, 50. Feronia errans Say. subcordatus Lee. ibid. VII, 51. Agonum er?///iropio?i||Kirby. basalis Lcc. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 52. Af/onum basale Lee. nutans Lee. ibid. VII, 52. Feronia nutans Say. Agonum femoratum Dej. picipeimis Lee. ibid. VII, 53. Agonum picipenne Kirby. clialccus Lcc. Agassiz Lake Sup. 205. Agonum clialceum Lcc. maculifrons Say (Feronia), (fide Say), scutellaris Say (Feronia), (fide Say). ? Agonum melanarium Dej. ? Plalynus mclanarius Lee. Evarthrus Lcc. sigillatus Lee. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. II, 228. Feronia sigillata Say. Feronia vidua Dej. seximpressus Lee. ibid. Feronia seximpressa Lee. corax Lcc. ibid. II, 229. Feronia corax Lee. abdominalis Lee. ibid. II, 232. Feronia abdominalis Lee. lixa Lee. ibid. Feronia lixa Lee. iucisus Lcc. ibid. Feronia incisa Lee. ovipennis Lcc. ibid. Feronia ovipennis Lee. latebrosus Lee. ibid. II, 233. coustrictus Lcc. ibid. Feronia constricta Say substriatus Lee. ibid. Feronia substriala Say. colossus Lee. ibid. Feronia colossus Say. heros Hald. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 3G1. Feronia Jieros Say. Pterostichus Bon. caudicalis Lcc. Feronia caudicalis! Say. Feronia luctuosa Dej. Omaseus mV/rz taJKirby. Pterostichus luctuosus Lee. loc. cit. II, 243. mutus Lee. Feronia muta Say. Feronia morosa Dej. Omaseus picicornis Kirby. Poecilus Bon. scitulus Lee. :yaneus Lee. chalcites . Feronia cJialciles Say. Poecilus Sayi Brulle. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 33 lucublandus Kirby. Feronia lucublamla Say. bicolor Lee. Amara Bon. laticollis Lee. ? Curlonotus convexiusculus^KiAy. carinata Lee. furtiva Say. libera Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 349. Isopleurus hyperboreus^LtGf.. ? Curlonolus latior Kirby. angustata Say. A. indistincta Hald. irnpuncticollis Say. A. difficilis Lee. subpunctata Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 352. confusa Lee. polita Lee. obesa Say. A. patriciate ). Feronia obesa Say. diffinis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 354. Percosia diffinis Lcc. terrestris Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 354. Isopleurus terrestris Lcc. musculus Say. Acrodon musculis et contempla Lee. Nothopus Lee. zabroides Lee. Euryderus^zabroides Lee. Geopinus Lee. incrassatus Lee. Dajitus incrassalus Dej. Cratognathus Dej. setosus Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 381. Piosoma setosum Lee. Cratacanthus Dej. dubius Lee. Harpalus dubius Beauv. Cratacanthus pensylvanicus Dej. Agonoderus Dej. lineola Dej. Carabus lineola Fabr. dorsalis Lee. pallipes Dej. Carabus pallipes Fabr. Discoderus Lee. parallelns Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 382. Selenophorus paralleling llald. 6 tcnebrosus Lee. ibid. 382. Selenophorus tenebrosus Lee. Spongopus Lee. verticalis Lee. Anisodactylus Dej. rusticus Dej. Harpalus rusticus Say. Anisodactylus pinguis Lee. Anisodactylus gravidus Lee. Anisodactylus crassus Lee. agricola Dej. Harpalus agricolus Say. Harpalus paradoxus Hald. Anisodactylus striatus Lee. baltimorensis Dej. Harpalus baltimorensis Say. cajnus Dej. Harpalus cxnus Say. Eurytrichus Lee. terminatus Lee. Feronia terminata Say. Harpalus terminatus Dej. Harpalus Latr. impotens Lcc. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. 2tl ser. IV, 1 1. pcdicularius Lee. Selenophorus pedicularius Dej. troglodytes Lee. Selenophorus troglodytes Dej. asreus Lee. Selenophorus sereus Lee. Selenophorus planipennis Lee. cllipticus Lee. Selenophorus ellipticus Dej. caliginosus Say. Carabus caliginosus Fabr. amputatus Say. H. Slephcnsii Kirby. rotundicollis Kirby. pensylvanicus Lcc. Carabus pensylvanicus I)e Geer. Carabus bicolor Fabr. Harpalus faunus^Dej. compar Lee. H. pensylvanicus Say. stupidus Lee., ante, 3. oblitus Lcc., ante, 2. nitidulus Chaud. herbi vagus Say. ellipsis Lee. vcntralis Lee. fnncstus Lee. 34 COLEOPTERA OF KANSAS Stenolophus Dej. ochropezus Dej. Feronia ochropeza Say. humilis Lee. Acupalpus humilis Dej. dissimilis Dej. Bradycellus Er. obesulus Lee. badiipennis Lee. Geobsenus W/icr?;,s|Lec. Stenolophus badiipennix Hakl. congener Lee. Geobsenus congener Lee. rupestris Lee. Treclms rupestris Say. Acupalpus elongatulus Dej. Trechus flavipes Kirby. Badister Clairv, notatus Hold. B. terminalis Lee. nricans Lee. Diplochila BrnHe. laticollis Lee. gens maior Lee. obtusa Lee. Dicaelus Bon loevigatus Lee. splendidus Kay. sculptilis Say. simplex Dej. var. I), oUjKcvrtis Lee. elongatus Dej. Oodes Bon. amaroidcs Dej. Atranus Lcc. pnbescens Lee. Anchomenus pubescens Dej. Anchomenus obconicus Ilald. Chlaenius Bon. purpnricollis Bandall. tomentosus Dej. Epomis tomentosus Say. Amara luctuosa Germ, pensylvanicus Say. C. vicinus Dej. C. pubescent Harris, vafer Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat, Sc. YI, 66. cestivus Say. C. cobaltinus Dej. crythropus Germ. C. rufilabris Dej. laticollis Say. C. diffinis Chaud. Bull. Mosc. 1856, II, 279. lithophilus Say. C. viridanus Dej. sericeus Say. Carabus sericeus Porster. Chlaenius pernridis Lee. solitarius Say. brevilabris Lcc. var. C. consimilis Lee. impunctifrons Say. C. emar Anomoglossa Chaud. emarginata Chaud. Bull. Mosc. Chlsenius emarginatus Dej. Pasimachus Bon. validus Lee. P. punctulatus^Lec. elongatus Lee. obsolctus Lcc. costifer Lcc. Proc. Acad. Nat, Sc. YII, 70. Scarites Fabr. subterraneus Fabr. cum var. Clivina Latr. bipustulata Dej. Scarites bipustulatus Fabr. Scarites quadrimaculatus Bcauv. postica Lee. Aspidoglossa Putz. subangulata Lee. Glirina crenata^Dej. Dyschirius subangulalus Chaud. Dyschirius humeralis Chaud. Aspidoglossa fraterna Putz. Aspidoglossa vicina Putz. Clirina bipustulata^S&j. Dyschirius Bon. sulcatus Lee. apicalis\\ Lcc. sphairicollis Putz. Clirina sphsericollis Say. Tachys Knoch. vivax Lee. var. T. mendax Lee. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 35 incurvus Lee. Bembidium incurvum Say. var. Taclnjs anceps Lee. pulchellus Ferle. dolosus Lee. sequax Lee. eorruscus Lee. inornntus Lee. Bembidium inornalum Say. Tacbyta picipcs Kirby. flavicauda Lee. Bembidium Jlavieaudum Say. Bembidium Latr. (emend. Lee.) punctato-striatum Say. stigmaticum Dej. f sigillare Say. iiucquale Say. arenarium Dej. tevigatum Say. Ilydrium laevigatum Lee. coxendix Say. Odontium coxendix Lee. americanus Dej. eordatum Lee. dorsale Say. umbratnm Lee. viridicollc Lee. Nolaphus viridicollia Ferte. patruele Dej. rapidum Lee. timidum Lee. pictum Lee. quadriiuaculatum Gyll. Carabus quadrimaculatus Linn. Bembidium oppositum Say. affine Say, Dej. Bembidium fallax Dej. bimaculatum Lee. Feryphus bimaculalus Kirby. perspicuum Lee. cautnm Lee. nitidum Lee. Eudromus nitidus Kirby. Cychrus Fabr. elevatus Fabr. heros Harris. Nomaretus Lee. cavicollis Lee., ante, 3. Carabus Linn, scrratus Say. C. Uneatopunctalus Dej. Calosoma Fabr. luxatum Say. striatulura Lee., ante, 4. scrutator Fabr. calidum Fabr. var.? C. lepidum Lee. obsoletum Say. C. luxatinn l Dq. triste Lee. externum Lee. Carabus externus Say. Calosoma longijxnne Dej. Elaphrus Fabr. Clairvillei Kirby. intermedins Kirby. californicus Mann. var. ? E. similis Lee. Omophron Latr. americanum Dej. O. Sayi Kirby. uitidum Lee. DYTISCIDJE. Haliplus Latr. fasciatus Aubi. inimaculicollis Harris. H. americanus Aube. H. t jnpresswsJKirby, teste White, Brit. Mus. Cat. 3. Hydroporus Clairv. punctatus Aube. Laccophilus punctatus Say. cuspidatus Germ. Hyphidrus notatus Say. lacustris Say. H. pulicarius Aulje. mixtus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Se. VII, 296. semirufus Lee. ibid, vittatus Lee. ibid, catascopiura Say. H. interruptus Say. H. parallelm Say. concinnus Lee. Proe. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 297. patruelis Lee. ibid. VII, 298. nubilus Lee. ibid. VII, 298. discoideus Lee. ibid. VII, 299. Laccophilus Leach. maeulosus .Say. americanus A ube. 36 COLEOPTERA OF KANSAS longulus Lee. Copelatus Er. glyphicus Lee. Colymbetcs glyphicus Say. Copelatus 10-striatus AuljO. Agabus Leach, clavatus Lee., ante, 4. griseipennis Lee., ante, 5. obliteratus Lee., ante, 5. spilotns Lee., ante, 5. tseniolatus Lee. Colymbetes tseniolalus Harris. Agabus tseniatus Aube. Ilybius Er. laramums Lee., ante, 4. Colymbetes Clairv. binotatus Harris. C . maculicollis Aube. Acilius Leach. ornaticollis Aube. Thermonecies irroratus Mels. Eunectes Er. stietieus Er. Dytiscus stietieus Linn. Cybister Curtis, fimbriolatns Lee. Dytiscus fimbriolalus Say. Cybister dissimilis Aube. Dytiscus Linn. anxius Mann. D. marginicollis Lee. Harrisii Kirby. GYRINIDJE. Dineutes M Leay. two species. HYDROPHILID^E. Helophorus Fabr. linearis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 351. lineatus Say. Laccobius Er. agilis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 363. Hydrophilus agilis Randall. Laccobius punctulatus Mcls. Berosus Leach, fraternus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 304. Hydrophilus Gcoflr. triangularis Say. Hydrophilus htgubris Motsch. Stethoxus subsulcatus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 221 . latcralis Fabr. II. nimbatus Say. sublaivis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 368. glaber Herbst. Philhydrus Solicr. nebulosus Lee. Hydrophilus nebulosus Say. diffusus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 371. pcrplexus Lee. ibid. cinctus Lee. Hydrophilus cinctus Say. rhiUnjdrus limbalis Mels. Hydrobius Leach. subcupreus Lee. Hydrophilus subcupireus Say. STAPHYLINID^J. 1 Falagria Mann. vcnustula Er. Xantholinus Dalil. obscurus Er. Staphylinus Linn. villosus Gran. cinnamopterus Grav. Besides the described species of this family mentioned above, nondescripts of the following genera are contained in my collection, but the description of them at present would be attended witli no advantage to science, on ac count of the multitude of other species that remain un known : they must therefore await the monographing of the entire group. Mynnedonia, Homalota, Tachynsa, Conurus, Tachinus, Boletobius, Philonthus, Acylophorus, Quedius, Lathro- bium, Stenus, Bledius, Oxytelns, Trogophloous, Apocellus, Boreaphilus, Omalium. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO Philonthus Leach. 37 hepaticus Er. Acylophorus Nordm. flavicollis Sachse. Sunius Leach, longiusculus Er. Psederus longiusculus Mann. Paederus discopunetotus Say. ? biuotatus Say (Panlerus), (fide Say). Psederus Fabr. littorarius Grav. Lithocharis Er. confiuens Er. Lalhrobium confluentum Say. Stenus Latr. cgenus Er. (lavicornis Er. ])iiuctalus Er. Eusesthetus Orav. americanus Er. Eledius Lead), pallipcnnis Er. (fide Say). Oxytelus jMllipenniis Say. armatus Er. (fide Say). Oxylelus armatus Say. mclanoeephalus Er. (fide Say). Oxytelus melanocephalus Say. fasciatus Er. (fide Say). Oxytelus fasciatus Say. latipes Er. Osorius Leach. Anthophagus Grav. brunncus Say. costale Er. Glyptoma Er. PSELAPHID2E. Tyrus AuW. humeralis Lee. Hamolus humeralis Anbd, tcste Sehaum. Tyrus compar Lee. Bryaxis Leach. rubicumla Aubc. SILPHID^E. Necrophorus Fabr. mediatus Fabr. marginatus Fabr. Mclshcimcri Kirby. pustulatus Herschel. N. bicolon Newman, orbicollis Say. N. Hallii Kirby. vclutinus Fabr. N. tomentosus Weber. Silpha I Ann. surinamensis Fabr. lapponiea Hcrbst. Silpha caudata Say. Silpha tubercula/a Germ. Silpha californica Mann. Oiceoptoma granigera Chevr. trnncata Say. peltata Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 279. Scarabieus pel/atus Catesl)y. Silpha americana Linn, ramosa Say. bituberosa Lee., ante, G. Catops Fabr. simplex Say (fide Say), basillaris Say (fide Say). Agathidium Illiger. cxignnm Mels. A. ruficorne Lee. ? pallidum Say (fide Say). PHALACRID^E. Phalacrus Payk. penicillatus Say. scriatus Lcc. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VIII, 15. simplex Lee. ibid. Olibrus Er. pallipes Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VIII, 17. Phalacrus pallipes Say. striatulus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VIII, 1C. semistriatus Lee. ibid. NITIDULID-ffi. Carpophilus Leach. caudalis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. 1859, 70. apicalis Lee. ante, C. 38 carbonatus Lee., ante, G. pallipennis Lee. Cercus pallipennis Say. Carpopkilus jloralis Er. Epursea Er. rufa Er. Nitidula rufa Say. Nitidula Fabr. (emend. Er.) ziczac Say. uniguttata Mcls. Omosita Er. colon Er. Nitidula colon Fabr. Phenolia Er. grossa Er. Nitidula grossa Fabr. Meligethes Stcpli. ruficornis Lee., ante, 6. sa:vus Lee., ante, 6. COLEOPTERA OF KANSAS Cerylon Latr. castaneum Say. unicolor Lee. Lathridius unicolor Zic ler. CUCUJIDJE. Laemophlceus Er. biguttatus Mels. Cucujus biguttatus Say. Lsemophlceus bisignatus Guer. helvolus Er. silaceus Er. Pocadius Er. Pallodes Er. Cryptarcha Er. strigata Er. Nitidula strigala Fabr. Ips Fabr. sanguinolentus Oliv. quadrisignatus Say. bipunetatus Say. Colydium bipunctatuin Say. Trogosita Oliv. castanea Mels. corticalis Mels. LATHRIDIID^E. Lathridius llerbst. ? 8-dentatus Say (fide Say). ? Corlicaria denticulata Kirby. COLYDIID^E. Bothrideres Er. gcminatus Er. (nee Hald.) Lyclus geminatus Say. Brontes Fabr. dubius Fabr. Silvanus Latr. planatus Germ. dentatus Say. Lyclus dentatus Fabr. DERMESTID^E. Dermestes Linn. mar mo rat us Say. nubilus Say. caninus Germ. elongatus Lee. Tulpinus Fabr. HETEROCERHXS]. Heterocerus Fabr. pallidus Say (fide Say), pusillus Say (fide Say). GEORYSSIDJE. Georyssus Latr. pusillus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 44. SCAPHIDIIDJE. Scaphidium Oliv. 4-pustulatum Say. HISTERIDJE. Hololepta Payk. fossularis Say. sequalis Say (fern.) lucida Lee. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 39 Hister Linn, instratus Lee. , ante, 7. biplagiatus Lee. dispar Lee. depurator Say. abbreviutus Fabr. nubilus Lee., ante, 7. pollutus Lee., ante, 7. americanus Payk. subrotuudus Er. carolinus Payk. Lecontei Lee. Platysoma depressum ^ET., Lee. Platysoma Lecontei Marscul. parallelus Say. Paromalus Er. a?qualis Er. Hister sequalis Say. bistriatus Er. aprinus Leach. Ingens Er. californicus Mann, spurcus Lee., ante, 7. parumpunctatus Lee., ante, 7. pratensis Lee., ante, 8. pensylvanicus Er. Hister pensylvanicus Payk. patruelis Lee. Plegaderus Leach, transversus Lee. Ulster transversutt Say. Acritus Lee. exiguus Lee. Abrseus exiguus Er. SCARABJEIDJE. Xyloryctes Hope, satyrus Burm. Geotrupes satyrus Fabr. Phileurus Latr. valgns Dcj. Geotrupes valgus Fabr. Phileurus castaneus Hald. Strategus Hope, mormon Burm. Aphonus Lee. ]>yriformis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VIII, 21. Bolhynus pyriformis Lee. trklcntatus Lee. ibid. VIII, 22. Scarabeeus tridentatus Say. Bothynus tridentatus Lee. Ligyrus Burin. gibbosus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VIII, 20. ftcarabieus gibbosus DeGeer. PodaJgus variolosus Burm. relictus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VIII, 21. Scarabaeus relictus Say. Ileteronychus relictus Burm. Osmoderma Lepell. eremicola Gory. Cetonia eremicola Knoch. Cremastochilus Knoch. nitens Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 232. Knochii Lee. ibid. VI, 231. saucius Lee. Jouru. Acad. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. IV, 16. Euryomia Bnrni. (emend. Lac.) inda Lac. Gen. Col. Ill, 528. Scarabseus indus Linn. Cetonia barbala Say. ErirMpis inda Burm. mclancholica Lac. Gen. Col. Ill, 527. Cetonia melancJiolica Gory. Euphoria melancJiolica Schaum. sepulcliralis Lac. ibid. Cetonia sepulchralis Fabr. Cetonia Eeichii Gory. Euphoria sepulchralis Burm. fulgida Lac. Gen. Col. Ill, 528. Cetonia fulgida Fabr. Erirh ipi* fu lijida Fabr. areata Lac. Gen. Col. Ill, 528. Cetonia areata Fabr. Stephanucha areata Burm. Allorhina Burm. (emend. Lar.) nitida Lac. Gen. Col. Ill, 497. Scarbseus nitidus Linn. Cotinis nitida Barm. Anomala Sauiouclle (emend. Burm.). minuta Burm. marginata liurm. MelolonUia marginata Fabr. Melolontha annulala Germ, varians Burm. Mdolontha varians Fabr. 40 COLEOPTERA OF KANSAS Strigoderma Burm. arboricola Burm. Melolontha arboricola Fabr. Polyphylla Harris, decemlineata Lee. (infra). Melolontha 10-lineata Say. Hammondi Lee. J. Ac. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. Ill, 228. Lachnosterna Hope, lanceolata Lee. J. Ac. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. Ill, 237. Melolontlia lanceolata Say. Tostegoptera lanceolata Blanchard. frontalis Lee. J. Ac. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. Ill, 239. longitarsis Lee. ibid. Melolontha longitarsis Say. futilis Lee. fusca Lee. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. Ill, 244. Melolontha fusca Frohl. Melolontha quercina Knoch. Melolontha fervens G} T 11. Melolontha /en:i<faJOli v. cephalica Lee. J. Ac. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. Ill, 245. fraterna Lee. ibid. Ill, 249. Phyllophaga fraterna Harris. Aneylonycha fraterna Blanch, rugosa Lee. ibid. Ill, 252. Aneylonycha rugosa Mels. affiuis Lee. ibid. Ill, 252. ciliata Lee. ibid. Ill, 253. liirticula Hope. Melolontlia Idrticula Knoch. Melolontha /ii rsutoJSay. robusta Lee. ibid. Ill, 257. crenulata Leo. ibid. Ill, 258. Melolontha crenulata Frohl. Melolontha georgicana Gyll. Phyllophaga georgicana Harris. Aneylonycha crenulata Blanch, glabricula Lee. ibid. Ill, 260. tristis Lee. ibid. Ill, 261. Melolontha tristis Fabr. Melolontha pilosicollis Knoch. Tricheslhes pilosicollis Er. Trichestes tristis Burm. Listrochelus Blanch. obtusus Lee. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. Ill, 2G4. falsus Lee. ibid. fimbripes Lee. ibid. Diplotaxis Kirby. obscura Lee., ante, 9. Harperi Blanch. frondicola Lee. Melolontha frondicola Say. Diplotaxis testacea Burm. truncatula Lee. J. Ac. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. Ill, 269. morula Lee. ibid. Ill, 270. Haydenii Lee. ibid. Ill, 272. innoxia Lee. ibid. Ill, 273. Diazus Lee. rudis Lee., ante, 10. Dichelonycha Kirby. truncata Lee. J. Ac. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. Ill, 281. Serica M Leay. vespertina Dej. Melolontha vespertina Gyll. Say. Camptorhina alricapilla Kirby. sericea Burm. Melolontha sericea Say. curvata Lee. J. Ac. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. Ill, 276. Macrodactylus Latr. angustatus Lee. J. Ac. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. Ill, 278. Melolontha elongata\\]lcrbst. Melolontha angustata Beauv. Macrodactylus polypJiagus Burm. Hoplia Illiger. laticollis Lee. J. Ac. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. Ill, 284. Geotrupes Latr. opacus Hald. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. VI, 362. Odontaeus King, filicornis Say. Geotrupes filicornis Say. Bolbocerus Kirby. lazarus Klug. Geotrupes lazarus Fabr. Geotrupes melibeeus Fabr. Canthon Hoffmans. tevis Mels. Scarabseus pilulariu8\\De Gcer. Scarabaeus laevis Drury. Ateuchus volvens Fabr. chalcites Mels. Coprobius chalcites Hald. cbenus Mels. Ateuchus ebenus Say. nigricornis Mels. Ateuchus nigricornis Say. prnticola Lee., ante, 1 0. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 41 viridis Mels. A/euchus ciridis Beauv. Onthophagus viridicatus Say. Aleuchus obsoletus Say. Onthophagus Latr. yrpheus. Scarabasus orpheua Panzer. Copris canadensis Fabr. Hecate. Scarabaeus Hecate Panzer. Copris latebrosus Fabr. Copris hastator Fabr. Copris obtectus Beauv. Phanaeus M Leay. carnifex Jlt Leay. Scarabaeus carnifex Linn, triangularis Lee. Copris triangularis Say. Phanaeus lorrens Lee. Copris Geoffr. anaglypticns Say. amiuon Fabr. Ochodseus Latr. musculus Lee. Bolbocerus musculus Say. Ochodseus americanus West wood. Aphodius Illigcr. denticulatua Ifnlil. turtus Ha l<1. granarius Illiyur. Scarabaeus yranarins Linn. ApJiodius 4-ttiberculatns Fabr. vittatus Say. femoralis Say. eoneavus Say. A. leevigatus Hald. obloiigus Say. A. badipes Mels. Euparia Lep. (emend. Er.) stercorator Er. Aphodius sti .rcorator Fabr. strigata Lee. Aphodius stlrvjalus Say. Trox Fabr. alternans L<-<: I roc. Acnd. Nat. Se. VIF, 211. tuberciilatns Ol. ScarabetuB tvberculaluit I)c(J. Trox canaliculalus Say. Trox serrulatus Beauv. sordidus Lee. ibid VII, 211. capillaris Say. atrox Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. YIJ, 214. Omorgus Er. scutellaris Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 214. Trox scutellaris Say. pustulatus Lee. Trox luberculalus^cdnv. punctatus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 215. Trox punctatus Germ. Trox alternatus Say. erinaceus Lee. morsus Lee. ibid. VII, 216. Lucanus Linn, capreolus Linn. L. dama Thunberg. placidus Say. L. lentus Lap. Hist. Nat. II, 171. Dorcus M Leay. parallelus liurm. Lucanus parallel us Say. Platycerus Geoffr. quercus Schdnh. Lucanus quercus Weber. Platijcerus securidens Say. BUPRESTIDJE. Ancylochira Esch. confliiens Lee. Jiuprextis conflncnta Say. maculiventris Lee. Bupreslis maculiventris Say. Buprestis scxnota/a Lap. Anoplis rusticorum Kirby. Chalcophora Sol. campestris Lee. (fide Say). Buprestix campestris Say. J!tipr?nlix mibslriijona I/ap. & Gory. Melanophila Esch. longipes Li c. Ajiahira appendiculata^lMp. &. Gory. Hup. (Orypteriii) appendiculata^Kirby. I\li lan/iji/iila iiniiiaculata Gory, atropnrpurea Lrc. Itiiprcstfx alropttrpiirea Say. 42 COLEOPTERA OP KANSAS fulvoguttata Lcc. Buprestis fulvoguttata Harris. Apatura octospilota Lap. & Gory. Apatura croceosignata Lap. & Gory. Apatura decolorata Lap. & Gory. Anthaxia Esch. qncrcata Dej. Buprestis quercata Fabr. viridieornis Dej. Buprestis viridieornis Say. Chrysobothris Esch. sexguttata Lee. Buprestis sexguttata Say. Psiloptera Sol. Woodhonsei Lee. Dicerca ? Woodhousei Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 68. var. P. valens Lee. ibid. 1858, 66. Dicerca Esch. prolongata Lee. Poecilonota Eseh. tyanipes Lee. Bvprestis cyanipes Say. Acmaeodera Esch. mixta Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, 221. Ptosima Serv. gibbicollis Lee. Bupreslis gibbicollis Say. Ptosima luctuosa Gory. Agrilus Lap. bilineatus Kay. Buprestis bilineata Weber. Agrilus bwittatus Kirby. Agrilus Jlavolineatus Mann. Agrilus aurolinealus Gory, latebrus Lap. granulatus Say. politus Say. defectus Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, 244. pusillus Say. obolinus Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, 248. otiosns Say. lateraiis Say. Brachys Sol. terrainans Lap. Buprestis terminans Fabr. ELATERID^]. Tharops Lap. ruficornis Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 411. Mdasis ruficornis Say. Hylochares Latr. nigricornis Lcc. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 413. Melasis nigricornis Say. Microrhagus Esch. triangularis Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 419. Elater triangularis Say. Pedetes Kirby. cucullatus Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 425. Elater cucullatus Say. Athous liypoleucus Mels. Athous procericollis Mels. Athous strigatus Mels. Limonius Esch. auripilis Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 429. Elater auripilis Say. quercinns Dej. Elater quercinus Say. basillaris Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 431. Elater basillaris Say. Cratonychus Er. macer Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 473. incertus Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 474. clandestine Er. fissilis Lee. Cratonychus laticollis Er. tElater brevicollis Ilerbst. Elater cincreus (fissilis) Say. Elater (Melanotus) cincreus Harris. Cratonychus ocliraceipennis Mels. Cratonychus sphenoidalis Mels. communis Er. Elater communis Gyll. Elater cinereus Weber, cribulosus Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 418. Monocrepidius Eseh. vespertinus Dej. Elater vespertinus Fabr. Elater finitimus Say. Monocrepidius serotinus Germ, auritus Germ. Elater aurilus Ilerbst. Oophorus crassicollis Mels bellns Dej. Elater bellus Say. Cryptohypmts bellus Germ. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 43 .ffiolus Escb. dorsalis Candeze, Mon. Elat. II, 285. Elater dorsalis Say. Cryptohypnus dorsalis Germ. (Edostethus Lee. femoralis Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 489. Adelocera Latr. impressicollis Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 490. Elater impressicollis Say. Elater leplurus Say. Adelocera senilis Germ, marmorata Germ. Elater marmoraliis Fabr. Lacon Lap. rectangularis Candeze, Mon. El. I, 155. Elater rectanijularis Say. Melanaetes Lee. piceus Lcc. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 494. Elater piceus DeGecr. Elater laevigatus Fabr. Elater morio (var.) Say. Pristiloplms leevigatus Germ. Pristilophus femoralis Mels. puncticollis Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 495. Pristilophus puncticollis Lee. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. VI, 68. Alaus Esch. oculatus Esch. Elater oculatus Fabr. myops Esch. Elater myops Fabr. Elater ZuscwsJOliv. gorgops Lee. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. IV, 35. Alaus oculatus (var.) Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 10, 49G. Cardiophorus Esch. erythropus Er. Cardiophorus amid us Mels. lElater convexus Say. CYPHONID^E. Helodes Latr. ruficollis Lee. Lampyris ruficollis Sa} r . Elodes fragilis Ziegler. Scirtes Illigcr. centralis Lee. Altica centralis Say. ? Scirtes orbiculatus Fabr. Scirtes suturalis^ Ziegler. Scirtes lateralis Lee. LYCID^E. Calopteron Lap. typicum Lee. Digrapha typica Ne\vm. Digrapha discrepans Newm. Digrapha affinis Lee. tcrminale Lee. Lycus terminalis Say. Temnostoma Guer. sanguinipennis Lee. Lycus sanguinipennis Say. LAMPYRID^E. Photinus Lap. (emend. Lac.) Ellychnia Lee. nigricans Lee. Lampyris nigricans Say. ? Lampyris obscura Fabr. corrusca Lcc. Lampijris corrusca Linn, Photinus Lap. pyralis Lap. Lampyris pyralis Linn. Lampyris centra/a Say. Lampyris rosata Germ. marginella Lcc. pnnctnlata Lee. obscurella Lcc. Photuris Leo. pensylvanica Lee. Lampyris pensylvanica DeGeer. Lampyris versicolor Fabr. divisa Lcc. TELEPHORID-ffi. Chauliognathus Ilentz. marginatus Hentz. Cantharis marginala Fabr. Cantharis ligata Say. l)asalis Lee., ante, 13. 44 COLEOPTERA OF KANSAS Telephorus Geoffr. collaris Lee. bilineatus Lee. Cantharis bilineatus Say. jactatus Lee. Cantharis jactata Say. carolinus. Cantharis Carolina Fabr. luteicollis Germ. T. cinctellus Lee. dichrous Lee. flavipes Lee. Podabrus Fischer, rugosulus Lee. punctulatus Lee. Trypherus Lee. latipennis Lee. Malthinus latipcnnis Germ. Molorchus marginalia Say. Malthinus marginalis Say. Lygerus latipennis Kiesen wetter. MELYRIDJE. Collops Er. bipunctatus Er. Malachius bipunctatus Say. tricolor Er. Malachius tricolor Say. punctatus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 164. quadrimaculatus Er. Malachius 4-maculatus Fabr. confluens Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 164. punctulatus Lee. ibid. Ebaeus Er. morulus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 167. Dasytes Fabr. senilis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 170. unicolor Say. Byturus Fabr. CLERIDJE. Cymatodera Gray, undulata Lee. Tillus undulatus Say. Cymatodera longicollis Spin. Cymatodera Eosci Chevr. Trichodes Herbst. ornatus Say. Nuttalli Kirby. Clerus Geoffr. analis Say. cordifer Lee. sphegeus Fabr. Hydnocera Newm. liumeralis Newman. Clerus humeralis Germ. Enoplium Latr. pilosum Latr. Lampyris pilosa Forster. var. Enoplium onustum Say Enoplium marginatum\\Say. quadripunctatum Say. Orthopleura Spin, damicornis Spin. Tillus damicornis Fabr. Enoplium thoracicum Say. Corynetes Fabr. rufipes Fabr. violaceus Fabr. simile Say. PTINID.EJ. Dorcatoma Herbst. BOSTRICHID^E Bostrichus Geoffr. (emend. Lac.) bicaudatus Lee. Apate bicaudatus Say. TENEBRIONID^l. Epitragus Latr. canal iculatus Say. Edrotes Lee. rotundus Lee. Pimelia rotunda Say. pruinosa Lee. Trimytis Lee. Pelecyphorus Sol. sordidus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 44(5. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 45 Euschides Lee. convexa Lee., ante, 14. polita Lee. Asida polita Say. Asida Latr. opaca Say. Pactostoma Lcc. anastomosis Lee. J. Ac. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. IV, 19. Asida anastomosis Say. Oloylyptus anastomosis Lac. Eleodes Esch. obscura Lee. Blaps obscura Say. ? Blaps Jiispilabris Say. tlispcrsa Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. 1858, 182. acuta Lee. Blaps acuta Say. siituralis Lee. Blaps suluralis Say. tricostata Lee. Jilaps tricosta/a Say. Pimclia alternate Kirby. sulcata Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. TI, Ct. obsolcta Lee. Jilaps obsolela Say. fusiformis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. 1858, 184. extricata Lee. Blaps extrica/a Say. carbonaria Lcc. Blaps carbonaria Say. nigrina Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. 1858, 180. Haydcnii Lee. ibid. 1858, 18G. viator Lee. ibid. 1858, 188. Promus Lee. opacus Lee. Say s Ent. Writings, II, 155. Blaps opaca Say. Embaphion Say. muricatum Ray (Akis). contusura 7>c. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. IV, 40 obesa Lee. Coniontis Esch. Eusattus Lee. reticulatus Lcc. ZopJioKis reticulata Say. convexus Lee. Pedinus Latr. ? siituralis Say (fide Say). Blapstinus Waterhouse. interruptus Lee. Opatrum interruption Say. Blapstinus aeneolus Mels. pratensis Lee., ante, 15. vestitus Lee., ante, 15. Centronopus Sol. opacus Lee., ante, 15. Isevis Oliv. Upis Fabr. Nyctobates Esch. pensylvanicns Lee. Tenebrio pensylvanicus DeGcer. Upis cJirysops Herbst. barbatus Lcc. Upis barbatus Knoch. Boletophagus Illiger. ? cornutus Fabr. Opatrum cornutum Panz. Opatrum bifurcum Fabr. Uloma Redt. culinaris Redt. Tenebrio culinaris Linn. Tenebrio Linn, tenebrioides Lee. Helops tenebrioides Beauv. Tenebrio badipcs Mels. Paratenetus Spin, punctatus Kpin. AdelinajDej. pallida Lee. Pylho pallida Say. Diaperis Geoflr. hydui Fabr. Platydema Lap. excavatura Lap. Allecula Fabr. punctulata Mds. obscura Say. MELANDRYADJE. Eustrophus Fabr. bicolor Fabr. 46 COLEOPTERA OF KANSAS Melandrya Fabr. labiata Say. PEDILID^E. Scraptia Latr. plagiata Mels. S. americana Ilald. Stereopalpus Ferte. guttatus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat Sc. VII, 271. ANTHICID./E. Notoxus Gcoffr. ancliora Ilenlz. serratus Lee. monodon Ferte. Anthicus monodon Fabr. marginatus Lee. subtilis Lee. Anthicus Payk. clcgans Ferte. rejcctus Lee. cervinus Ferte. A. bifasciatus\\S&j. A. terminalis Lee. A. bizonatus Ferte. MORDELLID^E. Mordella Fabr. quadripunctata Lee. Anaspis \-punclata Say. insulata Lee., ante, 16. rnarginata Mels. Mordellistena Costa, seraula Lee., ante, 10. divisa Lee., ante, 17. RHIPIPHORIDJE. Emenadia Lap. Sayi Lee. Rhipiphorus bicolor ||Say. limbatus Lac. Rhipiphorus limbatus Fabr. pectin atus Lee. Rhipiphorus pectinatus Fabr. Rhipipliorus varicolor Gerst. Myodites Latr. scaber Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 6T. MELOID.2E. Henous Ilald. confertus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 330. Meloe conferta Say. Henous techanus Ilald. Lytta Fabr. reticulata Say. Nuttalli Say. var. Cantharis fulcjifer Lee. sphsericollis Say. Engelmauni Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 337. Pyrota Engchnanni Lee. discoidea Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 338. pensylvanica Lee. ibid. VI, 339. Cantharis pensylvanica DeGecr. Lytta atrata Fabr. ferruginea Say. maculata Say. conspersa Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc, VI, 340. segmentata Say (segmenta). albida Say. L. luteicornis Lee. immaculata Say. L. articularis Say. longicollis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 343. Fabricii Lee. ibid. L. cineraz||Fabr. Nemognatha Illiger. bicolor Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 345. lurida Lee. ibid, lutea Lee. ibid. VI, 346. piezata Lee. ibid. VI, 347. Zonitis piezata Weber, Fabr. Zonilis vittala Fabr. immaculata Say. minima Say. Zonitis Fabr. atripcnnis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 349. Nemognatha atripennis Say. (EDEMERID.^. Asclera Schmidt, puncticollis Hald. (Edemera puncticollis Say. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 47 ruficollis Hald. (Edemera ruficollis Say. 1 vestita Say ((Edeniera), fide Say. (an potius Stcrcopalpus.) CURCULIONID^E. Bruchus Linn, discoideus Say. and five others. Spermophagus Steven. Robiniic Sch. Bruchus RobiniK Fabr. Cratoparis Sch. lunatus Sch. Anthribus lunatus Fabr. Anlhribua marmoreus 01. Attelabus Linn, nigripes Lee. Pterocolus Schonh. ovatus Schonh. Attelabus ovatus Fabr. Rhynchites llcrbst. bicolor Herbal. Attelabus bicolor Fabr. aeneus JioJieman. turatus Say. Apion Herbst. four species. Ophryastes Schonh. latirostris Leo. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 443. ligatus Lee. ibid, sulcirostris Schonh. Liparus sulcirostris Say. vittatus Schonh. (infra). Liparus villains Say. Epicserus Sch Jnh. ? imbricatus (fide Say). Liparux imbricatus S. iy. and four species? witli four others of allied genera. Platyomus Schonh. auriceps SC/K I/I. Curculio aitricepJialux Say. Thylacites Gmn. microsns Schonh. T. microps Say. Tanymecus Germ, canescens Schonh. confertus Schonh. T. confusus Say. Cleonus Schonh. pulvereus Lee., ante, 18. trivittatns Say. angularis Lee., ante, 18. Listroderes Schunh. three species. Lepyrus Germ. gcminatus Say. Lithodus Germ, humeralis Germ. Brachycerus humeralis Say. Thecesternus humeralis Say. rectus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VIII, 18. affinis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VIII, 18. rudis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VIII, 18. erosus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VIII, 18. longior Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VIII, 10. morbillosus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VIII, 19. Lixus Fabr. two species. Erirhinus Schonh. and allied genera 15 species. Grypidius Schonh. one species. Balaninus Germ, one species. Piazorhinus Schonh. scntellaris SchonJi. Cure. Ill, 472 ; VII, 2, 352. Attelabus sculcllaris Say. Baridius Sclionh. seven species. Centrinus Schonh. two species. Ceuthorhyncus Schiippcl. four species. Rhyssematus Schunh. lineaticollis Schonh. Ji/ii/ncliienux lint alicollis Say. Acalles Schonh. three species. 48 COLEOPTERA OF KANSAS Conotrachelus Latr. posticatus Schonh. Sphenophorus Schonh. pulchellns Schonh. cultirostris Germ. compressirostris Say. (Calandra). and seven others. Cossonus Clairv. subareatus Schonh. and one other species. Tomicus Latr. pini Harris. Bostrichus pini Say. caligraphus Germ. Bostrichus exesus Say. CERAMBYCID^. Mallodon Serv. dasystomus JIald. Prionus dasystomus Say. cilipes Hold. Prionus cilipes Say. Prionus Geoffr. palparis Say. imbricornis Olic. fissicornis Hald. integer Lee. eraarginatus Say. Criocephalus Muls. productus Lee. asperatus Lee., ante, 19. agrestis Hald. Callidium ayresle Kirhy. Semanotus Muls. brevilineus Lee. Callidium brevilineum Say. Plujsocnemum brevilineum Hald. Callidium Fabr. variabile Fabr. araoenum Say. Dryobius Lee. sexfasciatus T^ec. Callidium sexfasciafum Say. Heliomanes Newman. bimaculatus Newman. Molorchus bimaculatus Say. Molorchus affinis Lee. Heliomanes obscurus Lee. (err. typog.) Eburia Serv. quadrigeminata Ilald. Stenocorus quadrigeminatus Say. Elaphidion Serv. simplieicolle Hold. E. pulverulentum^lliild. mucronatum Newman. Stenocorus mucronatus Say. villosum Dej. Stenocorus viUosits Fabr. Stenocorus pulalor Peck. Eriphus Serv. ignicollis Lee. Callidium ignicolle Say. Callidium sanguinicolle Germ. Arhopalus Serv. (emend. Lee ) fulminans Serv. Cli/tus fulminans Fabr. charus Lee. Clytus charus Say. pictus Lee. Cerambyx pictus Drury. Leplura Robinise Forster. Clytus Jlexuosus Fabr. Rhopalophorus Serv. longipes Lee. Stenocorus longipes Say. Tinopus longipes Lee. Purpuricenus Serv. humeralis Dej. Cerambi/x humeralis Fabr. Clytus Falir. scutellaris Dej. Callidium scutellare Oliv. erythrocephalus Fabr. uiululntus Say. (!. Sayi Lap. C. undaltts Kirby. cnproea ,S oi/. C. elerahtx I^ap. AND EASTERN Acmseops Lee. bivittata Lee. Leptura bivittata Say. dorsalis Lee., ante, 21. Typocerus Lee. sinuatus Lee. Leptura sinuata Newman. Stenura 8-notala Ilald. Leptura Linn, cribripennis Lee., ante, 21. rubrica Say. Monilema Say. annulatuui Say. Plectrodera Lee. scalator Lcc. Lamia scalator Falir. Lamia Belli Lcc. Oberea Muls. perspicillata Hald. oculaticollis Lee. Saperda oculaticollis Say. Stenostola Mnls. pcrgrata Lee. Saperda perr/rala Say. gentilis Lee. saturnina Lee., ante, 21. Amphionycha Lcc. ardens Le,c., ante, 22. Tetrops Kirby. canescens J^ee. Tetraopes Dahnan. tctraoplithalmus Harris. Cerambyx Forster. Lamia tornator Fabr. fcmoratus Lee. annulatiis Lee. Saperda Fabr. calcarata May var. S. adtpersa Lee. mutica Say. discoidea Fabr. punctieollis Say. S. trigeminata Randall. ?inornata Say (fide Say). 7 NEW MEXICO. Pogonocherus Latr. parvultis Lee. Psenocerus Lee supcrnotatus Lee. Clyliis supernotatuH Say. Leptostylus Lee. aculiferus Lee. Lamia aculifera Say. Amniscus marginellus Iluld. 49 Liopus Serv. cincrcus Lee. Acanthoderes Serv. dccipiens Lee. jEgomorptvus decipiens Ilald. CHRYSOMELID^E. Clythra Laicliart. latielavia Sch. Chrysomela laticlaria Forster. Cl;/thra obsita Fabr. Babia Lac. qnadriguttata Lac. Cly/hra i-guttata Oliv. Coscinoptera Lac. franeiscana Lee., ante, 22. Cryptocephalus Geotfr. lativittis Germ. C. ycminatus Hald. guttulatus Oliv., titiffr. C. lautus Newman, mucorcus Lcc., ante, 23. uotatus Olii: C. quadrimaculaius Say, Huld. qnadriguttnlns Sujfrian, dispcrsus Hald. vcn list us Fabr., Hald. C. ornalus Say. C. calidus Sufl r. leueoinelas Stiff rian. fasciatus Say. amatus I fa Id. confluens Say. viridis Hald. Mrmachus riridix Mels. 1 Cryptocephalus aiiralus Fabr. 50 COLEOPTERA OF KANSAS Pachybrachys Suffr. hepaticus Ilald. Cryptocephalus Jiepalicus Mels. trklens Mels. / mollis Hald. vicluatus Suffr. Cryp/oeeplialus virtual us Fabr. Cryptocephalus biri/tatns Say. and four? other species. Colaspis Filler, favosa Say. and six? other species. Metachroma Lcc. iuterruptum Lee. Colaspis inlcrrupta Say. pnllidum Lcc. Colaspis jmUida Say. var. Colaspis dubiosa Say. Paria Leo. sexnotata Lcc. Colaspis 6-no/ata Say. quadrinotata Lcc. Colaspis k-nolala Say. aterrima Lee. Colaspis aterrima Oliv. opacicollis Lee., ante, 23. pumila Lee., ante, 23. Hcteraspis Lee. ncbulosa Lcc., ante, 23. smaragdula Lcc., ante, 24. Myochrous (4-Chevr.). dcnticollis Lcc. Colasjris denlicollis Say. squamosus Lee., ante, 24. Chrysomela Linn, scalaris Lee. philadelphica Linn. multipunctata Say. var. C. rerrucosa Snffr. Ent. Zeit. 1858, 2C5. exclamationis Fabr. conjuncta Eocjers, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VIII, 34. disrupta Rogers, ibid, lunata Fabr. C. JiybriJa Say. pulchra Fabr. var. 6 . casla Rogers, Fr. Ac. Xat. Sc. VIII, 33. (7. lineata DeGeer. C. /estiva Fabr. incisa Rogers, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VIII, 34. prrecclsa Rogers, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VIII, 35. auripennis Say. basillaris Say (fide Say). flavomarginata Say. iuterrupta Fabr. scripta Fabr. obsoleta /Say. dissiiuilis Say. fonnosa Sri i/. Doryphora Fabr. 10-Iineata Say. Rogersii Lee. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sc. 2d scr. IV, 2fi. triraaculata Say. Chrysomela trimacuhi/a Linn. CJirysomela clivicoHis Fabr. Blepharida Rogers (jClievr.). rhois Rnrjcrs. Clirysomela rhois Forster. Chrysomela stolida Fabr. Altica virginica Frolilich. (Edionychis T-atr. gibbitarsa Lcc. A. gibbitarsa Say. scripticollis Lcc. A. scripticoUis Say. lobata Lee., ante, 24. Haltica Illiger. alternata llliyer. A. quinquei-iltata Say. punctigcra Lee., ante, 24. pluriligata Lee., ante, 25. collaris Illiger. Oalleruca collaris Fabr. ccrvicalis Lee., ante, 25. bimarginata Say. snbplicata Lee., ante, 25. punclipennis Lee., ante, 25. picta Say. holxincs Illiger. var. A. nana Say. Clirysomela helxines Linn, crythropus Lee. Crcpidodera crythropus Mels. Glyptina Lee. spuria Lee., ante, 26. lissotorqucs Lee., ante, 27. Longitarsus Latr. nigri])alpis Lee., ante, 20. rubidus Lee., ante, 2C. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 51 Chaetocnema Steph. dcnticulata Lee. Haltica dcnticulata Illigcr. subviridis Lee., ante, 27. Cerotoma (I Chevr.). caminea Fabr. (Gallcruca.) Diabrotica (.J. Chevr.). tlioracica Mels. (Calomicrus). longicornis Say (Gallcruca). tricincta Say (Gallcruca). ? atrivcntris Say (Galleruca), (fide Say). fatripennis Say (Galleruca), (fide Say). Adimonia Laich. cxterna Lcc. Galleruca cxterna Say. Galleruca Fabr. dorsata Say (fide Say), circumdata Say (fide Say). aud five other species. 1 Hispa Fabr. ?uollaris Say (fide Say). Anoplitis Kirby. scapularis Lcc. Hispa scapularis Oliv. Hispa lateral is Say. rosca Lcc. Hispa rosca Weber. llispa pallida Say. Hispa Philemon Newman. Microrhopala Chevr. laHula Lcc., ante, 27. oyanea Lee. llispa cyanea Say. t Hispa Hecate Newman. Chelymorpha Bohcman. Argus Boh. Cassida Argus Ilcrbst. Cassida cribraria lOYiv. Imalidium ll-punc/alwn Say. Cassida Ilcrbst. ? unipunctata Say. ? ellipsis Lee., ante, 28. 1 These supposed species belong to the group of pubes cent trivittate ones, and need more thorough investigation than can at present be made. C-punctata Fabr. C. bistripustulata Herbst. nigripes Oliv. atripes Lee., ante, 28. Coptocycla Boh. pallida Lee. Cassida pallida Herbst. ? Coptocycla aurisplendens Man cruciata Lcc. Cassida cruciata DeG. Cassida gutta/a Oliv. Cassida signifer Herbst. Coptocycla ijuttata Boh. purpurata lioJt. COCCINELLID-ffi. Anisosticta Chevr. vittigera Lee. Hippodamia viltigera Mann. Nsemia vittigera Muls. episcopalis Lee. Coccinella episcopalis Kirby. Nocmia episcopalis Muls. Hippodamia Chevr. glacialis Muls. Coccinella glacialis Fabr. Coccinella abbreriala Fabr. Coccinella remota Weber. 13-punctata 3fuls. Coccinella I3-punclala Linn. Coccinella libialis Say. Lecontii Huh. convergens Oner. Coccinella modes/a Mels. parenthesis Lcc. Coccinella parenthesis Say. Coccinella tridens Kirby. Adonia parenthesis Muls. Coccinella Linn, transversognttata Fold. C. 5-notata Kirby. monticola Muls. novemnotata Herbst. abdominalis Say. humcralis Say (fide Say). Brachiacantha Chevr. albifrons Lcc. Coccinella albifrons Say. tau Lee., ante, 28. 10-pustulata Lee. Hyperaspis \Q-puKtulata Mels. COLEOPTERA OF KANSAS Hyperaspis Chevr. vittigcra Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 133. quadrivittata Lee. ibid. VI, 133. elegans Mills. Coccinella undulata\\Sa,y. pratensis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 134. CEneis Muls. piusilla Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 135. Scymnus Kug. chatclias Muls. S. collaris Mels. caudalis Lee. ? S. creperus Muls. Sacium Luc. Iiuiutiim Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 144. II. OF EASTERN NEW MEXICO. CICINDELIDJE. Amblychila Say. cylindriformia Say* A. Piccolmninii Reiche. Megacephala Latr. virginica Dej.* Cicindela virginica Linn. Carolina Dej. Cicindela Carolina Linn. Cicindela Linn, pulchra Say* purpurca Oliv.* rar. C. Audubonii Lee. obsoleta Say.* cinctipennis Lee.* cuprascens Lee.* guttifera Lee. punctulata Fabr.* var. G. micam Fabr. cnmatilis Lee.* sedccimpunctata King. CARABIDvE. Micrixys Lee. distinctns Lee. Panageevs distinct us Hald. Eugnathus\\distinctus Lee. Helluomorpha Lap. laticornis Lap.* Hdhio laticornis Dej. Lachnophorus Dej. elegantulns Mann.* Tactiyptts mediosignalus Mene tr. Apristus Chaud. subsulcatus Lee. Dromius subsulcatus Dej. Glycia Chaud. viridicollis Lee.* Pristodactyla Dej. dubia Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 38. Platynus Bon. (emend. Brulle.) subcordatus Lee.* Agonum erylJiropum [[Kirby. placidus Lee.* Feronia placida Say. Agonum morosum Dej. Evarthrus Lee. substriatus Lee.* Feronia (Molops) subslriata Lee. PcEcilus Bon. scitulus Lee.* Amara Bon. polita Lee.* farcta Lcc. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 353. musculus Say.* Acrodon conlcmpla Lee. harpalina Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 355. Nothopus Lee. zabroides Lee.* Euryderus\\zabroides Lee. ? Amara grossa Say. Cratognathus Dej. sctosus Lee.* Piosoma se/osum Lee. eordalus Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 381. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. 53 Anisodactylus Dej. rnsticus Dej.* Harpalus ruslicus Say. Anisodactylus pinguis Lee. Anisodactylus crassus Lee. Anisodactylus gravidus Lee. Anisodactylus tristis Dej. clialceus Lee., ante, 2. Harpalus Latr. impotens Lee. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. IV, 14. amputatus Say* H. Stepbensii Kirby. rotundicollis Kirby.* retractus Lee. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sc. 2d. ser. IV, 29. H. impiger\\~Lec. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. VII, "79. fallax Lee., ante, 2. desertus Lee., ante, 3. oblitus Lee., ante, 2. Stenolophus Dej. ochropezus Dej.* Feronia ochropeza Say. dissirailis Dej.* Dicselus Bon. splendidus Say.* Chlsenius Bon. pensylvanicus Say.* C. vicinus Dej. C. pubescens Harris, laticollis Say.* C. diffinis Chaud. sericeus Say.* Carabus sericcus Forster. Cblsenius perriridis Lee. Pasirnachus Bon. validus Lee* Journ. Ac. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. IV, 14. P. piinclulatiiK ^Liee. elongatus Lee.* Scarites Fabr. subterraneus Fabr.* (cum var.) Clivina Latr. bipustulata Dej.* Scarites bipuslulatus Fain . Scarites quadripustulatus Beauv. Clicina quadripuslulata Say. Aspidoglossa Putz. subangulata Lee.* Clivina rmiataDe. Dyschirius subanrjulatus Cliaud. Dyschirius humeralis Chaud. Aspidoglossa fraterna Putz. Aspidoglossa vicina Putz. Clivina biptislulata^Say. Bembidium Latr. coxendix Say.* Odontium coxendix Lee. I dorsale Say.* pictum Lcc.* Calosoma Fabr. scrutator Fabr.* exteruum Lcc* Carabus externus Say. Calosoma longipenne Dej. DYTISCID^E. Hydroporus Clairr. striatellus Lee. vilis Lee. Anisomera Brulle. cordata Lee. Colymbetes Clairv. binotatus Harris.* C. maculicollis Aube. Cybister Curtis, fimbriolatus White* Brit. Mus. Cat. 5. Dytiscus fimbriolalus Say. Cybister dissimilis Aube. ellipticus Lee. HYDROPHILIDJE. Hydrophilus (feoffr. triangularis Say.* H. lugtibris Mot sell. Stelhoxus subsulcatiifs Lcc. Pr. Ac. VII, 221. lateralis Fabr., Lee* Pr. Ac. Nat, Sc. VII, 367. ellipticus Lee. ibid. VII, 308. STAPHYLINID^. Staphylinus Linn, villosus Grar.* Philonthus Leach. two species. 54 SILPHIDJE. COLEOPTERA OF KANSAS PARNID^E. Necrophorus Fabr. mediatus Fabr.* Silpha Liun. peltata Lee.* . Scarabseus peltatus Catesby. Silpha americana Liun. lapponica HerbsL* S. caudata Say. S. tuberculata Germ. S. californica Mann. Oiceoptoma granigerum Chcvr. truncata Say* raniosa Say.* NITIDULIDJE. Carpophilus Leach, pallipennis Lee.* C. floralis Er. Germ. Zeitschr. IV, 261. Gercus pallipennis Say. ziczac Say.* Nitidula Fabr. CUCUJTDJE. Laemophloeus Er. biguttatus Mels.* Gucujus biguttatus Say. Lsemophlceus bisignalus Guer. Nausibius Iledt. dentatus Bedt* Fauna Austr. 999. Lyctus dentatus Fabr. Silvanus de.ntatus Say. DERMESTIDJE. Dermestes Linn, marmoratus Say* fasciatus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 107. Attagenus Latr. spurcus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 109. ?A. cylindricornis Say. dichrous Lcc. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 110. Trogoderma Latr. pnsillum Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 111. Helichus Er. foveatus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 43. asqualis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 81. SCARAB^EIDJE. Strategus Hope. Julianus Burm., Lamell. Ill, 133. Aphonus Lee. tridentatus Lee* Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VIII, 22. Scarabseus tridentatus Say. Ligyrus Burm. gibbosus Lee* Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VIII, 20. Scarabseus gibbosus DeGeer. Podalgus variolosus Burm. Phileurus Latr. valgus Dej.,* Burm., Lamell. Ill, ICO. Geotrupes valgus Fabr. Pltileurus castaneus Hald. Cremastochilus Knoch. saucius Lcc.* Journ. Ac. Nat. Sc. 2d scr. IV, 1C. Euryomia Burm. (emend. Lac.) mclancholica Lac* Gen. Col. Ill, 528. Cetonia melancliolica Gory. Kernii Lac. ibid. Euphoria cernii Hald. Clarkii Lac. ibid. Euphoria Clarkii Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 414. Allorhina Burm. (emend. Lac.) mutabilis? Lac. Gen. Col. Ill, 497. Cotinis mutabilis Burm., Lamell. I, 255. Gymnetis mutabilis Gory. Anomala Samouelle. varians Burm* Melolontha varians Fabr. Strigoderma Burm. arboricola Burm.* Melolontha arboricola Fabr. Polyphylla Harris, decemlineata Lee* Mflolonlha 10-lineata Say. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. Thyce Lee. squamicollis Lcc. J. Ac. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. Ill, 232. Lachnosterna Hope. lanceolata Lcc* Melolontha lanceolata Say. Tostegoptera lanceolata Blanchard. Dichelonycha Kirby. sulcata Lcc. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. Ill, 281. Hoplia liliger. laticollis Lcc. Journ. Ac. Nat. Se. 2d ser. Ill, 284. Trox Fabr. alternans Lee* Proc. Acad. Nat, Sc. VII, 211. Canthon Illiger. praticola Lee..,* ante, 10. BUPRESTID^E. Psiloptera Sol. (emend. Lac.) AVoodhoiisci Lee.* Diccrca Woodhousei Lee. var. Pxiloptcra valcns Lcc. Ancylochira Esch. conflncns Lcc.* Jiupreslis conjluens Say. alternans Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, 207. Rubornuta Lcc. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, 208. Melanophila Esch. difficilis Lcc. Cdclis Lcc. rtneiKyin mirandus Lcc. Proc. Acad. VII, 83. Anthaxia Esch. rctifcra Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, 215. imperfecta Lcc. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, 215. Chrysobothris Esch. qnadrilineata Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, 233. cuprascens Lcc. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, 233. Acma3odera Esch. variugata Lcc. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, C7. mixta Lcc* Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. XI, 227. ELATERIDJE. Cratonychui Er. oxubcrans Lee. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. X, 477. TELEPHORIDJE. Silis Charp. Telephorus Geoffr. MELYRID.S]. Collops Er. bipunctatus Er.* MalacJiius Lipunclalm Say. Dasytes Fabr. erythropus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 171. CLERID^iE. Cymatodera Gray, longicornis Lcc. Trichodes Ilcrbst. ornatns Say* Clerus Geoffr. nicxicanns Spin. mocstus King. C. truncalus Lee. Corynetes Fabr. rufipcs Fabr.* violaceus Fabr.* PTINIORES. Niptus Boickl. ventriculns Lcc., ante, 13. Trypopitys Kedt. pnnctatus Lee., ante, 13. TENEBRIONID^E. Epitragus Lntr. canalicalatus Say.* Eurymetopoa Esch. abnorme Lcc. atrum? Lee. 5(5 Pactostoma Lee. anastomosis Lee.* Asida anastomosis Say. Pelecyphorus Sol. sorclidus Lee.* Proc. Acad. Nat, Sc. VI, 46. Eus chides Lee. convexicollis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 224. obovata Lee. convexa Lee.,* ante, 1 4. polita Lee. Asida polita Say. Asida Latr. opaca Say. Euschides opaca Lee. concolor Lee. Zopherus Gray. Eleodes Esch. obscura Lee* Blaps obscura Say. 1 Blaps hispilabris Say. acuta Lee.* Blaps acuta Say. tricostata Lee.* Blaps tricostata Say. Pimelia alternata Kirby. gracilis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. 1858, 184. sponsa Lee. ibid. 184. caudifera Lee. ibid. 184. obsoleta Lee.* Blaps obsoleta Say. debilis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. 185*8, 185. extricata Lee* Blaps exlricala Say. carbonaria Lee. * Blaps carbonaria Say. nigrina Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. 1858, 186. Embaphion Say. contusura Lee. J. Acad. Nat. Sc. 2d ser. IV, 40.* Eusattus Lee. reticulatus Lee.* Zopliosis reticulala Say. Blapstinus Dej. pratensis Lee.,* ante, 15. Nyctobates Esch. pensylvanicus Lee.* Tenebrio pensylvanicus Knoch. Upin chrysops Herbst. Xystropus Sol. pingnis Lee., ante, 16. sericea Say.* Cistela Fabr. MELOID^E. Meloe Linn. sublaevis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 84. parvulus Hold. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 404. M. paro Lytta Fabr. biguttata Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 332. maculata Say.* costata Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 84. longicollis Lee* Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 343. Fabricii Lee* Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 343. L. cinerca\[FsH)i:, Harris. Tetraonyx Latr. fulva Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 344. Nemognatha Illiger. nigripcnnis Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 347. cribraria Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 348. immaculata Say.* Zonitis Fabr. flavida Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 349 rufa Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 85. (EDEMERIDJE. Calopus Fabr. angustus Lee. Asclera Schmidt, obscura Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 21. Mycterus Oliv. concolor Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 235. CURCULIONIDJE. Bruchus Linn, one species. Ophryastes Schoiih. tuberosus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 443. vittatus SchonJi.* Liparus vitlatus Say. Tanymecus Germ, lautus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VII, 85 Sitones Germ, scissifrons Say. Cleonua Sehonh. lutulentus Lee., ante, 18. AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. Tylosis Lee. f>7 one species. one species. one species. Anthonomus Germ. Baridius Sehonh. Cossonus Clairv. Tomicua Latr. pini Harris.* Bostrichus pini Say. caligraphus Germ* Bostrichus exe.sus Say. CERAMBYCID^. Derobrachus Serv. geminatus Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 233. Prionus Geoffr. cnrvatns Lee., ante, 19. palparis Say.* fissk ornis Ilald.* Criocephalus Muls. asperatns Lee., ante, 19. Elaphidion Serv. villosum Hald.* Stenocorus villomts Fabr. Stenocorus putator Peck, debile Lee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. VI, 442. Eriphus Serv. ? ignieollis Say (Callidium).* Callidium sanrjuinicolle Germ. ? rntilans /><?. (Arhopnlus). Arhopalus Serv. (emend. Lee.) pictus Lee* Cerambyr pictus Drury. Leptura Robinine Forster. Clytut flexuosus Fabr. 8 maculatus Lee. Stenaspis Dupont. solitaria Lee.* Cerambyx solitarius Say. Smileceras solitarium Lee. Rhagium Fabr. lineatum Sehonh.* Stenocorus lineatus Oliv. auripilis Lee. Leptura Linn. Monilema Say. appressum Lee. Monohammus Latr. clamator Lee. Stenostola Muls. pergrata Lee.* Saperda peryrata Say. Tetraopes Palm. canescens Lee. concolor Lee. Saperda Fabr. ^Edilis Serv. spectabilis Lee., ante, 22. CHRYSOMELIN-ffi. Loina Fabr. trivirgata Lee., ante, 22. Urodera Lac. crucifera Lac. Mon. Chrysom. II, 454. Cryptocephalus Gcoflr. conflucns Say.* Colaspis Fabr. one species. Myochrous Chevr. dcnticollis Lee.* Eumolpus denticnUix Say. Chrysomela Linn, auripc iinis Say* (cnm var. ccrrulea). interru]>ta Fabr.* formosa Sat/.* 58 COLEOPTE.RA OF KANSAS AND EASTERN NEW MEXICO. CEdionychis Latr. lugens Lee., ante, 24. Haltica Fabr. alternata Illiger,* H. quinquevittala Say. semicarbonata Lee., ante, 25. ambiens Lee., ante, 25. obliterata Lee., ante, 26. punctipennis Lee.,* ante, 25. torquata Lee., ante, 26. bitscniata Lee., ante, 2fi. Luperus Geofl r. rulipes Lee., ante, 27. Galleruea Geoffr. one spmes. Microrhopala Chevr. cyanea^ec. * Hispa cyanea Say. ? Hispa Hecate Newman. Cassida IJerbst. sexpunctata Fabr.* C. bistripustulata Herbst. EROTYLID^ffi. Erotylus Fabr. Boiscluvalii Chevr. COCOINELLID./E. Anisosticta Chevr. vittigera Lee.* Hippodamia vittigera Mann. Hippodamia Chevr. Lecontii Mills.* convergens Gucrin.* H. modes/a Mels. Coccinella Linn. monticola Mds.* Psyllobora Chevr. vigintimaculata Hay.* Braehiacantha Chevr. albifrons Lee.* Coccinella albifrons Say. Epilachna Chevr. eorrnpta Mitls. Cocc. 815. PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, WASHINGTON CITY, DECEMBER, 1859. 1. DICAELUS LAEVIPENNIS. 2 CAI.OSOMA LUXATUM. 3. SILPHA TRUNCATA. 4. OMOROUS SCUTELLARIS 8 EMBAFHICN PRESSUM 1 AMB1.YCHIIA CYL1NDRIFORM1S. 5. THYCE SQ JAMiCC l.LIS 2. M:CR;XYS DISTINCTUS. e ^S;I,QPTL?AWOODHOUSEI 3 A .irSOMERA CORDATA . 7 .^NOPHIIA MIRANDA . 4. PnlI.EUKUS VALGUS. 6. fkOTYL JS BCISDUVALII. 9. CYSTEODEMUS VtTTATUS. 1C. WISI.TZEN1 . 11. PACTOSTOMA ANASTOMOSIS. 12 DEROBRACHUS 6EMINATUS. U. HRICNUS THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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