CONFIDENTIAL! LIST OF iiiii CONVENTIONAL SIGNS AND ABBREVIATIONS IN USE ON FRENCH AND GERMAN MAPS Compiimcnts of COMPILED BY SECOND SECTION, GENERAL STAFF (TOPOGRAPHY) REPRODUCED AT CENTRAL MAP REPRODUCTION PLANT ENGINEER SCHOOL WASHINGTON BARRACKS. D. C. 1918 '^^ CONVENTIONAL SIGNS AND ABBREVIATIONS IN USE ON FRENCH AND GERMAN MAPS •c* War Department, lVasfiinj(ton, July 17, igi8. The following list of conventional signs and abbreviations is reprinted from a similar pamphlet compiled by the Second Section, General Suff (Topo- graphy) of the American Expeditionary Forces. The conventional signs and abbreviations in use on the French maps will hereafter be used on nil battle maps; that is, maps used for the training of troops during the present emer- gency, prepared in the United States. This pamphlet does not revoke or su- persede "Conventional Signs, U. S. Army Maps" (W. D. Document 418 of 1912), nor the conventional signs published as Figures 48 to 67 in the "Engineer Field Manual," which will continue to govern the Permanent Military Maps of the United States By order of the SECRETARY OF WAR: Peyton C. March, General, Chief .;' Staff. Official : H. P. McCain, Th( Adjutant General. o o o iri o o o 6 i T 1 T 1^ I I IT ^1! a « 301159 > t o o , , Q ( I in , i o + *o ^ ^' -» o g !< ^f c5 o (^ i o ) I O f I © +© ♦© ^ o o o d < I C I •^ ^ !!, ^ Si ^ « < ? f # # ^ S S S Si ^ I ^ « to ^ O o a w c Q © IQl ® (? s - 1 8 si C •^2 I ^1^ Si I I i ^ ^ Q O O o in ^ □ D 0£Q c 5? o ^ Q o o o d " r-. D -^o o o ^ o o o d CM 4 1 i ? J ll .' -s I 11 c^.S "C c 0) O O) *- Various works and parts of a prepared terrain Wire entanglements xxxxxxxx Twrnowt in Cb commiinioation trench Steps to^et in or out of a communication or fire trench « Crossing in a comniu?iica,tio7i or fire trench Shelter r^=gi & s Post of Cojnmanden of Battal'UJn of Regiment of Brigade _ of Division _ of Army Corps Infantry observing post fOccu/pi^d Artillery observing post < \Frepared (Occupied -T Prepared {Occupied Emplacement for trench mortarsl .^ [Prepared Munition depots.. Cartridge Gj^e nodes Trench engines Depot of tools and materials Subsistence depot Water swppUes Dressing stati/jns A ▲ A £3 -Tr m [3 PSs Headquarters and Staffs Commandiji^ Gcnerai ((}eneral HeadquwrtGrs) ^Q^ HtacUiuarters of oroup of ourmies (^^s RecuiqiiwT'ters 2^ Army. . "^^ Director of SubppLy Servioe 2l^ Jinny. " P Ileadqucurters 7^ Jrmy Corps ^""^PT HeuAlquarters S':^ Division (h^ of the Army Corps} ^ HecbdAfu^arters ^^ Divisiorh(2^y^' of the Army Cor})s) P|? HecvcUjUAjirters 53^^ Divisiorv(S^^ of the Army Corpsf f^ Heddquariers 65^ Sep an cite Division ^^ Headqucurtors ^'^^ Cavalry Division ^ Staff ^rjih Infantry Brigade Battalioro of lnfwntry._ Battalion of Chasseurs 25 Staff 3^^ Cavalry Bmgade. K Infantry Company of Irvfardry . ^ Company of Chasseurs @ Growp of Cyclists ® Cavalry Sqwadron of Cavalry K Regiment of CoA^alry Small group Artillery Group in park. Emplacement. of Field Batterp. of BaUert/ 95. of Battery 100.— of Battery 105.^ of Battery 120 L.(long.)_ ofBaMery 155 L. Hong.)- of battery IW C. {short), of Battery 155 C. (shoH.). of Battery 220.. of Battery 270. of Battery S70. , Special typesdiith India ttion of caliber in centhncters) . Antiaircraft station. Infantry nunntion section. Artillery niuvition section . Section o/ ' p(( rk Occupied ® f AHillery park, army corps (h* echelon.)- Artillery park, army corps (2^'^ echelon.). Echelon o/ main artillery park Echelon along the road — When movable. _ Intermediate depoti Heavy Artillery.) Park (Heavy Artillery.) Prepared ...t±±j . ...6 ...6 ...a ...6 ...6 1 66 # SMI 41 SMA QD rmn (D Di C3P KngiiKH^i's Company of Engineers Search light section Tele0'aph detachinent of army corps ^ Telegraph section Clruiy) % Telegraph section of Ji*"-i Hut ^ Field radio station Bridge equipage Army corps engineer park Army engineer parli Medical Service Ambulance ^ + Hospital section (TH Group of stretcher hearers ryi Evacuation hospital [S Secti4)n of evacucition hospital @ Reserve personnel Q) Reserve material ^3^ Hospital in railroad station w Sanitary train %"^ AA^ation I (iixt)! Sqwadron. JvicbtioTi park.— ' ^^ ' Bombing group.. Park of bombing group.. Landi ng fitld. tJ - 2 Captive balloon,.. Automobile Service Seotion supplying fresh nieat.^ ^ ^ Sanitary section- automobile. ^ n> Section, for trn.nsportation. of material P-^ Section for transportation of personnel. ^ * > Section of automobile park ^ LARGE RiVER.^^r, River. aotois Cane/, Lake Eoic\5 drook.Pond lo LARGE RI\/ER._.s River 25to2o Canalidke 251020 Brook, Pond is Various inscriptions LARGERIVER River, Canal. Lake 50 35 TO 30 I S5: Ji Brook. Pond^ Foot bridge, chapel, j Gemetery_ to Sawmi'I, sugar mill. brick yard gradfj crossing _io Spring, tartr,^ Hiil 176-iO imporran* irerches. 12 5 Sma'ifi'c ^;•ench^s,cs^ SCALE 1:80,000 and Black 1:50,000 French Maps Church, steeple or belfry o light hniose, harbor lights Chapel or hermitage, ^ Oratory, important tontb Crucifix, Cross ^ ^ tijmJ), staiue of virgin. Works and \^ Str\ictures ^ Cemetery Chateo^u or la,rge housi Farmhouse House or isolated stru-cture Beacon, chimney monument or tower Wind Mill _ MiM (waterpower)- Ironworks, factory (hydraulic power) "" Factory (nonhydraiol'ic power) Telegraph se^naphore Cave, underground quarry, den, mine, shaft. ■■ entra,nce to gallery Lime-kiln, plastsr-hilv Fountain, well, spring Ruins SCALE 1:80,000 and Black 1:50.000 French Maps Felices v Stone Ditch . Bank . Hedge. Trees _ m Geodetic T'oints Belfry, church, lighthouse . Chapel Triangukution points Secondwry points Xote ': The figures which accompany the symbols above, express in meters the height above the level of the sea. -^236 Clfissificatiorv of place names- <; -PREFECTURES 2" sous PREFECT <%> ■« CANTON @ •3 Coinmune 15 SCALE 1:80,000 arid Black 1:50,000 French Maps Fortified City Works ana Structures Walled city and old fort Modern fort, battery and intrench ment _ Uvftrotected City ^ Village Woodland, deciduous, trees Woodland, evergreen'. Brush _ kh ' . A A SCALE i. ■80,000 and Black 1:50.000 French Maps ' Ef Laud ( laesif icat Cultioated I mm dated Orchard.s Hedges ufid garde ru Peat bos'-' ioi) y Swam J} Salt Vnculti rated land and cUf'f Sand dunes and sand Reef.'; above and under water V Mountains rr/firiT!?.*'','.X!!.'?r'.i: ,',,'■' ! j» «t -"St -*-- * SCALE 1:200,000 WAGON ROADS Js'ational Highwcuys Regularly maintained always passable — ~ Jrreguiarly mainytainecb passahility wrvcertairt/ Dirt roads Importairit by-roads. Railways , StandAwd Gauge dowble. track i<,taiidard Gauge single track Jf arrow Gauge, tramway Mamgahle cwnal^ Large River- Hydrographic < .Kote: The isolated bridges and' tliose serving the dirt rottds are the only ones shown' J^ation. BOUNDARIES OF Departinent. x-Bridge 6-rord H-Skiff B-Ferry r-Aer/af Ferry + ++ + + + + + + - + - +-+ I^CALE 1 :200,000 Works and Structures Chwrdh iiv vilUi^e Isolxited oh/urf>h or chapel ] nhporto/iU Shrine (■(ha tie Observcutory tower ^ Rmmv Foresiers house. Wind miU Water power mill, saw mill Works, FaA>tory Fortificoytions Elevatioro fi^wres FU^wres of popu/UUioTV hi thouusa nds Classification of Clby Small city, Market town' VUAaie, Commune, Fort . -4 - ^ - 1 -re -« Colo Qi Symbol VILLE.VILLE. PETITE VILLE,BOURG. Village, Commune, Fort. ^Mouut'oAn. Forest, LarSe River v,ontaqne Foret, neuve Place Names \Ha>ml-et, Important, River, Woods - Hameau, Riviere importante,B Small Mt.,HiU . Cliff, Peak . Mont, Col.Rocher. Pic. Glacier, Lake Glacier, Lac. LEGEND FOR MAP OF SUPPLY SYSTEM OF FRENCH ARMY Front W//MM///////////// Limit of a rill ij s/'ctor^ Cb/ti/ Limit anil Jirn' of itnpe zone Sia II fhtrd iia ii iie Standard gau^e Rwy Rat ion rc/il/ifiii point (jrith fit pot- for rrseri'c stori'sj- BLUE RED Station. iiSfcl as refit ling point uiUiont depot for reserve stores — Railway , ()0 cjn. gauge Animal traction Mechanical traction Important station Secondary station — 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Secondary station with telephone connection — Siding (dead end) Rail dump Unloading platform Inqjortant station with unloading platform o -t DR. .• UiMSsinjrs for Infantry . Cavalry^ Inf. Cav. VH. Horse drawn vehicles and small ainbulances Heavy artillery with indications of type ,fA'^B'C'CA.LG.?. 7 ton trucks and aiito.s V. A. 7 9 ton trucks and autos 10 ton trucks and autos . V. A. 9 V. A.IO Road ballast dump ff£0 ftCD RED RCO RED RED RED NED RED RED LEGE.VD FOH MAP OF SUPPLY SYSTEM OF FREXCH ARMY Artillery Engineers 4 Artillery dump Ammunition depot . ^m m iinition distribution center Engineer dump- Engineer park- ^ Corps Engineer parti . Medieit I- Hospital section Clothing-depot Slaughter house for army Filling station — Watering trough Hospitals and Camps . Water Supply for j Heavy artillery and light railroads ^ Water supply depot (One u*ay traffic Two way traffui Tliree way traffic LEGEXB FOR MAP OF BOMBARDMENT OBJECTIVES Aviation Parks from photographs Aviation Parks from documents Railroad stations Standard Gauge . Narrow Oaug^ _ m X ffCD oHctn (MUH t'T"" .0 .— _ iixum o Yarrow Gauge, location doubtfwl , — ,__, v— , ,>_, 21 LEGE.KD FOR MAP OF E^^'EMY FIRST POSITU.WS. The trenches and covered commiLmixitions are indicated by 0reen h^chin^ Du'gouts, ceila-rs aiul inhahited hxiwses- Machine iuns in th^' open Machine 0uns Jf rider cover 37 mm. Gun Observing post. Trench mortar in the open Trench mortar under cover fhstribati^n center Headquarters Concealed battery Concealed, battery in casemate Emplacement, isolated Anti-aircraft gun Ammunition depot Telephone liri^s, buried TelephovAi, lines in thfe open. # (D l/mboi GREEN RED :FEEN RED 22 LEGEMD FOR MAP OF EJfEM Y FIRST POSITION'S Telephone exciiange 4 of Signal station (visual) Ration, refilling point, secondary j R | Ration refilling point, principal Paths, tneu-ns of approach Cros.sindu ( important ) of communication trenches ami paths -^ m^ ^ *^2, ■^' Park, depot of materiul Camps Turcn^el ^llll < LEGE.YD FOR SKETCHES OF HESULTS OF DFSTRUCTfVE FIRE Tanjets cnmpletely destroyed Toj-0efs pos.sih!ij destroyed Newly disco re red works New targets Area, covered by fin, (' ^ Limits of area, eovered- by photographs -_«_««_ 23 LEGEND FOR ACTIVE HOSTILE BATTERY SHEET WITH DIRECTION OF FIRE Caliher not determined Field artillery, caliber 77 mms. Field artillery, caliber 105 mms O ® e Heavy artillery, caliber 150 mms Heavy artillery, caliber 210 mms and over Anti - aircraft section Batteries seen to be , in action during the period of to Having already fired during the preceding period Inactive during the preceding period but having fired previous, to that .Yew (ZT O o Battery inactive during period to .but active during pi-eceding peHod iS-Ehiplaoernent known to be active during tlu- period 28// / I0-Tot confirmed hy photography OO s tcaidard, ga uge . Railway narrow gauge . Collection ofpajths . Camp, Cajitonment, Bivouac, Junction of roads or tracks ( paths j. Telep}u)ne centraJ Signal Station (visual) Artillery emplacement (active) position from photographs ArtiUeyry emplacemeAit (active) position^ otherwise deternivned Artillery emplacement, prepared, position from photographs , hiti - aircraft gun Dugouts Gare I M I I I M I > o L.J I I I I ® RED RED reusm RED Teleploon^ line . Roimdary Lines GERMAN MAPS 1:25,000 JLTWpvrB MMHHHHHMHHMM StCUte HHHHHHHHMHHHHHHHH Regency h.h.h-h+^-h.h-h.m.m-h District Comrrvwne Roaxls High Rvad . . . ■ ■ i ^ i '■ ■ — . Constructed road ;; i ;;'.;; ', = Ldrge path ^ — — = Cross road \ ; .^ Field road ==si==============: Mwle path , _- = =i == z= = = Foot path — Rail Roads < '2 or 4- tracks railroad p «fcj ; - ■■ jc^xj;!! ^-^ Slation 1 or S tracks railroad Steanv car two tracks Horse car one track . ^S i M iiiiiiii w i ii iiti i iiii i m i i i ii i 27 GERMAN MAPS 1:25,000 Fence Wail. Enihankfnent, Wire fence - Heflcte Hydrographyi Da m Stone -Steel bridge. Wo ode n hr i die <»TTftTt ^ ^ STONt PIERS Fontoofi . Canal n mmmmmmmm • I/- u; orTrruT \jj uj m uJ River. Classification of Place Names Chief team of regency. Chief town of district,. To wn Borough. Village^ Hamlet METZ _THANN SIEECK jGorze JXoveant Malmaison GERMAN MAPS 1:25,000 Land Ciassification Trees with leaves Kverdreen treef Mixed woods "S fira m hies. Osier - fdnff Orrtidrds, rturseHes. Heath Dry Afendow V'jj L _•_ a.1 Ui. ifi 12.": ^?■!•l:°•^^!^^°y>!!^> Thickets a a a r B GERMAN MAPS 1:25,000 W^et Meadow Swcump . Class^mcation 1 Viiveywrd. Hop-p'OU'iui IV.i'.WAM7AV,vaV,V'.Y GwrdevAplaimj ABBREVIATIONS Street, Road Advwnoed Work Farm SrmM ForiAi^ Iivn Sir. _y.w. _r. w. w. Wash- howse. Little KL Superior Inferior Tile - Kibv Whs. Wasch H. Bi^- (large) Gr. Ob. TerrniruUions of words. Vnt. -Zgl. Hs.-Haus \Hm-Heim j Bch-Bach Hsn^Hwwsen/ Df — Dorf ' Bg.—Bwrg 30 GERMAN MAPS 1:25,000 ABBREVIATIONS BaiUudck A. Brook B. Mountain B. Station Bhf. Gatesrrtan-house B. fV. Manoe.uveHng.ground Ejcerx. PI. Mill Fhr. Ford Ft Mountain Gh. Froperty, Encloswre G. Haltinyd-Place H.p, l[untin0 residence Jagdhs. Rid4&fTop A'. Barrack Kas. Sermce powder store house — K,P.M. Periodical Pond . Period T. Marl-pit Mgr. Clay-quarry ^ Marl-pit Lu.Myl.G^r, Sheep fold. Sf/ta/. Castle , Svhl. Lock Schls*'. GERMAN MAPS 1:25,000 SIGNS Miscellaneous Symbols ' Church with steeple Church without steeple Chapel Kap. . Wind-mill-. Water-mill. Tanner If W.M. M. ASnw-niilL Oil-mill— L.M. .S.M. O.M. DyeworHs. W,M. Taper-mill. Gun Powder- Forge Pap.M, Forester. F. Forest Sub-Inspector O.F. Forester W. W Meadow -keeper W, W. Castle ••• ♦ t\ - ft _ ft -ft -ft _ft _ft _ ft _« -y Observatory, Tower Ruins K. 32 t GERMAN MAPS 1:25,000 SIGNS Miseellaneous Symbols Lon^ tree. Important battlefield. Old Trench Monument Mine ( working )\'^^^f'^^ ^howsthe Stone qivarry Fit and Ditch Clay quarry Sand quarry Gravel quajry Rocks Christian cemetery. Jewish cemetery — Lime - Kiln Tar- mill Khf. ^ KJif. — m K.O ^ T.o n Triangulation Point Fountain, Well, Spring. Orienting Post Oratory FoH f Batteru 33 CONVENTIONAL SIGNS COMMONLY USED ON GERMAN MAPS. Color of Sy.-nbol Fire and communication trenches"! orepared for defence. (Graben ). Ordinary communication trenches ( Weg) The distinction between fire and other trenches is not always made Wire entanglement. Trench railway (Feld-bahn ). Battery fixed by photography. Heavy Minenwerfer. Light Minenwerfer MG ^ (Occasionally). Grenade store(or shell magazine ). Screen from view. Telephone station with cable. Searchlight. P'oni^er dump Oressin;^ station. Well. HeaoQijarters. Usually some form of circle wicn tiag. Th.e number of circles increases with the importance of the H Q but the signs vary largely Co Commander. Shaft of m.ine. Unsafe ground with mine shafts Turnp;ke XX>tK«t*XS« RfLO FED ) RED i£ RS.O A HEO % HLO % »eD ^jnnrYrnrmYYwrminl) RED REO > :::> RED X fiEO gs ffEO oBr. ^rn pqKF RED ^<^ BLACK 'II ll! BLACK Ch.Hs. BLACK 3^t- CONVENTIONAL SIGNS COMMONLY USED ON GERMAN MAPS. 3' 7 cm. Revolver Gun. 7-7cm, Field Gun Anti -Aircraft Gun. — 9 cm. Fieid Gun. 105 cm. Light Field Howitzer. 10 cm Gun.(nev>/er pattern), _ 12 cm. -Gun. 35 .s^^ Color or Symbol 5 cm. Belgian Gun. ^ *- red ^^E Re:D RED RED 12 cm. Belgian Gun ^—H — ^ red 15 cm."Ringkanone."_ > II > red 15 cm. Long Gun. ^— -4< — ^ RED 15 cm. Heavy Field Howitzer.('13). > ^^ > red 21 cm. Mortar(old pattern) (^\ y 21 cm. Mortar(hewer pattern). > (S^ \ RED RED 90 mm. and 95 mm. French Guns. — "^ > red CONVENTIONAL SIGNS COMMONLY USED ON GERMAN MAPS. Cohr f< 10 cm. Gunfolder pattern) 13 cm. Gun 15 cm. Gun(i.S.L) 15 cm. Russian Gun 15 cm. Heavy Field .Howitzer (older pattern) 30.5 cm Mortar orTTV^ <^'^- Mortar Darn Bnck-kiln Telegraph detachment Field signalling detachment Wireless telegraph station Bhf. Bahnhof (Station) Hp. Haltepunkt(Stopping place) BIst Biockstation (Block signal station) Lst Ladestelle (Loading platform) B W. Bahnawarter (Plate layer's hut) modt H-^ R <> m i > © > Sch RED RED RED RED RED RED RED BLACn BLACH BLUE BLUE BLUE 36 ^ ABBREVIATIONS USED ON THE STAFF MAPS (CarUs de VEtat Major ) IN ABBREVIATIONS made up of the first and the last letter or letters of a word, the last letter or letters are printed in smaller type above the line. By this means the terms indi- cated by the two similar abbreviations can be distinguished. Thus Sal is the abbreviation for Saline, but S"^ is the abbreviation for Signal. Abbrev. French Equiv. English Equiv, Abat Abattoir Slaughter House Abb* Abbaye Abbey Abr Abreuvoir Watering Trough Agr** Agricole Agricultural Aig^* Aiguille Needle Anc° Ancien Ancient, former Aq°* Aqueduc Aqueduct Arb Arbr& Tree Ard" Adroisiere Slate Quarry A* Arret Halt (Flag Sta.R.R.) Ars* , Arsenal Arsenal Art* Artesian Artesian As* Asile Asylum Aubg* - Auberge Inn Av* Avant Befote, in front of Av°* Avenue Avenue 37 Abbrev. French Equiv. Enjrlish Equiv, B Baie Bay B Bois Woods Bac Bac Ferry boat Baraq* -. Baracquement Field barracks Bat Bateau Boat Bat** Batterie Battery B''" Bureau Office B*^*'^ Bouche Mouth B*^^ Borde Farm B^^ JBarrage Weir B*^ _- Bergerie Sheepfold B'** -.:—__--, . Bastide_^ Small fort, Country house (Sou. France) B*° Barin „ Small house B'" Bassin Basin B"*^"^ Batiment Building B" Borne Boundary mark B°° Buron ___Cheese factory B°° Buisson Bush B^"*' Baraque Hut Br Broussaile Brush wood B^^ Barriere Gate Briq*^ Briqueterie Brickyard B^'^^ Balise Beacon B»^^> Bas (or Basse) Low C Cap Cape Cab^^ Cabaret Village Inn C^'^^ Cascade Waterfall C^' Canal Canal C=^' Cortal Shepherd's hut Cant Canton Canton Cant'* Cantonal Cantonal Cant' Cantonnier Road mender \ Cap'^ Capitale Capital Carav Caravanserail Caravansery 38 Abbrev, French Equiv, Carr* Carriere Carref Carrefour _. Cas"'' Caserne English Equlv, Quarry . Crossroad -Barracks Cath^^ Cathedrale Cathedral Ch^" Chateau Ch*-'*^ __Chaussee Ch*» Chalet Ch'" Chemin Ch"^' Chapelle Ch°" Cheminee ___Chimney Chateau Highway Chalet Road Chapel Ch^ Champ Field Cim^'^ Cimetiere Cemetery Cit* Citerne Cistern Cit"-^ Citadelle Citadel C"« Cabane Hut C"^ Chaine Chain CI" Clocher Belfry, steeple C"'^ Colonie Colony CoF'^ College College Col"'^ Colline Hill Colomb''^ Colombier Dovecote Co° Coron Miners* dwelling Cond^ Conduite Conduit Com°° Communication Communication Cot Cote Hillock Couv* Couvent Covent C'*^ Calvaire , Wayside Cross C^*^ Cense Farm CT Canton Canton (territorial subdivision) C^ Croix Cross DeV Debarcadere DeP , —Defile Dep Depot Dep'^ Departeraentale. Landing place Defile Depot Departmental 39 Abbrev, French Equiv, English Equiv. Dep"^ Depot de Munitions.- Munition dump (a proximite des lignes) Det''" ._ Maison de detention __ Jail Det' Detroit- Channel or Strait Det* Detruit Destroyed Dig Digue Dike Disp Disparu Disappeared Disp*"*^ Dispensaire Dispensary Dist^'^ Distillerie Distillery D"" Douane Custom house Dol*" Dolmen Dolmen (Druid monument) Dofn^'W Domanial(e) Domanial Dom*" Domaine Estate Dunes Dunes Dunes E - Eau Water Ec**" Ecurie Stable Ec''' Ecluse Lock Eg^* Eglise Church Elect Electrique-Electricite -Electric-Electricity E'« Fcole School Emb^^ Embarcadere Quay Emb"^'' Embouchure Mouth E. Min Eau minerale Mineral spring Est***" Estacade Stockade Estab"* Establissement Establishment Etg Etang Pond Et'*^ Etoile Star Ev* Eveche Bishopric Fab® Fabrique Factory Y^^ Faubourg- Suburb Fecie Feculerie Starch works a > F*^*" Forge Smithy (iron works)^^ Fl Fleuve River 40 Abbrev. French Equiv. English Equiv, ' Flot Flottant Floatable (Floating) F*"* Ferme Farm F"* or Font"' Fontaine Fountain F""" Fourneau Furnace Fr Foresti er Forester Fr Four Furnace-Oven F"* Fonderie Foundry Front^ Frontiere ^.Frontier F'^ Fosse Ditch F^ Fort Fort F* Foret Forest F'*^ Faculte University G''^ General General Gal'*^ Galerie Gallery Gare Gare Station (RR) Gar"*" Garenne Warren (Game preserv^e) G''^ Garde Guard 'G'^ Golfe Gulf G"" Gendarmerie Gendarmerie G^*" Gorge Narrow Pass Gl" .Glacier Glacier Gr'**'^' Grand(e) Large G"" — Grotto Grotto Gr«^* Grange Bam Gue Gue Ford Hab^ Habert Cowbarn H»' Hopital Hospital H*" Hameau Hamlet H" Halte Halt H^' Hotel Hotel, large house or ^ public building. Herm^'' Hermitage Hermitage H'» „_Haie Hedge 41 Ahhrcv. French Equiv. English Equiv, W' Halle Hall (Market place) Hosp Hospice Hospice Hort Horticale Horticultu,al I lie Island Irrig . Irrigation Irrigation J<^ Jetee Pier J*° Jardin Garden J^ Jasse Jasse K Ker (in Brittany) House L Lac » Lake Lag Lagune Lagoon L'^'^ Lande ___Heath Lepr Leproserie _, Leprosy Loc"^*^ Locature .-Farmhouse L^ Lavoir Wash house L^"" Lette Swamp Lun -Lunette Lunette (Telescope) M --Mas „Farm (Sou. France) Magin Magasin Magazine, storehouse Mal*^ Maladrerie Leper hospital Mam°° Mamelon Hillock Manuf^ Manufacture Factory Mare Mare Pool Mar^*"' Marecage: Marsh Marn^^ Marniere Marl pit Meg'*^ Megisserie Tannery Met^'^ Metairie Small farm Mg"*^ Montagne Mountain M**'' Menhir (Megaiithic monu& ment) 42 Abbrev. French Equiv, English Equiv, M'*= Mairie Mayor's office Min Mineral Mineral M'" Moulin Mill Mine Mine Mine M^" Maison House Mon^ Monument Monument M' Marais Marsh M' Mont Mountain MuV Muletier (sentier) Mule path Mur Mur Wall M^'^^ Marche Market Navig Navigable Navigable N. D Notre Dame Notre Dame N^^ -.— Nationale National N** Numero ^ Number Obs'"'' Observatoire ^Observatory Ol' Olivier Olive tree Orat Oratoire Oratory Or*^' Oranger „ Orange tree Ose Oseraie__^ Osier ground Ouvr Ouvrages exterieure Outworks Ouvre Ouvrier Worker P Pare a bestiaux Stockyard P Pic Peak P Pont Bridge Pal^<^ Palisade Palisade Pal' Palmier Palm tree Pal^ Palais Palace Pap**^ .. Papeterie Paper Manufactory Pat Pature Pasture P'*" Poteau (indicateur) Guide post P"^" Ponceau- Culvert 43 Abhrev, French Eguiv, English Equtv, V^ Pech** Pecherie Fishery Pep'* Pepiniere Nursery(of plants, etc.) Ph Phare Lighthouse PU' Pilier Pillar Platr'* Platriere Plaster quarry or kiln PI*" Plateau Plateau P^« — Passerelle Foot Bridge PI'*" Plantation Plantation Polyg Polygene Prov-ground, range drill ground (artillery) P**** Pavilion Pavilion Poud'* Poudriere Powder Depot Pr Prairie Meadow Pr Pre Pasture Pr Prise Prise PreP Prefecture Prefecture Pr.-I Presque He Peninsula P^® Passage Passage P^°" Prison Prison P Petit Small Pt Port Harbor P Pont Bridge P»^ Porte .->.Gate P*«' Pointc Point P**^ de D"** Postede douane Custom post P°" ^ Ponton Pontoon P^ Puits Well Pub - Public Public Qr Quartier Quarter R Rue Street R or Riv Riviere Stream \^ Raf* Raffinerie Refinery Abbrev, French Equtv. English Equiv. -Rap**^ Raperie Beet sugar factory " R" Radeau Raft R*" Ruisseau Small stream Rav Ravin Ravine R** Rond Round Red Redan Redan Red* . Redoute Redoubt R" Rocher Rock Retr Retraite Retreat Retr"* Retranchement Entrenchment Rs' Refuge Shelter Rig Rigole Trench, gully, rivulet R°* Ruine Ruin Roub'''' Roubine Outlet of salt marsh to the sea R*'' Remise Carriage house R'*^ ^Route Highway R''*'" Reservoir . Reservoir i> Sous Under Sabl Sabliere , Sand or gravel pit Sal Saline Salt pit S*' Signal Signal Salp'* Salpetrerie Saltpeter works Sanat Sanatorium Sanatorium Sap^' Sapiniere Fir woods S" Source Spring Sc** Scierie Sawmill Sem Semaphore Semaphore Semin Seminaire Seminary Sentier ^ Sentier Path Som^ Sommet Summit S. P Sous-prefecture Sub prefecture ^t**"* Station Station S't"* Statue Statue Suc^*= Sucrerie Sugar Mill 45 Ahhr^v, French Equiv, English Equiv, Susp Pont suspendu Suspension bridge - Syn** Synagogue Synagogue Tan^*^ Tannerie Tannery Tel Tunnel Tunnel Teieg® Telegraphe Telegraph Temp Temple Tempi e,Prot. Church Th Thermal » Thermal T*' Tuilerie ,Tile kiln T"* Torrent Torrent Tomb Tombeau Tomb T' Tramway Tramway, street ry. T'^ Tour -_Tower T^*^ Turbine Turbine Tourb^*" i.Tourbiere Peat bog Transb^ Transbordeur , Aerial tramway Transp' Transporteur Transmitter Tr* Treuil Windlass U Univ** Universite University Us*' Usine_ Works Vac^*^ Vacherie Cowbarn V^se Village Village Vap Vapour Steam V^°^ - Viaduc Viaduct V** Vallee .Valley Ver , Verger Orchard V®*- Vivier Fish pond Vin'* Vinicale Wine growing V^* - Vierge Virgin (Statue) Vigne Vigne, Vignoble Vineyard V<"^ Vallon Small valley V"*^ Verrerie Glass works V^ --. Vieux_- Old 46 % CENTRAL MAP REPRODUCTION PLANT ENGINEER SCHOOL WASHINGTON BARRACKS. D. C. ■^ '^%: This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. ^^^g'55P]V ri f ^'955!.j,. [ RARY LD 21-100Tn-2,'55 (B139s22)476 General Library University of California Berkeley 'H:i:^:^-jii.';-:-^ tev:€'.:; ;''i .; .:?-:y,. .'^.>' 'v: ::U:y^^ ;^^ ^